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English Pages [312] Year 1980
Charles Charles Peale Peale (1709-1750) (1709-1750) m. m. 1740 1740 Margaret M argaret Triggs Triggs(1709-1791) (1709-1791)
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__________________ I__________________ Charles Willson Charles Willson Peale Peale (1741-1827) (1741-1827) m. 1762; 1762; 1791; 1791; 1805 1805 m. Rachel Brewer (1744-1790) Rachel Brewer (1744-1790) Elizabeth DePeyster DePeyster (1735-1804) (1735-1804) Elizabeth Hannah Moore M oore (1755-1821) (1755-1821) Hannah
M argaret JanePeale Peale (1743-1788) (1743—1788) MargaretJane M'Mordie M ’M ordie Col. Nathan N athan Ramsay Ramsay Col.
M argaret Jane Polk Polk MargaretJane
Charles Peale Peale Polk Polk (1767-1822) (1767-1822) Charles mm.. 1785; 1785; c.1811; c.1816 c.l8ll; c.1816 RRuth uth Ellison Ellison Mrs. M rs. Brockenbrough B rockenbrough Ellen BB.. D Downman Ellen ow nm an
(1766(1766-_)) mm.. 1788; 1788; 1793 1793 James Jam es Stewart Stew art William W illiam Keith Keith
Raphaelle Raphaelle Peale Peale (1774-1825) (17741825) m. m .______ M artha McGlathery M cGlathery Martha
Angelica auffmann Peale Angelica KKauffmann Peale (1775-1853) (1775-1853) m . 1794 1794 m. Alexander Alexander Robinson Robinson
Rembrandt Rem brandt Peale Peale (1778-1860) (1778-1860) m . 1798; 1798; 1840 1840 m. Eleanor ay Short Short EleanorMMy Cany HHarriet arriet Cany
St. George Peale Peale (1745-1778) (1745-1778) St. George m _____ m. Eliz. Emerson Em erson Callister Callister Eliz.
; 1771 m ____1771 m__;
Titian Ramsay Ram say Peale Peale II Titian (1780-1798) (1780-1798)
Elizabeth Bordley Bordley Polk Polk Elizabeth (1770-1831) (1770-1831) m ; Septimus Septim us Claypoole Claypoole Rev. Rev. Dr. Dr. Bend Bend
Rubens Peale Peale Rubens (1784-1865) (1784-1865) m 1820 m.. 1820 Eliza BBurd urd Patterson Eliza Patterson
Jane Ramsay Peale Peale Jane Ramsay (1785-----------)
m______ m. --
Dr. Samuel Sirnes Simes Dr. Samuel
Elizabeth Elizabeth Digby D igby Peale Peale (1749-c. (1749-c. 1776) 1776) mm.. 1765 1765 RRobert obert Polk Polk (1744-1777) (1744-1777)
Maria M aria Peale Peale (1787-1866) (1787-1866)
Sophonisba Angusciola A ngusciola Peale Peale Sophonisba (1786-1859) (1786-1859)
Charles Linneaus Linneaus Peale Peale Charles (1794-1832) (1794-1832)
C olem an Sellers Sellers Coleman
Christiana Christiana RRunyon unyon
m . 1805 1805 m.
m. m . 1816 1816
James Jam es PealeJr. Pealejr. (1789-1876) (1789-1876)
mm.. 1813; 1813; 1822 1822 Anna Anna D Dunn unn Sophonisba Peale Sophomsba Peale
Benjamin Peale Benjamin Franklin Franklin Peale (1795-1870) (1795-1870) mm.. 1815; 1815; 1839 1839 Eliza Greatrake Eliza Greatrake Mrs. M rs. C. C. E. E. Girard Girard Haslam Haslam
James 1831) James Peale Peale (1749(1749-1831) m. m. 1782 1782 Mary M ary Claypoole Claypoole (1753-1829) (1753-1829)
Anna Anna Claypoole Claypoole Peale Peale (1791- 1878) (1791-1878) m. 1841 m . 1829; 1829;1841 Rev. Rev. Dr. Dr. W William illiam Staughton Staughton GGen. en. William W illiam Duncan Duncan
Sybilla iriam Peale Peale Sybilla M Miriam (1797-1856) (1797-1856) m. 1815 m. 1815 Andrew A ndrew Summers Summ ers
M argaretta Angelica Angelica Peale Peale Margaretra (1795-1882) (1795-1882)
Titian Titian Ramsay Ramsay Peale Peale IIII (1799-1885) (1799-1885) m 1822; 1850 1850 m.. 1822; Eliza Eliza Cecilia Cecilia Laforgue Laforgue Lucinda M MacMullen Lucinda acM ullen
Sarah Miriam Sarah M iriam Peale Peale (1800-1885) (1800-1885)
Elizabeth DePeyster DePeyster Peale Peale Elizabeth (1802-1857) (1802-1857) m . 1820 1820 m. William Augustus William Augustus Patterson Patterson
1. Charles W illson Peale CharLes Wilison Peale (1821-1871) (1821-1871) m.
Eliza F. Peale Eliza F. Peale (1799-1876) (1799-1876) m .______ m. John Stockton Stockton John
Alexander Alexander Robinson Robinson (1795-1804) (1795-1804)
Rosalba am era Peale Peale Rosalba C Carriera (1799-1874) (1799- 1874) m . 1860 1860 m. John nderw ood John A. A. U Underwood
Sophonisba Peale Sophonisba Peaie (1801-1878) (1801-1878) m .1822 m. 1822 James Peale, Peale, Jr. Jr. James
Priscilla Priscilla Robinson Robinson (1797-1820) (1797-1820) m . 1814 1814 m. Dr. Dr. Henry H enry Botoler Botoler
Angelica Angeica Peale Peale (1800-1859) (l8- 1859) m . 1821 1821 m. Dr. odm an Dr. John John DD.. GGodman
Virginia Virginia Peale Peale (1803-1886) (1803-1886)
Patterson Peale GGeorge eorge Patterson Peale (1822-1858) (1822-1858)
Charles Wilison Willson Peale Peale Charles
Archibald Archibald RRobinson obinson (1798-1848) (1798-1848) m . 1822; 1822;1831 1831 m. Jane art Row en Jane Stew Stewart Rowen Anna Kearsley Kearsley Mines Anna Mines
AAugusta ugusta Peale Peale (1805-1886) (1805-1886) m. m . 1827 1827 Dr. Dr. Charles Charles O0.. Barker Barker
Eleanor Peale Peale Eleanor (1805-1877) (1805-1877) m. 1825 1825 m. Thomas T hom as H. H . Jacobs Jacobs
W illiam Peale Peale William (1824-1838) (1824-1838)
Elizabeth an Sellers Sellers Elizabeth Colem Coleman (1810-1841) (1810-1841) 1832 m.. 1832 Alfred Alfred HHarrold arrold
Angelica Angelica Robinson Robinson (1799-1829) (1799-1829) m . 1816 1816 m. Israel IsraelPeyton Peyton Thom Thompson pson
HHenrietta enrietta Peale Peale (1806-1892) (1806-1892)
Henry H enry Peale Peale
M ary Jane Peale Mary Jane Peale (1827-1902) (1827-1902)
Harvey H arvey Lewis Lewis Sellers Sellers (l13- 1892) (1&13-1892) mm. ________; _______; ................... ................. 1866 1866 Sarah Sarah Ann Ann Shoem Shoemaker aker Annie Littler Littler Annie Ellen M iller Ellen C. C. Mifler
Simon Simon Bolivar Bolivar Peale Peale (1825-1895) (1825-1895) m . 1845 mI84S Elizabeth Francis Francis Elizabeth
James Jam es BBurd urd Peale Peale (1833-----------) m _______ ; _______ Clarissa cBurney Clarissa M McBurney Mary Frisby Wilmer M ary Rebecca Rebecca Frisby W ilm er
Anna Sellers Anna Sellers (1824-1905) (1824-1905)
Izabella Carapaba Peale Izabella Carapaba Peale (1827-1832) (1827-1832)
William Summers William HHenry enry Sum m ers (1828-18%) (1828-1896)
Colem Coleman an Sellers Sellers (1827-1907) (1827-1907) m . 1851 m. 1851 Cornelia Cornelia Wells Wells
James Linnaeus Linnaeus Peale Peale James (1830-1909) (1830-1909) m . 1850 1850 m. Barbara M Henheffer Barbara M.. Henheffer
Franklin m ers Franklin Peale Peale Sum Summers (1830-18%) (1830-1896)
(1802-1829) (18021829) m. 1828 m. 1828
HHannah annah Hopkins Hopkins
Edmund Edm und Peale Peale (1805-1851) (1805-1851) m. m . 1828; 1828; 1839 1839
Ann Ann Seabright Seabright Mary M ary Ann Ann Smith Sm ith
St. George George Peale Peale St. (1807-1850) (1807-1850)
Rubrns Rubens Peale Peale
Alverda Robinson Robinson Alverda (1802-1846) (1802-1846) m 1820 m.. 1820 Horace Wesley Horace Wesley Waters Waters
(1808-1891) (1808-1891) mm.. 1837 1837 Ann Creamer Cream er Ann
Charlotte R. Robinson Robinson Charlotte R. (1805-1819) (1805-1819)
M Margaret argaret Peale Pealr (1810-1847) (1810-1847) m . 1829 1829 m. John John Carr C arr
Alexander CC.. Robinson Robinson Alexander (1808-1871) (1808-1871) m.. 1832; m 1832; 1857 1857 Rosa Edw ards Wirt W irt Rosa Edwards Margaret M argaret L. L. Hall Hall
Dr. riscom Dr. John John H H.. G Griscom
M ary J. Peale Peale MaryJ. (1812-1876) (1812-1876)
HHarriet arriet Friel Friel
(1812-1825) (1812-1825)
M ichael Angelo Michael Angelo Peale Peak (1814-1833) (1814-1833)
Em Emma m a Clark Clark Peale Peale (1814-----------) m 1838; 1845 1845 m.. 1838; Rev. Jam es A. Rev.James A. Peabody Peabody Caleb arton Caleb D D.. B Barton
CCharlotte harlotte Ramsay Ram say Robinson Robinson (1819-1886) (1819-1886) mm.. 1847 1847 Edmund E dm und Pendleton Pendleton
Charles Charles Se'lers Sellers (1806-1898) (1806-1898)
m. 1829 1829 m.
Elizabeth M Morris Elizabeth orris
George Ecol Sellers George Escol Sellers
(1808-1899) (1808-1899) m.
Rachel Rachel BBrooks rooks Parrish Parrish
(l833-) m.;.
Rubcs RubensPeale Peale
(1836-1837) (1836-1837)
Edward Edw ard BBurd urd Peale Peale HR36) mm. Louisa arriet Hubley Louisa HHarriet Hubley
Alverda E. Alvercia E. Peale Pea'e (1818-18%) (1818-1896) mni.. 1847 1847 IsraelJ. Amies IsraelJ. Amies
AAugustin ugustin Runyon R unyon Peale Peale (1819-1856) (1819-1856) m . 1845 1845 m. Virginia Peale Peale Virginia
Elizabeth Runyon Peale Elizabeth Runyon Peale
(1822-_______) m 1839 ni.. 1839 Dr. ugustinJ. Brazier Brazier Dr. A AugustinJ.
Anna Peale Anna Elizabeth Elizabeth Peale (1816-1906) (1816-1906)
Eleanor m ers Eleanor Warfe Wane Sum Summers (1820-1866) (1820-1866)
M ary Florida Florida Peale Peale Mary (1825-1847) (1825-1847)
Charles Peale Peale Sum Summers Charles m ers (1822-1832) (1822-1832)
Sybilla M iriam Peale Peale Sybilla Miriam (1827-1861) (1827-1861)
Thom as Wright W right Sum m ers Thomas Summers (1823-1879) (1823-1879)
John Godm an Peale Peale ohn Godman (1832-1838) (18321838)
Elizabeth Elizabeth DePeyster DePeyster Sum Summers m ers
(1825-1882) (1825-1882)
Titian Peale Peale Sum m ers Titian Summers (1832-1926) (1832 -1926)
Sophonisba Patterson Sophonisba Sellers Sellers Patterson (1822-1883) (1822-1883) mm.. 1839 1839 George H. H. Hergeshimer Hergeshim er George
Charles Patterson Charles William William Patterson
(1824-1884) (1824-1884) mm.. 1845 1845
Sarah Sarah Ann Ann Myers M yers
Francis Francis Titian Titian Peale Peale (1834-1869) (1834-1869) m. m . 1853 1853 M artha C. C. Maginnis M aginnis Martha
George Peale Peale Sum m ers George Summers (1837-1916) (18371916)
John ickham Sum m ers J ohn W Wickham Summers (1839-1861) (1839-1861)
Ll A
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I He .r1ssi tti 1-iss VJuseuw by Charles Wilison Peale
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AA U.S. U.S. Divison Divison ofKraus-Thomson ofKraus-Thomson Organization Organization Limited Limited
The editorial preparation preparation of o f these these volumes volumes was was made made possible possible in in The editorial part grant from from the the Program Program for for Editions Editions of of the the National National part by by aa grant Endowment for the the Humanities, Humanities, an an independent independent Federal Federal agency. agency. Endowment for
© Copyright Smithsonian Institution Institution 1980 1980 © Copyright Smithsonian All reserved. All rights rights reserved. No part of o f this this work No part work covered covered by by the the copyright hereon may may be be reproduced reproduced or or used used in in copyright hereon any graphic,electronic, electronic, oror mechanical, mechanical, any form form or or by by any any means— means-graphic, including recording, including photocopying, photocopying, recording, or taping, taping, or or information information storage storage and and retrieval retrieval or systems— withoutwritten written permission permission ofo fthe the Smithsonian Smithsonian Institution. systems - without Institution. First First printing printing
Printed in the States of o f America America Printed in the United United States Designed Designed by by Laurel Laurel Ann Ann Casazza Casazza
Library Libraiy of ofCongress Congress Cataloging Cataloging in in Publication Publication Data Data Miller, Lillian BB Miller, Lillian The collected collected papers papers of o f Charles Charles Willson Willson Peale Peale and and The his his family. family. Bibliography: p. Bibliography: p. Includes index. Includes index. 1. Charles Willson, Willson,1741-1827— 1741-1827-Archives. 1. Peale, Peale, Charles Archives. 2. family-Archives. 2. Peale Peale family— Archives. I.I. National National Portrait Portrait Gallery, Washington, D. D. C. Gallery, Washington, C. 11. II. Title. Title. Z6616.P377M54 Z6616.P377M54 025.17'14 80-12698 025.17'14 80-12698 ISBN 0-527-84258-3 ISBN 0-527-84258-3
&á'&oy &7&a41 WhitfieldJ. W hitfieldJ. Bell, Bell, Jr., Jr., American American Philosophical Philosophical Society Society
Charles Charles Blitzer, Blitzer, Smithsonian Smithsonian Institution Institution Frank G. G. Burke, Burke, National Frank National Historical Historical Publications Publications and and Records Records Commission Commission Lyman Lyman C. C. Butterfield, Butterfield,Emeritus, Emeritus,The TheAdams AdamsPapers Papers
Robert L. McNeil, Jr., Jr., The Robert L. McNeil, The Barra Barra Foundation, Foundation, Inc. Inc. Nathan Reingold, Nathan Reingold,The TheJoseph Joseph Henry Henry Papers Papers
E. P. P. Richardson, Winterthur Museum Museum E. Richardson, Emeritus, Emeritus, Winterthur Marvin S. Sadik, Sadik, National Gallery Marvin S. National Portrait Portrait Gallery Charles C. C. Sellers, Emeritus, Dickinson Dickinson College Charles Sellers, Emeritus, College
ix ix 33
23 23 27 27 29 29 33 33 39 39
45 45 47 47
60 60
62 62
Peale Peale Family Family Abbreviations Abbreviations Introduction: Introduction: Charles Charles Willson Willson Peale Peale and and His His Family Family Peale (1709-1750) (1709-1750) 44 Charles Charles Peale 55 Charles Charles Willson Willson Peale Peale (1741-1827) (1741 -1827) Art and and Science Science inin an an Age Age of of Republicanism Republicanism 99 Art 13 The The Children 13 Children ofofCharles Charles Willson Willson Peale Peale History ofofthe the Peale Peale Papers Papers History Selected Bibliography Selected Bibliography Acknowledgments Acknowledgments Lending Lending Institutions Institutions Description Description and and Arrangement Arrangement ofofthe the Microfiche Microfiche GENERAL INDEX AND AND ABBREVIATED ABBREVIATED CALENDARS CALENDARS GENERAL INDEX Series The Papers Series I.I. The Papers ofofCharles CharlesPeale Peale(1709-1750) (1709-1750) Series II. The Series II. The Papers Papers ofo fCharles CharlesWillson WillsonPeale Peale (1741-1827) (1741 -1827) 50 Letters 50 Letters and and Documents Documents 52 Diaries 52 Diaries
53 The Autobiography Autobiography 53 The 54 Writings 54 Writings and and Lectures Lectures 59 Miscellany Miscellany 59 Series James Peale, Peale, Sr., Sr., and and His Children Series III. III. The The Papers Papers of ofJames His Children 60 James JamesPeale, Peale,Sr.Sr.(1749-1831) (1749-1831) 60 61 Peale, Jr. Jr. (1789-1876) (1789-1876) James Peale, 61 James 61 Claypoole Peale Peale (1791-1878) (1791 -1878) 61 Anna Anna Claypoole 61 Miriam Peale Peale (1800-1885) (1800-1885) 61 Sarah Sarah Miriam Series IV. IV. Series 62 ThePapers PapersofofSt.St.George GeorgePeale Peale(1745-1778) (1745-1778) and and 62 The Margaret Jane Peale Peale M M'Mordie M argaret Jane ’Mordie Ramsay Ramsay (1743-1788) (1743-1788)
viii viii
111 111 117 117
63 The Papers Papers of of Charles Charles Peale Peale Polk Polk (1767-1822) (1767—1822) and and 63 The Elizabeth Polk Polk Claypoole Elizabeth Claypoole Bend Bend (1770-1831) (1770-1831) Series V. of Raphaelle Raphaelle Peale Peale (1774-1825) (1774-1825) Series V. The The Papers Papers of Series VI. VI. The The Papers Papers of Series o f Rembrandt Rembrandt Peale Peale (1778-1860) (1778-1860) Letters and and Documents Documents 71 Letters 71 71 Writings and Lectures Writings and Lectures 71 Series VII. VII. The The Papers Series Papers of of Rubens Rubens Peale Peale (1784-1865) (1784-1865) Letters and Documents 78 Letters and Documents 78 78 Diaries and and Miscellany Miscellany 78 Diaries Series VIII. The The Papers Series VIII. Papers of of Titian Titian Ramsay Ramsay Peale Peale [Ii] [II] (1799-1885) (1799-1885) and Documents Documents 83 Letters Letters and 83 Journals 84 Diaries Diaries and and Journals 84 85 Writings and Miscellany Miscellany Writings and 85 Series IX. IX. The The Papers Papers of ofBenjamin Series Benjamin Franklin FranklinPeale Peale (1795-1870) (1795-1870) Letters and and Documents Documents 90 90 Letters 91 Writings 91 Writings Series X. X. Series Robinson 97 The Papers Papers of of Angelica Angelica Kauffman Kauffman Peale Peale Robinson 97 The (1775-1853) and and Sybilla Sybilla Miriam Miriam Peale Peale Summers Summers (1775-1853) (1797-1856) (1797-1856) 97 The 97 The Papers Papers of of Titian Titian Ramsay Ramsay Peale Peale [I] [I] (1780-1798) (1780-1798) 97 The 97 The Papers Papers ofofSophonisba SophonisbaPeale Peale Sellers Sellers (1786-1859) (1786-1859) 98 The 98 The Papers Papers of of Charles Charles Linnaeus Linnaeus Peale Peale (1794-1832) (1794-1832) Series Series XI. XI. Documents Documents Relating Relating to to the the Peale Peale Museum Museum 100 100 The The Philadelphia Philadelphia Museum Museum 103 The 103 Museum The Baltimore Baltimore Museum 104 The 104 The New New York York Museum Museum Series Series XII. XII. 107 107 Records Records of United Bowmen Bowmen (1830-1888) (1830-1888) of the the United 107 Miscellaneous 107 Miscellaneous Tax Tax Records Records (1785-1818) (1785-1818) Series XIII. Sketches and and Sketchbooks Sketchbooks of of Charles Charles Series XIII. Color Color Sketches Willson Peale, Peale, Rembrandt Rembrandt Peale, James Peale, Willson Peale, Rubens Rubens Peale, Peale, James Peale, Titian Ramsay Ramsay Peale Titian Peale [I], [I], and and Titian Titian Ramsay Ramsay Peale Peale [II] [II] Transcript Supplement Supplement Transcript Errata Microfiche Errata on on the the Microfiche
119 119
The The Peale Peale Family Family Papers Papers
65 69
65 69
77 77 81 81
89 89 97 97
99 99
108 108
Anna Anna Claypoole Claypoole Peale Peale JPjr MJPR Angelica Angelica Kauffman Kauffman MJPR Peale Robinson Peale Robinson Benjamin Franklin Franklin Peale Peale RaP Benjamin RaP Charles Linnaeus Linnaeus Peale Peale ReP ReP Charles RuP RuP Charles Charles Peale Peale Charles Charles Peale Peale Polk Polk SMP SMP Charles Willson Willson Peale Peale Charles SPS SPS Elizabeth DePeyster DePeyster Elizabeth StGP StGP Peale Peale SYMP SYMP Elizabeth DePeyster Elizabeth DePeyster TRP1 Peale Peale Patterson Patterson TRPj tTRP2 rp2 James James Peale Peale
James Peale, Peale, Jr. Jr. James Margaret Jane Margaret Jane Peale Peale Ramsay Ramsay Raphaelle Raphaelle Peale Peale Rembrandt Rembrandt Peale Peale Rubens Rubens Peale Peale Sarah Miriam Miriam Peale Peale Sarah Sophonisba Peale Peale Sellers Sellers Sophonisba St. George George Peale Peale St. Sybilla Miriam Peale Sybilla Miriam Peale Summers Summers Titian Ramsay Peale Peale [1] [I] Titian Ramsay Titian Ramsay RamsayPeale Peale[11] [II] Titian
In 1826, 1826, Charles the end end of of aa long and In Charles Willson Willson Peale Peale was was approaching approaching the long and fruitful of famous famous fruitful life. life. He He had had painted painted more more than than aa thousand thousand portraits portraits of and not-so-famous Americans, and not-so-famous Americans, had had participated participated inin the the country's country’sfierce fierce efforts to to attain attain independence, independence, and and had had been efforts been on on hand hand toto encourage encourage movements for government and and republicanism. republicanism. He He had had concon movements for popular popular government ceived portrait gallery gallery and and museum, museum, one ceived aa portrait one of of the the first first of of its its kind kind to to be be established the United United States States and and one one of of the the most most important important at established inin the at the the time in in the time the western western world. world. Inventive Inventive and and mechanically mechanically inclined, inclined, he he had adapted had adapted toto his his own own and and others' others’use use aaperspective perspective machine, machine, aa polygraph for for writing writingletters lettersininduplicate, duplicate,aavelocipede velocipede for for exercise exercise and and polygraph amusement, even porcelain porcelainfalse false teeth. teeth. He Hehad hadraised raised aa family family ofof artists artists amusement, even and scientists scientists whose add to to the the cultural cultural heritage heritage ofof the the and whose efforts efforts were were to to add country; had given given lessons, lessons, support, support, and and encouragement encouragement to country; and and he he had to others aspired to to the the profession profession of of artist artist in in the the young young republic. republic. others who who aspired Such full life, life, he he wrote wrote in in 1826, "ought in Such aa full 1826, “ought in the the hands hands of of aa good good penman, make ork”— atleast leastasas interesting interesting as as aa penman, make aa very very interesting interestingwwork"-at “novel.” year, then, then, he he undertook undertook the the task task of of writing writing his his "novel." That That year, memoirs whatever their their roughness, roughness, he he believed believed would would afford afford memoirs which, which, whatever “some good good precepts" precepts” and and serve serve as as aa "beacon “beacon to put others others on on their their "some to put "1 guard not not toto get get into intosuch suchdifficulties difficulties asas II have have experienced. experienced. . . -”1 guard Peale’s task was made made easier easier by by the the habits habits he he had had cultivated cultivated Peale's task was throughout his life— andwhich whichheheenthusiastically enthusiastically recommended recommended toto throughout his life-and his makingcopies copiesofofhis hiscorrespondence correspondence and and keeping keeping aa his children— children-ofofmaking diary. the old pages of of these these documents, documents, as diary. And And itit isis inin the old and and fragile fragile pages as well well as formal autobiography, autobiography, that that Peale's Peale’s life as in in the the more more formal life unfolds. unfolds. More More than biography biography emerges emerges from from this this archive, archive, rich rich asas itit isis in materials that that than in materials reveal selfreveal the the character character and and convictions convictions of of this this eighteenth-century eighteenth-century selftaught philosopher. philosopher. What of this this taught What isis finally finally realized realizedfrom from aa study study of collection the philosophical and cultural cultural structure structure that collection isis the philosophical and that influenced influenced
44 The The Peale Peale Family Family Papers Papers
attitudes toward toward life life and and society society during during the the years years of of the attitudes the American American Revolution and the establishment the American Revolution and the establishment of o f the American republic. republic. Just Just as as we we can can sense sense this this structure structure in in the the panoply panoply of of faces faces and and specimens specimens that that constituted his his portrait portrait gallery gallery and and museum, museum, so so we we can constituted can see see itit in in his his writings. writings. The The Peale Peale Papers, Papers, then, then, document document not not only only aa life life but but also also an an era Americanhistory— history-aacrucial turn era inin American crucial era era toto which which Americans Americans may may turn again and and again againtotounderstand understandthe the origins origins of of their theirnation nation and and to to draw draw again comfort and and inspiration inspiration from comfort from its its achievements. achievements.
Charles Peale Peale [CP], [CP], father father of of Charles Charles Willson WillsonPeale, Peale,was was born born in in the the Charles parish of of Edith Edith Weston Weston inin the the county county of of Rutland, Rutland, England, parish England, on on DeDe cember 22, 1709, 1709, to to the the rector rector of of the cember 22, the parish, parish, Charles Charles Peale, Peale, and and his his wife, wife, Elizabeth Elizabeth Campari, Camparl, formerly formerlyoof f Newark Newark on on the the Trent. Trent. The The young young man man was was raised raised with with the the expectation expectation of of aa comfortable comfortable inheriinheri tance Charles Wilson, sent to to tance from from his his maternal maternal uncle uncle Dr. Dr. Charles Wilson, and and was was sent Cambridge Cambridge to to prepare prepare for for aa career career in in the the Church. Church. He He was, was, however, however, temperamentally temperamentally unsuited unsuited to to university university life life and and remained remained for for only only aa short time. In In his his twenty-first twenty-first year, year, he he obtained obtained an an appointment appointment as as short time. clerk perhaps because because clerk in in His HisMajesty’s Majesty's General General Post Post Office Office in in London, London, perhaps of his penmanship. Five Five years years later, later, he he was was arrested of his facility facility inin penmanship. arrested for for embezzling Although embezzlingpost post office office receipts receiptsand and condemned condemned toto death. death. Although saved from the intervention, intervention, probably, probably, of of saved from the the hangman’s hangman's noose noose by by the highly colonies for for life, life, aa highly placed placed personages, personages, he he was was banished banished to to the the colonies tragedy from which he he never never fully fully recovered. recovered. tragedy from which In In 1736 1736or or 1737, 1737,Charles CharlesPeale Pealearrived arrivedininthe thesmall smallsettlement settlement of of New Rappahannock River New Post Post on on the the Rappahannock River in in the the interior interior of o f Virginia. Virginia. Here Here he the protege protégé of of the the postmaster postmaster of of all the North he became became the all the N orth American American colonies, Alexander Jenkins’ Ear Ear broke broke colonies, Alexander Spotswood. Spotswood. When When the the War War of ofJenkins' out 1739, Spotswood Spotswood was was commissioned commissioned major major general general and ordered out in in 1739, and ordered to Annapolis. Annapolis. Peale that city city where where he he became became to Peale accompanied accompanied him him to to that master of King King William’s William's School. School. In In 1740, he married married M Margaret master of 1740, he argaret Triggs Triggs and moved to to the the Eastern Eastern Shore Shore ooff Maryland Maryland to and moved to become become master master ofof the the Free School Anne’s County. County. InIn 1741, 1741, Charles Charles Wilson Wilson Peale Peale Free School in in Queen Queen Anne's was bom.* The following following year year (December (December 1742) 1742) the to was born.* The the family family moved moved to Chestertown where where the the father father assumed Chestertown assumed the the master’s master's duties duties at at the the Kent Kent County School. died, leaving County School. In In 1750, 1750, Charles Charles Peale Peale died, leaving aa family of five five family of young children children and penniless widow, dependent on her skill skill as as aa young and aa penniless widow, dependent on her seamstress for the the family’s family's support. support. seamstress for *It not clear clearwhy why Charles Charles Willson WillsonPeale Pealechanged changedthe thespelling spellingofhis ofhis middle middle name. *It isis not In aa name. In deposition of of September 11, 1762, 1762, giving giving proof proofofofhis identity, Peale Peale gave as deposition September11, his identity, gave his his name name as
Willson . That That spelling spelling became became permanent after 1764 1764 when seemingly abanaban 'Wilison'. permanent after when CWP CWP seemingly doned hope of inheriting the doned all all hope of inheriting the Wilson Wilson estate. estate.
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Charles Willson years old old when when his his Charles Willson Peale Peale [CWP] [CWP] was was almost almost nine nine years
father father died. died. As As the the eldest eldest child, child,hehedeveloped developedaasense senseofo ffamily familyresponrespon sibility early in in life. life. When When in in 1751 1751Mrs. Mrs. Peale Pealemoved movedtotoAnnapolis, Annapolis, the the sibility early capital of to the the capital of the the province province ooff Maryland, Maryland, young young Charles Charles contributed contributed to
family's support by by drawing family’s support drawing patterns patterns for for Mrs. Mrs. Peale's Peale’s embroideries. embroideries. At age age thirteen, to the the saddler Waters, with At thirteen, he he was was apprenticed apprenticed to saddler Nathan Nathan Waters, with whom he married married whom he he remained remained until until December December 1761. 1761. InJanuary Injanuary 1762, 1762, he Rachel Brewer Brewer and and opened opened his his own own saddler's shop in in Annapolis. Rachel saddler’s shop Annapolis. He He also such tasks tasks as as upholstering, upholstering, watch watch repairing, repairing, metalmetal also worked worked at at such working, silvers mi thing, glassmaking, glassmaking, and and the the construction construction of of musimusi working, silversmithing, cal instruments. Late in 1762, 1762, he heembarked embarked on on the the “painting "painting business,” business," cal instruments. Late in first to portraits. portraits. first making making signs signs and and then then turning turning to In In the the early early spring spring of of 1765, 1765, as as aa result result of of debts debts and and hard hard times, times, Charles Willson Willson Peale Peale fled fledtotoVirginia Virginiaand and then then northward northward to Charles to Boston Boston and and Newburyport, Newburyport, Massachusetts. Massachusetts. Later Later that that fall, fall, he he returned returned to to BosBos ton as he he wrote wrote in in his his autobiography, autobiography, "that “that he he might might be be ton in in “the "the hope, hope, ”"as improving himself.” There he he met met the thecelebrated celebrated portraitist portraitist John John improving himself." There Singleton Singleton Copley Copley and and visited visited the the famous famous collection collection of of copies copies of of the the paintings of the great great masters masters made made by by John John Smibert Smibert earlier earlier inin the the paintings of the century. his wife's for him century. In In 1766, 1766, his wife’s inheritance inheritance made made itit possible possible for him toto come to to an an agreement agreement with with his his creditors creditors so so that that he he could could return return to to come Annapolis, where found sympathy sympathy and and encouragement encouragement among among aa Annapolis, where he he found group of of Maryland Maryland lawyers lawyers and and landowners. These men contributed group landowners. These men contributed funds study painting painting inin the the London London studio studio ofof BenjaBenja funds to to enable enable him him to to study min West, West, an was soon min an expatriate expatriate American American artist artist who who was soon to to be be appointed appointed Court Artist to to King King George George III. III. Court Artist After years in in London London (1767-1769), (1767-1769), Peale Peale returned to AnAn After two two years returned to napolis portrait painting. painting. Early Early in in 1776, 1776, he he napolis and and devoted devoted himself himself to to portrait moved the years years 1770 1770 to to 1776 1776 moved his his family family to to Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Throughout Throughout the Peale found and PennsylPennsyl Peale found itit necessary necessary to to travel travel to to Virginia, Virginia, Maryland, Maryland, and
vania inin order order to to find find adequate adequate patronage patronage for for the the support support ofof his his vania
growing family. family. The The War War for for Independence Independence interfered his paintpaint growing interfered with with his ing as ing activities, activities, but but even even while whileserving servingininthe thePennsylvania PennsylvaniaMilitia— Militia-as private, then Peale continued continued toto paint paint private, then lieutenant, lieutenant, and and finally finallycaptain— captain-Peale miniatures and somehow managing managing to to combine combine military military miniatures and portraits, portraits, somehow duties the practice practice of During the the war, war, he he participated participated in in duties with with the of his his art. art. During the and Germantown, and was was inin active active the battles battles ooff Trenton, Trenton, Princeton, Princeton, and Germantown, and service difficult days days at at Valley Valley Forge. most notable notable service during during the the difficult Forge. The The most painting of of this painting this period period isis his his portrait portrait of o f General General George George Washington Washington after his portraits in miniature o f his his fellow after the the battle battle ooff Princeton, Princeton, but but his portraits in miniature of fellow officers are also also important important for, for, in in many many instances, instances, they they provide provide the officers are the only only extant extant likenesses likenesses of of heroes heroes of of the the revolutionary revolutionary generation. generation. During also active active on on the the home home front. front. He During the the war war years, years, Peale Peale was was also He
The Peale Family Family Papers Papers The Peale
had begun begun to to engage engage inin politics politics even even before before the the Declaration Declaration of of IndeInde had pendence, as as aa friend higs.” After After pendence, friend ooff Philadelphia’s Philadelphia'sradical radical“Furious "Furious W Whigs." the into the the Whig Whig Society, Society, the Declaration, Declaration, this this informal informal group group organized organized into and and elected elected Peale Pealechairman chairmanininMarch, March,1777. 1777.The TheBritish Britishoccupation occupation of of Philadelphia brought temporary cessation cessation to to the the Society's Society’s activities; activities; Philadelphia brought aa temporary but but after after evacuation, evacuation, the the same same radical radical elements elements combined combined to to form form the the Constitutional Society Society or or the Constitutionalists. InIn the the spring spring of o f 1779, 1779, Constitutional the Constitutionalists. Peale became became chairman chairman of of this this organization, organization, and few years years was was an an Peale and for for aa few active defender of the egalitarian and anti-aristocratic principles of the active defender of the egalitarian and anti-aristocratic principles of the
Pennsylvania PennsylvaniaConstitution Constitutionof of 1776. 1776. Politics, Politics, however, however, proved proved aa difficult enterprise for the mild portrait painter; later, Peale in difficult enterprise for the mild portrait painter; later, Peale wrote wrote in his his political political activities activities had to his autobiography autobiography that that his had subjected subjected him him to for “troubles by by every every blast, and very often inin contrary "troubles blast, and very often contrary directions directions.. . . for the difference ofof opinion enemies of those whom whom the difference opinion here here made made him him enemies of those before he had considered friends.” Indeed, the tumultuous behavior before he had considered friends." Indeed, the tumultuous behavior of of his fellow radicals radicals in Philadelphia against conservative groups groups his fellow in Philadelphia against the the conservative within the city city and and the the misrepresentations misrepresentations of his views views by both facfac within the of his by both tions eventually Peale against not tions eventually turned turned Peale against all allpolitical politicalinvolvement, involvement, but but not until he had served a term in the assembly (1779-1780) as a member until he had served a term in the assembly (1779-1780) as a member of of the Independent Constitutional Party. Party. the Independent Constitutional In 1784, Peale enterprise that Charles Coleman Coleman In June June 1784, Peale began began the the enterprise that Charles Sellers f [his] Sellers calls calls“the "the greatest greatest single single undertaking undertakingoof [his] long long life”: life": aa museum of of natural natural history history and museum and art.2 art.2 Four Four years years earlier, earlier, he had pur he had purchased aa house Streets in in PhiladelPhiladel chased house atatthe thecorner corner ooff Third Third and and Lombard Lombard Streets phia to which he he had had added added aa painting painting room. To accommodate accommodate the the phia to which room. To visitors who came to watch him him atat work, work, inin1782 1782 Peale Peale decided decided toto visitors who came to watch build still room for for the the build still another another attachment attachmenttoto his his house, house, aa long long room exhibition exhibition of of portraits portraits of o f "distinguished “distinguished characters characters in in the the revolutionary-war.”3 of 1783, 1783, aa German German physician physician revolutionary-war."3InIn the the summer summer of who was was returning returning to to Europe Europe after after having having served served with with the the Hessian Hessian who troops during during the the war, war, asked asked Peale Peale toto make make drawings drawings of o f aa large large troops collection of owned by by Dr. Dr. John John Morgan M organofo fPhiladelPhiladel collection of mastodon mastodon bones bones owned phia. The The bones drew the phia. bones drew the interest interest of of curious curious visitors visitors including including Peale's Peale’s friend he friend and and brother-in-law brother-in-law Nathaniel Nathaniel Ramsay, Ramsay, who who declared declared that that he "would have gone 20 miles to behold such ‘would have gone 20 miles to behold such aa collection” collection" and and suggested suggested that there were many many others others like like him him “who "who would that there were would prefer prefer seeing seeing such such articles of curiosity than any paintings articles of curiosity than any paintings whatever.”4 Although eventueventu whatever."4 Although ally Peale in ally Peale was wasforced forcedtotoreturn returnthe thebones bonestotoDr. Dr. Morgan, Morgan, his his interest interest in exhibiting specimens of natural history exhibiting specimens of natural history was was aroused. aroused. Several Several profesprofes sors him to sors at at the the University University of of Pennsylvania Pennsylvania encouraged encouraged him to develop develop such aa collection and about about 1785, 1785,one oneof of these— these-Professor such collection and Professor Robert Robert Patterson-presented Patterson— presented Peale Peale with with aa preserved preserved paddlefish paddlefish from the from the Allegheny River with which Allegheny River with which to to begin begin aa museum museum of of natural natural history. history. .
7 The The Peale Peale Family Family Papers Papers
NNot ot until until the the summer summer ofof1786, 1786, however, however, did did Peale Peale seriously seriously dedicate dedicate himself to to the the idea idea of of aa museum. museum. Once Once he did, he he committed committed himself himself he did, himself entirely to toits itscreation. creation.Although Althoughnot notthe thefirst firstmuseum museumininAmerica— Americaentirely collectionsof of natural natural history history were were owned by the collections owned earlier earlier by the American American Philosophical Society,the the Library Library Company Company of of Charleston, Philosophical Society, Charleston, South South Carolina, the American American M Museum Carolina, and and the useum of of Pierre Pierre Eugene Eugene du du Simitière-Peale's Simitiere— Peale’sinstitution institutionbecame becamethethefirst firstscientifically scientifically organized organized museum open open to to the the American American public public on on aa regular regular basis. basis. museum On On July July 7,7, 1786, 1786, Peale's Peale’s Museum M useum was was advertised advertised inin the thePennsylPennsyl vania Curiosities.” During its vania Packet Packetasasaa “Repository "Repository of of Natural Natural Curiosities." During its lifetime, most most of of the children worked worked in lifetime, the Peale Peale children in the the museum museum in in some some capacity, assisting arranging, and and capacity, assisting their their father father in in acquiring, acquiring, preserving, preserving, arranging, displaying In 1794, 1794, Peale the Hall Hall displaying specimens. specimens. In Peale moved moved his his museum museum into into the of of the the American American Philosophical Philosophical Society Society and and declared declared his his intention intention toto abandon M ost of of his his time time during during the the succeeding succeeding years years was was abandon painting. painting. Most spent in gathering gathering specimens specimens and and arranging arranging them them artistically artistically and and spent in scientifically.As Ashe he worked, worked, he he expanded scientifically. expanded his his knowledge knowledge of of natural natural history and his of the the role role aa museum museum should should play play inin society. society. history and his conception conception of He came regard the institution, capable He came toto regard the museum museum as as an an educational educational institution, capable of of his and thereby thereby of diffusing diffusingknowledge knowledge to to the the members members of his community community and improving their lives. lives. InIn 1799 1799 and and 1800, 1800, Peale Peale introduced lectures into improving their introduced lectures into the museum program In 1801, 1801, he he added added toto the the museum's museum’s collection collection the museum program.. In the mastodons which which he he had had the newly newly discovered discovered bones bones of of two two American American mastodons helped to in New New York York State State and and had had reassembled reassembled inin PhiladelPhiladel helped to exhume exhume in phia. When the Pennsylvania legislature granted the museum phia. When the Pennsylvania legislature granted the museum free free use use of Independence Independence Hall Hall in effect itit gave gave public public recognition recognition to of in 1802, 1802, inin effect to the the institution’s scientific and educational program. Eight years years later, later, institution's scientific and educational program. Eight Peale decided to aa farm outside of of Philadelphia Philadelphia and and deeded deeded the the Peale decided to to retire retire to farm outside museum his son son Rubens; Rubens; but but inin 1822, 1822, after after the the death death of of his his third third museum to to his wife, oore, he he "resumed" “resumed” its its management, management, which which he he had had wife, Hannah Hannah M Moore, never left despite despite his his “retirem "retirement." never actually actually left ent.” Peale worked the Throughout his his long long life, life, Peale worked actively actively for for the Throughout encouragement of of the the arts arts in in the the new new republic. republic. InIn 1791 1791 and and again again iii in encouragement 1794, to establish establish academies 1794, he he attempted attempted to academies of of the the fine finearts. arts. The The ColumColumbianum Society, which Peale and and twenty-eight twenty-eight other other Philadelphia Philadelphia bianum Society, which Peale artists had had organized organized inin December, December, 1794, 1794, reflected reflected Peale's Peale’s conviction conviction artists that the arts arts were were essential essential to to social social improvement. improvement. Although Although the the that the Columbianum did did not not continue continue long long asas an an organization, organization, itit did did achieve achieve Columbianum the distinction distinction in in the the spring spring of of 1795 1795 of of holding the first first public public exhibiexhibi the holding the tion of of contemporary art inin the the United United States. States. tion contemporary art More successful as organization was was the the Pennsylvania Pennsylvania an organization More successful as an Academy and Academy of of the the Fine Fine Arts, Arts, which, which, along along with with his his son son Rembrandt Rembrandt and the Philadelphia Joseph Hopkinson, Peale the Philadelphia lawyer lawyer and and art art connoisseur connoisseurJoseph Hopkinson, Peale
The Peale The Peale Family Family Papers Papers
helped to to launch launch in in 1805. 1805. Until Until 1810 1810 Peale Peale participated in the the activities activities helped participated in
of this organization of this organization as as aa director director and and spokesman spokesman for for the the interests interests of of Philadelphia's artists. artists. When When the the elder elder Peale Pealeresigned, resigned, Rembrandt Rembrandt con conPhiladelphia’s tinued his his father’s father's work. tinued work. Through Through the the years, years, asas the thePennsylvania Pennsylvania Academy continued continued to accumulate works works of art, its its reputation reputation grew Academy to accumulate of art, grew inin both organization and and purpose purpose it both the the community community and and the the nation; nation; and and in in organization it inspired the of similar similar institutions in other other American American cities cities inspired the formation formation of institutions in while influential force cultural life life of of PhiladelPhiladel while remaining remaining an an influential force in in the the cultural phia.5 phia.5 To To that that cultural cultural life, life, Peale Pealemade mademany manycontributions. contributions. He He designed designed floats, transparencies, transparencies, and public spectacles spectacles toto help help celebrate celebrate such such floats, and public momentous as the the coming coming of the ratification momentous occasions occasions as of peace, peace, the ratification of of the the Federal Constitution, the inauguration inauguration of of Washington Washington as as first first Federal Constitution, and and the President of the the United United States. States. He He created createdmoving moving pictures pictures that that would would President of both both entertain entertain and and instruct, instruct, delivered delivered lectures lectures on on natural natural history, history, wrote and published essays on health, and and wrote and published essays on domestic domestic relationships relationships and and health, developed inventions such as an improved stove and a polygraph, developed inventions such as an improved stove and a polygraph, which and happiness which he he hoped hoped would would add add to to the the comfort comfort and happiness ooff the the people. people. His constant constant concern concern with with expanding expanding and and improving improving the His the museum's museum’s programs exhibitions was reflection ofhis of his continuous continuous interest interest in in programs and and exhibitions was aa reflection the education and improvement of his fellow citizens. Even during his the education and improvement ofhis fellow citizens. Even during his last when he he might on his earlier last years, years, when might easily easily have have rested rested on his earlier achievements, which he he achievements,hehecontinued continuedtotogive givethought thoughttoto ways ways in in which might easier or or happier happier for for people; people; to to this this end, end, he might make make life life easier he carried carried on on experiments teeth. experiments in in the the making making of o f porcelain porcelain false false teeth. Although his retirement retirement from Although Peale Peale announced announced his from painting painting inin 1794, 1794, he never abandoned his his artistic artistic career, career, continuing continuing to to take he never actually actually abandoned take portraits and portraits and prepare prepare painted painted environments environments for his scientific scientific for his specimens. Some ofhis of his finest finest work work was was produced produced during during these specimens. Some these years. years. He new methods methods of of combining combining and He learned learned new and applying applying colors colors from from his his artist son and he he painted painted with with increasing increasing enthusiasm enthusiasm and and artist son Rembrandt, Rembrandt, and sense of power power as as aaresult result ofhis of his“long "long experience experience in in an anart art depending depending so so sense of much The more more he the greater much on on mental mental faculties." faculties.” The he achieved, achieved, the greater grew grew his “love "love for for the the art.” art." At his life, his At the the close close of ofhis life, he he was content: "The “The was content: pleasure[s] ofoftracing he wrote wrote pleasure[s] tracingthe thewonderous[sic] wonderous[sic]work work of of Creation,” Creation," he in 1824 hisold oldfriend friendThomas ThomasJefferson, Jefferson,“have "have amply amply rewarded rewarded me in 1824 totohis me for my labours.”6 for all all my labours."6 Charles Willson Willson Peale’s Rachel Brewer, Brewer, died died inin 1790 1790 atat Charles Peale's first first wife, wife, Rachel the age of forty-six. forty-six. In May 1791, he married married Elizabeth Elizabeth DePeyster DePeyster of the age of In May 1791, he of New York who died The following New York who died in in childbirth childbirth in in 1804. 1804. The following year year Peale Peale married his his third third wife, wife, Hannah Hannah M Moore. married oore. OOff his his seventeen seventeen children, children, eleven lived lived to to maturity. maturity. He He died died in in Philadelphia Philadelphia on eleven 22, 1827, 1827, on February February 22, in in his his eighty-sixth eighty-sixth year. year.
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Frequently Frequently war war plays plays havoc havoc with with artistic artistic hopes hopes and and aspirations, aspirations, cutcut ting down careers careers just begin to to show show promise promise or or interfering interfering ting down just as as they they begin with the patronage, exhibitions, for sucwith the patronage, exhibitions, or or public public interest interest necessary necessary for suc cessful artistic however, did did not not cessful artistic activity. activity. The The American American Revolution, Revolution, however, have such an an effect effecton onAmerican American art. art. Rather, Rather, as asDavid David Ramsay Ramsay pointed pointed have such out out asas early early asas 1789 1789 inin his his History History of o f the the American AmericanRevolution, Revolution, the the war war
expanded the American American mind mind and artists to to create expanded the and challenged challenged artists create by by
providing them them with withaanationalistic nationalisticideology ideologythat thatjustified justifiedtheir theirinter-U inter providing est in est in art art and and encouraged encouraged cultural cultural pursuits. pursuits.
That ideology ideals of of That ideology was was republicanism, republicanism, aa fusion fusion of of political political ideals constitutionalis self-government, and constitutionalism,m, self-government, and non-aristocratic non-aristocratic leadership leadership with Puritan with Puritan ideals ideals of of virtue, virtue, social social cohesiveness, cohesiveness, and and concern concern for for the the well-being of of the the public. public. With put well-being With independence, independence, republicanism republicanism was was put to the crucial test, test, for for now now the the question question that to the crucial that gave gave concern concern to to America's America’s leaders was was whether whether or or not not the republican experiment leaders the republican experiment would would succeed. succeed. Its the virtue virtue of of the the people: people: Its success, success, itit was was believed, believed, depended depended upon upon the their capacity for benevolence benevolence as as well well as as self-government; self-government; their their capacity for their willwill ingness welfare and ingness to to sacrifice sacrificetheir theirown own interests interests for for the the common common welfare and the the public good. good. Whatever public Whatever contributed contributed to to virtue virtue deserved deserved encourageencourage ment. Art, then, then, harnessed harnessed toto social social principles, principles, was was regarded regarded as as capacapa ment. Art, ble of of exercising exercising aa moral moral function function inin the thenew newsociety, society, conveying conveying ble lessons even while while itit refined refined and lessons even and sweetened sweetened behavior.7 behavior.7 The ideals of aa republican from the The ideals of republican art art received received reinforcement reinforcement from the prevailing classicism that that had had already already engulfed engulfed the the artistic artistic world world of prevailing classicism of Europe. In In Europe, Europe, the thereturn returntotoclassical classicalprinciples principles inin art art signified signified aa Europe. rejection of rococo and and aa consequent consequent insistence insistence upon upon aa style style that that rejection of the the rococo emphasized reason, simplicity, and accuracy, and on on subject emphasized reason, simplicity, and accuracy, and subject matter matter that with man man and and his his activities. activities. Taking that was was concerned concerned with Taking their their cue cue from from (1764), Euro EuroJohann Joachim Johann Joachim Winckelmann's Winckelmann’sHistory History of o f Ancient Ancient AArt rt (1764), pean pean artists artists and and connoisseurs connoisseurs resuscitated resuscitated and and enhanced enhanced the the RenaisRenais sance ideal priest of of eternal eternal truths, the public public sance ideal of of the the artist artist as as “the "the high high priest truths, the educator,” and and they they imbued imbued art art with withaadidactic didactic purpose purpose ororrelevance relevance educator," culture.8 that highest position position within within aa culture.8 that elevated elevated itit to to the the highest Such view of of art art and and the the artist artist was was especially especially pertinent pertinent to Such aa view to American republicans seeking seeking toto inculcate inculcate virtue virtue and and improve improve the American republicans the nation’s civilization. Expounded Expounded in in England England by by Sir Sir Joshua Joshua Reynolds Reynolds nation's civilization. and Benjamin and Benjamin West West particularly, particularly, the the neoclassic neoclassic definition definition of of art art and and its its purposes ,was adopted enthusiastically enthusiastically by by Peale Peale during during the purposes was adopted the early early years years of his effort to of his long long career. career. Peale's Peale’s classicism classicism reflects reflects aa conscious conscious effort to incorporate into into his precepts which incorporate his work work the the political political and and social social precepts which he he had the books books he he read, read, his his direct in the the had absorbed absorbed through through the direct involvement involvement in revolutionary struggle, with the revolutionary struggle, and and his his friendship friendship with the men men who who led led it. it. Believing could succeed succeed only Believing that that art art could only if if the the subject subject was was virtuous, virtuous,
The Peale 10 The Peale Family Family Papers Papers
he promised promised himself himself “never "never to to paint paint the the Portrait Portrait of bad man, man, as as none none he o f aa bad In 1820 he reiterated but the the virtuous virtuous deserve deserve to to be be remembered."9 remembered.”9 In 1820 he reiterated but this belief to Thomas Jefferson: "I love the art of Painting," he wrote, this belief to Thomas Jefferson: “I love the art of Painting,” he wrote, "but the on subjects that have have not not aa “but the greatest greatest merit merit of of execution execution on subjects that virtuous tendency tendency loose loose [sic] [sic] all Since virtuous all their their value value in in my my estimation.”10 estimation."1° Since he regarded he regarded his his museum museum as as “capable "capable of of diffusing diffusingthrough through the the mass mass of of Citizens" important important educational educationaltruths, truths,hehe chose chose toto exhibit exhibit in in itit Citizens” portraits of of "men “men of of superior & deserving deserving of ofhigh portraits superior indowments indowments & high estima estimation, themtion, not not only only for for their their talents, talents, but but also also for for their their having having raised raised them standing."11 Once selves, their present present high Once selves, even even from from obscurity obscurity to to their high standing.”11 having selected selected such suchsubjects subjectsfor fortheir theirmoral moralworth, worth, Peale Peale then then pre prehaving sented them them with with the the dignity sented dignity he he found found in in all all human human beings. beings. His His paintings are fine fine examples examples of of the the federal federalportrait portrait and and seem seem to to sympaintings are sym bolize the the republican republican virtue virtue that that Peale's generation accepted bolize Peale’s generation accepted as as characcharac teristic of of the the national national identity. teristic identity. This becomes This becomes especially especially apparent apparent ininPeale's Peale’sseries seriesofofWashington Washington portraits, which which move portraits, move from from aa competent competent likeness likeness taken taken for for familial familial purposes (1772: (1772:Washington Washingtonand andLee LeeUniversity) University)toto more more formal purposes formal presentations of of Washington Washington as as aa public publicfigure, figure, heroic heroic in in war war and and the the presentations embodiment embodiment of of the the high high principles principles for for which which he he was was fighting fighting(1779: (1779: PennsylvaniaAcademy Academyofofthe the Fine Fine Arts). Arts). Peale’s Peale's last last portrayal portrayal of of Pennsylvania Washington (1795: (1795:New-York New-York Historical Historical Society) Society) idealizes idealizes the the Presi PresiWashington dent symbol of of civilian civilian virtue. virtue. Patriarchal, Patriarchal, serious, serious, dignified, dignified, dent as as the the symbol the portrait portrait serves iconographic even even more more than than realistic purposes. the serves iconographic realistic purposes. Peale the seed seed ooff Virtue” and Peale hoped hoped that that his his portraits portraits would would “sow "sow the Virtue" and reveal what reveal what he he believed believed was was the the American American propensity propensity for for benevolence. benevolence. He also alsohoped hopedthat thatthey theywould would continue continuetotoinfluence influencethe theformation formationoofa He fa national be "benevolent."12 “benevolent.”12 And he put put national character characterthat that would would be And so so he portraits portraits of of the the great great men men ofhis of his time time in in his hismuseum museum as as representatives representatives of which man man can can aspire; aspire; he he took took delight, delight, howhow of the the highest highest glory glory to to which ever, inin placing of the the section section devoted devoted ever, placing these these portraits portraits at at the the beginning beginning of to primates, primates, with with the the label, label, “The "The animal animal m man," conveying thereby to an,” conveying thereby the the idea the idea he he wished wished to to communicate communicate on on the the orderliness orderliness of of creation creation and and the relationship among species. species. relationship among Through science, science, also, also, Peale the success success of Through Peale hoped hoped to to contribute contribute to to the of republicanism. republicanism. Sharing Sharing with with Jefferson Jefferson the the view view that that government government was was merely the of reason law, he he believed that merely the simple simple operation operation of reason and and natural natural law, believed that the only only requirement requirement for for good good citizenship the citizenship was in the the order order was instruction instruction in of nature. of nature. To To make make his his countrymen countrymen aware of the wisdom of “the aware of the wisdom of "the divine Architect,” Architect," so so that that they they would would learn how to divine learn how to fulfill fulfill their to their duty duty to their their associates associates and and sustain sustain civil civil government, became the purpose government, became the purpose behind his museum museum and behind his and the the program program of o f lectures lectures he he inaugurated inaugurated inin it. it. He had He had no no doubt doubt that that once once Americans Americans were made aware of the were made aware of the
11 The Peale 11 The Peale Family Family Papers Papers
interdependency of plant plant and and animal animal life, life, and and the the “manners” "manners" of interdependency of of other other species which which contributed contributed to to their their harmonious existence, then then they species harmonious existence, they too too would would be be ready ready toto adjust adjust their their differences differences and and develop develop aa benevobenevo lent lent society. society.13 Since his hismuseum museum was was “a "a world world in in miniature,” miniature," Peale believed that that Since Peale believed the order order he he imposed imposed on on his his specimens specimens would would teach teach the the advantages advantages of of the an ordered society. society. The The classical Linnaean system system provided provided him an ordered classical Linnaean him with with aa method that offered offered an an orderly orderly sense sense of of natural natural demethod of of classification classification that de velopment “so "so that velopment that the the mind mind may may not notbebeconfused confused and and distracted distracted inin viewing such viewing such aa multitude multitude of of objects." objects.” ItIt was was aa system, system, hehe believed, believed, that would demonstrate both the variety and hierarchy of specimens that would demonstrate both the variety and hierarchy of specimens in in the and animal the plant plant and animal world, world, and and allow allow the the individual individual to to realize realize "the “the beauties which which we find that that each possesses, in in its its relative relative situation situation beauties we shall shall find each possesses, beings."14 As to other other beings.”14 nationalist, Peale Peale decided decided toto emphasize emphasize to As aa nationalist, specimens found specimens found inin America, America,but but since sincehe hewas wasalso alsoa acosmopolitan— cosmopolitanfrom both both experience experience and he was was happy happy to to enter enter into into from andphilosophy— philosophy-he exchanges with European European museums exchanges with museums and and collectors collectors for for the the purpose purpose of of comparison as as well as toto satisfy comparison well as satisfy curiosity. curiosity. He He was was ready ready even even to to include include in his his exhibitions exhibitions the the “arms "arms and in and utensils utensils of of the the Aborigines Aborigines of of this, this, and and of other new-discovered new-discovered countries," countries,” because because these these were were links links in in the the of other chain in to being being objects objects ofofcuriosity. curiosity.15 chain in addition addition to Peale’s the educational educational benefits benefits of his museum museum Peale's enthusiasm enthusiasm for for the of his was boundless. “Can the imagination imagination conceive conceive anything anything more more inin was boundless. "Can the teresting than such aa Museum?" Museum?” he he asked asked his his audience audience at one of of the the teresting than such at one first lectures first lectures delivered delivered there, there, after after describing describing his his ideal idealinstitution. institution. “Or "Or can more agreeable agreeable spectacle spectacle to an admirer admirer of of the the divine divine can there there be be aa more to an wisdom! within aa magnificent magnificentpile, pile, every every art art and and every every science science wisdom! Where, Where, within should by plans, plans, models, models, pictures, pictures, real real subjects, subjects, and and leclec should be be taught, taught, by tures. In In this this central central magazine magazine of of knowledge, knowledge, all all the the learned learned and and tures. ingenious would flock, as as well gain, as as to to communicate, communicate, informainforma ingenious would flock, well to to gain, tion.”16 tion. Peale's vision vision of of aa museum museum was one. He He was was willing Peale’s was not not aa static static one. willing to to accept When inin accept new new kinds kinds of of specimens specimens and and new new kinds kinds of of programs. programs. When 1808 his Rubens decided decided to to add add electrical electrical experiments experiments to to his his 1808 his son son Rubens lectures an age age ooff discovery,” discovery," he lectures on on electricity, electricity, Peale Peale agreed: agreed: "As “As this this isis an he wrote, wrote, "every “every experiment experiment that that brings brings to to light light the the properties properties of of any any natural helps to to expand natural substances, substances, helps expand the the mind mind and and make make men men better, better, no hesitation hesitation in in introduc introducmore virtuous and and liberal.”17 And there there was was no more virtuous liberal."17 And ing into the ing organ organ recitals recitals into the museum museum program, program, since since music music afforded afforded aa harmony commensurate with gained from study of of natural natural harmony commensurate with that that gained from aa study history. He He opposed opposed every effort to to make history. every effort make the the museum museum commercial, commercial, despite the other museums museums were were taking taking that that direction. direction. InIn despite the fact fact that that other 1802, 1802, he heinsisted insistedthat thathe hewould wouldnot not make make an aneffort efforttoto“catch "catch the the eye eye of of 13
The Peale J2 The Peale Family Family Papers Papers
and he he maintained maintained his his position position even the gaping gaping multitude";'8 multitude”;18 and even when when the Rubens took over the the management management inin 1810 1810 and and introduced introduced exhibits exhibits Rubens took over and theatrical theatrical entertainments clearly aimed commercial and entertainments more more clearly aimed toward toward commercial profit. profit. Peale hoped that that his museum would Peale hoped his museum would serve serve the the cause cause of of peace. peace. As As men “learn men came came to to realize realize “their "their reciprocal reciprocal dependence,” dependence," they they would would "learn to cultivate the the arts arts of o f peace": peace”: to cultivate
Is Is there there not not an an abundance abundance of of employment employment for for all all the the human human species?-Is species?— Isthere therenot notyet yetananimmensity immensity ofof land land even even in in Europe Europe
uncultivated? will not disease make not disease make ravages ravages sufficient sufficient among among uncultivated?.. . . will us mustwe westill stillgo go on on toto murder murder one one another, another, because because us mortals?— mortals? -must we speak the we do do not not speak the same same language? language? or or can cannations nations find find no no other other way way to to settle settle their their differences, differences, but but by by the the sword? sword? . . . If If one one hundredth hundredth part part of of the the sums sums lavished lavished on on war war were were applied applied to to the the encouragement of science, encouragement of science, would would not not the the condition condition ooff millions millions of of ameliorated?19 inhabitants be be ameliorated?19 inhabitants .
Like his his portraits, portraits, Peale's museum became his gift Like Peale’s museum became his gift to to posterity. posterity. He had may build build on on itit to to He had “laid "laid the the foundation,” foundation," he he wrote. wrote. “Posterity "Posterity may magnificence."2° Likeother other members members of of this this revolutionary magnificence.”20 Like revolutionary generagenera tion, tion, he he believed believed that that he he occupied occupied aa very very special special place place in in history history asas guardian of of aa great great cultural cultural tradition. tradition. Just Just as John Adams guardian as John Adams frequently frequently reminded colleagues that that itit was was their their obligation obligation to reminded himself himself and and his his colleagues to pass pass on on to to posterity posterity the the tradition tradition ofof political political liberty liberty unblemished unblemished and, and, indeed, improved upon, indeed, improved upon, soso Peale Peale believed believed that that his his role role as as an an artist artist aiid and naturalist was naturalist was to to maintain, maintain, develop, develop, and and convey convey to to future future generations generations the of the the classical classicalculture culturewhich which underlay underlay all all his his activities. activities. And And the ideals ideals of like John believed that was obligated obligated to to paint paint like John Trumbull, Trumbull, who who believed that he he was historical paintings American Revolution Revolution since since he he had had been been aa historical paintings of of the the American participant participant in in it, it, Peale Peale also alsojustified justifiedhis hiswork workasascontributing contributing to to “the "the remembrance remembranceofofthe theWorthies Worthiesofofmy mytim time."2' e.”21 As As he he wrote wrote to to the the Supreme Executive Supreme Executive Council Council of of the the new new State State of of Pennsylvania Pennsylvania when when he he accepted 1779, he accepted its its commission commission toto paint paint Washington’s Washington's portrait portrait in in 1779, he hoped by by these means to to excite excite “an "an Emulation hoped these means Emulation in in our our Posterity. Posterity. . . . and mankind mankind will an advantage advantage thereby.”22 and will receive receive an thereby."22 By in 1827, the revolutionary revolutionary ideology ideology that By the the time time Peale Peale died died in 1827, the that had given his life 'ife direction direction and and purpose purpose had had almost almost completely completely disaphad given his disap peared. peared. Classicism Classicism was was giving giving way way to to romanticism. romanticism. Republicanism, Republicanism, born born out out of of the the movement movement toward toward independence, independence, was was no no longer longer an an influential ideology in in American American life; life; democracy democracy became influential ideology became the the keynote. keynote. In art, the American In art, the American landscape landscape replaced replaced the theportrait portrait in in symbolizing symbolizing the the nation's ideals nation’s ideals and and defining defining its its identity. And Peale's Peale’s Museum, Museum, identity. And
The Peale 13 The Peale Family Family Papers Papers
envisioned the beginning beginning of envisioned asas the of aa grand grand scheme scheme of of public public education, education, became 1840’s an institution for for entertainment, entertainment, closer closer to to aa became by by the the 1840's an institution theater Peale's hoped-for hoped-for university. theater than than to to Peale’s university. Peale’s efforts the results results Peale's efforts were were not not in in vain, vain, however. however. His His portraits, portraits, the of of that that great great outpouring outpouring of of creative creative energy energy that that marked marked the the revorevo lutionary generation, generation, have have entered entered into into our lutionary our iconography iconography and and have have become of all all that that isis best best in in our our national national character. character. As As become representative representative of art, art, Peale's Peale’s portraits portraits are are good good paintings. paintings. InIn many many cases, cases, he he reveals reveals aa command of of technique composition that that was was truly command technique and and naturalistic naturalistic composition truly inspired, asas in inspired, in his his Staircase Staircase Group Group(1795: (1795:Philadelphia PhiladelphiaMuseum Museum of of Art). Art). His His early early portraits portraits were were often often deficient deficient inin drawing, drawing, and andoccasionally occasionally his colors colors faded; Peale frequently the new new his faded; but but Peale frequently repainted repainted those, those, using using the color technique technique he learned from his son son Rembrandt, Rembrandt, and and he he color he had had learned from his continued to improve in in drawing drawing as as he he continued continued to to paint. paint. His His group continued to improve group portraits, which which he he spoke spoke of o f asas "compositions," “compositions,” have have aaparticularly particularly portraits, appealing the result result not not only only ofofconscious conscious appealing pictorial pictorial quality quality that that was was the effort on on the effort the artist's artist’s part, part, but but also also ofofhis hissense sense ofofthe therelationship relationship between composition and and aa portrait's portrait’smeaning. meaning.AsAsininthe th ePeale Peale Family Family between composition Group (c. (c. 1772-1809: 1772-1809: The Group The New-York New-York Historical HistoricalSociety) Society) ororthe theJames James Gittings Family Family(1791: (1791:The The Peale Peale Museum, Museum, Baltimore) Gittings Baltimore) husbands, husbands, wives, children, children, and and family family pets pets relate relate to to each each other other inin domestic domestic wives, settings that that reveal reveal the the artist's artist’s own owntaste tastefor foraffectionate affectionate familial familial relarela settings tionships. And And although although he he always always painted painted with with the the "highly “highly finished" finished” tionships. quality quality he he had had admired admired in in Copley's Copley’s paintings paintings when when he he visited visited the the Bostonian in 1765, his his naturalistic naturalistic poses poses and and clear clear color color make make his his Bostonian in 1765, portraits interesting, lively, lively, and and frequently frequently beautiful. beautiful. portraits interesting; Peale's portraits remind remind us us in Peale’s portraits in their their calm calm benignity benignity of of aa time, time, which possibly never existed but in retrospect seems to have, when which possibly never existed but in retrospect seems to have, when men could discuss society, nature, and men could discuss the the meaning meaning of of government, government, society, nature, and man even while while they they planned planned military military strategies strategies and prepared for for man even and prepared battle; when when they they could could discuss discuss constitutions constitutions and and political political theories, theories, battle; but could could also also become become concerned concerned with with America America asas aa civilization civilization and and but create institutions institutions designed designed to to embody embody and create and forward forward these these concerns. concerns. Through the the papers papers of of this this artist, artist, aa man man who who stood stood atat the the center center of o f the the Through age’s major we may may come come to to understand understand that that generation's generation’s age's major interests, interests, we purposes vision; perhaps its most most purposes and and share share its its vision; perhaps even even heed heed one one of of its important lessons, lessons, as as Peale letter to to Jefferson: Jefferson: “That the important Peale put put itit in in aa letter "That the attainment of of Happiness, Happiness, Individual Individual asas well well as as Public, depends on on the the attainment Public, depends cultivation of ind.”23 cultivation of the the human human m mind."23
ItIt isis not not unexpected unexpected that that aa man man with with Peale's Peale’s belief belief in the efficacy efficacy of in the of education for social progress the education for social progress should should have have been been concerned concerned with with the
The Peale 14 The Peale Family Family Papers Papers 14
education of his numerous numerous progeny; progeny; nor nor is is itit unexpected unexpected that, that, in in turn, turn, education ofhis the have fallen fallen so the children children should should have so completely completely under under the the influence influence of of the the artistic and they actively actively participated. participated. artistic and scientific scientific environment environment in in which which they Peale's moral moral impulses impulses extended extended to to the the members Peale’s members of of his his family. family. He He believed that activity was was necessary necessary to ensure healthy healthy minds minds and and believed that activity to ensure bodies; and he was concerned that his children acquire a vocation. To bodies; and he was concerned that his children acquire a vocation. To' that sons and the art art ofofpaintpaint that end, end, he hetaught taughtthem themall— all-sons and daughters— daughters-the ing. His sons also accompanied him on specimen-gathering excur ing. His sons also accompanied him on specimen-gathering excursions and were were trained trained in in taxidermy taxidermy and and what what we sions and we would would today today call call museology. And, believing that anyone to paint museology. And, believing that anyone could could learn learn to paint ifif taught taught the rules, rules, Peale Peale also the also gave gave lessons lessonstotohis hisbrothers, brothers, nieces, nieces, and and nephews, nephews, some of w hom — his brother James, nephew Charles Peale Polk, and some of whom-his brother James, nephew Charles Peale Polk, and nieces Sarah became com nieces SarahMiriam MiriamPeale Pealeand andAnna AnnaClaypoole ClaypoolePeale— Peale-became competent petent and and interesting interesting professional professional artists. artists. Peale was concerned with his children's children’s "moral “moral InstrucInstruc Peale was equally equally concerned with his When Titian Titian Ramsay Ramsay [II] [II]left lefthome hometotojoin the Long Long Exploring Exploring tion."24 When tion.”24 join the Expedition to the and the the western Expedition to the Missouri Missouri River River and western plains, plains, his his father's father’s letters followed him, full of advice and admonitions. “Subordina letters followed him, full of advice and admonitions. "Subordination," stations, but but II wish wish you you not not tion,” he he reminded reminded him, him, "is “is the the order order atat all all stations, only to be obedient obedient to your superiors superiors in command, but but also also by by an an only to be to your in command, amiable conduct amiable conduct and and obliging obliging manners manners endeavor endeavortoto merit merit the the love love of of every one the Party." Party.” Self-examination, Self-examination, Titian would every one of of the Titian was was told, told, would make him less less sensitive sensitive to to imagined imagined slights; slights; and and finally, finally, “let "let this this be make him be your comfort, that that you you have have done done well well and and are are superior to an an Injury. Injury. your comfort, superior to . . . in in short, short, correct correct yourself yourself and and not not others.”25 others."25 The study The study of o f nature, nature, Charles Charles Willson Willson Peale Peale believed, believed, would would provide standard of of personal behavior to to all provide aa standard personal behavior all men, men, including including his his children. The Naturalist,” he he wrote wrote Titian, Titian, ifif he he gave gave his his atten children. The “true "true Naturalist," attention to sustenance afforded tion to “the "the sustenance afforded millions millions ooff organized organized beings,” beings," would would not "want “want piety," piety,” not not "with “with all all these these Monitors Monitors before before his his Eyes Eyes in in all all not places. Certainly not not if reasoning faculties." places. Certainly if possessing possessing reasoning faculties.”
What use use isis reflection follow the the dictates dictates ofofReason? Reason? What reflection if if we we do do not not follow Man worse than than the the Brute Brute if he cannot Man isis worse if he cannot conquer conquer bad bad habits. habits. We We are created are created with with power power to to embrace embrace an an abundance abundance of of good good things, things, and us the the and what what is is very very remarkable remarkable those those things things which which will will make make us most happy happy is least expensive expensive to to obtain. most is the the least obtain. . . . To life we we To enjoy enjoy life must be temperate in all the calls of nature.26 must be temperate in all the calls of nature.26 .
Peale’s children love and and concern for Peale's children amply amply repaid repaid their their father’s father's love concern for them, not but also them, not only only by by their their individual individual achievements achievements but also through through aa filial devotion filial devotion to to the the man man and and his his principles principleswhich which continued continued through through-
15 The The Peale 15 Peale Family Family Papers Papers
out frequently had had to out their their long long lives. lives. Although Although the the elder elder Peale Peale frequently to cope cope with moments with moments of of rebellion rebellion and and assertions assertions of of independence, independence, the the chilchil dren’s dren's great great interest interest in in writing writing their their father's father’s biography biography suggests suggests their their pride his achievement pride in in his achievement and and respect respect for forhis his beliefs. beliefs. The were aa warm warm and The Peales Peales were and loving loving family. family. As As individuals, individuals, they they possessed, of idiosyncrasies and and eccentricities. eccentricities. But But by by sharing sharing possessed, of course, course, idiosyncrasies their of the the mind mind and their father's father’s deep deep and and honest honest concern concern for for the the life life of and the the moral of society, society, they they made made their their own and work work exammoral welfare welfare of own lives lives and exam ples his teachings teachings and and put put their ples of of his their considerable considerable and and unusual unusual talents talents toto the of the the nation. the service service of nation.
Raphaelle Raphaelle Peale Peale
Raphaelle Peale in February February Raphaelle Peale [RaP] [RaP]was wasborn born in in Annapolis, Annapolis, Maryland, Maryland, in 1774. and music, music, 1774. He He showed showed an an early early talent talent for for taxidermy, taxidermy, drawing, drawing, and
and at at age age seventeen seventeen painted hisseven-year-old seven-year-old and painted his his first first portrait— portrait-his brother, Rubens. Rubens. Thereafter, Thereafter, his his activities activities were were divided divided between between work work brother, for the museum museum and and efforts efforts to to earn earn his his living living through through art. art. To To practice practice for the his art, he was forced forced to to travel, In his art, he was travel, and and soon soon travel travel became became aa way way of of life. life. In 1793, he went to Georgia to collect specimens for the Peale Museum. 1793, he went to Georgia to collect specimens for the Peale Museum. On his return return toto Philadelphia, Philadelphia, he he painted painted miniatures miniatures and and helped helped his his On his father mount mount and and arrange arrange specimens for the the museum. museum. With his brother brother father specimens for With his Rembrandt, painted portraits portraits in in Charleston, Charleston, South South Carolina, Carolina, and and Rembrandt, he he painted Baltimore, Maryland, during during the the winters winters of of 1795-6 Baltimore, Maryland, 1795-6 and and 1796-7. 1796-7. After 1802, he into his his artistic artistic activities activities the the physiognophysiognoAfter 1802, he introduced introduced into trace, machine developed French prototypes prototypes by by the the English English trace, aa machine developed from from French inventorJohn inventor John Hawkins Hawkinstotocut cutsmall smallsilhouette silhouetteprofiles profilesatat low low cost. cost. ItIt isis estimated estimated that that on on his his various various tours, tours, Raphaelle Raphaelle may may have have had had as as many many as one hundred hundred thousand as one thousand sitters sitters for for silhouettes. silhouettes. From 1796 to 1797, Raphaelle Raphaelle worked closely with his father father on on From 1796 to 1797, worked closely with his fireplace improvements. improvements. Their fireplace Their finds finds were were presented presented to to the the American American Philosophical Society inin 1797; 1797; and years later, later, the Society awarded awarded Philosophical Society and two two years the Society father father and and son son aa premium premium for for “an "an essay essay on on the the best best method method of of warm warming s.” InIn 1798, 1798, Raphaelle Raphaelle patented patented aa process ing room rooms." process for for the the preservation preservation ooff vessel the ravages ravages of of marine marine worms worms which which he he had had vessel bottoms bottoms from from the originally effort to to protect protect stuffed stuffed animals animals from from originally developed developed inin an an effort insects. insects. Economic Peale. He Economic prosperity prosperity constantly constantly eluded eluded Raphaelle Raphaelle Peale. He quickly money he he had had earned earned cutting cutting silhouettes, silhouettes, and and his his quickly spent spent the the money inventions, successful as inventions, successful as they they may may have have been, been, were were never never marketable. marketable. Even of still still lifes, lifes, though though ofof great great delicacy delicacy and and beauty, beauty, Even his his paintings paintings of did not not ease his difficulties, difficulties, for for there there was wasno no market market at at that that time time in in the the did ease his United for these carefullywrought wrought works. works. Troubled Troubled by by gout gout United States States for these carefully and alcoholism, Raphaelle Raphaelle became completely dependent dependent on on and alcoholism, became almost almost completely his father father for for support support toward toward the the end his end of of his his life. life. A A man man of of impish impish
16 The The Peale Peale Family Family Papers Papers
humor and good good nature, nature, Raphaelle Raphaelle Peale Peale neither neither realized realized his his artistic artistic humor and potential potential nor nor reaped reaped the the reward reward of ofhis his artistic artistic genius. genius.
Rembrandt Rembrandt Peale Peale
Rembrandt Rembrandt Peale Peale [ReP], [ReP], the the second second son son of o f Charles Charles Willson Willson Peale, Peale, was was to to become become the the most most eminent eminent artist artist among among his his children. children. He He was was born born
on birthday, February February 22, 22, 1778, on Washington's Washington’s birthday, 1778, inin the the midst midst of of the the revolutionary struggle, the Vanardalen Vanardalen farm Bucks County, County, revolutionary struggle, at at the farm in in Bucks Pennsylvania, where where his his family family had had sought sought shelter shelter from from the Pennsylvania, the invading invading British British army. army. By By the the time time he he painted painted his his first first self-portrait self-portrait in in 1791, 1791, he he was committed the life life of of an an artist. artist. In In 1795, 1795, he he painted painted President President was committed to to the
George Washington Washington from from life, portrait that series of of George life, aa portrait that was was the the first first in in aa series attempts attempts to to obtain obtain asasaccurate accurate aalikeness likeness asas possible possible ofofthe thefirst firstPresiPresi dent. On he traveled traveled and and studied studied abroad: dent. On five five different different occasions, occasions, he abroad: in in 1802-3 and again again in in 1809-10 1802-3 in in England; England; in in 1808 1808 and 1809-10 in in Paris; Paris; from from 1828 1828 to Italy, France, France, and and London; London; and and again 1832 in in England. England. to 1830 1830 inin Italy, again inin 1832 Concerned with promoting promoting the Concerned with the fine fine arts arts in in the the United United States, States, Rembrandt Peale helped helped to to found found such such organizations organizations as as the the ColumColumRembrandt Peale bianum Philadelphia, the Pennsylvania Academy bianum Society Society in in Philadelphia, the Pennsylvania Academy ofofthe the Fine Fine Arts, the Philadelphia Philadelphia Society Society of American Artists, Artists, and and Peale's Peale’s Arts, the of American Museum Baltimore. In he was was elected elected president president of of the the Ameri AmeriMuseum in in Baltimore. In 1825, 1825, he can the Fine Fine Arts Arts in in New New York can Academy Academy ofof the York City. City. To To introduce introduce aa system of drawing drawing in system of in the the public public schools schools that that would would encourage encourage talent talent and taste, in he wrote wrote and of and artistic artistic taste, in 1835 1835 he and published published Graphics: Graphics: AA Manual M anual of Drawing which in Drawing and and Writing, VWiting, which in 1841 1841 was was revised revisedand andtitled titledIntroduction Introductiontoto Graphics. He also also wrote Graphics. He wrote Notes Notes on on Italy Italy (1831) (1831) and and The The Portfolio Portfolio ooff an an Artist and Artist (1839). (1839).His His“Reminiscences” "Reminiscences"ofofthe theAmerican Americanart art world world and miscellaneous articleson on the the practice practice of of painting painting were were published miscellaneous articles published inin The The Crayon Crayonbetween between 1855 1855and and1860, 1860,along alongwith with his his lecture lecture on on “Wash "Washington His Portraits, Portraits,"” which ington and and His which he he delivered delivered toto receptive receptive audiences audiences in in New New York, York, Boston, Boston, and and Philadelphia Philadelphia between between 1857 1857 and and 1860. 1860. During his his lifetime, painted hundreds hundreds of of During lifetime, Rembrandt Rembrandt Peale Peale painted portraits, portraits, many many of o f which which have have not not yet yet been been located located or or identified. identified. He He also painted aa few few landscapes landscapes and and some some large historical canvases, also painted large historical canvases, the the most (c. 1811: National most notable notable of of which which are are The The Roman Roman Daughter Daughter (c. 1811: National Collection Collection of of Fine Fine Arts) Arts) and and Court Court of o f Death Death (1820: (1820:Detroit Detroit Institute Institute of of Art). Art). But But itit was was in in portraiture portraiture that that he he excelled, excelled, and and among his most among his most famous likenessesare arethe thevarious various“Porthole” "Porthole" portraits famous likenesses portraits of of Washington Washington (over seventy seventy of Jefferson (1805: (1805:New-York New-York (over of these these were were done); done); Thomas Thomas Jefferson Historical Stephen Decatur Historical Historical Society), Society), Stephen Decatur(c. (c. 1813: 1813: Maryland Maryland Historical Society), MMaximilian aximilian Godefroy Society), Godefroy(c.(c.1815: 1815:Peabody PeabodyInstitute, Institute, Baltimore, Baltimore, on on loan loan to to Maryland MarylandHistorical HistoricalSociety), Society),and andRubens RubensPeale Pealeand andthe the First First Geranium (1801: (1801:Private Private Collection). Collection). Geranium
17 The The Peale 17 Peale Family Family Papers Papers
Titian Titian Ramsay Ramsay Peale Peale [I] [I]
Rubens Rubens Peale Peale
Titian Ramsay Ramsay Peale surviving child child of of Titian Peale [I] [I] [TRPt] [TRP1] was was the the fourth fourth surviving Charles Peale and and his his first first wife, wife, Rachel Rachel Brewer Brewer Peale. Peale. Born Born in Charles Willson Willson Peale in Philadelphia 1, 1780, 1780, and of aa great great artist artist Philadelphia on on August August 1, and named named in in honor honor of and and Peale's Peale’s good good friend friend and and brother-in-law, brother-in-law, Nathaniel Nathaniel Ramsay, Ramsay, he he exhibited exhibited at at an an early early age age skills skillsininnatural natural history history and and art art that that drew drew him him close to to his his father. father. He He was was Charles Charles Willson chief assistant assistant at at the the close Willson Peale's Peale’s chief museum where museum where he he preserved preserved birds birds and and other other specimens specimens and and shared shared his his father’s and preserving. preserving. In In April April 1797, 1797, he he father's enthusiasm enthusiasm for for hunting hunting and began aa work work called "Descriptions of of the the Insects of NNorth began called “Descriptions Insects of orth America" America” and compiled compiled aa manuscript manuscript on on the the “Art "Art of in Miniature.” Miniature." He and of Painting Painting in He died of of yellow yellow fever September 1798, died fever in in September 1798,inin aa little little schoolhouse— schoolhouse“A rt’s Retreat"-on Retreat” — onthetheoutskirts outskirtsofofNew NewYork YorkCity, City,where wherehis hisfather father "Art's was briefly briefly settled relatives, the the DePeysters. DePeysters. was settled on on aa visit visit to to his his new new wife’s wife's relatives, The for this The father's father’s deep deep affection affection for this son son was was demonstrated demonstrated in in the the naming of of his his and and Elizabeth Elizabeth DePeyster DePeyster Peale's Peale’s youngest youngest son, son, Titian Titian naming Ramsay Peale Peale [II]. [II]. Ramsay Rubens Peale [RuP], [RuP], the the ninth ninth child child and and the fourth surviving of Rubens Peale the fourth surviving son son of Charles Willson Peale and Rachel Brewer Peale, was born on May 4, Charles Willson Peale and Rachel Brewer Peale, was born on May 4, 1784. While he learned learned art art and and taxidermy taxidermy from from his his 1784. While still still quite quite young, young, he father. Weak Weakeyes eyesprevented prevented him him from from pursuing but father. pursuing an an artistic artistic career, career, but he found equal interest interest in in the he found equal the study study of of botany. botany. At At age age seventeen, seventeen, he he accompaniedhis hisbrother brother Rembrandt Rembrandttoto Europe Europe toto help help with accompanied with the the exhibition newly discovered discovered American American mastodon, mastodon, an an experiexperi exhibition of of the the newly ence that manager. In In Philadelphia, Philadelphia, after after aa ence that began began his his career career ooff museum museum manager. not very very successful successful European tour, he he attended attended lectures lectures in in mineralogy mineralogy not European tour, and at the the University University ofo fPennsylvania Pennsylvaniaand andassisted assisted atat lectures lectures in in and botany botany at chemistry and medicine. The The management management of of the thePhiladelphia Philadelphia chemistry and medicine. Museum responsibility until untilJanuary Museum increasingly increasingly became became his his responsibility January 1,1, 1810, 1810, when his his father transferred the the institution institution toto him him inin return return for for when father formally formally transferred an annuity. annuity. an In controlling interest interest inin In May May 1822, 1822, Rubens Rubens bought bought Rembrandt’s Rembrandt's controlling the the Baltimore Baltimore Museum M useum and and took took over over its its management, management, returning returning direction of of the institution to to his direction the Philadelphia Philadelphia institution his father. father. When When he he had had difficultieswith with the the stockholders, stockholders, he he turned turned his his attention attention to difficulties to New New York; DeWitt Clinton opened the the Erie Erie York; and and in in 1825, 1825, on on the the day day that that DeWitt Clinton opened Canal to westward westward traffic, traffic, Rubens Rubens opened opened Peale's Peale’s New New York York Canal to Museum. Consisting together with Museum. Consisting of of scientific scientific specimens specimens together with Joseph Joseph Delaplaine's gallery gallery of of curiosities curiosities and andprofiles, profiles,the themuseum museum prospered prospered Delaplaine’s in New New York-so in York— somuch muchsosothat thatlater, later,inin1828, 1828, inin partnership partnership with with his his brother able to to open open aabranch branchatatUtica, Utica, New New brother Charles Charles Linnaeus, Linnaeus, he he was was able York. Panic of of 1837 1837 and an end end York. The The Panic and the the ensuing ensuing depression depression brought brought an to to the the museum's museum’s prosperity. prosperity. Finding Finding aa purchaser purchaser in in P.P. T. T. Barnum, Barnum,
The Peale 18 The Peale Family Family Papers Papers
Rubens and by by 1840 had settled settled in in Pottsville Rubens sold sold his his collection collection and 1840 had Pottsville near near Schuylkill Landing, Landing, Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania, on on aa farm farm inherited Schuylkill inherited by by his his wife, wife, Eliza Patterson Patterson Peale, Peale, whom whom he had married Here he he spent spent the the Eliza he had married in in 1820. 1820. Here remainder remainder ofhis of his life life happy happy and and busy busy with with family family concerns, concerns, farming, farming, and, at the the age age of of seventy-one, the painting painting ofofstill still life. life. and, beginning beginning at seventy-one, the
Charles Charles Linnaeus Linnaeus Peale Peale
Charles Linnaeus Linnaeus Peale Peale [CLP] [CLP}was wasthe theeldest eldestsurviving surviving son son ooff Charles Charles Charles Willson Willson Peale Pealeand andhis hissecond secondwife, wife,Elizabeth Elizabeth DePeyster DePeyster Peale. Peale. He He was was born on March 20, 1794, and was was the born in in Philadelphia Philadelphia on March 20, 1794, and the first first of o f Peale's Peale’s children bear the the name children toto bear name of of aa scientist, scientist, testifying testifying toto the the father's father’s commitment commitment to to natural natural history history and and his his museum. museum. Like Like all all of of Charles Charles Willson Peale’s Peale'schildren, children, he he served served an an apprenticeship apprenticeship in in the the museum, museum, Willson but never took took to but he he never to art, art, natural natural history, history, or or mechanics. mechanics. Discontented Discontented as painter's apprentice, apprentice, at at age age sixteen sixteen he he went went to to sea, sea,just just at at the the time time as aa painter’s when and England when the the conflict conflict between between France France and England resulted resulted in in AngloAngloAmerican hostilities and and the the War War of of 1812. 1812. Returning Returning from from France American hostilities France in in May 1813, he and in in May 1813, he ran ran into into aa British British ship-of-war ship-of-war off off Long Long Branch Branch and the ensuing ensuing battle battle acquitted acquitted himself himself courageously. courageously. The The British British blockthe block ade turned turned his his attention attention from from seafaring joined ade seafaring toto soldiering, soldiering, and and he he joined first the the Washington Washington Guards, Guards, and and later, later, the the regular regular army. army. By By the end of of first the end the War War of of 1812, 1812, “Lin,” "Lin," as as his his family family called calledhim, him, held held the the position position of the of purser purser in in General GeneralJacob Jacob Brown’s Brown's headquarters. headquarters. After the the war, turned to joining the After war, Linnaeus Linnaeus turned to manufacturing, manufacturing, joining the Eagle Factory Factory inin Trenton Trenton in in 1816. That year Eagle 1816. That year he he married married Christiana Christiana Runyon (d. (d. July July 1839), 1839), with with whom whom he he had Runyon had eight eight children, children, five five of of whom to maturity. whom lived lived to maturity. By By 1824, 1824, he he was was back back at at his his father's father’s farm, farm, Belfield, serving Belfield, serving as as aadelegate delegatefor forAndrewjackson, AndrewJackson, and and as as aamember member of of the Second Second Regiment o f Infantry, Infantry, Greek Greek Relief Relief Association, Association, aa paper paper the Regiment of army to Greek The following army sympathetic sympathetic to Greek independence. independence. The following year year he he moved Philadelphia, and in November November 1825, received aa commis commismoved to to Philadelphia, and in 1825, he he received sion as Colombia via via sion as fourth fourth officer officer on on aa frigate frigate La La Plata Plata bound bound for for Colombia New New York. York. The The adventure adventure turned turned into intoaadisaster, disaster, and andLinnaeus Linnaeus rere turned taxidermy and in the the running turned to to New New York York to to learn learn taxidermy and participate participate in running of of Rubens’ Rubens' New New York York museum. museum. Eventually, Eventually, he he returned returned to to PhiladelPhiladel phia phia where where he he died died at at age age thirty-eight. thirty-eight.
Benjamin Franklin Franklin Peale Peale Benjamin
Benjamin Franklin Franklin Peale Peale [BFP] [BFP]was wasthe thefirst firstchild childtoto be be born born in Benjamin in the the Hall of of the the American American Philosophical Philosophical Society, Hall Society, an an event which took took place place event which on October Named by by the on October 15, 15, 1795. 1795. Named the members members of of the the society society at at the the request request ofhis of his father, father, he he was was virtually virtually baptized baptized into into the the scientific scientific life. life. Franklin Franklin Peale's Peale’s formal formal education education was few years years at at aa was limited limited to to aa few country school inin Bucks Bucks County, County aa short country school short Stint stint atat the the University University of of Pennsylvania, another another brief brief stay stay at at the the Germantown Germantown Academy, Pennsylvania, Academy, and and an an
19 The t9 Peale Family Family Papers Papers The Peale
apprenticeship Brandywine, Delaware. Delaware. An An excellent excellent apprenticeship inin aa factory factory at at Brandywine, draftsman, he became became skilled skilled in the use use of of tools tools and and knowledgeable knowledgeable draftsman, he in the with respect respect to to machinery. machinery. with From 1831 1831 to 1833, Franklin Franklin Peale Peale lectured lectured on machines at at the the From to 1833, on machines Franklin Institute that time time on on remained remained an an Franklin Institute in in Philadelphia, Philadelphia, and and from from that active member member of of the the Institute, IX-B active Institute, as as the the Reports Reports included included in in Series Series IX-B testify. the United United States States Mint Mint as as testify. In In 1833, 1833, he he was was employed employed by by the Assistant Assayer Europe to to examine examine innovations innovations in in Assistant Assayer and and was was sent sent to to Europe coinage procedures. in 1835, 1835, he he prepared prepared an an extensive extensive coinage procedures. Returning Returning in report of great usefulness inin the mechanical pro report of great usefulness the development development of of the the mechanical processes coinage. cesses involved involved in in coinage. Franklin Peale his position position as as Chief Chief Coiner Coiner atat the the Franklin Peale retired retired from from his Mint in 1854. 1854. In 1864, he he was was elected elected president president of of the the Hazelton Hazelton Coal Coal Mint in In 1864, and Rail Rail Road in which which position position he he remained remained until until 1867, 1867, and Road Company, Company, in when from active active business business life. life. For For many many years, years, he he was was aa when he he retired retired from member of of the the Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Academy Academy ofofthe the Fine Fine Arts Arts and and the the MusiMusi member cal Fund he was was president at the cal Fund Society Society of of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, of of which which he president at the time time of his also aa manager of the the Pennsylvania Institution for for of his death. death. He He was was also manager of Pennsylvania Institution the Instruction Instruction of of the the Blind Blind and and president president ofofitit from from 1863 1863 toto his his death; death; the and of the American Philosophical Philosophical Society Society from from 1833 1833 to to his and aa member member of the American his death. During the the 1860s, 1860s, he he became became interested interested inin archaeological archaeological rere death. During mains from from the the Stone Stone Age Age and and succeeded succeeded inin collecting collecting more more than than mains twelve hundred specimens implements recovered around twelve hundred specimens of of implements recovered in in the the area area around the of these these were were presented presented toto the the the Delaware Delaware Water Water Gap. Gap. Photographs Photographs of Smithsonian Institution Institution along along with with aa short Smithsonian short text text on on the thesubject subject (see (see Series Series IX-B). IX-B). Franklin Peale’s to Eliza Eliza Greatrake Franklin Peale's first first marriage marriage to Greatrake was was terminated terminated by annulment annulment in in 1821 1821 when when she she was was declared declared insane. insane. He He had had one one by daughter, Anna Anna (18 16-1906), who who remained remained single. single. He He married married Mrs. daughter, (1816—1906), Mrs. Caroline Girard Girard Haslam Haslam inin 1839. 1839. Caroline
Titian Ramsay Peale Peale [II] [II] Titian Ramsay
Titian the youngest youngest son Titian Ramsay Ramsay Peale Peale [II] [II] [TRP2], [TRP2], the son and and next next toto the the last last child of of Charles Charles Willson Willson Peale Peale and and his hissecond secondwife wifeElizabeth ElizabethDePeyster DePeyster child
Peale, born inin November November1799 1799ininPhiladelphia's Philadelphia’s Philosophical Philosophical Peale, was was born Hall, where his his parents parents tended tended their their museum museum and and the the American American Hall, where Philosphical except for for Philosphical Society’s Society's collections. collections. Educated Educated by by his his father, father, except two years of he was was apprenticed apprenticed atat two years of formal formal schooling schooling in in Germantown, Germantown, he age age thirteen thirteen to to aa factory factory near near Wilmington, Wilmington, Delaware, Delaware, to to learn learn machine machine manufacturing. After After aa short short stint stint there there and and atat his his brother brother Franklin's Franklin’s manufacturing. cotton mill in Germantown, cotton mill in Germantown, he he entered entered his his father's father’s museum, museum, now now directed by his half-brother Rubens, where he learned how to preserve directed by his half-brother Rubens, where he learned how to preserve specimens and and manage manage museum museum programs. programs. specimens
20 The Peale Peale Family Family Papers Papers 20 The
In 1817, In 1817, Titian Titian drew drew the the plates plates for forThomas ThomasSay's Say’sAmerican American a reputation as an artistEntomology (1817), thereby achieving a reputation as an artist(1817), thereby achieving Entomology
naturalist and and election election to Academy of naturalist to the the Academy of Natural Natural Sciences Sciences in in PhiladelPhiladel phia. In December December 1817, 1817, he accompanied Say, and phia. In he accompanied Say, George George Ord, Ord, and William and collecting collecting expedition to the the William Maclure Maclure on on an an exploring exploring and expedition to islands off Georgia Georgia and and eastern Florida, the islands off eastern Florida, the first first of of several several scientific scientific expeditions that that were were to to take take him him halfway halfway around around the the world. world. In expeditions In 1819, 1819, he accompanied the AmeriAmeri he accompanied the the Long, Long, or or Yellowstone, Yellowstone, Expedition Expedition to to the traveled with can 1838 and 1842, he he traveled with the the Wilkes Wilkes can West; West; and and between between 1838 and 1842, Expedition to to the the Antarctic, Antarctic, Australia, Australia, and Ocean. Expedition and the the Pacific Pacific Ocean. In January January 1843, Titian was was elected elected manager manager of of the In 1843, Titian the Philadelphia Philadelphia Museum, Museum, but but resigned resigned toto go go toto Washington Washington toto arrange arrange the the collections collections from Expedition and and write write aa report. from the the Wilkes Wilkes Expedition report. When When the the volume volume Mammalogyand andOrnithology, Ornithology,was waspublished publishedinin1848, 1848,however, however,its itscircu circuMammalogy lation was was suppressed suppressed by by Charles for both both political lation Charles Wilkes Wilkes for political and and scienscien tific reasons, andjohn Cassin’sMammalogy Mammalogy and and Ornithology Ornithology (1858) (1858) was was tific reasons, and John Cassin's published in its its place place (see (see Series published in Series VIII-C). VIII-C). The The latter latter part part ofof Titian Titian Ramsay Ramsay Peale's Peale’s life life was was spent spent as as an an examiner the United examiner inin the United States States Patent Patent Office, Office, aa situation situation constantly constantly disturbed Laforgue, died disturbed by by political political intrigues. intrigues. His His first first wife, wife, Eliza Eliza Laforgue, died inin 1846, and in in 1850 he married Lucinda MacMullen. MacMullen. He He retired retired to 1846, and 1850 he married Lucinda to Pennsylvania 1873 where where he heresumed resumed the the work work he he had had started started many Pennsylvania inin 1873 many years earlier- "The years earlier— “TheButterflies ButterfliesofofNorth N orthAmerica" America”(see (see series series VIII-C). VIII-C). Though never and beautiful beautiful draw drawThough never published, published, this this book, book, by by its its careful careful and ings, ings, reveals reveals Titian Titian as as both both aa naturalist naturalist and and an an artist artist (see (see Series Series XIII). XIII). Angelica Kauffmann Peale Peale Robinson Robinson Angelica Kauffmann Sophonisba Sophonisba Angusciola Angusciola Peale Peale Sellers Sellers Sybilla Miriam Peale Summers Sybilla Miriam Peale Summers Elizabeth DePeyster Peale Patterson Elizabeth DePeyster Peale Patterson
Charles Willson WillsonPeale Pealehad hadfour four daughters daughters who who lived lived to Charles to maturity: maturity: Angelica Angelica Kauffmann Kauffmann Peale PealeRobinson Robinson [APR], [APR], Sophonisba Sophonisba Angusciola Angusciola Peale [SyMP], and and Peale Sellers Sellers [SPS], [SPS], Sybilla SybillaMiriam Miriam Peale Peale Summers Summers [SyMP], Elizabeth DePeyster DePeyster Peale Peale Patterson Patterson [EP], [EP]. Although Elizabeth Although Peale Peale believed believed that girls that girls should should be educated equally and gave gave his his be educated equally with with boys boys and daughters, as as he he did did his his sons, sons, drawing drawing and and painting painting lessons, lessons, none none of of daughters, the daughters daughters pursued pursued professional professional careers, did CW CWP's the careers, as as did P’s nieces nieces Sarah Sarah Miriam and Anna Miriam Peale Peale and Anna Claypoole Claypoole Peale Peale (daughters (daughters ofofJames James Peale). Peale). Perhaps Peale had had the the highest highest hopes hopes for for Angelica Angelica (1775-1853), (1775-1853), whom whom Perhaps Peale he portrayed at fifteen taking taking the the brush brush from he portrayed at age age fifteen from his his hand hand as as aa gesture gesture of continuing of continuing his his artistic artistic interests. interests. (Anelica (Angelica with with her her Father Father and and aa Portrait of Portrait of Rachel, Rachel, c.c. 1790: 1790:Museum Museumof ofFine FineArts, Arts,Boston). Boston). However, However, in in 1794, Angelica Angelicamarried marriedthe theBritish-born British-born planter planter Alexander Alexander Robinson, Robinson, 1794, who who was was never never comfortable comfortable with with the the family's family’s museum museum associations associations and who would and who would certainly certainly have have never never countenanced countenanced aa painter's painter’s career career for for his his wife. wife. She She bore bore eight eight children, children, six six of of whom whom survived survived into into
21 The 21 The Peale Peale Family Family Papers Papers
adulthood. was spent spent in in Baltimore, Baltimore, where where her her adulthood. Most Most ofof her her married married life life was husband prominent merchant. husband became became aa prominent merchant.Peale's Peale’saffection affection for for Angelica Angelica and his are revealed and his respect respect for for her her intellectual intellectual capacities capacities are revealed inin their their correspondence, in in which he discussed discussed at at great great length length his his latest latest inven invencorrespondence, which he tions, tions, the the education education of of his his children, children, and and events events of of the the time. time. Sophonisba (1786-1859) in Philadelphia Philadelphia on on April April 24, 24, Sophonisba (1786-1859) was was born born in 1786. Given Given the the responsibility responsibility of of her her father’s father's household household at eighteen 1786. at age age eighteen when when her her stepmother stepmother Elizabeth Elizabeth DePeyster DePeyster Peale Peale died, died, Sophy Sophy occaocca sionally found found-time paint fruit-pieces. fruit-pieces. Marriage sionally time toto paint Marriage to to Coleman Coleman Sellers Sellers (1781-1834) (1781-1834) of of Philadelphia Philadelphia inin 1805 1805 and and the the responsibilities responsibilities ofof raising raising her her own own family family of of six sixchildren, children, maintaining maintaining the the family family correcorre spondence, and his spondence, and seeing seeing toto her her father's father’sneeds needs during duringthe thelater lateryears years ofofhis life seem seem to to have life have prevented prevented her her from from engaging engaging inin any any meaningful meaningful artistic activities. artistic activities. Sybilla (1797-1856) and and Elizabeth Elizabeth DePeyster DePeyster (1802(1802Sybilla Miriam Miriam (1797-1856) 1857) weredaughters daughters of of CWP CWP by by his his second second wife, wife, Elizabeth DePeys1857) were Elizabeth DePeys ter Peale. Both Both attended attended Septimus Septimus Roberts' Roberts’ boarding boarding school school near near ter Peale. Wilmington, Wilmington, Delaware, Delaware, inin 1813. 1813. Although Although the the school's school’s program program was was considered excellent, was not particularly oriented oriented toto encouraging encouraging considered excellent, itit was not particularly careers for young women. women. Both Both were were young youngbrides: brides: Sybilla Sybilla was was careers for young married to to Andrew Andrew Summers Summers (1795-1843) (1795-1843) inin1815 1815 atat age age eighteen, eighteen, married and bore and bore eleven eleven children, children, eight eight of of whom whom survived survived toto maturity. maturity. Elizabeth was to William William Augustus Augustus Patterson Patterson in in 1819 1819 at at age age Elizabeth was married married to seventeen. of whom whom survived survived to to adultadult seventeen. She She had had four four children, children, two two of hood. As far far as as we we know, know, neither neither Sybilla Sybilla oror Elizabeth Elizabeth developed developed aa hood. As distinctive interest interest in in either distinctive either art art or or science. science.
1.1. CWP to Charles Charles Linnaeus Linnaeus Peale, Peale, Jan. Jan. 8,8, 1826. 1826. Also Also see Rem CWP to see CWP CWP to to Rembrandt Peale, Feb. Feb. 12, 12, 1826; 1826; CW P to to Angelica Angelica Peale Peale Robinson, March 2,2, brandt Peale, CWP Robinson, March 1826; P toto Eliza Peale, March March 3,3, 1826. 1826. LB LB 18, 18, PPAmP (Series 1826;CW CWP Eliza Patterson Patterson Peale, PPAmP (Series II_A).* II-A).* 2. Charles Peale (New (New York, York, 1969), 2. Charles Coleman ColemanSellers, Sellers,Charles CharlesWillson Willson Peale 1969), 204. 204. 3. Ms. Autobiography.PPAmP PPAmP(Series (Series11-C). II-C). 3. Ms. Autobiography. Ibid. 4.4. Ibid. 5. See Lillian B. Miller, Miller,Patrons Patronsand andPatriotism. Patriotism.The TheEncouragement Encouragementofofthe theFine Fine 5. See Lillian B. Arts in the the United UnitedStates, States,1790—1860 1790-1860 (Chicago, (Chicago, 1966, 103-28; Sellers, Arts in 1966, 1974), 1974), 103-28; Sellers, Peale, 321-22. 321-22. Peale, 6. CWP CWP to to ThomasJefferson,Jan. Thomas Jefferson, Jan.25,25,1824. 1824.LB LB18, 18,PPAmP PPAmP(Series (Series11-A). II-A). 6. 7.7. See See Gordon Wood, TheRising The RisingGlory Glory of of America Gordon Wood, America(New (New York, York, 1971), 1971), 5-6. 5-6.
22 22
The Peale The Peale Family Family Papers Papers
Hugh Honour, (Harmondsworth, England, 8. Hugh Honour, Neo-Classicisni Neo-Classicism (Harmondsworth, England, 1968), 1968), 19. 19. 9. CWP CWP to to Titian Titian Ramsay Ramsay Peale, Peale, Feb. Feb. 20, 20, 1820. 1820. LB LB 16, 16, PPAmP PPAmP (Series (Series 9. II-A). TI-A). 10. CWP to to ThomasJefferson, Thomas Jefferson,July July3,3,1820. 1820.LB LB16, 16,PPAmP PPAmP(Series (Series11-A). II-A). 10. CWP 11. CWP to Coleman Coleman Sellers, Sellers, Jan. Jan. 2,2, 1819. 1819. LB LB 16, 16, PPAmP PPAmP(Series (Series11-A). II-A). CWP to 11. 12. CWP, CWP, “A "A Walk Walk with with aa Friend Friend inin the the Philadelphia PhiladelphiaMuseum, Museum, 1805-6.” 1805-6." 12. PHi (Series II-D). PHi (Series II-D). Ms. Autobiography; 13. Ms. Autobiography;CWP, CWP,Discourse DiscourseIntroductory Introductory toto aa Course Course of of Lectures Lectures 13. November 8, 1800 (Philadelphia, 1800), 6, 9, 42-43 on the Science of Nature. . . November 8, 1800 (Philadelphia, 1800), 6 ,9 ,4 2 —43 on the Science ofNature. (Series also see see Daniel DanielJ.J. Boorstin, Boorstin,TheTheLost LostWorld WorldofofThomas ThomasJefferson Jefferson (Series II-D); H-D); also (Boston, 1948,1963), (Boston, 1948, 1963), 173-185. 173-185. DiscourseIntroductory, Introductory,32-33. 32-33. 14. Discourse 14. Ibid., 35. 35. 15. Ibid., 15. Ibid., 35. 35. 16. 16. Ibid., Ms. Autobiography. Autobiography. 17. 17. Ms. Quoted in in Sellers, Sellers, CWP CWP, 349. 349. 18. Quoted 18. Discourse Introductory, Introductory,7—8. 7-8. 19. Discourse 19. 20. 20. CWP Jefferson, Jan. Jan. 1,1, 1824. 1824. LB LB 18, 18, PPAmP (Series II-A). CWP to to Thomas ThomasJefferson, PPAmP (Series Il-A). 21. 21. Irma Irma Jaffe, Jaffe,John American Revolution Revolution (Bos(BosJohn Trumbull, Trumbull, Patriot-Artist Patriot-Artist ofof the the American ton, 1975), 1975), 79, P to to Supreme Supreme Executive Executive Council Council of of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania, ton, 79, 235; 235; CW CWP June 2, 2, 1780. 1780. NYPL. Misc. Papers Papers (Series (Series Il-A). II-A). June NYPL. Misc. 22. 22. CWP CWP to to Supreme Supreme Executive Executive Council, Council, June June 2,2, 1780. 1780. 23. CWPtotoThomasJefferson, Thomas Jefferson,Jan. Jan.1,1,1819. 1819.LB LB16, 16, PPAmP PPAmP (Series (Series Il-A). II-A). 23. CWP 24. CWP 24. to Angelica Feb. 22, 22,1820. LB 16, 16, PPAmP (Series CWP to Angelica Peale Peale Robinson, Robinson, Feb. 1820. LB PPAmP (Series Il-A). II-A). 25. CWPtotoTitian TitianRamsay RamsayPeale, Peale,March March20, 20,1819. 1819. LB LB 16, 16, PPAmP PPAmP (Series (Series 25. CWP II-A). Il-A). 26. CWP 26. to Titian Titian Ramsay Ramsay Peale, Peale, Feb. Feb. 20, 20, 1820. 1820. LB LB 16, 16, PPAmP PPAmP (Series (Series CWP to Il-A). II-A). 8
** For key to to the the abbreviations abbreviations used used in in these these footnotes, footnotes, see For aa key see the the list list of of Lending Lending Institutions Institutions beginning beginning on on p. 33 of of this this Guide. Guide. p. 33
The history The history of of the the Peale Peale Papers Papers begins begins inin the the eighteenth eighteenth century. century. Having been been trained trained as as aa clerk clerk in in the the British British post post office office to to maintain maintain Having copies and and records records of of governmental copies governmental transactions, transactions, Charles Charles Peale Peale concon tinued the the practice tinued practice in in exile exile by by keeping keeping aa Letterbook, Letterbook, in in which which he he wrote wrote drafts of of letters to be be sent sent overseas. overseas. His His son son Charles Charles Willson Willson drafts letters intended intended to Peale must must have have learned learned from from his Peale his father father to to keep keep similar similar records, records, aa practice made easier easier with with the the invention practice made invention of of the the po'ygraph. polygraph. When When Charles Willson try their their Charles WillsonPeale’s Peale'ssons sonswent wentout out into into the the world world to to try various fortunes, fortunes, he journals and various he frequently frequently advised advised them them to to maintain maintain journals and copies for their their own own amusement amusement asas well well as as for copies of of their their correspondence, correspondence, for for posterity. As As aa result, large archive within the the family, family, with with posterity. result, aa large archive developed developed within individual members drawing drawing upon individual members upon itit atat various various times times as as they they were were moved moved to to write write the the family's family’s history history oror the the biography biography ofoftheir their famous famous ancestor. Willson Peale Peale himself consulted his his letters and diaries diaries ancestor. Charles Charles Willson himself consulted letters and when, when, in in his his later later years, years, he he was was prevailed prevailed upon upon by by his his daughter daughter Sophonisba his memoirs. memoirs. In In some some Sophonisba and and his his grandchildren grandchildren to to write write his instances, he he copied copied his his diaries diaries verbatim; verbatim; in he used the material material instances, in others, others, he used the to jog his to jog his memory memory and and provide providefacts facts and and dates dates for for the the autobiography. autobiography. Rembrandt Peale Peale was was the the first first ofofCharles Charles Willson Willson Peale's Peale’s children children Rembrandt to attempt publication publication ofofhis his father's father’s memoirs memoirs or or aa biography based on on to attempt biography based them. In January 1855, he he wrote wrote aa sketch sketch of of his his father father for for The The Crayon Crayon them. In January 1855, (see Series he (see SeriesVI-B). VI-B). Failing, Failing, however, however, to to produce produce aa full-scale full-scale volume, volume, he asked his Lossing, the the author author ofof the the popular popularPictorial Pictorial asked his friend friend Benson Benson J. J. Lossing, Field Book Bookoof theRevolution Revolution(1850-52) (1850-52)and andother otherbooks books on on American Field f the American history, assume the task and over many many of of the the papers papers and and history, to to assume the task and turned turned over diaries him-not, diaries toto him — not,however, however,before beforeremoving removinghis hisfather's father’ssignature signature from some some of of the the letters letters to to oblige oblige autograph-seeking autograph-seeking friends. friends. Lossing Lossing from seems produced aa seems to to have have retained retained the the papers papers for for aa time, time, but but he he never never produced biography, or if he he did, did, the the costs costs of of publishing publishing such such aa book, book, which which biography, or if
24 The Peale Peale Family Family Papers Papers 24 The
would have have fallen fallen to to the the family, family,were were too too high. high. According According to to Charles would Charles Coleman Sellers, Sellers, itit was was atat this some of of the letters Coleman this time time that that some the interesting interesting letters Letterbook, to Peale and of his his diaries diaries were The 1806 1806 Letterbook, to Peale and some some of were scattered. scattered. The
for instance, came the possession possession of of the the Reverend Reverend Winthrop Winthrop for instance, came into into the Phelps of Monterey in the Berkshire Hills of Massachusetts. When the the Phelps of Monterey in the Berkshire Hills of Massachusetts. When Phelps was discovered discovered Phelps farmstead farmstead was was sold sold about about 1970, 1970, the the Letterbook Letterbook was in aa “weather-beaten-box’‘ "weather-beaten-box" containing books used used by by Phelps Phelps while while aa in containing books University in in 1830. How itit had student atat Ne New York York University 1830. How had come come into into student The Amer AmerPhelps’s has never ascertained.1 The Phelps's possession, possession, however, however, has never been been ascertained.1 ican ican Philosophical Philosophical Society Society purchased purchased the the 1806 1806Letterbook Letterbook along along with with other items items and and added added itit to to the the Peale PealeCollection, Collection, which which had had earlier been other earlier been placed that institution institution by by the thefamily. family. Some SomePeale Pealedocdoc placed on on deposit deposit in in that uments never recovered, others found found their uments were were never recovered, while while others their way way toto librarlibrar ies the country, such as ies throughout throughout the country, such as the the Huntington Huntington Library Library in in York.2 California ew York.2 California and and the the Fordham Fordham University University Library Library in in NNew When Rembrandt Peale died, the task task of of publishing biography When Rembrandt Peale died, the publishing aa biography of Charles of Charles Willson Willson Peale Pealefell felltotohis hisyounger youngerhalf-brother, half-brother, Titian Titian Ram Ramsay Peale [II], [II],who whotranscribed transcribed much much of of what what his his father father had had written written and say Peale and added some some material material of of his his own. own. Some added Some of of these these transcriptions transcriptions are are owned by M orristown National National Historical Historical Park at Morristown, M orristown, owned by the the Morristown Park at New Jersey. With With his NewJersey. his wife, wife, Lucinda Lucinda MacMullen MacMullen Peale, Peale, Titian Titian attempt attempted obtain subscriptions but ed to to obtain subscriptions and and find find aa publisher publisher for for the the volume, volume, but again death in in again failed failedbecause becauseof ofthe the prohibitive prohibitive costs. costs. After After Titian’s Titian's death 1885, the thepapers paperssomehow somehow came came into into the the possession possession of of Charles Charles Henry Henry 1885, Hart, art and expert, Hart, art dealer dealer and expert, who who sold sold them them inin 1910 1910 to to Horace Horace Wells Wells Sellers, her husband, husband, Sellers, grandson grandson ooff Peale’s Peale's daughter daughter Sophonisba Sophonisba and and her Coleman Sellers.3 Coleman Sellers.3 At At the the time, time, Horace Horace Wells Wells Sellers Sellers was in was involved involved in bringing together bringing together and and preserving preserving not not only only the the letters letters and and records records of of the Sellers Sellers family the Peales Peales the familyof ofPhiladelphia, Philadelphia, some some of of which which related related to to the and and the the museum, museum, but but also also the the Peale Peale papers. papers. He He indexed indexed and andtranstrans cribed of lost lost cribed Peale’s Peale's diaries diariesand and autobiography, autobiography,restored restored aa number number of items, and research on on the the collection in anticipation anticipation of items, and did did research collection in of publishing publishing the the material. material. Seller's Seller’s transcriptions transcriptions and and notes notes are included in in this this are included microfiche collection. microfiche collection. The The task task and and hopes hopes ofofHorace HoraceWells Wells Sellers Sellers were were inherited by his his inherited by son Charles Charles Coleman as he he tells tells the the story story himself, himself, son Coleman Sellers, Sellers, who, who, as “succeeded, biog "succeeded, through through various various vicissitudes, vicissitudes, inin completing completing the the biography, although although in raphy, in his his hands hands the the collection collection lacked lacked adequate adequate care care and and was exposed exposedtotothe thehazards hazardsofoflife lifeinina aremote remotevillage— village-with was with particuparticu larly larly tense tense moments moments during during aa chimney chimney fire fire and and the the New New England England hurricane of of 1938.”4 1938." Dr. hurricane Dr. Sellers Sellers also also added added documents documents to to the the colleccollec tion, to the the American American Philosophical tion, which which he he sold sold in in 1945 1945 to Philosophical Society. Society. The the Smithsonian Smithsonian Institution Institution was The National National Portrait Portrait Gallery Gallery of of the was
25 25
The The Peale Peale Family Family Papers Papers
established establishedby by act act of of Congress Congress in in 1962. 1962. Between Between the the time time of of its its establishment and and its its formal formal inauguration inauguration in in the establishment the old old Patent Patent Office Office Building in in 1968, 1968, its its director, director, Dr. Dr. Charles Charles Nagel, Nagel, and and its its historian, historian, Dr. Dr. Building Daniel Daniel Reed, Reed, developed developed the the idea idea of of preparing preparing aa microfilm microfilm edition edition of of the papers papers of of Charles Charles Willson Peale. Dr. the Willson Peale. Dr. Reed Reed held held discussions discussions with with Dr. of American American art art and and at at the director Dr. E. E. P. P. Richardson, Richardson, historian historian of the time time director of the the Winterthur Museum; Dr. Dr. Julian P. Boyd, editor of of the the Thomas Thomas of Winterthur Museum; Julian P. Boyd, editor Jefferson Jefferson Papers; Papers; Dr. Dr. Whitfield Whitfield Bell, Bell, librarian librarian of of the the American American Philo Philosophical Society; Oliver Oliver Wendell Holmes,Jr., sophical Society; Wendell Holmes, Jr.,executive executive director director ofofthe the National National Historical Historical Publications Publications Commission; Commission; and and Dr. Dr. Charles Charles ColeCole man Sellers, Sellers, Peale’s and librarian librarian atat Dickinson Dickinson College, College, man Peale's biographer, biographer, and Carlisle, Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania. He Carlisle, He became became convinced convinced that that such such aa project project was was feasible and would would be feasible and be of of great great scholarly scholarly usefulness. usefulness. However, However, Dr. Dr. Reed left left the the National National Portrait to join join the Reed Portrait Gallery Gallery in in 1968 1968 to the National National Archives, and was postponed. postponed. Archives, and the the project project was In the gallery gallery assumed In July July 1971, 1971, the the new new historian historian of of the assumed her her duties. duties. Dr. Lillian B. M Miller's Dr. Lillian B. iller’s interests interests within within the the field field of of American American cultural cultural and intellectual history were were oriented oriented toward toward American art history and intellectual history American art history and the the development development of and of cultural cultural institutions institutions inin the the nineteenth nineteenth century. century. With the the encouragement encouragement of Marvin Sadik, With of Marvin Sadik, the the gallery's gallery’s new new director, director, and Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., Jr., who who had and of of Oliver Wendell Holmes, had urged urged the the publication publication of of the Peale Papers valuable toto the N ation,” she she the Peale Papers as as “appropriate "appropriate and and valuable the Nation," resuscitated the the project. project. resuscitated On On May May 1, 1,1973, 1973, the theNational National Historical Historical Publications Publications Commission Commission — Dr.E.E.Berkeley Berkeley Tompkins, Tompkins, director-adopted director— adoptedaaformal formal resolution resolution -Dr. approving the plan of of the the National National Portrait Portrait Gallery Gallery to to publish publish in in approving the plan microform and and book book edition edition the thePeale PealeFamily FamilyPapers Papersand andrecomrecom microform mended the worthy of of support. support. In In 1974, 1974, the the National National mended the project project as as worthy Endowment for the the Humanities Humanities granted granted the the National National Portrait Portrait Gallery Gallery Endowment for cost-sharing funds funds "to “to prepare prepare the thepapers papers ofofCharlesWillson Charles Willson Peale Peale and and cost-sharing for a definitive microfilm the members of of his his immediate immediate family family . . . for a definitive microfilm the members edition." edition.” The The stated stated goal goal was was totosearch search out outPeale Peale material material inin private private hands public institutions, institutions, assemble hands and and public assemble the the entire entire collection, collection, and and index index and edit to filming. filming. This This microfiche microfiche edition edition and edit the the materials materials preparatory preparatory to of the of Charles Willson Peale Peale and of the Papers Papers of Charles Willson and His His Family Family is is the the fulfillment fulfillment of goal. of that that goal. .
1. See SeeW. W.Bell BelltotoCharles CharlesColeman ColemanSellers, Sellers,March March25, 25,1970, 1970,ininCharles Charles Coleman Sellers’s possession. possession. Coleman Sellers's 1.
2. Charles CharlesColeman ColemanSellers, Sellers,"The “ThePeale-Sellers Peale-SellersCollection," Collection,” American 2. TheThe American Book1945 1945(Philadelphia, (Philadelphia,1946), 1946),74—5. 74-5. Philosophical Society .. .. . Year Year Book Philosophical Society
26 The Peale Peale Family Family Papers Papers 26 The
3. 3.
Letter LetterofofCharles CharlesColeman ColemanSellers Sellerstotoeditor, editor,May May4,4,1978. 1978.Peale PealePapers Papers Office. Office.
4. Sellers,"The “ThePeale-Sellers Peale-SellersCollection," Collection,”op.op.cit., cit.,75. 75.See SeeCharles CharlesColeCole 4. Sellers, man man Sellers, Sellers, The The Artist Artist of of the the Revolution: Revolution: The The Early Early Life Life of of Charles Charles Willson Willson Peale Peale (Hebron, Conn., The Early (Hebron, Conn.,1939); 1939);Charles CharlesWillson Willson Peale, Peale, Volume Volume I:I: The Early Life Life (1741-1790); II: Later (1741-1790)', Volume Volume II: Later Life Life (1790-1827). (1790-1827).Memoirs Memoirs ofofthe theAmerican American Philosophical Sellers later later PhilosophicalSociety, Society,Vol. Vol.23, 23,Part Part22 (Philadelphia, (Philadelphia, 1947). 1947). Dr. Dr. Sellers published aa revised revised version published version of o f the the two-volume two-volum ebiography, biography,Charles CharlesWillson Willson Peale (New York, Peale (New York, 1969). 1969).
Baltimore Municipal Baltimore Municipal Museum. Museum.An A n Exhibition Exhibition of of Paintings Paintings by by Rembrandt Rembrandt Peale. Peale. (Baltimore, 1937). (Baltimore, 1937). Cincinnati Cincinnati Art Art Museum. Museum.Paintings Paintingsby by the the Peale Peale Family Family (Cincinnati, (Cincinnati, 1954). 1954). Detroit Institute Detroit Institute ofo fArts. Arts.The ThePeale PealeFamily; Family;Three ThreeGenerations Generations of of American American Artists (Detroit, 1967). Artists (Detroit, 1967). Ellis, Richard RP. "The “The Founding, Founding, History, History, and andSignificance Significance ofofPeale's Peale’s Ellis, Richard Museum Museum in in Philadelphia, Philadelphia, 1785-1841," 1785-1841,”Curator, Curator, vol. vol. 9(1966), 9 (1966), no. no. 3,3, 235-58. 235-58. Faxon, Walter. Faxon, Walter. Relics Relics of s Museum Mass., 1915). 1915). Peale's Museum(Cambridge, (Cambridge, Mass., of Peale’ Haskell, Daniel Daniel C.C.The TheUnited UnitedStates Statesexploring exploringexpedition expedition 1838-1842 1838-1842 and and its its Haskell, publications1844-1874— 1844-1874-a abibliography publications bibliography (New (New York, York, 1942). 1942). Hunter, Wilbur Wilbur H. H. and andJohn JohnMahey. Mahey.Miss MissSarah SarahMiriam Miriam Peale, Peale, 1800 1800—1885; Hunter, -1885; portraits 1967). portraits and and still-life still-I fe(Baltimore, (Baltimore, 1967). Hunter, Wilbur Hunter, Wilbur Harvey. Harvey.The ThePeale PealeFamily FamilyandandPeale's Peale’Baltimore s BaltimoreMuseum, Museum, 1814-1830 (Baltimore, 1814-1830 (Baltimore, 1965). 1965). Hunter, Hunter, Wilbur WilburHarvey HarveyRendezvous Rendezvousfor fo rTaste; Taste;ananexhibition exhibitioncelebrating celebratingthe the 25th 25th anniversary of the Peale 1956). anniversary Peale Museum Museum (Baltimore, (Baltimore, 1956). of the Commissions; The The Peale Peale ColMaryland Historical HistoricalSociety. Society.Four FourGenerations Generations of of Commissions; Col Maryland lection lection . . . (Baltimore, (Baltimore, 1975). 1975). Marzio, Peter Peter C.C.The TheArt ArtCrusade; Crusade;anananalysis analysis of of American American drawing drawing manuals, manuals, Marzio, 1820-1860 (Washington, (Washington, 1976). 1976). 1820-1860 Milwaukee Art Art Center Center and andKnoedler KnoedlerGallery, Gallery, New NewYork. York.Raphaelle Raphaelle Peale Peale Milwaukee (New York, York, 1959). 1959). (New an Exhibition of Portraits Port raits by Pennsylvania Academy Academy ofo fthe the Fine Fine Arts. Arts. Catalog Catalog of Exhibition of by Pennsylvania of an Charles U'llson Willson Peale Peale and and James Peale and Charles James Peale and Rembrandt RembrandtPeale Peale (Philadel (Philadelphia, phia, 1923). 1923). Poesch, Jesse. Jesse. Titian Peale, 1779-1885, 1779-1885, and Journals of of the Poesch, Titian Ramsay Ramsay Peale, and His His Journals the V'flkes Wilkes Expedition 1961). Expedition (Philadelphia, (Philadelphia, 1961). Sellers, Charles Coleman. Coleman.Portraits Portraitsand andMiniatures Miniatures by by Charles Charles Willson Willson Peale. Peale. Sellers, Charles American Philosophical PhilosophicalSociety, Society,Transactions, Transactions, 1952. 1952. American .
The Peale 28 Peale Family Family Papers Papers 28 The
Sellers, Charles Charles Coleman. Coleman. "Rubens Sellers, “Rubens Peale: Peale: AA Painter's Painter’sDecade," Decade,”Art ArtQuarterly, Quarterly, vol. 23, vol. 23, no. no. 22 (Summer, (Summer, 1960). 1960). Sellers, Charles Charles Coleman. Peale (New (New York, York, 1969). Sellers, Coleman. Charles Charles Willson Willson Peale 1969). Sellers, Sellers, Charles Charles Coleman. Coleman.Charles CharlesWillson Willson Peale Peale with with Patron Patron and and Populace; Populace; aa Supplement toto Portraits . Amer Supplement Portraits and andMiniatures Miniaturesby byCharles Charles Willson WillsonPeale Peale. American Philosophical Philosophical Society, Society, Transactions, newseries, series,vol. vol.56, 56, part part 33 ican Transactions, new (Philadelphia, (Philadelphia, 1969). 1969). Sellers, Charles Coleman. Coleman. Mr. Mr. Peale's Peale’s Museum Museum 1784-1854. 1784 —1854. Charles Charles Willson Willson Sellers, Charles Natural Science andArt. Art. (New (New Peale and and the the First First Popular Popular Museum Museum of of Natural Science and Peale York, York, 1980). 1980). Sellers, Horace Wells. Enravins bybyCharles Limner. Reprinted Reprinted Sellers, Horace Wells. Engravings CharlesWillson Willson Peale, Peale, Limner. History and and Biography Biography (April, (April, 1933). from Pennsylvania Magazine of of History from Pennsylvania Magazine 1933). Sherman, F. "Miniatures by by James James Peale Peale and and Edward Edward Greene Malbone," Sherman, F. F.F. “Miniatures Greene M albone,” Art Art in in America, America,vol. vol. 19 19(Feb., (Feb., 1931), 1931),89—94. 89-94. Sherman, F. "James Peale’s Peale's Portrait Portrait Miniatures, Miniatures, with Sherman, F. F.F. “James with list," list,”Art ArtininAmerica, America, vol. 19 (Aug., 1931), 208-21. vol. 19 (Aug., 1931), 208-21. Sherman, "Heretofore Unpublished Sherman, F. F. F.F. “Heretofore Unpublished Miniatures Miniatures by by James James Peale," Peale,”Art Art inin America, vol. 24 (Oct., 1936), 162-64. America, vol. 24 (Oct., 1936), 162 -64. Stanton, 1838 to to 1842 Stanton, William. William.The TheGreat GreatUnited UnitedStates StatesExplorinR Exploring Expedition Expedition of 1842 of 1838 (Berkeley, 1975). (Berkeley, 1975). Tyler, first United Tyler, David David B.B.The TheWilkes WilkesExpedition; Expedition;the thefirst United States States Exploring Exploring ExpediExpedi tion (Philadelphia, 1968). 1968). tion (1838-1840) (1838-1840) (Philadelphia, Whitehead, James L. L. “The "The Mission Mission ooff Benjamin Benjamin Franklin Franklin Peale Peale to to Europe, Europe, Whitehead, James 1833-1835," Pennsylvania History, vol. vol. 18 18 (1951), (1951), 197-212. 197-212. 1833-1835,” Pennsylvania History, Wilkes, Wilkes, Charles. Charles.Voyage Voyage Round Round the the World, World, Embracing Embracing the the Principal Principal Events Events of the of the Narrative of Narrative of the the United United States States Exploring Exploring Expedition Expedition in in One One Volume Volume (Philadelphia, (Philadelphia, 1849). 1849). Wood, Wood, Richard RichardG.G.Stephen Stephen Harriman Harriman Long, Long, 1784-1864; 1784—1864;army armyengineer, engineer, explorer, explorer, inventor (Glendale, (Glendale, Calif., Calif., 1966). inventor 1966).
An overriding overriding consideration consideration with with which which the the Peale Peale Papers Papers project project had An had to cope cope was was that that itit did did not not own own original materials. Therefore, Therefore, itit to original Peale Peale materials. was compelled compelled to to depend depend upon upon the was the cooperation cooperation ofof archival archival institutions institutions throughout the United United States States and and Europe Europe for for copies copies ofof Peale Peale docdoc throughout the
uments. Most Most important im portantwas wasthe thePeale-Sellers Peale-Sellers collection collection of of the the AmerAmer uments. ican Philosophical forms the the core core of of this this mimi ican Philosophical Society Society which, which, indeed, indeed, forms crofiche edition. We are are particularly particularly grateful grateful to to Dr. Dr. Whitfield Whitfield Bell, Bell, crofiche edition. We librarian of the American American Philosophical Philosophical Society, Society, and Murphy D. D. librarian of the and Murphy
Smith, curator curator of o f manuscripts, manuscripts,asaswell wellasas toto Carl Carl F.F. Miller Smith, Miller and and Stephen Stephen
Catlett, for their their cheerful cheerful and and generous generous responses responses to to our our constant constant Catlett, for requests. requests. The Society of of Pennsylvania the next next largest The Historical Historical Society Pennsylvania owns owns the largest collec collection of of Peale Peale documents, documents, and of the the efforts efforts of of tion and we we are are very very appreciative appreciative of the society’s Parker,Linda LindaStanley, Stanley, and and the society's manuscript manuscript room room staff—Peter staff-Peter Parker, Lucy fortheir theircooperation. cooperation.The Thestaffs staffsatatthe the Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Lucy Hrivnak— Hrivnak-for Academy of the the Fine Fine Arts, the Maryland Maryland Historical Historical Society, Society, the the Peale Peale Academy of Arts, the Museum in in Baltimore, Baltimore, the the Maryland Maryland Hall Hall ofofRecords, Records, Fordham Fordham UniU ni Museum versity, of Texas, versity, University University of Texas, Haverford Haverford Library, Library, the the Library Library of of Con Congress, Library, and and the the Archives Archives of gress, the the Huntington Huntington Library, of American American Art Art have have also been great assistance assistance inin providing clear copies also been ooff great providing us us with with clear copies of of the the Peale materials collections. We Nina Root, Root, Peale materials in in their their collections. We are are indebted indebted to to Nina librarian of the the American Museum of of Natural Natural History, librarian of American Museum History, for for making making availableTitian manuscript and available Titian Ramsay Ramsay Peale[II]'s Peale [II]’s manuscript and sketches sketches for for his his projected study of of “Lepidoptera,” "Lepidoptera," and and the the first first volume volume of of the the ms. projected study ms. journal kept kept by by W. W. H. H. Hudson, Hudson, commanding commanding officer officer of the U.S. U.S. journal of the Peacock on the Wilkes Wilkes Expedition. We are on the Expedition. We are also also grateful grateful to to the the National National Peacock Agricultural Agricultural Library Library at at Greenbelt, Greenbelt, Maryland, Maryland, which which kindly kindly permitted permitted us to photograph photograph Titian Titian Ramsay Ramsay Peale[I]'s Peale[I]’s "Drawings “Drawings of of American American us to Insects." Linda Simmons of of the the Corcoran Art in Insects.” Linda Simmons Corcoran Gallery Gallery of of Art in WashingWashing
30 The Peale Peale Family Family Papers Papers 30 The
ton, D .C ., generously generously provided provided us us with with references references to to Charles Charles Peale Peale ton, D.C., Polk that in the the minutes of the the First Baptist Church Church of of Polk that were were buried buried in minutes of First Baptist Washington, D.C. D.C. and public archives. archives. Many Many other other libraries, libraries, histor historWashington, and in in public ical societies, museums, museums, and and individuals individuals have have provided provided us us with with the ical societies, the almost six thousand items that constitute the Peale Papers. To all of almost six thousand items that constitute the Peale Papers. To all of these, these, whose whose names names and and institutions institutions are are listed listed below, below, we we owe owe aa special special thanks thanks for for their their cooperation. cooperation. We the Humanities Flumanities We are are grateful grateful toto the the National National Endowment Endowment for for the for two-year grant grant with for providing providing us us with with an an initial initial two-year with which which to to search search out Peale Peale manuscripts manuscripts and and organize organize them them for for microfiche microfiche reproduction. reproduction. out This grant grant was was matched matched by by the the Smithsonian Smithsonian Institution, Institution, to to whose whose This officers, particularly S. Dillon Dillon Ripley, Ripley, Secretary, Secretary, Dr. Dr. Charles Charles officers, particularly Dr. Dr. S. Blitzer, Assistant Assistant Secretary Secretaryfor forHistory History and and Art, Art, and Blitzer, and Marvin Marvin Sadik, Sadik, Director of the National National Portrait Portrait Gallery, Gallery, we we are are much much indebted. indebted. Director of the Individuals within the the Smithsonian—Joseph Smithsonian-Joseph Shealy, Individuals within Shealy, Mary M ary Alice Alice Nd.Nel son, Joseph Gallo, Gallo,Robert RobertFalconi— Falconi-have the burden burden of son, Joseph have eased eased the of bookbook keeping and keeping and financial financial organization. organization. Suzanne SuzanneJenkins, Jenkins, registrar registrar of of the the National Portrait Portrait Gallery, Gallery, cooperated cooperated cheerfully cheerfully inin the National the transportation transportation and shipment of of the the Smithsonian Smithsonian Archives and shipment of materials. materials. The The staffs staffs of Archives and and the Libraries,and and inin particular particular of of the the Library the Smithsonian Smithsonian Libraries, Library of of the the National Fine Arts National Portrait Portrait Gallery, Gallery, have have National Collection Collection of of Fine Arts and and National been extremely extremely helpful. helpful. Eugene Eugene Mantie Mantie and and his his staff staff in in the the Photobeen Photo graphic Department Department of of the the National National Portrait Portrait Gallery and the of graphic Gallery and the staff staff of the Photographic Department of of the the Photographic Department the Smithsonian Smithsonian Institution Institution perper formed valuable valuable services services in in making making the the slides slides necessary necessary for for the the color color formed microfiche. Weare are grateful gratefultoto Richard Richard Sheldon, Sheldon, M Mary Giunta, Sara microfiche. We ary Giunta, Sara Jackson, Jackson, Fred Fred Shelley, Shelley,George GeorgeVogt, Vogt, and and Frank FrankBurke Burke of of the the National National Historical Records and and Publications Publications Commission Commission who who provided provided more Historical Records more than moral support for than moral support for our our efforts efforts by by searching searching assiduously assiduously in in their their various archival archival depositories depositories for for relevant relevant materials. materials. various During During the the first first two two years years ofofthe the Peale Peale Papers Papers activities, activities, research research was carried carried on on by by Dr. was Dr. Michael Michael D. D. Schaffer, Schaffer, then then assistant assistant editor, editor, and and Barbara Bares, was exhaustive, exhaustive, Barbara Bares, then then research research historian. historian. Their Their work work was beautifully and successfully successfully carried out; and and beautifully organized organized and and conceived, conceived, and carried out; this microfiche edition of of the Papers owes this microfiche edition the Peale Peale Papers owes aa great deal to their great deal to their labors. Papers project project has has been labors. The The Peale Peale Papers been fortunate fortunate in in having having on on its its staff and contributed staff and as as volunteers volunteers other other individuals individuals who who have have also also contributed much to to its its successful successful completion. Rose S. S. Emerick Emerick has has been been indisindis much completion. Rose pensable in almost almost every every area area in in which which work pensable in work has has been been carried carried on on in in the the project, from from the the accessioning accessioning of project, of the the first first item item to to the the preparation preparation of of the the final index Sidney Hart, assistant editor, editor, Dr. Dr. Toby Toby Appel, Appel, final index card. card. Dr. Dr. Sidney Hart, assistant research historian, and and Dr. Dr.Jeffrey JeffreyMeikle, Meikie,NHPRC NHPRC Fellow, been research historian, Fellow, have have been of inestimable inestimable help the compilation compilation and and checking checking of of the the Index, Index, of help in in the
31 The The Peale Peale Family Family Papers Papers
especially inin resolving of identification. especially resolving problems problems of identification. Diane Diane Blumenthal, Blumenthal, Leo Kasun, Kasun, LaVergne LaVergne Owens, and Linda Linda Lamirand, Lamirand, among among others, others, Leo Owens, and have given given voluntarily voluntarily of of their their services services in in attending attending to to the the tedious tedious but but have
necessary chores of of transcribing, necessary chores transcribing, arranging, arranging, and and indexing indexing manumanu scripts. We We are grateful to to Jean Jean Gwaltney Gwaltney for for her her intelliintelli scripts. are particularly particularly grateful gent in the the preparation preparation of gent and and dedicated dedicated efforts efforts in of the the Alphabetical Alphabetical Index. Index. We would the members members of of the the Editorial Editorial Advisory Advisory We would also also like like to to thank thank the Board Board of of the the Peale Peale Papers Papers for for their their support support and andassistance. assistance. We We are are especially indebted Sellers, who especially indebted to to Dr. Dr. Charles Charles Coleman Coleman Sellers, who in in every every way way shared his He was was aa constant shared his researches researches and and interests interests with with us. us. He constant source source of of information and wisdom wisdom from from the the inception inception of of the the project. project. information and The The Kraus-Thomson Kraus-Thomson Organization Organization and and its its editor, editor, Marion Marion Sader, Sader, have never never failed failed to to give give support support and have and encouragement encouragement in in planning planning the the production of of the production the microfiche microfiche edition edition of of the the Peale Peale Papers. Papers. We We are are grateful also Shirley Dahlgren for her her technical technical supervision supervision of the grateful also to to Shirley Dahlgren for of the preparation Mitura who super preparation of of the the microfiches microfiches and and to to Mary Mary Ann Ann Mitura who supervised of the the Alphabetical Alphabetical Index. Index. We We are are also also grateful vised the the typing typing of grateful to to Eugene Pawlowski, Pawlowski, Beverly Beverly Fiorentino Fiorentinoand and Paul Paul Monahan Monahan of of Eugene Graphic Microfilm, Microfilm, Inc., Inc., for of Graphic for their their help help with with the the technical technical aspects aspects of producing producing this this publication. publication. Lillian B. B. Miller Lillian Miller
Editor Editor
Alabama Department Department of Alabama of Archives Archives and and History. History. Edward Edward Harris Collection, Harris Collection, Manuscripts Manuscripts Division. Division. MontMont gomery. gomery. The The Huntington Huntington Library, Library, San San Marino, Marino, Calif. Calif. Connecticut State Library. Library. Trumbull Papers. Hartford. Connecticut State Trumbull Papers. Hartford. Yale University. James James Fenimore Fenimore Cooper Cooper Collection Yale University. Collection inin the the Collection of American American Literature, Literature, The The Beinecke Beinecke Collection of Rare Book Book and and Manuscript New Haven, Rare Manuscript Library, Library, New Haven, Conn. Conn. Yale University Library. Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Manuscripts Col Yale University Library. Manuscripts Collection; Papers; E. E. C. lection; Chauncey Chauncey Family Family Papers; C. Herrick Herrick Papers. New Haven, Conn. Conn. Papers. New Haven, Eleutherian Mills Mills Historical Historical Library, Library, Greenville, Greenville, Del. Del. Eleutherian Historical Society Society of of Delaware, Delaware, Wilmington. Wilmington. Historical Delaware Delaware Archives, Archives, Hall Hall ofof Records, Records, Dover. Dover. The Henry Henry Francis Francis Du Du Pont Pont Winterthur Winterthur Museum Museum Library. Library. The Joseph Downs Downs Manuscript Manuscript Collection; Collection; Anthony Anthony Joseph Morris Collection. Collection. Winterthur, Winterthur, Del. Del. Morris Georgetown Washington, D.C. D.C. Georgetown University University Archives, Archives, Washington, Columbia Historical Society, Society, Washington, .C. Columbia Historical Washington, D D.C. Library of of Congress, Washington, DD.C. .C. Library Congress, Washington, National Archives, Washington, D.C. D.C. National Archives, Washington, Smithsonian Institution Institution Archives, Archives, Washington, .C. Smithsonian Washington, D D.C.
34 34
The Peale Family Family Papers Papers The Peale
MdHi MdHi MdHi MdHi
Archives Wash Archives of of American American Art, Art, Smithsonian Smithsonian Institution, Institution, Washington, D. D. C. C. ington, State Department Department of of History History and and Archives, Archives, Des Des Moines, Moines, State Iowa. Iowa. Field Museum Library, Chicago. Chicago. Field Museum of of Natural Natural History History Library, Chicago Chicago Historical Historical Society. Society. The Workingmen's Institute Library, Library, New New Harmony, Harmony, md. The Workingmen’s Institute Ind. Lilly Lilly Library, Library, Indiana IndianaUniversity, University,Bloomington. Bloomington. Boston Public Library, Library, Courtesy Courtesy of of Trustees. Trustees. Boston Public Library of of the the Boston Boston Athenaeum. Athenaeum. Library National Agricultural Library, Library, Rare Book Collection, Collection, National Agricultural Rare Book Beltsville, Md. Md. Beltsville, Baltimore City Baltimore City Archives. Archives. John Work Work Garrett Garrett Library Library and and the the Milton S. Eisenhower Eisenhower John Milton S. Library of the Johns Hopkins University, University, BaltiBalti Library of the Johns Hopkins more. more. The Peale Peale Museum Museum (Municipal The (MunicipalMuseum Museumof of the the City City of of Baltimore). Baltimore). Washington Washington College. College. Chestertown, Chestertown, Md. Md. Maryland Historical Society, Society, Baltimore. Maryland Historical Baltimore. Maryland Historical Historical Society, Society, The The Papers Maryland Papers of of Benjamin Benjamin Henry Latrobe, Latrobe, Baltimore. Baltimore. Henry Maryland Maryland Hall Hall of of Records, Records, Annapolis. Annapolis. Maine Historical Historical Society, Society, Manuscript Manuscript Collections, Collections, Port PortMaine land. land. Houghton Houghton Library, Library, Harvard Harvard University, University, Cambridge, Cambridge, Mass. Mass. Massachusetts Society, Boston. Massachusetts Historical Historical Society, Boston. Massachusetts Adams Papers, Papers, Massachusetts Historical Historical Society, Society, The The Adams Boston. Boston. Peabody Museum, Harvard Harvard University. University. Peabody Museum, Museum Museum of of Comparative Comparative Zoology, Zoology, Harvard Harvard University. University. Collections of Greenfield Village Henry Ford Ford Collections of Greenfield Village and and the the Henry Museum, Mich. Museum, Dearborn, Dearborn, Mich.
The Peale Family Papers
M iU-C MiU-C
William L. Clements William L. Clements Library, Library, University University of of Michigan, Michigan,
Ann Arbor. Ann Arbor. MLM MLM Museum of of O Our Museum ur National National Heritage, Heritage, Lexington, Lexington, Mass. Mass. MoHi MoHi Missouri Historical Missouri Historical Society, Society, St. St. Louis. Louis. MWA American MWA American Antiquarian Antiquarian Society, Society, Worcester, Worcester, Mass. Mass. NBLiHi NBLiHi The The Long Historical Society, Brooklyn, N. Long Island Island Historical Society, Brooklyn, N. Y. Y. NBuHi NBuHi Buffalo & Erie Buffalo & Erie County County Historical Historical Society, Society, Millard Millard FillFillmore Papers, Papers, Manuscript Dept., Buffalo, more Manuscript Dept., Buffalo, N. N. Y. Y. NcD NcD Duke Duke University University Library: Library: A. A. R. R. Boteler Boteler Manuscripts; Manuscripts; A. A. R. Boteler Boteler Scrapbook Scrapbook I;I; Wm. Wm. Tilghman Tilghman Mss; Mss; R. Wilkes FamilyPapers, Papers,Durham, Durham, N N.C. Wilkes Family .C. NCooHi New NCooHi Association, Cooperstown. Cooperstown. New York York Historical Historical Association, NcRC NcRC NNorth orth Carolina Carolina State State Archives, Archives, Department Department of of Cultural Cultural Resources, Raleigh. Resources, Raleigh. NcU University NcU University of of North N orth Carolina Carolina Archives Archives atat the the University University of North N orth Carolina Carolina Library, Library, Dialectic Dialectic Society Society PaPa of pers, Chapel Hill. Hill. pers, Chapel NICU NICU Cornell University Library, Library, Dept. Dept, ofofRare Rare Books, Books, Ithaca, Ithaca, Cornell University NN.Y. . Y. Glassboro State College, College, Savitz Savitz Learning Learning Resource Resource CenCen Glassboro State NjG NjG ter, Glassboro, NN.J. ter, Glassboro, .J. Morristown M orristown National National Historical Historical Park, Park, Manuscript Manuscript CollecCollec NjM NjM tion, J. tion, N. N.J. .J. NjM M Montclair NjMM Montclair Art Art Museum, Museum, NN.J. NjP Princeton University University Library, Library, N. N .J.J. Princeton NjP Rutgers, The Rutgers, The State State University University ofofNew New Jersey. Jersey. Archibald Archibald NjR NjR Stevens Stevens Alexander Alexander Library, Library, Special Special Collections, Collections, New Brunswick. Brunswick. New The New New York York Public Public Library. Library. Astor, Astor, Lenox Lenox and and Tilden Tilden NNN N The Foundations: Manuscript Manuscript and and Archives Foundations: Archives Div.: Div.: Stauffer Papers; John John Stauffer Collection; Collection; Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Papers; Durand Papers; Henry Remsen Durand Papers; Henry Remsen Papers; Papers; Emmet Emmet Collection; Duyckinck Duyckinck Collection; Collection; Myers Myers Collec CollecCollection; tion. tion. Columbia University Universityinin the the City City of of New Columbia New York. York. The The NNNC NC Libraries-Rare Books and Manuscripts. Manuscripts. Libraries-Rare Books and
The Peale Family Papers
Fordham Fordham University University Library, Library, New New York, York, N. N. Y.Y.
The The New-York New-York Historical Historical Society Society Library, Library, New New York, York, N.Y. N. Y.
The The Library Library of of The The American American Museum Museum ofofNatural NaturalHisHis tory, Y. tory, New New York, York, N. N.Y.
The Metropolitan Metropolitan Museum Museum of of Art, Art, New New York, York, N. N.Y.Y. NNM M The NNMM M useum of of the the City City of of New New York. York. NNMu N N M u Museum Library of of the the New New York York Academy Academy of of Medicine, Medicine, New New NNNAM N N N A M Library York, York, N. N. Y. Y. Trustees of The Pierpont Pierpont Morgan Morgan Library, Library, New New York, York, of The NNPM NNPM Trustees N. N.Y Y. The The University University of of Rochester Rochester Library, Library, Dept, Dept. of of Rare Rare Books, Books, NRU NRU New New York. York. Cincinnati Cincinnati Historical Historical Society. Society. OCHi OCHi Marietta Marietta College College Library: Library: Charles Charles Goddard Goddard Slack Slack CollecCollec 0MM OM M tion, Marietta, Ohio. tion, Marietta, Ohio. Pennsylvania Harrisburg. Pennsylvania State State Archives, Archives, Harrisburg. PA PA College, Special Special Collections, Carlisle, Pa. Pa. Dickinson College, Collections, Carlisle, PCarlDi PCarlDi Dickinson Haverford College, Haverford College, Charles Charles Roberts Roberts Autograph Autograph Letters Letters PHC PHC Collection, Pa. Collection, Haverford, Haverford, Pa. The Society of PHi PHi The Historical Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. Philadelphia. PP PP The Library of of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Rare RareBook Book Department. Department. The Free Free Library PPAFA PPAFA Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Academy Academy of of the the Fine Fine Arts, Philadelphia. Arts, Philadelphia. PPAmP PPAmP The The American American Philosophical Philosophical Society Society Library, Library, PhiladelPhiladel phia. phia. PPAN PPAN Academy of Academy of Natural Natural Sciences Sciences of of Philadelphia. Philadelphia. PPC PPC Library of the the College College ofofPhysicians Physicians ofofPhiladelphia: Philadelphia:AuAu Library of tograph Collection; Collection; Carson Carson Collection; Collection; Gilbert Gilbert tograph Collection. Collection. PPDR PPDR City Philadelphia, Department Department of Records. City of of Philadelphia, of Records. PPF PPF Franklin of Historical Historical Programs, Programs, Franklin Institute, Institute, Department Department of Philadelphia. Philadelphia. PPGi PPGi Girard College College Collection: the American American Girard Collection: microfilmed microfilmed by by the Philosophical Philosophical Society, Society, Philadelphia. Philadelphia.
37 The The Peale 37 Peale Family Family Papers Papers
Independence National Historical Park Collection, PhilaPhila Independence National Historical Park Collection,
University of of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Darlington DarlingtonMemorial MemorialLibrary. Library. University
delphia. delphia.
Library Company ofof Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Library Company PPRW PPRW City of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Register Register ofofWills. Wills. City of Priv. Private Collection. Priv. Coil. Coll. Private Collection. PSC-Hi Friends Friends Historical Historical Library Library of PSC-Hi of Swarthmore Swarthmore College, College, AuAu tograph Collection tograph Collection ofof Charles Charles Francis Francis Jenkins, Jenkins, Swarthmore, Pa. Swarthmore, Pa. PU PU University University Archives: Archives: Library Library of of the the University University of of PennPenn sylvania, sylvania, Van Van Pelt Pelt Library, Library, Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Brown Unversity RBU Brown Unversity Library, Library, Providence, Providence, R. R. I.I. RBU SCHi The South SCHi The South Carolina Carolina Historical Historical Society, Society, Henry Henry Laurens Laurens Letterbook, Charleston. Charleston. Letterbook, TxU Humanities Research Center, The The University TxU Humanities Research Center, University of of Texas Texas atat Austin. Austin. Vi Archives Division, Division, Virginia Richmond. Vi Archives Virginia State State Library, Library, Richmond. Virginia Historical ViHi Virginia Historical Society, Society, Tompkins Tompkins Family Family Papers, Papers, ViHi Richmond. Richmond. ViU University of Virginia Virginia Library: Library: Tracey Tracey W. W. McGregor McGregor LiLi University of ViU brary; C. C. W. W. Barrett Barrett Library; Library; Edgehill-Randolph Edgehill-Randolph brary; Papers; Papers; Jefferson Jefferson Papers, Papers, Charlottesville. Charlottesville. University of Jefferson Papers, Papers, Used Used by by ViU University of Virginia Virginia Library. Library. Jefferson ViU permission the Thomas Thomas Jefferson Jefferson Memorial Memorial permission of of the Foundation. Foundation. The WHi The State State Historical Historical Society Society ofofWisconsin: Wisconsin: Archives Archives DiviDivi WHi sion, Draper-Wisconsin Draper-Wisconsin Historical sion, Historical Society Society Corre Correspondence, Madison. spondence, Madison. Institutions not not Institutions identified by identified by National National Union Union Catalog Catalog symbols symbols
STATES UUNITED NITED STATES New New York YorkState State Kennedy KennedyGalleries, Galleries,Inc., Inc.,New New York. York. Corporation Corporation of of Yaddo, Yaddo, Saratoga Saratoga Springs. Springs.
Pennsylvania Pennsylvania
The Philip Philip H. & A. A. S. S. W. W. Rosenbach Rosenbach Foundation, Foundation, Philadelphia. Philadelphia. The H. &
38 38
The The Peale Peale Family Family Papers Papers
The Wyck Wyck Committee of the the Germantown Germantown Historical Historical Society, Society, PhilaPhila The Committee of delphia. delphia.
Washington, .C . Washington,DD.C.
U.S. U.S. Capitol-Architect Capitol— Architectofofthe the Capitol. Capitol.
ENGLAND ENGLAND The of Manuscripts, The British British Museum, Museum, Department Department of Manuscripts, London. London. City of of London London Libraries: Libraries: Guildhall Guildhall Library. Library. City Linnaean Society Library, Library, London. London. Linnaean Society Royal Academy Academy of of Arts, Arts, London. Royal London. AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA Mitchell Library, Library, Sydney, Sydney, New New South Mitchell South Wales. Wales.
SWEDEN SWEDEN Library of the the Royal Royal Swedish Academy of of Science, Stockholm. Library of Swedish Academy Science, Stockholm.
Many the editorial editorial decisions decisions made regard to to format format and and Many of of the made with with regard organization of of this this microfiche microfiche publication publication were were determined determined by by the organization the fact that that we we were were working working mostly mostly with rather than than originals originals of of fact with copies copies rather Peale material. This made it possible to bypass archival restrictions Peale material. This made it possible to bypass archival restrictions and to to follow Thus, letters and follow historical historical principles principles whenever whenever necessary. necessary. Thus, letters from bound bound Letterbooks, Letterbooks, having having been beenphotographed photographedindividually, individually, from were documents gathered gathered from from other other were interleaved interleaved with with letters letters and and documents sources order to to maintain sources inin order maintain chronological chronological sequence. sequence. Letters Letters included included in in Letterbooks Letterbooks are are indicated indicated in in the the target target that that precedes precedes each each letter letter by by the LB followed followed by the initials initials LB by the the Letterbook Letterbook number numberasasaccessioned accessioned atat the American Society. Our O ur accession accession numbers also carry carry the American Philosophical Philosophical Society. numbers also the letters letters LB LB in such instances. instances. the in such Documents that were were longer longerthan thaneleven eleveninches— inches-the Documents that the maximum maximum length were divided divided into into "upper" “upper” length possible possibletotofit fitinto intoaasingle singleframe— frame-were or “lower” "lower" with or with the the lower lower part part following following the the upper upper in in the the next next square square reading from left to right. Two Two oversized oversized bound bound manuscript manuscript volumes volumes reading from left to right. were, were, however, however, photographed photographed directly: directly: Series Series VIII-B, VIII-B, Cards Cards 11-20 11-20 (The Journal W. L. L. Hudson); Hudson); and and Series Series IX-B, IX-B, Cards Cards 14-19 14-19 (The Journal of of W. Human Race). Race). These These (Franklin Peale's Peale’sSpecimens Specimens of the Stone Stone Age Age ooff the the Human (Franklin of the oversize be scanned scanned more more easily easily on microfiche reader reader oversize images images may may be on aa microfiche with large screen with aa large screen size, size, but but since since the the ratio ratio used used in in the the photography photography remains may be be read read on an ordinary simple remains constant, constant, they they may on an ordinary viewer viewer by by simple manual frame. These These are are the the only only liberties liberties we we manual manipulation manipulation of of the the frame. have taken taken with with the the archival archival nature nature of of the the materials. materials. Where Where possible, possible, have we have have attempted to show, show, in in the the placement placement of of the we attempted to the various various items items and and in of every every bit bit of involved, the in the the inclusion inclusion of of paper paper involved, the appearance appearance of of the the original manuscript reduction of of print print original manuscript insofar insofar as as photography photography and and reduction and size size can can do so. Diaries, Diaries, journals, journals, account account books, books, day day books, books, and do so.
40 40
The The Peale Peale Family Family Papers Papers
biographies, and and autobiographies have been been reproduced reproduced in in their biographies, autobiographies have their entirety as archival entirety as archival units. units. The from copies copies posed disadvan The fact fact that that we we were were working working from posed some some disadvantages tages since sincewe wecould couldnot not control control the the quality quality of of the the initial initial reproduction. reproduction. Time and accident accident added to the the difficulties difficulties of of obtaining obtaining legible legible copy. copy. Time and added to Despite the stratagems to to Despite the expertise expertise of of the the photographers photographers and and many many stratagems obtain readable readable copy, way in in which which faded faded documents documents obtain copy, there there was was no no way could be made to to appear appear otherwise. otherwise. For For these these kinds kinds of of manuscripts, manuscripts, could be made and especially especially for cramped handwriting handwriting and for Peale’s Peale's early early letters, letters, where where cramped and crowded crowded small small sheets sheets of paper further further contribute contribute toto difficulties difficulties and of paper imposed imposed by by age age and and fading, fading, we we have have provided provided transcripts. transcripts. We We have have done done so so reluctantly reluctantly because because we we did did not not have have funds funds to to ensure ensure perfect perfect transcripts perfectly typed. typed. Rather, Rather, we we were were forced forced to to depend depend on on the the transcripts perfectly efforts with some some supervision supervision efforts of of enthusiastic enthusiastic volunteers, volunteers, working working with from therefore, from the the professional professional staff. staff. The The transcripts transcripts are are not not perfect, perfect, therefore, and itit isisrecommended recommended that that the the reader reader check check them them carefully carefully against and against the the originals wherever are provided provided originals wherever absolute absolute accuracy accuracy isis desired. desired. They They are primarily Some of of these these primarily as as aids aids to-assist to .assistinin the the deciphering deciphering process. process. Some transcripts immediately immediately follow follow the the manuscript; manuscript; others others have have been transcripts been inin cluded (see page cluded in in aa transcript transcript supplement supplement (see page 111) 111) and and may may be be identified identified by their accession accession numbers. by their numbers. In the century, Horace Horace Wells Wells Sellers Sellers In the early early decades decades of of the thetwentieth twentieth century, made transcripts transcripts of of Peale’s Peale's diaries diaries and and autobiography, autobiography, and and we made we have have included these these along along with with his his notations notations and as historical historical mate mateincluded and indices indices as rials their own own right rials inin their right as as well well as as aids aids to to the the present present reader. reader. The The references the Alphabetical Alphabetical referencesinin the the indices indices have have been been integrated integrated into into the Index. Although Although Sellers occasionally corrected corrected punctuation, punctuation, spelling, Index. Sellers occasionally spelling, and grammar, and his transcripts transcripts are are and grammar, and sometimes sometimes misread misread aa word, word, his surprisingly Sellers kindly provided us us surprisingly accurate. accurate. Charles Charles Coleman Coleman Sellers kindly provided with transcripts of of Peale's Peale’s Lectures Lectures and and the the Philadelphia Philadelphia Museum Museum with transcripts Minutes, are included Minutes, along along with with an an index index to to these these minutes, minutes, which which are included in in Series the references references in index Series II-D II-D and andXI-A XI-A Supplement. Supplement. Again, Again, the in the the index to to the the minutes minutes are are integrated integrated into into the the Alphabetical Alphabetical Index. Index. O ur mission mission included included the Our the collecting collecting and and publishing publishing of of documents documents and sent by by or or to and letters letters sent to the the Peales Peales through through the the third third generation generation inin America— i.e.,Charles CharlesPeale, Peale,the thefather; father;Charles Charles Willson Willson Peale Peale and and America-i.e., his siblings; siblings; their to his their children. children. We We have have not not included included material material relating relating to or emanating succeeding generations unless such or emanating from from succeeding generations unless such material material related related to to these these three three generations. generations. During the research, some some material material surfaced surfaced that that men During the course course of of research, mentioned the Peales in an informative tioned the Peales in an informative way. way. These have been been These “mentions” "mentions" have included in in this this collection collection interleaved interleavedchronologically chronologicallywith with the the other other included correspondence and senders and and recipients recipients of of correspondence and documents, documents, and and both both senders
41 The The Peale Peale Family Family Papers Papers
such items items are are listed listed in in the the Alphabetical Alphabetical Index, Index, as the particular particular Peale Peale such as isis the mentioned (in (in square square brackets). brackets). These These “mentions” "mentions" are are not not the the result result of of mentioned an exhaustive exhaustive research, research, and and the the decision decision to to include include them them was was made made on on an the the reader reader and and scholar scholar would would find find them them useful useful in in the assumption assumption that that the rounding out rounding out the the Peale Peale story. story. Charles Willson Willson Peale, Peale, Thomas Thomas Jefferson, Jefferson, and and Benjamin Benjamin Henry Henry Charles Latrobe made use use of of the the polygraph polygraph in in their their correspondence, correspondence, beginning Latrobe made beginning about 1802 1802 or 1803. In In Peale's Peale’s case, case, itit has has been been easy easy to differentiate the the about or 1803. to differentiate polygraph copy, was bound by CWP CWP into into the the Letterbooks. Letterbooks. polygraph copy, which which was bound by When available, available, both both the the original original letter letter (the recipient's copy) copy) and and the the When (the recipient’s Letterbook copy have Letterbook copy have been been included included in in the the belief belief that that despite despite their their near-exactness, may be be important important for for the the researcher researcher inin near-exactness, both both versions versions may the made changes the event event that that Peale Peale added added material material or or made changes in in the the letter letter that that ultimately his correspondent. correspondent. Since letters from from Latrobe Latrobe to to ultimately reached reached his Since the the letters Peale came from from Latrobe’s Latrobe's Letterbook, Letterbook, they Peale came they may may be be assumed assumed toto be be polygraph have not not been been located. located. The The Thomas Thomas polygraph copies; copies; recipient recipient copies copies have Jefferson letters, letters, however, however, present problem, since in many Jefferson present aa special special problem, since in many cases, both both recipient recipient and cases, and polygraph polygraph copies copies exist. exist. Jefferson's Jefferson’s letters letters to to Peale owned the University University of of Texas, Texas, Princeton Princeton University, University, the the Peale owned by by the Massachusetts Historical Library of of Congress Congress prepre Massachusetts Historical Society, Society, and and the the Library sented particular problems problems in in distinguishing the “original” "original" from sented particular distinguishing the from the the polygraph when the the polygraph polygraph was was in in good good working working polygraph copy, copy, especially especially when order. We We have copies ofJefferson's of Jefferson’s letters letters toto order. have therefore therefore included included both both copies Peale except except in in aafew fewinstances instanceswhich which are are clearly clearlymarked markedon on the the targets. targets. Peale To facilitate facilitate the the collection, collection, we we have have divided divided itit into into To the use use of of the thirteen series, with with each each family family member member assigned assigned aa separate separate series series or thirteen series, or subseries. Within each series, the material has been divided into sub subseries. Within each series, the material has been divided into subseries according Published writings follow the the series according to to its its intrinsic intrinsic nature. nature. Published writings follow manuscript were available. available. AA thirteenth thirteenth manuscript versions versions whenever whenever both both were series, series, in in color, color, contains contains sketches sketches and and watercolors watercolors ofofCWP, CWP, JP, JP, RuP, RuP, ReP, TRP1 TRPj and TRP2.* ReP, and TRP2.* Dates undated letters letters and and documents documents have have been been provided provided Dates for for undated whenever but whenever possible; possible; these these appear appear in in square square brackets brackets on on the the target, target, but are bracketed in the Index. Index. First First or or last last names names of corre are not not bracketed in the of unnamed unnamed correspondents have have also in square brackets on on the spondents also been been included included in square brackets the targets targets when we have have been been able able to to determine determine them; them; the the brackets brackets have have been been when we eliminated inin the the Index. Index. Within Within each each series, series, the the material material has has been been eliminated arranged chronologically; chronologically;undated undatedletters lettersappear appearatatthe the end end of of the arranged the chronological sequence. Manuscripts Manuscripts that that arrived too late chronological sequence. arrived too late for for filming filming *Following there is is aagroup group of of8 ficheentitled entitled “Transcript "Transcript *Following the the conclusion conclusion ofSerics o f Series XIII XIII there 8 fiche Supplement,”explained explainedononpage page'UJ 40 of o f this this Guide. Guide. Supplement,"
The Peale 42 Peale Family Family Papers Papers 42 The
in sequence have been been added added atat the the end end of in sequence have of the the series series and and marked marked “Addenda.” This material material has has been been indexed. "Addenda." This indexed. The Index organized in in two two parts. The Index has has been been organized parts. The The General General Index Index describes each series series and and provides provides aa chronological chronological summary summary of describes each of the the letters and and documents documents by letters by individual individual card. card. The The General General Index Index also also lists lists by card titles titles of and other other published published documents. documents.An Anabbreabbre by card of writings writings and viated series has viated calendar calendar for for each each individual individual to to whom whom aa series has been been assigned assigned is included in is included in this this section. section. The Index consists of references references to to all The Alphabetical Alphabetical Index consists of all corresponcorrespon dents Peales and institutions they they served. served. ItIt also also contains contains dents of of the the Peales and the the institutions names mentioned mentioned within names within the the documents; documents;these theseare arenames namesofofindividuindividu als, and unpublished als, paintings, paintings, institutions, institutions, published published and unpublished books books and and articles, and selected selected topics. topics. These These are are included included only only ifif they articles, and they have have appeared in the the editor's editor’s appeared atat least least three three times times inin the the collection, collection, or or if if in judgment, the judgment, the individual individual or or topic topic isis of of historical historical significance. significance. A A card card file offices of Peale Papers Papers atat the the file has has been been maintained maintained inin the the offices of the the Peale National Portrait Gallery of all all individuals individuals or or topics topics not not important National Portrait Gallery of important enough, or or mentioned enough, to enough, mentioned often often enough, to appear appear in in the the published published listlist ing. The will be be happy to ing. The staff staff will happy to to make make such such information information available available to researchers on researchers on request. request. Some large In particu Some large items items have have not not been been indexed indexed by by contents. contents. In particular, references articles, farm farm lar, referenceswithin within muster muster rolls, rolls, published published books books and and articles, records, visitors visitors books books and and sketches sketches have have not notbeen beenindividually individuallyin-in records, dexed. This applies applies to to the dexed. This the contents contents of of the the following following items, items, which which have, however, however, been been listed listed by in the the General General Index: Index: have, by title title and and author author in
Series II Queen School M inute Book Book Series Queen Anne’s Anne's County County School Minute Series II-D Writings of of Charles Charles Wilison Willson Peale Peale Series II-D Lectures Lectures and and Writings Series II-E Miscellany Miscellany of of Charles Charles Willson Series II-E Willson Peale Peale
Series II-F 11-FSketches Sketchesof ofCharles Charles Willson Wilison Peale Peale Series Series III-A 111.-AArmy ArmyAccounts Accountsof ofJames Peale Series James Peale Series B Sketchbook James Peale Peale Series III— Ill-B Sketchbook of ofJames Series IV-A IV-A St. St. George George Peale Peale Accounts Accounts with with Board Series Board ofo fWar War Series VI-B VI-B Writings Writings and and Lectures Lectures of of Rembrandt Rembrandt Peale Series Peale Series Peale Series VI-C VI-C Palettes Palettes and and Sketchbooks Sketchbooks of of Rembrandt Rembrandt Peale Series VII-C. Vu-C. Rubens Rubens Peale Peale Sketchbook Sketchbook Series Series VIII-B Journals Journals kept kept by Series VIII-B by Titian Titian Ramsay Ramsay Peale Peale are are partially by partially indexed. indexed. Names Names are are provided provided not not by frame numbers but but by frame numbers by the the number number of of the the journal journal in which which they usually the in they appear, appear, since since usually the individual individual appears throughout Captain HudHud appears throughout the the journal. journal. Captain son's not indexed. son’s logs logs are are not indexed. Series VIII-C Miscellany of Titian Ramsay Ramsay Series VIII-C Writings Writings and and Miscellany of Titian Peale Peale
43 The 43 Peale Family Family Papers Papers The Peale
Series VIII-D VIII-D Sketchbooks Sketchbooks and Series and Sketches Sketches of of Titian Titian Ramsay Ramsay Peale Peale Series Franklin Peale Peale Series IX-B IX-B Writings Writings of of Benjamin Benjamin Franklin Series Series X-B X-B Papers Papers and and Drawings Drawings ofofTitian Titian Ramsay Ramsay Peale Peale [I] [I] Series X-C Cards 12 12 and and 13: 13: Household Household Expense Expense Volumes Volumes Series X-C Cards of of Sophonisba Sophonisba Peale Peale Sellers Sellers Series XI-A Philadelphia Museum catalogues, broad Series XI-A The The Philadelphia Museum catalogues, broadsides, Profile sides, Profile Book, Book, records records and and accessions, accessions, guide, stock books. books. guide, stock Series XI-B The Series XI-B The Baltimore Baltimore Museum Museum catalogues, catalogues, account account books. books. Series XI-C X1-C The The New New York York Museum: Museum: signatures signatures of patrons. Series of patrons. Series XII-B Series XII-B Tax Tax records records Correspondence documents relating relating to to individual individual members members Correspondence and and documents of the the Peale Peale Family been placed placed in in the the series series assigned assigned to to the the perper of Family have have been son involved. involved. Letters Letters between between family family members members are are allocated allocated to to the the son sender's sender’s series series and and are are cross-referenced cross-referenced in in the the Alphabetical Alphabetical Index. Index. In In the the Index, Index, correspondence correspondence is is listed listed under under the the name name of of the the recipient, recipient, or or by the the name name of of the the sender sender ifif aa Peale Peale was was the the recipient. recipient. Under Under each each by entry, grouped first entry, letters letters are are grouped first as as Sender Sender (in (in chronological chronological sequence); sequence); as as Recipient (by in ascending Recipient (by series series in ascending order, order, and and chronologically chronologically within within each Mentioned (m.) each series); series); asas Mentioned (m.) (by (by series series in in ascending ascending order). order). Full Full dates but are dates are are provided provided for for Sender Sender and and Recipient Recipient letters letters but are not not provided provided for for “mentions.” "mentions." For example: example: For JEFFERSO N , Thomas Thom as JEFFERSON, to CWP: to CWP: IIA/20D4-5 1796, June 55 IIA/20D4-5 1796, June to CWP CW P and and John John Vaughan: Vaughan: to IIA/25B7-8 I1A/25B7-8 1802, Jan 16 1802,Jan 16 to ReP: ReP: to VIA/2F7-8 VIA/2F7.-8 1813, Aug 1813, Aug 11 11 to CWP: to CWP: IIA/54G3-6 IIA/54G3-6 1815, Mar21 1815, M ar 21 CW P to: to: CWP IIA/16G8 IIA/16G8 1791, Dcc Dec 1791, IIA/24A2-7 IIA/24A2-7 1801, Mar Mar 77 1801, CPP to: CPP to: IVB/1A14-B3 IVB/1A14-B3 1801, Feb 1801, Feb28 28 IVB/1D10-12 IVB/IDIO-12 1808, OOct ct 15 15 1808, RaP to: to: RaP V/1C1-4 VIICI-4 1806,Jan 19 1806, Jan 19 m: tn: IIA/13A5-8, IIA/13A5-8, 21 21C3-8; C3-8; IVB/1 IVB/1A13, A13, 1B4-7; V/1B 13-14; VIA/IC1-3 VIA/1C1-3 1B4-7; V/11313-14;
Portraits in bold Portraits or or miniatures miniatures of of individuals individuals appear appear in bold face face type type
under sitter's name. under the the sitter’s name. Paintings Paintings other other than than portraits portraits are are listed listed by by title title and under under the the artist's artist’s name. name. References References to to entries entries within within the the diaries diaries and and autobiography autobiography relate relate to to the the page page of of the the transcript transcript which which follows and follows
44 The Peale Peale Family Family Papers Papers 44 The
the manuscript; manuscript; similarly, references to to the the Museum Museum Minutes Minutes are the similarly, references are to to the the
page of the transcript, transcript, since, since, like like the the diaries diaries and and autobiography, autobiography, the the page of the manuscript does does not not carry carry page page numbers. numbers. InIn these these instances, instances, the the frame frame manuscript number does not not appear, appear, but but the the page page number number isis given given inin parentheses parentheses number does following card number. Thus, "XI-A “XI-A (Suppi (Suppl.)/5 (p. 70)" 70)” may may be be following the the card number. Thus, .)15 (p. read read as as aa reference reference within within the the transcript transcript of of the the Philadelphia Philadelphia Museum Museum Minutes, which appears appears on on Card Card 55 of of Series Series XI-A(Supplement), page Minutes, which XI-A(Supplement), page
The alphanumeric coding Index reprerepre The alphanumeric coding that that follows follows each each entry entry in in the the Index sents the microfiche microfiche frame frame numbers numbers of of the the entire entire document document in in which sents the which the reference reference appears. Readers may locate the the reference reference somewhere somewhere the appears. Readers may locate within that that document. For an an explanation explanation of of the the alphanumeric system within document. For alphanumeric system of indexing, refer to to the the diagram diagram below. below. of indexing, refer TH THE E PEALE PEALE FAMILY FAMILY PAPERS. PAPERS. SERIES SERIES Il-A. II-A. The Papers Papers ofo fCharles Charles Wilison Willson Peale, Peale, The 1741 -1827. Letters Letters and and Documents. 1141-1827. Documents.
Index Index Entry Entry
Card 24 24 of o f 74 74 Card A ll All
A2 A2
A3 A3
A4 A4
A5 A5
A6 A6
A7 A7
A8 A8
A9 A9
A10 AlO
B1 Bl
B2 B2
B3 B3
B4 B4
B5 B5
B6 B6
B7 B7
B8 B8
B9 B9
B10 ll 0 1i22 Bli BlO B
BB li) B14 B14
C2 C2
C3 C3
C4 C4
C5 C5
C6 C6
CC7 l
C8 C8
C9 C9
CIO Cli dO C ll
C12 C12
Cl3 C13
D1 Dl
D2 D2
D3 D3
D4 D4
D5 D5
D6 D6
D7 D7
D8 D8
D9 D9
D10 DlO
D12 D12
D13 D14 D13 D14
E2 E2
E3 E3
E4 E4
E5 E5
E6 E6
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E9 0 1 0 E9
Fl F1
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(F5 (F5
F6) F6)
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Gl G1
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JEFFERSO N , Thomas Thomas JEFFERSON, to CW P to CWP 1801, ,Ju)y29 July 29 1801 CW P to: CWPco: 1801,July 1801, July 24 24 m: IIA/24B12-13 IIA/24B12-13 m:
D ll Dil
A12 Al2
A13 A13
A14 A14
Al A1
C14 C14
E i) ll) E12 E12
E13 E13
E14 E14
FFll ll
F12 F12
F13 F13
F14 F14
G il Gli
G12 G12
G13 G13
G14 G14
IIA/24F5-6 IIA/24F5-6 IIA/24E10-11 11AI24E10-ll
The are located The documents documents are located on on fiche fiche Card Card 24 24 of of Series SeriesII-A. Il-A. The The letter letter to to CWP CWP may may be be found found in in Row Row F, F, frames frames 5-6; 5-6; the the letter letter from from CWP, CWP, in in Row E, E, frames frames 10-11;Jefferson 10-11; Jefferson mentioned, in Row Row B, B, frames frames 12-13. 12-13. Row mentioned, in Our Our search search for for Peale Peale manuscripts manuscripts has has been been worldwide worldwide and and as as thorough thorough as as humanly humanly possible possible within within the the time time and and funds funds available. available. To To the of our our knowledge, the best best of knowledge, this this Microfiche Microfiche Edition Edition of of the the Collected Collected Papers of Charles Charles Willson Willson Peale Peale and and His His Family Family constitutes constitutes aa complete Papers of complete collection collection of of located located Peale Pealematerials. materials. If If additional additional manuscripts manuscripts surface surface as publication, these collected and as aa result result of of this this publication, these will will be be collected and issued issued in in supplemental supplemental cards. cards.
/ 'I
The Papers Papers of The of Charles Charles Peale Peale (1709-1750) (1709-1750) [CP] [CP]
1709 22 Born Weston, Rutlandshire, England 1709December December22 Born at at Edith Edith Weston, Rutlandshire, England C.1725-C.1730 Enters Cambridge for for aa few few years. years. No No record record of of attenatten c.1725-c.1730 Enters Cambridge dance or matriculation exists exists dance or matriculation c.1730 c.1730 Employed Employed as as clerk clerk in in His His Majesty’s Majesty's General General Post Post Office, Office, Lon London, England don, England 1735February February33 Arrested Arrested for for embezzlement embezzlement 1735 May 24 of death May 24 Receives Receives sentence sentence of death (later (later banished banished to to America) America) c.c.1736-1739 1736-1739 In Post, Virginia Virginia In New New Post, 1739 Settles of King King William's William’s School 1739 Settles in in Annapolis; Annapolis; becomes becomes master master of School 1740 September 1740 September 29 29 Applies Applies for for appointment appointment in in Free Free School, School, Queen Queen Anne’s Maryland Anne's County, County, Maryland November 11Marries Marries Margaret MargaretTriggs Triggs (1709-1791) (1709-1791) November 1741 Becomes Free School, School, Queen Queen Anne's Anne’s County, County, 1741 Becomes master master of of the the Free Maryland Maryland April 15 15 Charles Charles Wilson,* Wilson,* born born Queen Queen Anne's Anne’s County, County, April Maryland Maryland (d.1827) (d.1827) 1742 December27 Moves to to Chestertown, Chestertown, Maryland, 1742 December 27 Moves Maryland, asas master master of of the the Kent Kent County County School School 1743 Margaret Jane Jane born 1743 Margaret born (d. (d. 1788) 1788) 1745 April born (d. (d. 1778) 1778) 1745 April 23 23 St. St. George George born 1747 born (d. (d. c.c.1776) 1776) 1747January January 20 20 Elizabeth Elizabeth Digby Digby born 1749 James born born (d.1831) (d. 1831) l749James 1750 November (late) Dies Maryland 1750 November (late) Dies in in Chestertown, Chestertown, Maryland *changed to *Changed to Charks CharlesWifison Willsonc.1764. c.1764.
48 The Peale Peale Family Family Papers Papers 48 The
GENERAL GENERAL INDEX INDEX Series I Series I (2 cards) (2 cards)
The Papers Papers The
Pealeconsist consistof ofpublic publicdocuments documents and and aa tattered tattered o f Charles Peale
of Charles
letterbook which which had had been been preserved preserved in in the the family. family. The The pages pages of of the the letterbook letterbook were were bound with little letterbook bound in in haphazard haphazard fashion fashion with little regard regard for for chronologicalsequence. sequence.Some Somepages pageswere werelost lost or or removed chronological removed and and portions of few letters letters were were atatone onetime timeexcised. excised.Obviously Obviously separated separated portions of aa few parts joined, but but otherwise otherwise the the letters letters are are parts of of the the same same letter letter have have been beenjoined, presented in sequence inin which volume. presented in the the sequence which they they appear appear in in the the bound bound volume. These These items items are are preceded preceded by by the the letters letters LB. LB. May-c.1765 1.1. 1735 1735 M ay-c.1765 August. August. Includes Includes Old Old Bailey Bailey records; records; Queen Queen Anne's Anne’s County, County, Maryland, Maryland, School School Minute M inute Book, Book, 1740-1743; court letters, 174517451740-1743; court judgments, judgments, and and letters, 1746 1746 2. [1746]-1752June [1746]—1752June1.1. Letters, Letters, including including will will and and settlement settlement of of estate estate 2. Transcripts appear in in Transcript Transcript Supplement. Supplement. Transcripts appear
ofeUe^JZ The Papers Papers ooff Charles Charles Willson WillsonPeale Peale(1741-1827) (1741-1827) [CWP] The [CWP]
1741 April April15 15Born BornininQueen Queen Anne’s Anne's County, County, Maryland 1741 Maryland 1750 November Death of of father, father, Charles Charles Peale Peale 1750 November Death 1751 Family moves moves to to Annapolis 1751 Family Annapolis 1754 Apprenticed Waters, saddler saddler 1754 Apprenticed to to Nathan Nathan Waters, 1761December December Released Released from from apprenticeship; 1761 apprenticeship; establishes establishes shop shop inin Annapolis Annapolis 1762 (1744-1790) 1762January January 12 12 Marries Marries Rachel Rachel Brewer Brewer (1744-1790) Develops interest Develops interest inin painting painting and and buys buys first first paints paints 1763 John Hesselius Hesselius 1763 Studies Studiespainting painting briefly briefly with withJohn 1764 Joins Party 1764 Joins“Sons "Sons of ofLiberty” Liberty" in in opposition opposition to to Maryland’s Maryland's Court Court Party 1765 SailstotoBoston Bostonand andNewburyport Newburyport 1765 Sails July July 14 14 Arrives Arrives in in Boston Boston July 31-O ctober In In Newburyport Newburyport July 31-October c.OOctober-January ctober-January Meets Meets John John Singleton Singleton Copley Copley and and briefbrief c. ly ly studies studies in in his his studio studio 1766 Spring Accomac, Virginia Virginia 1766 Spring Returns Returns to to Accomac, October Returns Returns toto Annapolis Annapolis October December Leaves Leaves for for England England to to study study with with Benjamin Benjamin West West December 1767 February in London London 1767 February Arrives Arrives in 1768 1768 Sends Sendsfull-length full-lengthportrait portrait of of Lord Lord Chatham Chatham (William (William Pitt) Pitt) to to Virginia and Virginia and makes makes his his first first engraving engraving from from itit April 28 inth Exhibition April 28 Exhibits Exhibits in in NNinth Exhibition of of Society Society of of Artists Artists of of Great Great Britain Britain Fall Fall Exhibits Exhibits in in Special Special Exhibition Exhibition of of Society Society of of Artists Artists of of Great Britain Great Britain 1769 JuneReturns Returns to to Annapolis; Annapolis; paints paints in in Maryland Maryland and and Philadelphia Philadelphia 1769 June 1772 Paints Paints first first portrait portrait of of Washington Washington as as Colonel Colonel 1772
The Peale 50 Peale Family Family Papers Papers 50 The
1774February February17 17 Raphaelle RaphaellePeale, Peale,first firstsurviving surviving child, child, born born An1774 An napolis (d.1825) napolis (d.1825) (Robinson) born 1775 December Angelica Kauffman Kauffman Peale Peale (Robinson) born 1775 December 22 22 Angelica Charlestown, Maryland (d.1853) (d.1853) Charlestown, Maryland 1776Moves Moves family family to to Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Enlists Enlists in in city city militia 1776 militia as as private; private; elected first lieutenant, lieutenant, December. Joins "Furious elected first December. Joins “Furious Whigs." Battles ooff Trenton W higs.” Participates Participates inin Battles Trenton and and Princeton. Paints three-quarter three-quarterlength lengthWashington Washington Princeton. Paints 1777 March Serves Serves as as Chairman Chairman of 1777 March of Whig Whig Society Society June 17 Commissioned captain of the the 4th 4th Battalion Battalion or or Regi RegiJune 17 Commissioned captain of ment of ofFoot ment Foot 1778February February22 22Rembrandt RembrandtPeale Pealeborn, born, Bucks Bucks County, County, Pennsyl1778 Pennsyl vania vania (d.1860) (d.1860) Spring of Philadelphia by British. British. Active Spring Evacuation Evacuation of Philadelphia by Active in in Philadelphia as agent agent for for confiscated Philadelphia politics; politics; serves serves as confiscated estates estates 1779January January88Commissioned Commissionedby by Supreme Supreme Executive Executive Council Council of 1779 of Pennsylvania to to paint paint portrait portrait of Pennsylvania o f Washington Washington Spring Serves as Society Spring Serves as chairman chairman of of Constitutional Constitutional Society Elected Representative Elected Representative from from Philadelphia Philadelphia toto General GeneralAsAs sembly of of Pennsylvania Pennsylvania sembly 1780Purchases Purchaseshouse houseatat3d 3dand andLombard Lombard Streets, Streets, Philadelphia Philadelphia 1780 August 11 Titian born Philadelphia August Titian Ramsay Ramsay Peale Peale [I] [I] born Philadelphia (d.1798) (d.1798) October Loses October Loses re-election re-election to to Assembly Assembly 1781 Summer Builds Builds painting painting room room 1781 Summer 1782 November for exhibition exhibition of of portraits; portraits; opens opens 1782 November Adds Adds long long room room for "portrait gallery" “portrait gallery” 1784 JanuaryThe The Arch Arch of ofTriumph Triumph erected erected and and burns; burns; re-created re-created May May 1784 January
May 1865) May 44 Rubens Rubens Peale Peale born born Philadelphia Philadelphia(d.(d.1865) 1785 May May20 20Opens Opens exhibition exhibition of of moving moving pictures pictures 1785 1786 1786April April 24 24 Sophonisba Sophonisba Angusciola Angusciola Peale Peale (Sellers) (Sellers) born born PhiladelPhiladel phia phia (d.1859) (d.1859) 1786July July18 18Opening Openingof ofThe ThePhiladelphia PhiladelphiaMuseum Museum (Peale’s (Peale's Museum) Museum) 1786 1787Makes Makesmezzotint mezzotintprints printsfrom from his his collection collection ooff portraits portraits of 1787 o f illusillus trious trious personages personages 1790 1790 April April 12 12 Rachel Rachel Brewer Brewer Peale Peale dies dies 1791 May 30 30 Marries Marries Elizabeth Elizabeth DePeyster DePeyster (1765-1804) 1791 May (1765-1804) 1794 1794 March March 20 20 Charles Charles Linnaeus Linnaeus Peale Peale born born Philadelphia Philadelphia(d.(d.1832) 1832) (June-July) Moves Moves Peale's Peale’s Museum to Philosophical Philosophical Hall Flail (June-July) Museum to December 29 29 Founding December Founding of of Columbianum Columbianum or or American American Academy the Fine Academy of of the Fine Arts Arts
5i The The Peale Peale Family Family Papers Papers
1795 May22 First exhibition exhibition of of the the Columbianum 1795 May 22 First Columbianum Society Society September of Washington Washington September Paints Paints portrait portrait of October 15 born Philadelphia October 15 Benjamin Benjamin Franklin Franklin Peale Peale born Philadelphia (d. (d. 1870) 1870)
1797 PublishesAn A nEssay EssayononBuilding BuildingBridges Bridges 1797 March March Publishes Develops the the Patent Patent Fireplace Fireplace Develops October born PhiladelOctober 28 28 Sybilla Sybilla Miram Miram Peale Peale (Summers) (Summers) born Philadel phia (d.1856) phia (d.1856) 1798 September 19 Titian Ramsay Peale Peale [I] [I] dies dies 1798 September 19 Titian Ramsay 1799 November 22 Titian 1799 November Titian Ramsay RamsayPeale Peale[II] [II] born bornPhiladelphia Philadelphia(d. (d.1885) 1885) November November1616Publishes Publishesfirst firstlecture: lecture:Introduction Introduction toto aaCourse Course ooff Lectures Delivered in in the the UniUni Lectureson onNatural Natural History; History; Delivered versity Pennsylvania . . . versity of o f Pennsylvania
1800 November November 88 Publishes second series series of of 1800 PublishesDiscourse Discourse Introductory Introductory totosecond lectures lectures 1801 1801June JunePurchases Purchasesmastodon mastodon bones bones July-September Organizes expedition expedition to to exhume July-September Organizes exhume the the masto mastodon don December 24 Exhibits assembled mastodon December 24 Exhibits assembled mastodon 1802 April 16 16Elizabeth Elizabeth DePeyster DePeyster Peale Peale (Patterson) (Patterson) born born Philadelphia Philadelphia 1802 April (d.1857) (d.1857) Introduces physiognotrace Introduces physiognotrace for for taking taking profiles profiles 1802-3 Improves Improves and and introduces introduces the the polygraph polygraph 1802-3 1803 February Publishes 1803 February PublishesAn A n Epistle Epistle toto aa Friend Friend 1804 Publishes Guide 1804 Publishes Guide toto the the Philadelphia Philadelphia Museum Museum 1804 February February 19 19 Elizabeth Elizabeth DePeyster DePeyster Peale 1804 Peale dies dies May 29 Accompanies Accompanies Baron Baron von von Humboldt Humboldt to May 29 to Washington, Washington, D.C. D .C. 1805 JuneHelps Helps to to found found the the Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Academy Academy of of the the Fine Fine Arts Arts 1805 June August 12 Marries Hannah Moore (1755—1821) August 12 Marries Hannah Moore (1755-1821) 1810 January 1810 January 11 Retires Retires to to Belfield; Belfield; deeds deeds museum museum to to Rubens Rubens 1812 February PublishesAn A nEssay EssaytotoPromote PromoteDomestic Domestic Happiness Happiness 1812 February Publishes 1816 Publishes Publishes Address 1816 Address to to The The Corporation Corporation and and Citizens Citizens ofo f Philadelphia Philadelphia 1818 D. C. 1818 NNovember-1819 ovem ber-1819 February February In In Washington, Washington, D. C. 1821 February 1821 February 11 Incorporates Incorporates Philadelphia Philadelphia Museum Museum Company Company October 10 October 10 Hannah Hannah Moore Moore Peale Peale dies dies 1822 Resumes 1822 Resumes management management of of museum museum Summer Begins Begins experiments experiments with with the the manufacture manufacture of ofporceSummer porce lain teeth teeth lain 1825 Raphaelle dies 1825 Raphaelle Peale Peale dies 1827 February in Philadelphia Philadelphia 1827 February 22 22 Dies Dies in
52 52
The Peale The Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers
The Papers of o f Charles Charles Willson Willson Peale subseries: Pealeare aredivided divided into into five five subseries: The Papers Series and concerning concerning SeriesAAconsists consistsof ofletters lettersand anddocuments documentsto, to, from, from, and
CWP. cwP.
Transcripts for for letters letters in appearin inTranscript Transcript Supplement. Supplement. Transcripts in 11-A II-A appear Series 11-AAddenda Addendaincludes includesmanuscripts manuscriptsthat thatarrived arrivedtoo too late late to to be Series II-A be included in chronological chronological series. series. included in Series BBconsists Series consistsof ofPeale’s Peale'sdiaries, diaries,with with transcripts transcripts and and indices. indices. Series and index. index. SeriesCCconsists consistsof ofCWP’s CWP'sautobiography, autobiography, with with transcript transcript and Series SeriesDDconsists consistsof ofPeale’s Peale'swritings, writings,both both unpublished unpublished and and published, published, and transcripts. and his his lectures, lectures, with with transcripts. Series includes miscellaneous miscellaneousitems: items: CWP’s CWP's accounts accounts books, books, daySeries EE includes day books, papers relating relating to to the the history history of of the the Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Academy Academy books, and and papers of of the the Fine Fine Arts. Arts. A selection selection of CWP’s sketches sketches and and watercolors, watercolors, in in color, color, are are A of CWP's included in in Series Series XIII. included XIII. Most of of CWP's CWP’s outgoing outgoing letters letters have have been been preserved preserved as as copies copies in in Most CWP's CWP’s letterbook. letterbook. Letterbook Letterbook copies copies of of correspondence correspondence have have been been interspersed with other other documents interspersed with documents to to maintain maintain aa chronological chronological sese quence. Some the quence. Some material material relating relating to to the the Philadephia Philadephia Museum Museum and and the Pennsylvania Fine Arts has also also been been included included here here Pennsylvania Academy Academy of of the the Fine Arts has where specificallyemanated emanatedfrom from or or involved involved CWP CWP. General General mate matewhere itit specifically rial relating rial relating to to the the Philadelphia Philadelphia Museum Museum may may be be found found in in Series Series XI-A. XI-A.
GENERAL INDEX INDEX GENERAL Series II-A Il-A and and Addenda Addenda Series
Letters and and Documents Letters Documents
(78 Cards) Cards) (78
[November ]-1765 1.1. 1758 1758 [November ]—1765 April April 27 27 July 15-1770 15-1770 June June21 2.2. 1765 1765July 21 3.3. [l77l]-l772January [1771]—1772January30-November 30-November12.12.Including Includingselections selections from from the (up to p. 20) 20) the Minutes Minutes of of the the Homony Homony Club Club (up to p. February 15-[1774] 15-[1774] Homony Homony Club Club cont’d. cont'd. 4.4. 1772 1772 February May-1777 August 5.5. 1774 1774 May—1777 August 22 22 6.6. 1777-1778 1777-1778 October October 26 26 7. 7. {1778-1779]-1779 [1778-1779]-1779 May May 25 25 8. June 26-1779 26-1779 September 8. 1779 1779 June September 13 13 9. 1779 1779 September September 17-1780 17-1780 June June 12 12 9. 10. 10. 1780June21-1781May6 1780June 21-1781 May 6 11. May 11-1783 11. 1781 1781 May 11-1783 April April 22 12. April 2-1784 2-l784June 12. 1783 1783 April June 20 20 13. l784June 1784 June 20-1785 20-1785 July July 88 13.
53 53
The The Peale Peale Family Family Papers Papers
14. 1785 July 13-1787 13-1787 February 14. 1785 July February 16 16 15. 1787 February 14-1787 14-1787 November November 15. 1787 February 16. 16. 1787 1787 December December 9— 9-[1791] [1791] 17. 17. [1791]-1791 [1791 ]—1791 September September23 23 18. 1793 September June 26 26 18. 1793 September23-1794 23-l794June 19. 1794 1794 July April 19 19 19. July 1-1795 1-1795 April 20. 1795 1795 April April 19-1796 19-1796 December December 13 13 20. 21. 1796 1796 December December 23-1797 23-1797 December December 1515 21. 22. [1797]-1799 22. [1797]—1799 December December 26 26 23. 1800 February 17-1801 February February 21 21 23. 1800 February 17-1801 24. March 7-1801 7-1801 November 24. 1801 1801 March November 24 24 25. 25. 1801 1801 December December 10-1802 10-1802 May May 25 25 26. 1802 1802 June December 12 12 26. June 6-1802 6-1802 December 27. 1803 January 2-1803 2-1803 June June 26 27. 1803 January 26 28. 1803 July 28. 1803 July 3-1803 3-1803 November November 33 29. November 3-1804 29. 1803 1803 November 3-1804 March March 99 30. 1804 March 9-1804June 9-l8O4June 18 30. 1804 March 18 31. l8O4June 1804 June 18-1804 18-1804 September September 31. 32. 1804 1804 September September 26-1805 February 44 32. 26-1805 February 33. 1805 February March 30 30 33. 1805 February 9-1805 9-1805 March 34. 1805 April 21 34. 1805 April 3-1805 3-1805 June June21 35. 1805 1805 June September 10 10 35. June 24-1805 24-1805 September 36. September 13-1805 13-1805 November November 20 36. 1805 1805 September 20 37. 1805 November 20-1806 February February 12 12 37. 1805 November 20-1806 38. 1806 February February 16-1806 16-1806 June June 27 27 38. 1806 39. 1806 June Index toto LB LB 7,7, 1806 1806 39. 1806 June 27-[1806] 27-[1806] Index 40. l8o7January 1807 January 6-1807 6-1807 May May 17 17 40. 41. 1807 1807 May November 15 15 41. May 25-1807 25-1807 November 42. 1807 1807 November November 18-1808 18-1808 April April 20 20 42. 43. 1808 1808 April April 20-1808 20-1808 September September 11 43. 44. 1808 1808 September September 1-1808 1-1808 November November1515 44. 45. 1808 1808 November November 27-1809 27-1809 February February 14 14 45. 46. 1809 46. 1809 February February 21-1809 21-1809 May May 14 14 47. l8O9June 1809June 20-1809 20-1809 October October 18 18 47. 48. 1809 1809 October October 24-18 24-1810 February 25 25 48. 10 February 49. 1810 1810 March January 23 23 49. March3-1811 3-l8llJanuary 50. 1811 January 27-1811December December 77 50. l8llJanuary27-1811 51. 1811 December 28 51. 1811 December 30-1812 30-1812 October October28 52. 1813 1813 January January 15 15 52. January3-1814 3-l8l4January 53. 1814 January October 23 23 53. 1814 January 6-1814 6-1814 October 54. 1814 October October 23-1815 23-1815 March March 23 23 54. 1814 55. 1815 March 24-1815 24-1815 August 55. 1815 March August 17 17 56. 1815 1815 August August 17-1816 17-1816 February February 20 20 56.
54 54
Papers The Peale The Peale Family Family Papers
57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65.
57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66 66.. 67. 68 68.. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73.
1816 March 1-1816 1-1816 August 1816 March August 14 14 1816 August 14-1816-1820 Belfield 1816 August 14-1816-1820 Belfield Farm Farm Accounts Accounts 1816-1817 1816-1817 August August 13 13 1817 August 23 1817 August 13-1818 13-1818 July July23
1818 July 24-l8l9January 24-1819 January 14 14 l8l8July
1819 January 25 1819 January 15-1819 15-1819 September September25 1819 October 18-1820 February February 22 22 1819 October 18-1820 1820 March -1820 October October 33 1820 March 11 11-1820 1820 October March 21 1820 October 3-1821 3-1821 March21 1821 April April 2-1822 2-1822 May 1821 May 77 1822 May 9-1822 9-1822 December 1822 May December 44 1822 December December 7-1823 7-1823 July 1822 July 22 1823 July January 14 14 1823 July 6-1824 6-1824 January 1824 January 16-1824 1824 January 16-1824 July July 22 1824 February 23 23 1824July July 16-1826 16-1826 February 1826 February 27-1827 27-1827 January January 30 1826 February 30
69. 70. 71. 72. 1827 February CWP’s estate; estate; February 8-1827-1828 8-1827-1828 Administration Administration of of CWP's 73. 1827 also includes includes undated undated items also items and and aa letter letter dated dated 1873 1873 April April44 [c.1875 or n.d. [c.1875 or 1876] 1876]Henry, Henry,Joseph: Joseph:“Address "Addresson on CWP” CWP" 74. 74. n.d. Addenda Addenda (4(4 cards) cards)
1. 1763 1763 April 20-1779-1780Journals Journals of o f the the House House of o f Representatives Representatives ooff 1. April 20-1779-1780
the Commonwealth of o f Pennsylvania Pennsylvania the Commonwealth 2.2. 1779-1780Journals. 1779-1780Journals . . . cont’d cont'd 3. 1779-1780 1779-1780Journals 1820April April 20 20 Inventory Inventory ofof goods goods 3. Journals.. . .cont’d— cont'd-1820 .
. . . Dr. of ComparaCompara Museum of Dr. Caspar Caspar Wistar Wistar.. .. . Museum tive Anatomy Anatomy tive April 20 20 Inventory Inventory.. . . cont’d—n.d. 4.4. 1820 1820 April CWPsketches sketches cont'd-n.d. CWP .
Diaries Diaries (25 (25 Cards) Cards)
The Diaries The Diaries of o f Charles in Charles Willson WillsonPeale Pealeare arepresented presentedasasthey they appear appear in bound book book form, form, except except that that for for ease ease of of reading reading reversed reversed pages bound pages have have been turned. Occasionally, been turned. Occasionally, where where aa drawing drawing appears appears on on one one half halfof of the the sheet and writing writing on on the the other other half half in in the the opposite opposite direction, direction, the sheet and the page page has been duplicated duplicated so so that that the the reader reader may each half half more more convenhas been may see see each conven iently. iently. Each Each diary diary isisfollowed followedby byaatranscript transcript and andan anindex, index, both both made made by Horace Horace Wells Wells Sellers. the diaries diaries by Sellers. Names Names appearing appearing in in the the index index to to the have than have been been included included in in the the Alphabetical Alphabetical Index Index if if they they appear appear more more than three times. times. Horace Horace Wells Wells Sellers’ where three Sellers' notes notes have have also also been been included included where they appear appear inin the There isis no no index index for for Diary Diary 17. 17. they the transcripts. transcripts. There
1.1. Diary Diary 1.1. 1765-1767; 1765—1767; Transcript; Transcript; Index Index 2.2. Diary Diary 2.2. 1775 1775 October October 13-1776 13—1776 December December 3;3; Transcript Transcript through through p. 49 p.49
55 Peale Family Family Papers Papers The Peale 55 The
3. 3. Diary Diary 2. 2. Transcript Transcript cont'd. cont’d. pp. 50—73; Diary Diary 3.3. 1776 1776 December December pp. 50-73;
4-1777 4-1777 January January 20; 20; Transcript, Transcript, with with introduction introduction by by Rembrandt Rembrandt Peale Peale asas published published inin The The Crayon; Crayon; Index Index
4. Diary 4. 1777 June 18-1778 August 30, through p. 95 5. Diary 4 cont’d.; Transcript through p. 80 6. Diary 4 Transcript cont’d.; Index; Diary 5. 1778 October 16-1779 April Transcript, with with memo April 12; 12; Transcript, memo notes notes 7. 7. Diary 1779 May October 2;2; Transcript. Transcript. Also Also includes includes Diary 6. 6. 1779 May 23-1780 23-1780 October Excerpt. . . relating relating toto Ft. Ft. Wilson Wilson Riot Riot Excerpt 8.8. Diary Diary 7. 7. 1788 1788 May May 30-1789 30-1789 April; April; Transcript Transcript through through p. p. 14 14 Diary 77 Transcript Transcript cont’d; cont'd; Diary Diary 8. 8. 1788 November-December; 9.9. Diary 1788 November— December; Transcript; Transcript; Index Index 10. Diary 10. Diary 9. 9. 1788 1788 December December 12-1789 12-1789 April April 29; 29; Transcript; Transcript; Diary Diary 10. 10. 1789 1789 May May 3-1790 3-1790 December December 13, 13, through through p.p. 53 53 11. Diary 11. Transcript; Index Index Diary 10 10 cont’d.; cont'd.; Transcript; 12. 12. Diary Diary 11. 11. 1791 1791.May May 24-1791 24-1791 October October14; 14; Transcript; Transcript; Index Index 13. Diary 12. 12. 1792 1792 May May 22-June 22-June 20; 20; Transcript; Transcript; Index; Index; Diary Diary13. 13.1793 1793 13. Diary August 21-September19; 19; Transcript; Transcript; Index Index August 21-September 14. Diary 14. 14. 1795June 1795 June 11-June 11-June20; 20; Transcript; Transcript; Index; Index; Diary Diary 15. 15. 1797 1797 14. Diary February 21-26; 21-26; Transcript; Transcript; Index Index February June 17-December 17-December 19; 15. Diary 16. 16. 1798 1798 June 19; Transcript; Transcript; Index Index 15. Diary 16. Diary 17. 17. 1799 1799 May 12; Transcript; Transcript; Index Index 16. Diary May 30-June 30-June 12; 17. Diary 18. 18. 1801 1801 June 3; Transcript Transcript 17. Diary June 5-July 5-July 3; 18. 19. 1801 1801 July 25; Transcript; Transcript; Index Diary 19. July 29-September 29-September 25; Index 18. Diary 19. Diary 20. 1804 May April 28; 28; Transcript 40 19. Diary 20. 1804 May 29-1805 29-1805 April Transcript through through p. p. 40 20. cont’d.; Index; Index; Diary Diary 21 21 (Sketchbook); (Sketchbook); Index Index Diary 20 20 Transcript Transcript cont'd.; 20. Diary Diary 22 (Journal to to New May 23— 23-June 21. Diary 22 (Journal New York); York); 1817 1817 May June 14 14 21. Diary 22. 22. Transcript Transcript 22. 22. Diary 23. 29; Transcript Transcript through through Diary 23. 23. 1818 1818November November5-1819January 5-l8l9January 29; 23. Diary p.p. 13 13 Transcript cont'd.; May 15-1825 24. Diary Diary 23 23 Transcript cont’d.; Index; Index; Diary Diary 24. 24. 1822 1822 May 15-1825 24. June 8; Transcript; Index June 8; Transcript; Index 25. Diary 25. 1826 1826 December. (Visit toto New York); Transcript; Index; Diary 25. December. (Visit New York); Transcript; Index; 25. Index 1775-1776 Index to to pictures, pictures, portraits, portraits, 1775-1776 4. Diary 4. 1777June 18-1778 August30, through p.95 5. Diary 4 cont'd.; Transcript through p. 80 6. Diary 4 Transcript cont'd.; Index; Diary 5. 1778 October 16-1779
Autobiography Autobiography
(21 Cards) (21 Cards)
The Autobiography. Autobiography. CWP CWP made made his his first first attempt attempt at at writing writing his his auau The tobiography on April tobiography inin 1790, 1790, following following the the death death of of his his wife wife Rachel Rachel on April 12. the narrative narrative up up toto 1790 1790 and and then then abandoned abandoned the the effort. effort. 12. He He brought brought the In 1826, Peale again again took took up up his his pen pen at at the the urging urging of of his his daughter, daughter, In 1826, Peale Sophonisba Sellers. his memory, memory, he he consulted consulted his his collected collected Sophonisba Sellers. To To jog jog his papers, therefore, repetition the auau papers, and and there there is, is, therefore, repetition of of diary diary entries entries in in the tobiography. tobiography.
56 Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers The Peale 56 The
At the the turn turn ofofthe the twentieth twentieth century, century, Horace Horace Wells Wells Sellers, Sellers, the the At
of his ancestor. great grandson grandson of of CWP, CWP, prepared prepared to to write write aa biography biography ofhis ancestor. great
To To this this end, end, he he transcribed transcribed the the autobiography autobiography and and diaries diaries that that had had survived He also survived inin the the family's family’s possession. possession. He also indexed indexed his his transcripts. transcripts. Although he never wrote wrote the the book book he he intended, intended, his his son, son, Charles Charles Although he never Coleman Sellers, did, did, basing basinghis his work work to to aa large Coleman Sellers, large extent extent upon upon the the original autobiography autobiography and father's transcript rev. ed., ed., original and his his father’s transcript of of itit (1947; (1947; rev.
1969). 1. Autobiographical Autobiographical fragment, 1. fragment, 17901790 2-13. Manuscript autobiography autobiography 2-13. Manuscript 14-21. 14-21. HWS's HWS’stranscript transcript ofofautobiography; autobiography; notes; notes; index index 1969).
GENERAL INDEX INDEX GENERAL Series Series II-D II-D i*itings and Writings and Lectures Lectures (32 Cards) (32 Cards)
CWP came naturally as CWP came to to literary literary exercises exercises as as naturally as he painting, and and the the running running of of aa museum. museum. His His he took took to to letter letter writing, writing, painting, first acknowledged poem poem was was“On "On hearing hearing the the ORGAN, ORGAN, at first acknowledged at St. St. Paul's Paul’s Church, on Christmas Christmas Day, Day, 1762." 1762.” Charles Charles Coleman Coleman Sellers Sellers believes believes Church, on that he that he was was also also the the author author of of an an earlier earlierpublication, publication, “VERSES "VERSES Occa Occasion'd by by the the MARRIAGE MARRIAGE and andCORONATION CORONATION of GEORGE III," sion’d of GEORGE III,” which appeared inin the the Maryland M aryland GGazette azette of 1762 (not (not which appeared of February February 4, 4, 1762 reproduced here because of the uncertainty of authorship). From reproduced here because of the uncertainty of authorship). From this this time Peale continued continued to time on, on, Peale to write write and and publish publish poems, poems, scientific scientificessays, essays, and lectures on on natural natural history. history. Many Many of his publications publications were and lectures ofhis were placed placed on sale sale atat the on the Philadelphia Philadelphia Museum. Museum. Peale's Peale’s first first lecture, lecture,Introduction Introduction toto aaCourse Course ofo fLectures Lectures on on Natural Natural H istory; Delivered Delivered inin the f Pennsylvania, ov. 16, 1799, was was History; the University University oof Pennsylvania,NNov. 16, 1799, printed distribution in in 1800. 1800. AAsecond second introductory introductory printed for for distribution in Philadelphia Philadelphia in lecture, Discourse on the lecture, Discourse introductory introductory toto aa course course of o f Lectures Lectures on the science science of of Nature; with original music, composed for, and sung on the occasion, was Nature; with original music, composed for, and sung on the occasion, was also printed printed in in 1800. 1800. In In all, all,he he delivered deliveredforty-two forty-two lectures, lectures, but but their also their numbering misleading, since introductory, two two are are numbering can can be be misleading, since one one isis introductory, numbered 1, and Lecture No. No. 2;2; the the others others follow follow inin numbered Lecture Lecture No. No. 1, and two, two, Lecture sequence 39. sequence to to Lecture Lecture No. No. 39.
Writings and Lectures. Writings and Lectures.
1.1. Introduction Introduction toto writings writings and and lectures lectures Poem: hearing the at St. St. Paul's Paul’s Church, Church, on on Poem: “On "On hearing the ORGAN, ORGAN, at Christmas Christmas Day,1762" Day, 1762” Pennsylvania Pennsylvania GGazette, a zette, DeDe cember 30, 30, 1762 1762 cember Broadside: A Description Description ooff the ezzo tin to ooff Mr. Pitt, Broadside: A the Picture Picture and and MMezzotinto Mr. Pitt, done Willson Peale, aryland 11768] [1768] done by by Charles Charles Willson Peale, ooff M Maryland “Poem to to D[avid] D[avid] R[ittenhouse]” of aa poem by "Poem R[ittenhouse]" (copy (copy by by CWP CWP of poem by Hannah Norris Hannah Norris Griffitts) Griffitts) 11777-78] [1777-78] Engraving: Engraving: “A "A Representation Representation of of the the Figures Figures exhibited exhibited through through
The Peale Family Papers
the Streets on Saturday 30th of the Streets of of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, on Saturday 30th of September, 1780" 1780” Fc.1872] | c. 1872] (re-engraving (re-engraving ofofaa 1780 1780 September, original) original)
Broadside: Broadside: AA Descriptive D escriptive Catalogue Catalogue ooff Mr. Peale’s Exhibition Exhibition ooff PerPer Mr. Peale's
spective spective Views Views . . . Philadelphia Philadelphia 1785] [1785] Broadside: untitled, on Broadside: untitled, on perspective perspective views, views, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, 1785 1785 Handbill: untitled, Handbill: untitled, on on miniature miniature painting painting and and portrait portrait prices, prices, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, 1786 1786 "The “The Bow," Bow,”American American Museum, M useum, 66 (1789), (1789), 205-6 205-6 Broadside: To To the the Citizens C itizen s ooff the the U.S.A. U .S .A . (on (on the the Museum), Museum), Broadside: Philadelphia, Philadelphia, 1790 1790 "Account Person born born aa Negro, Negro, or very Dark Dark Mulatto, Mulatto, who “Account of of aa Person or aa very who afterwards became became White," White,”The TheUniversal UniversalAsylum Asylum afterwards
and and Columbian Columbian Magazine M agazine for fo r 1791 1791
Broadside without title "Gentlemen, II thank Broadside without title commencing: commencing: “Gentlemen, thank you you
for the for the honor honor . . . my my design design in in forming forming this this Museum. Museum . . . ," Philadelphia, Philadelphia, 1792 1792 AA Scientfic Scientific and and Descriptive Descriptive Catalogue Catalogue ooff Peale's Peale’s Museum, M useum, PhilaPhila delphia, delphia, (written (written with withA.M.F.J. A.M.F.J.Palisot PalisotdedeBeauBeauvois), 1796 1796 vois), “Description of of some some Improvements Improvements inin the the common common Fire-place Fire-place "Description . . . offered offered to the consideration consideration of of the the American American to the Philosophical Philosophical Society," Society,” Am. Am. Phil. Phil.Soc., Soc.,TransacTransac tions, 55 (1802) tions, (1802) An on Building Building Wooden WoodenBridges, Bridges,Philadelphia, Philadelphia,1797, 1797,pp. pp.1-3 1-3 A n Essay Essay on 2. An A n Essay Essay on on Building Building Wooden Wooden Bridges, 2. Bridges,cont’d.; cont'd.;pp. pp. 4-16 4-16 "A Letter “A Letter from from Mr. Mr. C. C. W. W. Peale Peale totothe theEditor EditorofofthetheWeekly Weekly M agazin e” (on (on stoves stovesand andfireplaces), fireplaces),The TheWeekly Weekly Magazine" Magazine, M agazine, 11 (1798) (1798) “Description the Stove Stove lately lately built built by by Mr. Mr. Charles Charles Willson Willson "Description of of the Peale, Peale, in in his hisMuseum, Museum, and and which which burns, burns, the the Smoke Smoke of its Fuel," Fuel,”The TheWeekly Weekly Magazine, M agazine, 22 (1798) (1798) of its Extracts from various various publications publications on on various various subjects, subjects, chiefly chiefly Extracts from natural natural history history and and the the British British Museum Museum [1799] 1799] Lectures on Natural History History (LNH): (LNH): "Introductory “Introductory Lecture" Lecture” Lectures on Natural [1799]; pp. 1-47 11799];pp. 1-47 3.3. LNH: LNH: "Introductory “Introductory Lecture" Lecture” cont'd.; cont’d.; pp. pp. 48-64 48-64 .
on Natural Natural History. Introduction Lectures on History. Delivered D elivered inin the the Introduction to to aa Course Course ooff Lectures UUniversity niversity ooff Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania, Nov. N ov. 16, 16, 1799. 1799. PhilaPhila
delphia, 1800 delphia, 1800
Nature; Discourse Introductory to to aa Course Course of o f Lectures Lectures on on the the Science Science ooff Nature; Discourse Introductory with M usic, Composed Composed For, on, the the with Original Oriina1 Music, For, and and Sung Suns on, Occasion. DDelivered the H Hall the University Occasion. elivered inin the all of o f the U niversity of of
58 58
Pennsylvania, ov. 8,8, 1800. 1800 Pennsylvania, NNov. 1800. Philadelphia, Philadelphia, 1800 LNH LNH [1799-1800]: [1799-1800]: "1st. “1st. Lecture. Lecture. The The Theory Theoryofofthe theEarth. Earth.LinLinnean System System of of Animals, Animals, and and moral moral reflections on nean reflections on Man” 1-11 Man" pp. pp. 1-11
The The Peale Peale Family Family Papers Papers
LNH: “1st. "1st. Lecture. The Theory Theory of of the the Earth" 4. LNH: Lecture. The Earth” cont'd.; cont’d.; pp. pp. 12-43 12-43 LNH: “1st. Lecture. Lecture. Arang-Autang, Arang-Autang, Baboons Baboons and and Monkies;" Monkies;” LNH: "1st. transcript pp. transcript pp. 1-19 1-19 5.5. LNH: “1st. Lecture. Lecture. Arang-Autang" Arang-Autang” cont'd.; cont’d.; transcript transcript pp. pp. LNH: "1st. 20-27 20-27 LNH: "2d. “2d. Lecture. Lecture. Containing Containing the the descriptions descriptions of of Apes Apes and and LNH: Monkies;" Monkies;” transcript transcript LNH: "2d. “2d. Lecture. Lecture. Mongoose, Mongoose, Bats, Bats, Mamoth, Mamoth, Elephant, Elephant, LNH: Morse, and and Sloth" Sloth” Morse, LNH: "2d. 6. LNH: “2d. Lecture. Lecture. Mongoose" Mongoose” cont'd.; cont’d.; transcript transcript 6. LNH: LNH: "3d. “3d.Lecture. Lecture.Ant AntEater, Eater, Manis, Manis,Armadilla, Armadilla,Sea SeaLion, Lion, Sea Sea Wolf;" transcript transcript Bear, Seal, Seal, Hyena, Jackal &8c Wolf;” Bear, Hyena, Jackal 7. LNH: LNH: "4th. “4th. Lecture. Lecture. Foxes, Foxes, Lion, Lion, Tyger, Tyger, Cougar Cougar oror Panther, Panther, 7. Cats, Linx or Wild Cat and Ichneumon;” transcript Cats, Linx or Wild Cat and Ichneumon;" transcript LNH: “5th. Lecture. Lecture. Coati-Mondi, Coati-Mondi, Otter, Otter, Pole-cat, Pole-cat, Poto, Poto, Minx, Minx, LNH: "5th. Stroat, Weasel, Weasel, Ferret, Ermine, Bears, Bears, Racoon, Racoon, Stroat, Ferret, Ermine, and and Oppossum;” Oppossum;" transcript transcript pp. pp. 1-13 1-13 8. Otter" cont'd.; 8. LNH: LNH: "5th. “5th. Lecture. Lecture. Coati-Mondi, Coati-Mondi, Otter” cont’d.; transcript, transcript, ppp.p .14-20 14-20 LNH: "6th. LNH: “6th. Lecture. Lecture. Moles, Moles, Shrew's, Shrew’s, Hedge-hog, Hedge-hog, Porcupine's, Porcupine’s, Hare's, Hare’s, Rabbits, Rabbits, and and Beaver;" Beaver;” transcript transcript LNH: "7th. LNH: “7th.Lecture. Lecture. Musk-Rat, Musk-Rat,Guinea Guinea Pig, Pig, Rats, Rats, Mice, Mice, Jerbois, Jerbois, Kangaru, Marmot, Marmot, & Kangaru, & Squirrels” Squirrels" pp. pp. 1-26 1-26 9. 9. LNH: LNH: "7th. “7th. Lecture. Lecture. Musk-Rat, Musk-Rat, Guinea Guinea Pig, Pig, . . . ” cont’d. pp. cont'd. pp. 27-28; transcript 27-28; transcript LNH: LNH: "8th. “8th. Lecture. Lecture. Flying Flying Squirrel, Squirrel, Camel Camel & Dromedary & Dromedary Llama, Pacos, Elk, Moose-Deer, Buck Deer, & Llama, Pacos, Elk, Moose-Deer, Buck Deer, & Rein Deer;" transcript Rein Deer;” transcript LNH: "9th. “9th. Lecture. Lecture. Antelopes, Antelopes, Goats, NB inin LNH: Goats, Sheep Sheep and and Ox. Ox. NB cluding Buffaloes,” Buffaloes," pp. cluding pp. 1-23 1-23 10. LNH: "9th. Lecture. Antelopes, Goats 10. LNH: “9th. Lecture. Antelopes, Goats . . . ” cont'd. cont’d. pp. pp. 24-34; 24-34; transcript transcript LNH: "10th. “10th. Lecture. Lecture. Grunting Grunting Bull, Bull, Indian Indian ox, ox, Little Little Indian Indian LNH: Buffalo Horse, Horse, Ass, Ass, Zebra, Zebra, Quagga, Quagga, HippopotaBuffalo Hippopota mus, Taper, and transcript mus, Taper, and Hog;” Hog;" transcript 11. LNH: 11. LNH: "11th. “11th. Lecture. Lecture. Pecary, Pecary, Scull Scull nondescript, nondescript, Barbyrussa, Barbyrussa, [Rhinoseros] and of Whale's Monodon, [.R hinoseros ] and of Whale’s Monodon, Mysticus, Mysticus, Physalus or transcript Physalus or Fin-fish, Fin-fish, and and Physeter;” Physeter;" transcript LNH: Lecture. Cachalot, LNH: "12th. “12th. Lecture. Cachalot, and and Varieties, Varieties, Dolphin Dolphin 4.
59 The The Peale 59 Peale Family Family Papers Papers
Porpoise, Grampus, Grampus, The The Introduction Introduction toto 2d. 2d. Class Class Porpoise, ayes. aves. Birds: Birds: and and describing describing the the Vulture Vulture Gryphus" G ryphus ” 12. LNH: 12. LNH: "12th. “12th. Lecture. Lecture. Cachalot, Cachalot,and andVarieties Varieties . . .."” cont’d. tran cont'd. transcript script LNH: LNH: "13th. Hawks;" transcript “13th. Lecture. Lecture. Vultures, Vultures, Eagles, Eagles, and and Hawks;” transcript LNH: "14th. LNH: “14th. Lecture. Lecture. Owls, Owls,and andShrike's Shrike’soror Butcher-Birds" Butcher-Birds” pp. pp. 1-22 1-22 .
13. LNH: LNH: "14th. “14th. Lecture. Lecture. Owls, Owls, and and Shrike's Shrike’s . . .” cont’d. pp. cont'd. pp. 23-25; transcript 23-25; transcript LNH: “15th. Lecture. Lecture. Laniers, Laniers, and and Parrots;" Parrots;” transcript transcript LNH: "15th. LNH: LNH: "16th. Lecture. Parrots and Toucans;" pp. 1-28 1-28 “16th. Lecture. Parrots and Toucans;” pp. 14. 14. LNH: LNH: "16th. “16th. Lecture. Lecture. Parrots Parrots and and Toucans" Toucans” cont'd. cont’d. pp. 29-31; pp. 29-31; transcript transcript LNH: “17th. Lecture. Lecture. Raven, Raven, Jack-daw, Jack-daw, Magpie, Magpie, Jays, LNH: "17th. Jays, Oriole’s. Oriole's. Grakle, Birds Grakle, Birds of of Paradise, Paradise, && Couroucouis Couroucouis Curucui;” Curucui;" transcript transcript LNH: "18th. “18th. Lecture. Lecture. Bucco Bucco Barbet's, Barbet’s, Cuckoo's, Cuckoo’s, Wryneck. Wryneck, and and LNH: Wood-peckers" pp. 1-11 Wood-peckers” pp. 1-11 15. “18th. Lecture. Lecture. Bucco Bucco Barbet's Barbet’s . . .” cont’d. pp. 12-29; 12-29; 15. LNH: LNH: "18th. cont'd. pp. transcript transcript “19th. Lecture. Lecture. Woodpecker's, Woodpecker’s, Nuthatch's, Nuthatch’s, King King Fisher's, Fisher’s, LNH: "19th. LNH: Bee-eater's, and and Hoopoe’s;” Hoopoe's;" transcript Bee-eater’s, transcript “20th. Lecture. Lecture. Promerops, Promerops, Creeper's, Creeper’s, && Humming Humming 16. LNH: LNH: "20th. 16. Birds;" Birds;” transcript transcript LNH: "21st. “21st. Lecture. Lecture. Swans, Swans, Geese, Geese, && Ducks;" Ducks;” transcript transcript LNH: “22d. Lecture. Lecture. Duck's Duck’sand and Merganser's;" Merganser’s;” transcript transcript 17. LNH: LNH: "22d. 17. LNH: “23d. Lecture. Lecture. Puffin, Puffin, Pinguins, Pinguins, Petrels, Petrels, Albatross's Albatross’s and and LNH: "23d. Pelican’s;” Pelican's;" transcript transcript pp. pp. 1-14 1-14 “23d. Lecture. Lecture. Puffin, Puffin, Pinguins" Pinguins” cont'd. cont’d. transcript, transcript, pp. pp. LNH: "23d. 18. 18. LNH: 15-19 15-19 “24th. Lecture. Lecture. Anhinga, Anhinga, Tropic Tropic bird, bird, Divers, Divers, Gulls, Gulls, LNH: "24th. LNH: Cut-water;" transcript Terns, & Cut-water;” transcript Terns, & LNH: "25th. “25th. Lecture. Lecture. Flamingo, Flamingo, Spoon-bill, Spoon-bill, Crams, Crains, and and the the LNH: Ibis's" Ibis’s” “25th. Lecture. Lecture. Flamingo" Flamingo” cont'd. cont’d. transcript transcript 19. 19. LNH: LNH: "25th. LNH: “26th. Lecture. Lecture. Curlew's, Curlew’s, Woodcock's, Woodcock’s, Snipes Snipes and and PlovPlov LNH: "26th. ers;” ers;" transcript transcript LNH: “27th. Lecture. Lecture. Avosett's, Avosett’s, Oyster Oyster Catchers, Catchers, Coots, Coots, Mud Mud LNH: "27th. or or Water-Hen, Water-Hen, Poule Poule Sultane,Jacana, Sultane, Jacana, Rails, Rails, && Os Ostrich.;” trich.;" pp. pp. 1-24 1-24 “27th. Lecture. Lecture. Avosett's, Avosett’s, Oyster Oyster Catchers Catchers . . .” cont'd. cont’d. 20. LNH: LNH: "27th. 20. pp. 25-27; pp. 25-27; transcript transcript “28th. Lecture. Lecture. Peacocks. Peacocks, Turkies, LNH: "28th. Turkies, Quan, Quan, Currusows, Currusows, & LNH: & Cocks, Cocks, or or Common Common Poultry;" Poultry;” transcript transcript 13.
60 60
The Peale The Peale Family Family Papers Papers
LNH: “29th. "29th. Lecture. Pheasants, Pintado Pintado or or Guinea LNH: Lecture. Pheasants, Guinea hen hen && Grous;"pp. Grous;” pp. 1-19 1-19 21. LNH: "29th. “29th. Lecture. Lecture. Pheasants Pheasants .. . .."” cont'd. cont’d. pp. pp. 20-28; 20-28; trantran 21. LNH: script script LNH: LNH: "30th. “30th. Lecture. Lecture. Partridges, Partridges, Quails, Quails, && Pigeons;" Pigeons;” transcript transcript LNH: "31st. “31st. Lecture. Lecture. Larks, Larks, Starlings, Starlings, && Thrushe’s;” LNH: Thrushe's;" pp. pp. 1-12 1-12 22. LNH: LNH: "31st. “31st. Lecture. Lecture. Larks. Larks . .. . cont'd. cont’d. pp. pp. 13-30; 13-30; transcript transcript 22. LNH: LNH: "32d. “32d. Lecture. Lecture. Chatterer's, Chatterer’s,and andGross Gross Beaks;" Beaks;” transcript transcript 23. 23. LNH: LNH: "33d. “33d.Lecture. Lecture.Emberiza, Em beriza, buntings buntings&&Tanagra, Tanagra, Tanagers;" Tanagers;” transcript transcript LNH: "34th. “34th. Lecture. Lecture. Fringilla, Fringilla, Chaffinchs, Chaffmchs, or Sparrows;” trantran LNH: or Sparrows;" script script 24. LNH: "35th. “35th. Lecture. Muscicapa, flycatchers flycatchers and and Motacilla, M otacilla, Lecture. Muscicapa, 24. LNH: Warblers;" Warblers;” transcript transcript LNH: "36th. “36th. Lecture. Lecture. Motacilla, M otacilla, or Warblers;” transcript transcript pp. pp. LNH: or Warblers;" .
25. LNH: LNH: "36th. “36th. Lecture. Lecture.Motacilla M otacilla 25. 13-18 13-18
. . .”." cont'd.; cont’d.; transcript transcript pp. pp.
LNH: LNH: "37th. “37th.Lecture. Lecture.Pipra Pipra manakin, manakin,Parus Parus Titmouse, Titmouse,&&Hirundo Hirundo Swallows;" Swallows;” transcript transcript LNH: "38th. LNH: “38th. Lecture. Lecture. Swallows" Swallows” 26. 26. LNH: LNH: "38th. “38th.Lecture. Lecture. Swallows" Swallows” cont'd. cont’d. transcript transcript LNH: LNH: "39th. “39th. Lecture. Lecture. Caprimulgus, Caprimulgus, ororGoatsuckers— Goatsuckers-and, and, an an ilil lustration lustration or or comparitive comparitive view view of of the the characters characters of of each each Genus Genus of of Birds;” Birds;" transcript transcript 27. 27. An A n Epistle Epistle toto aa Friend, Friend, on on the the Means M eans of o f Preserving Preserving HHealth, ealth, Promoting Promoting HHappiness; appiness; and and Prolonging Prolonging the o f Man M an toto its its NatuN atu the Life Lfe of ral Period, Period, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, 1803 ral 1803 Guide to to the thePhiladelphia PhiladelphiaMMuseum, Philadelphia, 1805 Guide useum, Philadelphia, 1805 "A Walk through the Museum" [1805-1806] “A Walk through the Philada Philad3 Museum” [1805-1806] pp. pp. 1-36 1-36
28. "A 28. “A Walk. Walk . . .”." cont'd. cont’d. pp. pp. 37-132 37-132 29. "A 29. “A Walk. Walk . . .".” cont'd. cont’d. pp. pp. 133-57 133-57 . .
A n Essay, Essay, to appiness, Philadelphia, 1812 An to Promote PromoteDomestic DomesticHHappiness, Philadelphia, 1812
Historical Catalogue Paintings in in the the Philadelphia Philadelphia Museum, M useum, Historical Catalogue ooff the the Paintings Consisting Chiefly o f Portraits o f Revolutionary at Consisting Chiefly of Portraits of Revolutionary PPatriots and other otherDistinguished DistinguishedCharacters, Characters,Philadelphia, Philadelphia, riots and
1813 1813 pp. pp. 1-24 1-24 30. 30. Historical Historical Catalogue. Catalogue . . . cont’d. pp. 25-29 25-29 cont'd. pp. Broadside: Broadside: Peale's Peale’s Museum, M useum, in in the the State State House, House, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, AdmitA dm it tance 25 cents, cents,Philadelphia, Philadelphia, 1814 tance 25 1814 Memo Memo on on the the Steam Steam Bath, Bath, n.d. n.d. "Lecture on on the the Use “Lecture Use of of the the Museum" Museum”[1823] [1823] “Lecture connection with the Museum" Museum” "Lecture on on Natural Natural History History in in connection with the [1823] [1823] .
61 61
The The Peale Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers
M iscellany Miscellany (7 Cards) Cards) (7
"Lecture on on Natural Natural History “Lecture History and and the the Museum" Museum”[1823] [1823] “Lecture History”[1823] [1823] pp. 1-8 "Lecture on on Natural Natural History" pp. 1-8 31 "Lecture on Natural Natural History” History" cont’d. cont'd. pp. 31. “Lecture on pp. 9-42 9-42 “Lecture” [on [on natural natural history] history] [1823] [1823] "Lecture" Draft o f A nEssay Essaytoto Promote Promote Domestic Dom estic Happiness Draft ofAn Happiness[1811-1812] [1811-1812] Draft of Friend [1802-1803] [1802-1803] Draft ofEEpistle p istle toto aa Friend "A behalf of of the the oppressed” oppressed" [c. pp. l-10a 1-10a “A voice voice inin behalf [c. 1812] 1812] pp. 32 behalf of of the the oppressed” oppressed" cont’d. cont'd. pp. 32. "A “A voice voice inin behalf pp. 11-18 11-18 “Lecture and the the Museum" Museum” [1823] [1823] "Lecture on on natural natural history history and
Pilkington, The The Rev. Rev. “The "The Gentleman's 1. 1770 1770 Pilkington, Gentleman’s and and Connoisseur's Connoisseur’s Dictionary of Dictionary of Painters Painters . . .."” (excerpts (excerpts and and 66 flyleaf flyleaf pp. filled in manuscript; manuscript; marginalia pp. filled in in in marginalia by by CWP) CWP) [1777 Spring] Draftofofarticle. article.See Seealso alsoII-.A/5E3-.7 II-A/5E3-7 [1777 Spring] Draft [1783] Address of of the the Citizens Citizens of of Philadelphia Philadelphia.. . . . to the President President [1783] Address to the of of the the Congress Congress 1785, 1788, 1795 1795Account AccountBook Book pp. pp. 1-20 1-20 1785, 1788, 1785, 1788, 1788, 1795 1795Account AccountBook Book cont’d. cont'd. 2.2. 1785, 1786Handbill Handbill regarding regarding Miniature Miniature Painting 1786 Painting n.d. MarginaliaininLavater's Lavater’sAphorisms Aphorism s on on Man M an (Dublin, (Dublin, 1790) 1790) n.d. Marginalia 1790 October Bordley, J.J. Beale Beale to to John John FF. Mifflin, Mifflin, Esq. Esq. 1790 October 88 Bordley, (Endorsement by (Endorsement by CWP CWPtotoJames James Peale) Peale) [c.1790] of aa Gentleman or Lady" Lady” [c.1790]“Portrait "Portrait of Gentleman or 1794 August 1-21 1794 August 10 10Memorandum Memorandum Book, Book, pp. pp. 1-21 Memorandum Book Book cont’d. cont'd. 3. 1794 1794 Memorandum 1795 February the Columbianum Columbianum or or 1795 February 17 17 The The Constitution Constitution of of the American Academy ofof the the Fine Fine Arts American Academy Arts 1804 Elizabeth 1804 February February 21 21St. St.Peter’s Peter's Church Church Burial BurialRecords— Records-Elizabeth DePeyster Peale DePeyster Peale n.d. Concerning n.d. Concerning the the rice rice bunting bunting n.d. List of birds n.d. List of birds n.d. Concerning natural natural history history n.d. Concerning n.d. Concerning n.d. Concerning natural natural history history 4.4. 1803-1822 1803-1822 Daybook Daybook pp. pp. 1-95 1-95 1806-1822 Daybook Daybook cont'd. 5.5. 1806-1822 cont’d. 6.6. 1810-1824 1810-1824 Daybook Daybook pp. pp. 1-92 1-92 7.7. 1810-1824 cont’d. 1810-1824 Daybook Daybook cont'd. 1818 Charter, By-Laws, 1818 Charter, By-Laws, and and Standing Standing Resolutions Resolutions ofof the the PennPenn sylvania sylvania Academy Academy ofof the the Fine Fine Arts Arts [1818] of the the Pennsylania Pennsylania Academy Academy [1818]Papers Papers relating relating to to the the history history of of the Arts. Transmitted Transmitted by of the Fine Fine Arts. by TRP TRP toto HSP, HSP, 1877 1877 April 16 16 April n.d. List of of Statues-PAFA Statues-PAFA n.d. List 1
The Papers oofjames Peale, Sr. Sr. (1749-1831) (1749-1831) [JP] The Papers f James Peale, [JP] and and His H is Children:James Peale,jr. Children: James Peale, Jr. (1789-1876) (1789-1876) [JPjr]; [JPjr];AAnna nn a Claypoole C laypoole Peale (1791-1878) [ACP]; Sarah Sarah Miriam M iriam Peale [SMP] Peale (1791-1878) [ACP]; Peale (1800-1885) (1800-1885) [SMP]
James James Peale, Peale, Sr. Sr.
1749 Born Maryland 1749 Born in in Chestertown, Chestertown, Maryland 1765 1765 Moves Movestoto Eastern Eastern Shore Shore and and works works as as carpenter carpenter and and cabinetcabinet maker maker 1769 Returns painting 1769 Returns to to Annapolis Annapolis to to reside reside with with CWP, CWP, and and is is taught taught painting 1772 Accompanies trip toto Philadelphia Philadelphia 1772 Accompanies CWP CWP on on painting painting trip 1776 January 1776 January14 14Commissioned Commissionedensign ensignininSmallwood’s Smallwood's regiment regiment of of the Maryland the Maryland Line Line Eights in in New New York Campaign Fights York Campaign lV77 f777 Fights Eights in in Philadelphia Philadelphia Campaign Campaign 1779 1779June JuneResigns Resignscaptain’s captain'scommission commissioninin the the Continental Continental Army; Army; moves toto Philadelphia Philadelphia and and joins CWP inin the thepaintpaint moves joins CWP ing studio ing studio 1782 November 14 Marries Mary Mary Claypoole Claypoole 1782 November 14 Marries Assists CWP CWP in in building building exhibition Assists exhibition gallery gallery
1785May MayJPJPand andCWP CWP form form partnership partnership in in exhibition exhibition of of moving 1785 moving pictures pictures 1786 JP and and CWP CWP divide divide professional professional practice practice in in Philadelphia; Philadelphia; JP JP 1786JP specializes inin miniatures specializes miniatures 1791 (d.1878) 1791 March March 66 Birth Birth of of Anna Anna Claypoole Claypoole (d.1878) 1800 1800 May May 19 19 Birth Birth of of Sarah Sarah Miriam Miriam (d.1885) (d.1885) 1831 May May 24 24JP 1831 JP dies dies GENERAL GENERAL INDEX INDEX Series III Series III (5 cards) cards) (5
James Peale r.’s papers activities during the James PealeSSr's papers relate relate primarily primarily to to his his activities during the Revolution petition to to Revolution as as captain captaininin the the Maryland Maryland Line Line and and to to his his petition Congress painting Congress for for compensation. compensation.JP JP studied studied the the art art of of miniature miniature painting
63 63
The The Peale Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers
with CWP and on to to develop develop an an interest interest in in the the painting painting of of with CWP and went went on landscape and still still life. life. Studies Studies for for some some of landscapes appear appear in in the the landscape and of his his landscapes small book reproduced small sketch sketch book reproduced inin color colorininSeries Series XIII. XIII. InIn1782, 1782, James James Peale married (1753-1829), daughter daughter of of the the painter painter Peale married Mary Mary Claypoole Claypoole (1753-1829), James Claypoole. James Claypoole. The papers of of Jam es Peale, r., deal business and and The papers James Peale,J Jr., deal primarily primarily with with business legal matters. matters. In In 1821, legal 1821, he he married married his his cousin cousin Sophonisba Sophonisba Peale, Peale, Raphaelle and Raphaelle and Patty Patty Peale’s Peale's daughter. daughter. Anna Claypoole ClaypoolePeale Pealewas wasinstructed instructedby byher herfather fatherininthe the arts arts of of Anna watercolor on and oil oil on on canvas. canvas. Her Her first first attempt, attempt, aa fruit fruit piece, piece, watercolor on ivory ivory and was exhibited in in 1811 1811 at at the the Society Society of of Artists Artists in in Philadelphia. Philadelphia. During During was exhibited the she became became aa popular the period period 1820-1840, 1820-1840, she popular miniature miniature painter, painter, work working York, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Boston, Boston, and and Washington, Washington, ing in in Baltimore, Baltimore, New New York, D.C. D.C. InIn1829, 1829, she she married married the the Reverend Reverend Doctor DoctorWilliam William Staughton Staughton (1770-1829); and death, General General William William Duncan (1772(1770-1829); and upon upon his his death, Duncan (17721864). She She had had no no children. children. 1864). There Angelica Peale, There are are no no papers papers for for Margaretta Margaretta Angelica Peale, whose whose work work consisted primarily of consisted primarily ofstill still lifes. lifes. Sarah Pealewas wasthe themost most famous famous of ofJP's Sarah MMiriam iriam Peale JP’s daughters. daughters. She She began her in 1817 1817 with with the the exhibition exhibition of ofher “Flowers” began her career dreer in her painting painting "Flowers" at the at the Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Academy Academy of of the the Fine Fine Arts, Arts, where where she she continued continued to to show still lifes and and portraits. portraits. In show still lifes In 1818, 1818, and and again again inin 1820, 1820, she she visited visited Rembrandt Peale inin Baltimore and, under under his his influence, influence, developed Rembrandt Peale Baltimore and, developed her her talent for for color color and talent and precision precision inin details. details. InIn 1825, 1825, she she settled settled inin BaltiBalti more where more where she she painted painted portraits. portraits. Sometime Sometimebetween between1841 1841 and and1843, 1843, Sarah Miriam visited Sarah Miriam visited Washington, Washington, where where she she painted painted such such statesmen statesmen as Daniel She moved moved toto St. St. Louis Louisinin1846 1846 as Daniel Webster Webster and and Abel Abel P. P. Upshur. Upshur. She in poor health. health. Here Here she established aa portrait portrait studio studio and and painted painted many many in poor she established still to Philadelphia Philadelphia in in 1877. 1877. She She never never still life life fruit fruit pieces. pieces. She She returned returned to married. married. 1.1. (JP] 1776 23 Army Army accounts accounts 1776August August 15-1784 15-1784 April April23 2.2. 1784 1784 November 8-1831 March March 11; 11; also also n.d.; Sketchbook pp. pp. November 8-1831 n.d.; Sketchbook 1-14 1-14 3.3. n.d. n.d. [1824] [1824] Sketchbook Sketchbook cont'd. cont’d. [end [end ofJP ofJP mss.1 mss.] QPjr.] 1813 March 1717 [JPjr.] 1813 February February 5-1828 5-1828 March 4. 1828 1828 July [end ofJPjr. ofJPjr. mss.] mss.] 4. July 12-n.d. 12-n.d. [end [ACP] October 66 [ACP] 1823 1823February February18-n.d. 18-n.d. October [SMP] [SMP] 1819 1819April April7-1819 7-1819 November November 77 5. and Testament 5. [SMP] [SMP] 1820 1820 April April 8-1885 8-1885 February February99Last Last Will Will and Testament LIP]
JP JP sketchbook sketchbook appears appears inin color color inin Series Series XIII. XIII.
rjI, The [St.GP] and and Margaret M argaret Jane The Papers Papers ooff St. St. George GeorgePeale Peale(1745—1778) (1745-1778) [St.GP] Jane Peale MM'Mordie ’M ordie Ram say (1743-1788) Peale Ramsay (1743-1788)
1745 1745April April23 23Born BornininChestertown, Chestertown, Maryland Maryland 1765-1768Assumes Assumesrole roleasashead headofoffamily familywhile whileCWP CWP isis in in New New 1765-1768 England and and London London England 1769 1769Resides Resideswith withCWP CWP in inAnnapolis Annapolis and and isistaught taught painting painting c. Marries Elizabeth Elizabeth Emerson Emerson Callister c. 1773 1773 Marries Callister 1774 26 Appointed clerk of of the Assembly 1774March March26 Appointed committee committee clerk the Maryland Maryland Assembly 1776 of Military Military 1776Member Memberof of Committee Committee of of Safety, Safety, and and Commissary Commissary of Stores for for Baltimore Baltimore Stores 1777 Annapolis, and and 1777May May Appointed Appointed Registrar Registrar of of the the Land Land Office, Office, Annapolis, serves as as lieutenant in militia militia serves lieutenant in 1778 July 13 dies 1778Ju1y 13 St. St. GP GP dies
GENERAL INDEX INDEX GENERAL Series Series IV-A IV-A Cards) (3(3 Cards)
St. George George Peale Margaret Jane ’M ordie Ram say were the St. Peale and and Margaret Jane Peale Peale M M'Mordie Ramsay were the children children of of Charles Charles Peale Peale and and Margaret Margaret Triggs Triggs Peale. Peale. St. St. George GeorgePeale Pealewas wasthe thefamily family amanuensis amanuensis and and business business advisor. advisor. While still stillunmarried, unmarried, he he lived lived with with Charles Charles Willson Peale and and Rachel, Rachel, While Willson Peale where tutelage. Before Before the the RevoluRevolu where he he learned learned to to draw draw under under CWP’S CWP'S tutelage. tion, he was tion, he was Register Register of of the the Land Land Office; Office; during during the the war, war, he he continued continued his service and on on his service to to the the province province of of Maryland Maryland by by serving serving in in the the militia militia and the Safety. Early the Committee Committee of of Safety. Early in in the the conflict, conflict, he he was was named named Com Commissary in missary of ofMilitary Military Supplies Suppliesfor forthe theMaryland MarylandRegiment. Regiment. Sometime Sometime in the Callister, whose whose will will isis the early early 1770’s, l770's, he he married married Elizabeth Elizabeth Emerson Emerson Callister, also also included included inin this this series. series. Margaret Jane ’M ordie Ramsay, was called, called, Margaret Jane Peale PealeMM'Mordie Ramsay,or orJenny Jenny as as she she was played role in CWP’s life life after after her her second second marriage marriage toto played an an important important role in CWP's Colonel she saw saw Colonel Nathaniel Nathaniel Ramsay Ramsay in in 1771. 1771. During During the the Revolution, Revolution, she
St. George George Peale Peale St.
65 The The Peale 65 Peale Family Family Papers Papers
to the comfort of of CWP’s CWP's family to the comfort family when when he he was was absent absent with with the the troops; troops; and whenever whenever she she could, could, she she followed followed the the army, army, “aiding "aiding to to help help those those and most most dear dear toto her. her."” She She continued continued to to be be of of assistance assistance and and comfort comfort to to her her brother until her her death. death. brother until 1762October October 12-1777 1.1. [StGP]: [StGP]: 1762 12-1777 April April 77 2. 1777 1777 April April 9-1777-1778 Accountswith withthe theBoard BoardofofWar War 2. 9-1777-1778 Accounts 3. 3. 1777-1778 1777— 1778cont'd.-1778 cont’d.— 1778July July1111Inventory Inventoryofofestate; estate;Last Last Will Will and Testament Testament ofofElizabeth Elizabeth Callister Callister Peale; Peale; 1785 1785 and March 29: 29: Margaret MargaretJane JanePeale PealeRamsay RamsaytotoO. 0. H. March H. Williams Williams
The The Papers Papers of o f Charles Charles Peale PealePolk Polk (1767-1822) (1767-1822) CPP] [CPP]and and Elizabeth Elizabeth Polk Polk Claypoole Bend Claypoole Bend (1770-1831) (1770-1831)
1767 1767 March March 17 17Born Born in in Maryland Maryland 1777 Resides Resideswith with CWP CWP in in Philadelphia Philadelphia 1777 1785March-July March-July Advertises Advertises as as portrait portrait painter 1785 painter inin Baltimore; Baltimore; travels travels to Alexandria, Alexandria, Virginia Virginia to c.1785 Marries Ellison of of New New Jersey Jersey c.1785 Marries Ruth Ruth Ellison 1787 November 55 Baptized Baptized in 1787 November in First First Baptist Baptist Church, Church, Philadelphia Philadelphia 1791 Returns to Baltimore. Advertises for portraits 1791 Returns to Baltimore. Advertises for portraits 1793 Elected Mechanical Society Society 1793 Elected Secretary Secretary Baltimore Baltimore Mechanical 1793May May30 Opens drawing drawing school 1793 30 Opens school inin Baltimore Baltimore 1796-1812 Operates dry-goods dry-goods store 1796-1812 Operates store 1798 August 1798 AugustAdvertises Advertisesportraits portraits painted painted in in Hagerstown, Hagerstown, Maryland Maryland 1799-1800 Spends in Richmond, Richmond, Virginia. Virginia. Advertises Advertises asas 1799-1800 Spends winter winter in portrait portrait painter. painter. Travels Travels in in Maryland, Maryland, Virginia, Virginia, and and Pennsylvania Pennsylvania until until c.1800 c.1800 1800 June Appointed AppointedSecretary Secretaryofofthe the Republican Republican Citizens Citizens ofof Frederick Frederick l800June County, County, Maryland Maryland 1801 James Madison at Republican Republican 1801 March March Displays Displays transparency transparency of ofJarnes Madison at Festival Frederick, Maryland Festival inin Frederick, Maryland 1802 March Appointed Appointed deacon deacon of of First First Baptist Baptist Church Church in in D.C. D.C. 1802 March 1806 January commences 1806 January Salary Salary as as First First Auditors Auditors Clerk Clerk commences June "Engraved in in Gold" June Advertises Advertises profile profile likenesses likenesses “Engraved Gold” inin Richmond, Virginia. Continues employment Richmond, Virginia. Continues employment asas Treasury clerk clerk Treasury c. 1811 Marries Marries Mrs. Mrs. Brockenbrough Brockenbrough (or (or Brockenborough) Brockenborough) ofofFredc.181l Fredricksburg, ricksburg, Virginia Virginia c.c.1816 1816 Marries Marries Ellen Ellen Ball Ball Downman Downman 1820 1820 Moves Moves to to Warsaw, Warsaw, Virginia Virginia (Richmond (Richmond County) County) 1822 Virginia 1822 May May 66 Dies Dies in in Warsaw, Warsaw, Virginia
Charles Peale Charles Peale Polk Polk
66 Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers The Peale 66 The
GENERAL GENERAL INDEX INDEX Series IV-B Series IV-B (4 (4 Cards) Cards)
Charles Claypoole Charles Peale Peale Polk Polk and and Elizabeth Elizabeth Polk Polk C/a ypooleBend Bendwere were the the children children
of of Charles Charles Willson Wilison Peale’s Peale's sister sisterElizabeth ElizabethDigby Digby Peale Peale (1747-C.1776) (1747c.1776) and her her husband, husband, Robert Robert Polk Polk (1744-1777). (1744—1777). After After the death of of their their and the death mother, the the two two children, children, together together with with anan older older sister, sister, Margaret, Margaret, mother, the were cared close toto the were cared for for and and educated educated by by CWP, CWP, and and they they remained remained close family throughout their lives. lives. Charles Charles Willson Willson Peale Peale taught French to to family throughout their taught French Margaret By Margaret and and Charles Charles and and instructed instructed the the young young boy boy in in painting. painting. By the the age age of of eighteen, eighteen, Charles Charles Peale PealePolk Polk was was able abletoto take take on on portrait portrait commissions and and advertised advertised his his availability availability inin the the Maryland M aryland Journal commissions Journal of of March 25, 25, 1785. 1785. Two in PhiladelPhiladel March Two years years later, later, he he was was painting painting portraits portraits in phia alongside Charles His phia alongside Charles Willson Willson Peale, Peale,James, James, and and Rembrandt. Rembrandt. His portrait of George George Washington, Washington, taken from life life inin 1787, 1787, became, became, portrait of taken from according to Charles CharlesColeman ColemanSellers Sellers(Charles (CharlesWillson Willson Peale: Peale: A A BiogBiog according to raphy, 1969, raphy, 1969,p.p. 219), 219), “a "a stock stock piece piece through through these these years years when when all all of of Washington’s luxury Washington'scomrades comradesand andfriends friendswho who could could afford afford the the luxury wanted aa picture.” wanted picture." On May 30, 30, 1793, 1793, Charles school inin On May Charles Peale Peale Polk Polk opened opened aa drawing drawing school Baltimore. For For some some years years during during the the period period 1796-1812, 1796-1812, heheisis listed listed inin Baltimore. the He obviously obviously the Baltimore Baltimore directory directory as as owning owning aa dry-goods dry-goods store. store. He found and from from 1798 1798 found itit necessary necessary to to travel travel to to take take portraits, portraits, however, however, and to 1800 he Maryland, and and inin to 1800 he painted painted in in Frederick Frederick and and Hagerstown, Hagerstown, Maryland, Richmond, 1801 on, he seems seems to to have have encountered encountered Richmond, Virginia. Virginia. From From 1801 on, he economic the extant extant correcorre economic difficulties, difficulties,for forititisisfrom from this this date date that that the spondence collection presents as aa supplicant supplicant spondence reproduced reproduced in in this this collection presents him him as for employment. After After1802, 1802, he he resided resided inin or or near near WashWash for government government employment. ington, D.C., where wherehehewas was aa clerk clerk inin the the Treasury Treasury Department, and ington, D.C., Department, and continued Pennsylvania, Maryland, Maryland, and and Virginia Virginia area; area; continued to to paint paint in in the the Pennsylvania, by 1818 1818 heheseems three by seemstotohave havegiven givenup uppainting painting entirely. entirely. He He married married three times times and and had had fifteen fifteenchildren, children,nine nineof ofwhom whom lived lived to to maturity. maturity. Elizabeth etsy) CCIa laypoole the Peale Peale Elizaljeth (B (Betsy) ypooleBend Bendwas wasmuch niuchloved loved by by the children, whom took care care of of after after the the death death ofofRachel Rachel Peale, Peale, children, whom she she took Charles Charles Willson Willson Peale’s Peale's first firstwife. wife. Around Around 1790, 1790, she she married married Septimus Septimus Claypoole, who died in in 1798. 1798. Her she marmar Claypoole, who died Her second second husband, husband, whom whom she ried on on April April 22, 22, 1807, 1807, was was Dr. Dr. Joseph G. J.J. Bend, Bend, rector rector ofof St. St. Paul's Paul’s ried Joseph G. Church who died died on on November November25, 25, 1812. 1812. Church in in Baltimore, Baltimore, who 1.1. 1777 1777 December 20 (Will (Will of 1802-1820 (Minutes (Minutes December20 of Robert Robert Polk) Polk)— -1802-1820 of First of First Baptist Baptist Church, Church, Washington, Washington, D.C.) D.C.) 2. 1802-1820 1802-1820 (continued) 1809January January 22 2. (continued)— -1809 3. 1809 1809 April — 1825April April 55 3. April 11-1825 4. 1825 April 5— 1798 December3131 Elizabeth Elizabeth Polk Polk Claypoole: Claypoole: 4. 1825 April 5-1798 December Bond for for the the administration administration of of estate estate of of husband husband Bond Septimus Claypoole Claypoole Septimus
The Papers Raphaelle Peale Peale (1774-1825) (1774-1825) [RaP] The Papers of o f Raphaelle [RaP]
1774 February 17 17Born Born in in Annapolis, Annapolis, Maryland. Maryland. Childhood 1774 February Childhood spent spent inin Philadelphia Philadelphia 1788 December-1789 December-1789 April CWP, on on painting 1788 April Accompanies Accompanies father, father, CWP, painting trip to trip to Baltimore Baltimore and and Annapolis Annapolis 1788— 1788-1791 1791 Develops Deve'ops interests interests in in music music and and drawing; drawing; assists assists CWP CWP in in museum museum 1793January JanuaryTravels TravelstotoGeorgia Georgia to to collect collect for for the the museum museum 1793 1794 with 1794Distributes Distributes trade trade card card for for painting painting portraits portraits in in partnership partnership with Rembrandt Peale Peale Rembrandt
Joins militia; Joins militia; becomes becomes an an officer officer inin the the "Macpherson's “Macpherson’s Blues" Blues” c.1795 Paints of Rubens Rubens Peale Peale inin mascot’s c.1795 Paints portrait portrait of mascot's uniform uniform Fall Paints of George George Washington Washington Fall Paints portrait portrait of Winter Rembrandt Peale Peale on on painting painting trip Winter Accompanies Accompanies Rembrandt trip toto South South Carolina Carolina 1796 Spring Returns Returns to to Philadelphia 1796 Spring Philadelphia 1796-1797 Works with with CWP improvements 1796-1797 Works CWP on on stoves stoves and and fireplace fireplace improvements c.1797 cA797 Establishes Establisheswith with Rembrandt Rembrandt short-lived short-lived museum museum in in Baltimore Baltimore 1797 Winter in Baltimore Baltimore 1797 Winter Paints Paints portraits portraits in March 17 With With CWP, CWP, presents presents paper paper to to American American PhiloPhilo March 17 sophical published sophical Society Society on on stoves stoves and and fireplaces; fireplaces; published in APS APS Transactions, Transactions, vol. in vol. 55 (1802) (1802)“Description "Description of of some Improvements Improvements on the Common Common Fire-place" Fire-place” some on the Reprinted ReprintedininRepertory Repertory ofo fArts, A rts, Manufactures Manufactures and and AgAg riculture,2nd 2nd ser., ser., vol. vol. 22 (London riculture, (London 1802) 1802) May 25 Martha (Patty) May 25 Marries Marries Martha (Patty) McGlathery McGlathery (d. (d. January January 7,7, 1852) 1852)
68 68
The Peale The Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers
c.c. 1798 1798 Paints Paints portrait, portrait, Titian Titian Ramsay Ram say Peale Peale II 1798 November Infant child child dies dies 1798 November 44 Infant December ships' bottoms bottoms and December Patents Patents process process toto free free ships’ and waterwater front marine worms front pilings pilings from from ravages ravages of of marine worms 1799 June25 Receives jointly with CWP an award of sixty 1799 June 25 Receives jointly with CWP an award of sixty dollars dollars for for “an "an essay essay on on the the best best method method of of warming warming rooms” rooms" August August 66 Eliza Eliza Ferguson Ferguson born born (d. (d. August August 30, 30, 1876) 1876) c.1800 c.1800 Continues Continues to to work work in in museum museum 1801 (d. August August3,3,1878) 1878) 1801 May May 15 15 Sophonisba Sophonisba born born (d. 1802 1802Travels Travelstotoplantations plantationsand andsmall smalltowns towns in inVirginia, Virginia, the the Carolinas, Carolinas, and Georgia, Georgia, making making silhouettes with aid of physiand silhouettes with aid ofphysiognotrace ognotrace August 44 Charles Charles Willson Willson born (d. August August 4,4, 1829) 1829) August born (d. 1803 Develops of the the universe; paper published publishedininPhiladelphia Philadelphia 1803 Develops aa theory theory of universe; paper Repository and and Weekly Weekly Register, Repository Register, vol. vol. 33 1804 in Boston 1804March MarchReturns Returns to to Philadelphia Philadelphia from from unsuccessful unsuccessful tour tour in Boston making silhouettes making silhouettes Spring Sets up silhouette business Spring Sets up silhouette business in in Philadelphia Philadelphia for for aa short short period; then then leaves leaves for for Georgia Georgia on on painting painting trip period; trip 1805 Georgia 1805 InIn Georgia December 88 Edmund Edmund born born inin Philadelphia Philadelphia (d. (d. September September 25, 25, December 1851) 1851) 1806-1807 Paints, takes takes profiles, profiles, exhibits exhibits waxwork waxwork show show in in the the South South 1806—1807 Paints, 1807 (d. January January 19, 19, 1850) 1850) 1807 April April27 27St. St. George George born born in in Philadelphia Philadelphia (d. 1807-1808 1807-1808 Suffers Suffersfrom fromalcoholism. alcoholism.CWP CWPcontributes contributes to to support support of of family family 1808 September in Philadelphia Philadelphia (d. (d. December December 23, 23, 1808 September 15 15 Rubens Rubens born born in 1891) 1891) 1809 Patty action against against Raphaelle Raphaelle for sub 1809 Patty brings brings court court action for support; support; subsequently dropped following RaP's RaP’s hospitalization hospitalization sequently dropped following August 17-September 17-September 22 Committed Committed to to Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Hos August Hospital for “delirium”; "delirium"; dismissed pital for dismissed as as cured cured 1810 October (d. October October26, 26, 1847) 1847) 1810 October 15 15 Margaret Margaret born born (d. 1812 Suffers and still still life life 1812 Suffersfrom fromalcoholism alcoholismand andgout. gout. Exhibits Exhibits portraits portraits and in the Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Academy Academy of the Fine Fine Arts. Arts. in the of the Catalogue the Use Catalogue fofor r the Use of of the the Room-A R oom — ADeception Deception
exhibited exhibited atat PAFA PAFA
1813-1821 Travels; paints 1813—1821 Travels; paints still still life; life; suffers suffers from from illnesses; illnesses; limited limited communication family atat home communication with with family home 1820 June 77 and 1820 June and 1821 1821 September September 29 29 Publishes Publishes article article inin National National GGazette azette and and American American DDaily a ily AAdvertiser dvertiser on carriage on carriage wheels and rods wheels and lightning lightning rods
69 The The Peale 69 Peale Family Family Papers Papers
Series Series V V (2 (2 Cards) Cards)
1821 September September Returns Returns to to Philadelphia 1821 Philadelphia and and advertises advertises still still life life and and portraits portraits 1823 Paints Paints After 1823 A fter the the Bath Bath November Leaves Philadelphia to to spend spend winter winter painting November Leaves Philadelphia painting in in Charleston Charleston 1824 Returns to to Philadelphia. 1824 Returns Philadelphia. Suffers Suffers deteriorating deteriorating health, health, alcoholalcohol ism, ism, severely severely limited limited finances finances 1825 March55Dies DiesininPhiladelphia; Philadelphia;buried buried in in St. St. Peter’s Peter's Churchyard Churchyard 1825 March
Raphaelle RaphaellePeale Pealeleft leftfew fewletters lettersor or personal personal papers. papers. This This series series includes includes
the correspondence of of his his wife Charles Willson Willson Peale’s the correspondence wife after after his his death. death. Charles Peale's letters and Patty Patty in letters to to Raphaelle Raphaelle and in Series Series Il-A II-A also also provide provide information information concerning Raphaelle’s activities. activities. concerning Raphaelle's 1. November 25-1836 25-1836 October 1. 1792 1792 November October 14 14 2. 1836 1836 October January 88 2. October 14-1852 14-l8s2January
èBT The [ReP] The Papers Papers ooff Rembrandt Rembrandt Peale Peale (1778-1860) (1778-1860) [ReP]
1778 Pennyslvania 1778February February22 22Born Born Bucks Bucks County, County, Pennysivania 1795 of Washington Washington 1795Paints Paintsportrait portrait of Winter Raphaelle Winter Travels Travels to to Charleston, Charleston, South South Carolina,with Carolina,with Raphaelle 1797 Founds Baltimore Museum with Raphaelle 1797 Founds Baltimore Museum with Raphaelle 1798 (1776-1836) 1798June June12 12Marries MarriesEleanor EleanorMay May Short Short (1776-1836) 1799 July 28 Birth of Rosalba Carriera (d. 15, 1874) 1874) 1799July 28 Birth of Rosalba Carriera (d. November November 15, 1800 of Angelica (d. 1859) 1859) 1800December December 66 Birth Birth of Angelica (d. 1801 1801Helps HelpsCharles Charles Willson WilisonPeale Pealewith with mastodon mastodon 1802-1803 1802-1803 Travels Travels to to England England with with mastodon mastodon 1803 (d. June June 8,8, 1803 September September 11Birth Birth of of Virginia Virginia in in Reading, Reading, England England (d. 1886) 1886) Fall Fall Travels TravelstotoCharleston, Charleston, Savannah, Savannah, and and New New York York City City 1804 Sets museum in in 1804 Setsup up studio studio in in Philadelphia Philadelphiaon on ground ground floor floor of of museum the State State House the House December Goes to Washington with with Charles Charles Wilison Willson Peale Peale December Goes to Washington to sell sell polygraph polygraph and and paint paint portraits portraits of of President President to Jefferson Willson Jefferson and and Albert Albert Gallatin. Gallatin. With With Charles Charles Willson Peale Peale paints paints Gilbert G ilbert Stuart Stuart 1805 July 1, 1805 July 10 10Birth Birthof ofAugusta Augusta (d. (d.June June 8, 8, 1886) 1886)and and Eleanor Eleanor (d. (d. July July 1, 1877) 1877) 1805-1806 Academy of of the the 1805-1806 Cooperates Cooperates in in founding founding of of Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Academy Fine Arts (1810-1813, Fine Arts (1810-1813, aa director) director) 1806 April (d. June June 21, 21, 1892) 1892) 1806 April 13 13 Birth Birth of of Henrietta Henrietta (d. Travels toto New Fulton’s Travels New York York and and Boston; Boston; witnesses witnesses Robert Robert Fulton's steamboat experiment experiment steamboat 1808 April 77 Leaves Leaves for for Paris, Paris, France 1808 April France October Returns to to the the United United States States October Returns
71 71
The Peale The Peale Family Family Papers Papers
1809-1810 1809-1810 Returns Returns to to Paris Paris 1810 Cooperates in in founding founding Society 1810 Cooperates Society of of American American Artists Artists in in PhilaPhila
delphia delphia 1811 1811 Opens Opens Rembrandt’s Rembrandt's Picture Picture Gallery Gallery and and Apollodorian Apollodorian Gallery Gallery of of Paintings inin Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Exhibits Exhibits Napoleon Napoleon and and Paintings The The Roman Rom an Daughter Daughter 1812 1812 Birth Birth of of Henry Henry (d. (d. September September 12, 12, 1825) 1825) and and Mary Mary J.J.
November15, 15, 1876) 1876) November Elected Elected to to American American Academy Academy of of Fine Fine Arts, Arts, New New York York City. City. Exhibits Exhibits in in New New York York City City Paul Paul Svinin Svinin attacks attackshis hisNapoleon Napoleon and andThe The Roman Roman DDaughter aughter
1814 Founds FoundsPeale’s Peale'sMuseum Museum in in Baltimore Baltimore 1814 November Birth November Birth ofof Michael Michael Angelo Angelo (d. (d. 1833) 1833) and and Emma Emma Clark (d. unknown) unknown) Clark (d. 1820 Paints Court Court ooff DDeath and exhibits exhibits painting 1820 Paints eath and painting Moves to to New New York City but painting trips trips to to New New Moves York City but resumes resumes painting England and and the the South South England 1823 LeavesNew New York York to to return return to 1823 Leaves to Philadelphia Philadelphia 1824 Paints portrait of Washington 1824 Paints portrait of Washington 1825 September 1825 September 12 12 Death Death of of son son Henry Henry Returns New York York City City without without family family Returns to to New Elected of American American Academy Academy of of Fine Fine Arts Elected president president of Arts 1826Travels TravelstotoBoston. Boston. Experiments Experiments with with lithography 1826 lithography 1827 Receives Receivessilver silvermedal medalfrom from Franklin Franklin Institute Institute for for lithograph lithograph of of 1827 Washington Washington 1828 Returns in Boston Boston 1828 Returns to to New New England England for for work work in 1828-1830 1828-1830 Fall Fall Travels Travels to to Italy, Italy, France, France, and and London, London, England England 1830 Arrives in. Boston; Boston; returns returns to to New New York York City City 1830 Arrives in 1831 Publishes N otes on on Italy Italy 1831 Publishes Notes 1832 Travels to to England England 1832 Travels 1833 (?) 1833 (?)Returns Returns to to Philadelphia Philadelphia to to teach teach drawing drawing and and writing writing 1833 Death of of son son Michael 1833 Death Michael Angelo Angelo 1835 anual ooff DDrawing rawing and fo r the the Use Use of 1835 Publishes Publishes Graphics: Graphics: AA MManual andWriting, *iting,for of Schools and Families Families (1841 (1841 rev. rev. ed. Schools and ed. Introduction Introduction to to
Graphics) Graphics)
1836 May Short Short Peale Peale 1836 April April 33 Death Death of of wife, wife, Eleanor Eleanor May 1838 Teaches School 1838 Teaches in in Philadelphia Philadelphia High High School 1839 The Portfolio Portfolio of o f an A rtist 1839 Publishes Publishes The an Artist
1840 November 66 Marries 1840 November Marries Harriet Harriet Cany Cany (d. (d. January January 12, 12, 1869) 1869) 1855-1858 1855-1858 Publishes Publishes "Reminiscences," “Reminiscences,”inin The The Crayon Crayon 1857-1860 Lectures on on “Washington "Washington and and His His Portraits” Portraits" in 1857-1860 Lectures in New New York, York, Boston, Boston, and and Stonington, Stonington, Connecticut Connecticut
72 72
The The Peale Peale Family Family Papers Papers
Series Series VI-A VI-A
Letters and and Documents Documents Letters
(18 Cards) (18 Cards)
Addenda Addenda (3 (3 Cards) Cards)
1860 October Dies inin Philadelphia Philadelphia 1860 October 33 Dies RembrandtPeale Pealehave havebeen beendivided divided into into two The Papers Papers ooff Rembrandt two series, series, The consisting (B) Writings Writings and and Lectures. Lectures. consisting of of (A) (A) Letters Letters and and Documents, Documents, (B) Palettes and Sketchbook Palettes and Sketchbook ofof ReP ReP appear appear inin color color inin Series Series XIII. XIII.TranTran scripts appear Supplement. scripts appear in in Transcript Transcript Supplement.
1. 1. 2.2. 3.3. 4. 4. 5.5. 6. 6. 7. 7. 8. 8. 9. 9. 10. 10. 11. 11. 12. 12. 13. 13. 14. 14.
1793-1808 28 1793-1808July July28 1808 1808July-1816 July-1816 1817 23 1817January January 11-1824 11-1824 March March23 1824 March May 15 15 1824 March 31-1828 31-1828 May n.d. [1828]-1830 [1828]—1830 n.d. 1828-1831 June 24 1828-1831 June 24 January 1831 September-1833 January 99 1831 September-1833 1833 April 1833 April 13-1836 13-1836 1837 January 16 1837 January 31-1845 31-1845 February February 16 1845 April 55 22- 1851 April 1845 February February 22-1851 1851 26 1851 April April 8-1856 8-1856 December December 26 1856 December 26-1858 26-1858 February 1856 December February 13 13 25 22-[1860] February [1858] February 22-[1860] February 25 February [1858] (includes settle settle1860 February 28-1865 November November and and undated undated (includes 1860 February 28-1865 ment of of Rembrandt's Rembrandt’sestate) estate) ment 15. Undated Undated letters letters continued: continue± 15. Supplementary 1808 March May 10: 10: Supplementary letters, letters, 1808 March 17-1826 17-1826 May Harriet Cany OctoLetters of Harriet Cany Peale Peale (Mrs. (Mrs. Rembrandt Rembrandt Peale) Peale) 1846 1846 Octo Letters of ber ber 22-1868 22-1868 December December 7 7 1. 1808-1813. 1808-1813. Notes Notes on on ReP's ReP’s portrait of DuPont de Nemours Nemours 1. portrait of DuPont de
[1825] [1825]John JohnNeagle, Neagle,“Hints "Hintsfor for aa painter painter with with Regard Regard to to his his Method of Study, Study, etc.” etc." pp. pp. 1-32 1-32 Method of 2. painter.. . . ”"cont'd. 2. "Hints “Hints for for aa painter cont’d. pp. pp. 33-58 33-58 Neagle, "Receipts “Receipts for 1-69 Neagle, for making making Megellup,” Megellup," pp. pp. 1-69 3. 3. Neagle, Neagle, "Receipts. “Receipts . . . "cont'd. “cont’d. Letters, 1827, June 29-n.d. 29-n.d. Letters, 1827, June .
J4'itings and Writings and Lectures Lectures
(22 (22 Cards) Cards)
1. n.d. book" n.d. "French “Frenchand andItalian Italian exercise exercise book” 1800 Breeches 1800Irony, Irony,Solomon: Solomon: ‘‘Fashion; "Fashion;or, or,The The Art Art of of Making Making Breeches An Heroi-Sadri-Didactic Heroi-Satiri-Didactic POEM” POEM" An [1802] Drawings [1802] Drawings and and notes notes on on the the mastodon mastodon 1802 Account ofoftheBehemoth th e Behemoth or or Mammoth" M am m oth” 1802 April April “A "A short short Account
Account Skeleton of of the the Mammoth M ammoth . . . Found in America America Account of of the the Skeleton Found in .
73 The The Peale 13 Peale Family Family Papers Papers
2.2. 1803 1803An A n Historical Historical Disquisition Disquisition on onthe theMMAMMOTH, A M M O T H , or or Great Great AmerAm er ican ican Incognitum, Incognitum, An A n Extinct, Extinct, Immense, Immense, Carnivorous Carnivorous Animal, A nim al, whose whose Fossil Fossil Remains Remains have have been been found found in in North N orth America America
. . . illustrated illustrated with with Engravings Engravings .
"A of the the Mammoth” Mammoth" “A Short Short Account Account of "On the “On the Differences Differences which which exist exist between between the the Heads Heads of of the the Mammoth Mammoth and and Elephant" Elephant” “Account of of some some Remains Remains ofof aa Species Species of of gigantic gigantic Oxen Oxen "Account found of the the World” World" found inin America America and and other other Parts Parts of 1813 July 1515Sully, Joseph Delaplaine, Edward Edward Parker, Parker, 1813Ju1y Sully,Thomas ThomastotoJosephDelaplaine, and Kimber and Kimber && Richardson, Richardson, publishers publishers of of Royal Royal Octavo Bible Bible Octavo 1824 in The The 1824January January“Interesting "Interesting Facts FactsRelative Relative to to the theOpossum” Opossum" in
Philadelphia Museum Philadelphia Museum
"The Arts by by ‘Van 'VanRhyn’ Rhyn'"” “The Fine Fine Arts "Intelligence" “Intelligence” January “The Court of of Death" Death” January "The Court February Facts Relative in February 28 28 “Interesting "Interesting Facts Relative to to the the Opossum” Opossum" in
Cincinnati G azette Cincinnati Literary Literary Gazette
"Ode" by “Ode” byDr. Dr.Godman Godmansuggested suggestedbybyReP's ReP’sNational N ational Portrait Portrait
o f Washington
of Washing ton
3. 3. 1830 1830 "Biographical “BiographicalSketch Sketchofo Charles f CharlesWillson Willson Peale" Peale” 1831 o f Peale’ 1831 Catalogue Catalogue of Peale'ss Italian Italian Pictures Pictures now nowExhibiting Exhibiting..
N otes on on Italy Italy by by Rembrandt Rembrandt Peale, Peale, written written during during aa tour tour in in years years Notes
1829 1829 and and1830, 1830,pp. pp. 1-65 1-65 4. onItaly, Italy,cont’d. cont'd. pp. pp. 66-159 66-159 4. 1831 1831 Notes Notes on Noteson onItaly, Italy,cont’d. cont'd. pp. pp. 160-253 5.5. 1831 1831 Notes 160-253 6.6. 1831 1831 Notes Notes on onItaly, Italy,cont’d. cont'd. pp. pp. 254-328 254-328 1832 Secretary of of the the Senate: Senate: itemization of miscelmiscel 1832Report Report from from Secretary itemization of laneous expense of of $2,000 $2,000 paid 1832 for ReP’s laneous expense paid in in 1832 for ReP's portrait portrait ofof George George Washington Washington
“CharlesWillson WillsonPeale," Peale,”Encyclopedia Encyclopedia Americana Americana "Charles 1835 Graphics; M anual of o f DDrawing raw ing and and Writing, Writing, foforr the the Use Use ooff 1835 Graphics; aa Manual Schools Schoolsand andFamilies; Families;statement statement
1838 March March “Biographical "Biographical Sketch 1838 Sketch of of Charles Charles Wilson Wilson Peale," Peale,” AtA t
kinson’ Casket kinson'ss Casket
n.d. [The n.d. [The Painter-Poet] Painter-Poet] Fragment Fragment of of poem poem n.d. "The “ThePainter-Poet" Painter-Poet”ininPortfolio Portfolio ooff an an AArtist, rtist, pp. pp. 234-35 234-35 n.d. 7. 1839 1839Portfolio Portfolio ooff an an Artist, 7. Artist, pp. pp. 1-93 1-93 8.8. 1839 1839Portfolio Portfolio of o f an an Artist, Artist, cont’d. cont'd. pp. pp. 94-187 94-187 9.9. 1839 1839Portfolio Portfolio of o f an rtist, cont’d. 188-263 an AArtist, cont'd. pp. pp. 188-263 1845 Peale’ s Court York, 1845) 1845) 1845 Peale's Court ooff Death Death (New (New York,
14 The Peale Peale Family Family Papers Papers 74 The
10. 1846?
istory and s Great ational Painting of History and Description Description ooff Peale’ Peale's GreatNNational Painting of 10. 1846? AA H “the Court ooff DDeath" eath” "the Court
1846 C. EdEd 1846Autobiographical Autobiographicalchapter chapterby by Rembrandt Rembrandt Peale Peale in in C. wards Lester, Lester, The The Artists Artists of o f America: America: AA Series Series of of wards Biographical Sketches Sketches ooff American rtists Biographical American AArtists
1853 Mr. Rembrandt Rembrandt Peale Peale on on . . . experiments experiments of of 1853“Letter "Letter from from Mr. Fitch and and Fulton Fulton.. . . ” Fitch 1854 The Art A rt ofo fAccurate Accurate Delineation; Delineation; aa System System of o f School School 1854 Graphics, Graphics, The .
Exercise, fo r the the Education Education of o f the the EEye ye and and the the Training Training Exercise,for o f the A s Auxiliary A u xiliary toto Writing, Writing, Geography, Geography, and and of the Hand, Hand, As
DDrawing, rawing, pp. 1-21 pp. 1-21 1854Graphics, Graphics,cont’d. cont'd. through through plate plate XXII, XXII, Third 11. Third Book BookofofDrawDraw 11. 1854 ing ing 12. 1854 1854Graphics, Graphics,cont’d. cont'd.through through plate plateXLI, XLI, Fifth FifthBook Book of of Drawing Drawing 12. 13. 1855 The Crayon Crayon 13. 1855January January 10 10 “Reminiscences,” "Reminiscences," The “Charles Wilson Wilson Peale: Peale: AA Sketch his son” "Charles Sketch by by his son" n.d. [1855] [1855] ReP to Messrs. Messrs. Editors Editors [of [ofThe The Crayon] C rayon ] n.d. ReP to 1855 March 14 "Reminiscences: “Reminiscences: Painters The 1855 March 14 Painters and and Sculptors,” Sculptors," The Crayon Crayon
April 11 "Reminiscences: “Reminiscences: Sketches Character,” The The April 11 Sketches of of Character," Crayon Crayon
n.d. [1855 [1855 May May 9,9,published] published]"Reminiscences: “Reminiscences: Exhibitions Exhibitions && n.d. Academies,” The The Crayon Crayon Academies," n.d. [1855 June n.d. [1855 June 13] 13] "Reminiscences: “Reminiscences: Characteristics," Characteristics,” The The Crayon Crayon
n.d. "Reminiscences: Titian Titian and and Giorgione,” Giorgione," The n.d. [1855] [1855] “Reminiscences: The Crayon Crayon 1855 “Reminiscences: The Stier Gallery," Gallery,” The The 1855 September September 19 19 "Reminiscences: The Stier
Crayon Crayon
n.d. [1855] Footnote to n.d. [1855] Footnote to Crayon Crayon article article n.d. [1855] [1855] "Reminiscences: “Reminiscences: Adolph Ulric Wertmuller," Wertmuller,” The The n.d. Adolph Ulric
Crayon Crayon
n.d. [1855-56] "Reminiscences: “Reminiscences: Desultory," Desultory,” The The Crayon Crayon n.d. [1855-56] n.d. [1855-56] "Reminiscences: “Reminiscences: The n.d. [1855-56] The Artist Artist Soldier: Soldier: A A Chapter Chapter of of the Revolution,” The The Crayon; Crayon; Journal Journal ofof CWP, CWP, the Revolution," through p.p. 11 of of transcript transcript through 14. 14. n.d. n.d. [1855-56] [1855-56] "Reminiscences: “Reminiscences: The The Artist Artist Soldier Soldier . . . "” cont’d. cont'd. n.d. [1856 [1856 April] Person and and Mien Mien ofof WashWash n.d. April] “Reminiscences: "Reminiscences: The The Person ington," ington,”The The Crayon Crayon n.d. "Reminiscences:Inventions— Inventions-Odds n.d. [1856] [1856] “Reminiscences: Odds & & Ends,” The Ends," The .
Crayon Crayon
n.d. [1855-56] [1855-56] "Reminiscences: “Reminiscences: The The Painter's Painter’s Eyes," Eyes,”The The Crayon Crayon n.d. 1857 The Crayon Crayon 1857February February “Portraiture,” "Portraiture," The
75 75
The The Peale Peale Family Family Papers Papers
[1857] September“Notes "Notes and and Queries: Queries: The The Court Court of Death," The [1857] September of Death,” The
Crayon Crayon
1857 October “Notes "Notes and 1857 October and Queries: Queries: The The Physiognotrace," Physiognotrace,” The The
Crayon Crayon November "Notes and and Queries: To the the Editor November “Notes Queries: To Editor of of the the Crayon,” The Crayon Crayon Crayon," The December “Notes and Queries: Queries: The The Skies Skies of of Italy," Italy,” The The December "Notes and Crayon Crayon 1860December December “Notes "Notes of 1860 of the the Painting Painting Room," Room,”The The Crayon Crayon 1857July JulyEditorial Editorialreport report about about Rembrandt lecture, The 1857 Rembrandt Peale's Peale’s lecture, The Crayon Crayon 1860 November “Obituary: Rembrandt RembrandtPeale," Peale,”The TheCrayon Crayon 1860 November "Obituary:
n.d. {c.1859] "Introductiontoto ‘Notes 'Notes of of the the Painting Painting Room’ Room'"” n.d. [c, 1859] “Introduction (extract) (extract) n.d. [c.1859] [c.1859] “Notes 1-38 n.d. "Notes of of the the Painting Painting Room,” Room," pp. pp. 1-38 15. n.d. [c. "Notes.. .. .," cont'd. 15. n.d. [c. 1859] 1859] “Notes cont’d. 39-134 39-134 16. n.d. [c. 1859] 1859] “Notes cont’d., pp. pp. 135-219: 135-219: Index, Index, pp. 1-11 16. n.d. [c. "Notes .. . .,” .," cont'd., pp. 1-11 .," cont'd., Index, pp. 12-26 17. n.d. [c. 1859] 17. n.d. [c. 1859]“Notes "Notes.. .. .,” cont’d., Index, pp. 12-26 1857?“Portrait "Portrait of of Washington” Washington" 1857? n.d. "Monocrome n.d. “Monocrome ofofWashington" Washington” n.d. n.d. "Portrait “Portrait ofofWashington" Washington” 1858-1859 “Portraits "Portraits of 1858-1859 of Washington," Washington,” manuscript manuscript lecture, lecture, pp.p. 1-11 1-11 18. 1858-1859 "Portraits of of Washington,” Washington," cont’d. cont'd. pp. pp. 12-39 18. 1858-1859 “Portraits 12-39 19. 1858-1859 “Portraits of Washington," Washington,” cont'd. cont’d. 19. 1858-1859 "Portraits of n.d. [1858?] "Washington and and His His Portraits: Portraits: Notes” Notes" n.d. [1858?] “Washington n.d. (fragment ofofan an article) article) n.d. (fragment n.d. n.d. "George “George Washington Washington Visits Visits Peale's Peale’s Museum" Museum” n.d. “Washington & & His n.d. "Washington His Portraits” Portraits" [c.1858]? “Washington [c.1858]? "Washingtonand andHis HisPortraits,” Portraits," pp. pp. 1-16 1-16 20. [c.1858}? "Washington and andHis HisPortraits,” Portraits," cont’d. cont'd. 20. [c.1858]? “Washington 1857 1878 “Rembrandt Peale’s Lecture Lecture on on Washington Washington and and 1857 and and 1878 "Rembrandt Peale's His His Portraits," Portraits,” ininGustavus Gustavus A.A.Eisen's, Eisen’s,Portraits Portraits ooff Washington I,I,PPWashington pp. 297-323 297-323 1859? circularabout about the the painting painting 1859?“The "TheCourt Courtof ofDeath”— Death"-circular n.d.“Lecture on the the Fine n.d."Lecture on Fine Arts,” Arts," pp. pp. 1-16 1-16 21. “Lecture on pp. 17-64 17-64 21. n.d. n.d. "Lecture on the the Fine Fine Arts,” Arts," cont’d., cont'd., pp. 22. n.d. “Lecture on on the the Fine Fine Arts,." Arts,” cont’d. 22. n.d. "Lecture cont'd. n.d. fragment n.d. Lecture— Lecture-fragment n.d. Poem: Poem: "Faith “Faith and and Hope" Hope” n.d. n.d. Notes on on government government patronage patronage of of art art n.d. Notes n.d. “Principle ofof Water Water colour n.d. "Principle colour Painting” Painting" .
7(5 The The Peale Peale Family Family Papers Papers
n.d. “Descriptionofofthe the Court Court of o f Death; by n.d. "Description Death;An An Original Original Painting, Painting, by Rembrandt Peale" Rembrandt Peale” n.d. Miscellaneous n.d. Miscellaneous items items (including (including newspaper newspaper clipping) clipping) 1865 “To the the Hon. the Senate Senate & & House 1865November November "To Hon. the House of of Representa Representatives of the United States” tives of the United States" 1885"Rembrandt Peale," 1885“Rembrandt Peale,”inin Isaac Isaac Edwards Edwards Clarke, Clarke,Art A rt&& Industry, Industry,
Part I-Drawing I — D rawingininPublic PublicSchools Schools Part l888January 1888 January 12 12 Frederick Frederick S. S. Church Church toto Miss Miss C. C. Stokes Stokes
ofeUe^FZZ The The Papers Papers
ooff Rubens Rubens Peale Peale (1784-1865) (1784-1865) [RuP] [RuP]
1784 May May 44 Born Born in in Philadelphia Philadelphia 1784 1802March March27 27Travels TravelstotoNew NewYork YorkCity City to to exhibit exhibit the the mastodon mastodon 1802 June Europe'with June Sails Sails toto Europe with Rembrandt Rembrandt to to exhibit exhibit the the mastomasto don don 1803 Fall Philadelphia 1803 FallReturns Returns to to Philadelphia 1803-1810 (Peale’s Museum) Museum) 1803-1810 Works Works in in the the Philadelphia Philadelphia Museum Museum (Peale's l8loJanuary 1810 January11Assumes Assumes management managementofofPhiladelphia Philadelphia Museum Museum 1820 March 66Marries Marries Eliza ElizaBurd Burd Patterson Patterson (d. 1820 March (d. September September 13, 13, 1864) 1864) 1821 February February 15 15 Birth Birth of of Charles Charles Willson 1821 Willson (d. (d. September September30, 30, 1871) 1871) 1822 1822May MayPurchases PurchasesRembrandt Rembrandt Peale’s Peale's Baltimore Baltimore Museum Museum August 15 August 15 Birth Birth of of George George Patterson Patterson inin Baltimore Baltimore (d. (d. JanuJanu ary 4, 1858) 1858) ary 4, 1824 February of William William in in Baltimore Baltimore (d. (d. March March16, 16,1838) 1838) 1824 February 88 Birth Birth of 1825 October York Museum Museum 1825 October 25 25 Opens Opens Peale’s Peale's New New York 1827 February February 16 16Birth Birth of of Mary Mary Jane Jane in in New New York 1827 York (d. (d. November November 1902) 1902) 1828 under the the 1828 Opens Opens branch branch of of Peale’s Peale's New New York York museum museum in in Utica Utica under management of Charles Charles Linnaeus Linnaeus Peale Peale management of 1829 Moves Baltimore Baltimore Museum Museum collections collections to to new new building building 1829 Moves 1833 July James Burd York (d. 1833 July 10 10Birth Birthof ofJames Burd in in New New York (d. unknown) unknown) Baltimore burned Baltimore Museum Museum burned 1836 Rubens in New York York (d. (d. May May 1837), 1837), and and 1836 October October 11 Birth Birth of of Rubens in New Edward Burd (d. (d. December December30, 30, 1905) 1905) Edward Burd 1838 March of son son William William 1838 March 16 16 Death Death of [1839]? [1839]?Sells SellsNew New York York museum museum to to P. P. T. T. Barnum Barnum 1840 1840 Settles Settlesin inPottsville, Pottsville, Pennsylvania Pennsylvania 1855 Begins Begins to to paint paint still 1855 still life life
The Peale 78 Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers 78 The
1858 1858January January44Death Death of of son son George George Patterson Patterson 1864 September September 13 13 Death Death of of wife wife Eliza Eliza Patterson Patterson Peale 1864 Peale 1865 1865July July 17 17 Dies Dies in in Philadelphia Philadelphia
Pealehave havebeen beendivided dividedinto into two two series, series, consisting consisting The o f Rubens Rubens Peale The Papers Papers of
of of (A) (A) Letters Letters and and Documents, Documents, (B) (B) Diaries Diaries and and Miscellany. Miscellany. RuP's RuP’s Sketchbook appears inin color color in in Series XIII. Letterbook Sketchbook appears Series XIII. Letterbook copies copies of of
correspondence have been been removed removed from from the correspondence have the volume volume and and interleaved interleaved with other correspondence correspondence to form aa continuous, continuous, chronological chronological sese with other to form quence. are identified as Letterbook copies. quence. These These are identified as Letterbook copies.
Letters and and Documents Letters Documents
(13 Cards) Cards) (13
Addenda Addenda
Diaries Diaries and and Miscellany M iscellany (18 Cards) (18 Cards)
1. 28-1810 (includes entries from from the the Diary Diary of 1. 1802 1802 March March 28-1810 (includes entries of Reuben Reuben
faint in in the Haines. Haines. The The diary diary isis faint the original original and and
difficult to difficult to read) read) 2.2. 1810-1815 1810-1815 September September 10 10 3. 1815 October October 18-1821 18-1821 October October24 24 3. 1815 4. 1821 October October 25-1823 25-1823 October October 99 4. 1821 1823 October October 18-1824 18-1824 September September 55 5. 5. 1823 6. 6. 1824 1824 September September 5-1828 5-1828 July July 13 13 1828 September September 28-1831 August 26 26 7. 28-1831 August 7. 1828 8. 8. 1831 1831 September-1835 September-1835 August August 16 16 9. 9. 1836 1836 April April 8-1844 8-1844 April April11 10. January 29-1859 29-1859 February 10. 1845 1845 January February 12 12 11. 11. 1859 1859 March March7-1862 7-l862June June 22 22 12. 1862July 12. 1862 July5-.-1865 5-1865 May May 29 29 11..
1802 November 16-n.d. 16-n.d. 1802 November
11.. undated undated (genealogy)-1856 (genealogy)-1856 August August 11 2.2. 1855 October 22-1856 1855 October 22-1856 July July 99 3.3. 1856 July 9-1857 9-1857 March 1856 July March 66 4.4. 1857 March 7-1857 7-1857 November 1857 March November 55 5.5. 1857 November 5-1858 1857 November 5-1858 April April 24 24 6.6. 1858 April 25— 25-1858 November 33 1858 April 1858 November 7.7. 1858 November 4-1859 4-1859 May 1858 November May 27 27 8.8. 1859 1859 May May 28-1859 28—1859 December December 31 31 9.9. l86OJanuary 1860 January l-1860Ju1y 1-1860 July 22 22 10. 10. 1860July24-1861 1860 July 24-1861 AprilS April 5 11. 1861 11. April5—1861 5-1861 November November27 1861 April 27 12. 12. 1861 November 28-1862 1861 November 28-1862 May May 20 20 13. 13. 1862 May 21-1863 21-1863 February 1862 May February 11 14. 14. 1863 February 2—1863 2-1863 September 1863 February September 44 15. 1863 September May 20 20 15. 1863 September 5-1864 5-1864 May
79 The 19 The Peale Peale Family Family Papers Papers
16. 1864 May —1864 December December 21 21 16. 1864 May 21 21-1864 17. l864December2l-1865Ju1y 17. 1864 December 21-1865 July 16 16 18. n.d. Farm and and other other undated 18. n.d. List List of of pictures pictures painted painted atat Riverside Riverside Farm undated miscellany miscellany Although Although the the best best copy copy ofof the the diaries diaries has has been been used, used, some some pages pages may may be illegible due due to to the the poor poor condition condition of be illegible of the the original original documents. For the documents. For the same same reason, reason, transcripts transcripts of of these pages are not provided. these pages are not provided.
ofetMFZZZ [TRP2] The Papers say Peale The Papers ooff Titian Titian Ram Ramsay Peale [II] [II] (1799-1885) (1799-1885) [TRP2]
1799 November Philosophical Hall, Philadelphia 1799 November 22 Born, Born, Philosophical Hall, Philadelphia 1810 1810 Moves Moves to to Belfield Belfield with with Charles Charles Willson Willson Peale Peale 1812 Finishes formal formal schooling schooling 1812 Finishes 1817 November 26 Elected Elected to Sciences, Philadel 1817 November26 to Academy Academy of of Natural Natural Sciences, Philadelphia phia December 25 Scientific Scientific expedition and Florida Florida December 25 expedition to to Georgia Georgia and 1818 Philadelphia 1818 April April Returns Returns to to Philadelphia 1818-1819 Spring Spring Works in Philadelphia Philadelphia Museum 1818-1819 Works in Museum 1819 1819May May33Departs Departsfrom fromPittsburgh Pittsburgh on on Long Long Expedition Expedition 1821 early earlyReturns Returns to to Philadelphia Philadelphia 1821 1821 1821June-July June-July In In Baltimore; Baltimore; works works in in Rembrandt Rembrandt Peale’s Peale's museum museum 1822 October October 10 Marries Eliza Laforgue 1822 10 Marries Eliza Laforgue 1823 January October 22) 22) 1823 January55Birth Birth of of son son Bertrand Bertrand (d. (d. October November-1824 Novem ber-1824 Spring Spring Ill 111with with pleurisy pleurisy 1824 October Leaves Leaves for for Florida Florida on on collecting collecting trip 1824 October trip 1825January January22 Birth of of daughter daughter Mary 1825 22 Birth Mary Florida Florida (d. (d. February February 2,2, 1847) 1847) April Returns from Florida Florida April Returns from 1827 May May 18 18Birth Birth of of daughter daughter Sybilla Sybilla Miriam Miriam (d. 1827 (d. August August19, 19,1861) 1861) 1829 Fall FallCollecting Collecting trip trip to to Maine Maine 1829 1830 Fall-1832 America 1830 Fall-1832 Spring Spring In In South South America 1832 October 26 Birth sons George George Ord Ord (d. (d. May May 31, 31, 1833) 1833) and and John 1832 October26 Birth of ofsons John Godman (d. (d. September September1838) 1838) Godman 1833 Elected 1833 ElectedtotoAmerican AmericanPhilosophical Philosophical Society; Society; becomes becomes acting acting man manager Philadelphia Museum ager of of Philadelphia Museum 1833 May 1833 May 31 31Death Death of of son son George George Ord Ord 1834 June 16 16 Birth Birth ofof son son Francis Francis Titian Titian (d. (d. October October10, 10,1869) 1869) l834June
81 8i
The The Peale Peale Family Family Papers Papers
1836 December 28 28 Appointed Appointed to to Scientific Corps of 1836 December Scientific Corps of Navy Navy (Wilkes (Wilkes Expedition) Expedition) 1837 January Birth Birth ofof daughter daughter Cecilia Cecilia McMahon McMahon (d. (d. March March 28, 28, 1838) 1838) l837January 1838 August August 18 18 Wilkes Wilkes Expedition Expedition sets sets sail sail from from Hampton Hampton Roads, 1838 Roads, Virginia, Virginia, toto Madeira, Madeira, then then recrosses recrosses Atlantic Atlantic toto Rio Rio
de de Janeiro Janeiro 1838 1838 September SeptemberDeath Death of of son sonJohn John Godman Godman 1839 1839January JanuaryDeparts Departs Rio, Rio, sails sailsaround around Horn Horn April April Arrives Arrives Valparaiso, Valparaiso, Chile Chile July July Arrives Arrives Pacific Pacific Islands Islands November Arrives Sydney, Sydney, Australia; Australia; remains remains until until 1840 1840 November Arrives 1840 September Visits and arrives 1840 September Visits Fiji Fiji and arrives Hawaiian Hawaiian Islands Islands September—1841 September-1841 April April InIn Hawaiian Hawaiian oror Sandwich Sandwich Islands Islands 1841 end of ofApril April (or (orJuly?) July?)Arrives ArrivesColumbia Columbia River, River, Oregon Oregon 1841 end July 18-19 Wreck Wreck ofofthe the Peacock; Peacock; overland July 18-19 overland to to California California November November11Leaves Leaves San San Francisco Francisco 1842 1st half halfVisits VisitsHawaii, Hawaii, Philippines, Philippines, etc. 1842 1st etc. June 99 Arrives Arrives New New York June York City City via via Singapore, Singapore, Cape Cape of of Good Good Hope, Island of of St. St. Helena Helena Hope, Island 1843 1843January Januar'yElected Electedmanager managerof ofPhiladelphia PhiladelphiaMuseum Museum by by Board Board of of Trustees; to arrange arrange Trustees; ordered ordered to to Washington, Washington,D.C., D.C., to collections Wilkes Expedition collections from from Wilkes Expedition 1843 July (d. May, May, 1844) 1844) 1843 July 14 14Birth Birth of of son son Louis Louis Bonaventure Bonaventure (d. 1843-1848 Works and drawings from Expedition Expedition 1843-1848 Works on on text text and drawings from 1846February February (?) (?)Philadelphia Philadelphia Museum Museum sold sold 1846 February 24 24 Death Death ofofwife, wife, Eliza Eliza Laforgue Laforgue Peale Peale February 1847 February Florida 1847 February 22 Death Death of of daughter daughter Mary Mary Florida 1848 Patent Office, Office, 1848 August August Sworn Sworn in in as as Assistant Assistant Examiner Examiner in in U.S. U.S. Patent Washington, D.C. Washington, D.C. 1850 1850 Summer Summer Marries Marries Lucinda Lucinda MacMullen MacMullen 1861 August of daughter Sybilla Miriam Miriam 1861 August 19 19 Death Death of daughter Sybilla 1869 October 10 Death of son son Francis Francis Titian Titian 1869 October 10 Death of 1848—1873 Washington years years 1848-1873 Washington 1873 Fall Pennsylvania 1873 FallMoves Moves to to Holmesburg, Holmesburg, Pennsylvania 1877 Moves to to Philadelphia Philadelphia 1877 Moves 1885 March 13 Dies in Philadelphia Philadelphia 1885 March 13 Dies in .SERIES SERIES VIII VIII
The Papers Papers ooff Titian TitianRam Ramsay Peale[II] [II]are aredivided dividedinto into three three series: The say Peale series: (A) (A)
Letters and Documents; Journals; (C) Letters and Documents; (B) (B) Diaries Diaries and and Journals; (C) Writings Writings and and
Miscellany. TRP2's Sketches and Watercolors appear in in color Miscellany. TRP2’s Sketches and Watercolors appear color inin Series Series XIII. XIII. Series VIII-B VIII-B includes includesnot not only only the the journals journals that that Titian Series Titian Ramsay Ramsay Peale kept kept on on his his expeditions, expeditions, but but also logs kept kept by by Captain Captain William Peale also logs William L. L.
82 The Peale Peale Family Family Papers Papers 82 The
Hudson, Hudson, commanding commanding officer officer of of the the U.S. U.S. ship shipPeacock, Peacock, on on which which TRP2 member of of the the Wilkes Wilkes Expedition. Expedition. The The Hudson Hudson sailed as as aa member TRP2 sailed journal is in in two two parts: parts: from from 1838-1840 1838-1840 (owned (owned by by the the American American journal is Museum Natural History, History, New New York York City) City) and and 1840-1842 1840—1842 (on (on Museum of of Natural deposit atat the the Wilson Wilson Library Carolina atat deposit Library of of the the University University of of North North Carolina
Chapel Hill). Both Both parts reproduced here Chapel Hill). parts are are reproduced here with with the the kind kind permission permission of the owners. of the owners. Series VIII-C includes, includes, along along with with articles articles and and other other writings, writings, the Series VIII-C the printed edition and Ornithology Ornithology of of printed edition ofofTitian TitianRamsay RamsayPeale's Peale’sMammalogy M ammalogy and
which few copies copies exist, exist, and and aa copy copy of of John John Cassin's Cassin’s volume volume which only only aa few which was was substituted substituted for for it, it, so so that that the may compare compare the which the reader reader may the two two books. books.
TRP2's cards cards in in Series XIII, aa color TRP2’s Series XIII, color supplement, supplement, include include his his sketchbook sketchbook atat the the American American Philosophical Philosophical Society Society and and his his illustrations illustrations for the unpublished owned by by for the unpublished “The "The Butterflies Butterflies of of North North America,” America," owned the American American Museum Museum of of Natural Natural History the History inin New New York York City; City. GENERAL INDEX GENERAL INDEX
Series VIII-A
Series VTTT-A
Letters Letters and and Documents Documents
(18 Cards) Cards) (18
Addenda Addenda (1 (1 Card) Card)
August 21-1825 21-1825 June June28 1.1. 1818 1818 August 28 Includes Includes also also committee committee reports, reports, Academy Academy of of Natural Natural Sciences Sciences 2. June 28—1832 28-1832 January January 99 Includes Includes also also committee committee reports, 2. 1825 1825 June reports, Academy of Natural Natural Sciences Sciences Academy of 3. 1832 April 17 17 3. 1832April April23-1835 23-1835 April 1835May May2—1836 2-1836 November November 16 4.4. 1835 16 5. 5. 1836 1836 November 16-1837 September September 22 November 16-1837 1837September September 2-1838 2-1838 August 6.6. 1837 August 15 15 7. October 25-1842 25-1842 July 7. 1838 1838 October July 8.8. 1842 February 13 13 1842July July 13-1844 13-1844 February 9. February17-1846 l7-l846 January 9. 1844 1844 February January 20 20 10. 1846 April 6-1848 April 8 10. 1846 April 6-1848 April 8 11. 1848 April 10-1850 10-1850 May 11. 1848 April May 55 12. 17-1852 May 12. l8SOJune 1850 June 17-1852 May 55 13. 1852May May7-1862 7-1862 May May29 13. 1852 29 14. 1862 August 31-1871 31-1871 August August27 14. 1862 August 27 15. September 27-1873 27-1873 November November 33 15. 1871 1871 September 16. 1873 December 24-1882 October 16. 1873 December 24-1882 October 28 28 17. 17. 1882 13 Undated Undated letters; letters; obituary obituary 1882 November November 24-1885 24-1885 March March 13 notice of Titian Ramsay notice of Titian Ramsay Peale Peale
1.1. 11827]-n.d. 11827]—n.d. Lucy Lucy MacMullen MacMullen Peale’s Peale's Daybook Daybook
83 83
The The Peale Peale Family Family Papers Papers
Series VIII-B Series VIII-B Diaries Diaries and and Journals ooff Journals Titian Ramsay Ram say Peale Peale Titian (26 Cards) Cards) (26
1.1. 1819 - August 11 The Long Expedition: Expedition: journal 1819May May33-August The Long journal kept kept bby TRP as TRP as assistant assistant naturalist. naturalist. 54pp. 54pp. and and transcript, transcript, 36pp. 36pp. 2. August 1-April Journal of 2. 1838-1839 1838—1839 August 1-April 77 Journal of the the Wilkes Wilkes Expedition, Expedition, No. 1,1, pp. pp. 1-48 1-48 No. 3. 3. 1838-1839 1838-1839 August Journal No. 1, cont'd cont’d pp. pp. August 1-April 1-April 77Journal No. 1, 49-88 49-88 1839 April 13-October 13-October 10 Journal of of the Expedition, No. 1839 April 10 Journal the Wilkes Wilkes Expedition, No. 2,2, pp. pp. 1-8 1-8 April13-October 13-October 10 lOJournal No. 2, 4.4. 1839 1839 April Journal No. 2, cont'd. cont’d. pp. pp. 9-55 9-55 5. 1839April April13-October 13-OctoberlOJournal lOJournal No. No. 2, 2, cont’d. cont'd. pp. pp. 56-85 5. 1839 56-85 1839 September September 24-1840 24-1840 June June 13 Journal of 1839 13 Journal of the the Wilkes Wilkes Expedi.Expedi tion, tion, No. No. 3, 3, "Notes," “Notes,” pp. pp. 1-18 1—18 6.6. 1839 pp. 1839September September24-1840 24-1840June June13 13Journal JournalNo. No.3,3, cont’d. cont'd. pp. 19-65 19-65 7. 1839 1839 September pp. 7. September24-1840 24-1840June June13 13Journal JournalNo. No. 3,3, cont’d. cont'd. pp. 66-88 66-88 1841 January 1-July 1-July 18 18Journal Journal of of the the Wilkes WilkesExpedition, Expedition, No. No. 5, 1841 January 5, pp. 1-24 pp. 1-24 January1-July 1-July18 18Journal JournalNo. No. 5,5, cont’d. cont'd. pp. pp. 25-71 25-71 8. 1841 1841 January 8. l84lJanuary 72-79 9.9. 1841 January 1-July 1-July l8Journal 18 Journal No. No. 5,5, cont'd. cont’d. pp. pp. 72-79 1841 September February l9Journal 19 Journalofofthe theWilkes WilkesExpeExpe 1841 September 22-1842 22-1842 February dition, No. No. 7, 7, pp. pp. 1-78 1-78 dition, 10. 1841 Journal No. cont’d. pp. pp. 1841September September22-1842 22-1842February February19 l9Journal No. 7, 7, cont'd. 10. 79-80 79-80 1841 1841September September and and October October Diary Diary of of Titian Titian Ramsay Ramsay Peale: Peale: Ore Oregon to California California overland overland journey, September and and gon to journey, September October October 1841. 1841. Ed. Ed. by by Glenn Glenn Dawson Dawson1957, 1957, 48pp. 48pp. August "Journal 11. 1838 AAugust-1840 ugust-1840 August “Journal of of William William L. L. Hudson, Hudson, 11. 1838 under comCommander U.S.ship shipPeacock Peacock . . . under com Commander U.S. mand of of Charles Charles Wilkes,” mand Wilkes," pp. pp. 1-51 1-51 1838August-1840 August-1840 August August “Journal "Journal of of William WilliamL.L.Hudson Hudson.. . .” 12. 1838 12. cont'd. cont’d. pp. pp. 52-111 52-111 13. 1838 1838 AAugust-1840 ugust-1840 August August “Journal "Journal of of William WilliamL.L.Hudson Hudson.. . . ” 13. cont’d. pp. pp. 112-167 112-167 cont'd. 1838August-1840 August-1840 August August “Journal "Journal of of William WilliamL.L.Hudson Hudson.. . .” 14. 14. 1838 cont'd. cont’d. pp. pp. 168-225 168-225 1838August-1840 August-1840 August August “Journal "Journal of of William WilliamL.L.Hudson Hudson.. . .” 15. 15. 1838 cont’d. pp. pp. 226-285 226-285 cont'd. 1838August-1840 August-1840 August August “Journal "Journal of of William WilliamL.L.Hudson Hudson.. . .” 16. 16. 1838 cont’d. pp. pp. 286-345 286-345 cont'd. 1838August-1840 August-1840 August August “Journal "Journal of of William WilliamL.L.Hudson Hudson.. . .” 17. 17. 1838 cont’d. pp. pp. 346-403 346-403 cont'd. .
84 The Peale Peale Family Family Papers Papers 84 The
18. August-1840 August L. Hudson 18. 1838 1838 August-1840 August "Journal “Journal ofof William William L. Hudson .. . cont’d. pp. 404-461 cont'd. pp. 404-461 19. August-1840 August "Journal of of William WilliamL.L.Hudson Hudson.. .. .” 19. 1838 1838 August-1840 August “Journal cont’d. pp. 462-521 cont'd. pp. 462-521 20. 1838 August-1840 August August “Journal "Journal of of William WilliamL.L.Hudson Hudson.. .. .” 20. 1838 August-1840 cont’d. pp. 522-567 cont'd. pp. 522-567 21. 1840 1840 August August 11-1841 11-1841 January “Journal” 21. January 20 20 William WilliamL. L.Hudson, Hudson, "Journal" (or Log) Vol. II, pp. 1-48 (or Log) Vol. II, pp. 1-48 .
22. 1840 Vol. II, II, 1840 August August 11-1841 11-1841 January January 20 20 Hudson, Hudson, “Journal” "Journal" Vol. cont'd. pp. cont’d. pp. 49-95 49-95 August 11-1841 11-1841 January January 20 20 Hudson, Hudson, "Journal" 23. 1840 1840 August “Journal” Vol. Vol. II, II, 23. cont'd. cont’d. pp. pp. 96-142 96-142 August 11-1841 11-1841 January January 20 20 Hudson, Hudson, "Journal" 24. 1840 1840 August “Journal” Vol. Vol. II, II, 24. cont'd. cont’d. pp. pp. 143-189 143-189 August 11-1841 11-1841 January January 20 20 Hudson, Hudson, "Journal" 25. 1840 August “Journal” Vol. Vol. II, II, 25. 1840 cont'd. cont’d. pp. pp. 190-234 190-234 August 11-1841 11-1841 January January 20 20 Hudson, Hudson, "Journal" 26. 1840 August “Journal” Vol. Vol. II, II, 2. 1840 cont'd. cont’d. pp. pp. 235-282 235-282 22.
Waitings 1*itings and and Miscellany M iscellany
(43 (43 Cards) Cards)
c.1819-1825 Manuscript Manuscript Notes Notes on on natural natural history history 1.1. c.1819-1825 1829 TRP & 1829 TRP & J.J. Green, Green,M.D. M.D.Description Descriptionofo two f twonew newSpecies Species ofo fthe the Linnaean Linnaean Genus Genus Lacerta Lacerta 1830 "Hunting Recollections" 1830 “Hunting Recollections” 1831 Circular of the Philadelphia Philadelphia Museum: 1831 Circular o f the M useum: containing Directions the containing Dire ctionsfo forr the Preparation Objects ooff NNatural Preparation and and Preservation Preservation ooff Objects atural HHisis
tory, pp. 1-14 1-14 tory, pp. Directions.. . . cont’d. cont'd. pp. 2.2. 1831 1831 Directions 15-18 pp. 15-18 1834 August “Black "Black Tailed Tailedor orMule Mule Deer. Deer. Cervus Cervus Macrotis” Macrotis" 1834 August 1838-1842 Rough Catalogue by South 1838-1842 Rough Catalogue of of Specimens, Specimens, collected collected by South Sea Surveying Surveying & Exploring Expedition Sea & Exploring Expedition [c.1838-1842] Shells selected selected for for the the general general collection collection of of [c.1838—1842] "Lists “Lists of of Shells the U.S. U.S. Exploring Expedition.. . . ” the Exploring Expedition 3. 1838-1842 "Collections of the United 3. 1838-1842 “Collections of the United States States South South Sea Sea SurveySurvey ing and and Exploring Exploring Expedition, Expedition, 1838, 1838, 9,9, 40, 40, 41 41 && ing 42" 42” 4.4. 1838-1842 1838-1842 "Collections “Collections . . . Surveying Expedi Surveying and and Exploring Exploring Expedition. tion . . .”— Typedcopy copyofofabove above with with Museum Museum of "-Typed of Natural Natural History, History, S.I., S.I., Catalog Catalog Nos. Nos. added added 1845 1845February February2525 Report Report No.No.160—Maps, 160-Maps,Plates, Plates,&c.— &c.- ExplorExplor ing Expedition Expedition ing l847January 1847 January 11 11 Memorial Memorial ofof the the officers officers of of the the exploring exploring expedi-. expedi tion tion relative relative toto personal personal accusations accusations against against said said officers officers .
1848 June R. Peale, Peale, U.S. U.S. 1848 June3030“Introduction "IntroductiontotoZoology” Zoology"by byT.T R. Exploring Expedition, 1838-1842, 1838-1842, under under comcom Exploring Expedition,
8855 The The Peale Peale Family Family Papers Papers
mand of with transcripts mand of Charles Charles Wilkes, Wilkes, with transcripts 1847 U.S. Exploring Expedition. 1847 U.S. Exploring Expedition . .. . 1838, 1841, 1842 1842 1838, 1839, 1839, 1840, 1840, 1841, . . .. under the Command CommandofofCharles CharlesWilkes. Wilkes.ZoolZool under the ogy. With With extract S. Palmer Henry ogy. extract letter letter T. T S. Palmer to to Prof. Prof. Henry F. Osborn, 1-42 F. Osborn, pp. pp. 1-42 1847U.S. U.S. Exploring Exploring Expedition Expedition.. . .. cont’d. 1847 cont'd. pp. pp. 43-86 43-86 1847 U.S. Exploring Exploring Expedition Expedition.. . . cont'd. 1847 U.S. cont’d. pp. pp. 87-129 87-129 1847 U.S. Exploring Exploring Expedition Expedition.. . . cont'd. 1847 U.S. cont’d. pp. pp. 130-174 130-174 1847 U.S. Exploring Exploring Expedition Expedition.. . .. cont'd. 1847 U.S. cont’d. pp. pp. 175-221 175-221 1847 U.S. cont’d. pp. pp. 222-267 222-267 1847 U.S. Exploring Exploring Expedition Expedition.. . . cont'd. 1847U.S. U.S. Exploring Exploring Expedition Expedition.. .. . cont’d. 1847 pp. 268-315 268-315 cont'd. pp. 1847U.S. U.S. Exploring Exploring Expedition Expedition.. . . cont’d. 1847 pp. 316-360 316-360 cont'd. pp. 1847U.S. U.S. Exploring Exploring Expedition Expedition.. . .. cont'd. 1847 cont’d. pp. pp. 361-402 361-402 1847U.S. U.S. Exploring Exploring Expedition Expedition... . cont’d. cont'd. pp. 1847 pp. 403-447 403-447 1847 U.S. Exploring Exploring Expedition Expedition.. .. . cont'd. 1847 U.S. cont’d. pp. pp. 448-469 448-469 .
6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
1848 United States Exploring Expedition During the the Years 1838, 1839, 1848 United States Exploring Expedition During Years 1838, 1839,
1840, 1841, 1840, 1841, 1842. 1842. Under Under the the Command Command ofo f Charles Charles Wilkes, .S .N . Vol. Vol. VIII, VIII, Mammalia M ammalia and and OrnitholOrnitholWilkes, UU.S.N. ogy. ogy.pp. pp. 1-28 1-28 16. 1848 16. 1848 UU.S. .S . Exploring Exploring Expedition. Expedition . . . cont'd. cont’d. pp. pp. 29-120 29-120 17. 1848 U .S . Exploring Expedition . . . cont’d. pp. 121-214 17. 1848 U.S. Exploring Expedition cont'd. pp. 121 -214 18. 1848 18. 1848 UU.S. .S . Exploring Exploring Expedition Expedition . . . cont'd. cont’d. pp. pp. 215-308 215-308 1848 UU.S. Expedition.. . . cont’d. 19. cont'd. pp. 19. 1848 .S . Exploring Exploring Expedition pp. 309-338 309-338 1858 Cassin, John: United United States States Exploring Exploring Expedition Expedition . . . 1838, 1858 Cassin, John: 1838, 1839, 1840, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1841, 1842. 1842. Vol. Vol. VIII, VIII,Mammalogy M am malogy and and OOrnithology. rnithology, pp. pp. 1-55 1-55 cont'd. pp. 20. 1858 Cassin, U .S . Exploring Exploring Expedition. Expedition . . . cont’d. pp. 56-149 56-149 20. 1858 Cassin, U.S. 21. 1858 Cassin, U.S. 21. 1858 Cassin, U .S . Exploring Exploring Expedition. Expedition . . . cont'd. cont’d. pp. pp. 150-243 150-243 22. 1858 Cassin, U.S. 22. 1858 Cassin, U .S . Exploring Exploring Expedition. Expedition . . . cont'd. cont’d. pp. pp. 244-337 244-337 23. Cassin, U.S. 23. 1858 1858 Cassin, U .S . Exploring Exploring Expedition. Expedition . . . cont'd. cont’d. pp. pp. 338-431 338-431 1858 Cassin, Cassin, U.S. 24. 1858 U .S . Exploring Exploring Expedition. Expedition . . . cont'd. cont’d. pp. pp. 432-466 432-466 24. .
1854 July 30 Petitions, and and other other items items relative relative to to relief relief of 1854July 30 Report, Report, Petitions, of Titian 388, 33rd Titian Ramsay Ramsay Peale Peale (to (to accompany accompany H.R. H.R. 388, 33rd Congress) pp. pp. 1-45 1-45 Congress) 46-64 25. 1854Report, Report, Petitions Petitions.. . .. pp. 25 1854 pp. 46-64 1836-1854 Claim for for indemnity indemnity for for losses losses by by wreck wreck of 1836-1854 Claim of ship ship Peacock, Peacock,28 28pp. pp.with withsupporting supporting documents documents n.d. U.S. House HouseofofRepresentatives Committee on on Naval NavalAffairs: Affairs: n.d. U.S. Representatives Committee Report Report on on petition petition ofof Titian Titian R. R. Peale Peale 1854July 388 “An Act for for the the Relief Relief 1854July 24 24 33rd 33rd Congress: Congress:H.R. H.R. No. No. 388 "An Act of Titian R. Peale” of Titian R. Peale" .
86 Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers The Peale 86 The
n.d. “The South South Sea Sea Surveying Surveying and and Exploring Exploring Expedition: Expedition: its its n.d. "The origin, organization, equipment, purposes, re origin, organization, equipment, purposes, results, and and termination,” 1-17 sults, termination," pp. pp. 1-17 26. n.d. "The “The South South Sea Sea Surveying Surveyingand andExploring ExploringExpedition Expedition.. ." 26. n.d. cont’d. pp. 18-59A; 18-59A; transcripts transcripts pp. cont'd. pp. pp. 1-13 1-13 27. “The South South Sea Sea Surveying Surveying and n.d. "The and Exploring Exploring Expedition Expedition. 27. n.d. transcripts cont’d. pp. 14-29 14-29 transcripts cont'd. pp. [1874] “The Sea Surveying Surveying and and Exploring Exploring Expedition," Expedition,” [1874] "The South South Sea American Historical Record, Vol. Vol. 33 American Historical Record, 1852 Stansbury, PrL; PrL; also also Appendix Appendix 1852May May 12 12TRP TRP to to Captain Captain H. H. Stansbury, C, "Insects," “Insects,”Stansbury, Stansbury,AnA nExpedition Expeditiontotothe theValley Valley C, o f the Lake of o f Utah Utah of the Great Great Salt Salt Lake
28. 28.
29. 29.
30. 30. 31. 31. 32. 32. 33. 33. 34. 34. 35. 35. 36. 36. 37. 37.
1861 Missouri, inin 1819" 1819” 1861“Ancient "Ancient Mounds Mounds at at St. St. Louis, Louis, Missouri, 1863 1863“Method "Method of of Preserving Preserving Lepidoptera” Lepidoptera" 1870 1870“On "On the the Uses Uses of of the the Brain Brain and and Marrow Marrow of of Animals Animals Among Among the Indians of North America” the Indians of North America" 1872 “Pre-Historic 1872 "Pre-Historic Remains RemainsFound Found in in the the Vicinity Vicinityof ofthe the City City of of Washington, DD.C." .C.” Washington, 1873 August 1873 AugustAAlabor-saving labor-savingFish-hawk-4pp. Fish-hawk-4pp. and and photograph photograph 1884 “A Labor-Saving Fish-Hawk,” The American Naturalist 1884 "A Labor-Saving Fish-Hawk," The American Naturalist 1884 February IgnorantofofFire," Fire,”The TheAmerican American Naturalist N aturalist 1884 February “Men "Men Ignorant n.d. Fragment on naval education n.d. Fragment on naval education n.d. Order Order ofofRapaces Rapaces n.d. n.d. ..” n.d. “Lord "LordBaltimore. Baltimore..." 1857? state 1857?“History "Historyof of the thePicture Pictureof ofLord LordBaltimore,” Baltimore," Editor’s Editor's statement on on TRP's TRP’s biography biography of of CWP CWP ment n.d. Catalogue Catalogue ofofBirds Birds pp. pp. 1-78 1-78 n.d. n.d. Catalogue of of Birds Birds cont’d. pp. 79-129 79-129 n.d. Catalogue cont'd. pp. n.d. "The “The Butterflies Butterflies of of North North America, America, Diurnal Diurnal Lepidoptera; Lepidoptera; n.d. whence they came, where they go, and they whence they came, where they go, and what what they * do,” * pp. 1-22 do," pp. 1-22 n.d. "The Butterflies.. . .” cont’d. n.d. “The Butterflies pp. 23-71 23-71 cont'd. pp. n.d. “The "TheButterflies Butterflies..." n.d. . . .” cont'd. cont’d. pp. pp. 72-125 72-125 n.d. "The n.d. “The Butterflies. Butterflies . . .” cont’d. 126-170 cont'd. pp. pp. 126-170 n.d. “The "TheButterflies Butterflies..." n.d. . . .” cont'd. cont’d. pp. 171-211 pp. 171-211 n.d. "The n.d. “The Butterflies. Butterflies . . .” cont'd. cont’d. pp. pp. 212-257 212-257 n.d. "The n.d. “The Butterflies. Butterflies . . . ” cont'd. cont’d. pp. pp. 258-306 258-306 n.d. "The n.d. “The Butterflies. Butterflies . . . ” cont'd. cont’d. pp. pp. 307-356 307-356 n.d. "The n.d. “The Butterflies. Butterflies . . .” cont’d. pp. 357-393 357-393 cont'd. pp. .
♦Plates for for these these volumes may be be found found inin Series Series XIII. XIII. *Plates volumes may
87 The 87 The Peale Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers
38. n.d. 38. n.d. "The “The Butterflies. Butterflies . . ." cont'd. cont’d. pp. pp. 394-409 394-409 n.d. n.d. [1833] [1833] Childs Childs & & Inman Inman Lithograph Lithograph n.d. n.d. Sketches. Sketches. Volume Volume I,I, pp. 1-89 pp. 1-89 39. 39. n.d. n.d. Sketchbook. Sketchbook. Supplement Supplement n.d. n.d. Sketchbook Sketchbook No. No. 2, 2, pp. pp. 1-8 1-8 40. n.d. No. 2, 2, cont’d. cont'd. pp. pp. 9-61 9-61 40. n.d. Sketchbook Sketchbook No. 41. n.d. Sketchbook Sketchbook No. 2, cont'd. cont’d. pp. pp. 62-128 62-128 41. n.d. No.2, 42. n.d. 42. n.d. Sketchbook Sketchbook No. No. 2,2, cont'd. cont’d. pp. pp. 129-205 129-205 43. 43. n.d. n.d. Sketchbook Sketchbook No. No. 2,2, cont'd. cont’d. pp. pp. 130-207 130—207 n.d. Sketchbook Sketchbook No. No. 33 n.d. n.d. n.d. Drawing DrawingBook BookofofTitian TitianRamsay RamsayPeale Peale[II] [II] .
ciJee/7r The Papers f Benjamin The Papersoof BenjaminFranklin FranklinPeale Peale(1795-1870) (1795-1870) [BFP [BFP]]
1795 October 15 Born Philosophical Hall, Hall, Philadelphia Philadelphia 1795 October 15 Born Philosophical 1805-c.1810 Attends schools Bucks County County 1805-C.1810 Attends schools inin Bucks c.1810 c.1810or or 1811-1813 1811-1813 Attends Attends Germantown Germantown Academy Academy 1813-1814 Apprenticed and Brother, Brother, manufacmanufac 1813-1814 Apprenticed to to George George Hodgson Hodgson and turers of machinery Delaware turers of machinery at at Brandywine, Brandywine, Delaware
1814-1815 Apprenticed William Young's Young’s cotton cotton factory, factory, WilWil 1814-1815 Apprenticed to to William mington, Delaware mington, Delaware
1815 Establishes 1815 Establishescotton cottonfactory factoryatatGermantown, Germantown, Pennsylvania Pennsylvania April 24 24 Marries Eliza Greatrake April Marries Eliza Greatrake 1816 Daughter Anna Anna born born (d.1906 1816 Daughter (d.1906 unmarried) unmarried) 1819 Factory until 1819 Factory closed; closed;becomes becomes assistant assistant at at Philadelphia Philadelphia Museum Museum until
1831 1831 1821 Marriage annulled 1821 Marriage to to Eliza Eliza Greatrake Greatrake annulled 1822-1823 Composes and piano 1822-1823 Composes songs songs for for guitar guitar and piano 1824-1827 Experiments 1824-1827 Experiments in in magnetism magnetism 1826 Composes 1826 Composes songs songs for for Spanish Spanish guitar guitar 1829“Composition "Composition and and Arrangements Arrangements for for Guitar” Guitar" 1829 1831-1832 in steam steam 1831-1832 Experiments Experiments in 1831-1833 1831-1833 Lectures Lectures at at Franklin Franklin Institute Institute 1833 States Mint 1833Appointed Appointed Assistant Assistant Assayer Assayer of of United United States Mint Elected toto American American Philosophical Society Elected Philosophical Society 1832-1837 1832-1837 Papers Papers dealing dealing with with coinage coinage and and minting minting procedures procedures 1833-1835 Travels to Europe to study mints and coinage 1833-1835 Travels to Europe to study mints and coinage systems systems 1833-1836 Writes Register Register ooff MMedal edal DDies ies of U nited States States Mint M int 1833-1836 Writes of the the United (published 1841) (published 1841) 1835 17 Writes 1835June June17 Writes“Report "Report ofhis of hisVisit VisittotoEurope Europe in in the the Mint Mint Service” Service"
89 89
The The Peale Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers
Letters and Letters and Documents Documents
(23 Cards) (23 Cards)
1837-1846 Writes Writesreports reportson on various various inventions inventions for for the the Arts 1837-1846 Arts and and Sciences Committee of the the Franklin Franklin Institute Sciences Committee of Institute 1839 Haslam 1839Marries MarriesMrs. Mrs. Caroline Caroline Girard Girard Haslam 1853 N otes on on Coinage Coinage 1853 Publishes Publishes Notes 1854 1854Retires Retiresfrom fromposition position of of Chief Chief Coiner Coiner at at the the United United States States Mint Mint 1860 Publishes Publishes Collection 1860 Collection ooff Indian Indian Remains Remains 1861Publishes Publishes“On "On Vases Vasesof ofthe theStone Stone Age Age of of the the United United States” States" 1861 1861 1861June June2121Publishes Publishes“On "On the the Stone Stone Implements Implements of of the the Indians Indians of of North America" North America” 1863-1870 1863-1870President, President,Pennsylvania PennsylvaniaInstitution Institutionfor forthe the Instruction Instruction of of the Blind Blind the 1864 Publishes of the the Delaware Delaware Water Water Gap” 1864 Publishes“Stone "Stone Implements Implements of Gap" Elected President of Hazleton Hazleton Coal Coal && Rail Rail Road Company. Elected President of Road Company. Active until Active until 1867 1867 1868 June 1868 June19 19Publishes Publishes“On "Onthe the Manufacture Manufactureand and Ornamentation Ornamentation of of the of the the Stone Stone Age" Age” the Pottery Pottery of 1870 May 1870 May 55 Dies Dies in in Philadelphia Philadelphia 1873 Specimens Specimens of o f the ge of o f the the Human 1873 the Stone StoneAAe Human Race, Race,with with photographs photographs (published (published posthumously) posthumously) FranklinPeale Pealeare aredivided divided into into two two sections: The o f Benjamin Benjamin Franklin sections: (A) (A) The Papers Papers of
Letters consisting ofof letters letters and and organizational organizational and and Letters and and Documents, Documents, consisting institutional (B) Writings, Writings, consisting consisting of of musical musical composicomposi institutional records; records; (B) tions, written reports reports and and publications. publications. tions, written 1.1. 1814 1814 December June 14 14 Including Including documents documents relating relating to December 14-1825 14-l825June to marriage annulment marriage annulment 2.2. 1821 12-1833 May May 77 1821November November 12-1833 3. 1833 1833May May 8-1834 8-1834 July July 77 3. 4. 1834 July 7-1835 30 1834July 7-1835 June June30 4. 5. 1835 July 16-1836 July 8 1835July16-1836July8 5. 6. 1836 1836August August 15-1837 15-1837 November November 88 6. 7.7. 1837 1837 November 10-1839 December December 24 24 November 10-1839 8. l84oJanuary-1841 1840 January-1841 February February 19 19 8. April 2-1846 2-1846 February 9. 1841 1841 April February 18 18 9. 10. 1846 1846 June December 15 15 June 15-1849 15-1849 December 10. 11. 1849 1849 December April 77 December 18-1851 18-1851 April 11. 12. 1851 1851 April September 22 April 7-1852 7-1852 September 12. 13. 1852 1852 September August 44 September 25-1853 25-1853 August 13. 14. 1853 1853 October 26 October 11-1856 11-1856 April April26 14. 15. 1856 February 20 20 , 1856 May May 23-1860 23-1860 February 15.
90 Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers The Peale 90 The
16. 16. 17. 17. 18. 18. 19. 19.
1860 February 20—[1861?] 1860 February 20-[1861?]
1862 January-1864 June 22 l862January-1864June22 1864 September 1864 September 4-1870 4-1870 1870 May May 16—1873 16-1873 February 1870 February 10 10 Including Including Last Last Will Will and and TestaTesta ment, obituary, estate ment, obituary, estate matters, matters, correspondence correspondence of of widow, Caroline Peale Peale widow, Caroline February 10-1873 10-1873 November November25 petition for relief 20. 1873 February 25 Including Including petition for relief 20. 1873 of correspondence of of Caroline Caroline E. of Anna Anna Peale; Peale; correspondence E. G. G. Peale Peale 1873December December3-1874 3-1874 April April 77 Including Including Will Will and and Codicil Codicil of of 21. 1873 21. Caroline E. G. G. Peale Peale Caroline E. 22. 1874 April April 13 13 and ConcerningBFP's BFP’sStone Stone Age A ge April 7-1898 7-1898 April and n.d. n.d. Concerning 22. 1874 Collection Collection
Addenda Addenda (1(1 Card) Card)
1.1. 1835, February 22 22 1835, September September 24-n.y. 24-n.y. February
1. 1822-1823 1822-1823 Songs Songs for for guitar guitar and and piano piano Target only 1826 beautiesfofor the spanish spanish guitar guitar or 1826 Select Select beauties r the or lyre lyre . . . Target only 1829 arrangements for 1-31 for guitar, guitar, pp. pp. 1-31 1829 Composition Composition & & arrangements 2. 1829 pp. 32-141 32-141 arrangements. . . cont’d. 1829Composition Composition & & arrangements. cont'd. pp. 2. "Report by his visit visit to to Europe 3. l835June 1835June 17 17 “Report by FP, FP, of ofhis Europe in in the the Mint Mint 3. Service,” Service," pp. pp. 1-42 1-42 1835June June1717“Report "ReportbybyFPFP. ...... cont’d. cont'd. pp. pp. 43-92 43-92 4.4. 1835 5. 1835 1835 June cont’d. pp. pp. 93-140 93-140 5. June17 17“Report "Report by by FP FP.. . .” cont'd. 6.6. 1835 June 17 17 “Report cont’d. pp. pp. 141-190 141-190 l835June "Report by by FP FP.. . .” cont'd. 1835June June17 17“Report "Report by by FP FP.. . .” cont’d. cont'd. pp. 7.7. 1835 pp. 191-240 191-240 1835June June17 17“Report "Report by by FP FP.. . .” cont'd. 8. 1835 cont’d. pp. pp. 241-269 241-269 8. 1833-1836 [1841] [1841]Register RegisterofofMedal MedalDies Diesofofthe theU. U.S.S. Mint, Mint, pp. pp. 1833—1836 1-24 1-24 9. 1833-1836 [1841] Register of 9. 1833—1836 [1841] Register of Medal Medal Dies, Dies, pp. 44 pp. 25— 25-44 1837March March99Report Report on on George George W. W. Duncan’s Duncan's spring spring power 1837 power for for locomotives locomotives May 66 Report Report on May on Leiper's Leiper’s rock rock (draft) (draft) [1837] quarries [1837]Report Report on on the the stone stone of of Leiper’s Leiper's quarries 1837 1837 May May11'Report llReport on on 0.O.Bester's Bester’sice ice boat boat May 11 11 Report Report on on G. G. M. M. Everly's May Everly’s steam steam boiler, boiler, No. No. 141 141 December 14 14 Report Breed’s letter letter bag, bag, No. No. 153 153 December Report on on S. S. D. D. Breed's 1838February February88Report Report on on electro-magnetic electro-magnetic telegraph telegraph of of Prof. 1838 Prof. Samuel F. F. B. B. Morse Morse Samuel May 88 BFP & R. May BFP & R. G. G. Rogers: Rogers: Report Report on on Bacon, Bacon, Bickford, Bickford, Eales & & Co. Eales patent safety safety fuse, fuse, No. No. 172 172 Co. patent
Writings Writings
(21 Cards) (21 Cards)
91 91
The Peale The Peale Family Family Papers Papers
May 10 BFP & May 10 BFP & Wm. Wm. Hartshorne: Hartshorne: Report Report on on Mcllvaine's Mcllvaine’s railroad railroad car car May 10 Report on May 10 Report on A. A. Masson's Masson’srailroad railroad car car November 30 BFP BFP & & A. Ferguson: Report on November 30 A. Ferguson: Report of of committee committee on Mr. the Mr. Jenks’s Jenks's Invention Invention for for loading loading guns guns at at the breech, No. breech, No. 188 188 December BFP etet al.: al.: Report Report on on M. M. BecquerePs method December 13 13 BFP Becquerel’s method of silver & & copper ores of extracting extracting silver copper from from ores 1839 1839March March14 14BFP BFP&&Jas. Jas.C. C. Booth: Booth: Report Report on on Mr. Mr. Richards Richards process of process of white white lead lead August August 11 BFP BFP & & R. R. M. M. Patterson: Patterson: Report Report on on Washington Washington Taylor's Taylor’s propellers propellers for for boats boats August 11 BFP BFP & & R. R. M. M. Patterson: Patterson: Report Report on on Washington Washington August Taylor's hydrostatic hydrostatic power power Taylor’s 10. 1839 November 14 Report on onJ. 10. 1839 November 14 Report J. C. C. Booth's Booth’s yellow yellow pigment pigment November 14 BFP BFP && Roswell Roswell Park: Park: Report Report on on Jacob Jacob November 14 Mayer’s rifle and and rifle rifle lock lock Mayer's rifle n.d. Report on on Dr. Dr. Edward Edward Earle's Earle’s "Method “Method ofofpreserving preserving n.d. Report timber” timber" 1840 Mr. Jos. 1840January January 19 19Report Report on on the the indelible indelible ink ink invented invented by by Mr. Jos. Dixon Dixon of of Taunton, Taunton, Massachusetts Massachusetts March 12 Report Edward Bancroft's Bancroft’s regulator regulator for for steam steam March 12 Report on on Edward engines engines April 99 Report Report on John P. valve April onjohn P. Bakewell's Bakewell’s safety safety valve 1840 J. C. C. etal.: et al.: Report Reportononcoining coiningpresses presses ofof the the 1840 May May 14 14Cresson, Cresson,J. U. S.S. Mint Mint atat Philada., Philada., No. No. 238 238 U. July 19 19 BFP l.: Report Merrick && Towne’s boring mill mill July BFP et et aal.: Report on on Merrick Towne's boring August 13 13 BFP BFP etet aal.: l.: Report on L. L. Phleger's Phleger’s spark spark arrester arrester August Report on September 99 BFP BFP etet aal.: l.: Report on Wm. Wm. Jenks’s firearms September Report on Jenks's firearms September 99 BFP BFP etet aal.: l.: Report M. Naglee's Naglee’s Railway Railway September Report on on H. H. M. for curves for short short curves October BFP et et al.: “Improvement in in the the apparatus apparatus for for October 11 BFP al.: "Improvement generating steam” by by Phineas Phineas Bennet Bennet generating steam" 1841 254 1841 Febuary Febuary 17 17 Report Report on on Yorke’s Yorke's Mule Mule Spinner, Spinner, No. No. 254 March 11 BFP A. Stewart's Stewart’s Radiating. RadiatingMarch 11 BFP etetal.: al.:Report Report onjno. onJno. A. flues for buildings flues for buildings 1842 June l.: Report 1842 June99BFP BFPeteta al.: Reporton onA. A.Calderhead’s Calderhead's Carpet Carpet Loom Loom August August 11 11 BFP BFP etet al.: al.: Report Report on on Mr. Mr. Henry Henry M. M. Naglee's Naglee’s Short curve curve Rail-way Rail-way Short 11. 1843 January 12 BFP l.: Report Engines 11. 1843 January 12 BFP etetaal.: Report on on Baldwin’s Baldwin's Marine Marine Engines April BFP eetal.: Report of of the the special specialcommittee committee upon upon the April 13 13 BFP ta l .: Report the question the novelty novelty of of Calderhead’s Calderhead's Loom Loom question of of the
92 Peale Family Family Papers Papers The Peale 92 The
September 44 Report September Report on on Joseph Joseph Bartin’s Bartin's machine machine for for breaking breaking up coal coal up 1844 ta al.: l: Report on Arts Arts && Sciences Sciences on on 1844July July 11 11BFP BFPeet Reportof ofComm, Comm. on specimen of Deer Island Island specimen of serpentine serpentine from from Deer October 10 10 BFP BFP &&Jas. Jas. C. Booth: Report Report on on Mr. Mr. Schrader's Schrader’s October C. Booth: machine for boards machine for.. . . boards .
1845 l: Report Bartell’s caps caps toto 1845January January9 9BFP BFPeteta al.: Reporton onH. H. G. C. Bartell's prevent the the oxidation oxidation ofofstoves stoves prevent BFP etet aal.: l.: Report 434 BFP Report on on W. W. W. W.Hubbell’s Hubbell's Fire FireArms, Arms, No. No. 434 September 11 Trego: Report Report on on experexper September 11 BFP BFP & & Chas. Chas. B. B. Trego: imental trip trip of of the the U. U. S.S.Revenue RevenueSteamer SteamerSpencer Spencer imental December 11 11 BFP a l. : Report on Weights Weights & & December BFP etetal.: Report of of Committee Committee on Measures Measures December 15 15 BFP a l. : Committee Committee on on Loper's Loper’spropeller propeller&& December BFP etetal.: Hunter’s submerged wheels wheels Hunter's submerged 1846 Stevens && Cook Cook && 1846April April99BFP BFPetetal.: al.:Report Reporton on R. R. L. L. Stevens Seckel’s cut-off cut-off valves valves Seckel's October Patterson, Patterson, R. & Tilghmann, October R. M. M. & Tilghmann, R. R. A.: A.: Report Report of of Committee on Philosophical Philosophical Apparatus— Exhi Committee on Apparatus -Exhibition ofof October October1846 1846 bition 1847 H. Schomaker's Schomaker’s 1847November November1111BFP BFPetetal.: al.: Report Report on on J.J. H. Pianos Pianos 1846 November Committee on on 1846 November 12 12Schomaker Schomaker&&Co., Co.,J.J.H. H. to to Committee Sciences [BFP Sciences and and the the Arts Arts of of the the Franklin Franklin Institute Institute [BFP eetal.] ta l.)
1846 December 1846 DecemberReport Reporton onJohn JohnM. M. Patton’s Patton's Blowing Blowing Apparatus, Apparatus, No. No. 432 432 1853 November 21 "Notes “Notes on on Coinage," Coinage,” pp. pp. 1-4 1-4 1853 November21 12. 1853 November cont’d. pp. 12. 1853 November 21 21 “Notes "Notes on on Coinage” Coinage" cont'd. pp. 5-8 5-8 1855 January 1855 January 30 30 Patent Patent for for propeller propeller February propeller February 27 27 Patent Patent for for improved improved propeller 1856 June 1856 June24 24Patent Patent drawing drawing for for pump pump 1860 December 21 “Collection of 1860 December 21 "Collection of Indian Indian Remains” Remains" 1861 AnnualReport Report of of the the Board Board of of Regents Regents of of the the Smithsonian 1861 Annual Smithsonian Institution. Institution .
. . for for the theYear Year1861 1861 [l86O's]“On "On Vases Vasesof ofthe theStone StoneAge Ageof ofthe theUnited United States” States" [1860’s] 1866 May Rehfus’s 1866 May 23 23BFP BFP& &Coleman Coleman Sellers: Sellers:Report Report on on George George Rehfus's Sewing Sewing Machine Machine 1869 “A 1869 "A Memorial Memorial of of the thelate lateRobley RobleyDunglison, Dunglison,M. M. D., D., One One of of the of the the Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Institution Institution the Vice-Presidents Vice-Presidents of for the the Instruction Instruction of of the the Blind Blind . . . with Resolu for with aa Resolution Board of tion of of the the Board of Managers" Managers” .
93 93
The Peale The Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers
13. [Supplementary [Supplementary material 13. material (not (not inin chronological chronological sequence):] sequence):] 1861June June2121“On "Onthe the Stone Stone Implements Implements of of the the Indians Indians of of North North 1861 America . . . ” America 1868 June19 19“On "On the the Manufacture and Ornamentation 1868 June Manufacture and Ornamentation of of the the Pottery of Stone Age Age.. . . ” Pottery of the the Stone 1824 January Magnetism” 1824 January“Natural "Natural Philosophy, Philosophy, On On Magnetism" 1827“Description "Descriptionof of an an instrument instrument by by which which attraction attraction and 1827 and rere pulsion in a pulsion are are illustrated illustrated in a new new and and striking striking manman ner. By By the ner. the inventor, inventor, Mr. Mr. Franklin Franklin Peale" Peale” 1830 of the the Journal of the the Franklin Franklin InstiInsti 1830October October 18 18 “To "To Editor Editor of Journal of tute" tute” 1831 “On "On the the height height of Boilers of of Locomotive Locomotive Engines” Engines" 1831 of Water Water inin Boilers 1832 “On 1832 "On Franklin Franklin Peale’s Peale's Moveable Moveable Diagrams Diagrams for for illustrating illustrating the the construction of construction of the the Steam Steam Engine" Engine” 1832 April April24 "Notice of 1832 24 “Notice ofthe the application applicationofofthe the process process ofof transfertransfer ring to ring to the the art art ofofDie Die Sinking" Sinking” by by Franklin Franklin Peale, Peale, Lecturer on on Machines Machines inin the the Franklin Franklin Institute Lecturer Institute 1835 "Alloys, “Alloys, Solders, Solders, and and Amalgams, Amalgams, used used in in the the Arts" Arts” 1835 1836 “Table metals, taken taken from from aa 1836 "Tableofofthe the properties, properties, &c, &c, of of the the metals, tablet tablet by by M. M. Chaudet Chaudet ofofthe the Paris Paris Mint" Mint” 1836“Description "Description of of the the new 1836 new coining coining presses presses lately lately introduced introduced into the U. U. S.S. Mint, Mint, Philadelphia" Philadelphia” into the 1836“Description "Description of of aa machine machine for for Milling Milling Coin, Coin, invented 1836 invented and and introduced into introduced into the the Mint Mint of of the the United United States" States” 1837 “On "On the the Manufacture 1837 Manufacture of of India India Rubber Rubber Web" Web” “Description of presses presses for out blanks, blanks, or or planchets, planchets, "Description of for cutting cutting out for coins, made. made. . . from from designs designs by, by, and and under under the the for coins, direction of, of, Franklin Peale, of of the the Mint direction Franklin Peale, Mint of of the the United United States" States” 1844 “Remarks Warming Dwellings Dwellings with with Furnaces" Furnaces” 1844 "Remarks on on Warming 1847 "On Balances" 1847 “On Balances” 1864 1864 “Communication "Communication on on an an Antique Antique Stone Stone Hand-hammer” Hand-hammer" “Delaware Water Water Gap" Gap” "Delaware 14. 1873 1873 Specimens Specimens of o f the Stone Age A ge ooff the the Human Human Race Race . . . Copied Copied inin the Stone 14. Photography and Introduction Introduction.. . . Photography with with Catalogue Catalogue and with communications communications on with on subject, subject, pp. pp. 1-43 1-43 the Human Human Race 15. 1873 Specimens Specimens ooff the the Stone Stone Age A ge ooff the Race . . . pp. pp. 44-51; 44-51; 15. 1873 photographs, pp. 1-17 photographs, pp. 1-17 the Human photo16. 1873 Specimens Specimens ooff the Stone Age Age ooff the Human Race Race . . . photo the Stone 16. 1873 graphs, 18-40 graphs, pp. pp. 18-40 the Human Human Race 17. the Stone Stone Age A ge ooff the Race . . . cont'd. cont’d. 1873 Specimens Specimens ooff the 17. 1873 photographs, photographs, pp. pp. 41-63 41-63 .
94 94
The Peale Peale Family Family Papers Papers The
18. 1873 the Stone Stone AAge 18. 1873 Specimens Specimens ooff the ge of o f the the Human Human Race Race . . . cont'd. cont’d. photographs, pp. photographs, pp. 64-86 64-86 19. 1873 Specimens Specimens ooff the ge ooff the Race . . . cont'd. cont’d. 19. 1873 the Stone Stone AAge the Human Human Race photographs, photographs, pp. pp. 87-92 87-92 20. n.n. d.d. Description Descriptionofofthe the press press for for minting minting small small coins, coins, No. No. 238 238 20. n.n. d. d. Notes Notes and and Accounts Accounts ofofCharles Charles Wilison Willson Peale Peale n.n. d.d. "Life “Life of of Charles Charles Willson Willson Peale,” Peale," 17 17leaves leavesand andnotebook notebook of of 33 pp.; also also “Fragments "Fragments of of copy copy of oflife,” life," pp. pp. 1-42 1-42 33 pp.; 21. n.n. d.d. "Life “Life of of Charles Charles Wilison Willson Peale” 94 21. Peale"cont’d. cont'd. pp. pp. 43— 43-94 .
Series Series X-A X-A (1 (1 Card) Card)
The Papers Papers oof AngelicaKauffman KauffmanPeale PealeRobinson Robinson(1775-1853) (1775-1853)[APR] APR] and The f Angelica and Sybilla Sybilla M Miriam iriam Peale Peale Summers Summers(1797-1856) (1797-1856) [SyMP] [SyMP]
1.1. [APR] [APR] 1815 1815 March 18] March 24-1850 24-1850 August August 23; 23; and andn.d. n.d. [February February 18] [SyMP] October 66 [SyMP] 1814 1814November November 29—1824 29-1824 October
The The Papers Papers ooff Titian Titian Ram Ramsay say Peale Peale [I] 1] (1780-1798) (1780-1798)
1. [ca. the Necessary Necessary Instructions, Instructions, 11 [ca. 1797] 1797]Miniature Miniature Painting Painting with with the vol. of46 vol. of 46 leaves, leaves, 42 42 containing containing writing writing TRP/s of American American Insects" Insects” (1796) (1796) appears appears in in color color inin TRP1's “Drawings "Drawings of Series XIII. XIII. Series
The SophonisbaPeale PealeSellers Sellers(1786-1859) (1786-1859) ISPS] The Papers Papers ooff Sophonisba [SPS]
1. 1786 —1835 January 1786May May 21 21-1835 January 55 1. 2. 1835 September 9-1844 September 17 17 1835 September 9-1844 September 2. 3. 1844 1844 September [December 24] 24] September 30-1846 30-1846 [December 3. 4. 1847 May 17-[1849] August 12 4. 1847 May 17-[1849] August 12 October 7-F1852] 5. 1849 1849 October 7—[1852] May May 14 14 5. 6. 1852 1852 May March 27 27 May 20-1853 20-1853 March 6. 7. 1853 January 22 1853April April8—1854 8-l854January 7. 8. 1854 25 1854January January22-1854 22-1854 November November 25 8. 9. 1854 1854 November 26—1855 June June 10 10 November 26-1855 9. 1855July July 11-1856 10. —1856 December December 28 28 10. 1855 11. January 21-1859 21-1859 and and n.d. n.d. l857January 11. 1857 for her 12. n.d.-1840-1845: n.d.-1840-1845: Expenses Expenses while while keeping keeping house house for her son-inson-in12. law, Alfred Alfred Harrold, Harrold, 11 bound bound volume, volume, pp. pp. 1-41 law, 1-41 13. 1840-1845 Household Household expenses expensescont’d. cont'd. pp. pp. 42-61 42-61 13. 1840-1845
(1 Card) (1 Card)
(13 (13 Cards) Cards)
96 The 96 Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers The Peale
The Papers [CLP] The Papers ooff Charles Charles Linnaeus Linnaeus Peale Peale (1794-1832) (1794-1832) [CLPII
1. 181021-1830 OctoberOctober 21-18304 and October 1. 1810 October n.d. 4 and n.d. 1854 November, involving tract 1854 November,deed deed involving tractofofland landgranted grantedbybyUnited United States toStates CLP, private Hopkins Light Artillery to CLP,inprivate in Hopkins Light Artillery
The Philadelphia Philadelphia M Museum (1785-1846) The useum (1785-1846)
When Charles Charles Willson Willson Peale by the the State State of of MaryMary When Peale was was commissioned commissioned by land in in 1781 paint aa full-length full-length portrait portrait of land 1781 toto paint of George George Washington, Washington, he he conceived the into aa portrait gallery asas aa conceived the idea idea of of expanding expanding his his studio studio into portrait gallery monument toto all all the the heroes heroes of of the the new new republic. republic. The The gallery gallery was was monument opened opened in in November November 1782, 1782, and and from from that that modest modest beginning beginning Peale's Peale’s Philadelphia Museum On July July 7,7, 1786, 1786, an in Philadelphia Museum evolved. evolved. On an announcement announcement in the Philadelphia Packetheralded heraldedthe theopening openingof of Peale’s Peale'smuseum museum of of the Philadelphia Packet natural history, into one one view view aa world world inin miniaminianatural history, designed designed to to “bring "bring into ture. ture." The Philadelphia Philadelphia Museum Museum grew grewrapidly. rapidly. InIn1792, 1792, Peale Peale organized organized The of Visitors consisting of distinguished statesmen statesmen and and headed headed aa Board Board of Visitors consisting of distinguished by Thomas Thomas Jefferson. Jefferson. The The museum Ameriby museum moved moved into into the the Hall Hall of of the the Ameri can 1794, remaining 1802. At that can Philosophical Philosophical Society Society in in 1794, remaining there there until until 1802. At that time, the Pennsylvania Legislature, having having abandoned abandoned the the State State House House time, the Pennsylvania Legislature, inin Philadelphia voted the the museum museum free free use use Philadelphia in in its its move move to to Harrisburg, Harrisburg, voted (later building. (later aa nominal nominal fee fee was was charged) charged) of of aa good good portion portion of of that that building. Charles in 1810; 1810; but Charles Willson Willson Peale Peale deeded deeded the the museum museum to to Rubens Rubens in but in 1822 resumed control control and and with with the the help help of of Franklin Franklin and and Titian Titian ran ran in 1822 heheresumed the museum museum as as an In 1826, 1826, the the an incorporated incorporated institution. institution. In the trustees trustees voted voted to remove remove the the museum museum totothe thenew newPhiladelphia Philadelphia Arcade. Arcade. Peale Peale died died to before before the the enterprise enterprise was was housed housedininits itsnew newquarters, quarters, but but the the institu institution continued tion continued to to be be active active until until 1846 1846 when, when, because because of of economic economic stringencies, Charles Willson stringencies, itit was was closed closed and and put put up up for for sale. sale. In In 1854, 1854, Charles Willson Peale’s paintings Peale's paintings in in the the museum museum gallery gallery were were sold sold at at auction. auction. Many Many of of
98 98
The Peale The Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers
The The Philadelphia Philadelphia Museum Museum
(26 Cards) Cards) (26
these portraits would would be be again brought together, this time these portraits again brought together, this time in in the the Portrait Gallery of of the the Independence Independence National National Historical Historical Park Park inin Portrait Gallery Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Until 1850, 1850, Peale's Peale’s natural natural history history collections collections were were exhibited exhibited atat Until Masonic not by by the the Peale Peale family. family. Later, purchased Masonic Hall, Hall, but but not Later, they they were were purchased by P. T.T Barnum Bamum and and his his associate associate Moses by P. Moses Kimball, Kimball, half half going going to to the the Boston American Museum New Boston Museum Museum and and half half to to Barnum’s Barnum's American Museum in in New York City. 1900, when the York City. In In 1900, when the the Boston Boston Museum Museum closed closed its its doors, doors, the specimens were presented presented to to the the Boston Boston Society Society of of Natural Natural History. specimens were History. AA number appeared in in the the collections collections of of Harvard Harvard number of of the the specimens specimens also also appeared University’s of Comparative Comparative Zoology. Zoology. University's Museum Museum of The papers in The papers in this this series series document document some some aspects aspects of of the the museum’s museum's official life series includes the official lifewhile whileitit was was managed managed by by the the Peales. Peales. The The series includes the single issue of The The Philadelphia Philadelphia Museum single issue of Museum(January (January 1824), 1824), aa publication publication begun Peale inin 1824 museum "a “a great great begun by by Peale 1824 inin his his effort effort to to make make the the museum national institution.” institution." The The Supplement contains the the minutes minutes of national Supplement contains of the the Museum about the the museum, museum, see see Museum Company. Company. For For further further information information about Index and the the Papers Papers ofofCharles CharlesWillson WillsonPeale Peale(Series (SeriesIT-A); II-A); Rubens Rubens Index and Peale Vu-A); Titian Titian Ramsay Peale (Series (Series VII-A); Ramsay Peale Peale [Ii] [II] (Series (Series VIII-A); VIII-A); and and Benjamin Franklin Franklin Peale Peale (Series IX-A). See Benjamin (Series IX-A). See also also Charles Charles Willson Willson Peale’s Lectures (Series II-D). Peale's Lectures (Series II-D). 1. "A Descriptive Catalogue of of Mr. Mr. Peale’s Peale's Exhibition Exhibition of of 1. [1785] [1785] “A Descriptive Catalogue Perspective Views, Changeable Effects; Effects; or or Perspective Views, with with Changeable
Nature Delineated and Nature Delineated and in in Motion” Motion" 1790 February 11“To "To the the Citizens Citizens of of the the United United States 1790 February States of of AmerAmer ica": with manuscript ica”: Broadside Broadside with manuscript statement statement by by CWP CWP 1792 Minutes ofofmeetings meetings 1792March-October MarchOctober Minutes 1792]Broadside Broadsidewithout without title titlecommencing, commencing, “Gentlemen, "Gentlemen, II thank [1792] thank you honor you favor of of this this visit visit.. . . ” you for for the the honor you do do me me in in favor 1794-1833 Subscription tickets: 11 vol. vol. pp. pp. 1-74 1-74 1794-1833 Subscription for for tickets: 2. 2. 1794-1833 1794-1833 Subscription Subscription for for tickets tickets cont'd. cont’d. pp. pp. 75-107 75-107 1794 May May 30 30 David David Nassy Nassy to to the 1794 the President President of of the the [American] [American] Philosophical Philosophical Society; Society; in in French French 1795 1795“An "AnHistorical Historical Catalogue Catalogue of of Peales’ Peales' Collection Collection of of Paintings” Paintings" n.d. 111800s] [1800s] Blank Letter n.d. Blank Subscription Subscription Letter [1801] is now to be be seen seen atat [1801]Broadside: Broadside:“Skeleton "Skeleton of of the the mammoth mammoth is now to the Museum Museum in in aa separate the separate room” room" 1801 April24 24Richard RichardLemar LemarBissett’s Bissett'sDiary—fragment Diary-fragment 1801 April 1802 April of APS APS 1802 April 28 28John JohnBrown Brown to to Thomas Thomas Jefferson, Jefferson, president president of 1803 January containing 81 81 profiles profiles 1803 January 22 22 Profile Profile Book, Book, containing .
99 99
The The Peale Peale Family Family Papers Papers
3.3. 1803-1842 1803-1842 Records Records && Accessions Accessions pp. 1-91 pp. 1-91 4.4. 1803-1842 1803-1842 Records Records && Accessions Accessions cont'd. cont’d. pp. pp. 92-187 92-187 cont'd. pp. 5.5. 1803-1842 1803-1842 Records Records && Accessions Accessions cont’d. 188-192 pp. 188-192 [1805April] April]“Guide "Guide to to the the Philadelphia Philadelphia Museum” Museum" [1805 1808-1819 Expenditures 1808-1819 Peale’s Peale's Museum: Museum: Current Current Expenditures 1809“2 "2mo. mo.3,3, 66 day”day"- "2 1809 “2 mo. mo. 9,9, 77day" day”Reuben Reuben Haines: Haines: diary diary entries entries 1816 Announcement of 1816 Announcement ofuse use ofofgas gas lights lights inin Poulson's Poulson’sDaily D a ilyAmeriA m eri can Advertiser Advertiser can
1816 July 1818Address 1816Ju1y Address delivered delivered by by Charles Charles W. W. Peale Peale to to the the Corpo Corporation and ration and Citizens Citizens of of Philadelphia Philadelphia on on the the 18th 18th Day Day of July ofjuly 1818 Advertisement Advertisement of of Peale’s Peale's Museum; Museum; reprinted reprinted in in Paxton's 1818 Paxton’s Philadelphia Directory, 1819 Philadelphia Directory, 1819 1818July July29 29Caesar CaesarA. A.Rodney Rodney to to Stephen Stephen Girard Girard 1818 6. January- July 6. 1820 1820 JanuaryJuly 1717 Philadelphia Philadelphia Museum Museum Account Account Book Book 1820s Ticket of of Admission Admission for for 66 months 1820s Ticket months 1820 January Description Description ofof objects objects displayed displayed l820January 1820June 1820 June88RuP RuP to to Mr. Mr. William William Duane Duane 1821 February 21 21An AnAct Actto toincorporate incorporate the the Philadelphia Philadelphia Museum Museum 1821 February 7.7. 1821 1821 February February 28 28 Henry Henry Ploss Ploss toto Rubens Rubens Peale Peale 1821-1827 Minutes 1821-1827 Minutes 1821 minutes toto William William 1821 April April 13 13 'Select 'SelectCouncil: Council: Extract Extract from from minutes Meredith Meredith 1821 Letters (copies) (copies) and and notes, notes, for for Philadelphia Philadelphia 1821 March-July March-July Letters Museum written on on blank blank leaves leaves at at back back of Museum Co., Co., written of volume volume of of Constitution Constitution and and By-Laws By-Laws ofofthe theGoColumbianum (1794) lumbianum (1794) 1821 May 16 16Robert Robert H. H. Smith Meredith 1821 May Smith to to William William Meredith 1821 July 1821 July44William WilliamHewitt Hewitt to to the the Trustees Trustees of of Peale’s Peale's Museum Museum 1821September SeptemberWilliam WilliamThornton:“Dr. Thornton:"Dr.Thornton’s Thornton's motion motion rela1821 rela tive to the the purchase purchase of of Peale’s tive to Peale's Museum” Museum" 1821 1821 October October 21 21 Philadelphia Philadelphia City City Commissioners: Commissioners: Lease Lease to to Philadelphia Museum Co. Philadelphia Museum Co. 1822 May Catalogue Catalogue of duplicate specimens of subjects subjects in in natural natural 1822 May of duplicate specimens of history history 1822 September 30 30 Quarterly Quarterly report 1822 September report of of the the manager manager 1823 Hare 1823 March March 28 28 William WilliamJames JamesMacneven Macneven to to Robert Robert Hare 1824 January 1824 January“A "A Sketch Sketch of of the theHistory History of of the theMuseum” Museum" 1824 March 27 I.I. B. 1824 March27 B. Hattinger Hattinger to to “Inspector "Inspector of of famous famous Museum Museum of of Philadelphia” Philadelphia" [1824 September] September] Notice Notice concerning [1824 concerning arrival arrival of of General General Lafayette Lafayette 1825 July28 Document stating stating authenticity authenticity of of two two mummies mummies 1825 July 28 Document
100 100
The The Peale Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers
n.d. [before [before 1827] 1827] R. at n.d. R. M. M. Patterson: Patterson: Lecture Lecture on on natural natural history history at University of Pennsylvania University of Pennsylvania 1827-1836 1827-1836 Stock Stock Books, Books,pp. pp. 1-2 1-2 8.8. 1827-1836 1827-1836 Stock Stock Books Books cont’d. cont'd. pp. pp. 3-49 3-49 9.9. 1827-1836 1827-1836 Stock Stock Books Books cont’d. cont'd. pp. pp. 50-97 50-97 10. 1827-1836 Stock 10. 1827-1836 Stock Books Books cont’d. cont'd. pp. pp. 98-144 98-144 11. 1827-1836 Stock 145-156 11. 1827-1836 Stock Books Books cont’d. cont'd. pp. pp. 145-156 1827 1827 July July 22 Philadelphia Philadelphia Museum Museum (by (by Coleman Coleman Sellers, Sellers, Sec'y.) Sec’y.) to--------to 1828 January Philadelphia ArAr 1828 January 11 Peter Peter A. A. Browne: Browne: Indenture Indenture for for Philadelphia cade cade and and Philadelphia Philadelphia Museum Museum Co. Co. 1828-1835 Philadelphia Museum Museum Minute Minute Book Book (rough 1828-1835 Philadelphia (rough minutes) minutes) pp. 1-65 pp. 1-65 12. 12. 1828-1835 1828-1835 Minute Minute Book Book cont’d. cont'd. pp pp 66-70 66-70 1828 June 1828 June 19-1833 19-1833 May May 33 Correspondence Correspondence 1835 August August 4-1844 4-1844 August August 55 Extracts Extracts of of minutes 1835 minutes and and correcorre spondence spondence 1841-1843 Peale’s Peale'sMuseum MuseumStock StockBooks, Books, pp. pp. 1-2 1-2 1841-1843 13. Peale's Museum MuseumStock StockBooks Bookscont’d. cont'd.pp. pp.3-49 3-49 13. 1841-1843 1841-1843 Peale’s 14. 1841-1843 1841-1843 Peale’s 50-51 14. Peale's Museum Museum Stock Stock Books Books cont’d. cont'd. pp. pp. 50-51 1841-1845 Rough Rough Minute Minute Book Book 1841-1845 1841July July16 16American AmericanPhilosophical PhilosophicalSociety: Society:Resolution Resolution forming forming 1841 committee committee to to negotiate negotiate sale sale of of Philosophical Philosophical Hall Hall and purchase purchase of and of Philadelphia Philadelphia Museum Museum 1841 Notice: Peremptory PeremptorySale SaleValuable Valuable Real Real Estate Estate 1841 August August 55 Notice: Philadelphia Museum Museum Philadelphia 1838-1842 Catalogue Catalogue of 1838-1842 of specimens specimens received received . . . from U.S. from U.S. Exploring Expedition Exploring Expedition 1841 August 9-1842 9-1842 April 1841 August April 15 15 American American Philosophical Philosophical Society: Society: Report Report ofof Committee Committeeon onsale saleofofPhilosophical Philosophical Hall Hall and purchase purchase of of museum museum property property and 15. 1842 April 15—1846 15-1846 October October 16 Report of of committee committee cont'd. 15. 1842 April 16 Report cont’d. 1843 January 13-1848 13-1848 September 1843 January September 66 Broadsides Broadsides 1848 October 18— 18-1854 December 77 Correspondence Correspondence 1848 October 1854 December 1854 October Auction Sale Sale of of 1854 October 66 Peale’s Peale's Museum: Museum: Catalogue Catalogue of of Auction Paintings Paintings n.d. n.d. Miscellany Miscellany pertaining pertaining to to Peale’s Peale's Museum, Museum, pp. pp. 1-6 1-6 16. n.d. cont'd. pp. 16. n.d. Miscellany Miscellany cont’d. pp. 7-10 7-10 n.d. Plan Peale's Museum Museum n.d. Plan of of Peale’s n.d. Advertisements, n.d. Advertisements, additions additions and and donations donations to the museum, museum, to the correspondence, correspondence, circular, circular, labels labels 1796 Henry Wansey, "Journal of of an 1796 Henry Wansey, “Journal an Excursion Excursion toto the the United United States,” States," pp. pp. 134134-136 136 .
101 iOl
The Peale The Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers
1915 JulyWalter WalterFaxon, Faxon, “Relics "Relics of of Peale’s Peale's Museum,” Museum," pp. 1915 July 1-27 pp. 1-27 17. 1915Ju1y Faxon, “Relics "Relics of of Peale’s Peale's Museum,” Museum," cont’d. cont'd. pp. 17. 1915 July Faxon, pp. 28-30 28-30 1824JanuaryThe ThePhiladelphia PhiladelphiaMuseum M useum orRegister or Register of o f NNatural atural History H istory l824January and and the the Arts A rts
1854 October 66 Catalogue: Catalogue: Peale’s Peale's Museum Museum Gallery of Oil 1854 October Gallery of Oil PaintPaint ings with with handwritten handwritten marginalia ings marginalia [1831] Broadside Broadside [1831]
Addenda Addenda (9(9 Cards) Cards)
1. 1. 1827-1840 1-95 1827-1840 Philadelphia Philadelphia Museum: Museum: Minutes Minutes (final (final copy) copy) pp. pp. 1-95 1827-1840 Minutes Minutes cont’d. cont'd. pp. pp. 96-191 2.2. 1827-1840 96-191 3. Minutes cont'd. 3. 1827-1840 1827-1840 Minutes cont’d. pp. 192-259 pp. 192-259 1841-1845 Minutes (final (final copy) copy) pp. pp. 1-26 1-26 1841-1845 Minutes 4. 4. 1841-1845 1841-1845 Minutes Minutes cont'd. cont’d. pp. pp. 27-122 27-122 Minutes cont’d. cont'd. pp. 5.5. 1841-1845 1841-1845 Minutes pp. 123-131; 123-131; transcripts transcripts pp. 1-86 pp. 1-86 6. 1841-1845 Minutes: Minutes: transcripts transcripts cont’d. cont'd. pp. 6. 1841-1845 87-181 pp. 87-181 Minutes: transcripts transcripts cont'd. 7. 1841-1845 1841-1845 Minutes: cont’d. pp. pp. 182-277 182-277 7. 1841-1845 Minutes: Minutes: transcripts transcripts cont’d. cont'd. pp. 8. 1841-1845 8. pp. 278-295 278-295 1816-1842; n.d. n.d. Documents 9. 1816-1842; Documents and and letters lettersrelating relating totothe thePhiladelPhiladel 9. phia phia Museum Museum including including Accounts, Accounts, 1821-1822; 1821-1822; Charter and Charter and By-Laws, By-Laws, 1834, 1834, 1840; 1840; Curator's Curator’sReRe port, June-August, June-August, 1842 port, 1842
Baltimore M Museum The Baltimore useum (18 14-1836) The
In Rembrandt Peale Peale determined determined to In 1812 1812 Rembrandt to open open aa museum museum inin Baltimore Baltimore
"devoted to the “devoted to the improvement improvement of of public public taste taste and and the the diffusion diffusion of of science." he and and Raphaelle Raphaelle had had mounted mounted in science.” Earlier, Earlier, in in 1797, 1797, he in Baltimore Baltimore an exhibition of their own an exhibition of their own paintings paintings and and duplicates duplicates of of specimens specimens from from the Philadelphia Museum; Museum; but slight attempt attempt to emulate the parent the Philadelphia but this this slight to emulate the parent
organization was short-lived. short-lived. Now, organization was Now, having having returned returned toto Philadelphia Philadelphia from Paris inin 1810 1810 with collection ofof large large historical historical and and allegorical allegorical from Paris with aa collection paintings, Rembrandt Rembrandt was was ready ready to to make trial of paintings, make aa more more serious serious trial of Baltimore’s In the the summer summer ofof1814, 1814, Peale's Peale’s Baltimore Museum Baltimore's taste. taste. In Baltimore Museum was was opened. opened. By Rembrandt's interests had returned returned to to painting, painting, and By 1820, 1820, Rembrandt’s interests had and the the museum seemed museum seemed aa hindrance hindrance toto that that career. career. Two Two years years later, later, he he sold sold the the institution institution to to Rubens, Rubens, who who assumed assumed Rembrandt's Rembrandt’sdebts debts asas well well asas his his responsibilities.Rubens Rubenshad hadto to contend contend with with the the five five trustees trustees whom whom responsibilities. Rembrandt order to to obtain obtain funds funds with with which Rembrandt had had accepted accepted in in 1817 1817 inin order which to pay pay the the museum's museum’s expenses. expenses. These Mosher, John John to These men—James men-James Mosher, McKim, Jr., Robert Carey Carey Long, Long, Alexander Alexander Fridge, Fridge, and and Henry Henry McKim, Jr., Robert Robinson-had Robinson— hadsubscribed subscribedtotostock stocknot notexceeding exceeding$20,000 $20,000 inin shares shares of $100 $100 each, each,which which Rembrandt Rembrandt had had hoped hoped to to redeem redeem in in eight eight years. of years.
102 102
The Peale The Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers
GENERAL INDEX INDEX GENERAL Series XI-B Series XI-B (5 (5 Cards) Cards)
Since profits profits were were never never sufficient sufficienttotobuy buy in in the the stock, stock, the Since the trustees trustees andRubens RubensPeale— Peale-in were toto involve Rembrandt and in were involvethe themuseum—and museum-and Rembrandt endless litigation. endless litigation. When Rubens Rubens Peale Peale moved moved to to New New York When York inin 1825 1825 toto open open the the New York York Museum, he left left the New Museum, he the management management of of the the Baltimore Baltimore institu institution tion to to William William W. W. Wood. Wood. In In 1829, 1829,the thecreditors creditorstook took over over the the museum museum building some of of the the collection, collection, while while Rubens Rubens moved moved many building and and some many of of the the exhibits into aa new new building. building. Fire destroyed aa number number of his exhibits exhibits into Fire destroyed ofhis exhibits in in 1833, and brief partnership partnership in in 1836 1836 with with Charles Charles DeSelding, DeSelding, 1833, and after after aa brief who had who had purchased purchased the the trustees' trustees’ stock, stock, Rubens Rubens finally finally abandoned abandoned Baltimore. Baltimore. Rubens' through the hands of of aanumber number of of own ownRubens’ museum museum passed passed through the hands ers. In 1844-45, 1844—45, its its management management was was assumed assumed by by Edmund Edmund Peale, Peale, ers. In Raphaelle's son, son, who who opened small theater theater in in the the building. building. In Raphaelle’s opened aa small In 1845, 1845, P. Barnum became became the the owner, owner, and and the the museum museum became became more more truly truly aa P. T.T.Barnum theater under under his his proprietorship. proprietorship. In theater In the the meantime, meantime, the the original originalbuildbuild ing was purchased purchased by by the the City City of of Baltimore Baltimore in and converted converted into into ing was in 1830 1830 and became No. No. 11 Colored aa City City Hall. Hall. In In 1876, 1876, the the building building became Colored Primary Primary Schools, then then aa High High School, in 1931, 1931, itit was was incorporated incorporated Schools, School, until until finally, finally, in the Municipal Municipal Museum Museum of of the the City City of asas the of Baltimore, Baltimore, under under which which name—orthe theshorter, shorter, The The Peale Peale Museum—it hascontinued continued toto funcfunc name-or Museum-it has tion. tion. 1. August 10 lOS. 1. 1817 1817 August S. H. H. C. C. toto Eliza Eliza Dugan Dugan 1823 MarchRuP RuP [to Ito BFP] BFP] Plan Plan of of the the Baltimore Baltimore Museum Museum 1823 March [1825]Catalogue Catalogueof ofthe the Fourth Fourth Annual Annual Exhibition Exhibition in [1825] in Peale's Peale’s BalBal timore timore Museum Museum ofof the the Works Works of of American American Artists Artists including including Sculpture, Sculpture, Painting Painting 1828 October 31 31 ReP ReP to to RuP: RuP: Sale Sale of of Baltimore Baltimore Museum Museum 1828 October 1830 March March 99 Bills, Bills, decrees, decrees, legal legal documents, documents, 1830 March 6-1831 6-1831 March correspondence correspondence March 11-1836 legal documents, documents, 2.2. 1831 1831 March 11-1836 August August 25 25 Bills, Bills, decrees, decrees, legal correspondence correspondence August 25-1837 25-1837 April Correspondence 3.3. 1836 1836 August April 16 16 Correspondence 1822-1829 1—83 1822-1829Baltimore BaltimoreMuseum MuseumAccount AccountBook, Book,pp. pp.l-83 Book cont’d. cont'd. pp. 4.4. 1822-1829 1822-1829 Account Account Book 84—179 pp. 84-179 Book cont’d. cont'd. pp. 5.5. 1822-1829 1822-1829 Account Account Book pp. 180-214 180—214 The Museum (1825-1842) (1825-1842) The New N ew York York Museum
On October October 25, 25, 1825, 1825, Rubens Rubens Peale On Peale opened opened Peale’s Peale's New New York York Muse Museum, which he he managed managed with with great great success. success. InIn 1828, 1828, inin partnership partnership um, which with his younger younger brother brother Charles Charles Linnaeus Linnaeus Peale, Peale, Rubens Rubens opened opened aa with his
103 103
The Peale The Peale Family Family Papers Papers
branch of of the at Utica, Utica, New NewYork. York.The ThePanic Panicofof1837 1837 and and the the branch the museum museum at depression that followed followed brought brought an depression that an end end toto the the museum's museum’sprosperity. prosperity. Rubens was surrender the museum and some of of its its Rubens was obliged obliged to to surrender the museum and some
collections to to his his landlord, landlord,J. virtually pennicollections J. V. V. Seaman, Seaman, and and was was left left virtually penni less. Seaman Seaman sold P. TT. Barnum Barnum sometime sometimeinin1842; 1842; less. sold the the museum museum to to P. Barnum continued continued to to operate Barnum operate the the institution institution as as Peale's Peale’s New New York York Museum Museum until until mid-1843. mid-1843. The papers here presented The papers here presented come come largely largely from from aa Letterbook Letterbook and and journal kept by by Rubens Rubens Peale Peale between between 1826 1826 and and 1849, 1849, in in which which he he journal kept made copies copies of of letters letters written written and and accounts kept on on behalf of the made accounts kept behalf of the museum. Further Further correspondence correspondence concerning concerning the museum may may be be museum. the museum found inin the the Papers Papers of of Rubens Rubens Peale Peale (Series (Series Vu-A). VII-A). Also Also see see Index. Index. found
GENERAL INDEX GENERAL INDEX Series XI-C Series XI-C (1 Card) (1 Card)
1.1. 1825 1825 Signatures Signatures of of Patrons Patrons 1826-1849 New 1826-1849 Correspondence Correspondence and and Miscellany Miscellany pertaining pertaining to to New York York Musuem Musuem
ofeued' XZZ
ooff the the UNITED U N I T E D BOWMEN B O W M E N(1830-1888): (1830-1888):Titian TitianRamsay Ram say Peale Peale and and Benjamin Benjamin Franklin Franklin Peale Peale Records Records
When, Titian Ramsay Ramsay Peale Peale returned returned to Philadelphia from When, inin 1821, 1821, Titian to Philadelphia from the the
Long Long Expedition Expedition to to the the Missouri Missouri Territory, Territory, he he brought brought with with him him an an Indian arrow and Indian arrow and an an interest interest in in archery. archery. Sharing Sharing this this interest interest were were aa few friends of few friends and and his his brother brother Franklin. Franklin. In In 1828, 1828, the the United United Bowmen Bowmen of Philadelphia Philadelphia was was organized, organized, and and its its membership membership expanded expanded from from the the initial six regular initial six founders founders to to aa maximum maximum of of twenty-five. twenty-five. Through Through regular meets quickly meets and and the the lure lure of of prizes prizes and and public public acclaim, acclaim, the the members members quickly developed their skills skills at at archery archery and and also, also, in developed their in the the process, process, aa social social club club that for almost almost half half aa century. century. that was was to to continue continue for Franklin he Franklin Peale Pealewas wasthe thegroup’s group's longtime longtime president; president; and, and, when when he died in died in 1870, 1870, regular regular meetings meetings came came to to an an end. end. In In 1881, 1881, the the members members
gathered once banquet inin honor of Titian, Titian, the thelast last gathered once more more at at aa sumptuous sumptuous banquet honor of surviving member of the the original original group. Titian’s speech speech to to the the gathergather surviving member of group. Titian's ing is contained the Records Records for ing is contained in in the forMay May 18, 18, 1881. 1881. Included Included also also in in this this series isis the Robert B. B. series the privately privately published publishedhistory historyof of the the club club by by Robert Davidson: History H istory of o f the the United United Bowm en ooff Philadelphia, Davidson: Bowmen Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Philadelphia,
(3 (3 Cards) Cards)
1888. Franklin inin 1888. Further Further references references to to the the activities activities of of both both Titian Titian and and Franklin the United Bowmen Bowmen may may be be found found inin Series Series VIII-A VIII-A and and IX-A IX-A (see (see the United Index). Index). June 11 1.1. [1830-1832]-1847 [1830-1832]-1847June 11 2. 1847 1847 September September 10-1855 10-1855 April April 13 13 2. 3. 3. 1855 1855 May May 18-1888 18—1888 October October 26 26 MiscellaneousTax Tax Records Records(1785-1818) (1785-1818) Miscellaneous 1.1. 1785-1807 1785-1807 2. 2. 1808-1818 1808-1818
Qfeueds JZZZ and TRP2.
Color Color Sketches Sketches and and Sketchbooks Sketchbooks of o f CW P, ReP, JP, TTRP1, R P i, and TRP2. CWP, ReP,RuP, RuP,JP
1. CWP: CWP: Sketches Sketches along the Hudson. Hudson.2626slides slides along the JP: Sketchbooks. JP: Sketchbooks. 20 20 slides slides ReP: Palettes, Palettes, sketchbooks. sketchbooks. 16 ReP: 16 slides slides RuP: Sketchbook. slides RuP: Sketchbook. 88 slides 2. TRP2: Sketchbooks 2. TRP2: and Sketches. Sketches. 81 81 slides slides Sketchbooks and 3.3. TRP2: TRP2: Sketchbooks Sketchbooks and and Sketches, Sketches, cont'd cont’d7676slides slides 4.4. TRP2: TRP2: Sketchbooks Sketchbooks and and Sketches, Sketches, cont'd. cont’d.1414slides slides Plates for: "The “ TheButterflies Butterflies of o f North America. Plates for: North America. 1.
DDiurnal iurnal Lepidoptera. Lepidoptera. Whence Whence they they come; come; where where they they go; and what what they they do. do. Illustrated Illustratedand anddescribed described by by go; and Titian say Peale. Titian Ram Ramsay Peale. Vol. Vol. I. I. 64 64 slides. slides. Vol. 2. 2. 43 TRP2: TRP2: "The “ The Butterflies Butterflies of o f North America. . . ." . ” Vol. 43 slides. slides. North America. “ The Butterflies Butterflies of o f North America. . . .."” Vol. Vol. 3.3. 13 13 slides slides "The North America. .
Plates for “Lepidoptera. Larva. Larva. Food-plant, Food-plant, &c." &c.”2222slides; slides; Plates for "Lepidoptera. Letter to to Publisher Letter Publisher cont'd. 65 6. TRP2: Larva. . . .," cont’d. 65 slides slides "Lepidoptera, Larva. TRP2: “Lepidoptera, 6. "Drawings of drawings. 7. TRP1: TRPX: “Drawings of American American Insects." Insects.” 43 43 slides, slides, 22 drawings. 7. .
The following items identified by The following items identified by accession accession number number and and coding coding have have been transcribed: been transcribed:
CCard a r d Il
Accession Accession No. No.
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The Peale Family Family Papers Papers The Peale
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CCard ard 22
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IIA/22C9-11 IIAf22C9-11
Card Card 33
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IIA/23B5-6 IIA/23B5-6 IIA/23C14 IIAf23C14 IIA/23E14-F1 11A123E 14-Fl IIA/23G8-9 HA123G8-9 IIA/24B12-13 IIA/24B12-13 IIA/24D11 11A124D1 I IIA/24D14-E2 IIA/24D14-E2 IIA/25A11-13 IIAf25AII-13 IIA/25C3-6 HA/25C3-6 IIA/26A2-4 11A126A2-4 IIA/26A9-10 IIA/26A9-10 IIA/26B9-13 11A126B9-13 IIA/26C1-4 IIA/26C1-4 IIA/26C12-13 11A126C12-13 IIA/26D13-E3 IIA/26D13-E3 IIA/26E12-14 11A126E12-14 IIA/26F6-10 HA/26F6-10 IIA/26G1-2 11A126G1-2 IIA/27A4-5 IIA/27A4-5 IIA/27A7 11A127A7 IIA/27A14 IIA/27C3 IIA/27C3 IIA/27C6 HA/ 27C6
108 Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers 108 The The Peale
Card Card 44
IIA/27C7 IIA/27C7
lLB b 003947 003947 LB 003949 003949 LB LB 003953 LB 003953 LB 003954 LB 003954 LB 003955 LB 003955 LB 003956 LB 003956 LB 003958 LB 003958 LB 003959 LB 003959 LB LB 003962 003962 LB 003964 LB 003964 LB LB 003972 003972 LB LB 003976 003976 LB LB 003993 003993 LB 003997 LB 003997 LB LB 004003 004003 LB LB 004013 004013 LB LB 004016 004016 LB LB 004032 004032 LB LB 004056 004056 LB 004059 LB 004059 LB LB 004053 004053 LB 004062 LB 004062 LB 004063 LB 004063 LB 004068 LB 004068 LB 004791 004791 LB LB 004074 LB 004074 LB 004076 004076 LB LB 004077 004077 LB LB 004078 004078 LB LB 004792 004792 LB
IIA/27C8 IIA/27C8 IIA/27C12 IIA/27C12 IIA/27C13-14 IIA/27C13-14 IIA/27D2-4 11A127D2-4 IIA/27D1 IIA/27D1 IIA/27D8 IIA/27D8 IIA/27D9-10 IIA/27D9-10 IIA/27E4-7 11A127E4-7 IIA/27E9-12 IIA/27E9-12 IIA/27G2-3 IIA/27G2-3 IIA/28A2-3 IIA/28A2-3 IIA/28C9-11I IIA/28C9-1 IIA/28D8-9 IIA/28D8-9 IIA/28E8-10 IIA/28E8-10 IIA/28F12 IIA/28F12 IIA/28G9-10 IIA/28G9-10 IIA/29C6-8 IIA/29C6-8 IIA/29C14 IIA/29C14 IIA/29D6 IIA/29D6 IIA/29E3-4 IIA/29E3-4 IIA/29E9-10 IIA/29E9-10 IIA/29F4 IIA/29F4 IIA/29G9 IIA/29G9 IIA/30B4 IIA/30B4 IIA/30B5 11A130B5 IIA/30C1-2 IIA/30C1-2 IIA/30C5-6 IIA/30C5-6 IIA/30C7-8 IIA/30C7-8 IIA/30C13-D4 IIA/30C13-D4
(cont’d. from Card Card 3) 3) (cont'd. from LB 004792 004792 LB LB 004793 004793 LB LB 004082 LB 004082 002930 002930 LB 004091 LB 004091 LB 004095 004095 LB LB 004097 004097 LB LB 004796 004796 LB LB LB 004098 004098 002938 002938 LB LB 004106 004106
IIA/30C13-D4 IIA/30C13-D4 IIA/30D9-10 IIA/30D9-10 IIA/30D11I IIA/30D1 IIA/30F6-7 IIA/30F6-7 IIA/30F13-14 11A130F13-14 IIA/31A7 IIA/31 A7 IIIIA/31A10-1 A/31 A10-11I IIA/31A12-13 IIA/31Al2-13 IIA/31B1-2 IIA/31B1-2 IIA/31B7-10 IIA/31B7-I0 IIA/31C7-9 11A131C7-9
109 109
The Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers The Peale
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IIA/31G11 IIA/31G11 HA/G12-13 HA/G12-13
IIA/32B1-C2 IIA/32B1-C2 11A132D3-5 IIA/32D3-5 IIA/32D9-10 IIA/32D9-10 11A132F1-2 IIA/32F1-2 11A133G8 IIA/33G8 EIA/34E13-14 HA/34E13-14
IIA/35G7-12 IIA/35G7-12 11A/37B14 IIA/37B14 IIA/39C4-D2 IIA/39C4-D2 IIA/39G3-10 IIA/39G3-10 HA/48F9-G6 IIA/48F9-G6
CCard ard 55
lLB b 002735 LB 002736 002736 LB 000750 000750 LB 002758 002758 LB LB 002759 LB 002759 LB 002762 002762 LB LB 002775 LB 002775 LB 002778 002778 LB 000753 000753 LB 002793 LB 002793 LB 002809 LB 002809 000741 00074% 000740 000740 LB LB 002817 002817 LB 002825 002825 LB LB LB 002832 002832 LB 002835 LB 002835 LB 002836 LB 002836
IIA/49D3-10 IIA/49D3-10 1IA/49E1 -4 IIA/49E1-4 IIA/49E7-9 IIA/49E7-9 IIA/50A11-14 IIA/50A11-14 IIA/50B1-2 IIA/50B1-2 IIA/50B11-13 IIA/50B1 1-13 IIAI5ODI 1-13 IIA/50D11-13 IIA/50G5-6 IIA/50G5-6 IIA/51D1-4 IIA/51D1-4 IIA/51E3-6 IIA/51E3-6 IIA/51F5-12 IIA/51F5-12 I1A/52C7-8 I1A/52C7-8 IIA/52D5-7 IIA/52D5-7 HA/52F12 IIA/52F12 IIA/53B3-8 IIA/53B3-8 IIA/53C13-14 IIA/53C13-14 IIA/53D8-10 IIA/53D8-10 IIAfS3EI-3 1IA/53E1-3
C ard 66 Card
LB 002837 002837 LB
IIA/53E4-6 IIA/53E4-6 IIA/54F5-7 IIA/54F5-7 IIA/54F12-13 11A154F12-13 IIA/55A10-B9 IIA/55A10-B9 HA/56F12 I1A/56F12 IIA/56F14 11A156F14 IIA/57A11 IIA/57A11 IIA/57B5 IIA/57B5 IIA/57B7 IIA/57B7 IIA/57B8-10 IIA/57B8-10
LB 002856 LB 002856 LB LB 002858 002858 LB LB 002863 002863 LB 004163 LB 004163 LB 004165 LB 004165 LB 004172 LB 004172 LB LB 004178 004178 LB LB 004179 004179 LB LB 004180 004180
The Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers The Peale
Card Card 77
003054 003054 LB 004187 004187 LB LB 004194 004194 LB LB 004205 004205 LB LB 004209 LB 004209 LB 004242 LB 004242 LB 004244 004244 LB LB 004273 LB 004273 LB 004274 LB 004274 LB 004281 LB 004281 LB 004286 004286 LB LB 004293 LB 004293
IIA/57D4-5 IIA/57D4-5 IIA/57D13-E2 IIA/57D13-E2 IIA/58A2-5 11A158A2-5 IIA/58B12-C7 IIA/58B 12-C7 IIA/58F12-14 IIA/58F12-14 IIA/60A2-3 IIA/60A2-3 IIA/60A6-7 IIA/60A6-7 IIA/60G2-4 11A160G2-4 IIA/60G5-7 IIA/60G5-7 IIA/61A9-10 IIA/61A9-10 IIA/61B5 IIA/61B5 IIA/61C4 IIA/61 C4
lLB b 004297 LB LB 004439 004439 LB 004449 004449 LB LB 004461 LB 004461 LB LB 004462 004462 LB 004465 LB 004465 LB 004487 LB 004487 LB 004499 LB 004499 LB LB 004500 004500 LB LB 004507 004507 LB 004508 LB 004508 LB 004535 LB 004535 LB 004528 LB 004528 LB 004554 LB 004554 LB 004521 LB 004521 LB 004522 LB 004522 LB 004563 LB 004563 LB 004565 LB 004565 LB 004578 LB 004578 LB 004579 LB 004579 LB 004584 004584 LB LB LB 004586 004586 LB 004587 LB 004587 LB 004602 004602 LB LB 004603 004603 LB LB 004604 LB 004604 LB 004628 LB 004628 LB 004633 004633 LB LB 004638 LB 004638 LB 004643 004643 LB
IIA/61D1-2 IIA/61D1-2 IIA/63A12-13 IIA/63Al2-13 IIA/63F4-6 IIA/63F4-.6 IIA/64B5-6 IIA/64B5-6 IIA/64B7-8 IIA/64B7-8 IIA/64C2 IIA/64C2 IIA/64G10-11 IIA/64G10-1 I IIA/65F6-7 IIA/65F6-7 IIA/65F8 11A165F8 IIA/65G1-3 IIA/65G1-3 IIA/65G4-6 IIA/65G4-.6 IIA/66D11 IIA/66D1 I IIA/66E1-2 IIA/66E1-2 IIA/66G1 IIA/66G1 IIA/67A6-7 IIA/67A6-7 IIA/67A9-10 IIA/67A9-10 IIA/67A12-13 IIA/67Al2-13 IIA/67B4-5 IIA/67B4-5 IIA/67D3 IIA/67D3 IIA/67D4-5 IIA/67D4-5 IIA/67E1-3 IIA/67E1-3 IIA/67E9-11 IIA/67E9-1 1 1IA/67E12-14 IIA/67E12-14 IIA/68A8-9 IIA/68A8-9 IIA/68A10-111 IIA/68A10-1 IIA/68A12-14 IIA/68Al2-14 IIA/68F5-6 IIA/68F5-6 IIA/68G1-3 IIA/68G1 -3 IIA/68G12-13 IIA/68G12-13 IIA/69A13-B1 IIA/69A 13-B 1
I111 ll
The Peale The Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers
Card 88 Card
lLB b 004661 004661 LB 004673 004673 LB
IIA/69D1 IIA/69D11I IIA/69G4-6 IIA/69G4-6
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IIA/69G7 IIA/69G7 IIA/70A6-9 11A170A6-9 IIA/70B10-11 IIA/70B10-11 IIA/70C3-5 IIA/70C3-5 IIA/71A2 IIA/71A2 IIA/71A3-4 IIA/71A3-4 LIA/71 A ll-13 IIA/71A11-13 IIA/71B3-5 IIA/71B3-5 LIA/71B11-12 IIA/71B11-12 IIA/71C14 IIA/71C14 IIA/71D1 IIA/71D1 IIA/71E12-13 IIA/71E12-13 IIA/71G3-4 IIA/71G3-4 IIA/72D7 IIA/72D7 IVA/2B7-12 IVA/2B7-12 V/1A2-5 V/1A2-5 IXA/6G1-4 IXA/6G1-4 IXA/9D11-12 IXA/9D11-12 IXA/9F13-14 IXA/9F13-14 IXA/10C10-11 IXA/IOCIO-Il IXA/10F8 IXA/10F8 IXA/10G12 IXA/10G12 IXA/14C14 IXA/14C14 IXA/14F5-6 IXA/14F5-6 IXA/19D3-4 IXA/19D3-4 IXA/21F6-9 IXA/21 F6-9 XC/2B9-12 XC/2B9-12 XC/2B3-C2 XC/2B3-C2 XC/2E11-14 XC/2E11-14 XC/3D11-14 XC/3D11-14 XC/4F6-9 XC/4F6-9 XC/4F14-G7 XC/4F14-G7
Fiche Fiche No. N o.
DDate ate
Document Document Accession NNo. o Accession
I/2B8-9 !/2B8-9
[1746?] 11746?]
LB004357 LB004357
!IA/3D6-7 IIA/3D6-7
1771, Nov30 1771, Nov 30
LB003537 LB003537
IIA/2F5-8 11Al2F5-8
1770, 1770, Apr Apr 55
LB003529 LB003529
IIAI5D7-8 IIA/5D7-8
[1775] [1775]
LB003565 LB003565
[1776, Aug-Sept] [1776, Aug-Sept]
LB003566 LB003566
n.d. [1776]? nd. [1776]?
LB003521 LB003521
!IA/5E2 IIA/5E2
1779, 1779, Sept Sept 18 18
LB003584 LB003584
IIA/9F10-13 IIA/9F10-13
1780, 1780, Mar Mar 66
LB003587 LB003587
!IA/9F14 IIA/9F14
1780, 1780, Mar Mar 66
000562 000562
IIA/10D13-14 !IA/10D13-14
1780, Aug 29 1780, Aug 29
LB003599 LB003599
IIA/12D2.-5 IIA/12D2-5
1783, 1783, Oct Oct27 27
LB003656 LB003656
IIA/13B5 IIA/13B5
1784, 1784, Sept Sept 17 17
LB003671 LB003671
IIA/14E3-.4 IIA/14E3-4
1786, 1786, Oct Oct 18 18
LB003696 LB003696
Explanation Explanation
CP to to Dr. Dr. Thompson. Thompson. Recipient Recipient isis CP Dr. Adam Adam Thomson. Thomson. Dr. CWP toto John John Beale Beale Bordley. Bordley. Sellers Sellers CWP dates this letter letter November November 20. dates this 20. CWP Beale Bordley. Bordley. Date CWP tojohn toJohn Beale Date should read read [1771]. [1771]. Peale Peale dated dated should letter but it it was actually written written letter 1770, 1770, but was actually in in 1771. 1771. CWP CWP toJohn tojohn Dickinson. Dickinson. Date Date should should read read[1772]. [1772]. CWP CWP to to David David Ramsay. Ramsay. Date Date should read read [early [early1779]. 1779], should CWP CWP to to Mr. Mr. Dunlap. Dunlap. Published Published in in Pennsylvania as 1778 1778 Pernsy1v'ania Packet Packet as August August 22. 22. CWP to to Mr. Mr. Uoseph (Joseph Matthiasl Matthias] CWP Gerard Rayneval]. Recipient Recipient is Gerard [de [de Rayneval]. is Conrad Conrad Alexandre Alexandre Gerard. Gerard. CWP to t o --------- . Recipient CWP Recipient is is Henry Henry Laurens. Laurens. CWP to to Colonel Colonel Lawrence. Lawrence. CWP Recipient Recipient is is Henry Henry Laurens. Laurens. Copy Copy ofofLB003587 LB003587 atat IIA/9F10-13. IIA/9F10—13. CWP CWP to to General General [Arthur] [Arthur] St. St. Clair. Clair. Letter Letter is is also also addressed addressed to to Baron von Steuben. Steuben. Baron von CWP CWP tojohn toJohn Beale Beale Bordley. Bordley. Date Date should should read read 1793 1793 Oct Oct 27. 27. See See copy, copy, LB005461 LB005461 at at IIA/18B1-2. IIA/18B1 -2. CWP to George George Walton. Walton. Date Date CWP to should read should read 1784 1784 Aug Aug 17. 17. CWP CWP to to David David Ramsay. Ramsay. Date Date should should read read 1786 1786 Oct Oct 15. 15. .
The Peale Family Papers
Fiche Fiche NNo. o.
Date Date
Document Document Accession NNo. Accession o.
IIA/14G1-2 IIA/14G1-2
LB003683 LB003683
Explanation Explanation CWP CWP toto [Michael] [Michael] Hillegas. Hillegas. Date Date should read [1786 [1786 Apr 8]. should read Apr 8].
IIA/15F9—10 IIA/15F9-10
1787, 1787,Jul24 Jul24
001734 001734
JIA/16A13 IIA/16A13
1788,Jan 10 1788, Jan 10
000188 000188
JIA/16G3-5 IIA/16G3-5
1791, 1791, Dec Dec
IIA/17D1 IIA/17D1
1792 1792
1795, Mar 23 1795, Mar23
LB003822 LB003822
IIA-20F8 IIA-20F8
1796, Oct 44 1796, Oct
LB003830 LB003830
IIA/21B13-14 IIA/21B13—14 C3-8 C3-8 E11-13 E ll-13 F12-13 F12-13 IIA/22G5-6 IIA/22G5-6
CWP CWP toto [Palisot [Palisot de] de] Beauvois. Beauvois. Date Date should read read 1794 1794 Oct Also in IIA should Oct 4. 4. Also in hA (Add.)/4E6. (Add.)/4E6.
1797, Mar17 1797, Mar 17
Apr30 Apr 30 Junl Jun 1 Aug18 Aug 18 1799, Dec 1799, Dec 14 14
LB003847 LB003847 003850 003850
CWP CWP toto [Etienne [EtienneLouis] Louis] Geoffroy. Geoffroy. Recipient Recipient is Etienne Geoffroy Geoffroy is Etienne Saint-Hilaire. Saint-Hilaire.
IIA/23F11 IIA/23F11
1800, Dec Dec28 1800, 28
LB003880 LB003880
IIA/23G6-7 IIA/23G6-7
1801, Jan 26 1801, Jan 26
LB003899 LB003899
IIA/24F7 IIA/24F7
1801, Jul29 1801, Jul 29
002899 002899
IIA/25G6-9 IIA/25G6-9
1802, May May 25 1802, 25
000573 000573
LB803771 LB803771 003306 003306
003851 003851 003852 003852 000490 000490
CWP Sirs.” RecipiRecipi CWP to to “Honorable "Honorable Sirs." ent ent copy copy of of LB003723, LB003723, IIA/15F5-8 IIA/15F5-8 CWP: CWP: Receipt Receipt to to Robert Robert Gilmor. Gilmor. Profile that appears appears with with the the Gilmor Gilmor Profile that receipt isis aa copy Memin receipt copy of of the the St. St. Memin engraving engraving ofofPeale Peale taken taken inin 1807 1807 and filed filed with with the the receipt receipt inin the the and host host institution. institution. CWP CWP toto William William Depeyster. Depeyster. Date Nov Date should should read read 1791 1791 Nov
CWP: Advertisement Advertisement of of motion CWP: motion pictures. Date Dateshould shouldread read1785. 1785. pictures. CWP to David David Ramsay. Ramsay. Date CWP to Date should read read 1796 1796 Mar 23 should Mar23
CWP ble The The RepreCWP to to "The “TheHon Honble Repre sentatives of of the the State State of sentatives of Mass Massachusetts Congress." Date achusetts inin Congress.” Date should read read1795 1795 Dec Dec 14. 14. should
CWP toto Homas Homas Hall. Hall. Recipient Recipient isis CWP Thomas Hall. Thomas Hall. CWP to to Major Major Brown. Brown. Date CWP Date Should Should read read 1802Jan 1802Jan 26. 26. Target should should read copying press press Target read copying copy of000431. copy of 000431. All All Jefferson Jefferson letters letters dated marked dated before before Mar Marl,1,1804 1804 marked "Polygraph “Polygraph copy" copy" should should read read “Copying press "Copying press copy.” copy." Alexander Wilson: Wilson: List List of Alexander of birds of of Great Great Britain Britain . . . Date Date birds should read May 25. 25. However, However, should read 1807, 1807, May ICHi dates dates this this 1802. 1802. ICHi CWP to CWP to [Etienne-Louis] [Etienne-Louis] Geoffroy. Geoffroy. Recipient is is Etienne Etienne Geoffroy Geoffroy Recipient Saint-Hilaire. Saint-Hilaire. CWP CWP to to Citoyen Citoyen Roume. Roume. Reposi Repository should read read PPAmP. PPAmP. tory symbol symbol should CWP John Hawkins. CWP to to John Hawkins. This This isis aa one one page page item. item. CWP to to ReP ReP && RuP. CWP RuP. Recipients Recipients are are ReP && RaP. RaP. ReP CWP to CWP to [Etienne-Louis] [Etienne-Louis] Geoffroy. Geoffroy. .
I1A/26B9-13 IIA/26B9-13
LB003924 LB003924
IIA/26C9 I1A/26C9
1802,Jul 17 1802,Jul 17
LB003928 LB003928
IIA/27G5 IIA/27G5
1803,Jun 22 1803, Jun22
LB003971 LB003971
IIA/30F13— 14 IIA/30F13-14
1804, May20 1804, May 20
LB004091 LB004091
IIA/31C5 IIA/31C5
1804, Jun28 1804, Jun 28
LB004104 LB004104
The Peale Family Papers
Date Date
Document Document Accession No. Accession No.
IIA/32D3-5 IIA/32D3-5
1804, 12 1804, Nov Nov12
LB004137 LB004137
IIA/32G5-6 IIA/32G5-6
1805, Feb 1805, Feb22
002957 002957
IIA/34G5-6 IIA/34G5-6
1805,Jun 17 1805, Jun17
002975 002975
IIA/35B11-12 IIA/35B11— 12
1805,Ju l9 1805,Ju19
LB001233 LB001233
IIA/36D11 —12 IIA/36D11-12
1805, Oct20 1805, Oct 20
LB001269 LB001269
IIA/36D13-E2 IIA/36D13-E2
1805,Oct Oct20 1805, 20
LB001270 LB001270
IIA/37C11-D6 IIA/37C11-D6
1805, 26 1805, Dec Dec26
002095 002095
IIA/38F4 IIA/38F4
1806,Jun 10 1806, Jun 10
LB005246 LB005246
IIA/39A8 IIA/39A8
1806, Jull3 3 1806,Ju
LB005259 LB005259
IIA/39A13-14 IIA/39A13-14
1806,Jul 12 1806, Jul12
LB005261 LB005261
IIA/41A10-11 IIA/41A10—11
1807, Jun 8 1807,Jun8
LB002499 LB002499
IIA/43A10-B2 IIA/43A10-B2
1808, Apr Apr21 1808, 21
LBOO2 551 LB002551
IIA/43E1 IIA/43E1
1809,Ju l4 1809, Ju14
IIA/56G1-2 IIA/56G1-2
1816,Jan 26 1816, Jan26
LB004166 LB004166
IIA/58B6 I1A/58B6
1816, 1816, Sept Sept 99
LB004198 LB004198
IIA/60B12-14 UA/60B12-14
1817,Jan 88 1817,Jan
LB004252 LB004252
IIA/63F4-6 IIA/63F4-6
1820,Jan 10 10 1820,Jan
LB004449 LB004449
IIA/68F5-6 IIA/68F5-6
1823, May 23 1823, May 23
LB004628 LB004628
IIA/69B4-5 IIA/69B4-5
1823, 23 1823, Aug Aug23
LB004645 LB004645
IIB/2E14 IIB/2E14
1775-1776 1775-1776
Fiche Fiche NNo. o.
LB002563A LB002563A
004681 004681
Explanation Explanation Recipient is is Etienne Etienne Geoffroy Geoffroy Recipient Saint-Hilaire. Saint-Hilaire. CWP Dr. Caspar Caspar Wistar. Wistar. Date CWP to to Dr. Date should read read N Nov13. should ov 13. CWP to to ThomasJefferson. Thomas Jefferson. Date Date CWP should read should read1806 1806 Feb Feb 2.2. See at IIA/37F12. IIA/37F12. See LB005208 LB005208 at Thomas Jefferson Jefferson to to CWP. CWP. Date Date Thomas should read 1805 1805 Jun 19. Copy should read Jun19. Copy of of 000451 atat IIA/34G9—10. 000451 IIA/34G9-10. CWP CWP to to Mr. Mr. Burk. Burk. Recipient Recipient is Mr. Busti. is Mr. Busti. Transfer of of patent patent to to build build bridges. bridges. Transfer Date should should read read 1805 1805 Oct 28. Date Oct 28. CWP CWP toto RaP. RaP. Date Date should should read read 1805 28. 1805 Oct Oct28. Application for for Charter: Charter: The The PAFA; PA FA Application Defective Copy omits Defective Copy omits four four names: names: Nos. 18, 18,19, Nos. 19, 54, 54, 55. 55. Corrected Corrected complete copy appears appears in in complete copy IIA(Add.)/4E13-F8. IIA(Add.)/4E13-F8. CWP CWP to to S. S. R. R. Wylie. Wylie. Date Date should should read 1806 1806 Jun 18. read Jun 18. CWP CWP to to Mr. Mr. Tims. Tims. Recipient Recipientisis Mr. Sims. Mr. Sims. CWP to to Ebenozer Ebenozer Platt. Platt. Recipient Recipient CWP isis Ebenezer Ebenezer Platt. Platt. CWP toto [Isidore] [Isidore] Geoffroy Geoffroy CWP [Saint-Hilairej. [Saint-Hilaire]. Recipient Recipient isis Etienne Geoffroy Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire. Saint-Hilaire. Etienne CWP Geoffroy. CWP to to Monsignor Monsignor Geoffroy. Recipient is Etienne Geoffroy Recipient is Etienne Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire. Saint-Hilaire. CWP to James Date CWP to James Griffiths. Griffiths. Date should read should read 18O8Jul 1808Jul 4.4. CWP toto Joel Joel Barlow. Barlow. Recipient Recipient isis CWP Mrs. Mrs. Joel Joel Barlow. Barlow. CWP to APR. APR. Recipient Recipient isis APR’s CWP to APR's daughter, Angelica Angelica Robinson. Robinson. daughter, CWP to should read CWP to ReP. ReP. Date Date should read 1818 Jan 8.8. 1818Jan CWP CWP to to ReP. ReP. Date Date should should read read 1820 10. 1820 Feb Feb 10. CWP CWP to to RaP. RaP. Date Date should should read May 25. read 1823 1823 May 25. CWP to should read CWP to ReP. ReP. Date Date should read 1823 25. 1823 Aug Aug 25. Diary 2. 2. AA page page of Diary of transcript transcript from from Diary 55 has has inadvertently inadvertently been been ininDiary
115 115
The ily Papers Papers The Peale Peale Fam Family
Document Document Accession No. Accession No.
Fiche No. Fiche No.
Date Date
1780, 1780,Sept Sept30 30
005827 005827
IIE/4A1-5G7 IIE/4A1-5G7
1806-1822 1806-1822
003299 003299
1776, 24 1776,Feb Feb24
005160 005160
[1776] [17761
004716 004716
V/1A2-5 VIIA2-5
1792,Nov Nov25 1792, 25
001353 001353
VIA/1 A ll-12 VIA/1AI 1-12
1779, 28 1779,Jul Jul28
004773 004773
VIA/4A7-11 VIA/4A7-11
1824,Mar Mar31 1824, 31
004835 004835
VIA/4D6-10 VIA/4D6-10
1825, 31 1825,Jan Jan31
004840 004840
VIA/5B8-12 VIA/5B8-12
1828, 24 1828,Sept Sept24
004836 004836
1831, Jan 24 1831,Jan 24
004837 004837
VIA/11E4-5 VIA/I 1E4-5
1855,Sept Sept 88 1855,
004838 004838
VIA/11F6-7 VIA/i 1F6-7
1851,Mar Mar24 1851, 24
004834 004834
VIA/13E6 VIA/13E6
1859, 1859,May May 66
004839 004839
VIB/2D14-E8 VIB/2D14-E8
1803 1803
005297 005297
VIB/2E13-F2 VIB/2E13-F2
1803 1803
005298 005298
VIIA/1D3-6 VIIA/1D3-6
[1802 or or 1803] 1803] [1802
003372 003372
VIIA/5A2-10 VIIA/5A2-i0
1823, 18 1823, Oct Oct 18
003232 003232
Explanation Explanation eluded cluded in in the the middle middle of of transcript transcript of of Diary 2. Diary 2. ItIt isis correctly correctly placed placed in in Diary 5. Diary 5. CWP: “Arnold and and the the CWP: Broadside— Broadside-"Arnold Devil." Effigy illustrated in in broad broadDevil.” Effigy illustrated side was was made made by side by CWP. CWP. Image Image shown shown here here is is aa re-engraving re-engraving of ofaa facsimile made made by by E. E. Rogers, Rogers, facsimile Philadelphia [c.1872]. [c.1872]. Philadelphia CWP: Daybook. CWP: Daybook. Inclusive Inclusive dates dates should read1803 1803 toto 1822. 1822. should read Joseph Joseph Gilkin Gilkin toto Benjamin Benjamin Ramsey. Ramsey. Recipient is is Benjamin Benjamin Rumsey. Recipient Rumsey. StGP: John StGP: Maryland Maryland delegates delegates totojohn Jay. isjohn Hancock. Jay. Recipient Recipient isjohn Hancock. RaP to to CWP. should read RaP CWP. Dare Date should read 1798 Nov 25. 1798 Nov 25. St. St. Joseph Joseph Church: Church: Baptismal Baptismal Reg Register Date should should read read 1799Ju1 1799Jul 28. 28. ister Date ReP ReP to to General General Mercer. Mercer. ReposRepos itory should Misc. itory should read readDSIAr DSIAr—-Misc. Mss. Mss. Coll. Coll. ReP [Congressman Mills]. Mills]. ReP to to [Congressman Repository Repository should should read read DSIAr DSIAr — Misc.Mss. Mss. Coil. Coll. -Misc. ReP to Mayer. Repos ReposReP to Charles Charles F. F. Mayer. itory Misc. itory should should read readDSIAr DSIAr—-Misc. Mss. Coil. Mss. Coll. ReP to to Philip Philip Hone. Hone. Repository Repository ReP should Misc. should read readDSIAr DSIAr—-Misc. Mss. Coil. Mss. Coll. ReP to Durand]. Repository Repository ReP to [John john DurandJ. should readDSIAr DSIAr—-Misc. should read Misc. Mss. Coil. Mss. Coll. ReP to to LReverend [Reverend Lemuel Lemuel G. G. ReP Olmstead]. Repository Repository should should Oimstead]. read DSIAr Misc.Mss. Mss. Coil. Coll. read DSIAr — -Misc. ReP to Reposi ReP to Mr. Mr. T. T. Whittemon. Whittemon. Repository should Misc. tory should read readDSIAr DSIAr—-Misc. Mss. Mss. Coll. Coll. Title page page belongs belongs to Title to 005298 005298 Volume no. should Volume no. should read read XIV: XIV: date, 1802-1803. date, 1802-1803. Title page page belongs belongs to Title to 005297. 005297. Volume no. no. should should read read XV; XV; Volume date, date, 1803. 1803. RuP RuP to to CWP. CWP. Date Date should should read read [1803 Jan-Feb]. [1803Jan-Feb], RaP: Deed to RaP: Deed to Charles Charles Willson Willson Peale, Peale, Jr. Jr. Inadvertently Inadvertently included included here. here. ItIt isis correctly correctly placed placed in in RaP's RaP’s series series at at VIIE3-10. V/1E3-10.
The Peale Fam ily Papers
The Peale Family Papers
Fiche Fiche No. No. VIIA/5C2-5 VIIAJ5C2-5
Date Date 1824,Jul 1824, Jul 2424
Document Document Accession No. Accession No.
Explanation Explanation
003395 003395
RuP toto BFP. BFP. Date Date should shouldread read1824 1824 RuP Jul 21. 21. See See 000392, VIIA/5B11-12. Jul 000392, VIIA/5B11-12.
[1835-1836] [1835-18361
003353 003353
TRP TRP toto Board Board ofofTrustees Trustees of of PhilaPhila delphia Museum Company. Date Date delphia Museum Company. should read 1833 1833 Sept12. Sept 12. See See005138, 005138, should read VIIIA/3C11-13. VIIIA/3C11 -13.
VIIIA/11E11 VIllA/hEll
[1849] [1849]
005502 005502
1850, 27 1850,Apr Apr27
004883 004883
1838-1842 1838-1842
1833, 8 1833,May May8
000286 000286
1835 1835
005704 005704
Joseph Henry Henry to to A. A. H. H. Stuart. Stuart. Date Joseph Date should read should read [1850-1853 [1850-1853], TRP to John Huffnagle. Huffnagle. Reposi ReposiTRP to John tory tory should shouldread readDSIAr— DSIArC.H. Hart Coll. Coll. C.H. Hart U.S. Exploring U.S. Exploring Expedition: Expedition: Typed Typed introduction. introduction. The The nameJohn name John Cass Cass should read readJohn should John Cassin. Cassin. BFP to Anna Transcript of of BFP to Anna Peale. Peale. Transcript address should read address should read Care Care of of Thomas Sully. Thomas Sully. U.S. of U.S. Exploring Exploring Expedition: Expedition: List List of boxes. Specimens shipped shipped to to boxes . . . Specimens Philadelphia from Janeiro. Philadelphia from Rio Rio de dejaneiro. Date Date should should read read1838. 1838. BFP John Forsythe. BFP to toJohn Forsythe. Copy Copy of of 002890, IXA/5D13-E1. IXAI5DI3-E1. 002890, BFP: “Collection "Collection of BFP: of Indian Indian Remains." Remains.” Repository Repository should should read read DSI-MHT. DSI— MHT. Tax Records. Records. Inclusive dates should Tax Inclusive dates should read read 1785-1818. 1785-1818. 1.
005294 005294
IXAI5DII-12 IXA/5D11-12
1836,Jan Jan11 1836, 11
001935 001935
IXB/12E1-5 IXB/12E1-5
1860, 21 1860,Dec Dec21
003099 003099
1785-1808 1785-1808
Q^kaea/ A *AARON, aa negro *AARON, negro m: IIB/6 (p. (p. 16) 16) m: IIB/6 ABERCROMBIE, (Colonel) ABERCROMBIE, (Colonel) m: IIB/5 (p. (p. 44) 44) m: IIB/5 ABERCROMBIE, (Reverend (Reverend Mr.) Mr.) ABERCROMBIE, m:IIA/61G12, IIA/61G12,67A6-7; 67A6-7;11l/3F5-6 III/3F5-6 n: ABERCROMBIE, James James ABERCROMBIE, lIBlIl (p. m: IIB/11 (p. 66) 66) m: ABERNATHY, ABERNATHY, (Governor) (Governor) m: VIIIA/3B5 VILLA/3B5 m: ABERT, ABERT, John John James James et at. to to George George E. E. Badger: Badger: etal. 1841, May May11 1841, 11 VILLA (Add.)/1B14-C2 VIIIA (Add.)/1B14-C2 m: VIIIA/8D9-13, 8F1-6, 8F1-6, 9F12-G5 9F12-G5 m: VIIIA/8D9-13, ACADEMY of of Natural Natural Sciences, Sciences, ACADEMY Philadelphia Philadelphia **TRp, **TRP, s/Report: s/Report: 1824,Jan 17 VIlLA/I E6-7 1824,Jan 17 VIIIA/1E6-7 1824, Mar VIIIA/1E8 1824, Mar99 VIILA/1E8 VIIIA/1E9-12 1824, Apr12 1824, Apr 12 VIllA/I E9-12 1824, 30 VIIIA/1G3-4 1824,Nov Nov30 VLLLA/1G3-4 VIIIA/1G5-6 1825, VIIIA/1G5-6 1825, May May 33 1825,Jun 28 1825,Jun 28 VIILA/IGI1.-13 VIIIA/1G11-13 1825,Jun VLIIA/2A2-3 1825, Jun 28 28 VIIIA/2A2-3 VLLIA/2A4-5 1825,Jul 28 28 VIIIA/2A4-5 1825,Jul 1825, Aug99 1825, Aug VIIIA/2A6-7 VLLLAI2A6-7 VIIIA/2A8-11 1825, 1825, Nov Nov29 29 VLLLAI2A8-11 TRP, s/s/Curators' TRP, Curators’ Annual Annual Report: Report: VIIIA/2B10-C2 1826, Dec 26 1826, Dec26 VILLA/2B10-C2 VIIIA/2E6-7 1828, Dec30 VLLLA/2E6-7 1828, Dec 30 TRP, TRP, sis/Report: Report: VIIIA/2F9-10 1829 1829 VLLLA/2F9-1O VIJJA)2F14-G1 1830,Jul 13 VIIIA/2F14-G1 1830,Jul 13 VIIIA/2G7 VLLLA/2G7 1831 1831 VIIIA/5C10-11 VIIIA/5C10-1l 1837, Mar Mar21 1837, 21 VILIA/5C12-13 VIIIA/5C12-13 1837, Mar Mar28 1837, 28
1843, VIIIA/8F1-2 1843, Sept26 Sept26 VIIIA/8F1-2 1843, 10 VIIIA/8G3 1843, Oct Oct 10 VLLIA/8G3 TRP, Subscription to TRP, Subscription to Anniversary Anniversary Dinner: Dinner: 1854, March March21 VLIIA/13C12 1854, 21 VIIIA/13C12 to BFP: to BFP: 1861, March 12 IXAII6CI3-D3 IXA/16C13-D3 1861, March12 TRP TRP to to:: 1826, 31 VIIIA/2B9 1826, Oct Oct31 VIIIA/2B9 1877, Feb 21 VIIIA/16D8 1877, Feb21 VLLLA/16D8 m: III/4E12; m: LLI/4E12;VIIA/8E9-11; VLLA/8E9-11; VIIIA/3F11,1,3G2-13, VILLAI3FI 3G2-13, 4D5-8, 4D5-8, 6D14-E4, 9B9-12, 9B9-12, 9C10-13, 6D14-E4, 9C10-13, 10A12-14, IOCII-12, 10C11-12, 10D6-7, 10D6-7, 10Al2-14, 10F9-10, 11B13-C1, 11B13-Cl, 11D14-E1, 11D14-E1, 10F9-10. 12A12-B2, 12013-14, 12E2-1O, 12E2-10, 12Al2-B2, 12D13-14, 13C9-11, 14A11, 14A11, 14C7, 13C9-11, 14C7, 14F13, 14F13, 16F1-5, 16F12-14, 16F12-14, 17C7-D4, 17C7-D4, 16F1-5, 17E11-F2, VIIIC/4G1-7; 17E1 1-F2, VLLLC/4G1-7; IXAI4BI3-C4, 17F11-12, IXA/4B13-C4, 17F11-12, 17G1-2, 17G1-2, 22Al2-13, 22A12-13, 22B5; 22B5; XIA/7G6-8, XIA/7G6-8, I11C1-12A5 ICI-12A5 "ACCOUNT ofa Negro “ACCOUNT of aPerson Person born born aa Negro . . . who who afterwards by afterwards became became white,” white," by CWP cwP 1791 1791 IID/1B5-6 LLD/1B5-6 ACOSTA, D. D. ACOSTA, to R.M. Patterson: to R.M. Patterson: 1836, 24 IXA/5F4-6 1836,Jan Jan24 IXA/5F4-6 ACTING Committee Committee to to Prevent Prevent the the ACTING Distress of Philadelphia Distress of Negroes, Negroes, Philadelphia CWP CWP to: to: 1787, IIA/15E14-F1 1787, Jul Jul 22 LLAu!5E!4-F1 ADAMS, ADAMS, (Mr.) (Mr.) m: IIB0 m: 11B13(p. (p. 46) 46) ADAMS, ADAMS, (Major) (Major) Daniel Daniel Jenifer Jenifer m: IIB/5 IIB/5 (p. (p. 39) 39) m: ADAMS, James James ADAMS, m: 10) m: IIB/6 LLB/6([m] (Em]pp. pp. 8, 8, 10) ADAMS,John ADAM 5, John to Francis Van der der Kemp: Kemp: to Francis Van
Guide. *For aa key key to to the the organization organization of of this this Alphabetical Alphabetical Index, ofthis this Guide. *For Index, see see pp. pp. 42-44 42-44 of **AI1 entries for for TRP TRP in **AI1 entries in this this Alphabetical Alphabetical Index Index refer refer toto Titian Titian Ramsay RamsayPeale Peale[II]. [II].
The Peale Family 120 The Peale Fam ily Papers Papers
VIIBI3-14 1804, V/1B13-14 1804,Nov Nov44 ReP ReP to: to: VIAIIBI-2 1800, Dec 17 VIA/IB 1-2 1800, Dec17 m: IIA/12E1-4, IIAII2EI-4, 17C11-12, m: 17C11-12, 68B5-9; 68B5-9; IIB/2 30,41,46); D/29 (pp. (pp. IIBj2 (pp. (pp. 30, 41, 46); IIIID129
30-31); 30-31); IXA/9C13-14; IXA/9C13-14; XIA/2C10-EC5, X IA /2C10-EC5,17 17 ADAMS. ADAMS, John John Quincy Quincy
CWP to: CWP to: IIA/62B4 1819, 22 IIA/62B4 1819, Feb Feb22 ReP ReP to: to: 1825, Nov 26 VIA/4D14-E1 VIA/4D14-E1 1825, Nov26 m: IIA/61D1-2, 61D8-9, m: IIA/61D1-2, 61D3-6, 61D3-6, 61D8-9, 61E2-3, 61E12-13, 61E12-13, 61F1-2, 61FI-2, 61E2-3, 61G4-8,61G9, 62A13-14; IIBi23 IIB/23 61G4-8, 61G9, 62A13-14; (p. 421-24); (p. 16£f); 16ff); IIC/ IIC/ (pp. (pp. 421-24); XC/3C5-8; XC/3C5-8; XIA17C10 XIA17C10 ADAMS, John Quincy Quincy ADAMS, (Mrs.) (Mrs.) John rn: IIA/62A2-6; IIB/23 m: IIA/62A2-6; IIB/23 (p. (p. 40) 40) ADCOCK, William ADCOCK, William CWPto: CWP to: IIA/26F5 1802, Oct Oct 1802, IIA/26F5 ADET, ADET, Pierre Pierre CWP to: CWP to: IIA/22B6-7 1798, 31 IIA/22B6-7 1798, May May31 11Ai23E14-F1 1800, 24 IIA/23E14-F1 1800,Dec Dec24 m: 21A13,21B13-14, 21B13-14, m: 11Al20D9-1O, 11A/20D9-10, 21A13, 21C3-8, 21C3-8, 21E11-13, 21E11 —13, 22E3-7; 22E3-7; IIB/14 I IB/14 (p. (p. 1)1) A D VOCATE VO CATE of History and Natural Natural History of Science Science and AD toTRP: to TRP: 1834, Aug VIIIC/2A1I-B4 1834, Aug VIIIC/2AII-B4 m: VIIIA/11B13-C1 VIIIA/11B13-C1 m: AGASSIZ, AGASSIZ, Louis Louis m: VIIIA/8B10-13, 10C3-7, 10C3-7, 13C13, m: VIIIA/8B10-13, 13C13, 25E10-G12, 26A2-G13, 25E10-G12, 26A2-G13, 27A2-B3 27A2-B3 AGATE, Alfred AGATE, Alfred T.T. to TRP: TRP: to 1837, VIIIA/6C13 1837, Nov Nov 66 VIIIA/6C13 m: VIIIA/6G2-3, 8A3-4; m: VIIIA/6G2-3, 8A3-4; VIIIC/25B7-E2, 25E10-G12, 25E10-G12, VIIIC/25B7-E2, 26A2-G13, 27A2-B3 26A2-G13, 27A2-B3 See also See Jour. Wilkes alsoJour. Wilkes Exped. Exped. #1, #1, #2, #3, #5, #5, #7, #7,Series Series VIIIB VIIIB #2, #3, AGNEW, John AGNEW.John s/Report: s/Report: 1837, May11 1837, May 11 IXB/9D9-12 IXB/9D9-12 1840, Mar Mar12 1840, 12 IXB/10B1-10 IXB/IOBI-10 1840,Jul 1840, Jul 19 19 IXB/10C7-D2 IXB/10C7-D2 1841, Mar11 1841, Mar 11 IXB/10F7-12 IXB/10F7-12 1845,Jan 1845, Jan 99 IXB/11C6-7 LXBIIIC6-7 m: IXA/15D1-11 IXA/15D1-11 m: AGRICULTURAL Society Society AGRICULTURAL m: m: IIE/4A1-5G7 IIE/4A1-5G7 AIKEN, (Mr.) AIKEN, (Mr.) m: m: IIA/21F1-3 IIA/21F1-3 AIKEN, AIKEN, (Mr.) (Mr.) [Eakin?] [Eakin?] m: 32) m: IIB/9 HBt9 ip. (p. 32) AIMES, AIMES, Alverda Alverda Peale Peale (Mrs. (Mrs. Israel) Israel) to H. Randolph: Randolph: to William William H. 1854, Nov Nov 1854, XD/1F5-10 XD/1F5-10 m: IIA/29E3-4, 29E5-8, 29E5-8, 29E9-10; m: IIA/29E3-4, 29E9-10; VIIIA/17B4-05, 17E9-10; VIIIA/17B4-C5, 17E9-10; IXAJ2IFII-G12, 22A2-4; 22A2-4; IXAi21Fll-G12, XC/IDI-4, 1D5-8, XC/1D1-4, 1D5-8, 1D9-12, 1D9-12,
2C6-9 2C6-9 AIMES, Israel AIMES, Israel to H. Randolph: to William William H. Randolph: XD/1F5-10 1854, XD/1F5-10 1854, Nov Nov m: 11A/28C1 m: IIA/28C1 AINSWORTH'S AINSW ORTH’SDictionary Dictionary m: VIIIA/11B13-C1, 25B7-E2 25B7-E2 m: VIIIA/11B13-C1, ALABAMA ALABAMA Legislature Legislature ReP ReP to: to: VIA/4F9-10 1826, VIA/4F9-10 1826, Feb Feb22 ALBANY Medical ALBANY Medical College College to Trustees of Philadelphia to Trustees of the the Philadelphia Museum: Museum: 1839, XIA (Add.)/1D11-12 1839, Jul15 Jul XIA15(Add.)/IDII-12 ALBANY ALBANY Museum Museum m: m: VIIA/6F7-8; VIIA/6F7-8; XIC/1B8-G3 XIC/1B8-G3 ALCOCK, Edwardf?] ALCOCK, Edwardi?] m: 19 (p. 68); m: IIB/12 IIB/12 (p. (p. 16), 16), 19 (p. 68); VIA/3A10-13; VIA/3A10-13;XIB/2C5-7 XIB/2C5-7 ALCOCK, William William ALCOCK, CWP CWP to: to: 1804, IIA/32A10 IIA/32A10 1804, Oct Oct22 IIA/41E10 1807, IIA/41E10 1807, Oct Oct33 ALDEN,James, ALDEN,James,Jr.[?] Jr. [?] toTRP: to TRP: VIIIA/14F14 1870, VIIIA/14F14 1870, Oct Oct 55 ALDRICH, ALDRICH, Charles Charles TRP to: TRP to: 1884, Jun 55 VIIIA/17A12-14 1884,Jun VIIIA/17Al2-14 ALEXANDER, Archibald ALEXANDER, Archibald CWP CWP to: to: 1804, 19 IIA/30F11 1804, May May19 IIA/30F11 ALEXANDER, Charles Charles ALEXANDER, m: XIA/11C3-G13, 12A2-5; (Add.) (Add.) m: XIA/11C3-G13, 12A2-5; 55 (pp. (pp. 82, 82, 86) 86) ALEXANDER, J. W. W. ALEXANDER,J. CWP CWP to: to: 1806, Feb 16 16 IIA/38A2 1806, Feb IIA/38A2 11A138A4 1806, 18 1IA/38A4 1806, Feb Feb18 1806, Jul 22 22 IIA/39B1-2 1806,Jul IIA/39B1-2 IIA/39C1 1806, 15 IIA/39C1 1806, Aug Aug 15 1806, IIA/39D8 1806, Sept Sept 19 19 IIA/39D8 1810, Aug 28 IIA/49E5 1810, Aug28 IIA/49E5 ALEXANDER, ALEXANDER, William William (Earl (Earl of of Stirling) Stirling) m: 11B15 IIB/5 (pp. 36), 11B15 IIB/5 (p. 39) m: (pp. 6, 6, 36), (p. 39) ALEXANDRIA, ALEXANDRIA, Virginia Virginia m: m: CWP CWP visits: visits: IIB/19 IIB/19 (p. (p. 42) 42) ALLBRIGHT, ALLBRIGHT, W. W. s/Memorial. s/Memorial. .. . . to to the the PAFA PAFA 1828, Mar Mar17 1828, 17 III/3F8-G12 III/3F8-G12 ALLCOCK, James ALLCOCK, James m: IIC(pp. m: IIC(pp. 38-163) 38-163) ALLEN, Andrew Andrew ALLEN, m: IIA/7B3-7; IIA/7B3-7; IIB/5 ([ml p. m: IIB/5 (p. (p. 41), 41), 66 ([m] p. 2) 2) ALLEN, John B. B. A. A. ALLEN,John m: XIA/IIC-G13, 12A2-5; m: XIA/11C-G13, 12A2-5;(Add.) (Add.) 55 (p. 85) (p.85) ALLEN, William William ALLEN, m: IIA/4E6-8, IIA/4E6-8, 51F5-12, 51F5-12, 51F13-G6, m: 51F13—G6, IIC(pp. 30, 93, 93, 94) 94) IIC(pp. 30, ALLIBONE, (Captain) ALLIBONE, (Captain) William William m: IIA/13B6-14, 13C1-14.14E4-5, 13C1-14,14E4-5, m: IIA/13B6-14, 14E10, 14E12, 14E12,14E13-14, 14E13-14, 14F3-6, 14F3-6, 14E10, 15A4-7, 15A11-12, 15A4-7, 15A10, 15A10,15A11-12,
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I15B13-14 5B13-14 ALLISON, (Reverend) (Reverend) Burgess Burgess ALLISON, s/Constitution and and By-Laws By-Laws ofof the the s/Constitution Columbianum: Columbianum: 1794 1794 IIA/18C1-E1 IIA/18C1-E1 s/Constitution s/Constitution of of the the Columbianum: Columbianum: 1795, 1795, Feb Feb 17 17 IIE/3E7-F6 IIE/3E7-F6 s/Constitution s/Constitution of of the the Columbianum: Columbianum: 1795, IIA/19F3-20A10 1795, Apr Apr 19 19 IIA/19F3-20A10 to to CWP: CWP: 1801,Ju124 1801, Jul 24 IIA/24E12-F1 IIA/24E12-F1 1804, 1804, Sept Sept28 28 IIA/32A3-5 IIA/32A3-5 CWP to: CWP to: 1803, Jul 26 26 IIA/28B9 1803,Jul IIA/28B9 1803, Jul31 IIA/28C1 1803, Jul 31 IIA/28C1 11A28F8 1803, Sept Sept30 1803, 30 IIA28F8 1804, Mar20 IIA/30B4 1804, Mar 20 IIA/30B4 1804, Sept Sept23 IIA/31G11 1804, 23 IIA/31G11 1804, Sept26 IIA/32A2 1804, Sept 26 IIA/32A2 1804, Oct 27 IIA/32C8 1804, Oct27 IIA/32C8 1804, ovi1 IIA/32C13-14 1804, N Nov IIA/32C13-14 1805, Mar Mar23 11A133F5-6 1805, 23 IIA/33F5-6 1805, Apr27 IIA/34B12-14 1805, Apr 27 IIA/34B12-14 1805, May26 11A134E8 1805, May 26 IIA/34E8 IIA/37B5-6 1805, Nov 23 IIA/37B5-6 1805, Nov23 1818, Feb 14 IIA/60D11-13 IIA/60D11-13 1818,Febl4 19D12-E1, m: IIA/18C1-E1, IIA/18C1-E1, 19D12-E1, 19F3-G12, 20A 2-10, 28C 9-11, 19F3-G12, 20A2-tO, 28C9-11, 28E8-10, 28E8-10, 28E11-12, 28E11-12, 29B13-C2, 29B13-C2, 30C9, 30C13-D4, 32A6-7, 30C9, 30C13-D4, 32A6-7, 32B1-C2, 33A11-B4, 34Al2, 34A12, 32B1-C2, 33A11-B4, 35G7-12, 36A14-B1, 38E3, 38F3, 35G7-12,36A14-B1,38E3,38F3, 39C4-D2, 40C4-5, 40C4-5, 40E13-F1, 40E13-F1, 39C4-D2, 40G2-12, 41E13-F12, 41E13-F12, 40G2-12, 42A13-B3, 43D12-14, 43D12-14, 48C3-7, 48C3-7, 42A13-B3, 55D11-13, SSE1-6, 55E1-6, SSE7-12, 55E7-12, 55D11-13, 56G4-5, 56G9-12, 56G9-12, 57D3-4, 57D3-4, 56G4-5, 60E4-7, 61A11-12, 61A11-12, 61B11-12, 61B11-12, 60E4-7, 61E6-8, 11A9-11; 61E6-8, /1A9-11; IIC(p.146b.); IIC(p.l46b.); IIE/4A1-5G7 IIE/4A1-5G7 ALLISON, Richard Richard ALLISON, 27G8-9 m: IIA/27G2-3, IIA/27G2-3, 27G8-9 ALLSTON, Washington Washington ALLSTON, tn: IIA/51C1-4, JJA/51C1-4,51C6-11, 5106-11, 57A2-4, 57A2-4, m: 57B8-10; 57B8-1O; IIE/7C8-D4; IIE/7C8- D4; VIA/3E10-13, 9-12, VIA/3E10-13, 6D 6D9-12, 6D13-E2, 6E12, 10D11-14 6D13-E2, 6E12, IODI1-14 Rebecca atat the 14) Rebecca the Well: Well: IIB/22 IIB/22 (p. (p.14) ALLWOOD, Thomas Thomas ALLWOOD, CWP to: to: CWP IIA/3C14-D1 1771, 13 IIA/3C14-D1 1771, Nov Nov 13 IIA/4E5 1773, IIA/4E5 1773, Mar Mar I1 m: 3-6 m: 1IA/4E6-8, !1A14E6-8,5D 5D3-6 AMERICAN Academy ofofthe the Fine Fine Arts, Arts, AMERICAN Academy New York New York m: IIA/27B6-7, 59F6-8, m: IIA/27B6-7, 28A2-3, 28A2-3, 59F6-8, 59F9-11; 59F9-11; VIA/5B13-C4, VIA/5B13-C4, 8D12-E2, 10C3-4; 8D12-E2, 10C3-4; VIB/19F11-20B14; VIIA/1G4-5, VIIA/1G4-5, VIB/19F11-20B14; 6B2-3 6B2-3 AMERICAN Antiquarian Antiquarian Society, Society, AMERICAN Worcester, Massachusetts Worcester, Massachusetts m: IXA/19B5-7, IXAII9BS-7, 21A5-9, 21A5-9, m: 21A11-13, 21A11-13, 21C13-D1 21C13-D1 AMERICAN AMERICAN Art Art Union, Union, New New York York to ReP: ReP: to in:
1850,Jun2O 1850, Jun 20 ReP ReP to: to: 1850, 28 1850,Jun Jun28 1850, 1850, Aug Aug 12 12
VIA/10F11-12 VIA(IOFII-12 VIA/10F10 VIA/1OFIC VIA/10F13 VIA/10F13
m: XC/4C7-14 m: XC/4C7-14 AMERICAN AMERICAN Association Association of of Geologists Geologists and Naturalists Naturalists and m: tn. VIIIA/9A2-3, VIIIA/9A2-3, 9A6-9 9A6-9 AAMERICAN M E R IC A N Democracy, Democracy, The The m: ni: XD/1D7-9 XD/1D7-9 AMERICAN Fire Insurance Company, Company, AMERICAN Fire Insurance The, Philadelphia Philadelphia The,
toto ReP: ReP: 1828, Oct 27 VIA/5C6-D2 1828, Oct27 VIA/5C6-D2 AMERICAN Literary AMERICAN Literary Association Association m: VIIA/1E14-F1, 1F13 m: VIIAI1E14-F1, 1F13 AMERICAN Museum AMERICAN Museum m: VIIA/6B10-13, VIIA/6B10-13, 6D14-E3, 6D14-E3, 7B9-12; VIIIA/2C13-D1, vrllA/2c13-D1, 7B9-12; 8C14-D1; 1XA/1A9-10 8C14-D1; 1XA/1A9-10 plates by AAMERICAN M E R IC A N Ornitho(o2y, Ornithology, plates by C. L. L. Bonaparte Bonaparte C. m: VIIIC/25B7-E2 VIIIC/25B7-E2 m: AMERICAN Philosophical Philosophical Society, Socicty, AMERICAN Philadelphia Philadelphia CWP, CWP, Certificate Certificate of of Membership: Membership: 1786, Jul 21 IIA/14C13—14 1786,JuI21 IIA/14C13-14 toto SPS: SPS: 1802, 20 XC/1A7 1802, Dec Dec20 XC/1A7 toto CWP: CWP: IIA/29D7-8 1804, Jan IIA/29D7-8 1804,Jan 1804 IIA/31E8—12 1804 IIA/31E8-12 toto Philadelphia Company: Philadelphia Museum Museum Company: 1841, VIA/9D12-E8 VIA/9D12-E8 1841, Aug Aug55 VIA/9E10-F4 1841, VIA/9E10-F4 1841, Aug Aug55 XIAI14F9-ll 1841, Aug X1A/14F9-11 1841, AugS5 VIAI9FiI-14 1842, JuI2 VIA/9F11 -14 1842,Ju12 to TRP: TRP: to VEIIA/10D6-7 1846, Dec VIIIA/10D6-7 1846, Dec99 TRP to to Samuel Samuel George TRP George Morton: Morton: 1857, Dec21 Dec 21 VIIEAI6D14-E4 VIIIA/6D14-E4 1857, to BFP: BFP: to IXA/3C1-2 n.d. IXA/3C1-2 n.d. CWP to: to: CWP 11A114B2 1785, Dec 16 16 IIA/14B2 1785, Dec IIA/21B11-12 1797, IIA/21B11 -12 1797, Mar Mar77 1799, Nov IIA/22G2 IIA/22G2 1799. Nov 66 1802, IIA/25G3-5 IIA/25G3-5 1802, May May 77 11A149G1-2 1811, [Jan?] IIA/49G1-2 1811, [Jan?I EIA(50G9-tO 1811, Nov 29 IIA/50G9-10 1811, Nov29 CWP and and Ral' RaP CWP 1797, Mar 17 IID/1F13-G4 IID/1F13-G4 1797, Mar17 ReP to: ReP to: VIAlIC-3 1802[?] VIA/ICI-3 '802[?1 Feb Feb 55 Nathan Dunn Dunn to: to: Nathan VIA/IOCS-D4 1846, Aug Aug 55 VIA/10C5-D4 1846, George to: George Ord Ord to: VIIIA/4E8-9 1836, Oct Oct 11 VIIIA/4E8-9 1836, TRPto: TRP to: VIIIA/4F3-8 1836, Ocr Oct 17 17 VIIIA/4F3-8 1836, David Nassy Nassy to President, APS: APS: David to President, 1794, 30 XIA/2C7-8 1794, May May30 XIA/2C7-8 John Brown Brown toto President, President, APS: APS: John 1802, 28 XIA/2E7-9 XIA/2E7-9 1802, Apr Apr28 George Ord to: George Ord to: 1843,Jun2l XIA/15B11-12 1843, Jun 21 XIA/15B11-12 in:
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Philadelphia Museum to: Philadelphia Museum Company Company to: 1844, Jan 22 XIA/15B11-12 XIA/15B11-12 1844,Jan22 Reports: Reports: IIA/22A14-B2, IIA/22A14-B2, 22B3-5, 22B3-5, 22C12-13, 22D5-6, 23D7-8, 22C12-13, 22D5-6, 23D7-8, 23D9-E6, 23E7-11, 24F8-9, 23D9-E6. 23E7-II, 24F8-9, 30C11-12, 31E6-7, 32E9-10, 30C11-12, 31E6-7, 32E9-10, 40E8-9, 40E10-11, 42A7-8, 40E8-9, 40E10-II, 42A7-8, 51A12-B1, 66G4-5; 66G4-5; 51Al2-BI,
IIE/4A1-5G7; VIA/1C6; IIEJ4AI -5G7; VIA! 106; VIIIA/4D3-4, 6E6, 6F6, 6F7-8, 6F7-8, 8B5, 8B5, VIIIA/4D3-4, 8C1-2, 8C1-2, 8E14, 8F14, 9C14; 9C14; IXA/14F7-8, IXA/14F7-8, 22A8-9; XIA/14F8, 14E13-G2, 14F13-G2, 22A8-9; XIA/14F8, 14G3-15A2, 15A4-11, 14G3-15A2, 15A4-1I, 15A12-B2, 15B5-6, 15B5-6, 15B13-05, 15B13-C5, 15Al2-B2, 15C10-11, 15C12-13 15C10-11, 15C12-13 m: IIA/14D1, IIA/14D1, 16F4, ni: 16F4, 19A3-B2, 19A3-B2, 21C3-8, 22C7-8, 22C7-8, 22E3-7, 22E3-7, 21C3-8, 22E9-10, 22E12-14, 22E12-14, 22G9-10, 22G9-10, 22E9-I0, 23Bl-2, 23C9, 23B1-2, 23C9, 24E5, 24E5, 24E6-8, 24E6-8, 25A10, 25B4-5, 25A10, 25B4-5, 25C3-6, 25C3-6, 26B3-4, 28A5-6, 28A5-6, 28A11-12, 26B3-4, 28A11-12, 28C7-8, 28E8-10, 28E14, 28E14, 28C7-8, 28E8-I0, 31D7-8, 31D9-10, 31D9-10, 33E3-7, 33E3-7, 31D7-8, 36C6-8, 36E3-4, 36C6-8, 36C9-10, 36C9-10,36E3-4, 36G12-13, 37C6-7, 37D12-13, 36G12-13, 37C6-7, 37D12-13, 37E1-2, 39A10, 39A11-12, 39A11-12, 37E1-2, 39A10, 40A7-8, 40C6-D 2, 40D3-I0, 40D3-10, 40A7-8, 4006-D2, 44B1-C2, 49G1-2, 44B1 -C2, 46G7-12, 46G7-12, 49G1-2, 55A10-B9, 55B10-C9, 55A10-B9, 55B10-C9, 55F11—14, 55G1-5, 55F11-14, 55G1-5, 57D6-7, 57D6-7, 57E6-7; IIB/9 IIB/9 (p. (p. 6), 6), 22 22 (p. (p. 50); 50); 57E6-7; VIA/1 CC4-5, 4-5, 4G 3-4, 9B6-C6, VIA/I 4G3-4, 9B6-C6, 9F8-10; VIB/13A6-B9; VIB/13A6-B9; 9F8-10; (Add.)/1A12-Bl; VIIA/6A12-13, (Add.)/1Al2-BI; VIIA/6Al2-13, 1108—11; VIIIA/2C8-10, 3F2-5, 3F2-5, 11C8-II; VIIIA/2C8-I0, 3G2-13, 5-8, 6E7-14, 6E7-14, 6F5, 6F5, 3G2-13, 4D 4D5-8, 8B10-13, SBIO-13, 8F1-6, 8F1-6, 9B9-12, 9B9-12, 9C6-9, 9C10-13, 9C10-13, 9E12-FI, 9E12-F1, 9C6-9, 9F12-G5, 10B7-9, 10E8-9, 9F12-G5, 10B7-9, 10E8-9, IOEIO-11, 10E12-13, 10E12-13, 10F2-3, 10E10-11, 10F2-3, 10F4-5, 10F6-8, 10G6-10, 10F4-5, 10F6-8, 10G6-10, 11B13-C1, 11D14-E1, 11D14-E1, 12E2-5, 11B13-C1, 12E2-5, 16C14;VIIIC/4G1-7; VIIIC/4G1-7; IXA/9C1, 16C14; IXA/9C1, 14F7-8, 16F1-5, 16G1-8, 14F7-8,16F1-5, 16G1-8, 17F6-I0, 17F6-10, 17G1-2, 17G1-2, 18B1-2, 18B1-2, 18C2-5, 21C6-8,21F10, 21F10,21F11, 21F11, 18C2-5, 2106-8, 22A4, 22A5-7, 22A5-7, 22A10, 22A4, 22A10, 22A12-13, 22B1 -3, -3, 22B4, 22B4, 22B5, 22B5, 22Al2-13, 22B1 22B6, 22B7; 22B7; IXB/12E1-5, IXB/12E1-5, 22B6, 12E12-F2, 13A2-10, 13A2-10, 13A11-B7, 12E12-F2, 13A11-B7, 13G12-14; XIA/5A8-B1, XIA/5A8-B1, 13G12-14; 5E12-G4, 7G 7G6-8, 5E12-G4, 6-8, 14A7-F7; 14A7-F7; (Add.)/7 (pp. 247, (Add.)/7 (pp. 233, 233, 236-42, 236-42, 247, 257,260-62, 266, 268). 268). 257, 260-62, 266, AMES, N. P.P. AMES, N. BFP to: BFPto: 1839, 1839, May May 10 10 IXA/7F9-10 IXA(7F 9-10 m: IXA/15F7-8 IXA/15F7-8 m: AMESLEY, ROBERT ROBERT AMESLEY, CWP to: CWP to: 1804, 1804, Dec21 Dec 21 IIA/32E14 IIA/32E14 AMHERST AMHERSTCollege Coege m: IXA/21D5-7 IXA/21D5-7 m: ANCORA, P. ANCORA, P.
s/Memorial. to the the PAFA: PAFA: s/Memorial. .. .. to III/3F8-G12 1828, Mar 17 III/3F8-G12 1828, Mar17 ANDERSON,, James James ANDERSON Charles to: Charles Carroll Carroll to: 1767, Oct 29 IIA/2B4-6 IIA/2B4-6 1767, Oct29 ANDERSON, WILLIAM ANDERSON, WILLIAM Charles Carroll Carroll to: Charles to: 1766, Oct 29 IIA/2A8-10 IIA/2A8-10 1766, Oct29 IIAI2AII 1766, 30 IIA/2A11 1766, Oct Oct30 1767, Oct 29 IIA/2B4-6 IIA/2B4-6 1767, Oct 29 in: IIA/2A12-B3; IIA/2Al2-B3; IIB/1 m: IIB/1 (p. (p. 13), 13), 13 13 (p. (p. 17), 14 (p. (p. 2)2) 17), 14 ANDRE, (Major) John ANDRE, (Major) John n: IIA/14C8 m: IIA/14C8 ANDREWS, (Dr.) ANDREWS, (Dr.) m: m: IIA/24E12-F1 IIA/24E12-F1 ANDREWS, J.J. ANDREWS, JPjr to: JPjr to: III/4A8-9 1833, III/4A8-9 1833, Feb Feb 33 ANDREWS, James ANDREWS, James m: (Add.)/7 (pp. (pp. 193, 193, 208, 208, 210) 210) m: XIA XIA (Add.)/7 ANDREWS, W. W. T. T ANDREWS, m: in: VIA/10A5-8 VIA/10A5-8 ANDREWS Cooke ANDREWS and and Cooke to CWP: CWP: to 1806, Jan 27 IIA/37F3 1806, Jan 27 IIA/37F3 1806, Feb Feb 10 10 IIA/37G8-9 1806, 11A137G8-9 1806, 1806, Feb 11 Feb 11 IIA/37G10-11 IIA/37G10-11 m: IIA/37A2-12 IIA/37A2-12 m: AANNALS N N A L S and and Magazine Magazine ofof Natural Natural History History m: VIIIA/9F12-G5 VIIIA/9F12-G5 m: ANNAPOLIS, City City of of ANNAPOLIS, m: IIA/69B10-12, 69D5, 69D6, 69D6, in: IIA/69B10-12, 69D5, 69D7-10, 69D7-10, 69D12, 69D12, 69D13, 69D13, 69E1-2, 69G4-6; VIIIA/16A2-5, VIIIA/16A2-5, 69E1-2, 69G4-6; 16A12-B1;, VIIIC/28A2-B1; VIIIC/28A2—B1; 16Al2-B1;, IXA/18C11-D7 IXAIISC1 I -D7 College of: of: IIC(p. IIC(p. 449) College 449) Description of, of,1804: 1804:IIB/19 IIB/19 (p. (p. 42) 42) Description Drawing of: IIB/8 (pp. (pp. 5—7, 5-7, 14, Drawing of: IIB/8 14, 21), 12 12 (p. (p. 22); 22); IIC IIC (p. (p. 169) 169) 21), Fish club: dub: IIBIS Fish IIB/8 (p. (p. 13) 13) CWP CWP visits: visits: IIC IIC (p. (p. 449) 449) Statehouse: IIB/8 IIB/8 (p. (p. 11) 11) Statehouse: ANNE Arundel County, Maryland ANNE Arundel County, Maryland CourtJudgment: Courtjudgment: 1764 Aug Aug 1764 IIA/IFI-4 IIAIIFI-4 1765, Mar IIA/1F9-12 1765, Mar IIA/1F9-12 ANTARCTIC Expedition ANTARCTIC Exploring Exploring Expedition m: VIII VIIIA/2E8-10, A/2E8-10, 8F1-6 8F1-6 m: A N T H O N ’SDictionary Dictionary ANTHON'S m: VIIIA/11B13-C1 VIIIA/11B13-Ct m: ANTHONY, (Mr.) ANTHONY, (Mr.) m: (p. 54), 54), 11 11 (p. (p. 72) 72) m: IIB/9 IIB/9(p. AAPI-JORISMS P H O R ISM S on on Man Man by byJohann Johann Kaspar Kaspar Lavater Lavater (Dublin, (Dublin, 1790) 1790) CWP: Marginalia to: to:11E12A13-E5 IIE/2A13-E5 CWP: Marginalia m: —14 m: IIA/33E11 IIA/33E11-14 APPLETON,John APPLETON, John m: VIIIC/25C14-D2 VIIIC/25C14-D2 m: APOLLODORIAN APOLLODORIAN Gallery Gallery m: VIA VIA (A (Add.)/1E8-9 m: dd.)/lE8-9 ARBUCKLE, Edward Edward ARBUCKLE, m: IIC (p. (p. 26) 26) m: IIC ARBUCKLE, James James ARBUCKLE,
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cw to: CWP to: IIA/4F11-14 IIA/4F11—14 m: IIB/1 IIB/1 (p. 26) (p. 2); 2); IIC IIC (p. (p. 26) AP.BUCKLE, Tabitha Tabitha Scarborough Scarborough ARBUCKLE, Custis (Mrs. (Mrs.James) Custis James) m: IIC(p. IIC(p. 26) m: 26) ARBUTHNOT, (Mr.) (Mr.) ARBUTHNOT, m: m: VIA/6D5-8, VIA/6D5-8, 6D9-12 6D9-12 ARDEN, ARDEN, Thomas Thomas CWP to: to: CWP 1808, Dec12 1808, Dec 12 IIA/45B4-5 IIA/45B4-5 1808, Dec 1808, Dec19 19 IIA/45B6-7 IIA/45B6-7 m: IIC(p. IIC(p. 381) 381) m: AARKANSAS R K A N S A S Village, Village, Vieiv View ooff the, the,by by CWP CWP IIA/63G10-12 IIA/63G10-12 ARMSTRONG, ARMSTRONG, (Mr.) (Mr.) ,n: 53D11-13, m: 11A153D8-10, IIA/53D8-10, 53D11-13, 53E7-10, 53E11-13, 53E7-10, 53E11-13, 61B3-4 61B3-4 ARMSTRONG, (Captain) ARMSTRONG, (Captain) m: VIIIA/6D12-13 VIIIAI6D12-13 m: ARMSTRONG, (Dr.) ARMSTRONG, (Dr.) m: IIB/12 2); IIC IIC (p. (p. 152) 152) m: IIB/12 (pp. (pp. 1, 1,2); ARMSTRONG, Edward ARMSTRONG, Edward Trustees Batikof ofU.S. Trustees ofof Batik U.S. to: to: 1854, July66 XIA/15D14 1854, July XIA/15D14 ARMSTRONG, (General) (General) John ARMSTRONG, John to CWP: CWP: to 1809, May 31 IIA/47A4-9 1809, May31 11A147A4-9 CWP CWP to: to: 1784, MMarl arl IIA/12F11-G2 1784, IIAII2F11-G2 1804, Jul 22 IIIIA/31C14 A/31 C l 4 1804,Ju122 11A131C12-13 1804, Jul 29 IIA/31C12—13 1804,Ju129 1805,Ju18 IIA/35B8-10 1805, Jul 8 IIA/35B8-10 11A142G11-13 1808, 20 IIA/42G11-13 1808,Apr Apr20 IIA/43F6-7 1808, Jul 13 13 IIA/43F6-7 1808,Jul 1809, 21 IIA/45D11-14 1809,Jan Jan21 11A145D1 1-14 Count Rumford Rumford to: to: Count 1808, Jul 28 VIA/1G11 -13 1808,Ju128 VIAIIGII-13 m: 3-4, 31D5, 31D5, m: IIA/31D1-2, IIA/31D1-2, 31D 31D3-4, 31D6, 31D11, 31E3, 31E3, 35B5-7, 35B5-7, 31D6, 31D11, 35G7-12, 37G10-11, 35G7-12, 37G8-9, 37G8-9, 37G10-11, 43D2-11, 44A6-12, 44A6-12, 44B1-C2, 44B1-C2, 43D2-11, 44C11-14, 44G7-10, 44G7-10, 45F7-G12, 45F7-G12, 44C11-14, 46C3-6, 46F1-6,50C3; 50C3;11B15(p. IIB/5 (p. 46C3-6, 46F1-6, 47); IIC(p. 381); IID/30 IID/30 (p. (p. 50); 50); 47); IIC(p. 381); VIA/1G4-10, 2-5, 2A10-13, VIA/1G4-1O,2A 2A2-5, 2A10-13, 2F3-4, 2F7-8; 2F7-8; XIA/5E12-G4, XIA/5E12-G4, 2F3-4, 17C9 17C9 ARNOLD, Benedict ARNOLD, Benedict m: IIB/17(pp. m: IIA/5G1, IIA/5G1, 40E13-F1; 40E13-F1; IIB/17 (pp. 24, 65, 66, 66, 67); 67); 24, 38); 38); IIC HC (pp. (pp. 65, IID/1A7-8; VIIA/6A8-9 IID/1A7-8; VIIA/6A8-9 Quarters of, of,Valley Valley Forge: Forge:IIB/5 IIB/5 (p. (p. Quarters 36) 36) AARNOLD R N O L D and and the the Devil Devil Woodcut: Woodcut: IIA(Add.)/3C5-6 1780 IIA(Add.)/3C5-6 1780 Engraving: Engraving: 1872 IID/1A7-8 IID/1A7-8 1872 ARTISTS Fund ARTISTS Fund Society Society m: VIA/9D2; Pn: VIA/9D2;VIIIA/4C10-D2 VIIIA/4C10-D2 ARTISTS of Philadelphia Philadelphia ARTISTS of toJPjr: toJPjr: 1828, Mar 17 III/3F8-G12 11113F8-G12 1828,Marl7 ASH, (Mr.) ASH, (Mr.) m: m: XC/12A12-13 XC/12Al2-13
ASH, Michael Michael ASH,
to tO BFP: BFP: 1840,Jun22 1840, Jun 22 IXA/8E5 IXA/8E5 m: IXA/8D11-E4; IXA/8D11-E4; XIA/12C14-F14 XIA/12C14-F14 m: ASH, Morgan ASH, Morgan m: XIA XIA (Add.)/6 (Add.)/6 (pp. (pp. 180-181) 180-181) m: ASH, W. ASH, W. m: IXA/8D3-4 IXA/8D3-4 m: ASHMORE, William William ASHMORE, m: 112F10 I/2F10 ASHTON, James ASHTON,James New York York Museum Museum to: to: New 1828[?] 1828[?] XIC/1B8-G3 XIC/1B8-G3 ASHTON, ASHTON, THOMAS THOMAS to to Thomas Thomas P.P. Roberts: Roberts: 1836, Aug44 1836, Aug VIIIA/4C10-D2 VIIIA/4C10-D2 "ASSOCIATION “ASSOCIATION of of Artists Artists inin America" America” CWP to: to: CWP 1794, 1794, Dec29 Dec 29IIA/19D12-E1 IIA/19D12-E1 ATHENAEUM, Philadelphia Philadelphia ATHENAEUM, to RuP: RuP: to 1819, Oct88 1819, Oct VIIA/3B-7 VIIA/3B-7 m: IIA/60F9-11; IIA/60F9—11; VIIIA/9C10-13; VIIIA/9C10-13; XIA (Add.)/5 (Add.)/5 (p. (p. 86) 86) XIA ATHERBURY, Nathan ATHERBURY, Nathan to Philadelphia Museum: to Philadelphia Museum: 1821, Oct 21 XIA/7D7-14 1821, Oct21 XIA/7D7-14 ATHERTON, Richard Richard ATHERTON, VIIIA/4C7 m: VIIIA/4C7 ATKINS, John ATKINS, (Dr.) (Dr.)John m: 2F10 m: I/1D3-5, I/1D3-5, 2F10 ATKINSON, (Mr.) ATKINSON, (Mr.) CPto: CP to: 1/1C11 1740, Nov Nov 1/1C11 1740, ATKINSON, (Mr.) ATKINSON, (Mr.) m: m: XIC/1B8-G3 XIC/1B8-G3 ATKINSON, (Mrs.) ATKINSON, (Mrs.) XIB/3B1-5C8 m: XIB/3B1-5C8 ATKINSON, ATKINSON, Amos Amos toJPjr: toJPjr: III/4Al2-B3 1838, Oct III/4A12-B3 1838, OctS5 ATKINSON, S.S. W. W. ATKINSON, VIJA (Add.)/lB3-9, (Add.)11B3-9, 1B1O-12 m: VIIA 1B10-12 AUDUBON, John James AUDUBON,JohnJarncs to TRP: toTRP: VIIIA/6B3-4 1837, Sept 19 19 VIIIA/6B3-4 1837, Sept 1845, 26 VIIIA/9G6-7 1845, Dec Dec26 VIIIA/9G6-7 m: VIA/8G2-5; VIA/8G2-5; VIIIA/1E13-F4, VIIIA/1E13-F4, 2F11-13, 7-B4, 3F2-5, 2F1 1-13,3A 3A7-B4, 3F2-5, 3G2-13, 4A10-13, 8B10-13, 8B10-13, 3G2-13, 4A10-13, 9A6-9, 9D9-11, 9D9-11, 9D12-E1, 9D12-E1, 9A6-9, 111D10-13, 1Db- 13, 12A12-B2.13B3-8; 12Al2-B2,13B3-8; (Add.)11A2-5; XIAII5B7-10 (Add.)/1 A2-5; X1A/15B7-10 Birdsof ofAtnerica: VIIIA/3G2-13, Birds America: VII1A/3G2-13, 9A6-9, 14B9, 16G8-10 16G8-10 9A6-9, 14B9, Ornithology: VIIIA/11B13-C1 Ornithology: VIIIA/11B13-C1 Quadrupeds: VIIIA/11D10—13 Quadn4peds: VIIIAII I Dl 0-13 AUDUBON, Victor Victor AUDUBON, VIIIAI3G2-13, 9D12-E1, 9D12-E1, m: VIIIA/3G2-13, 11D10-13 I1DIO-13 AUSTIN, AUSTIN, William William CWP to: to: CWP IIAI7DII-E10 1779, May 13 IIA/7D11-E10 1779,Mayl3 m: m: IIA/6B9-C4 IIA/6B9-C4 AZARA AZARA Pu:
124 The Peale Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers 124 The
m: Quadrupedes QuadrupedesdeParaguay: m: de Paraguay:
B BABCOCK, Courtland Courtland BABCOCK, m: VIA/9D3-11, 10F10; m: VIAI9D3-11, 10F10; XC/1B14-C3 XC/1B14-C3 BABCOCK, Elizabeth Elizabeth Cany Cany (Mrs. (Mrs. BABCOCK, Courtland) Courtland) tn: VIA/11F12-13; m: VIA1IIFI2-13; XC/3C9-12, XC/3C9-12, 3F3-6,4A 6-8, 4C7-14, 4C7-14, 9F8-11 9F8-11 3F3-6, 4A6-8, BACHE, Alexander Dallas Dallas BACHE, Alexander toTRP: toTRP:
VIIIA/2G8 1831, Jan 15 15 VIIIA/2G8 1831,Jan to Dickerson: to Mahlon Mahion Dickerson: 1836, Sept 16 VIIIA/4D911 VIIIA/4D9-11 1836, Sept16 s/Report: s/Report: 1840, May 14 1XB/10C3-6 IXB/10C36 1840, May 14 1840, IXB/10E6-F2 IXB/10E6-F2 1840, Oct Oct 11 to John Fries to John Fries Frazer: Frazer: 1846, Dec Dec 99 VIIIA/10D6-7 1846, VIIIA/10D6-7 to Burke: to Edmund Edmund Burke: 1848, May May17,27 17,27VHIA/11A9-11 VII1A/11A9-11 1848, to to Robert Robert M. M. Patterson: Patterson: 1848, Dec30 Dec30 IXA/IOCIO-Il 1848, IXA/10C10-11 to Joseph Henry: to Joseph Henry: 1851, Mar33 VIIIAII2B9 1851, Mar VIIIA/12B9 to to Thomas Thomas Ewbank: Ewbank: 1852, Apr Apr 15 15 VIIIA/12E14-F1 VIIIA/12E14-F1 1852, John Fries Frazer: toto John Fries Frazer: 1852, Apr Apr 15 1852, 15 VIIIA/12F7-8 VIIIAII2F7-8 1852, Apr Apr28 1852, 28 VIIIA/12F11-12 VIIIA/12F11-12 to Joseph Henry: to Joseph Henry: 1858, 19 VIA/13A5-6 1858, Mar Mar 19 VIA/13A5-6 ReP to: to: ReP 1849,Jan Jan15 VIA/IOFI-2 1849, 15 VIA/10F1-2 TRP to: to: TRP 1843, 18 V11IA/8F1 -6 1843, May May 18 V111A18F1-6 Thomas P.Jones P. Jones to: to: Thomas 1846, Dec Dec 14 1846, 14 VIIIA/10F10 VillA/I OFIO Joseph Henry Henry to: Joseph to: 1848,Jul 1848, Jul 14 14 VIIIA/11C3 VIIIA/11C3 A. H. H. Stuart A. Stuart to: to: [1849] VIIIA/11 El 1 [18491 VIllA/hEll Josep. to: Josep. Henry Henry to: 1851,Ju127 1851,Jul 27 VIIIA/12D7-8 VIIIA/12D7-8 1853, May May24 1853, 24 VIIIA/13B14-C2 VI1IA/13B14-C2 TRP to: to: TRP 1860,Jun Jun18 1860, 18 VIIIA/13D9 VIIIA/13D9 BFP to: BFPto: 1842 1842 IXA/9C1 IXA/9C1 m: VIA/9B1-4; VIIIA/3C5-6, VIHA/3C5-6, m: VIA/9B1-4; 9F12-G 5,10B3-4,10B 5-6, 9F12-G5, 10B3-4, 10B5-6, 10C13-D1,10D4, 10C13-D1, 10D4, 10D8-9, 10D8-9, 10E4-5,10F6-8,10G3-4,10G11, 10E4-5, 10F6-8, 10G3-4, IOGII, 11Al2-14, IIBI-2, 11B8, 11A12-14,11B1-2, 11B8, IIBIO-C2, 1105-7, 11B10-C2, 11C5-7, 12B5-6, 12B5-6,
12C3-4,12F2-6; IXA/7E9-14, 12C3-4, 12F2-6; IXAI7E9-14,
IXB/11D7-14; I15E8-9; 5E8-9; IXB/l I D7- 14; XIA/14F13-G2 XIA/14F13-G2 BACHE, Benjamin Benjamin Franklin Franklin BACHE, to Mahlon Mahlon Dickerson: Dickerson: to VIIIA/4D9-11 1836, 16 VIIIA/4D9-11 1836, Sept Sept16 m: IIB/6 ([m) ([m] p. p. 9); 9); m: IIA/61C12-13; HAI6ICI2-13; HB/6 IILB/9 (pp. IB/936,(pp. 37); XIA/14F13-G2 37);36, XIA/14F13-G2 BACHE, Richard BACHE, Richard (Mr. (Mr. and and Mrs.) Mrs.) m: m: VIA/10E6-10 VIA11OE6-1O BACHE, William BACHE, William m: HA122B3-5 IIAI22B3-5 m: BACHELOR, (Captain) BACHELOR, (Captain) m: VIIIC/3A2-4D8 m: VIIIC/3A2-4D8 BACHMAN, BACHMAN, John John to TRP: toTRP: 1837, 28 VIIIA/5C12-13 VIHA/5C12-13 1837, Mar Mar28 TRP to: TRP to: VIIIA/5D4-5 1837, 16 VIIIA/5D4-5 1837, Jun Jun 16 m; VIIIA/2C11-12, 6-7, m: VIIIA/2C11-12, 9G 9G6-7, 12A12-B2, 13B3-8; 12Al2-B2, 13B3-8; XIC/1B8-G3 XIC/1B8-G3 BACON, (Mr.) BACON, (Mr.) m. IIA/14E8; IIB/2 m: 11A114E8; HB/2(pp. (pp.43-44) 43-44) BACON, (Mrs.) BACON, (Mrs.) m: IIA/14E8; m: IIA/14E8; IIB/2 118/2(pp. (pp. 43-44) 43-44) BACON, Bickford, Eales Eales Co. BACON, Bickford, Co. BFP to: BFP to: 1838, IXB/9E10-12 1838, May May 88 IXB/9E10-12 BACON, BACON, John John CWP to: CWP to: 1818, Dec11 IIA/61E1 1818, Dec 11 IIA/61E1 m: IIA/61E2-3; IIA/61E2-3; VIIA/7C2-5; VIIAI7C2-5; m: XIA/7A6-B11,11C3-12A5; XIA/7A6-B11, I IC3-I2A5; XIA(Add.)/5 (pp. (pp. 14-19, XIA(Add.)/5 14-19, 21, 21, 22, 22, 29,31,33, 35, 37-40, 42, 44-59, 29,31,33, 35, 37-40, 42, 44-59, 61, 63,65, 65,67-71, 67-71,73-9,81-3,86; 61, 63, 73-9, 81-3, 86; (pp. 87, 96, 97, 97, 101) 101) 66 (pp. 87, 89-94, 89-94, 96, BADARAQUE, Thomas: Thomas: BADARAQUE, ReP ReP to: to: 1806, Oct14 1806, Sept 29,Sept 29, OctVIAJ1E7 14 VIA/1E7 BADGER, George E. E. BADGER, George National Institute Institute for the Promotion National for the Promotion of to: of Science Science to: VIIIA(Add.)/1B14 1841, 11 VIIIA(Add.)/lB14 1841, May 11 May BAGOT, Charles Charles BAGOT, m: IIA/61F5-8 IIA/61F5-8 m; BAILER, (Colonel) (Colonel) BAILER, m. IIB/6 (p. 3) m: IIB/6 (p. 3) BAILEY, (Mrs.) (Mrs.) BAILEY, m: IIC tIC (p. m: (p. 161) 161) BAILEY, E. BAILEY, E. H. H. to to Mahlon Mahlon Dickerson: Dickerson: 1837, Aug Aug33 1837, VIIIA/5D9 VIIIAI5D9 BAILEY, Francis Francis BAILEY, to Pennsylvania: to President President of of Pennsylvania: 1779, Jul Jul 11 1779, IIA/8B1-3 IIA/8B1-3 to CWP: toCWP: 1800, Feb IIA(Add.)/4E9 1800, Feb 22 22 IIA(Add.)/4E9 CWP to: to: CWP 1810, 1810, Mar Mar 14 14 I1A/49B1 IIA/49B1 m: 11, 14A14, H A H , 14B1, 14B1, m: IIA/14A10— IIA/14A10-11, 41E13-F12, 47F1-7, 47F1-7, 47G2-3; 41E13-F12, 47G2-3; IIB/12(p. IIB/12(p. 13) 13) BAILEY, Robert BAILEY, Robert
125 125
The The Peale Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers
to to CWP: CWP: 1800, Feb 22 1800, Feb22 IIA(Add.)/4E9 IIA(Add.)/4E9 BAILEY, Theodorus Theodorus BAILEY, CWP CWPto: to: 1804,Jul 1804,Ju129 29 IIA/31D11 IIA/31D11 1804, 1804,Aug Augl1 IIA/31E3 IIA/31E3 1805, Sept Sept 10 1805, 10 IIA/35G13 IIA/35G13 1805, Sept 1805, Sept 15 15 IIA/36A12-13 IIA/36Al2-13 1807, Aug Aug11 1807, 11 IIA/41D1-2 IIA/41D1-2 1809, 19 1809, Aug Aug 19 IIA/47C13-14 IIA/47C13-14 m: IIA/31C12-13, 61B3-4 61B3-4 m: IIA/31C12-13, BAINBRIDGE, (Mr.) BAJNBRIDGE, (Mr.) nl: VIB/13A6-B9; VIB/13A6-B9; IXA/9E9-10; IXA/9E9-10; m: XCIIE8- 10 XC/1E8-10 BAINBRIDGE, BAINBRIDGE, (Commodore) (Com modore) William William m: nl: IIB/22 IIB!22 (p. (p. 71);XIA/17C8 71); XIA!17C8 BAIRD, BAIRD, Spencer Spencer Fullerton Fullerton to John Cassin: to John Cassin: 1851, Mar 1851, M arlI VIIIA/12B8 VIIIA/12B8 1852,Jan26 VIIIA/12E1 1852, Jan 26 VIIIA/12E1 toTRP: to TRP: 1860, Jun21 1860,Jun2l VHIA/13D10 VIIIA/13D10 toBFP: to BFP: 1862, 28 IXA/17A11-14 1862, Mar Mar28 IXA/17A11-14 1862, 12 IXA/17B3-4 1862, Apr Apr 12 IXA/17B3-4 1862, Jun Jun IXA!17C1 -2 IXA/17C1-2 1862, 1862,Jun IXA/17C4-5 IXA/17C4-5 1862,Jun 18 18 1862, Nov 13 1862, Nov 13 IXA/17D5-6 IXA/17D5-6 IXAII7E12-13 1863, Mar Mar33 1863, IXA/17E12-13 1864, Apr Apr IXA/17G7-8 1864, IXA/17G7-8 1864, Jun 1864, Jun 77 IXA/17G9-10 IXA/17G9-10 to TRP: toTRP: 1865, 1865, Feb Feb 44 VIIIA/14B8 VIIIA/14B8 1865, Feb66 VIIIA/14B9 1865, Feb VIIIA/14B9 to BFP: BFP: to IXAZ18B8-U 1867, Jn IXAI1SBS-ll 1867,Jan IXA/18B12-C1 IXA/18B12-C1 1867Jan 1867Jan 18 18 IXAI18E5-6 1868, May22 1868, May 22 IXA/18E5-6 IXA/18E11 IXA/18E11 1868, Jun10 1868, Jun 10 IXAII8E12 IXA/18E12 1868, 13 1868, Jun Jun 13 IXA/18F1 1868, Dec Dec 12 IXA/18F1 1868, 12 IXA/22A11 IXA/22A11 1876, Oct Oct 16 1876, 16 m: VIIIA/12B5-6, 14E12; 14E12; m: VIIIA/12B5-6, IXA/17C8-10 IXA/17C8-10 BAKER, (Mr.) (Mr.) BAKER, m: IXA/6D10-E4, IXAJ6D1O-E4,6F1-4, 6F1-4, 6F5-8, 6F5-8, m: 13A2-5, 13A6-7 13A2-5,13A6--7 BAKER, Gardiner BAKER, Gardiner m: IIB/17 (p. (p. 10) 10) m: IIB/17 Children of: of IIB/17 Children IIB/17 (p. (p. 9)9) BAKER, BAKER,Isaac Isaac F.F. m: XIIA/1A3-3E3 m: XIIA/1A3-3E3 BAKER,John BAKER,John m: 46), IIB/6 IIB/6 (p.3); (p.3); 15 m: IIB/S(p. IIB/5(p. 46), 15 (p. (p. 7)7) BAKER'S Museum, Museum, New BAKER’S New York York m: IIB/15(pp. (pp.9, 10), 17 (pp. 10-11); 10-11); m: IIB/15 9,10), 17 (pp. IIC(p. 246) IIC(p. 246) BAKEWELL.JohnP. BAKEWELL,John P. BFP BFP to: to: IXB/IOBII-C2 IXB/10B11-C2 1840, Apr 1840, Apr99 BALDWIN, BALDWIN, Henry Henry m: VII1A/12F13-G4, VIIIA/12F13-G4, 12G5-13, m: 12G5-13, 13A2-12,13A13-B1 13A2-12, 13A13-B1 BALDWIN, Matthias BALDWIN, Matthias William William s/Report: s/Report: IXB/9B11-14 IXB/9B11-14 1837, 1837, Mar Mar99
1843,Jan 1843, Jan 12 12
toTRP: to TRP:
IXB/11A2-B3 IXB/11A2-B3
1843, May May 55 1843, VIIIA/8E13-14 VIIIA/8E13-14 s/Report: s/Report: 1846, Dec Dec 1846, IXB/11G1-4 IXB/11G1-4 to to Abraham Abraham Lincoln: Lincoln: 1861, Mar Mar12 1861, 12 IXA/16C9-12 IXA/16C9-12
m: IXA/9G3-11, 14F1-2, 14F1-2, 15C3-4, m: IXA/9G3-11, 15C3-4, 15F9-1O, 15G5-7, 15G5-7, 16B10-13, 15F9-10, 16B10-13, 18B1-2, 19B9-C4; 19B9-C4; 18B1-2, XIA/11C3-12A5; (Add.)/5 XIA/11C3-12A5; (Add.)/5 (p. (p. 84); 84); XIIA/1A3-3E3 XIIA/1A3-3E3 BALDWIN, (Dr.) (Dr.) William William BALDWIN, m: IIA/62C6-7, IIC m: IIA/62C6-7, 62C12-13; 62C12-13; tIC (p. 427); VIA/3B11-13; VIA/3B11-13; (p. 427); VIIA/3B811; XIA/14A7-F7, XIA/14A7-F7, VIIA/3B8-11; 16B1-4,17C9; (Add.)/7 (p. (p. 264) 264) 16B1-4, 17C9; (Add.)/7
BALE, (Mr.) (Mr.) BALE, m: IXA/15B6-13, 16A2-11 m: IXA/15B6-13, 16A2-11 BALESTIER, Joseph Joseph BALESTIER, m: IXAI1OE9-11, 10F1-3, 1OF1-3, 10F4-5 m: IXA/10E9-11, 10F4-5
BALMANNO, Robert BALMANNO, Robert BFPto: BFP to: 1844, Sept18 IXA/9F1-3 1844, Sept 18 IXA/9F1-3 BALTIMORE and Ohio Ohio Railroad BALTIMORE and Railroad m: VIIA/7A6-7 m: VHA!7A6-7 BALTIMORE Baptist Baptist Association Association BALTIMORE m: IVB/2G9-11 m: IVB/2G9-11 BALTIMORE City City Council Council BALTIMORE to ReP: to ReP: l8l6Jun 1816 Jun 14 14 VIA/2G7-9 VIA/2G7-9 VIA/3D8-9 1821 1821 VIA/3D8-9 to to Baltimore Baltimore Museum: Museum: 1830, Apr Apr11 XIB/1F9-10 XIB/1F9-10 1830, ReP ReP to: to: 1821 Jan31 1821 Jan 31 VIAI3C10-13 VIA/3C10-13 RuP RuP to: to: 1830, Jan 1111 VIIA/7D2-3 VIIA/7D2-3 1830,Jan Jacob Small Jacob Small to: to: XIB/1F7-8 1830, Mar 29 XIB/1F7-8 1830, Mar29 1830, Apr 16 XIB/1F11-12 XIB/IF11-12 1830, Apr16 BALTIMORE, City City ooff BALTIMORE, m: (pp.4, 11, 102), 23 m: IIB/19 IIB/19 (pp. 4,11,102), 23 (p. (p. 2); 2); IIC IIC (p. 487) (p. 487) BALTIMORE, BALTIMORE, Gas Gas Light Light Company Company of of “"An An Act Act toto Incorporate the Gas Gas Light Incorporate the Light Company ooff Baltimore”: Baltimore": Company VIA/2G10-13 1816 1816 VIA/2G10-13 m: VIA/5A6-9, VIA/5A6-9,5A14-B3, 5A14-B3, 6C1-4, 6C1-4, m: 6E3-6, 6E13-F2, 6E3-6, 6E13-F2, 6G3-7, 6G 3-7, 8B3, 8B3, 8B6-7, 8B6-7, 8B8-10, 8B8-10, 8D12-E2, 8D12-E2, 11C8-11 11C8-11 Peale's Museum, Museum, See also Peale’s See also Baltimore. Baltimore. BALTIMORE, Lord, See See Calvert, Calvert, BALTIMORE, Lord. Benedict. Benedict. BALTIMORE BALTIMORE Mechanical Mechanical Society Society m: IVB/3E4-11 IVB/3E4-11 m: Peale's BALTIMORE Museum. Museum. See BALTIMORE See Peale’s Museum, Baltimore. Museum, Baltimore. BALTIMORE Town, Town, Commissioners Commissioners for BALTIMORE for building bridges atat building bridges CWP to: CWP to: 17%, Oct Oct IIA/20G3-4 17%, IIA/20G3-4 1796, Nov Nov 44 IIA/20G5-9 1796, IIA/20G5-9 BALTIMORE Picture Picture Gallery BALTIMORE Gallery
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The The Peale P ea k Family Fam ily Papers Papers
rn: VIA/11D6 VIAI11D6 m:
BANCKER, BANCKER, Anna Anna Rutgers Rutgers m: rn: IIA/22C5-6; 11A122C5-6;IXA/12G1-4 IXA/12G1-4 BANCKER, Charles Charles Nicoll Nicoll BANCKER, TRP to: TRP to: 1871, Aug 24 VIIIA/14G12-13 VIIIA/14G12-13 1871, Aug24 m: IXA/12G1-4 rn: IXAI12G1-4 BANCROFT, BANCROFT, Edward Edward
BFP to: BFP to: IXB/10B7-10 1840, 12 IXB/10B7-10 1840, Mar Mar 12 m: XC/5G6-9, 7C10-13, rn: XC/5G6-9, 6C1-4, 6C1-4, 7C10-13, 9C1-4, 9D3-6, 9C1-4, 9D 3-6, 9E1-4 9E1-4 BANCROFT, George BANCROFT, George toTRP: to TRP: VIIIA/9F7-8 1845, 17 VIIIA/9F7-8 1845, Nov Nov 17 TRP to: to: TRP VIIIAI9F2-4 1845, 15 VIIIA/9F2-4 1845, Nov Nov 15 m: VIIIA/9E5-10; VIIIAI9E5-10; VIIIC/25C14-D2 VIIIC/25C14-D2 m: Bankof BBANK A N K of oftheU .S. See See UU.S., .S., Bank of the. the. the U.S. BANKS, (Sir) Joseph BANKS, (Sir) Joseph to CWP: CWP: to IIA/19C9-14 1794, IIA/19C9-14 1794, Oct Oct 11 IIA/29D9-13 1804, Feb Feb 22 IIA/29D9-13 1804, CWP to: CWPto: 11A123G2-3 1800, Dec Dec 1800, IIA/23G2-3 IIA/26B1-2 1802, Jun22 1802, Jun 22 IIA/26B1-2 1802, Jun22 IIA/26B3-4 1802, Jun 22 IIA/26B3-4 J. Blumenbach to: J. F.F. Blumenbach to: 1803, Feb 22 IIA/27B10-13 1803, Feb IIA/27B10-13 1803, Nov27 IIA/29B5 1803, Nov 27 IIA/29B5 ReP to: ReP to: 1802, Nov 33 VIA/1C8 1802, Nov VIA/1 C8 1803, Jan29 1803, Jan 29 VIA/1C9-10 VIA/1C9-10 m: 27F8-1O, m: 11A126A13-14, IIA/26A13-14, 27F8-10, 27F11-14, 30F1 -2, 56E8-F3, 27F11-14,30F1-2, 56E8-F3, 70G6-12; 70G6-12; IIC(p. IIC(p. 316); 316); IID/29 IID/29 (p. 45); 45); VIIA/1C10-12, VIIAI1C1O-12, 1D7-8; 1D7-8; (p. XIA/5A8-B1,17C6 XIAI5A8-B1, 17C6 BANNAN, B. B. BANNAN, m: VIIA/9G6-9, rn: VIIA/9G6-9, 10C14-D3 10C14-D3 BANNON, BANNON, Martha Martha m: VLIAIIOD4-7 VTIA/1QD4-7 m: BANTELOE, BANTELOE, (Mr.) (Mr.) m: 39D6-7 m: 11A139D5, IIA/39D5, 39D6-7 BARBER, John BARBER, John s/Constitution ooff the the Columbianum: Columbianum: s/Constitution 1795, Apr Apr 19 1795, 19 IIA/19F3-20A10 11A119F3-20A10 m: m: 11A119D12-E1 IIA/19D12-E1 BARBER, Joseph BARBER, (Captain) (Captain) Joseph m: IIB/18 IIB/18 (pp. 35, 38, 38, 46, 46, 59, 59, 64) 64) m: (pp. 33, 33, 35, BARBOUR, BARBOUR, (Miss) (Miss) m: m: 11AJ62A2-6 IIA/62A2-6 BARBOUR, (Governor) BARBOUR, (Governor) James James C. C. m: m: IIA/61F3-4,61F5-8, IIA)61F3-4, 61F5-8, 61F9-G3, 61F9-G3, 61G4-8, 61G9, 62A2-6; 61G4-8,61G9, 62A2-6; IIB/23 IIB/23 (pp.38 (pp. 38 etet seq.); 424); seq.); IIC IIC (p. (p. 424); XIA/17C111 XIA117C1 BARBOUR, Mrs. James C. C. BARBOUR, Mrs.James m: m: 11A162A2-6 IIA/62A2-6 BARCLAY, Rachel Goldsborough Goldsborough BARCLAY, Rachel (Mrs. (Mrs. John) John) m: IIB/li IIB/11 (pp. (pp. 42-44) 42-44) m BARKER, Augusta (Mrs. Charles BARKER, Augusta Peale Peale (Mrs. Charles Otis) Otis) ReP to: to: ReP 1860, Feb25 1860, Feb 25 VIA/13G13 VIA/13G13
m: IIA/35C1-5; m: IIA/35C1-5; VIA/2A2-5, VIA/2A2-5,
3A143,6D 5-8, 15D2-7, 15D2-7, 3A14- B B3, 6D5-8, 15D8-E1,15E6-13; 15D8-E1, 15E6-13; VIIA/3A6-8, VIIA/3A6-8, 11B13-C1; VIIIA/14E13-F1, 11B13-C1; VIIIA/14E13-F1, 14F9-12; 14F9-12; XC/3D11-14, XC/3D11-14, 4C7-14, 4C7-14, 5D10-13 5D10-13 BARKER, James N. BARKER, James N. toto BFP BFP and andJonas Jonas R. R. McClintock: McClintock: IXA/8B9-10 1840, Feb Feb26 1840, 26 IXA/8B9-10 Robert Robert M. M. Patterson Patterson to: to: IXA/8B11-12 1840, 28 IXA/8B11-12 1840, Feb Feb28 IXAI8B13-14 1840, IXA/8B13-14 1840, Mar Mar44 m: m: IIA/65B3-C6; 11A165B3-C6; VIA/6E13-F2; VIA/6E13-F2; VIIA/3G3-10; VIIA/3G3-10; XIB/3B1-5C8; XIB/3B1-5C8; XIIA/1A3-- 3E3 3E3 XIIA/1A3 BARLOW, Joel Joel BARLOW, CWP to: to: CWP IIA/40C3 1807, Feb 25 IIA/40C3 1807, Feb25 11A142D7 1808, Feb Feb 99 IIA/42D7 1808, IIA/42E5-9 1808, 21 IIA/42E5-9 1808, Feb Feb21 IIA/42F1-4 1808, 13 IIA/42F1-4 1808, Mar Mar13 IIA/43A2-3 1808, Apr 20 IIA/43A2-3 1808, Apr20 1809, Apr Apr 22 IIA/46C3-6 1809, IIA/46C3-6 IIA/46E11-14 1809, Apr30 1809, Apr 30 IIA/46E11-14 11A147A2-3 1809, 30 IIA/47A2-3 1809, May May30 IIA/56G1-2 1816, Jan 26 IIA/56G1-2 1816, Jan26 m: IIA/39A10, m: IIA/39A10,39A11-12, 39A11-12, 40F8-14, 40F8-14, 41F13-G2, 41G8-12, 41G13, 41F13-G2, 41G8-12, 41G13, 42A2-4, 42Db, 44A2-5, 42A2-4, 42D10, 44A2-5, 44C9-10, 46G1-4, 46G1-4,47A10-B1; 47A10-B1; 44C9-10, IID/29 IID/29 (p. (p. 39); 39);VIA/2B9-10, VIA/2B9-10, 1OE11-14, 11F6-7; XIA/17C12 10E11-14,11F6-7; XIA/17C12 BARLOW, Mrs. Mrs. Joel Joel BARLOW, CWP to: CWP to: 1815, 11 IIA/56B9-10 IIA/56B9-10 1815, Sept Sept11 1816, 12 IIA/57AU 1816, Mar Mar 12 IIA/57A11 m: IIA/41F13-G2, IIA/41F13-G2, 41G8-12, 41G13, m: 41G8-12, 41G13, 42A2-4, 42D7, 42E5-9, 42A2-4, 42D7, 42D10, 42Db, 42E5-9, 43F8-9, 46C3-6, 61E6-8, 43F8-9, 46C3-6, 61E6-8, 61G4-8; IIB/23 (p. (p. 36) 36) 61G4-8; IIB/23 BARNARD, BARNARD, (Dr.) (Dr.)F.F. to TRP: toTRP: 1837, May May19 1837, 19 VIIIA/5D3 VIIIAI5D3 n.d., VIIIA/17F7 n.d., Apr23 Apr 23 VIIIA/17F7 TRP TRP to: to: 1871 VIIIA/17F11 1871 VIIIA/17F11 m: IXA/21A5-9 m: IXAJ21A5-9 BARNES, D. D. H. H. BARNES, m: VIIA/6C9-D8; m: VIIAJ6C9-D8; XIC/1A2-G3 XIC/1A2-G3 BARNES, John John BARNES, m: (pp. 33-4); m: IIIB/2 IB/2 (pp. -4 ); IVB/F4 IVB/F4 BARNES, BARNES, John John to to Thomas Thomas Jefferson: Jefferson: 1801, May May66 1801, IIA/24B8 IIA/24B8 1806, Aug Aug88 IIA/39B10-11 1806, IIA/39B10-11 CWP CWP to: to: 1806, 12 IIA/39B12 1806, Aug Aug 12 IIA/39B12 1806, 1806, Aug 12 Aug 12IIA/39B13-14 IIA/39B13-14 m: IIA/30C3-4, 5-7,30F6-7, m: 11A130C3-4,30D 30D5-7, 30F6-7, 30F8, 30F8, 30F9-10, 30F9-10, 31E13, 31E13, 13E14-F1, 13E14-F1, 47Db -3; IIE/4A1-G7 47D1-3; IIE/4A1-G7 BARNES, BARNES, Joseph Joseph to to Philadelphia Philadelphia Museum Museum Company: Company: 1836,Jan Jan29 1836, 29 IXA/5E7-10 IXA/5E7-b0 m: XIA/14F9-11; XIAJI4F9-11; (Add.)16 m: (Add.)/6 (pp. 142, 144, 144, 148, 148, (pp. 137-39, 137-39, 142,
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16263, 166), 77 (pp. 237) 162-63,166), (pp. 207, 207,237) BARNES, BARNES, Thomas Thomas Cable Cable L. L. m: m: lIE/Il IIB/11 (p. 71); IXA/2D2 IXA/2D2 (p.71); BARNES and Holmes, (Messrs.) BARNES and Holmes, (Messrs.) CWP to: CWPto: 1816,Jan9 1816, Jan 9 IIA/56F4-7 HA/56F4-7 BARNET, (Dr.) Edward BARNET, (Dr.) Edward to CWP: to CWP: 1810, Sept Sept11 1810, 11 IIA/49E7-9 IIA/49E7-9 CWPto: CWP to: 1782, 1782, Aug12 Aug 12IIAI1IC11-12 IIA/11C11—12 BARNEY, BARNEY, (Captain) (Captain) Joshua Joshua m: IIAJIIDII-13, m: IIA/11D11-13, 12A10-14, 12A10-14, 62A2-6, 71A3-4;IIB/8 IIB/8 (p. (p. 10); 10); 62A2-6, 71A3-4; IID/29 (p. 27); 27); VIA/6E13-F2; VIA/6E13-F2; IfD/29(p. XIA]17C5 XIA/17C5 BARNHILL, John BARNHILL, John CWP for for Committee Committee ofofFifty: Fifty: CWP 1779, Apr Apr99 1779, IIA/7B8-9 IIA/7B8-9 m: m: IIA/7B1-2; IIB/13 (p. 47) IIA/7B1-2; IIB/13 (p. 17), 17), 55 (p. (p.47) BARNUM,P.P. T.T. BARNUM, m; VIIIA/8C14-D1; VIIIAJ8CI4-D1; XIC/1B8-G3 XIC/1B8-G3 m: BARR, Hudson BARR, Hudson CWP CWP to: to: 1779, May 13 May 13IIA/7D1IIA/7D11-E10 1779, 1 -ElO BARREL, (Mr.) BARREL, (Mr.) m: m: IIB/2 (pp. 22,25 -26) IIB/2(pp. 22, 25-26) BARRETT and and Co., Co., BARRETT m: IXAJ6DIO-E4, IXA/6D10-E4, 6F9-11, 6-9, m: 6F9-11, 6D 6D6-9, 6E9-12 6E9-12 BARRINGER, BARRINGER, D. D. M. M. CWP to: to: CWP IIA/71G5-6 1826 1826 [?] [?] IIA/71G5-6 1826, Feb Feb 99 IIA/71G7 1826, IIA/71G7 1826, Feb IIA/71G8-9 1826, Feb99 IIA/71G8-9 1826, Mar10 IIA/72A10 1826, Mar 10 IIA/72A10 1826, arlO IIA/72A11-12 1826, M Mar10 11A172A11-12 1826, May May30 IIA/72C1 1826, 30 IIA/72C1 1826, 30 IIA/72C2-3 IIA/72C2-3 1826, May May30 BARRINGTON, BARRINGTON, Charles Charles JPjr and and Thomas Thomas Rockhill Rockhill to: to: JPjr 1849,Jun Jun18 1849, 18 III/4C10-D1 III/4C10-D1 BARRY, Edward BARRY, Edward by CWP CWP for for the the Academy Academy oofArts and by f Arts and Nature: Nature: 1807,Jan24 HA/40Al2-13 1807, Jan 24 IIA/40A12-13 BARTELL, H. H. G. G. BARTELL, Report on his his caps the Report on caps to to prevent prevent the oxidation of stoyes: stoves: oxidation of IXBI1 106-7 1845, Jan Jan 99 1845, IXB/11C6-7 BARTIN, Joseph BARTIN,Joseph Report on his his Report of of Sub-committee Sub-committee on machine for breaking up up coal: coal: machine for breaking IXB/1 I B9- 12 1843, Sept Sept 44 1843, IXB/11B9-12 BARTLETT, Josiah BARTLETT,Josiah m: IIA/68B1-2, m: IIA/68B1-2, 70A10-13 70A10-13 BARTON, Benjamin Smith BARTON, Benjamin Smith s/Report to to American American Philosophical Philosophical s/Report Society: Society: IIA/23D9-E6 1800, IIA/23D9-E6 1800, Oct Oct 22 IIA/23E7-11 1800, Oct Oct 22 IIA/23E7-11 1800, Thomas Jefferson to: to: ThomasJefferson 11A137A13-14 1805, Nov21 1805, Nov 21 IIA/37A13-14 11A121C3-8,24E12-F1, 24E12-F1, 26G8-11, 26G8-11, m: IIA/21C3-8, m: 28G4-7, 28G9-10, 29G1-2, 28G4-7, 28G9-1O, 29G1-2, 29C6-8, 32E9-10, 32E9-10, 33E3-7, 29C6-8, 33E3-7,
33F3-4, 38C12-D3, 38C12-D3, 38D4-9, 38D4-9, 33F3-4, 43G4-6, 47B1013, 47B10-13, 47C3-6, 43G46, 47C36, 71G10-12; IIC 71G10-12; IIC (p. (p. 427); 427); VHA/2B6-7; XIA/5C10-11, XIA/5C10-11, VIIA/2B6-7; 5C12, 5D2, 5C12, 5C13, 5C13, 5C14, 5C14, 5D1, 5D1, 5D2, 5D3, 17C9 5D3, 17C9 BARTON, BARTON, Mrs. Mrs. Benjamin Benjamin Smith Smith m: 11A162C6-7 m: IIA/62C6-7 BARTON, BARTON, Caleb Caleb D. D. m: VIA/15D8-E1, m: 15E6-13 VIA/15D8-EI, 15E6-13 BARTON, BARTON, Emma Emma Peale Peale Peabody Peabody (Mrs. Caleb Caleb D.) D.) (Mrs. RePto: ReP to: 1860, Feb25 1860, Feb 25 VIA/13G13 VIA/13G13 m: m: VIA/3A10-13, 1-4, 6D9-12, VIA/3A10-13,6D 6D1-4, 6D9-12, 9G8-10, 9G8-10, 15D8-E1, 15D8-E1, 15E6-13; 15E6-13; VHAI8C4, I 1B13-C1, 12B1 -4; VIIA/8C4, 11B13-C1, 12B1-4; XC/4C7-14, 6A14-B3, 8C8-11, XC/4C7 14, 6A 14B3, 8C811, 8D3-6, 8D3-6, 8F7-10 8F7-10 BARTON, W. H. H. BARTON, W. to Robert Robert Neilson: to Neilson: 1848,Ju128 1848, Jul 28 IXA/10C5-7 IXA/IOCS-7 m: m: IXA/4E12-F3, 7-8 IXA/4E12-F3, 9A 9A7-8 BARTON,William William BARTON s/Constitution s/Constitution of of the the Columbianum: Columbianum: 1795, 1795, Feb Feb 17 17 IIE/3E7-F6 IIE/3E7-F6 1795, Apr. Apr. 19 1795, 19 IIA/19F3IIA/19F3- 20A10 20A10 CWP CWP to: to: 1803, Feb 15 IIA/27C7 1803, Feb15 IIA/27C7 m: IIA/19F3-20A10, m: IIA/19F3-20A10, 28E8-10; 28E8-10; XIA/IBI-3 XIA/1B1-3 BARTON, (Dr.) William William Paul Paul C. C. BARTON, (Dr.) 9B3-7 m: VIIIA/8D6-8, 9B3-7 m: VIIIA/8D6-8, BARTRAM, BARTRAM, Alexander Alexander m: IIA/6B9-C4, HA/6B9-C4, 9C 9C3-8, m: 3-8, 12B4-5, 12B4-5, 17A5-14; IIB/6 IIB/6 ([ml ([m] pp. pp. 3,3, 5)5) 17A5-14; BARTRAM, Mrs. Alexander Alexander BARTRAM, Mrs. m: IIB/12 (p. 13); IIC (p. 161) 161) m: IIB/12 (p. 13); IIC (p. BARTRAM, BARTRAM, William William IIA/20D11,20D12, 20D12,20D13-E1, 20D13-E1, m: IIA/20D11, m: 43D2-11, 6005-7, 60C5-7, 6008-11, 60C8-11, 4302-11, 60C13-D1, 60D4-6; 60D4-6;IID/29 IID/29 60C13-D1, (p. 45); 45);XIA/17C12 (p. XIA/17 C12 BASSET, BASSET, (Colonel) (Colonel) Burwell Burwell m: IIB/6 m: IIB/6 (p. (p. 3)3) BAST, (Mr.) BAST, (Mr.) m: VIIB/18A2-B12 m: VIIB/18A2-B12 "BASTARD, The” The" “BASTARD, m: IIA/50F8-14, 50G1-4 50G1-4 m: IIAJ5OF8-14, BATCHELDER, BATCHELDER, Samuel Samuel CWP to: CWP to: 1826, Aug 11 11 IIA/72D10 1826, Aug IfAI72DIO BATES,Joel BATES,Joel s/Report: s/Report: 1837, 11 IXB/9D9-12 1837, May May11 IXB/9D9-12 "BATTLE of Waterloo,” Waterloo," panorama panorama of of “BATTLE of m: IIB/23 (p. (p. 55) 55) m: lIB/23 BAUDIN, Nicolas, Nicolas, Expedition Expedition of of BAUDIN, m: VIIIA/6E7-14 VIHA/6E7-14 m: BAUDUY, BAUDUY, Victorine Victorine Du Du Pont Pont to Pont: to Eleuthera Eleuthera Du Du Pont: 1831,OOct-Dec VIA/7B7-10 1831, ct-D ec VIA/7B7-10 1831, 1831, OOct-Dec ct-D ec VIA/7B11-14 VIAI7B1I-14 1831,OOct-Dec 1831, ct-D ec VIA/7C1-4 VIA/7C1-4 1831, VIAI7CS-8 1831, OOct-Dec ct-D ec VIA/7C5-8 1831, 1831,OOct-Dec ct-D ec VIA/7C9-12 VIA/7C9-12
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1831, ct-D ec VIAI7CI3-D2 VIAJ7C13-D2 1831,OOct-Dec VIA/7D3-6 1831, OOct-Dec ct-D ec VIA/7D3-6 1831, VIAI7D7-10 1831, ct-D ec V1A/7D7-10 1831,OOct-Dec 1831, OOct-Dec ct-D ec VIA/7D11-14 VIA/7D11-14 1831, VIAI7E1-4 1831, OOct-Dec ct-D ec VIA/7E1-4 1831, 1831, Oct-DecO ct-D ecVIAI7E5-8 VIA/7E5-8 1831, BAUER, (Dr.) (Dr.) BAUER, m: XC/3D7-10, XC/3D7-10, 5G 5G6-9, m: 6-9, 6D8-11 6D8-11 BAXTER, (Mr.) (Mr.) BAXTER, m: IIB/3 (p.5), 66(p. (p. 11), 11), 99(pp.2O,34, (pp. 20,34, m: IIB/3(p.5),
39), 10 10 (p. (p. 2), 2), 12 12 (p. (p. 14); 14); IIC IIC 39), (pp. 146-161) (pp. 146-161) BAXTER, John George BAXTER, John George to RuP: RuP: to VHA/2E11-13 1814, Jun 66 VIIA/2E11-13 1814,Jun BAYARD, BAYARD, (Mr.) (Mr.) m: I/2C10-12, 3-4 m: 112C10-12,2D 2D3-4 BAYARD, Andrew Andrew BAYARD, s/Application for for Charter: s/Applicadon Charter: The ThePAFA: PAFA: IIA/37C11-D6 1805, Dec 26 IIA/37C11-D6 1805, Dec26 BAYARD, James A. A. BAYARD,James m: m: VIA/2C10 VIA/2C10 BAYARD, John BAYARD,John CWP CWP to: to: 1777, May 26 IIA75F13-1G1 11A15F13-1G1 1777, May26 IIA/9C9 1779, Nov 27 IIA/9C9 1779, Nov27 to David David Rittenhouse: Rittenhouse: to IIA/9F5 1780, Feb Feb22 1780, IIA/9F5 m: 11A15F2-4, IIA/5F2-4, 5F10-12, m: 5F10-12, 5G5-7, 5G5-7, 13B6-14; IIB/5 46), 13 13 (p. (p. 15), 15), 13B6-14; IIB/5 (p. (p. 46), 15 (p. 42); 42); IIC IIC (p. 15 (p. (p. 191) 191) BAYARD, (Mrs. BAYARD,Margaret Margaret Hodge Hodge (Mrs. John) John) m. IIB/13 15) IIB/13 (p. (p. 15) BAYARD, Mary John) BAYARD, MaryHodgden Hodgden (Mrs. (Mrs.John) m: IIA/13B6-14; IIA/13B6-14; IIB/13 IIB/13 (p. (p. 15) 15) m: BAYLES, L. C. BAYLES, L. C. ReP to: ReP to: 1857,Jul 1857, Jul 25 25 VIA/12C9 VIA/12C9 BAYLEY, BAYLEY, (Mr.) (Mr.) m: IIB/12 IIB/12 (p. 13) m: (p. 13) BAYLOR, George George BAYLOR, m: IIB/6 IIB/6 (p. (p. 3)3) m: BEALL, (Colonel) BEALL, (Colonel) m: m: IIB/5 IIB/5 (p. (p. 36) 36) BEAUMARCHAIS, BEAUMARCHAIS, Pierre Pierre Augustin Augustin Caron de Caron de m: IIB/23 IIB/23 (p. (p. 17) m: 17)
BEAUVOIS, A. F. F.M. M.J. Palisotde BEAUVOIS, A. J. Palisot de and CWP, and CWP, AA Scienqflc Scientific and and Descriptive Descriptive Catalogue of of Peale’s Peale's Museum Museum:: Catalogue 17% 17% IID/1B12-F11 IID/1B12-F11 to Robert M. to Robert M. Patterson: Patterson: 1811, 1811, Aug6 Aug6 VIA(Add.)/1E6-7 VIA(Add.)/lE6-7 CWP to: to: CWP 1794, Oct 44 1794, Oct IIA/19D1 IIA/19D1 17%, Jun 10 17%, Jun 10 IIA/20D9-10 IIA/20D9-10 17%, Oct44 17%, Oct IIA(Add.)/4E6 IIA(Add.)/4E6 1798 Aug10 1798 Aug 10 IIA/22B12-13 IIA/22B12-13 1799,Jun 1799, Jun 16 16 11A/22E3-7 IIA/22E3-7 1800, Dec24 1800, Dec 24 IIA/23F2-3 IIA/23F2-3 1802,Jul Jul14 1802, 14 IIA/26C1 -4 IIA/26C1-4 1816, Oct13 1816, Oct 13 IIA/B12-C7 IIA/B12-C7 m: IIA/19F1, 20B12-13, 20B14-C1, 20B14-C1, m: IIA/19F1,20B12-13, 21Al2, 21A13, 21A14, 21A14, 21C1-2, 21C1-2, 21A12,21A13, 21C3-8, 21C3-8, 21F12-13, 21F12-13, 22B6-7, 22B6-7, 22D13-14, 23E1423E14- Fl, FI, 26C11, 26C11, 22D13-14,
26D13-E3, 27D 5-6,38F14, 38F14, 26D13-E3, 27D5-6, 49F10-11, 58C8; (Add.)/3D6-8, 49F10-11, 58C8; (Add.)/3D6-8, 4E7-8; (p. 28), 28), 14 4E7-8;11B113 IIB/13 (p. 14 (p. (p. 1); 1); IIC IIC (p. 269); VIB/2G2-3; VIB/2G2-3; (p. 269); VIIIA/13C5-8; XIA/17D1 XIA/17D1 VIIIA/13C5-8; list list of of books books by: by: IIA/73F9-G2 IIA/73F9-G2 BECK, Henry Henry RP. BECK, ReP to: ReP to: VIA/1OD11-14 184[8?], Mar15 184[8?], Mar 15 VIA/10D11-14 m: XIA/7C1-14 m: XIA/7C1-14 BECK, Paul, BECK, Paul, Jr. Jr. to CWP: toCWP: 1784, 19, Jul IIA/12G8 1784, AprApr 16,16, 19,Jul 5 5 IIA/12G8 to Baltimore Baltimore Museum: Museum: to XIB/2E1 -4 1834, Jan 66 XIB/2E1-4 1834,Jan 1834, XIBI2EIO-F3 1834, Aug Aug 11 XIB/2E10-F3 m; 15C10, 15D2, 15D2, 16D9, m: 11A115A8, IIAyi5A8, 15C10, 16D9, 65G4-6, 66G8-10, 66G11-12; 66G11-12; 65G4-6, 66G8-10, VIA/lOB 14-C2; VIIA/8D3-9; VIIA/8D3-9; VIA/10B14-C2; XIB/2C5-7 XIB/2C5-7 BECK, William BECK, William CWP to: CWP to: 1816 IIA/58C8 1816 IIA/58C8 BECKLEY, John BECKLEY, John CWP CWP to: to: 1805, 11AJ32G7 1805, Feb Feb 22 IIA/32G7 m: IIAB0G10,30G11-12, IIAI3OG1O, 30G11-12,32C9-10, 32C9-10, m: 32C11-12, 32D1-2, 32F8-9, 32C11-12, 32D 1-2,32F8-9, 32F11-13, 33A2-6, 33A7-1O, 32F11-13, 33A2-6, 33A7-10, 34B4-5, 34B6, 34B7-8, 34C1-2, 34C1-2, 34B4-5, 34B6, 34B7-8, 34E9-10, 34E11-12 34E9-10,34E11-12 BECQUEREL, M. M. BECQUEREL, BFP to: BFP to: IXB/9F9-11 1838, Dec13 1838, Dec 13 IXB/9F9-11 BEDFORD, BEDFORD, Gunning Gunning m: IIA/31E4— HA/31E4-5; m: 5; IIB/6([m] IIB/6([m] p. p. 6), 6), 15 15 (P-7) (p.7) BEE, Thomas Thomas BEE, CWP to: CWP to: 1787, Feb26 1787, Feb 26 IIA/15A11-12 IIA/15A11-12 m: m: IIA/15A10 IIA/15A10 BEEKER, BEEKER, Augustus Augustus toCWP: to CWP: 1819, 1819, Mar14 Mar 14IIA/62B11-C3 IIA/62B11-C3 BEEKMAN,(Mr.) BEEKMAN,(Mr.) m: IIA/14E8, IIA/14E8,22C1-2 22C1-2 m: BEETHOVEN, Ludwig BEETHOVEN, Ludwig van van m: rn: XIA/17D2 XIAJ17D2 BELETRE, Francois Marie BELETRE, Francois Marie Picote, Picote, Sieur de de Sieur m: 3) m: IIB/2 11B12(p. (p.23), 23), 66 (p. (p. 3) BELL, John BELL,John m: VIIIA/12E9-10, 12E11-13 m: VIIIA/12E9-10, 12E11-13 BELL,John BELL, John G. G. to Charles Wilison Willson Peale Peale [II]: [II]; to Charles 1841, Mar Mar23 XIC/1B5-7 1841, 23 XIC/1B5-7 TRP to: TRP to: 1861, Feb Feb33 VIIIA/13E7-1O 1861, VIIIA/13E7-10 m: VIIA/11B6-8, 11B9-12 m: VIIA/11B6-8, 11B9-12 BELL, William BELL, William to TRP: to TRP: 1837,Jan 1837, Jan 18 18 VIIIA/5C5-6 VIIIA/5C5-6 m: m: VIIA/9B11 VIIA/9B11 BENADE,(Mr.) BENADE,(Mr.) m: XC/7F1-4, XC/7F1-4, 8D 8D3-6, 8G5-8 m: 3-6, 8G5-8 BENBRIDGE, Henry BENBRIDGE, Henry CWP to: CWP to:
129 i2 9
The Peale The Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers
1773, 1773, May May 11 IIA/4E10-11 IIA/4E10-11 m: m: IIA/51F5-12, IIA/51F5—12, 51F13-G6; 51F13-G6; IIC IIC (p. 99) (p.99) BENBRIDGE, Letitia Letitia Sage Sage (Mrs. Henry) BENBRIDGE, (Mrs. Henry) m: IIA/4E10-11, IIA/4E10-11, 51F5-12, 51F5-12, m: 51F13-G6; IIC (p.lOO) (p. 100) 51F13-G6; IIC BENCHLEY, Joseph, BENCHLEY, Joseph, Jr. Jr.
to to RuP: RuP: 1821, Oct Oct25 1821, 25
VIIAI4A2-5 VIIA/4A2-5 BEND, Elizabeth Elizabeth Polk Polk Claypoole Claypoole BEND, (Mrs. Joseph Joseph G. G.J.) (Mrs. J.) to CWP: to CWP: 1798, Dec Dec31 !VB/4C2-4 1798, 31 IVB/4C2-4 CWPto: CWP to:
1812, Oct[?] Oct[?] IIA/51G7 1812, IIA/51G7 IIA/72B7 1826, IIA/72B7 1826, Apr Apr 66 m: IIA/31B12,31F12-14, 31F12-14, 32D9-10, 32D9-10, m; IIA/31B12, 33C11-14, 33C11-14, 34C8-11, 34C8-11, 36F3-7, 36F3-7, 38F11, 39B4, 39B4,39B7, 39B7,39D6-7, 39D6-7, 38F11, 50C10-11, 55E13-F4, 50C10-11, 55F5-8, 55F5-8, 55E13-F4, 55G6-7, 55G8-9, 61F9-G3, 55G6-7, 55G8-9, 61F9-G3, 62A2-6, 63C1-7, 62A2-6, 63C1-7, 68F13, 68F13, 68G8-9, 68G8-9, 72B12-14, 72B12-14, 72C4-6, 72C4-6, 72C10-11; IIB/9 (pp. 42), 23 23 72C10-11; IIB/9 (pp. 40, 40,42), (p. IVB/1A2-6, 1A7; (p. 11); 11); IVB/1A2-6, 1A7; VIIA(Add.)/l A 9 -12; XC/1B1-5, VIIA(Add.)/1A9-12; XC/IB1-5, 1B8 1B8 BEND, (Dr.) Joseph .J. BEND, (Dr.) Joseph G G.J. CWP to: CWPto: 1811, Apr 11 IIA/50C10-11 IIA/50C10-11 1811, Apr11 m: IIA/51B2, IIA/51B2,51B5-8, 51B5-8, 51F2-4 51F2-4 m: BENEDICT, Thomas Thomas BENEDICT, m: IIA/16G6-7, 11A116G6-7,17B1-3 17B1-3 m: BENEVENTO, Prince Prince of of BENEVENTO, CWP CWP to: to: !IA/43B3-5 1808, 22 IIA/43B3-5 1808, Apr Apr22 BENEVILLE, (Dr.) BENEVILLE, (Dr.) m: IIA/50F8-14, IIA/50F8-14, 50G1-4 50G1-4 BENEZET, Philip BENEZET, Philip CWP to: CWPto: 11A127B3 1803, 22 IIA/27B3 1803,Jan Jan22 BENIRN, William BENIRN, William totoCLP: CLP: XD/1E7-8 1826, 27 XD/1E7-8 1826,Jun Jun27 BENNERS, L.J. BENNERS, L.J. m: 54, 79) 79) m: IIB/9 IIB/9 (pp. (pp. 54, BENNET, Phineas Phineas BENNET, BFP to: to: BFP 1840,Oct 11 IXB/10E6-F2 IXB/10E6-F2 1840,Oct BENNETT, (Mr.) (Mr.) BENNETT, m: 27, 33) 33) m: IIB/5 IIB/5 (pp. (pp. 26, 26, 27, BENNETT, Elizabeth Elizabeth BENNETT, To CWP: ToCWP: IIA/IBI-1O 1762, Sept IIA/1B1-10 1762, Sepc 11 ii BENNETT, Joseph M. M. BENNETT, Joseph JPjr and Thomas Rockhill to: to: JPjr and Thomas Rockhill III/4D2-8 1849, Jun 18 III/4D2-8 1849, Jun 18 BENNETT, Richard BENNEIT, Richard CP to: CP to: 111E5 1745, Feb Feb 17 17 1/1E5 1745, 1J1E12-13 1746, May May 33 I/1E12—13 1746, m: m: I/1E14, I/1E14, 1F1.2C5-6 1F1, 2C5-6 BENSON, Alexander BENSON, Alexander m: XIA XIA (Add.)/6 (Add.)/6 (pp. (pp. 147, 147, 149, 149, 162, 162, m: 164) 164) BENTALOU, Paul BENTALOU, Paul
to Stephen Stephen Girard: Girard: to 1794, 1794, Sept Sept 99 1794, Oct 14 1794, Oct 14 Stephen Girard to: Stephen Girard to: 1794, Sept12 1794, Sept 12 1794, 1794, Sept Sept 15 15 1794, 1794, Sept Sept 17 17
1794, Sept 24 1794, Sept24
BENTON, BENTON, Thomas Thomas Hart Hart
IIA/19B6-14 IIA/19B6-14 IIA/19D2-7 IIA/19D2-7 IIA/19C1-2 IIA/19C1-2 IIA/19C3-4 IIA/19C3-4 IIA/19C5-6 IIA/19C5-6 IIA/19C7-8 IIA/19C7-8
BFP to: BFP to: 12-D1 12-D1 1835, Dec30 Dec 30IXA/5CIXA/5C 1835, m: IXA/6B7-10; m: IXA/6B7-10; XC/3E5-8 XC/3E5-8 BENZON,P.P. E. E. BENZON, m: m: XIC/1B8-G3 XIC/1B8-G3 BERLIN, Abraham Abraham BERLIN, Constitutional Constitutional Society Society ofPhiladelphia ofPhiladelphia to: to: I!A/7C8-12 1779, 28 IIA/7C8-12 1779, Apr Apr28 BERLIN, Mint of of BERLIN, Mint m: IXA/4E12-F3 m: IXA/4E12-F3 BERNARDIN de St. St. Pierre, Pierre, Jacques Jacques BERNARDIN de Henri Henri CWP to: CWP to: IIA/45D3-4 1809, 20 IIA/45D3-4 1809, Jan Jan20 m: IIA/44G7-10, m: IIA/44G7-10, 45F7-G12, 45F7-G12, 46C3-6,46F1-6; IID/30 (p. 51); 46C3-6, 46F1-6; 11D130 (p.Sl); VIA/2A6-9; VIA/2A6-9; XIA/15F8-11 XIA/15F8-11 BERTHOLET, M. M. BERTHOLET, m: IID/30 IID/30 (p. (p. 51); 51); XIA/17C14 XIA/17C14 m: BESTER, O. BESTER, 0. Report on his his Ice Ice Boat: Report on Boat: IXB/9D5-8 1837, 11 IXB/9D5-8 1837, May May11 BETHUNE, George George Washington Washington BETHUNE, to ReP: ReP: to VIA/12G9-10 1858, VIA/12G9-10 1858, Feb Feb 99 BETTON,Joseph BETTON, Joseph CWP to: CWPto: IIA/5G1 1777, Jul IIA/5G1 1777, Jul BETTON, (Dr.) Samuel Samuel BETTON, (Dr.) m: m: IIA/63F11-G2, 11A163F11-G2,63G3-9, 63G3-9,66B5-7, 66B5-7, 66E3-4, 71G10-12 66E3-4,71G10-12 BETTON, Mrs. Mrs. Samuel Samuel BETTON, m: m: IIA/65D1-2, 11A165D1-2,66B5-7 66B5-7 BEVAN, Mathew Mathew L. L. BEVAN, m: m: IIA/66D5-6, IIA/66D5-6, 66D7-10 66D7-10 BIDDIS, John BIDDIS, John CWP to: to: CWP IIA/12A5 1783, Apr IIA/12A5 1783, Apr33 BIDDLE, Charles Charles BIDDLE, CWP to: to: CWP 1812, Mar IIA/51B9-14 IIA/51B9-14 1812, Mar33 BIDDLE, Clement Clement BIDDLE, to CWP: toCWP: 1784, 19 IIA/12E10-12 IIA/12E10-12 1784, Feb Feb 19 JP JP to: to: III/1G7-8 1784, Feb Feb 55 III/1G7-8 1784, m: 58A2-5,69F13-G3; 69F13-G3; m: IIA/16E2-8, IIA/16E2-8, 58A2-5, IIB/2 (p. 35), 66 (p. (p. 2)2) IIB/2 (p. 17), 17), 55 (p. (p. 35), BIDDLE, (Colonel) Clement Cornell BIDDLE, (Colonel) Clement Cornell s/Report: s/Report: VIIIA/5G1-4 1837, 26 VIIIA/5G1-4 1837, Aug Aug26 toto American Society: American Philosophical Philosophical Society: 1845, 19 XIAB13-C5 X!ABI3-05 1845, Sept Sept 19 m: m: VIIIA/6E7-14, VIIIA/6E7-14, 10B7-9, 10B7-9, 10G6-10, 11A3-4, 11A3-4, 11C5-7 1105-7 10G6-10, BIDDLE, BIDDLE, Edward Edward N. N.
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rn: IXA (Add.)/6 m: IXA (Add.)/6 (p. (p. 115) 115) BIDDLE, James James BIDDLE, flA/57C8-D2; XIA/17C8 m: IIA/57C8-D2; XIA/17C8 m: BIDDLE, BIDDLE, (Captain) (Captain) Nicholas Nicholas (17501778) (1750-1778) m: IID/29 (p. (p. 40); 40); XIA/17C4 ,n: IID/29 XIA/17C4 BIDDLE, BIDDLE, Nicholas Nicholas (1786-1844) (1786-1844) toCWP,Joseph to CWP, Joseph Hopkinson, Hopkinson, and and William Meredith: William Meredith: JIA/36E10-11 1805, Oct24 1805, Oct 24 IIA/36E10—11 IIA/36G12-13 1805, Nov20 1805, Nov 20 IIA/36G12-13 IIA/37A2-12 1805, 20 IIA/37A2-12 1805,Nov Nov20 to to CWP: CWP: 1807, 1807, Jul Jul 18 18 IIJIA/41B9 A/41 B9 to JP: toJP: III/2F5 1831, 1831, Mar Mar11 11 III/2F5 to toBFP: BFP: 1834, 17 IXA/3F7-8 IXA/3F7-8 1834, Mar Mar 17 William Meredith: Meredith: toto William n.d. VIA/14F8-10 VIA/14F8-10 nd. CWP to: CWP to: 1803, Jan 22 22 IIA/27B3 1803,Jan IIA/27B3 CWP, and William William CWP, Joseph Joseph Hopkinson Hopkinson and Meredith to: Meredith to: 1805, Jul Jul 88 IIA/35B5-7 1805, IIA/35B5-7 CWP to: CWP to: IIA/49G5-8 1811,Jan 1811, Jan 14 14 IIA/49G5-8 1815,Jan Jan15 1815, 15 IIA/54E1-3 IJA/54E1-3 1815,Jan IIA/54E4-F4 1815, Jan 15 15 IIA/54E4-F4 ACP ACP to: to: n.d. III/4E14 nd. III/4E14 ReP ReP to: to: 1838, Jun Jun 33 1838, VIA/9B1-4 VIA/9B1 -4 nd. n.d. VIA/14F8-10 VIA/14F8-10 RuP RuP to: to: 1815,Jan 1815, Jan 12 12 VIIA/2G1-3 VIIA/2G1-3 37Gb-h, m: IIA/35B8-10, 37G10-11, m: JIA/35B8-10, 50A9-10, 50A11-14, 50B1-2, 50A 9-10, 50A11 -14, 50B1 -2, 58F10-11, 69F13-G3; JIB/2 IIB/2 58F10-11, 69F13-G3; (p. 17); 17); IID/29 IID/29 (p. (p. 40) 40) (p. BIDDLE, BIDDLE, Rebekah Rebekah Cornell Cornell (Mrs. (Mrs. Clement) Clement) m: m: IIB/5 IIB/5 (p. (p. 35), 35), 66 (p. (p. 2) 2) BIDDLE, Thomas. Thomas. See BIDDLE, See Long Long Expedition, Expedition, Series VIIIB. VIIIB. Series BID WELL, Thomas Thomas BIDWELL, slConstitution of the theColumbianum: Coumbianum: s/Constitution of 1795, Feb Feb 17 1795, 17 IIE/3E7-F6 IIE/3E7-F6 in: IIA/21A5-7 m: IIA/21A5-7 BIGLER, BIGLER, (Senator) (Senator) William William m: VIA/13A10-12, VIA/13A10-12, 13F13-14, 13F13-14, m: 14A2-4 14A2-4 BINGHAM, BINGHAM, Jonathon Jonathon m: m: IIBI(p. IIB/(p. 8,8, 66) 66) picture collection of: of: IIB/2 IIB/2 (p. (p. 19) 19) picture collection BINGHAM, William BINGHAM, William CWP CWP to: to: 1782, Oct25 1782, Oct 25 IIA/11E3-4 IIA/11E3-4 1782, Nov11 1782, Nov 11 IIA/11E5— IIA/11E5-66 1782, Nov Nov17 1782, 17 IIA/11 El 1—12 IIA/11E11-12 1792, 1792, Apr Apr11 IIA/17B14C1 IIA/17B14C1 1801,Jan9 1801, Jan 9 IIA/23G5 IIA/23G5 m: IIA/39E13; m: (p. 68); 68); IIA/39E13;IIB/11 JIB/li (p. VIA/12A14-B3; XIA/bB1-3 VIA/12A14-B3; XIA/1B1-3 BINGHAM, Mrs. BINGHAM, Mrs. William William m: m: IIA/11E3-4,11E5-6,11E11-12 IIA/11E3-4, 11E5-6, 1IEII-12
BINNEY, BINNEY, (Captain) (Captain) Benjamin Benjamin m: ,n: I/1D9-10, I/1D9-bO, 2F3-6 2F3-6 BINNEY, BINNEY, Horace Horace s/Application s/Application for for Charter: Charter: The The PAFA: PAFA: 1805, 1805, Dec26 Dec 26 IIA/37C11-D6 IIA/37C11-D6 CWP CWP to: to: IIA/27B3 1803, Jan 22, 22, IIA/27B3 1803,Jan IIA/59G5-7. See m: m: IIA/59G5-7. See Chauncey Chauncey and and Binney, (Add.)/5 (pp. (pp. 17, 17, 18, 18, Binney, XIA XIA (Add.)/5 22,37). 22,37). BIN NY & Ronaldson BINNY & Ronaldson to RuP: RuP: to VIIA/1E6-8 1804 1804 VIIA/1E6-8 BIRCH, Thomas Thomas BIRCH, s/Memorial to the the PAFA: PAFA: s/Memorial.. .. .. to IJI/3F8-G12 1828, 1828, Mar Mar 17 17 III/3F8-G12 paintings paintings by: by:XLA/17C9 XIA/17C9 JIA/51C1-4, 5106-11; m: m: IIA/51 C l —4, 51 C 6-11; IIE/7C8-D4; VIIA/4B12-13 VIIA/4B12-13 IIE/7C8—D4; BIRCH, BIRCH, William William s/Constitution s/Constitution and and By-Laws By-Laws of of the the Columbianum: Columbianum: IJA/18C1-E1 1794 1794 IIA/18C1El s/Constitution s/Constitution of of the the Columbianum: Columbianum: IIE/3E7-F6 1795, Feb 1795, Feb 17 17 IIE/3E7-F6 1795, Apr Apr 19 1795, 19 IIA/19F3-20A10 HA/19F3-20A10 m: IIA/19D12-Eb, 68E1-3; 68E1-3; m: IIA/19D12-E1, VIIA/4B12-13 VIIA/4B12-13 BIRD, (Captain) BIRD, (Captain) D. D. CP CP to: to: J/2D2 1747 1747 I/2D2 ,n: IIA/37F14, m: IIA/37F14, 37Gb 37G1 BIRD, BIRD, Joseph Joseph m: IIA/24G11-12; m: IIA/24G11 —12; II1/2C9-D12 III/2C9-D12 of America, byJohnJames America, by BBIRDS IR D S of John James Audubon Audubon m: VIIIA/3G2-13, VIIIA/3G2-13, 9A 9A6-9, m: 6-9, 14B9, 14B9, 16G8-bO, VIIIC/27F1-6 16G8-10, VIIIC/27F1-6 BIRDS, of BIRDS, List List of by CWP: by CWP: I!E/3F10-1b IIE/3F10—11 BIRNIE, BIRNIE, (Captain) (Captain) Lawrence Lawrence m: IIB/3 (pp. 2, m: IIB/3 (pp. 2, 4,4, 5,5, 13, 13, 21) 21) BISHOP, BISHOP, Charles Charles to CWP: to CWP: 1800, May 77 IIA/23B9-bO 1800, May IIA/23B9-10 BISHOP, I. BISHOP, I. R. R. RuP to: RuP to: 1831, Apr99 XIC/1B8-G3 1831, Apr XIC/1B8-G3 BISSELE, (Mr.) (Mr.) BISSELE, 6E9-12 m m: IXA/6E5-8, IXA/6E5-8, 6E9-12 BISSETT, Richard Richard Lemar Lemar BISSETT, to Philadelphia Museum: to Philadelphia Museum: 1801, Apr24 XIA/2E5-6 1801, Apr 24 XIA/2E5-6 BLACK Hawk BLACK Hawk (Sauk (Sauk war war chief) chief) VIIIA/3C7-b0 m: m: VIIIA/3C7-10 BLACKMORE Museum, BLACKMORE Museum, Salisbury, Salisbury, England England in: IXA/21A5-9 m: IXA/21A5-9 BLACK WELL, (Reverend) (Reverend) Robert Robert BLACKWELL, CWP CWP to: to: IIA/14G3 1787, 1787, Jan Jan 11 IIA/14G3 m: m: VIIA/1B3-6 VIIA/1B3-6 BLADEN, (Governor) Thomas BLADEN, (Governor) Thomas m: 1D13-14, 1G9-bO, m: 111D3-5, I/1D3-5, 1D13-14, 1G9-10, 1GI1, 2A2, 2A 2A5-7, 1G11.2A2, 5-7, 2A14 2A14 BLAGDEN, (Sir) BLAGDEN, (Sir) C. C.
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m: VIA/1C9-10 VIA/1 C 9 -10 BLAINVILLE, BLAINVILLE, Henri-Marie Henri-Marie Ducrotay Ducrotay de de m: VIIIA/2F3-6 VIIIA/2F3-6 m: “Manuelles”: "Manuelles": VIIIA/5E5-7 VJIIA/5E5-7 BLAIR, (Mr.) BLAIR, (Mr.)
m: 33); IIC IIC rn: IIA/20C10-11; IIA/20C10-11; IIB/22 IIB/22 (p. (p.33); (pp. VIIIA/6C2-3, (pp. 50, 50, 58, 58, 187); 187); VIIIA/6C2-3, 6C9-D8; XIC/1A2-13 6C9-D8; XIC/1A2-13 BOGERT, BOGERT, Abigail Abigail Quick Quick (Mrs. (Mrs. John) John) m: (pp.158, 189); 189); m: IIA/21F7-9; IIA/21F7-9; IIC IIC (pp.158, m: 11B6 3) 11B6 (p. (p. 3) VIIA/1A2-3 VIIAJI A2-3 BLAKE, (Mr.) (Mr.) BLAKE, BOGERT, BOGERT, Cornelius Cornelius m: 32B1-C2, 32C8, m: IIA/32A2, IIA/32A2, 32B1-C2, 32C8, 38F3 38F3 m: m: IIB/13 IIB/13(pp. (pp. 10,11, 10, 11, et etseq.); seq.); IIC IIC BLAKE andJohnson BLAKE andjohnson (pp. 188, 189) (pp. 188,189) James Snowden to: James Ross Ross Snowden to: BOISDUVAL,Jean BOISDUVAL, Jean Alphonse Alphonse 1853, Aug4 Aug 4IXA/13G12-13 1853, IXA/13G12-13 and and Leconte: Leconte: BLAKELY,Johnston BLAKELY, Johnston m: VIIIA/4B4-7, VIIIA/4B4-7, 13C5-8 13C5-8 m: m: IXA/9E9-10 IXA/9E9-10 m: Lepidoptera United States: States: Lepidoptera of of the the United BLAND, BLAND, Martha Martha Dangerfield Dangerfield VIIIA/11B13-C1 VIIIA/11B13-C1 (Mrs. Theodorick) (Mrs. Theodorick) Monographic des Monographie desZygaenides: Zyganides: to Randolph Tucker: to Francis Francis Randolph Tucker: VIIIC/25B7-E2 VIIIC/25B7-E2 1781, May 11 IIA/11A2-4 1781, May11 IIA/11A2-4 BOKI, BOKI, (Governor) (Governor) BLAND, Theodorick Theodorick (1742-1790) BLAND, (1742-1790) in: m: VIIIC/3A2-4D8 VIIIC/3A2-4D8 to Francis Francis Randolph Tucker: to Randolph Tucker: BOKI, (Madame) BOKI, (Madame) 1781, 1781, May May11 11 IIA/11A5-14 IIA/11A5-14 m: VIIIC/3A2-4D8 m: VIIIC/3A2-4D8 St. George George Tucker Tucker to: to: St. BOLMAR, A. A. BOLMAR, 1780, toto SPS: SPS: 1780, Sept Sept IIA(Add.)/4D9 IIA(Add.)/4D9 m: m. IIAI11A2-4 IIA/11A2-4 1839, Aug Aug20 XC/2C3-5 1839, 20 XC/2C3-5 BLAND, Theodorick. See See Peale's Peale’s BLAND, Theodorick. 1839, Sept23 XC/2C10-12 1839, Sept 23 XC/2C10-12 1841, Jan 12 XC/2D11-13 Museum, Museum, Baltimore. Baltimore. Court Court Case. Case. 1841,Janl2 XC/2D11-13 m: BLEECKER, Antony Antony L. L. BLEECKER, m: XC/7A2-5 XC/7A2-5 BOLTON, Richard Richard and Rufus Rufus King, King, Moses Moses Rogers, BOLTON, and Rogers, CWP to: CWP to: rn: XIC/1B8-G3 XIC/1B8-G3 m: 1806, Mar 13 BOMFORD, BOMFORD, (Colonel) (Colonel) George George 1806, Mar 13 IIA/38B5-7 IIA/38B5-7 CWP to: to: m: m: IIA/22C1-2 IIA/22C1-2 CWP 1819, May I1 IIA162D6 1819, May IIA/62D6 BLISS, (Captain) BLISS, (Captain) IIA/62D7-8 1819, May May I1 IIA/62D7-8 m: IIA/28G11-12, 29A3-5, 29A6, 1819, m: IIA/28G11 —12, 29A3-5, 29A6, 1819, Sept 17 IIA/62F13-14 1819, Sept17 1IAI62F13-14 41E13-F12, 41E13-F12, 42A13-B3, 42A13-B3, 1819, Sept22 IIA/62G2 1819, Sept 22 IIA/62G2 43D12-14, VIIA/1E2-3 43D12-14, 43E1-6; 43E1-6; VIIA/1E2-3 1819, Nov 14 IIA/63A8-9 1819, Nov14 IIA/63A8-9 BLOCKER, Jacob Jacob BLOCKER, IIA/63Al2-13 1819, 12 IIA/63A12-13 1819, Dec Dec12 CWP CWP to: to: 1824, Feb 21 IIA/70D3-4 1824, Feb21 IIA/70D3-4 1811, Mar17 Mar 17IIAI5OBII-13 IIA/50B11-13 1811, IIA/70F2 1824, Jun 12 12 IIA/70F2 1824,Jun m: m: IIA/50C1 IIA/50C1-2 -2 m: IIA/56B9-10, 61E2-3, 61E2-3, 61E6-8, m: IIA/56B9-10, 61E6-8, BLODGET, (Major) (Major) William William BLODGET, 61G4-8, 62A2-6, 62A2-6, 62D10-14, 62D10-14, 61G4-8, m. IIB/5 IIB/5 (p. 35) m: (p. 35) 62E1-3, 62E1-3, 63B12-14, 63B12-14, 63C1-7, 63C1-7, BLOOMFIELD, Robert BLOOMFIELD, Robert 63F1 -3; IIB/23 (pp. 24, 63F1 -3; IIB/23 (pp. 24, 35, 35, 36); 36); IIC IIC CWP to: CWP to: (p. 464) IIA/29B7 1803, Nov28 1803, Nov 28 IIA/29B7 (p. 464) BOMFORD, Mrs. George George BOMFORD, Mrs. m: IIA/27F8-10, IID/29 m: IIA/27F8-1O, 27F11-14; 27F11-14; IID/29 m: m: IIA/61F9-G3, IIA/61F9-G3,61G4-8, 61G4-8, 62D7-8 62D7-8 (p. 46); 46); VIA/12E6; (p. VIAII2E6;VIIA/1D7-8, VIIA/1D7-8, BONAPARTE, Charles L. L. J.J. L. L. BONAPARTE, Charles 7G3-10; XIA/17C13 7G3-10; XIA/17C13 to TRP: toTRP: BLUM ENBACH.J. F.F. BLUMENBACH,J. V[IIA/1E13-F4 1824, Jul 25 25 VIIIA/1E13-F4 1824,JuI to Sir Sirjoseph Banks: to Joseph Banks: s/Report: s/Report: IIA/27B10-13 1803, Feb Feb 22 IIA/27B10-13 1803, VIIIA/2A8-9 1825, Nov 29 VIIIA/2A8-9 1825, Nov 29 BOARD BOARD ofofWar War VIIIA/2A10 1825, Nov29 1825, Nov 29 VIIIA/2A10 StGP StGP to: to: TRP, Report TRP, Report on on his his report report on on Stormy Stormy 1777-1778 IVA/2E14-G12 1777-1778 IVA/2E14-G12 Petrels: Petrels: m: IIA/5E6-9, m: IIA/5E6-9, 7B6-7 7B6-7 VIllA/I E6-7 1824, Jan 17 VIIIA/1E6-7 1824, Jan 17 BOARDMAN,John BOARDMAN, John F.F. TRP, Report Report on his “Observations”: TRP, on his "Observations": m: VIIA/6C9-D8; XIC/1A2-13 m: VIIA/6C9-D8; XIC/1A2-13 1824, VIIIA/1E8 VIIIA/1E8 1824, Mar Mar99 BOARDMAN, William BOARDMAN, William TRP, Report on TRP, Report on on his his Observations Observations on ReP to: ReP to: Wilson’s nomenclature: Wilson's nomenclature: VIA/15B12-C1 1826, 10 VIA/15B12-C1 1826, May May 10 1824, Apr 12 VIIIA/1E9-10 1824, Apr12 VIIIA/1E9-10 VIA/12E1 1857, Oct Oct25 1857, 25 VIA/12E1 TRP, Report on his his paper paper on on the the Anas Anas TRP, Report on BOGARDUS, James James BOGARDUS, Rufri toques: Rufritoques: m: m: VIA/8F9-14 VIA/8F9-14 1824, Apr12 VIIIA/IEII-12 1824, Apr 12 VIIIA/IE11-12 BOGARDUS, BOGARDUS, William William TRP, Report Report on on his his Committee Committee on TRP, on m: m: VIIA/9C12-D9 VIIA/9C12-D9 two new jays: two new species species of of Mexican Mexican jays: BOGART, James James BOGART, 1825, May VIIIA/IG5-6 1825, May33 VIIIA/IG5-6 to RuP: RuP: to TRP, A reply reply to the TRP, Report Report on on “"A to the VIJA/6B14-CJ 1825, NNov ov 18 18 VIIA/6B14-CJ 1825,
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The Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers The Peale
observation of Mr. Charles Charles Bonaparte Bonaparte observation ofMr. on the on the supposed supposed Golden Golden Plover Plover of of Wilson's Ornithology”: Ornithology": Wilson’s VIIIA/2A11 1825, Nov29 1825, Nov 29 VIIIA/2A11 m: m: IIA/70D10-11, IIAI7OD1O-11,70E4-5; 70E4-5; 71G10-12, 71G10-12, 72C8-9; 72C8-9; VIAI4G9-12, 6B9-12, 6B9-12, 7B3-4; 7B3-4; VIA/4G9-12, VIIA/6C9-D8, 8A10-11; 8A10-11; VIIA/6C9-D8, VIIIAI2D11-13, 2D14-E3, VIIIA/2D11-13, 2D14-E3, 2E8-10, 2F11-13, 2F11-13, 3A7-B4, 3A7-B4, 2E8-10, 8D9-13, 9B9-12; 9B9-12; 10G6-10, 10G6-10, 8D9-13, 11D10-13, 11D1O-13,12A12-B2, 12Al2-B2, 13B3-8; 13B3-8; XIA/17C13; XIAI17C13;XIC/1A2-13, XIC/1A2-13, 1B8-G3 1B8-G3 Genera American Birds, Genera of of North North American Birds, and and Synopsis of of the the Species found within within aa Synopsis Speciesfound the the territory territory of of the the United United States: States: V111A125B7-E2 VIIIA/25B7-E2 Nomenclature of Nomenclature of Wilson's Wilson’s Ornithology: VIAy8A2-5; Ornithology: VIA/8A2-5; VIIIA/2D11-13,11B13-C1; llBl3-C1; VIIIA/2D11-13, VIIIA/25B7-E2 VIIIAy25B7-E2 BONAPARTE, Jerome Jerome BONAPARTE, m: IIA/28E4-5, m: IIA/28E4-5, 28E6-7 28E6-7 BONAPARTE, Joseph Joseph (Count BONAPARTE, (Count de de Survilliers) Survilliers) m: IIA/62E1-3, 11A162E1-3, 70D5-&, 70Db-h, m: 70D5-fr, 70D10-11, 70E4-5, 71C10; 70E4-5, 71C10; VIIA/4G4, VIIAMG4, 6A10-11; VIIIA/9B9-12, 6A10-11; VIIIA/9B912, 10A8-11; XIA/17D2 XIA/17D2 10A8-11; BONAPARTE, BONAPARTE, Napoleon Napoleon m: IIA/22C1-2, IIA/22C1-2, 35B5-7, 35B5-7, 42D11-14, m: 42D11-14, 42E 1-4, 50D 11-13,61A6-8; 61A6-8; 42E1-4, 50D11-13, VIA/1C11-13, 2G4, 2G4, 2G5-6; 2G5-6; VIA/1C11-13, 3G6-9, 12E9-1O; VIIA/1E1 3G6-9,12E9-10; VIIA/1E1 CWP views views on: on: CWP n.d. IIB/17C6 n.d. IIB/17C6 engravings engravings of: of: n.d. IIB/22 (p. (p. 77) 77) n.d. IIB/22 BONAPARTE, Zenaide BONAPARTE, Zenaide (Mrs. (Mrs. Charles Charles L.J. L.) L.J. L.) m: IIA/70D10-11; VIHA/10A8-11 m: IIA/70D10-11; VIIIA/10A8-11 BOND, (Mr.) BOND, (Mr.) m: IIA/26E12-14..26F1-4, 11A126E12-14,26F1-4, 26F6-10 26F6-10 m: BOND, (Dr.) (Dr.) Thomas Thomas BOND, m: m: IIA/14B7-8, HA114B7-8,45F3-6 45F3-6 BOND, BOND,William William m: VIIA/2F14-G3 V11Al2F14-G3 m: BONNATERRE, Pierrejoseph. Pierre Joseph.Thbleau Tableau BONNATERRE, encyclopedique et et methodique méthodique des encyclopedique des trois trois règnes regnes de de Ia nature la nature m: VIIIA/25B7-E2 VIHA/25B7- E2 m: BONPLAND,Aimé AimeJacques Jacques Alexandre Alexandre BONPLAND, Gouiaud Gouiaud m: IIA/30G6-7; IIA/30G6-7; IIB/19(p.4); m: IIB/19(p.4); HC/(p. IIC/(p. 341) 341) BONSAL, BONSAL, (Mr.) (Mr.) RuP to: to: RuP 1828, Feb VIIIA/6G2-3 1828, Feb 12 12 VIIIA/6G2-3 m: IIA/68, HA/68,CC2-3, 68C11-13, m: 2-3, 68C 11-13, 68D9-11, 68D9-11, 68E1-3; 68E1-3; VIIA/5E14-15, 5G1-6 VIIA/5E14—15, 5G1-6 BONSAL, BONSAL, Dana Dana m: 9C13-D2, 9G2-6 m: XXCI6E7-1O, C /6E 7-10,9C 13-D 2,9G 2-6 BONSAL, BONSAL,Isaac Isaac
CWP to: CWP to: 1818, Mar IIA/60F8 1818, Mar 77 IIA/60F8 m: 11A166G11-12 IIA/66G11-12 m: BONSALL, BONSALL, (Mr.) (Mr.) m: XC/3F11-14, XCI3F11-14, 5F9-13, SF9- 13, 8B6-9, 8B6-9, m: 8F7-10, 9C13-D 2, 10B9-12, 10B9-12, 8F7-10, 9C13-D2, 1OD 13-El 10D13-E1 BONSAL[L], BONSAL[L], (Dr.) (Dr.) m: XC/3C13-D2, 5E13-F2 m: XCI3C13-D2, 5E13-F2 BONSALL, BONSALL, Edward Edward m; m: IIAW8D1-6 IIA/48D1-6 BONSALL, Jeremiah Jeremiah BONSALL, m: III/4B14-C3 m: 111i4B14-C3 BONSALL, John John BONSALL, m: 10,48C11-14, 48C1 1-14, m: 11A144D1IIA/44D1-10, 48D1-6; 48D1-6; VIA/1D9-E4, VIA/1D9-E4, iFS1F5-14; 14; VIIAy2A7-B3 VIIAJ2A7B3 BOONE, BO ON E, Ann Ann CWP CWP to: to: IIA/5C3 1775, IIA/5C3 1775, Jul Jul 88 BO OTH , James James C. C. BOOTH, s/Report: s/Report: IXBI9C1-11 IXB/9C1-11 1837, 1837, May May66 IXB/9F12-G5 IXB/9F12-GS 1839, Mar Mar 14 1839, 14 IXB/11C2-5 IXBI11C2-S 1840,Jan 19 1840, Jan 19 IXB/11C2-5 IXB/11C2-S 1844, 10 1844, Oct Oct 10 to to R. R. B. B. Davidson: Davidson: XIIA/3E7-8 XIIAI3E7-8 1870, May May66 1870, TRP to: to: TRP VIIIA/17A4-5 VIHAII7A4-5 1883, 1883, Feb Feb 19 19 Report on on yellow yellow pigment pigment by: by: Report IXB/10A2-4 IXB/10A2-4 1839, 14 1839, Nov Nov 14 James Snowden to: James Ross Ross Snowden to: IXA/14A13-14 IXA/14A13-14 1854, 30 1854, Mar Mar30 BFP BFP to: to: IXA/22C4 1XA122C4 [1858], [1858], May May 10 10 IXAyi6G9 1861, Dec 20 IXA/16G9 1861, Dec 20 Caroline E. E. G. Caroline G. Peale Peale to: to: IXA/20G6-7 1873, IXAI2OG6-7 1873, May May 99 m: m: VIIIA/14G9-10; VIIIA/14G9-10; IXA/6B11-13, IXAI6B11-13, 7D14-E3, 7E 7E7-8, 7D14-E3, 7-8, 7E9-14, 7E9-14, 11E1-3, 11E1-3, 11E14-F1, 11E14-F1, 13A2-S, 13A2-5, 13D1-4, 13E13-14, 13D1-4, 13E13-14, 14F11-G4, 14F11-G4, 15A2-BS, 15A2-B5, 15B6-13, 15B6-13, 16A2-11, 16A2-11, 19D5-G11, 19D5-G11, 20A2-F3; 20A2-F3; XIIA/1A3-3E3 XIIAI1A3-3E3 BORDLEY, Elizabeth BORDLEY, Elizabeth m: IIA/4D13-E1, IIA/4D13-E1, 5E4-5; 5E4-S; m: IIA(Add.)/lA2-3;IIB/1 IIB/l(p.l2), IIA(Add.)/1A2-3; (p.12), 22 (p.4), (p. 4),99(p. (p. 29) 29) BORDLEY, Elizabeth. Gibson, Mrs. BORDLEY, Elizabeth. See See Gibson, Mrs. James. James. BORDLEY, Henrietta BORDLEY, Henrietta m: m: IIA/4D7-12 IIA/4D7-12 BORDLEY, John BORDLEY, John Executor of of estate estate of of CP: CP: Executor 1750, Mar 1750, Mar 23231752, Sept Sept 26 26 I/2E1-3 1752, 112E1-3 I/2E4 1i2E4 1i2E5-1 1 I/2E5-11 I/2E13-F2 I/2E13-F2 1i2F3-6 I/2F3-6 I/2F7-9 I/2F7-9 !i2F11-13 I/2F11-13 1i2G1 I/2G1
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112G2-8 I/2G2—8 m: I/2A5-7, 112A5-7,2A12-13, 2Al2-13, 2C10-12; 2C10-12; m:
IIB/1 (p. 11B11 (p. 12) 12) BORDLEY, John Beale Beale BORDLEY, John to CWP CWP to 1785, Jul Jul 88 IIA/13G12-13 1785, IIA/13G12—13 to John John F. Mifflin: to F. Mifflin: 1790, IIE/2A12 1790, Oct Oct 88 IIE/2Al2 CWP CWP to: to: n.d. n.d. IIA/2B10-13 11Af2B10-13 1770 [1771], [1771], Apr Apr 55 1770 IIA/2F5-8 11At2F5-8 1771, Mar Mar18 1771, 18 IIA/3A10-13 IIA/3A10-13 1771, Aug15 11A13C12-13 1771, Aug 15 IIA/3C12-13 1771, Nov30 IIA/3D6-7 1771, Nov 30 IIA/3D6-7 1771, Dec27 1771, Dec 27 11A13D8-11 IIA/3D8-11 1771 1771 IIA/3A6-9 IIA/3A6-9 1772, 11A14B4-9 1772, Feb Feb 15 15 IIA/4B4-9 1772, Mar29 IIA/4B10-C1 1772, Mar 29 IIA/4B10-C1 1772, 1772, Jul Jul29 29 IIA/4C12-D3 11A14C12-D3 1772, Nov Nov IIA/4D7-12 1772, IIA/4D7-12 1774 IIA/4G9-13 1774 11A14G9-13 1776 IIA/5E4-5 1776 IIA/5E4-5 11A112B8-9 1783, Jun14 1783, Jun 14 IIA/12B8-9 1785,Jul IIA/14A2-7 1785, Jul 13 13 IIA/14A2-7 1786, 22 IIA/14D6-7 1786, Aug Aug22 11A114D6-7 1786, Aug Aug25 IIA/14D9-10 1786, 25 IIA/14D9-10 1790, Apr Apr26 HAI!6C!0-D1 1790, 26 IIA/16C10-D1 1791, 12 IIA/16F6— 1791, Oct Oct12 IIA/16F6-77 HA/17D4 1792, Jun 33 IIA/17D4 1792,Jun 1793, 27 IIA/18B1 —2 1793, Oct Oct27 IIA/18B1-2 Charles Carroll to: Charles Carroll to: 1771 Jul Jul IIA(Add.)/lA4-7 1771 30 30 IIA(Add.)/1A4-7 m: IIA/2B4-6, 2-5, m: IIA/2B4-6,2B9-12, 2B9-12, 2G 2G2-5, 2G 6-7, 3B8-13, 3C10-11, 3C10-11, 2G6-7,3B8-13, 4C10-11,4D 13-E1, 5C5-10, 5C5-10, 4C10-11,4D13-E1, 9B8-12, 9B13-14, 9B13-14, 14F1-2, 9B8-12, 14F1-2, 16F12-14, 17G11-13, 16F12-14, 17G11-13, 20B4-5, 20B4-5, 22E3-7, 26B5-6, 26B5-6, 26C1-4, 26C1-4, 22E3-7, 28E8-10, 28E8-10, 28F12, 28F12, 29D6, 29D6, 41A13-B1, 41A13-B1, 71C3, 71C3, 71G10-12; 71G10-12; HBII(pp. 12-13, 12-13, 19), (pp. IIB/l(pp. 19), 22 (pp. 12-16), 99 (pp. (pp. 29-31, 32-34, 53), 53), 12-16), 29-31, 32-34, 11 3,12,31,37-38,44), 12(p. 12 (p. 11(pp. (pp.3,l2,3l,37-38,44), 37), 13 13 (pp. (pp. 6,6, 13, 13, 15), 15), 19 19(p. (p. 102); 102); 37), HC(pp. 142, 145, IIC (pp. 29,31,91, 29,31, 91,139, 139,142, 145, 146a, 170, 170, 182-83); 182-83); 146a, VIBII3A6-B9; XIAIIA7-14, VIB/13A6-B9; XIA/1A7-14, IBI-3, 1B 1-3,17C11 17C11 BORDLEY, John BORDLEY, Margaret MargaretChew(Mrs. Chew(Mrs.John Beale) Beale) m: IIA/3A10-13, IIA/3A10-13, 3D8-11 3D8-11 m: BORDLEY, Mathias Mathias BORDLEY, CWP to: CWP to; 1790,Jun LIA/16D4 1790, Jun IIA/16D4 1791, Oct 12 IIA/16F8 1791, Oct 12 IIA/16F8 1792, Feb Feb 44 IIA/17B4-5 1792, IIA/17B4-5 IIA/3C12-13, 12B8-9, 12B8-9, 14F1-2, m: IIA/3C12-13, 14F1-2, 16C10-D1, 16C10-D1, SOEI 50E1 -3; -3; HBI2 IIBfl (p. (p.4) 4) BORDLEY, Sarah Sarah Fishbourne Fishbourne Mifflin Mifflin BORDLEY, (Mrs. JohnBeale) Beale) (Mrs.John m: m: IIA/12B8-9, IIA/12B8-9, 14A2-7, 14A2-7, 14D6-7, 14D6-7, 14F1-2, 16C10-D1, 14F1-2,16C 10-D 1, 16F6-7, 16F6-7, 17D4, 18B1-2, 22E3-7, 17D4,18B1-2, 22E3-7, 49B5, 49B5, 52F13—14;11E12Al2 IIE/2A12 52F13-14; BORDLEY, Stephen BORDLEY, Stephen James McMordie, McMordie, Cornelius Cornelius Daily Daily James ,n:
and CWP, CWP, Bond Bond to: and to: 1763, 1763, Apr20 AprIIA(Add.)/1A2-3 20 IIA(Add.)/lA2-3 m: IIAIIA3-9, IAIO-12 m: IIA/1A3-9,1A10-12 BORDLEY, BORDLEY, S[tephen?] S[tephen?] m: IIB/2 IIB/2 (p. (p. 8)8) m: BORDLEY, BORDLEY, Thomas Thomas m: IIA/3C12-13, IIA/3C12-13, 14F1-2; (p.4) m: 14F1-2;11B12 IIB/2 (p. 4) BORDLEY BORDLEY children children m: 13; IIB/2 4) m: IIA3C12— 11A3C12-13; HBI2(p. (p.4) BOSTON Athenaeum BOSTON Athenaeum to ReP: to ReP: 1837, Mar Mar13 1837, 13 VIA/9A8 VIA/9A8 TRP to: to: TRP 1874, A Apr11 1874, p ril VIIIA/16Al2-B1 VIIIA/16A12-B1 m: m: VIA/6F5-7, VIA/6F5-7, 10A5-8 IOAS-8 BOSTON, City of BOSTON, City of m: IIC (p. 22) 22) IIC (p. BOSTON Museum BOSTON Museum m: 1IA/26D13-E3; VIIIA/8C14-D1 VIIIA/8C14-D1 m: 1IA/26D13-E3; BOSTON Public Library Library BOSTON Public m: VIA/8G1-10 m: VIA/8G1-10 BOSTON Society Society of of Natural Natural History History BOSTON m: X1A/16B11-E8 X1A/16B11-E8 m: BOTELER, Alexander R. BOTELER, Alexander R. totoTRP: TRP: 1884, I 1884, Jan28 Jan 28 VIIIAII7A9-1 VI1IA/17A9-11 ReP to: to: ReP 1858, Apr19 1858, Apr 19 VIA/13A10-12 VIAII3AIO-12 1858, Apr 21 VIA/13A13-14 1858, Apr21 VIA/13A13-14 1859, 10 VIA/13F13-14 1859, Oct Oct 10 VIAII3FI3-14 1860, Feb 28 VIA/14A2-4 VIA/14A2-4 1860, Feb28 TRP TRP to: to: 1883, Jul19 VIIIA/17A8 1883, Jul 19 VIIIA/17A8 m: VIIIAII4F2-3 VIIIA/14F2-3 BOTELER, Priscilla Priscilla Robinson Robinson BOTELER, (Mrs. (Mrs. Henry) Henry) m: 1IA/31F12—14, 1IA/31F12-14,55A2-7, 55A2-7, m: 61A13-B2, 63G10-12; 61A13-B2, 63C1-7, 63C1-7, 63G10-12; III/5A2-11; VIIA/3D1-5; III/5A2—11; VIIA/3D1-5; V1IIA/17A9-11 VIIIAII7A9-11 BOUCHER, Jonathan Jonathan BOUCHER, toCWP; to CWP: [1771, IIA/3D4-5 IIA/3D4-5 [1771, Nov] Nov] George Washington Washington to; George to: IIA/4C2-4 1772, 21 IIA/4C2-4 1772, May May21 m: IIA/3C12—13; IIA/3C12-13; IIB/2 m: IIB/2 (p. (p. 12) 12) BOUCHER de Perthes, BOUCHER de Crèvecoeur Crevecoeur de de Perthes, Jacques Jacques toBFP: to BFP: IXA/17E11 1863, Jan 13 13 IXA/17E11 1863,Jan m: IXA/17G1-2, 18D8-10 m: IXA/17G1-2, 18C2-5, 18C2-5, 18D8-10 BOUCHERIE, BOUCHERIE, (Mr.) (Mr.) IIA/42C11-12, m: HA/42C11 —12, 42C13, 42C13, 42D9, 42D9, 42E10-11, 42E10-11, 43B8-9, 43B8-9, 44B1-C2 44B1-C2 BOUDINOT, Elias BOUDINOT, Elias CWPto: CWP to: IIA/16D2-3 1790, May May23 1790, 23 IIA/16D2-3 m: IIA/16D2— 3; IIB/22 IIB/22 (p. (p. 2); 2); IIC IIC IIA/16D2-3; (p. (p. 67); 67); IID lID (p. (p. 8); 8); XIA/2C10-E1, XIAf2CIO-E1, 17C6 17C6 BOUIS, (Mr.) BOUIS, (Mr.) m: VIA/6E13-F2; VIA/6E13-F2; VIIA/6B2-3 VIIA/6B2-3 BOURGOIN, Francis Francis BOURGOIN, to CP: CP: to 1749, May May25 I/2D13-14 1749, 25 I/2D13-14 BOURNE, (Mr.) BOURNE, (Mr.) ,n:
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m: IIA/27F8-10, 28E4-5 m: IIA/27F8-10, 28C7-8, 28C7-8, 28E4-5 BOIJRNE, Obadiah BOURNE, Obadiah m: IIA/3D6-7,3D8-11, m: 11A13D6-7, 3D8-11, 4C12-D3; 4C12-D3; IIC (p. JIC (p. 46) 4) BOLJRNE, Mrs. Mrs. Obadiah BOURNE, Obadiah m: IIA/3D6-7, 11A13D6-7,3D8-11 3D8-11 m. BOUSQUETS, (Mr.) BOIJSQUETS, (Mr.) m: IIA/47E7-12, IIA/47E7-12, 48A8-B10 48A8-B10 m: "BOW, “BOW, The" The” by by CWP, CWP, 1789 1789 m: IID/1A14-B3 m: IID/1A14-B3 BOWEN, BOW EN, Daniel Daniel CWP to: CWP to: IIA/35B13-14 1805,Jul 1805, Jul 11 11 IIA/35B13-14 m: m: ILA/26D13-E3 IIA/26D13-E3 BOWEN, BOW EN, Thomas Thomas m: m: IIA/49E5, IIA/49E5, 53B2; 53B2; JIC IIC (p. (p. 452) 452) BOWLY, BOWLY, Daniel Daniel m: ITB/9 IIB/9 (p. 67) m: (p. 67) BOWMAN, BOW MAN, (Mr.) (Mr.) m: m: IIA/18B3; IIA/18B3;XC/1F1-2 XC/IF1-2 BOWMAN, Thomas BOWMAN, Thomas m: IIA/16G11-13; XC/11E6-7 m: IIA/16G11 —13; XC/11E6-7 BOYD, (Dr.) BOYD, (Dr.) m: 7D1 m: VIIA/7B7-8, VIIAJ7B7-8, 7D1 BOYD, Alexander (orJohn) BOYD, Alexander (or John) m: (p. 21), 21), 77 (p. (p. 4); m: ITB/3 IIB/3 (p. 4); IIC IIC (p. (p. 71-73) 71-73) BOYER, BOYER, M. M. Alex Alex Lyriês Lyries to: to: 1833, Jun 5 IXA/A10-11 1833,JunS IXA/AlO-li B O YE R ’s Dictionary Dictionary BOYERc m: IIB/1 JIB/i (p. (p. 14); 14); VIIIA/11B13-C1 VillA/i 1B13-C1 m: BOYLE, (Mrs.) BOYLE, (Mrs.) m: m: IIA/14E6-7, IIA/14E6-7, 47B2-3 47B2-3 BOYLE,James BOYLE, James CWP to: CWP to: 1801, Apr33 IIA/42G3-4 1801, Apr IIA/42G3-4 1808, Jul22 IIA/43F12-G1 1808, Jul 22 IIA/43F12-G1 1819, Sept24 1819, Sept 24 IIA/62G7 IIA/62G7 1824, Jul IIA/70F13-14 1824, Jul 11 IIA/70F13-14 m: (pp. 31, 31, 33); 33); IIC IIC (p. (p.471) m: IIB/9 IIB/9 (pp. 471) BOYLE, BOYLE, John John to to TRP: TRP: 1838, Jul 27 VIIIA/6G5-6 1838, Jul27 VIIIA/6G5-6 BOYLE, BOYLE, (Mayor) (Mayor) [Annapolis] [Annapolis] m: VIIIC/28A2-B1 VIIIC/28A2-B1 m: BRACKENRIDGE, (Mr.) (Mr.) BRACKENRIDGE, m: VIIIB/9B5-G12, VIIIB/9B5-G12, 10A2-4; 10A2-4; m: VIIIC/25E10-G12, 26A2-G13, VIIIC/25E10 -G 12, 26A2-G13, 27A2-B3 27A2-B3 Seealso alsoJour. Jour.Wilkes WilkesExped. Exped. #1, #1, See #3, #7, #3, #7, Series Series VIIIB. VIIIB. BRACKENRIDGE, BRACKENRIDGE, Hugh Hugh Henry Henry m: IIA/8B1-3, 20E4-5 20E4-5 m: IIA/8B1-3, BRADENBAUGH, John John BRADENBAUGH, m: XIB/1E1-9, XIB/1E1-9, 1E13-F6 1E13-F6 m: BRADFORD, (Mr.) (Mr.) BRADFORD, m: IIA/47F1-747G6-12, 48A2-7 m: IIA/47F1-7 47G6-12, 48A2-7 BRADFORD, (Mr.) (Mr.) [printer] [printer] BRADFORD, m: IIB/7 (p. 3) m: 11B17 (p. 3) BRADFORD, BRADFORD, (Mr.) (Mr.) [publisher] [publisher] m: IIAJSOE1-3 m: IIA/50E1-3 BRADFORD, (Dr.) (Dr.) BRADFORD, m: IIA/61A6-8, IIA/61A6-8,61C5-7; 6105-7; m: VIIAI3A2-4; XXC/1B 1-5, 1E4-7, VIIA/3A2-4; C /1B 1-5,1E4-7, IFI-2, 1F3-6, 1F1-2, 1F3-6, 1F7-9 1F7-9
BRADFORD, (Dr.) (Dr.) Richard Richard BRADFORD, CWP to: CWP to: IIA/57B3-4 1816, Mar26 1816, Mar 26 IIA/57B3-4 IIA/60D4-6 1818, 17 IIA/60D4-6 1818, Jan Jan17 IIA/60E4-7 1818, 1818, Feb Feb 14 14 IIA/60E4-7 m: IIA/70E4-5 m: IIAy70E4-5 BRADFORD, Samuel BRADFORD, Samuel F.F. m: IIA/39F9;VIIA/2B4-5 VIIA/2B4-5 m: IIAy39F9; BRADFORD, BRADFORD, Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Wharton Wharton to: to: IIA/5G8-11 1777, IIA/5G8-11 1777, Aug Aug44 BRADFORD, Thomas Thomas BRADFORD, CWP to: CWP to: 1803, 22 IIA/27B1-2, 27B3 1803,Jan22 JanIIA/27B1-2,27B3 BRADFORD, Thomas, Thomas, Jr. Jr. BRADFORD, s/Application s/Application for for Charter: Charter:The ThePAFA: PAFA: 1805, 1805, Dec26 Dec 26 IIA/37C11-D6 IIA/37CII-D6 to Museum: to Philadelphia Philadelphia Museum: 1821, Apr 13 Apr 13XIA/7B12-14 1821, XIA/7B12-14 m: VIAy2E5, VIA/2E5,2E 2E6-7 m: 6-7 BRADFORD, BRADFORD, William William CWP to: CWP to: 12A2 1783, 1783, Apr2 Apr IIA/11G13, 2 IIA/11G13,12A2 BRADFORD and BRADFORD and Inskeep Inskeep
m: IIA/46F7-8 m: 11A146F7-8 BRADISH, Mrs. M. M. BRADISH, Mrs. CWPto: CWP to: 1826, 1826, Aug 12 Aug 12IIA/72D11-12 IIA/72D11-12 BRADLEY, (Mr.) (Mr.) BRADLEY, m: 112D5-6,8-9 m: I/2D5-6, 8 -9 BRADLUDY, J. T. T. BRADLUDY,J. ReP ReP to: to: VIAJ13G11 1859, Dec16 1859, Dec 16 V IA m G ll BRANDE's B R A N D E ’s Manual Manual ofof Chemistry Chemistry m: VIIA/11B13-14 m: VIIA/11B13-14 BRANT, BRANT, (Captain) (Captain) [Indian [Indian chief] chief] m: m: IID/30 IID/30 (p. (p. 56); 56); XIA/17C9 XIA/17C9 BRANTZ, (Mr.) BRANTZ, (Mr.) m: IIA/17E8-11, IIA/17E8-i1, 17F9-11 m: 17F9-11 BREARLY, BREARLY, David David CWP to: CWP to: IIA/15G1 1787, Aug Aug 1787, IIA/15G1 BRECK, BRECK, Samuel Samuel to Philadelphia Philadelphia Museum: Museum: to 1843, FebFeb 10 10 XIA/15Al2-B2 1843, XIA/15A12-B2 ReP to: to: ReP VIA/4A2-6 1824, Mar Mar31 1824, 31 VIA/4A2-6 VIA/4B1-5 1824, Apr Apr24 1824, 24 VIA/4B1-5 VIA/4B6-8 1824, 10 VIA/4B6-8 1824, May May 10 VIA/13C5 1858, Oct Oct24 1858, 24 VIA/13C5 BRECKENRIDGE, W. D. D. BRECKENRIDGE, W. m: VIIA/8A3-4; XIA/12C14-F14 XIA/12C14-F14 m: VIIA/8A3-4; BREED, S. S. D. D. BREED, BFP BFP to: to: IXB/9D13-E1 1837, Dec Dec14 1837, 14 IXB/9D13-E1 BREVOORT, BREVOORT, Henry Henry ReP to: ReP to: VIA/3E14-Fl 1823,Nov Nov66 1823, VIA/3E14-F1 VIA/3F2-6 1823, Dec30 1823, Dec 30 VIA/3F2-6 VIA/4Al2-14 1824, Apr Apr 11 1824, VIA/4A12-14 VIA)13F2-5 1859, Aug Aug 11 1859, VIAJ13F2-5 BREVOORT,J. BREVOORT, J. Carson Carson ReP ReP to: to: 1859, Sept26 Sept 26VIA/13F11-12 1859, VIA/13F11-12 BREWER,Eleanor BREWER,Eleanor Maccubbin Maccubbin (Mrs. John) John) (Mrs.
135 135
The The Peale Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers
m: IIA/7A12-14, IIC (p. (p. 3) 3) 11A17Al2-i4,11G5-7; iiG5-7; hG BREWER, Gardener 'BREWER, Gardener ReP to: to: ReP 1836 1836 VIA/8G-1O VIA/8 G -10 BREWER, BREWER, Jane Jane 11A17Al2-14 m: IIA/7A12-14 BREWER, John John (the (the elder) elder) BREWER, Division of of personal personal estate Division estate of: of: 1779,Jan 1779, 6-Apr Jan16 -AIIA/7Al2-14 pr 1 IIA/7A12-14 m: IIA/2A4-7 IIA/2A4-7 BREWER, John John BREWER, m: IIA/7Al2-14, I1A/7A12-14, 61G4-8; 61G4-8; hG IIC (p. (p. 3)3) BREWER, BREWER,Joseph Joseph [d. [d. 1790?] 1790?] CWP CWP to: to: i783,Jan 1783, Jan iS 15 IIA/11G5-7 hIA/iiG5-7 m: IIA/7A12-14 IIA/7Al2-14 m: BREWER,Joseph BREWER,Joseph CWP CWP to: to: 1819, Feb Feb22 1819, 22 IIA/62B5 IIA/62B5 1823, Oct55 1823, Oct IIA/69D11 IIA/69D11 1823, Oct Oct22 1823, 22 IIA/69E1-2 11A169E1-2 m: IIA/48A8-B10, 11AJ48A8-B10, 64C2, 64C2, 64C11, 64C11, m: 64D12-14, 64F11 -12, 69D13; 69D13; JIG IIC 64D12-14, 64F11-12, (p.425) (p. 425) BREWER, Mrs. Joseph BREWER, Mrs. Joseph m: IIA/65F2-3 m: 11A165F2-3 BREWER, BREWER, Judge Judge m: VIIIC/28A2-B1; V111C128A2-B1;XXCI3EI-4 m: C/3E1-4 BREWER, (Mrs.) [wife [wife oofJudge f Judge Brewer] Brewer] BREWER, (Mrs.) ni: XC/3B3-6 XCI3B3-6 m: BREWER, BREWER, Nicholas Nicholas [d. [d. 1803] 1803] CWP to: CWP to: 1790, 13 IIA/16C5-7 1790, Apr Apr 13 IIA/16C5-7 7Al2-14 m: IIAIIA3-9, IIA/1A3-9, 7A12-14 BREWER, BREWER, Nicholas Nicholas CWP CWP to: to: 1823, 1823, Jun Jun 77 IIA/68G5-7 IIA/68G5-7 1823, SeptSept IIA/69B10-12 1823, 19 19 11A169B10-12 ni: IfA/56C6-D6, 69B13-C1, m: IIA/56C6-D6, 69B13-C1, 69F2-4;11B19 IIB/9 (p. (pp. 449, 449, 69F2-4; (p. 78); 78); IIC hG (pp. 451) 451) BREWER, Rachel. See See Peale, Rachel BREWER, Rachel. Peale, Rachel Brewer Brewer (Mrs. (Mrs. Charles Charles Wilison). Willson). BREWER, Rachel BREWER, Rachel m: IIA/7Al2-14; IIA/7A12-14; XC/1F7-9; XC/1F7-9; XIA (Add.)/5 (p. (p. 8)8) XIA (Add.)/5 BREWER, BREWER, Richard Richard 11A153E1-3 m; IIA/53E1-3 BREWER, S.S. Washington Washington BREWER, m: 416, 425) 425) in: IIC JIG (pp. (pp. 416, BREWER, William BREWER, William m: IIB/11 (p. 6) ni: IIB/Il (p.6) BREWERTON, (Mr.) BREWERTON, (Mr.) ni: m: 11B113 IIB/13 (pp. (pp. 9, 9, 20) 20) BREWSTER, BREWSTER, Benjamin Benjamin H. H. ni: VIIIAII1A3-4, 11B6-7, 11B6-7, IIBIO, m: V1IIA/11A3-4, 11B10, 11C5-7 iiC5-7 BRIANT.M BRIANT, M.. m: IXA/3D9-E4, 4A10-13, ni: IXAI3D9-E4, 3E8-12, 3E8-12, 4A10-13, 4C9-12 4G9-12 BRICE, (Mr.) BRICE, (Mr.) ni: 5D3-6, m: 11A15B2-6, IIA/5B2-6, 5D 3-6, 8D8 8D8 BRICE, BRICE, Edmund Edmund 11Al2F3-4, 4Gb-h, m: IIA /2F3-4,4C4G6-9, 6-9, 4C10-11, 41A13-B1 41A13-B1 BRIGE,John BRICE,John in:
m: IIA/3E5-4B3 IIAI3E5-4B3 m: BRICE, Mrs. Mrs. John John BRIGE, m: IIA/4D13-E1 IIA/4D13-E1 m: BRIGE, BRICE, John, John, Jr. Jr. m: IIA/1C9-13, IIAJIG9-13, IF5-8, 1F5-8, 1F9-12 m: 1F9-12 BRIGE, Phillip BRICE, Phillip m: IIA/44D1-10 IIA/44D1-1O m: BRIGE, Sarah BRICE, Sarah GWP to: CWP to: 1769, Nov Nov 16 IIA/2F3-4 1769, 16 IIA/2F3-4
BRIDGES, BRID G ES,AnAnEssay EssayononBuilding BuildingWooden, Wooden,
by GWP by CWP 1797 IID/IG6-2B2 1797 IID/1G6-2B2 BRIDPORT, BR1DPORT, Hugh Hugh s/Memorial. .. . . to to the s/Memorial. the PAFA: PAFA: III/3F8—G12 1828, 17 1828, Mar Mar 17 III/3F8-G12 m: IXA/3C3-5 m: IXA/3C3-5 BRIGGS, BRIGGS, Isaac Isaac RuP to: RuP to: VIIA/7E13-14 1831,Jan 1831,Jan 66 VIIA/7E13-14 rn: m: IIA/31F4 1IA/31F4 BRIGHT, BRIGHT, Michael Michael CWP to: to: GWP 1802, Oct 1802, Oct IIA/26F5 IIA/26F5 BRINGHURST, BRINGHURST, John John m: IIB/11 (p. 8)8) m: IIB/li (p. BRISTOL, William BRISTOL, William to Philadelphia Philadelphia Museum: to Museum: 1840, Nov XIAI12G2-4 1840, Nov 66 XIA112G2-4 BRITISH Association Association for for the the BRITISH Advancement ofof Science Science Advancement VIIIA/8B10-13 m: VIIIA/8B10-13 BRITISHJournalofofPhotography Photography BRITISHJourna! m: m: VIIIA/13G6-8 VIIIA/13G6-8 BRITISH Mint BRITISH Mint m: IXAI3E8-12,4C 4G7-8, 4D1-4, m: IXA/3E8-12, 7-8, 4D 1-4, 4D5-1O, 4E12-F3 4D5-10, 4E12-F3 BRITISH BRITISH Museum Museum IIDI2BI3-D4; VII VIIA/11C2-5, AIIIC2-5, m: 1ID/2B13-D4; ID3-6; IXA/16F7-9, IXA/16F7-9, 21A5-9, 21A5-9, 1D3-6; 2106-8, 21F1-3; 21C6-8, 21 FI —3; IXB/20A7-8; IXB/20A7-8; X1A/12B9 XIAII2B9 BRODHEAD, L.L. W. W. BRODHEAD, to to Garoline Caroline E. E. G. G. Peale: Peale: IXA/21A2-4 1873, Dec Dec33 1873, IXA/21A2-4 BRONZINO, Agnolo BRONZINO, Agnolo m: m: VIA/7G6-7 VIA/7G6-7 BROOKS, (Governor) BROOKS, (Governor) John John m: XC/1B6-7 m: XG/1B6-7 BROOKSBY, BROOK SBY, William William Harris Harris GPto: CP to: I/IFII-12 1746, 15 I/1F11-12 1746, Jun Jun15 111G6 1746, Aug 11 I/1G6 1746, Aug 111G7-8 1746, Aug Aug 15 1746, 15 I/1G7-8 BROOM , James James M. M. BROOM, Andrew Summers Summers to: Andrew to: n.d. XIA/12B10-11 XIAI12BIO-t1 n.d. m: m: VIA/10A9-10; VIAIIOA9-10; VI1IA/8D14-E3; VIIIAI8DI4-E3; IXA/1A8-G7; XC/5G9-13; IXA/1A8-G7; XC/5C9-13; XIA/11C-12A5, 12B1, 14A7-F7, 14A7-F7, XIAIIIG-12A5, 12B1, (Add.)/6 (pp. 100, 100, 102-11, 102-11, (Add.)/6(pp. 118-23, 126, 156, 118-23, 126, 138-39, 138-39, 153, 153,156, 162, 165) 162,165) BROWERE, J. H. J. BROWERE,J. H.J. RuP to: to: RuP VIIAISD7-8 1824, 1824, Aug Aug 18 18 VIIA/5D7-8
The Peale 136 Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers 136 The
VIIAJ5DI2 1824, Aug 21 VIIA/5D12 1824, Aug21 VIIAI5D13 1824, Aug 23 VIIA/5D13 1824, Aug23 VIIAJ5E12-13 , 1824, 1824, Aug27 VIIA/5E12-13 Aug27 VIIAI5GI I 1824, Sept Sept 55 VIIA/5G11 1824, VIIA/5G1-6, 5D 5D9-10, m: VIIA/5G1-6, 9-10, 5D11, 5D11, m: 5E4-11, 5F6-9, 5G7, 5G7, 5E4-11, 5E14-F5, 5E14-F5, 5F6-9, 5G8-9, 6A2 5G8-9, 6A2 Zoology BROWN, Illustrations of o f Zoology BROWN, Illustrations m: VIIIC/25B7-E2 m: VIIIC/25B7-E2 BROWN, (Mr.) BROWN, (Mr.) CWPto: CWP to: IIA/15B7-9 1787, 1787, Mar Mar 17 17 IIA/15B7-9 BROWN, BROW N, (Mrs.) (Mrs.) m: IIB/6 (p. 4) m: ILB/6 (p. 4) BROWN, BROWN, (Major) (Major) CWP CWPto to 1801, Jan 26 IIA/23G6-7 1801, Jan26 11A123G6-7 IIA/26A2-4 m: m: IIA/26A2-4 BROWN, Daniel Daniel BROWN, Assignment to: to: Assignment 1781, Nov 20 IIA/11B9—10 IIA/11B9-1O 1781, Nov20 BROWN, BROWN, Dunwell Dunwell m: 7-10, 8B14-C3, 8B14-C3, m: XC/7D8-11, XC/7D8-11, 7G 7G7-10, 8D 3-6, 8D9-12, 8D 9-12, 9A10-13, 9A10-13, 8D3-6, 10B9-12,11A 2-5,11A 12-B1, 10B9-12, 11A2-5, 11Al2-B1, 11C13-D1, 11D13-14, 11F10-13 11F10-13 11C13-D1, 11D13-14, BROWN, E. A. A. BROWN, E. ReP to: ReP to: 1824, 1824, Mar Mar23 23 VIA/3G11-12 VIA/3G11-12 BROWN, Elias BROWN, Elias m: XIA 143) m: XLA(Add.)/6 (Add.)/6 (p. (p. 143) BROWN, (Dr.) Frederick Frederick BROWN, (Dr.) m: XIA/5A8-B1, 14A7-F7 m: XIA/5A8-B1, 14A7-F7 (Add.)/6 (Add.)/6 (p. 171), (pp. 192, 256) (p. 171), 77 (pp. 192,256) BROWN, (Dr.) George George BROWN, (Dr.) m: IIC IIC (p. (p. 146b); 146b);VIA/3C10-13 VIA/3C10-13 BROWN, BROWN, Henry Henry Kirke Kirke IXAJI0B2-3, 10B6-7, 10B6-7, 10B9-11, m: IXA/10B2-3, 10B9-11, 10B12-13, 10D6, 10D7-8 10D7-8 10B12-13,10D6, BROWN, BROWN, (General) (General) Jacob Jacob Jennings Jennings CWP to: CWP to: 1815, IIA/55C10-12 1815, May 19 May 1911A155C10-12 m: IIA/S7B1-2,57B3-4,57B7, ILA/57B1-2, 57B3-4, 57B7, 57B8-10,64G9, 71G13; IIB/22 IIB/22 57B8-1O, 64G9, 71G13; (p. 71); IIC (p. 71); IIC (p. (p. 403); 403); VIIA/2G7-8, VIIA/2G7-8, 6B14-C1, 6C2-3; 6C2-3;XIA/17C7 XIA/17C7 6B14-C1, BROWN, Mrs. Jennings BROWN, Mrs. Jacob Jacob Jennings IIA/57B8-10 m: IIA/57B8-10 BROWN, (Dr.)James BROWN, (Dr.) James m: IIA/37C6-7 IIA/37C6-7 m: BROWN, John BROWN, John to Thomas Thomas Jefferson: to Jefferson: 1802, Apr Apr28 1802, 28 XIA/2E7-9 XIA/2E7-9 m: IIA/26A2-4, 5-8,26A 9-10, ,n: IIA/26A2-4, 26A 26A5-8, 26A9-1O, 26A11-12; 26A11-12; VIA/1C6 VIA/1 C6 BROWN, (Major) John BROWN, (Major) John m: m: IIB/7 (p.60) IIB/7 (p.l); (p.1); IIC IIC (p.60) BROWN, Hannah BROWN, Hannah m: XC/1G6-7, 8D13-14 8D13-14 m: XC/1G6-7, BROWN, BROW N, Harriet Harriet m: XC/6D5-7, 8E9-12 m: XC/6D5— 7, 8E9-12 BROW N, Obadiah Obadiah B. B. BROWN, CPP, to: CPP, deed deed of of Trust Trust to: 1813, Aug Aug18 1813, 18 IVB/3B4-6 IVB/3B4-6 BROWN, Orlando BROWN, Orlando totoBFP: BFP:
1849, Nov 21 1849, Nov21 1849, 13 1849, Dec Dec13 1849, Dec 15 1849, Dec15 BFP BFP to: to: 1849, Sept 25 1849, Sept25 1849, Nov21 1849, Nov 21 1849, Nov 22 1849, Nov22 1849, Nov23 1849, Nov 23 1849, 26 1849, Nov Nov26 1849, 1849, Dec DecS5 1849, 14 1849, Dec Dec14 1849, 18 1849, Dec Dec18 1850,Jan44 1850,Jan
1850,Janl7 1850,Jan 17 BROWN, BROW N, Pardon Pardon
IXA/10F11 IXA/1OFI1 IXA/10G8-9 IXAI1OG8-9 IXAI1OGI2 IXA/10G12 IXA/10F6-7 IXAJ1OF6-7 IXA/10F12-13 IXA/10F12-13 IXA/10G1-2 IXAI1OG1-2 IXA/10G3 IXAI1OG3
IXA/10G4-5 IXAIIOG4-5 IXA/10G6-7 IXAI1OG6-7 IXA/10G10-11 IXA/IOGIO-Il
IXA/11A2-3 IXAIIIA2-3 IXA/11A6-7 IXAIIIA6-7 IXA/11A 8 -9 IXAI1IA8-9
CWP to: CWP to: IIA/20F13-G2 IIA/20F13-G2 [17]%, 26 [17]96,Oct Oct26 m: IIA/21A5-7 m: IIA/21A5-7 BROW N, Peter Peter A. A. BROWN, to CWP: to CWP: 1805, Dec 26 IIA/37C11-D6 IIA/37C11-D6 1805, Dec26 toto Philadelphia Philadelphia Museum: Museum: 1828, Jan I1 XIA/11B14-C2 1828,Jan XIAIIIB14-C2 m: XIA/11C3-12A5; (Add.)/5 (Add.)/5 m: XIAIIIC3-12A5; (pp. (pp. 74, 74, 79), 79), 77 (pp. (pp. 215-216,220) 215-216, 220) BROWN, BROW N, (Dr.) (Dr.) Samuel Samuel m: IIA/23G6-7, 26A2-4, 26A5-8, m: IIA/23G6-7, 26A2-4, 26A5-8, 26E12-14, 26F1-4, 26F1-4, 26F6-10, 26E12-14, 26F6-10, 26F11-12, 26F11-12, 26G8-11 26G8-11 BROWN, BROW N, Sophonisba SophonisbaPeale Peale Sellers Sellers (Mrs. (Mrs. Dunwell) Dunwell) m: 2A 2-8, 2D14-E2, 2D14-E2, m: XC/1F1-2, XC/IFI-2, 2A2-8, 3C 1-4,3C 9-12, 3C13-D2, 3C13-D 2, 3C1-4, 3C9-12, 3D7-10, 3E1-4, 3F7-10, 3D 7-10,3E 1-4, 3E5-8, 3E 5-8,3F7-10, 3G 1-4,3G 5-8, 4B5-8, 4B 5-8, 4B9-12, 4B9-12, 3G1-4, 3G5-8, 4C 7 -1 4,44D1-4, D 1 -4 ,44D5-8, D 5 -8 , 4C7-14, 4D 9-12, 4D 13-E4, 4E5-8, 4D9-12, 4D13-E4, 4E5-8, 4E9-F1, 6-9, 4E9-F1, 4F10-13, 4F10-13, 5A 5A6-9, 5A10-13, 5C14-D 1, 5D 2-5, 5A10-13, 5C14-D1, 5D2-5, 5E4-8, 6A10-13, 6A14-B3, 6A14-B3, 5E4-8, 6A10-13, 6D 8-11, 7B10-13, 7B10-13, 7B14-C3, 7B14-C3, 6D8-11, 7C6-9, 7C10-13, 7C14-D3, 7C6-9, 7C10-13, 7C14-D3, 7D4-7, 7D 4-7, 7D8-11, 7D 8-11, 7E10-12, 7E10-12, 7E 13-14,7F1-4,7F5-8,7G 7-10, 7E13-14, 7F1-4, 7F5-8, 7G7-10, 7G11-13, 8A 8A6-8, 7G11-13, 6-8, 8B14-C3, 8B14-C3, 8D3-6, 8D 3-6, 8D9-12, 8D 9-12, 8D13-14, 8D13-14, 8E5-8, 8F3-6, 8E5-8, 8E9-12, 8E9-12, 8F3-6, 9A10-13, 9A10-13, 9E9-12, 9E9-12, 9F12-G1, 9F12-G1, 10B9-12, 10B13-C2,10C11-14, 10B9-12, 10B13-C2, IOCII-14, 10D 1-3,10D 9-12, 10F2-5, 10F2-5, IODI-3, 10D9-12, 10F14-G3, 10F14-G 3,10G 10G4-7, 4-7,11A 11A2-5, 2-5, 11A12-B1, 11C13-D1, 11Al2-B1, 11C13-D1, 11D13-14,11F10-13 11D13-14, I1F1O-13 BROWN, BROW N, Thomas. Thomas. Conchologist's Conchologist’s Text Text Book Book m: VIIAC/25B7-E2 VIIAC/25B7-E2 m: BROW N, Thomas Thomas BROWN, CWP to: CWP to: 1826, Mar66 IIA/72A7 1826, Mar IIA/72A7 BROW NE, Mrs. Mrs. Sarah Sarah BROWNE, m: m: XC/1C4-7, 1-4, 1G6-7 1G6-7 XC/1C4-7, 1D IDI-4, BROWNING, Hickman BROW NING, Orville Orville Hickman B. F. James to: to: B. F. James 1867, 17 1867, Dec Dec17 VIII AA (A d d .)/lC ll-D l VIII (Add.)/ICII-D1 m: VIIIA/14E1-3 m: VIIIA/14E1-3
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BRUCE, (Dr.) BRUCE, (Dr.) Archibald Archibald to to ReP: ReP: 1810,Jan 12 1810, Jan 12 VIA (Add.)/1A12-Bl VIA (Add.)/1Al2-B1 CWP to: to: CWP 1806, Feb33 1806, Feb IIA/37F13 lIA/37F1 1806, Feb66 1IA/37F1 1806, Feb IIA/37F14 1806, 1806, Feb Feb 88 IIA/37G7 11A137G2 1806, Jun Jun 18 1806, 18 IIA/38F13 IIA/38F1 1808, Sept20 1808, Sept 20 IIA/44C3-4 IIA/44C3-1 m: IIC (p. 380) 380) ?n: IIC (p. BRUEN, Peter BRUEN, Peter Bryant Bryant m: IIB/2 (p. 43) n: IIB/2 (p.43) BRUHNS, [Dr.] BRUHNS, [Dr.] C. C. Caroline E. toto Caroline E. G. G. Peale: Peale: n.d. n.d. IXA/21D11 IXA/21D11 BRUNELLE, M. BRUNELLE, M. m: IIA/29F13-14, ?n: 11A129F13-14,29G5, 29G5,29G6-7, 29G6-7, 29Gb-h, 30A8-9, 29G10-11, 30A8-9,30A10-11, 30A10-11, = 30C 3-4,31G 5-6, 31G7-8, 30C3-4, 31G5-6, 31G7-8, 31G9-10, 31G9-10, 32A6-7, 32A6-7, 33F3-4, 33F3-4, 34A13-B2 34A13-B2 BRUSSELS BRUSSELS Mint Mint ?n: IXA/4E12-F3 IXA/4E12-F3 m: BRYAN, ThomasJ. BRYAN, Thomas J. ?n:VIA/12A14, VIAI12A14,BB1-3 m: l-3 BRYANT, William BRYANT, William Cullen Cullen m: IXA/14D12-13 IXA/14D12-13 m: "The Skies": Skies”: VIA/15A14-B2 "The WA/15A14-B2 BUCHAN, BUCHAN, William William m: IIA/34D14-E1, m: IIA/34D14-E1, 34E2, 34E2, 34E3-7, 34E3-7, 34F10-12 34F10-12 BUCHANAN, James BUCHANAN, James m: I/1A10-C10 I/1A!0-C1O m: BUCHANAN, James BUCHANAN, James ReP to: to: ReP 1860, Mar 20 VIAI14A9-11 VIA/14A9-11 1860, Mar20 BFP to: to: BFP 1833,Jul Jul20 IXA/3B10-11 1833, 20 IXA/3B10-11 m: m: VIIIA/9E5-10, VIIIA/9E5-10, 10F9-10,10G3-4, 10F9-10, 10G3-4, 10G6-10, 1OGII, 10G12-13, 10G6-10,10G11,10G12-13, 11A3-4,11B10 11A3-4, IIB1O BU CKHANNAN.J. A. A. BUCKHANNAN,J. CWP to: CWPto: 1803, 26 IIA/28B6 1803,Jul Jul26 IIA/28B6 IIA/38A6 1806, 21 IIA/38A6 1806, Feb Feb21 BUCKINGHAM, Duke Duke of of BUCKINGHAM, m: VIA/4G9-12 m: VIAI4G9-12 BUCKLAND, William BUCKLAND, William m: IIB/10 (p. (p. 14) 14) m: IIA/4E2-4; IIA/4E2-4; IIB/lO BUCKLEY, Daniel BUCKLEY, Daniel CWP to: to: CWP 1807, Nov Nov 25 IIA/42A5-6 1807, 25 IIA/42A5-6 11Ai64E11 1820, Jul 14 IIA/64E11 1820,Ju114 m: m: IIA/47G6-12, 11A147G6-12,48G9-10, 48G9-10, 48G11-13, 48G11-13, 62F9-10, 62F9-!O, 67B7-9; 67B7-9; tIC IIC (pp. (pp. 386-87, 386-87, 471, 471, 482) 482) BUCKLEY, M. M. E. E. BUCKLEY, to Eljza Patterson Peale: to Eliza Patterson Peale: VIIA/3B14-C3 1820, Feb Feb 18 18 VIIA/3B14-C3 1820, 1822, Nov 31 V1IA/4C4-7 VtIA/4C4-7 1822, Nov31 BUFFON, Comte Comte de de BUFFON, m: 24B12-13, 24B14, m: 11A21C3-8, IIA21C3-8, 24B12-13, 24B14, 24C1-6, 24C1-6, 25F1-3, 25F1-3, 26B9-13, 26B9-13, 28B7-8, 33E3-7, 33E3-7, 35A2-6, 35A2-6, 28B7-8, 35A11-13, 35A11-13, 36F8-11, 36F8-11, 36F12-G1, 36F12-G1,
43A10-B2, 44E7-11, 44E7-11, 45C12-13, 45C12-13, 43A10-B2, 62D1-2; HB/9 62D1-2; IIB/9 (p. (p. 45); 45); IID/2B13-D4; IID/2B13-D4; V/1B13-14 V/1B13-14 BULL, BULL, John John and CWP CWP tojohn toJohnJay: and Jay: 1779, Sept 17 17 IIA/9A2-7 1779, Sept IIA/9A2-7 CWP to: CWPto: 1787, Jul 24 IIA/15F11-12 1787, Jul24 IIA/15F11-12 m: HAI8C11-D3, 73D9-12; m: IIA/8C11-D3, 73D9-12;11B12 IIB/2 (p. 39); IIC (pp. (pp. 69, 69, 70-73); 70-73); (p. 39); IIC VIIIAI3G2-13, 10A8-11 VIIIA/3G2-13,10A8-11 BULLOCK, BULLOCK, (Mr.) (Mr.) [London [London Museum] Museum] m: IIA/70F5-6, m: IIA/70F5-6, 70F7-9; 70F7-9; VIIIA(Add.)/1A7-8 VIIIA(Add.)/lA7-8 BUNKER HILL, Battle of of BUNKER HILL, Battle m: IIA/5C11-D2 m: IIA/5C11-D2 BUNTING, David BUNTING, David m: XC/5A10-13, m: XC/5A10-13, 11B2-5 11B2-5 BUNTING, BUNTING,Elizabeth Elizabeth m: XC/3D3-6, m: XC/3D3-6, 6C13-D2, 6C13-D2, 10B13-C2,11B2-5 10B13-C2, 11B2-5 BUNTING, BUNTING,Josiah Josiah m: XC/6C13-D2, XC/6C13-D2, 6D14-E3, 6D14-E3, m: 7F9-12, 7F9-12, 11E1-5 IIEI-5 BUNTING, BUNTING, Mary Mary m: m: XC/5D10-13, XC/5D10-13,7E2-5, 7E2-5, 7E10-12, 7E10-12, 7F1-4, 6-9, 7F1-4, 7F9-12, 7F9-12, 9A 9A6-9, 9E13-F2,10G8-11, 9E13-F2, 10G8-11, 11B2-5 11B2-5 BURGH, BURCH, William William to CWP: toCWP: 1795, Feb Feb 17 17 IIE/3E7-F6 1795, HE/3E7-F6 m: m: IIA/66A12-14 IIA/66Al2-14 BURD, BURD, Edward Edward Shippen Shippen toto CWP: CWP: 1805, 1805, Dec Dec26 26 IIA/37C11-D IIA/37C11-D6 6 1810, Jan Jan 11 IIA/71D3-8 1810, IIA/7!D3-8 CWP to: CWP to: 1810, Jan 11 IIA/48C11 —14, 1810,Jan IIA/48C11-14, 48D1-6 48D1 -6 m: hA/I 5D9- 14, 65F2-3; 65F2-3; IIl/4B -C3; m: IIA/15D9-14, III/4B-C3; XIC/1B8-G3 XIC/1B8-G3 BURD, James BURD, James m: -3 , m: IIA/69B13-C1, IIA/69B13-C1, 68E1 68E1-3, 69E8-10, 72B12-14; 69E8-10, 70C6-7, 7006-7, 72B12-14; VIIA/10F7-10 VIIA/10F7-10 BURKE, Edmund Edmund BURKE, to TRP: toTRP: VIIIA/11C8 1848, Aug 14 VIIIA/11C8 1848, Aug14 1851, Mar6 M ar6 VIIIA/11B1O-C2 VIIIA/11B10-C2 1851, TRP to: TRP to: 1848, May May 17, 27 VIIIA/11A9-11 1848, 17,27 VHIA/11A9-11 Joseph Henry Henry to: Joseph to: 1848, Jul 10 10 VIIIA/11C2 1848,Jul VHIA/11C2 m: VIIIA/10G3-4, 10G11, m: VIIIA/10G3-4, IOGI1, 10G12-13,11A3-4,11A12-14, 10G12-13, 11A3-4, 11Al2-14, 11B1-2, 11B3,11B4, 11B4,11B5, 11B5, 11B9, 11B9, IIBI-2, 11B3, 11B10,11B11, I1BIO, 11B1I, 11C3, 11C3, 11E2-4, 11E2-4, 11E11, 12C3-4,12C14-D1 12C14-D1 hEll, 12C3-4, 12G5-13, 13E11-14 12G5-13, 13E11-14 BURNHAM, (Dr.) (Dr.) BURNHAM, m: 2-5 m: XC/6B4-7, XC/6B4-7, 7E 7E2-5 BURNSIDE, BURNSIDE, (General) (General) Ambrose Ambrose Everett Everett m: m: VIIA/12A11-14 VIIA/12A11-14 BURR, Aaron BURR, Aaron m: 32F10, m: IIA/31C7-9, IIA/31C7-9, 32F8-9, 32F8-9, 32F10, 32G2-4, 40C4-5, 40C4-5, 40E13-F1; 40E13-F1; 32G2-4,
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IIB/22 (p. 80) 80) IIB/22 (p.
m: VIIIA/3D1 —3 VIIIA13D1-3 m: BURROUGHS, (Dr.) (Dr.) Marmaduke Marmaduke BURROUGHS, m: XI (Add.)/5 (pp. XI (Add.)/5 (pp. 70-72) 70-72) m: BURROUGHS, BURROUGHS, Thomas Thomas H. H.
ReP to: ReP to: VIA/9A9-13 1837, Dec 14 VIA/9A9-13 1837, Dec 14 m: (Add.)/6 (p. (p. 134) 134) XIA (Add.)/6 m: XIA BURROWS, (Dr.) BURROWS, (Dr.) m: VIIIA/2G7 m: VIIIA12G7 BURROWS, Silas BURROWS, Silas E. E. BFP BFP to: to: IXA/2G8-9 1833, IXA/2G8-9 1833, May May 33 m: VIA/6G8-13; VIIA/8A2-4; VIIA/8A2-4; m: VIA16G8-13; VIIIA13A2-6, 8F7-9; 8F7-9; VIIIA/3A2-6, XIA111C3-12A5, 12B6-7; 12B6-7; XIA/11C3-12A5, (Add.)/5 (pp. 74, 81-83) 81-83) (Add.)/5 (pp. 63-66, 63-66, 74, BURTON, BURTON, (Mr.) (Mr.) XIA/14G3-15A2 m: VIIA/6E12-F1; XIA/14G3-15A2 m: \TIIA/6E12-F1; BURTON, BURTON, Eliza Eliza m: IIA/29B13-C2 in: 11A129B13-C2 BURWELL, (Mr.) BURWELL, (Mr.) m: IIA/30G10, 30G11-12, 30G11-12,31A4-5, 31A4-5, m: IIA13OG1O, 31Al2-13 31A12-13 BUSBY, (Mr.) (Mr.) BUSBY, CWP to: CWP to: 1817, Jul Jul 11 IIA/59G4 1817, IIA/59G4 m: 11B122 (pp. 63, 63, 64) 64) m: IIB/22 (pp. BUSSEY, BUSSEY, Benjamin Benjamin ReP to: ReP to: VIA/7G6-7 1832, Nov33 1832, Nov VIA/7G6-7 BUSTI, (Mr.) (Mr.) BUSTI, CWP to: CWP to: 1805, Jul 9 IIA/35B11-12 1805,Ju19 IIA/35B11-12 1805, Sept Sept 13 IIA/36A6 1805, 13 IIA/36A6 m: IIA/30A8-9, m: IIA/30A8-9, 30A10-11 30A10-11 BUTE, G. G. H. H. BUTE, toroTRP: TRP: 1829, 1829, Sept 8 Sept VillA 8 (Add.)/1B5-6 VIIIA (Add.)/lB5-6 BUTLER, (Miss) (Miss) BUTLER, CWPto: CWP to: 1822, Feb Feb 16 IIA/66F11 1822, 16 IIA/66F11 1822, 1822, May May 33 IIA/66G2-3 IIA/66G2-3 m: m: IIA/66G8-10 IIA/66G8-1O BUTLER, (Mr.) BUTLER, (Mr.) m: m: VIIA/3E7-9; VIIA/3E7-9; VIIIA/5 -4; VillA/S El E1-4; XD/1F13-G4 XD/1F13-G4 BUTLER, (Major) BUTLER, (Major) CWP to: CWP to: 1811, May May26 1811, 26 IIA/50C12 IIA/50C12 m: m: IIA/34G11-12, IIA/34G11-12, 35C8-10, 35C8-10, 35C14-D1, 50F8-14, 35C14-D1, 47E7-12, 47E7-12, 50F8-14, 50G1-4, 58A2-5, 62A7-8 50G1-4, 58A2-5, 62A7-8 BUTLER, Anthony BUTLER, Anthony m: m: IIA/11F1-2,11F3-4 IIAJ11FI-2,11F3-4 BUTLER, Mrs. BUTLER, Mrs. Anthony Anthony CWP to: CWP to: 1782,Nov Nov27 1782, 27 IIA/11F1-2,11F3-4 IIA/11F1-2, 11F3-4 BUTLER, C. M. M. BUTLER, C. totoTRP: TRP: 1852, 1852, Sept Sept11 VIIIA/13B2 VIIIA/13B2 m: VIIIA/3B5 m: VIIIA/3B5 BUTLER, BUTLER, J.J. D. D. CWP to: CWPto:
1826, Aug IIA/72D8 1826, Aug 22 IIA/72D8 BUTLER, Pierce BUTLER, Pierce CWP CWP to: to: 1817, Feb Feb 15 15 IIA/59A8 1817, 11A159A8 1821, Jul 88 IIA/66C6 1821,Jul IIA/66C6 IIA/66C10 1821, Aug77 1821, Aug IIA/66C10 65F14, 65G4-6, 65G4-6, m: IIA/50D11-13, 65F14, m: IIA15OD11-13, 66B5-7, 66D12, 66D12, 66F11, 66F11, 66B5-7, 67D12-13; VIIA/4A6; VIIA/4A6; 67D12-13; XIA/7A6-B11, XIA/7A6-B11, 7C1-14; 7C1-14; (Add.)/1C9-D6, (A dd.)/lC9-D 6, 1D13-E12, 1D13-E12, 55 (pp. 21) (pp. 1,5,6, 1,5,6,10, 10,11, 11,17, 17,21) BYERLY, Stephen BYERLY, Stephen to to Philadelphia Philadelphia Museum: Museum: 1844, Jan 22 22 XIA/15B11-12 1844,Jan XIA/15B11-12
C CABANIS, Pierre-Jean CABANIS, Pierre-Jean m: IIA/42F5-7 11A142F5-7 m: CABOT, George CABOT, George m: IIA/31G5-6 m: IIA/31G5-6 CADBURY, Joel CADBURY, Joel m: XC/2E7-10, 2F1-4, 2F1-4, 2F5-8, m: XC/2E7-10, 2F5-8, 2F9-12, 2F13-G2, 2G7-10, 2F9-12, 2F13-G2, 2G7-10, 3A2-5, 3A 2-5, 4F2-5, 4F2-5, 11B2-5, 11B2-5, 11B6-7 11B6-7 CAD WALADER, Elizabeth Elizabeth Lloyd Lloyd CADWALADER, (Mrs. (Mrs. John) John) m: 11Al2G2-5,2G 2G6-7, 3A14-B3, m: IIA/2G2-5, 6-7, 3A14-B3, 3D12-E1, 4C12-D3, 4D13-E1 3D12-E1, 4C12-D3,4D13-E1 CAD WALADER, John John CADWALADER, CWP to: CWP to: 1770, IIA/2G2-5 1770, Sept Sept 77 IIA/2G2-5 1770, Sept Sept 77 IIA/2G6-7 1770, IIA/2G6-7 1771, Mar Mar22 1771, 22 IIA/3A14-B3 IIA/3A14-B3 m: IIA/4B4-9, 4B10-C1, 4B10-C1, 4C12-D3, 4C12-D3, m: IIA/4B4-9, 4D7-12, 4D13-E1, 5D7-8; 4D 7-12,4D 13-E1,5D 7-8;IIB/2 IIB/2 (pp. 15-16), 3 (pp.6,6,7,11,13,20) (pp. lS-l6),3(pp. 7, 11, 13,20) CADWALADER, Thomas CADWALADER, (Dr.) (Dr.) Thomas m: IIC (p. (p. 121) 121) m: IIA/4D13-E1; IIA/4D13-E1; IIC CADWALLADER, CADWALLADER, Charles Charles m: XC/7E2-5, XC/7E2-5, 8C8-11, 8C8-11, 8E9-12, m: 8E9-12, 8G 5-8, 9C9-12, 9C9-12, 10B13-C2, 10B13-C2, 8G5-8, 10G8-11, 11B2-5, 11D9-1O 10G 8-11,11B 2-5,11D 9-10 CADWALLADER, David David CADWALLADER, m: XC/4E9-F1, 5C 5C2-8, m: XC/4E9-F1, 2-8, 6G9-12, 6G9-12, 7E2-5 7E2-5 CADWALLADER, Elizabeth (Libby) (Libby) CADWALLADER, Elizabeth in: XC/9E13-F2, XC/9E13-F2, 10B13-C2, m: 10B13-C2, 10G8-11, 11C13-D1, 10G8-11, 11C11-12, 11C11-12, 11C13-D1, 11D2-4 11D2-4 CADWALLADER, Emma CADWALLADER, Emma m: XC/3G5-8, XC/3G5-8, 7F9-12, 7F9-12, 9C9-12, 9C9-12, m: 10B13-C2 10B13-C2 CAD WALLADER, Rachel CADWALLADER, Rachel m: XC/7E10-12, 7F1-4, 7F1-4, 8C8-11, m: XC/7E10-12, 8C8-11, 8C13-D2, 8D3-6, 8C13-D2, 8D 3-6,1OE1O-12 10E10-12
139 The Peale Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers 139 The
m: n: XC/3G5-8, XC/3G5-8, 7E2-5, 7E2-5, 7F9-12, 7F9-12, 8D 9-12,10B13-C2 8D9-12, 10B13-C2 CAIN, (Mr.) CAIN, (Mr.) m: IIC (pp. 18-91) m: IIC (pp. 18-91)
RuP to: RuP to: 1842, 15 XIC/1B8-G3 1842, Dec Dec15 XICIIB8-G3 CALDER, A. CALDER, James James A. to CP: to CP: 1751,Ju117 1751, Jul 17 I/2E5-11 112E5-11 1752, Apr Apr 17 1752, 17 I/2F7-9 112F7-9 n.d. I/2F10 nd. IJ2FIO CP to: CP to: 1746, 25 I2A8-9 1746, Sept Sept25 12A8-9 m: I/1C12—13, 3-4, I/1C12-13, 1E12-13, 1E12-13, 2A 2A3-4, m: 2B1-2, 2B1-2, 2C5-6, 2C5-6, 2F3-6 2F3-6 CALDWELL, CALDWELL, Andrew Andrew m: IIB/9 fEB19(p. (p. 46) 46) CALDWELL, Charles CALDWELL, Charles RuP to: RuP to: 1816, Jan Jan 11 VIIA/3B6-7 1816, VIIAI3B6-7 CALDWELL, CALD WELL, D. D. toto Mr. Mr. Calhoun: Calhoun: 1821, 29 III/2E10 11112E10 1821, Dec Dec29 CALDWELL, Susannah CALD WELL, Susannah m: IIC IIC (14b, (14b, d, d, f)f) CALHOUN, (Mr.) (Mr.) CALHOUN, CWP to: CWP to: 1803, IIA/27C11 IIA/27C11 1803,Mar Mar77 CALHOUN, Hugh CALHOUN, Hugh CWP to: to: CWP 1820, IIA/65A2 IIA/65A2 1820, Oct Oct33 m: IIA/65A7 IIA/65A7 CALHOUN, James CALHOUN, James m: IIA/10G5-8; IIAIIOGS-8; IVAJ3A11-B4 IVAJ3AII -B4 CALHOUN, John C. C. CALHOUN,John toJP: toJP: 1831, 11 III/2F4 1II/2F4 1831, Mar Mar11 CWP CWP to: o: 1820, Dec 24 IIA/65D3-4 1820, Dec24 IIA/65D3-4 1820, 24 IIA/65D5-7 1820, Dec Dec24 IJA/65D5-7 1821, Dec IIA/66F1 1821, Dec33 11A166F1 1822, Aug Aug30 IIA/67D12-13 1822, 30 IIA/67D12-13 D. Caldwell to: to: D. CaIdwell 1821, 1821, Dec Dec29 29 III/2E10 11112E10 Stephen H. Long to: to: Stephen H. Long 1821, Mar13 VIIA/3E2-6 1821, Mar 13 VIIA/3E2-6 m: IIA/61C5-7, 61D1-2, m: IIA/61C5-7, 61C12-13, 61C12-13, 61D1-2, 61D3-4, 6105-6, 61D5-6, 61D8-9, 61D8-9, 6103-4, 61E2-3, 61E2-3, 61E4-5, 61E4-5, 61E6-8, 61E6-8, 61E12-13, 61F1-2, 61F9-G3, 61E12-13, 61F1-2, 61F9-G3, 61G4-8,61G9, 62A7-8, 61G4-8, 61G9, 62A2-6, 62A2-6, 62A7-8, 69F13-G3; 69F13-G3; JIB/23 IIB/23 (pp. (pp. 15ff, 15ff, 20); 20); IIC (p. (p. 420); 420); IXA/6F5-8, IXA/6F5-8, IIC 11B13—14, 11D4-9; 11D4-9; 11B13-14, X IA /7C1-14,17C12 17C12 XIAI7CI-14, CALHOUN, (Dr.) S.S. CALHOUN, (Dr.) toto TRP: TRP: 1821, 22 VIIIA/1D7 VIIIA/1D7 1821, May May22 m: 11114F9-12;XD/1C9-10 XD/1C9-10 m: III/4F9—12; CALLA,John CALLA, John M. M. M. M. BFP to: to: BFP 1846, Dec19 Dec 19IXAfIOAI3-14 IXA/10A13-14 1846, CALLAHAN, James CALLAHAN, James m: IIB/10 (pp. rn. IIA/1A10-12; IJA/IAIO-12; 110/10 (pp. 12-14), 12-14), tn:
19 (p. (p. 44) 44) 19
CALLAHAN, John John CALLAHAN, CWP to: to: CWP 1791, 30 IIA/16F12-14 1791,Oct Oct30 IIA/16F12-14 1803, IIA/27D11 —12 1803, Apr Apr88 11A127D11-12 m: IIA/41A13-B1; IIB/6([m}a), ([m]a), 10 10 rn: IIA/41A3-B1; IIB/6 (p. 14); 14); IIC (pp.169, 458); 458); (p. IIC (pp.169, 1VA/2B4-6 IVAI2B4-6 CALLAHAN, Mary Mary CALLAHAN, m: m: IIB/11 118/lI (pp. (pp. 1,13), 1, 13), 12 12(pp. (pp. 20-21) 20-21) CALLAHAN, Sarah Buckland Buckland CALLAHAN, Sarah (Mrs. John) John) (Mrs. m: IIA/27D11-12; 1, m: IIA/27D11-12;IIB/11 JIB/lI (pp. (pp.1, 35-6); IIC IIC (p. (p. 458) 458) 35-6); CALLAHAN, CALLAHAN, Thomas Thomas CWP to: CWP to: 1809, IIA/47B2-3 1809, Jun Jun 22 IIA/47B2-3 m: IIA/38A3, 4-5 rn: JJA/38A3,41A 41A4-5 CALLCUS,P.P. CALLCUS, to CLP: CLP: to 1815, Feb12 Feb 12 XD/1B2-3 1815, XD/1B2-3 CALLISTER, Mary CALLISTER, Mary Harriot Harriot Elizabeth Peale to: Elizabeth Peale to: 1785, Dec 31 IVA/3B5-9 1785, Dec31 IVA/3B5-9 CALLISTER, Sarah Sarah CALLISTER, m: IIB/2 (pp. m: IIB/2 (pp. 7, 7, 9); 9); IVA/3A7-10 IVA/3A7-10 CALLISTER, Mrs. Sarah Sarah CALLISTER, Mrs. Elizabeth Peale Peale to: to: Elizabeth 1785, Dec 31 1VA/3B5-9 1785, Dec31 IVAI3BS-9 m: IIB/2 (pp. 7, 8); 8); IVA/3A7-1O IVA/3A7-10 (pp. 7, rn. IIB/2 CALVERT, CALVERT, Benedict Benedict (Lord (Lord Baltimore) Baltimore) CP to: to: CP 1746, Sept 21 I/2A5-7 I/2A5-7 1746, Sept21 1746 1746 1747 1747 1747 1747
I/2B13 I/2B13
1/2C1-2 112C1-2 ThomasJohnson to: ThomasJohnson to: 1777, May 13 IVA/2B7-12 IVA/2B7-12 1777, May 13 m: 1/IFIO; I/1F10; IIB/19 26); IIB/19 (p. (p. 26); VIIA/4G5-6, VIIA/4G5-6, 5B7-10; 5B7-10; VIIIC/28A2-B1 VUIC/28A2-B1 CALVERT, Benjamin CALVERT, Bcnj2min CWP to: to: CWP 1824, Jul 21 IIA/71A IIA/71A 1824,Ju121 m: I/1G9-1O, I/1G9—10, 1G11, 1GII, 2A2, 2A2, 2A5-7, 2A5-7, 2C1-2, 2C3-4; 2C3-4; IIA/41C9-12, IIA/41C9-12, 2C1-2, 70A6-9, 71A3-4; 71A3-4;IIB/1 IIB/1 (pp. (pp. 12, 12, 70A6-9, 16); IIC 451-71,472); 16); IIC(pp. (pp.29, 29,451-71,472); VIIA/5B7-10; VIIA/5B710; VIIIA/15C5-8, VIIIAJ15C5-8, 15D6-9,V1I1CI28A2B1; VIIIC/28A2-B1; 1506-9; XIA(Add.)/6 (p.172) XIA(AddJ/6 (p.172) CALVERT Family, CALVERT Family, History History of of m: VIIIC/27G9-11 VIIIC/27G9-11 CAMAC, Turner Turner CAMAC, RuP to: RuP o: 1823, Dec19 Dec 19VIIA/5A11-B4 VIIA/5A11-B4 1823, CAMAC, (Dr.) William William CAMAC, (Dr.) to Mr. Mr. Peale: Peale: to n.d. IXA/18D11 IXA/18D11 nd. BFP to: to: BFP 1857, Feb Feb 11 11 IXA/15E3 IXA/15E3 1857, m: XIIA/1A3-3E3 XIIA/1A3-3E3 CAMBRAY-DIGNY, Louis Louis Antoine Antoine CAMBRAY-DIGNY, Jean Baptiste, Baptiste, Chevalier Chevalier de de Jean m: IID/29 IID/29 (p. (p. 23); 23); XIA/2C10-E1; XIA/2C10-E1; 17C4 17C4 ,n:
140 140
The Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers The Peale
11A169F13-G3;VIA/5B4-7 VIA/5B4-7 m: IIA/69F13-G3; m: CAREY and Lea Lea CAREY and ReP to: ReP to: [1829?] VIA/6C5-6 [1829?] VIA/6C5-6 XIBI2GI-6, 3A 3A3-7 m: X1B/2G1-6, m: 3-7 CARL, (Dr.) CARL, (Dr.) CAMEN, (Mr.) CAMEN, (Mr.) m: IIB/10 (p. (p. 34) 34) m: IIB/lO m: IIB/15 (p. (p. 31) m: IIB/15 31) CARMICHAEL, (Mr.) (Mr.) CARMICHAEL, CAMEN, CAMEN, (Mrs.) (Mrs.) CP to: to: CP m: 11B115 IIB/15 (p. (p. 31); 31); IIC (p. 264) 264) IIC (p. Ii2D5-6 1747, Jul 22 M2D5-6 1747,Ju122 CAM ERON, H. C. CAMERON, H. C. Ii2D7 1747, Jul 31 I/2D7 1747,Ju131 totoTRP: TRP: m: U2C5-6, 1F7-8 1F7-8 m: Ii2C5-6, VIIIA/14F2-3 1870, Jan 31 VIIIA/14F2-3 1870, Jan31 CARMICHAEL, William CARMICHAEL, William CAM ERON,John CAMERON,John CWP CWP to: to: CWP CWP to: to: 1779, Oct IIA/9G5-6 IIA/9G5-6 1779, Oct 1808, Oct I1A/44D1-10 I1A/44D1-1O 1808, Oct77 1779, Oct IIA/9B7 IIA/9B7 1779, Oct CAMPBELL, (Mr.) (Mr.) CAMPBELL, IIA/IIDII-13 1782, Oct IIA/11D11 —13 1782, Oct88 m: IIA/24C7-10; IIB/18 IIB/18 (pp. (pp. 16, 16,19) 19) m: IIA/24C7-10; IIA/14D13 1786, Sept 23 IIA/14D13 1786, Sept23 CAMPBELL, (Captain) CAMPBELL, (Captain) 9B13-14, 9F10-13, 9F10-13, m: IIA/9B8-12, 9B13-14, m: 11A19B8-12, CP to: to: CP 9G6-9, IOFI-2, 10F3, 9G 6-9,10F1-2, 10F3,12B7, 12B7, 1746, Aug 15 I/1G7-8 1746, Aug15 111G7-8 12C9-10, 12C9-10, 12C13-14, 12C13-14, 12D6-10, 12D6-10, CAMPBELL, Daniel Daniel CAMPBELL, 15G3, 15G7-9; 15G10-11; 15G3, 15G7-9; 15G10-11; I/1C12-13, 1D13-14, 1D13-14,1E1-2 IEI-2 m: I/1C12—13, m: VIIIA/16C6-8 VIIIAJI6C6-8 CAMPBELL, Mrs. Mrs. F.F. CAMPBELL, CARNOT, Lazare Lazare Nicholas CARNOT, Nicholas Marguerite Marguerite ReP to: ReP to: m: IIA/42F5-7 m: 11A142F5-7 VIA/11B12-C1 1853, VIA/11B12-C1 1853, Nov28 Nov 28 CARR, CARR, (Miss) (Miss) CAMPBELL, George George CAMPBELL, m: IIB/10 6) IIB/lO (p. (p. 6) m: XIAJI4A7-F7, XIA/14A7-F7,(Add.)17 (Add.)/7 m: CARR, Benjamin CARR, Benjamin (pp. 208, 21D-13, (pp. 192-95, 192-95,208, 210-13, toBFP: to BFP: 218-19, 232) 218-19, 232) 1827, Feb Feb23 IXA/2B1 CAMPBELL, 1827, 23 IXA/2B1 CAMPBELL, Peter Peter 1827, Feb23 IXA/2B2-3 1827, Feb 23 IXA/2B2-3 m: 16);([m] ([ml p. p. 12) m: I11B16 IB/6 (p.(p.16); 12) CWP to: CWP to: CANDERBECK, (Mr.) CANDERBECK, (Mr.) 1803, Jan22 1803, Jan 22 IIA/27B3 11A127B3 m: VIIA/7C2-5; XIA XIA (Add.)15 (Add.)/5 m: VIIA/7C2-5; m: IIA/21G1-3 m: IIA/21G1-3 (pp. 57-59) 57-59) (pp. CARR, John John CARR, CANDERBECK, (Mrs.) (Mrs.) CANDERBECK, m: IIA/73C6-D8 m: VIIAI7C2-6, m: 11A173C6-D8 m: VIIA/7C2-6, 7D 4-5; XIA XIA 7D4-5; CARR, Margaret Margaret Peale Peale (Mrs. (Mrs.John) (Add.)/5 (pp. -59) CARR, John) (Add.)15 (pp. 57 57-59) m: IIA/73C6-D8; V/1E3-10, V/1E3-10, CANOVA, Antonio m: IIA/73C6-D8; CANOVA, Antonio m: IIA/42D11-14, 42E1-4; 42E1-4; 1G7-12, 2A 2A4-5, m: IIA/42D11-14, 1G7-12, 4-5, 2A9-B2, 2A9-B2, VIA/2A14-B1,4G9-12, 11G2; 2B7-13, 2C12-D1, 2D2-9, VIA/2A14-B1,4G9-12, 11G2; 2B7-13, 2C12-D 1, 2D 2-9, VIB/19F11-20B14 2D12-E1; VIIA/5A3-10 VIB/19F11-20B14 2D12-E1; VIIA/5A3-10 CANTZ, Edward CANTZ, Edward CARRE, CARRE, Charles Charles totoTRP: TRP: m: 11A128E4-5; 41C13-14 m: IIA/28E4—5; 41C13—14 VIIIA/13C3 CARRE, John Thomas Thomas CARRE, John 1853,Jun 1853, Jun 23 23 VIIIA/13C3 CANY, Mary CANY, Mary CWP to: to: CWP ReP and Harriet Harriet Peale Deed to: ReP and Peale Deed to: c.c. 1792 1792 IIA/17E13-F8 IIA/17E13-F8 1840, Nov44 1840, Nov VIA/9D3-11 VIA/9D3-11 m: IIA/22E3-7 m: IIA/22E3-7 CAPELLANO CAPELLANO CARROLL, CARROLL, Charles Charles m: m: VIAJ6CII-14 VIA/6C11-14 toJohn to John Beale Beale Bordley: Bordley: CAPRON, (General) CAPRON, (General) 1771,Ju130 IIA(Add.)/1A4-7 1771, Jul 30 IIA(Add.)/lA4-7 to TRP: toTRP: CARROLL, Charles Charles (Barrister) (Barrister) CARROLL, 1871,Jan4 1871,Jan4 VIIIA/14G3 VIIIA/14G3 to Mr. Mr. Twinihoe: Twinihoe: to CARD, John M. M. CARD,John 1764, Jul11 1764, Jul 11 IIA/1E13—14 IIA/1E13-14 m: VIIA/6C9-D8; VIIA/6C9-D8; XIC/1A2-13 XIC/1A2-13 m: to William Anderson: to William Anderson: CARELS,J. S. CARELSJ. S. 1766, 1766, Oct Oct29 29 IIA/2A8-10 IIA/2A8-10 ReP to: ReP to: 1766, Oct Oct30 IIAI2A11 1766, 30 IIA/2A11 1857, Dec Dec88 1857, VIA/12E6 VIA/12E6 to to CWP: CWP: CAREY, CAREY, Henry Henry Charles Charles 1767, Oct29 1767, Oct 29 IIA/2A12-B3 IIA/2Al2-B3 toto ReP: ReP: to to Captains Captains M Montgomerie ontgomerie and and n.d., n.d., [Apr28?] [Apr 28?] VIA/14F11 VIA/14F11 Banning, Messrs. Messrs. William William andJames andjames Banning, ReP to: to: ReP Anderson: Anderson: 1859, Feb22 1859, Feb 22 VIA/13D13 VIA/13D13 1767, Oct29 1767, Oct 29 IIA/2B4-6 IIA/2B4-6 m: IXA/15E13-14, m: IXA/15E13-14, 16C9-12 16C9-12 CWP CWP to: to: CAREY, James Thomas Thomas CAREY, James n.d. n.d. IIA/4F7-10 IIA/4F7-10 RuP to: to: RuP 1775, 1775, Apr Apr11 11 IIA/5B13-C2 IIA/5B13-C2 1835,JuI 1835, Jul 1414 XIC/1B8-G3 XICIIB8-G3 1778, 1778, Sept Sept 44 IIA/6D3-4 11A16D3-4 CAREY, Matthew CAREY, Matthew 1779, Aug22 1779, Aug 22 IIA/8D9-12 IIA/8D9-12
CAMBRILING, CAMBRILING, T. T. Horace Horace Holden Holden to: to: 1836, XIB/2G11-12 1836, Aug25 Aug25XIB/2G11-12
747 The The Peale Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers
m: m: IIA/2F5-8, 11Al2F5-8,3A6-9, 3A6-9, 3B4-7, 3B4-7, 33C4-9, C 4 -9, 4D13-E1, 10F13-G2, 4D13-E1, 10F13-G2, 73Al2-13, 73A14-B1; 73A12-13, 73A14-B1;IIBI1 IIB/1 (pp. 12, 12, 16), 16), 22 (p. 4), 88 (p. (p. 9), 9), 99 (pp. (p. 4), (pp. 23-24); 23-24); IIC IIC (p. (p. 29); 29); (pp. VIB/19F11-20B14 VIB/19F11-20B14 CARROLL, (ofCarrollton) CARROLL, Charles Charles (of Carrollton) to Mr. Mr. Fleming: Fleming; to 1792, Dec30 11A117E12 1792, Dec 30 IIA/17E12 toJohn tojohn Jay: Jay: IVA/1G7-8 1776 IVA/1G7-8 1776 m: 11Ai3A6-9,3A10-13, 3A10-13, 3B8-13, 3B8-13, m: IIA/3A6-9, 3C10-11, 4D13-E1, 3C10-11.4D13— E l, 68F5-6, 68F5-6, 68F9, 68F10-12, 70F10-11; 70F10-11; IIBII 68F9,68F10-12, IIB/1 (pp. 12, 16), 16), 22 (p. 12), 66 (p. (p. 2), 2), 19 19 (pp. 12, (p. 12), (pp. 27, 29, (pp. 46, 46, 53, 53, 55); 55);IIC IIC(pp. (pp. 19, 19,27,29, 135,450); 135,450); V1A/4A2-6, VIA/4A2-6, 4A7-11; 4A7-11; VIB/13A6-B9; XIAI17C9 XIA/17C9 VIB!13A6-B9; CARROLL, CARROLL, Charles Charles (the (the elder) elder) m: VIIA/11A12-B1 m: VIIA/11Al2-B1 CARROLL, CARROLL, Charles Charles (the (the younger) younger) ,n: m: VIIA/11Al2-B1 VIIA/11A12-B1 CARROLL, Daniel CARROLL, Daniel
CARTER, Landon CARTER, Landon Richard Henry Henry Lee Richard Lee to: to: 1772, IIA/4D4-6 1772, Oct Oct 99 IIA/4D4-6 CARTER, CARTER, Thomas Thomas m. IIC (p. 23) 23) IIC (p. CARVER, A. E. E. CARVER, A. to BFP: BFP: to 1869, Feb 24 IXA/18F2-3 IXA/18F2-3 1869, Feb24 CASH, Andrew D. D. CASH, Andrew m: 11114D9-E4; XIA (Add.)/6 (Add.)/6 (p. m: III/4D9-E4; XIA (p. 171) 171) CASINE, CASINE, (Dr.) (Dr.) CWP to: to: CWP IIA/69D5 1823, Oct IIA/69D5 1823, Oct44 1824,Jun IIA/70F1 1824,Jun 12 12 IIA/70F1 m: m: IIA/70F2, IIA/70F2,70F3-4, 70F3-4, 70F5-6, 70F5-6, 70F10-11, 70F12; IIC IIC (p. (p. 463); 463); 70F10-11, 70F12; VIIIC/28A2-B1 VIIIC/28A2-B I CASS, (General) (General) Lewis Lewis CASS, toto ReP: ReP: 1834, Mar26 VIA/8B2 1834, Mar 26 VIA/8B2 ReP to: to: ReP 1834, VIA/8A14-B1 1834, Mar24 Mar 24VIA/8A14-B1 m: m: VIIIA/llB5; VIIIA/11B5;XC/3E5-8 XC/3E5-8 CASSIN,John CASSIN, John m: IIB/23 IIB/23 (p. 11); IIC (p. 417) 417) m: (p. 11); IIC (p. toTRP: to TRP: CARROLL, Elizabeth CARROLL, Elizabeth VIIIC/19C5-24C10 1858 VIIIC/19C5-24C10 1858 m: IIA/4D13-E1 m: IIA/4D13-E1 Spencer F. F. Baird to: Spencer Baird to: CARROLL, Harriet Chew (Mrs. (Mrs. Charles, Charles, CARROLL, Harriet Chew VIIIA/12B8 1851, 1851, MMarl arl VIIIA/12B8 the elder) the elder) VIIIA/12E1 1852, Jan26 1852, Jan 26 VIIIA/12E1 m: VIIA/11Al2-B1 m: VIIA/11A12-B1 VIIIAII2E9-l0 1852, VIIIA/12E9-10 1852, Feb Feb 55 CARROLL, James CARROLL, James m: VIIIA/12A2-5, 13C9, m: VIIIA/12A2-5, 12A6-8, 12A6-8, 13C9, m: IIB/3 IIB3 (pp. (pp. 76, 76,78-80) m: 78-80) 14B9, 25E10-27B3; 25E10-27B3; IXA/9E9-10 IXA/9E9-10 14B9, CARROLL, CARROLL, (Bishop) (Bishop) John John CCATALOG A TALO G ofofFlemish, Flemish, Dutch, Dutch, && French French CWP CWP to: to: Painters, by by Smith Smith 1809, Apr29 Apr 29IIA/46D13-14 IIA/46D13-14 Painters, 1809, m: VIIIC/28A2-B1 VIIIC/28A2-B1 m: m: IIA/46D7-12; 11D130 IID/30 (p. 51); m: 11A146D7-12; (p. 51); CATESBY, CATESBY, Mark Mark VIIIA/8B1 VIIIAI8BI-4; -4; XIA/17C14 XIAiI7C14 m: m: IIA/21B13—14, IIA/21B13-14,26C5-6, 26C5-6, 26F6-10; 26F6-l0; CARROLL, Margaret Tilgh Tilghman CARROLL, Margaret man (Add.)/3D6-8 (Add.)/3D6.-8 (Mrs. Charles Barrister) (Mrs. Charles Barrister) CATLIN, CATLIN, George George m: IIA3A6-9,4D13-E1, m: 11A13A6-9, 4D13-E1, 5B13-C2, 5B13-C2, m: Ifl/4F2, II1/4F2, 5A12; VIIIA/14G9-10 ,n: 5Al2; VIIIA/14G9-1O 6D3-4; IIB/9 (p. 31) 6D3-4; 1113/9 (p. 31) CATON, Henry Henry CATON, CARROLL, CARROLL, Mary Mary Darnall Darnall (Mrs. (Mrs. Charles, Charles, John Bullen Bullen to: to: John of of Carrollton) Carrollton) IVA/1B14-C2 1770, Aug 11 IVA/1B14-C2 1770, Aug m: IIA/3B8-13, IIAT3B8-13,3C10-11, 3C10-11,4D13-E1 4D13-E1 m: m: IIA/16B11 —12, 61D8-9; m: IIA/16B11-12, 61D8-9; CARROLL, CARROLL, Nicholas. Nicholas. See See Maccubbin, Maccubbin, IIB/1 (p. 12); 12); IIC (p. 464) 464) JJB/1(p. IIC (p. Nicholas. Nicholas. CATON, Mary Mary Carroll Carroll (Mrs. (Mrs. Richard) Richard) CATON, CARROLL, Gbugh (Mrs.James) CARROLL, Sophie Sophie Gough (Mrs. James) m. m: IIA/4D13-E1 IIA/4D13-E1 m: IIBO (pp. 76, 76,78-80) m: IIB3 (pp. 78-80) CATTON, Charles Charles CATTON, CARROLL Family CARROLL Family m: m: IIA/62A2-6, IIA/62A2-6, 62D6, 62D6, 62D7-8, 62D7-8, m: VIIA/11A12-B1 m: VIIA/11Al2-B1 62D10-14, 62F13-14, 62D10-14, 62E1-3, 62E1-3, 62F13-14, CARSON, (Dr.)John CARSON, (Dr.)John 62G2, 63A12-13, 63F1-3, 62G2, 63Al2-13, 63F1-3, m: IIA/18B1 —2; IIC IIC (p. (p. 136) 136) m: IIA/18B1-2; 63F4-6 63F4-6 CARSON, (Dr.) Joseph CARSON, (Dr.)Joseph CAVE, Thomas CAVE, Thomas TRP TRP to: to: CWP to: CWPto: VIIIA/13C9 1854, 20 VIIIA/13C9 1854, Feb Feb20 IIA/52A10-l1 1813,Jan 16 IIA/52A10—11 1813,Jan 16 VIIJA/16C14 1876, Apr VIIIA/16C14 1876, Apr55 CENTRAL Museum, Museum, Leipzig Leipzig CENTRAL CARSTAIRS, Thomas Thomas CARSTAIRS, m: IXA/21A5-9 m: IXA/21A5-9 toto Daniel Daniel Hughes Hughes & & Co.: Co.: CERACCH1, Giuseppe Giuseppe CERACCHI, IIA/40A3-4 1807, Jan 7 IIA/40A3-4 1807,Jan7 m: VIA/12E9-10; V1B/19F11-20B14 m: VIA/12E9-lO; VIB/19F11-20B14 IIA/40Al2-13 toto Edward Barry IIA/40A12-13 Edward Barry CCERTAIN E R T A INWorkmen Workmen ofof the the Mint Mint CARTER, Betty CARTER, Betty toto R. Adam Eckfeldt, Eckfeldt, R. M. M. Patterson, Patterson, Adam m: XC/4D1-4, 5-8, 4D9-12, 4D9-12, m: XC/4D1-4, 4D 4D5-8, and BFP: and BFP: 4D13-E4, 4D13-E4, 4E5-8 4E5-8 IXA/7D10-1I 1839, Jan 15 15 IXA/7D10-11 1839,Jan CARTER, (Dr.) (Dr.) CARTER, C E TO LO G IETableau : Tableauencylopédique encylopediqueetet CETOLOGIE: m: 1-4, 4D 5-8 m: XC/4B9-12, XC/4B9-12,4D 4D1-4, 4D5-8 methodique met hodique des des trois trois r'egnes règnes de de la Ia nature. nature. . .,by ., by CARTER, CARTER, Joshua Joshua Pierre Pierre Joseph Joseph Bonnaterre Bonnaterre m: IIC (p. 23) 23) IIC (p. .
The The Peale Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers
m: m: VIIIC/25B7-E2 VIIIC/25B7-E2 CHABART, CHABART, M. M. m: VIIA/8A8-9, m: VIIA/8A8-9, 8A10-11 8A10-11 CHADBOURNE, J. B. B. CHADBOURNE J. totoBFP: BFP: IXA/2C10 1830, Sept 16 IXA/2C10 1830, Sept16 CHALMERS, CHALMERS, James James m: m: IIA/42G5-6, IIA/42G5-6, 42G7-10 42G7-10 CH A,M BAU D 'SDictionary Dictionary CHAMBAUD'S m: m: VHIA/11B13-C1 VIIIA/11B13-C1 CHAMBERLAIN, (Mr.) CHAMBERLAIN, (Mr.) m: IIC IIC (p. (p. 142) 142) CCHAMBERS H AM BERS Dictionary Dictionary m: IIC IIC (p. (p. 214) 214) ,n: CHAMPLIN, William CHAMPLIN, William C. C. m: VIIA/1A2-3, VIIAI1A2-3,1B11-13, 1B11-13, 6C9-D8; 6C9-D8; m: XIC2- 13 XIC2-13 CHAMPLIN, Mrs. CHAMPLIN, Mrs. William William C. C. m: IIB/22 IIBf22 (p. (p. 25) 25) CHANDLER, Joseph Joseph Ripley Ripley CHANDLER, toP. to P. N. N. Fitzgerald: Fitzgerald: 1852, Apr 19 VIII A/12F4-5 VIIIA/12F4-5 1852, Apr19 P. N. Fitzgerald to: to: P. N. Fitzgerald 1852, Apr 20 VIIIA/12F5-6 VIIIA/12F5-6 1852, Apr20 VIIIA/12E11-13; m: VIA/10F1-2; VIIIA/12E11-13; m: VIA/1OF1-2; VIIIC/24D1 -25B6, 25B7-E2 25B7-E2 VIIIC/24D1-25B6, CHANTRY, Benjamin CHANTRY, Benjamin m : VIB/19F11-20B14 VIB/19F11—20B14 CHAPLIN, James James CHAPLIN, toto StGP: StGP: IVA/2C1 -4 1777 IVA/2C1-4 1777 May May CHAPMAN,J. CHAPMAN, J. G. G. to Medill: to William William Medill: 1846, Feb 18 Feb 18 IXA/9G12-13 IXA/9G12-13 1846, CHAPMAN, N. CHAPMAN, N. to TRP; toTRP: 1836, Sept VIIIA/4D9-11 1836, Sept 16 16 VIIIA/4D9-11 for Society: for American American Philosophical Philosophical Society: 1842, 15 XIA/14G3-15A2 1842, Apr15 AprXIA/14G3-15A2 m: IIA/42A7-8; m: IIA/42A7-8; VIA/5B4-7; VIA/5B4-7; VIIIA/2E11-14, VIIIA/2E11-14, 9F12-G5, 9F12-G5, 10B 7-9,10E12—13; 10B7-9, 10E12-13; XIA/15C10-11 XIA/15C10- 11 CHAPTAL, CHAPTAL, M. M. m: m: IID/30 IID/30 (p. (p. 53), 53), XIA/17C5 XIA/17C5 CHARLES III (1716-88), (1716-88), King CHARLES III King ofofSpain Spain m: IIA/11D11-13 IIAIIIDII-13 m: CHARLES (1748-1819), King CHARLES IV IV (1748-1819), King ofof Spain Spain m: /25A8-9,26G1-2,26G3-4, m: IIA 11A125A8-9, 26G1 -2, 26G3-4, 27E1-3, 27E4-7, 27E8 27E8 27E1-3, 27E4-7, CHARLTON, Jane Catherine CHARLTON, Jane Catherine m: IIB/11 (pp. 1-5) m: IIB/11(pp. 1-5) CHARLTON, Mary Powell Powell CHARLTON, Mary (Mrs. Francis) (Mrs. Francis) m: m: IIB/11 HB/11 (pp. (pp. 1, 1, 5)5) CHAP.LTON, Richard CHARLTON, Richard to William Verling and and Charles Charles to William Verling Parker: Parker: 1769, Jun13 1769, Jun 13 IVA/1B9-10 IVA/1B9-10 CHASE, CHASE, Anne Anne Baldwin Baldwin (Mrs. (Mrs. Samuel) Samuel) m: m: IIA/4B4-9,13E1-5 11A14B4-9, 13E1-5 CHASE, Hester CHASE, Hester Baldwin Baldwin (Mrs. (Mrs. Jeremiah) Jeremiah) m. HB/10 m: IIB/10(pp. (pp. 10-11) 10-11) CHASE, Milly Milly CHASE, m: m:IIB/2(p. 11B12 (p.3) 3) CHASE,Salmon SalmonP.P. CHASE, ,n:
Albert C. Roberts to: to: Albert C. Roberts IXA/16E2-3 1861, 23 IXA/16E2-3 1861, Mar Mar23 CHASE, Samuel CHASE, Samuel s/Maryland delegates s/Maryland delegates tojohn toJohn Hancock: Hancock: IVA/1G7-8 1776 IVA/1G7-8 1776 CWP to: to; CWP 1784, 23 IIA/13E1-5 IIA/13E1-5 1784,Nov Nov23
m: m: IIA/1B1-10, IIA/1BI-10,1E1-11, IE1-Il, 1F9-12, 1F9-12, 3A 6-9, 4D 13-E1, 4E2-4, 3A6-9, 4D13-E1, 4E2-4, 5A 10-11,13D 7-8,13D 9-12, 5A10-11, 13D7-8, 13D9-12, 32G2-4, 32G8-11, 32G2-4, 32G8-11, 40E13-F1, 40E13-F1, 62B2-3, 73A12-13, 73Al2-13, 73A14-B1; 62B2-3, 73A14-B1; IIB/10 (pp. IIC (pp. (pp. 18, 18, IIB/lO (pp. 10-11); 10-11); IIC 354, 354, 455); 455); XIA/17C10 XIA/17C10 CHASTELLUX, CHASTELLUX, Francois Francois Jean Jean (Marquis de) (Marquis de) CWP CWP to: to: 1782, 1782, Sept Sept 55 IIA/11D5-6 IIA/11D5-6 IIA/11F14-G1 1782 IIA/11F14-G1 1782 m: IID/29 IID/29 (p. (p. 20); 20); XIA/2C10-E1; XIAJ2C1O-E1;
17C14 17C14
CHATEAU, Paul Paul CHATEAU, m: 11A137G2-3, IIA/37G2-3,37G4-5 m: 37G4-5 CHATEAUBRIAND, Francois Rena Rene CHATEAUBRIAND, Francois
(Vicomte (Vicomte de) de) m: VIA/11C2-3 m: VIA/11C2-3 CHATHAM, Lord. Lord. See See Pitt, Pitt, William. William. CHATHAM,
CH A U D RO N, Messrs. Messrs. & & Co. Co. CHAUDRON,
ReP to: ReP to: 1811,Jun 1811, Jun 25 25 VIA/2D8-9 VIA/2D8-9 m: m: IIA/27B8-9, IIA/27B8-9, 30A8-9, 30A8-9, 30A10-11, 30A10-11, 32F1-2, 32F1-2, 43D2-11, 43D2-11, 43F1-5, 43F1-5, 44B1-C2, 46G1-4, 46G7-12; 46G7-12; 44B1-C2, 46G1-4, VIA/2D7 VIA/2D7 CHAUNCEY, Charles Charles CHAUNCEY, s/Application Charter: The ThePAFA: PAFA: s/Application for for Charter: 1805, Dec26 1805, Dec 26 IIA/37C11-D6 IIA/37C11-D6 ReP to: to: ReP 1845, Jun 29 29 VIA/10A9-K) 1845,Jun VIA/10A9-W m: IIA/61F9-G3, m: IIA/61F9-G3, 73B12-C4; 73B12-C4; VIIA/6F6; IXA/1A8-G7; XI VIIA/6F6; IXA/1A8-G7; XI (Add.)/6 (pp. (Add.)/6 (pp. 147, 147, 162, 162, 165) 165) CHAUNCEY and and Binney Binney CHAUNCEY m: XIA/11C3-12A5; m: XIA/11C3-12A5; (Add.)/5 (Add.)/5 (pp. 17, 18, 18, 22, 22, 37) 37) (pp. 17, CHAUNCEY and and Broom Broom CHAUNCEY m: XI(Add.)17 XI(Add.)/7 (p. (p. 252) 252) m: CHAUNCEY and CHAUNCEY and Gilpin Gilpin m: XIA/14G3-15A2 m; XIA/14G3-15A2 CHENEY, CHENEY, Seth[?] Seth[?] m: VIA/6D13-E2 m: VIA/6D13-E2 CHESTON, CHESTON, Daniel Daniel m: 3-4, 2A14, 2A14, 2B1-2, m: I/1D3-5, I/1D3-5, 2A 2A3-4, 2B1-2, 2C 10-12,2D 3-4, 2D12 2D12 2C10-12, 2D3-4, CHILAS, George F.F. CHILAS, George toto James James Ross Ross Snowden: Snowden: 1856,Ju128 Jul 28 IXA/15C11-13 1856, IXA/15C11-13 CHILDS, CHILDS, (Mr.) (Mr.) CWP to: CWP to: 1810, 27 IIA/49B3-4 1810, Mar Mar27 IIA/49B3-4 m: IIA/50C6-7 m: IIA/50C6-7 CHILDS, (Colonel) CHILDS, (Colonel) Cephas Cephas G. G. s/Memorial. s/Memorial. .. .. to to the the PAFA: PAFA: 1828, Mar 17 III/3F8-G12 1828, Mar17 III/3F8-G12 m: XIA/14A7-F7; m: XIA/14A7-F7; XIA XIA (Add.)/7 (Add.)/7
143 143
The The Peale Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers
(p. 265); 265); XIIA/1A3-3E3 XIIAI1A3-3E3 (p. CHILTON, R. R. S.S. CHILTON, to ReP ReP etal.: to etal.: 1856, Dec23 Dec23 1856, VIA/11G9-12 VIA/11G9-12 1857, Oct Oct15 1857, 15 VIA/12D9-12 VIA/12D9-12 1857, Nov Nov 66 VIAI12E2 1857, VIA/12E2 m: VIIA/9E1-4 m: VIIA/9E1-4 CHINESE Museum Museum CHINESE m: XIA/14A7-F7, 15Al2-B2, m: XIA/14A7— F7, 15A12-B2, 15B13-05 15B13-C5 CHINN,John CHINN, John G. G. CPP, Deed Deed to: to: CPP, 1820, May24 1820, May 24 IVB/13D2 IVB/13D2 CHISHOLM, Archibald Archibald CHISHOLM, m: IIA/13D7-8, 11A113D7-8,13D9-12, 13D9-12, m: 29B13-C2 29B13-C2 CHOATE, CHOATE, Rufus Rufus m: VIIIA/10B5-6 VIIIA/10B5-6 m: CHRIS C H R ISTHealing T Healingthe the Sick, Sick, by CWP, after after by CWP, Dietrich: Dietrich: XIAJ17C3 XIA717C3 CHRISTIAN, C H R IST IA N , The The m: IIA/70G1 m: IIA/70G1 CHRISTIANA, University of (Norway) CHRISTIANA, University of (Norway) m: m: IXA/21A5-9 IXA/21A5-9 CHURCH, CHURCH, (Dr.) (Dr.) m: IIA/29E3-4, m: IIA/29E3-4, 29E5-8 29E5-8 CHURCH, CHURCH, Frederick Frederick S.S. to Miss Miss C. C. Stokes: to Stokes: 1888, 1888, Jan Jan 12 12 VIB/22F4 V1B/22F4 CINCINNATI CINCINNATI Museum Museum m: m: VIIA/3B2-5 VIIA/3B2-5 CLAGHORN, James L. L. CLAGHORN, James TRP to: to: TRP 1877, 1877, Mar22 Mar 22 VIIIA/16D9-12 VIIIA/16D9-12 Trustees of to: Trustees of the the Bank Bank of of the the U.S. U.S. to: 1854, Jul 6 XIA/15D14 1854,Ju16 XIA/15D14 m: m: IXA/18A6 IXA/18A6 CLAIBORNE, Richard Richard CLAIBORNE, s/Constitution s/Constitution of of the the Columbianum: Columbianum: 1795, Feb Feb 17 17 IIE/3E7-F6 1795, 11E13E7-F6 m: IIA/19F3-20A10 IIA/19F3-20A10 m: CLARK, Charles CLARK, Charles s/Application for for Charter: Charter: The ThePAFA: PAFA: s/Application 1805, Dec26 Dec26IIA/37C11-D6 1805, IIA/37C11-D6 CLARK, (Dr.) CLARK, (Dr.) m: m: VIIA/8G5-7; VHA/8G5-7; IXA/15G1-4 IXA/15G1-4 CLARK, E. CLARK, E. m: m: VIIA/8B13-C2; VIIA/8B13-C2; XIB/2C10-12, XIB/2C10-12, 2C14-D2; XIC/1B8-G3 XICI1B8-G3 2C14-D2; CLARK, George George R. R. CLARK, m: m: IID/29 IID/29 (p. (p. 45); 45); VIIIA/6F9-10, VIIIA/6F9-1O, 9D9-11, 9D9-11, 9D12-E1 9D12-E1 See Long Exped., Exped., Series Series VIIIB. VIIIB. See Long CLARKE, Isaac Isaac Edwards CLARKE, Edwards to ReP: to ReP: 1885 VIB/22D12-F3 VIB/22D12-F3 1885 CLARK, (General) (General) William William CLARK, m. IIJA4SE1-12; II/A48E1-12; XIA/17C13 XIA/17C13 m: CLARKSON, Thomas CLARKSON, Thomas m: Quakerism (1806): m: A A Portraiture Portraiture of o f Quakerism (1806): IIA/51A2-9 IIA/51A2-9 Lorrain, Claude CLAUDE. Claude Gelêe. Gelee. See Lorrain, CLAUDE. See CLAY, CLAY, Henry Henry m: IIAy61C5-7, ,n: 11A16105-7,61C12-13,61D3-4, 61C12-13, 61D3-4, 61D5-6, 61D8-9, 61D8-9, 61E2-3, 61E2-3, 61D5-6, 61E12-13, 61F1-2, 61G4-8, 61E12-13,61F1-2,61G4-8,
61G9; IIB/23 IIB/23 (14ff); (p. 420); 420); 61G9; (14ff); IIC IIC (p.
VIAI3G11-12, 11B3-5, 14A2-4, VIA/3G11-12, 11B3-5,14A 2-4, 14A9-11, 14A9-11, 14D12-14; 14D12-14;
VIB/19F11-20B4; VIB/19F1 1 -20B4; IXA/3D1-2, IXA/3D1 -2,
3D9-E4, 3D9-E4, 3E8-12, 3E8-12, 3E13-F2, 3E13-F2, 3F9-G1, 12F10-12, 3F9-G1, 12F10-12, 22C3; 22C3; XIAyi7C10 XIAJ17C10 CLAYPOOLE, CLAYPOOLE, David David C. C. m: IIA/14A10—11, 14A14, 14A14, 14B1;IIB/9 14B1; IIB/9 m:IIA/14A10-11, (p. 2), 10 (p. 2), 12 12 (p. (p. 2), 2), 13 13 (p. (p. 7); 7); (p. 2), 10 (p. 2), 11112C1-2,4B14-C3, 4B14-C3,4C4-9, 4C4-9, III/2C1-2, 4C10-D1, 4D2-8; 4D 2-8; IVB/1FI-3; IVB/1F1-3; 4C10-D1, VIA/12C10-11 VIA/12C10-11 CLAYPOOLE, Elizabeth Polk Polk CLAYPOOLE, Elizabeth (Mrs. (Mrs. Septimus). Septimus). See See Bend, Elizabeth Polk Polk Bend, Elizabeth Claypoole. Claypoole. CLAYPOOLE, James CLAYPOOLE, James m: 11A151F5-12, IIA/51F5—12, 51F13-G6, m: 51F13-G6, 58F10-11, 60A4-5; IIC 58F10-11,60A4-5; IIC (pp.96, (pp.96, 100-153); 100-153); VIIA/3A6-8 VIIA/3A6-8 CLAYPOOLE, CLAYPOOLE, Mary Mary Chambers Chambers (Mrs. (Mrs. James) James) m: F5—12, 51F13-G6; m: IIA/51 IIA/51F5-12, 51F13-G6; 11114B14-C3, 4D2-8, III/4B14-C3, 4C4C10-D1, 10-D 1,4D 2-8, 4D9-E4 4D9-E4 CLAYPOOLE, Septimus CLAYPOOLE, Septimus m: IIC (p. (p. 221) 221) m: IIA/22C1-2; IIA/22C1-2; IIC CLAYTON, John W. W. CLAYTON,John BFP to: BFPto: 1849, Aug 29 IXA/10F1-3 1849, Aug29 IXA/1OF1-3 CLEAVELAND, Parker Parker CLEAVELAND, John Vaughan to: to: John Vaughan 1829, 23 VIIIA/2F7-8 1829, Sept Sept23 VIIIA/2F7-8 1832, Dec16 VIIIA/3B10-11 1832, Dec 16 VIIIA/3B10-11 VIIIAI3B12-C1 1833, Jan 88 VIIIA/3B12-C1 1833,Jan Benjamin Vaughan Vaughan to: Benjamin to: 1832, 17 XIA/12A11-14 1832, Jul Jul17 XIA/12A11-14 1833, XIA/12B2-5 1833, Jan Jan 88 XIA/12B2-5 m: XI (Add.)/7 m: XI (Add.)/7 (p. (p. 242); 242); XIA/14A7-F7 XIA/14A7-F7 CLEAVER, CLEAVER, Jonathan Jonathan m: m: IIA/36B9-13, IIA/36B9-13, 36C14-D4, 36C14-D4, 36D9-10 36D9-10 CLERC, Elizabeth Boardman (Mrs. CLERC, Elizabeth Boardman (Mrs. Louis Louis Laurent Marie) Marie) Laurent m: m: IIA767A2-3,67A4-S, I1A/67A2-3, 67A4-5, 67A6-7, 67A6-7, 67A8, 67A9-10, 67A11; 67A8,67A9-10,67 A ll; XIA/17D1 XIA/17D1 CLERC, Laurent Marie CLERC, Louis Louis Laurent Marie m: 67A9-10; XIAJ17C13 m: 11A166G1, IIAy66Gl, 67A9-10; XIA/17C13 CLIFFTON, William, William, Jr. Jr. CLIFFTON, s/Constitution of o f the the Columbianum: Columbianum: s/Constitution IIE/3E7-F6 1795, 17 IIE/3E7-F6 1795, Feb Feb 17 CLINTON, DeWitt CLINTON, DeWitt m: IIA/37E4-5, m: IIA/37E4-5, 37E6-8, 37E6-8, 71G10-12, 71G10-12, 72C8-9; IIB/22 IIB/22 (p. (p. 71); 71); 72C8-9; VIA/3E7-9,11C9; XIA/17C9; VIA/3E7-9, 11C9; XIA/17C9; XIC/1A2-13 XIC/1A2-13 CLINTON, (Governor) (Governor) George George CLINTON, Thomas McKean McKean to: to: Thomas 1786, Apr 30 IIA/14C8 1786, Apr30 IIA/14C8 1786, 30 1786, Aug Aug30 IIA(Add.)/4D1011 IIA(Add.)/4D10-11 m: m: IIA/37E4-5, IIA/37E4-5, 37E6-8 37E6-8 CLINTON, CLINTON, (Sir) (Sir) Henry Henry m: IIC (p. 123) m: LIC (p. 123)
144 144 The The Peale Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers
CLOUD, Joseph(Sr.) (Sr.) CLOUD,Joseph m: m: XIAI7C1-14 XIA/7C1-14 CLOUD, Joseph CLOUD,Joseph IIA/44B1-C2, 44F12-G4, 44F12-G4, m: IIA/44B1-C2, m: 48A2-7, 48A 48A8-B1O, 48C1-2, 48A2-7, 8-B10,48C1-2, 69F13-G3; IXA/5B1-4, 5B5-9, 69F13-G3; IXA/5B1-4, 5B5-9, 5B10-13, 5B10-13, 5C1-4, 5C1-4, 5C9-1O; 5C9-10; 5C12-D1, 5D9-10; 5C12-D1, 5D9-10; XIA/5C7, XIA/5C7, 5C8, 5C9 5C8, 5C9 CLYMER, George George CLYMER, s/Application ThePAFA: PAFA: s/Application for for Charter: Charter: The 1805, Dec26 IIA/37C11-D6 IIA/37C11-D6 1805, Dec26 Thomas Wharton Wharton to: to: Thomas IIA/5G8-11 1777, IIA/5G8-11 1777,Aug Aug44 CWP for for the the Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Academy Academy CWP of to: of the the Fine Fine Arts, Arts, to: c. 1806 1806 IIA/39G11-12 IIA/39G11-12 c. m: m: IIA/38F1-2, IIA/38F1-2,40A3-4, 40A3-4, 40A12-13, 40Al2-13, 40C4-5, 40E13-F1, 41C13-14, 41C13-14, 40C4-5, 40E13-F1, 41G13,42A11-12, 42A11-12, 46C13-D4, 46C13-D4, 41G13, 48E1-12; IIB/5 (p.8), hG 48E1-12; IIB/5 (p. 8), 10 10 (p. (p. 7); 7); IIC (pp. 128-372); VIA/2D5-6, VIA/2D5-6, 2E5, (pp. 128-372); 2E5, 2E6-7; VIIA/2B4-5, 10B2-4 10B2-4 2E6-7; VIIA/2B4-5, CO ALE, George George B. B. COALE, TRPto: TRP to: 1863, 2 VIUA/14A12-13 1863, Sept 2 SeptVII.IA/14Al2-13 COATES, John R. R. COATES,John s/Application for Charter: s/Application for Charter: The ThePAFA: PAFA: 1805, Dec26 Dec 26IIA/37C11-D6 IIA/37C11-D6 1805, COATES, Reynell COATES, Reynell to Mahlon Dickerson: to Mahlon Dickerson: 1837, Aug Aug 11 1837, 1837, Aug 1837, Aug 33
1837, Aug 23 1837, Aug23
to TRP: toTRP:
1837, 19 1837, SeptSept TRP to: to: TRP 1829 1829
VIIIA/5F6-7 VIIIA/5F6-7 19
VIIIA/6B6-11 VIIIA/6B6-11
VIIIA/2F9-10 VIIIA/2F9-10 VIIIA/5B3-4 VIIIA/5B3-4 VIIIA/6B1-2 VIIIA/6B1-2 m: VIIIA/5E5-7, m: VIIIA/5E5-7, 5E8-F5, 5E8-F5, 5G1-4, 5G1-4, 6E5-6; VIIIC/25E10-G12, 6E5-6; VIIIC/25E10-G12, 26A2-G13, 27A-G13; 26A2-G13,27A-G13; XIA/7C1 -14 XIA/7C1-14 COATES, Samuel COATES, Samuel to CWP: CWP: to 1805, Nov23 1805, Nov 23 IIA/37B7-8 IIA/37B7-8 m: IIA/29B5 m: IIA/29B5 COCHRAN, (Dr.) (Dr.) John John COCHRAN, m: m: IIA/10C14-D3, IIA/10C14-D3, 10D1310D13-14; IIB/3 14; IIB/3 (p. (p. 35); (p. 19), 19), 55 (p. 35); IIC IIC (p. (p. 215) 215) COCKE, Charles COCKE, Charles to Robert M. M. Patterson: to Robert Patterson: 1839, Sept Sept 15 1839, 15 IXA/7G7-9 IXA/7G7-9 COCKRAM, Lord Lord COCKRAM, m: IXB/10E6-F2 m: IXB/10E6-F2 COFFIN, COFFIN, Tristram Tristram ReP to: to: ReP 1860,Ju13 1860, Jul 3 VIA/14B7 VIA/14B7 COHEN, CO HEN ,(Dr.) (Dr.) Joshua Joshua RuP to: RuP to: 1824, Jul Jul 15 1824, 15 VIIA/5B6 VIIA/5B6 m: VIIAJ5B13-C1, m: VIIA/5B13-C1, 6A12-13; 6Al2-13; XIB/1F9-10 XIB/1F9-10 COLE, (Captain) COLE, (Captain) m: IIC m: IIC (pp. (pp. 20-21) 20-21) 1836, Nov 17 1836, Nov 17 1837, Sept14 1837, Sept 14
COLE, Thomas COLE, Thomas m: VIA/6D9-12, 6D 13-E2 6D13-E2 m: VIA/6D9-12, COLEMAN, Nancy Nancy COLEMAN, m: XC/4F6-9, 5A10-13, 5A10-13, 5B8-11, 5B8-11, m: XC/4F6-9, 5C2-8, 5D10-13, 13, 5C2-8, 5D10-13, SF95F9-13, 6A14-B3, 6D12-13, 6D14-E3, 6D14-E3, 6A14-B3, 6D12-13, 7C14-D3, 7D 4-7, 7F13-14, 7F13-14, 7C14-D3, 7D4-7, 7F9-12, 7-10, 8A9-12, 8A9-12, 7F9-12, 7G 7G7-10, 8C 4-7, 8C8-11, 8C 8-11, 8E9-12, 8E9-12, 8C4-7, 8E13-F2, 8E13-F2, 8F11-14, 8F11-14, 9B4-7, 9B4-7, 10B13-C2, 10B 13-C 2,11IIEI-5 E l—5 COLEMAN, COLEM AN, Peggy Peggy m: IIA/61B6-7, 68E1-3; 68E1-3; m: IIA/61B6-7, XC/1B12-13, 1D13-E1, 1D13-E1, 1G2-S, XC/1B12-13, 1G2-5, 2B5-8, 2B9-12, 2B9-12, 2B13-C2, 2B13-C2, 2B5-8, 2E 2E3-6, 3 -6,3B 3B7-10, 7-10,3C 3C9-12, 9-12,3D 3D3-6, 3-6, 3D7-10, 3D7-10, 3D11-14, 3D11-14, 3E1-4, 3E1-4, 3E13-F2,3F11-14, 1-4, 3E13-F2, 3F11-14, 3G 3G1-4, 3G9-12, 4A 2-5, 4A6-8, 4A 6-8, 3G9-12, 4A2-5, 4A13-B2, 4B3-4, 4A13-B2, 4B3-4, 4B5-8, 4B5-8, 4B9-12, 4C 7-14, 4D 5-8, 4B9-12, 4C7-14, 4D5-8, 4D13-E4, 4E9-F1, 4E9-F1, 4F2-S, 4F2-5, 4D13-E4, 4F6-9, 5A10-13, 5B8-11, 4F6-9, SA1O-13, 5B8-11, 5C14-D1, 2-5, 5D 6-9 5C14-D1, 5D 5D2-S, 5D6-9 COLES, John John B. B. COLES, CWP to: CWP to: IIA/37B14 1805, 1805, Nov Nov29 29 IIA/37B14 m: IIA/37B1-4 m: IIA/37B1-4 COLES COLE S and and Fanning Fanning CWP to: to: CWP IIA/43B12-13 1808,Jun6 1808, Jun 6 IIA/43B12-13 COLLEGE ofofPhysicians. See COLLEGE Physicians. See Philadelphia, Philadelphia, College College ofPhysicians. ofPhysicians. COLLET, COLLET, (Captain) (Captain) IIA/28E4-S, 30C13-D 30C13-D4, m: 4, 31G11, 31G11, m: IIA/28E4-5, 32C13-14 32C13-14 COLLIN, (Reverend) (Reverend) Nicholas Nicholas COLLIN, CWP to: to: CWP IIA/18E10 1794, 1794, Mar Mar20 20 IIA/18E10 m: m: IIA/16E9, IIA/16E9, 20D11, 20D11, 20D12, 20D12, 20D13-E1, 72A6; XIA/1A7-14, XIA/1A7-14, 20D13-E1, 72A6; 1BI-3 1B1-3 COLLINS, (Captain) COLLINS, (Captain) m: IIA/28E8-10, m: IIA/28E8-10, 28E11-12, 28E11-12, 28F10 28F10 COLLINS, Zaccheus Zaccheus COLLINS, s/Report: s/Report: 1804, Dec66 IIA/32E9-10 1804, Dec IIA/32E9-10 1807, Nov28 IIA/42A7-8 1807, Nov 28 IIA/42A7-8 to ReP: to ReP: 1827, VIA (Add.)/3B6-7 (Add.)/3B6-7 1827, JunJun 30 30 VIA CWP to: CWP to: 1810, IIA/49D14; 1810, Aug Aug 17 17 IIA/49D14; (Add.)/3F5-6 (Add.)/3F5-6 IIA/65F12; 1821, Mar Mar S5 IIA/65F12; 1821, (Add.)/4B9-10 (Add .)/4B9-10 1822, Jan 7 IIA (Add.)/4Bl 1-12 1822,Jan7 hA (Add.)/4B11-12 1822, 11 IIA/67A8; 1822, May May 11 IIA/67A8; (Add.)/4B13 -14 (Add.)/4B13-14 ReP to: ReP to: 1827,Jun29 (Add.)/3B4-S 1827, Jun 29 VIAVIA (Add.)/3B4-5 m: m: IIA/24E12-F1, IIA/24E12-F1, 65F14, 65F14, 65G4-6, 65G4-6, 67A2-3, 67A6-7, 67A2-3, 67A4-5, 67A4-S, 67A6-7, 67B1-3, 67B4-S, 67C1-3, 67B1-3, 67B4-5, 67B6, 67B6, 67C1-3, 67C13-14, 67D 1-2, 67D6-8, 67D6-8, 67C13-14, 67D1-2, 69F13-G3; 69F13-G3; VIA/2D5-6, VIA/2D5-6, 2E5, 2E5, 3D4-7; VIIA/2A4-5, 3E10-12, 3E10-12, 3D4-7; VIIA/2A4-S,
145 The Peale Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers 145 The
4A6; 4A6; VIIIA/2E11—14; VIIIAJ2E11-14; XIA/5C7, XIA/5C7, 7A6-B11, 7C1-14; 7A 6-B11, 7C1 -14; (Add.)/5 (Add.)/5 (pp. 2,2,5,6,9, 5, 6,9, 10-14, 10-14,16) 16) (pp. COLLUMS, COLLUMS, William William CWP to; CWP to: 1806, Aug IIA/39B9 1806, Aug 55 IIA/39B9 m: m: IIA/39D4 IIA/39D4 COLTON, COLTON, (Dr.) (Dr.) G. G. ReP to: ReP to: n.d. n.d. VIA/15B3 VIA/I 5B3 m: XIA (Add.)/4 m: VIA/14B7; VIA/14B7; XIA (Add.)l4 (p. (p. 83) 83) COLTON, COLTON, Jessie Jessie Sellers Sellers (Mrs. (Mrs. Sabin Sabin Woolworth, Woolworth, Jr.) Jr.) m: XC/8E1-4, 9F8-11, m: XCI8EI-4, 9F4-7, 9F4-7, 9F8-11, 9F12-G1, 9G2-6, 9G7-10, 9F12-G1, 9G2-6, 9G7-10, 10A2-5, 10A13-14, 10B13-C2, 10A2-5,10A13-14, 10B13-C2, 10D13-E1, 10E2-5, 10E2-5, 10E6-9, 10D13-E1, 10E6-9, 10E13-F1, 10F2-5, 10F6-9, 10E13-F1, 10F2-5, 10F6-9, 1OFIO-13, 10F14-G3, 11A2-5, 10F10-13,10F14-G3, 11A2-5, 11A6-9, 11A6-9, 11B8-11, 11B8-11,111312-14, 11B12-14, 1105-6, 1ICII-12, 11C5-6, 11C9-1O, 11C9-10, 11C11 —12, 11C13-D1, 11C13-D1, 11D2-4, 11D2-4, 11D7-8 11D7-8 by Joel Joel Barlow Barlow CCOLUMBIAD, O LU M BIAD ,The, The, by m: IIA/56G1 IIA/56G1 -2 -2 COLUMBIAN Institute COLUMBIAN Institute William Thornton to: William Thornton to: 1821, Sept XIA/7D5-6 XIA/7D5-6 1821, Sept COLUMBIANUM (American Academy Academy COLUMBIANUM (American of the the Fine Fine Arts, Philadelphia) of Arts, Philadelphia) Constitution and Constitution and By-Laws By-Laws of: of: 1794 IIA/18C1-E1 1794 IIA/18C1-E1 Constitution of: Constitution of: 1795, 17 IIE/3E7-F6 1795, Feb Feb 17 11E13E7-F6 1795, 19 IIA/19F3-20A/10 IIA/19F3-20A/10 1795, Apr Apr19 CWP CWP for: for: to to Joshua Joshua Humphreys: Humphreys: 1795, IIA/19E11-12 1795, Mar Mar44 IIA/19E11-12 1795, Mar Mar28 IIA/19F2 1795, 28 IIA/19F2 CWP to: to: CWP 1795, Mar16 Mar 16IIA/19E13-14 1795, IIA/19E13-14 m: IIA/44C9-10 HA/44C9-10 m: COLUMBUS, Christopher COLUMBUS, Christopher m. IIA/57A11; IIB/22 34); m: 11A157A11; 118/22 (p. (p. 34); X!A117C3 XIA/17C3 COLWELL, Thomas COLWELL, Thomas m; IIA/20D1-3, m: IIA/20D1-3, 24E12-F1, 24E12-F1, 51B3-4 51B3-4 COMBE, COMBE, George George to John J. Smith, Smith, Jr.: Jr.: toJolmJ. XIA/16B6-7 n.d., 28 XIA/16B6-7 n.d., Jan Jan28 COMBS, (Dr.) COMBS, (Dr.) m: IIB/2 IIB/2 (p. (p. 30) 30) m: COMEAWAIT (Chief of o f the the Shoshone) Shoshone) COMEAWAIT (Chief m: IIA/42C3-4, 42C5-6, m; IIA/42C3-4, 42C 5-6,IIC IIC(p. (p.375) 375) COMMERCIAL Fire COMMERCIAL Fire Insurance Insurance Company Company toTRP: to TRP: 1873, VIII A/15G3 VIllA/I 5G3 1873, Jul Jul 22 COM M ITTEE of of Fifty Fifty COMMITTEE to CWP: CWP: to IIA/7B13-14 1779, IIA/7B13-14 1779, Apr Apr99 m: m: IIA/7B6-7 IIA/7B6-7 COM PTE, J. A. A. Le Le Règne R'egne Animal Animal COMPTE,J. m: m: VIIIA/11B13-C1 VillA/I 1B13-C1 COM STOCK, Oliver Oliver C. C. COMSTOCK, CPP to: CPP to: 1819, Jan 9 IVB/3B10-12 IVB/3B10-12 1819,Jan9 COMSTOCK, COM STOCK,William William ni:
m: IIA/62B2-3; VIIA/6C9-D8; VIIA/6C9-D8; m: IIA/62B2-3; XIC/1A2-13 XIC/1A2-13 CONFISCATED CONFISCATED Estates Estates m: IIA/6B7-8; IIA(Add.)2 passim m: IIA/6B7-8; IIA(Add.)2passim IIB/6 7, 9);77 (p. (p. 8)8) IIB/6([m] ([mlpp. pp.1,4, 1,4,7,9); CONGRESS. CONGRESS. See U. S.S. Congress Congress and and See U. Continental Congress. Continental Congress. CONKLING, CONKLING, Joseph Joseph CWP to: CWPto:
1804, IIA/29D14 1804, Feb Feb 22 IIA/29D14 1804, IIA/29E1 1804, Feb Feb 12 12 IIA/29E1 CONRAD, CONRAD, (Mr.) (Mr.) m: IIA/42A2-4, m: IIA/42A2-4, 44C9-10, 44C9-10, 44D11-14, 56G1-2 44D11-14, 56139-10, 56B9-10, 56G1-2 CONRAD, Solomon SolomonW. W. CONRAD, to TRP: toTRP: 1829 1829 VIIIA/2F9-10 VIIIA/2F9-10 CONROD, Conrod CONROD, Conrod m: XIB/IB1I-D8, 1E1-9, IEI-9, 1E13-F6 m: XIB/1B11-D8, 1E13-F6 CONSTITUTIONAL Society of CONSTITUTIONAL Society of Philadelphia Philadelphia to Berlin[?]: to Abraham Abraham Berlin[?]: 1779, Apr28 1779, Apr 28 IIA/7C8-12 IFA/7C8-12 Broadside: The Independent Broadside: The Independent and and Constitutional Constitutional Ticket Ticket for foraaGeneral General Committee: Committee: 1779 IIA(Add.)/lA8-9 1779 IIA(Add.)/1A8-9 Broadside: Principles and Articles Articles of: of: Broadside: Principles and 1780 IIA(Add.)/3C4 1780 IIA(Add.)/3C4 m: IIC IIC (p. m: (p. 68) 68) CONTINENTAL Army Army CONTINENTAL Accounts: Accounts: III/1E14-F4 III/1E14-F4 1781, Nov30 1781, Nov 30 III/1F6— G6 1783, Dec25 III/1F6-G6 1783, Dec 25 III/1G12 III/1G12 1784, Apr 13 1784, Apr13 1784, 23 I1I/1G13 1784, Apr Apr23 IIl/1G13 CONTINENTAL CONTINENTAL Congress Congress Payment to to CWP CWP for for portrait portrait of of Payment Gerard: Gerard: 1780, IIA(Add.)/3B13-C3 1780,March March IIA(Add.)/3B13-C3 m: IIA/5G8-11, 7G1-10, 7G1-10, 4G9-12 4G9-12 m: IIA/5G8-11, CONWAY, (General) (General)Thomas Thomas [?] ?] CONWAY, m: VIA/11G6,11G7-8 m: VIA/11G6, 11G7-8 CONYNGHAM, Gustavus Gustavus CONYNGHAM, JP JP to: to: 1800, Jan 28 III/2C9-D12 lII/2C9-D12 1800, Jan28 COOK, (Captain) (Captain) COOK, StGP to: StGP to: IVAI!G1O-11 1777, Apr77 1777, Apr IVA/1G10-11 COOK, (Captain) (Captain) James James COOK, m: rn. VIIA/1C2-5, VIIA/1C2-5, 1D12-14 1D12-14 COOK, Joel Joel COOK, m: XIA XIA (Add.)/7 (Add.)/7 (pp. (pp. 239-41) 239-41) COOK and and Seckles Seckles COOK BFP to: BFP to: 1846, Apr Apr99 IXB/11E8-F1 1846, IXB/11E8-F1 COOKE and Andrews Andrews COOKE and to Joseph Hopkinson Hopkinson and to CWP, CWP, Joseph and William William Meredith: Meredith: 1806, 27 IIA/37F3 1806,Jan Jan27 IIA/37F3 1806, 10 IIA/37G8-9 1806, Feb Feb 10 IIA/37G8-9 1806, 11 IIA/37G10-11 8O6, Feb Feb11 IIA/37G10-11 m: IIA/36G12-13, IIA/36G12-13, 37A2-12 37A2-12 m: COOPER, (Mr.) COOPER, (Mr.) m: VIA/7B3-4; VIIA/8A5-7, VIIA/8A5-7, m: VIA/7B3-4; 8A10-11; VIllA/I VIIIA/12C14-D1, 8A10-11; 2C14-D1, ni:
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The Peale Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers The
12D2-3 12D2-3 COOPER, (Judge) COOPER, (Judge) m: in: IIA/63F11-G2, IIA/63F11-G2, 63G3-9; 63G3-9; VIIAI3B2-5 VIIA/3B2-5 COOPER, COOPER, Mrs.J. Mrs. J.Fenimore Fenimore[?] [?] rn: VIA/11B12-C1 VIA/11B12-C1 m: COOPER, James COOPER, James Fenimore Fenimore ReP to: ReP to: VIA/8C13-D1 1835,Jan VIA/8C13-D1 1835,Jan rn:VIA/6B9-12, VIA/6B9-12,6C11-14, 6C11-14, 7E9-14 7E9-14 m: COOPER, Joseph Joseph COOPER, m: IIA/50E4-8, 50E9-F7; IIC IIC (pp. (pp. in: IIA/50E4-8, 50E9-F7; 86-92) 86-92) COOPER, Samuel Samuel COOPER, in: VIIIA/12C8-11, 13A2-12, m: VIIIA/12C8-11, 13A2-12, 13A13-B1 13A13-B1 COOPER, COOPER, (Dr.) (Dr.) Thomas Thomas rn: XIA/17C12 m: XIA/17C12 COPE. COPE, Caleb Caleb to Caroline to Caroline E. E. G. G. Peale: Peale: IXA/21B1-3 1873, Dec22 Dec22 1873, IXA/21B1-3 ReP to: ReP to: VIA/10F7-9 1850, Apr 26 VIA/10F7-9 1850, Apr26 in: VIIA/10B2-4, 11A2-5; 11A2-5; m: VIIA/10B2-4, VII[A(ISBS-8; VIIIA/15B5-8; IXA(14F1-2, IXA/14F1-2, 15E1-4, 15F9-10, 15E1-4, 15F9-10, 15G5-7, 15G5-7, 16B10-13, 16F7-9; 16F7-9; 16B10-13, IXB/12F7-G12; XIA/15D5-13 IXB/12F7-G12; XIA/15D5-13 COPENHAGEN COPENHAGEN Museum Museum m: XIC/1B8-G3 XIC/1B8-G3 m: COPIA, Jacob COPIA, Jacob m: IIA/67D6-8, 73B12-C4; 73B12-C4; m: IIA/67D6-8, VIIA/4F13-G2 VIIA/4F13-G2 COPLEY, COPLEY, John John Singleton Singleton totoCWP: CWP: 1770, 17 IIA/2G8-12 1770, Dec Dec17 IIA/2G8-12 1812, M Mar9 IIA/51C1-4 1812, ar9 IIA/51C1-4 1812, Mar Mar13 IIA/51C6-11 1812, 13 IIA/51C6-11 m: IIA/3C12-13, IIA/3C12-13, 4D7-12; 4D7-12; IIC m: IIC (pp. 29, 29, 92); 92); 11E17C8-D4; IIE/7C8-D4; (pp. VIB/13A6-B9 VIB/13A6-B9 COPPER, COPPER, James James C. C. RuP to: RuP to: 1838, Sept23 Sept 23 XIC/1B8-G3 1838, XIC/1B8-G3 rn: IIA/48A8-B10, 73B6-9 73B6-9 m: IIA/48A8-B10, CORBIN, Richard Richard CORBIN, m: IIA/5A2-4 IIA/5A2-4 m: COREA, COREA, de de Serra, Serra, (Abbé) (Abbe) rn: IIA/55G8-9; IID/30 m: IIA/55G8-9; IID/30 (p. (p. 52); 52); VIA/2F3-4, VIA/2F3-4, 2F7-8; 2F7-8; XIA/17D2 XIA/17D2 CORNELIUS, CORNELIUS, C. C. m: XIA/IIC-12A5; (Add.)/5 m: XIA/11C-12A5; (Add.)/5 (pp. (pp. 79, 79, 84,85), 6(p. 6 (p.90) 90) 84,85), CORNELIUS, CORNELIUS, Robert Robert m: IXA/19D5-20F3; XIIA/1A3-3E3 XIIA/1A3-3E3 m: IXA/19D5-20F3; CORN WALLIS, (General) (General) Charles Charles CORNWALLIS, m: m: JIB/S IIB/5 (p. (p. 15) 15) CORREGGIO, Antonio CORREGGIO, Antonio Allegri Allegri m: 44E12-F3; m: 11A13A6-9, 1IA/3A6-9, 44E12-F3; VIA/2A10-13, 7G 7G6-7 VIA/2A10-13, 6-7 CORTES, Hernando CORTES, Hernando m: IIB/22 m: IIB/22 (p. (p. 34); 34); XIA/17C3 XIA/17C3 CORWIN, Thomas CORWIN, Thomas tooBFP: BFP: 1850, Oct Oct15 1850, 15 IXA/11E4-5 IXA/11E4-5 1851, Nov18 1851, Nov 18 IXA/12F1-2 IXA/12F1-2 to Eckert: to Dr. Dr. G. G. N. N. Eckert:
IXA/13A9-10 IXA/13A9-10 1853,Jan 23 1853, Jan23 IXAI13A11 IXA/13A11 1853,Jan 23 1853, Jan23 BFPto: BFP to: IXA/11C11-D3 IXA/11C11-D3 1850, 1850, Oct Oct IXA/11D4-9 IXA/11D4-9 1850, Oct Oct 1850, IXA/11E7-10 IXA/11E7-10 1850, 17 1850, Oct Oct 17 IXA/11F5-8 IXA/11F5-8 1850, Nov Nov28 1850, 28 IXA/11G12 IXA/11G12 1851, Mar 27 1851,Mar27 James B. Longacre James B. Longacre to: to: IXA/12G10 1852, IXA/12G10 1852, Sept Sept m: IXA/11F2-4, IXA/11F2-4, 12G8-9 12G8-9 m: COTES, COTES, Francis Francis m: IIB/1(p. m: IIB/1 (p. 15) 15) COUTER, CO UTER, W. W. H. H. s/Report: s/Report: VIIIA/IGII-12 1825 VIIIA/1G11-12 1825 COUTHOUY,Joseph JosephP.P. COUTHOUY, and TRP, Dickerson: and TRP, to to Mahlon Mahlon Dickerson: VIIIA/5D8 1837, Aug Aug 11 VIIIA/5D8 1837, VII IA/5D9 1837, Aug Aug 33 VIIIA/5D9 1837, to to Thomas Thomas ap ap Catesby Catesby Jones: Jones: VIIIA/5E8-F5 1837, Aug 22 VIIIA/5E8-F5 1837, Aug22 VIIIA/6C13 1837, Nov VIIIA/6C13 1837, Nov 66 to Charles Charles Wilkes: Wilkes: to VHIAI7D-E4 1840, Oct Oct28 1840, 28 VI1IA/7D-E4 VIIIA/7E5-13 1840, Nov33 1840, Nov VIIIA/7E5-13 VIIIA/7E14-F2 1840, Nov VIIIA/7E14-F2 1840, Nov Charles Wilkes Charles Wilkes to: to: VIIIA/7D12 1840, Oct 27 VIIIA/7D12 1840, Oct27 BFP to: BFP to: IXA/9A13 1842, Mar 23 IXA/9A13 1842, Mar23 m: VIIIA/5G1-4, m: VIIIA/5G1-4, 6B6-11, 6B6-11, 6B14-C2, 6B14-C2, 6G2-3, 7D 7D6-11, 6G2-3, 6-11, 7D13-E4, 7D 13-E4, 8A3-4, 9A6-9; 9A 6-9;(Add.)/1C3; (Add.)/lC3; 8A3-4, VIIIC/25E10-27B3; IXA/9B1-5; VIIIC/25E10-27B3; IXA/9B1 -5; XIA/12C14-F14 XIA/1 2C1 4-F14 Seealso Jour. Wilkes Wilkes Exped. Exped. #1, #1, See also Jour. #3, Series VIIIB. VIIIB. #3, Series COWDEN, COW DEN, (Miss) (Miss) m: m: 11A14D13-E1 IIA/4D13-E1 COWEN, COW EN, B. B. R. R. to TRP: toTRP: VIllA/I 5C3 1873, Jan Jan31 1873, 31 VIIIA/15C3 COWPERTHWAITE, Joseph COWPERTHWAITE, Joseph s/PhiladelphiaMuseum Museum Company Company s/Philadelphia stock: stock: XIA/12C5-6 1837, 1837, May May 88 XIA/12C5-6 ReP to: ReP to: VIA/9C7-9 1838, Nov44 1838, Nov VIA/9C7-9 m: VIIB5-12; VIIIA/5D1-2; m: V/1B5—12; VIIIA/5D1—2; IXA/8G3; XIA XIA (Add.)/6 (Add.)/6 (pp. IXA/8G3; (pp. 126, 126, 134, 138-39, 141-44, 141-44, 146-47, 134, 138-39, 146-47, 149,151-54, 149,151-54, 156-59, 156-59, 161-62, 161-62, 168-70, 172-73, 168-70, 172-73, 178-81), 178-81), 77 (pp. 184, 184, 186, (pp. 186, 190-93, 190-93, 207-8) 207-8) CCOX, O X , (Mr.) (Mr.) m: IIB/3 IIB/3 (p. (p. 46) 46) m: COX, CO X, (Mrs.) (Mrs.) m: IIB/13 (p. m: 11B113 (p. 1) 1) COX, CO X, James James CWP to: CWP to: 11A116C2-4 1789, Apr28 1789, Apr 28 I1A/16C2-4 CO X, (Colonel) (Colonel) John COX, John CWP to: CWP to: IIA(IIG1O-l1 1783, Feb 7 IIA/11G10-11 1783,Feb7 m: (p. 15), 41, 42) m: IIB/3 IIB/3 (p. 15), 55 (pp. (pp. 35, 35,41,42) CO XE,John Redmond COXE, John Redmond
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s/Report: s/Report: 1800, Oct Oct 22 1800, IIA/23D9-E6 HA/23D9-E6 1800, Oct Oct22 1800, IIA/23E7-11 IIA/23E7-11 s/AppIication for Charter: The ThePAFA: PAFA: sfApplication for Charter: 1805, 1805, Dec Dec26 26 IIA/37C11-D6 I1A/37C I -D6 CLP to: CLP to: 1827, Apr Apr10 1827, 10 XD/1E12-13 XD/1E12-13 n: IIA/24E12-F1, IIA/24E12-F1, 24G11-12, 24G11-12, m: 34F1-5, 38F1-2, 38F1-2, 67B1-3, 67B1-3, 34F1-5, 69F13-G3; 69F13-G3; LIC IIC (p. (p.357); 357); VIIA/1B2; VIIA/1B2; XIA/7C1-14 XIA/7C1 -14 COXE, COXE, Tench Tench s/Constitution s/Constitution of of the the Columbianum: Columbianum: 1795, Feb Feb 17 17 IIE/3E7-F6 1795, IIE/3E7-F6 1795, 19 19 JIA/19F3-20A10 1795, AprApr IIA/19F3-20A10 to to Columbian Columbian American American Academy: Academy: 1795, Mar Mar 16 1795, 16 IIA/19E13—14 IIA/19E13-14 CWP CWP to: to: 1800, Feb 1800, Feb 11A/23 A11 —13 IIA/23A11-13 RaP to: RaP to: 1822, V/1D13-14 1822, Nov Nov V/1D13-14 COZINE, (Mrs.) (Mrs.) COZINE, m: IIB/12 IIB/12 (p. (p. 157) 157) (p. 8); 8); IIC IIC (p. COZZINS, Fred L. L. COZZ INS, Fred m: VIIA/6C9-D8; ni: VIIA/6C9-D8; XIC/1A2-13 XIC/1A2-13 COZZINS, Issachar Issachar COZZINS, m: VIIA/6C9-D8; m: VIIA/6C9-D8; XIC/1A2-13 XIC/1A2-13 CRAIGER, Samuel Samuel CRAIGER, CWP to: CWP to: 1822, 17 IIA/67B14 1822, Jun Jun 17 IIA/67B14 1822, Jul IIA/67C11 1822, Jul 66 IIA/67C11 m: IIA/61C5-7, 61C14, 66B8, 66B8, rn: IIA/61C5-7, 61C14, 66G8-10, 68A12-14, 68B3-4, 66G8-10, 68Al2-14, 68B3-4, 68C2-3, 68C2-3, 69C2-6 69C2-6 CRAIK, George W. W. CRAIK, George to Samuel Samuel Magaw CWP: to Magaw and and CWP: 1796, Dec Dec 12 12 IIA/20G10-11 1796, IIAI2OGIO-11 CRAIK, (Dr.) (Dr.) James James CRAIK, m: IIB/5 (p. m: 11B15 (p. 35) 35) CRAM,John CRAM,John m: IIA/14A2-7, m: IIA/14A2-7, 14D1, 14D1, 14D6-7, 14D6-7, 14D9-10, 14F1-2 14D9-10, 14F1-2 CRANCH, (Judge) (Judge) William William CRANCH, VIB/19F11-20B14 m: VIB/19F11-20B14 CRANE, David David CRANE, to Estate of of CP: CP: to Estate 1752, Jun Jun 11 I/2F3-6 1752, I/2F3-6 1752, Apr 17 I/2F7-9 1752, Apr17 112F7-9 CRASHU, CRASHU, A. A. B. B. toTRP: to TRP: 1861, VIIIA/13F4-9 1861, Oct Oct 55 VIIIA/13F4-9 CR AV EN , John John CRAVEN, CPP, Deed Deed to: to: CPP, IVBI3E3 n.d. IVB/3E3 n.d. CRAWFORD, (Dr.) (Dr.) CRAWFORD, CWP to: to: CWP 1806, Aug 26 IIA/39C4 1806, Aug 26 IIA/39C4 CRAWFORD, George George Walker Walker CRAWFORD, BFP BFP to: to: 1849,Ju15 JXA/10D12-13 1849, Jul 5 IXA/10D12-13 1849, Jul 12 IXA/10E1 IXA/IOEI -3 -3 1849, Jut 12 IXA/10E4-5 1849, Jul 26 IXA/10E4-5 1849, Jul26 1849, Aug25 Aug 25JXA/10E12-13 IXA/10E12-13 1849, CRAWFORD, (Mrs. James) CRAWFORD, Mary Mary Ewing Ewing (Mrs.James) CWP to: to: CWP 1786, Nov 28 IIA/14E11 IIA/14E11 1786, Nov28 CRAWFORD, T. Hartley Hartley CRAWFORD, T. rn:
to BFP: to BFP: 1842, Dec Dec23 1842, 23 IXA/9B13 IXA/9B13 1842, Dec27 1842, Dec 27 IXA/9B14 IXA/9B14 CRAWFORD, William William Harris Harris CRAWFORD, m: IIA/61D3-4, IIA/61D3-4,61D5-6, 61D5-6, 61D8-9, 61D8-9, m: 61E2-3, 61E12-13, 61F1-2, 61F1-2, 61E2-3, 61E12-13, 61G4-8, 61G9, 62A2-6; 62A2-6;118/23 IIB/23 61G4-8, 61G9, (pp. 16ff); tIC IIC (p. (p. 420); 420); XIA/17C12 XIAI17C12 (pp. 16ff); CRAWFORD, Mrs. Mrs. William William H. H. (and (and CRAWFORD, children) children) m: 25) m: IIB/23 IIB/23 (p. (p. 25) CRAYMER, Andrew Andrew CRAYMER, m: IIB/5 (p. (p. 46) 46) nl: IIB/5 CRAYON, C R A Y O N , The. The. See See also alsoDurand, Durand, John. John. m: m: VIA/1ICIO, VIA/11C10, 11D2, 11D2, 11D3, 11D3, 11D4, 11D4, lIDS, IIE1I-12, 11D5, 11E4-5, 11E4-5, 11 E ll —12, 11E13-14, IIFI, 11E13-14, 11 F I, 11F4-5, 11F4-5, 11F8-9, 11F14-G1, 11F8-9, 11F10-11, IIFIO-Il, 11F14-G1, 12 A8, 12A9-10, 12A11, 12A8, 12A9-10, 12A11, 12A12-13, 12D6-7; 12D6-7; 12Al2-13, VEB/13A4-5, 13A6-B9, 13A6-B9, VIB/13A4-5, 13B10-12, 13B13-C1, 13C2-3, 13B10-12, 13B13-C1, 13C2-3, 13D1-11, 13D1-11, 13D12-E2, 13D12-E2, 13E7-13, 13E7-13, 13E14-F7, 13F8-14A4, 13E14-F7, 13F8-14A4, 14A5-B2, 14B3-10, 14B3-10, 14B11-C8, 14B11-C8, 14A5-B2, 14C9-10, 14C11-12, 14C11—12, 14C13-14, 14C13-14, 14C9-10, 14D1, 14D2-3, 14D2-3, 14D4-6, 14D4-6, 14D7, 14D1, 14D7, 14D8 I 4D8 CRESS ON, John C. C. CRESSON,John to to Joseph Joseph Henry: Henry: VIIIA/12C5 1851, Mar 24 VIIIA/12C5 1851, Mar24 s/Report: s/Report: 1840, IXB/10B11-C2 1840, Apr Apr 99 IXB/1OBI I -C2 IXB/10C3-6 1840, 14 IXB/10C3-6 1840, May May 14 1840, Jul 19 19 IXB/10C7-D2 1840,Jul JXB/10C7-D2 1840, Aug Aug13 IXBIIOD3-11 1840, 13 IXB/10D3-11 1840, Oct Oct 11 IXB/10E6-F2 1840, IXB/10E6-F2 1842, Aug 11 IXB/10G7-13 1842, Aug11 IXB/10G7-13 1843, Sept Sept 44 IXB/11B9-12 1843, IXB/11B9-12 1845, Dec 15 IXB/IIE1-7 1845, Dec 15 IXB/11E1-7 CROCKER Bros. Bros. && Co. Co. CROCKER to R. R. M. Patterson: to M. Patterson: IXA/7F4-5 1839, Apr Apr25 1839, 25 IXA/7F4-5 BFP to: to: BFP IXA/7F3-4 1839, Apr23 1839, Apr 23 IXA/7F3-4 R. to: R. M. M. Patterson Patterson to; IXA/7G10-11 1839, 21 IXA/7G10-11 1839, Oct Oct21 IXA/8F11-12 1840, 20 IXA/8F11-12 1840, Nov Nov20 IXA/9A2-3 1841, Apr IXA/9A2-3 1841, Apr22 IXA/9E7-8 1844, Feb Feb23 1844, 23 IXA/9E7-8 CROGHAN, George George CROGHAN, RuP to: RuP to: XIC/1B8-G3 1849, Feb XIC/1B8-G3 1849, Feb CROMWELL CROMWELL and and Robinson Robinson to CWP: toCWP: IIA/52D9-12 1813, IIA/52D9-12 1813, Sept Sept 44 CROPPER, John CROPPER, John TRP to: to: TRP 1884, Nov88 VIIIA/17B2-3 1884, Nov VIIIA/17B2-3 CROUCH,William William CROUCH, m: XIB/3B1 -5C8 n: XIB/3B1-5C8 CRYSTAL Palace CRYSTAL Palace Exhibition Exhibition m: IB] 1, 11B12-C1 11B12-C1 m: VIA/1 VIA/IIBII, CULBRETH, Thomas. Thomas. See See Peale's Peale’s CULBRETH, Museum, Baltimore. Baltimore. Court Court Case. Case. Museum, CUMMINGS, (Mr.) (Mr.) CUMMINGS, m: VIIAI11A8-11; VIIB/18A2-B12 m: VIIA/11A8-11; VIIB/18A2-B12
The 148 The Peale Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers 148
CUNNINGHAM , John W. W. CUNNINGHAM,John CWP to: to: CWP IIA/49A5 1810, 10 IIA/49A5 1810, Mar Mar 10 ttAISOA6 1811,Jan31 IIA/50A6 1811,jan3l IIA/50C1-2 1811, Mar 17 IIA/50C1-2 1811, Mar17 CUNNINGHAM ,Samuel SamuelW. W. CUNNINGHAM, m: VIIA/6C9-D8; VIIA/6C9-D8; XIC/1A2-13, XIC/1A2-13, m: 1B8-G3 1B8-G3 CUNNINGHAM ,William William CUNNINGHAM, m: m: IIA/48G11-13, 11A148G11-13,50A9-10, 50A9-10, 50B11-13 50B11-13 CUSHING, Caleb Caleb CUSHING, m: VIIIA/IOB1O-13 VIIIA/10B10—13 m: CUSTIS, (Miss) (Miss) CUSTIS, m: IIA/4D13-E1; IIA/4D13—El; IIB/19 IIB/19(p. (p.26) 26) m: CUSTIS, George CUSTIS, George Washington Washington Parke Parke co ReP: to ReP: 1857, VIA/12D2-4 VIA/12D2-4 1857, Aug Aug m: IIA/4C5; IIA/4C5; IIB/6 (p. 3), 3), IIB/19 IIB/19 (p. (p. 26); 26); m: IIB/6 (p. VIA/11B3-5 VIA/I 1B3-5 CUSTIS, Parke CUSTIS, John John Parke m. IIB/6 (p. (p. 3) 3) m: IIA/16E10-11,16E12; IIA/16E10-11, 16E12; IIB/6 CUSTIS, Martha CUSTIS, Martha Parke Parke 16E12 m: IIA/16E10-11, IIA/16E10-11,16E12 CUTTING, William CUTTING, William to RuP: RuP: to VIIA/2G9-10 1815, May VIIA/2G9-10 1815, May 99 m: 11A161E2-3; IIB/23 (p. (p. 24) 24) m: IIA/61E2-3; IIB/23 CUVIER, Frederic.Des Des Dents Dents de de CUVIER, Frédéric. Mammferes Mammife res m: VIIIA/25B7-E2 V111A125B7-E2 m: CUVIER, Georges Georges CUVIER, CWP to: CWP to: 1802, 1802, Jul Jul16 16 IIA/26C7-8 IIA/26C7-8 1808, Apr 21 IIA/43A6-9 1808, Apr21 IIA/43A6-9 1809, Jan20 IIA/45D1-2 1809, Jan 20 IIA/45D1-2 m: m: 11A126C11, IIA/26C11, 26D13-E3, 26D13-E3, 28A2-3, 28A2-3, 41A10-I 41A10-11,I, 42D11-14, 42D11-14, 42E1-4, 42E1-4, 42F5-7, 42F5-7, 44C11-14, 44C11-14, 44G7-10, 44G7-10, 45F7-G12, 46C3-6, 46C7-10, 46C7-I0, 45F7-G12, 46C3-6, 46C11-12, 46F1-6, 46F9-10, 46F9-I0, 46C11-12, 46F1-6, 46F11-12; VIA/1G4-I0, 46F11—12; VIA/1G4-10, 2A14-B1,6D5-8; 6D 5-8;HDI3O IID/30 (p. (p. 52); 52); 2A14-B1, VIIIA/6E7-14, VIIIAJ6E714, 25B7-E2; 25B7-E2; XIA/17D2 XIA/17D2 LeR'egne Animal VIIIA/11B13-C1; LeR'egneAnimal VIIIA/11B13-CI; VIIIC/25B7-E2 VIIIC/25B7-E2 See afco Jour. Wilkes #2, See alsojour. Wilkes Exped. Exped. #2, Series Series VIIIB. VIIIB.
DACOSTA, Benjamin DACOSTA, Benjamin m: m: IXA/4B13-C4, IXA/4B13-C4, 4C9-12, 4C9-12, 4E5-8 4E5-8 DAFFIN, Elinor Elinor Ernails Emails (Mrs. (Mrs. Joseph) Joseph) DAFFIN, m: IIIB/li IB/ll (p. (p. 53) 53) m:
DAFFIN, Joseph DAFFIN,Joseph m: (p. 53) 53) m: IIB/11 JIB/il (p. DDAILY A IL Y Chronicle Chronicle (Philadelphia) (Philadelphia) m: (p. 97) 97) m: XIA XIA (Add.)/5 (Add.)15 (pp. (pp. 82,86), 82,86), 66 (p. DAILY, DAILY, Cornelius Cornelius andjames McMordie McMordie and and CWP, CWP, Bond andJames Bond to Stephen Stephen Bordley: Bordley: to 1763, Apr20 AprIIA 20 (Add.)/1A2-3 IIA (Add.)/1 A 2-3 1763, DALE, Edward Edward C. C. DALE, toto George Eckert: George N N.. Eckert: 1861, Mar20 Mar 20IXA/16D7-10 IXA/16D7-10 1861, m: m: IXA/8C3-10 IXA/8C3-10 DALLAS, DALLAS, AlexanderJ. AlexanderJ. m: m: IIA/48G9-10, 11A148G9-10,55F11-14, 55F11-14, 55G1-5; 55G1-5; XIA/1A7-14, XIAI1A7-14, 1B1-3 1BI-3 DALLAS, George George M. DALLAS, M. m: VIIIA/9B9-12, 10B7-9, m: VIIIAI9B9-12, 10B3-4, 10B3-4, 10B7-9, 1OBIO-13, 10G12-13, 11A3-4, 11A3-4, 10B10-13, 10G12-13, 11B12; IXB/11D1-6 11B12; IXB/I1DI-6 DALLAS, M.J. DALLAS, M .J. s/Application Charter: The ThePAFA: PAFA: s/Application for for Charter: 1805, IIA/37C11-D6 1805, Dec26 Dec 26IIA/37C11-D6 DALLY, (Mr.) DALLY, (Mr.) m: IIA/18A12-14, 56A8-12, m: IIA/18Al2-14, 56A8-12, 58C12-E1, 58E2-9, 58E2-9, 59F12-14 59F12-14 58C12-E1, DAMES, (Mr.) DAMES, (Mr.) m: I/1F10, IJIFIO, 2D11, 2D11, 2D12 2D12 m: DANA, DANA, Abbey Abbey m: 2-5, 5E9-12, m: XC/4F2-5, XC/4F2-5, 5D 5D2-5, 5E9-12, 6F5-8 6F5-8 DANA, Ellen Ellen DANA, m: m: XC/5E9-12, XC/5E9-12, 7B14-C3, 7B14-C3, 7G7-10, 7G7-10, 8F3-6 8F3-6 DANA, James D. D. DANA,James to Mahlon Mahlon Dickerson: Dickerson: to 1837, Aug Aug 33 VIIIA/5D9 1837, VIIIA/5D9 m: VIIIA/6G2-3, 7E14-F2, 7E14-F2, 7F3-6, m: VIIIA/6G2-3, 7F3-6, 8A 3-4,9A 6-9,12A 2-5,12A 6-8; 8A3-4, 9A6-9, 12A2-5, 12A6-8; VIIIB (passim.); (passim.)VIIIB VIIIC/25E10-27B3; IXA/5C1 VIIIC/25E10-27B3; IXA/5C11,I, 7D9; 7D9; XIA/12C14-F14 XIA/12C14-F14 DANA, DANA, Joseph Joseph m: XC/6A10-13, XCI6AIO-13, 7B14-C3, 7B14-C3, m: 3F11-14, 9-12, 5F9-13, 5F9-13, 3F11-14, 3G 3G9-12, 7B6-9, 7D 7D12-E1, 8B2-5, 7B6-9, 12-E1, 8B2-5, 8B6-9, 8F7-10, 8F7-I0, 10A2-5, 8B6-9, 10A2-5, 10A10-12, 11B2-5, IOA1O-12, 11B2-5, 11D2-4 11D2-4 DANA, Mrs. Joseph DANA, Mrs.Joseph m: XC/4A2-5, 6F5-8, 6F5-8, 7D12-E1, 7D12-EI, m: XC/4A2-5, 8F3-6, 1-4, 9C 5-8, 9C9-12 9C9-12 8F3-6, 9C 9C1-4, 9C5-8, D A N A E , The, The, by by Wertmüller Wertmuller DANAE, m: m: IIC IIC (p. (p. 106) 106) DAN NEN BERG .John DANNENBERG,John s/Constitution s/Constitution of of the the Columbianum: Columbianum: 1795, 19 IIA/19F3-20A10 1795, Apr 19 AprIIA/19F3-20A10 m: m: IIA/19D12-E1 IIA/19D12-E1 DARBY'S D A R B Y 'S Universal Universal Gazeteer Gazeteer m: VIIIA/11B13-C1 m: VIIIA/11B13-C1 DARCY, W. L. L. DARCY, W. R. Patterson to: to: R. M. M. Patterson 1847, Oct44 IXA/10B2-3 1847, Oct IXA/10B2-3 DARLEY, John DARLEY, John RuP to: RuP to: 1845, Jan29 Jan 29 XIC/1B8-G13 1845, XIC/1B8-G13 DARLINGTON, (Dr.) (Dr.) William William DARLINGTON,
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The Peale The Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers
CWP to: CWPto: 1808,Nov Nov44 1808, IIA/44F8-10 11A144F8-10 m: XIA/14A7-F7; (Add.)/7 m: XIA/14A7-F7; (Add.)/7 (pp. 264-65) 264-65) (pp.
1868, Dec77 1868, Dec VIA/15G1-2 VIA/15G1-2 DAVIS, Mrs. Mrs. Robert Robert Coulter Coulter DAVIS, Harriet C. Harriet C. Peale Peale to: to: 1868, Mar24 Mar 24VIA/15F12-13 1868, VIA/15F12-13 DASHIELL, (Mr.) DASHIELL, (Mr.) DAVIS, Thomas Thomas DAVIS, m: 11Bf12 IIB/12 (p. 181) m: (p. 36); 36); IIC LIC (p. (p. 181) CWP to: to: CWP DASHWOOD,(Mr.) DASHWOOD,(Mr.) 1802, Oct IIA/26F5 1802, Oct IIA/26F5 m; m: IIB/2 IIB/2 (p. (p. 40) 40) DAVY, (Sir) Humphrey Humphrey DAVY, (Sir) DAUDIN, Francois-Marie DAUDIN, Frangois-Marie m: VIIA (Add.)/1A9-12 (Add.)/1A9-12 m: VIIA CWP CWP to: to: DAWSON, Elias Elias DAWSON, 1802, Jul 16 1802, Jul 16 IIA/26C5-6 CWP to: to: 11A126C5-6 CWP 1804, Jun29 1804, Jun 29 IIA/31C6 IIA/31C6 1826, Aug Aug 14 1826, 14 IIA/72D13 IIA/72D13 IIA/26C11,26D13-E3 26D13-E3 m: IIA/26C11, DEAN, (Colonel) (Colonel) Joseph Joseph DEAN, DAVENPORT, DAVENPORT, Joseph Joseph m: IIA/11B13-C3, 11C4-7, 11C4-7, 11D2-4; m: IIA/11B13-C3, 11D2-4; m: 11B12 IIB/2 (p. 32) m: (p. 32) llh]4B14-C3 III/4B14-C3 DAVID, Jacques-Louis Jacques-Louis DAVID, DEANE,Silas DEANE,Silas m: IIA/44A6-12, IID/30 m: IIA/44A6-12, 44C11-14; 44C11-14; IID(30 to CWP: to CWP: 1779,Jul Jul27 (p.53); VIA/12E9-10; VIB/22C10; (p. 53); VIA/12E9-10; VIB/22C10; 1779, 27 IIA/8D4 IIA/8D4 VIIIA/13B3-8; XIA/17D1 XIA/17D1 VIIIAJI3B3-8; m: IIAI8CII-D3; IIC m: IIA/8C11-D3; IIC (p.77) (p. 77) DAVID, Margaret Margaret DAVID, DEARBORN, DEARBORN, (General) (General) Henry Henry toC: to CWP: m: 11A124F5-6, IIA/24F5-6, 24F7, 38E4; IID/29 1ID/29 m: 24F7, 38E4; 1783, 29 IIA/12B4-5 1783, Apr Apr29 IIA/12B4-5 (pp.41-43); (pp. 41-43);XIA/17C11 XIA/17C11 1784, Apr Apr 16, 16, 19 19 IIA/12G8 1784, IIA/12G8 DEBLOIS, DEBLOIS, Lewis Lewis m: IIA/16D9, CWP to: to: IIA/16D9, 16E2-8 16E2-8 CWP DAVIDS ,(Mrs.) DAVIDS,(Mrs.) 1804, 1804, Mar Mar 13 13 IIA/30A7 IIA/30A7 BFPto: BFPto: m: IIA/29E13-F2, 29F3 IIA/29E13-F2, 29F3 1869, Sept 24 IXA/18F12-13 1869, Sept24 DeBOISE, (Mr.) DeBOISE, (Mr.) IXA/18F12-13 DAVIDSON, (Mr.) DAVIDSON, (Mr.) m: IIA/38A13-14,38B1-2, 38B1-2, 38D4-9 38D4-9 m: IIA/38A13-14, CWP to: to: De BONNEVILLE, BONNEVILLE, (Mrs.) CWP De (Mrs.) ReP 1798, Feb Feb 18 18 IIA/22A13 1798, IIA/22A13 ReP to: to: 1851, VIA/11A2 m: IIA/4D13-E1 IIA/4D13-E1 1851, Apr Apr88 m; VIA/11A2 DEBREET, Cornelius DAVIDSON, John DEBREET, Cornelius DAVIDSON, (Dr.) (Dr.) John m: VIA/4E2-3,4C 4C4-5, 4E6-9 m: VIA/4E2-3, 4-5, 4E6-9 m: m: IIAJ67BI-3, IIA/67B1-3, 67G3 67G3 DAVIDSON, Robert B. B. DAVIDSON, Robert DeBUTTS, DeBUTTS, (Mr.) (Mr.) m: IIA/3A10-13, 34F10-12, 34G8 34G8 m: IIA/3A10-13,34F10-12, James C. C. Booth Booth to: to: James DeBUTTS, DeBUTTS, Henry Henry 1870, XIIA/3E7-8 1870, May May 66 XIIAI3E7-8 m: LIA/3A6-9 IIA/3A6—9 m: XIIA/1A3-3E3 m: XIIA/1A3-3E3 DECATUR, (Captain) (Captain) Stephen, Stephen, Sr. Sr. DECATUR, DAVIE, William DAVIE, William Richardson Richardson CWP to: CWPto: m: IIA/71G5-6, IIA/71G5-6, 71G7, 71G7, 71G8-9, 71G8-9, m: 1786, Aug Aug 77 IIA/14D2-3 1786, IIA/14D2-3 72A3, 72A10, 72C1, 72A3, 72A10, 72A11-12, 72A11-12, 72C1, DECATUR, DECATUR, (Captain) (Captain) Stephen, Stephen, Jr. Jr. 72C2-3 72C2-3 m: IIA/61B13-14,61C5-7, 6105-7, 61D1-2, 61D1-2, m: IIA/61B13—14, DAVIESS, (Colonel) (Colonel)Joseph Joseph Hamilton Hamilton DAVIESS, 61D5-6; IIB/22 IIB/22 (p. (p. 71); 71); IID/30 IID/30 61D5-6; m: XLA/17C8 m: XIA/17C8 (p. 53); 53); VIIIA/16E4-7; XIA/17C7 (p. VIIIA/16E4-7; XIA/17C7 DAVIS, DAVIS, Alexander Alexander DECLARATION of of Independence Independence DECLARATION ReP to: ReP to: m: IIB/2 (p. 35) tn: IIB/2 (p. 35) 1835, Sept 17 Sept 17VIAI8DI2-E2 VIA/8D12-E2 1835, DEHAVEN, DEHAVEN, Peter Peter DAVIS, J. Barnard Barnard DAVIS,J. m: III/4C10-D1, III/4C10-D1, 4D2-8; 4D2-8; m: to G. Peale: Peale: to Caroline Caroline E. E. G. VIIIA/7F3-6 VIIIA/7F3-6 1874, IXA/21B11-14 IXA/21B11-14 1874, Feb Feb88 DEIBERT, John DEIBERT, John IXA/21E4-1O 1874,Jun9 IXA/21E4-10 1874,Jun9 RuP RuP to: to: DAVIS, Robert Robert Coulter Coulter DAVIS, 1846, Jun 7 XIC/1B8-G13 1846,Jun7 XIC/1B8-G13 Harriet Harriet C. C. Peale Peale to: to: m: VIIA/10C9-11, 10G8-12 m: VIIA/10C9-1I, 10G8-12 1855 VIA/11D7-8 1855 VIA/11D7-8 De KALB, Johann De KALB, (Baron) (Baron) Johann ReP to: ReP to: m: m: IIB/7 11B17 (p.(p.11), 11),2323(p.(p.17);IIC 17);IIC (p. (p.36); 36); VIA/12A7 1856, Dec Dec31 VIA/12A7 1856, 31 IID/29 IID/29 (p. (p. 16); 16);VIIIA/16E4-7; VIIIA/16E4-7; VIA/14B4 n.d. VIA/14B4 n.d. XIA/2C1D-E1,17C4 XIAI2C1D-E1, 17C4 VIA/14G7 nd. VIAJI4G7 n.d. DELACORTE, (M.) (M.) DELACORTE, VIA/14G10 VIA/14G10 n.d. n.d. m: IIA/31D14-E1, 35C11 11A131D14-E1,35B1-4, 35B1-4, 35C11 VIA/14G11 n.d. n.d. VIA/14G11 DELACORTE'S DELACORTE’S Museum Museum (New (New York) York) VIA/14G12 VIA/14G12 n.d. n.d. m: IIB/19(p. 1IB/19 (p. 89) 89) VIA/15A6 VIA/15A6 nd. n.d. DELAMBRE, DELAMBRE, Jean-Baptiste Jean-BaptisteJoseph Joseph Harriet Harriet C. C. Peale Peale to: to: m: IID/30 HD/30 (p. (p. 52); 52); XIA/17D1 XIA/17D1 m: VIA/I VIA/15F6 SF6 1861, Dec10 1861, Dec 10 DELAMETHERIE, DELAMETHERIE, M. M. VIA/15F7 VIA/15F7 1861, Dec 26 1861, Dec26 m: m: IID/30 IID/30 (p. (p. 53); 53); XLA/17D2 XIA/17D2 VIA/15F14 VIA/I 5F14 1868, 1868, Dec Dec 55 rn:
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The Peale 150 Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers 150 The
DELANEY, DELANEY, (Mr.) (Mr.) 51F13-G6 m: IIA/51F5-12, 51F13-G6 n: IIA/51F5-12, DELANEY DELANEY (child) (child)
m: IIA/22G7-8; VIIIA/17E9-10; n: I1A122G7-8; VIIIAII7E9-10; IXA/12G1-4 IXA/12G1 -4 DePEYSTER, James) DePEYSTER, Anna Anna (Mrs. (Mrs.James) ,n: IIA/16F9-10, 26F13-14, 26F13-14, 27G2-3, 27G2-3, m: IIA/16F9-10, 28E8-10, 28F4-7, 28F4-7, 56A8-12, 56A8-12, 28E8-10, 58C12-E1, 58E2-9, 58E2-9, 58E10-12, 58E10-12, 58C12-E1, 65A10-11, 65Al2-B2, 68E4-6, 65A10-11, 65A12-B2, 68E4-6, 69E8-10; IIB/22 (p. (p. 29) 29) 69E8-10; IIB/22 DePEYSTER, Anne DePEYSTER, Anne m: IIB/13 IIB/13 (pp. 6,14), 22 (p. (p. 29); 29); (pp. 6, 14), 22 VIIIA/17E9-1O; IXA/12G1-4 VIIIA/17E9-10; IXA/12G1-4 DePEYSTER, Bancker DePEYSTER, Catharine Catharine Bancker (Mrs. Abraham (Mrs. Abraham B.) B.) m: IIA/27E8, IIA/27E8, 64G6-8, 64G6-8, 65A4-5 65A4-5 DePEYSTER, Christiana Dally Dally DePEYSTER, Christiana (Mrs. (Mrs. William, William, Jr.) Jr.) to CWP: to CWP: IIA/20C4-9 17%, 1796, Apr21 Apr 21 IIA/20C4-9 IIA/20C10-11 1796, May44 1796, May IIA/20C10-11 1818 IIA/61D10-14 1818 IIA/61D10-14 tn: IIA/16G6-7, IIA/16G6-7, 17B1-3, 17B1-3, 17D2, 17D2, 17D4, 27D1, 27D1,27D9-10, 27D9-10, 27G2-3, 27G2-3, 17D4, 33C1-6, 50D4-6, 50D 4-6, 52D5-7, 52D5-7, 33C1-6, 52E1-2, 52E3-6, 52E3-6, 52F4-11, 52E1-2, 52F4-11, 54C5-6, 54C9-12, 54C5-6, 54C9-12, 54F8-11, 54F8-11, 54F12-13, 54G7-10, 54G7-10, 56A8-12, 56A8-12, 54F12-13, 58C12-E1, 58F2-4, 58C12-E1, 58E2-9, 58E2-9, 58F2-4, 59F9-11, 59F12-14, 59F12-14, 65A10-11, 65A10-11, 59F9-11, 65A12-B2,68E4-6; 68E4-6;11B112 IIB/12 65Al2-B2, (pp. 4ff), 4ff),13 13 (p. (p. 5), 5), 22 22 (pp. (pp. 18,55); 18,55); (pp. VIIA/1B8-10; VIIIA/17B4-05, VIIA/1B8-10; VIIIA/17B4-C5, 17E9-10 17E9-10 DePEYSTER, Elizabeth. See Peale, DePEYSTER, Elizabeth. See Peale, Elizabeth Charles Elizabeth DePeyster DePeyster (Mrs. (Mrs. Charles Willson). Willson). DePEYSTER, Elizabeth Haring DePEYSTER, Elizabeth Haring (Mrs. John) John) (Mrs. m: IIB/12 15 11B112(p. (p.10), 10),13 13(pp. (pp. 8ff.), 8ff.), 15
m. IIB/1X (pp. (pp. 1-3) 1-3) m: IIB/li DELAPLAINE, DELAPLAINE, Joseph Joseph 61F5-8, 62A2-6, m: IIA/61C5-7, IIA/61C5-7, 61F5-8, 62A2-6, 62A10, 66B5-7, 66F2-4, 62A10, 66B5-7, 66F2-4, 67D12-13, 68B1-2, 68B1-2, 69C2-6, 69C2-6, 67D12-13, 69C7-8, 69E8-10, 70A10-13; 70A10-13; 69C7-8, 69E8-10, IIB/23 420); 11B123(p. (p.16), 16),IIC hG (p. (p. 420); VIB/2F4-5, 19F11-20B14; 19F11-20B14; VIB/2F4-5, VIIAI3A9-10, 5D9-10, VIIA/3A9-10, 5D 9-10, 5D14-E3, 5E4-11, 5E4-11, 7E13-14; 5D14-E3, 7E13-14; XIC/1B8-G3 XIC/1B8-G3 DELAWARE, Legislature Legislature of DELAWARE, of State State of: of: totoBFP: BFP: IXA/2D3-5 1832, 10 IXA/2D3-5 1832, Feb Feb 9, 9, 10 IXA/2D6-10 1832, Feb 1832, Feb 10 10 IXA/2D6-10 ReP ReP to: to: 1826, VIA/4F2-4 1826, Jan Jan 24 24 VIA/4F2-4 m: VIA/4E13-F1 VIA/4E13-F1 DELOZIER, DELOZIER, Daniel Daniel CWP to: to: CWP IIA/16F11 1791,Oct Oct30 1791, 30 IIA/16F11 1791 IIA/17A2-4 11A117A2-4 1791 1792, Mar28 1792, Mar 28 IIA/17B11-12 IIA/17B11-12 IIA/17C8 1792, Apr Apr IIA/17C8 1792, 1802, Apr IIA/25F4-5 1802, Apr99 IIA/25F4-5 1802, Apr Apr 99 IIA/25F6-9 1802, IIA/25F6-9 1804, Dec Dec 66 IIA/32E8 1804, 11A132E8 m: IIA/16E10-11, IIA/16E10-11, 17B11-12; 17B11-12;IIB/13 IIB/13 (p. 16) 16) (p. De MORVEAU, De MORVEAU, Guyton Guyton m: XIA/17C14 XIA/17C14 DENNIE, Joseph Joseph DENNIE, CWP to: CWP to: 1807, Jun16 1807, Jun 16 IA/41A12 IA/41Al2 m: VIA114F8-10; (Add.)/3B12-13 m: VIA/14F8-10; (Add.)/3B12-13 DENNISON, S. DENNISON, S. B. B. (p. 13), 13), 22 IIC (p. (p. (p. 22 (pp. (pp. 25-26); 25-26); IIC to RuP: 249) to RuP: 249) 1835, 13 VIIA/8G5-7 1835, Aug Aug 13 VIIA/8G5-7 DePEYSTER, Frederick DePEYSTER, Frederick to BFP: toBFP: in: IIA/35F12-14; IIA/35F12-14; VIIIA/17B4-C5; VIIIA/17B4-05; m: 1835, 1835, Aug 16 Aug 16 VIIAI8G8-13 VIIA/8G8-13 IXA/12G1-4 IXAI12GI -4 DENON,(Baron) (Baron) Dominique DominiqueVivant Vivant DENON, DePEYSTER, DePEYSTER, Gerard Gerard CWP to: CWPto: to CWP: CWP: to 180[9], [Jan] 20 IIA/45D5-6 180[9], [Jan] 20 IIA/45D5-6 1800, 1800, Mar Mar 14 14 IIA/23B7-8 IIA/23B7-8 m: IIA/42D11-14, 42E1-4, m: 11A142D11-14, 42E1-4, m: 22F6-9, m: IIA/20B9-11, IIA/20B9-11, 22F6-9, 44C1 1-14, 44G7-10, 44G7-10, 45F7-G12, 44C11-14, 45F7-G12, 23B12-C7, 3-4, 24B9-11, 24B9-11, 23B12-C7, 23D 23D3-4, 46C3-6, 46F1-6, 46F1-6, 47A4-9, 47A4-9, 46C3-6, 38A10-12, 54C9-12, 54C9-12, 56A8-12, 38A10-12, 56A8-12, 47E7-12; IID/30 IID/30 (p. (p. 50); 50); 47E7-12; 58C12-E1, 58C12-E1, 58E2-9, 58E2-9, 58E10-12, 58E10-12, VIA/1G4-10; XIA/17D1 VIAIIG4-10; XLA/17D1 59F9-11, 59F9-11, 59F12-14, 59F12-14, 61D10-14, 61D10-14, DePEYSTER, Abraham Abraham B. B. DePEYSTER, 64A3-4, 64C6, 64E3-4, 64E3-4, 64F8, 64F8, 64A3-4, 64C6, to CWP: toCWP: 64F9-10, 64G4, 64G12-13, 64F9-10, 64G4, 64G12-13, 1799, 1799, Feb Feb 99 IIA/22C5-6 IIA/22C5-6 65A10-11, 65A12-B2, 65Al2-B2, 65A10-11, m: IIA/17G4-10, m: IIA/17G4-10, 18F13-14, 18F13-14, 66C11 -12, 66D 1-4, 68E4-6, 68E4-6, 66C11-12, 66D1-4, 21B7-10, 56A8-12, 21B7-10, 23G8-9, 23G8-9, 56A8-12, 69A8, IIB/22 (pp. (pp. 8ff); 8ff); 69A8, 69E8-10; 69E8-10; IIB/22 59F9-11, 59F12-14, 59F12-14,61D10-14, 59F9-11, 61D10-14, VIIA/1A14-B1, 1B3-6, VIIA/1A 14-B1,1B3-6, 65A10-11, 65A12-B2, 65Al2-B2, 66E9-10, 65A10-11, 66E9-10, 17B4-05, 17B4-C5, 17E9-10; 17E9-10; IXA/12G1-4 IXA/12G1-4 66E11; (p. 84), 84), 22 22 DePEY STER, James James 66E11; IIB/15 IIB/15(p. (p.40), 40),19 l9(p. DePEYSTER, (p. 18); 18); hG IIC (p. (p. 265); 265); (p. CWP to: CWP to: VIIIAI17B4-05, 17E9-10; VIIIA/17B4-C5, 17E9-10; 1791, Oct16 1791, Oct 16 IIA/16F9-10 IIA/16F9-10 IXA/12G1-4 IXAII2G1 -4 m: m: IIA/16G1-2, IIA/16G1-2, 16G3-5, 16G6-7, 16G3-5, 16G6-7, DePEYSTER, Mrs. DePEYSTER, Mrs. Abraham Abraham 18F13-14, 37E9, 18F13-14, 37E9, 54C9-12, 54C9-12, m:IIB/22(p. m: IIB/22 (p. 11) 11) 58C12-E1, 58E2-9, 58C12-E1, 58E2-9, 59F9-11, 59F9-11, DePEYSTER, Abraham Abraham W. W. DePEYSTER, 59F12-14, 64G4, 59F12-14, 60B8-9, 60B8-9, 64G4, rn:
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65Al2-B2, 65A12-B2, 66C11-12, 66C11-12, 69E8-1O; 69E8-10; IIB/13 (p. 5), 1515 (pp. (pp. 12, 12, 18), 18), 22 22 JIB/fl (p.5),
(pp. 18, 37, 40); 40); IIC IIC (pp. (pp. 18, 37, (pp. 187, 187, 248); 248); VIIA/1A14-B1, 1B3-6; 1B3-6; VIIA/1A14-B1, VIIIAII7B4-05, 17E9-10; VIIIA/17B4-C5, 17E9-10; IXA/12G1 -4 IXA/12G1-4 DePEYSTER, DePEYSTER, John John (1731-1807) (1731-1807) m: IIA/24B9-11; m: 11A124B9-1 1;IIB/1S IIB/15(p. (p. 13), 13), 22 22 (pp. 25-26) 25-26) (pp. DePEYSTER,John DePEYSTER, John (1765-c. (1765-c.1849) 1849) toto CWP: CWP: 1793,Jul 17 1793,Jul 17 11Af17G4-1O IIA/17G4-10 1793, Oct Oct 22 1793, IIA/18A5-8 IIA/18A5-8 1793, Oct Oct 10, IIA/18A9-11 1793, 10, 11 11 UA/18A9-11 IIA/18A12—14 1793, Oct14 IIA/18Al2-14 1793, Oct 14 1794, Feb Feb26 IIA/18E2-6 1794, 26 IIA/18E2-6 1794, Mar77 IIA/18E7-9 1794, Mar IIA/18E7-9 1794, Mar 22 1794, Mar22 IIA/18E11-F2 IIA/18E11-F2 1794, Apr 1794, Apr88 11A118F3-5 IIA/18F3-5 1794, Apr15 1794, Apr 15 IIA/18F6-12 IIA/18F6-12 1794, Aug Aug44 1794, 11A119B3-5 IIA/19B3-5 1795, 1795, May May66 IIA/20A11 —13 IIA/20A11-13 1796, 1796, Mar Mar15 15 IIA/20B9-11 IIA/20B9-11 1796, May May 44 IIA/20C12-14 1796, IIA/20C12-14 1797, 1797, Mar Mar33 IIA/21B7-10 IIA/21B7—10 1797, May May 44 IIA/21C9-12 1797, IIA/21C9-12 1797, May MayS5 1797, UA/21C13-14 IIA/21C13-14 1797, Jun IIA/21F1 —3 1797,Jun IIA/21F1-3 11A121F7-9 1797,Jul 1797, Jul18 18 IIA/21F7—9 1797, 10 1797,Nov Nov10 IIA/21G1 —3 IIA/21G1-3 1797, Dec 15 IIA/21G6-7 IIA/21G6-7 1797, Dec15 1799, Aug Aug 28, 28,29 IIA/22F6-9 IIA/22F6-9 1799, 29 IIA/22G3-4 1799,Dec Dec66 1799, IIA/22G3-4 1799, Dec 21 IIA/22G7-8 IIA/22G7-8 1799, Dec21 IIA/23B12-C7 1800, IIA/23B12-C7 1800, Jul Jul 33 IIA/23D3-4 IIA/23D3-4 1800, 1800, Aug Aug66 1802,Jan 18 1802, Jan 18 IIA/25B9-10 IIA/25B9-10 1802, May IIA/25F13—14 1802, May 44 IIA/25F13-14 IIA/26E9-11 11A126E9-11 1802, 15 1802, Oct Oct 15 1802, Nov 12 1802, Nov 12 IIA/26F13—14 IIA/26F13-14 IIA/27F1-2 1803, May 33 IIA/27F1-2 1803, May UA/28D1-3 1803, Aug 16 IIA/28D1 -3 1803, Aug16 1803, Aug Aug 18 IIA/28D6-7 1803, 18 IIA/28D6-7 IIA/28F4-7 1803, Sept 26 26 IIA/28F4-7 1803, Sept IIA/29B10— 1803, Dec Dec99 IIA/29B10-111I 1803, IIA/29C9-1O 1803, Dec31 1803, Dec 31 IIA/29C9-10 1804, Feb 22 IIA/29E11 —12 IIA/29E11-12 1804, Feb22 1809, IIA/47D8-E1 1809, Sept Sept I1 IIA/47D8-E1 IIA/52E1-2 IIA/52E1-2 1813,Nov Nov77 1813, IIA/64A3-4 1820, IIA/64A3-4 1820, Mar Mar 15 15 »P to: CWPto: IIA/16G6-7 IIA/16G6-7 1791, Dec33 1791, Dec 1796, Jul 26 26 IIA/20E10-12 IIA/20E10-12 1796,Jul IIA/20F4-7 IIA/20F4-7 1796, Sept 1796, Sept 22 IIA/20F9-10 1796, 19 IIA/20F9-10 1796, Oct Oct 19 IIA/27D1 IIA/27D1 1803, Mar Mar16 1803, 16 11A127G2-3 1803, Ju IIA/27G2-3 1803, Junn 44 11A128C3 IIA/28C3 1803, Aug Aug33 1803, IIA/28D4-5 IIA/28D4-5 1803, Aug Aug17 1803, 17 IIA/29A11—12 IIA/29A11-12 1803, 11 1803, Nov Nov11 IIA/29B3 IIA/29B3 1803, Nov22 1803, Nov 22 IIA/29B4 IIA/29B4 1803, 23 1803, Nov Nov 23 IIA/29B8-9 IIA/29B8-9 1803, 1803, Dec Dec77 IIA/29B12 IIA/29B12 1803, 12 1803, Dec Dec 12 UA/29C12-13 1804,Jan IIA/29C12-13 1804, Jan 66
1804, Feb Feb 19 1804, 19 IIA/29E3-4 IIA/29E3-4 1804, Mar Mar88 1804, IIA/29G9 UA/29G9 1804, Mar14 1804, Mar 14 IIA/30A12-13 IIA/30Al2-13 1804, Mar27 1804, Mar 27 IIA/30B13 IIA/30B13 1804, Apr44 1804, Apr IIA/30C7-8 IIA/30C7-8 1804, 1804, May May 19 19 IIA/30F12 IIA/30F12 1804,Jun Jun21 1804, 21 IIA/31A7 IIA/31A7 1804, Jun 24 IIA/31B13-14 1804,Jun24 IIA/31B13-14 1804, OOct4 ct4 IIA/32A11 —12 1804, IIA/32A11-12 1805, Feb 17 IIA/33C1-6 1805, Feb17 IIA/33C1-6 1805, Mar33 1805, Mar IIA/33D1-5 IIA/33D1-5 1805, Apr24 1805, Apr 24 IIA/34B9 IIA/34B9 1805, Nov22 1805, Nov 22 IIA/37B1 —4 IIA/37B1-4 1809, Aug26 1809, Aug 26 IIA/47D4-7 IIA/47D4-7 1811, Jul 29 29 IIA/50D4-6 1811,Jul IIA/50D4-6 1813, Aug IIA/52D1-2 1813, Aug88 IIA/52D1-2 1813, 12 IIA/52E3-6 1813, Nov Nov 12 IIA/52E3-6 1814, Feb IIA/53A8-13 1814, Feb6,6, Mar Mar 14 14 IIA/53A8-13 1814, May 19 IIA/53C6-7 1814, May 19 IIA/53C6-7 1814, 1814, Nov Nov 17 17 IIA/54B10—11 IIA/54B10-11 1815, Mar Mar23 1815, 23 IIA/54G7-10 IIA/54G7-10 1820, Feb Feb21 1820, 21 IIA/63F9-10 11A163F9-10 1820, Apr 55 1820, Apr IIA/64B1-2 IIA/64B1 -2 1820, May May11 1820, 11 IIA/64C6 IIA/64C6 1820, May May 22 IIA/64C9-10 1820, 22 IIA/64C9-10 1820, Jul Ju177 1820, IIA/64E3-4 IIA/64E3-4 1820, Sept 10 1820, Sept 10 UM64G4 IIA/64G4 1821, Nov Nov27 1821, 27 IIA/66E12 IIA/66E12 m: IIA/17B1-3, IIA/17B1-3, 18F13-14, 18F13-14, 24D11, 24D11, ni: 26E6-8, 27C12, 27C12, 27D5-6, 26E6-8, 27D5-6, 27D9-10, 27D9-10, 27G8-9, 27G8-9,28C12, 28C12, 28E3, 28E3, 28E4-5, 28E6-7, 28E6-7, 28E8-10, 28E8-10,29B6, 29B6, 28E4-5, 31A6, 31A12-13, 31A6, 31Al2-13, 34C3-5, 34C3-5, 37B14, 38B8, 49F4-7, 37B14,37C8-10, 37C8-10, 38B8, 49F4-7, 52D5-7, 52F4-11, 53D3-7, 53D3-7, 52D5-7, 52F4-11, 54C3-4, 54C5-6, 54C9-12, 54C9-12, 54C3-4, 54C5-6, 54F8-11, 56A6-7, 54F8-11, 54F12-13, 54F12-13, 56A6-7, 56A8-12, 56F10, 56F10, 58C12-E1, 56A8-12, 58C12-E1, 58F2-4, 60B8-9, 58F2-4, 59F9-11, 59F9-11, 60B8-9, 64E5-6, 64E7-10, 64F1-4, 64F1-4, 64F8, 64F8, 64E5-6, 64E7-1O, 64F9-10, 64F9-10, 64G5, 64G5, 64G6-8, 64G6-8, 64G12-13, 65A4-5, 65A10-11, 64G12-13, 65A4-5, 65A10-11, 65A12-B2, 66C9, 66C13, 66C13, 65Al2-B2, 66C9, 66D1 4 ,66D11, 66D1 --4, 66D1 1, 66E9-10, 66E9-1O, 68B10, 68B10, 68B1 1-13, 68C1, 68C1, 68E4-6; 68E4-6; IIB/9 68B11-13, IIB/9 (pp.91,92), (pp.91, 92), 12(p. 12 (p. 1O),13(pp. 10), 13 (pp. 7,7, 11), 15 15 (pp. 33), 22 22 (pp. (pp. 4fl., 4fF., 11), (pp. 31, 31, 33), 18fF., 159); 18ff:, 25); 25); IIC IIC (p. (p. 159); VIIA/1A2-3, VIIA/1A2-3, 1B3-6, 1B3-6, 1B8-1O, 1B8-10, 2G7-8, 2G7-8, 6C9-D8; 6C9-D8; VIIIA/17B4-C5, 17E9-10; 17E9-10; VIIIA/17B4-05, IXA/12G1-4; XIC/1A2—13 IXA/12G1-4; XIC/1A2-13 DePEYSTER, Margaret Haring Haring DePEYSTER, Margaret (Mrs. Gerard) Gerard) (Mrs. m: IIB/15 (p. (p. 18); 18); 22 22 (p. (p. 29) 29) m: IIB/iS DePEYSTER, DePEYSTER, Margareta Margareta Roosevelt Roosevelt (Mrs. William, William, Sr.) Sr.) (Mrs. m: IIB/15 (p. 13); 13); IIC (p. 249) 249) IIB/iS (p. IIC (p. m: DePEYSTER, Nicholas DePEYSTER, Nicholas CWP to: CWP to: 1821, Nov 19 IIA/66E9-10 IIA/66E9-10 1821, Nov19 IIB/12(pp. (pp. 8, 8,9, m: IIA/31F9; IIB/12 9, 10), 10), 13 13 m: IIA/31F9; (p. 5), 15 15 (pp. 18, 24); 24); 22 22 (p. (p. 27); 27); (p. 5), (pp. 18, IIC (pp. (pp. 158, 158, 187); 187); IIC VUA/1A14-B1, 1B3-6; 1B3-6; VIIA/1A14-B1,
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VIIIA/17B4-05, 17E9-10; VIIIA/17B4-C5, 17E9-10; IXA/12G1-4 IXA/12G1-4 DePEYSTER, Mrs. Mrs. Nicholas Nicholas DePEYSTER, m: IIA/59D7-8, 66E9-10 66E9-10 m: IIA/59D7-8, DePEYSTER, DePEYSTER, Philip Philip to CWP: to C WP: IIA/20D6-8 1796, Jun 66 IIA/20D6-8 1796,Jun IIA/21F4-6 1797, Jun 26 26 IIA/21F4-6 1797,Jun IIA/23A4-5 1800, IIA/23A4-5 1800, Feb Feb 17 17 11A123C10-13 1800, Jul 14 14 IIA/23C10-13 1800,Jul 1801, IIA/23G8-9 IIA/23G8-9 1801, Feb Feb44 IIA/24B4-7 1801, Apr 23 IIA/24B4-7 1801, Apr23 1801, May IIA/24B9-11 11A124B9-11 1801, May77 1801, Dec 27 IIA/25A4-6 IIA/25A4-6 1801, Dec27 IIA/29C3-4 1803, Dec 20 IIA/29C3-4 1803, Dec20 1805, Dec Dec26 IIA/37C8-10 1805, 26 IIA/37C8-10 IIA/38A10-12 1806, IIA/38A10-12 1806, Mar Mar33 1806, Mar 19 IIA/38B11-13 IIA(38B11-13 1806, Mar19 !IA/39D13-14 1806, Sept 29 IIA/39D13-14 1806, Sept29 IIA/41E1 1807, Aug 30 IIA/41E1 1807, Aug30 IIA/52D57 1813, Aug Aug IIA/52D5-7 1813, 1814, Dec IIA/54C9-12 1814, Dec 99 IIA/54C9-12 IIA/56A812 1815, Aug28 1815, Aug 28 IIA/56A8-12 !IA/57B1 1816, Apr 17 IIA/57B111-13 —13 1816, Apr17 1816, Aug 14 IIA/57G11—13 1816, Aug 14 !IA/57G11-13 1816, Nov 14 IIA/58E10-12 1816, Nov 14 IIi/58ElO-12 1817, May 14 IIA/59D7-8 1817, May 14 IIA/59D7-8 1818 IIA/61D10-14 1818 !IA/61D1014 1820, Nov IIA/65A4-5 1820, Nov 55 IIA/65A45 1821, 18 IIA/66D1-4 1821, Aug Aug18 IIA/66D1-4 11A173E6-7 n.d. I1A/73E6-7 n.d. nd. n.d. IIA/73E8-9 IIA/73E8-9 CWP to: CWP to: 1799,Jun IIA/22E1-2 1799, Jun 15 15 IIA/22E1-2 1803, 21 IIA/27D5-6 1803, Mar Mar21 IIA/27D5-6 1803, Apr Apr 19 11A127E8 1803, 19 1IA/27E8 1803,Nov Nov28 IIA/29B6 1803, 28 IIA/29B6 1803, 25 IIA/29C5 1803, Dec Dec25 IIA/29C5 1804,Jan Jan30 IIA/29D6 1804, 30 IIA/29D6 1804,Ju129 1804, Jul 29 IIA/31D12—13 IIA/31D12-13 1805,Nov Nov30 1805, 30 IIA/37C1-2 IIA/37C1-2 1806,Jan2l 1806, Jan 21 IIA/37E3 11A137E3 1806, Jan 29 IIA/37F4 1806,Jan29 IIA/37F4 1806, Mar Mar14 1806, 14 IIA/38B8 LIA(38B8 1807, IIA/41E2 1807, Sept Sept 44 IIA/41E2 1808, 1808, May May 19 19 IIA/43B8-9 IIA/43B8-9 1810, Dec Dec99 1810, IIA/49F8-9 IIA/49F8-9 1814, 1814, Dec Dec [?] [?] IIA/54C3-4 IIA/54C3-4 1815, Feb Feb19 1815, 19 IIA/54F12-13 IIA/54F12-13 1815, Aug17 1815, Aug 17 IIA/56A6-7 IIA/56A6-7 1815, Nov Nov10 1815, 10 IIA/56C1-2 IIA/56C1-2 1816,Jan 1816, Jan 10 10 IIA/56F11 IIAIS6FII 1816, Feb Feb 19 1816, 19 IIA/56G3 IIA/56G3 1816, Apr Apr33 1816, IIA/57B5 IIA/57B5 1816, Apr Apr13 1816, 13 IIA/57B7 IIA/57B7 1816, Aug Aug99 1816, IIA/57F3-8 IIA/57F3-8 1816, Sept Sept11 1816, 11 IIA/58B9 IIA/58B9 1816,Nov Nov27 1816, 27 IIA/58F2-4 IIA/58F2-4 1817, May May I1 1817, IIA/59D5-6 IIA/59D5-6 1818, Aug U ii 1818, Aug IIA/61A9-10 IIA(61A9-10 1820, Sept Sept26 1820, 26 IIA/64G6-8 IIA/64G6-8 1820, May May 11 1820, 11 IIA/64C6 IIA/64C6 1821, Aug Aug99 1821, 11A/66C11-12 IIA/66C11-12 1823, Feb Feb88 1823, IIA/68B10 IIA/68B10
1827, 12 IIA/73A8 1827, Feb Feb 12 IIA/73A8 m: IIA/16G3-5,16G6-7, IIA/16G3-5, 16G6-7, 17B1-3, m: 17B1-3, 17G410, 19B3-5, 19B35, 20A1113, 17G4-10, 20A11-13, 21B7-10, 23B12-C7, 23B12-C7, 25F13-14, 21B7-10, 25F13-14, 26E9-11, 27F1-2.-27G2-3, 26E911, 27F1-2, 27G2-3, 29A11-12, 29B3, 29B8-9, 29B8-9, 29A11-12, 29B3, 29C9-10, 1-12, 29C9-10, 29C12-13, 29C12-13, 29E1 29E11-12, 30B13, 31C10-1 1, 31D14-E1, 31D14-E1, 30B13,31C10-11, 31E2, 31F9, 31F9,32A11-12, 32A11-12, 33C1-6, 33C1-6, 31E2, 33D1-5, 37B1-4, 37B1-4, 37E4-5, 37E4-5, 33D1-5, 37E6-8, 37E9, 37E6-8, 37E9, 37E12, 37E12, 37F13, 37F13, 38A13-14, 38B1-2, 38B1-2, 38B5, 38B5, 38A13-14, 38B6-7, 50D4-6, 50D4-6, 52E3-6, 52E3-6, 38B6-7, 53A8-13, 53A8-13, 54G7-10, 54G7-10, 55G10-13, 55G10-13, 56F10, 56F10,58C12-E1, 58C12-E1, 58E2-9, 58E2-9, 59F6-8, 59F12-14, 59F12-14, 60B8-9, 59F6-8, 60B8-9, 63B1-2, 63F9-10, 63F9-10, 64A3-4, 64A3-4, 63B1-2, 64B1-2, 64E5-6, 64E5-6, 64E7-10, 64B1-2, 64E7-10, 64F1-4, 64G12-13, 64G12-13, 65A10-11, 65A10-11, 64F1-4, 65A12-B2,66C9, 66C9,66C13, 66C13,66D11, 66D11, 65Al2-B2, 66E9-10, 66E12, 66E12, 68B11-13; 68B11-13; 66E9-10, IIB/12 7fF); IIC IIC IIB/12 (p. (p. 10), 10), 22 22 (pp. (pp. 7ff); (p. 159); VIIA/2G4-6, 3A5; (p. 159); VIIA/2G4-6, 3A5; VIIIA(17B4-05, VIIIA/17B4-C5, 17E9-10; 17E9-10; IXA/12G1-4; IXA/12G1 -4;XA/1D5-7 XA/1D5-7 DePEYSTER, Sophia Sophia DePEYSTER, m: IIB/15 (p. (p. 249) 249) m: IIB/15 (p. 13); 13); IIC tIC (p. DePEYSTER, DePEYSTER, William, William, Sr. Sr. (1709-c. (1709-c. 1780) 1780) m. IIB/15 (p. (p. 13); 13); LIC IIC (p. (p. 249); 249); m: IIB/15 VHIA/17B4-05, VIIIA/17B4-C5, 17E9-10; 17E9-10; IXA/12G1-4 IXA/12G1-4 DePEYSTER, William, William, Jr. (1735-1803) DePEYSTER, Jr. (1735-1803) to to CWP: CWP: 1791, May23 IIA/16E13-F3 1791, May 23 IIA/16E13-F3 1793, 23 IIA/18A2-4 IIA/18A2-4 1793, Sept Sept23 1794, May 16 IIA/18F13-14 1794, May16 IIA/18F13-14 1799, Aug26 IIA/22F1-5 1799, Aug 26 IIA/22F1-5 1802, 27 IIA/26E6-8 1802, Sept Sept27 HA/26E6-8 [1818] IIA/61D10-14 [1818] IIA/61D1014 CWP CWP to: to: 1791, OOct9 ct9 IIA/16F5 1791, IIA/16F5 1791, Oct30 IIA/16G1-2 1791, Oct 30 IIA/16G1-2 1791, Dec33 1791, Dec IIA/16G3-5 IIA/16G3-5 1792, Jan 12 IIA/17B1-3 1792,Janl2 IIA/17B1-3 m: IIA/17D4, 18E11-F2, 20C4-9, 20C4-9, m: IIA/17D4,18E11-F2, 21B710, 22F6-9, 21B7-10, 22F6-9, 22G3-4, 22G3-4, D14-E2, 27C12, 27C13-14, D14-E2, 27C12, 27C13-14, 27D1, 27D9-10, 28E3, 27D1, 27D9-10, 28E3, 29B4, 29B4, 38B5,38B6-7, 38B5, 38B6-7, 55G10-13, 55G10-13, 56C12, 57F38, 56C1-2, 57B11-13, 57B11-13, 57F3-8, 57G11-13, 58B8, 58B8, 58C12-E1, 57G1113, 58C12E1, 58E2-9, 59F6-8, 58E2-9, 59F6-8, 59F9-11, 59F9-11, 59F12-14, 60B8-9, S9F1214, 60B89, 61A9-10, 61A910, 63B1-2, 64E5-6, 64E5-6, 64E7-10, 64E710, 63B1-2, 64F1-4, 64F8, 64F9-10, 64G4, 64F1-4, 64F8, 64F9-10, 64G4, 64G5, 65A10-11, 65A10-11, 65A12-B2, 65Al2-B2, 64G5, 65D1-2, 66C9, 66C11-12, 66C11-12, 65D1-2, 66C9, 66C13, 66D11, 68C1, 68C1, 73A6-7; 73A6-7; 66C13, 66D11, IIB/12 (pp. 4ff., 11,12, IIB/12(pp. 4ff., 11, 12, 28,13 28,13 (p. 5), 15 15 (pp. 18,19), 22 22 (pp. (pp. 16ff, 16ff, (p. 5), (pp. 18,19), 55); 250, 326); 326); 55); IIC IIC (pp. (pp. 151, 151, 250, VIIA/1B810, 1B1113, VIIA/1B8-10, 1B11-13,3A5; 3A5; VII!A/14G12- 13,17B4-C5, 17B4C5, VIIIA/14G12-13, 17E9-10; IXA/12G1-4; 1XA/12G1-4; 17E9-10; XDI1D13 XD/1D1-3
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DERBY, DERBY, Elias Elias Has]et Haslet CWP to: to: CWP 1796, Oct26 1796, Oct 26
IIA/20F12 11A120Fl2 m: IIB/11 IIB/11 (p. (p. 72) 72) DeRHAM DeRHAM and and Morre, Morre, Messrs. Messrs. Robert M. Patterson Patterson to: to: RobertM. 1839, Aug Aug31 1839, 31 IXA/7G4-6 IXA/7G4-6 m: IXA/7G2-4 IXAJ7G2-4 DERMMING, B. B. DERMMING, m: VllI18A2-B12 m: VIIB/18A2-B12 de (Mr.) de SCHREBER, SCHREBER, (Mr.) CWP to: CWPto: 1803, Jan Jan 22 1803, IIA/27A2-3 IIA/27A2-3 “DESCRIPTION "DESCRIPTION of ofSome Some Improvements Improvements in in the the Common Common Fire-place" Fire-place” by CWP CWP and and RaP: RaP: by 1797 1797 IID/1F13-G7 IID/1F13-G7 de de SELDING, SELDING, Charles Charles to TRP: toTRP: 1827, 1827, May May20 20 VIIIA/2C11-12 VIIIA!2C11-12 1827, Jun 44 1827, Jun VIIIA/2C13-D1 VIIIA/2C13-D1 1827,Jul 1827, Jul 18 18 VIIIA/2D3 VIIIA/2D3 1827, 1827, Jul Jul31 31 VIIIA/2D4-5 VIIIA/2D4-5 1837, Aug Aug66 VIIIAf5DIO-11 1837, VIIIA/5D10-11 to RuP: to RuP: 1835, Jul 99 XIB/2G1-6 1835,Jul XIB/2G1 -6 1836,Jul 1836, Jul 12 12 XIB/2G9-10 XIB/2G9-10 RuP to: RuP to: n.d. n.d. [1835-1836] [1835-1836] XPB/3A8 XPB/3A8 1837, XIB/3A9-10 1837, Apr Apr55 XIB/3A9-1O m: VIIAJ9B8; VIIA/9B8; XIB/2F12-13, 2F14, XIBI2F12-13, 2F14, 2G7-8, 2G11-12, 2G11-12, 3A2, 3A2, 3A3-7 2G7-8, 3A3-7 DESMAREST, Anselme Anselme Gaetan: Gaetan: DESMAREST, Mammalogie Maninialoie m: nj: VIIIA/25B7-E2 VIIIA/25B7-E2 De SILVER, SILVER, Thomas De Thomas m: XI (Add.)/5 (p. (p. 82), 82), 66 (pp. (pp. 90, 90, 95, 95, m: XI (Add.)/5 108) 108) DEVEREUX, DEVEREUX, N. N. B. B. toTRP: to TRP: 1871, Jan 44 VIIIA/14G4 1871,Jan VIIIA/14G4 DICK, (Mrs.) (Mrs.) DICK, CP CP to: to: 1746, 12 I/2A10-11 1746, Jun Jun 12 I/2A10-11 111F7-8 m: I/1F7-8 DICK, James DICK, James CWP CWP and and Rachel Rachel Peale Peale to: to: 1766, IIA/2A4-7 1766, Oct Oct 77 IIA/2A4-7 m: IIA/1G8—13 IIA/1G8-13 DICKERSON, James James DICKERSON, to Dr. to Dr. Samuel Samuel Moore: Moore: 1833, 1833, Jun Jun 77 IXA/3B3-4 IXA/3B3-4 to to Mr. Mr. Mathieson: Marhieson: 1833, Jun 77 IXA/3B5-6 1833,Jun IXA/3B5-6 to Mushet: to Robert Robert Musher: 1833, IXA/3B7-9 1833, Jun Jun 77 IXA/3B7-9 DICKERSON, Mahlon DICKERSON, Mahion s/Application Charter: The ThePAFA: PAFA: s/Application for for Charter: 1805, Dec 26 IIA/37C11-D6 IIA/37C11-D 6 1805, Dec26 to TRP: toTRP: VIIIA/5B7-9 1836, 1836, Dec Dec 28 28 VIIIA/5B7-9 VIIIA/5B11-13 1836, VIIIA/5B11-13 1836, Dec28 Dec28 1836, 28 VIIIC/25C14-D2 VIIIC/25C14-D2 1836, Dec Dec28 VIIIA/5D6 1837, 30 VIIIA/5D6 1837,Jun Jun30 1837, VIIIA/6C3-5 VIIIA/6C3-5 1837, Oct Oct 19 19 m:
1837, Nov 10 1837, Nov 10 J. K. K. Kane Kane to: to: J. 1836, Sept Sept16 1836, 16 1836, Sept21 Sept21 1836, 1836, Sept Sept29 1836, 29 1836, Sept Sept30 1836, 30 R. R. E. E. Griffith Griffith to: to: 1836, 1836, Oct Oct 22 J. K. K. Kane Kane to: to: J. 1836, Ocr3 1836, Oct 3
Isaac Lea Lea to: to: Isaac
VIIIA/4D9-11 VIIIA/4D9-11 VIIIA/4D12-14 VIIIA/4D12-14 VIIIA/4E1-3 VIIfAI4EI-3 VIIIA/4E4-5 VIIIA/4E4-5 VIIIA/4E6-7 VIIIA/4E6-7 VIIIA/4E10-11 VIIIA/4E10-11
1836, Oct2 1836, Oct 2 VIIIA/4E12-13 VIIIA/4E12-13 John John Vaughn Vaughn to: to: 1836, VIIIA/4E14-F2 1836, OctOct 14 14 VIIIA/4E14-F2 Committee of of American American Committee Philosophical Society to: to: Philosophical Society 1836,Oct Oct25 1836, 25 VIIIA/4F3-8 VIIIAI4F3-8 J. K. K. Kane Kane to: to: J. 1836, Oct25 VIIIA/4F9 1836, Oct 25 VIIIA/4F9 TRP to: TRP to: 1837, Jan 22 VIIIA/5C4 1837,Jan VIIIA/5C4 1837, Jan24 1837, Jan 24 VIIIA/5C8-9 VIIIA/5C8-9 1837, Jul VIIIA/5D7 1837, Jul 22 VIIIA/5D7 1837, Aug Aug 11 VIIIA/5D8 1837, VIIIAI5D8 1837, Aug Aug33 VIIIA/5D9 1837, VIIIA/5D9 1837, Aug Aug77 VIIIA/5D12-13 1837, VIIIA/5D12-13 1837, Aug Aug 23 1837, 23 VIIIA/5F6-7 VIIIA/5F6-7 1837, Aug Aug23 1837, 23 VIIIA/5F8-9 VIIIA/5F8-9 Robert M. Patterson Patterson to: to: RobertM. 1837, Sept 12 VIIIA/6Al2-14 VIIIA/6A12-14 1837, Sept12 Reynell to: Reynell Coates Coates to: 1837, Sept19 1837, Sept 19 VIIIA/6B6-11 VIIIA/6B6-11 TRP TRP to: to: 1837, Sept Sept30 VIIIA/6B13 1837, 30 VIIIA/6B13 1837, Oct 18 VIIIA/6B14-C2 1837, Oct 18 VIIIA/6B14-C2 1837, Nov 88 VIIIA/6D1-2 1837, Nov VIIIA/6D1-2 1837, Dec13 VIIIA/6D12-13 1837, Dec 13 VIIIA/6D12-13 George to: George Ord Ord to: 1838, Jan Jan 55 VIIIA/6E7-14 1838, VIIIA/6E7-14
VIIIA/5B3-4,5E1-4, 5E1-4, 5E5-7, 5E5-7, m: VIIIA/5B3-4, 6B1-2, 8C3-8, 10G1-2, 6B1-2, 8C3-8, 1OGI-2, 11F3-G8; 11F3-G8; VIIIC/24D1-25B6, VIIIC/24D1-25B6, 25B7-E2, 25E10-27B3; 25E10-27B3; XI XI 25B7-E2, (Add.)/6 (p. (p. 154) 154) (Add.)/6 DICKINSON, Daniel DICKINSON, Daniel s/Memorial. .. . toto the the PAFA: PAFA: s/Memorial. 11113F8-G12 1828, 17 III/3F8-G12 1828,Mar Mar17 DICKINSON, John DICKINSON, John to David David Rittenhouse: Rittenhouse: to IIA/12G3 1784, Mar99 1784, Mar IIA/12G3 to John to John Montgomery: Montgomery: 1784, Apr 27 IIA/12G9-10 1784, Apr27 IIA/12G9-10 to CWP: to CWP: IIA/22D7-10 1799, Apr 29 IIA/22D7-10 1799, Apr29 CWP to: CWP to: 1772 1772 IIA/5D7-8 IIA/5D7-8 1784, 28 IIA/12F5-9 1784, Feb Feb28 IIA/12F5-9 1779 IIA/12F10 1779 IIA/12F10 1799, Mar Mar22 IIA/22D3-4 1799, 22 IIA/22D3-4 m: IIA/2G2-5, IIA/2G2-5, 2G 6-7, 3A14-B3, 3A14-B3, 2G6-7, in:
3B8-13, 3C4-9, 3C10-11, 3B8-13,3C4-9,3C10-11, 4B4-9, 4C6-9, 4C 6-9, 4C10-11, 4C10-11, 4B4-9, 4D 7-12, 4D 13-E1, 15F5-8, 15F5-8, 4D7-12,4D13-E1, 15F9-10, 15F9-10, 34B10-11, 34B10-11, 51F5-12, 51F5-12,
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The Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers The Peale
51F13-G6, 61F9-G3; hG IIC (pp. (pp. 85, 85, 51F13-G6, 61F9-G3; 358, 358, 367); 367); IID/29 IID/29 (p. (p. 9); 9); VIA/8D7; VIA/8D7; XIA/2C10-E1,17C10 XIA/2C10-E1, 17C10 DICKINSON, Mary Norris Norris(Mrs. (Mrs. John) John) DICKINSON, Mary ,n: IIA/3D12-E1, 11A13D12-E1,4B10-C1, 4B10-C1, m: 4C12-E3, 5D7-8, SD7-8, 39E3, 39E3, 70E1-3 4C12-E3, 70E1-3 DICKINSON, Sarah Sarah Norris Norris DICKINSON, m: IIA/3D12-E1,4C12-E3,5D7-8, ui: IIAI3D1Z-E1, 4C12-E3, 5D7-8, 39E3, 66G11-12, 67B1-3, 67B1-3, 39E3, 66G11-12, 68C11-13 68C11-13 DICKSON, James DICKSON, James in: 5-10, 4E1-4 in: IXA/4D1-4, IXA/4D1-4, 4D 4D5-1O, 4E1-4 DIETRICH, Christian DIETRICH, Christian m: “Our Savior Healing Healing the the Sick": Sick”: ,n: "Our Savior IIA/65F2-3 IIA/65F2-3 DIGBY, Joseph) DIGBY,Jane JanePeale Peale(Mrs. (Mrs.Joseph) CP to: CPto: I/1D6-8 [1745-1747] [1745-1747] I/1D6-8 1745, Dec12 I11D9-lO 1745, Dec 12 I/1D9-10 1747, May21 I/2C3-4 1747, May 21 I/2C3-4 [1747] I/2C7-9 [1747] 112C7-9 m: IIA/2B7-8 IIA/2B7-8 m: DIGBY, (Reverend) (Reverend) Joseph DIGBY, Joseph CPto: CP to: [1746] I/1G9-10 [1746] I/1G9-1O CWPto: CWP to: n.d. IIA/2B7-8 n.d. IIA/2B7-8 m: 111D6-8,1D9-10, 1D9-iO, 1G12-13, m: I/1D6-8, 1G12-13, 2C3-4, 2C7-9;JIB/i IIB/1(pp. (pp.15, 15,16); 16); 2C3-4, 2C7-9; IIC(p. 32) IIC(p. 32) DIGGS, (Mr.) (Mr.) DIGGS, m: IIB/1 IIB/1(pp. (pp. 21-22) 21-22) DIX, Dorothea Dorothea DIX, ReP to: ReP to: 1858, Mar Mar28 1858, 28 VIA/13A-9 VIA/13A-9 TRPto: TRP to: 1882, Jun Jun 88 VIIIA/16G6-7 1882, VIIIA/16G6-7 1882. Oct28 1882. Oct 28 VIIIA/16G8-10 VIIIAJI6G8-10 1883, Jun Jun 88 VIIIA/17A6-7 1883, VIIIA/17A6-7 m: VIIIA/13B2 VIIJAJI3B2 DIXON, D.F. DIXON, D. F. RuP to: to: RuP 1865, May29 1865, May 29 VIIA/12C7 VIIA/12C7 DIXON, (Dr.) (Dr.) Franklin Franklin DIXON, m: VIIB/18A2-B12 VIIB/18A2-B12 DIXON,John DIXON, John CWP to: CWPto: 1774 1774 IIA/4F5-6 IIA/4F5-6 1775 IIA/5A14-B1 1775 IIA/5A14-B1 1775, 1775, Mar Mar27 27 IIA/5B11-12 IIA/5B11-12 il: IIA/5Al2-13 m: IIA/5A12-13 DIXON, DIXON, Joseph Joseph BFP, Report Report on on his his indelible BFP, indelible ink: ink: 1840, Jan Jan 19 1840, 19 IXB/10B5-6 IXB/10B5-6 DOBSON,Judah DOBSON, Judah m: VIIIA/4D5-8, VIIIA/4D5-8, 8G4-6; 8G4-6; VIIIC/25B7-E2 VIIIC/25B7-E2 DOBSON, DOBSON, Thomas Thomas CWPto: CWP to: 1806, Sept Sept28 1806, 28 IIA/39D12 IIA/39D12 m: 11A117B4-5,44C9-10, 44C9-10, 45E7-9, 45E7-9, m: IIA/17B4-5, 47B10-13, 47C3-6, 47C3-6, 47G6-12 47B10-13, 47G6-12 DODIG, Matthew DODIG, Matthew to CWP: CWP: to 1810, June 1810, June IIA/49C5-7 IIA/49C5-7 rn:
DDOMENICHINO OM ENICHINO (Domenico (Domenico Zampieri) Zampieri) m: m: VIA/4G9-12 VIA/4G9-12 Saint Saint Cecelia: Cecelia:VIA/7G6-7 VIA/7G6-7 DONALDSON, DONALDSON, John John to RaP: RaP: to V/1Al2-13 1799, Mar V/1A12-13 1799, Mar66 DONALDSON, FrancesJohnston Frances Johnston DONALDSON, (Mrs. (Mrs. Joseph) Joseph) m: m: IIB/2 HB/2 (p. (p. 41) 41) DONALDSON, Joseph Joseph DONALDSON, m: IIB/2 IIB/2 (p. (p. 40) 40) m: DONOVAN, Michael Michael DONOVAN, to CWP: to CWP: 1810, Jul Jul 77 IIA/49C8-1i 1810, IIA/49C8-11 DD'ORBIGNY ’ORBIGNY m: Models m: Models of of Cephalopods: Cephalopods: XI (Add.)/5 _ XI (Add.)/5 (p. (p. 56) 56) DORE, Marie DORE, Marie Fidele Fidele m: IIB/6 IIB/6 (p. (p. 3)3) m: DORSEY, (Mrs.) DORSEY, (Mrs.) m. 11B12 IIB/2 (p. 3) in: (p. 3) DORSEY, DORSEY, John John s/Application The PAFA: PAFA: s/Application for for Charter: Charter: The 1805, IIA/37C11-D6 1805, Dec26 Dec26IIA/37C11-D6 m: 38F1-2; IIC (p. (p. 385) 385) m: IIA/35G4-6, IIA/35G4-6, 38F1 -2; IIC DORSEY, (Dr.) John Syng DORSEY, (Dr.) John Syng CWP CWP to: to: 1803,Oct Oct66 IIA/28F11 1803, IIA/28F11 DORSEY, Owen. Owen. See See Peale's Peale’s Museum, DORSEY, Museum, Baltimore. Case. Baltimore. Court Court Case. DOSSIE,Robert. Robert.The TheHandmaid Handmaidtotothe theArts Arts DOSSIE, m: m: IIC IIC (p. (p. 18); 18); VIB/13A6-B9 VIB/13A6-B9 DOUGHTY, John John [?] [?] DOUGHTY, m: IIB/5 (p. m: 11B15 (p. 25) 25) DOUGHTY, DOUGHTY, Thomas Thomas Memorial to the the PAFA: PAFA: Memorial.. .. . . to III/3F8-G12 1828, Mar Mar 17 17 III/3F8-G12 1828, 70A2-S, 7OBlO-11, m: 11A169G4-6, IIA/69G4-6, 70A2-5, 70B10-11, 7006-7, 70D5-6; 70C6-7, 70D5-6;III/4F2, III/4F2, 5Al2; 5A12; VIA/4E4-5, 7A7-9, VIA/4E4-5, 7A 7-9, 7A10-13, 7A10-13, 7B5-6; VIIA/4B12-13; 7B5-6; VIIA/4B12-13; VIIIA/3C2-4 VIIIA/3C2-4 DOUGLAS, DOUGLAS, David David m: VIIIA/2F3-6,9D12-E1 9D12-Ei m: VIIIA/2F3-6, DOUGLAS, DOUGLAS, Mrs. Mrs. G. G. to Peale: to Lucy Lucy MacMullen MacMullen Peale: 1865, 1865, Apr30 Apr VIIIA/14B10-11 30 VIIIA/14B10-11 DOUGLAS, DOUGLAS, (Reverend) (Reverend) Joseph Joseph m: IIB/1 IIB/1 (p. 20); IIC IIC (p. (p. 29) 29) m: (p. 20); DOWNES, DOW NES, Joseph Joseph s/Application Charter: The ThePAFA: PAFA: slApplication for for Charter: 1805, 1805, Dec26 Dec26IIA/37C11-D6 IIA/37C11-D6 DRAKE, (Dr.) Daniel Daniel DRAKE, (Dr.) RuP to: RuP to: 1819, Aug 1 Aug 1VIIAI3AI4-B1 VIIA/3A14-B1 1819, DRAKE, E. DRAKE, E. G. G. ReP ReP to: to: 1853, Aug 55 VIA/1IB1I 1853, Aug VIA/11B11 1854, Jun Jun 33 VIA/11C6-7 1854, VIA/11C6-7 m: VIA/11B7-8 m: VIA/11B7-8 DRAKE, Samuel DRAKE, Samuel Adams Adams BensonJ. Lossing Lossing to: to: BensonJ. 1873, Apr Apr 44 IIA/73G6-7 1873, IIA/73G6-7 DRAPER, DRAPER, George George m: IIB/S IIB/5 (p. (p. 35) 35) m: in:
755 The The Peale 155 Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers
DRAPER, DRAPER, Lyman Lyman C. C. to RuP: to RuP: 1854, Mar66 VIIA/C1-3 1854, Mar VIIA/C1-3 to ReP: ReP: to 1857,Jun 1857, Jun 26 26 VIA/12C4-5 VIA/12C4-5 1857,Ju17 VIA/12C7 1857, Jul 7 VIA/12C7 ReP ReP to: to: 1857,Jul4 VIA/12C6 1857, Jul 4 VIA/12C6 RuP RuP to: to: 1854, Mar Mar 18 18 VIIA/10C4 1854, VIIA/10C4 m: VIA/6D1-4 VIA/6D1 -4 m: DRAYTON, Joseph DRAYTON, Joseph toto R. R. E. E. Griffith: Griffith: VIIIA/5B5-6 1836, 1836, Dec Dec 6,6, 12 12 VI1IA/5B5-6 to Mahion to Mahlon Dickerson: Dickerson: 1837, VIIIA/5D9 1837, Aug Aug 33 VIIIA/5D9 to Thomas ap to Thomas ap Catesby Catesby Jones: Jones: VIIIAJ6C13 1837, 1837, Nov Nov66 VIIIAi6C13 to to Charles Charles Wilkes: Wilkes: 1850, 1850, Jun27 Jun 27 VIIIA/12A9-11 VIIIA/12A9-11 5E8-F5, 5F6-7, 5F6-7, m: VIIIA/5D8, m: VIIIA/5D8, 5E8-F5, 6E7-14, 6G2-3, 8A3-4, 6E7-14, 6G2-3, 8A 3-4, 12A2-5, 12A2-5, 12A6-8, 12A6-8, 12E9-10; 12E9-10; VIIIC/25E1 0-27B3; VIIIC/25E10-27B3; XIA/12C14-F14 XIA/12C14-F14 Seealso Jour. Wilkes Wilkes Exped. Exped. #1, #1, See also Jour. #2, #3, #7. #7.Series SeriesVIJIB. V1IIB. #2, #3, DREER, F.J. F.J. DREER, ReP to: ReP to: VIA/11B6 1853, Apr Apr 12 1853, 12 VIA/11B6 VIA/11C9 1854, Oct Oct26 1854, 26 VIA/11C9 VIA/11G2 1856,Jun Jun20 1856, 20 VIA/11G2 VIA/11G5 1856,Jul25 1856, Jul 25 VIA/11G5 VIA/14Al2 1860, Apr Apr17 1860, 17 VIA/14A12 12A2-5; m: VIA/11B6, 12A2-5; m: VIA/11B6, VIIA/10C1213 VIIA/10C12-13 DREER, Frederick DREER, Frederick toto BEP: BFP: 1838, Aug25 1838, Aug 25 IXA IXA (Add.)/1A9-10 (Add.)/1A9-10 DRUM M OND, (Mr.) (Mr.) DRUMMOND, m: IIA/5G8-11; IIB/5 IIB/5 (p. (p. 8)8) m: IIA/5G8-11; DRUMMOND, DRUM M OND, John John !D1!-12,2C10-12, m: I/1D9-10, 1D11-12, 2C10-12, m: 11!D9-1O, 2D 3-4 2D3-4 DUANE, James James DUANE, m: IIA/10F4-7; IIA/10F4-7; IIB/22 IIB/22 (p. (p. 71) 71) m: DUANE, DUANE, William William CWP to: CWP to: IIA/41B7-8 1807, Jul 13 13 IIA/41B7-8 1807,Jul in: 35C14-D1 m: 1IA/26D13-E3, 1IA/26D13-E3, 35C14-D1 DUANE, William M.,Jr. DUANE, William M ., Jr. CWP to: CWP to: IIA/63B7-9 1819, 20 IIA/63B7-9 1819, Dec Dec20 IIA/72A4 1826, 1826, Mar Mar I1 IIA/72A4 ReP to: ReP to: VIA/IOEII-14 1848, VIA/10F.11-14 1848, JanJan 13 13 RuP RuP to: to: XIA/6F2-3 1820, Jun XIA/6F2-3 1820, Jun 88 54B13-C2, 64E12-13, m: IIA/49A2, 54B13-C2, 64E12-13, m: IIA/49A2, 72A3, 72A14; 72A14;XA/1D1-4 XA/IDI-4 72A3, DUBLIN Museum DUBLIN Museum CWP CWP to to the the Directors Directors of: of: IIA/23F4-5 1800, 28 IIA/23F4-5 1800, Dec Dec28 DuBOIS, DuBOIS, Abraham Abraham
s/Constitution of the the Columbianum: Columbianum: s/Constitution of 1795 1795, Feb Feb 17 17 IIE/3E7-F6 IIE/3E7-F6 m: IIA/37D12-13, IIA/37D12-13, 37E1-2 37E1-2 m: DuBOIS, William William E. E. DuBOIS, to to Robert Robert M. M. Patterson: Patterson: 1836 1836, Dec22 Dec 22 IXA/6B7-10 IXA/6B7-10 1837 1837, Jan Jan 44 IXA/6C9-12 IXA/6C9-12 m: IXA/6C1-4, m: IXA/6C1-4, 12B1-3, 12B1-3, 13C4-7, 13C4-7, 19D5-20F3 19D5-20F3 DUCATEL, (Dr.) DUCATEL, (Dr.)
BFP to: BFP to: 1832 Mar4 IXA/2D11-12 1832, M ar4 IXA/2D11-12 VIIA/6Al2-13 m: VIIA/6A12-13 m: DUCHE, (Reverend) Jacob DUCHE, (Reverend)Jacob rn: m: IIA/7D6; IIA/7D6; IIB/2 IIB/2 (pp. (pp. 17, 17, 30), 30),66([m} ([m] p. 8) p.8) DUDLEY, George DUDLEY, George Report: Report: 1842, Jun Jun 99 IXB/10F13-G6 1842, IXB/10F13-G6 DUER, Katharine Alexander DUER, Katharine Alexander (Mrs. William) (Mrs. William) m: IIB/7 m: IIB/7 (pp. (pp. 9,11) 9,11) DUER, DUER,William William m: IIA/4D13-E1; m: IIB/7 (pp. (pp. 9,9,11) IIA/4D13-E1; IIB/7 11) DUFFIELD, B. B. DUFFIELD, s/Constitution the Columbianum: Columbianum: s/Constitution of of the 1795, 1795, Feb Feb 17 17 IIE/3E7-F6 IIE/3E7-F6 DUFFIELD, George George DUFFIELD, RuP RuP to: to: VIIA/2C11 1813, Oct Oct33 1813, VIIA/2C11 m: IIA/24E12-F1 m: IIA/24E12-F1 DUFRESNE, M. DUFRESNE, M. to toCWP: CWP: hA (Add.)/3E11-F4 1808, IIA (Add.)/3E11-F4 1808, Jul Jul IIA/45F7-G12; VIA/2A14-B1; VIA/2A14-B1; m: IIA/45F7-G12; m: VIIIC/25B7-E2 VIIIC/25B7E2 DUGAN, Eliza DUGAN, Eliza "S. H. H. C." “S. C .” to: to: 1817, Aug Aug 10 XIB/1A2-5 1817, 10 XIB/1A2-5 DUGAN, Joseph DUGAN, Joseph m: XIA/11C3-12A5; XIA/11C3-12A5; XI(Add.)/6 Xl(Add.)/6 m: (p. 94) (p. 94) DULANY, Ann DULANY, Ann m: rn. IIA/3A6-9, 11A13A6-9,4D13-E1 4D13-El DULANY, Benjamin DULANY, Benjamin T. T. m: IIA/3A6-9,4D13-E1, 5B7-10; 4013-El, 5B7-!O; m: IIAJ3A6-9, IIB/2 (p. 2) 2) IIB/2 (p. Child of: IIB/4 IIB/4 (p. (p. 3)3) Child of: DULANY, Daniel DULANY, Daniel to estate of CP: to estate of CP: h/2F3-6 1752, Jun I/2F3-6 1752, Jun 11 111F5,1F9, ff9,2C13-14; 2C13-14; IIB/1 IIB/! (pp. m: I/1F5, (pp. 12, 12, m: 20), IIC (p. (p. 29) 29) 20), 22 (pp. (pp. 1,3); 1,3); IIC DULANY, Elizabeth Elizabeth French French DULANY, (Mrs. (Mrs. Benjamin Benjamin T.) T.) m: IIA/5B7-1O; IIA/5B7-10; IIB/2 IIB/2 (p. (p. 6)6) m: DULANY, DULANY, Grafton Grafton m: IIB/2 2) m: IIB/2 (p. (p. 2) DULANY, Lloyd D(JLANY, Lloyd IIA/3A6-9 m: m: IIA/3A6-9 DUNBAR, William DUNBAR, William John John Vaughan Vaughan to: to: 1801, Dec Dec10 1801, 10 IIA/25A2-3 hhA/25A2-3 DDUNCAN, UN CA N, Anna Anna Claypoole Claypoole Peale Peale See Peale, Staughton (Mrs. William). William). Sec Peale, Anna Anna Staughton (Mrs.
156 The Peale Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers 156 The
Claypoole. Claypoole. DUNCAN, DUN CA N, George George W. W. s/Report: s/Report: 1837, ar9 IXB/9B11-14 IXB/9B11-14 1837, M Mar9 DUNDAS,James DUNDAS,James JPjr Thomas Rockhill JPjr and and Thomas Rockhill to: to: III/4D9-E4 1849, Sept 28 III/4D9-E4 1849, Sept28 DUNGLISON, Robley DUNGLISON, Robley to [John Fries Fries Frazer?]: Frazer?]: to [John VillA/I 0D4-5 1846, VIIIA/10D4-5 1846, Dec Dec 77 to Abraham Abraham Lincoln: Lincoln: to 1861, M2r22 Mar 22 IXAJI6D11-E1 IXA/16D11-E1 1861, Memori2l Memorial to: to: IXB/12F7-G12 1869 IXB/12F7-G12 1869 m: m: VIIIA/10B5-6, VIIIAJIOB5-6, 10C11-12, IOC1I-12, 10D2-3 10D2-3 DUNHAM, DUNHAM , (Mr.) (Mr.) m: IXA/9G3-11, 13Al2-B5 m: IXA/9G3-11,13A12-B5 DUNLAP, DUNLAP, (Mr.) (Mr.) CP CP to: to: 112D3-4 1747, Sept 23 I/2D3-4 1747, Sept23 m: m: I/2C10-12, I/2C10-12, 2D12 2D12 DUNLAP, James James D. D. DUNLAP, m: m: VIIIA/10E8-9,10E12-13, VIIIA/10E8-9, 10E1213, 10F6-8; XIA/12B13-S1 10 F6-8; XIA/12B13-C1 DUNLAP, John DUNLAP, John CWP for CWP for Committee Committee ofofFifty: Fifty: 1779, Apr Apr 99 1779, IIA/7B8-9 IIA/7B89 CWP to: CWP to: lIAISE-I n.d. IIA/5E-1 n.d. IIAJ11G4 1783, Jan 13 IIA/11G4 1783, Jan13 m: IIAI8B9-C1, 14A1011, 14A14, m: IIA/8B9-C1,14A10-11,14A14, 14B1; 8), 66 ([ml 14B1; IIIB/6(pp. IB/6 (pp. 7,7, 8), ([m] p.p. 5); 5); III/4C10-D1, 4D 4D2-8 III/4C10-D1, 2-8 DUNLAP, DUNLAP, William William ReP to: ReP to: 1834, 27 VIA/8C4-7 1834, Dec Dec27 VIA/8C4-7 m: IIA/59F6-8, 67C1 -3; IIB/22 m: IIA/59F6-8, 67C1 -3; IIB/22 (pp. (pp. 14, 15, 26) 14,15, 26) A of A History History ofof the the Rise Rise and and Progress Progress of the Arts ooff Design Design in in the the Arts the United United States: States: VVIA/10B6-7, IAI10B6-7, 11D14-E1, 11D14-E1, 11E7-8, 11E9-10 11E7-8,11E9M 0 The Christ The Christ bearing bearing the the Cross: Cross: XIB/3B1-5C8 XIB/3B1-5C8 DUNMORE, DUNM ORE, (Lord) (Lord) m: IIA/52G1-6, 52G7-12, 52G7-12, 66A10 m: IIA/52G1-6, 66A10 DUNN, D U N N , Nathan Nathan to Mahion to Mahlon Dickerson: Dickerson: 1836, Sept Sept16 1836, 16 VIIIA/4D9-11 VIIIA/4D9-11 sfPhiladelphiaMuseum Museum Co. Co. stock: s/Philadelphia stock: 1837, XIAJI2C5-6 1837, May May 88 XIA/12C5-6 BPP and, and, to toJ. BFP j. K. K. Paulding: Paulding: 1838,Ju121 IXAI7DI-2 1838, Jul 21 IXA/7D1-2 to Museum: to Philadelphia Philadelphia Museum: 1839 1839 XIA/12G1 XIA/12G1 to American Philosophical Society: to American Philosophical Society : 1846, 5 5 VIA/10C5-D4 1846, AugAug VIA/10C5-D4 Philadelphia Museum Museum Company Company to: Philadelphia to: 1838, 1838, Sept22 Sept 22 VIA/9B6-C6 VIA/9B6-C6 m: VIA/9A2-6; m: IIA/16D2-3; IIA/16D2-3; VIA/9A2-6; VIIIA/9B9-12, VIIIA/9B9-12, 9F12-G5; 9F12-G5; IXA/5E7-10, 8G3; IXA/5E7-10, 8G3; XIAJI2CIO-13, 14A7-F7, XIA n2C10-13,14A7-F7, 14F9-11, 14G3-15A2, 14F9-11,14G3-15A2,
15Al2-B2, 15A12-B2, 15B13-05, 15B13-C5,
15C10-1 15C10-11,1, 15C12-13; 15C12-13; XI XI (Add.)/6 (Add.)/6 (pp. (pp. 126, 126, 134,136-37, 134, 136-37, 139-41, 144, 146-47, 148, 139-41,144, 146-47,148, 150-69,170-78), 150-69, 170-78), 77 (pp. (pp. 184-86, 184-86, 191-92,194-97, 207-8,211, 211,218, 218, 191-92, 194-97,207-8, 219, 221, 223, 223, 225-26, 225-26, 227-28, 219, 221, 227-28, 231,234-35,237 231, 234-35, 237 -42,245-47, -42, 245-47, 251,253,256-57, 251, 253, 256-57, 259-60) 259-60) DDUNNING, U N N IN G , George George F.F. to George George N. N. Eckert: to Eckert: IXA/16B14-C3 1861, M2r 11 Mar 11 IXA/16B14-C3 1861, m: m: XIIA/1A3-3E3 XIIAJIA3-3E3 DUNSCOMB, DUNSCOM B, (Mr.) (Mr.)
m: IIB/15 (pp. (pp. 26, 26, 27); 27); 14C HC (p. (p. 260) 260) m: IIB/15
for for the the American American Philosophical Philosophical Society Society to to CWP: CWP: IIA/24E12-F1 1801, Jul 24 IIA/24E12-F1 1801,Ju124 toto RuP: RuP: VIIA19A5 1836, 25 VIIA/9A5 1836, Apr Apr25 toto Mahlon Mahlon Dickerson: Dickerson: 1836, VIIIA/4D9-11 1836, Sept 16 Sept 16VIIIA/4D9-11 m: IIA/33E3-7, 11A133E3-7,37C11-D6, 37C11-D6, m: 46G7-12; VIIAI9A6-7; VIIA/9A6-7; 46G7-12; VIIIA/2E11-14, 6F5; IXA13C1 IXA/3C1-2 VIIIAJ2EI 1 -14, 6F5; -2 DuPONT, Alfred Alfred Victor Victor DuPONT, m: m: VLV9A14 VIA/9A14 DuPONT, DuPONT, Eleuthera Eleuthera Victorine DuPont DuPont Bauduy Victorine Bauduy to: to: VIAI7B7-1O 1831, OOct-Dec ct-D ec VIA/7B7-10 1831, 1831, ct-D ec VIA/7B11-14 VIA/7B11-14 1831,OOct-Dec VIAJ7CI-4 1831, OOct-Dec ct-D ec VIA/7C1-4 1831, VIA/7C5-8 1831, ct-D ec VIA/7C5-8 1831,OOct-Dec VIA/7C9-12 1831, ct-D ec VIA/7C9-12 1831,OOct-Dec VIA/7C13-D2 1831, OOct-Dec ct-D ec VIA/7C13-D2 1831, VIA/7D3-6 1831, OOct-Dec ct-D ec VIA/7D3-6 1831, VIAI7D7-10 1831, OOct-Dec ct-D ec VIA/7D7-10 1831, 1831, OOct-Dec ct-D ec VIA /7DU -14 VIAI7DI1-14 1831, VIA/7E1-4 1831, OOct-Dec ct-D ec VIA/7E1-4 1831, VIA/7E5-8 1831, OOct-Dec ct-D ec VIA/7E5-8 1831, m: VIA/7A14-B2, 7F3 m: VLV7A14-B2, 7F3 DuPONT, DuPONT, Henry Henry Sophie M. DuPont DuPont to: to: SophieM. 1886, Mar22 1886, Mar 22 VIIIA(Add.)/3B14-C3 VIIIA(Add.)/3B14-C3 DUPONT, DUPONT, (Captain) (Captain) Samuel Samuel Francis Francis ReP to: to: ReP 1860, Jun 13 VIA/14B3 1860, Jun 13 VIA/14B3 DuPONT, DuPONT, Sophia Sophia Victorine uPont Bauduy Bauduy to: to: Victorine DDuPont 1831, Oct-Dec O ct-D ec VIA/7E1-4 V1A/7E1-4 1831, m: VIA/7A14-B2, 7B7-10, 7B7-10, m: VLV7A14-B2, 7B11-14, 7C 1-4, 7D 3-6, 7B11-14, 7C1-4, 7D3-6, 7D7-10, 7D11-14, 7E5-8 7E5-8 7D 7-10, 7D11-14, DuPONT, Sophie M. M. DuPONT, Sophie to DuPont: to Henry Henry DuPont: 1886, Mar22 1886, Mar 22 VillA (Add.)/3B14-C3 VIIIA (Add.)/3B14-C3 DuPONT, Victorine. DuPONT, Victorine. See See Baudy, Baudy, Victorine DuPont. DuPont. Victorine DDuPONT uPO N T de de Nemours, Nemours,Eleuth'ere Eleuthere Irênée Irenee to ReP: to ReP: 1813, 1813, Aug Aug77 VIA/2F5 VIA/2F5 1813, Aug Aug 77 VIA/2F6 1813, VIAI2F6 ReP to: RePto:
157 The 157 The Peale Peale Family Family Papers Papers
1811, Nov13 1811, Nov 13
VIA/2D12-13 VIA/2D12-13 VIA/7A14-B2 VIA/7A14-B2 1832,Jan7 1832, Jan 7 VIA/7F3 VIAI7F3 m: IIA/52D3,52D13-14, 52D13-14, 52E3-6, 52E3-6, m: IIA/52D3, 52E7-13, 52F4-11; 52F4-11;IID/30 IID/30(p. (p.51); 51); 52E7-13, VIA/2C10, 2F10-12, VIA/2C10, 2F10-12, 7B5-6, 7B5-6, 7B7-10, 7C9-12, 7B7-10, 7B11-14, 7B11-14, 7C9-12, 7C13-D2, 7D7-10; 7D7-10; 7C13-D2, (Add. )11A2-7, 3B14-C3; (Add.)/lA2-7,3B14-C3; VIIA,2B12-13, 2C7 VIIA/2B12-13, 2C7 DDuPONT uPONT de de Nemours, Nemours, Evelina Evelina Gabrielle Gabrielle m: -4, 7F3 7F3 m: VIA/7E1 VIA/7E1-4, DuPONT de DuPONT de Nemours, Nemours, Pierre Pierre Samuel Samuel m: m: IIA/42F5— 7; VIA/2C10, IIA/42F5-7; VIA/2C10, 2D12-13; 2D12-13; XIA/17C13 XIAI17C13 DuPONT de DuPONT de Nemours Nemours (Messrs.), (Messrs.), Victor Victor && Co. Co. m: IIA/37C8-10, IIA/37C8-10, 52F4-11 52F4-11 m: Du Du PORTAIL, PORTAIL, Louis Louis lele Begue Begue de de Presle Presle m: XIAI2C1O-E1, m: IID/29 IID/29 (p. (p. 20); 20); XIA/2C10-E1, 17C4 17C4 DURAND, A. A. B. B. DURAND, to to ReP: ReP: 1852,Jun 1852,Jun VIA/11B1-2 VIA/11B1-2 m: m: VIA/11D2 VIA/11D2 DURAND, John. See See also DURAND,John. also Crayon, Crayon, The. The. ReP to: ReP to: 1854, 14 1854, Dec Dec14 VIA/IICIO VIA/11C10 1855 1855 VIA/11D1 VIA/11D1 1855,Febl3 1855, Feb 13 VIA/11D2 VIA/11D2 1855, Apr Apr16 1855, 16 V1A/11D3 VIA/11D3 1855, Apr Apr17 1855, 17 VIA/11D4 VIA/11D4 1855, 10 1855, May May10 VIA/11D5 VIA/I 1D5 1855, 23 1855, May May23 VIA/11D6 VIA/11D6 1855, Jul 22 1855,Ju122 VIA/11D14-E1 VIA/11D14-E1 1855, Aug Aug99 VIA/11E2-3 1855, VIA/11E2-3 1855, Sept 55 1855, Sept VIA/11E4-5 VIA/11E4-5 1855, 30 VIA/11E7-8 1855, Oct Oct30 VIA/11E7-8 1855, Nov19 1855, Nov 19 VIA/11E9-10 VIA/11E9-10 VIA/IIEII-12 1855, Nov24 1855, Nov 24 VIA/11El 1—12 1855, Dec Dec28 VIA/11E13-14 1855, 28 VIA/11E13-14 1856,Jan 24 VIA/11F1 1856,Jan 24 VIA/IIFI VIA/11F2-3 1856, Feb FebS5 1856, VIA/11F2-3 1856, Feb Feb 18 VIA/11F4-5 1856, 18 VIA/11F4-5 VIA/11F8-9 1856, Mar Mar29 1856, 29 VIA/11F8-9 VIA/11F1O-11 1856, Apr22 1856, Apr VIA/11F10-11 1856,Jun 6 1856,Jun6 VIA/11F14-G1 VIA/11F14-G1 1856, Dec 31 VIA/12A8 1856, Dec31 VIA/12A8 1857,Jan 9 1857,Jan9 VIA/12A11 VIA/12A11 1857, Oct V1A/12D6-7 1857, Oct 33 VIA/12D6-7 1860 [fl,Jun 1860 [?], Jun 23 23 VIA/14B6 VIA/14B6 m: VIB/14D7 m: VIB/14D7 DURER, Albrecht DURER, Albrecht m: etching etching by, by, VIA/12A2-5 VIA/12A2-5 m: DURGAN, Margaret DURGAN, Margaret m: IIB/5 (p. (p. 28); 28); IIC (pp. 137, 137, m: I/1E1 J]IEI -2; -2; IIB/5 IIC (pp. 138, 139, 139, 140, 140, 141); 141); IVA/3A7-10 IVA/3A7-10 138, du du SIMITIERE, SIMITIERE, Pierre-Eugene Pierre-Eugene m: 1IA/51F5—12, IIA/51F5-12, 51F13-G6; 51F13-G6; IIC m: IIC (p. 99) 99) (p. Treasury. DUVALL, Gabriel. Gabriel. See See also DUVALL, also U.S. U.S. Treasury. Stephen West West to: to: Stephen IVA/1F12-14 1776, Apr28 1776, Apr 28 1VA/1F12-14 StGP to: StGP to: IVA/1G2-3 1776, May15 1776, May 15 1VA/1G2-3 DWIGHT, G. G. L. L. DWIGHT, 1831, 1831, Sept Sept 19 19
ReP to: ReP to: 1859,Jun 1859, Jun 66 DWIGHT, Theodore Theodore DWIGHT, ReP to: ReP to: n.d. n.d.
VIA/13E10-11I VIAJI3EI0-1 VIA/3D10-11 VIA/3D10-11
E E EARLE, EARLE, Edward Edward BFP, BFP, Report Reporton on his his“method "method of of preserving preserving timber”: timber": nd. n.d. IXB/10A9-B14 IXB/10A9-B14 EARLE, S.S. F.F. [fl [?] EARLE,
ReP to: ReP to: 1859, Dec33 1859, Dec VIA/13G5-7 VIA/13G5-7 m: IIA/68E9—11; m: IIA/68E9-11; VIA/6F8-11, VIA/6F8-11, 6F12-G2, 6G8-13, 10F5-6; 6F12-G2, 6G8-13, 10F5-6; VIIA/10B2-4 VIIA/10B2-4 EARLE, Thomas Thomas EARLE, s/Report: s/Report: 1844,Jul 11 IXB/11B13-C1 1844,Jul 11 IXB/11B13-C1 EARLE'S EARLE’SGallery. Gallery. See See Sully Sully and Earle’s and Earle's Gallery. Gallery. EASTWICK, A. A. M. M. EASTWJCK, s/Report: s/Report: 1837, 1837, May May 11 11 IXB/9D5-8 IXB/9D5-8 1840, Apr Apr99 IXB/IOB1I-C2 1840, IXB/10B11-C2 1840, Aug 13 IXB/10D3-11 1840, Aug 13 IXB/10D3-11 m: m: IXA/15C1-2 IXA/15C1-2 EATON, (General) EATON, (General) m: IID/29 IID/29 (p. 39); XIA/17C10 m: (p. 39); XIA(17C10 ECKBAUM, (Mr.) ECKBAUM, (Mr.) CWP to: to: CWP 1826, Jul 22 22 IIA/72D5 IIA/72D5 1826,Jul ECKERT, George George N. N. ECKERT, toj. B. B. Longacre: Longacre: toJ. 1853, Feb22 Feb 22 IXA/13B11-12 IXA/13B11-12 1853, to Abraham Abraham Lincoln: Lincoln: to 1861, 1861, Mar25 Mar 25 IXA/16E6-10 IXA/16E6-10 BFPto: BFP to: IXA/12A11-13 1851, Sept 30 IXA/12A11-13 1851, Sept30 1851, Dec99 IXA/12F5-7 1851, Dec IXA/12F5-7 1851, Dec Dec10 IXA/12F8-9 1851, 10 IXA/12F8-9 IXA/12G11-12 1852, IXA/12G11-12 1852, Sept Sept22 J. B. B. Longacre Longacre to: to: J. 1851, Nov Nov 10 IXA/12B4-7 1851, 10 IXA/12B4-7 1851, Nov 11 IXA/12C1-4 1851, Nov11 IXA/12C1-4 1851, 13 IXA/12B8-12 1851, Nov Nov13 IXA/12B8-12 1851, 13 IXA/12C5-D2 1851,Nov Nov13 IXA/12C5-D2 1853, Feb 1853, Feb 55 IXA/13B6-10 IXA/13B6-10 IXA/13C1-3 1853, Mar44 1853, Mar IXA/13C1-3 m: IXA/11F2-4, IXA/11F2-4, 12F3, m: 12F3, 12G5, 12G5, 13A2-5, 13A2-5, 13A12-B5, 13Al2-B5, 13C4-7, 13C4-7, 13C8-14, 13E2-4, 13E2-4, 13F4-G8, 13C8-14, 13F4-G8, 14F11-G4, 14F11-G4, 15B6-13, 15B6-13, 16A2-11 16A2-11 Thomas Thomas Corwin Corwin to: to:
158 158
The Peale The Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers
IXA/13A9-10 1853, Jan 23 23 IXA/13A9-10 1853,Jan IXA/13A1 1 1853, Jan 23 23 IXA/13A11 1853,Jan George F. F. Dunning to: George Dunning to: 1861, Mar 11 IXA/16B14-C3 IXA/16B14-C3 1861, Mar11 Edward Edward C. C. Dale Dale to: to: 1861, IXA/16D7-10 1861, Mar20 Mar 20IXAII6D7-10 ECKFELDT, ECKFELDT, (Mr.) (Mr.) IXAJ1OC3-4, 11F2-4, 11F2-4, 13B11-12, m: 13B11-12, m: IXA/10C3-4,
19D5-20F3; XIA/11C3-12A5 19D5-20F3; XiAIIIC3-12A5
ECKFELDT, ECKFELDT, Adam Adam to to Martin Martin Van Van Buren: Buren: 1839, Mar Mar 12 12 IXA/7E4-5 IXA/7E4-5 1839, R. M. Patterson Patterson to: to: R. M. IXA/6A11-14 1836, Oct 14 IXA/6A11-14 1836, Oct14 "Certain Mint" “Certain Workmen Workmen of of the the M int” to: to: IXA/7D10-11 1839, Jan 15 IXA/7D10-11 1839, Jan 15
20A10 1795, Apr 19 AprIIA/19F1319 IIA/19F13-20A10 1795, 11A151C4,51C6-11; 5106- 11;IIE/7C8-D4 HE/7C8-D4 m: IIA/51C4, EDDOWES, EDDOWES, (Miss) (Miss) CWP to: CWP to: IIA/48D9-1O 1810, Jan IIA/48D9-10 1810, Jan 77 EDDOWS, EDDOWS, (Mr.) (Mr.) m: IIC IIC (p. (p. 479) 479) m: EDEN, EDEN, Caroline Caroline Calvcrt Calvert (Mrs. (Mrs. Robert) Robert) m:
m. 11A34D13-E1;IIB/2 IIB/2(pp. (pp. 5,6) 5,6) m: IIAJ4D13-E1; EDEN, (Governor) (Governor) Robert Robert EDEN, m. IIA/4D13-E1; IIAy4D13-El; IIB/2 IIB/2 (p. (p. 4) 4) m: EDINBURGH College College Museum Museum EDINBURGH m: XIA/12A6-8 m: XIAJ12A6-8 EDMONDS, EDMONDS,F.F. W. W.
m: VIA/14B6 m: VIA/14B6 EDW IN, D. D. EDWIN, IIAJ51C1-4, 51C65106- 11; m: IIA/51C1-4, 11; m IXA/3C6-D2, 3D 3D9-E4, m: nt: IXA/3C6-D2, 9-E4, IIE/7C8-D4; XIA (Add.)/7 (Add.)/7 IIE/7C8-D4; XIA 3E13-F2,4E5-8, 5E10-13, 3E13-F2, 4E5-8, 5E10-13, (p. 226) 226) 5F12-G1, 6B3-6, 6B7-10, 5F12-G1, 6B3-6, 6B7-10, (p. EHRINGHAM, (Mr.) EHRINGHAM, (Mr.) 6C5-8, 6C9-12, 6C9-12, 6F9-11, 6F9-11, 6C5-8, CWP to: CWP to: 7D14-E3, 7E7-8, 7E9-14, 7D14-E3, 7E7-8, 7E9-14, 1803, Jan 22 IIA/27B3 IIA/27B3 1803,Jan22 7F3-4, 7F3-4, 7G2-4, 7G 2-4, 7G5-7, 7G 5-7, 9F13-14, 9F13-14, EICHHOLTZ, Jacob EICHHOLTZ,Jacob 15C11-13, XI 15C1 1-13, 16B14-C3; 16B14-C3; XI s/Memorial. . . to to the the PAFA: PA FA: s/Memorial. (Add.)/5 (p. (p. 81) 81) (Add.)/5 1828, Mar 1828, Mar 17 17 III/3F8-G12 111J3F8-G12 ECKFELDT, George George ECKFELDT, EIGHTS, James EIGHTS,James BFP BFP to: to: to to Mahion Mahlon Dickerson: Dickerson: 1860, May 18 May IXA/16A14-B1 18 IXA/16A14-B1 1860, 1837, Aug Aug33 VIIiAJ5D9 1837, VIIIA/5D9 m: IX A /6F1-4,11E1-3,15A 2-B5, iXA/6F1-4, IIEI-3, 15A2-B5, m: 1837, Aug 1837, Aug23 23 VIIIA/5F6-7 VIIIA/5F6-7 15B6-13, 15C11-13, 15C11-13, 16A2-11 15B6-13, 16A2-11 to Thomas Jones: to Thomas ap ap Catesby CatesbyJones: ECKFELDT, ECKFELDT, Jacob Jacob 1837,Nov6 VA/6C13 R. M. Patterson to: 1837, N ov 6 VIIIA/6C13 R.M.Pattersonto: 1839, May IXA/7F8-9 m; VIIIA/5E5-7, IXA/7F8-9 VIIIAJ5E5-7, 5G1-4; 5G1-4; 1839, May22 m: VIIIC/25E10-27B3; XIC/1B8-G3 XIC/1B8-G3 VIIIC/25E10-27B3; ECKFELDT & Dubois ECKFELDT & Dubois BFP EISET, F. BFP to: to: EISET, F. 1853, Nov21 Nov21 IXB/11G5-12A12 1853, toCarolineE. to Caroline E.G.G.Peale: Peale: IXB/11G5-12Al2 IXAJ21D14 ECKFORD, Henry ECKFORD, Henry 1874, IXA/21D14 1874, May May 88 72A3, 72A4, ELIOT, Samuel m: IIA/71G13, 72A3, 72A4, 72A14; 72A14; ELIOT, Samuel m: IIA/71G13, VIIA/6B14-C1, 2-3, 6C5-8; 6C5-8; m: VIA/6F5-7 VIIA/6B14-C1, 6C 6C2-3, m: VIA/6F5-7 XIIA/1A3-3E3 XIIA/1A3-3E3 ELIOT, Samuel ELIOT, Mrs. Mrs. Samuel ECKHART, ECKHART, William William m: VIA/6C11-14 VIA/6C11 —14 m: m: IIA/12A10-14; III/2C1-2, m: IIA/12A10—14; III/2C1-2, ELKIN, Lewis ELKIN, Lewis 2C9-D12 2C9-D12 to to President President of o f American American ECKSTEIN, (Mr.) ECKSTEIN, (Mr.) Philosophical Society: Philosophical Society: m: 11A127Al2, m: IIA/27A12, 27A13, 27A13,28D8-9, 28D8-9, 1844, XIA/15B11-12 1-12 1844, Jan22 Jan 22XIA/15B1 28E6-7, 28E6-7, 41E13-F12 41E13-F12 ELLICOTT, Andrew Andrew ELLICOTT, ECKSTEIN, J. Frederic Frederic A. A. ECKSTEIN,J. CWP to: to: CWP s/Constitution and and By-Laws By-Laws of of the the s/Constitution 1801,Jul 1801, Jul 12 12 IIA/24D14-E2 IIA/24D14-E2 Columbianum: Columbianum: 1802, Feb Feb28 1802, 28 IIA/25C3-6 IIA/25C3-6 1794 1794 IIA/18C1-E1 IIA/18C1-E1 1803, Feb Feb 15 1803, 15 IIA/27C7 IIA/27C7 s/“An Association Association of Artists in in s/"An of Artists 1808, Feb Feb28 11A142E10- 11 1808, 28 IIA/42E10-11 America": America”: m: IIA/25E2-3 m: IIA/25E2-3 1794, 1794, DDec29 ec29 IIA/19D12-E1 IIA/19D12-E1 ELLICOTT, Peale's ELLICOTT, Nathaniel Nathaniel E. E. See also Peak’s See also s/Constitution of s/Constitution of the the Columbianum: Columbianum: Museum, Baltimore. Baltimore. Court Court Case. Case. Museum, 1795, Feb Feb17 1795, 17 IIE/3E7-F6 IIE/3E7-F6 m: VIIA/8D3-9 VIIA/8D3-9 m: 1795, Apr Apr 19 1795, 19 IIA/19F13-20A10 IIA/19F13-20A10 ELLIOTT, ELLIOTT, Isaac Isaac L.L. m: IIA/51C1-4, m: IIA/51C1-4, 51C 51066- 11; 11; to Martin to Martin Van Van Buren: Buren: IIE/7C8- D4 IIE/7C8-D4 1837, Aug Aug15 VIIIA/5E1-4 1837, 15 VIIIA/5E1-4 ECKSTEIN,John ECKSTEIN, John m: m: IXA/5E7-10; IXA/5E7-10; XIA/14A7-F7; XIA/14A7-F7; XI XI s/Constitution and and By-Laws By-Laws of of the the s/Constitution (Add.)/6 (pp. 115, 126, 126, 136-37, (Add.)/6 (pp. 115, 136-37, Columbianum: Columbianum: 140-44, 146, 149-52, 154-56, 140-44, 146, 149-52, 154-56, 1794 1794 IIA/18C1-E1 IIA/18C1-E1 158-59, 165, 168-69, 171-73, 158-59, 165, 168-69, 171-73, s/“An Association Association of s/"An of Artists Artists in in 180-81), 77 (pp. (pp. 184-86, 184-86, 190, 190, 180-81), America”: America": 192-96, 198, 200-201, 216-17, 216-17, 192-96, 198, 200-201, 1794, Dec Dec29 1794, 29 IIA/19D12-E1 IIA/19D12-E1 219,224-25,228,233,235, 219, 224-25, 228, 233, 235, s/Constitution s/Constitution of of the the Columbianum: Columbianum: 237-40, 237-40, 242-43, 242-43, 245, 245, 250-53, 250-53, 1795, Feb17 1795, Feb 17 IIE/3E7-F6 11E13E7- F6 256,258-59, 256, 258-59, 266-67, 266-67, 274-76, 274-76, 88 .
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(pp. 280-82) (pp. 280-82) ELLIOTT, Stephen ELLIOTT, Stephen CWP to: to: CWP 1806, Apr15 1806, Apr 15 IIA/38D14 HA/38D14 1807, Feb20 1807, Feb 20 IIA/40C1-2 ILAI4OCI-2 1809, Feb 1809, Feb 14, 14, May May I1 IIA/45F7-G12 IIA/45F7-G12 m: 38E2 m: IIA/38D12-13, IIA/38D12-!3, 38E2 ELLIOT!', ELLIOTT, Thomas Thomas m: 16B11-12; IIB/9 IIB/9 m: IIA/16A11-12, IIA/16A11-12, 16B11-12; (pp. 60-61, 69); (pp. 60-61, 69); UC IIC (p. (p. 113) 113) ELLIOTT ELLIOTT, William William m: IIA/34C3-5, 11A134C3-5,34C8-11, 34C8-11, 34F1-5; 34F1-5; m: XC/1A5-6 XC/1A5-6 ELLIS, ELLIS, (Mr.) (Mr.) m: IIB/2 HB/2 (pp. (pp. 46-47) 46-47) ELLIS, George George B. B. ELLIS, s/Memorial. .. . . to s/Memorial. to the the PAFA: PAFA: 1828, 17 III/3F8-G12 1828, Mar Mar17 III/3F8-G12 ELLSWORTH, ELLSWORTH, H. H. L. L. TRP to: TRPto: 1844, Feb Feb 17 VIIIA/9A2-3 1844, 17 VIIIA/9A2-3 ELMER, Jonathan ELMER, (Dr.) (Dr.)Jonathan CWP to: CWP to: 1797,Jan Jan29 IIA/21A13 1797, 29 IIA/21A13 m: IIB/14 (pp. 55, 55, IIB/14 (pp. (pp. 1, 1, 2ff.); 2ff.); IIC IIC (pp. 233) 233) ELOUIS,Jean Henry ELOUIS, Jean Pierre Pierre Henry m: 176) rn: IIB/12 IIB/12 (p. (p. 29); 29); IIC IIC (p. (p. 176) ELWOOD, (Captain) ELWOOD, (Captain) 36C6-8, 36E3-4, m: IIA/31A4-5, IIA/31A4-5, 36C6-8, 36E3-4, 36E5-7, 36E8-9, 36E8-9, 36F8-11, 36F8-11, 36E5-7, 36F12-G1, 43F8-9, 44C9-10 44C9-10 36F12-G1, 43F8-9, ELWYN, ELWYN, A. A. L. L. to to Caroline Caroline E. E. G. G. Peale: Peale: 1872, IXA/19C9-10 1872, Apr Apr66 IXA/19C9-10 m: VIIIA/9C10-13 VIIIA/9C10-13 ELY, Augustus ELY, Augustus Academie of of Sciences Sciences and and Arts Arts to: to: Academie 1807, ar4 IIA/40D11-12 1807, M Mar4 IIA/40D11-12 1807, 14 IIA/40E6-7 IIA/40E6-7 1807, Mar Mar 14 VIIIA/5C1 -3 m: VIIIA/5C1-3 EMERICK, EMERICK, Daniel Daniel B. B. m: XIA/14A7-F7; (Add.)/7 (p. (p. 248) 248) XIA/14A7-F7; (Add.)/7 EMLEN, EMLEN, Samuel Samuel to CWP: CWP: to 1784, 1784, Apr Apr 16, 16, 19, 19, Jul Jul 55 IIA/12G8 IIA/12G8 14Al2-13; IIC m: IIAJIIC8, IIA/11C8, 14A12-13; IIC (pp. -54) (pp. 53 53-54) EMMONS,(Lieutenant) (Lieutenant) G.G.F.F. EMMONS, VIIIA/7B9-11, 7D 7D6-11, 7F3-6, m: VIIIA/7B9-11, 6-11, 7F3-6, 7G4-6 7G4-6 EENCYCLOPEDIA N C YC LO P E D IA ofofGeography Geography m: VIIIA/11B13-C1 VIIIAJIIBI3-C1 ENGRAVING. See Mezzotint Engraving. ENGRAVING. See Mezzotint Engraving. EENTOMOLOGIST'S N T O M O L O G IST 'SCompendium, Compendium, by by Samouelle Samouelle m: VIIIA/25B7-E2 m: VIIIA/25B7-E2 ENTOMOLOGISTS E N T O M O L O G IST SText TextBook Book m: m: VIIIA/17A12-14 VIIIA/17Al2-14 EPPES, John les EPPES, John Way Wayles in: IIA/61F3— 4, 61F5-8, 61F9-G3, IIA/61F3-4, 61F5-8, 61F9-G3, 61G9,62A2-6, 62A7-8,62B1; 62B1; 61G9, 62A2-6, 62A7-8, IIB/23 (p.(p.39); 11B123 39);IIC JIC (p.424); (p.424); IXAI17C13 IXA/17C13 ERSKINE, (Mr.) ERSKINE, (Mr.) tn:
m: 11A127F8-1O, IIAy27F8-10, FF11-14; ll-1 4 ; m:
VIIAyiD7-8 VIIAI1D7-8 ESCHER, Henry Henry ESCHER, to RuP: RuP: to
1821,Jun25 1821, Jun 25 VIIA/3F11-12 VIIA/3F11-12 RuP to: RuP to: 1821, Mar14 Mar 14XIA/7C11-12 XIA/7C11-12 1821, m: XIA/7C1-14 m: XIAI7CI-14 ESPY, James James P. ESPY, P. to Mahlon Mahlon Dickerson: to Dickerson: 1836, Sept VIIIA/4D9-11 1836, Sept 16 16 VIIIA/4D9-11 m: VIIIA/9E12-F1 m: VIIIA/9E12-F1 The The Philosophy Philosophy ofof Storms: Storms: VIllA/I 1B13-C1 VIIIA/11B13-C1 ETHNOGRAPHICAL Museum, Museum, France France ETHNOGRAPHICAL LXAI2IA5-9 m: IXA/21A5-9 ETHNOGRAPHICAL ETHNOGRAPHICAL Museum, Museum, Moscow Moscow m: IXA/21A5-9 m: IXA/21A5-9 ETHNOLOGICAL Society ofof New New York York ETHNOLOGICAL Society m: IXA/21A5-9 m: IXA/21A5-9 ETTING, Frank M. M. ETTING, Frank TRP to: TRP to: 1876, Feb VIIIA/16C12-13 1876, Feb 55 VIIIA/16C12-13 m: VIA/11C4;VIIIA/16D9-12 VIIIA/16D9-12 m: VIA/11C4; EUROPEAN Mints. EUROPEAN Mints. BFP, on: BFP, Report Report on: 1835, 17 Jun 17IXB/3B3-8D14 IXB/3B3-8D14 1835,Jun EVANS, Edward Edward EVANS, to CWP: CWP: to IIA/7B8-9 1779, Apr IIA/7B8-9 1779, Apr99 m: IIA/7B1-2 m: IIA/7B1-2 EVANS, Griffitts EVANS, GrifFitts to Messrs. Messrs. Chaudron & Co., Co., for for the the to Chaudron & Academy: Academy: 1811 VIIA/2B4-5 1811 VIIA/2B4-5 m: VIA/2D8-9, 2E5 m: VIA/2D8-9, 2E5 EVANS, John EVANS, John to Caroline Caroline E. E. G. to G. Peale: Peale: 1874, IXA/21C1-4 1874, Feb Feb99 IXA/21C1-4 1874,Jul 1874, Jul 66 IXA/21E11-13 IXA/21E11-13 m: m: VIIIA/3E1 VIIIAI3EI-4; —4; IXA/21A5-9 IXA/21A5-9 EVANS, EVANS, Oliver Oliver to to Caroline Caroline E. E. G. G. Peale: Peale: IXA/21A10 1873, 15 IXA/21A10 1873, Dec Dec15 EVANS, EVANS, W. W. G. G. m: IIA/40A12-13, IIA/40Al2-13, 40D11-12, 40D11-12, m: 48G11 —13; VIA/2F1-2 48G11-13; VIA/2F1-2 EVERETT, Edward EVERETT, Edward ReP ReP to: to: 1839, Mar VIA/9C12 VJA/9C12 1839, Mar44 m: m: VIA/6G8-13, VIA/6G8-13, 12G9-10 12G9-10 EVERLY, EVERLY, G. G. M. M. BFP, BFP, Report Report on on his his Steamboiler: Steamboiler: IXB/9D9-12 1837, 1837, May May 11 11 IXB/9D9-12 EWBANK, EWBANK, Thomas Thomas to Examiners Examiners of of the the Patent Patent Office: Office: to 1851, Apr 12 VIIIA/12C8-11 VIIIA/12C8-11 1851, Apr12 toJ.F. toJ.F. Frazer: Frazer: 1851, 1851, Apr Apr19 19 VIIIA/12C12-13 VIIIA/12C12-13 A. D. Bache Bache to: to: A. D. 1852, Apr Apr15 VIIIA/12E14-F1 1852, 15 VIIIA/12E14-F1 Joseph Henry Henry to: Joseph to: 1852, 1852, Apr24 Apr 24 VIIIA/12F9-10 VIIIA/12F9-10 Report Report on on his his Lead Lead Pipes: Pipes: 1835, 1835, Mar Mar12 12 in
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VIIIA (Add.)/1B12-13 (Add.)/1B12-13 VIllA m: 11E2-4,11E5, 11E5, ni: VIIIA/11B10-C2, VIIIAII1B10-C2, 11E2-4, 12B4,12B9, 12C5, 12B4, 12B9, 12C3-4, 12C3-4, 12C5, 12C6-7, 12C14-D1, 12C6-7, 12C14-D1, 12D2-3, 12D2-3, 12E11-13, 12F13-G4 12E11-13,12F13-G4 EWELL, Thomas EWELL, (Dr.) (Dr.) Thomas CWP to: CWPto: 11A143G2-3 1808, Aug Aug 12 12 IIA/43G2-3 1808, EWETTS Music Music Store Store EWETTS CWP CWP to: to: IIA/38F3 1806, Jun 5 IIA/38F3 1806,Jun5 m: m: 11AJ38E3 IIA/38E3 EWING, EWING, (Captain) (Captain) James James m: IIB/3 IIB/3 (p. 18), 12 12 (p. 30); IIC IIC (p. (p. 177) 177) m: (p. 18), (p. 30); EWING, (Reverend Dr.) Dr.) John EWING, (Reverend John CWP to: CWP to: IIA/15E2-3 [1787, Jun] IIA/15E2-3 [1787,JunI m: IIA/11G2-3, 14C13-14; 14C13-14;HB/9 m: IIA/11G2-3, IIB/9
12C5-7, 12E1-4 12E1-4 12C5-7,
FALES, Samuel Samuel B. B. FALES, W. Fumiss to: to: W. H. H. Furniss 1860, 1860, MarS Mar 5IXA/16Al2-13 IXA/16A12-13 m: m: VIIA/10B2-4, VIIAI1OB2-4, 10B9-12; 10B9-12; IXAI15E1-4, 15F9-10 IXA/15E1-4,15F9-10
FALL, Philip Slater FALL, Philip Slater to RuP: RuP: to 1818, Jun VIIA (Add.)/lB3-9 VIIA (Add.)/1B3-9 1818, Jun 55 1818, Jul 10 VIIA Jul 10(Add.)/1B1O-12 VIIA (Add.)/1B10-12 1818, FANNING, (Mr.) FANNING, (Mr.) CWP to: to: CWP IIA/43B12-13 1808, IIA/43B12-13 1808, Jun Jun 66 FARIES, Owen Owen FARIES, m: IIB/7 IIB/7 (p. (p. 11) 11) m: FARMER, (Mr.) FARMER, (Mr.)
m. (p. 69) 69) m: IIB/11 IIB/li (p. FARON.John FARON, John s/Report: s/Report: (pp. 44-45, 44-45, 56) 56) (pp. 1840, Oct Oct 11 IXB/10E6-F2 1840, IXB/10E6-F2 EWING, EWING, Samuel Samuel FARTHING, (Mr.) FARTHING, (Mr.) s/Application Charter: The ThePAFA: PAFA: s/Application for for Charter: m: IIA/31G5-6, m: IIA/31G5-6, 33F3-4,33F5-6, 33F3-4, 33F5-6, 1805, Dec26 Dec26IIA/37C11-D6 IIA/37C11-D6 1805, 34A13-B2 34A13-B2 EWING, Thomas EWING, Thomas FAUJAS de FAUJAS de Saint-Fond, Saint-Fond, Barthelemy Barthélemy R. M. M. Patterson Patterson to: R. to: m: m: IIA/42F5-7; IIA/42F5-7; IID/2B13-D4 IID/2B13-D4 IXA/5D6-7 1836, IXA/5D6-7 1836, Jan Jan 66 FFAUNA A U N A Italica Italica EXETER EXETER Exchange Exchange Museum Museum m: VIIIA/8B10-13, VIIIAJ8BIO-13,12A12-B2 12Al2-B2 m: CWP to: CWPto: FAUNTLEROY, Henry FAUNTLEROY, Henry IIA/23G1 1800, 30 IIA/23G1 1800, Dec Dec30 m: JIB/S (p. 19) m: IIB/5 (p. 19) EXHIBITION of EXHIBITION of live live animals, animals, Bowery, Bowery, FEDERAL procession FEDERAL procession (Baltimore) (Baltimore) New New York York m: m: IIB/9 IIB/9(pp. (pp. 32-33) 32-33) m: m: IIB/25(p. IIB/25 (p. 15) 15) FEDERAL EXHUMATION E X H U M A T IO Nofofthe theMastodon. Mastodon. See See FEDERAL procession procession (Philadelphia) (Philadelphia) m: IIB/9 (pp. (pp. 36-39) 36-39) m: IIB/9 Peale, Wilson, paintings Peale, Charles Charles Willson, paintingsby. by. FEN TO N , (Mr.) (Mr.) FENTON, EYRE, EYRE, Benjamin Benjamin George George m: -5; IIB/16 1), 17 17 m: IIA/22F1 11AJ22F1-5; IIB/16 (p. (p. 1), CWP to: to: CWP 11A114G7 (cover), 1787,Jan5 1787, Jan 5 IIA/14G7 (cover), 18 18 (p. (p. 21); 21); IIC IIC (p. (p. 266); 266); VIIA/1A11-13 m: XIA XIA (Add.)/6 VIIA/IA1I-13 m: (Add.)/6 (p. (p. 153) 153) FERGUSON, A. A. FERGUSON, s/Report: s/Report: 1838, 1838, NNov30 ov 30 IXB/9F6-8 IXB/9F6-8 1840, Sept 9 Sept 9IXB/10D12-14 IXB/10D12-14 1840, FERGUSON, Ebenezer FERGUSON, Ebenezer m: V/1C5-12, 1C13-D6 m: V/105-12, 1C13-D6 FERGUSON, Richard FERGUSON, Richard to CWP: toCWP: n.d. 11A173F4-S n.d. IIA/73F4-5 F m: IIA/31A6,35F6-9, 35F6-9, 36B9-13, 36B9-13, m: IIA/31A6, 4105-8, 41C5-8, 59G5-7 59G5-7 FERRIS, (Captain) (Captain) FERRIS, FAIR, FAIR, Patty Patty m. HB/7 IIB/7 (p.ll) m: (p.11) CWP to: CWPto: FERRIS, (Dr.) Isaac Isaac FERRIS, (Dr.) 1804, IIA/29E2 1804, Feb. Feb. 15 15 IIA/29E2 ReP ReP to: to: FAIRFAX, Thomas FAIRFAX, Thomas 1844, 19 VIA/9G8-10 1844, Aug. Aug. 19 VIA/9G8-10 toCWP: to CWP: 1845, Feb 16 16 VIA/9G11-13 1845, Feb VIA/9G11-13 1801,Jul 1801, Jul 16 16 IIA/49D1-2 IIA/49D1-2 FERUS SAC, Baron Baron de FfiRUSSAC, de m: IB/23 (p. m: IIIB/23 (p. 38); 38);VIIIA/3B12-C1 VIIIA/3B12-C1 Alexander Lyries [?] [?] to: Alexander Lyrics to: FAIRMAN, FAIRMAN, Gideon Gideon 1833, Jun 5 IXA/3A12-13 1833,JunS IXA/3Al2-13 to to CWP: CWP: FILLMORE, FILLMORE, Millard Millard 1812, Mar99 1812, Mar IIA/51C1-4 IIA/51C1-4 TRP to: TRP to: 1812, Mar13 IIA/51C6-11 1812, Mar 13 IIA/51C6-11 1851, ar6 VIIIA/11B10-C2 1851, M Mar6 VIIIA/I1BIO-C2 m: IIE/7C8-D4; VIA/2C7-9, VIAJ2C7-9, m: IIE/7C8-D4; VIIIA/12F13-G4 1852, 29 VIIIA/12F13-G4 1852, Apr Apr29 2E10-12, 4C14-D2 4C14-D2 2E10-12, m: VIIIA/12E11 VIIIAI12EI1-.13; IXA/11F2-4, m: —13; IXA/11F2-4, [FALCONER] Falkner, Falkner, (Captain) (Captain) [FALCONER] IIFS-8, 12F1-2 11F5-8, 12F1-2 Nathaniel Nathaniel FINDLEY, William FINDLEY, William m: IIA/12A6-8, IIA/12A6-8, 12A9, 12A9, 12B10-14, 12B10-14, m: m: IID/29 (p. (p. 43); 43); XIA/16B1-4,17C13 XIAJ16B1-4, 17C13 m: IID/29
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FINLEY, Moses Moses FINLEY, CWP to: CWPto:
1800, Feb 18 18 IIA/23A6-10 1800, Feb IIA/23A6-10 m: IIA/20E4-5, 23B3-4, IIA/20E4-5 23A2-3, 23A2-3, 23B3-4, 23B5-6, IIB/19 (p. (p. 105); 105); IIC IIC 23B5-6, IIB/19 (p. 276) (p. 276) FINLEY, William FINLEY, William CWP to: CWPto: 1818,Jan3 1818, Jan 3 IIA/60B10-11 11A160B10-11 m: JJA/32F10; IIAy32F10; VIA/4E4-5 m: VIAI4E4-5 FIREPLACES, improvements in FIREPLACES, improvements in m: IIIB/15 IB/15 (pp. IIC rn: (pp.5-9, 5-9, 33-35); 33-35); hG (pp. 240, 240, 365) 365) (pp. FISHBOURNE, (Major) (Major) Benjamin Benjamin FISHBOURNE, CWP to: CWPto: 1780, IIA/10C14-D3 1780, Jul23 Jul 23 IIA/10C14-D3 FISHER, Alvin FISHER, Alvin m: IIB/22 rn: IIB/22 (pp. (pp. 12, 12, 55); 55);VIA/6D13-E2 VIA/6D13-E2 FISHER, J. Francis Francis FISHER,J. to Philadelphia Philadelphia Museum: to Museum: 1842, 17 XIA/15A4-11 1842,Jun Jun17 XIA/15A4-11 FISHER, Miers FISHER, Miers CW P to: CWPco: 1792, IIA/17C5-7 1792, Apr Apr IIA/17C5-7 m: 11A117C2-3, IIA/17C2-3, 21A5-7, m: 21A5-7, 50C4-5; 50C4-5; IIC (p. (p. 482) 482) IIC FISHER, William Logan Logan FISHER, William CWP to: CWPto: 1813, Jul IIA/52C10 1813, Jul 55 IJA/52C10 1821, Nov IIA/66E5 1821, Nov66 IIA/66E5 1824, 12 IIA/70D14 1824,Apr Apr12 IIA/70D14 1826, Jan 27 IIA/71F7-14 1826,Jan27 IIA/71F7-14 n.d. IIA/73E3 nd. IIA/73E3 m: rn: IIA/50A11-14, IIAJ5OAII-14,50C4-5, 50C4-5,50C6-7, 5006-7, 72C7 72C7 FISKE, Moses Moses FISKE, to CWP: toCWP: 1811, IIA/50C13-D2 1811,Jun 17 Jun 1711A150C13-D2 FITZGERALD, W. W. P. P. N. N. FITZGERALD, Joseph to: Joseph R. R. Chandler Chandler to: n.d.,Apr Apr19, 19, 20 20 VIIIA/12F2-6 VIIIA/12F2-6 nd., m: VIIIA/12C8-11, rn: VIIIA/12C8-11, 12G5-13, 12G5-13, 13A2-12,13A13-B1 13A2-12, 13A13-B1 FITZHUGH, (Mr.) (Mr.) FITZHUGH, CWP to: to: CWP 1819, IIA/62C6-7 1819, Apr Apr 11 IIA/62C6-7 m: 62G5-6; IIA/62A7-8, 62G3-4, 62G3-4, 62G5-6; m: IIA/62A7-8, IIC JIC (p. (p. 387); 387);VIIIA/1C1-4 VillA/IC 1-4 FITZHUGH, William William FITZHUGH, CWP to: CWPto: 1771, 30 IIA/3D12-E1 IIA/3D12-E1 1771, Dec Dec30 m: IIA/4D13-E1; IIB/2 (p. (p. 1)1) rn: IIAJ4D13-fl; IIB/2 FitzSIMONS, Ann Ann FitzSIMONS, m: IIA/56C3-5, IIA/56C3-5, 60B4-5; 60B4-5; m: VIIA/3A2-4 VIIA/3A2-4 FitzSIMONS, Catherine Elizabeth Elizabeth FitzSIMONS, Catherine Pritchard (Mrs. (Mrs. Christopher) Christopher) Pritchard m: IIA/56A13, 57A13, rn: IIA/56A13,56C3-5, 56C3-5, 57A13, 57F1-2,58B11, 58F9, 60B4-5; 57F1-2, 58B11, 58F9, 60B4-5; IIC (p. 402); VIIA/3A2-4 IIC (p. 402); VIIA/3A2-4 FitzSIMONS, Charles FitzSIMONS, Charles Statement CWP: Statement of of account account with with CWP: 1816, Apr;Apr 1817, Apr IIA/59D4 IIA/59D4 1816, Apr; 1817, FitzSIMONS, Christopher Christopher FitzSIMONS, CWP to: to: CWP m:
m: m:
1805, Mar IIA/33D6-7 1805, MarS5 IIA/33D6-7 1815, Nov 20 J815, Nov20 IIA/56C3-5 11A156C3-5 1816, Mar 17 IIA/57A13 1816, Mar 17 IIA/57A13 1816, Aug Aug11 IIA/57F1-2 1816, IIA/57F1-2 IIA/58F9 1816, 27 1816, Dec Dec27 11A158F9 1817, 27 1817,Nov Nov27 IIA/60B4-5 IIA/60B4-5 1820, IIA/64G10-11 1820, Oct Oct33 IIA/64G10-11 1820, IIA/65A7 1820, Nov Nov 99 11A165A7 1820, Nov 11 IIA/65A8-9 1820, Nov11 IIA/65A8-9 IIA/57B14-C1, 57C2-7, 57C2-7,58B10, 58B10, IIA/57B14-C1, 58B11, 58B12-C7, 59G3, 58B11, 58B12-C7, 59G3,
59G5-7, 60A10-13, 60A10-13, 65A2 65A2 59G5-7, FitzSIMONS, Christopher, Christopher, Jr. Jr. FitzSIMONS, m: IIA/64G10-11, IIA/64G10-11, 65A7, m: 65A7, 65A8-9 65A8-9 FLEISHMAN, Henry Henry P.P. FLEISHMAN, totoCWP: CWP: 1814, Jun 14 14 IIA/53C10-12 1814,Jun IIA/53C10-12 FLEMING, (Mr.) (Mr.) FLEMING, Charles Carroll Carroll to: to: Charles 1792, Dec 30 IIA/17E12 1792, Dec30 11A117E12 FLING, William William B. B. FLING, m: XIA/14A7-F7; XI (Add.)/7 (Add.)/7 rn: XIA/14A7-F7; XI (pp. 196-98, 200-201,217, 217, 219, 219, (pp. 196-98,200-201, 221-23, 244-45, 249) 249) 221 -23, 225-26, 225-26, 244-45, FLOYD, Ellen. Ellen. See See Peale's Peale’s Museum, Museum, FLOYD, Baltimore. Baltimore. m: VIIA/8D3-9 VIIA/8D3-9 m: FLUGEL, (Dr.) (Dr.) Felix Felix FLUGEL, m: IXA/17D5-6, IXA/17D5-6, 17D7, 17D7, 17D8-11, 17D8-11, m:
17F3 17F3 FOGG, (Dr.) John S. H. H. FOGG, (Dr.) John S. ReP to: ReP to: 1859, VIA/13E1 1859, Mar Mar 55 V[A/13E1 FOLSOM, George George FOLSOM, ReP to: to: ReP n.d., Mar4 Mar 4 VIA/15C3 nd., VIA/15C3 n.d., Mar8 Mar 8 VIA/15C4 nd., VIA/15C4 William L. Stevens to: to: William L. Stevens 1848, May 20 VIA/15C5-6 1848, May20 VIA/15C5-6 m: rn: VIA/12C10-11, VIA/12C10-11, 13B8-9 13B8-9 FOLWELL, FOLWELL, Samuel Samuel s/Constitution of the s/Constitution of the Columbianum: Columbianum: 1795, Feb Feb 17 17 IIE/3E7-F6 1795, IIE/3E7-F6 FOOTE, Elisha Elisha FOOTE, m: rn: VIIIA/14C14-D1, VIIIA/14C14-D1, 14E1-3, 14E1-3, 14E4-5 14E4-5 FOOTM AN, Richard Richard FOOTMAN, CWP to: CWP to: 1784, Nov IIA/13F3—4 1784, Nov IIA/13F3-4 1784 IIA/13F5-6 1784 IIA/13F5-6 FORBES, (Dr.) (Dr.) FORBES, CWP to: CWP to: 1800, Jul 28 28 IIA/23C14 1800,Jul IIA/23C14 m: IIA/23B12-C7, 1-2,23D 3-4, tn: IIA/23B12-C7,23D 23D1-2, 23D3-4, 24E3-4, 24F4; IIB/18 IIB/18 (p. (p. 62) 62) 24E3-4, 24F4; FORDE, Standish FORDE, Standish CWP to: CWPto: 1787, Aug Aug 14 14 IIA/15G2 1787, IIA/15G2 FORMAN, (Mr.) FORMAN, (Mr.) m: IIB/2 8) m: IIB/2 (pp. (pp. 5, 5, 7, 7,8) FORMAN, T.T. M. M. FORMAN, to CWP: toCWP: 1813, May 31 IIA/52C7-8 1813, May31 IIA/52C7-8 RuP to: to: RuP 1813, Oct VIIA/2C9 1813, Oct33 VIIA/2C9
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FORREST, FORREST, (Colonel) (Colonel) m: IIA/14G9-12, IIA/14G9-12, 50A11-14, 50A11-14, m: 50C6-7; IIC(p.(p.387); 387);XLA/17C7 XIA/17C7 5006-7; IIC FORREST, Thomas FORREST, Thomas CWP to: CWP to: IIA/64B7-8 1820, Apr IIA/64B7-8 1820, Apr 99 FORSYTHE, John FORSYTHE, John totoBFP: BFP: IXA/5D8 1836, Jan 7 IXA/5D8 1836,Jan7 IXA/8B6-8 1840, 20 IXA/8B6-8 1840, Feb Feb20 BFP to: to: BFP IXA/SDII-E1 1836, 11 IXA/5D11-E1 1836, Jan Jan11
JXA/5D4-5, 8B3-4 8B3-4 m: m: IXA/5D4-5, FOSTER, (Mr.) FOSTER, (Mr.) m: IIA/56G4-5, 56G9-12; 56G9-12;IIB/7 IIB/7 (p. (p. 8)8) m: IIA/56G4-5, FOSTER, A. A. W. W. FOSTER, to TRP: toTRP: VIIIA/2G5-6 1830, Nov VIIIA/2G5-6 1830, Nov 55 FOTHERGILL, (Dr.) (Dr.) Anthony FOTHERGILL, Anthony CWP to: CWPto: IIA/39F1 1806, Dec Dec 12 12 IIA/39F1 1806, m: in: IIA/30G6-7, IIA/30G6-7,36C11-13,41C5-8, 3611-13,41CS-8, 72A6; 72A6; IIB/19 IIB/19 (pp. (pp. 11 ff.) if.) FOULKE, (Mr.) (Mr.) FOULKE, TRPto: TRP to: 1854, Feb20 VIIIA/13C9 1854, Feb 20 VIIIA/13C9 FOULKE, John John FOULKE, s/Constitution and By-Laws By-Laws of of the the s/Constitution and Columbianum: Columbianum: 1794 IIA/18C1-E1 1794 IIA/18C1-E1 s/“An in s/"An Association Association ooff Artists Artists in America": America”: 1794, Dec Dec29 IIA/19D12-E1 1794, 29 IIA/19D12-E1 s/Constitution of of the the Columbianum: Columbianum: s/Constitution 1795, IIE/3E7-F6 1795, Feb Feb 17 17 IIE/3E7-F6 1795, IIA/19F3-20A10 1795, Apr Apr 19 19 IIA/19F3-20A10 m: IIA/14C13—14 m: IIA/14C13-14 FOUREROY, (M.) FOUREROY, (M.) CWP to: to: CWP 1809, Jan21 1809, Jan 21 IIA/45E3-4 IIA/45E3-4 FOX, George FOX, George s/Application for Charter: s/Application for Charter: The ThePAFA: PAFA: 1805, Dec26 1805, Dec 26 IIA/37C11-D IIA/37C1 I -D66 m: IIB/9 m: 54) IIB/9 (p. (p. 54) FOX, Gilbert F.F. FOX, Gilbert s/Constitution of the the Columbianum: Columbianum: s/Constitution of 1795, 1795, Feb Feb 17 17 IIE/3E7-F6 IIE/3E7-F6 1795, 1795, Apr Apr 19 19 11A119F3-20A10 IIA/19F3-20A10 FRALEY, Frederick Frederick FRALEY, to to Philadelphia Philadelphia Museum: Museum: 1843, 1843, Feb Feb 10 10 XIA/15A12-B2 XIA/15Al2-B2 1843,Jul 1843, Jul 21 21 XIA/15B5-6 XIA/15B5-6 s/Report, s/Report, American American Philosophical Philosophical Society: Society: 1863,Jul 1863, Jul 17 17 IXA/17F6-10 IXA/17F6-10 Robert Patterson Patterson to: to: Robert 1898, 1898, Apr Apr 13 13 IXA/22B7 IXA/22B7 m: XIA/12B13-C1, m: 14G3-15A2, XIA/12B13-C1, 14G3-15A2, 15C10-11; 15C10-11; VIIIA/11C5-7; VIIIA/11C5—7; IXA/14F7-8, 19D5-20F3; XI XI IXA/14F7-8, 19D5-20F3; (Add.)/7 (p. 192) 192) (Add.)/7 (p. FRANCE, Mint Mint of FRANCE, of m: m: IXA/3D9-E4, IXA/3D9-E4, 3E8-12, 4E12-F3, 3E8-12, 4E12-F3, 12F5-7, 12F5-7, 12F10-12 12F10-12 FRANCILLON, (Mr.) (Mr.) FRANCILLON,
11A135C1-5;VIIA/1C6-9, VIIA/1C6-9, m: m: IIA/35C1-5; 1D3-6, 1E2-3 1D3-6, 1E2-3 FRANCIS, Ann FRANCIS, Ann Willing Willing
m. 11A116A14 IIA/16A14 m: FRANCIS,John FRANCIS,John CWP CWP to: to: (Add.)/4D12 hA (Add.)/4D12 1788, Aug Aug 16 1788, 16 IIA (pp. 44-49, 44-49, 53) m: IIB/9 (pp. 53) m: IIB/9 FRANCIS, (Dr.) John W. FRANCIS, (Dr.) John W. ReP to: to: ReP VIA/7F1-2 VIA/7F1-2 1831 [?] [?] 1831 RANC1S, Tench FRANCIS, Tench m: IIB/9 (pp. 48-49) (pp.44-45,, 44-45,48-49) m: IIB/9 FRANK De De La La Roche, E. M. M. FRANK Roche, Mme. Mme. E. John F. Muffin Mifflin to: to: John F. 1801, DDec22 ec22 IIA IIA (Add.)/3D9-E2 (Add.)/3D9-E2 1801, IIA (Add.)/3E3-6 (Add.)13E3-6 1803, Oct 12 IIA 1803, Oct12 FRANKLIN, Benjamin Benjamin FRANKLIN, to CWP: toCWP: 1771,Jul4 1771,Ju14 IIA/3B14-C3 IIA/3B14-C3 CWP to: CWP to: 1771 IIA/3A2-5 1771 IIA!3A2-S 1787,Jul 24 IIA/15F5—8 IIA/15F5-8 1787, Jul24 IIA/73E2 IIA/73E2 n.n. d. Apr 1[?] 1[?] d. Apr m: IIA/11G12, IIA/11G12, 12E1-12E1-4, 4 ,14B2, 14B2, m: 14C12-D3, 14G9-12, 15A13-14, 14C 12-D 3, 14G9-12,15A13-14, 12, 16C10-D1, 16C10-D1, 15B1-3, 1SC11-12, 15B1-3,15C1124G11-12, 25C7-D6, 24G11-12, 25C7 -D 6, 26B9-13, 26B9-13, 40F2-3, 43D2-11, 53C1-5, 53C1-5, 40F2-3, 43D2-11, 53G6-12, 9, 55A10-B9, 55A10-B9, 53G6-12, 54A254A2-9, 55B10-C9; IIB/2 (p. (p. 15), 15), 99 (p. (p. 43), 43), 55B10-C9; IIB/2 11 (p. 11 (p. (p. 7), 7), 23 23 (pp. (pp. 33, 33, 34); 34); IID/29 IID/29(p. 3), 30 —12, 3), 30 (p. (p. 54); 54);VIA/11D11 VIA/I1DII-12, 12C6; VIB/13A6--B9; VIB/13A6-B9; 12C6; VIIA/4B7—11; VIIIA/16C14, VIIA/4B7-1 1; VIIIA/16C14, 16D9-12; XIA/1B5-8, XIA/1B5-8, 2C10-E1, 2C10-E1, 16D9-12; 5A 8-B 1, 7F9-11, 7 F 9 -11,17C9, 17C9,10 5A8-B1, 10 FRANKLIN, Walter FRANKLIN, Walter to CWP: CWP: to 1805, Dec Dec26 1805, 26 IIA/37C11-1J6 IIA/37C11-D6 FRANKLIN FRANKLIN Institute Institute TRP, s/Report: TRP, s/Report: 1835, Mar Mar12 1835, 12 VIllA (Add.)/1B12-13 VIIIA (Add.)/1B12-13 BFP, s/Report: s/Report: BFP, 1837, 1837, Mar Mar99 IXB/9B11-14 IXB/9B11-14 1837, 1837, May May66 IXB/9C1-11 IXB/9C1-11 1837 [?] 1837 [?] IXB/9C12-D4 IXB/9C12-D4 1837, 11 1837, May May11 IXB/9D5-8 IXB/9D5-8 1837, May May11 1837, 11 IXB/9D9-12 IXB/9D9-12 1837, 14 1837, Dec Dec 14 IXB/9D13-E1 IXB/9D13-E1 1838, Feb Feb 88 1838, IXB/9E2-9 IXB/9E2-9 1838, May 1838, May88 IXB/9E10-12 IXB/9E10-12 1838, 10 1838, May May 10 IXB/9E13-F2 IXB/9E13-F2 1838, 10 1838, May May 10 IXB/9F3-5 IXB/9F3-5 1838,NNov30 1838, ov 30 IXB/9F6-8 IXB/9F6-8 1838, Dec13 1838, Dec 13 IXB/9F9-11 IXB/9F9-11 1839, Mar 14 1839, Mar 14 IXB/9F12-G5 IXB/9F12-G5 1839, Aug Aug 11 1839, IXB/9G6-8 IXB/9G6-8 1839, Aug Aug88 1839, IXB/9G9-12 IXB/9G9-12 1839, ov 14 1839, NNov14 IXB/10A2-4 IXB/10A2-4 1839, NNov ov 14 14 1839, IXB/10A5-8 IXB/10A5-8 [1839-1840] [1839-1840] IXB/10A9-B4 IXB/10A9-B4 1840, Jan Jan 19 1840, 19 IXB/10B5-6 IXB/10B5-6 1840, Mar 12 1840, Mar 12 IXB/10B7-10 IXB/10B7-10
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1840, Apr9 1840, Apr9 IXB/1OBI1-C2 IXB/10B11-C2 J. J. C. C. Cresson Cresson etal., s/Report: s/Report: 1840, May 14 1840, May 14 IXB/10C3-6 IXB/10C3-6 BFP, slReport: BFP, s/Report: 1840, Jul 19 1840, Jul 19 IXB/10C7-D2 IXB/10C7-D2 1840, Aug13 IXB/10D3-11 1840, Aug 13 IXB/10D3-11 1840, 1840, Sept Sept 99 IXB/10D12-14 IXB/10D12-14 1840, 1840, Sept Sept 99 1XB/10E1-5 IXBIIOEI-5 1840, 1840, Oct Oct11 IXB/10E6-F2 IXB/10E6-F2 1841, Feb IXB/10F3-6 1841, Feb 17 17 IXB/10F3-6 1841, Mar Mar11 IXB/10F7-12 1841, 11 IXB/10F7-12 1842,Jun9 IXB/10F13-G6 1842, Jun 9 IXB/10F13-G6 1842, Aug IXB/10G7-13 1842, Aug 11 11 IXB/10G7-13 1843, Jan12 IXB/11A2-B3 1843, Jan 12 IXB/11A2-B3 1843, Apr13 IXB/11B4-8 1843, Apr 13 IXB/11B4-8 1843, Sept 1843, Sept 44 IXB/11B9-12 IXB/11B9-12 1844, Jul Jul11 1844, 11 IXB/11B13-C1 IXB/11B13-C1 1844, Oct Oct 10 IXB/11C2-5 1844, 10 IXB/11C2-5 1845, IXB/11C6-7 1845, Jan Jan 99 IXB/11C6-7 1845 IXB/11C8-12 1845 IXB/11C8-12 1845, 1845, Sept Sept11 11 IXB/11D1-6 IXB/I1D1-6 1845, Dec11 1845, Dec 11 IXB/11D7-14 IXB/11D7-14 1845,Decl5 IXB/IIEI-7 1845, Dec 15 IXB/11E1-7 1846, Apr9 IXB/11E8-14 IXB/11E8-14 1846, Apr9 R. M. R. M. Patterson Patterson et al, s/Report: s/Report: 1846, Oct IXB/11F2-7 1846, Oct IXB/11F2-7 BFP, BFP, s/Report: s/Report: 1846, Dec Dec IXB/11GI-4 1846, IXB/11G1-4 1847, Nov 11 IXB/11F8-10 1847, Nov11 IXB/11F8-10 1866, May 23 IXB/12F3-6 1866, May23 IXB/12F3-6 BFP Journal: BFP to to Editor Editor of ofJournal: 1830, Oct Oct18 IXB/13C1-2 1830, 18 IXB/13C1-2 J.J. H. Schomaker & to: H. Schomaker & Co. Co. to: 1846, 1846, Nov12 Nov 12 IXB/1IFII-13 IXB/11F11-13 m: m: VIA/9G1-2; VIA/9G1-2; VIIIA/9B1-2, VIIIA/9B1-2, 10F13-14, 10G6-10, 10F13-14, 10G3-4, 10G3-4, 10G6-10, 11A9-11, 11A12-14, 11Al2-14, 11C5-7, 1105-7, 11A9-11, 11E5, 11E6-7, 12B7; 12B7; liES, 11E6-7, IXA/5A13-14, 9F7-8, IXA/5M314, 9F7-8, 14Db-h, 14D10-11,15B6-13, 15B6-13,18A14, 18A14, 18D12-13, 18D12-13, 19B9-C4, 19B9-C4, 19D5-20F3, 22C8-10; 22C8-10; XI XI 19D5-20F3, (Add.)/5 (Add.)/5 (p. (p. 85) 85) FRANKS, David David Salisbury Salisbury FRANKS, m: IIB/5 (p. 3) u: 11B15 (p.39), 39), 66 (p. (p. 3) FRANZONI, Giuseppe Giuseppe FRANZONI, m: VIA/1G1-33 m: VIA/1G1— FRASER, (Captain) FRASER, (Captain) Alexander Alexander s/Report: s/Report: 1845, Dec 15 IXB/11E1-7 1845, Dec15 IXB/IIEI-7 FRAZER, John John FRAZER, s/Report: s/Report: 1800, 1800, Sept Sept 19 19 IIA/23D7-8 IIA/23D7-8 m: IIA/16D6-8 m: IIA/16D6-8 FRAZER, John John Fries FRAZER, Fries to to TRP: TRP: VillA/I 1B8 1848,Jun Jun20 1848, 20 VIIIA/11B8 s/Report: s/Report: 1840, 1840, Jan Jan 19 19 IXB/10B5-6 IXB/10B5-6 1845 IXB/11C8-12 1845 IXB/11C8-12 1845, Dec Dec11 1845, 11 IXB/11D7-14 IXB/11D7-14 IXB/IIE1-7 1845, Dec Dec15 1845, 15 IXB/11E1-7 TRP TRP to: to: 1844, 15 VIIIA/9A6-9 1844, May May 15 VIIIA/9A6-9 VIIIA/9E12-Fi 1845, Ju] 23 VIIIA/9E12-F1 1845, Jul23 etal.,
et al,
1846, Oct Oct30 1846, 30 VIIIA/10C3-7 VIIIA/10C3-7 1846, DecS 1846, Dec5 VIIIA/1OC1I-12 VIIIA/10C11-12 A. W. W. Thompson to: A. Thompson to: 1846,] Dec [1846,] Dec 77 VIIIA/10D2-3 VfflA/10D2-3 Robley son to: Robley Dungli Dunglison to: 1846, Dec Dec77 1846, VIIIA/10D4-5 VIIIA/10D4-5 A. D. D. Bache Bache to: to: A. [1846,] Dec Dec 99 VIIIA/10D6-7 [1846,] VIIIAIIOD6-7 TRP to: to: TRP 1847, 1847, Jan Jan30 30 VIIIA/10E4-5 VIIIA/10E4-5 1848, Mar 22 VIIIA/10F13 -14 1848, Mar22 VIIIA/10F13-14 1848, Apr22 1848, Apr VIIIA/10G3-4 VIIIA/10G3-4 Solomon Roberts to: Solomon White White Roberts to: 1848, Apr Apr33 1848, VIIIA/10G5 VillA/lOGS TRP to: to: TRP 1848, 1848, Apr Apr 55 VIIIA/10G11 VIIIA/IOGII Joseph Joseph Reed Reed Ingersoll IngersoII to: to: 1848, Apr10 1848, Apr 10 VIIIA/11A2 V1IIA/11A2 Samuel Stehrnan Haldeman Haldeman to: Samuel Stehman to: 1848, Apr Apr25 VIIIA/11A5-8 1848, 25 VIIIA/11A5-8 TRP to: TRP to: 1848, May21 1848, May 21 VIIIA/11Al2-14 VIIIA/11A12—14 1848, Jun 2 VIIIA/11B1-2 1848,Jun2 VIIIA/IIBI-2 1848, Jun VIIIA/11B3 1848, Jun 77 V1JIA/11B3 1848, 10 VIIIA/11B4 1848, Jun Jun 10 V1IIA/11B4 1848, Jun Jun 14 1848, 14 VIIIA/11B5 VIIIA/11B5 1848, 25 VIIIA/11B9 1848,Jun Jun25 VIIIA/11B9 1848,Jun28 VIIIA/IIBII 1848, Jun 28 VIIIA/11B11 1848,Ju13 VIIIA/11B12 1848, Jul 3 VIIIA/11B12 1848, Aug Aug15 1848, 15 VIIIA/11C9-10 VIIIA/11C9-10 1849, May May 22 VIIIA/11D14-E1 1849, VII1A/11D14-E1 1849, 10 VIIIA/11E2-4 1849, May May 9, 9, 10 VIIIA/11E2-4 VillA/lIES 1849, Sept S5 VIIIA/11E5 1849, Sept 1851,Jan 1851, Jan 16 16 VIIIA/12B4 VIIIA/12B4 V1IIA/12B7 1851, Feb27 1851, Feb 27 VIIIA/12B7 1851, VIIIA/12C3-4 18S1,Mar Mar77 VIIIA/12C3-4 1851, Apr 12 VIIIA/12C6-7 1851, Apr12 VIIIAII2C6-7 Thomas Ewbank Ewbank to: to: Thomas 1851, Apr19 1851, Apr 19 VIIJA/12C12-13 VIIIA/12C12-13 TRP to: TRP to: 1851, Apr 19 VIIIA/12C14-D1 VIIIA/12C14-D1 1851, Apr19 VIIIA/12D2-3 1851, Apr 28 VIIIA/12D2-3 1851, Apr28 1852, Apr 13 VI1IA/12E11-13 VIIIA/12E11-13 1852, Apr13 1852, Apr 21 VIIIA/12F2-6 VIIIA/12F2-6 1852, Apr21 A. D. D . Bache Bache to: to: A. VIIIA/12F7-8 1852, Apr 24 VIIIA/12F7-8 1852, Apr24 1852, Apr 28 VIIIA/i2Fll-12 VIIIA/12F11-12 1852, Apr28 TRP to: TRP to: VIIIA/13C13 1854, Apr Apr16 1854, 16 VIIIA/13C13 m: VIIIA/5C1-3, 11A3-4, m: VIIIA/SCI-3, 10G6-10, 10G6-10, 11A3-4, 11C5-7, 11E6-7; I1CS-7, 11C11-14, IICII-14, 11E6-7; XIIA/A3E3 XIIA/A3-E3 FRAZER, John Fries Fries FRAZER, Mrs. Mrs.John m: VIIIA/9A6-9, VIIIA/9A6-9, 10E4-5, 14, m: 10E4-5, 10F1310F13-14, 11B3, 11B4, 10G3-4, 11Al2-14, 11A12-14, 11B3, 11B4, 10G3-4, 11B5 biBS FRAZER, Robert Robert FRAZER, to to CWP: CWP: 1805, Dec26 Dec26I1A/37C11-D6 IIA/37C11-D6 1805, FRAZIER, Frances Frances FRAZIER, to StGP: to StGP: 1770 1VA/1C3-E14 1770 IVAIIC3-E14 FRAZIER, Richard Richard FRAZIER, to to StGP: StGP: 1770 IVA/1C3-E14 1770 1VA/iC3-E14
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The Peale The Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers
FREDERICK FREDERICK IIII (King (King ofof Prussia) Prussia) m: IIA/10E7-8, 10E9-10, 10E9-10, 10F4-7 m: IIA/10E7-8, 10F4-7 FRENCH, (Mrs.) FRENCH, (Mrs.)
CWP to: CWPto: IIA/5B7-1O 1775, Feb28 1775, Feb 28 IIA/5B7-10 FRENCH, (Captain) FRENCH, (Captain) William William m: IIB/14 (p. 12); IIC (p. m: IIB/14 (p. 12); IIC (p. 232) 232) FRENEAU, FRENEAU, Peter Peter CWP CWP to: to: [1796,]Jun IIA/20E4-5 [1796,]Jun IIA/20E4-5 m: IIA/20D9-10, IIA/20D9-10, 20E6-9 20E6-9 m: FRICK, Peter. Peter. See See Peale’s FRICK, Pea'e's Museum, Museum, Baltimore. Baltimore. FRIDGE, Alex. See See Peale’s Museum, FRIDGE, Alex. Peale's Museum, Baltimore. Court Baltimore. Court Case. Case. FULLER, FULLER, Benjamin Benjamin CWP CWP to: to: IIA/7B1-2 1779, Mar31 1779, Mar31 IIA/7B1-2 FULTON, FULTON, Harriet Harriet Livingston Livingston (Mrs. (Mrs. Robert) Robert) to RuP: RuP: to 1815, 1815, May May99 VIIA/2G9-10 VIIA/2G9-10 FULTON, Robert Robert FULTON, to CWP: to CWP: 1807, IIA/41F13-G2 1807, Nov Nov 44 IIA/41F13-G2 1807, 18 IIA/42A2-4 1807, Nov Nov 18 IIA/42A2-4 IIA/44F11 1808, IIA/44F11 1808, Nov Nov 55 1811, 27 IIA/50D14 IIA/50D14 1811, Aug Aug27 CWP to: CWP to: 1807, 10 IIA/41G8-12 1807, Nov Nov 10 IIA/41G8-12 1807, Nov Nov 15 1807, 15 IIA/41G13 IIA/41G13 1808, Feb20 IIA/42D10 1808, Feb 20 IIA/42D10 1808, Mar29 1808, Mar 29 IIA/42F12-13 IIA/42F12-13 1808, Apr20 IIA/43A4-5 1808, Apr 20 IIA/43A4-5 1808, IIA/43B10-11 1808, Jun Jun 11 IIA/43B10-11 1808, 16 IIA/43C3-4 1808, Jun Jun 16 IIA/43C3-4 1808, Jul 33 IIA/43E7-8 3, Jul IIA/43E7-8 1808, Ju 15 IIA/43F8-9 8, Jul 15 IIA/43F8-9 1808, HA/44A2-5 3, Sept Sept11 IIA/44A2-5 1808, Sept 24 IIA/44C9-10 1808, Sept24 HA/44C910 1808, Oct88 IIA/44D11-14 1808, Oct IIA/44D11-14 1808, Nov IIA/44F6-7 1808, Nov 22 IIA/44F6-7 1809, Sept25 IIA/47E13-14 1809, Sept 25 IIA/47E13-14 1809, Oct 11 IIA/47F12-G1 1809, Oct IIA/47F12-G1 m: IIAI40E13-F1;40F8-14, m: IIA/40E13-FI, 40F8-14, 41C13-14, 41E13-F12, 41E13-F12, 41C13-14, 42A11-12, 42A11-12, 42D7, 42D7, 42E5-9, 42E5-9, 42F1-4, 42F1-4, 43D12-14, 43D12-14, 43E9-13, 43E9-13, 46F1-6, 46F1-6, 47F1-7, 47F1-7, 56B5-8, 56B5-8, 56B9-10, 56B9-10, 56G1-2; 56G1-2;IIB/22 IIB/22(p. (p. 2); 2); IID/29 IID/29 (p. (p. 46); 46); IIE/4A1-5G7; IIE/4A1-5G7; VIA/1OE11-14, 11F6-7; 11F6-7; VIA/10E11-14, VIB/19F11-20B14; VIIA/2G9-10; VIIA/2G9-10; VIB/19F11-20B14; XIAi'17C6 XIA/17C6 FURMAN, (Alderman) FURMAN, (Alderman) in: m: IIB/15 IIB/15 (p. (p. 37), 37), 22 22 (p. (p. 70) 70) FURMAN, Gabriel FURMAN, Gabriel CWP to: CWPto: 1799, Sept16 1799, Sept 16 HA/22F10-11 IIA/22F10-11 m: m: IIC IIC (p. (p. 273) 273) FURNESS, FURNESS, William William H. H. to BFP: toBFP: 1860, MarS 1860, Mar 5 IXA/16Al2-13 IXA/16A12-13 'ni: VIAI6G8-13, 7A7-9, 7A10-13, m: VIA/6G8-13,7A7-9,7A10-13, 7B3-.4, 7G2-3, 7G4-5 7B3-4,7G 2-3, 7G4-5
FURNISS, T H. FURNISS, T. H. R. R. M. M. Patterson Patterson to: to: 1838, 1838, Mar15 Mar FURST, Moritz FURST, Moritz
15EXAI7CII-12 [XA/7C11-12
to ReP: to ReP: VIA/2D14-E4 [1811] [1811] VIA/2D14-E4 FUSELI, FUSELI, Henry. Henry.Lectures Lectures on on Patntin Painting m: m: VIIA/11A12-B1 VIIA/11Al2-B1 FUSSELL, FUSSELL, (Mr.) (Mr.) m: m: IIA/62C8-9, IIA/62C8-9, 62D3, 62D3, 62D4-5 62D4-5
G GADSDEN, Christopher Christopher GADSDEN,
m: XIA/17C12 m: IIA/13C1 IIA/13C1 -4; -4; XIA/17C12 GAGE, GAGE, Thomas Thomas m: IIA/5C5-10 IIA/5C5-10 m: [GAGNE] (M.) [GAGNE] GAYNE, GAYNE, (M.) CWP to: CWP to: 1806, Jan 22 IIA/37E10 1806, Jan22 IIA/37E10
1806, IIA/37G6 1806, Feb Feb 88 IIA/37G6 1806, Apr 26 IIA/38E9 1806, Apr26 IIA/38E9 1806, Jun 18 1806, Jun 18 IIA/38F12 IIA/38F12 1806, Dec Dec33 1806, IIA/39E13 1IA/39E13 m: IIA/37G1 IIA/37G1 m: GAINES, (Major-General) Edmond Edmond P. P. GAINES, (Major-General) m: XIAI17C7 XIA/17C7 m: GAINSBOROUGH, Thomas Thomas GAINSBOROUGH, m: VIA/1 E6 m: VIA/1E6 GALBRAITH, Margaret GALBRAITH, Margaret CWP to: CWP to: 1791, May22 1791, May 22 IIA/16E10-11 IIA/16E10-11 m: IIA/17A2— IIA/17A2-4; IIB/9 (pp. (pp. 12, m: 4; IIB/9 12, 76, 76, 79-80), 10 79-80), 10 (pp. (pp. 9,34); 9,34); IIC IIC (p. (p. 148) 148) GALE.L. D. GALE, L. D. To TRP: ToTRP: 1851, Nov 77 VIIIA/12D9-10 1851, Nov VIIIA/12D9-10 m: VHIA/11C2,12C8-11, 12C8-11, 12G5-13, m: VIIIA/11C2, 12G5-13, 13A2-12, 13A13-B1 13A2-12, 13A13-B1 GALES, GALES, Edward Edward D. D. to Caroline E. G. Pea'e: Peale: to Caroline E. G. 1875, IXA/21F6-9 1875, Jun Jun 99 IXA/21F6-9 GALES, GALES, (Mr.)J. (Mr.) J. ReP: ReP: 1852, 1852,Jun Jun 12 12 VIA/11B3-5 VIA/11B3-5 m: m: VIB/19F11-20B14 VIB/19F11-20B14 GALL, GALL, FranzJoseph Franz Joseph m: 50); VIA m: IID/30 IID/30 (p. (p. 50); VIA (Add.)/1B8(Add.)/1B8-11; 11; XIA/17C8 XIA/17C8 GALLAHER, GALLAHER, R. R. H. H. to to Dr. Dr. R. R. Patterson: Patterson: 1848, Feb Feb28 1848, 28 IXA/10B6-7 IXA/10B6-7 m: IXA/10B2-3 IXA/10B2-3 m: GALLATIN, GALLATIN, (Dr.) (Dr.) m: IIB/18 IIB/18 (pp. (pp. 33, 33, 46); m: 46); IIC IIC
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(pp. (pp. 298-307) 298-307) GALLATIN, GALLATIN, Albert Albert CWP to: to: CWP 1792, 1792, Mar Mar IIA/17B13 11A117B13 m: m: IIA/31D7-8, IIA/31D7-8, 31D9-10, 31D9-10, 31E13, 31E13, 31E14-F1, 32E1 1, 32E12-13, 32E12-13, 31E14-F1,32E11,
32F11-13, 32G2-4, 32G8-11, 32G8-11, 32F11-13,32G2-4, 33B5-8, 33B5-8, 41F13-G2, 41F13-G2, 43C3-4, 43C3-4, 47C13-14; 47C13-14; IIB/19 IIB/19 (pp. (pp.79,80, 79,80,105); 105); IIC hG (p.353); (p. 353); IID/29 IID/29 (p. (p. 44); 44); XIA117C7 XIA/17C7 GALLAWAY, James GALLAWAY, James m: m: IID/30 IID/30 (p. (p. 55); 55);XIA/2C10-E1 XIA/2C10-E1 GALLOWAY, GALLOWAY, (Mr.) (Mr.) m: IIB/6 IIB/6 ([m] 8), 77 (p. (p. 1), 1), 11 11 (p. (p. 38) 38) m: ([ml p. p.8), GALLOWAY, Benjamin GALLOWAY, Benjamin to John Galloway: tojohn Galloway: 1773, Mar Mar88 1773, IIA/2F1-2 IIA/2F1-2 GALLOWAY, GALLOWAY,Grace Grace (Mrs. (Mrs. Joseph) Joseph) m: hG (pp. (pp. 66-67) 66-67) m: IIC GALLOWAY, John GALLOWAY, John Benjamin Galloway Galloway to: to: Benjamin 1773, IIA/2F1-2 1773, Mar Mar88 IIA/2F1-2 GALLOWAY, Joseph GALLOWAY, Joseph m: ILAI1FS-8, IIA/1F5-8,1G2-7, 6B9-C4;11B12 IIB/2 m: 1G2-7, 6B9-C4; (p. 38) (p.38) GARDETTE, E. E. B. B. GARDETTE, m: VIA/12A14-B3; m: VIA/12A14-B3; VIB/19F11-20B14; XI(Add.)/6 VIB/19F11-20B14; X1(Add.)/6 (pp. 139, 139, 150) 150) (pp. GARDETTE, GARDETTE, John John m: 3, 78) 78) m: IIB/9 IIB/9 (pp. (pp.3, GARDINER, David David GARDINER, m: IIA/58C12-E1, IIA/58C12-E1, 58E2-9, 58E2-9, 58F2-4 58F2-4 m: GARDNER, (Mr.) (Mr.) GARDNER, m: IIA/4B4-9; IIA/4B4-9; IIB/9 IIB/9 (p. 74), 11 11 (p. (p. 5)5) m: (p. 74), GARDOQUI, Diego de de GARDOQUI, Diego m: IID/29 IID/29 (p. (p. 25); 25); XIA/17C6 XIA/17C6 ,n: GARESCHI, F. P.P. GARESCHI, F. s/Application The PAFA: PAFA: s/Application for for Charter: Charter: The 1805, Dec Dec26 IIA/37C11-D6 1805, 26 IIA/37C11-D6 GARNETT, George George GARNETT, CPto: CP to: 1745,Jan3O 111E3-4 1745, Jan 30 I/1E3-4 1745, 10 I/1E7 1745, Mar M arlO I/1E7 m: I/2A3-4 m: 112A3-4 GARRETSON, Job Job GARRETSON, StGP StGP to: to: 1797, IVA/1F9 1797, Feb Feb IVA/1F9 GARRIGUES,James GARRIGUES, James A. A. CWP to: to: CWP 1816, Sept Sept 16 16 IIA/58B10 1816, IIA/58B10 ,n: m: IIA/56C3-5, IIA/56C3-5, 58F9, 58F9, 58F10-11, 58F10-11, 60B4-5; 60B4-5; XI(Add.)16 XI(Add.)/6 (p. (p. 140) 140) GARVIN, (Mrs.) GARVIN, (Mrs.) ,n: IIB/5 m: IIB/5 (p. (p. 48) 48) GAS Illumination Illumination GAS m: IIB/22 IIB/22 (pp. 46, 47), 47), 23 23 (p. (p. 2); 2); IIC IIC m: (pp. 46, (p. 403) (p. 403) GAS of Baltimore. Baltimore. See See GAS Light Light Company Company of Baltimore, of. Baltimore, Gas Gas Light Light Company Company of. GASGIL GASGIL m: Battle between between Bonhomme ,n: Battle Bonhonime Richard Richard and 53); and Serapis: Serapis: IID/30 IID/30 (p. (p. 53); XIAI17D3 XIA/17D3 The blowing blowing up up ofof the the British British Frigate Frigate The
Augusta Augusta . .... . IID/30 IID/30 (p. (p. 54); 54);
XIA/17D2 XIA/17D2 GATES, (General) (General) Horatio Horatio GATES, m: IIA/5G-1; 11B113 IIB/13 (p. m: HA!SG-1; (p. 7); 7); IIC/ IICI (p. 187);IID/29 187); IID/29 (pp. (pp. 12-13); 12-13); (p. XIAI2CIO-E1, 17C3 XIA/2C10-E1,17C3 GAY-LUSSAC, Joseph GAY-LUSSAC, Joseph Louis Louis m: IID/30 IID/30 (p. (Add.) m: (p. 51); 51); VIA VIA (Add.) /1D8-11; XIAJ17D2 XIA/17D2 /1D8-11; GAZZAM, William GAZZAM, William CPP: deed to: to: CPP: deed 1796, Jun Jun 17 1796, 17 IVB/1B10-13 IVB/1B1O-13 GEBHARD, Frederick & & Co. Co. GEBHARD, Frederick totoTRP: TRP: 1836, 26 1836, Aug Aug26 XIA (Add.)/9D9-10 XIA (Add.)/9D9-10 GELEY, GELEY, Peter Peter m: 11A134E8, 34F1-.5,35G7-12 35G7-12 m: IIA/34E8, 34F1-5, GELSTON, David David GELSTON, m: IIB/13 IIB/13(pp. (pp. 7,8) 7,8) m: GELSTON, Phoebe Phoebe (Mrs. (Mrs. David) David) and and GELSTON, daughter daughter m: 8) m: IIB/13 IIB/13(pp. (pp. 7, 7,8) G E N ERAofofNorth NorthAmerican American Birds, Birds, and and GENERA Syrnpsis found within Synopsisofofthe the species speciesfound within the the territory of territory of the theUnited UnitedStates, States, by by Charles Charles Lucien Lucien Bonaparte Bonaparte mj rn: VIIIA/25B7-E2 VIIIA/25B7-E2 GENET, GENET, Edward Edward Charles Charles to CWP: CWP: to 1793, Jun Jun 11 IIA/17G2-3 1793, IIA/17G2-3 CWP to: CWP to: 1793 IIA/18B9 IIA/18B9 1793 GGENTLEMAN'S E N T L E M A N ’Sand andConnoisseur's Connoisseur's Dictionary Dictionary of ofPainters, Painters,The, The, by by Reverend Reverend Matthew Pilkington. Pilkington. See See IIE/1A2-B9 Matthew IIE/1A2-B9 GEOFFROY SAINT-HILAIRE, Etienne Etienne GEOFFROY SAINT-HILAIRE, and Jean-Baptiste Lamarck Lamarck andJean-Baptiste to CWP: CWP: to 1796, Jun 30 hA IIA (Add.)/3D6-8 (Add.)/3D6-8 1796,Jun3O CWP to: CWP to: 1797, Mar 17 IIA/21B13-14 1797, Mar 17 IIA/21B13-14 1797, Apr 30 IIA/21C3-8 1797, Apr30 IIA/21C3-8 1797,Jun IIA/21 El 1—13 1797, Jun 11 IIA/21E11-13 1797, Aug Aug 18 18 IIA/21F12—13 1797, IIA/21F12-13 1802 IIA/26B9-13 1802 11A126B9-13 1804, Jun 28 IIA/31C5 IIA/31C5 1804, Jun28 1807,Jun8 IIA/41A10-11 1807, Jun 8 IIA/41A10—11 1808, Apr 21 IIA/43A10-B2 1808, Apr21 IIA/43A10-B2 m: IIA/21Al2, IIA/21A12, 21E1 -2 , 22B6-7, 22B6-7, ,n: 21E1-2, 22E3-7, 26C9-10, 22E3-7, 26C1-4, 26C1-4, 26C9-10, 26C11, 26D13-E3; 26D13-E3; IID/30(p. 26C11, IID/30(p. 51); 51); VIA/2A14-B1; VIA/2A14-B1; VIIIA/2F3-6; VIIIA/2F3-6; XIA/17C14 XIA/17C14 GEOLOGICAL Society of of London GEOLOGICAL Society London m: IXA/2C11-14; IXA/2C11-14; XIA/12A6-8; XIA/12A6-8; XI(Add.)/5 67) Xh(Add.)/5 (p. (p. 67) GEORGE, (Mr.) (Mr.) GEORGE, CWP to: to: CWP 1787, 22 IIA/15A9 1787, Feb Feb22 IIA/15A9 GEORGE 111(1738-1820), III (1738-1820), King King of of Great Great GEORGE Britain Britain m: 3-6; ni: IIA/2F9-G1, IIA/2F9-G1, 5D 5D3-6; VIII A/3 A 7-B4 VhhhA/3A7-B4 equestrian statue equestrian statue of of destroyed destroyed IIB/12 (p. (p. 11) 11) IIB/12 11:
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GEORGETOWN GEORGETOW N College College m: VIIIC/4G1-7 m: VIIIC/4G1-7 GERARD, Conrad GfeRARD, Conrad Alexandre Alexandre
CWP to: CWP to: 1779, Sept 18 18 IIA/9A8-10 HAI9AS-1O 1779, Sept m: IIA/9B8-12, 9E3-10, m: 11A19B8-12,9B13-14, 9B13-14,9E3-1O, 10C1-3; IOCI -3; (Add.)/3B13-C3; (Add.)/3B13-C3; XIA/17C10 XIA/17C10 GERARD, Francois GERARD, Francois (Baron) (Baron) m: IIA/44C11-14, IIA/44C11-14, 62E1-3 62E1-3 GHISELIN, R. R. GHISELIN, m: m: IIA/1C9-13, IIA/1C9-13, 1C14-D2, 1C14-D2, 3E5-4B3; 3E5-4B3; IVAIIFI-8 IVA/1F1-8 GIBBES, William William GIBBES, m: I/1F5, 111F5,2A8-9, 2A8-9,2F3-6 2F3-6 m: GIBBINS, GIBBINS, (Dr.) (Dr.) CWP to: CWPto: 1813, Nov Nov 18 1813, 18 IIA/52F2-3 IIA/52F2-3 1814, Apr Apr 12 12 IIA/53B12-13 1814, IIA/53B12-13 GIBBON, GIBBON, (Dr.) (Dr.) m: FI; IXA/6D6-9, m: VIIIA/9E12— VIIIAI9E12-F1; IXA/6D6-9, 6F5-8 6F5-8 GIBBON, GIBBON, Edward Edward m: m: IIAI52E3-6 IIA/S2E3-6 GIBBS, Caleb Caleb GIBBS, m: 39) m: IIB/5 IIB/5 (p. (p. 39) GIBBS, George GIBBS, George m: IIB/5 (p. (p. 32) 32) m: IIA/27C12, IIA/27C12, 59C1-3; 59C1-3; IIB/5 GIBSON, GIBSON, (Mr.) (Mr.) CWP to: CWP to: 1803, Apr 11 1IA/27D7 1803, Apr IIA/27D7 m: 11A147E7-12 IIA/47E7-12 m: GIBSON, (Mrs.) GIBSON, (Mrs.) CWPto: CWP to: 1822,Jan Jan26 1822, 26 IIA/66F10 IIA/66F10 GIBSON, Charles Charles GIBSON, to Charles P. P. Hayes: to Charles Hayes: 1885, Mar13 1885, Mar 13 VIIIA/17C6 VILIAII7C6 m: IXA/21F11-22A4 IXA/21F11-22A4 m: GIBSON, Bordley (Mrs.James) GIBSON, Elizabeth Elizabeth Bordley (Mrs. James) Thomas Bordley Bordley Ross: toto Thomas Ross: 1828, AprApr 9 9 IIA(Add.)/4C4-6 1828, IIA(Add.)/4C4-6 CWP to: CWP to: 1805, May May20 IIA/34E2 1805, 20 IIA/34E2 m: IIA/5E4-5, 16C10-D1, m: IIA/5E4-5, 12B8-9, 12B8-9, 16C10-D1, 16F6-7, 17D4, 17D4,20B4-5, 20B4-5, 22E3-7, 22E3-7, 16F6-7, 32C13-14, 43F1-5, 32C13-14, 43C5-9, 43C5-9, 43F1-5, 44A6-12,44B1-C2, 48A2-7, 44A6-12, 44B1-C2, 48A2-7, 67A4-/5, 68G1-3, 67A4-!5, 68G1-3,68G10-11, 68Gb-h, 69C7-8, 69C7-8, 71D3-8; 71D3-8; tIC IIC(p. (p. 29) 29) GIBSON, James GIBSON, James rn: IIA/37C11-D6, 44F8-10, 44F8-10, m: IIA/37C11-D6, 68G1-3, 68G10-11; 68G10-11;JIC IIC(p. (p.452); 452); 68G1-3, VIA/2E6-7; V1A/2E6-7; VIIAJ2A4-5 VUA/2A4-5 GIBSON, GIBSON, Samuel Samuel m: 66G11 -12, m: 11A166G8-1O, IIA/66G8-10, 66G11-12, 68G1-3, 68G10-11 68Gb-h 68G1-3, GIBSON GIBSON and and Jefferson Jefferson nt: UA26FU-2, 22G8-l1 m: IIA/26FU-12, 6 G 8 -U30G8, , 30G8, 47B10-13, 47C3-6 47B10-13,47C3-6 GILBERT, GILBERT, (Mr.) (Mr.) CWP to: CWP to: 1810, Feb. Feb. 20 1810, 20 IIA/48G8 IJA/48G8 GILBERT, GILBERT, Reuben Reuben S.S. m: (p. 96) 96) m: XI(Add.)/6 XI(Add.)/6 (p. GILDSTON, GILDSTON, (Mr. (Mr. and and Mrs.), Mrs.), and and In:
daughter daughter m: IIC IIC (p. (p. 187) 187) m: GILES, (Mr.) (Mr.) GILES, m: 6-8, 8B6-9, m: XC/7E6-9, XC/7E6-9, 8A 8A6-8, 8B6-9, 8E5-8, 8F7-10, 8F7-10, 9C9-12, 9C9-12, 8E5-8, 1007-10, IOCII-14, IODI-3, 10C7-10, 10C11-14, 10D1-3, 10D9-12 10D9- 12 GILKIN,, Jos. GILKIN Jos. to to Benjamin Benjamin Rumsey: Rumsey: 1776, Feb24 IVA/IFIO-Il 1776, Feb24 IVA/1F10-11 GILLIAMS,J. GILLIAMS, J. s/Report: s/Report: 1824, Nov 30 VIIIA/1G3-4 VIIIA/1G3-4 1824, Nov30 to to Samuel Samuel H. H. Southard: Southard: 1829, VI1IA/2E11-14 VIIIA/2E11-14 1829, Jan Jan 55 m: VIIA/3B2-5; m: 11A169F13-G3; IIA/69F13-G3; VIIA/3B2-5; VIIIA/2B10-C2 VIIIA/2B10-C2 GILLINGHAM, (Mr.) GILLINGHAM, (Mr.) m: IIB/2 IIB/2 (p. (p. 32), 32), 22 (p. (p. 46) 46) m: GILLISS, (Mrs. Ezekiel) Ezekiel) GILLISS, Mary Mary (Mrs. m: m: IIB/2 IIB/2(p. (p. 3-4) 3-4) GILMOR, Robert, GILMOR, Robert, Sr. Sr. CWP CWP to: to: IIA/16A13 1788, 10 IIA/16A13 1788, Jan Jan 10 m: IIC (p. (p. 146b); VIA/3D14- E3 m: IIC 146b); VIA/3D14E3 GILMOR, Robert, Jr. Jr. See See also also Peale's Peale’s GILMOR, Robert, Museum, Baltimore. Baltimore. Court Court Case. Museum, Case. CWP CWP to: to: 1805, IIA/36C3-5 1805, Oct Oct66 IIA/36C3-5 ReP to: to: ReP VIA/3D14-E3 1822,Jan 1822, Jan 55 VIA/3D14-E3 RuP RuP to: to: 1834, Sept Sept 88 VIIA/8E1-2 VIIA/8E1-2 1834, m: m: 1IA/68E7-8, IIA/68E7-8, 68E9-11; 68E9-11; VIIA/6Al2-13, 8D 8D3-9 VIIA/6A12-13, 3-9 GILMORE, GILMORE, Robert, Robert, & & Co. Co. m: (p. 1)1) m: IIB/11 JIB/Il (p. GILMORE, GILMORE, John John m: XIA/6F5-G13, XIA/6F5-G13, 7A6-B11; 7A6-B11; XI m: XI (Add.)/5 (p. 4)4) (Add.)/5 (p. GILMORE, GILMORE, William William to to RuP: RuP: 1822, Dec12 Dec 12VIIA/4C14-D1 VIIA/4C14-D1 1822, GILPIN, GILPIN, Henry Henry D. D. m: 15F9-10, m: IXA/14F1-2, IXA/14F1-2, 15C3-4, 15C3-4, 15F9-10, 15G5-7 15G5-7 GILPIN, GILPIN, Thomas Thomas CWP CWP to: to: 11A164A9-11 1820, Apr Apr 22 IIA/64A9-11 1820, m: 43C10-13, m: IIA/28E13, IIA/28E13, 43C10-13, 43C14-D1, 44G11; 44G11; IXA/1A8-G7 IXA/1A8-G7 43C14-D1, GIORGIONE GIORGIONE m: VIB/13D12-E2 m: VIB/13D12-E2 GIRARD, Caroline E. E. See Peale, Caroline Caroline GIRARD, Caroline See Peale, E. G. E.G. GIRARD, Stephen GIRARD, Stephen to to Paul Paul Bentalou: Bentalou: 1794, 12 IIA/19C1-2 1794, Sept Sept12 IIA/19C1-2 1794, Sept Sept15 5 IIA/19C3-4 1794, IIA/19C3-4 1794, IIA/19C5-6 1794, Sept Sept 17 17 IIA/19C5-6 IIA/19C7-8 1794, Sept 24 IIA/19C7-8 1794, Sept24 to to Paul Paul Duret Duret etet Cie: Cie: 1809, Aug20 Aug20 VIA/2B13-14 VIA/2B13-14 1809, Paul Bentalou Paul Ben talou to: to: IIA/19B6-14 1794, Sept Sept 99 I1A/19B6-14 1794, IIA/19D2-7 1794, Oct Oct 14 14 IIA/19D2-7 1794,
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CWP to: to: CWP 1816, Jul 16 1816, Jul 16 IIA/57E9-10 IIA/57E9-10 1816,Ju126 1816, Jul 26 IIA/57E13-14 IIA/57E13-14 J.J. H. H. Roberjot Roberjot to: to: n.d. n.d. IXA/22B9-11 IXA/22B9-11 Caesar Caesar A. A. Rodney Rodney to: to: 1818, Jul Jul29 1818, 29 XIA/5G6-8 XIA/5G6-8 m: IIA/68E1-3; VIIA/8D11-12; VIIA/8D11-12; m: IIA/68E1-3; IXA/7F6, 12A10, 12A10,21F11-22A4 21F11-22A4 IXA/7F6, GIRARD Bank GIRARD Bank m: (Add.)/7 (p. (p. 258) 258) m: XI XI (Add.)/7 GIRARD College GIRARD College m: VIA/10F1-2; VIA/IOFI-2; IXA/9C2-3 IXA/9C2-3 m: GIST, GIST, Mordecai Mordecai Accounts: Accounts: 1776 11111A5-6 1776 III/1A5-6 m. m: IIB/9 IIB/9 (p. (p. 63); 63); VIIIA/16E4-7 VIIIA/16E4-7 GITTINGS, GITTINGS, (Mr. (Mr. and and Mrs.) Mrs.) James James m: IIA/16E2; IIA/16E2;IIB/11 m: IIB/11 (pp. (pp. 9,9, 19), 19), 12 12 (pp. 16-19); 166 -68) (pp. 16-19); IIC IIC (pp. (pp. 166-68) GITTINGS, Richard GITTINGS, Richard CWP to: CWPto: 1791, May 22 IIA/16E12 1791, May22 IIA/16E12 m: 12 m: IIB/9 IIB/9(pp. (pp. 12, 12,61-64), 61-64), 12 (pp. 16-19) (pp. 16-19) GLASCOW, GLA SCOW, James James m: XC/4B3-4, 1-4, m: XC/4B3-4, 4B5-8, 4B5-8, 4D 4D1-4, 4D9-12, 4F2-5, 4F2-5, 5D10-13 5D10-13 4D9-12, GLENTW ORTH, Plunket Plunket Fleeson Fleeson GLENT WORTH, s/Application Charter: The ThePAFA: PAFA: s/Application for for Charter: 1805, IIA/37C11-D6 1805, Dec26 Dec 26IIA/37C11-D6 m: VIA/2D5-6, m: VIA/2D5-6, 2E5, 2E5, 2E6-7; 2E6-7; VIIA/2A4-5 VIIA/2A4-5 GOBRECHT, C. C. GOBRECHT, s/Memorial. . . . to the PAFA: PAFA: s/Memorial. to the 1828, 17 III/3F8-G12 1828, Mar Mar 17 III/3F8-G12 m: IXA/5E11-14, IXA/5E11-14, 5F4-7, 5F4-7, 6B3-6, 6B3-6, m: 6B11-13, 6B11-13, 6F1-4 6F1-4 GODDARD, GODDARD, Paul Paul B. B. m: XIA/11C-12A5; XIA/IIC-12A5; XI(Add.)/6 m: XI(Add.)/6 (p. 108) 108) (p. GODEFROY, Maximilian GODEFROY, Maximilian s/Resolutions s/Resolutions Appointing Appointing Pennsylvania Academicians: Pennsylvania Academicians: IIA/51C6-11 1812, 13 IIA/51C6—11 1812, Mar Mar13 m: IIA/51C1-4, 58A2-5; m: IIA/51C1— 4, 58A2-5; IIE/7C8-D4 IIE/7C8-D4 GODM AN, Angelica Angelica Peale Peale GODMAN, (Mrs. D.) (Mrs. John John D.) toto CLP: CLP: c. 1815 1815 XD/1C1-3 c. XD/1C1-3 St. Joseph’s to: St. Joseph's Church Church to: 1800, Dec66 1800, Dec VIA/1 A13-14 VIA/1A13-14 ReP to: to: ReP 1817, Aug Aug 10, 10, 11 11 VIA/3A10-13 1817, VIA/3A10-13 1817, Aug 14 VIA/3A14-B3 1817, Aug14 VIA/3A14-B3 m: IIA/66E13-14, IIA/66E13-14,68F8, 68F8, 68Gb-h, m: 68G10-11, 69C10-12; III/4G1— lII/4G1-4, 69C10-12; 4, 5A2-11; 5A2-11; VIA/2A2-5, 3C4-5; VIA/2A2-5, 3C 4-5;VIIA/6F14, VIIA/6F14, 1OE1O-12, IOFII-14; 10E10-12, 10F11 —14; VIIIA/1B9-11, 1C9-11, 1C9-11, VIIIA/1B9-11, 1D14-E1, 1D14-E1, 7F7-10; 7F7-10; XC/1D13-E1, XC/1D13-E1, 4C7-14, 4C7-14, 4F10-13, 4F10-13, 8G9-12, 9A 6-9 8G9-12, 9A6-9 GODM AN, (Dr.)John (Dr.) John Davidson Davidson GODMAN, “Ode Suggested by ReP’s National "Ode Suggested by ReP's National
Portrait Portrait of of Washington" Washington”: 1824 1824 VIB/2G5-13 VIB/2G5-13 toBFP: to BFP: 1821, Nov 12 1821, Nov12 IXA/2A2-5 IXA/2A2-5 to to Reuben Reuben Haines: Haines: 1828, 1828, Nov Nov 18 18 VIIA/7A13-B2 VIIA/7A13-B2 s/Report: s/Report: 1825,Jun 28 1825, Jun28 VIIIA/2A2-3 VIIIA/2A2-3 s/Report: s/Report: 1825, 1825, Aug Aug 99 VIIIA/2A6-7 VIIIA/2A6-7 CWP to: CWP to: 1821, 1821, Dec Dec22 IIA/66E13-14 IIA/66E13-14 1827,Jan 1827, Jan 55 IIA/72F13 IIA/72F13 1827, Feb13 1827, Feb 13 IIA/73A9-11 IIA/73A9-11 Philadelphia Museum Museum to: Philadelphia to: 1821, Mar23 1821, Mar 23 XIA/7C4 XIA/7C4 m: IIA/66A2-8, IIA/66A2-8,66B5-7, 66B5-7, 67B1-3, 67B1-3, m: 67G3, 67G3,67G4-6, 67G4-6, 67G7-8, 67G7-8, 68A12-14, 68B11-13, 68B11-13, 68C4-6, 68C4-6, 68Al2-14, 68D3-4, 68D7-8, 68D7-8, 68D12-13, 68D12-13, 68D3-4, 68F8, 68G4, 68F8, 68G4,68G10-11, 68G10-11, 69A2-4, 69A2-4, 69B4-5, 69B4-5, 69B13-C1, 69B13-C1, 70A6-9, 70A6-9, 70D5-6, 70D10-11, 71A3-4, 70D5-6, 70Db-h, 71A3-4, 71G10-12, 72C8-9, 72C8-9, 72C10-11, 71G10-12, 72C10-11, 72D3-4, 72D3-4,72E13, 72E13,72E14; 72E14;IIB/25 IIB/25 (pp. 2, 4); III/4G1-4, III/4G1 —4, 5A2-11; 5A2-11; (pp.2,4); VIA/3D4-7, 3D12-13, 3E7-9, VIA/3D4-7, 3D12-13, 3E7-9, 4G9-12, 5A14-B3, 5A14-B3, 5B4-7, 4G9-12, 5B4-7, 6C1 -4, 6C1 -4, 6D1 6D1-4 -4,, 6D5-8; 6D5-8; VIIA/3B8-11, 4B14-C3, 4C8-9, 4C8-9, VIIA/3B8-11, 4B14-C3, 5B5, 7B5, 5B5, 6E9, 6E9, 6E12-F1, 6E12-F1, 7B5, 7B13-C1, 7G11; 7B13-C1, 7G11; VIIIA/1B9-11, VIIIA/1B9-11, 1C12-13, 1C14-D2, 1D14-E1, 1C12-13, 1C14-D2, 1D14-E1, 1G13, 2E6-7, 2F11-13, 1G13, 2E6-7, 2F11-13, 11B13-C1, 15G11-13; 15G11-13; 11B13-C1, XC/11G2-3;XD/1C11-12; XD/ICII-12; XC/11G2-3; XIA/7A6-B11, - 1 4 ,17C13, 17C13, XIA/7A6-B11, 7C1 7C1-14, D2, (Add.)/5 (p. (p. 5)5) D2, (Add.)/5 G OD ON ,Silvain Silvain GODON, m: m: IIA/45F7-G12, IIA/45F7-G12,46C7-10, 46C7-10, 46C11-12, 46F11-12, 46C11-12, 46F9-10, 46F9-10, 46F11-12, 48A8-B10, 48C1-2, 48C3-7, 48A8-B1O, 48C1-2, 48C3-7, 48E1-12; (Add.)/1Al2-B1 48E1-12; VIA VIA (Add.)/1A12-Bl GOLDEN, (Mr.) GOLDEN, (Mr.) m; IIB/18 IIB/18 (p. 21); IIC IIC (p. (p. 290) 290) m: (p. 21); GOLDSBOROUGH, Charles GOLDSBOROUGH, Charles m: IIB/11 IIB/11 (p. (p. 52) 52) m: GOLDSBOROUGH, Mary Ann Ann Turbutt GOLDSBOROUGH, Mary Turbutt (Molly) (Molly) m. (p. 55) 55) m: IB/ll lB/li (p. GOLDSBOROUGH, Mary Turbutt GOLDSBOROUGH, Mary Ann Ann Turbutt (Mrs. Robert, Sr.) Sr.) (Mrs. Robert, m. 2, 30) 30) m: IIB/11 IIB/11 (pp. (pp. 2, GOLDSBOROUGH, Mary MaryTrippe Trippe (Mrs. (Mrs. GOLDSBOROUGH, Robert) Robert) m: 12 (p. (p. 23); 23); m: IIB/11 IIB/11(pp. (pp. 2, 2, 29-30), 29-30), 12 IIC 142,171-174) IIC (pp. (pp. 142, 171-174) GOLDSBOROUGH, R. R. GOLDSBOROUGH, to CWP: to CWP: IIA/10F8-10 1781, Feb Feb 15 15 IIA/10F8—10 1781, GOLDSBOROUGH, Robert GOLDSBOROUGH, Robert m: KB/11 29-30, 38),12 12 m: ((B/Il (pp. (pp. 2,2,29-30,38), (p. 142, 171-174) 171-174) (p. 23); 23); IIC IIC (pp. (pp. 142, GOLDSBOROUGH, (widow) GOLDSBOROUGH, (widow) m: IIB/11 (pp. 39-41, 39-41,55); 55); IIC IIC m: IIB/il (pp. (pp. 143-144) (pp. 143-144)
168 168
The The Peale Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers
GOLDSBOROUGH, William GOLDSBOROUGH, William m: IIB/11 (pp. 2,2, 30) 30) IIB/li (pp. GOLDSBOROUGH GOLDSBOROUGEI Family Family m: IIIB/12 IB/12 (p. 142,171) (p. 23); 23);IIC IIC (pp. (pp. 142,171) m: GOLDSMITH, (Mr.) GOLDSMITH, (Mr.) m: IIB/10 (p. (p. 14) 14) m: IIB/lO GOLDSMITH, Eleanor GOLDSMITH, Eleanor Peale Peale (Mrs. William Winter) Winter) (Mrs. William m: rn: VIA/15D8-E1, VIA/15D8-E1, 15E6-13 15E6-13 GOLDSMITH, William GOLDSMITH, William Winter Winter m: VIA/15E6-13 m: VIAI15E6-13 GOODMAN, GOODM AN, Louis Louis m: m: XC/4D13-E4, XC/4D13-E4, 5F9-13, 5F9-13, 8A2-5, 8A2-5, 8C4-7, 8C4-7, 8F3-6 8F3-6 GORDON, Elisha Elisha GORDON, CWP to: to: CWP 1802, 11 IIA/25D12 1802, Mar Mar11 IIA/25D12 1802, IIA/25D13-14 1802, Mar11 Mar 11IIA/25D13-14 GORHAM, GORHAM, Nathaniel Nathaniel m: IID/29 IID/29 (p. (p. 8); 8); XIA/2C10-E1,17C3 XIAI2C1O-E1, 17C3 m: GOSDEN, (Mr.) (Mr.) GOSDEN, RuP to: RuP to: 1836, May26 May 26XIC/1B8-G3 1836, XIC/1B8-G3 GRAFF, Charles Charles GRAFF, RaP RaP to: to: 1816, V/1D10-12 V/1D1O-12 1816, Sept Sept 66 ReP ReP to: to: VIAI4G5 1827,Jun3O 1827, Jun 30 VIA/4G5 IIA/73B12-C4; VIIA/4F13-G2, m: VIIA/4F13-G2, m: IIA/73B12-C4; 11B2-5, 12B1-4 12B1-4 11B2-5, GRAFF, Jacob Jacob GRAFF, m: IIA/67A2-3, IIA/67A2-3, 67B7-9, 67B7-9, 67G9, m: 67G9, 72B2-3; IIB/5 (p. (p. 50), 50), 66 ([ml ([m] pp. 4, 72B2-3; IIB/5 pp. 4, 11)) 11 GRAFF, GRAFF, Mrs. Mrs.James, James, child child of of m: VHA/11E3-5, 11E6-9, 11E14-F1 m: VIIA/11E3-5,11E6-9,11E14-F1 GRAHAM,James Duncan GRAHAM, James Duncan toTRP: to TRP: n.d., VIIIA/4B13-14 n.d., Mar Mar88 VIIIA/4B13-14 m: VIIIA)9C3-5, m: VIIIAi9C3-5, 9C 6-9, 9F12-G5, 9F12-G5, 9C6-9, 10E8-9, 10E8-9, 1OE1O-11 10E10-11 GRAHAM, (Dr.) (Dr.) James James G. G. GRAHAM, CWP to: to: CWP 1801,Jun3O IIA/24D5-8 1801, Jun 30 IIA/24D5-8 1801,Jul 1801, Jul 20 20 IIA/24E3-4 IIA/24E3-4 1801, Jul 27 I1A/24F4 1801 ,Ju127 IIA!24F4 m: IIA/24C13-D4; IIB/17 (pp. 10, 10,29), m: IIA/24C13-D4; IIB/17 (pp. 29), 18 (pp. 18 (pp. 18, 18, 33); 33); IIC IIC (pp. (pp. 298-307); 298-307); VIB/1D1-E10 VIB/1DI - ElO GRAHAM, John John GRAHAM, CWP to: to: CWP 1823, Oct44 1823, Oct IIA/69D4 IIA/69D4 m: IIA/69E1.-2, m: IIA/69E1-2, 69F9-10, 69F9-10, 69G4-6; 69G4-6; IIC (p. 459) 459) IIC (p. GRAHAM, William A. A. GRAHAM, William BFP[?]to: BFP[?]to: 1851, Apr77 1851, Apr IXA/12A2-3 IXA/12A2-3 GRANGER, Gideon Gideon GRANGER, m: IVB/1E1O-14, m: IVB/1E10-14, 1F1-3 1F1-3 GRANT, (President) (President) Ulysses Ulysses S.S. GRANT, Joseph Henry Henry to: Joseph to: 1869, 1869, Dec Dec VIIIA/14E10-11 VIIIA/14E10-11 m: m: VIIIA/14B4-6, VIIIA/14B4-6, 14D6-9, 14E4-5, 14D6-9, 14E4-5, 15B13-14, 15B13-14, 15D1-5, 15D1.-5,15D10-11 15Db-h GRASSIC, (Dr.) (Dr.) GRASSIC,
CWP CWP to: to: 1809, IIA/47C11—12 1809, Aug13 Aug 13IIA/47C11-12 GRATZ, GRATZ, Hyman Hyman
m: IXA/14F1-2, 15C3-4 15C3-4 m: IXA/14F1-2, GRATZ, Simon GRATZ, Simon s/Application s/Application for for Charter: Charter: The ThePAFA: PAFA: 1805, Dec26 Dec26IIA/37C11-D6 IIA/37C11-D6 1805, GRAY, Asa GRAY, Asa to to Mahlon Mahlon Dickerson: Dickerson: VIIIA/5D9 1837, 1837, Aug Aug 33 VIIIA/5D9 to ap Catesby Catesby Jones: Jones: to Thomas Thomas ap 1837, VIIIA/6C13 1837, Nov Nov 66 VIIIA/6C13 RuP to: RuP to: 1838, 22 XIC/1B8-G3 XIC/1B8-G3 1838, Sept Sept22 to TRP: TRP: to VIIIA!6E5-6 1837 1837 V11IA/6E5-6 m: VIIIC/25E10-27B3 m: VIIIC/25E10-27B3 GRAYSON, GRAYSON, Alfred Alfred William William CWP to: CWP to: IIA/33D11-13 1805, Mar Mar77 1805, IIA/33D11-13 1805, 1805, May May 19 19 IIA/34D3 IIA/34D3 11A134D4-5 1805, May May 20 1805, 20 11A/34D4-5 GRAYSON, William William GRAYSON, m: IIB/5 m: IIB/5 (p. (p. 38) 38) GREATRAKE, (Mrs.) (Mrs.) GREATRAKE, CWP to: to: CWP IIA/64A5-6 1820, Mar 24 IIA/64A5-6 1820, Mar24 m: IIA/57D12-E5, IIA/57D12-E5, 57F3-8, 57F3-8, 64A7-8, 64A7-8, m: 64A9-11, 64B5-6, 69C13; 69C13; 64A9-11, 64B5-6, IXA/1A8-G7 IXAI1A8-G7 Peale, Eliza GREATRAKE, Eliza. See Eliza GREATRAKE, Eliza. See Peale, Greatrake (Mrs. Benjamin Benjamin Franklin). Franklin). Greatrake (Mrs. GREEK Relief Association Association GREEK Relief to CLP: to CLP: 1824, 21 XD/1D10-12 XD/1D1O-12 1824, Oct Oct21 GREEN, Anne Catherine Catherine (Mrs. (Mrs. Jonas) Jonas) GREEN, Anne m: IIB/5 IIB/5 (p. 14), 99 (p. (p. 23) 23) m: (p. 34), 34), 88 (p. (p. 14), GREEN, GREEN, Anne Anne Sanders Sanders (Mrs. (Mrs. Frederick) Frederick) m: IIB/10 IIB/lO (p. m: (p. 10) 10) GREEN, Branch GREEN, Branch Deed, to Deed, to RuP: RuP: 1814, Jan14 VIIA/2D3-E4 1814, Jan 14 VIIA/2D3-E4 RuP, Deed Deed to: to: RuP, 1840, VIIA!9E9-F4 1840, Sept Sept 33 VIIA/9E9-F4 m: IIA/68E7-8; XIC/1B8-G3 XIC/1B8-G3 m: IIA/68E7-8; GREEN, George W. W. GREEN, George to Robert Robert M. M. Patterson: to Patterson: 1843, Oct IXA/9D11-12 IXA/9D11-12 1843, Oct77 Robert M. M. Patterson Robert Patterson to: to: 1843, Sept Sept25 IXA!9D9-1O 1843, 25 IXA/9D9-10 1843, IXA/9E1-3 IXA/9E1-3 1843, Oct Oct 99 GREEN, GREEN, (Dr.)J. (Dr.) J. and and TRP: TRP: “Description "Description ooff two two new new species of the the Linnaean Linnaean genus species of genus Lacerta": Lacerta”: n.d. VIIIC/1E1-7 n.d. VIIIC/IEI-7 TRP, Report Report on on his his description description of of the the TRP, Salamandra Salamandra Tigrina: Tigrina: 1825, VIIIA/2A6-7 VIIIA/2A6-7 1825, Aug Aug99 m: VIIIA/1C1-4; VIIIA/1C1-4; XIC/1B8-G3 XIC/1B8-G3 m: GREEN, GREEN, Jacob Jacob m: XIA/17C9 m: XIA/17C9 GREEN, GREEN, Jonas Jonas Michael to: Michael Macnamara Macnamara to: I/1A6-9 1740, I/1A6-9 1740, Nov Nov 11 CP CP to: to:
169 The The Peale 169 Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers
1747 1747 I/2B14 112B14 m: I/1F11 I/IF11-12, 2D5-6, 2D8-9 m: —12, 2D 5-6, 2D 8-9 GREENE, Catharine Littlefield Littlefield GREENE, Catharine (Mrs. Nathaniel) (Mrs. Nathaniel)
m: IIB/5 IIB/5(pp. (pp.34,36,38) m. 34, 36, 38) GREENE, (General) Nathanael GREENE, (General) Nathanael m: IIA/11G8-9,12E1-4, IIA/11G8-9, 12E1-4, 14G9-12; m: 14G9-12; IIB/5 (pp. (pp. 34, IIB/5 34, 36, 36, 38); 38); IID/29 IID/29 (pp. 13-15); 13-15); VIA/12D2-4; VIA/12D2-4; (pp. VHIA/16E4-7; (Add.)/1D2-13; (Add.)/1D2-13; VIIIA/16E4-7; IXA/9D9-10, 9D11-12, 9D11-12, 9E1-3; 9E1-3; IXA/9D9-10, XIA/2C10-E1,17C3 XIA/2C10-E1,17C3 GREENOUGH, GREENOUGH, Horatio Horatio to to ReP: ReP: 1831, Nov Nov88 VIA/7E9-14 1831, VIA/7E9-14 Robert M. M. Patterson Robert Patterson to: to: 1842, Nov Nov25 1842, 25 IXA (Add.)/IAII-13 IXA (Add.)/1 A 11 —13 m: VIA/6B9-12, 10E7-9; m: VIA/6B9-12, 10F7-9; VIB/19F11-20B14; VIB/19F11-20B14; VIIA/8E1-2 VIIA/8E1-2 GREGOIRE, Charles Charles GREGOIRE, to CWP: to CWP: IIA/48F9-G6 1810, 15 IIA/48F9-G6 1810, Feb Feb 15 m: IIA/71F7-14 IIA/71F7—14 m: GREGOIRE, Henri GREGOIRE, Henri m: IID/30 IID/30 (p. (p. 52); 52); XIA/17D1 m: XIA/17D1 GREINER, GREINER, Jacob Jacob David David Rittenhouse Rittenhouse to: to: 1780, 29 IIA/9F4 1780,Jan Jan29 IIA/9F4 GREINER, GREINER, John John to CWP: CWP: to 1784, Apr Apr16 IIA/12G8 1784, 16 IIA/12G8 GRIFFIN, (Mr.) GRIFFIN, (Mr.) m: IB/2 (pp. (p. 6)6) m: IIIB/2 (pp. 24-25), 24-25), 33 (p. GRIFFITH, Robert Robert Eglesfeld Eglesfeld GRIFFITH, s/Report: s/Report: 1836, Aug Aug 19 19 VIIIA/4D3-4 VIIIA/4D3-4 1836, to Mahlon Mahlon Dickerson: Dickerson: to VIIIA/4D9-11 1836, Sept16 1836, Sept 16 VIIIA/4D9-11 VIIIA/4E6-7 1836, Oct VIIIA/4E6-7 1836, Oct 22 RuP to: RuP to: 1829, SeptSept 17 17 VIIA/7C10-12 1829, VIIA/7C10-12 Joseph to: Joseph Drayton Drayton to: 1836, Dec 6, 12VIIIA/5B5-6 VIIIA/5B5-6 1836, Dec 6, 12 m: VIIIA/2E11-14, 5-6, rn: VIIIA/2E11-14,3C 3C5-6, 10C11-12, 10D6-7, 16F1-5; 16F1-5; IOCII-12, 10D6-7, IXA/2C11-14; XIA/11C3-12A5; XIA/11C3-12A5; IXA/2C11-14; XI(Add.)/5 (pp. -42, 44 -86), 66 XI(Add.)/5 (pp.41 41-42, 44-86), (pp. 87-96, 98-99); (pp. 87-96, 98-99); XIIA/1A3-3E3, 3E9-F3 3E9-F3 XIIA/1A3-3E3, GRIFFITH^], (Dr.) GRIFFITH[sj, (Dr.) CWP to: to: CWP IIA/29C14 1804, Jan 16 IIA/29C14 1804, Jan 16 GRIFEITHS,James GRIFFITHS,James CWP to: to: CWP 1808, Jul IIA/43E1-6 1808, Jul 44 IIA/43E1 -6 ReP ReP to: to: VIA/3B4 1817, Nov 29 VIA/3B4 1817, Nov29 m: IIA/36B4-8, 36B9-13, 36B9-13, 39D3, m: IIA/36B4-8, 39D3, 39D6-7, 40G2-12, 41A2-3, 41A2-3, 39D6-7, 40G2-12, 41E13-F12, 42A13-B3, 42A13-B3, 41E13-F12, 43D2-11, 43D12-14, 43E1-5, 43F1-5, 43D2-11, 43D12-14, 46F1-6, 46E1-6, 46F13-14, 46E13-14, 48C1-2, 48C1-2, 48C3-7, 48C3-7, 52D1-2, 52D1-2, 53D3-7, 53D3-7, 55F11-14, 56A13-B4, 55F11-14, 55G1-5, 55G1-5, 56A13-B4, 63F11-G2, 63G3-9, 63G3-9, 67G11, 67G11, 63F11-G2,
67G12, 69B4-5, 69E11, 72E9-10; 72E9-10; 67G12, 69B4-5, 69E11, IIE/4A1-5G7; IIE/4A1 -5G7; VIA/3C8-9, VIA/3C8-9, 5A10-13, 5B8-12, 6E3-6, 6E3-6, 5A10-13, 5B8-12, 6E13-F2, 6G3-7; 6G3-7; VIB/2G2-3; VIB/2G2-3; 6E13-F2, VIIA/2G11-13, 3A14-B1, VIIA/2G11-13, 3A14-B1, 3B2-5, 3B2-5, 4C8-9, 4C 8-9, 4C12-13, 4C12-13, 6D9-13, 6D9-13, 7A10-11; 7A10-11; VIIIA/2C13-D1; XIB/3B1-5C8 VIIIA/2C13-D1; XIB/3B1-5C8
GRIEFITS, GRIFFITS, Samuel Samuel P.,Jr. P., Jr.
to TRP: toTRP:
1832, Jan 1832, Jan 99
VIIIA/3A2-6 VIIIA/3A2-6 1837, Oct Oct25 1837, 25 VIIIA/6C6-7 VIIIA/6C6-7 1837, o v1i VIIIA/6C11-12 1837, N Nov VIIIA/6C11-12 1837, Nov VIIIA/6D3-4 1837, Nov99 VIIIA/6D3-4 1843, MarlO Mar10 1843, VIIIA/8D2-5 VIIIA/8D2-5 1843, 1843, May May31 31 VIIIA/8F7-9 VIIIA/8E7-9 1843, Jun Jun 55 VIIIA/8E11-13 1843, VIIIA/8F11-13 BFP and TRP to: BEPandTRPto: n.d. XIIA/1A2 nd. XIIA/1A2 m: IIA/65G1-3; IIA/65G1-3; VIIIA/2B10-C2, VIIIA/2B10-C2, m: 3C2-4, 3D 1-3, 10D2-3, 10D2-3,16E1-5; 16F1-5; 3C2-4,3D1-3, IXA/2G10-12, 3A 2-6, 3B12-13, 3B12-13, IXA/2G10-12, 3A2-6, 3C6-D2, 3G6-7, 3C6-D2, 3G 6-7, 4A10-13; 4A10-13; XIA/11C3-12A5, XI XIA/11C3-12A5, 14A7-F7; 14A7-F7;XI (Add.)/5 (pp. (Add.)15 (pp. 76-86), 76-86), 66 (pp. 87-98), (pp. 197, 197, 215-17, 215-17, (pp. 87-98), 77 (pp. 220-21, 225-27, 225-27, 230-31, 230-31,235-36, 220-21, 235-36, 241, 242-44, 246, 246, 248-50, 248-50, 259, 259, 241,242-44, 263-68, 272); XIIA/1A3-3E3, 263-68, 272); XIIA/1A3-3E3, 3E9-E3 3E9-F3 GRIFFITS, Samuel P.,Jr. P., Jr. GRIEFITS, Mrs. Mrs. Samuel m: XI XI (Add.)/7 (Add.)/7 (p. m: (p. 226) 226) GRJFFJTTS, Hannah Hannah Norris Norris GRIFFITTS, “Ode to David David Rittenhouse": Rittenhouse”: "Ode to lID/lAS 1777-1778 IID/1A5 1777-1778 GRIMES, S. GRIMES, S. s/Memorial. the PAFA: PAFA: s/Memorial. .. . . to to the III/3E8-G12 1828, Mar Mar17 1828, 17 III/3F8-G12 GRISCOM, Henrietta Peale Peale GRISCOM, Henrietta (Mrs.John (Mrs. John H.) H.) m: 9-12, 15D8-E1; 15D8-E1; m: VIA/2A2-5, VIA/2A2-5,6D 6D9-12, VIIA/2E14-G3, 6F14, 6F14, 9F8-11; 9F8-11; VIIA/2F14-G3, XC/3C9-12, 7E13-14, XC/3C9-12, 3D11-14, 3D11-14, 7E13-14, 7G7-10, 9D7-10, 9D 7-10, 11B8-11 11B8-11 7G7-10, GRISCOM, John John H. H. GRISCOM, ReP to: to: ReP VIA/8C12 1835,Jan VIA/8C12 1835,Jan Executor of of Estate Estate of of ReP: ReP: Executor VIA/14B12-D8, 14D12-14, VIA/14B12-D8, 14D12-14, VIB/22D1 VIB/22D111 D. Huntington Huntington to; to; D. VIA/14D9 1860, Nov 20 VIA/14D9 1860, Nov20 m: VIA/7F6,10B12-13, 10B12-13, 10D5-6, 10D5-6, m: VIA/7F6, 15D8-E1, 15E6-13; 15D8-E1,15E6-13; VIIA/6C9-D8, 10B2-4; 10B2-4; VIIA/6C9-D8, IXA/5F8-9; XC/4C7-14; XC/4C7-14; IXA/5F8-9; XIC/1A2-13, 1B8-G33 X IC/1A 2-13,1B8-G GRISWOLD, Rufus RufusW. W. GRISWOLD, to ReP: ReP: to 1856, Nov Nov77 VIA/11G6 1856, VIA/11G6 ReP ReP to: to: VIA/11G7-8 1856, 12 VIA/11G7-8 1856, Nov Nov12 GROATH, (Mr.) (Mr.) "Head “Head of of Christ": Christ”: GROATH, pn: IIA/51F5-12, 51F13-G6; 51F13-G6; IIC m: IIA/51F5—12, IIC (p. 98) 98) (p. GROOMBRIDGE, GROOMBRIDGE, Guy Guy
170 The Peale Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers 170 The
VIA/5D14-E2 VIA/5D14-E2 1828, 1828, NNov-1830, ov-1830, Nov Nov (Daybook (Daybook Accounts) VIA/5E3— 6A14 VIA/5E3-6A14 Accounts)
m: IIC JIG (pp. (pp. 104, 104, 106) 106)
GRUBB, Joseph Joseph C. GRUBB, C. BFP to: BFP to:
1828, 1828, 1829, 1829, 1830 1830 (Checkbook) (Checkbook) VIA/6B1-4 VIA/6B1 -4 1829, VIA/6B5-8 1829, 1830 1830 (Checks) (Checks) VIA/6B5-8 m: IIB/10 3, 6) 6) IIB/lO (pp. (pp. 3, 1834, Dec-1838, Apr 1834, Dec-1838, Apr (Estate (Estate GRUNDY, Mary Carr Carr (Mrs. (Mrs. George), George), GRUNDY, Mary VIA/8C8-1 I Accounts) VIA/8C8-11 Accounts) and child and child toBFP: to BFP: m. IIB/10 (pp. (pp. 8,8, 9) 9) m: IIB/lO 1828, 1829, 1829, 1830 1828, 1830 (Checkbook) (Checkbook) GUB[ER]T, F. E. E. GUB[ERJT, F. IXA/2C9 IXA/2C9 totoBFP: BFP: to Museum: to Philadelphia Philadelphia Museum: 1847, 11 IXB/11F8-10 1847, Nov Nov 11 IXB/11F8-10 1830, Sept 1830, Sept 14 14 (Checkbook) (Checkbook) J. J. H. H. Schomaker Schomaker & & Co. Co. to: to: XIA/12A9 XIA/12A9 1846,Novl2 1846, Nov 12IXB/11F1I-13 IXB/11F11-13 ReP to: to: ReP GUILDON, Charles Charles GUILDON, VIA/5A14-B3 1828, Sept Sept 19 19 VIA/5A14-B3 1828, to TRP: toTRP: 1828, Sept 24 VIA/5B4-7 1828, Sept24 VIA/5B4-7 VIIIA!17F3-4 n.d. VIIIA/17F3-4 nd. and Sellers: and Coleman Coleman Sellers: GUILLAUDEU, GUILLAUDEU, Emile Emile VIA/5B13-C4 1828, Oct 22 VIA/5B13-C4 1828, Oct22 toTRP: to TRP: VIA/5D3-6 1828, Oct 28 VIA/5D3-6 1828, Oct28 1837, 1837, Jan Jan20 20 VIIIA/5C7 VIIIA/5C7 1829, Nov 30 VIA/6C1-4 1829, Nov30 VIA/6C1-4 GUTHRIE, GUTHRIE, James James VIA/6E7-8 1830, Nov 20 VIA/6E7-8 1830, Nov20 to to Thomas Thomas M. M. Pettit: Pettit: 1830, Dec 11 VIA/6E9-l1 1830, Dec VIA/6E9-11 1853, 1853, May20 May 20 IXA/13D5-6 IXA/13D5-6 VIA/9C10-11 1838, Dec VIA/9C10-11 1838, Dccl1 to James to James Ross Ross Snowden: Snowden: JohnD . Godman Godman to: to: IXA/15C910 JohnD. 1856,Jul 1856, Jul 26 26 IXA/15C9-10 1828, 18 VIIA/7A13-B2 1828, Nov Nov 18 VIIA/7A13-B2 Robert to: Robert Patterson Patterson to: RuP to: to: 1853, May 28 IXA/13D7-E1 IXA/13D7-E1 1853, May28 RuP VIIA/7B13-Cl 1829, Mar 26 VIIA/7B13-C1 James 1829, Mar26 James Ross Ross Snowden Snowden to: to: TRP to: TRP to: 1856, Jul 29 IXA/15D1-11 1856,Ju129 IXAII5D1-11 m: 14Db-h, 15C6-8 VII IA/2G2-4 1830, Oct Oct 33 VIIIA/2G2-4 m: IXA/14D7-9, IXA/14D7-9, 14D10-11, 15C6-8 1830, BFP and Sellers to: to: GUYTON de de Morveau, Morveau, (Baron) (Baron) Louis Louis GUYTON BFP and Coleman Coleman Sellers Bernard 1828, Oct 28 IXA/2B7 Bernard 1828, Oct28 IXAJ2B7 (p.52); VIA (A (Add.)/1D8-1 48C1 -2, 72B12-14; 72B12-14; m: 11A148A2-7, IIA/48A2-7, 48C 1-2, m: ILD/30 IID/30 (p. 52); VIA dd.)/lD 8-ll1 GWYNN, Lorman VIA/2A14-B1, 5D 7-8,6B 9-12, GWYNN, Lorman William[?] William [?] VIA/2A14-Bl, 5D7-8, 6B9-12, ReP to: to: ReP 6C7-l0, 6C11-14, 6D13-E2, 6C 7-10,6C 11-14,6D 13-E 2, 1832, Apr VIA/7F6 VIA/7F6 7B 3-4,7F6, 8A 8-10, 8B3, 8B3, 1832, Apr77 7B3-4, 7F6, 8A8-1O, GWYNN, William. GWYNN, William. See also Peale's Peale’s See also 8B6-7, 8B8-lO, 8B 6-7,8B 8-10, 8B13, 8B13, 8B14-C1; 8B14-C1; Museum, Case. Museum, Baltimore. Baltimore. Court Court Case. VIIA/6C4, 9-D 8; VIIAJ6C4,6C 6C9-D8; RuP RuP to: to: VIIIA/2E11-14, 2F11-13, VIIIAJ2EII-14, 2F11-13, 1833, 1833, Mar Mar 99 XIB/2C8-9 XIB/2C8-9 9A10-12; 9A10-12; XIA/11C3-12A5, XIA/11C3-12A5, m: IIA/59D1-2; m: IIA/59D1 -2; VIA/5A6-9, VIA/5A6-9, 6E3-6, 6E3-6, 12B1, 12B6-7; XIA 12B1,12B6-7; XIA (Add.)15 (Add.)/5 6E13-F2, 6G3-7; 6G3-7; 6E13-F2, (pp. 41-42,44-70, 72,75, 75,82), 82), 66 (pp. 41-42,44-70, 72, VIIA/8C11-D2, 8E3-4; VIIA/8C11-D2, 8E3-4; (pp. 147, 162);XIC/1A2-13 XIC/1A2-13 (pp. 147, 162); XIB/1D 9-10,2B13-C2, XIB/1D9-10, 2B13-C2, Diary references Diary references to: to: 2C10-12 2C10-12 RuP: VIIA/1E11-2A3 VIIAJIEII-2A3 RuP: Philadelphia Museum: Philadelphia Museum: XIAJ5BI 3-5D3 XIA/5B13-5D3 HAKE, Eva HAKE, Eva Margareta Margareta Elizabeth Elizabeth DePeyster (Mrs. DePeyster (Mrs. Samuel) Samuel) m: IIB/15 IIB/15 (p. 13) (p. 13) HALDEMAN, Samuel Samuel Stehman Stehman HALDEMAN, to TRP: toTRP: 1848, 1848, Apr25 Apr 25 VIIIA/11A5-8 VIIIA/11A5-8 TRP, TRP, Report Report on on his his paper: paper: 1843, Sept Sept26 1843, 26 VIIIA/8F1-2 VIIIA/8F1-2 1843, Oct Oc 10 VIIIA/8G3 1843, 10 VIIIA/8G3 1845, VIIIA/9C14 1845, Mar Mar77 VIIIA/9C14 HABERSHAW, (Colonel) (Colonel) HABERSHAW, m: VIIIA/8G4-6, 9A 6-9, 9C3-5, m: VIIIA/8G4-6, 9A6-9, 9C3-5, CWP to: CWP to: 9C 6-9, 9E12-F1, 9E12-F1, 1105-7 11C5-7 9C6-9, 1806, 1806, Apr Apr 15 15 IIA/38E2 11A138E2 HALE, Horatio Horatio E. E. HALE, m: m: 11A138E1 IIA/38E1 to ap Catesby Catesby Jones: Jones: to Thomas Thomas ap HAINES, Reuben HAINES, Reuben 1837, VIIIA/6C13 1837, NNov ov 66 VIIIA/6C13 s/Report: sfReport: m: VIIIA/7C11-14, 8A 3-4; m: VIIIA/7C11-14, 8A3-4; 1825, Nov29 1825, Nov 29 VIIIA/2A8-9 VIIIA/2A8-9 (Add.)/1C3; VIIIC/25E10-27B3 VIIIC/25E10-27B3 (Add.)/lC3; to ReP: to ReP: See also also Jour. Wilkes Exped. See Jour. Wilkes Exped. #1, #1, 1828-1830 (Ledger (Ledger Accounts) Accounts) 1828-1830 #2, #3, #5, #5,Series Series VIIIB. VIIIB. #2, #3, 1869, Mar 18 1869, Mar 18
GRUNDY, George George GRUNDY,
IXA/18F6-7 IXA/18F6-7
171 171
The The Peale Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers
HALE, HALE, Thomas Thomas CWP to: CWP to:
1780, Jan 1780, Jan 55
toBFP: to BFP:
. in: m: IIA/67B4-5; IIA/67B4-5; IIB/7 IIB/7 (p. (p. 4)4) HALEY, HALEY, Edward Edward to to RuP: RuP: 1811,Jan 1811, Jan 17 17 VIIA/2A7-B3 VIIA/2A7-B3
m: 3G3-10, 5A11-B4 m: 3G3-10, 5A11-B4 HALL, HALL, (Miss) (Miss) m: m: IIA/32F14, IIA/32F14, 33B5-8, 33B5-8, 33C11-14; 33C11-14; IIC (p. 146e) 146e) IIC (p. HALL, (Mr.) HALL, (Mr.) in: IIA/54G3-6, IIA/54G3-6, 55A10-B9, 55A10-B9, m: 55B10-C9, 60G2-4 55B10-C9, 60G2-4 HALL, Basil HALL, Basil 1828,Jun Jun19 1828, 19 XIA/12A6-8 XIA/12A6-8 m: (Add.)/5 (p. (p. 67) 67) in: XIA/11C3-12A5; XIA/11C3-12A5; (Add.)/5 HALL, Elihu) HALL, Catherine Catherine Orrick Orrick (Mrs. (Mrs. Elihu) m: 11A13C12-13 m: IIA/3C12-13 HALL, Edward Edward HALL, CWP to: to: CWP 1826, Aug 17 IIA/72E1 1826, Aug 17 IIA/72E1 IIA/72E12 1826, IIA/72E12 1826, Oct Oct 77 HALL, Elihu Elihu HALL, in: m: 11A13C12-13 IIA/3C12-13 HALL, HALL, James James CWP to: to: CWP IIA/32F14 1805, Jan24 1805, Jan 24 IIA/32F14 m: IIB/2 (pp. a, 27) 27) m: IIB/2 (pp. a, HALL, Josias Josias Carvil Carvil HALL, m: IIB/9 IIB/9 (p. 76) in: (p. 76) HALL, Susanna HALL, Susanna m: IIB/2 in: HB/2(pp. (pp. 27-28) 27-28) HALL, Thomas Thomas HALL, to CWP: toCWP: 1796, 10 IIA/20F1 -2 1796,Aug Aug10 IIAI2OFI-2 CWP CWP to: to: 1792, Apr 28 IIA/17C4, IIA/17C4, 17C9-10 17C9-10 1792, Apr28 1792, Oct 12 IIA/17E4-7 1792, Oct 12 11A117E4-7 1793, 16 IIA/18B4 IIA/18B4 1793, Dec Dec 16 [1793] IIA/18B7-8 [1793] IIA/18B7-8 IIAI2OBI-3 1795, Jun 1111 IIA/20B1-3 1795,Jun .1796, May 12 IIA/20D1-3 .1796, May12 IIA/20D1-3 1797, Oct 22 IIA/21F14 1797, Oct IIA/21F14 1797, Dec Dec 55 IIA/21G4-5 IIA/21G4-5 1797, IIA/22E8 1799, Jul20 1799, Jul 20 IIA/22E8 1800, Dec 28 IIA/23F11—12 1800, Dec28 IIA/23F11-12 IIA/18B10-12, 23G2-3; 23G2-3; IIC m: IIA/18B10-12, IIC (p. 146e) (p. 146e) HALLAM, Nancy Nancy HALLAM, 11A13D4-5;XIAI17D2 m: IIA/3D4-5; XIA/17D2 m: HALLOWELL.John HALLO WELL, John s/Application for for Charter: Charter:The ThePAFA: PAFA: s/Application IIA/37C11-D6 1805,Dec. Dec.26 1805, 26 IIA/37C11-D6 HAMILTON, Alexander HAMILTON, Alexander CWP to: CWP to: IIA/18B3 1793, Nov Nov 10 10 IIA/18B3 1793, HB/22 (p.58); (p.58); IID/29 m: IIA/59F6-8; IIB/22 IID/29 m: 11A159F6-8; (pp.33-34); VIA/4D6-10, VIA/4D6-10, (pp.33-34); 14D12-14; -3, 14D12-14; XIA/IBI XIA/1B1-3, 2C10-E1, 17C7 2C10-E1,17C7 HAMILTON, (Governor) James HAMILTON, (Governor) James m: HB/2 IIB/2 (p. (pp. 26, 26, 27, 27, 31), 31), 33 (p. 17), 17), 22 (pp. (p. 5), 5), 88 (pp. (pp. 14, 14, 15-30), 15-30), 99 (pp. (p. (pp. 32, 32, 39, 42); 42); IIC tIC (pp. (pp. 95, 101) 39, 95,101) HAMILTON, John John M. M. HAMILTON,
1840, 1840, Aug Aug 13 13 IXB10D3-11 IXBIOD3-11 HAMILTON, Jonathan HAMILTON, (Captain) (Captain) Jonathan in: IIA/17B11-12, m: IIA/17B11 —12, 17C8, 17C8, 17C11-12 17C11-12 HAMILTON, Paul Paul HAMILTON,
ReP to: ReP to: 1809, 1809,Jun Jun18 18 VIA/2B11-12 VIA/2B11-12 1811, 1811, Nov Nov 11 VIA/2D10-11 VIA/2D10-11 John Vaughan John Vaughan to: to: 1811, Oct23 1811, Oct 23 XD/1A5 XD/1A5 HAMILTON, Talbot HAMILTON, Talbot to RuP: to RuP: 1817, Apr Apr 55 VIIA(Add.)/lA7-8 VIIA(Add.)/1A7-8 1817, HAMILTON, HAMILTON, William William to BFP: BFP: to 1847, Nov Nov11 1847, 11 IXB/11F8-10 IXB/11F8-10 JPJr. to: JPJr. to: 1847, 1847, Apr Apr 44 11114B12-13 III/4B12—13 ReP to: ReP to: 1842, 1842, Oct Oct 11 VIA/9G1-2 VIA/9G1-2 TRP to: to: TRP 1844,Oct Oct99 VIIIA/9B1-2 1844, VIIIA/9B1-2 1849, 18 VIIIA/11E6-7 1849, Oct. Oct. 18 VIIIA/11E6-7 BFP to: to: BFP 1832,Jul 1832,Ju144 IXA/2D13-14 IXA/2D13-14 IXA/5F8-9 IXA/5F8-9 1836, Mar Mar 99 1836, 1840 IXA/8A2-3 1840 IXA/8A2-3 1840,Jan 15 1840, Jan 15 IXA/8Al2-13 IXA/8A12-13 1840,Jan 20 1840, Jan20 IXA/8A14 IXA/8A14 IXA/8B1 -2 IXAI8BI -2 1840, 1840, Feb Feb 88 IXA/8C1-2 IXA/8C1-2 1840, Mar 30 1840, Mar30 IXA/8C11-12 IXA/8C11-12 1840, May25 1840, May 25 IXA/8E11-12 IXA/8E11-12 1840, 18 1840, Aug Aug 18 IXA/8F1 IXA/8F1 -2 -2 1840, Aug 25 1840, Aug25 IXA/8F3-4 IXA/8F3-4 1840, Aug Aug27 1840, 27 IXAI8F5-6 IXA/8F5-6 1840, 1840, Sept Sept 88 IXA/8F7-8 IXA/8F7-8 1840, Sept 1840, Sept 10 10 IXA/9F7-8 1844, Nov Nov 22 IXA/9F7-8 1844, IXA/11C1-2 IXAIIICI-2 1850,Jun 10 1850,Jun 10 IXA/18D12-13 1868, Apr Apr 99 IXA/18D12-13 1868, R. M. Patterson Patterson to: to: R. M. IXA/22C8-16 IXA/22C8-16 n.d. n.d. 11A33E3-7,33F3-4, 33F3-4, 37Db-h, m: 37D10-11, m: IIA33E3-7, 43G4-6,44G11, 51F5-12, 43G4-6,44G11, 51F5-12, 51F13-G6; 51F13-G6; IIB/2 IIB/2 (pp. (pp. 18, 18, 33), 33), 22 (p. 38), 38), 66 (p. (p. 5), 5), 10 10 (p. (p. 2), 2), 12 12 (p. (pp. 16, 18), 18), 13 13 (p. (p. 23); 23); IIC IIC (p. (p. 95); 95); (pp. 16, VIIAIIA1I-13, VIIA/1A11-13, 2B12-13; 2B12-13; VIIIA/9C6-9, 11B4, VIIIA/9C6-9, 11B4, 11B8, 11B8, IXB/11F2-7; XIA/1A6 IXB/11F2-7; XIA/1A6 HAMLIN, HAMLIN, (Mr.) (Mr.) to TRP: toTRP: VIIIA/14B7 VIIIA/14B7 1864,Jun Jun13 1864, 13 HAMMON, HAM M ON, (Mr.) (Mr.) RuP to: to: RuP VIIA/5C8-9 VI1A/5C8-9 1824,Jul 24 1824, Jul24 HAM M OND, John John HAMMOND, ReP to: ReP to: VIA/13B1-2 1858, Apr Apr24 VIA/13B1-2 1858, 24 HAMPTON, HAM PTON, Ann Ann FitzSimons FitzSimons (Mrs. Wade) (Mrs. Wade) m: IIA/58B11 in: IIA/58B11 HAMPTON, HAM PTON, Eliza Eliza m: XIA m: X1A (Add.)/5 (Add.)/5 (p. (p. 33); 33); 66 (p. (p. 94) 94) HAMPTON, H AM PTON, Wade Wade 65A7, 65A8-9 65A8-9 m: 11A164G10-11, IIA/64G10-11, 65A7,
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The Peale Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers The
HANCOCK, Dorothy Dorothy Quincy Quincy HANCOCK, (Mrs. John) (Mrs.John)
11C8-11; 10 11C8-11; XIA/17C8, XIA/17C8,10 HARLAN, HARLAN, Richard Richard
s/Report: s/Report: 1824, Apr 12 VIIIA/1E9-10 VIIIA/1E9-10 1824, Apr 12 1824, Apr 12 VIIIA/1E11-12 VIIIA/1E11-12 1824, Apr12 VIIIA/1G3-4 1824, Nov VIIIA/IG3-4 1824, Nov 11 Maryland Maryland delegates delegates to: to: TRP, Report Report on TRP, on his his paper: paper: IVA/1G7-8 1776 IVA/1G7-8 1776 VIIIA/1G11-13 1825, Jun 28 VIIIA/1G11-13 1825,Jun28 CWP to: CWPto: VIIIA/2A2-3 1825, Jun 28 VIIIA/2A2-3 1825, Jun28 IIA/10D4-7 1780, Jul 24 IIA/10D4-7 1780, Jul24 m: m: IIAy69F13-G3; 11A169F13-G3; VIIA/4G4, VIIA/4G4, IIA/12G11-13 1784, Jun 20 IIA/12G11-13 1784,Jun2O 2E8-10, 2E8-1O, 3G 3G22-13, 13, 4A10-13; 4A10-13; m: 16,23, 31); IIC IIC (pp. (pp. 54, 54, m: IIB/2 IIB/2 (pp. (pp. 16, 23, 31); IXA/2B8-13, 7A6-B11, IXA/2B8-13, 7A6-B11, 7C1-14; 7C1-14; 55); VIA/12A14-B3; 55); IID/1B5-6; IID/1B5-6; VIA/12A14-B3; XIA/7F9-11, 11C3-12A 5,17C10; 17C10; XIA/7F9- 11, 11 C3- 12A5, XIA/17C7 XIA/17C7 (Add.)/5 (Add.)/5 (pp. (pp. 5,5, 45, 45, 46) 46) HANCOCK, Lydia Lydia Henchman Henchman HANCOCK, HARLESTON.John HARLESTON,John m. IIAI1OD4-7, IIA/10D4-7,12G11-13 m: 12G11-13 m. (p. 44) 44) m: IIB/2 IIB/2(p. HAND, John HAND, (Captain) (Captain) John HARPER, (General) (General) Goodloe Goodloe HARPER, m: m: IIA/34C6-7, IIA/34C6-7, 41G3-4, 41G3-4, 42F1-4, 42F1-4, m: m: VIB/19F11-20B14 VIB/19F11-20B14 42F12-13,45B1-2, 45B3, 42F12-13, 45B1-2, 45B3, HARPER, James HARPER, James 61A2-5; IIB/16 IIB/16 (p. (p. 1)1) 61A2-5; RuP to: to: RuP HANDEL, HANDEL, George George Frederick Frederick 1824, Jul 27 VIIA/4D3-4 VIIA/4D3-4 1824, Jul27 m. XIAI17C12 XIA/17C12 m: HARPER, Joseph Joseph HARPER, HHANDMAID A N D M A ID toto the the Arts, The, [1777] [1777] by Arts, The, by to RuP: RuP: to Robert Dossie Dossie Robert 1821, Jun 4 VIIA/3F3-4 VIIA/3F3-4 1821,Jun4 m: IIC (p. 18);VIB/13A6-B9 18); VIB/13A6-B9 m: IIC(p. HARPER, HARPER, Joshua Joshua HANSEN, Alexander Contee HANSEN, Alexander Contee RuP to: to: RuP CWP to: CWP to: 1824, Jul 27 VI1A/4D3-4 VIIA/4D3-4 1824,Ju127 IIA/13F8-9 1785, Jan 10 10 IIA/13F8-9 1785,Jan HARRINGTON, John HARRINGTON,John HANSON, (Mr.) (Mr.) E.E. [?] [?] HANSON, to to TRP: TRP: m: 11A14D13-E1; IIA/4D13-E1; IIB/2 19, 39) m: IIB/2 (pp. (pp. 19,39) VIIIA/4B2-3 1835, Aug VIIIA/4B2-3 1835, Aug77 HANSON, John HANSON,John m: 3-4; XC/1D9-12; m: VIIIAy4A2, VIIIAJ4A2,4A 4A3-4; XC/1D9-12; m: IID/29 m: IID/29 (p. (p. 7); 7);XIA/2C10-E1, XIA/2C10-E1, XIA/11C12-A5; (Add.)/6 XIA/11C12-A5; (Add.)/6 17C12 17C12 (pp. (pp. 105, 105, 120, 120, 122) 122) HARDIE, (Mr.) (Mr.) HARDIE, HARRIS, HARRIS, David David Spencer to: Spencer F. F. Baird Baird to: m: 1) m: IIB/9 IIB/9 (p. (p.1) IXA/22A11 1876, Oct Oct 16 16 IXA/22A11 1876, HARDING, Jasper Jasper HARDING, HARRIS, HARRIS, Edward Edward m: m: XIA/11C-12A5; XIA/11C-12A5; XIA XIA (Add.)/5 (Add.)/5 to TRP: TRP: to 1825, Dec 14 VIIIA/2A12 VIIIA/2Al2 1825, Dec 14 (p. (p. 84); 84); 66 (pp. (pp. 90, 90, 95) 95) HARDING, HARDING, Robert Robert 1826, Feb Feb 44 VIIIA/2B3 VIIIA/2B3 1826, 1828, Jul VIIIA/2D11-13 m: (p.26); III/2A4-5 VIIIA/2D11-13 m: IIIB/8 IB/8 (p. 26); III/2A4-5 1828, Jul 55 HARDY, HARDY, John John TRP to: TRP to: m: IIA/44D1-10, IIA/44D1-10, 48C11-14; 48C11-14; m: 1828, VIIIA/2D14-E3 1828,Jul 11 Jul 11VIIIA/2D14-E3 VIA/1F5-14; VIIA/2A7-B3, VIA/1F5-14; VIIA/2A7-B3, HARRIS, HARRIS, Isaac Isaac 3B2-5 3B2-5 m: IIA/1F13-G1; IIC m: IIA/1F13-G1; IIC (pp. (pp. 16, 16, 19) 19) HARE, HARE, (Mrs.) (Mrs.) HARRIS, John John F.F. See HARRIS, See Peale’s Peale's Museum. Museum. m: IB/9 (p. 49) m: IIIB/9 (p. 49) Baltimore. Case. Baltimore. Court Court Case. HARE, C. C. W. W. HARE, HARRIS,JosephB. HARRIS, Joseph B . s/Application s/Application for for Charter: Charter: The ThePAFA: PAFA: CWP to: to: CWP 1805, 1805, Dec26 Dec 26IIA/37C11-D6 IIA/37C11-D6 1809, 1809, Jul Jul 1111 IIA/47C7-8 IIA/47C7-8 HARE, Robert, Robert,Jr. Jr. HARE, HARRIS, HARRIS, Leavit Leavit to CWP: CWP: for for the to the American American BFP BFP to: to: Philosophical Philosophical Society: Society: n.d. IXA/22B8 IXA/22B8 n.d. 1804, Apr20 1804, Apr 20 IIA/30C11-12 IIA/30C11-12 HARRIS, HARRIS, Samuel Samuel CWP, Report his paper: paper: CWP, Report on on his to CWP: CWP: to 1803,Jul 1803, Jul 15 15 IIA/28A5-6 IIA/28A5-6 1809, IIA/48B13-14 1809, Dec Dec88 IIA/48B13-14 CWPto: CWP to: 1813, 1813, Mar Mar22 IIA/52B2-13 IIA/52B2-13 1803, Sept22 1803, Sept 22 IIA/28E14 IIA/28E14 HARRIS, William HARRIS, Thaddeus Thaddeus William CWP CWP to: to: TRP TRP to: to: 1823, Mar22 1823, Mar 22 IIA/68D6 IIA/68D6 1854, 1854, Jan Jan12 12 VIIIA/13C5-8 VIIIA/13C5-8 1826, Mar 16 1826, Mar 16 IIA/72B1 IIA/72B1 HARRIS, William HARRIS, William WilliamJamesMacnevento: Williamjames Macneven to: m: 1i1D3-5,1E1-2, 1E1-2, 1G6, 1G6 2A3-4, m: I/1D3-5, 2A3-4, 1823, Mar28 1823, Mar 28 XIA/7F6-8 XIA/7F6-8 2A14, 2B1-2, 2B3, 2B4; 2B4; 2A14, 2B1-2, 2B3, m: IIA42E5-9, 11A42E5-9,44B1-C2, 44B1-C2, 67B7-9, 67B7-9, m: IIA/1A3-4 IIA/1A3-4 67B1213, 69F9-10, 69F9-10, 69G4-6, 69G4-6, 67B12-13, HARRIS' Insects HARRIS’ Insects ofof Massachusetts Massachusetts 70C3-5;,IIB/2 IIB/2(p. (p. 23), 23), 66 ([m] ([m] p.p.9), 9), 70C3-5;, m: VIllA/i 1B13-C1 m: VIIIA/11B13-C1 99 (p. 49);VIIA/4B2-3, VIIA/4B2-3, 4B7-11, 4B7-11, (p. 49); HARRISON, (Governor) HARRISON, (Governor) Benjamin Benjamin m: 11A110D4-7, IIA/10D4-7, 12G11-13; IIB/2 m: 12G11-13; IIB/2
(pp. 117-18,19,21,22,48) 7 -1 8 , 19, 21, 22, 48) (pp. HANCOCK, John HANCOCK,John
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The The Peale Peale Family Family Papers Papers
(of Berkeley) (of Berkeley) to to CWP: CWP: 1784,JuJ 1784, Jul I1 1IA/13A5-8 IIA/I3A5-8 to Jefferson: to Thomas Thomasjefferson: 1784, 1784, Nov12 Nov 12 IIA/13C11-D4 IIA/13C11-D4 to to CWP: CWP: 1784, Nov12 1784, Nov 12 IIA/13D5-6 IIA/13D5-6 1784, 1784, Nov20 Nov 20 IIA/13D13-14 IIA/13D13—14 CWP CWP to: to: 1783, Aug Aug 1783, IIA/12C8 IIA/12C8 1784, Aug15 1784, Aug 15 IIA/13A10 HA/13A10 1784, 1784, Aug Aug15 15 IIA/13A11 IIA/13A11 1784, Oct Oct30 1784, 30 IIA/13C5-6 IIA/13C5-6 1784, 1784,Oct Oct30 30 IIA/13C7-9 IIA/13C7-9 m: m: IIA/60D10, IIA/60D10, 60E1 60E1-3 -3 HARRISON, Benjamin Benjamin HARRISON, m: IIA/60E1-3 IIA/60E1-3 HARRISON, HARRISON, John John CWP CWP to: to: 1802, Oct Oct 1802, IIA/26F5 IIA/26F5 1803, 1803, Jan Jan22 22 IIA/27B3 IIA/27B3 m: (p. 26) 26), m: IIA/42F8-9,42G1 11AI42F8-9, 42G1-2; -2; IIB/8 IIBiS (p. 99 (pp. 27) (pp. 2, 2, 3, 3,27) HARRISON,Joseph HARRISON,Joseph to BFP: toBFP: IXB/9D5-8 1837, May May 1111 IXB/9D5-8 1837, m: IXA/14F1 -2, 15C1-2, 15C1-2, 15C3-4, 15C3-4, IXAII4FI-2, m: 15F9-10, 15G5-7, 15G5-7, 19D5-20F3; 19D5-20F3; 15F9-10, XIIA/1A3-3E3 XIIA/1A3-3E3 HARRISON, HARRISON, Richard Richard to BFP: to BFP: 1834, 22 IXA/4C13-14 IXA/4C13-14 1834, Dec Dec22 BFP to: BFP to: IXA/5A2-5 1835,Jul 16 1835,Jul 16 IXA/5A2-5 HARRISON, (Major-General) William William H. HARRISON, (Major-General) H. m: XIA/17C7 XIA/17C7 m: HARROLD, Alfred HARROLD, Alfred toto BFP: BFP: IXA/5A8-9 1835, IXA/5A8-9 1835, Sept Sept 33 toto SPS: SPS: XC/2C13-D2 1839, Oct 15 XC/2C13-D2 1839, Oct 15 XC/2E7-1O 1844, Jan XC/2E7-10 1844, Jan 29-31 29-31 1844, XXCI2FI-4 D 2F1-4 1844,Apr Apr22 1844, 17 XC/2F5-8 XC/2F5-8 1844, Apr Apr 17 XCI2F9-12 1844, Jun XC/2F9-12 1844, Jun 22 XCI2FI3-G2 1844, Jun 17 17 XC/2F13-G2 1844,Jun XC/2G3-6 1844, Jul 13 XC/2G3-6 1844, Jul 13 XC/2G7-10 1844, Sept Sept 17 17 XC/2G7-10 1844, XC/3A2-5 1844, 30 XC/3A2-5 1844, Sept Sept30 XCI3B1I-14 1845, 25 XC/3B11-14 1845, Aug Aug25 for for the the Museum: Museum: extracts extracts from from minutes: minutes: XIA/12B9 1835, XIA/12B9 1835, Aug Aug 44 RuP Escol Sellers Sellers and: RuP to to George George Escol and: 1835, Aug 22 VIIA(Add.)/1D8-9 VIIA(Add.)/lD8-9 1835, Aug22 Andrew to: Andrew Summers Summers to: 1835, AugAug XIA/12B10-11 1835, 12 12 XIAII2BIO-11 m: VIA/8A2-5; XC/1B14-C3, XCI1B14-C3, m: VIA/8A2-5; 1D5-8, 1E4-7, 1G6-7, 1D5-8, 1E4-7, 1E11-14, IEII-14, 1G6-7, 2A9-12, 2B9-12, 2A9-12, 2B1-4, 2B1-4, 2B9-12, 2B13-C2, 2D 2D3-6, 2B13-C2, 3-6, 2D7-10, 2D7-10, 2D11-13, 2E3-6, 2E3-6, 2E7-1O, 2E7-10, 2D11-13, 2E11-14,3A 6-9, 3B1-2, 8E1-4, 2E11-14, 3A6-9, 3B1-2, 8E1-4, 12A2-5, 12A2-5, 12B1-13D4; 12B1-13D4; XIA(Add.)/6 XIA(Add.)/6 (pp. (pp. 100-108, 100-108, 110-11, 115, 117, 118-23,165, 118-23, 165, 110-11,115,117, 180) 180)
HARROLD, HARROLD, Elizabeth Elizabeth Coleman Coleman Sellers Sellers (Mrs. (Mrs. Alfred) Alfred) to SPS: toSPS: 1839, Jul 22 1839, Jul XCI2BS-8 XC/2B5-8 1839, Jul29 1839, Jul 29 XC/2B9-12 XC/2B9-12 1839, Aug 1839, Aug 18, 18, 21 21 XC/2B13-C2 XC/2B13-C2 1839, Sept 19 1839, Sept 19
XC/2C6-9 XCI2C6-9
1839, Oct29 1839, Oct 29 XC/2D3-6 XC/2D3-6 1839, Dec10 1839, Dec 10 XC/2D7-10 XC/2D7-10 1844,Jan3O 1844, Jan 30 XC/2E11-14 XC/2E11-14 IIA/68F2-3, IIA/68F2-3, 68F13; 68F13;XC/1C4-7, XC/1C4-7,
1C8-10, 1G2-5, 2B1-4, 1C8-10, 1G2-5, 2B1-4, 2C13-D2, 2F13-G2, 2F13-G2, 2G3-6, 2G3-6, 2C13-D2, 3B1-2, 3B1-2, 5D10-13 5D10-13
HARROLD, Frederick Frederick William William HARROLD,
to SPS: to SPS: 1844, Dec11 1844, Dec 11 XC/3A10-14 XC/3A10-14 m: XC/2B5-8, XC/2B5-8, 2B9-12, 2B9-12, 2B13-C2, m: 2B13-C2, 2C6-9, 2C6-9, 2D3-6, 2D 3-6, 2D14-E2, 2D14-E2, 2E7-10, 2E7-10, 2F1-4, 2F1-4, 2F9-12, 2F9-12, 2F13-G2, 2G3-6, 2F13-G2, 2G 3-6, 2G7-10, 2G7-10, 3A2-5, 3A2-5, 3B7-10, 3B7-10, 3F11-14, 3F11-14, 4A13-B2, 4A13-B2, 5A10-13, 5A10-13, 5D14-E3, 5D14-E3, 6A14-B3, 7C4-5, 6A14-B3, 7C 4-5, 7D12-E1, 7D12-E1, 8E1-4, 11A2-5 8E1-4, 11A2-5 HARROLD, HARROLD, George George 2B13-C2, 2C6-9, 2C6-9, m: XC/2B5-8, 2B13-C2, m: XCI2B5--8, 2F1-4, 2F9-12, 2F9-12, 3A2-5, 3A2-5, 2F1-4, 3A10-14, 3B11-14, 3A10-14, 3B11 -14, 5D10-13, 5D10-13, 7C4-5, 7C10-13, 7C4-5, 7C10-13, 7D12-E1, 7D12-E1, 10C7-10 100710 HARROLD, Maryann HARROLD, Maryann (Mrs. (Mrs. Frederick) Frederick) m: 2E7-10, XC/2B5-8, 2B13-C2, 2B13-C2, 2E7-1O, m: XC/2B5-8, 2E11-14, 2G3-6, 2G3-6, 3A2-5, 3A2-5, 2E11-14, 3D11-14, 3F3-6, 4A2-5, 4A2-5, 3D 11-14,3F3-6, 5D10-13, 12A2-5 5D10-13, 12A2-5 HARROLD, HARROLD, William William to Sophonisba Sophonisba Peale: to Peale: 1837, Apr Apr 13 13 XC/2A9-12 1837, XC/2A9-12 XC/3A6-9 1844, Oct 88 1844, Oct XC/3A6-9 XC/1G6-7, 2B5-8, 2B5-8, 2B9-12, m: 2B9-12, m: XC/1G6-7, 2B13-C2, 2D7-10, 2B13-C2, 2C13-D2, 2C13-D2, 2D7-10, 2E7-10, 2E7-10, 2E11-14, 2E11-14, 2F5-8, 2F5-8, 2F9-12, 2F13-G2, 2G3-6, 2G3-6, 2F9-12, 2F13-G2, 2G7-10, 3A2-5, 3A10-14, 2G7-1O, 3A2-5, 3A10-14, 3B1-2, 3B11-14, 5E4-8, 8E1-4 8E1-4 3B1-2, 3B11 —14, 5E4-8, HART, John HART, (Governor) (Governor) John m: VIIIC/28A2-B1 VIIIC/28A2-B1 m: HARTLEY, (Miss) HARTLEY, (Miss) 14D4-5 m: m: IIA/14C3, IIA/14C3,14D4-5 HARTLEY, Thomas Thomas HARTLEY, CWP CWP to: to: IIA/14C3 1786, 1786, Apr Apr 13 13 IIA/14C3 1786, Aug Aug21 IIA/14D4-5 1786, 21 IIA/14D4-5 HARTSHORNE, William HARTSHORNE, William s/Report: s/Report: 1838, 1838, May May 10 10 IXB/9E13-F2 IXB/9E13-F2 m: IIA!29B13-C2 IIA/29B13-C2 m: HARVARD HARVARD College College m: IIB/1 IIB/1 (p. (p. 4) m: 4) HARVEY, (Miss) HARVEY, (Miss) IIA/60F9-.11, 60G2-4, 60G5-7; m: IIA/60F9-11,60G2-4,60G5-7; m: IIC (p. (p. 411) 411) IIC HARVIE, EdwinJames HARVIE, Edwin James CWP to: to: CWP
The Peale Family 174 The Peale Fam ily Papers Papers 174
IIA/30C13-D4 1804, Apr 22 IIA/30C13-D4 1804, Apr22 IIA/42F10-11 1808, MarMar28 28 IIA/42F10-11 1808, 1804, IIA/32B1-C2 IIA/32B1-C2 1804,Oct Oct77 HARWOOD, Margaret (Mrs. (Mrs. Thomas). Thomas). HARWOOD, Margaret IIA/33A11-B4 1805, Feb 14 IIA/33A11-B4 1805, Feb14 Strachan, Margaret. See Strachan, Margaret. See 1805, 25 [?], [?], 29 IIA/33F7-14 1805, Mar Mar 25 29 IIA/33F7-14 HARWOOD, Sarah Callahan Callahan HARWOOD, Sarah IIA/34D6-13 1805, 20 IIA/34D6-13 1805, May May20 m. IIB/11 (pp. 1,13), 1,13), 12 12 (pp. (pp. 20-21) 20-21) m: IIB/li (pp. 1805, Sept 14, Oct Oct 6,6, 1805, Sept 8, 8, 14, HARWOOD, Thomas HARWOOD, Thomas Dec 17,22,25 Dec 17, 22, 25 m: 6) m: IIA/4D13-E1,38A3; 11A14D13-E1, 38A3;IIB/2 IIB/2(p. (p.6) IIA/35G7-12 IIA/35G7-12 HARWOOD HARWOOD family family 1805, Sept IIA/36B2-3 1805, Sept 16, 16, Oct Oct 66 IIA/36B2-3 m: m:IIA/27D11-12 IIA/27D11-12 1806, Aug 28, Dec 28 1806, Aug28, Dec28 HASELTINE, Charles HASELTINE, Charles F.F. IIA/39C4-D2 IIA/39C4-D2 BFP to: to: BFP IIA/4C4-5 1807, Mar Mar 33 IIA/40C4-5 1807, 1868, May 29 IXA/18E8-9 IXA/18E8-9 1868, May29 IIA/4E13-F1 1807, Mar 28 IIA/40E13-F1 1807, Mar28 HASFIELD, (Dr.) (Dr.) HASFIELD, IIA/4F8-14 1807, May May 55 IIA/40F8-14 1807, CWP to: CWP to: 1807, May 17 IIA/40G2-12 IIA/4G2-12 1807, May17 IIA/67E45 1822, Aug 26 IIA/67E4-5 1822, Aug26 IIA/41A2-3 1807, May 25 IIA/41A2-3 1807, May25 HASKINS, Joseph HASKINS,Joseph IIA/41E13-F12 1807, Oct 25 IIA/41E13-F12 1807, Oct25 IIB/li (p.43), m: IIB/11 (p. 43),1212(p. (p. 24); 24); IIC IIC IIA/42A13-B3 1807, Dec 15 IIA/42A13-B3 1807, Dec 15 (p. 172) 172) IIA/43D12-14 1808, Jul IIA/43D12-14 1808, Ju33 (p. IIA/46F1 -6 1809, IIA/46F1-6 HASKINS, Sarah Barclay Barclay (Mrs. (Mrs. Joseph) Joseph) HASKINS, Sarah 1809, May May 44 JIA/46F13-14 1809, May May 88 IIA/46F13-14 m: JIB/li IIB/11 (p. (p. 51), 51), 12 12 (p. (p. 24) 24) 1809, m: IIA/47B8-9 1809, Jun 10[?] IIA/47B8-9 1809, Jun bE?] HATTINGER, I.I. B. B. HATTINGER, 1809, Dec 20, 21 21 IIA/48C3-7 1809, Dec 20, IIA/48C3-7 to Philadelphia Philadelphia Museum: Museum: to IIA/71A9-11 1824, IIA/71A9-11 1824, Jul Jul 30 30 XIA/7F12-14 1824, Mar 27 XIA/7F12-14 1824, Mar27 IIA/71C1 1824, Sept 30 IIA/71C1 1824, Sept 30 to BFP: toBFP: m: IIA/24A2-7, IIA/24A2-7, 24A8-13, 24A8-13, IXA(Add.)/1A2-8 m: 1835, Sept24 Sept24 IXA(Add.)/lA2-8 1835, 26C12-13, 26D1-12, 26G8-11, 26C12-13, 26D1-12, 26G8-11, HAUVILLE, (M.) (M.) HAUVILLE, 27A4-5, 27A6, 27A6, 27A8-11, 27A8-11, 27Al2, 27A12, 27A4-5, to RuP: toRuP: 27A13, 27B4-5, 27A13, 27B4-5, 27B6-7, 27B6-7, 1818, Mar28 1818, Mar 28 27B8-9, 27C1 27C11,1, 27C13-14, 27B8-9, 27C13-14, VIIA(Add.)/lA13-B2 VIIA(Add.)/1A13-B2 27D8, 27F4-6, 27D8, 27F4-6, 27F8-10, 27F8-10, HAUY, (Abbé) (Abbe) René-Just Rene-Just HAUY, 27F11-14, 27G2-3, 27G2-3, 27G4, 27G4, 27F11-14, CWP to: CWP to: 27G6-7, 27G8-9, 27G8-9, 28A9-10, 28A9-10, 27G6-7, IIA/45E5-6 1809, 21 IIA/45E5-6 1809, Jan Jan21 28A11-12, 28C7-8, 28A11-12, 28B9, 28B9, 28C1, 28C1, 28C7-8, IIA/46B3-4 1809, 17 IIA/46B3-4 1809,Mar Mar17 28C12, 28E6-7, 28E8-10, 28F8, 28F8, 28C12, 28E6-7, 28E8-10, m: IIA/44E7-11, m: IIA/44E7-11, 44G7-10, 44G7-10, 29A10, 29D2-3, 29D4-5, 29A10, 29D 2-3,29D 4-5, 30B4, 30B4, 45F7-G12,46C3-6, 46F1-6, 45F7-G12, 46C3-6, 46F1-6, 30C 1-2,30C 5-6, 30C9, 30C9, 30C1-2, 3005-6, 49A6-7, 49A8-14;IID/30 IID/30 (p. (p. 50); 50); 49A6-7, 49A8-14; 30D13-E3, 30E4-9, 31C12-13, 31C1213, 30D13-E3, 30E4-9, VIA(Add.)/1Al2-B1; VIA(Add.)/lA12-Bl; 31F5-6,31F7-8, 31G5-8, 31F5-6, 31F7-8, 31G5-8, XIA/5E12-G4,17C14 XIA/5E12-G4, 17C14 HAVEN, 31G9-10, 31G1 1, 32A2, 32A2, 32A3-5, 32A3-5, 31G9-10,31G11, HAVEN, Samuel SamuelF.F. 32A6-7, 32A1332A13-14, 32C3, to j. Peter PeterLesley: Lesley: toJ. 32A6-7, 14, 32C3, 32C4-5, 32C6-7, 32C6-7, 32C8, 32C8, 1870, Sept26 32C4-5, 1870, Sept 26 IXA/19B5-7 IXA/19B5-7 32C 9-10,32C 11-12,32D to Caroline E. E. G. G. Peale: Peale: to Caroline 32C9-10, 32C11 -12, 32D11-2, -2, 1873, Dec Dec18 32D6, 32D 7-8, 32D9-10, 32D9-10, 1873, 18 IXA/21A11-13 IXA/21A11-13 32D6, 32D7-8, HAVILAND,John HAVILAND, John 32D11-12, 32D11-12, 33F3-4, 33F3-4, 33F5-6 33F5-6 s/Memorial. . . to s/Memorial. the PAFA: PAFA: to the 34A12,34A13-B2, 34B12-14, 34Al2, 34A13-B2, 34B12-14, 1828, 1828, Mar Mar 17 17 III/3F8-G12 34C8-11, 34D1 34D 1-2, 34E8, 111J3F8- G12 34C8-11, -2, 34E8, m: IIA/67D6-8, IIA/67D6-8, 72C10-11, 72C10-11, 72D3-4; 72D3-4; m: 35G2-3, 36A7-9, 35G 2-3,36A 7-9, 36A10-11, 36A10-11, III/4F2, 11J14F2,5A12; 5Al2;VIA/4C14-D2; VIA/4C14-D2; 36A12-13,36A14-B1, 36C6-8, 36Al2-13, 36A14-B1, 36C6-8, VIIA/6D14-E3; (Add.)/lD8-9; (Add.)/1D8-9; VIIA/6D14-E3; 36D 9-10,36E 5-7,36E 8-9, 36D9-10, 36E5-7, 36E8-9, XIA (Add.)/6 (p. (p. 145); 145); XIA (Add.)/6 36F8-11, 36G2, 36F8-11, 36F12-G1, 36F12-G1,36G2, XIIA/1A3-3E3 XIIA/1A3-3E3 36G3-4, 37B5-6, 36G 3-4,37B 5-6, 37D8-9, 37D8-9, HAVILL, Robert HAVILL, Robert 37D12-13, 37E1-2, 38E3, 38E7, 37D 12-13,37E1-2,38E3,38E7, m: VIIIA/6B3-4 VIIIA/6B3-4 m: 38F3, 38F5-6, 38F7-8, 38F7-8, 38G1-2, 38F3,38F5-6, 38G1-2, HAWKINS, HAWKINS, John John Isaac Isaac 38G 3-5,38G 6-9, 38G12-13, 38G12-13, 38G3-5, 38G6-9, Music by: by: Music 39A3, 39A4-5, 39F2-3, 39A3, 39A4-5, 39A6-7, 39A6-7, 39F2-3, 1798 1798 VIA/1 A4 VIA/1A4 39F4-5, 43C10-13, 43C10-13, 43C14-D1, 43C14-D1, 39F4-5, 1800 1800 VIA/1 A5-8 VIA/1A5-8 43D 2-11, 43E1 -6 , 45A6-7, 45A6-7, 43D2-11, 43E1-6, 1800, Nov88 1800, Nov IID/3D6-F14 IID/3D6-F14 48C1-2, 52A10-11, 48C1-2, 52A10-11, 55E1-6, 55E1-6, to CWP: CWP: to 55E7-12, 59G4, 61F5-8, 62F2-4, 55E7-12, 59G4, 61F5-8, 62F2-4, 1803, Dec 16, 16, 19, 19,20 1803, Dec 20 63A12-13, 70G2-5, 70G2-5, 70G6-12, 70G6-12, 63Al2-13, IIA/29B13-C2 IIA/29B13-C2 71D13-14, 71E1-3; 71D13-14, 71E1-3; CWP to: to: CWP IIE/4A1-5G7;VIA/1C11-13, VIA/IC1I-13, IIE/4A1-5G7; 1803,Jun22 1803, Jun 22 IIA/27G5 IIA/27G5 6D9-12; VIIA/1A9-10, VIIA/1A9-10, 1B8-10, 1B8-10, 6D9-12; 1803, Aug77 1803, Aug IIA/28C9-11 IIA/28C9-11 1E4-5; XIA/5A8-B1 1E4-5; XIA/5A8-B1 1803, Sept18 1803, Sept 18 IIA/28E11—12 IIA/28E11-12 HAWLEY, HAWLEY, Gideon Gideon 1803, Nov 66 1803, Nov IIA/29A3-5 IIA/29A3-5 ReP to: ReP to: .
The Peale 175 The 175 Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers
1835, 1835, Nov [?] 25 Nov [?] 25VIA/8E3-4 VIA/8E3-4 m: VIIIA/10B5-6 m: VIIIA/10B5-6 HAYDN, HAYDN, Joseph Joseph m: XIA/17D2 XIA/17D2 m: HAYES, Charles P.P. HAYES, Charles Charles Gibson Gibson to: to: Charles 1885, Mar Mar 13 1885, 13 VIIIA/17C6 VUtAII7C6 m: IIB/6 IIB/6(p. a);VIIIA/16F1-5; m: (p. a); VIIIA/16F1-5; XIIAI1A3-3E3 XIIA/1A3-3E3 HAYES, HAYES, John John F.F. s/Report: s/Report: 1837, May May66 1837, IXB/9C1-11 IXB/9C1-11 HAYS, HAYS, Isaac Isaac s/Report: s/Report: 1824, Mar99 1824, Mar VIIIA/1E8 VtIIA/1E8 for the the Academy Academy of of Natural Natural Sciences: Sciences: for 1826, 1826, Dec26 Dec26 VIIIAI2BI0-C2 VIIIA/2B10-C2 to L. Southard: to Samuel Samuel L. Southard: 1829,Jan 1829, Jan 55 VIIIA/2E11-14 VIIIA/2E11-14 s/Report: s/Report: 1838, Jan30 1838, Jan 30 VIIIA/6F6 VIIIA/6F6 1842, Nov VIIIA/8B5 1842, Nov 33 VtIIA/8B5 1842, Dec 22 VIIIA/8C1-2 1842, Dec22 VUIA/8C1-2 1843, Sept Sept11 1843, 11 VIIIA/8F14 VIIIA/8F14 to Caroline Caroline E. E. C. G. Peale: Peale: to 1873, 25 IXA/20G11-13 1873,Nov Nov25 IXA/20G11-13 RuP to: to: RuP 1824, Jul 22 22 VIIA/5B13-C1 1824,Jul VIIA/5B13-C1 1825, Jan 33 VIIA/6Al2-13 1825, Jan VIIA/6A12-13 1831,Ju 1831, Jul 12 12 VIIA/7G11 VIIA/7G11 BFP to: BFPto: 1866, Jun 4 IXA/18A13 1866,Jun4 IXAII8AI3 m: VIIIA/1E13-F4, 2F11-13, m: VIIIAJ1EI3-F4, 2E6-7, 2E6-7, 2F1 1-13, 3C5-6, 3D5-8, 3D 5-8, 3F2-5; 3F2-5; 3C5-6, XIA/7C1-14, XIA/7C1-14, 14F13-G2 14F13-G2 HAZARD, Ebenezer HAZARD, Ebenezer CWP to: CWP to: 1787,Ju126 1787, Jul 26 IIA/15F13 IIA/15F13 HAZELWOOD, John HAZELWOOD, John m: IIAJI2AIO-14; m: I I A J 1 2 A 1 0 - U ; IIB/12 IIB/12 (p. (p . 41); 41);
IID/29 27); XIAI17C5 XIA/17C5 IID/29 (p. (p. 27); HEATH, (Mr.) (Mr.) HEATH, CWP to: to: CWP IIA/33C11-14 1805, Feb 21 IIA/33C11-14 1805, Feb21
IIA!32D9-10,34C3-5, 34C3-5, 34C8-11, 34C8-11, m: IIA/32D9-10, 50E1-3, 51B2, 56C650E1-3, 51B2, 56C 6-DD6, 6, 56G6-8; IIB/5 IIB/5 (p. (p. 43) 43) 56G6-8; HEATH, (Mrs.) HEATH, (Mrs.) ILA/34C3-5, 34C8-11 34C8-11 m: IIA/34C3-5, m: HEATH, J. E. E. HEATH,J. RuP to: to: RuP VIIA/8C3 1833, Apr 9[?] VIIA/8C3 1833, Apr9[?] VIIAI8C5 1833, May 22 VIIA/8C5 1833, May22 1849, Feb 27 XIC/1B8-G3 1849, Feb27 XIC/1B8-G3 HEBURN, (Mr.) (Mr.) HEBURN, m: IIA/10G9-12; IIB/12 IIB/12 (p. (p. 16) 16) m: IIAIIOG9-12; HECKEWELDER, HECKEWELDER, John John CWP, CWP, Report Report on on his his paper: paper: IIA/32E9-10 1804, IIA/32E9-10 1804, Dec Dec66 HEISKELL, (Mr.) HEISKELL, (Mr.) 71E1-3, 71E8-9, 71E8-9, m: IIA/71D13-14, 71E1-3, m: 11A171D13-14, 71E10-1 71E10-11I HELLENE, (Signor) HELLENE, (Signor) IIA/68D9-11, 68D12-13, 68D12-13, m: IIA/68D9-11, m: 68E1-3; VIA/3C8-9; 68E1-3; VIAJ3C8-9; VIIA/4D2-3, 4D 4D7-10, VIIA/4D2-3, 7-10, 6A14-B1; 6A14-B1; m:
XIA/7C1 -14; XIB/3B1-5C8 XIB/3B1 -5C8 XIA/7C1-14; HELMUTH, John K. H ELM UTH.JohnK. s/Application for Charter: The The PAFA: PAFA: slApplication for Charter: 1805, 1805, Dec26 Dec26HA/37CU-D6 IIA/37C11-D6 m: IXA/15F9-10 m: IXA/15F9-10 HENLEY, HENLEY, Robert Robert [?J, [?], medal medal for for m: IXA/9E9-10 IXA/9E9-10 m:
HENRY, (Mr.) (Mr.) HENRY,
CWP to: CWPto: 1823, Oct 55 1823, Oct IIA/69D12 IIA/69D12 HENRY, John HENRY, (Governor) (Governor) John m: m: IIA/69D12, IIB/11(p. (p. 66); 66); IIA/69D12,69E1-2; 69E1-2; IIB/Il VIIIC/28A2-B1 VIIIC/28A2-B1 HENRY, Joseph HENRY, Joseph “Journal of aa trip to West West Point and "Journal of trip to Point and New York”: New York": 1826, Jun 22 XIC/1A14-B1 XIC/1A14-B1 1826,Jun22 Edmund Burkc: toto Edmund Burke: 1848, Jul 10 1848,Jul 10 VIIIA/11C2 VIIIA/11C2 to A. D. D. Bache: Bache: toA. 1848, Jul14 1848, Jul 14 VIIIA/11C3 VIIIA/11C3 toto A. Stuart: A. H. H. Stuart: [1849] [1849] VIIIA/11E11 VIllA/hEll to to A. A. D. D. Bache: Bache: 1851,Ju127 1851, Jul 27 VIIIA/12D7-8 VIIIA/12D7-8 to Thomas Ewbank: to Thomas Ewbank: 1852, Apr Apr24 VIIIA/12F9-10 1852, 24 VIIIA/12F9-10 to A. A. D. D. Bache: Bache: to 1853, 24 VIIIA/13B14-C2 1853, May May24 VIIIA/13B14-C2 to BFP: toBFP: IXA/17A6-8 1862, Jan IXA/17A6-8 1862, Jan 99 1862, Apr IXA/17B1-2 1862, Apr 11 IXA/17B1-2 1862, 10 IXA/17C3 1862,Jun Jun10 IXAII7C3 1862, Jun 20 20 IXA/17C6-7 1862,Jun IXA/17C6-7 1862, 17 IXA/17D7 1862, Nov Nov 17 IXA/17D7 totoTRP: TRP: 1864, Mar26 Mar 26 VIIIA/13D4-8 VIIIA/13D4-8 1864, toBFP: to BFP: 1 8 6 8Ju nl55 IXA/18D13-14 1868,Jun IXA/8D13-14 to U. U. S.S. Grant: Grant: to 1869, VIIIA/14E10-11 1869, Dec Dec VIUA/14E10-11 to J. E.E. W. W. Huffi Huff: toJ. 1871,Jul 15 VIIIA/14G7-8 VIIIA/14G7-8 1871,Jul 15 to Torrey: to John John Torrey: 1873, Jan 29 29 VIIIA/15D1-5 VIIIA/15D1-5 1873,Jan toto Caroline G. Peale: Peale: Caroline E. E. G. 1873, 11 IXA/20G8-10 1873, Nov Nov11 JXA/20G8-10 1873, Dec IXA/21A5-9 1873, DecS5 IXA/21A5-9 IXA/21B4-5 1873, IXA/21B4-5 1873, Dcc30 Dcc 30 “Address on on CWP": CW P”: "Address n.d. [c. 1875-1876] 1875-1876] IIA/74A2-D1 IIA/74A2-D1 nd. [c. TRP to: TRPto: 1851, Fcb Feb 15 15 VIIIA/12B5-6 1851, VIIIA/12B5-6 A. D. D. Bachc Bache to: to: A. VIIIA/12B9 1851, Mar VIIIA/12B9 1851, Mar33 John C. Cresson Cresson to: to: John C. 1851, Mar 24 VII1A/12C5 VIIIA/12C5 1851, Mar24 TRP to: TRP to: 1851, Jun 22 VIIIA/12D6 1851,Jun VIIIA/12D6 1859, Oct VIIIA/13D4-8 1859, Oct 55 VIIIA/13D4-8 A. D. D. Bacheto: A. Bache to: 1858, 19 VIA/13A5-6 1858, Mar Mar 19 VIA/13A5-6 m: VIA/13A10-12; VIA/13A10-12; VIIIA/10C11-12, VIIIA/IOCII-12, m: 10C13-D1, 10D2-3, 10D2-3, 10D8-9, 10C13-D1, 10D8-9, 10E4-5, 10G3-4, 11Al2-14, 10E4-5,10G 3-4,11A 12-14,
The Peale Peale Family F am ily Papers Papers The
11B 1-2, 11B3, 11B3, 11B4, 11B4, 11B8, 11B8, 11B1-2, 11B12, 5-7, 111C 9-10, 1 1B12, 11C 1 105-7, 1C9-1O, 12B 10-C 2, 12C3-4, 12 C 3 -4 ,112E11-13, 2 E 1 1 -1 3 , 12B10-C2, 12F2-6, 13D10, 14C2, 12F2-6,13D 10, 14Al2-13, 14A 12-13,14C 2, 1 4 C 9 -1 3 ,114E6-9, 4 E 6 -9 ,114E12, 4E12, 14C9-13, 15C5-8, 1 5 C 5 -8 ,115D6-9, 5 D 6 -9 , 15D10-11, 15D 10-11, 15D 12-E8; IXA/17E12-13, IX A /17E12-13, 15D12-E8; 7E9-14, 7 E 9 -1 4 ,117A9-10, 7 A 9 -1 0 , 17C8-10, 17C8-10, 17G 9-10 17G9-1O references to: Diary references ReP: ReP: VIA/13A7, VIAJ13A7, 13A8 VIIIA/14B13, 14B14, 14B14, TRP: VIIIAI14B13, 15A13, 15B13-14, 15A 13,15B 13-14, 15C4 15C4 BFP: IXA/18B7 HEPPENSTALL,John HEPPENSTALL, John RuP to: XIC/1B8-G3 22 X IC /1B 8-G 3 1833, Jun Jun22 m: V IA /7G 8-11, 88A2A 2 - 55 m: VIA/7G8-11, HERRICK , (Edward) Claudius HERRICK, to: ReP to: 1857, 24 VIA /12C14-D 1 1857, Aug24 A ug VIA/12C14-D1 HERRING, HERRIN G , (Dr.) m: C /7 E 2 -5 , 8E 9-12, m: VIIIA/2G7; VIIIA/2G7;XXC/7E2-5, 8E9-12, 8F11-14, 9C 9C9-12; 9 -1 2 ; VillA VIIIA (A dd.)/lB 5-6 (Add.)/1B5-6 HERRING, H ERRIN G , James C. m: VIA/15F7; VIA/15F7;XXIA m: IA (Add.)/6 (p. 108) 108) HERSCH EL, SirJohn Sir John Frederick Frederick William William HERSCHEL, m: stronom y: VIIIA/25B7— E2 m: AAstronony: VIIIA/25B7-E2 Preliminary Prelim inary Discourse D iscourse on the Study S tu d y of of Natural N atural Philosophy: P hilosophy: VIIIA/25B7-E2 V111A125B7-E2 HESSELIUS, Gustavus IIA/51F5—12, 51F13-G m: 11A151F5-12, 51F13-G66 HESSELIUS,John HESSELIUS, John m : IIC IB /13A 6-B 9 m: IIC (pp. (Pp. 18-91); 18-91); V VIB/13A6-B9 HESTON, H E ST O N , David David CW P to: CWPto: 1807, M ar 24 IIA/40E12 1807, Mar24 11A140E12 1807, M ar 31 IIA/40F4 1807, Mar31 1IA140F4 H E S T O N , Mary Mary Moore M oore (Mrs. (M rs. John) John) HESTON, CW P to: CWPto: 1806, Jul 3 1806,Ju13 IIA/39A9 m: 0 A 5 -6 , 40E12, m: IIA/39E4-6, 11A139E4-6,440A5-6, 40E12, 40F4,43D 43D2-11; IIC (pp. (pp. 368-69) 40F4, 2-11; IIC H E ST O N , Mordecai Mordecai HESTON, IIA/39E4-6, 40E12, m: 11A139E4-6, 40E12, 40F4, 51B2, 51B3-4 51B 3-4 HESTON, H E ST O N , Morris m: C /3F3-6, 99G7-1O, G 7 -1 0 , 11 C l 1 -12 m: XXC/3F3-6, I1CI1-12 HEWES, HEW ES, Joseph IIB/2 (pp. 22, 25) 25) m: IIB/2 HEWITT, HEW ITT, William to the Trustees ooff Peale’s Peale's Museum: 1821, Jul Jul 4 X IA /7D 3-4 XIA/7D3-4 HEW LETT, (Mr.) (Mr.) HEWLETT,
IIB/22 (p. (p.15) m : IIB/22 15) H E W SO N , Thomas Thom as T. T. HEWSON, s/Report: 1807, M Mar20 1807, ar 20 IIA/40E10-11 B. H. Latrobe and CW P to: CWP 1807, M Mar 1807, ar44 IIA /40D 3-10 IIA/40D3-10 m: IIAJ24E12-F1,44006-D2 m : IIA/24E12-F1, 0 C 6 -D 2 HEYL, H EYL, Philip Philip IIA/63B3-4; IIB/6 (p. 16) 16) m: 11AJ63B3-4; HEYL, William HEYL,Wjlliam
m m:: IIA/62B6-9 HA/62B6-9 HEYWARD, Thomas HEYW ARD, Thom as m m:: IIB/2 IIB/2 (p. 32) HIBERNIA Company HIBERN IA Insurance Insurance C om pany
toTRP: to TRP: 1873, Jul 12 VIIIA/15G5 1873, Jul12 H IC K E N B O T T O M , (Mr.) (Mr.) HICKENBOTTOM, m:: IIA/58E13-F1; IIB/8 (p. 27), m 27), 12 12 20) (p. 20) HICKS, HICK S, Willet Willet m: VIIA/4C8-9 VIIA/4C8-9 m: H IESTER, (Governor) (Governor) Joseph HIESTER, si An Act Act to Incorporate the the s/An useum : Philadelphia M Museum: XIA/6F5-G13 1821, Feb21 1821, Feb 21 X IA /6F5-G 13 CWP CW P to: to: IIA/65F8 1821, Jan 20 1821 ,Jan2O 11A166B4 1821, Apr17 1821, A pr 17 IIA/66B4 m: 11A165F10, IIA/65F10, 666B5-7, 6 B 5 -7 ,66B8, 67D 6-8; XIA/7A6-B11, X IA /7 A 6 -B 1 1 , 16B1-4, 67D6-8; 17C10; (Add.)/5 (Add.)/5 (p. (p.4) 17C10; 4) H ILG A RN , J. E. HILGARN,J. to TRP: to n.d. VIIIA/17F10 HILL, Elizabeth (Libby). See Huddleson, See H uddleson, Elizabeth Sellers Hill. HILL, George m: , 99D3-6, D 3 -6 , 99G2-6 G 2 -6 m: XC/3E1 XC/3E1- 4-4, HILL, Hannah Sellers Sellers SPS to: XC/3F710 1840, Jul 29 X C /3F7-10 1840, Jul29 XC/5A6-9 1849,NNov4 1849, ov 4 X C /5A 6-9 A pr 99 X C /7A 6-7 1853, Apr XC/7A6-7 XC/1OA1O12 1855, Jul 20 X C /10A 10-12 1855, Jul20 XC/10D4 1855, Sept 7 1855, XC/10D4 ay 14 XC/11C11-12 X C /11C 11-12 1858, MayM14 XC/11D13-14 1859[?], M ay 9 X C /11D 13-14 1859[?], May m : VIA/10F3-4; C /1C 11-12, m: VIA/10F3-4; X XC/1C11-12, 1E 11-14, 1F 3 -6 , 1G6-7, 1G 6-7, 1E11-14, 1F3-6, 2B 9 -1 2 , 22B13-C2, B 1 3 -C 2 , 22C6-9, C 6 -9 , 2B9-12, 3E 13-F2, 3F3-6, 3 F 3 -6 ,3 F 1 11-14, -1 4 , 3E13-F2, 3F1 3 G 1 -4 , 3 G 9 -1 2 , 4 A 2 -5 , 3G1-4,3G9-12,4A2-5, 4A 13-B 2, 44B3-4, B 3 -4 , 4B5-8, 4 B 5 -8 , 4A13-B2, 4B 9 -1 2 , 4D13-E4, 4 D 1 3 -E 4 , 4E9-F1, 4 E 9 -F 1 , 4B9-12, 4F 6 -9 , 5A10-13, 5A 10-13, 5B6-7, 5 B 6 -7 , 4F6-9, 5B12-C1, 5B 12-C 1, 55C2-8, C 2 -8 , 5D2-5, 5 D 2 -5 , 5D10-13, 5D 10-13, 5E13-F2, 5E 13-F 2, 5F3-4, 5F 3-4, 5F 5-8, 5F 9-13, 66C1-4, C 1 -4 , 7A2-5, 7 A 2 -5 , 5F5-8, 5F9-13, 77B2-5, B 2 -5 , 88D3-6, D 3 -6 , 8D9-12, 8 D 9 -1 2 , 8D13-14, 8D 13-14, 88E5-8, E 5 -8 , 9A10-13, 9A 10-13, 9 C 5 -8 , 9D3-6, 9 D 3 -6 ,9D1 9 D 11-14, 1 -1 4 ,9E1 9 E 1-9C5-8, 4, 4 , 10D5-8, 10D 5-8, 10F2-5, 10F 2-5, 11B8-11, 11B 8-11, 1105-6, I 11C7-8, 1 1 C 5 -6 ,1 C 7 -8 ,1I11C13-DI, C 1 3 -D 1 , I 1D2-4, E6-7, E810, 11D 2-4, 11 11E 6-7, 11 11E 8-10, 1 1G6-7, 1G8-9 11G 6-7, 111G 8-9 HILL, M Mary HILL, ary m: X C /1D 13-E 1, 11G2-5, G 2 -5 , 55D6-9, D 6 -9 , m: XC/1D13-E1, 6E11-14 6E 11-14 HILL, HILL, Peter Peale family to: 1 1A/73B2-3 1827, Feb Feb23 1827, 23 11A/73B2-3 m: X C /1C 11-12, D 3 -6 , 3F7-10, 3F 7-10, m: XC/1C1 1-12,33D3-6, 4 B 3 -4 ,55B12-C1, B 1 2 -C 1 , 5C2-8, 5 C 2 -8 ,55F3-4, F 3 -4 , 4B3-4, 77A2-5, A 2 -5 , 88D9-12, D 9 -1 2 , 8D13-14, 8D 1 3 -1 4 , 9 C 1 -4 ,1IOAIO-12, 0 A 1 0 -1 2 , 10D12-EI, 10D 12-E 1, 9C1-4, 11B8-11, 11B 8-11, 111C1-4, 1 C 1 -4 , 11G6-7, 11G 6-7,
I777 ll
The Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers The Peale
11G8-9 HILL, Sellers Sellers m: C/2D 14-E2, 33E1-4, E 1 -4 , 3F 3-6, m: XXC/2D14-E2, 3F3-6, 33F7-10, F 7 -1 0 ,33G5-8, G 5 -8 , 4B 13-C 6, 4B13-C6, 5B 12-C 1, 55C2-8, C 2 -8 , 5D10-13, 5D 10-13, 5B12-C1, 66C5-8, C 5 -8 ,66C9-12, C 9 -1 2 , 66C13-D2, C 1 3 -D 2 , 6D 8-11, 6D12-13, 6D 12-13, 6G3-8, 6 G 3 -8 , 6D8-11, 77B2-5, B 2 -5 ,77D12-E1, D 1 2 -E 1 , 7E10-12, 7E 10-12, 7F9-12, 7-10, 88A6-8, A 6 -8 , 7F9-12, 7G 7G7-10, 8A 9-12, 8A 13-B 1, 88B2-5, B 2 -5 , 8A9-12, 8A13-B1, 8B 14-C 3, 81)3-6, 8 D 3 -6 , 8E9-12, 8E 9-12, 8B14-C3, 9A 10-13, 99C1-4, C 1 -4 , 99C5-8, C 5 -8 , 9A10-13, 99D3-6, D 3 -6 ,99D7-8, D 7 -8 , 9E13-F2, 9E 13-F2, 10D 5-8, IOEIO-12, 10E10-12, 11B12-14, 10D5-8, 1 1 D 2 -4 ,111G6-7 1 G 6 -7 11D2-4, Michael HILLEGAS, Michael CW P to: to: CWP 1786, N ov 3 IIA/14E8 1786, Nov 1786 IIA/14F14-G1 1786 m: IIA/15G7-9; IIB/2 (p. 15 (p. 7) 7) IIA/15G7-9; 11B12 (p. 44), 15 Eli HILLIS, Eli CW P to: to: CWP 1814, IIA /54C 5-6 1814, Dec Dec44 IIA/54C5-6 1815, 13 IIA /55A 8-9 1815, Apr 13 IIA/55A8-9 1815, Jun IIA /55D 1-4 Jun 11 IIAI55D1-4 1815, Dec 16 16 IIA/56D9 11A156D9 1816, ar 17 IIA/57A14 1816, M Mar17 11AI57A14 1816, IIA/57B6 1816, Apr Apr88 lIA/57B6 1816, 28 IIA/57D5 1816,Jun Jun28 UA/57D5 1820, ar 24 IIA /64A 7-8 1820, M Mar24 IIA/64A7-8 1821, 18 IIA /66D 7-10 1821, Aug 18 IlA/66D7-10 m: IIA/52F12, 2, 63G 3-9 IIA/52F12,63F11-G 63F11-G2, 63G3-9 HILLIS, Samuel CW P to: CWPto: 1814, Dec IIA /54C 5-6 1814, Dec44 IIA/54C5-6 1815, Jun 11 IIA /55D 1-4 lIA/55D1-4 1815,Jun 1815, 16 1815, Dec Dec16 IIA/56D9 1816, ar 17 17 IIA/57A14 1816, M Mar Apr 88 IIA/57B6 1816, Apr HA/57B6 1816, Jun 28 1816, Jun28 IIA/57D5 m: IIA/52F12 HILTZHEIM ER, Jacob HILTZHEIMER, m: 19, 38) 38) m: IIB/2 IIB/2 (pp. 19, H IN D M A N , James H!NDMAN, m: m: IIB/11 HB/11(pp. (pp. 3, 3, 45, 45, 63, 63, 64); 64); IIC tIC
(pp. 145, 145,146) 146) H I S TO T O IiRE R E des des M eduses, by HiS Meduses, by Peron Peron and
Lesueur m: m: VIIIA/25B7-E2 VIHA/25B7-E2 H I S TTOIRE O I R E NNaturelle a tu r e lle des des Animaux A n im a u x Sans Sans HIS Vertebres, y j. B. Vertèbres,b byJ. B. Lamarck Lamarck VIIIA/25B7-E2 m: V111A125B7-E2 H ISTO RICA L Society Society of o f Pennsylvania HISTORICAL T R P to: to: TRP 1877, pr 16 16 IIE/7D 6-G 1 1877, A Apr 11E17D6-G1 /14B2-4, m: VIB/10D10-13; VIB/IOD1O-13; VIIIA VIIIA/14B2-4, 15A 2-3, 15A4, 15A4, 15C9-12, 15C 9-12, 16D34, 16D34, 15A2-3, 16E12-13; IA /15F6-7 16E12-13; X XIA/15F6-7 H IT C H C O C K , Edward Edw ard HITCHCOCK, to Caroline E. E .G Peale: G.. Peale: 1874, pr 11 IX A /21C13-D 1 1874, A Apr11 IXA/21C13-D1 1874, pr 28 IX A /21D 5-7 IXA/21D5-7 1874, A Apr28 HOADLEY, Lottie m: C /5A 14-B 3, 5E 9 -1 2 , 5E13-F2, m: XXC/5A14-B3, 5E9-12, 5 G 6 -9 ,112Al2-13 2 A 1 2 -1 3 5G6-9, H O A R E , Robert HOARE,
m: XIA 108) m: X!A (Add.)/5 (Add.)/5 (p. (p. 60), 60), 66 (p. (plO8) H O D G E , (Professor) (Professor) Charles HODGE, ReP to: to: 1847, Jul 19 19 V IA /10E6-10 1847,Jul VIA/10E6-10 m: m: VIA/15D8-E1 H O D G E , Paul Paul R. HODGE, to: BFP to: 1839, 24 IXA/7G12 1839, Dec Dec24 IXAJ7GI2 H O D G E S, Andrew Andrew HODGES, 23) m: IIB/2 (p. 6), 11 (p. 23) H O D G E S, J. H. HODGES,J. to TRP: toTRP: 1849, VIIIA/11F1-2 1849, Dec22 D ec22 VIIIA/11FI-2 VIIIA/14C14-D1 m: V111A114C14-D1 H O D G S O N , George George HODGSON, CW P to: CWPto: 1816, Jan Jan 9 IIA/56F9 m: IIA/52E3-6, 7-13, 52F4-11, m: IIA/52E3-6, 52E 52E7-13, 52F12, 53B 12-13, 53D 3-7, 52F12, 53B12-13, 53D3-7, 5 4D 1-2, 55A10-B9, 55A 10-B 9, 55010-C9; 55B10-C9; 54D1-2, VIIA/2C12-13, 22D1-2, D 1 -2 , 2E14-F3 2E 14-F3 V1IA/2C12-13, H O D G SK IN , (Mr.) (Mr.) HODGSKIN, m: IIA/5A5-6, 5C4; IIB/2 (pp. m: (pp. 3-4 3-4)) H O L B R O O K , (Dr.)John (D r.)John Edwards.Nor:h E dw ards. N o rth HOLBROOK, Am erican H erpetology American Herpetology m: VIHA/13B3-8 VIIIA/13B3-8 m: H O L D E N , Horace Horace HOLDEN, to T. Cambriling: 1836, Aug 25 X IB /2G 11-12 1836, Aug25 XIBI2GII-12 m: VIIA /7D 11-E6, 88D3-9, D 3 -9 , m: VIIA/7D11-E6, 8D 11-12; XIB/1B4, 8, 8D11-12; XIB/1B4, 1B11-D IB1I-D8, 2 D 3 -4 , 2F14, 2F14, 33A3-7 A 3 -7 2D3-4, H O L D E N , isaac Isaac HOLDEN, m: m: XIA XIA (Add.)/6 (Add.)/6 (pp. (pp. 145, 145, 157-58, 160-61), 77 (p. (p. 207) 207) 160-61), H O LL IN G SW O R T H ,Jess Jess HOLL!NGS WORTH, Council of o f Safety: Safety: to Council 1777, Apr IVA/1G9 1777, Apr44 H O LLIN SH EA D , William William HOLLINSHEAD, CW P for the Pennsylvania and CWP Assembly to David Rittenhouse: 1779, Dec IIA/9C10 1779, Dec77 1779, Dec 21 IIA/9C11 1779, Dec21 IIA/9E12-13 1780, Jan 88 25 IIA/9F1 1780, Jan Jan25 1780, Jan 25 IIA/9F2 11A19F2 1780, Jan25 IIA/9F3 26 1780, Jan Jan26 1780, Jan 29 IIA/9F4 1780, Jan29 IIA/9F6 HA/9F6 1780, Feb 8 IIA/9F8 IIA/9F8 1780, Feb 17 1780, M ar 9 IIA /9G 1-2 UAI9GI-2 1780, Mar9 11A19G3 1780, M ar 24 IIA/9G3 1780, Mar24 1780, Aug 33 IIA/10D12 1780, HOLLYDAY, James CW P to: CWP 1781, ar 11 IIA/10G3-4 !!AIIOG3-4 1781, M Mar11 m: IIA/10G9-12; IIB/2 IIB/2 (pp. 7, 7, 8) 8) m: H O LM ES, (Mr.) (Mr.) HOLMES, IIA/23F6-7, 23F11 -1 2 m: 11A123F6-7, 23F11-12 H O LM ES, (Dr.) (Dr.) HOLMES, m: VIIIA /7B9-11, 7C 11-14; m: VIIIAI7B9-.11, 7C11-14; VIIIC/25E10-27B3 See also 2, See alsoJour. Jour.Wilkes WilkesExped. Exped. ##2, ##3, 3 , Series Series VJIIB. VIIIB. H O LM ES, John John HOLMES, m : IIA/61D1-2, 3-4, 61D 5-6, m: HA/61D1-2,61D 61D3-4, 61D5-6,
The Peale Family F am ily Papers Papers The Peale
61D 8-9, 61E2-3, 61E2-3, 61E12-13, 61E12-13, 61D8-9, 61F1-2,61G 4-8;IIB/23 IIB/23 (p. (p. 20ff); 20ff); 61F1-2, 61G4-8; IIC (p. (p. 422); 422);XIAI17C1O XIA/17C10
HOLMES, H O LM ES, Samuel m: IIA/24C7-10; V IIA /9G 6-9 VIIAJ9G6-9 m: 11A124C7-10; HOLMES H O LM ES and Barnes, B am es, (Messrs.) (Messrs.) CWP CW P to: to: IIA/56F4-7 1816, Jan 9 H O M O N Y Club Club HOMONY minutes: 1772, Jan 30, Feb 1772,Jan30, Feb66 IIA/3E5-4B3 CWP CW P to: to: IIA/3E2-4 28 IIA /3E2-4 1772, Jan Jan28 HONE, H O N E , Philip Philip ReP to: 1827, Feb 16 VIA/4F14 1831, Jan 24 24 VIAJ6EI2 VIA/6E12 1831,Jan 1832, ar 25 VIA /7F4-5 VIA/7F4-5 1832, M Mar25 n. d. VIA/12B13 VIA/5B13-C4, 6C 6C11-14; m: m: V1A/5B13-C4, 11-14; V IIA /6C 9-D 8; XIC/1A2-13 X IC /1A 2-13 VIIA/6C9-D8; H O N EY W ELL, (Miss) (Miss) HONEYWELL, m: VVIIAI7A10-11, IIA /7 A 1 0 -ll,77C2-5; C 2 -5 ; pn: X IB /3B 1-5C XIB/3B1 -5C88 H O PK IN S, (Admiral) (Admiral) Esek HOPKINS, m: IIB/2 ILB/2 (p. (p. 25) m: HOPKINS, H O PK IN S, Evan m: VIIIAA1D14-E1 VIIIAJIIDI4-E1 m: HOPKINS, H O PK IN S, James toCWP: to CWP: 1805, DDec26 11A137C11-D6 1805, ec26 IIA /37C11-D 6 H O P K IN S O N , Ann A nn Borden B orden HOPKINSON, (Mrs. Francis) Francis) m: IIA/5A10-11; ILAJ5A1O-11; IIB/2 IIB/2 (p. 38) m. H O P K IN S O N ,Anne AnneBid Biddle HOPKINSON, dle (Mrs. Joseph) m : 11AJ43F1-5 IIAJ43F1-5 m: H O P K IN S O N , Francis Francis HOPKINSON, CW P to: CWP 1774, Aug 26 IIA/5A10—11 1774, Aug26 IIA/5A10-11 m: IIB/2 2); IIB/2 (p. (p. 17), 7 (p. 2); VIA/13F11-12; ((Add.)/1D8-11; A d d .)/lD 8 - ll; VIA/13F11-12; XIA/17C4 XIAI17C4 HOPKINSON, H O P K IN S O N , Joseph and William WilliamM Meredith CWP, to and eredith and CWP, Nicholas Biddle: 1805,Ju18 1805, Jul 8 IIA/35B5-7 IIA/35B5-7 to rm strong: to General General AArmstrong: 1805,Ju18 1805, Jul 8 IIA/35B8-10 IIA/35B8-10 Charter: The ThePAFA: PAFA: s/Application for Charter: 1805, Dec26 IIA/37C11-D6 1805, D ec26 IIA /37C11-D 6 and William William Nicholas Biddle to, and and CW CWP: Meredith and P: 1805, OOct24 1805, ct 24 IIA/36E10-11 1805,NNov20 1805, ov 20 IIA/36G12-13 1805, Nov20 1805, N ov 20 IIA/37A2-12 Andrews and ooke to, and and William William and C Cooke M eredith and CWP: Meredith 1806, Jan Jan27 27 IIA/37F3 Andrews and ooke to: and C Cooke 1806, Feb 10 10 IIA/37G8-9 1806, Feb Feb11 1806, 11 IIA/37G10-11 m: IIA/34F1-5, 1-2, 40B 1-2, m: 11A134F1-5,38F 38F1-2, 40B1-2, 40E13-F1, 40E 1 3 -F 1 ,449F4-7, 9 F 4 -7 , 49G9-1O, 49G 9-10, 51F13-G 6, 61F9-G3, 61F9-G 3, 51F5-12, 51F13-G6, 62A10,62E1 3 , 67E1 3 , 67E 6-8, 62A10, 62E1- -3, 67E1- -3, 67E6-8,
69C9, 70D 70D12-13, 70E4-5; 69C9, 12-13, 70E 4-5; V IA /2D 5-6, 22D8-9, D 8 -9 , 2D14-E4, 2D 14-E 4, VIAJ2D5-6, 2E5, 2E5, 22E6-7, E 6 -7 , 2F1-2, 2 F 1 -2 , 10E6-10, 10E 6-10, E E11-14; l 1-14; V VIIA/2A4-5; IIA /2A 4-5; VIIIA/4D9-11, V IIIA /4D 9-11, 2E11-14; 2E 11-14; IXA15D910 IX A /5D 9-10 HOPKINSONJ, Mrs. Thomas H O P K IN S O N , M rs. T hom as
m: m: IIC (p. 91) H O P P N E R , John HOPPNER, m: IA /10E6-10 m: V VIA/10E6-10 H O SA C K , (Dr.) (Dr.) David D avid HOSACK,
CV/P CW P to: 1805, Jun 29 IIA /35B 1-4 IIA/35B1-4 1805, Jun29 1805, Jul 17 IIA/35C11 1805, Jul17 1817, Jun 24 IIA/59G1 1817, Jun24 m: IIA/38B8, IIA/38B8,38B 38B11-13, 67C1-3, m: 11-13, 67C1-3, 67C4-5, 67D1-2; 6 7 D 1 -2 ;IIB/17 IIB/17 (pp. (pp. 10, 10, 67C4-5, 41), IIA /6C 9-D 8, 41), 22 22 (p. (p. 27); 27);VVIIA/6C9-D8,
6D14-E3; XIC/1A2-13, 6D 14-E 3; X IC /1A 2-13, 1B8-G3 1B 8-G 3 H OSEY, Jane HOSEY, m: III/4G5-8; IIIA /1A 2-5, 1A 6-9, m: 111i4G5-8;VVIIIA/1A2-5, 1A6-9, 1 A 1 0 -1 2 ,11A13-B1, A 1 3 -B 1 ,11B2-4 B 2 -4 1A1O-12, H O U D O N ,Jean-Antoine Jean-A ntoine HOUDON,
CWP CW P to: to: 21 1809, Jan Jan21
IIA/45E1 -2 IIA /45E1-2
m: IIA /27B4-5, 30G10, 30G 11-12, m: IIA/27B4-5, 30Gb, 30G11-12, 4 4C 11-14, 44G7-10, 4 4G 7-10, 45F7-G12, 45F7-G 12, 44C11-14, 446C3-6, 6 C 3 -6 ,446F1-6, 6 F 1 -6 , 47A4-9, 47A 4-9, 7 0C 3-5; IID/30 I ID/30 (p. (p. 50); 50); 70C3-5; V IA /1G 4-10, 33F7-13, F 7 -1 3 , 33G6-9, G 6 -9 , VIAJ1G4-10, 11E4-5, 1 1 E 4 -5 ,112C10-11, 2 C 1 0 -1 1 , 12D13-14, 12D 13-14, 12E4-5; 12E 4-5; VIB/19F9-10, V IB /19F9-10, 19F11-20B14; X IA /5A 8-B 1, 19F11-20B14; XIA/5A8-B1,
17C14 H O U S T O N , Joseph HOUSTON, BFP to: 1840, Jan 4 IXAJ8A6-7 IX A /8A 6-7 HOWARD, H O W A RD , (Miss) (Miss) m: IIB/12 (p. 35) 35) HOWARD, H O W A RD , Beale Beale m: IIA/68D9-11; V/1E3-10; m: IIA/68D9— 11; V /1E 3-10; VIIA15A310 V IIA /5A 3-10 HOWARD,John H O W A RD , John Eager in: 11A169C14, IIA/69C14,69D1-2, 69D 4,70F2; 70F2; m: 69D1-2, 69D4, (pp.88-13, IIIB/8 IB/8 (pp. -1 3 , 27); 27); IIC (p. 459); 459); IID/29 IA /4A 2-6, IID/29 (p. (p. 22); 22); VVIA/4A2-6, 4A7-11, 4A 7-11, 10B14-C2; 10B 14-C 2; VIB/19F1 I -20B14; VIB/19F11-20B14;
VIIIC/28A2-B1; VIIIC/28A2-B1; XIA/2C10-E1, XIA/2C10-E1, 17C5
HOWARD, H O W A RD , Margaret M argaret (Peggy) (Peggy) Oswald C hew (Mrs. John Eager) Eager) Chew m: IIB/lO IIB/10 (p. 10) 10) HOWARD, HO W A RD, Samuel Samuel m: IIB/10 (p. 10) m: H O W A RD , M rs. Samuel HOWARD, Mrs. m: IIB/10 HB/10 (pp. (pp. 11, 14) m: 11,14) H O W A RD , William William HOWARD, to: RuP to: VIIA/2C10 1813, ct 3 1813, O Oct tn: IIA/68D9-11; XIC/1B8-G3 m: IIA /68D 9-11; X IC /1B 8-G 3 H O W E , (General) (General) William William HOWE, IIA/12E1-4; 25) m: IIA/12E1 -4; IIB/2 (p. 41), 5 (p. 25) HOWELL, H O W ELL, George CWP CW P to: 1811, Aug 21 IIA /50D 9-10 IIA/50D9-10 1811, Aug21
179 !79
The The Peale Peale Family F am ily Papers Papers
IIB/9 (p. m: 11B19 (p. 46) HOWELL, HO W ELL, Joseph toJP: 1784, N Nov 1784, ov 8 III/2A2 11112A2 CWP CW P to: to: 1787, Mar Mar27 1787, 27 IIA /15C1-2 IIA/15C1-2 1787, N Nov 1787, ov IIA/15G12-13 1787, Dec Dec 99 IIA/16A2-5 Richmond Christopher Richm ond to: 1784, Apr33 1784, Apr III/1G9-11 II!11G9-11 HOYLE, HO Y LE, Raphael Raphael to Thomas ap Catesby Jones: to 1837, Nov6 1837, N ov 6 VIIIA/6C13 VIIIAI6C13 VIJICJ25EIO-27B3 m: 11A162B6-9; IIA/62B6-9; VIIIC/25E10-27B3 HU BBELL,W. W. W. W. HUBBELL, Report on his firearms: 1845 1845 IX B /11C 8-12 IXB/11C8-12 HUBLEY, Ann Ann Elizabeth Elizabeth HUBLEY m: VIJA/10C5,10F3-6, 10F3-6, 10F11-14, 10F11-14, m: VIIA/10C5, 11A2-5, 11B 11B9-12, 11C2-5, 11A2-5, 9-12, 11C 2-5, 11C12-D1, 11C 12-D 1, 11G3-6 11G 3-6 HUBLEY, Anna n: m:
HUBLEY, HUBLEY, Edward m: VIIAIIOC9-11, V IIA /10C 9-11,1OF11-14, 10F11-14, IOGI-7, 11B9-12, IIEIO-13, 10 G 1 -7,11B 9-12, U E 1 0 -1 3 , 12B1-4 HUBLEY, aryJ. HUBLEY, M MaryJ. to Mrs. Rubens Peale: 1831, Feb Feb77 VIIA/7F2-5 VIIA /7F2-5 m: VIIA/10C14-D3, VIIA /10C14-D 3, 10F3-6, 10F 7 -1 0 ,11OG1-7, 0 G 1 -7 , 11B6-8, 11B 6-8, 10F7-10, 11B13-C1, 11Db-h 11B 13-C 1,11D 10-11 (Mrs.) T. T. HUBLEY, (Mrs.) m: m: VIIB/18A2-B12 H U D D L E SO N , (Mrs.) (Mrs.) HUDDLESON, m: C /11G 6-7 m: XXCIIIG6-7 HUDDLESON, H U D D L E SO N ,Elizabeth Elizabeth Sellers Sellers Hill Hill
SPS to: 1842, Jun 13 X C /2D 14-E 2 1842, Jun13 XC/2D14-E2 XC/6D12-13 1852, Dec11 1852, Dec 11 X C /6D 12-13 Anna Sellers to: 1845, Apr20 XC/3B3-6 1845, Apr 20 X C /3B 3-6 m: XCI1CI1-12, X O l C l l - 1 2 , 3E1-4, 3 E 1 -4 , 3G5-8, 3G 5 -8 , m: 3 G 9 -1 2 ,44B3-4, B 3 -4 , 4B5-8, 4 B 5 -8 , 3G9-12, 5A 14-B 3, 5B 1 2 -C 1 , 5C3-4, 5 C 3 -4 , 5A14-B3, 5B12-C1, 5 F 3 -4 ,55F9-13, F 9 -1 3 ,77B2-5, B 2 -5 ,77B10-13, B 1 0 -1 3 , 5F3-4, 7C 10-13, 77D12-E1, D 1 2 -E 1 , 7E10-12, 7E 10-12, 7C10-13, 7F1-4, 7F 1-4, 7G11-13, 7G 11-13, 8B14-C3, 8B 14-C 3, 8 D 3 -6 ,88E9-12, E 9 -1 2 , 9A6-9, 9 A 6 -9 , 8D3-6, 9A10-13, 9A 10-13, 99C1-4, C 1 -4 , 9C9-12, 9C 9 -1 2 , 99D3-6, D 3 -6 , 99D7-10, D 7 -1 0 , 9G2-6, 9 G 2 -6 , 10B 13-C 2, 10A10-12, 10B13-C2, 10E 10-12,10E 13-F 1, 10G8-11, 10G 8-11, 10E10-12, 10E13-F1, 11B8-11, 11D2-4, 11B8-11, 11 D 2 -4 , 11G6-7, 11G 6-7, 11G 8-9 11G8-9 H U D D L E S O N , (Dr.) (Dr.) Henry H enry HUDDLESON, XC/7G7-10, 9A10-13, m: X C /7G 7-10, 9A 10-13, 9C9-12, 9C 9-12, m: 10E 10-12,10E 13-F 1 1OEIO-12, 10E13-F1 HUDSON, H U D S O N , (Mr.) (Mr.) IIAI43F1-5, 52E 52E7-13, m: IIA/43F1-5, 7-13, 56F4-7 tn: H U D S O N , William William L.: Journal. See See HUDSON, L.:Journal. HudsonJoumal, H u dsonjoum al, Series Series VIIIB. TRP to: VIIIA/7B5 1839, Jul Ju133 m: 9 -1 1 , 7F3-6, rn: V1IIA/7A7-13, VIIIA/7A7-13,7B 7B9-11,
7F11-G2, 7F11-G 2, 8A5-11; 8A 5-11; VIIIC/24D1 -25B6, 25E 25E10-27B3 V IIIC/24D1-25B6, 10-27B3 See also #1, See also Jour. Wilkes Exped. E x p e d .# l, # 2 , #3, # 3 ,#5, # 5 ,#7, # 7Series , SeriesVILIB. VIIIB. #2, HUFF,J.E,W. HUFF, J.E.W . TRP to: to: 1871,Jul 1871, Jul 15 15 VIIIA /14G 7-8 VIIIA/14G7-8 HUFFEY, Robert to CWP: 1810,Jun6 1810, Jun 6 IIA/49B6-8 IIA/49B6-8 HUFFNAGLE, H U FFN A G LE, Charles Charles m: VIIIA/5C1-3, m: V IIIA /5C1-3, 11G9 11G9 HUFFNAGLE, John HU FFN AGLE, John to: TRP to: 1850, Apr Apr27 1850, 27 VIIIA/11G9 H U G H E S, (Mr.) (Mr.) HUGHES,
m: IIC (p. (p. 146) 146) m:
H U G H E S, Ball Ball HUGHES, m: IXA/16F7-9 m: H HUGHES, U G H E S, Christopher m: IIA/47B8-9; IIB/9(p. IIB/9 (p. 72), IO(pp. 10 (pp. 3,4), 10 10 (p. (p. 5), 5), 11 11 (p. 4,38); IIC IIC (p. (p. 3,4), 144) 144) H U G H E S, Daniel, & HUGHES, & Co. CW CWP P to: 1807, Jan 7 IIA/40A3-4 1807,Jan7 HUGHES,JohnJ. H U G H E S, John J. ReP to: to: 1835, Apr Apr 44 VIA/8D7 1838, Mar VIA/9A14 1838, M ar 19 19 VIA/9A14 H U G H E S, Joseph HUGHES,joseph m: IIB/2 IIB/2 (pp. (pp. 22-25) 22-25) H U G H E S, Peggy Peggy Sanderson Sanderson HUGHES, (Mrs. (Mrs. Christopher) Christopher)
(p. 5) 5) m: IIB/10 (p. H U G H E S, Victor Victor HUGHES, CW P to: CWP 1801,Jun4 1801,Ju n4 H U L IN , Cely Cely HULIN, CWP CW P to: 1818, ay 25 1818, M May25 HU LL, (Governor) (Governor) HULL,
UA/24C11-12 IIA/24C11 —12 IIA/60G8 11A160G8
m. LLB/fl IIB/22 (p. 71) 71) m: HU LL, Isaac Isaac HULL, IXA/9E9-10 m: IX A /9E9-10 m: HULL, HU LL, Oliver m: VIIA/6C9-D8; V IIA /6C9-D 8; XIC/1A2-13 X IC /1A 2-13 m: H U M B O LD T, Alexander von HUMBOLDT, von ReP: to ReP: VIA/2C1 1810, Sept 15 1810, Sept15 m: IIA/30G6-7, 31A6, 31A6, 31A7, 31A7, m: 31Al2-13, 31A 12-13, 31B13-14, 31B 13-14, 31C1-2, 31 C 1 -2 , 31 C 3 -4 , 31C5, 31C3-4, 3105, 31C6, 3106, 31E4-5, 31E4-5, 31F12-14,40G1, 42B4-8, 31F12-14, 40G1, 42B 4-8, 42C1-2, 42 C 1 -2 , 43A10-B2, 43A 10-B 2,72A6; 72A6; IIB/19 IIB/19 (pp. (pp. 1-56, 1-5 6 , 73); 73); IIC(pp. 338-46); IID/29 50); IID/29 (p. (p. 45), 30 (p. 50); IX A /6E 5-8, 6E96 E 9 -12; 12; IXA/6E5-8, XIA/5A8-B1, 14 X IA /5 A 8 -B 1 ,17C7, 17C 7,14 HU M PH REY , (Colonel) (Colonel) David David HUMPHREY, m: m:
HUMPHREYS,James H U M PH R EY S, Jam es 5, 55G8m: IIA/5E4- 5, G 8 - 11, 66B9B 9 - C4 m: HUMPHREYS,Joshua H U M PH R EY S, Joshua o f the C olum bianum : s/Constitution of Columbianum: 1795, Feb17 1795, Feb 17 IIE/3E7-F6
The The Peale Peale Family F am ily Papers Papers
CW P to: CWP to: IIA/19E11-12 1795, ar 4 1795, M Mar4 11A119F3-20A10 m: IIA/19F3-20A10 HUMPHREYS H U M PH R EY S Journal VIIIA/13E11-14, m: IIIA /13E 11-14, 13F1-3, m: V 13G6-8 13G 6-8 HUMPHRIES, H U M PH R IES, (Colonel) (Colonel) 11A145B9-12,45B 45B13-14, m: m: IIA/45B9-12, 13-14, 4 5 C 1 0 -1 1 ,446F1-6, 6 F 1 -6 , 49B13-C4 49B 13-C 4 45C10-11, HUMPHRIES, H U M PH R IES, Richard Richard 67A4-5; VIIA/3F7-8 m: 11A167A2-3, IIA/67A2-3, 67A 4-5; V IIA/3F7-8 m: HUNT, H U N T , Wilson Wilson s/Application for Charter: Charter:The ThePAFA: PAFA: 1805, Dec26 Dec 26IIA/37C11-D6 IIA /37C11-D 6 1805, HUNTER, H U N T E R , (Mr.) (Mr.) m: 11A126G1-2, IIA /26 G 1 -2 ,226G3-4, 6 G 3 -4 , 26G8-11 HUNTER, H U N T E R , (Dr.)John (Dr.) John D. D. m: IIA/26E12-14, IIA /26E 12-14, 226F1-4, 6F 1-4, 26F6-10, 31B3-6, 10; 31B 3-6, 31B73 1 B 7 -10; VIIIA VIIIAI3A7-B4; /3A 7-B4; X XIA/5A8-B1; IA /5A 8-B 1;
HUNTER'S H U N T E R ’Ssubmerged subm erged wheels wheels Report on: 1845, 15 1845, Dec Dec15 C om m ittee on: Committee 1845, Sept Sept11 1845, 11
IX B/11E1-7 IXB/1IEI-7
IXB/11D1-6 IX B /11D 1-6
H U N T IN G T O N , Daniel Daniel HUNTINGTON, to D r.J . H. H . Griscom: Griscom: toDr.J.
1860,NNov20 1860, o v 20 VIA/14D9 VIAIIIA2 Mercy’s Dream VIAI11A2 Mercy's m: m: VIA/13F2-5 HUNTINGTON, H U N T IN G T O N , Samuel Samuel Thom as Paine for Pennsylvania Thomas Pennsylvania General Assembly Assembly to: General 1780, M May IIA/9G4-5 1780, ay 17 17 IIA /9G 4-5 CWPto: CW P to: 1781, Mar9 IIAI1OF1I-12 1781, M ar 9 IIA /10F11-12 m: XIAI2C1O-E1, m: IID/29 (p. 7); XIA/2C10-E1, 17C11 HURST, (Mr.) (Mr.) m: IIB/11 (p.8) (p. 8) m: IIB/il HURST, Charles to CWP: 1785, Mar9 1785, M ar9 IIA/13F11-G10 HUTCHINSON, H U T C H IN S O N , (Messrs.) (Messrs.) BFP to: to: IX IXA(Add.)/1B1-2 A (A d d .)/lB l-2 H U T C H IN S O N ,(Dr.) (Dr.) James Jam es HUTCHINSON, m: 11A114C1314;IIB/5, HB/5, 12 12 (pp. (pp. 37, m: IIA /14C 13-14; 40); IIC IIC (pp. (pp. 73-74); 73-74); 40); XIA/1A7-14, X IA /1 A 7 -1 4 ,1IB1-3 B 1 -3 H U T C H IN S O N , S. S. F. F. HUTCHINSON, to CWP: toCWP: 1797, May25 May 25 IIA/21D1-E10 1797, IIA /21D 1-E10 HUTCHINSON, H U T C H IN S O N ,Sidney SidneyEvans EvansF-lowell Howell (Mrs. James) m: 11B19 IIB/9 (pp. 6) (pp. 3, 6) HUTTON, H U T T O N , John John Strangeways Strangew ays m: IID/30 IID/30 (pp. (pp. 54-55); 54-55); XIA/2C10-E1, XIA/2C10-E1,
5A8-B1, 17D1 5A8-B1,17D1 H U T T O N , R. R. G. HUTTON, to: RuP to: 1824, Jul Jul24 24 V IIA /5C6- 7 VIIA/5C6HYDE, H Y D E , (Miss) (Miss) m: XIA(Add.)/7 (p. (p. 184) 184) HYDE, H Y D E , Thomas Thomas CW P and and Rachel Peale to: CWP
1766, ct 7 IIA /2A 4-7 11Al2A4-7 1766, O Oct m: IIA/1F9—12 m: IIA/1F9-12 H Y D E , William HYDE, XIA/7C114; XIA(Add.)/6 m: X IA /7 C 1 -14; X IA (A dd.)/6 (p. (p. 90); 90); m: IIC (p. (p. 28) 28) H Y D E , Mrs. M rs. William William HYDE, XIA (Add.)/6 (pp. 170-71) m: (Add.)/6 (pp. m: XIA H Y D E ddee Neuville, NeuviUe, (M.) (M.) HYDE m: VIIA(Add.)/1B13-C1, V IIA (A d d .)/lB 1 3 -C l, 1105-8 C 5 -8
I IDDING, ID D IN G , James Jam es toTRP: to TRP: 1837, A Apr VIIIA/5D1-2 1837, pr 5 V IIIA /5D 1-2 m: IIB/22 (p. 76) ILLUSTRATIONS Zoology,by byBBrown IL L U S T R A T IO N S ooff Zoology, row n m: V111A125B7-E2 V IIIA /25B7-E2 m: INCH, IN C H , Jane Jane vs: The Lord Proprietary vs: IVA/1A1I-12 1765, Dec D ec 11 IVA/1A11-12 INCH,John IN C H ,Jo h n CWP, Member CWP, M em ber oofJury: f Jury: John Foster Foster vs: IIA/1E1-11. 1763 1763 IIA/1E1—11. IN D E P E N D E N T Club C lub Proceedings Proceedings INDEPENDENT 1773, Feb 13 Feb 13 IIA(Add.)/4D6-8 IIA (A dd.)/4D 6-8 IN D IA N drawings draw ings INDIAN m: XIA (Add.)/6 (Add.)/6 (p. (p. 141) 141) IN D IA N medals medals INDIAN IXA/9B14, m: m: 11A125F10-11; IIA/25F10—11; IXA/9B14, 9E 11-12, 10A 4-5, 10A6-8, 10A 6-8, 9E11-12, 10A4-5, 10A9-10, 10A13-14, 1 0 A 9 -1 0 ,1 0 A 1 3 -14, 1OBI, 10B1, 10F9-10, 10F12-13, 1 0 F 1 2 -13, IOG1-2, 10G 1-2, 1 0 G 3 ,110G6-7, 0 G 6 -7 ,111A2-3, 1 A 2 -3 ,111A6-7, 1 A 6 -7 , 10G3, 11A8-9, 1IBI-2 11A 8-9, 11B 1-2 IN D IA N profiles profiles INDIAN m: IIA/37G4- 5 m: 11A137G4-5 INDIANS IN D IA N S m: IIC IIC (p. (p. 375); XIA X IA (Add.)15 (Add.)/5 m: (pp. 42-43) (pp. INGERSOLL, IN G ERSO LL, Charles m: VIIIA/10G12-13, V IIIA /10G 12-13, 11A3-4, 11A 3-4, m: 5-77 111C 105IN G ERSO LL, Jared INGERSOLL, Jared m: IIA/5G8-11, IIA /5G 8-11, 19F3-20A10, 19F3-20A 10, m: 35G 7-12, 51B9-14, 51B 9-14, 59C10-11, 59C 10-11, 35G7-12, 663B3-4, 3B 3-4, 663C1-7, 3 C 1 -7 , 63F4-6, 6 3F 4-6, 663F11-G2, 3 F 1 1 -G 2 ,663G10-12, 3 G 1 0 -1 2 ,664B3-4, 4 B 3 -4 , 66C9, 69C13, 11114Al2-B3; III/4A 12-B3; VIIA/4D1 1-12 V IIA /4D 11-12 INGERSOLL,Joseph IN G ERSO LL, Joseph Reed ReP to: VIAI13C5 1858, Oct 1858, O ct 14 14 VIA/13C5 to John John Fries Frazer: VIIIA/11A2 1848, Apr10 1848, A pr 10 m. HA/63F11-G2, IIA /6 3 F 1 1 -G 2 ,663G3-9, 3 G 3 -9 ,665F2-3; 5 F 2 -3 ; m: IIC (p. (p. 51); 51); V VIIIA/IOG11, 11A3-4, IIC IIIA /10G 11,11A 3-4,
The Peale Family F am ily Papers Papers The Peale
11C4, 12C5, 11C4, 12C5, 12C14-D 12C14-Dl1 IN M A N , Henry Henry INMAN, m: m: VIA/10B11 VIAJI0BI I o f Marshall: Marshall: V IA /13B5-7 portrait of VIA/13B5-7 INSKEEP, (Mr.) /46F 7-8,47B 8-9,48A 8-B 10, m: IIA IIA/46F7-8, 47B8-9, 48A8-B1O, 48C 3-7 48C3-7 IN S T IT U T E for the Encouragem ent ooff INSTITUTE Encouragement Mechanical ents Mechanical Improvem Improvements m: IIA/22E3-7 IN S T IT U T IO N for for promotion prom otion of o fcivil civil INSTITUTION o f France architecture in the Republic of CW P to: to: CWP 1797 1797 IIA/22A2-9 IRVINE, James Thomas Wharton W harton to: to: 1777, IIA /5G 8-11 1777, Aug Aug44 IIA/5G8-11 m: 62) m: IIB/5 IIB/5 (p. (p. 21); 21); IIC IIC (pp. 58, 62) IRVINE, William William H enry Dearborn Dearborn to: to: Henry 1801, Apr 11 IIA /25F10-11 IIA/25F10-11 1801, Apr11 m: /17D 9-10, 5-6, 24F7; IIB/5 m: IIA 11A117D910,24F 24F5-6, (p. 17) (p.17) IRVING, John T. IRVING,John T m: /6C9-D 8; X IC /1 A 2 -13 m: VIIA VIIA/6C9-D8; XIC/1A213 IRVING, Washington m: IA /11D 14-E1, 11G 7-8, m: VVIA/11D14-E1, 11G7-8, 12A 2-5,14A 12 12A2-5, 14Al2 useum , ISRAEL, Fielder. See See Peale’s Peale's M Museum, C ourt Case. Case. Baltimore. Court
55C5-6, C 5 -6 , 5C12-DI, 5 C 1 2 -D 1 , 5D7, 5D7, 5D8, 5D8, 7E 7 -8 , 7E97 E 9 -14; 14; X D /1D 7-9; 7E7-8, XD/1D7-9;
XIA/17C6; IB/3B1I- 5C8 XIAJ17C6; XXIBJ3B JA C K SO N , Ann Ann JACKSON, m: X C /6A 14-B 3, 77A2-5, A 2 -5 , 8A 9-12 ,n: XC16A14-B3, 8A9-12 JA C K SO N , (Captain) (Captain) JACKSON, m: D6, 441D7-9, 1 D 7 -9 , 441D11-12 1 D 1 1 -12 m: IIA/41 IIAJ41D6, JA C K SO N , Charles Charles F. F. JACKSON, m: X IC /1B 8-G 3 ,n: XIC/1BS-G3 JA C K SO N , Deborah Deborah Moore M oore JACKSON, Richard B.) B.) (Mrs. Richard CW P to: to: CWP 1807, Jan 88 IIA/40A5-6 m: IIA/41D3-5, 63A7; IIC (p.369) (p. 369) m: JA C K SO N , Richard Richard B. JACKSON, CW P to: to: CWP 1807, Aug 22 1807, Aug22 IIA/41D3-5 3-5, m: IIA/37C5, IIA/37C5, 38B9, 38B9, 50A 50A3-5, 59C12-13, 59F2-5, 59F2-5, 60G8, 60G8, 65F2-3; IIB/3 IIB/3 (pp. 2, 2, 4) 4) 65F2-3; JA C K SO N , (Major) (Major) William William JACKSON, ReP to: 1824, Jun 3 VIA/4B11-12 1824,Jun3 1827, Jul 4 VIA/4G7 1827,Ju14 IIB/10 (p. IIIA /6D 5-6 m: JIB/lO (p.34); 34);VVIIIA/6D5-6 JA C O B S, Eleanor Eleanor Peale Peale JACOBS, (Mrs. Thomas H.) m: IIA/70E4— 5; V IA /2A 2-5, m: ILA/70E4-5; VIAI2A2-5, 115D8-E1, 5 D 8 -E 1,15E 6-13; 15E6-13; VIIA/11A12-B1; XC/1C8X C /1C 8-10, VIIAIIIAI2-B1; 10, 1G 6-7, 88E5-8, E 5 -8 , 8E 9 -1 2 , 99E1-4 E 1 -4 1G6-7, 8E9-12,
JA C K SO N , (Dr.) (Dr.) JACKSON, m: C t1D 9-12, 1G 2 -5 , 1G6-7, 1G 6-7, m: XXCIID9-12, 1G2-5, 22A13A 13- 14, 14, 22B9B 9 - 12, 12, 4F104 F 1 0 - 13, 13, 88F3-6 F 3 -6 JA C K SO N , Andrew Andrew JACKSON, to U. U . S. S. Senate: Senate: 1835, Dec 21 IX A /5C 9-10 IXA/5C910 1835, Dec21 to BFP: ent: BFP: Appointm Appointment: IX A /5D 4-5 IXA/5D45 1836, Jan Jan 5 CW P to: CWPto: 1824, Feb 21 1824, Feb21 IIA/70D7 Samuel oore to: Samuel M Moore 1835, N ov 25 IX A /5B 1-4 IXA/5B1-4 1835,Nov25 to: Robert M. Patterson to: 1835, N ov 27 IX A /5B 10-13 IXA/5B10-13 1835,Nov27 m: IIA/60E13-14, rn: IIA/60E13- 14,61E 616-6-8,61E9-10, 8, 6Th9- 10, 61E12-13, 61E12-13, 61F1-2, 61F1-2, 61F5-8, 61F 9-G 3, 61G4-8, 6 1 G 4 -8 , 61G9, 61G9, 61F9-G3, 6 2A 2-6, 62A7-8, 6 2 A 7 -8 ,62A9, 62A9, 62A10, 62A10, 62A2-6, 62A 13-14, 662B2-3, 2 B 2 -3 , 62B 6-9; 62A13-14, 62B6-9; I11B123 IB/23 (p. (p.36 36etetseq.); seq.);IIC IIC (p. (p. 424); VIB/19F11-20B14; VIB/19F1 I-20B14; VIIIA /1B9-11, 55B3-4, B 3 -4 , 12G5-13; 12G5-13; VIIIAIIB9-11, VIIIC/25E10-27B3; A /5C 1-4, VJIIC/25E10-27B3; IX IXA/5C1-4,
JA C O B S, Thomas Thomas H. JACOBS, m: VIA/7F13-G1, 1 3 -D 1 , m: VIA/7F13-G1, 9C 9C13-D1, 15D8E1, 15E6- 13; 13; X C /1D 13-E 1, 15D8E1, XC/1D13-E1, 1G 6-7, 5D10-13, 5D 10-13, 8E9-12, 8E 9-12, 1G6-7, 9D 7-10 9D710 JA C O B S, W. W. S. S. JACOBS, m: IIA/27C1-2; IIA /6C 9-D 8; m: IIA/27C1-2; V VIIA/6C9-D8; XIC/1 A 2 -13 13 XIC/1A2JA C Q U E S, Lancelot Lancelot JACQUES, CW P to: CWP 1767 IIA/2B14-C1 1767 IIA /1C14-D 2, IF1-4; 1F1-4;IIB/2 IIB/2(p. (p. 4) 4) m: IIA/1C14-D2, JA C Q U E S, Mrs. Mrs. Lancelot Lancelot JACQUES, IIA/2B14-C1 m: 11AJ2B14-C1 JA M B O ("African (“African Prince") Prince” ) JAMBO IIB/11 (pp. (pp. 10, 10, 12) 12) m: JIB/lI JA M ES ("the (“ the Negro N egro who w ho turned turned white") w hite”) JAMES 1 6 G 11-13; m: IIA/16F4,16F12-14, UA/16F4,16F12-14, 16G11-13;
IIC (p. (p.179); 179); IIB/12 (pp. (pp. 30-31); 30-31); IIC (p. 56); 56); XIA117D2 XIA/17D2 IID/30 (p. JA M ES, B. F. F. JAMES, to H. Browning: Browning: to O 0.. H. 1867, Dec 17 17 V IIIA (A d d .)/lC ll-D l VIIIA(Add.)/1C11-D1 JA M ES, Edgar Edgar JAMES, to TRP: toTRP: 1821, Apr 18 V IIIA /1D 3-6 VIIIA/1D3-6 1821, Apr18 JA M ES, (Dr.) (Dr.) Thomas T hom as C. C. JAMES, CW P to: to: CWP 1806, 25 IIA/39B5-6 1806, Jul Jul25 m: IIA/23G4, 12-F1, 29E 3-4, m: 11A123G4,24E 24E12-F1, 29E3-4, 29E 5-8, 38F1-2, 38 F 1 -2 , 41B104 1 B 1 0 -13, 29E5-8, 13, 667B1-3, 7 B 1-3,72A 2, 72G97 2 G 9 -10, 72A2, 10,
72G 11-13, 773A2-4, 3 A 2 -4 ,773A5-7, 3 A 5 -7 , 72G11-13, 73B 12-C 4; IIC IIC (p. (p.358); 358); 73B12-C4;
The The Peale Peale Family F am ily Papers Papers
111i4G5-8;XIA/7C1-14 III/4G5— 8; X IA /7 C 1 -14 JA JAMES, M ES, Mrs. Thomas T hom as C. 8) m: IIB/9 (p. 8) JA M E SO N , (Professor) (Professor) R obert JAMESON, Robert m: 3F 12-14, 3G 2-13 m: VIIIA/3F2-5, VIIIA/3F2-5,3F12-14,3G2-13 JARDINE, JA R D IN E , (Sir) (Sir) William William m: IIIA /2D 6-10,6 D 1 -2 , 9F12-G 5; m: V VIIIA/2D610, 6D1-2, 9F12-G5; G33 VIIIC/25E10-27B3; XIC/1B8X IC /1B 8-G Naturalists Library: Library : V IIIA /11B13-C1, 2 5B 7-E VillA/I 1B13- Cl, 25B7E22 JARVIS,John JARVIS, John Wesley Wesley m: ,n: IIA IIA/51C1-4, /51C1-4, 55106-11, 1C 6-11, 59F6-8; 59F6-8; IIE /7C 8-D 4 IIE/7C8-D4 “"Portrait Portrait of o f aa Gentleman": G entlem an” :IIB/22 IIB/22 (p. (P- 15) 15) at Academy: Academy: pictures exhibited at IIB/22 (p. 7) 7) portrait oofDr. f Dr. Samuel Samuel Latham Latham Mitchill: IIB/22(p. IIB/22 (p. 50) 50) JARVIS, Leonard m: IX A /8D 11-E4; XIA/12C14-F14 X IA /12C14-F14 m: IXA/8D11-E4; JAY, John JAY,John Edward angw orthy to: Edward LLangworthy 1779,Ju125 IIA/8C11-D3 1779, Jul 25 IIA /8C 11-D 3 CW P and John CWP John Bull to: IIA/9A2-7 1779, 17 IIA /9A 2-7 1779, Sept 17 m IIA/59F6-8; IIB/22 m:: 11A159F6-8; IIB/22 (p. (p. 58); IIC (p. 427); 427); IID/29 IID/29 (p. 7); VIHA/16E4- 7; XIA/2C10-E1, VIIL4.J16E4-7; XJA/2C10-E1, 17C11 17C11 JEFFER SO N , (Miss) (Miss) JEFFERSON, m: IIA/24A2-7, IIA/24A2-7, 24A 24A8-13 m: 8-13 JEFFER SO N , George George JEFFERSON, CWP CW P to: to: 1807, 30 IIA/41 D6 1807, Aug Aug30 IIA/41D6 m: 1 D 1 0 -12 ,n: IIA/41D7-9, IIA/41D7-9,441Db12 JEFFER SO N , T hom as JEFFERSON, Thomas to RaP (Passport): 1793, Dec Dec14 1793, 14 V /1A 6-7 V/1A6-7 to CWP: 17%,JunS IIA/20D4-5 1796, Jun 5 IIA /20D 4-5 1801, Feb 21 1801,Feb2l IIA/23G10-11 IIA/23G10—11 1801, Jul 29 1801,Ju129 IIA/24F5-6 1801,Jul 29 1801,Ju129 IIA/24F7 to CWP CW P and John Vaughan: 13 1802,Jan 13 IIA/25B4-5 to CWP: 1802,Jan 16 16 IIA/25B7-8 1802, May 55 IIA/25G1-2 1802, N ov 33 1802, Nov IIA/26F11-12 I1A/26F11-12 1804, 27 1804, Feb Feb27 IIA/29F13-14 IIA /29F13-14 1804, ar 1 1804,M Marl IIA /29G 3-4 IIA/29G3-4 1804, M ar 9 1804, Mar9 IIA/29G10-11 IIA /29G 10-11 1804, ar 30 1804, M Mar30 IIA/30C3-4 IIA /30C3-4 1804, Apr23 1804, Apr 23 IIA/30D5-7 IIA /30D 5-7 1804, May 15 15 IIA/30F6-7 1804, May 21 1804, IIA/30G1-2 1804, Jun14 1804, Jun 14 IIA/30G8 1804,Jun2O 1804,Jun 20 IIA/31A4-5 1804, Aug 19 1804, Aug19 IIA/31F2-3 II A/31 F2—3 1804,Sept 15 1804, Sept 15 IIA/31G3-4 IIA/3IG3-4 1804, O ct 6 1804, Oct6 IIA/32A13-14 IIA /32A 13-14 1804, O ct 13 1804,Octl3 IIA /32C6-7 IIA/32C6-7 1804, 1804, NNov7 ov 7 IIA/32D1-2 IIA /32D 1-2 1804, NNov17 1804, ov 17 IIA/32D11-12 1805, AprS5 1805, Apr IIA/34A7-9
IIA/34A10-11 1805, IIA/34A10—11 1805, Apr Apr99 1805, 20 IIA /34B4-5 1805, Apr Apr20 IIA/34B4-5 IIA /34C 1-2 IIA/34C1-2 1805, 27 1805, Apr Apr27 IIA IIA/34C6-7 /34C 6-7 1805, ay 5 1805, M May 1805, Jun 9 ■ IIA /34F8-9 1805,Jun9 11A134F8-9 IIA/34G5-6 1805,Jun Jun17 1805, 17 IIA /34G 5-6 IIA /34G 9-10 1805, Jun 19 19 IIA/34G910 1805,Jun 1805, Jul 12 IIA/35C612 IIA /35C 6-77 IIA/36C68 1805, O ct 6 IIA /36C 6-8 1805, Oct IIA /3 6 C 9 -10 IIA/36C910 1805, Oct 1805, O ct 99 IIA/36E3-4 1805, Oct21 1805, O ct 21 IIA /36E3-4 IIA/36G5-6 1805, Nov13 1805, N o v 13 IIA /36G 5-6 to Benjamin ith Barton: Benjamin Sm Smith IIA /37A 13-14 1805, NNov21 IIA/37A1314 1805, o v 21 to CWP: toCWP: IIA /37C 6-7 1805, Dec 17 IIA/37C6-7 17 1806,Jan IIA /37D 8-9 1806, Jan 11 IIA/37D8-9 IIA/37E11 IIA/37E1 1 1806,Jan 23 1806, Jan23 1806,Jan 24 IIA/37E12 1806,Jan24 IIA/38A5 1806, Feb 18 18 IIA/38G1-2 1806,Jun 19 19 IIA /38G 1-2 1806,Jun 27 IIA /38G 12-13 1806,Jun27 IIA/38G12-13 IIA /39E 7-9 IIA/39E7-9 1806, NNov22 1806, ov 22 IIA /39F10-11 1806, Dec Dec21 IIA/39F10-11 1806, 21 CW P and Jonathan to CWP Jonathan Williams: 1807,Jan 12 1807, Jan 12 IIA/40A7-8 IIA /40A 7-8 to CWP: IIA /40B8-9 IIA/40B8-9 1807, Feb 13 13 1807, ar 29 1807,M Mar29 IIA/40F2-3 1807, Sept 24 1807, Sept24 IIA/41E3-5 IIA /41E3-5 1807, ct 5 IIA/41 E l 1—12 1807, OOctS IIA/41E11-12 1807, N Nov IIA/41G3-4 1807, ov 5 IIA /41G 3-4 1808, Jan 6 IIA/42B1 1-12 1808,Jan IIA/42B11—12 1808, 1808, Feb 6 IIA/42D5-6 IIA /42D 5-6 1808, Mar13 1808, M ar 13 IIA 42F5-7 11A42F5-7 to ReP (Passport): VIA/1E1112 1808, Mar VIA/1E11- 12 M ar 13 13 to CWP: 1808, Aug24 IIA/43G4-6 1808, Aug 24 IIA /43G 4-6 1808, O ct 12 1808, Oct12 IIA/44E1-2 IIA /44E1-2 1808, Nov7 IIA/44G5-6 1808, N ov 7 IIA /44G 5-6 1808,NovlS 1808, N ov 15 IIA/44G11 [notes]: IIA /44G 12-13 1808, Nov15 IIA/44G12-13 1808, N o v 15 to CWP: 1808, Dec44 1808, Dec IIA /45A 6-7 IIA/45A6-7 to T hom as Jefferson Randolph: Thomas 1808, Dec77 1808, Dec IIA/45A8-11 IIA /45A 8-11 1808, Dec 19 1808, Dec19 IIA/45B8 1808, Dec28 1808, Dec 28 IIA /45C 1-2 IIA/45C1-2 1809,Jan7 1809,Jan 7 IIA /45C 4-5 IIA/45C4-5 1809, Jan 15 15 1809,Jan IIA/45C12-13 IIA /45C12-13 1809, Feb66 1809, Feb IIA /45E7-9 IIA/45E7-9 1809, M arlO IIA /46A 12-14 1809, Mar10 IIA/46Al2-14 M ay 55 IIA /46F9-12 1809, May IIA/46F912 1809, Aug 22 1809, Aug22 IIA/47D1-3 IIA /47D 1-3 1811, Aug20 IIA/50D7-8 1811, Aug 20 IIA /50D 7-8 1813, Apr17 1813, Apr 17 IIA/52C3-6 IIA /52C 3-6 toReP: to ReP: 1813, Aug 11 1813, Aug11 VIA/2F7-8 VIA /2F7-8 to CWP: 1815, ar 21 1815, M Mar21 IIA/54G3-6 IIA /54G 3-6 1815,Junl3 IIA/55D11-13 1815,Jun 13 IIA /55D 11-13 1816, M May8 1816, ay 8 IIA /57D 3-4 IIA/57D3-4 1816, Aug17 IIA/58A7-8 1816, Aug 17 IIA /58A 7-8 1816, Dec 24 IIA/58F5-7 1816, Dec24
The The Peale Peale Family F am ily Papers Papers
1817,Mar 1817,M ar 16 16 IIA/59C4IIA/59C4-55 1818, Feb 18 18 IIA/60E8-9 IIA/60E8- 9 1819, 1819, Aug Aug77 IIA/62F2-4 1820, Apr Apr22 1820, 22 IIA/64C3-5 IIA /64C3-5 1820, Aug26 1820, Aug 26 IIA/64G1-2 1820, Dec Dec28 1820, 28 IIA /65E2-4 IIA/65E2-4 1822, Oct23 1822, O ct 23 IIA/67F4-5 1824,Jul 18 1824, Jul 18 11A171A5-6 IIA /71A 5-6 to ReP: ReP: 1825, N ov 29 1825, Nov29 VIAJ4E2-3 V IA /4E2-3 1825, Dec 16 16 V IA /4E 6-9 VIA/4E6-9 to CWP: 1825, Dec Dec28 1825, 28 IIA/71E14-F1 n.d. IIA/73E5 [IA/73E5 Benjamin Harrison to: 1784,Novl2 1784, N ov 12 IIA /13C11-D 4 IIA/13C11-D4 CW P to: CWP 1791, Dec IIA/16G8 1791, Dec 11A116G9 1791, IIA/16G9 1796,Jun22 HA/20D11 1796,Jun 22 IIA/20D11 1796,Jun 22 IIA/20D12 1796,Jun22 HA/20D13-E1 1796,Jun 22 IIA/20D13-E1 1797, IIA/21B1 1797, Feb Feb66 1797, Feb66 1797, Feb IIA/21B2-5 1801, Mar Mar 77 IIA/24A2-7 11A124A2- 7 1801, Mar 11A124A813 M ar 88 IIA /24A 8-13 John Barnes Barnes to: to: 1801,May6 1801, May 6 IIA/24B8 CWPto: CW P to: 1801, Jun 29 29 IIA /24D 5-8 1801,Jun IIA/24D5-8 IIA/24D910 1801 ,Jun29 1801,Jun 29 IIA /24D 9-10 1801, Jul 24 1801,Ju124 IIA/24E9 1801,Ju124 1801,Jul 24 IIA/24E10-11 IIA/24E10-11 1801,Octll IIA/24F10-G1 1801, O ct 11 IIA(24F10-G1 1801, Oct11 IIA/24G2-8 1801, O ct 11 1801, NNov19 11AI24G11-12 IIA /24G 11-12 1801, ov 19 IIA/25A10 1802,Jan I1 11A125A11-13 1802,Jan IIA/25A11 —13 1802,Jan 12 12 IIA/25A14-B3 1802,Jan IIA/25B11— -14 1802.Jan 20 IIA/25B11 14 1802, Jan21 1802,Jan 21 IIA /25C1-2 IIA/25C1-2 1802, M Mar3 IIA/25C7-D6 IIA /25C 7-D 6 1802, ar 3 IIA/26A2-4 1802,Jun 6 1802,Jun6 IIA/26A5-8 1802, Jun 6 IIA /26A 9-10 1802,JunIO 11A126A9-10 1802,J u n 10 1802, Jun 10 10 1802,Jun IIA /26A 11-12 IIA/26A11-12 1802,JuI 18 IIA/26C12-13 1802,Jul 18 1802, Jul 18 18 1802,Jul IIA/26D1-12 IIA /26D 1-12 1802, Oct28 1802, O ct 28 IIA/26E12-14 IIA/26F1-4 IIA/26F1 —4 1802, Oct28 1802, O ct 28 1802, Dec12 IIA/26G1-2 1802, Dec 12 IIA/26G3-4 1802, Dec12 1802, Dec 12 IIA/26G5-7 1802 IIA/27A7 1803,JanlO 1803,Jan 10 IIA/27A8-11 1803,Jan 10 10 IIA/27A8- 11 IIA/27B4-5 1803,Jan 23 1803,Jan23 IIA/27B6-7 1803,Jan 28 28 IIA/27B8-9 1803,Jan 28 1803, Jan28 1803, Feb 14 IIA/27C3 IIA /27C4-5 IIA/27C4-5 1803, 14 1803, Feb Feb14 IIA/27E9— 12 IIA/27E9-12 1803, Apr 19 1803, 1803, IIA /27E13-14 1803, Apr Apr 19 IIA/27E13-14 1803,Jun2 IIA/27F8-10 1803, Jun 2 IIA /27F8-10 IIA/27F11-14 IIA/27F11—14 1803, Jun 2 1803,Jun2 IIA/28A9-10 1803 jul 17 1803,Jul 17 IIA/28A1 IIA/28A111-12 —12 1803,Jul 17 1803, Jul 17
1803,Jul 18 18 1803, Jul 18 1803,Ju118 1803, 1803, Sept 2 1803, Sept 2 1804, Feb26 1804, Feb 26 1804, Feb26 1804, Feb 26 1804, Mar 1804, Mar55 1804, M ar 5 1804, Mar5 1804, Mar13 1804, Mar 13 1804, M Mar13 1804, ar 13 1804, Mar 18 1804, 18 1804, M Mar18 1804, ar 18 1804, Apr29 1804, Apr 29 1804,AApr29 1804, pr 29 1804, May 19 19 1804, 1804,Mayl9 1804, May 19 1804, May24 1804, May 24 1804, May24 1804, M ay 24 1804,Jun3 1804, Jun 3 1804,Junl5 1804, Jun 15 1804, Jun 15 1804,Jun 15 1804,Jun 18 18 1804,Juii 1804,Junl8 1804, Jun 18 1804,Jun 24 24 24 1804, Jun 24 1804,Jun 28 1804, Jun28 1804,Jun 28 1804, Jun28 1804,Ju122 1804,Jul 22 1804,Jul22 1804, Jul 22 1804, Jul 24 24 1804,Jul 1804,Jul 24 1804, Jul24 1804, Aug 19 19 1804, 1804, Aug Aug19 1804, 19 1804, Aug 27 1804, 1804, Aug Aug27 1804, 27 1804, Sept Sept23 1804, 23 1804, Sept Sept23 1804, 23 1804,OOct8 1804, ct 8 1804,OOct8 1804, ct 8 1804, OOct30 1804, ct 30 1804, OOct30 1804, ct 30 1804, Nov N ov 14 14 1804, 1804, N Nov 1804, ov 14 14 1804, N ov 25 1804, Nov25 1804, Nov25 1804, N ov 25 1804, Dec18 1804, Dec 18 1804, Dec 18 1804, Dec18 CWP, bill to: 28 1805,Jan 28 CW P to: CWP 1805, Feb 2 1805, Mar Mar66 1805, 1805, M Mar6 1805, ar 6 1805, 1805, Mar Mar88 1805. M Mar8 1805, ar 8 1805, M Mar30 1805, ar 30 1805, Mar Mar30 1805, 30 1805, Apr Apr23 1805, 23 1805, AApr23 1805, pr 23 1805, May 26 1805, May26 1805, May 26 26 1805,JunI3 1805,Jun 13 1805,Junl3 1805, Jun 13 1805,Jun 15 1805,JunlS 1805, Jun15 1805,Jun 15 1805, Jun25 1805,Jun 25
IIA/28A14 11A28B1-2 IIA 28B 1-2 IIA/28D11
IIAI28EI-2 IIA /28E1-2 IIA/29F5-8 IIAI29F912 IIA /29F9-12 IIA/29G5 JIA/29G6-77 IIA/29G6IIA/30A8IIA/30A8-99 IIA/30A10-11 IIA/30A14 IIA/30B1-3 IIA/30D13-E3 IIA/30E4IIA/30E4-99 IIA/30F8 IIA /30F9-10 IIA/30F9-10 IIA/30G3 IIA/30G4- 55 JIA/30G4IIA/30G6-7 IIA/30G10 IIA/30G11 —12 IIA/30G1 1-12 IIA/30G13 IIA/31A2-3 IIA/3B3-6 IIA/31B3-6 IIA/3lB7- 10 IIA/31B7-10 IIA/31C1-2 IIA /31C1-2 IIA/31C3-4 IIA /31C3-4 IIA/31D1-2 IIA /31D 1-2 IIA/31D3-4 IIA/31D34 IIA/31D7-8 IIA /31D 9-10 IIA/31D910 IIA/31E13 IIA/31E14-F1 IIA/31F5-6 IIA/31F7-8 IIA/31G7-8 IIA/31G9-10 IIA/32C3 IIA/32C4-5 IIA /32C4-5 IIA /32C 9-10 IJA/32C910 11A32C1 1-12 IIA 32C 11-12 11A132D6 IIA/32D6 IIA/32D7-8 IIA/32D13 IIA/32E1-2 IIA/32E11 IIA/32H12—13 IIA/32E12-13 IIA/32G1
IIA/32G5-6 IIA/33D8
IIA/33D9-10 IIA/33D14 IIA/33E1-2 IIA/33E1 ~2 IIA/33G1-5 11AI33G6-7 IIA/33G6-7 11A134B6 IIA/34B6 IIA/34B7-8 IIA /34B7-8 H A /34E 9-10 [[A134E9-10 IIA/34E11—12 11A134E11-12 IIA/34F13 IIA/34F14-G1 IIA/34G2 IIA/34G3-4 IIA/35A7IIA /35A 7-88
The Peale Peale Family F am ily Papers Papers The
IIA /35A 9-10 IIA/35A9-10 1805,Jun 25 1805,Jun25 Benjamin Latrobe to: IIA/35A2-5 1805, Sept 13 1805, Sept13 CWP CW P to: IIA/36A7-9 1805, Sept14 1805, Sept 14 IIA/36A10—11 IIA/36A10-11 1805, Sept 14 14 1805, IIA/36E5-7 1805, O ct 22 1805, Oct22 IIA/36E8-9 1805, Oct22 1805, O ct 22 IIA /36F8-11 IIA/36F8-11 1805, 1805, NNov3 ov 3 IIA/36F12-G1 1805, NNov3 ov 3 1805, IIA/36G2 1805, 1805, NNov10 o v 10 IIA/36G3-4 1805,NNov10 1805, ov 10 IIA/37B10- 11 IIA/37B10— 11 1805, o v 28 1805, NNov28 IIA /37B 12-13 IIA(37B1213 1805, 1805, NNov28 o v 28 IIA /37D 12-13 IIA/37D1213 1806,Jan 12 1806, Jan12 IIA/37E1-2 1806,Jan 12 1806, Jan12 IIA/37E4-5 1806,Jan21 1806,Jan2l IIA/37E6-8 1806,Jan 21 1806, Jan21 IIA/37F5-7 1806,Jan 30 1806,Jan3O IIA /37F8-11 IIA/37F8-11 1806,Jan 30 1806,Jan3O IIA/37F12 1806, 1806, Feb Feb22 1IA/37G2-3 IIA/37G2-3 1806, 1806, Feb Feb88 IIA/37G4-5 1806, Feb 8 1806,Feb8 IIA/38A13-14 1806, M Mar4 1806, ar 4 IIA 38B1-2 11A38B1-2 1806, 1806, Mar Mar44 IIA/38C12-D3 1806, 1806, Apr AprS5 IIA /38D 4-9 IIA/38D4-9 1806, 1806, Apr AprS5 IIA/38F5-6 1806,J u n12 12 1806,Jun IIA/38F7-8 1806,Jun 12 1806,Junl2 IIA/38G3IIA/38G3- 5 1806, 22 1806,Jun Jun22 IIA/38G6-9 1806, Jun 22 1806,Jun22 IIA/39A4-5 1806, Jul 2 1806,Ju12 1806,Jul IIA/39A6-7 1806, Jul 2 IIA/39A10 1806, Jul Ju144 IIA/39A111-12 —12 IIA/39A1 1806,Jul 1806, Jul 4 Barnes to: John Barnes 1806, Aug IIA /39B 10-11 1806, Aug88 IIA/39B10-11 CW P to: CWP IIA/39E10 1806, ov 26 1806, NNov26 IIA/39E11—12 IIA/39E11-12 1806, ov 26 1806,NNov26 1806, Dec 13 1806, Dec13 IIA/39F2-3 1806, Dec13 IIA/39F4-55 1806, Dec 13 IIA/39F41806, Dec14 1806, Dec 14 IIA/39F6 IIA/39F7-8 1806, Dec14 1806, Dec 14 IIA /39F12-13 1806, Dec24 IIA(39F1213 1806, Dec 24 1806, Dec24 IIA/39G1-2 1806, Dec 24 1807, 10 1807, Feb Feb10 IIA/40B4-5 1807, Feb 10 IIA/40B6-7 10 IIA/40B6-7 17 1807, Feb 17 IIA /40B 10-11 IIA/40B10-11 1807, Feb 17 IIA /40B 12-13 IIA/40B1213 1807, M ar 12 1807, Mar12 IIA/40D13-E1 1807, 12 1807, Mar Mar12 IIA/40E2-5 IIA /40E 2-5 1807, 30 IIA /41D 7-9 1807, Aug Aug30 IIA/41D7-9 1807, Aug 30 1807, Aug30 IIA /41D 10-12 IIA/41D10-12 1807, ct 2 1807, O Oct IIA/41E6-7 1807, O ct 2 1807, Oct2 IIA/41E8-9 1807, NNov7 ov 7 1807, II A/41 G5 IIA/41G5 1807, ov 7 1807, N Nov IIA/41G6-7 1808,Jan29 • 1808,Jan 29 IIA /42C 3-4 IIA/42C3-4 1808,Jan 29 1808, Jan29 IIA /42C5-6 IIA/42C5-6 Zebulon M ontgom ery Pike Pike to: Montgomery 1808, Feb 3 1808,Feb IIA /42D 1-4 IIA/42D1 -4 CW P to: CWPto: 1808, Feb21 1808, Feb 21 IIA/42D11-14 Feb 21 21 1808, Feb IIA/42E1-4 IIA /42E1-4 1808, p ril 1808, A Apr11 IIA/42G5-6
IIA/42G7-10 IIA/43C1013 IIA /43C 10-13 IIA/43C14-D-1 IIA/43C14-Di 1808,J u n 21 1808,Jun2l IIA/43G710 IIA /43G 7-10 Sept 11 1808, Sept IIA /43G 11-12 IIA/43G1112 1808, Sept Sept 11 IIA /44E3-4 IIA/44E3-4 1808, O ct 15 15 1808, Oct IIA /44E5-6 IIA/44E5-6 1808, O ct 15 1808, Oct15 IIA /44G 7-10 IIA/44G7-10 1808, N o v 12 1808, Nov12 IIA/45B9-12 IIA /45B 9-12 1808, Dec 23 1808, Dec23 IIA /45B 13-14 IIA/45B13-14 1808, Dec 23 1808, Dec23 IIA /45C 6-9 IIA/45C6-9 1809,Jan 10 1809, Jan10 IIA/45C10-11 IIA /45C 10-11 1809,Jan 10 10 IIA/45E1013 IIA /45E 10-13 1809, Feb 8 IIA/45F1 —2 IIA/45F1-2 1809, Feb 8 IIA /46A 2-3 IIA/46A2-3 1809, Feb Feb21 21 IIA/46A41809, Feb Feb21 21 IIA /46A 4-5 IIA /46B5-6 IIA/46B5-6 1809, Mar21 1809, M ar 21 IIA /46B7-8 IIA/46B7-8 1809, M Mar21 1809, ar 21 IIA/46C7-10 IIA /46C 7-10 1809, Apr33 1809, Apr IIA/46C11—12 IIA/46C11-12 1809, AApr3 1809, pr 3 IIA /47B 10-13 IIA/47B10-13 1809,Jun25 1809, Jun 25 IIA /47C 1-2 IIA/47C1-2 1809,Jun IIA /47C 3-6 IIA/47C3-6 1809,Jun25 1809, Jun 25 IIA /50F8-14 IIA/50F8-14 1811, A ug3 1811, Aug3 IIA /50E4-8 IIA/50E4-8 1811, Sept 9 IIA /50E9-F7 IIA/50E9-F7 1811, 10 1811, Sept9, Sept 9,10 IIA /50G 1-4 IIA/50G1-4 1811, O c t 3 ,14 14 1811, Oct3, IIA /51E3-6 1812, 19 1812, Aug 19 IIA/51E3-6 IIA /51E 7-10 IIA/51E7-10 1812, 19 1812, Aug 19 IIA /52B5-7 IIA/52B5-7 1812, M ar 2 1812, Mar IIA /52B 8-11 IIA/52B8-11 1812, M ar 2 1812, Mar2 1813, Dec 28; 1814, 1814, Jan15 Jan 15 1813, Dec28; IIA /52G 1-6 IIA/52G1-6 1813, 28; 1814, 1814, Jan 15 15 1813, Dec Dec28; IIA/52G7-12 IIA/52G7- 12 IIA/54A13-B3 1814, N Nov 1814, ov 14 14 IIA/54B4-99 IIA/54B41814, NNov14 1814, ov 14 IIA/55A10-B9 1815, M May 1815, ay 2 IIA /55B10-C9 IIA/55B10-C9 1815, May2 1815, M ay 2 IIA /55E1-6 1815,Jun 18 IIA/55E1-6 18 IIA /55E 7-12 IIA/55E712 1815,Jun 18 18 IIA/56D13-E1 1815, Dec Dec23 IIA/56D13-E1 1815, 23 IIA /56E2-7 IIA/56E2-7 1815, 23 1815, Dec Dec23 IIA /57D 6-7 1816, Jul Jul 7 IIA/57D6-7 I[A157D811 IIA /57D 8-11 1816,Jjul u l7 1816, 7 IIA/57F914 IIA /57F9-14 1816, Aug 9 1816, IIA /57G 1-10 IIA/57G1-10 1816, Aug 9, 13 13 IIA/58A910 IIA /58A 9-10 1816, Aug 24 1816, Aug24 IIA /58A 11-14 IIA/58A11-14 1816, Aug 24 1816, Aug24 IIA/58B3 1816, Aug Aug27 1816, 27 IIA/58B4-55 1816, Aug 27 IIA/58B41816, Aug27 IIA /59B2-4 IIA/59B2-4 1817, 28 1817, Feb Feb28 IIA/59B5-11 1817, 28 1817, Feb Feb28 IIA/59D10-E1 1817, May20 1817, M ay 20 IIA /59E2-7 IIA/59E2-7 1817, M ay 20 1817, May20 IIA /60C 5-7 1818,Jan 15 1818, Jan 15 IIA/60C5-7 IIA/60C8-11 1818,Jan 15 IIA /60C 8-11 1818, Jan15 IIA/60F1 1818, ar 2 1818, M Mar IIA/60F2-3 1818, ar 2 1818, M Mar2 IIA /61C 8-9 1818, N ov 25 1818, Nov25 IIA/61C8-9 1818, NNov25 IIA/61C101818, ov 25 IIA/61 CIO—11 11 1819,Jan IIA IIA/61E12/61E 12-13 13 1819, Jan 11 1819, Aug21 1819, Aug 21 IIA/62F5-6 IIA/62F7-8 1819, Aug Aug21 1819, 21 1820, Apr IIA/64B9-10 1820, A pr 10 10 IIA/64B11—12 1820, Apr Apr10 IIA/64B11-12 1820, 10
1808, Apr20 1808, A pr 20 1808,Jun 21 1808, Jun21
T The h e Peale Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers
1820,Ju133 1820,Jul IIA/64D8-9 IIA /64D 8-9 1820,Ju13 1820, Jul 3 HA/64D1011 IIA /64D 10-11 1821,Jan4 1821,Jan 4 IIA/65E5-6 1821,Jan 44 IIA/65E711 IIA /65E 7-11 1822, Oct29 1822, O ct 29 IIA/67F6-8 1822, Oct29 1822, O ct 29 IIA /67F9-14 IIA/67F914 1823, Feb 11A168B5 Feb 88 IIA/68B5 1823, Feb 8 IIA/68B6-9 1824, Jan25 1824, Jan 25 IIAI7OBI -3 IIA /70B1-3 1824,Jan 25 IIA/70B4-7 1824, Jul 2 JIAJ7OG2-5 IIA /70G 2-5 IIA/70G612 1824, Jul 2 IIA /70G 6-12 1825, Sept10 IIA/71D11-12 1825, Sept 10 IIA/71D11—12 1825,Sept Sept31, Oct5 1825, 31, O ct 5 IIA/71E4-7 1825, Dec Dec99 1825, IIA /71E 12-13 IIA/71E12-13 IIA/71G1-2 1826, Feb Feb 11 CPPto: CPP to: 1801, Feb Feb28 IVB/1A14-B3 1801, 28 John T. T. Mason to: 1801, OOctS IVB/IC1I-12 IV B/1C11-12 1801, ct 5 CPP to: to: 1808, Oct15 IVB/2G9-11 1808, O ct 15 IV B /2G 9-11 RaP to: 1806,Jan 19 V/ICI-4 V /1C 1-4 19 ReP to: 1800, Dec17 VIA/1B3-6 V IA /1B 3-6 1800, Dec 17 1801, Marl VIA/1B8-9 1801, M a rl V IA /1B 8-9 1801, Mar24 VIA/IBIO-13 1801, M ar 24 V IA /1B 10-13 Benjamin H H.. Latrobe to: to: 1811,May VIAI2CII-D4 V IA /2C 11-D 4 1811, May 19 19 ReP to: VIA/2F3-4 V IA /2F3-4 1813,Jul 13 13 1824,Jan V IA /3F 7-13 1824, Jan 88 VIA/3F713 1825, Dec 7 VIA/4E4-5 1825, V IA /4E4-5 n: IIA/13A5-8, IIA/13A5-8, 221C3-8, 22C9-11, m: 1 C 3 -8 , 22C 9-11, 24B12-13, 25E6-7, 24 B 12-13,25 E 6 - 7, 26B1-2, 26B 1-2, 26B3-4, 26B9-13, 26C1-4, 26B 3-4, 26B 9-13, 26 C 1 -4 , 26C7-8, 26C 7-8, 26C9-10, 26 C 9 -1 0 , 26F6-10, 26F6-10, 26G8-11, 28A13, 26G 8-11,28A 13, 228B3-4, 8 B 3 -4 , 28B5, 28B5, 228C7-8, 8 C 7 -8 ,228E8-10, 8 E 8 -1 0 , 29A10, 29A10, 29F4, 29G 29G1-2, 29E13-F2, 29F4, 1-2, 30A2-5, 30A 2-5, 30A7, 30A7, 330C1-2, 0 C 1 -2 , 30C11-12, 30C 11-12, 30C13-D4, 30C13 - D 4 , 30D11, 30D11, 31B12, 31C 31C10-11, 31B12, 10-11, 31C14, 31D5, , 32B 1-C 2, 31D6, 31E3,32A8i-9 32A8-9, 32B1-C2, 31D 6,31E3, 32C13-14, 32F8-9, 32C 13-14, 32F89, 32F10, 32F10, 32F11-13, 32G2-4, 33A2-6, 32F11-13,32G 2- 4 , 33A 2-6, 33A11-B4, 33D1-5, 34D6-13, - 5 , 34D 6-13, 33A 11-B 4, 33D134G11-12, 35A2-6, 35D5-7, 34G 11-12, 35A 2--6, 35 D 5 -7 , 35D8-9, 3E12-F2, 35D 8-9, 335G7-12, 5 G 7 -12, 36E12F2, 37B5-6, 37B 5-6, 37E3, 37E3, 37E9, 37E9, 37F4, 37F4, 38B8, 38B8, 38B10, 38B10, 338C1-2, 8 C 1 -2 , 38C11, 38C11, 38E3, 38E3, 38E7, 38E8, 38F3, 39A3, 39B12, 39B12, 39B13-14, 339C4-D2, 9C 4- D2, 39G11-12, 39G 11-12, 39B13-14, 40E13-F1, 41A10-11, 14, 41A 10—11, 40E 13-F1, 40F8- 14, 41D6, 13-F2, 42D10, 41D6, 41E 41E13-F2, 42Db, 442E5-9, 2E 5-9, 42F1-4, 42F 1-4, 43B6-7, 43B 6-7, 43D2-11, 43D 2-11, 43D12-14, 43D12-■14, 44F4-5, 44F4-5, 46A6-7, 46A 6-7, 46A8-11, 4 6 A 8 -11, 46G7-12, 4 6 G 7 -12, 50D11-13, 51 E l 1—14, 50D 11-13, 50E1-3, 50E 1- 3, 51E11-14, 55G8-9, 55G 8-9, 58B1-2, 58B 1-2, 59E12-F1, 59E 12-F1, 59G4, 60C 60C13-D1, 60D4-6, 59G4, 13-D 1, 60 D 4 -6 , 60E4-7, 60G1, 60G2-4, 60E4—7, 60G1, 60G 2-4, 61C12-13, 70Db-h, 70F5-6, 70F5-6, 61C 12-13, 70D10—11, 70F7-9, 70F10-11, 71G10-12, 71G 10-12, 72C10-11; JIB/22(p. IIB/22 (p. 17), 17), 23
(p. 15); IIC 374, 383, 388, (p. 15); IIC(pp. (pp.266, 266,374,383,388, 395, 430); IID/29 (p. (p. 32), 30 430); IID/29 (p. 103); IIE/4A1-5G7; (p. 103); IIE/4A 1-5G 7; IVB/1C9, ID1-4, 14; 1D 1-4, 3E4-11; 3E4-11;V/1B13V /1 B 1 3 -14;
VIA/1B8-9, 1B1O-13, 1C1-3, V IA /1B 8-9,1B 10-13,1C 1-3, 11A2, 11A2, 11F6-7, 12E6, 12E6, 12G11-12, 15B7-8; 15B 7-8; VIB/19F11-20B14; XIA/2C10.-E1, XIA/2C10-E1, 112C7-9, 2 C 7 -9 ,17C7, 17C7, 9 JENINGS, JE N IN G S, (Mr.) (Mr.) CP to: to: 1747,Jan 1747, Jan 19
I/2C1314 I/2 C 1 3 -14 m: I/1F11-12, !JIFII-12, 22A3-4 m: A 3 -4 JENINGS, JE N IN G S, Arian ArianaVanderheyden Vanderheyden Bordley Bordley (Mrs. Edmund, Edm und, Sr.) Sr.) m: IIA/4C10-. IIA/4C10—11 11 JENINGS, JE N IN G S, Edmund Edm und(1731-1819) (1731-1819) to Richard Henry H enry Lee: Lee: 1768, Nov7 IIA/2E7-14 1768, N ov 7 IIA /2E 7-14 to CWP: 1771, Aug10 IIA/3C10-11 1771, Aug 10 IIA /3C 10-11 1783,Jul 1783, Jul 33 IIA/12C3-4 CW P to: CWP 1771, Apr20 1771, Apr 20 IIA/3B8-13 IIA/3B813 1771,Jul IIA/3C4-9 1771, Jul 18 18 IIA /3C4-9 1772,Jun6 IIA/4C10-11 1772, Jun 6 IIA /4C 10-11 1775, Aug 26 26 IIA /5C 5-10 IIA/5C510 1779, Oct IIA/9B812 1779, O ct 15 15 IIA /9B 8-12 1779, Oct15 11A19B13-14 1779, O ct 15 IIA/9B13—14 IIA/IOFI-2 1781,Jan 1781, Jan 10 10 IIA/10F1-2 1781,Jan 10 10 IIA/10F3 1783, Dec 10 IIA/12D6- 10 10 IIA/12D6-10 1800, Dec28 IIA/23F8-10 1800, Dec 28 1802,Jun Jun22 1802, 22 IIA/26B5-6 rn. IIA IIA/2B10-13,2F9--G1, 3A6-9, m: /2B 10-13,2F 9-G 1, 3A 6-9, 3A1013, 33B4-7, 3 A 1 0 -13, B 4 -7 , 3C123 C 1 2 -13, 13, 4B10-C1, 4B 10-C 1, 4E5, 4E5, 44E6-8, E 6 -8 , 12B1014, 551F512, 51F13-G6; 51F13-G6; 12B 10-14, 1 F 5 -12, IIB/11 (p. (p. 9); 9); IIE/1A2-B9; IIE/1A 2-B9; JIB/il VIIIAII6C68 VIIIA /16C6-8 JENKINS, JE N K IN S, Samuel Samuel m: IIA IIA/28C911, 229A332B1C2, m: /28C 9-11, 9 A 3 -55,, 32B 1-C 2, 32C8, 332C1314, 32G 32G2-4, 32C8, 2 C 1 3 -14, 2-4, 33A11-B4, 14, 34D613, 33A 11-B 4, 33173 3 F 7 -14, 34D 6-13, 35F2-5, 35G7-12, 334G11-12, 4 G 1 1 -12, 35F 2-5, 35G 7-12, 336D9-10, 6 D 9 -10, 339C4-D2, 9 C 4 -D 2 , 40C4-5, 40C 4-5, 41E13-F2; IIE/4A1-5G7 IIE/4A 1-5G 7 JENKINS, JE N K IN S, T. T. Meredith Meredith toTRP: to TRP: VIIIA/11B13-C1 1848, Jul 55 1848,Jul JENKINS, JE N K IN S, William William A. A. to Charles Wi!lson Willson Peale [son oofRuP}: f RuP]: 1842, NNov2 VHA/9G2-5 1842, ov 2 VIIA /9G 2-5 JEN K S, William William JENKS, BFP, Report Report on on his his invention: BFP, 1838, NNov30 IXB/9F6-8 1838, ov 30 IX B /9F6-8 IXB/10D1214 1840, IX B /10D 12-14 1840, Sept 9 JENNINGS, JE N N IN G S , Thomas T hom as CWP CW P to: to: 1781, M Mar11 IIA1OFI3-G2 1781, ar 11 IIA10F13-G2 m: IIA/3E5-4B3; IIB/2 (p. 4) m: JESSIJP, JESSUP, Augustus E. E. m: IIA IIA/62C6-7, 62C12-13; m: /62C6-7, 62C 12-13; IIC (p. 427); 5; 427); VIIA/3B2V IIA /3B2-5; XIAI7CI14,4 ,17C7 X IA /7 C 1 -1 17C7 JEW ETT, William William JEWETT, m: Old woman and aa child child setting by a
The The Peale Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers
Fire: Fire: IIB/22 (p. 15) 15) P aul & & Silas Sila s released released fro m Prison: Paul from
IIB/22 (p. (p. 13) 13) JOHN, JO H N , Joseph forthePAFA: forthePA FA : IXAI18C6 1867, Jun 3 IXA/18C6 1867,Jun3 BFP to: 1869, M ar 25 IXA/18F8-9 1869, Mar25 JOHNS, JO H N S , Kensey Kensey m: /1C9-13, 1C 1 4 -D 2 , IF1-4; 1F1-4; m: IIA IIA/1C9-13, 1C14-D2, (p. 4) 4) IIB/2 (p. JO H N S O N ,Anne AnneRiston R iston(Mrs. (Mrs. Thomas) Thomas) JOHNSON, m. m: IIA/16B5-6; 11A116B5-6;IIB/9 IIB/9(pp. (pp. 12,64-65) JO H N S O N , Edward Edw ard JOHNSON, s/Resolution, Baltimore s/Resolution, B altim ore City Council: VIA/2G7-9 1816,Junl4 1816, Jun 14 VIA/2G7- 9 ReP to: VIA/4D31824 VIA /4D 3- 5 1824 m: V VIIA/4D13-F1, IIA /4D 13-F1, 4F13-G2 4F13-G 2 JOHNSON, JO H N S O N , John m: IIA/49D14, IIA/49D14,554D1-2, 54D3-8, m: 4 D 1 -2 , 54D 3-8, 55A10-C9,66E12 55A 10-C 9, 66E12 JOHNSON,Joshua JO H N S O N , Joshua m: m: IIA/3A10-13, IIA/3A10-13, 99B5-6, B 5 -6 , 9B7, 9B7, 12C3-4, 12C 3-4, 12D61 2 D 6 -10, 10, 23F82 3 F 8 -10; 10; VIIIA VIIIAJ16C6-8 /16C6-8 JOHNSON, JO H N S O N , Percival Percival N. N. Robert M M.. Patterson to: IXA/5E2-3 1836, Jan 21 IX A /5E 2-3 1836,Jan2l m: IXAI3C6-D2, 4A10-13, m: IX A /3C 6-D 2, 4A 10-13, 4D1-4, 4 D 1-4, 4F 4-5, 4F 8 -9 , 55G2-7, G 2 -7 , 15B6-13 15B6-13 4F4-5, 4F8-9, JOHNSON, JO H N S O N ,(Colonel) (Colonel) Richard Richard Mentor M entor CW P to: CWPto: IIA/60E13-14 1818, Marl 1818, M a rl 10 IIA/62B2-3 1819, Feb 10 1824, Feb21 IIA/70D8 1824, Feb 21 m. IIA/61B11-12, m: IIA/61B11-12, 61C5-7, 6105-7, 61C12-13,61D1-2, 61C 12-13, 6 1 D 1 -2 , 61D3-4, 61D 3-4, 61D 8-9, 61E2-3, 61E6-8, 61E6-8, 61D8-9, 61E9-10,61E12-13,61F3-4, 61E 9-10, 61E 12-13, 61F3-4, 62A2-6, 62A9, 62A 2-6,62A 9, 663F1-3, 3F 1-3, 6 9 F 1 1 -12; IIB/23 (p. 14 et seq.); 69F11-12; III/4G5-8; IIC (p. 419); III/4G 5- 8; VIAJ4A2-6, V IA /4A 2-6, 44B1-5; B 1 -5 ; XIA/17C10 JOHNSON, JO H N S O N , Rinaldo Rinaldo m : 11B19 IIB/9 (pp. m: (pp.12,64-66), 12,64-66), 9 (pp. 69, 78) JO H N S O N , (Dr.) (Dr.) Samuel Samuel JOHNSON, m: Influence ooff CCivic m; Essay on the Influence iv ic LLfe ife & & Sedentary IIA/64D1-2, Sedentary HHabits: abits: IIA/64D1— 2, 64D6, 6 4 D 1 2 -14 64D6,64D12-14 JO H N S O N ,Thomas Thom as(1710-1791) (1710-1791) JOHNSON, m: m: IIA/16B5-6; IIA/16B5-6; IIB/9 IIB/9 (pp. (pp. 12,64-65) JO H N S O N ,Thomas T hom as(1732-1819) (1732-1819) JOHNSON, to Benedict Calvert: 1777, M May ay 13 13 IVA/2B7-12 IVA/2B7- 12 Appointment: 1777, 1777, May IVA/2C1-4 IVAJ2C1-4 StGP to: 1777, Apr14 1777, Apr 14 IVA/2A8-11 IVA/2A8- 11 Isaac M M'Hard Isaac ’H ard to: 1777, AApr16 1777, pr 16 IVA/2A12-B1 IVA/2Al2-B1 StGP to: to: 1777, Apr21 1777, Apr 21 IVA/2B2-3 IVAJ2B2-3 1777, 1777, May 4 IVA/2B4-6
to: Richard Peters to: 1777, 1777, Sept 11 StGP to: to:
IVAJ2C8-9 IVA/2C8-9
IVAI2C11 1778, Jan 9 IVA/2C11 1778,Jan9 m: IIA IIAIIC9-13, IFI-4, m: /1 C 9 -13, 11C14-D2, C 1 4 -D 2 , 1F1-4, 1F5-8, 1F5-8, 1F9-12, 1F9-12, 3C12-13, 44B4-9,9B8B 4-9,9B 8-12, 12, 9B139B 13-14, 14,
61F 1-2,61G 4-8, 61G9, 61G9, 68G 5-7, 61F1-2, 61G4-8, 68G5-7, 1-2, 69B10-12, 69C14, 69C14, 69D 69D1-2, 69D4, 69E1-2, 69E8-1O, 69E8-10, 69F2-4, 69D4, 69F9-10, 69G 4-6, 70A 2-5, 69F9-1O, 69G4-6, 70A2-5, 70A 6-9, 70B10-11, 70C3-5, 70A6-9, 70D 5-6, 70D 10-11,70F2, 70D5-6, 70Db-h, 70F2, 73A 12-13; IIB/2 (pp. 73Al213; IIB/2 (pp. a, 1), 9 64, 74, 74, 75, 75, 78), 78), IIC IIC (pp. (pp. (pp. 64, 459-62); VIIIC/28A2- BI B1 JO H N S O N , Walter Walter R. JOHNSON, and TRP et et al. al. to to M Mahlon ahlon Dickerson:
VIIIA/5D9 1837, Aug Aug33 1837, VIIIA/5F6-7 1837, Aug 23 V IIIA /5F6-7 1837, Aug23 to T hom as ap Catesby C atesby Jones: Thomas VIIIAJ6C13 1837, Nov6 1837, N ov 6 VIIIA/6C13 m: 6 -1 1 , m: VIIIA/6A12-14, VIIIAJ6Al2-14, 6B 6B6-11, 13A2-12; IIIC/25E10- 27B3 13A212; V VIIIC/25E10-27B3 JO H N S O N and andBlake Blake (Messrs.) (Messrs.) JOHNSON James Ross den to: Ross Snow Snowden 13 12-13 1853, Aug 4 Aug 4IXA/13G12IX A /13G 1853, JO H N S T O N , George George JOHNSTON, CWP, Pow Power attorney to: CWP, er ooff attorney IIA/1B13-C8 IIA /1B 13-C 8 1762, Sept JO N E S , (Mr.) (Mr.) [cabinetmaker] [cabinetmaker] JONES, m: /28C 9-11, 9 A 3 -55,, 29A6, m: IIA IIA/28C911, 229A330C13-D4, 30C 13-D 4, 32B1-C2, 3 2 B 1 -C 2 , 32C 13-14, 33A11-B4, 33A 11-B 4, 33F7-14, 33F7-14, 32C13-14, 34D6-13,34G11-12, 3 4 D 6 -1 3 ,3 4 G 1 1 -12, 35C14-D1, 35C 14-D 1, 35G7-12, 39C4-D2, 3 5 G 7 -12, 336D9-10, 6 D 9 - 1 0 ,3 9 C 4 - D2, 40C4-5, 40 C 4 -5 , 440F8-14, 0 F 8 -14, 41C13-14, 4 1 C 1 3 -14, 41E13-F12, 3 D 1 2 -14, 48 C 3 -7 , 41E13-F12, 443D12-14, 48C3-7, IIC (p. (p. 359) 359) 60E10-12; IIC JO N H S, (Captain) (Captain) JONES, m: IIA/21B7-10, 21G6-7, m: IIA /21B 7-10, 21 G 6 -7 , 23B12-C7, 23B 12-C 7, 38A10-12, 3 8 A 1 0 -12, 38A13-14, 38A 13-14, 338B1-2, 8 B 1 -2 , 445C1-2 5 C 1 -2 JONES, JO N E S , (Dr.) (Dr.) [chemist] [chemist] m: 11A158B3, 58B4-5, IIA/58B3, 58 B 4 -5 , 72F3 72F3 JO N E S , (Dr.) (Dr.) [engineer] [engineer] JONES, m : VIIA /6E12-F1, 6F 2-5; m: VIIAI6EI2-F1, 6F2-5; XIB/3B15C88 X IB /3B 1-5C JONES, JO N E S , (Dr.) (Dr.) [minister] [minister] m: XC/8G5-8, m: X C /8G 5-8, 99E1-4, E 1 -4 , 10B9-12 10B 9-12 JONES, JO N E S , George George to ReP: 1859, 1859, Dec12 Dec 12VIA/13G9-10 V IA /13G 9-10 JON Hannah JO N EES, S , Hannah m: 11A152D1314, 60F8; IIA /52D 13-14, XC/1A11-12 X C /1A 11-12 JONES, JO N E S , Henry H enry CW P to: CWP 1811,Jun Jun29 1811, 29 IIA/50D3 JONES, JO N E S , Issac Issac m: 36C14-D4; m: 11A135F6-9, IIA/35F6-9, 36C 1 4 -D 4 ; XIA (Add.)/7 196-97, 201, 201, 217, 217, (Add.)/7 (pp. 196-97, 242, 244-45, 244-45, 221, 224-26, 231-33, 242, 248-50, 252, 254-55, 263-67, 263-67, 271-74, 279) 271-74,279) JONES,J. JO N E S , J. Winter W inter
The The Peale Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers
to Caroline E. G. G. Peale: Peale: 1874, Mar10 1874, M arlO IX A /21C 6-8 IXA/21C6-8 1874, Aug Aug31 1874, 31 IX A /21F1-3 IXAI21F1-3 JONES, JO N E S , (Commodore) (Commodore) Jacob Jacob m: XIAI17C8 XIA/17C8 JONES, JO N E S , James James IID/30 (p. (p. 53) 53) m: IID/30
JONES,John JO N E S ,John m: IIA/36C11-13, IIA/36C11-13, 36C 36C14-D4; 14-D 4; IXA/1A8-G7; XC/1 A l l - 12 12 XC/1A11JO N EES,John S , John Paul Paul JON 23-24); m: IIB/9 (p. 43); IID/29 (pp. 23-24); X IA /1A 2-4, 2C10-E1, 2C 1 0 -E 1 ,17 C5 XIAI1A2-4, 17 C5 Richard v. v. the the The Bon Homme Richard Serapis: XIA/17D3 XIAI17D3 JONES, JO N E S , Joseph CW P to: CWP 1815, Jul Jul29 HA155F910 29 IIA /55F9-10 IIA/54D3- 8; IVA/7F7 IVA/7F7 m: IIA/54D3-8; JONES, JO N E S , Margarctte Margarette (Patty) (Patty) m: IIA/35F6-9, 13-C 4, m: IIA/35F6-9, 49B 49B13-C4, 5 2 D 1 3 -14; IIIA /1C 1-4 52D1314;VVIIIA/ICI-4 JONES, JO N E S , Samuel Samuel CW P to: CWP 1826, Sept 24 IIA/72E4 1826, Sept24 JO N E S , (Commodore) (Com modore) Thomas T hom as ap JONES, Catesby to Alexander Alexander Dallas Dallas Bache: Bache: VIIIA/1ODIO 1846, 1846, Dec Dec14 14 VIIIA/10D10 to: TRP to: 1831, Feb88 VIIIAI2G9-10 1831, Feb VIIIA /2G 9-10 outhouy to: Joseph P. P. CCouthouy 1837, Aug22 Aug 22 VIIIA/5E8VIUAI5E8F5 F5 1837, to: List ooff individuals individuals reporting to: 1837, N ov 6 VIIIA/6CI3 1837, Nov VIIIA/6C13 m: IIIA /5E1-4, 55F8-9, F 8 -9 , 6B 6-11, m: VVIIIA/5E1-4, 6B6-11, 6 C 3 -5 , 6D12-13, 6 D 12-13, 6E7-14, 6E 7-14, 6C3-5, 8C3-8, 8C 3 -8 , 1OGI-2, 10G 1-2, 11F3-G8; 11F3-G 8; V1IIC/24D1-25B6, 25B 7-E 2, VIIIC/24D1-25B6, 25B7E2, 25E10-27B3 25E10- 27B3 JO N E S , W. W. H. JONES, m: V IIA /5B 11-12, 55C2-5; C 2 -5 ; m: VIIA/5B11-12, X IB/3B 1-5C 8; X IC /1B 8-G 3 XIB/3B1-5C8; XIC/1B8-G3 JO R D A N , John JORDAN, to TRP: toTRP: VIHA/14B2-4 1864, VIIIA/14B2-4 1864, Apr Apr99 Trustees, .S ., to: Trustees, Bank Bank ooff UU.S., 1854, Jul 6 1854,Ju16 XIA/15D14 JU D O N E , Francis Francis JUDONE, Alexander Macauley to: to: 1803, 29 V /1B 3-4 1803, Sept Sept29 V/1B3-4 JU SSIE U , Antoine-Laurent A ntoine-Laurent de de JUSSIEU, m: IID/30 (p. 52) 52)
KA IN , (Mr.) (Mr.) {Kühn,J. [Kiihn, J. E?J E ?] KAIN, m: 6; m: IIA/51F5—12, IIA/51F5-12, 51F13-G 51F13-G6;
(p. 91) 91) IIC (p. KALB, (Baron) (Baron) Johann de. de. See See De KaIb, Kalb, (Baron) Johann. K A N E , John Kintzing KANE, to Mahion M ahlon Dickerson: 1836, Sept Sept16 1836, 16 VIIIA/4D9-11 VIIIAI4D9-11 1836, 21 V IIIA /4D 12-14 1836, Sept Sept21 VIIIA/4D12-14 1836, 29 V IIIA /4E1-3 1836, Sept Sept29 VIIIA/4E1-3 1836, Sept30 1836, Sept 30 V IIIA /4E4-5 VIIIA/4E4-5 1836, OOct3 VIIIA/4E10-11 1836, ct 3 VII1A/4E10-11 1836, Oct25 1836, O ct 25 VIIIA/4F9 to J .R Poinsett: to]. R.. Poinsett: 1838, arlO X IA /12C 7-9 1838, M Mar 10 XIA/12C7-9 to Charles Wilkes: Wilkes: 1838, Jul 31 31 VIIIA/6G7 1838,Jul VIIIAI6G7 for the American Philosophical Society: Estate Estate ooff Nathan Dunn: Society: 1845, 19 X IA /15B13-C5 1845, Sept 19 XIA/15B13-05 to TRP: toTRP: 1848, VIIIA/11B6-7 1848, Jun Jun 19 Power Pow er of o f attorney to: to: 1837, 0Oct30 1837, c t3 0 V IIIA /6C 8-10 VIIIA/6C8-10 TRP to: to: VIIIA/7C510 1840, V IIIA /7C5-10 1840, Apr 5 BFP to: 1846, IX A /9G 1-2 1846, Feb Feb22 IXA/9G1-2 m: C 5 -6 , 5G 1-4, m: VIIIA/2E11—14, VIIIA/2E11-14,33C5-6, 5G1-4, 6E 7-14, 9-12, 9E 5-10, 6E714, 9B 9B912, 9E510, 9F12-G5, 9F12-G 5, 10B3-4, 10B 3-4, 10E4-5, 10E 4-5, 10E12-13, 10F13-14, 10 F 1 3 -14,11B1O; 11B10; IXA/1 A 8-G 7, 5E105E 10- 13, 13, 6E 5 -8 , IXA/1A8-G7, 6E5-8, 8 A 6 -7 ,8 B 1 3 -1 4 ,8G 3,15A 2-B 5, 8A6-7,8B13-14,8G3, 15A2-B5, 15 B 6 -13, 16A2-11; 15B6-13, XIA /14A 7-F7, 14F13-G2, 14F13-G 2, XIA/14A7-F7, 15C10-11; XIA(Add.)16 XIA (Add.)/6 (pp. (pp. 126, 126, 134, 142-46, 149, 152, 152, 154-58, 134, 162, 170, 172-73, 178, 178, 162, 167-68, 167-68, 170, 180), 77 (pp. 192, 194-95, 180), (pp. 182-85, 182-85, 192, 228, 7 - 40, 251, 251, 253, 253, 228, 233, 233, 235, 235, 23 237-40, 2 5 6 ,258-59,274, 276); 256, 258-59, 274, 276); XIIA /1A 3-3E3 XIIA/1A33E3 K A N E, Thomas Thomas Leiper Leiper KANE, m: /8A 6-7 m: IXA IXA/8A6-7 K A U FFM A N N , Angelica Angelica KAUFFMANN, m: IIA IIA/43D2-11, 43E913; IIC m: /4 3 D 2 -1 1 ,4 3 E 9 -13; IIC 94, 328); UD/29 IID/29 (p. 47), 30 (p. (pp. 94, 48); 48); XIA/17C12 K A U SZ, (Mr.) (Mr.) KAUSZ, ReP to: n.y., Jun 20 VIA/15A7 n.y.,Jun2O n.d. V1A/15A8-9 VIA/15A8-9 VIA/I 5A10 VIA/15A10 n.d. K E A N , Thomas Thom as M. KEAN, s/An the PAFA: PAFA: s/An Act Act to to Incorporate Incorporate the 11A138C4-10 1806, 28 IIA /38C4-10 1806, Mar Mar28 KEARNY, Fra. s/M em orial. . . . to the PAFA: PAFA: s/Memorial. 1828, 17 I1I/3F8-G12 1828, Mar 17 llI/3F8-G12 K EA RN Y ,J. KEARNY,J. to the useum : the Philadelphia Philadelphia M Museum: 1825, X IA /7G 2-5 825, Jul 28 XIA/7G2-5 Hypolitus KEATING, William William H ypolitus m: m: V1IA/6F6; VIIAJ6F6;VI11A/3C5-6; VIIIAI3C5-6; X IA /7 C 1 -14; XIA/7C114; (Add.)/5 (pp. 7 -7 1 ,7 3 -7 5 ) (pp. 667-71,73-75) KEINER, K EIN ER, David
The The Peale Peale Family F am ily Papers Papers
m: VIIAJ5BI3-C1, V IIA /5B 13-C 1, 6A 12-13; in: 6Al2-13; V IIIA /8G 4-6 VIIIAJ8G46 KELLER, (Dr.) Ferdinand to Caroline E. G. Peale: Peale: IXA/21D3-4 1874, Apr25 1874, A pr 25 IX A /21D 3-4 m: 21A5-9 m: IXA/17C1-2, IX A /17C 1-2, 17C3, 21A 5-9 KELTY, John John oger Nelson: to R Roger IVB/IDII-13 1801, Jul 3 0 ' IV B /ID 11-13 1801,Ju130 m: 11B18 IIB/8(p. (p.13), 13), 19 19 (p. (p. 42); IVB/1EI-3, 1E8-.9 IV B /1 E 1 -3 ,1 E 8 -9 K EM PER, (Reverend Dr.) KEMPER, Peter’s Church: Marriage M arriage Records: Records: St. Peter's VIIA/3C7-8 1820, Mar6 1820, M ar 6 V IIA /3C7-8 m: V IIA /3D 1-5 in: VIIAJ3DI-5 K E N D E R D IN E , John KENDERDINE, m: IIA/50C6-7; 11A15006-7; IIC IIC (p. 387) K EN N ED Y , H enry Callister KENNEDY, Henry to: Elizabeth Peale, Estate of, to: IVA/3B5-9 1785, Dec Dec31 31 KENNEDY, KEN N ED Y , Margaret M argaret to: Elizabeth Peale, Peale, Estate of, to: 1785, Dec31 IVAI3B5-9 1785, D ec 31 IVA/3B5-9 (Mr.) KENT, (Mr.) XC/5D10-13, m: X C /5 D 1 0 -13, 88D3-6, D 3 -6 , 9A10-13 9A 10-13 KENT, James
VIAJ8D8-9 m: VIA/8D8-9 KENT, (Governor) (Governor) Joseph ReP to: RePto: 1826, Jan 24 1826,Jan24 William KENT, William ReP to:
1835, pr 14 14 V IA /8D 8-9 1835, A Apr VIA/8D8-9 11A123B9-10, m: IIA /23B 9-10, 440F8-14; 0 F 8 -14; VIIA /1B8-10 VIIAIIB810 Mrs. William William KENT, Mrs. m: VIAJ8D8-9 VIA/8D8- 9 KENYON, K E N Y O N , (Captain) (Captain) HA/44C11-14; V VIAIIG4-1O, m: IIA/44C11—14; IA /1G 4-10, 2A10-13 2A 10-13 KEPPELE, Michael m: IIA/13F11-G10; IIAII3FII-G10; VIA/IFS14; VIA/1F5-14; VIIA /2A 7-B3 VIIA/2A7B3 David KERR, David m ;IIA /16El; IIB/11 44); IIC m: IIA/16E1; IIB/Il (p. 44); (p. 144) 144) KERR, Rachel (Mrs. David) CW P to: to: CWP 1791,JanS 1791, Jan 5 IIA/16E1 IIAI161
m. IIB/11 IIB/11 (pp. 44, 58, 58, 62) 62) KERSH NER, H. H .J. KERSHNER, J. C. M. Butler Butler to: to: 1832,Jun KEY, Philip KEY,
rn.: IIA/3A6-9, 11A13A6-9,4D13-E1 4D13-E1 m KEY, Susannah m: 11A13A6-9, m. IIA /3A 6-9,4D 13-E1; IIB/2 (p. 1) 4D13-E1; (p.1) Elhanan W. W. KEYSER, Elhanan
and BFP BFP to to M Mary ary Norris: 1840,Jun IX A /8D 1-2 IXA/8D1-2 XIA/11C3-12A5, m: X IA /11C3-12A 5, 14A7-F7; (Add.)/6 9 -9 8 ,1108, 0 8 , 165), 165), 7 (Add.)/6 (pp. (pp. 889-98, (pp. 251-52, 258, 263263-67, (pp.251-52,258, 67, 272-75), 88 (pp. (pp. 280280-81); 272-75), 81); X IIA /1A 3-3E3 XIIAJIA33E3 KING, K IN G , Charles Charles Bird
s/Resolutions at the PAFA: PAFA: IIA/51C1-4 1812, M ar 9 IIA /51C 1-4 1812, Mar9 Resolutions A ppointing Pennsylvania Appointing Academicians: 1812, Mar13 1812, M ar 13 IIA/51C6-11 to ReP[?]: VIAJ12C8 1857, Jul22 1857, Jul 22 VIA/12C8 RuP to: VIIA/6E4 14 1826, Jun 14 m: 7-8, 20 B 1 -3 , rn: IIA718B4, 11A118B4,18B 18B7-8, 20B1-3, 29A13-B2, 29A 13-B 2, 331C7-9, 1 C 7 -9 , 34C6-7, 34 C 6 -7 , 61F 5-8, 62G10-13, 6 2 G 1 0 -13,70A10-.13; 70A 10-13; 61F5-8, IIC /7C 8-D 4; IIC (p. (p. 464); 464); IIE IIE/7C8-D4; VIAJ3Al2-B3, V IA /3A 12-B 3, 33C6-7, C 6 -7 , 6D9-12, 6 D 9 -1 2 , 6D13-E2; 6D 13-E 2; VIIIAI6F9-10 V IIIA /6F9-10 KING, K IN G , Edward Edward Report committee. R eport oof. f . .. . special special com m ittee . . . APS: 1863, Jul 17 IX A /17F6-10 1863, Jul17 IXAJ17F6-10 m: IIB/9 (p. 2) m: K IN G , (Dr.) (Dr.) H. KING, BFP to: BFPto: 1842, A pr 4 IX A /9B 1-5 IXA/9B1-5 1842, Apr4 KING, K IN G , (Captain) (Captain) John John[?] [?] m; IIA/21G1-3 m: KING, K IN G , Mrs. M rs. John John [?] [?] m: IIAJ2OBI-3, IIA /20B1-3, 20 F 1 -2 , 21F14, 21F14, 20F1-2, G l- 3 ,221G4-6, 1 G 4 - 6 , 23F11-12 23F11-12 G1-3, KING, K IN G , Rufus and Moses R Rogers, ogers, A. A. L. L. Blecker, Blecker, CW P to: CWP 1806, ar 13 13 IIA /38B5-7 1806, M Mar IIA/38B5-7 m: IIA/61E4-5, 1 E 6 -8 , 61E12-13, in: 11A161E4-5,661E6-8, 61F1-2, 61G 4-8, 61G9; 61G9; 61F1-2, 61F3-4, 61G4-8,
HB/23 (p. 27); 27); IIC tIC (pp. 420-23); IIB/23 (p. 420-23); XIA/17C7 K IN G ’S Chapel, Boston B oston KING'S m: IIB/1 (p. 4) 4) KIRBY, John Joshua. Joshua. Method o fPerspectit'e Perspective Method of Made Easy m: IIB/1 (p. 17) 17) m: IIB/I (p. KNAPP, (Miss) (Miss) m: IIB/8 (p. 9) m: KNAPP, John in: IIA/16F11,116F12-14,25F4-5, m: IIA/16F11, 6 F 1 2 -14, 25F4-5, 25F 6-9, 6105-D7; 6 1 C 5 -D 7 ;IIB/9 IIB/9(p. (p. 39), 39), 25F6-9, 19(p. 23(p. 19 (p. 44), 23 (p. 22) 22) KNEASS, K N EA SS, (Mr.) (Mr.) m: IX A /3C 6-D 2, 55F4-7 F 4 -7 , 6B3-6; 6B 3-6; IXA/3C6-D2, XIA (Add.)/5 (Add.)/5 (p. (p. 81) 81) KN ELLER, (Sir) (Sir) G odfrey KNELLER, Godfrey m: IIA/70E1-3; /16F6-8; IIAI7OEI-3; VIIIA VIIIAII6F6-8; VIIIC/28A2B1 V IIIC/28A2-B1 Lord Baltimore: VIIIA /15E10-F8, VIIIA/15E10-F8, 15F9, 2, 15G3, 15G3, 15G4, 15G4, 15F9, 15F10-G 15F10-G2, 15G9, 16B11-C2 15G9, 16B 11-C 2 Queen A Anne: Queen nne: VIIIA/16A2V IIIA /16A 2-5; 5; VIIIC/28A2B1 V IIIC/28A2-B1 KNOX, K N O X , (General) (General) Henry H enry IIA/17C11-. 12;IIB/5 IIB/5(p. (p. 38); 38); IIC 1K m: IIA/17C11 —12; (pp. 38, 38, 39, 39,151); IID/29 (pp. 151); IID/29 17-18); VIA/4D6V IA /4 D 6 -10, (pp. 17-18); 10,
14D 12-14; E l, 17C3 17C3 14D1214; XIA/2C10XIA/2C10-E1,
KNOX, K N O X , Samuel Samuel to John T. Mason: 1801, Sept Sept30 1801, 30
IV B /1E 4-7 IVB/1E4-7
189 189
The T h e Peale P eale Family F a m ily Papers P apers
m: 1E 8 -9 m: IVB/ IVB/1E8-9 KNOX, K N O X ,Samuel Samuel R. R. See Sec Jour. Jour.Wilkes WilkesExped. Exped.##1, 1 , ##5, 5, Series VIIIB. K O ER R , Walter Walter KOERR, s/Application s/Application for for Charter: The T he PAFA: PAFA: 1805, Dec26 D ec26IIA/37C11-D6 1805, IIA /37C 11-D 6 K O SC IU SK O , Thaddeus KOSCIUSKO, m: IIA/42F5-7 K KRIMMEL, RIM M EL,John John IIB/22 (p. (p. 15) 15) m: IIA/62E1-3; IIB/22 KRUMBHAAR, K RU M BH A A R, Alexander m: XIIA/1A3-3E3, m: XIIA /1A 3-3E3, 33E7-8 E 7 -8 KUGLER, KU GLER, (Dr.) Benjamin m: IIA/57C8—D2, 58B7, 58B11, 58B11, m: IIA/57C8-D2, 58B7, 58C 9-11, 58F12-14, 58F12-14, 59F6-8; 59F6-8; IIC IIC 58C9-11, 403); 11114D9-E4; III/4D 9-E4; (p. 403); VIA/6E13-F2; VIIA/11C8-11; VIA/6E13F2; VIIA/11C 8 - 11; XIA/5E9-11 X IA /5E 9-11 K U H L , Henry KUHL, C harter: The ThePAFA: PAFA: s/Application for Charter: 1805, 1805, Dec26 D ec26IIA/35C11-D6 IIA /35C 11-D 6 K U H N , (Dr.) (Dr.) Adam Adam KUHN, m: m: IIA/40A2, IIA/40A2, 54F5-7 54F5-7 [KUHN, [K IJH N , Justus Engelhardt Engelhardt ?]. ?]. See See Kain, (Mr.). KURTZ, K U R TZ , (Reverend) (Reverend) Benjamin Benjam in IIB/14 (p. 229, 231) 231) m: IIB/14 (p. 9); 9); IIC IIC (pp. 229, K UURTZ, R T Z , Jacob m: XIA/11C3-12A5; m; X IA /11C3- 12A5; (Add.)/5 (Add.)/5 (p. (p. 82) 82)
L Bernard de de LACEPEDE, Bernard m: /44E 7-11 m: IIA IIA/44E7-11 LAFAYETTE, Marchióness M archioness de de CW P to: CWP 1787, Apr 20 IIA /15C 11-12 1787, Apr20 IIA/ISCII-12 LAFAYETTE, Marquis M arquis de de to ReP: n.d. CW P to: CWP 1780, 29 1780, May May29 1780, Jun 27 1780, Jun27 1824, Sept Sept30 1824, 30 to: ReP to: 1825,Jul 11 1825,Jul 11
VIA(Add.)/3B11 V IA (A dd.)/3B ll
IIA/9G6-9 IIA /9G 6-9 IIA /10C1-3 IIA/IOCI-3 IIA/71C2
V IA /4D 11-12 VIAI4DII-12 m: IIA/10C10-1l, 10E7-8, 10E9-lO, m: IIA/10C10-11,10E7-8,10E9-10,
10E14,10F4- 7, 11D11 —13, 10E14,10F4-7, IIDII-13, 13B3-4,13F7,15C11-12, 13B3-4, 13F7, 15C11-12, 42F5-7, B 1 -2 , 71B6-7, 71B 6-7, 42F5-7, 71 71B1-2, 71B8-10, 71B 8-10, 71C1, 71C1, 71C1271C 12- 13, 13, 71D 9- 10; IIB/5(pp. (pp. 19,36), 19, 36), 77 (p. (p. 719-10; JIB/S 10), 10), 99 (p. (p. 50); 50); IIC hG (pp. 449,483); IID/29 (p. 17); 17); 11112E1 III/2E11- -12, 12,2E13, 2E3, 33E13-14; E 1 3 -14; V/1E11 - 12;VIA/4C6, VIA/4C6, V/IEII-12; 4C7, D 6 - 10, 4C7, 4C8, 4C8, 44D6O, 5A10-13,
12C10-ll, 55A14-B3, A 1 4 -B 3 ,112A14-B3, 2 A 1 4 -B 3 , 12C10-11, 14D12-14,15B9,15B10, 15B11, 14012-14, 15B9, 15B10, 15B11, 15812-Cl; 1-- 20B4; 15B 12-C l;VIB/19F1 VIB/19F11 20B4; VIIA/5E4-11, 55G1-6, G 1 -6 , 6A6-7; 6A 6-7; VIIA/5E4-11, IXA/2A1012, 2A1314; IX A /2A 10-12, 2 A 1 3 -14; XA/1D8-11; X A /1D 8-11; XIAI2CIO-E1, XIA/2C10-E1, 7G1, 17C3; IB /3B 1-5C 8 17C3; XXIB/3B1-5C8 LAFAYETTE Reception om m ittee of of LAFAYETTE Reception CCommittee the Select andCCommon Councils ooff Select and om m on Councils Philadelphia Minutes of: 1824, Aug 19 19 IIA (A dd.)/4F9-10 IIA(Add.)/4F910 RuP to: 1824, 30 V IIA /5F11-14 1824, Aug Aug30 VIIA/5F11-14 VIIA /6A 6-7 1824, Sept 6 VIIA/6A6-7 LaFO RG U E, Bridget LaFORGUE, CW P to: CWP 1822, May 4 IIA/66G5-7 1822, m: IIA/66G8-10;VVIIIA/ICI-4 m: IIA/66G8-10; IIIA /1C 1-4 LAMARCK, LAM ARCK, Jean-Baptiste and Etienne Etienne GeofFroy Geofiroy Saint-Hilaire to and CWP: 1796, Jun30 Jun IIA(Add.)/3D6-8 1796, 30 IIA (A dd.)/3D 6-8 des Animaux m: Histoire Naturelle des Animaux Sans Vertèbres: V111A125B7E2 Vert'ebres: VIIIA /25B7-E2 Shells: VIIIA/11B13-C1 Shells: VIIIA /11B13-C1 LAM BD IN, James R. LAMBDIN,James s/Memorial. s/M em orial. . .. to the the PAFA: PAFA: 1828, M ar 17 III/3F8-G12 1828, Mar17 III/3F8-G12 to: RuP to: 1834, X IC /1B 8-G 3 1834, Jul Jul 19 XIC/1B8-G3 1849, 27 X IC /1B 8-G 3 XIC/1B8-G3 1849, Feb Feb27 in: VIA/12E11-G4; VIA/12E11-G4; IX IXA/14F1-2, m: A /14F1-2, 15C 3-4, 15E 1-4, 15F9-10, 1 5 F 9 -10, 15C3-4, ISEI-4, 16F7-9, 15G5-7, 16B10-13, 16F7-9, 18A6; X IA /11C 3- 12A5; XIA 18A6; XIA/11C3-12A5; (Add.)16 (pp. 93, 94, 102, (Add.)/6 (pp. 102, 120) 120) LAMING, LAM ING, Benjamin Benjamin ,n: (pp.62,70,74); m: IIB/9 IIB/9 (pp. 62, 70,74);12 12(p. (p.16); 16); IIC IIC (p. 164) 164) LAMING LAM ING family picture IIB/9 (pp. 10 (p. (p. 34) 34) m: 118/9 (pp. 12,63); 12,63); 10 LANCA STER, Joseph LANCASTER, and RuP, Outlines of of the Life Ltfe ooff Theodore Newell: Newel!: VIIA (Add.)/ICIO-D7 1824 VIIA (A d d .)/lC 1 0 -D 7 LANDER'S L A N D ER ’S Expedition Expedition [Frederick [Frederick West West Lander] m: VIIIA/5E8-F5 VIIIA/5E8-FS LANDSCAPES m: IIIB/Il IB /ll (p.4), (p. 4), 12 12 (pp. (pp. 20, 20, 22); 22); m: XLAI17C8, 17C9, 17C14, 17G2, XIA/17C8,17C9,17C14,17G2, 17G4 LA N E, (Mr.) (Mr.) LANE, m: 4) m: IIB/2 118/2(p. (p.4) LANE, (Colonel) (Colonel) CW P to: to: CWP 1819, 24 IIA /62G 8-9 819, Sept Sept24 IIA/62G8-9 m: m: III/4G5— IIh/4G5-88 LA N E, J. H. H. LANE,J. m: IIIA /12C 8-11, 12C 14-D 1, m: VVIIIAII2C8-11, 12C14-D1, 2D2-3, 12D 2-3, 12G5-13, 12G 5-13, 13A2-12, 13A 2-12, 13A13-B1 L A N G D O N , William William B. B. LANGDON, m: XIA(Add.)/6 (p. 178), 178), 77 (p. (p. 243) 243) LANG W O RTH Y, Edward E dw ard LANGWORTHY,
The Peale The Peale Family F am ily Papers Papers
to JohnJay: toJohnJay: 1779, 25 IIA /8C 11-D 3 IIA/8C11-D3 1779,Jul Jul25 m: IIA /9A 2-7; IIC (pp. {pp. 69-71) nI: IIA/9A2-7; L LARDNER, A R D N ER , Dionysius. Dionysius. Cabinet Cyclopaedia, Cyclopaedia, The m: /11B13-C1 m: VIIIA VIIIA/11B13-C1 LASTEYRIE, M. M. m: IID/30 (p. 52); XIAI17D1 m: XIA/17D1 LATHAM, LATHAM , (Mr.) (Mr.) IIIA/41A2-3, 41E 13-F12, m: 111A141A2-3, 41E13-F12, 4 8C 3-7; IIB/5 IIB/5 (p. (p. 22) 22) 48C3-7; LATHAM LATHAM,, John John VIIIA/3A7-B4; m: VIIIA13A7-B4; VIIIC/25E10-27B3 “"An An essay essay on on the tracheae or windpipes windpipes ooff various various kinds kinds ooff birds” (London?, (London?, 1798): 1798): birds" VIIIAIIIB13-C1 VIIIA /11B13-C1 LATIMER, Ann CW P to: CWP 1821, 18 IIA /66D 5-6 IIA/66D5-6 1821, Aug Aug18 m: IIA/66C14, 666D7-10; m: IIA/66C14, 6D 7-10; IX A /1A 8-G IXAJIA8G77 LATIMER, George LATIMER,
m. m: IIA/58B7, IIA/58B7, 58B11, 58B11, 58C9-11 58C9-11 LATIMER, James James m: 11; IIB/8 m: IIA/34B10— IIA/34B10-11; IIB/8(pp. (pp. 8, 8, 9), 9),99
(pp. 26, 26, 29), 29), 11 11 (p. 3) 3) (pp.
LATIMER, M Margaret LATIMER, argaret n: IIA/58B7,58B11, IIA/58B7, 58B11,58C9-11 58C9-11 m: (M rs. James) LATIMER, Sarah Geddes (Mrs. m: IIA/34B10-11; IIA/34B10-11; IIB HB11 (p.3) m: U (p. 3) LATRILLE, LATRILLE, Pierre BFP to: 1829, Dec 22 IX A /2C 6-8 IXA/2C6-8 1829, Dec22 LATROBE, Benjam Benjamin Henry LATROBE, in H enry CWT: to CWP: 1803, Sept 24 IIA/28F1 1803, Sept24 1803, O ct 26 IIA /28G 4-7 1803, Oct26 IIA/28G4-7 1803, O ct 30 IIA/28G8 1803, Oct30 ov 66 IIA/29A7 1803, N Nov 11A129A7 1803, N ov 12 12 IIA/29A13-B2 1803, Nov 1804, Feb 22 IIA/29E13-F2 1804, Feb22 1804, Feb 23 1804, Feb23 IIA/29F3 1804, M ar 9 IIA/30A2-5 1804, Mar9 1804, M May ay I1 IIA/30E10 1804, M ay 14 IIA/30F4-5 1804, May14 1805, Mar 14 1805, Mar14 IIA/33E8-10 Apr 11 1805, Apr IIA/33G8 1805, Jun 44 IIA /34E 13-14 IIA/34E1314 1805, Jun 88 1805,Jun IIA/34F6-7 1805, Jul 17 17 IIA /35C 8-10 1805,Jul IIA/35C8-10 1805, Jul 22 1805, Jul22 IIA/35D2 1805, Jul Jul23 23 IIA/35D3 1805, Jul 29 29 IIA /35D 8-9 1805,Jul IIA/35D8-9 to Thomas Thomas Jefferson: 1805, Sept 13 IIA/36A21805, Sept13 IIA/36A2-55 to CWP: 1806, Apr 18 IIA /38E5-6 1806, Apr18 IIA/38E5-6 1806, Apr26 1806, Apr 26 IIA/38E10 1807, M ar 4 IIA /40C 6-D 2 1807, Mar4 IIA/40C6-D2 Mar 44 IIA /40D 3-10 1807, Mar IIA/40D310 1808, Jan Jan10 10 IIA/42B13 ReP: to ReP: 1808, Apr29 1808, A p r29 V IA /1G 1-3 VIAIIGI-3 to CWP:
IIA /45B1-3 1808, Dec Dec10 1808, 10 IIA/45B1-3 Thom as Jefferson: to Thomas V IA /2C 11-D 4 1811, May May19 VIA/2C11-D4 1811, 19 CW P to: to: CWP 1803, 18 1803, Sept 18 IIA/28E13 IIA/28F9 1803, O Oct 1803, ct 33 IIA /28G 1-2 1803, OOct12 IIA/28G1-2 1803, ct 12 IIA /28G 9-10 IIA/28G910 1803, OOct30 1803, ct 30 IIA /28G 11-12 IIA/28G11-12 1803, NNov3 1803, ov 3 IIA/29A8 1803, N Nov 1803, ov 7 1803, Nov IIA/29A9 1803, N o v 99 IIA/29F4 1804, Feb 26 IIA /29G 1-2 IIA/29G1-2 1804, 1804, Feb Feb27 27 IIA/29G8 1804, M Mar 1804, ar 8 IIA/30C10 1804, Apr19 1804, A pr 19 IIA/30D11 1804, A pr 28 1804, Apr28 IIA/30D12 11A130D12 1804, A pr 29 1804, Apr29 IIA /33C 7-10 IIA/33C710 1805, Feb 20 IIA/33F1 —2 IIA/33F1-2 1805, M ar 19 1805, Mar19 IIA/34C1314 13 IIA /34C 13-14 1805, May 13 1805,Jun 21 IIA/34G11—12 1805,Jun2l IIA/34G11-12 IIA /35C14-DDl 1 IIA/35C1421 1805, Jul Jul21 IIA/35D4 1805, Jul 23 1805,Jul 23 IIA/35G1 11A135G1 1805, Aug30 1805, A ug 30 IIA/38E7 1806, A pr 21 1806, Apr21 IIA/38E8 1806, A Apr22 1806, pr 22 IIA/48F1 —2 IIA/48F1-2 10 1810, Feb 10 1810, ar 14 14 1810, M Mar IIA/49B2 IIA /49B 9-10 1810,J u n8 IIA/49B910 1810, Jun IIA/49E6 1810, 10 1810, Sept 10 m: IIA/24E12-F1, 11-13, m: ITA/24E12-F1, 25A 25A11-13, 29A 3-5, 25A14-B3, 25A 14-B 3, 28E6-7, 28E 6- 7, 29A3-5, 29F5-8, 12, 29F1314, 29F 5-8, 29F92 9 F 9 -12, 2 9 F 1 3 -14, 29G5, 229G6-7, 9 G 6 -7 , 30A7, 30A7, 30A 8-9, 29G5, 30A8-9, 30A10-11, 30A 10-11, 330C3-4, 0 C 3 - 4, 30D13-E3, 30D 13- E3, 30 E 4 -9 , 31 C 1 0 -1 1 , 31D1-2, 3 1 D 1 -2 , 30E4-9, 31Gb-Il, 331D3-4, 1 D 3 -4 , 331D7-8, 1 D 7 -8 , 31D9-10, 3 1D 9-10, 32B 1 -C 2 , 33A11-B4, 33A 11- B4, 33D1-5, 3 3 D 1 -5 , 32B1-C2, 34D 6-13, 34B10-11, 34B 10-11, 334C3-5, 4 C 3 - 5, 34D6-13, 34G2, 334G3-4, 4 G 3 -4 , 35G1, 35G1, 35G 7-12, 34G2, 35G7-12, 3 9 C 4 -D 2 , 39F12-13, 39F12- 13, 39G1-2, 39G 1-2, 39C4-D2, 40E 8-9, 444B1-C2, 4 B 1 -C 2 , 45A6-7, 45 A 6 -7 , 40E8-9, 51 C 1 -4 , 55106-11; 1 C 6 -11; IIC 51C1-4, hG (pp. 322-58); (pp. 32258); IID/29 IID/29 (pp. (pp. 46-47); 46-47); IIE/4A 1-5G 7, 7C81-D4; IIE/4A15G7, 7C8- D4; X C /4D 9-12; XIA/17C10 XC/4D912; XIA/17C10 M ary Elizabeth Elizabeth Hazlehurst Hazlehurst LATROBE, Mary (M rs. Benjamin Benjam in Henry) (Mrs. m; 0 F 4 -5 , 333C7-10, 3 C 7 -10, m: IIA/29E13-F2, IIA/29E13-F2,330F4-5, 33F1- 2, 34B10-11, 34B 1 0 -1 1 , 34C13-14; 34 C 13-14; 33F1-2, V IA /1G 1-3 VIA/I G13 L A U E R , George LAUER, CW P to: CWP 1826, 15 IIA/72C12 1826,Jul Jul15 LAURENS, L A U R E N S, Henry H enry to C WP: CWP: IIA/14F3-66 1786, IIA/14F3— 1786, Dec Dec88 II A/15B13-14 1787,M Mar26 11A115B13-14 1787, ar 26 Frances Pugh Pugh to: Frances IIA /6C 5-8 1778, A Aug IIA/6C5-8 1778, ug 17 17 CW P to: CWP IIA/9F10—13 1780, M Mar6 IIA/9F10-13 1780, ar 6 1786, o v 21 1786, NNov21 IIA/14E10 IIA /15A 4-7 IIA/15A4-7 1787, 20 1787, Feb Feb20 1792, Sept Sept22 1792, IIA /17E2-3 11A117E2-3 m: IIA /9G 6-9, 12D 6- 10, 14G9-12, 14G 9-12, m: IIA/9G6-9, 12D6-10,
The The Peale Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers
17E1; IIB/6 11B16(pp. (pp. 3, 3, 9); 9); IID/29 XIA/2C10-E1, 17C12 (p. 7); XIAy2C10-El, 17C12 LAURENS, LA U REN S, John IIA/14G9-12; IIB/7 IIB/7 (p. (p. 13), 13), 99 m: IIA/14G9-12; (p. 7); 7); XIAJ2C1O-E1 XIAy2C10-El LAVATER, Johann Kaspar LAVATER,Johann Aphorisms on 1790), Aphorisms onMan, Man,(Dublin, (Dublin, 1790), CW P Marginalia Marginalia to: 13-E5 CWP to: IIE/2A llE/2A13-E5 IIA/33E11—14 m: llA/33E11-14 LAVOISIER, LAVOISIER, Antoine Antoine Laurent Laurent de m: /42D 11-14, 4 42E1-4, 2 E 1 -4 , 71D 9-10 m: IIA 11AI42D11-14, 71D9-10 LAW, Thomas Thomas LAW, m: IIA/29F3, 0 A 2 -5 , 30A7; 30A7; m: IIA/29F3,29G8, 29G8,330A2-5, IIB/23 (p. 11B123 (p. 8) LAW RENCE, (Mr.) (Mr.) (London) (London) LAWRENCE, CWPto: CW P to: 1803, Oct3 IIA/28E10 1803, O ct 3 IIA/28F10 m: —12, 29 A 3 -5 , 29A6, m: IIA/28E11 IIA/28E11-12, 29A3-5, 30D 9-10, 32B 1-C 2; 30D9-10, 32B1-C2; V IIA /1D 12-14, 1E 4-5 VIIA/1D12-14, 1E4-5 LAWRENCE, LAW RENCE, (Mr.) (New (N ew York) York) CWPto: CW P to: 1826, May24 1826, May 24 IIA/72B11 LAW RENCE, Anne Anne LAWRENCE, CWP CW P to: 1826, May 22 IIA/72B8 1826, May22 IIPsf72B8 11A172G8 1826 Sept29 1826 Sept 29 IIA/72G8 LAW RENCE, Charles Charles B. B. LAWRENCE, III/4F2; VVIAI4C14-D2 IA /4C 14-D 2 m: III/4F2; LAW RENCE, E. LAWRENCE, m: IIA/30C1-2, 0 C 5 -6 m: IIAJ3OCI-2,33005-6 LAWRENCE, LAW RENCE, Eldridge m: C /3C 1-4, 44B5-8, B 5 -8 , 44D1-4, D 1 -4 , m: XXC/3C1-4, 4D 13-E 4, 44E5-8, E 5 -8 , 4F2-5 4 F 2 -5 4D13-E4, LAW RENCE, (Sir) (Sir) TThomas hom as LAWRENCE, m: IIA IIA/61D3-4, 61D8-9; m: /61D 3-4, 61D 8 -9 ; V IA /4G 9-12, 66D5-8, D 5 -8 , 6D9-12; 6 D 9 - 12; VIA/4G9-12, VIB/22C10 LAW SON, Alexander Alexander LAWSON, s/M em orial. . . . to the the PAFA: PAFA: s/Memorial. 1828, M ar 17 III/3F8-G12 1828, Mar17 11113F8-G12 III/4F2, 5A12; IIA /9G 6-9 m: 11114F2, 5Al2;VVIIA/9G6-9 LAZARUS, Isaack Isaack LAZARUS, CWPto: CW P to: 1821, Apr 1821, Apr33 IIA/66A9 /1F 7-10 m: V V/1F7-10 LEA. See See Carey and Lea Lea (publishers). LEA, Isaac Isaac to Samuel L. L. Southard: 1829,Jan VIIIA/2E11-14 1829, Jan [5] [5] VIIIA/2E11 -14 to Mahion M ahlon Dickerson: 1836, ct 2 V IIA /4E 12-13 1836, OOct2 VIIA/4E12-13 s/Report: slReport: 1845, Mar VIIIA/9C14 1845, Mar77 TRP, Report. TRP, R e p o rt. . . on his paper: 19 V IIIA /4D 3-4 1836, Aug 19 VIIIA/4D3-4 VFUAI4E12-13 1836, O ct 2 V IIIA /4E 12-13 1836, Oct2 VIIIA/6F6 30 1838, Jan Jan30 1842, N Nov VIIIA/8B5 ov 33 1842, Dec 22 V IIIA /8C1-2 1842, Dec22 VIIIA/8C1-2 Sept 11 11 VIIIA/8F14 VIUAI8FI4 1843, Sept m: V IIIA /3C 5-6, 99B3-7, B 3 -7 , 10C3-7, 10C 3-7, m: VIIIAI3C5-6, 13B3-8; VIIICI25EIO-27B3 VIIIC/25E10-27B 3 L EA C O C K ,Joseph LEACOCK, Joseph CW P to: CWP IIA/26E4-5 1802, Sept23 1802, Sept 23
m: IIB/7 (p. 7) 7) rn. LEAMING, LEA M ING , (Mr.) (Mr.) ReP to: 1857, N Nov 1857, ov 14 14 VIA/12E3 LEAR, Tobias Tobias CW P to: CWP 1792, Mar Mar23 1792, 23 IIA/17B10 IIAf17B1O Le R U N .N Le BBRUN, N.. to BFP: 1847, ov 11 IX B /11F 8-10 1847, NNov11 IXBI11F8-10 Schom aker& Co. to: to: Schomaker&Co. 1846, NNov12 IXBIIIFII-13 1846, ov 12 IXB/11F1113 L E C O N T E , (Captain) (Captain) LECONTE, TRP, TRP, Report on his paper: 1825, Nov29 N ov 29 VIIIA/2A8-9 1825, VIIIA /2A 8-9 LEDERER, (Baron) (Baron) m: VIIIA/14D2-5; X XIC/1A2-13, m: VIIIA/14D2-5; IC /1A 2-13, 1B8-G 1B8-G33 LEDERER, Lewis to CWP: 1821,Jan 1821, Jan 10 10 IIA/65E12-F1 IIA/65E12-E1 m: V IIA /6C9-D 8 m: VIIA/6C9-D8 LEE, Archibald CW P to: CWP 1823, O ct 4 IIA/69D6 1823, Oct4 LEE, Arthur m: IIAf2E7IIA/2E7- 14; 14; lID IID/29 30); /29 (pp. 29, 30);
El, XIA/2C10- E l, 17C4 17C4 LEE, (General) (General) Charles m: m: IIB/2 (p. 22); XIA/17C5 LEE, (Colonel) (Colonel) H Henry LEE, enry m: m: IID/29 11D129(p.(p.8);8);XIA/2C10-E1,17C7 XIA/2C10-El, 17C7 LEE, John CW P to: CWP 11A/70E12 1824, Jun 15 15 11A/70F12 1824,Jun m: IIA/70F5-6, 70F10-11 7 0 F 1 0 -11 enry LEE, Richard H Henry to Landon Landon Carter: 1772, ct 9 IIA/4D4- 6 1772, OOct9 IIA/4D4-6 Edmund Edm und Jenings to: IIA/2E7-14 1768, ov 7 IIA /2E 7-14 1768, NNov7 Dl29 m: IIA /3C4-9, 5A 2 -4 ; IID/29 m: IIA/3C4-9, 5A2-4; (pp. 22-23); 22-23); XIA/2C10-E1,17C5 XIA/2C10-El, 17C5 (pp. LEE, T hom as Sim Sim LEE, (Governor) Thomas to CWP: 1781, IIA/11B12 1781, Dec Dec77 m: —5, 69D4, 69D6, m: IIA/13E1 IIA/13E1-5, 70D 5-6, 70F10-11, 70F10-11,70F12; 70F12; IIB/2 IIB/2 70D5-6, 466); (p. 4); IIC (p. 466); VIIIC/28A2-B1 VIIIC/28A2B1 William LEE, William to TRP: toTRP: 1822, M ar 18 V IIIA /1E2-3 1822, Mar18 VIllA/i E2-3 LEEMANS, LEEM A N S, C. C. to Caroline E. G. G. Peale: Peale: IXA/21B9-10 1874, Feb77 1874, Feb IX A /21B9-10 LEGGETT, M ortim er D orm er LEGGETT, Mortimer Dormer to TRP: toTRP: 1873, V IIIA /15E 9-10 1873,Jun 17 Jun 17VIIIA/15E9-1O LEG R A N D , (M.) LEGRAND, m: 11A142D11-14, IIAM2D11 - 14, 442E1-4 2 E 1 -4 in: LEIB, (Dr.) Michael CW P to: CWP IIA/65F910 1821, Jan 29 IIA/65F9-10 LEIDY, LEIDY, (Dr.)Joseph to: BFP to:
The The Peale Peale Family F am ily Papers Papers
IXA/17F11-12 1863, Dec 1863, Dec44 IXAI17G1-2 1864, 1864, M Mar19 ar 19 IX A /17G 1-2 LEIPER, (Messrs.) (Messrs.) BFP, Report BFP, R eport on Leipers' Leipers’Rock: Rock: IXB/9C1- 11 1837, May 6 1837, IXB/9C1-11 Report R eport on the the Stone Stone of o f Leipers' Leipers’ Quarries: 1837| ?] IX B /9C 12-D 4 IXB/9C12-D4 1837[?] T hom as LEIPER, Thomas m:: 11A161A6-8 m IIA/61A6-8 L EITZ, Charles A. LEITZ, BFP to: JuJ 31 31 IXA/10E8 1849, JuJ JXAII0E8 LEREBOURS, LER EB O U R S, Alexandre Alexandre m: IIA/21 IIAI2IEI1-13, m: E l 1—13, 669A2-4 9 A 2 -4 LESLEY, J. Peter LESLEY,J. G. Peale: Peale: to Caroline E. G. 1875, Jun 19 Jun 19 IXA/21F10 BFP to: 1866, O ct 7 IX A /18B 1-2 1866, Oct7 IXA/18B1-2 BFP to: IXA/18C2-5 IX A /18C 2-5 1867, May 4 IXA/18D810 ar 12 12 IX A /18D 8-10 1868, M Mar S. F. F. Haven Haven to: IXA/19B5-7 1870, Sept26 1870, Sept 26 IX A /19B 5-7 m: m: VIIIA/16F1-5 VIIIAII6F1-5 LESLIE, obert LESLIE, Charles Charles RRobert to CWP: 1793, Sept23 1793, Sept23 IIA/17G11-13 IIA/17G11-13 s/Report: 1800, IIA /23D 7-8 1800, Sept 19 IIA/23D7-8 CW P to: to: CWP 1793 IIA /18B 10-12 IIA/18B10-12 lIA/20B4-5 1795, 26 1IA/20B4-5 1795,Jul Jul26 m: IIA/18B4, 11A118B4,19C 19C9-14, 24E12-F1, m: 9-14, 24E 12-F1, 27C1-2; 6D9-12, 27C 1-2; VIA/3E10-13, V IA /3E 10-13, 6D 9-12, 66D13-E2, D 1 3 -E 2 ,66F5-7, F 5 -7 ,88A14-B1, A 1 4 -B 1 ,88B2; B 2; VIB/19F11-20B14 “Leslie’s utobiographical "Leslie's A Autobiographical Recollections” IX A /16B10-13 Recollections":: IXA/16B1013 LESSO N , René Rene Prim evere LESSON, Primevère m: VIIIC/25E10-27B3 m: Manuel domestique: Manuel d’Omithologie d'Ornitholoie domestique: VIIIA/25B7E2 V IIIA/25B7-E2 Trait'e d’Ornithologie: Traitè d'Ornjtholoje: VIIIAJ25B7- E2 VI1IA/25B7-E2 ards LESTER, Charles Edw Edwards to ReP: 1845, DecDec 1 1 VIA /10A 11-B5 VIA/IOAII-B5 ReP to: to: 1845, Dec27 1845, Dec 27 V IA /10B6-7 VIA/10B6-7 1846, Jan 44 V IA /10B8-10 1846,Jan VIA/10B810 1846, M Mar VIA/10B1213 1846, ar 3 VIA /10B12-13 1846, Mar16 VIA/10B14-C2 1846, M ar 16 V IA /10B14-C2 Dec 29 VIA/14G4 n.y., Dec29 L ESU EU R , Charles Charles Alexandre Alexandre LESUEUR, s/Report to to Academy Academy ooff National Sciences: 1825, Jun28 1825, Jun 28 V1IIA/2A4-5 VIIIA/2A4-5 m: IA/60B12-14, 60D11-13, 60D11-13, 60F1, m : IIIA/60B12-14, 60F1, 60F2-3, 60F9-11, 69F13-G3; 60F2-3, 69F13-G 3; VIJA (Add.)/1A13-B2, 105-8; VIIA (Add.)/1 A 1 3 -B 2 , 1C 5-8; VIIIAI2FII13, 6E714, V IIIA /2F11-13, 6E 7-14, 9D12-E1; XIAJI5F8-fl 9D 12-E 1; XIA/15F8-11 Histoiredes des Med Meduses: Histoire uses: VIIIA/25B7-E2 VIIIA/25B7- E2
Le U EU R , Jean-B aptiste Le SSUEUR, Jean-Baptiste
XIA/17C13 m: XIA/17C13
LEUTZE, L E U T Z E , Emanuel Em anuel VIIIA /15A 11-12 m: VIIIAI15A11-12 LEVAN, Sarah m: VIIB/18A2-B12 LEV LEVERIAN ERIA N M Museum useum IIA/35G7-12, 40G 2-12; m: 11A135G7-12, 40G2-12; V IIA /1C 2-5, 11D3-6, D 3 -6 ,11D12-14; D 1 2 -1 4 ; VIIA/1C2-5, X IA /5E 12- G4 G4 XIA/5E12LEV ERIN G , (M.) (M.) LEVERING, CW P to: CWP 1806, ar 19 IIA/38B10 1806, M Mar 11A138B10 m: /38C 1-2 m: IIA IIA/38C1-2 LEVERING, LEV ERIN G , A. A. R. R. toCWP: to CW P: 11A62F11-12 1819, 30 IIA 62F 11-12 1819, Aug Aug30 [LEVERING] overing, Mary M ary Susan Susan [LEVERING] LLovering, (Mrs. John[?]) [?]) Bechtel (Mrs.John ReP to: 1837, VIA/9A7 1837, Feb 7 See Leverian LEVERS, (Sir) Ashton. See M useum . Museum. LEVY, M ary Pearce rs. Moses) LEVY, Mary Pearce (M (Mrs. m. IIA/44B1-C2 m: LEVY, Moses s/Application for Charter: The s/Application The PAFA: PAFA: 1805, IIA/37C11-D6 1805, Dec26 D ec26 IIA /37C 11-D 6 CW P to: CWP IIA/5A5-6 nn.d. .d. IIA/5A5—6 m: IIA/5C4, F 1 -2 , 444B1-C2 4 B 1 -C 2 m: IIA/5C4,38 38F1-2, LEVY, Samson Charter: The T hePAFA: PAFA: s/Application for Charter: 1805, 1805, Dec26 D ec26IIA/37C11-D6 IIA /37C 11-D 6 LEW IS, (Colonel) LEWIS, IIA /5A 5-6, 5C4; 5C4;1W/S IIB/5 (p. (p. 50) 50) m: IIA/5A5-6, LEW IS, Elizabeth Washington W ashington LEWIS, (M rs. Fielding) Fielding) (Mrs. to George Washington: W ashington: 1779, 21 IIA/9A13-14 1779, Sept Sept21 m: IIA/8D8, C 1 -2 m: IIA/8D8,99C1-2 LEW IS, Fielding LEWIS,
m. m: IIA/9A13-14 LEW IS, George LEWIS, m: A/9 A 13-14; 118/S IIB/5 (p p . 19), 5 m: II IIA/9A13-14; (pp. 26, 28) 28) (p. 26, LEWIS,John LEW IS, John m: /26E 12-14, 26 F 1 -4 m: IIA IIA/26E12-14, 26F1-4 LEW IS, John T. T. LEWIS,John m: 5 C 3 -4 , 16B10-13 16B10-13 m: 1XA/14F1-2, IXA/14F1-2, 115C3-4, LEW IS, Joseph S. S. LEWIS,Joseph CW P to: to: CWP 1805, OOctS IIA/36B14-C2 1805, ct 5 IIA /36B 14-C 2 LEWIS, LEW IS, Laurence m. m: IIA/67F1- 3 LEWIS, LEW IS, Levi T R P to: to: TRP 1835,Jun Jun27 1835, 27 V IIIA (A d d .)/lB 1 0 -11 VIIIA(Add.)/IBIO11 LEWIS, LEW IS, Mary M ary m: C /6 G 9 -12, 8E 1 3 -F 2 , 11B8-11, 11B 8-11, m: XXC/6G9-12, 8E13-F2, 11E 6-77 11 E6LEW IS, M eriw ether LEWIS, Meriwether m: IIA/28B5, IIA/28B5,228E6-7, 28F2-3, m: 8 E 6 -7 , 28F 2-3, 334C6-7, 4 C 6 -7 , 36C6-8, 3 6 C 6 -8 , 36C9-10, 36 C 9 -1 0 , 336E3-4, 6 E 3 -4 , 36F8-11, 3 6 F 8 -11, 36F12-G1, 36F12- G 1,
The The Peale Peale Family F am ily Papers Papers
37D 8-9, 37D12-13, 3 7 D 1 2 -13, 37E1-2, 37E 1-2, 37D8-9, 38C11, 39A10, 39A 39A11-12, 38C11, 39A10, 11-12, 39F 10-11, 339F12-13, 9 F 1 2 -13, 39G 1-2, 39F10-11, 39G1-2, 39G3-10, 40A 7-8, 40B4-5, 39G3-10, 40A7-8, 40B6-7, 40B 40B8-9, 8-9, 40B10-11, 40B 10-11, 4 0F 2-3, 40F6, 40F6, 40B12-13, 40F2-3, 41A6-9, 40F8-14, 41A 6-9, 41D6, 41D6, 441D7-9, 1D 7-9, 41D10-12, 4 1 D 1 0 -12, 41G5, 41G5, 41G6-7, 42A13-B3, 41G 6-7, 41E13-.F12, 41E 13-F12, 42A 13-B 3, 42C 3-4,42C 5-6, 45C1245C 12- 13, 13, 42C3-4, 42C5-6, 47B10-13, 7 C 3 -6 , 48A8-B10, 48A 8-B 10, 47B10-13, 447C3-6, IIC (pp. (pp.331, 331,375-76); 375-76); 48E1-12; hG IID/29 IIIA /6F 9-10, IID/29 (p. (p. 44); 44); V VIIIA/6F910, 99D9D 9 - 11, 12-EEl; 1; X IA /12C 7-9, 11, 9D 9D12XIA/12C7-9, 17C12 See also xpedition, Series alsoLong Long EExpedition, See VIIIB. LEWIS, Mordecai CW P to: CWPto: 1796, 1796, AApr12 pr 12 IIA /20C2-3 IIAI2OC2-3 m: IIA/14B7-8 LEWIS, LEWIS, Morgan m m::
IIB/22 (p. 71) 71) llBf22
LEWIS, Samuel s/“An Association Association of o f Artists in s/'An America” America":: 1794, 1794, Dec Dec29 29 IIA/19D12-E1 s/Constitution of o f the the Colum Columbianum: bianum : 1795, Feb Feb17 1795, 17 IIE3/E7-F6 1795, 19 IIA/19F3-20A10 1795, Apr Apr19 m: IIA/19D12-E1; IIB/7 (pp. 18, 18, 20); 20); in: IIA/19D12.-E1; VIIA/9G6- 9; X IA /7C 1- 14 14 VIIAJ9G6-9; XIA/7C1William LEWIS, William CWP CW P to: 1804, 1804, Apr20 Apr 20IIA/30C11-12 IIA /30C 11-12 m: IIA /37C11-D 6 IIA/37C11-D6 m: LEWIS, William William m: 11B15 IIB/5 (p. m: (p.49), 49),66(pp. (pp. 17, 18), ([m] 13 (p. 29) ([mJ p. p. 5), 13 LEWIS, William D. to ReP: 1844, Feb V1A/9G3-4 m: XIAI!4A7-F7, XIA/14A7- F7, 14G3-15A2, 14G 3-15A 2, 15A 12-B2, 15C12-13; 1 5 C 1 2 -13; 15Al2-B2, XIA(Add.)/6 (pp. (pp. 157157-59,168, 59, 168, 170, 184, 192, 192, 170, 180-81); 7 (pp. 184, 194-98, 201,2208, 0 8 ,2214, 1 4 ,2217, 17, 19498, 201, 219- 22, 223032, 243, 245, 249, 219-22, 30-32, 22565 6-57,259, 3 ,2265-66) 6 5 -6 6 ) 57, 259, 26 263, LIBERIA m: XIA(Add.)/5 (p. 71) 71) LIBRARY om pany of o f Philadelphia. See LIBRARY CCompany See Philadelphia, Library Com Company. Philadelphia, Library pany. L IM P O O N , Henry Henry LIMPOON, m: m:
XIA/2E10-G12 XIAI2E1O-G12
L IN C O L N , Abraham Abraham LINCOLN, 38 38 citizens citizens ooff Philadelphia Philadelphia to: IXA/16C4-8 n.d. IX A /16C 4-8 M . W. Baldwin Baldw in to: M. 1861, ar 12 IX A /16C9-12 1861, M Mar12 IXA/16C9-12 M em bers oofAcademy f Academ y of o f Natural Members Natural Science to: 1861, M Mar IXA/16C13-D3 1861, ar 12 12 IX A /16C I3-D 3 Martin Thayer M artin T hayer to: IXAII6D4-6 1861, Mar Mar14 1861, 14 IX A /16D 4-6 Robley unglison to: Robley D Dunglison
1861, Mar22 1861, Mar 22 IXA/16E1 Albert Albert C. C. Roberts to: 1861, Mar Mar23 IXA/16E4-5 1861, 23 IX A /16E 4-5 George N. N . Eckert Eckert to: to: 1861, Mar25 IXA/16E6-10 1861, M ar 25 IX A /16E6-10 Henry Gale Smith Sm ith to: to: 1861, Mar25 IXA/16E11-12 1861, Mar 25 IXA/16E11-12 George Mitchell et et al. to: n.d. IXA/16E13-F6 IXA /16E13-F6 rn: VIIIA VHIA/14B5-6, m: /14B5-6, 14C2 14C2 L IN C O L N , (General) (General) Benjamin LINCOLN, m: IID/29 (p. (p. 16); 16); VIA VIA/4D6/4D 6- 10, 10, 4D1214; XIA/2C10-E1,17C3 XIA/2C10-E1, 17C3 4 D 1 2 -14; LINCOLN, L IN C O L N , Levi Levi John T. T. Mason to: to: 1801, 1801, Apr Apr12 12 IVB/1D7 LIND,Jenny L IN D , Jenny m: XC/5B12-C1, X C /5B 12-C 1, 5F9-13 in: LINDERMAN, L IN D E R M A N , Henry H enry R. R. to James James Pollock: 1873, 22 IX A /20F 10-11 1873, Apr Apr22 IXA/20F10-11 IXA/20F12-14 1873, Apr 29 1873, Apr29 G. Peale: Peale: to Caroline E. G. 1873[?] IX A/21 B8 IXA/21B8 IXA/21C9-11 1874, Mar 13 IXA /21C9-11 1874, Mar13 m: 18F6-7,20G1-3 m: IXA/14D10-11, IXA /14D 10-11, 18F6-7, 20G 1-3 L IN D H A G E N , D. D . G. G. LINDHAGEN, E .G Peale: to Caroline E. G.. Peale: 1874, p ril IXA/21D2 1874, A Apr11 LINDSEY, Joseph useum Co. to for the the Philadelphia Philadelphia M Museum American Philosophical Society: Society: 1844,Jan22 1844, Jan 22 XIA /15B11-12 XIA/15B11-12 VhhIA/5C1-3; XIA XIA/14A7-F7; m: VIIIA/5C1-3; /14A 7-F7; in: (Add.)/8 (Add.)/8 (pp. (pp. 279-80) 279- 80) LINN, L IN N , (Reverend) (Reverend) m: IIB/12 10); IIC (p. (p. 158) 158) IIB/12 (pp. (pp. 8, 10); m: L IN N A EA N Society Society of o f London LINNAEAN m: VIIIA/13B3-8 in: L IN N A EU S, Charles LINNAEUS, iv: IIA/36F8-11, IIA/36F8-11, 36F12-G 36F12-G1; m: 1; IID/2B13-D4; VIIIA/12Al2-B2, VIIIA/12A12-B2, 25B 7-E 2; X IA /1B 5-8 25B7-E2; XIA/1B5-8 LIPPIN CO TT, Samuel Samuel LIPPINCOTT, ReP to: to: VIA/9F5-7 1841, Dec 14 VIA /9F5-7 1841, Dec14 LITTLER, Hester Hester SPS: to SPS: 1849 X C /4 G 8 -12 XC/4G8-12 13;XXC/3F3-6, m: VIA/15E6V IA /15E 6-13; C /3 F 3 -6 ,44B5-8, B 5 -8 , m: 4F14-G 7, 66C13-D2, C 1 3 -D 2 , 7A8-11, 7A 8-11, 4F14-G7, 7B2-5, 7 B 2 -5 , 7E10-12, 7 E 1 0 -12, 8A9-12, 8A 9-12, 9D3-6, 9 D 3 -6 , 11A6-9, 11A 6-9, 11B8-11 11B8-11 LIVERMORE, Arthur LIVERM ORE, A rthur CW P to: CWP 1823, Jan Jan25 IIA/68B1-2 25 IIA/68B1-2 IIA/70A10- 13 1824, Jan 25 IIA/70A10-13 LIVERPOOL LIV ERPO O L Museum M useum m: VIAI8A2-5 V IA /8A 2-5 in: LIVINGSTON, L IV IN G ST O N , Brockholst CW P to: CWP 1783, 21 IIA/12B7 1783, May May21 IIA/12C9-l0 1783, 19 IIA /12C 9-10 1783, Sept Sept19 1783, Sept Sept21 IIA/12C1314 1783, 21 IIA /12C 13-14 1787, 1787, Sept 2 IIA/15G3 1787, 27 IIA/15G7-9 1787, Sept Sept27 IIA/15G7-9
The The Peale Peale Family F am ily Papers Papers
1787, N o v1i IIA /15G 10-11 IIA/15G10-11 1787, Nov 12-13, 16A2-5; m: IIA/14D13, IIA/14D13, 15G 15G12-13,
IIB/3 I IB/3 (p. 19) 19) L IV IN G ST O N , Edward E dw ard LIVINGSTON, IA /4B 6-8; m: IIB/22 HB/22 (p. (p. 71); 71); V VIA/4B6-8; VIB/19F1 1-20B14;IX IXA/4A6-9 VIB/19F11-20B14; A /4A 6-9 L IV IN G ST O N , John Henry H enry LIVINGSTON, m: IIA/16G1-2; IIA/16G1-2; IIB/13 IIB/13 (p. (p. 5); 5); IIC IIC ,n: 187) (p. 187) LIV IN G ST O N , Robert R obert R. LIVINGSTON, CWP, R e p o rt. . . . on CWP, Report. on his paper: 1799, pr 19 IIA /22D 5-6 1799, A Apr IIA/22D5-6 IIA/37B9; IID/29 m: 11A137B9; IID/29 (p. 25); VIA/IOEI 1/14;XIA/2C10-E1, XIA/2C1O-1, VIA/10E11/14; 17C11 LLOYD, L LO Y D , Edward E dw ard m C 4 -9 , m:: IIA/3A10-13, IIA/3A10-13, 33C4-9,
4D13-E1; IIB/Il IIB /ll (pp. (pp. 44, 44, 56), 56), 12 12 (pp. (pp. 23, 23, 25); 25); IIC (pp. 144-70, 144-70, 171) 171) LLOYD, LLO Y D , Richard Richard CW P to: to: CWP IIA/I1EI-2 1782, OOct15 1782, ct 15 IIA /11E1-2 IIA/11F9-12 1782, Dec Dec24 1782, 24 IIA /11F9-12 m: IIB/2 IIB/2(pp. (pp.7, m: 7, 88,16, , 16, 17) 17) LLO Y D , Richard B ennett LLOYD, Bennett m:: IIA/4D13-E1 HA/4D13-E1 m L LO Y D , R obert LLOYD, Robert ,n: I/1A IJIAIO-C10, 1E14-F1, 2B1-2; m: 10-C10, 1E 14-F 1, 2B 1-2; 12); (p. IIC 12); (p. 29) IIIB/1 (p. IB/1 IIC (p. 29) LOCOMOTIVE L O C O M O T IV E m: -6 8 , m: XIA XIA (Add.)/5 (Add.)/5 (pp. (pp. 59, 59, 67 67-68, 74-75,77, 7 4 -7 5 ,7 7 , 82-83), 8 2 -8 3 ), 66 (pp. (pp. 93-94, 996-97, 6 -9 7 ,1120, 2 0 , 160) 160) LOGAN, L O G A N , Deborah Deborah Norris N orris (Mrs. (M rs. George) George) CW P to: CWP Jul 6 1822, Jul IIA/67C12 m: /67C13-14, 67D 1-2, 67 D 6 -8 , m: IIA IIA/67C13-14, 67D1-2,67D6-8, 71G10-12 7 1 G 1 0 -12 L O G A N , (Dr.) (Dr.) George LOGAN, m: 10, m: IIA/23A2-3, 23A623A 6-10, 49B13- C4, 56D13.-E1, 5 6 D 13- E l , 56E2-7, 56E 2-7, 49B13-C4, 57D3-4 5 7 D 3 -4 LOGAN, L O G A N , William William StGP to: 1768, Jun IVA/1B5-8 1768,Jun IVA/1B5-.8 LONG, L O N G , A. A. K. K. to Charles Wilkes: 1840, Apr Apr33 1840, XIA/12F13 Charles Wilkes to: 1839, Jul 12 V IIIA /7B6-7 1839,Jul VIIIA/7B6-.7 m: See See also also Jour. Jour. Wilkes Wilkes Exped. Exped. #1, Series VII1B. LONG, L O N G , Robert Robert Cary. Cary. See See also Peale’s Peale's Museum, M useum , Baltimore. Court C o u rt Case. Case. m: XXIB/2A2-4, m: IB /2A 2-4, 33B1-5C8 B 1 -5 C 8 L O N G , Stephen Stephen H. LONG, to jo John h n Calhoun: 1821, M Mar13 1821, ar 13 V IIA /3E 2-6 VIIA/3E2-6 to S. L. Southard: 1829,Jan 1829, Jan I1 V IIIA /2E8-10 VIIIA/2E810 RuP to: to: 1821, Mar13 1821, M ar 13 V IIA /3E 2-6 VIIA/3E2-.6 1821, M Mar20 1821, ar 20 XIA/7C14 1821, Mar22 1821, M ar 22 XIA/7C10 m: IIA/60E13-14, IIA/60E13-14,61B6-7, 61B6-7,61E2-3, m: 61E 2-3, 661E4-5, 1E 4-5, 62C6-7, 62C 6-7, 62C126 2 C 1 2 -13, 13,
663B12-13, 3 B 1 2 -13, 663C1-7, 3 C 1 -7 , 63F11-G2, 63F11-G 2, 63G3-9, 67D12-13, 63G 3-9, 66D12, 66D12, 67D 12-13, 69F13-G3, 69F13-G 3, 70B14, 70B14, 770C1-2; 0 C 1 -2 ; IIC IA /3B 11-C 3, 33C4-5, C 4 -5 , (p. 427); 427); VVIA/3B11-C3, 33C8-9, C 8 -9 , 5A6-9, 5 A 6 -9 , 6D5-8, 6 D 5 -8 , 6E3-6, 6 E 3 -6 , 66G3-7; G 3 -7 ; VIIA/2C7, VIIA/2C7, 33D1-5, D 1 -5 , 3F13-G2, 3F13-G 2, 66A2-5; A 2 -5 ; VIIIA/1C6-8, V IIIA /1C 6-8, 11D3-.6, D 3 -6 , 22E4-5, E 4 -5 , 66F9-10, F 9-10, 110Al2-14, 0 A 1 2 -14, 14E10-11; 14E 10- 11; V IIIC/25E10- 27B3; VIIIC/25E10XC/7C14-D3; 14, X C /7C 14-D 3; XIA/7C1X IA /7C 1-14, 1 2 C 7 -9 ,17C7 17C7 12C7-9, LONG L O N G Expedition, Expedition, 1818-1819 m: IIA/61D3-4, m: IIA /61D 3-4, 661E2-3, 1 E 2 -3 , 61E4-5, 61 E 4 -5 , 66C11-12; VIIIA/1C5, VIIIA/1C5, 22E8-10, E 8 - 10, 10Al2-14, 1 0 A 1 2 -14, 10B13-C1, 10B 13-C 1, 12F13-G4, 12F13-G 4, 14E10-11, 14E 10-11, 16F1-5, 16F1-5, 17Al2-14, 1 7 A 1 2 -14, 17E1-2, 17 E 1 -2 , 17E11-F2; 17E11-F2; XIA(Add.)/5 (pp. XIA(Add.)/5 (pp. 49-50) See also also Long x p ed .,Series Series VIIIB; VIIIB; Long EExped., See Jour. Wilkes Wilkes EExped. xped. #1, # 1 , Series Series VIIIB. L O N G A C R E , James Jam es Barton LONGACRE, s/M em orial. . . . to the the PAFA: PAFA: s/Memorial. 1828, M Mar17 1828, ar 17 III/3F8-G12 11113F8-G12 Statem ents about BFP: Statements [1850-1853] IXA/11A4-5, IX A /11A 4-5, 11F9, 11F9, 11850-18531 IIFIO-12, 11F10-12,11F13, 11F13, 11F14,11G1, IIGI, 12D3-6, 11F14, 12D 3-6, 12 D 7 -E 2 , 14A10-12 1 4 A 1 0 -12 12D7-E2, to R. M M.. Patterson: 1850,Jan3O IXA/11AIO-13 1850, Jan 30 IX A /11A 10-13 William M eredith:' to William Meredith: IXA/11B3-1O 1850, Feb18 1850, Feb 18 IX A /11B 3-10 1850, M a rl IX A /11B 11-12 IXA/1IBII-12 1850, Marl 1850, Mar2 IXA/11B13-14 1850, M ar 2 IX A /11B 13-14 hom as C orw in: to TThomas Corwin: 1850, Oct IXA/IICII-D3 1850, O ct IX A /11C 11-D 3 1850, O ct IX A /11D 4-9 1850, Oct IXA/11D4-9 1850, Oct17 IXA/11E7-10 1850, O ct 17 IX A /11E 7-10 to cCulloh: to R. R. S. M McCulloh: 1850, Nov21 IXA/11F2-4 1850, N o v 21 IX A /11F2-4 to hom as C orw in: to TThomas Corwin: 1851, Mar27 1851, M ar 27 IXA/11G12 to R. R. S. S. M McCulloh: to cCulloh: 1851, IX A /12A 4-6 1851, Sept 2 IXA/12A4-6 1851, Sept 2 IX A /12A 7-9 1851, IXA/12A7-9 to to George George N N.. Eckert: 1851, NNov10 1851, o v 10 IX A /12B 4-7 IXA/12B4-7 1851, NNov13 1851, o v 13 IX A /1 2 B 8 -12 IXA/12B8-12 1851, o v 11 IX A /12C 1-4 1851, NNov11 IXA/12C1-4 1851, o v 13 IX A /12C 5-D 2 1851, NNov13 IXA/12C5-D2 to hom as C orw in: to TThomas Corwin: 1852, Sept 1852, IXA/12G10 M cCulloh: to R. S. McCulIoh: 1852, 27 IX A /13A 6-7 1852, Sept Sept27 IXA/13A6-7 N . Eckert: Eckert: to G. N. 1853, IX A /13B 6-10 1853, Feb FebS5 IXA/13B6-10 1853, ar 4 IX A /13C 1-3 1853, M Mar IXA/13C1-3 to_ to______ IX A /13F4- G8 1853, IXA/13F4-G8 1853, Aug A ug M cCulloh: to R. S. McCulloh: IXA/14A8-.9 IX A /14A 8-9 1853 R. S. McCulloh M cC ulloh to: to: 1850, O ct 12 12 IX A /11E 1-3 1850, Oct IXA/11EI-3 T hom as C orw in to: Thomas Corwin
The Peale Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers The
1850, Oct15 1850, O ct 15 IXA/11E4-5 IX A /11E4-5 R. 5. S. McCulloh M cCulloh to: 1850, Oct19 1850, O ct 19 IXA/11E13 IXAIIIEI3 1850, NNov18 1850, ov 18 IXA/11E14-F1 BFP to: nd. n.d. IXA/12E3IX A /12E3- 13 13 R. S. S. McCulloh M cCulloh to: to: 1851,NNov19 1851, ov 19 IXA/12F3 1852, Feb Feb26 1852, 26 IXA/12G5 1852, Sept Sept25 1852, 25 IX A /13A 2-5 IXA/13A2-5 George N N.. Eckert Eckert to: to: 1853, 22 1853, Feb Feb22 IXA/13B11-12 IX A /13B 11-12 R. S. McCulloh M cCulloh to: to: 1853, Mar7 1853, M ar 7 IX A /13C 4-7 IXA/13C4-7 1853, Mar 1853, Mar99 IXA/13C8-14 IX A /1 3 C 8 -14 1853, Mar18 1853, Mar 18 IX A /13D 1-4 IXA/13D1-4 1853,Jun 13 IX A /13E 2-4 13 IXA/13E2-4 ,ii: V VIA/7A710, 7A 7A10m: IA /7A 7-10, 10-13; 13; VIIA/14JC6- 8;VIIIA/4A5VIIIA/4A5- 6; VIIA/10C6-8; 6; IXA/11B3-10, IX A /11B 3-10, 11E14-F1; X IA /11C-12A 5, 12C 7-9; XIA/1 IC- 12A5, 12C7-9; (Add.)16 (Add.)/6 (p. 97) LO N G U E V IL, Joseph om inique LONGUEVIL, Joseph D Dominique Emmanuel Moyne Emm anuel Le M oyne de m: IIB/2 IIB/2 (pp. 23, 23, 25) 25) LOOK UP, John LO O K U P, John CWPto: CW P to: 1773, May May31 11A14E12- 13 1773, 31 IIA/4E12,ii: m: IIA/3E5-4B3 LOONEY, L O O N EY , Robert m: XIA/14A7-F7; XIAII4A7-F7; (Add.)17 m: (Add.)/7 (pp. 250, 250, 252- 53) 252-53) LOPER Propellers Propellers BFP, Report on: BFP, 1845, Sept11 FXBI1IDI-6 Sept 11 IX B /11D 1-6 Committee Com m ittee on: on: 1845, Dec 15 IX B /11E 1-7 1845, Dec15 IXB/I1EI-7 LO RRAIN , Claude Claude (Gelée) (Gelee) LORRAIN, m: IIA IIA/4D7-12 m: /4D 7-12 ensonjohn LOSSING, B BensonJohn to ReP: 1858, 1858, Feb Feb44 VIA/12G6-8 VIA /12G 6-8 to Samuel Samue' Adams Adams Drake: to 1873, Apr Apr44 IIA/73G6-7 1873, toTRP: to TRP: 1874, May VIIIA /16B6-9 VIIIA/16B6-9 1874, May44 A. McAllister McAllister to: to: John A. 1854, ct 2 1854,OOct2 VIA/11C8 ReP to: to: VIA/11G13 1856, Dec26 1856, Dec 26 John A. McAllister M cAllister to: 1856, Dec26 VIA/12A2-5 1856, Dec 26 V IA /12A 2-5 1856, Dec 30 1856, Dec30 VIA/12A6 1857,Jan 16 V IA /12A 12-13 1857,Jn16 VIA/12Al2-13 ReP to: 1857, Mar14 VIA/12A14-B3 1857, Mar 14 VIA/12B4-5 1857, Apr 1857, Apr22 VIA /12B4-5 1857, Apr Apr23 VIA/12B6 1857, 23 1858, Feb13 VIA/12G11-12 1858, Feb 13 VIA /13B3-4 1858, Apr25 1858, A pr 25 VIAII3B3-4 A. McAllister M cAllister to: to: John A. 1859,Jun 22 1859, Jun22 VIA/13E13-F1 to: ReP to: 1859, Aug Aug 11 VIA/13F2-5 John A. A. McAllister McAllister to: 1859, Aug 10 VIA/13F10 10
to: ReP to: 1859, N ov 14 14 1859, Nov VIA/13G2-3 V IA /13G 2-3 John A. McAllister McAllister to: 1861,Jul 18 18 1861,Jul VIA/14D10-11 to: RuP to: 1864, May 1864, VIIA/12C2-3 V IIA /12C2-3 1865 1865 VIIA/12C6 Harriet C. Peale Peale to: 1866,MMar30 1866, ar 30 VIA(Add.)/3B8-10 V IA (A dd.)/3B 8-10 Lucy M. Peale to: 1870, Dec Dec33 1870, VIIIA/14G1-2 1873,Jan 24 1873, Jan24 VIIIA/15C5-8 VIIIA /15C5-8 1873, Jan30 1873, Jan 30 VIIIA/15D6-9 VIIIA /15D 6-9 TRP to: 1873, 24 1873, Sept Sept24 VIIIA/15G10 1874,Jan 1874, Jan 11 VIIIA/16A6-7 1874, Feb27 1874, Feb 27 VIIIA/16A8-9 1874, Apr Apr88 1874, VIIIA/16A10-11 VIHA/16A10-11 1874, 1874, Sept 9 VIIIA/16C3 1874, 18 1874, Sept 18 VIIIAII6C4-5 VIIIA /16C4-5 Peale to: Lucy M. Peale 1875, Dec Dec22 VIIIA/16C9-11 1875, V IIIA /16C 9-11 TRP to: 1879, Dec Dec27 VIIIA/16E4-7 1879, 27 Lucy M. Peale Peale to: 1879, Dec29 VIIIA/16E8-11 1879, Dec 29 V IIIA /16E 8-11 TRP to: 1881, pr 27 1881, AApr27 VIIIA/16E14 1881, May21 1881, May 21 VIIIA/16F6-8 VIIIA/16F9—11 1881,Jun 14 14 VIIIA/16F9-11 1882,NNov24 VHIA/17A2-3 1882, ov 24 VIIIA/17A2-3 John A. McAllister to: to: XIA/15F6-7 1854, Oct7 1854, O ct 7 X IA /15F6-7 m: VIA/13E5, VIA/13E5, 13F11-12; 13F11-12; m: VIIA/12B510; VIIIA/16E811, V IIA /12B 5-10; V IIIA /16E 8-11, 16F12-14, 16F12-14, 17F17; 17F17; IXA/17G3 rs. BensonJ.) Benson J.) LOSSING, Helen Sweet Sweet (M (Mrs. Harriet Cany Peale to: 186[Oorl],Ju128 186[0 o r 1], Jul 28 VIA/15E14-F3 VIA/15E14-F3 VIA/15F4-5 1861,Jun 12 12 m: VIA(Add.)/3B8--10; VIA(Add.)/3B8- 10; VIIIA/16E8- 11, 11, 17A 17A2-3 2-3 LOTBINIERE, LO TBIN IER E, Eustache Eustache Gaspard, Sieur de CWP CW P to: to: IIA/5G2- 5 11A15G2-5 1777, Aug22 1777, Aug 22 m: IIB/2 (p. 23) L O U D O N ’SMaRazine Magazine LOUDON'S VIIIA /3A 7-B4, 3 F 2 -55,, 3G23 G 2 -13 13 m: VIIIA/3A7B4, 3F2LOUGHERY, A. L. L. to BFP: 1849, Sept 26 IXA/10F8 1849, Sept26 IXA/11E6 1850, Oct16 1850, O ct 16 BFP to: IX A /10F 9-10 IXA/10F9-10 1849, NNov15 1849, ov 15 IX A /11D 12-13 IXA/11D12-13 1850, ct 10 1850, OOct10 IXA /11E11-12 IXA/1IE1I-12 1850,Octl7 1850, O ct 17 LOUIS France (1 754-1793) LO U IS XVI, King King of ofFrance (1754-1793) m: IIA /12G 4-7, 12G9-10; 12G 9-10; ,ii: IIA/12G4-7, V IIIA /16D 3-4; X IA /15F6-7 VIIIA/16D3-4; XIA/15F6-7 LOUVRE, L O U V R E, The m: IIA/42D11-14, 2 E 1 -4 , IIA/42D11-14, 442E1-4, 44A 6-12; VIA /6D 9-12; 44A612; VIA/6D912; IXA /16F7-99 IXAI16F7LOVITT, Charles Bound B ound to CWP:
The Peale Peale Family F am ily Papers Papers The
ar 1762, M Mar
LOW, LOW , (Mr) (Mr.) m: 11A142A13-B2, IIA/42A13-B2, 443D23D 2-11, rn: 11, 44 B 1 -C 2 , 448A2-7 8 A 2 -7 44B1-C2. L O W ER, Jacob LOWER, A braham Lincoln: Lincoln: to Abraham IXA IXAII6EI3-F6 /16E13-F6 n.d. LOWNDES, L O W N D E S, (Miss) (Miss) m: IIC (p. (p. 145) 145) LOWNDES, L O W N D E S, (Mr.) (Mr.) m: IIB/11 (p. 67) 67) IIB/il (p. [LOW N DES] Lounes, Benjamin Benjam in {LOWNDES] CWP CW T to: to: 1818, Dec IIA/61D7 1818, Dec99 m: /61D 5-6, 6 61D8-9, 1 D 8 -9 , 61E 4-5, m: IIA 11A161D5-6, 61E4-5, 61E 6-8; IIB/11 (pp.17, 17,18), 23 61E6-8; IIB/il (pp. 18), 23 18); IIC IIC (p. (p. 421) 421) (p. 18); L O W N D E S, Elizabeth Elizabeth Tasker LOWNDES, (Mrs. Christopher) m: 1 ,114,19) 4 ,1 9 ) m: IIB/11 JIB/il (pp. 1, LOWRIE, LOW RIE, Walter Walter ReP to: 1832, 1832, Sept18 Sept 18VIA/7F13-G1 VIA/7F13-G1 m: /4A 2- 6 m: VIA VIA/4A2LOYAL, Paul CWP CW T to: IIA/5A2-4 n.d. IIA /5A 2-4 nd. LOYAUTE, LO Y A U TE, Anne-Philippe A nne-Philippe Dieudonné Dieudonne de de m: IIA /10E1-4, 10E 5-6 IIAIIOEI-4, 10E5-6 m: LUCAS, LU CA S, (Mr.) (Mr.) m: 11Ai33A2-6 IIA /33A 2-6 m: LU CA S, F. F. LUCAS, m: IIA/72E5-7; IIA /5B11- 12, 12, 11A172E5-7; VVIIAI5B115C2-5; 5 C 2 -5 ; XIB/1F9-1O XIB/1F9 -1 0 L U D LO W , John LUDLOW, John TRP T R P to: VIIIA/8F1-6 1843, M May8 1843, ay 8 LUKENS, L U K E N S, Isaiah Isaiah slReport: s/Report: 1837, M Mar9 IXB/9B11-14 1837, ar 9 IX B /9B 11-14 1837, M ay 6 IX B /9 C 1 -11 1837, May IXB/9C111 IX B /10D 12-14 1840, Sept 9 IXB/10D12-14 1840, IX B /1 1 C 8 -12 IXB/11C8-12 1845 1845, Dec Dec11 IXB/11D7-14 1845, 11 IX B /11D 7-14 1845, Dec Dec15 IXB/1IE1-7 1845, 15 IX B /11E 1-7 CW P to: CWPto: 1819, May 8 1819, IIA/62D9 m: IIA/53G311A153G3-5, 54A13-B3, 54B4-9, 5, 54A 13-B 3, 54B 4-9, 58A9-10, 5 8 A 9 -10, 58A11-14, 58A11 - 1 4 , 58B3, 58B3, 58B4-5, 58B 4-5, 58B12-C7, 58B12- C7, 61D1-2, 61 D 1 -2 , 61D 5-6, 661D8-9, 1 D 8 -9 , 61E2-3, 61E 2-3, 61D5-6, 661E6-8, 1 E 6 -8 .662E1-3, 2 E 1 -3 , 67C46 7 C 4 - 5, 5, 68A 8-9, 68Al268A12-14, 68A8-9, 13, 14, 68C116 8 C 1 1 -13, 70E10, 70E11; IIB/23 (p. 10); 10); IIC (pp. IIA /4A 12-13, (pp. 417,486); 417,486); V VIIA/4Al213, 4B2-3,4B7-11, 4B 2 -3 , 4 B 7 - 11, 6E12-F1, 6E 12-F1, 8A 13-B 2, 8B13--C2; 8A13-B2, 8B13-C2; (Add.)/1A9IIIA /1B 2-4, (Add.)11A9- 12; 12;VVIIIA/1B2-4, 3C5-6; 3C 5 -6 ; IXB/13C1-2; IX B /13C 1-2; XIA/5G5, XIA/5G5, 7C 1-14,17C 13; X 7C1-14, 17C13; XIB/2C14-D2 IB /2C 14-D 2 LUKENS, LU K E N S, Mary M ary CW P to: CWP 1824, Feb Feb24 1824, 24 IIA/70D9 L U K IN S, Levi Levi LUK INS, CW P to: to: CWP 1810, Feb 18 1810, 18 IIA/48G7
m: m: IIA/48G8 L U Z E R N E ,(Chevalier) (Chevalier)Anne-César A nne-C esarde deIa la LUZERNE,
XIAi2C1O-E1, 17C4 m: IID/29 (p. 25); XIA/2C10-E1,17C4 m: LYCEUM Natural LY CEU M ooff N atural History. H istory. See See New N ew Natural York, Lyceum Lyceum ooff N atural History. LYELL, (Sir) Charles m: IX A /2 C 1 1 -14; XIA(Add.)/5 XIA (Add.)/5 IXA/2C11-14; m: (pp. (pp. 67-68) LYLE, John John m: IIA/37E12, 10- 12, 12, 11A137E12,37F4, 37F4,38A 38A10m: 338A13-14, 8 A 1 3 -14, 338B1-2 8 B 1 -2 LYNCH, L Y N C H , (Miss) (Miss) m: IIB/2 -4 3 ) 11B12(pp. (pp.42 42-43) m: L Y N C H , (Captain) (Captain) LYNCH, m: IIC (p. (p. 35) m: tIC LYNDLEYs L Y N D L E YSystem 's SystemofofBotany Botany m: VIIIA /11B13-C1 m: VIIIA/11B13-C1 L Y O N , (Mr.) (Mr.) LYON, 39B1-2, m: 11AI29D2-3, 229D4-5, 9 D 4 -5 , 39B 1-2, m: 11AJ29D2-3, V IIA /8 E 9 -11 39C1; VIIA/8E911 LYRIES [?], [?], Alex to Mr. Boyer: Jun 5 IXAI3A1O11 1833, Jun IXA /3A 10-11 B aron de de Ferussac: Ferussac: to Baron IXA/3Al213 1833,Jun 1833, Jun 5 IX A /3A 12-13 to M. M . Turpin: 1833,JunS IXAJ3BI-2 1833, Jun 5 IX A /3B 1-2
M M cALLISTER, Charles McALLISTER, to ReP: 1805, Aug 14 14 VIIA/4F13-G2 m: V IIA /4F13-G 2 m: M cALLISTER, John A. McALLISTER, to Benson BensonJ. J. Lossing: Lossing: 1854, Oct2 1854, O ct 2 1854, O Oct ct 77 1856, Dec26 1856, Dec 26 1856, Dec30 1856, Dec 30 1857,Jan 16 16 1859, Jun22 1859,Jun 22 1859, Aug 10 1859, 10 1861,Jul 18 18 ReP to: 1857, Jan 3 1857,Jan 1857, O ct 3 1857, Oct3 1859, Feb24 1859, Feb 24 1859, 1859, May 1859, May25 1859, M ay 25 1859,J u n 9 1859,Jun9 n.d. TRP T R P to: 1870, May21 1870, M ay 21 1871, Sept Sept27 1871, 27 1871, Oct O ct 11 11 1871, Oct26 1871, O c t 26 1871, N o v 88 1871, Nov
VIA/1D9-E4 V IA /1D 9-E 4
VIA/11C8 XIAII5F6-7 XIA/15F6-7 VIA/12A2-5 V IA /12A 2-5 VIA/12A6 V IA /12A 12-13 VIAII2AI2-13 VIA/13E13-.F1 VIA/13E13-F1 VIA/13F10 VIA /14D 10-11 VIA/14D10-11
VIA/12A910 V IA /12A 9-10 VIA/12D8 VIA/13D14 VIA/13E5 VIA/13E7 VIA/13E12 V IA /15A -B 2 VIA/15A-B2
VIIIA/14F4-5 VIIIA /14F4-5 VIIIA/15A2-.3 V IIIA /15A 2-3 VIIIA/15A5 VIIIA/15A6-7 V IIIA /15A 6-7 V IIIA /15A 8-10 VIHAII5A810
The The Peale Peale Family F am ily Papers Papers
1871, Nov15 1871, N ov 15 VIIIA/15A11-12 V IIIA /15A 11-12 1872, Feb 12 12 VIIIAI15AI4 VIIIA/15A14 1872, Feb Feb15 1872, 15 VIIIA/15B1-2 VIIIA /15B1-2 VIIIA/15B3-4 1872,Jun 11 11 VIIIA /15B3-4 1872, Dec Dec14 1872, 14 V IIIA /15B 9-11 VIIIAI15B911 1873, Jan24 1873,Jan 24 V IIIA /15C 9-12 VIIIA/15C912 1873, Feb 66 VIIIA/15D10-11 1874, M May 1874, ay 18 VIIIA/16B10 1875, A Apr VIIIA/16C6-8 1875, pr 16 16 V IIIA /16C6-8 1876, May 4 VIIIA/16D3-4 1876, VIIIA /16D 3-4 1878, NNov22 VIIIA/16E1-3 1878, ov 22 VIIIA /16E1-3 1881,Jan 29 VIIIA/16E12-13 to: BFP to: 1864, Mar Mar22 1864, 22 IXA/17G3 m: VIA/12A14-B3; IXA/14D12m: IX A /I4D 12- 13 13 McARTHUR, M cA RTH U R, James TRP to: to: 1856, M ar 7 1856, Mar7 VIIIA/13D1 MACASSABA, (Mr.) (Mr.) m 4-5 m:: IIA-37G2-3, IIA-37G2-3, 37G 37G4-5 MACAULEY, M ACAULEY, Alexander to FrancisJudone: Francis Judone: V/1B3-4 1803, Sept 29 V /1B 3-4 1803, Sept29 McCALLA, John Deed to CWP: CWP:
1780, 1780, NNov20 ov 20 HA(Add.)/3C7-D4 IIA (A dd.)/3C 7-D 4 McCALLEY, Daniel Daniel
toCWP: to CWP: 1787, May 1787, M ay 10 10 IIA/15D2 M cCALLISTER, (Mr.) McCALLISTER, CWP CW P to: to: IIA/49D1213 1810, IIA /49D 12-13 1810, Aug 5 m: IIA/40D13-E1, 440E2-5, m: IIA/40D13-E1, 0 E 2 -5 , 49D11, 49D11, 55G10-13, 68D7-8; 55G 10-13, 68D 7 -8 ; VIIAJ4CIO-11, V IIA /4C 10-11, 44C12-13 C 1 2 - 13 M cCALLISTER, Sarah Sarah McCALLISTER, CW P to: CWPto: 1781, IIA/10G9-12 1781, May May 6 McCATT, T hom pson McCATE Thompson Charles S. S. O Ogden gden to: VIA /13B13-C1 1875, Sept 2 Sept 2VIAI13BI3-C1 McCLACHLEN, M cCLA CH LEN , Henry H enry [?] [?] in: I/2 112C10-12, IIA/1B13-C8 m: C 1 0 -12, 22D3-4; D 3 -4 ; IIA /1B 13-C 8 McCLELLAN, M cCLELLAN, (Dr.) George m: 11AJ66G8-10, 67B7-9, IIA /66G 8-10, 67B 7-9, 667B10-11, 7 B 1 0 -11, 667C4-5, 7 C 4 - 5, 67G 4- 6, 67G4-6, 67G9, 68D12-13, 67G9, 68D 12-13, 68E7-8, 68 E 7 -8 , 68F1; 68F1; V IIA /4A 12-13 VHA/4Al213 McCLELLAN, M cCLELLAN, (General) George B. VI!AII2A11-14; m: VIIA/12A1114; VIIIA/14A2-5; m: IXA/17A910, 17B510 IX A /17A 9-10, 17B 5-10 McCLELLAN, M cCLELLAN,Maria. M aria.See Seealso also Peale's Peale’s M useum , Baltimore. o u rt Case. Museum, Baltimore. C Court m: IIA /8D 3-9 m: V VL!A18D3-9 McCLELLAN, M cCLELLAN, TThomas hom as CWP CW P to: to: 1779 IIA/9B1-4 1779 m: IIB/6 (a) (a) m: McCLENACHAN, M cC L E N A C H A N , Ann A nn Darrach (Mrs. (M rs. Blair) Blair) m: m:
IIA/11F7-8;11B12 IIB/2 (pp. IIA/11F7-8; (pp. 30,35)
McCLENACHAN, M cC L E N A C H A N , Blair Blair m: HAJIIF7-8, IIA/11F7-8, 25D7-9; 25 D 7 -9 ;118/2 IIB/2 (p. (p. 35) 35) m: M cC L IN T O C K , Jonas R. R. McCLINTOCK,Jonas J. N. N . Barker Barker to: to: IXA/8B910 IX A /8 B 9 -10 1840, Feb 26
m: IXAJ8B11-12 IXA/8B11-12 McCLOSKEY, Michael Michael to Philadelphia useum : Philadelphia M Museum: 1821, OOct21 1821, ct 21 X IA /7D 7- 14 14 XIA/7D7McCLURE, M cCLU RE, Elizabeth Elizabeth IIB/9 (p. m: 11B19 (p. 63) McCREA, M cCREA, John to M Markoe Masters: to arkoe and Masters: 1813, Feb 5 III/3F3— 4 11113F3-4 MACCUBBIN, M A C C U B B IN , Charles Charles m : 11B19 IIB/9 (p. in: (p. 28) M A C C U B B IN , Nicholas. Nicholas. See See Carroll, MACCUBBIN, Nicholas. M cC U L L O H , Richard Richard S. S. McCULLOH, to R. R. M. M. Patterson: Patterson: to 1843, Aug23 1843, Aug 23 IXA/9D1-8 IX A /9D 1-8 ttoJ. o j. B. B. Longacre: Longacre: 1850, OOct12 1850, ct 12 IXA/11E1-3 IX A /11E1-3 1850, O ct 19 1850, Oct19 LXA/11E13 IXA/11E13 1850, N ov 18 1850, Nov18 IXA/11E14-F1 to R. R. M. M. Patterson: Patterson: to 1851, OOct21 1851, ct 21 IXA/12B1-3 IX A /12B1-3 to j. B. B. Longacre: Longacre: toJ. 1851, N Nov 1851, ov 19 19 IXA/12F3 1852, Feb26 1852, Feb 26 IXA/12G5 1852, Sept Sept25 1852, 25 IXAI13A2-5 IX A /13A 2-5 1853, Mar 7 IXA/13C4-7 IX A /13C 4-7 1853, ar 9 IX A /1 3 C 8 -14 1853, M Mar JXA/13C814 IX A /13D 1-4 1853, Mar18 1853, M ar 18 IXA/13D1-4 1853, Jun 13 IXAII3E2-4 1853,Jun 13 IX A /13E2-4 J. B. Longacre Longacre to: to: 1850, N ov 21 IXA/11F2-4 1850, Nov21 1851, Sept IXA/12A4-6 Sept 22 IXAI12A7-9 IXA/12A7-9 1851, Sept 2 1851, IX A /13A 6-7 1852, Sept Sept27 IXA/13A6-7 1852, 27 IXA/14A8-9 IX A /14A 8-9 1853 JXAI1OA11-12, 10E8, 10E8, 12B 12B4-7, m: IXA/10A11-12, 4-7, 12B8-12, 12 C 1 -4 , 12Gb, 12G10, 12B8-12, 12C1-4, 13A9-10, 13A11, 13A11, 13F4-G8, 13F4-G 8, 1 5 D 1 -11 15D1-11 M cD O N O U G H , (Mr.) (Mr.) McDONOUGH, m: IIB/22 (p. (p. 71); IX IXA/9E910 m: IIB/22 A /9E 9-10 McDOWAL, Thom Thomas McDOWAL, as CWP CW P to: to: 1821, Aug 18 IIA/66C14 1821,Augl8 11A166C14 m: 7-10 m: IIA/66D5-6, 11A166D5-6,66D 66D7-10 M cDOW ELL, William William McDOWELL, m: IIA/9C11, IIA/9C11,9E 9E12-13, m: 12-13, 9F7 9F7 McDOWELL, M cDOW ELL, William William H. JPjr JP jr to: 11114C4-9 Jun 2 1849, Jun III/4C 4-9 McGLATHERY, Mrs. atthew McGLATHERY, Mrs. M Matthew m: IIA/28B3-4, UA/28B3-4, 441A6-9, m: 1 A 6 -9 , 62A13-14, 6 2 A 1 3 -14, 67A6-7 67A 6-7 McGLATHERY, artha McGLATHERY, Patty. Patty. See See Peale, Peale, M Martha McGiathery M cGlathery (Mrs. Raphaelle). McGUIGAN, M cG U IG A N , William William m: IIIA /5C 8-9, 55D12D 1 2 - 13, 13, 5F 8-9, m: VVIIIAI5C8-9, 5F8-9, 6B13, 14-E 3; 6B13, 8D 8D14-E3; VIIIC/25E10- 27B3; IXA/8E5; VIIIC/25E10X IA /14A 7-F7, 15B5-6; 15B 5-6; XIA/14A7-F7, X IA (A dd.)/lE 14-F 4, 55 (pp. (pp. 65, XIA(Add.)/1E14-F4, 217, 221, 74), 6 (p. 164), 7 (pp. 200, 200,217,221, 253- 56, 268, 2241, 4 1 ,253-56, 268, 276) 276) M cG U IRE, Michael Michael McGUIRE, m: -1C 9-13, 11C14-D2, C 1 4 -D 2 , 1F1-4 1F1-4 m: IIA IIA-1C9-13,
The Peale Family F am ily Papers Papers The Peale
McHARD, M cH A R D , Isaac Isaac G overnor Johnson: to GovernorJohnson: 1777, IVA/2A12-B1 1777, Apr 16 A pr 16IVA/2Al2-B1 m: IIB/2 11 m: IIB/2 (p. 3); IVA/2A8IV A /2A 8-11 M cHENRY, James McHENRY, M cHenry, Jr.: to John John McHenry, 16 V /1D 7-9 1816, Jan 16 V/1D7-9 m: m: IIB/5 IJBI5 (p. 35) McHENRY, John, Jr. Jam es McHenry M cH enry to: to: James 16 V /1D 7-9 1816, Jan 16 V/1D7-9 McHENRY, atthew McHENRY, M Matthew to CWP: toCWP: 1779, M ay 10 IIA/7D10 1779, May10 [M cILH EN NY] Mcllhany, M cllhany, (Mr.) (Mr.) [McILHENNY] m: B 4 -5 , 58F5-7, m: IIA/58B3, 11A158B3,5 858B4-5, 58F5-7, 59B2-4, 59B 2-4, 59B5-11, 5 9B 5-11, 59C4-5 5 9 C 4 -5 McILVAIN, (Mr.) BFP, eport on BFP, RReport on his Railroad Car: 1838, IX B/9E13-F2 1838, May10 M ay 10IXB/9E13-F2 McILVAIN, Abraham McILVAIN, Abraham Robinson to TRP: toTRP: 1848,Ju124 1848, Jul 24 VIIIA/11C4 M A C IN T O SH ,(General) (General)Lacklan Lacklan MACINTOSH, m: XIA/17C3 m:XIA117C3
MACKALL, Benjamin m: 13-E1 m: IIA/3A6-9, 11A13A6-9,4D 4Dl3El Rebecca Potts MACKALL, Rebecca (Mrs. Benjamin) m: 13-E1 m: IIA/3A6-9, 11A13A6-9,4D 4D13-El M cK EA N , Sarah Sarah Armitage A rm itage McKEAN, (Mrs. Thomas) (Mrs. m: IIB/2 (pp. m: 11B12 (pp.21, 21, 22, 22, 48) McKEAN, M cKEAN , Thomas Thom as to G overnor George G eorge Clinton: Governor 1786, A pr 30 IIA/14C8 1786, Apr30 1786, Aug 3030 IIA(Add.)/4D10-11 1786, Aug IIA (A dd.)/4D 10-11 s/Exemplification: An Act to the PAFA: PAFA: Incorporate the 1806, M ay 28 1806, May28 IIA/38C4-10 CW P to: CWPto: Feb 88 IIA/21B6 1797, Feb HA/21B6 1800, Mar3 1800, M ar 3 IIA /23B3-4 IIA/23B3-4 1808,Feb2 1808, Feb 2 IIA /42C11-12 HA(42Cl1-12 m: /17A 5-14, B 5 -6 , m: IIA 11A117A514,23 23B5-6, 24E 12-F1, 51B9-14; 51B 9-14; IIB/2 IIB/2 24E12-F1, 18,22,48), ([m] p. 3), 3), 77 (p. (p. (pp. 18, 22, 48), 6 ([ml 4); IIC IIC (p. (p. 70); 70); IID/29 IID/29(pp. (pp. 9-10); 9-10); 4); VIA/2C10; XIA/2C10-E1,17C6 XIA/2C10-E1, 17C6 VIA/2C10; M cK EN ZIE, (Dr.) (Dr.) McKENZIE, ReP to: 1858, O ct 28 VIA/13C8 1858, Oct28 M A C K E N Z IE, Roderick Roderick MACKENZIE, to RuP: 1814, Feb 10 10 V IIA /2E 5-6 VIIA/2E5-6 M cKIM , (Mr.) McKIM,(Mr.) m. -9) m: IIB/10 IIB/lO(pp. (pp.88-9) McKJM, M cKIM , Alexander
to CPP: toCPP: 1801,Augl7 1801, Aug 17 IV B /1E 1-3 IVBIIEI-3 M cKIM , John, Jr.See Seealso also Peale's Peale’s McKIM,John,Jr. M useum , Baltimore. Court C o u rt Case. Case. Museum, m: IIA/68E7IIAJ68E7-8; VIA/3C10-13; m: 8; V IA /3C10-13; V IIA /5E 4-11, 66A2-5, A 2 -5 , 88D3-9, D 3 -9 , VIIAJ5E4-11, 8E3-4; 1B5-10, 8E 3-4; XIBIIB4, XIB/1B4, 1B 5-10, 1BII-D8, 1B 11-D 8, IDI1-14,2C5-7, 1D 11-14, 2 C 5 -7 ,
2 D 3 -4 ,33B1-5C8 B 1 -5 C 8 2D3-4, M cKIM , Mrs. M rs. John, John, Jr. McKIM,
m. VIIA12F14VIIA/2F14-G3 m: G3 M cK O W N , Jam es McKOWN,James ReP to: 1835, NNov25 1835, o v 25 M cLANE,A llen McLANE,Allen C W P to: to: CWP 1803, M ay 22 1803, May22 1819, Jun 88 1827, Jan 4
VIA/8E5 VIA/8E5 IIA/27F3 IIA/62E5 IIA/72F12
m. m: IIA/60B12-14; 11A160B12-14; XIA/17C9 M cL E A N ,James , J ames McLEAN o f CP: Estate of 1752, Apr I/2F7-9 A pr 17 17 m: I/2F3-6 m: McLEOD, M cL EO D , Normand N orm and to CWP: 1787, A pr 20 IIA/15C10 1787, Apr20 CW P to: CWP 1787, 22 IIA/15A8 1787, Feb Feb22 HA/15A8 M A C L U R E , Andrew A ndrew MACLURE, T R P to: to: TRP 1844, ay 28 V IIIA /9A 10-12 1844, M May28 VIIIA/9A1012 M A C L U R E , John MACLURE, T R P to: to: TRP VIIIA/9A4-5 1844, 1844, M Mar26 ar 26 V IIIA /9A 4-5 M A C LU R E, William William MACLURE,
m: IIA/60C5-7, m: IIA/60C57, 66008-11, 0 C 8 -1 1 , 60C13-D1, 60C 1 3 -D 1 , 60D4-6, 6 0 D 4 -6 , 60F6-7, 60F6-7, 60G 5-7;IIC IIC(p. (p.412); 412); 60F9-11, 60G5-7; VIIIA/3F2-5, VIIIA /3F2-5, 99A4-5, A 4 -5 , 9A10-12, 9A 10-12, 11B 13-C 1, 25B 7-E 2; 11B13-C1, 25B7-E2; (Add.)/1D213; XIA/17C11 (A d d .)/1 D 2 -13; XIA/17C11 M cM A H O N , (Mr.) (Mr.) McMAHON, m: IIA IIA/50G1-4, m: /50G 1-4, 552A8-9 2 A 8 -9 American American Gardening: 211A/50F8- 14, 72D14 72D14 2IIA/50F8-14, M cM ICH A EL, M orton McMICHAEL, Morton M useum to: to: Philadelphia Museum 1854,Ju16 1854, Jul 6 XIA/15D14 M acM ILLAN , William William MacMILLAN, to TRP: toTRP: VIIIA(2D6M ar 10 10 V IIIA /2D 6- 10 10 1828, Mar MacMILLAN'S M acM ILLA N ’S Museum, M useum , Charleston Charleston m: V VIIIA/2D6-10 m: IIIA /2D 6-10 McMOR DIE, M cM O R D IE , James Jam es and Cornelius Daily and CWP, Bond to Stephen Bordley: 1763, Apr20 A pr 20 IIAI(Add.)11A2-3 IIA /(A dd.)/lA 2-3 1763, m: IIC IIC(pp. m: (pp. 20,115) 20, 115) M cM U R TR IE , William William B. B. McMURTRIE, m: m: V VIIA/4B12IIA /4B 12-13; 13; VIIIA/5D8; VIIIC/25E10-27B3 VIIIC/25E10- 27B3 MACNAMARA, M A C N A M A R A , Michael M ichael toJonas to Jonas Green: Green: I/1A6-9 1740[?], 1740[?], N Nov o v 11 I/1A 6-9 M A C N E V E N , WilliamJames W illiam Jam es MACNEVEN, to Robert Hare: 1823, ar 28 X IA /7F6-8 1823, M Mar28 XIAI7F6-8 m: IA /5B 4-7; V IIA /6C 9-D 8; m: VVIA/5B4-7; VIIA/6C9-D8; X IC /1 A 2 -13 XIC/1A213 M A C O M B , (General) (General) Alexander Alexander MACOMB, m: IIB/22 (p. m: 11B122 (p. 71) M cPH E R S O N , (Miss) (Miss) McPHERSON, JP to:
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T h e Peale Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers The
1796, M May3 1796, ay 3 III/2C4 11112C4 M A C PH E R SO N , Joseph Joseph S. S. MACPHERSON, ReP to: 1807, 15 VIA/1E10 1807, May 15 MACPHERSON, M A C PH E R SO N , Wifliam William CWPto: CW P to: 1787, M Mar18 1787, ar 18 IIA /15B 10-11 IIA/15B1011 1790,Jun7 HA/16D5 1790, Jun 7 IIA/16D5 M'QUEEN, M ’Q U E E N , (Mr.) (Mr.) m: HB/3 I IB/3 (p. 46) 46) M A D ISO N , Dolley Dolley (Mrs. (M rs. James) James) MADISON, 47A10-B1 m: IIA/34B3, IIA/34B3, 47A 10-B1 MADISON, M A D ISO N , James James CW P to: CWP 1801 IIA/24B14 1801 1801, May21 1801, M ay 21 IIA /24C1-6 HA/24C1-6 IIA/27A4-5 1803, Jan 99 IIA/27A4- 5 IIA/27A6 1803, Jan 9 14 IIA/27C6 1803, Feb 14 11A127C6 1806, Mar33 1806, Mar IIA/38A10-12 1806, M ar 19 IIA /38C1-2 1806, Mar19 HA/38C1-2 1806, Apr Apr 11 IIA/38C11 IIA/46E1-6 1809, A Apr30 1809, p r30 IIA /46E1-6 1809, Apr 30 IIA/46E7-10 1809, Apr30 HA/46E7-10 CPPto: CPP to: 1800, Jun 20 IV B /1C 1-6 1800,Jun2O IVB/1C1-6 1800, Jun 26 IV B /1C 7-8 1800,Jun26 IVBIIC7-8 IVB/1C9 1800, ct 10 IVB/1C9 1800, OOct10 1801, IV B /1D 1-4 1801, Apr Apr22 IVB/IDI-4 1801, 14 IV B /1D 8-10 1801, May May14 IVB/1D8-10 IVB/IEIO-14 1801, ov 10 IVB/1E10-14 1801,NNov10 IVB/IFI-3 1802, Jan 7 IV B/1F1-3 1802,Jan7 IVB/2C911 1802, Jul IV B /2 C 9 -11 Jul 18 to: ReP to: 1808, ar 17 V IA /15B7-8 VIA/15B7-8 1808, M Mar17 11 V IA /2B 7-8 VIA/2B7-8 1809, Jun Jun11 C PP to: CPPto: IVB/3A11-13 1809, O ct 12 IVB/3A11-13 1809, Oct12 1814, Jun 29 IV B/3B7-8 IVB/3B7-8 1814,Jun29 nt: IIA/27A8-11,31D5,31D6, IIA /27A 8-11, 31D 5 , 31D6, rn: 31D7-8, 31 D 7 -8 , 31D9-10, 3 1 D 9 - 10, 32C6-7, 3 2 C 6 -7 , 32C 9-10, 2 C 11-12, D 1 -2 , 32C910, 332C1 1-12, 32 32D1-2, 3 4 B 3 ,3 8 A 1 3 -1 4 ,38B 1-2,38B 10, 34B3, 38A1314, 38B12, 38B10, 38C 12-D 3, 338D4-9, 8 D 4 -9 , 38D10, 38C12-D3, 38Db, 6 G 1 -4 , 47A 10-B 1, 46E11- 14, 14, 446G1-4, 47A10-B1, 59E12-F1, 7 1 G 1 0 -12; IIB/19 (p. (p. 59E12-F1, 71G1012; IIB/19 2 0 etseq.), 344, 20 c seq.), 22 (p. 74); IIC (pp. 344, 384); IID/29 (p.33); IV B/1C10-13, 384); 11D129(p.33); IVBIICIO-13, 3E4-11, 3E 4-11, 1DI1-13; 1D 11-13; XIA/2C10-E1,17C12 XIA/2C10-E1, 17C12
MADISON, M A D ISO N , (Reverend) (Reverend) James Jam es m. VIIIA/16E4-7 m: VIIIAJI6E4-7
MADRID Museum M A D RID Royal M useum nt: B 9 -1 3 , 26C 1-4, m: IIA/25A8-9, IIA/25A8-9,26 26B9-13, 26C1-4, 2 6 C 7-8 26C7-8 MAELZEL, M A ELZEL, (Mr.) (Mr.) m: IA /5A 10-13; VIIA16FI4, VIIA/6F14, 6G8 6G8 m: V VIA/5A10-13; MAGAW, Samuel George W. Craik C raik to: GeorgeW. 11 1796, Dec 12 Dec 12IIA/20G10IIA/20G10-11 m: JIAfl4C13-4, IIA /14C 13-14,2OGU 20G12 rn: M A GELLAN , Ferdinand Ferdinand MAGELLAN, m. ILB/22 IIB/22 (p. (p. 34); 34); XIA/17C3 XIAII7C3 m: MAGILL, M AGILL, Charles CWPP to: CW 1821, A pr 6 IIA/66A10 1821, Apr6
m: IIA/66A11 IIA/66A11 MAGRUDER, M A G R U D ER , (Mr.) (Mr.) rn: VIB/19F1 1-20B14; V VIIIA/6D34, m: VIB/19F11-20B14; IIIA /6D 3-4, 11C3 MAGUS, M A G U S, Christian CWP CW P to: to: 1792, Dec 9 1792, IIA /17E 8-11 IIA/17E811 1792 IIA/17F9-11 MAINE, M A IN E , Expedition Expedition to: m: XIA(Add.)/5 (pp. 50, 52-53) M A M M A L O G IE , by A. G. G. Desmarest Desmarest MAMMALOGIE, m: VIIIA/25B7VIIIA/25B7-E2 m: E2 M A M M O T H bones. bones. See See Mastodon M astodon MAMMOTH bones. MAMOUT, Yarrow M A M O U T, Yarrow. Yarrow. See Yarrow Mamout. M am out. MANUEL M A N U E L d'Oruithologie, d’Ornithologie, by Temminck m: VIIIA/25B7-E2 VIUA/25B7-E2 nt: M A N U E L d'Ornithologie, d’Ornithologie, by René Rene MANUEL Primev'ere Primevere Lesson nt: m: VIIIA/25B7-E2 [M A RBOYE], Marbois M arbois (Mr.) (Mr.) [MARBOYEI, CW P to: to: CWP IIAIIIC9-10 1782, Jul 25 IIA /11C 9-10 1782,Ju125 m: m: IIA/10E5-6 MARBURY, (Colonel) William William CW P to: CWPto: 1819, Sept23 1819, Sept 23 IIA/62G5-6 m: HA/39D6-7, IIA /39D 6-7, 661D3-4, 1 D 3 -4 , 61D5-6, 61D 5-6, rn. 61G 4-8, 62A2-6, 62A 2-6, 62A7-8; 62A 7-8;IIB/23 IIB/23 61G4-8, (pp. 20, 20, 40 40-41, -4 1 , 45); 45); IIC IIC (pp. (pp. 416, 416, 420) MARBURY M ARBURY Museum M useum of o f Models Models m: nt: IIA/62G5-6 MARCY, W. W. L. L. MARCY, to R. M. Patterson: 1848,Jan8 IXAIIOB4-5 1848, Jan 8 IX A /10B4-5 R. M. Patterson to: 1848, M ar 22 1848, Mar22 IXA/10B9-11 IXA/10B12-.13 1848, Apr IXA/10B12-13 1848, Apr77 IXA/1OCI-2 1848, May IX A /10C 1-2 1848, May22 M A R K L A N D .J. H. MARKLAND,J. 2, 8G3; XIA/14A7F7; m: m: VIIIA/8F1VIIIA/8F1-2, XIA/14A7-F7; (Add.)/7 (Add.)/7 (pp. (pp. 279-81) 279- 81) MARKOE, M A R K O E , Francis Francis BFP: to BFP: 1841, Jan 23 IXA/8G1 1841,Jan et al. to to George Badger: etal. 1841, 11 1841, May May11 V IIIA (A dd.)/lB 14-C 2 VJIIA(Add.)I1B14-C2 to TRP: 1850, Jan 16 16 VIIIA/11F1-2 VIIIA/IIFI-2 1850,Jan JP Jrto: JPJr to: III/3F3-4 II1/3F3-4 1813, Feb 55 BFPto: BFP to: IXA/8F1314 IX A /8F13-14 1840, Dec 4 m: VIIIA/8D9-13, m: V IIIA /8D 9-13, 88F1-6, F 1 -6 , IOBIO-13 10B10-13 M ARKS, William, William, Jr. MARKS, m: X IA /6F5-G 13, 7A 6-B 11; m: XIA/6F5-G13, 7A6-B11; (Add.)/5 (p. 4) (Add.)15 MARSHALL, Charles CW P to: CWP 1785, Jun 1785, Jun 13-1786, Jan 6 IIA/13G11 MARSHALL, hristopher, Jr. MARSHALL, CChristopher,Jr. CW P to: CWP
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The Peale Peale Family F am ily Papers Papers The
1785, lun 13-1786, Ian 6 1785,Jun 13-1786,Jan6 IIA/13G1 I IIA/13G11 51F5-12, 51F13-G6; m: IIA/14C2, IIA/14C2, 51F5-12, 51F13-G6; IIB/2 (pp. (p. 1); 1); IIC IIC IIB/2 (pp. 17-18), 17-18), 66 (p. 17) (p. 17) MARSHALL, MARSHALL, John John to ReP: VIA/3G5 1824, Mar M ar 10 10 m: VIA/4G1,8C4-7, VIA/4G1. 8 C 4 - 7 ,10A5-8,
12C10-11, 13B3-4, 12C 10-11,13B 3-4, 13B5-7, 13C10-13, 3 D 3 -5 ,15E6-13 13C10-13, 113D3-5, M A R TIN , David MARTIN, m: IIA/14B2; IIA/14B2; VIIIA/16C14 VIIIA/16C14 m: MARYLAND M A RYLAND Assembly Proceedings: IIA/4E14 1774, Mar31 1774, M ar 31 IIA/4F1 —2 IIA/4F1-2 1774, M ar 31 1774, Mar31 IIA/4F3-4 1774, A pr 6 1774, Apr Appointm ent by: Appoirnment IVA/1F1-8 1774, M ar 26 1774, Mar26 IVA/IFI-8 A n Act to Incorporate Incorporate the the Gas Gas Light An C om pany of o f Baltimore: Company VIA/2G10-13 VIA/2G10-13 1816 provem ent of o f the An Act for the the Im Improvement Baltimore Baltim ore Museum: M useum : V IA /3B5-6 VIA/3B5-6 1817, 18 1817, Dec 18 3 D 9 -12, m: 7- 8 , 113D9-12, 11A113B3-4,13D 13D7-8, m: IIA/13B3-4, 13E1-5; 13E1-5; VIA/4F5; VIA/4F5; VIIIA/16Al2-B1; 10 VIIIA/16A12-B1; XIB/1B5X IB /1 B 5 -10 M ARYLAND C onvention MARYLAND Convention to StGP: IVA/1G4-6 1776
StGP to: 1776, M May ay 15 15
M ARYLAND Delegates MARYLAND to John John Hancock: IVA/1G7-8 1776 m: IIAJIIBI2 IIA/11B12 MARYLAND Governors' M ARYLAND G overnors’ Portraits m: IIC (pp. 453, 453, 462) 462) MARYLAND M ARYLAND Line List of o f officers: 1778[?] III/1B5-7 aryland R egim ent, Accounts Accounts 1st M Maryland Regiment, with: 1776 11111A5-6 1776 III/l A5—6 1777 III/1A 7-9 III/1A7-9 1777-1779 IIIIIAIO III/1A10 1778-1779 III/1A11-B2 IIIJ1A1I-B2 1778-1779 III/1B5—7 11111B5-7 1779, Mar27 1779, M ar 27 III/1B8—9 11111B8-9 1779, A pr 26 1779, Apr26 III/1B 10-11 Ill/IBIO-Il 1779 III/1B 12-13 III/1B12-13 1779,Jun4 1779,J u n 4 III/1D2 11111D2 1779, Jul Jul 10 III/1D3—4 III/1D3-4 n.d. III/1D5-6 III/1D5—6 n.d. HhiID7 III/1D7 n.d. III/1 D 8 -10 III/1D8-10 nd. n.d. III/1D11—12 IIII1D1I-12 1779, Sept 19 1779, Sept19 III/1D 13-14 III/1D1314 1776-1779 III/1E 1-11 Ill/IE1-lI 1780, Mar 1780, Mar77 III/1E 12-13 11111E12-13 1783, N Nov ov 27 27 11111F5 III/1F5 1791, Jun I1 1791,Jun III/2A10—12 III/2A10-12 Sm allwood’s Regim ent, Accounts Accounts Smallwood's Regiment, with:
11111B14-C3 III/1B14— C3 III/1C4-7 III/1C 4-7 m: IIB/2 (p. (p.36), 36), 3 (p. 3); 3); IIC (p. (p. 118) 118) m: IIB/2 MARYLAND, M A RY LA N D , Lord Proprietary of of C ourt action action v. v. Jane Jane Inch: Inch: Court IVA/IA11-12 1765,Decl 1765, Dec 1 IVA/1A11-12 MARYLAND, M A RY LA N D , State ooff CWP, Bill to: 1784, D Dec IIA/13F7 ec 10, 10, 20 20 CWP, he Great G reat Seal Seal of: CWP, T The n.d. IIA(Add.)/4C13 M A SO N , Charles Charles MASON, to: BFP to: 1855, Jan 0 - Feb 27 1855, Jan330-Feb27 IX B /12B 1-C 7 IXB/12B1-C7 MASON, M A S O N , John John T. T. to Levi Lincoln: 1801, A pr 12 1801, Apr12 IVB/1D7 to Thomas T hom as Jefferson: IVB/1E8-9 1801, ct 55 IV B /1E 8-9 1801, O Oct CWP CW P to: 1810, O ct 6 IIA/49E12-13 1810, Oct6 R oger Nelson N elson to: to: Roger 1801, p r7 IV B /1D 5-6 IVB/1D5-6 1801, AApr7 Samuel Knox K nox to: to: IVB/1E4-7 1801, 30 IV B /1E 4-7 1801, Sept Sept30 m: IIA/29D2-3,29D4-5;IVB/1DI-4 IIA /2 9 D 2 -3 ,2 9 D 4 - 5; IV B /1D 1-4 MASON,John M A S O N , John Y. Y. om m ittee on on Weights Weights s/Report ooff C Committee and Measures: 1845, Dec Dec11 1845, 11 IX B /11D 7-14 IXB/11D7-14 TRP to: 1848, M Mar30 VIIIA/1OGI-2 1848, a r3 0 ' V IIIA /10G 1-2 m: VIIA /6E12-F1; VIIIC/25B7-E2; V IIIC /25B 7-E2; m: VIIA/6E12-F1; IXA/6F1-4, IX A /6F1-4, 66F9-11, F 9 -1 1 , 14E9 14E9 MASSACHUSETTS M A SSA C H U SE TT S Horticultural H orticultural Society, Medals for m: IXAII4F3-4, IX A /14F3-4, 14F5-6 14F 5-6 m: M A SSA C H U SE TT S, Representatives Representatives of of MASSACHUSETTS, the State ooff CW P to: to: CWP 1799, Dec 14 14 IIA /22G 5-6 1799, IIA/22G5-6 (Mr.) MASSEY, (Mr.) m: C 1 0 -12, D 3 -4 , 2D11, 2D 11, 2D12 2D12 I/2C1012,22D3-4, m: I/2 M A SS O N , A. A. MASSON, BFP, RReport BFP, eport on his Railroad Car: 1838, M May IXB/9F3-5 1838, ay 10 10 IX B /9F3-5 M A S T E N .John MASTEN,John CW P to: CWP 1801,Jul 1801, Jul I1 IIA/24D11 m: IIA/24E3-4, IIA /24E3-4, 24E9, 24E9, 24F4; 24F4; m: X IA /5E 12-G 4 XIA/5E12G4 M A ST E N , John, John, Jr. Jr. MASTEN, m: IIA/24D11 MASTEN'S M A S T E N ’S farm farm m: m: IIA/39D3; IIB/17 (p. 30) 30) MASTERS, M ASTERS, (Mr.) (Mr.) JP jr to: JPjr 1813, Feb 55 IIIA/3F3-4 m: IIA/24E10-II, IIA /24E 10-11, 27A8-I1 2 7 A 8 -11 m: MASTODON M A S T O D O N bones bones m: IIA(Add.)13D9-E2; IIA (A dd.)/3D 9-E 2;11B117 IIB/17 (p. 10), 10), ,n: 18 (pp. 11-4,15-17,23,29,47, - 4 , 1 5 -1 7 ,2 3 ,2 9 ,4 7 , l8(pp. 107, 48ff, 62), 62), 22 22 (p. (p. 32); 32); IIC (pp. 107, 278-79, 2 8 4 -996, 6 , 302, 302, 316316-36); 278- 79, 28436); VIIIA A 3 -6 ; XIA XIA VIllA (Add.)/1 (Add.)/1A3-6; n.d. nd.
The The Peale Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers
53, 67) 67) (Add.)/5 (pp. 53, MATHEW S, (Governor) (Governor) John MATHEWS, CWP CW P to: to: 1783, Jan Jan23 23 IIA/11G8-9 IIAII1G8-9 M A TH IESON, (Mr.) (Mr.) MATHIESON, James Dickerson to: 1833,Jun 1833, Jun 77 IX A /3B 5-6 IXA/3B5-6 m: IX A /3B3-4, 3B 7 -9 ; m: IXAI3B3-4, 3B7-9; XIAI3C6D22 X IA /3C 6-D Tim othy MATLACK, Timothy to Robert Morris: 1779, Jul Jul21 21 IIA /8B4-8 IIA/8B4-8 1779, Jul Jul21 1779, 21 IIA /8B9-C1 IIA/8B9-C1 s/Exemplification: s/Exemplification: An An Act to Incorporate the the PAPA: PAFA: 1806, M Mar28 1806, ar 28 IIA /38C4-10 IIA/38C4-10 CW P to: CWPto: 1778, 1778, May May30 30 IIA /6B7-8 IIA/6B78 Morris Robert M orris to: 1779, Jun26 1779, Jun 26 IIA/8A2-14 CW P to: to: CWP 1800, M ar 9 IIA /23B5-6 Mar IIA/23B5-6 1802, Mar M ar 15 15 IIA /25E2-3 IIA/25E2-3 IIA/42C13 1808, Feb Feb22 m: C 2 -9 , 8D4, C 3 -8 , m: IIA/5G3-4, IIA/5G3-4,88C2-9, 8D4, 99C3-8, 15G12-13, 25E10-11, 15G 12-13, 25E 10-11, 21F4-6, 48A8-B10; 48A8-B10; XIA/17C6 XIA/17C6 MATTHEWS, M ATTHEW S, (Mr.) (Mr.)
IIA/68A2-3, 72A13, 72A13, 72C4-6, 72C10-11 M MAUREK, A U REK , William William H. H . See See Peale's P e a k ’s M useum , Baltimore. o u rt Case. Museum, Baltimore. C Court M MAXIMILIAN, AXIM ILIAN, Prince, of o f Wied Wied m: m: XIA XIA (Add.)19D9(A dd.)/9D 9- 10 10 MAXWELL, Hugh MAXW ELL, H ugh m: V VIIA/8D3-9; IXA/5F12-G1, IIA /8D 3-9; IX A /5F12-G 1, m:
6C 9-12, 6F 1 -4 , 6F9-11; 6C9-12, 6F1-4,
XIB/2E8X IB /2E8-9 9 MAXW ELL, Rachel MAXWELL, JP to: 1821, 27 III/2E2 1821, Dec Dec27 11112E2 MAYBURY, (Captain) m : IIC (p. (p. 16) 16) m: MAYER, Charles Charles F. F. See See also Peale's Peale’s M useum , Baltimore. o u rt Case. Case, Museum, Baltimore. C Court to George Vaux: 1834, 12 V IA /8B 4-5 1834, Sept Sept12 VIA/8B4-5 ReP to: to: 1828, 1828, Jul Jul21 21 V VIA/5A6-9 IA /5A 6-9 Sept 99 VIA /5A 10-13 1828, Sept VIA/5A10-13 1828, 1828, Sept Sept24 24 VIA/5B8-12 V IA /5B8-12 ct 12 12 V IA /6E3-6 1830, O Oct VIA/6E3-6 1831, Feb77 VIA/6E13-F2 1831, Feb VIA /6E13-F2 1831,Jun 1831, Jun 22 V IA /6G 3-7 VIA/6G3-7 George Vaux to: 1834, Sept 66 VIAI8B3 VIA/8B3 RuP to: 1830, ct 9 V IIA /7E8-9 1830, O Oct VIIA/7E8-9 1830, N ov V IIA /7E 10-12 VHA/7E1012 1830, Nov VIIA/8A13-B2 1832, pr 22 VIIA /8A 13-B2 1832, AApr22 1833, ar31 V IIA /8B13-C2 V11A18B13-C2 1833, M Mar31 1833, VIIA/8C10 1833, Aug 16 1834, 27 V IIA /8C 11-D 2 1834,Jan Jan27 VIIA/8C11-D2 1834, ar 15 V IIA /8D 3-9 1834,M Mar 15 VIIA/8D3-9 VIIA/8D1112 1834, 20 VIIA /8D 11-12 1834,May May20 1834, OOct VIIAI8E3-4 1834, ct 1 VIIA /8E3-4
1834, Nov12 1834, N ov 12 V IIA /8E5-8 VIIAI8E5-8 1837, Apr5 1837, A pr 5 V IIA /9C 2-3 VIIA/9C2-3 Museum Baltimore M useum to: 1831, M Mar9 1831, a r9 XIB/1G9-11 XIB/1G9-11 D.. Walker to: Samuel D 1831, Mar11 1831, M ar 11 X IB /2A 2-4 XIB/2A2-4 RuP to: 1833, Mar31 1833, M ar 31 X IB /2C 14-D 2 XIB/2C14-D2 1833, M May31 XIB/2D3-4 1833, ay 31 X IB /2D 3-4 1835, Jul I1 1835,Jul XIB/2F14 1836, Nov 1836, N ov 2 X IB /3A 3-7 XIB/3A3-7 m: VIA/5A14-B3, m: IIA/70A6-9; VIA /5A 14-B3, 5B 13-C 4; 6C76 C 7 -10; 10; 5B13-C4; VIIA/5E14F5; XXIB/2C8-9, VIIA/5E14-F5; IB /2C 8-9, 2C 10-12, 3A 9-10 2C1012, 2C13, 3A910 MAYER, Jacob BFP, Report on his rifle: BFP, rifle: ov 14 14 IX B/10A 5-8 1839, N Nov IXB/10A5-8 MEADE, M EA D E, Richard Richard Worsarn Worsam CW P to: CWP 1826, Feb23 1826, Feb 23 IIA/71G13 m: IIA/69C7-8, 69C9, m: 69C9, 72A2, 72A2, 72A3, 72A3, 72A4, 72A14; VIIA/4G4 MEASE, M EASE, (Mr.) (Mr.) CW P to: to: CWP 1783, Apr Apr 22
IIA/12A3-4 11A112A3-4
M EASE, (Dr.)James (Dr.) James MEASE, to CW P for the American CWP Philosophical Society:
1804, Aug 17 1804, IIA/31E6-7 s/Report: 1804, Dec 1804, Dec66 IIA/32E9-10 to CW P for the American CWP Philosophical Society: 1822, 1822, May 3 IIA/66G4-5 m: 11A18B9-C1, 25E2-3, 28D4-5, m: IIA /8B9-C1, 25E 2-3, 28D 4-5, 29C6-8, 29C 6-8, 69F13-G3 69F13-G 3 MECHENECKA M E C H E N E C K A of o f the the Sauk Sauk Nation m : ,n:
IIA/37G2-3, 4-5 IIA/37G2-3, 37G 37G4-5
M E D FO R D , (Mrs.) (Mrs.) MEDFORD, IIB/8 (p. 23, 26) 26) m: fEB/8 (p. 14), 11 (pp. 23, M ED ICI, Cosimo Cosim o de de MEDIC!,
(p. 3) 3) m: IIB/6 (p. MEDILL, William William to R. M. Patterson: IXA/6B1-2 1836, ec8 IX A /6B 1-2 1836, D Dec8 1844,Ju19 IXA/9E11-12 1844, Ju l9 IX A /9E11-12 IXA/10A910 21 IX A /10A 9-10 1846, Jul Jul21 to BFP: toBFP: 1849,Jun 1849, Jun11 11 IXA/10D6 John an to: John Gadsby Gadsby Chapm Chapman 1846, Feb Feb18 IXA/9G12-13 1846, 18 IX A /9G 12-13 M . Patterson to: to: R. M. IXA/10A2-3 1846, IX A /10A 2-3 1846, Jun Jun 15 IXA/10A4-5 1846, Jul 7 IX A /10A 4-5 1846,Ju17 IXA/10A6-8 1846,Jul IX A /10A 6-8 1846, Jul 18 BFP to: 12 IX A /10D 7-8 1849, Jun 12 IXA/10D7-8 m: JXA/10G4-5 IX A /10G 4-5 ,n: M EEKER, Samuel Samuel MEEKER, s/Application for Charter: The s/Application The PAFA: PAFA: 1805, 26 IIA /37C 11-D 6 1805, Dec Dec26 IIA/37C11-D6 Eliza] M egs, (Mrs.) [MEIGS, Eliza] Megs, IIA/61D8-9, m: IIA /61D 8-9, 61E2-3; 61 E 2 -3 ; IIB/23 IIB/23 ,n: (Add.)/ 66 (p. (p. 94) 94) (p. 20); XIA (Add.)/ M EIGS, J. MEIGS,
The The Peale Peale Family F am ily Papers Papers
to BFP: 1859, Jun 7
IXA/15G8 IXA/15G
M EIGS, M ontgom ery C. MEIGS, Montgomery ReP to: 1858, 13 V IA /13D 3-5 VIA/13D31858. Dec Dec13 m: VIIIA /13E1-6 VIIIA/13E1-6 MEIGS, Return Jonathan Jonathan M EIGS, Return 11A161E6-8, 61E9-10, 61F3-4, m: IIA /61E6-8, 61 E 9 -1 0 , 61F3-4, 62A10 M ELSHEIM ER, Fred Fred E. E. MELSHEIMER, T R P to: to: TRP VIIIA/4B4-7 1835, Dec V IIIA /4B4-7 1835, Dec66 1836, M ar 2 1836, Mar2 VIIIA/4B11-12 1836, May 29 V IIIA /4C 8-9 VIIIA/4C8-9 1836, May29 1836, Aug 19 VIIIA/4D5-8 1836, V IIIA /4D 5-8 M E N G S, Anton A nton Raphael Raphael MENGS, m: IIC (p. 93) 93) MERCER, M ERCER, (General) (General) Charles Fenton ReP to: 1824, Mar31 1824, M ar 31 VIA/4A7-11 m: V IA /4A 2-6 VIA/4A2-6 M ERCER, (General) (General) H ugh MERCER, Hugh m: IIA /12D 2-5, 13-F4, 4-7; IIA/12D25, 12E 12E13F4, 14D 14D4-7; I 14); VIIIA/14F2-3 IIB/3 (p. IB/3 14); (p. VIIIAJ14F2-3 M ERCER, Isabella Isabella (M rs. Hugh) MERCER, (Mrs. CW P to: CWP 1783,NNov2 1783, ov 2 1IA/12D2-5 rn: 11A112E6-9, 13E13-F2, 14A8-9, m: IIA /12E6-9, 13E 13-F2, 14A 8-9, 14B 3-6, 14B 7-8, 14B9-11, 14B 9-11, 14B3-6, 14B7-8, 14C2, 4C 12-D 1, 14D 4-7, 14C2, 114C12-D1, 14D4-7, 14D14-E3 14D 14-E 3 M ERCER, William William MERCER, CW P to: to: CWP 1784, Feb21 IIA/12E13-F4 in: IIA/12D2-5, 12E6-9, m: IIA /12D 2-5, 12E 6-9, 13E6-11, 13E6-11, 13G11, 14A8-9, 14A 8-9, 13E13-F2, 13G11, 14B 3-6, 14B7-8, 14B 7-8, 14B9-11, 14B 9-11, 14B3-6, 14C2, 14C9-11, 14C2, 14C 9-11, 14C12-D1, 14C 12-D 1, 14D4-7, 14D 4-7, 14D14-E3; 14D 14-E 3;IIC IIC(p. (p.457); 457); V IIA /1B3-66 VIIA/1B3Paintings by: IIA/13E6- 11, 11, 14C12-D1, 14C 12-D 1, 14D4-7 1 4 D 4-7 M ER ED ITH , Samuel Samuel MEREDITH, CW P to: CWP 1801,Ju15 1801, Jul 5 IIA /24D 12-13 IIA/24D12-13 m: IIA/24D14-E2 IIA/24D14-E2 m: M ER ED ITH , William William MEREDITH, and Joseph H opkinson, and and CWP CW P to andJoseph Hopkinson, Nicholas Biddle: Nicholas Bid dle: 1805, Jul 8 IIA /35B5-7 IIA/35B5-7 rm strong: to General General A Armstrong: 1805, Jul 8 IIA /35B 8-10 IIA/35B810 s/Application Charter: The T hePAFA: PAFA: s/Application for Charter: 1805, D Dec26 1805, ec26 IIA /37C 11-D 4 IIA/37C11-D4 Nicholas CW P and and Nicholas Biddle Biddle to, to, and CWP Joseph Hopkinson: 1805, Oct24 1805, O ct 24 IIA/36E10— 11 IIA/36E10- 11 1805, N ov 20 IIA /36G 12-13 1805, Nov20 IIA/36G12-13 1805, NNov20 1805, ov 20 IIA /37A 2-12 IIA/37A2-12 Andrews and ooke to, and CWP CW P and CCooke Joseph Hopkinson: Hopkinson: and Joseph 1806, Jan Jan27 1806, 27 IIA/37F3 1806, Feb 10 IIA /37G 8-9 IIA/37G8-9 1806, Feb Feb11 1806, 11 IIA/37G10-11 IIA/37G10-11 Joseph Delaplaine to: 1821, Dec 13 1821, 13 IIA/66F2-4
CW P to: to: CWP 1826, ar 2 1826, M Mar
IIA/72A5; (Add.)/4C3 (Add.)/4C3 IIA/72A5; Nicholas Bid Biddle Nicholas dle to: n.d. V IA /14F 8-10 VIA/14F8-10 ReP, calling calling card card inscribed to: ReP, to:
VIA(Add.)/1E8-9 c. 1811 1811 V IA (A d d .)/lE 8 -9 ReP to: VIA(Add.)/3B1213 n.d. V IA (A dd.)/3B 12-13 RuP to: XIA/7C6 1821, ar 22 1821, M Mar22 Philadelphia ouncil to: to: Philadelphia Select Select C Council XIA/7B12-14 1821, pr 13 X IA /7 B 1 2 -14 1821, AApr13 Robert H. Smith Sm ith to: 1821,Mayl6 XIA/7D1-2 1821, M ay 16 X IA /7D 1-2 IIA/34F1-5, 38F1-2, m: IIA/34F1— 5, 38 F 1 -2 , 69F5-8; IIC in: (p.357); VIA/2D5-6, 2E5, 2E 2E6-7; (p. 357); V IA /2D 5-6, 2E5, 6 -7 ; V IIA /2A 4-5; XIA/7C1X IA /7 C 1 -14 VIIA/2A4-5; 14 M E R E D IT H , William William Morris M orris MEREDITH, Jam es B. Longacre to: James IXA/11B3-10 1850, 18 IX A /11B 3-10 1850, Feb Feb18 1850, M a r l IX A /11B11-12 1850,Marl IXA/I1B1I-12 1850, 1850, Mar2 M ar 2IXA/11B13-14 IX A /11B13-14 m: IXA/11D4-9, IX A /11D 4-9, 11E4-5, 11E 4-5, 12A4-6, 12A 4-6, m: 12A7-9, 12A 7-9, 12B1-3, 12B 1-3, 12B4-7, 12B 4-7, 12B8-12, 12B 8-12, 12C1-4, 1 2 C 1 -4 , 12E3-13 12E 3-13 M E R IW ET H E R , (Mr.) (Mr.) MERIWETHER, m. IIA/4D13-E1 m: MERRIAM. M ERRIA M , John s/"An Association ooff Artists s/“ An Association A rtists in America": Am erica” : 1794, D Dec29 IIA/19D12-E1 1794, ec29 s/Constitution bianum : s/Constitution ooff the the Colum Columbianum: 1795, Feb Feb17 IIE/3E7-F6 1795, 17 1795, pr 19 19 1795, A Apr IIA/19F3-20A10 M ERRICK , A. A. P. P. MERRICK, s/Report: 1840, Apr Apr99 IXB/1OBII-C2 1840, IX B /10B 11 - C2 1840, O Oct IXB/10E6-F2 1840, ct 11 IX B /10E 6-F2 M ERRICK , Samuel Samuel V. V. MERRICK, s/Report: IXBI9BII-14 1837, ar 9 IX B /9B 11-14 1837, M Mar9 BFP, R eport on his Boring B oring mill: mill: BFP, Report IXB/10C7-D2 1840, Jul IX B /10C 7- D2 Jul 19 MEXICAN M E X IC A N Society Society of o f Geography G eography and and Statistics m: IXA/21A5-9 IX A /21A 5-9 MEZZOTINT M E Z Z O T IN T Engraving E ngraving in: IIC (pp. 34, m: 34, 130) 130) MICHAUX, M IC H A U X , Francois Francois André A ndre to CWP: n.d. IIA/73F9-G nd. IIA/73F9-G22 in: m: IID/30 (p. 50); 50); V IA (A dd.)/l D 8 -11; 11; XIAI17D2 XIA/17D2 VIA(Add.)/1D8M IC H E L A N G E L O MICHELANGELO 12 m: IIA/44A6IIA /44A 6-12 MIFFLIN, M IFFLIN, Ann Ann in: IIA/47F8-11, m: IIA /47F8-11, 448A2-7 8 A 2 -7 MIFFLIN, John Fishbourne M IFFLIN, John to Mme. M m e. E. E. M. M . Franck Franckde deIa la Roche: Roche: 1801, Dec22 1801, Dec 22 IIA(Add.)/3D9-E2 IIA (A dd.)/3D 9-E 2 1803, OctO12 ct 12 IIAIIA (A dd.)/3E 3-6 (Add.)/3E3-6 1803, CW P to: to: CWP IIA/71D3-8 1810,Jan IIA /71D 3-8 1810, Jan 11 Bordley J. Beale B ordley to: 1790, O ct 88 IIE/2A12 1790, Oct IIE/2Al2
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m: IIA714F1— IIAJI4FI-2, m: 2, 16D4, 16D4, 16F6-7, 28F12,335G7-12, 38B9,41 41D3-5, 28F12, 5 G 7 -12, 38B9, D 3 -5 , 43C 43C5-9, 5-9, 48C1-2, 4 8 C 1 -2 , 49G9-10, 49G 9-10, 10-12; 51E11-14, 71G 71G10-12; XIA/1B1-3 X IA /1B1-3 MIFFLIN, Lemuel m: 11AJ64B3-4; m: IIA/64B3-4; VVIIA/2G4-6; IIA /2G 4-6; X A /1D 1-4, 1D5-7 1 D 5 -7 XA/IDI-4, Mary MIFFLIN, (Miss) M ary m: IIA/49B5; IIA/49B5; IIB/2 IIB/2 (p. (p. 32) m: MIFFLIN, Rebecca Edghill (Mrs. (M rs. Samuel) Samuel) CW P to: CWPto: 1805, May20 1805, M ay 20 IIA/34D14-E1 IIA/34D14- E l m : 11Ai43C5-9, IIA/43C5-9, 67B1-3 67B1-3 MIFFLIN, (Colonel) (Colonel) Samuel Samuel CW P to: CWPto: IIA/10D8-9 1780,Jul 1780, Jul 25 25 m:: IIB/2 (p. 32) m MIFFLIN, MIFFLIN, (judge) (judge) Samuel m: 7-10; m: IIA/66D5-6, IIA/66D5-6, 66D 66D7-10;
IXA/1 A8G7 IX A /1A 8-G 7 MIFFLIN, Thomas MIFFLIN, to RaP: RaP: 1793, Dec 14 V /1A 6-7 1793, Dec14 V/1A6-7 CW P to: CWPto: 1784, M ar 29 IIA /12G 4-7 1784, Mar29 IIA/12G4-7 yi7G ll-13; IIB/2 IIB/2 (p. (p. 48), 48), 55 m: IIA IIAJI7G1I-13; (p. 221); 221); (p. 47), 11 (p. 70); IIC (p. IID/29 IID/29 (p. (p. 8); 8);XIA/2C10-E1, XIA/2C10-E1, 17C12 MILITARY Stores Invoices: IVA/2A3-6 1777, Apr99 1777, Apr 14 IVA/2A7 1777, Apr 14 M ILLEDOLER, (Reverend) (Reverend) Philip Philip MILLEDOLER, N ew York M useum to: New Museum VIIA/7B6 1829, Jan 9 MILLER, (Mr.) IIA/71E14-F1, 72F13; 72F13; m: IIA/71E14-F1, VIIA/2B12- 13, 13, 2C7 MILLER, Abraham IIA/67F1-3, 73B 12-C 4; IIC m: 11A167F1-3, 73B12-C4; 304, 444) 444) (pp. 304, MILLER,Jesse MILLER, Jesse M . Patterson Patterson to: to: R. M. 1845, Aug27 Aug 27IXB/11D7-14 IX B /1 1 D 7 -14 1845, MILLER, John S. CW P to: to: CWP IIA/72D7 1826, Jul30 1826, Jul 30 William MILLER, (Governor) William to ReP: 1817,Jan 11 V IA /3A 3-6 VIA/3A3-6 1817, Jan11 ReP to: 1817, Jan 19 V IA /3A 7-9 VIA/3A7-9 1817, Jan19 MtLLIGAN, M ILLIGAN, (Mrs.) (Mrs.) m: C /5G 10-13, 9F 12-G 1, 9G 7-10, m: XXC/5G10-13, 9F12-G1, 9G7-10, 10A 2-5, 10A13-14, 1 0 A 1 3 -14, 10B13-C2, 10B 13-C 2, 10A2-5, 10C 3-6 10C3-6 MILLIGAN, M ILLIGAN, Robert m: IIA/16F6-7; IIB/2 IIB/2 (p. 9), 9), 11 11 (p. 3), 11 (P. 34); (p. 183) 11 IIC34); (pp.IIC 142,(pp. 171,142,171, 183) MILLIGAN, Cantwell M ILLIGAN, Sarah Sarah Cantw ell Robert) (Mrs. Robert) m: IIA/16F6-7; IIA/16F6-7; IIB/il IIB/11(p. (p.35); 35);ILC IIC
(p. 142) 142) M IL L IN G T O N , John MILLINTGTON, John to TRP: to
1835, p ril VIIIA/3G1 1835, A Apr11 MILLS, unt MILLS, Elijah Elijah HHunt ReP to: 1825,Jan VIA/4D6-10 1825, Jan 13 13 V IA /4D 6-10 MILLS, Robert MILLS, m: IIA/48A8-B10, IIA/48A8-B10, 51 51C1-4, m: C 1 -4 , 5 1 C 6 -11; IIE/7C8-D4; IIE /7C 8- D4;VIA/2G4, VIA/2G4, 5106-11; 2G5-6 2G 5-6 M ILN O R , James MILNOR, s/AppIication for Charter: Charter: The ThePAFA: PAFA: s/Application 1805, D e c 26 IIA /37C11-D 6 1805, Dec26 IIA/37C11-D6 to RuP: RuP: 1821, Mar23 M ar 23 1821, V IIA /3E7-9 VIIA/3E7-9 RuP to: 1821, Mar21 M ar 21 XIA/7C7-8 1821, X IA /7C 7-8 m; X IA /7 C 1 -14 rn: XIA/7C1-14 MINIATURE M IN IATURE apparatus rn: IIB/3 (p. 4) m: M IN IATURE painting MINIATURE CWP, Handbill: Handbill: CWP, IIE/2A9 1786 M IN N IC K , Samuel Samuel MINNICK, s/“ An Association of o f Artists in s/"An America':: America” IIA/19D12-E1 1794, Dec29 1794, D ec29 s/Constitution ooff the the Colum Columbianum: s/Constitution bianum : 1795, Apr Apr19 1795, 19 IIA/19F3-20A10 [MITCHELL] Michel, (Mr.) (Mr.)
m: IIB/2 IIB/2 (p. (p.4) m: 4)
MITCHELL, M ITCHELL, George Lincoln: to Abraham Lincoln: IXA/16E13-F6 n.d. IXA /16E13-F6 nd. m: IXA/10B4-5 m: [MITCHELL] Michill, Samuel CW P to: CWPto: IIA/9B1-4 1779 MITCHELL, M ITCHELL, Thomas Thom as S. S. Trustees ooff Bank .S. to: Trustees Bank ooff U U.S. XIA/15D14 1854, Jul 6 m: III/4D2— 111i4D2-88 m: M ITCHILL, Samuel Samuel Latham MITCHILL, to Jonathan Jonathan Williams: IIA/22B8IIA/22B8—11 11 1798, Jun30 1798,Jun 30 CWP CW P to: IIA/16B-C1 1789, Apr28 1789, Apr 28 IIA/28B7-8 1803,Jul 26 IIA/37E9 1806,Jan 21 1806, Jan21 IIA/44C5-6 1808, 20 1808, Sept Sept20 IIA/59G2 1817,Jun 24 1817, Jun24 RuP to: VIIA/6G1 1827, 1827, OctO1 ct 1 IIA/21B7-I0, 21C 21C9-12, m: 9-12, rn. IIA/21B7-10, 24C 13-D 4, 37E3, 37E3, 37E 4-5, 24C13-D4, 37E4-5, 37 E 6 -8 , 37F4, 37F4, 338A13-14, 8 A 1 3 -14, 37E6-8, 38B 1-2, 58E10-12, 5 8 E 1 0 -12, 59D 1-2, 38B1-2, 59D1-2, 59D 10-E 1, 59E2-7, 59 E 2 -7 , 59E12-F1, 59E12-F1, 59D10-E1, 67C1-3, 67C 4-5, 67D6-8, 67D 6-8, 67C4-5, 71G10-12, 67E6-8, 70E4-5, 71G10-12, 72C8-9; 72C8-9; IIC IIC (p. (p. 379); 379); VIA/3E1013; V VIIA/6C9D8; VIA/3E10-13; IIA /6C 9-D 8; IXAII5FI-2; IXA/15F1-2;XIA/17C7; XIA/17C7; XIC/1A2XIC/1 A 2 -13 13 M O N K T O N ,(General) (General) Robert R obert MONKTON, m:
71) IIB/22 (p. 71)
MONMOUTH, M O N M O U T H , Battle Battle of of m: IIB/5 (p. 44) 44)
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10 1806, Sept 10
M O N O G R A P H IEdes des Zyganides, Zyganides, bbyJ. y j. A. MONOGRAPHIE Boisduval m: IIIC/25B7-E2 m: V VJIIC/25B7E2 MONROE, M O N R O E ,Eliza Eliza Kortnght K ortright(Mrs. (Mrs.James) James)
1806, Oct4 1806, O ct 4
m: IIAV61B13-14, 11A161B13- 14,661C1213, m: 1 C 1 2 -13, 61G 4-8; IIB/23 IIB/23 (pp. 14-15); 14-15); IIC IIC 61G4-8; (p. 420) 420) M O N R O E ,James James MONROE, CWPto: CW P to: IIA/57A8- 10 M ar 4 IIA/57A8-10 1816, Mar IIA/70D1-2 1824, Feb Feb21 21 IIA /70D 1-2 0 D 2 -3 , m: IIA/59E12-F1, IIA/59E12-F1, 660D2-3, 6 1 A 1 1 -12, 61A1112, 61B5, 61B8,
61B11-12, 61B13-14, 61C1-3, 5-7, 61C8-9, 61C4, 61C 61057, 61C89, 61D 3-4, 61C10-11, 61C12-13, 61D3-4, 6 1 D 5 -6 ,661D8-9, 1 D 8 -9 , 61E2-3, 61D5-6, 61E 4- 5, 61E6-8, 61E 6-8 ,61E96 1 E 9 -10, 61E4-5, 10, 61 E 12-13,61F 1-2,61F9-G3, 61F9-G 3, 61E12-13, 61F1-2, 61G4-8, 61G9, 9; IIB/23 6 1 G 4 -8 ,6 1 G 9 62G8, 62G 8-9; IIB/23 8 ,12, 12,13, (pp. 8, 13, 35-36); 35-36); IIC (pp. 417417-19); 19); VIIA (Add.)/ 1A 9-12; X A /1 D 1 -4 ;XIA/17C7 XIA/17C7 1A9-12; XAIIDI-4; M MONROE, O N R O E , (Miss) (Miss) Maria M aria Hester Hester IIA/61G4-8 m: 11A161G4-8 MONTAGU, M O N T A G U , George. George.Ornithological Ornithological Dictionary m: /25B7-E2 m: VIIIA VIIIA/25B7E2 MONTGOMERIE, M O N T G O M E R IE , (Captain) (Captain) Charles C Carroll arrol] to: 1767, Oct29 1767, O ct 29 IIA /2B4-6 IIA/2B4-6 MONTGOMERY, John M O N T G O M ER Y , John J olin DDickinson John ickinson to: 1784, 1784, Apr Apr27 27 IIA/12G9-10 IIA /37C 8-10 m: IIA/37C8-10 MONTGOMERY, M O N T G O M ER Y , (General) (General) Richard m: IIB/2 (p. 42); XIAI17C3 XIA/17C3 M O O R E , George George MOORE, m:XC/6A2-5,7E13-14, 1101-12 m: X C /6A 2-5, 7 E 1 3 -14, 11C11-12 M O O R E , George George H. MOORE, ReP to: 1857, M May28 1857, ay 28 VIA/12B7 1857,Jun4 VIA/12B14-C1 1857,J un4 VIA /12B14-C1 1857,Jun Jun20 1857, 20 VIA/12C3 1857, OOct24 VIA/12D13-14 1857, ct 24 V IA /12D 13-14 1858, Jun Jun 16 16 V VIA/13B8-9 IA /13B 8-9 1858, OOct24 1858, ct 24 VIA/13C6-7 V IA /13C 6-7 1858, NNov22 1858, o v 22 VIA/13C14 1860, 1860, Feb Feb29 29 VIA/14A5 m: VIA/12E4-5 m; VIA /12E4-5 M O O R E , H. H . D. MOORE, to TRP: toTRP: Jan 14 1842, Jan 14 VII1A/7G7 m: VIIA/11Al2-B1; m: VIIA/11A12-B1; VIIIA/12C14-D1; IXA/11B11-12 IX A /11B11-12 M O O R E , Hannah. Hannah. See See Peale, MOORE, Peale, Hannah Hannah M Moore oore (Mrs. Charles Wiiison). Willson). M O O R E , Henry Henry MOORE, CWP CW P to 1805, Aug 2 1805, IIA /35D 12-E2 IIA/35D12-E2 1805, Aug 66 IIA /35E3-8 IIA/35E3-8 1806, Feb Feb21 1806, 21 IIA/38A7 1806, Jul24 1806, Jul 24 IIA/39B4 1806, Aug 22 IIA/39B7 1806, Aug 5 1806, IIA/39B8 1806, Aug23 1806, Aug 23 IIA/39C3
IIA/39D4 IIA/39E1 IIA/40A11 IIAI4OA11 IIA/40G1
1807,Jan 23 1807, Jan23 1807, M May 1807, ay 16 16 IIA/41B5-6 1807,Jul 3 IIA /41B5-6 IIA/41B10-13 25 1807, Jul Jul25 IIA /42C 1-2 IIA/42C1-2 15 1808,Jan 15 ar 2 IIA/42E12IIA/42E12-13 13 1808, M Mar 1809, May IIA/46G5-6 M ay 13 13 IIA /46G 5-6 IIA/47B4-5 1809, 10 IIA /47B 4-5 1809,Jun Jun10 IIA/50B10 1811, 1811, M Mar9 ar 9 , IIA/51F1 Sept 16 16 1812, Sept IIA/62C10-11 1819, A pr 4 1819, Apr4 IIA/62D4-5 1819, A pr 6 IIA /62D 4- 5 1819, Apr6 1822,Jan IIA/66F7-8 1822,Jan44 m: IIA/35E11-F1, 3-4, m: IIA/35E11-F1, 37C5, 37C5, 38B 38B3-4, 38B9, 43F12-G1, 38B9, 43F 12-G 1, 44F12-G4, 44F12-G 4, 46G1-4, 47E7-12, 46G 1-4, 46G7-12, 46G 7 -1 2 , 47E 7-12, 53E4-6, 53 53D1-7, D 3 -7 , 53 53E1-3, E 1 -3 , 53E 4-6, 62C8-9, 6 2 C 8 -9 ,662D3, 2 D 3 , 665F2-3, 5 F 2 -3 , 66F7-8, 70D9; IIC (pp. 278, 278, 359, 364, 366); IIE/4A 1-5G 7; X C /1A 11-12 IIE/4A1-5G7; XC/IAI1-12 MOORE, John M O O R E , John ReP to: V IA /1E 13-14 1808, A Apr21 VIA/1E13-14 1808, pr 21 m; F 5 -14 14 m: VIA/1 VIA/iFSMOORE,John M O O R E , John Massey M assey CWPto: CW P to: 1813, NNov12 1813, o v 12 IIA/52E14-F1 M O O R E , Milcah M ilcah M artha MOORE, Martha (Mrs. (M rs. Mordecai) CW P to: CWP 1815, M ay 20 1815,May2O IIA/55C13-14 IIA /55C 13-14 IIA /62C 8-9 IIA/62C8-9 1819, A pr 4 1819, Apr4 IIA/62D3 A pr 55 1819, Apr IIA/72D14 ug 14 14 1826, A Aug m: IIA/62C1011, 62D4IIA /62C 10-11, 6 2 D 4 -5; 5; IIB/22 IIB/22 (p. 2); IIC (p. 361) 361) MOORE, M O O R E , Mordecai M ordecai IIC (p. (p. 360) m: IIA/56B5-8; IIC MOORE, M O O R E , Richard Richard CWP CW P to: 1806, Jan 7 IIA/37D10- 11 1806,Jan IIA/37D10-11 1806, Mar 1806, M ar 14 14 IIA/38B9 1806, Sept27 1806, Sept 27 IIA/39D11 IIA/50A3-5 1811,Jan 1811,Jan 27 27 IIA /50A 3-5 1812, M Mar ar 12 12 IIA/51C5 m: IIA HA/41D3-5; m: /41D 3- 5; XXC/IAII-12 C /1 A 11 -1 2 MOORE, M O O R E , (Dr.) (Dr.) Samuel Samuel to Jam James es Buchanan: IXA/3B 10-11 1833,Jul 20 IXA /3B10-11 1833, Jul20 BFP: to BFP: 1834,Jan 14 IX A /3E 5-7 1834, Jan 14 IXA/3E5-7 IXA/3E13-F2 1834, 1834, M Mar7 ar 7 IX A /3E 13-F2 1834, 1834, A Apr30 pr 30 IX A /3G 3-5 IXA/3G35 1834,June IX A /3G 8-9 1834, June 9 IXA/3G8-9 1834, Jul 77 IX JXA/3G10-12 A /3G 10-12 IXA/4A2-5 1834, Jul 7 IX A /4A 2-5 1834, 1834, Sept 5 IXA/4B6-7 IX A /4B 6-7 1834, O Oct 1834, ct 17 17 IX A /4C 5-6 IXA/4C5-6 toRuP: to RuP: 1834, Dec 13 1834, 13 V IIA /8E 12-14 VIIA/8E1214 1835,Jan 5 V IIA /8F1-3 VIIA/8F1-3 BFP: to BFP: 1835, 1835, Feb Feb66 IXA/4D13-14 IX A /4 D 1 3 -14 to RuP:
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1835, 1835, Feb 10 to BFP: BFP: M ar 77 1835, Mar to Levi Woodbury:
V IIA /8F 9-11 VIIA/8F9-11 IX A /4E 5-8 IXA/4E58
1835,MarlO 1835, M ar 10 IXA/4E9-11 IX A /4 E 9 -11 to Richard Harrison: 1835,Jiil 1835, Jul 16 16 IX A /5A 2-5 IXA/5A2-5 to AndrewJackson: Andrew Jackson: 1835, 1835, N Nov25 ov 25 IX A /5B 1-4 IXA/5B1-4 to Levi Woodbury: 1835, Nov25 1835, N ov 25 IX A /5B 5-9 IXAJ5B5-9 RuP to: RuPto: 1834, Dec12 1834, Dec 12 VIIA/8E9-11 1835, Feb66 1835, Feb VIIA/8F4-8 VIIA /8F4-8 1835, Feb Feb21 21 V IIA /8F12-13 VIIA/8F1213 M int of of U S. to: Mint U.. S. IX A /3A 7-9 1833, May 9 IXA/3A7-9 James-Dickerson to: 1833,Jun 1833,J u n 77 IX A /3B 3-4 IXA/3B3-4 BFPto: BFP to: 1833, ov 20 1833,NNov20 IXA/3C6D2 IX A /3C 6-D 2 1834,Jan I1 IX A /3D 9-E 4 IXA/3D9-E4 1834, M ar 4 1834,Mar4 IXA/3E8-12 IX A /3 E 8 -12 1834, Mar Mar77 1834, IXA/3F3 1834, Mar 1834, Mar77 IX A /3F4-6 IXAI3F4-6 1834, pr 29 1834,AApr29 1XAI3F9-G1 1X A /3F9-G 1 1834, Apr Apr29 1834, 29 IXA/3G2 1834, May 1834, May88 IXA/3G6-7 IX A /3G 6-7 1834, Jul 15 IX A /4A 6-9 1834,Ju115 IXAI4A6-9 1834, Aug 14 14 IXA/4A10-13 IX A /4A 10-13 1834, Aug 14 14 IXA/4A14 1834, Aug 14 14 IX A /4B 1-2 IXA/4B1 -2 1834, Aug 23 1834, Aug23 IX A /4B3- 55 IXA/4B31834,OOct13 IXAI4BI 1-12 1834, ct 13 IX A /4B11-12 1834, Oct13 1834, O ct 13 IXA/4B13-C4 IX A /4B 13-C 4 1834, O ct 21 1834, Oct21 IXA/4C7-8 IX A /4C 7-8 1834, Dec 7 IXA/4C912 IX A /4 C 9 -12 Richard arrison to: Richard H Harrison IXA/4C13-14 1834, Dec Dec22 1834, 22 IX A /4 C 1 3 -14 1835,Jan 21 1835,Jan2l IXA/4D1-4 IX A /4D 1-4 IXA/4D510 1835, 1835, Feb 3 IX A /4 D 5 -10 1835, Feb 88 IXA/4E1-4 IX A /4E 1-4 1835, pr 9 IXA/4E12-F3 IX A /4E12-F3 1835, AApr9 1835, 13 1835, Apr Apr13 IXA/4F4-5 IX A /4F4-5 1835,Jun 16 16 IXAJ4F8-9 IX A /4F8-9 1835, Jun 22 1835,Jun22 IXA/4F10-11 IX A /4F 10-11 1835,Jun3O [XA/4F14-G10 1835,Jun 30 IXA /4F14-G10 H ottinger & Co. C o. to: to: Hottinger 1836, Apr 22 IXA/5F10-11 m: A /3B 5-6, m: VIIA/8G5-7; VIIA/8G5-7; IX IXA/3B5-6, 4B 8-10, B 1 0 -13, C 1 -4 , 4B810, 55B1013, 55C1-4, 6B7.-10, 6B 7-10, 66C9-12, C 9 -1 2 , 77D3-4 D 3 -4 M O O R E , (Governor) (Governor) William William MOORE, m: m: IID/29 IID/29 (p. (p. 9); 9);XIA/2C10-E1,17C5 XIA/2C10-E1, 17C5 M O O R E , William William Hill MOORE, to Estate of o f SPS: 1859, O ct 27 X C /11F4-5 1859,0ct27 XC/11F4-5 m: XCI3EI-4, IICII-12 m: X C /3 E 1 -4 ,110A6-9, 0 A 6 -9 , 11C11-12 M O R APhysiology, L Physiology, by obert Dale by R Robert MORAL O w en (London, (London,1844) 1844) Owen V IIIA /11C 9-10 m: VIHA/11C910 MORAN, M O R A N , Thomas Thom as m: VIIA/12C2-3; VIIB/18A2- B12; m: VIIA /12C2-3; VIIB/18A2-B12; IX A /16B 10-13, 18A6 IXA/16B1013, 18A6 MOREAU, M O R E A U , Charles Charles C. ReP to:
1858, Oct3 1858, O ct 3 V IA /13C 3-4 VIA/13C3-4 MORGAN, M O R G A N , Benjamin Benjamin R. s/Application for Charter: s/Application Charter: The T he PAFA: PAFA: 1805, IIA/37C11-D6 1805, Dec26 Dec 26 IIA/37C11- D6 CWPto: CW P to: 1811, Jan Jan 19 19 IIA/49G9-10 [1A149G9- 10 1811, Mar6 1811, M ar6 IIA/50B3-4 m: 11A150A6, 50A910, 51B9-14; 51B9- 14; IIA/50A6, 50A 9-10, VLIA/2A7-B3 VIIA/2A7-B3 M O R G A N , (General) (General) Daniel MORGAN, m; IIB/5 IIB/5 (p. 63); IID/29 IID/29 m: (p. 4, 21); IIC (p. 63); (pp. A /6 C 9 -12; (pp. 31-32); 31-32); IX IXA/6C9-12;
XIA/2C10-E1, 17C3 XIA/2C10-E1,17C3 MORGANLJacob M O R G A N , Jacob s/Constitution of o f the Columbianum: Colum bianum : 1795, Feb 17 17 IIE/3E7-F6 11E13E7- F6 m: IIAI25D7-9 m: IIA/25D7-9 MORGAN, M O R G A N , (Dr.)John (Dr.) John n: IIC (p. (p. 107); 107);XXIA/5E12-G4, m: IA /5E 12-G 4, 11C3-12A5 MORLOT, Adolphe M O RLO T, Charles Adolphe toBFP: to BFP: 1862 IX A /17D 12-E10 IXAI17DI2-E10 M ORRELL, John J. MORRELL,JohnJ. m: IXA/15B6-13, m: IX A /15B 6-13, 16A2-11 M O RRIS, (Miss) (Miss) MORRIS,
m: IIA/62C8-9 IIA/62C8-9 m: MORRIS, M O RRIS, (Mr.) (Mr.) RePto: ReP to: 1858,Jan26 VIA/12E9.-10 1858, Jan 26 VIA /12E9-10 M O RRIS, (Mr.) (Mr.) MORRIS, m: 1114B411;VVIA/6C11 -14, 6E 6E78; II/4B4-11; IA /6 C 1 1 -14, 7-8; X C /1 D 9 -12, 1F 7-9, 1 -4 , XCIID912, 1F79, 2B 2B1-4, 4C714, 44F25D10-13, 4 C 7-14, F 2 -55,, 5D 10-13, 5F14-G1, 10B9-12, 5F14-G 1, 99C9-12, C 9 - 1 2 ,1 0 B 9 -12, 10B13-C2, IOEIO-12 1 0 E 1 0 -12 M ORRIS, (Mrs.) (Mrs.) MORRIS, m: 111i4B411;VIIA/10B5VIIA/10B5- 8; III/4B4—11; 8; VIIIA/8F11-13 V IIIA /8F11-13 MORRIS, M O RRIS, Anthony Anthony D iary references references to: Diary CWP: 1796, 11 IlA(Add.)/4E4-5 flA(Add.)/4E4-5 1796, Feb Feb11 JP: 1796, Jun 20 III/2C5 1796,Jun2O m: IIB/6 7 (p. 13) 13) ni: IIB/6 ([m] ([ml p. p. 6), 6),7(p. M O RRIS, Benjamin MORRIS, ni: 41B1013, 43D211, m: IIA/39B7, IIA/39B7, 41B 10-13, 43D 2-11, 59F2-5, 60G8 59F2-5,60G8 MORRIS, M O RRIS, Elizabeth Patterson [Peale]: to Eliza Eliza Patterson [Peale]: 1820 V IIA /3C 4-6 VIIA/3C4-6 Eliza Peale: to Eiiza VIIA/3C1 1-14 nn.d., .d., Mar M ar 16 16 V IIA /3C11-14 RuP [Eliza [Eliza Peale]: Peale]: to Mrs. RuP 1828, Feb 17 V IIA /6G 4-7 VIIA/6G4-7 1828, Feb17 CW P to: CWPto: 1817, M a rl IIA/59B12-13 1817, Marl IIA/59B12-13 1820, Mar Mar11 1820, 11 IIA/64A2 m : IIA/56C6-D6, 59A 13-B 1, m: HA/56C6-D6, 59A13-B1, 66A11,67 67A4-5, 68Al2-14, 66A11, A 4 -5 , 68A 12-14, 69C2-6, 69 C 2 -6 , 73B12-C4; 73B 12-C 4; V IIA /3 A 2 -4 ,3 D 1 -5 VIIA/3A2-4, 3D1 -5 MORRIS, M O RRIS, Ellwood Ellwood s/Report: 1843, Jan 12 12 IX B /11A 2-B 3 1843,Jan IXB/11A2-B3
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IXB/11B4-8 1843, A pr 13 IX B/11B4-8 1843, Apr13 M MORRIS, O R R IS, G Gouverneur ouverneur m: IIA/8C1 11- D3, D3, 59G1; IIB/6 (p. 3), m: (p. 35) 35) 22 (p. M O RRIS, Jacob G. MORRIS, m: V IA /6 C 7 -10; VIIIA/16F1-5; VIIIA/16F1-5; VIA/6C7-10; m: XIIA/1A33E3, 3E9F33 X IIA /1A 3-3E3, 3 E 9 -F M O R R IS, James MORRIS,James m: 11112C5 m: III/2C5 M O RRIS, (Dr.)James (Dr.) Jam es Cheston C heston MORRIS, Robert R obert Patterson to: IXA/22B5 1891, o v 13 1891, NNov13 m: m: IXA/22B7 M O RRIS, Joseph MORRIS, Lease, Philadelphia useum Go: Co: Lease, Philadelphia M Museum XIA/7D7-14 1821, O ct 21 X IA /7 D 7 -14 1821, Oct21 MORRIS, M O RRIS, Mary M ary White W hite (Mrs. (M rs. Robert) Robert) m: m : XLA/17C9 XIA/17C9 MORRIS, M O RRIS, Olivia Olivia XC/2B1-4, m: X C /2B 1-4, 88B14-C3, B 1 4 -C 3 , 8D3-6, 8 D 3 -6 , m: 8D 9 -1 2 , 99C9-12, C 9 -1 2 , 10B9-12, 10B9-12, 8D9-12, 1 0 B 1 3 -C 2 ,111A6-9, 1 A 6 -9 ,111C7-8 1 C 7 -8 10B13-C2, M O RRIS, Phoebe Phoebe P. P. MORRIS, m: m. IIC (p. (p. 366) 366) M O RRIS, Rachel Rachel MORRIS,
toTRP: to TRP: 1818, D e c 21 1818, Dec21 CWP to: 1818, N o v 20 1818, Nov20
V IIIA /1B5-6 VIIIA/1B5-6
IIA/61C4 IIA/61 C4 IIA/61F3-4 1819, Jan Jan 11 IIA/67E1214 1822, ct 16 16 IIA /67E 12-14 1822, O Oct IIA/69C2-6 19 IIA /69C2-6 1823, Sept 19 A pr 13 13 IIA/70E1-3 1824, Apr 1827, Feb 9 IIA/73A5-7 m: IIA/35D12-E2, E 3 -8 , m: IIA/35D12-E2, 35 35E3-8, 35E 11-F1, 35 F 2 -5 , 35F6-9, 35E11-F1, 35F2-5, 35F10-11, 336B4-8, 6 B 4 -8 , 36C 14-D 4, 35F10-11, 36C14-D4, 38A7, 39D11,440A5-6,40A11, 38A7, 39D11, 0 A 5 -6 , 40A11, 40F4, 41B5-6, 13, 40F 4,41B 5-6, 41B104 1 B 1 0 -13, 4 1 C 1 3 -14, 4 1 G 8 -12, 12, 42D7, 42D7, 41C1314, 41G842E 5-9, 42E124 2 E 1 2 -13, 42E5-9, 13, 45F3-6, 45F7-G12, 46A811, 4 5 F 7 -G 1 2 ,4 6 A 8 -1 1 ,446C3-6, 6 C 3 -6 , 446D76 D 7 -12, 1 2 ,446G76 G 7 - 12, 1 2 ,47 E 2 -6 , 47E2-6, 49A6-7, 14, 50A1114, 49A 6-7, 49A84 9 A 8 -14, 5 0 A 1 1 -14, 50G 5-6, 52C11-13, 52C 11-13, 53E1-3, 53E 1-3, 50G5-6, 54D3-8, 5 4D 3-8, 55D5-10, 55D 5-10, 55E13-F4, 55E13-F4, 55F5-8, G 8 -9 , 556C3-5, 6 C 3 -5 , 55F5-8, 55 55G8-9, 5 6 D 1 0 -12, 56 G 1 -2 , 57A5-7, 57A 5-7, 56D10-12, 56G1-2, 57A12, 57A13, 57A13, 57A14, 58A 2-5, 57Al2, 58A2-5, 58B1-2, 58B 1-2, 58B11, 58B11, 58F8, 58F8, 58F12-14, 59A9, 59A 11-12, 59A 13-B 1, 59A9, 59A11-12, 59A13-B1, 59B12-13, 559C12-13, 9 C 1 2 -13, 59F6-8, 59F6-8, 59G12, 60A 2-3, 60A4-5, 60A 4-5, 59G12, 60A2-3, 60A 6-7, 60A10-13, 60A 10-13, 60B1-3, 60B 1-3, 60A6-7, 60B 4-5, 60B12-14, 6 0 B 1 2 -14, 60C13-D1, 60C 13-D 1, 60B4-5, 60D 4-6, 60E4-7, 60 E 4 -7 , 60E10-12, 60E 10-12, 60D4-6, 60F4-5, 60F6-7, 60F 6-7, 60F13-14, 6 0 F 1 3 -14, 6 0 G 2 -4 ,6 0 G 5 -7 , 60G8, 60G8, 60G2-4, 60G5-7, 60G10-12, 61A2-5, 60G 10-12, 60G13, 60G13, 61A 2-5, 61A 6-8, 61A 13-B 2, 61 C 5 -7 , 61A6-8, 61A13-B2, 6105-7, 6 1 D 8 - 9 ,6 1 E 9 -10, 6 2C 4- 5, 5, 61D8-9, 61E910, 62C462 C 8 -9 , 62C126 2 C 1 2 -13, 62D3, 62C8-9, 13, 62D3, 62D 4-5, 62D7-8, 6 2 D 7 -8 , 62E6-7, 62E 6-7, 62D4-5, 65F 6-7, 65G1-3, 65 G 1 -3 , 66B11, 66B11, 62F2-3, 65F6-7, 67B4-5, 67B 4-5, 668Al2-14, 8 A 1 2 -14, 68C11-13, 68C 11-13, 68D3-4, 6 8 D 3 -4 , 73B12-C4; 73B 12-C 4;IIB/25 IIB/25
(pp. 33-4); -4 ); IIE/4A1-5G7; IIE/4A 1-5G 7; (pp. VIIA /3A 11-13, 33D6-9; D 6 -9 ; VIIA/3A11-13, (A dd .)/1 A 9 -12; IIIA /1A 10-12, (Add.)/1A912;VVIllA/lAb12, 1ICI-4, C 1 -4 ,2 C 4 - 7 ; XA/IDI-4, X A /1D 1-4, 2C4-7; 1 D 8 - 11; XC/1A11-12; X C /1 A 1 1 -12; 1D8-11; X D /1 A 8 -9; XIA X IA (Add.)/5 (Add.)/5 (p. (p. 8) 8) XD/1A8-9; M O R R IS, Robert R obert (1734-1806) (1734-1806) MORRIS, to Tim Timothy etal.: to othy Matlack M atlack etal.: IIA/8A214 1779, Jun 26 IIA /8A 2-14 1779, Jun26 Timothy T im othy Matlack M atlack eta!, et al. to: 11A18B4-8 1779,JuI 1779, Jul 21 IIA /8B 4-8 m: IIA /8B 9-C 1, 13D13-14, 13D 13-14, m: IIA/8B9-C1, 115E105 E 1 0 -13; 13; 59G1; 59G1; IIB/6 (p. 3); IIC (pp. 104, 400); IID/29 (p. 24); 24); X IA /1B 1-3, 2C10-E1, 2C 10-E1,17C6, XIA/1B1-3, 17C6, 99 M O R R IS, Robert R obert MORRIS, CWP CW P to: to: 11A15008 1811, ar 28 IIA/50C8 1811, M Mar28 IIA/50A9-10, 50A11-14, m; /50A 9-10, 50A 11-14, m: IIA 50B1-2, 5006-7, 50B 1-2, 550C4-5, 0 C 4 -5 , 50 C 6 -7 , 50F8-14, 550G1-4, 0 G 1 -4 , 51E1-2, 51E 1-2, 50F8-14, 51E 11 -1 4 ,771G10-12; 1 G 1 0 -1 2 ; 51E11-14, V IA /1G 4-10; A /1 D 1 -4 VIA/1G410; XXA/1D1-4 MORRIS, M O R R IS, Samuel Samuel CW P to: CWPto: 1820, 13 1820, Feb 13 IIA/63F7-8 m: IIA/39D4, 39E1, 52F45 2 F 4 -11, 60G8; 11, 60G8; m: IIB/6 (p. 1); IIB/6 (p. 1), 20 (p. 1); V IIA /3B8-11; X A /1D 8-11; VIIAI3B8-11; XA/1D8-11; X C /1 A 1 1 -12 XC/1A1112 MORRIS, M O R R IS, Thomas T hom as s/“ An A ssociation of o f Artists A rtists in s/"An Association America": Am erica” : IIA/19D12-E1 1794, Dec29 Dec 29 IIA/19D12-E1 1794, CW P to: CWP 1813, Feb 20 IIA/52A12-13 1813, Feb20 IIA/52Al213 1817, May20 1817, M ay 20 IIA/59D9 m: IIA/19D12-E1, IIA /19D 12-E1, 39D4, 47F1-7, m: 552F42 F 4 -11, 0 G 2 -44 11, 660G2M O R R IS O N , (Mrs.) (Mrs.) MORRISON, RuP to: 1805, M ar 17 V IIA /1E9-10 VIIA/1E9-10 1805, Mar17 MORSE, M O R SE , Samuel Samuel F. F. B. BFP, eport on agnetic BFP, RReport on the the Electro-M Electro-Magnetic Telegraph Telegraphof: o IX B /9E 2-9 1838, Feb 8 IXB/9E2-9 VIA/6C11-14, m: V IA /6C 11-14, 66D9-12, D 9 -1 2 , m: 66D13-E2, D 1 3 -E 2 , 8F 3-8; 8F3-8; VIB/19F11-20B14 VIB/19F1 1-20B14 M O R T O N , Henry H enry MORTON, to Chairm an, Committee C om m ittee on on Science Science Chairman, and the the A Arts, and rts, Franklin Institute: 13 IXA/18A14 1866[?], Jul 13 M O R T O N , Samuel Samuel George G eorge MORTON, s/Report: V H IA /1G 11-12 1825 VHIA/1G11-12 1842, Dec22 1842, Dec 22 V IIIA /8C 1-2 VIIIA/8C1-2 VIIIA/2F14-G1 1830, Jul Jul 13 13 VIIIA/2F14-G1 s/Report of o f the Geological Committee: Com m ittee: VIIIA/2G7 1831 VI1IA/2G7 1831 American Philosophical Society to: 1837, Dec21 Dec 21 VIIIA/6D14-E4 V IIIA /6D 14-E 4 1837, TRPto: T R P to: 1846, Jul14 Jul 14 VHIA/10Al2-14 VI1IA/10A12-14 1846, m: VIIIA/12E2-5; VIIIA /12E2-5; IXA/14E13IX A /1 4 E 1 3 -14; 14; -
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XIA/11C3-12A5 M O SH E R ,James. James.See See also also Peale's Peale’s MOSHER, M useum , Baltimore. C ourt Case. Case, Museum, Court to Charles F. Mayer: 1831, 1831, Mar Mar99 X IB/1G 9-11 XIB/1G9-11 RuP to: to: Sept 44 1824, Sept VIIA/5G10 m: VIA /5A 6-9, 66E3-6, E 3 -6 , 6G 3 -7 ; m: VIA/5A6-9, 6G3-7; VIIA/5E14- F5,66A2-5, VI1A/5E14-F5, A 2 -5 , 8A13-B2, 8B13-C2, 8A 13-B 2, 8B 1 3 -C 2 , 88E3-4, E 3 -4 , 8E5-8; 5C88 8E 5-8; XIB/3B1X IB /3B 1-5C MOTT, M O TT , Valentine Valentine m: /6C9-D 8, 7G37 G 3 -10; 10; in: VIIA VIIAI6C9-D8, XIC/1A213 X IC/1A 2-13 M O ULTRIE, (General) (General) William William MOULTRJE, (1730-1805) m: m: IID/29 IID/29 (pp. (pp. 20-21); 20-21); XIA/2C10-E1, XIA/2C10-E1, 17C4 M O ULTRIE, (Captain) (Captain) William William MOULTRIE, CW P to: CWP 1784, IIA/13A12-13 1784, Aug17 Aug 17IIA/13Al2-13 m: IIAI13BI-2, 13B614, 13C1-4 m: IIA/13B1-2, 1 3 B 6 -14, 13C 1-4 M OULTRIE child child MOULTRIE m: 11A113Al2-13; 13B 13B1-2 m : IIA/13A12-13; 1-2 M O W T O N , W. W. MOWTON, to ReP ReP and and Alexander Alexander Davis: 1835, 17 V IA /8D 2-E 2 1835, Sept Sept17 VIA/8D2-E2 MOYLAN, M O Y L A N , Stephen Stephen Accounts, Sm Smallwood's allw ood’s Regiment: 1776, Aug 15 15 III/1A 2-4 11111 A2-4 m: /2C2-3 m: VIA VIA/2C2-3 MOZART, Amadeus M O ZA RT, Wolfgang Wolfgang Am adeus m in:: XIA/17D2 XIA1I7D2 M U D IE , Robert MUDIE, m: A A Popular Guide to the Observation Obseniation of Nature:VII1A/11B13-C1 Nature: VIIIAII lB 13-Cl MUHLENBERG, M O H L EN B ER G , Gotthilf G otthilf Heinrich Ernst CW P to: CWP 1806, Jun IIA/38F14 1806, Jun 19 1806, 27 IIA/39A2 1806,Jun Jun27 11A139A2 IIA/49F10-11 1810, 16 IIA/49F10— 11 1810, Dec Dec16 Francois ndre M ichaux to: Francois AAndré Michaux IIA/73F9- G2 n.d. IIA/73F9-G2 m: /48G 11-13, 49A2; IIB/22 m: IIA IIA/48G11-13, 26);IID/29 IID/29(p. (p.46); 46);XLAJ17C6 XIA/17C6 (p. 26); M U IR , John MUIR, CW P to: to: CWP 1804, Jan 22 IIA /29D 2-3 1804, Jan22 IIA/29D2-3 1804, Jan 22 IIA /29D 4-55 1804, Jan22 IIA/29D41807, Jan 18 18 1IA/40A9-10 JIA/40A9-1O 1807,Jan 1807, Jan26 1807, Jan 26 IIA/40A14 IIA/40B3 1807, Feb 8 IIA/40B3 IIA/40F7 1807, May IIA/40F7 1807, May 1I 1IA/41A4-5 1807, Jun 11 IIA/41A4-5 1808, M ar 21 1808, Mar21 1IA42F8-9 1808, A p r2 IIA/42G1-2 1808, Apr2 IIA/42G1-2 11A146B9-12 1809, ar 25 IIA/46B9-12 1809, M Mar25 1810, IIA/49D11 1810, Aug 5 m: IIA/39B1-2, 41A 13-B 1; IIB/8 IIB/8 in: 11A139B1-2, 41A13-B1; (pp. 7, 7 ,113, 3 ,114,21,22), 4 ,2 1 ,2 2 ), 99 (pp. (pp. 25, 25, 30, 3 0 ,79) 79) M U M F O R D , G. G. S. S. MUMFORD, m: /37E4-5, 337E6-8, 7 E 6 -8 , 38A10-12 38A 10-12 m: IIA IIA/37E4-5, Achille MURAT, Achille to TRP:
1825, May22 1825, May 22 VIIIA /1G 7-10 VIIIA/1G710 1826, Jan 11 11 VIIIA /2A 13-B12 VIIIA/2A13-B12 MURPHY, M URPHY, John ReP to: 1826, VIA /4F11-12 1826, Feb Feb22 VIA/4F11-12 MURRAY, (Com (Commodore) Alexander MURRAY, m odore) Alexander m. XIA/16B1-4,17C13 m: XIAI16B1-4, 17C13 MURRAY, William William Littleton
m. IIB/11 (p. 52) 52) m: IIB/li (p. M U SE , Anne Anne Ennals rs. Thomas) MUSE, Ennals (M (Mrs. Thomas) m: IIB/11 52, 53) 53) m: IIBIII (pp. 52, M U SE U M . See See Peale’s useum , MUSEUM. Peale's M Museum, Baltimore; useum , New N ew York; York; Baltimore; Peale’s Peale's M Museum, Peale's Museum, Philadelphia. Peale’s MUSICAL M U SICA L Fund Fund Society, Philadelphia m: IIC IIC (pp. (pp. 377-78); 377- 78); IX IXA/20F8-9, m: A /20F8-9, 21D 8-10; (Add.)/1B1— XIA 21D8-10; (Add.)/IBI-2;2; XIA (Add.)/7 (p. (p. 183) 183) M U SSER, (Mrs.) MUSSER, CW P to: CWP 1811, Apr22 1811, Apr 1IA/50C9 lIA/50C9
N H enry M. NAGLEE, Henry BFP, BFP, Report on his his plan: 1840, IX B/10E1-5 1840, Sept 9 IXB/IOEI-5 1842, Aug Aug11 1842, 11 IXB/10G7-13 N A N D O W ESSIE Indians Indians NANDOWESSIE m: m: IIA/21D1-E10 NAPIER, N APIER, (Mr.) (Mr.) m: 11), 19 19 m: IIA/9 IIA/9 (p. (p. 52); 52); IIB/6 IIB/6 ([m] p. 11), 48) (p. 48) NASHVILLE, useum NASHVILLE, Tennessee, Tennessee, M Museum m: IC /1B 8-G 3 m: X XIC/1B8-G3 NASSY, NASSY, David David Am erican Philosophical to President, American Society: 1794, ay 30 X IA /2C 7-8 1794, M May30 XIA/2C7-8 N A TIO N A L Academy Academ y of o f Design NATIONAL m: VIA /8F3-8, 10B6-7, 10B 6-7, 13E8; 13E8; m: VIA/8F3-8, VIIIA/17F1 1;XXCJ4C7VIIIA/17F11; C /4 C 7 -114 4 N A T IO N A L Gazette Gazette NATIONAL TRP [?] [?] to ditor of: to the the EEditor [1827] VIIIA (A dd.)/l A 2 - 5 VIIIA(Add.)/1A2-5 [18271 m: IID /1B 5-6; XIA(Add.)/6 X lA (A dd.)/6 (p. (p. 111) Ill) m: IID/1B5-6; NATIONAL N A TIO N A L Institute, Institute, Paris. Paris. See See Paris, Paris, National Institute. NATIONAL the Prom Promotion N A TIO N A L Institute for the otion ooff Science to George E. Badger: 1841, May M ay 11 11 V IlIA (A dd.)/lB 14-C 2 VIIIA(Add.)/1B14-C2 m: IIIA /6E7-14, 10-13, C 3 -88,, m: V VIIIA/6E714, 8B 8B1013, 88C38 C 9 - 1 0 ,88D6-8, D 6 - 8 , 8D9-13, 8 D 9 - 1 3 ,8F 1-6, 8C9-10, 8F1-6, 99A6-9, A 6 -9 , 11F3-G8, 11F3-G 8, 12D 9-10; 12D9-l0; V IIIC/25B7-E2 VIIIC/25B7E2
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The The Peale Peale Family F am ily Papers Papers
NATIONAL N A T I O N A LIntelligencer Intelligencer rn: VIB!2F12-13; V VIIIAI4AI0-13, m : VIB/2F12-13; IIIA /4A 10-13, 10E 4-5 10E4-5 N NATIONAL A TIO N A L Portrait Gallery Gallery m: X C /5B 12-C 1 rn: XC/5B12-C1 N A TIO N A L Theatre T heatre NATIONAL m: X XIA/14G3IA /14G 3- 15A2 15A2 N A T U R A L History, H istory, by by William William Swainson Swainson NATURAL m:: V111A125B7m VIIIA/25B7- E2 N A T U R A L I S T ’SLibrary, Library, by by Sir Sir William William NATURALIST'S (Edinburgh, 1833) 1833) Jardine (Edinburgh, m: VVIIIAJIIBI3-C1, m: IIIA illB 1 3 -C l, 25B7-E2 2 5 B 7-E 2 N A T U R A L I S T ’S Magazine M a g a z in e NATURALIST'S
m: IIIA /3E1-4 ni: V VIIIA/3E1-4
NAVAL medals m: A /9E 1-3 m: IX IXA/9E1-3 NEAGLE, John N E A G L E .John to Pennsylvania Academy Academ y of o f Fine Arts: 1824, ct 25 VIA/4C14-D2 V IA /4C 14-D 2 1824, OOct25 Painter": “"Hints Hints for a P ainter” : VIA(Add.)/1E10-2B13 1825 V IA (A dd.)/lE 10- 2B13 'Receipts for making “Receipts m aking Megellup, Megellup, Varnish. . . ” : 1825 V VIA(Add.)/2C1-3B3 IA (A dd.)/2C l-3B 3 s/M s/Memorial. em orial. . .. to the the PAFA: PAFA: 1828, 17 III/3F8-G12 11113F8-G12 1828, Mar Mar17 m: m: IIA/68A10-11, IIA/68A10-11, 70 70A2-5, A 2 -5 ,
70B10-11, 70B 10-11, 77006-7, 0 C 6 -7 , 71G10-12; 7 1 G 1 0 -12; III/4F2, 5A12; /11G 3-4; 11114F2, 5Al2;VIA VIAJIIG3-4;
VIIA/5D14-E3, V IIA /5D 14-E3, 8A2-4; 8A 2 -4 ; XIIA/1A3-3E3 X IIA /1A 3-3E3 NEAL, NEA L, John m m:: VIB/19F11-20B14 NEIDHARD, N E ID H A R D , (Dr.) (Dr.) Charles m: IA /14A 6-7, 14B 12-D 8; m: VVIA/14A6-7, 14B12-D8; XC/6D5-7, X C /6 D 5 -7 , 77F1-4, F 1 -4 , 7F5-8, 7F 5 -8 , 8C8.-1l, 8 C 8 - 11, 88D3-6, D 3 -6 , 8D9-12, 8 D 9 - 12, 9 E 1 -4 , 11Al2-B1, 11A 12-B 1, 11B8-11, 11B8-11, 9E1-4, 11E l —5 IIEI-5 NEILSON, N EILSO N , Robert W. H H.. Barton to: to: 1848, 28 IX A /10C 5-7 1848,Jul Jul28 IXA/10C5-7 N E L SO N , (Miss) (Miss) NELSON, m: ni: IIB/11 IIB/Il (p. (p.4) 4) N E L SO N , Roger Roger NELSON, to John T.Mason[?]: Mason[?]: toJohnT. 1801, Apr77 1801, Apr IV B /1D 5-6 IVB/1D5-6 John Kelty K elty to: to: 1801,Ju130 1801, Jul 30 IV IVB/ICI-3 B /1C 1-3 m: m: IVB/1B10 John M. NESBITT, John CWPetal. CW P e ta l. to: to: 1779, M Mar31 1779, ar 31 IIA/7B1-2 IIA /7B 1-2 NESSELOV, C. NESSELOV, to Caroline E. E. G. G. Peale: Peale: 1874, Sept18 1874, Sept l8 IX A /21F4-5 IXA/21F4-5 Presley [Priestly] NEVILL, (Colonel) (Colonel) Presley [Priestly] CW P to: to: CWP 1804,Jun2l 1804, Jun 21 IIA /31A 8-9 IIA/31A8-9 1804, Aug55 1804, Aug I1A/31E4-5 IIA/3lE4-5 m: IIA/31A6, IIA/31A6,31A 31Al2-13, 31B3-6, m: 12-13, 31B 3-6, 331B7-10,31C1-2, 1 B 7 -10, 3 1 C 1 -2 , 31C3-4; 31 C 3 -4 ; IIB/5 IIB/5
(p.39) (p. 39) NEWBOLD, N E W B O L D , George George R. M. Patterson to: to:
1843, IX A /9C 11-12 1843, Mar22 M ar 22IXA/9C11-12 m: IX IXA/6B7-10, m: A /6B 7-10, 66C9-12 C 9 -1 2 N E W Castle Castle and Frenchtown Frenchtow n Railroad Railroad NEW Company C om pany BFP to: 1832, O ct 9 IXA/2E1 1832, Oct9 NEW ELL, (Mrs.) (Mrs.) NEWELL, m : VIIA/10F3—6, 11A8-11, 11A 8-11, 11B2-5, 11B 2-5, m:VIIA/10F3-6, 11B 9-12, 11106-7 1 C 6 -7 11B9-12, NEWELL, Theodore NEW ELL, T heodore RuP and and Joseph Joseph Lancaster, Lancaster, Outlines O u tlin e s of of the ife of: the LLife of V IIA (A d d .)/lC 1 0 - D7 VIIA(Add.)/1C1O-D7 1824 N E W Hampshire, H am pshire, Legislature ooff NEW rn: VIA/4F6-7 m: V IA /4F6-7 NEWMAN, N E W M A N , (Mr.) (Mr.) to: RuP to: VIIA/5C81824, 24 V IIA /5C 8-99 1824, Jul Jul24 m: V VIIA/8D11-12 m: IIA /8D 11-12 N E W M A N ’S Dictionary D ictionary NEWMAN'S
m: IIIA /11B 13-C 1, 25B 7-E 2 m: V VIIIA/11B13-C1, 25B7-E2 N E W T O N , Isaac Isaac NEWTON, m:: I1D/2B13-D4 IID/2B13-D4 m N E W T O N , G. Stuart NEWTON, m V IA /3E 10-13 m:: VIAJ3EIO13
N E W T O N , Thomas T hom as NEWTON,
CWP CW P to: 1803, ov 9 IIA/29A10 1803,NNov9 N E W York, ity ooff NEW York, CCity m: IIB/2 (p. 41), 41), 12 12 (pp. (pp.7, IIB/2 (p. 7, 11, 11, 13), 13), 19 19 8 9 -91), 35 35 (pp.Set (p p .5 e tse q .) (pp. 89-91), seq.) Alms House: IIB/15 IIB/15 (p. (p. 33) 33) B oard ooff Regents: VIA/8E5 VIA/8E5 Board C ity Hall: IIA/59F6IIA /59F6-8 City 8 C om m on Council C ouncil of: of: Common RuP to: XIC/1B8-G3 12 X IC /1B 8-G 3 1833 Feb Feb12 m: IIA/59F6-8 IIA/59F6-8 m: Corporation of: of: m: IIA IIA.22E3-7, 59F9-11; m: .22E 3-7, 59F9-11; VIAI4C3-5, V IA /4C 3-5, 4F14 4F14 Population of: of: m: IIB/22 (p. 81) 81) NEW N EW York York Evening E v e n in g Express E xpress A /12F1-2 m: IX IXA/12F1-2 N E W York Gallery NEW Gallery ooff Portraits m: V IIA /5G 1-6 m: VIIA/5G1-6 NEW-York N E W -Y o rk Historical H istorical Society Society to CWP: IIA/59C1-3 1817, M ar 6 IIA /59C 1-3 1817, Mar6 m: m : 11A159F9-11, IIA/59F9-11, 59G1; IIB/22 IIB/22 73-74); VIA/12B13, VIA/12B13, (pp. 33ff., 73-74); 13A4 NEW N E W York Institution 77), 22 22 (pp. (pp.39 3 9ete tse q .) m: IIB/22 (p. 77), seq.) N E W York York Lyceum atural H istory NEW Lyceumooff NNatural History m: IIA/59F9IIA/59F9- 11, 11, 59G2; 59G2; IIB/22 IIB/22 m: (pp. IB /22D 5-10; (pp. 33, 39, 65); V VIB/22D5-10; X IC /1B 8-G 3 XIC/1B8G3 NEW Magazine N E W York York M a g a zin e m: IIB/22 (p. 35) 35) N E W York M useum . See S e e Peale's Peale’s NEW Museum. Museum, M useum , New N ew York York N E W York York M useum ofTammany o f Tam m any Society Society NEW Museum m: IIB/12 (p. 13); IIC (pp. 161, 161, 246) 246) m: IIB/12 (p. 13);
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The Peale Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers The
N NEW E W York Philosophical Society Society m: IIA/59F9-11 IIA /59F9-11 NEW N EW York Picture Gallery in: m: VIIA/5F6-9 N NEW EW York Public Library rn: HA/73E1 in: I1A/73E1 N EW York State, NEW State, Legislature ooff m: ,n: V VIA/4E10IA /4E 10-1 12, 2 ,4F8 4F8 Regents of: VIA/8E6 NIBLO, William N1BLO, William rn: VIIA/7F14-G2, in: VIIA/7F14-G2,88B3-5, B 3 -5 , 88B6-7 B 6 -7 NICHOLS, N IC H O L S, Arthur A rthur St. C. to RuP: VIIA/2F810 1814, Dec 2 1814, V IIA /2F8-10 NICHOLS, John N IC H O LS, John C P to: CP to: 111F13 1747,Jun22 1747, Jun 22 I/1F13 NICHOLSON, N IC H O L S O N , Benjamin Benjamin m: IIA m: 11A4D13-E1; -4D 13-E 1; IIBIII IIBI11 (p. (p. 3) 3) N NICHOLSON, IC H O L SO N , Hannah Hannah Duncan (Mrs. John) m: in: IIB/11 IIB/Il (p.3) (p.3) NICHOLSON, N IC H O L S O N ,James James in: IVA/3A7-10, IVAI3A7-1O,33A11-B4 m: A 11-B 4 NICHOLSON, N IC H O L SO N , John CP to: to: 111E6 1745, Feb20 1745, Feb 20 I/1E6 J/1E8 1745 I/1E8 m: in: I/2A3-4, 112A3-4,2C 2C101 0 -112, 2 , 22D3-4 D 3 -4 N IC H O L S O N , John NICHOLSON, s/Constitution slConstitution and By-Laws By-Law s of o f the the Columbianum: JIA/18C1-E1 1794 IIA/18C1-E1 1794 s/Constitution ooff the the C Columbianum: s/Constitution olum bianum : 11E13E7-F6 1795, Feb 17 17 IIE/3E7-F6 IIA/19F3-2A10 1795, Apr 19 1795, 19 in: IIA/12G3,15A 15A2-3, m: IIA/12G3, 2-3, 15F5-8, 15F9-1O, 17D 17D9-1O;IIB/11 15F9-10, 9-10; IIB/11 (p.66) (p. 66) Operative British TThe he O perative Mechanic M echanic and B ritish Machinist (1825): VIIIA V11IA/11B13-C1 M achinist (1825): /11B13-C1 N IC H O L S O N , Joseph NICHOLSON, to Estate ooff CP: I/2F7-9 1752, AApr17 1752, pr 17 N IC H O L S O N , Joseph NICHOLSON, ReP to: VIA/1 A 9 - 10 1799, Jun 8 Jun 8 VIA/1A9-1O rn. 11A14D13-E1 m: IIA /4D 13- E l NICHOLSON, N IC H O L S O N , Mrs. M rs. Joseph Joseph m: VIA /1A 9-10 in: VLAI1A9-1O NICHOLSON, N IC H O L S O N , Thomas T hom as in: 11A14D13-E1 m: IIA /4D 13- E l NJCKLIN, N IC K LIN , Philip Philip H. s/Report: VIIIA/6F6 30 1838, Jan Jan30 m: IIIA /2E 11-14 in: V VIIIAI2E1I-14 NILES, (Mr.) (Mr.) in: XXC/5G6-9, 6F9-12, m: C /5G 6-9, 6E7--10, 6 E 7 - 10, 6F9-12, 6F13-G2, 6F13-G 2, 66G3-8, G 3 -8 , 7B6-9, 7 B 6 -9 , 7G 11-13, 88G5-8, G 5 -8 , 9D7-1O, 9D 7 -1 0 , 7G11-13, 9 D 1 1 -14, 9E5-8, 9 E 5 -8 , 10F2-5, 10F2-5, 9D11-14, 10F6-9, IOFIO-13 10F10- 13 NILSSON, N IL SSO N , Sven Sven to Caroline E. G. Peale: to IXAI2IEI-3 1874, May 24 IX A /21E 1-3 1874, May24 in: m: IXA/18F1, IXA/18F1,221A5-9 1 A 5 -9
NISBET, J. RuP to: 1821, OOct24 1821, ct 24 V IIA /3G 3-10 VIIAI3G3-10 NIXON,John N IX O N ,Jo h n CWP CW P eta!, e ta l. to: to: 1779, M Mar31 1779, ar 31 IIA /7B 1-2 IIAJ7B1-2 m: in: IIA IIA/8B9-C1, /8B9-C1, 8D4 8D4 NOAH, N O A H , M.M. M .M . m: VIIA/6C9-D8; XIC/1A2-13 m: V IIA /6C9-D 8; X IC /1 A 2 -13 NODDER, N O D D E R ,Frederick FrederickP.P.Nodder's N o d d er’s Naturalist Miscellany [Vivariuin NNaturae, or N aturalist M iscellany [Vivarium aturae, or the Naturalists N aturalists Miscellany] M iscellany] in: m: V111A111B13-C1 VIIIA/11B13-C1
NOMENCLATURE N O M E N C L A T U R E ooff W7lson's W ilson’s Ornithology, byCharles CharlesL. L.J. L. Bonaparte O rnithology, by J. L. m: VIA/8A2-5; IIIA /2D 11-13, in: VIA/8A2-5; V VIIIA/2D11-13,
11B13-C1, 225B7-E2 5 B 7-E 2 N NORMAN, O R M A N , (Mr.) (Mr.) m: 47) in: IIB/2 (pp. 25, 47) NORRIS, John N O R R IS, John to CWP: IIA/59F2-55 1817, Jun Jun 3 IIA/59F2CW P to: CWP 1817, Apr21 IIA/59C121817, Apr 21 IIA /59C 13 12-13 m: 0 B 1 0 -11, 60G8, in: IIA/51C12, IIA/51C12,660B10-11,60G8, 65F8, 65F9, 65F10 65F8,65F9,65F10 N NORRIS, O R R IS, Joseph m: in: IIA/63A2-3, 11A163A2-3,63 63A4-6, A 4 -6 , 66G8-1O, 66G 8-10, 67A2-3 67A 2-3 NORRIS,Joseph N O R R IS, Joseph Parker m: in: X1A/7A6-B14, X1AI7A6-B14, 11C3-12A5; XJA(Add.)/5(pp. 81) XIA(Add.)/5 (pp. 11-14, 11-14,16, 16,81) NORRIS, N O RRIS, Mary BFP and E. W. Keyser to: to: IXA/8D1-2 1840, 1840,Jun Jun IX A /8D 1-2 NORRIS, N O RRIS, William William New Museum N ew York M useum to: to: 1836, Sept 28 XIC/1B4 1836, Sept28 m: in: VIIIA/7D6- 11; 11; XXIIA/1A3-3E3 IIA /1A 3-3E3 NORTH, N O R T H , William William m: 11A114B3-6 IIA/14B3-6 in: NOR can Herpetology, N O R THAmeri T H A m erican H erpetology, by Dr. John Edwards H Holbrook olbrook m : VIIIA/13B3-8 m: N O T M A N .Jo hn NOTMAN, John m: XIA (Add.)/6 (Add.)/6 (p. (p. 145) 145) in: N O U R S E , Joseph NOURSE, CW P to: CWP JJA/27C8 1803, Feb 15 15 IIA/27C8 IIA/38D10 1806, pr 9 1806, AApr9 IIA/38D11 1806, pr 14 1806, AApr14 1806, 14 IIA (A dd.)/3E 9-10 IIA(Add.)/3E9-1O 1806, Apr14 Apr NUTTALL, N U TTA LL, Thomas T hom as s/Report: VIIIA/5C1213 1837, ar 28 V IIIA /5C 12-13 1837, M Mar28 m: V IIA /3D 1-5, 77B7-8, B 7 -8 , in: VJJA/3D1-5, V IIIA /3F2-5, 6F5 6F5 VIIIA/3F2-5, See See also alsoJour. Jour.Wilkes WilkesExped. Exped. ##1, 1, Series VIIIB. Arkansas A AJournal Journal ooff Travels into the A rkansas Territory Territory dduring uring the Year Year 1819: 1819: VIIIA/11B13-C1 VIIIA /11B13-C1 Plants T The he G Genera enera ooff North N o rth Arnerican A m erican P lants and a Catalogue C atalogue ooff the Species to the Year Year1817: 1817:VIIIA VIHAIIIBI3-G1 /11B13-G 1
The Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers The Peale
0 O OAKLEY, Robert CW P to: CWP 1805, 1805, O Oct c t 55 IIA HA/36B14-C2 /36B14-C2 OBORN, O B O R N , Louis Louis C. C. to TRP: 1873, 1873,Ju13 Jul 3 VIIIA/15G4 1873,J 1873, Jul16 u ll6 VIIIA/15G6 1873, 1873,Ju121 Jul 21 VIIIA VIIIA/15G7-8 /15G 7-8 1873, 22 1873, Jul Jul22 VIIIA/15G9 m: VIIIA/15F9, 15G3 15G3 O'CONNOR, O ’C O N N O R , Arthur A rthur m: IID/30 (p. 53); XIA/17D2 ,n: IID/30 O ’D O N N E L L , (Captain) (Captain) John O'DONNELL, m: IIA/17B11-12, 1 7 C 11-12; 1 -12; 1-12, 17C8, 17C1 m: IIA/17B1 IIB/Il (p.9), IIB/11 (p. 9), 12 12 (pp. (pp. 14-15); 14-15); IIC IIC 146, 162) 162) (pp. 146, O ’D O N N E L L , Mary M ary O'DONNELL, m. IIB/12 (pp. 162) m: IIB/12 (pp. 14-15); 14-15); IIC (p. 162) O ’D O N N E L L ,Sarah Sarah Elliott Elliott (Mrs. (Mrs. John) O'DONNELL, CW P to: CWP 1788, Dec 1788, Dec33
IIA /16B 11-12 IIA/16B11-12 IIB/11 (pp. 9, 68), 12 12 (pp. 14-15) 14-15) I[B/11 (pp.9,68), O EM BLER, (Mr.) (Mr.) OEMBLER, m: m:
CWP CW P to: 1806, pr 15 15 IIA/38E1 1806, A Apr m: IIA /38D 12-13, 38E 1113; m: IIA/38D1213, 38E2, 38E1 1-13; VIIIA (Add.)/1D2_ (A d d .)/1 D 2 -13 VillA 13 O E R T E L , Johannes OERTEL, rn: m: VIIIA/13D3 O G D E N , Charles Charles S. S. OGDEN, to Thom pson M cCatt: to Thompson McCatt: 1875, Sept 2 2 1875, Sept VIA /13B13-C1 VIA/13B13C1 to: ReP to: [1858], Jun 17 17 VIA/13B10 [1858],Jun 1858, 18 VIA/13B11 1858, Sept Sept18 1858, 18 VIA/13B12 1858, Sept Sept18 18 VIA/13C2 1858, Sept 18 OGILVIE, (Mr.) (Mr.) IIA/41E3-5,441E6-7, 41E8-9, m: IIA/41E3-5, 1 E 6 -7 , 41E 8-9, 43G 4-6 43G46 O G LE, Benjamin OGLE, CW P to: to: CWP 1774 IIA /4F1-4 IIA/4F1-4 4F1-4, 42E 42E5-9, m: 11A14D13-E1, IIA/4D13-El, 4F1-4, 5-9, 42F1-4; IIB/2 (p. 6); IVB/1C1IV B /1C 1-66 O G LE, Henrietta M argaret Hill OGLE, Margaret (Mrs. Benjamin) m:: 11A14D13-E1 m IIA/4D13-E1 OGLE, O G LE, (Governor) Samuel CP C P to: 1746, Mar17 1746, M ar 17 I/2B12 m: I/1D3-5, I/1D 3-5, 1F6, 1F6, 2B13, 2B13, 2B14, 2B14, 22C1-2, C 1 -2 , 22C7-9 C 7 -9 OLDDEN,James O L D D E N , James to CWP: 1805, Dec26 1805, Dec 26 IIA /37C 11-D 6 IIA/37C1 I -D6 OLIPHANT, O LIPH A N T, (Mr.) (Mr.) John Vaughan Vaughan to: 1803,Ju124 1803, Jul 24 IIA/28B5 OLIPHANT, O LIPH A N T, William William Committee for the C om m ittee of o f Fifty: Fifty:
IIA/7B8-9 A pr 99 IIA /7B 8-9 1779, Apr OLMSTEAD, O L M STE A D , (Reverend) (Reverend) Lemuel Lemuel G. G. ReP to: to: 1856, 1856, M Mar24 ar 24 V VIA/11F6-7 IA /11F6-7 O ’N EA L, Barnet Barnet O'NEAL, Court Judgments: C ourt Judgm ents: 1767
O N SLO W, A rthur ON SLOW, Arthur CP C P to:
hiGh 1746 I/1G11 1746 m: I/1D 6-8, 1G12-13, 1G 12-13, 22A5-7, A 5 -7 , m: hJlD6-8, 22C3-4 C 3 -4 ORD, O R D , George George s/Report: VIIIA/1E6-7 1824,Jan 17 V IIIA /1E6-7 1824, Jan 17 to TRP: V IIIA /2C8-10 1827, Feb Feb23 VIIIA/2C810 1827, 23 to to Trustees Trustees ooff the the Philadelphia Philadelphia Museum: 1828, O ct 6 X IA (A d d .)/lC 7 -8 1828, Oct XIA (Add.)/1C7-8 toTRP: to TRP: V1IIA/2F1-2 1829, Jan 5 VIIIA/2F1 -2 1829,Jan VIIIA/2F3-6 1829, Jul 18 VIIIA /2F3-6 Jul 18 VIIIA/2F11 —13 VIIIA/2F1 1-13 1830,Jan 1830, Jan 8 W aterton: to Charles Waterton: V IIIA /3A 7-B 4 VIIIA/3A7-B4 1832, AApr23 1832, pr 23 toTRP: to TRP: Feb 11 11 V IIIA /3D 5-8 1834, Feb VIIIA/3D5-8 W aterton: to Charles Waterton: 1834, N o v 15 1834, Nov15 VIIIA/3F2-5 V IIIA /3F2-5 to TRP: VIIIA /3F12-14 1835, A Apr11 VIIIA/3F12-14 1835, p ril to Charles Waterton: W aterton: 1835, pr 15, 16, 17 17 1835, A Apr VIIIA/3G2-13 V IIIA /3G 2-13 to TRP: 1835,Jul 19 19 1835,Jul VIIIA/4A10-13 VIIIA /4A 10-13 to American Am erican Philosophical Society: Society: 1836, Oct VIIIA/4E8-9 O ct 11 V IIIA /4E 8-9 s/Report: 1837,J u n 16 16 1837, Jun VIIIA/5D4-5 V IIIA /5D 4-5 to ahlon Dickerson: to M Mahlon V IIIA /6E7-14 1838,JanS VIIIA/6E7-14 1838,Jan 5 Waterton: to Charles W aterton: XIA/12C10-13 1838, M ar 27 X IA /12C 10-13 1838, Mar27 s/Report: VIIIA/6F7-8 1838, A pr 30 V IIIA /6F7-8 1838, Apr30 1842, A pr 15 15 X IA /14G 3-15A 2 1842, Apr XIA/14G3-15A2 1842, N o v 99 VIIIA/8B5 1842, Nov to TRP: VIIIA/8C 11-13 1843,Jan 18 V IIIA /8C11-13 1843, Jan 18 V IIIA /8D 9-13 1843, M Mar VIIIA/8D9-13 1843, ar 16 16 Philosophical Society: Society: to American Philosophical X IA /15B 3-4 1843, Jun21 XIA/1 5B3-4 1843,Jun 21 to Charles W Waterton: to aterton: X IA /15B 7-10 1843, Aug Aug23 XIA/15B7-10 1843, 23 s/Report: VIIIA/8F14 1843, 11 1843, Sept Sept11 to TRP: 1844, V IIIA /9B9-12 1844, Dec 4 VIIIA/9B9-12 1845,Jan 18 V IIIA /9C 3-5 1845, Jan 18 VIIIA/9C3-5 1845, Feb 13 VIIIA/9C10-13 13 V1IIA/9C10-13 s/Report: VIIIA/9C14 1845, ar 7 1845, M Mar7 to TRP: 1845, May20 VIIIA/9D12El 1845, M ay 20 VIIIA /9D 12-E1
The Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers The Peale
to Charles Waterton: 1846, Feb 22, 22,23 1846, Feb 23 X IA /15C 6-9 XIA/15C6-9 1846, May24 1846, May 24 VIIIA/10A8-11 to TRP: 1846, Aug25 1846, Aug 25 VIIIA/10B7-9 VIIIA /10B7-9 1846, Dec77 1846, Dec VIIIA/10C13-D1 1847,Jul 6 1847,Ju16 VIIIA/10E8-9 V IIIA /10E8-9 1847,Ju199 1847,Jul VIIIA/10E12-13 1847, Jul14 1847,Jul 14 VIIIA/10E14-F1 VIIIA/10E14-F1 1847,Jul 16 16 VIIIA /10F6-8 VIIIA/10F6-8 1848, Apr AprS5 VIIIA/10G6-1O 1848, V IIIA /10G 6-10 1848, 1848, Sept 2 VIII A/11C l 1 —14 VIIIA/IICII-14 Waterton: to Charles Waterton 1848, Sept 23 1848, Sept23 V IIIA /11D 1-4 VIIIAIIIDI-4 1849, Apr Apr30 1849, 30 V IIIA /11D 10-13 VIIIA/IIDIO-13 to TRP: 1852, Jan27 1852,Jan 27 VIIIA /12E2-8 VIIIA/12E2-8 to Charles Waterton: 1852, ct 7, 8 VIIIA /13B3-8 1852, O Oct VIIIA/13B3-8 to TRP: 1852, Dec44 1852, Dec VIIIA/13B9—11 VIIIA/13B9-11 1854, Mar17 VIIIA/13C10-11 1854, Mar 17 VIIIA/13C10—11 to Charles Waterton: 1854, Dec 1854, Dec77 XIA/15F8-11 1863,Jan 18 18 VIIIA/14A7-10 V IIIA /14A 7-10 TRP to: 1843, VIIIA/8D6-8 1843, Mar 14 14 V IIIA /8D 6-8 1844, ov 26 1844, NNov26 VIIIA/9B3-7 V IIIA /9B3-7 V IIIA /9C 6-9 1845, Feb Feb11 VIIIA/9C6-9 1845, 11 1845, Apr Apr77 VIIIA/9D3-4 1845, V IIIA /9D 3-4 1845, May May19 VIIIAI9D9-11 1845, 19 V IIIA /9D 9-11 1845, Jul 33 VIIIA/9E5-10 1845,Jul V IIIA /9E5-10 VIIIA/10B5-6 1846, 1846, Aug Aug21 21 VIIIA /10B5-6 1846, Aug Aug27 1846, 27 VIIIA/IOBIO-13 VIIIA/10B10-13 1847, Jul 8 VIIIA/IOEIO-Il VIIIA/10E10—11 1847,Jul 15 15 1847,Jul VIIIA/10F2-3 1847, 1847,Jul Jul15 15 VIIIA/10F4-5 BFPto: BFP to: 1843,Jan 25 IXA/9C2-3 25 IX A /9C 2-3 m: IIA/60C5-7, IIA/60C5-7, 60 C 8 -1 1 , 6008-11, 60C13-D1, 6 0C 13-D 1, 660D4-6, 0 D 4 -6 , 60F6-7, 60F9-11, 60G5-7, 60 G 5 -7 , 62B5; 62B5; IIC IIC (p. IA /6D 5-8, 8A 2-5; (p. 412); 412);VVIA/6D5-8, 8A2-5; VIIA/3F13-G2; VIIIA VIIA/3F13-G2; VillA/I/1F9-G2, F9-G2, 1G 5-6, 33A7-B4, A 7 -B 4 , 33C5-6, C 5 -6 , 1G5-6, 3G2-13, 8B10-13, 3G 2-13, 8B 10-13, 88D2-5, D 2 -5 , 11B13-C1, 11B 13-C 1, 11105-7, 1 C 5 -7 , IIGIO-13, 11G10-13, 12Al2-B2, 12A 12-B2, 12D13-14; 12D 13-14; (Add.)/1D2-13; (A dd.)/1D 2-13; XIA/11C3-12A5, 15B13-05, X IA /11C 3-12A 5, 15B 13-C 5, 15C10-11; (Add.)/5 (pp. 35, 37 -4 0 , 56) 56) 37-40, O R N E , (Captain) (Captain) ORNE, m: VIIA/8E9-11; VIIA/8E9—11; IXA/2G10-12, IX A /2G 10-12, 44D5-10 D 5-10 O R N IT H O L O G IC A L Dictionary, by ORNITHOLOGICAL George Montagu M ontagu m: VIIJA/25B7-E2 VIIIA /25B7-E2 m: O S B O R N , Henry H enry F. F. Seejour. OSBORN, SeeJour. Wilkes Exped., Exped., Series Series VIIIC. O S B O R N , William William OSBORN, m: IIA/49F1-2, 49F3; 49F3; V1A/5B13-C4; VIA /5B13-C4; m: V IIA /6C 9-D 8; X1C/1A2-13 X IC /1A 2-13 V1IA/6C9-D8; O S G O O D , Samuel Samuel OSGOOD, m: V IA /6D 13-E2, 10B8-1O; 10B8-10; VIA/6D13-E2, X1A/15C14-D3 X IA /15C 14-D 3
OTIS, OTIS, Bass Bass s/Memorial. s/M em orial. .. . PAFA: 1828, Mar Mar 17 17 III/3F8-G12 iii/3F8-G12 m: 1IA/35C14-D1, IIA/35C14-D1, 61F5-8, 68E9-11; iii/4F2, III/4F2, 5Al2; 5A12; V11A/3A9-10;XIA XIA/11C3-12A5; VIIA/3A9-10; /11C3-12A 5; (Add.)/5 (p. 40) OTIS, O T IS, Eliza Eliza Henderson to ReP: VIA/13G8 1859, Dec 5 V1A/13G8 OTIS, O TIS, James m: ni: IIC I1C (p. 23) OURY, George to CWP: 1806,Jan Jan25 1806, 25 IIA/37E13-F2 11A/37E13-F2 CW P to: CWP 1806, Feb Feb12 1806, 12 IIA/37G12-13 11A/37G12-13 OWEN, O W E N , Robert Robert m: III/2E2;VVIIA/6C9-D8, 6D9-13; m: III/2E2; IIA /6C 9-D 8, 6D 9-13; V11IA/2A13-B2, IOBS-6, VIIIA/2A13-B2, 10B 5-6, 12Al2-B2; 12A12-B2; XIC/1A2-13 X IC /1A 2-13
T> 1
P PA CA CA,.John John m: IIA/70A6-9 11A/70A6-9 PACA, John, Jr. CW P to: CWP IIAf69D3 1823, ct 4 IIA/69D3 1823, OOct4 1827, Feb 19 IIA/73A12-13 1827, Feb19 11A/73Al2-13 1827, IIA/73A14-B1 1827, Feb19 Feb 19I1A/73A14-B1 rn. 11A169F9-10; 1XAIIIDIO-11 m: IIA/69F9— 10; IXA/11D10-11 PACE, William William CW P to: to: CWP Sept 77 IIA/13B3-4 1784, Sept 11A/13B3-4 1784, N ov 15 IIA/13D7-8 1784, Nov15 11A/13D7-8 1784, ov 15 15 IIA /13D 9-12 1IA/13D912 1784, N Nov m: 1IA/IEI-Il, IIA/1 El —11, IFI-4, 1F 1-4, 3E5-B3, 3E 5-B 3, 4B4-9, 13E1-5, 13E 1-5, 13F7, 13F7, 69B10-12, 69B10-12, 69C14, 69D 69D1-2, 69C14, 1-2, 69D3, 69D3, 69D4, 69D4, 69E1-2, 70A6-9, 70A6-9, 70F2, 70F2, 73Al2-13, 73A14-B1; 73A12-13, 73A14-B1;1IB/2 IIB/2 (pp. a, a, 1), 1), 88 (p. (p. 13), 13), 11 11 (p. (p. 45); 45); I1C IIC (p. 146a, 453); (p. 146a, 453); VIIIC/28A2-B1 VIIIC/28A2-B1 PAGE, Charles G. G. in: VIIIA/12C811, 12E11-13, 12E 1I-13, ,n: VHIA/12C8-11, 12F13-G 4, 112G5-13, 2 G 5 -13, 13A2-12, 13A 2-12, 12F13-G4, 13A 13-B1, 14C14-D1 14C 14-D 1 13A13-B1, PAGE, PAGE, James[?] James?] CW P to: to: CWP 1803, Jan 22 22 IIA/27B3 11A/27B3 1803,Jan 1IA/64E12-13 m: IIA /64E12-13 PAGE, James VII1A/8D14-E3, 10G12-13, m: VIIIA/8D14E3, 10G 12-13, IICS-7; 11C 5-7;XIA XIA(Add.)/6 (Add.)/6(p. (p.165) 165) PAGE, John Tucker: to St. G. Tucker:
2/2 212
The Peale The Peale Family F am ily Papers Papers
1794, Dec29 1794, Dec 29 IIA/19D8-11 11AI19E2- 10 1795, Jan 66 IIA/19E2-10 1795,Jan 11A148B11-12, m: IIA /48B 11-12, 62G10-13; 62G10-X 3;11B15 IIB/5 (p. 50); 50); 1JD129 IID/29 (p. (p. 36);
XIA/IBI-3, 17C55 X IA /1B 1-3,2C10-2E1, 2C 10-2E 1,17C PAGE, argaret (Mrs. (M rs. John) PAGE, M Margaret C W P to: to: CWP IIA/48B11-12 1809, IIA /48B 11-12 1809, Dec Dec44 PA PAGENSTECKER, G EN STECK ER, John Reed Reed RuP to: 1828, 1828, Nov 17 N o v 17XIC/1B8-G3 X IC /1B 8-G 3 m: IC /1B 8- G3 tn: X XIC/1B8-G3 PAINE, PAINE, TThomas hom as et eta!, at. to Robert R obert Morris: M orris: 11A18B4-8 1779, Jul Jul21 1779, 21 IIA /8B4-8 in Pennsylvania Pennsyh'ania Packet: Packet: 1779, Jul Jul24 24 IIA IIA/8C2-9 /8C 2-9 to Samuel Samuel H Huntington: untington: M ay 17 17 IIA IIA/9G4-5 /9G 4-5 1780, May to CWP: toCWP: IIA/28B11-—14 14 1803. 1803, Jul 29 IIA/28B11 Morris Robert M orris to: IIA/8A2- 14 1779, Jun26 1779, Jun 26 IIA/8A2-14 CW CWPto: P to: 1803, Feb16 1803, Feb 16 IIA/27C9-10 1803, 1803, Jul Jul27 27 IIA/28B10 IIA/28C2 1803, Jul 31 m: IIA /8B 9-C 1, 8D4, m: IIA/8B9-C1, 8D4, 9F10-13, 10F1-2, 1 0F 3,15A 4-7, 26F6-10, 26F6-10, IOFI-2, 10F3, 15A4-7, 28C1,48B13-14, 28C1, 4 8 B 1 3 -14,52B12-13; 5 2 B 1 2 -13;IIB/6 IIB/6 (p. 7); IID/29 IID/29 (p. 25);
XIAJ2C1O-E1, XIA/2C10- E l, 17C13 PA INTINGS, method m ethod of o f cleaning cleaning old PAINTINGS, m: IIB/12 I IB/12 (p. 32) PALFREY, orham PALFREY,John John GGorham ReP to: to: 1826 VIA/4F13 PALMER, (Dr.) ReP to: n.d., Mar VIA1I4A6-7 M ar I1 V IA /14A 6-7 VIIA/9E5m: V IIA /9E5-88 PALMER, James James Croxall Croxall PALMER, m: VIIIA/7F3-6, VIIIA/7F3-6, 77G4-6; m: G 4 -6 ; VIIIC/5AV IIIC/5A - 15D4 15D4 PALMER, William William Pitt to: ReP to: 1857, 1857, Aug8 Aug 8VIA/12C10-11 V IA /12C 10-11 PAPER, m method ethod of o f prepa preparing ring rn: (p. 92) m: 11B119 I IB/19 (p. PARIS, M Mint PARIS, int ooff m: tn: IX IXAI3F9-G1, A /3F9-G 1, 4A 4A10-13, 10-13, 4B13-C4, 4B 13-C 4, 44C7-8, C 7 -8 , 4D5-10, 4D 5 -1 0 , 12F8-9 PARIS, useum ooff Arts PARIS, M Museum Arts and and Trade Trade m: VIA VIA/2A2-5 m: /2A 2-5 PARIS, National National Institute Institute PARIS, m: rn: 11A127F8IIA /27F8-10, 10,27F11-14, 27F1 1-14, 446C7-10, 6 C 7 -10, 46C11 -1 2 , 46G7-12; 4 6 G 7 -12; 46C11-12, VIIIA/4A2 PARIS, PARIS, National National M Museum useum ooff N Natural atural History H istory m: IIA/19D1, IIAII9DI, 23C 23C10-13, m: 10-13, 23E14-F1, 23E 14-F1, 23F2-3, 24C1 1-12, 13, 23F2-3, 24C 1112, 26B92 6 B 9 -13, 26C7-8, 26 C 7 -8 , 26C9-10, 26 C 9 -1 0 , 26D13-E3, 26D 13-E 3, 27F8-10, 27F8-10, 27F11-14, 27F11-14, 229C6-8, 9 C 6 -8 , 33105, 1 C 5 ,333C1-6, 3 C 1 -6 , 333D1-5, 3 D 1 -5 , 33E3-7, 33E 3-7,
334D1-2, 4 D 1 -2 , 40G2-12, 4 0 G 2 -12, 41A10-11, 41A 1 0 - 11, 43A10-B2, 45F7-G12, 43A 10-B 2, 45F 7-G 12, 58B12-C7; 58B 12-C 7; (Add.)f3D6-8; (A dd.)/3D 6-8; VIIA VIIA (Add.)/1B13-C1, (A d d .)/1 B 1 3 -C l, 1105-8 C 5 -8 PARIS, Neapolitan M Museum PARIS, Neapolitan useum m: IIA/43A10-B2 PARISH, (Mr.) (Mr.) m:
PARK, Roswell s/Report: 1839, Nov IXBl10A51839, N o v 14 14 IX B /10A 5-8 1840, Sept 99 IXB/10D1214 IX B /1 0 D 1 2 -14 IXB/10F13G6 1842, Jun 99 IX B /10F13-G PARKE, James m: X XIAIIIC-12A5; m: IA /11C -12A 5; (Add.)16(p. (Add.)/6 (p. 97) 97) PARKE, hom as PARKE, (Dr.) (Dr.) TThomas m: IIA/24E12-F1, IIA/24E12-F1, 26F6-10; m: X C /1B 1-5 XC/IBI-5 PARKER, Charles PARKER, C ourt judgm ent against: against: Court judgment IVA/1B9-1O 1769,Jun 1769, Jun 13 13 IVA/1B9-10 Isaac B.[?] PARKER, Isaac m: V IIIA /8D 2-5, 88F7-9, F 7 -9 , 8F11-13; rn: VIIIA/8D2-5, X IA /14A 7-F7, 14F914F9-11, XIA/14A7-F7, 11, 14G3-15A2, 14G 3-15A 2, 15A4-11, 15A 4-11, 15Al2-B2, 15A 12-B 2, 15B5-6; 15B 5-6; (Add.)/7 (Add.)/7 (pp. 196-97, 17, 196-97, 200-201, 200-201, 216216-17, 219-21,223-26,233-35,241-45, 219-21, 2 2 3 -2 6 , 2 3 3 -3 5 ,2 4 1 -4 5 , 52, 225665, 224747-52, 5 6 -557, 7 , 2632 63-65, 81) 272-74), 88 (pp. (pp. 280280-81) PARKER, (Dr.) Peter m: VIIIA/14C9-13, 15C4,15D10-11 15Db-h m: VIIIA /14C9- 13, 15C4, PARKINSON, PA R K IN SO N , James CWP CW P to: 1800, Dec30 IIA/23F13-14 1800, Dec 30 ,n: 14,223G2-3, m: 11A119C9IIA /19C 9-14, 3 G 2 -3 , 35G73 5 G 7 -12; 12; VIIA/1C2-5, V IIA /1C 2-5, 11D3-6, D 3 -6 , 1D12-14 1D 12-14 PA R K IN S O N ’S M useum , London London PARKINSON'S Museum, m: IIA/23F13-14 IIA /23F13-14 PARKS, (Colonel)
m: IIB/2 (p. (p. 44), 44), 33 (pp. (pp. 45,47-48) 45, 47-48) m : IIB/2 PARKS, Chenyca! Chemycal Essays Essays 1) m: IIB/24 (p. 1) PARMA, Prince ooff PARM A, Prince CWP CW P to: to: 1799, Feb 25 IIA/22C9-11 1799, Feb25 Philadelphia M Museum useum to: to: XIA n.d. X IA (Add.)/1D5-8 (A d d .)/lD 5 -8 m: IIA IIA/20D4-5, 21B1, 21B 21B2-5, m: /20D 4-5, 21B1, 2-5, 225A8-9; 5 A 8 -9; IIB/19 IIB/19 (p. 9); 9); IIC (p. 266) 266) PARRISH, Ellen Ellen m: XC/3C5-8, m: X C /3 C 5 -8 , 33C9C 9 -12, 12, 33C13-D2, C 1 3 -D 2 , 3D3-6, 3 D 3 -6 , 3G1-4, 3 G 1 -4 , 4A2-5, 4 A 2 -5 , 4D9-12, 4 D 9 -1 2 , 4D13-E4, 4 D 1 3 -E 4 , 4F2-5, 4 F 2 -5 , 6A14-B3, 6A 14-B 3, 8B6-9, 8B 6- 9, 88C4-7, C 4 -7 , 8C8-11, 8 C 8 - 11, 8F3-6, 8F 3- 6, 99A6-9 A 6 -9 PARRISH, Joseph m: VIIA/1F810, 1G3; X XC/1E810, m: V IIA /1F 8-10, C /1E 8-10, 1G2-5, 1G 2-5, 1G6-7 1 G 6-7 PARRISH, Robert R obert A. A. m: V V12A4-5; VIIIAI3E7-8; m: /2A 4-5; V IIIA /3E 7-8; X C /1G 6-7; XIAII4A7-F7; X IA /14A 7-F7; XIA XIA XCIIG6-7; (Add.)/7 (pp. (pp. 121-22, (Add.)/7 121-22, 126, 126, 134, 134, 136, 146, 136, 138, 138, 140, 140, 142-44, 142-44, 146, 150-51, 15354, 156, 153-54, 156, 158, 158, 160-61, 164, 168-69, 171-72, 164, 168-69,
The Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers The Peale
179, 196-98,201,216-17, 179, 19698, 201, 216-17, 21923, 226, 242, 219-23,226, 242, 245) 245) PARSONS, Thomas CWP CW P to: 1826, Jul Jul26 11A172D6 26 IIA/72D6 PATENT Examiners to T.C. TC. Theaker: to Theaker: 1867, Dec Dec66 1867, V IIIA (A dd.)/lC l 1-D 1 VIIIA(Add.)/ICII-D1 PATTERSON, (Miss) (Miss) tn: in: IIB/11 (pp. 52, 52,62) fiB/li (pp. 62) PATTERSON, Amy Hunter Ewing PATTERSON, Am yH unter Ewing (Mrs. Robert) Robert) Robert M M.. Patterson to Robert Patterson and: and: 1809 VIA d d .)/lA 8 -ll 1809 VIA (A (Add.)/1A8-11 1810, 1810, MMar30 ar 30 VIA VIA (Add.)/1B2-5 (A d d .)/lB 2 -5 PATTERSON, Burd em etery Certification: Presbyterian C Cemetery 1859, 1859, May27 May 27 V IIA /11A 6-7 VIIA/11A6-7 EPP to: to: 1831,Ju13, VIIA/7G3-1O 1831, Jul 3, 5, V IIA /7G 3-10 tn: IIA/67E6-8, 72B 72B2-3; in: 2-3; VIA/6D9-12, 15D8-E1; VIA /6D 9-12, 15D 8-E 1; VIIA/3D1-5, V IIA /3D 1-5, 6F106F10-13, 13, 6F14, 6F14, 7D 11-E 6, 99G6-9, G 6 -9 , 10A7-8, 10A 7-8, 7D11-E6, 10B2-4, 10B 5-8, 10C14-D3, 10C 14-D 3, 10B2-4, 10B5-8, 110D9-11, 0 D 9 -11, 10G 1-7, 10G8-12, 10G 8-12, 1OGI-7, 11B2-5, IIE1-2, 11B 2-5, 11E 1-2, 11G7-1O, 11G 7-10, 12C 4-5; X C /2 B 1 -4 , 5B 8- 11, 12C4-5; XC/2B1-4, 5B8Ii, 12;XXIC/1B8-G3 88A9A 9 -12; IC /1B 8-G 3 rs. Burd PATTERSON, M Mrs. m: VIIA/10B5-8, 10B9-12; m: VIIA /10B5-8, 10B 9-12; XC/8E13F2 X C /8E13-F2 PATTERSON, Charlotte PATTERSON, m: IIA/62E4, IIA /4D 13-F1, m: IIA/62E4, 72A13; 72A13;VVIIA/4D13-F1, I11C 1C25 2-5 PATTERSON, E. M Matilda PA TTERSON, E. atilda Robert M M.. Patterson to: to: 1810,Aug Aug26 1810, 26 VIA (A dd.)/1B 12-13 VIA (Add.)/lBl213 1810,NNov17 1810, ov 17 VIA (A d d .)/lC 1 4 -D 4 VIA (Add.)/1C14-D4 PA TTERSON, Edward Edw ard PATTERSON, m: V VIIA/9F8-11, IIA /9F8-11, 11F8-11, 11E14-F1, 11F2-7, 12A11-14 12A11-14 11E14-F1, PATTERSON, PA TTERSON, Eliza Eliza Burd m: IIA /63C1-7, 663G3-9, 3 G 3 -9 , 668D7-8 8 D 7 -8 m: IIA/63C1-7, PATTERSON, Elizabeth Elizabeth DePeyster DePeyster Peale Peale (Mrs. William William Augustus) to TRP: 1819, 14 V IIIA /1C1-4 1819, Jul Jul14 VIIIA/ICI-4 VIIIA/1C6-8 1820, M Mar29 1820, ar 29 V IIIA /1C6-8 1827, Jan 7 VIIIA/2C4-7 1827,Jan VIIIA /2C4-7 to George George Escol Escol Sellers: Sellers: 1835, Dec 9 XIA/12B12 1835, CW P to: to: CWP IIA /52D 13-14 JIA/52D13-14 1813, Sept Sept20 1813, 20 1814, Oct30 IIA/54A10-12 IIA/54A10- 12 1814, O ct 30 1816, Mar17 IIA/57Al2 IIA/57A12 1816, M ar 17 1820, Dec11 IIA/65B3-C6 IIA /65B3-C6 1820, Dec 11 IIA /71G 3-4 1826, Feb88 IIA/71G3-4 1826, Feb CWP CW P to William William Patterson and: 1826, Sept Sept 19 19 IIA/72E2-3 BFP to: IXA/22B14 n.d.
SyMP to: 1824, Oct6 1824, O ct 6 X A /1 D 8 -11 XA/1D8-11 tn: IIA/32E3,35A 35A2-6, 13, m: IIA/32E3, 2-6, 35C123 5 C 1 2 -13,
35Db-h, 3 5 D 1 0 -11,35D12-E2, 35D 12-E 2,35F2-5, 35F2-5, 35F6-9, 35F6-9, 337Db-h, 7 D 1 0 -11,47D4-7, 47 D 4 -7 , 49E1-4, 13, 57A14, 49E 1-4, 52E752E 7-13, 57A14, 60B12-14, 5-7, 60B12-14, 60F6-7, 60F6-7, 60G 60G5-7, 63F910,664B1-2, 64B5-6, 6 3 F 9 -10, 4 B 1 -2 , 64 B 5 -6 , 66B11, 66B11, 66C13, 66C13, 67C 67C6-10, 6-10, 68A5, 68A5, 68D5; IIC (pp. 366, 366, 411); 411); 68D5; III/4F9-12, G 5 -8 , 5A 2-11; III/4F9-12,44G5-8, 5A2-11; VIA/2F1012-G 2, 7A 7-9, VIA/2F10-12, 12,6F 6F12-G2, 7A7-9, 15E613; VIIA/1 VIIA/1A91 5 E 6 -13; A 9 -10, 10, 2C12-13, 2C 12-13, 2F13-14, 2F13-14, 3A11-13, 3A 11-13,
3B2-5, 3B 2 -5 , 3D1-5, 3 D 1 -5 , 7B13-C1, 7B 1 3 -C 1 , 12B1-4; (Add.)/1A9(A dd.)/1A 9- 12; 12; VIIB/18A2-B12; VIIIA/1F5-8, 2B4-7, 2B 4 -7 , 17E9-10; 17E9-10; IXA/2B4, IXA/2B4, 6 C 1 -4 , 6C96 C 9 -12, 12, 6E96 E 9 -12, 12, 6C1-4, 12G1-4; X C /2 B 1 -4 , 5B8-11; 5B8-11; 12G1-4; XC/2B1-4, (Add.)/6 (p. (p. 165) 165) XIA (Add.)/6 PATTERSON, Frederick m: VIIA /11B2-5, 11F2-7, 4-5 tn: VIIA/11B2-5, 11F2-7, 12C 12C4-5 PATTERSON, PATTERSON, Mrs. Frederick B12 m: VIIB/18A2VIIB/18A2- B12 PA TTERSON, George PATTERSON, CW P to: to: CWP 1823, M Mar20 1823, ar 20 IIA/68D5 1824, May May29 1824, 29 IIA/70E13 RuP to: 1823, Jul 29 VIIA/4D13- Fl FI 1823, Jul29 m: IIA/67A4-5, 12-13, 67B 7-9, m: IIA/67A4-5,67A 67Al2-13, 67B7-9, 68A5, 68A5, 668C4-6, 8 C 4 -6 , 68C1168C 11-13, 13, 68D 7- 8, 69E8-10, 6 9 E 8 -10, 70E7-9, 70E 7- 9, 68D7-8, 772B2-3, 2B 2-3, 72B4, 72B4, 72B5, 72B5, 72B6; 72B6; III/4B4- 11; 11; VIA/15D8VIA/15D8-E1; E l; V IIA /3C4-6, 5E 14-F5, 5G8-9, 5G 8-9, VIIA/3C4-6, 5E14-F5, 7D 11-E 6, 99G6-9, G 6 -9 , !0E13-F2, 10E13-F2, 7D11-E6, 11 El —2, 11E10-13; X IB /2C 5-7; 11E1-2, 11E1O-13; XIB/2C5-7; X IC /1B 8-G 3 XIC/1B8-G3 PATTERSON, Mrs. M rs. George m: VIA/15D8-E1 tn: V!A/15D8-E1 PATTERSON, J. V. V. PATTERSON,J. to Caroline E. G. Peale: Peale: 1873, Apr Apr 16 16 IX A /20F8-9 IXA/20F8-9 1874, A pr 29 IX A /21D 8-10 IXA/2W8-1O 1874, Apr29 PATTERSON, James m: VIIA/10F11 —14, 11G 7-10, m: VIIA/1OF1I-14, 11G7-10, 11G11-13, 12A5-7, 11G11- 13, 12A 5-7, 12B1-4, B12; 12C4-5; VIIB/18A2VIIB/18A2-B12; VIIIA/17D5- 13; 13; XC/5B8X C /5B8-11 VIIIA/17D511 PA TTERSON , John PATTERSON, VIIA/9F8-11, 10D9-11 m: VIIA/9F811, 10D 9-11 tn: PATTERSON, Joseph in: VIIA/11C6-7, V IIA /11C6-7, 11F8-11, 12B1-4, 12B 1-4, 12B5-10, 12C 12C4-5; 12B5-10, 4-5; VIIB/18A2- B12; XC/5B8X C /5 B 8 11 -11 VIIB/18A2-B12; PA TTERSON , Lydia Lydia PATTERSON, m: m: VIIB/18A2-B12 VIIB/18A2-B12 PA TTERSON , Mary M ary PATTERSON, Eliza Peale to: n.d., May May VIIA /6F10-13 VIIA/6F10-13 nd., m: IIA /67B1-3, 6 8 G 1 -3 , 6 868Gb-h, G 1 0 -11, tn: IIA/67B1-3,68G1-3, 668G12-13, 8 G 1 2 -13, 669E8-10, 9 E 8 -10, 69F5-8, 72A13, 772B2-3, 72A13, 2 B 2 -3 , 72B4, 72B4, 72B5; 72B5; V IIA /3D 1-5, 44B2-3, B 2 -3 , 4D13-F1, 4D 13-F 1, VIIA/3D1-5, ?fl
The Peale The Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers
7D11-E6, 7G3-10, 7G 3-10, 10C14-D3, 10C14-D3, 10D4-7, 10G8-12, 11A6-7; VIIIA/1C6-8; VIIIA/1C6-8; X XC/3B1-2, C/3B1-2, 8A6-8 5B8-11, 8A 6-8 (1743-1824) PATTERSON, Robert (1743-1824) s/R ep o rt: s/Report: 1797,Ju121 IIA/21F10-11 1797,Jul 21 IIA/21F10—11 to John Vaughan: IIA /22C7-8 1799, Feb 18 IIA/22C7-8 18 IIA /22E 9-10 1799, Aug Aug13 IIA/22E9-10 1799, 13 IIA /22E 12-14 IIA/22E1214 1799, Aug21 1799, Aug 21 IIA /22G 9-10 IIA/22G910 1799, Dec Dec28 1799, 28 1800, M Mar3 IIA/23B1-2 1800, ar 3 IIA /23C8-9 1800,Ju188 IIA/23C8-9 1800,Jul to CWP: toCWP: I1A/24E12-F1 1801,Jul 24 1801,Ju124 s/Report: IIA/28A5-6 1803,Jul 15 15 IIA/30C11-12 1804, AApr20 1804, pr 20 IIA /30C 11-12 1804, 17 1804, Aug 17 IIA/31E6-7 IIA/51A12-B1 1812, 1812, Feb 7 IIA/51Al2-B1 s/Resolution: IIA /66G 4-5 IIA/66G4-5 1822, May3 1822, M ay 3 CW P to: CWP 1791, O ct 77 1791, Oct IIA/16F4 IIA/24E5 1801,Jul 1801, Jul 24 24 IIA /24E6-8 1801,Jul IIA/24E6-8 1801, Jul 24 16 IIA/42D9 1808, Feb 16 1821, M ar 5 1821,Mar5 IIA/65F11 ReP to: 19 V IA /1C 4-5 1802, Feb 19 VIA/1C4-5 Robert M.. Patterson Patterson to Amy R obert M Amy Patterson and: VIA(Add.)/1A8-11 1809 V lA (A d d .)/lA 8 -ll 1810, M Mar30 VIA(Add.)/1B2-5 1810, ar 30 V IA (A dd.)/lB 2-5 Robert M. M . Patterson to: to: 1810, A pr 11 11 V IA (A dd.)/lB 6-7 Apr VIA(Add.)/1B6-7 1810,Ju16 VIA(Add.)/1B8-11 1810, Ju l6 V IA (A d d .)/lB 8 -ll 1810, Aug Aug26 1810, 26 VA(Add.)/1B14-C1 V IA (A d d .)/lB 1 4 -C l 1810, Sept 20 V IA (A d d .)/lC 2 -8 1810,Sept2O VIA(Add.)/1C2-8 1810,Sept Sept25 1810, 25 VIA(Add.)/1C9-10 V IA (A d d .)/lC 9 -1 0 1810, 1810, NNov22 ov 22 VIA(Add.)/1D4-7 V IA (A d d .)/lD 4 -7 1811,Jan29 29 V VIA(Add.)/1D12-E1 1811,Jan IA (A d d .)/lD 1 2 -E l 1811, Apr Apr44 1811, V IA (A d d .)/lE 2 -5 VIA(Add.)/1E2-5 m: IIA/11G2-3, 14C13-14, m: 1IA/11G2-3, 14C 13-14, 20G12, 20G12, 22 D 5 -6 , 228D8-9, 8 D 8 -9 , 47F1-7, 47F 1-7, 22D5-6, 49D3-1O, 57F9-14, 57G 57G1-10, 49D 3-10, 57F9-14, 1-10, 64E12-13, 65F14, 65F14, 65 65G4-6, 64E12-13, G 4 -6 , 66B5-7, 66B 5-7, 69F13-G3; 69F13-G 3; VIIA/3E10-12; X XIA/1B1-3, VIIA/3E10-12; IA /1B 1-3, 5E12-G4, 7A6-B11, 5E 12-G 4, 7A 6 -B 1 1 , 77C1-14, C 1 -1 4 , 17C11 R obert Maskell Maskell PATTERSON, Robert to Mr. Mr. and and M Mrs. Robert to rs. R obert Patterson: 1809 VIA(Add.)/1A8-11 V IA (A d d .)/lA 8 -ll 1810, Mar30 1810, M ar 30 VIA(Add.)/1B2-5 V IA (A dd.)/lB 2-5 to Robert Patterson: 1810, Apr11 1810, Apr 11 V IA (A dd.)/lB 6-7 VIA(Add.)/1B6-7 1810, Jul26 1810, Jul 26 V IA (A d d .)/lB 8 -ll VIA(Add.)/1B8-11 toE. to E. Matilda Matilda Patterson: Patterson: 1810, Aug26 1810, Aug 26 VIA(Add.)/1B12-13 V IA (A dd.)/lB 12-13 to R Robert Patterson: to obert Patterson: 1810, Aug26 1810, Aug 26 VIA(Add.)/1B14-C1 V IA (A d d .)/lB 1 4 -C l
VIA(Add.)/1C2-8 1810, Sept Sept20 1810, 20 V IA (A d d .)/lC 2 -8 1810, Sept25 VIA(Add.)/1C9-1O 1810, Sept 25 V IA (A d d .)/lC 9 -1 0 to atilda PPatterson: atterson: to E. E. M Matilda 1810, N Nov 1810, o v 17 17 VIA(Add.)/1C14-D3 V IA (A d d .)/lC 1 4 -D 3 to Robert R obert Patterson: 1810,NNov22 1810, o v 22 VIA(Add.)/1D4-7 V IA (A d d .)/lD 4 -7 1811,Jan 29 VIA(Add.)/1D12-E1 1811, Jan 29 V IA (A d d .)/lD 1 2 -E l VIA(Add.)/1E2-5 1811, Apr4 1811, A pr 4 V IA (A d d .)/lE 2 -5 recommendation Letter ooff recom m endation for for CLP: CLP: XD/1F11-12 X D /1F 11-12 1825, 1825, Sept 3 to D. D . B. B. Warden: Warden: 1833, A pr 13 13 IX A /2G 3-4 1833, Apr IXA/2G3-4 to BFP: toBFP: IX A /4F6-7 1835, Apr26 IXA/4F6-7 1835, A pr 26 to TRP: toTRP: Aug 11 VIIIA /4A 14-B1 VIIIA/4A14-B1 1835, Aug toBFP: to BFP: 1835, 27 IX A /5A 6-7 1835, Aug Aug27 IXAI5A6-7 IXA/5A10-12 1835, Nov 1835, N o v 55 IX A /5A 10-12 1835, N o v 27 IX A /5B10-13 1835, Nov27 IXA/5B10-13 1835, Nov27 IXAI5C1-4 1835, N o v 27 IX A /5C 1-4 IX A /5C 12-D 1 1835, Dec30 IXA/5C12-D1 1835, Dec 30 to Thomas T hom as Ewing: Ewing: IX A /5D 6-7 1836, Jan 6 1836,Jan IXA/5D6-7 to Levi Levi W Woodbury: to oodbury: 1836, Jan11 1836,Jan 11 IX A /5D 8-9 IXA/5D8-9 to Percival Percival N N.. Johnson: 1836,Jan 21 1836, Jan21 IXAI5E2-3 IX A /5E 2-3 to ReP: 1836, Jan 28 VIA/8E7-9 1836,Jan V IA /8E 7-9 toTRP: to TRP: 1836, 16 1836, Sept 16 VIIIA/4D9-11 VIIIA /4D 9-11 to Charles and George G eorge Escol Escol Sellers: Sellers: 1836, O ct 6 IXA/6A9-10 1836, Oct6 IX A /6A 9-10 to Adam A dam Eckfeldt and and BFP: BFP: IXA/6A11-14 1836, Oct14 1836, O ct 14 IX A /6A 11-14 s/Report: 1837, ar 9 1837, M Mar9 IXB/9B11-14 IX B /9B 11-14 1837, May IXB/9D9-12 M ay 11 11 IX B /9D 9-12 to BFP: toBFP: IXAI6D4-5 1837, M May 1837, ay 16 16 IX A /6D 4-5 to TRP: 1837, Aug Aug26 VIIIA/5G1-4 1837, 26 V IIIA /5G 1-4 VIIIA/6Al2-14 1837, Sept Sept12 1837, 12 V IIIA /6A 12-14 to BFP: 1837, OOct24 IXA/6F9-11 1837, ct 24 IX A /6 F 9 -11 1837, Nov IXA/7A1012 1837, N o v 15 15 IX A /7 A 1 0 -12 IXA/7C710 1838, 1838, Feb Feb26 26 IX A /7 C 7 -10 IXA/7C11-12 IX A /7C 11-12 1838, M Mar15 1838, ar 15 IXA/7C1314 1838, M Mar15 1838, ar 15 IX A /7 C 1 3 -14 s/Report: V IIIA /6F7-8 VIIIA/6F7-8 1838, AApr30 1838, pr 30 toTRP: to TRP: VIIIA/6G7 1838,Jul 1838, Jul31 31 bury: to Levi Wood W oodbury: 1838, IX A /7D 3-4 1838, Dec 12 IXA/7D3-4 to Martin M artin Van Van Buren: IXA/7D14-E3 1839, 1839, M Mar11 ar 11 IX A /7D 14-E 3 to Levi W oodbury: Woodbury: IX A /7E 6-7 1839, Mar12 IXA/7E6-7 1839, M ar 12 1839, Mar IXA/7E813 M ar 16 16 IX A /7E 8-13 C rocker B ros. Co.: C o.: to Crocker Bros. IX A /7F2-3 1839, AApr23 IXA/7F2-3 1839, pr 23 A ppointm ent ofjacob o fja c o b Eckfeldt: Eckfeldt: Appointment IXA/7F7-8 M ay 22 IX A /7F7-8 1839, May
215 215
The Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers The Peale
to N . P. Ames: toN.P.Ames: 1839, May 10 1839, May10 s/Report:
IX A /7F9-10 IXAI7F9-10
Aug 11 IX B /9G 6-8 1839, Aug IXB/9G6-8 Aug 11 1839, Aug IXB/9G9-12 IX B /9 G 9 -12 to Levi Woodbury: 1839, Aug31 IX A /7G 1-3 IXA/7G1-3 1839, Aug 31 to Messrs. De Rham and Morre: M orre: 1839, Aug31 1839, Aug 31 IX A /7G 4-6 IXA/7G4-6 to Crocker Bros. Co.: Co 1839, O ct 21 1839, Oct21 IXA/7G1011 IXA /7G 10-11 toLeviWoodbury: to Levi Woodbury: 1840,Jan IXA/8A8-11 1840, Jan 15 15 IX A /8 A 8 -11 to James N . Barker: Barker: toJamesN. 1XA/8B11-12 1840, Feb28 IXA/8B11-12 1840, Feb 28 1840, Mar Mar44 1840, IXA/8B13-14 IX A /8 B 1 3 -14 s/Report: 1840, ar 12 12 1840, M Mar IXB/10B710 IX B /1 0 B 7 -10 1840, 1840, Aug Aug 13 IXB/10D3-11 IX B/10D 3-11 1840, Sept 9 IXB/1OE1-5 1840, IX B /10E 1-5 1840, O Oct 1840, ct 11 IX B /10E6-F2 IXB/10E6-F2 toCrockerBros. to Crocker Bros. Co.: Co. IX A /8F11-12 1840,NNov20 IXA/8F1 1-12 1840, ov 20 s/Report: 1841, M ar 11 IXBI1OF7-12 1841, Mar11 IX B /10F 7-12 to Crocker Bros. Co.: Co, 1841, Apr22 1841, Apr IX A /9A 2-3 IXA/9A2-3 Notice of o f Real Estate Auction: 1841, Aug XIA/14F9-11 1841, AugS5 s/Report: 1841, Aug 9 X IA /14F13-G 2 XIA/14F13-G2 to ReP: V IA /9F 8-10 1841 VIA/9F8-10 s/Report: 1842, Apr XIAII4G31842, A pr 15 15 X IA /14G 3- 15A2 1842,Jun 1842,Jun99 IXB/10F13-G6 IX B/10F13-G 6 1842, Aug11 IXB/10G7-13 1842, Aug 11 IX B /1 0 G 7 -13 to Horatio Horatio Greenough: Greenough: to 1842, ov 25 1842,NNov25 IXA (Add.)/1A11-13 (A dd.)/1A 11-13 IXA s/Report: 1843,Jan 12 12 IX B /11A 2-B 3 IXB/11A2-B3 f U .S.: to Treasurer Treasurer oofU.S.: IXA/9C410 1843, IX A /9 C 4 -10 1843, Feb 8 to George N Newbold: ew bold: 1843,Mar22 IXA/9C11-12 1843, M ar 22 IX A /9 C 1 1 -12 tojam es M. Porter: toJames 1843,Ju131 IXA/9C13-14 1843,Jul 31 IX A /9C 13-14 to George W. Greene: 1843, Sept 25 IX A /9 D 9 -10 1843, Sept25 IXA/9D910 1843, ct 9 1843, O Oct IXA/9E1-3 IX A /9E 1-3 to Crocker Crocker Bros. Bros. C Co.: to o. 1844, Feb Feb23 IXA/9E7-8 1844, 23 1XA/9E7-8 to W. Webster: Webster: toJ.j. W. 1844, O ct 10 1844, Oct10 IXA/9F4-6 IX A /9F4-6 to TRP: toTRP: 1845, ar 26 V IIIA /9D 1-2 VIIIA/9D1-2 1845, M Mar26 s/Report: IXB/11D7-14 1845, 11 IX B /1 1 D 7 -14 1845, Dec Dec11 W. Medill: to W. IX A /10A 2-3 IXA/10A2-3 1846,Jun 15 15 1846, Jul 7 1846,Jul IXA/10A4-5 IX A /10A 4-5 IX A /10A 6-8 1846,Jul 1846, Jul 18 18 IXA/10A6-8 toTRP: to TRP: VIIIA/7A7-13 V IIIA /7A 7-13 1846, Aug12 1846, Aug 12 s/Report:
1846, O ct 1846,Oct to R. J.Walker: Walker: toR.J.
IX B/11F2-7 IXB/11F2-7
1846, ov 16 1846, N Nov IX A /10A 11-12 IXA/lOAli12 to W. L. Marcy: toW. 1847,OOct4 1847, ct 4 IXA/10B2-3 IX A /10B 2-3 1848, 1848,M Mar22 ar 22 IX IXAJ1OB9A /10B 9-11 11 1848, Apr 1848, Apr77 IXAJ1OBI2-13 IX A /10B 12-13 1848, May M ay 22 IX A /10C 1-22 IXA/1OC1to C. C. Wright: Wright: 1849, Ian Jan22 1849, 22 IX A /10D 1-2 IXAI1OD1-2 to George W. Crawford: W. Craw ford: 1849,Ju15 IXA/10D12-13 1849, Jul 5 IX A /10D 12-13 1849,JuI IXA/IOE1-3 1849, Jul 12 12 IX A /10E1-3 1849, Jul 26 1849,Ju126 IXA/10E4-5 IX A /10E4-5 toC. to C. C. C. Wright: Wright: 1849,Ju126 1849, Jul 26 IX A /10E6-7 IXA/10E6-7 to George W. W. CCrawford: raw ford: 1849, Aug 25 1849, Aug25 IX A /10E 12-13 IXA/10E1213 to jo h n W. Clayton: toJohnW.Clayton: 1849, Aug 29 1849, Aug29 IXA/1OFI-3 IXA /10F1-3 rlando Brown: to O Orlando 1849, Nov26 IXA/10G4-5 1849, N ov 26 IX A /10G 4-5 to Thomas Corwin: C orw in: 1850, IXAI1IF5-8 IX A /11F5-8 1850, NNov28 o v 28 toJamesGuthrie: tojam es Guthrie: 1853, May28 IXA/13D7El 1853, May 28 IXA /13D 7-E1 to Mr. Ham Hamilton: ilton: n.d. IXA/22C810 IX A /22C 8-10 to BFP: toBFP: n.d. IX A /22C11-12 IXA/22C11-12 for the Philadelphia useum Philadelphia M Museum Company: Com pany: X D /4F11-12 n.d. XD/4F11-12 Lecture atural H istory: Lecture on on NNatural History: n.d. XIAI7G6-8 X IA /7G 6-8 toBFP: to BFP: n.d. IXA(Add.)/1B3-4 IX A (A dd.)/lB 3-4 ReP to: to: VIA/2C4-6 1810, Oct8 1810, O ct 8 V IA /2C 4-6 1836, VIA/8F3-8 1836, Mar Mar22 1810, Sept Sept27 1810, 27 VIA(Add.)/ICII-13 V lA (A d d .)/lC ll-1 3 1811,Jan 10 VIA 1811, Jan 10 VIA (Add.)/1D8-11 (A dd.)/1D 8-11 A.M.FJ. A.M.F.J. Palisot Palisot de de Beauvois Beauvois to: to: 1811, Aug6 VIA (A (Add.)/1E6-7 1811, A ug6 VIA dd.)/lE 6-7 RuPto: RuP to: V IIA /8G 8-13 1835, Oct VIIA/8G813 1835, O ct 2 BFPto: BFP to: IXA/2C4-5 IX A /2C 4-5 Sept 4 1829, Sept IXA/5C5-6 1835, IX A /5C 5-6 1835, NNov30 o v 30 IX A /5C 7-8 IXA/5C7-8 1835, Dec21 1835, Dec 21 D D.. Acosta to: IXA/5E4-6 IX A /5E 4-6 1836,Jan24 1836,Jan 24 BFP to: IXA/5E11-14 IX A /5E 11-14 1836, Feb Feb28 1836, 28 IX A /5F4-7 1836, M Mar8 IXA/5F4-7 1836, ar 8 IXA/5F12-G1 1836, M May27 1836, ay 27 IXAJ6BI-2 1836, Dec Dec88 1836, IX A /6B 1-2 IXA/6B3-6 1836, 16 IX A /6B 3-6 1836, Dec Dec16 William uBois to: William E. E. D DuBois 1836, Dec 22 IX A /6 B 7 -10 1836, Dec22 IXA/6B7-1O BFP to: IXA/6B11-13 1836, Dec Dec24 IX A /6B 11-13 1836, 24 IX A /6C 1-4 1836, Dec Dec27 IXAI6C1-4 1836, 27 IX A /6C 5-8 IXA/6C5-8 1837,Jan 11 IX A /6 C 9 -12 IXA/6C9-12 1837,Jan 1837,Jan44
The The Peale Peale Family F am ily Papers Papers
Vail to: A. Vail IX A /6D 1-3 IXA/6D1-3 1837, pr 24 1837, AApr24 BFP to: IX A /6D 6-9 1837, Sept 25 1837, Sept25 IXA/6D6-9 IX A /6D 10-E4 1837, Sept27 IXA/6D10-E4 1837, Sept 27 1837, O ct 4 IX A /6E 5-8 1837, Oct4 IXA/6E5-8 IXA/6E9-12 IX A /6 E 9 -12 1837, O ct 11 1837, Oct11 IX A /6F1-4 1837. Oct IXA/6F1-4 1837, O ct 17 17 IX A /6F5-8 1837, Oct23 IXA/6F5-8 1837, O ct 23 1837, O ct 28 IXA/6F12-13 1837, Oct28 IX A /6G 1-4 1837, o v1i 1837, N Nov IXA/6G1-4 1837, ov 4 IX A /6G 5-8 1837, NNov4 IXA/6G5-8 1837, NNovS 1837, ov 8 IXA/6G9-11 IXA/6G9-11 IX A /7A 2-5 1837, N Nov IXA/7A2-5 1837, o v 10 10 IX A /7A 6-9 IXA/7A6-9 1837, o v 15 15 1837, N Nov IX A /7A 13-B 2 IXA/7A13-B2 1837, o v 17 1837,NNov17 1837,NNov25 1837, o v 25 IX A /7B 3-6 IXA/7B3-6 IX A /7B 7- 10 10 1837, Dec 11 IXA/7B71837, 11 1837, Dec 15 IX A /7B11- 13 1837,DeclS IXA/7B11-13 IX A /7C 1-6 1837, Dec Dec23 IXA/7C1-6 1837, 23 “Certain Workmen W orkm en of o f the Mint" M int" to: to: "Certain IX A /7 D 1 1 -12 IXA/7D11-12 1839,Jan 15 15 1839,Jan Crocker Bros. Bros, to: to: IX A /7F5-6 1839, Apr25 IXA/7F5-6 1839, A pr 25 BFP to: 1839, May 16 1839, May16 IXA/7F11-12 1XA/7F11-12 1839, May 31 1839, May31 IXA/7F13-14 IX A /7F 13-14 Charles Cocke to: 15 IX A /7G 7-9 1839, Sept 15 IXA/7G7-9 Petty Vaughan to: 1841, 1841, NNov18 o v 18 IX A /9A 7-8 IXA/9A7-8 Richard S. S. M McCuIloh Richard cC ulloh to: 1843, Aug23 1843, Aug 23 IX A /9D 1-8 IXA/9D1-8 to: George W. Greene to: 1843, ct 7 IX A /9D 11-12 1843,OOct7 IXAI9DII-12 W. Medill to: 1844,Ju199 1844,Jul IX A /9 E 1 1 -12 IXA/9E11-12 to: BFP to: 1845, M ar 17 IX A /9 F 9 -10 1845, Mar17 IXA/9F9-10 1845, Aug17 1845, Aug 17 IXA/9F1112 IXA/9F11- 12 1845, Dec 1845, Dec77 IXA/9F13-14 IXA /9F13-14 W. Medill to: to: 1846,Jul 21 1846,Jul21 IX A /10A 9- 10 IXA/10A9-10 W.L. W.L. Marcy to: 1848,Jan 1848, Jan 88 IXA/10B4-5 IX A /10B 4-5 H . Gallaher Gallaher to: to: R. H. 1848, Feb28 1848, Feb 28 IX A /10B 6-7 IXA/10B6-7 BFP to: 1848,Jul 11 1848, Jul11 IXA/10C3-4 IX A /10C 3-4 A. D. Bache Bache to: to: 1848, Dec30 1848, Dec 30 IXA/1OC1O-il IXA /10C10-11 C. Wright W right to: to: C. C. 1849,Jan 24 1849, Jan24 IX A /10D 3-5 IXA/10D3-5 1849, Jun21 1849,Jun 21 IX A /10D 9-11 IXA/10D911 1849, Aug 11 1849, Aug11 IXA/10E9-11 IXA /10E9-11 William C. William C. Zantzinger Zantzinger to: 1849, Sept Sept 88 IXA/10F4-5 IX A /10F4-5 J. B. Longacre Longacre to: 1850,Jan3O 1850,Jan 30 IXA/I1AIO-13 IX A /11A 10-13 BFP to: 1850, 10 1850, Sept Sept10 IXA/11C8-10 IX A /11C 8-10 1851, Feb Feb14 1851, 14 IXA/11G6-11 1851, A p r7 1851, Apr7 IXA/11G13 Thomas Thom as Corwin C orw in to: to: 1851, Nov18 1851, N o v 18 IXA/12F1-2 IX A /12F1-2 to: BFP to:
1853, Jan 31 1XA/13A12-B5 1853,Jan3l IXA/13Al2-B5 C. C. Wright W right to: 1869, Jul 24 1XA/18F10-11 1869, Jul24 IXA/18F1011 to: Basil Hall to: 1828, Jun 19 19 X IA /12A G -8 1828,Jun XIA/I2AG-8 IIA/50G11-13, m: IIA /50G 11-13, 559C4-5, 9 C 4 -5 , m: 69F13-G 3; IIC (pp. 108,131,285); 108, 131,285); 69F13-G3;IIC(pp. V IA /6E 7-8, SF98 F 9 -114, 4 , 99B6-C6; B 6 -C 6 ; VIA/6E7-8, V IIA /6E 5-6, 9B8; 9B8; VIIA/6E5-6, V IIIA /5G 5-6A 10, 6B 6 -1 1 , VIIIA/5G5-6A10, 6B6-11, 6 C 8 - 10, 10, 99A6-9, A 6 - 9, 9B3-7, 9 B 3 - 7, 9B99 B 9 -12, 12, 6C89 C 3 -5 , 9E5-10, 9 E 5 -1 0 , 9F12-G5, 9F 12-G 5, 9C3-5, 10B7-9, 10B 7-9, 10D2-3, 1 0 D 2 -3 , 10E4-5, 10E 4-5, 11A 12-14, 11D14-E1, 11D 14-E 1, 12E2-8; 12E 2-8; 11Al2-14, IX A /2B 5-6, 5A2-5, 5 A 2 -5 , SB 5 B 11-4, -4 , IXA/2B5-6, 5 B 5 -9 , SFI-3, 5 F 1 -3 , 9B6-9, 9 B 6 -9 , 10A2-3, 10A 2-3, 5B5-9, 10G 6-7, 11A 4-5, 11A6-7, 11A 6-7, 10G6-7, 11A4-5, 111B3-10, 1 B 3 -1 0 ,111B13-14, 1 B 1 3 -1 4 , 11D4-9, 11D 4-9, 11 E l —3, 11G12, 11G12, 12A4-6, 12A 4-6, 1IE1-3, 12A 7-9, 12B4-7, 12B 4-7, 12B8-12, 12B 8-12, 12A7-9, 12C 1-4, 13C4-7, 13 C 4 -7 , 13C8-14, 13C 8-14, 12C1-4, 13D 1-4, 14A 8-9, 16B14-C3, 16B 14-C 3, 13D1-4, 14A8-9, 16D 11-E 1; IXB/8E1-9B9, IX B /8E 1-9B 9, 16D11-E1; 11 E l —7, 13C1-2; 13C 1-2; XIA/7A6-B11, X IA /7A 6-B 11, IIE1-7, 11C 3-12A 5, 14A7-F7; 14A 7-F7; (Add.)/5 (Add.)/5 11C3-12A5, (pp. - 6 ,9 - 1 4 , 17-19,21-22, 1 7 -1 9 ,2 1 -2 2 , (pp.55-6,9-14, 29 -3 1 , 33, 33, 3S, 35, 37-40, 3 7 -4 0 , 81), 81), 66 29-31, (pp. 120-23, 126, 126, 134, 134, 136, 136, (pp. 120-23, 141-62, 168-69, 171-73, 171-73, 178-81), 7 (pp. 182-86, (pp. 18286, 190-94, 212, IIA /1A 3-3E 3 212, 277); 277);XXIIA/1A3-3E3 PA TTERSO N , Robert R obert W. W. PATTERSON, O bituary Notice N otice of o fBFP: BFP: Obituary IXA/19B4-C4 1870, IX A /19B 4-C 4 1870, Dec 16 to Jam James es Pollock: IXA/20G1-3 1873, A pr 30 IX A /20G 1-3 1873, Apr30 1873, May IX A /20G 4-5 1873, May33 IXA/20G4-5 to Caroline E. G. G. Peale: Peale: 1874, May M ay 55 IX A /21D 12-13 IXA/21D1213 to George Bacon Wood: 1875, O ct 30 IX A /22A 5-7 187S, Oct30 IXA/22A5-7 Hector etal.: to H ector Tyndale et a l.: 1877, Oct2 IXA/22Al2-13 1877, O ct 2 IX A /22A 12-13 to Henry H enry Phillips, Phillips, Jr.: 1889, Jun Jun25 IXA/22B4 1889, 25 James Morris: to Jam es CCheston heston M orris: 1891, ov 13 13 1891, N Nov IXA/22B5 Henry to H enry Phillips: 1892, Feb2S 1892, Feb 25 IXA/22B6 to Frederick Fraley: 1898, AApr13 IXA/22B7 1898, pr 13 m: V IIIA /17C 7-D 4; IX A /19C 5-8, VIIIA/17C7-D4; IXA/19C5-8, 19D5-20F3, 14, 21B8, 19D 5-20F3, 20F122 0 F 1 2 -14, 21B8, 21F11-22A 4, 222A8-9, 2 A 8 -9 , 222B1-3 2 B 1-3 21F11-22A4, PA TTERSO N , Rubens Rubens PATTERSON,
m. B12 ,n: VIIB/18A2VIIB/18A2-B12 PATTERSON, PA TTERSO N , Theodore T heodore
IIEI-2, m: VIIA/11D6-9, V IIA /11D 6-9, 11 E 1 -2 , 11E3-5, 11E 3-5, 11G 7-10 11G7-10 PA TTERSO N , William W illiam A ugustus PATTERSON, Augustus to TRP: toTRP: VIIIA/2B4-7 1826, A pr 24 V IIIA /2B4-7 1826, Apr24 VIIIA/2C4-7 1827, Jan 11 11 V IIIA /2C 4-7 1827,Jan CW P to: CWP 1822, Dec 20 IIA/68A5 1822, Dec20 Sept 19 19 IIA /72E2-3 1826, Sept IIA/72E2-3
217 277
The T he Peale Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers
m: IIA/64B5-6, 11-12, IIA/64B5-6, 66C 66C11-12, 6 6 G 11-12, 667D6-8, 7 D 6 -8 , 68D5, 68D5, 66G11-12, 70E4-5; 11;VIIA/3D1 VIIA/3D1-5; 70E 4- 5;111/5A2III/5A 2-11; - 5; IXA/2B5-6; X XA/1D8-11 IXA/2B5-6; A /1D 8-11 PATTERSON, William William T. T. PATTERSON, tn: nt: VII8/18A2-B12 VIIB/18A2-B12 PATTERSON, Mrs. W. W. tn: VII8/18A2-812 nt: VIIB/18A2B12 PATTON, (Mr.) (Mr.) tn: nt: Paintings by: IIB/23 (p. 24) PATTON, John M, M. BFP, Report ing BFP, Report on on his his blow blowing apparatus: IXB/IIGI-4 1846, Dec 1846, IX B /11G 1-4 PAUL, PAUL, Jeremiah, Jeremiah, Jr. Jr. s/Constitution ooff the Colum Columbianum: bianum : 1795, Feb IIE/3E7-F6 Feb 17 17 1795, 1795, Apr19 Apr IIA/19F3-20A10 19 IIA/19F3-20A10 nt: IIA/19D12-E1 PA ULDING, James Kirke PAULDING, toBFP: to BFP: 1840, Jun 4 IX A /8D 3-4 1840,Jun4 IXA/8D3-4 1840, Jun 9 IX A /8D 9- 10 1840,Jun9 IXA/8D9-1O 28 IX A /8E 9-10 1840, Jul Jul28 IXA/8E910 1841, FebS5 1841, Feb IXA/8G2 IXAI8G6 1841, Feb 19 IXA/8G6 TRP to: 1838, Jul 26 26 V IIIA /6G 2-3 1838,Jul VIIIA/6G2-3 VIIIA/7D4-5 1840, ct 10 V IIIA /7D 4-5 1840, OOct10 BFP unn to: BFP and and Nathan Nathan D Dunn IXA/7D1-2 1838, 21 IX A /7D 1-2 1838, Jul Jul21 BFP to: BFPto: IXA/8D5-7 1840, Jun IX A /8D 5-7 Jun 6 1840, Jun Jun22 IXAI8E5 22 IXA/8E5 IXA/8E6-7 1840, 23 IX A /8E 6-7 1840,Jul Jul23 IXA/8F910 1840, Sept 23 IXA /8F9-10 1840, Sept23 1841, Feb Feb16 IXA/8G4-5 1841, 16 IX A /8G 4-5 Wilkes to: Charles Wilkes XIAII2F9 1840, e c 26 XIA/12F9 1840, DDec26 Michael W. Ash to: 1839, Jan 3 XIA/12F10 1839,Jan3 Charles Wilkes to: 1840, N ov 28 XIA/12F12 1840, Nov28 m: IA /12C 7-9, m: VIIIC/25E10-27B3; VIIIC/25E10-27B3;XXIA/12C7-9, (Add.)/6 (p. (p. 173) 173) 12C14-F14; (Add.)/6 PA U LD IN G , William William PAULDING, m: V IIA /6C 9-D 8; XIC/1 A 2 - 13 m: VIIA/6C9-D8; XIC/1A2-13 PA U L EN .John PAULEN, John nt: 24G 2-8; IIB/18 IIB/18 tn: IIA/24F10-G1, 24G2-8; 48) (p. 48) (Mr.) PAVIN, (Mr.) to: RuP to: XIC/1B8-G3 1833, X IC /1B 8-G 3 1833, Feb Feb22 PA X T O N , (Mr.) (Mr.) PAXTON, IXA/4D1-4, 6F1-4 nt: VIIA/6F2-5; IX A /4D 1-4, 6F 1-4 in: VIIA!6F2-5; PA X T O N , John D. D. PAXTON,John to CWP: 1812, IIA/51C13-14 1812, May10 May 10IIA/51C13-14 [PAYNTER] PA IN TER, (Governor) (Governor) [PAYNTER] PAINTER, Samuel ReP to: VIA/4E13-F1 1826, Jan 24 24 1826,Jan PEABO DY, James PEABODY, HA/72B910; V VIIA/6D913; nt: in. IIA /72B 9-10; IIA /6D 9-13; XD/1E4-5 X D /1E 4-5 PEACOCK, PE A C O C K , Robert Robert W. W.
CPP: Deed to: 1804, NNov23 1804, ov 23 IVB/2D1 PEALE, Albert C. RuP to: 1860, Sept18 SeptVIIA/11B13-Cf 1860, 18 V IIA /11B 13-C J tn: VIIA/10D9VIIA/10D9-11, nt: 11, 1OEIO-12, 10E10-12, 11C2-5; VIIB/18A2-B12; XIA /16B11-E8 XIA/16B11-E8 PEALE, Angelica (b. 1800). 1800). See an, See Godm Godman, Angelica Peale (Mrs. John John D.). Angelica Kauffmann PEALE, Angelica (1778-1860). Angelica (1778- 1860). See See Robinson, Angelica Peale Peale (Mrs. (Mrs. Alexander). PEALE, Anna Anna Claypoole Claypoole (Mrs. (Mrs.William William Staughton; Mrs. William William Duncan) to Nicholas Biddle: n.d. III/4F3 11114F3 to JP: toJP: n.d., Oct6 O ct 6 III/4F4-7 nd., II1/4F4-7 to TRP: toTRP: 1819, Apr77 1819, Apr III/4F9-12 111/4F9-12 III/4G1-4 1819, May I1 111/4G1-4 nt: IIA /60A 10-13, 660F9-11, 0 F 9 -11, 60G 2-4, 60G2-4, tn: IIA/60A10-13, 60G10- 12, 61A 2 -5 ,61A13-B2, 61A 13-B 2, 601012, 61A2-5, 61B5, 61B8, 61B9, 61B10, 61B10, 661B131 B 1 3 -14, 1 C 5 -7 , 61C1261 C l 2-113, 3, 14,66105-7, 61D 1-2, 61D3-4, 6 1 D 3 -4 , 61D5-6, 61 D 5 -6 , 61D1-2, 61D8-9, 61D 8-9, 61E2-3, 61 E 2 -3 , 61E4-5, 61E 4-5, 61E 6-8, 61E9-10, 6 1 E 9 -10, 61F9-G3, 61F9-G 3, 61E6-8, 61G 4-8, 61G9, 61G9, 62A 2-6, 62A7-8, 62A 7-8, 61G4-8, 62A2-6, 62A10, 63B1262A10, 63B 12- 14, 14, 63C1 63C1 --7, 7, 63F11-G 2, 663G3-9, 3 G 3 -9 , 66B1-3, 66B 1-3, 63F11-G2, 66B 5-7, 66B11, 66B11, 68F4, 68F4, 70A 2-5, 66B5-7, 70A2-5, 70B10-11; 70 B 1 0 -11; 111/4E6-7, III/4E6—7, 4E13,4F2, 4G 5 -8 , 5Al2; 5A12; VIA/3B11VIA/3B11- 13, 13, 4G5-8, 15D 8-E 1, 15E6-13; 15D8-E1, VIIA/3A111-13, -1 3 , 3D1 --5, 5, 4B74 B 7 -11, 11, VIIAI3AI 4B 12-13, 4D11-12, 4D 11-12, 4G3, 4G3, 8A2-4, 8A 2-4, 4B12-13, 9C11, 2-4, 10D12-E1, 10D 12-E 1, 9C11, 10B 10B2-4, 11B9-12, 12A 2-4, 12B13-C1; 12B13-C1; flB9-12, 12A2-4, V1IIA/1A2-5, 6 -9 , 1A10-12, V1IIA/1A2-5,1A 1A6-9, IAIO-12, 1B2-4; X C /1 D 5 -8 , IEII1E11-14, 1B2-4; XC/1D5-8, 14, 3C9-12, 3C 9 -1 2 , IICI-4; 11 C l —4;XIA(Add.)/5 XIA(Add.)/5 (p. 8) (p.8) Paintings by: IIA/61B13IIA/61 B 13—14, 14, 61 C 5 -7 , 61C12-13, 61C 12-13, 61D3-4, 61D 3-4, 6105-7, 61F9-G 3, 61 G 4 -8 , 64F5-6; 61F9-G3, 61G4-8, X IB /1A 8-B 2 XIB/1A8-B2 PEALE, Anna Anna Elizabeth Elizabeth BFP to: IXA/2G10-12 1833, May 7 IX A /2G 10-12 1833,May7 1833, May IX A /3A 2-6 IXA/3A2-6 1833, May88 IXAI3C3-5 1833[?], Nov6 1833 [?], N ov 6 IX A /3C 3-5 IXA/3D7-8 1833, N ov 6 IX A /3D 7-8 1833, Nov6 57D12-E5, nt: IIA/57B1-2, IIA/57B1-2, 57D 12-E 5, 57F3-8, 5 8 E 1 3 -F I, 59 G 5 -7 , 59G9-11, 5 9 G 9 -11, 58E13-F1, 59G5-7, 60B1-3, 60B 1-3, 60C13-D1, 60C 1 3 -D 1 ,60F12, 60F12, 64A 5-6, 66D5-6, 6 6 D 5 -6 , 66D76 6 D 7 - 10, 10, 64A5-6, 67E 6-8, 67G4-6; 67G 4-6; VillA/I V IIIA /1C 1-4, 67E6-8, C1-4, 14B5-6, 17B4-05; 14B 5-6, 17B 4-C 5; IX A /1A 8-G 7, 22B2-3, B 2 -3 , 2D6-10, 2D 6-10, IXA/1A8-G7, 5E 11-14, 66D6-9, D 6 -9 , 6D10-E4, 6D 1 0 -E 4 , 5E11-14, 6E9-12, 1008-9, 6E 9-12, 66F5-8, F 5 -8 , 10C 8-9, 114E10-12, 4 E 10-12, 115E4-5, 5 E 4 -5 ,115E13-14, 5 E 1 3 -1 4 , 15F5-6, 1-4, 16B2-5, 16B 2-5, 15F5-6, 15G 15G1-4,
The The Peale Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers
16G10-11, 16G 10-11, 19D5-20F1, 19D 5-20F1, 21F11-22A4;XIA/16B11-E8 21F11-22A 4; X IA /16B 11-E 8 PEALE. PEALE, Augusta. Augusta. See See Barker, Augusta Peale (Mrs. Charles Otis). PEALE, Augustin R Runyon unyon to TRP: toTRP: VIIIA/8D14-E3 1843, Mar23 M ar23 VIIIA /8D 14-E3 1843, m: VVIIIAJ17B4-05; m: IIIA /17B4-C5; XXC/6C5-8; C /6C 5-8; XD/1FS-1O X D /1 F 5 -10 PEALE, Benjamin Franklin See See also also General Index Series Series IX for chronological chronological sum summary m ary of o f letters sent or received received by by BFP, BFP, and and writings by BFP. BFP. References References that that follow are to BFP correspondence or documents, docum ents, or mention m ention ofBFP ofB F P series other ow n. in series other than his own. Philadelphia Museum Philadelphia M useum Account Book: 1820,Jan 1820, Jan -- 1824,Jul 1824, Jul 17 17 X XIA/6A2-E12 IA /6A 2-E12 s/Philadelphia Museum s/Philadelphia M useum Ticket ooff Admission: 1826, Sept Sept25 1826, 25 XIA/6E13 Catalogue of o f specimens specimens received received at at Philadelphia M Museum from U.S. Philadelphia useum from U .S. Exploring E Expedition, Exploring xpedition, with w ith receipts receipts for same: XIA/12C14-F14 1838-1842 X IA /12C14-F14 CWP CW P to: IIA/52F4-11 1813, NNov18 1813, ov 18 IIA /52F4-11 1813, Dec Dec [?1 [?] 19 IIA/52F12 1814, M Mar 15,27,29 1814, ar 15, 27, 29 IIA/53B3-8 IIA/53B3- 8 1814,Junl2 IIA/53C13-14 1814,Jun 12 IIA/53C13-14 1814, Jul Jul31 IIA/53D810 1814, 31 IIA /53D 8-10 1814, Jul Jul31 IIA/53D1 1-13 1814, 31 IIA/53D11—13 1814, Sept Sept14 IIA/53E7-10 1814, 14 IIA /53E 7-10 1814, Sept 14 14 IIA/53E11 —13 IIA/53E11-13 1814, Oct23 1814, O ct 23 IIA/53G6-12 IIA/54A2-9 1814, Oct23 1814, O ct 23 IIA /54A 2-9 1814, Dec16 1814, Dec 16 IIA/54C13 1814, Dec23 IIA/54D1-2 1814, D e c 23 IIA /54D 1-2 1814, Dec30 IIA/54D3-8 1814, D e c 30 IIA /54D 3-8 1817,Junl7 IIA/59F12-14 1817, Jun 17 IIA/59F1214 CWP, CWP, Deed ooff Trust to his his Sons: Sons: 1820, Dec11 IIA/65B3-C6 1820, Dec 11 IIA /65B 3-C 6 CWP CW P to: 1823, May22 IIA/68F4 1823, May 22 1823, May30 1823, M ay 30 IIA/68F13 1823, Jun Jun 5 IIA/68G4 1823, O Oct 1823, ct 4 IIA/69C13 1823, OOct23 1823, ct 23 IIA IIA/69E3-4 /69E3-4 1823, OOct23 IIA/69E5-7 1823, ct 23 IIA /69E5-7 1824,Jun 1824, Jun 15 15 IIA/70F5-6 CWP CW P to TRP and: 1824,Jun 1824, Jun 15 15 IIA/70F7-9 ReP to: 1814, M Mar7 1814, ar 7 VIA VIA/2F10-12 /2F10-12 1820, Feb 2 V IA /3C 1-2 VIA/3C1-2 1820, May May12 1820, 12 VIA/3C4-5 V IA /3C 4-5 Jun 9 1827, Jun VIA/4G2 1828, OOct29 1828, ct 29 V VIA/5D7-8 IA /5D 7-8 1828,OOct29 1828, ct 29 V IA /5 D 9 -10 VIAISD9-lO 1830,Septl4 1830, Sept 14 VIA/6B1 VIA/6B1-4 - 4 1831, Apr Apr20 1831, 20 VIA/6F8-11 1831, Apr Apr21 1831, 21 VIA VIA/6F12-G2 /6F12-G2 1831,Jun24 VIA /6G 8-13 VIA/6G8-13
1831, 1831, Sept Sept22 V VIA/7A7-9 IA /7A 7-9 1831, Sept Sept18 1831, 18 VIAI7A1O-13 V IA /7A 10-13 1831, 1831, OOct3 c t3 VIA/7B3-4 V IA /7B 3-4 1831, 1831, OOct5 ct 5 VIA/7B5-6 V IA /7B 5-6 1832, 24 V IA /7F9-12 VIA/7F912 1832, May May24 1832, Oct O ct 11 V VIA/7G4-5 IA /7G 4-5 [ca. ar 1 VIA/8F2 VIA/8F2 [ca. 1836], 18361,MMarl VIA/8F914 1836, 1836, Mar M ar 88 V IA /8F9-14 VIA/14F12-13 n.d. V IA /14F 12-13 V IA /15B 4-5 VIA/I 5B4-5 n.d. RuP to: to: 1814, Jul 25 V IIA /2E14-F3 VIIA/2E14-F3 1814,Ju125 d d .)/1 A 9 -12 VIIA (A (Add.)/1A912 1817, Jun 77 VIIA V IIA /4A 8-9 VIIA/4A8-9 1822, May 88 1822, Jun VIIA/4Al213 Jun 11 11 V IIA /4A 12-13 1822, Jun 25 25 VIIA/4A14-B1 1822,Jun VIIA/4A14-B1 1822, Jun 28 V IIA /4B 2-3 1822, Jun28 VIIA/4B2-3 VIIA/4B6 1822, Jul 9 VIIA/4B6 1822, Aug 28 V IIA /4 B 7 -11 1822, Aug28 VIIA/4B7-11 1822, Sept11 1822, Sept 11 V IIA /4B12-13 VIIA/4B12-13 Sept29 V IIA /4B 14-C 3 1822, Sept 29 VIIA/4B14-C3 1822, Dec8 VIIA/4C8-9 1822, D e c8 V I1A /4C8-9 1822, Dec VIIA /4C10-11 1822, Dec99 VIIA/4C10-11 1822, VIIA/4C121822, Dec 12 12 V IIA /4C12-13 13 1823, ar 21 V IIA /4D 2-3 1823, M Mar21 VIIA/4D2-3 1823, pr 4 VIIA/4D6 1823, A Apr VIIA/4D6 1823, A p ril V IIA /4 D 7 -10 1823, Apr11 VIIA/4D7-10 1823,Ju119 1823, Jul 19 VI!A/4D11-12 V IIA /4D 11-12 1823, Aug 4 VIIA/4G3 VIIA/4G3 1823, Aug14 1823, Aug 14 VIIA/4G4 VIIA/4G4 O ct 99 V IIA /4G 5-6 1823, Oct VIIA/4G5-6 1824, 9 VIIA/5B5 1824, Jul Ju19 VIIA/5B5 1824, Jul 21 V IIA /5B 11-12 1824,Ju121 VIIA/5B11-12 1824, Jul 24 V IIA /5C 2-5 1824, Jul24 VIIA/5C25 1824, Aug A u g 24, 2 4 ,225 5 VIIA/5D14V IIA /5D 14-E3 E3 n.d. VIIA/6A10-11 VIIA/6A10-11 1825, AApr6 VIIA/6A14-B1 1825, pr 6 VIIA /6A 14-B1 1825, AApr18 1825, pr 18 V IIA /6B 2-3 VIIA/6B2-3 1825, Nov N o v 10 10[?1 [?] VIIA/6B10V IIA /6B 10-13 13 1825 [?], VIIA/6C4 1825 [?], Dec Dec22 VIIA/6C4 1825, ec25 V IIA /6C 5-8 1825, DDec25 VIIA/6C5-8 1826, Apr25, 1826, A pr 25, 28 28 V IIA /6D 9-13 VIIA/6D9-13 1826, May9 1826, M ay 9 V IIA /6D 14-E3 VIIA/6D14-E3 1826 [?], IIA /6E 5-6 1826 [?1,Aug Aug 12, 13 V VIIA/6E5-6 1827 [?], Jan 30 VIIA/6E9 [?1,Jan VIIA/6E9 1827, Feb Feb25 1827, 25 VU A/6E10-11 VIIA/6E10-11 1827, A Apr 1827, pr 13 VIIA/6E12-F1 VIIA/6E12-F1 1827, A pr 28 V IIA /6F2-5 1827, Apr28 VIIA/6F2-5 Colem an Sellers Sellers to: Coleman ay 10 VIIA/6F6 1827, MayM10 VIIA/6F6 RuP to to I?1: | ?]: 1827, Jun 14 VIIA/6F14 1827, Jun14 VIIA/6F14 1828, AApr12 1828, pr 12 VIIA/6G8 VIIA/6G8 RuP to: 1828,Jul 1828, Jul 13 13 V IIA /6G 10-11 VIIA/6G10-11 1828, Sept 28 V IIA /7A 2-5 1828, Sept28 VIIA/7A2-5 1828, 1828, O Oct22 ct 22 VIIA/7A8-9 V IIA /7A 8-9 1828, Oct30 VIIA/7A1011 1828, O ct 30 V IIA /7A 10-11 1828, Dec33 VIIA/7B5 1828, Dec VIIA/7B5 VIIA/7B912 M ar 55 V IIA /7B9-12 1829, Mar 1829, Jun 28 28 V IIA /7C 2-5 1829,Jun VIIA/7C2-5 1829,JuIS 1829, Jul 8 V IIA /7C 6-9 VIIAI7C6-9 1829,Octl8 1829, O ct 18 V IIA /7C 13-14 VIIA/7C13-14 1830, Jan 25 V IIA /7D 4-5 1830,Jan2S VIIA/7D4-5 1830, M ay 19 V IIA /7D 7-8 1830, May19 VIIA/7D7-8 1830, M ay 25 VIIA/7D9 1830, May25 VIIA/7D9
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J he Peale Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers The
1830,Ju12 1830, Jul 2 VIIA/7E7 VIIAI7E7 1831,May May10 1831, 10 VIIA/7F11—13 VIIA/7F11-13 1831,Jun 1831,Jun 25 25 VIIA/7F14-G2 VIIA /7F14-G2 1831,Aug Aug26 1831, 26 VIIAJ7GI2-13 V11A/7G12-13 1831, Sept Sept25 1831, 25 VIIA/8A5-7 VIIA /8A 5-7 1832,Jan 11 1832,Jan 11 VIIA/8A10-11 VII A/8 A 10-11 1832, Sept Sept28 1832, 28 VIIA/8B3-5 V IIA /8B 3-5 1832, OOctS VHAI8B6-7 1832, ct 5 V IIA /8B6-7 S. to: S. B. B. Dennison Dennison to; 1835, Aug Aug 16 1835, 16 VIIA/8G813 V IIA /8G 8-13 RuP RuPto: to: 1836,Apr Apr26 1836, 26 VIIA/9A6-7 V IIA /9A 6-7 836,May May25 VJZA/9A8 1836, 25 VIIA/9A8 1836, Aug18 1836, Aug 18 V VIIAI9BI-2 IIA /9B 1-2 1836, Sept27 1836, Sept 27 VHAf9B5-7 V IIA /9B5-7 1837, 28 1837,Mar Mar28 VIIA/9B12-C1 VIIA /9B12-C1 1837,Jun 1837,Jun 28 VIIA/9C6 Power Pow erofo fattorney attorney to: to: 1837,Jun3O 1837,Jun 30 VIIA/9C10 RuP RuP to: to: 1837, Aug 19 1837, Aug19 VIIA/9C11 1864, 1864, Mar Mar3 3 VIIA/12B13-C1 VIIAII2BI3-C1 TRPto: to: TRP 1839,Jun VIIIA/7B1-4 V IIIA /7B1-4 1840, V IIIA /7B13-C4 1840, AApr5 pr 5 VIIIA!7B13-C4 1841, OOct30 1841, ct 30 VIIIA /7F11-G2 VIIIA/7F11-G2 VIIIA/12B3 VUIAII2B3 1850, n.d. 1879, Dec Dec27 VIIIA/16E4-7 1879, 27 VIIIA /16E4-7 VIIIA /17E1-2 1885, 1885, n.d. n.d. VIIIA/17E1-2 CLP to: CLP to: 1813,NNov12 XD/1A8-9 1813, ov 12 X D /1A 8-9 X D /1 A 1 3 -14 XDIIAI3-14 1814, Feb3 1814, Feb 3 PhiladelphiaMMuseum Philadelphia useum to: to: 1833, May X IA /12B 6-7 1833, May33 XIA/12B6-7 Charles Charles Wilkes Wilkes to: to: XIAI12F7 XIA/12F7 1838, Dec Dec25 1838, 25 Philadelphia Philadelphia MMuseum useum to to [Stockholder's ticket]: [Stockholder’s ticket]: 1839 1839 XIA/12G1 XIAII2GI RuP toto[?]: RuP [?]: 1823, Mar X IB /1A 6-7 1823, Mar XLBIIA6-7 IIAJ21G6-7, 31A7, 31A7, 39B8, 39B9, 39B9, m: IIA/21G6-7, 39D11, 42 42C7-8, 39D4, 339D6-7, 9 D 6 -7 , 39D11, C 7 -8 , 46G1-4, 442C9-10, 2 C 9 -10, 446D7-12, 6 D 7 - 12, 46G 1-4, 46G5-6, 46G712, 47B 47B4-5, 4 6 G 5 -6 ,4 6 G 7 -12, 4-5, 4 7E 2-6, 47E 7-12, 47F1-7, 47E2-6, 47E7-12, 47G649A6-7, 47G 6- 12, 12, 4 48A8-B1O, 8A 8-B 10, 49A 6-7, 49A8-14, 49A 8-14, 449C8-11, 9 C 8 -1 1 , 49E1-4, 49E 1-4, 50A9-10, 52A2-7, 52C11-13, 50A 9-10, 52 A 2 -7 , 52C 11-13, 52D 1-2, 52E3-6, 52 E 3 -6 , 52E 7-13, 52D1-2, 52E7-13, 52F13-14, 552G1-6, 2 G 1 -6 , 52G 52G7-12, 7-12, 53A8-13, 5 3 A 8 -13, 553B10-11, 3 B 1 0 -11, 53B12-13, 5 3 B 1 2 -13, 53D3-7, 53D 3- 7, 53F3-6, 5 3F 3-6, 554B10-11, 4 B 1 0 -11, 54B13-C2, 54B 13-C 2, 54C3-4, 5 4 C 3 -4 , 54C5-6, 54 C 5 -6 , 54F8-11, 54F12-13, 54F5-7, 54F 8-11, 54F12-13, 54G1-2, 54G7-10, 55A2-7, 54G 1-2, 54G 7-10, 55A 2-7, 55A 8-9, 55A 10-B 9, 55B 10-C 9, 55A8-9, 55A10-B9, 55B10-C9, 55C10-12, 55D5-10, 55C 10-12, 555C13-14, 5 C 1 3 -14, 55D 5-10, 55E13-F4, 55G1-5, 55E 13-F4, 555F5-8, 5F 5-8, 55G 1-5, 55G6-7, 55GW56A6-7, 55G 6-7, 5 5G 10 -13, 13 , 56A 6-7, 56A13-B4, 56C6-D6, 56A 13-B 4, 556C1-2, 6 C 1 -2 , 56C 6-D 6, 56F9, 56G3, 56G3, 57A13, 57A13, 57B 57B1-2, 56F9, 1-2, 57B3-4, 57B14-C1, 57B 3-4, 57B5, 57B 14-C 1, 57 C 2 -7 , 57D 12-E 5, 57E11-12, 5 7 E U -1 2 , 57C2-7, 57D12-E5, 57F1-2, 557F3-8, 7F 3-8, 58A 58A2-5, 2-5, 58B12-C7, 558A9-10, 8 A 9 -10, 58B12 - C 7 , 558C9-11, 8 C 9 -11,
58E13-F1, 58F10-11, 59A11-12, 58E13-F1, 58F1011, 59A11 - 12, 59D5-6, 59F6-8, 59G5-7, 59D 5-6, 59F 6-8, 59G 5-7, 59G9-11, 60A2-3, 60A10-13, 5 9 G 9 -11, 60 A 2 -3 , 60A 10-13, 60B1-3, 60B4-5, 60B12-14, 60B 1-3, 60B 4-5, 60B 12-14, 60C13-D1, 60C 13-D 1,60E1060E 10-12, 12, 60F6-7, 60F12, 60G 60G2-4, 60F9-11, 60F12, 2-4, 60G10-12, 61A9-10, 60G 10-12, 661A6-8, 1 A 6 -8 , 61A 9-10, 662D10-14, 2 D 1 0 -14, 62E4, 62E4, 62E5, 62E 6-7, 62E6-7, 662E8-11, 2 E 8 -11, 662E13-F1, 2 E 1 3 -F I, 62F9-10, 6 2 F 9 -10, 63A10-11, 63B1-2, 63B3-4, 63A 10-11, 63 B 1 -2 , 63B 3-4, 663B12-14, 3 B 1 2 -14, 663C1-7, 3 C 1 -7 , 63F4-6, 63F9- 10, 10,63F11-G 63F11-G2, 2, 63G 63G3-9, 3- 9,
4 A 1 2 -13, 64A 64A7-8, 7-8, 64A 64A9-ll, 9- 11, 664Al2-3, 64B1-2, 64B3-4, 64B5-6, 64C2, 64B 1-2, 64 B 3 -4 , 64B 5-6, 64C2, 64C7-8,64C12-13, 64C 7-8, 64C 12- 13, 65C11-12, 65C 11- 12, 65G10, 66 A 2 -8 , 66A11, 66A11, 66B11, 66A2-8, 66C14, 666D5-6, 66C13, 66C14, 6 D 5 -6 , 6 6 D 7 -10, 13- 14, 14, 66F5-6, 66D710, 66E 66E1366F5-6, 66F12-14, 66G1, 66G1, 66G 66G8-10, 8-10, 67A 9-10, 67A11, 67A 12-13, 67A9-10, 67Al2-13, 67B1-3, 67B7-9, 67B10-11, 67B 1-3, 67B 7-9, 67B 10-11, 67B1267C4-5, 67B12- 13, 13, 667C1-3, 7 C 1 -3 , 67C 4-5, 667C6-10, 7 C 6 -10, 667C13-14, 7 C 1 3 -14, 667D9-11, 7 D 9 -11, 67E1-3, 67E6-8, 67E9-11, 67E 1-3, 67 E 6 -8 , 67E 9-11, 67F1-3, 67F6-8, 67F1-3, 67F 6-8, 67F967F9-14, 14, 67G1-2, 67G4-6, 68A6-7, 67G 1-2, 67 G 4 -6 , 67G9, 68A 6-7, 68A 8-9, 68A 10- 11, 68Al2-14, 6 8 A 1 2 -14, 68A8-9,68A10-11, 68B3-4, 68B6-9, 68B 3-4, 68B5, 68B5, 68 B 6 -9 , 68B10, 68B10, 68B14, 668C4-6, 8 C 4 -6 , 68 D 7 -8 , 68B14, 68D7-8, 68D9-11, 69D12-13,68E9-11, 6 8 D 9 -11, 69D 12- 13, 6 8 E 9 -11, 68F5-6, 68F7, 68F7, 68F8, 68F8, 68F9, 68F5-6, 68 F 1 0 -12, A 2 -4 , 69A8, 68F1012, 69 69A2-4, 69A8, 69A 13-B 1, 69B8-9, 6 9 B 8 -9 , 69G7, 69G7, 69A13-B1, 69G10- 11,70A2-5, 70A 2-5, 70A6-9, 70A 6-9, 69Gb-h, 70E10, 70E1 70E11, G 2 -5 12, 70E10, 1, 70 70G25,, 70G 70G6-6-12, 71A3-4, 11, 71 A 3 -4 ,71A971A 911,71D1 71D111-12, 12, 71Gb71F2-6, 71G 10-12, 12, 72A4, 72B2-3, 72C4-6, 72B 2-3, 72B972B 9- 10, 10, 72C 4-6, 72C 10-11, 72F1, 72F1, 72F8-11, 72C10-11, 72F8-11, 73B 6-9, 73B10-11, 2 -C4; 73B6-9, 73B10-11, 73B1 73B12-C4; IIB/15 (p. (p. 1), 1), 20 IIB/15 20 (p. (p. 1); 1); IIC JIC (p. (p. 411); 411); 111i4E12, 4G5-8; V/1F5-6; III/4E12, 4 G 5 -8 ; V/1F5-6; VIA/2G4, 2G5-6, 2 G 5 -6 , 3A103 A 1 0 13, -13, VIAI2G4, 3A 14-B 3, 4G6, 4G6, 66C7-10, C 7 - 10, 3A14-B3, 7A 14-B 2, 7F7-8, 7 F 7 -8 , 77G2-3, G 2 -3 , 7A14-B2, 9B 6 -C 6 , IOEI-3, 10E 1-3, 15D 8-E 1, 9B6-C6, 15D8-E1, 115E65 E 6 -13; C 1 2 -13, 13; VIIA/2C8, VIIA/2C8, 2 2C1213, 22D1-2, D 1 -2 , 22G4-6, G 4 -6 , 2G 11-13, 2G11-13, 4B4-5, 33A2-4, A 2 -4 , 33D1-5, D 1 -5 , 33D6-9, D 6 -9 , 4B 4 -5 , 4G4, 5B 5B7-10, 5G1-6, 7-10, 5F6-9, 5F 6 -9 , 5G 1-6, 6B4-5, 6 B 4 -5 , 66B6-9, B 6 -9 , 66D9-13, D 9 -1 3 , 6F7-8, 6F 7-8, 7B7-8,7G11, 7 B 7 -8 , 7G11, 8A2-4, 8 A 2 -4 , 8E9-11, 8E 9-11, 8F1-3, 8F9-11, 8F 1-3, 88F4-8, F 4 -8 , 8F 9-11, 8F12-13, 9 A 1 0 -12, C 7 -9 , 10B 2-4, 9A1012, 9B8, 9B8, 99C7-9, 10B2-4, 1005, 11C 11C2-5, 12B5-1O; 10C5, 2-5, 12B5-10; VIIIA /1B5-6, 1D 8-11, 2B 4-7, VIIIA/1B5-6, 1D8-11, 2B4-7, 2F3-6, 2F 3-6, 22F11-13, F 1 1 -13, 33C2-4, C 2 -4 , 33F12-14, F 1 2 -14, 66D3-4, D 3 -4 , 7B5, 77G8-12, G 8 - 12, 9E 12-F1, 11ICS-7, 1 C 5 -7 , 12C 3-4, 9E12-F1, 12C3-4, 12C 14-D 1, 13G6-8, 13G 6-8, 14D2-5, 14D 2-5, 12C14-D1, 16A2-5, 14E13-F1, 14F9-12, 16A 2-5, 16F1-5, 14, 17B 4-C 5, 16F1-5, 16F1216F12-14, 17B4-05, 17C 7-D 4,17E917E 9-10, 17F17; 17C7-D4, 10, 17F17; (Add.)I1 11;VIIIC/28A2-B1; VHICI28A2- B 1; (A dd.)/1BBbO10-11; IXAJ21F11-22A4; IXA/21F11-22A4; XXA/ID1-4, A /1D 1-4, 1D 5-7; X C /1A 11-12, 8E13-F2; 8E 13-F2; 1D5-7; XCI1A11-12,
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The The Peale Peale Family F am ily Papers Papers
X D /1C 9-10; XIA/6F5-G13, X IA /6F5-G 13, XD/1C9-10; 7A 6 -B 1 1 ,111C3-12A5, 1 C 3 -1 2 A 5 , 12C4, 12C4, 7A6-B11, 14A 7-F7, 16B11-E8, 16B 11-E 8, 17A6-B11; 17A6-B11; 14A7-F7,
(Add.)15 (pp. 1, 1,8, (Add.)/5 (pp. 8, 17, 17, 21, 21, 33, 33, 35, 35, 39, 39, 441-43,47,49, 1 -4 3 , 47, 49, 52, 52, 554-58,63, 4 -5 8 ,6 3 , 65 65-67, -6 7 , 71, 73-78, 7 3 -7 8 , 80-81), 80-81), 66 (pp. (pp. 1126, 2 6 ,1134, 3 4 ,1136-38, 3 6 -3 8 , 140-47, 1150-53, 5 0 -5 3 ,1155-62, 5 5 - 62, 168, 168, 171-73, (pp. 182182-85, 178-81), 77 (pp. 85 ,1191-94, 9 1 -9 4 , 196-97, 2 17-18, 222-26, 2 22-26, 235, 235, 1%-97, 217-18, 242, 244,248-50,252-55,263, 242, 244, 2 4 8 - 50, 2 52- 55, 263, 276-77), 88(p. (p. 279), 279), 266, 272-74, 272- 74, 276-77), 9 C 9 -D 6 , 9D13-E12, 9D 13-E 12, 9C9-D6, XIIAI1A3-3E3, X IIA /1A 3-3E3, 3E93 E 9 -FF3 3 PEALE, Bertrand m: IIA/69A2-4, IIA /6 9 A 2 -4 ,669A6-7, 9 A 6 -7 ,669A13-B1, 9 A 1 3 -B 1 , 669C7-8, 9 C 7 -8 ,669C9 9C9 PEALE, Bolivar m: VIIIA/17B4-05; VIIIA /17B4-C5; XD/1F5-10 X D /1F 5-10 (Mrs. PEALE, Caroline E. Girard (Mrs. Benjamin Benjam in Franklin) Franklin) Additional m aterial relating to material Caroline E. Girard G irard Peale may m ay be found in Series Series IX A , cards cards 10-22. 10-22. IXA, Memo M em o regarding BFP'S BFP’S marriage m arriage to: M ay 11 1839, May IXA/7F6 M ary Jane Peale: Peale: to Mary IX A /18A 7-12 1865, Oct12 IXAJ18A7-12 1865, O ct 12 to Miss Wilmer: 1868,J u n 4 1868,Jun4 IXA/18E10 to James B urd Peale: Peale: Burd 1872,JJul14 u l 14 1872, IXA/19C11-13 IX A /19C11-13 1873,Jan 22 1873,Jan22 IXAJI9D3-4 IX A /19D 3-4 Will and and Codicil: Will 1874, Apr77 IXA/21F11-22A4 1874, Apr IXA /21F11-22A4 BFP to: 1862, 1862, OOct9 ct 9 IXAJ17DI-4 IX A /17D 1-4 A. L. Elw yn to: Elwyn 1872, pr 6 1872, AApr6 IXAJ19C9-10 IX A /1 9 C 9 -10 S. S. D D.. Smith Sm ith to: 1873, pr 16 16 1873, A Apr IXA/20F4-7 IX A /20F4-7 J. V. V. Patterson Patterson to: 1873, 1873, Apr 16 IXA/20F8-9 IX A /20F8-9 J. Henry H enry to: 1873, o v 11 1873, NNov11 IXAI2OG8-10 IX A /20G 8-10 Isaac Hays Hays to: Isaac 1873,NNov25 1873, o v 25 IXA/20G11-13 IX A /20G 11-13 W. Brodhead Brodhead to: L. W. 1873, 1873, Dec Dec33 IXA/21A2-4 IX A /21A 2-4 Joseph H enry to: Henry 1873, Dec 5 IXA/21A5-9 IX A /21A 5-9 Oliver Evans to: 1873, 15 1873, Dec Dec15 IXA/21A10 S. F. F. Haven Haven to: 1873, 18 1873, Dec Dec18 IXA/21A11-13 IX A /21A 11-13 Caleb Cope to: 1873, Dec Dec22 1873, 22 IXA/21B1-3 IX A /21B 1-3 Henry Joseph H enry to: 1873, Dec Dec30 1873, 30 IXA/21B4-5 IX A /21B 4-5 H enry R. Linderman Linderm an to: to: Henry 1873 [?] 1873 [?] IXA/21B8 C. Leemans to: 1874, Feb Feb77 1874, IXA/21B9-10 IX A /2 1 B 9 -10 John Evans to: 1874, Feb 9 IXA/21C1-4 IX A /21C 1-4 Det Kongeige Norske D et Kongelige N orske Frederiks Frederiks
U niversity to: University 1874, M MarS IXA/21C5 1874, ar 5 Jones to: J. Winter W inter Jones 1874, ar 10 IX A /21C 6-8 1874, M Mar10 IXA)21C6H Linderm an to: H.. R. Linderman IX A /21C9-11 1874, Mar13 IXA/21C9-11 1874, M ar 13 Royal Society Societyooff NNorthern Royal orthern Antiquaries: 1874, pr 4 1874, AApr4 IXA/21C12 E. E. H Hitchcock itchcock to: IXA/21C13-D1 1874, 1874, A Apr11 p ril IX A /21C 13-D 1 D D.. G. Lindhagen to: IX A/21 D2 IXAJ2ID2 1874, p ril 1874, A Apr11 F. F. Keller Keller to: 1874, AApr25 IXAJ2ID3-4 1874, pr 25 IX A /21D 3-4 E. H itchcock to: Hitchcock IXA/21D5-7 1874, pr 28 IX A /21D 5-7 1874, A Apr28 V. Patterson to: to: J. V. 1874, pr 29 IX A /2 1 D 8 -10 1874, AApr29 IXA/21D810 B ruhns to: Dr. C. Bruhns 1874, ay 1I IXA/21D11 1874, M May IXAJ21D1I Robert R obert Patterson to: 1874, ay S5 IX A /2 1 D 1 2 -13 1874, M May IXA/21D1213 F. F. Eiset to: 1874, ay 8 IXA/21D14 1874, M May IXAJ2ID14 Sven N Nillson Sven illson to: 1874, M May24 IXAI21EI-3 1874, ay 24 IX A /21E 1-3 J. B. Davis Davis to: 1874, 1874, Jun Jun 9 IXAI2IE4-1O IX A /21E 4-10 John Evans to: 1874, Jul Ju166 IXA/21E1113 IX A /21E 11-13 W. Jones to: J. W.Jonesto: IXA/21F1-3 IX A /21F1-3 1874, Aug31 1874, A ug 31 C. Nesselov to: 1874, Sept 18 1874, Sept18 IXAJ21F4-5 IX A /21F4-5 D . Gales Gales to: E. D. IXAJ21F6-9 IX A /21F6-9 1875, Jun 9 J. P. Lesley to: 19 1875,Jun 19 IXAI21FIO IXA/21F10 m: VIA/15D8-E1; V IA /15D 8-E1; VIIA/3B8-11, V IIA /3B 8-11, m: 11D 10-11; VIIIA/14E13-F1, VIIIA /14E13-F1, 11DIO-11; 17C7-D4; 17C 7-D 4; X XC/8C8-11; C /8C 8-11; X D /1 C 1 1 -12 XD/IC1I-12 PEALE, Catharine XCI2AI3-14 m: X C /2A 13-14 m: PEALE, Charles See also See also General General Index Series I for chronological m ary of o f letters chronological sum summary letters sent or received by CP. CP. References that follow follow are are to to CP m ention of o f CP correspondence or mention in n. in series series other other than than his his ow own. m: IIA/1B1 —10, 1B 11-12, 1D3-9, 1D 3 -9 , IIA/IB1-1O, 1BII-12, m: 1 E 1 3 -14, 22B7-8; B 7 -8 ; 1E13-14, V IIA /12B13-C1; VIIA/12B13-C1; V IIIA /15B 1-C 2, 15G 11-13, VIIIA/ISB1-C2, ISG11-13, 17A9-11 Charles Linnaeus Linnaeus PEALE, Charles also General General Index Series X XD See also D See for for chronological chronological sum summary m ary ooff letters sent or received by by CLP. CLP. References that follow are are to to CLP CLP docum ents, or or correspondence or documents, m mention ention of o f CLP in series other n. than his ow own. CW P to: CWP
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T h e Peale Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers The
1814, ov 30, Dec 11 1814,NNov30, IIA 11A154B /54B13-C2 13- C2 1816, Feb 20 1816, Feb20 IIA/56G4- 5 IIA/56G4-5 1816, Feb20 1816, Feb 20 J1A/56G9IIA /56G 9-12 12 1816, Apr Apr21 21 IIA/57B14-C1 1816, Apr Apr21 21 IIA /57C2-7 IIA/57C2-7 1818, Dec33 1818, Dec I1A/61D1-2 HPt/61D1-2 CWP, Deed ooff Trust to his Sons: 1820, Dec Dec11 JIA!65B3-C6 11 IIA /65B 3-C 6 CW P to: CWPto: 1824, Jan14 1824,Jan 14 IIA/69G7 1824, Jan Jan 14 11A169G8-9 IIA/69G8- 9 1824,Jan 14 14 IIA/69G10-11 IIA /69G 10-11 1826,Jan 8 11A171F2-6 IIA/71F2-6 1826, Mar I1 1826, IIA/72A3 1826, 14 IIA/72A14 1826, Mar 14 JPJr JP jr to: 1828, Jul12 1828,Jul 12 III/4A2-5 11114A2-5 1831,Jan29 1831,Jan 29 11U4A6-7 III/4A6—7 ReP to: 1814, Apr Apr 11 VIA/2F13 RuP to: V IIA /2B 9-10 VIIA/2B910 1813, Jul 11 SyM P to: SyMP 1815, Jan30 1815,Jan 30 V IIA /2G 4-6 VIIA/2G4-6 RuP to: 1815, Jan30 1815,Jan 30 V IIA /2G 4-6 VIIA/2G4-6 1815, Sept10 VIIA/2G11-13 1815, Sept 10 V IIA /2G 11-13 V IIA /3A 2-4 1815, O Oct VJJA/3A2-4 1815, ct 18 18 1825, N ov 19 19 V IIA /6C 2-3 1825, Nov VIIA/6C2-3 BFP to: BFPto: 1814, Dec 14 IX A /1A 2-7 1814, Dec14 JXAI1A2-7 SyMP to: X A /1D 1-4 1814, NNov29 ov 29 1814, XA/IDI-4 X A /1D 5-7 1815, Jan30 XA/1D5-7 1815,Jan 30 -F 2 , 21G 6-7, m: IIAJ18E1O, 18E11-F2, 21G6-7, I1A/18E10, 18E11 29B12, 29F5-8, 12, 31A7, 29B12, 29F 5-8, 29F92 9 F 9 -12, 31A7, 34G7, 35A2-6, 36C14-D4, 34G 7,35A 2-6, 36C 1 4 -D 4 , 3 8C 12-D 3, 38D4-9, 3 8 D 4 -9 ,38F4, 38F4, 38C12-D3, 38G11, 39B7, 39B8, 39B8, 39B9, 39D4, 38G11,39B7, 39D 6-7, 39D11, 39D11, 39E2, 44B 1-C 2, 39D6-7, 44B1-C2, -1 2 , 46G1-4, 46G 1-4, 44C 11-14, 46D7 44C11-14, 46D7-12, 46G5-6, 12, 47B 47B4-5, 46G 5-6, 46G74 6 G 7 -12, 4-5, 47 D 4 -7 , 48A8-B10, 48A 8-B 10, 49E1-4, 49E 1-4, 47D4-7, 49F1-2, F 4 -7 , 49F 8-9, 49F1-2, 49 49F4-7, 49F8-9, 51B 5-8, 50D4-6, 50D 4-6, 50G11-13, 50G 11- 13, 51B5-8, 551D12-14, 1 D 1 2 -14, 52E3--6 52E3-6,, 52F4-11, 52 F 1 3 -14, 53A2--7, 3 A 8 -13, 52F13-14, 53A2-7, 553A8-13, 53B3-8, 53E7-10, 53B 3-8, 53E 7-10, 53E11-13, 54F5-7, 4 F 8 -11, 54G7-10, 5 4 G 7 -10, 54F5-7, 554F8-11, 55A 10-B 9, 55B 10-C 9, 55A10-B9, 55B10-C9, 55E 13-F4, 55C 10-12, 55D5-10, 55D5 -1 0 , 55E13-F4, 55C10-12, 55G 6-7, 55F5-8, 55G 55G1-5, 55F5-8, 1-5., 55G6-7, 56A 6-7, 56C6-D6, 5 6 C 6 -D 6 , 57A2-4, 57A 2-4, 56A6-7, 5 7A 5-7, 57E11-12, 57E 11- 12, 57F3-8, 57A5-7, 57F3-8, 5 8A 2-5, 58B1-2, 58 B 1 -2 , 58B12-C7, 58B 12-C 7, 58A2-5, 5 8 C 9 - 11, 58E13-F1, 58E13-- F I, 59A11-12, 59A 11-12, 58C9-11, 59D5-6, 59G 5-7, 59 D 5 -6 , 59F12-14, 59F12- 14, 59G5-7, 59G 9- 11, 11, 60A 2- 3, 60A 4-5, 59G960A2-3, 60A4-5, 60A9, 60A 60A10-13, 60B1-3, 60A9, 10-13, 60B 1-3, 660B4-5, 0B 4-5, 60B12- 14, 1 4 ,60C 13-D 1, 60C13-D1, 7, 60F9-11, 60E10-12, 60F6-7, 60E 10-12, 60F6660G2-4, 0 G 2 -4 ,660Gb0 G 1 0 - 12, 12, 61A6-8, 61A 6 -8 , 61E 2-3, 61A9-10, 61A 9-10, 661D3-4, 1D 3- 4, 61E2-3, 661E4-5, 1E 4-5, 61E6-8, 61E 6-8,, 61E9-10, 61E 9-10, 61F3-4, 9-G 3, 61G4-8, 61G 4-8, 61F3-4, 61F 61F9-G3,
61G9,62E4, 61G9, 62E4,62 62E6-7, E 6 -7 , 62E 62E13-F1, 13-F1, 62F9-10, 63A7, 63A7, 63B 63B1-2, 62F9-10, 1-2, 63B12-14, 3 C 1 -7 , 63F9-10, 63F9-10, 63B12-14, 663C1-7, 63F11-G 2, 63 G 3 -9 , 64B 1-2, 63F11-G2, 63G3-9, 64B1-2, 64B 3-4, 64G9, 64G9, 65C 11-12, 64B3-4, 65C11-12, 66A2-8, 66A11, 66C7-8, 66A 2-8,66A 11, 66B11, 66B11, 66 C 7 -8 , 666C13, 6 C 1 3 ,666D76 D 7 -10, 3 -4 ,666E7, 6E7, 10, 66E 66E3-4, 666E13-14, 6 E 1 3 -14, 66G8-10, 6 6 G 8 -10, 67A11, 67A11, 6 7 A 1 2 -13, 67B4-5, 67 B 4 -5 , 67B7-9, 67B 7-9, 67Al2-13, 67C 1-3, 67C4-5, 6 7 C 4 -5 , 67C6-10, 67C 6-10, 67C1-3, 67E1-3, 67E 1-3, 68G1-3, 68 G 1 -3 , 69G7, 69G7, 69G8-9, 69G 8-9, 7 0 A 2 -5 ,770A6-9, 0 A 6 -9 , 70C3-5, 7 0 C 3 -5 , 70A2-5, 7 1 G 1 012, -1 271G13, ,71G13,72A2, 72A 2,72A 4, 71Gb72A4, 72B2-3, 10, 72C7, 72B 2-3, 72B6, 72B6, 72B97 2 B 9 -10, 72C7, 72E 2-3, 72E5-7, 72 E 5 -7 , 72E9-10, 72E 9-10, 72E2-3, 72F12, 73A 5- 7, 773A9-11, 3 A 9 -11, 72F12, 73A5-7, 73B10-11, 7 3 B 1 0 -11, 73B12-C4; 73B 12-C 4; IIB/15(p. IIB/15 (p. 411); 33), 23 (p. (p. 24); 24); IIC (p. 411); llhi4F912; V VJA/2D1011, III/4F9-12; IA /2D 10-11, 12;VIIA/2C7, VIIA/2C7,2G 2G7-8, 22F10F 1 0 -12; 7-8, 3B2-5, 3B 2- 5, 3B8-11, 3 B 8 - 11, 33D6-9, D 6 - 9, 3F13-G2, 3F13-G 2, 66B14-C1, B 1 4 -C 1 , 6C5-8, 6 C 5 -8 , 6 D 9 -13, 13, 6F6, 6F6, 7B4; 7B4; 6D9(A dd.)/1A 9-12; IIIA /1C1-4, (Add.)/1A912; VVillA/I C1-4, 2Al2, 2A12, 22B4-7, B 4 -7 , 17B4-05, 17B 4-C 5, 10; IXA/1 IXA!1A8-G7, 117E97 E 9 -10; A 8 -G 7 , 2B4, 2B 5-6; XCI1A11-12; X C /1A 11-12; 2B5-6; XIA/5A8-B1, 6F5-G13, X IA /5A 8-B 1, 6F5-G 13, 7A6-B11, 7A 6-B 11, 11C3-12A5;(Add.)15 11C 3-12A 5; (Add.)/5 (pp. 1,8,37), (pp. 1,8 , 3 7 ),99C9-D6, C 9 -D 6 , 9D 13-E 12 9D13-E12 PEALE, Charles Willson Willson See also General Index Series Series II for See also chronological sum summary m ary of o f letters letters of sent or received by CWP, list of lectures by by CWP, CWP, writings and lectures miscellany. diaries, autobiography, autobiography, miscellany. Series XIII XIII for sketches by See See Series CWP, CWP, and and Series Series XIA XJA for material material related related to to the Philadelphia Museum. M useum . References that follow to CW CWP are to P correspondence, documents, or mention m ention of o f CWP CW P in series other than his own. ow n. RaP to: 1792, NNov25 V/1A2-5 1792, ov 25 V /1A 2-5 ReP to; VIA/1CI1-13 1803, Jul 30 V IA /1C 11-13 1803,Ju130 1823, Apr A pr 11 V IA /3E 7-9 VJA/3E7-9 1825, Sept Sept20 1825, 20 VIA/4D13 M inutes ooff the om m ittee for Minutes the CCommittee Lafayette: VIA/15B9 19 1824, Aug 19 RuP to: to: VIIA/1A2-3 1802, 28 VIIA /1A 2-3 1802, Mar Mar28 VIIA/1A4 1802, A pr 2 1802, Apr2 1802, V IIA /1A 5-6 VIIAJ1A5-6 1802, Apr Apr77 VIIA/1A7 Apr 13 13 1802, Apr 1802, pr 19 VIIA /1A 11-13 VHA/IAII-13 1802,AApr19 May 22 VIIA/1A14-B1 1802, May VrIA/1B3-6 15 V IIA /1B 3-6 1802, May 15 VIIA/1C2-5 1802, Sept 6 1802, V IIA /1C 2-5 VIIA/1C6-9 1802, Sept23 1802, Sept 23 V IIA /1C 6-9 VJJA/ICIO-12 1802, OOct3 1802, ct 3 V IIA /1C 10-12 VIIA/1C13-D2 O c t 15 15 V IIA /1C 13-D 2 1802, Oct VIIA!1D3-6 V IIA /1D 3-6 1803, Jan Jan or Feb
The Peale Family F am ily Papers Papers The Peale
V IIA /1D 7-8 VIIAI1D7-8 1803, ar 28 1803,M Mar28 VIIA/1D910 V IIA /1D 9-10 1803, 1803, M May26 ay 26 V IIA /1D 12-14 VIIA/1D12-14 1803,Jul 20 1803,Ju120 VIIA/1E1 VIIA/IE1 1803,J u l 30 1803,Ju130 V IIA /1E4-5 VIIA/1E4-5 1803, Sept 4 RuP D ePeyster to RuP: RuP to, in Philip DePeyster VI1A/3A5 1816, A p ril 1816, Apr11 R uP t o : RuPto: V1IA/3D6-9 1820, Jun 3 1820,Jun3 V IIA /4B4-5 VIIA/4B4-5 1822,J u l6 1822,Ju16 VIIA /4C8- 9 VIIA/4C8-9 1822, 1822, Dec Dec88 VIIA /4F3-G2 VIIA/4F3-G2 1823, 29 1823,Jul Jul29 V IIA /5B 7-10 VIIA/5B7-10 1824, Jul 20 1824,Ju120 VIIAI5C1O-13 V IIA /5C 10-13 1824,Ju125 1824,J u l 25 V IIA /6B6-9 VIIA/6B6-9 1825, M ay 8 1825, May T R P to: to: TRP 1821,J un2 V IIIA /1D 8-11 1821, Jun VIIIA/1D811 BFP, N Notes otes on: on: IXB/20B1-C11 n.d. 2 C 7 -911J14E12; ; III/4E12; m: I/1A 111A6-9, 6-9, 1D6-■8, 1D6-8, 2C7-9; IV A /3A 7-1 0 ,3A 11-B 4; IVAJ3A7-10, 3A11-B4; IVBIIA2-6, 14, IV B /1A 2-6, 1A7; 1A7; VIIBI3V /1 B 1 3 -14, 1Db12; VIAJ1C45,,1106, 1D 10-12; V IA /1 C 4 -5 C 6, 22A10-13, A 1 0 -1 3 ,22C1, C 1 , 33D4-7, D 4 -7 , 8C4-7, 8 C 4 -7 , 9A14, 9A14,99C7-9, C 7 -9 , 10B 10B6-7, 6-7, 11A11, hAil, 111C2-3, 1 C 2 -3 ,111D14-E1, 1 D 1 4 -E 1 , 11F6-7, 11G2,11G6, 13-14, 11G2, 11G6, 12A7, 12A7, 12D 12D13-14, 12E6, 12E6, 13B12, 13B12, 14E 14E1-F4; 1-F4; (Add.)/1Al2-B1, (A d d.)/1A 12-B l, 1D8-11, 1D 8-11, 3B6-7; VIB/2A2-D12, 2G2-3, 3B 6 -7 ; V IB /2A 2-D 12, 2G 2 -3 , 3A 2-10, 6F 13-G 1, 66G4-9, G 4 -9 , 3A2-10, 6F13-G1, 1 3 A 6 -B 9 ,113C43 C 4 -114, 4 ,113F83 F 8 -114A4, 4A 4, 13A6B9, 14A5-B2, 19F2-6, 19F11-20B14; 1 4 A 5 -B 2,19F 2-6,19F 11-20B 14; VIIA/2A2, 2C8, 2E10, 2E10, 2E 2E14-F3, V IIA /2A 2,2C8, 14-F3, 2F 4 -5 ,22F11, F 1 1 , 22G7-8, G 7 -8 , 2G11-13, 2G 11-13, 2F4-5, 3 A 2 -4 ,33A6-8, A 6 -8 , 3A93 A 9 -10, 10, 3A2-4, 3A 14-B 1, 3B2-5, 3 B 2 -5 , 3B83 B 8 -11, 11, 3A14-B1, 3 B 1 2 -13, 3 D 1 -5 , 3E 13-F 2, 3B12-13,3D1-5,3E13-F2, 3F133F13-G G2, 2, 44A10A 10-11, 11, 4Al24A 12-13, 13, 4A 14-B 1, 44B12-13, B 1 2 - 13, 4B 1 4 -C 3 , 4A14-B1, 4B14-C3, 4C12-13, 4C 12-13, 4D7-10, 4 D 7 -1 0 , 5A11-B4, 5A 11-B 4, 5 D 5 -6 , 5D14-E3, 5 D 1 4 -E 3 , 5E12-13, 5E 12-13, 5D5-6, 5E14-F5, 5E 14-F5, 55G8-9, G 8 -9 , 6A2-5, 6 A 2 -5 , 6A10 6A10 - 1 1 ,6B46 B 4 -5 6C4, 6C56 C 5 -8 -11, 5,, 6C4, 8,, 6C9-D8, 6 C 9 -D 8 , 6D14-E3, 6 D 1 4 -E 3 , 6E9, 6E9, 6E 6E1010-11, 11, 6E 6E1212-FFl, 1, 6F26F 2 -55,, 7B 9-12, A 2 -4 , 10D 4-7, 7B912,88A2-4, 10D4-7, 11C812B510, 12B 12B13-C1, 1 1 0 8 -111, 1 , 12B 5-10, 13-C 1, 12C 12C2-3, 2-3, 12C6; 12C6; (Add.) (Add.) 1A91A 9-12, 12, 1D1O-E2; VIIIAI1B5-6, 1D 10-E2; V IIIA /1B 5-6, 1 B 1 2 -114, 4 ,11C1.-4, C 1 -4 , 22B4-7, B 4 -7 ,22C4C 4 -77,, 1B122C 8-10, 9D9-h1, 9 D 9 -1 1 , 9D12-E1, 9D 12-E 1, 2C8-10, 114F6-8, 4 F 6 -8 ,114F9-12, 4 F 9 -1 2 , 15A2-3, 15A 2-3, 15A6-7, 15A 6-7, 15A815A 8-10, 10, 115A SAl11-12, 1-12, 15B 1-2, 15B3-4, 15B 3-4, 15B5-8, 15B 5-8, 15B1-2, 15B9-11, 13-C 2, 15Gb 15G 11-13, 15B9- 11, 15B 15B13C2, 1-13, 16A2-5, 1 6 A 2 -5 ,116Al2-B1, 6 A 1 2 -B 1 , 16C6-8, 16C 6-8, 16D 3-4, 16D9-12, 16D 9-12, 16E12-13, 16E12-13, 16D3-4, 16F1-5, 16F6-8, 1 6 F 6 -8 ,1 16F126 F 1 2 -14, 14, 116G1-2, 6 G 1 -2 ,117A2-3, 7 A 2 -3 , 17A9-11, 17A 9-11, 17Al2-14, 17B1, 17B4-05, 17A 12-14,17B 1, 17B 4-C 5, 17E1-2, 17E 1-2, 17E917E 9-10, 10, 17E11-F2; 17E11-F2; (A dd.)/lC 4-10, D 2 -113, 3 , 1D14; (Add.)/1C410, 11D2VI1IC/25B7-E2; IX A /1A 2-7, VI1IC/25B7-E2; IXA/1A2-7, 1A8-G7, 7F6, 7F7, 1A 8-G 7, 2B1, 2B 1.7F6, 7F7, 10Db-il, 10D 10-11,17F1317 F 1 314, -14, 19B9-C4, 19B 9-C 4,
21F11-22A 4, 22B4; 22B4; IX B /20A 7-8; 21F11-22A4, IXB/20A7-8; XA/1D1X A /1 D 1 -44,, 1D81D 8 -11; 11; XB/1A3-4; XB/1 A 3 -4 ;
XC/1A3-4, IB1-5, X C /1 A 3 -4 , 1A13-14, 1A 13-14, 1B 1-5, 1 B 8 ,11B9-11,3B3-6, B 9 -11, 3 B 3 -6 , 5B12-C1, 5B 12-C 1, 1B8, 5D6-9, 5 D 6 -9 , 7D12-E1; 7 D 1 2 -E 1 ; XD/1A5, XD/1A5, 1C910, 11C131C 9-10, C 1 3 -114, 4 ,1ID1-3, D 1 -3 , 1D6, 1D6, 1E4-5; 1E 4-5; XIAJIA2-4, X IA /1 A 2 -4 ,11A6, A 6, 1A 7-14, 1 B 1 -3 , 1B 9-2C 6, 1A7-14,1B1-3,1B9-2C6, 22C7-8, C 7 -8 , 2E7-9, 2 E 7 -9 , 5C3, 5C3, 5D4.-E8, 5 D 4 -E 8 , 5 E 9-11, 5G5, 5G5, 55G6-8, G 6 -8 , 6E14-F1, 6E 14-F1, 5E9-11, 6F5-G 13, 77A6-B11, A 6 -B 1 1 , 7C1-14, 7 C 1 -1 4 , 6F5-G13, 7D5-6, 7 D 5 -6 , 7F3-5, 7 F 3- 5, 7F97 F 9 -11, 11, 77G6-8, G 6 - 8, 11B13, 1-F5, 11B13, 12B9, 12B9, 15E 15E1-F5, 15F6-7.16A 10, 16B 11-E 8, 15F6-7,16A10,16B11-E8, 16E12- 17A4, 1; 16E12-17A 4, 17A6-B1 17A 6-B 11; XIA(Add.)/9C9-D6, X IA (A dd.)/9C 9-D 6, 9D13-E12; 9D 13-E 12; XIB/1A67, 1A8; XIC/1A213, X IB /1A 6-7, 1A8; X IC /1A 2-13, 1A14-B1 Portraits by CWP C W P are are indexed indexed under names of o f individual sitters. Mentions M entions of o f paintings other than portraits follow: An Albiness XIA/17C9 A n A lbiness XIA /17C9 Arkansas copy ooff A rka n sa s Village, Village, copy 11A163F11-G2, 64B3-4; IIA/63F11-G 2, 663G3-9, 3 G 3 -9 , 64B 3-4; X IA /16B 1-4 XIA/16B1-4 Belfield B e lfie ld and a n d Germantown, G e rm a n to w n , views.: X IA /16B 1-4 XIA/16B1-4 Christ C hrist 1-lealing H ea lin g the SSick, ic k , after Dietrich: XIA/17C3 Court C o u rt oof f DDeath, e a th , TThe, h e , copy of: IIA/64F5-6 IIA/64F5- 6 E lisha Restoing R estoring Life L ife to to the the Elisha Shunamite's copy of: IID-30 S h u n a m ite ’s SSon, o n , copy (P-54) (p.S4) E x h u m in g the Mastodon: M astodon: Exhuming IIA/39E1112, 39E16; IID/30 (p. IIA /39E 11-12,
Falls ooff the theOOhio: IIA/64B3-4; h io : II A I6 4 B 3 -4 ; X IA I1 6 B 1 -4 XIA/16B1-4 Family Group: XIA/17C10 F a m ily G roup: X IA I1 7 C 1 0 []P] L a m p lig h t Portrait, The: T he: [JP]Lamplight XIA/17C7 X IA I1 7 C 7 M ercury and rg u s, copy of: IID/30 IID/30 Mercury and AArgus, (p.53), XIA/17 C9 N o a h and is AArk, r k , copy f C atto n ’s: Noah andHHis copyoofCatton's:
11A163A8-9, 63A1063B3-4, IIA /63A 8-9, 63A 10 -111, 1 , 63 B 3 -4 , 63 B 5 -6 , 63B126 3 B 1 2 -14, 3 C 1 -7 , 63B5-6, 14, 663C1-7,
63F1-3; 429); 63F1-3; IIC/ IIC/ (pp. (pp. 428, 428,429); V IIA /3B 8-11; VIIA/3B811; XIA/17C9 Our O u r Savior S a v io r Healing H e a lin g the the Sick S ic k at the the Pool of ofBBethesda: ethesda: IIA/65F2- 3 ,65F 4- 5, 11A165F2-3,65F4-5,
65G1-3,65G46,, 65G79,, 6 5 G 1 -3 .6 5 G 4 -6 6 5 G 7 -9
66A2-8, 66 A 2 -8 , 666B.-7 6 B 5 -7 the D Delaware: Retreat Across Across the elaw are:
IIA/62F5-6, 662F7-8, IIA/62F5-6, 2 F 7 -8 , 663C1-7, 3 C 1 -7 ,
63F1-3,63F4-6 6 3F 1-3, 63 F 4 -6 Staircase GGroup: roup: (“ D eception Staircase ("Deception
Group"): G roup”): VIB/14A5-B2, V IB /14A 5-B 2, 19F7-8; 19F7-8; XIA/17C8 PEALE, Charles Willson: Wilison: portraits portraits ooff m: IIA /4 3 D 2 -11, 5-6, m: IIA/43D211, 62B1, 62B1, 66F 66F5-6,
67D3,667D45, 67D3, 7 D 4 -5 , 67D6-8, 6 7 D 6 -8 , 67D 9 -1 1 , 667E1-3, 7 E 1 -3 , 67E6-8, 67 E 6 -8 , 67D9-11, 67E 12-14, 667F1-3, 7 F 1 -3 , 67F6-8, 67F 6-8, 67E12-14,
The Peale The Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers
67F9-14, 67G 67G1-2, 68A6-7, 67F9-14, 1-2, 68A 6-7, 69A 13-B1, 69B269B 2-3, 4-5, 69A13-B1, 3, 69B 69B45, 69B 6-7, 69B8-9, 69B 8-9, 69B1069B 10-12, 69B6-7, 12, 69B13-C1, 69C7-8, 69B 13-C 1, 669C2-6, 9 C 2 -6 , 69 C 7 -8 , 669C10-12, 9 C 1 0 -12, 669D7-10, 9 D 7 -10, 69D11, 69D11, 69D13,70D 70D12-13, hG 69D13, 12-13, 770E4-5; 0E 4-5; IIC (pp. 16, 16, 23, 25, 26, 446, 446, 453); 453); V IA /7A 7-9,12A 14-B 3; VIA/7A7-9, 12A14-B3; VIBII3A6-B9; VVIIA/IOGI-7, VIB/13A6-B9; IIA /10G 1-7, I11F8-11; 1F8- 11;XXIA/2C10IA /2C 10-EEl, 1, 7A 6-B11, 7A6-B1 1, 17C9, 17C9, D2 D2 PEALE, Charles Willson Wilison (1802-1829) St. Peter’s Peter's Church; Church: Baptismal St. records: 1803, Jul 29 V /1B 1-2 1803,Ju129 V/IBI-2 CW P to: CWPto: 1821,Oct3O 1821, O ct 30 IIA/66E1-2 hhA/66E1-2 RaP to: RaPto: 1823, OOct18 1823, ct 18 V /1 E 3 -10 V/1E310 m: IIA/28D8-9, 4-5, 11A128D8-9,28D10, 28Db, 28E 28E4-5, 28E 6-7,28G 3, 33005-6, 0 C 5 -6 , 35A2-6, 35A 2-6, 28E6-7, 28G3, 39D 6-7, 40B1040B 10-11, 40B 12-13, 39D6-7, 11, 40B1213, 60A 2-3, 60A106 0 A 1 0 -13, 6-7, 60A2-3, 13, 60B 60B6-7, 66OE1O-12, 0 E 1 0 -12, 660G10-12, 0 G 1 0 -12, 661B13-14, 1 B 1 3 -14, 61C 5-7, 61D1-2, 6 1 D 1 -2 , 61D5-6, 61 D 5 -6 , 6105-7, 61F9-G3, 62A13-14, 61F9-G 3, 61G12, 61G12, 62A 13-14, 664D1-2,64D3--5,64D12-14, 4 D 1 -2 ,6 4 D 3 -5 .6 4 D 1 2 -14, 66B11, 70C3-5; 70C 3-5;11114E8-9; III/4E8-9; V /1E14-F4, 1F7-10, D 2 -9 ; V/1E14-F4, 1F7-10, 22D2-9; XIA(Add.)/5 (p. ( p . 8) 8) PEALE, Charles Willson Willson (1821-1871) ReP to: 1846, N ov 29 V IA /10D 5-6 1846, Nov29 VIA/10D5-6 RuPto: RuP to: 1840,Jul 1840, Jul 19 19 V IIA /9E1-4 VIIA/9E1-4 VIIA/9F12-G1 1842, Jul Jul 13 13 VIIAI9FI2-G1 William A. A.Jenkins William Jenkins to: 1842, ov 2 V IIA /9G 2-5 1842, NNov2 VIIA/9G2-5 Eliza Burd Patterson Peale Peale to: to: 1848,Jan 1848, Jan 18 18 V IIA /10A 7-8 VIIA/10A7-8 RuPto: RuP to: 1853, Aug30 VIIA/10B1314 1853, Aug 30 V IIA /10B 13-14 1855, Dec30 1855, Dec 30 V IIA /10C 9-11 VIIA/10C9-11 1857, AApr4 1857, pr 4 V IIA /10D 4-7 VIIA/10D4-7 n.d. [1857] [1857] VIIA/10D8 VIIAfIOD8 nd. 15 VIIA/10E10-12 1858, Feb Feb15 VIIA/IOEIO-12 1858, Jun 24 VIIA /10E13-F2 1858,Jun24 VIIA/10E13-F2 1858, N ov 6 V IIA /10F7-10 1858, Nov6 VIIA/10F7-10 1858, N o v 21 VIIA/10F3-6 1858, Nov21 VHA/10F3-6 1859, Jan 30 V IIA /10G 1-7 1859,Jan3O VIIA/IOGI-7 1859, Mar 19 VIIA /11A 2-5 1859, Mar 7, 7,19 VIIA/11A2-5 VIIAJIIA8-11 1859,Jun VIIA/11A8-11 VIIA/11B6-8 1860, Aug Aug11 1860, 11 VIIA /11B6-8 1860, Aug22 VIIA/11B9-12 1860, Aug 22 VIIA/11B 9 - 12 1860, N o v 15 V IIA /U C 2 -5 1860,NovlS VIIA/11C2-5 Eliza Burd Burd Patterson Patterson Peale to: to: Eliza 1861,MarlO VhhA/11C12-D1 1861, M ar 10 VIIA /11C12-D 1 RuP to: 1861, M Mar18 VIIA/11D2-3 1861, ar 18 V IIA /11D 2-3 1861, 20 VIIA /11E1-2 1861, May May20 VIIAIIIEI-2 1861, Sept 26 VIIA /11E3-5 1861, Sept26 VIIA/11E3-5 1861, N ov8 V IIA /11E6-9 1861, Nov8 VIIA/11E6-9 1861, Nov19 VIIA/1IEIO13 1861, N o v 19 V IIA /11E 10-13 1861, D e c 29 VIIA/11E14-F1 1861, Dec29 15 VIIA/11F2-7 1862, Feb Feb15 VIIA/11F8-11 1862, Feb 25 1862, Feb25
1862, May23 1862, May 23 V IIA /11G 1-2 VIIA/IIGI-2 1862,Jun 1862, Jun 9 VIIA /11G 7-10 VIIA/1 1G710 1862,Jun 1862, Jun 22 VIIA/11G11 -1 3 VIIAII IGI 1-13 1862, V IIA /12A 5-7 1862, Sept 16 VIIA/12A5-7 1862, Sept Sept25 1862, 25 V IIA /12A 8-10 VIIAII2A8-10 1862, N Nov 1862, ov VIIA/12A11-14 1863, 1863, FFeb28 eb28 V IIA /12B1-4 VIIA/12B1-4 1864jun7 1864, Jun 7 V IIA /12C4-5 VIIA/12C4-5 John G. Bell Bel) to: 1841, M Mar23 1841, ar 23 X IC /1B 5-7 XIC/1B5-7 HA/66A2-8, 666E1314, 67B 67B4-5, m: IIA/66A2-8, 6 E 1 3 -14, 4-5, tti: 67B6, 67B 7-9, 67B6, 67B79, 67B 10-11, 10-11, 67D 6-8, 67G 7-8, 69B 6-7, 67D6-8, 67G7-8, 69B6-7, 69B13-C1, 73C6-D8; 69B 13-C 1, 69E11, 69E11, 73C 6-D 8; VIA /15D 8-E1; VIIA /7G 1-8, VIA/15D8-E1; VIIAI7GI-8, 9 E 5 -8 , 9F 8-11, 1006-8, 10C 6-8, 9E5-8,9F8-11, 10E 6-9, 10E13-F2, 10E 13-F2, 10G8-12, 10G 8-12, 10E6-9, 11A12-B1, 6-7, 11G3-6, 11G 3-6, 11Al2-B1, 11C 1106-7, 12A2-4, 10; 12A 2-4, 12B512B5-10; VIIB/18A2-B12; 13, VIIB/18A2-B12;VhhhA/1C12V IIIA /1C 12-13, 14F9- 12; X XC/8F1 14F9-12; C /8 F 1 1-14, 1 -14, 10C36 ,1 0 D 9 -12; X IC /1B 8- G3 G3 10C3-6,10D912; XIC/1B8PEALE, Christiana unyon (Mrs. Charles Christiana RRunyon Linnaeus) CLP to: 1820, p ril X D /1C 9-10 1820, A Apr11 XD/1C9-10 1821, M ar 22 X D /1C 11-12 1821,Mar22 XD/ICII-12 XD/1E4-5 1826,AAp2O 1826, pr 20 X D /1E 4-5 rn: hhA/56G4-5,56G 56G9-12, 57A5-7, m: IIA/56G4-5, 9-12, 57A 5-7, 60B12-14,60F67 ,60G57, 60B12-14, 60F6-7, 60G5-7,
61B6-7, 61B 6-7, 66B11, 66B11, 71F2-6, 771Gb1 G 1 012, -12,72A 14,72C 7,72E 5-7, 72A14, 72C7, 72E5-7, 772E92 E 9 -10; 411); 10; IIC IIC (p. 411); V /2E 11-14; V IIA /6G 10-11; Vf2EII-14;VIIA/6G10--11; X D /1 C 1 3 -14 XD/1C13-14 PEALE, Clara Clara m B12 m:: VIIB/18A2VIIB/18A2-B12
PEALE, Edmund M artha McGlathery M cG lathery Peale: Peale: to Martha V/1F7-10 1828,Jul 1828, Jul 17 17 V /1 F 7 -10 V/IFII-12 1836,Jan2 1836,Ja n 2 V/1F11-12 Bill, to M Martha Bill, artha McGlathery M cGlathery Peale: Peale: VIIFI3-G1 1836, Jun 13 13 V/1F13-G1 1836,Jun to M cGlathery Peale: Peale: to Martha McGlathery V/1G2-4 1836, Aug 15 15 V /1G 2-4 1836, VIIG5-6 1836, Sept Sept20 1836, 20 V /1G 5-6 1836, ov 19 V /2A 4-5 V12A4-5 1836, NNov19 1837,Jan2O V/2A6-8 1837, Jan 20 V /2A 6-8 V/2B3-4 1837,M Mar10 1837, arlO V /2B3-4 1837, 25 V /2B 5-6 V/2B5-6 1837,Apr Apr25 1837, Aug V /2B 14-C 2 1837, Aug44 V/2B14-C2 1837, V /2C 3-6 1837, Sept Sept 15 15 V/2C3-6 1837, O ct 25 V /2C 7-9 1837, Oct25 V12C7-9 1837, NNov19 o v 19 V /2C10-11 1837, V/2C10-11 V/2C12-D1 1837, D ec4 V /2C 12-D 1 1837,Dec4 V/2D 1838, A ug28 V /2 D 10-11 1 0 -11 1838, Aug28 V/2D12-E1 1838, N o v 20 V /2D 12-E1 1838,Nov2O V/2E2-4 1839, Jan V /2E 2-4 Jan 8 1839, Apr 18 V/2E6 1839, Apr18 V/2E6 CWPto: CW P to: 1822, Dec 16 hhA/68A4 16 IIA/68A4 M artha M cGlathery Peale, T ransferor Martha McGlathery Transt'erot' Philadelphia Museum Philadelphia M useum stock to: to: 1839,Jan 1839, Jan 17 17 V/2E5 in: IIA/60A2-3, 660B6-7, m: HA/60A2-3, 0 B 6 -7 , 660D7-9, 0 D 7 -9 , 6 0 E 1 0 -12, 60G 10-12, 664D1-2, 4 D 1 -2 , 60E10-12, 60G10-12,
The Peale The Peale Family F am ily Papers Papers
6 4 D 3 -5 , 66B11, 66B11, 67G7-8, 67G 7-8, 64D3-5, 6 8 C 4 -6 , 69A5, 69A5, 69A6-7, 69A 6-7, 68C4-6, 69A 13-B 1, 69E11, 69E11, 70C 3-5, 69A13-B1, 70C3-5, 70E13, 3 C 6 -D 8 ; VV/IEI-2, /1E 1-2, 70E13,773C6-D8; 1E 14-F4, 1G7-12; 1G 7-12; VIAIBC2-3; V IA /8C 2-3; 1E14-F4, VIIAI4C89,,44Gb11, V IIA /4 C 8 -9 C 1 0 -11, 4D 11-12, 10D8; 10D8; VIIIAII3B3-8; VIIIA/13B3-8; 4D11-12,
XCIIEII-l4, X C /1E 11-14,2A13-14, 2 A 13-14, 8E9-12, 8E 9-12, 88F11F 1 1 -114, 4 ,11G 11G2-3; 2-3; X XIA/14A7-F7, IA /14A 7- F7, 15B13-05, 17C9; 15B 13-C 5, 15D5-13, 15D 5-13,17C 9; (Add.)15 (p.8), 7 (p. 93), 88 (Add.)/5 (p.8), (pp. 280280-82) 82) PEALE, ard Burd PEALE, Edw Edward in: VIIAIIOB5-8, 10C9-11, m: V IIA /10B 5-8, 10C 9-11, 10C 14-D 3, 10D12-E1, 10D 12-E 1, 10E6-9, 10E6-9, 10C14-D3, 10E10-12, 10E 13-F2, 10F3-6, IOE1O-12, 10E13-F2, 110F7-1O, 0 F 7 -1 0 ,1IOGI-7, 0 G 1 -7 ,1 0 G 8 -112, 2, 10GB11A2-5, 11A 2-5, 11A8-11, 11A 8-11, 11B6-8, 11B 6-8, 11B 9-12, 11B 13-C 1, 11C2-5, 11C 2-5, 11B9-12, 11B13-C1, 111C12-D1, 1 C 1 2 -D 1 ,111D2-3, 1 D 2 -3 ,111D6-9, 1 D 6 -9 , 11E 3-5, 11E 6-9, 11E10-13, 11E3-5, 11E6-9, IIEIO-13, 11E14-F1, 2-7, 11F12-14, 11F12-14, 11E14-F1, 11F 11F2-7, 1 1 G 1 -2 ,1 1 G 3 -6 ,1 IIGII-13, 1 G 1 1 -1 3 , IIGI-2, 11G3-6, 12A 2-4, 12A11-14, 12A11 —14, 12B1-4, 12B 1-4, 12A2-4, 10;XXCI5B811,6A 6A14-B3, 112B52 B 5 -10; C /5 B 8 -11, 14- B3, 88A9-12, A 9 -1 2 ,1IICI-4 1 C 1 -4 Eleanor. See G oldsm ith, Eleanor Eleanor PEALE, Eleanor. See Goldsmith, Peale. PEALE, Eleanor May May Short (Mrs. Rembrandt) (Mrs. Additional references to Eleanor Peale may be found in May Short Peale Series VIA. Marriage Announcement: Marriage Announcem ent: VIAIIA3 1798, Jun 16 16 VIA/1A3 to “Sir” to 'Sir":: 1829, 1829, Nov20 N o v 20 VIA /6B13-14 VIAI6BI3-14 CW P to ReP, CWPto ReP, RuP and: 1802, 11A126D13-E3 1802, Aug30 A ug30 IIA /26D 13-E3 ReP to: 1808, Jul 8 V IA /1G 4-10 VIAI1G410 1808,Jul [?] V IA /2A 2-5 VIAI2A2-5 1808, (?] V IA /2A 6-9 1808,Aug Aug [?1 VIAI2A6-9 1808, Aug Aug25 1808, 25 VIA /2A 10-13 VIAI2AIO-13 1828, Feb Feb28 1828, 28 V IA /4G 9-12 VIAI4G912 Reuben Haines, Reuben Haines, Check stubs of, payments to: VIAI6BI-4 1828-30 V IA /6B1-4 Reuben Reuben Haines, Haines, Cancelled checks to: written to: 1829-30 V IA /6B 5-8 VIAI6B5-8 ReP to: 1829,Julll 1829, Jul 11 V IA /6B9-12 VIAI6B9-12 1830, Apr Apr18 1830, 18 V IA /6C11-14 VIA/6C11-14 1830,Jun6 1830,Ju n6 V IA /6D 1-4 VIA/6D1-4 1830,Jun Jun27 1830, 27 V IA /6D 5-88 VIAI6D51830,Jul 1830, Jul 10 10 V IA /6 D 9 -12 VIAI6D9-12 1830, A Aug22 1830, ug22 V IA /6D 13-E2 VIAI6DI3-E2 Jan 9 1833, Jan VIA/7G8-11 VIAI7G811 m: 11A126F63005-6, m: IIA /26F6-10,10, 2 828E4-5, E 4 -5 , 30 C 5 -6 , 30E12, 30E1314, 30F3, 30F12, 30E 1 2 ,3 0 E 1 3 -14, 31A 1 2 -13, 13,32 F 3 -4 , 32F11 32F11 -1 3, 31Al232F3-4, -13, 3 3 A 2 -6 ,335C1-5, 5 C 1 -5 , 41C134 1 C 1 3 -14, 33A2-6, 14, 43D2-11, 4 3 D 2 -11, 43F1-5, 4 3F 1-5, 44A6-12, 4 4 A 6 -12, 44A13-14, 44A 13-14, 444B1-C2, 4 B 1 -C 2 , 44C11-14, 44C 11-14, 4 4 E 7 -1 1 ,44E12 - F3, 446D7-12, 6 D 7 - 12, 44E7-11, 44E12-F3,
47A 10-B 1, 47 E 7 -1 2 , 49A6-7, 49A 6-7, 47A10-B1, 47E7-12, 49A 49A8-14, 8-14, 550D11-13, 0 D 11-13, 50E 50E1-3, 1-3, 556C6-D6, 6 C 6 -D 6 , 557A2-4, 7 A 2 -4 , 57B 1-2, 57B1-2, 58A2-5, 58A 2-5, 58C9-11, 5 8 C 9 -1 1 , 58F12-14, 58F12-14, 60B12-14, 559C8-9, 9 C 8 -9 , 59G12, 59G12, 60B 12-14, 61B6-7, 61Gb-h, 61B 6-7, 61G 10- 11,66D13, 66D13, 67B 12-13, 667C1-3, 7 C 1 -3 , 67D1-2, 6 7 D 1 -2 , 67B12-13, 67D4-5, 67 D 4 -5 , 68A2-3, 6 8 A 2 -3 , 68Al2-14, 68A 12-14, 68B 11-13, 6 68D3-4, 8 D 3 -4 , 68G 10-11, 68B11-13, 68Gb-h, 69C10-12; VIA(Add.)IIC1I-13, 6 9 C 1 0 -12; V I A ( A d d .) /lC ll- 13, 1D 8-11; VIBJI9F2-6; V IB /19F2-6; 1DB-Il; VIIAI1AI1-13, V IIA /1A 11-13, 11E2-3, E 2 -3 , 2B12-13, 2B 12-13, 2C7, 2C7, 33A6-8, A 6 -8 , 4F13-G2, 4F 1 3 -G 2 , 8C4; 8C4; VIIIAIICI2-13, VI11A/1C12-13, 1D14-E1; 1D 14-E 1; XCIIAII-12 X C /1A 11-12 PEALE, Eliza Burd Burd Patterson (M rs. Rubens) Rubens) (Mrs. Additional references to Eliza Burd may Patterson Peale Peale m ay be found in Series VIIA, -1 2 . Series VIIA, cards cards 22-12. Peter’s Church: Marriage M arriage Records: Records: St. Peter's 1820, Mar6 VIIAI3C7-8 1820, M ar 6 V IIA /3C 7-8 and RuP to BFP: BFP: 1822, Sept29 Sept29 VIIA/4B14-C3 V IIA /4B 14-C 3 1822, and RuP etal., Deed et al., D eed to Charlotte Thompson: Thom pson: 1830, Jul 22 V IIA /7D 11-E6 VIIA/7D1 1- E6 M ary Jane Peale: to Mary nn.d. .d. V IIA /10B 5-8 VIIAIIOB5-8 and RuP to Mary M ary Jane Peale: Peale: 1859, Jan V IIA /10F 11-14 1859,Jan 16 16 VIIAIIOF1I-14 Charles and Harriet H arriet Peale: Peale: to Charles 1861, Mar10 M ar 10 VIIAIIIC12-D1 V IIA /11C12-D 1 1861, to Mary M ary Jane Jane Peale: Peale: and RuP to 1861, Apr Apr20 VIIA/11D4-5 1861, 20 V IIA /11D 4-5 RuP to to Charles CharlesWillson WillsonPeale: Peale: and RuP 1862,J un9 V IIA /11G 7-10 1862,Jun9 VIIA/11G7-10 1862, Nov 1862, N ov V IIA /12A 11-14 VIIA/12A11-14 M ary Jane Jane Peale: Peale: to Mary 1863, 23 V IIA /12B 5-10 1863, Dec Dec23 VIIAII2B510 CWPto: C W P to: 1822, M May24 1822, ay 24 IIA/67A12-13 11A167Al2-13 1823, IIA /68G 1-3 1823, Jun Jun 4 11A168G1-3 1824, 16 IIA /70A 2-5 1824, Jan Jan16 11A170A2-5 1824, ay 18 IIA /70E 7-9 1824, M May 11A170E7-9 1826, M Mar 11A172A13 1826, ar 13 IIA/72A13 1826, M ar 29 IIA/72B4 1826, Mar29 IIA/72B4 M M.. E. Buckley to: 18 V IIA /3B 14-C 3 1820, Feb 18 VIIAI3BI4-C3 Morris Elizabeth M orris to: 1820 V IIA /3C 4-6 VIIAI3C4-6 Caspar Yeates Yeates to: M ar 11 11 V IIA /3C 9-10 1820, Mar VIIAI3C910 Morris Elizabeth M orris to: 1820, VIIA/3C11-14 1820, Mar16 M ar 16 V IIA /3C11-14 M. E. Buckley to: 1822, Nov31 VIIAI4C4-7 1822, N o v 31 V IIA /4C 4-7 RuP to: 1824, Aug 29 V IIA /5E14-F5 1824, Aug29 VIIA/5E14-F5 VIIAI5GI-6 1824, Aug30 1824, Aug 30 V IIA /5G 1-6 1824, Sept I1 V IIA /5G 8-9 1824, VIIAI5G8-9 VIIAI6A2-5 1824, 1824, Sept 5 V IIA /6A 2-5 Elizabeth orris to: Elizabeth M Morris VIIAI6G4-7 17 V IIA /6G 4-7 1828, Feb 17 MaryJ. M ary J. Hubley H ubley to: 1831, Feb V IIA /7F2-5 1831, Feb77 VIIAI7F2-5
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The T he Peale Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers
Mary M ary Jane Peale to RuP and: and: 1842, Apr 6 1842, VI1A/9F8-11 VIIA/ 9F8- 11 1852, Jun10 1852, Jun 10 V IIA /10B2-4 VIIA/10B2-4 RuP to: 1854, 1854, O Oct ct 16 VIIA/10C5 VIIAII005 1855, 1855, Sept26 V IIA /10C6-8 VIIA/10C6-8 Margaret Shippen to: to: 1858,Jan 1858, Jan 27 27 VIIA /10E2-5 VIIA/10E2-5 Mary Jane Peale Peale to to RuP and: 1860, May99 1860, May VIIA/11A12-B1 VIIA/11Al2-B1 1861, Apr25 1861, Apr 25 V IIA /11D 10-11 VIIA/IIDIO-Il to RuP and: James Burd Peale Peale to 1862, May21 1862, May 21 V1IA/11G3-6 VIIA/11G3-6 Lucy Peale to: 1862, 1862, Aug31 Aug31 VIIIA /14A 2-5 VJIIA/14A2-5 SPS to: 1851,Jan 1851, Jan 12 12 X C /5B8-11 XCf5B8-11 1855, Sept99 1855, Sept X C /10D 9-12 XC/10D9-12 —14, 63B 12-14, m: IIA/55F11 IIA/55F11-14, 63B12-14, 63C 1-7, 63F11-G2, 63G 3-9, 63C1-7, 63G3-9, 3-4, 64 D 1 -2 , 63G10-12, 64B 64B3-4, 64D1-2, 64D 3-5, 65F14, 65F14, 66B11, C 7 -8 , 64D3-5, 66B11, 66 66C7-8, 14, 66G1, 666G8666E136 E 1 3 -14, 6 G 8 -10, 10, 67A9-10, 67B1-3, 67A 9-10, 67 B 1 -3 , 67B4-5, 67B 4-5, 67B6, 67B 67B7-9, 67B10-11, 67B6, 7-9, 67B 10-11, 67D 6-8, 67E1-3, 67E 1-3, 67E6-8, 67E 6-8, 67D6-8, 67F1-3, 67 67G1-2, 67F1-3, G 1 -2 , 67G7-8, 67 G 7 -8 , 67G9, 67G9, 67G12,68A8-9, 68A10-11, 67G 12,68A 8-9, 68A 10-11, 68B3-4, 68C11-13, 68B 3-4, 68C11 - 1 3 , 68D9-11, 6 8 D 9 - 11, 668E1 8 E 1 -3 8 E 7 -8 , 68E96 8 E 9 -11, 68F1, -3,,668E7-8, 11, 68F1, 68F5-6, 68F10- 12, 12, 68G 8-9, 68G8-9, 68Gb-h, 68G 10-11,68G12-13, 68G 12-13, 69B2-3, 69B 2-3, 69B 6-7, 69C 10-12, 77006-7, 0 C 6 -7 , 69B6-7, 69C10-12, 70D 5-6, 70E4-5, 70E 4-5,70E13, 70E13,71A2, 71A2, 70D5-6, 71B11-12, 7 1 B 1 1 -12, 71C14, 71F2-6, 71F 2-6, 72A2, 72A2, 72A3, 2 B 1 2 -14, 72A3, 72B5, 72B5, 772B1214, 72C10-11; 7 2 C 1 0 -U ; V/2D12-E1; V /2D 12-E 1; V IA /3D 12-13, 15D8-E1; 15D 8-E 1; VIA/3D12-13, IX A /2G 10-12; A /1D 8-11; IXAI2GIO12; X XAfID811; X C /1E 11-14, 1G6-7,2A13-14, 1 G 6 -7 , 2 A 1 3 -14, XC/IEII-14, 3 C 9 -12, 12, 7E107E 10- 12, 12, 7E137 E 1 3 -14, 14, 3C98A 9-12, 88C4-7, C 4 -7 , 8E13-F2, 8E 13-F 2, 8A9-12, 8F3-6, 8F 3-6, 8G1-4, 8 G 1 -4 , 9A2-5, 9 A 2 -5 , 9A10-13, 9A 10-13, 9 E 9 - 12, IOBI-4, 10B 1-4, 10B5-8, 10B 5-8, 9E9-12, 11C1-4, 11C 1-4, 11D5-6, 11D 5-6, 11G4-5; 11G4-5; XlA(Add.)/5 IC /1B 8-G 3 XIA(Add.)/5 (p. (p. 8); 8); XXIC/1B8-G3 Eliza Cecilia Laforgue Laforgue PEALE, Eliza (Mrs. Titian Ramsay) Additional references to Eliza Eliza Cecilia Cecilia Laforgue Laforgue Peale Peale may may be be found in Series Series VIIIA. VillA. to TRP: 1824, Aug Aug21 21 VII1A/1F5-8 VIUA/1F5-8 CW P to TRP T R P and: and: CWP 1824, May21 IIA/70E10 1824, May 21 21 1824, May May21 IIA/70E11 Marie Williams to: VIIIA/8E4-1O 1843, 23 VIIIA /8E4-10 1843, Apr Apr23 BFP to: IXAI9E6 1844, Jan 10 IXA/9E6 1844,JanlO m: 1IAf66G8-1O, IIA/66G8-10, 67 E 9 -1 1 , 67F1-3, m: 67E9-11, 6 7G 4-6, 69A2-4, 6 9 A 2 -4 , 69A6-7, 69A 6-7, 67G4-6, 69A13-B1, 69A 13-B 1, 69C7-8, 6 9 C 7 -8 , 69C9, 69C9, 70D 12-13, 770E4-5, 0 E 4 -5 , 73A2-4; 73A 2-4; 70D12-13, II1/4G1 —4; IXA/2C11-14 IX A /2C 11-14 IflI4GI-4; PEALE, Eliza Eliza Ferguson. See See Stockton,
Eliza Peale. PEALE, Eliza Greatrake (Mrs. (M rs. Benjamin Benjamin Franklin) Additional references references to to Eliza Eliza in Greatrake Peale may be found in Series IXA. Annulm ent ooff m arriag e: Annulment marriage: 1832, Feb 9, 10 1832, IX A /2D 3-5 IXA/2D3-5 1832, Feb 10 1832, 10 1XA/2D610 IXA/2D6- 10 m: IIA/54D3-8, 13-B 4, 57B 1-2, m: IIA/54D3-8, 56A 56A13-B4, 57B1-2, 57B14-C1, 57B 14-C 1, 57D12-E5, 57D 12-E 5, 57F3-8, 58E13-F1, 59G5-7, 59G 5-7, 60F12, 60F12, 662Gb2 G 1 013, -13,63F1 63F11 63G 3- 9, 1-- G2, 63G364A5-6, 64A 5- 6, 64A7-8, 64A7- 8, 64A9-11, 6 4 A 9 -11, 64Al2-13, 64A 12-13, 64B5-6, 6 4 B 5 -6 ,66C14, 66C14, 66D 5-6, 66D76 6 D 7 10, - 10,69C13; 69C13;IIB/23 IIB/23 66D5-6, (p . 65) (p.65) PEALE, Elizabeth Callister (Mrs. St. St. George) ent of: Last will will and and testam testament of 1785, Dec Dec31 1785, 31 IVA/3B5-9 CWPto: CW P to: 1781, May May66 1781, IIA/10G5-8 IIA/10G5-8 tn: IIA/10F8-10, m: IIA /10F8-10, 10G9-12; 10G 9-12; IIB/2 IIB/2 (p. 11-B 4 (p. 9); 9); IVA/3A7-10, IVAf3A7-1O,3A 3A11-B4 PEALE, Elizabeth Elizabeth DePeyster DePeyster PEALE, (Mrs. Charles Willson) Willson) Elizabeth Additional references to Elizabeth in DePeyster Peale may be found in Series IIA, cards 16-74. 16-74. Series hA, cards and CW CWP P to William DePeyster: 1791, ct 9 IIA/16F5 1791,OOct9 and CWP, CWP, Deed Deed to toJohn jo h n Petherbridge: Petherbridge: IIA/17A5-14 1791, Dec 13 1791, Dec13 William William DePeyster DePeyster to: 1791, May23 May 23 IIA/16E13-F3 1791, IIAfI6EI3-F3 CWP CW P to: 1801, Jun 1IA/24C13-D4 1801,Jun 28 28 lIA/24C13-D4 RuP to: VIIA /1E2-3 VIIA/1E2-3 1803 Burial Records: Records: St. Peter’s Peter's Church: Burial 1804, Feb21 Feb 21 IIE/3F7-8 1804, IIE/3F7-8 m. IIB/15 IIB/15 (p. 28, 55); 55); IIC m: (p. 31), 22 22 (pp. 28, (pp.152,331, /1A 2-5; (pp.l52,1313l,346); 346);VVfIA2-5; VIIA/1A2-3, VIIA /1A 2-3, 1B3-6, 1B 3 -6 , 2C8; 2C8; VIIIA/15G111-13, —13, 17B417B 4-C 5, VIIIA/15G1 CS, 117E9-10; 7 E 9 -10; IXAf7F7, IXA/7F7, 19B 9-C 4 19B9-C4 PEALE, Elizabeth DePeyster. See Patterson, Elizabeth Elizabeth Peale Peale (Mrs. (Mrs. William William A.). A.) PEALE, Elizabeth Digby. See See Polk, Elizabeth Peale rs. Robert). Peale (M (Mrs. PEALE, a. Sec See Barton, B arton, Emma Emm a Peale Peale PEALE, Emm Emma. Peabody .). Peabody (Mrs. (Mrs. Caleb Caleb D D.). Peale, Mary Florida. See See Peale, M ary Florida PEALE, Florida. PEALE, Francis Francis Titian m: A /12G 6-7 m: IX IXA/12G6-7 PEALE, George Patterson m: V VIIA/SCIO-13,7G3-1O, m: IIA /5C10-13, 7 G 3 - 10, 99F8-11, F 8 - 11, 9F12-G 1, 10C9-11, 10C 9-11, 10D12-E1, 10D 12-E 1, 9F12-G1, 10E 2-5, 11C 6-7; 10E2-5, 1106-7; VIIB/18A2-B12; X C /5B 8r 11, VIIB/18A2- B12; XC/5B87 88F11-14, F 1 1 -1 4 ,1IIC1-4;XIC/1B8-G3 1 C 1 -4 ; X IC /1B 8-G 3 PEALE, Hannah Hopkins H opkins m: V /1G 2-4, 1G 7-12, 2A9-B2, 2 A 9 -B 2 , m: V/1G2-4, 1G7-12, 22D2-9 D 2 -9
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The The Peale Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers
PEALE, H Hannah PEALE, annah Moore M oore (Mrs. (Mrs. Charles Charles Willson) Additional references references to Hannah M Moore oore Peale Peale may be found in Series hA, cards cards 35-73. 35-73. Series IIA, and P to "My “ M y Dear Dear Children": Children” : and CW CWP 1805, Aug22 1805, Aug 22 IIA/35F6-9 CWP, Deed John Cameron: Cameron: and CWP, Deed to toJohn 1808, O 1808, Oct7 ct 7 IIA /44D 1-10 IIA/44D1-10 and CWP, CWP, Deed Deed to Edward Edw ard S. Burd: 1810, Jan I1 IIA/48D1 -6 1810,Jan IIA/48D1-6 CW P to: CWP 1805,Jul 1805, Jul 17 17 IIA/35C12-13 1805, 1805, Aug Aug22 IIA /35D 12-E2 11A135D12-E2 1805, Aug IIA /35E3-8 1805, Aug66 11A135E3-8 1805, 1805, O OctS ct 5 IIA/36B9-13 11A136B9-13 m : IIA /35F2-5,56G 6-8;IIB/22 IIB/22 (pp. (pp. 11 in: 11A135F2-5, 56G6-8; etseq.), et seq.), 25 (p. 1); 1); et seq.), 23 23 (pp. (pp.22 et IIC IA /8C 4-7; IIC (pp. 366,411); V VIA/8C4-7; VIIA (Add.)/1A9-12; VIIA (Add.)/1A9—12; V IIIA /1B 5-6, 1B12-14; 1B12-14; VIIIA/1B5-6, IXA/2A2-5; -12. IX A /2A 2-5; XC/1A1I X C /1A 11-12. 1A13-14; XD/1C9-10; 1A 13-14; X D /1C 9-10; XIA XIA (p. 8) 8) (Add.)/5 (p. PEALE, Harriet H arriet Cany (Mrs. Rembrandt) references to arriet Additional references to H Harriet C any Peak Peale may may be be found found in in Series Series Cany VIA, VIA, cards cards 10-14. and ary Cany: and ReP, ReP, Deed Deed to to M Mary VIA/9D31840, N ov 4 VIA/9D3-11 1840, Nov to Coleman Sellers: Sellers: VIA/11A3-10 1851, N ov 3 VIA/11 A 3-10 1851, Nov3 Davis: to Mr. Davis: 1855 [?], ug4 V IA /11D 7-8 1855 [?],AAug4 VIA/11D7-8 s/Inventory of o f Estate Estate and and Will Will of o fReP: ReP: 1860, NovN6ov 6 V IA /14B12-D 8 1860, VIA/14B12-D8 to M ary Jane Peale: Mary 1863, Jul 16 16 VIA/15F811 1863,Jul VIA/15F8-11 and Rosalba RosalbaUUnderwood andJohn and nderw ood and John Griscorn, Petition Petition to to U U.S. Griscom, .S . Congress: 1865, N ov 1865, Nov VIA /14D 12- 14; 14; VIB22DI VIB22D111 VIA/14D12to Benson J. Lossing: Lossing: BensonJ. 1866, Mar30 10 1866, M ar 30 VIA VIA (Add.)/3B8(A d d .)/3 B 8 -10 RuP to Charles Willson Peale and: 1863, Feb 28 VIIA /12B1-4 1863, Feb28 VIIA/12B1-4 m: VIIA /10A 7-8, 10B 2-4, m: VIIA/10A7-8, 10B2-4, 10C12-13, 1 0 C 1 2 -13, 10D12-E1, 10D 12-E 1, 12B5-10; 12B5-10; /14D 2-5; VIIB/18A2-B12; VIIIA VIIIA/14D2-5; IXA/16B2-5, IX A /16B2-5, 16G10-.11, 16G 10-11, 17F13- 14; C/3F111-14, - 14, 3G53G 5- 8, 8, 14; XXC/3F1 3G9-12, 3G 9-12, 44A2-5, A 2 -5 , 4F10-13, 5B8-11, 5B 8-11, 77E2-5, E 2 -5 , 7E10-12, 7E 10-12, 7E 13-14, 13-G 2, 77G3-6, G 3 -6 , 7E1314, 7F 7F13-G2, 8 C 8 - 11, 8E 9- 12, 8E13-F2, 8E 13- F2, 8C8-11,8E9-12, 10A6-9, 10C3-6, IICI-4, 10A 6-9, 10C 3-6, 11C 1-4, I11D 1D7-8 7-8 "Children at at Prayer” Prayer" by: “Children V IA/10F5-6 VIA/lOPS6 PEALE, Harriet Eriel (Mrs. Friel (M rs. Charles Wilison) Willson) RuP to: 1857, Oct20 1857, O ct 20 V IIA /10D 9-11 VIIA/10D9-11 1858,Jan 1858, Jan 28 V IIA /10E6-9 VIIA/10E6-9 RuP to Charles Wilison Willson Peale Peale and: and: 1858, NNov21 1858, ov 21 V IIA /10F3-6 VIIA/10F3-6
RuP and Mary M ary Jane Peale to: 1858, ov 6 VIIA/10F7- 10 10 1858, N Nov RuP to: VIIA/11A8-11 1859,Jun 1860, 22 VIIA/11B912 1860, Aug Aug22 VIIA/11B9-12 1861, 17 V IIA /11C 6-7 1861, Feb Feb17 VIIA/11C6-7 Eliza Peale to Charles Charles Eliza Burd Burd Patterson Peale Willson Peale Peale and: Wilson 1861, 1861, Mar10 M ar 10 VIIA/11C12-D1 V IIA /11C12-D 1 RuP to Charles Wilison Willson Peale Peale and: and: 18 V IIA /11D 2-3 1861, March 18March VIIA/11D2-3 n,: VIA/15D8-E1; m: VIA /15D 8- E l; VIIA/10D4-7, V IIA /10D 4-7, 10E10- 12, 10E 13-F2, 10G8-12, 10G 8-12, IOEIO-12, 10E13-F2, 11C 2-5, 11F12-14 11F12- 14 11C2-5, PEALE, Henrietta. See See G riscom , Griscorn, Henrietta (Mrs. John John H H.). H enrietta Peale Peale (Mrs. .). PEALE, Jam es James See also also General General Index Series III for chronological sum sunirnary chronological m ary of o f letters sent JP. See See Series Series sent or received received by byJP. XIII XIII for for sketches. sketches. References that follow are are to toJP JP correspondence, documents, docum ents, or mention m ention ofJP o fJP in in series other other than than his his ow own. series n. Lom bard Street: Street: s/Petition to pave Lombard IIA/12A1014 14 1783, AprApr IIA/12A101783, 19 19 CW P: Handbill H andbill regarding regarding and CWP: miniature painting: 1786 IIE/2A9 s/Constitution and and Bye-Laws Bye-Laws of o f the Colum bianum : Columbianum: 1794 IIA/18C1-E1 IIA/18C1El s/“ An Association of o f Artists in in s/"An Am erica” : America": IIA/19D12-E1 1794, ec29 1794, DDec29 s/Constitution ooff the olum bianum : s/Constitution the CCournbianum: 1795, Feb Feb17 1795, 17 IIE/3E7-F6 1795, pr 17 IIA/19F3-20A10 1795, A Apr s/Adm inistration oofestate f estate ofSeptirnus ofSepcimus s/Administration Claypoole: 1798Dec31 IVB/IFI-.3 1798 Dec 31 IV B/1F1-3 in: IIA/1D3-9, m: IIA /1D 3-9, 33B4-7, B 4 -7 , 9B1-4, 9 B 1 -4 , 10F13-G 2, 13F5-6, 13F11-G10, 13F11-G 10, 10F13-G2, 14A10-11, 14A10- 11, 14A14, H A M , 14B1, 14B1, 14D2-3, HE6-7, 15G2-3, 14D 2-3, 14E 6-7, 15G 12-13, 16A 2-5, 16B5-6, 16B 5-6,16F8, 16F8, 16F11, 16F11, 16A2-5, 17D1, 9-10, 18B1-2, 18B 1-2, 17D1, 17D 17D9-10, 27D 11- 12, 12, 27F3, 4-6, 27D1127F3, 27F 27F4-6, 27G6-7, 27G 6-7, 228E6-7, 8 E 6 -7 , 28E8-10, 28E 8-10, 29D14, 0 C 5 -6 , 29D14, 29E1, 29E1,33005-6, 31C 10- 11, 331G5-6, 1 G 5 -6 , 334C3-5, 4 C 3 -5 , 31C10-11, 34C 8-11, 5 A 2 -66,, 35C1 35 C 1 -5 34C811, 335A2-5,, 35F2-5, 35F10-11, 35F10- 11, 35G4-6, 35G 4-6, 38B9, 2-12, 3D 2-11, 38B9, 40G 40G212, 443D211, 47E 7- 12, 12, 448E18 E 1 - 12, 12, 49F1-2, 47E749F1-2, 50F8-14, 50 G 1 -4 , 551C1-4, 1 C 1 -4 , 50F8-14, 50G1-4, 51C 6- 11, 11, 555A2-7, 5 A 2 -7 , 55G 10-13, 13, 510655Gb59G 5-7, 60A1060A 10- 13, 13, 60G 2-4, 59G5-7, 60G2-4, 61A2-5, 61E2-3, 61A 2-5, 661D8-9, 1 D 8 -9 , 61 E 2 -3 , 61 E 4 -5 , 61G9, E 6 -7 , 61E4-S, 61G9, 62 62E6-7, 62E 13-F1, 63B1263B 12- 14, 14, 663C1-7, 3 C 1 -7 , 62E13-P1, 66B11, 6 E 3 -4 , 66F1, 66F 1.66F 5-6, 66B11, 666E3-4, 66F5-6, 67A 4-5, 67A6-7, 6 7 A 6 -7 , 67B6, 67B6, 67B 7-9, 67A4-5, 67B7-9, 67E6-8, 67G7-8, 67E 6-8, 67G3, 67G3, 67G 7-8, 67G12, 67G12,
68A 2-3, 68A 6-7, 68D1-2, 68D 1-2, 68A2-3, 68A6-7,
68P2-3, 68P10-12, 68F 2-3, 68P9, 68F9, 68F10-12,
The T he Peale Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers
68G1-3,69A2-4,69E11, 68G 1-3, 69A 2-4, 69E11, 69F11-12,70A 70A2-5, 7006-7, 69F11-12, 2-5, 70 C 6 -7 , 72G11-13; 2, 4, 14, 14, 28), 28), 72G11-13; IIB/2 IIB/2(pp. (pp.2,4, 3 (p. 3), 3), 5(pp. 5 (pp. 2, 2,13), 13), 66 (p. (p. 10), 10), 99 3(p. 20, 24, (pp. 2O, 24, 26, 26, 56), 24 (p. 24); IIC (pp.27,37,84,90, (pp. 2 7 ,3 7 ,8 4 ,9 0 ,118); 118); IID/1Al2, IID/1A12, 29D 29D9-30A11; 9-30A 11; IIE/2Al2, IIE/2A12, 4A1-5G7, 4A 1-5G 7, 7C8-D4; 7 C 8 -D 4 ;IVA/3C2; IVA/3C2; V2E7-10; 13, 77A7-9, V 2 E 7 -10; VIA/3A10V IA /3A 10-13, A 7 -9 , 11C2-3, 21 11C 2-3, 12C1012C10-11; VIBII9F1I-20B14; VIB/19F11-20B14; VIIA/1F4-7, V IIA /1F4-7, 22F14-G3, F 1 4 -G 3 ,33A2-4, A 2 -4 , 33A6-8, A 6 -8 , 3B2-5, 3B 2 -5 , 33D1-5, D 1 -5 , 4B12-13, 4 B 1 2 - 13, 4B14-C3,4C8-9, 4B 14-C 3, 4 C 8 -9 , 5G1-6, 5 G 1 -6 , 6A 6A2-5, 2 -5 , 77C2-5, C 2 -5 , 77C6-9, C 6 -9 , 9B5-7, 9 B 5 -7 , 11E10-13, 11E14-F1, 11E14-F1, 12B5-1O, 1 2 B 5 -10, IIEIO-!3, (Add.)/1 A 9 -12; 12; 12B13-C1; (Add.)/1A9VIIIA/1A2-5, IAIO-12, VIIIA/1A2-5, 1A 10-12, 1B9-11, 1B 9-11, 1C 1-4,15A815A 8-10, 1 5 G 1 1 13; -13; ICI-4, 10, 15G11IXAI2IFII-22A4;XXA/IDI-4, IXA/21F11-22A4; A /1D 1-4, 1D 8-11; X C /1E 11-14; 1D8-11;XC/1EI1-14; XD/1C13X D /1 C I3 - 14; 14; XIAJI7C7; XIA/17C7; (Add.)/5 (Add.)/5 (p.8) (P-8) Paintings by: Battle of /14D 4-7 Battle ofPrinceton: Princeton:IIA IIA/14D4-7 Wall: IID/30 (p. 54) 54) Ducks on Wall: See alsoXIA/17 XIAII7foforJP Seealso rJP paintings sold 1854. Miniatures by: HB/8 IIB/8 (p. (p. 7); 7); VIA/3F14-G1 VIA/3F14-G1 PEALE, James, Jr. Seealso for See alsoGeneral General Index Series III for chronological sum summary chronological m ary ooff correspondence ofJames o fjam es Peale, Peale, Jr. References JPjr.’s Referencesthat that follow follow are are to toJPjr.'s correspondence or m mention ention oofJPjr. f JPjr. in n. in series series other other than than his his ow own. Proxy to George Escol Escol Sellers: Sellers: VHA/9A2-4 1836, 8, 10 VIIA /9A 2- 4 1836, AprApr 8, 10 CW P to: CWP 1821, Apr 17 IIA /66B1-3 IIA/66B1-3 1821, Apr17 ReP, O n Painting,” ReP, “"On Painting," to: VIA/15A2-5 n.d. VIA /15A 2-5 /46B 13-14, 5-7, m: IIA IIA/46B1314, 59A8, 59A8, 66B 66B5-7, 66B11,1,667A6-7, 7 A 6 -7 , 69 G 4 -6 , 66B1 69G4-6, 72B1214, 72G 72G111-13, 1-13, 73C6D8; 72B 12-14, 73C 6-D 8; V/IFII-12, V/l FI 1—12, 1G2-4, 1 G 2 -4 , 1G5-6, 1G 5-6, 1G 7-12, 22A4-5, A 4 -5 , 22A6-8, A 6 -8 , 1G7-12, 2A 9 -B 2 , 2B5-6, 2 B 5 -6 , 2B72B 7-13, 2A9-B2, 13, 2B 14-C 2, 22C3-6, C 3 -6 , 2C10-11, 2C 10-11, 2B14-C2, 2C12-D1, 2 C 1 2 -D 1 , 22D2-9, D 2 -9 , 2D12-E1, 2D 12-E 1, 22E2-4, E 2 -4 , 2E72 E 7 -10; 10; VIA/2F9; VIA/2F9; VIIA /10D 12-E1, 12B13-C1; 12B 13-C 1; VIIA/10D12-E1, V IIIA /1A 2-5, 1A6-9, 1 A 6 -9 , IA1O-12, 1A 10-12, VIHAIIA2-5, 1A13-B1, D2; 1A 13-B 1, 4C104 C 1 0 -D 2; IXA/2B56; X XC/l El11-14; 1-14; IX A /2B 5-6; C /1E XDIICI3X D /1 C 1 314; -14;XIA/11C3X IA /11C 3-12A5; 12A5; (Add.)/5 (Add.)/5 (pp. (pp. 8, 8, 35, 35. 337-40, 7 -4 0 , 147, 147, 162) PEALE,JamesBurd PEALE, Jam es Burd M ary Jane Peale: Peale: to Maryjane 13 1856, A pr 22 VIIA/10C12V IIA /10C 12-13 1856, Apr22 to R RuP to uP and Eliza Peale: VIIA/11G3-6 1862, May21 May 21 VIIA /11G 3-6 1862, Lucy Peale to: VIIIA/15B13-C2 1872, 22 V IIIA /15B13-C2 1872, Dec Dec22
BFP to: BFPto: 1868, May May25 1868, 25 IXA/18E7 Peale to: to: Caroline E. Girard Peale 1872, AAug3 IXAJI9DI-2 1872, ug3 IX A /19D 1-2 1872,Jul Jul14 IXA/19C111872, 14 IX A /19C11- 13 13 1873, Jan 22 IX A /19D 3-4 1873,Jan22 IXA1I9D3-4 m: VIIA/10B5-8, 10B13-14, m: VIIA /10B5-8, 10B 13-14, 1005, 10C5, 10C9-11, 10E6-9, 10C9-11, 10E 6-9, 10E10-12, 10E10-12, 10F7-10, 10G 8-12, 11A25, 11A 2-5, 10F7-10, 108-12, 11B13-C1, 2-5, 11C12-D1, 11C 12-D 1, 11B13-C1, 11C 11C2-5, 11D4-5, 11, 11E 11E6-9, 11D 4-5, 11DIO11D 10-11, 6-9, I IEIO- 13, 11E14-F1, 1 1E14-F1, 11F2-7, I 1F2-7, 11E10-13, 11F8-11, 11F12-14, 11F12-14,11G11-13, IIGII-13, 11F8-11, 12A2-4, 12A8-10, 12A 8-10, 12A1I-14, 12A11- 14, 12A2-4, 12B1-4, 10; 12B 1-4, 12B512B5-10; VUB/18A2-B12; VIIB/18A2- B12; VIIIA/15D12-E8; A /21B6-7, VIIIA/15D12E8; IX IXA/21B6-7, 2 1 E 4 -10, 21E11-13, 21E4-1O,21E11-13, 21F11-22A4; XC/8A9X C /8A 9-12, 12, 8E 13-F2, 11B 2 -5 , 11C 1-4 8E13-F2, 12B2-5, IICI-4 PEALE, Kate Kate m: X C /7F5-8, 8E5-8, 8 E 5 -8 , 8E98 E 9 -12, 12, In: XC/7F5-8, 8F11-14,9C9--12,9E1-4, 8 F 1 1 -14, 9 C 9 - 12, 9 E 1 -4 , 10A69, 111B8-11 1B8- 11 10A6-9, PEALE, Louis Louis Titian m: /14D 6-9, 14E 6-9, m: VIIIA VIIIA/14D6-9, 14E6-9, 14E10—11, 14G 7-8, 17C7-D4; 17C 7-D 4; 14E10-11, 14G7-8, [XA/21F11-22A4 IXA/21F11-22A4 Harriet PEALE, Louisa Louisa H arriet Hubley (Mrs. Edward Burd) m: V IIA /10C14-DD3, 3, 10F3-6, m: VIIA/10C14I11B2-5, 1B2-5, I11B 1B912, 111C 1C2-5, 9-12, 2-5, 11C 6-7, 11C12-D1, 11C 12-D 1, 11D6-9, 11D 6-9, 1106-7, 3-5, 6-9, I11E1-2, IEI -2, 111E 1E35, 111E 1E69, 11F2-7, I 11F814, 11F 2 -7 ,1 F 8 -111, 1 , 11F1211F 12-14, I 1G36, 112A 2A24, 12A810, 11G 3-6, 2-4, 1 2 A 8 -10, 12A11-14, 12B 1-4, 12B5-10; 12A1114, 12B1 -4, 12B510; VIIB/18A2- B12; XC/8F11 - 14 VUB/18A2-B12; XC/8F1 1-14 PEALE, Lucy Lucy M acM ullen (M rs. Titian MacMullen (Mrs. Ramsay) references to Lucy Lucy Additional references be found found in in MacMullen Peale may be Series SeriesVIIIA, VillA, cards cards 12-22. “"The The Washington W ashington Portrait” Portrait":: VillA (Add.)/1C410 n.d. VIIIA (A d d .)/lC 4 -10 “ A Visit Visit to Florida": Florida” : "A VIIIA(Add.)/1D2-13 VIIIA (A d d .)/1 D 2 -13 n.d. M em orandum concerning CWP: Memorandum VIllA VIIIA (Add.)/1D14 (Add.)/1D14 n.d. Daybook: VillA (Add.)/IEI VIIIA (Add.)/1 El n.d. to: BFP to: IXA/17F1-2 1863, p ril IX A /17F1-2 1863,AApril m: /11B2-5, 12A 8-10; m: VIIA VIIAII1B2-5, 12A8-l0; XCI8C8X C /8C 8-11 11 M argaret Triggs Triggs (Mrs. (M rs. Charles) Charles) PEALE, Margarct m: I/1A I/1A6-9, m: 6-9, 1IEI-2, E 1 -2 , 1F7-8, 1F 7-8, 2A92 A 9 -10, 10, 22B5-7, B 5 -7 , 22C3-4, C 3 -4 , 2D5-6, 2 D 5 -6 , 2D8-9; 2 D 8 -9 ; IIA/1B1-lO, IBII-12. IIA /1B 1-10, 1B 11-12. 1D3-9, 1D 3 -9 , 5C3, 5C3, 55E4-5, E 4 -5, 16E10-l1, 16E 10-11,16E12, 16E12, 17A210-11, 4 0 B 1 2 -13; 17A2- 4, 4, 40B 40B10ii, 40B1213; IIB/2 (p. 137); HB/2 (p. 35); 35); IIC (p. 137); IIIA /8B 6-9, IVA/3A7- 10; 10; VVIIIA/8B6-9, 15G11-13 l5G1l-13 PEALE, Margaretta PEALE, M argaretta m: IA /15D 8-E1; m: IIA/66B11; IIA/66B11;VVIAII5D8-El;
The The Peale Peale Family F am ily Papers Papers
VIIA/4D11-12, 12B13-C1; V IIA /4D 11-12,12B 13-C 1; XCI4A6-8, X C /4 A 6 -8 , 8C88 C 8 -11; 11; XIA XIA (Add.)15 (p. 8) (Add.)/5 PEALE, Maria m: 11AJ49C12-14, 66B11, 68C 68C4-6; IIA /49C 12-14, 66B11, 4-6; VIIAI4B14-C3, V IIA /4B 14-C 3, 10G1-7; 10G 1-7; XCI2B5-8, X C /2 B 5 -8 , 44A6-8, A 6 -8 , 4C7-14, 4C 7-14, 8C8-11, 8 C 8 -1 1 , 9C12; 9C12; XIA X IA (Add.)/5 (Add.)/5 (p.8) (p. 8) PEALE, Martha M artha McGlathery M cG lathery (Mrs. Raphaelle) Raphaelle) See See also alsoGeneral General Index Index Series V V for for m ary ofletters chronological sum summary sent or received received by M Martha artha McGlathery M cGlathery Peale. References References that follow are are to to M Martha artha McGlathery M cGlathery Peale's correspondence correspondence or mention Peale’s m ention ofher o f her in in series series other than her own. CWPto: CW P to; 1817, A ug 13 13 IIA/60A2-3 IIA/60A2-3 1817, Aug 11A160B6-7 1817, Dec IIA/60B6-7 1817, Dec22 m: 11AJ28A7-8, 28A13, 28B 28B3-4, IIA/28A7-8, 28A13, 3-4, 28B5, 2 8 B 5 ,228C4-6, 8 C 4 -6 , 228D8-9, 8 D 8 -9 ,228E4-5, 8 E 4 -5 , 28F2-3, 29E5-8, 28F2-3, 28F12, 28F12, 28G3, 29E 5-8, 3005-6, 3 0 C 5 -6 , 30D9-10, 3 0 D 9 - 10, 30F13-14, 30F13-14, 31Al2-13, 32A6-7, 3 1 A 1 2 -1 3 ,3 2 A 6 -7 , 35A2-6, 35A 2-6, 35C1-5, 3 5 C 1 -5 , 35G4-6, 3 5 G 4 -6 , 36B4-8, 36B 4-8, 36D5-8, 3 6 D 5 -8 , 36D13-E2, 3 6 D 1 3 -E 2 , 38A8-9, 38A 8-9, 38D12-13, 38D 12-13, 38E11-13, 38E 11-13, 38E14, 38E14, 41A6-9, 41A 6-9, 41B2-4, 4 1 B 2 -4 , 46D7-12, 46D 7-12, 47E2-6, 56G6-8, 47E 2-6, 553B3-8, 3 B 3 -8 , 56G 6-8, 60A10-13, 6 0 A 1 0 -13, 660D7-9, 0 D 7 -9 , 60E10-12, 60E10-12, 60G10.-12, 61F9-G3, 65C11-12, 60G 10-12, 61F 9-G 3, 65C 11-12, 65F2-3, 66B11, 66B11, 666C7-8, 6 C 7 -8 , 69A13-B1, 70C3-5, 69A 13-B 1, 69E11, 69E11, 70 C 3 -5 , 71G3-.4, (p.33); 71G 3-4, 773C6-D8; 3 C 6 -D 8 ; IIB/15 IIB/15 (p. 33); 11112C9III/2C9- DD12, 1 2 ,44F9F 9 -12; 12; VIIAJ5A3-10, V IIA /5A 3-10, 66E5-6, E 5 -6 , 7B13-C1; 7B 13-C 1; VIIIAJ1A2-5; XA/1D1-4; VIIIA /1A 2-5; X A /1D 1-4; XC/1D5-8, 4C7-l4, X C /1 D 5 -8 ,11D13-E1, D 1 3 -E 1 , 4C 7 -1 4 , 11G4-5; 11G 4-5; XIA X IA (Add.)/6 (Add.)/6 (p. (p. 164) 164) PEALE, ary Claypoole (Mrs. (M rs. James) PEALE, M Mary m: 1IA/66B11, 11AJ66B11,6868F2-3, 68G1-3; m: F 2 -3 , 68G 1-3; 11B114 (p. 13) IIB/14 (p. PEALE, Mary M ary Florida TRPto: T R P to: VIIIA/6G8-9 1838, Aug 13 13 V IIIA /6G 8-9 TRP T RP to: to: 1842, Sept VIIIA/8B1-4 V IIIA /8B1-4 1842, Nov6 VIIA/8B6-9 1842, N ov 6 V IIA /8B 6-9 m: VIIIA/2F3-6, VIIIAJ2F3-6, 7G3, 7G3, 10E 10E4-5; m: 4-5; XCI3B3-6, X C /3 B 3 -6 ,33E5-8 E 5 -8 PEALE, Mary M ary Jane Notes April N otes on colors used by ReP, ReP, April 15, 1833: VIA/8A6, VIA/8A6, 8A7 15,1833: to RuP and Eliza Eliza Peale: 1842, Apr66 VIIA/9F8-11 1842, Apr VIIA/9F8-11 1852,Jun 1852, Jun 10 10 V IIA /10B2-4 VIIA/10B2-4 n.d. VIIA /10B9-12 VIIA/10B9-12 and RuP to to Charles Charles Willson Willson Peale: Peale: 1858, FebFeb 15 15 VIIA/10E10V IIA /10E 12 10-12 and RuP to Charles Willson Willson Peale and Harriet H arriet Friel Friel Peale: 1858, N Nov ov 66 V IIA /10F 7-10 VIIA/10F710 s/Certificate slCertificate relating relating to burial plot: 1859, May27 VIIA/11A6-7 1859, M ay 27 V IIA /11A 6-7
to RuP and Eliza Peale: 1860, May VIIA/11Al2-B1 1860, M ay 99 VIIA /11A 12-B1 1861, Apr25 VIIA/11D1O-11 1861, A pr 25 VIIA/11D10-11 ReP to: VIA/10F14-G2 1850, o v 24 VIA /10F14-G2 1850, NNov24 VIA/10G810 1850, Dec 18 18 V IA /10G 8-10 VIA/1OG11-12 1851, Feb17 1851, Feb 17 V IA /10G 11-12 VIA/11B9-13 1853 [?], [?],Jun2 1853 Jun 2 V IA /11B 9-13 ReP: Notes N otes on on colors colors used: used: VIA/11C11-14 1855 V IA /11C11-14 VIA/12E7-8 1857, D Dec21 1857, e c 21 V IA /12E 7-8 VIAIIOF9 1859, Aug Aug22 1859, 22 VIA/10F9 c.1858-1859 c. 1858-1859 VIA/13D6 VIA/13D7 Jan 11 1859, Jan VIAII3D8 c.1855-59 c. 1855-59 VIA/13D8 1859 VIA/13D9 VIAJ13E4 1859, AApr27 1859, pr 27 VIA/13E4 VIA/14G5 n.d. 1858VIA/14G8-9 1858- 60, Jun 17 17 V IA /14G 8-9 Jam es B urd Peale to: James Burd 1856, 1856, Apr22 A pr 22 VIIA/10C12V IIA /10C 13 12-13 RuP to: 1856, 1856, Aug3 A u g 3 VIIA/10C14-D3 V IIA /10C 14-D 3 R uP and Eliza Peale to: RuP nd. VIIA/10B5-8 n.d. V IIA /10B5-8 1859, Jan16 VIIAIIOFII-14 1859, Jan 16 V IIA /10F U -14 RuP to: to: 1860, May21 VIIA/11B2-5 1860, M ay 21 V IIA /11B 2-5 RuP and Eliza Peale to: 1861, Apr20 VIIAJ11D4-5 1861, A pr 20 V IIA /11D 4-5 RuP R uP to: 1861, 1861, AApr24, pr 24, 226,28,29 6 ,2 8 ,2 9 VIIA/11D6-9 V IIA /11D 6-9 VIIA/11F1214 1862, M Mar 1862, ar 16 16 V IIA /11F 12-14 1862, May25 VIIA/11G3-6 1862, M ay 25 V IIA /11G 3-6 H arriet Cany C any Peale Peale to: Harriet 1863,Jul VIAII5F8-11 1863, Jul 16 16 VIA/15F8-11 RuP and Eliza Peale to: 1863, Dec Dec23 VIIA/12B5-10 1863, 23 V IIA /12B 5-10 RuP to: 1864, M Mar7 VIIA/12B11-12 1864, ar 7 V IIA /12B 11-12 and C Caroline BFP and aroline Peale to: 1865, O Oct IXA/18A712 1865, c t 12 12 IX A /1 8 A 7 -12 Lucy Peale to: 1868, Jan 11 11 V IIIA /14D 2-5 1868,Jan VIIIA/14D2-5 TRP T R P to: to: 3 3 VIIIA/14E13-F1 1870, JanJan VIIIA/14E13-F1 m: IA /8A 7,11A 3-10, 15D 2-7, m: V VIAJ8A7, 11A3-10, 15D2-7, 15D 8-E 1; V IIA /6F10-13, 66G4-7, G 4 -7 , 15D8-E1; VIIA/6F10-13, 8C4, 8C4, 9A 9A10-12, 10-12, 10B13-14, 1 0 B 1 3 -14, 1005, 10C5, 11006-8, 0 C 6 -8 ,110D4-7, 0 D 4 -7 ,110D8, 0D 8, 10D9-11, 10D 9-11, 10E6-9, 10 E 6 -9 , 10E13-F2, 10E13-F2, 10F3-.6, 10F3-6, 10G 1OG1-7, 1-7, 10G8-12, 10G 8-12, 11A2-5, 1 1 A 2 -5 ,111A8-11, 1 A 8 -1 1 ,111B6-8, 1 B 6 -8 , 11B9-12, 11B 9-12, 111C2-5, 1 C 2 -5 , 11C 1106-7, 6-7, 11C12-D1, 11C 12-D 1, 11E1-2, 11E 1-2, 11E3-5, 11E 3-5, 11E6-9, 11E14-F1, 11E 6-9, 11E1O-13, 11E 10-13, 11E14-F1, 11F2-7, 2-4, 11F2-.7,11F8-11, 11F8-11, 12A 12A2-4, 12A11-14, 12B1-4, 1 2 A 1 1 -14, 12 B 1 -4 , 12C2-3, 12C 2-3, 112C4--5, 2 C 4 -5 , 13F9; IIIA /4C 10-D 2, 13F9;VVIIIA/4C10-D2, 15B 15B13-C2; 13-C 2; IX IXA/16G10-11, A /16G 10-11, 18B3-6; XCI3C9-12, 18B 3-6; X C /3 C 9 -12, 4C7-14, 4 C 7 -1 4 , 5B8-11, 5 B 8 - 11, 55D10-13, D 1 0 - 13, 6A14-B3, 6A 14-B 3, 88B6-9, B 6 -9 , 8E5-.8, 8 E 5 -8 , 88E9-12, E 9 -1 2 , 8F 8F3-6, 3 -6 , 8F7-1O, 8F 7-10, 8F 8F11-14, 11-14, 1IICI-4 1 C 1 -4 Portraits by:
2229 29
The Peale The Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers
Dr. Shannon's Shannon’s mother: VIIAJIIB6-8, 11B9-12 V IIA /11B 6-8,11B 9-12 Mrs. George Potts:VVIIA/11B9-12 George Potts: IIA /11B 9-12 Eliza Eliza Burd Burd Patterson Patterson Peale: Peale: VIIA/10B13-14 VIIA /10B13-14 Mrs.James Child of Mrs. James Graff: VIIAJIIE3-5, V IIA /11E3-5, 11E6-9, 11E 6-9, 11E14-.F1 11E14-F1 PEALE, Mary M ary Rebecca Rebecca (Mrs. (Mrs.James Jam es Burd) m: V IIA /11C2-5, 11F2-7, 11F2-7, 11F8-11, 11F8-11, m:VIIAJIIC2-5, 11F12-14, 1IGI1-13, 11F12-14, 11G 11-13, 12A2-4, 12A 2-4, 1 2 A 8-10,12A 11-14, 12A5-7, 12A8-10, 12A11-14, 12B1-4; 12B1-4; V[11A114C3-6, V IIIA /14C3-6, 15B13-C2; IXA/19C1113, IX A /19C 11-13, 19D1-2;XIC/1B8-G3 19D 1-2; X IC /1B 8-G 3 P1ALE, PEALE, Michael Michael Angelo U S. Passport for for ReP ReP and: and: U.. S. 1828, OOct4 1828, ct 4 VIA/15C2 IA /4G 9-12, A 1 0 -13, 6 B 9 -12, 12, m: V VIA/4G912, 55A1013, 6B96 C 7-10, D 1 -4 , 6C710, 6C 6C111-14, 1- 14,66D1-4, 6 D 5 -8 ,66D9-12, D 9 -1 2 , 6G8-13, 6G 8-13, 6D5-8, 7G8-11, 7 G 8 -1 1 ,115D8-E1; 5 D 8 -E 1 ; VIIA/7E8-9, V IIA /7E8-9, 8A8-9;XA/1D1-4 8A 8-9; X A /1 D 1 -4 (Mrs. PEALE, Rachel Rachel BBrewer rew er (M rs. Charles Wjllson) Willson) Additional references to Rachel Additional Peale m may Brewer Peale ay be found in in Series IIA, hA, cards 166 and cards 22 -1 andpassim.; passim.', LIB, cards22-12; IIB, cards -1 2 ; IIC. ortgage to hom as and CWP, CWP, M Mortgage to TThomas Hyde, James James Dick Dick and and Thom Thomas as Richardson: Richardson: 1766, O ct 7 IIA /2A 4-7 1766, Oct7 IIA/2A4-7 and CWP, CWP, Deed Deed to to Daniel Brown: IIA/11B9-10 1781, N ov 20 IIA/11B9—10 1781, Nov20 Dr. Benjamin Rush, Receipt Receipt to: to: 1783, ct 14 IIA/12D1 1783, OOct14 LIAI12D1 St. Peter’s Peter's Church: Burial Records: Records: IIA/16C8-9 1790, 15 IIA /16C 8-9 1790, Apr Apr15
m: IIAJ2F5-8, 3B8-13, 3B8-13, 60F6-7, m : IIA/2F5-8, 60G 2-4, 69B4-5, 69B6-7, 60G2-4, 69B10-12; IIB/2 IIB/2 (pp. 14,39), 14, 39), 99 69810-12; (p. 3 ,66,,77,,116, 6 ,1137); 3 7 ); (p. 24); 24); IIC IIC (pp. 3, VIIA/12B13-C1; VIIAII2B13-C1; VIIIA /15B13-C2; X B /1A 3-4 VIIIA/15B13-C2; XB/1A3-4
PEALE, Raphaelle Seea!so General Index Index Series V V for See also General chronological sum summary chronological m ary of o f letters sen to r received by RaP. References sentorreceivedbyRaP. that follow are to RaP correspondence m ention of o f RaP correspondence or mention in series n. series other other than than his ow own. s/“ An Association rtists” : s/"An Association ooff A Artists": .1794, D ec29 IIA/19D12-E1 .1794, Dec29 s/Constitution ooff the bianum : the Colum Columbianum: 17 IIE/3E7-F6 1795 Feb, 17 1795, AprA19 pr 19 IIA/19F3-20A10 IIA/19F3-20A10 1795, and escription of o f Some and CWP, CWP, “D "Description Im provem ents in om m on Improvements in the the C Common Fire-place”: Fire-place": IID/1F13-G4 1797, ar 17 17 IID/1F13-G 4 1797, M Mar CWPto: CW P to: 11A128A2-3 1803, Jul 3 IIA/28A2-3 1803,Ju13 IIA/28A4 1803, Jul 7 1803,Jul 1803, Jul 16 IIA/28A7-8 1803,Ju116 1803, IIA/28A13 1803, Jul Jul 18 1803, Jul 19 1803,Ju119 IIA/28B3-4
1803,Jul 1803, Jul 24 24 1803, Aug44 1803, Aug 1803, Aug77 1803, Aug 1803, 1803, Aug 8 1803, Aug24 1803, Aug 24 1803, Aug25 1803, Aug 25 1803, Sept Sept44 1803, 1803, 1803, Sept 9 1803, Sept25 1803, Sept 25
IIA/28B5 IIA/28B5 IIA /28C 4-6 IIA/28C4-6 IIA/28C12 J1A128C12 IIA/28C13 IIA/28C13 IIA/28D89 [IA/28D8-9 IIA/28D10 IIA/28D10 IIA/28E45 [1A128E4-5 IIA/28E6-7 IIA/28E6-7 IIA/28F2-3 IIA/28F2-3 IIA/28F12 IIA/28F12 IIA /28F13-14 IIA/28F13-14 IIA/28G3 IIA/28G3 IIA/29A6 HA/29A6
1803, Oct8 1803, O ct 8 1803, O Oct11 1803, ct 11 1803, Oct 1803, O ct 16 16 1803, N Nov 1803, ov 6 CW P to ReP and: CWPtoRePand: 1804, Feb 20 I1A/29E5-8 1804, Feb20 IIA/29E5-8 1804, Mar29 1804, M ar 29 IIA/30C1-2 IIA/30C1-2 CW P to: CWPto: 1804, AprApr 1 1 1804, IIA/30C5-6 IIA/30C5-6 CWP CW P to ReP and: 1804, Apr Apr16 1804, 16 IIA/30C9 IIA/30C9 1804, Apr Apr26 1804, 26 IIA/30D9-10 IIA/30D9-10 1804,Jun2l 1804, Jun 21 IIA/31A6 IIA/31A6 1804, IIA/31A12-13 1804, JunJun 23 23 IIA/31 Al2- 13 CW P to: CWP 1804, Sept Sept20 1804, 20 IIA/31G5-6 IIA/31G5-6 1804, 29 IIA/32A6-7 1804, Sept Sept29 [1A132A6-7 1805,Jan 1805, Jan 30, Feb Feb 11 IIA/32G2-4 CW P to RuP, SPS and: CWP 1805, Feb 10 10 IIA/33A7-10 IIA/33A7- 10 CW P to: CWP 1805,Jun6 IIA/34F1-5 1805, Jun 6 IIA/34F1-5 1805,Jul 1805, Jul 11 11 IIA /35C1-5 IIA/35C1-5 Sept 77 IIA/35G4-6 1805, Sept 11A135G4-6 1805, 1805, Oct O 14?J ct 14 [?] IIA/36D5-8 IIA/36D5-8 to: CWP, Transfer ooff Patent Patent to: 1805, Oct20 [?J] IIA/36D11-12 1805,0 c t2 0 [? CW P to: to: CWP 1805, O ct 20 1805, Oct20 IIA/36D13-E2 11A138A8-9 1806, Feb26 1806, Feb 26 IIA/38A8-9 14 IIA /38D 12-13 IIA/38D1213 1806, Apr 14 10 IIA/38E11-13 1806, May 10 IIA/38E11- F3 1806, M ay 21 IIA/38E14 IIA/38E14 1806, May21 1807, Jun 6, 77 IIA/41A6-9 IIA/41A6-9 1807,Jun6, IIA/41B2-4 IIA/41B2-4 1807, Jul Jui I1 11A153C8-9 1814, 25 IIA /53C8-9 1814,May May25 1814, Jul 10 10 IIA /53D 1-2 IIA/53D1-2 1814,Jul 1817, IIA/59A9 1817, Feb Feb 17 IIA/59A9 1817, NNov15 IIAJ6OA1O-13 1817, ov 15 IIA /60A 10-13 IlA/60D7-9 1818, I1A/60D7-9 1818, Feb 2 1818, a r1l IIA/60E10-12 1818, M Mar IIA/60E10- 12 1818,Jun Jun26 IIA/60G1012 1818, 26 IIA/60G10-12 11A160G13 1818, 23 IIA/60G13 1818,Jul Jul23 CW P to RuP and: CWPtoRuPand: 1818, ov 19 19 IIA/61B13—14 1818, N Nov IIA/61B1314 hIA/61C5-7 1818, N ov 22 IIA /61C5-7 1818, Nov22 CW P to: to: CWP 1818, Dec6 IIAI6IDS-6 1818, D ec6 IIA /61D 5-6 CW P to RuP and: and: CWP IIA/61E9- 10 1818, 1818, Dec Dec31 31 IIA/61E9-10 CW P to: CWP 1819, Jan 27 IIA/62A13-14 1819,Jan27 1820, A pr 13 IIA/64C2 IIA/64C2 1820, Apr13 1820, May 14 HA/64C7-8 14 IIA /64C7-8 11A164D1-2 1820, Jun 25 IJA /64D 1-2 1820,Jun2S IIA/64D3-5 1820, Jun 25 25 IIA /64D 3-5 1820,Jun 1820, Jul 4 IIA /64D 12-14 1820,Ju14 IIA/64D12-14
230 230
The The Peale Peale Family F am ily Papers Papers
CWP, eed ooff Trust to his his Sons: Sons: CWP, D Deed IIA/65B3-C6 1820, 11 IIA /65B3-C6 1820, Dec Dec11 C W P to: CWP 1820, Dec 17 IIA/65C11-12 1820, Dec17 11A165C11-12 1821, Jan 14 14 IIA/65F2-3 1821,Jan IIA/65F6-7 1821, Jan 19 19 1821,Jan IIA/65G4-6 1821, M ar 19 IIA/65G4-6 1821, Mar19 1821, Jul 22 IIA /66C7-8 IIA/66C7-8 1821,Jul 1823, May23 11A168F5-6 1823, M ay 23 IIA/68F5-6 IIA/70C3-5 1824, Feb IIA /70C 3-5 1824, Feb Feb21 11A170C14 1824, 21 IIA/70C14 StGP, ent ooff Property to to StGP, Assignm Assignment CPP C PP and: IVA/2C5-7; 1778,Jun IVB/1A8-11, 1Al2-14 IV B /1 A 8 -11, IA 1 2 -14 IIA/5G12-13, 11 G 5 -7 , 14C8, 14C8, m: 11A15G12-13, 11G5-7, 14G 7,17A 5-14, 17F13-14, 14G7, 17A5-14, 18B 1-2, 18B5, 18B5, 18B6, 18B6, 19B3-5, 19B 3-5, 18B1-2, 20E 2-3, 220E6-9, 0 E 6 -9 , 221C3-8, 1 C 3 -8 , 20E2-3, 222A10-12, 2 A 1 0 -12, 222E3-7, 2 E 3 -7 , 22E9-10, 2 2 E 9 -10, 2 6 A 5 -8 , 26C122 6 C 1 2 -13, 25F1-3, 26A5-8, 13, 226D1-12, 6 D 1 -12, 226D13-E3, 6 D 1 3 -E 3 , 26G8-11, 2 6 G 8 -11, 27C8, 7 C 1 3 -14, 7 D 9 -10, 27C8, 227C1314, 227D92 7 F 4 -6 ,2 7 G 6 -7 , 28A9-1O, 28A 9-10, 27F4-6, 27G6-7, 228A11-12, 8 A 1 1 -12, 28B9, 8 C 7 -8 , 28B9, 228C7-8, 28C 9-11, 28D4-5, 2 8 D 4 -5 , 28E8-10, 28E 8-10, 28C9-11, 2 8 E 1 1 -12, 28F8, 29A2, 29A2, 28E1112, 28F8, 29B13-C2, 29B 13-C 2, 29C12-13, 2 9 C 1 2 -13,29D14, 29D14, 2 9 E 9 -10, 29G1-2, 2 9 G 1 -2 , 30C13-D4, 30C 1 3 -D 4 , 29E9-10, 30E11, 30E12,30G10, 30Gb, 30G1112, 30E11,30E12, 3 0 G 1 1 -12, 31A 8-9, 31A10-11, 31A 10-11, 31C10-11, 31C 10-11, 31A8-9, 31D7-8, 31D931D1213, 3 1 D 7 - 8 ,3 1 D 9 -10, 1 0 ,3 1 D 1 2 -13, 3 1 F 1 0 -1 1 ,332B1-C2, 2 B 1 -C 2 , 32F6-7, 32F6-7, 31F10-11, 32F8-9, 3 2 F 8 -9 ,332F1 2 F 1 11-13, - 1 3 , 33E1 33E111-14, -1 4 , 34C8-11, 34E3-7, 34C 8-11, 334D6-13, 4 D 6 -1 3 , 34E 3-7, 35B1-4, 334F10-12, 4 F 1 0 -12, 335A2-6, 5 A 2 -6 , 35B 1-4, 335G75 G 7 -112, 2 ,336C14-D4, 6 C 1 4 -D 4 , 36E 12-F2, 36E12-F2, 37C5, 38A3, 38D14, 38E1, 38E2, 3 8A 3,38D14, 38E2, 338F9-10, 8 F 9 -10, 38F11, 9 C 4 - D2, 38F11, 339C4-D2, 339D5, 9 D 5 ,339D6-7, 9 D 6 -7 ,440C1-2, 0 C 1 -2 ,440C4-5, 0 C 4 -5 , 440E130 E 1 3 -F 4 0 F 8 -14, 4 3 D 2 -11, Fl,I, 40F814, 43D211, 444B1-C2, 4 B 1 -C 2 ,444E12-F3, 4 E 1 2 -F 3 , 46D 7-12, 46D7-12, 447E2-6, 7 E 2 -6 ,4 7 E 7 -12, 47F 1-7, 47E747F1-7, 447F8-11, 7 F 8 -1 1 ,447G2-3, 7 G 2 -3 , 47G6-12, 4 7 G 6 -12, 51D5-11, 448A2-7,48A8-B1O, 8 A 2 -7 ,4 8 A 8 -B 1 0 , 51D 5-11, 51D 12-14, 51F5-12, 5 1 F 5 - 12, 51F13-G6, 51F13-G 6, 51D12-14, 52A 2-7, 52 A 8 -9 , 552C1-2, 2 C 1 -2 , 52A2-7, 52A8-9, 52D1-2, 52E3-6, 52D 1-2, 52 E 3 -6 , 53B3-8, 53B 3-8, 53E4-6, 56B5-8, 53E 4-6, 555A2-7, 5 A 2 -7 , 56B 5-8, 56B11-14, 6 C 6 -D 6 , 57A 5-7, 56B11-14, 556C6-D6, 57A5-7, 57B1-2, 57B 1-2, 557B3-4, 7 B 3 -4 , 59A9,59A10, 59A9,59A10, 60A 2-3, 60B1-3, 60 B 1 -3 , 60B12-14, 60B 12-14, 60A2-3, 60F6-7, A 2 -5 , 61A13-B2, 61A 13-B 2, 60F6-7, 61 61A2-5, 661D1-2, 1 D 1 -2 , 61F9-G3, 61F9-G 3, 61G12, 61G12, 62E8-11, 62Gb13, 662E6-7, 2E 6-7, 62E 8 -1 1 , 62G 10-13, 63B12-14, 63B 12-14, 663C1-7, 3 C 1 -7 , 63F11-G2, 63F11-G 2, 63G 3-9, 64B3-4, 6 4 B 3 -4 , 64E126 4 E 1 2 -13, 63G3-9, 13, 64F5-6, 64F11-12, 64F11-12, 665D1-2, 64F5-6, 5 D 1 -2 , 66A9, 66A11, 66B11, 66B11, 66C10, 66C10, 66A9,66A11, 66G11-12, 66G 11-12, 667A4-5, 7 A 4 -5 , 67A6-7, 67A 6-7, 67A11,67B6, 67B6,667B7-9, 67A11, 7 B 7 -9 , 667C1-3, 7 C 1 -3 , 667D1-2, 7 D 1 -2 ,667D6-8, 7 D 6 -8 , 67D9-11, 67D 9-11, 67G7-8, 667G1-2, 7G 1-2, 67 G 7 -8 , 68A2-3, 6 8 A 2 -3 , 68A5, 68A5, 68A 10-11, 668B3-4, 8 B 3 -4 , 668C4-6, 8 C 4 -6 , 68A10-11, 68C11-1 3 , 668D9-11, 8 D 9 - 11, 68G12-13, 6 8 G 1 2 -13, 68C11-13, 6 8 E 1 -3 ,668F9, 8 F 9 ,668F10-12, 8 F 1 0 -1 2 , 68E1-3,
68G 1-3, 69A6-7, 6 9 A 6 -7 , 69A13-B1, 69A 13-B 1, 68G1-3, 69E 1-2, 69E11, 69E11, 69F9-10, 69E1-2, 770D5-6, 0 D 5 -6 , 71G3-4; 7 1 G 3 -4 ;IIB/2 IIB/2 (p. (p. 3), 3), 9 3), 13 13 (p. (p. 17), 17), 15 15 (p. 19), 10 (pp. 2, 3), 3 7 - 38); IID/30 IID/30 (p. 33); 33); IIC IIC (pp. (pp. 4437-38); /1A 2-B 9, 4A 1-5G 7, (p. 54); 54); IIE IIE/1A2-B9, 4A1-5G7, 77D6-G1; D 6 -G 1 ; llhi4E12, III/4E12, 44G1-4, G 1 -4 , 4 G 5 -8 ; IVAI3A7-10; IV A /3A 7-10; V IA /3C 4-5; 4G5-8; VIA/3C4-5; VIIAIIAI4-B1, V IIA /1A 14-B 1, 11D9-10, D 9 - 10, 22D1-2, D 1 -2 , 2E14-F3, 2E 14-F 3, 33A2-4, A 2 -4 , 33B2-5, B 2 -5 , 13, 33G3G 3 - 10, 1 0 ,44A10A 1 0 - 11, 11, 44Al2A 1 2 -13, 44B12-13,4D11-12, B 1 2 -13, 4D 1 1- 1 2 ,1OG1-7; 10G 1-7; VIIIAIIA2-5, V IIIA /1A 2-5, 1D7; 1D7; VIIIC/28A2XA/IDI -4,, V IIIC /28A 2-BBi; 1; X A /1 D 1 -4 1D 8-11; X D /1 B 6 -7 ; 1D8-11; XD/1B6-7; XIA/6F5-G13, X IA /6F5-G 13, 7A6-B11; 7A 6-B 11; (Add.)/5 ,8 , 17, 17,21), (Add.)/5 (pp. (pp. 11,8, 21), 9C9-D6, 9 C 9 -D 6 , 9D13-E12 9 D 1 3-E 12 Paintings by: IIA/62B6IIA /62B6-9; 9; X IA /1 5 D 5 -13; 17 C8, 14 14 XIAII5D513; 17 Venus VenusRising Risingfrom fromthe theSea, Sea, by: V IIA /4C 14-D VIIA/4C14Dl1 PEALE, Rembrandt R em brandt Seealso alsoGeneral General Index Index Series VI VI for for See chronological summary sum m ary of o fletters letters sent or received by by ReP, ReP, docum ents, and writings. w ritings. documents, References that follow are to ReP References docum ents or correspondence, documents mention m ention oofReP f ReP in in series series other than his ow n. own. s/“An A ssociation ooff A rtists in s/"An Association Artists Am erica” : America": IIA/19D12-E1 1794, Dec 29 1794, Dec29 s/C onstitution ooff the Colum bianum : s/Constitution Columbianum: IIE/3E7-F6 17 IIE/3E7-F6 1795, Feb 17 1795, A pr 19 19 IIA/19F3-20A10 1795, Apr "The “T he Beauties ooff C Creation": reation” : 1800, Nov8 IID/3F5-8 1800, N ov 8 IID /3F5-8 "Dirge": “D irge” : 1800, N ov 8 IID /3F9-10 1800, Nov8 IID/3F9-10 “ O de on on the the Death D eath of ofT itian Peale": Peale” : "Ode Titian 1800, Nov8 IID/3F11-14 1800, N ov 8 IID/3F11 —14 s/Application for Charter: Charter: The T he PAFA: PAFA: IIA/37C11-D6 1805, 1805, Dec26 D ec26 IIA /37C 11-D 6 Sale ooff BBaltimore Museum Sale altim ore M useum to RuP: 1828, Oct31 1828, O ct 31 XIB/1B4 Deed ooff Trust Trust to toJam James Moshereta!: Deed es M osher et al: 1830, Mar23 XIB/1E13-F6 1830, M a r 23 X IB /1E 13-F6 N Note ote on Autograph A utograph of o f CWP: CW P: IIA/4G913 Dec 11 IIA /4G 9-13 1858, Dec Autograph: A utograph: IIA/73E5 1858 CW CWP P to Eleanor Peale, Peale, RuP and: 1802, Aug Aug IIA /26D 13-E3 1802, 30 30 IIA/26D13-E3 CWP CW P to RuP R uP and: 1802, NNov3 IIA/26F6-10 1802, ov 3 IIA/26F6-10 CWP CW P to: to: 1802, 1802, Dec Dec12 12 IIA/26G8-11 1803, M a rll IIA /27C13-14 1803, Mar11 IIA/27C13-14 A pr 11 IIA/27D8 1803, Apr IIA/27D910 1803, A pr 55 IIA /27D 9-10 1803, Apr 1803, A pr 14 IIA /27E4-7 IIA/27E4-7 1803, Apr14 1803, M May31 1803, ay 31 IIA/27F4-6 IIA/27G6-7 1803, 1803,Jun Jun 23 IIA /27G 6-7 1803, IIA /28C 7-8 HA/28C7-8 1803, Aug Aug77
The The Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers
1803, Sept11 1803,Sept 11 11A128E8-10 IIA /28E 8-10 CWP CW P to RaP and: 1804, Feb20 1804, Feb 20 IIA/29E5-8 IIA!29E5-8 1804, Mar 29 1804, Mar29 IIA/30C1-2 IIA /30C1-2 1804, Apr Apr16 1804, 16 IIA/30C9 1804, pr 26 1804, AApr26 IIA /30D 9-10 11A130D9-10 CW P to: CWP 1804,MayIO 1804, May 10 IIA /30E 13-14 IIA/30E13-14 1804, 12 1804, May 12 IIA/30F3 CWPtoRuPand: CW P to RuP and: 1804, May May20 1804, 20 IIA/30F13-14 IIA /30F13-14 CW P to RaP and: CWP 1804,Jun2l 1804,Jun 21 IIA/31A6 1804,Jun23 1804,Jun 23 IIA/31Al2-13 IIA /31A 12-13 CW P to: CWPto: 1805, Feb99 1805, Feb IIA/33A2-6 1805, May88 1805, May IIA/34C8-11 IIA /34C 8-11 CWP SPS, C Coleman CW P to RuP, RuP, SPS, olem an Sellers Sellers and: 1805,Ju129 1805,Jul 29 IIA/35D10-11 IIA /35D 10-11 CW P to RuP, SPS and: CWP 1805, Aug12 1805, Aug 12 IIA/35E9-1O IIA /35E 9-10 CW P to RuP and: CWPtoRuPand: 1805,AugI3 1805, Aug 13 IIA/35E11-F1 CW P to: CWPto: 1805, O Oct 1805, ct 10 10 IIA/36C11 —13 IIA/36C11-13 CWP CW P to RuP and: 1807, 1807, Aug Aug66 IIA/41C13-14 IIA /41C 13-14 CW P to: to: CWP 1808,Jun 26 1808,Jun26 IIA /43D 2-11 IIA/43D2-11 1808,Ju113 IIA/43F1-5 1808,Jul 13 IIA/43F1 —5 1808, Sept11 1808, Sept 11 IIA /44B 1-C 2 IIA/44B1-C2 1809, Apr16 1809, Apr 16 IIA/46C13-D4 IIA /46C 13-D 4 1809, 29 1809,Apr Apr29 IIA/46D712 IIA /4 6 D 7 -12 1809, May10 IIA/46G1-4 1809, May 10 IIA /46G 1-4 1809, May14 1809, May 14 IIA/46G7-12 IIA /46G 7-12 1809, Sept25 11A147E7-12 1809, Sept 25 IIA /47E 7-12 1809, OOct28, ct 28, Nov N o v 17 1809, IIA/48A8-B10 1810, 1810, Feb Feb33 IIA /48E 1-12 IIA/48E1-12 1810,Jun Jun8,8,22,23 1810, 22, 23 11A149B13-C4 IIA /49B13-C4 1810,Ju18, 1810, ju l 8, 10 10 IIA /49C 12-14 IIA/49C12-14 1810,Jul 1810, Jul 22, 26, 29 IIA/49D310 IIA /49D 3-10 1810, ov 19 19 1810, N Nov IIA/49F4-7 CW P to R uP and: CWPtoRuPand: 1811, Feb22 1811, Feb 22 IIA/50A7-8 1811, Feb 26 1811,Feb26 11A150A9-10 IIA /50A 9-10 1811, Marl 1811, M a rl IIA/50A11IIA/50A11—14 14 1811,Marl 1811, M a rl IIA /50B1-2 IIA/SOB1-2 CW P to: CWPto: 1811, Aug 2 7,28 1811,Aug27,28 IIA/50D11-13 IIA /50D 11-13 Sept 99 1811, Sept IIA/SOE1-3 IIA/50E1-3 1812, 25 1812, Feb Feb25 IIA/51B3-4 1812,Ju127 1812,Jul 27 IIA/51D5-11 11A/51D5-11 1812, Aug 6 1812,Aug6 IIA/51E1-2 IIA/51 E l —2 1812, 4, 7 1812,Sept Sept4,7 fIA15IEII-14 IIA/51E11-14 1812, O ct 28 1812,0ct28 IIA/S1FS-12 IIA /51F5-12 1812, OOct28 IIA/51F13-G6 1812, ct 28 1814,Jan66 1814,Jan IIA/53A2-7 1814,Ju131 1814,Jul 31 IIA /53D 3-7 IIA/53D3-7 IIA/53E4-6 1814, Sept 66 IIA/53F7-G2 1814, O ct 16 1814, Oct16 19 1815, Feb 19 IIA/54F8-11 IIA /54F8-11 IIA/54G1-2 1815, M ar 12 1815, Mar12 1815,Jun4,8 11A155D5-10 1815, Jun 4 ,8 IIA /55D 5-10 1815,Ju116 IIA/55E13-F4 1815,Jul 16
1815, Aug Aug88 1815, IIA/55G1-5 11A155G1-5 1815, 15,16 1815, Aug 15, 16 IIA/55G6-7 1815, Sept 10 10 IIA/56A13--B4 IIA/56A13-B4 1815, 1815, OOct9 ct 9 [?] [?] IIA/56B11-14 IIA/56B11 —14 1815, Dec Dec23 1815, 23 IIA/56D1012 IIA/56D10- 12 1816, Feb Feb20 1816, 20 IIA/56G6-8 1816, 1816, Mar Mar 11 IIA/57A2-4 1816,MarI8 1816, M ar 18 IIA /57B1-2 IIA/57B1-2 1816, Apr 17 1816, IIA /57B 8-10 IIA/57B810 1816,Jul 10 10 IIA/57E6- 7 IIA/57E6-7 1816, Aug 14 1816, IIA/58A2-5 1816, 10 1816, Sept 10 IIA/58B7 HA/58B7 1816, 18 1816, Sept Sept18 IIA/58B11 O ct 21 21 IIA /58C 9-11 1816, Oct IIA/58C9-11 1816, 27 1816, Dec Dec27 IIA/58F12-14 IIA /58F12-14 1817, Feb Feb26 IIA/59A11-12 1817, 26 IIA /59A 11-12 1817, Apr Apr10 1817, 10 IIA /59C8-9 IIA/59C8-9 1817, Apr Apr17 1817, 17 IIA/59C1011 IIA /59C 10-11 1817, A pr 25 1817,Apr25 IIA /59D 1-2 IIA/59D1-2 1817, May May21 1817, 21 IIA/59E12-F1 1817,Jun 1817, Jun 16 16 IIA/59F6-8 1817, Aug33 1817, Aug IIA /59G 9-11 IIA/59G9-11 1817,Augl3 1817, Aug 13 I1A/59G12 IIA/59G12 1818,Jan8 1818,Jan 8 IIA /60B 12-14 IIA/60B12-14 1818, Mar Mar22 1818, IIA/60F4-5 1818, Apr 13 13 IIA/60G2-4 1818, 1818, Aug 9 IIA/61A6-8 ct 11 1818, O Oct IIA/61B3-4 1818, ov 3 IIA/61B5 1818, N Nov 11A161B5 1818,NNov9 11A161B8 1818, ov 9 IIA/61B8 1818, N ov 17 1818,Novl7 IIA/61B11—12 IIA/61B11-12 1818, Dec Dec55 IIA/61D3-4 1818, IIA /61D 3-4 1819 [?],Jan 1819 [? ],Jan IIA/61G9 1819,Jan8 IIA/61G10-11 IIA/61G10— 11 1819,Jan 15 15 IIA/62A2-6 1819,Jan23 IIA/62A9 1819,Jan 23 1819, Feb Feb23 IIA/62B6-9 1819, 23 fIA162B6-9 1819, May 22 IIA/62E1-3 1819, May22 11A162E1-3 1819, Jul 31 IIA/62E13-F1 1819,Ju131 17 1819, Sept 17 IIA/62G1 1819, Sept 25 1819, Sept25 IIA/62G1013 IIA /62G 10-13 1819, NNov ov [17?] [17?] IIA/63A10-11 1819, IIA /63A 10-11 Dec 16 16 IIA/63B3-4 1819, Dec 1820, Jan 10 1820,JanlO IIA/63F4-6 1820, pr 5 1820, AApr5 IIA/64B3-4 1820, ay 27 1820, M May27 IIA/64C11 1820,Jun 17 IIA /64C 12-13 1820,Junl7 IIA/64C12-13 IIA/64D6 1820,Jun 25 1820, Jun25 IIA/64E12- 13 1820,JullS IIA/64E12-13 1820,Jul 15 IIA/64F5-6 1820,Ju123 1820, Jul 23 1820,Jul 27 IIA/64F11 —12 1820,Ju127 11A164F11-12 CWP, Deed of o f Trust to his his Sons: Sons: IIA /65B3-C6 IIA/65B3-C6 1820, Dec11 Dec 11 CW P to: CWPto: 1820, Dec 17 IIA /65D 1-2 1820,Decl7 IIA/65D1-2 1821, M ar 19 IIA /65G 1-3 1821,Marl9 IIAI6SG1-3 1821, Apr 18 1821,Aprl8 IIA/66B5-7 1821,Oct28 O c t 28 IIA/66D13 t82, HA/66D13 1822, M ay 7 1822, May7 IIA/66G11-12 IIA /66G 11-12 1822, Jun 14 1822,Jun!4 IIA/67B12-13 IIA /67B 12-13 1822,Jun 21 IIA /67C1-3 1822,Jun2l f1AI67CI-3 1822, Jul10 IIA/67D1-2 1822,Jul 10 IIA /67D 1-2 1822,Ju122 1822,Jul 22 11A/67 D3 IIA/67D3 1822, 1822, Aug Aug22 IIA /67D 4-5 IIA/67D4-5 15 IIA /67D 9- 11 1822, Aug 15 IIA/67D9-11 1822, O Oct11 1822, ct 11 IIA /67E 9-11 IIA/67E9-11
The The Peale Peale Family F am ily Papers Papers
1822, 1822, NNov o v 55 1822, Dec77 1822, Dec 1823, 1823,Jan Jan23 23 1823, Feb9 1823, Feb 9
11Al67G3 IIA/67G3
11A168A2-3 IIA/68A2-3
IIA /68A 12-14 11Al68Al214 IIA /68B 11-13 11Al68B11-13 IIA /68D 3-4 11Al68D3-4 IIA /68D 12-13 11Al68D12-13 IIA /68E 9-11 11Al68E9-11 IIA/68F2-3 11Al68F2-3 IIA/68G8-9 11Al68G8-9 IIA/69B2-3 11Al69B2-3 JIA/69B4-5 IIA /69B4-5
1823, M arlO 1823, Mar 10 1823, pr 6 1823, AApr6 1823, 1823, AApr27 pr 27 1823, M ay 18 18 1823, May 1823,Jun 1823,Jun 1823, Aug 1823, Aug 55 1823, 1823, AAug23 u g 23 CWP CW Ptoto RuP RuP and: and : IIA /70D 12-13 1824, ar 20 11Al70D12-13 1824,MMar20 CW P to: CWPto: 1824, Jun 15 IIA /70F10-11 1824,JunlS 11Al70F10-11 1826, 1826, Feb Feb 12 12 IIA/71G10-12 IIA /72C8-9 11A172C8-9 1826, Jul 9 1826,Ju19 1826, 19 [IA/72D3-4 1826, Jul Jul19 UA172D3-4 IIA/72E5-7 11Al72E5-7 1826, 24 1826, Sept Sept24 1826, OOct2 ct 2 IIA/72E11 11Al72E11 1826, 1827,Jan 30 11A/72G9-10 1827,Jan3O 11Al72G9-10 RuPto: RuP to: VIIA/1B2 VIIAIIB2 1802, ay 88 1802, M May 1802,J u n 13 VIIA/1B7 VIIAIIB7 1802,Junl3 1802,J u n 14 V 1IA /1B8-10 1802,Junl4 VIIAIIB8-10 1813, Jul 22 V IIA /2B 12-13 VIIAI2BI2-13 1813,Ju122 1813,Jul 27 VIIA/2C7 VIIAI2C7 1813,Ju127 1824, Aug 18 1824, Aug 18 VIIAI5D5-6 VI1A/5D5-6 VIIAI5E4-11 1824, AAug25 ug 25 VIIA/5E4-11 1824, TRP T R Pto: to: V11IA/13D3 VIIIAII3D3 n.d. n.d. RuP to: to : RuP 1844, A pr 11 X IC /1B 8-G 3 1844, Apr XIC/1B8-G3 Reuben Haines, Haines, Payments Paym entsto: to: Reuben IXA-2C9 1828,1829,1830 1828, 1829, 1830 m: IIA/17B1-3, 19B3-5, 20E2-3, m: IIA /17B1-3, 19B 3-5, 20E 2-3, 21 C 3 -8 , 222E3-7, 2 E 3 -7 , 23G 6-7, 21C3-8, 23G6-7, 24A 2-7, 2 4 A 8 -13, 24B 12-13, 24A2-7,24A8-13,24B12-13, 24 C 1 -6 , 24F 10-G 1, 24G 2-8, 24C1-6, 24F10-G1, 24G2-8, 24G11-12, 25E2-3, 2 4 G 1 1 -12, 225C3-6, 5 C 3 -6 , 25E 2-3, 2 5 E 6 -7 ,2 5 E 8 -9 , 25E 10-11, 25E6-7,25E8-9,25E10-11, 25F1-3, 25F 4-5, 2 5F 6-9, 25F12, 25F1-3,25F4-5,25F6-9,25F12, 25G1-2, 26A5-8, 2 5 G 1 -2 ,226A2-4, 6 A 2 -4 , 26 A 5 -8 , 26A 13-14, 226B1-2, 6 B 1 -2 , 26B 3-4, 26A13-14, 26B3-4, 26B 5-6, 26B92 6 B 9 -13, 6 C 1 -4 , 26B5-6, 13, 226C1-4, 26C 5-6, 26C92 6 C 9 -10, 10, 26E122 6 E 1 2 -14, 26C5-6, 14, 26F1-4, G 1 -2 , 26G 3-4, 26F1-4, 26 26G1-2, 26G3-4, 27A 2-3, 27A 8-11, 27B 4-5, 27A23,27A811,27B45, 27B8-9,27C3,27C4-5,27C12, 27B 8-9, 27C3, 2 7 C 4 -5 , 27C12, 27D2-4,27D11-12,27E1-3, 27 D 2 -4 , 2 7 D 1 1 -12, 27E 1-3, 27E8, 12, 2 27E1314, 27F7, 27E8, 27E92 7 E 9 -12, 7 E 1 3 -14, 27F8-10, 27F8-10, 227F11-14, 7 F 1 1 -14, 27G1, 27G1, 27G2-3, 27G5, 227G8-9, 28A2-3, 27G 2-3, 27G5, 7 G 8 -9 , 28A 2-3, 7-8, 28A 9-10, 28A4, 28A 28A7-8, 28A9-10, 28B3-4, 228A11-12, 8 A 1 1 -12, 28A13, 28 B 3 -4 , 28C12, 28D11, 28D11, 28E 28E1-2, 28C3, 28C12, 1-2, 28E4-5,28F9, 28G11-12, 28E 4-5,28F 9, 28F10, 28F10, 28G 11-12, 29A2, 29A 29A3-5, 29A11-12, 3-5, 29A6, 29A 11-12, 29A13-B2, 29B13-C2, 29A 13-B 2, 29B3, 29B 13-C 2, 29 C 6 -8 , 229C12-13, 9 C 1 2 -13, 29D 9-13, 29C6-8, 29D9-13, 2 9 E 9 -1 0 ,2 9F 5-8, 229F9-12, 9 F 9 -12, 29E9-10, 29F5-8, 229F13-14, 9 F 1 3 -14, 29 G 1 -2 , 33005-6, 0 C 5 - 6, 29G1-2, 30C 13-D 4,30E 11, 30E12, 30C13-D4, 30E11, 30F1-2, 30F12, 30F12,30G10, 30Gb, 30G11-12,31A10-11,31C1-2, 3 0 G 1 1 -1 2 ,3 1 A 1 0 -11, 31 C l - 2 , 31C3-4, 3105, 331C10-11, 31 C 3 -4 , 31C5, 1 C 1 0 -11,
331D1-2, 1 D 1 -2 , 331D3-4, 1 D 3 -4 , 31D 12-13, 31D12-13, 31 E 4 -5 , 31E13, 14-F1, 31E4-5, 31E13, 31E 31E14-F1, 32A6-7, 331F10-11, 1 F 1 0 -11, 331G5-6, 1 G 5 -6 , 32A 6-7, 32 B 1 -C 2 , 32C8, 32C8, 32E11, 32E11, 32B1-C2, 332E122 E 1 2 -13, 2 F 3 -4 , 32F 6-7, 13, 332F3-4, 32F6-7, 32F10, 32F10, 32F11-13, 32F11-13, 332G2-4, 2 G 2 -4 ,332G7, 2G 7, 32G 8-11, 33 A 7 -1 0 , 33B5-8, 33B 5-8, 32G8-11, 33A7-10, 333B9-13, 3 B 9 - 13, 333C1-6, 3 C 1 -6 , 333D1-5, 3 D 1 -5 , 33D11-13, 33G1-5, 33D 11- 1 3 , 333F7-14, 3 F 7 - 14, 33G1 - 5, 33 G 6 -7 , 34A 13-B 2, 34B6, 33G6-7, 34A13-B2, 334B7-8, 4 B 7 - 8 ,334C3-5, 4 C 3 -5 ,334D1-2, 4 D 1 -2 , 34D3, 34D4-5, 3 4 D 4 -5 , 334D6-13, 4 D 6 -1 3 , 34E3-7, 34 E 3 -7 , 34F1-5, 34F 1-5, 34F10-12, 34F10-12, 34F13, 34F13, 34F14-G1, 34F14-G 1, 335A2-6, 5 A 2 -6 , 335C1-5, 5 C 1 -5 , 35C12-13, 35C 12-13, 335C14-D1, 5 C 1 4 -D 1 , 335D5-7, 5 D 5 -7 , 335F6-9, 5 F 6 -9 ,335F105 F 1 0 -11, 11,35 35G4-6, G 4 -6 , 35G 35G7-12, 7-12, 336B4-8, 6 B 4 -8 , 36B 36B9-13, 9-13, 36C143 6 C 1 4 -D4, D 4 ,3 36D96 D 910, -1 0 ,36D 36D1 11-12, 1-12, 36D13-E2, 36D 13-E 2, 36E12-F2, 36E 12-F 2, 37B1-4, 37B 1-4, 37Db-h, 37D 10-11,38A3, 38A3, 38A8-9, 3 8 A 8 -9 , 338D12-13, 8 D 1 2 -13, 38E8, 38E 38E11-13, 11-13, 39D3, 339C4-D2, 9 C 4 -D 2 ,3 9 D 3 , 39D5, 39D5, 39E10, 39E10, 39E11 39E1 1-12, - 1 2 , 339F129 F 1 2 -13, 13, 39G1 39G1 --2, 2, 4 0 B 1 0 -11, 440B12-13, 0 B 1 2 -13, 40F8-14, 4 0 F 8 -14, 40B10-11, 41A2-3, 41 A 2 -3 , 44105-8, 1 C 5 -8 , 441C9-12, 1C 9-12, 41D1-2, 4 1 D 1 -2 , 41E13-F12, 41E 13-F12, 41G 41G8-12, 8-12, 41G13, 41G 13,42A 42A13-B3, 13-B 3, 42 42B4-8, B 4 -8 , 42Db, 42D10, 42D11-14, 4 2D 11-14, 42E1-4, 4 2 E 1 -4 , 42 42E5-9, E 5 -9 , 442F1-4, 2 F 1 -4 , 42F 42F5-7, 5-7, 42F12-13, 442G1-2, 42G7-1O, 42F12-13, 2 G 1 -2 , 42G 7-10, 42G11-13, 43A4-5, 4 2 G 1 1 -13, 443A2-3, 3 A 2 -3 , 43 A 4 -5 , 43A6-9, 43 A 6 -9 , 443A10-B2, 3A 10-B 2, 43 43B3-5, B 3 -5 , 43 B 6 -7 , 443B8-9, 3 B 8 -9 , 43B 10-11, 43B6-7, 43B10-11, 43C5-9, 4 3 C 5 -9 , 443C10-13, 3 C 1 0 -13, 43C 43C14-D1, 1 4 -D 1 , 4 3 D 1 2 -14, 43E1-6, 4 3 E 1 -6 , 43 E 7 -8 , 43D12-14, 43E7-8, 43E 9-13, 443F6-7, 3 F 6 -7 , 44A 6-12, 43E9-13, 44A6-12, 14, 14, 444A134 A 1 3 -1 4 ,444C114 C 1 1 -14, 44D11-14, 44E12-F3, 44D11 -1 4 , 444E7-11, 4 E 7 - 11, 44E 12- F3, 44F 4-5, 444F6-7, 4 F 6 -7 , 44F11, 44F4-5, 44G 7-10, 444G12-13, 4 G 1 2 -13, 45Al2-13, 45A 12-13, 44G7-10, 445B1-2, 5 B 1 -2 ,445B3, 5 B 3 , 445D1-2, 5 D 1 -2 , 445D3-4, 5 D 3 -4 , 445D5-6, 5 D 5 -6 , 445D7-10, 5 D 7 - 10, 445D11-14, 5 D 1 1 -14, 45 E 1 -2 , 445E3-4, 5 E 3 -4 , 445E5-6, 5 E 5 -6 , 45E1-2, 45F 3-6, 45F 7-G 12, 46A 2-3, 45F3-6, 45F7-G12, 46A2-3, 46A 4- 5, 446A6-7, 6 A 6 -7 , 446A8-11, 6 A 8 -11, 46A4-5, 46 B 3 -4 , 446B5-6, 6 B 5 -6 , 46 B 7 -8 , 46B3-4, 46B7-8, 46C3-6, 4 6 C 3 -6 , 446C7-10, 6 C 7 - 10, 446C11-12, 6 C 1 1 -12, 4 6 D 1 3 -14, 46E1-6, 4 6 E 1 -6 , 46E 7-10, 46D13-14, 46E7-10, 14, 446F1-6, 446E116 E 1 1 -14, 6 F 1 -6 ,446F7-8, 6 F 7 -8 , 10, 46F11 46F1 1-12, 14, 446F96 F 9 -10, -1 2 , 446F136 F 1 3 -14, 46G 5-6, 447A2-3, 7 A 2 -3 , 47 A 4 -9 , 46G5-6, 47A4-9, 47A10-B1, 47B4-5, 47A 10-B 1, 47B2-3, 4 7 B 2 -3 , 47B 4-5, 4 7 B 6 -7 ,447B8-9, 7 B 8 -9 ,447C1-2, 7 C 1 -2 , 47B6-7, 4 7 C 3 -6 , 447C9-10, 7 C 9 -1 0 , 47C 11-12, 47C3-6, 47C11-12, 14, 447E1314, 47F1-7, 447C137 C 1 3 -14, 7 E 1 3 -1 4 ,47F 1-7, 448C3-7, 8 C 3 -7 , 48D 1 1 -1 3 , 48F1-2, 48F 1-2, 48D11-13, 448F3-7, 8 F 3 - 7 ,49A4, 6-7, 49A4, 49A5, 49A5, 49A 49A6-7, 449A8-14, 9 A 8 -14, 49E1-4, 4 9 E 1 -4 , 49F10-11, 49 G 5 -8 , 550D4-6, 0 D 4 -6 , 50E 4-8, 49G5-8, 50E4-8, 50E 9-F7, 550F8-14, 0 F 8 -14, 50G 1-4, 50E9-F7, 50G1-4, 50G11-13, 50G 11-13, 551C1-4, 1 C 1 -4 , 51C 5106-11, 6-11, 51F2-4, 51F13-G6, 551E11-14, 1 E 1 1 -14, 51F 2-4, 51F13-G 6, 52C1-2, 53B10-bb, 52 C 1 -2 , 552E3-6, 2 E 3 -6 , 53B 10-11, 54G 7-10, 55A 10-B 9, 55B 10-C 9, 54G7-b0, 55A10-B9, 55B10-C9, 55F11- 1 4 , 56B 5- 8, 556C6-D6, 6C 6- D6, 55F11-14, 56B5-8, 56D13-Eb, 56G4-5, 56D 13-E 1, 56E2-7, 5 6 E 2 -7 , 56G 4-5,
The The Peale Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers
56G 9-12, 57A14, 57A14, 57 C 8 -D 2 , 56G9-12, 57C8-D2, 5 7 F 9 -14, 12-C 7, 57F914, 57G1 57G1-- 10, 10, 58B 58B12-C7, 59G1, 59G2,59G 59G5-7, 60A4-5, 59G1, 59G2, 5-7, 60A 4-5,
66010-13, 0 A 1 0 -13,60B1-3, 60B 1-3, 6005-7, 60 C 5 -7 , 60C 8-11, 60C13-Dl, 60C 13-D 1, 60D4-6, 60 D 4 -6 , 6008-l1, 60F9-11, 60G13, 61A261A 2-5, 609-11, 60G13, 5, 61A6-8, 61A 61A13-B2, 13-B 2, 61B 61B6-7, 6-7, 661C1-3, 1C 1-3, 61 D 1 -2 , 61D8-9, 61 D 8 -9 , 61D1-2, 61F9-G3, 14, 61F9-G 3, 61G4-8, 61G 4-8, 62A136 2 A 1 3 -14, 62B1, 4 D 1 -2 , 64 D 3 -5 , 62B1, 64C2, 64C2,664D1-2, 64D3-5, 64D 8-9, 664Db4 D 1 0 -11, 64G 1-2, 64D8-9, 11, 64G1-2, 14, 664G9, 4 G 9 ,665C1 5 C 1 11-12, -1 2 ,665C135 C 1 3 -14, 65E5-6, 11, 66G1, 65E 5-6, 65E765E 7-11, 66G1, 66G2-3, 10, 67A 67A2-3, 66G 2-3, 66G86 6 G 8 -10, 2-3, 67A4-5, 67A8, 667B1-3, 67B7-9, 67A 4-5, 67A8, 7 B 1 -3 , 67B 7-9, 11,667C4-5, 667B107 B 1 0 -11, 7 C 4 -5 ,667D6-8, 7 D 6 -8 , 67E1 -3, 67E 67E68, 67E1214, 67E 1-3, 6-8, 6 7 E 1 2 -14, 67F6-8,68B 10, 68C1, D 7 -8 , 67F6-8,68B10, 68C1, 68 68D7-8, 6 8 D 9 -11,68E1 3 ,68E768E 7-8, 8 ,68F8, 68F8, 68D911 68E1 --3, 68Gb-h, 69A131B1, 68G 10-11,69A 13IB1, 69B 13-CCl, 1, 69C26 9 C 2 -66,, 69C76 9 C 7 -88,, 69B1369C 10-12, 669E1-2, 9 E 1 -2 , 69E86 9 E 8 -10, 69C10-12, 10, 69F5-8, 69F9-10, 69F9-10, 70A 70A2-5, 69F5-8, 2-5, 70A 6-9, 70B 1-3, 70B4-7, 70B 4-7, 70A6-9, 70B1-3, 10, 70C1 1-12, 770C30 C 3 -5, 5 ,770080 C 8 -10, 70C 11-12, 70C14, 70 D 3 -4 , 70D5-6, 7 0 D 5 -6 , 70D8, 70D8, 70C14, 70D3-4, 70E1-3, 70E4-5, 70E 1-3, 70 E 4 -5 , 70E7-9, 7 0 E 7 -9 , 70E10, 70E10, 70F3-4, 70 G 2 -5 , 71A3-4, 71A 3-4, 70F3-4,70G2-5, 71A56, 71A 71A911, 71C2, 71C2, 71C10, 71Gb, 71A 5-6, 9- 11, 71C14, 71D1,71F 71F2-6, 71G3-4, 71C14, 71D1, 2-6, 71G 3-4, 72A3, 72E2-3, 72A3, 772C4-6, 2 C 4 -6 , 72 E 2 -3 , 72E910, 773B12-C4, 7 2 E 9 -10, 3B 12-C 4, 73F6-8; IIBi20 IIB/20 (p. 105), 105), 23 23 (p. (p. 22et et seq.); seq.); hG IIC (pp. 336, 359, 365, 385, 397); 397); - 5G7, IID/30 (p.48); IIE/4A1 IIE/4A 1-5G 7, 7C8-D4, 7 C 8 -D 4 ,7D6-G1; 7 D 6 -G 111114E12, ; III/4E12, 4G 5 -8 , 5A2-11; 5A 2-11; V /1E11-12, 4G5-8, V/IEII12, 2B 7-13, D 1 2 -E 1 , 2E 2-4; 2B713, 22D12-E1, 2E2-4; VIIA/1A2-3, VIIA /1A 2-3, 1A5-6, 1 A 5 -6 , 1A7, 1A7, 1A14-B1, 1IAII-13, A 1 1 -1 3 ,1 A 1 4 -B 1 ,1IBII-13, B 1 1 -1 3 , 1C2-5, 1C 2-5, 1106-9, C 6 -9 , ICIO-12, 1C 10-12, 1D7-8, 1D9-10, IEI, 1D 7 -8 , 1D 9-10, 1D12-14, 1D 12-14, 1E1, 11E2-3, E 2 -3 ,11E4-5, E 4 -5 , 2A4-5, 2 A 4 -5 , 2B9-10, 2B 9-10, 2C14, 2E 2E14F3, 2G1 1-13, 14-F3, 2G 11-13, 3 B 2- 5, 3B8-11, 3 B 8 - 11, 3D6-9, 3 D 6 - 9, 3B2-5, 3F133F13-G2,4B7-11,4C8-9, G2, 4 B 7 - 11, 4 C 8 - 9, 4F13-G2, 4F13-G 2, 5B7-10, 5B 7 -1 0 , 5D11, 5D11, 5D 14-E 3, 5E14-F5, 5E 14- F5, 5G1-6, 5G 1 -6 , 5D14-E3, 5G 8-9, 6A2-5, 6 A 2 -5 , 6A14-B1, 6A 14-B 1, 5G8-9, 66B4-5, B 4 -5 , 6B6-9, 6 B 6 -9 , 6D96 D 9 -113, 3, 6E 12-F1, 6F2-5, 6 F 2 -5 ,6F106F 10-13, 6F14, 6E12-F1, 13, 6F14, 7A8-9, 7A 8 -9 , 77B13-C1, B 1 3 -C 1 , 7E8-9, 7 E 8 -9 , 7E10-12,7F11-13, 7E 10-12, 7 F 1 1 -13, 7G3-b0, 7 G 3 - 10, 88A5-7, A 5 -7 ,88A8-9, A 8 -9 , 88B13-C2, B 1 3 -C 2 , 8C10, 8Gb, 8Gb 12, 8C 1 11--DD2, 2 , 88D1 D 1 11-12, - 12, 9A109 A 1 0 -12, 10B2-4, 13, 10D12-E1, 10B 2-4, 10G121 0 C 1 2 -13, 10D 12-E 1, IOFII-14, IOGI-7, 10F 11-1 4 ,10G 1-7, 11Al2-B1, 11A 12-B1, 2-5, 11G811C 8-11; I11C 1G2-5, 11; (Add.)/1A9-12; (A dd.)/1A 9-12; VIIIA/1A2-5, VIIIA/1 A 2 - 5, 1B9-11, 1 B 9 -1 1 ,11G12-13, C 1 2 -1 3 , 1D8-11, 1D 8-11, 22B4-7,7G8--12, B 4 - 7 ,7 G 8 - 12, 8F7-9, 8 F 7 -9 , 13E1-6, 13E1-6, 1 4 F 9 -1 2 ,115A2-3, 5 A 2 -3 ,115A8-10, 5 A 8 -1 0 , 14F9-12, 17E1-2; VIIIB VIIIB (Jour. (Jour. Long Long 17E1-2; Expedition); Expedition); VIIIC/28A2-B1; IXA/2B4, 1-4, IXA/2B4, 14E10- 12, 12, 15G 15G1-4, 16B2-5, 16B 2-5, 17F13-14, 17F13- 14, 17G4-5; 17G 4-5;
X A /1D 1-4, 1D5-7; 1D 5-7; XA/IDI-4, XC/IAII12, 1G6-7, X C /1A 11-12, 1G 6-7, 2F1-4, 2F 1-4, 2F5-8, 2F9-12, 2F 5-8, 2F 9-12, 33B3-6, B 3 -6 , 3D 11- 14, 14, 44C7C 7 - 14, 14, 4F 2-5, 3D114F2-5, 4F10-13, 8-11, 7E13-14, 7E 13-14, 4F10-13, 5B 5B8-1l, 7G 3-6, C 8 -11, 11, 8E98 E 9 -12, 12, 7G36, 88C88E13-F2, 8E 13-F2, 99A6-9, A 6 -9 , 99E1-4, E 1 -4 , 10A 6-9, 10D 9-12, 1-4, 10A6-9, 10D912,11C I1CI-4, 11D 7-8; XD/1C13X D /1 C 1 3 -14; 11D7-8; 14; X XIA/5A8-B1, IA /5A 8-B 1, 55C4-5, C 4 -5 , 5E12-G4, 5E 12-G 4, 6F5-G13, 7A6-B11, 6F5-G 13, 7A 6-B 11, 14A7-F7, 14A7-F7, 115F65 F 6 -7 7., 17C13, 17C13, D2 (Add.)/5 (pp. (pp. 11,,117-19. 7 -1 9 , 21 -2 2 , 30,32), 30, 32), 66 (pp. (pp. 21-22, 159, 178178-79), (pp. 196-98, 159, 79), 77 (pp. 200-202, 200-202,219,221,223-24,226, 219, 221, 2 23- 24, 226, 231,233,235,241-45,247-49, 231, 233, 235, 241-45, 247-49, 257, 257, 259, 259,263-67, 263-67, 271-75), 88 (pp. 280-82), C 9 -D 6 , (pp. 280-82), 99C9-D6, 9D 9D1313-EE12; 12; X XIB/2A2-4, IB /2A 2-4, 2C 14-D 2, 3A113A 11-12 2C14-D2, 12 Self-portrait: Selfportrait: VIA-4A12-14, VIA-4Al2-14,
11G2,11G5 11G2, 11G5 See also useum , See alsoPeale’s Peale's M Museum, Baltimore. Court Baltimore. C o u rt Case. Case. Portraits by ReP are indexed under names ooff individual sitters. Mentions M entions ooff paintings other than than portraits follow: Ascent f Elijah-. IA /2F 10-12, Ascentoof Elijah: VVIA/2F1012, 33G5-9 G 5 -9 Brighton Brighton Boats: Boats: VIA/14F6 VIA/14F6 Capuchin IIA/64D8-9, C apuchin CChapel: hapel: IIA /64D 8-9, 11, 64F5-6 664Db4 D 1 0 -11, 64F 5-6 C orreggio’s lo, Io, copy of: Correggio's IIA/55D510 IIA /55D 5-10 C ourt ooff DDeath: eath: IIA/64C1213, Court IIA/64C12- 13, 64D 8-9, 664Db4 D 1 0 -11, 64E1 - 2, 64D8-9, 11, 64E1-2, 664F114 F 1 1 -12, G 1 -2 , 65D 1-2, 12,64 64G1-2, 65D1-2, 65E5- 6, 665E75 E 7 -11, 66B 5- 7, 7, 11, 66B567D 1-2, 67D3, 67D3, 68D96 8 D 9 -11, 11, 67D1-2, 668D12-13, 8 D 1 2 -13, 68 E 1 -3 , 68E9-11;. 68E9-11;. 68E1-3, VIA/3D1011, 3 D 1 2 - 13, VIA/3D10-11,3D12-13, 33D14-E3, D 14-E 3, 33E10-13, E 1 0 -13, 3F2-6, 3F 2-6, 3F7-13, G 6 -99,, 4A 12-14, 3F7- 13, 33G64Al214, 5A14-B3, 55A10-13, A 1 0 -13, 5A 14-B 3, 5B4-7, 5B 4-7, 5B 13-C 4, 7 G 4 -5 , 9C13-D1, 9C 13-D 1, 5B13-C4,7G4-5, 99D2, D 2 ,110A5-8, 0 A 5 -8 ,1IOAII-B5, 0 A 1 1 -B 5 , 10D7-1O, 12D6-7, 10D 7-10, 12D 6-7, 14B7, 14B7, 14G1, 14G1, 15B3; V IB /2F 12-13, 11, 15B3; VIB/2F1213, 9F9-G 9F9-G11, 14C11- 12 12;VILA/5D11; VIIA/5D11; 14C11XIB/3B1-5C8 X IB /3B 1-5C 8 Death D eath ooff Virginia: Virginia:VVLAI3CI4-D3, IA /3C14- D3, 33G6-9 G 6-9 D ream ooff LLove, ove, T h e: ILA/69F2-4 IIA/69F2-4 Dream The: Raphael's M Madonna, Raphael’s adonna, copy of: VIA/6C111 -4 , 10F5-6 VLA!6G11-14, 14,6 D 6D1-4, 10F5-6 R om an DDaughter, aughter, TThe: h e: IIA/68E1-3; Roman IIA/68E1-3; V IA /3E 7-9, 33E10E 1 0 -13, 3G 6 -99,, VLA/3E7-9, 3G69A8 Tuscan Female, Tuscan Fem ale, A: A : VLA/IOFIO, VIA/10F10, IOFII-12, 10F11-12, 10F13 10F13 of: West'sKingLear, West’s K in g Lear, copy copyof: IIA/56B5-8 See also:XIA/17C3, XLAII7G3,C5, C5,CC6-D2 See also: 6 -D 2 PEALE, Rosalba (1788-1790) m: IIA /16C8-9 m: IIA/16G8-9
The Peale Family F am ily Papers Papers The Peale
nderw ood, PEALE, Rosalba. See U Underwood, (Mrs. Rosalba Peale (M rs. John A.). PEALE, Rubens
See also also General General Index Index Series Series VII VII for chronological chronological sum summary m ary ooff letters letters sent or received by RuP and writings by RuP. References that R uP correspondence correspondence follow are to RuP m ention of o f RuP RuP in in series series other or mention than his n. his ow own. P.S. toCLP: P S . to CLP: 1814, o v 30, Dec Dec 11 1814, N Nov IIA/54B13-C2 s/Ticket s/Ticket for for Philadelphia Philadelphia Museum: 1814, IIA/54C7 1814, Dec Dec77 to CLP: 1816, 21 IIA/57C3-8 IIA/57C3-8 1816, Apr Apr21 to William William Duane: Duane: X IA /6F2-3 1820, Jun 88 XIA/6F2-3 for Letters and and notebook, notebook, for Philadelphia M useum Company: Com pany: Philadelphia Museum XIA/7C1-14 1821, M a r-Ju l X IA /7C 1-14 1821, Mar-Jul M ajor Stephen Long: to Major 1821, M ar 20 XIA/7C14 XIA/7C14 1821, Mar20 to Reverend Jam James es Milnor: M ilnor: 1821, M ar 21 X IA /7C 7-8 1821,Mar2l XIA/7C7-8 William M eredith: to William Meredith: 1821, M ar 22 XIA/7C6 1821, Mar22 to President President ooff the the CCommon om m on Council o f the City C ity of o f Philadelphia: of X IA /7C 8-9 XIA/7C8-9 1821, Mar22 1821, M ar 22 to M ajor Stephen Long: toMajorStephenLong: 1821, M ar 22 XIA/7C10 1821,Mar22 XFA/7C10 to [unknown]: 1821, M ay 9 1821,May9 XIA/7C3 List List ooff additions additions and and donations to Philadelphia useum : Philadelphia M Museum: 1821[?] XIA/16B1-4 1821 [?] X IA /16B 1-4 Baltim ore M useum , Plan of: Baltimore Museum, X IB /1A 6-7 1823, XIB/1A6-7 1823, Mar to William uynn (Guinn): (Gu inn): William G Guynn 1833, M ar 9 X IB /2C 8-9 1833, Mar9 XIB/2C8-9 enry Robinson: to H Henry 1833, M Mar20 X IB /2C 10-12 XIB/2C10-12 1833, ar 20 ttoJ. o j. E. E. Walker: Walker: 1833, M ar 21 1833, Mar21 XIB/2C13 to Charles Mayer: 1833, Mar31 XIB/2C14-D2 1833, M ar 31 X IB /2C 14-D 2 1833, M ay 31 1833, May31 XIB/2D3-4 X IB /2D 3-4 to H enry Robinson: Henry 1833,Jun4 1833,J u n 4 XIB/2D5-6 X IB /2D 5-6 1833, Jul 9 1833,Ju19 XIB/2D7 1834, 1834, May 9 X IB /2E 8-9 XIB/2E8-9 to S. D. D . Walker: Walker: 1835, Jun 21 1835,Jun2l X IB /2F 12-13 XIB/2F12-13 to Charles Mayer: M ayer: 1835, Jul Jul 11 XIB/2F14 Agreement w ith Charles de de Selding: Selding: with 1835, Jul 9 1835,Ju19 XIB/2G1-6 X IB /2G 1-6 to Charles Mayer: M ayer: 1836, 1836, NNov2 ov 2 X IB /3A 3-7 XIB/3A3-7 to Charles DeSelding: n.d. XIB/3A8 1837, pr 5 1837, A AprS X IB /3 A 9 -10 XIB/3A9-1O Henry to H enry Robinson:
1837, Apr16 XIB/3A11-12 1837, A pr 16 X IB /3A 11-12 Baltimore Museum Baltim ore M useum Account A ccount Book: 1822-29 X IB /3B 1-5C 8 1822- 29 XIB/3B1-5C8 Advertisement Advertisem ent for Peale's Peale’s Museum, M useum , N ew York: York: New 1831,Jun XICI1B2 1831, Jun 14 14 XIC/1B2 ew to N New Correspondence relating to useum : York M Museum: XIC/1B8-G3 1826-49 X IC /1B 8-G 3 182649 CW P to ReP, ReP, Eleanor Peale and: CWP IIA/26D13-E3 1802, A ug 30 IIA /26D 13-E 3 1802, Aug30 CW P to ReP and: CWP IIA/26F6-10 1802, Nov3 1802, N ov 3 IIA /26F6-10 Dec 12 12 1802, Dec 1803, M ar 11 1803, Mar11
IIA/26G811 IIA /26G 8-11 IIA/27C13-14 IIA/27D8 IIA /27D 9-10 IIA/27D910 IIA /27E4-7 IIA/27E4-7 IIA/27F4-6 IIA /27G 6-7 IIA/27G6-7 IIA /28C 7-8 IIA/28C7-8 IIA /28E 8-10 IIA/28E8-10 IIA /30F13-14 IIA/30F1314
A pr 11 1803, Apr A pr 55 1803, Apr pr 14 14 1803, A Apr 1803, M ay 31 1803, May31 1803, Jun 23 1803,Jun23 1803, Aug 7 1803, Sept 11 1803, Sept11 ay 20 1804, M May CWP CW P to to SPS SPS and: 1804, Jul 6 1804,Jul IIA /31C 7-99 IIA/31C71804,Jul 11 IIA/31 CIO—11 1804,Julll IIA/31C10-11 CW P to: to: CWP 1804, 30 1804, Dec Dec30 IIA/32F1-2 CWP CW P to to SPS SPS and: 1805, Jan 11 1805,Jan IIA/32F3-4 CW P to: CWPto: IIA/32F6-7 1805,Jan 1805,Jan66 CW P to SPS and: CWPtoSPSand: IIA /32F8-9 IIA/32F89 1805,Jan 11 1805, Jan 11 CW P to: CWPto: 1805, Jan Jan15 IIA/32F10 1805, 15 CWP CW P to to SPS SPS and: IIA/32F11—13 1805,Jan IIA/32F11-13 1805, Jan 19, 24 CWP CW P to to ReP, ReP, SPS SPS and: and: 1805, Feb 11 IIA/32G2-4 IIA /32G 2-4 CW P to: to: CWP 1805, IIA /32G 8-11 1805, Feb Feb44 IIA/32G8-11 CW P to SPS SPS and: CWP 1805, pr 28 1805, AApr28 IIA/34B10-11 IIA /34B 10-11 C W P to: CWP 1805, Jun 24 1805,Jun24 IIA/35A2-6 IIA /35A 2-6 CWP CW P to to SPS SPS and: 1805,Jul IIA /35D 5-7 1805, Jul 25 IIA/35D5-7 CW P to SPS, SPS, Coleman Colem an Sellers Sellers and: and: CWP 1805, Jul Jul 29 IIA/35D1011 1805, IIA /35D 10-11 CW P to ReP,SPS SPS and: and: CWPtoReP, 1805, ug 12 1805, AAug12 IIA/35E9-10 IIA /35E 9-10 CW P to ReP and: CWP 1805, A ug 13 IIA/35E11 —FI 1805, Aug13 IIA/35E11-F1 CW P to: CWPto: 1805, A ug 19 IIA/35F2- 5 1805, Aug19 IIA/35F2-5 1805, ug 22 1805, AAug22 IIA/35F6-9 1805, A ug 23 IIA/35F10—11 11 1805, Aug23 IIA/35F101805, 29 IIA /36B4-8 1805, Sept Sept29 IIA/36B4-8 1805, O ct 14 14 IIA /36C 14-D 4 1805, Oct IIA/36C14-D4 IIA/36D9-10 1805, O c t 17 17 IIA /36D 9-10 1805, Oct IIA/37C5 1805, 1805, Dec Dec 6 10 IIA/39D3 1806, Sept 10 I1A/39D6-7 1806, Sept16 IIA/39D6-7 1806, Sept 16 1806, N Nov IIA/39E3 1806, ov 5
The Peale The Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers
1806, NNov8 1806, ov 8 IIA/39E4-6 CWP CW P to ReP and: 1807, 1807, Aug 6 IIA/41C13IIA /41C 13-14 14 CWP CW P to: to: 1808, NNov7 1808, ov 7 IIA/44F12-G4 1809,Jun 11 IIA/47A10-B1 1809, Sept 4 IIA/47E2-6 1809, Sept Sept 27, 27, O Oct 11A147F1-7 1809, ct 6 IIA/47F1-7 O ct 11 11 1809, Oct IIA/47G2-3 1809, O Oct ct 18 18 IIA/47G6IIA /47G 6-12 12 1809, 1809, O Oct24, ct 24,25 25 IIA/48A2-7 1809, Dec10 IIA/48C1-2 1809, Dec 10 IIA /48C1-2 1810, Feb Feb23 23 IIA/48G9-10 IIA/48G910 1810, Feb 25 1810, Feb25 IIA/48G11-13 IIA/48G11 —13 1810, May M ay 15 15 IIA/49B5 1810, Oct28 IIA/49F1-2 1810, O ct 28 CWP CW P to to ReP and: 1811, Feb22 IIA/50A7-8 1811, Feb 22 IIA /50A 7-8 1811, Feb26 IIA /50A 9-10 IIA/50A910 1811, Feb 26 1811,Marl IIA/50A11-14 1811, M a rl IIA/50A11 —14 1811, M Marl 1811, a rl IIA/50B1-2 CWPto: CW P to: 1811, M Mar6 1811, ar6 IIA /50B5-6 IIA/50B5-6 1811, M Mar7 1811, ar 7 IIA /50B7-8 IIA/50B7-8 1811, ar7 1811, M Mar7 IIA/50B9 IIA/50C6-7 1811,Mar27 IIA /50C6-7 1811, M ar 27 1812, Feb Feb23 1812, 23 IIA/51B2 1815, Aug 8 IIA/55F11-14 IIA /55F11-14 1815, 1816,Jan2O IIA/56F14 1816,Jan 20 1816, Aug Aug24 IIA/58B1-2 1816, 24 1816, Dec27 IIA/58F10-1l 1816, Dec 27 IIA/58F10—11 1817, Feb 17 17 IIA/59A10 1817,Jul 1817, Jul 18 18 IIA/59G5-7 14 1817, Aug 14 IIA/60A4-5 1817, Oct11 11A160A9 1817, O ct 11 IIA/60A9 1818, N Nov 1818, ov 6 IIA/61B6-7 CWP CW P to to RaP and: 1818, Nov IIA/61B1314 1818, N ov 19 19 IIA /61B 13-14 1818, 11A16105-7 1818, NNov22 ov 22 IIA /61C 5-7 CWP CW P to: 1818, Dec 1818, Dec99 IIA/61D8-9 IIA /61D 8-9 1818, Dec 12 1818, IIA/61E2-3 1818, Dec 18 IIA /61E6-8 IIA/61E6-8 1818, CWP CW P to RaP and: 1818, Dec Dec31 IIA/61E9-10 1818, 31 IIA /61E 9-10 CWP CW P to: to: 1819, Jan 7 1819,Jan7 JIA/61F9-G3 IIA/61F9-G 3 1819,Jan 19 19 IIA/62A7-8 IIA/62A10 1819,Jan 24 1819,Jun6 1819, Jun 6 IIA/62E4 1819, Aug21 11A162F9-10 1819, Aug 21 1IA/62F910 1819, Nov13 1819, N ov 13 IIA/63A7 UA/64F13 82O, A Aug J1A/MF13 1820, ug 15 15 CWP, Deed ooff Trust to his CWP, Deed his Sons: Sons: 1820, Dec11 11A165B3-C6 1820, Dec 11 IIA/65B3C6 CWP CW P to: 1821, Mar9 1821, M ar 9 IIA/65F14 11A165F14 1821, A p r7 1821,Apr7 IIA/66A11 1821, Apr Apr20 1821, 20 IIA/66B8 IJA/66B8 1822, IIA/66G1 1822, May 2 1822, May 55 IIA/66G8IIA/66G8- 10 10 1822, 1822, 1822, May 9 IIA/67A2-3 IIA/67A4-5 1822, 10 1822, May May10 11A167A6-7 IIA/67A6-7 1822, May May11 1822, 11 1822, May22 1822, May 22 IIA/67A11
1822, May May27 1822, 27 1822, May May31 31 1822, Jun Jun 7
1822,Jun99 1822,Jun 1822,Jun 14 14 1822,Jun25 1822,Jun 25 1822,Ju199 1822,Jul 1822, Aug 44 1822, Sept Sept 10 10 1822, O Oct ct 44 1822, OOct17 1822, ct 17 1822, N Nov ov 44 1822, N Nov 1822, ov 8 1822, Nov21 1822, N ov 21 1822, ov 30 1822,NNov30 1822, Dec Dec44 1822, 1823,Jan I1 1823,Jan 19 1823, Feb 4 1823, Feb 13 1823,Febl3 1823, Feb26 1823, Feb 26 1823, MarS5 1823, Mar 1823, Mar23 1823, Mar 23 1823, AprS5 1823, Apr 1823, Apr13 1823, Apr 13 1823, Apr 24 1823, May66 1823, May 1823,Jun2O 1823, Jun 20 1823,Ju12 1823,Jul 2 1823,Ju16 1823,Jul 6 1823,JuI 1823, Jul 11 11 1823, 1823, Aug 5 1823, Aug Aug25 1823, 25 1823, Aug Aug28 1823, 28 1823, Sept Sept19 1823, 19 1823, 23 1823, Sept Sept23 1823, Sept Sept29 1823, 29 1823, Oct O ct 33 1823,OOct7 1823, ct 7 1823, N Nov 1823, ov 16 16 1823, ov 23 1823, NNov23 1823, N Nov ov 30 30 Dec 18 18 1823, Dec 1823, Dec20 1823, Dec 20 1823, Dec23 1823, Dec 23 1823, Dec28 1823, Dec 28 1824,Janl8 1824,Jan 18 1824,Jan3l 1824,Jan 31 1824, Feb Feb 44 1824,Feb2l 1824, Feb 21 1824, M ar 7 1824, Mar7 1824, Mar20 1824, M ar 20 1824,JuI 1824,Jul 16 16 1824, Aug Aug23 1824, 23 1824, Sept33 1824, Sept 1824, N Nov 1824, ov 18 18 1824, 1824, Dec Dec77 1824, Dec Dec28 1824, 28 1826, Feb Feb27 1826, 27 CW P to CWP to CLP CLP and and:: 1826, M Mar 1826, ar I1 CWP CW P to: 1826, M Mar26 1826, ar 26 1826, A Apr 1826, pr 11 1826, pr 6 1826, AApr6
IIA/67B1-3 If A167B4-5 IIA/67B4-5 11A/67B IIA/67B6 LLA/67B7-9 IIA/67B7-9 IIA/67B10-11 IIA/67B10—11 11A167C4-5 IIA /67C4-5 IIA /67C 13-14 IIA/67C13-14 11A167D6-8 IIA /67D 6-8 IIA/67E1-3 11A167E6-8 IIA/67E6-8 IIA/67F1-3 I1A/67F1 —3 IIA/67G1-2 IIA/67G46 IIA/67G4-6 11A167G7-8 IIA/67G7-8 IIA/67G9 LLA/67G12 IIA/67G12 IIA/68A8-9 11A168A10-11 IIA /68A 10-11 IIA/68B3-4 11A168C2-3 IIA/68C2-3 IIA/68C4-6 IIA/68C11-13 IIA/68C11—13 IIA/68D7-8 IIA /68D 7-8 IIA/68D9-11 IIA/68E1-3 IIA/68E7-8 IIA/68F1 1IA/68F1 IIA/68G10-11 IIA /68G 10-11 IIA/68G12-13 IIA/68G12-13 IIA/69A2-4 IIA/69A6-7 IIA/69A13-B1 IIA/69B6-7 IIA/69B8-9 IIA/69B13-C1 I1A/69B13-C1 11A169C7-8 IIA/69C7-8 IIA/69C9 IIA/69C1012 IIA /69C 10-12 IIA/69D13 IIA /69E 8-10 IIA/69E810 IIA/69E11 IIA/69F2-4 IIA/69F5-8 IIA/69F910 IIA /69F9-10 IIA/69F11 —12 IIA/69F11-12 IIA/69G4-6 IIA/70A6-9 IIA/70B10-11 1IA/70B10— 11 IIA/70C6-7 IIA /70C6-7 IIA/70D5-6 I1A/70D5-6 IIA/70D10-11 IIA/70D12-13 IIA /71A 3-4 HA/71A3-4 11A171B3-5 IIA/71B3-5 JJA17IBII-12 IIA>71B11 —12 IIA/71C8 JIAI7ICIO IIA/71C10 IIA/71C14 JJA/72A2 IIA/72A2
JJA/72A3 IIA/72A3
JIA/72B2-3 IIA/72B2-3 JJA/72B5 IIA/72B5 IJA/72B6 IIA/72B6
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1826. May 30 1826, May30 1826, Jun 27 27 1826,Jun
IIA/72B12-14 IIA/72C4-6 IIA /72C4-6 IIA/72C1011 IIA/72C10-11 IIA/72E9-10 IIA/72E9-10
1826, Jul 9 1826, Sept 29 1826, Sept29 1826, ct 28 IIA/72E14 1826, OOct28 1826, o v 12 IIA/72F1 1826, NNov12 1827, Jan 30 IIA/72G8 1827,Jan3O 1827, I1A/72G11-12 IIA/72G11-12 1827, Feb Feb22 ReP to: ReP and and Eleanor Peale, Deed to: VIA/1F5-14 1808, pr 22 1808, AApr22 ReP to: to:VIA/2F14-G3 1814, u g 2 2 ,223 3 VIA /2F14-G3 1814, AAug22, 1815, ay 8 VIA/2G4 1815, M May 1815, 11 V IA /2G 5-6 1815, May May11 VIA/2G5-6 VIA/3D12-13 1822, Jan 2 V IA /3D 12-13 1822,Jan2 VIA/4G13 15 1828, May 15 ReP, SaleofB ofBaltimore ReP, Sale altim ore Museum M useum to: to: VIA/5D11-13 1828, Oct31 O ct 31 V IA /5D 11-13 1828, BFP to: IXA/1 1Db- 11 1850, OctO5ct 5 IXA/11D10-11 1850, BFP to Leavit H Harris arris and and Aaron Aaron Vail, Vail, care of: n.d. IXA/22B8 SPS to: X C /2A 13-14 XC/2A13-14 1837 1838, M ar 18 X C /2B 1-4 1838,Marl8 XC/2B1-4 1845, Feb Feb11 XC/3B1-2 11 X C /3B 1-2 1858,Jan XC/IICI-4 1858, Jan 10 10 X C /11C 1-4 H enry Ploss to: Henry 1821, 28 X1A/7A2-5 1821, Feb Feb28 XIA/7A2-5 Andrew Summers Andrew Sum m ers to Philadelphia Philadelphia M useum (RuPet (RuPe( al.): Museum 1835, Aug 12 XIA/12B10-11 XIA/12B10-11 1835, Aug12 ReP, altimmore ore M useum to: to: ReP, Sale Sale ooffBBalti Museum 1828, O Oct31 1828, ct 31 XIB/1B4 m: 5 C 3 -6 , 25E6-7, 25E 6-7, ii: 1IA/22E3-7, IIA/22E3-7, 225C3-6, 25E8-9,25E10-11,25F1-3, 25E 8-9, 2 5 E 1 0 -11, 25F1 - 3 , 25F4-5, 25F6-9, 2 5F 6-9, 25F12, 25F12, 26A 2-4, 26A2-4, 26A 5-8, 26A1326A 13- 14, 14, 26B 1-2, 26A5-8, 26B1-2, 26B 3-4, 26B5-6, 26 B 5 -6 , 26B9-13, 2 6 B 9 - 13, 26B3-4, 226C1-4, 6 C 1 -4 , 226C5-6, 6 C 5 -6 , 26C9-10, 26C 9-10, 26E 12-14, 26 F 1 -4 , 26G1-2, 26G 1-2, 26E12-14, 26F1-4, 26G3-4, 26G 3-4, 27A2-3, 27 A 2 -3 , 27A8-11, 27A 8-11, 27B 8-9, 27C3, 2 7 C 4 -5 , 27B8-9, 27C3,27C4-5, 27D 11-12, 27E1-3, 2 7 E 1 -3 , 27E8, 27E8, 27D11-12, 2 7 E 9 -12, 27E13-14, 2 7 E 1 3 -14, 27F7, 27F7, 27E9-12, 27F8-10, 2-3, 27F8-10, 27F11-14, 27F11-14, 27G 27G2-3, 27G5, 28B 28B3-4, 28E1-2, 27G5, 3-4, 28D11, 28D11, 28E 1-2, 28E 4-5, 28E11-12, 28E 11-12,28F9, 28F9, 28F10, 28F10, 28E4-5, 28G 11-12, 29A2, 229A3-5, 9 A 3 -5 , 29A6, 29A6, 28G11-12, 29A11-12, 29B3, 29B6, 29B6, 29 29C6-8, 29A 11-12, 29B3, C 6 -8 , 29D 9- 13,29F5-8, 29F9-12, 2 9 F 9 -12, 29D9-13,29F5-8, 30A6, 0 C 1 -2 , 33005-6, 0 C 5 -6 , 30A6,330C1-2, 330D9-10, 0 D 9 -1 0 ,30E12, 30E12, 30F12, 30F12,30G10, 30Gb, 30G11 - 1 23105, ,31C5,31D5, 31D5, 31D6, 31D6, 3011-12, 31E4-5, 31E14-F1, 31E 4-5, 31E13, 31E13, 31E 14-F1, 331F101 F 1 0 -11, 6-7, 11, 31F1231F12- 14, 14, 32A 32A6-7, 32A8-9, 32A11-12, 32A 8-9, 32A10, 32A10, 32A 11-12, 32B1-C2, 32B 1-C 2, 32D9-10, 3 2 D 9 -1 0 , 32E8, 32E8, 10, 33A1 333A73 A 7 -1 0 ,3 3 A 1I1--B 4 , 33B933B 9-13, B4, 13, 33E810, 33E1114, 333D1-5, 3 D 1 - 5 ,3 3 E 8 -10, 3 3 E 1 1 -14, 33F1-2, 33F 5-6, 33F7-14, 33F5-6, 34A 2-6, 334C3-5, 4 C 3 -5 , 34C 8-11, 34A2.-6, 34C8-11, 34D634E3-7, 334D14 D 1 -22,, 34 D 6 -113, 3 , 34 E 3 -7 , 34G7, 5 B 1 -4 , 335C1-5, 5 C 1 -5 , 34G7, 34G8, 34G8,335B1-4, 35C14-D1, 335C125 C 1 2 -113, 3 ,35C 1 4 -D 1 ,
35D 12-E 2, 335E3-8, 5 E 3 -8 , 35G2-3, 35G 2-3, 35D12-E2, 35G 4-6, 35G73 5G 7- 12, 12, 36A14-B1, 36A 14-B 1, 35G4-6, 36B 2-3, 36B936 B 9 -1 3 , 36C33 6 C 3 -55,, 36B2-3, 13, 336D5-8, 6 D 5 -8 , 336E5-7, 6 E 5 -7 , 36E8-9, 36 E 8 -9 , 36E 12-F2, 337B1-4, 7 B 1 -4 , 337C1-2, 7 C 1 -2 , 36E12-F2, 37E10,37F13, 1, 37G6, 37E10, 37F13, 37F14,37G 37F14, 37G1, 38 B 3 -4 , 38B9, 38B9, 38C3, 38D12-13, 38D 12-13, 38B3-4, 38E9, 38E9, 338E11-13, 8 E 1 1 -13, 38F3, 338F9-10, 8 F 9 -10, 38F11, 38F11, 38F12, 38F12, 38F13, 38F13, 39B8, 339C4-D2, 9 C 4 -D 2 , 39D4, 39D4, 39D5, 39D5, 39D11, 39D11, 39E13, 40A2, 40A11, 40A11, 440C1-2, 39E13, 40A2, 0 C 1 -2 , 40G1, 440F8-14, 0 F 8 -14, 40G 1, 440G2-12, 0 G 2 - 12, 41 A 2 -3 , 41A6-9, 4 1 A 6 -9 , 41B9, 41B9, 44105-8, 1 C 5 -8 , 41A2-3, 4 1C 9-12, 41D1-2, 4 1 D 1 -2 , 41D7-9, 4 1 D 7 -9 , 41C9-12, 41D 10-12, 41E13-F12, 41E 13-F12, 41G13, 41G13, 41D10-12, 42A 13-B 3, 442F8-9, 2 F 8 -9 , 43C5-9, 4 3 C 5 -9 , 42A13-B3, 43D 2-11, 43 D 1 2 -1 4 , 43F143F 1-5, 43D211, 43D1214, 5, 44A6-12, 4 4 A 6 -12, 444B1-C2, 4 B 1 -C 2 , 44C3-4, 4 4 C 3 -4 , 4 4 C 1 1 -14, E 7 -111, 1 , 44E 12-F3, 44C1114, 44 44E744E12-F3, 445F7-G12, 5 F 7 -G 1 2 ,4 6 C 1 3 -D 4 , 46D74 6 D 7 -12, 46C13D4, 12, 46F1-6, 46F 1-6, 47B10-13, 4 7 B 1 0 -13, 47C3-6, 4 7 C 3 -6 , 47E 7-12, 47E13-14, 47E 13-14, 47F8-11, 47E7-12, 47F12-G1, 48A8-B10, 47F12-G 1, 48A 8-B 10, 448C3-7, 8 C 3 -7 , 48E 1-12, 448F1-2, 8 F 1 -2 , 48F3-7, 48F 3-7, 48E1-12, 49A6-7, 49A 6-7, 49A8-14, 49 A 8 -1 4 , 49B11-12, 49B 11-12, 49B 13-C 4, 49C12-14, 4 9 C 1 2 - 14, 49B13-C4, 49E12-13, 49E 12-13, 49G9-10, 49 G 9 -1 0 , 50A6, 50A6, 50B 11-13, 550C1-2, 0 C 1 -2 , 50C4-5, 50 C 4 -5 , 50B11-13, socio-ii, 50C 10-11, 50D3, 50D1150D 11-13, 13, 50E1-3, 50E 1-3, 50E4-8, 5 0 E 4 -8 , 50E9-F7, 50E 9-F7, 5 0 F 8 -14, 0 G 1 -4 , 50G 5-6, 50F814, 550G1-4, 50G5-6, 5 0 G ll-1 13,51A2-5, 3 ,-5 1 A 2 -5 , 51B5-8, 51B 5-8, SOGII551B9-14, 1 B 9 -14, 51 D 5 -1 1 , 51E1-2, 51E 1-2, 51D5-11, 51E3-6, 51E 3-6, 51E7-10, 5 1E 7-10, 51E11-14, 51 E l 1—14, 51F2-4, A 2 -7 , 52B5-7, 52B 5-7, 51F2-4, 52 52A2-7, 52B 8-11, 552C1-2, 2 C 1 -2 , 52C9, 52C9, 52B8-11, 52 D 1 -2 , 52D3, 52D3, 52 E 3 -6 , 52D1-2, 52E3-6, 52E 7-13, 52F452F 4-11, 52F12, 52E7-13, 11, 52F12, 52F13-14, 552G1-6, 52F13-14, 2 G 1 -6 , 52G7-12, 52G 7-12, 53A2-7, 53A 2-7, 53B10-11, 53B 10-11, 53B12-13, 53B 12-13, 53C8-9, 53 C 8 -9 , 553D3-7, 3 D 3 -7 , 53E4-6, 53E 4-6, 553E7-10, 3 E 7 -10, 53E11-13, 53E 11-13, 53F3-6, 53F7-G 2, 53G 6-12, 54A2-9, 54A 2-9, 53F7-G2, 53G6-12, 554C5-6, 4 C 5 -6 , 54E1-3, 5 4 E 1 -3 , 54E4-F4, 54E 4-F4, 54F5-7, 54F8-11, 54F5-7, 54F 8-11, 54F12-13, 54F12-13, 54G 7-10, 555A2-7, 5 A 2 -7 , 55A 8-9, 54G7-10, 55A8-9, 55A 10-B 9, 555B10-C9, 5B 10-C 9, 55A10-B9, 555C10-12, 5 C 1 0 -12, 555D1-4, 5 D 1 -4 , 55D5-10, 55D 5-10, 55E 13-F4, 555G1-5, 5 G 1 -5 , 55G6-7, 55G 6-7, 55E13-F4, 55G8-9, 56A2-5, 55G 8-9, 555G10-13, 5 G 1 0 -13, 56A 2-5, 56A 13-B 4, 56C6-D6, 5 6 C 6 -D 6 , 56D9, 56D9, 56A13-B4, 556D10-12, 6 D 1 0 -12, 51E8-F3, 51E 8-F 3, 56F12, 56F12, 56G 1-2, 56G4-5, 5 6 G 4 -5 , 556G6-8, 6 G 6 -8 , 56G1-2, 56G9-12, 56G 9-12, 557A2-4, 7 A 2 -4 , 57A5-7, 57A 5-7, 57A 8-10, 557B1-2, 7 B 1 -2 , 57B3-4, 57B 3-4, 57A8-10, 57B5, 7 B 8 -110. 0, 57B5, 57B7, 57B7, 557B857B14-C1, 57B 14-C 1, 57D5, 57D5, 57E11-12, 57E 11-12, 57F9-14, 57G 57G1-10, 57F9-14, 1-10, 58A2-5, 58A 2-5, 58B 12-CC7, 7, 558C98 C 9 -111, 1 , 58E 13-F1, 58B1258E13Fl, 14, 559A1112, 558F128 F 1 2 -14, 9 A 1 1 -12, 59A 13-B 1, 559C8-9, 9 C 8 -9 , 59E2-7, 59E 2-7, 59A13-B1, 59F 6-8,59G 1, 59G2, 59G2, 59G4, 59G4,59G8, 59F6-8, 59G1, 59G8, 59G911,660A2-3, 60B1-3, 59G 9-11, 0 A 2 -3 , 60B 1-3, 6 0 B 1 2 -14, 660C13-D1, 0 C 1 3 -D 1 , 60D2-3, 6 0 D 2 -3 , 60B12-14, 6 0 D 4 -6 , 60E4-7, 6 0 E 4 -7 , 60F9-11, 60F9-11, 60D4-6,
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60F13-14, 60G 60G2-4, 61A6-8, 60F13-14, 2-4, 61A 6-8, 61A 13-B2, 61C14, 1 D 1 -2 , 61A13-B2, 61C14, 661D1-2, 61D5-6, 61E1, 61E 61E4-5, 61D 5-6, 61D7, 61E1, 4-5, 61F 5-8, 62A2-6, 62 A 2 -6 , 62A9, 62A9, 61F3-4, 61F5-8, 62A13-14, 62B1, 62B4, 62B4, 62B 62B6-9, 62A 13-14, 62B1, 6-9, 62C6-7, 6 2 C 6 -7, 62C12-13, 62C 12-13, 62D1-2, 6 2 D 1 -2 , 62D10-14, 62E1-3, 62E6-7, 62D 10-14, 62 E 1 -3 , 62E 6-7, 62E8-11, 6 2 E 8 -11, 62F13-14, 6 2 F 1 3 -14, 62G10-13, 6 2 G 1 0 -13, 63A 10-11, 63A 12-13, 63B 1-2, 63A10-11, 63Al2-13, 63B1-2, 63B 3-4, 63B5-6, 63B 5-6, 63B7-9, 63B 7-9, 63B3-4, 6 3 B 1 0 -11, 3 B 1 2 -14, 3 C 1 -7 , 63B1011, 663B1214, 663C1-7, 63F1-3, 63F4-6, 10, 63F4-6, 63F963F9-10, 63F11-G 2, 663G3-9, 3 G 3 -9 , 63G10-12, 63G 10-12, 63F11-G2, 64B 3-4, 64B5-6, 64B 5-6, 64C126 4 C 1 2 -13, 64B3-4, 13, 64D1-2, 64D 1-2, 64D3-5, 6 4 D 3 -5 , 64D6, 64D6, 64D12-14, 64E1-2, 6 4 D 1 2 -14, 64 E 1 -2 , 64E12-13, 64E 12-13, 64F11-12, 65C 11-12, 665D1-2, 5 D 1 -2 , 64F11-12, 65C11-12, 65G 4- 6, 65G10, 66 A 2 -8 , 66B9, 66B9, 65G4-6, 65Gb, 66A2-8, 66B10, 66B10, 66B11, 66B11, 66D 66D7-10, 7 -1 0 , 66D13, 66D13, 6 6 E 3 -4, 66E8, 66E8, 66E13-14, 66E 13-14, 66F1, 66F1, 66E3-4, 66F7-8, 66F9, 66G2-3, 66F9, 66 G 2 -3 , 66G11-12, 67A9-10, 6 6 G 1 1 -12, 67A8, 67A8, 67A 9-10, 67Al2-13, 67A 12-13, 67B12-13, 67B 12-13, 667C1-3, 7 C 1 -3 , 667C6-10, 7 C 6 -10, 667D1-2, 7 D 1 -2 , 67D4-5, 6 7 D 4 -5 , 67F6-8, 667D12-13, 7 D 1 2 -13, 667E12-14, 7 E 1 2 -14, 67F6-8, 67G3, 668Al2-14, 667F9-14, 7 F 9 -14, 67G3, 8 A 1 2 -14, 68B11-13, 68D5, 68D5, 68D 68D12-13, 68B11-13, 12-13, 68E 9-11, 68F 2-3, 68F4, 68F4, 68F5-6, 68E9-11,68F2-3, 68F7,68F10-12, 68F7, 68F10-12, 68F13, 68F13, 68G4, 68G4, 68G 5-7, 68 G 8 -9 , 69A5, 69A5, 69B 2-3, 68G5-7, 68G8-9, 69B2-3, 69B4-5, 6 9B 4-5, 69B10-12, 69B 10-12, 669C2-6, 9 C 2 -6 , 69C14, 69C14, 669D1-2, 9 D 1 -2 , 69D3, 69D3, 69D4, 69D4, 69D5, 69D6, 69D7-1O, 6 9 D 7 -1 0 , 69D11, 69D11, 69D12, 69E3-4, 69E5-7, 69D12, 69 E 3 -4 , 69 E 5 -7 , 70A 2-5, 70E4-5, 70 E 4 -5 , 70E12, 70E12, 70F3-4, 70A2-5, 70F 7-9, 70F13-14, 70F5-6, 70F7-9, 71A2, 71A7, 71A7, 71C2, 71D1, 71G 3-4, 72A13, 72A13, 72B4, 72B4, 72B7, 72B7, 71G3-4, 72B9-10, 72B 9-10, 72E2-3, 72 E 2 -3 , 72E13, 72E13, 7 3 A 9 -11, 73B 12- C4, 773C6-D8, 3 C 6 -D 8 , 73A9-11, 73B12-C4, 73G 3-5;11B122 IIB/22 (p. 8), 73G3-5; (p. 64), 23 (p. 8), 1); IIC 385, 386, 24 (p. (p. 1); hG (pp. 336, 385, 396, 438, 441, 447-48); IIE/4A1-5G7; I11/4A6-7, III/4A 6-7, 44B4-11, B 4 - 11, 4F9-12, 4 G 1 -4 , 5A2-11; 5A 2-11; 4F9-12,4G1-4, V /2E 2-4, 2E 7 -1 0 ; VIA/1D9-E4, V IA /1D 9-E 4, V/2E2-4, 2E7-10; 2 A 6 -9 , 2A10-13, 2A 10-13,2F9, 2F9, 1E13-F4, 2A6-9, 33A10-13, A 1 0 -13, 33A14-B3, A 1 4 -B 3 , 3B9-10, 3 B 9 - 10, 3B 11-13, 33C4-5, C 4 -5 , 33C8-9, C 8 -9 , 3B11-13, 33D4-7, D 4 -7 , 33E7-9, E 7 -9 , 4G9-12, 4 G 9 -1 2 , 5B 13-C 4, 66D9-12, D 9 -1 2 , 66E3-6, E 3 -6 , 5B13-C4, 6F8-11, 6 F 8 -11, 6F12-G2, 6F 12-G 2, 6G8-13, 6 G 8 - 13, 7A10-13, 7A 10-13, 7B3-4, 7 B 3 -4 , 7G4-5, 7 G 4 -5 , SF3-B, 8F 3-8, 15D2-7, 15D 2-7, 15D8-E1, 15D 8-E 1, 15E6-13; 15E6-13; VIIIA/1A2-5, IAIO-12, V IIIA /1A 2-5, 1A 10-12, 1A 13-B 1, 1B 2 -4 , 1B5-6, 1B 5-6, 1A13-B1, 1B2-4, 11B9-11,ICI-4,1C6-8,1C9-11, B 9 -1 1 ,1 C 1 -4 , 1 C 6 -8 ,1 C 9 -1 1 , 11C12-13, C 1 2 -13, 1D 8 -1 1 , 1D12-13, 1D 12-13, 1D8-11, 1F5-8, C 7 - 10, 10, 44A3-4, A 3 -4 , 5C 5-6; 1F5-8, 33C75C5-6; JXA/1A2-7, IX A /1A 2-7, 1A8-G7, 1A 8-G 7, 2B4, 2B4, 2 B 5 -6 , 2G10-12, 2G 10-12, 4D5-1O, 4 D 5 -1 0 , 2B5-6, 5A 6 -7 , 17F1-2, 17F1-2, 17F13-14, 17F13-14,22B8; 22B8; 5A6-7, X A /1D 1-4, 1D5-7; 1D 5 -7 ; XA/IDI-4, XC/IAII-12, X C /1A 11-12,1A13-14, 1A 13-14, 1B8, 1B8, 1B9-11, 1G6-7, 1B 9-11, 11C8-1O, C 8 -1 0 , 1G 6-7, 1E 8-10, 2A 9 -1 2 , 33C9-12, C 9 -1 2 , 1E8-10, 2A9-12,
33E1-4, E 1 -4 , 3F11-14, 3 F 1 1 -14, 5B8-11, 5B 8-11, 77D12-E1, D 12-E 1, 8A9-12, 8A 9 -1 2 , 8E13-F2, 8E 13-F2, IIEI-5; ICI-3, 11E1-5; XD/1B6-7, X D /1B 6-7, 1C 1 -3 , 1C 9-10, 1F13-G4; 1F13-G 4; XIA/5C9, XIA/5C9, 1C9-10, 5E12-G4, 5E 12-G 4, 6F5-G13, 6F5-G 13, 7A6-B11, 7A 6-B 11, 11B13, 11C3-12A5; 11C 3-12A 5;(Add.)15 (Add.)/5 (pp.l,5-6,9-ll,I7-l8,21,31, (pp. 1 , 5 - 6 ,9 - 1 1 , 1 7 -1 8 ,2 1 ,3 1 , 50-51, 68, 68, 77), 77), 66 (pp. (pp. 96, 96, 100-101, 100-101, 50-51, 105, 107-108, 110-11,118-20,123, 110-11, 118-20, 123, 105,107-108, 147, A 2 -4 , 99C9-D6, C 9 -D 6 , 147, 164), 164),9 9A2-4, 9D13-E12; XIB/1F7-8, 9D 13-E 12; X IB /1F7-8, 1G9-11, 1G 9-11, 2A2-4,2G11-12,3A2; 2A 2 -4 , 2G 11-12, 3A2; XIC/1A14-B1 Seealso useum , See alsoPeale’s Peale's M Museum, Baltimore. Court C ourt Case. Case. o f paintings paintings by byRuP, RuP,see: see: For list of VIIB/18A2-B12 PEALE, Rubens (1808-1891) (1808-1891) m: IIA/66B11; IIA/66B11;VV/1E3-10, 1G7-12, m: /1E 3-10, 1G 7-12, 2B 7-13, 22D2-9, D 2 -9 , 2D12-E1; 2D 12-E 1; 2B7-13, VIIA/5A310; XIA(Add.)15 V IIA /5A 3-10; XIA(Add.)/5 (p. (p. 8) 8) Rubens (1836-1837) (1836-1837) PEALE, Rubens m: /2D 2-9; XC/2A13X C /2A 13-14 ni: V V/2D2-9; 14 St. George PEALE, St. Sec alsoGeneral General Index Index Series IV for Seealso chronological sum m ary of o f letters letters summary sent or received by StGP. StGP. References that that follow are to StGP References correspondence, docum documents, correspondence, ents, or m ention of o f StGP in series series other mention than his own. Land grant C PP and and RaP: RaP: Land grant to CPP 1778 IV B /1 A 8 -11, 12-14 12-14 IVB/1A8-11, 1778 CW P to: CWP 1777-78 IIA /6B3-6 c. 1777-78 IJAJ6B3-6 111D6-8, IIA/1D3-9, m: I/1D 6-8, 22C7-9; C 7 -9 ; IIA /1D 3-9, 3 A 6 -9 , 3B4-7, 3 B 4 -7 , 10F810F8-10, 3A6-9, 10, 10G 5-8, 13E1-5, 13E 1-5, 38A8-9, 38A 8-9, 10G5-8, 52A 8-9, 66A9; 66A9; IIB/1 IIB/1 (pp. 21,31), 2 52A8-9, (pp. 4,28, 38),5 5(p. (p.42), 42),66(p. (p.1), 1),16 16 (pp.4,28,38), (p. 5); hG 37, 117); IIC (pp. (pp. 27, 27,37, 117); IV B/1A 2-6, 7; 7; VIIA/12B13-C1; VIIA /12B13-C1; IVB/1A2-6, VIIIAIISA8-10, V IIIA /15A 8-10, 15G11-13; 1 5 G 1 1 -13; (p. 8) 8) XIA(Add.)/5 (p. Paintings by: Dickinson: 11A13A6-9 IIA /3A 6-9 John Dickinson: BenjaminDulany: Dulany: IIA/3A6-9 IIA/3A6-9 Benjamin PEALE, St. St. George George(1807-1 (1807-1850) PEALE, 850) m: 3 C 6 -D 8 ; V /1E3-10, m: IIA/66B11, IIA/66B11,773C6-D8; V/1E3-10, 22C3-6, C 3 -6 , 2D2-9, 2 D 2 -9 , 2D12-E1; 2D 12-E 1; VIIA /9E1-4; XXAIIDI-4; A /1D 1-4; VIIA/9E1-4; XC/1E11 -14 XC/IEII-14 iriam PEALE, Sarah M Miriam Seealso Series Sec also General General Index Series III/4F8-5B9 for 11114F8-5B9 forcorrespondence correspondence and ents relating to SMP and docum documents References References that that follow follow are are to to correspondence, documents correspondence, docum ents and series other mention of o f SMP SM P in series than n. than her her ow own. to TRP: toTRP: VIIIA/1F5-8 1824, Aug21 1824, Aug 21 V IIIA /1F5-8 m: /60G 2-4, 660Gb0 G 1 0 12, -12,61B5, 61B5, m: IIA IIA/60G2-4, 61B6-7, 61B 6-7, 61E2-3, 6 1 E 2 -3 , 61E4-5, 61E 4-5, 61E9-bO, 61E 9-10, 662A2-6, 2 A 2 -6 , 663C1-7, 3 C 1 -7 , 63F11-G 2, 63G3-9, 6 3 G 3 -9 ,66B11, 66B11, 68F4, 68F4, 63F11-G2,
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The Peale Peale F am ily Papers The Family p ers
669B4-5, 9 B 4 - 5 , 669B13-C1, 9 B 1 3 - C 1 , 77006-7, 0 C 6 -7 , 70F5-6, 7 0 F 5 -6 , 70F7-9, 7 0 F 7 -9 , 73B12-C4; 7 3 B 1 2 -C 4 ;
(p. 2); 2); IIC IIC(p. IIIBf23 IB/23 (p. (p. 413); 413); III/4E13; III/4E13; VIA/3B910, 33C89, 15D8V IA /3 B 9 - 10, C 8 - 9, 1 5 D 8 -EEl; 1; VIIA/3D1 V IIA /3D 1 --5, 5, 4B44 B 4 - 55,, 4B74 B 7 - 11, 11, 4B12F5, 4 B 1 2 -113, 3 , 4G3, 4G 3, 5E145 E 1 4 -F 5 , 5G1 5 G 1 -6, -6 , 6A2-5, 6 A 2 - 5 , 10C9-l1, 1 0 C 9 -1 1 , 10G8-12. 1 0 G 8 -1 2 . 112B132 B 1 3 -CCl; 1 ; VillA/I V I II A /1A2A 2 5, - 5 ,1 A 6 -99,, 1 A611A10-12, A 1 0 -1 2 , 11B2-4, B 2 - 4 , 1C1-4; 1 C 1 -4 ; X C /3 D 1 1 -14; 14; XIA(Add.)/5 X IA (A d d .)/5 (p. (p. 8); 8); XC/3D11X IB /1 A 8 -B 2 XIB/1A8 B2 P ain tin g s by: by;Battle B attleof o fBaltinwre: Baltim ore: Paintings IIA/69B4IIA /6 9 B 4 -5 Portrait of Mrs. Lubin: III/4G5 -88 ofM rs. Lubiri: III/4G 5— o f M r. Russell: R ussell: III/5B1 III/5B1 Portrait ofMr. PEALE, PE A L E , Sophonisba S ophonisba Angusciola. A ngusciola.See See Sellers, (Mrs. Sellers, SSophonisba ophonisba (M rs. Coleman). C olem an). P E A L E , Sophonisba S o phonisba Peale (Mrs.James (M rs. Jam es PEALE, Peale, Jr.) to T R P : toTRP: 1819, Apr6 A pr 6 V IIIA /1 B 1 2 -14 1819, VIIIA/1B12-14 St. Peter's P eter’s Church: C h u rch : marriage m arriag e record: record: III/3F5-6 1822, May11 1822, M ay 11 III/3F 5-6 tn: IIA/66B11,667A6-7, m : IIA/66B11, 7 A 6 - 7 , 773C6-D8; 3 C 6 -D 8 ; 11114F9-12; III/4F 9-12; V V/1G5-6, /1 G 5 - 6 , 22A4-5. A 4 -5 , 2C7-9, 2 C 7 - 9 , 2C10-11, 2 C 1 0 - 1 1 , 2C12-D1, 2 C 1 2 -D 1 , 22D2-9, D 2 - 9 , 22DbD 1 0 -11, 11, 2D122 D 1 2 - El El P E A L E , Sybilla Sybilla M iriam . See See Summers. S u m m ers, PEALE, Miriam. Sybilla Peale rs. A n d rew ). Sybilla Peale (M (Mrs. Andrew). P E A L E , Sybilla Sybilla Miriam M iriam (1827(1 8 2 7 -1861) 1861) PEALE. T R P to to Mary M a ry Florida F lorida Peale Peale and: and: TRP 1838, Aug VIIIA/6G8-9 1838, A u g 13 13 V IIIA /6 G 8 -9 m:: VVIA/15D8-E1, m IA /1 5 D 8 -E 1 , 15E6-13; 1 5 E 6 -1 3 ; VIIIA /7G 3, 88B1 B 1 --4, 4 , 8B68 B 6 - 99,, VIIIA/7G3, 111E2-4, 1 E 2 -4 , 11E12-14, 11E 12—14, 13E7-10, 1 3 E 7 -1 0 , 113E11-14, 3 E 1 1 -1 4 , 13F1-3; 1 3 F 1 -3 ; IXA/bOB8, IX A /10B 8, 1 0 C 8 -9 , 12G1-4, 1 2 G 1 -4 , 14E10-12, 1 4 E 1 0 - 12, 1008-9, 14E1314, 115G1-4, 10, 1 4 E 1 3 - 14, 5 G 1 -4 , 15G91 5 G 9 -1 0, 1 6 B 2 -5 , 16B7-9, 1 6 B 7 -9 , 16G1-8, 1 6 G 1 -8 , 16B2-5, 16G10-11;XC/9E5-8 16G 10-11; X C /9 E 5 - 8 PEALE, PE A L E , Titian T itian Ramsay R am say [I] [I] (1780-1798) (1780-1798) See also alsoGGeneral Index Series Series X XB See eneral Index B m m a ry of o f documents d o cu m e n ts for su summary relating to to T TRP XIII relating R P [I]. [I]. See See Series X III for sketches. sketches. Refcrences R eferences that follow are to to m mention follow are e n tio n of o f TRP T R P [I] [I] in series th er th an his oown. w n. series oother than ReP: O d e on the Death D e a th of: of: ReP: Ode 1798 VIA/1A4 1798 VIA/1 A4 1800 VIA/1A5-8 1800 V IA /1 A 5 -8 m: IIA/20B9-11,20D11,21G1-3, m : IIA /20B 9-11, 2 0 D 1 1, 2 1G 1- 3 , 2 2 B 6 -7 , 22B12-13, 2 2 B 1 2 - 13, 22E3-7, 2 2 E 3 -7 , 22B6-7, 25C7-D6, 2 5 C 7 - D 6 , 25F1-3, 2 5 F 1 -3 , 26C12-13, 2 6 C 1 2 -1 3 , 226D1-11.27D5-6; 6 D 1 - 11, 2 7 D 5 - 6 ; IIB/13(pp. IIB/13 (pp. 17, 17, 21,), 15 15 (pp. l5-l6etseq., 15-16 et seq ., 25-26), 28); IIC 257-59); 22 (p. 28); IIC (pp. 257-59); IID /3 D 6 -FF14, 1 4 , 30 (p. 54); 54); IID/3D6IIE/1A2-B9; IIE /1A 2-B 9; VIA(Add.)/1Al2-B1; V I A (A d d .)/lA 1 2 - B l; VIIA/IOG1-7; V IIA /1 0 G 1 —7;VIIIA/15B9V IIIA /1 5 B 9 -11 11 PEALE, P E A L E , Titian T itian Ramsay R am say [II] [II] (1799-1885) (1799-1885) See also eneral Index Series VIII See alsoGGeneral for chronological chronological su summary for m m a ry oof f b y TRP T R P and and letters sent oorr received by w ritin g s by b y TRP. T R P. See See Series Series XIII X III writings sketches and and w watercolors. for sketches aterco lo rs.
References that follow to TTRP R eferences th a t fo llo w are to RP co rre sp o n d en ce, documents d o c u m e n ts and and correspondence, mention m en tio n oofTRP f T R P in in series series oother th e r than th an his oown. w n. B F P to Trustees T ru stees ooff the the and BFP P hilad elp h ia M u se u m C om pany: Philadelphia Museum Company: 1829, M a rlO IX A /2 B 8 -1 3 1829, Mar10 IXA/2B8-13 To Historical To H isto rical SSociety o ciety oofPennsylvania: f P ennsylvania: 1877, A p r 16 IIE /7 D 6 -G 1 1877, Apr16 IIE/7D6-G1 s/Ticket si T icket of o f admission ad m issio n to Philadelphia Philadelphia M u seu m : Museum: XIA/16B5 nnd. .d . X IA /16B 5 s/A n n o u n cem en t: s/Announcement: nn.d. .d . X IA /1 6 B 8 -9 XIA/16B89 si A u th o rizatio n to Samuel S am uel Griffits: Griffits: s/ Authorization XIIA/1A2 n .d . X IIA /1A 2 i.d. CWP C W P to to BFP B F P and: and: IIA/52F4-11 1813. Nov18 1813, N o v 18 IIA /5 2 F 4 -11 1814,MMar 15,27,29 1814, a r 15, 27, 29 IIA/53B3-8 IIA /5 3 B 3 -8 C W P to: to: CWP IIA/60F9-11 1818, ar 7 IIA /6 0 F 9 -11 1818, M Mar7 1819, Mar20 IIA/62C45 1819, M ar 20 IIA /6 2 C 4 -5 IIA/62E8-11 1819, Ju l 20 IIA /6 2 E 8 -1 1 1819, Jul20 IIA/63B121819, D ec 25 IIA /6 3 B 1 2 -114 4 1819, Dec25 1819, Dec25 IIA/63C1-7 1819, D ec 25 IIA /6 3 C 1 -7 IIA/63F11-G2 Feb 21 IIA /6 3 F 1 1 -G 2 1820, Feb21 IIA/63G3-9 1820, Feb 21 IIA /6 3 G 3 -9 1820, Feb21 CW P, D eed ooff T ru st to his his Sons: Sons: CWP, Deed Trust IIA/65B3-C6 1820, D Dec11 1820, ec 11 IIA /6 5 B 3 -C 6 C W P to: CWP IIA/66C1-2 1821, Ju n 14 IIA /6 6 C 1 -2 1821,Junl4 IIA/66C3-5 1821, J u n 14 14' IIA /6 6 C 3 -5 1821,Jun C W P to BFP B F P and: CWP 1823. May22 1823, M a y 22 IIA/68F4 C W P to: CWPto: IIA/68F9 1823, M May29 1823, ay 29 IIA/68F9 C W P to BFP B F P and: CWP IIA/68G4 1823,Jun 1823, Ju n 5 CWPto: C W P to: 1823, O c t 44 IIA /6 9 D 1 -2 1823, Oct IIA/69D1-2 1823, ct 4 IIA/69C14 1823, O Oct C W P to BFP B F P and: CWP 1823, OOct23 1823, c t 23 IIA /6 9 E 3 -4 IIA/69E3-4 1823, Oct23 IIA/69E5-7 1823, O c t 23 IIA /6 9 E 5 -7 C W P to: CWP 1824, M ay 21 IIA /70E10 1824. May21 IIA/70E10 CWP C W P to to Eliza Eliza Peale Peale and: 1824, May21 1824, M ay 21 IIA/70E11
CWPtoBFPand: C W P to B F P and: 1824,Jun IIA/70F5-6 1824, J u n 15 15 IIA /7 0 F 5 -6 1824,Jun IIA/70F7-9 1824,J u n 15 15 IIA /7 0 F 7 -9 C W P to: CWPto: c. 1826 IIA/72F8-11 1826 • IIA /7 2 F 8 -11 SMP,Jane SM P, Jan e Peale Peale (Simes) (Sim es) and ACP A C P to: to: 1819, A Apr 1819, pr 7 III/4 F 9 -12 III/4F912 S M P to: to: SMP M ay 11 III/4 G 1 -4 1819, May III/4G1-4 III/4G5-8 1819,NNov7 1819, ov 7 III/4G 5—8 III/5A21820, Apr A p r 88 III/5A 2- 11 11 ReP R eP to: 1818, NNov VIA/3B91818, ov 9 V IA /3 B 9 - 10 10 VIA/3B1 1819, ar 26 V IA /3 B 1 11-13 -1 3 1819, M Mar26 1821, ug 4 V IA /3 D 4 -7 1821, A Aug VIA/3D4-7 R eP to BFP B F P and: and: ReP 1828, c t 29 V IA /5 D 7 -8 1828, OOct29 VIA/5D7-8
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The Peale Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers The
1828, OOct29 VIA/5D9-10 1828, ct 29 V IA /5 D 9 - 10 ReP to: 1833, Apr13 VIA/8A25 1833, A p r 13 V IA /8 A 2 -5 1850, 1850, Feb7 Feb 7 V IA /1 0 F 3 -4 VIA/10F3-4 RuPto: R uP to: 1817,AAug17 VIIA/3A6-8 1817, u g 17 V IIA /3 A 6 -8 1819, AprS VIIAI3AII-13 1819, A pr 5 V IIA /3 A 1 1 -13 1819, A ug 4 V IIA /3 B 2 -5 1819, Aug4 VIIA/3B2-5 1819, Oct27 VIIA/3B81819, O c t 27 V IIA /3 B 8 11 -11 1820, Mar20 VIIA/3D1-5 1820, M ar 20 V IIA /3 D 1 -5 1821,Ju16 VIIA/3F13-G2 1821, J u l6 V IIA /3 F 1 3 -G 2 1825,AApr28 VIIA/6B4-5 1825, p r 28 V IIA /6 B 4 -5 1827, May25 VIIA/6F7-8 1827, M ay 25 V IIA /6 F 7 -8 1829,Jan VIIA/7B7-8 1829, Jan 14 14 V IIA /7 B 7 -8 1829 [?] [?] VIIA/7D1 1829 BFP to: BFP 1831, ay 5 IX A /2 C 1 1 -1 4 1831, M MayS IXA/2C11-14 1848, M Mar IXA/10B8 1848, ar I1 IX A /10B 8 1848,Aug8 IXA/10C8-9 1848, A ug 8 IX A /1 0 C 8 -9 1850, Ju Jun IXA/11C3-5 1850, n 14 IX A /1 1 C 3 -5 1850, Ju l 99 IX A /1 1 C 6 -7 1850,Jul IXA/11C6-7 1852, Feb10 IXA/12G1-4 1852, Feb 10 IX A /1 2 G 1 -4 1852, M Mar28 IXA/12G6-7 1852, a r 28 IX A /1 2 G 6 -7 1855, Mar9 IXA/14E9 1855, M ar 9 IX A /14E9 1855, M Mar27 IXA/14E101855, ar 27 IX A /1 4 E 1 0 -112 2 1855, Mar31 IXA/14E13144 1855, M a r3 1 IX A /1 4 E 1 3 -1 EXA/t 1856, May24 1856, M ay 24 IX A /1 55C1-2 C 1 -2 1857, M ay 9 IX A /1 5 E 4 -5 IXA/15E4-5 1857, May9 1857, ov 6 IX A /1 5 E 1 0 -12 1857, NNov6 IXA/15E10-12 1857, o v 24 IX A /1 5 E 1 3 -14 1857, NNov24 IXA/15E13-14 IXA/15F1-2 1857, ec 19 IX A /1 5 F 1 -2 1857, D Dec19 1858,Janl3 IXA/15F3-4 1858, Ja n 13 IX A /1 5 F 3 -4 IXA/15F5-6 1858, pr 5 IX A /1 5 F 5 -6 1858, AAprS 1859, M Mar3 IXA/15F7-8 1859, ar 3 IX A /1 5 F 7 -8 IXA/15F11-12 1859, ar 3 IX A /1 5 F 1 1 -1 2 1859, M Mar3 IXA/15F13-14 1859, M a r 15 IX A /1 5 F 1 3 -1 4 1859,MarlS 1859, ay 26 IX A /1 5 G 1 -4 1859, M May26 IXA/15G1-4 IXA/15G9-10 1859,NNov30 1859, ov30 IX A /1 5 G 9 - 10 1860, NNov26 IXA/16B2-5 1860, o v 26 IX A /1 6 B 2 -5 IXA/16B6 1860, Dec11 1860, D ec 11 IX A /16B6 IXA/16B7-9 1861, Feb Feb15 1861, 15 IX A /1 6 B 7 -9 1861, AApr20 IXA/16F1011 1861, p r 20 IX A /16F 10-11 1861, AApr30 IXA/16F12-13 1861, p r 30 IX A /1 6 F 1 2 -1 3 1861,Jul IXA/16G1-8 1861, Ju l 12 12 IX A /1 6 G 1 -8 IXA/16G1011 1861 1?] [?] IX A /16G 10-11 1861 1862, Mar28 IXA/17A9-10 1862, M a r 28 IX A /1 7 A 9 -1 0 IXA/17B5-10 1862, Apr20 1862, A p r 20 IX A /1 7 B 5 -1 0 1862, IXA/17C81862, JJun30 u n 30 I X A /1 7 C 8 -10 10 1862, Sept IXA/17G11 Sept 22 IX A /1 7 C 1 1-13 -1 3 IXA/17D8-11 1862, D 1862, Dec13 ec 13 IX A /1 7 D 8 -1 1 1863, Jul 16 16 IX A /1 7 F 4 -5 IXAII7F4-5 1863,Jul 1864, Feb 11 IXAII7FI3IX A /1 7 F 1 3 -1 144 1864, IXA/17G4-5 1864, Mar23 M a r 23 IX A /1 7 G 4 -5 n .d . IX A /17G 6 n.d. IXA/17G6 IXA/18A2-5 1864, SSept4 ept 4 IX A /1 8 A 2 -5 1864, 1867, D ec 4 IX A /1 8 C 9 -1 IXA/18G9100 1867, Dec4 1868, Jan 26 1868,Jan26 IXA/18C11-D7 IX A /1 8 C 1 1 -D 7 1868, IXA/18E1-3 1868, AApr15 p r 15 IX A /1 8 E 1 -3 CLP C L P to: XD/1G4-8 1819, M ay 10 10 X D /1 C 4 -8 1819, May XD/1G131821, X D /1 C 1 3 14 - 14 1821,Jul Ju 15l 15 H e n ry Waring, W aring, Receipt R eceipt to: Henry D71835, O c t 24 XIA X IA (Add.)/1 ( A d d .)/lD 7 -8 1835, Oct24 Frederick F rederick Gebhard G ebhard & Go., C o ., Bill Bill to: to: 1836, ug 26 1836, A Aug X IA (Add.)11D9( A d d .)/1 D 9 -10 10 XIA
n: IIA/22G3-4,35D12-E2, m: IIA /2 2 G 3 -4 , 3 5 D 1 2 -E 2 , 35E11-F1, 3 5 E 1 1 -F 1 , 335F2-5, 5 F 2 -5 , 35F6-9, 3 5 F 6 -9 , 39B3, 39B 4, 39D1 3 9 D 1 1, 0 F 8 -14, 14, 39B4, 1, 440F84 8 A 8 -B 1 0 , 49E1-4, 4 9 E 1 -4 , 50B10, 50B10, 48A8-B10, 5 0 D 9 -1 0 , 51B3-4, 50D9-1O, 5 1 B 3 -4 , 51F1, 51F1, 552D1-2, 2 D 1 - 2 , 52D135 2 D 1 3 - 14, 14, 552E3-6, 2 E 3 -6 , 52E7-13, 5 2 E 7 - 13, 52F12, 52F12, 52F13-14, 5 2 F 1 3 -1 4 , 52G1-6, 5 2 G 1 -6 , 52G7-12, 5 2 G 7 -1 2 , 53A8-13, 5 3 A 8 - 13, 5 3 B 1 0 -111, 1 , 553E73 E 7 -110, 0 , 53E1 5 3 E 1 11-13, -1 3 , 53B10553F3-6, 3 F 3 -6 , 553G6-12, 3 G 6 - 12, 554A2-9, 4 A 2 -9 , 5 4 G 1 -2 , 54G7-10, 5 4 G 7 -1 0 , 55A2-7, 5 5 A 2 -7 , 54G1-2, 555A10-B9, 5 A 1 0 -B 9 , 555B10-C9, 5 B 1 0 -C 9 , 555C10-12, 5 C 1 0 - 12, 555D5-10, 5 D 5 - 1 0 , 55E13-F4, 5 5 E 1 3 -F 4 , 555F5-8, 5 F 5 -8 , 555G1-5, 5 G 1 -5 , 55G6-7, 5 5 G 6 -7 , 5 6 A 1 3 -B 4 , 556B11-14, 6 B 1 1 - 14, 556C1-2, 6 C 1 -2 , 56A13-B4, 556C6-D6, 6 C 6 - D 6 , 58B1-2, 5 8 B 1 - 2 , 58B12-C7, 5 8 B 1 2 -C 7 , 5 8 E 1 3 -F 1 , 559C8-9, 9 C 8 - 9 , 59G5-7, 5 9 G 5 -7 , 58E13-F1, 60B1 -3,, 660B1 6 0 B 1 -3 0 B 1 22-14, - 14, 660050 C 5 - 7, 7, 6 0 C 8 - 11, 6 0 C 1 3 - D 1 , 6 0 D 4 -6 , 60C8-11,60C13-D1,60D4-6, 6 0 E 1 3 - 14, 0 F 6 -7 , 660G2-4, 0 G 2 -4 , 60E1314, 660F6-7, 660G5-7, 0 G 5 -7 , 61A6-8, 6 1 A 6 - 8 , 61C126 1 C 1 2 -1 3, 13, 61D3-4, 6 1 D 3 -4 , 61E2-3, 6 1 E 2 -3 , 61E4-5, 6 1 E 4 -5 , 661F9-G3, 1 F 9 -G 3 , 661G4-8, 1 G 4 - 8 , 62A7-8, 6 2 A 7 -8 , 6 2 B 6 -9 , 62C6-7, 6 2 C 6 - 7 , 62C12-13, 6 2 C 1 2 -1 3 , 62B6-9, 6 2 E 6 -7 , 63B1 6 3 B 1 --2, 2 , 63B5-6, 6 3 B 5 -6 , 62E6-7, 6 3 F 9 - 10, 3 G 1 0 -12, 12, 64B1 6 4 B 1--2, 2, 63F910, 663Gb64B5-6, 6 4 B 5 -6 , 64C6, 6 4C 6, 64F116 4 F 1 1 - 12, 12, 6 5 A 1 0 -1 1 , 665Al2-B2, 5 A 1 2 -B 2 , 65A10-11, 65C116 5 C 1 1 - 12, 12, 665C135 C 1 3 - 14, 14, 665D3-4, 5 D 3 -4 , 65D5-7, 6 5 D 5 -7 , 65F4-5, 6 5 F 4 -5 , 66A2-8, 6 6 A 2 -8 , 6 6 B 5 -7 , 66B11, 66B 11, 66C 10, 66B5-7, 66Gb, 6 6 C 1 1 -1 2 , 66C 13, 66D 12, 66G11-12,66G13,66D12, 6 6 E 1 3 - 14, 666F5-6, 6 F 5 -6 , 66F12-14, 6 6 F 1 2 - 14, 66E13-14, 6 6 G 5 -7 , 66G8-10, 6 6 G 8 - 10, 67A9-10, 6 7 A 9 - 10, 66G5-7, 6 7 B 1 -3 , 67B7-9, 6 7 B 7 - 9 , 67B10-11, 6 7 B 1 0 -1 1 , 67B1-3, 6 7 B 1 2 - 13, 6 7 C 6 - 1 0 , 67C11, 67B12-13,67G6-10,67G11, 67C12, 67C 12, 667D4-5, 7 D 4 - 5 , 667D6-8, 7 D 6 -8 , 667D9-11, 7 D 9 -1 1 , 667D12-13,67E1-3, 7 D 1 2 - 13, 6 7 E 1 -3 , 667E6-8, 7 E 6 -8 , 67E9-11, 6 7 E 9 -1 1 , 67E12-14, 6 7 E 1 2 -1 4 , 667F1-3, 7 F 1 -3 , 667F6-8, 7 F 6 -8 , 67F9-14, 6 7 F 9 -1 4 , 6 7 G 1 -2 , 667G4-6, 7 G 4 - 6 , 68A2-3, 6 8 A 2 -3 , 67G1-2, 6 8 A 6 -77,, 68A86 8 A 8 - 9, 9 , 68A106 8 A 1 0 -1 1, 68A611, 6 8 A 1 2 - 14, 14, 68B5, 68B 5, 68B6-9, 6 8 B 6 -9 , 68B10, 68B10, 68Al268B14, 668D7-8, 68B14, 8 D 7 - 8 , 68D126 8 D 1 2 - 13, 13, 68E1--3, 68E1 3 , 668E98 E 9 - 11, 11, 668F5-6, 8 F 5 - 6, 68F7, 68F7, 68F13, 8 G 1 -3 , 669A2-4, 9 A 2 -4 , 68F13,668G1-3, 669A6-7, 9 A 6 -7 , 69A8, 69A 8, 669A13-B1, 9 A 1 3 -B 1 , 669B49 B 4 -55, , 669B6-7, 9 B 6 - 7 , 69B86 9 B 8 -99,, 669C2-6, 9 C 2 - 6 , 69G13, 69C 13, 69E86 9 E 8 -10, 10,69E1 6 9 E 11, 669F5-8, 9 F 5 -8 , 669F9-10, 9 F 9 - 10, 70A6-9, 7 0 A 6 -9 , 7 0 B 1 0 -1 1 , 70B14, 70B 14, 770C1-2, 0 C 1 -2 , 70B10-11, 7 0 C 3 - 55, , 770G60 C 6 - 77, , 770D34, 0 D 3 -4 , 70C3770Db-h, 0 D 1 0 - 11,70E1-3, 70E1 - 3 , 70E4-5, 7 0 E 4 -5 , 770G2-5, 0 G 2 -5 , 770G6-12, 0 G 6 - 12, 71A9-11, 7 1 A 9 -1 1 , 7 1 B 1 1 -1 2 , 77106-7, 1 C 6 - 7 , 71G8, 71C 8, 71B11-12, 7 1 D 1 11-12, -1 2 , 71G107 1 G 1 0 -112, 2 , 772B2-3, 2 B 2 -3 , 71D1 772B12-14, 2 B 1 2 - 14, 772C10-h1,72E2-3, 2 C 1 0 - 11, 7 2 E 2 -3 , 772E5-7, 2 E 5 -7 , 72E97 2 E 9 -1 0 , 72E14, 72E 14, 10, 772G52 G 5 -77, , 773A2-4, 3 A 2 - 4 , 73B 7 3 B 10-11, 1 0 -U , 73B12-G4; 7 3 B 1 2 -C 4 ; hG IIC (pp. (pp. 412, 412, 427, 427, 445, 445, 448); II[/4E12; III/4E12; V IA /3 B 9 - 10, 10, 448); VIAI3B93 C 8 - 9 , 6F12-G2, 6 F 1 2 -G 2 , 6G8-13, 6 G 8 -1 3 , 3G8-9, 7 F 9 -112, 2 , 88D2D 2 - 55,, 9A29 A 2 - 6, 6, 7F912E11-G4, 1 2 E 1 1 -G 4 , 13A101 3 A 1 0 - 12, 12, 115D2-7, 5 D 2 -7 , 115D8-E1, 5 D 8 -E 1 , 15E6-13, 1 5 E 6 -1 3 , 15F8-11; 15 F 8 -1 1 ; V IIA /2 C 1 2 -13, 1 - 2 , 22E14-F3, E 1 4 -F 3 , VIIA/2C1213,2D 2D1-2,
The The Peale Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers
2 G 1 1 -1 3 , 33A2-4, A 2 - 4 , 3B8-11, 3 B 8 -1 1 , 2G11-13, 44A14-B1, A 1 4 -B 1 , 44B12-13, B 1 2 - 1 3 , 44C8-9, C 8 -9 , 44C12-13, C 1 2 -1 3 , 5SAII-B4, A 1 1 - B 4 , 55D5-6, D 5 -6 , 55D14-E3, D 1 4 - E 3 , 66A10-11, A 1 0 - 1 1 , 66Al2-13, A 1 2 -1 3 , 66B2-3, B 2 - 3 ,66C5-8, C 5 - 8 , 6C9-D8, 6 C 9 -D 8 ,
6F6,6 G6Gb-h, 66D14-E3, D 1 4 - E 3 , 6F6, 1 0 -1 1 , 77F11-13, F 1 1 - 13, 88A2-4. A 2 - 4 , 9A8, 9A 8, 9B8, 9B8, 11Db-Il, 1 1 D 1 0 -1 1 ,11D12-14, 1 1 D 1 2 -1 4 , 1 1 E 1 4 -F 1 , 111G3-6, 1 G 3 - 6 , 12A8-10, 1 2 A 8 -1 0 , 11E14-F1, 1 2 A 1 1 -1 4 , 12B1-4; 1 2 B 1 -4 ; 12A11-14, (Add.)/1B13-C1, ( A d d .)/1 B 1 3 -C l, 1105-8; C 5 -8 ; IX A /1 A 8 -G 7 , 22A2-5, A 2 - 5 , 2B4, 2B4, IXA/1A8-G7, 44B13-C4, B 1 3 - C 4 , 55E11-14, E 1 1 -1 4 , 88G4-5, G 4 -5 , 1 1 D 1 0 -1 1 17A6-8, , 1 7 A 6 - 8 ,17C8-10, 1 7 C 8 -1 0 , 11Db-Il, 117F1-2, 7 F 1 -2 , 118A7-12, 8 A 7 -1 2 , 18E1-3, 1 8 E 1 -3 , 19C11-13, 1 9 C 1 1 -1 3 , 220G8-10. 0 G 8 -1 0 . 221F11-22A4; 1 F 1 1 -2 2 A 4 ; XXA/1D1-4, A /1 D 1 - 4 , 11D8D 8 - 11; C / 1 D 9 - 12, 12, 33B3-6, B 3 -6 , H; X XC/1D93C5-8, 3 C 5 - 8 , 3E5-8, 3 E 5 - 8 , 9E5-8; 9 E 5 -8 ; X D /1 A 8 -9 , 1A13-14; 1 A 1 3 -1 4 ; XD/1A8-9, X IA /1 B 9 -2 C 6 , 6F5-G13, 6 F 5 -G 1 3 , XIA/1B9-2C6, 77A6-B11, A 6 -B 1 1 , 11C3-12A5, 1 1 C 3 -1 2 A 5 , 12C10-13, 1 2 C 1 0 -1 3 , 12C14-F14, 1 2 C 1 4 -F 1 4 , 114A7-F7, 4 A 7 -F 7 , 116B11-D8, 6 B 1 1 -D 8 , 116E126 E 1 2 -117A4, 7 A 4 ,117/D2 7 /D 2 (Add.)/5 (A dd.)/5 (pp. 1,8, 35, 39, 1 ,8 , 18, 18, 22, 22, 33, 3 3 ,3 5 , 37, 3 7 ,3 9, 442-43,47-50,52-56,60-61,73, 2 - 4 3 ,4 7 - 50, 5 2 - 5 6 ,6 0 - 6 1 ,7 3 , 775-78,8O),6(pp. 5 - 7 8 , 80), 6 (p p .101, 101, 108, 108, 110-11,119, 1 1 0 -1 1 , 119, 123, 123, 138,147, 138, 147, 159, 159, 162, 164), 5 4 - 55); 162, 164), 77 (pp. (pp. 207, 207, 2254-55); 99C9-D6, C 9 - D 6 , 9D13-E12; 9 D 1 3 -E 1 2 ; XIC/1A2-13; XIIA/1A3-3E3, X IC /1 A 2 -1 3 ; X IIA /1 A 3 -3 E 3 , 33E9-F3 E 9 -F 3 P E A L E , Vandyke V andyke PEALE, 12; V VillA/I 10; m : IIA/18F6IIA/18F6—12; IIIA /17E97 E 9 -10; IXA/2G1 IX A /1 2 G 1 -4 -4 PEALE, P E A L E , Virginia V irginia m: V/2E7-10 m: V /2 E 7 -1 0 PEALE, P E A L E , Washington W ashington J. IlI/4E5, 55B2-9 m : III/4E5, B 2 -9 PEALE, P E A L E , William W illiam m : VIIA/6F2-5, V IIA /6 F 2 -5 , 99A10-12; A 1 0 -1 2 ; X C /2 B 1 -4 XC/2B1-4 PEALE'S Museum, Baltimore P E A L E ’S M u seu m , B a ltim o re See also eneral In d ex Scries Series X IB See alsoGGencral mdcx XIB for chronological chronological ssummary for u m m a ry ooff ddocuments o cu m en ts relating relatin g to Pcalc's P eale’s M u seu m , Baltimore. B a ltim o re. Refercnccs R eferences Muscum, th at follow o c u m e n ts and and that follow are are to to ddocuments m ention ooff the a ltim o re M u seu m mention the BBaltimorc Muscum in series scries oother than its oown. in th e r th an its w n. Prospectus ooff aa M u se u m oofArts f A r ts and ReP, Prospectus Museum Sciences stablished in Baltim ore: Sciences to to be beEEstablished in Baltimore:
1824 V IA /4 D 3 -5 VIA/4D3-5 ReP, Sale ooff BBaltimore Muscum ReP, Sale a ltim o re M u seu m to to RuP: 1828, Oct31 VIA/5D11-13 1828, O c t 31 V IA /5 D 1 1 -1 3 IIA/51D5-11, m : IIA /5 1 D 5 -1 1 , 551E11-14, 1 E 1 1 -1 4 , 5 2 C 1 - 2 , 52E3-6, 5 2 E 3 -6 , 53B10-11, 5 3 B 1 0 -1 1 , 52C1-2, 58B12-C7, 5 8 B 1 2 -C 7 , 61A6-8, 6 1 A 6 - 8 , 61B6-7, 6 1 B 6 -7 , 66G2-.3, 6 6 G 2 -3 , 666G11-12, 6 G 1 1 -1 2 , 67A4-5, 6 7 A 4 -5 , 67E12-14, 6 7 E 1 2 -1 4 , 668D9-11, 8 D 9 - 1 1 , 668E7-8, 8 E 7 -8 , 668E9-11, 8 E 9 -1 1 , 668G8-9, 8 G 8 - 9 , 669B6-7, 9 B 6 -7 , 69B10-12, 6 9 B 1 0 -1 2 , 69C2-6, 6 9 C 2 - 6 , 69D3, 6 9D 3, 69D5, 69D 5,
69D6, 69D 6, 669D79 D 7 -110, 0 , 69D12, 69D 12, 669E8-I0, 9 E 8 -1 0 , 70E1-3, 7 0 E 1 -3 , 70F3-4, 7 0 F 3 -4 ,
70F5-6, 7 0 F 5 -6 , 70F7-9, 7 0 F 7 -9 , 70F12, 70F12, 770F13-14, 0 F 1 3 - 14, 71A7, 71A 7 , 771A9, 1 A 9, 771G3-4, 1 G 3 -4 , 72A13, 72B6, 72A 13, 72B 6, 72B97 2 B 9 -10; 10; IIB/23 IIB/23 (p. (p. 2); IIC hG (pp. 3972); 3 9 7 - 4414, 1 4 , 426, 44525 2 -553); 3 ); VVIAI2F3-4, IA /2 F 3 -4 , 33B5-6, B 5 -6 , 33D12-13, D 1 2 - 13, 33E10-13, E 1 0 - 13, 44D3-5, D 3 -5 , SDII-13, 5 D 1 1 -1 3 , 6E3-6, 6 E 3 - 6 , 8B4-5; 8 B 4 -5 ; VIB/2G2-3; V IB /2 G 2 -3 ; VIIA/2E14-F3, V IIA /2 E 1 4 -F 3 , 22F14-G3, F 1 4 -G 3 , 33D10-13, D 1 0 - 1 3 , 44Al2-13, A 1 2 -1 3 , 44A14-B1, A 1 4 -B 1 , 44B4-5, B 4 - 5 , 4B6, 4B 6, 4B7-11, 4 B 7 -1 1 , 44B12-13, B 1 2 - 13, 44C8-9, C 8 - 9 , 4C12-13, 4 C 1 2 -1 3 , 44C14-D1, C 1 4 - D 1 , 44D2-3, D 2 - 3 , 44D4-5, D 4 -5 , 55B11-12, B 1 1 -1 2 , 55C8-9, C 8 - 9 , SDS-6, 5 D 5 -6 , 55D9-b0, D 9 - 1 0 , 55D14-E3, D 1 4 - E 3 , 55E4-I1, E 4 -1 1 , 5Gb, 5SGI-6, G 1 - 6 , 5G 10, 6A2-5, 6 A 2 - 5 , 6A6-7, 6 A 6 -7 , 66B2-3, B 2 - 3 , 66B6-9, B 6 - 9 , 6D9-13, 6 D 9 -1 3 , 6D14-E3, 6 D 1 4 -E 3 , 6E5-6, 6 E 5 - 6 , 7A10-11, 7 A 1 0 -1 1 , 77C6-9, C 6 - 9 , 7D2-3, 7 D 2 - 3 , 7E8-9, 7 E 8 - 9 ,7E107 E 1 0 -12, 12, 77G3-10, G 3 -1 0 , 88A13-B2, A 1 3 - B 2 , 8B13-C2, 8 B 1 3 -C 2 , 8C 10, 8C11-D2, 8 C 1 1 - D 2 , 8D3-9, 8 D 3 -9 , 8Gb, 88D11-12, D 1 1 -1 2 , 88E3-4, E 3 - 4 , 8E5-8; 8 E 5 -8 ; (Add.)/1A9(A dd ,)/l A 9 -12; 12; VIIIA/2C11V IIIA /2 C 1 1 - 112, 2, 22D2-3; D 2 - 3 ; XD/1F3-4; X D /1 F 3 -4 ; X IA /5 E 1 2 -G 4 ; X I C /1 B 8 - G 3 XIA/5E12-G4; XIC/1B8-G3 PEALE'S Museum, Baltimore. P E A L E ’S M u se u m , B a ltim o re . Court C o u rt Case: H e n ry Robinson R o b in so n vs. vs. James Ja m es Mosher, M osher, Case: Henry Rubens R u b en s Pealeet Peale cl al. al. 1830, ar 6 X IB /1 B 5 -110 0 1830, M Mar XIB/1B51830, Mar XIB/1BII-D8 1830, M ar X IB /1 B 1 1 -D 8 1830, M Mar23 XIB/1D9-10 1830, a r 23 X IB /1 D 9 -1 0 1830, M Mar23 1830, a r 23 X IB /1 D 1 1 -1 4 XIB/1DII-14 1830, Ju Jul23 XIB/1F13-G2 1830, l 23 X IB /1 F 1 3 -G 2 1830, ov 6 X IB /1 G 3 -8 1830, NNov XIB/1G3-8 1831, ay 27 X IB /2 A 5 -1 2 1831, M May27 XIB/2A5-12 XIB/2B3-1O 1831,Jul 1831, Ju l 12 12 X IB /2 B 3 -1 0 Th31, AugI XIB/2B11-12 1831, A ug 1 X I B /2 B 1 1 - 12 1831, A Aug XIB/2B13-C2 1831, u g 11 X IB /2 B 1 3 -C 2 XIB/2C5-7 1832, Jul14 1832, Ju l 14 X IB /2 C 5 -7 1833, Ju X IB /2 D 5 -6 Junn 4 XIB/2D5-6 XIB/2D81834, Jan 66 X IB /2 D 8 -114 4 1834,Jan 1834, A Aug XIB/2E10-F3 1834, u g 11 X IB /2 E 1 0 -F 3 1836, Ju Jul12 XIB/2G9-10 1836, l 12 X I B /2 G 9 - 10 Museum, Ncw PPEALE'S E A L E ’S M u se u m , N e w York Y ork See also GGcneral mdcx See also eneral In d ex Serics Series XIC X IC forr ch chronological fo ro n o lo g ical ssummary u m m a ry ooff ddocumcnts o cu m e n ts relating relatin g to to Pcale's Peale’s Museum, M u se u m , New N e w York. Y ork. Refercnccs R eferences that follow arc to to documcnts th at fo llo w are d o c u m e n ts and m e n tio n of o f the th e New N e w York Y ork Museum M u seu m mention in series serics oother than th e r th an its oown. w n. m:: IIA IIA/71G3-4, m /7 1 G 3 -4 , 72E2-3; 7 2 E 2 -3 ; IIB/25 IIB/25 (pp. 7-8); 7 - 8 ) ; VIA/3D10-h1, V I A /3 D 1 0 - 11, 6F8-11, 6 F 8 - 11, 13E13-F1; 1 3 E 1 3 -F 1 ; VIB/22D5V I B /2 2 D 5 -10; 10; V IIA /6 E 7 -8 , 77A13-B2, A 1 3 - B 2 , 7B6, 7B 6, VIIA/6E7-8, 77C6-9, C 6 - 9 , 7C137 C 1 3 - 14, 14, 77E8-9, E 8 - 9 , 7F2-5, 7 F 2 -5 , 7G11, 7G 11, 88A5-7, A 5 - 7 , 9B5-7, 9 B 5 - 7 , 9C11, 9C 11, 9F8-11; 9 F 8 -1 1 ; XD/1F13-G4; X D /1 F 1 3 -G 4 ; X1B/2C3, X IB /2 C 1 3 , 22E8-9 E 8 -9 PEALE'S P E A L E ’S Museum, M u se u m ,Philadelphia. P h ilad elp h ia.See S eealso also P hiladelp h ia M u se u m Company. C o m p an y . Philadelphia Museum SSee e e also eneral In d ex Series IIA, alsoGGeneral Index SericsiiA, cards 114-74; 4 -7 4 ; IIB , card s 10-19; 1 0 -1 9 ; (IC, IIC , cards IIB,cards lID;; X1A ppp. p. 1071 0 7 -4474; 7 4 ; IID X IA for cchronological h ro n o lo g ical su m m a ry ooff summary d o cu m en ts relating relatin g to to Pealc's P eale’s documcnts M u seu m and for fo r mention m e n tio n of o f the the Museum
241 241
The The Peale Peale Family F am ily Papers Papers
M useum . References R eferences th at follow fo llo w Museum. that are to to ddocuments and m mention ocum ents and e n tio n ooff the Museum th e Philadelphia P hiladelphia M u seu m in other o th er series. CWP, CW P, Broadside: B roadside: 1790, Feb Feb 11 IIA /1 6 D 1 0 -1 3 JIA/16D10-13 CWP to the the B Board Visitors: C W P to oard ooff V isitors: 1792,Jun 1792,Ju n IIA /1 7 D 5 -8 IIA/17D5-8 Lease from American Lease fro m A m erican Philosophical P hilosophical Society: 1794,Jul 1794, Ju l I1 IIA /1 9 A 3 -B 2 HA/19A3-B2 sICWP,foform acknowledging s/CWP, rm ack n o w led g in g donations: 1804, M May19 1804, ay 19 IIA/30F11 UA/30F11 CWP, Circular to PPennsylvania CW P, C ircular to ennsylvania Legislators: 1811, Jan 14 14 IIA /4 9 G 5 -8 1811,Jan IIA/49G5-8 Two T w o tickets, one dated: 1814, D ec 7 IIA/54C7 1814, Dec7 IIA/54C7 CWP, Draft to the city city com commissioners CW P, D raft to m issio n ers ooff public revenues: [IA/56E8-F3 1815 [?] IIA /5 6 E 8 -F 3 1815 1?] Invitation to CCWP's Invitation to W P ’s “"Address, A ddress, on the the rise and pprogress his M Museum": rise and rogress ooff his u se u m ” : 1816, Ju l 16 16 IIA /5 7 E 9 -10 1816,Jul IIA/57E9-10 Invitation to public public m meeting Invitation to e etin g on o n the Museum: M useum : 1816, Ju l 26 IIA /57E 13- 14 1816,Ju126 11A157E13-14 P etition to om m on Petition to the the Select Selectand andCCommon Councils C ouncils of o f Philadelphia: P hiladelphia: 1816 IIA /5 9 A 2 -7 IIA/59A2-7 CWP, Deed Trust: CW P, D eed ooff T rust: 1820, ec 11 IIA /6 5 B 3 -C 6 1820, D Dec11 IIA/65B3-C6 Petition to the the Select Selectan and P etition to d CCommon om m on Councils C ouncils ooff Philadelphia: 1816 IIA /7 3 F 1 -3 IJA/73F1-3 s/RuP: Ticket: sIRuP: 1812, Mar24 1812, M ar 24 V IIA /2 B 6 -7 VIIA/2B6-7 Ticket: 1813, Apr VIIA/2B8 A pr 10 10 V IIA/2B8 IJE/7C8-D4; m : JJA(Add.)/3F7-13; IIA (A d d .)/3 F 7 -13; IIE /7 C 8 -D 4 ; rn: 11114A2-5, 4A6-7, III/4 A 2 -5 , 4 A 6 - 7 , 44G5-8; G 5 -8 ; V /1 B 1 3 -1 4 ; VVIA/ICI-3, IA /1 C 1 -3 , 106, 1C6, V/1B13-14; 1 C l 1—13,2F3-4, 2 F 3 - 4 ,7A10-13, 7 A 1 0 - 13, ICII-13, 77G4-5,8B11-12, G 4 - 5 , 8 B 1 1 -1 2 , 8B13,8G1-6, 8B 13, 8 G 1 - 6 , 10, 99C7-9, C 7 - 9 , 9F89 F 8 -1 0 , 13B12; 13B12; ((Add.)/1D8-11, A d d .)/1 D 8 - 11, 33B4-5, B 4 - 5, 33B6-7; B 6 -7 ; VIB/19F7-8; V IB /19F 7- 8; VIIA/1E14-F1, V IIA /1 E 1 4 -F 1 , 11F2-3, F 2 -3 , 1F8-10, 1 F 8 -1 0 , 1F13, 1F13, 1F14-G2, 1 F 1 4 -G 2 , 1G4-5, 1 G 4 -5 , 1Gb, 1G10, 2A4-5, 2 A 4 - 5 ,2C9, 2C 9, 2C11, 2C 11, 2 E 5 -6 , 2E9, 2E 9, 2E10, 2E 10, 2F13-14, 2 F 1 3 -1 4 , 2E5-6, 2G1-3, 2 G 1 - 3 ,22G11-13, G 1 1 - 1 3 , 3A6-8, 3 A 6 - 8 ,33B2-5, B 2 -5 , 3D1 - 5, 3D6-9, 3 D 6 - 9, 3E13-F2, 3 E 1 3 - F2, 3F5-6, 3 F 5 - 6, 3D1-5, 33F9-10, F 9 -1 0 , 3F13-G2, 3 F 1 3 -G 2 , 4A10-11, 4 A 1 0 -1 1 , 6B2-3,6C5--8, 6 B 2 - 3 , 6 C 5 - 8 , 6D14-E3, 6 D 1 4 -E 3 , 66E5-6, E 5 - 6 , 6F2-5, 6 F 2 -5 , 6F6, 6F6, 6F7-8, 6 F 7 -8 , 6G8, 6G 8, 77B13-C1, B 1 3 - C 1 , 77C2-5, C 2 - 5 , 7C6-9, 7 C 6 -9 , 7F11-13, 7 F 1 1 -1 3 , 77F14-G2, F 1 4 -G 2 , 8A2-4, 8 A 2 -4 , 88A5-7, A 5 - 7, 88A8-9, A 8 - 9, 8B3-5, 8 B 3 - 5, 8E9-11, 8 E 9 - 11, 9A 8, 111C8-11; 1 C 8 -1 1 ; (Add.)/1A7-8, (A d d .)/lA 7 - 8 , 9A8, 1 A 9 -1 2 , 1A13-B2, 1 A 1 3 -B 2 , 1B3-9, 1 B 3 -9 , 1A9-12, 1 B 1 0 -1 2 , 11B13-C1, B 1 3 - C 1 , 1C2-4, 1 C 2 -4 , IB1O-12, 1105-8, C 5 - 8 , 1D8-9, 1 D 8 - 9 , IDIO-E2; 1 D 1 0 -E 2 ; V IIIA /1 D 8 -11, 11F9-G2, F 9 -G 2 , 2C3, 2C 3, VIIIAJ1D8-11, 22C4-7, C 4 - 7 , 2F7-8, 2 F 7 -8 , 2F11-13, 2 F 1 1 -1 3 , 2G2-4, 2 G 2 -4 , 33B10-11, B 1 0 - 11, 33B12-Cl, B 1 2 - C 1 , 3C2-4, 3 C 2 -4 ,
33C5-6, C 5 - 6 ,33C1 C 1 11-13, - 1 3 , 33D5-8, D 5 - 8, 33F2-5, F 2 - 5, 3 F 1 2 -14, 14, 4B 8, 4B94 B 9 -10, 10, 4B134 B 1 3 -14, 14, 3F124B8, 44C1-3, C 1 - 3 , 4C7, 4 C 7 , 44C10-D2, C 1 0 -D 2 , 5 D 1 0 -1 17A2-6, , 7 A 2 - 6 7B5, , 7B 5, 7B6-7, 7 B 6 -7 , 5Db-h, 77B13-C4, B 1 3 -C 4 , 77F7-10, F 7 -1 0 , 8B1-4, 8 B 1 -4 , 8B6-9, 8 B 6 -9 , 88D2-5, D 2 - 5 , 8F7-9, 8 F 7 -9 , 10A8-11, 1 0 A 8 -1 1 , 110D8-9, 0 D 8 -9 , 11A9-11, 1 1 A 9 -1 1 , 11G9, 11G9, 14F4-5, 1 4 F 4 -5 , 14G11, 14G11, 16E1-3, 1 6 E 1 -3 , 17E11-F2;(Add.)/1A2-5, 17E 1 1 -F 2 ; (A d d .)/lA 2 - 5 , 1B5-6, 1 B 5 -6 , 11B7-9; B 7 -9 ; V IIIC /2 5 B 7 -E 2 , 227G3-8; 7 G 3 -8 ; VIIIC/25B7-E2, IXAI2AI3-14, IX A /2 A 1 3 -1 4 , 22G5-7, G 5 - 7 ,44B13-C4, B 1 3 -C 4 , 5A8-9,8F9--10, 5 A 8 -9 , 8 F 9 - 10, 15F1-2, 1 5 F 1 -2 , 15F5-6, 1 5 F 5 -6 , (Add.)/1A2-8; 119B9-C4; 9 B 9 -C 4 ; (A dd.)/1 A 2 -8 ; IXBII3CI-2; IX B /1 3 C 1 -2 ; XJBI3AII-12; X IB /3 A 1 1 -1 2 ; XIC/1A14-B1 X IC /1 A 1 4 -B 1 PPEARCE, E A R C E , James Jam es A. ReP ReP to: VIA/IOBII 1846, Feb Feb26 1846, 26 VIA/10B11 1858, D Dec VIA/13D2 1858, ec 13 V IA /13D 2 nt: V IA /13A 10- 12, 13A13-14, 1 3 A 1 3 -1 4 , rn. VIA/13A10-12, 1 3 B 3 -4 , 13F13-14, 1 3 F 1 3 - 14, 14A2-4; 1 4 A 2 -4 ; 13B3-4, VIIIC/24D125B6, VIIIC/24D 1 - 25B 6, 225E10-27B3 5 E 1 0 -2 7 B 3 PPEARCE, E A R C E , William W illiam C W P to: to: CWP 1774, Aug26 11A15A8-9 1774, A u g 26 IIA /5 A 8 -9 IIA /5 D 9 - 10 10 1775, Sept 44 IIA/5D9m:: IIA IIA/5A5-6, m /5 A 5 -6 , 55Al2-13, A 1 2 -1 3 , 5C4 5C 4 PPEARSON, E A R S O N , (Captain) (C aptain) tn: IIA/28A2-3, 28A4, m: IIA /2 8 A 2 -3 , 28A 4, 228A7-8, 8 A 7 -8 , 28C 12, 28C13 28C 13 28A13, 28C12, PPEARSON, E A R S O N , James Jam es CWP C W P to, to , and others: 1802, O ct IIA/26F5 1802, Oct P E A R S O N , John Jo h n PEARSON C W P to: CWP IIA/26B7-8 1802,JJun26 1802, u n 26 IIA /2 6 B 7 -8 PEEL, John PE E L , Jo hn to CW P: to CWP: IIA/73D91837, 21 IIA /7 3 D 9 -112 2 1837, Dec Dec21 to T R P [?] : t0TRP[?]: VIIIAI7A2-6 1838, OOct25 1838, c t 25 V IIIA /7 A 2 -6 P E IR C E , (Professor) (Professor) Benjamin B en jam in PEIRCE, m: VIIIC(25E10-27B3 V IIIC /2 5 E 1 0 -2 7 B 3 tn: PENDLETON, P E N D L E T O N , (Dr.) (D r.) m IIA /6 C 9 -D 8 , 66E12-F1; E 1 2 -F 1 ; m:: VVIIAI6C9-D8, X I C /1 A 2 -13 13 XIC/1A2P E N D L E T O N , Charlotte C h a rlo tte Ramsay R am say PENDLETON, Robinson (Mrs. Edmund) R o b inso n (M rs. E dm und) to SPS: toSPS: 1 8 5 3 -1 8 5 4 X C /7 F 1 3 -G 2 XC/7F13-G2 c. 1853-1854 XC/7G3-6 1853 X C /7 G 3 -6 c. 1853 m: /4 3 C 5 -9 , 6 60A6-7, 0 A 6 - 7 , 660G5-7, 0 G 5 -7 , in: IIA 11A143C5-9, 661A13-B2, 1 A 1 3 -B 2 , 63C1-7; 6 3 C 1 - 7 ;11115A2-fl; III/5A 2-11; VIA/15E2-5, 13; V IA /1 5 E 2 -5 , 15E61 5 E 6 -1 3; XCI3B3-6, X C /3 B 3 -6 , 33C5-8, C 5 - 8 , 3D1-14, 3 D 1 - 14, 33E5-8,4B3--4, E 5 - 8 ,4 B 3 - 4 , 77D12-E1,7E2-5, D 1 2 - E l , 7 E 2 - 5, 77F13-G2, F 1 3 -G 2 , 7G3-6, 7 G 3 - 6 , 7G77 G 7 -10 10 P E N D L E T O N , Edmund Edm und PENDLETON, XA/1B2-5; m: V IA /1 5 E 6 -13; X A /1 B 2 -5 ; tn: VIA/15E6-13; X C /4 B 3 -4 , 77E2-5 E 2 -5 XCI4B3-4, P E N D L E T O N , Hester H ester (Mrs.John) (M rs. Jo h n ) PENDLETON, andJohn and Jo h n Pendleton, P en d leto n , Deed D eed to to RuP: R uP: 1837, Sept14 Sept 14 V IIA /9 C 1 2 -D 9 VIIA/9C12-D9 1837, tn: IIA/68A10-11 m: IIA /68A10—11 PENDLETON, P E N D L E T O N , John Jo h n Agreement A g reem en t between b etw een RuP R u P and:
The Peale The Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers
1836,Ju Jul12 VIIA/9A13-14 1836, l 12 V IIA /9 A 1 3 -1 4 H ester Pendleton, P e n d leto n , Deed D eed to to RuP: RuP: and Hester VIIA/9C12-D9 1837, SSept 1837, ept 14 14 V IIA /9 C 1 2 -D 9 R eP to: to: ReP VIA/3C14-D3 1821, M Mar3 1821, ar 3 V IA /3 C 1 4 -D 3 1822, Feb 28 VIA/3E4V IA /3 E 4 -6 6 1822, Feb28 RuP Pendleton R u P to William W illiam P e n d le to n or: 1824, A ug21 VIIA/5D11 1824, Aug21 m: IIA/64F11-12, 1IA /64F11-12, 667D1-2, 7 D 1 - 2 , 68E1-3, 6 8 E 1 -3 , 668D9-11, 8 D 9 - 11, 68D12-13, 6 8 D 1 2 - 13, 68E9-11, 6 8 E 9 - 11, 68F1,770F3-4, 68F1, 0 F 3 -4 , 770F10-11, 0 F 1 0 - 11, 771A3-4, 1 A 3 -4 , 71C1; 71C 1; VIA/3C8-9, V IA /3 C 8 -9 , 3 D 1 2 -13, 13, 3E73 E 7 - 9. 9, 3E103 E 1 0 -13, 13, 4G2, 4G 2, 3D126 D 9 - 1 2 , 6F12-G2, 6 F 1 2 -G 2 , 10D5-6; 1 0 D 5 -6 ; 6D9-12, V IIA /3 F 1 3 -G 2 , 5B5, 5B 5, 5B7-10, 5 B 7 -1 0 , VIIAI3F13-G2, 5 B 1 1 - 12, 55C2-5, C 2 - 5 , 5F6-9, 5 F 6 -9 , 5G1-6, 5 G 1 -6 , 5B11-12, 5G 7, 66E12-F1, E 1 2 -F 1 , 77C6-9, C 6 - 9 , 7D7-8, 7 D 7 -8 , 5G7, 9B5-7,9C11, 9 B 5 - 7 , 9C 11, 11C8-11; 1 1 C 8 -1 1 ; XIB/3A1 XIC/1B8X IB /3 A 1 11-12; -1 2 ; X IC /1 B 8 - G3 G3 PPENDLETON, E N D L E T O N , William W illiam RuP R u P to JJohn o h n Pendleton P e n d le to n or: or: VIIAI5DII 1824, 1824, A Aug21 u g 21 V1IA/5D11 R u P to: to: RuP 1824, Aug29 VIIA/5F6-9 1824, A ug 29 V 1IA /5F 6-9 VIIA/5G7 1824, ug 30 VIIA/5G7 1824, AAug30 in: V VIA/7F912; V VIIA/5D13, in: IA /7 F 9 -12; IIA /5D 13, 55D14-E3, D 1 4 - E 3 , 5E4-11, 5 E 4 -1 1 , 5E14-F5, 5 E 1 4 -F 5 , 55G1-6, G 1 - 6 , 55G8-9, G 8 - 9 , 66A2-5 A 2 -5 P E N N , (Governor) (G overnor) John Jo h n PENN, m : IIB/2 IIB/2 (p. (p. 15) 15) ,n: PENN, P E N N , Mary M ary ,n: VIIA/2C1-6, m: V IIA /2 C 1 -6 , 22D3-E4, D 3 - E 4 , 3G3-10 3 G 3 -1 0 PENN, P E N N , Mary M a ry Masters M asters (Mrs. (M rs. Richard) R ichard) m: m:
11A14E3-6 IIA/4E3-6
P E N N , (Admiral) (A dm iral) Sir Sir William W illiam PENN,
,n: m: XLAJ17C6 XIA/17C6
PENN, P E N N , (Sir) (Sir) William W illiam m: IIA /4 8 E 1 -12; /29 (p. 44) 44) m: 11A148E112; IID IID/29 PENNER, P E N N E R , (Governor) (G o v ern o r) J. R ReP eP to: 1826, 1826, Ja Jan26 n 26 VIA/4F6-7 V IA /4 F 6 -7 PENNINGTON, P E N N IN G T O N , Edward E d w a rd s/Application forr CCharter: s/A pplication fo h a rte r: The T h e PAFA: PAFA: 1805, DDec26 1805, ec26 IIA /3 7 C 1 1 -D 6 IIA/37C11-D6 PENNOCK, P E N N O C K , (Mr.) (M r.) m: IIA/62G7,662G8-9 m: IIA/62G7, 2 G 8 -9 PENNOCK, P E N N O C K , A. A . L. L. m: X C /5 F 1 4 -G 1 , 9A2-5, 9 A 2 - 5 , 11A2-5 1 1 A 2 -5 ,n: X/5F14-G1, P PENNOCK, E N N O C K , Abraham A b rah am rn: XCIIG2-5, m: X C /1 G 2 -5 , 44E9-F1, E 9 -F 1 , 5A10-13, 5 A 1 0 -1 3 , 5C2-8, 5 C 2 - 8 , 5C14-D1, 5 C 1 4 - D 1 , 5D6-9, 5 D 6 -9 , 5E4-8, 5 E 4 -8 , 5F14-G1, 5 F 1 4 -G 1 , 6A14-B3, 6 A 1 4 -B 3 , 6C13-D2, 6 C 1 3 -D 2 , 77A2-5, A 2 - 5 , 7B2-5, 7 B 2 -5 , 12,88D3-6, 77C10C 1 0 - 13, 13, 77F9F 9 - 12, D 3 -6 , 8 D 9 -1 2 , 8D13-14, 8 D 1 3 -1 4 , 9A2-5, 9 A 2 -5 , 8D9-12, 99D3-6, D 3 - 6 , 9D79 D 7 - 10, 1 0 , 9E99 E 9 -112, 2, 1IOBI-4, 0 B 1 -4 , 10B13-C2, 1 0 B 1 3 -C 2 , IOEIO-12 1 0 E 1 0 -1 2 PPENNOCK, E N N O C K , Anna A nna m:: XC/3C9-12, m X C /3 C 9 - 12, 4E9-F1, 4 E 9 -F 1 , 6C13-D2, 6 C 1 3 -D 2 , 99E9E 9 -12 12 PENNOCK, P E N N O C K , Eliza Eliza m:: XC/2D14-E3, m X 0 2 D 1 4 - E 3 , 44F6-9, F 6 -9 , 77A2-5, A 2 -5 , 99D7-10 D 7 -1 0 PENNOCK, P E N N O C K , Elizabeth E lizabeth m: XC/IOBI-4, X C /1 0 B 1 -4 , 11E6-7 1 1 E 6 -7 PENNOCK, P E N N O C K , George G eorge
m: X C /4 E 9 -F 1 , 8E98 E 9 - 12, 12, 99A2-5 A 2 -5 XC/4E9-F1, m: PPENNOCK, E N N O C K , Isabella Isabella m X C /2 D 1 4 - E 3 , 2F92 F 9 - 12, 12, 3C9-12, 3 C 9 -1 2 , m:: XC/2D14-E3, 44E9-F1, E 9 -F 1 , 55D14-E3, D 1 4 - E 3 , 5E4-8, 5 E 4 -8 , 9E9-12, 9 E 9 -1 2 , IOAIO-12, 1 0 A 1 0 -1 2 , IOBI-4, 1 0 B 1 -4 , 110B5-8 0 B 5 -8 P E N N O C K , Sarah Sarah PENNOCK, m X C /2 E 3 - 6, 33C9-12, C 9 - 1 2 , 3E1-4, 3 E 1 -4 , m:: XC/2E3-6, 3E13-F2, 3 E 1 3 -F 2 , 44B3-4, B 3 - 4 , 4C7-14, 4 C 7 -1 4 , 44D13-E4, D 1 3 - E 4 , 44E9-F1, E 9 -F 1 , 4F2-5, 4 F 2 -5 , 44F6-9, F 6 -9 , 88D9-12, D 9 - 1 2 , BFII-14, 8 F 1 1 -1 4 , 110D5-8, 0 D 5 -8 , 11B8-11, 1 1 B 8 -1 1 , 11C7-8, 1 1 C 7 -8 , 11 E611E 6 -77 PENNSYLVANIA, P E N N S Y L V A N IA , Council C o u n c il of o f Safety Safety m : IIA/12F5-9, I1A /12F5-9, 12F10 12F10 ni: P E N N S Y L V A N IA , Historical H isto ric a l Society. Society. PENNSYLVANIA, See Historical H isto rical Society S ociety ooff Pennsylvania. P en n sy lv an ia. P E N N S Y L V A N IA , S tate ooff PENNSYLVANIA, State [C o m m o n w e a lth of] [Commonwealth F o r tax ledgers, led g ers, see see Series XII. X II. For CWP, Account with: CW P, A cco u n t w ith : IIA/6C9D2 1778, A u g 25 I IA /6 C 9 -D 2 1778, Aug25 CW P, R o b e rt Smith S m ith and an d William W illiam Will, Will, CWP, Robert Account A cco u n t with: w ith : IIA/6F8-14 11778-1784, 7 7 8 -1 7 8 4 , S ep t 19 IIA /6 F 8 -1 4 Sept19 IIA/10A4-B14 1780, n 26 IIA /1 0 A 4 -B 1 4 1780,Ju Jun26 D eed to CWP: C W P: Deed IIA/11B3-8 1781, o v 20 IIA /1 1 B 3 -8 1781, NNov20 C W P, R o b e rt Smith S m ith and an d William W illiam Will, Will, CWP, Robert Account A cco u n t with: w ith: IIA/15A2-3 1787, IIA /1 5 A 2 -3 1787, Feb 19 JP to Clement C le m e n t Biddle B id d le for: for: Ill/I 1784, III/1 G7-8 G 7 -8 1784, Feb 5 RaP, A cco u n t with: w ith : RaP, Account V/1Al2-13 1799, ar 6 V /1 A 1 2 -1 3 1799, M Mar6 An Act to In Incorporate A n A ct to c o rp o ra te the Philadelphia P hilad elp h ia Museum: M u seu m : Feb 21 X IA /6 F 5 -G 1 3 1821, Feb21 XIA/6F5-G13 m: IIA/6B9-C4, IIA /6 B 9 -C 4 , 11B9-10 1 1 B 9 -1 0 PENNSYLVANIA, o portraits P E N N S Y L V A N IA , SState tate of: p o rtra its for fo r m: VIIA/2E10, V IIA /2E 10, 22F4-S F 4 -5 P E N N S Y L V A N IA , S tate of: S u p rem e PENNSYLVANIA, State of Supreme C o u rt Court m : XIA/15B13-05 X IA /1 5 B 1 3 -C 5 m: P E N N S Y L V A N IA , Supreme S u p re m e Executive E x ecu tiv e PENNSYLVANIA, C o u n c il ooff Council to CWP: C W P: 1777,Jun 1777, Ju n 17 17 IIA /5 G 3 -4 IIA/5G3-4 D eed to CWP: CW P: Deed 1779, Nov 1779, N o v 12 12 IIA /9 C 3 -8 IIA/9C3-8 Minutes: M inutes: 1784, NNov25 11A113E13 1784, o v 25 1IA/13E13 C CWP W P to: 1787, ay, Ju IIA /1 5 D 9 -1 4 1787, M May, Junn 11A115D9-14 m: IIA/15F5-8, IIA/15F5—8, 115F9-10, 5 F 9 -1 0 , 17A5-14, 1 7 A 5 -1 4 , III/4C10-D1, 448D1-6; 8 D 1 - 6 ; III/4 C 1 0 -D 1 , 44D2-8, D 2 -8 , 44D9-E4 D 9 -E 4 University PPENNSYLVANIA, E N N S Y L V A N IA , U n iv e rsity ooff C W P to: CWP 1799, OOct28 IIA/22F131799, c t 28 IIA /22F 13- 14 1799, 1799, OOct29 c t 29 IIA/22G1 1800, NNov3 IIA/23E12-13 1800, ov 3 IIA /2 3 E 1 2 -13 m ni:: IIA/22G2, IIA/22G 2, 225E85 E 8 - 99,, 442C92 C 9 -110, 0, 4 9 G 9 - 10, 10, 50A 6, 550A7-8, 0 A 7 -8 , 49G950A6, 557D6-7, 7 D 6 -7 , 57E6-7, 5 7 E 6 -7 , 60F4-5, 6 0 F 4 -5 ,66B11; 66B11; XIA/7G6-8; 5 (p. X IA /7 G 6 -8 ; (Add.)/ ( A d d .) /5 (p. 8) 8)
2243 43
The The Peale Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers
P E N N SY L V A N IA A cad em y of o f the Fine PENNSYLVANIA Academy A rts Arts Charter: C harter: 1805, DDec26 IIA/37C11-D6; 1805, ec26 IIA /3 7 C 1 1 -D 6 ; (Add.)/4E13-F8 (A d d .)/4 E 1 3 -F 8 “"Exemplification," E xem plification,” Act A ct ooff Incorporation: 1806, M Mar28 1806, ar 28 IIA /3 8 C 4 -110 0 IIA/38C4Rough R o u g h Minutes: M inutes: 1806, Ju Jun n2 IIA/38F1 IIA/38F1-2 —2 Account with George Clymer: A ccount w ith G eorge C ly m er: c. 1806 IIA(39G11-12 1806 IIA /39G 11 - 12 Account with A ccount w ith Daniel D aniel Inglis: 1807, Jan Jan 7 IIA/40A3-4 1807, II A/40 A 3 - 4 Draft to EEdward Barry: D raft to dw ard B arry: 1807,Jan Jan24 1807, 24 IIA /4 0 A 1 2 -113 3 11A140Al2Draft D raft to Augustus A ugustus Ely E ly & & Co.: C o .: 1807,M Mar4 1807, ar 4 IIA /4 0 D 1 1 -1 2 JIA/40D11-12 1807, Mar M ar 14 14 IIA /4 0 E 6 -7 IIA/40E6-7 A ccount with w ith CWP: CW P: Account 1807,Ju118 1807, Ju l 18 IIA/41B9 1807, D ec 14 IIA /42A 11 - 1 2 1807,Decl4 IIA/42A11-12 Resolutions relating to the R esolutions relating appo in tm en t of o f Academicians: A cadem icians: appointment 1812, Mar9 1812, M a r9 IIA /5 1 C 1 -4 IIA/51C1-4 1812,Marl3 IIA/51C6-11 1812, M ar 13 'IIA /5 1 C 6 -1 1 CWP C W P to: 1821, May20 JIA/66B12-13 1821, M ay 20 IIA /6 6 B 1 2 -1 3 1821, M May20 IIA/66B14 1821, ay 20 IIA/66B14 C harter, B y-L aw s and tanding Charter, By-Laws and SStanding R esolutions: Resolutions: IIE/7C8-D4 1818 IIE /7 C 8 -D 4 T R P to istorical SSociety ociety oof f TRP to H Historical Pennsylvania transmitting P ennsylvania tra n sm ittin g papers ooff the PAFA: 1877, p r 16 IIE /7 D 6 -G 1 1877,AApr16 IIE/7D6-G1 o f Statues S tatues for: for: List of n .d . IIE/7G2 nd. M em orial of o f the A rtists of of Memorial the Artists Philadelphia to: to: 1828, M ar 17 1II/3F8-G 12 lII/3F8-G12 1828, Mar17 T h o m as Sully Sully to: Thomas 1823, Feb 18 18 III/4E13 111/SAIl 1823, Feb18 1823, Feb 18 III/5A11 Resolutions Adopted R esolutions A d o p ted by the the C o m m itte e of of A rra n g e m e n ts and and Committee Arrangements Inspection: Inspecuon: V IA /2 C 7 -9 VIA/2C7-9 1811 R o u g h Minutes: M inutes: Rough 1811, Ju n 12 V IA /2 D 5 -6 1811,Junl2 VIAI2DS-6 1811, Ju n 12 VIA/2D7 1811,Junl2 Report thejoint R e p o rt ooff th e jo in t Committee C o m m itte e of o f the the Society rtists and: Society ooff A Artists 1811 V IA /2 D 1 4 -E 4 VIA/2D14-E4 R o u g h Minutes: M inutes: Rough 1812, ar 9 VIA/2E5 1812, M Mar9 VIA/2E6-7 1812, ar 13 V IA /2 E 6 -7 1812, M Mar13 C o m m u n ic a tio n from fro m the th e Council C ouncil of of Communication Academicians: Academ icians: VIA/2E10-12 1813, Jan 13 V IA /2 E 1 0 -1 2 1813,Janl3 ReP R eP to: VIA/2E13-14 1813, M ar 8 V IA /2 E 1 3 -1 4 1813, Mar8 D ra ft to Mr. M r. Voorhees: V oorhees: Draft VIA/2F1-2 1813, p r 30 V IA /2 F 1 -2 1813, AApr30 JJohn o h n Neagle N eagle to: 1824, O c t2 5 V IA /4 C 1 4 -D 2 VIA/4C14-D2 1824, Oct25
R eP to: to: ReP 1846 [?], [?],Jun 1846 Ju n [?] [?] V IA /1 0 C 3 -4 VIA/10C3-4 Nomination N o m in atio n of o fAssociates: Associates: 1847, May VIA/1OEI-3 M ay 11 11 V IA /1 0 E 1 -3 Nomination N o m in atio n of o fAcademicians: A cadem icians: 1847, n 14 V IA /1 0 E 4 -5 1847, Ju Jun VIA/10E4-5 Exhibition E xhib itio n and Sale ooff ReP's R eP ’s Works: W orks: 1860,NNov12 1860, o v 12 V IA /14B 11 VIAII4B1I
Report R ep o rt ofJudges o f Ju d g es of o f Election: E lection: 1811 V IIA /2 B 4 -5 VIIA/2B4-5 List ooff SStockholders to ck h o ld ers whose w hose shares shares were w ere forfeited: 1831, AApr13 1831, p r 13 V IIA /7 F 7 -1 0 VIIA/7F7-1O Stockholders' Meeting, S tock h o ld ers’ M e etin g , Election E lection of of O fficers: Officers: 1855, n 4 IX A /1 4 B 1 0 -1 2 1855, Ju Jun IXA/14B10-12 Election E lection of o f Officers: O fficers: 1854, Jun 5 IX A /1 4 B 1 3 -114 4 1854,Jun IXA/14B13-
Stockholders' S tock h o ld ers’ Meeting, M eetin g , Election E lection of of Officers: 1855, Ju Junn 55
IX A /1 4 F 1 -2 IXA/14F1-2 Report R ep o rt oofJudges f Ju d g es of o f the the Election: Election: IX A /1 5 C 3 -4 1856, Ju Junn 22 IXAII5C3-4 Report the CCommittee R ep o rt ooff the o m m itte e to to Examine E xam ine the Roof: 1857 IIXA/15D7-10 X A /1 5 D 7 -10 IX A /1 5 D 1 2 -E 1 1857 IXA/15D12-E1 R ep o rt ooff C o m m itte e of o f Exhibitions: E x h ibitions: Report Committee 1857, IXA/15E6-9 1857, Sept 13 13 IX A /1 5 E 6 -9 R epo rt of o f Election E lection at Annual A nnual Report Stockholders' S to ck h o ld ers’ Meeting: M eetin g : IX A /1 5 F 9 -110 0 1858, Ju Junn 7 IXA/15F9Stockholders' S to ck h o ld ers’ Meeting: M eetin g : IX A /1 5 G 5 -7 IXA/15G5-7 1859, Ju Junn 7 M inutes: Minutes: IXA/16B10-13 1861, ar 11 IX A /1 6 B 1 0 -1 3 1861, M Mar11 1861, 1861, AApr8 pr 8 IX IXA/16F7-9 A /1 6 F 7 -9 Stockholders' S tock h o ld ers’ Meeting, M eetin g , Election E lection of of O fficers: Officers: IXA/17B11-14 1862, n 2 IX A /1 7 B 1 1 -1 4 1862, Ju Jun A Announcement n n o u n cem en t of o f 42nd Annual A nnual E xhibition: Exhibition: IXA/18A6 1865, 23 IX A /18A 6 1865, Jan Jan23 S to ck h o ld ers’ Meeting: M eetin g : Stockholders' IXA/18C6 1867, Ju n 33 IX A /18C 6 1867,Jun S to ck h o ld ers’ Election: E lection: Stockholders' 1867, n3 IX A /1 8 C 7 -8 IXA/18C7-8 1867, Ju Jun Memorandum M e m o ran d u m of o f Agreement A g re e m e n t with w ith C harles F. F. Haseltine: H aseltine: Charles 1868, ay 29 IX A /1 8 E 8 -9 IXA/18E8-9 1868, M May29 BFP, R eso lu tio n oon n Stockholder S to ck h o ld er BFP, Resolution
IXA/22B13 nn.d. .d . IX A/22B13 m; /3 4 F 1 -5 , 334F10-12, 4 F 1 0 - 12, 34F13, 34F13, m: IIA IIA/34F1-5, 334F14-G1,34G11-12, 4 F 1 4 -G 1 , 3 4 G 1 1 - 12, 35A2-6, 3 5 A 2 -6 , 335A11-13, 5 A 1 1 - 13, 335B5-7, 5 B 5 - 7 , 35B8-10, 3 5 B 8 -1 0 , 335C1-5, 5 C 1 - 5 , 35G4-6, 3 5 G 4 - 6 , 36E10-11, 3 6 E 1 0 -1 1 , 336G126 G 1 2 - 13, 7 A 2 - 12, 7 G 8 -9 , 13, 337A212, 337G8-9, 337Gb-h, 7 G 1 0 - 11,38D4-9, 3 8 D 4 - 9 ,38G1-2, 3 8 G 1 -2 , 440B1-2, 0 B 1 -2 , 440C4-5, 0 C 4 - 5 , 40E13-F1, 4 0 E 1 3 -F 1 , 4 0 F 8 - 14, 14, 441E13-F12, 1 E 1 3 - F 1 2 , 41G8-12, 4 1 G 8 -1 2 , 40F841G13,442A2-4, 41G13, 2 A 2 - 4 , 442A13-B3, 2 A 1 3 -B 3 , 4 2 B 4 - 8 , 43D2-11, 4 3 D 2 - 11, 43D12-14, 4 3 D 1 2 -1 4 , 42B4-8, 4 3 E 9 -1 3 , 444B1-C2, 4 B 1 - C 2 , 45E1-2, 4 5 E 1 -2 , 43E9-13, 448A8-B10, 8 A 8 -B 1 0 , 50F85 0 F 8 - 14, 5SOGI-4, 0 G 1 -4 , 557A2-4, 7 A 2 -4 , 557B8-10, 7 B 8 -1 0 , 57F1-2, 5 7 F 1 -2 ,
The The Peale Peale Family F am ily Papers Papers
60B1-3, 6 0 B 1 -3 , 60G2-4, 6 0 G 2 - 4 , 60G10-12, 6 0 G 1 0 -1 2 ,
61B13-14, 6 1 B 1 3 - 14, 662A7-8, 2 A 7 - 8 , 6 62Gb-h, 2 C 1 0 - 11, 6 2 D 1 0 -1 4 , 62E1-3, 6 2 E 1 - 3 , 62E6-7, 6 2 E 6 -7 , 62D10-14, 6 2 E 8 - 11, 64D6, 64 D 6 , 64D12-14, 6 4 D 1 2 - 14, 62E8-11, 6 7 A 4 -5 , 68D126 8 D 1 2 -13; 13; hG IIC (p.3S7); (p. 357); 67A4-5, V IA /2 F 3 -4 , 110E6-10, 0 E 6 - 10, 10E 1 1 -1 4 , VIA/2F3-4, IOEII-14, 110F7-9, 0 F 7 -9 , 11G2, 11G2, 11G3-4, 1 1 G 3 -4 , 12A7, 12A7, 114E1-F4; 4 E 1 -F 4 ; V IB /1 3 A 6 -B 9 , VIB/13A6-B9, 113C4-14;(Add.)/1D8-11; 3 C 4 -1 4 ; ( A d d .) /1 D 8 - 11; V IIA /1 0 B 2 -4 , 10B91 0 B 9 -1 2; VIIA/10B2-4, 12; V IIIA /1 5B5-8, 5 B 5 - 8 ,116D9-12, 6 D 9 -1 2 , VIllA/I 16E1-3, 1 6 E 1 - 3 ,116G3-5; 6 G 3 -5 ; IX A /1 6 A 1 2 -13, 16A14-B1, 1 6 A 1 4 -B 1 , IXA/16Al2-13, 16B2-5, 1 6 B 2 -5 , 18E4, 18E4, 18F2-3, 1 8 F 2 -3 , 18F4-5, 1 8 F 4 -5 , 1 8 F 8 -9 ; XIAISA8X IA /5 A 8 -BBi 1 18F8-9; P E N N S Y L V A N IA Assembly. A ssem bly. See See PENNSYLVANIA Pennsylvania P ennsylvania Legislature. L egislature. P E N N S Y L V A N IA H o sp ita l PENNSYLVANIA Hospital C W P to: CWP 1801, A pr 2 IIA /2 4 B 1 -2 1801, Apr2 IIA/24B1-2 1808, NNov30 IIA/45A4-5 1808, o v 30 IIA /45A 4-5 1818, M a r 27 IIA/60F12 1818, Mar27 m : IIA /3 7 B 7 -8 , 665G1-3; 5 G 1 - 3 ; VIA/5B4-7 V IA /5 B 4 -7 IIA/37B7-8, P E N N S Y L V A N IA In stitu tio n for the PENNSYLVANIA Institution Deaf Dumb: D e a f and D um b: m: X IA /7 A 6 -B 1 1 XIA/7A6-B11 P E N N S Y L V A N IA In stitu tio n for the PENNSYLVANIA Institution Instruction In stru ctio n of o f the Blind B lind BFP, em o rial ooff the late Robley R obley BFP, M Memorial D unglison: Dunglison: 1869 IX B /1 2 F 7 -G 1 2 IXB/12F7-G12 Legislature PPENNSYLVANIA E N N S Y L V A N IA L egislature Journals of o f the House H ouse of o f Representatives:
1779-1780 1779-1780 IIA (A d d .)/lA 1 0 -3 B 1 2 IIA(Add.)/1AIO-3B12 B roadside: D e s c rip tio n of o f the Broadside: Description Triumphal Arch: T rium phal A rch: 1783, DDec2 IIA(Add.)/3D5 1783, ec 2 IIA (A dd.)/3D 5 A ct to co rp o rate the th e Philadelphia Philadelphia Act to In Incorporate M useum : Museum: 1821, Feb 21 X IA /6 F 5 -G 1 3 1821,Feb2l XIA/6F5-G13 C W P to: CWPto: nd. n .d . IIA/25D11 IIA/25E12-13 1802, ar 24 IIA /2 5 E 1 2 -13 1802, M Mar24 Petition Museum P etition ooff PPhiladelphia hiladelphia M u seu m to: XIA/5D4-E8 1811 X IA /5 D 4 - E8 m : IIA /7 B 1 -2 , 77B13-14, B 1 3 -1 4 , 9C 9, 9C 10, m: IIA/7B1-2, 9C9, 9Gb, 9C11, 9C 11, 99E12-13, E 1 2 -1 3 , 9F1, 9F1, 9F2, 9F2, 9F4, 9F4, 9F5, 9F6, 9F7, 9F7, 9F8, 9F8, 99F10-13, 9F5, 9F6, F 1 0 -1 3 , 9 G 1 -2 , 9G3, 9G 3, 9G4-5, 9 G 4 - 5 , 10D12, 10D12, 9G1-2, 17B14-C1,17C5-7, 116Gb, 6 G 1 0 ,1 7 B 1 4 - C l,1 7 C 5 -7 , 1 7 D 5 -8 ,118G1, 8 G 1 , 223A2-3, 3 A 2 - 3 , 223B3-4, 3 B 3 -4 , 17D5-8, 23B5-6,25B11-14,25C1-2, 2 3 B 5 - 6, 2 5B 11 - 1 4 , 25C 1 - 2, 25D 10,25D11, 25D 11, 25D12, 25D 12, 25Db, 2 5 D 1 3 -1 4 , 25E1, 25E 1, 225E2-3, 5 E 2 -3 , 25D13-14, 2 5 E 4 -5 , 2 5 E 8 -9 , 25E10-11, 2 5 E 1 0 -1 1 , 25E4-5,25E8-9, 225F6-9, 5 F 6 - 9 ,449G9-10, 9 G 9 - 1 0 , SOA7-8, 5 0 A 7 -8 , 551B91 B 9 - 14, 66A10; IIB/7 (p. 3); XIA/1A7-14, X IA /1 A 7 -1 4 , 11BI-3, B 1 - 3 , 7A6-B11, 7 A 6 -B 1 1 , 7C1-14, 7 C 1 -1 4 , 12B13-C1, 1 2 B 1 3 -C 1 , 12C2-3, 1 2 C 2 -3 , 14F 1 3 -G 2 14F13-G2 PPENNSYLVANIA E N N S Y L V A N IA LLegislature, egislature, H ouse oof f House Representatives R epresentatives m: IIA/17C2-3, m : IIA /1 7 C 2 -3 , 25D10 25D 10 Legislature, Senate PPENNSYLVANIA E N N S Y L V A N IA L egislature, Senate R e p o rt on Petition P etitio n of o f CWP: C W P: Report
1792, Feb 21 1792, Feb21
IIA/17A7-9 IIA /1 7 A 7 -9
m: IIA/17C2-3, m : IIA /1 7 C 2 -3 , 25D10 25 D 1 0 P E N N S Y L V A N IA Militia M ilitia PENNSYLVANIA CWP, List Absentees: CW P, L ist ooff A bsentees: IIA /5 F 2 -4 IIA/5F2-4 IIA /5 F 5 -1 2 IIA/5F5-12 IIA/5F13-G1 IIA /5 F 1 3 -G 1 IIA/5G5-7 A u g 11 IIA /5 G 5 -7 1777, Aug Lists ooff CCWP's W P ’s C om pany: Lists Company: 1777 IIA /6 A 2 -B 2 IIA/6A2-B2 CWP, CW P, List L ist of o f Absentees: A bsentees: 1778, O c t 19 IIA /6 G 1 -8 1778, Oct19 IIA/6G1-8 1778, Oct26 1778, O c t2 6 IIA /6 G 9 -1 2 IIA/6G9-12 1779, A p r 19 IIA /7 B 1 0 -1 1 IIA/7B10-11 1779, Apr19 1779, A p r 26 IIA /7 C 1 -7 1779, Apr26 IIAI7CI-7 M ay 3 IIA /7 C 1 4 -D 4 1779, May IIA/7C14-D4 1779, May 1779, M ay 10 10 IIA /7 D 5 -9 IIA/7D5-9 1779, M May19 1779, a y 19 IIA /7 E 1 1 -F 4 IIA/7E11-F4 1779 IIA /9 D 1 -8 IIA/9D1-8 1781 IIA /1 1 B 1 3 -C 3 IIA/11B13-C3 1782, p r 2 22-May28 2 - M ay 28 IIA /11C 4- 7 1782,AApr hAil 1C4-7 1782, AAug u g 119-Oct22 9 - O c t 22 IIA1IID2-4 IIA /1 1 D 2 -4 1782, 1782 IIA/11F13 I1A/11F13 1783, p r 21 IIA /1 2 B 1 -3 1783, AApr21 IIA1I2BI-3 M u ster Roll: Muster 1 7 8 3 -1 7 9 0 III/2A 8—9 1783-1790 11112A8-9 IIA/9E4; 11B12 IIB/2 (p. m: IIA/9E4; (p.43), 43), 77 (p. (p. 6); 6); IIC (pp.71,74-75) (pp. 71, 7 4 -7 5 ) 1777, M ay 12 12 1777, May 1777, M ay 19 1777, May19 1777, M ay 26 1777, May26
PENNS VANIA P E N N SYL YLV A N I A Packet Packet A rticles in: in: Articles 1779, Jul24 1779, Ju l 24
IIA /8 C 2 -9 11A18C2-9 CWP, Advertisement: CW P, A d v ertisem en t: 1785,Ju121 1785, Ju l 21 IIA /1 4 A 1 0 -11 IIA114A1O-11 1785, Dec 1785, D ec 12 12 IIA/14B1 IIA114B1 PENNSYLVANIA Company P E N N S Y L V A N IA PPopulation o p u la tio n C om pany CWP, Deed C W P, D eed to: 1792, Jul IIA/17D910 Ju l 11 IIA /1 7 D 9 -10 JP, eed to: JP, D Deed 1792, Ju Jull 11 III/2A13-B14 III/2A 13—B 14 PEPPER, P E P P E R , George G eo rg e S. S. m: IXA114F1-2, m : IX A /1 4 F 1 -2 , 115C3-4, 5 C 3 - 4 , 15F9-10, 1 5 F 9 -1 0 , 1 5 G 5 -7 , 16B10-13, 1 6 B 1 0 - 13, 16F7-9; 1 6 F 7 -9 ; 15G5-7, XIA/14G3X IA /1 4 G 3 - iSA 15A PEPYS, P E P Y S , (Mr.) (M r.) m : IIA /2 7 F 8 -1 0 , 227F11-14 7 F 1 1 -1 4 m: IIA/27F8-10, P E R K IN S , Abraham A b rah am R. PERKINS, to to RuP: 1821, p r 25 V IIA /3 E 1 3 - F2 1821, AApr25 VUA13E13-F2 1821, J u n 11 11 V IIA /3 F 5 -6 1821,Jun VIIA13F5-6 m IA /1 4 A 7 -F 7 ; (Add.)17 (A d d .)/7 (pp. m:: X XIA/14A7-F7; (pp. 251, 256, 2 5 6 ,2263-65, 6 3 - 65, 2722 7 2 - 75), 75), 8 (pp. 2802 8 0 -882) 2) PERKINS, P E R K IN S , Jacob Jaco b m /5 8 F 1 2 -1 4 , 5 959Db-El, D 1 0 -E 1 , m:: IIA IIA/58F12-14, 5 9 E 2 -7 , 5596-8, 9 F 6 -8 ,60B12-14, 6 0 B 1 2 -1 4 , 59E2-7, 660E100 E 1 0 -12; 12; XIA117C7 X IA /17C 7 P E R K IN S , William W illiam PERKINS, CWP C W P to: to: IIA/34Al2 1805, p r 14 14 JIA/34A12 1805, A Apr P E R R E IN , (Dr.) (Dr.) PERREIN, C W P to: CWP 1799, Ju Jun14 IIA/22D11-12 1799, n 14 IIA /2 2 D 1 1 -1 2 IIA13IB1I 1804, JJun24 u n 24 IIA/31B11 1804, 1804, Ju l 29 IIA /3 1 D 1 4 -E 1 1804,Ju129 11A131D14-E1 m:: IIA IIA/22E3-7, m /2 2 E 3 -7 , 3 131C7-9, C 7 - 9 , 3 131Gb-h, C 1 0 -1 1 , 31D12-13; (pp. 74, 74, 880-82); 3 1 D 1 2 - 13;11B119 I IB/19 (pp. 0 -8 2 );
2245 45
The The Peale Peale Family F am ily Papers Papers
V IIA /8A 5-7 VIIA/8A57 PERRY, PER RY , Oliver O liver Hazard H azard m: HB/22 IIB/22 (p. IIIA /7F 3-6; (p. 71); 71); VVIIIA/7F3-6;
XIAJ17C8 XIA/17C8 See also See also Jour. ilkes EExped. xped. ##1, 1, Jour. W Wilkes
#2, # 2 , #5, # 5 , #7, # 7 ,Series Series VIIIB. VI1IB. P E R S 1C O , E. Luigi L uigi PERSICO, s/Memorial, s/M e m o ria l. .. . . to the PAFA: PAFA: 1828, 1828, M Mar17 ar 17 III/3 F 8 -G 1 2 IIlI3F8-G12 m:: VIA/6C11-14 m V IA /6C 11 -1 4 P E R S P E C T IV E Views; Views: machine m achine for fo r PERSPECTIVE making m aking m : IIB /8 (p. 7) 7) IIB/8(p. m: PETERS, P E T E R S , Richard R ichard (c. (c. 1704-1776) m: IIA /8 D 9 -12; /6 (p.3) m: IIA/8D912; IIB HB/6 (p.3) P E T E R S , Richard R ichard (1744(1744-1828) PETERS, 1828) s/A pplication for h a rter: The T h e PAFA: PAFA: s/Application for CCharter: 1805, Dec26 1805, D ec 26 IIA /37C 11 - D 6 IIA/37C11-D6 toCWP: to CW P: 1825, A ug I11A171D9IA /7 1 D 9 -10 10 1825, Aug to o v ern o r T h o m a s Jo h n so n : to G Governor Thomas Johnson: 1777, Sept I1 1777, IV A /2 C 8 -9 IVAI2C8-9 to ReP: 1824, n 21 VIA /4B13 1824, Ju Jun21 VIA/4B13 1824, Ju n 24 V IA /4C 2 1824,Jun VIAJ4C2 C W P to: CWP 1813, ug 27 IIA/52D4 1813, AAug27 R eP to: to: ReP 1824, M ay 28 V IA /4 B 9 -110 0 1824, May28 VIA/4B9m: /6 1 D 8 -9; IIB/2 in: IIA 11A161D8-9; IIB/2 (p. (p. 15), 5 (pp. /2 D 1 3 - 14, E 3 -9 ; (pp. 39, 39, 41); 41); III III/2D1314, 22E3-9; VIA/4G1, V IA/4G1, 88C4-7; C 4 -7 ; VIB/19F1 1-20B14 V IB /19F 11-20B 14 PETERS, P E T E R S , Samuel Sam uel CW P, R e p o rt to m erican CWP, Report to A American PPhilosophical hilosophical Society n ppaper ap er of: of: Society oon 1808, NNov4 ov 4 IIA /44F 8-10 1808, IIA/44F8-1O P E T H E R B R ID G E , John Jo h n PETHERBRIDGE, CWP CW P, Deed D eed to: 1791, Dec13 IIA/17A5-14 1791, D ec 13 IIA /1 7 A 5 -1 4 PETTIT, Reed (Mrs. P E T T IT , Sarah Sarah R eed (M rs. Charles) C harles) C W P to: CWP 1786, ec IIA /14F14 1786, D Dec IIA/14F14 P E T T IT , TThomasM. hom as M . PETTIT, Jam es G u th rie to: James Guthrie 1853, May20 M ay 20 IXA/13D5-6 IX A /1 3 D 5 -6 1853, m V IIA /8 B 3 -5 , 88B6-7; B 6 - 7 ; XDIID X D /1 D m:: VIIA/8B3-5, P E Y T O N , Brevard B revard PEYTON, C W P to: CWP 1818, A p r 13 1818, Apr13 IIA/60G1 P H IL A D E L P H IA Arcade A rcade C om pany PHILADELPHIA Company Ind en tu re with w ith Philadelphia P hiladelphia Museum: M useum : Indenture 1828, Jan I1 X IA /1 1 B 1 4 -C 2 1828,Jan XLAIIIBI4-C2 IA /1 1 C 3 -1 2 A 5 m: X XIA/11C3-12A5 P H IL A D E L P H IA , C itizens ooff PHILADELPHIA, Citizens P etitio n to .S . Congress: C o n g ress: Petition to UU.S. 1779, Sept 13 IIA/8E5-G12 13 IIA /8 E 5 -G 1 2 P etition to President P re sid en t of o f the the Congress: C ongress: Petition c. 1783 IIE /1C 2-F 1 IIE/1C2-F1 CW P, A d d re ss ...to eC o rp o ra tio n CWP, Address.., to th the Corporation and: 1816, Ju X IA /5 E 1 2 -G 4 Jull 18 XIA/5E12-G4 PPHILADELPHIA, H IL A D E L P H IA , C ity of, of. See S e e also also City Philadelphia, Corporation P hiladelphia, C o rp o ra tio n of o f City C ity of. of. m : IIA /6 F 6 -7, 66F8-14, F 8 -1 4 , 77B1-2, B 1 -2 , m: HA/6F6-7, 8 E 1 -4 ; IXAI1IF6IX A /1 1 F 6 - 10 10 8E1-4;
P H IL A D E L P H IA C ity C o m m issio n ers PHILADELPHIA Crty Commissioners Lease to to PPhiladelphia Museum Lease hilad elp h ia M u seu m Company: C om p an y : 1821, Oct21 1821, O c t 21 X IA /7 D 7 -1 4 XIA/7D7-14 C W P to: CWP 1802, Mar8 11A125D7-9 1802, M ar 8 IIA /2 5 D 7 -9 CW P, P etitio n to: to: CWP, Petition IIA/56E8-F3 1815 [?] IIA /5 6 E 8 -F 3 UA/57A2-4 m: IIA /57A 2-4 P H IL A D E L P H IA , College C o lleg e of o f Physicians P hysicians PHILADELPHIA, Order O rd e r to to pay pay CWP C W P for fo r firewood: firew ood: 1799, MarS IIA/22D1-2 1799, M ar 5 IIA /2 2 D 1 -2 1801,Jan6 1801, Jan 6 IIA/23G4 IIA/23G4 C W P to: CWP 1801, Apr7 1801, A pr 7 IIA/24B3 m: m: IIE /4 A 1 -5 G 7 IIE/4A1-5G7 PHILADELPHIA, P H IL A D E L P H IA , CCorporation o rp o ra tio n oofCity f C ity ooff C W P to the th e M a y o r and: CWP Mayor 1798 IIA/22C3-4 IIA /2 2 C 3 -4 A ddress D eliv ered by b y Charles C h arles W. W. Address Delivered Peale, o rp o ra tio n and Citizens Peale, to to the the CCorporation Citizens
of Philadelphia: ofP hilad elp h ia: XIA/5E12-G4 1816, Ju l 18 X IA /5 E 1 2 -G 4 1816, Jul18 m: IIA /5 7 D 6 -7 , 557E6-7,57E11-12, 7 E 6 -7 , 5 7 E 1 1 -1 2 , m: IIA/57D6-7, 557F1-2, 7 F 1 -2 , 557F3-8, 7 F 3 -8 , 57F9-14, 5 7 F 9 -1 4 , 557G1-10, 7 G 1 -1 0 , 58A2-5, 5 8 A 2 - 5 , 58B9, 58B9, 559A11-12, 9 A 1 1 -1 2 , 559C10-11, 9 C 1 0 -1 1 , 559C12-13, 9 C 1 2 -1 3 , 559D5-6, 9 D 5 - 6 , 59E12-F1, 5 9 E 1 2 -F 1 , 60B1-3, 6 0 B 1 -3 , 66005-7, 0 C 5 - 7, 6008-11, 6 0 C 8 - 11, 6 0 D 1 1 -1 3 , 60E10-12, 6 0 E 1 0 - 12, 60F6-7, 6 0 F 6 -7 , 60D11-13, 60F9-11, 6 0 F 9 -1 1 , 661D5-6, 1 D 5 - 6 , 61E1, 61 E l , 661E2-3, 1 E 2 -3 , 65F2-3, 6 5 F 2 -3 , 66C1 6 6 C 1 11-12 -1 2 PPHILADELPHIA, H IL A D E L P H IA , Select Select and om m on and CCommon Councils C ouncils ooff Minutes M inutes of: ILAI2OFII 1796, c t 24 IIA /20F11 1796,OOct24 IIA/30B6-7 1804 IIA /3 0 B 6 -7 IIA/30B81804 805 IIA /3 0 B 8 -112 2 1804--11805 1805 IIA /3 6 G 7 -10 IIA/36G7-10 Report Committee R e p o rt ooff C o m m itte e on o n watering w aterin g ooff windmills: w indm ills: IIA/54D9IIA /5 4 D 9 -112 2 1815, Jan 55 Report Committee R e p o rt ooff C o m m itte e on o n letter ooff CW P: CWP: IIA/60C1-4 1818,Jan 13 IIA /6 0 C 1 -4 1818, Jan 13 Minutes M inutes of: IIA/63C11-E14 181 9 -1 8 2 0 IIA /6 3 C 1 1 -E 1 4 1819-1820 C o m m itte e ooff A rra n g e m e n ts fo Committee Arrangements forr Reception R eception ooffLLaFayette, a F a y e tte , Minutes: M inutes: 11A171Al2-13 1824 II A/71 A 1 2 -1 3 C o m m itte e of o f Arrangements A rra n g e m e n ts for for Committee R eception ooffLLaFayette a F a y e tte to C W P: Reception CWP: 1824 A u g 19 IIA /7 1 B 1 -2 IJA/71B1-2 1824Aug19 IIA /7 1 C 1 2 -13 IIA/71C12-13 1824 E x tract of o f Minutes M in u tes of: of: Extract 1821, A p r 13 X IA /7 B 1 2 -14 XIA/7B12-14 1821, Apr13 Bill h ilad elp h ia M u seu m : Bill to to PPhiladelphia Museum: 1825, Dec31 D ec 31 XIA(Add.)/F5-6 X IA (A d d .)/F 5 -6 1825, Journal Jo u rn a l of: 1835, Dec10 D ec 10 XJAII2BI3-C1 X IA /1 2 B 1 3 -C 1 1835, CW P, P etitio n to: to: CWP, Petition 1783, A p r 19 IIA /1 2 A 114 0 -1 4 IIA/12A101783, Apr19 CWP C W P to: to: IIA/25D10 1802, ar 11 IIA/25D10 1802, M Mar11 1804, a r2 1 IIA/30B5 1804, M Mar21 11A153G3-5 1814, c t 18 18 IIA /5 3 G 3 -5 1814, O Oct
2246 46
The Peale Family F am ily Papers Papers The Peale
O c t25V11A/4A6 25V IIA /4A 6 1821, Oct
CWP, Petition C W P, P etitio n to: 1816
11A /59A 2-7 IIA/59A2-7
CWPto: C W P to: 1817, 1817, A Apr10 p r 10
IIA /5 9 C 6 -7 IIA/59C6-7 IIA /5 9 E 8 -11 1817 11A159E8-11 IIA /63B 10-11 1819, Dec20 IIA/63B10-11 1819, D ec 20 IIA/65A6 11A165A6 1820, N ov 8 1820, Nov IIA /6 5 C 7 -8 11A165C7-8 1820, 1820, D Dec14 ec 14 IIA /6 5 C 9 -10 1820, D ec 14 1820, Dec14 IIA/65C9-10 IIA /6 5 D 8 -9 1820, D ec 25 1820, Dec25 IIA/65D8-9 1820, Dec25 IIA /6 5 D 1 0 -1 2 1820, D ec 25 IIA/65D10-12 IIA /6 5 D 1 3 -E 1 1820, DDec26 1820, ec 26 I1Al65D13-E1 C W P to o m m itte e of o f Arrangements A rran g e m en ts CWP to CCommittee fo eception oofLafayette: f L afayette: forr R Reception S ept 2 IIA /7 1 B 6 -7 1824, Sept IIA/71B6-7 S ept 22 IIA /7 1 B 8 -1 0 1824, Sept IIA/71B8-10 CWF CW P, Petition P etitio n to: nn.d. .d . [1816] [1816] IIA /7 3 F 1 -3 IIA/73F1-3 RuP, etitio n to: RuP, PPetition 1821,Aprll 1821, A p r 11 V IIA /3 E 1 0 -1 2 VIIA/3E10-12 R u P to: RuPto: 1821, Oct25 1821, O c t 25 V IIA /4A 6 VIIA/4A6 Trustees ooff B a n k ooff the .S . to: to: Trustees Bank the U U.S. XIA/15D14 1854,Jul 1854, Jul 6 X IA /15D 14 m: 11A158A2-5, m : IIA /5 8 A 2 -5 , 558B1-2, 8 B 1 - 2 , 58B6, 58B7, 8 C 9 - 1 1 , 559C8-9, 9 C 8 -9 , 58B7,58B9, 58B9,558C9-11, 5 9 D 1 -2 , 59E12-F1, 5 9 E 1 2 -F 1 , 60B12-14, 6 0 B 1 2 -1 4 , 59D1-2, 60C1-4, 6 0 C 1 - 4 , 65F2-3, 6 5 F 2 -3 , 66B5-7, 6 6 B 5 - 7 ,71C2; 71C2; V /l E l 1—12; VIIA/3D6-9; V IIA /3 D 6 -9 ; V/IEII-12; X I A /7 C 1 -14, 1 4 ,77D1-2, D 1 - 2 ,112B13-C1, 2 B 1 3 -C 1 , XIAJ7CI114F13-G2, 4 F 1 3 -G 2 , 14G31 4 G 3 -115A2, 5 A 2 , 15F6-7 1 5 F 6 -7 PHILADELPHIA, County P H IL A D E L P H IA , C o u n ty ooff A ssessm ent: Tax Assessment: VIA/IES 1805 VIA/1 E5 PHILADELPHIA P H IL A D E L P H IA Harmonic H a rm o n ic Society S ociety C W P to: to: CWP 1803, Ja n 22 IIA/27B3 1803,Jan IIA/27B3 PPHILADELPHIA, H IL A D E L P H IA , LLibrary ib rary CCompany o m p a n y oof f CWP C W P to: to: 1795, c t/N o v 5 1795, OOct/Nov IIA(Add.)/4D13-E3 IIA (A d d .)/4 D 1 3 -E 3 1797, 1797, Feb 2 IIA /2 1 A 1 4 ;(A d d .)/4 E 7 -8 IIA/21A14;(Add.)/4E7-8 James Jam es Vanuxem V anuxem to: 1800, Apr3 A p r 3 IIA(Add.)/4E10-11 IIA (A d d .)/4 E 1 0 -11 1800, m:: IIA m /4 6 C 1 -2 , 557E6-7; 7 E 6 -7 ; 11A146C1-2, VIAJ12Al213; V VIIIA/4B11-12, V IA /1 2 A 1 2 -13; IIIA /4 B 1 1 -1 2 , 99A4-5,9A10-12,11B13-C1 A 4 - 5 , 9 A 1 0 - 12, 1 1 B 1 3 -C 1 PHILADELPHIA, Mayor P H IL A D E L P H IA , M a y o r ooff CWPto: C W P to: 1798 IIA /2 2 C 3 -4 IIA/22C3-4 m: m : IIA/71C2; IIA/71C2; IIB/15 IX A IIB/IS (p. (p. 5); IXA (Add.)/9B1-2 ( A d d .)/9 B l-2 PHILADELPHIA, P H IL A D E L P H IA , Mechanical M echanical Museum M u seu m m: m : IIA/63F11-G2, IIA /63F 11-G 2, 663G3-9 3 G 3 -9 PHILADELPHIA P H IL A D E L P H IA Militia. M ilitia. See P ennsylvania Militia. M ilitia. Pennsylvania P H I L A D E L P H I AMuseum, M u se u m , The The PHILADELPHIA
1824,Jan 1824, Ja n
X 1A /17A 6-B 11 XIA/17A6-B11
m:: VIB/2F7-9, m V IB /2 F 7 -9 , 22F10-11, F 1 0 -1 1 , 2F12-13, 2 F 1 2 -1 3 ,
22F14-G1, F 1 4 -G 1 , 22G2-3; G 2 - 3; IXB/13B9-11 IX B /1 3 B 9 - 11 PHILADELPHIA P H IL A D E L P H IA Museum M u se u m Company. C o m p an y . SSee e e also also Peale's P eale’s M u se u m , Museum, P hiladelphia. P e titio n to to the th e Select Select Philadelphia. Petition Council C ouncil of o fPPhiladelphia: h ila d e lp h ia : 1821, 1821, AApril p r 11 V H A /3 E 1 0 -1 2 VIIA/3E10-12
S tock tran sfer to F P in s t for Stock transfer to B BFP in tru trust E lizabeth Peale Peale P atterso n : Elizabeth Patterson: IXA/2B4 1827, Ju l 7 IX A /2B 4 1827,Ju17
Stock S tock of: 1827, N o v 27 V /1 F 5 -6 1827, Nov27 V/1F5-6 S tock of, b y ReP: R eP: Stock of, held by 1829, O c t 28 V IA /4G 6 VIA/4G6 1829, Oct28 Stock transfers to Coleman S to ck tran sfers to C o le m a n Sellers, Sellers, R eu b en H aines an d JP jr.: Reuben Haines andJPjr.: 1828,OOct28, 1828, c t 28, NNov17 o v 17 IXA/2B5-6 IX A /2 B 5 -6 S tock of, hheld eld bby y C o le m a n Sellers Sellers and Stock Coleman Reuben R eu b en Haines: H aines: 1828, c t 28 IX A /2B 7 IXA/2B7 1828, OOct28 BFP: to BFP: IXAJ2GS-7 1833, ay 3 IX A /2 G 5 -7 1833, M May3 to ah lo n D ick erso n : to M Mahlon Dickerson: 1836, Sept [?] 17 [?] VIIIA/4D9-11 V I II A /4 D 9 - 11 1836, Sept17 T R P for, for, to to Charles C h arles Wilkes: W ilkes: TRP 1838, u l 11 V IIIA /6 F 9 -1 0 1838,JJul11 VIIIA/6F9-10 C W P to: CWP 1821, A p r 30 IIA/66B9 1821, Apr30 IIA/66B9 1821, p r 30 IIA /66B10 1821, AApr30 IIA/66B10 1821, ay 5 IIA/66B11 1821, M May 1821, ul IIA /66C 6 1821, JJul IIA/66C6 R eP to: ReP 1827, NNov VIA/4G8 1827, ov 4 V IA /4G 8 P olicy: Fire Insurance Policy: VIA/5C6-D2 1828, c t 27 V IA /5 C 6 -D 2 1828, OOct27 ReP, h ilad elp h ia M useum ”: ReP, “P "Philadelphia Museum": VIA/8D2-5 1835, Jan S5 V IA /8 D 2 -5 1835,Jan R eP to: ReP VIA/8G1-6 1836, ay 5 V IA /8 G 1 -6 1836, M May VIA/9A2-6 1837, n 31 V IA /9 A 2 -6 1837,Ja Jan31 Lease to to NNathan Dunn, Lease a th a n D u n n , assigned assigned to to the th e American A m erican Philosophical P h ilo so p h ical Society: Society: 1838, SSept ept 22 d 1841, c t 23 1838, 22 an and 1841, OOct23 V IA /9 B 6 -C VIA/9B6C66 "Bond “B o n d and Warrant," W a rra n t,” American A m erican Philosophical P hilo so p h ical Society S o ciety to: 1841, AAugS VIA/9D12-E8 1841, ug 5 V IA /9 D 1 2 -E 8 “"Mortgage," M o rtg a g e ,” American A m erican Philosophical P h ilo so p h ical Society S ociety to: VIA/9E10F44 1841, ug 5 V IA /9 E 1 0 -F 1841, A Aug “"Lease," L ease,” American A m erican Philosophical P h ilo so p h ical Society to: 1842,J u l 2 V IA /9 F 1 1 -1 4 1842,Ju12 VIA/9F11-14 “D e e d ,” Nathan N a th a n Dunn D u n n to to American A m erican "Deed," Philosophical P h ilo so p h ical Society, Society, Release Release en d o rsed by: endorsed 1841, AugA 5u g 5 VIA/IOCS-D4 1841, V IA /1 0 C 5 -D 4 R u P to: RuP 1829, SSept17 ep t 17 V IIA /7 C 1 0 -1 2 1829, VIIA/7C10-12 Child's C h ild ’s ticket tick et of o f admission: adm issio n : 1822, SSept 1822, ep t V IIIA /1 E 4 -5 VIIIA/1E4-5 T R P to: TRPto: 1833, J u n 13 13 V II1 A /3 C 7 -1 0 1833,Jun VIIIA/3C7-10 VIIIA/3C11-13 1833, SSept12 ep t 12 V IIIA /3 C 1 1 -1 3 1833, TRP, Donations T R P , List L ist ooff D o n a tio n s to: 1833, Oct VIIIA/3D1-3 1833, O c t 10 10 V IIIA /3 D 1 -3 T R P to: TRP 1834, Mar20 VIIIA/3D91834, M ar 20 V I II A /3 D 9 -11 11 VIIIA/3D12-14 1834, A p r 17 V IIIA /3 D 1 2 -14 1834, Apr17 VIIIA/3E13-F1 1834, O c t 16 16 V IIIA /3 E 1 3 -F 1 1834, Oct VIIIA/3F6-8 1835, Ja n 88 V IIIA /3 F 6 -8 1835,Jan 1835, a r 24 V II1 A /3 F 9 -110 0 VIIIA/3F9183S,MMar24
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T he Peale Peale FamIly Fam ily Payers Papers The
VIIIAI4A7 n .d . V IIIA /4A 2 1835, May M ay 22 V IIIA /4 A 3 -4 VIIIA/4A3-4 1835, May21 1835, M ay 21 V IIIA /4 A 5 -6 VIIIA/4A5-6 1835,Jun 1835, Ju n 18 18 V IIIA /4 A 7 -9 VIIIA/4A7-9 TRP, List List ooff DDonations to: TRP, o n atio n s to: 1836 V IIIA /5 C 1 -3 VIIIAI5CI-3 TRP, ListoofSpecimens sent fro from the TRP, List f Specim ens sent m the U.S. U .S . Exploring E xploring Expedition E x p ed itio n to: to: 1839,Ju n V IIIA /7 B 1 -4 1839,Jun VIIIA/7B1-4 TRP, T R P, Circular Circular of o f the Philadelphia M useum C ontaining Directions D irections ffor o r the Museum Containing Preparation and Preservation of o f Objects ooff N atural History: H isto ry : Natural
V IIIC /1 E 1 3 -2 A 1 0 VIIIC/1E13-2A10
BFPto: B F P to: 1829, M Mar 10 1829, a rlO IX A /2 B 8 -113 3 IXA/2B8hecks, signed Five C Checks, signed for the P hiladelphia M u seu m Company C o m p a n y by by Philadelphia Museum BFP:
IXA/2D2 1832,Jan Jan,, Apr, Apr, M May 1832, ay IX A /2D 2 R eport ooff the M a n ag er to: Report Manager 1833, Feb 12 IX A /2 E 2 -1 2 1833,Febl2 IXA/2E2-12 BFPto: B FP to: 1833, AApr30 IXA/2G5-7 1833, p r 30 IX A /2 G 5 -7 Agreement A greem ent between betw een Joseph Jo s e p h Barnes B arnes and: 1836, Jan 29 IX A /5 E 7 -1 0 1836,Jan29 IXA/5E7-10 List ooffBBoxes sent by by UU.S. o x e s sent .S . Exploring E x p lo rin g Expedition: E xpedition: IXA/7D9 1835 [1838], ec 25 IX A /7D 9 1835 [1838], DDec25 T w o receipts receipts for bboxes o x es sent by the the Two U .S . Exploring E x p lo rin g Expedition: E x pedition: U.S. 1840] IIXA/8C3-10 X A /8 C 3 - 10 [c. 1840] Opinion O p in io n tthatJohnJ. h a t j o h n j . Smith S m ith was w as entitled to salary: salary: IXAI8G3 1841, Feb 7 IXA /8G 3 1841,Feb7 Collect Subjects Natural “"Plan Plan to C ollect S ubjects ooff N atu ral H isto ry ” : History": n .d . X D /1 F 1 1 -1 2 XD/IFI1-12 n.d. m: IIA ( A d d .)/4 B 9 - 10, 4 B 1 1 -1 2 ; m: IIA(Add.)/4B9-10,4B11-12; VIIEI4-.-F4, V/1E14—F4, 22A4-5, A 4 - 5, 22A6-8, A 6 - 8, 2D12-E1, 2 D 1 2 -E 1 , 2E2-4, 2 E 2 - 4 , 2E5; 2E5; V IA /5 A 1 0 -1 3 , 55B13-C4, B 1 3 - C 4 , 55D3-6, D 3 -6 , VIAI5AIO-13, 5D7-8, 5 D 7 - 8 , 5D9-10, 5 D 9 - 1 0 , 6B1-4, 6 B 1 -4 , 8 B 8 -1 0 , 88C2-3, C 2 - 3 , 9G3-4, 9 G 3 -4 , 8B8-10, 110A90 A 9 - 10; d d .)/3 B 4 -5 ; 10; (A (Add.)/3B4-5; V IIA /3 E 2 -6 , 77C2-5, C 2 - 5 , 77C6-8, C 6 -8 , VJIAJ3E2-6, 9 A 2 - 4 , 9A10-12, 9 A 1 0 -1 2 , 9A13-14, 9 A 1 3 -1 4 , 9A2-4, 9 B 5 - 7 , 9C6, 9C 6, 9C7-9, 9 C 7 - 9 ,9C10, 9C 10, 9C11, 9C 11, 9B5-7, 99C12-D9; C 1 2 -D 9 ; VIIIAI3E5-6, V IIIA /3 E 5 -6 , 44C4-6, C 4 -6 , 66C8-1O, C 8 - 1 0 , 110Al2-14, 0 A 1 2 - 14, 16F1-5; 1 6 F 1 -5 ; IXA/5D2-3; IX A /5 D 2 -3 ; (Add.)/9A9-10; ( A d d .)/9 A 9 - 10; XC/1G8-9 X C /1 G 8 -9 P H IL A D E L P H IA Society S ociety for PHILADELPHIA Establishment E stab lish m en t and Support S u p p o rt ofFree o f FreeSchools Schools in:: VIA/1 VIA/1F5-14 m F 5 - 14 PHILE, P H IL E , (Dr.) (Dr.) Frederick F rederick m 12) m:: IIB/7 IIB/7 (pp. (pp. 6, 12) P H IL IP S, (Mr.) (M r.) [Curacao] [C urasao] PHrLIPS, m: IIA/37E4-5, m : IIA /3 7 E 4 -5 , 337E6-8, 7 E 6 - 8 , 37E9 37E9 PHILLIPS, P H IL L IP S , (Mr.) (Mr.) m: IIA /26G 8-11; V IIA /1 C 1 0 -1 2 ; m: IIA/26G8-11;VIIA/1C10-12; X IC /1 B 8 -G 3 XICIIB8G3 P H IL L IP S , Henry, H enry, Jr. PH!LLIPS, Robert Patterson R o b e rt P atterso n to: IXA/22B4 1889, n 25 IX A /22B4 1889,Ju Jun25
1892, Feb 25
IX A /22B6 IXAI22B6
m: VIIIAJI6FI-5 m: V IIIA /16F 1-5 PH ILlS [CWP's P H IL IS [C W P ’s slave] m: IIA/15E14-F1 IIA /15E 14-F1 PHILPOT, PH 1LPO T , Brian B rian D eed to C PP: Deed CPP: 1795, M Mar 1795, ar 13 13 IV B /1 B 5 -9 IVB/1B5-9 PHILPOTS, P H IL P O T S , Francis Francis toTRP: to TRP: 1837, Sept Sept11 1837, 11 V IIIA /6A 11 VIIIA/6A11 P H L E G E R , L. L. PHLEGER, BFP, BFP, RReport ep o rt oon n his his in invention: v en tio n : 1840, IX B /1 0 D 3 -1 1 1840, Aug13 A u g 13IXB/10D3-11 PHYS!CK, P H Y S IC K , (Dr.) Philip P hilip Syng m: m : IIA IIA/25D7-9, /2 5 D 7 -9 , 45B94 5 B 9 -1 12, 2, 6 8 D 1 2 -13; 13; V IIIA /1 A2-5 A 2 -5 68D12VIllA/I PICKERING, P IC K E R IN G , Charles C harles s/R eport to cad em y ooff Natural N atu ral sfReport to A Academy Sciences: 1829 [?} [?] V IIIA /2 F 9 -1 0 VIIIA/2F9-.1O 1830,Jul Ju 13l 13 VIIIA/2F14-G1 1830, V IIIA /2F 14-G 1 s/Report s/R eport oof f GGeological eo lo g ical CCommittee o m m itte e ooff Academy Natural A cadem y ooff N a tu ra l Sciences: Sciences: 1831[?] VIIIA/2G7 1831 [?] V IIIA/2G7 s/Report to A Academy Natural s/R eport to cad em y ooff N atu ral Sciences: VIlLA/SC 1837, M Mar28 1837, ar 28 V IIIA /5 C 1122 - 13 13 etal., e ta l., to to Mahlon M ah lo n Dickerson: D ick erso n : VIIIA!5D8 1837, Aug A u g 11 V IIIA /5D 8 VIIIA/5D9 1837, AAug3 1837, ug 3 V IIIA /5D 9 Summary S u m m ary of o f bills paid by: 1837, Sept 2 5 - O c t 7VLLIA/6B12 V IIIA /6B 12 1837, Sept2S-Oct7 to M Mahlon Dickerson: to ahlon D ick erso n : 1837, Oct18 O c t 18 VIIIA/6B14-C2 V IIIA /6 B 1 4 -C 2 1837, to T R P: toTRP: VLLLCI25DIO11 1843, Jan 33 V IIIC /2 5 D 1 0 -11 1843,Jan T R P to to Charles C h arles Wilkes: W ilkes: and TRP VIIIA/7G4-6 1842,Jan 1842, Jan 10 10 V IIIA /7 G 4 -6 p sh u r: to A. P. U Upshur: VLLLA/8C3-8 1843, Jan 6 V IIIA /8 C 3 -8 1843,Jan P. U p s h u r to: to: A. P. Upshur VIllA 1843, Ja n 33 V IIIA (Add.)/1C3 (A d d .)/lC 3 1843,Jan m: VVIIIA/3C5-6, m: IIIA /3 C 5 -6 , 55E5-7, E 5 - 7 , 5F10-14, 5 F 1 0 -1 4 , 55G1-4, G 1 - 4 , 66Al2A 1 2 - .4 6 B 1 -2 , .4,, 6B1-2, 66B6B 6 - 11, 1 1 ,66C13, C 13, 66D14-E4, D 1 4 - E 4 , 66G2-3, G 2 -3 , 8 A 3 - 4 , 8C9-10, 8 C 9 - 1 0 , 8C11-13, 8 C 1 1 -1 3 , 8A3-4, 99E5-10, E 5 -1 0 , IOB1O-13, 1 0 B 1 0 -1 3 , 11OCII-12, 0 C 1 1 -1 2 , 1 1 F 3 -G 8 ; VIIIC!24D1-25B6, V IIIC /2 4 D 1- 25B6, 11F3-G8; 2 5 B 7 -E 2 , 25E102 5 E 1 0 - 27B3; 27B3; 25B7E2, IX A /6 F 1 -4 ; X IA /1 2 C 1 4 -F 1 4 IXA/6F1-4; XIA/12C14-F14 See alsoJoJour. Wilkes S ee also u r. W ilkes EExped. x p ed . ##1, 1, ##3, 3 , Series Series VIIIB. V IIIB . PICKERING, Timothy P IC K E R IN G , T im o th y C W P to: CWPto: 1796, D ec 27 IIA /2 1 A 5 -7 IIA/21A5-7 1796, Dec27 IIA /2 1 A 8 -9 IIA!21A8-9 1796 m: IID/29 (p. 35); 35); XIA/2C10-E1, XIA/2C10-E1, IID /29 (p. 17C12
PICKETS, P IC K E T S , Nicholas N ich o las Statement to CWP: S tatem en t to CW P: IIA/17B6 1792, 11 IIA/17B6 1792, Feb Feb11 PPIERCE, IE R C E , President P resid en t Franklin F ran k lin m:: V VIIIA/17B4-05; m IIIA /1 7 B 4 -C 5 ; IXA/16B14-C3 IX A /1 6 B 1 4 -C 3 Leigh (1740-1789) PPIERCE, IE R C E , William W illiam L eigh (1740 -1 7 8 9 ) CWP C W P to: 1787, Ju n 17 17 IIA /1 5 E 4 -5 Jun IIA/15E4-5
The The Peale Peale Family F am ily Papers Papers
P PIERCE, IE R C E , William W illiam Leigh L eigh to C CWP: to W P: 1812, Mar4 M hA 1812, a r 4 (Add.)/3F7-13 IIA (A d d .)/3 F 7 -13 P IE R P O N T , (Reverend) (R everend) Jo hn PIERPONT, John R eP to: ReP 1823, A ug 7 VIAI3EIO-13 V 1A /3E 10-13 1823, Aug7 1835, Ja n 7 V IA /8D 6 1835,Jan7 VIA/8D6 1845, 1845, A Apr13 p r 13 VIA/10A5-8 V IA /1 0 A 5 -8 [P IE R P O N T ] Lierpont, L ie rp o n t, William W illiam [PIERPONT] CWP C W P to: IIA/16D6-8 IIA /1 6 D 6 -8 1790, Ju Junn 88 P PIKE, IK E , Z Zebulon e b u lo n M Montgomery o n tg o m e ry to T Thomas to h o m a s Jefferson: 1808, Feb 3 11A142D1-4 IIA /4 2 D 1 -4 m: IIA /4 1 G 3 -4 , 442D5-6, 2 D 5 - 6 , 42D11-14, 4 2 D 1 1 -1 4 , IIA/41G3-4, 42E1-4, 4 2 E 1 -4 , 43D2-11; 43D 2-11;IID/29 IID /29(p. (p. 45); 45); VIIIA/6F910; XIA/17 CS V IIIA /6 F 9 -10; XIA/17C5 P IL K IN G T O N , (Reverend) (R everend) Matthew. M atthew . PILKINGTON, D ictionary of o f Painters Dictionary Painters (1770) CWP's C W P ’s annotations an n o tatio n s and an d family fam ily record record in: n .d . IIE /1 A 2 -B 9 n.d. IIEJIA2-B9 m /6 5 G 1 -3 m:: IIA IIA/65G1-3 P IL M O R E , (Reverend) (R everend) Jo sep h PILMORE, Joseph
m. XIA/2E10-G12 m:XIA/2E10-G12
PINCKNEY, P IN C K N E Y , William W illiam m: IIA/61F9-G3 P IN E , Robert R o b e rt Edge E dge PINE, m : IIA/13G12IIA /1 3 G 1 2 -13; IIB/8 (p. 8), 8), 99 (Pp. (pp. m: 13; IIB/8 1, 27, 76), 12 12 (p. (p. 29); 29); IIC (pp. 104, 104, 1,27,76), IIC(pp. 176, 190); 190);VVIA/11E4-5, 176, IA /1 1 E 4 -5 , 13F2-5, 1 3 F 2 -5 , 13F11-12, 113G2-3; 13F11—12, 3 G 2 -3 ; VIB/19F11-20B14 V IB /19F 11-20B 14 P IN KKNEY, N E Y , Jo n a th an PIN Jonathan m: m: IIA IIA/1C14-D2, /1 C 1 4 -D 2 , 1F9-12, 1 F 9 -1 2 , 1F13-G1 1F 13-G 1 PIN OR, James P IN O R , Jam es m:: I/2 I]2F3-6, m F 3 -6 , 22F7-9, F 7 - 9 , 2F10 2F10 John PPINTARD, IN T A R D , Jo hn toCWP: to C W P: 1817, Mar6 IIA/59C1-3 1817, M ar 6 IIA /5 9 C 1 -3 m:: IIB/22(pp. m IIB/22 (pp. 33 33 et et seq., seq ., 74) Timothy PPITKIN, IT K IN , T im o th y R eP to: ReP 1827, Apr25 1827, A p r 25 VIA/4G1 PIT T, W illiam [L ord CChatham] h a th a m ] PITT, William [Lord C W P, D escrip tio n of o f Picture P ic tu re and and CWP, Description Mezzotint M ezzo tin t of: of: 1768 IID /1 A 3 -4 IID/1A3-4
m:: IIA/2E7-1 IIA/2E7-14, m 4 ,22G8-12, G 8 -1 2 ,44D4-6, D 4 -6 , 4E14,4F3-4, 2-4;118/2 IIB/2 (pp. 4E14, 4F3-4, 5A 5A2-4; 2 -4 ),55(p. (p. 26), 26), 99 (p. (p. 30), 30), 12 (p. 11); 2-4), (p.11); IIC (pp. 130130-60, 60, 449); XC/3B3-6 PITTSBURGH P IT T S B U R G H Museum M u seu m XICIIBB-G3 m: X IC /1 B 8 - G 3 P IU S IX, IX , Pope P ope PIUS m: m : XCI4F10-13 XC/4F10-13 PLANTOU. P L A N T O U , Anthony A n th o n y [Mr. [M r. Planton?] P lan to n ?] m: IIA IIA/67B12-13, m: /67B 12-13, 667C1-3, 7 C 1 - 3 , 667D1-2, 7 D 1 -2 , 6 8 D 9 - 11, 72C10-11; 7 2 C 1 0 - 11;IIB/24 IIB/24 (p.8) (p. 8) 68D9-11, PLATT, PLATT, Ebenezer E benezer C CWP W P to: 1806, Jul12 1806, Ju l 12 IIA /3 9 A 1 3 -1 4 IIA/39A13-14 W illiam H. H. PLATT, William ReP R eP to: 1854, Mar VIA/11C2-3 M ar V IA /1 1 C 2 -3 1854, May16 VIA/11C5 1854, M ay 16 V IA /11C5
P L A T T E R , (Governor) (G o v ern o r) George G eo rg e PLATTER, m: m: IIC (p. 488) PLINY P L IN Y m: IIA/48A8-B10, m : IIA /4 8 A 8 -B 1 0 , 50B11-13; 5 0 B 1 1 -1 3 ; IID /2 B 131 3 -D 4 IID/2B D4 PLOSS, Henry P LO SS, H e n ry to RuP: R uP: 1820, 1820, NNov24 o v 24 VIIA V IIA (Add.)/1C2-4 ( A d d .) /lC 2 - 4 to RuP: R uP: 1821, Feb28 XIA/7A2-5 1821, Feb 28 X IA /7 A 2 -5 PLUM P L U M SSTEAD, T E A D , Robert R o b e rt m: m: X XC/3F3-6, C /3 F 3 -6 , 77E2-5, E 2 - 5 , 99D3-6 D 3 -6 PODESTA, P O D E S T A , M. M. Abstract agreement with St. Andre A b stract ooff ag re e m e n t w ith St. A n d re Po isat and om pany: Poisat and CCompany: 1829, May29 M ay 29IXA/2B14-C3 1829, IX A /2 B 1 4 -C 3 P O IN S E T T , Joel Joel R. R. POINSETT, to [?]: [?]: 1840, Jim Jun 88 XIA/12G5-8 X IA /1 2 G 5 -8 J. K. K . Kane K ane to: to: 1838, Mar 10 XIA/12C7-9 M a rlO X IA /1 2 C 7 -9 m:: VVIIICI25EIO-27B3; IXAIIOEI-3 m IIIC /2 5 E 1 0 -2 7 B 3 ; IX A /1 0 E 1 -3 P O IN T E L , (Mr.) (M r.) POINTEL, m : IIA/40E13-F1; IIA /4 0 E 1 3 -F 1 ; IIB/9 IIB/9 (p. (p. 50) 50) m: POISAT, St. AAndre, and PO ISA T, St. n d re, an d CCompany om pany Abstract A b stract ooff aagreement g re e m e n t with w ith Mr. M r. Podesta: 1829, May29 1829, M ay 29 IX A /2 B 1 -C 3 IXA/2B1-C3 A g reem en t w ith ddirectors ire c to rs ooff Agreement with B o rd eau x an dB a y o n n e mints: m in ts: Bordeaux and Bayonne 1829, DDec22 1829, ec 22 IX A /2 C 6 -8 IXA/2C6-8 m A /3 D 9 -E 4 m:: IX IXA/3D9-E4 PPOLE, O L E , Edward E d w ard fo r the th e Constitutional C o n s titu tio n a l Society, Society, to to for Jo sep h Reed: Reed: Joseph Jull 11 1779, Ju IIA /8 B 1 -3 IIA/8B1-3 POLK, P O L K , Charles C harles Peale Peale See en eral In d e x Series IVB IV B See also alsoGGeneral Index fo r ch ro n o lo g ical ssummary u m m a ry ooff for chronological m aterials relatin CPP. materials relatingg to CPP. R eferences th a t fo llo w are to References that follow co rre sp o n d en ce, documents d o c u m e n ts and correspondence, m e n tio n of o f CPP C P P in in series series other o th er mention th an his oown. w n. than CWPto: C W P to: 1802, A pr 4 IIA /2 5 F 1 -3 1802, Apr4 11A125F1-3 1804, J u n 24 IIA/31B12 1804,Jun24 IIA/31B12 1808, Oct30 IIA/44F4-5 1808, O c t 30 IIA /4 4 F 4 - 5 1809, Aug13 IIA/47C9-10 1809, A u g 13 IIA /4 7 C 9 -1 0 1819, May16 1819, M ay 16 IIIA/62D10-14 IA /6 2 D 1 0 -14 1820,Jan9 1820, Ja n 9 IIA /6 3 F 1 -3 IIA/63F1-3 StGP, AAssignment StGP, ssig n m en t ooff pproperty ro p e rty rights rig h ts to: 1778, Ju Jun 1778, n IV A /2 C 5 -7 IVA/2C5-7 m : IIA /9 B 1 -4 , 13A9, 13A 9, 332F8-9, 2 F 8 -9 , m: IIA/9B1-4, 47A10-B1, 4 7 A 1 0 -B 1 , 52A8-9, 5 2 A 8 - 9 , 60A10-13, 6 0 A 1 0 -1 3 , 6 1 B 1 3 -1 4 , 66A9, 66A 9 ,66A11; 66A 11; IIB/2 IIB/2 (p. (p. 61B13-14, 44), 5S(p. (p. 48), (p. 6), l2(p. 12 (p.19), 19), 23 23 44), 48), 66(p. (p. 33); IVA/3A7IV A /3 A 7 -10; 10; V IIIA /1 6 D 3 -4 , 16E4-7; 1 6 E 4 - 7; VIIIA/16D3-4, X IB /1 A 8 -B XIB/1A8B22 P o rtra its by: by: Portraits G eneral Washington: Washington: General
V IIIA /1 6 D 3 -4 VIIIA/16D3-4 R everend Ja m es M adison: Reverend James Madison:
V IIIA /1 6 E 4 -7 VIIIA/16E47
2249 49
The T h e Peale Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers
Mr. Vanbibber: Mr. Vanbibber: XXIB/1A8-B2 IB /1 A 8 -B 2
POLK, P O L K , David D avid m IIB/23 (p. 21) m:: IIB/23 (p.21)
POLK, P O L K , Edward E dw ard m m:: IV IVB/3B7-8, B /3 B 7 -8 , 3B103 B 1 0 -12 12 PPOLK, O L K , Ellen Ellen Ball Ball (M rs. Charles C harles Peale) Peale) (Mrs. m: m : JVB/3B13-D2, IV B /3 B 1 3 -D 2 , 33E12-F5 E 1 2 -F 5 P O L K , Elizabeth Elizabeth Bordley. B ordley. See See Bend, B end, POLK, Elizabeth o lk C laypoole Elizabeth PPolk Claypoole (M (Mrs. rs. Jo Joesph esp h G G..JJ.). .). P O L K , Elizabeth Elizabeth D ig b y Peale POLK, Digby (Mrs. (M rs. Robert) R obert) m : I/2C7-9; I/2 C 7 -9 ; IIA/1D3-9; IIA /1 D 3 -9 ; IIB/7 IIB/7 (p. (p. 1); 1); m: IIC (p. (p. 117); 117); VVIIA/12B13-C1; IIC IIA /1 2 B 1 3 -C 1 ; V IIIA /1 6 D 3 -4 VIIIA/16D3-4 P O L K , (President) (President) James Jam es K. K. POLK, R eP to: ReP VIA/10A2.-4 1845, Feb 22 V IA /1 0 A 2 -4 1845, Feb22 m: V IIIA /9 B 9 -12, 111B9, 1 B 9 ,112G5-13, 2 G 5 -1 3 , m: VIIIAJ9B9-12, 17B413, -3 17 B 4 -CC5; 5 ; IIXA/9G12X A /9 G 1 2 -1 3 ,112Th 2 B 1 -3 POLK, P O L K , MargaretJane M a rg a re tja n e m: IVA/3A7-1O; IVB/1A2-6, IV A /3A 7-10; IV B /1 A 2 -6 ,1A7 IA7 POLK, P O L K , Robert R obert Court judgment C o u rt ju d g m e n t to to settle settle debt d eb t to to StGP: 1766, Jul 19 IV A /1B 1-3 1766, Jul19 IVAIIB1-3 Will: 1777, Dec20 IVB/1A2-6 1777, D ec 20 IV B /1 A 2 -6 IVB/1A7 1777, D ec 20 IV B/1A 7 1777, Dec20 m: /4F11- 14, B 3 - 6 , 99B1-4; B 1 -4 ; m: IIA IIA/4F1114,66B3-6, IIB/1 (p. 3), 22 (pp. , 3 , 4 , 10, 1 0 ,2 7, IIB/1 (p.3), (pp. 22,3,4, 27, 33,34,45), 33, 34, 45), 66 (p. (p. a); a); IIC (PP. 21-23) 2 1 -2 3 ) (pp. P O L K , Ruth R uth Ellison E llison (Mrs. (M rs. Charles C harles Peale) Peale) POLK, m: IIB/12 (p. B /1 B 1 0 -13. 13. m: (p. 19); IV IVB/IBIOPOLK, P O L K , William W illiam m m:: IIB/12 IIB/12(pp. (pp.35-36); 35-36); IIC
181-182) (pp. 181-182) P O L L A R D , H. H . E. E. POLLARD, m IIA /6 C 9 -D 8 ; VIIIAI8G9, V IIIA /8G 9, m:: V VIIA/6C9D8; 8 G 1 0 11; - 1 1; XICJIA2X I C /1 A 2 -13 13 8GbP O L L O C K , James Jam es POLLOCK, H . R. R . Linderman L inderm an to: H. 1873, p r 22 IX A /20F 10-11 JXAI2OFIO-11 1873, AApr22 IXA/20F1214 IX A /2 0 F 1 2 -14 1873, Apr, 29 R atterso n to: R.. PPatterson IXA/20G1-3 1873, A p r 30 IX A /2 0 G 1 -3 1873, Apr30 1873, May3 IXAI2OG4-5 1873, M ay 3 IX A /2 0 G 4 -5 m : V IIA /1 1 E 1 -2 ,11F2-7, 1 1 F 2 -7 ,11F8-11; 11F 8-11; m:VIIA/IIEI-2,
IXA/21B8 IXAI2IB8 POOLE, P O O L E , Anna A n n a. m: X C /4 A 2 -5 , 55E4-8, E 4 - 8 , 77B2-5, B 2 -5 , m: XCI4A2-5, 88E13-F2,9C1-4, E 1 3 -F 2 , 9 C 1 - 4 ,110G8-11, 0 G 8 -1 1 , 11A6-9 1 1 A 6 -9 P O P E , Thomas T hom as POPE, CWP C W P to: /4 6 D 5 -6 I IA/46D5-6 1809, 1809, Apr23 A p r 23 IIA m HAi50D14 m:: 11AJ50D14 PORTER, P O R T E R , David D avid CWP C W P to: to: 1823, 1823, Ju Jull 8 IIA/69A5 IIA /69E 12-13 IIA/69E12-13 1823,NNov30 1823, o v 30 1IA/69E14— FI lIA/69E14-F1 1823, o v 30 1823,NNov30 IIA /7 0 C 1 -2 IIAI7OCI-2 1824, Feb 11 IIA/70B14 1824, 1824, Feb 5 RaP R aP to: to:
1823,Ju128 1823, Ju l 28 V VIIEI-2 /1 E 1 -2 m: 11A16105-7, m : IIA /6 1 C 5 -7 , 661E2-3, 1 E 2 -3 , 661E4-5, 1 E 4 -5 , 61E6-8, 6 1 E 6 -8 , 61E9-10, 6 1 E 9 - 10, 61E12-13, 6 1 E 1 2 -1 3 , 661F1-2, 1 F 1 - 2 ,661F9-G3, 1 F 9 - G 3 , 661G4-8, 1 G 4 -8 , 661G9,69A6-7, 1 G 9 ,6 9 A 6 -7 , 770C3-5, 0 C 3 - 5 , 77006-7, 0 C 6 -7 , 770D3-4; 0 D 3 -4 ; IIB/23 IIB/23 (pp. 28 28 et e tsseq.); e q .) ; 424); X IA /1 4 G 3 -115A2, 5A 2, IIC (p. 424); XIA/14G317C7 P O R T E R , (Dr.) (Dr.) PORTER, CP C P to: to: 1746,Jun22 1746,Ju n 22 I/1F14 111F14 P O R T E R , Jam es M. M. PORTER,James toTRP: to T R P: 1836, 1836, Feb4 Feb 4 VIIIA/4B9-1O V IIIA /4 B 9 -1 0 R.. M M.. PPatterson R atterso n to: 1843,Ju131 1843,Ju l 31 IX A /9 C 1 3 - 14 IXA/9C13-14 PORTER, P O R T E R , Samuel Sam uel A. A. toTRP: to T R P: 1826, 1826, Dec28 D ec 28 VIIIAI2C3 VIIIA /2C3 P Proxy ro x y Letter L etter to to George G e o rg e Escol Escol Sellers: Sellers: A p r 88 V IIA /9 A 2 -44 1836, Apr VIIA/9A2toTRP: to T R P: A p r 19 19 V IIIA /4 C 4 -6 1836, Apr VIIIA/4C4-6 Endorsement: E ndorsem ent: 1834, Aug XIB/2E10-F3 A u g 11 X IB /2 E 1 0 -F 3 m: m: V VIIA/9A8, IIA /9A 8, 99A10A 1 0 -12, 12, 9B8, 9B 8, 9C6, 9C6, 99C7-9; C 7 - 9 ; VIIIA/8D14-E3; V IIIA /8 D 1 4 -E 3 ; X IA (A d d .)/6 (pp. 147, 147, 162, 162, 164); 164); XIA(Add.)/6 X IB /3 A 1 1 -1 2 XIBI3AII-12 P O T A E N G A (Osage (O sage chief) chief) POTAENGA m: m : I11A137G2-3, I A /3 7 G 2 - 3 ,337G4-5 7 G 4 -5 POTTER, P O T T E R , (Mr.) (Mr.) m —14, 227D9-10 7 D 9 -1 0 m:: IIA/4F11 IIA/4F11-14, P POTTER, O T T E R , Burd B urd m V IIA /1 0 D 4 - 7 m:: VIIAJ1OD4P O T T E R , (Captain) (C aptain) POTTER, m /3 1 D 1 -2 , 331D3-4 1 D 3 -4 m:: IIA IIAJ3IDI-2, POTTER, P O T T E R , (Dr.) (Dr.) m m:: IIA 11A164D1-2, /6 4 D 1 -2 , 664D3-5; 4 D 3 -5 ; VIIA/6Al213 V IIA /6 A 1 2 -13 POTTER, P O T T E R , (General) (G eneral) James Jam es m: /11E 13-14; IIB/5 IIB/5 (p. 38) m: 1IA IIA/11E13-14; POTTER, P O T T E R , Mrs. M rs. James Jam es m. IIA /1 0 D 4 - 7 m: V VIIAI1OD4-7 POTTS, P O T T S , (Mr. (M r. and and Mrs.) M rs.) m V IIA /1 0 G 1 -7 m:: VILAJ1OG1-7 POTTS, P O T T S , Amelia A m elia m 1IA /10E 13-F 2, 110F7-10, 0 F 7 -1 0 , m:: VVIIA/10E13-F2, IOGI-7, 1 0 G 1 -7 , 11D6-9 1 1 D 6 -9 POTTS, P O T T S , George G eorge m m:: VVIIA/10B2-4, IIA /1 0 B 2 -4 , 10E6-9, 1 0 E 6 -9 , I11B91 B 9 -112; 2; XIC/1B8X IC /1 B 8 -G G33 POTTS, P O T T S , Mrs. M rs. George G eo rg e m IIA /1 0 B 9 -112 2 m:: V VIIAJ1OB9POTTS, P O T T S , Robert R o b e rt m. IIB /1 8 A 2 -B 1 2 m: V VILBI18A2-B12 P O U L S O N , Zachariah Z ach ariah POULSON, CWP C W P to: to: 11A158A6 A u g 17 17 IIA/58A6 1816, Aug m: m : IIA/28F9, IIA/28F9,331G5-6, 1 G 5 - 6 , 335C14-D1, 5 C 1 4 -D 1 , 551B3-4, 1 B 3 -4 , 58B7, 58B 7, 73A8 7 3 A8 P O U L S O N ’SAmerican A m erican Daily D a ily Advertiser A dvertiser POULSON'S m : 11A167A4-5, IIA /6 7 A 4 -5 , 773B12-C4; 3 B 1 2 -C 4 ; m: X I A /5 E 9 - 11 XIAJ5E9-11 POURTALS, P O U R T A L E S ,L. L. F. F. toTRP: to T R P :
2250 50
The The Peale Peale Family F am ily Papers Papers
1871, A ug 3 1871, Aug3 POUSSIN, P O U S S IN , Gaspar G aspar
m: 11A141G13 IIA/41G13
22F13-G2, F 1 3 -G 2 , 2G7-1O 2 G 7 -1 0 P R IE S T L E Y , (Dr.) (D r.) Jo sep h PRIESTLEY, Joseph C W P to: to: CWP u n 26 26 1794, JJun
POWELL, P O W E L L , (Mr.) (M r.)
m: XXCI6G3-8, m: C /6 G 3 - 8 , 77F1-4, F 1 - 4 , 77F9-12, F 9 -1 2 , 88C8-1l, C 8 - 1 1 , 8D3-6, 8 D 3 - 6 , 8D9-12, 8 D 9 -1 2 , 88D13-14, D 1 3 - 14, 8E9-12, 8 E 9 - 12, 8F7-1O, 8 F 7 - 10, 88G5-8, G 5 - 8 , 9A109 A 1 0 - 13, 13, 99E5-8, E 5 -8 , 99E13-F2, E 1 3 -F 2 , 9G7-1O 9 G 7 -1 0 POWELL, P O W E L L , (Mrs.) (M rs.) m: XC/8C8-11, m: X C /8 C 8 - 11, 88E9-12, E 9 -1 2 , 8G5-8, 8 G 5 -8 , 9 A 6 - 9 , 9C9-12, 9 C 9 - 1 2 , 9D3-6, 9 D 3 -6 , 9A6-9, 1l0B9-l2, 0 B 9 -1 2 , 1l0Bl3-C2, 0 B 1 3 -C 2 , IOCII-l4 1 0 C 1 1 -1 4 POWELL, P O W E L L , Anna A nna m: X C / 8 C 8 - 11, 88D9-12, D 9 - 1 2 , 8D13-14, 8 D 1 3 -1 4 , m: XC/8C8-11, 8F7-1O, 8 F 7 -1 0 , 1lOGS-Il, 0 G 8 -1 1 , 11C7-8 1 1 C 7 -8 P OW ELL, C o ra POWELL, Cora m C /9 D 3 - 6 , 10G8-11, 1 0 G 8 -1 1 , 11B2-5 1 1 B 2 -5 m:: XXC/9D3-6, PPOWELL, O W E L L , Jo sep h Joseph m: X C /6 B 4 -7 , 77E2-5, E 2 - 5, 8C13-D2, 8 C 1 3 -D 2 , m: XC/6B4-7, 88G5-8, G 5 - 8 , 10B5-8, 1 0 B 5 -8 , 10D4, 10D 4, 10G8-11, 1 0 G 8 -1 1 , 111C7-8, 1 C 7 -8 , 1IIEI-5, 1 E 1 -5 ,11E8-1O, 1 1 E 8 -1 0 , 1 1El E 11-1 -FF3 3 II PPOWELL, O W E L L , Margaret M argaret m C /6 B 4 - 7, 110D5-8, 0 D 5 - 8 , 11B8-11 11B 8-11 m:: XXC/6B4-7, PPOWNALL, O W N A L L , (Governor) (G o v ern o r) Thomas T hom as m: IIA /2 7 E 4 -7 , 227E97 E 9 - 12, 12, 227E13-14, 7 E 1 3 -1 4 , ,n: 11A127E4-7, 73E2 POYNTELL, P O Y N T E L L , William W illiam m /3 7 C 1 1 -D 6 , 338F1-2, 8 F 1 -2 , m:: IIA 11AI37C11-D6, 448F9-G6; 8 F 9 -G 6 ; III/2C4; III/2C4; VIA/2E5; VIA/2E5; V IIA /2 A 4 - 5 VIIA/2A4P R A H M , (Captain) (C aptain) PRAHM, RuP R u P to: 1824, Jul26 Jul 26VIIA/5C14-D2 V IIA /5 C 1 4 -D 2 1824, P R A Q U A IR , Adam A dam PRAQUAIR, m : IIA/29A7, 0 A 2 - 5 , 330Al2-13 0 A 1 2 -1 3 m: IIA/29A7,330A2-5, P RA TT, C h a rlo tte PRATT, Charlotte m : VIA/8D10-11 m:
PRATT, Eleanor PR A T T, E leanor m m:: VIA/8D10-11 VIAJSDIO-11
PRATT, Henry PRA TT, H en ry m: IIA/37C11-D6; III/4D9-E4; m : IIA /3 7 C 1 1 -D 6 ; III/4 D 9 -E 4 ; X IA /7 A 6 -B 1 11;; (Add.)/5 (A dd.)/5 XIA/7A6-B1 (pp. 1 1 -1 4 ) (pp. 11-14) PRATT, Jo hn John R eP to: ReP 1835, 1835, SSept7 ept 7 V IA /8D 10-11 VIA/8D10-11 PRATT, Matthew PR A T T, M a tth e w m : IIA/51F5—12, 1 F 1 3 -G 6 , 67F1-3, 6 7 F 1 -3 , m: IIA/51F5-12, 551F13-G6, IIB/9 39); IIC 101) IIB/9 (p. (p..39); IIC (p. 101) PRESTON, P R E S T O N , BaIlou B allou m : VHIA/11F3-G8 V IIIA /11F 3-G 8 m: P R IC E , (Dr.) (Dr.) PRICE, m: X C /3 G 1 -4 , 44B5-8, B 5 - 8 , 5A2-5, 5 A 2 -5 , m: XCI3GI-4, 5G10-13, 5 G 1 0 -1 3 , 66A6-9, A 6 - 9 , 7B14-C3 7 B 1 4 -C 3
PRICE, P R IC E , Joseph m : IIA /2 0 B 4 -5 , 666D5-6, 6 D 5 - 6 , 66D7-10; 6 6 D 7 - 10; m: HA/20B4-5, IX A /1 A 8 -G 7 IXA/1 A8G7 P R IC H E T T , Thomas T h o m a s B. PRICHETT, JP jr, Deed D eed to: JPjr, 1849, Ju Junn 11 III/4 B 1 4 -C 3 IH/4B14-C3 in: III/4Al2-B3; VIIAI4DI3-Fl, nt: III/4A 12-B 3; V IIA /4 D 1 3 -F 1 , 7 D 1 11-E6 -E 6 7D1 PRIESTLEY,J. PR IEST LE Y , J. R. m: X C I2 F 5 -8 , 2F92 F 9 -12, 12, m: XC)2F5-8,
HA-18G12 IIA -18G 12
m: IIA /2 4 D 1 2 -13, 225C7-D6, 5 C 7 -D 6 , pn: HA/24D12-13,
229G1-2; 9 G 1 -2 ; IID/29 IID /29 (p p . 336-37); 6 -3 7 ); (pp. X C /2 C 1 3 -D 2 ; XIA/5A8-B1, X IA /5 A 8 -B 1 , XC/2C13-D2;
17C12 PRIESTLEY, Sarah (M (Mrs. J.R.) P R IE ST L E Y , Sarah rs. J.R .) m: X C /2 E 3 - 6, 22F5-8, F 5 - 8 , 2F13-G2, 2 F 1 3 -G 2 , XC/2E3-6,
22G3G 3 - 66 P R IM R O S E , I. I. PRIMROSE, R u P to: P.uP VIIA/6E7-8 1826, Oct28 1826, O c t 28 V IIA /6 E 7 -8 P R IN C E Georges G eo rg es County C o u n ty School S chool PRINCE I/2B8-9, m : I/2 B 8 -9 , 22B10-ll B 1 0 -1 1 in: P R I N C E T O N , Battle B a ttle ooff PRINCETON, m : IIB/3 8 -2 0 ) IIB/3 (p. (p. 13), 13), 66(pp. (pp. 118-20) in: P R I N C E T O N College C o lleg e PRINCETON m /1 3 C 1 -4 ; VIA/12C9 V IA /12C 9 IIA/13C1-4; in:: IIA PRINTS P R IN T S in in Colors C o lo rs in:: IIB/9 IIB/9 (pp. (pp. 447-52) m 7 -5 2 ) P R IT C H A R D ,Andrew. A n d rew Microscopic . M icroscopic PRITCHARD,
Illustrations ooff Living L iv in g Objects O bjects nt: V IIIA /1 1 B 1 3 -C 1 n: VIIIA/11B13-C1 P R O C T O R , (Miss) (M iss) PROCTOR, nt: m: IIB/5 IIB/5(pp. (pp. 29-31) 29-31) P R O C T O R , Ann A nn PROCTOR, ttt: IIB/10 (pp. 6, 6, 8) 8) n: IIB/lO P R O C T O R , John Jo h n PROCTOR, nt: IIB/6 (p. 10 (pp. 6, 8) 8) p: IIB/6 (p. a), a), 99 (p. (p. 80), 80), 10 (pp.6, P R O C T O R , Mary M a ry PROCTOR, i: IIB/10 IIB/lO (pp. (pp.6, ttt: 6, 8) 8) P R O C T O R , Thomas Thom as PROCTOR, nt: IIA/28A14, IIA /28A 14, 228B1-2, 8 B 1 - 2 , 228B3-4, 8 B 3 -4 , m: 28B5, 228C7-8; 8 C 7 - 8 ; IIB/5 IIB/5 (pp. 28B5, (pp. 29-31, 29-31, 34, 38), 66 ([m ] p . 1) 1) 34,38), ([mlp. P R O C T O R , Mrs. M rs. Thomas T hom as PROCTOR, nt: in: IIB/5 IIB/5(pp. (pp. 29-31), 29-31),
PPROFILES. R O F IL E S . See See also d ian P ro files. also In Indian Profiles. m in:: IIB/19 IIB/19 (pp. (pp. 37, 38) PRONY, P R O N Y , Gaspard-Francois-. G asp a rd -F ra n g o is' Clair-Marie C lair-M arie R ich de Richde in: IID/30 IID/30 (p. (p. 51); m: 51); XIA/17C13 P R O V O S T , Alexander A lex an d er PROVOST, C W P to: CWP IIA/60A8 1817, Oct3 1817, O ct 3 m: m : IIA/60A9 PRYOR, P R Y O R , Charles C harles Receipts to CWP: R eceipts to CW P: 1782, Jul19 IIA/11C8 1782, Ju l 19 IIA /11C 8 1783, AApr29, p r 29, M ay 3, o v 26 1783, May 3, NNov26 HA/I IIA /1 2B42 B 4 -55 PPRYOR, R Y O R , Thomas T h o m as. C W P to: CWP 1804, Apr23 IIA/30D8 1804, A p r 23 IIA /30D 8 PPUGH, U G H , (Mr.) (M r.) m: XC/2E3-6, m: X C /2 E 3 - 6 , 2E72 E 7 -10, 10, 22F1-4 F 1 -4 PUGH, P U G H , (Mrs.) (M rs.) m: X C /2 E 3 - 6 , 22F5-8, F 5 - 8 , 5D14-E3 D 1 4 -E 3 XC/2E3-6, in: P U G H , Frances Frances PUGH, P etitio n to e n ry Laurens: L aurens: Petition to H Henry 11A16C5-8 A u g 17 17 IIA /6 C 5 -8 1778, Aug PULTENEY, P U L T E N E Y , Richard. R ich a rd . A A General G eneral View View ooff the Wtitings Linnaeus irings of o fL innaeus m : 11B19 IIB/9 (p. IA /1 B 5 -8 m: (p.57); 57);XXIA/1B5-8
The Peale Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers The
PURDY'S P U R D Y ’S Menagerie M enagerie m:: VIIIA/3D5-8 m V IIIA /3D 5-8 PURVIANCE, P U R V IA N C E , John Jo h n s/Petition for in g L o m b a rd Street: Street: s/Petition for pav paving Lombard 1783, IIA/12A1014 1783, Apr19 A p r 19 IIA /12A 10-14 T h o m a s Wharton W harton to: Thomas 1777, AAug4 1777, ug 4 IIA /5G 8-11 IIA/5G8-11 P U T N A M , Emily E m ily Sellers Sellers PUTNAM, m: XCIIFI-2, X C /1 F 1 -2 , 2B1-4, 2 B 1 - 4 , 2D3-6, 2 D 3 -6 ,
2 D 1 4 -E 2 , 33C9-12, C 9 - 12, 3D7-10, 3 D 7 - 10, 2D14-E2, 3F3-6, 3 F 3 - 6 ,33F7-1O, F 7 - 1 0 , 33F11-14, F 1 1 -1 4 , 44B5-8, B 5 -8 , 44D5-8, D 5 - 8, 4D13-E4, 4 D 1 3 - E 4 , 4E9-F1, 4E 9- F I, 44F2-5, F 2 -5 , 66A14-B3, A 1 4 -B 3 , 66C5-8, C 5 -8 , 6 G 9 -1 2 , 7C10.7 C 1 0 - 13, 13, 77D4-7, D 4 -7 , 6C9-12, 7D8-11, 7 D 8 -1 1 , 7D12-E1, 7 D 1 2 - E 1 , 7F1-4, 7 F 1 -4 , 7F5-8, 7 F 5 -8 , 7G11-13, 7 G 1 1 - 1 3 , 8C13-D2, 8 C 1 3 -D 2 , 8D13-14, 8 D 1 3 -1 4 , 88E1-4, E 1 - 4 , 88F3-6, F 3 -6 , 9A6-9, 9 A 6 -9 , 99E1-4, E 1 - 4 ,1IODI-3, 0 D 1 - 3 , 11A2-5, 1 1 A 2 -5 , 111A6-9, 1 A 6 -9 ,1 I1DII-12, 1 D 1 1 —1 2 ,1 1 D 1 3 -1 4 , 11D13-14, 1IIEI-5, 1 E 1 -5 , 11E8-1O, 1 1 E 8 -1 0 , IIFIO-13 11F 10-13 P U T N A M , G. G . P. P. PUTNAM, ReP to: 1857, A ug 17 1857, Aug17 m: VIA/12A11 ifi:
VIA/12C12V IA /1 2 C 113 2 -13
QUEEN Q U E E N Anne's A nne’s County C o u n ty School S chool Minute M in u te B ook Book 1/IAIO-ClO 1740-1742 I/1 A 1 0 -C 1 0 QUOSQUAME, Q U O S Q U A M E ,(Sack (Sack nation) nation) m: IIIA/37G2-3, IA /3 7 G 2 - 3 ,337G4-5 7 G 4 -5 ifi:
R R A F IN E S Q U E , Constantine C o n s ta n tin e RAFINESQUE, m: IIA/26C5-6 IIA /2 6 C 5 -6 RALE, R A L E , George G eorge toTRP: to T R P : VIIIA/4C7 1836, ay 26 V IIIA /4C7 1836, M May26 ifi:
RAM SAY, (Dr.) (Dr.) RAMSAY, CWP C W P to: 1824, o v 12 12 1824, N Nov
11AI7106-7 IIA /7 1 C 6 -7 RAMSAY, RAM SAY, CCharlotte h a rlo tte Hall H all (Mrs. (M rs. Nathaniel) N athaniel) CWP C W P to: IIA/31F12-14 1804, Sept 7 IIA/17C2-3, m: IIA /1 7 C 2 -3 , 17C11-12, 1 7 C 1 1 -1 2 , 17E1, 17E1, 18G1, 331F1018G1, 1 F 1 0 - 11, 331G121 G 1 2 -13, 13,
32A8-9, 3 2 A 8 -9 , 32D93 2 D 9 -10, 10, 33B5-8, 3 3 B 5 -8 , 33B93 3 B 9 -13, 1 3 ,33C113 3 0 1 - 114, 4 , 33E113 3 E 1 1 -14, 14, 3 4 A 2 -6 , 334C3-5, 4 C 3 - 5 , 34C8-11, 3 4 C 8 -1 1 , 34A2-6, 34E3-7, 3 4 E 3 -7 , 36F3-7, 3 6 F 3 -7 ,38F11, 38F11, 443F10-11, 3 F 1 0 - 11, 44A13-14; 4 4 A 1 3 - 14; IIB/12 IIB/12 (pp. 146c, 146d, 146e, (p. 23); 23); LIC IIC (pp. 171) RAM SAY, D av id RAMSAY, David to CWP: CW P: 1784, Sept 27 IIA /1 3 B 6 -1 4 1784, Sept27 IIA/13B6-14 C W P to: to: CWP [1778] IIA /5 D 1 1 -1 4 [1778] IIAI5D11-14 1784, u g 17 IIA /1 3 B 1 -2 1784, AAug17 IIAI13BI-2 1784, c t 19 19 IIA/13C1 —4 1784, O Oct IIA/13C1-4 1786, c t 18 18 IIA /1 4 E 3 -4 1786, O Oct 11A114E3-4 1786, ov IIA /1 4 E 1 3 -14 11A114E13-14 1786, NNov 1787, Feb 2 IIA/14G91787, IIA /1 4 G 9 -112 2 1792, SSept IIA/17E1 1792, ept 2 17%,, M Mar23 !IA/19F1 17% ar 23 IIA/19F1 1796, ug 9 IIA/20E13 1796, AAug9 11A120E13 1808, ec 9 [?] [?] IIA /4 5 A 1 2 -13 1808, D Dec IIA/45Al213 m: I IA /1 1 G 8 - 9 ,1 3 A 1 2 - 13, 28D8-9, 2 8 D 8 -9 , 13Al2-13, ifi: IIAIIIG8-9, 38E4, 44105-8, 1 C 5 - 8 , 45F3-6, 4 5 F 3 -6 , 50F8-14, 5 0 F 8 -1 4 , 38E4, 5 0 G 1 -4 ; IID/29 IID /29 (p. (p. 39); 39); 50G1-4; VIIIA/16C6-8; V IIIA /1 6 C 6 -8 ; XIAII7Cl2 XIA/17C12 RAMSAY, Frances W Witherspoon RAM SAY, Frances ith ersp o o n (Mrs. (M rs. David) D avid) m: IIA /1 3 B 1 -2 , 13B61 3 B 6 -114, 4 , 13C1-4 1 3 C 1 -4 ifi: IIA/13B1-2, RAMSEY, R A M SEY , (Dr.) (Dr.) John Jo h n 1796, 1796, Mar23 M ar 23IIA/20B10-11 IIA /20B 10-11 RAM SAY, (Dr.) Jo h n W. W. RAMSAY, John CWP C W P to: 1807, Ju l 27, 31 31 IIA /4 1 C 5 -8 1807,Ju127, IIA/41C5-8 m: IIA/34A2-6 IIA /3 4 A 2 -6 RAMSAY, Margaretjane RAM SAY, M a rg aret Jan e Peale M'Mordie M ’M o rd ie (Mrs. Nathanid) (M rs. N athaniel) General SSee eealso eneral Index Index Series SeriesIVA IVA also G rresp o n d en ce of o f Margaret M arg aret for co correspondence Jan e Peale ’M o rd ie Ramsey. Ram sey. Jane Peak M M'Mordie R eferences th at fo llo w are to References that follow correspondence and mention corresp o n d en ce an d m en tio n ooff M arg aret Jane Peale Peale M ’M ordie MargaretJane M'Mordie Ramsey in series series oother R am sey in th e r than her oown. w n. 111D6-8, m: I/ID 6 -8 , 2 2C3-4, C 3 - 4 , 22C7-9; C 7 -9 ; ifi: IIA /7 A 2 -6 , 99C12-13, C 1 2 - 1 3 , 10G3-4, 1 0 G 3 -4 , IIA/7A2-6, 113B63 B 6 -114, 4 , 13E1-5; 1 3 E 1 -5 ; IIB/2 IIB/2 (pp. (pp. 27, 27, 1); IIC 46, 35, 36, 36, 39), 39), 55 (p. (p. 1); IIC (pp. (pp.46, 113, 114, 1IA /12B 13-C 1; 113, 114, 146c); 146c); VVJIA/12B13-C1; VIIIAII5GI 1-13 V IIIA /15G 11—13 RAMSAY, Martha (Mrs. RAM SAY, M a rth a LLaurens au ren s (M rs. David) D avid) ifi: m: 11A114E13-14, IIA /1 4 E 1 3 -14, 114G9-12, 4 G 9 -1 2 , 17E1, 17E1, 20E13 RAM SAY, N ath an iel RAMSAY, Nathaniel CWP, C W P, Deed D eed to: to: IIA/16E2-8 1791, Feb Feb12 1791, 12 IIA /1 6 E 2 -8 CWP C W P to: to: 11A117C2-3 1792, A Apr 1792, p r 19 19 IIA /1 7 C 2 -3 IIA/17C11-12 1792, ay 3 IIA /17C 11 - 1 2 1792, M May3 IIA/18G1 1794, J u n 9 1794,Jun IIA/31A1011 1804,Jun 1804, J u n 22 IIA /3 1 A 1 0 -11 !IA/31G121804, SSept23 ept 23 IIA /3 1 G 1 2 -113 3 1804, IIA/33B9-13 1805, Feb 16 IIA /3 3 B 9 -1 3 1805, Feb16 IIA/33E11-14 1805, ar 17 IIA /3 3 E 1 1 -14 1805, M Mar17 !IA/34A2-6 1805, A Apr 1805, pr 3 IIA /3 4 A 2 -6 IIA/36F3-7 1805, c t 30 IIA /3 6 F 3 -7 1805, OOct30
252 2 52
The The Peale Peale Family F am ily Papers Papers
IIA/38E4 1806, A Apr 1806, p r 17 IIA/38F11 1806,J u n 17 1806, Jun IIA/43F10— 11 IIA/43F10-11 1808,Ju! 1808,J u l19 19 IIA /4 4 A 1 3 -14 IIA/44A1314 S ept 99 1808, Sept IIA /51A 2-5 IIA/51A2-5 1811, Dec30 1811, D ec 30 IIA /5 2 A 8 -9 IIA/52A8-9 1813, Jan 1813,Ja n9 IIA /5 2 C 1 -2 1813, M Mar HA/52C1-2 a r 13 13 m: IIAJ3AIO-13, m: 1IA /3A 10-13, 55E4-5, E 4 - 5 , 66B3-6, B 3 -6 , 7A2-6, 7 A 2 - 6 , 9C12-13, 9 C 1 2 - 1 3 ,10A2, 10A2,10A3, 10A3, 1 0 G 3 -4 , 10G5-8, 1 0 G 5 -8 , 10G9-12, 1 0 G 9 -1 2 , 10G3-4, 12B4-5, 12G8, 12B4—5, 12G8, 113B1-2, 3 B 1 -2 , 113B6-14, 3 B 6 -1 4 , 14E4-5, 1 4 E 4 -5 , 14G9-12, 1 4 G 9 -1 2 , 117B14-C1, 7 B 1 4 -C 1 , 17C5-7, 1 7 C 5 - 7 , 17E1, 17E1, 118B1-2, 8 B 1 -2 , 227E1-3, 7 E 1 -3 , 31F12-14, 3 1 F 1 2 - 14, 32A8-9, 3 2 A 8 -9 , 32F1-2, 3 2 F 1 -2 , 32F14, 32F14, 333A2-6, 3 A 2 -6 , 333A7-10, 3 A 7 - 10, 333C11-14, 3 C 1 1 - 1 4 , 34C3-5, 3 4 C 3 -5 , 444A6-12, 4 A 6 -1 2 , 50E1-3, 5 0 E 1 -3 , 51B2, 51B2, 551B5-8, 1 B 5 -8 , 52A2-7, 5 2 A 2 - 7 , 52F13-14, 5 2 F 1 3 -1 4 , 556C6-D6, 6 C 6 - D 6 , 59A13-B1, 5 9 A 1 3 -B 1 , 60A6-7, 6 0 A 6 -7 , 61G4—8, 73E4; IIB/2 IIB/2 (pp. 3, 61G4-8, 73E4; (pp.3, 1 0 - 1 2 ,1 8 - 1 9 , 23,38, 3 847),.3 ,4 7 ), 3(p. (p. 3), 3), 10-12,18-19,23, 55 (pp. - 3 , 9 ,2 1 - 2 2 , 44), 6(pp. 6 (pp. 5, 5, (pp.22-3,9,21-22,44), 10-11), 1 0 -1 1 ), 88 (pp. (pp. 15, 15, 34, 34, 43, 43, 54), 54), 10 10 (p. 2), 11 11 (p.4), (p. 4), 14 14 (pp. (pp. 8, 8, 9), 9), 19 19 (p.2), (pp. 57, 103); IIC 5 - 5 8 , 108, 108, 57, 103); IIC (pp. (pp. 555-58, 1 1 3 , 117, 118, 118, 146c, 146c, 229, 354,355); 354, 355); 113,117, IID /29 (p. 41); IVA/3A7IV A /3 A 7 -10, IID/29 10, 3 A 1 1 -B 4 , 3C2; 3C 2; XIA/5E12-G4, X IA /5 E 1 2 -G 4 , 3A11-B4,
17C5 R AM SBURGH, M a ry RAMSBURGH, Mary m: IIA/4D13-E1; 6) 11A14D13-E1; IIB/2 (p. 6) R A M S E Y , Allan RAMSEY, Allan (p. 29) 29) m: IIC (p. R A N D A L L , Calvin C alvin RANDALL, m : XXC/2B5-8, C /2 B 5 -8 , 22C6-9, C 6 - 9 , 22D7-10, D 7 -1 0 , m: 2 E 7 - 1 0 ,22F1-4, F 1 - 4 , 22F5-8, F 5 - 8 , 22G3-6, G 3 -6 , 2E7-1O, 2G72 G 7 - 110, 0 ,33A2-5, A 2 - 5 , 33A6-9, A 6 -9 , 33C9C 9 - 112, 2 ,33E5-8, E 5 - 8 , 33G1-4, G 1 - 4 , 55D2-5, D 2 -5 , 55D10-13, D 1 0 -1 3 , 55E4-8 E 4 -8 RANDALL, D e b o ra h K n ap p (M rs. Jo h n ) RANDALL, Deborah Knapp (Mrs.John) m 1) m:: IIB/11 IIB/li (p. 1) R A N D A L L , Frances Frances Elizabeth E lizabeth Sellers Sellers RANDALL, (M rs. Calvin) C alvin) (Mrs.
SPS; to SPS: 1847, Aug A ug 17 17
X C /4 A 9 -12 12 XC/4A9X C /7 C 4 -5 XC/7C4-5 X C /8 E 1 - 4 XC/8E1-4 X C /1 2 A 2 -5 XC/12A2-5 XC/12A6-11 X C /1 2 A 6 - 11 m: I1A /11C 6-7, 112A2-4; 2 A 2 -4 ; m: VVIIAJIIC6-7, XC/2B5-8, X C /2 B 5 -8 , 22B13-C2, B 1 3 - C 2 , 22C6-9, C 6 -9 , 2 C 1 3 - D 2 , 2D3-6, 2 D 3 - 6 , 2D7-10, 2 D 7 -1 0 , 2C13-D2, 2D14-E2, 2D14—E2, 22E3-6, E 3 - 6 , 2E7-10, 2 E 7 -1 0 , 22E11-14, E 1 1 - 14, 22F5-8, F 5 -8 , 22F9-12, F 9 -1 2 , 2F13-G2, 2 F 1 3 -G 2 , 2G3-6, 2 G 3 - 6 , 2G72 G 7 -10, 10, 3A2-5, 3 A 2 - 5 , 3A6-9, 3 A 6 - 9 , 3B73 B 7 -10, 10, 33B11-14, B 1 1 -1 4 , 33C9-12, C 9 - 1 2 , 33E5-8, E 5 -8 , 3F3-6, 3F114B5-8, 3 F 3 - 6 ,3 F 1 1 -14, 1 4 ,4 B 5 - 8 ,4B94 B 9 -12, 12, 4C7-14, 4 C 7 -1 4 , 4F2-5, 4 F 2 -5 , 4F10-13, 4 F 1 0 -1 3 , 5 A 1 0 - 13, 55B8-11, B 8 - 11, 5D2-5, 5 D 2 -5 , 5A10-13, 55D10-13, D 1 0 -1 3 , 55E4-8, E 4 - 8 , 6A14-B3, 6 A 1 4 -B 3 , 6C13-D2, 6 C 1 3 -D 2 , 7C10-13, 7 C 1 0 - 1 3 , 7D12-E1, 7 D 1 2 -E 1 , 8 C 8 -1 1 , 8E13-F2, 8 E 1 3 -F 2 , 8F11-14, 8 F 1 1 -1 4 , 8C8-11, 9C1-4,9F8-11, 9 C 1 - 4 ,9 F 8 - 1 1 ,1 IIDII-12, 1 D 1 1 -1 2 , 111F 1F1O13 10-13 RANDALL, John R A N D A L L , Jo hn 1853, M ay 26 1853, May26 1854, Sept S ept 12 12 nn.d. .d . nn.d. .d .
Accounts A cco u n ts oof, f, w with ith C Christopher h risto p h e r R ich m o n d : Richmond: S ept 19 19 1779, Sept
I II/1 D 1 3 -14 11111D1314
1780, M ar 7 III/1 E 1 2 -13 1780, Mar7 IHhlEl2-13 m: m: IIA/4D13-E1; 11A14D13-E1; IIB/8 IIB/8 (pp. (pp. 21, 22), 11 (p. 1) R A N D A L L , J o h n W. W. RANDALL,John s/L etter to a h lo n D ick erso n : s/Letter to M Mahion Dickerson: VHIA/5D8 A u g 11 V IIIA /5D 8 1837, Aug A u g 33 V IIIA /5D 9 1837, Aug VIIIA/5D9 VIIIA/5F6-7 1837, A u g 23 V IIIA /5 F 6 -7 1837, Aug23 m; V IIIA /5 G 1 -4 , 6C13; 6C 13; m: VIIIA/5G1-4, V IIIC /2 5 E 1 0 - 27B3 27B 3 VIIIC/25E10R A N D A L L , Joseph Jo sep h RANDALL, m: V IIA /4 D 1 3 -F 1 , 77D11-E6; D 1 1 -E 6 ; m: VIIA/4D13-F1, V IIIA /5 E 5 -7 VIIIA/5E57 R A N D A L L , Thomas Thom as RANDALL, C P to: to: CP 1745, M a r 19 19 I111E9/1 E 9 - 10 1745, Mar R A N D O L P H , Edmund Edm und RANDOLPH, m: IA /1 A 7 -1 4 m: XXIA/1A7-14 R A N D O L P H , Edward E d w a rd RANDOLPH,
to RuP: R uP: 1814, A u g 27 1814, Aug27
V IIA /2 F 6 -7 VIIA/2F6-7 R A N D O L P H , Peyton P e y to n RANDOLPH, m: /11A 2-4,11A 5-14; IIB/2 IIB/2 m: IIA IIAI11A2-4, 11A5-14; 19,23);IID/29 IID /29 (p. (p. 6); 6); (pp. 19,23);
XIA/17C4 R A N D O L P H , ThomasJefferson T h o m a s Jefferso n RANDOLPH, T h o m a s Jefferso n to: Thomas Jefferson to: 1808, D ec 7 IIA /4 5 A 8 -1 1 1808, Dec7 i!A/45A8-11 D ec 19 19 IIA /45B8 1808, Dec HA/45B8 m: IIA /4 1 D 7 -9 , 41D10-12, 4 1 D 1 0 - 1 2 , 41E3-5, 4 1 E 3 -5 , IIA/41D7-9 41E6-7, 4 1 E 6 -7 , 41E8-9, 4 1 E 8 - 9 , 43G4-6, 4 3 G 4 -6 , 4 3 G 7 - 10, 43G11-12, 4 3 G 1 1 -1 2 , 44E1-2, 4 4 E 1 -2 , 43G7-10, 44E3-4, 4 4 E 3 - 4 ,444E5-6, 4 E 5 - 6 , 44F4-5, 4 4 F 4 -5 , 44G7-10, 4 4 G 7 -1 0 , 44G11, 44G 11, 44G12-13, 4 4 G 1 2 -1 3 , 4 5 A 6 - 7 , 45B9-12, 4 5 B 9 - 1 2 , 45B13-14, 4 5 B 1 3 -1 4 , 45A6-7, 4 5 C 1 - 2 , 445C4-5, 5 C 4 - 5 , 445C6-9, 5 C 6 -9 , 45C1-2, 4 5 C 1 0 -11, 11, 45E74 5 E 7 - 9, 9 ,45E104 5 E 1 0 -13, 13, 45C104 5 F 1 -2 , 46A 2-3,46A 4-5, 45F1-2, 46A2-3, 46A4-5, 46A 12-1 4,4 6B 5 -6,46B7-8, 4 6 B 7 -8 , 46Al2-14, 46B5-6, 4 6 C 7 - 10, 46C11-12, 4 6 C 1 1 - 12,46F9-1O, 4 6 F 9 - 10, 46C7-10, 4 6 F 1 1 - 12, 447B10-13, 7 B 1 0 - 13, 447C1-2, 7 C 1 -2 , 46F11-12, 47C3-6, 4 7 C 3 - 6 , 47D1-3, 4 7 D 1 - 3 , 54G3-6, 5 4 G 3 -6 , 555A10-B9, 5 A 1 0 -B 9 , 555B10-C9, 5 B 1 0 - C 9 , 64C3-5; 6 4 C 3 -5 ; 3 8 3 );IIE /4 A 1 -5 G 7 IIC (p. 383); IIE/4A1-5G7 RANDOLPH, R A N D O L P H , Thomas T h o m a s Mann M ann m: IIA/41E3-5, IIA /4 1 E 3 -5 , 443G4-6, 3 G 4 - 6 , 52G1-6, 5 2 G 1 -6 , 52G7-12 5 2 G 7 -1 2 R A N D O L P H , William W illiam H. H. RANDOLPH, Israel A m ies, Deed D eed to: to: Israel Amies, 1854, N ov X D /1 F 5 -10 10 1854, Nov XD/1F5R A N K E N , George G eo rg e RANKEN, s/M em o rial to a ry la n d C o n v e n tio n : s/Memorial to M Maryland Convention: 1776 IV A /1 G 4 -6 IVA/1G4-6 to Richard R ich ard Ridgely: R id g ely : 1777, M ay 16 IV A /2 B 1 3 -14 1777, May16 IVA/2B13-14 RAPHAEL R APHA EL m: IIA /3 A 6 - 9, 22D7-1O, 2 2 D 7 - 1 0 , 44E12-F3; 4 4 E 1 2 -F 3 ; m: IIA/3A6-9, VIA/2A1013,66D1-4, V IA /2 A 1 0 -13, D 1 - 4 , 66F5-7 F 5 -7 R A T H B O N E ,J a re d RATHBONE,Jared to PPhiladelphia Museum: to hilad elp h ia M u seu m : 1839,Ju l 15 X I A ( A d d .) / l D l l - 1 2 1839,Jul 15 XIA(Acld.)/1DI1-12 RAWLE, R A W L E , William W illiam s/A pplication fo C h a rte r: The T h e PAFA: PAFA: s/Application forr Charter:
253 253
The T h e Peale P eale Family F a m ily Papers P apers
1805, ec 26 1805, DDec26
iia /3 7 C 1 i-D 6 11A137C11-D6
m: IIA 11AJ34F1-5, m: y34F l-5, 3 38F1-2, 8 F 1 - 2 ,443D2-11, 3 D 2 -1 1 ,
60F9-11; 6 0 F 9-11; IIC(p. IIC (p. 357) 357) RAYNER, Thomas RAYNER, T hom as CW P, ddraft raft to: CWP, 1807, Jan Jan28 1807, 28
IIA /4 0 B 1 -2 11A140B1-2
READ, R E A D , George G eorge m: IIA/28F1,28F9, 28F9,2 28G1-2, m: IIA/28F1, 8 G 1 -2 , 228G4-7, 8 G 4 -7 , 2 8 G 8 ,2 8 G 9 -1 0 , 28G11-12, 2 8 G 1 1 - 12, 28G8,28G9-10, 29A7, 29A 8, 229A13-B2; 9 A 1 3 -B 2 ; 29A7, 29A8, VIA/2C10 VIAJ2C1O R E A L , Pierre Francois, o m te de de REAL, Francois, CComte
m: XIAI17C6 m: XIA/17C6
REDMAN, John R E D M A N , Jo hn For F or College C ollege ooff PPhysicians, hysicians, order o rd e r to to pay C CWP firewood: W P for firew ood: 1801, Jan 66
m: IIB/3 (p. 19), 66 ([m 8) m: IIB/3 (p. 19), ([m]] p. 8)
R E D M A N , Thomas T hom as REDMAN, s/Application forr C Charter: s/A pplication fo h a rter: The T h e PAFA: PAFA: 1805, Dec26 D e c 2 6IJA/37C11-D6 IIA /3 7 C 1 1 -D 6 1805, REDOUBT, R E D O U B T , (Mrs.) (M rs.) [Ridout, [R id o u t, Mrs. John?] M rs. Jo h n ?] IIB/12 (p. 172, 174) 174) m: 11B112 (p.23); 23);IIC JIC (pp. (pp. 172, R E E D , John Jo h n REED, C W P to: CWPto: 1787, A Aug 1787, ug 14 14 IIA/15G2 11A115G2 REED, R E E D , John, Jo h n , Jr. Jr. s/A pplication fo h a rte r: The T h e PAFA: PAFA: s/Application forr C Charter: 1805, IIA /3 7 C 1 1 -D 6 1805, Dec26 D e c 26IIA/37C11-D6 m: IJA/51B914, 72A 72A2, m : IIA /5 1 B 9 -14, 2, 72E97 2 E 9 -10; 10; VIIA/7C2-5, V IIA /7 C 2 -5 , 77C6-9 C 6 -9 REED,Joseph R E E D , Joseph (1741-1785) (1741-1785) toCWP: to C W P: 1780, Ju n 12 IIA /9 G 1 2 -13 1780,Jun12 JIA/9G12-13 CWP C W P to: to: JIA/7B3-7 1779, AApr3 1779, p r3 IIA /7 B 3 -7 11A19G10-11 1780, u n 12 IIA /9 G 1 0 -1 1 1780, JJun m /7 C 8 -1 2 , 99C3-8, C 3 - 8 , 12D6-10, 1 2 D 6 -1 0 , in:: IIA JIA/7C8-12, 112E1-4, 2 E 1 -4 , 17A5-14; 1 7 A 5 -1 4 ; IIC IIC (pp. (pp.88-9), (pp. 74-75); 7 4 -7 5 ); 11D129 IID /29 (pp. - 9 ) , 30 (p. 54); XIA/2C10-2E1,17C5 XIAJ2C1O-2E1, 17C5 R E E D , Joseph REED, Joseph s/A pplication fo C h a rte r: The T h e PAFA: PAFA: s/Application forr Charter: 1805, Dec26 D e c 26 IIA /3 7 C 1 1 -D 6 1805, IIA/37C11-D6 R uP to: RuP 1824, A ug21 V IIA /5 D 9 -1 0 1824, Aug21 VIIA/5D9-10 m:: IIA/66B11; IIA/66B11;VVIIAI5DI4-E3, m IIA /5 D 1 4 -E 3 , 5E4-11,7E13-14 5E4—1 1 ,7 E 1 3 - 14 R E E S , George G eorge REES, s/D eed poll ard in g CWP's C W P ’s estate: estate: s/Deed poll reg regarding 1830, ec 20 IIA /7 3 C 6 -D 8 1830, DDec20 IIA/73C6-D8 R E G A N V IL L E , (Major) (M ajor) REGANVILLE, m: IIB/2 (p. 23) R EGNE A n im a l, L e , by b y Georges G eo rg es Cuvier C u v ier REGNE Animal, Le, m : VIIIC/25B7-E2 V IIIC /2 5 B 7 -E 2 ,n: R E H B E R G , Frederigo F rederigo REHBERG, ,n: IIA/42D11-14,42E1-4; m: H A /42D 11—14, 4 2 E 1 -4 ; V IA /2 A 1 4 -B 1 VIA/2A14-B1 REHFUS, R E H F U S , George G eorge BFP, R e p o rt to Franklin F ra n k lin Institute In stitu te on on BFP, Report sew ing machine: m achine: his sewing 1866, M ay 23 IX B /1 2 F 3 -6 1866, May23 IXB/12F3-6 R E IB IL L , (Mr.) (M r.) REIBILL, CWPto: C W P to: 1805, a r 13 IIA /3 3 E 3 -7 1805, M Mar IIA/33E3-7
1805, M Mar20 1805, ar 20 IIA /3 3 F 3 -4 HA/33F3-4 R E IC H E , (Mr.) (Mr.) REICHE, m:: IIA IIAJ5ICI-4, m /5 1 C 1 -4 , 55106-11 1 C 6 - 11 R E IC H E L , E, E. K. REICHEL, T R P: to TRP: 1865, Ju Ju18 1865, l8 VIIIA/14B12 REILLY, William W illiam R. R. CPP, Deed o: CPP, D eed to: 1812, A Aug 1812, ug 11 IV B /3 B 2 - 3 IVB/3B2-3 REMBRANDT REM BRANDT m: IA /4 D 7 -12 12 rn: IIIA/4D7R E M S E N , Elizabeth E lizabeth D eP ey ster REMSEN, DePeyster (Mrs. (M rs. Henry) H enry) m /56A 8- 12, 12E 1, 558E2-9, 8 E 2 -9 , m:: IIA IIA/56A812, 58C 58C12E1, 664F8, 4 F 8 ,664F94 F 9 - 110, 0 ,665A4-5, 5 A 4 - 5 , 666D1-4, 6 D 1 -4 , 666E9-1O, 6 E 9 - 10, 666E11,68E4-6 6 E 1 1, 6 8 E 4 -6 R E M S E N , Henry H e n ry REMSEN, to CW P: toCWP: 1816, Oct29 1816, O c t 29 JJA/58C12-E1 IIA /58C 12-E 1 1816, Oct29 1816, O c t 29 11AI58E2-9 IIA /5 8 E 2 -9 1820, Oct3 O ct 3 1820, 11A164G12-13 IIA /6 4 G 1 2 -1 3 C W P to: CWP 1816, Sept 11 1816, Sept11 IIA/58B8 11A158B8 1817, D ec 14 14 1817, Dec IIA/60B8-9 IIA /6 0 B 8 -9 IIA /6 4 E 5 -6 10 1820, Ju Jull 10 11A164E5-6 IIA /6 4 E 7 -10 1820, Ju l 10 1820, Jul10 11A164E7-10 17 1820, Ju Jull 17 IIA/64F1-4 IIA /6 4 F 1 -4 1820, Ju Jull 24 IiA/64F8 IIA/64F8 IIA /6 4 F 9 -10 1820, Jul24 IIA/64F910 1820, Ju l 24 1820, N o v 11 1820, Nov11 IIA/65A10-11 IIA /65A 10-11 IIA /6 5 A 1 2 -B 2 1820, N o v 11 1820, Nov11 IIA/65Al2-B2 1821,Jul IIA/66C9 IIA /66C9 1821, Ju l 30 1821, o v 27 1821,NNov27 IIA/66E11 m /4 7 D 8 -E 1 , 556A8-12, 6 A 8 -1 2 , 556C1-2, 6 C 1 -2 , m:: IIA I1A147D8-E1, 5 7 G 1 1 - 13, 58B9, 58B 9, 58E10-12, 5 8 E 1 0 -1 2 , 57G11-13, 5 8 F 2 -4 , 559F6-8, 9 F 6 -8 , 61D10-14, 6 1 D 1 0 -1 4 , 58F2-4, 63B1-2, 6 3 B 1 -2 , 63F96 3 F 9 -10, 664A3-4, 4 A 3 -4 , 664E3-4, 4 E 3 -4 , 64G4, 64G 4, 64G5, 64G 5, 666C11-12, 6 C 1 1 -1 2 , 66C13, 66C 13, 666D1-4, 6 D 1 - 4 , 668E1-3, 8 E 1 -3 , 668E4-6, 8 E 4 -6 , 69A96 9 A 9 12; - 12;IIB/22 IIB/22 (pp. (pp. 10 10 et V IA /6 C 1 1 -14; 14; et seq.)\ seq.); VIA/6C11V IIIA /1 7 B 4 -C 5 , 17E91 7 E 9 -1 0; VIIIA/17B4-05, 10; XDIIDI-3 X D /1 D 1 -3 REN W IC K , H e n ry B. B. REN WICK, Henry m:: VVIIIA/11B3, 11B4, 112C8-11, m IIIA /11B3, 11B4, 2 C 8 -1 1 , 1 2 G 5 - 1 3 ,1 3 A 2 - 12, 13A13-B1 13A 1 3 -B 1 12G5-13, 13A2-12, R ENW IC .K , Jam es REN WICK, James m: VVIIIA/11B3, m: IIIA y ilB 3 , 111E2-4; 1 E 2 -4 ; X IC /1 B 8 -G 3 XIC/1B8G3 REYNOLDS, R E Y N O L D S , (Mr.) (M r.) m. IIIA/IIEI-2; I A / l l E l - 2 ;IIB/2 IIB/2 (p. (p. 25) 25) m: R E Y N O L D S , Jo h n N. N. REYNOLDS,John to T R P : toTRP: VIIIAI4FII-G9 1836, o v 16 16 V IIIA /4 F 1 1 -G 9 1836, N Nov 1836, o v 16 16 V IIIA /4 G 1 0 -B 2 1836, N Nov VIIIA/4G10-B2 m: V IIIA /5 B 3 -4 , 55C5-6, C 5 - 6 , 66Al2-14, A 1 2 -1 4 , ,n: VIIIAI5B3-4, 7 F 3 -6 ; VIIICI25EIOV IIIC /2 5 E 1 0 -2 7B 3 7F3-6; 27B3 REYNOLDS, R E Y N O L D S , Joshua Jo sh u a m: IIA/2B9, B 1 0 -1 3 ; IIC(p. IIC (p. 27); 27); m: IIA/2B9, 22B10-13; VIA/1 E6 VIAIIE6 R H E A , Matthew M a tth e w RHEA, T R P, R e p o rt to Academy A cad em y of o f Natural N atu ral TRP, Report Sciences n letter of of: Sciences oon 1837, Mar21 M ar 21 V IIIA /5 C 1 0 -11 11 VIIIA/5C101837, m: /6 9 A 1 3 -B 1 ,n: IIA HA/69A13-B1 RHODES, R H O D E S , (Mr.) (M r.)
The The Peale Peale Family F am ily Papers Papers
m: V IIIA /3 E 9 -12; X C /1 G 6 - 7 , VIIIA/3E9-12; XC/1G6-7, m:
2 B 9 - 1 2 , 22C6-9, C 6 - 9 , 2F1-4, 2 F 1 -4 , 2F5-8, 2 F 5 -8 , 2B9-12, 2F9-12, 2 F 9 -1 2 , 2F13-G2 2 F 1 3 -G 2 R IC H , William W illiam RICH, m: VIIIA/6C13, V IIIA /6C 13, 77F3-6, F 3 - 6 , 88A3-4, A 3 -4 , 88D9D 9 - 13, C 6 - 9 , 9D3-4, 9 D 3 - 4 , 9D5; 9D5; 13, 99C6-9, (A d d .)/lC 3 ; V IIIC /2 5 E 1 0 -2 7 B 3 ; (Add.)/1C3; VIIIC/25E10-27B3; X IA /1 2 C 1 4 -F 14 XIA/12C14F14 RICHARDS, R IC H A R D S , (Dr.) (D r.) m : IIA/68G10-ll, IIA /68G 10-11, 69B4-5 6 9 B 4 -5 m: RICHARDS, R IC H A R D S , (Mr.) (M r.) BFP, R e p o rt on o n process process for fo r making m aking BFP Report white lead of: of w h ite lead 1839, Mar14 M a r 14IXB/9F12-G5 IX B /9 F 1 2 -G 5 1839, R IC H A R D S , Benjamin B e n ja m in W. W. RICHARDS, s/Report Committee s/R eport of of C o m m itte e of o fAmerican A m erican Philosophical P hilosophical Society S ociety to to purchase purchase Philadelphia Museum Philadelphia M u se u m Property: P ro p e rty : 1841, A ug 9 X IA /1 4 F 1 3 -G 2 1841, Aug9 XIA/14F13-G2 m: VIIIA/10G6-10; V IIIA /1 0 G 6 -10; XIA/14A7-F7; X IA /1 4 A 7 -F 7 ; (Add.)/7 (A dd.)/7 (p. 256) 256) RICHARDSON, R IC H A R D S O N , Thomas T hom as C W P and R achel P eale, M o rtg a g e to: CWP Rachel Peale, Mortgage 1766, O Oct IIA/2A4-7 1766, ct 7 IIA /2 A 4 -7 IIA/1G8-13; m: 111A10-C10; I/1 A 1 0 -C 1 0 ; IIA /1 G 8 -1 3 ; IIC m: (p.28) (p. 28) RICHMOND, R I C H M O N D , Christopher C h risto p h e r Accounts, Maryland A ccounts, 1st M a ry la n d Regiment: R egim ent: III/1 A 7 -9 1777 III/1A7-9 A ccount w ith U. U . S.: S.: Account with 1777, Aug; 1778, A Apr; Apr 1777, A ug; 1778, pr; 1779, 1779, A pr III/1A10 III/1A10 to Jo Joseph Howell: sep h H o w ell: 1784, pr 3 III/1 G 9 -11 1784, AApr3 III/1G9-11 C W P to: to: CWP 1786, c t 22 IIA /1 4 E 6 -7 1786, OOct22 IIA/14E6-7 1787, AApr29 IIA/15C13-D1 1787, p r 29 IIA /1 5 C 1 3 -D 1 1788, c t 22 IIA /1 6 B 5 -6 1788,OOct22 IIA/16B5-6 JP, A Account JP, ccount to: n.d. III/1D5-6 n .d . III/1 D 5 -6 n.d. IIIJIDII-12 n .d . III/1 D 1 1 -12 Jo h n Randall, R andall, Receipt R eceipt to: John 1779, SSept 1779, ept 19 III/1D 13- 14 14 III/1D13Jo h n Randall, R andall, Account A cco u n t to: to: John 1780, Mar M ar 77 III/1E 12-13 III/1E1213 JP to: to: 1787, Oct7 1787, O ct 7 III/2A 4- 5 III/2A4-5 m: IIA/13F7; IIA/13F7; IIB/8 p . 8, IIB/8 (p (pp. 8, 13, 26, 29, 331-32, 1 - 3 2 ,443, 3 , 64, 64, 78), 78), 13 13 (p. (p. 7); 7); III/1 F 6 -G 6 ,22A2 A2 Ill/I F6G6 RICHMOND R IC H M O N D Museum M u seu m VIIA/8E5-8 m: V IIA /8 E 5 -8 RICORD, R IC O R D , Alexander A lexander to RuP: 1820, Oct22 1820, O c t 22 VIJA (Add.)/1B13-C1 V IIA (A d d .)/1 B 1 3 -C l 1822, VIIA 1822, Feb10 Feb 10 (Add.)/1C5-8 V IIA ( A d d .)/lC 5 -8 RIDGELY, Eliza VIA/3B7-8 m: V IA /3 B 7 -8 RIDGELY, ichard RIDGELY, R Richard George Ranken to: G eorge R anken to: 1777, May 16 M ay 16IVA/2B131777, IV A14 /2 B 1 3 -14 m: IIA IIA/10G5-8 /10G 5-8 RIDGELY, RID G ELY , (General) (G eneral) T h o m a s Sully, receip R eP and: and: Thomas receiptt to ReP 1818, Aug VIA/3B7-8 A ug 55 V IA /3 B 7 -8
R ID O U T , Jo hn RID OUT, John m: 11A4D13-E1, IIA/4D13-E1, 4E14, 4 E 14, 4F1-2; 4 F 1 -2 ; IIC IIC (p. 174) 174) RIGAUVILLE, Jean B Baptiste R IG A U V IL L E , Jean a p tiste des Bergeres, B erg eres, Sieur Sieur de de m: IIB/2 m: 11B12(p. (p. 23) 23) R IG G S , Alice A lice RIGGS, L ucy Peale to Lucy nn.d. .d . RILEY, d w ard RILEY, EEdward CWP C W P to: 1805, Sept 55 S ept 16 16 1805, Sept
V IIIA /1 7 G 5 -9 VIIIA/17G5-9
IIA /3 5 G 2 -3 IIA/35G2-3 IIA /3 6 A 1 4 -B 1 IIA/36A14-B1 m: IIA /3 6 B 2 -3 , 337B5-6, 7 B 5 - 6 , 40F84 0 F 8 -14 14 IIA/36B2-3, hn RILEY, Jo John CWP C W P to: to: 1806, p r 17 17 IIA /38E3 1806, A Apr IIA/38E3
IIA/38F3 1806, Ju Jun n 55 1806, u n 30 IIA/39A3 1806,JJun30 m: IIA/35G7IIA /3 5 G 7 - 12 12 R IN D , Clementina C lem en tin a RIND, C W P to: CWPto: 1774, l 22 IIA/5A 7 1774,Ju Jul22 11A15A7 m: IIA/5Al2IIA /5 A 1 2 - 13 13 RINGGOLD, R IN G G O L D , Anna A n n a Maria M a ria Earle E arle (Mrs. (M rs. Thomas) T h o m as) m: IIB/li IIB/11 (p.36) (p. 36) RINGGOLD, R IN G G O L D , Thomas T hom as m : IIB/1 IIB/1 (pp. 11 (p. 38); IIC IIC m: (pp. 12, 12, 13), 13), 11 (p.38); (pp. 9 ,1142, 4 2 ,4465-66) 6 5 -6 6 ) (pp. 229, RIO Company R IO GRANDE G R A N D E and and Texas T exas Land L an d C om pany VIIA/9D10-11; XIC/1B8-G3 m: V IIA /9 D 1 0 -11; X IC /1 B 8 -G 3 m: RIPLEY, RIPLE Y , (General) (G eneral) m: IIA IIA/55C1012 /5 5 C 1 0 -12 R IT C H IE , J. RITCHIE, toTRP: to TRP: 1843,Jan VIIIA/8C14-D1 1843, Jan 26 V IIIA /8 C 1 4 -D 1 R IT E R , George G eo rg e W. W. RITER, s/Letter recommendation s/L etter ooff re c o m m e n d a tio n for fo r CLP: C L P: X D /1 D 1 3 1825, Sept 3 XD/1D13 1825, SSept3 XD/1D14 1825, ep t 3 X D /1 D 1 4 R I T T E N H O U S E , David D a v id RITTENHOUSE, s/Testimony regarding Joseph s/T estim ony re g a rd in g Jo se p h Betton: B etto n : [1777, IIA /5E2 1777, Jul] IIA/5E2 and an d CWP C W P eta!, et al. to Robert R o b e rt Morris: M o rris: 1779, J u l 21 21 IIA /8 B 4 -8 1779,Jul IIA/8B4-8 and CWP an d C W P etal., et a l., R e p o rt on o n Robert R o b e rt Report M o rris: Morris: 1779, Ju Jul21 IIA/8B91779, l 21 IIA /8 B 9 -CCl 1 Robert Morris R o b e rt M o rris to and an d CWP C W P etal.: et al.: 1779, 1779, JJun26 u n 26 IIA /8 A 2 -114 4 IIA/8A2P en n sy lv an ia A ssem b ly to: to: Pennsylvania Assembly 1779, Ju Jull 24 IIA/8C2-9 IIA /8 C 2 -9 1779, o v 27 IIA /9C 9 1779,Nr'ov IIA/9C9 1779, Dec7 1779, D ec 7 IIA /9C 10 IIA/9C10 1780,Jan8 IIA/9E12-13 1780, Jan 8 IIA /9 E 1 2 -1 3 1780, Jan25 1780, Jan 25 IIA/9F2 1780, Jan Jan25 IIA/9F3 1780, 25 IIA/9F3 1780, Jan26 IIA/9F4 1780, Jan 26 IIA/9F4 1780, Ja n 29 IIA/9F5 1780, Jan29 11A19F6 1780, Feb 2 1780, IIA/9F6 1780, Feb Feb88 1780, IIA/9F7 IIA/9F8 1780, Feb 88 IIA/9F8 IIA/9F9 IIA/9F9 1780, Feb Feb 17 1780, M ar 9 IIA /9 G 1 -2 1780, Mar9 IIA/9G1-2 1780, M Mar IIA/9G3 1780, a r 14 14 IIA/9G3
255 255
The Peale The Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers
1780, Aug3 1780, A ug 3 IIA/10D12 Jo h n Dickinson D ickinson to: John 1784, Mar9 11A112G3 1784, M ar 9 IIA/12G3 CW P, copy an n ah GGriffitts' riffitts’ ppoem o em CWP, copy ooff HHannah to: 1777-1778 IID/1A5; c. 17771778 IV A /2E 14-G 12 IVAJ2E14-G12 David D av id Nassy N assy to: 1794, M May30 XIAJ2C7-8 1794, ay 30 X IA /2 C 7 -8 m. I1A/3D8-11,4C12-D3, 9-12, m: 11A13D8-11, 4C12-D3, 8D 8D9-12, 2 0 G 1 0 -1 1 , 20G12, 20G 12, 440D13-E1, 0 D 1 3 -E 1 , 20G10-11, 440E2-5, 0 E 2 -5 , 56E8-F3; 5 6 E 8 -F 3 11B12 ; IIB/2 (pp. 13, 13, 115-16,19), 5 -1 6 ,1 9 ), 66(p. (p. 7), 7), 77 (pp. 1 ,3 ) , 88 (pp.1,3),
(p.43), (p. 43), 22 22 (p. (p. 72); 72); HG IIC (p. (p. 131); 131); IID/29 (pp. 5 -2 7 ); HD/29 (pp. 225-27); XIA/2C10-2E1, A 8 -B 1 , XIAJ2C1O-2E1,55A8-B1, 55E12-G4, E 1 2 - G 4 ,17C4 17C4 R IT T E N H O U S E , Eleanor E lean o r Coiston C o lsto n RITTENHOUSE,
(Mrs. (M rs. David) D avid) m: m: IIA 11AJ37F5-7, /37F 5-7, 337F8-11; 7 F 8 -1 1 ; IIB/2 (p. 13), 13), 5 (pp. 26, 26, 34) 34) RITTENHOUSE, R IT T E N H O U S E , Garrett G arre tt m: IIA /4D 13-F 2 m: V VIIA/4D13-F2 RITTENHOUSE, R IT T E N H O U S E ,William W illiam m IIA /4 D 1 3 -F 2 m:: VVIIA/4D13-F2 RIVELY, E dw ard RIVELY, Edward m: X C /6 A 2 -5 , 99E13-F2, E 1 3 -F 2 , 11B2-5 1 1 B 2 -5 m: XC/6A2-5, R IV IN G T O N , James Jam es RIVINGTON, 12, 551F13-G6; m : HAJ5IF5IIA /5 1 F 5 -12, 1 F 1 3 -G 6 ; JIC IIC (pp. 18, 18, 97) 97) RIVOLI Collection R IV O L I C ollection oofBirds f B ir d s m : VIIIA/10A12—14 m:VIIIAJIOAI2-14 R O B E R JO T , J. H. H. ROBERJOT,J. Stephen G irard: to Stephen Girard: 1XA122B9nn.d. .d . IX A /2 2 B 9 -11 ROBERTS, R O B E R T S , Albert A lbert C. C. to Salmon S alm on P. Chase: IXA/16E2 1861, ar 23 IX A /1 6 E 2-3 -3 1861, M Mar23 A braham Lincoln: L incoln: to Abraham IXA/16E4 1861, ar 23 IX A /1 6 E 4-5 -5 1861, M Mar23 ROBERTS, R O B E R T S , Allen Allen IIA /6 1 E 6 -8 , 668C4-6; 8 C 4 - 6 ; IIB/23 IIB/23 (p. (p. m: 11AJ61E6-8, 27) ROBERTS, R O B E R T S , Amos A m os C W P to: CWPto: IIA/50C3 1811, a r 14 IIA/50C3 1811, M Mar m : 11A167G4-6 IIA/67G4—6 m: R O B E R T S , G. G . W. W. ROBERTS, s/R eport to ranklin Institute: s/Report to FFranklin IXBIIIEI-7 1845, D ec 15 IX B /1 1 E 1 -7 1845, Dec15 R O B E R T S , Job Jo b ROBERTS, C W P to: CWPto: IIA/38B3-4 1806, Mar12 1806, M a r 12 IIA /3 8 B 3 -4 1806, 1806, M Mar28 ar 28 IIA/38C3 IIA/49F3 1810, O c t 28 1810, Oct28 1814, IIA/53B1 1814, Feb 16 Feb 21 IIA/53B2 1814, Feb21 IIA/56A2-5 1815, A u g 17 1IA /56A 2-5 1815, Aug17 m : IIA /35E11—F I , 3 737Db-h, D 1 0 - 11, m: IIA/35E11-F1, 444F12-G4, 4 F 1 2 -G 4 , 449D3-1O, 9 D 3 - 1 0 , 49F1-2, 4 9 F 1 -2 , 550A11-14, 0 A 1 1 -1 4 , 552G1-6, 2 G 1 - 6 , 52G7-12, 5 2 G 7 -1 2 , 661E4-5; 1 E 4 -5 ; IIC(pp. IIC (p p . 278, 278, 390) 390) R O B E R T S , Jo n a th an ROBERTS, Jonathan m : IIA/52G1-6, IIA /5 2 G 1 -6 , 552G7-12 2 G 7 -1 2 R O B E R T S , Septimus S eptim us ROBERTS, C W P to: CWP
1813, n 14 1813, Ju Jun
IIA/52C9 IIA/52C9
ROBERTS, R O B E R T S , Solomon S o lo m o n White W hite toJohn to jo h n Fries Fries Frazer: Frazer: 1848, A pr 3 VIIIA/10G 1848, Apr3 VIIIA/10G55 R OBERTS, T hom as ROBERTS, Thomas C W P to: to: CWP A p r 88 IIA/53B9 1814, Apr 11A153B9 ROBERTS, R O B E R T S , Thomas T h o m a s P. P. T h o m a s Ashton A sh to n to: to: Thomas 1836, Aug4 A u g VIIIA/4C10-D2 4 V IIIA /4 C 1 0 -D 2 1836, R O B E R T S O N , A. A. C ROBERTSON, C.. m: IA /3 E 1 4 -F 1 ; V IIA /6 C 9 -D 8 ; m: VVIA/3E14-F1; VIIA/6C9-D8; X I C /1 A 2 -13 13 XICIIA2R O B E R T S O N , Archibald A rchibald ROBERTSON, 12) m: IIB/22 (p. 12) R O B IN S O N , Alexander A lex an d er ROBINSON, CWP C W P to: to: IIA/18G11 n 19 1794, Ju Jun19 1IA125F12 1802, p r 22 IIA/25F12 1802, AApr22 1804, M ar 11 1804, Mar11 IIA/30A6 1804, M ay 2 1804, May2 IIA/30E11 IIA/34G8 1805, J u n 19 19 1805,Jun 1807,Ju126 1807, Ju l 26 IIA /4 1 C 1 -4 IIA/41C1-4 1817,Ju130 I1A159G8 1817, Ju l 30 IIA/59G8 m: 7 E 1 -3 , 30E12, 30E 12, m: IIA/18G1, IIA/18G1,227E1-3, 30F13-14, 3 0 F 1 3 -1 4 , 31A6, 31A 6, 31A10-11, 3 1 A 1 0 -1 1 , 331Al2-13, 1 A 1 2 -1 3 , 31F10-11, 3 1 F 1 0 -1 1 ,331F12-14, 1 F 1 2 -1 4 , 331G12-13, 1 G 1 2 -1 3 , 332A8-9, 2 A 8 - 9 , 32D9-1O, 3 2 D 9 -1 0 , 333E11-14, 3E 1 1 -1 4 , 334E3-7, 4 E 3 - 7 , 34F10-12, 3 4 F 1 0 - 12, 3 6 F 3 -7 , 38A3, 38A 3, 338E11-13, 8 E 1 1 -1 3 , 36F3-7, 339D6-7, 9 D 6 - 7 , 441C9-12, 1 C 9 - 1 2 , 443C5-9, 3 C 5 -9 , 444A6-12, 4 A 6 -1 2 , 444C11-14, 4 C 1 1 - 1 4 , 49A6-7, 4 9 A 6 -7 , 449A8-14, 9 A 8 -1 4 , 550E1-3, 0 E 1 -3 , 51F2-4, 5 1 F 2 -4 , 52C1-2, 5 2 C 1 - 2 , 53E1-3, 5 3 E 1 -3 , 54D1-2, 5 4 D 1 -2 , 554F5-7, 4 F 5 -7 , 554F8-11, 4 F 8 -1 1 , 556C6-D6, 6 C 6 -D 6 , 5 7 A 5 - 7, 57D12-E5, 5 7 D 1 2 - E 5, 57E11-12, 5 7 E 11 - 1 2 , 57A5-7, 59A13-B1, 5 9 A 1 3 -B 1 , 559F9-11, 9 F 9 -1 1 , 59G9-11, 5 9 G 9 -U , 660A6-7, 0 A 6 -7 , 660B1-3, 0 B 1 - 3 , 60C13-D1, 6 0 C 1 3 -D 1 , 660F6-7, 0 F 6 -7 , 660G5-7, 0 G 5 - 7 , 61A13-B2, 6 1 A 1 3 -B 2 , 661B6-7, 1 B 6 - 7 ,664C2, 4 C 2 , 64F5-6, 6 4 F 5 -6 , 66E8, 66E8, 666F5-6, 6 F 5 -6 , 66F12-14, 66F12-14,66G86 6 G 8 -10, 10, 667Al2-13, 7 A 1 2 -1 3 , 67C4-5, 6 7 C 4 - 5 , 67G1-2, 6 7 G 1 -2 , 6 7 G 9 ,668A2-3, 8 A 2 -3 , 668A6-7, 8 A 6 - 7 , 68A8-9, 6 8 A 8 -9 , 67G9, 668C11-13, 8 C 1 1 - 1 3 , 668E7-8, 8 E 7 -8 , 68E9-11, 6 8 E 9 - 11, 668F1, 8 F 1 ,668G8-9, 8 G 8 -9 , 770F3-4, 0 F 3 -4 , 771B3-5; 1 B 3 -5 ; IIB/14 (pp. 1,1,7-8,9, 7 - 8 , 9 ,Il), 11),19 19(pp. (pp. 6, IIB/14(pp. 57), (p. 3); 3); IIC (pp. (pp. 221, 221, 57), 23 23(p. 2 2 3 -2 8 ); 111i4G5-8; 1II/4G 5-8; V IIIA /1 F 5 -8 ; 223-28); VIIIAIIF5-8; X C /3 E 5 -88 XC/3E5R O B IN S O N , Alexander A lex an d er Charles C h arles ROBINSON, m: 8; XXC/3B3-6, C /3 B 3 -6 , m: VIIIA/17A VIIIA/17A8; 3 D 1 1 -1 4 , 3E5-8, 3 E 5 - 8 , 4A13-B2, 4 A 1 3 -B 2 , 3D11-14, 77E2-5 E 2 -5 R O B IN S O N ,Angelica A ngelica Kauffmann K au ffm an n Peale Peale ROBINSON, (M rs. Alexander) A lexander) (Mrs. See also eneral In d ex , Series XA XA See also GGeneral Index, for chronological summary for ch ro n o lo g ical su m m a ry ooff correspondence corresp o n d en ce of o f APR. APR. R eferences th a t follow fo llo w are to APR A PR References that correspondence mention corresp o n d en ce oor r m e n tio n ooff APR in series series oother than A P R in th e r th a n hher er oown. w n. C W P to: CWPto: IIA/27D2-4 1803, Mar 1803, M ar 17 17 IIA /2 7 D 2 -4 IIA/27E1-3 1803, A p r 13 13 IIA /2 7 E 1 -3 1803, Apr 11A127F7 1803, M ay 31 IIA/27F7 1803, May31 1803, Nov 1803, N o v 33 IIA/29A2
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The T he Peale Peale Family F am ily Papers Papers
IIA IIA/29E9-10 /29E 9- 10 1804, Feb20 1804, Feb 20 IIA/30E12 1804, M May 1804, ay 8 IIA/31F10-11 IIA /3 1 F 1 0 -11 1804, SSept3 1804, ept 3 IIA /3 2 A 8 -9 11A132A8-9 1804, O Oct 1804, c t 11 IIA/32D9IIA /3 2 D 9 -10 10 1804, 1804, N Nov o v 15 15 IIA/33B5-8 1805, Feb 15 15 IIA /3 3 B 5 -8 IIA /3 4 E 3 -7 1805,M May24 JIA/34E3-7 1805, ay 24 IIA/34F10-12 1805,Jun9 1805, Ju n 9 IIA /3 4 F 1 0 -12 IIA /36E 12-F 2 1805, OOct29 IIA/36E12-F2 1805, c t 29 11A138A3 IIA/38A3 1806, Feb Feb18 1806, 18 IIA /3 8 F 9 -10 IIA/38F9-10 1806,Junl7 1806,J u n 17 IIA/39D5 1806, 1806, SSept13 ept 13 IIA /4 1 C 9 -112 2 IIA/41C9A u g 22 1807, Aug IIA/43C5-9 IIA /4 3 C 5 -9 1808, JJun16 u n 16 1808, IIA/44A6-12 1808, SSept8 ept 8 IIA /4 4 A 6 -12 1808, 1808, Oct6 IIA /4 4 C 1 1 -1 4 1808, O ct 6 IIA/44C11-14 HA/44E7-11 IIA /4 4 E 7 -11 1808, O c t 16 1808, Oct16 1808, OOct27 11A144E12-F3 1808, c t 27 IIA /44E 12-F 3 1808, Nov27 IIA/45A2-3 1808, N o v 27 IIA /4 5 A 2 -3 1809, Feb Feb99 IIA/45F3-6 1809, IIA /45F 3-6 1809, ept 28 IIA/47F8-11 1809, SSept28 IIA /4 7 F 8 -11 IIA /4 8 F 3 -7 IIA/48F3-7 1810, Feb 11 11 IIA /4 9 A 6 -7 1810, Mar11 IIA/49A6-7 1810, M ar 11 1810, M Mar11 I1 IIA/49A8-14 A /4 9 A 8 -14 1810, ar 11 IIA /4 9 E 1 -4 1810, AAug26 IIA/49E1-4 1810, u g 26 1811, 1811, OOct14 c t 14 IIA/50G5-6 IIA /5 0 G 5 -6 1811, N ov 9 11A150G7 1811, Nov9 IIA/50G7 1811, DDec7 1811, ec7 IIA/50G11-13 IIA /50G 11-13 1812, 25 1812, Feb Feb25 IIA/51B5-8 IIA /5 1 B 5 -8 1812, u g 11,3 ,3 1812, AAug IIA IIA/51D12-14 /5 1 D 1 2 -1 4 1812, O ct 7 1812, Oct7 IIA/51F2-4 IIA /5 1 F 2 -4 1IA /52A 2-7 1813, Jan 3, 11A152A2-7 3 ,110 0 1813, ug 2 1813, AAug2 IIA/52C11-13 IIA /5 2 C 1 1 -13 1813,NNov12 1813, o v 12 IIA /5 2 E 7 -13 IIA/52E7-13 1813, DDec23, e c 2 3 ,224,25,27 4 , 2 5 ,2 7 1813, IIA/52F1314 IIA /5 2 F 1 3 -14 1814, A u g 28 1814, Aug28 IIA/53E1-3 IIA /5 3 E 1 -3 1814, Sept 25 1814,Sept2S IIA/53F3-6 IIA /5 3 F 3 -6 1815,Ja n 99 1815,Jan IIA/54D13IIA /5 4 D 1 3 -114 4 1815, Feb14 1815, Feb 14 IIA /5 4 F 5 -7 IIA/54F5-7 1815, Mar24 1815, M ar 24 11A155A2-7 11A/55A2-7 1815,J u l 16 1815,Ju116 IIA/55F5-8 IIA /55F 5-8 1815, A u g 16 1815, Aug16 IIA/55G8-9 IIA /5 5 G 8 -9 1815, N o v 22 1815, Nov22 IIA/56C6-D6 IIA /5 6 C 6 -D 6 1816, Mar M a r1l IIA /5 7 A 5 -7 IIA/57A5-7 1816, M ay 5 1816, MayS IHA/57C8-D2 IA /5 7 C 8 -D 2 1816, JJul ul 8 IIA/57D12ES IIA /5 7 D 1 2 -E 5 1816,Ju l 23 23 IIA /57E 11—12 1816,JuI IIA/57E1 1-12 1816, NNov 1816, o v iS 15 IIA /58E 13-F 1 IIA/58E13-F1 1817, Feb Feb28 1817, 28 IIA /5 9 A 1 3 -B HA/59A13BI1 1817,Junl6 1817,J u n 16 IIA/59F9-11 IIA /5 9 F 9 -11 1817, Sept11 1817, Sept 11 IIA/60A6-7 IIA /6 0 A 6 -7 1817, o v 24 1817, NNov24 IIA/60B1-3 IIA /6 0 B 1 -3 1818,Jan 15 15 IIA/60C13-D1 IIA /6 0 C 1 3 -D 1 1818, M Mar2 1818, ar 2 IIA /6 0 F 6 -7 11A160F6-7 1818, A p r 12 1818, Apr12 IIA /6 0 F 1 3 -14 HA/60F13-14 1818, M May 1818, ay 11 11 IIA /6 0 G 5 -7 IIA/60G5-7 1818,Ju 1818,Jull 24 IIA /6 1 A 2 -5 IIA/61A25 1818, ept 23 1818, SSept23 IIA/61A13-B2 IIA /6 1 A 1 3 -B 2 1819,Jan 88 IIA/61G4-8 1IA /61G 4-8 1819, pr 4 1819, A Apr IIA /6 2 C 1 2 -13 IIA/62G1213 1819,Ju l 19 1819,Ju119 IIA /6 2 E 6 -7 IIA/62E6-7 1819, ec 19 1819, DDec19 IIA/63B5-6 IIA /6 3 B 5 -6 1820, 22 1820, Feb Feb22 IIA /6 3 G 1 0 -12 IIA/63GbQ12 1820, Apr6 1820, A pr 6 IIA/64B5-6 IIA /6 4 B 5 -6 1820,Ju Jun25 1820, n 25 IIA/64D7 IIA /64D 7
1820,Ju15 1820, Ju l 5 1820, Jul23 1820, Ju l 23 1820, Dec17 1820, D ec 17 1821 ,J a n 14 14 1821,Jan pr 2 1821, A Apr 1821, N o v1i 1821, Nov 1821, o v 18 18 1821, N Nov
IIA/64E1-2 IIA /6 4 E 1 -2 IIA/64F7 IIA /6 5 C 1 3 -14 IIA/65C13-14 IIA /6 5 F 4 -5 EIA/65F4-5 IIA /6 6 A 2 -8 IIA/66A2-8 IIA /6 6 E 3 -4 IIA/66E3-4
IIA/66E8 IIAI66E IIA/66F5-6 1822,Janl 1822, Jan 1 IIA /6 6 F 5 -6 IIAJ66F 1822, Ja n 22 IIA/66F9 1822,Jan22 IIA/66F12-14 1822, M Mar10 1822, a rlO IIA /6 6 F 1 2 -1 4 !IA/67A9-1O 1822, ay 21 IIA /6 7 A 9 -10 1822, M May21 1822, J u n 27 IIA /6 7 C 6 -1 0 I!A/67C6-1O 1822,Jun27 !IA/67G10 1822,NNov30 1822, o v 30 IIA/67G10 1823, Jan 11 IIA /6 8 A 6 -7 HA/68A6-7 11A168B14 1823, IIA /68B14 1823, Feb Feb99 1823, ar 10 IIA /6 8 D 1 -2 IIA/68D1-2 1823, M Mar10 1823, M May6 1823, ay 6 IIA/68E12 HA/68E12 1824, A p r 25 I1A/70E6 1824, Apr25 11A170E6 1824, Nov19 1824, N o v 19 IIA /71C 9 IIA/71C9 1824, D ec 7 IIA/71C11 1824, Dec7 IIAI71C11 1824, 1824, D Dec28 ec 28 IIA/71D1 IIAI7ID1 1826, M ar 2 1826, Mar2 IIA/72A6 1826, Ju l 18 18 IIIA/72C13-14 IA /7 2 C 1 3 -14 1826,Jul 1826,JuI 1826, Ju l 18 18 IIA IIA/72D1-2 /7 2 D 1 -2 1826, A ug 5 IIA /72D 9 1826, AugS 11A172D9 1827, Feb 88 IIA/73A2-4 IIA /7 3 A 2 -4 RuPto: R u P to: 1813, N o v1i V IIA /2 C 1 2 -13 13 1813, Nov VIIA/2C121813, NNov6 1813, ov 6 V IIA /2 D 1 -2 VIIA/2D1-2 m : IIA /1 7 G 4 -10, 18E11-F2, 1 8 E 1 1 -F 2 ,25F12, 25F12, m: IIA/17G4-10, 2 7 E 4 -7 , 30A6, 30A 6, 30E11, 30E 11, 30E13-14, 3 0 E 1 3 -1 4 , 27E4-7, 3 0 F 3 ,330F130 F 1 3 -114, 4 , 31A103 1 A 1 0 -1 1, 30F3, 11, 31Al2-13, 3 1 A 1 2 -1 3 (31F12-14, 3 1 F 1 2 - 14, 32A10, 32A 10, 3 2 F 1 -2 , 32G8-11, 3 2 G 8 - 11, 33A2-6, 3 3 A 2 -6 , 32F1-2, 3 3 C 1 1 - 114, 4 , 333E113 E 1 1 - 114, 4 , 334C8-11, 4 C 8 - 11, 33C1134G 8, 336F3-7, 6 F 3 -7 , 38E113 8 E 1 1 -13, 13, 38F11, 38F11, 34G8, 39D3, 3 9 D 3 ,339D6-7, 9 D 6 - 7 , 441C1-4, 1 C 1 -4 , 4 3 D 2 - 11, 4 3 F 1 -5 , 4 3 F 1 0 -1 1 , 43D2-11,43F1-5,43F10-11, 4 4 A 1 3 -14, 444B14 B 1 -C 2 , 46D74 6 D 7 -12, 12, 44A13C2, 447A10-B1, 7 A 1 0 -B 1 , 447F1-7, 7 F 1 -7 , 47G2-3, 4 7 G 2 -3 , 47G6-12, 4 7 G 6 -1 2 , 48A2-7, 4 8 A 2 - 7 , 48A8-B1O, 4 8 A 8 -B 1 0 , 50C10-11,50E1-3,51B2, 5 0 C 1 0 - 11, 5 0 E 1 -3 , 51B2, 5 1 B 3 -4 , 51D5-11, 5 1 D 5 - 1 1 , 51E1-2, 5 1 E 1 -2 , 51B3-4, 54F8-11, 5 4 F 8 -1 1 , 554G1-2, 4 G 1 - 2 , 55D5-10, 5 5 D 5 -1 0 , 5 5 G 6 -7 , S8B6, 8 E 1 3 -F 1 , 55G6-7, 58B6,S5813-F1, 5 9 F 9 -1 1 , 59G8, 59G 8, 60A9, 60A 9, 660B1-3, 0 B 1 -3 , 59F9-11, 660C13-D1, 0 C 1 3 - D 1 ,660F4-5, 0 F 4 - S , 660G2-4, 0 G 2 -4 , 660G5-7, 0 G S - 7 ,661A2-5, 1 A 2 - S , 61B3-4, 6 1 B 3 -4 , 661F9-G3, 1 F 9 -G 3 , 661Gb-h, 1 G 1 0 -1 1 , 62A7-8, 6 2 A 7 -8 , 663B123 B 1 2 - 114, 4 ,663C1-7, 3 C 1 - 7 ,663F4-6, 3 F 4 -6 , 6 4C 2, 6 4 E 1 2 - 13, 6 4 F 5 -6 , 64C2,64E12-13,64F5-6, 64F11 - 1 2 , 65B3-C6, 6 5 B 3 - C 6 ,66A11, 6 6 A 1 1, 64F11-12, 667Al27 A 1 2 -13, 13, 67C46 7 C 4 -5, 5, 67G9, 67G 9, 668A8-9, 8 A 8 - 9 , 68F1, 68F1, 770B10-11, 0 B 1 0 -1 1 , 770F3-4,70F7-9, 0 F 3 -4 ,'7 0 F 7 -9 , 71Gb, 7 1 C 1 0 ,71G14; 71C14; IIB/12 (pp. 1,3-5, 1, 3 - 5 ,10, 10,12, 12,13), 13), 14 14 IIB/12(pp. (pp. - 8 , 9, 11-12), 1 1 - 1 2 ),19 19(pp. (pp. 6, 6, (pp. 11,, 77-8,9, 57); (p . 228); 228); IVA/3A7IV A /3 A 7 -10; 57); IIC IIC (p. 10; V I A /6 D 1 - 4 ,115D2-7, 5 D 2 - 7 , 15E2-S, 1 5 E 2 -5 , VIA/6D1-4, 1 5 E 6 -113; 3; V IIA /2 C 1 4 , 3B83 B 8 - 111, 1, 15E6VIIA/2G14, 77B13B 1 3 - CCl; 1 ; (Add.)/1A9(A d d .)/1 A 9 - 12; 12; V IIIA /1 7 A 8 ; X C /1 B 8 , 11B9-11, B 9 -1 1 , VIHAI17A8;XC/1B8, 22B9B 9 - 112, 2 , 33B3-6, B 3 - 6 , 33C5-8, C 5 -8 , 33D11D 1 1 - 114, 4 , 33E1-4, E 1 - 4 , 33E5-8, E 5 -8 , 44A13-B2, A 1 3 -B 2 , 44B3-4, B 3 - 4 , 5B8-11, 5 B 8 -1 1 , 77GbC 1 0 -13, 13, 7E27 E 2 - 55
2257 57
The Peale The Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers
ROBINSON, R O B IN S O N , Angdica(1799-1829). A ngelica (1799 -1 8 2 9 ). See T h o m p s o n , Angelica Angelica Robinson. R o b in so n . Thompson, R O B IN S O N , Charles C harles ROBINSON, m: IA /1 5 E 6 -13; C / 4 C 7 -14, 14, m: V VIA/15E613; XXC/4C744F10F 1 0 -113; 3 ; XXIC/1B8-G3 IC /1 B 8 -G 3 R O B IN S O N , Henry H enry ROBINSON, H en ry Robinson R obinson vs. Ja m es Henry James M osher, RuP, el at. al. See S e e Peale’s Mosher, Rug et Peale's Museum, M u seu m , Baltimore. B altim o re. Court C o u r t Case. C ase. C W P to: CWP 1826, May24 1826, M ay 24 IIA /7 2 B 9 -10 11A172B910 R uP to: to: RuP 1833, Mar20 1833, M ar 20 X IB /2 C 1 0 -112 2 XIB/2C10X IB /2 D 5 -66 1833, Ju Junn 4 XIB/2D51833, Jul 9 X IB /2D 7 1833,Ju19 XIB/2D7 1834, May9 XIB/2E8-.9 1834, M ay 9 X IB /2 E 8 -9 1837, A p r 16 X IB /3 A 1 11-12 -1 2 1837, Apr16 XIB/3A1 1843, Apr15 XIC/1B8-G3 1843, A p r 15 X IC /1 B 8 -G 3 m IA /3 E 4 -6 , 55B8-12, B 8 - 1 2 , 66E3-6, E 3 -6 , m:: VVIAJ3E4-6, 77G8-11, G 8 - 11, 8D6; 8D 6; V IIA /4 A 1 4 - B 1 , VIIA/4A14-B1, 4B2-3, 4 B 2 - 3 ,44B4-5, B 4 - 5 , 4B6, 4B 6, 4B14-C3, 4 B 1 4 -C 3 , 4 C 8 - 9 , 5D5-6, 5 D 5 - 6 , 5D14-E3, 5 D 1 4 -E 3 , 4C8-9, 5E4-11, 5 E 4 -1 1 , 5E14-F5, 5 E 1 4 -F 5 , 5G1-6, 5 G 1 -6 , 5G8-9, 5 G 8 -9 , 6A2-5, 6 A 2 - 5 , 6B2-3, 6 B 2 - 3 , 6D9-13, 6 D 9 -1 3 , 7C10-12, 7 C 1 0 -1 2 , 88A13-B2, A 1 3 - B 2 , 8B13-C2, 8 B 1 3 -C 2 , 8C 10, 88C11-D2, C 1 1 - D 2 , 88D3-9, D 3 -9 , 8C10, 8 D 1 1 - 112, 2 ,88E3-4, E 3 - 4 , 88E5-8, E 5 -8 , 8D1111C8-11;XIBI2C8-9, 11C8—11; X IB /2 C 8 -9 , 22C10-12, C 1 0 -1 2 , 2C 13, 22C14-D2, C 1 4 - D 2 , 22D3-4, D 3 -4 , 2C13, 33B1-5C8; B 1 -5 C 8 ; X IC /1 B 8 -G 3 XIC/1B8-G3 R O B IN S O N , J. ROBINSON, C W P to: CWP 1824, Ju Jull 22 IIA/70G1 ROBINSON, R O B IN S O N , Peter P eter C W P to: CWPto: 1811,Jan23 11A149G11-12 1811, Jan 23 IIA /49G 11-12 1818,Nov27 IIA/61C14 1818, N o v 27 IIA /61C 14 m: /54D 3-8 m: IIA IIA/54D3-8 ROCHAMBEAU, R O C H A M B E A U , Jean Je an Baptiste B aptiste Donatien Comte D onatien de Vimeur, V im eur, C o m te de m /1 1 C 9 -10; IID /29 (p. 12); 12); m:: IIA IIA/11C9-1O; IID/29(p. V IA /4 D 6 -1 0 , 114D12-14; 4 D 1 2 - 14; VIAI4D6-1O, X I A /2 C 1 0 - E 1 ,17C13 17C13 XIAJ2CIO-E1, ROCHE, R O C H E , (Mr.) (Mr.) m:XXC/IDI-4, m: C / 1 D 1 - 4 ,11D9-12, D 9 - 1 2 ,1 IEII-14, E 1 1 -1 4 , 1F3-6, 1IFI-2, F 1 - 2 ,1 F 3 - 6 , 1G2-5, 1 G 2 - 5 ,11G6-7 G 6 -7 R O C K C L IF F , (Mr.) (M r.) ROCKCLIFF, m: 111D6-8, m: I/1 D 6 -8 , 2 2C1-2, C 1 - 2 , 22C3-4, C 3 - 4 , 22C7-9 C 7 -9 R O C K E Y , A. B. B. ROCKEY, m: X IA /1 4 A 7 -F 7 , (Add.)/7 (A dd.)/7 (pp. (pp. 250, 250, m: XIA/14A7-F7, 22525 2 - 53) 53) R O C K H IL L , T h o m a s C. C. ROCKHILL, Thomas andJPjr, Deed to TThomas an d JP jr, D eed to h o m a s B. B. PPritchett: ritchett: 1849,Jun 11114B14-C3 1849, J u n I1 III/4 B 1 4 -C 3 andJPjr, an d JP jr, Deed D eed to to Charles C h a rles Barrington: B arrington: 1849, III/4C10-D1 1849, JJun18 u n 18 III/4 C 1 0 -D 1 a n d JP jr, Deed D eed to to Joseph Jo s e p h M. M . Bennett: B ennett: andJPjr, 1849, JJun18 u n 18 III/4 D 2 -8 1849, 11114D2-8 andd JP JPjr, Deed to Ja James Dundas: an jr, D eed to m es D undas: 1849, Sept 28 III/4 D 9 -E 4 Ill/4D9-E4 1849, Sept28 m: 11114C4-9 III/4 C 4 -9 RODGERS, R O D G E R S , (Commodore) (C o m m o d o re ) John Jo h n CWP C W P to: IIA/61G12 14 IIA/61G12 1819, Jan 14 11A164G9 1820, SSept27 ept 27 IIA/64G9 1820,
m: /6 1 E 6 -8 , 661E91 E 9 - 10, m: IIA IIA/61E6-8, 10,61E12-13, 6112-13, 61F 1-2, 661F9-G3, 1 F 9 -G 3 , 61G 4-8, 61F1-2, 61G4-8, 61G9, (pp. 36 36et 61G 9, 662A132 A 1 3 -14; 14; IIB/23 IIB/23 (pp. et seq.); seq.); IIC (p. (p. 424); 424);XLk/17C7 XIA/17C7 RODNEY, R O D N E Y , Caesar Caesar A. G irard: to Stephen Girard: 1818,Jul 1818, Ju l 19 19 X IA /5 G 6 -8 XIAI5G6-8
m: VIA/9A14 VIAJ9A14 m.
RODNEY, R O D N E Y , Thomas T hom as to C W P: toCWP: 1806
IIA/39G310 IIA /3 9 G 3 -10
R O D R IG U E , (M.) (M .) RODRIGUE, C W P to: CWPto: 1799, Ju n 15 15 IIA /2 2 D 1 3 -1 4 IIA/22D13-14 1799,Jun m : IIA /2 2 D 1 1 -1 2 , 222E3-7 2 E 3 -7 m: IIA/22D11-12, ROEDING, R O E D IN G , Peter P eter Frederick F rederick Notes N o te s taken from fro m Catalogue C a ta lo g u e of: of: XIA (Add.)/1F12-G4 nn.d. .d . X IA (A d d .)/1 F 1 2 -G 4 ROGERS, R O G E R S , (Dr.) (Dr.) C W P to: CWP 1805, n 18 1805,Ju Jun18 1808, Feb 11 1808, ROGERS, R O G E R S , (Mr.) (Mr.)
IIA/34G7 IIA /4 2 C 7 - 8 11A142C7-8
m. IIB(2 IIB/2 (p. 4) 4) m:
ROGERS, Henry ROG ERS, H e n ry Darwin D a rw in eta!, etal. to Mahion M ah lo n Dickerson: D ick erso n : 1836, ept 16 V IIIA /4 D 9 -1 1 VIIIA/4D9-11 1836, SSept16 R O G E R S , Jo hn ROGERS, John m : IIB/2 4), 88 (p. (p. 10) 10) m: IIB/2 (p. (p.4), ROGERS, R O G E R S , Moses M oses C W P to u fu s K in g , Anthony A n th o n y CWP to R Rufus King, Bleecker and: 1806, M ar 13 13 1806, Mar M ar 13 13 1806, Mar
ROGERS, R O G E R S , Nicholas N icholas m. 11816 IIB/6 (p. m: (p. 3) ROGERS, R O G E R S , R. E. s/R eport: s/Report: 1837, ay 6 1837, M May6
11A138B5 IIA/38B5
IIA /3 8 B 6 -7 IIA/38B6-7
IXB/9C1-11 IX B /9 C 1 -1 1 IXB/9E10May 1838, M ay 88 IX B /9 E 1 0 -112 2 1840,Jan IXB/10B5-6 1840, Ja n 19 19 IX B /1 0 B 5 -6 ROLLER, R O L L E R , Peter P eter R eP to: to: ReP VIA/10G13 1851, A pr 5 V IA/10G 13 1851, AprS R O M A Y N E , (Dr.) (Dr.) ROMAYNE, C W P to: to: CWP 1792, Ju Junn 13 13 IIA/17D2 m:: IIB/13 (p. 8); 8); IIC IIC (p. 188) m IIB/13 (p. 188) ROOSEVELT, John Jay R O O SE V E L T , Jo h n Jay m IIIA /1 7 B 4 -C 5 m:: VVIIIA/17B4-05 R O S A , Salvator S alvator ROSA, m : IIA/4D7-12 I IA /4 D 7 - 12 m: R O S E N C R A N T Z , (General) (G eneral) ROSENCRANTZ, [Rosecrans, [R osecrans, William W illiam S. ?] m: IIA /1 1 G 3 -6 m: VVIIA/11G3-6 R O S E N 0 R N , (Counsellor) (C o u n sello r) ROSENORN, m: IC /1 B 8 -G 3 m: XXIC/1B8-G3 ROSS, R O S S , Henrietta H en rietta Bordley B o rd ley C W P to: CWPto: IIA/71C3 1824, O c t 26 IIA /71C 3 1824, Oct26 ROSS, R O S S , James Jam es C W P to: to: CWP 11A139E2 1806, Oct 1806, O c t 14 14 IIA/39E2 ROSS, Thomas R O SS, T h o m a s Bordley B o rd ley Elizabeth Bordley Gibson E lizabeth B o rd ley G ib so n to: IIA(Add.)/4C4-6 1828, A pr 9 IIA (A d d .)/4 C 4 -6 1828, Apr9
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R ROSS, O S S , (Dr.) CP C P to: to: I/2D8-9 1747, D ec 12 I/2 D 8 -9 1747, Dec12 1747, Ju l 9 I/2D11 1747,Ju19 nt: 112A4-6, I/2 A 4 -6 , 22D3-4 D 3 -4 m: R O S S , (Mr.) (M r.) ROSS, nt: IIB/2 (p. 15) 15) m: R O U E N , Mint M in t of of ROUEN, IXA/3D9-E4, nt: IX A /3 D 9 - E 4 ,3E83 E 8 -12, 1 2 ,44B13-C4, B 1 3 -C 4 , m: 44D5D 5 - 110 0 R O U M E , (M.) (M .) ROUME, C W P to: CWP IIA/26C91802, Ju 17 IIA /2 6 C 9 - 10 10 Jull 17 IIA/29C6-8 1803, 1803, DDec25 e c 25 IIA /2 9 C 6 -8 nt: IIA/17F12, 5 C 7 - D 6 , 26B92 6 B 9 -13, 13, IIA/17F12,225C7-D6, m: 26C11,27E11-14, 26C 11, 2 7 F 1 1 - 14, 29C3-4; 2 9 C 3 -4 ; V IA /1 C 1 -3 VIA/1C1-3 R O W S B Y , John John ROWSBY, CP C P to: to: I/1E14-F1 1746 I/1E 14-F 1 R O U S S E A U , Jean-Jacques Jean-Jacques ROUSSEAU, IIC (p. 12) nt: IIC 12) R OY, R ajah RRammohun am m ohun ROY, Rajah to ReP: 1833, Aug17 A u g 17VIA!SA11-13 V IA /8 A 1 1 -1 3 1833, ROYAL, R O Y A L , (Mr.) (M r.) CWP C W P to: to: 1821, N ov 7 1821, Nov7 IIA/66E7 ROYAL, R O Y A L , (Mrs.) (M rs.) m: IIA/66E7 m: ROYAL Academy Arts, London ROY AL A cadem y oof fA rts, L ondon m: IIA!2F9-G1, IIA /2 F 9 -G 1, 223F6-7, 3 F 6 - 7, 49E7-9; 4 9 E 7 -9 ; m: VIA/1 VIA/1C8, C 8, 66D9D 9 - 12, 12, 66D13-E2, D 1 3 -E 2 , 10F 7-9; VIIIA/16D9V I IIA /1 6 D 9 -12 10F7-9; 12 ROYAL RO Y A L E Ethnological th n o lo g ical M Museum, u se u m , Leyden, L eyden, Holland H olland nt: IXA/21A5-9, IX A /2 1 A 5 -9 , 21B92 1 B 9 - 110 0 m: ROYAL Hawaiian Agricultural R OYAL H aw aiian A g ric u ltu ra l Society Society m: IXA/14D10-11 IX A /1 4 D 1 0 -11 tn: ROYAL Mint, London RO Y A L M in t, L ondon m : IXA/3B7-9, IX A /3 B 7 -9 , 33C6-D2, C 6 - D 2 , 6C1-4 6 C 1 -4 m: ROYAL Netherlands Archaeological R OYAL N eth erlan d s A rchaeological Museum M u seu m m : IXA/21B9-10 IX A /2 1 B 9 -10 m: R O Y A L Society f NNorthern o r th e rn A ntiquaries, ROYAL Societyoof Antiquaries, C o p en h ag en Copenhagen to Caroline C aroline E. G. G . Peale: Peale: 1874, Apr4 1874, A p r4 IX A /21C 12 IXA/21C12 nt: IX A /2 1 A 5 -9 m: IXA/21A5-9 ROYAL R O Y A L Swedish S w edish Academy A cad e m y of o fSciences, Sciences, S tockholm Stockholm C W P to: CWP 1791, M May 1791, ay 11 11 IIA/16E9 IIA/16E9 nt: IXA/21A5-9 IX A /2 1 A 5 -9 m: R ROYDEN, O Y D E N .JJohn ohn to BFP: toBFP: 1851, DDec3 1851, ec 3 IX A /12F4 IXAI12F4 RUBENS, R U B E N S , Peter P eter Paul Paul m: nt: IIA/41G13, IIA/41G13, 444A6-12, 4 A 6 -1 2 , 444E12-F3; 4 E 1 2 -F 3 ; VIA/2A1013, 77G6-7; V IA /2 A 1 0 -13, G 6 -7 ; VIB/13E5-6 V IB /1 3 E 5 -6 RUDER, R U D E R , Jeremiah Jerem iah C CWP W P to: 1804,Jun24 1804, J u n 24 IIA /3 1 B 1 -2 IIAI31B1-2 m:: IIA/31A8-9, m IIA /31A 8-9, 331B3-6, 1 B 3 - 6 , 331B7-10, 1 B 7 -1 0 , 31C1-2, 3 1 C 1 - 2 ,331C3-4, 1 C 3 - 4 , 31E4-5 3 1 E 4 -5
R U M F O R D , Count, C o u n t, Benjamin B e n ja m in RUMFORD, T hom pson Thompson G eneral J o h n Armstrong: A rm stro n g : to GeneralJohn
VIA/IGII-13 1808, Ju l 28 V IA /1 G 1 1 -1 3 18O8,Ju128 to C W P: to CWP: 1810, Jan 26 IIA /4 8 D 1 1 -1 3 1810,Jan26 IIA/48D11-13 CWP C W P to: IIA/45D71809, Jan 20 IIA /4 5 D 7 -110 0 1809, Jan20 nt: IIA/24A2-7, IIA /2 4 A 2 -7 , 224A8-13, 4 A 8 - 1 3 , 28G3, 28G 3, m: 3 8 A 1 3 - 14, 338B1-2, 8 B 1 - 2 , 44C11-14, 4 4 C 1 1 -1 4 , 38A13-14, 444E7-11, 4 E 7 -1 1 , 44G7-1O, 4 4 G 7 - 1 0 , 445F7-G12, 5 F 7 -G 1 2 , 446C3-6, 6 C 3 - 6 , 46F1-6; 4 6 F 1 -6 ;IID/30 IID /30 (p. (p. 51); 51); VIAI1G11- 13; XIA/17D1 VIA/1G11-13; R U M S E Y , Benjamin B en jam in RUMSEY, Jo Joseph sep h Gilkin G ilk in to: 1776, 24 IV A /1F10-11 1776, Feb Feb24 IVA/1F1O-il R U M SSEY, E Y , Jam es RUM James m 9) m:: HB/8 IIB!8 (pp. (pp. 8, 8,9) RUSCHENBERGER, R U S C H E N B E R G E R , (Dr.) (D r.) William W illiam S am uel Waithman W aithm an Samuel TRP T R P to: to: 1835, pr 7 VIIIA/3F11 1835, AApr7 1854, Feb Feb20 VIIIAI13C9 1854, 20 V IIIA /13C 9 nt: V IIIA /6 D 3 -4 m: VIIIA/6D3-4 A Voyage Voyage Round R o u n d the the World: World:
V IIIA /1 1 B 1 3 -C 1 VIIIAI11B13-C1 RUSH, R U S H , (Dr.) (Dr.) Benjamin B e n ja m in B ill to W P: Bill to C CWP: 1783, c t 14 14 IIA/12D1 1783, O Oct s/Petition to CCommissioners s/P etition to o m m issio n e rs ooff Philadelphia: P hiladelphia: IIA!25D7-9 M ar S8 IIA /2 5 D 7 -9 1802, Mar CWPto: C W P to: D ec 13 13 IIA/11F5-6 1782, Dec 1786, Ju l 31 IIA/14D1 IIA/14D1 Jul31 m IIA /2 2 E 3 -7 , 24G11-12, 2 4 G 1 1 -1 2 , 28B5, 28B5, m:: IIA/22E3-7, 228C7-8, 8 C 7 - 8 , 48A8-B1O, 48A8-B10, 660E4-7, 0 E 4 -7 , 668D9-11; 8 D 9 -1 1 ; IIB/2 IIB/2 (p. 17), 17), 17 (fro nt (front cover); TIC IIC (p. 212); 212); 11114E8-9; III/4 E 8 -9 ;
XIA/17C6 R U S H , Jacob RUSH, CWP C W P to: 1787, Jan 11 IIA /1 4 G 4 -5 IIA/14G4-5 m : IIA/51F5IIA /5 1 F 5 -12, 1 F 1 3 -G 6 ; IIC IIC m: 12, 551F13-G6; (p. 10) (p. 10) R U S H , James Jam es RUSH, JP JP to: III/2E 14-F 1 III/2E14-F1 nn.d., .d ., M ay 4 May4 III/2 F 2 -3 11112F2-3 nn.d., .d ., Sept Sept 5 JP JPjr jr to: 1833, N ov 7 1833, Nov7 11114A10-11 III/4A 10—11 n.d. n .d . III/4E8— III/4E8-99 11114E10-11 nn.d. .d . III/4 E 1 0 -11 M Museum u seu m ticket tick et for: 1812, Mar24 M a r 24 VIIA/2B6-7 V IIA /2 B 6 -7 1812, m; m: 11114G5-8 III/4G5—8 R U S H , Julia Stockton S to ck to n (Mrs. (M rs. Benjamin) B enjam in) RUSH,Julia m: nt: IIB/2 (pp. 35, 35,37), 37), 17 17 (front (fro n t cover) cover) R U S H , Mary M a ry (Polly) (Polly) Wrench W rench (M rs. Jacob) RUSH, (Mrs.Jacob) tn: m: IIA/14G4-5, IIA/14G4-5, 51F55 1 F 5 -12, 12, 551F13-G6, 1 F 1 3 -G 6 , IIB/5 IIB/5 (p. 25); 25); IIC IIC (pp. 96, 96, 100) 100) R U S H , Richard R ichard RUSH, slApplication forr Charter: s/A pplication fo C h a rte r: The T h e PAFA: PAFA: IIA/37C11-D6 1805, Dec26 D ec 26 IIA /3 7 C 1 1 -D 6 1805, nt: V IIIA /1 0 B 3 -4 , 110B5-6 0 B 5 -6 m: VIIIA/10B3-4,
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RUSH, R U S H , William W illiam s/C onstitution and ye-L aw s of o f the s/Constitution and B Bye-Laws Columbianum: C olum bianum : llA/18C1-E1 1794 IIA /1 8 C 1 -E 1 s/“ An A ssociation ooff A rtists in s/"An Association Artists A m erica” : America": 1794, DDec29 1794, ec 29 IIA /19D 12-EEl1 IIA/19D12s/Constitution the C Columbianum: s/C onstitution of o f the o lu m b ian u m : 1795, Feb Feb17 17 IIE /3 7 -FF6 6 IIE/37s/for the CColumbianum toJoshua s/for the o lu m b ia n u m to Joshua H um phreys: Humphreys: 1795, Mar4 IIAII9EII-12 1795, M a r4 IIA /1 9 E U -1 2 s/Draft s/D raft of o f the address to the the Columbianum: C olum bianum : 1795, Mar28 IIA/19F2 1795, M ar 28 I1A/19F2 s/Constitution the C Columbianurn: s/C onstitution of o f the o lu m b ian u m : 1795, A p r 19 IIA /19F 3-20A 10 IIA/19F3-20A10 1795, Apr19 s/A pplication for h a rter: The T h e PAFA: PAFA: s/Application for CCharter: 1805, D ec 26 IIA /3 7 C 1 1 -D 6 1805, Dec26 1IA/37C11-D6 s/R cport to o u n c il on s/Report to Select Select CCouncil on w atering of o f windmills: w indm ills: watering IIA/54D91815,Jan 1815, Jan 55 IIA /5 4 D 9 -112 2 s/D raft to essrs. C h a u d ro n & Co.: C o .: s/Draft to M Messrs. Chaudron VIA/2D8-9 1811,Jun25 1811, Ju n 25 V IA /2 D 8 -9 s/Report on prize medals: s/R eport to the th e PAFA PAFA on m edals: 1811 V IA /2 D 1 4 -E 4 1811 VIA/2D14-E4 s/Communication the C Council s/C om m unication fron'i fro m the ouncil ooff Academicians: VIA/2E101813,Jan 1813, Jan 13 13 V IA /2 E 1 0 -112 2 ,n: IIA/24E12-F1, m : 1IA /24E12-F1, 338F1-2, 8 F 1 -2 , 5SICI-4; 1 C 1 -4 ; 11B15 (p.16); 16);IIC IIC (p. (p. 373); 373); IID/30 IIB/5 (p. (p. 48); VVIA/2D5-6, (p. 48); IA /2 D 5 -6 , 2E5, 2E 5, 22E6-7, E 6 -7 , 4C 7, 12A7; 12A7; VIB/19F11-20B14; V IB /19F 11-2 0 B 1 4 ; 4C7, V IIA /2A 4- 5; 5; XIAI17C13 XIA/17C13 VIIA/2A4RUSSEL, Andrew R U SSEL, A ndrew m: IIA /1 1 E 1 -2 , 9G6-9 9 G 6 -9 m: VVIIA/IIEI-2, RUSSELL, R U S S E L L , (Miss) (Miss) m: 3 C 4 -9 ,4 G 5 -6 ti: IIA LIAI3C4-9,4G5-6 RUSSELL, R U S S E L L , (Mr.) (Mr.) SMP, Receipt R eceipt to: iII/SBI 1839, M ay 7 III/5B1 1839, May7 R U S S E L L , Ann A nn Lee Lee (M rs. Jam es) RUSSELL, (Mrs.James) m: /3C 4—9; IIC (p. 35) 35) m: IIA IIA/3C4-9; RUSSELL, Ann Thomas RUSSELL, A nn T h o m a s (Mrs. (M rs, Thomas) T hom as) 11A113A2-3 m: ti: IIA/13A2-3 RUSSELL, R U SSE L L , Thomas T hom as CWP C W P to: to: 11A113A2-3 1784, n 20 IIA /13A 2-3 1784, Ju Jun20 m: V1112B8 VII/2B8 R U T L E D G E , Jo h n RUTLEDGE,John m : IIA /13C 1-4; IIB/2 41) in: IIA/13C1-4; IIB/2 (p. (p.4l)
lO(p.9) 10 (p .9) SAGESSAGA SA G E SSA G A (Osage (O sage chief) chief) m: IIA 11A137G2-3, 37G4-5 m: 37G 2-3, 37G 4-5 ST. L A IR , (General) rth u r ST. C CLAIR, (General) A Arthur CWP C W P to: 1780, Jul Jul23 23 IIA /10C 12- 13 13 IIA/10C121780, Aug29 1780, A ug 29 IIA /1 0 D 1 3 -14 14 IIA/10D13ti: 11D129(pp. m: IID/29 (pp. 1155 - 16);XIA/2C10-E1, 16);XIAI2C1O-E1, 17C3 SAINT-MEMIN, S A IN T -M E M IN , Charles, C h arles, Balthazar B althazar Julien Feuret Julien F euret de m:: IIA/72A3; IIA/72A3;(A (Add.) /3E3-6 m d d .)/3 E 3 -6 ST. ST. PPETER'S E T E R ’S Church C h u rch PPew ew rental record: 1795
IIA/20B6 IIA(20136
Burial record of o f child: 1798, N ov 4 V/1A11 1798, Nov4 V/IAII B aptism al records of o f three th ree children: children: Baptismal 1803, Ju l 29 V /1 B 1 -2 1803,Ju129 V/IBI-2 B urial record lizabeth D eP eyster Buriai record ooff EEhzabeth DePeyster Peale: 1804,Feb 21
IJE/3F7-8 IIE /3 F 7 -8 Burial record of Burial o f CWP: C W P: 1827, 24 IIA /7 3 B 4 -5 1827, Feb Feb24 IIA/73B4-5 ST. P IE R R E , (M.) (M .) ST. PIERRE, m: XIA-17D1 rn: S A L IC E U X , PedroJ. P e d ro J. SALICEUX, to JP jr: toJPjr: 11114E5 III/4E5 1868, Dec12 D ec 12 1868, SALLY, (Miss) SALLY, (Miss) [servant] m: IIA /5 E 4 -5; IIB/5 IIB/5 (pp. 7 -2 8 ) ti: IIA(5E4-5; (pp. 227-28) SSAMOUELLE, A M O U E L L E , George. G eo rg e. The The Entomologist's Entomologist's Useful U seful Compendium C om pendium m: V IIIA /2 5 B 7 -E rn: VII1A/25B7E22
SANDERSON,J. S A N D E R S O N , J. M. M. sJ1cport: s/R cport: 1840, SSept9 ept 9 1840,
IX B /1 0 D 1 2 - 14 IXB/10D12-14
S A N D E R S O N , Jam es SANDERSON,Jarncs m: V IA /7 G 8 -11 11 ti: VIA/7G8-
SANDERSONJoseph S A N D E R S O N , Jo sep h RuPto: R uP to: 1861, V IIA /1 1 C 8 -11 1861, Feb27 Feb 27VIIA/11C8-11 SANITARY Commission SA N IT A R Y C o m m issio n m: V VIIIA/14B5-6 m: IIIA /1 4 B 5 -6 SANITARY S A N IT A R Y Fair Fair m IIIA /1 4 B 5 -6 m:: V VII1A/14B5-6 SSANSOM, A N S O M , William W illiam D eed to RaP: RaP: Deed VIIBS-12 1804, A u g 16 V /1 B 5 -1 2 1804, Aug16 m:: IIA/34F1 IIA/34F1-5; 38E14, IIC m —5; 38E 14, 441B2-4; 1 B 2 -4 ; IIC / 1 C 5 - 12; VIAI2A6-9; V IA /2 A 6 -9 ; (p. 357); 357); VV/ICS-12;
sS S ACKERS, O ste n SACKERS, Osten M rs. Lucy Lucy MacMullen M a cM u llen Peale: Peale: to Mrs. VI1IA/17G3-4 nn.d. .d . V IIIA /1 7 G 3 -4 SSADLER, A D L E R , Samuel Sam uel m IIA /16B 5-6; IIB/9 in:: 11AI16B5-6; IIB/9 (pp. 33, 62, 76),
Henry SSARGENT, ARGENT, H en ry rn: IIA.-59G911,660A4-5 m : IIA -5 9 G 9 - 11, 0A 4- 5 C hrist Riding R iding an an Ass, A s s , by: by:11A168F7, IIA/68F7, Christ 68G8-9, 6 8 G 8 -9 , 69A2-4 6 9 A 2 -4 S A R O N Y Lithographers L ith o g rap h ers SARONY m: VIA/14B7 SARTAIN,John S A R T A IN , Jo h n s/Announcement s/A n n o u n cem en t of o fthe th e PAFA PAFA exhibition: IXA/18A6 1865,Jan 1865, Jan 23 23 IX A /18A 6 s/Contract s/C o n tract with w ith Charles C h arles F. F. Haseltine: H aseltine: IXA/18E8-9 1.868,MMay29 1868, ay 29 IX A /1 8 E 8 -9 ReP to: VIA/9D2 1840, A ug 28 V IA /9D 2 1840, Aug28
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The The Peale Peale Family F am ily Papers Papers
TRP T R P to: VIIIA/16D5-6 1876, Nov 1876, N o v 13 13 V IIIA /1 6 D 5 -6 VIIIAII6D9-12 1877, Mar22 1877, M a r 22 V IIIA /1 6 D 9 -1 2 m: m : VIA/11G3-4; V IA /1 1 G 3 -4 ; VIIIA/16D7; V IIIA /16D 7; IX A /1 4 F 1 -2 , 115C3-4, 5 C 3 - 4 , 15F9-10, 1 5 F 9-10, IXA/14F1-2, 15G5-7, 1 5 G 5 -7 , 16B101 6 B 1 0 - 13, 13, 16F7-9, 1 6 F 7 -9 , 1 8 F 2 -3 18F2-3 SSAUNDERS, A U N D E R S , Priscilla P riscilla Deposition: D eposition: IIA/IBII-12 1762, ept 26 IIA /1B 11 - 1 2 1762, SSept26 SAVAGE, d w ard SAVAGE, EEdward CWP C W P to: to: 1804,Jul 1804, Ju l 29 IIA/31E2 m:: IIA IIA/31D12-13, m /3 1 D 1 2 -1 3 , 337C1-2, 7 C 1 - 2 , 37G6; 37G6; VIB/19F1 V IB /1 9 F 1 11-20B14 -2 0 B 1 4 SAVIL, G George eorge IIA/17C4, mn: : IIA /17C 4, 117C97 C 9 - 110, 0 , 117E4-7, 7 E 4 -7 , 1 8 B 7 -8 , 220B1-3, 0 B 1 - 3 , 20D1-3, 2 0 D 1 -3 , 18B7-8, 220F1-2, 0 F 1 -2 , 21F14, 21F14, 221G4-5, 1 G 4 -5 , 223F11-12 3 F 1 1 - 12 SAVIL, Mrs. SAVIL, M rs. George G eorge m : IIA/21F14, 1 G 4 - 5 , 23F11—12 m: IIA/21F14,221G4-5, 23F11-12 SAWYER. Samuel SA W YER, S am uel to RuP: 1838, VIIA/9D10-11 1838, May14 M ay 14 V IIA /9D 10-11 S A X T O N ,JJoseph oseph SAXTON, toTRP: to TRP: nd. VIIIA/17F6 n .d . R . M. M . Patterson P atterso n to: to: R. 1835, NNov IXAISA1O-12 1835, ov 5 IX A /5 A 1 0 -12 BFPto: B F P to: 1836, M Mar IXAI5F1-3 1836, ar 5 IX A /5 F 1 -3 m: VIIIA/3C7-10, m: V IIIA /3 C 7 -10, 11D14-E1; 1 1 D 1 4 -E 1 ; IX A /1 5 D 1 -1 1 , 16B7-9, 1 6 B 7 - 9 ,116G1-8 6 G 1 -8 IXA/15D1-11, SAY, B enjam in SAY, Benjamin W. W. SShippen,Jr., hippen, Jr., Order O r d e r to: to: 1799, M Mar5 11A122D1-2 1799, ar 5 IIA /2 2 D 1 -2 m /42F 5-7; IIC (p. (p. 412); 412); m:: IIA IIA/42F5-7; X IA /7 C 1 -114 4 XIA/7C1SAY, SAY, TThomas h o m as s/R eport: s/Report: 17 V IIIA /1 E 6 -7 1824, Jan 17 VIIIA/1E6-7 1824, AApr12 VIIIA/1E91824, p r 12 V IIIA /1 E 9 -110 0 1824,AApr12 VillA/i EE11-12 1824, p r 12 VIIIA/1 l 1 -1 2 1825, M May3 1825, ay 3 V IIIA /1 G 5 -6 VIIIA/1G5-6 1825, Aug 1825, A ug 9 V IIIA /2 A 6 -7 VIIIA/2A6-7 1825, Nov29 1825, N o v 29 VIIIA/2A11 VIIIA/2A11 TRP, RReport on his his descrip description e p o rt on tio n oof. f. . . turtles: 1824, Nov30 VIIIA/1G3-4 1824, N o v 30 VIIIA/1 G 3 -4 TRP, R e p o rt on ap er on TRP, Report on his his ppaper on.. . . shells: 1825,Jul 1825, Ju l 28 28 V IIIA /2 A 4 -5 VIIIA/2A4-5 TRP, R Report e p o rt on his note n o te on on reptiles: reptiles: 1825, Nov29 1825, N o v 29 VIIIA /2A 10 VIIIA/2A10 m: IIA/60C5-7, m : IIA /60C 5- 7, 66008-11, 0 C 8 - 11, 660C13-D1, 0 C 1 3 -D 1 , 660D4-6, 0 D 4 - 6 , 60F6-7, 6 0 F 6 -7 , 660F9-11, 0 F 9 -1 1 , 660G5-7, 0 G 5 - 7 , 61C12-13, 6 1 C 1 2 -1 3 , 661D1-2, 1 D 1 -2 , 661D3-4, 1 D 3 - 4 , 61E4-5, 6 1 E 4 -5 , 6 2 C 1 2 - 13, 662C4-5, 2 C 4 - 5 , 62C6-7, 62C12-13, 666B5-7, 6 B 5 -7 , 667D9-11, 7 D 9 - 11, 668D7-8, 8 D 7 - 8, 69F13G3; VIA/3C46 9 F 1 3 -G 3; V IA /3 C 4 -55;; V IIA /3 B 2 -55,, 3F133 F 1 3 -G 2; VIIA/3B2G2; VIIIAI1E13-F4, V IIIA /1 E 1 3 -F 4 , 22F11-13, F 1 1 -1 3 , 33B7-9, B 7 -9 , 3 D 4, 33E9E 9 -12, 12, 33F2-5, F 2 -5 , 3G23 G 2 -13; 13; 3D4, VIIIC/27D10V IIIC /27D 1 0 - E2; IXA/3G3IX A /3 G 3 -55;;
XIA/7A6-B1 X IA /7 A 6 -B 1 11,, 7C17 C 1 - 114; 4; XIA/17C7; 5) XIA/17C7; (Add.)/5 (Add.)/5 (p. 5) Seea lso LLong o n g EExped., x p e d ., Series V IIIB . See also VIIIB. Am erican EEntomology: ntom ology: IIA /6 0 F 6 -7 ; American IIA/60F6-7;
VillA/I V IIIA /11B13-C1 1 B 1 3 -C 1 S C H A E F F E R , Frederick F red erick C h ristian SCHAEFFER, Christian m: VIA/3E10-13 VIA/3E10-13 m: “ S C H L E M IH L , Peter" P e te r” [George [G eo rg e Wood] W ood] "SCHLEMIHL, to David D av id L. L. Yulee: Yulee: 1848, Jun24 Ju n 24 VIIIC/25C5-6 V IIIC /2 5 C 5 -6 1848, S C H M ID T . Brighton B righton Boats Boats SCHMIDT. m: m : VIA/14F6 V IA/14F6 S CHOM AKER & o ., J . H. H. SCHOMAKER & CCo.,J. to BFP: 1846, N o v 12 IX B /1 1FI 1—13 1846,Novl2 IXB/I1FII-13 BFP, e p o rt to p ian o s of: of: BFP,RReport to.. .. . . oonn pianos 1847, N o v 11 IIXB/11F8-10 X B /1 1 F 8 - 10 1847, Nov11 SSCHOOLCRAFT, C H O O L C R A F T , Henry H e n ry R. R. m: VIIAI6C9-D8; XIC/1A2-13; m: V IIA /6 C 9 -D 8 ; X IC /1 A 2 - 13; Narrative: VIIIA/11B13-C1 N arrative: V IIIA /11B 13—C l S C H R A D E R , (Mr.) (M r.) SCHRADER, BFP, RReport e p o rt to o n machine m ach in e of: of: BFP, to.. . .. on 1844, Oct10 IXB/11C2-5 1844, O c t 10 IX B /1 1 C 2 -5 SSCHREINER, C H R E IN E R , Ja co b Jacob s/Order s/O rd er to pay William W illiam McDowell: M c D o w ell: 1779, Dec21 1779, D ec 21 IIA/9C11 1780, Jan IIA /9 E 1 2 -1 3 Jan 8 IIA/9E12-13 s/Member Assembly committee: s/M em b er ooff A ssem b ly co m m ittee: 1780,Ja Jan25 1780, n 25 IIA/9F1 s/Bill oof f ex ch an g e fo o h n PParker: ark er: sIBill exchange forr JJohn 1780, Jan25 1780, Jan 25 IIA/9F2 s/Order s/O rd er to pay pay Allison A lliso n and an d Smith: S m ith: 1780,Jan Jan26 IIA/9F3 1780, 26 s/O rd e r to pay Ja co b Greiner: G reiner: s/Order Jacob 1780, Jan 29 IIA/9F4 1780, Jan29 s/Order s/O rd e r to pay David D a v id Rittenhouse: R itten h o u se: 1780, Feb88 1780, Feb IIA/9F6 11A19F6 s/O rd e r to W illiam M c D o w ell: s/Order to pay William McDowell: 1780, Feb88 IIA/9F7 1780, Feb s/O rd er to pay William W illiam Hurrie: H u rrie: s/Order 1780, Feb 17 17 IIA/9F8 s/O rd e r to h o m a s Fitzgerald: Fitzgerald: s/Order to pay TThomas 1780, Mar9 IIA/9G1-2 1780, M ar 9 IIA /9 G 1 -2 s/Order s/O rd er to pay William W illiam Hurrie: H u rrie: 1780, M ar 24 1780, Mar24 IIA/9G3 S C H R O E D E R , Henry H e n ry SCHROEDER, m: V I A /3 B 9 -10; V I IA /5 B 7 -10, 10, VIA/3B9VIIA/5B76C9-D8, 6 C 9 - D 8 , 9F12-G1; 9 F 1 2 -G 1 ; XIB/1BII-D8, X IB /1 B 1 1 -D 8 , IE1-9, 1 E 1 -9 , 1E13-F6, 1 E 1 3 -F 6 , 3B1-5C8; 3 B 1 -5 C 8 ; XIC/1A2X IC /1 A 2 -13 13 S CHULTZ, H e n ry SCHULTZ, Henry m : IIB/1 IIB/111 (p. 69) m: S C H U S S E L E , Christian C h ristia n SCHUSSELE, s/Announcement s/A n n o u n c em en t of o fthe th ePAFA PAFA exhibition: 1865, Jan23 IXA/18A6 1865, Jan 23 IX A /18A 6 m tu:: IX IXA/22C5-7 A /2 2 C 5 -7 S C H U Y L E R , Robert R o b e rt SCHUYLER, m:: IIXA/9G3-11 m X A /9 G 3 - 11 SCHUYLKILL S C H U Y L K IL L Company C om pany m: IIA/28B10 m: SCIENTIFIC S C IE N T IF IC Club C lu b m:: V VIIIA/14G3 m IIIA /14G 3 SCOTT', S C O T T , (Mr.) (M r.) m: (p. 52) 52) m: IIB/11 JIB/li (p. S C O T T , B. B. SCOTT,
The The Peale Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers
to BFP: toBFP: 1868, May! 1868, M ay 1 IX A /18E4 IXA/18E4 m: IX IXAI9G3-11, m: A /9 G 3 -11, 119D5-20F3 9 D 5 -2 0 F 3 SSCOTT, C O T T , George G eorge C P to: to: CP 1745, Sept88 1745, Sept
1747, Ju] JuJ 9 1747, Dec D ec 13 13
SEIXAS, S E IX A S , David D av id G. to CWP: C W P: nnd. .d .
IIA /7 3 E 1 0 -1 3 IIA/73E10-13
SELLERS, Alfred A lfred 1-larrold H arro ld
m: XXC/3B1-2, m: C /3 B 1 -2 , 3D73 D 7 -10, 10, 3F73 F 7 -10, 10, I/1D2 111D2 I/2 C 5 -6 112C5-6 I/2D10 1/2D10
m: I/2 B 8 -9 , 22D5-6 D 5 -6 112B8-9, SSCOTT, C O T T , John M. John M. CW P: to CWP: 1824, A ug 19 IIA/71 B 1—2 1824,Augl9 HA/71B1-2 to RaP: 1824, A u g 19 V /1 E 1 1 - 12 1824,Augl9 V/IEII-12 ReP to: 1824, Aug23 1824, A u g 23 V IA /4C 6 VJA/4C6 1824, 1824, AAug29 ug 29 V IA /4C 7 VIAI4C7 1824, 15 V IA /4C8 1824, Sept 15 VIA(4C8 m: V VIA/4C9-13, IA /4 C 9 -13, 15B11; 15B11; XIA/I1C-12A5; X IA /1 1 C -1 2 A 5 ; (Add.)/6 (A dd.)/6 (pp. (pp. 97, 97, 99);XIB/IBI1-D8, 9 9 );X IB /1 B 1 1 -D 8 , 1F7-8, 1 F 7 -8 , 1IFII-12 FI 1—12 SCOTT, Joseph S C O T T , (Major) (M ajor) Jo sep h m : IIB/5 (p. 79) 79) m: S C O T T , Samuel Sam uel SCOTT, CW P: to CWP: IIAI5ID1-4 1812,Jun 1812, Ju n 18 18 IIA /5 1 D 1 -4 SSCOTT, C O T T , (General) (General) Winfield W infield m: A /9D 1-8,10D 1-2,10D 3-5, m: IX IXAI9D1-8, 1OD1-2, 10D3-5,
10E 1-3,10E 6-7,10E 9-11, 1OE1-3, 10E6-7, 10E9-11, 10E12-13, 11E1-3, 11F5-8, 10E12-13,11E1-3,11F5-8, 18F10-11 S C U D D E R , John Jo h n SCUDDER, m: m: IIA/72F13; HA/72F13;IIB/7 IIB/7(p. (p. 3), 3), 22 22 (pp. (pp. 5ef Set seq., 22); /2 D 1 2 -E 1 ; seq., 22); VV/2D12-E1;
V IIA /6 F 7 -88,, 8B1 8 B 1 33 -C 2; VIIAI6F7C2; VIIIAI5C7; XIB/2C1 D2 V IIIA/5C7; X IB /2 C 1 44 -D 2 S E A G R O V E , (Mr.) (M r.) SEAGROVE, CWPto: C W P to: 1796, 1796, Mar23 M a r 23IIA/20B14-C1 IIA /20B 14-C 1 S E A M A N .J . V. V. SEAMAN,J. R uP to: RuP 1849, Feb X IC /1 B 8 -G 3 XIC/1B8-G3 m: V IIA /4 B 1 2 -1 3 , 7B4 7B4 m: VIIAI4BI2-13, S E A R L E , James Jam es SEARLE, CWPto: C W P to: IIA/10C4-5 1780, l 10 IIA /1 0 C 4 - 5 1780,Ju Jul10 SSECARD, E C A R D , (Abbé) (Abbe) m 54) m:: IIB/13 flB/13 (p. (p. 17), 22 (p. 54) SSEDDON, E D D O N , Thomas T hom as m 46, 50, (p. 33) 33) m:: IIB/9 IIB/9(pp. (pp.46, 50, 51), 51), 11 ll(p. SSEDGWICK, E D G W IC K , M and R. M.. D D.. and CW P: to C WP: IIA/69A9-12 1823, Ju l 17 17 IIA /6 9 A 9 -12 1823,Jul to CLP: XD/IDI-3 1823, ug 26 X D /1 D 1 -3 1823, AAug26 C CWP W P to: 1821, A ug 9 IIA/66C13 IIA/66C13 1821, Aug9 1821, A ug 22 IIA/66D11 1821, Aug22 IIA/68C1 1823, Feb !3 13 1823, 1823, A p r 19 IIA /6 8 E 4 -6 11A168E4-6 1823, Apr19 11A169A8 IIA/69A8 1823, Ju Jull m: IIA /66C 9, 666C116 C 1 1 - 12, 12, 666D1-4, 6 D 1 -4 , m: IIA/66C9, 6 8 B 1 1 -1 3 68B11-13 S E D G W IC K , T h e o d o re SEDGWICK, Theodore m: IIA /2 2 G 5 -6 m: HA/22G5-6
33G5-8, G 5 -8 , 44B5-8, B 5 - 8 , 44D1-4, D 1 -4 , 44D13-E4, D 1 3 - E4, 55D2-5, D 2 - 5, 7D8-11, 7 D 8 - 11, 8C12, 8C 12, 88D3-fi, D 3 - 6 , 99A2-5, A 2 - 5 , 1IODI-3, 0 D 1 -3 , 11D2-4, 1 1 D 2 -4 , IIFIO-13 11 FI 0 —13 SELLERS, Amanda SELLERS, A m an d a Best B est Patterson P atterso n (Mrs. (M rs. Morris) M orris) n: X XC/8A6-8, m: C /8 A 6 -8 , 88C13-D2, C 1 3 - D 2 , 9A6-9, 9 A 6 -9 , 99A14-B3, A 1 4 -B 3 , 9134-7, 9 B 4 - 7 , 99B8-11, B 8 -1 1 , 9B13-14, 9 B 1 3 -1 4 , 9E9-12 9 E 9 -1 2 SEL LE R S, Ann A nn SELLERS, to SPS: 1846, ar 22 X C /3 E 1 -4 1846, M Mar22 XC/3E1-4 !846,Ju126, 1846, Ju l 26, 28 28 X C /3 F 3 -6 XC13F3-6 H an n ah Sellers Sellers Hill: to Hannah 1855,Ju120 1855, Ju l 20 X C /1 0 A 1 0 -12 XC/10A1012 CWP C W P to: 1824, Ju Junn 88 IIA/70E14 1824,Ju) 16 16 II A/71 A2 1824,Ju 11A171A2 1824, Ju II A/71 A8 Jull 26 HA/71A8 SPS to: 1802, c t 10 X C /1 A 5 -6 1802, OOct10 XC/1A5-6 1823,Jun8 XC/1B9-11 1823, Ju n 8 X C /1 B 9 -1 1 XC/1B12-13 c. 11825-30[?] c. 8 2 5 -3 0 [?] X C /1 B 1 2 - 13 XC/3E131846, Ju n7 X C /3 E 1 3 -FF2 2 Jun XC/3F11-14 1846, Sept 27 X C /3 F 1 1 -1 4 1846, Sept27 1846, O c t 14 X C /3 G 1 -4 1846,Octl4 XC/3G1-4 1846, D ec 24 X C /3 G 9 -1 2 XC/3G9-12 1846, Dec24 XC/4A13-B2 1847, X C /4 A 1 3 -B 2 1847, Sept 6 1847, 26 X C /4 B 3 -4 1847, Sept Sept26 XC/4B3-4 XC/4B5-8 1847, o v 28 X C /4 B 5 -8 1847, NNov28 XC/4B9-12 1848, ar 27 X C /4 B 9 -1 2 1848, M Mar27 11848,Jul 848,Ju l 14 X C /4 D 5 -8 XC/4D5-8 XC/4F6-9 1848, c t 29 X C /4 F 6 - 9 1848, OOct29 1849, ov 4 X C /5 A 1 0 - 13 XC/5A10-13 1849, NNov4 A nna Sellers Sellers to: Anna 1185!,JuI 851,Ju l 10 10 X C /5 D 1 4 -E 3 XC/5D14-E3 SPS to: to: 1851, A u g 18 X C /5 F 3 -4 1851,AuglS XCI5F3-4 XC/5F9-13 1851, c t 26 X C /5 F 9 - 13 1851, OOct26 Anna A nna Sellers Sellers to: 1854, M ar 6 X C /8 B 6 -9 XCJ8B6-9 1854, Mar6 SPS to: 1854, c t or o r Nov30 N o v 30XC/8F1 X C /8 F 111 -14 14 !854, O Oct XC/11G4-5 n .d . X C /1 1 G 4 -5 n.d. nn.d. .d . X C /1 1 G 6 -7 XCIIIG6-7 n .d . X C /1 1 G 8 -9 XC/11G8-9 n.d. m: IIA IIA/69D7-10; m: /6 9 D 7 -10; XXC/IBI-5, C /1 B 1 -5 , 1B6-7, 1 B 6 -7 , 1 C 1 3 -1 4 , 11D13-E1, D 1 3 - E 1 , 1IFI-2, F 1 -2 , 1C13-14, 1IFIO-GI, F 1 0 -G 1 , 11G2-5,2D14-E2, G 2 - 5 , 2 D 1 4 -E 2 , 22E3-6, E 3 -6 , 3C13-D2, 3 C 1 3 - D 2 , 4D94 D 9 - 12, 12, 44D13-E4, D 1 3 - E 4 , 55C2-8, C 2 - 8 , 6A2-5, 6 A 2 -5 , 88A6-8, A 6 - 8 , 88C8-11, C 8 - 1 1 , IOBI-4, 1 0 B 1 -4 , 10G8-11, 1 0 G 8 - 1 1 ,1 hAlO-Il 1 A 10—11 SELLERS, SE L L E R S , Anna A nna Eliza Sellers ill H u d d lesto n : to Eliza Sellers HHill Huddleston: 1845, p r 20 X C /3 B 3 -6 1845, AApr20 XC/3B3-6 to Coleman C o lem an Sellers Sellers11: II: XC/3D11-14 1846, M ar 11 X C /3 D 1 1 -1 4 1846, Mar11 to Ann A n n Sellers: Sellers: 1846,JJun u n 77 X C /3 E 1 3 -F 2 XC/3E13-F2 1846, to 5PS: SPS:
2262 62
The Peale Peale Family F am ily Papers Papers The
1848,J 1848,Jun u n 27 1 848,Ju 1848, Jull 1848, u g 15 15 1848, A Aug
X C /4 B 1 3 -C 6 XC/4B13-C6 X C /4 C 7 -114 4 XC/4C7X C /4 E 9 -F 1 XC/4E9-F1
XC/4F101848,NNov26 X C /4 F 1 0 -13 13 1848, o v 26 A n n Sellers: Sellers: to SPS and Ann XC/5D14-E3 X C /5 D 1 4 -E 3 1851,Jul 1851, J u l 16 16 A n n Sellers: Sellers: to Ann 1851, 1851, O Oct26 c t 26 XC/5F9-13 X C /5 F 9 - 13 to Coleman C o lem an Sellers Sellers II II and Cornelia C ornelia . Wells Sellers: XC/6C1-4 1852, 12 X C /6 C 1 -4 1852, Sept 12 to Rachel Sellers: to X C /6 C 5 -8 1852, c t 10 10 1852, O Oct XC/6C5-8 to C o lem an Sellers Sellers II: II: to Coleman X C /6 G 9 - 12 1853, M Mar27 XC/6G9-12 1853, a r 27 1853,J u n 12 12 1853,Jun XC/7C10X C /7 C 1 0 -13 13 to SPS SPS and Ann A n n Sellers: Sellers: X C /8 B 6 -9 1854, M Mar6 XC/8B6-9 1854, ar 6 SPS: to SPS: 1854, J u n 16 16 1854,Jun XC/8B14-C3 X C /8 B 1 4 -C 3 X C /8 C 8 -11 11 1854, Ju Jull 99 XC/8C81854, ug 6 X C /8 D 3 -6 1854, A Aug XCI8D3-6 1854, AAug27 X XC/8D9C /8 D 9 -112 2 1854, u g 27 1854, Aug XC/8D13A ug X C /8 D 1 3 -14 14 1854, 1854, Sept Sept24 24 XC/8E9-12 X C /8 E 9 -1 2 1854, Sept 28 X C /8 E 1 3 -F 2 1854, Sept28 XC/8E13-F2 C o lem an Sellers Sellers II: II: to Coleman 1854, N o v 19 X C /8 G 5 -8 1854, Nov19 XC/8G5-8 1854, Nov26 1854, N o v 26 X C /9 A 2 -5 XC/9A2-5 1854, Dec11 XC/9A10-13 1854, D ec 11 X C /9 A 1 0 -1 3 X C /9 F 8 - 11 1855, M May XC/9F8-11 ay to Cornelia C ornelia Wells W ells Sellers: 1855, A ug 13 13 X C /1 0 C 3 -6 1855, Aug XC/10C3-6 to SPS: 1858 X C /1 1 C 5 -6 XC/1105-6 1858, 13 1858, Feb Feb13 XC/11C9-10 X C /1 1 C 9 -1 0 Harriet H a rrie t Cany C a n y Peale P eale to: to: 1846, OOct22 1846, c t 22 V IA /1 5 D 2 -7 VIA/15D2-7 1847,Jan 4 V IA /1 5 D 8 -E 1 VIA/15D8-E1 1847,Jul 1847,J u l4 VIA/15E2-5 V IA /1 5 E 2 -5 R u P to: RuP 1861, M May VIIA/11D1214 1861, ay 55 V IIA /1 1 D 1 2 -14 A P R to: APR 1850, AAug23 1850, u g 23 XA/1BIO-11 X A /1 B 1 0 -1 1 SPS to: 1843,Jull 10 1843,Ju 10 X C /2 E 3 -6 XC/2E3-6 1848,Ju l 28 1848,Ju128 XC/4D13-F4 X C /4 D 1 3 -F 4 1848, Sept Sept20 1848, 20 X C /4 F 2 - 5 XC/4F2-5 1853,NNov14 1853, o v 14 XC/7E13-14 X C /7 E 1 3 -1 4 1854,Jul 1854, Ju l 88 X C /8 C 4 -7 XC/8C4-7 C ornelia Wells Wells Sellers to: Cornelia 1854, A Aug21 1854, ug 21 X C /8 D 7 - 8 XC/8D7-8 SPS to: 1854, Sept Sept 17 17 X C /8 E 5 -8 XC/8E5-8 1854, Oct22 1854, O c t 22 X C /8 F 3 -6 XC/8F3-6 1854, Oct O c t 29 29 X C /8 F 7 -10 10 XC/8F7C o lem an Sellers Sellers II to: Coleman 1855,Jun 1855, J u n 33 XC/9F12-G1 X C /9 F 1 2 -G 1 SPS to: 1858,Jan 17 17 XC/11C7-8 X C /1 1 C 7 -8 1858 [?} [?] c. 1858 X C /1 1 D 5 -6 XC/11D5-6 1858 [?] [?] c. 1858 X C /1 1 D 7 -8 XC/11D7-8 nd. n .d . X C /1 1 D 9 - 10 XC/11D9-10 n .d . nd. XC/IID1I-12 X C /1 1 D 1 1 -1 2 1859, Sept 44 X C /1 1 E 6 -7 XC/11E6-7 1859, 1859, SSept26 ept 26 X XC/11E8-10 C /1 1 E 8 -1 0
George G eo rg e Escol Sellers to: 1859, N ov 4 X C /1 11F6-9 F 6 -9 1859, Nov XCII Charles C h arles Sellers to: 1859, Nov11 N o v 11 X C /1 1 F 1 0 -1 3 1859, XC/1IFIO-13 SPS to: nd. XC/11G6-7 n .d . X C /1 1 G 6 -7 m:: VVIA/15E6-13; VIIA/10B2-4, m I A /1 5 E 6 - 13; V IIA /1 0 B 2 -4 , 110D12-E1, 0 D 1 2 -E 1 , 111C12-D1, 1 C 1 2 - D 1 , 11D2-3, 1 1 D 2 -3 , 111D6-9, 1 D 6 -9 , 12A11-14; 12A 11—14; VIIB/18A2-B12; V IIB /1 8 A 2 -B 1 2 ; VIIIA/13F1-3, V IIIA /1 3 F 1 -3 , 114F6-8; 4 F 6 -8 ; X A / 1 D 8 - 11; XA/1D8-11; XC/1B12-13, X C /1 B 1 2 -1 3 , 11B14-C3, B 1 4 - C 3 , 1C4-7, 1 C 4 -7 , 11C8-10, C 8 -1 0 , 11D5-8, D 5 - 8 , 1D9-12, 1 D 9 -1 2 , 11E2-3, E 2 -3 , 11G6-7, G 6 - 7 , 22B5-8, B 5 - 8 , 2C6-9, 2 C 6 -9 , 22C10-12, C 1 0 - 12, 22C13-D2, C 1 3 - D 2 , 22D3-6, D 3 -6 , 22D14-E2, D 1 4 - E 2 , 2E72 E 7 - 110, 0 , 22F1-4, F 1 -4 , 22F5-8, F 5 -8 , 2F13-G2, 2 F 1 3 -G 2 , 2G3-6, 2 G 3 -6 , 22G7G 7 - 10, 1 0 ,33A2-5, A 2 - 5 , 3B1-2, 3 B 1 - 2 , 3B73 B 7 -10, 10, 33C1-4, C 1 - 4 , 3C93 C 9 - 12, 12, 33C13-D2, C 1 3 -D 2 , 3D3-6, 3 D 3 - 6 , 3E1-4, 3 E 1 - 4 , 3E5-8, 3 E 5 - 8 , 3F3-6, 3 F 3 -6 , 33F7-10, F 7 - 10, 33F11-14, F 1 1 - 14, 33G1-4, G 1 -4 , 33G5-8, G 5 - 8 , 33G9-12, G 9 - 1 2 , 44A6-8, A 6 - 8 , 4B3-4, 4 B 3 -4 , 44D1-4, D 1 - 4 , 4D5-8, 4 D 5 - 8 , 4D94 D 9 -12, 12, 44E5-8, E 5 -8 , 55A2-5, A 2 - 5 , 5A6-9, 5 A 6 - 9 , 5A10-13, 5 A 1 0 -1 3 , 55A14-B3, A 1 4 -B 3 , 55B6-7, B 6 - 7 , 5B8-11, 5 B 8 -1 1 , 55B12-C1, B 1 2 - C 1 , 55C9-13, C 9 - 1 3 , 5C14-D1, 5 C 1 4 -D 1 , 55D2-5, D 2 - 5 , 5D6-9, 5 D 6 - 9 , 5D10-13, 5 D 1 0 -1 3 , 55E4-8, E 4 -8 , 5E9-12, 5 E 9 -1 2 , 5E13-F2, 5 E 1 3 -F 2 , 55F3-4, F 3 -4 , 55F5-8, F 5 -8 , 5F14-G1, 5 F 1 4 -G 1 , 55G2-5, G 2 -5 , 55G6-9, G 6 - 9 , 55G10-13, G 1 0 -1 3 , 66A6-9, A 6 -9 , 6A10-13, 6 A 1 0 -1 3 , 6A14-B3, 6 A 1 4 - B 3 , 6B4-7, 6 B 4 -7 , 6 B 1 1 -1 4 , 66C9-12, C 9 - 1 2 , 6D5-7, 6 D 5 -7 , 6B11-14, 6D8-11, 6 D 8 - 11, 6D12-13, 6 D 1 2 - 13, 6D14-E3, 6 D 1 4 -E 3 , 6 E 4 - 6 ,6E76 E 7 -10, 10, 6E1 6 E 1 11-14, - 1 4 , 6F1-4, 6 F 1 -4 , 6E4-6, 6 F 5 -8 , 6F9-12, 6 F 9 -1 2 , 6F13-G2, 6 F 1 3 -G 2 , 6F5-8, 7 A 2 - 5 , 7A6-7, 7 A 6 - 7 , 7A8-11, 7 A 8 -1 1 , 7A2-5, 7Al2-B1, 7 A 1 2 -B 1 , 7B2-5, 7 B 2 - 5 , 7B6-9, 7 B 6 -9 , 7B10-13, 7 B 1 0 - 13, 77C4-5, C 4 - 5 , 77C6-9, C 6 -9 , 7C10-13, 7 C 1 0 -1 3 , 77C14-D3, C 1 4 - D 3 , 7D4-7, 7 D 4 -7 , 7 D 8 - 1 1 , 77E2-5, E 2 - 5 , 7E6-9, 7 E 6 -9 , 7D8-11, 7E10-12, 7 E 1 0 -1 2 , 77F1-4, F 1 - 4 , 7F9-12, 7 F 9 -1 2 , 7 F 1 3 -G 2 , 77G3-6, G 3 - 6 , 7G7-10, 7 G 7 - 10, 7F13-G2, 7 G 1 1 -1 3 , 88A2-5, A 2 - 5 , 8A6-8, 8 A 6 -8 , 7G11-13, 8A9-12, 8 A 9 -1 2 , 8B2-5, 8 B 2 - 5 , 8B10-13, 8 B 1 0 -1 3 , 8 C 4 - 7 , 8C12, 8 C 1 2 , 8C13-D2, 8 C 1 3 -D 2 , 8C4-7, 8F11-14, 8 F 1 1 -1 4 , 88G1-4, G 1 - 4 , 8G9-12, 8 G 9 -1 2 , 9 A 6 - 9 , 9A14-B3, 9 A 1 4 - B 3 , 9B8-11, 9 B 8 -1 1 , 9A6-9, 9 B 1 3 -1 4 , 99C1-4, C 1 - 4 , 99C5-8, C 5 -8 , 9B13-14, 9C9-12, 9 C 9 - 1 2 , 99C13-D2, C 1 3 - D 2 , 9D3-6, 9 D 3 -6 , 9D7-10, 9 D 7 - 1 0 , 99D11-14, D 1 1 - 1 4 , 9E1-4, 9 E 1 -4 , 9E9-12, 9 E 9 -1 2 , 9E13-F2, 9 E 1 3 -F 2 , 9F3, 9F3, 99F4-7, F 4 -7 , 9G7-10, 9 G 7 -1 0 , 10A2-5, 1 0 A 2 -5 , 1OBI-4, 1 0 B 1 -4 , 10B5-8, 1 0 B 5 -8 , 10B13-C2, 1 0 B 1 3 -C 2 , 11007-10, 0 C 7 -1 0 , IOC1I-14, 10C 11-.14, IOD1-3, 1 0 D 1 - 3 , 10D4, 10D 4, 10D5-8, 1 0 D 5 -8 , 10D9-12, 1 0 D 9 - 1 2 , 10D13-E1, 1 0 D 1 3 -E 1 , 1 0 E 2 -5 , 10E6-9, 1 0 E 6 -9 , 10E13-F1, 1 0 E 1 3 -F 1 , 10E2-5, 10F2-5, 1 0 F 2 -5 , 10F6-9, 1 0 F 6 -9 ,1OF1O-13, 1 0 F 1 0 -1 3 , 10F14-G3, 1 0 F 1 4 -G 3 , 10G8-11, 1 0 G 8 -1 1 , 11A2-5, 1 1 A 2 -5 , 11A6-9, 1 1 A 6 -9 , 111Al2-B1, 1 A 1 2 -B 1 , 11B2-5, 1 1 B 2 -5 , 1 1 B 6 -7 , 111B12-14, 1 B 1 2 -1 4 , 11ICI-4, 1 C 1 -4 , 11B6-7, 11C 11—12, 11C13-D1, 1 1 C 1 3 - D 1 , 11D2-4, 1 1 D 2 -4 , IIC1I-12, 111D13-14, 1 D 1 3 - 14, 11IEI-5, 1 E 1 -5 , 1IIE1I-F3, 1 E 1 1 -F 3 , 11Gb-h, 11G10—11,12Al2-13; 12A 12—13; XIA/12C5-6 X IA /1 2 C 5 -6 SELLERS, SE L L E R S, Anna A n n a Frances F rances m: X C /6 B 4 -7 , 6B11-14 6 B 1 1 -1 4 m: XC/6B4-7.
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The Peale The Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers
SEL SELLERS, LE R S, A Annie nnie LLittler ittler (M (Mrs. rs. H Harvey) arvey) toSPS: to SPS: 1849, Aug A ug 66 X C /4 F 1 4 -G 7 XC/4F14-G7 m:: XC/3D1 m X C /3 D 1 11-14, -1 4 , 33E5-8, E 5 - 8 , 33F3-6, F 3 -6 , 44B5-8, B 5 - 8 ,44G8G 8 - 112, 2 , 55F9F 9 -113, 3 , 55G2-5, G 2 -5 , 66B4-7, B 4 - 7 ,66C13-D2, C 1 3 - D 2 ,66D8-11, D 8 -1 1 , 6E116 E 1 1 - 14, 1 4 ,66F1-4, F 1 -4 , 77B2-5, B 2 -5 , 77B10-13, B 1 0 - 1 3 ,77C6-9, C 6 - 9 , 77C10-13, C 1 0 -1 3 , 77C14-D3, C 1 4 -D 3 , 77D4-7, D 4 - 7 , 7E2-5, 7 E 2 -5 , 77E10E 1 0 - 12, 12, 77G7G 7 - 10, 8A98 A 9 - 12, 12, 88C4-7, C 4 - 7 ,88C13-D2, C 1 3 - D 2 , 88D3-6, D 3 -6 , 88F3-6, F 3 -6 , 88G1-4, G 1 - 4 , 88G5-8, G 5 - 8 , 8G9-12, 8 G 9 - 12, 99A2-5, A 2 -5 , 99A10-13, A 1 0 - 13, 99C9-12, C 9 - 12, 99D3-6,9E9-12, D 3 - 6 , 9 E 9 - 12, 9E13-F2, 9 E 1 3 -F 2 , 99F12-G1, F 1 2 -G 1 , IOCI 1 0 C 1 11-14, -1 4 , 10E61 0 E 6 -99,, 11E8-10, 1 1 E 8 -1 0 , 11G6-7 1 1 G 6 -7 SELLERS, Cadwalader C adw alader m: XC/4E9-F1, m: X C /4 E 9 -F 1 , 77A2-5, A 2 - 5 , 8F11-14, 8 F 1 1 -1 4 , 99A6-9, A 6 -9 , 10G8-11, 1 0 G 8 -1 1 , 11A2-5, 1 1 A 2 -5 , 11B8-11, 1 1 B 8 -1 1 , 111D7-8, 1 D 7 -8 , 11E6-7 1 1 E 6 -7 SELLERS, SELLER S, Charles C harles to SPS: toSPS: 1845, Sept28 XC/3C1-4 1845, Sept 28 X C /3 C 1 -4 X C /3 D 7 -1 1846, Feb 88 XC/3D7100 1854,Ju126 1854, Ju l 26 X XC/8C12 C /8C 12 to Anna A nna Sellers: Sellers: 1859, N o v 11 X C /1 1 F 1 0 -1 3 1859,Novll XC/IIFIO-13 R o b ert Marshall M arshall Patterson P atterso n to: to: Robert 1836, Oct 1836, O ct 6 IIXA/6A9X A /6 A 9 -10 10 to: SPS to: 1835,JanS XC/1G8-9 1835, Jan 5 X C /1 G 8 -9 n .d . X C /1 1 G 1 0 - 11 n.d. XC/IIGIO-11 61A6-8, m: IIA/41E10, IIA/41E10, 61A 6 - 8 , 66B11; 66B11; V IIA /11D 12- 14; C /1 D 5 - 8 , VIIA/11D1214;XXCIID5-8, 11D9-12, D 9 - 1 2 ,11E8-10, E 8 - 1 0 , 1IFI-2, F 1 -2 , 1F3-6, 1 F 3 -6 , 22B5-8, B 5 - 8 , 2B92 B 9 - 112, 2 , 22C6-9, C 6 -9 , 22C13C 13- D 2, 22D7D 7 -10, 10, 2D142 D 1 4 - E2, D2, 33B1-2, B 1 - 2 ,3B73 B 7 -10, 1 0 ,3 C 5 -8, 8 , 3C93 C 9 -12, 12, 3C533D3-6, D 3 - 6 ,33D11D 1 1 - 114, 4 ,33E1-4, E 1 - 4 ,33E5-8, E 5 -8 , 33E9E 9 -112, 2 , 33F3-6, F 3 -6 , 3F73 F 7 -110, 0, 33F11-14, F 1 1 -1 4 , 33G1-4, G 1 - 4 , 33G5-8, G 5 -8 , 3 G 9 -1 2 , 44A13-B2, A 1 3 - B 2 , 44B5-8, B 5 -8 , 3G9-12, 4 B 9 -12, 12, 44B13B 1 3 - C6, C 6 , 4C74 C 7 -14, 14, 4B94D1-4, 4 D 1 - 4 , 4D5-8, 4 D 5 - 8 , 4D9-12, 4 D 9 -1 2 , 4D13-E4, 4 D 1 3 -E 4 , 44E5-8, E 5 - 8 , 4E9-F1, 4 E 9 -F 1 , 4F2-5, 4 F 2 -5 , 4F104 F 1 0 - 13, 13, 55A6-9, A 6 -9 , 55B8-11, B 8 -1 1 , 55B12-C1, B 1 2 - C 1 , 55C9-13, C 9 -1 3 , 5C14—D l , 5F14-G1, 5 F 1 4 -G 1 , 5G2-5, 5 G 2 -5 , 5C14-D1, 5 G 6 - 9 , 6A2-5, 6 A 2 - 5 , 6A14-B3, 6 A 1 4 -B 3 , 5G6-9, 6 B 1 1 -1 4 , 66C1-4, C 1 - 4 , 6C5-8, 6 C 5 -8 , 6B11-14, 6 C 9 - 112, 2 , 66C13C 1 3 - DD2, 2 , 66D3-4, D 3 -4 , 6C96D8-11,6D14-E3,6E4-6, 6 D 8 -1 1 , 6 D 1 4 -E 3 , 6 E 4 -6 , 66E7E 7 -110, 0 , 66F1-4, F 1 -4 , 66G3-8, G 3 -8 , 77B10-13, B 1 0 -1 3 , 77C6-9, C 6 - 9 , 7C14-D3, 7 C 1 4 -D 3 , 77D4-7, D 4 - 7 , 7D8-11, 7 D 8 - 1 1 , 7D12-E1, 7 D 1 2 -E 1 , 7E10, G 7 - 1 0 , 88A6-8, A 6 - 8 , 8A9-12, 8 A 9 -1 2 , 7E10,77G7-10, 88B14-C3, B 1 4 - C 3 , 88C4-7, C 4 - 7 , 8C13-D2, 8 C 1 3 -D 2 , 88D3-6, D 3 - 6 , 8D138 D 1 3 - 14, 14, 88F3-6, F 3 -6 , 88F11-14, F 1 1 -1 4 , 88G5-8, G 5 - 8 , 8G9-12, 8 G 9 - 12, 99A14-B3, A 1 4 -B 3 , 99D3-6, D 3 - 6 , 9D79 D 7 - 110, 0, 9 D 1 1 - 14, 99E1-4, E 1 - 4 , 9E9-12, 9 E 9 - 12, 9D11-14, 99E13-F2,9F8-11,9F12-G1, E 1 3 -F 2 , 9 F 8 - U , 9 F 1 2 -G 1 , 99G7-10, G 7 -1 0 , 10A2-5, 1 0 A 2 -5 , 10B9-12, 1 0 B 9 -1 2 , 1 0 C 3 -6 , 1IOCII-14, 0 C 1 1 -1 4 , IODI-3, 1 0 D 1 -3 , 10C3-6, 1 0 D 9 -112, 2 , 110D130 D 1 3 -EEl, 1 , 10E6-9, 1 0 E 6 -9 , 10D91 0 E 1 3 -F 1 ,110F14-G3, 0 F 1 4 -G 3 , 10G4-7, 1 0 G 4 -7 , 10E13-F1,
11A2-5, 1 1 A 2 -5 , 11A6-9, 1 1 A 6 -9 , 11B2-5, 1 1 B 2 -5 , 1 1 C 1 3 -D 1 , 11E8-10, 1 1 E 8 -1 0 , 11F6-9; 1 1 F 6-9; 11C13-D1, X IA /1 2 C 5 -6 ; (Add)/ (A dd)/55 (p. (p. 8), 8), 66 XIA/12C5-6; (pp. 147, 147, 162, 162, 165) 165) SELLERS, Charles,Jr. SEL LE R S, C harles, Jr. m: m:
X C /3 C 1 -4 , 3C13-D2, 3 C 1 3 - D 2, 3D73 D 7 -10, 10, XC/3C1-4, 3 F 3 -6 , 3F7-10, 3 F 7 -1 0 , 4D1-4, 4 D 1 - 4 , 4E9-F1, 4 E 9 -F 1 , 3F3-6, 6D14-E3, 6 D 1 4 -E 3 , 7D87 D 8 - 11, 1 1 ,110B13-C2, 0 B 1 3 -C 2 , 111A2-5 1 A 2 -5
C o lem an ,[1] [I] (1781-1834) (1781-1834) SELLERS, Coleman, to SPS: SPS: 1804, NNov16 1804, o v 16 X C /1A 10 XCIIAIO M arriag e certificate: Marriagecertificate: 1805, Sept Sept23 XC/IAII-12 1805, 23 X C /1 A 1 1 -1 2 to Nathan N ath an Sellers: Sellers: 1805, Sept 24 X 0 1 A 1 3 -1 4 1805, Sept24 XCIIAI3-14 SPS: to SPS: 1815, AAug17 XCIIBI-5 1815, u g 17 X C /1 B 1 -5 1816, XCJIB6-7 1816, SSept26 ep t 26 X C /1 B 6 -7 s/Account si A cco u n t Book: B ook: 1820, Jan -1 8 2 4 , J u l XIA/6A2X IA /6 A 2 - E12 E12 1820,Jan - 1824,Jul to TRP: toTRP: 1821, n 21 V IIIA /1 D 1 2 -13 1821, Ju Jun21 VIIIA/1D1213 s/Q u arterly Report: R eport: s/Quarterly 1822, Sept30 1822, Sept 30 X IA /7 F 3 -5 XIA/7F3-5 to C W P: to CWP: 11A173B12-C4 11827-28 8 2 7 -2 8 IIA /7 3 B 1 2 -C 4 to RuP R u P and BFP: BFP: 1827, ay 10 VIIA/6F6 1827, M May to [?] [?]: 1827,Ju12 XIAIIIBI3 1827, J u l2 X IA /11B13 to SPS: toSPS: XC/1B14-C3 1828, Jan 7 X C /1 B 1 4 -C 3 1828,Jan XCIID9122 1831, Ju n 26, 27 X C /1 D 9 -1 1831,Jun 1831,J u l6 X C /1 D 1 3 -E 1 1831,Ju16 XC/1D13-E1 1831, l 22 X C /1 E 2 -3 XCIIE2-3 1831,Ju Jul22 to G George to eorge Escol Sellers: XC/1 1831, ug 5 X C /1 EE4-7 4 -7 1831, A Aug SPS: to SPS: XCJIE81831, u g 10 X C /1 E 8 -10 10 1831, A Aug XC/IEII-14 1831, ug 21 X C /1 E 1 1 -1 4 1831, A Aug21 XCIIFI-2 1831, u g 28, 30 X C /1 F 1 -2 1831, AAug 28,30 XC/1F3-6 1831, X C /1 F 3 -6 1831, Sept 5 1831, X C /1 F 7 -9 XC/1F7-9 1831, Sept 9 XCIIFIO-G1 1831, ec 24 X C /1 F 1 0 -G 1 1831, DDec24 C W P to: to: CWP IIA/35D10-11 1805, Ju l 29 IIA /3 5 D 1 0 -11 1805,Ju129 1806, Ju l 24 IIA/39B3 1806,Ju124 1818, o v 25 IIA /6 1 C 1 2 -13 IIA/61C12-13 1818,NNov25 IIA/61E4-5 1818, ec 15 IIA /6 1 E 4 -5 1818, DDec15 IIA/61 IIA /6 1 FF5-8 5 -8 1819, Jan 22 IJA/62B1 1819, 5 IIA/62B1 1819,Feb Feb5 IIA/62E12 1819, l 31 1819, Ju Jul31 I1A168F7 1823, M ay 25 11 A/68 F7 1823, May25 11A168F8 1823, ay 29 IIA/68F8 1823, M May29 IIA/70F3-4 1824, Ju n 14 14 IIA /7 0 F 3 -4 1824,Jun R eP to: ReP VIA/5A4-5 1828, Ju V IA /5 A 4 -5 Junn 44 VIA/5B13-C4 1828, Oct22 O c t 22 V IA /5 B 1 3 -C 4 1828, ReP, D eed ooftrust f tru st to: ReP, Deed VIAI5D3-6 1828, O c t 28 V IA /5 D 3 -6 1828, Oct28 RePto: R eP to: VIA/6C1-4 1829, N o v 30 V IA /6 C 1 -4 1829, Nov30 VIA/6C7-10 1830, M a r 24 V IA /6 C 7 -1 0 1830, Mar24 G eo rg e V aux and a rth o lo m e w George Vaux and BBartholomew W istar to: Wistarto:
The Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers The Peale i
VIA/8A8-10 V IA /8 A 8 -10 1833, M ay 17 1833, May17 R uP to: RuP VIIA/8A8-9 V IIA /8 A 8 -9 1832, Jan 10 1832,Jan 10 T RP, R eceipt to: TRP, Receipt 1832, c t 18 18 VIIIA/3B6 1832, O Oct B FP to: BFP 1828, c t 28 IX A /2B7 1828,OOct28 IXA/2B7 BFP, R Receipt eceipt to: IXA/2D1 IXA/2D1 1832,Jan 16 16 SPS, o em to: SPS, PPoem 1804, Nov XC/1A8-9 1804, N o v 16 16 X C /1 A 8 -9 SPS SPS to: X C /1B 8 1823, M May21 XC/1B8 1823, ay 21 X C /1 C 4 -7 1829,Jun27 XC/1C4-7 1829,Ju n 27 1829,J u n 30 X C / 1 C 8 - 10 1829,Jun3O XC/1C8-10 X C /1 D 1 - 4 1831,Junl4 XC/1DI-4 1831, J u n 14 1831,Junl8 XC/IDS-8 1831,J u n 18 X C /1 D 5 - 8 m : IIA /3 2 F 3 -4 , 332F1 2 F 1 1 1-13, - 1 3 , 332G2-4, 2 G 2 -4 , m: 11A132F3-4, 3 5 C 1 2 -13, 13, 35E33 5 E 3 -8, 8 , 35E93 5 E 9 -1 0, 35C1210, 5,, 35F10335E1 5 E 1 11-Fl, -F 1 , 35F23 5 F 2 -5 3 5 F 1 0 -111, 1, 335G4-6, 5 G 4 -6 , 36B4-8, 3 6 B 4 - 8 , 36B9-13, 3 6 B 9 - 13, 336D56 D 5 - 88,, 336D1 6 D 1 33- EE2, 2 , 337C1-2, 7 C 1 -2 , 338A88 A 8 - 99,,338B9, 8 B 9 , 38D123 8 D 1 2 -113, 3, 339C4-D2, 9 C 4 - D 2 , 41C13-14, 4 1 C 1 3 - 1 4 , 46G7-12, 4 6 G 7 - 12, 447E7-12, 7 E 7 -1 2 , 49B5, 49B 5, 550D11-13, 0 D 1 1 -1 3 , 553B3-8, 3 B 3 -8 , 553D1-2, 3 D 1 - 2 , 53D3-7, 5 3 D 3 -7 , 553G6-12, 3 G 6 -1 2 , 554A2-9, 4 A 2 - 9 , 55F5-8, 5 5 F 5 -8 , 55G10-13, 55 G 1 0 - 13, 556A6-7, 6 A 6 - 7 , 56A8-12, 5 6 A 8 - 12, 556C6-D6, 6 C 6 - D 6 , 57B1-2, 5 7 B 1 - 2 , 57B3-4, 5 7 B 3 -4 , 557D12-E5, 7 D 1 2 -E 5 , 58B9, 58B 9, 559A13-B1, 9 A 1 3 -B 1 , 559Db-El, 9 D 1 0 -E 1 ,59E2-7, 5 9 E 2 - 7 , 59F6-8, 5 9 F 6 -8 , 559G5-7, 9 G 5 -7 , 60F136 0 F 1 3 - 14, 14, 661A6-8, 1 A 6 -8 , 6 1 D 5 - 6 , 61E96 1 E 9 - 10, 10, 61F3-4, 6 1 F 3 -4 , 61D5-6, 62A7-8, 6 2 A 7 -8 , 62A10, 62A 10, 662B2-3, 2 B 2 -3 , 6 2 E 1 3 -F 1 , 62G2, 62G 2, 662G3-4, 2 G 3 -4 , 62E13-F1, 62G5-6, 6 2 G 5 - 6, 62G7, 62G 7, 662G8-9, 2 G 8 - 9 , 64B3-4, 6 4 B 3 -4 , 64C12-13,64F7,64F13, 6 4 C 1 2 -1 3 , 64F7, 64F13, 665C11-12, 5 C 1 1 - 12, 65F14, 65F14, 665G4-6, 5 G 4 -6 , 666B5-7, 6 B 5 - 7 , 66D7-10, 6 6 D 7 - 10, 66F12-14, 6 6 F 1 2 -1 4 , 666G8-10, 6 G 8 - 10, 67A4-5, 6 7 A 4 - 5 , 67B6, 67B 6, 67B7-9, 1, 667D6-8, 6 7 B 7 -9 , 67B14, 67B 14, 67C1 67C 11, 7 D 6 -8 , 67E12-14, 6 7 E 1 2 - 14, 667F1-3, 7 F 1 -3 , 67G4-6, 6 7 G 4 -6 , 667G7-8, 7 G 7 -8 , 668A10-11, 8 A 1 0 -1 1 , 668C2-3, 8 C 2 -3 , 668C4-6, 8 C 4 - 6 , 68C1 6 8 C U 1-13, - 13, 668D3-4, 8 D 3 - 4, 668F58 F 5 -66,, 68F9, 68F106 8 F 1 0 -112, 2, 668G1-3, 8 G 1 -3 , 668G5-7, 8 G 5 - 7 , 70B1-3, 7 0 B 1 -3 , 770B4-7,70E4-5,71A9--11, 0 B 4 -7 , 7 0 E 4 -5 , 7 1 A 9 -1 1 , 71C 1, 7 1 F 7 -1 4 , 7 2 B 1 2 - 14, 71C1,71F7-14,72B12-14, 773A93 A 9 - 11, 773B6-9; 3 B 6 - 9 ; IIB/23 IIB/23 (p. (p. 15); 15); IIC (pp. (pp. 360, 360, 364, 364, 386, 386, 451); 451); hG V IA /1 E 1 3 -F 4 , 3D43 D 4 - 7, 7 , 3D123 D 1 2 -113, 3, VIA/1E13-F4, 5 D 7 - 8 , 5D9-10, 5 D 9 - 1 0 , 6B96 B 9 -12, 12, 5D7-8, 66C11-14, C 1 1 -1 4 , 66D13-E2, D 1 3 - E 2 , 6E3-6, 6 E 3 -6 , 66E7-8, E 7 -8 , 8B6-7, 8 B 6 - 7 , 8B8-10; 8 B 8 -1 0 ; VIIAJ2FII, 33E10VIIA/2F11, E 1 0 -12, 12, 4132-3, 4 B 2 -3 , 55E4-11, E 4 -1 1 , 66D14-E3, D 1 4 - E 3 , 7A10-11, 7 A 1 0 -1 1 , 77B13-C1; B 1 3 -C 1 ; VIIIA/1A13-B1, V IIIA /1 A 1 3 -B 1 , 22C4-7; C 4 - 7 ; IXA/1A8-G7, IX A /1 A 8 -G 7 , 22B5-6, B 5 -6 , 19B9XC/1B141 9 B 9 -CC4; 4; X C /1 B 1 4 - C3, C 3, 11EII-14,6B4-7, E l 1—14, 6 B 4 - 7 , IIFIO-13, 1 1 F 1 0 -1 3 , I111G2-3; G13, G 2 -3 ; X!A/6F5X IA /6 F 5 -G 13, 77A6-B11, A 6 -B 1 1 , 7C17 C 1 - 14, 14, 11C3-12A5; 1 1 C 3 -1 2 A 5 ; (Add.)/5(pp. (A d d .)/5 (pp. 11,5-6,9-19, ,5 - 6 , 9 -1 9 , 229-31,33,37-42,45-49,51-56, 9 - 3 1 , 33, 3 7 - 4 2 , 4 5 - 4 9 , 5 1 - 5 6 , 559-60, 9 - 6 0 , 63-66, 6 3 -6 6 , 68, 770-71, 0 - 7 1 , 73-86), 7 3 - 86), 66 (pp. C 9 -D 6 , (pp. 87, 87, 147, 147, 180); 180);99C9-D6,
99D13-E12 D 1 3 -E 1 2 SE L L E R S, C o le m a n , [II] [II] (1827(1 8 2 7 - 1907) 1907) SELLERS, Coleman, SPS: to SPS: X C /3 C 5 - 8 XC/3C5-8 1845, Dec21 1845, D ec 21 X C /3 C 1 3 -D 2 1846, Jan 11 XC/3C13-D2 1846,Jan XC/3E9X C / 3 E 9 -12 12 1846, Apr A p r 19 19 XC/4D9-12 1848,Ju l 19 19 X C / 4 D 9 - 12 1848,Jul X C /5 A 2 - 5 1849, Oct7 XC/5A2-5 1849, O ct 7 TRP: toTRP: V IIIA /11E81 E 8 -1 VillA/I 100 1849, NNov25 1849, o v 25 to SPS: X C /5 A 1 4 -B 3 XC/5A14-B3 1850, ov 1850, N Nov X C /5 B 6 -7 1850, ec 1850, D Dec XC/5B6-7 XC/5B12-C1 1851, M a r 19 X C /5 B 1 2 -C 1 1851, Mar19 X C /5 C 9 -1 3 1851, M May XC/5C9-13 1851, ay 18 18 X C /5 D 6 - 9 1851,Junl XC/5D6-9 1851,J un 1 X C /5 E 9 -1 2 11851,Ju120 8 5 1 ,Ju l 20 XC/5E9-12 X C /5 E 1 3 -F 2 XC/5E13-F2 1851, u g 10 1851, A Aug XC/5G21852,Jan X C /5 G 2 - 55 1852, Jan 3 1852, a r 14 14 X C /5 G 6 - 9 1852, M Mar XC/5G6-9 X C /6 A 6 - 9 XC/6A6-9 1852, May30 1852, M a y 30 1852,J u n 27 X C /6 A 1 0 -13 13 XC/6A101852, Jun27 1852,Ju l 21 X C / 6 B 8 -10 10 1852, Jul21 XC/6B81852, O ct 3 X C / 6 C 9 - 12 1852, Oct3 XC/6C9-12 X C /6 D 3 - 4 1852, O c t 24 1852, Oct24 XC/6D3-4 1852, Nov XC/6D81852, N ov 7 X C /6 D 8 - 11 11 1853,Jan2 1853,Jan 2 X C / 6 E 7 - 10 XC/6E7-10 1853,Jan 16 XC/6E11-14 16 X C /6 E 1 1 - 14 1853,Jan 30 X C /6 F 1 -4 1853,Jan3O XC/6F1-4 1853, Feb13 XC/6F5-8 1853, Feb 13 X C /6 F 5 - 8 X C /6 F 9 - 12 1853, Feb27 XCI6F9-12 1853, Feb 27 X C /6 F 1 3 -G 2 1853, Mar13 XC/6F13-G2 1853, M a r 13 X C /6 G 3 - 8 1853, Mar20 XC/6G3-8 1853, M a r 20 1853, Apr10 XC/7A8-11 1853, A p r 10 X C / 7 A 8 - 11 1853, Apr17 XC/7Al2-B1 1853, A p r 17 X C /7 A 1 2 -B 1 X C /7 B 6 -9 1853, May9 XC/7B6-9 1853, M ay 9 1853, May XC/7B10-13 1853, M ay 15 15 X C /7 B 1 0 - 13 1853, May22 XC/7B14-C3 1853, M a y 22 X C /7 B 1 4 -C 3 11853,Jun 853,J u n11 11 X C /7 C 6 -9 XC/7C6-9 11853,Jun 853,J u n 19 19 X C /7 D 4 - 7 XC/7D4-7 11853,Jul 853,J u l10 10 XC/7D8X C /7 D 8 -11 11 1853, ept 25 X C /7 E 6 - 9 1853, SSept25 XC/7E6-9 X C /7 F 5 -8 1853, Dec18 XC/7F5-8 1853, D ec 18 11854, 854,Jan X C /7 G 1 11-13 -1 3 Jan 2 XC/7G1 1854, Jan 22 XC/8A21 8 5 4 ,Jan 22 X C /8 A 2 - 55 1854, Feb 5 X C /8 A 6 - 8 XC/8A6-8 1854, Feb 12 1854,Febl2 XC/8A13-B1 X C /8 A 1 3 -B 1 1854, Feb 26 X C /8 B 2 -5 1854,Feb26 XC/8B2-5 1854, Mar24 1854, M a r 24 X C /8 B 1 0 -13 13 XC/8B10X C /8 G 1 - 4 1854, Nov12 XC/8G1-4 1854, N o v 12 1854, N o v 25 X C / 8 G 9 -12 12 1854, Nov25 XC/8G9X C /9 B 4 -7 1854, Dec26 XC/9B4-7 1854, D ec 26 1854, D e c 31 X C / 9 B 8 - 11 1854, Dec31 XC/9B8-11 1855,Jan.1 1855,Jan 1 XC/9B13-14 X C /9 B 1 3 - 14 1 8 5 5 ,Jan 28 28 X C /9 C 1 3 -D 2 1855,Jan XC/9C13-D2 X C /9 D 1 1 -1 4 1855, Mar11 XC/9D11-14 1855, M a r 11 1855, A p r 29 X C /9 E 5 - 8 1855, Apr29 XC/9E5-8 1855, M a y 25 X C /9F 3 1855, May25 XC/9F3 X C /9 F 4 -7 1855, May27 XC/9F4-7 1855, M a y 27 1855,Jun3 XC/9F12-G1 1855, J u n 3 X C /9 F 1 2 -G 1 1855,JJun u n 10 10 X C /9 G 2 - 6 1855, XC/9G2-6 X C /1 0 A 2 -5 1855, Ju Jull 11 XC/10A2-5 1855, Aug21 XC/1007-10 1855, A u g 21 X C /1 0 C 7 -1 0 1855, A u g 26 X C /1 0 C 1 1 -1 4 1855,Aug26 XC/IOCI1-14 1855, Oct28 1855, O c t 28 X C /1 0 E 6 -9 XC/10E6-9 1855, Dec16 XC/10F2-5 1855, D ec 16 X C /1 0 F 2 -5
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The The Peale Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers
1855, Dec D ec 23 23 X C /1 0 F 6 -9 XC/10F6-9 1855, Dec30 1855, D ec 30 XCI1OF1OX C /1 0 F 1 0 -13 13 1856,Jan2O 1856, Jan 20 X C /1 0 F 1 4 -G 3 XCI1OFI4-G3 1857, M 1857, Mar18 ar 18 XC/11Al2-B1 X C /1 1 A 1 2 -B 1 1857, Ju 1857, Jul14 l 14 X C /1 1 B 6 -7 XC/11B6-7 1857, 1857, D Dec17 ec 17 X C /1 1 B 1 2 -1 4 XC/11B12-14 n.d . nd. XC/12Al2-13 X C /1 2 A 1 2 - 13 to to T TRP: R P: 1860, A ug 19 1860,Augl9 VIIIA/13D11-14 V IIIA /13D 11—14 1860, N Nov 1860, ov 2 V IIIA /1 3 E 1 -6 VIIIAII3EI-6 1861, Feb 1861, Feb33 V111A113E7-10 V IIIA /1 3 E 7 -1 0 1861, 17 1861, Feb Feb17 VIIIA/13E11-14 V IIIA /13E 11—14 1861, M Mar10 1861, a rlO V IIIA /1 3 F 1 -3 VIIIA/13F1-3 1861, D ec 30 1861, Dec30 VIIIAII3G2-5 V11IA /13G 2-5 1862, 9 1862, Feb Feb9 VI11A /13G 6-8 VIIIA/13G6-8 1865, o v 22 1865,NNov22 V IIIA /1 4 C 3 -6 VIIIA/14C3-6 s/Report: 1866, ay 23 IX B /1 2 F 3 -6 1866,M May23 IXB/12F3-6 Harriet H arriet Cany C any Peale Peale to: to: 1851, N o v 33 VIA/11 A 3 -10 10 1851, Nov VIA/11A3ReP, ReP, Receipt Receipt to: 1857, n 9 V1A/12B11 -1 2 1857, Ju Jun VIA/12B1 1-12 T R P to: to: TRP 1850,Jan 9 V IIIA /11E 12- 14 1850,Jan9 VI[IA/11E12-14 1864, M ay 28 V IIIA /1 4 B 5 -6 1864, May28 VIIIA/14B56 Lucy Peale Peale to: 1870, Ju l6 V IIIA /14F 6-8 1870, Jul6 VIIIA/14F6-8 V IIIA /14F 9-12 1870,Ju l 14 1870, Jul14 VIIIAI14F9-12 SPS SPS to: XCI3C91845, D ec 30 X C /3 C 9 -12 12 1845, Dec30 1846, Jan 24 X C /3 D 3 - 6 1846,Jan24 XCI3D3-6 XCI3DI11846, M ar 11 X C /3 D 1 1 -14 14 1846, Mar11 X C /3 E 5 - 8 XC/3E5-8 1846, AApr13 1846, p r 13 X C /4 D 1 - 4 1848, Ju l 8 1848,JuI XCI4DI-4 X C /4 E 5 - 8 XCI4E5-8 1848, Ju l 23 1848,Jul 1850, o v 29 X C /5 B 4 -5 1850,NNov29 XCI5B4-5 1851,Ju n 22 X C /5 D 1 0 -1 3 1851,Jun22 XC/5D10-13 X C /5 E 4 -8 XCI5E4-8 1851,Jul 1851,JuI 13 1852,Ju n 30 X C /6 A 1 4 -B 3 1852,Jun3O XC(6A14-B3 1852, 12 XCI6CI-4 1852, Sept Sept12 X C /6 C 1- 4 1852, O c t 24 X C /6 C 1 3 -D 2 XC/6C13-D2 1852,0ct24 X C /6 D 1 4 -E 3 1852, Dec D ec 12 12 XCI6DI4-E3 XCI6G9X C /6 G 9 - 12 12 1853, Mar27 1853, M ar 27 X C /7 A 2 -5 1853,AApr8 XC/7A2-5 1853, pr 8 XC/7B2-5 1853, A pr 24 X C /7 B 2 - 5 1853, Apr24 1853,Ju n 12 12 X C /7 C 1 0 -1 3 1853,Jun XC/7C10-13 X C /7 E 2 - 5 1853, XC/7E2-5 1853, AAug28 ug 28 X C /7 F 1 -4 1853, Dec11 XC/7F1-4 1853, D ec 11 X C /7 F 9 - 12 XCI7F9-12 1853, Dec25 1853, D ec 25 1854,Jan I1 X C /7 G 7 -10 10 XCI7G71854,Jan X C /8 A 9 - 12 XCI8A9-12 1854, 1854, Feb FebS5 X C /8 C 1 3 -D 2 1854,Ju130 XC/8C13-D2 1854, Ju l 30 X C /8 G 5 -8 1854, o v 19 19 1854, NNov XCI8G5-8 X XCI9A2-5 C /9 A 2 -5 1854, o v 26 1854,NNov26 X C /9 A 1 0 -113 3 XC/9A101854, Dec 1854, D ec 11 11 X C /9 A 1 4 -B XC/9A14B33 1854, 1854, D Dec24 ec 24 X C /9 B 1 3 - 14 XC/9B13-14 1855, Jan 11 1855,Jan X C /9 C 1 -4 13 XC/9C1-4 1855,Jan 13 X C /9 C 9 -1 2 1855,Jan 21 1855, Jan21 XCI9C9-12 X C /9 D 3 -6 XC/9D3-6 1855, Feb11 Feb 11 X XCI9D7-1O C /9 D 7 - 10 1855, 1855, M Mar4 ar 4 X C /9 E 9 - 12 XG/9E9-12 1855, 1855,M May6 ay 6 X C /9 E 1 3 -F 2 1855. May20 XC/9E13-F2 1855, M ay 20 X C /9 F 8 - 11 XC/9F8-11 1855, May 1855, M ay X C /9 G 7 - 10 1855, Ju n 10 1855,JunlO XGI9G7-1O X C /1 0 B 5 -8 1855, J u l 22 1855,Ju122 XC/10B5-8
1855,Ju129 1855, Ju l 29 X C /1 0 B 9 - 12 XC/10B9-12 1855, Aug 1855, A u g 55 X C /1 0 B 1 3 -C 2 XC/10B13C2 1855, Sept Sept 77 X C /1 0 D 5 -8 XC/10D5-8 1855, c t 20 X C /1 0 E 2 -5 1855 O Oct20 XC/10E2-5 1855, Nov11 1855, N o v 11 X C /1 0 E 1 0 -12 12 XCI1OEIO1855, DDec16 1855, ec 16 X C /1 0 E 1 3 -F 1 XC/10E13-F1 SPS, Receipt Receipt to: SPS, 1857Mar6 1857, M ar 6 X C/11 A 1 0 - 11 XC/11A10-11 SPS to: 1859, NNov4 ov 4 X C /1 1 F 6 -9 1859, XCIIIF6-9 XCII2A13 nnd. .d . X C /12A 13 n: V VIAI8BI4-C1, m: IA /8 B 1 4 -C 1 , 15D8-E1; 1 5 D 8 -E 1 ; V IIA /1 0 D 1 2 -E 1 , 11D12-14; 11D 12—14; VIIAIIODI2-E1, VIIIA/13F10-G3, V IIIA /1 3 F 1 0 -G 3 , 13G9-12; 1 3 G 9 - 12; IX A /18A 14, 119D1-2; 9 D 1 -2 ; X C /1 G 6 -7 , IXA/18A14, XCIIG6-7, 22A2-8, A 2 -8 , 2A132 A 1 3 - 14, 14, 22B5-8, B 5 - 8 ,22C3-5, C 3 -5 , 22C6-9, C 6 - 9 , 2C102 C 1 0 - 12, 12, 22C13-D2, C 1 3 -D 2 , 22D3-6, D 3 - 6 , 2D1 2 D 1 1-13, 1 -1 3 , 2D142 D 1 4 -E 2, E2, 22E3-6, E 3 -6 , 2E72 E 7 - 10, 10, 22F1-4, F 1 -4 , 2F5-8, 2 F 5 -8 , 22F9F 9 -112, 2 , 22F13-G2, F 1 3 -G 2 , 22G3-6, G 3 -6 , 22G7G 7 - 10, 1 0 ,33A2-5, A 2 - 5 , 3B1-2, 3 B 1 - 2 ,3B73 B 7 -10, 10, 33D3-6, D 3 - 6 , 3D73 D 7 -10, 10, 33E1-4, E 1 - 4 , 3F3-6, 3 F 3 -6 , 3 F 7 -1 0 , 3 F 1 1 -1 4 , 3 G 1 - 4 , 3F7-10,3F11-14,3G1-4, 3 G 5 - 8 ,3G93 G 9 -12, 12, 44A13-B2, A 1 3 -B 2 , 3G5-8, 4 B 3 - 4 , 4B94 B 9 -12, 1 2 , 4C74 C 7 - 14, 14, 4B3-4, 4 D 1 3 -E 4 , 44F2-5, F 2 - 5 , 55A6-9, A 6 -9 , 4D13-E4, 11, 55C2-8, 55A10A 1 0 -113, 3 , 55B8B 8 - 11, C 2 -8 , 5D2-5, 5 D 2 - 5 , 5F3-4, 5 F 3 -4 , 5F5-8, 5 F 5 -8 , 5F9-13, 5 F 9 -1 3 , 6 A 2 - 5, 5, 6B46 B 4 - 7, 7, 6B1 6 B 111-14, - 1 4 , 6C56 C 5 - 8, 8, 6A26 D 5 - 7 , 6D12-13, 6 D 1 2 - 13, 6E4-6, 6 E 4 -6 , 6D5-7, 77C14-D3, C 1 4 -D 3 , 77F1-4, F 1 -4 , 88B6-9, B 6 -9 , 8 B 1 4 -C 3 , 8C4-7, 8 C 4 - 7 , 8C8-11, 8 C 8 - 11, 8B14-C3, 8 D 3 - 6 , 8D7-8, 8 D 7 - 8 , 8E5-8, 8 E 5 - 8 , 8F3-6, 8 F 3 -6 , 8D3-6, 8 F 7 - 10, 1 0 ,88F1 F 11 -1-14, 1 4 , 99A6-9, A 6 - 9 ,99E1-4, E 1 -4 , 8F710D4, 110D9-12, 0 D 9 -1 2 , 10G4-7, 1 0 G 4 -7 , 10D4, 111A2-5, 1 A 2 -5 , 111A6-9, 1 A 6 -9 , 11B2-5, 1 1 B 2 -5 , 111B8-11, 1 B 8 -1 1 , 111CI-4, 1 C 1 - 4 , 1105-6, 1 1 C 5 -6 , 111C7-8,11C9---1O,11C13-D1, 1 C 7 -8 , 1 1 C 9 -1 0 , 1 1 C 1 3 -D 1 , 11 D 2 -4 , 11D5-6, 1 1 D 5 - 6 , 11D7-8, 1 1 D 7 -8 , 11D2-4, 111D9-10, 1 D 9 -1 0 , 11D 11 —12, 11 E 1 -5 , IIDII-12, IIEI-5, 111E6-7, 1 E 6 -7 , 111E8-10, 1 E 8 -1 0 , 1IIE11-F3, 1 E 1 1 -F 3 , 112A2-5; 2 A 2 -5 ; XXIAII2C5-6 IA /1 2 C 5 -6 SEL LE R S, Coleman, C o lem an ,[1111(1852-1922) [III] (1852-1922) SELLERS, m: C /6 C 1 -4 , 6 C 9 - 12, 6 C 1 3 -D 2 , m: XXC/6C1-4,6C9-12,6C13-D2, 66D3-4, D 3 - 4 , 6D5-7, 6 D 5 - 7 , 6D14-E3, 6 D 1 4 -E 3 , 66E7-1O, E 7 - 10, 66E1 E 11 1-14, - 1 4 , 66F1-4, F 1- 4, 66F5-8, F 5 - 8, 66F9-12, F 9 -1 2 , 66F13-G2, F 1 3 -G 2 , 66G3-8, G 3 -8 , 77Al2-B1, A 1 2 -B 1 , 7B6-9, 7 B 6 - 9 , 7B10-13, 7 B 1 0 -1 3 , 77B14-C3, B 1 4 -C 3 , 77GWC 1 0 - 113, 3 , 77C14D3, C 1 4 -D 3 , 77D4-7, D 4 - 7 , 7D8-11, 7 D 8 - 1 1 , 7E6-9, 7 E 6 -9 , 7 E 1 0 -112, 2 , 77F58, F 5 -8 ,7G11 7 G 1 1 -113, 3, 7E1088A2-5, A 2 - 5 , 8A6-8,8A13--B1, 8 A 6 - 8 ,8 A 1 3 -B 1 , 8 B 2 - 5 , 8B108 B 1 0 -13, 13, 88C4-7, C 4 - 7 , 8E5-8, 8 E 5 -8 , 8B2-5, 88F3-6, F 3 -6 , 8F78 F 7 - 10, 10, 8F1 8 F 1 11-14, -1 4 , 88G9G 9 - 12, 12, 99A2A 2 - 55,, 99B4-7, B 4 - 7, 9B89 B 8 -11, 11, 9 B 1 3 - 14, 99C1-4, C 1 - 4 , 9G5-8, 9 C 5 -8 , 9B13-14, 99C9-2, C 9 -1 2 , 9C3-D2, 9 C 1 3 - D 2 , 9D7-10, 9 D 7 -1 0 , 9 D 1 1 - 14, 14, 99E9E 9 - 12, 12, 99F4-7, F 4 -7 , 9D119 G 7 -1 0 , 110A13-14, 0 A 1 3 - 14, 10B5-8, 1 0 B 5 -8 , 9G7-1O, 110B9-12, 0 B 9 -1 2 , 10B13-G2, 1 0 B 1 3 -C 2 , 10G7-10, 1 0 C 7 -1 0 , 10D13-E1, 1 0 D 1 3 -E 1 , 110E2-5, 0 E 2 -5 , 110E69, 0 E 6 -9 , 1 0 E 1 3 -F 1 , 10F2-5, 1 0 F 2 -5 , 10F6-9, 1 0 F 6 -9 , 10E13-F1, 1IOFIO-13, 0 F 1 0 -1 3 ,110F14-G3, 0 F 1 4 - G 3 ,110G8-11, 0 G 8 -1 1 , 1 1 A 2 -5 , 11A6-9, 1 1 A 6 -9 , 11B6-7, 1 1 B 6 -7 , 11A2-5, 1 1 B 1 2 -1 4 , 1 IICI-4, 1 C 1 - 4 , 1105-6, 1 1 C 5 -6 , 11B12-14,
The Peale Family F am ily Papers Papers The Peale
1 1 C 9 -1 0 , 11D7-8, 1 1 D 7 - 8 , 11D9-1O 1 1 D 9 -1 0 11C9-10, SELLERS, SE L L E R S, M Messrs. essrs. Coleman, C o le m a n , & & Sons Sons m ms: XC/2C3-5, X C /2 C 3 - 5, 11A2-5; 11A 2-■5;
X XIA/14A7-F7; IA /1 4 A 7 -F 7 ; (Add.)/7 (A dd.)/7 (p. (p. 254); 254); 9 E 1 4 -F 9E14F44 LLERS, Cornelia C o rn elia Wells Wells SELLERS, to SPS: SPS: X C /6 A 6 -9 XC/6A6-9 1852, 1852, M May30 ay 30 XCI6B8X C /6 B 8 -tO 10 1852, 1852,JJul21 u l 21 X C /6 F 5 - 8 XC/6F5-8 13 1853, Feb 13 to Anna A nna Sellers: Sellers: X C /8 D 7 - 8 1854, u g 21 1854, A Aug21 XC/8D7-8 to SPS: X C /9 C 5 - 8 XC/9C5-8 1855, Jan14 1855,Jan 14 1855,Ju122 XC/10A13-14 1855, Ju l 22 X C /1 0 A 1 3 - 14 Anna A nna Sellers to: X C /6 A 1 4 -B 3 11852,Jun3O 852,Ju n 30 XC/6A14-B3 SPS to: X C /6 B 4 -7 1852, Jul18 1852,Ju l 18 XC/6B4-7 X C /6 C 1 -4 XC/6C1-4 1852, ept 12 12 1852, SSept X C /6 E 4 -6 1852 [?] [?] XC/6E4-6 XC/7F9-12 1853, DDec25 1853, ec 25 X C /7 F 9 - 12 X C /8 C 1 3 -D 2 1854,Jul30 XC/8C13-D2 1854,Ju l 30 X C / 9 D 7 - 10 1855, M Mar4 XC/9D7-10 1855, ar 4 Anna A nna Sellers Sellers to: to: X C /1 0 C 3 -6 1855, Aug13 1855, A u g 13 XC/10C3-6 ms: V VIIIA!13F10-G1, m IIIA /1 3 F 1 0 -G 1 , 114F6-8; 4 F 6 -8 ; XC/5A14-B3, X C /5 A 1 4 -B 3 , 55B4-5, B 4 - 5 , 55B6-7. B 6 -7 , 5 B 1 2 -C 1 , 55C9-13, C 9 - 13, 5D6-9, 5 D 6 -9 , 5B12-C1, 55D10-13, D 1 0 -1 3 , 55E4-8, E 4 - 8 , 5E9-12, 5 E 9 -1 2 , 5 E 1 3 -F 2 , 5F5-8, 5 F 5 - 8 , SF95 F 9 -1 3, 5E13-F2, 13, 55G2-5, G 2 - 5 , 55G6-9, G 6 - 9 , 6A2-S, 6 A 2 - 5 , 6A6-9, 6 A 6 -9 , 6 A 1 0 -1 3 , 6A14-B3, 6 A 1 4 - B 3 , 6B11-14, 6 B 1 1 -1 4 , 6A10-13, 6C9-12, 6 C 9 - 1 2 , 6C13-D2, 6 C 1 3 - D 2 , 6D3-4, 6 D 3 -4 , 6D5-7, 6 D 5 - 7 , 6D8-11, 6 D 8 - 1 1 , 6D14-E3, 6 D 1 4 -E 3 , 66E7-10, E 7 -1 0 , 66E11-14, E 1 1 -1 4 , 6F9-12, 6 F 9 -1 2 , 66F13-G2, F 1 3 -G 2 , 66G3-8, G 3 - 8 , 77A8-11, A 8 -1 1 , 7Al2-B1, 7 A 1 2 -B 1 , 7B2-S, 7 B 2 - 5 , 7B6-9, 7 B 6 -9 , 7B10-13, 7 B 1 0 - 13, 77C6-9, C 6 - 9 , 7C10-13, 7 C 1 0 - 13, 7C14-D3, 7 C 1 4 - D 3 , 7D4-7, 7 D 4 - 7 , 7D87 D 8 -11, 11, 7D12-E1, 7 D 1 2 -E 1 , 7E2-5, 7 E 2 - 5 , 7E6-9, 7 E 6 -9 , 7E10-12, 7 E 1 0 -1 2 , 77F1-4, F 1 -4 , 7F5-8, 7 F 5 -8 , 7F9-12, 7 F 9 - 12, 7G77 G 7 -110, 0 , 77G11G 1 1 - 13, 13, 88A2-S, A 2 -5 , 8A6-8, 8 A 6 - 8 , 8A9-12, 8 A 9 - 1 2 , 8A13-B1, 8 A 1 3 -B 1 , 8B2-S, 8 B 2 - 5 , 88B6-9, B 6 - 9 , 8B10-13, 8 B 1 0 -1 3 , 8C4-7, 8 C 4 -7 , 8C8-11, 8 C 8 -1 1 , 88D9-12, D 9 - 1 2 , 8E5-8, 8 E 5 - 8 , 8F3-6, 8 F 3 -6 , 8F7-1O, 8 F 7 -1 0 , 88F11-14, F 1 1 -1 4 , 88G1-4, G 1 -4 , 8G5-8, 8 G 5 - 8 , 8G9-12, 8 G 9 -1 2 , 9A14-B3, 9 A 1 4 -B 3 , 9B4-7, 9 B 4 - 7 , 9B8-11, 9 B 8 - 1 1 , 9B13-14, 9 B 1 3 -1 4 , 9C1-4, 9 C 1 - 4 , 9C9-12, 9 C 9 - 1 2 , 9C13-D2, 9 C 1 3 -D 2 , 9D3-6, 9 D 3 - 6 , 9D11-14, 9 D 1 1 - 1 4 , 9E5-8, 9 E 5 -8 , 9E9-12, 9 E 9 -1 2 , 9E13-F2, 9 E 1 3 -F 2 , 9F3, 9F3, 99F4-7, F 4 -7 , 9F8-11, 9 F 8 -1 1 , 99F12-G1, F 1 2 -G 1 , 99G2-6, G 2 -6 , 9 G 7 -1 0 , 10A2-S, 1 0 A 2 -5 , 10B5-8, 1 0 B 5 -8 , 9G7-10, 110B9-12, 0 B 9 - 12, 110B13-C2, 0 B 1 3 -C 2 , 11007-10, 0 C 7 -1 0 , 110C11-14, 0 C 1 1 -1 4 , 1IODS-8, 0 D 5 - 8 , 10D13-E1, 1 0 D 1 3 -E 1 , 110E2-5, 0 E 2 -5 , 10E6-9, 1 0 E 6 -9 , IOE1O-12, 1 0 E 1 0 -1 2 , 10E13-Ft, 1 0 E 1 3 -F 1 , 10F2-5, 1 0 F 2 -5 , 10F6-9, 1 0 F 6 -9 , 1IOFIO-13, 0 F 1 0 -1 3 ,110F14-G3, 0 F 1 4 -G 3 , 110G8-11, 0 G 8 -1 1 , 11A2-5, 1 1 A 2 - 5 ,111A6-9, 1 A 6 - 9 , 11Al2-B1, 1 1 A 1 2 -B 1 , 11B2-5, 1 1 B 2 - 5 ,111B6-7, 1 B 6 - 7 , 11B8-11, 1 1 B 8 -1 1 , 11B12-14, 1 1 B 1 2 - 1 4 ,111C9-10, 1 C 9 - 1 0 ,1 1IICII-12, C 1 1 -1 2 , 111D5-6, 1 D 5 -6 , 11D7-8, 1 1 D 7 - 8 , 11D9-10, 1 1 D 9 -1 0 , 1 1 D 1 1 -1 2 , 11D13-14, 11D 13—14, I1E1-S, 1 1 E 1 -5 , IIDI1-12, 11E6-7, 11F12-13, 1 1 E 6 - 7 ,11 F 1 2 - 13, 12Al2-13 1 2 A 1 2 - 13 SELLERS, SE L L E R S, David D avid
11A152F13-14, IIA /5 2 F 1 3 -14, 559A13-B1; 9 A 1 3 -B 1 ; XC/3C9-12, X C / 3 C 9 - 12, 44A2-5, A 2 - 5 , 44B5-8, B 5 -8 , 4 B 9 -1 2 , 44C7-14, C 7 - 1 4 , 4D13-E4, 4 D 1 3 -E 4 , 4B9-12, 4 F 6 -9 , 5C2-8, 5 C 2 - 8 , 5D14-E3, 5 D 1 4 - E 3 , 5E4-8, 5 E 4 -8 , 4F6-9, 6 C 1 3 - D 2 , 7B2-5, 7 B 2 - 5 ,7E107 E 1 0 -12, 12, 6C13-D2, 8 D 9 - 1 2 , 8E13-F2, 8 E 1 3 -F 2 , 8G5-8, 8 G 5 -8 , 8D9-12, 9 A 1 0 -113, 3 , 99E9E 9 - 112, 2 , 110A6-9, 0 A 6 -9 , 9A10110B1-4, 0 B 1 -4 , 10B5-8, 1 0 B 5 - 8 , 10B13-C2, 1 0 B 1 3 -C 2 , 1t0DS-8, 0 D 5 - 8 ,110Et3-F1, 0 E 1 3 - F 1 ,110F6-9, 0 F 6 -9 , 111B2-5 1 B 2 -5 S E L L E R S , Edward E d w ard SELLERS, m : XC/3G5-8, X C /3 G 5 - 8 , 44B5-8, B 5 - 8 , 66C5-8, C 5 -8 , mn: 7G7-10, 7 G 7 -1 0 , 10B13-C2 1 0 B 1 3 -C 2 SELLERS, Edward SE L L E R S, E d w ard [Eddy] [E ddy] m : XC/4F14X C /4 F 1 4 -G 7 , 4G84 G 8 - 112, 2 , 7B107 B 1 0 -113, 3, G7, mn: 8 G 9 -1 2 8G9-12 SELLERS, S E L L E R S , Eleanor E lean o r Peale SPS: to SPS: M ay 14 14 X C /5 G 1 0 -113 3 1852, May XC/5G10SPS to: XC/5D2-S 1851,Jun 1851, Ju n I1 X C /5 D 2 - 5 XC/6A2-5 1852, May20 1852, M ay 20 X C /6 A 2 - 5 1853, Aug21 XC/7D12-E1 1853, A u g 21 X C /7 D 1 2 -E 1 XC/9A6-9 1854, Dec3 1854, D ec3 X C /9 A 6 - 9 XC/9E1-4 1855, Apr 1855, A p r 11,2 ,2 X C /9 E 1 - 4 mn: XC/2D14-E2, m: X C /2 D 1 4 -E 2 , 33C9-12, C 9 - 1 2 , 3F3-6, 3 F 3 -6 , 33G1-4, G 1 - 4 , 4A2-S, 4 A 2 - 5 , 4A13-B2, 4 A 1 3 -B 2 , 4B5-8, 4 B 5 - 8 , 4B9-12, 4 B 9 - 1 2 , 4C7-14, 4 C 7 - 1 4 , 4E5-8, 4 E 5 -8 , 4E9-F1, 4 E 9 -F 1 , 44F2-S, F 2 - 5 , 4F6-9, 4 F 6 - 9 , 5A6-9, 5 A 6 -9 , 5A14-B3, 5 A 1 4 -B 3 , 5C14-D1, 5 C 1 4 - D 1 , 5E9-12, 5 E 9 -1 2 , 5G2-S, 5 G 2 - 5, 66A6-9, A 6 - 9, 6F5-8, 6 F 5 - 8, 7A8-11, 7 A 8 - 11, 7 B 2 - 5 , 7B10-13, 7 B 1 0 - 1 3 , 7B14-C3, 7 B 1 4 -C 3 , 7B2-S, 7C6-9, 7 C 6 - 9, 7C14-D3, 7 C 1 4 - D 3 , 7D8-11, 7 D 8 - 11, 7E2-5, 7 E 2 - 5, 8B2-5, 8 B 2 - 5 , 8B6-9, 8 B 6 - 9, 8C8-11, 8 C 8 - 11, 8D3-6, 8 D 3 - 6 ,8F38 F 3 -6, 6 , 8F78 F 7 -10, 10, 8F1 8 F 1 11-14, -1 4 , 8G5-8, 8 G 5 - 8 , 8G9-12, 8 G 9 - 1 2 , 9B4-7, 9 B 4 -7 , 9B13-14, 9 B 1 3 - 14, 99C5-8, C 5 - 8 , 9D7-10, 9 D 7 -1 0 , 9E5-8, 9 E 5 -8 , 9F4-7, 9 F 4 -7 , 9F8-11, 9 F 8 -1 1 , 9F12-G1, 9 F 1 2 -G 1 , 99G2-6, G 2 - 6 , 9G7-10, 9 G 7 -1 0 , t0A2-5, tOA6-9, 1 0 A 2 - 5 ,1 0 A 6 - 9 ,1tOAtO-12, 0 A 1 0 -1 2 , 110A13-14, 0 A 1 3 - 14, 1IOBI-4, 0 B 1 -4 , 10B5-8, 1 0 B 5 -8 , 110B13-C2, 0 B 1 3 -C 2 , 110C3-6, 0 C 3 - 6 , 11007-10, 0 C 7 -1 0 , 1IOCII-14, 0 C 1 1 -1 4 , IODI-3, 1 0 D 1 - 3 , 11D2-4, 1 1 D 2 -4 , 12Al2-13 1 2 A 1 2 -1 3 SELLERS, SE L L E R S , Elizabeth E lizab eth (Mrs. (M rs. Samuel) Sam uel) XC/3C9-12, m: X C /3 C 9 -1 2 , 66B4-7, B 4 - 7 , 6C13-D2, 6 C 1 3 -D 2 , mn: 7A2-5, 7 A 2 - 5 , 77B2-5, B 2 - 5 , 8D3-6, 8 D 3 - 6 , 8D9-12, 8 D 9 -1 2 , 9C1-4, 9 C 1 - 4 , IOAIO1 0 A 1 0 -112, 2 , 110D5-8, 0 D 5 -8 , 10E2-5, IOEIO-12, 1 0 E 2 - 5 ,1 0 E 1 0 - 1 2 ,111B2-5, 1 B 2 -5 , 11B8-11 1 1 B 8 -1 1 SELLERS, Elizabeth Coleman SE L L E R S, E lizabeth C o le m a n (Mrs. (M rs. Nathan) N ath an ) SPS to: XC!IC1I-12 c. 1829, Oct 1829, O ct X C / 1 C 1 1 - 12 c. 1830 XC/1C13-14 1830 [?] [?] X C /1 C 1 3 -1 4 1831 F?] [?] X C /1 G 2 - 5 1831 XC/1G2-5 XC/11G2-3 n .d . X C /1 1 G 2 -3 nd. m: IIA!31C1011, 335G4-6, I1A /31C 10- 11, 5 G 4 -6 , 336D136 D 1 3 - E2, 2-11, 555Gb5 G 1 0 -13, 13, E2,43D 43D2-11, 666B1 6 B 1 1, 8 F 1 0 -12, 12, 68G4, 68G 4, I, 68F9, 68F9, 668F10668Gb8 G 1 0 -11, 11, 69D76 9 D 7 -10, 10, 770F3-4, 0 F 3 -4 , 14, 772D1-2, 771A8, 1 A 8, 772C132 C 1 3 - 14, 2 D 1 -2 , 772E92 E 9 -10; 10; IIC (pp. 359, 359, 441); 441); VIIA/2E14-F3, V IIA /2 E 1 4 -F 3 , 2F11, 2F11, 6E9; 6E9; X C /1 A 1 3 - 14, 1IDI-4, D 1 - 4 , 1E8-10, 1 E 8 -1 0 , XC/1A13-14, IE1I-14, 1 E 1 1 -1 4 , 1FI-2, 1 F 1 -2 , 1F3-6; 1 F 3 -6 ; m: mn:
The Peale The Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers
XIA X IA (Add.)(5 (A dd.)/5 (p. (p. 8) 8) SEL LE R S, Elizabeth SELLERS, Elizabeth M Morris o rris (Mrs. (M rs. Charles) Charles) m: XXC/IFI-2, m: C /1 F 1 -2 , 22B5-8, B 5 - 8 , 22C13-D2, C 1 3 -D 2 , 2 D 3 - 6 , 33C1-4, C 1 - 4 , 33Cl3-D2, C 1 3 -D 2 , 2D3-6, 3D3-6, 3 D 3 - 6 , 33D7-l0, D 7 - 1 0 , 3E5-8, 3 E 5 - 8 , 3F3-6, 3 F 3 -6 , 3F73 F 7 - 10, 1 0 ,33G1-4, G 1 - 4 , 3G5-8, 3 G 5 - 8 , 3G93 G 9 -12, 12, 4A13-B2, 4 A 1 3 -B 2 , 44B9B 9 - 12, 12, 44D1-4, D 1 -4 , 4D5-8, 4 D 5 - 8 , 4D13-E4, 4 D 1 3 - E 4 , 4E5-8, 4 E 5 -8 , 5A6-9, 5 A 6 - 9, 55D2-5, D 2 - 5 , 5D6-9, 5 D 6 - 9 , 5G2-5, 5 G 2 -5 , 6A2-5, 6 A 2 -5 , 6A6-9, 6 A 6 - 9 , 6A14-B3, 6 A 1 4 -B 3 , 6D8-11, 6 D 8 -1 1 , 77C6-9, C 6 - 9 , 7C10-13, 7 C 1 0 -1 3 , 7D8-11, 7 D 8 - 11, 77D12-E1, D 1 2 - E 1 , 7F1-4, 7 F 1 -4 , 88A6-8, A 6 -8 , 8C12, 8C 12, 88C13-D2, C 1 3 - D 2 , 88E5-8, E 5 -8 , 9F12-G1, 9F 1 2 -G 1 , 99G7-10, G 7 - 1 0 , 11A2-5, 1 1 A 2 -5 , 11C13-D1, 1 1 C 1 3 -D 1 , 11D13-14, 1 1 D 1 3 - 14, 11Gb-Il 1 1 G 1 0 -11 SELLERS, EEuphrosyne (Mrs. SELLERS, u p h ro sy n e (M rs. Nathan) N athan) m: XCI3F3-6, X C /3 F 3 -6 , 3G93 G 9 -12, 12, 4A24 A 2 - 5, 5, 4A13.-B2, 4 A 1 3 -B 2 , 55A10-13, A 1 0 - 13, 55F9-13, F 9 -1 3 , 66D5-7, D 5 - 7 , 77A10-13, A 1 0 - 13, 77E2-5, E 2 -5 , 77E10-12, E 1 0 -1 2 , 77F1-4, F 1 -4 , 88C4-7, C 4 -7 , 88E9-12, E 9 -1 2 , 88F7-10, F 7 -1 0 , 8F11-14, 8 F 1 1 -1 4 , 88G5-8, G 5 - 8 , 9C9-12, 9 C 9 - 1 2 , 9E13-F2 9 E 1 3 -F 2 SELLERS, Frederick H Harrold SEL LE R S, Frederick arro ld m: XC/3C912,44A2-5, m: X C /3 C 9 - 12, A 2 - 5 , 44B3-4, B 3 -4 , 4E5-8, 4 E 5 -8 , 4F2-5, 4 F 2 -5 , 5A2-5, 5 A 2 - 5 , 5A6-9, 5 A 6 -9 , 55D2-5, D 2 - 5 , 55E4-8, E 4 -8 , 5G2-5, 5 G 2 - 5 , 6A6-9, 6 A 6 -9 , 6B4-7, 6 B 4 -7 , 66C13-D2, C 1 3 - D 2 , 7C6-9, 7 C 6 -9 , 7D12-E1, 7 D 1 2 - E 1 ,88B2-5, B 2 - 5 , 8C4-7, 8 C 4 -7 , 8C8-11, 8 C 8 - 1 1 , 88E5-8, E 5 - 8 , 8F3-6, 8 F 3 -6 , 9A6-9, 9 A 6 -9 , 9B4-7, 9 B 4 -7 , 10D13-E1, 1 0 D 1 3 -E 1 , 10E6-9, 1 0 E 6 -9 , 110G4-7, 0 G 4 -7 , 111A6-9, 1 A 6 -9 , 11F6-9 1 1 F 6 -9 SELLERS, George SEL LE R S, G eorge m: XCI2BI-4, X C /2 B 1 -4 , 2B92 B 9 -12, 12, 3E1-4, 3 E 1 -4 , m: 3F11-14, 3 F 1 1 -1 4 , 33G1-4, G 1 - 4 , 3G9-12, 3 G 9 -1 2 , 44A2-5, A 2 - 5 , 4A13-B2, 4 A 1 3 -B 2 , 4B94 B 9 - 12, 12, 44E9-F1, E 9 -F 1 , 44F2-5, F 2 -5 , 5A10-13, 5 A 1 0 -1 3 , 5A14-B3, 5 A 1 4 -B 3 , 55B12-C1, B 1 2 - C 1 , 5E4-8, 5 E 4 -8 , 5F3-4, 5 F 3 -4 , 5F9-13, 5 F 9 -1 3 , 6B4-7, 6 B 4 - 7 , 6F9-12, 6 F 9 -1 2 , 66F13-G2, F 1 3 -G 2 , 77A2-5, A 2 - 5 , 7A6-7, 7 A 6 -7 , 77A8-11, A 8 -1 1 , 77Al2-B1, A 1 2 - B 1 , 8E9-12, 8 E 9 -1 2 , 88F11-14, F 1 1 -1 4 , 99E13-F2, E 1 3 -F 2 , 11B2-5 1 1 B 2 -5 SELLERS, SELLER S, George G eorge Esçol Escol Witness to pproxy W itness to ro x y letter from fro m SPS SPS to to Charles C harles Sellers: Sellers: X C /1 G 8 -9 1835, Jan 55 XCIIG8-9 toSPS: to SPS: XCI3B7-10 1845, Aug11 1845, A ug 11 X C /3 B 7 - 10 to C harles A. Stetson: Charles XIAIISD5-13 1848,Octl8 1848, O c t 18 X I A /1 5 D 5 - 13 to SPS: XC/10D1-3 1855, S ept 1 X C /1 0 D 1 -3 1855,Septl to olem an Sellers Sellers [II]: [II]: to C Coleman XC/10E2-5 1855, O c t 20 X C /1 0 E 2 -5 1855, Oct20 to Coleman C olem an Sellers Sellers [U] [II] and Anna A nna Sellers: 1859, N o v 4 X XC/11F6-9 C /1 1 F 6 -9 1859,Nov4 ReP R eP to: VIA/10F5-6 1850, A p r 15 V IA /1 0 F 5 -6 1850, Apr15 RuP R uP to Alfred A lfred Harrold H a rro ld and: and: 1835, AAug22 u g 2 2 VIIA(Add.)/1D8-9 V IIA (A d d .)/lD 8 -9 1835, RuP, L etter ooff pproxy ro x y to: to: RuP, Letter 1836, A p r 8, 10 10 V VIIA/9A2-4 IIA /9 A 2 -4 1836, Apr R uP to: RuP VIIA/9A10-12 1836,JJun un8 V IIA /9 A 1 0 -1 2 1836,
John Jo h n Obadiah O b ad iah Westwood W estw ood to: to: 1832, Dec10 VlllAi3B7-9 1832, D ec 10 V IIIA /3 B 7 -9 James Jam es Swann S w ann to: 1834, May M ay 10 10 V IIIA /3 E 1 -4 VlllA/3E1-4 1837, Dec VlllA/6D8D ec 11 11 V IIIA /6 D 8 -111 1 BFP, for Philadelphia M Museum Co., u seu m C o ., to: 1836, Jan 44 IX A /5 D 2 -3 1836,Jan IXA/5D2-3 R. M. M . Patterson P atterso n to: 1836, Oct6 IX A /6 A 9 -1 0 IXA/6A9-10 1836, O ct 6 BFP BFP to: 1866, IXA/18B3-6 IX A /1 8 B 3 -6 1866, Nov29 N o v 29 SPS to: 1831,AugS XC/1E4-7 1831, A u g 5 X C /1 E 4 -7 X C /1 G 6 -7 1832, Sept 19 19 XC/1G6-7 X C /5 C 2 - 8 1851, M ay 6 1851, May6 XCI5C2-8 X C /5 C 1 4 -D 1 1851,Ju n I1 1851,Jun XC15C14-D1 1851, Dec XC/5F14-G11 D ec 15 15 XC/5F14-G 1852, Oct XCI6C5-8 X C /6 C 5 -8 1852, O c t 10 10 1852, Oct30 XCI6D5-7 X C /6 D 5 -7 1852, O c t 30 1853, o v 13 1853, NNov13 XC/7E10-12 X C /7 E 1 0 - 12 1854 XC/9C12 X C /9C 12 1855, Ju Jull 18 XC/10A6-9 X C /1 0 A 6 -9 18 1855, Jul22 XC/10B1.-4 X C /1 0 B 1 -4 1855,Ju l 22 Andrew A n d rew Summers S u m m ers to: to: 1835, A u g 12 X IA /1 2 B 1 0 -11 1835, Aug12 XIA/12B10-11 Elizabeth DePeyster E lizabeth D eP ey ster Peale Patterson, P atterso n , Receipt to: D ec 9 X IA /12B12 1835, Dec XIAII2BI2 H S packm en to: H.. S. Spackmen XIA/12C2-3 1835, D Dec11 1835, ec 11 X IA /1 2 C 2 -3 RuP R u P to: 1838, 23 X IC /1 B 8 -G 3 1838, Sept Sept23 XIC/1B8-G3. m: IIA /48C8, 66B11; IA /8 A 2 -5 , m: llA/48C8, 66B11; VVIA/8A2-5, 8B14-C1, 8 B 1 4 -C 1 , 15D2-7, 1 5 D 2 - 7 , 15D8-E1, 1 5 D 8 -E 1 , 115E2-5, 5 E 2 -5 , 15E61 5 E 6 -113; 3 ; VIIAI7C6-9, V IIA /7 C 6 -9 , 9B8, 0 F 1 1 -1 4 , 11C12-D1; 1 1 C 1 2 -D 1 ; 9B8, 110F11-14, V IIIA /3 E 9 -12, 3 G 9 -1 2 ; VIIIAI3E912, 113G9-12; IXA/5E7-10; XC/1C4-7, IX A /5 E 7 -1 0 ; X C /1 C 4 -7 , 11C8-10, C 8 - 1 0 , 1IDI-4, D 1 - 4 , 11D5-8, D 5 -8 , 11D9-12, D 9 - 1 2 ,11E8-10, E 8 - 1 0 , 1IEII-14, HI 1—14, 1IFI-2, F 1 -2 , 1F7-9, 1 F 7 -9 , 2A132 A 1 3 - 14, 14, 22B5-8, B 5 -8 , 22B9B 9 - 12, C 1 3 - D 2 , 22D3-6, D 3 -6 , 12,22C13-D2, 2D7-b0, 2 D 7 -1 0 , 22E3-6, E 3 - 6 , 3B1-2, 3 B 1 - 2 , 3C1-4, 3 C 1 -4 , 33C5-8, C 5 - 8 , 3C9-12, 3 C 9 - 1 2 , 3C13-D2, 3 C 1 3 -D 2 , 33D3.-6, D 3 - 6 , 33D7-10, D 7 - 1 0 , 3D11-14, 3 D 1 1 -1 4 , 3E5-8, 3 E 5 -8 , 3E93 E 9 -12, 12, 3F3-6, 3 F 3 -6 , 3F73 F 7 -10, 10, 33F11-14, F 1 1 -1 4 , 33G1-4, G 1 - 4 , 3G5-8, 3 G 5 -8 , 33G9G 9 - 112, 2 ,44A2-5, A 2 - 5 , 44A6-8, A 6 -8 , 4A13-B2, 4 A 1 3 -B 2 , 4B5-8, 4 B 5 - 8 , 4B94 B 9 -12, 12, 44B13-C6, B 1 3 - C 6 , 44C7-14, C 7 - 1 4 , 44D1-4, D 1 -4 , 44D9D 9 - 12, E 5 - 8 , 44E9-F1, E 9 - F 1 , 4F6-9, 4 F 6 -9 , 12, 44E5-8, 44F10-13, F 1 0 - 13, 44F14-G7, F 1 4 -G 7 , 55A2-5, A 2 -5 , 55A6-9, A 6 - 9 , 5A105 A 1 0 - 13, 13, 55A14-B3, A 1 4 -B 3 , 55B4-5, B 4 - 5 , 5B6-7, 5 B 6 - 7 , 5B8-11, 5 B 8 -1 1 , 55B12-C1, B 1 2 - C 1 , 5D10-13, 5 D 1 0 - 13, 5E13-F2, 5 E 1 3 -F 2 , 55F3-4, F 3 -4 , 5F5-8, 5 F 5 -8 , SF95 F 9 -113, 3 , 55G2-5, G 2 -5 , 55G6-9, G 6 - 9 , 6A6-9, 6 A 6 - 9 , 6A10-13, 6 A 1 0 -1 3 , 66A14-B3, A 1 4 -B 3 , 66B4-7, B 4 - 7 , 66B8-10, B 8 -1 0 , 66C1-4, C 1 - 4 , 6C96 C 9 - 12, 12, 66C13-D2, C 1 3 -D 2 , 66D8D 8 - 11, 11, 66D14-E3, D 1 4 - E3, 6E76 E 7 -10, 10, 66F9-12, F 9 -1 2 , 66F13-G2, F 1 3 -G 2 , 66G3-8, G 3 -8 , 77A8-11, A 8 -1 1 , 77Al2-B1, A 1 2 - B 1 , 7B2-S, 7 B 2 -5 , 77B6-9, B 6 - 9 , 7B107 B 1 0 - 13, 13, 77B14-C3, B 1 4 -C 3 , 7 C 6 - 9 , 7C10-13, 7 C 1 0 - 13, 7C14-D3, 7 C 1 4 -D 3 , 7C6-9, 77D4-7, D 4 - 7 , 77D8-11, D 8 - 1 1 , 7D12-E1, 7 D 1 2 -E 1 ,
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The The Peale Peale Family F am ily Papers Papers
77E6-9, E 6 - 9 , 7F1-4, 7 F 1 -4 , 7F5-8, 7 F 5 -8 , 7F97 F 9 -12, 12, 77G7-10, G 7 -1 0 , 77G11-13, G 1 1 - 1 3 , 88A2-5, A 2 -5 , 88A6-8, A 6 - 8 , 88A9-12, A 9 - 12, 88A13-B1, A 1 3 -B 1 , 88B6-9, B 6 - 9 , 88B10-13, B 1 0 - 1 3 , 88B14-C3, B 1 4 -C 3 , 88C4-7, C 4 - 7 , 88C8-11, C 8 - 1 1 , 88C13-D2, C 1 3 -D 2 , 8 D 9 -12, 12, 88E5-8, E 5 - 8 , 8E98 E 9 -12, 12, 88F3-6, F 3 -6 , 8D988F7-10, F 7 -1 0 , 88F11-14, F 1 1 -1 4 , 88G5-8, G 5 -8 , 88G9-12, G 9 - 1 2 , 99A2-5, A 2 - 5 , 99A10-13, A 1 0 -1 3 , 99B4-7, B 4 - 7 , 99B8-11, B 8 - 1 1 , 99B13-14, B 1 3 -1 4 , 9 C 5 - 8 , 9C99 C 9 - 12, 12, 99C13-D2, C 1 3 -D 2 , 9C5-8, 99D3-6, D 3 - 6 , 99D7-10, D 7 - 1 0 , 99D11-14, D 1 1 -1 4 , 99E9-12, E 9 -1 2 , 99E13-F2, E 1 3 -F 2 , 9F3, 9F3, 99F4-7, F 4 -7 , 99F8-11, F 8 -1 1 , 99F12-G1, F 1 2 -G 1 , 99G2-6, G 2 -6 , 9G7-10, 9 G 7 -1 0 , 10A2-5, 1 0 A 2 -5 , 10A10-12, 1 0 A 1 0 -1 2 , 110B5-8, 0 B 5 -8 , 110B9-12, 0 B 9 - 12, 110B13-C2, 0 B 1 3 -C 2 , 110C3-6, 0 C 3 - 6 , 11007-10, 0 C 7 -1 0 , 110C11-14, 0 C 1 1 -1 4 , 110D9-12, 0 D 9 - 1 2 ,110D13-E1, 0 D 1 3 - E 1 , 10E6-9, 1 0 E 6 -9 , 11OEIO-12, 0 E 1 0 -1 2 , 110E13-F1, 0 E 1 3 -F 1 ,110F2-5, 0 F 2 -5 , 10 F 1 0 -1 3 , 110F14-G3, 0 F 1 4 -G 3 , 110G4-7, 0 G 4 -7 , 10F10-13, 11A6-9, 1 1 A 6 - 9 ,111Al2-B1, 1 A 1 2 -B 1 , 11D9-10, 1 1 D 9 -1 0 , 1IE1-5, 11ID1I-12, 1 D 1 1 -1 2 , 11 E l —5, 111E8-10, 1 E 8 -1 0 , I1EII-F3; 1 1 E 1 1 -F 3 ; XXIA/1IC-12A5; IA /11C -12A 5; (A dd.)/5 (p.8), (p .8), 66(p(pp. p . 1100-108, 0 0 -1 0 8 , (Add.)/5 110-11,115, 1 1 0 -1 1 , 115, 118-23, 1 1 8 -2 3 , 126, 126, 1 3 6 -3 7 , 140, 140, 1142-44, 4 2 - 44, 1146-47, 4 6 -4 7 , 136-37, 150,153, 5 5 -6 2 , 1167-69, 6 7 - 69, 171, 171, 150, 153, 1155-62, 173,178, 8 0 -8 1 ), 77 (pp. 173, 178, 1180-81), (pp. 182-83); 182-83); XIC/1B8G33 X 1 C /1 B 8 -G S EL LE R S, H an n ah SELLERS, Hannah SPS SPS to: to: 1802, O Oct XC/1A5-6 c t 10 X C /1 A 5 -6 SELLERS, SE L L E R S, Harry H a rry in: m : X XCI3G5-8, Q 3 G 5 - 8 , 44A2-5, A 2 - 5 , 44A6-8, A 6 -8 , 44B3-4, B 3 - 4 , 44B5-8, B 5 - 8 , 44B9-12, B 9 - 1 2 , 44E5-8, E 5 -8 , 5 D 2 - 5 ,55E4E 4 - 88, , 55G2-5, G 2 - 5 ,55GbG 1 0 -13, 13, 5D2-5, 6A10-13, 6 A 1 0 -1 3 , 66F13-G2, F 1 3 -G 2 , 77B14-C3, B 1 4 -C 3 , 77C14-D3, C 1 4 - D 3 , 7D12-E1, 7 D 1 2 - E 1 , 8A2-5, 8 A 2 -5 , 8 B 6 - 9 , 88C4-7, C 4 - 7 , 88C8-11, C 8 -1 1 , 8B6-9, 88C13-D2, C 1 3 - D 2 8F3-6, ,8 F 3 - 6 , 8F78 F 7 -10, 10, 88G5-8, G 5 - 8 ,99A6-9, A 6 - 9 ,99B4-7, B 4 - 7 ,99B13-14, B 1 3 -1 4 , 110G4-7, 0 G 4 -7 , 111A6-9, 1 A 6 -9 , 111B2-5, 1 B 2 -5 , 111C13-D1, 1 C 1 3 -D 1 , 111D2-4, 1 D 2 - 4 , 111G6-7 1 G 6 -7 S EL LE R S, Harvey H arv ey SELLERS, m : IIA /55G 10-13, 66B 11,1,6 969B13-C1, B 1 3 -C 1 , in: IIA/55G10-13, 66B1 69C 9, 71 A 3 -4 ; V IIA /2 E 1 4 -F 3 ; 69C9, 71A3-4; VIIA/2E14-F3; XC/1D5-8, X C /1 D 5 - 8 , 1D9-12, 1 D 9 - 1 2 , 1E2-3, 1 E 2 -3 , 1F3-6,2D3-6, 1F 3 - 6 , 2 D 3 - 6 , 2D7-10, 2 D 7 - 10, 2E3-6, 2 E 3 - 6, 33C9-12, C 9 - 1 2 , 33D3-6, D 3 - 6 , 33D11-14, D 1 1 -1 4 , 33E5-8, E 5 -8 , 33F3-6, F 3 -6 , 33G1-4, G 1 - 4 , 44B5-8, B 5 -8 , 4F14-G7, 4G8-12, 13, 4 F 1 4 - G 7 ,4 G 8 - 1 2 ,SF95 F 9 -1 3, 5 G 2 -5 , 55G6-9, G 6 - 9 , 66A6-9, A 6 - 9 , 66B4-7, B 4 -7 , 5G2-5, 6 B 8 -10, 1 0 ,66C1-4, C 1 - 4 , 66C5-8, C 5 - 8 ,6C96 C 9 -12, 12, 6B866C13-D2, C 1 3 - D 2 , 6D14-E3, 6 D 1 4 - E 3 , 6E11-14, 6 E 1 1 -1 4 , 66F1-4, F 1 -4 , 66G3-8, G 3 - 8 , 66G9G 9 -12, 12, 77A8-11, A 8 -1 1 , 77Al2-B1, A 1 2 -B 1 , 7B2-S, 7 B 2 - 5, 77B6-9, B 6 -9 , 77B10-13, B 1 0 - 13, 77B14-C3, B 1 4 - C 3 , 77C6-9, C 6 -9 , 7 C 1 0 -1 3 , 77C14-D3, C 1 4 -D 3 , 77D4-7, D 4 -7 , 7C10-13, 77D12-E1, D 1 2 -E 1 , 7E2-5, 7 E 2 - 5 , 7E10-12, 7 E 1 0 -1 2 , 7 E 1 3 - 14, 77G7-10, G 7 - 10, 88A9-12, A 9 - 12, 7E13-14, 8A13-B1, 8 A 1 3 -B 1 , 8C4-7, 8 C 4 - 7 , 88C8-11, C 8 -1 1 , 8C13-D2, 8 C 1 3 - D 2 ,8E5-8, 8 E 5 - 8 ,8E98 E 9 -12, 12, 88G1-4, G 1 - 4 ,88G5-8, G 5 - 8 , 8G98 G 9 -12, 12, 99A2-5, A 2 -5 , 99A10A 1 0 -113, 3 , 99C5-8, C 5 - 8 , 99C9C 9 - 112, 2, 99D3-6, D 3 - 6 , 9E9-12, 9 E 9 - 12, 99E13-F2, E 1 3 -F 2 , 99F12-G1, F 1 2 -G 1 , 99G2-6, G 2 - 6 , 99G7-1O, G 7 -1 0 , IOB1-4, 1 0 B 1 -4 , 110C3-6, 0 C 3 - 6 , 1OCI1-14, 1 0 C 1 1 -1 4 ,
11OD1-3, 0 D 1 -3 , 110D5-8, 0 D 5 - 8 , 10E2-5, 1 0 E 2 -5 , 110E6-9, 0 E 6 -9 , 110E13-F1, 0 E 1 3 -F 1 , 111A6-9, 1 A 6 -9 , 11E8-1O, 111C13-D1, 1 C 1 3 - D 1 ,1 1 E 8 - 1 0 ,111G2-3; 1 G 2 -3 ; X IIA /1 A 3 -3 E 3 XIIA/1A3-3E3 SELLERS, SE L L E R S,Horace H o ra c e Wells Wells N o te s oon n PPeale's eale’s MMuseum: u seu m : Notes n.d. XIA/15F12-16A10 n .d . X IA /15F 12-16A 10 m: X XC/11B8-11, C /1 1 B 8 -1 1 , IICS-6; 11C 5-6; X IA /16B 11-E 8 XIA/16B1 1-E8 SELLERS,J. SE L L E R S, J. and a n dD., D . , && CCo. o. in: m : XXC/3C5-8, C /3 C 5 -8 ,3E93 E 9 -12, 12, 5E95 E 9 -12, 12, 55G2-5, G 2 - 5 , 66A10-13, A 1 0 - 1 3 , 66F1-4, F 1 - 4 , 77B6-9 B 6 -9 SELLERS, SE L L E R S, James Jam es m : X XC/1D13-E1, C /1 D 1 3 - E 1 ,22C13-D2, C 1 3 - D 2 ,33D3-6, D 3 -6 , in: 3 F 3 -6 , 3F11-14, G 1 - 4 , 33G5-8, G 5 -8 , 3F3-6, 3F11-14, 33G1-4, 4E9-F1, 4 E 9 -F 1 , 55A10-13, A 1 0 -1 3 , 55C2-8, C 2 -8 , 55D10-13, D 1 0 - 13, 55E4-8, E 4 - 8 , 55F14-G1, F 1 4 -G 1 , 66A2-5, A 2 - 5 , 66A14-B3, A 1 4 - B 3 , 66C5-8, C 5 -8 , 66C13-D2, C 1 3 -D 2 , 6D126 D 1 2 -13, 13, 77A2-5, A 2 -5 , 7B2-5, 14, 7 B 2 - 5 , 7E137 E 1 3 -1 4 , 77G7G 7 - 110, 0, 8 A 9 -12, 12, 88B6-9, B 6 - 9, 8C88 C 8 -11, 11, 8A98 D 3 - 6 , 8D98 D 9 12, - 12, 8D138 D 1 3 -14, 14, 8D3-6, 8 E 1 3 -F 2 , 88F7-10, F 7 -1 0 , 99A2-5, A 2 -5 , 8E13-F2, 99A6-9, A 6 - 9 , 99C1-4, C 1 - 4 , 99C9-12, C 9 - 1 2 , 99D3-6, D 3 -6 , 9D79 D 7 - 10, 10, 99E13-F2, E 1 3 -F 2 , 9G79 G 7 -10, 10, 110A6-9, 0 A 6 -9 , 110B13-C2, 0 B 1 3 -C 2 , 1OEIO-12, 1 0 E 1 0 -1 2 , 110G8-11, 0 G 8 -1 1 , 111A2-5, 1 A 2 -5 , 111B2-5, 1 B 2 -5 , 1IICI-4, 1 C 1 -4 , 111C7-8, 1 C 7 - 8 , 11 C l 1 —12, 11C11-12, 111C13-D1, 1 C 1 3 -D 1 , IIE1-5, 1 1 E 1 -5 , 111E6-7, 1 E 6 -7 , 1I 11G2G 2 -33 SELLERS, S E L L E R S , John Jo h n to A nnaSellers: Sellers: to Anna 1859, Sept Sept26 XC/11E8-10 1859, 26 X C /1 1 E 8 -1 0 in: m : XXC/3B3-6, C /3 B 3 -6 ,33C9-12, C 9 -1 2 ,33D3-6, D 3 -6 , 33D11-14, D 11-14, 33E5-8, E 5 -8 , 33E13-F2, E 1 3 -F 2 , 33F3-6, F 3 -6 , 3F11-14, G 1 - 4 , 33G5-8, G 5 -8 , 3F11-14,3 3G1-4, 3G9-12, 3 G 9 - 1 2 , 44A2-5, A 2 - 5 , 44A6-8, A 6 -8 , 44A13-B2, A 1 3 -B 2 , 4B5-8, 4 B 5 - 8 , 4E9-F1, 4 E 9 -F 1 , 4F2-5, 4 F 2 -5 , 55A6-9, A 6 - 9 , 55A10-13, A 1 0 -1 3 , 5 B 1 2 -C 1 , 5D14-E3, 5 D 1 4 - E 3 , 5E4-8, 5 E 4 -8 , 5B12-C1, 55F5-8, F 5 -8 , SF95 F 9 -113, 3 , 66A10-13, A 1 0 -1 3 , 66B4-7, B 4 - 7 , 66D14-E3, D 1 4 - E 3 , 77A2-5, A 2 -5 , 77B2-5, B 2 - 5 , 77C10-13, C 1 0 - 1 3 , 88A9-12, A 9 -1 2 , 8 C 1 3 - D 2 , 8E13-F2, 8 E 1 3 -F 2 , 9C1-4, 9 C 1 -4 , 8C13-D2, 9D3-6, 9 D 3 - 6 , 1IODS-8, 0 D 5 - 8 , 10E2-S, 1 0 E 2 -5 , 1 0 E 6 -9 , 11OEIO-12, 0 E 1 0 -1 2 , 110G8-11, 0 G 8 - 11, 10E6-9, 11A6-9, 1 1 A 6 - 9 ,111B8-11, 1 B 8 - 1 1 , 11E1-5, 1 1 E 1 -5 , 11 Eli 11E 1 1--FF3 3 S E L L E R S ,Joseph Jo sep h SELLERS, C /3 F 1 1 -1 4 , 110B9-12, 0 B 9 -1 2 , 111B2-5 1 B 2 -5 m: X XC/3F11-14, SE L L E R S, Louis L ouis SELLERS, m : XXC/8G9-12, C /8 G 9 - 12, 99B8-11, B 8 - 1 1 , 110A6-9, 0 A 6 -9 , in: 10E6-9, 1 0 E 6 -9 , 1IOF1O-13 0 F 1 0 -1 3 S E L L E R S,Louisa L ouisa SELLERS, m: X XC/2A2-8, C /2 A 2 - 8 , 3F3-6, 3 F 3 - 6 , 55E4-8, E 4 -8 , 5SF9F 9 -113, 3 , 5 F5F14-Gi, 1 4 -G 1 , 55G2-5, G 2 -5 , 6 A 1 4 -B 3 , 66C5-8, C 5 - 8 , 66C13-D2, C 1 3 -D 2 , 6A14-B3, 6 D 5 - 7 , 66D14-E3, D 1 4 - E 3 , 66G3-8, G 3 -8 , 6D5-7, 7 A 8 -1 1 , 77B2-5, B 2 - 5 , 77D12-E1, D 1 2 -E 1 , 7A8-i1, 7E2-5, 7 E 2 - 5 , 77F9-12, F 9 -1 2 , 88D3-6, D 3 -6 , 8D13-14, 8 D 1 3 - 14, 8F11-14, 8 F 1 1 - 14, 99A2-5, A 2 -5 , 9 A 1 4 -B 3 , 9C9-12, 9 C 9 - 1 2 , 9E9-12, 9 E 9 -1 2 , 9A14-B3, 9 G 7 -1 0 , 10A6-9, 1 0 A 6 -9 , 10B9-12, 1 0 B 9 -1 2 , 9G7-1O, 1IOE1O-12, 0 E 1 0 -1 2 , 110G8-11, 0 G 8 -1 1 , 111B8-i1, 1 B 8 -1 1 , 1IIEI-5, 1 E 1 - 5 ,111E6-7 1 E 6 -7 SELLERS, S E L L E R S, Lucy L ucy
2269 69
The T h e Peale P eale Family F am ily Papers P apers
s p s to: SPS
6A106 A 1 0 -13, 1 3 , 6B4-7, 6 B 4 - 7 ,6B86 B 8 -10, 10,
X C /5 D 2 - 5 XCI5D2-5 m: XC/2D3-6, m: X 0 2 D 3 - 6 , 44A2-5, A 2 - 5 , 4A6-8, 4 A 6 -8 , 44A9-12, A 9 -1 2 , 44A13-B2, A 1 3 -B 2 , 44B5-8, B 5 -8 , 44B9-12, B 9 - 1 2 ,44C7-14, C 7 - 1 4 ,44E5-8, E 5 -8 , 4E9-F1, 4 E 9 - F 1 ,44F2-5, F 2 - 5 , 44F6-9, F 6 - 9 , 5A6-9, 5 A 6 -9 , 55A14-B3, A 1 4 -B 3 , 55B12-C1, B 1 2 - C 1 , 55C14-D1, C 1 4 -D 1 , 5E9-12, 5 E 9 -1 2 , 5G2-5, 5 G 2 - 5 , 5G10-13, 5 G 1 0 -1 3 , 6 A 1 4 - B 3 ,66B4-7, B 4 - 7 , 6C5-8, 6 C 5 -8 , 6A14-B3, 66C9-12, C 9 - 1 2 ,66C13-D2, C 1 3 - D 2 ,66D14-E3, D 1 4 -E 3 , 66E7-10, E 7 -1 0 , 66E11-14, E 1 1 -1 4 , 66F1-4, F 1 -4 , 66F5-8, F 5 -8 , 6F13-G2, 6 F 1 3 -G 2 , 77B6-9, B 6 - 9 , 77B14-C3, B 1 4 -C 3 , 7C6-9, 7 C 6 - 9 , 7D12-E1, 7 D 1 2 - E 1 , 7E2-5, 7 E 2 -5 , 8A6-8, 8 A 6 -8 , 88B2-5, B 2 - 5 , 88B6-9, B 6 - 9 , 8C4-7, 8 C 4 -7 , 88C8-11, C 8 -1 1 , 88C13-D2, C 1 3 - D 2 , 88E5-8, E 5 -8 ,
6 C 1 - 4 , 6D8-11, 6 D 8 - 1 1 , 6D14-E3, 6 D 1 4 -E 3 , 6C1-4, 6E4-6, 6 E 4 - 6 ,66E7-10, E 7 - 1 0 , 6F5-8, 6 F 5 -8 , 7A2-5, 7 A 2 -5 , 7 A 6 - 7 , 7A8-11, 7 A 8 - 1 1 , 7B2-5, 7 B 2 -5 , 7A6-7, 7B10-13, 7 B 1 0 - 1 3 ,77C14-D3, C 1 4 - D 3 , 7D12-E1, 7 D 1 2 -E 1 , 7E2-5, 7 E 2 -5 , 7F1-4, 7 F 1 -4 , 7F9-12, 7 F 9 -1 2 , 88B14-C3, B 1 4 -C 3 , 88D3-6, D 3 - 6 , 8E9-12, 8 E 9 -1 2 , 8E13-F2, 8 E 1 3 -F 2 , 88F3-6, F 3 -6 , 88G1-4, G 1 -4 , 8G9-12, 8 G 9 -1 2 , 99C5-8, C 5 - 8 , 99D3-6; D 3 -6 ,' 99D11-14,9E1--4,9E5-8, D 1 1 - 1 4 ,9 E 1 - 4 , 9 E 5 - 8 , 9F4-7, 9 F 4 -7 , 1 0 A 2 - 5 ,1IOBI-4, 0 B 1 - 4 ,110D4, 0 D 4 , 10D5-8, 1 0 D 5 -8 , 10A2-5, 1 0 F 6 - 9 ,110F14-G3, 0 F 1 4 - G 3 ,110G4-7, 0 G 4 -7 , 10F6-9, 11A2-5, 1 1 A 2 - 5 ,111B8-11, 1 B 8 - 1 1 ,1 IICI-4, 1 C 1 -4 ,
1851,Jun 1851, J u n I1
8E98 E 9 -112, 2 , 88F7F 7 -110, 0 , 8F118 F 1 1 -114, 4, 9A6-9, 9 A 6 -9 , 9B4-7, 9 B 4 - 7 , 9B8-11, 9 B 8 -1 1 , 9 B 1 3 - 14, 99C5-8, C 5 - 8 , 9C13-D2, 9 C 1 3 -D 2 , 9B13-14, 99E1-4, E 1 -4 , 99E5-8, E 5 -8 , 9E13-F2, 9 E 1 3 -F 2 , 99F12-G1, F 1 2 -G 1 , 99G2-6, G 2 - 6 , 9G7-10, 9 G 7 -1 0 , 10A2-5, 1 0 A 2 - 5 ,110A6-9, 0 A 6 - 9 ,110A10-12, 0 A 1 0 -1 2 , 11007-10, 0 C 7 - 1 0 ,110C11-14, 0 C 1 1 - 1 4 ,110D1-3, 0 D 1 -3 , 1 0 D 9 - 1 2 ,110D13-E1, 0 D 1 3 - E 1 ,110E2-5, 0 E 2 -5 , 10D9-12, 10E13-F1, 1 0 E 1 3 -F 1 , 10F10-13, 1 0 F 1 0 -1 3 , 10G4-7, 1 0 G 4 -7 , 10G8-11, 1 0 G 8 -1 1 , 11A2-5, 1 1 A 2 -5 , 11A6-9, 1 1 A 6 -9 , 11Al2-B1, 1 1 A 1 2 -B 1 , 11B2-5, 1 1 B 2 -5 , 11B8-11, 1 1 B 8 -1 1 , 11B12-14, 1 1 B 1 2 -1 4 ,111C7-8, 1 C 7 - 8 , 11D2-4, 1 1 D 2 -4 , 111D9-10, 1 D 9 -1 0 , 1IIEI-5, 1 E 1 -5 , 11F6-9 1 1 F 6 -9 SELLERS, SEL LE R S, Martha M artha m: X C /3 G 5 - 8 ,44E9-F1, E 9 - F 1 , 5D10-13, 5 D 1 0 -1 3 , XCI3G5-8, 5E4-8, 5 E 4 -8 , 6D12-13, 6 D 1 2 - 13, 8A9-12, 8 A 9 - 12, 9 C 1 -4 9C1-4 SELLERS, M Mary SELLERS, ary m : XC/3C5X C /3 C 5 -88,, 33C9C 9 - 12, 44E9E 9 -FFl, 1, 66A14-B3, A 1 4 -B 3 , 66C1-4, C 1 - 4 , 8A9-12, 8 A 9 -1 2 , 8B6-9, 8 B 6 - 9 , 99A2-5, A 2 - 5 , 9C1-4, 9 C 1 - 4 , 9C9-12, 9 C 9 -1 2 , 99F8-11, F 8 -1 1 , 10A6-9 1 0 A 6 -9 SELLERS, Morris S EL LE R S, M orris m : XCI3CI-4, X C /3 C 1 -4 , 3C93 C 9 -12, 12, 3D73 D 7 -10, 10, 44D1-4, 0 1 - 4 ,44D5-8, 1 ) 5 - 8 ,44D9-12, 1 ) 9 - 12, 4 D 1 3 - E 4 ,44E9-F1, E 9 - F 1 , 5D2-5, 5 D 2 -5 , 4D13-E4, 55D10-13, D 1 0 -1 3 , 55F14-G1, F 1 4 -G 1 , 66A2-5, A 2 -5 , 66A14-B3, A 1 4 -B 3 , 66D8-11, D 8 - 1 1 , 77C6-9, C 6 -9 , 7 D 8 - 1 1 , 7E6-9, 7 E 6 - 9 , 7E13-14, 7 E 1 3 -1 4 , 7D8-11, 7F5-8, 7 F 5 -8 , 7F9-12, 7 F 9 - 12, 8A6-8, 8 A 6 - 8 , 8A9-12, 8 A 9 - 12, 8A13-B1, 8 A 1 3 -B 1 , 88C13-D2, C 1 3 - D 2 , 9A6-9, 9 A 6 -9 , 9A10-13, 9 A 1 0 -1 3 , 99B4-7, B 4 - 7 , 9B8-11, 9 B 8 -1 1 , 99B13-14, B 1 3 -1 4 , 99C1-4, C 1 - 4 , 9E9-12, 9 E 9 -1 2 , 110B9-12, 0 B 9 -1 2 , 11F10-13 1 1 F 1 0 -1 3 S EL LE R S, Nancy N an cy SELLERS, 11A135A2-6, m: IIA /3 5 A 2 -6 , 335C12-13, 5 C 1 2 - 1 3 , 39B3; XCIIG6-7, X C /1 G 6 -7 , 2B5-8, 2 B 5 - 8 , 2B9-12, 2 B 9 -1 2 , 2 B 1 3 -C 2 , 22C6-9, C 6 - 9 , 2C13-D2, 2 C 1 3 -D 2 , 2B13-C2, 22E7-1O, E 7 -1 0 , 22F1-4, F 1 -4 , 22F5-8, F 5 - 8 , 22G3-6, G 3 -6 , 33B1-2, B 1 - 2 , 33B3-6, B 3 - 6 , 33B7-10, B 7 - 1 0 , 33C1-4, C 1 -4 , 3C93 C 9 -12, 12, 33D3-6, D 3 - 6 , 3D73 D 7 -10, 10, 33E1-4, E 1 - 4 ,33E5-8, E 5 - 8 , 33E9-12, E 9 -1 2 , 3 E 1 3 -F 2 , 3F3-6, 3 F 3 - 6 , 3F73 F 7 -1 0, 3E13-F2, 10, 3F1114,33G5-8, 3 F 1 1 - 14, G 5 - 8 , 44A2-5, A 2 - 5 , 4A6-8, 4 A 6 -8 , 4C7E4, 4 C 7 -14, 1 4 ,44D13D 1 3 -E 4 ,44E9E 9 - FFl, 1, 4F2-5, 4 F 2 -5 , 4F10-13, 4 F 1 0 -1 3 , 5A2-5, 5 A 2 - 5 , 5A6-9, 5 A 6 -9 , 55A14-B3, A 1 4 -B 3 , 55B6-7, B 6 - 7 , 55C2-8, C 2 -8 , 55C9-13,5C14-D1, C 9 - 13, 5 C 1 4 - D 1 , 5D2--5, 5D 2--5, 5 D 6 - 9 ,55D10-13, D 1 0 - 1 3 , 5E13-F2, 5 E 1 3 -F 2 , 5D6-9, 5F5-8, 5 F 5 -8 , 5F9-13, 5 F 9 -1 3 , 5F14-G1, 5 F 1 4 -G 1 , 55G2-5, G 2 - 5 , 55G6-9, G 6 - 9 , 6A2-5, 6 A 2 - 5 , 6A6-9, 6 A 6 -9 ,
1105-6, IICII-12, 1 1 C 5 - 6 , 11 C l 1 —12,11D2-4, 1 1 D 2 -4 , 111D13-14, 1 D 1 3 - 14, 111E6-7, 1 E 6 -7 , 11F6-9, 1 1 F 6 -9 , 1IIFIO-13, 1 F 1 0 -1 3 ,1 2 A 2 -5 12A2-5 SELLERS, Nathan SEL LE R S, N a th a n (1751-1830) (1 7 5 1 -1 8 3 0 ) C W P to: to: CWP 1805, Dec4 IIA/37C3-4 1805, D ec4 IIA /3 7 C 3 -4 1811, M ar 23 IIA /5 0 C 4 -5 1811, Mar23 11A150C4-5 1823, Oct5 IIA/69D7-10 1823, O ct 5 IIA /6 9 D 7 -10 Coleman C olem an Sellers Sellers to: 1805, XC(1A131805, SSept24 ept 24 X 0 1 A 1 3 - 114 4 m : 11A128D8-9, IIA /2 8 D 8 -9 , 3 32B1-C2, 2 B 1 - C 2 , 335C1-5, 5 C 1 -5 , 35D12-E2, 3 5 D 1 2 -E 2 ,40A14, 40A 14,40F5, 40F5, 40F6, 40F6, 43D2-11, 4 3 D 2 -1 1 , 48A8-B10, 4 8 A 8 -B 1 0 ,50A95 0 A 9 -10, 10, 550A11-14, 0 A 1 1 -1 4 , 55006-7, 0 C 6 - 7 , 5008, 50C8, 51E 11 —14, 552A2-7, 2 A 2 - 7 , 552G1-6, 2 G 1 -6 , 51E11-14, 552G7-12, 2 G 7 -1 2 , 555G8-9, 5 G 8 - 9 , 55G10-13, 5 5 G 1 0 -1 3 , 64D 7, 668F5-6, 8 F 5 -6 , 669A6-7, 9 A 6 -7 , 64D7, 669C109 C 1 0 - 12, 12, 71C10, 71C 10, 72D9; 72D 9; JIC IIC (pp. 360, XC/1C13(pp. 3 6 0 ,3386); 8 6 ); X C /1 C 1 3 -14, 14, 2 A 9 -1 2 , 5D10-13, 5 D 1 0 - 1 3 ,111G2-3 1 G 2 -3 2A9-12, SELLERS, Nathan S EL LE R S, N ath an m: III/4 G 5 -8 ; X XCI2CI3-D2, C /2 C 1 3 -D 2 , 33G1-4, G 1 -4 , 11114G5-8; 4A2-5, 4B5-8, 4 A 2 - 5 , 4A13-B2, 4 A 1 3 - B 2 ,4 B 5 -8 , 4D134 D 1 3 - E4, E 4 ,4F10-. 4 F 1 0 -13, 13, 5A105 A 1 0 -13, 13, 5C14-D1, 5 C 1 4 - D 1 , 5F9-13, 5 F 9 -1 3 , 6D12-13, 6 D 1 2 -1 3 , 66D14-E3, D 1 4 - E 3 , 6F9-12, 6 F 9 -1 2 , 6G9-12, 6 G 9 -1 2 , 7C107 C 1 0 -13, 13, 7EIO7 E 1 0 -12, 12, 7F97 F 9 -12, 12, 8 A 9 -12, 12, 88D13D 1 3 -14, 14, 8E98 E 9 -12, 12, 8A98 E 1 3 -F 2 , 8F78 F 7 -110, 0 , 88G5-8, G 5 -8 , 8E13-F2, 99A6-9, A 6 - 9 , 9A10-. 9 A 1 0 - 13, D 3 -6 , 13,99D3-6, 99E9E 9 -12, 1 2 ,9 G 7 -10, 1 0 ,IOEIO1 0 E 1 0 -12, 12, 9G71 1 B 2 -5 , 11B8-11, 1 1 B 8 -1 1 , 11C13-D1, 1 1 C 1 3 -D 1 , 11B2-5, 111E6-7 1 E 6 -7 SEL LE R S, Rachel R achel B P arrish SELLERS, B.. Parrish (Mrs. (M rs. George G eo rg e Escol) Escol) to SPS: toSPS: X C /4 A 2 -5 1847, May XC/4A2-5 M ay 17 17 X C /4 A 6 -8 XC/4A6-8 1847, M ay 28 1847, May28 X C /6 B 1 1 - 14 1852,Ju125 XC/6B11-14 1852,Ju l 25 XC/7C14-D3 1 853,Ju 12 X C /7 C 1 4 -D 3 1853, Junn 12 X C /1 0 G 4 -7 1856,Jan XCIIOG4-7 1 856,Jan Anna A nna Sellers to: X C /6 C 5 -8 1852, Oct10 XCI6C5-8 1852, O c t 10 SPS to: XC/10G8-11 X C /1 0 G 8 - 11 1856, Dec28 1856, D ec 28 21 X C /1 1 A 2 -5 XCIIIA2-5 1857,Jan 21 1857, Feb X C /1 1 A 6 -9 1857, Feb88 XC/11A6-9 X C /1 1 B 2 -5 1857, Apr XC/11B2-5 A p r 11 Anna A nna Sellers to: X C /1 1 B 8 - 11 XCIIIB8-11 1857,Ju118, 1857,J u l 18, 19 19 SPS to: XC/11C13-D1 1858, M May16 1858, ay 16 X C /1 1 C 1 3 -D 1 X C /1 1 D 2 -4 1858, M May30 XCIIID2-4 1858, ay 30
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The The Peale Peale Family F am ily Papers Papers
m:: VVIA/10F5-6, m IA /1 0 F 5 -6 , 115E2-5, 5 E 2 -5 , 15E6-13; 15E 6 -1 3 ; V IIIA /3 E 1 -4 ; XXC/1G6-7, C /1 G 6 -7 , VIIIA/3E1 -4; 22C13-D2, C 1 3 - D 2 , 22D3-6, D 3 - 6 , 2E3-6, 2 E 3 -6 , 33B7B 7 - 10, C 5 - 8 , 33C13-D2, C 1 3 -D 2 , 10,33C5-8, 3D3-6, 3 D 3 - 6 , 3F3-6, 3 F 3 -6 , 3F11-14, 3 F 1 1 -1 4 , 3G1-4, 3 G 1 -4 , 3 G 9 - 12, 12, 44A13-B2, A 1 3 - B 2 , 4B3-4, 4 B 3 -4 , 3G94 B 5 - 8 , 4B9-12, 4 B 9 - 1 2 , 4D1-4, 4 D 1 -4 , 4B5-8, 4D134 D 1 3 - EE4, 4 , 44E5-8, E 5 - 8 , 4F24 F 2 -5, 5, 4F6-9, 4 F 6 -9 , 5 A 6 - 9 , 5B4-5, 5 B 4 - 5 , 5B6-7, 5 B 6 - 7 , 5B8-11, 5 B 8 -1 1 , 5A6-9, 5 C 1 4 - D 1 , 5D10-13, 5 D 1 0 - 1 3 , 5E4-8, 5 E 4 -8 , 5C14-D1, 5F9-13, 5 F 9 - 13, 6A6-9, 6 A 6 - 9 , 6A14-B3, 6 A 1 4 -B 3 , 6B8-10, 6 B 8 - 10, 66C1-4, C 1 - 4 , 6D5-7, 6 D 5 - 7 , 6F1-4, 6 F 1 -4 , 6F5-8, 6 F 5 -8 , 7Al27 A 1 2 -B1, B 1 , 7B27 B 2 - 55,, 7B10-13,7B14-C3,7C6-9, 7 B 1 0 -1 3 , 7 B 1 4 - C 3 , 7 C 6 - 9 , 7 D 8 - 1 1 , 77D12-E1, D 1 2 - E 1 , 7E2-5, 7 E 2 -5 , 7D8-11, 7 E 6 -9 , 88A2-5, A 2 - 5 , 88B6-9, B 6 - 9 , 8C4-7, 8 C 4 -7 , 7E6-9, 8C8-11, 8 C 8 - 11, 88D3-6, D 3 - 6, 8D13-14, 8 D 1 3 - 14, 8E5-8, 8F78 E 5 - 8 ,8E98 E 9 -12, 1 2 ,8 F 7 -10, 10, 8 F 1 11-14, -1 4 , 99A2A 2 - 55, , 99B4-7, B 4 -7 , 8F1 9B13-14, 9 B 1 3 -1 4 , 99C9-12, C 9 - 1 2 , 9E5-8, 9 E 5 -8 , 9F4-7, 9 F 4 -7 , 9G2-6, 9 G 2 - 6 , 9G7-10, 9 G 7 -1 0 , 11OAIO-12, 0 A 1 0 -1 2 , 110B90 B 9 -112, 2 , 110070 C 7 -110, 0, 11OC1 0 C 1 11-14, - 1 4 ,11OD1 0 D 1 --3, 3 , 10D91 0 D 9 -112, 2, 110D13-E1, 0 D 1 3 - E 1 ,110E2-5, 0 E 2 - 5 , 10E6-9, 1 0 E 6 -9 , 10F2-5, 1 0 F 2 - 5 ,110F6-9, 0 F 6 - 9 ,1IOFIO-13, 0 F 1 0 -1 3 , 1 0 F 1 4 -G 3 , 11B12-14, 1 1 B 1 2 - 14, 11F6-9 1 1 F 6 -9 10F14-G3, SSELLERS, EL LE R S, Rebecca m C /3 F 3 -6 , 44A2-5, A 2 - 5 , 44E9-F1, E 9 -F 1 , m:: XXC/3F3-6, 66C13-D2, C 1 3 - D 2 , 77C10-13, C 1 0 - 1 3 , 7E2-5, 7 E 2 -5 , 88C8-11, C 8 - 1 1 , 88D3-6, D 3 - 6 , 8D9-12, 8 D 9 -1 2 , 10B13-C2, 11 1 0 B 1 3 -C 2 , 10D5-8, 1 0 D 5 - 8 ,11B811B 8-11 SELLERS, SEL LE R S, Samuel Sam uel m : IIA /6 1 D 5 -6 , 668C4-6, 8 C 4 - 6 , 668E1-3, 8 E 1 -3 , m: IIA/61D5-6, 6 8 F 2 -3 , 71F7-14; 7 1 F 7 -1 4 ; hG IIC(p. (p.441) 441) 68F2-3, SELLERS, SEL LE R S, Samuel Sam uel m: X C / 3 C 9 -12, 12, 33F3-6, F 3 - 6 , 3F113 F 1 1 -14, 14, m: XC/3C933G1-4, G 1 - 4 , 44B5-8, B 5 - 8 , 44E9-F1, E 9 -F 1 , 13, 55A10A 1 0 -113, 3 , 55C2C 2 - 88, , 55DbD 1 0 -1 3, 66A14-B3, A 1 4 -B 3 , 66C1-4, C 1 - 4 , 6G3-8, 6 G 3 -8 , 6G9-12, 6 G 9 -1 2 , 88B14-C3, B 1 4 - C 3 , 8D3-6, 8 D 3 -6 , 8E13-F2, 8 E 1 3 -F 2 , 99C9-12, C 9 - 1 2 , 9D7-10, 9 D 7 -1 0 , 99E13-F2, E 1 3 -F 2 , 9F89 F 8 - 11, 11, 111A2-5, 1 A 2 -5 , 1 1 B 2 -5 .-1 2 A 1 2 -1 3 11B2-5,12Al2-13 SELLERS, Sarah A Ann Shoemaker SEL LE R S, Sarah nn S h o em ak er (M rs. Harvey) H arvey) (Mrs. m: XC/3C912,33D3-6, m: X C / 3 C 9 - 12, D 3 - 6 , 3G5-8, 3 G 5 -8 , 5E4-8, 5 E 4 -8 , 5F9-13, 5 F 9 -1 3 , 77A2-5, A 2 - 5 , 8B6-9, 8 B 6 -9 , 8F7-10, 8 F 7 -1 0 , 9C1-4 9 C 1 -4 SELLERS, Sophonisba SEL LE R S, S ophonisba Peale (M rs. Coleman) (Mrs. C olem an) See eneral In d ex Series X C See also alsoGGeneral Index XC for m m a ry oof f for chronological chronological su summary correspondence of o f SPS. SPS. References R eferences correspondence th at fo llo w are to SPS that follow correspondence, o c u m e n ts, or or correspondence, ddocuments, m mention en tio n oof5P5 fS P S in in series oother th e r than than her h er own. ow n. C W P to: CWP 1804, Ju Jull 66 IIA/31C7-9 IIA /3 1 C 7 -9 1804,JuI 1804, Ju l 11 11 IIA /3 1 C 1 0 -1 1 IIA/31C10-11 1805,Jan 1805, Jan 11 IIA /3 2 F 3 -4 IIA/32F3-4 1805,Jan 1805, Jan 11 11 IIA /3 2 F 8 -9 IIA/32F8-9 1805,Janl9,24 1805, Jan 19, 24 IIA /3 2 F 1 1 -13 HA/32F11-13 1805,Jan3O, 1805, Ja n 30, Feb Feb 11 IIA /3 2 G 2 -4 IIA/32G2-4 1805, Apr28 1805, A p r 28 IIA /3 4 B 1 0 -11 IIA/34B1011 1805, May 1805, M ay 2 IIA /3 4 C 3 -5 IIA/34C3-5
IIA/35D5-7 1805, J u l 25 IIA /3 5 D 5 -7 1805,Ju125 1805, l 29 IIA/35D10I IA /3 5 D 1 0 -11 11 1805,Ju Jul29 1805, u g 12 IIA /3 5 E 9 -10 11A135E9-10 1805, AAug12 1806, Ju l 24 24 IIA/39B3 1806,Jul 1815, u g 17 IIA /5 5 G 1 0 -13 IIA/55G10-13 1815, AAug17 H a rrie t Cany C a n y Peale Peale to: Harriet VIA/15E6-13 1847, c t 10 V I A /1 5 E 6 - 13 1847, OOct10 RuP R u P to: to: 1802, p r 19 V IIA /1 A 9 -1 0 VIIA/1A9-10 1802, AApr19 VIIA/IBII-13 1802, J u n 28 V IIA /1 B 1 1 -1 3 1802,Jun2S VIIA/1B14-C1 1802 V IIA /1 B 1 4 -C 1 1813, Sept 27 V VIIA/2C8 IIA /2C 8 1813, Sept27 VIIA/4A101822, JJun un 8 V IIA /4 A 1 0 -111 1 A P R to: APRto: 1832, D e c 20 X A /1 A 8 -9 XA/1A8-9 1832, Dec20 m:: IIA IIA/22E3-7, 25F12, 226D13-E3, m /2 2 E 3 -7 , 25F12, 6 D 1 3 -E 3 , 226F6-10, 6 F 6 - 10, 227D9-10, 7 D 9 - 10, 27F4-6, 2 7 F 4 -6 , 28A2-3, 2 8 A 2 - 3 ,228A4, 8 A 4 , 228A7-8, 8 A 7 - 8 ,228C4-6, 8 C 4 -6 , 28C7-8, 2 8 C 7 - 8 ,228Db, 8 D 1 0 ,28E1 2 8 E 11-12, 1 - 1 2 29E2, ,29E2, 2 9 E 9 -1 0 , 30A 6, 330C1-2, 0 C 1 -2 , 29E9-1O, 30A6, 330C13-D4, 0 C 1 3 - D 4 , 30E11, 30E 11, 30E13-14, 3 0 E 1 3 -1 4 , 330F130 F 1 3 -14, 331F101 F 1 0 -11, 1 1 ,3 1 F 1 2 -14, 14, 31F12C2, 332A10, 2 A 1 0 ,332B12 B 1 -C 2 , 32D93 2 D 9 -10, 10, 333A11-B4, 3 A 1 1 -B 4 , 333B5-8, 3 B 5 - 8 , 33B9-13, 3 3 B 9 -1 3 , 334A2-6, 4 A 2 -6 , 334C8-11, 4 C 8 - 1 1 , 34D6-13, 3 4 D 6 -1 3 , 334E3-7,34F10-12,35A2-6, 4 E 3 -7 , 3 4 F 1 0 - 12, 3 5 A 2 - 6 , 335C15 C 1 - 55,, 335C125 C 1 2 - 13, 13, 335D12-E2, 5 D 1 2 -E 2 , 335E3-8, 5 E 3 -8 , 335E11-F1, 5 E 1 1 -F 1 , 35F6-9, 3 5 F 6 -9 , 335F10-11, 5 F 1 0 -1 1 , 335G4-6, 5 G 4 - 6 , 336B4-8, 6 B 4 -8 , 336D5-8, 6 D 5 - 8 , 36D9-10, 3 6 D 9 - 1 0 , 36D13-E2, 3 6 D 1 3 -E 2 , 336E12-F2, 6 E 1 2 -F 2 , 336F3-7, 6 F 3 -7 , 337B1-4, 7 B 1 -4 , 337C1-2, 7 C 1 - 2 , 38A8-9, 3 8 A 8 - 9 , 38B9, 38B 9, 38F9338D128 D 1 2 - 13, 13, 338E11-13, 8 E 1 1 - 1 3 ,3 8 F 9 -10, 10, 339C4-D2, 9 C 4 - D 2 , 39D5, 3 9 D 5 , 339D6-7, 9 D 6 -7 , 440C4-5, 0 C 4 - 5 , 40F8-14, 4 0 F 8 -1 4 , 41C13-14, 4 1 C 1 3 -1 4 , 41E10, 441E13-F2, 41E10, 1 E 1 3 -F 2 , 442A13-B2, 2 A 1 3 -B 2 , 444C114 C 1 1 - 14, 5 A 2 - 3 , 446C13-D4, 6 C 1 3 -D 4 , 14, 445A2-3, 446G76 G 7 - 112, 2 ,448A88 A 8 - BBlO, 1 0 , 448F3-7,. 8 F 3 -7 ,. 449F1-2, 9 F 1 -2 , 50D 11-13, 51B3-4, 5 1 B 3 -4 , 50D11-13, 551B5-8, 1 B 5 - 8 , 51D12-14, 5 1 D 1 2 - 1 4 , 52E7-13, 5 2 E 7 -1 3 , 552F4-11, 2 F 4 -1 1 , 553D3-7, 3 D 3 - 7 , 553E1-3, 3 E 1 -3 , 554F5-7, 4 F 5 -7 , 555A2-7, 5 A 2 - 7 , 55F5-8, 5 5 F 5 -8 , 555G1-5, 5 G 1 -5 , 555G8-9, 5 G 8 - 9 , 56A6-7, 5 6 A 6 -7 , 556A8-12, 6 A 8 -1 2 , 556C6-D6, 6 C 6 - D 6 , 557C8-D2, 7 C 8 -D 2 , 557D12-E5, 7 D 1 2 -E 5 , 58E13-F1, 5 8 E 1 3 -F 1 , 559A13-B1, 9 A 1 3 -B 1 , 559F99 F 9 - 11, 11, 660B1-3, 0 B 1 -3 , 660C13-D1, 0 C 1 3 - D 1 , 60F9-11, 6 0 F 9 -1 1 , 60F13-14, 6 0 F 1 3 -1 4 , 6 0 G 2 - 4 , 60G5-.7, 6 0 G 5 - 7 ,661A13-B2, 1 A 1 3 -B 2 , 60G2-4, 662E62 E 6 -77,, 662E132 E 1 3 - Fl FI ,62F9.6 2 F 9 -10, 10, 663B5-6, 3 B 5 - 6 , 63B126 3 B 1 2 - 14, 14, 663F4-6, 3 F 4 -6 , 663Gb3 G 1 0 -12, 12, 64B3-4, 6 4 B 3 - 4 , 64B5-6, 6 4 B 5 -6 , 64F7,665B3-C6, 64F7, 5 B 3 - C 6 , 66A2-8, 6 6 A 2 - 8 , 66B11, 66B11, 6 6 E 3 -4 , 66E8, 66E 8, 666F5-6, 6 F 5 -6 , 66E3-4, 666F126 F 1 2 - 14, 66G 1, 66G86 6 G 8 -110, 0, 66G1, 667A4-5, 7 A 4 -5 , 667A6-7, 7 A 6 - 7 , 67A9-10, 6 7 A 9 -1 0 , 67A 11, 667Al2-13, 7 A 1 2 - 13, 667B1-3, 7 B 1 -3 , 67A11, 667B4-5, 7 B 4 - 5 , 67B6, 67B 6, 667B7-9, 7 B 7 -9 , 11,667B1213,667C1-3, 667B10-. 7 B 1 0 - 11, 7 B 1 2 - 13, 7 C 1 -3 , 667C47 C 4 - 5, 7 C 6 - 10, 667D47 D 4 - 5, 5, 667C6667D6-8, 7 D 6 - 8 , 667E1-3, 7 E 1 - 3 , 667E6-8, 7 E 6 -8 , 667E12-14, 7 E 1 2 - 14, 6 67F13, 7 F 1 -3 , 667G12, 7 G 1 -2 , 668A6-7, 8 A 6 - 7 , 668A10-11, 8 A 1 0 -1 1 , 668B3-4, 8 B 3 -4 , 668B11-13,68B14,68C11-13, 8 B 1 1 -1 3 , 6 8 B 1 4 , 6 8 C 1 1 -1 3 , 668D1-2, 8 D 1 - 2 , 68D3-4, 6 8 D 3 - 4 , 68E12, 68E 12, 68F1, 68F1, 68F2-3, 6 8 F 2 -3 ,6 68F4, 8 F 4 ,668F7, 8 F 7 ,668F9, 8F9, 668F108 F 1 0 - 12, 68F13, 68G4, 68G 4,
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668G12-13, 8 G 1 2 - 1 3 ,669B13-C1, 9 B 1 3 - C 1 , 669C7-8, 9 C 7 -8 , 69C9, 69C 9, 770E1-3, 0 E 1 -3 , 70E7-9, 7 0 E 7 -9 , 70E14, 70E14, 71A 2 ,71 71A2, 71A3-4, A 3 - 4 , 71B117 1 B 1 1 -1 12, 2, 71C 71Gb, 10, 71D1, 71D 1, 71G3-4, 7 1 G 3 - 4 , 72A6, 72A 6, 72C13-14, 7 2 C 1 3 -1 4 , 772D1-2, 2 D 1 - 2 , 72D9, 72D 9, 72E2-3, 7 2 E 2 -3 , 72E5-7, 7 2 E 5 -7 , 72E9-1O, 7 2 E 9 -1 0 , 772G92 G 9 -10, 1 0 ,773A5-7; 3 A 5 -7 ; IIB/13 IIB/13 (p.3), 14 14 (p. 12); JIG IIC (pp. 185, 185,441); (p.12); 441); V/1E310,2C3-6, V /1 E 3 - 10, 2 C 3 - 6 , 2D2-9, 2 D 2 -9 , 2Db13, 2 D 1 011; - 11;VIAI3AI0V IA /3 A 1 0 -1 3, 66C7-1O, C 7 - 10, 66C11-14, C 1 1 - 1 4 , 66F12-G2, F 1 2 -G 2 , 88B14-C1, B 1 4 -C 1 , 15D2-7; 1 5 D 2 -7 ; V I IA /1 D I 2 - 14, 22F11, F 1 1, 22G7-8, G 7 - 8, VIIA/1D12-14, 2G11-13, 2 G 1 1 -1 3 , 33A11-13, A 1 1 -1 3 , 33B2-5, B 2 -5 , 33D1-5, D 1 - 5 , 3D6-9, 3 D 6 - 9 , 4B14-G3, 4 B 1 4 -C 3 , 55A3-10, A 3 -1 0 , 66A10-11, A 1 0 -1 1 , 77B13-G1, B 1 3 -C 1 , 77C6-9, C 6 - 9 , 9A109 A 1 0 -12, 12, 10B2-4, 1 0 B 2 -4 , 1 0 D 1 2 -E 1 , IOFII-14; 10F11—14; 10D12-E1, (Add.)/1A9(A d d .)/1 A 9 -112; 2 ; VVIIIAIIA2-5, IIIA /1 A 2 -5 , 1A6-9, 1 A 6 -9 , 1A10-12, 1 A 1 0 -1 2 , 1G6-8, 1 C 6 -8 , 2 C 4 - 7 , 3E5-6, 3 E 5 - 6 , 7G87 G 8 - 12, 12, 2G4-7, 11E8-1O, IXAIIA8-G7; 1 1 E 8 -1 0 , IX A /1 A 8 -G 7 ; X A /1 D 5 -7 , 1D8-11; 1 D 8 -1 1 ; XAIID5-7, X IA /1 4 A 7 -F 7 ;(A d d .)/5 (p. (p. 8), 8), 6 XIA/14A7-F7;(Add.)/5 (p. (p. 165),7 (p. 252) See also alsoLLong ong EExped., x p e d ., Series VIIIB. V IIIB . SELLERS, SEL LE R S, William W illiam m: VIUA/13G2-5; m: V IIIA /13G 2-5; XXC(1FI-2, C /1 F 1 -2 , 5G10-13, 5 G 1 0 -1 3 , 33G5-8, G 5 - 8 , 7G10-13, 7 C 1 0 -1 3 , 110D13-E1, 0 D 1 3 -E 1 , 10E6-9, 1 0 E 6 -9 ,110E10-12, 0 E 1 0 -1 2 , 10F10-13, 1 0 F 1 0 -1 3 ,110G4-7, 0 G 4 -7 , 111Al2-B1, 1 A 1 2 -B 1 , 11D7-8, 1 1 D 7 -8 , 1I1E1-5 1 E 1 -5 SSELLERS, EL LE R S, William, W illiam , & o. &C Go. m: V IIA /1 1 D 1 2 -1 4 ; VIIIAII3G2-5 V IIIA /1 3 G 2 -5 ,n: VIIAJIIDI2-14; S E R G E A N T , Elizabeth E lizabeth Rittenhouse R itten h o u se SERGEANT, (M rs. Jo n a th an Dickinson) D ickinson) (Mrs. Jonathan IIB/Il (pp. m: IIB/11 (pp. 7, 7, 8) 8) rn: SERGEANT, Jonathan Dickinson) S E R G E A N T , Jo n a th a n D ickinson) m : IIB/11 (pp. 7, 7, 8, 8 ,666) 6) m: IIB/Il (pp. Margaret Spencer SSERGEANT, ERGEANT, M a rg a re t S pencer (M rs. Jo n a th an D ick in so n (Mrs. Jonathan Dickinson hG m: tIBI9 (pp. 46, m: IIB/9 46, 47, 54-56); IIC 123) (p. 123) SEWARD, Anna M.. Wharton SEW A R D , A nna M W h arto n (M rs. Frederick F rederick William) W illiam) (Mrs. L ucy Peale to: Lucy VIIIAIISDI2-E8 1873,Jun4 1873,J u n 4 V IIIA /1 5 D 1 2 -E 8 S EW A R D , Frederich F rederich William W illiam SEWARD, L ucy Peale to: Lucy 1868, Jan V IIIA /1 4 D 6 -9 1868,Jan VIIIA/14D6-9 SEWARD, William Henry S EW A R D , W illiam H e n ry L ucy Peale to: Lucy 1865, O c t 23 V IIIA /14C 2 VIIIA/14G2 1865, Oct23 m: IIA /1 1 G 3 -6 ; VVIIIAII2EII-13, IIIA /1 2 E 1 1 -1 3 , ,n: VVIIA/11G3-6; 114D6-9 4 D 6 -9 SEWEL, S E W E L , Richard R ichard m: IIB/6 ]p . 4) 4) rn: IIB/6 ([m ([m]p. SEYBERT, Adam SE YBERT, A dam s/R eport to m erican Philosophical P hilosophical s/Report to A American Society: IIA/40E8-9 1807, M ar 20 IIA /4 0 E 8 -9 1807, Mar20 tn: IIA/28G3,443F1-5, m: IIA/28G3, 3 F 1 -5 , 661G5-7, 1 C 5 -7 , 6 1 F 5 -8 ;11B123 IIB/23 (p. 14); IIC 61F5-8; (p. 14); tIC 417); V IIA (A d d .)/lA 9 -1 2 (p. 417); VIIA(Add.)/1A9-12 S E Y M O U R , Samuel Sam uel SEYMOUR, m /63F 11-G 2, 6 63G3-9, 3 G 3 - 9 , 664B34, 4 B 3 -4 , ,n:: IIA IIA/63F11-G2,
64B5-6; 6 4 B 5 -6 ; VIIIAJID3-6 V IIIA /1 D 3 -6 SHAKERS S HAKERS ,n: VIA/13F2-5 m: V IA /1 3 F 2 -5 SHAKESPEARE, S H A K E S P E A R E , William W illiam m: IIA/42A2-4 IIA /4 2 A 2 -4 S H A N N O N , (Dr.) (Dr.) SHANNON, m: V IIA /1 1 E 3 -5 , 111E6-9; 1 E 6 -9 ; rn: VIIA/11E3-5, VII B118A2- B12 VIIB/18A2-B12 SHARPE, Horatio S H A R P E , (Governor) (G overnor) H o ra tio rn: IIAIIBI-10; hIB/1 m: IIA/1B1—10; IIB/1 (p. (p. 12) 12) SHARPLESS, SH A R P L E S S , (Dr.) (D r.) JJohn o h n T. m: VIHA/2E11-14; V IIIA /2E11—14; XIA11IC3-12A5 X IA /1 1 C 3 -1 2 A 5 SHARPLES, James S H A R P L E S , Jam es Portrait ooff Washington: VIA/4B13, Washington: VIA /4B13, 111D14-E1, 1 D 1 4 -E 1 , 112D2-4 2 D 2 -4 SHARS WOOD, George S HA RSW OOD, G eo rg e ReP R eP ttoJ. o j . R. R . Ingersoll, In g erso ll, Samuel S am uel Breck B reck and: 1858, O c t 24 VIA /13C5 1858, Oct24 VIAII3C5 SHAW, (M (Mr.) SHAW, r.) n: 1IA 1IA/26D13-E3, m: /26D 13-E 3, 335B13-14 5 B 1 3 -1 4 SHAW, Jam James SHAW, es 14) m: UB/lO IIB/10 (pp. 11, 11,14) SHAW , Jo hn SHAW, John CWP Alexander nd: C W P ttoJ. o j . W. W. A lex an d er and: 1806, 1806, Feb Feb 16 IIA/38A2 1806, IIA/38A4 1806, Feb 18 HA/38A4 1806, Ju l 22 IIA /3 9 B 1 -2 1806,Ju122 11A139B1-2 1806, u g 15 15 1806, A Aug IIA/39C1 1806, Sept 19 1806, IIA/39D8 C W P to: CWP 11AI41A13-B1 1807,Jun24 1807, J u n 24 IIA /41A 13-B 1 m: IIA/13D7-8, IIA /1 3 D 7 -8 , 13D9-12, 1 3 D 9 -1 2 , 669B10-12, 9 B 1 0 - 12, 69B13-C1, 6 9 B 1 3 - C 1 , 69D11; 69D11; IIB/2 (pp. ,7 , 12) 1 2 ),, 8 (p. 7), 10 10 11B12 (pp.11,7, (p. (P- 11) 11) SHAW, Jo Joshua sh u a ss/Memorial. /M e m o ria l. . . to the th e PAFA: PAFA: 1828, M Mar III/3F8-G12 ar 17 17 III/3F 8-G 12 m IIA /4 B 1 2 -1 3 m:: VVIIA/4B12-13 SHAW, Ralph SHAW, R alph R u P to: RuP 1828, Nov 18 N o v 18XrC/1B8-G3 X IC /1 B 8 -G 3 1828, S H E G A G A H E Y A (Poine (P o in e Nation) N atio n ) SHEGAGAHEYA 37G4-5 m: HA/37G2-3, IIA/37G2-3, 37G 4-5 SHEPHERD, S H E P H E R D , Abraham A b rah am to RuP: VIIA/3F7-8 1821,Jun 1821, J u n 11 11 V IIA /3 F 7 -8 S H E P H E R D , Charles C h arles N. N. SHEPHERD, VIIA/4B7-11; IIA /4 B 7 -11; X XIC/1B8-G3 IC /1 B 8 -G 3 m: V S H E R M A N , Cecilia Cecilia SHERMAN, to Lucy L ucy Peale: VIIIA/14C8 S ept 4 V IIIA/14C8 1866, Sept S H E R M A N , Charles C h arles E. SHERMAN, m: V IIIA /1 0 E 8 -9 , 110F6-8 0 F 6 -8 VIHAIIOE8-9, nl: S H E R M A N ,J o h n SHERMAN,John to TRP: toTRP: VIIIAfI7F5 nn.d. .d . VIIIA/17F5 m: V IIIA /1 6 G 1 -2 VIIIAI16GI-2 rn. S SHERMAN, H E R M A N , (Senator) (Senator) William W illiam m: V IIIA /1 5 D 6 -9 , 1 515Db-h, D 1 0 -1 1 , tn: VIIIA/15D6-9, 1 5 D 1 2 -E 8 15D12-E8 S SHIELDS, H IE L D S , (Mr.) (M r.) m: m: IIA/39G3-10 IIA /3 9 G 3 -10 S H IE L D S , (D r.) H ugh SHIELDS, (Dr.) Hugh C W P to: CWP .
The The Peale Peale Family F am ily Papers Papers
IIA/10D10-11 1780, ug 2 IIA /10D 10-11 1780, AAug2 SH IE L D S , William W illiam G. SHIELDS, m: III/5 B 2 -9 ; V VIIIAII7C7-D4, IIIA /1 7 C 7 -D 4 , m: 11115B2-.9; 117D57 D 5 -113; 3 ; IX A /1 9 C 5 -8 IXA/19C5-8 SHIRLEY, SH IR LE Y , Jesse CWP C W P to: to: IIA/72E13 11Af72E13 1826 S H IP P E N , Edward E d w ard SHIPPEN, m: III/2 C 1 -2 , ,n: IIA/13F3-4,13F5-6; 11A113F3-4, 13F5-6; 1102C1-2, 22C9-D12 C 9 -D 1 2 S H IP P E N , Edward E d w ard SHIPPEN, to ReP: VIAll1D71855, J u n 12 12 V IA /1 1 D 7 -8 1855,Jun Jo se p h Shippen S hippen to: to: Joseph III/4B41843, Feb 14 III/4B 4- 11 11 m: V IIA /1 1 D 4 - 5 m: VIIA/11D4-5 SHIPPEN, S H IP P E N , Joseph Jo sep h to EEdward to d w ard Shippen: S hippen: 1843, 14 III/4 B 4 -11 III/4B4-1l 1843, Feb Feb14 m IIA /9 G 6 -9 m:: V VIIA/9G6-9 S H IP P E N , Juliana Footman F o o tm a n SHIPPEN, (M rs. Edward) E dw ard) (Mrs. m: IIA/13F3-4,13F5-6 11A113F3-4, 13F5-6 m: S H IP P E N , Margaret M argaret SHIPPEN, to Eliza Peale: Peale: VIIA/10E2-5 1858, Jan27 1858, Jan 27 V IIA /1 0 E 2 -5 m: IIA/67G7-8, 67G12, m : IIA /6 7 G 7 -8 , 67G 12, 669B6-7, 9 B 6 -7 , 669C10-12, 9 C 1 0 - 12, 69C 14, 669D1-2, 9 D 1 -2 , 69C14, 6 9 E 1 -2 , 69E3-4, 6 9 E 3 -4 , 69F11-12, 6 9 F 1 1 -1 2 , 69E1-2, 69G4-6, 6 9 G 4 -6 , 770A2-5, 0 A 2 - 5 , 77006-7, 0 C 6 -7 , 70D5-6, 7 0 D 5 - 6 , 70D12-13, 7 0 D 1 2 - 13, 70E4-5, 7 0 E 4 -5 , 72C10-11; 7 2 C 1 0 -1 1 ; IIC IIC (pp. (pp.453, 453,457); 457); V IIA /3 D 1 -5 VIIA/3D15 SHIPPEN, S H IP P E N , Margaret M a rg aret Francis Francis (M rs. Edward) E dw ard) (Mrs. m: 11A170A2-5 IIA/70A2-5 S H IP P E N , (Dr.) (Dr.) Wil]iam W illiam SHIPPEN, m:: IIA IIA/22D1-2, m /2 2 D 1 -2 , 224E12-F1, 4 E 1 2 -F 1 , 229E3-4, 9 E 3 -4 , 229E5-8, 9 E 5 -8 , 29E9-10, 2 9 E 9 -1 0 , 43F1-5, 4 3 F 1 -5 , 667B1-3, 7 B 1 -3 , 67B7-9; 6 7 B 7 -9 ; IID/30 IID /30 (p. (p. 49); 49); VIIA/10G1-7; VIJA/1OG1-7; XIA/17C8 SHOEMAKER, S H O E M A K E R , (Mr.) (M r.) m: X C /4 C 7 -1 4 , 55D10-13, D 1 0 - 1 3 , 5E4-8, 5 E 4 -8 , m: XC/4C7-14, 13,66A2-5, 55F3-4, F 3 -4 , SF95 F 9 - 13, A 2 - 5 , 88B6-9 B 6 -9 SHOEMAKER, S H O E M A K E R , (Mrs.) (M rs.) m:: IIB/2 IIB/2 (p. (p. a), a), 66 ([m ([ml] p. p. 9); IIC m 9); IIC p. 67) p.67) SHOEMAKER, S H O E M A K E R , Abraham A b rah am m: m : IIA/17A5-14, IIA /1 7 A 5 -14, 18G4-1O; 1 8 G 4 -1 0 ; 11V2C9-D12; VIIA/5A1 III/2 C 9 -D 1 2 ; V IIA /5 A 1 11-B4 -B 4 SHOEMAKER, S H O E M A K E R , B. B. to TRP: toTRP: 1835, Dec14 1835, D ec 14 VIIIA/4B8 VIIIA/4B8 SHOEMAKER, S H O E M A K E R , Samuel S am uel (d.1800) (d.1800) CW P, In v en to ry of o f goods g o o d s of: CWP, Inventory 1778, S e8,p t8 IIA /6 D 5 -F 5 1778, Sept 14, 14 IIA/6D5-F5 m: IIA/6B9-C4; ([ml] pp. pp. 4, 4,6, m: IIA /6B 9- C4; IIB/6 IIB/6 ([m 6, 8, 9) 8,9) SHOEMAKER, S H O E M A K E R , Samuel Sam uel s/Application for CCharter: s/A pplication for h a rte r: The T h e PAFA: PAFA: 1805, DDec26 1805, ec 26 IIA /3 7 C 1 1 -D 6 IIA/37C11-D6 SHORT, S H O R T , William W illiam ReP, RReceipt ReP, eceipt to: 1806, OOct21 1806, c t 21 V IA /1E8 VIAIIE8 1806, NNov8 VIA/1E9 1806, ov 8 VIA/1 E9 SHRIGLEY, Jam James SHR1GLEY, es
TRP T R P to: to: 1871, SSept27 ept 27 V IIIA /15A 4 1871, VIIIA/15A4 m IIIA /1 5 A 2 -3 m:: VVIIIAII5A2-3 S H R O B E R , Hannah H an n a h M. M. SHROBER, BFP: to BFP: 1869, 26 IX A /1 8 F 4 -5 1869, Feb Feb26 IXA/18F4-5 S H U B A R T , Michael M ichael SHUBART, s/O rd er to David D av id Rittenhouse: R itten h o u se: s/Order 1780, FebS IIAf9F7 Feb 8 IIA/9F7 IIA/10D12 1780, Aug A u g 3, 3, IIA /10D12 S H U B E R T , George G eo rg e SHUBERT, s/C ertification fo LP: s/Certification forr C CLP: XDfIB1 17 X D /1B 1 1815, Jan 17 S H U L Z E [Shultz], (Governor) (G o v ern o r) Jo hn SHULZE John A n d rew Andrew CWP C W P to: IIAf71B13 1824, 1824, SSept21 ep t 21 IIA/71B13 C L P to: CLP 1823[?] 1823 [?] X D /1 D 4 - 5 XDIID4-5 ,n: XIA/17C9 m: SHURTLEFF, S H U R T L E F F , (Dr.) (Dr.) m /38E 11 1-13; -1 3 ; XXC/1D5-8, C /1 D 5 - 8 , m:: IIA IIA/38E1 11D9-12, D 9 -1 2 , 11E4-7, E 4 - 7 , 11E8-l0, E 8 -1 0 , 1 EIFI-2, l 1—14,1F3-6, 1 FI —2, 1F7-9 1 F 3 -6 , 1 F 7 -9 IEII-14, SICKLE, S IC K L E , (Mr. (M r. and Mrs.) M rs.) m: m : IIA/67G3, IIA /67G 3, 667G7-8, 7 G 7 - 8 , 67G9, 67G 9, 67G12; 67G12; V IIA /4 C 8 -99 VIIA/4C8SICKLES, Frederick Ellsworth SIC K L E S , F rederick E lls w o rth BFP, e p o r t . .. . on: BFP, RReport. 1846, Apr9 1846, A pr 9 IX B /1 1 E 8 -F 1 IXB/11E8-F1 I X A /9 G 3 -11 11 m: IXA/9G3S IG E L , (General) (General) Franz SIGEL, m: V IIA /1 1 G 1 1 -1 3 , 12A11-14 1 2 A 1 1 -1 4 m: VIIA/1IGI1-13, S IG O U R N E Y , Lydia Lydia H o w a r d Huntley H u n tley SIGOURNEY, Howard to R uP: to RuP: 1841,Jul 1841, Ju l 22 22 V IIA /9 F 5 -7 VIIA/9F5-7 SSILHOUETTES IL H O U E T T E S m: X IA /2 E 1 0 -G 1 2 m: XIA/2E10-G12 S IL L IM A N , (Dr.) (D r.) B e n ja m in SILLIMAN, Benjamin m: IIA/23G6-7, m : IIA /2 3 G 6 -7 , 226A2-4, 6 A 2 - 4 , 26A5-8; 2 6 A 5 -8 ; VIIIA/9A2-3; V IIIA /9 A 2 -3 ; XIC/1B8X I C /1 B 8 - G3 G3
SILLIMAN'S S I L L I M A N ’S Journal Jou rn a l m 2) m:: IIB/24 (p. 2)
Edgar SSIMES, IM E S , E d g ar m:: VV/1FII-12, m /1F11—12, 2A4-5, 2A 4 —5, 2E6 2E 6 Holly SSIMES, IM E S , H o lly tn: V VIIA/4D6 m: IIA /4D 6 Howard SSIMES, IM E S , H o w a rd m: VVIIA/4D6, m: IIA /4D 6, 66Al2-13 A 1 2 -1 3 SSIMES,Jane IM E S , Ja n e Ramsay R am say Peale Peale S M P and C P, to RP: and SMP and A ACP, to TTRP: 1819, A pr 7 I1IA/4F9—12 1819, Apr7 IIIA/4F9-12 m: IIA/66B11; IIA/66B11;VVIIA/2G11-13; m: IIA /2 G 1 1 -13; VIIIA/1A2-5, V IIIA /1 A 2 -5 , 1A6-9; 1 A 6 -9 ; XIA X IA (A dd.)/5 (p. (p. 8) 8) (Add.)/5 S IM P S O N , (Mr.) (M r.) SIMPSON, BFP B F P to: n .d . IX A /2 2 B 9 - 11 n.d. IXA/22B9-11 SIMPSON, S IM P S O N , Charlotte C h a rlo tte Sellers Sellers Harrold H arro ld m: VIA/15E6-13; XC/2B1-4, m: V IA /1 5 E 6 -1 3 ; X C /2 B 1 --4 , 22B5-8, B 5 - 8 , 22B9-12, B 9 - 12, 2B13-C2, 2 B 1 3 -C 2 , 22C6-9, C 6 - 9 , 22C13-D2, C 1 3 - D 2 , 22D3-6, D 3 -6 , 22D7-10, D 7 - 1 0 , 22E3-6, E 3 - 6 , 2E7-10, 2 E 7 -1 0 , 2E11-14, 2 E 1 1 -1 4 , 2F1-4, 2 F 1 - 4 , 2F5-8, 2 F 5 - 8 , 2F9-12, 2 F 9 -1 2 , 22F13-G2, F 1 3 -G 2 , 22G3-6, G 3 - 6 , 2G7-10, 2 G 7 -1 0 , 33A2-5, A 2 - 5 , 33A6-9, A 6 - 9 , 3B1-2, 3 B 1 - 2 , 3B7-10, 3 B 7 -1 0 ,
The The Peale Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers
3 B 1 1 - 14, 3 C 9 - 12, 3 D 1 1 - 14, 3B11-14,3C9-12,3D11-14, 3 F 3 -6 , 3F11-14, 3 F 1 1 -1 4 , 3G1-4, 3 G 1 -4 , 3F3-6,
4A13-B2, 4B5-8, 4 A 1 3 - B 2 ,4 B 5 - 8 , 4B94 B 9 -12, 12, 4 F 2 -5 , 4 F 1 0 - 13, 5A10-13, 5 A 1 0 -1 3 , 4F2-5,4F10-13, 5 B 8 -1 1 , 55D2-5, D 2 - 5 , 5D10-13, 5 D 1 0 -1 3 , 5B8-11, 5E4-8, 5 E 4 -8 , 6A6-9, 6 A 6 - 9 , 6A14-B3, 6 A 1 4 -B 3 , 6B4-7, 6 B 4 - 7 , 6B86 B 8 -10, 10, 66C13-D2, C 1 3 -D 2 , 7C4-5, 7 C 4 - 5 , 7C10-13, 7 C 1 0 -1 3 , 7D12-E1, 7 D 1 2 -E 1 , 8C88E1-4, 8 C 8 - 11, 11, 88D9D 9 - 112, 2 ,8E1 - 4 , 99A6-9, A 6 - 9,
9F8-11, 9 F 8 - 1 1 ,1IOB1-4, 0 B 1 - 4 , 1IIDII-12, 1 D 1 1 -1 2 , 12A2-5 12 A 2 -5 SIMPSON, S IM P S O N , Elizabeth E lizabeth Indenture of: of Indenture 1762, M Mar 1762, ar IIA/1A13 SSIMS, IM S, (Captain) m: 11B12 IIB/2 (p. 38) (p. 38) SIMS, SIM S, (Mr.) (Mr.) CWPto: C W P to: 1806,Ju13 1806, Ju l 3 IIA/39A8 SINCLAIR, John S IN C L A IR , (Sir) (Sir) Jo hn rn.: IIA/50B11-13, m IIA /50B 11-13, 550E4-8, 0 E 4 -8 , 50E9-F7 5 0 E 9 -F 7 SSINGLETON, IN G L E T O N , (Dr.) (Dr.) m: IXA/6D10-E4, IX A /6 D 1 0 -E 4 , 6F5-8, 6 F 5 -8 , 6F96 F 9 -11 11 SSINGLETON, IN G L E T O N , Bridget B rid g et Goldsborough G o ld sb o ro u g h (Mrs. (M rs. John) m: 11B/11(pp. (pp. 3, 3, 43, 62) m: IIB/11 SINGLETON, S IN G L E T O N , John Jo h n (pp.3,39,42,43,55, m: IIB/Il IIB/11 (pp. 3, 39, 42, 43, 55,62); 62); IIC (p. 143) 143) SLADE, S L A D E , Elizabeth. Elizabeth. SSee ee Peale's P eale’s Museum, M u seu m , Baltimore. B a ltim o r e . Court C o u r t case. case. m: V VIIA/8D3-9 IIA /8 D 3 -9 SLATER, Anthony SLA TER, A n th o n y RaP and and M Martha Peale, RaP arth a P eale, Deed D eed to: V/1C51808, Feb Feb20 1808, 20 V /1 C 5 -112 2 SLOAN, S L O A N , Char]es C harles E pitaph for: for: Epitaph nn.d. .d . VIA/14F7 XD/ICI-3 m D /1 C 1 -3 m:: X SSLOAN, L O A N , Samuel Sam uel m : IIB/6 I IB/6 (p. a) a) m: Hans SSLOANE, L O A N E , (Sir) (Sir) H ans m: m : IID/2B13-D4 IID /2 B 1 3 -D 4 S L O S S E N , William W illiam SLOSSEN, C W P to: CWP 10 1820, Sept 10 IIA/64G5 m : IIA/58C12-E1, IIA /5 8 C 1 2 -E 1 , 558E2-9, 8 E 2 -9 , 58F2-4, 5 8 F 2 -4 , m: 664G4, 4 G 4 ,6 9 A 9 -12 12 69A9SLOTE, S L O T E , Daniel D aniel to TRP: toTRP: 1871, Mar14 M a r 14VIIIA/14G5-6 V IIIA /1 4 G 5 -6 1871, S M A L L , (Mayor) (M ayor) Jacob SMALL, Deed to C CPP: D eed to PP: IVB/1B5-9 1795, M Mar 1795, a r 13 13 IV B /1 B 5 -9 to BBaltimore City to a ltim o re C ity Council: C ouncil: XIB/1F7-8 1830, a r 29 X IB /1 F 7 -8 1830, M Mar29 and BBaltimore City Council, and altim o re C ity C o u n c il, R esolution: Resolution: 1830, p r 11 X IB /1 F 9 -10 XIB/1F910 1830, A Apr to Baltimore B altim o re City C ity Council: C ouncil: 1830, p r 26 X IB /1 F 1 1 -1 2 XIB/IFII-12 1830, AApr26 s/Licensc to L P fo useum : s/License to CCLP forr M Museum: 1830, ct 4 X D /1 F 3 -4 XDIIF3-4 1830,OOct4 RuP, to B Baltimore RuP, PPetition etition to a ltim o re City C ity Council C o u n cil and: and: VIIA/7D2-3 1830,Jan 1830, Jan 11 11 V IIA /7 D 2 -3
SMALLWOOD, S M A L L W O O D , (General) (General) William W illiam Accounts A ccounts to Stephen S tep h en Moylan: M oylan: 1776, A Aug ftf]1A2-4 1776, u g 15 15 III/1 A 2 -4 Accounts: A ccounts: nnd. .d . I1I/1B14- C 3 1l1/1B14-C3 IIAI33D11-13, 34D3, 34D3,34D 34D4-5, m: IIA/33D11-13, 4-5,
69B10-12, 69D4, 69D4, 69D11, 69D11, 69D13, 69D13, 69F2-4, 70F2; 70F2; 11B18 IIB/8 (pp. -9 , 13), 13), 69F2-4, (pp.88-9, 9 (pp. 27-30); 118, 27-30); IIC IIC (pp. (pp.105, 105,118, 451-52); 451-52); IID/29 IID /29 (p. (p. 27); 27); III/1 F 6 -G 6 , 22E3-9, E 3 - 9 , 2F4; 2F4; 111J1F6-G6, VIA/33D11-13; 34D3, 34D3, 34D4-5; 34D4-5; VIIIA/16E4-7; VIIIC/28A2-B1; V111A/16E47; V111C128A2-B1; XIA/2C10-11, 17C4 XIA/2C10-E1,17C4 SMIBERT, John S M IB E R T .Jo hn m: IIA /5 1 F 5 -12, 551F13-G6; 1 F 1 3 -G 6 ; IIA/51F5-12, V IA /1 1D141 D 1 4 -E VIA/I Ell SM IR K E , R o b ert SMIRKE, Robert pn: IIA/41G812, 41G 41G13, m: IIA /4 1 G 8 -12, 13, 442A2-4; 2 A 2 -4 ; V IA /1 0 E 1 11-14 -1 4 VIA/IOEI SMITH, S M IT H ,Catalogue Catalogue of o fFlemish, F lem ish, Dutch D utch and and French Painsers Painters ,n: VIIC/28A2-B1 in: V IIC /2 8 A 2 -B 1
SMITH, S M IT H , (Dr.) (Dr.) m: IIA /60G 10-12; VIIAI3A2-4 V IIA /3 A 2 -4 pn: IIA/60G10-12; S M IT H , (Miss) (Miss) SMITH, pn: 11B19 m: IIB/9 (p. 59) (p. 59) SMITH, S M IT H , Allen Allen to RuP: 1814, Apr22 VIIA/2E7-8 1814, A p r 22 V IIA /2 E 7 -8 SMITH, S M IT H , Ann A nn m: XC/2B5-8, X C /2 B 5 -8 , 22E7-10, E 7 -1 0 , 2F1-4, 2 F 1 -4 ,
2 F 5 -8 , 2F9-12, 2 F 9 -1 2 , 2F13-G2, 2 F 1 3 -G 2 , 2F5-8, 22G3-6, G 3 - 6 , 33A2-5, A 2 - 5 , 8E5-8 8 E 5 -8
SMITH, S M IT H , Charles C harles s/Application forr Charter: s/A pplication fo C h a rter: The T h ePAFA: PAFA: 1805, Dec26 D e c 2 6IIA/37C11-D6 IIA /3 7 C 1 1 -D 6 1805, SMITH, S M IT H , Charles C harles H. H. m: XIIAIIA3-3E3, X IIA /1 A 3 -3 E 3 , 33E7-8 E 7 -8
SMITH, S M IT H , Daniel D aniel B.
VIIIA/2E11-14,3C5-6, IIIA/2H11—14, 3 C 5 - 6 , 10D8-9; 1 0 D 8 -9 ; m: V XIA/1 (Add.)/5 X IA /1 11C3C 3 -112A5; 2 A 5 ; (A dd.)/5 (pp. 440-42, (pp. 0 -4 2 , 444-61, 4 - 6 1 , 663-71,73-78, 3 - 7 1 , 7 3 -7 8 , 8 1 - 8 2 , 85) 85) 81-82, SMITH, S M IT H , Mrs. M rs. E. m: VIA/8A6 S M IT H , F. F. G. SMITH, m: V IA /7 C 1 -4 , 77E1-4, E 1 - 4 , 7E5-8 7 E 5 -8 VIA/7C1-4, rn: SMITH, S M IT H , Mrs. M rs. F. F. G. VIAI7BI1-14,7C9-12,7D11-14 m: V IA /7B 11 - 14, 7 C 9 - 12, 7 D 1 1 - 14 SMITH, S M IT H , George G eo rg e W. W. s/Report: s/R eport: IXB/10F71841, a r 11 IX B /1 0 F 7 -112 2 1841, M Mar11 1842, u g 11 1IXB/10G7-13 X B /1 0 G 7 -13 1842, A Aug11 IXBII1A2-B3 1843,Jan 1843, Jan 12 12 IX B /1 1 A 2 -B 3 IXB/11B4-8 1843,Aprl3 1843, A p r 13 IX B /1 1 B 4 -8 s/R eport to A m erican Philosophical P h ilosophical s/Report to American Society: XIA/15A4-11 1842,Ju n 17 X IA /1 5 A 4 -1 1 1842, Jun17 m X IA /1 4 F 1 3 -G 2 m:: XIA/14F13-G2 SMITH, S M IT H , Henry H e n ry Gale Gale to Abraham A b rah am Lincoln: L incoln: 1861, IX A /1 6 E 1 1 -1 2 1861,Mar25 M a r 25IXAII6EII-12 SMITH, S M IT H , James Jam es CWPto: C W P to: 11A165D13-E1 1820, ec26 IIA /6 5 D 1 3 -E 1 1820, DDec26
214 274
The Peale Family F am ily Papers Papers The Peale
m: m: IIB/6 (p. a)
SMITH, S M IT H , Mrs.James M rs. Ja m es [Mrs. [M rs. Patrick P atrick C a m p b e ll] and and G ran d so n Campbell] Grandson m: IIB/2 (p. 41) m: S M IT H , Jane SMITH, m : X C /2 B 5 -8 , 22E7-10, E 7 - 1 0 , 2F1-4, 2 F 1 -4 , m: XC/2B5-8, 22F5-8, F 5 -8 , 2F9-12, 2 F 9 -1 2 , 2F13-G2, 2 F 1 3 -G 2 , 2 G 3 - 6 , 3A2-5, 3 A 2 - 5 , 3F3-6, 3 F 3 -6 , 2G3-6, 4 A 1 3 -B 2 , 5E9-12, 5 E 9 -1 2 , 7B14-C3, 7 B 1 4 -C 3 , 4A13-B2, 7 F 1 -4 , 7F5-8 7 F 5 -8 7F1-4, S M I T H ,J o h n ) . SMITH,JohnJ. TRP T R P to: to: 1845, pr 7 V IIIA /9D 5 1845, A Apr VIIIA/9D5 B F P to: to: BFP 1841, IXA /8G 3 IXAI8G3 1841, Feb Feb77 S M IT H , J o h n J ., Jr. SMITH,JohnJ.,Jr. G eorge C o m b e to: to: George Combe nnd. .d . Jan28 Jan 28 X IA /1 6 B 6 -7 XIA/16B6-7 m: IA J14A 7-F 7; (Add.)16 (A dd.)/6 rn: X XIAII4A7-F7; (pp. 1179-81), 7 9 -8 1 ), 7 (pp. 1 8 2 -8 6 , (PP. (pp. 182-86, 1 9 0 - 9 5 ,2 1 1 - 1 4 ,2 1 7 - 1 9 ,2 3 2 , 190-95,211-14,217-19,232, 252) S M IT H , Jonathan Jo n a th an Bayard B ayard SMITH, C W P eettaal., l., to R o b e rt Morris: M orris: and CWP to Robert l 21 IIA /8 B 4 -8 1779, Ju Jul21 IIA/8B4-8 and C W P et a l., Report R e p o rt on on Robert R o b ert and CWP etal., Morris: M orris: IIA/8B9-( 1779,Jul 1779, Ju l 21 21 IIA /8 B 9 -C 1 1779, l 24 IIA 18C 2-9 IIA/8C21779,Ju Jul24 -9 R o b e rt M o rris to C W P et al.: Robert Morris to,, and CWP eral.: 1779, u n 26 IIA /8 A 2 -114 4 11A18A21779,JJun26 m: IIA /3 B 6 -1 4 , 77B10-14, B 1 0 -1 4 , 77C14-L C 1 4 -D 4 , m: IIA/3B6-14, 221F10-11, 1 F 1 0 -1 1 , 24E12-F1, 2 4 E 1 2 -F 1 , 43D2-11 43D2-11; IIBIS (p. IB/5 8), 9 (p. (p. 8), 51),9 15 7);15 (p. 7); I (p. (p. 51), IID /29 (p. 40); 40); XIA/17C6 XIA/17C6 IID/29 SSMITH M IT H , Joseph Jo sep h A. R u P to: RuP 1814, p r 22 V IIA /2E9 1814, AApr22 VIIA/2] m:: IIA IIA/42D10, m /42D 10, 442D1 2 D 1 11-14, - 14, 442E1-4, 2 E 1 -4 , 442E5-9: 2 E 5 - 9; IIC IIC (p. (p. 358 358) SSMITH, M IT H , Mrs. M rs. K. C W P to: CWPto: 1786, Ju n 10 10 IIA/14C8 1786,Jun IIA/14G6 1787, Jan 55 11A114G6 1787, M ar 27 IIA/15C3-4 1787, Mar27 IIA/15C3-4 1787, J u l 24 24 IIA/15F4 1787,Jul 1788, Dec D ec 55 IIA/16B13 SMITH, S M IT H , Rebecca Rebecca Moore M o o re (Mrs. (M rs. William) W illiam) m: IIB/2 (p. 14) 14)
SMITH, S M IT H , Richard R ichard Penn P enn ReP to: 1832, M ay 21 V IA /7 F 7 -8 1832, May21 VIA/7F7-8 m: V IA /7 F 9 -1 2 ni: VIA/7F9-12 S M IT H , Robert R o b e rt (hatter) SMITH, s/Committee Fifty s/C o m m ittee of of F ifty Accounts: A ccounts: 1779, A pr 9 IIA /7 B 8 -9 1779, Apr9 IIA/7B8-9 CW P, W illiam W ill, and: o tic e ooff CWP, William Will, and: NNotice Public Sale: Sale: IIA/7C13 1779, A pr IIA /7C 13 1779, Apr IIA/8C2-9 1779, u l 24 IIA /8 C 2 -9 1779,JJul24 T h o m a s Wharton W h arto n to Robert R o b e rt Smith S m ith Thomas et aal.: l.:
1777, ug 4 IIA /5 G 8 - 11 11 1777, AAug4 11A15G8A ccount of o f CWP, CW P, William W illiam Will Will and: Account 1 778-1784, Sept18 S ept 18 IIA /6 F 8 -1 4 1778-1784, IIA/6F8-14 1780, 1780,Jun J u n 26 IIA /1 0 A 4 -B 1 4 IIA/10A4-B14
19 1787, Feb 19
IIA /1 5 A 2 -3 IIA/15A2-3
m: m: IIA IIA/6F6-7, /6 F 6 -7 , 77A10-11, A 1 0 -1 1 , 77B1-2, B 1 -2 ,
IIB/6 ([m ] p.p.5); 65) 11B16 ([m} 5);IIC tIC (p. 65)
SMITH, S M IT H , Robert R o b e rt (1732-1801) (1 7 3 2 -1 8 0 1 ) m: rn: IIB/2 (p. 32) SMITH, 1842) S M IT H , Robert R o b e rt (1757(1 7 5 7 -1 842) ReP R eP to: to: u n 11 V IA /2 B 9 -1 0 1809, JJun11 VIA/2B9-1O m: /3 4 C 6 -7 m: IIA IIA/34C6-7 S M IT H , (Captain) (C aptain) Robert R o b e rt SMITH, m: IIA /1 3 F 4 -5 , 113F6-7 3 F 6 -7 m: IIA/13F4-5, SSMITH, M IT H , Robert R o b e rt H. H. to illiam M ered ith : to W William Meredith: 1821, M ay 16 16 X IA /7 D 1 -2 1821, May XIAI7DI-2 s/Lease h ilad elp h ia M u seu m : s/LeasetotoPPhiladelphia Museum: 1821, c t2 1 X IA /7 D 7 -1 4 1821, OOct21 XIA/7D7-14 SSMITH, M IT H , Robert R o b e rt K. s/Bill to PPhiladelphia Museum: s/Bill to h ilad elp h ia M u seu m : 1825, Dec31 D ec3XI(Add.)/1F5-6 1 X I (A d d .) /lF 5 -6 1825, S M IT H , S. S. Decatur D eca tu r SMITH, C a ro lin e E. G. G . Peale: Peale: to Caroline 1873, p r 16 16 IX A /2 0 F 4 -7 1873, A Apr IXA/20F4-7 S M IT H , Samuel S am uel (1752-1839) (1 7 5 2 -1 8 3 9 ) SMITH, m : IIB/8 15 (p. 6), 19 19 ms IIB/8 (pp. (pp. 1, 7), 15 14 ,338); 8 ); IIC (p. (p. 146b); 146b); (pp. 14, IVB/1D4VIA/2F14-G3; IV B /1 D 4 -66;; V IA /2 F 1 4 -G 3 ; VIIIAJ16E4-7; VIIIA/16E4-7; VIIIC/28A2-B1; V IIIC /2 8 A 2 -B 1 ;
XIA/2C10-E1,17C5 XIAJ2C1O-E1, 17C5 S M IT H , Samuel Sam uel SMITH, CWPto: C W P to: 1806, Feb Feb21 1806, 21 IIA/38A6 m : IIA /3 2 F 8 -9 ; IID /29 (pp. 7 -2 8 ); m: IIAJ32F8-9; IID/29 (pp. 227-28); IVB/IFI3 IV B /1 F 1 -3 SMITH, S M IT H , (Dr.) (D r.) Samuel S am uel Stanhope S tan h o p e m : IIA /1 3 C 1 -4 m: IIA/13C1-4 S M IT H , Thomas T h o m a s D. D. SMITH, m: I1114C4-9,4 4C10-D1, m: III/4C4—9, C 1 0 - D 1 , 44D2-8, D 2 -8 , 4 D 9 -E 4 4D9-E4 S M IT H , (Mayor) (M ayor) T h o ro g o o d SMITH, Thorogood C W P to: CWP 1804, ay 12 12 IIA /3 0 F 1 -2 1804, M May IIA/30F1-2 SSMITH, M IT H , William W illiam (1728(1 7 2 8 -11814) 814) m: ,1 2 ,7 5 -7 6 ,7 8 -8 0 ), 10 10 m: IIB/9 IIB/9(pp. (pp.11,12,75-76,78-80),
34), 11 (p. 19) 19) (p. 34), ii (p. S M IT H , William W illiam SMITH, C W P to: to: CWP 1786, N Nov IIA/14E2 1786, ov 1787, Feb Feb44 IIA/15A10 1787, IIA /15A10 m: /15A 11—12 m: IIA IIA/15A11-12 S M IT H , William W illiam SMITH, s/A pplication for fo r Charter: C h a rte r: The T h ePAFA: PAFA: s/Application 1805, Dec26 IIA/37C11-D6 1805, D ec26 IIA /3 7 C 1 1 -D 6 SMITH, S M IT H , (Dr.) (D r.) William W illiam (1727-1803) (1 7 2 7 -1 8 0 3 ) m: m: IIB/2 IIB/2 (pp. (pp. 14-15) 14-15) S M IT H , (Colonel) (C olonel) William W illiam P. P. SMITH, m IA (Add.)17 (A d d .)/7 (pp. 191, 191, 196, 196, 208, m:: X XIA 210, 224, 2 5 1 ,2 7 4 ) 210,224,251,274) S M IT H and Abbot A bbot SMITH Lepidoptera oof f GGeorgia: eorgia: VVIIIA/13C5-8 IIIA /1 3 C 5 -8 Lepidoptera SSMITHERS, M IT H E R S , James Ja m es Jr. s/C o n stitu tio n of o f the th e Columbianum: C o lu m b ia n u m : s/Constitution 17 IIE /3 E 7 -F 6 1795, Feb 17 IIE/3E7-F6 1795, A Apr IIA/19F3-20A10 1795, p r 19 19 IIA /1 9 F 3 -2 0 A 1 0 SMITHSON, S M IT H S O N , James Jam es m: IVAJ3A7-1O; IV A /3 A 7 -10; VVIIIC/25E10-27B3 IIIC /2 5 E 1 0 -2 7 B 3 m:
The The Peale Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers
S M IT H S O N IA N Institution In stitu tio n SMITHSONIAN A n n u a l Reports: R P, A rticle in: Annual Reports: TTRP, Article 1861 V IIIC /2 7 D 1 0 -E VIIIC/27D10E22 1863 V IIIC /2 7 E 3 -6 VIIIC/27E3-6 1870 V IIIC /2 7 E 7 -9 VIIIC/27E7-9 1872 V IIIC /2 7 E 1 0 -1 4 VIIIC/27E10-14 m: VIAII0F3-4; m: V IA /10F 3-4; VIIIA/2G8, V IIIA /2G 8, 8 B 1 0 -1 3 , 88D9-13, D 9 - 1 3 , 9B3-7, 9 B 3 -7 , 8B10-13, 110B5-6, 0 B 5 -6 , 10B7-9, 1 0 B 7 -9 , 10B10-13, 1 0 B 1 0 -1 3 , 110C13-D1, 0 C 1 3 -D 1 , 110D4-5, 0 D 4 -5 , 10D8-9, 1 0 D 8 -9 , 10E4-5, 110Db, 0 D 1 0 ,1 0 E 4 -5 , 10F13-14, 1 0 F 1 3 -1 4 , 11B 12,11C 3, 11105-7, 1 C 5 -7 , 112D7-8, 2 D 7 -8 , 11B12, 11C3, 113D4-8, 3 D 4 - 8 ,114Al2-13, 4 A 1 2 - 13, 14A14-B1, 1 4 A 1 4 -B 1 , 15A11-12, 15A 1 1 -1 2 , 116E1-3; 6 E 1 -3 ; VIIIC/24D1-25B6; V IIIC /24D 1- 25B6; IXA/17A2-5, IX A /1 7 A 2 -5 , 117A6-8, 7 A 6 - 8 ,117A9-10, 7 A 9 -1 0 , 17A11-14, 1 7 A U -1 4 , 117B1-2, 7 B 1 -2 , 17B3-4, 1 7 B 3 -4 , 17B5-10, 1 7 B 5 -1 0 , 17C3, 117C1-2, 7 C 1 -2 , 17C 3, 117C4-5, 7 C 4 - 5 , 17C6-7, 1 7 C 6 -7 , 117C8-10, 7 C 8 - 1 0 ,117D5-6, 7 D 5 - 6 , 17D7, 17D7, 117D12-E10, 7 D 1 2 -E 1 0 , 17E12-13, 1 7 E 1 2 -1 3 , 17F3, 17F3, 117G7-8, 7 G 7 - 8 ,117G9-bO, 7 G 9 -1 0 ,118B7, 8B 7, 18B8-11, 1 8 B 8 - 1 1 ,118B12-C1, 8 B 1 2 - C 1 , 18E5-6, 1 8 E 5 -6 , 18E 18E11, 11,18E 18E12, 12, 118E13-14, 8 E 1 3 - 14, 18F1, 18F1, 220G8-10, 0 G 8 -1 0 , 221A5-9, 1 A 5 - 9 , 21B4-5, 2 1 B 4 -5 , 221B6-7, 1 B 6 -7 , 21C1-4, 2 1 C 1 - 4 , 21D11, 21D 11, 22A11; IX IXBI2E6-1O; 221E4-1O, 1 E 4 -1 0 , 22A11; B 1 2 E 6 -1 0 ; XIA/15D513 X IA /1 5 D 5 -13 S M O O T , (Captain) (Captain) SMOOT, m: 11B112 IIB/12 (pp. (pp.27 27etetseq., seq.,29); 29); IIC IIC (pp. 175-76) 175- 76) SMOOT, S M O O T , (Mrs.) (M rs.) m: IIB/12 (p. ,n: 11B112 (p.29); 29);IIC hG (p. (p. 175) Thomas SSMYTH, M YTH, T hom as m: 2 ,44,, 5) 5) m: IIB/2 HB/2 (pp. (pp. 2, SSNIDER, N ID E R , William W illiam M M.. m: IIIA /6A 12-14, 6B13; 6B13; m: V VIIIA/6Al2-14, VIIIC/25E10V IIIC /25E 10- 27B3; IX A /1 0 C 1 2 -13, 15C11-13 1 5 C 1 1 - 13 IXAIIOCl2-13, SSNIDOR, N ID O R , Gasper G asper CWP C W P to, to , et e taal.: l.: O ct IIA/26F5 1802, Oct SSNOWDEN, N O W D E N , James Jam es Ross R oss to BFP: IX A /1 3 E 1 1 -12 IXA/13E11-12 1853,Ju l 22 1853,Ju122 IX A /1 3 E 1 3 -14 IXA/13E1314 1853,Ju 1853,Jull 22 IX A /1 3 G 9 -11 IXA/13G9-11 1853, A ug 3 1853, Aug3 Johnson: to Messrs. M essrs. Blake B lake and Jo h n so n : IX A /1 3 G 1 2 -1 3 IXAII3GI2-13 1853, A ug 4 1853, Aug4 to BFP: IX A /1 4 A 2 -3 IXA/14A2-3 1853, Oct 1853, O c t 11 11 IX A /1 4 A 1 3 -1 4 IXAII4AI3-14 1854, Mar30 1854, M a r 30 IX A /1 4 B 1 -3 IXA/14B1-3 1854, M May 1854, ay 16 16 IX A /14C 14 IXA/14C14 1854,J u n 14 14 1854,Jun JXAII4DI-2 IX A /1 4 D 1 -2 1854, J u n 14 1854,Jun 14 IX A /1 4 D 3 -4 IXA/14D3-4 1854, Jul 5 IX A /1 4 D 5 -6 IXA/14D5-6 1854,Ju 1854, Jull 5 IX A /1 4 D 1 2 -1 3 IXAII4DI2-13 1854, 1854, OOct30 c t 30 IX A /1 4 E 1 -3 IXA/14E1-3 1854, N Nov 1854, o v 17 17 IX A /1 4 E 4 -5 IXA/14E4-5 1854, NNov20 1854, o v 20 IX A /1 4 F 5 -6 IXA/14F5-6 1855,Jun 1855, J u n 14 14 es Guthrie: G uthrie: to Jam James IX A /1 5 D 1 -1 1 IXAII5DI-11 1856,Ju129,30 1856, Ju l 29, 30 ReP R eP to: to: VIA/14B5 1860,Jun23 1860, J u n 23
BFP to: BFPto:
1853, Jul22 1853,Ju l 22 IXA/13E810 IX A /1 3 E 8 -10 1853, ec 9 1853, D Dec IXA/14A4 IX A /14A 4 1853, ec 15 1853, D Dec IXA/14A5-7 IX A /1 4 A 5 -7 1854, ay 17 1854, M May IX A /1 4 B 4 -7 IXA/14B4-7 1854, M May 1854, ay 19 IX A /1 4 B 8 -9 IXAf14B8-9 1854,Ju n5 1854,JunS IXA/14C1-3 IX A /1 4 C 1 -3 1854, n6 1854, Ju Jun IXA/14C7111 IX A /1 4 C 7 -1 1854, Ju [?] Junn 77 [?1 IXAII4Cl2IX A /1 4 C 1 2 -113 3 1854, u g 25 1854, AAug25 IXA/14D7-9 IX A /1 4 D 7 -9 11854, 8 5 4 ,Sept IX A /1 4 D 1 0 -1 1 Sept 6 IXA/14D10-11 1854, o v 28 1854,NNov28 IXA/14E6-8 IX A /1 4 E 6 -8 1855,Ju n 14 IXA/14F3-4 1855, Jun IX A /1 4 F 3 -4 Jam es Guthrie G u th rie to: to; James IX A /1 5 C 9 -10 1856,Ju 1856, Jul26 l 26 IXA/15C910 G eorge F. F. Chilas C hilas to: to: George 1856, Ju l 28 IX A /1 5 C 1 1 -1 3 1856,Jul28 IXA/15C11-13 m: VIA/14B4; IX IXA/13F1-3, m: VIA/14B4; A /1 3 F 1 -3 , 16E 1 3 -F 6 ; XtA/14G3X IA /1 4 G 3 -15A2; 15A2; 16E13-F6; X IIA /1 A3A 3 -33E3 E3 XIIA/1 SNYDER, S N Y D E R , Samuel Sam uel m: X C /6 B 4 -7 , 66C13-D2, C 1 3 - D 2 , 88C8-11, C 8 -1 1 , m: XCIÔB4-7, 110B9-12, 0 B 9 -1 2 , 111B2-5 1 B 2 -5 S N Y D E R , (Governor) (G o v ern o r) Simon S im o n SNYDER, CWP C W P to: hIA/49A3 1810, M ar 8 IIA/49A3 1810, Mar IIA/51A6-11 1812, J a n 5 IIA /51A 6-11 1812,Jan 1812, A pr 23 IIA/51C12 1812, Apr23 IIA/51C12 11A156D7-8 1815, D ec 15 IIA /5 6 D 7 -8 1815, Dec15 IIA /4 6 D 7 -12, 9-10, m: 11A146D712,48G 48G9-1O, 49A 2, 53F1-2, 5 3 F 1 -2 , 48G11-13, 49A2, 667B1-3, 7 B 1 -3 , 667B4-5, 7 B 4 - 5 , 667B7-9, 7 B 7 -9 , 6 7 C 1 -3 , 67D6-8, 6 7 D 6 - 8 , 68B3-4, 6 8 B 3 -4 , 67C1-3, 770D12-13; 0 D 1 2 -1 3 ; IID/29 IID /29 (pp. 3 -4 4 ); (pp. 443-44); VIIA /2C 7; XIAI7C13 XIA/7C13 VIIAI2C7; S O C IE T E d'Anthropologie, d 'A n th ro p o lo g ie , Paris Paris SOCIETE m: IX A /2 1 A 5 -9 m: IXAI2IA5-9 S O C lfeT E des A n tiq u aires, La, Z u rich SOCIETE Antiquaires, Zurich m : IX A /2 1 D 3 -4 rn. IXA/21D3-4 S O C IE T Y of o f Artists A rtists of o f Great G reat Britain B ritain SOCIETY A Catalogue C atalogue of o f the Pictures, Designs Designs in A Architecture, Models, Drawings, Architecture, M odels, D raw ings, Prints, Prints,
etc.: IIAI2CI-D5 1768, A p r 28 IIA /2 C 1 -D 5 1768, Apr28 IIA/2D61768, 20 IIA /2 D 6 - ES E5 1768, Sept Sept20 SSOCIETY O C IE T Y of o f Artists, A rtists, Philadelphia Philadelphia R e p o rt oofJoint f Jo in t Committee C o m m itte e of of Report Academy A cadem y of o f Fine Arts A rts and: VIA/2D14-E4 V IA /2 D 1 4 -E 4 [1811] m: VIA/2F10-12 m: V IA /2 F 1 0 -12 SSOCIETY O C IE T Y of o f the th e C in cin n ati Cincinnati m: IIA/15D3-4, m: IIA /1 5 D 3 -4 , 1ISDS-6, 5 D 5 - 6 , 34C8-11 3 4 C 8 - 11 SSOISSON, O IS S O N , (Mrs.) (M rs.) m: 11A134C811 IIA/34C8-11 SO M E R V IL L E , (Dr.) (Dr.) SOMERVILLE, m: V IIIA /3 B 1 2 -C 1 ; IX A /1 6 B 1 0 -1 3 , m: VhhIA/3B12-C1; IXA/16B10-13, 16 F 7 -9 ; see see also S o u th Sea 16F7-9; also “"South Surveying and EExploring S u rv ey in g and x p lo rin g E x p ed itio n , T h e ” by b y TRP: TRP: Expedition, The" VIIIC/25E10-27B3, C44 V IIIC /2 5 E 1 0 -2 7 B 3 , 27B42 7 B 4 -C S O U T H A R D , S. S. L. L. SOUTHARD, H . Long L ong to: to: S. H. VhhIA/2E8-10 1829, Jan 11 V IIIA /2 E 8 -1 0 Petition P etitio n recommending re c o m m e n d in g TRP T R P to: to: VIIIA/2E11-14 1829, Jan 55 V IIIA /2 E 1 1 -1 4 1829,Jan SSO OW E R B Y ,Jam es WERBY, James
2276 16
The The Peale Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers
A N e w Elucidation Elucidation of o f Colors: A New
VIIIA/11B13-Cl V IIIA /1 1 B 1 3 -C l SPACKMAN, H.. S. S P A C K M A N .H S. G eorge Escol E scol Sellers: Sellers: to George XIA/12C2-3 1835, ec 11 X IA /1 2 C 2 -3 1835, D Dec II rn: m : XIA(Add.)/6 X IA (A dd.)/6 (p. (p. 121) 121) SPARKSJared S P A R K S ,Jared R eP to: ReP VIA/15Al2 nn.d. .d . VIA/15A12 V!A/15A13 n .d . VIA/15A13 n.d. m: V IA /3 C 1 4 -D 3 ; VIIIC/27G9-11 V IIIC /27G 9-11 n: VIA/3C14-D3; SSPAULDING, P A U L D IN G , C . L.L. A. A. C. R eP to: ReP 1895 [59], [59],MMar28 VLA/13E2 1895 a r 28 V IA/13E2 SSPECIMENS P E C I M E N Sofo the f theStone S to n eAge A g e of o fthe the H um an Human Race, byy BFP Race, b m: A /2 1 B 9 -10, -1 4 , m: IX IXA/2lB910,21B11 2111-14,
2 1 C 1 - 4 ,22105, 1 C 5 , 22106-8, 1 C 6 -8 , 21C1-4, 21C9-i1, 2 1 C 9 -1 1 , 21C12, 21C 12, 221C13-Dl, 1 C 1 3 -D 1 , 21D2, 21D 2, 22103-4, 1 D 3 - 4 , 21D5-7, 2 1 D 5 - 7 , 21D11, 21D 11, 21D12-13, 2 1 D 1 2 -1 3 , 21D14, 21D 14, 221E1-3, 1 E 1 -3 , 21 21E11-13,21F1-3,21F4-5 E l 1 —13, 2 1 F 1 -3 , 2 1 F 4 -5 William S P E ID E N , W illiam SPEIDEN, m: VIIIA/7B911, 77D6m: V IIIA /7B 9- 11, D 6 - 11, 77F3-6; F 3 - 6; VIIIC/2401VIIIC/24D 1 - 225B6, 5 B 6, 225C14-D2 5 C 1 4 -D 2 SPENCER,John S P E N C E R ,J o h n B FP to: BFPto: 1842, D Dec IXA/9B10 1842, ec 12 12 IX A /9B10 IXA/9B11-12 1842, D ec 16 IX A /9 B 1 1 -1 2 1842,Decl6 1844, Feb 28 IX A /9 E 9 -1 0 1844,Feb28 IXA/9E9-10 m: IX A /9 D 1 1 -112, 2 , 1IOEI-3 0 E 1 -3 iii: IXA/9D11SP R IG G , Margaret M argaret Caille C aille (Mrs. (M rs. Richard) Richard) SPR!GG, IIA/4D13-E1 m: 11A14D13-E1 SPRIGG, S P R IG G , Richard R ichard s/A ppointm ent: s/Appointment: 1777, ay IV A /2C 1-4 1777, M May IVA/2C1-4 m: /3 A 1 4 -B 3 ; IIB/2 IIB/2 (p. 2), 8 m: IIA IIA/3A14-B3; (p. 13); IIC(p. 13); IIC (p. 449) 449) SSPRIGG, P R IG G , (G overnor) Samuel S am uel (Governor) m: IIA/70F10-11, 70G 70G2-5, m: IIA/70F10-11, 2-5,
70G 6-12; IIC (pp. (pp. 467-68); 467 -68); 70G6-12;IIC VIIIC/28A2-B1
SPRIGG, S P R IG G , Thomas T hom as m: IIB/1 (pp. 2 ,115); 5 ); IIC 29) n: HB/1 (pp. 112, hG (p. 29) SPRIGG, S P R IG G , Violetta V ioletta Lansdale L ansdale (Mrs. (M rs. Samuel) Sam uel) m. m: IIC (p. 468) SSPRIGG P R IG G children children m: IIA/3A14-.-B3 IIA3A14-B3 S P R IN G E R , E leanor S u m m ers SPRINGER, Eleanor Summers pn: III/5A2-11; VIA/15E6-13; m : III/5A2— 11; V IA /1 5 E 6 -1 3 ; V IIA /10B 2-4; V IIIA /8 B 1 -4 , VHA/10B2-4; VIIIA/8B1-4,
XC/4F10-13, 88B6-9; B 6 -9 ; X C /4 F 1 0 -1 3 , 77E13-14, E 1 3 -1 4 , 77F9F 9 -112, 2 , 88E9E 9 -112, 2 , 88E13-F2, E 1 3 -F 2 , 99A14-B3 A 1 4 -B 3 SPRINGER, S P R IN G E R , H en ry Henry rn: VIA/15D2-7; m: V IA /1 5 D 2 -7 ; VIIIA/8B1-4, V IIIA /8 B 1 -4 , 88B6-9;XC/4F10-13 B 6 -9 ; X C /4 F 1 0 - 13 SPRO A T, David D avid SPROAT, m: IIA/8D5-7; I1B/6([nip. m: IIA /8D 5- 7; IIB/6 ([m ] p. 1) 1) STABLER, STA B LE R , Edward E dw ard to TRP: T R P: 1858, Jan 29 V IIIA /13D 2 1858,Jan29 VIIIA/13D2 STA G G , Jo h n , Sr. Sr. STAGG,John, m 251) m:: IIB/15 IIB/15 (p. 15); IIC (p. 251) STA G G , M rs. Jo h n , Sr. Sr. STAGG, Mrs. John, m: IIB/15 (p. 34) n: 118/IS (p.34)
SSTAGG,(Major)John,Jr. T A G G , (M ajor) Jo h n , Jr. (1758(1 7 5 8 -11803) 803) s/T he C o n s titu tio n and an d Bye-Laws B y e-L aw s ooff s/The Constitution th e C o lu m b ia n u m : the Columbianum: IIA /1 8 C 1--EEl 1 1794 IIA/18C1 s/T he C o n s titu tio n of o f the the s/The Constitution Columbianum: C o lu m b ian u m : 1795, Feb 1795, Feb 17 17 IIE /3 E 7 -F 6 IIE/3E7-F6 s/for the Joshua si for th e CColumbianum o lu m b ia n u m to to Jo sh u a Humphreys: H u m p h rey s: 1795, Mar4 IIA/19E11-12 1795, M ar 4 IIA /1 9 E 1 1 -1 2 slReport committee s/R ep o rt ooff co m m itte e to the th e Columbianum: C o lu m b ian u m : 1795, Mar28 1795, M a r 28 IIA/19F2 HA/19F2 s/The Constitution s/T he C o n s titu tio n of o f the th e Columbianum: C o lu m b ian u m : 1795, A Apr HA/19F3-20A10 1795, p r 19 19 IIA /1 9 F 3 -2 0 A 1 0 to CWP: C W P: 1798, Oct23 1798, O c t 23 IIA /2 2 C 1 -2 IIA/22C1-2 C W P to: to: CWP 1803,Jan 1803, Jan 16 16 IIA/27A12 IIA/27Al2 1803,Jan IIA/27A13 1803, Jan 16 16 1803,Marll 1803, M a r 11 IIA /27C 12 IIA/27C12 1803, Ju n 26 IIA /2 7 G 8 -9 1803, Jun26 IIA/27G8-9 m:: IIA IIA/16E13-F3, m /1 6 E 1 3 -F 3 , 117B1-3, 7 B 1 -3 , 17G414, 1 7 G 4 -110, 0 , 118A2-4, 8 A 2 - 4 , 18Al21 8 A 1 2 -1 4, 18E29,, 18E1 1 8 E 2 -66,, 18E71 8 E 7 -9 1 8 E 1I1--FF2, 2, 18F3-5, 1 8 F 3 -5 , 18F6-12, 1 8 F 6 -1 2 , 18F13-14, 1 8 F 1 3 -1 4 , 2 0 A 1 11-13, - 13, 220C4-9, 0 C 4 - 9 , 20E102 0 E 1 0 -1 2, 20A1 12, 20F4-7,20F9-10,21B7-1O, 2 0 F 4 -7 , 2 0 F 9 -1 0 , 2 1 B 7 -1 0 , 21F1-3,21F7-9,21G1-3, 2 1 F 1 -3 , 2 1 F 7 -9 , 2 1 G 1 - 3 , 221G6-7, 1 G 6 - 7 , 222F1-5, 2 F 1 -5 , 222G3-4, 2 G 3 -4 , 222G7-8, 2 G 7 -8 , 23B12-C7, 2 3 B 1 2 - C 7 , 23C102 3 C 1 0 -13, 13, 226F13-14, 6 F 1 3 -1 4 , 227D1, 7 D 1 , 227G2-3, 7 G 2 -3 , 28A2-3, 2 8 A 2 - 3 ,228C3, 8 C 3 , 228C7-8, 8 C 7 - 8 , 28D4-5, 2 8 D 4 -5 , 228D6-7, 8 D 6 - 7 , 28E4-5, 2 8 E 4 - 5 , 28E82 8 E 8 - 10, 10, 2 9 C 9 -10, 10, 31F9,32A11-12, 29C931F9, 32A11-12, 14, 554C912, 558C12-E1, 446B136 B 1 3 - 14, 4 C 9 - 12, 8 C 1 2 -E 1 , 558E2-9, 8 E 2 -9 , 66E9-1O; 66E9-10; HB/12 IIB/12 (p. (p. 16), 16), 15 15 (p. (p. 15), 15), 17 17 (p. (p. 9), 9), 22 22 (p. 55); IIC hG (pp. 150, 163, 250); VIIA/1A4 (pp. V IIA /1A 4 STA GG, M a rg aret D e P e y ste r (Mrs.John (M rs. Jo h n STAGG, Margaret DePeyster SStagg,Jr.) tag g .Jr.) C W P to: to: CWP 1809, M ar 25 IIA /4 6 B 1 3 -14 1809, Mar25 IIA/46B1314 1816,Jan IIA/56F10 1816, Ja n 99 IIA/56F10 1819, Dec D ec 15 15 IIA /6 3 B 1 -2 IIA/63B1-2 m: IIA /1 7 G 4 -10, 8 A 9 -111, 1 , 220C4-9, 0 C 4 -9 , m: IIA/17G410, 118A9220C10-1l, 0 C 1 0 - 11, 20E10-12, 2 0 E 1 0 - 12, 220F47, 0 F 4 -7 , 10,221F1-3, 220F90 F 9 - 10, 1 F 1 -3 , 221G1-3, 1 G 1 -3 , 2 1 G 6 -7 , 26E9-11, 2 6 E 9 - 11, 26F13-14, 2 6 F 1 3 - 14, 21G6-7, 27G2-3, 2 7 G 2 - 3 , 29C122 9 C 1 2 -13, 13, 29E112 9 E 1 1 -112, 2, 29G 9, 31A 7, 331C7-9, 1 C 7 - 9 , 31F9, 31F9, 29G9, 31A7, 332A112 A 1 1 - 112, 2 ,333C1-6, 3 C 1 - 6 , 333D1-5, 3 D 1 -5 , 34B 9, 335F125 F 1 2 -14, 38B8, 38B 8, 38F12, 34B9, 50D4-6, 5 0 D 4 - 6 , 552D5-7, 2 D 5 - 7 , 52E3-6, 5 2 E 3 -6 , 554C94 C 9 -112, 2 , 54F125 4 F 1 2 - 13, 13, 56F11, 56F11, 58C12-El, 5 8 C 1 2 -E 1 , 58E2-9, 5 8 E 2 - 9 , 58F2-4, 5 8 F 2 -4 , 59F9-11, 5 9 F 9 - 11, 59F12-14, 5 9 F 1 2 - 14, 61A9-10, 6 1 A 9 - 10, 663F9-1O, 3 F 9 - 10, 664A3-4, 4 A 3 - 4 , 665A4-5, 5 A 4 -5 , 6 6 C 1 1 -12, 1 2 , 66E9-10, 68B10, 66C1166E9-1O, 68B10, 6 8 E 4 -6 ; IIB/12 IIB/12 (pp. (p p . 28, 28, 32), 32), 19 19 68E4-6; (pp. (pp. 4et 4 etseq.)-, (pp. 74, 74, 83), 83), 22 22(pp. seq.); IIC (p. IIA /1 A 2 -3 , 11A5-6, A 5 -6 , (p. 184); 184);VVIIA/1A2-3, 1IAI A 1 11-13, -1 3 , 11B3-6, B 3 - 6 , IBI 1 B 1 1-13, 1 -1 3 , 22G4-6 G 4 -6 ST A G G , Jo h n L iv in g sto n STAGG,John Livingston
The Peale Family F am ily Papers Papers The Peale
toCWP: to CWP: 1805, 1805, Aug26 A ug 26 C W P to: to: CWP
IIA/35F12—14 IIA/35F1214
1804, Sept 2 1804,
m:: IIA IIA/20F910,333C1-6, m /2 0 F 9 -10, 3 C 1 - 6 , 337B1-4, 7 B 1 -4 , 447D8-E1; 7 D 8 -E 1 ; IX A /1 2 G 1 -4 IXAJI2GI-4 STA G G , Thomas T hom as STAGG, m: IIA 11A147D8-E1, m: /4 7 D 8 -E 1 , 558C12-E1, 8 C 1 2 -E 1 , 58E2-9 5 8 E 2 -9 STAGG, STA G G , William W illiam m: /20F 9-10, 4 747D8-E1, D 8 - E 1 , 552D5-7 2 D 5 -7 m: IIA 11A120F9-10, STAMP S T A M P Act riots m: fEB12 IIB/2 (pp. (pp. 5, 6) ST A M P E R , Joseph STAMPER, s/Petition for in g Lombard L o m b a rd Street: Street: s/Petition for pav paving 1783, AprA19 p r 19 IIA /12A 10-14 LEAII2AIO14 C W P to: CWP 1782, Nov14 IIA/11E7-8 1782, N o v 14 IIA/11E 7—8 m : IIA/11E9-10 IIA/11E9—10 S T A N B R ID G E , J. C. C. STANBRIDGE,J.
BFP to: IX A /8 A 4 -5 IXAI8A4-5 1840 1841, Apr27 IXAI9A4 1841, A p r 27 IX A /9A 4 IXA/22C1-2 nrnd. .d . M ay 11 IX A /2 2 C 1 -2 May11 STAN LEY, (Mr.) (Mr.) STANLEY, m : 11A133A11-B4, IIA /33A 11-B 4, 333F7-14. 3 F 7 -1 4 , 3 5 G 7 -12; 12; IIB/22 IIB/22 (p. (p. 54) 54) 35G7ST A N SB U R Y , C aroline STANSBURY, Caroline m: IIA /72F 4-7; IIB/25 IIB/25 (pp. 2et 2 e tse q .) IIA/72F4-7; seq.) ST A N SB U R Y , (C aptain) H o w a rd S. S. STANSBURY, (Captain) Howard T R P to: TRP 1852, 12 V IIIC /2 7 C 5 - D 9 1852, May12 M ayVIUC/27C5-D9 S T A N S B U R Y ,Joseph STANSBURY,Joseph m: IIA/4E6-8, m : IIA /4 E 6 -8 , 331D121 D 1 2 - 13, 13, 332B1-C2, 2 B 1 -C 2 , 3 3 F 5 -6 , 34D63 4 D 6 -13; 13;IIB/25 IIB/25 (p. (p. 2); 2); 33F5-6, V IIA /1A 11-13 VIIA/1AI 1-13 STA N SB U R Y , Jo sep h , Jr. Jr. STANSBURY, Joseph, m /3 1 D 1 -2 , 3 1 D 3 - 4 m:: IIA IIAI3IDI-2,31D3-4 STA N SB U R Y , M ary STANSBURY, Mary tto o jJohn o h n Stille: IIA/72F4-7 1826, D ec 18 IIA /7 2 F 4 -7 1826, Dec18 C W P to: CWP 1IA/72G1-2 1IA /72G 1-2 1827, Jan 55 11A172G5-7 29 IIA /7 2 G 5 -7 1827, Jan Jan29 m IIA/72F13; VVIIAI6EI2-F1 IIA /6 E 1 2 -F 1 m:: 11AJ72F13; STARKEY , (Mr.) (Mr.) STARKEY, m I1A /7A 10-11, 77C6-9; C 6 -9 ; m:: VVIIAI7AIO-11, X IB /3 B 1 -5 C 8 XIBI3BI-5C8 S T A U FF E R , D M cN . STAUFFER, D.. McN. T R P to: TRP VIIIAII7BI 1884, A ug 5 VIIIA/17B1 1884, Aug5 S T A U G H T O N , (Reverend) (R everend) William W illiam STAUGHTON, m: V IIA /4 D 1 1 - 12; XIA/7C1-14 X IA /7 C 1 -1 4 rn: VIIAJ4DII-12; STEDMAN, S T E D M A N , Margaret M a rg a re t Bennett B e n n e tt A bercrom bie (Mrs. (M rs. Charles) C harles) Abercrombie m: IIB/3 (p. 47) 47) rn: S T E E L E , (Mr.) (M r.) STEELE, m : IIA/51F5—12, 5 1 F 1 3 -G 6 ; IIB/12 IIB/12 rn: IIA/51F5-12, 51F13-G6; (p. 7 - 9 8 , 176) 176) (p. 29); 29); IIC IIC (pp. (Pp. 997-98, S T E L L E , (Mr.) (Mr.) STELLE, m : IIA /6 1 F 9 -G 3 , 662A11-12 2 A 1 1 -1 2 m: IIA/61F9-G3, S T E L L E , (Mrs.) (M rs.) STELLE. m: IIA /61B 11 —12, 62A13-14 6 2 A 1 3 - 14 m: IIAI6IBII-12, S T E R E T T Jo h n STERETT,John m : IIB/9 IIB/9 (p. 68) 68) m: S T E R E T T , Mary M ary (Potty) (Polly) STERETT,
m : 1111/9 IIB /9 (p. 18) m: (p.64), 64),99(p. (p. 80), 80), 12 (p. 18) STERETT, S T E R E T T , Samuel Sam uel IIB/9 (p. 79) m: 11B19 (p. 79) S T E R E T T , (Major) (M ajor) William W illiam STERETT, IIB/5 (pp. 3, 7) m: IIB/5 (pp.3,7) S T E T S O N , Charles C harles A. STETSON, G eo rg e Escol Sellers to: George 1848, Oct18 1848, O c t 18 X I A /1 5 D 5 - 13 XIA/15D5-13 m: X C /3 G 9 -12 12 ,n: XC/3G9S T E U A R T , David D avid STEUART, m: A /1 G 4 -6 ,22B4-6 B 4 -6 m: IIA/4D13-E1; IIA/4D13-E1; IV IVA/1G4-6, S T E U A R T children children STEUART IIA/4D13- El m: 11A14D13SSTEUBEN, T E U B E N , (Baron) (B aron) Friedrich F ried rich Wilhelm W ilhelm von
C W P to: CWPto: 1780, JJul21 IIA/10C6-9 1780, u l 21 IIA /1 0 C 6 -9 IIB/5 (p. 11); IID/29 IID/29 (pp. m: IIB/5 (p. 36), 36), 7 (p. 11); 16-17); XIA/2C10-E1, 17C4 17C4 1617); XIA/2C10-El, STEVENS, S T E V E N S , (Dr.) (Dr.) E. E. C W P to: to; CWP !1A135A111805, n 28 IIA /35A 11 - 13 13 1805,Ju Jun28 m : 11A135A2-6 IIA /3 5 A 2 -6 ?n: S T E V E N S , Jam es A. A. STEVENS,James to BFP: 1846, Feb 16 IX A /9 G 3 -1 1 1846, Feb16 IXA/9G3-11 S T E V E N S , Jam es L. M. M. STEVENS,James s/Witness: s/W itness: VIIA/9C10 1837, Jun30 1837, Ju n 30 V IIA /9C 10 VIIA/9A8; XXIB/3A9m : VIIA/9A8; IB /3 A 9 - 10 10 ,n: S T E V E N S , William W illiam L. L. STEVENS, G eo rg e Folsom: Folsom : to George VIA/15C5-6 1848, ay 20 V IA /1 5 C 5 -6 1848, M May20 S T E V E N S O N , A. A. May M ay STEVENSON, s/M inutes ooff sto c k h o ld e rs meeting, m eeting, s/Minutes stockholders PAFA: the PAFA: IXAII8C6 1867, Ju n 3 IX A /18C6 1867,Jun3 ,n: m : IXAII5F9-10, IX A /1 5 F 9 - 10, 15G5-7, 1 5 G 5 -7 , 1 6 B 1 0 -13, 16F7-9, 1 6 F 7 -9 , 18A6 18A6 16B10-13, S T E W A R D , James Jam es STEWARD, to CLP: toCLP: XD/1E6 1826, Ju n 6 X D /1E 6 1826,Jun6 m : HhI4C4-9 III/4C 4—9 ui: STEW ART, (Mr.) (M r.) STEWART, m : IIA /62D 10- 14, 6 2 E 1 - 3 ,71A9; IIC m: IIA/62D10-14,62E1-3,71A9;IIC (p. 429) STEW ART, (Reverend) (R everend) STEWART, m: X C /5 B 1 2 -C 1 , 55F5-8, F 5 -8 , 6E7-10, 6 E 7 - 10, m: XC/5B12-C1, 6 F 1 -4 , 6F5-8, 6 F 5 -8 , 7E6-9 7 E 6 -9 6F1-4, STEW ART, (C o m m o d o re ) Charles C harles STEWART, (Commodore) CWP C W P to: IIA/66D12 1821, u g 30 IIA/66D12 1821, AAug30 IXA/8G4-5 m : IX A /8 G 4 -5 ,n: STEWART, Deborah STEW A R T, D eb o rah McClenachan M cC len ach an (M rs. Walter) Walter) (Mrs. m: HAI11F7-8 IIA/11F7-8 ,n: STEW A R T, N STEWART, N.. s/Letter c o m m e n d a tio n for CLP: s/Letter ooff re recommendation CLP: XDIIDI3 1825, Sept 3 X D /1D 13 XD/1D14 X D /1D 14 1825, Sept 3 STEW A R T, W. W. STEWART, m: V IIA /8 D 3 -9 ; XIAI7CIX IA /7 C 1 -14; 14; m: VIIA/8D3-9; X IB /2 C 5 -7 XIBI2C5-7 STEW A R T, (Coioriel) (C olonel) Walter W alter STEWART, CWP C W P to: IIA/I1BI-2 1781, M a y 23 IIA /1 1 B 1 -2 1781,May23
278 278
The Peale Peale Family F am ily Papers Papers The
CWP, Receipt C W P, R eceipt to: IIAIIIF7-8 1782, 1782, D Dec16 ec 16 11A/11F7-8 m /1 7 D 9 - 10 10 m:: IIA IIA/17D9S T IE R S Gallery G allery STIERS m: VIAJI1E4-5 m: V I A /U E 4 - 5 S T IL L E .Jo hn STILLE, John M a ry Stansbury S taiisbury to: to: Mary 11A172F4-7 1826, 1826, D Dec18 ec 18 IIA /72F 4-7 tn: IIB/23 (pp. (pp. 8cr m: 11A172G1-2; IIA /72G 1-2; IIB/23 8 e tsseq.) e q .) STILES, Edward S T IL E S , E dw ard CWP, Mortgage CW P, M o rtg a g e to: to: 1794, JJun IIA/18G2-3 1794, un 9 IIA /18G 2-3 C W P, B o n d to: CWP, Bond IIA /1 8 G 4 -110 0 1794, Ju Junn 9 IIA/18G4tn: m : IIA/24F2-3, IIA /24F 2-3, 227D5-6, 7 D 5 - 6 , 29G9, 29G9, 3 0 A 1 2 -13, 13, 448D7-8 8 D 7 -8 30Al2S T IL E S , T h o m a s T. T. STILES, Thomas s/Lease to PPhiladelphia Museum: s/Lease to hiladelphia M useum : 1821, c t 21 X IA /7 D 7 - 14 1821, OOct21 XIA/7D7-14 SSTILLMAN, T IL L M A N , WilliamJ. W illiam J. See also Crayon, C rayon, T he. The.
ReP R eP to: to: 1854, Dec14 1854, D ec 14
VIA/11C1O V IA /11C10 1855 VIA/11D1 VIAIIIDI 1855, AApr16 VIA/11D3 1855, p r 16 VIA /11D 3 1855 VIA/11D4 1855, Apr17 A p r 17 V IA /11D 4 M ay 10 10 V IA /U D 5 1855, May VIAIIIDS 1855, May23 VIA/11D6 1855, M ay 23 V IA /11D 6 1855, Ju l 22 V IA /1 1 D 1 4 -E 1 1855,Ju122 VIA/11D14-E1 1855, A ug9 V IA /1 1 E 2 -3 1855, Aug9 VIAI1IE2-3 VIA/11E7-8 11855, 8 5 5 ,0Oct30 c t3 0 V IA /1 1 E 7 -8 1855, Nov19 VIA/11E9-10 1855, N o v 19 V IA /1 1 E 9 -10 1855,Nov24 VIA/IIEI1-12 1855, N o v 24 V IA /1 1 E 1 1 -1 2 1855, Dec28 V!A/11E13144 1855, D ec28 V IA /1 1 E 1 3 -1 1856,Jan24 VIA/I1FI 1856, Jan 24 VIA/11F1 1856, FebS5 VIA/11F2-3 1856, Feb V IA /1 1 F 2 -3 1856, Feb18 VIA/11F4-5 1856, Feb 18 V IA /1 1 F 4 -5 1856, Mar29 VIA/11F8-9 1856, M a r 29 V IA /1 1 F 8 -9 1856,AApr2 V!A/11F10-11 1856, pr 2 V IA /1 1 F 1 0 -11 1856, JJun VIA/11F14-G1 un 6 V IA /11F 14-G 1 m: IXA/9G3111 m : VIA/12A8; IX A /9 G 3 -1 SSTINCHCOMB, T IN C H C O M B , Thomas T hom as In d en tu re of:. of:. Indenture IIA/1DIO1763 [?] [?] IIA /1 D 1 0 - 14 14 S T IT E S , (Mr.) (M r.) STITES, m : 11A120F4-7, IIA I20F 4-7, 223G8-9; 3 G 8 - 9 ; IIB/13 IIB/13 m: (pp. 4, 17), 17), 15 15 (p. 15); 15); IIC (p. (p. 186) 186) SSTOCKHOLM, T O C K H O L M , (Colonel) (C olonel) ReP ReP to: 1809, M Mar VIA/2B2-3 a r 15 15 V IA /2 B 2 -3 S T O C K T O N , (Mr.) (M r.) STOCKTON, C W P to: CWP 1818, NNov9 ov 9 IIA/61B9 1818, IIA/61B9 1818, Nov IIA/61B10 1818, N o v 10 10 IIA /61B 10 STOCKTON, S T O C K T O N , Eliza Eliza Ferguson F erg u so n Peale Peale (M rs. Jo h n C.) C .) (Mrs.John P e te r’s Church: C h u rch : Baptismal B a p tism al record record St. Peter's of:
1803,Ju129 1803, Ju l 29 to SPS:
V /1 B 1 -2 V/1BI-2
1831,Aug2l 1831, A u g 2 1 X C /1 E 1 1 -1 4 XC/1EI1-14 Power P o w er ooff aattorney tto rn ey to TRP: TRP: 1834,Ju Jun30 1834, n 30 V IIIA /3 E 5 -6 VIIIA/3E5-6 to SPS: 1835, SSept 1835, ept 9 X C /2 A 2 -8 XC/2A2-8 to a rth a McGlathery M c G lath ery Peale: Peale: to M Martha
V/1G7-12 V /1 G 7 - 12 V12A9-B2 V /2 A 9 -B 2 V/2B7V /2 B 7 -13 13 1838, M a y 2 1838,May2 V/2D2-9 V /2 D 2 -9 1839, Apr V /2 E 7 -1100 A p r 18 18 V12E7V /2 E 1 1 - 14 1839,Ju l 26 1839,Ju126 V/2E11-14 1839, N o v 22 1839, Nov22 V/2F1-8 V /2 F 1 -8 in:: IIA IIA/73C6D8; V/1E3m /7 3 C 6 -D 8; V /1 E 3 -110, 0, 11F7-10, F 7 -1 0 , 11F1I-12, F 1 1 -1 2 , 1G2-4, 1 G 2 -4 , 11G5-6, G 5 -6 , 22A4-5, A 4 - 5 , 22B14-C2, B 1 4 -C 2 , 2 C 3 - 6 , 2C7-9, 2 C 7 - 9 , 2C12-D1, 2 C 1 2 -D 1 , 2C3-6, 2D12-E1, 2 D 1 2 - E 1 , 2E2-4; 2 E 2 - 4 ; VIIA/5A3-10; V IIA /5 A 3 -1 0 ; X C /3 F 3 -6 , 44C7-14, C 7 - 1 4 , 8F11-14 8 F 1 1 -1 4 XC/3F3-6, S T O C K T O N , Jo h n C. C. STOCKTON,John to TRP: toTRP: V IIIA /7 G 8 -12 VIIIA/7G812 1842, Ju Jull m:: VV/1G5-6, 12, 22A9-B2, m /1 G 5 -6 , 11G7G 7 - 12, A 9 -B 2 , 2 B 7 - 13, 22C7-9, C 7 - 9 , 2D2-9, 2 D 2 -9 , 2B7-13, 22D12-E1, D 1 2 - E 1 , 2E2, 2E 2, 22E7-10, E 7 -1 0 , 2E112 E 1 1 - 14, 14, 22F1-8; F 1 -8 ; VIIIA/3E5-6; V IIIA /3 E 5 -6 ; X C /2 A 2 - 8 , 33F3-6 F 3 -6 XCI2A2-8, STOCKTON S T O C K T O N , Julia m: /1 G 7 - 12, 12, 22B7B 7 - 113 3 m: V V/1G7S T O D D A R D , Benjamin B e n ja m in STODDARD, m : IIB/11 (pp. 2,17, 17, 18), 18), 19 19 m: IIB/li (pp.2, 31-33) (pp. 31-33) SSTODDARD T O D D A R D children ch ildren m: 3; IIB/11 (pp. 2, 2,17, m: IIA/43G2— IIA/43G2-3; IIBtll (pp. 17, 1836, c t 14 1836, OOct14 1837, Feb24 1837, Feb 24 1837, M ay 22 1837, May22
18), 18), 19 19 (pp. (pp. 31-33)
STOKES, S T O K E S , (Mr.) (M r.) C W P to: CWP 1818, N ov 9 IIA/61 B9 1818, Nov9 IIA/61B9 IIA/61B10 1818, N o v 10 10 IIA /61B10 1818, Nov SSTOKES, T O K E S , (Miss) (M iss) C C.. F rederick S. h u rc h to: Frederick S. CChurch 1888, Jan 12 12 V IB/22F4 1888,Jan VIB/22F4 SSTONE, T O N E , (Mr.) (M r.) m:: IIA IIA/29A6, m /29A6, 33005-6, 0 C 5 - 6 , 40F84 0 F 8 - 14 14 STONE, S T O N E , Horatio H o ratio m: V V!A/12E11-G4 m: IA /1 2 E 1 1 -G 4 SSTONE, T O N E , (Governor) (G o v ern o r) JJohn o h n Hoskins H o sk in s A cco u n t w ith the State S tate of o f Maryland: M ary lan d : Account with 1791, Ju n 11 III/2 A 1 0 - 12 1791,Jun III/2A10-12 m: IIA/69D4, m : IIA /69D 4, 669D5, 9 D 5 , 669E1-2, 9 E 1 -2 , 7 0 D 5 - 6 , 70F1, 70F1, 70F2, 70F2, 70F3-4, 7 0 F 3 -4 , 70D5-6, 7 0 F 5 -6 , 70F7-9, 7 0 F 7 -9 , 70F10-11, 70F10-11, 70F5-6, 70F12; 13); IIC IIC 70F12; IIB/5 IIB/5 (p. 7), 5 (p. 13); (pp. 58, 5 8 ,464); 464); V111C128A2-B1 VIIIC/28A2-B1 SSTONE T O N E Age A ge Im p le m e n t Collection C o llectio n ooff Implement B FP BFP m : IXA/22A10, IX A /22A 10, 222Al22 A 1 2 -13, 13, 22B7 22B7 m: S T O N E R , (Mr.) (M r.) STONER, SM P, R eceipt to: to: SMP, Receipt 1837, Ju l 27 III/5 A 1 3 - 14 1837,Ju127 III/5A13-14 S T O R Y , (Miss) (M iss) STORY, m: m: IIB/2 (p. 25) STORY, Joseph S T O R Y , (Justice) (Justice) Jo sep h m: IA /1 0 E 1 1 - 14 m: VVIA/IOEII-14 SSTOUGHTON, T O U G H T O N ,Anna A n n a Claypoole C la y p o o le Peale Peale (M rs. William). W illiam ). SSee e e Peale, P eale, Anna A nna (Mrs. Claypoole. C laypoo le. S T O W , (Mr.) (M r.) STOW, m: IIA/28A7-8, m : IIA /2 8 A 7 -8 , 228C4-6, 8 C 4 - 6 , 28E6-7 2 8 E 6 -7 S T R A C H A N , Margaret M a rg a re t (Mrs. (M rs. Wiiliam) W illiam ) STRACHAN, m: IIA/4D13-E1 IIA /4 D 1 3 -E 1 m: SSTREET, T R E E T , Robert R o b e rt [?] [?]
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The Peale The Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers
in: m : IIA IIA/62B6-9; /62B 6-9; VIIAI2C8, V IIA /2 C 8 ,4 4B14B 1 4 -C C3, 3,
4D6 4D 6 SSTRICKLAND, T R IC K L A N D , William W illiam s/Receipt for ranklin Institute: sfReceipt for FFranklin Sept 99 IX B /1 0 E 1 -5 1840, Sept IXB/IOE1-5 in: IIA/65G1-3, m: IIA /65G 1-3, 666G8-10, 6 G 8 - 1 0 ,668D9-11, 8 D 9 -1 1 ,
668D12-13, 8 D 1 2 -1 3 , 668E1-3, 8 E 1 -3 , 70A6-9; 7 0 A 6 -9 ; 11114E13, 5Al2;VVIAI2C7-9, III/4E13, 5A12; IA /2 C 7 - 9 ,44C6, C 6, 4C 7, 4C 8, 44C9C 9 -13; 13; IXAII5G8; IXA/15G8; 4C7, 4C8, XIA/14A7-F7; X IA /1 4 A 7 -F 7 ; XIA(Suppl.)17 X IA (S uppl.)/7 (pp. 208, 211, 211, 230, 230, 2250-51,258) 5 0 - 51,258) STROBAGH, John Martin S T R O B A G H , Jo hn M a rtin m: m: IIB/5 (pp. (pp. 29, 31) STRUTHERS,John S T R U T H E R S .J o h n s/Report: IXB/IOEI-5 IX B /1 0 E 1 -5 1840, Sept 99 m: V IIIA /4A 3-4 in: VIIIA/4A3-4 SSTRUTHERS, T R U T H E R S , William W illiam s/Report PAFACCommittee on s/R eport ooff PAFA o m m itte e on Exhibitions: E xhibitions: 1857, Sept Sept13 IXA/15E1-4 1857, 13 IX A /1 5 E 1 -4 in: IXA/14F1-2, m: IX A /1 4 F 1 -2 , 115C3-4, 5 C 3 - 4 , 15F9-10, 1 5 F 9 -1 0 , 115G5-7, 5 G 5 -7 , 16B10-13, 1 6 B 1 0 -1 3 , 16F7-9, 1 6 F 7 -9 , I19C11—13 9C1 1- 13 STUART, Alexander H.. H H.. STUA RT, A lexander H .. to xam iners of o f Patents: P atents: to E Examiners 1852, May VIIIA/13A2122 -12 1852, M7ay 7 V IIIA /1 3 A Joseph en ry to: Joseph H Henry VillA/hEll 1849 V IIIA /11E l 1 T R P to: TRPto: VIIIA/12D4-5 1851, Apr28 1851, A p r 28 V IIIA /1 2 D 4 -5 Examiners the PPatent E xam iners ooff the aten t Office O ffice to: 1852, M ay 5 V IIIA /1 2 G 5 -13 1852, May VIIIA/12G513 1852, M May17 VII[A/13A13-B1 1852, ay 17 V IIIA /13A 13-B 1 T R P to: TRP 1852, 1852, Dec29 D e c 2VIIIA/13B12-.-13 9 V IIIA /1 3 B 1 2 -13 m: V IIIA /1 1 B 1 0 -C 2 , 12B9, 2 C 3 -4 , rn: V111AIIIB1O-C2, 12B9, 112C3-4, 112C14-D1 2 C 1 4 -D 1 S T U A R T , Gilbert G ilbert STUART, R eP to: to: ReP 1806, Mar24 VIAIIE6 1806, M a r 24 VIA /1E6 ,n: IIA/32F8-9, 32G2-4, m: IIA /32F 8-9, 32G 2-4, 34C8-11, 3 4 C 8 - 11, 3 5 C 8 - 10, 10, 41C941C 9 - 12, 12, 43D24 3 D 2 -11, 11, 35C844B1-C2, 4 4 B 1 -C 2 , 51C1-4, 5 1 C 1 - 4 , 51065 1 C 6 -11, 11, 51F55 1 F 5 - 12, 12, 551F13-G6, 1 F 1 3 -G 6 , 667F1-3, 7 F 1 -3 , 69B4-5, 6 9 B 4 -5 , 70C3-5, 7 0 C 3 - 5 , 70D127 0 D 1 2 -13, 13, 70F10-11, 7 0 F 1 0 -1 1 , 71C127 1 C 1 2 - 13; 13; IIB/9(p. IIB/9 (p. 19 (pp. (pp. 20, 20, 21,35, 2 1 ,3 5 ,105), 105), 20 20 49), l9 (p. 105), 105), 22 (p. 15), 15), 23 23 (p. (p. 25); 25); IIC /(pp. 103, 103, 3533 5 3 -554); 4 ); IID/29(p. IID/29(p. IIC/(pp. 47); IIE/7C8-D4; 47); IIE /7 C 8 -D 4 ; VIA/3F14-G1, V IA /3 F 1 4 -G 1 , 44G9G 9 -112, 2 , 66D13-E2, D 1 3 - E 2 , 8C4-7, 11C2-3, 11 C 2 -3 , 12D13-14; 1 2 D 1 3 - 14; 13B8-9, 1 3 B 8 -9 , 13C6-7, 1 3 C 6 -7 , 13C14; 13C14; VIB/19F1 1-20B14; V IB /19F 11-20B 14; XLA./11C3-12A5, 17C11; (Add.)/5 XIA/11C3- 12A5,17C11; (A dd.)/5 (p. 40) (p.40) P o rtraits of o f Washington: W ashington: Portraits IIA/70D1213; IIA /70D 1 2 -1 3 ; V1A/3F7V I A /3 F 7 -13, 13, 3G6-9, 3 G 6 - 9 , 10B14-C2, 1 0 B 1 4 -C 2 , 11C2-3, 1 1 C 2 -3 , 112A14-B3, 2 A 1 4 -B 3 , 12E3, 12E3, 12E4-5, 1 2 E 4 -5 , 13A4, 13A4, 1 3 C 3 -4 , 13G2-3, 1 3 G 2 -3 , 14G2-3; 1 4 G 2 -3 ; 13C3-4, V IA /1 0 B 1 4 -C 2 ; VIB/19F9V IB /1 9 F 9 -10 VIAI1OBI4-C2; 10 John SSTUMP, T U M P , Jo hn CWP C W P to:
1817, AApr30 1817, pr 30 IIA/59D3 11A159D3 1818, Ju Jun n5 IIA/60G9 in: m: IIA /5 3 A 2 -7 , 555E13-F4, 5 E 1 3 -F 4 , 556G6-8, 6 G 6 -8 , 11A153A2-7, 5 6 G 4 -5 , 56G95 6 G 9 -12, 12, 58F125 8 F 1 2 -14, 14, ' 56G4-5, 59G5-7 5 9 G 5 -7 STURGEON, S T U R G E O N , Daniel D aniel BFP B FP to: 1854, Ju Jun IXA/14C4-6 n5 IX A /1 4 C 4 -6 V111C125B7-E2 m: V IIIC /2 5 B 7 -E 2 in: S T U Y V E S A N T , (Governor) (G o v ern o r) STUYVESANT, in: m. IIB/22 (p. 71) 71) SULLIVAN, SU LL IV A N , (Dr.) (Dr.) CWP, Sale ooff pproperty CW P, Sale ro p e rty of: IIA/7A2-9 17 IIA /7 A 2 -9 1778, Sept 17 SULLIVAN, (General)John SU LL IV A N , (G eneral) Jo h n in: (pp. 1, 1,5) m: 1IB/5 IIB/5 (pp. 5) SULLY, R o b ert SULLY, Robert in: m: VIIA/4G4 SULLY, Sarah (M (Mrs. Thomas) SULLY, Sarah rs. T h o m as)
VIIA/G4-6; IXA/3D7-8; m: V IIA /G 4 -6 ; IX A /3 D 7 -8 ;
XA/1D5-7, X A /1 D 5 -7 , 1IDI-4, D 1 - 4 , 1D8-11 1 D 8 -1 1 SULLY, TThomas h o m as SULLY, s/for the the SSociety Artists, s/for ociety ooff A rtists, Report: R eport:
VIA/2D14-E4 V IA /2 D 1 4 -E 4 1811 s/Communication from Council s/C o m m u n icatio n fro m the C o uncil of o f Academicians: A cadem icians: VIA/2E10-12 1813,Jan 1813, Jan 13 13 V IA /2 E 1 0 -1 2 D raft to to Mr. M r. Voorhees: V oorhees: Draft VIA/2F1-2 1813, A p r 30 V IA /2 F 1 -2 1813, Apr30 G eneral Nicholas N ich o las Ridgely: R idgely: to General VIA/3B7-8 A ug 55 V IA /3 B 7 -8 1818, Aug R ep o rt to to Directors D irecto rsof o fthe thePAFA: PAFA: Report 1823, Feb 18 18 III/4F2 Report R ep o rt to to Directors D irecto rsof o fthe thePAFA: PAFA: 11Af5Al2 1823, 18 IIA/5A12 1823, Feb 18 toBFP: to BFP: IXA/7D12-13 1839,Jan 1839, Jan 15 IX A /7 D 1 2 -1 3 M em orial of o f Philadelphia P hiladelphia artists to Memorial U .S . Congress: C ongress: U.S. VIA/11Al2-14 1852, p r 28 V IA /1 1 A 1 2 -1 4 1852, AApr28 to BFP: VIIIA/16E4-7 1853, Ju l 14 14 V IIIA /1 6 E 4 -7 1853,Jul BFP: to BFP: IXA/14F9-10 1855, o v 27 IX A /1 4 F 9 -1 0 1855, NNov27 ReP to: to: VIA/3C6-7 1820, Ju V IA /3 C 6 -7 Jull 4 ,n: IIA/43D2-11, m: IIA /4 3 D 2 - 11, 443F1-5, 3 F 1 -5 , 444A2-5, 4 A 2 -5 , 444B1-C2, 4 B 1- C 2 , 447B6-7, 7 B 6 - 7, 47E7-12, 4 7 E 7 - 12, 449B13-C4, 9 B 1 3 -C 4 , 551Al2-B1, 1 A 1 2 -B 1 , 51C1-4, 5 1 C 1 -4 , 5 1 C 6 - 11, 56A13-B4, 5 6 A 1 3 -B 4 , 56B5-8, 5 6 B 5 -8 , 5106-11, 557A2-4, 7 A 2 -4 , 59C105 9 C 1 0 - 11, 11, 662E1-3, 2 E 1 -3 , 6 3 A 1 0 -111, 1 , 663F1 3 F 1 11-G2, - G 2, 663G33 G 3 - 9, 9, 63A10-66G4-5, 6 6 G 4 -5 , 68D9-11, 6 8 D 9 - 11, 68E1-3, 6 8 E 1 -3 , 68G1-3, 6 8 G 1 -3 , 69B6-7, 6 9 B 6 - 7 , 69E1-2, 6 9 E 1 -2 , 71Gb7 1 G 1 0 -12; 12;IIC(p. IIC (p . 107); 107); III/4F 9-12; VV1A/2C7-9, IA /2 C 7 -9 , 33C4-5, C 4 -5 , 1fl14F9-12; 3 E 4 -6 , 6D9-12, 6 D 9 - 12, 6D13-E2, 6 D 1 3 - E2, 3E4-6, 66F12-G2, F 1 2 -G 2 , 77A10-13, A 1 0 - 13, 77B3-4, B 3 -4 , 77E9-14, E 9 -1 4 , 88F3-8, F 3 -8 , 11E4-5, 1 1 E 4 -5 , 112A2-5, 2 A 2 -5 , 12C8, 12C8, 112E7-8, 2 E 7 -8 , 1I 44B B 1122 -DD8; 8; V IB /2 F 4 -55;; VIBI2F4V IIA /3 F 1 3 -G 2 , 4B124 B 1 2 -13, 13, 4G3, 4G 3, VIIA/3F13-G2, 4G4, 4G 4, 55D14-E3, D 1 4 - E 3 , 66F2-5, F 2 -5 , IOGI-7; 1 0 G 1 -7 ; VIIIA/1C1213,44A5-6, V IIIA /1 C 1 2 - 13, A 5 - 6 , 16F1-5; 1 6 F 1 -5 ; (Add.)/1D2IXA/3A2-6, ( A d d .)/1 D 2 -13; 13; IX A /3 A 2 -6 , 3 C 3 - 5 , 3D7-8, 3 D 7 - 8 , SEll5 E 1 1 -1 4, 3C3-5, 14,
280 280
The Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers The Peale
116F7-9; 6 F 7 -9 ; XIA(Add.)15 X IA (A d d .)/5 (p. (p. 33); 33); X IIA /1 A 3 -3 E 3 , 33E9-F3 E 9 -F 3 XIIAI1A3-3E3,
Paintings P aintings by: Lord Lord Baltim Baltimore: ore: VVIIIA/16A2-5, IIIA /16A 2—5,
116E46 E 4 -77
Andrew Jackson:IIA IIA/62E1-3 A n d re w Jackson: /6 2 E 1 -3 Caroline C aroline EE.. G G.. Peale: Peale: IX A /2 1 F 1 11 -222A4 2A 4 IXAJ21F1 W ashington Crossing elaware: Washington Crossing the the D Delaware:
11A163F1 IIA /6 3 F 1 11-G2,63G3-9 -G 2 .6 3 G 3 -9 SU LL Y and arle’s G allery SULLY and EEarle's Gallery m : IIA 11A164C7-8; /6 4 C 7 -8; V VIAJ11B6, IA /11B 6, 12B8, 12B8, 12B9; IB /3 A 1 2 - B7; B7; V IIA /3 B 2 - 5 12B9;VVIB/3Al2VIIAI3B2-5
SUMMERS, S U M M E R S , Andrew A n d re w to CLP: XD/1B4-5 1815, 1815, Sept Sept24 24 X D /1 B 4 -5 VIIA/3A2-4 1815, c t 19 19 V IIA /3 A 2 -4 1815, O Oct c t 19 19 X D /1 B 6 -7 1815, O Oct XD/1B6-7 o v 16 16 X D /1 B 8 -9 1815, N Nov XD/1B8-9 to Philadelphia Museum P hiladelphia M u s e u m Co.: C o .: 1835, 1835, Aug12 A ug 12 XIA/12B10-11 X IA /1 2 B 1 0 -1 1 m : 11A157F3-8, IIA /57F 3-8, 5 858E13-Fl, E 1 3 -F 1 , 559C8-9, 9 C 8 -9 ,
660C13-Dl, 0 C 1 3 -D 1 , 60F9-11, 6 0 F 9 - 11, 61A9-10, 61A 9 - 10, 663F11-G2, 3 F 1 1 -G 2 , 63G3-9, 6 3 G 3 - 9 , 64B5.-6, 6 4 B 5 -6 , 66B11, 770F3-4, 66B11, 0 F 3 -4 , 773B6-9; 3 B 6 -9 ; VIIA/2G11-13, V IIA /2 G 1 1 -13, 33A11-13, A 1 1 -1 3 , 33D1-5, D 1 - 5 , 3F13-G2, 3 F 1 3 -G 2 , 7F7-10; 7 F 7 -1 0 ; VIHAJIBS6; XXC/2B1V IIIA /1 B 5 - 6; C /2 B 1 - 4; 4; XDI1C13X D /1 C 1 3 -14; 14; XIAI11CX IA /1 1 C -12A5; 12A5; (Add.)/5 (A dd.)/5 (p. 8), 6 (pp. (p p . 89, 89, 90, 90, 992-94, 2 - 9 4 , 96-97, 9 6 - 9 7 , 1001 0 0 -1108, 0 8 , 110-11, 1 1 0 -1 1 , 118, 147) 147) SUMMERS, S U M M E R S , Elizabeth E lizabeth m: VIIAJ3B8-11; VIIIA/17B4-05 m: V IIA /3 B 8 -11; V IIIA /1 7 B 4 -C 5 SSUMMERS, U M M E R S , Franklin F ranklin Peale m: VIIIA/17B4-05 m: V IIIA /1 7 B 4 -C 5 SUMMERS, S U M M E R S , George G eo rg e Deed D eed to to RaP: RaP: 1808, Feb Feb20 1808, 20 V /1 C 1 3 -D 6 V/1C13-D6 m:: VV/105-12 m /1C 5—12 SUMMERS, S U M M E R S , George, G eo rg e, [I] [I] m:: IIA IIA/63F11-G2, m /6 3 F 1 1 -G 2 , 663G3-9, 3 G 3 - 9 , 64A2; 64A2; III/5A2—11; IIA /3 D 1 -5 ; 11115A211;VVIIA/3D1-5; VIIIA/1C6-8 V IIIA /1 C 6 -8 SUMMERS, S U M M E R S , George, G eo rg e, [II] [II] m: VVIIIAI14G12-13, m: IIIA /1 4 G 1 2 -1 3 ,11SA2-3 5 A 2 -3 SUMMERS, S U M M E R S , Lydia Lydia D eed to to RaP: RaP: Deed 1808, Feb Feb20 V/1C13-D6 1808, 20 V /1 C 1 3 -D 6 SSUMMERS, U M M E R S , Sybilla Sybilla P Peale eale (M (Mrs. rs. Andrew) A ndrew ) toCLP: to CLP: 1815,Jan3O 1815, Jan 30 V IIA /G 4 -6 VIIA/G4-6 CWP C W P to: to: 1813, Aug A ug 25 25 IIA/52D3 1813, SSept20 1813, ept 20 IIA /5 2 D 1 3 -14 IIA/52D13-14 1814, AApr12 1814, p r 12 IIA /5 3 B 1 0 -11 IIA/53B10-11 m:: IIA IIA/35A2-6, m /3 5 A 2 -6 , 335D12-E2, 5 D 1 2 - E 2 , 335F2-5, 5 F 2 -5 , 335F6-9, 5 F 6 -9 , 35F10-11, 3 5 F 1 0 - 11, 446D7-12, 6 D 7 - 12, 446G1-4, 6 G 1 -4 , 48A8-B10, 4 8 A 8 -B 1 0 , 48D94 8 D 9 -10, 10, 449E1-4, 9 E 1 -4 , 52C9, 52C 9, 52C11-13, 5 2 C 1 1 -1 3 , 52D1-2, 5 2 D 1 -2 , 52E3-6, 5 2 E 3 -6 , 52E7-13, 5 2 E 7 - 13, 52F4-11, 5 2 F 4 -1 1 , 52F12, 52F12, 552F13-14, 2 F 1 3 -1 4 , 53A8-13, 5 3 A 8 -1 3 , 54F12-13, 5 4 F 1 2 - 13, 55G6-7, 5 5 G 6 -7 , 56C6-D6, 5 6 C 6 - D 6 , 56D10-12, 56G6-8, 56G 6-8, 557A2-4, 7 A 2 -4 ,57Al2, 57A 12, 57B5, 57B 5, 557C8-D2, 7 C 8 -D 2 , 557D12-E5, 7 D 1 2 -E 5 , 557F3-8, 7 F 3 -8 , 58E13-F1, 5 8 E 1 3 -F 1 ,
660B1-3, 0 B 1 - 3 , 60C13-D1, 6 0 C 1 3 - D 1 , 60F9-11, 6 0 F 9 -1 1 , 660F13-14, 0 F 1 3 -1 4 , 660G2-4, 0 G 2 - 4 , 61A9-10, 6 1 A 9 - 10, 662C12-13, 2 C 1 2 -1 3 , 662D4-5, 2 D 4 - 5 , 62E6-7, 6 2 E 6 -7 , 662E13-F1, 2 E 1 3 -F 1 , 663B1-2, 3 B 1 - 2 , 663C1-7, 3 C 1 -7 , 663F93 F 9 - 10, 10,63F11-G 63F11-G2, 2, 63G 63G3-9, 3-9, 63G10-12, 664B1-2, 63G10-12, 4 B 1 - 2 , 64B5-6, 6 4 B 5 -6 , 64D 7 , 664E1-2, 4 E 1 - 2 , 66SB3-C6, 5 B 3 -C 6 , 64D7, 665C13-14, 5 C 1 3 -1 4 , 66B11, 66B 11, 66C13, 66C 13, 666E3-4, 6 E 3 -4 , 67E6-8, 6 7 E 6 -8 , 67G4-6, 6 7 G 4 - 6 , 69A8, 69A 8, 771G3-4, 1 G 3 - 4 , 772E2-3, 2 E 2 - 3 , 73B12-C4; 7 3 B 1 2 -C 4 ; IIB/15 (p.1); ( p .l); 11115A2-4; III/5 A 2 -4 ; VIAI2F1O12; VVIIA/2C12V IA /2 F 1 0 -12; IIA /2 C 1 2 -13, 13, 2 D 1 - 2 , 2E14-F3, 2 E 1 4 -F 3 , 2F13-14, 2 F 1 3 -1 4 , 2D1-2, 3A11-13, 3 A 1 1 -1 3 , 33B2-5, B 2 - 5 , 3D1-5, 3 D 1 -5 , 7B13-C1; VillA/lAb7 B 1 3 -C 1 ; V IIIA /1 A 1 0 -12, 12, 1B5-6, 1 B 5 -6 , 1C1-4, 1 C 1 - 4 , 17B4.-05, 1 7 B 4 -C 5 , !XA/1A2-7; 117E97 E 9 -110; 0 ; IX A /1 A 2 -7 ; XC/2B1-4, X C /2 B 1 -4 , 4F2-5, 4 F 2 - 5 , 10F2-5, 1 0 F 2 -5 , XD/1A8-9, 111G4-5; 1 G 4 -5 ; X D / 1 A 8 - 9 ,11B4-5, B 4 -5 , 11B6-7, B 6 -7 , 1B8-9 1 B 8 -9 S U M N E R , Charles C harles SUMNER, BFP B F P to: 1869, D Dec25 e c 25 IX A /1 8 G 1 -6 IXAJ18G1-6 SSUMTER, U M T E R , Thomas Thom as m /29 (p. 38); XIA/17C3 m:: IID IID/29 SUNDERLAND, S U N D E R L A N D , (Reverend) (R ev eren d ) La La Roy Roy RuP R u P to: to: 1842, Dec24 XIC/1B8-G3 1842, D e c 24 X IC /1 B 8 -G 3 n.d. n .d . [1847?] [1847?] X IC /1 B 8 - G 3 XIC/1B8-G3 Joseph SSUPER, U P E R , Jo sep h RuP, RReceipt RuP, eceipt to: 1819, Nov18 N o v 18VIIA/3B12-13 1819, V IIA /3 B 1 2 -13 SSUTTER, U T T E R , Daniel D aniel C W P to: CWP IIA/53F1-2 18 IIA /5 3 F 1 -2 1814, Sept 18 S U T T O N , (Mr.) (M r.) SUTTON,
m: 11A14D13-E1 IIA/4D13-E1
SWAIM, SW A IM , (Mr.) (M r.) m:: XXIA(Add.)/6 (pp. 102-103, m IA (A d d .)/6 (pp. 1 0 2 -1 0 3 , 106) 106) S W A IN S O N , William W illiam SWAINSON, T R P to: to: TRP VIIIA/1F9-G2 1824, Aug22 1824, A u g 22 V IIIA /1 F 9 -G 2 m IIIA /3 A 7 -B 4 , 44B1 B 1 11-12, - 1 2 , 44D5-8, D 5 -8 , m:: VVIIIA/3A7-B4, 113B3-8, 3 B 3 -8 , 113C5-8, 3 C 5 - 8 , 17Al2-14, 1 7 A 1 2 -1 4 , 225B7-E2 5 B 7 -E 2 Birds of Western Western Africa: V IIIA /11B131 B 1 3 -C VillA/i Cll SWAN, Trippe S W A N , Elizabeth E lizabeth T rip p e Maxwell M ax w ell (Mrs. John) (M rs. Joh n) m: m: IIB/10 IIB/lO (p. 6) SWAN, S W A N , (Major)John (M ajor) Jo h n m: HB/9 IIB/9 (pp. 64, 72), 72), 10 10 (p. (p. 7) 7) m: (pp. 1, 1,64, SWANN, S W A N N , James Jam es to George G eo rg e Escol E scol Sellers: Sellers: 1834, May VIIIA/3E1-4 M ay 10 10 V IIIA /3 E 1 -4 1837, Dec11 VIIIA/6D8-11 1837, D ec 11 V IIIA /6 D 8 -1 1 SWANN, John S W A N N , Jo hn m: VIIIA/3B7-9, m: V IIIA /3 B 7 -9, 33E1-4, E 1 - 4 , 6D8-11 6 D 8 -1 1 SWANWICK,John S W A N W IC K , Jo h n C W P to: to: CWP IIA/14F7-8 1786, D ec 13 13 IIA /1 4 F 7 -8 1786, Dec m: IIA IIA/13B614; IIB/11 (p. 3) m: /1 3 B 6 -14; 3) S W A R T W O U T , Samuel S am uel SWARTWOUT, R.M. R .M . Patterson P a tte rso n to: to: 1835, u g 27 IX A /5 A 6 -7 IXA/5A6-7 1835, AAug27 SWIFT, SW IFT, (Miss) (Miss)
The The Peale Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers
m : IIA /71B 3- 5;5;IIB/2 (p(pp. p . 4 42,43); 2 ,4 3 ); IIC 11A171B311B12 IIC
m: IIA IIA/21A5-7, m: /2 1 A 5 -7 , 440F8-14, 0 F 8 -1 4 , 440G2-12, 0 G 2 -1 2 , 553G6-12, 3 G 6 -1 2 , 554A2-9 4A 2- 9
481) (p. 481)
SWIFT, SW IFT, Charles C harles s/Application Charter: s/A pplication for C harter: The T h e PAFA: PAFA: 1805, Dec26 D e c 2 6IIA/37C11-D6 1805, IIA /3 7 C 1 1 -D 6 SWIFT, SW IFT, (General) (General)Joseph Jo sep h G Gardner ardner m: m : IIB/22 (p. 71) 71) SW IFT, Samuel SWIFT, CWP C W P to: 1824, 1824, SSept25 e p t2 5 IIA/71B14 11A171B14 m: m : IIA/71B3-5; IIA /71B 3-5;11B15 IIB/5 (p. 10) 10) JIC IIC (p. 481) (p.48l) SYSTEMA Naturae, SYSTEM A N aturae, byJohann by Jo h a n n Friedrich Friedrich Gmelin G m elin m: VIIIA/25B7-E2 V IIIA /25B 7-E 2 m:
T TA GGART, D avid TAGGART, David IIA/67B1-3, m: IIA /67B 1-3, 667B7-9, 7 B 7 - 9 , 668B3-4, 8 B 3 -4 , ,n: 668C2.-3, 8 C 2 - 3 ,668C4-6, 8 C 4 - 6 ,668C11-13, 8 C 1 1 -1 3 , 668D7-8, 8 D 7 - 8 , 668D9-11, 8 D 9 - 1 1 , 68E1-3, 6 8 E 1 -3 , 770E7-9; 0 E 7 -9 ; IIB/3 IIB/3 (p. 2), 2), 55 (pp. (pp. 25, 25, 26, 26, 49), 11 11 (p. (p. 23) 23) TAHAW ARRA (Souni atio n ) TAHAWARRA (Souni N Nation) m: I11A127G2-3, IA /2 7 G 2 - 3 ,337G4-5 7 G 4 -5 m: New T A M M A N Y Society Society Museum. M u seu m . See N ew TAMMANY Y ork C ity, M u seu m oofTammany f T am m a n y Society. Society. York City, Museum T A N E Y , (ChiefJustice) (C hiefJustice) Roger R o g e r B. B. TANEY, m: X C /4 G 8 - 12 XCI4G8-12 ,n: T A N E Y , Anne A nne P. ey (M rs. Roger R oger B.) B.) TANEY, P. CC.. K Key (Mrs. m C /4 G 8 -12 12 m:: X XC/4G8T A P P A N , Benjamin B enjam in TAPPAN, T R P to: to: TRP VIIIA/8G4-6 1843, c t 27 V IIIA /8 G 4 -6 1843, OOct27 m IIIA /8 D 6 -8 , 88D9-13, D 9 - 1 3 , 99B3-7, B 3 -7 , m:: VVIIIAJ8D6-8, 99B9B 9 -12; 12; V IIIC /2 5 B 7 - E2, VIIIC/25B72 5 E 1 0 -2 7 B 3 25E10-27B3 T A SK ER , Benjamin B enjam in TASKER, m 29) m:: IIB/1 IIB/1 (p. (p. 12); 12); IIC IIC (p. (p. 29) TATHAM , G eo rg e N. N. TATHAM, George m. V IIB /1 8 A 2 -B 1 2 VUB/18A2-B12 T A T H A M , William W illiam TATHAM, CW P, R e p o rt to A m erican CWP, Report to American P hilosophical S ociety oon n paper of: Philosophical Society 1807, N o v 28 IIA /4 2 A 7 -8 11A142A7-8 1807, Nov28 hn TAVEL, Jo John C W P to: CWPto: 1817, n 25 1817,Ju Jun25 IIA/59G3 TAWS, TAW S, (Mr.) C W P to: CWP 1804, 21 IIA/29D1 1804, Jan Jan21 T A X I D E R M I E , by u fresn e by D Dufresne TAXIDERMEE, V IIIA /2 5 B 7 -E 2 m: V111A125B7-E2 TAYLOR, T A Y L O R , (Mr.) (Mr.) C W P to: CWP IIA/27B3 1803, Jan 22 IIA/27B3 1803,Jan IIA/49B11-12 1810, Ju Junn 8
TAYLOR, T A Y LO R , Richard R ichard to BFP: BFP: 1836,J u l8 IX A /5 G 2 -7 1836,3u18 IXAI5G2-7 T A Y LO R , T .J. TAYLOR, T.J. for Bank the U U.S., B ank ooff the .S ., to to Philadelphia Philadelphia City C ity Councils: C ouncils: 1854,Jul 1854, Ju l 66 X IA /15D 14 XIA/15D14 TAYLOR, T A Y LO R , Washington W ashington BFP, Report BFP, R ep o rt on: on: 1839, Aug8 IXBI9G6-8 1839, A ug 8 IX B /9 G 6 -8 1839, A Aug IXB/9G912 1839, ug 8 IX B /9 G 9 -12 T A Y LO R , (General) (G eneral) Z ach ary TAYLOR, Zachary
m: VIIIAIIIDI-4; m: V IIIA /1 1 D 1 -4 ; IXA/10B2-3, IX A /1 0 B 2 -3 , 1 0 C 1 -2 , 10G6-7, 1 0 G 6 - 7 ,111D4-9 1 D 4 -9 1OCI-2, IXA/10B4-5, 10B9I X A /1 0 B 4 -5 ,1 0 B 9 -111, 1, 10B12-13, 1 0 B 1 2 -1 3 , IODI-2, 1 0 D 1 - 2 , 10D6, 10D6, 10D7-8, 10D12-13, 1 0 D 7 - 8 ,1 0 D 1 2 - 1 3 1OE1-3, , 1 0 E 1 -3 , 10E4-5, 10E6-7, 10F8, 1 0 E 4 - 5 ,1 0 E 6 - 7 , 10E9-11, 1 0 E 9 -1 1 ,1 0F8, 110G4-5, 0 G 4 -5 , 110G8-9, 0 G 8 -9 , 1IOGIO-Il, 0 G 1 0 -1 1 , 10G12, E l 1 —1 2 ,11F5-8, 1 1 F 5 -8 , 10G12,11E6, 11E6,11IIEII-12, 12F1-2 1 2 F 1 -2 Bust of: IX IXA/10D3-5 B u st of: A /1 0 D 3 -5 Drawing D raw in g of: IXAJIOD3-5 IX A /1 0 D 3 -5 Medal of: IX IXA/10E6-7 M edal of: A /1 0 E 6 -7 TEELY, E Elizabeth TEELY, lizabeth to TRP: T R P: 1818, AAug24 VIIIA/1A2-5 1818, u g 24 V 1IIA /1A 2-5 1818, OOct6 VIllA/I A6-9 1818, c t6 V IIIA /1 A 6 -9 TEETH, T E E T H , False False m: tse q .), m: IIB/2 IIB/2 (pp. (pp. 39, 39, 40), 24 (pp. 11 eetseq.), 12); hG IIC (pp. (pp. 442, 442, 452, 452, 476) 476) 25, (p. 12); TEMMINCK, T E M M IN C K , (Mr.) (M r.) m: VIIIA/2F3-6, m: V IIIA /2 F 3 -6 , 33A7-B4; A 7 -B 4 ; V IIIC /2 5 E 1 0 -2 7 B 3 VIIIC/25E1O-27B3 T E M P L E M A N .JJohn ohn TEMPLEMAN, B aptist Church, C h u rc h , Washington, W ashington, to Baptist D.. C.: D C .: IVB/2C121802, Aug28 A ug 28 IV B /2 C 1J4 2 -J4 1802, Deed to C CPP: D eed to PP: n .d . IVB/3E3 n.d. R eceipt to: ReP, Receipt VIAI2C2-3 Sept 15 15 V IA /2 C 2 -3 1810, Sept m: XIAI17C5 XIA/17C5 ,n: TEUL, T E U L , Peter Peter s/R eport: s/Report: IXB/9D5-8 1837, M ay 11 IX B /9 D 5 -8 1837, May11 T H A C K A R A , James Jam es THACKARA, slThe CConstitution and Bye-Laws s/The o n stitu tio n an d B y e-L aw s ooff the C Columbianum: the o lu m b ian u m : 1794 IIA /1 8 C 1 -E 1 IIA/18C1-E1 s/" An Association s/“ A n A ssociation ooff Artists A rtists in America": A m erica” : 1794, DDec29 IIA/19D12-E1 1794, ec 29 IIA /1 9 D 1 2 - E l si T h e C o n stitu tio n of o f the s/The Constitution Columbianum: C o lu m b ian u m : 11E13E7-F6 1795, Feb17 1795, Feb 17 IIE /3 E 7 -F 6 1795, 11A119F3-20A10 1795, Apr A p r 19 19 IIA/19F3-20A 10 CWP C W P to: to: 1802, Mar 11AI25E6-7 M a r 17 17 IIA /2 5 E 6 -7 1810, M ar 8 1IA/49A4 IIA/49A4 1810, Mar8 m:: IIA/49A5, IIA/49A5, 64F5-6, 64F5-6, 770E4-5 m 0 E 4 -5 THARP, T H A R P , (Mr.) (M r.) CWP C W P to: to: 11A166E6 1821, ov 6 IIA/66E6 1821,NNov6
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The The Peale Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers
1826, Ju l 2 1826,Ju12
m:: IIA/60G9, IIA/60G9,668Al2-14, m 8 A 1 2 - 14, 668B3-4, 8 B 3 -4 ,
668C2-3 8 C 2 -3 T H A Y E R , Martin M a rtin THAYER, A b rah am Lincoln: L incoln: to Abraham 1861, M a r 14 IX A /1 6 D 4 -6 IXA/16D4-6 1861, Mar14 T H E A K E R , T. T. C. C. THEAKER, PPrincipal rincipal PPatent a te n t E Examiners x am in e rs to: 1867, D ec 6 1867, Dec6 V I I I A ( A d d .) / l C ll - D l VIIIA(Add.)/1C11-D1 THOMAS, T H O M A S , Evan E van CWP C W P to: HA/72G3-4 1827, Jan 12 12 IIA /7 2 G 3 -4 1827,Jan THOMAS, T H O M A S , Isaiah Isaiah C W P to: CWPto: 1809,Aprl IIA/46C1-2 1809, A pr 1 IIA /4 6 C 1 -2 THOMAS, T H O M A S , Luke L uke C W P to: to: CWP 1808, p r 23 IIA /4 3 B 6 -7 1808, AApr23 IIA/43B6-7 HA/46A6-7 1809, Feb Feb21 1809, 21 IIA /4 6 A 6 -7 in; IIA /3 3 F 7 -1 4 , 39D8, 3 9 D 8 , 41E10, 41E10, rn; IIA/33F7-14, 4 3 C 5 - 9 , 46A84 6 A 8 -1 1, 43C5-9, 11, THOMAS, T H O M A S , Nathaniel N ath an iel List L ist oofitems fite m s presented p resen ted to Philadelphia Philadelphia M u seu m by: Museum 1801, Nov24 1801, N o v 24 IIA/24G13 m : IIA /3 3 E 3 -7 m: IIA/33E3-7 THOMAS, T H O M A S , William W illiam R Receipt eceipt to to CWP: C W P: 1823, Nov23 N o IIA(Add.)/4C1-2 v 23 IIA ( A d d .) /4 C l-2 1823, THOMAS T H O M A S and and Sons Auction A u ctio n catalogue: XIA/15E1-F5 1854, 1854, O Oct6 ct 6 X IA /1 5 E 1 -F 5 1862 V IA /1 4 E 1 -F 4 VIA/14E1-F4 m: V IIIA /1 5 A 6 -7 , 15C9-12, 15C 9-12, 16E1-3; 1 6 E 1 -3 ; m: VIIIA/15A6-7, X IA /1 5 F 6 -7 XIA/15F6-7 T H O M P S O N , (Major) (M ajor) THOMPSON, C W P to: CWP IIA/11D7-8 1782, ept 16 16 IIA /1 1 D 7 -8 1782, SSept IIA/11D9-1O 1782, ct 4 IIA /1 1 D 9 -1 0 1782, OOct4 T H O M P S O N , (Mrs.) (M rs.) THOMPSON, C W P to: CWP 1809, OOct12 IIA/47G4-5 1809, c t 12 IIA /4 7 G 4 -5 THOMPSON, T H O M P S O N ,Ambrose A m b ro seW. W. tto o jo h n Fries Frazer: John Frazer: 1846, ec 7 V IIIA /1 0 D 2 - 3 1846, DDec7 VIIIA/10D2-3 to RP: to TTRP: 1848, A Apr 1848, pr 8 V IIIA /1 0 G 1 2 -13 VIIIA/10G1213 1848, AApr11 1848, p r 11 VIIIA/11A3-4 V IIIA /11A 3 - 4 1848,Jun28 VIIIAIIIBIO 1848, J u n 28 V IIIA /11B10 V IIIA /1 2 C 3 -4 ; X XIIA/1A3-3E3 IIA /1 A 3 -3 E 3 m: VIIIA/12C3-4; T H O M P S O N ,Angelica A ngelica Robinson R o b in so n THOMPSON, (Mrs. (M rs. Israel Israel Peyton) P eyton) CWP C W P to: to: 1816, Sept 99 IIA/58B6 IIA/58B6 m: IIA/45F3-6, IIA /45F 3-6, 558E13-F1, 8 E 1 3 -F 1 , 661A2-5, 1 A 2 -5 , 661B11-12,61C12-13,72B4, 1 B 1 1 -1 2 , 6 1 C 1 2 - 13, 72B4, 72B5 THOMPSON, T H O M P S O N , Benjamin. B e n ja m in . SSee ee R u m fo rd , Rumford, Count Thompson). C o u n t (Benjamin (B enjam in T h o m p s o n ). THOMPSON, T H O M P S O N , Charlotte C h a rlo tte RuP, D Deed RuP, eed to: 1830,Ju12 1830, Ju l 2 VHA/7D11-E6 V IIA /7 D 1 1 -E 6 T H O M P S O N , David D av id THOMPSON, m: IIA /2 0 A 1 1 -13; 4); IIA/20A1113; IIB/6 IIB/6 ([m ([ml] p. 4); IXA/12G1-4 IX A /1 2 G 1 -4
T H O M P S O N , Israel Israel Peyton P e y to n THOMPSON, m IIA/61B11-12, /6 1 B 1 1 -12, 66105-7, 1 C 5 -7 , m:: IIA 661C12-13, 1 C 1 2 - 13, 665C11-12, 5 C 1 1 - 12, 665C13-14, 5 C 1 3 -1 4 , 72B2-3; 7 2 B 2 - 3 ; IIB/23(p. IIB/23 (p. 10) 10); IIC (p. 416) 416) JIG T H O M P S O N , James Ja m es B. B. THOMPSON, s/R eport of ofP h ilad elp h ia City C ity s/Report Philadelphia C ouncil: Council: 1818, Jan 13 1818,Janl3 THOMPSON, T H O M P S O N , R. R . G. G.
to ReP: 1836, u n 12 1836,JJun12
IIA/60C1-4 IIA /6 0 C 1 -4
V VIA/8G7IA /8 G 7 -9 THOMPSON, T H O M P S O N , Smith S m ith m IIA /6 1 D 5 -6 , 661E4-5, 1 E 4 - 5 , 61E9-1O, 6 1 E 9 -1 0 , m:: 11A161D5-6, 661E1213,61F1-2,61F3-4, 1 E 1 2 -1 3 , 6 1 F 1 -2 , 6 1 F 3 -4 , 661F5-8,61G12,62A1314 1 F 5 -8 , 61G 12, 6 2 A 1 3 - 14 THOMPSON, T H O M P S O N , Theodore T h e o d o re m: V IA /1 3 G 5 -7 ; V IIA /1 2 A 5 -7 , m: VIAII3G5-7; VIIAII2A5-7, 12 A 11—14 12A11-14 T H O M P S O N , William W illiam THOMPSON, m: m : 11A129B13-C2; IIA /2 9 B 1 3 -C 2 ; 11h14B4-11; I I I /4 B 4 - 11; VIIA/7D11-E6 V IIA /7 D 1 1 -E 6 THOMSON, T H O M S O N ,(Professor) (P rofessor) C W P to: to: CWP IIA/42C91808, Feb 11 IIA /4 2 C 9 -110 0 m : IIA /4 2 C 7 -8 m: IIA/42C7-8 THOMSON, T H O M S O N , (Dr.) (D r.) Adam A dam C P to: CP 111D3-5 1745, ept 6 I/1 D 3 -5 1745, SSept6 1747, Ju I/1 F 7 -8 Jull 8 111F7-8 112B8-9 1746 [?] [?] I/2 B 8 -9 1J2C101747 I/2 C 1 0 -112 2 T H O M S O N , Charles C h arles THOMSON, C W P to: to: CWP 1819, O Oct HA163A2-3 1819, c t 18 18 IIA /6 3 A 2 -3 1819, c t 18 18 IIA /6 3 A 4 -6 1819, O Oct IIA/63A4-6 1820, A Apr IIA/64B13 1820, p r 10 10 IIA /64B 13 IIA/64B14-C1 1820, p r 10 IIA /6 4 B 1 4 -C l 1820, A Apr CW P, PProbate ro b a te against ag ain st estate of: CWP, 1824, c t2 8 IIA /7 1 C 4 -5 1824,OOct28 IIA/71C4-5 m. /6 8 D 9 -1 1 ; IIC p p . 4431-32); 3 1 -3 2 ); m: IIA IIA!68D9-11; IIC ((pp. IID /29 (p. IIA /3 B 8 -111, 1, HD/29 (p. 8); 8); V VIIA/3B833B12-13; B 1 2 -1 3 ; V IIIA /1 6 E 4 -7 ; VIIIA/16E4-7; X IA /2 C 1 0 - E 1 ,1 7 C 6 ,11 XIAJ2C1O-E1, 17C6, 11 T H O R N E L Y , Messrs. M essrs. I. and an d T. T. D THORNELY, D.. m: VHIA/2F3-6, V IIIA /2 F 3 -6 , 33A7-B4, A 7 - B 4 , 3B7-9, 3 B 7 -9 , 33F2F 2 -55 T H O R N T O N , William W illiam THORNTON, toCWP: to C W P: 1818, SSept22 ep t 22 1 IA /61A 11-12 IIAI6IAII-12 1818, Notarizing N o ta riz in g of o f statement sta te m e n t by b y CWP: CW P: 1818, D Dec 1818, ec 10 III/2E1 11112E1 Purchase Museum: P urchase ooff PPeale's eale’s M u seu m : S ep t X I A /7 D 5 -6 1821, Sept XIA/7D5-6 C W P to: to: CWP 1805, A p r 16 IIA /3 4 A 1 3 -B 2 1805, Apr16 IIA/34A13-B2 1805,Mayl4 1805, M ay 14 IIA IIA/34D1-2 /3 4 D 1 -2 1818, Nov 1818, N o v 19 19 IIA /6 1 C 1 -3 IIA/61C1-3 IIA/62G3-4 1819, Sept 23 IIA /6 2 G 3 -4 1819, Sept23 IIA/67G11 1822, ec 4 1822, DDec4 IIA/70C13 Feb 21 IIA /70C13 1824, Feb21 m: IIA/30A2-5, IIA /3 0 A 2 -5 , 61B8, 61 B 8 , 61F5-8; 6 1 F 5 -8 ;HB/9 IIB/9 (pp. 7 - 4 8 ), l9(p. 19 (p.37), 37), 23(PP. 23 (pp. 7, (pp. 44748), 8); IIC IIC (p. 416) 8); T H O R N T O N , Mrs. M rs. William W illiam THORNTON, m : HA/34A13-B2. IIA /3 4 A 1 3 -B 2 , 67G11: 67G 11; IIB/19 IIB/19 m:
2283 83
The The Peale Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers
(p. (p. 33), 23 (p. 20) THORVALDSEN, T H O R V A L D S E N , Bertel B ertel m: VIA/4G9-12 V IA /4 G 9 -1 2
THOUIN, T H O U I N , André A ndre CWP C W P to: to: 1797, Jan Jan28 IIA/21Al2 1797, 28 IIA/21A12 1797, Mar17 1797, M ar 17 IIA /2 1 C 1 -2 IIA/21C1-2 m : IID/30 IID/30 (p. (p. 52); 52); XIA/15F8-11, XIAI15F8-11, 17C14
THUUN, T H U U N , Daniel D aniel s/Constitution the CColumbianum: s/C onstitution ooff the o lu m b ian u m : 1795, Feb17 Feb 17 IIE /3 E 7 -F 6 IIE/3E7-F6 1795, AprA19 1795, p r 19 IIA/19F3-20A10 IIA /19F 3-20A 10 4) m: IIB/9 (p. 4)
TIEBOUT, T IE B O U T , Cornelius C ornelius
m:: IIA IIA/2F1-3, m /21F 1-3, 21F7-9 2 1 F 7 -9 TILGHMAN, T IL G H M A N , Edward E d w ard m: /1 8 G 4 -10, 5 F 3 -6 m: IIA IIA/18G410, 445F3-6 T IL G H M A N , Elizabeth E lizabeth Williams W illiam s TILGHMAN, (Mrs. (M rs. Richard R ichard Cooke) C ooke) m: IIA/67B7-9,67B10-11, 11A167B7-9, 67B10-11, m: 67B12-13, 67C1-3, 67B12-1 3 ,67C 1-3, 67C4-5, 67C 13-14,67D 6-8; VIIA/3B2V IIA /3 B 2 - 55 67C13-14, 67D6-8; T IL G H M A N ,Ja m e s TILGHMAN,James m I/1A 10-C 10; IIA/5G8-11, IIA /5 G 8 -1 1 , m:: IIIAIO-C10; 551F5-12, 1 F 5 -1 2 , 551F13-G6tIB/5 1F 13-G 6;.IIB /5 (p.8), (p.8), 11 59-60, 11 (pp. 37,(pp. 37, 71); 5 9 - 6IIC 0 , 71); IIC (pp. (pp. 10-11, 1 0 - 1 1 ,220, 0 , 50-52,96, 5 0 - 5 2 ,9 6 , 145) 145) T IL G H M A N , Margaret M a rg aretElizabeth E lizabeth(Eliza) (Eliza) TILGHMAN, m: m: IIB/11 JIB/li (pp. 3, 3, 45,61-62) 45, 61-62) T IL G H M A N , Mary M a ry (Molly) (M olly) TILGHMAN, m: m: IIA/71G10—12; IIA/71G10-12;IIB/11 IIB/Il (pp. (pp. inside inside front cover, ,4 5 , 4 6 - 51, 55-60, 5 5 -6 0 , cove133,45,46-51, 62) 62) T IL G H M A N , Mary M a ry Gibson G ibson TILGHMAN, (Mrs. (M rs. Richard) R ichard) and children
m: IIB/11 IIB/11(pp. (pp. inside inside front front cover, cover, 2, 2, 29)
TILGHMAN, T IL G H M A N , Matthew M a tth e w s/M aryland D elegates to hn s/Maryland Delegates to jo John H ancock: Hancock: 1776 IV A /1G 7-8 IVA/1G7-8 m: IIB/9 (p. 71) 71) rn: IIB/9(p. TILGHMAN, T IL G H M A N , (Major) (M ajor) Richard R ichard (1740-1809) m m:: IIB/9 IIB/9(p. (p.70), 70),1111(pp. (pp.inside inside front front cover, 25, 31, 44, 445,46-51, 5 ,4 6 - 5 1 , 56, 56, cover, 3, 3,25,31, 5 8 -5 9 , 62) 58-59,62) TILGHMAN, T IL G H M A N , Richard R ichard (1746-1805) (1746-1805) m: m: IIB/11 IIB/Il (pp. (pp.446-51,60-61) 6 - 5 1 ,6 0 - 6 1 ) TILGHMAN, T IL G H M A N , Richard,Jr. R ichard, Jr. (b. (b. 1790) 1790) m: IIB/Il (pp. inside front m: IIB/11 (pp. inside frontcover, cover, 3, 3, 44,62) T IL G H M A N , RRichard ichard EEdward d w a rd TLLGHMAN,
m. 1 3 -E l m: IIA/4D IIAI4D13-E1 TILGHMAN, T IL G H M A N , Susannah Susannah Steuart S teuart (Mrs.James) (M rs. Jam es) m: m: 11A14D13-E1 IIA/4D13-El T IL G H M A N , Tench Tench TILGHMAN, m: m: 11AJ13B3-4, IIA /1 3 B 3 -4 ,113F7; 3 F 7 ; IIB/9 IIB/9 (p. 71); IB /1 3 A 6 -B 9 ; IIC (pp. 65, 449); V VIB/13A6-B9; V IIIA /15B55 B 5 -8 VillA/I 8 TILGHMAN, T IL G H M A N , William W illiam m : IIIAIO-C10, I/1 A 1 0 -C 1 0 , 1E12-13 1 E 1 2 -1 3 TILGHMAN, T IL G H M A N , (Judge) (Judge) William W illiam CWP C W P to: to:
1826, M Mar9 1826, ar 9 IIA/72A8 1826, Mar9 1826, M ar 9 IIA/72A9 R eP to: ReP 1824,JunJu24 1824, n 24 V IA /4 B 1 4 -C 1 VIAI4BI4-C1 B FP to: BFP 1824, Sept23 IXAI2AI31824, Sept 23 IX A /2 A 14 1 3 -14 m: 11A126G811,337C1 IIA /26G 8- 11, 7 C 1 11-- DD6, 6, 338F1-2, 8 F 1 -2 , 59A2-7; 5 9 A 2 -7 ; VIA/2E5, V IA /2E5, 22E6-7, E 6 -7 , 66E7-8, E 7 - 8 , 88C4-7; C 4 -7 ; V IIA /2 B 4 -55;; XIA/17C13; VIIA/2B4X D /1 C 9 -10 10 XD/1C9T IL G H M A N N , R. R . A. A. TILGHMANN, s/R eport: s/Report: IXB/11F2-7 1846, Oct 1846, O ct IX B /1 1 F 2 -7 TIMMS, T IM M S , Thomas Thom as C W P to: CWP 11A120E6IIA /2 0 E 6 -99 1796 m: IIA/20E4-5 IIA /20E 4- 5 TINSLEY, T IN S L E Y , James Jam es B F P to: to: BFP IXAI6A2-8 1836, Aug15 1836, A u g 15 IX A /6 A 2 -8 TINTORETTO T IN T O R E T T O m:: VVIA/6D1-4 m IA /6 D 1- 4 T IT C O M B , (Governor) (G o v ern o r) Douglas D ou g las TITCOMB, m: I1 IC /3 A 2 -4 D 8 m: VVIIICI3A2-4D8 T IT IA N TITIAN m: IIA IIA/3A6-9, m: /3 A 6 -9 , 44C12-D3, C 1 2 - D 3 , 41G13, 41G13, 444E12-F3; 4 E 1 2 -F 3 ; IIB/2 IIB/2 (pp. (pp. 38, 38, 39); 39); VIA/2A1013, 66D1-4; V IA /2 A 1 0 -13, D 1 -4 ; V IB /1 3 D 1 2 -E 2 ; X IB /3 B 1 -5 C 8 VIB/13D12-E2; XIB/3B1-5C8 TOD, T O D , William W illiam H. H. s/Application s/A pplication for fo r charter: The T h e PAFA: PAFA: 1805, Dec26 IIA/37C11-D6 1805, D ec26 IIA /3 7 C 1 1 -D 6 s/R eport oof f CCommittee o m m itte e ooff sfReport Philadelphia C City Philadelphia ity Councils: C ouncils: IIA16OCI-4 1818, Jan 13 13 IIA /6 0 C 1 -4 1818,Jan m: IA /1 1 C 3 -1 2 A 5 ; (Add.)/5 (A dd.)/5 m: X XIA/11C3-12A5; (pp. 35, (pp. 35, 444-45) 4 -4 5 ) TOMPKINS, T O M P K IN S , (Governor) (G o v ern o r) Daniel D aniel D. D. m: IIA/61E9-10, IIA /6 1 E 9 -1 0 , 661E12-13, 1 E 1 2 -1 3 , 61F1-2, 6 1 F 1 -2 , m: 661F3-4, 1 F 3 -4 , 61F5-8, 61F9-G3, 61G9, 62A2-6, 64C1261G 9,62A2-6, 6 4 C 1 2 13; - 13; IIB/22 IIB/22 (p. 71), 23 (p. 39); IIC (p. (p. 424); 424); XIAJ17C13 XIA/17C13 T O O T L E , (Dr.) (Dr.) TOOTLE, m. El m: IIA/4D13IIA/4D13-E1 T O O T L E , (Mrs.) (M rs.) TOOTLE, m. IIA/4D13-E1 m: HA14D13-1 T O O T L E , Nelly N elly TOOTLE, m: /4 D 1 3 -E 1 m: IIA IIA/4D13-E1 T O R R E Y , John Jo h n TORREY, Jo sep h H e n ry to: Joseph Henry 29 1873,Jan 29 m; VIIIAII4G3 VIIIA/14G3 m: T O W E R S , (Mr.) (M r.) TOWERS, m. m: VIIB/18A2-B12
VIIIA/15D1-5 V IIIA /1 5 D 1 -5
TOWNE, T O W N E , Ithiel Ithiel ReP to: to: Sept 33 1839, Sept
TO WNE, John Henry TOW N E , Jo hn H e n ry s/R eport: s/Report: 1837, M ar 9 1837, Mar9 12 1843,Jan 12 1845, D ec 15 1845, Dec15
VIA/9C13-D1 V IA /9 C 1 3 -D 1 IX B /9 B 1 1 -1 4 IXB/9B11-14 IXB/11A2-B3 IX B /1 1 A 2 -B 3
IXBIIIEI-7 IX B /1 1 E 1 -7 IXB/IIGI-4 IX B /1 1 G 1 -4 BFP, Report Boring BFP, R e p o rt oon n his B o rin g Mill: M ill: 1840,Ju l 19 IX B /1 0 C 7 -D 2 IXB/10C7-D2 1840, Jul19 1846, Dec D ec
The Peale Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers The
m V IIIA /7 F 7 -10; A /1 5 C 3 -4 , ,n:: VIIIAI7F710;IX IXA/15C3-4,
1 5 F 9 -1 0 , 15G5-7, 1 5 G 5 -7 , 16B10-13; 16B 10-13; 15F9-10, XIIA/1 A3X IIA /1 A 3 -33E3 E3 T O W N S E N D , J o h n K. K. TOWNSEND,John toJohn to Jo h n Vaughan: V aughan: 1838, 20 VIIIA/6F5 1838,Jan Jan20 m: VIIIA/6D14-E4, m: V IIIA /6 D 1 4 -E 4 , 66F7-8 F 7 -8 TRANSPARENCIES T R A N S P A R E N C IE S m: IIA/14B7-8, m : IIA /1 4 B 7 -8 , 333D1-5 3 D 1 -5 TRASK, T R A S K , A. G. ReP R eP to: VIA/11D9-10 1855,J u n 13 13 V IA /1 1 D 9 -1 0 1855,Jun TRAUT WINE, C.. T RAUTW IN E , JJohn ohn C s/R siReeport: port: IXB/11B13-Cl 1844, J u l 11 11 IX B /1 1 B 1 3 -C 1 1844,Jul TREGO, T R E G O , Charles C harles B. s/Report: s/R eport: IXB/11B9-12 1843, e p t44 IX B /1 1 B 9 -1 2 1843, SSept IXB/I1D1-6 1845, S ept 11 IX B /1 1 D 1 -6 1845, Sept11 IXB/11D7-14 1845, ec 11 IX B /1 1 D 7 -1 4 1845, DDec11 IXB/11E1-7 1845, ec 15 15 IX B /1 1 E 1 -7 1845, D Dec ,n: V VIIIA/10G610 tn: IIIA /10G 6—10 TREMBLE, T R E M B L E , James Jam es RuP R uP to: to: VIIA/2E10 1814, M MayS 1814, ay 5 V IIA/2E10 VIIA/2F4-5 1814, A ug 20 V IIA /2 F 4 -5 1814, Aug20 TRENCHARD, T R E N C H A R D , Edward E d w a rd s/"An s/“ A n Association A ssociation ooff Artists A rtists in America": A m erica” : IIA/19D12-E1 1794, ec29 IIA /19D 12-E 1 1794, DDec29 s/C o n stitu tio n of o f the Columbianum: C o lu m b ian u m : s/Constitution 11Ei3E7-F6 1795, Feb Feb17 17 IIE /3 E 7 -F 6 IIA/19F3-20A10 1795, Apr A p r 19 19 IIA /19F 3-20A 10 TRENCHARD, T R E N C H A R D , James Jam es s/"An Association Artists in s/“ An A ssociation ooff A rtists in America": A m erica” : IIA/19D12-E1 1794, D ec29 IIA /1 9 D 1 2 -E 1 1794, Dec29 s/Constitution s/C o n stitu tio n and By-Laws B y -L aw s of o f the the Columbianum: C o lu m b ian u m : 1794 zziiaz-18C1-8E1 iia z - 1 8 C l- 8 E l siConstitution the C Columbianum: s/C o n stitu tio n ooff the o lu m b ian u m : 1795, Feb 17 IIE/3E7-F6 17 IIE /3 E 7 -F 6 1795, A Apr IIA/19F3-20A10 1795, p r 19 19 IIA /19F 3-20A 10 CWP C W P to: to: 1793, D Dec IIA/18B5 ec 18 18 IIA/18B5 m: IIA/17G1; IIAII7G1; IIB/9 IIB/9(pp. (pp.3, m: 3, 39, 45) TREVOR T R E V O R and and Encele E ncele to CWP: to CW P: 1813, Mar IIA/52B1-4 1813, M ar 2 IIA /5 2 B 1 -4 TRIGGS, T R IG G S , Margaret. M arg aret. Sec See Peale, P eale, Margaret M argaret Triggs. T riggs. TRIMBLE, James T R IM B L E , Jam es to CW CWP: to P: 1814, A Apr IIA/53C1-5 1814, p r 13 13 IIA /5 3 C 1 -5 CWP C W P to: 1800, Feb 17 IIA/23A2-3 1800, IIA /2 3 A 2 -3 m: IIA/23A610, 223B5-6; m : IIA /2 3 A 6 -10, 3 B 5 -6 ; XIA/6F5G13 X IA /6 F 5 -G 13 TRIPOLI, T R IP O L I, Bey Bey ooff m: m: I11A138B3-4, I A /3 8 B 3 - 4 ,338C1-2, 8 C 1 - 2 ,338C12-D3, 8 C 1 2 -D 3 , 38D43 8 D 4 -9, 9 , 38D 38D 11, 38E7; (Add.)/3E7(A d d .)/3 E 7 -88,, 33E9E 9 -110 0 TRIST, T R IST , Browse B row se CWP C W P to: 1804, AAug25 IIA/31F4 1804, u g 25 IIA/31F4 TROLLOPE, T R O L L O P E , Thomas Thom as
CP C P to: 112A2 1746 1/2A2 TROOP, T R O O P , (Dr.) (Dr.) m : IIB/12 (p. 24); IIC (p. (p. 172) 172) ,n: TROOP, T R O O P , (Mrs.) (M rs.) m: m : IIB/12 IIB/12 (p. 24); IIC (p. (p. 172) 172) T R O O S T , (Dr.) (D r.) Gerard G erard TROOST, m: IIA/68E1-3, m: IIA /6 8 E 1 -3 , 69F13-G3; 6 9 F 1 3 -G 3 ; V IIA /3 F 1 3 -G 2 , 4B24 B 2 - 3; 3; VIIA/3F13G2, X IA /7 A 6 -B 1 1 , 7C1-14, 7 C 1 - 1 4 17C10; , 17C10; XIA/7A6-B11,
(Add.)/5 (p. 5) TROOST, T R O O S T , Nicholas N ich o las m /6 6 B 5 -7 , 668D7-8, 8 D 7 - 8 , 669E8-9, 9 E 8 -9 , m:: IIA IIA/66B5-7, 69F5-8 6 9 F 5 -8 T R O T T , Benjamin B enjam in TROTT, m: IIA/51C1-4, tn: IIA /5 1 C 1 -4 , 55106-11; 1 C 6 -1 1 ; IIE /7 C 8 -D 4 IIE/7C8D4 TROTTER, T R O T T E R , Joseph Jo sep h H. H. m: XIIA/1A3-3E3, m: X IIA /1 A 3 -3 E 3 , 33E7-8 E 7 -8 TROYON, T R O Y O N , (Mr.) (M r.) IXA/17A11-14, tn: IX A /1 7 A 1 1 -1 4 , 17D5-6, 1 7 D 5 - 6 , 17D7, 17D7, 117D8-11, 7 D 8 - 11, 17D12-E10, 1 7 D 1 2 -E 1 0 , 17E12-13 1 7 E 1 2 -1 3 T R U M B U L L , John Jo h n TRUMBULL, CWP C W P to: Feb 44 1818, Feb 1818, 1818, Feb 14
IIA/60D10 IIA/60D 10
IIA/60E1-3 IIA /6 0 E 1 -3 m: IIA/41C912,443F1-5, m : IIA /4 1 C 9 -12, 3 F 1 -5 , 551C1-4, 1 C 1 -4 , 5106-11, 5 1 C 6 - 11, 59F6-8, 5 9 F 6 -8 , 62A2-6, 6 2 A 2 - 6 ,62B1, 62B1, 62B2-3, 62B2-3, 70A107 0 A 1 0 -13, 13, 70E10, 70E10, 70E11, 8; IIB/22 3, 7, 70E11, 71C 71C8; IIB/22(pp. (pp.3,7, 11-13, 1 1 -1 3 , 15, 15, 18, 18, 77), 77), 23 23 (pp. (pp. 53, 53, 54); 54); IIC (p. 107); 107); 11Ei7C8IIE /7 C 8 - D4; VIA/1B3-6, V IA /1 B 3 -6 , 11D14-E1, 1 1 D 1 4 -E 1 , 13A4, 13A4, 114A2-4; 4 A 2 -4 ; V IB /1 3 A 6 -B 9 , VIB/13A6-B9, 19F1 19 F 1 11-20B4; -2 0 B 4 ; VVIIA/6C9-D8; IIA /6 C 9 -D 8 ; XIC/1A2X I C /1 A 2 -13 13 Declaration of o f Independence: Independence: IIB/2
(pp. 552-54); 2 -5 4 ); IXA/10D9-11 I X A /1 0 D 9 - 11 (pp.
Washington: Washington: VVIA/12C14-D1, IA /1 2 C 1 4 —D l ,
12D13-14, 1 2 D 1 3 -1 4 , 12E3, 12E3, 12E4-5 1 2 E 4 -5 TUCKER, T U C K E R , Frances Frances (Bland) (B land) Randolph R a n d o lp h M arth a Bland B land to: Martha 1781, M May11 1781, ay 11 IIA /1 1 A 2 -4 IIAiIIA2-4 Theodorick T h e o d o ric k Bland B land to: 1781, May11 IIA/11A5-14 1781, M ay 11 IIA /1 1 A 5 -14 TUCKER, T U C K E R , St. St. George G eo rg e h e o d o ric k Bland: B lan d : to TTheodorick IIA(Add.)/4D9 IIA (A d d .)/4 D 9 1780, Sept JJohn o h n Page to: 11Ai19D8-11 1794, D ec 29 IIA /1 9 D 8 -1 1 1794, Dec29 1795, Jan 66 IIA IIA/19E2-10 /1 9 E 2 -1 0 1795,Jan T TURNBULL, U R N B U L L , (Mr.) (M r.) C W P to: CWP 1786, u g 24 IIA /14D 8 1786, AAug24 IIA/14D8 1786, Nov IIA/14E9 1786, N o v 15 15 IIA/14E9 T U R N E R , J.V. V. TURNER,J. toTRP: to TRP: 1876, 1876, N Nov o v 15 15 VIIIA/16D7 V IIIA /16D 7 m: IIIA /1 6 D 5 -6 1: V VIIIAI16D5-6 T U R N E R , Sarah Sarah TURNER, m: IIA/4D13-E1, 71C3; m: IIA/4D13-E1, 71C 3; (A (Add.)/1A2-3; d d .)/lA 2 - 3 ; IIB/2 IIB/2 (p. (p.4) 4) T U R N E R , (Colonel) (C olonel) TURNER, C W P to: CWP 1784,Jul 1784, J u l 15 l5 IIA/13A9 IIA/13A9 m: I/2 C 1 3 -1 4 m: I/2C13-14
285 285
The T h e Peale P eale Family F a m ily Papers P apers
t u r n e r ,(Major) (Major) TURNER, C W P to: to: CWP 1787, ay 14 14 IIA /1 5 D 3 -4 1787, M May 11A115D3-4 T U R N E R , (Mr.) (Mr.) TURNER, CWP C W P to: 1823, Oct 1823, O c t 44 IIA/69D5 T U R P IN , M. M. TURPIN, Alexander A lexander Lyries [?] to: 1833,Jun5 IXA/3B1-2 1833, Ju n 5 IX A /3 B 1 -2 m: IIA/21Al2 IIA/21A12 T U R T O N , William: W illiam : translation tran slatio n ooff TURTON, Linnaeus m:11A129B12,36F8-11,36F12-G1 m: IIA/29B12, 3 6 F 8 -1 1 , 3 6 F 1 2 -G 1 T U S S A U D , (Mme.) (M m e.) TUSSAUD, ni: XC/2C6-9 m: X C /2 C 6 - 9 TWEED, T W E E D , (Mr.) (M r.) m: X C /4 D 1 -4 , 4D94 D 9 -12, 12, 4F2-5, 4 F 2 -5 , ni: XC/4D1-4, 5A14—B3, 5A14-B3, 55D6-9, D 6 - 9 , 55E4-8, E 4 -8 , 6C5-8, 6 C 5 - 8 , 7D12-E1, 7 D 1 2 - E 1 , 8C4-7, 8 C 4 - 7 , 9E1-4 9 E 1 -4 T TWINIHOE, W IN 1 H O E , (Mr.) (M r.) Charles C harles Carroll C arroll to: to: IIA/1E13-14 1764, 1764,Jul Jul 11 11 IIA /1 E 1 3 -14 T Y L E R , Daniel D aniel E. TYLER, RuP R u P to: to: XIC/1B8-G13 1849, Feb 11 X IC /1 B 8 -G 1 3 m: VIIA/9A8,9A10-12,9B5-7,9C6, m: V IIA /9 A 8 ,9 A 1 0 -12, 9 B 5 - 7 , 9C 6, 9F12-G1 9F 1 2 -G 1 TYLER, T Y L E R , John R E P to: to: REP 1826, Jan 24 V IA /4 E 1 0 -1 2 1826,Jan24 VIA/4E10-12 m: IIIA /8 B 1 -4 , 12G51 2 G 5 -113; 3; m: V VIIIA/8B1-4, V II1C /25E 10-27B 3; IXAI1OA6-8 IXA/10A6-8 VIIIC/25E1027B3; TYLER, T Y L E R , Rufus Rufus m: A /1 4 F 1 1 -G 4 , 115B6-13, 5 B 6 -1 3 , rn: IX IXA/14F11-G4, 15C11-13, 1 5 C 1 1 -1 3 , 15D1-11, 1 5 D 1 -1 1 , 19D5-20F3 1 9 D 5 -2 0 F 3 T Y N D A L E , Hector H ecto r TYNDALE, R . Patterson P atterson to: R. IXA/22Al213 1877, O c t 22 IX A /2 2 A 1 2 -13 1877, Oct
U u U L L M A N N , Daniel D aniel ULLMANN, BFP to: IXA/12F101852, Jan29 Jan 29 IX 1852, A /1 2 F 1 0 -112 2 U N D E R W O O D , Rosalba R osalba Peale Peale UNDERWOOD, (M rs. Jo h n A.) A.) (Mrs.John St. sep h ’s C h u rch : Baptismal B aptism al St. Jo Joseph's Church: R egister: Register: 1799, Ju l 28 VVIA/IAII-12 IA /1 A 1 1 -1 2 1799, Jul28 to T R P: to TRP: 1818, N ov 3 VIIIA/1 A 1 0 - 12 VIIIA/1AIO-12 1818, Nov3 VIIIA/1A13-B1 1818, D ec4 V IIIA /1A 13-B 1 1818, Dec4 D ec 14 14 V VIIIAIIB2-4 IIIA /1 B 2 -4 1818, Dec 1818 -1 8 1 9 VIIIA/1 B 7 -8 VIIIA/1B7-8 1818-1819 1819, M a r 14 VVIIIA/1B9-11 IIIA /1B 9-11 1819, Mar14 VVIIIA/1C9IIIA /1 C 9 -111 1 1821,Jan 1821, M a r 11 VVIIIA/1C12-13 IIIA /1 C 1 2 -1 3 1821, Mar11 VIIIA/1C14-D2 1821, ar 26 V II1 A /1 C 1 4 -D 2 1821, M Mar26 1821 V IIIA /1 D 1 4 -E 1 VIIIA/1D14-E1
to Eliza L2Forgue L aF orgue Peale: Peale: 1841, AugA12 VIIIA/7F710 10 u g 12 V II1A /7F7Witness, W itness, Will ooff ReP: 1860, 1860, NovN 16 o v 16 VIA/14B12-D8 V IA /1 4 B 1 2 -D 8
and H Harriet Peale, Jo John H.. Griscom: and arrie t Peale, hn H G riscom : Petition P etition to to U U.. S. Congress: C o n g ress: 1865, Nov 1865, N ov V IA /1 4 D 1 2 -1 4 VIA/14D12-14 1865, N ov VIB/22D11 1865, Nov ReP to u g u sta, Emma E m m a Peale Peale and: and: ReP to A Augusta, 1860, Feb25 VIA/13G13 1860, Feb 25 m: /50D 11 -1 3 , 553E4-6, 3 E 4 -6 , in: IIA HA/50D11-13, 556A13-B4, 6 A 1 3 -B 4 , 661A6-8, 1 A 6 - 8 , 61A13-B2, 6 1 A 1 3 -B 2 , 662E1-3, 2 E 1 -3 , 64C12-13, 6 4 C 1 2 - 13, 64D6, 64D 6, 664E12-13, 4 E 1 2 - 13, 664F11-12, 4 F 1 1 - 12, 668A2-3, 8 A 2 -3 , 772B12-14; 2 B 1 2 - 14; III/4 G 1 -4 , 44G5-8, G 5 -8 , III/4G1-4, 55A2-11; A 2 - 11; VIA/1G4-10, V I A /1 G 4 - 10, 2F10-12, 2 F 1 0 - 12, 33A10-13, A 1 0 - 13, 33A14-B3, A 1 4 - B3, 3B9-10, 3 B 9 - 10, 33B11-13, B 1 1 -1 3 , 33C4-5, C 4 - 5 , 33C8-9, C 8 -9 , 33D4-7, D 4 - 7 , 6D5-8, 6 D 5 - 8 , 6F12-G2, 6 F 1 2 -G 2 , 66G8-13, G 8 - 13, 15D8-E1, 1 5 D 8 -E 1 , 15E6-13; 1 5 E 6 -1 3 ; VHA/2G4-6, V IIA /2 G 4 - 6, 33B2-5, B 2 - 5 , 3B8-11, 3 B 8 -1 1 , 33D1-5, D 1 - 5 , 4B14-C3, 4 B 1 4 - C 3 , 8C4, 8C 4, 99A10-12, A 1 0 - 12, 11B13-C1; 1 1 B 1 3 -C 1 ; VIIIA/1A2-5, V IIIA /1 A 2 -5 , 11A6-9, A 6 - 9 , 14E13-F1; 1 4 E 1 3 -F 1 ; IX A /1 6 B 2 -5 ; XXA/IDI-4; A /1 D 1 -4 ; IXA/16B2-5; X C /1 D 1 - 4 , 1D5-8, 1 D 5 - 8 , 1E4-7, 1 E 4 -7 , XC/IDI-4, 22B5-8, B 5 - 8 , 4C7-14, 4 C 7 - 1 4 , 4F10-13, 4 F 1 0 -1 3 , 88B14-C3, B 1 4 -C 3 , 8E9-12; 8 E 9 -1 2 ; XD/1B4-5; X D /1 B 4 -5 ; XIB/1A 8 - B2, -1 2 XIBI 1A8B2, 2D7, 2D7, 3A 11 11-12 U N D E R W O O D , Thomas Thom as UNDERWOOD,
ii: 1W4F2, 5Al2 m: III/4F2, 5A12 U N I T E D Bowmen B o w m en UNITED See Series XIIA forr ddocuments Series X IIA fo o cu m en ts relating e U n ited Bowmen. B o w m en . relating to to th the United R eferences th at follow fo llo w are are to to References that documents d o cu m en ts and mention m en tio n of o f the U n ited Bowmen B o w m e n in in other o th e r series. series. United S tatem en t of o f the th e Treasurer: T reasurer: Statement IXA/13A8 N o v 11 IX A /13A 8 1852, Nov tn: VIIIA/8B1-4, m: V IIIA /8 B 1 -4 , 10G121 0 G 1 2 -113, 3, 11A3-4, 1 1 A 3 -4 , IIB1O, 11B10, 16F1-5; 1 6 F 1 -5 ; IX A /3 B 1 2 -1 3 , 18D11, 18D 11, 20G6-7 2 0 G 6 -7 IXA/3B12-13, U .S ., Bank B ank of o f the the U.S., R eceipt to BFP: Receipt IXA/4B8-10 1834, S ept 6 IX A /4 B 8 -1 0 1834, Sept to ity Councils: C ouncils: to Philadelphia Philadelphia CCity XIA/15D14 1854, Ju l 6 X IA /15D 14 1854,Ju16 m: 11A122C7-8, IIA /2 2 C 7 -8 , 222E12-14, 2 E 1 2 -1 4 , ni: 222G9-1O, 2 G 9 - 10, 440A9-1O, 0 A 9 - 10, 40A14, 40A 14, 40B 3, 443C3-4, 3 C 3 - 4 , 43E7-8; 4 3 E 7 -8 ; 40B3, V IA /1 0 A 9 - 10; 10; V IIA /3 D 1 -5 ; VIA/10A9VIIA/3D1-5; 1X A /1 3 D 1 -4 ; X C /2 C 1 3 -D 2 ; IXA)13D1-4; XC/2C13-D2; X IA /1 2 C 1 0 -13, 14A7-F7, 1 4 A 7 -F 7 , XIA/12C10-13, 1 5F 8- 11; (Add.)/7 (A dd.)/7 (pp. (pp. 193, 193, 208, 208, 15F8-11; 2227-30, 2 7 -3 0 , 2246-47, 4 6 -4 7 , 276-77), 2 7 6 -7 7 ), (pp. 27888 (pp. 2 7 8 -779, 9 , 2802 8 0 -882) 2) U.S. U .S . Army A rm y Discharge D isch arg e to CLP: 1815, DecI D ecXD/IBII, 1 X D13-14 /1B 11, 1 3 -1 4 1815, U .S . Coast C o a st Survey Survey U.S. m: IX B /1 1 D 1 -6 ni: IXB/IIDI-6 House also U U.S. U .S . Congress. C o n g ress. Sec S e e also .S . H o u se ooff U.S. R epresentatives and .S . Senate. S enate. Representatives and U U.S. C W et P etal. al. to: CWP IIA/7F7-G2 1779, ay 25 U A /7F7—G2 1779, M May25 Documents D o cu m en ts regarding reg ard in g Bill Bill for for Relief R elief
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The The Peale Peale Family F am ily Papers Papers
ooffTTRP: RP: 1847, Feb Feb 116-1854,Ju130 1847, 6 -1 8 5 4 , Ju l 30 V IIIC /2 4 D 1 -2 5 B 6 VHIC/24D1-25B6 A ct for e lief oofTRP: fT R P : Act for RRelief 1854,JJul24 VIIIC/25E3-8 1854, u l 24 V IIIC /2 5 E 3 -8 Act A ct for Relief R e lie f oofBFP: f BFP: 1856,Ju125 1856, J u l 25 1 X A /1 5 C 6 -8 IXAII5C6-8 A ct for Relief R e lie f ooff A nna E. Peale Peale and Act Anna supporting s u p p o rtin g documents: do cu m en ts: 1873, Feb10 1873, Feb 10 IX A /1 9 D 5 -2 0 F 1 IXA/19D5-20F1 Harriet H arrie t C. C . Peale, Peale, Rosalba R osalba P. P. U n d e rw o o d and and John J o h n H. H . Griscom, G riscom , Underwood P etitio n to: Petition VIA/14D12-14 1865, Nov 1865, N ov V IA /1 4 D 1 2 -1 4 VIBI22DII 1865, N ov V1B/22D11 1865, Nov T R P to: TRP VII!A/11F3-G8 1850, 1850, Feb14 Feb 14 V IIIA /1 1 F 3 -G 8 rn: 1IA/16D14, IIA/16D14,118B1-2, m: 8 B 1 - 2 , 225B11-14, 5 B 1 1 -1 4 , 2 5 C 1 - 2 , 42C11-12, 4 2 C 1 1 - 1 2 , 42C13, 42C 13, 25C1-2, 42D 9, 442E5-9, 2 E 5 -9 , 42E10-11, 4 2 E 1 0 -1 1 , 42D9, 43C3-4, 4 3 C 3 - 4 , 6005-7, 6 0 C 5 - 7 , 61B11-12, 6 1 B 1 1 -1 2 , 61C 4, 661C12-13, 1 C 1 2 - 13, 69B13-C1, 6 9 B 1 3 -C 1 , 61C4, 70E10, 70E11;VVIAIIIB3-5, 70E 10, 70E11; IA /1 1 B 3 -5 , 13A10-12, 1 3 A 1 0 -1 2 , 13A13-14, 1 3 A 1 3 - 1 4 ,13F13-14, 1 3 F 1 3 -1 4 , 14A2-4; 1 4 A 2 - 4; VIB/22C10; V IB /22C 10; VIIAJ7G310; VVIIIAI8B6-9, V 1IA I7G 3-10; 1I1A /8B 6-9, 8 D 9 - 13, 88F1-6, F 1 - 6 , 9B3-7, 9 B 3 -7 , 8D9-13, 110Al2-14, 0 A 1 2 -1 4 , 10E6-7, 1 0 E 6 -7 , IOFII-12, 10 F 1 1 -1 2 , 1105-7, 1 1 C 5 - 7 , 11D5-7, 1 1 D 5 - 7 , 11D8, 11D 8, 111F3-G8, 1 F 3 -G 8 , 112B5-6, 2 B 5 -6 , 12C6-7, 1 2 C 6 -7 , 112D7-8, 2 D 7 -8 , 12D11-12, 1 2 D 1 1 -1 2 , 12D13-14, 1 2 D 1 3 -1 4 , 14B13, 1 4 B 1 3 ,116E8-11, 6 E 8 -1 1 , 116G1-2, 6 G 1 -2 , I1 77B4CS; VIIIC/25B7E2; B 4 -C 5; V IIIC /2 5 B 7 -E 2; XIAI7DS-6, X 1 A /7 D 5 -6 , 113E11-12, 3 E 1 1 -1 2 , ISDS-13 1 5 D 5 -1 3 U.S. U .S . Court C o u rtof o fAppeals A ppeals Subpoena toJP: S ubpoena to JP : 1818, Ju Junn 6 I1I/2D 5-6 IIIJ2DS-6 U .S . Department D e p a rtm e n t of o f the th e Interior In te rio r U.S. m:: VIIIA VIIIA/15C3 m /15C3 U.S. U .S . Department D e p a rtm e n t of o f the Navy N avy VIUA/6B6-11, m: V IIIA /6 B 6 -1 1 , 66B14-C2, B 1 4 -C 2 , IOGI-2, 1 0 G 1 -2 , 14F14; 14F14; VI!IC/25B7-E2; V IIIC /2 5 B 7 -E 2 ; IXA/8D1 IX A /8 D 1 11-E4 -E 4 U.S. U .S . Department D e p a rtm e n t of o f State S tate Passport, P assp o rt, to RaP: 1793, Dec14 V/1A6-7 1793, D ec 14 V /1 A 6 -7 P assport, to to BFP: BFP: Passport, 1833, Apr7 IXAI2FI-G2 1833, A p r7 IX A /2 F 1 -G 2 m: 10, 110G3-4; m : VIHA/10F9V IIIA /1 0 F 9 -10, 0 G 3 -4 ; IXA/3B10IX A /3 B 1 0 -111 1 U.S. U .S . Department D ep artm en t of o f Treasury T reasury Auditor's A u d ito r’s Reports, R e p o rts, Account A c c o u n t with w ith CWP: C W P: 1806, 1806, Apr4 A p r 4 hAIIA (A d d .)/3 E 7 -8 (Add.)/3E7-8 Auditor's A u d ito r’s Reports, R e p o rts, s/Gabriel s/G abriel Duvall: D uvall: A p r 11 IV B /2 D 2 -6 1806, Apr IVBI2D2-6 1806,Jul IVB/2D7-8 1806, Ju l I1 IV B /2 D 7 - 8 IVB/2D9O c t 11 I V B /2 D 9 -10 10 1806, Oct 1807,Jan 1807, Jan I1 1IVB/2D11-12 V B /2D 11-12 1807, IVB/2D13-E4 1807, AApr2 pr 2 IV B /2 D 1 3 -E 4 1807, Jul Ju l 11 IV B /2 E 6 - 10 10 IVB/2E61807, Sept30 1807, Sept 30 IV B /E 1 2 -F 2 IVB/E12-F2 1808, Jan Jan 2 IVB/2F4-8 1808, IV B /2 F 4 -8 1808, A Apr p r 11 IIVB/2F9V B /2 F 9 -10 10 1808, Jul Jul 11 IV B /2 F 1 2 -G 2 IVB/2F12-G2 1808, O Oct c t 11 IV B /2 G 3 - 8 IVB/2G3-.8
1809, IV B /2 G 1 2 -113 3 1809, Jan Jan 2 IVB/2G12-. 1809, A p r 11 IV B /3 A 2 -6 1809, Apr IVB/3A2-6 Jull 11 !VB/3A7-8 1809, Ju IV B /3 A 7 -8 1809, ct 2 IV B /3 A 9 - 10 10 1809, O Oct IVB/3A91810, A ug 7 IV B /3 A 1 4 -B 1 1810, Aug7 IVB/3A14-B1 V oucher to RP: Voucher to T TRP: 1882, Apr10 VIIIAII6GI-2 1882, A p r 10 V IIIA /1 6 G 1 -2 M . Patterson P atterso n to: R. M. IXA/9C41843, IX A /9 C 4 -110 0 1843, Feb 8 n: VIIIAIIOEIO-11, m: V IIIA /1 0 E 1 0 -1 1 , 110F2-3, 0 F 2 -3 , 110F4-5, 0 F 4 -5 , 14G4, 14G4, 15E9; 15E9; 14,55C5-6, IIXAI4CI3X A /4 C 1 3 - 14, C 5 - 6 , 55C7-8, C 7 -8 , 1 3 A 9 - 1 0 ,113D5-6, 3 D 5 - 6 , 15C9-10, 1 5 C 9 -1 0 , 13A9-10, 220F10-11, 0 F 1 0 -1 1 , 20F12-14, 2 0 F 1 2 -1 4 , 21B14 21B14 U.S. U .S . Department D e p a rtm e n t of o f War W ar JP, R ev o lu tio n ary Claim: C laim : JP, Revolutionary 11112F4 1831, M a r 11 III/2F4 1831,Marll A cco u n t with w ith BFP: B FP: Account IXA/IOBI 1846, D ec 5 IXA/10B1 1846, DecS m: IXA/6B1-2, m: IX A /6 B 1 -2 , 99E11-12, E 1 1 -1 2 , 10A6-8, 1 0 A 6 -8 , 1 0 A 9 - 10, 10B4-S, 1 0 B 4 - 5 , 10B9-11 1 0 B 9 -1 1 10A9-10, U.S. Court U .S . District D istrict C o u rt etitio n for fo r military m ilita ry pension: pension: JP, PPetition !II/2D71818, Dec 1818, D ec 4 III/2 D 7 -112 2 U .S . Exploring E x p lo rin g Expedition E x p e d itio n (Wilkes (W ilkes U.S. Expedition) E xpeditio n ) A pplicatio n s for fo r Service: Service: Applications 1 8 2 7 -1 8 2 8 [?I [?] c. 18271828 VillA V IIIA (Add.)/1A7-B4 (A d d .)/1 A 7 -B 4 Committee Organization C o m m itte e ooff O rg a n iz a tio n ooff S cientific CCorps, o rp s, Report: R ep o rt: Scientific 1837, AAug24 VIIIAISFIO-14 1837, u g 24 V IIIA /5 F 1 0 -14 1837, AAug26 1837, u g 26 V IIIA /5 G 1 -4 VHIA/5G1-.4 List Requisitions L ist ooff R e q u isitio n s for fo r Scientific S cientific Corps: C o rp s: 1837, SeptS ep 2 t 2 VIIIA/SGS-.6A10 V IIIA /5 G 5 -6 A 1 0 A ccounts: Accounts: 1837, N o v 13 13 V IIIA /6D 7 1837, Nov VIIIA/6D7 List Officers: L ist ooff O fficers: 1838, Ju Jul 11 V1IIA/6F11-G1 11 V II1A /6F 11-G 1 T R P, L ist ooff bboxes o x es sen .S .: TRP, List Sentt to to UU.S.: 1838, D ec 24 VIIIA /7A 14 1838, Dec24 VIIIA/7A14 BFP, Listoofboxes. Philadelphia: BFP, List f b o x e s . .. . to P hiladelphia: 1838, Dec25 !XA/5C11 1838, D ec 25 IX A /5C11 TRP, List Sent to UU.S.: TR P, L ist ooff bboxes o x e s se n t to .S .: 1839,Jun 18 3 9 ,J u n V IIIA /7 B 1 -4 V1IIA/7B1-4 1840, AprS 1840, A pr 5 V IIIA /7 C 1 1 -1 4 VIIIA/7C11-14 TRP, the U.S. T R P , “"Collections C o llectio n s ooff th eU .S . South S o u th Sea SSurveying u rv e y in g an d E x p lo rin g Sea and Exploring Expedition": E x p e d itio n ” : VIIICI3A2-4D8 1 8 3 8 -1 8 4 2 V II1 C /3 A 2 -4 D 8 1838-1842 TRP, Journals: T R P, Jo u rn als: 18 3 8 -11842 842 V IIIB /2 A 3 -110A4 0A 4 VIHB/2A31838W illiam H u d s o n , Journal: Jo u rn al: William Hudson, 1838, AAugAug 1838, u g - 1840, 1840, A ug VIIIB/1 I Al26G13 V 11IB /11A 1-26G 13 TRP, T R P , “"A A Catalogue C a ta lo g u e of o f the th e Specimens Specim ens ofMammalia o fM a m m a lia and and Birds": B ird s” : VII1Cl2BSFl 1 8 3 8 -1 8 4 2 V I1IC /2B 5-F1 1838-1842 T R P, “L ists of o f Shells": S h ells” : TRP, "Lists V IIIC /2 F 2 -G 1 0 VIIIC/2F2-G10 1840 TRP, List ooff CCuriosities TR P, List u rio sitie s Collected: C ollected: VIIIA/7F3-6 1841, J u l 17 17 V IIIA /7 F 3 -6 1841,Jul D ia r y oof f TTRP, R P , ed. ru ry : Diary ed. CC.. M M.. D Drury: 1841, Sept, S epOct t, O c tVII1B/10A4-D9 V IIIB /1 0 A 4 - D9 1841, Report Committee R e p o rt ooff C o m m itte e of o f Congress C o n g ress on
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The Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers The Peale
D isposition of o f Maps, M aps, Plates, Plates, etc.: etc.: Disposition 1845, F eb 2 5 V IIIC /4 D 1 0 -E 9 1845, Feb25 VlllC/4D10-E9 M em orial ooff O fficers to U.S. U .S . Memorial Officers Congress: 1847, Jan 11 11 V IIIC /4 E 1 0 -F 1 3 1847,Jan VIIIC/4E10-.F13 TRP, U .S . Exploring E x p lo rin g Expedition E x p ed itio n TRP, “"U.S. . . .Z o o lo g y ” : Zoology": 1847 V IIIC /5 A 2 -115D4 5D 4 VIIIC/5A2TRP, tro d u ctio n to U .S . TRP, In Introduction to “"U.S. E xploring EExpedition. x p ed itio n . .. . Zoology": Z o o lo g y ” : Exploring 1848, Ju n 30 V IIIC /4 G 1 -7 1848,Jun3O VIIIC/4G1-7 TRP, U .S . Exploring E xploring Expedition. E xped itio n . . . TRP, U.S. M am m alia and rnithology : Manunalia and O Ornithology:
V IIIC /1 5 E 1 - 19C4 19C4 1848 VJIIC/15E1Jo h n Cassin, C assin, U.S. U .S . Exploring E x p lo rin g John E xpedition . .. . M am m alogy and Expedition. Mamtnalogy O rnithology: Ornithology:
V IIIC /1 9 C 5 -2 4 C 1 0 1858 VIIIC/19C5-24C10 D o cu m en ts regarding reg ard in g Bill Bill for Relief R elief Documents ooffTTRP: RP: 1847, 6 -1 8 5 4 , Ju l 30 1847,Feb Feb116-1854,Ju130 V IIIC /2 4 D 11- 25B6 25B6 VIIIC/24D TRP, laim for In d em n ity : TRP, C Claim Indemnity: 1836-1854 V IIIC /2 5 B 7 -E 2 VIIIC/25B7-E2 U .S . Congress, C ongress, Act A ct for fo r Relief R elief of o f TRP: TRP: U.S. 1854, 24 V IIIC /2 5 E 3 -8 1854,Jul Jul24 V111C125E3-8 TRP, T h e South S outh Sea Surveying S u rv e y in g and and TRP, “"The E x p lo rin g E x p e d itio n ” : Exploring Expedition": n .d . V IIIC /2 5 E 1 0 -2 7 B 3 VIIIC/25E10-27B3 n.d. [1874] V IIIC /2 7 B 4 -C VIIIC/27B4C44 BFP, eceipt ooff specim ens: BFP, RReceipt specimens: (c. 1840) IJXA/8C3X A /8 C 3 -10 10 1840, n 18 IX A /8 D 1 1 -E 4 IXA/8D11-E4 1840,Ju Jun18 C atalog of o f specimens specim ens received received at at Catalog Philadelphia M u seu m and copies ooff Philadelphia Museum correspondence: 1838-1842 X IA /1 2 C 1 4 -F 1 4 XIA/12C14-F14 m: IIIA /4 D 5 -8 , 44E8-9, E 8 - 9 , 44F3-8, F 3 -8 , m: VVIIIA/4D5-8, 44F11-G9, F 1 1 -G 9 , 44G10-5B2, G 1 0 -5 B 2 , 55B7-9, B 7 -9 , 5 B 1 1 -1 3 , 5C 4, 55C5-6, C 5 - 6 , 5C7, 5C 7, 5B11-13, 5C4, 55C8-9, C 8 - 9 , 5D6, 5D 6, 5D8, 5D 8, 55D12-13, D 1 2 -1 3 , 5 E 5 -7 , 5E8-F5, 5 E 8 -F 5 , 5F6-7, 5 F 6 -7 , 5F8-9, 5 F 8 -9 , 5E5-7, 55F10-14, F 1 0 -1 4 , 55G1-4, G 1 - 4 , 66Al2-14, A 1 2 - 14, 66B1-2, B 1 - 2 , 6B6-11, 6 B 6 - 1 1 , 6B12, 6B 12, 66B14-C2, B 1 4 -C 2 , 66C3-5, C 3 - 5 ,66C13, C 1 3 , 66D1-2, D 1 - 2 , 66D5-6, D 5 -6 , 6 D 1 2 -113, 3 , 6E76 E 7 -114, 4 , 6F96 F 9 -110, 0, 6D126 G 2 - 3 ,66G7, G 7 , 66GbG 1 013, - 13,7C57 C 5 10, - 10, 6G2-3, 77D1-3, D 1 - 3 , 7D4-5, 7 D 4 - 5 , 7D12, 7D 1 2 , 7D13.-E4, 7 D 1 3 -E 4 , 7 E 5 - 13, 7E14-F2, 7 E 1 4 - F2, 7G3, 7G 3, 7G8-12, 7 G 8 - 12, 7E5-13, 88A3-4, A 3 - 4 , 8A58 A 5 - 11, 11, 8A138 A 1 3 - 14, 14, 88B6-9, B 6 - 9 , 8B108 B 1 0 -113, 3 , 88C3-8, C 3 -8 , 88C9-10, C 9 - 1 0 , 88D6-8, D 6 - 8 , 8F1-6, 8 F 1 -6 , 8G7-8, 8 G 7 -8 , 88G12G 1 2 - 13, A 2 - 3 , 99A6-9, A 6 -9 , 13,99A2-3, 99B13-C2, B 1 3 - C 2 , 99D3-4, D 3 - 4 , 9D6-8, 9 D 6 -8 , 9 D 9 -1 1 , 9E2-4, 9 E 2 - 4 , 9E11, 9E 11, 9E12-F1, 9 E 1 2 -F 1 , 9D9-11, 9 F 2 -4 , 9F5-6, 9 F 5 -6 , 9F7-8, 9 F 7 - 8 , 9F9-11, 9 F 9 -1 1 , 9F2-4, 9 G 8 -1 0 , 9G11-13, 9 G 1 1 - 1 3 , 10A2-4, 1 0 A 2 -4 , 9G8-10, 110A5-7, 0 A 5 -7 , 110A8-11, 0 A 8 -1 1 , 10Al2-14, 1 0 A 1 2 - 14, 1IOBI-2, 0 B 1 -2 , 10B14-C2, 1 0 B 1 4 -C 2 , 10C3-7, 1 0 C 3 -7 , 11008-10, 0 C 8 -1 0 , 10D13-E1, 1 0 D 1 3 -E 1 , 10E2-3, 1 0 E 2 -3 , 110E6-7, 0 E 6 -7 , IOF1I-12, 1 0 F 1 1 -1 2 , 10F13-14, 1 0 F 1 3 - 14, 11OG1-2, 0 G 1 -2 , 111D5-7, 1 D 5 - 7 , 11D9, 11D9, 111F3-G8, 1 F 3 -G 8 , 112B5-6, 2 B 5 - 6 , 12D11-12, 1 2 D 1 1 -1 2 , 112E2-8, 2 E 2 -8 , 12F13-G4, 1 2 F 1 3 -G 4 , 13B9-11, 1 3 B 9 -1 1 , 13D1, 4 C 9 -1 3 , 13D1, 14B13, 14B13, 114C9-13, 114E10-11, 4 E 1 0 -1 1 ,116A8-9, 6 A 8 - 9 , 16F1-5, 1 6 F 1 -5 ,
17A 12- 14, 17E1-2; 1 7 E 1 -2 ; 17Al2-14, (A d d .)/1 B 1 4 -C 2 ; 1C3; 1C3; IXAI8E5, IX A /8E5, (Add.)/1B14-C2; 8 F 9 -1 0 , 99B1-5, B 1 - 5 , 113Al2-B5; 3 A 1 2 -B 5 ; 8F9-1O, X IA /1 2 C 7 -9 , 12C10-13, 1 2 C 1 0 -1 3 , XIA/12C7-9, 112C14-F14; 2 C 1 4 -F 1 4 ; (Add.)16 (A dd.)/6 (pp. 154, 154, 254, 261) 261) 173), 7 (pp. 254, U .S . Gazette G a zette U.S. m: V IIIA /2 D 4 -5 ; XIA(Add.)/6 X IA (A d d .)/6 tn: VIIIA/2D4-5;
((p. p .111) Ill) U .S . House H o u se ofRepresentatives. o f R ep resen tativ es.See Seealso also U.S. U .S . Congress. C ongress. U.S. C W P to: to: CWP 1796, Dec D ec 13 13 1796, IIA/20G12 m: V IA /4 A 2 - 6; VIIIA/10F13-14, V IIIA /1 0 F 1 3 -14, tn: VIAI4A2-6; 12B7, 2 D 1 1 -1 2 ; 12B7, 112D11-12; V IIIC /2 5 B 7 -E 2 , 25E32 5 E 3 -8 VIIIC/25B7E2, 8;; IX A /1 4 G 5 -6 , 19D5-20F3 1 9 D 5 - 20F3 IXA/14G5-6, U .S . Loan L oan Office O ffice U.S. m: V IIIA /1 0 E 8 -9 , 10E12-13, 1 0 E 1 2 -1 3 , m: VIIIA/10E8-9, 10E 14-F 1 10E14-F1 U .S . Mint M in t U.S. See also A, cards - 2 1 , for See alsoSeries SeriesIX IXA, cards33-21, m aterial relatin g to .S . Mint; M int; material relating to the the UU.S. see eneral Index, B. seealso alsoGGeneral Index, Series Series IX IXB. R eferences th at follow fo llo w are are to to References that m aterial co n cern in g the U.S. U .S . Mint M in t material concerning o th er series. series. in other m: IIA /2 5 F 1 0 -11; V IA /4 A 2 -6 ; m: IIA/25F10-11; VIA/4A2-6; V IIA /8 E 9 -11, 8F1 - 3, 8F4-8, 8 F 4 - 8, VIIA/8E9-11, SFI-3, 88F9-11, F 9 -1 1 , 88F12-13, F 1 2 -1 3 , 8 G 5 - 7 .8 G 8 -13; 13; VIIIA/4A14-B1, V IIIA /4 A 1 4 -B 1 , 8G5-7,8G8111 1D -1 3 DI1 00-13 U .S . Naval N aval Academy A cadem y U.S. m: V IIIA /1 4 E 6 -9 , 14E10-11; 1 4 E 1 0 -1 1 ; tn: VIIIA/14E6-9, V IIIC /2 7 G 1 -2 VIIIC(27G1-2 U .S . Ordnance O rd n an ce Manual M anual U.S. m: V IIIA /1 1 B 1 3 -C 1 m: VIIIA/11B13-C1 U .S . Patent P atent Office O ffice U.S. See also IIIA , cards 0 -1 7 , See alsoSeries SeriesVVillA, cards 110-17, fo r material m aterial relatin g to the U.S. U .S . for relating P aten t Office. O ffice. References R eferences that Patent fo llo w are are to m aterial concerning follow to material U .S . Patent P aten t Office O ffice in in other o th er the U.S. series. Principal aten t Examiners E x am in ers to to B. B. F. F. Principal PPatent Jam es: James: 1867, D ec 17 17 1867, Dcc V IIIA ((Add.)/ICII-D1 A d d .)/lC ll- D l VillA m: IIA/34B3; I1 IC /2 7 D 1 0 -E 2 ; m: IIA/34B3; VVIIICf27DIO-E2; IX A /1 4 E 1 0 -12 IXA/14E1012 U .S . Senate. Senate. See also U .S . Congress. C o n g ress. U.S. Seealso U.S. R e p o rt from fro m the th e Secretary S ecretary of: Report 1832 V IB /6 F 9 -12 VIBI6F9-12 832 R e p o rt on on Memorial M e m o rial of o fBFP: BFP: Report 1856, A p r 16 1X A /1 4 G 5 -6 IXA/14G5-6 1856, Apr16 1856, M ay 23 1X A /1 5 A 2 -B 5 IXA/15A2-B5 1856, May23 1856, May23 M ay 23 IX A /1 5 B 6 -1 3 IXA/15B6-13 1856, th e Relief R elief of o f BFP: Bill for the 1858, A p r 26 IX A /1 5 F 7 -8 IXA/15F7-8 1858, Apr26 1860, Feb20 Feb 20 IX A /1 5 G 1 1 -1 2 IXA/15G11-12 1860, R e p o rt on Memorial M e m o rial of o f BFP: BFP: Report 1860, Feb 20 IX A /1 6 A 2 -1 1 IXA/16A2-11 1860, Feb20 R e p o rt on on Petition P etitio n of o f BFP: BFP: Report 1878, M ay 28 IX A /1 9 B 1 -4 IXA/19B1-4 1878, May28 A n d re w ja c k s o n to: to: Andrewjackson 1835, D ec 21 IX A /5 C 9 -1 IXA/5C9100 1835, Dec21
2288 88
The The Peale Peale Family F am ily Papers Papers
BFP, M Memorial BFP, e m o rial to: 1856, Apr22 A p r 22 1856, IX A /1 4 F 1 1 -G 4 IXA/14F11-G4 m:: V m VIAJ4A2-6, IA /4 A 2 -6 , 113D3-5, 3 D 3 - 5 , 14A2-4; 1 4 A 2 -4 ; V IIIA /1 0 F 1 3 -14, 11E5, 1 1 E 5 ,1 2B 7, VIIIAI10FI3-14, 12B7, 112D11-12; 2 D 1 1 -1 2 ; IXA/5D7, IX A /5 D 7 , 5D8, 5D 8, 115F3-4, 5 F 3 - 4 ,115F7-8 5 F 7 -8 U N IV E R S IT Y ofPennsylvania. o fP e n n sy lv a n ia . See UNIVERSITY Pennsylvania, University P ennsylvania, U n iv e rsity of. U P S H U R ,Abel A belP. P. UPSHUR, T R P etal.: et al.: to TRP 1842, Ju l 13 13 V III A/8 A 3 - 4 1842,Jul VIIIAI8A3-4 to TRP: TRP: 1842, Ju l 18 18 V IIIA /8 A 1 3 -1 4 1842,Jul VIIIA/8A13-14 to Charles C harles Pickering: P ickering: VIllA 1843, Ja n 33 V IIIA (Add.)/1C3 (A d d .)/lC 3 1843,Jan to T R P : toTRP: 1843, Jan11 VIIIA/8C9-1O 1843, Ja n 11 V IIIA /8 C 9 -1 0 1843, Ja n 11 11 VIIIC/25B5, V IIIC /25B 5, 225E1-2 5 E 1 -2 1843,Jan 1843, Apr28 1843, A p r 28 V IIIA /8 E 1 1 -1 2 VIIIA/8E11-12 T R P to: TRPto: 1841,NNov8 1841, ov 8 VIIIA/7G3 VIIIA/7G3 1842,Jul 1842, J u l 14 14 V IIIA /8 A 5 -11 VIIIAI8AS-11 n6 V IIIA /8 C 3 -8 1843, Ja Jan VIIIA/8C3-8 1843,AApr27 VIIIA/8E4-lO 1843, p r 27 V IIIA /8 E 4 -1 0 1843,Jan6 VIIIA/11F3-G8 1843,J an6 V IIIA /1 1 F 3 -G 8 VIIIC/25B2-3 n6 V IIIC /2 5 B 2 -3 1843, Ja Jan B F P to: BFPto: 1842, Apr4 1842, A pr 4 IX A /9 B 1 -5 IXAI9B1-5 m:: VIIIAI8FI-6, m V IIIA /8 F 1 -6 , 11F3-G8; 1 1 F 3 -G 8 ; V IIIC /24D 1- 25B 6, 225E10-27B3 5 E 1 0 -2 7 B 3 VIIIC/24D1-25B6, UTICA U T IC A Museum M u seu m CLP C L P to: n.d. n .d . [c. [c. 1828] 1828] X D /1 F 1 3 -G 4 XD/1F13-G4 m: VIIAI6GIO-11; m: V IIA /6 G 1 0 -1 1 ; XXIC/1B8-G3 I C /1 B 8 - G 3 UTRECHT, U T R E C H T , Mint M in t at at m:: IX IXAJ4E12-F3 m A /4 E 1 2 -F 3
V VAIL, A. to R. M atterso n : to P.. M.. PPatterson: 1837, AApr24 1837, p r 24 IX A /6 D 1 -3 IXA/6D1-3 BFP, ddress sheet eairt H arris BFP, AAddress sheet to to LLeairt Harris and: nn.d. .d . IX A /22B 8 IXA/22B8 m: IXAJ22CS-1O m: IX A /2 2 C 8 -1 0 V A L E N T IN E , A b rah am VALENTINE, Abraham C W P to: to: CWP 1803, SSept ept 3 IIA /28E3 11A128E3 V A L E N T IN E , (Dr.) (Dr.) VALENTINE, m: 11A122B6-7,222E3-7; m : 11A/22B6-7, 2 E 3 -7 ; XIC/1B8G33 X IC /1 B 8 -G VALK, drian VALK, A Adrian C W P to: CWP 1792, May5 IIA/17C13-14 1792, M ay 5 IIA /1 7 C 1 3 -1 4 m: XIA/1A7IIC(p. m: X I A /1 A 7 -14; 14; IIC (p . 231) 231) V A L L A N C E , John Jo h n VALLANCE,
s/Constitution s/C o n stitu tio n and an d By-Laws B y -L a w s of o f the the C o lu m b ia n u m : Columbianum: 1794 IIA/18C1-E1 IIA /1 8 C 1 -E 1 s/Constituion thee C Columbianum: s/C o n stitu io n ooff th o lu m b ia n u m : 1795, IIE /3 E 7 -F 6 1795, Feb 17 IIE/3E7-F6 1795, Apr 19 A p r IIA/19F3-20A10 1795, 19 I1A /19F3-20A 10 IIA/43D211,448A8-B10 m : IIA /4 3 D 2 -11, 8 A 8 -B 1 0 m: V A L L E T T E , Elie VALLETTE, s/M em o rial to a ry lan d slMemorial to th thee M Maryland C o n v e n tio n : Convention: IVA/1G4-6 IV A /1 G 4 -6 [1776] C W P to: CWP 1774, M a y 28 IIA /4 G 7 -8 1774, May28 IIA/4G7-8 m: 11B12 IIB/2 (p. (p. 1) VANARSDALEN, V A N A R S D A L E N , JJohn ohn m: (pp. 14, 14, 23, 23, 27, 27, 33, 33, 336-38); m : JIB/S IIB/5 (pp. 6 -3 8 ); VIAII2D8 V IA /12D 8 V A N BBERCKEL, E R C K E L , PPieterJohan ieter Jo h a n VAN m: 11D129 IID /29 (p. IA /2 C 1 0 -EEl 1 (p.24); 24);XXIA/2C10V A N BBUREN, UREN, M a rtin VAN Martin Appointment A p p o in tm e n t of o fBFP B F P as as chief c h ie fcoiner: coiner: IXAI8B3-4 19 IX A /8 B 3 -4 1840, Feb 19 J.N. J .N . Reynolds R e y n o ld s to: to: VIIIAJ4FII-G9 1836, 1836, NNov16 o v 16 V IIIA /4 F 1 1 -G 9 1836, o v 16 V IIIA /4 G 1 0 -5 B 2 1836,NNov16 VIIIA/4G10-5B2 I. L. Elliott E llio tt to: to: 1837, u g 15 V IIIA /5 E 1 -4 1837, A Aug VIIIAISEI-4 R . M. M . Patterson P a tte rso n to: to: R. 1839, M Mar11 IXAJ7EI-4 1839, a r 11 IX A /7 E 1 -4 A d a m Eckfeldt E ck feld t to: Adam 1839, a r 12 12 IX A /7 E 5 -6 1839, M Mar IXA/7E5-6 B F P to: BFP 1839, Apr3 1839, A pr 3 IX A /7 E 1 4 -F 1 IXA/7E14-F1 m: 13; m : VIIIA/12G5V IIIA /1 2 G 5 -13; VIIICI25EIO27B3; IXAI9DI-8 V IIIC /2 5 E 1 0 - 27B 3; I X A /9 D 1 -8 VAN VA N der d e r KEMP, K E M P , Francis F rancis John J o h n Adams A d am s to: to: 1804,NNov4 1804, ov 4 V /1 B 1 3 -1 4 V/1B13-14 V A N D E R L Y N , John Jo h n VANDERLYN, R eP to: ReP 1820, M Mar3 1820, ar 3 V IA /3C 3 VIA/3C3 R eceipt to: RuP, Receipt 1830 M May 1830 ay 16 V IIA /7D 6 VIIAI7D6 1831,Jan6 1831, Ja n 6 VIIA/7F1 m:: IIA/44A6-12, m IIA /4 4 A 6 -1 2 , S1C1-4, 5 1 C 1 - 4 , 5106-11; 51C6-11; IIE/7C8-D4; IIE /7 C 8 -D 4 ; VIA/10B6-7; V IA /1 0 B 6 -7 ; ((Add.)/1D8A d d . ) / l D 8 -11 ll V A N D E R M U L E N , Jonathan J o n a th a n VANDERMULEN, C W P to: CWP 1800,Ju131 1800, Ju l 31 IIA /2 3 D 1 -2 IIA/23D1-2 IIA/23B12-C7, m /2 3 B 1 2 -C 7 , 223D3-4 3 D 3 -4 m:: IIA V A N dder er M Y N ’s Lord Lord B altim ore VAN MYN's Ba!timore m: 11A169B10-12, IIA /6 9 B 1 0 -12, 669B13-C1, 9 B 1 3 -C 1 , 669C7-8, 9 C 7 - 8 , 69C106 9 C 1 0 -12, 12, 69D76 9 D 7 -10, 10, 69D 11, 669E1-2, 9 E 1 - 2 , 669E3-4, 9 E 3 -4 , 69D11, 669E89 E 8 - 10, 10, 669F2-4, 9 F 2 - 4 ,669F5-8, 9 F 5 -8 , 669F11-12, 9 F 1 1 - 12, 71A9; 71A 9; VIIIA/16A2-S, V IIIA /1 6 A 2 -5 , 1 6 A 1 2 -B 1 V111C128A2-Bl ; V IIIC /2 8 A 2 -B 1 16Al2-Bl; V A N D E R S H O T , (Mr.) (M r.) VANDERSHOT, C W P to: CWPto: 1802[3]Jan 11A127A14 1 8 0 2 -[3 ] Ja n 16 16 IIA /27A 14 m : IIA/27C13I IA /2 7 C 1 3 -14, 7 D 9 -10 10 m: 14, 227D9VAN DYKE, VAN D Y K E , Anthony A n th o n y m : IIA/4D7-12, I IA /4 D 7 - 12, 443D2-11, 3 D 2 - 11, m: 44C114 4 C 1 1 -14, 1 4 ,444D114 D 1 1 -14, 1 4 ,444E12-F3; 4 E 1 2 -F 3 ; V IA /2 A 1 0 -13; I1 IA /1 6 A 2 - 5, VIAJ2AIO13;VVIHAII6A2-5,
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The Peale The Peale Family Fam ily Papers Papers
16Al2-B1, 16 A 1 2 -B 1 , 16F6-8 1 6 F 6 -8 VAN RENSSELAER, Stephen V AN R ENSSELAER, S tephen R eP to: to: ReP 1835, Nov26 1835, N o v 26 VIA/8E6 VANVIBBER, V A N V IB B E R , (Mr.) (Mr.) m: XIB/1A8B2 XLB/1A8- H2 VANUXEM, V A N U X E M , James Jam es to Philadelphia Philadelphia LLibrary Company: ib rary C o m p an y : 1800, 1800, AApr3 p r 3 hA IIA(Add.)/4E10-1l (A d d .)/4 E 1 0 -11 VARDEN, John V A R D E N .Jo hn to TRP: toTRP: 1843, Dec VIIIAJ8G9 D ec 11 11 V IIIA /8G 9 TRPto: T R P to: 1843, VIIIA18GIO1843, Dec15 D ec 15 V IIIA11 /8 G 1 0 -11 tn: IIIA /9F 9-11 m: V VIIIA/9F9-11 VARLE, (Mr.) VARLE, m: IIA IIA/40C6-D2, m: /4 0 C 6 -D 2 , 440D30 D 3 -10, 10, 401011 4 0 E 1 0 - 11 VARNUM, James V A R N U M , (General) (G eneral) Ja m es Mitchell M itchell IIB/5 (p. 38); IID/ IID / 29 29 (p. (p. 37); 37); m: HB/5 XIA/17C4 XIAJ17C4
VATICAN Museum V A TIC A N M useum m: IIA IIA/42D11-14, m: /42D 11-14, 442E1-4 2 E 1 -4 VATTEMARE's exhibition V A T T E M A R E ’s ex h ib itio n m: VIA VIA/9D2 m: /9D 2 VAUGHAN, V A U G H A N , Benjamin B enjam in to Parker P arker Cleaveland: C leaveland: 1832, Dec16 1832, D ec 16 V IIIA /3 B 1 0 -11 VIIIA/3B1011 1833, Jan 88 V IIIA /3 B 112-Cl 2 -C 1 VIIIA/3B 1832,Jul XIA/12A11-14 1832, Ju l 17 17 X IA /1 2 A 1 1 -14 1833, Jan 88 X IA /1 2 B 2 -5 XIA/12B2-5 V A U G H A N , John Jo h n VAUGHAN, s/Invitation to .S . H o u se ooff s/Invitation to UU.S. House R epresentatives: Representatives: 17%, D Dec13 1796, ec 13 IIA/20G12 11A120G12 s/Loan from American s/Loan fro m A m erican Philosophical P hilosophical C W P: Society to CWP: 1801, Ju l 27 27 IIA /24E 12-F 1 1801,Jul IIA/24E12-F1 s/R eport on W P: s/Report on Loan Loan to to C CWP: 1801, Aug21 IIA/24F8-9 1801, A ug 21 IIA /2 4 F 8 -9 to ThomasJefferson: T hom asJefF erson: 1801, IIA/24G11-12 1801, Nov19 N o v 19 IIA /24G 11—12 to William W illiam D u n b ar: Dunbar: 1801, Dec10 hIA/25A2-3 1801, D ec 10 IIA /2 5 A 2 -3 C W P to Thomas T hom asJefF erson: and CWP Jefferson: Jan 11 1802, Jan IIA/25A10 M r. Oliphant: O liphant: to Mr. 1803, Jul 24 IIA/28B5 1803, Jul24 s/R eport of o f Lease P hilosophical s/Report Lease on on Philosophical Hall to CWP: H all to C W P: A ug 17 17 IIA /3 1 E 6 -7 1804, Aug thA/31E6-7 Hamilton: to Paul P aul H am ilto n : 1811,0ct23 XD/1A5 1811, O c t 23 X D /1A 5 s/R eport: s/Report: 1812, Feb 7 1812, IIA /51A 12-B 1 IIA/51Al2-B1 s/R esolution ooff C o m m itte e : s/Resolution Committee: IIA/66G4-5 1822, M May 1822, ay 3 IIA /6 6 G 4 -5 s /C u ra to r’s Reports, R e p o rts, Academy A cadem y of of s/Curator's Natural N atu ral Sciences: Sciences: 1826, D ec 26 VIIIA/2B10-C2 V IIIA /2 B 1 0 -C 2 1826, Dec26 to ark er Cleaveland: C leaveland: to PParker VIIIA/2F7-8 1829, ept 23 V IIIA /2 F 7 -8 1829, SSept23 eetal. ta l. to Mahlon M ah lo n Dickerson: D ickerson: VIHAI4D911 1836, ept 16 16 V IH A /4D 9-11 1836, SSept to Mahlon M ah lo n Dickerson: D ickerson: 1836, c t 14 14 V IIIA /4 E 1 4 -F 2 1836, O Oct VIIIAI4EI4-F2
to Charles C harles Wilkes: W ilkes: 1838, Ju Jul31 l 31
eta!, et al.
VIIIA/6G7 VIUA/6G7 R atterso n , Receipt R eceipt to CWP C W P and: and: R.. PPatterson, 18 IIA /2 2 C 7 -8 1799, Feb 18 UA/22C7-8 R. R . Patterson, P atterso n , Authorization A u th o rizatio n to to pay pay C W P and RaP: CWP 1799, Aug IIA/22E910 1799, A u g 13 13 IIA /2 2 E 9 -10 R . Patterson, P atterso n , Receipt R eceip t to to CWP C W P and: and: R. 1799, AAug21 1799, u g 21 IIA /2 2 E 1 2 -1 4 IIA/22E12-14 1799, Dec26 IIA/22G9-10 1799, D ec 26 IIA /2 2 G 9 -1 0 1800, M Mar3 1800, ar 3 IIA /2 3 B 1 -2 IIA/23B1-2 1800, J u l 8 IIA /2 3 C 8 -9 1800,Jul IIA/23C8-9 Thomas Jefferson to CWP T hom asJefF erson to C W P and: and : 1802,Jan IIA/25B4-5 1802, Jan 13 13 IIA /2 5 B 4 -5 CWP C W P to: 1810, Mar3 1810, M ar 3 IIA/49A2 hIA/49A2 1821, MarS IIA/65F13 1821, M ar 5 F.A. M Michaux, F.A. ich au x , List L ist of o f books b o o k s for: nn.d. .d . IIA /7 3 F 9 -G 2 hIA/73F9-G2 ReP R eP to: to: 1827,Ju Jun29 1827, n 29 V IA /4 G 3 -4 VIA/4G3-4 c t 11 V IA /7 G 2 -3 1838, O Oct VIA/7G2-3 T R P to: to: TRP 1834, Jan 17 VIIIA/3D4 17 VIIIA /3D 4 John K. TTownsend to: Jo h n K. o w n sen d to: 1838, Jan Jan20 VILIA/6F5 1838, 20 VIIIA/6F5 m: m: IIA/12A9, IIA/12A9,112B10-14, 2 B 1 0 -1 4 , 12C5-7, 1 2 C 5 -7 , 112C11-12, 2 C 1 1 - 12, 226F6-10, 6 F 6 - 10, 228E8-10, 8 E 8 - 10, 2 9 D 7 - 8 , 33E3-7, 3 3 E 3 -7 , 33F3-4, 3 3 F 3 -4 , 29D7-8, 334C6-7, 4 C 6 - 7 ,3 4 F 6 - 7 ,3 5 G 7 -12, 1 2 ,38E4, 34F6-7, 35G738E4, 42B13, 42B13, 445B95 B 9 - 12, 12, 45B134 5 B 1 3 -114, 4, 4 6 D 7 -1 2 , 55E1-6, 5 5 E 1 -6 , 55E7-12, 5 5 E 7 -1 2 , 46D7-12, 55F11—14, 5 G 1 - 5 , 556E8-F3, 6 E 8 -F 3 , 55F11-14, 555G1-5, 65F14, 65F14,667B10-11, 7 B 1 0 -1 1 , 669F13-G3, 9 F 1 3 -G 3 , 71A7, 771E8-9, 71A7, 1 E 8 -9 , 71E10-11; 7 1 E 1 0 - 11; IIB/22 IIB/22 (p. I A /2 D 1 0 - 11, 33D4-7, D 4 -7 , (p. 64); 64);VVIA/2D10-11, 7 G 4 -5 ; (Add.)/1Al2-B1; (A d d .)/1 A 1 2 -B l; 7G4-5; VIIA/2E14-F3; V IIA /2 E 1 4 -F 3 ; VIIIA/2E11-14, V IIIA /2 E 1 1 -1 4 , 2 F 3 -6 , 3B10-11, 3 B 1 0 -1 1 , 33C5-6, C 5 -6 , 2F3-6, 3C113 C 1 1 - 13, 1 3 ,33F2-5, F 2 - 5 , 4A2, 4A 2, 6F7-8, 6 F 7 -8 , 8 C 1 1 - 1 3 ,1 0 E 8 - 9 ; XC/1A7, X C /1A 7, 8C11-13, 10E8-9; 11G6-7; G 6 -7 ; X I A /1 A 7 - 14, 1IBI-3, B 1 -3 , XIA/1A7-14, 55E12-G4, E 1 2 -G 4 , 12A6-8 1 2 A 6 -8 VAUGHAN, V A U G H A N , Petty P etty to M . Patterson: P atterson: to R R.. M. IXA/9A7-8 1841, 1841, NNov18 o v 18 IX A /9 A 7 -8 VAUGHAN, V A U G H A N , Samuel Sam uel s/CW P, C ertificate ooff M e m b ersh ip in in sICWP, Certificate Membership A m erican P h ilo so p h ical Society: American Philosophical IIA/14C131786, l 21 IIA /1 4 C 1 3 - 14 14 1786, Ju Jul21 m m:: IIA hIA/26D13-E3, /2 6 D 1 3 -E 3 , 27 27C3, C 3 , 227C4-5; 7 C 4 -5 ; VIIIA/3B1011 V IIIA /3 B 1 0 -11 VAUGHAN, V A U G H A N , William W illiam C W P to: CWPto: IIA/27G1 1803, Ju Junn 4 IIA/27G4 1803, Ju Junn 4 m: /2 6 F 6 -10, 7 E 4 -77,, 27F82 7 F 8 -10, 10, m: IIA hIA/26F610, 227E4227F11-14, 7 F 1 1 - 14, 227G6-7; 7 G 6 -7 ; VIIA/1D3-6, V IIA /1 D 3 -6 , 11D12-14 D 1 2 - 14 V A U Q U E L IN , Lewis L ew is Nicholas N ich o las VAUQUELIN, m: IID/30 m: IIA/48F1-2,48F3-7; 11A148F1-2, 48F3-7; hlD/30 (p. 52); 52); XIA1I7CI3 XIA/17C13 V A U X , (Mr.) (Mr.) VAUX, BFP B FP to: to: IXA/22C3 n .d ., Nov10 N o v 10 IX A /22C 3 n.d., m: hIB/5 IIB/5 (p. 38) 38)
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The Peale Peale Family F am ily Papers Papers The