The Appraisal of Real Estate [7 ed.] 0911780467

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English Pages 680 [688] Year 1978

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Table of contents :
1. Nature and Purpose of Appraisals
2. Nature of Real Property and Value
3. Basic Principles of Real Property Value
4. The Valuation Process
5. Economic Trends
6. Neighborhood Analysis
7. Land or Site Analysis
8. Land or Site Valuation
9. Residential Styles and Functional Utility
10. Commercial and Industrial Functional Utility
11. Building Material and Equipment
12. Building Cost Estimates
13. Accrued Depreciation
14. The Cost Approach
15. The Market Data Approach: Principles
16. The Market Data Approach: Application
17. The Income Approach
18. Gross Income Estimates
19. Analysis of Expense
20. Rates in Capitalization
21. Straight and Annuity Capitalization
22. Mortgage Equity and Discounted Cash Flow
23. Valuation of Partial Interests
24. Rehabilitation, Modernization, and Remodeling
25. Reconciliation of Value Indications
26. The Appraisal Report
Appendix A. Code of Ethics
Appendix B. Compound Interest Tables
Appendix C. Mathematics in Appraising
Suggested Readings

The Appraisal of Real Estate [7 ed.]

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