The Church of Santa Trinita in Florence gt54kn46p

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Table of contents :
Preface (page v)
I. Background: The Vasari Tradition (page 3)
II. Recent Studies and Excavations—1957-1958 (page 6)
III. The Church that Nicola Pisano Did Not Build: Santa Trinita IV (page 31)
Appendix I. Rising Masonry and Foundations (page 41)
Appendix II. Membra Disiecta (page 43)
Illustrations (page 47)
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The Church of Santa Trinita in Florence

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Carnegie Institute of Technology Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania




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The publication of this monograph __ : : | has been aided by a grant from the Samuel H. ‘Kress Foundation

Copyright 1966

| by College Art Association All Rights Reserved L.C. Card No. 66-27568

PREFACE His study was carried out during a two-year period of research in Italy, 1956-1958, supported by a Fulbright Fellowship. The work was aided by supplementary grants from New York University and the Phyllis Lambert Architectural Research and Publication Fund directed by Professor Richard Krautheimer. An earlier version of this report was accepted in October 1960 by the faculty of the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of

Doctor of Philosophy.

The manuscript benefited materially from a critical review by Dr. Friedrich Oswald, then at the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florence (1961). His observations led me to alter my initial interpretations in several important respects. I am grateful to him for his interest and advice and specific reference to his contributions will be made in the notes where appropriate. The permission to carry out the necessary excavations was granted by Dott. Alfredo Barbacci, then Soprintendente ai Monumenti delle Provincie di Firenze, Arezzo e Pistoia, through the interest and cooperation of the present Soprintendente, Arch. Guido Morozzi. My collaborator, Mrs. Phyllis Dearborn Massar, gave generously of her time and talent in executing the photographs for Figs. 2, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 11. Dott. Berta Leggeri, Florence, prepared the plans of the excavation and produced the measured survey of the church. Messrs. R. Pagliero, G. Sixta, R. Singh, A. El Mously and Miss S. Abigadol, Department of Architecture, Carnegie Institute of Technology as well as Mr. A. Frazer, Pough-

keepsie, were helpful in the revision of the plans. Mr. David Eisenhauer, Stockholm, assisted in a final revision of the plans and executed additional drawings. A word of warm appreciation must go to Professor Ulrich Middeldorf, Director of the Kunsthistorisches Institut, Florence, for his personal assistance on many occasions and to the members of his staff for their continuous interest and cooperation. To the tireless editor of this series, Professor Horst W. Janson, go the author’s thanks for his unfailingly prompt and expert advice and assistance in the final preparation of the text and the

figures. , | , HS.

I Tatti, Florence July, 1964



I. Background: The Vasari Tradition 3

Dates, Documents and Sources 3 Nineteenth Century Restorations and Discoveries 4

General Problems 6 The Carolingian Origins: Trinita I 7

II. Recent Studies and Excavations—1957-1958 6

Trinita [I—ca. 1060 to ca. 1180 9

a Martyrium Church: Trinita Ila—ca. 1060 IO Crypt, Choir and the Vallombrosians: Trinita IIb—1092f. 15

The Casa Solariata Wall 18 The Missing Link: Trinita [1I—ca. 11756. 19 A Mid-Thirteenth Century Project? 20

The Fresco and the Interior Facade Excavations 1957-1958 24 21 |

Trinita 111: Summary 28

Two Head Consoles 31 Capital Studies 32

III. The Church that Nicola Pisano Did Not Build: Santa Trinita IV 31

MasonryChronology Studies 35 Tentative 37 | Trinita IV: A Re-evaluation 37

Trinita I 41 Rising Masonry ,AI Al , Foundations Trinita Ila AI

Appendix I. Rising Masonry and Foundations 4I

Rising Masonry |AI AI Foundations

Trinita IIb | AI , | Trinita III © AI Trinita IV AI EarlyPhase. Phase 42 AI | Later Appendix Il. Membra Disiecta | 43 Illustrations 47 Later Additions and Restorations , 42




Oo CHAPTER I , a Dares, DocuMENTs AND SouRCES : HEN the present church of Santa Trinita in Florence (Pls. 1, 11, Figs. 2, 5-8) was built,

\ \ | it took the place of a preceding church. Little else regarding the history of this building

is certain. Vasari, casting about for a date and attribution for the existing church, stated | flatly that it was built by Nicola Pisano “in the year the Guelfs came back to Florence.”” According to Giovanni Villani, who, however, does not mention either the church or Nicola Pisano, this event can be fixed in the year 1250-1251.” Considering that we have no documented architectural works by Nicola Pisano, and considering, further, the predominantly fourteenth century character of the present church, this date and attribution would seem at first glance to deserve no more than an attempt to explain it. But Vasari’s suggestion has had a long and checkered history. The next attempt to define the history of the building is due to the Abbot Averardo Niccolini.

In an inventory report to his Roman superior sent off in 1650, he set down the results of his historical research which he recopied into a manuscript of 1661 now in the Florentine archives.* Niccolini, basing himself on some archival material and “la crononica [sic] affissa nella nostra chiesa alla capella della Pieta” presented five dates: 800, 1222, 1227, 1250 and 1327. Santa Trinita, he reports, was one of twelve collegiate churches in Florence founded in 800 or 810 by Charlemagne. According to a now lost “Libro di Ricordanze in Ripoli, segn. AO a carte 68,” Pope Gregory IX made a dedication at the church on September 27, 1222. The “crononica” stated that Gregory IX granted “Duso dei pontificiali .. . Panno 1227, terzo del suo pontificato.” Niccolini , doubted the accuracy of this report, probably in part because 1227 was actually the year of Gregory IX’s elevation and in part because other records report the granting of the “pontificiali”? much later, in the fifteenth century.* Obviously basing himself on Vasari, Niccolini then related that

“fu restaurata questa [chiesa] nell’anno 1250. Fu dato il disegnio di questo tempio da Nicola Pisano e condotta a fine acconciamente come si vede.”” Giamboni in his Diario sacro,° indicates that Gregory’s dedication should be dated December

27, 1227 because December 27 marks the annual festa principale of the church. An entry in the notes of Senator Carlo Strozzi’ gives the date December 27, 1237, possible since Gregory reigned , until 1241. The date 1237 is repeated by Richa® who added the information, gleaned from Giambon, that Gregory IX granted a plenary indulgence to the church. Two other dates belong in this discussion: 1257 and/or 1258. Senator Strozzi reports in several places in his notes about a piece of marble, apparently round, with an abaco, i.e., a monogrammatic inscription, forming the number “MCCLVIII.” In one place Strozzi states that the abaco is “al 1. G. Vasari, Le vite de’ pit eccellenti pittori ed architettori, on the Main, 1940-1955, V, p. 320 n. 10. Hereafter, Paatz

G. Milanesi, ed., Florence, 1878-1885, I, p. 3033 #dem, K. (followed by Vol. No.). This notice was reported by H. Frey, ed., Munich, 1911, 1, p. 666. Cf. also pp. 575, 824f. Siebenhuener (Arch. di Stato, Firenze, Carte Strozziane, Repert. 2. G. Villani, Cronica, ed. Sansoni, Florence, 1844, VI, 42: eccl. 554 B. 112).

January 7, 1250, i.e., 1251 stile comune, | 8. G. Richa, Chiese, 111, p. 149: dedication, December 27, | 3. C. Botto, “Note e documenti sulla chiesa di S. Trinita in 1237 “... giusta il Sig. Manni, il Giamboni, e la tradizione Firenze,” Rivista d’Arte, XX, 1938, pp. 2-4. Hereafter, Botto, del Monastero. . . .” Since Richa could find no notice of

1938. | | Gregory IX in Florence in the years around 1237 in Villani

| 4. G. Richa, Notizie istoriche delle chiese fiorentine, Flor- or L’Ammirato, he added: “. . . convien dire, che da lui fosse ence, 1755, Ill, pp. 149-150; D. M. Manni, Osservazioni fatta questa consecrazione negli anni, che fu egli Legato in | istoriche .. . sopra sigilli antichi de’ secoli basst, Florence, Toscana, colla quale dignita trovasi appellato nelle memorie

1743, XIV, p. 24. Hereafter, Richa, C'hiese. de’ Capitoli generali di Vallombrosa Prestde D. Ugolino Card. |

5. C. Botto, 1938, pp. 2-4. | | Ostien. in partibus Tuscie Legato, nel qual caso sarebbe di

1700, p. E.284. however, the date 1227. 7. W. and Paatz, Die Kirchengave von Florenz, Frankfort |||

6. L. A. Giamboni, Diario sacro e guida perpetua, Florence, uopo correggere il millesimo.” Giamboni (0f.ciz., p. 284),

4 THE CHURCH OF SANTA TRINITA IN FLORENCE - fianco” of the church;° elsewhere it is “sopra la porta.””® Both may be correct. Richa refers to a “tondo di marmo come un/’ostia con lettere .. . accanto alla porta di mezzo,” but reads the date as “MCCLVII,” probably an error after Strozzi." All agree that the plaque was removed when Buontalenti built the present facade after 1592. The “tondo” was apparently too small a detail to be included in the view of the facade as it was until its demolition after 1592, represented in the fresco by Domenico Ghirlandaio in the Sassetti Chapel in Santa Trinita (Fig. 3). There is finally another date reported by Niccolini, the year 1327: another consecration, by

Pope John XXII. ,

Summing up, we have the following dates: 800/810 (Niccolini); September 27, 1222 (Niccolini-Ripoli archives); 1227 (Niccolini-“crononica”); December 27, 1227 (Giamboni); December 27, 1237 (Strozzi-Richa); 1250-51 (Vasari-Niccolini); 1257 or 1258 (Strozzi-Richa) ;

1327 (Niccolini-“crononica’’). | Only a few other points of chronological reference are available: The church is first mentioned in a document of 1077.” The Vallombrosians took possession of it in 1092."* A document of 1124

refers to a casa solariata ... wxta ecclesiam Sancte Trinitatis.’ In 1178 the church received the jus parrochiale, a few years after it was enclosed in the expanded city wall. The parish was enlarged a few years later.*® In 1277, the monks bought some houses in the Via Parione to build a hospital.” Cimabue painted his great Madonna for Santa Trinita around 1285." Meetings were held in the

church in 1289 and 1301.*° A later-demolished chapel of Saints James and Benedict is mentioned in a document of 1318. Its location is not identified.’ Dino Compagni, the Florentine chronicler and politician was reportedly buried in the still-existing fourth chapel on the left side of the church in 1324. A seventeenth century inscription in the first left-hand chapel (Strozzi) declares that the chapel was extructum in 1340." There is ample documentation of an extensive rebuilding of the church beginning around 1360, rebuilding which goes far beyond simple “repairs.”

: , NINETEENTH CENTURY REsTORATIONS AND DISCOVERIES | After the construction of the sacristy in the fifteenth century’ and two small chapels at the southern end of the transept in the early sixteenth century, the only major addition to the existing church was the impressive exterior facade built by Buontalenti in 1592.” g. Florence, Bibl. Nazionale, Cod. Strozziano 1x, 127, fol. the Cimabue Madonna was not planned for the main altar of 111 (reported by Gronau). - Santa Trinita. | |

10. Arch, di St., Firenze, Carte Strozziane, Repert. eccl. 18. Richa, CAzese, 111, pp. 141-142. |

555, +B. 111: “Sopra la Porta di detta Chiesa eragia in un 19. Cf. Botto, 1938, p. 13. Botto cites a different dedication pezzetto d’Marmo queste figure d’Abbacco MCCLVIII, che for the chapel: SS. Filippo e Jacopo. So still Paatz v, p. 259. fu levato anno 1594 con l’Occasione di rifare la Facciata.” The document of 1318 (Arch. di St., Firenze, Conventi, 224, 11. G. Richa, Chiese, 111, p. 143: “. . . accanto alla porta Fa. 222, c. 170, doc. 70) which survives in a 17th century di mezzo, innanzi che fosse rinnovata di pietre, vedevosi un copy, actually reads Cappella Sanctorum Jacobi et Benedicti. tondo di marmo come un’ostia con lettere, che formavano il 20. Richa, C’/iese, 111, p. 165. Cf. Paatz v, p. 322 n. 18.

seguente millesimo: MCCLVII.” - | Unpublished research by Dr. Friedrich Oswald suggests that

12. A. Cocchi, Le chiese di Firenze, Florence, 1903, 1, pp. | Compagni may not have been buried here in 1324 as generally 167f.: an act is notarized ... foras muros florentie civitatis believed, since the chapel apparently did not pass into possession

prope ecclesiam sancte trinitatis . . . (Arch. di St., Firenze, of the Compagni family until 1434.

Diplomatico, Badia a Ripoli, 1077, 19 luglio). a1. Cf. A. Cocchi, Le chiese di Firenze, Florence, 1903, | 13. Cf, Paatz Vv, Pp. 319 n. 73 Botto, 1938, p- 2. p. 188, hereafter, Cocchi, Chiese; Richa, Chiese, Ill, p. 1643 14. R. Davidsohn, Geschichte von Florenz, 1, Berlin, 1896f., Paatz v, p. 377 n. 309. According to Richa (111, p. 161),

. p. 731 n. 13 cf. also R. Piattoli, ed. Regesta chartarum the chapel was originally the property of the Carducci and Italiae. XXII. Le carte della Canonica della Cattedrale di was inherited by the Strozzi in the 15th century. | Firenze (723-1149), Rome, 1938, pp. 408f., doc. 169. 22. Cited in part by G. Carocci, “A proposito dei restauri

15. Documents: Botto, 1938, p. 2 n. 3. di S. Trinita,” Arte e Storia, 111, 1884, pp. 251f.; E. Mar-

16. D. M. Manni, Sigilli antichi, x1v, p. 20. Cf. R. Bal- cucci, “Restauri di S..Trinita,” Arte e Storia, Iv, 1885, daccini, “S. Trinita nel periodo gotico,” Rivista d’Arte, pp. 74f. In extenso: Botto, 1938. Cf. also Paatz v, pp. 328f.

XXVII, 1951-1952, p. 49 n. 6. Hereafter, Baldaccini, 1951- nn. 4of.

1952. | | 22a. Cf. H. Saalman, “The Palazzo Comunale in Monte-

| 17. For a discussion of the attribution and the date, cf. pulciano,” Zedtschrift fiir Kunstgeschichte, XXV1I1, 1965, pp.

_ Paatz v, p. 383 n. 382. Prof. Wolfgang Lotz has suggested 5 ff. | orally that iconographical reasons lead him to suspect that 23. Paatz v, pp. 262, 336 n. 85.

THE CHURCH OF SANTA TRINITA IN FLORENCE 5 From 1881 to 1897 the church underwent a restoration during which some Baroque accretions , | were destroyed or removed.” After this face-lifting the interior appearance of the building approximated its pre-sixteenth century state, but a number of arbitrary elements had been added, e.g., the horizontal strips articulating the piers and the upper oculus in the interior fagade wall (Figs. 7880).”> The insertion of this oculus apparently led to the discovery that the interior facade wall contained parts of an older smaller church.”* Though composed of several unhomogeneous parts (cf. pp. 23f. below), this wall has generally been considered to be im toto the interior facade of an eleventh century church on the site. It was left exposed after the restoration (Figs. 8, 9, 10, 43).

The pavement of the church had been raised 40cm in 1820 after repeated flooding of the building. With the danger of flooding largely eliminated after the construction of the present high Arno embankments in the middle of the nineteenth century, the pavement was restored to its

present level in the 1880’s. , ,

, A tomb excavation in 1820 had led to the rediscovery of a substructure below the fourth bay of the southern (left-hand) aisle. In 1885-1887 this area was explored. A trefoil structure extending across the nave with an apparent level 2.97m under the present pavement with windows respectively 1.71 and 1.78m above the —2.97m level came to light.” At a point 1.49m above the lower level, 1.48m under the present pavement and directly adjoining the trilobe structure, the cut-off stumps of two trefoil piers, evidently related to the interior facade laid bare at this time, were unearthed. The piers are built up of blocks of verde di Prato and are very similar to piers in San Miniato and other eleventh century churches in Florence. The existence of colonettes and their

bases indicate that the trefoil substructure had served as a hall crypt at some time. It is generally , referred to as the “crypt.” This underground complex was restored, revaulted and made accessible by a modern set of narrow steps leading down from the fourth nave bay (Pls. m1, 1v, Figs. 11-23).

No detailed excavation report, drawings or photographs were published.” 24. The controversies surrounding this restoration are fettura di Firenze, 1890, Filza 64! and 64%, Serie 1, Categ. chronicled in the artistic journals of the period. Cf. particu- 16. Istruzione 39. Belle Arti, Chiesa di Santa Trinita, Lavori) larly Guido Carocci’s Arte e Storia in the years 1881ff. Cf. in Florence in the spring of 1961. Neither the drawings nor also P. Franceschini, I nuovo osservatore fiorentino, 188sf., the written report throw much additional light on the question p. 453 tdem, Del restauro al tempio di S, Trinita in Firenze, of the previous state of the building with one important exFlorence, 1898; Don F. Tarani, Cenni storichi e artistichi ception. It appears that the upper of the two round windows della chiesa di 8, Trinita e suo restauro, Florence, 1897. For visible on the facade interior is a product of Commendatore Castellazzi’s idea of what should be done, including a recom- _Castellazzi’s imagination, evidently intended to let more light position of the “Gothic” facade, cf. G. Castellazzi, La basilica into the nave. On the horizontal strips, cf. note 181 infra. ai S. Trinita, i suot tempi e il suo restauro, Florence, 1887, = 26. G. Carocci, Arte e Storia, Vil, 1887, pp. 7, 16. plate facing p. 33. A key document in this connection is the 27. G. Carocci, Arte e Storia, VII, 1888, pp. 50, 64.

report made by a special committee of experts set up in the = 28. Among the drawings (Figs. 78-80) in the archives wake of criticisms of the restorer Castellazzi’s plans: G. Poggi, of the Soprintendenza ai Monumenti in Florence there is a G. Milanesi, L. Del Moro and E. Marcucci, Imtorno al pro- curiously inadequate rendering of the “crypt” together with getto di restauro della chiesa di S. Trinita, presentato dal Prof. a hypothetical reconstruction of the plan of Trinita II, apparComm. Giuseppe Castellazzt. Relazione della Sotto-Commis- ently made at the time of the reconstruction work in 1887stone dt Vigilanza alla Commissione Consultiva Conservatrice 1888 carried out under the aegis of the ‘“Sottocommissione

dt Belle Arti per la Provincia di Firenze, Florence, June, di Vigilanza” composed of Poggi, Milanesi and Del Moro. 1885. The recommendations of the subcommission of 1885 Whether the square foundations (?) marking the bays of — were followed in full. The full history of the restoration is Trinita II are based on excavations in the nave (which was documented in the pratiche of the Florentine Prefettura pre- then still without its modern pavement), is unclear. A survey

served in the Archivio di Stato (cf. note 25 infra). of the restoration documents during these years (cf. note 25)

25. Dr. F. Oswald found Castellazzi’s preliminary report indicates that in the rush to finish up the long-drawn-out affair and plans of 1885 in the archives of the Soprintendenza ai the restorers spent little time in making careful archaeological

Monumenti and the Archivio di Stato, Florence (ASF, Pre- _ studies. :


/ RECENT STUDIES AND EXCAVATIONS—1957-1958 | | — INCE the restorations of 1885-1897, some or all of the recognized structures presently or S formerly on the site of Santa Trinita have received attention. Three more recent authors, J Botto,” Paatz® and Baldaccini™ have dealt with the complex in detail. The present writer _ returned to the problem in the summer of 1957, prompted by some unanswered questions and the

opportunity offered by repair work in the “crypt.” , The studies comprised test excavations in October, 1957 and a more extensive campaign of excavations in February-March, 1958. The results, while leaving some questions pending, have given an entirely new face to the problem. The purpose of this monograph is to present a detailed _ report of these excavations and to summarize their significance for the successive building periods.

7 | GENERAL PROBLEMS , Some problems encountered in the excavations may be mentioned briefly. Directly under the brick pavement consisting of roughly 10 x 25cm brick guadromi, laid in a herringbone pattern when the original church level was restored in the 1880's, a roughly 40cm deep footing of river stones lies on a 25cm deep layer of dry fill. Below this a layer of hard, tightly packed red clay fill mixed with stone, glass, metal and pottery fragments extends to a depth of about 3m (equivalent to the river level less than 75m away). These fragments date from all periods, but appear to be © largely of the seventeenth, eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Relatively few areas under the

| church can be considered as untouched since burials continued in all parts of the church until the early nineteenth century. Except in the chapels, the graves are no longer marked, for all tombstones in the pavement of the nave and aisles were removed around 1820 when the pavement was

, raised, but tombs are ubiquitous throughout the aisles and transept. With a few exceptions, the tombs were filled in around 1820 or when the pavement was lowered in the 1880s. Mostly dating from the seventeenth or eighteenth centuries, they are generally rectangular, up to 2 x 4m in size and usually 2 to 3m deep. They are built of two to three brick thicknesses, vaulted and nearly

, indestructible. Of little inherent interest and containing almost no objects of archaeological or artistic value, these tombs presented the major obstacle that was encountered. They often penetrate to the lowest level of existing structural remains, obliterating all earlier masonry. Some are

, partly constructed of stones robbed from the earlier surrounding walls. ,

_ All work was under the author’s supervision. Only dirt and stone fill was removed and sifted. Some of the stone, mosaic and marble fragments and pottery sherds found dispersed in the fill and the lower clay levels are of limited interest and will be discussed in Appendix II. Rising stone masonry was excavated to its foundations where possible. Foundations were generally excavated to a depth of at least 2m. Mortar between stones was removed only where necessary to define the sequence of adjoining walls. The present church pavement level is taken as - 0.00 m.

29. Botto, 1938. , ihr geschichtlicher Hintergrund,” Mitt. Kunsthist. Inst, Flo30. W. Paatz, “Die gothische Kirche S. Trinita in Florenz,” rengz, v1, 1940, pp. 33f.; W. and E. Paatz, Die Kirchen von in Adolf Goldschmidt zu seinem 70. Geburtstag, 15. Jan. 1933, Florenz, v, pp. 257ff.

Berlin, 1935, pp. 113f.3 idem, Werden und Wesen der Tre- 31. R. Baldaccini, “S, Trinita nel periodo romanico,” centoarchitektur in Toskana, Burg b. M., 1937, hereafter, Rivista d’Arte, XXvI, 1950, pp. 23f., hereafter Baldaccini, Paatz, Trecentoarchitektur; idem, “Die Hauptstrémungen in 1950; “S. Trinita nel periodo gotico,” Rivista d’Arte, Xxvul, der florentiner Baukunst des friihen hohen Mittelalters und 1951-1952, pp. 57-91.


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te oi) ey eee See ise RASTER Gh CoD RAG, fh NY. 2B. Nee f oe Wan oe Joa ‘aas/ Na ae aan |

By oe. kt J eRe eoi eg oe Phun pore CT ECR Cy deecrdep ERP aa aetoro BPP(Meta, SS aKae %.oe; ye Ee Nan 5 Yeeepas ited 9 ae | We ONL leniihamdeh inten . | eS i oti RR eaefae, fae eae Nee Vi AZ icu Le aaeOn hae bt |2Mi Agee see a ase ee: ici: me oSBe[occa ae iBEi ee ||Mey AS67 =ai 5¢A “ONG eee | ‘Lia éhgF‘if eee Ne: ———_—_aa See ae Hi} to J ya eee ee ae He ee oleae a ¥ ; 5 & } iB pects nearer pee ee te nae ies Ere epee Ps ee he ue gst =}. $ ry. Vo TY Ee mae pi aoe: ~ . , eee aeeaee&1oo ey .Ahe1 Va —————— Gitimaes : Eee % .| Eo CN a 5Ne j i ike i Spy eee cee HY ae «|| moRE 4 ee aia ’“)i #% i Nee, Li ai NRA 3 ae ¥ 4 i f 4 3 3 He Y £4 f j teal a yaa i] eee je 3 3 aa e s ‘ sto = % 4 SA ei fe 1% res i “ { s a> cs petiay Bs " a ¢ i) 4 q j s

) aT SS Sc Cae eae ee eee aah (LL eee US el Ng | He |

7, ee .ntSh ieee 7 ans, nmenae rif =a] Se eae RaeSe seeotee‘Beer Spe 2 Li Fe age ae) SAO Xe of ¥ ya./i ZF k te;SRO | care Sere 5 i eraser Leaei Ss ital 1RE boii zs aaeFEC fRe eh aii fe AY Yale : eae: 3 ae ess seeders) ie eS Be-eet TaAEE Sa :vr= pores dic, te ony7 =me |3£9 ;a3 »)SS UeSy ada “€ 4 ‘i 2eels —= | Se ace Oi : 5 H ee ak 9 fit proton sop Se eye ne Hy a von , : 8 ie Fee Kae “a B Au € ve as ¢ ; oe pe om

:ei+.yn ttERE ik Ve5Une IG ru See APR? aech pies |ae Psans be as |fae z :pee 8ree ‘7—ide ME aS4H like | gee fFaBS oar Re eepoe ea 8m4) fe\f oe isbs ae B Ik. 2Hea e aS isae =tdaSG is ii © 5Pass aEN ytaese ied a ane A f eve HI 1|Hs £ i|ifjiSee: = ols | SARS Shag PRS ER SO Se Sa is rey’ 3 i if Bee her 28 aa ee See! Owes aera bree.) | Bare : BS ie* = ioammes = ba y ote Se ae ; 5 : oe: ae - aS ie Fey! (% Nae oss é li ; 3 Reta Sa 2 “ge i oa de ty if SE) s a oe rey : a = 3 u 4 : : anu 3H Ap sia & ;

pails Seg 25 IR ee ae a 1 ae tli PRE? ; : a a |BSS OTE AVE BR SD eee eras Bement Roan) 3 eeeee‘i=1tspies es \\ We ‘ isi lows ‘sg oad

: : ae ja: A aie oy

1, Miracl Francis ee ia ieotoy ; ‘ . osha > 1FaCclLe ofSaint ) oe | CfChapel, ; —— ae ep Be 3. Domenico Ghirlandaio, Santa Trinita, Sassetti | oo 2) 4 Fresco, 1479-1486 (photo: Alinari) — || ~~ Sac he


2 eyGl id Sk x ese — Sas ea ee ae —————————— ee i mee, | nd ay 3TER Z Ss Sey ae eg= Ee i :Be) wae ee¥ — seS:7A cSsi ie | ; * te ie wis teeta os. ae mesic. os) ae oa Be ; ep % Sets F \, te panes Fe oR Sel Be tga Reset ss 4 He Sees « ss ae: Pa.ceeee BIRR 5teeenc ETS ee caeeleeee, eyCevat eee oan a| E; :: ee ry! aeS AL: fe %e, £4 22 ie eS Bs. ib eS vigSe =aez Se j;*ah Se searmios certs SResor eee 1:Peieeee ae et Si de ¥j :Nie ees ’BAY pees |ok ee kca” >a )RE ol eeentipied Py Seen Yeu : ee ak Ee Eee.oes weet Geoe ee silage oo eaten geet, ao aes ea gneS X~3a £3a4 a, eh eas shetty: ma ge Eos ee| ae | Sages ©q

eIa aTe hee es oe coe Mem aaege eee 1ak 7 BB See ee éSe iin SURE a Jee SS a GRD tees i= oe : eh eS er ed | sles Dice ey ae ae ea Se eee ’ ai2 ee OR ae Oe * Ae By wee ee FS oh 2 Lin ee ly: a ee) i a: # 3bad > sees aeeeSee cena Ue th 4ait aeas taeaShee ye ee Be EF SSS sn eee POE ‘a. ae -seasOe eee ’ : aas” zs ie erat Sore

pee ee eae JSS Peetwee aeae €teF:E-3 go aPResee 3° a? see = maaan j as Bethe Soe Sikesoe ©' ==Ri=Ee] si{Esieeereees: ak efi: pee: ee aa aiesof beeapaet ¥ -Ae ah ees et eee ak EY Ria: el f:sdEye aie8ee ——S —aeteSa 4(22522 ‘igen ; 3:vrs }jiexoN a aay ; PRG Saiad ohhe: ewirc eeG ae a. rine

- ae peor oe Bee Seen: 9 ae ae = ee Se BY Pat Asa at : Zs

: a~‘aees & aOS) ye aeSN ae Se cane vi aeig ee nate es5 5. Interior toward tee euSeDs pee AEEpee ian neesada LE Seine Bo SS alan .: 4Santa 3 h,ge 7 Trinita, :ab ;erg Be eg ae eeoe oer DR staeree 1Z Pe ie TeafSeHet ae taHeh en ee te fh Saar: Phyllis Dearborn Massar) pe ee Se ee ee siseoak Ea Peee” b ee ae: Spee pSAE ee 2 iPe < Pe coee aN pee, ee taGE 4os 3hoto:

Fs § ee ee ll Cs ae ee

i fi of eee: at. ee ee ee . eee fess : 8PY we eeetalee dGeee Aare ie cet end ;Je an Po} Re, ae gid Post cde aie Set eee eeee Ne2h Reeee RMR ie: a : Stew, Semgs Ae oeaere2ee ee "eh ayHIaeee

;: bs) 4aN > ArSer 7i PN : ea : -£ pee ‘ = Pf ee h Siae : id :Gee Me a oe1ceSi) 4 ae aSes (ee OeGee Te zt ‘&

Less a RP A i 2 ee Ses eee fae ae ee en: WE. Spm bh ee as ; ) ee AX |oe Ls0 se ia;iee . BS ee = Detail ot2ae Fis, 3 (photo :me Brogi Fi ee. a a: % oe Es ga es ae ance: . oe .) es Ps é ae IS aon i eS e = Ay : eee se i ee \ \ ee & 4) Nam DES a: aeeeOe Se eg 2) /) ay Sn | We cmt tgs a ok aae tiieTe asecere aeAe i (AY Rea te Bae ONS ee > Bios 2)Dene ees pee: hale eeVe 4 r \f

rie ke a i a: ia Ne ad LO Oe ar eee ey f ee GaN ge See Fs ee — ou “ae ea I } ce: a2... Gees te, Ree ae ee Si oe ae a { » a : SR Be) ge a g af whee : oeee ‘a ad LY. : : ¥ ; ES CSS ERS tt RPO RE Oo ’ OY 3 Aes ewe ee ey SSO (er be ag fore BST Pe me 2 Bie Beal, AB ore me. = peg DVRS VS 2s Ba

af/f . aeYee oF a om i ecw)enee=eelen AL Se oes

2 | re Te 4 ee |

pele : beGabe ek a)| i +% arG 3soCeotMe ioehee eyee 3 ieee z, sas ¥ 4 2 ig: Bog ae Ue era ears ie : t Ba a ie ; a Bee y }

ae le SON Soe Se ogee ad b i Mase | Be) pte

:OeCee Ee SONOS :po: :seeay see gare eTSe AIRE eeex SE ybPi Rees ;cSai evga ix, yy: 63 Oba * it ea-% ; eeS58 fee atRee Sper ehPE vid ae ot ay | tans Cagstacey : , ee i eeeMae mary F2LES Be ;B2 |mea : ae iigo oiepea aie GO : ¢naa ; nyeae aWh, i ae ‘pentane ana Ts Rae RpReel ae aebe¢ & aUl 1¢(tis a a Yes UIcea apr ny Aa” 5 Be. :Geeta : rt RdSS REC ream ‘sEar aeCS. Hee eeAmi Nn pe 4Etaade aeerTag ORS : oo Bota Viet. eaeSeite nsSener Ru aS ees, unlEF ere / Renae ts oe BoM pet WiA Mea< ceienpy eo: Pepe, AS URES ySais $Bike : ‘ ees FRO u of natch eee ba PME Reo Aeae i8ESSER :=ae : Midi Bee yes ::2 sage f «ta ag Sea aes GFsetae RATS Seca ens _3Users FS SEEN Sento eaeh SEs hyee 48 Sone AogiSon ee ty Ati eeae!ig ‘ Seva i;Se OR Aa)UY : : self ARRAS eaf ecaaee REA, SR, ah >ee|

Be) ge ieBN on ae bee*ee Vint WAS Gain es eae ene éLee ry toga Bae |ae alee Sepaape Te Seo Sy casters oh ay 3, SS ieee | 7: Yeas ; FieLi PRES sSay Ss py Seay aie2c: Chet PENS aNARS i ihi) OPE soaae Bez.tteam ae eas BEX ne Fie 2OR eeeAy Conta eae BE RRR i ea EOI ton kiteBeran ate oi 2 Pason Sg SSC ee pei pike aa3Biles 4h DFae Mice ; J kA SS BiBes Spe ee AS ayeae PA phen Ne BeBe ntes! i 5)SEN ERE ESeoPy TAS csp ER Se aHe nikSerac Me awe ge oy ares i.a |ne : Re OSS yi tame Ae ater ee aBin, Se) Pacross Se eas re |oe: eeaes OE SN shpega i oyface ;"4eS ee wee oeAs! eee eTTRIES FesGnRats re Sete tin MS hh aoGa: Shy deen) Seof33 Sa

Ry fee a ec a ea ae : Re ee “SO A ea fe

Bs Sa ON ef hie. ae ioe Aw wee ek

: PMR fifo fa ie es BUEa if 23 50 ®). sentsaan. AvaOS F Naat PeeWea a Gehy eS hs St Senneney Sf Sm Pega 8 If eeOLN eg) oe SerNace ont ee : etree efOt Sfemt 2 Og beeAE ie 2 j

ee ee Sa Hae *eee PlSS see gets ages SEY bead 1 ne ee ARR TEN Rye / oaRE Gee ia ane She : AR seems oats Bay camcaraatite NG EP en) $F Gee Pein nas ‘ Ca 3 aeRO eA0 Dek eet Pye Sx, Die Kona} iote 5 55 EES aS SR ea aemea 2 f ‘va an atDONE pheAMare aTE ee

,=) wae POET bof Bo salted i Seeat ie:Aen ‘as Sense d&zen ek(ae eeep Pe eI yng fk ows Fi fimmey fees ASh) ul P tS ee ee ‘AYNONE eae oe ; poo ae~Smee eeC3taps PeLocurt 3ee:rae pase Ps fein oesag eee ey Se 2 .Se Se ge= sy C8itSIN Sil: iw © SRM it ss Ht aAle Soi ieee jogachy hedis fay BRS UE eee ee osortFo ‘ ‘@ Pages a pees taFetapee ae eeMais eeMed —:Rob :: tee ;meshes oe | arses: BSS ie

gee ee sate ae * Gime oe ee ie i OF ite aie pices al!

“a *eh}ee ieeo}aaeae. Oi cees| er i apatents ee4 pee ecalae, Ed3ED tia a 3 :|Ap eee -aust: aeeHeim | ‘= moops me ! ert © ae)astaa esee2 Saat : Ri 3 |7 oe RS arteSeem? |; ee :oe Bia Troy Ae. Bec RS ;ee ees MRR 5 eaten ey ; mee o| er Paes eee a he ae oe aor y2 4Sera oot ee ee, pSeee Se ‘ ‘eat See a eS "oe ;oeBee ‘= S255 7anRS ve ae s ee Sr gt He eraSees ee re eae ae?.Pees em cata oe BESS ne phe are aeVie Hed afern ee ONeects ay. “qeaagee Ei: nbay Eeeieee Bow =J a aRa ee ee Bae a ves pees eect Seyret” hae 3esOsLge awe | tian? >Bepie |) Geea Lions Sees 5ROO Ege ks ae. SRR F :sak esr : aSGens igs Mere FretsPgCeoseg CREEL Oe RRshes eeRO : i :eee Ses “ag ag ; ; 7 fj S We bf UNE ROLE ASR ca ;Rr whe 4 ioa ist tee § bags ts TRB we of aa9 “: i aces ee aed ee eS Ns ere Sa Sura Ce rate PR Nae wes Et £ ¥ ‘ z . : Bore ei cee ac Be

ee ph see ge a St ae 7 2 ee ae Be 2 ie ieee. SSE eS A etigt SIRS ee ae Oe RD Eng. Re | sg ie tae a 5

aAtniente anes aya “4 d safe (oY eae » ate ] ae 7 2 } left, Vrinita. ITl. oculus. Indentations at right mark (photo: Phyllis Dearborn Massar) Irinita Il and III masonry ———— 3. ae MRO TRA § ées ae BE. —_12Pesos : aie : =e ;RO: : eotaneaatie | | pees 7 5 Be ; Hep SONOS 5 Sty = RETO wn RSaa] , 4 Bt ei kai Ti al Sue Ge ee eR ee ey ] iA Bi] A i ie | Fe] ead | ——— —— ss ee ga re Me eeeefoes RRS SIRE US SE ae a TE Se BENS: of Se ee Ee eS ek RM| hi RNIN «SRT LONE age- CT en 5pen fon aSa OSS St eke ees on eoe 2t. Re Beene > tt CSTR here Ss tS x ae ~, NS area 7 Yi Fi "8 > Fy = one i a are Yi oe eS aes eer i eee ee s a i mR ecenmcenes Aa Bae En ORES eS : i i Cee Ce aie aaa ees i i RO RS Ags “Liat aera ea oti calaad 3oo a : ernie , ee es Na Meme ie ye ae, | | Eo OR IRE nn, Sez hy Magee | xR meeiaeneniaeh sa ag;=i PS . Le =gl Vat OT OT tic, 0 OE a he roe PX 753 % tds s IRS Sic ne OS ae 6 A In te Sh Neen ade JOS, j hE my ives 8 = ERS iy acaae = ~ eo;a Seen. a eeGeese: nt eee (eet ee Uae AR aeae IE hoee ey lta ae : [sre.meaner ma . Pd toa . ina: fSey flee Woesene eaese ety St hs gee eee Re YS OS eee e=Bee ee .eee stayf Po er eoa eats be) ae aS RS Bey ae : nese asec re a 53 ae: ete aan Bel me ese _ ie, ae et ig SRO ne NE ee4 3 3 ae a st it eet > > an ‘ Lf ml) oh CS : bt Ee +43 +f. _ > * 1 ic) we ay = ia ees eae sok ee re gee os e.g) St ; te, i Sy ; {ie Meee Sees se a 5 2 = ee ot Wine i Bey as.» coemeneee ane? ) “ee ;Si san g57r. = 7 a) ; a Ais +t ; : Me Es fe # 2a A : iS => 1; et he eS: Len’ Ete eee Ses 3ae 1see ;eS % ‘ LETS ie : S/F AREAS, } Sas 0 aot or; he OO ET Sarr J oe pes argh wh bt if « £ sae Bee eas . f Ba So Ee to. Santa Trinita, Upper part of interior facade (Trinita III period). 11. Santa Trinita, “Crypt,” General view north upward extension of Trinita II clerestory. Note contrasting

By 3S a ee er eee “eS: S Peers Bee Sn omen ai, DEE remnrres TEE SL bok Slate taned 3 fi Nes bogeiccsn Fine exam cx BE em pe Sn, A neat ag

oeeeosGa. SVAN ae SES ee a Va eh 00 a Peiz; Ee 2 ae eae -Gr Y a> fees5 as ee ee es

es ‘pre’ E é kere} ‘ Tye is2Uwe $Fee t;Rov Ae 8 (aoa SERRE GL Ae ;{3 / 2‘awaded) Biotec Careers ee rees j cia |feat Be A) BOS ‘LAA NkNC eeyO jah 2S eae Si eas aX Eoeay*ee ba if ha = ytag SESE fh seahagHist ae iee SSRare ao eae dlree 2% eres gine a} y,_eer sa oremc 3Aus yaes ineSes 4 ee 5fired 258: sae ee a A FS ae &3i% gm a # Fs Saas 5 te BS : te aie.) ae Senge Po : cyy ces Seecceee: .*& oseSae¥pyabpoyee SE at2ywy oft TD feai ES we EE ee he ek) NNsees oeet SS eae mie fae” ge pA ea De bbe f: ‘: : aye os NGISe > Se ae Fs reas. iy Poe Bie: “Hf 3 ‘ ‘ at, 75 a) e Fine Bree 3 \ e Fig ye ern Seas Re Grn aa, |Ce LEE teOaeae Te aga “REN ee eer a5 ae \4ge~ me. vis EIS ene teat / 7oh ee) fs pe 4%pear Cee «eee ake she ‘Rea ;eee. ; >Pe oieae eetkaNSeer ee ONeee? ele ze ieRy §PT Ditiuy se) aS ods ;image paeee PL asi Pa &Poke i Mea iey{oAeS i Bieee fh:Enclosure Serene ] : lesi -— |F i« ee Re | =. = eefoe SS oe 13. Santa “Crypt” designed ay 2 i seh Ss \ oa t 25 Aye om ee be . 4 Be : is i —_ es Bp 2 ; BONE ig ta Go Ph cya eee eal SS sass by PCN. uldo OrOZZl, 1957-195 8 ee igi: tsee Do aaaWoe ce =aq+‘tisee :~ ete Bees ET ae + ::Pair aie ee (esr Pa:eh gS aM : ’ae malt aeaeae ee Se Noga yee

Tae : 0ee fe oe :>eit) Se ses ae er Bo a5 NAR ao ei eo —— eee ~ ay Be a ae welt sg. aes XA) . i 5 aioe Sines ec;aee 3 Bray ;“ Pret ; HB, ee ie a ste ae rare ears ée a “ ee 3 BESZ hs ise * ES pss ey = E Sie eae

eyes 3 an } re zg ra = Be a hy .| ae] See 4 os : : Ee Se ee oe et en Be pes od x

Ret 4 Aes oo ES Ss a : “ 4 : eee aieoe Ss Ken on és st oe ::Bi aS ilPee Pe 1 Skie 8kameee |3S 54 fe ES ae, oe > os; Sirs se ; =, : : 5as oeoe Siakeee on | Bet aaaay * or o*|Sees 5aGES (cape aa teni uOae Sher peepes eoSees See : es ooi: ,ee] ;: ee “,RS ‘ nate eSRec: teaD i “Boe eae) ae2pao ie‘~Ty >, : is Reet -tates $ a oo Asis Mee Oe NSSeBe ea : Baki | "Sega | SENLS om RY PEON : 3ikae: a. am: ef 3peepctaess Pe sae ei ae Bee : Sie; cs eeae oees; 7FF - rinita I blocks :y: Vd, : a Pa. aes s Be ee cay dante, az et hon. * Nac pee, oy rs Were aeVa % eee xSEcy =| e=ert. =. PE rage I] * bita Hen a (3 sae se; re AF Yeo, 3ee mri : “or me)te Ses a. i arte: ieeet oeaks eS Se ty 2eee < ae Ste . ‘greens 4Seem ; ~ ‘eee ;Rye é 'fi, :Spee fe Mik eg i, ae Xe Mel gaeed xtatl Het, Sg? Pees © lige Bowe 4 iSa :cgee ae tee ieeS. La :2On pt W all” ? brs i= — :gee . ,Rims Yds 4% epsceses eer A oe Bh. oF Lees Se eat ned ag Reis we 4os ‘ie cys i Re j ee ats; : a2.Be Pe Rove Ne Weg me Satan tig), oemero ath Re“ey ae «Leama raeai : preheat SE, $0) : : SAS Bee : IB aca:Bees | Pe , :high , :_2‘3oe aBs 9 nel. | “ite |= MAREN eaeieee Bae Bias ee Pasi wg Sore hee ae sys eeesSue es— rENt ee“rags Coie ct Jrae eemy tS PRs zs: wae mie ane : .= ae ee a ae AS EN Seek meme" ae eeas wees Oe et es at ¥ese Biiekathy % hoes or }2a aes RASS brs ae SOs Cans ee Bais Ss TE Sek glo asta Beet Rare aa Sere nos = cane Ser 5 : a , , | : : \ ee Bes S ER. es ae pases {ey Nae oe Py = art ie ee sae rer pees Beer peg eo t iS ae Bc ic S ee pe rae

G. lS eae 24 ee ge ee Seta aeom Soe Aw.Sa Rae - ce ADag :ee; iE . ;sp | épaar | :4 ss. 3s aeee oei ae neeSes ies Pas foe Bae ptaoe RUA > Nase AG aur’sa iMieet aDS . »PAGS 4“iaoe rt‘ F. Seaee eee be gar? pe. ea eee a sae ABi is 2 “Jie aie oe tS 5ne oes Metcgne ae pai peseo eer ey 3 peeve eeecs dee? 4=tos oe ‘i Sa ee ye aes EA SHS SAPs in en. aie aS Bie se Bes oe 21 ue ¢- YPSF i ete rams hieee eres hieof ieseae Aisin Boees Ree Peee os SeaL Gee a i) oe wae Bpibeg Rea Site ton ,=: = af ou bots soed tak ee BioiteSis eae ie ge patie at etoeipo eescape owt a ee 3aok;sa;=és. a.. ‘7;: .::| | ba

aes Reach ae ear teen. 2a Seat ee one nti 7 ee 7 c - , i , Me | ae ees Be uae SE (ae Pa ae es pene eee ae i ee ee is = 4 i . : gh d ,

ee :: — Pe :ein By ices =ates 5a 2pe 4% ozy, ge ess aKFPhe «the Pas eee aeotiLae “ k| :ES tieon gee ts ees =en Se ~ Seemnlty Reo 5Sie akon: cewi Si5ieom =a.. ee | i| oe Weer cy Pa edigre aeaeia.! eees ;ae nsae igh Sena ieao =ae ey 3 ésUae : ;Pie 7 oh ; Peg 3nS : . :i% |Pan eeoe Se ash Sag wea: eeieae o.74Sala pat ‘2 =oeAo PER. sRitw et Ph iets os 8be Poti eae ee ie:

be ‘Spe aeee Be ;Pits =eepee) Se Baas iia 72 . oe = we 0My Ay = 2| tm: | €“as|ug €StL :— :* Os Sas .oseae OER ae: rogue aia PaiBee pata ethig abc:oe ears ¥=pe =RSee! “ie Reese oA Saath oss is|aBy :Ahae . Aye : aaa ‘eg»A j iete eee RE 6eaeeae eae eae i Rishi ave. © gc mes Seah EES, |ePhe Les2Be Yas >aa Tig Pah Ae “¢ dS , on xA : .a. 2 bes =eis: Line ae bes feeoF JeBens Seah ieee “thee oe, & See Boa 6age ie ag Bak aia ns ey Ba? pic Ph! tees * |Sa ; _ i.3s;a:oe e nee aae ys con Sa Paya - eek Bee aeaeBet Bs:me ieee 4. ieee Bc Mya fase aee BeiCael As TR x S.4 Wie seh (a Eau De Rs ds sh,;= gee: t |2a a7Prey or7ea Ne ear, aa Psas Seah ges nen! joa Boe) P>eaey NtTend Santas Ao has ay >Ste Whos ee Te cs Sei Se tre 4th Sate teh pee oh es Faroe Ee ety “ nh ik = :LEAS xf% =: ee,:pak f:¥|EEaa Soran id . % res Tee Reg ee Sie i bee : — po ti ee, Loreal posh cee ee cones aa vi —o : “:, =& sabe Sektoi oy oer Tike *eS PRPBae tee roma, a4 song one esa 6S eese} (551 S33 eas ei ae ee ive Mp |akteptepre hichDie aia ASE ee! BetSie, ae «4 hee u regis. * PSUS cakes 2X Fe ie RS, : -: cee Ess eek ig) *,5oes meee 5 eeeees eee pots i Ee me 4 dco By RsFSFES x-,os= t éet t

{ : | 2 ! ; * = 4; ae a ike ae $3 ty eae i: Pacts oe vi es boseag SA 3 Tee Sean: “aks MES wv aS Sheet Eh Toh . VE

ey £ pee aes. neidage wtseg Tee, ORS ce Sey: bapa —_ pebay Sewn PeedRSS Tey,= Bae he ih=n eC )mere tNen Bes TR meetine a0RS |Bess ; 2 ieee qee e:hare aNee Bi: eR. Bxshe 2 1asso A aaeasSse aee ag ie ts é tae ey : AOR Dae re}aes ee iSK MORON Ee oe ae ¢ae:Re iBe ues oe Se tee eei=pote Ne a|,“et“is Pres; :&ieee SEP x ‘rea ibe ,tee Ss L. a az A, ce AN Shite. areaR aoeoes etceS ie iia wrens 2 Poeas‘ Bee's Sa Seg PSAs : Dees. ye raateen TAY ae 2 psy rasy aah ta? aRS ad ee arcsue ean x) EkiSkah Ree t Bs SMVS Reta 7zSa;=S44“iy 4— :ee, — :te, ec Ui yey es eves eR os Kntae |eaSANE = ; SOEs Rares: BN: ;aeas cpireR ia Pisses. Fa : ORS =n aiseAes so anata aaSy va iS ye we etPed SESS ayFeB SEOCRE Vins § We Pa,NOs =e “ ee a oe tusey sees appt oe aa tnSee gasSea ™ “ook byYas : yY *Peter. Ba wsSoins? iiWM AR AS SN SSS —,ay S: : ::' ||sa3gan = ene ae:asKiet, ay ng ie ‘2hPony iss qe :3Po xk S58 wi Eid ys x d~° -ita, 8 se a ge Rid Ce ’ eee Sah barn eee a As ~h a

Sypasees SG : Cee § : aN ma 20 S pA MES emma es a ¢ eo 4 ; Roe 2 Seen Seen | ies — 24gular poul1datio ;d'[isfA : Ay Ne A SR yma ae wea Ee s? SS See Bat ae - Note easie se ce a : ne aE R — i gi f ee! be ei a aS ee = Ba “ : : 3 eS anta . oe oa oro rae ry ; ea, 5 Sch 4 a : = . < ra neal Q A as. im Pa Sora Rie a Bess “G 3 ae Sy i)neWR nita, Eman See ng ina Ay Penget oe Wns ok a 1 Bere Jy | Sat AY pinePeaak renee? Ui Ses beanies ee= ek= =bSee! aallISee :BSEe pk Re os S|baile co Ru aynee SSS a*ue axs-: eeCars,Leet SS att pa Pe ; ne |Nate :> bes Nee bag oe~being Sagar Sa Ni :ehONE Sait D iss at jun ° rypt afaieh $58 ) »)LiOT he. eemee b %:

irrecul rinit oe eS« eSee pe a ae. ei ae Ra eat et~; |. one rinit ma | |with ;rinita | =7J ees 2 »tt _ aees ee aeoepier oundati ee Seatl on

ee x4 uae. Bn “ottedeg Tats. SSBae Sang Seas ne Sea eeat! OR ae we VAN a 2S .: E§°cs enePaes =i how 2 eae eae 7 ea a Rea. ae aSe 3 Sait x Ke spotat Ham ye Ropes Re«a pee oh FER Baey oe fepttog - oe i gos ee ht viens oe Be;bs

y V3 , ae aN S Sy 5 eS cs a Sate iy Ope a Pes Leer) emake o> See eae le oS Sea soe ee 4 : ae i «

ye gee ax = a aeeys a Sea eSoeaon Nc>A imon; eo} aiascamalle he “xeasae pe Fae SoeRORREER E Wats aes g oF I Seat|

: “ ou Rae wee Me NT Pre eI eee > = Fee “ Sa OMB Ng eta FB ; See, 3: Poteet © ar a SING Re i ee b ae ES Se a}, pod : = OS aie ~eo ia re ke eee ‘ oFSent ~ frlTaN ay _eee tage ay ae ‘ cin SE Siena gee Fettae mi8=—|s Beyae | P :acagressigs ee ie % Pee {atY r> ‘ Re va eg A. NG more ee a ON ere LE Lice uae he rs ; an se a | Bs a oe \ _ fi sey fas ¥ a5) ie ieee ioe ina ea Bes v - we Sere PL sseasest poe as. i ‘ss

=e \ ee ut AR a 2R Ss onnfé RED oe PM -: ;. BP ie be SSaeSee geeal ax % ¥ SS AR? ;Sp ae; ;RE ieaS pal eeeob Hh ee . ‘ *

ig i ygSe afkee OCR ER aot *2zs»ee OL epee Be . fRS - ee Te eon af :Re pA ee, Geen te 4oaBy arg. : Re y 3Oa ae, Re veBe :ae rycae ad re SB: aM ae 44j as ese 3“ea 2 ges fe see HEE S: eC I ; :q-. ". 2:eee ¥8oeBe: A REY ahsol ey ss ¥Se ay eM ee) Cae ee 2 Re eee yee ere, er . ‘bg SE feos ree eae Pasfc ENE S EeVE Ss epee CREA Si we oe Peee “% eex others tee Sie J ee RS oe. eee

; hy | oeSame. . : hy 8 Te okpoe Secs rRse < :no Y ’; re: ~ e;anal Jj 2eee j Ea agab Ss 4igor ae 6 ES i AB & ATS LORSahwsSeeee * “a —# : : ‘ :£idPgep

Ee pas = —— a TAS ON ep * be, opp paisa ..

teHESaeeae Oe ee eerena : oayiiiseee ?Meee sais *oS|A 4eae) ) tees Be ae iia iaceiineac FPS oe eed 4 mae wiige $a i,Bee Syiyene so availabe : eo TY » eeeee SieE ae (9 Ai acs rere é 4 Reese. ns: eye Sieh oe as eta 1.i +. :es;; ;va , : - -£. eh |e : 22.215 ‘;pea one oa ie a yY ES iesRE ae eS aBaD, RS RS osetia [ea ase ORS a vetame :isSete $5 oe: &S , a: SERRE ae 7aie Nie ORG ee‘pao apie ee :Phe Rls aPSE pePeel Sra peSRO tse VOb Vemeee ae eeaot 2. SF bikes ‘ : ur tf ol Bo ee” a.” Bae eo mesa is te os oe fi . ar ; , ‘4 gs 5 ait . * . Sa ae yaa pO 2 “3 : 7, pee re 5 oye Rene

ear Pe penareaeaeSe: ie. oe A — D . ae Ra! eres:reee, TySsPiAOg

eee, ; q y: :ie ee, ae * ‘ ee & @3‘4oe ae es > tee 4 ee tt cere an et * ee. a es : |cane SeeBeeee

saeesSR er IKec 8 ekote SN : .: =Be Reme wawre BAe

23. Santa Trinita, southern Trinita IJ trefoil pier. Retaining wall re fi ge oe By ee es

at left, pavement and covering are modern. Upper part of Trinita IIb | 3 oe Ae ges if go 5 ‘2 deg oe original crypt colonette 24. Santa Trinita, view of excavation C toward fourth northern

“crypt wall” at right restored. In foreground, fragment of Sa i

es. 2 =e Peer eticIVSip: ieee aneIIb9steps ee 2(rog2f.) x : mee S: Se 2Pes yO IT : Trinita nave Se pier.pM At left, Trinita adjoining

on % FR eS YS aN Ha YS ae IIa ~ side aisle endywall (ca. 1060). At right, awaranty ky : aS Csaeea:ee ayTrinita as RN AS aye ; Shim Ratwall Ratt } ; Trinita a 2 IIb aBe ee CO a Ree . spandrel closing eeean Oe te asa. RR: °aeBae) ‘ : 5 ag 7) pee = eee nig EN ae.esas aar NSrR ee eya he ee oe Be >pe aaS we: cn re ae a: :ieiyahBae

a> Rs ey — |. me. 7 — So ae Ve RS Sate 3 we & ANAGRAMS ors Fe tes OS els ‘ ee ie RS! "he iy a ‘Pie om ears ane eS ee ES She ee Sa ¥: 3 ~ yee. Sp tipetaens SS Sse Dae ¢ Rat oe ts ay ae x ; oe ee . ssa SASS: aN oN Se Sty Ras Se Nee ka Re ae . “BREA Se eee & ee vi ae De ee ae Se ee Bases si dee re 'e a: } sean mpicions athe: : ES se hak ee “¢ Be ae : Snaia ae ww se Es eae : 2 ; kale 2. er

eee © Rea Beh by > a age ~ | \SS RS‘ ee Oe EO est Me ee ea gare f ee = ae ~.SR (SEEN Be ecBe Es a Oe mgs oS wae. pe oe ae re, . a ie Se ra Sects #, Ce _& acre Le Oe” 1 ee aS a 2 ee Se ay a. : a. PRR ae ee . Maa. +eS 2 a EOS + 2 iat: J a sae ae : Me ee SSS > MS r ag aS Oe 7 : BE gS. pa a ee, e es a ee a)SSoO eazy . oe 2 ee Bo eeeI2,emg ae ge ee Tas . ‘i ee f3 re Sere oe aeaePELoo ' Oger. ORS *9 oe eee cBee: mSERS Ai ea aOE a apsget BEEN Stea 5Smee a f. epee 1)ee oe54 Be Ca IDA ca y uae = eS = x Scan wid Soe ae . ies ‘ POS ae 3 ee ee Ge e Pe ae eee ee eT ae ed F Deane Fre ; i

Sy jes ear RMON aaa EC ens ines heme Rip # pie ae Sr ee eerie : : eee eee ae é Pe sce PIN SAE ae we Oe oe eR : mera a 4 cd Stade eta. Lat BASE ; Z : tee j é

y= —- oe 4 RRS a ‘

3 , ge VST hh % Pe Sy: a A oe 3 Nr Si ere ¢ AEE? oo ST Pct aor > ere ee as . , ystae CR LS fel le Fs 5 eB os zg f Of Roe po : ‘ i Sree Ce ee tee oi

pS re ee ee ee SEL ee ee el : ¥meane ee lle erties aS es ens BES pee ye 3 Bere Sage ar ee S Gad fe caf glee Si ee SE Se iE Rae ay

25. Santa Trinita, view of Trinita IIb steps and Ila end wall. Note packed mortar and rubble fill in spandrel between IIa end wall and Trinita I conch wall under Trinita IV pier above

26. Santa Trinita, Trinita Ila side aisle end wall adjoining northern trefoil pier on the north. In foreground, fragment of semicircular Trinita IIb steps to choir over crypt

) : - eC ae Waa tet ie ee Se ee :oe Ssee : ~~Ae ce| oe reett op #OF barye $4 | s cA ghWe fore Peg peek geen cee, i Re cian x eh ee gt ra ee: aa | Same eee i Sp PA A OE FO Bly ii ee ee ee y\e bade © ene ae) Oe ye ae ) ae 2 Le oy a ae gO RF a SE A ; ; : : rps: ee Ay te5 ees eeSoa OSeeeaeEetitBRSg NT > ‘ Ye‘em, at ma “Pio \ La 2 ,Legs : tie ioeCae s oe ASS ts iy) serSe a Sece oe pings Pos: ADRS

‘ ae : : pe = ;Es ih=¥ aeS te Dee a dhienmed a oeesCe commen eeae ; ‘a£28 43 ie -. 59 He ogAercels 7 ag 16Ee ihead| éNan BS.Aas SseFie en Oa Gee ed es eh

a ereee oY ee ey ee aan De . tail at . ; PE se 3 1G . LE Ae ail OO aE BEI a Ne fglle Aner rete oe a eo Go leaOpe ae ap. ; nae Aacipe esRae rae es:aIE *ae 5petite lille ce7tag gee cS. Se : Me Gann Loy & as fA a fee ;oo) o “Se” oe ‘i tee) + (gale if © ee eg a pes ee GR ye Gee Lee hee eS : oe Le St ae ¢ eer a3 3 Y pte” —_ dpa Oe ee eee Hoe paniine agate oo em Sa Er st ee Leg *cet«ws Oe Rehy (a -eee &Seen. aa.eee ee ON be EAE \Ses«Ny ¥ tabe A. ee >SSeee =2e__ Selling Dg cat C PEN Ml, Es FO, eG = Ses yt gail: Fy AP ce: oa CS Ad at age Fo RE in) UNO US AR ESET LN ete NAS ail Re Site Les aera ep ctinat ies = :

ae. Sa eee tee OE oes eee : ae os gO ee ee nae ee te wr ee ee me = al ee see Perel (ca ere Geen Raye ee 2 tee Ot 5 5: % i pen PgFigs ptt ;Sees gk, ig og dSite 2 of i .« See continued up to In steps by Trinita left, III (?) end wall er |4By, i i ae€,ae a Jifas : irregular masonry in contrast to regular Trinita II masonry) = 4 ha aoe if (ote + re

het a .4-:eee) TOS ANG |:~~ Se *eeL4, ia“\~ewene >a or a ee a ae se ee Soy” 2) Brass 8 2Ge Be ca, ae TH a : i, yo i ag “I pe bal 4ol een Ny a, .. ae . Bye é : % Se, me i oo ea ae oN. ae pi po SB gap pie ee 55 ; 2 : : al ‘eth Ag es “ey Ms { e. oe ONG ~. ape eo SAX saan vate = < ee ~~ Aine ee : : a ; 9..G epg co’ : am bet ge we, ae me = ee ey = y ESSais .be j See Maree ; a es an >: m~ ayee 934 Fig ask sf .fos ee: th .ee wee'Tne Dd ae Bet & ! _ fy, i A Ke Re ~~ Ee rey ee 3 SES (Be, ae : 3 5 2] ol eer. Sear eine “wakp = e (i * eran : toe ppbe»eee ee “ei 4 ee S measoe Ea ae! ——e ¥ ~y Gee i: é. a aqv a we Neee 24 2 sh te 4 “y © i. =ee- ae so spss yale5 R advie Z ~Sho # = Ae =~Bt 4 ES eine 4PS heyBe ee.Lea opps; oS * + AST hie wva Be, Ge) eeaha 6a‘Sez Agee Py, LeRE teece- as meJets SSaeeee éas- “3 eee

- aaoe ae adince Be ‘Aftbs“RS 25 Sesee A eater Re ae £:: SS < RS, cABae oa iy

> roe awe 8 Pk 7S a rs Bio # rade Be 1% SH - a re ais? Scars a8 37. Santa Trinita, Excavation A (October 1957), general view. Trinita III foundation wall visible under steps

Se ee PN Se i . >> ae ee

ee Ae = == | eS : |

xe ra eae, ‘ Nescencsoeemes ae ‘ ; ; ‘As RS ee | :

3ee peesceoy eee em Png ‘ HAE ae 44 BOS : WNrans = Br. ae—mi} ~ Bas freBoee.i aeae

oe ay < Son eae = aes \( Pp ste ~~ See ; (as Ss aaa wk * i a Hy ‘s ae ee Mano erie ee Vote . a De, ey ie i : FEST are ee ee ae Pe aie : Ee CaN are eons ee eae oe. ohh sty s hey ™... Ra et ; tats : ‘ i Ba LP ae . ae AE 7 wy Reree tity ea ¥ = Reape Zo Sater a : ei BeeeaeaigOSRR NT \.BNR Se USSy ARE as>>, : ee ae ips ai MEE Soa TN UGS eau oF ee ee;sae §“a &,aysati oeSo SR ee aS ee a ee faceee ié : ae. BsTS Ss i ry Fare ae ae ee i fAit

CRB, IRE eeéare feel .A ag co , \ °S4 Sere aa a ae oe Pepa oeaura t£ictaes Gy:rea esi& iff {aaf' 4bitee ter S|SeFifi ee4i ee it ;ae fl 8 { me>,ayiasaesORs aie Be grr Le Hea :1Are ket fi

N: Po uae ey Se ee ee a —. > Bae

: the SN Se : a OO | 2. aie ee ea a> j ae. ee ae f Se ee ie Wo a een , 5h:ese i4(ae = =e Se A ee ees: tad 1 : BA ’ ‘A Bee3 7. fase’ = y ee! aS . . 13a iis Y : * 3 ne a ; 5 AY hn ‘ ; oi ip oN * . ‘ hae ¥I S 4 es a R e ire ° ~ oe ; roe . eS 5 perk ‘ We L Pea oi sf ay Bits sae ead eee SO ae 5 Bt oo eae Rea | a ee ee ee

Pad ‘ : i 3 aN eS v Ge ys are Phase. Cys"? sea am Ak Deis emcee ee eee ee t URE ES! Te Bk a 4

3 - : of xe a= | i Pie ‘¢ \ % Bi. ¥ oe a RR ERECT Sos ees i Heads meee Fe 4 fees

oo an a eae i a 42. Santa Trinita, southeast corner of Trinita IV. Note head co

eox oF ce ste : in corner. III window 4 *2‘iaeebene eee | CN so Sty BRL Tage? ‘ ae Bier Aj xTrinita OES.aE Sisround am 3facade oe4 HE Pg y é ;at: left, ;

oe —4 i4: AGE overlapped ¥ 4 weet sEe: x 5 aeRoca oy tH ~~ A sss As is by Trinita IV arcade pilaster cle ae NERS A Seer 3 ee es a SL ate | Me Eo Oe 1 Dei Pe:if4 eeAO eSfeOG ; Bs th ng A eine Nay ffYa ea eeae te Sac J NyA) ea hei hae, tM ON es oo EE ON ro Se. es 4 :es Nae e ee eS eae OAS eae \ae “ ve Ls i peter teee ay Sa tayEk eee Vi ae em. og ‘sees MER a) Fv ‘ ro Ss me ok at Be Pisa Se nes Fant . Tee nS ae a ee ee Cag : ; past al OeoeesORS uw,= eR A a-—9 qii+4A7 So ee eS a eee Ie lie, | eee AE Sa Sot hk ar “inlfragment ragof“Inite : -ojecting 4%. 1 Santa 1 Trinita,rrOV Trinita Note a jecting 7IIL portal, alenti piece of lintel. Jamb at left was narrowed when Buonta portal was inserted (1592)

ee aaaa‘7ae See A, | abe eecAeaS NG Pa Papa AéehiyLoa P asHy ae. 8 : siSee aS SeSree ie, gfabate (= Paes FS: ek Sep EY eph erer See FOG ARE aFUcRages, ee anes Wks peer IS— SOS pee bee Peg eee EECera: CB Gels 5 Saraies ar aie Bg aNSigoe iaraeR ujSto SSj Te— zeora. CLE = aeé ‘Feet se

; : : BEM meer Ga Mee re cn IP ae ee re ane aa ) (eee s Pa z. £47. eee hear g*, Ee ret OP ee oes FE ee J gs Tae a

a ee yses| oh iaFTheme, EER esa Spree eo,2 ce edb ae :egw aeee teissee cy Oe aSag pigs2 SED

HES ES hc Sagem Se, agen Rg OO Sn ca tien ne ea ete ori me 7

ea oe ‘eeeaSg) SRR oe Be ee SER ae opieME Ratt :Se BasePine ge NER SSa 5ee a 2 lh—lUl OE oO ak es

Es ed “dae tie hal % SS 2S. 4) ee ‘ ea a eee ee. . < . "sa = — ' Ses PARI oa Sie ‘: : \s ay SEE, \pyxval 4 :; " Seay 8% SS Sg Ry po Be7 baSJ SS 1ema :._ 87 .;ee xats : ay |iida te “ ; 8 : a ieSHee f ° : fe re | CRS Se ed oe 2 : +a } Seo ee : é 4 oa Hee Se RES 5 ae S| bs fee ees AS \ ; « s ¥ : eR ony erat . Aj a

ae4 uj icoe Oh, GeeoseeSE LaRR ee} | tpene aay=\ y\¥Xa\ 3) ee 24) Sera . —ee 5 x4 \ ee : vereyee ape " oa aeVE Boos NObeats SEG RR ose ES}1aePas cy Ses 2NES 2 \alee a Ai rdaa?> ion — = : OB aES Seg PSR Cie BesMie oh. Nee oe arasiehen Pd a3 aoo 52& a XYbey ie Foe ; ae # ae ; oeSe Bay2ee755 -ee é Grit oewet \ ieee em£PrE. jee | 2 mo it aeay t ny ‘ . ee (ge eas geetait oe io Ba be cules Eee °‘Ses BBE 5= atic) as Ss .i ;2;isnep a$s‘eae, 4S oe. :ne 3 rk Mt eRe . 3anJN: ‘ igo Uame ee ‘s Ok a , a ae 3 J “


_ oR ee ipats Reh? Meee Ose RN V2See ) aa eer5 eee ¥3 ee teaewa Lf! ie whe SSH | aeae eae os Sea =foe SBS 3es Ssa ues i= on Fe &,ae Se a;iae ‘ Be ‘ xs ifae Seah x ~aMae ADey , : .aePua oe - -a:kes 2E % ‘* j KEES %Yo: t J HR arseye 6eae

eefea) ogme pT aoe "wises Be, fe eee ee eee re Ag feet a “Se ooaN ws.a erage} nay 3} oS Sa© ibe ae 3 ” oa cS rae 8 BE OEke RE Af, a,d z : Be: Pe 2 es Sg in — 4 hee & iDae ee 2% bs oo) Lampe ins ere AS a eI ae rs (PU ae : Ea. ( 07 meine ise ciga B= br ee E a es, ft = een cme ate =

es. 2 so i ee ‘sae me 3:-#;87ie ES Sees Se mie ££ See .RS iomaee ae Ve Ban yEs 2Tegel eS ‘ SoP EB :‘f4 oye tere es. | ee ADO a Oe ce ae Pea sta "3 ae esye) aoy ieBa es yzt én es|Sa Afe : rNF f cea es fae *.3itay 4-y:s °>J:a _ . i Re ca ae guerre VS Siege ee A ee BE ei | bE ee ed a Na Witt “nee rs eee ite dt cea ae Bn ees ‘ se Pa? > ee Sta (} pas, Fake, t * > 4 s eo | a — Bit fee Pe : SON i oe Pia raps ot , = =ar 4

ee See Ne eee i ue fs ‘ ; 3

Bee iG A eer see PRS Ros, be Me tage Ya2Side ; . . “eS mer Phe ~Peie ie 4‘aie 43 bp Ee . fA oo «AS ee ihm po. Cremer: ees saan ee:Jae Se La }atie ae COS fae lege eee Ae f ce 6. Santa Trinita, Head console, northeast corner . Santa Trinita, Pilaster capital between third and fourth

(photo: Kunsthistorisches Institut, Florence) southern side chapels, partly restored

el ES ss es' }tay af 3ae :‘ree Pal Bn Tag ‘ :ont ;nites aere eeeis Pe gine fstaass, - ii | ROE OER | Like. Bias J in ; . oa re apt 3ein F SRS |dance SEBO hit mf ¥RS. ééee Bae aoi Zfre osUy a‘ Bn BySeGe esNe Pasar tes aSe tas es Sie ae oa £ Ree te pies “ i aan Rtgs i (oe ke ak aSiS ‘ ies : ee Vig eas 1s YY, Bae... Soh 2 \ Pete as he ;ee, 4| -; eromens teeeeCy Oe Wc ast cs| 1fay: vas cLalpate ae ReGe see Ms : > ws bn.\i :erceeny plate i ge ie (Ete AS % me SC te .aa©oe, Wg Reefssaa JES a ?4. jlee Ree Peataero {i 3

.ysos.PNR £\ORee oe Be ASS) i a ,ltt(‘(I 52. Santa Trinita, Pilaster capital between first and 53. Santa Trinita, Vault console capital between first and

second northern side chapels second northern side chapels

aon Sc . ee leSe Ce,Ce ~ we t (ieee rae" osAHf eeCffo 1 gee oe are Sg| :aSooner a Peete gr es, apa BgLe ee Pome: z:eePre oe ROE eree eee Spe 5Aaeee wee oe i to oe, Wa nl flee Poo : : E> vGrt: i} Beate s oh aaea re. ne 4a Bei Z5aigeg te=m Pepe cis 4: : iis Raetet | Bake cobgamead ABe Re ae a Tee en. Se S'S ee games ke Ee Spee Pees a Nob Sila ea ac ey : ees ae f$age st ee, : eh Suan? teeet eee : :oe, . — Fs i ae hits=Agee E et 53 a se eeaaa ESE? ae Bay .3Bro ft Ow. BY os PEL: wa < y at

ee4 .io*a ee ~ie, Meh Ke: is 2 aoe) EsErSe By es Sees esalYeihe Pe SEE ¢| = = ee eeaaees SEa pere “8 —Ee ‘Satan a!oe BS ase EP ip Sata 2ie ‘ fae oH tee aeSere. 2 hg Ss54 Saaj Ac ne eee: 2 ae SF fam Sed ciseoe 7#oe REE fe, I Map ae,EF SI63 = ro) : 4ae ee® eS ee og re ee wes eSbie ONS 4kes J BEES MB TD Fl F oy Zzor } Be a tf. /Nae a ie 2 : Sa “ea : 4 4 _ atte Oo See cat ge ei 5 4 aa aaa sc Sige gs ] Ait es: S bs is phy Pier $e - : ear gh eae ee Page y es Bea £8 re Aas Dag, ts Pj ~~ £7 : Ste fe

pra -ae e ‘ (e) >eagle nem 4 :fe se OG. ss GR a "Raft Be eeBe fe abs Sig %EOP Beit a”Ff iyge .* ‘ ca syS OS *wre WEG | an sey Pk keer dese A foe ed og eS ED OE OY G eo Bo :4 e = See es 4 : aSF 5 ty gigas OY AS aRN A; ie, Te, © oe ed Eeeco ‘ iatfp 3" =Pg ly PS SS ae) g, of Bes acs aS oe . :: g ie‘41a pie 3 oe : :Oya a ee ¥ bp igBELitter Pt>”i py PO

v5 eS ee ae iC go. =. oe ae Pl Oe) GE Gee, pe ALP Pepe fi WJ

ee4:EN 4 ¢A URE ae) a Sct aOe 2 mag ke) ORES dil Bel PEteaePL, Bigot it:aihe pha, Ne fe~- ce “pau eS a atstrae BBY i pe ei ajeer SE tee LPT ea, is AD ae% ate Pree aN eetaa Wecael fc oe co) eS SO a ih Se eeOe bo ie gs 4ent FY ES. agSeer ree 6 RE 4 ae oa Lo RG ee Recie Pe. ge tf pee $i tas Ss f : PY ie he) feat Ee v ee ae fe, 2S “oe ee Pe AIS Bde ifs Od Ae AE! UP a aged Gh we ls et » WE gg pl me aes ifPee, gis fa ie ee REPSfiDeg A) Bete ‘we ) ) Rie, pe fe 2 Br: ea Lg 5 Feof ms fei ie > Lae. ah fe: a3 we : eepe Ifo ee yg

ay DE fcc: Soe atSoo Jc XaSe OPS glee aaah a = ee RT se F ——— E aw ie ? ee ta oh oad SE ae re ONO —o SR Je “ SE .~~”. se —— es OO i Oe apt oe ee wv on GER y OY ey Bot yb PD oa aercs erent gee aN eee Ss aee oes apee 4 reOn se -aeee: AE a srt ig)ae eee Ss ieBf3.4 Hf Pe Wien das ae Sees 5 Rey oe54.\“4 ~ ge ee da as ee3 © :oe5Ae n; tH pes (ees? s. an :& ee:Fae? ee $5 atTSK Aaa i_a, »Bn fy ce 6 ee ge e ia cecal e : soe he ee 2 WE “Z re “ ae ~ = « Ly 3° = org DAs. Cm ES aaa Sy < ? "§ M at a PB gate siage Fe ges: gh te CPS Sate HH oSdid OG Slat Be. Ls SRS gePepe) ese. stadetnal 6! MASS gaat“ae f gif \ be Ty IT] FatBS}ee ioeME gg 3yl OTng coeen fen“$9 ae ee aG Pa) 36SI & Velo Fyed Chee LSAT REO". q 2)(BS re Viet of , \ « ;ee: &2 Fig gg es ge pst italy fur 5 Sf SONA ZS : a Ae SE ee, 3 4ABS IGE Shoe CL Pte: OL ia \ ¢ \ ‘ yc: Seger ; pers =: ‘ae ; gee Oe at a w af Ge fi ee te bea at oF ee ee, BF a age ice Sie IO gee ee ES (og Fe ag 8 4 3g rs ‘ i ¢ ¢ ESS bins ny nae gee 2S a ee of nee} ay to a4 J Ld “( i! / . si a Eas ‘ / ze oe fi: oe . ° a 2 te a 4 re nod Cae wy f BD \ ZA oeerweSere = : Agee éwee “ eee ae a age ete ooWw : \o oeye ae sa) eS EpPFs Feoe BGaL as ,£F, : beeped \ 4 { r¢ Me Pe ogee 3 GL oe BeBe S a\ Ww LE so eee ge ft BOL! > Bees ke Ae SIT : "EE 3 tok ln Bf § aa W2\ ; Br se ee ge ee ge a ——— pt LAP eee \X ps Ve ee et ee ae depo romebieee se IPTG. Sed: eS Feb KEG ig : ation ~_iiee aele, apom ‘Dos : ‘i Fug mS =iJAAS teSed ee! ie #9tag GorSig at pei EyFees ak haat iJ ( :‘«‘ AZ ig ae - tata , J‘| ReFRMea ohod nea aes) fe sOf ‘NY A 4 SOE al ps NE ? ae ited (85 Pare ee eee eS at a3 ee SR Pi.Bo a reo yen osteraROY SePeak et senor ee ee aue agFaLOR ee AaeSeeee aeeeeeet ere Sy SS;aN #6 NH~re ia *ROR 5Sas Seccs tyey Las Pt ie ie eshiBES cate SNR aanaeAme te, ame Fee eh Gat EEPOSE. bec SESees Se we Ow oe;Rs NS ER tyRohe: tt sch ngted Cigiey weate @;PS ny Cae ae Fie OO Yo Spit vg Se:a : wee Sa #tha Sia!rS he Se yn nk hsRc She xEPSet a.” |aMai. apie aBie ee ae aae cater an Oenoe eraten eee oy SOOS, b “ght Te2an CRE ooSA 2 ;Sx 5:-=Ce at-;art : .*Bc ©A =< ‘8See ‘ paso Bs " SOS 3 ee -SeStews SoSNSE ie SE 2. tates fork? 4 7 path Ty ogee Vogt ; wee u =SBe gests ED RSS teeieont eg tae? Sa Fae ge ‘ os 7 aoae, je BH ee ‘ an : Sars o~:.oe

> Se en ‘See a SA SaaS ee MEE Fe

|Regie ie>ieLa SS Sey fra 3 og geif: ape So ' EEF, ) opeyeLAD 5)aefeaeways BA OeaSwale ea te Ss a Pa aN we 3SA or Side. oes RS See Actes eG" ptge it ata Ay? nd SEN bYABE =fSi aM, LBB oeae ss pe EEE as“ as RE) Be ees \ 3>See Vial — NeoO) SR ee ae Gees, 4h atta ce MM NGe Og Mihir “~~ ~| Se ‘x. “ee. 2a ——— ee As pois | Mipsis eee ws sa 3 eine es) Be we fieea SNS tnSIM etaOCCA Sie SIeG = SL Smy? gh iein mo

Rs + SS : iad aE Sian : 4ae $st..*saa Sr Oe iRd eeBGe %isa: 8oe” yaea :ees it” oeie.Aye = eioeCo eetA SP ics - ;eeaaa OES, aoeae ; awoke 4Sane aa : GiSeS Sate aries i #iA peed eS. Cee. Rea a teeSVos 3 Acf 5S‘Tee Fe Smt eee eS Sih ae oA as.eeA $e ore SEES. Sa ee ts a. wane Cophgeee‘ ear Aes~, Bes i a1oe = se : ~ BE a nee : a: ND ID Se | er Be Gz eS DD Le a"

— aaaa : tee! ee ees Vo eePie ae Pimees Seees a. -: Res oA Sa Slge te.Se eeeseo SeOe oo 5S ee een Bos| eee sans a an oeek od en ae Bean Say ore es | eS , oe eS ae ane sm Se ee ee me wren SES | ig ie =~ Sey — | A eh ee le Ele 88 ae Wie AF TCT PRY eee ay eso | fe (SES es p. Sag PoSNGE SN SAe BY=:FRE aESS ee ae Soy: gt sare Fie > ee Mas) Skee erTORE aiag «tee nee) EPO sa bueS ive:,LS iFos cere ee 5i Sd mo GN ee ra,eee ey eS ee SAT oe ook 3 pas oe Ti {Ges sonar : a5us es Sh. =:ass ee Veen er uae Soe] Pre ——oi :tSctee eats =— SecA ans i |)aoe a)Sa) cate i]:ee He sa=TRESS Sra eae 3LSE: Sa aie aeNa ae aes ietage ee2ate SO BOS ae Qe ~re2. ad we ~fepo ame eee

ea Seek. iSJPRIS ee;We aU a Se$B §eR, “ oa, F rege So ee 4g fae ese éeee od ‘ley = y, |Jpias -:f“s * LEE Sa! oe inSee por: eeSte ytSZin. ae % z a,atey eee. |ON SSel | erode ea “Baa }:EE eee Bite hos eS ee éae< :Lif Ce Pe it ¥ee so aes >= PMS Ty, or eeme eS .ieee ea Rie : ye EEN Seer 's 5.3 Be Se poeta Si hes Re oe ASez :37:or :Bas EE aS : 4 a ca a. ee 3 mx Do ae Sshee :

: YEE SS IGE EI Bel eee. Nees |" iae i7 —S aSe anae24S ee =e¥} SSS TRIES. : Sie oy popes: ee Be CO aeBe So bing 2cae CacON BRpope Bee giorno Re Coe Be aage Weeviggsiar one amends =aeastCece es“ae ea Mere cones ye Bi ws eaPSS SarS77 4 tw ae pa SS apaRaa Reo ieee\cage eaess EN Se Liakoe 32: 3 *Be esee os>t % pet is tea Poe OER RAS:A= ea ainDie 5 Me Ba Ort snk oo ee Nee ae at Bo Eh SS Os1.eet ts:) =me + ae aRee eS NESSee=5b> WEES Basa 0Soe. oe ere \S-2Faetare Bone as nae eee gear Reem ee Dae mes: ——. Se“Stam PS ee RS ae tis:Se SERRA eee eeeee se cae in ies ey,oeCaaf Be hepa: a eae eee em Eee st Ay FAROE MRR Aaah: *el Rie BePek NS Be ee Ue %eta bs veites SS EE: St teleee SNRs Ea eee NVANRRES % havea iy is pe2|N fe 3 ES le bite ara eg aBape “eae Ma onbg 8SeERE xPee Pours we etPS OU eeeases aes oynh Ne eR rN Siac | ee ie Sas ¥ ee hae & iSOWA Sy eee SAAS Lf, LET NASA Dax wt ea cea iRess ERS PP Pe oP CE ele tra atGf ie TE ego ae) oe SM ae Be 3ages ae iePRG eae G7 G.! 0e sk rane, No ec\\Sop cp \\ | ae Re ree, TS a¥ DEES) a, Oecolts esNak ona aWe pee ERE Sh |e% EMRE meee ||Caoeah Tid eg: fpappe itRG Meee is RR A) ‘Se: ama \\\\aiRAN fisiipe Wad So RTS FaPE Sr eae or ae ay Wie ONT pete! jhtie Recae geNtgs PETES ep epee Nes | (casinos ihgeels | aes eel MP UR Se (i Ra SEY ar ee ae VANE Wh Mee bate ee ek So nae vee ceeetng ToS eae aPIS PORTE ENS peta eecia hlhsBoece a AG VERY) OEee? eSeeSS VAX. hs : \pA =Mp A\\E : i asc

NRFe eS.Ate ea 4) 3 Sy GRID. Ba Bn nx )EaHepes en Ay ON ee EyNena Pee RIS Riexg SeeWi SeiSed toe me 9 feHGif ae oh Ne be NS JA TipeFRE YANIN aNrrNike 3 %Yea Zh a£AMES ng De! + eee MeeFis ane ie DRS rng Bos) ISSNetaeeyes raeBea) - ; ra: ee.Ub BiMie eebie Se Pea ea Ni Pasiee iPPAN ~o Oe if Sae seh -—5 eee Ld Date “eh SS: ty ag ee fom hese G wie Wh YEE eee Ne oh, MO ES HEME Fee te Sea agree RRS oe ony te,RIESE BatyeaeSRE Se nel) sae NG Weaeae ORS Rok Ge SY Ae? CALE Zee~cose ty aK Soe ee NAY i eS, ee a> PCH BN SyaS: oe ae bias acy et ple eecane teeIaeSe Seat gt Mew Nae WO Ale i he[fe A aed ieee Sa te mk NB Ree fone A &: Reye nesSee Ese BS2end NSeeaese a ae 2. RES. ES rs PON eG |) CH Wy | ae——— Bene “SSN aeRNG weAN Hi BERR JOPSO ie er galt4aeBe Bapeiarst reeae sites aeek: Ciaeeed GRR 88SyHC whe ite eaeMee “Ayo nen es BU. Ny SR ‘MMA Ssae Nee WE: Ne SRE thes hEhe

oS Dee aereine MRatsien eats: WERE Bice MES Le SSS Rivne goBis) arpaesas ea), A RES Pea acN Ut 1 Seah cd. ss eee oy ne nee osespan ; en at ee Sach hah sear e, SRR ae Ra aS RI ee SY fe LT ceaae IRR We———— VaSoa Roof Jee eaeACN ah Cpe me edNe bigs" Sa Cente ta ee eS hah Oaant, = mt SkSere San aeee Sete AesSabaerS Br. ae eeaD ¥ 3me ag ¥oe) SIL LSE atl ee|:Sans aeey\cS Re phe ween OP ee Soe ita © aoe siege ae eS tema gee eS noayheae+ep yeSS Bane . (tees DES PeetLTERIRE EO | SeeCS ae EE eae pees x VAN Be Se sata ae ieOeMis

“ wrrerey Brest sasioeseh ogre ¢ ena, Rec SeySecure hs ag ee ig ees eA eye: PR Mh Teeen BL!apAen ‘3 Weed pc ae i Bia ha Bee rteagi de ah abapgeehed ys}ipaMar ae hae ee Peeves; te gl ta on ee eee naetgane » FRE Wtor.a oad ae igs ftps COOReRS Fatothe eS Be paaeesers a Piieperienn meAS ee tifeted SRS, eer oe Ainaas ve}i:0 ae ARS os i.eae a aies PasHea: SRP| Santen best) ‘ Pe; Be a ERGR ieee fee -Beye F2etaSia ae era ee gs Speer teefo SetsmM ceeRe StWisi SS eg att Hi We patna ‘pence, mite Pass Ss foot: Aneets ae he| Bese anna Site tg a .en See een BS eaa” ee asi gua Pe kee go oF by OSs te Ah pee ee ee ape Be Bee rt RP. ered ;Bakar aaeae. iffy =Sana tL Cg ee 2) eee Rae lee aaa Be cic nee yee atone ee Roe PB cea nei aS "aae er ahe oH ps \2Wa Se Pies. Mais sk ei «IRAE at easy RN aee de i.2a ee \YEMEES rae srates ee oon |oa pa meg :Tes = Py : 4 Bees Ge Rep: Pate Se ta ees Bi A ai He as Saree | Roe ot Re F ene Ree aid el 2) a ime aap DOS ee | i 1) SIRS Sate LD PSR) Ser haces LS: lee a egik = .ee Me rs Ba aa Abe oe eS ’ Al ns bn seven mi Me ee Sepia 5 efter ea irie “ P: oe 5! yaa Eseat Be as Siecat ceewees angeewes erageeee eS MR ae oo ee ar aes ae bet ik ae S OE GO ee2 Le es fee eR ee BE serene , BTN? Ree OS cezat aurtehre $ ag Lars none "Sage Anets oe AT j :eee Ges NT Be (ohana caeey AR) ta RS a ia eae “aAO ee IEE een eS 4Seni : Phesas Be. ;2)meee emma Pe ae aaRe eae

i eePieeage ae net ee PO ae arate ¥i é eei 5Fees WaaWeed. S BRPE he MER Jes gcSAS i ae con Oe eS Ve gsaaaee ce meri ge es hls. SeayBie Gomme Sysooccopes cS oat

BF es, fecaehedat ER- OUR |eds 2p Sac ; : eee |LS f 33% ee eee = fara F: aie — im“—_ “ ey. + 4CEES Pe ESIGE Oe sere Se MN Ae naree SRR e pais ;ee? 4 Sdigs $8 Se » ake ‘1y ‘ i Re Fast Pare gett e é sapere (eee — ; :I«)6a ; -| -eee et" am ¢eaSA vie ;oees md i 6et;GOS ians ¢ €ee {os‘‘ {,Ali }$ues

ei) Yee “‘eh \ aa Fh aBig ‘ Aga F heBS oye *: ice4Ce: on eel & 8 Sc a ae ty oe — : ar hoa pe x Gn Pe AS nes ee. bo Oh : Sea ; A ‘ i Sees | ne Jipee reer BARN Ph ; y ie frais il Fs i bse poles oS : ; * ‘SeRes 1% ee LBM on a :: i Fees a : : Sa ‘ : S08 NOE On ea ati BAM is Dirkye ar Lae Mak Pegs Matted nN } : ee | Pere eee tics fee OE nySuesispeakER

a a rae 5 ae MEME I RO ek By Pie 8: Ree ets : 5 Sa ere lb |S an 4 eis ae et ae ie Rpermrmin YY } Yr € 5 f 2 2 pes OE soit SOG a ad hi er tes ae BOR Shaeh Seaa Laat), bateat SSpaar VAY soe)tecel nak Abea Seaton CHEE Uo nee : ane: Ong ‘ae:aSTet :i Regis @ +4 , tite Soper et |wee’ v¥SBS id sn» aeFOG . es : CE a a: eee |:;Be Maite HAD eae Ne cea |rE Soe TsiBa Sie ght ‘ 4 See 5 ‘ae 44“ae ¥ ‘aeé Bop. peueoprart ery eee MCAT ot ‘i ,z. 4»i id i

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Ee3a: FN Giex he etELEN ee OS ee eeSMe ER Sec) ie PooRSori geal Be ponies pee Aas det eed eee ee ea ee eS Wes aesa ieaes AES oieayok ETN Gaeta te te CaM es aces EANa TORS OSaogra Sarl Bese ie ah cere EI eee a fos Rt aae oe gr age | ReBaa a” Raa a a: Ge ee SAG Pt CNT ate lB Secale Se Pe RE baer et 5 EE oe Seite Sas ors, AteBaie STSaegee Ps sae Caterer SR ya e ee ae se SON RCA GECEL 1 phd SARC SIE Darl aM ELROD eae hae So hilates Saye eS Uy eens ie CN Se et Ro Meera he qe hs ee CSS a BESS SIRS ae oberg eg aaa us Be RR big aeches AEX * fee see MMM AS PoP IT BOge sche eeelhae aeRO cain ete Bos ctreeeo Bn eee eeepc etre Praha aes.SRBie SaNe oeeeieRa stare aes RA Besteteat: Renee aes BN al oS eatery si OR ao en nay Pret aia ses oe Nia RE Oe eee aE ea ge NTN TO SE is bg a eee A te eye et Te SA opera EREaes S| ge GR Se x Ve SBS ea aC LC Oe re ies Sie ee” i Seese. “S Sears: Syek oak Ee ERE geet pen es Sy Sig ee oe te 2 ee RUE UE a, : 4 + ae = %(ef res*:isoa ee aaaIRAIOR ~< b= spoeeeeek. eee —_ ee es -ees »z x SIQYH © hee ZH ene ae

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, ey ‘ a ae aE a

.™ Soy . , wee an“aese eine tens seen FN, < ‘ .te, abn .* bs. ¥*S ce aS

es x fe Satay | : ae’. 2 y.* Pas +‘2Cage yeeros — 38 < gdLg Paliee -a' ja g Ne ee aah 8 eaeet cy. 0° iKe ‘.,ws oie — Se ; f. Aiea / om we oo” ae ee Me pee a SD a i. ea fs ‘ os} 2

; 'Bice : a*%‘ Ve > a\ ie” , Siee biSoBo. =e ne ee ee3 iaS eat ‘ i} oetiiae | ~REY :— 4Piaares . ~i |= elt4we Fi edSaier Nee4Wee eg al ‘3 iep) :j :5“Sa ii} iia| ee a 5Ste a ceigs a iTS |+e oat s} 'j

“s 2% Se .4Sieee Gay a4 aeiS »iain? ‘ A sone ‘ TALEe C2Sgt ss ts 3 . -} . >ws gine mess | TaN on ere ee ~ FP :ces a aso euiseah e 2oll 55 SONI — 3\“f = we } SIs ay ae ert rel Si Pas 3 eee) ; iy Bp likie =SS *5$e Pee Ore eet SE! a73SEO /ke ¥;;cH 12i} | py ih et c aa . oe (an G2 naa ' ; ee C ‘ SS ka ng gD ~ Mr eR eS ay ai Lh. ee eZ eR aes ho Panevan Shien on > edo Lf ep Ager ig

‘ sewn! ey ES! rai eth eh ee a. CN ——— ae Le ae Ny el~eee en ee ees A :. :7:: ge ASih, whee , ts ee « Se - 5 :TE eeZS 8foe : Se ;oS ¢ ay ; RRS we4a Rae. “es. baie eas * si