The Art of Preserving Game Birds and Big Game Animals
This little book is full of all the information you need about the art of preserving game birds and big game animals thr
Pages 112
Year 2012
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Table of contents :
Abbey, Edward --
Abbot-Downing Company --
Abert, John James and James William --
Abilene, Kansas --
Acoma Pueblo --
Adams, Andy --
Adams, Ansel Easton --
Adams Express Company --
Adams, Hank --
Adams, John Quincy --
Adams, Ramon Frederick --
Adams, William Lysander --
Adams-Onís Treaty --
Adobe architecture --
Adobe Walls, battles of --
Aerospace industry --
African Americans in the Far West --
African Americans on the frontier --
Agrarian movements --
Agricultural expansion --
AIM (American Indian Movement) --
Airlines --
Akimel O'Odham Indians --
Alabama Territory --
Alamo --
Alaska --
Alaska, purchase of --
Alaska Railroad --
Albany Plan of Union --
Aldrich, Bess Streeter --
Alemany, Joseph --
Algonquian language --
Allen, Ethan --
Allen, Henry Tureman --
Allen, William Vincent --
Allison, [Robert] Clay --
Allred, Berten Wendell --
Alta, Utah --
Altube, Pedro --
Alvarez, Manuel --
Alvord, Clarence W. --
Amana colonies (Iowa) --
American Fur Company --
American Horse --
American party --
American Revolution --
American River --
American System --
American Territorial System --
Ames, Oakes --
Amidon, Charles Fremont --
Amish, in Iowa --
Amon Carter Museum of Western Art --
Anaya, Rudolfo Alfonso --
Anderson, John --
Anian, Strait of --
Animals --
Antelope --
Antrim, William --
Anza, Juan Bautista de --
Apache Indians --
Appalachian Plateaus --
Applegate, Jesse --
Arapaho Indians --
Archaeology of North American Indians --
Argonauts, trails of the --
Arikara campaign --
Arikara Indians --
Arizona --
Arizona Historical Society --
Arkansas --
Arkansas River --
Armijo, Manuel --
Armstrong, Moses Kimball --
Army on the frontier --
Army territorial commands --
Arrington, Leonard J. --
Arthur, Gabriel --
Articles of Confederation --
Artists of Taos and Santa Fe --
Artists of the western surveys --
Ashley, William Henry --
Asian Americans --
Aspen, Colorado --
Assing, Norman --
Assiniboine Indians --
Astor, John Jacob --
Astoria --
Atchison, David Rice --
Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad --
Athapaskan language --
Athearn, Robert Greenleaf --
Atherton, Gertrude --
Atherton, Lewis E. --
Atkinson, Henry --
Atlantic and Gulf Coastal plains --
Atlantic and Pacific Railroad --
Atomic bomb --
Atomic test site --
Babbitt, Bruce E. --
Babbitt family --
Baby Doe --
Baca, Elfego --
Bacon, Nathaniel --
Bacon's Rebellion --
Badin, Stephen T. --
Badlands --
Bahía, La --
Bailey, Margaret Jewett --
Baker, James --
Bama, James --
Bancroft, Hubert Howe --
Bandelier, Adolph Francis Alphonse --
Bank of America --
Banking and currency --
Banks, Dennis --
Bannack, Montana --
Bannock Indians --
Bannon, John Francis --
Baptists --
Baraga, Frederic --
Baranov, Aleksandr Andreevich --
Barbed wire --
Barela, Casimiro --
Barnard, Kate --
Barnum, Phineas Taylor --
Barrow, Clyde --
Bartlett, John Russell --
Barton, David --
Bartram, John --
Bascom Affair --
Basin and Range Province --
Basques --
Bass, Sam --
Bates, Edward --
Bayfield, Henry W. --
Baylor, John Robert --
Beale, Edward Fitzgerald --
Bean, Roy --
Bear Flag Rebellion --
Beaubien, Carlos [Charles Hippolyte Trotier, Sieur de] --
Beaumont, William --
Beaver --
Becknell, William --
Beckwourth, James Pierson --
Bedichek, Roy --
Beecher's Island, battle of --
Benavides, Fray Alonso de --
Benjamin, Judah Philip --
Bennett, Robert L. --
Bent brothers --
Bent, St. Vrain and Company --
Benteen, Frederick W. --
Benton, Thomas Hart --
Benton, Thomas Hart --
Bent's Fort (Colorado) [Also known as Fort William] --
Bering, Vitus --
Bernhisel, John Milton --
Berninghaus, Oscar Edmund --
Berthrong, Donald J. --
Bessey, Charles Edwin --
Bible, Alan Harvey --
Bidwell, John --
Bieber, Ralph Paul --
Bienville, Jean Baptiste Le Moyne, Sieur de --
Bierce, Ambrose Gwinett --
Bierstadt, Albert --
Big Bend National Park --
Big Hole, battle of --
Bighorn sheep --
Billington, Ray Allen --
Billy the Kid --
Biltz, Norman H. --
Bingham, George Caleb --
Birds --
Bismarck, North Dakota --
Bison --
Bixby, Horace --
Black, Bart [Charles E. Boles] --
Black Belt --
Black, Elk [Hehaka Sapa] --
Black English --
Black, Hawk --
Black Hawk War --
Black Hills --
Blackfoot Indians --
Blackrobes --
Blair, Francis Preston Jr. --
Blair, Walter --
Blanchet, François Norbert --
Bland, Richard Parks --
Bleeding Kansas --
Blizzard, Warren Lale --
Bloom, John Porter --
Bloom, Lansing Bartlett --
Blount, William --
Blue Eagle, Acee --
Blue Ridge --
Bluegrass regions --
Blumenschein, Ernest Leonard --
Boas, Franz --
Boatright, Mody Coggin --
Bodie, California --
Bodmer, Carl [Karl, also Charles] --
Boeing Airplane Company --
Bogue, Allan G. --
Boise, Idaho --
Boles, Charles E. --
Bolton, Herbert Eugene --
Bonanza farming --
Bonga, George --
Bonneville, Benjamin Louis Eulalie de --
Bonney, William H. --
Bonnie [Parker] and Clyde [Barrow] --
Boomers --
Boomtowns --
Boone and Crockett Club --
Boone, Daniel --
Boone, William Judson --
Boots --
Borah, William Edgar --
Borein, Edward --
Borglum, Solon Hannibal --
Borland, Solon --
Bouchard, James --
Boudinot, Elias --
Boundary commissions --
Bouquet, Henry --
Bourke, John Gregory --
Bowie, James --
Bowman, [Lewis] Edward --
Bozeman Trail --
Brackenridge, Hugh Henry --
Bradbury, John --
Braddock's Road --
Bradley, Alva --
Bradley, Lewis R. --
Brady, John Green --
Brainerd, Erastus --
Branch, E. Douglas --
Brand, Max [Frederick Schiller Faust] --
Brands --
Brannan, Samuel --
Brant, Joseph --
Bratt, John --
Bridger, James --
Bridges, Harry Renton --
Briggs, Harold E. --
Brigham Young Express and Carrying Company --
Brigham Young University --
British administrative policy --
British Indian policy --
Broadwater, Charles Arthur --
Brocius, "Curly Bill" [William C.] [Alias Bill Graham] --
Broderick, David Colbreth --
Brodie, Alexander Oswald --
Bronson, Ruth Muskrat --
Brooks, Juanita --
Brooks, William L. --
Brotherhood of Penitents --
Brouillet, John --
Browere, Albertus del Orient --
Brown, Albert Gallatin --
Brown, Dee Alexander --
Brown family --
Brown, Henry Newton --
Brown, John --
Brown, John Mason --
Brown, Molly --
Browne, John Ross --
Browning, John Moses --
Bruce, Louis R. --
Bryan, William Jennings --
Bryant, Sturgis and Company --
Bryce Canyon National Park --
Budd, Ralph --
Budge, William --
Buffalo --
Buffalo Bill --
Buffalo Bill Historical Center --
Buffalo grass --
Buffalo soldiers --
Buley, Roscoe Carlyle --
Bunyan, Paul, myth of --
Burbank, Elbridge Ayer --
Burdick, Usher Lloyd --
Burke Act --
Burke, John --
Burke, Thomas --
Burleigh, Walter Atwood --
Burlingame, Merrill G. --
Burlington Northern Railroad --
Burnet, David Gouverneur --
Burnett, Samuel Burk --
Burns, Tom --
Burr conspiracy --
Burro, wild --
Bursum, Holm Olaf --
Bush, Asahel --
Bush, George Herbert Walker --
Bush, George Washington --
Butterfield, John --
Byers, William Newton --
Cabeza de Baca, Ezequiél --
Cabeza de Vaca, Alvar Núñez --
Cabrillo, Juan Rodríguez --
Caddo Indians --
Caine, John Thomas --
Calamity, Jane [Martha Jane Canary] --
Caldwell, Kansas --
Calhoun, John Caldwell --
Calico, California --
California --
California Indians --
California missions --
California rancho system --
California Trail --
Call, Richard Keith --
Camel experiment --
Caminetti, Anthony --
Camp Grant Massacre --
Camp meeting --
Campbell, Alexander --
Campbell, Ben Nighthorse --
Campbell, Robert --
Campbell, Thomas --
Campbell, Walter --
Canadian frontier --
Canadian Shield --
Canadian-American relations --
Canal era --
Canary, Martha Jane --
Cannon, George Q. --
Canton, Frank M. [Joseph Horner] --
Capitol Freehold Ranch --
Capitol Syndicate Ranch --
Capper, Arthur --
Captain Jack [Keintpoos] --
Captivity narratives --
Carey Act --
Carey, Joseph Maull --
Caribou --
Carleton, James Henry --
Carlisle Indian School --
Carmel Mission --
Carrington, Henry Beebee --
Carson, Kit [Christopher Houston] --
Carstensen, Vernon --
Carter, Clarence Edwin --
Cartography --
Cartwright, Peter --
Carver, Jonathan --
Cascade Range --
Casement, Dan Dillon --
Cash, Joseph Harper --
Cass, Lewis --
Cassidy, "Butch" [Robert Leroy Parker] [Alias George Leroy Parker] --
Cataldo, Joseph --
Catamount --
Catawba Indians --
Cather, Willa Sibert --
Catlin, George --
Catron, Thomas Benton --
Cattle associations --
Cattle brands --
Cattle industry --
Cattle industry in the twentieth century --
Cattle Kate [Ella Watson] --
Cattle towns --
Caughey, John Walton --
Cayuga Indians --
Cayuse Indians --
Cazier, Henry Hallowell --
Central City, Colorado --
Central Lowland --
Central Overland California and Pike's Peak Express Company --
Central Pacific Railroad --
Chaffee, Jerome Bonaparte --
Chamberlain, Samuel --
Chandler, Alexander John --
Chaparral --
Chaps --
Charbonneau, Jean Baptiste --
Charbonneau, Toussaint --
Charless, Joseph --
Chatillon, Henri --
Chato --
Chaves, José Francisco --
Chávez, César Estrada --
Chávez, Dennis --
Cherokee Indians --
Cherokee Nation v. State of Georgia --
Cherokee War --
Cheyenne and Arapaho Indians --
Cheyenne-Arapaho War --
Chicago and Northwestern Railroad --
Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad --
Chicago, Illinois, to 1860 --
Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad --
Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad --
Chicano liberation movement of the 1960s and 1970s --
Chickasaw Indians. Chief Joseph --
Chihuahua Trail --
Chihuahuan Desert --
China trade --
Chinatowns --
Chinese Americans --
Chinese immigration --
Chinese, riots against --
Chino Rancho --
Chinook Indians --
Chinook Jargon --
Chippewa Indians --
Chiricahua Indians --
Chisholm, Jesse --
Chisum, John Simpson --
Chiswell's mines (Virginia) --
Chittenden, Hiram Martin --
Chivington, John M. --
Choctaw Indians --
Choris, Ludovik [Louis] Andrevitch --
Chorpenning, George --
Chouteau, Auguste Pierre --
Chouteau family --
Chu, Pak --
Church, James E. --
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints --
Churches, traveling --
Cíbola --
Cities, growth of --
Civil War in the West --
Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) --
Clagett, William Horace --
Claiborne, John Francis Hamtramck --
Claiborne, William Charles Cole --
Claim association --
Clappe, Louise --
Clark, Champ [James Beauchamp] --
Clark, [Charles] Badger Jr. --
Clark, Dan Elbert --
Clark, George Rogers --
Clark, Thomas D. --
Clark, Walter Van Tilburg --
Clark, William --
Clark, William Andrews --
Clay, Henry --
Clay, John --
Clayton, Powell --
Clemens, Samuel Langhorne --
Clinton, Hillary Rodham --
Clinton, William Jefferson --
Clothing --
Clum, John P. --
Clyman, James --
Coal mining --
Coastal Plain --
Coburn, Walter --
Cochise --
Cody, "Buffalo Bill" [William Frederick] --
Coe, William Robertson --
Coeur d'Alene or Skitswish Indians --
Colcord, Charles Francis --
Colden, Cadwallader --
Coleman, William Tell --
Colfax County War --
Collectors and collections of Western American books and manuscripts --
Colleges and universities --
Collier, John --
Colman, Norman J. --
Coloma, California --
Colonial wars --
Colorado --
Colorado Plateau --
Colorado River --
Colorado Springs, Colorado --
Colt revolver --
Colter, John --
Columbia, California --
Columbia Plateau --
Columbia River --
Comanche Indians --
Company towns --
Compromise of 1850 --
Comstock Lode --
Conestoga wagon --
Congregationalists --
Connecticut, settlement of --
Connor, Patrick Edward --
Conservation, land --
Conservation movement --
Conservation, water --
Conservation, wildlife --
Continental Divide --
Conway, James Sevier --
Cook, James Henry --
Cooke, Philip St. George --
Cooper, Astley D.M. --
Cooper, James Fenimore --
Copper Kings, War of the --
Copper mining --
Corn production --
Cornish, Nellie Centennial --
Cornplanter --
Cornstalk --
Coronado, Francisco Vásquez de --
Cortez, Gregorio --
Cortina, Juan Nepomuceno --
Costigan, Edward Prentiss --
Cotton culture --
Cotton production --
Coues, Elliott --
Cougar --
Courtright, Jim [Timothy Isaiah] --
Couse, Eanger Irving --
Cowboy --
Cowboy clothing --
Cowboy songs --
Cowles, Gardner Sr. --
Cox, Ross --
Coxey's Army --
Cramer, Zadok --
Crater Lake National Park --
Crawford, Coe Isaac --
Crazy, Horse [Tashunca-uitco] --
Credit Mobilier --
Creek Indians --
Creek War --
Cremony, John C. --
Cripple Creek, Colorado --
Cripple Creek strikes --
Crittenden, Robert --
Crocker, Charles --
Crockett, David --
Croghan, George --
Crook, George --
Crosby, Bob "Wild Horse." --
Cross, Henry H. --
Crow Indians --
Croy, Homer --
Crumbo, Woodrow Wilson ("Woody") --
Cumberland Compact --
Cumberland Gap --
Cumberland Road (National Road) --
Curry, John Steuart --
Curti, Merle Eugene --
Curtis, Edward Sheriff --
Cushing, Frank Hamilton --
Custer, Elizabeth Bacon --
Custer, George Armstrong --
Cutter, Donald C. --
Dakota Indians --
Dakota Territory --
Dale, Edward Everett --
Dallas, Claude Lafayette Jr. --
Dallas, Texas --
Dalton gang --
Daly, Marcus --
Dame Shirley [Louise Amelia Knapp Smith Clappe] --
Dana, Richard Henry Jr. --
Dancing Rabbit Creek, Treaty of --
Darley, Felix Octavius Carr --
Dasburg, Andrew Michael --
Davis, Harold Lenoir --
Davis, Jeff --
Davis, Jefferson --
Davis, Theodore Russell --
Davis, William Watts Hart --
Dawes, Henry Laurens --
Dawes Severalty Act --
De Quille, William Wright ("Dan") --
De Smet, Pierre Jean --
De Soto, Hernando --
De Voto, Bernard --
De Zavala, Lorenzo --
Deadwood, South Dakota --
Deady, Matthew Paul --
Deas, Charles --
Death Valley --
Debo, Angle --
Deer, Ada --
Deer family --
Deer, mule and black-tailed --
Deer, white-tailed --
Deitz, John F. --
Delaware Indians --
Delaware, settlement of --
Deloria, Vine Jr. --
Democratic party, 1800-1860 --
Denali National Park and Preserve --
Denig, Edwin T. --
Densmore, Frances --
Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad --
Denver, Colorado --
Deputy marshal --
Derby, George Horatio --
Dern, George Henry --
Deseret, state of --
Deserts --
Devol, Jonathan --
Dialects --
Diamond Hoax --
Dick, Everett --
Didion, Joan --
Diehl, Charles Sanford --
Dietz, John F. --
Diggs, Annie La Porte --
Dillon, Sidney --
Dime novels --
Disciples of Christ --
Diseases --
Disney, Walter Elias --
Disneyland --
Dixon, Lafayette Maynard --
Dobie, James Frank --
Doctors --
Dodge City, Kansas --
Dodge City War --
Dodge, Grenville Mellen --
Dodge, Henry --
Dog Soldiers --
Doig, Ivan --
Dolores Mission --
Dolores, New Mexico --
Donaldson, Thomas C. --
Donelson's Line --
Doniphan, Alexander William --
Donnelly, Ignatius --
Donner party --
Donner Trail --
Dorsey, James Owen --
Dorsey, Stephen Wallace --
Doty, James Duane --
Douglas family --
Douglas, Stephen Arnold --
Dousman, Hercules Louis --
Downieville, California --
Dozier, Edward P. --
Dragging Canoe (Tsiyu-Gûnsíni) --
Drago, Harry Sinclair --
Drake, Daniel --
Draper, Lyman Copeland --
Drexel, Katherine --
Dry farming --
Dubois, Fred Thomas --
Dubourg, Louis --
Dubuque, Julien --
Duchesne, Saint Rose Philippine --
Dull Knife --
Duluth [Du Lhut], Daniel Greysolon, Sieur --
Duluth, Minnesota --
Dundy, Elmer Scipio --
Duniway, Abigail Scott --
Dunn, Harvey --
Dunton, William Herbert --
Durant, Thomas Clark --
Dust bowl --
Dutch in North America --
DuVal, William Pope --
Dye, Eva Emery --
Dykes, Jefferson C. --
Eads, James Buchanan --
Earp brothers --
East and West Florida question --
East Texas missions --
Eastman, Seth --
Eaton, Howard --
Echohawk, Brummett --
Echohawk, John E. --
Ecological movement --
Ecology --
Edmunds Acts --
Edmunds, Newton --
Edwardsen, Charles Jr. ("Ituk") --
Eel River --
Ehrenberg, Arizona --
El Paso, Texas --
Election of 1824 --
Election of 1828 --
Election of 1832 --
Election of 1836 --
Election of 1840 --
Election of 1844 --
Election of 1848 --
Election of 1852 --
Election of 1856 --
Election of 1860 --
Election of 1864 --
Election of 1868 --
Election of 1872 --
Election of 1876 --
Election of 1880 --
Election of 1884 --
Election of 1888 --
Election of 1892 --
Election of 1896 --
Eliot, John --
Elizabethtown, New Mexico --
Elk, American --
Elkins, Stephen Benton --
Ellet, Charles R --
Elliott, Russell Richard --
Ellsworth, Kansas --
Emigrants' guidebooks --
Emma Mine --
Emory, William Hemsley --
Empresario system --
English language and the westward movement --
Engraving --
Environmental history of the West --
Erdrich, Louise --
Erie Canal --
Eskiminzin --
Eskimo-Aleut language --
Evans, John --
Ewers, John Canfield --
Exodusters --
Exploration, English --
Exploration, French --
Exploration, Russian --
Exploration, Spanish --
Exploration, United States --
Factory system --
Fair, James Graham --
Fall, Albert Bacon --
Fallen Timbers, battle of --
Fannin, James W. Jr. --
Fargo, North Dakota --
Fargo, William George --
Farm movements --
Farny, Henry F. --
Faulk, Odie B. --
Faust, Frederick Schiller --
Fayetteville, Arkansas --
Feather River --
Feikema, Feike --
Ferber, Edna --
Ferguson, James Edward --
Fergusson, Harvey --
Ferris, Warren Angus --
Fetterman Massacre --
Fewkes, Jesse Walter --
Ficklin, Benjamin F. --
Fiddle --
Field, Stephen Johnson --
Films, western --
Findley, John --
Finerty, John Frederick --
Fink, Mike --
Finley [Findley], John --
Finney, Charles G --
Firearms --
Fisher, John King --
Fisher, Vardis Alvero --
Fisheries --
Fite, Gilbert Courtland --
Fitzpatrick, Thomas --
Five Civilized Tribes --
Flaget, Benedict --
Flagler, Henry Morrison --
Flake, William --
Flathead Indians --
Fletcher, John Gould --
Flint, Timothy --
Florida --
Folwell, William W. --
Fontainebleau, Treaty of --
Fontenelle, Lucien --
Foote, Mary Hallock --
Forbes, John Murray --
Forbes's Road --
Ford, John --
Ford, John Salmon ("Rip") --
Forests --
Forsyth, George Alexander --
Fort Beauharnois and Fort St. Charles (Minnesota) --
Fort Belknap (Texas) --
Fort Bonneville (Wyoming) --
Fort Bowie (Arizona) --
Fort Bridger (Wyoming) --
Fort Brooke (Florida) --
Fort Craig (New Mexico) --
Fort Crawford (Wisconsin) --
Fort Davis (Texas) --
Fort Defiance (Arizona) --
Fort Douglas (Utah) --
Fort Garland (Colorado) --
Fort Hall (Idaho) --
Fort Kearny (Nebraska) --
Fort Laramie, Treaty of -1851 --
Fort Laramie (Wyoming) --
Fort Larned (Kansas) --
Fort Leavenworth (Kansas) --
Fort Manuel --
Fort Osage (Missouri) --
Fort Phil Kearny (Wyoming) --
Fort Raymond (Montana) --
Fort Rice (North Dakota) --
Fort Robinson (Nebraska) --
Fort Ross (California) --
Fort Sill (Oklahoma) --
Fort Smith (Arkansas) --
Fort Snelling (Minnesota) --
Fort St. Charles --
Fort Stanwix, Treaty of -1768 --
Fort Stanwix, Treaty of -1784 --
Fort Union (Montana) --
Fort Union (New Mexico) --
Fort Vancouver (Washington) --
Fort Walla Walla (Washington) --
Fort Wayne (Indiana) --
Fort William --
Fort Worth, Texas --
Forts. Forty-niners --
Forty-niners, trails of the --
Fraeb, Henry --
Franchère, Gabriel --
Franciscan missions --
Frank, Michael --
Franklin, Benjamin --
Franklin, state of --
Frantz, Joe Bertram --
Fraser, James Earle --
Frazier, Lynn Joseph --
Fredonian Rebellion --
Free silver --
Free-Soil party --
Frémont, Jessie Ann Benton --
Frémont, John Charles --
French and Indian War --
French dialects in the Mississippi Valley --
French heritage --
French, Peter --
French rule in the Mississippi Valley --
Frontier, Australia --
Frontier, Canada --
Frontier life, 1750-1850 --
Frontier theory --
Fulbright, James William --
Fur trade, in the colonies --
Fur trade, in the United States --
Furnas, Robert Wilkinson --
Fur-trading forts --
Gadsden Purchase --
Gall [Pizi] --
Gallegos, José Manuel --
Gálvez, Bernardo de --
Gambling --
Gambling, Nevada --
Games --
Garcia, Hector Perez --
Gard, [Sanford] Wayne --
Garland, Hamlin --
Garrard, Hector Lewis --
Garrett, Patrick Floyd --
Garry, Joseph R. --
Gary, William de la Montagne --
Gates, Paul Wallace --
Gates, Susa Young --
Gene Autry Western Heritage Museum --
General Allotment Act --
Genoa, Nevada --
Gentilz, Jean Louis Theodore --
Geological Survey, United States --
Georgia, settlement of --
German-Russian immigration --
Geronimo --
Ghent, Treaty of --
Ghost Dance --
Ghost of Sonora --
Ghost towns --
Giannini, Amadeo Peter --
Gibbs, Jonathan --
Gibson, Arrell M. --
Gibson, Paris --
Gila City, Arizona --
Gila River --
Gilcrease, William Thomas --
Gillette, John Morris --
Gilpin, William --
Gipson, Fred --
Girty, Simon --
Gist, Christopher --
Glacier National Park --
Glass, Hugh --
Glenn, Hugh James --
Glenn-Fowler expedition --
Glidden, Frederick D. --
Godbe, William --
Goetzmann, William Harry --
Gold and silver rushes --
Gold rush towns of California --
Golden, New Mexico --
Goldfield, Nevada --
Goldwater family --
Goliad, battle of --
Gonzales, Rodolfo ("Corky") --
Gooding, Frank Robert --
Goodnight, Charles --
Goodwin, Cardinal B. --
Goodykoontz, Colin B. --
Gore, Thomas P. --
Gould, Jay --
Graff, Everett D. --
Graham-Tewksbury feud --
Grand Canyon --
Grand Forks, North Dakota --
Grand Portage National Monument --
Grand Teton National Park --
Granger laws --
Grant, Heber Jeddy --
Grass Valley, California --
Grasses --
Grattan Massacre --
Gray, Robert --
Gray, William H. --
Grayson, Andrew Jackson --
Great American Desert --
Great Basin Desert --
Great Basin Indians --
Great Basin streams --
Great Diamond Hoax --
Great Lakes --
Great Lakes, men of the --
Great Meadows, battle of --
Great Northern Railroad --
Great Plains --
Great Renegade --
Great Road of the Valley --
Great Warrior's Path --
Greek immigration --
Greeley, Horace --
Green, Joshua --
Greenback party --
Greenville, Treaty of --
Greenway, John Campbell --
Greenwood, Caleb --
Gregg, Josiah --
Gressley, Gene M. --
Grey, Zane --
Grierson, Benjamin Henry --
Grinnell, George Bird --
Grizzly bear --
Gros Ventre of the Missouri --
Gros Ventre of the Prairie --
Grouard, Frank --
Gruening, Ernest --
Guadalupe Hidalgo, Treaty of --
Gue, Benjamin F. --
Guevavi --
Gulf Coastal Plain --
Guns --
Guthrie, Alfred Bertram Jr. --
Guthrie, Woodrow Wilson ("Woody") --
Gwin, William McKendree --
Hafen, LeRoy Reuben --
Hahn, Carl Wilhelm [William] --
Haida Indians --
Hailey, John --
Hale, John D. --
Haley, James Evetts Sr. --
Hall, Frank --
Hall, James --
Hallett, Moses --
Hamilton, William T. --
Hancock campaign --
Handcart companies --
Hanna, Marcus A. --
Hannibal and St. Joseph Railroad --
Hansen, Marcus Lee --
Hard Labor, Treaty of --
Hardin, John Wesley --
Harmar, Josiah --
Harney, William Selby --
Harriman, Edward Henry --
Harris, Daniel Smith --
Harris, La Donna --
Harrison, William Henry --
Harrod, James --
Harte, [Francis] Bret[t] --
Harvey, Ford Ferguson --
Hastings, Lansford Warren --
Hauser, Samuel Thomas --
Hawaii --
Hawaiian pidgin English --
Hawley, James Henry --
Haycox, Ernest --
Hayden family --
Hayden, Ferdinand Vandeveer --
Hayes, Ira --
Hays, John Coffee ("Jack") --
Hays, William Jacob --
Haywood, William Dudley --
Headright system --
Health --
Hearst, William Randolph --
Hebard, Grace Raymond --
Heinze, Frederick Augustus --
Henderson, Richard --
Henry, Andrew --
Henry, Patrick --
Heyburn, Weldon Brinton --
Heye Foundation, National Museum of the American Indian --
Hiawatha legend --
Hickok, "Wild Bill" [James Butler] --
Hicks, John D. --
Hidatsa Indians --
Higgins, Victor --
Highways --
Hill, James Jerome --
Hill, Joe --
Hill, Nathaniel Peter --
Hill, Thomas --
Hillerman, Tony --
Hillsboro, New Mexico --
Hine, Robert V. --
Hitchcock, Gilbert Monell --
Hittell, John Shertzer --
Hodge, Frederick Webb --
Hoecken, Adrian --
Hogg, James Stephen --
Holbrook, Stewart Hall --
Holladay, Ben --
Holladay's stagecoach lines --
Holliday, "Doc" [John Henry] --
Hollister, William Welles --
Hollon, W. Eugene --
Holmes, David --
Holmes, William Henry --
Holston River settlements --
Homestake Mine --
Homestead Act --
Hoof-and-mouth disease --
Hooker, Henry Clay --
Hooper, William Henry --
Hoover, Herbert T. --
Hopi Indians --
Hopkins, Mark --
Horgan, Paul --
Horn, Tom --
Horse --
Horse, wild --
Horseshoe Bend, battle of --
Hot Springs National Park --
Hotels --
Houck, Louis --
Hough, Emerson --
Houston, Samuel --
Houston, Texas --
Howard, James --
Howard, Joseph Kinsey --
Howard, Oliver Otis --
Hudson's Bay Company --
Huffman, Laton Alton --
Hughes, Howard Robard --
Humboldt River --
Humor --
Hunt, George Wiley Paul --
Hunt, Haroldson Lafayette --
Hunt, Wilson Price --
Hunter, Walter L. --
Huntington, Collis Potter --
Huntington Library, Art Collections, and Botanical Gardens --
Huron (Wyandot) Indians --
Hutchinson, William Henry --
Iberville, Pierre Le Moyne Sieur d' --
Ickes, Harold LeClair --
Idaho --
Idaho City, Idaho --
Idaho National Engineering Laboratory --
Iliff, John Wesley --
Illinois, settlement of --
Immigration --
Imperial Valley and the Salton Sea (California) --
Independence, Missouri --
Indian Affairs, Bureau of --
Indian languages --
Indian painters --
Indian pottery --
Indian Power movement --
Indian Rights Association --
Indian sign language --
Indian silverwork --
Indian Territory --
Indian wars --
Indian weaving --
Indian-African-American relations --
Indiana, settlement of --
Indian-captivity narratives --
Indians and white diseases --
Indians, Christian --
Indians of California --
Indians of Texas --
Indians of the Great Basin --
Indians of the Great Plains --
Indians of the Northwest Coast --
Indians of the Southwest --
Indian-white relations: British Indian policy, 1763-75 --
Industrial Army movement --
Industrial Workers of the World --
Interior, Department of the --
Interior Low Plateau --
Internal improvements --
Iowa --
Irish immigration --
Iroquoian language --
Iroquois confederacy --
Irrigation --
Irvine Ranch --
Irvine, William C. --
Irving, Washington --
Italian immigration --
JA Ranch --
Jackrabbit --
Jackson, Andrew --
Jackson family --
Jackson, Harry Andrew --
Jackson, Helen [Maria Fiske] Hunt --
Jackson, Sheldon --
Jackson, W. Turrentine --
Jackson, William Henry --
Jacobs, Wilbur S. --
James, Edwin --
James, Jesse [Woodson] and [Alexander], Frank[lin] --
James, William Roderick --
Japanese Americans --
Japanese immigration --
Jayhawkers --
Jay's Treaty --
Jefferson Barracks --
Jefferson, Thomas --
Jeffersonian Republican party --
Jeffords, Thomas J. --
Jennings, William --
Jerome, Arizona --
Jesuit missions --
Jesup, Thomas Sidney --
Jewish immigration --
Jicarilla Indians --
Jogues, Isaac --
Johannsen, Robert --
Johnson, Claudia Alta ("Lady Bird") --
Johnson County War --
Johnson, Dorothy Marie --
Johnson, Hiram Warren --
Johnson, Lyndon Baines --
Johnson, Richard Mentor --
Johnson, Robert Ward --
Johnson, William --
Johnston, Albert Sidney --
Jolliet, Louis --
Jones, John Percival --
Jones, Thomas ap Catesby --
Joseph, Antonio --
Joseph, Chief --
Joset, Joseph --
Joslyn Art Museum --
Joy, James Frederick --
Judah, Theodore Dehone --
Kaiser, Henry John --
Kamiakin --
Kane, Paul --
Kansa Indians --
Kansas --
Kansas Pacific Railroad --
Kansas-Nebraska issue --
Kearney, Denis --
Kearny, Stephen Watts --
Keelboat --
Keeler, William Wayne --
Keith, William --
Keleher, William Aloysius --
Kelley, Hall Jackson --
Kelley, Oliver Hudson --
Kelly, Milton --
Kelly, New Mexico --
Kendrick, John Benjamin --
Kenedy, Mifflin --
Kenton, Simon --
Kentucky frontier stations --
Kentucky rifle --
Kentucky, settlement of --
Keokuk --
Kern brothers: Edward Meyer and Richard Hovendon --
Kern, Richard Hovendon --
Kerr, Robert S. --
Kesey, Ken Elton --
Kickapoo Indians --
Kidder, Alfred Vincent --
Kieft's War --
Kimball, Jonathan Golden --
King, Charles Bird --
King, Clarence --
King George's War --
King Philip's War --
King Ranch --
King, Richard --
King William's War --
Kings Canyon National Park --
Kings Mountain, battle of --
Kings River --
Kingsolver, Barbara --
Kinkaid Act --
Kino, Eusebio Francisco --
Kiowa Indians --
Kiowa-Apache Indians --
Kittredge, William --
Kittson, Norman Wolfred --
Klamath Indians --
Klamath River --
Kluckhohn, Clyde Kay Maben --
Know-Nothing party --
Koerner, William Henry Dethlef --
Krieghoff, Cornelius David --
Kroeber, Alfred Louis --
Kruttschnitt, Julius --
Kurz, Rudolph Friedrich --
Kwakiutl Indians --
Kyle, James Henderson --
La Barge, Joseph --
La Farge, Oliver Hazard Perry --
La Flesche, Francis --
La Flesche, Susan [Picotte] and Susette, [Tibbles] --
La Paz, Arizona --
La Salle, René Robert Cavelier, Sieur de. La Vérendrye, Pierre Gaultier de Varennes, Sieur de --
Labor movement --
Laclède, Pierre --
Ladd, Edwin Fremont --
Lahontan, Louis-Armand de --
Lake, Bonneville (Utah) --
Lakes Erie, Huron, Michigan, Ontario, and Superior --
Lamar, Howard R. --
Lamar, Mirabeau Buonaparte --
L'Amour, Louis Dearborn --
Lamy, Jean Baptiste --
Lancaster, Treaty of --
Land claims, private --
Land companies --
Land Grant Act of 1862 --
Land Office, General --
Land policy. in the colonies --
Land reform movement --
Land surveys --
Land system, southern --
Land-grant college --
Lane, James Henry --
Lane, Joseph --
Langer, William --
Langlade, Charles Michel --
Languages --
Larkin, Thomas Oliver --
Larpenteur, Charles --
Larrazolo, Octaviano Ambrosio --
Larson, T.A. --
Las Vegas, Nevada --
Lassen Volcanic National Park --
Lathrop, "Cap" [Austin Eugene] --
Latter-day Saints --
Latter-day Saints, Reorganized --
Lavender, David --
Law and order --
Lea, Tom --
Lead mining --
Lead, South Dakota --
Leadville, Colorado --
Lease, Mary Elizabeth --
Lecompton constitution --
Lee, Andrew Erickson --
Lee, Ann --
Lee, Jason --
Lee, Robert Edward --
Leidesdorff, Alexander --
Leigh, William Robinson --
Leland, Alonzo --
Lemke, William --
Leonard, Zenas --
Leone --
Leopold, Aldo --
Leseuer, Charles-Alexandre --
Leslie, [Nashville] Frank[lin] ("Buckskin") --
Levi's --
Lewis and Clark expedition --
Lewis, Andrew --
Lewis, Henry --
Lewis, James Otto --
Lewis, Meriwether --
Lexington, Kentucky --
Libby, Orin Grant --
Lincoln, Abraham --
Lincoln County War --
Linderman, Frank Bird --
Linn, Lewis Fields --
Lipan Indians --
Lisa, Manuel --
Lithography --
Little Arkansas, Treaty of the --
Little Bighorn, battle of the --
Little, Crow [Taoyateduta] --
Little Rock, Arkansas --
Little, Turtle [Mishikinakwa] --
Little, Wolf --
Livingston, Edward --
Lochaber, Treaty of --
Lockwood, Francis Cummins --
Lockwood, John Ward --
Log cabin --
Logan, James --
Logan, James or John --
Logan, Utah --
Logstown, Pennsylvania --
Lomax, John Avery --
London Company, The --
Long, Ellen Call --
Long, Huey P --
Long hunters --
Long, Stephen Harriman --
Longhorn --
Longley, William Preston --
Lord Dunmore's War --
Loriks, Emil --
Los Alamos, New Mexico --
Los Angeles, California --
Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History --
Lost Dutchman's Mine --
Lottinville, Savoie --
Louisiana, District of --
Louisiana Purchase --
Louisiana, state of --
Louisiana Territory --
Louisville, Kentucky --
Loving, Oliver --
Lowe, Joseph --
Lowie, Robert H. --
Luhan, Mabel Dodge --
Lumber industry --
Lumberjack --
Lummis, Charles Fletcher --
Luna, Solomon --
Lytle, John T. --
MacDonald, Peter --
Mackay, John W. --
Mackenzie, Donald --
Mackenzie, Ranald Slidell --
Magoffin, James Wiley --
Mail service --
Maine, settlement of --
Majors, Alexander --
Malin, James Claude --
Mandan Indians --
Manfred, Frederick --
Mangas Coloradas --
Manifest destiny --
Mankiller, Wilma --
Mansfield, Michael Joseph --
Manzanares, Francisco Antonio --
Mapmaking --
Marcy, Randolph Barnes --
Marquette, Jacques --
Marryat, Frank [Samuel Francis] --
Marsh, Grant --
Marsh, John --
Marshal, federal --
Martin, Anne --
Martínez, Antonio José --
Martínez, María Montoya --
Maryland, settlement of --
Mason Valley Ranch --
Mason-Dixon line --
Massachusetts, settlement of --
Masterson, Bat [Bartholomew] --
Masterson, Louis [Kjell Hallbing] --
Matador Ranch --
Mather, David Allen --
Mather, Samuel Livingstone --
Mathews, Alfred Edward --
Mattes, Merrill J. --
Maxwell Land Grant Company --
Maxwell, Lucien Bonaparte --
May, Karl Friedrich --
Mayer, Frank Blackwell --
Mayflower Compact --
McCarran, Patrick A. --
McCarty, Henry --
McClintock, James Harvey --
McClure, Jake --
McCormick, Richard Cunningham --
McCoy, Joseph G. --
McCraken, Tracy Stephenson --
McCulloch, Benjamin --
McCulloch, Hartnell and Company --
McCumber, Porter James --
McDermott, John Francis --
McDougall, Alexander --
McDowell, Ephraim --
McGillivray, Alexander --
McGovern, George Stanley --
McKay, David Oman --
McKenzie, Alexander --
McKenzie, Kenneth --
McLaughlin, James --
McLoughlin, John --
McMurtry, Larry --
McNelly, Leander H. --
McNickle, D'Arcy --
McSween, Alexander --
Mead, Elwood --
Meagher, Michael and John --
Means, Russell --
Mears, Otto --
Medicine Lodge, Treaty of --
Meek, Joseph L. --
Meeker, Ezra --
Meeker Massacre --
Men and manhood in western history --
Menard, [Antoine] Pierre --
Menéndez de Avilés, Pedro --
Merk, Frederick --
Mesa Verde National Park --
Mescalero Indians --
Mesquakie Indian settlement --
Methodists --
Mexican Americans. Also Chicanos/Chicanas --
Mexican War --
Miami Indians --
Michelson, Halvor --
Michigan, settlement of --
Middle border --
Miles, Nelson Appleton --
Miller, Alfred Jacob --
Miller brothers: Joseph Carson, Zachary Taylor, and George Lee --
Miller, "Deacon Jim" [James P.] --
Miller, George L. --
Miller, Henry --
Miller, Joaquin [Cincinnatus Hiner] --
Mining engineer --
Mining law --
Mining, metal --
Mining towns --
Minitari Indians --
Minneapolis --
Minnesota --
Minnesota (Sioux) Uprising --
Missions, California --
Mississippi River --
Mississippi River, source of --
Mississippi, state of, to 1860 --
Mississippi Territory --
Mississippi Valley: French and Spanish periods --
Missouri Compromise --
Missouri Fur Company --
Missouri Pacific Railroad --
Missouri River --
Missouri. to 1850 --
Mitchell, John Hippie --
Modoc and Klamath Indians --
Modoc War --
Moffat, David Halliday --
Mogollon, New Mexico --
Mohawk Indians --
Mohegan Indians --
Mojave Desert --
Möllhausen, Heinrich Balduin --
Momaday, Navarre Scott --
Monaghan, Jay [James] --
Mondell, Frank Wheeler --
Monroe Doctrine --
Montana --
Montez, Lola --
Montezuma, Carlos --
Mooney, James --
Moose --
Moran, Thomas --
More, J. Marion --
Morés, Antoine Amedee Marie Vincent Manca de Vellombrosa, Marquis de --
Morgan, Dale L. --
Morgan, Lewis Henry --
Mormon Manifesto --
Mormon Trail --
Mormon War --
Mormons --
Morrill Act --
Morris, Esther --
Morton, Julius Sterling --
Moses, Phoebe Ann --
Mossman, Burton C. --
Motion picture industry --
Mountain lion --
Mountain Meadows Massacre --
Mt. McKinley National Park --
Mt. Rainier National Park --
Muir, John --
Mule --
Murieta [or Murrieta], Joaquín --
Murray, William H. "Alfalfa Bill" --
Murrell [Murrel, Murel], John A. --
Murrieta, Joaquín --
Museum of Navajo Ceremonial Art --
Museum of New Mexico --
Museums of anthropology --
Music about the West --
Music, western --
Muskogean language --
Mustang --
Nahl, Charles C. --
Nana --
Narjot, Erneste Etienne de Francheville --
Narváez, Pánfilo de --
Nash, Gerald D. --
Nashville, Tennessee --
Natchez Indians --
Natchez Trace --
Natchez-under-the-Hill, Mississippi --
Natchez War --
Nation, Carry Amelia --
National Cowboy Hall of Fame and Western Heritage Center --
National Park Service --
National parks and monuments --
National roads --
Native American Church --
Native American Rights Fund --
Navajo [Navaho] Indians --
Navajo weaving --
Neagle, David --
Nebraska --
Neihardt, John Gneisenau --
Nelson, Aven --
Nevada --
Nevada City, California --
Nevada Proving Ground --
New Echota, Treaty of --
New England, settlement of --
New Hampshire, settlement of --
New Haven Colony --
New Helvetia --
New Indian movement --
New Jersey, settlement of --
New Mexico --
New Mexico missions --
New Netherland --
New Orleans battle of --
New Orleans, Louisiana --
New York, settlement of --
New York, Treaty of --
Newberry, Oliver --
Newell, Robert --
Newlands, Francis Griffith --
Newlands Reclamation Act --
Newspapers in the Old West --
Nez Percé Indians --
Nez Percé War --
Nicolet, Jean --
Nicollet, Joseph Nicolas. Also known as Jean N. Nicollet --
Noble savage concept --
Noland, Charles Fenton Mercer --
Nonpartisan League --
Nootka Indians --
Nootka Sound controversy --
Norbeck, Peter --
Norris, [Benjamin] Frank[lin] --
Norris, George William --
North Carolina, settlement of --
North Dakota --
North West Company --
Northern Pacific Railroad --
Northern Securities Company --
Northwest Coast Indians --
Northwest Ordinance --
Northwest Passage --
Northwest Territory --
Novel, western --
Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe de los Nacogdoches --
Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria --
Nuestra Señora de la Purísima Concepción de Acuña --
Nuestra Señora de la Soledad --
Nuestra Señora de los Dolores de los Ais --
Nuestra Señora del Espíritu Santo de Zuñiga --
Nunis, Doyce Blackman Jr. --
Nute, Grace Lee --
Nye, Bill [Edgar Wilson Nye] --
Nye, Gerald P. --
Nye, James W. --
Oakland Museum of California --
Oakley, Annie [Phoebe Ann Moses] --
Occaneechi Trading Path --
Ochoa, Esteban --
Oddie, Tasker L. --
O'Donel, Charles M. --
O'Fallon, Benjamin --
Ogden, Peter Skene --
Ogden, Utah --
Ohio River --
Ohio, settlement of --
Oil industry --
Ojibwa (Anishinaabe/Chippewa) Indians --
O.K. Corral shootout --
O'Keeffe, Georgia --
Okies --
Oklahoma --
Old Northwest --
Old Shasta, California --
Old Southwest --
Old Spanish Trail --
Old West --
Olive, [Isom Prentice] Print --
Olmsted, Frederick Law --
Olympic National Park --
Omaha Indians --
Omaha, Nebraska --
O'Mahoney, Joseph Christopher --
Oñate, Juan de. Oneida Indians --
O'Neill, "Buckey" [William Owen] --
Onondaga Indians --
Opechancanough --
Opera --
Ophir, Utah --
Oraibi, Arizona --
Ordway, Nehemiah --
Oregon --
Oregon controversy --
Oregon Trail --
O'Reilly, Alejandro --
Orleans, Territory of --
Osage Indians --
Osceola --
Osgood, Ernest S. --
Otero, Miguel Antonio --
Otero, Miguel Antonio --
Ouachita Province --
Oury brothers --
Overland guidebooks --
Overland Mail Company --
Owen, Robert L. --
Owens, Commodore Perry --
Ozark Plateaus --
Pacific Border Province --
Pacific Fur Company --
Pacific Mail Steamship Company --
Painter --
Paiute Indians --
Palace of the Governors --
Palladino, Lawrence --
Palmer, Frances Flora --
Palmer, William Jackson --
Palo Duro Canyon, battle of --
Panama: Isthmian diplomacy since 1850 --
Panamint City, California --
Panther --
Papago Indians --
Paris, Treaty of --
Paris, Treaty of --
Parker, Bonnie --
Parker, George Leroy --
Parker, Isaac Charles --
Parkman, Francis --
Parrington, Vernon Louis --
Parsons, Elsie Clews --
Passage to India --
Pattie, Sylvester and James Ohio --
Paul, Rodman Wilson --
Paxson, Frederick Logan --
Peace policy --
Peale, Titian Ramsay --
Pecos River --
Peffer, William Alfred --
Pelzer, Lewis --
Pembina, North Dakota --
Penitentiaries --
Pennsylvania Germans --
Pennsylvania, settlement of --
People's party --
People's party, Kansas --
Pequot War --
Perea, Pedro --
Perkins, Charles Elliott --
Perot, Henry Ross --
Perrigo, Lynn --
Perrot, Nicolas --
Perry, Oliver Hazard --
Pershing, John Joseph --
Peterson, Helen White --
Petroleum industry --
Pettigrew, Richard Franklin --
Peyotism --
Philip, [James] Scotty --
Phoenix, Arizona --
Photography --
Physiography of the United States --
Pickett, Bill --
Pidgin English --
Piedmont Plateau --
Pierce, Elias Davidson --
Pierce, "Shanghai" [Abel Head] --
Pierpont, Francis Harrison --
Pierre, South Dakota --
Pierre's Hole, battle of --
Pierson, George Wilson --
Pike, Albert --
Pike, Zebulon Montgomery --
Pilcher, Joshua --
Pilgrims --
Piman Indians --
Pinchot, Gifford --
Pinckney's Treaty --
Pine Bluff, Arkansas --
Pinkerton Detective Agency --
Pitalesharo --
Pittman, Key --
Placerville, California --
Plant, Henry Bradley --
Plantation system --
Plants --
Platte River --
Pleasant Valley War --
Plenty Coups --
Plummer [Plumer], Henry --
Plymouth Colony --
Pocahontas --
Poe, Orlando M. --
Poindexter, George --
Point, Nicolas --
Pokagon, Leopold --
Polygamy --
Pomeroy, Earl S. --
Ponca Indians --
Ponce de León, Juan --
Pond, Peter --
Pond, Samuel and Gideon --
Pontiac's Rebellion --
Pony Express --
Pope, John --
Popular sovereignty --
Populism --
Populism in the Mountain West --
Porter, Kenneth Wiggins --
Portland, Oregon --
Posey, Alexander --
Poston, Charles Debrille --
Potawatomi Indians --
Pottery, southwestern Indian --
Powder River Indian expedition --
Powell, John Wesley --
Powhatan --
Prairie --
Prairie dog --
Prairie du Chien, Treaty of --
Prairie schooner --
Pratt, Orson --
Pratt, Richard Henry --
Presbyterians --
Prescott, Arizona --
Preuss, Charles --
Priber, Christian Gottlieb --
Price, Clayton S. --
Price, Florence --
Price, Sterling --
Prints --
Proclamation of 1763 --
Pronghorn --
Prospector --
Prostitution on the frontier --
Protestant churches --
Protestant missionaries --
Provo, Utah --
Provost, Etienne --
Prowers, John Wesley --
Prucha, Francis Paul --
Public domain --
Pueblo Indians --
Pullman, George Mortimer --
Puma --
Pumpelly, Rafael --
Purísima Concepción, La --
Puritans --
Pushmataha --
Pyramid Lake, Nevada --
Quaife, Milo Milton --
Quaker policy --
Quanah Parker --
Quantrill's Raiders --
Quapaw Indians --
Quechan Indians --
Queen Anne's War --
Quick, John Herbert --
Quinault Indians --
Quitman, John Anthony --
Radio and television, westerns on --
Railroad land grants --
Railroads --
Ralston, William Chapman --
Ramsey, Alexander --
Ranches of California --
Randsburg, California --
Rankin, Jeannette --
Ranney, William Tylee --
Ravalli, Anthony --
Raynolds expedition --
Reading Prong --
Reagan, John H. --
Reagan, Ronald --
Reaugh, [Charles] Frank[lin] --
Reavis, James Addison --
Reclamation and irrigation --
Recreation --
Red, Bird --
Red, Cloud [Makhpíya-Lúta] --
Red, Jacket [Sagoyewatha] --
Red Power movement --
Red River cart --
Red River of the North --
Red River of the South --
Red River War --
Reed, Simeon Gannett --
Refugio --
Regulators of North Carolina --
Reid, Hugo --
Reifel, Benjamin --
Remington, Frederic --
Rendezvous system --
Renner, Frederic G. --
Reno, Marcus A --
Reno, Nevada --
Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints --
Reptiles --
Republican party, 1856-96 --
Revivalism --
Rhode Island, settlement of --
Rhodes, Eugene Manlove --
Rhyolite, Nevada --
Ribault, Jean --
Rich, Charles Coulson --
Richardson, Rupert N. --
Richter, Conrad --
Ridge, Martin --
Riegel, Robert E. --
Riel, Louis [David] --
Rifles --
Riggs, Lynn --
Rindisbacher, Peter --
Ringo, John Peters --
Rio Grande --
Ripley, Edward Payson --
Rister, Carl Coke --
Rivermen --
Roads and highways --
Roberts, Brigham Henry --
Roberts, [Granville] Oral --
Roberts, Oran Milo --
Robertson, James --
Robidoux brothers --
Robinson, Charles --
Rockwell Museum --
Rocky Mountain Fur Company --
Rocky Mountain National Park --
Rocky Mountains --
Rodeo --
Rogers, John Rankin --
Rogers, Will [William Penn Adair] --
Rogers, William Allen --
Rolle, Andrew F. --
Rollins, Philip Ashton --
Rölvaag, Ole Edvart --
Roman Catholic church --
Roman Catholic missionaries --
Roman, Nose --
Roosevelt, Nicholas J --
Roosevelt, Theodore --
Rosario --
Rose, Edward --
Rosebud, battle of the --
Rosewater, Edward --
Ross, Alexander --
Ross, Charles Benjamin --
Ross, John --
Rough Riders --
Royce, Josiah --
Ruef, Abraham --
Rundell, Walter Jr. --
Russell, Charles Marion --
Russell, Hubbard Searles --
Russell, Majors and Waddell --
Russell, Osborne --
Russell, William Hepburn --
Russian-American Company --
Ryan, John Dennis --
Sacagawea --
Sacramento, California --
Sacramento River --
Saddles --
Safety valve theory --
Salinas River --
Salish Indians --
Salish language --
Saloon --
Salpointe, Jean Baptiste --
Salt Lake City, Utah --
Salt licks --
Salton Sea --
San Andreas fault --
San Antonio de Padua --
San Antonio de Valero --
San Antonio, Texas --
San Buenaventura --
San Carlos Borromeo --
San Diego de Alcalá --
San Fernando Rey de España --
San Francisco, California --
San Francisco de Asís --
San Francisco de la Espada --
San Francisco de los Neches --
San Francisco de los Tejas --
San Francisco Solano --
San Francisco Xavier de Horcasitas --
San Gabriel Arcángel --
San Ildefonso --
San Ildefonso, Treaty of --
San Jacinto, battle of --
San Joaquin River --
San José de Guadalupe --
San José de los Nazonis --
San José y San Miguel de Aguayo --
San Juan Bautista --
San Juan Capistrano (California) --
San Juan Capistrano (Texas) --
San Lorenzo, Treaty of --
San Luis Obispo de Tolosa --
San Luis Rey de Francia --
San Miguel Arcángel --
San Rafael Arcángel --
San Rafael Ranch --
San Saba --
San Xavier del Bac --
San Xavier River missions --
Sand Creek Massacre --
Sanders, Wilbur Fisk --
Sandoz, Mari --
Sandpainting or dry painting --
Santa Anna, Antonio López de --
Santa Bárbara --
Santa Clara de Asís --
Santa Cruz --
Santa Fe and Chihuahua Trail --
Santa Fe, New Mexico --
Santa Fe Ring --
Santa Inés, Virgen y Mártir --
Santee, Ross --
Sapir, Edward --
Sappington, John --
Sarasin --
Sargent, Winthrop --
Sasquatch --
Satanta [Set- taint- te, "White Bear"] --
Sauk Indians --
Scalping --
Schaefer, Jack Warner --
Schafer, Joseph --
Scheiber, Harry N. --
Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe --
Schreiner, Charles --
Schreyvogel, Charles --
Schurz, Carl --
Scotch-Irish --
Scott, Thomas Alexander --
Scott, Winfield --
Scrugham, James G. --
Seattle, Washington --
Second Awakening --
Sellers, Isaiah --
Selman, John Henry --
Seltzer, Olaf Carl --
Seminole Indians --
Seminole Wars --
Seneca Indians --
Sequoia and Kings Canyon national parks --
Sequoyah --
Serra, Junípero --
Sevier, John --
Seymour, Samuel --
Shafroth, John Franklin --
Shakers --
Shambaugh, Benjamin Franklin --
Sharkey, William Lewis --
Sharp, Joseph Henry --
Shawnee Indians --
Shawnee Prophet --
Sheep ranching --
Shelby, Isaac --
Sheridan, Philip Henry --
Sherman, William Tecumseh --
Short, Luke [Frederick Dilley Glidden] --
Short, Luke L. --
Shortridge, Eli C.D. --
Shoshone Indians --
Shoulders, James --
Shoup, George Laird --
Showboat --
Shreve, Henry M. --
Sibley, Henry Hastings --
Sieber, Albert --
Sierra Club --
Sierra Nevada --
Silko, Leslie Marmon --
Silver issue --
Silver King, Arizona --
Silver Plume, Colorado --
Silver Reef, Utah --
Silver rushes --
Silverwork, southwestern Indian --
Simpson, Jerry --
Simpson, Sir George --
Since 1850 --
Siouan language --
Siouan tribes, Southern --
Sioux (Dakota, Lakota) Indians --
Sioux Falls, South Dakota --
Sioux Uprising --
Sire, Joseph A --
Siringo, Charles A. --
Sitka, Alaska --
Sitting Bull [Tatanka Iyotake] --
Skitswish Indians --
Slaughter, John --
Slidell, John --
Slim Buttes, battle of --
Sloan, John --
Smillie, James David --
Smith, Henry Nash --
Smith, Jackson and Sublette --
Smith, Jedediah Strong --
Smith, Joseph Fielding --
Smith, Joseph Jr. --
Smith, Thomas James --
Smoot, Reed --
Smythe, William Ellsworth. Snake River --
Snow, Eliza Roxcy --
Sod house --
Sohon, Gustavus --
Sonnichsen, Charles Leland --
Sonoma Mission --
Sonora, California --
Sonoran Desert --
Sorenson, Elias --
South Carolina, settlement of --
South Dakota --
South Pass --
Southern Pacific Railroad --
Southwest Territory --
Spalding, Henry Harmon --
Spanish Americans --
Spanish conspiracy --
Spanish language in the Southwest --
Spanish rule in the Mississippi Valley --
Spanish-American War --
Sparks, John --
Spicer, Edward Holland --
Spokane Indians --
Sports and pastimes --
Spur Ranch --
Spurs --
Squatter club --
St. Clair, Arthur --
St. Joseph, Missouri --
St. Louis, Missouri --
St. Paul --
St. Vrain, Ceran De Hault De Lassus de --
Stagecoach --
Stanford, Leland --
Stanley, John Mix --
Stark Museum of Art --
Starr, Belle [Myra Belle Shirley] --
Steamboat --
Steffens, [Joseph] Lincoln --
Stegner, Wallace --
Steinbeck, John --
Stetson hat --
Steunenberg, Frank --
Stevens, Isaac Ingalls --
Stevenson, Edward Augustus --
Stevenson, Matilda Coxe --
Stewart, William Morris --
Still, William Grant --
Stockton, Robert Field --
Stone, Barton W --
Stone, Willard --
Stoudenmire, Dallas --
Strahorn, Robert Edmond --
Strang, James Jesse --
Streeter, Thomas W. --
Stuart, Granville --
Stuart, John --
Sublette brothers --
Suffrage --
Sullivan-Clinton Campaign --
Sully, Alfred --
Summerhayes, Martha Dunham --
Sumner, Edwin Vose --
Sun dance --
Sun Valley, Idaho --
Sundance Kid --
Superior Upland --
Susquehanna (Susquehannock) Indians --
Sutro, Adolph Heinrich --
Sutter, John Augustus --
Sutters Fort --
Swan, Alexander Hamilton --
Swisshelm, Jane Grey Cannon --
Sycamore Shoals, Treaty of --
Tabor, Horace Austin Warner --
Tait, Arthur Fitzwilliam --
Taliaferro, Lawrence --
Tall Bull --
Talmage, James Edward --
Tanner, John --
Taos and Santa Fe art colonies --
Tariff policy --
Taverns and hotels --
Taylor, Bayard --
Taylor, John --
Taylor Museum --
Taylor, Zachary --
Teapot Dome Scandal --
Tecumseh --
Telegraph --
Television --
Teller, Henry Moore --
Ten-gallon hat --
Tennessee, settlement of --
Tenskwatawa ("the Shawnee Prophet") --
Territorial Papers of the United States --
Territorial system --
Terry, Alfred Howe --
Texas --
Texas and Pacific Railroad --
Texas, annexation of --
Texas fever --
Texas Rangers --
Texas Revolution --
Thames, battle of the --
Theater --
Thomas Gilcrease Institute of American History and Art --
Thompson, Benjamin F. --
Thompson, David --
Thompson, Jacob --
Thoreau, Henry David --
Thorpe, Thomas Bangs --
Thwaites, Reuben Gold --
Tijerina, Reies Lopez --
Tilghman, William Matthew Jr. --
Tillamook Indians --
Timber and Stone Act --
Timber Culture Act --
Tippecanoe, battle of --
Tl'ah, Hastiin --
Tlingit Indians --
Tobin, John W --
Tocqueville, Alexis de --
Todd, John Blair Smith --
Tolowa Indians --
Tombstone, Arizona --
Tomlinson, George A --
Tonopah, Nevada --
Tonti [Tonty], Henri de --
Tonto Basin War --
Toole, K. Ross --
Topographical Engineers, Corps of --
Tourist travel --
Townley, Arthur Charles --
Transcontinental railroad surveys --
Transcontinental Treaty --
Transportation on the Colorado River --
Transportation on the Great Lakes --
Transportation on the Mississippi River system --
Transportation, overland --
Transylvania Company --
Transylvania Seminary --
Trappers --
Travelers' guidebooks --
Travis, William Barret --
Tsimshian Indians --
Tubac, Arizona --
Tucson, Arizona --
Tulsa, Oklahoma --
Tumacácori --
Tundra --
Tunstall, John --
Turner, Frederick Jackson --
Turner, James Milton --
Tuscarora Indians --
Twain, Mark [Samuel Langhorne Clemens] --
Tweton, D. Jerome --
Twiggs, David Emanuel --
Twin Cities, Minnesota --
Twitchell, Ralph Emerson --
Tyler, John --
Tyson, Ian Dawson --
Udall family --
Ulloa, Antonio de --
Union Pacific Railroad --
United Order of Enoch --
United States Indian policy, 1775-1860 --
United States Indian policy, 1860-present --
United States Mail Steamship Company --
Universities --
Uranium mining --
Utah --
Utah expedition of 1857-58, or Utah War --
Utah War --
Ute Indians --
Utley, Robert M. --
Uto-Aztecan language --
Utopian colonies --
Valley and Ridge Province --
Van Devanter, Willis --
Van Every, Dale --
Vanderburgh, William Henry --
Varennes, Pierre Gaultier de --
Vargas, Diego José de --
Vasquez, Louis --
Vásquez, Tiburcio --
Vegetation --
Veniaminov, Ioann --
Vermont, settlement of --
Verner, Frederick Arthur --
Vestal, Stanley --
Vial, Pedro [Pierre] --
Victor, Frances Fuller --
Victorio --
Vigilantism --
Villard, Henry --
Virginia City, Montana --
Virginia City, Nevada --
Virginia, settlement of --
Voigt, Andrew --
Voyageur --
Waddell, William Bradford --
Waggoner, Daniel --
Wagner, Henry Raup --
Waite, Davis Hanson --
Walkara --
Walker, James --
Walker, Joseph Reddeford --
Walker, Robert John --
Walker, Tillie --
Walker, William --
Walking Purchase --
Wallace, Henry Agard --
Wallace, Henry Cantwell --
Wallace, William Alexander Anderson ("Big Foot") --
Wapiti --
War hawks --
War of 1812 --
Ward, Eber Brock --
Warner's Ranch (California) --
Warre, Henry James --
Warren, Francis Emroy --
Warren, Gouverneur Kemble --
Washakie --
Washington --
Washington, George --
Washita, battle of the --
Washo Indians --
Watauga Association --
Water in the Trans-Mississippi West --
Waters, Frank --
Watie, Stand --
Watkins, Carleton --
Watson, Ella --
Waud, Alfred R. --
Wayne, Anthony --
Wayne, John [Marion Michael Morrison] --
W-Bar Ranch --
Weaver, James Baird --
Weaverville, California --
Webb, Walter Prescott --
Weber, John H. --
Webster-Ashburton Treaty --
Weiser, [Johann] Conrad --
Weitzel, Godfrey --
Welch, James --
Wellman, Paul I. --
Wells, Fargo and Company --
Wells, Henry --
Wells, Merle W. --
Wells, William --
Welsh, Herbert --
West Florida --
West, Oswald --
West Virginia, settlement of --
West, Walter Richard "Dick" --
West, W[alter] Richard Jr. --
Westermeier, Clifford P. --
Western Apache Indians --
Western Federation of Miners --
Western history, 1970-90s --
Western History Association --
Western Literature Association --
Western novelists, European --
Western Pacific Railroad --
Western scholarly journals --
Westerners, The --
Westo Indians --
Westport Landing, Missouri --
Wheat production --
Wheeler, Burton K. --
Wheeler, George Montague --
Wheeler-Howard Act --
Wherry, Kenneth Spicer --
Whig party --
Whiskey Rebellion --
White Hills, Arizona --
White, James --
White Oaks, New Mexico --
White, Peter --
White Pine, Nevada --
White, Stewart Edward --
White, William Allen --
White-Indian relations --
Whitman, Marcus --
Whitman, Royal --
Whitney, Asa --
Whitney Gallery of Western Art --
Whittredge, Thomas Worthington --
Wichita, Kansas --
Wier, Jeanne E. --
Wild Bunch --
Wild, John Caspar --
Wild West show --
Wilder, Laura Ingalls --
Wilderness --
Wilderness Road --
Wildlife --
Wilkes expedition --
Wilkeson, Samuel --
Wilkins, James F. --
Wilkinson, James --
Willamette River --
Williams, Isaac --
Williams, William S. --
Wills, Robert --
Wilmot Proviso --
Wilson, Jack --
Wilson, James --
Wimar, Charles [Carl] Ferdinand --
Winchester rifle --
Wingfield, George --
Winnebago Indians --
Winter, George --
Winther, Oscar Osborn --
Wisconsin --
Wissler, Clark --
Wister, Owen --
Wobblies --
Wolf --
Wolfskill, William --
Woman suffrage --
Women in western history --
Wood, Abraham --
Wood, Charles Erskine Scott --
Wood, Leonard --
Woodruff, Wilford --
Woodruff, William Edward --
Woods, Rufus --
Wool, John Ellis --
Wootton, Richens Lacy ("Uncle Dick") --
Worcester v. State of Georgia --
Work, John --
Wounded Knee Massacre --
Wovoka --
Wright, William --
Wyandot Indians --
Wyeth, Nathaniel J. --
Wyeth, Newell Convers --
Wyoming --
Wyoming Basin --
XIT Ranch --
Yadkin Valley --
Yakima Indians --
Yakima War --
Yamasee Indians --
Yankton, South Dakota --
Yazoo land grant --
Yell, Archibald --
Yellowstone National Park --
Yosemite National Park --
Young, Brigham --
Young, Ewing --
Young, Mahonri Macintosh --
Younger brothers --
Yreka, California --
Yuchi Indians --
Yuma, Arizona --
Yuma (Quechan) Indians --
Zah, Peterson --
Zane's Trace --
Zion National Park --
Zion's Co-operative Mercantile Institution --
Zuni Indians.