Teaching and Learning Latin in Thirteenth-Century England [1] 0859913376, 085991299X

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Teaching and Learning Latin in Thirteenth-Century England [1]
 0859913376, 085991299X

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prorxo 'a8a11o3 s,rered rs,o lt\olle{




To.y Hunt


A[ Righb Raerved. Except as perrnired under curent legisladon no part of rhis work may be photocopied, stored in a retrieval system, published, performed in public, adapted, broadcast, rransmiffed, recorded or reproduced in any form or by any means, without the prior permission of the copyright holder. First published 1991 by D. S. Brewer, Cambridge

D. S. Brewer is an imprint of Boydell & Brewer Ltd PO Box 9, \üToodbridge, Suffolk IP12 3DF and of Boydell & Brewer Inc. PO Box 4L026, Rochester, NY 146A4, USA

ISBN 0 85991 337 6 (Volume I) ISBN 0 85991?99 X (rluee-volume set) British Library Caaloguing in Publication Daa Hunt, Trny Teaching and leaming Latin in rhirteendr-cennry England. 1. England. Latin language. Teaching

I. Z-

I. INTROD LadnandVermsilarGl Thc Variety dGflcre*ry


3- The a.cfirresend üc l.iil +5-

III" GRA}TI The Gramman


6. Miscellaneq§ Crrammeri

I. Title


ISBN 0-85991-299-X Library of Congress Catalog Card Number Sg-7L26g

lv.voR,Df, Adam of Petit Pmt'r & AlexanderNqnm'r h



John of Crarland'§


V. INTEGNJ C-ommenaries b!'Atcs

AnAnonymarsc@ Publication of this work , grant from the British Academy

was assisted by


13" Introducdon {includirry I 14. The Exoticsnof Alm* 15. The Distigum('füm,uu.u 16. The Muarium VII.


The Authoriries

John of Garland's L'nu :This publication is printed on acid.free paper Printed and bound in Grear Britain by §Toolnough Bookbinding Ltd, I rthlingborough, N or rhan6






utntlntn §?oull s(PuBIrBc Jo



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salBH ro rePuBxalv



(xrpuaddV Eulpnlcut) uopcnponul



fueluatutuo3 snoulÄuouv uV uenbaN rapuBxalv Äq sauuuaruruo-J SASSO]C CEIVUCAINI







s,puelre3louqof '0I I '6

snl.LnufrIt4e srpue IrB C,o ur{o

urryllrutn snqututüLt aC s.uenba51 repuexalv


aQ §(luod lped ro urBPv


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sesrlBa[ IBrrl BtuurB.rc snoauBlle3sl







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'Z äurssolC Jo &ar.ren EugssolC rulnf,Btue1 puB urle-I .f




FI .iln

+F z:Hoqr*

ffiIclqr tccpr

$A*IsFäilBt umqdlEr




Index of Manuscripts used Select Bibliography







§ome years ags I sff out

be found



in insular rrarulfc

acrss ryordic vernäcuhr g en early {s.xilil} copf of

üß. A IV ff.25r-75v (endiqg rir entry Tric circinus -ni, cfrr

Brendan srory I fuümd fuscr f.l3Ovb). Srch isolated mr of a scribe to his reader, ld

where glossing represenßd r

plicate l-atin texs m snden might at {irst harre seemed a endearl"gly hurnan rypeal,

education, to bo* tarmrnt rwo hun&d or Erore filarurr{ mr had a had drnq hio pap -*t dreir classes rhroush üe

bo& enriching and humbliq fracdon of whar surviver in lareely uneditd produ*i*m c modern lexicolqy, fie rclix

materials has rendered us d lmdcal wo*s, rcch*cat trcaü $rages is partial and dismu

nchnical vocabularies


ml§t take account cf *rß n undersand that literrcy unri

Alongside the list of ffgurer r names to survive, we nruffi a q*lify themselves by mae u

which follow rny gerrcre classrooms of medierral Erdn as drey employed the mo v'en päges

re:e&mks. I hope d:ar I harß end drat by printirrg erterrrir comp€nsadon for rhe hiüeiu

x See C. Buridanr, Texicqgr+,I rives de recherche' in id, I.a i

tM d w*e lg

l-rx*Araph* dil latirl rnopß ASe Qüris 1U?,1 Cf,


issues discussed in J. L Bryzanrine [exica', B34crfina-{ (




ro uolrEarc arp Io, sr.'or' ro Äarr:ns y, '(Ig6I 'Er"d) 68§ SUNC np xneuo.uEluaru; sanbo11o3 '(916l aqopo lZ-gI quzü e?e ututl np t;cpas1rypq q ns sarprrrro sapapel s?, raoo st:rd,üot es p [ott?l9ut t4q ry ag4ofu*r1 q.aqrraqcar ap se^!r Ve 9'-6'dd ',rt6, 'al1l a?e uai,out to a@tia;xr1 .cadsed ra ue1!g ep assmbsg 'selE^.elp?ru elgdetäosso;t ra alqde.6oorxr1, ,tueplmg 'C r




-El pue suoprupsu! uo uopeJlueouor lueuluopard orraglq erp roJ uoltesuedruol euos papl^ord aaeq I saornos pogsrlqndun uog Ä1aa;ruarxa EuFupd Äq reg pue 3ran $poqtxrr asaqr teq^r q8nous Äpeal: poqsllqusa a^Eq I rerp edoq 1 'qooglxer }o ulte'I egr arutsuoo s1;dnd rptp dlaq ol srelmeura^ o^rr er{r paÄoldrue Äagr se


§rasetuloogJs aqt Jo sraplnoqs agr ra^o lool or pue puetrEug IB^aIpau,o sruoorssBl, ,(urool8 aqr ur salpuec ma; e rq8q or usq sBq asodrnd prauaä lu molp; rprqn sa8ed agr u1 'säulpunouns pagsnEulrslpun ur $nogel sapour arour Äq sa^lasruer{r ,$pnb or psl8iln.trs or+$ p rorJ snou,(uoue ag a8pal,touloe lsnur a,n 'oamrns ol säureu rpqr posneo sueruulenB asorl,n sarnEgro rsll ag apls8uolv leuopdacxa Fruf,elleru! 'peureel lar1l mog pue pouruel uaru ler.l^r a^\ Irun drelarl rstp puersrepun or sdoq louuuo a2tr ',(cerarq le^etpou Jo^\ou1 är$eu IBer eqryo lunooce a{et lsnru s8ulrp.t IB epaur Jo ps;erdde r;E pue ann B re^ 'Flor lsourle salrElnqerol lBsruqoal rläqJ,o eruarouft mo puB aärE? Eulurele ue ol peuolslp pue p;ued s1 sa8en8 -uBI IB eporu ag p a8pl,trouI rrc r'sassolä pue sx;reur Imluqmr 's>po,n IBJFaI sB r.{?ns sarnos poddelun 'a^pEuralle egryo sno!^Uqo sn parepuat serl slBpalBur &eral1 ?alpo uo sepBuoltrlp Fepuels arll ,o aouellar aqt 'ÄEopelxal urapour ,o se3ue^pe eqr al;dsaq 'puBIrBCro ugo[ a{t arn8r; ep uoprnpord Fxorlpäun,(pE

pus lsB^ arf ro {uryr or Äpo sey euo


"l ldpcsnueu u! se^Frns req^\ Jo uopJErJ

Äup e Äpo q rupd ul uFs'I le^arpau ro lunorue eq1 'Eurlqrunq pue Eulqc1rua groq s! rsapN .sragf,mJ, paller ag ppo.tr Äepor leqr\Jo unlperx ag qEnorqr sassep rleqr uo Eulddorpsa^Ba aouapadxa agr läÄ 'aroru uala slldnd slq 'ar.u!l prer1 B pBq rar ro -sBruloogJ§ lE/\alPelx agt'parcedsul a^BrI I rp1g,n sd;rcsnuBru arotu rc PoJPunq oA\r

aqJ ruory Eu;Epn[ :noAeapue sloraq pue acuerou8l elqeruerxBl rlloq ol 'uopBrnpä pue Ärersrrl Ie^orpauryo saplleor ayr or pal sB r 1 se 'leadde uBrunr{ Äl8uWepua uB a^Bq q pe^ord rJofons pcrugcor puu drp leqÄeuros B por.uaos a Br.l r$U re rq8;ur rej41 'qs11äug ro rIJuerJ se,n an8uol Dqloru esoqÄ $uapms ol slx:)l upel areclld .xa ol se^le§uatp Eupedard $ersBruloogc§ ro setou agr pauasardar Euyssq8 araqn srxer poqos lsEuoure qlEes f,llBuralsÄs arour B ol äru pa1 lapear sI{ ot egrcß B ro ssaulrydleg leuolsrrro agr 3o,(lorou rcnpord arp 'seldruexa parelosr WnS '(g^gtll 'IIAX A I IBÄoU "I'g Sn) .ler1^r 'B ';', passol8 snnnxflr! puno, I ,{rols uepuarg aqryo uo!§raA asord upel B uI 'ü98 aull eplsxl ,seduoc 'lu- snulsrls a1r1 lrrua uB peonou I (lplurg)s 'Cä ro uoFlfra aB ut sür'IIIA ylt,r Eupual ^gt-rgz # AI V e I IEÄoU "I 'g 'uopuo.l gp1 u; 'aldruuxs ro; 'saruarlnp.ry ag ;o ,Goc ( 11lx.sy Äpea ue rz Euqgo1 agqr§ 'Eulpear lensm ro asrno ar.p u; sasop rBln3eruel crperods ssorce arnoc qr11 'sldpcsnueru relnsul ul punoJ aq polcadxaun agr sr looq uB alp^\ ol lno les 1 o8e sruaÄ aruog

peq I 'rlnsar

ol äussolE rBIn BruäAJo seFalJB^ arp uo aplue


thb zbb


8E' eeb


chers in sodies of medieral education. By giving prominence to vemacular glosing I have sor.rght not only to make available a large quantity of previously unsuqpected lexical maierial, but also to &molish the notion of a divorce benveen Latin and the vernaculars in the domain of education. I should sress ürat I have deemed it no paft

(East Berlin); k E. Ziesche besia); Dr J. Ghyssaerr of *

of my task to purifr the Latin torts by a regimen of strict textual criticism and

landes- und Hochschulbibl i(

grammatical rigour, ior üris would have been to falsify at onoe üre whole issue of the problems encountered in leaming Latin in medieval England. ln_ consequence I äccept the blushes of, my readers as I accept the blemishes of the scribes. Nbne of my wotk could have been accomplished, of @urse, widrout rhe-cooper' ation cf, the cusrodians of manuscripts whose obliging assistance I gratdully recall here. Ineviably, my principal debt is to the staff of the Studenm' Room in rhe British Library of Duke Humfrey's library at üre Bodleian, and of üre Mamrscripts Room in the'Universiry Library at Cambridge. Working in the later is always a particular pleasure, on account dboth the excellent facilities and üre friendliness of ihe saff. ibo often librarians must have üought that I would never hand in my manuscripts and were no doubt puzled by the frequency with which I recalled the same manuscript. In london the Library of the Warburg Institute continue§ to provide an unrivalled service and ideal conditions whic.h eam the gratitude of i"holrrc from all over the world. I sincerely hope that the staffof the more efficient instiUrtions recognise how much üreir efforts arc appreciated. In this connection I think also of thJtibrary of Lambeth Palace and the Wellcome Historical Medical Library where I have received much courteous help. At Lincofn Cathedral my access to the manuscripts was great§ facilitated by Canon David Rutter, by Sister Joy and, more recently, by Miss Joan Williams. My knowledge of 4e \Uorcester mänuscripts I orve to dre kindness of Dr Benedikt Benedikz of Birmingham University Library. At Tiinity College, Cambridge Mr Trcr,or Kaye rrya§ con§tandy- obf icine, as has bgen his succesor Dr Tim Hobbs, who had already assisted me in the library of Gonville and Caius Crcllege, where the Librarian, Mr J. H. Prynne, was similarly

heffil. At C.orpus Christi C,ollege,

Cambridge, gY formel colleague -Dr Nigel Wiikins went to-considerable trouble on my behalf. In Scotland I have been provided with useful information by Dr I. C. Cunningham of the National Libra:y of Scodand and by Dr Nigel Thotp and Dr J' Baldwin of the University Library Glasgo{,. From Tiinity College, Dublin, Mr William O'sullivan and Mr BemanC Mee[an answered my queries and my requests for rnicrofilm. Dr C,eridrren Lloy& Morgan at üre Nationäl Library d §(/ales, Aberystwyth, kindly procured phoq grapf,s of rarious manuscripm foi me. For advice on particular points I am indebted io Professor L. W. Daly, who generously made me a gift of his edition of Bnito Metriczs. At Durham Mr Alan Piper kindly brought a manuscript to my attention and answered my questions about it. I have had untiring encouragement and assist

AngloNornan colleagues, Professors Brian Merrilees (Torcnto), \(/. (Manchester) and Ian Short (London). In London I owe a special debt to Rothwell Diana Harrison for her unstinting hospitality over many years and, fun*rer back, to her mother for equal generooity in Odord at the dme when I was embarking on an academic career.-Nearer home, I thank in particular my St Andrews colleagues Adrian Granvick and Roger Green who have had the ungrateful msk of sortingout innumerable oramples of comrpt Latin foisted upon *rem and whgse infinitely superior Latinity h; led them to solve rather than o disdain the pyzzles posedty a laÄguage which they can scarcely have wished to recognise as the legacy of rhe ance from my


For the provision of microfilms from abroad I owe a special

&bt to the spectacu-

lar efriciency and helpfulnesl &e Burgerbibliodrek, Bern; l

d iche Allgemeinbibliodlel, liodrek, Erlangen-Ntirnberg

Rome; Mme Lieber, C-,onsert' To all the owners of manr dranks and parricularly, for p

in their keeping, ro *re Mee bridge; the Master ard f-ellor C-ollege, Dublin.

Neither the execution r§ accomplished withour dre r Bridsh Academy and in Prer grarirude for the generou§ es 8S) which borh pennired ar

re§earch which fitrls th* p, §/irh equal generosity dre Ur §upport of research despire e määe indispensable $änrs m

only add Dr Richard Barber a ment, efficiency and considm labour.

It is customary to cfficlu* I count it a great privilege u Department of French in ü

devotioo,, ini mitable hurnour §ource of inspiration and rm should hardly have had *re c forgiven for seeing in the firü my gratitude, but I krcrr du wi& their usual indulgsnc.e. thern.

066I l3qol)o


or ryoq slrp erurlpop I ärmredap Äu;o oae eqr uO 'aaua8ppul Fnsn rpqr qrt^r l! ro, &Ilqlsuodsar p ereqs rlegr etunsse l[,n Äagr ruqr Äou>l I rnq 'aprulrBr8 Äru Jo ualol Eu;pznd teq^\awos B srnogBl Äru;o r:npord pu13 atp u; äupx roy uarrl8ro; sq,(au Äaq1 'uopaldruoc ot Äpnrs iur Suuq ol a8elnoc a$ pBrI e,reg Ä1preq plnoqs d;qspuary pue Äueduror rpgr rnoqrll§ 'uoddns leroru pue uoperldsul Jo eilnos B ueog aaeq uaura8arnof,ua Euf8epun pue :noulnq alqulrurtul 'uopo^op 1


Äpeyogos r;at11 Äq oq^r 's rarpuv rS ro ,§1uaaru61 eyJ ul rq?uerg 1o tuaruuedaq sanäea11oo Äru o[ IIB ro rqop rsarear8 arlt aÄo or a8elplrd lear8 e ll luno, I 'Eop e ro lBf, s 'lErp äu1grg ro 'a;lm s,auo EupluBW Äq apnlcuoc ol lreruotsnc s 11

aql ur

:nogBl Eu;1pn:E;o spofad ur aru poulslsns e Er{ qsrq^r uolrBraplruoc pue lcuaplgo 'luau -a8ernooua rgeqt ro, raÄarg pue lppÄog ,o rrels ärIJ pue ragreg prBrplg rC ppe Ipo srorogauag aseqr oI'slsoJ qormsär Äru sprernor sruer8 a1qeruads1pu1 aperu peau



aqt ra^o seq 'suolllpuoo alqarno BJun Äpuranxa ar;dsep q9rulser



sl! uI lusl§uof, uaeq sBq qslq/n'sArsrPuv rsro,blsraarun egr lrlsorauaä pnbe gll§ 'uo;rer;1gnd Jo ssoo äqr spremor ruer8 e rc, pue 'sa8ed asarp sll!, rlolqrrr rlcrBasar etp e{Buepun ol aru pa8ernocua 'lueuodtul se lsnf 'pue pau;urad Woq t1r1t1^\ (gg -986I) dryuapeag qf,rEosau Äuapecy qsplrg Bro prBlIrB snoraua8 eqr roJ apnrpu8 qrln§ gdlopueg rls 'luaplserd srl pue Ätuapecy qsppg

,o rqap esueruur! us ärro I

etp oI 'suopatpsu! pogsn8ulrs;p o^rr Jo ple IBFerBur aqr rnoqrl^r paqsqduocce ueaq ä^Br{ ppoe Äpms luasard aqr ro uopmfl{nd at1r rou uopnqexa er+ rerplaN Är;u1r1;o prBog aw




s,rollal r"";:J'fitS;TiJiE

,rrBC 'a8alpC snrB3 pue allpuoC Jo strollaC puB ralsuy\ agr or '3u1daa1 rnrIl ul $dpesnueu ruo+ $JeDr€ pepuerxe tulrd ol uolsqrurad roy ,Äyepcrrred puB $luegr 1 lprus tuaserd a{r ul posn sld;rcsnueru Jp sreu/ro eqr IIB oJ 'uno1 'apdruunyrl anbgrpollqlg aW tB rnaleÄresuoC'raqa!1 aurpl laruog lryarerE Äut sserdxa

'asuazuBseC morollqg aW p äroleiuasuoC aqr !fuaqum51-ua8uepg ,19qloll -qfqqerlsa 1un ayi ,o uuerxlqo) pFEIS re luryrg 'lqqrotlqlqutaua8llv aqrtp

-rBtlf,suasslrN aqrJo ueuyag 'U 'B rC :rpersureq ')pwollqrgnpsr{eoH pun -sepuB.I aqt$ssaH aql ,o #Ecs arp :a8ilnrg 'IeopotlqlqspBrs etp ;o uaess,(t1g'[ rq :(arsaq ,rrBln) Dqrslssnard) )prpotlgtqsB8Bts ar,lrsrnoc eqJ,o aqrsatz.A,o,:(uruag rsBg) :pr1rotlglq$Bsts ärp§lnaq aqr p a8r;al qrFA-suBH rO :uräg 'Iärpollglqn8rng agr ;o raftarg uoa gdorqlg3 rC :suBlrBrqll lauaulruo, Jo saulrydpq pue Äcuarc1rya re1



.t:e3; : * t: ;'i *-i.: eW Jo B Äq pasc: :ä-=- : ; - - r:l Älalluljur l'.r" * :'-I -; lno Sutl :§ :: :i lr: -- -; - :- :- san8eel;:r ivr-:-r -uB uc 3u:>:a;-*; ii,* ' -; - * ol ()trlEq, r3:*: -: r"i i ; :; ' ' Ol lqep'E:l+:i : l* - . * .f 'r§.'(cru:'j: " i*l",-:,.; -:. 'ISISSE i rE : *l -;:=-- : I -; l UOIlUel-E '.': :: ::-1.'- -l-o'+18 lc i: .: ::'l i '- -: - ; : . PorqaPul ij-E : :. i' :': -1 - ; .oloqc Ferr::;: '.1'- :* :' * - "" r:-. rI\ puE'i:'. -s _ "

-pÄol'l ua.YF;J-


'fuarq11 .\trsla.\lu: ;'; r,: 1o fuerll1 IeLrcnE\ ;; ;: : ord ueeq a,\eri I puE ,:: ]S IaEtN rC an8eallc: ia'*- r: '" :Ä1re15lrs sB/h 'auu.i;d : fuelqll arp ul atu l-netst);i ':i 'Eut8rlqo Äpuetsuol si r I'.?' -rellun ueq8ululrlg j: ::{-r

ralse3Jofi äLIr .$: ai:e'



ratsls Äq ':arrr'U p: ',E.,,1 -: Äu IBrFaWef u',ll * '- :"r IB3lPi\ lellrlrir'-'?' :l li I Uon3auuol §i,; ;' -:: ::.; lualSll+a alor.Ll a*.-:'":.:; ;; ;:: i: "* ol sanu[uof a] ri: t: i*. :; - *

Jo apnroer5 eL:

ew Pallesar I qrr-. f, -1': ": Äur ur puEL{ ra.\au i,- : . " jo ssaulfpuar:] alp Dlit ! l::" e sÄertrle sr ral]er a'; '-' :slducsnuel\ eF J,l :'i: .-:

aqr ur uocu ,sru]:r:s


IIBoer Ä11nplu3 T a:'"-E* :'i iz -radooS eqr tnoLF,t r, 'ä-*:':

slqul ;'; r: ;a


acuanbesuof ui :iE.:--= enssr aloq,$ ); r: - : .


PUE rUSIf,lluS ler'.txar ::"*: i UBd ou tl Paulaap a,\E,i : :z ; aw Pu8 unB-I uae.rAt N ) r- : ' PalSadsnsun Ä1snor,ta:i r: 'Eurssol8 relnceuJan ct ar *; -



'rurusr 'C ql5 rxat '(086I 's!red)


re coX,ruodnq 'U


'F ' ' ' nbn?odrl :rlrrstlv



syrt'?'rs.'r.p 'oau '.sarrors Äressolg :aaue3 no or snueqdarg SZZnil '(ttgOt) e-Ze woq '.suelrue scalt sagdedocrxäl sap a4Etueuil? aqdedolplg, 'so;nodo?eue6'V oslE lC '(Ie-926I 'sye6) 's;oa S'o{pa ?ur{'rlt tlrg aDfutpvrv nssrn ou4v1 Dr.orssolC ''p ra prcprmo;a1 ',kryu!'l ,o lroin egr Äq perueuteldruoc sE^\ e,neo1 puB aaoC ,o uopcefloc eql '(618I 's!rEd) tttoo ttrra.lllrspsrultb ntaa8axa wrl;a$awc o surssop ag 'ra8rag 'g pue (acgar4) 'I ' ' 'unurssorg 'eEue3 nC osle aas '(CZ6l-8991 'u;1:ag / flz .d;n) 'qoa L'r,ttuo1müt trrtlror.rrssolC sadro3 'a,neo-1 'C s zreoC'C ot erunlo^ Ä.tolcnpouur 'S-8C', aqr surroJ 'rsq palq;qnd qtnoqr 'q?H,r ' ( €Z6 l 'u1pag / flzdg1 ) snol n aw?uo ,unntueot unan -lrrrsott aO s.aaoC srn?luar Äpnrs rofeur eqJ '99-€€]I 'dr '(016I) r'l #ryrsurssmilno,laqy üap§s§rlrl

up qpBdqcbwad


u1 ,algderEossolg, 'zlaoC'C




slrxeu agr ratpeEor tqEnorq sngoeurllleC pue ,rlrsruouo pa \ol pue spur,tl 'gsg 1oJ ararp rerF uoos 'uo o§ PUB ÄPa*oc Plo a$ 'rauoH ruou uÄBrP suonDllor aleredas ol stuBpBA Jo suollensnlll IE;lDIBrp poppord $erlr,r\ rerpg 'lrr?opJo qooq aarrll arcr^r'Cg 009 punorB 'saporNJo SBIUIS 'wlÄpA pu8 sr3alBlp sno.rrE^ :euoH urory spro r arer Eu;upldxe uopelldruo, Imgal e 'rra.tüllarlslry slq Cg hruuac rprno, agr u; pasodruoc soC ,o sslalqd 'sarnEg Jo raqunu u Äq pacnpord ara,n suopsolloJ pue 'loogos uelrpuexelv ep;o Älgrcou 'stq8oloru,ba puB sroleueruruoc ,o lllnue8ur eql aslsrexe ol errres Äl1ernreu ln4ltr:rp rc,s8u1nouoq, qeng


,'an8uel aünu aun.p no ('f,te'ua!l

-o?) arolelp aune un.p stw11pp 4ua eglqrxa,p psoddns rpt) 'wgl? ?rndil '(tlarilh1 ntnntol eEesn uos suup sed lls^norter eu ep?ls eAI np enbple rnaloal

un,nb 'aEnB no mbpgruog'axa1 un.p lotu rnor :q1qE sap uo;rd;nsap u1 suep anb;qderEogä ana ap ruyod a1 rafgllarrd E rauaruB sal rle^ap anbrtonyat{,s slspalglp ?rl$e^rp EI ap scerg sa1 tuaple,nb aouelesuoo a !^ BI anb rplc rsa 11 'areloep sJolelueruruo, luaoer o q sn r I'$pilC eqr or erer rnq 'uopdÄ3 aqr ro, Proa tuerrm e sr 'uonnr31s 'aldruexa rc{ 'Fuo,tr arues aqr puB euo or alqecqdde uarro pue 'e3uBlslp pc;gdaräoa8 puB IeJrrolsnl Wog or Euuapr 'sruJal eApBIer are .erer, puB .luerJnf,, lerf tno äurrurod tq5yr 'esn pelaplsal ro spro,tr aler uaaur q WaF uJal arp sasn altqslJv nqaod aqr uI 'sreprcrJo suolrJpuoo pua saru€tsrunsrn arp ol $xa,o acua8llprur legl Eundzpe pue relllrxgun arp Eururcldxa rIJ!^r peruaJuoJ sralardrarul pue sala8axap au;1 Euoy e Äq paedp;ruB uaeg aaeg Äarp rE pug ol poslrdrns aq rqElu lr*qr uopdacar ^roq ,o srauouuf,Brd urapoyrl 'aryypnBsüwnlayyaqn euteu aql repun sreloqos sarBulcsB, Apgap ilps


rlrtqt\ '.a8pg, rt pallul oqm ueusnop

Äq pocnpord asorp IIB ro

Äg palulpq ',{rmbua ro plat, rprlgrp lsorx erp ls8uoure are rlrlrl l uoperdepe pur

uolsslrusueD p sualqord se^p^u! r! räÄ 'fuor$q älqeraue^ e seq Äpolqnopun ara ?purylü? a(LL r'Blloqf,s puu sauessop'lerqxatuoo pue Eu;puers-€ry rpoq'sessolE - scnpord rcupslp ur anss! 'pelelaüau; ,(pgerae qEnorpp 'qclqm selrl^lrle Jo sa.rres B saulgruo, ll JoJ 'euo ,(ddeg r(larpua uB lou sdeqrad s ,ÄgduEosso18, rura ag1





months from different dialecs. Above all, Aristophanes of Byzantium (c. 275-180 BC), who succeeded another g!»sographer Eratosthenes as head cf the Alexandrian library was responsible for an unrivalled lexicographical production, his Glottai, in which items were sectionalised according to subject matter or dialectal provenanoe. Zenodotus and Callimac.hus already show evidence of alphabetical ordering in some of üreir writings and üre principle of alphabetisation is slowly oi: Alexondreis in MS Drg':', r: entirely in a singie ha:; r: cular and Larin glosri .r r,

vemacular glosses pr,3,.-" ;-: pendently of the prc\': i:: : 'double' each other or ,r:: : the resort to the verna; -. .: lack of obvious Laun i:.:: lexical? Admittedly in r..: provision of construe rr.:rdegree of accuracy is a--:. . .


i ",

mine the densiry and i:,:: : of vemacular enrries x-a::.:i

of glosses is familiar rr rr" -i : to be left entirely ungicr -*:


the text to which rhe', a:. : from copies of discrep ar., , rl main text compare




glosses have been paru , " .". :

fumished at the same r::-. a of nvo centuries or n:c,re the glossator, wirh ccr*.e; -,: do glosses aim soleli' a r ;.: - : do they proceed tc su;: . manner? How much gl:,i":, much random or casua, '"ii ear locations and hor*' ra: i:. and correcrion?


iuop3erro? Pue uofsller or roefqns 'lxet uleu ag ol pasoddo se 'sassol8 are rE lrrotl Pue suolleJol rBe .ulparul ro pufreu;o arlor{J aql uraao8 saldreuud reg46 ilensm rc uoPuBI qonu! /norl puB 'uoperederd InprBJ Eupsa8ilns 'clleuatsÄs s1 8u;ssoy, qsnu ^\oH ireuueu aalssar8;p e u; Ärepqecoa tnoge uolreruroJul Äreruarualddns or pacord Äat1r op luaxo lsrlt\ ol pue ,4r!s u! asergd rc pro^t Blo uolsuagardruoc re Ä1a1os ur;e sossol8 op 'ual ägl ,o uorsuaqardruoc aqr u1 se8uuqc luanbasum qrp\ 'rorBssol, aql JE ^\oH Jo puBrl eqr pue lxäl uluru eqr p eqlns agl aleredas Äerrr arour ro salrmuao o^\r Jo deä e seseo Jar{ro uI 'pelnroxa se/r\ lxal aqr;o Ädoc aW sB arull alues aql rB peqs5unJ erart sassol8 aW rBrIJ 8ug,not1s toreelrqnr atp Äq parnxqo Älpnred ueeq e^Bq sassol8 etP sshl auros uI irelBl q?nrx PäPPB uaeq 3^Br{ qrlYt\ ä§ot{r $y'r areüuo3 lxa.l uplu aqr 3o Ädoc aql qJIA\ ,{reroduauoc sassol8 op lrrroH islxal luedarrslP Jo saydoc uor; peuodru; umq Euperlp ru8rs ,nogs Äap op ro popuadde are Äagr l{f,lr{Ä or rxel aqr lo ?wpn lrexa aqr r;; sÄe,tp sassop a$ oC :arpalaqr possoläun Älarnua rpl aq or Ä1uo so1lo; ,tra; rsrl, aqr uo pasop Äpsuap s! qolqß rxer a{r qll/h rellltuE s; sassol8;o luapms Äram puelxa ulre'Iro saullro sparpunqra^o poreuäs selnue rBInf,BuaAlo IrypuBr{ u Ä1uo areg slxal Äuey.1 ;Sursop rlaqr Jo uopnqplsp pue ibrsuap arfl eulul -rarap q?ryÄ srotf,B, arp are reqrds isroressol8 ag Äq pa^o1l?B sr Äcerncce 3o aarEap lErl/(\ 'tue§ärd sÄe.rp suBeru ou Äq are rauel eql lnq 'sryEur anusuoJ;o uolsnord atp tlSnorgr qlp\ rlEaP uaaq 3^8tl ol suraas xetuÄs 55p1Äueu u Äpeu;utpy iFllxal Äprnd äu;sso18 relnceuraa aqr IIB lsorulE sl lsruÄuouÄs upB'I snopqo ro llBI ^qÄ\ relncerue^ eql or uosär at{r eW Äq ueql sturual agr 3o ,b;rer eql Äq ssal peuolseooo sr rE ieruuel agr;o srcadse ruaraglp lqE;193ry r(eg op rc raqto lqoee .alqnoP, sasop^roH rslnf,Bruel puB ulrB'I e$ oC iulrB'I ul sassol8 p uolqnord aqr ;o Äpuapuad .apu! rnmo Ä..p op ro sassolE uuel ol tcunfpe ue sB peppord sassolä rElnterua^ erB luaxa req^r of ;rolessol8 eruBs eql Äg papuprarur sxsq8 upB'I pue rqn, -Brual are Äluoturuof, ,rroH 'suopsanb reqro q speel sHI'pueq eputs e u1 Äprpua lsorule ueulr^\ sassolS sulsluoo'aldtuexe n1 'r62-tyy Z§,(qEIC Snl ut $erPurxalv eqr Jo Ädoc ag qEnogr 'sraÄe1 lecfoloaBq3rB ,o slrlras B turo, snql puB 'lxel ulsur aqt,o leqr ruog ruaraJlp IIB 'spueq p ,bage,r a ul are sassolS eqryo lsol\ isap -lmlrflp ,q;dnd s1l ol uollf,Elr s.rer{f,Ba lBnp1apul ue;o rcnpord aqr 'sl tBIp 'snoeu -eruods [arp are rE pelduraxa auo uBr+ arou ot uoruruoc sndroc e 8u;uuo; ^\oH sassolE JBInJBrue^ op JE :aglJosuB.u atp aäatsag 'lxel lsoq aql qJI^r pae$ rl?lryrr suopsanb atp epper or pue - SShl puB $xal ^\oH - sasB3 lBnp!^pq rz Ä1aso1c {ool or etrtp eg III^\ r! 'parsa8lp uaag seq algEIlB E lqralerrr ssop agr IIB uaq/4§


Äpearle FlrelBrx so13 alqereduoc ol Äpuapa^um peal Äaqr asnecog salou erlt ur päpnpu! ärB saruärapJ 8ug1oo1-snoraqo auos'ool 'aräH :aleads a^psu B lq uolreu -e1dxe ou arlnbar plno,$ qrlq/n spron gsrpug euos p suolrB3lrlruapl rgc;1dxa pe;1d .dns a^Bq reqr acueuor Ä1p;cadsa'srelor{f,s leuaulluoa Äg ppareu 'srs;Eo1o1qd l qruerc erp ol slullcu! I8lrarBul aqr

eyl Jo


arBIIlsE ol rePrc u!



PUB aPls

,o acueleq aqr 'Ä1ryr;aau1 'pornppe ere $xaluoo

ssol8 alqerednro3 araq^\


q?ns alaq,n) $xel arp Jo suoplPo PrBPusts ro saull aqt or ef,uaraPr Äg sessolä atp Jo lxeluos eyJ aruolpul or 'SSn a{r ro, acueuaaord pue arBp Älddns ol uaaq a^Bq sappopd u;eru at1r 'ÄlEuprocrv §xlu at1r Äq poom aqr äu;leacuocJo tragp ayl e^Eq Äpnrrs plno,rr sarruBa, rEllrxls pue ÄEopqdroru puB ,€olouogd u; acprerd pqp3s yo rbualsrsuoc'suEls ennsuorro aJuelslx.,'Eulceds 'eunxol aql ol uopepr u1 sassol8 ärp ,o uopmo1 pc;sdt1d 'upe1 q sassolE ruofque;o ecuasard ärp 'suoltsaxof, 'Iul pueq;o se8uegc sB qons $or)E ,o uoltauasard arusrnxrp E asuulsul Jo rnoloo ro



sB/t\'g:ua:3 ay,l: a3':-:"-: ar+



l3';:" ;";

aqr uI sluaulus: :a:


qouarC apls8uclE :.rE


plnm qst13u3 uFiu]: -:; -JaP]SUOSUI IOU E i,:a)$ l: ]: -nf,oP Jo uollESlul','J'r',: : ulBre3 sl tl '.'i:ntuäl ; *]ä qfualj -§'r- t' auOf,aq PBq

qOUeJl U.tlO X3.{"f'

'...J I I J1i'. ,

le\Tl cllJ i I 3'; aruel:odull aW a3pe' -r

aqf 'an8uol

B stsalle sa8enEue; PUB SelePuew

s-;".I - :; I:


s8 §a3uB^F\e alqEl




-qrcH ueqliifua r;'uI agcardq ue',1:t:'3-;





is obvious that these questions, fascinating as they are' cannot be answered u"Ui th" i.l.vant MSS are identifii and the gl*tes themselves put in print' The p".p"r. of our study is simply to initiate this process by describing the. major sources' the-glgss. ;ii;ü,h.nror, i-portalt'of the unpublished te*ti, and ranscribing field of in the wassrudied what precisely ,ft.*äf".r. A brcaäepi- i, ,o show have schools of-the studies Existing Eniland. medieval ,fr" "f bv texts the rhei. location andiomposition, but little alrlut "bout is a conThere Latin'6 of *ti.tt r*J."ts acquired and improved their-knorvledge of material.orn*o., to scores of grammatical commentaries which ..s."..cher, bur which is nowhere in print. At the o..1".r, ti*e fa", e..r,., aftenrion has been accorded to the intellecrually more i"äräri"g rrUi..i of *.di.val grammatical theory.6? Little work has been done on There is a är-rlng need-for.more editions of ele*e.,ta[ rrearises of John of Garland, and of the lexical ,,urn.rou, the i"**. .roä.irllv *?*q*"tly accompany them. Medie''ral literacy is still all too lir;i; ,"d..ri."d.* It has bLn rugg.rt d, foi e*ample, that few Englishmen in the hrr. immääiately understöd a performance. of the Latin B0bb.6 On the other hand, scholars who specialise in source hff11ng *tutä i.t"u. us believe that vemacular writers were familiar with all manner books have ;ai;;i" *iiri"gr, philosophical, theological, and literary. W9 know thatglasshouse of in a them immure texts medleval y.t Lätio.rr'of their own .rärr, iuriw and authenticiry - wirhout the scholia, glosses, commentaries-, they reinail, üLt r. A t"ot unread is like Cray's flowe1 '.bom to blush h-as qn ,"r."", ,"d'waste its sweetness on the desert air'. The study of glossing Nachto the and-culure, literacy of history the ,. io .o"tribution -"f.. Oti *1t"i Jtwe mean bv famäus?) writeis, and t9 our undersmnding l"ngurg.r. It is premature to compile new dictionaries of these ro ärJli uneditäd material still awaits scrutiny. Du Cange and i;"C*t* lt is clear öä;f..y ""a.",ooa this and achieved miracles of independent research.done. be to remains of conrinental French glossing everything Ärii"


t.[*tr ä;;;; ;,JJ;;.;d ;J;;tf6;s ;ü;kd;'.&;irJbyLe


;ä;#;;;iniÄ äfrh-;ä;.ouid üü;. ;;Jy'

fi;ii';;';; .l.*J iÄ*."* ä;;i;;;; riä. *.i6rri ;hif. ,t.r..,

2. T.




For reasons given eariie: glossed


in the vemacu,a: :.-

the increasing need



written records. Even ,. . . from this period, it is c.-;: : of grammatical aicis rc -:

:r '; tion. There remairu, h:;e'. =

posed the employmenr

shows that the moveme:.: :

in the preface to Alex:: :=: we shall see, Aelfric's C:-.:: for elaborating rhe pa-: .Already at the begin:.::;

century were receivir; ,:: ably MS Cambridge. T:.:. end of the tenth or -i,e ..: with a number ct .ir; -- !

come from Christ Ci-,-:*EpigrorrarWa of

Propr: ::

and 53 disdches, Pc,ru (ff.31v-33v,'Versus F: :;:=40v, incomplete). A :,:glosses. In line 36 (2S r: : -


and at qujs is *r. ::= is glossed'as rebataille:--. glosses to Caro:


[Pri' :-':-

afais tu / ita: si faireme:.: -*

I SeeM.R. lamesTrc 7::-(Cambridge, 1902), pp . -:- (Oxford, 1957), p.136. In:.1-::«


mentioned i^1.1. }t-'tutp-hl, The Teachin-g-of Very few contemporary grammatical ,!{9 (1980), Latin a, a Second L""gu"ö in the'Iwelfth Century', Hstmbqayh:a.l,jrrrgris.tino 7 (London, and 1915) af Media,alBnsland Scfiools Tk rh"..ho"hL"-A. F. I-each, N. Orme, Englisft Scluols ln t]:rMiddlc Ägas (London , 1973) '

Lgrli.o., i, §",'f*'"xample, Hd;/p"1l], isiii;a 7-1- 1.

G.L.Bursill-Hill, Sp"olori." Grmmwrs $.tlv-MidÄe fgq (T!r: ,h" lisr of his publications inHistorbgraphiaLilguisttua 7 (1980),

a review of the lirerature see B. Stock, The Inplicaticrls d Litzracl. Wiry l4t-rgry3e pp.12-87. o,,raril4aa, d Interpretaionirrthcqhyetth adTwefthcnafies (Princeton, 1983), 6e See H. Sil"estre in a review 'nl*Mayen Äee 78 (19?2)' 141'

fr io,

rejects Canterbury prc. e:.:-.:: The Eprgramnwta are :: ---:i which references here a::.



Meropü Padni Noh.; C---.ground see K. Toch, '.{.:.:. -i iclrliugan',Anglic 1C3, l I These three glosses a:. : :



is written in the righr.hr.: -; Also in the right.hanj n=:. -. { Gfry 1,597a gives exa--: :-!


B st

uuoJ luasard ag3-.eralltvtoe Jo saldurexa sa^tt El6gr


i(gC I

'(g7.1)wqum4 uo solE e r(lmotrqo q .tuatn)e.s, ,urBreur pueg-lqftr aqr ul oEV 'au!l aT ul rarlrEe Vryaq uo ssop e Älsnotago s! pue u18.reru puerl.tqtrr aqt rn ualrr^\ sr tng ,smDr aaoge ua1l:fir sl ,rn1, so13 aql :ZtJ uoare sassol8 aanlt esar.lJ e

,sapasndsa unu,

po snilalpun

vmutnß14Esradsor4 nz


.>peq aq1 rcg .g1trg.dd ,(Z6gI .äEuogopul§ Z/Ot IASC ninrurC nso6l rirrtrr.4 i4roy, aql txat raqtouv .r(1dde arag saf,uaraJal r{f,lr{Ä Wlnd llollas'laueH a! 'C ul sr



19'1oc re sizr&roc


,o "uraod erlt pue ZeS-96,,I§ -Id ul pelulid an wiuuoßtdg

ray 66'd'(p9EI 'uopuo.r)-'p" puzlrle,tgloa'c/r









atwr8ur-lt;aryt1 'f:orzrl rb


'(086I) Lr::rrqp8tqlm&,h safie/ Em]t rfr -ts §


pue (§16I 'uoFrcril

'(OgOt) L raallr8lr7.



p Btnq:raa aql tqOny1'1'[

llTg6trJepirqüeci uoxr5-qEuy Buruaru.,c t ilaowc,ra) .u 'N 4pmuoyt pue lo ;671;dä g 'ptr atgtqun3 'aianoa kryyt lo ß*r{/r1r np u1 tducsmrr;,,,1 ,rasrr[aql saurul 'X .i^{ aas r .oatgl (8I) / u sare^ :or?fl (/I) n:anbo11/ tuauratrB] ts :a!1nt stBJB ['ruas l]uaruateJ :sow$rcc unqrsno elisatall uessrsulete te:ila"p8uru@ Is / / |latdl,ore3 oi sessojE 3uyno11o; ätp pappB seq puBq aures aqt rttl uO ieze.il,sruäilleaiqar se, passol8 h flqlpft aull ly Äq pamollo; ueurrr\ sy stnbowpuettnfi §t ,",sapasndsa_unu, ,(i»nl, .sessol8 or sso13 B sB .surpua, a^Bq a,r\ sßntuotounod aW Jo (Shl äT u! gZ) 9t aurl ü1 ,o raqtunu E peppe seg Ärouac q5lä^rl Äpea aqr Jo pueq y .(aralduocur hgt 4h§'Jil tYo:)DVJpqg eLI PUB z:(.uBns tua8nruoc pe rradsor4 snsre1,

^tt-^ItlJ) tsdsor4 Äq aq ol rq8nog Ä11eraua8 ,tuart :lxrT po zurao4 ,satiiltslp $nfuoc tg puB sasral f,puoarJeuB 9I ur tuaod e 1(^It-rI.J) auprlnby 3o radsor4 p ttourun&QE erp :slxat passolä aaryl sepnllul r! pue ,,Ärnqralue3 ,qcrnr13 tsrrqC ruog eruoo aaetl Äeur aq{ :ate1 sreaÄ &3r3 euos sxsol8 uoxeg-o18r, iSgu:nu B rII^r p SN pepl^ord se^r pue ,Lntuec gtua^ale agr p Buruul8aq &ä,r äg rci qlu:t aW Jo pua aql te uauu^r ser\ r{orq^\ (9911 sauef) 1g'7.9 a8a11o"3 ÄrppJ ,a8p;rgue3 Shl Älqe -qord s; aldu.rexa rsallrea arll :BInJBua^ aql ur su6pirouue aurrriaaai arJ,r Ärnrriic snolaad eg tu!5 stdpcsnueru Ärntuat qrllear erp ;o 8uruu18ag ag re Äpearly 'oo1 uBruroN-ol8uy Jo lnq uoxes-o18uy p Äpo tou su:Srpered aril aüneroqBla roJ Iapou _s sE eol^ras oluy passard aratr Äressolg pue reruruarC s.f,l{pv ,aas lpgs eÄ sy 'un8aq Äpearle peq ,(66I l)_?lruyoo1 s.raq BIIIA Jo rapuExalv or aae;arä aip ur parou ÄFea1c'slxet ro uopecrldxa rElnf,Bura^ ä$ sprB/r\ot luaue^our aqt tBqr s^\oqs rplqh\ IJruueo qUla,rtl aqr ulog aJuepr^a Sursrplurc Saaamoq (suretuar araql .uon -B:lldxä pue uonf,nrsu! rrrnrpeu auo sB relnouura^ eW Jo 1o rueuÄo1dua aril pasod -dnsord sprB osequo esn arF rBw puB unB'I p Eurgcear'a,g or spr, lecueruiui,.ra yo uoprnpord aqr uo pepuadxe Euraq se,n t:oga ratear8 teqt rselc s; i1 ,polrad slqr ruög lerraleu tdpcsnueu Jo anplser ratearS qcnlu agt rc3 Bufmollü uarrg :sprocar uenlrir\

Jo uopBraJllord agl qtl,l\ Eurdoc Jo suBerrr e se Äceral11 io; paau Bursearcur agl pue,§ntuac Tuaerrl{r arIg r3npud atlr uri rein5euraa atlr ur pessop gxal unB'I ,o IInq aqJ lBrI algepuetsrapun Älroear q tl ralpea uaal8 suosear rog 3o u8ls B are

00ZI antaqualw s:,duvnlroy\

'auOP }C Cl


sr ll qrreas"l Ii]:'..tr pue aäue3 nC .\ur:---\ :


asaql jo §olleuclll1: .n] j Surpueiuapun lno ot :'j:

-vrrN a$ ol 'ar:]]'^:


uB sBq 3utsso13 l. '-:^-i qsnlq o1 uloC, .Ilv.l': i'i 'urerual .\?rl ---a-:JO eSnOqSSElJc


j; *:r:


a^erl §19N, :?E Y.: -ri : J:r.Y, :.-'"" :'-- iUI +-illE:l]:: : - -. §"'

Ieuueu IIe ef,InOS

unBl eqr -,lo 3: :: - - =: a$ ul uault.l:1'1:: t:- :: .{:e;}: " : '.r 'pui-:-^ :ool ]lE lllrs





:l- =:-

JO Suorlrpe arotu

uo auoP uelq iEu ):' Y. : aroru Ä11en::aile::j' ; --- : aF rV tut:J u: lj: - - : l: ?] : 'j-::.- r a :- ' q3lq.ti §auEluauJ'rll .UO3 E SI alaU_l_ x






e^Bq Slooqr: au: ia e::r: Jo PIoIJ er+ u] :ar:^:: -'



: sassolS eql 3.liltsj''saSrnos :oieu: :.:: 1: : -:: tr: s'. r..-; rsuiEl :::


aq1 'lur:d ur PeJe^\suE aq



co?ruiru: paseie tu. The rest


of the text is sporadically glcaed in Ladn in different

hands and da*er ink. *äü'tl,d,J; vounser is MS Cambridge, C-orpus Christi College 23' the {irst r0 J;hiÄ l;;ins works of Pnden'tius' üL PsvdromacJria , Penstz1twwn ' I' l-29 "d;;J Symmachi aotbrwl preceding, Con$o ür. i:i l4o,'i"L"D,rrr-',-*ittrt ip'J.i. ri,ä l,i§ r, *lebrated for a serier of 89 drawings made bv an English ard§t to ,-äÄ*",,t. PsrchonracJria. The pictures have dercriptive ddes in Ladn wriften furrher, 4? of ürese are also provided with Anglo'Saxon transi;ä;;iJt with marginal ""d', iläJ ffiä;J,h" i;ttarr*t;" (posibty's.x2) was tumished and ear§ in ce1tury inüre eleventh. gilrÄ Anglo-Säxot feo' ir, ) t, ,ä-ä.r1".* follo*'s: as glocses adde4 were or erigto-Norman . ä;;;üiläü "u.Lt 6

incisis: treu(?) / tf.3hvl $41) / (666) linrinnr / tfj3d (664) castrensis:- herbergable E ,,.gswrcr,it I utditv: car'dunel / chustra cum cloisturis(?) atu" I änJ (in right-hand margin:. tri' I $95) lact' (esll braniant iir:+rt ftondslß, -necez) (69?) indom'ms: dan(?) / grar, (in ,ight-harrJ margin: pippeö / i iisäi (?01) ferrod t0 / mor: (6») nele(?) uebilt, / peri-scant fmara: / i;'98t I (?00) h&r, le mostere / QöD cotnnins, manois / aÄtaruzm: [e stanc / enrel priscis / albau; blanci / ff' Jgvl in corurn; en flece bi/6da: dous

(dl written above üre initial d)? / (661)

i6Aiüh; äun""I.."* b*: iula Lir"i; -.r, !"r;ü*, ."*i"r* iioil'a"prÄt """.[read

/ siruramine: centure en rounde. These glosses arc written in a comes from Malmesbury.

hand and some of them are uncertain' The MS

*'Äf* ,tt Äihat .f the twelfth cenmry we begin to find traces of ni"ÄrJ i;; Si Äugustine's, Canterburycomes a copv of Cassiodorus, De It";l si.#;. Roval 7 D II G xii ;-il;J;,h.;G;whichLrms MS London, ilritish Libnrv, glossary consisting of a This contains 128 x 98mm' ;ä1,;;il;;G;'measuring over 220 interlinear gloeset (in i.."iää f-. A to C written icross dle page and (fourteen) in.Anglo'Saxonrr - and ;), motüy i" Lati", brialew ilLä;Ä; avß, ber,,a, I sai cblsedra: dusil / czulis: il;i;'Ä;rbM;;.,, as iollo*s, tf.lg,l of Fulgentius, E*ostlb setu glossary a copy follows The mareis. *t r l -tÄ"lao",

lv-l8v).rz Folio 20r blank. -Ä..Ä.igt"*rw is found in a book from Osenev Abbey' MS Cambridge' Trinity jiilämes 1209), a 6ne rwelfth'cenn:ry copv of Isidore's E$wlocitra,' c.irä. tj.l] i" fout colu..s per page,t! i§ writter an alphabetical word'list On i'.iSär-z0i.,' trorurm rf/tiau.i'un (ff.1


with interlinear synonyms of which the following

are vemacular ircms:

5 .

( See I. Zuoiua. 'Enelis.he6 aus Prudentiuhandschriften', ZfdA 20 1876)' 3H5' 'i. of America, (A Lanc'-A§soc' Mod. The ColLoba) Glocses , EngElr ftf"'J,,öta öl S"" york / Ir;don, 1945), no.25 aÄKer, Catfugw' pp'42-,3' C"t" S.t te


? Bodr dols and du are written above the lemma. r FEW 2.i.366b sives cfiardoneau onlv frorn the l4üVl5rh C' s fSV tb,26SU ä""s rcpour. [n ttre MS there is a nasal bar over the re ro P6 fateflel! ,t b;;'i4;ü @. cir, no.69. No rehrence is made (p.59) to the pterence of the Anglo' Norman


ii--iÜ, ,[i"-*".t


a translation see L. G.

Whitbread, Fufuezrtius tle M]thograpfirt (ohio'

pp.157-75. 19?1), ' flüÄ, ,p. cit., p220 una.counably says 'index ofwords entde6.


in tluee columns'' There

are 800

[. 198va] alrifrigrum: c=*,*, f, 8, e. The extendedaccessru, marked by a red rubric 'Materialis prelibatio in Achilleida Statii', will serve as a paradigm of üre approach of the twelfth cenrury to one of the most popular of the auctfires.

It.62r:] Quis sit auctor huius libri, que materia, que scribentis intentio, quis modus vel ordo scribendi, que legentium utilitas, que causa suscepti operis, cui


pafti philosophie sup;r huius


Sarius trce:

bello thebano

.xii r,

delicet diebus libro* i:: imperialia descrile:e:


.{:: :' bellicosi viri facra ies amorem milide et :s-

facere supenedr.

consistere. Er quonra= sed bellis

undiqw ;c:-

decertandum quam .e; gesra scribere aggrsr ;i et populo romano c::-; poem rrinomius; r'oc': quasi quodam presa;. fuit hoc nomen eius ;::

vertice literarum


veöorum omamen:i

p.xix. E5 See A. K. Clarke & P.M. Giles (eds.), TÄe Ccllnnuuay of Grot'fr"l of VW on ClaAbr 'De rapuProserpnu' (lciden / Koln, 1973). It is surprising that in her discusion of Geoftey's Ahxon&eis commentary (pp.3, 12-15) Miss Clarke makes no reference to the second copy, MS Oxford, Corpus Ch'risd College 2ll (s.xiii) which had been briefly alluded to by Colker in Med. Aee. 28 ( 1959), 97 (see also ad. cit., p.xxix). This is a heavily glossed school rext of rhe early 13rh C. in which the main glossing hand (s.xiii) is found consisrently ttroughout and which has entered a number of French glosses. 86 T. Prirchard, 'Tfuee Oxford Abxra&els Manuscripts', Sorpwrium 34 (1980), 26l-68. Ohscurely in MS Bodley 527 the glcsator writes (f.l62v) beside 6,17?-8'dicitur in gallico res perdita esset vale salidoo. . .'

6? It seems to me to belong, rather, ro the fint half of the l3th C. 68 The commentary is made up of short enries which range from plot summary ('Fabula narat quod . . .) and identiffcadon of characters ('Licomedes firic rex sciros insule . . .') to co(nments on sryle ('Pulchre describit soporem pueri'), mythology ('Ceneus erat quidam qui mutabat se in diversos sexus, modo vir, modo femina') and semantics ('dare dicit pro o6ten. dere'). There is no rubric marking Bk 2, but red rubrics mark Bks 3 (f.?Or), 4 (f.75v) and 5



pellabarur prererea :-: quia in e6nilq"s que s apparuit. Hoc de auc::

QUE MATERIA :d omnia quidem Sra:,i


sed morte prevenrüs .E

QUE INTENTIC .:e: lem velut exempiar ; eiusdem 6cra legerc:.:



scribendi quadripar: ed. cit.,


nominabarur eriam ia densitate vitem cir'::


satorius, est narraroa. *!

versu'Magnanimum I [8]. Deinceps invca: hoc versu Tu moCc ::

[14]. Dein[de] excu-a: usque ad


seriem narrationis exe:

QUE L,TTILITA-c LE. opere est ad exempi:::

effeminati cordis ha':. enim dicat Salomor. l suo expugnatore


et milicia morum. Ir. morum contendirul


milicie que plurima e: gesta

Achillis. De


-llurEc, tlB snqsBunuls rn re runrf,tPnr uraPl lxlua sngllluls a(I 'sllllq.v B1§e8 luns BIIBuInf,op elf,Illtu sIIErupIds tuelta orqll sr{ ul lsa eu:unld anb atclpur srlerodror rueuopelnua ratard rnl31 'sltuaul snqpl^ rqlPualuoo ulruoru

Brorllur u1 'slrodroo snqpl^ JnlecrecaP luruoturB Blslptu uI 'turuoru !!c_ll1u 13 lsa ä1 'uruorure elf,Iltru tsä tnJls ernb ol:a3ord laled ,u:ntgrn eroleu8ndxa ons orulue rn]eurtuop rn§, la .luo, oJr^ suaned lse rolpl^1, uouolBs IBf,IP rulua Iunc 'aßlruru JarlrrcJ ulunut^ slJlssf, uI os§If,suo3 nrlqeq slPros pBull.uela ra aiacrqe sirodror runlf,ll sluaanf ltuel tueuopsllut; ra urnldurerc PB lsa arado

rcg ur unpua8el sBrtlpn 'loFqnr Par] [y{nllJ.NlE]Cg'I SVIITI1 AnÖ 'rnlnnbaxa sruongueu rueuäs suado snltol uraul3 PB anbsn orar äPulxE '[02] ,olleqA lele los, run111 pe anbsn nsra^ ruapoa qe uaroleradrul runuclstruoql pnde x lasnJxa [aP]ulaq '[rll ,tunuFd uranb nt tV, ulnsra^ sunq Pe anbsn [g] .saralal l§ oPolu nL n§Ja^ 3ol.l qB raf,llapr^ utruelaod la (uruasnlu uInuIUoP ulnqeqd lef,o^ul sdacu;aq '[g] nL runsra^ sunri Pe anbsn [1] ,tuaPl)83 unu1ueu3elr1, nsre^ laorlepr^ are8e tl1an epun l;uodord ocol oru;r4 'snuolaueu l§a 'snuoles .sarele^ ts opoln


I Pue (^§ll) i 'ir--_.. i s: .ualso o:d ]lflp arEt il: -a-. ynb tueprnb teJa r.>::; '-i:, ot (,' ' ' elnfl.n sc:-\ \:: : -j l:- : ^. EInqEJ,) Äreuu:.s

sa: ocr;1aä ur





. :-^)::-'(sa: -- !--_

rnoq8norq: .rltu?t:.iir

,o txat loaq- :+x':

r !r--,r-





ra11o3 iq c: c+:-": ..-.=-.: 'Ädor puct=s ai: :: i:.--;;; s,Äatgoag.to



L.t.'ls:-:\::;>- --

trc.L:.. i .;*-;_-



.nJxa lsa 'snlroterc^ul lse (snlrotlsodord utua rtl 'lsa snlprudupenb lPuaqFJs opro le^ snpory 'lopqru Per] ICINASIUCS OCUO 'IAA SnCOn SnÖ

'lrBtlrrrl luarac§rD tuelsllulIuBuSeu uella luala8al E"l?E ruePsnla urnp snultenb [gZq'J arauodord alle^ sluetuor snql^13 relduaxa ]nla^ utal -ltqrv runsdr r1ry arado cotl uI tpels opuelul'[cpqru Par] OILNiLINl gnÖ 'tlnsodord alaglrss rxntlgo snla

'ryraldxa uou trdacul sndo snlua^ard auour pas snlrels u.raplnb Bluulo

PB anbsn

atela eaaurud


anb s1111qcy tuns elsa8 ggtl sntnq BlralBhl '[cpqru par]


rnf 'spado u.ie--: srnb'opualur ilj{


aql 3o :elndod tsorrr a'+, .i. E §B e^la§ IIl.r1 ',lpe3s E:'; 'sflssar]? päpuatxa au!.,;_ 'a e Äg rxar ureur ar{t ot Da.\a)

uauo sr 'uaor8 :o pai ur

por e Äq papacud u:ea

ü':i'f i:ä?:ffi :lfrH'#:JS;

i sn^ou r a radruas su aoar eru e,"p ;,,I,lX'f 'eroqre gB sltuBlnllnd aln8lrr arauat runPotu Pe snlmrns earalard ruegellad -dy 'reulSedruoo alBsnua^ urnuoEereduloo alulxaru ]a snuauBuro uruoqle^ srlrB^ runns sndo urnlol Blaod alsl lls rlpse^ ra llEaturnIlf, ulall^ alBllsueP lns snurdued lnf,ls 'Brnb spl^ olloJ outdured e snrurdue6 tuBlle rnleqeululou -8o.3 'tunrnur^ Bltuaurrue la tFals aretpSlp lutuoru uI Pas ruruBlalll aclua^ ug urenbuel unlos uou Bns Bldlr3s etuuo.rad 1nb runpdord sn.ta uauou )oq lln, alcar lrrurcrp opuers B snpels tutua etnb 'leqan:Euoc or8esard utuponb lsenb ;rerlqord snra uaurEl Ponb'snllEcs oudord auruou rnl3gsso^ isntuouul eleod tuaPl ualnB rBrE 'urnlf,arB larBlllJuof, lPuqPq runsn sf,rlJ ouaruor olndod ra lrrrruB ruBnuacglu8eu ouBtclulocl !sd! le snullEnb'lsa snssa:8ae araqFcs erseS Iulsslnuens ruruorll te lurlssluoJ turullltu s!llltPv snq;Ea1 ruenb runpueuarap snpod sru.re la o!f,o uou lera sndo snqpla snqpua8rnsuoJ anbDun sIIFg Pes rurueuat eqro slueruor orf,algns runpuou arodurat oa ueluonb lA 'aralslsuof, eales erllqnd §aJ lsatod uou snqpb au.rs luruouue lunsn la eplllul uleroluB pB rntuargroÄord rueuror sartlc oldruaxa snrn3 areqrrosap B]3BJ pl^ IsoJlllxl la lu8eru snlnJrlB acrlgnd lar aro, snrlnn ullua rruege$Iqrv 'rJpasradns arecel rntBgaräd ponb suesncxa anbas sueraqllap uncas all! rV 'raraglrf,säp erlerradurt Bns elsa8 ln arolerdrur ouerf,lruoql B lsa snle8or 'so1näuts sorqll snqälP laJllaP

.vr srln8urs lassnloaltrx' sarP rad [tuerer]qn3nla sluuB 'tlx' oueqaqr olläq ep urBlrorslq '!' eppclaql snrlsod aruog ulno lnb 'lsa eraod snpecg Fqll snrnq rolJnv 'snuBaPl^ Irgll ulapnte snlmlr rls srnb tnteuoddns alqdosollqd ped cNtsso'lc co ÄJStuvA


srBadde anlq) uouero=: :j -uoc 1eur8:eu pue si:':' arI 'uouEtouu? :a:a- '


'(Lgl'Z le Eurpuat \f--.:; ;o Ädor aqr ur Fu^::,r: ir-:




(6tz'0t ) [rg1 snf,re snuo8 Etsrieo :r::---LaP (PuBtl sso13 pu-t 1:r-Ärn:uac-guaeurrtr e

.\: r+

grJle^u arP o1 satsD EiE-:: s.PrErlrlud I ll\ r!'rr:r :E:": qsn8uUsrp ot .isEa s.\ar.'?


sassol8 qluarJ plo aujۤ :-j: ,o ratltlau lnq ';'rrtadr*-' i sr oq^\ 'Irrl1 Jo sryce3 .

'0Il Iatpotlqtqre8ms "'.x safolorpue roaod ur pa:a

'tunqap8e;,,q Jo opg ':,s-',ra1ar14g p3r51 'at11 r ': -§rururor PaPnllur oq.n ij:::

§lI 'Ixoorlooq]§ arP c0 E€'.j'i





iare sibi est omne quod simile est'. Si quidem nichil est unde potius ad fastigia

virtutum animus assurgat quam eorum qui viriliter egerunt frequentata memoria dum alterum recolit quis iam egisse quod ipse intendit nec diffidit vires sibi

'proemium' being accomt 'Excusatio ad Domicianu:

defuturas per quas alterum iam meminit fuisse victorem.

QUE CAUSA SUSCEPI OPERIS [red rubric]. Causa suscepti operis hec est. Homerus quondam librum Actrilleidos ediderat sed brevem et particularem, quia plura ipsius faca digna relatu omiserat. Ad supplendum ergo quod ille minus dixerat, iste huic operi potius quam alteri instabat propositum habens omnia facta ipsius militaria plenius enarrare, quod tamen morte prevenrus implere non potuit.

CUI PAIRTII PHILOSOPHIE SIUPIPONATUR [red rubric]. Cui parti philosophie supponatur videamus. Ethice procul dubio subponitur. Ties enim sunt partes philosophie: phisica .i. naturalis a phisis greco, quod est natura; logica .i. rationalis a logos, quod est ratio vel sermo; ethica .i. moralis ab ethis, quod est mos vel mores. Prime parti philosophie If .62val, id est phisice, subponunrur omnes libri de quadruvio videlicet astrologici, geomerici, arismetici, musi-

ci et

libri Galieni vel

Ypocratis vel aliorum quorumlibet de arte medicine et omnes libri quorumcumque auctorum de naturis rerum, bestiarum, avium, lapidum, heöarum et arborum ipsius eriam tere, ut Georgica Virgilii. Secunde parti philosophie .i. logice supponunrur omnes libri de rivio videlicet gramatica, rethorica, dialectica et omnes libri legum et canonum et omnes libri in quibus agitur de ratione rerum aut verborum. Tertie parti philosophie .i. ethice supponuntur in primis omnes libri divine pagine et omnes libri historici de rebus gestis sive ecclesiastici sive seculares etiam hii qui fabulose scripti sunt, ut carmina poetarum et, ut breviter dicam, omnes omnino libri in quibus aliquo modo de moribus agitur sive per fugam viciorum sive per elecdonem virtutum. Legimus enim bona ut imitemur, legimus mala ut caveamus, quia non potest vitari malum nisi cognitum. Ergo et hic liber Statii merito subponitur ethice .i. morali parri. Agit enim de moribus multi. pliciter. Agit de affecru mareme pietatis in Thedde; de magisterio sedule eruditionis in Chirone; de culpando adulterio in raptu Helene; de zelo juste ultionis in Menelao et Agamennone; de malo presumptionis et precipitationis in Prothesilao milite; de consilio et prudentia in Ulixe; de animositate et fiducia in Diomede; de honore regie mansueudinis in Licomede; de titulo verecundie puellaris in Deidamia virgine; de virilis animi consranda in iam repefto et mutato Achille.


QUIS SIT TITULUS lred rubric]. Tirulus talis est. Pampinii Surculi Statii liber Achilleidos incipit. Sunt autem eiusdem libri quinque disdnctiones quas thomos vocant, a greco thomos, quod est divisio. Et sunt idem [.62vb] thomi seu libelli longe breviores quam in Thebaide, ne populus audiens recitanrem

prolixiute gravarerur. Quid autem unusquisque thomus in


conrineat sub.

scripti versus breviter inti mabunt.

(3) ( Rhetorical texts are rarei'

wiür a good knowledge ;: PoerriaNor.ra in MS Be ri::.

fol. 607 (s.xiv) ff.38n--rt rhat Geoffrey was an E:references), though lr{ar.

and that he was educa:e Manidus considen rhar i during the pontificare :t Poetrb Noou, the'neu"


rradition, namely Hos-e dearh of Richard I in - . conflict betu,een John L usually dated to the pe :.: found in the'Causa m;g to have been a fio-: like Daniel of Morey, ur.: seems

of poems and rhetorical



may have been put :c' Unfortunately there is c, Nor.,a: Faral cited 41 \1S: verzeichneC.e5 The Berl r :.


lf.3Sval (249) üssin u),y: gallice / (bonom of pa* (509) meßale: nape i [f .r-'


Vemacular glosses or, ::, the'Liber Catonianus'. eo M. Manitius, Gesch-j::



References are

to L C:.

(The Hague / Paris, 19il : (Toronro, 1967). ez See H. G. Richardsor. -

(1941), 595-.605. Not all i:r See Bruce Harberr rei I 975). The'Causa Calne:.

e3 There follow five single.line titles preceded by the rubric (damaged by repair to

the MS) 'Pandirur istorum brevitas succincta libr[orum].' and nine lines headed 'Nomina musarum et earum officia'. As further aids to the study of the texr there are three lines 'De differentia nimpharum et propriis earundem vocabulis' and eight lines on 'Fabulosa Genealogia Pliadum'. The main text begins on f.63ra, the

e4 E. Faral, Is s* pcr'zt* e5 Initia 13656. There are or dle'PoetriaNwa' oi Ce;; e6 pirge is a Latin varian: :e








r,.Ä N /


f,mwuun3 $rnt uV 'spoo/X\ 'O 'h{ €s 'SSn 0OZ Ja^o '1f,8, ul 'arE arer{J '919el retul 'g-tZ'dd '(ez6l '.lr"d) ep?'!s ?ilIxßp1e aIIX'/rp smfuipd eD se.l 'lrr"C 'A

s6 16


ror*, y,p*rr,f1T ?,'§]1r"#il"3'i$"g X: ' oruorol ) sua d pilasta lo @rtrrrv 'turrrnauoc äsE s.uoprer{olU puu IIE roN'909-965 '(l}61) 9§ UHE',,(.rntua3 rg1a,r[ agr ul uordruequoNro slooqcs aq1, 'uosPreq]t1 'C'H aas z6

f.*lttl, ^Lulooe



p D&NDtu?od '(J*r"a) ß1toE u1 saclrtos


surtN U'h{ osle aes

plro D@N





4snd alJ-'ollE0 ? .,

'(I€6I 'ueqrur.tl,{) e IaI 'eafol"ltl(srP Ltso,rylv ;o ,§orqq agr


'(1961 'oluorol)

'sre4 / an8eg aq1)



* **rT*,ilr;ä§ä

gg9'dd '^\olaq r{r}/tr 1lE?P ete sPttlPV







oylaod stnonnlto {,a$toag

aqr 'eJtg'J uo :-.r:5+: :1. rg31a pue ,srlnqErr',

->:raJB aler+ txat arr r .:--i au:j :-: ga-':;- : -PePBaq saurl

ot rredar lq

-qns lEau:t'-:::

:{ - i-

UalUBll:Al :-itl-i



1u:op [qt-: i -- --sauc:::::;: :-:senb




Lttol't rEIn)EuraA

-qf,elua istflxar (909)/aauiurel'tunrrBr:1uru:mp (tfg) [Bror]l l?d,eträ.fosäut(60g) lqn6fj / e6a8uld pa acrlle8 sastoro :arurd stnb (ZSil PAed ro uJolroq) i acrlle8 runruas wtp (6gl) / rauad :anm{ (98t) [B^6ej / gstn8sep f/,Dlnunsw (8rz) [E^8t]l se are sossol8 rBlnoeu.ra^ aql'pelpus uaaq ra^au seq Shl utlng eql 56'.1aur{3lazr3^ ssH 0/ rarH, SaWIEA\ ur Är1ua ar{r pue roSShl porlr IEJBJ :r/}oN ol.tx?od ayr Jo uorssrursue€ Shl äW 3o Äalrns pellBrap ou sr areLp Ä1areunrroju1-1 ,o'uolduequo5l re Euyqcear s,ÄeggoegSo tlnsar s se ragla8ol rnd uaaq eaeg Äeu ('u1

!!lx's) ,I'BA IrBrgl-I uErrelunH ',no8se1g Sl\ ur sesnBer lBcrroraqr pue suaod 1o uolroalpf, aqJ. 'Z6I I'f, proJxg or uonerSru: B se,r\ arayt prun 'Äarop1 p letueq a{ll sraqoeal Supnpul ,o',§ntuac qrrp^tl aW ur umrprts 8u;gspnoy e uaaq a^BI{ ot suees arap areqa uordureqrro5l ol sr .JnesaurA Iparpeg luspeur esneC, eql uI punoJ

'tI-gOZI popa0 ar{r or parsp Ä11ensn ,13a1 auorurell, af,uararer aqt rBr.Ir Ä1a>111 st lI s! ,6oN ryxaod agr ',I-IOZI ruorJ III luacouul puB puEIsE l utlof ueamreq ]cluuoJ puB'epesruo B or'rgII ut rualestuaf 3o ssol ayt'66II ur I preqf,lgro qrEaP


ärIr ot suolsnlle IeJlrorslq Jo slsBg aqr uO ,o'npaa{ srv s.acaoH Ä1au:eu 'uontperl looqls ro .E!Daod, agr arelder or pauSrsep se^r tBql cporeqr .^rau, a(p 'DooN üuaod egr polmlpap aq uoq^\ ol (9IZI-86II) lll ruerouul Jo armgpuod aqr Suunp auroU ul Äppuoc se,n Äeryoag 'slrBd ul palpnrs osp aq teqr sreplsuoc snlluel/{ 'aruog ol Eulzrour aropq (proJxo) s.epltrsapuJ rS rB pereonpe sE^\ aq teqt PUE o6]nesurl le Äpueuro51 ul uJoq sB^\ aq tBrf särunssB snqruehl q8not1l '(saf,uaJaJer Sh[ ]o raqunu e 1o ,sncrl8uv snpaUIEC, aW) uBruqsll8ug ue sen Äargoag retp lqänoqr uauo sr rI '(OeI'I re äuluupag'snoptldace) g^gü-Br8e'_lJ (^Ix's) lO9 'loJ 'lBl'alsegrntlnxDqsslssnerd 'Ierlollgfqseels aqf,snac'ulpag Sy\ uI r6oN 44aod

s.JnBsur^ ,o Äeryoeg p Ädor agr s1 uolrdaJxa uV 'uDB'I Jo aEpel.trou>1 poo8 e gpr sruapnts Äg pasn Ällreupd eq plno,n Äarp aculs pxsol8 Älarer are stxer lBf,Irolaqg


IUBI Ul €l.iE:-'--:

: -

olrull aF :r+ ':: - j le alEltscu:::E >: :i

sruouErir:a:: :: i--: : :ai; ;:i -

alsnf o1a: aF

alnp"s ouatsr3e';



?r ':-:j: o3:: :-:-


reqll rlq ra

eleu snrur8al'rnua:: :: turuorf,r^ rue8n1 :+: a...:; sauruo'I.ue3rp Jati.\a::. ruepa sarelnlof 3.'.:i aur8ed eur.\rD u:.:'



rlred au:a1 turu,]:je...

la runuouet la u::*i+ ': or^rI aP uqrl iau':: :-: errS:oag tn 'ar:: ;:: -Bpsaq 'turual


aile eP :ar1r''::-:r: .Isnlu ltlllQlu:uE ::;;i -unuodqns 'al:-iru: := i:''--,-



ecrEol :un:eu lse


luns rurua sa:l :^:'-:': rn3 i:u:--:

-llt{d ped

sruuaaard auoul ua'*-= suaqBq rurursodo:c :t:: a1p por"rb o8:e u::::': 'tua:e1n:n:ed te'..:ä.,:j 'tse f,aq s!:ado




6s'salDue relnrerua^ ou ärB araql'ppBüBu l1dpu1, pua .unuarJltxoq pE oltesnoxg, parueduocce Surag ,urnru:aord, '.unqaqd pe opeoo^ul sf,rrqru leur8reru aW

Iqls sarl^ rIPI-UP F'..: : -oureru t3t1uanbsr ru^: eräusE pe snuod jpu:" :







able / E40rb] (609) nanik:fremail / (610) bysso: chesil I (617) face: brandun I (643) gesaL.'.tlatrln menesterul / [.40val (708) cyrnbc: batel Q79) irwdan: enclume / (814) (776) scopa: baleis bloee ßZl) tnuli: enclume / | [f.4lr:'l [.40vb] füwt: (82?) o(b)cret: heuses de fer / (828) aalzs: talun / f.41öl (868) rorem: la ruiss6 / [f.41va] (W) joanarvlr: enveissent / (916) furars: herichie, I (925) fragar:la noise / (948) lotewn: la tuille / E41vb] (956) fritn: frote gallice I OU) pectinis: deu pigne / (984) f.per,la force / (985) nourcttla:.i. rasoir l[f.42r:,l (1023) hastorurn, hainstes gallice [f.43val (1330) cercbri, cervel [f.43vbl (1373) stcrdt: run{le (1388) obsmimn; nos sumes estopd I l|44l:J |o4?9) twwfant fist emfl6 / ( 1501) ducw: ala menement I bf:'rl. f.44rc (1593) ürere is a lacuna) | lf .45n1 0752) exrctnri engrds / [f.45vb] (1905) huulut rampone (.1912) contsrit assemble Git / (1919) apphut arive / F.46rb] (2021) ^ynagjrwr porpense I lf .46wal (2059) arenustas noblece.







A typical school copy from the

second half of the thirteenth century is found in MS London, British Library Harley 3775 tr.150r178r. The text, imperfecdy decorarcd with red initials and splashes (esp. ff.151v-153r), but mostly uncoloured, is fumished with interlinsar and marginal glosses of which the vemacular examples are as follows:

[f.150r] (22) rcbellio: cumbat e rouste / 8150v] (42) omDlurn:larce I G7) (written to the right of the line) mestre enginour I $0) Mrrnan: penne | (5?) Gfus merches I lt.ls}vl (206) h biuio: en deu veis I Ql?) dociüs: amenable, ductilis I Q28) bnso serir4ue maroso: lung ordeinement / (227) vicarius: garden I QIZ) anrbagllous: envirounemens lt.ll3rl (257) iocw'dior: plus anveisd [.153v] (278) corcusiuru: asemble ferent / (285) areuis: serpent I Q92) infet: enorgulit / (303) b(n)ctsuiot avuauntaunce / [.154r] (314) siru]aio: feintise I ß?5) prengafirrlri: divineresse / (340) spealuio: la gard / (339) crepuscuh: oscuret€s lIf .l54vl (360) enaralt: enflestrit / F.155rl (39) incunis: en bers / (408) exhausti: devastds / F.155vl (435) gesrus:





lt.ls?vl $?0) urccinu' flurs

/ F.l58rl (1188) ailue



[f.l64vl (1693) srcgestlo: monestement I $697) flagtbso, surferuse I lf .167vl (1913) ograttlml: champestre / f.168rl (610) bisso, cheise / F.169rl (688) rugoso: frungus / [f.175d (1106) mali, poume llf .l?6v1(2000) oen€: reun. There is a neatly laid out, but unglossed, text in MS Oxford, Bodleian Library Digby 104 (s.xiii) ff.Zll '-33vb (ends incomplete at 1.2059). In the right-hand margin of f.21ö, beside 1.48 ('Est prius archerypus . . .') a hand contemporary with rhe text has written pensoble. The incipit is 'lncipit liber magisrri Gaufridi Anglici de anificio loquendo'. There is a beautiful copy of the early ürirteenth century with red, green and blue initials and marginal rubrics in MS Oxford, Bodleian Library, Laud Misc. 515 (c.1200)


ff.l4lc-81r, but the text is unglossed.

Non-granrnwacol worls

ln the thirteenth century the wo*s

b lot* of Garland

of John of Carland, many of which remain unedited, were heavily glossed, sometimes in the vernacular. Apart from the strictly grammatical works, which will be treated in later chaprers, a number of his religious

poems exhibit glossing u






Bassetr, Bishop of Londc< ChapterLibrary 132 (s x:: If .6911

accsuum: brac€ ' ;.:

If .77-vl inftta: la checibie hand margin) hec rJr:'crt.

margi n) hic naclwne*: .': place /pornpis: gal,rc:


In MS Berlin, Deu'*: ,.




leaulia:- aaj- :-

'uoc] tluanh: Ielnf,Eula-\

aql tnq



:tj --.

!: j" -i":- i






ep snrPr.\c :r:r::: : :-. luruorle la rn:ua::r j:-i:: -f,ne la trlluar?y::i olqll u! ruer-IE;\ :?:= Bllrgerrur e]lnl'u rla l::-:;uenb arela,ra.l uter:ia'I erldos :Ig1c'6] :a::1 r:: relrprurs 'runprdel cr:r' '

crr{ lnlrf,rp lqlle ra


§B §?sserrr Euruado u? ]c''.-. Irerq!'I :ardeq3 .u;r --- :1' ÄrlupJ'ullqnc i;.i :-\ -'slooq3s er+ polaru: rrj::

sassolS ,Eaurllarur :'i ;: -' : Äq8rq'.Uagl-l uE:;=:i :-:

lnoqlr^\ lxal urelJ z .::-]' : ruBrllr^\arJ 3r{t u: _ S;.i :. oq.r 's"'rj:- 'j ;



or 6601 ruor.t puc:'-: oq^r.Joqtne aqt ter.::

j':i i

=i--:: $ F:'j:.

)poq .lo] sflrqru

Jo {ro^1 B sl 'PI.\c


c: as:.i

.lPuIur s?..:

twqn4o (tI) / ?3!U rerE8 :andaq ox?[ fiI) / esrotu .red :snqrs.rtu (6) / auoa

tue^B :sntf,anord (g) / tal^orf, :tttot ltuBrunl :*aBnn :sessol8 rBInJBr,rJaA Euptrollo;


(t) / lFod tps2y (t) trg/l]

eqt sureluof, Ädoe uloougl aq1

'APn :ffio I ttz,Fb :wtbonWp

yau:s7t t21t / ru;rpnd :ntrl;,ravt (6p) / CNISSO'IC CO I"IjIIUVA

sr18rc :(3rs)



[^]6Ul / rupnc (gil Fnil.il


Iaruf :urznlarr-x tunso[Llsuou ruepponb r s;

7 acr11e3





gallice seyser / hec fin]crestwa: seysin / hic elcesstls: gallice amuncayles' Under sidwo we read [f.9vbl: sithara quandoque dicitur nova lex, ut apud Teodulum: 'Vitta dabis citharam etc.' [19i; qu".tdoqu. dicirur insmrmentum quo citharisatur, utapud Ovidium De arte-aÄandi, 'Philirides cithara puerum perfecit Achillem' [A. A' 1,11]; quandoque no6t gaudium, unde magister Galterus qui composuit Alexand. rum cum percutererur a lepra dixit'Versa est in lucrum cithara Galteri etc.''125 quandoqui dicitur tribulario, ut ibi: 'confitebor tibi in cithara Deus, Deus meus' tA. 42,41 .i.in tempore adversiratis, unde versus, 'Dat legem re§onat gaudet ribulat patiturque'.

century copy of Lucan's i fumished a number of rz:-.2 The text of Lucan ruru i:: where a hand clearlv cor'.: grammatical notes as rc,.:,.

Quotiens participium ; : et recipit comparati c:1e : Quotiens cum accusa:.., Pyr grece, ignis dic::-: pyramis -midis / .i. ru=i -monis .i. faber scilice: -ri .i. frucrus et p) rgu: -a Lixa .e .i. ablutor sc:-:e.

There are then further vemacular items as follows: asills: gallice melore, anglice

/ hra. Zbuhnt: sablun, sond / iste homo defntescitt ausuaget I hgg. mnial: gallice cantel.rr Similar notes are found on f.l14v of MS Dubtin, Tiiniry College 270 (s.xiii/xiv): dron

vestes sarcita sive vrwpolhtc: gallice dubbd / hec tmio.nie: rage .i. gallice de lace / hec wr&ana.re, gallice esclavun de paumer lhec ipsea -e: gallice taupe, anglice mold-uarp I h«. Ped)bomiaa -te: gallice pinsun I cehans -a -um: gallice chilesd (corr chisel6) / sals4o -ginis: gallice saus de cel et de char / hec rnerenda: gallice rusin / hec amussrs (corr. amusis): gallice esquire I hoc pctper.diculum gallice livel I alga -e gallice wrec de mer / eraasim: gallice pamuisun lhoq.. cirentnnum: anglice uarroc / obsuium: anglice uake meyte (obsonium est cibus sumprum contra sompnium).12?

sage vel sagana -ne

Placenta -te: fladtr,

MS Cambridge, Univer:.:,

ecuted anthology of the ,. :r

of Btois, Robert de Bea;:-

hand margin of the pct= : (Walther, Initiall488\. a Iydioma esr in.-.... glaucoma iden e ::

Comparable lexical notes are found in MS Cambridge, Gonville and Caius College 340 (s.xiii), a grammatical MS made up of works by Priscian and Donatus, where there is a small number of somewhat haphazard entries on f.86r: gallice cupe / obstnrctorium: tapperD ciringtorium: warrok angl i ce.




'n€: net anglice / hoc

Particularly süiking, on account of their early date, are the notes in MS Cambridge, Tiinity College R. 3. 30 (610) which contains a beautiful early,twelfth'

1ü ThisquotationisfoundinsomeMSSofJohnofGarland'sEqioocaandisreportedina Yitaanctnis by M. L Colker, ed. cit., p.xviii. lb The notes also include the following (f.9va): 'Martialis cocus reprehendit quondam qui tota die per hcpitia aliorum cucurrit, ut bene comederet et potaret dicens: "Scevola ru comedis ipud omnes, nullus apud te; / a[terius siccas pocula, nemo tuum. / Aut tu redde vicem aut desinä velle vocari: / dedäcus est semper sumere nilque dare"'. These lines appear in a wide variety of conrexrs wirh frequent suhtitutions for rhe ffnt name, see Walther, Initic 2?850a. Whilst rtrey are in the rradition of Martial's Epigramms and of Godfrey of Winchester (often refened to as'Martialis cocus') I do not find them inTh. Wright (ed.), TÄe Angb-I-ann SaatualP6y2ts2, RS 59 (London, 1872), pp.l0!55 (the edition needs to be redone, a§ §ome important MSS were unknown to Wright). In Wright's collection Poem no. IXXXVIII,2 refers to Scaevola. 12? §ss OED sub wale sb.t6. which cites only one example (1400). On. f.13v a fourteenth' cenrgry hand has added various vocabulary notes of which the following contain vernacular equivaients: 'mu.soÄrs: calf conillogo: anglice braun (see OED sub braw) nrtmtdiwn knebon manpnrum: hers wesp (see MED sub ars n.2 (a)) l-plusaias: bokelus: fusil)os: spindolus / nares: bottokus / puäes: schere (see OED sub siure sb.z)'


r2r MS = tsv.




f.l5v (Ex

sermone qui


similirudine volatilis sic ::' f.6lv (Ex sermone qui s:; .: (sic) süolles

f.62r (dino) pulmenrur ::. , f.85r (Ex libro De narun; --='

(.lZ7r (Ex sermone qu: s.:


magni gallice zeus (1)

There are surprisinglv e,:. . rerisric of these MSS ':;: 129 Entries berween slashes --=

l3o I l2vs notseen this s;.'- ='-: 'uocl ru-:r ::-: "'l:l ' -l; / aruef : 't'a,rt,u}j:u '..7 - :: 't a.rur:J:::a '- -; - ; 's' a^leulln -: : ;::E / arou.t.r-t'-:-'.t'-r:,z acrlSue';i-i:tz : .._. .: i s.itep I :---.: ::/ laquel{ ::-::'-:--i: ' :, 'a8ed lo tuoltf:. ; - l: -: :' a§slllalu la a'l::':j-

[^Oe'J] / ag:e I ::lr .:: / Iaq.re,{ t tue:-'r- : ::


towalL{: ; t

ur pelarod:o:ur s$>-:


Peutllelur r+:.r.. :x": :: snl::a': j:'j :.rruEaPeul

ä(l, asqEaD




{lEuV lou .\"-:rzi;: : : PoupuaP! lc'i -.-- :. :, .lflu§Ul,+ E ä-l-:--ll aqf '^x'§ _Io .\:!:r :ä: snd:o3'p:cixi S,.i ;--.; i-so13 :o sauEl:;":r--'. r:s



'eaanq 'l' If,nquBs / uullq 'l' Blnlxl / sunossarf, 'l' sauonBuaß 7 par lorpd 'r' urnue8uo / tro^\aporu 'l' pEJd Essrrpur / eunqrcg'r' runrgruBrrr / aq?ea^nl 'r' uimltsl^al / rrnp,r 'l' snlnga / apo^ruueylns'!' unuBorqE / arouupur urnrqlurf,qe / apa.rSnur 't' BrsätuewrB FZ9I / arpua^Bl'r' elnpua^el FI§.J] / lauec :nuouruu,$ [^0§', / eeuneSerp '1' eperuadras l^6r'i I ssrelrsg 't' uEq 's' tol§t,, l^Lb'rl / eqf,ee^nl 'l' Ipsn8ll Vlf.il I sauÄa1q 'r' selnrsnd / uÄarys' lulxery / rpetu '!' roleru eaqru / Ilstr aplllrl 'r' srrolsed e?:lu' 1 ÄxaÄep '!' rourur Epllosuoo I Ugum 'r' roleru Epllosuoo / ap;d 'y' srae en8url / dureq .1. '!' slqoueo l^gt3l I slua,r\ 'r' ef,rual / aput' :rnDaqos l^gb'll lrpeur intou.rr?7ru, luosÄod 's' opBrtxor / apuBsnBq p^ rorq 't' IxEc [^rt', / auernq 't' tf,nqtues

Fst'il I5



pelldllptu aq ue: i3-:':: elfl ot Pe.€I ,?::':e-::': " sol8 ag rxar aF, .:r.:i: sulAäq qllq.r rr;_-:!: . V ( le\cv 'j-t Mx's) AI







Hispanie, Haspre' [f.190v] (3,198) desio clowtto: claustra devia .i. Pireneus mons (3,775)1& nwbilibß nemüas et Lunt gllice; moili ille deviat ab alpibus llf.l9?.rl a&tßitondibßilex: ilex in Alemannia aöor ferens glandem et pr€terea quod dicitur ca. . . genus rincture que greinne dicitur gallice I ß,276) taxrrs: hic taxus gllice tessun. .. / E193vl t6t (3J5?) bUes: lens maior est vicia, est autem vicia vesce

gallice/(3,3i0) Wulacoiacens,hxifufixtsolotpupievelpercepulgallice[=interli' L6 glog a1',ri Wtulacah secundum quosdam pi6 de pulein, secundum quodam idemtt quod luvesche, porrulaca; intiba, rc§1gbcf, cammoc anglice I ßJ75) frteo sareie gallice I lt.lg4rl tj"lqf ) cahrr6ln1ry;: calamentis nepte gallice, catwed anglice / (3,400) aphmv ache [interlinear gloss] / (3,4031 Wxwßqtte panax' panacea, opopa' ,ra*, car.iscia i&m et dicitur padnaie gallice I lf .l94rl hottom of pagel brassica

desiccative virtutis est; plagas glutinat, sanat inflammaciones iam induratas 'i' rancles. Eripsilas induratas .i. ,r.r"tu- ignem et herperas curat .i. dertres gallice' Cato dicit braisicam canceratos curare si in aqua calida pota sit. Cruda contrita, bis in die pota, inpetigines sine ulceratione §anat .i. guttaiuuere gallice. Fisrulas elixata decutit .i- fot grlii.. I lf .lg4vl (3,438) garb: gardo daz gallice I ß,439) turcra: trttitte I

" tf.195rl b,+SS)

-pis sicut capu§ a capio, muschet gallice-/ ff.195v1 ß,4fu) othalortis,calandre gallice I ß,477) picru: espec allice.

adpiw: accipitei ab accipio

Elements of the natural world are sporadically glosed in a variery of MSS. There (\Ualther, Initia are rwo such glosses in the poem De cutanine Salomonis etMarcolfi (s.xiii): escaöote f 122va'capito:.i. B XlIl Vespasian Coaon i f Zigl i" U§t-o"don, (a., e.ro, for caboche) I twdw estumel' (In 'versus de differenciis') on f.125ra we iave'subtenwn: Eeime'). The copy d Priscian ('De octo partibu§ orationis') in MS i-."ä.i, grirish Lrbrary, Royal 15 ä I (s.xii) has a single vemacular gloss (s.xii hand) on f.l8v 'tcstulo.i. parvurnanimal .i. limace'and some note§ on the Bible in MS

Lorrdo.t, Wellcome Historical Medical Library 8O1A f.59vb conain a solitary vemaauf"r i,.1n (s.xiii hand) 'tria sunt genera locustarum, unum marinum quod est

rubrics written in red tpp : the exception of a single e: may indicate a connecu.l



A modest, but interesting, selection of glosses is found in a MS of the Urbanra f"fog by rhe uelfth-ceitury writer Oaniel of Beccles, of whom almost nothin-g is L"u:*"^ tt'His wod< is usually transmitted with religious texts and there are four principal copies: Cambridge, Gonville and Caius College 6l (s.xiiiz) pp.601a-643a.. A few lines .itri"g äo* the end. There are red initials, black rubrics with red underlining, and



based his edition.

Paris, Bibliothöque Na: :.:least seems to have ccme :: \t7orcester Cathedral Ch a:

book which incorporars :

In addition excerpr


London, British Libran.




O#ord, Bodleian


sentzntiae begins wiür er:= there is a red rubric'lnc::.-

(with few omisioru), ---: the top of f.22va ürere ri :

semel [i.e. 1.9971'. many omissions).


Thi: ::.:

is the Dublin luiS


who distinguished an ee:.. set with he called B. Tr.e '.:

4374 Tupadesw;r:.




have been in t}re posrs.:r and includes the De cgr.ra-l a collection of Serlonrar. ::

729 813 906 940 942

1020 10ZZ 1065


I,r.sbnran taÄs rr;-Ki le chen desh::.terelrri: terebrun e:

:.: *^: r:.: :

litzrc: blemure Perdsre plura Plusurs duns

foca: graspeis rumbus esr sru.;-:.


sorbere: humer coctotu: coirlx

nisi conueniaru: äu.sias:rfl


torche :

l@ The MS has rhe rubric'Proprietas arborum'. rot a1.r"t. is another rubric, 'Proprietas herbarum', and later (3,417ff) 'Genera natatilium' and (3,443ff) 'Genera aerivagum'.

iiz §" l. ditU".t 193e).



Urboiuts Marurs Dmblis Becclesieruis (london



16 16+

See E J. Fumivall (ed ' Ir This is the only examp.e :.



sB pasn) ds,n, sassolt rp;q.tr'SSTI^{C Äq pallo aldruexa lpo ar1r sl stqf }et ""S Esr

'gs+e'dd'Z'td'(898I 'uopuo'I) Zt SIIA ')pogsaaqo1 rr1J'('pe) IIE^rurnC'I


'ullqnq / uopllc'-r.\ ii->i7::? .runllllEleu Elatler'-



:.: :.-- i Y Ei:--= . --.: :

pue'8urut1:aiu(g PuBrl) §aqsrot


nlqng zlzl

zeas isuntafiin) !s!1t §90I xuto) ialopo) zz0l rarunq:aaq.os 0z0I

snquru :rcorf



s11e3ar srcsrd 'un8rnts tsa sradrnd rumo) lstedsar8


sB arB

§ualr rBlncBurs^


SauII ine-l

InoJ alE a.ia; :'i: ii:- i Surtpou tic'ij'? ::: r .r: atP ic i;'i : :' :


l0zl uO'I5I-I'II JJ



PellBr sli rpllt\ tes






un unp rnd arprad e tuos sunp sJnsnld

'sani naq m puos umtm' nlan Dtry{ ?Dpta d (g p"Bq) arnualg :rrntrl

arerrBt acrlle8 'lpue:opad runtuarrrrutsur lsä rrlrugerel :twtal 67.1 rnuoqsap rnuÄes el rnuoqsap uaq: al IX 'unfifi)gutnlu"ü)ilfifi slol umu oß4 ilaqano s ttJ mbratqd srynn(n1 g-Leb 'sarl",as


('xa nrx's) ratel e pue V pollaqel aq qrrq^\ sassolS p ras Äpea ue pagsrnEunslp oq^\ parnporda 'sassol8 relnrerua^ agr sepl,rord qclq^r Shl ullqnq aqt sl rI

Ä1Ätug dq

'(suorssruo Äueur §af,nPo8ur slql ',[166'I 'a'!] Ieua§ s!,r\) 0}zI-t9I I '09-8gI :esueru setarlBunc aluaq uÄolq ul tpqnr B sr era(F e^ZZ'! dor aqr tunrdrcul, 'lqr lo '9t9 ol Ällecperods Bt, puB Zf-6Zb 'l-OZb 'Zl-Oll'90ü '(suorssnuo rf Iir\) ^\a, 1bZ-ZSl'11 Surrnpouul .turuo3ltsulsalof,a salarlBr.rnc tunrdrcul, 3rrgru par B sl aragr


;o ÄEolorpue aql 'qrtz-r6l


ruorJ sa8essed alrsuetxa ptltr su;8ag qruaus (gt*'s1 Zs§ O uosurl,treg ,tuerst1 uBrälpog ,FoJxO

srrusuBu snr[ uouo3 ,ÄJerqq trriirät9,1#,ffi ^6lt-tglt'l!(r^rx's) xX V :SSI^{ raqto o,tlr

ul pouletuoc

'rsnuBruolec raql.L

ere stdreoxe uoltlppe B

saterodroour rlslq^t



-loor{os B sr srql '^0§I-^ZCI &erqll rarderl3 IBTPoWBC ralserror(\ (i^Ix's) ttI'J J, 'rar§aq"lqc urog aruoc a^Bq ol §ruaa§ l§sal 'rBI 'aleuonep anbqpo;1q1g 'spe6 stqr ts ue4 'bas re (gtx/1x's) Shl 6', O/ISI Jo 'uontPa stq Pa§Bq Ä1Äurg leg Shl slrp uo sl tl 'qouarJ pue upel ur sqraaord ueruolras ro uoooello, B '^SLZ-^e LZ'll'pue'e'ntaeol eqt 'lll luaf,ouulJo tgwnuw$a"nt(n aO aqr sepnpur puB

qlqnc aPl§no rÄrrey1 391 s8r.uorll:3 p Äaqqy a$ ,o uolssasod aqr ul ue3q ä^Brl eqf :gz-qrssZ'ä {lg*'r1 (§'e'g) 16 a8e11o3 ÄrppJ'utlgnq

ol e3uo suaes Sy\

('reC'saulef aas) xassns ur SuruÄarg SI/r\ uol]Jauuoc e alecrpur Äetu

Shl a$ Jo pua eyr lB sasral qruarJ auog 'e969'd uo Ä:tua al8u;s e 1o uolrdacxa ag: gl,tr 'EICA'd rar;e sasolE ou arB araql '(egeg'eleg'egg9 'dd1 par ur uelu^\ srlr9ru oNISSOIC CO .t"uIIUV^


rsa ponb ulnuu€'; 'ii- i-euraa ,i:at1os e iJlE'J:: :


5p1 ut al9lg at+ uc =:: (Pueq llx's) sso13 re'r,::-;r Sy\ ur (,sluope.ro s.:-::

a^\ 8r§zlJ uo (,sril'raia;: älogef,sa 'l' :ordu?, P-1:: . .

,aruI rraqlle/X\; r{,:c.:-,'; =

arar{L 'ss}\ }l .§a:i-a'. : i dsa :i?-a: 'orin t ;---: : 'aer11e5


/ alr!rur


lFnraP erExlla

1sf; : se'-:!.i :-

ul srg 'ElLLluc: E3-'^ ore3'art11e5 sa:?c :;.-


-uerJ' sslelnPul'rE: ;?..j: eolsseJq [a8el rc r.u:-:i-edodo'ea:eued'x:-i:: ; acrl8ue pe.t,rrel 'al:'--.i ::


uEnonb runpuntoi u:?'-i -!lretut =| af,saA



Erf,l^ ualnE is? 'E:: snxa f,lq :§nr:: ;


rntr3rp ponb ea:a:atJ:a


D rnrnu/,.u


ms?'190u ! -ardse11 'aruedsr11 :rr,:.':






MS London, Bridsh. -.:: attributed to John of § i.. .-with colour wash d'F-:.: f.127v there is a red :-:::

(10) OldBn§ishl-aw old English feudal and legal terms, glossed in Latin or Anglo-Norman, are f*"J i" t"or"r of f,lts§, usually"chronicles-, and deserve to be coordinatedA infewa ,*ay.ris So*. are alreaäy in print,r6 many h.ave^been ov.erlooked. "l,f"rf rrffi". G.rir yg'q6bridge, Pembroke Collgee-, 101 (s.xiii) has a;ä;ä;,ii ;h;;'; of definitionslde.,ter.d in a thirteänth-century hand after a collection of Decreta (ff.69ra-83ra) Lists of


f.83ra f.83rb

ren Sak est curt e jususe scilicet quant aukun aultre par nun de aukune il avient, si 1a viance, prove de u la de la forfairure le ui., ;h"lr"g.;;.iui

consueudinem scacan,



Mundebriche :=-:: Burchbriche, :,-.:=

:e; ] Hasthinge, i.:;: Eunsrxa Dtot1flßet rr L:1- ;'j ararp ',tntua: rp_l;; ar:;: itsntsra4






'sorle '.lr u-j: :;

'sBlpootuoo rEua:a:



fueouaurtuoc;o r:oigrs r= snrsled.E --.-: se Äpea


-lcerdde ;o Ätrnurruo: ua>:-

Suorls e gtlir slxar -il iii: §rqJ'slooqtrs eqt ur $: ' aWro SSh[ Äueu ur sn:::: ou äreq ue^a tng |'§sfJ:.:s

,rtergl1 racnet13, atp fu::^:






pallerx*,jaune / (5,6?) uetit: e venu felyt5 / (5,163) siccis: averis.

-' l-:- '


I $,69)

ulf,ra: avaunt

I 6,?l)

canrfhhm: jaunt,

There are few English glosses, the glossing is almost exctusively lexicat, gnd-many-of the vemacular gläsesite nothing more than the obvious reflexes of üre Latin. In MS Cambridg., T.i.rity College n. :. Zq (s.xiiil) ff.88r-95v there is a rather qlain t'*o ..d initials on f.88r, the rest were never inserted) in text of Peniui (ür.t" after the beginning of Book 4 (f.92r). There is a single which glossing ceases".. vemacular glos: (1,106) phuum: charole.r6 Another-clasical autiror who enjoyed enormou§ popularity in the schools, and who was himself indebted to Persius,'is Juvenal, the first commentary on whom srems from a conremporary of Sewius c.400 A.D.t? By th9 sixth cenrury he was the subject of much schäliastic commentary, not all of it of benign influence, and the exe'getical efforts of Heiric and Remigius of Auxerrc laid the foundations of the meäie,,ral commentaries. As wiür Persius, there are two early raditions of commen' rary, one of which is associated with 'Comuqs' by the_selfth century.(it


amched to the vulgate commentary on Persius already by the tenth cenrury). There is also a vt6, as in tf,e case of Persiui, tentatively dated to the fourth century. Whilst most of the commentary work on ]uvenal is, not unexpectedly, ano:rymous, it is certain that \Uilliam of Gnches *.ot. a commentary i fragment of which (s.xii) survives in MS Bahimore, Walters Art Gallery 448 (\720), and by the end of the rwelfth centLlry there were half a dozen disrinct commentaries circularing in Europe.ts Juvenal was prized in




MEDsub/elwar (Pl).


For other glossed texts ofPersius see below pp.?lfand vo[. 2, See E. M.-Sanford, ']uvenalis, Decimus Junius' in P. O. Kristeller (ed.), Caalogus aaaumetco7tn:y;71:617i6rl*rr. . . I (Washington, D.c., 1960), pp.1?5-238. See also for twelfthcenrury 'arguments', ,rcc€sst/s and the Satyae C. Jeudy in Reure d'Hisoie &s_Tercs 1 (1971), 213-4. Se; too, Y. F. Riou, '[-es titres des Satires de Juv6nal' in id & C. Jeudy, "Iradidon rexruelle et commentaire des auteurs classiques latir» conservds dans les manuscrits de la Bibliothöque Vaticane', Settinrone di Sulio ZZ (197 5) U79-2291 189!13. See B. Wllson (ed.), Gdllaunl€ dcCorclws:Gbsuir,luvetalern (Paris, 1980) (see pp.l?ff' on rhe influence of Juvenal scholia on medieval glosses). This unreliable edition uses the Baltimore MS and MS Paris B.N. lat. 2904. For a list of MSS see U. Knoche (ed.), D. Iunius luuervrllß Sarurae (München, 1950),





id, Ha//.{,dfifdichß Gna]/Ifuer. des Ju:xtahcrces, Philologus supnt. ]]_,J etXIIe 1940). See now B. Munk Olsen, LEu& &s anta.rs fusjques,l,,;ry iacÄ t" (Paris, 1982) pp.553-9?. Glooses were wrirren on Juvenal by Amulf of Orlearu, who may also have written'glosses on Persius, see H.-V. Shooner, '[rs Brasarii Ovidiutorum de Guillaume d'Orl6ans', MediacualSnlies 43 (1981), 408, n.9. zo Beginning at M 1 1l . 'cupping-glass', see MED sub aqpc n.2 (b). pp.xii-xxxii and



'.t..l t

l.r i.9 ) rru,'ifji.r: a:e'.:.: .lr.:"'



:.:ir]Jre (l,vril,-c--it: :- rs il,r':i.S I ':':---: ' 3;.'3q.r':' r^.t::.]: :''= '-:t:e.'i.x*i4 :---

'llll'dd aas) (§61 L-Ei >'1 :. --:: . ij:: ='-

EI aP sCr.DSnUeuJ ;e',

uotllp€{L'Apoai 3\=-: '(tZOt) I t sai i{ 2-1ri,--.i

§S ;'-:-j

edqt?:z: ::.


Jo,l oslE






:ssFlue a8a11o3


^\aJ Shl ul Pallpsu8rl (92'!'Il qlllt\ äulPue) aqotst{E aqr Jo lxal alaldurof,ul uy 'acr11e8 reuns :s{7!ul (ZZ'll'II) / ac11p8 srapc :smro( (Zl'l^x'I) / tegaled i$trLt,tu (ll'l!^'l) / saqoor :oxos (gb"t'l):Il8-rol# (zt!tx's1 6Z 'e 'U a8alloC ,btupl'aBpFq(uBC SI/.1 u1 'alduexa roJ SnoJ Äpo are arardl 'sassolS relnceuran ra^\eJ llgrgxa aqorsldA eql ;o sardor raqrg '(ua^13 sau:neuos are qs113uE PUB qcuarC {toQ) srualenrnba relnc -er,rraA urog s8ulueau: Ä11crnb arou orl,t\ $uaprus §tl,n qEnorg palro^\ pxruSocar lerp slsa8ilns arag sassol8 relnoeura^ Jo uopnq1nslp ar{f

are,n seäessed uletrao

or'sÄnq :mqyafutoc (ll'l^x'I) 7 cneso8 'xuw :nfiQltm (Os'lrt*'l) / szadneq'ssalalSua:a&o, (6'r^x'I) / setueqra ouostaolo (OI'a*'l) / Ieproq :xrunl (IZ'^IX'I) / sna§B^r :onbsal (I'lllx'I) / arnq el o ßlo4t4 (§I'I!IX'I) / rrsnesnl8 :soqo1? (tI'IIx'l) / :Äuede ,1Wß? (62'ltx'l) / ,rruÄod (ollag 't' :orßun4 (r,e'*'l) / Iar§B/$ tutDraum) (ge'll^'I) :oqotsa$ (b1'll^'l) :rq.{ (gl'x'l) ,.Äsaque 7 / szreurol / ^eranluÄero; :souanl (8'll^'I) srnol :§71rs?1uoq (8I'ln'I) / / / nalB^\s :.?/|ntfimny (eI'l$'I) -uäruro] tflqw4l(9'I^'l)/lnIJ3U:mrg[(g'rra'1)/rÄsÄas'D1nrn (Zfn'l)1egc[r]od :mcpnQ (92,1^,I) slr^rBop ,ryWüp (IZ,t^'I) snuÄeq :osrrctit4 (II'lr"l) / tuaru / 7 .Ä1ger;ns n1d :snryqerellot 'ur8reru pueq-lq81r ul (IIZ'd) ru,(are :lilnn4lu (6'l^'l) / :D?ru,nc (el'n'l) / unlEq3 [oLot (ZZ'^'l) / snasBlt\ :suytfod (r'^'l) I

/ r;cun: 'laguru

(fttt't) lßt!:o&^anl?t^oltot?tw@(26't'l)

/salnlBr.tltÜ.uoc (6},'!'I)

:s^rollo; se are sassol8 relnreura^ aq1 g1g7'dd (lllx's; 96 C uo§url/t\BU 'ÄrBrgl'I uBlelPog 'Folxo Sy\ ul PunoJ sl (lI I'l'll gr!^\ EuIPua) lxal alalduosul uY 'zn1olslfE aql qrt/( ul8aq Äeur a4y'äursso18 relnceuJa^ WI,t SSN ur punoJ Äpuanber;

s! maroH rz'suollelsuBrr Jo drIlqBIrB^B aW Jo luno?ce uo sdeg.rad 'arBJ arB tuoq^t uo sasol8 rBlncer,rrel agr 'p!^O allpn a'sluerultuas srq Jo auot lerour po8pn( Ä1aug agt puB a1Ärs syq Jo lrlrlF, a$ Äq qrog EurpaddB (ruoorssBlf, le^ärpeu ar+ ul uop -uaDB lsalearS aqf PaPuBtuuro3 oq^r a3BIoH §B/rr lt lBua^n[ ro sntsrad uBYr eronl 'arp§eq :amu (11(111) :sso1ä rBlnf,Bural anbrun

B sBq (IIx's 1I Itt'O'S) tZ Brdns uaPlas'Ärerqtl uBrelpog 'pro1x6 5y,1u1 puannf1o txar aqr os 'ssol8 JelnoBrua^ auo Äpo \pl,tr snlsred 3o ddoc B sft\ eralp se rsnf 'pueq



Ä:nluac-guaaurlF E'-: :i(§Oftl) / ,raddnr ::: : --'i / arepnBqs :ouap (gE'c' ;e leuann[ Jo ]xer ärll :-]+;' are snrsred pue 1zua.rni "

rBlncBr.ua^ Jo lsa.uEq r:'i: 3o sardoc looqls a$ :eu: : slBrreteur erp 3o .iueur pa:: ' 's8el snolluelu?s +o al:ocr

ur Euuelnurf, sauulua'rj:

aqr ro pua atp lq pue ', l: (llx's1 qrtq,tr ;o :uauiu: u s1




lsllqd§'tun:ua: qrrnc:

äleql'(funrual r+ur

r= a;


§8/n lI) Ä:rUusl I+J'e.f: !i -uauruor ro ruourcer'-'jagt ,o suonsPuno-l a'.I ::z

erp pue 'af,uanußl! rL?,u>:.

agl seit\ aq .4:n:ua-" qtr:s :rxoqd\ uo Ä:E3uauuc: :;:pue'sloorlos arll ut .r:='a18urs

e sl aräqf (r:5;

ur (parasur Jalau are.r.. := ureld raqrer E sr aJeu: .1:;uI 'urlB'I 3rf Jo §exe'Er i-": ;o Äueru pue '1ecrxa1 .\ia.1's'rune[ :urnlqprrc







3. THE..l.


(l,i,gz) üoruores: barburs / (I,i,104) sectum; trench6 / (I,iii,l3) mdos: manerys / (I,vJ1) posdco:posteme / (I,viiJ0) cmworni gemer/ (l,xvi,??) compffin§bues de fer / (I,xix,2|) Iatb: a Lumbardy / (I,xixJO) sorrnfin soker'o / (I,xx,9) desipit: enfolyt / (I,xx,12) tineas: les artisuns.'r Also commonly glossed are the Satires, usually known as Sermones. Thus in the same MS (Cambri'dge, Tiinity College R. 3. 29) as a glossed text of the Episaolae we find (ff.44r-69r) a copy of the Smnores wiür three vemacular gloses in hands of the thirteenth cennpy: (i,vi,106) nlroüian: truse gallice / (II,ii,44) hnut)os eschaluenes / (ll,iii, I 1 9 ) blatsrwnz chausuriz. Much more interesting is the text in MS Cambridge, Petefiouse 229 ff.40r-61r, a nvelfth-century copy with some Latin glosses contemporary with the text and ver' nacular glosses in a hand of the early thirteenth century:

(I,iii,?4) vanttcß: wartes / (I,v,l4) aiirce; wibesce3z / (I,vi,l18) guttus: platel / (I,viiJl) atcrltulml,.i. cuculumi hic cucullus' cufel, hic cuculus: cuku / (I,x,23) cocinß: hec cinus arboE aube espine / (Il,ii,zs) um1au sayt vendu I 01,ä,42) rhom' b115: turgun / (II,ii,,{4) inulrs: eschalunies / (ll,ii,59-60) left'hand margin' rc repota: gestinkes33 / (II,ii,95) rumbi: esturguns / (Il,iii,228) Tasci wfuWiouici: de la rui (?) de tnrans I $1,üi,229)Vel&ro:hoc velabrum, tuail, super nebulas et super artocreas / (Il,iii,144) fiulla: vase (hand of s.xii), godet3+ / (Il,iii,245) Lucinios: aves bene can' tantes, a[nglice?l chardunr' asagl sr' (qn1trJ) tgn't r.? ,L'mnloll agt sr(srur:rg ?' sarol3nv, sB u^\oul dnsf

-uo3 Sul8usqc Äq parud':' .oleC, ÄJruuaf, 'glusunc; 'uolsnlJul pldar orT

Punol a$ u'.urrunl!rcu'' 'uru

-Puaf,sB e{l ol Paqurnlf.s xaldruocp ragrunu B tua.il




educational programme which includes the standard lexical Eeatises of the schools and the no less popular and practical grammar represented by the Accrnwium (see below pp.l43ff). A comparable MS is MS Cambridge, Peterhouse 215 (s.xiii2),85like the Lincoln MS a heavily glossed insular codex containing many vemacular


too contained the lexical üeatises of Adam of Petit Pont, Alexander Nequam and John of Garland, but these items seem to have been removed at some time after the fifteenür century. The MS opens with two widely attested school texts, Donratru ninor (tr.1:-10v) and the 'Liber hymnorum' (see above pp.38ff). These are followed by Alexander of Villa Dei's Docrinale (ff.31r-59r). After this grammaticat section we have a complete 'Liber Catonianus': Disticlu Caton* (ff.59v-63r); the Ecloga (ff.63v-65rb); Avianus (ff.65rh-69ra); Maximianus (unglossed) (tr.69ra-72vb); a text of Claudiant De raptu Proserphue on the first page of which has been inserted a passage drawn from Geoffrey of Vitry's accessus to the work (ff.?2vb-78rb);8? and finally Statius's Achilleis (ff.?8rb{4va). Comparable, but much less heavily glossed, is the opening of MS Cambridge, Peterhouse 20?, an insular MS written in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, comprising two volumes in one. The fint six items are: Disticlra Cannis (ff.1r-6r); the Ecloga (fr.6vl2v, incomplete owing to the excision of ff.13-19); Avianus (ff.20vZ6r, imperfect at rhe beginning owing to loss of ff.13-19); Maximianus, lightly glossed (tr.26r36v); Statius's Achilleis, ungtossed (tr.37r-55v); Claudian's De raptu Prosupinu., unglossed (ff .55v-79v). Here what was clearly executed as a 'Liber Catonianus' seems not to have undergone the intensive use which marks the majoriry of MSS which show signs of vemacular glossing. Not all 'Libri Catoniani', of course, are heavily glossed and some MSS show almost no trace of vemacular entries. It is perhaps worth comparing a selection of MSS from this point of view. MS Cambridge, Triniry College 0. 3. 57 (James cat. no.l229) is a beautiful uelfth-century book, written in a small, neat hand and displaying a remarkable artistic sense in the red and green decoration and the glosses.e

3. THE r.


disposition of passages of commentary. It begins (f.lv) with aViuHoruä which is followed by 'Quintii Flacci Orarii incipit liber I. carminum odarum [f.2rl satyrarum sive eglogarum', written as prose, nicely decorated, wirhout glosses, but with a number of variant readings incorporated as interlinear entries by the scribe. Next comes a text of the Ars poerca (tr.2h-26v), without interlinear glosses, but furnished with an extremely full marginal commentary which is written to form a variety of visually pleasing shapes and formal pattems with red and green bordering (which after f.29r has not been filled in). The same procedure is adopted for the

which has interlinear gls (widr normal disposinor.' (iii) 'Liber Catonis' (n S

Theodosium' (ff.84u-9:, more didactic items ot i.r former were more apprecia The refinement ot n< teristically abandoned ir. l which is a rypical lare-ü.': Here the componens c( : works by Jo[rn of Garlar^ t

Folios iv"-5v contain (starting with 10,9) c:. =.t :-. ff .92r-l02v,each fable :s "

fabula intendit autor rrapologo intendit auror -: Maximianus which is .::i:

Materia huius libn c: ; animos instruere ne s -: vespere quia marce:.=: intendit radere per i:, de miseria et de rn;. ..


The glossed text conia::i comes a copy of Suo-:;

81v) by Claudian's De ---


Materia huius libn a: : rogarus fuerat a Dorr--:

Proserpine ut ingeni -:. tino satisfacere et i.€r: cere. Etice supponir-: moribus. Tirulus alis a

Folios 82r-94v offer Cr ,:: nus, and this is follo*e: :

beginning'Peniteas ;::: inrroduced to impan a :.:

Semwvs which follow (ff.26v-39v = Lib.I; ff.39v-57r = Lib.II, flnishing with 18,95). With the Epistolae (ff.5k49r) a bolder experiment is made. From f.67v to f.69r the commentary is written in such a way as to form the letters of the alphabet from A to N (omitting l), a technique which recalls the canniw figurata o{ an earlier age. After these artistically executed texts of Horace there follow four items of the standard 'Liber Catonianus': (i) 'Aulis Comuti Persii Sadrici Liber' (ff.69v-77r)

of Theodolus on ft.97. üre main text, and rs :; Tobias (tr.l15v-149r ) a:.:


EB See Brother Bonavent--:

See M. R. James, A Descriptiue Catalagle af tfu Maru;:,c:ipts in dle Librq d Petcrhoue (Cambridge, 1899), pp.257ff andZ47ff. The marginal and interlinear gloses in MS 215 are dated to c.127 5 by S. Hanison Thomson, Tlw Vntingt of Rots.rt Crossetestc, BLslnp of Llncdn 1235-1253 (Cambridge, 1940),p.245, At the top of f.68rb is written'Ky tut coveyte tut perd', see J. Morawski, Prooerks frurgais . . . no.2165. 66 See vol. 7, pp.Sff . 67 See Clarke & Giles, ed. cit.,pp.lLZ-j and plate 4.

this MS the didacdc


Migne, PL 207, 1153C-564 judex; et sunr haec quinq* satisfaciens, et fuga nequrr-ae 69 Y.-E Riou has inreres:::-: number of didactic poe** --: rtrc Dßticha Cuonis, see Q- e


ap auQ8ng.p


saP alllf,snuEru



slcds€ sanblenÖ, aes_t§uoloC ?Yf,lqc eqr

ragurnu ;o snrurn[:ag11,opnasd e uuo, or peutqruof, opalolP auatrq_;o sureod :u:ep;pro 6g ;o ,lueluore3 pql"L Äueur ut acuasatd ar{r Prerlsuoruap ÄlSursararul se{ notX ',aeulnbau e8ry ]a'suatcEsues eueod / ,ad1nc orssajuoc 'luntutuof, Jof, 'aeruaa sads / irgu Eptretou anbunb caeq luns le lxePnf ' LOZ'Id'au&W



/ rorerfiur'rrs u:ni lolef,ced 'ollf, sealluaod, u! rxar

E sl


eraqJ l89Z 'Jg€'dd ''ttt 'do'13{uaH




lro/$ eqf 'g99-OC§I



''4, 'u, 'a:nluaaeuo{l raqrorg aas

Ällaeag lsarelul cIlsEPlP aql 6s'suteouoc Ärerall sqSlanrrno




uI '(^BgI-rO gl'y) ?!s?Pa sllra1s(ut eO s(PuEPeC Jo uqof PUB (^6]I-^9I I'JJ) st lgoJ eqr '(^§Il-r9ol')» qqDnd qalll'l Jo uely Äq PaPaef,cn§ §r PUE 'lxal urBru eql rnoyJl^\ 'auole hetuaru(uo3 s.tuenbaN Jo §§lsuoo e^t0l-8^16'# uo snloPoagl Jo ,(doJ aq1 '.snuBruoreC raq!'L aqt ot Jno^Bl, uepspq3 alou B redul or Pef,nPorlut Äpuanblryur rou sa/'I g?!94 e8'(f9sel Dprq laPlB/x\) (oll3 sBältuad, Sutuupeq puBpBC ro uqof or PelnqprlB Ällensn ueod uogs aql Pe^tolloJ sr slql PUB 'snu solloJ -ellrrlxehl roJ alnrnsgns B ärueJag qllqt\'süou,, oWDü^qs.Pl^O re#o ^t6-rZB

'auldrasorg ntdBr ap ruBrpnelC reqll rldl3u! f,IH :lsa slla snFtLL'snqFotu ap lelf,Brl turugll urnlol rad etnb 'altuatrs lls.rcur lsa pl 5nr;uoddn§ af,llA 'eraf, -op sarotlpne sauuo te radnsut aranleaJd unns runlua8ul la erasgslles oull

-u3rog'sjxaldul lsa suotne opuetul 'latanceard unns ulnlua8ul ]n aurdrasor4 nrdar ap rnreJparEe sndo co11 'areglrf,saP Bns tr§43 ouellltuo(l B lBIary snlsSor snuBrpnelC lsa srredo Itdäf,sns esne3 'aurdrasor4 sruder r§e Fgll snlnq BIrelBl,'{ :s^\olloJ sB


(^I8l) rauel eqt ot s,lssamo a'q1 'wutlnsotdru$Dl,


aC s.uBIPnBlC

^q -^8§'lJ) pe \ollo; 'passolEun Ä1a8re1 (r8g-ree'J) qempv s.snners 3o Ädoc E sauloo rxa51 :gqcuru; :oso3ru (gZZ'l):futua relnoeu:an al8urs B suleluoJ rxar passol8 ag1

'ätrl aueunq aterllfeg eP ta epasltu aP 1uelurrxshl raql1 r1d;cu1 JIH :]se sllet snlrull'rueulrrf,oP rod araperl llPualul rolne ponb aräarul ererolJedul ooq lsa sEcllpn 'lluassaf,reu etnb aradsarr llualou tnteredu:oc uog anb alnlualnf s;uoq luelqradns eu alatulsul §olulue ruruolpnB lse suotne oltuetul'BtrottssuBtl lpunru euol8 r§a Fqll §ntnq BIrelEy{ :uoplpeu t?l.tnut cntduaruo, e$ ol silssaf,ro ue Äq palull sl qslq^l snualurlxef{ ',' ' ' rnb so11l a:apuaqarder rolne llPualur o8olode ,o txal B qsrurry ^Ze-^Ll solloC rorne llPualso c.lH, ro .' ' ' eraPueqerdar rolne rlPualul 8lnqB, JOrl uL ro ,' ' ' ponb ceq uL Suruufag uoltonPorul leufreu e Äg paluedruocre §l alqBJ qoea 'tz0l-tz6il EuluBr§) 1961, Layeg 'IJBrqt'I q§uug 'uoPuol sy\ ul sv :ll-r9'# uo (6'0I wl^\ soIIoC snuq^V p nfnryf aW Äq Pe^\ollo, ere PUB ofnn'J 3gl ulBluoc ^§-^^r Äg qrort 'polred stgt ul puno; Ältuanbar;ur tou uollelsos§B uB 'PuelrBC P Yqgt Tl/n poulgluof, are rrlro, rer8l s]! ul .snuBluolB3 racl!1, arp 3o suauoduos a(F areH 'puet1 Äpn 'aErey e ul uerF,tr 'IoogPoqrs Ärruuac.guaalrltf-arBl pc;d,b sl qclq^\ I 'ß61'Z 3'S) 9 ts g 'rrny'tuergtl uBlalPog 'PoFO Sy{ ur PouoPueqe Ällucnsual .JBreqJ Ärnruar-qryp^\l agl ,o luauaulJar eI'lJ raqlo aqr uo 'sI 'pueq loog rertBl aqr uegr PorBpardde arotu ara^\ rauuoJ agl rBrp seadde ll asef, slg ul puB .snuBruore3 raqll, etp ro sruatl ?lrssPlP arctu egr qll,t\ Paurqrxof, ete §er,olltto aql Jo $xer 'uauo o§ sv '(rz6-^18 ä) .ulnlsoPoeqf lnorltlltl o§lB (^ü8*rI8ä).sruorec leql'L (ll!) tfl/rr) B (g)

pB luBl^v elolsrd3, (^r)


pasopun Älaralduoc (rI8-rlt'.lJ) snlopoaqJJo lxal




(uontsodqp IBLurou

e pue ,bruuar glla,tll alp Jo sossol8 *autpelul seq qllq/tr


j::: ',prad tru atÄaao: rnr .'.\, W)n6 t lo doqqg z;:.-r,= -. ,

arE §Iz sy\ ul s?src : i::'-- -: ailoyaed p i,r--:-. 7-'. - .-..

(tLL-^69'll) .r>:.'-

aql ,o stuell lnrl-l


r- -1. ":: l::

rarlrea ue 1o r:r:r5 ?-'--':!":' :'-

laqeqdle aql .lc

ruolr '::.: .- :'-:'. or ^/9J 8ulqsruli '-' :'- = : IFI^\ aqr ro; pe:dope s: ;i--:.Supap:oq uaaf ;;i ::- --E luJoJ ol uallu.n ;r --: j' -rn, tng 'sassolE j?ej:j=lxaN 'agllr6 aqr ',.. :>:: j: B

{llirl lng

§l qcrq^\

:---': ruru:r:'::-


urn:er,{:es [r7'_l]


llotoH rx..r



PUB uotreJofeF u3:j--"

'-:' PUB PuBq lBau '{llEus E 'rBr sauBf) Lg'f i ah"---

Jo uoncalas e ^ror{§

8ur:eiu;: :

ss},{ euos PUE ;}!

SShl ,o Älr:oferu

eu :.:j:'

.§nuBruotBc rlql-1, e - :: 'mw4nsot4 n:drl aC ,'-::' -tgz'l» passolS .r1:u-i:' :-'

:- -:: leayadur 'r9:-r!1; jrj- .-^9',J) r3q:3 at;t :

olrl Sursuduof 'sari-: i:: ue 'LOZ asnol+arad r=: j:

tnq'elgueduo3 \e.\F-,' aql ol

3o a8ed

§r1s§r?f,D s,.\-8,r.1,.



tsrl; er+ uo z---:-:{

-un) snuB[urrei\ :,ä5swwJ o1{Jl1slo :,sr'-rz:j : rerrv'(16§-rlc-; ?? srYr

'$r8e'dd a^oge aa{} .'rj^-:: loorlf,s petsaue .i1apr-r, :.-.:

eruos lB Po^oual ua+: e...?-. rapuBxelv 'tuod rE?C ]c '

relnJeruaA Äueu fr.rru:=l:


ss'(zlllx's) §l Z ?snc';::

aas) unuonDnv a'{l .\q = slooqc§ atlt ]o s3§Dea! E::







of the 'Liber Catonianus' with works by John of Garland arises narurally from the fact ürat his works were written for school use as aids to teaching grammar. A typical schoolbook, wiür an emphasis on didactic elements, is MS London, B.L. Royal 15 A )C(XI (s.xiiiz).m Folios 3r-7v, originally part of a different MS, represent a plain copy, without gloses or commentary of the Ecloga of Theodolus. On ff.9ra-l2rb is found rhe Porüolu of Alan of Lille, wanring chapter 5, and ending 'Motibus assidue surgentibus obvius obsta / ne superet qui sic te superare queat. Finis est'. A small fragment of ps.-Boethius, De disciplvla scolori[m corutitutes {.lzv" and is followed by the Ußdüacdrrni§ (ff.13r-20v) with glosses and marginal commentaryez another text of the Ecloga (ff.20v-28r), rhe Füulu. of Avianus (tr.28r43v),wanting each of the texts of,


XVII-XXI. A handful of vemacular

glosses are

found in

E.llral (58?B) Irucu.s: bome / (587C) nrdes: buystus / [f.11rb] (588A) bisrume / (588A) sciao: sach€t / (5888) scruta: tripes I l{.llrbl (5908) scoPis:

besum (s.xv hand) e4/ (590C) t)entcos: wertis.

DßtidwCaoonis: [f.13v] (BS 52) nttsmm meos grece, miser latine, unde misaconium 'maladrye' / [f.16v] (II,25) suhnittue: avaler / f.18d (lll,24) offaios: curusses /



farsm, pusse

il esne / (IV33) uelum' siggle / (lVJ3) tnderc: pit


(later hand). Ecloga:

f.24rl (148) infr/a: chesible I lf.Z4vl (174) punpan: bobant I 0?6)

rivaylle I lf .2711Q94)


cirhiso: hunisyke.

[.30v] (VII,4) ,i,cdbw eschinnissemens / [.34r] (XV6) cuilean: bloy I [f.34v] (extra line) /orsan' puss il estre / F.38vl (XXX,13) ogestern. . . uitam: vie de upelaundee? | If.4hl (»O(VI,12) cultro: al cutel / F.4lvl OOüYll,4) lunniet: Aeiorws:e6

Tolöde: du


Ca;r:lnbtus aux Auctorcs

ll44,esp.26ff. eo See O. Weijen (ed.),



, Rewc d'Hßtoie

Pseudo-B&ce, De dßaplina scolrrh.tm


Texas 2 (1972)

(l*iden I Koln, 1976), pp.47-




/ (XXXVlll,5 ) r:.turbh'e, ede wini r

By contrast there arc


There is also a small fragment in MS Oxford, Bodl. Libr., Digby 92 ff.98v-107v, unknown to'§7eijers. ez As in MS london, I-ambeth Palace Litrary 371 f(l73r-130r, each distich is provided wirh a marginal headword denoting the moral qualiry which it illusrrates e.g. irtelligmria, pers et eraria, canthrcttb etc. e3 References are to the text in Migne, PLZl0,579-94. e+ See OED sub beson sb.l. 95 i.e. 'put up'. e6 Line references are to AürllliFabuloe ed. A.Guaglianone (Torino, 1958). I have noted vernacular glosses in several Oxford MSS of Avianus. MS Bodl. Libr., Lat. clas. d. 7 contair» a bifolium (ff.34) wrinen in England in the 13th C., which offers a fragment of the FahlaE (XIII,5-XXI,2). Atthough the rext is badly rubbed, the following glosses are clearly legible: (XIII,12) hirors: bukerel gallice / (XVI,Il) sndilla: sonable I cama rosel / (XVIII,17) correx. um: ensemble junct / (XX,l) abies: le sape. In the same library MS Auct. F. 5. 6 offers an amplified 'Liber Catonianus', written in England towards the end of the l3th C. Apan from some late English glosses, there are the following Anglo-Norman items: tf.14rl (XXXM7) prujmas aube gelds / (XXXM8) dcliaterct escaperunt I [Lllvl (XXXVI,l7) antris: fossis / (XXXVIII,5) /oca: porpeys I lf.l7rl (XLII,I) edrs: bokerel. The text of rhe Faktlu occupies ff.6r-l7r For the Derapw see voi.2, pp.1lf. e7 See OED sub uphrd sb.t.


a srrorg

the Disridra Catonis (n



companied by a c.ommer"= liber de moribus', the E;-.-. liber de moribus', rhe F;-full marginal comrrenm:. Maximianus (ff.25v-icr sugge§t that

the 'Liber Catonianus':

Parüolae:e3 eeerti:




it was less :r:.

follows a text of Smri.is'r j commentary. Claudian : l, poem Peniteas cuo tri l:veying 56 Aesopic fac.e: . Mariae Gallicae' (fr.i i--i A heavily used 'Lrre: l

London, B.L. Harlev si'§Uorcester, which beg.:-, -

of the most popular



Fah)oß of Avianus wri. .:. by an incomplete copt r

Garland (f.l03ra-vb ) \=' Nicholas of Breckeni... ft.149v-150v. The tex: ,.r:

and goes into two col,::.:--,

on ff.115r-125v (widr a s Virgil's Eclogues (ft. t::'. -.

149r contain the Sal*; deponent verbs there ls -. :

docrrinals : the Drsag:*-. (ff .l6lr:-l64rb) and Cr:: of Garland; a cento l.: : liber parvi


pp.138ff) of John of C-a:.,:

which indisputably de:,::

grammatical study,l:: c-:,: which was made of rhe :. ' The emphasis on gr?;:-:: The early fifteenür-cen :- :. now MS Cambridge, Tr.:".:

eB See Bosworth & Tolie: p.l?9.

99 See L. Hervieux, Les F.z-lm On f.l02v there is aisc = lol Cf. L. Hole, 'La TrT'..,r TenesT (1977),24?49.


.6rltz,(116l) L§asel rl, 'aloH ''I J3 ror

a4o$lH,? efl6au t.sulrel xnsf,llEruruElS gllcsnuPru saP al8olodll

t '(lZ6I) lddng



(;flryr":li?äffi;läii.]L:ff Ij :3 :;

pue OrZ'd'(gOgt) ßrrlloffiQ uorr5.qEuy

'oz t'd uV'rallol § qlro,trsog aas s6

a8el1o'3 Är1ug1 'aEppgue3 Shl /hou lecneruurer8 Älernd3o salras E tplm suy8aq 9'g'g sl rlf,lr{,tr'Ärnqsma.rqg reau 'a8a11o3 Plarnpreg tuog Shl Ärnruac-gruaaryu Äpea aq1 '§auntuac ratBl ut ualeait\ lou saoP dlureuac Äpnrs leclretuuer8 uo srseqdua aq1 'arunlo^ aql ro aPeur sB^l tlf,lq^\ asn lecDcerd eqt 01 tsare gclq,rn sxso18 relnsBlrlel uleluoc ,.,'Äpnls _lecrleuu:er8 wllt\ ,snuBruoleS rag!'L aql Jo uoIlBI)os§B eql salBllsuo(uap Älgundspul tpltll '(n§8I-nttI'lr) PuBITBCJo ugof3o ("ggEt'dd ;ö Surdnol8 aqr 'srxor'asatp iletsoruly aas) noombE e$ :(rttl-r691'J» sa$e^ le3rssBlr Jo oluas B :PuBlrBC Jo ^\opqor urpf .sn^ou srunruorJ, Pue (qrr9I-BrI9I JJ) PalngpuB Ä11ensn (g^89I-B^t9I ,snnbuue sntnuJoC, Sutsudruoc $$Zgdd ^§laq eas) unFPqA agl :reruuer8 yo Äpnrs e{r $lih perceuuof, ere $xat aertf leul; agl '(.sllBulHcop rared rag11 rac11dx3,1 ("09I-rIgI'J) qwroa s,elll1,o uBlv Jo lxal B §l areYr sqra^ ruauodap m$aq at1r ulsluoc r6tl uo aslleel agr 3o Ädoc puoras eqt ratp PUB snlsred -r6tl sorloJ 'sassol8 leur8reur Pue r8aulPalul qll^t (^8e I-^9ZI.lr) sanSolsg s,lt8rtA ;o Ädoc e Äq pamolloj urnr uI s! puB (r9ZIl uo srsserJrtroqs B $l/'r) ^9ZI-r§I I'J uo s^\ollo; a.sepa? srrots(ur eC s.pueFBC ro uqof '^tI I ] uo §urunlof, oltrl olul sao8 pue agl ro lxal eqf PuBrI luere#lP B ur uaDrr/h s! rtI I-rtI llluo ornuo'J ^0§I-^6tI'# uo ued ur pardocar uaag sBq WIqÄ (lJtgl'dd molag ee§) epPualrarg Jo sBIoq3rN Äg sqrar luauodap uo esrleao E soruof, (relI-rr0IlJ) txaN'(q^-€'reoIl) PUBITBC Äq 3o'ur1o[o] pernqlutB,ollr [sea:luuad uaq] sealluad, ag;o,(doc erelduocur ue paA\ollo1 s! qo!rl^\ ml'sarou leurS.retu pue sxsol8 reeullretut qrl^l snuBI^V Jo ?DWt uO 'slxet Iooqf,s relndod lsotu aql }o a{r Jo rxar elaldtuoc E sr arayl ^Zol-t7.6t uoltf,alas E qtr/rr sanupuoc pue srxar 1e8e1;o raqulnu e grp sufaq qolq^\ 'ralsaf,ro/X\ re fuo1r4 IBrpeyrBJ aunslpoueg aql ur a3uo '(1ll!x's; 496p Äapei1 ''I'g 'uoPuo'I Shl ul punoJ sr sassolS Jelnf,BuJaA qrlrn araldar .snueruorBC ragl1 pesn Ältaeaq





(Ef8-Bl l'#) .amtllBc


snlnurou, sB u/r\ouI Ä11ensn uol$e^ agr ut aeord unB'I ul se1qe, cldosay 9E EutÄaa .rnd 'puet1 B u! 'arrnb irlau e sur8aq are$ (q^ll-qrg4g» otp sralpa4 uaod ^\au 'futruaurtuoc IeuolssaJuoJ ag raUV 'raqllau setl (Br9l-^9 g't) tudat eC s.uElPnBIS ou tnq sassol8 rBaurlreru! Äuetu gryrt (t9g4lg» q"ltpy s.snltels jo lxet e s^\olloJ


'peurnsse saruparuos

Äeru qcrqlr

,o lxel er+

$ ueqr puulSug ut patpms uarlo

txal aqf 'IIA



saldnrco f,lnryJ eqrr ir :\:: slssol :nEua (11':...!]].


(IAIXXX) [:11r] :'-r:a:


91 pÄoX

raql1, agl ;o alduuxa rellluls e ur

eo.put^\ +a :aaqfi ( f ITX) sÄBdrod :srcol (g'111nXXX) / laeÄane


urog uedy 'O Wg a'; .: r'j uE sralro 9 '5 rr.Y s;.i .-x?rlrß) (ZI'lll,\X, '-:: =--


:a1qfe1 Ä1rea1: 3jt i?>\- :- =.?oTqu a{r Jo rusui---i- ? ;;J. §t4eluo) / 'P ssElr -.'. :: patou a^pq I i:§:: _-r-

'rytn?lpttu pep!^ord si

'? a

sa:::.--'' : ' L:- :--i.



: l: ':;.

-Lt'dd' (9161'uls)'ja:i7-

(f'ttnx}}r .',:; ' " urara-s:


rraal s? ercir-:-' t








:xapd (9Lt)


(91\X .:;

/ rueqgq

,odn lrd Dra?,ld1



(te.\.: ) ,;;""


uInruo3BsJlu aPun 'eu;:E' :

:s.rdors (B06§) [q::t: i:



i' s.r-r'.-:

ssal sB^\ 1l reqr l§a88ns

loE e 'Äretuaruuros tnogll^l PUB PassolSun s (l9E-^92'J» snueltulxehl q ry '(^e I , uo 8u;uupaq) Äreluatuuoo pufreru 11n; '(tsz-rll'!!) §nuBr^v Jo ?owr elP ',snglrour aP reqll

'esef, aqr Ä1pnsn

tuar e qrlm pallddns

§nBrel, Äg peiro110; sl srTt pue (^e I-r8'rJ) snloPoeqllo rSqrE a9 ',snglJour aP reqll snpunf,as, arp sr passolS Ä11aeaH '(^I', uo 8u;uufag) fueruau:uroc e Äg gaFedu:oc -re sr pu8 .§nquow ep reqll snupd, sB Pxlp3saP sl (^l-rz'ä) \ruotJ rl/4tsrc aW '1'g 'uopuol Sh['sEIq prou Euous B g]l/tr .snuBluorBS sassolS rBlnoBrual ou ara araq1 lseouoc Äg


l^Zb'tl ttallor8 'taru :snru{ (I'XIXXX) Fzt'il /


uf punoj arc sxsoi3



lo aorfri 2''

leur8reur pue sxsor3 §'-r. llsuof, u,lnurl of!- :-+al rrs rnb :ail:-; §el ru


puB '§ rardego Euquan . 'snlopoar{f ;o rBrp3 a;

'SI^{ ruarerlp e ;o ue3 .. 'uopuo-1 Sr\ sl 'sruau.rar-ä :euuu8 Euru:ea ägr tuog Ä11ernreu sa{i.r€ i




3. THE.i-


ff.lr-3v the Ars mhwr of Donatus (tr.Tv4r

of unn in Larin and English); ff.4r-7v a rract on composition in English and Latin; ff.}r-l}v 'Notule excerpte de libro docrinalis'; tr.12r:.-l4r\ a poem on the quanriry texts:ro2



set out all the principal parts

syllables, followed by Theobaldus of Piacenza's Regula splendescit (see belorv

pp.lZ3tr); f.14v'Quot et quibus modis prime medie et ultime sillabe in versibus Lognoscuntur'; f.l5ra-va Bww larni, a collection of synonyms beginning 'Equus caballus pullus dextrarius equa'.to3 There now follows a 'Liber Catonianus' written by a single hand in a text extnvagantly decorated in gold, red and blue, reminiscent of üre famous Vemon MS. The sequence of texts begins (ff.l6ra-17rb) with an unglossed text of the DisCrchc Catonß, together with a superscript (hand of s'xvi) 'Robertus Grostest.', which is succeeded by a vocabulary which sarts 'Os facies mentum dens guttur lingua palarum' (f.l?va*)rq and by a poem commonly found in fifteenth-century MSS 'Stans puer ad mensam' (f.18ra).t05 The treatise known as Caratla is found on ff.18ra-19vb and a short confessional poem §ometime§ attributed to John of Garland, as it is here in a sixteenth-century superscript, mkes up ff.19vb-20rb. The version of the Facetas which begins'Bt nichil utilius humane credo saluti'16 occupies ff .lOrL2lva and gives way to Alan of Lille's ParoboLre on ff.}lva-l5r:^. There now follow two poems which are often transmitted in tandem and have sometimes, as here, been attributed to John of Garland, namely the Synonyma (Walther, Irutio3?4; see below pp.l36tr) and the Eqwwca (Walther, Inida 1767; see below pp.138ff) raking up respectively tr.25n-78ra and ff.28rb-31ö. A copy of Theodolus on ff.3lrb--3?vb is followed by a poem beginning'Deus nichil feCerat frustra dum creavit'tor (ff.32vb-35rb). In this MS, therefore, we have an example of the 'Liber Catonianus' in its late, amplified form in which even the didactic etement is rivalled by the grammatical interest. In this connection it is remarkable that parts 1 (ff.45ra-58vb) and 7 (36rb45r:) of Alexander'sDocümale, written in the same hand as the 'Liber Catonianus', contain French as well as English glosses, which is unusual at such a late date, and is presumably the result of such glosses having been present in the exemplar which was being copied. After the Docrh.r:,le we have a series of little known grammatical treatises, a group of model letters, and an enormous alphabetical wordbook, 'Alma', with frequent English entries (tr.96r-275r). The rest of the MS is taken up by miscellaneous scientific

Ofod, Bodleian Libran. with the poem'Smru pue: (f.2v contains 'Liber pan':

ff3r-8r the rest of rhe o:r Csrfüa (ff.l3r-l7v), .{"ar

doctrinale') and John cr ( raken up by miscellanec,-:

ing deponent veös in !r..

poem listed in \Ualrher. .'-:r

The foregoing pro"'iä: 'Liber Catonianus' in \{SS evidence of use in rhe s: components of the 'Lr:e: . themselves deserve

r02 See D. Thomson, A Dacnpuue CatulagE of Midilc English Grawroticol Texs (N.Y. / London, 1979), pp.l58-68. 16 For references see Walthet, Initb546? and Brother Bonaventure, ut. at.,6. There is a copy in MS Cambridge, Gonville and Caius College 417 (s.xv), ff .55r-57v. r& See Walther, Initn 13509 and Brother Bonaventure, ut. cit.,6. There are copies in MSS Oxford, Bodl. Libr., Rawlinson C 90 (s.xv) ff.55v-5& and Cambridge, Gonville and Caius College 417 (s.xv) ff.49v-52v. ro5 See lü7alther, Initia 18581 and Gieben, art. at.,48 (MSS & ed. on pp.5642 and 67-8). See Gieben, art. cit.,51-2. In MS London, B.L. Sloane 2479 rhe Faceas (ff.42r45r) ß followed (f.45r) bv the prooe preface and a handful of Breves Sententiae from the Dlta&a



ro? §ss Walther, Initb 4314 and Brother Bonaventure, ut. cit., 7. See also the Hisroire Littäaire dt h France 21 (184?), 389 where it is described x Liber Ricardi i.e. the work of Ricardus Anglicus, a medical writer (Richard of Wendoverl), see ]. C. Russell, Diaioauy of Vntr:rs of Thirteath{,en;rr1 Erylord. (London, 1936; repr. 1967) , pp.lZ3f and D. Thomson, A Descriptive Coraw. . . p. 16l.


was written, accordi,.b-


(ff.1r-l9v) r*.:.=

Methamorphoseos' ff l,'-Remigius's commentarr :: Theodolus (ff.82va-91' . .

huius ..:: actoris intentio in i^.:t huius operis est A; . ,

In principio

virhrosa describere i -est ne fatis ampliui :.-'


profecisse noverim:s

Et bene dicirur pn-.-: quodam .v. Acror .::= aliorum actorum 8.3


rc-a: am de qua rracrani;: modo erc.; deinde

implorare; narrare

5: :

cedendum est.

works (algorismus etc.).

Another fifteenth-century compilation, containing the Auctora octo, is MS


Texts from the 'Libe : "1, Bodleian Library, N{S .i-.:

poetry written in Engia:; from the rwelfth c€or:r,

Swithun, decorated *-r::.


have been added in rhe :: lauleuirginitoti.s. There a= ary with the text, and :;.e ., f .l2r = C erc.). There :c..:" red rubrics, black inir:a.: occupies ff.53v-5 8r. The= glosses (mostly confinej :: ': three vemacular enrries,



See N. R. Ker, Melzr,z

(London, 1964), p.179 *hc :, Swithun may be from Sherr::

rsro arll aqr rsqr $sa,ans puE acu'ua^ord rarsarlctn4l "riäTir:;:J'ä:1''äI1ä3 'pe puz qoog SwnnatS .lo tql v :rl$mt1 rntg lo szur.:ryrt'I WryW'rr)'U'N eeS mr :wrTrzts ( I Ie) F89'}] / ula 'aturn PP ouqn q O6?) [a193] :sauiue lBln3Eura^ aelql ärE erarll'pappB area s{rBul lentuacre PUE (rtg-reg} ol PaulJuol Ä1lsotu1 sassolS qtuaeurll eqt ul pue slBqlut eldrnd PuB Par arB araqf :8§-^ts JJ satdncco Ärruuac

sleltlu! snlopoaql p o8qcE aq1 'sassol8 reaulpetul eruos 'sJuqru PeI I3t'lq PUE '('cle J = ryl'J BI,r\ .runeBqcolrlc, s.snnuaPrud Jo lxar e (^e §-rI9'#) s^\olloJ eraqf 'g = aI IJ'V = r11j1 Äl1ecnaqeqd1e podnor8 are ecBrurual eqt PUB 'txat aql qr;n Ä:e -rodrualuoc spuBq ul 'sassolS t1s113ug pl6 pue ulte'I l.poq arB araqJ 'srlnl;tu8tlln aptml eO s.urleqplv ruog Äpsou: u^\uP satou fuelnqecoa sut8reur ag ul PaPPE uaaq a^Bq araqr I JJ uO 'slerrru! uaar8 pue Par PUB sclrqru Per qt!/rr Palelof,eP 'unlf !^\S aJll lB3lDau s.uBrsJlnl(\ ulBluo3 ro§-rl sorlog *,'Ä:ruua3 wJIä/t\] aqr tuorJ rs Jo ^6I-rI suoplPP8 ro rsgunu e rp1,n 'funruaf, qrua^ala-al8l a$ uI puelSug uI uallF^\ Ärreod unB'I ,o uonf,allof, 8 st qf,rq/r\ (r§92 'c's) tl '7. 'J'13nv shl 'ÄrBrgtl uBlelPog aql u! shl ralFea qf,nur B ur Peulgruof, oslB ar8 .snuBluotBc raTI1, aYl luo{} $xaJ 'l§a unPuaPaf, -cB ruararrll pB sltolp s1;11'areueldxa ulens ulelreleu tsa arBuBu lareroldrul urnlllxnB runurlrp lsa erBrc^ur tarecrldxa Dtl^erq tsa unpuelcejrl enb ap tue .Feteru arauodord ualnB tsa 'tollpqg filaftlos suaf,lp rBrreu apupp :')ta opout lBrcAut lulaplfi'Aumummßoyl suerrp lruodord :rlf,EJ elJt ruruotf,B ruruorle


aron 'alllqsv eP ruBrrolsrr uraPplll!3v rnlea3Ba elsf rolJv 'rI. ureponb unpunces ''rrrl' ruluala tuns 'snpunJx rntrnbas ernb snurlrd rrullp auaq ta 'r;d1cu; snurpd soplelllpv raqll lpers :lse sllEl snlull'snrurrelou asspayord Ilr{clu opuer^go sra tuepper{J runc snuratdural arer^go snrldtue sltg eu tsa sellllrn 'oraruoH qB tuns elf,lp snurw anb [ee] opualdqns araqlrf,saP Bsonull ErrE sllllrpv [rso] arado rctl ul srro:tcB opuatul 'salllqcv lsa spado sntnrl BIretBh{ 'snlnrp lls srnb'sellqn Fqll tls anb 'arado mg ul onuelur slrol3e :;s anb tsa urnpuereplsuoo pqll snrnq ordrcupd u1 t1s anb 'suado ElretBru

:s^rolloJ sB suru ("611) slqFpv aqr or §?r§§a?r, eqf '(^/6-B^28'J) §nloPoeqf p oaqq agr puB (rZB-Br@'lr) sluol0.J D$ntsle ärp uo tueruauru:oc s,snrSrurag '({uelq '$f^Bt } uo sasa^ snoeuu.uxe WI/r\ '916§-e.r97g ,soasoqdrorrreytey\ ^6b'! alnsolC,) sxoqd:ouelary s,pl^O uo Äretueuuoc B WI^\ (^6I-rI'lJ) \qllpv

s.snDsts Jo lxat B saulgtuo3 tl'bL1..1 ur 'uogdoloc e ol äulprocce 'uaulrlr\ se^r zl 'rBl '§sel3 'uouBc'&Erqll uBralPog'ProJxo 5p1 'Äpnrs IryarBc e^reseP sa^F$uaql pue s8uldnor8 Suraloaa Äpe11u:ls ur äurgruo3 .snueruotBC raqll, aqt;o sluauodtuoc lBnpl^pul terll 'aunof, Jo 'asef, arr oslB sl 'uIoorlooqf,s ayr ur esn Jo aJuaPl^a rurg saplaord saso18 rBInsBuJa p acuxard ar+ araq^\ SSh[ ul .snuBIuo]BC ragl1, rBlnsu! eW Jo uopnlo^a aqt p qJrals B uBqr arcur aprll sappord 8u;o8aro; aq1 '(^-rtrl) LgLLry.q 'ragtp,1g u1 pars11uraod


eyr pue '(t1t-t1l'Jil gs;13u9 u; sassol8 Wlir\ sa$a^ a18ugs u1 sgra^ luaucdep Eu; .]Eeü lro^r e'(^6e4Le'J!) aspBa[ lecpeurtuer8 B :$lrod\ snoeuBllasslu Äg dn ua4er st Shl aqryo lsar a(ll '(^99-rl7'J» otu{uott{,S s.PuePBC p uqof PUB (,el8ulrrf,oP runa.red raqt-L 'f,tldxa nlqDnA s,alll'I ,o UBIV '(^ll-reu» Dfnun ^gz-rgl'J)urnC,) srDrDC eqr'(To^r arf '(^ZI-^8'J!';''snrlpn aqr p rsar eqr r8-rtä IIqF 'aeltualues sa^eJg eT pue äJBprd äqr sr rBr.F ',sruolaC rared raTI1, sulecuof, ^ZJ) sruorrC D1r{,ste ag qrl^\ §enulluo, (rt-rH) .ruesuaru pe rand suelg, ruaod aqr rpl/t\ Eulouauruor IaUE qf,rq^\ ,(l6lyt.C'S) 09 C uosurl^rBu ,fuBrgll uBlalpog 'FoJxO



:: _ I -:

'uosuroql'q pw.tg;r

lo§,nngq 'lles$U

jj:,o IJo/Yt all 'a'l Pll=!a4o$lH aqr oqe 3x _ :-



uo:j T=--. 1'


q (rgi-rzr'.q) e?tlilTr :,-- -'(8-/9PuE snrec PrrE

ig-;! :: :: :;

elll.\ur- :::

SSn ui satdo: a:z ei?'i

' -.:I -::

E$araqf 'g =; =-::-t' I l,'N) str{ r:-'-5-. :l

g;4 sr 'o:ro t?i,r::.r'r. ;: clJllua!f,s snoouE"?j:-jj' t1sr13ug ruanbar] Iapour,o dno:8 e

tFl.il .: 's$:::::

aqJ raUV 'poldo: Bura: :-,o rpsar aqr .{lgeunsu: i' §E IIa^r Se qfuall ul€:ij.:: qvlryfi o O s(raPu e xa i\' : : SI ll UOqSauuO) §lt{ 'J' i 3ql ua^a q3lq,r\ ul uj:;:: : ue eABr{ a^\ 'arolaJa',f a; Ilqcp snaq, SutuurS?.i. r v '(Plt-qr8z'I] PUE ä;-,plul lar+le/t\)l7}]lr.l: : '

aqr Ä1au:eu 'puEpe- :: urapuBl ul PaIrurruEL -::

uo ?olqond s,allll -r u:-' auBrunq snlltrn lrq:ru .:: salel'ldux:edns -ui'j ia:-' serultaulos ruaoC ;e::'r:s: sa u^roul esueaIl a'f -puno; Ä1uou:ruo: rud : . sa!38 so, suEls rPi'-i.r{ .,

(y.x's p pueql lCus:x-i uB rFFr ($lt-er9t il, ij: luas§ruruar renlq put =rj uallF^r .§nueluolBS .1N.;-. snnbg, EuruurAaq !-u1.. -::"j snqlsJa^ ul agellrs eu.,rr': eos) r1x-4p.e1cs :-:?

^rcPq aB uo uaod e r; Ärpuenb luqB'I puB rlsll8uE ur u.: ;o sued pdrcuud ag iiE .^




3. THE


gallice rumflunt, anglice ruteü / f.58r] (312) celere, departer. Similarly, there are vemacular glosses in the text of Avianus (ff.58v-68r):

/ (I,15) notari: estre desu / (11,3) nrbris: mult (II,$ preciose pire / (lI,?) implet: empla / (Il'8) gravel bu.co: ruges / arenis: du / (tt,tt) merget nwrsretwi / (II,12) ücuisse: aver ptei# / (1I,15) Detfifu, heynnous / enorguler comence / (III,2) hispda: hispisous I rehit: vrblotrs loude a,mwscit: (III,6) (ttt,S) in obl4rcs . . . Defus: en curf pees / outrepasse fionsscrsü / duguerpa / (lI,S) tromit€: metdt lf.62vl (XH,l) abies: arable, anglice gheyrro lf.64rl (XXVIII,4) defremuisse: aver endaunte / (XXVUI,?) tawt temon' sulbyml10 llf .64v1 [f.59r] (I,12) delitwsse: aver eschap€







These glosses may be as late as the early fourteenth cer_I_rury. After the Aß de runüw et-uetb of Phocas (ff.??v-89r; glosses of s.xii on ff.77v-78v)rrr comes a rwelfth,century text of the Ilias loArw (tr.89v-104v) with interlinsar glosses. The text of Penius'(ff .68r-77r) is unglossed. The MS also contains the Nux elegla often, but falsely, atributed to Ovid (ff.to4v-tO?r), verses against monks here attributed ilz and an unglossed text of Statius's Achill€is to 'Serlo öantuariensis' (ff.107v-110r) (ff.l11r-126v) written in the twelfth cenrury.rl3 MS London, B.L. Add. 21213 is a striking example of a palimpsest,u{ a thir' teenth-century hand having written over the primary script of s.viii ex. onff.2-25. The secondary t.*tt ,.. *ritt.tt in a single hand throughout and only the Distidw Connis are gl,cssed. The contents are as follows: the Liber serücntiorun (excerpts from Augustine) of Prosper of Aquitaine (ff.2ra-8ra), the De swifbb altaris (imperfect at e"a) U Anselm-of Canterbury (ff.8r2-9vb), an acephalous 'Liber morum'

srudied in üre English ciar. rexts so identified througi. school manuals, camlogie

(1086) assigns Carc, rhe , division of auctores.r16 Ti.e lished by Huygeru rrear =. lus besides a number r:

surprisingly omits Srac


(ff.lzn-l3va), the Ecloga of Theodolus (ff.13va-15ra), the Fabulae of Avianus,

ending imperfectly at rhe 4oth Fable (ff.15ra-1?vb), rhe Gea of .Viralis of Blois, concluding lines only (f,18ra-b), 'Nuge Maximiani' (ff.l8rb-2lva), Claudian's De raptuProserphaetolib.III,43? only (ff.2lva-27n), theAchilleisof smtius (tr.z?rv 32ö), ttre IWlodrro,ending imperfectly at 1.787 (ff.32rb-35vb). Elements from the Attttoresbcm utdetgo similar combinations. In MS London B.L. Add. 10089 there is a texr of John of Garland's Synonymc which is preceded by rhe Ecloga cf Theodolus (ff2r-13r), Aesopic fables in the version known as the Romulus] by Gualterus Anglicus (ff.13v-33v), and Alan of Lille's Parabolae.Tfis MS is of the fifteenth century and hence the vemacular glosses are in English.rl5 As if there were still room for doubt as to the identiry of the medieval oußtnres


See Bosworth &Toller, An Anglo-Saxoß Dictionary sub gyr and see also P. Bierbaumer, Der botanbclwWortsclvtzdes Akerylisclwr 3 (Frankfurt am M', 1979), p.120. llo See OED sub sulloru. lrl See C. Jeudy, 'l:Aß dß nonrrr,e et verbo de Phocas: manuscrits et commentaires mddi6' vaux',Yiator 5 (19?4),61-156 (* 3 prg"t of plates). The present MS is described on

pp.1734. i, S"" A. Boutemy, 'Deux poömes inconnus de Serlon de Bayeux et une copie nouvelle de son poöme contre les moinei de Caen', with reference to our MS. 113


Age 3me

#r. 9 (1938), l74l49l esp.262ff

This copy is not included in Clogan's list of MSS. tt+ See E A. Lowe, Cdicesl-atini Aruqtiorcs 2nd ed., Pt 2 (London, 1972)' p'15 no'169.

l15 see vol.2 p.11.


thirteenth-century coi 1e: : Aesop, the Tiibias ani -: miled discussion of Ca:: Statius, but no rderence :: the rwelfth cenruri' ri-.e Caius College 385 l-e :, Claudian mentioned'c, :.' .


Postquam alphaben---

Donatum et illuci -:. = opinatur addiscar e: ,:


(f.lQra-va), ,cato antiquus' (ff.l0va-12ra), 'cato novus' [\[alther, Initio


prelectis tamen qu:': -.: Achilleidos etiam a '.'::.

More informative is *.e


authors of the 'Liber C:::r tion to many other a-:-: rransmitted with *re .r.'^= pueri potent tibi Dcc-;< lisr is also found in i.e : jongbur records where :.: : mentioning his Grecr.c .:,

1r5 See H. E Reijnden J. = 11? See R. B. C. Huvgerc +: Dialogus su.per Auaoru ret. e: 116 See Huygens,

supa C:

47 (1972),23445 and Meäicvalia et




See below pp.26ff. See E. Faral, I-es Am

'tzl ibi|,1l.667_8.






See J. Engels, 'Uautobix Viuarriwn 8 ( 1970), 68-i9.

',Leg'q'! 'N'g'sUEd '




SI^[ nP CZ6


tKI un


'6t-89'(0t6I ) I ltvtwi'! A rnäl8uol nP retqdBr8olqo]ne;L 'qa8uE'[ *S ar


'69I'ou Sl'd

'(Zl(' ;:.



rlPred'!l aaS oz r orr4; ap+s aIIlX rT p aIIX t? s7W?o4 suv §a'J 'ß92'dd /trolaq aas 6il

't6-99 '(2861) Sl no§llormHD


rpeo.Iddv stH PuE n?srlH ,o PEruoS, '8ragtm1 'O J. Pue SfrEZ' QL6l) Lt ' ,salo,:,rv aqr or uaqroad5',c!r;r3 fue:ar1'l sE nesrlHJo 'Peerqllql§'C'1 lC z-rdas'sua8Äng err PeruoS, ',OrU1 'uaPl{) 'Pa sarrony ndts *tW'Q ^er 'rrrs4H,? pnnC 'ry:»un,P PnuLeA 'saßfity tD snssacrv '('pa) sua8Än11 'C'g 'U eeS rrr :OLt'QL61.)Olu.Lzn-LDötA'.(t) Euorrrlsrv'§nf,uaurlv,'('pa)uapufiag'fU'H€S crr


[69-ll:. ::: . : etlc: au- :: '-;

ep alla^nou

Peqlrf,§aP n s:.,' :r};i: .?lr9ru sanEluaur-xrl:; r' j:'


::. '

la6'latuneqtals i :\-: :5 :rsaß1mD [e.\a:F]: ;: r' .t: li-: si. : -.,'usttBu: llt I "- r' u.:t." :-: r

srqJ 'rqoplrd' :,;




Äg pepe:atC ;t :: -': :--..SI\ ul :-.il lE- -



E rse

Puulsoq uoru lA, sälBlar ?na&Pueauß?l,C stq Eupopuatu

rarre Pue sauq Y 'qaPöa1a's}uuotlc 's?1u.Jo6 sltl lPl sBq eq araq/t\ §Prosar ma1&nt e qrlq \ ur .sarÄll sep ruaruauedap a1, ,§ruuac-rpuaärlg atp ul Puno, osle-s! lsll alqereduoo V ,r,',rft1 Brollpn slrotsoP nsud /'leuldord ?W$nA lqP luarod pand





EIIIAJo raPuexalv lo ?rmu.Lno1 3I# 'xas sawmv aql qll^r PallJursueu Äueru ol uoll IecnBruruer8 prepuers B sä113 oslB eg soqlnB raqro


u1 ozr'qf,Ba Jo stuaur aql uo sluaruruo? PUB .snuBluore3 raQ!1, agr Jo sroqlnB aroy\ PrBI.Paga q3!q^\ ut sltlltww ag1 s! e^Il8uuolul

err setEeurnua uBrurec atl

.,,:nteqord sperller8 atlmu srrrl


uleqa soPlalllqtv



arLz'u) snpErq -|c ::?-:-:: aO s.uEtPnElC'(e\l :-+S . 'sro1g 3o sllEsl1 -lo r:;r\ : 'snuar^V Jo nfnqoJ aE '

[0tt0l ,oruI 'raq]le,t'


.ruruoru raql'1, snoleq:.1.



a4!t:: :3 t -a-

stdJa"xa) unttotnetE

D{JnslO atp Ä1uo Fu€ :-.'-' '92-Z'lJ uo'xe ilr.\ s !- ::l

-r!gf B r,,'lsasdujrle:

snroEcs ' ' ' srrrBssaf,au runrpru luolf,Eruroru! slllagll tuupsnqlnb uauel spcelard 'turuo511ocng seäo18ila ps tBosuBD llopoaql e,3o13e qe la lmslPPe rnleutdo sn81na assa s1uolB3 ponb unrpuaduoc qrerllerou elltn Pnlll te utnlBuoql


slaffrPv s.snllelq rc ix;: = Polnqll]lB äl3l S)--:J; -:-'ua4ooßap fi\ !'.E :.-.j';-

'tp5n3 snrnqul snuaurpru snqllpand slralac ta rFe"lPJp urmaqeqdle uenblso4

:sso18 aqr Äq peuonuau uB1PnBIC (p!^r 'snlrBrs PuB snloPoaqf 'ore3 seq (mEZ'dd aa§) 996 aäe11o'3 snte3 ^\olag arp tunruar wJle/tlr aqr PuB alll^uoc 'a8ppqtue3 sl{ ul PunoJ qooqrxel ,o lql ,o pua etp rV s§'§?nllno ndns m7opq s1g u; 'uetpnelC ol aJueraPr ou lng'snPBlS ,o uopueu auos r.p!^r 'snlopoagl Pue snust^V 'dosay 'ole3;o uolssncsJP PolJsl .ap sapnpul (iOsII';-OIOI'c) neqf,srlH ro PBruoC 'arBIoH PuB srtgol aqr 'dosay sBr{ oslB qrlq^\ t8g'IX uBtrolJ rrluBs Sl^l ul snsselrTro uolr3allof,,bruuao-qruaau1$ e u1 'raaainoq 'papnlf,ur are ratlel aqJ,r'uefPnBIC PuB snpels srluro ÄlEulspdrns rng 'pl^O Jo s{ro^\ aqt Jo lela^es Pus sro9nB ra§§el Jo raqunu B saPlsaq snl -opoaqJ puerl.fiDl s4ll aW 'snuellulxett'snuelay'olBCJo sleau suaEÄng Äq paqsl -gnd pue glt6i uIIC ul puno, sflssalr, ,ünruaa-qr;1a^ir et1l su'rdtatzto Jo uolsr^IP prlyt slq or dosay pue snuBI^V.'snuetrxlxel,,{ 'ot4wl tul1l agr 'olBC suftsse (980I) 4-tovq srv slq u! 3uaulv 'F'opad aqr P srqPpoq pue sanSoplec 'slenueru looqf,s ;o Aauea e u:o5 paure8 eq um adorng;o slooqf,s aqr rnotlSnorql PaUpu3PI o§ slxäl arp Äq paÄofua ssaf,3ns eq] Jo uolteroqquos aldulls'ruoorsselc gsllEug elp ut PoJPnls





B Seruof, llt(.\i'-.\_' ; -: 7P stv 3$ rarj!' .'i^:-::

l^bg'll lo,, tu.iqlns 'u,r:;: Itig'Jl I o.,uaq8 e:: -+-z / saad3:n3 ua:iafac ;, :4s71at

I snosrdsrq :!i:ar-::

(§I'll) / ftaia r3.1e r?si:j (8'II) / eldu:a :qÖ.u: llntu :su4ru (fII) , ^.'"i erB erarp 'Ä1:e11urc



uvhU^[vuc III

'(7961 'ua8aur(rp) 'urozuo6 oSrs aqg:swwoagto Vdt U '('pn) sua1daag1 '11 '3 16g-61 '(»61) CZ aflssTrrs tp WtuWel sranlo3 ',qe5w{ uelf,ue ua llnPEr_ lEuoCI aP iol4hi uy;1, 'uuerurulaH 'S :tg-tc '(9161) ll'pllt ?p 'roJ 'olßp)Na 7P 'qun 'rraqqrl T o'!üttuv ',oleuoq 016 ap roual^l errv 1ap euedsg Is^elPeu! uflsrylP EI argos sElo§L 'saxeg esl3 'fttO-Og '(Ig6I) gmnwfiurloudoßorlols.t[f ',sat:e1q3su]o'J snleuoq IE^alPal\, 'lleH'lllsrng

'1 'C osle oes 'O tf6 - qr, eqr ruog potrad eqt sra^of, or{tl (186I 'srre4) anDnrlc lnfiw ?? a?1?? :Iv"twttlunß rualcu8os:ua,ltP qlps olp row1 'zlloH '1Jo Äpnrs i(parseu aql aes s au?.1}!uo tP Il,on w@l Q e.ow,l 7P w vn :mDD4 { s


', U, U 1'ueP! ) apZ§ 'munrEr5 L"1s.pv,l '('spa) sapu[;a1 U'H

.o18vy ',rtttttol srv et{t



qqltug PIO

sualdeeu;'H'C ae§ aldurexa ue .rog ] '68-ll' (ZZ6I ) 9 gnpuE wxog ar1" ',nE I .n aes aulr\lel uO e '(286I 'stJed) sefnmruoß anlrrtsatfi



:ßtla1gtp uoggy '('pa) rraqelef-neeuenC'V o§te ees 'CZ-1I6 '(086I) lZ 'lll 'ra§ lIDn"Wl^l nryS-ul iqreäig'C 'O ro suolre^iasqo aqr aes porrad ue13r41orEC el"p ut sleulue.B rog z aes I '(7961 'a8ppqpooTl) notntnntgvlrlrolnilI alJ'^\q

^ aroru saurlf,aP l3E ur e11 'rapuaä qlea ro euo s3Tel Älsnouoqel leqÄeulos sruBuoc 'uolsualrap qf,Ba tuog unou auo Euprlcap uBYt reqleU 'uopmln]ul PUB uoll!§odard 'uo;r:unfuor'aldlcpied 'graape 'qre^ 'unouord 'unou raPro at1r uI qf,aads ,o ueq aqr quoJ stas rl tuJoJ ra^rsue.Pue-uopsenb q?Ee Jo 'surSlpered Äq patro11ol 'sarntBa,

ti1 'qcaods ;o sred agi qtl^\ Äpo sleap loulul srv, Jelrg eqf sl{lllqn Isf,llf,Brd rearE ;o ag or paaord rng Ärlpur8uo u1 Eurrye1 Äprnue lsotule aran\ L{JIq^r sreru .uerE otu slq uo IFATBI slsär uopelndar esoqm 'q'y ,bnruac WrnoJ eYl Jo aPPIur eqr u! auou u! aAIlcB uepeurtuerS e sBrtl r.snalu JoldäJaeld, s.aruoJaf 'sn]euoq ,'ple Impf,Brd pue lueuodun uB eussaq.Blrolsal srv, aqr uo0f,auuo) §lqJ uI ',Golouoqd ro xEiuds ol uolluaU8 aFr1l fuaa pue suSlpered uo srseqdura pasln8srpun uB qt!/t\'a8esn IBJIlsBIself,f,a (FIit\ Supreal lef,Isself, pexnu Ä1pe

-ssarau aropralp Äaq1 'qcrng3 eqt Jo sef,IIJo pue a8en8uel egl relsBru ot 'c1ueurag ro f,ltlaC se,n a,n8uol-raqlou asorl,n 's11dnd uEllsFqC dlag ol §loogrxar a8en8uel uäpro; Eu;ryn Ä1par ara,n sroteluaruruos rBlnsut aqf 'suelreturuer8 ue13u;1ore3

aqJ or orel{ sn11fr6 ro opaloJ Jo ue11n[ pue ntfisotqun srv aq] q8nortp snladuo4 pus snpopal3'sn1fuag'snr^ras uro{ satrBualuuof, lecperuruan8 luatcue e{r anup -uoc sraruruat8 popa8axa aq1 r'uoltlsg P lno tue^r Äp;der 'aldtuexe roJ 'aul/rrlel

pue areJluog 1o sreuruer8 atlJ 'aue^\ ol ueEag 'saFnluas $Y&a PUB glua^as atp u! äu1urea1 Jo saüuaa ueadorng ul tla, Äl8uous uaeq PBq r1c1qm 'sreurtuer8 r8lnrur alUo e?u3nuu! er{l 'luaupuof, aql uo ]§sal rs z'uBrssud ;o ÄraaocsrDa.r uepullore3 arp gll§ 'oqafi D atrumnt4 n illwolt ?p ognry§4 atll ure3uoc ot uelel ag Älyensn Äeur uelcsug ot saJuarapr puB u^\oDI aprll aJa/$ nlwJutu? sanog?unsttl s.uB!f,srrd '.rolelu sruBuoq, or rqaP snol^qo ue lpl,rr 'sueperuruer8 ImlssBlf, äqr '§rBuJruBJS leopaSaxa p l?s B §luäsärdal 'sa$ue, q§Fl ulorJ uo sepeluaururo3 sl leql

aleuBrua or Ä1e1t1 se lsnf 'puooas atLI '.Joullu sn]auocl,,o rauuBlu ä$ ul af,uePlrre uo peterluaf,um gf,lqt\ sreruruelE lreuauala P salJas e pasuduroc 'snleuoq uo aultno ul pelppour puB marlrul uoxeg-ol8uyyo rcnpord at1r Ä1atuq 'lug aq1 t'sa1s1 qsppg aql ur peruarslp eg uBf, suopJPBrr IBTUBITIITIä8 orru lsanbuoS ag arc]eg


EHI ',




pronouns dran nouns and conjugates only one verb (legoe). Whilst being elementary therefore, 'Donatus minor' is by no means comprehensive in its treatment of accidence. There seem to have been a number of venions of the Ars minor in circulation and it remained unrivalled as a basic textbook until the Renaissance. It, further, played a significant role in the elaboration of the first vemacular gmmmars,

near Avranchese in the ;b; the service of the Bishcc :< this reason) by whom he oz The Dcr;trinale was ccr:.:.e

which he had asemb,e:


including French.6

survive as De

Priscian taught at Crnstantinople in dre time of üre Emperor Anastasius (491518) and is renowned for üre monumenml lrctitwbnes grammotiue in 18 books, emphatically not a textffi for schoolboys, but a comprehensive manual devoted to the whole sndy of Latin. What medieval writers knew as 'Priscianus in majore' was Bks 1-16, of which Book 1 rreated üre leten of the alphabet (including üreir sounds and values), Book 2 dealt wiür quantities ofsyfiables, proceeding to parts of speech with the noun, which occupies Books 2-7. The greater part of the work is taken up by the parts of speech. The nvo final books (17-18) deal with syntax and they often circulated separately as'Priscianus in minore' or'Priscianus de consuuctionibus'.7 Catering for more modest requirements, and widely employed, was the Institwb de wnine et Vorcmhw et uetbo, which summarised the salient features of the inflected pans of speech, aking declension as the basis of noun classification rather üran gender as Donatus had done. Thus, after the alphabet and the Psalter, the medieval srudent of grammar got to grips with three manuals of instmction: Donatush An minor, Priscian's hutitwio de rcrnhw. . . and Book I of Isidore of Seville's ubiquitous Etrynnbgioe. But with increasing literacy and the revival of the srudy of the classical auatrttes it was inevitable that gaps were felt and new manuals were called into being. Towards the end of the rwelfth century the sandard textbooks by Priscian and Donatus were supplemented by newly written works, of which the most successful appears to have been the Doctrinale of Alexander of Villa Dei.6 Bom at Villedieu

an elementary manual



Grunrrwik dn Volkspraclwt m MitrcL- wd Ostetuop: SatÄicr.äbet &nEi?r/Las de, lateinisclmElancntagrannatikdes AelitsDonaus'De cr;topttibus oruiaris ars minor' (Berlin, 1970). For French see B. Merrilees, 'Le Dialogue dans la m6thodo. See E. Ising, Die


logie du frangais largue seconde au moyen äge' in P. R. Ilon & P. Perron (eds.), I-e DioW (Ottawa, 1985), 105-15; id, Teaching Latin in French: Adaptations of Donatus's Ars Minor', Fit'tzeruh{errcu,q Sadies 12 (1986),8?-98; id.,'An Aspect of Grammatical Grminology in Insular French', Caliers de bxic&§e 5l (1987), 193-201; id &. B. Sitarz-Fitzpatrick (eds.), Thc 'Uk'r Donati': A Frfuenth-Cutaq Frarch Morual forthcoming in the Anglo-Norman Text Sociery's Plain Texts Series. See also T. Stadtler, Zu dea Anlanga dcr frrrtzihisdrrt Gr annzail'; : i--;.: '('spa) pu:eJ=rj--='a : .c u,(8o1ouru::a n Ie:,:.:---{ '.,roüryv i(y s,mtPu{ .r i-rt":q {'( ?alr-rcij:j j \ "nW1 -oPoql?ui sl sueP arlt'E - r*qatdox aC. euruC nt7 :fiottratsgzua, -tz::1,1 - '-:'-:

nalPalll^ rB urc{I ;



InJssaf,f,ns lso(u aqr q:l'.i:.. pue uet"srrd Äq sloo+xa:

slBnuBu llal a-an^lau Pue aw Pue ...-. agr ro lB^r^ar ;o aroptsl Jo I lgo{l :v.:E :uonf,n!§ur ,o slmue'J :e

'rallesd aqr puE :+ce::= : uorl8surs§elf unou .lc §:-

,o seJru€a] lusrles a'.r: lä.. aql s8m 'peioldua .r're::. snu€l:sri-: :l -SniBSLIOf, aP

pue xe]u,ts TI.tl

leäi ::--

§l {ro^r ag;o ued :a:Eu-5 Surp€f,I: 's"': rlc€u:-




rlarP EurPnlsur)

.arofetu ur snuel]sud. §? e PArOAäP IEnUzu.l


'$t9og 91 u1 ara:ru.c.rJ -I 6r) snrsslseuy :o.'aJ-: : 'sleruruerB Jelnf,etue.\


'11 'acuessreuag atg l:'.1- t ul J0uul §IV aI+ lo :-ra:I luerulEa! Slr Ur 4.1::-i:'j


.uauala Supq

rslrqa i;;





Their difficulties with Alexander's manual of insmrcdon might be eased if explanations were given in their own vemacular:


Si pueri primo nequeant attendere plene, hiC amen attendet, qui doctoris vice fungens, atque legens pueris laica lingua reserabit; t: et pueris etiam pars maxima plana patebit. (7-tO;


ff 123v-124v mrse. fLl25r-174v L':: MS Dublin,

Trinrr I

ff.1r-10r De rff 1lr-l3ra '?rr: 5.+ -

üre twelfth century Alexander thus anticipates the provision of glosses which characterises so many insular, grammatical manuscri-pts vemacular over the n&t 150 years. Of rhe ou.tares, whom he wishes to supplant, he rather

At the end of

curiously selecm Maximianus who, though incorporated into the'Liber Catonianu§', was not so often glossed:

ff.l4n-74$ j;i.:. ff.26ra-33vb & -c' ff .34r-114r 3-:;


tt. I


tr.157r et

-r:,:= seq .ar.-

11-va -3.'

MS Cambridge Umve-.:.

Quamvis haec non sit doctrina satis generali§, pioderit ipsa amen plus nugis Maximiani. (1+ZS).r+



-,:c= :

of Alexander's disapproval, Maximianus did indeed begin of school'texts in the thirteenttr century. . from collections to disappear -USS most consisrenr vemacular glossing is found are as the in which ft ä

Whether or not

follows:r5 .A,


MS London, British Library Arundel39'1 (s.xiiiz) Graerismw (acephalous) ff.42v43v regulaegrammaticae tr,44r-93v Doctrmsle, the revision of John of Garland15 wriften in a small,

ff .k42r




Gothic minuscule, with red and green initials and para. mad: --':-


utnlfiuo Pft m)2


. ---

ula.l n gule ry ,rf1j'n*-::-: '?i Jn\qtufr :opakc; .:-a=-) syl:ri.tosla.$l lqtan rt.'!-:': -;'rareure of runl ta ?rr€ :-;'.: '?rue assn o( un: la ]:j: -:.!rultuO} slPou tll*.1:!.-* ''^i.::?.-; '9u:B are o[ tun: rrt.'17t.]:-*--t reure o[ run3 :luua1crc '---o[ runc :uat0tuo um) :ir;-= $Dsard 'rnltnltls1Jr) Pt'i;;+ -'o[ ra grue ataae of ?]unto.\ .'r cnw rPau n1rndo lumtta-s:

tpou ubllolio n&rol ugl*l?-:;: naopdun m&wl ulnifi\ -ar: WIPumfinN '9ure IE ol :a ::-

nan wpnlw! pau wn::?} :s^\ollo]


'sqrarrord;o uoltoellof e _::i lecperuruer8 e punol si L: .i B sulBluof, (.rx § :: r: uollsas

NOIIVC.I:\: arPura5ua e



/ erpurauua B ralB :un:l:':ogniw$ lerpura{ 3p :fr:-alPula.l:J 6r'srsB aralsa

o[ ra §lsB ara^B o[ :rurr

-ryas la:t;ps lnlfi{,ila? soout snqon? Wfi){Ja(ltarnbml( wnyetat1'slsB tns o[ re sls o[ :4p5 :acoß tqno 'fi$rutsn) sWULtL flqon? um)alJaq umt!."l?td 'untcalndumüry{ um4nlafi D ufiD?W unulJat?ti 'tn1lrutslto) stpu)t sluaft nDgnat ntafi Vut tfipv4ry on$ta on1'truilaw.n uouflpo.u41noo1pmlr,? D snpütltmnannlul 'ilrIB tela^B rue.l


:an unam$:OU1fful / lr:: JA OrfAJUad OIIU I r

lutar;ua ,{aa.r:


essna.f aruoc :urassrfa4




though quickly imimred b' or less obviously based on tive material, the usual sc]


Metmwrphoses).8 A vie,* < gained from the following

I. f.1r preliminary ddinio.

In the wake of the succes

ac.hieved by the Doctinale and the Graecismru there naturally arose similar, but more modest, productioru with less comprehensive aims. Many of them are, of course, anonymous, but some of their authon are known and, indeed, acquired a degree d frme. Henry of Avranches, for example,l became the sublect of a long vituperative poem by a former pupil, Michael of Comwall,z which suggests that his competence in grammar was widely appreciated: 'Gramaticalia scis, sed naruralia nescis, / nec logicalia scis' - so runs one of t}re charges levelled in the poem. Henry, whose peripatetic career spans the period l2l5-{f, was rypical of a class of cosmopolitan writers formed in the schools of the twelfth-century 'renaissance'. Bom in the last decade of that century albeit in Germany rather than in his father's birthptace, Avranches, where Alexander of Villa Dei had wor{:

fl §-r+ :


'9-§8'dd'(1961 :Ca.: -::. ' aql ,o ulallng "r"f->-: ;g utryod5 ',laod


'enrlB^ouul lsoru O:: ]: :: Äq palpo serl qllu.t^ --i ri 3o suoruod lslrxal .\pr 'saulua lelnlsula.l .\.';: q



sessol8 rEaurlratur

lec;dÄr u 'poleroopun p.:e anlq puB po.r Euruado arp :

opoluutoJ sB spro^\ 8uru>j,

eP?J,lots lqadap ierztols (eI'I)/stlglrf,ru:$reD?/Puru aP:staßl(ZI'l) l\nd:;.ßlo i lralo(P :sue1- 'o1o lur8reu pueq4Jell laloqtr eP:?rzlo (8'I) [^8]l / sdef, eP :styafutoc @rt) l srrodnrse 'xott1?P QIt) l msa :aP!8e (bl'l) l tltTua i?.LtPD (t'I ) F8i / rassaqB :ala?tsuffi (eZ'I) ladreq :ar1 [ur8reru PuBg-lPI] / ru8aua :?nro lelqErB [ul8rB(u PuBq -Uall DrarD (6I'I) / srnaunBP :szrord (6'il lr,zaueld §qmad (8'I) / rasBnbs filurlqo [ur8reu puBq-rqEF] / 9n13ua 'Eptpos Dpns lpsenbs tqlqo (e'l) l^ill lrullru :unlnrads (ufretu pueqaqä1r) Ft'j] / ,,lpua8 precsnu.r :umutsrQotus / zrlesnq :(3Is) s'rWNnNa [r9]l / edns :q1a!o I ll(3rs) raunlau :oQQtl ltg'1l/ all{cnlel 4)tasat l^Z'll vlqßp) aO qgt lsadon a9E3

'solloJ 6tJo tduf,snusur .u 'Irerql'I uBrelpog'pro-rc


eBe11o3 oPEroloC 'samod freßotmlrr.tg


:otoutatps r9E3 :qceads Jo saJr^


^ge'!:souCIt 'IIx 'xequÄs rzel 'IX

'uollf,unluof, aW


'y'uoncaüalul aT lqra^PB^stl a$ r6Z'J 'XI 'uolllsdard egr 4973'1111 'unouord 'lh'sÜPolata\ aQ tlz'! n 'uIlE'I ur sunou 'IIA 'qra^^Of'J aw aql ^\argaH ^tzl eW luolsuel"eP grnoJ aql ,rg7; luotsuapap pue ^üzl 1aarC ^0Zl luorsualf,aP lsrlJ aqr ^OZJ:uolsualsaP BJIJ 'asBf, luorrualcep puores aW prlrlt atp r61j ^8IJ ^8Il 71I ^8Il 1113 luosFedtuoo 'se^lssassod'scttuÄuo.ued :orn1{ Äqpe^\ollo3 tagunu rg1'; lrapua8 'saAlteulruouap JZI'1:ecuaPlsce PUB unou'qcaads'prorn 3o suonlulJaP

^IIl'III 'tJo{blnba r/l 'II 'uopentcund Pue /bpuenb rsJ :uoneu3und pue sluaJ3e 'sleraulnu :('tra ralel 'eclo ) suoplulJeP fueu1u:11ard 113 '1 lEueuosuof, ro uopelnrrl ^f'J ^ZJ 6:reneru rcefqns s.To^r eq];o Äreruu:ns Eu1rtlo1lol aql uorJ poup8 aq uBf, sassol8 rBlnf,erua^ aqr Jo uoplsodslp praua8 arp Jo ^\äl^ V ;§asu$r,ottol?hl aqr Jo PI^o aqr Pus lFrl^ 'umn1 'leuaanf1 szwmo looq?s lBnsn aql 'leualetu anrl -B.q§nlll roJ'PuB L§nuts1p?otcaw s'qol4J,Doc atlr 'uBl3§lrd uo PasBq Älsnorzrgo ssal ro arour Eulaq To,r\ erp;o sred rarpo aqt 'puBIrBC;o ugof Äq polecSu; Ä1p1nb q8nog tzt

$s[vau.r lvclrvN]^{vuc snoaNV'ITIcsl}^{




euo'sldracxa elaul 3J?


go Eurryo,nar lmraau.: e 3 leqderSoräeq e se uoc::-1: uog'salraruSrD lr.\t? ct

-rnporul glm'Äp1 s::: l]a ? lueru: .

s,,§ua11 'pa1:o.,'r peq

sq ul ueqt rarpu

-sspuar, ,lnruac.gl]la.r t' e ;o lecldrb sB^r '69rc I - arf ur palla^a1 sa8rerl: a'; 'sros




qrlrl^r z'lF^ruroC Jo I?E'x: atumeg ,'aldruexa :c:' 'pue um,ou>1 are sroqlne :r?


'surle alrsueqarduoc ssai ; ara(p s?lutslr?orc a$ Pu?





6. MlS(


/ (1.15) ocarie: purnrre / (1.16) rnetitw: eseie / (1.18) galeam: haume / [.9r1 abbuis: de provendre / (1.8) üscide: abescez I 0.9» abito: enveie vee / (1.11) balotto, juglur / bolatro, glutun I 0.16) desidis, de parsus I desdts abessis, [right-hand marginl sido, -dis: abbesser / (L.22) emirwt: hors met I 0 .23) emicat: ors miid / emicat: saut / [f.9v] (1.6) mugra, bucher / (re 1.7 ) [eft-hand margin] nector: alacer, lrightbalance


hand marginl rcctar: piment / (re 1.9) [left-hand margin] procerus: barun, [righthand marginl procens, noble / (re 1.12) üeft-hand marginl renitens: resplendisant / renitens: aforsant i (1.13) rcduci (':'

p6 wmß.tuas totarfud ta eqr uO'llszt'dd '(9961 ':re: '9161'dd' -= (nrx's1 ;' E suretuoc


axJV :suaclp'lruoda:d r.:'-.. >-1: rgl]lu:ard ons arado uru? fi"af,rJleru rnb'ryry snruu3c ;::=---

afqryop8t lWLr',-:::;:

snlru1l 'ruauouueAul ri ::'' slq srsl^ ra oqll :oq :::>.':>: u! rueluEuosugl tuaulrr: ]€ c o!f,uatu! snra tsa oJq1l 'iie]:: aluu aenb 'eqelps er.uu.i z--: ;'

'Pe ' aI sajo]pt\'



'('pe) suaSÄng'3 g'! '; i-:! 1:*ia:s +::


-qrcl l,


(§82I )





'.eoJe^ouBrruo3ernlaf, s*u,dlä?o:,""'Häffi



:c:s:::: r-.J 'u*-,i I


Bqraq qruocB (eI är) / Berne sanbrol Mryq Q) / unrlrqou spsäA 'ea- 'eagBrl enbllqo'r' snlplrnbrrg 'l' ogrss (E) apnlcur sessolä lecrxal a1du1g

(s ar) /





'soaerd ul Juueqaqe^ur rolrrles ar.radooxrp ta apnu ralJlltuls

:rueqapa3ul pedoocsrp le Ipnu tnb slrpes B Ia^ lrueqapuarlardar alrede ta apnu elnb 'arepnu '1' acar8 uuJlBs B 'sl^arq 'a, 'eJpBs 'sazreu asdr sauolBs

lumnPaP runPuauns pe euSrt



luns §auolB)

unuBlcsrrd runpuncss 'uruo1nru laa run:onba solsnf, rnllorp


'elfel]ai #



:I8o1our,{ra uo slseqdua Ä.reuotsnc eW W!/r\'snrsred pue uelf,sJrd 'snpuapnr6

'ef,BroH 'usf,n'I 'leuaanf 'll3r!A 'pl^O ruo+ u \Erp a.re a8esn lBJIxal ;o saldruexg 'lueageq urapnel rutrr^ arep tunlol orced rcq '1' lcs;ced apnel ord l,runlor tn enbtuetla, tn 'untcedrur ouop o.rd anbopuenb :,urearoue8y sruced, 'sn111fu1n

:rql tn 'oldgcce u:ntredrur ord rntluaaur anbopuenb snglrotonB ur



wtmwn auamßa aC ; aqt


rroor?4la uo


'passolSun pue 'salod

:II eurlurro ,rader,


(sncneunuer8 snf lrua]i aj; a',i.r

slgBcs 'ogBJs 'lgecs


ln 's' Blf^ eluuro red erelrnJ erperard e1p1

:ü aurlJo esec at1r





fuetuatutuof, eT Jo auos

'llnl 'ora; ltp1cs 'opulcs 'IPU'oPU :slg- 'oqlq :.rontenb qrdaoxa 'lqecs ln 'eqEIIIs ppere.rd rnrpnpord orcayad olpeterd la lluaserd ur sBqBIIIs sared sngpuaqeq slqqllsslp srqn^ sngluruo uI


uou rs (f,rs) ritüLtruSolt uJt lunydrcuy orH, cuqru ar1r e

'(uwpaüon-:" -rtru8rs snrun Des tuntroee-b .J. l

:s^\olloJ sB (^tzl) surSog lxal arp or ,{:eruaruuof, er{J

'oqel^erg rrnpel anbopea'of,npeu'opp-, I

-auros (fTtras Dgsv) Dau

'xrpeds'oepens 'anbonb opBr 'xrper te sepBIC olrc ueulBl ''B' sl^arq 1g'P'


:El§l snlulxBllsr

gl 'P'





lacln) sTlnIrlild

o§le 3es oz'^9gI-a§§l'-u

:-T::.irivirüiö#:$::'§:$i:]i{ rruuBqe.nar uatusl apur xas'mfuEqrnf, erara.J Zl 9Zl


'fterql1 uetalpog'proF6 e




Englishmen. He taught in Paris soon after the middle of the century and c.1167 was r.Äit.d by Henryll for the new srudium galerale in Oxford. He later became a Cistercian and died c.l 1 81 . He has attracted a good deal of attention, not least from Marcel Schwob at the end of the last century, His collection of proverbs, often in trilingual form, a legacy of his activiry as a teacher of rhetoric, has been edited by f'-. C. FrLnd.35 Staning främ a close analysis of MS Oxford, Bodleian Library Digby 53 various scholars have built up a picture of Serloh poetic corpus, culminating in the edition of Jan Öberg. In the iopleft-hand margin of f.3r in MS Digby 53 is a poem with the rubric 'VÄrsus magistri Serlonis in conversione §ua quando factus est monachus cisterciensis'. In 6ct this MS offers (ff.3r-5v) additional lines to the umus diffuottiales which Öberg has printed from a study of 18 major MSS, but there is only ä small number of vemacular glosses (see below' unrelated to the text is a gloss b.r (.5r merges: dukere). MS Oxford, Bodleian Li.brary, Rawlinson G 169 (c.1200) pp.8l-8i offers a plain, unadomed text of 127 lines, whilst MS London, üritish Liirorv Royal 13 AIV (s.xiii) ff.81v-84r has a few vemacular glosses (see below). The most interesting text, with many vemacular glosses, is found in MS Cambridge, Gonvilte and Ciius 136 (s.xiii) pp.61-65. The text begins with a red initial anä there are frequenc red paragraph marks or splashes at the beginning of lines. On p.61 the Anglo-Norman-glosses are set out, in the brown ink of the main text, on eäch side of ttre Latin lines. I print below the whole text36 and place in the notes all the vemacular glosses and a ielecdon of the grammatical comments. The wor{< is preceded in the MS by a prose acce§sus as follows:

Quoniam, ut dicit Boecius, oportet addiscentem ferre secum intentiones ...ablorum, auctor iste, habens dicrona pro materia, ista colligit ex diversis auctoribus. Et sunt dicrona nomina et verba que sub diversis accentibus et diversis significationibus eandem habent litteraruram. Et dicuntur dicrona a dia, duo, .1 cto.rot, quod est tempus, quasi constancia in diversitate dupplicis temporis, scilicet brevis et longi. Prodest [MS = p3] igirur dictam materiam [MS = de materia] scilicet nomina et veöa in unum colligere. Intencio autoris ,r..rrtr. circa ista. Titulus est Incipiunt dicrona Serlonis. Autor erat quidam nomine Serlo etc.

SERLO OF WILTON: VERSUS DE DIFFERENCIIS (MS. Cambridge, Gonville and Caius Crcllege 136 pp.61-65)

Dactile, quid latitas? Exi! quid pupplica vitas? [p.611 Quis vetat audire, que fas nec inutile scire? Non alios cura, nisi qui curant rua iura. Ergo versifico - dic si vis que dbi dico. Accipe, quas dicronas partes in carmine ponas' Que confusa sono disrincta vocabula pono. ln me, Serlonem, non respice sed racionem: Si bene stat, sic sit; si non, quis non male dixit? Si placeo nulli, quis nullo carius ulli? 31

See above n.30.


'The Proverh of Serlo of Wilton', MeÄaevalstildi€s 16 (1954), 179-218. The first 28 lines were printed by P. Meyer, Ronanju 36 (1907) , 492-7 .


6. MtS{


10. onwr


11. orable 12. ueyle




n U

14. Püdwie


15. norh t6.











20. or,entblcr 21. dwuelwe 22. deseier





24. dtsr


25. il[po|u[ 26. celestien 2?. cÄir,t 28. deafrwnn



29. F, 30. D 31. N 32. C 33. iglel


34. \' 35. S 36. P 37. \ 38. \

39, D 40. a 41.




43. 44. 45. L 46. C

47. T 48. D 49.


's?nb'ß)etd 'urnnba rad aru lqp'§nlba snlos




'a€q snqnoou lqpr spptu 'a.a{ raluanba{ of,lq '8ü 'oue 'snqpalr'alard sndroo ouo ponb'rsa s1pÄeg1 'Ln


'8I2-61I -:t :-i: .


'nlp gl'!t IBIJ ln'JlC ;ocrn eldurar 'IesvJ '9' - aP'"q.qd'araln'9,



rsa xou

'sapq lqp lep urenb'ruEuIE samp'eot3.'lqlr xlA 'ü,f 'arlop'au1tulnr ord o8uol :rtuop 'ounf, unqräA 'tt 'lruef,np anbopuenb lunPaf, $EJn? LunruaC '2, .pap lqltu uraradnc uou anb'pep erlnrrl spFI^{ 'Iü qP InÖ '0t l1g'dl 'runo s;ru cog 'luns ttp yrb 'lrtttp elduer 'p?p auaq oa qE sl^ rs'rxttro eParo

olcoq '6t

lal 'um1or e1nrcd sltueloo'uarloc aregeq spuaN


'!oau@ 'oEuol uou unq.ra^|üaun) uauloN 'Le




rfe uauln,



err srrrof uag

[19'd] ;sur..,


:: :;'




lorn\' :::i: ara!- "


slcrlddnp arelrsra.\rp u: utnSruloap '87

4W u2!1s4?)




'92 '92

'bz 'ez

DlasaP .ZZ

amPfi?lp 'tz qquzfr '02

ayooot(o '61

aulruou ord olrdord 'umtDqxea ord c1q

srultu?s sads enb

ueptnb rere


rrrerJeleu ru€llrp :t'.:l!:




ol?s aP uou '§BIAarq ü,rnflf, ercle^ ard '9e o?a 115 'se

'qo: arnln8'oa1ec'o8a1 'qoc eutl

'u;ruotp arad lgraa'tuecnp !ru,oW anbrnb uuan 're tbp'CIp epsog rad BsnelJ tn ',a1ar apnelc epsoH '$urJ Buoq uou 'Buoq suand srurc'ose51 'eupure3 'ze 'snrpc erodural anbesouue srur? eool s$oN 'opar ocllddns o:d 'cJp otd opac'o3lP ln 'f,lq '0f 'ruro: anbeldlJf,s lBr.uo tndes ruto, anbsua:op eaeg '62 'sara3 auSuou8B tsa snJol 'sa,ca3 etclp BaP lsA ntwa? 1nD'@DC erulssld:nr sat3e;'orr, adrnr rungran Za?ueuncn'spsaiaJs erBlllulssB uou 'sllsela, sls ln stlat'y s;;nJ erallaJar BIII uou 'sara3 aranlels an§ araumu ord rg 1g1u: orrc adas s111n


nm6?p 'u.on)

aapotn lqlru 'sBeJBs nt au 'arm aroure redurag z{al.Lttc's.ruloJ Eulrua, llllB] elu sruto, 'arouef, 'aurBC zut^ ?p'sfoyC ealperd t1s snqldep 's(otp opuenb IgF suary

E EUOTCTP Jlrlunf,rp l: la snqnuaf,ce stsla.\r9

slsra^rp xa



lr8rllo: as:

seuonualur urnfls

r:':: .



agr u1 aceld pue ul81u erllJo





{ul u.\{orr -.'j:

;o äuruur8aq aq: :e sau'i: : per B rpl^\ surEeq :xa: a': ' Sl\ ul puno; sr 'sasc ! :: aas) sassolS relnrEura.\ .rl;:




'uopuol SI^l rsllq^\ 'sa'r'.

60I C uosurl.rBu

B sl

tsl il?lqouat 'wo@4aranb srqraa q'untodal sl^lls uI


ul'l?to sn[n ueuaJ


'8I .LI


'qr ,sup1ds, rpnpord 'qr tetrnc optnN, islro],?'Jß) ponb'appoq o'spn snuEtd PV "Ptattto 'o.to )e)atJ urna slpua8 '?,cr lllnu P|nb runJrod ntou rwpmb'!dV qB rlpuäJsoP sor ulnf, '1dr ruerapp 1a61 ln)'snul q.rodrm ruepenb sred'srt@ slltues BuroJ il.Z?'tzJo snqordurt 3a sproJ rll 'ram roqre rlulf,l(l vuatt'oltotlqe rB^los uou snlno'ourr tädtues lueun

fitßu '9I


'bt 'ei

'zt 4b,r .II


rauo '0I



§I$rvaullvctlvh{}^lvuc snoaNVTEc§}^{



lxal aql ol PorElaru:

eraqt lnq 'ggy.i:o(eu c i :; eql or seurl lEuonrpPe , \ tse snlf,B opuenb ens au. uraod e sr 6E Äq31q

SI\ ui

aql ur Suneunulnf, 'snCrc:


'y Äq ^gAtC'ÄrBrqll palrpe u»g seq'r'-.:::: ul uerJo 'sqranord,o ucr: Iuo{ lseal tou 'uoltualte l.8 aluE3ag ralel aH 'Pror\sB/n z9l I'f, PUE ,{:ruuer a';





50. Non est dignus e41n, cui carior est equus eqilo. 5 1. Eris servus eris, si te species Eahit heris. 52. Facope navis ecs, ut sit tibi pervius Eas. 53. Cum dape vescor, edo; cum sermone loquor, edo. 54. Post res egestas rerum succedit egestds. 55. Frix ubi floret eäes et marcidus est decor Ebes. 56. Türpiter egere, quos accio cogit egae. 57. Sepe bibes et efus,si dapsilium colis edes. 58. Sicut avarus ani voluit sua perditus emi. 59. Me famulanrur heri fallit que nil dedit en. 60. Si quid ineptus edo deus est placibilis edo. 61. Nullus querit heros, ubi maximus est deus heros. tFl

62. Nomen ubique fnnru; verbum non corripe, fimru. 63. Intrat naum fetrrn, ventorum turbine freturn.

tcl 64. In

terris galeas, in aquis horresco goleas. IF]

65. Basia plenafavi mihi das - ideo tibi faui. 66. Non eget illefide,cui mentis gaudiafde. 67. Est sine fraude frror mihi, si mea gaudia /uror. 68. Prestat in ede focis iungi quam per mare /ocis 69. Orfea, nulla Jtdis tangit, quam tangere frdis. 70. In te, Cace, furis - fraus cessat ab Hercule furis. ?t. Nessio, quanta Fari, quantaque potentia, fari. 72. Nil mage triste /anre, valide nil comparo farne. 73. Os premo, vactofanw. . . Superest quid cetera/emur. ?4. Me ferus usqueferis, quamvis mihi molliaferis. 7s. Presens crede fi4it; non preterirum breve fagit.

6. MIS(

89. C 90. St 91. N 92. C 93. U 94. Si 95. C 96. C 97. P, 98. Pr 99. Pr 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116.









\ \


D }!








76. Expers esse iugi Veneris nequeo prece it4i. 77. Si curamus idem, duo non sumus, immo vir idem. 78. Cum sit functus Itis, vir quo coniunx soror iris? ?9. Dicere nessit'Yo', quamvis ut bos yet'yo'. 80. Presens sicut icir, sic preteritum sonat icit.






126. 127.






81. Sic gaudere libet,utamans mea gaudia likr. 82. Si tua scripa lego, lege scriptum, quod tlbi lzgo. [p.63] 83. Non decet illa legi, que sunt contraria legi. 84. Me gravat ille hbor, sub cuius ponderelüur. 85. Nil ego sponte leoo, quod sit lateri gnvebvo. 86. Servat ab hoste Lüus, artum clipeus mihi latia. 87. Non honeroa leuü res est, non aspera leuis. . 88. Qui rigat, iIle htir, qui mundavit, bene hr,,it.







123. 124.


179. 130. 131.




'sldo lpar runf, Blf,uasard '.sroo,

sldo reruasard uredg

llnqaP arerlP tqn',s1r1o, l1xlp ueplnÖ




'.o(\o qyrlxa sruBpull Brnb'ooo, l1nbul rarrdnf '6Zr '$oo snglJl Jollau uou anb 'sl,ßo stltrr Eä §au '8Zl

IqP ruaredde uauel 'saru aue syrtuen§ epuro radns uanb ul '.torlu'Äeqf 'lqlr rtl '97r


'Inq euN


'/ u>:;


'snpq It{l'.ij §'OOa al'-:-= -

&- t. e--- ',2> ; - -

toI .LZI

'retry 'ror.ru

'sn auFuEU ou IqFu orqarl 'mrpoN Bruluns reljLlad 'tootl BIIB:I elnb 'snsrea !6ou eln, elru luns '!s!N EIIU oslNauJs lslu Elu l§e uoN 'olou olf,sau atu oa ponb 'o?ou älotue ul 3oH 's!1otr araiuer 3ung 'lueuoser s4ou BIIoo §nInC areul red ln9'd1'sräru 'Äag1 'Äara51 suslluroo srtru B.lu 'srtun t Buluels esrBd sou 'gttlJlart a1e;31r9 ra6


'9Zl 'bzr 'ezr '7Zl

'satrau'orn14 '1qn mq

'o8ei tQF '14.1'1.



is61 srl-..!

'0zl I .6I



E::r ---l

'.:i ::'ic.l} x-j--.'

.*s-' -. -- - --_ JU'a d.r*r 'st-ajt,1'-, -


'Ltr .9I I .§I I .üI


tNl 'nurrulwaTtreP !ll! sndnl 'tnlot4til xar8 unq 'arefioutewurns anb lunssod 'elafiüJl el uoN 'ottPwuÄoure;r4 lsa sluBs rlrlax alueueu aluahl 'l-{rhl'lgp roc onb unPIPBut '!.taur Brm }lsqv 'rrfl eps lxn3 lqp rnrlqeP -o)tltt 'aqaqd 'al8l3

'umsotü)t os§a rlf,E aru eloul 'utnsotout soLu äy{ .EI

'sa.ml^Iepspt luer:al



'aurr/ ore^L:::



'sun/ a1n::ar 'sra.i ua3.


'fimtlrrru auaq as uou'llP!f,3o rururu storl s8erg .III ' t,o7l,/1leref,lP serl)sev' ra)ow'oPa'§ls aN .OII 'uzruaßtu ernld uletu tunlce, ut?tti2lztu Bilut e1l\ '60r 'aanu ara8rns ooqaP tunc ',?7.otJL, of,rp arBC '80r 'aotu 'elepEpuB 'snJ$ 'e4dotout BrnlEuI luns '1,0r

'uour äraPgns äs §llaua^ üou arouE ul ltl '1oute,ot tp:nc anbe Pos aloül atetl^äl uoN 'sap1ur Blnqe, pes 'snsa^ sop$r'eparf, tt{tur 'lsE 'ulnrou elyreu r18uer; vJn)'utlw alsFl e18r uI '?rrrulepur tuenb 1q1u oleru qrtxBl"tu IIB1I 'spaur olpred slulJt^ 'qlau e,rn: enl tunC 'rrur acldsuoc orrlur aP 'pp;ry apa snslry eCI

sl:o,/ uer:: : 'rorn/ erpr:-e

.n'E'a: -': 't1:.' I :




't0r 'e0r

'z0r 'IOI '00r

'umta{ u:',t 'mugf 'edu:c: :


'solru sn?tr ll

'o6al otlJIP oipal ord'ooa1 olroddns or4 '66 '13a1 aaarq rrntlralard uou a8al eParJ suasard '86 'mrrfl ereuoA urn3 olcBJ'utattl o8ur.l aclllod '16 'ot?t, BPlqsts oreo lapne8 'om1 eorod rapneg '96 ecsouSoc nsl^'urqaqfl msnC '96


'ora::';: lr. 't€




sefi? i:1:


'w*q o\J ord 'nxng otd nnbn an8upqp e;g 'rrr{ etnoxa snpd turtue'sag auolleJ ln 'saqq Bru Pas ;u1a uou 'sagq eup tsod un3 'fltr, aulruas ap opllBl nra edas so^aN aululou uranb'tsa snlol s/tr{ adas eulndg oruor{ lsa lBrrJB uou 1nb',raqfl, otueu lls tunC

'szTJ 'regrJ


'b6 'e6 '26

'sao" tJ




'opa':onbci a;:


'§rE ia

'06 '68


'oaba snnbe:i

sasltwu.I 1vclrvht]^vuc snoaNv'ITIc§I]^l'9







132. Procreat ortus olus, coquit amfora, devorat Olm. 133. Sic presentis, odjr, sic preteritum sonat, odrt. tPI

134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 14


142. 143. 144. 145. 146. I


148. 149. 150. 151.


nivis est que picis albedo nigredoque picis. Rechia, ßgträ pLgas dicunt ut vulnera pla1a. Non mihi tolle pilum, ne te tollat tibi pilurn. Non sine prole parrr§, non sum nisi pareo parens. Quando minisuo perut'r., diadema parum probo Perum. Ludum laudo pile, plus laudo pocula pile. Rane cura palus, furis dampnacio palru. Vitem propago,bibet inde fu rura propago. Scono nemo placet, nisi dexrro munere placet. Si potare poces vinum, cur flumina potes? Credimus esse pedis snepitutD - tu, turgide, pedis. Vis dbi, luce, peo te dici nomine Peti. Aöor ppellus, non grandis turba popellls. C-edit p apa, pape! non cedunt munera pdpe. Carum nemo prrt€r, cuius presenciapur4. Hic polit, ergo porrit: pastumque dedit, quia pauit. Quidam leno phrus, locus est quem nomino plrrruß. Res immunda penes meretricem cum prope penes.

182. Pr 183. In 184. ir 185. \


152. Absit ab olla queri,que nosti turpia qü€ri. 153. E.st brevianda'qlr4uß', coniunctio carmine



154. 155. 156. 157. I


159. 160. 161. 162. 163.

Dat pro gente rea superis libamina Reo. Florum quisque rose cedit non frigore rose. Si bene regna regis, tu dignus nomine regis. Vis estflderuis asini vi ruparudenfis. Stulrus si qua refert, que sunt ea nil, puto, refert. Ypodoma,red* victis cum Peloperedis. Rbmule, p?rce Remo; caret ecce raris rua remo. [p.65] Quas tu dente rcpis, comes est inflacio rapis. Ecce senecta reperu properat cum tempore Tepens. Evo repente venit ecce senecta re\mte.

tsl 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171



Fixum pone solurn breve, longum mobile solum. Pro semente sctüm, pro quodam pauperc Saurn.

Implet mamma sinum lactisque coagula sinrn. Non sunt secilri, qui dant sua colla securi. Si far vere sero, crescunt mihi semina sero. Fur, obstante serc, non furta frcit nisi serc. Speme pingue sen m non me facies nisi senm. Rebus secaris est sepe minata secnris. Illis, si qua seres, dabit et villum tibi Seres.


174. Te 175. Pc 176. Ti. 177. Tr 178. Pr 17e Q 180 Q 181. St

186. 187. 188. 189. 190. 191. 192. 193. 194. 195. 196. 197. 198.















200. H


L 8.

cwartt: vel norunt .i src sit: vel bene; si nr

mendax. .i. dicat inde aliquo 10. hic hamus, gallice '1 [see MED sub arqlen 11. hec acer, aceris et i altare; hic acer, hec gallice 'chardenerol< 13. hec apis, huius apis


Hic apis est thauru Solanus.

rEIslP rellllrurs la runuBcnl runPun3as sualxa ollu eP srunBqj lse 'aluoru olll ap elunaxa ornBql '!' ,?q p,

.snuEIos §IdB


:14o 1,9q, aa;1p8 's1de snlnq 'srde caq '.aloreuaPrBqJ, aet1p8

larerle 'lsa slAB 'a1- 'elruace 3aq llua ePu! la aJ3B cot{ la slrf,e f,3q 'raJB c1g (raJB ceq radns sntp rrupod onb ur sBA tsa ponb euace mlIsIP aPut la slJace 'Ifi|^ual?uD qns qgyl axl




'lUfllas ISIU


'rJrs lsl-j 'oJrs



'ur'*-ä: 't{rll^u§

'0I ,puapue, arrlSue 'als- 'rAE- 'sB- 'oruerl rrul3P onb e l,ruaq, e?[PE 'snruer{ f,Iq 'uleroqel raldord sarur8 511ur luePPar onb11e eput IBJIP'I' '6







oruoq sruruo reclp lsenb :rls PInb atnf,stP aueg uou ts Ia^ :uou ts lauag Ie^ '(


rls '8

gE,iq8n) turuou :luBralou'!' luruou le^ :flrom)' I :Sh{







.-L )i;r



-: -^-^-.

r: ,= !=?-

'llrlrt'c:': ..-.


'002 'alele oErg ',f;c;1dxa, l!ue^ :Aaru lse snsol 'srro,l alnsuoo luruoler'§ef,oo elq enr an§ '661 .arapll araruod uou enb.eDprn FFy{ .96I 'uiltso.i;yt opnel uauSe uaulsl 'tunsoJln ogord IIN 'müoo lqp ualuou oaPI - s.nuoo'erru'sBqalC .s13m,aulag,ont a$Bg tunc's8nrr arsed sp11g 'ser!6 lglr BruruB tuls lsgu'sa.un areryqord IIN 'nan ecgldnd anb xularaur '$rt6 BII! snlllnN 'nqtaoeler8 a8Btu stlonb '§rpnn edtrs 151 'pno oaa 'sa!ua^ nJ iBeul 'nr?6 :erog ltuä^ ug


'fi-hr J"::; 'a50.t 3:'a


'/6I '96I '961

'?nbonb auluues






'16I 'satrad ado:C

'snrao eurÄg auat a slqeD 'sgao opuenb'rarr 6 '961 'stpro lrllx xnP lqn'senbe rad qPr6 araru, eruv '68I '§Iao aräln'sBPun §FBtu $,a0 ar!§§uBtl ls '88I en


'vtltald oururcu'r; 'tprd elnb'l=q 'eF,t '; ae::

'pfl §nqpouB §nlf,oP uou'pr4 rnrasoP olras 'ZBI '98I 'tovurnlteuos ponb laual uou 'tounu4ponb rauar




t^l 's?PnJ, adlrJo3

uou ulngre^ lsapa,rf anblgn



arral 'srBy\



uiluoN '§8I


'?tt;{lqp tndef, anblue8ult -auzt essnt st8al 'tr91 '??ultn uado ua; 'tunlsta laturu opuenb al uI 't8I lqll 'or(, arllpl pro; ord 'o.l(1 auofar ord 'ZBI





r"F efd E 'ufrnod oqord urn:eJ

tT 'DflTols arels E8B llssau'rrnrzsrunqEcs 'I8I '?qfas Ereup^ lrllru spuetu'tapas auaru HItu Inö '0BI '.§a?o§, äulsaP',l1os, ctp'§4os assou uar etn§ '611 arq urupatard uou :Igrr§ 'aPor3 'ruasard '911


'sepas lqp rapord rrrnse3'sapas elp radns nJ 'pas lqlr luuB luls urns'ruas aro saord n-L alpra; uou rnqor 'sadFs ea:ed JaPuod


'sapts e;prd rad rn 'laqnt

'.sp!s Eluruo, suaorp .Rey\, sltls


'nnnd ereC:s .uar1d rqr



'q4d anbcg


'9tI '§lI

'eI 'ülI 'ell

'1?DO'lzuS '.1 '§n?o lero^aP





14. porcus dicitur de spurcus, -cr1 -cutrl, quod est immundus, 'da, -dum; gentilis: 'paen', quia genitus talis, gentiles enim sicut nascunRlr sic vivunt nullam legem possidentes etc.

15. alist: gallice'eles'. 16. [alo] et inde componinrr exalo, exalas, unde Ovidius 'animam medios exalat in ignes' (Met. V106;exspirauit for exala).

17. aretz: areo, ares, arui, 'enseccher'.

18. leporwl:hic lepus, -ons;lePore#: hic lepor vel lepos'cat'.37 19. Hic bathus, baüri, et inde componitur abbathis et est ille qui prebet anonam et dicirur abatis quasi ad bathum pantus et est hic bathus quo prebenda Inensurä. rur. Unde Ovidius'Baürum vicinaque tota vocabat' (Met. II,688). The line from Serlo and üre quotation from Ovid are both cited in the commentary on the'Comutus Anriquus' in the present MS, p.5lb. 70. d:ur.yst:.i. cum amica; Choysz: hoc choum, gallice 'vin'' Hoc choum dicitur vinum a Chm insula unde Persius'ebenum, thus, lubrica Choa' (Sat. V135) .i. vina,'de vinz', a C-oa regione, 21. faww: meretrix; cunrsz t vel'curteise' (Digby 53 ).

22. w:vel te.

23. cuaml:'devant'. ?4. mihl vel mea. 26. scelesas: excommunicatus. 27. MS Royal 13 A IV f.82r has 'ccco: chier' and 'caco (cacus, -ci, 'co): ribaut' (s.xiii).

28. Ceres dea frugum, mater Proserpine et dicitur a creans res et est idem Ops et Rea; [Ceres] hic et hec -tis quedam pauia sive gens unde Oracius 'Cerite cera / digni' (Ep. 1,6,67-3). 29. flovo: vel pulcra recensque; cmtd,. . . unde in Accentario 'Est positura prior vel subdistinctio coma'. For the quotation see MS. Lincoln Cathedral Chapter Library 132 {.87r. 31. canisl: 'chen'; uu.ulrsqurl. gallice'veuz'. In the left-hand margin has been added Mtrs ait: 'Annarrrviiwnar couercnwlocovi'(= ed. Öberg 1.23). 32. cstisl :'chante/; csnisz :'achanuz'. 34. Hic Chorus, -ri, pro vento producit primam unde Lucanus 'non Chorus in illum [.s. poerum] ius habet aut Zephirus' (Plrars. 1,40G7). 35. colal: gallice 'cotefie'; coloz: hoc colum, coli, gallice 'toneour', anglice 'tunedore' [see

OED sub tunderl].

36. uelace: 'ignel'. 37. cmvlit: gallice 'comedien'. Hic comedus est jocundus poeta qui tractat de 38. colwnt: gallice'del filant',38 anglice'rocke''3e coltml, hoc colum dicitur vas per quod colarur cervisia vel vinum. MS Bridsh Library Royal 13 A lV f.82r has rr,lwnlr 'conil'; ahm?r 'sarce, arsive' (s.xiii).rc 40. üwvr: gallice'dedier'. In the top, right-hand margin d p.62 is the gloss hec



37 Evidently misplaced from leporeml, rhough 38 In the left-hand margin, glcsing nentü. 3e See OED sub rcr:k sb.z.

'lo {1

See See


dediT:'esüe abaundor

44. uix: vel non vel mihi: 45. Phehe: .i. sol;Tiitu: .i 46. djcal: 'dedier'; dica), L 47. Tlwyd*:.i. illius men 48. Hec era, ere, idem i multa poscidet era' i 49. equest : gallice'ch ira, 50. eEnt: gallice 'de chrt 51. erisl: 'de argent'; hs,-lJ

52. pavius: gallice'aranr 53. eloz, gallice 'hors met s4. esestasl: egestus, -ra, -

55. Frix: hic et hec .i. rr gallice'flestrisable' :

s6. eger ez : gallice' boso i n, 58. Lines 58-61 are irr-.er 67. firrrust: anglice'mok'

63. 64. 65. 66.

aabuw, rurbo, rurbinr galeul gallice'heum, fwirthicfavus, galiic fidet: gallice 'de fer'r I

67. furoqt, gallice'de'en 68. /ocisl: gallice'asrris':' 69. /idisl: hec fidis, gene:


70. /raru: 'tresun'; ceisc!'


quidam gigans qui fi 71, qut?ta4ltßt vel qual i s t

72. forcs|, hec fames, gai ?3. Ffemur dicitur de fen

femon dicitur hic fe -nis, dicitur hec fem

75. See 98. 76. iugil: hoc iugum angl iuge assiduus et inde 78. soror: .i. Filomena. ?9. Yoz: illa mulier murar

86. Clepeus dicirur de cl,

comedia .i. amore.

lactria: gaüce' panuT', onghe'

6 \{14



the gloss is still inaccurate.

MED sub lwr(e*iwn. MED sub c& il2) ('ch'rism cloth') and eoileL(2)3.


88. Unde Virgilius 'Lavir 90. spunw spumo, -a§, ga 91. Hic nevus, anglice'fr 92. labesl:labo, -as, 'char 95. hbellwnr : gallice'wasr 96. parco: gallice'true'; ir, Royal 13 A.IV f.8l' 97. hran]: gallice 'reoun' 17

See OED sub




arnror[ gns CIApI


4o[. qns

cgo aas

eeE ,noln3, actlSuz ',unoal, ac;11e8




'v '(^x's) ,rapms izwq, seq ^z8l AI tI IB^oU :nn4 '96 Shl'l1el oruan8un'l'oeqn: erolof,'l' :roln1l,Lra',aal11e8 :rort1 l,arul, acrlle8 ',fo1sem,




26 f?qq' '16 cIH

qns 6Ey.1 aas] .au1rarJ, ac113ue 'sn^au

'lalunosa, acr11e3'sB-

rclonQnt llZZ'lll '3oag1



'.eqf,oat, ac;11e8'caq :asaqq l,re1aauerp,'se-'oqe1

'l(14) 'u saulo{ '(olaryn$

'olunds :oumQs '96 ePun '88

,stn8ues Ereuln^ rala lI^B'1, snt1t3r11

ra1 sBtl


arp sr 79 d

,r :'

V tI P-"r'; ' rnllllp u:nlo: ll j

Iz8', AI

rad sel


qe snd:oc rnlem, lsenb ernb 'slte- 'rornJ

rsa ponb 'srd. 'oda1c aP rnllslP snadal3 '99 ul ElBln(u JaIInu eil] tzoÄ '6L 'ruBf,f,e^

ap tEtcBJt rnb

aaoi r:;

'Bustuolll'l' :roos'81

ralfnt rntIsIP aPul la snnptsse a8nl islJztta1rrl,coÄ, acllSue un8nr loq :784 '9L

'anplssB urnlqra^pe

Jorl tä s1änr caq re c1q :rfr4 :elJnxnl


'86 aes '91

'lse stlloru ernb eurural Jeq rnlI3IP 'slu' 'uerue, äp la erruf, ul sttrrBa selJtllour lsa ponb 'slu. 'ueula, llq rruIf,P uoueJ ap te [arnn] ur srluef, self,Illour rsa ponb 1' ' 'l actlp8 uoula, aP rnllclP rnureg

.aropaunl, a:t 13ue'..t11+'::.

urnlll u! §ruoq] uc'tj.



(tZ I Sraqpeppe uaeq seq ur8rer:: Ec


rlry sncB3 3lH '(3ls) ,uoro1,


'srlnoraH saaoq lrdrua oun; ;nb sue8r8 ureplnb 'rnJ 3eq ]a f,lq :rlsunl lrlssac Ia^ :fssa, :.unsarl, :motl


raldeq3 IBIpoWe3 ulc:!.:r 1aa

roud ernlrsod ts3, cur,'

'.ra!IrB, ectlpE

al111e8 'slPIJ o^qaueä 's;PIJ eaq :rspf '69 'arapg 'runs snsry 'spg 'opll:rsyptJ:.zaPro3, -'snutreu.r ',s1edrod, ecrlle8 slosrd ercJ oaq :rstf,o/ !,s;:lse, ac111e8 : tspor[ '99 'lalqua, ecr;pE ''odap 's;re- :rntnt l,atlei.ap, oorlle8 :t:t"omt ' l,) ',1e1, acrlle8'r,rrnp- 'ep, 'snpry:raplleper8 :uvno?:,Äe, äP, actlp8 ,PPlt '99 1ea ',raÄauo, acrlle8'sa-'oaÄe; 1,1aw eP 9r, asllleS'sn^BJ Jtq, 99 rnot ',2,{a1eä,'acr :.aunatl, acrlp8 : rwa1ol' 99 11eB rvap? ',a;nq, acrlle8'slurgrnl'ogtno :a)lqmt' e9 '['u Tr,tür gns CAhl ää§] ,Totu, acrlSue :rmrull '79 '89 Z9'dJo ur8reu puEtl-l;al aql uI pauäsul aru I9rgs saul'I '.raulosog, acr11e3 :ranZa 'gg




/ Brao atua'J, sntseto aF.:: ta sdo ulepl tsa ta sal rrE .lnegu :(o3- 'r3- 'snfE:\



'eunual 'u'd saqE oali :zsegA :,elgesulseg, actlle8




'rrale^!r.lo, ac1lp8



:rsmln 'gf





'.?uoPunBgB aJf,ye,

'l' (§eIh'r"S),PPqC e:u: rn:ll3lP runoqf, f,oH '.u:.1.

:stryrr-totu:rongar,aar1le,ä'f,or{lecerl13rlq:Isegel§nuelorl'l'f,at{laf,tq:x!rC'§§ '.eulosnq, acrlle8 : l,zalse8ep,'** -'r,-'sntse8a rwsafia

tsasa8a' ttW 'eg

'rautaru sroq, ac1lp8


'.tuelB lue^e, ac11p8 :mnn( '79 pua8re 1al aÄauou ap, ac11p8 'sa cal{ :nrau l,lue8re aP, :Ispa 'I g '.llarp ep, acrlle8 :ronba l,lutrttqr ap, ac111e8 :ronba 'Qg

'ß619l' ' 'Dntilord 'raWIE/X\) ,era taplrsod ellnur anb era lse snlad llN, snsral luatnB aPun 'BultuoP ponb uap 'era 'Bra 3eH '8, 'slJlrtararu snllll 'l' tw{ßtll 'Lb 'ufreur puBrl-tpl eg ul pappB sr aurl slqf ',allBl, sf,lP )eytzrt)tp llalPeP, :rmyp '§l 'äul^Jp'r' :arp leunl p^ aUBIC ',1' t?tllJllos zqayd 'gb ureplnb'Fgl1 ra alaod urapsnrnc 'u'd :sroc :lqlu la^ uou la xlfi 'bb '.lerBc,


uo fueluauuoo aqr ur De: autl aqJ'(889'll '1?I\\ .: -Brnsuaru epuaqard onb :.r'. te ureuoue tagard rnb all: Lt

ul l8l8xa




§orPsul urgujrue.

uBIInu lun^r^ crs .rruu :srlnua8 ltunp- 'sp- 'snFxrr








lewgo: 'alegger'.

100. Misi dicunrur homines Misie regionis. 101. metisz: hec meta'merche'. 102. Hecnwlus,'pomer'; malo: gallice'men vol'; malel:hec mala,'jouwe'. Hec mala, male est pars faciei, unde Lucanus 'stat contra forcior etas / vix ulla fuscante casam lanugine malas' (Plrars. X,134-5; wi:üt nrnfor cosam). L03. malun*: hic malus, 'mast' [see MED sub nrast n. (l)]. 105. rwlez: hec moles, gallice'pesauntyme'. l0?. mor&: hoc morum, gallice'mourer', anglice'mulberie';43 omigdde: 'amandes' (Diebv 53).

nwwl:.i. expecte; flisvl, adverbium. t09. nwa: vel ua;nwrmtm]: hic et hec et hoc merens,

147. ppel:.i. admiro ve j : 148. putetT: puteo,.re-i, g? 149. poht: gallice 'planie: 'puit'. 150. leao:hic, 'lechour',; 151. pawsz: hec,'penul'.

t5z. fu olla, vel ob illa;q', 153. qnquc2, est proJuce

videns, / stride[re] sq 154. hbunina .i. gustamin 155. rosel: gallice'rose'l


de mereor, rnereris, 'deservir'.

110. Ne sis: vel cum. 111. minarul: 'manesant'g 'manacer' (Digby 53); Gragrs: a gregeis. ll3. nwroswz: 'targant'. Morosus cum prima producitur, in mala significacione ponitur, unde Persius 'Cum morosa vago singultiet inguine vena' (Sat. YI,72) et Ovidius idem dicit 'Nec tibi morosi veniant fastidia morbi' (Ars Am. tI,323). ll7. u: vel me. I1r8. fiwuf:'menacer'. I 19. P orce:'destinez'. 120. Nerey: .i. illius dei marini.

122. rcnl: -tas, gallice'noter'. 123. Nisiz: p.n. regis. 125. Nothr.a: gallice'vent de shut'; notu.s: 'conu'. 126. Thay meretrix; niDP: niteris, nisus sum vel nixus sum, niti.

127, rutes: nato, -tas,'neger'; twtlw: 'naches', hec natis, 'nage§'. 128. wisz: 'of (Digby53). 129. wot ovas .i. gaudio, -dis; Tindorru: p.n. vel Tindaris .i. Elena. 131. Opis: illius dee que dicirur dea florum. 134. pbiszt illis avibus gallice'pyez'. 136. pilwnl hic pilus, 'peyl'; pilm?: hoc pilum gallice 'dart'; pihunt: 'dart' (Digby 53).

(Diebv 53). 140. Rane: gallice 'sauterole'; palrul: hec, magna aqua; palruz, .i. calofurcium; fpalrul, est pila pes pontis, 'dik', pila ludus, pila tabema; fiolhsz: .i. 'pel' .i. 'stake' (Digby 53)1.1' MS London, British Library Royal 13 A IV f.83r glosses pala

with'plate, scotele, rynghole'.{

142. Scorn: a meretrici; Plu.e/: placo, -cas, 'peysit'vel 'playsit'. 145. Pe*:.i.lacini.

146. Pope[ßl: hec, gallice 'popler'; popellusz: hic, et dicitur de populus, unde Oracius: 'vilia vendentem tunicato scruta popello' (Ep. I,7,65).

11 45 46

See MED sub mll-beri(e. See MEDsub fuh3(a). See MED sub djclr(e n. and OED sub srala sb.l. See OED sub plate sb., sorrJe sb.1 and ringle sb.l


t57. rulr:nthr rudere e"r 'cable'. Hic rudens pr Laxavere sinus' (Pi;: 158. 159. 160. 161.

refer*: .i. disar, gal.r

Ypodoma: p.n. mulrer Romulus et Remu-r i: rapisz: hec rapa, gailr,

166. coagula, gallice'cc,r ., vestis; sirum2: hoc, F 167. securiz: hec securis, ;

168. mihi: vel tibi;seri: g: 169. seral: gallice'serue';' 170. Hoc serum gallice '::. pingui' (Geozg. I I i .-r,'

171. secwisz:hec,'covne', 173. sitisl: sitio, sitis, sirir': 174. Mars: deus belli; sri 1?5. sripesl: stips idem c.: stipis era neget' (E, P 176. seniz: senus, -a, -um e t77. Tr: vel dum. 178. scabitl t scabo, scabis,

138. penunl:'celer' (Digby 53); Peruß: penus, -a, -um idem est quod affricanus, unde Lucanus: 'Peni saturenrur sanguine manes' (Phars. I,39). 139. pilel hec pila'pelore'; 'ball'* (Digby 53); DibT: hec pila'taveme'; tabeme



porcus attritas arbole

Luriliu Suirm, lit:e 1970), p.230 no.33 i Gramntatici l-attri li costis.

l?9. Qub:

vel qui; soles::

180. mmrc: 'pense';

l8l. snural:


srarllrus, .a, . 184. tawz: hec tena, gal1ic 185. trudesr:hec truda er i 190. thytna:.i herbas er t-., mum, 193. tricisz:'ruez'.

195. paste: 'pu'; uqgisl:gall 196. wmisl: 'soc' (Digby 5


See OED sub

fut sb.}l.l.

'l'Ii.'qswq gnsoao

'(t§ /qAC)


.3os, :zsltuort



'.selqarelB^\, ecrlp8 : !,nd, :a1sr( '96I rsr8rn.,ranrr:t:*


-Ä91da rrulf,IP §oU snlnJ Bqraq rnlIJIP u:nuÄrp cog 'sarog 1a seqrar{ r :onrgyl '06r 'snor eurs llnf,ra^ snua8 tsa ta spn:r f,aq :Isaprul .E8I 'u:ap1 a11ar1dec 'r8r ta ,sa3i(oc, aeryle8 'euet Jaq :zaua tnlo)s lurn.' B.'s runtet s i to Jnlols .I8I 'rac;3;ced 'r ifryas !,asuad, :auaut '08r '

o8euÄ 5eg





lrnb laa :rrn§ '6Lt 'spso,

il,q.Lo saunnc vnlrld rn ruaqns :/09'd '(§E8I 'aersdrl) il lt41t7 l4rourunr.D 'llax'H ur zueH'p3 üi'x'rflrl uBlcsrrd ur palonb §l1I'Iee'ou otz'd'(016I 'uaple"l) | VaL'1n»1uDt» lavr? uar 1Psfl?e W lpstl';r?wl 'llatltos snllJn'I eas 'snrlr3n'I urory u/r\Blp tf,B, ur s1 uollelonb aqf '.selso3 aroqre setrnte sncrod tn tlraqeJs, :sntneld apun' ' ' .rato{, acr11e3 areqef,s'lqecs'stgers'ogef,s :r?rgr?s .8ZI .LLI 'lunP

'(sg'-. :: apun 'snlndod ap

r-::r: :';'.i'

ap4 saso18

:gc: 'l' -s'::1: a-

.a1ets,'I' ,läd,


'r' ':


aruagel l,euJa.\ej .

e':: ::'

'snue:qge ponb l:t:i]:-


'xas ap rnllclp la tIIn- 'e- 'snuas :zrllrs .9 LI

',asnonuua1d, talgral:(Ot','l d'A) ,te8au E]a srdlls srnb an8rxa, :snrprlr6 apun 'spaue8 lulural rsa snlaqo ponb uapl sdus :rsa(üs '(gS,(qBtO) rr.teg, Ie^ secprad l,zned, a:r11e3'so1ed'r' :,sapas:r11aq snap:srrJ^{ 'r' rArl!§ 'srlrs 'oErs :tsrr,s '.JIAS rO^8, aCrlieä laa Ordne '(gE ÄgEtO) .aurn], l,auÄoo, 'f,aq :zsunras 'snpre.l 'r' run- 'B- 'sruas :zurruas :(9Or'lll '?trtag)',rn8urd ores ecsed, :snrp8rln apun'u:euud rldpoe aronbrl ord ,1eu, acrlle8 rurues ooH '(gS &arc) .rol, :.aruas, acrlle8 :,rres



-' snu.'

snur s





:11ßr, lunrgre^pe',prel, ac111e8 :zores :lqlt Ia^ ',euÄof, , a:r11u8'sr'lnJas )ag : dJ:rcas 1r






s1- ,oraed



'Lqt '99r 'b9t


ae1lp8 :ryo(

ilV) .lqrou er::,r-. 'sraS;:-+

'.JI^Jasap,'speraru loal



.§epuBuIB, :ayop8rutt -,: .a';


.I9I '0§r

',t1nd, ,.,zelue1d,





ftL'l1 't S) ,Bue.\ aur^-+r' auorcecglu8ls eleul u: j



:li§:, ffi:äI ;äl.ärf i.ä:::nr#ffi

\l1fiü:ouJo 'l'



.CLI 't Lr .OZI

'69r '89r

'99t .I9I


o.{ : ur,ols,

'(tg ,saqer,:,za^Bu, acrlle8'eder carq :rsr4rz '.uorr^ua, acrge8 'snurar ^q8!C) )lgizovJal,:turuenJ saDerJ sntuag la snptuog '09r 'r izstyat lsuarlntu 'u'd mtnpoQy '69r 'sltf,l^ slt3are: Ia^ '.tere^lasslp, ac11p3't@srp'r' : gnlat .8EI ' ßZb' S'srrld) .snuls ara^ExB'I :snuBJn'I apun 'etdeuoc eur.rd eproc ord suapru f,lH '.olqBc,

setuepru pas

acr 1e3 7*xusru r,rueulscar,

'Bep'l' :zr?U lerclrlrJes eunuasn8 'r taßLmql .(gL-LL.g.O.sorJnsns arnB sossllrlp lazr Elarces [er]eplrs / .suepl^ anbonb olJal ur tun1, :sngruoruras u! sn!f,ug epun 'epuacnpord xa :rmbonb

',srnb ausa, :ltanb le11l qo p^ $flo qD ',1nuad, 'laql.rsxod

',ace1d,'crq :rsnuqd llnoqf,el,'crq

acrlle8 's1c- 'ocsed ap

'(urzsr::: etuBrsry BIIn xr^ / saa .r: ceH',a.trno(, 'eleur 'elBuJ

',rand, acr11e3,ga]-,6a1nd :a1aad '8ür 'eded cn1 :ra(n(:rorp.rpe Ia^ ourupu 't' :raW .LiI


§Isl.Ivgul.lvcltv]^{}^{vuc snoaNv'I'I3csu^{




Serlo's poem is one of the earliest in a long series of treatises on e4uiuoca which It is believed that Matthew of Vendöme, for example, wrote a double poem dealing with both sytorlyno arrd equiuoca which John of Garland revised. The poem is sometimes identified with rwo works which are well attested in insular MSS, but often cransmitted separately, namely the treatise on synonyms beginning Ad nwre rw vdeq ladces defme urlxw (\t7alther, Initb 37 4) and one on homonyms beginning Argrurns .d .to Cesar uel 'r.et'.sis haleto (\Ualther, Initia 1767).+8 The ueatise on synony?ul is variously artributed in the MSS to Geoffrey of

Sub mukis plure. Et fieri semper, c

pose problems of attribution.

Fallimus hinc a,:i F.stopus i[d]circc Equivocis ab un:'

Significat mulms Univocum sicur l Equivocum cela: Quorum nomen

Vinsauf (Enchindion), Geoffroi de Tiani (Enchiridion) and Matthew of Vendöme, and seemed to Haurdau not to be in the sryle of John of Garland.ae Interestingly, in those MSS in which it is followed by Augrutru -ti -to it is not attributed to John of Garland. In those MSS where it is so attributed it is frequently followed by a different set of homonyms beginning A nnmm sigrw, üahitw, profuau, utntmqte (§Ualther, Inido 5$.'0 Nevertheless the treatise on synonyms contains much that reappears in other works of John of Garland and its introduction, whilst carefully explaining the difference ber'ween synonyms and homonyms for the schmlboys at which it is directed, does seem to imply a single work divided into two parts. ln MS London, B.L. Harley 683 (s.xiii ex) f.2r the introducrion runs:

Quisquis abundare cupit [MS capit] in sermone ladno Atque reservare, que mens cito lubrica fundit, Eligat e multis hinc mutatoria vocum. Ut diversimode rem significabit eandem, Edocet equivocis opus hoc, sinonima [MS nomina] junge[n]s Venibus et rithmis, ut vocum copia derur. Exemplis variis brevis, et producm, docerur,

Diversa celanr

See B. Haur6au,

Norice sur

les oeuvres authentiques ou suppo#es de Jean de Garlande',

NE 27,ii (1879), [-86155-54. le See above. For a list of MSS see G. L Bursill-Hall, 'Johannes de Garlandia - forgotten grammarian - and the manuscript tradition', Histofugraphia l-tnguirtica 3 (1976) [155-77] 169-71. In MS Brugge, Stadsbibliotheek 548, dated by de Poorter s.xiii/xiv, we have the Synonyrna on ff.lr-l4r under the tirle Er.c}rridi'on and the Equiwca on ff .l4r-27r x Seasda pclrs Erclwridiotis. The accessu.s to the former reads '. . , Tirulus talis esc Hic incipit Encheridion Galfredi, qui composuit hunc librum et novam poetriam et librum de equivocis, videlicet librum sic incipientem: Augracus -tj ,o. Alii dicunt magistrum Martheum Vindocinersem hunc librum composuisse et libros predictos'. The second treatise begirrs 'In hoc libello, qui est secunda pars Encheridionis, tanganrur quinque, scilicet . . . intentio sua est huiusmodi equivoca pertractare et pertractata minoribus publicare. Tirulus talis ese Hic incipiunt equivoca'. See

A. de Poorter, 'Catalogue

des manuscrits de grammaüe larine m€di6vale de la bibliothöque de Bruges', Reuu dcs Biilioüäquzs 36 (1926) [1 03-3 7] I 34. 50 See Bursill-Hall, Censres, p.295.


Ut mucro, glac;;

Nominibus rri'cu, Sed quia dacrili;: Qui lege[m]ru;.-

Quod breve lo16: De muhis l'arian:

Nomina sic porer

Particulis opus hi

Muhivocis prior,

Ut querenda


Hoc alphaben g;

This treatise on slnon)rrJ which are not difficult rc but even the earlier cc;r,

mo§t interesting copr :s College 385 (s.xiii) pp i extensive interlinear gls: ence§ are to the texr in Pl

[p.318] (15788) auspicor . gage I pugns: gallice porwrec de mer53 / (1581C)

(15828) exliwo, del ruer / [p.3z5l ( 1582D)




Natat in equore. Significat mpii;r

Ad mare ne videar latices defer[r]e, camino, Ingnicutum, densis vel frondes condere silvis Hospitibus quia pira Calabris, dare vina Lieo Et Cerehli fruges, apibus mel vet tima pratis, Poma vel Alcineo, vel mol[Ui[a] tlh]ura Sabeo, Nil vercrum tritis curo superaddere dictis, Set dare lac pueris, proponens parva [MS prava], pusillis, Quos solum ditant mateme munera li[n]gue. Sermonis tribuo pueris elementa latini, Quorum multiplicem lector preconcipe frucrum.





sadculum, anglice sedle; emissoriru: estalun / [p.3:l

[p.3291 ( 1586A) ostcl;rutr. uallurn: bayl / uimine: oser

51 The most likely


glosing. The supply of vem; paucity of Latin synonyms. sz There are English glosses

ff .lr49r where the commeni Salvo Vino composuit hunc don, 1973), p.91. s3 See OED sub urreck sb.] a



MED sub

lep n.

(2) ar




(il'"4qqnsCEI/{eas ß

Pue t'qs)Per't'rt gnsCAO




.uo1) safi7 sloo13s qsoiuE'aru:6'N aas'(.urn,gll cunq seq SI^{ arp) snctleruurErC snPtglegJo teqr q Äleluauruoc ar{r aläq^r ap snpLrJIEC,"lpy\,.pul ,proJxo (ax.s) (116ry .c.s) s8 uoueH .tuErsrl uerarpo{r sr{ ut



er{t sE eterurual aqr 1o ,Är1n:ulp, aqt ssa] ucaga: sassolS rElntrEure^;o Ä1ddns aq1 '?utssol3 roJ paeu er{r pef,npar JIa§11 su.tÄuouÄs 1o uot$ao:d aqr reqr q uotleueldxa Ä1a41 lsou rs


tolun (CL1SI) tiee'd] / raqcrasue iatltqüa (A98sI) I ;eso iarruil!\ 1 feq:utn1yoa (CgBsI) / rauÄe1 :qn8r (fl98§I) [Ott'd] / qf,Frse ecrlle8 :umlrß1so (V989I) 161'dl / rnslrprnur :snursrs I (C§B§I) za)nd mttau (g§8§I) [gZg'd] / unlBlsa i§tuasstl'tla (VgBgI) 7 rnadreq aorllz8 snpam{1o (3r8gl) {tZt\ / *depas acrlSue 'unlnf,rles :srqros (Ct8gI) i unqcnBJ ac111eä :som$ lsnladarec l,/lrn,4 (AZB9I) [EZg'd] / 33uns annec :orJuradsel} (CZ89I) lVZtdl / al8ng ao111e8 §\qnq / tam lap ioulxa (gZ89I) leZgdl / srnla8nf :sa'lo$üTog / ralÄe1dsa act11e3 :ntsmJo$ (CtgEt) / 6sreul aP sara (ilISgI) lz1gdl / asÄa a:r11e8 iaütaptssa 7 uÄod acrlle8 :mu8nl laBuB (Vtggt) [tZg'd]/rn11sÄo acrlle8 :sdttno ltauttap uoa(snr (ggtgl) [8Ie'd]

ap anbggrortqrq EI ap alE...a':; aeg ',ecoltnba

tumtdt:tn :: -: P:. : : r!+:

.orrtnba lpoumlnq rsa rsa rnb'o11aql1 coq u1,

uresuarnroPr4^ unal+:E;.t tacllaprl'$loatnbe aF u:.x--

,rrar{f,u:l lldtrut :rg lsa i=: Jlz-rll u uc .:r--^ i:r:.:



aql a^eq e^r'Alx1ilx;


',epuelJEC ap uP?- >c

?: =--

ILL-9911 (gtoi t E uarro8rol - erFuelrea

,i[u'r+;^. r

acr11e3:rq, e:o;rln?rd

:s/nolloJ §E arB (06-/19I '09I 'Id ur lxal eql ol erB s33u3 -raJar) sassolä rBInJBuraA 'fuetuau:uroc leutfueru pue 3ursso13 rBaullrelul e^l§uelxa sr eraqJ'uotpuat)nrl pappua sl Toi$ eqt aDLI/rl 9tt-8lt'dd (lttx's; ggE e8a11o3

ul Paulsluo3 ]B{r sl Ädoc Sullsarelul lsou, snrB3 pue alll^uoC 'aäplrqrue3 Sh[ raqtel aneq satdoc raIIrBe aql ua^a lnq ar{t ralel aW lO .r'sessolä reln3eure^ ^\a} 'Ä:ntuar gueeurJ eqt uror; alep sardoc Äueyn1 ,r'auturatap ot tlnlg;lP lou ere qclq,tl ro;'stxal passolS Äpuals;suoc tseal eqr jo euo s1 ru.r(uott(s uo asltBeJl sltlJ

!t .tt. i:



'opro teuturrrcsrp snurue8 naqetldle cog 'otrac e1näuts rntuentets ocol epuerenb r51 'tlpae Bretlt sred stf,oarnba Sopd sloo^Itlnry 'sngenp areldruoc rlnceld oog sndo srln3nrBd 'rrerf,osuoo Burluouls luruelod crs eulruoN 'rreJol aue snsJa^ tn'lue1rerr snlnu aC 'ueraarq un8uol la 'tecBld ue8uol azrarg pon§ 'pn11; sndo lsa snqrnb'suado runfry [tu]e8el 1nO ptetu BlnqBf,o^ Btlnur luns rorptoep ernb pag :nrecg;u8!s sar ruepea srlq snqlr snqFIuIoN SntB3oA Bun sar'srsua'snrpEIS'orcnu ln 'eco^ Bruruouls runun luBlec ssJeAIC 'euoner qns BIJI Jeq srueo rcrldpr ler13p31g 'epe ur terlel '3rar{ta u1 rapualds 'aronba uI teleN 'oll! qns Bsra^rp opBr'ruepl uaruou u:ruon§ 'acoa eruunld urapBe qns rEle3 uncorrrnbg :teuEls er.repcpred oruoq tnf,rs runf,o^run

$s[vau.I lvcllvhthtvuc

::----j g1,q u1 'srred oär orur E€r: re sÄoqloogcs atp ro_I :-.:.'.'.




;o urlof o] petnqpre


lBqr qf,n(u sulBluo3

?nhm$t 'rrunlod 't\,:: u Äq pamollo; Äpuanba::


ur l(lSurlsa.retul 6r'pu€':-rj

'äurgpue^ ro

^\ar+tB}\ atl

3o Äergoag ot ssl^{




4rp1tap1e4y) ooqal

PUB (ült rpru1 'raqr1e.1 uo esrleert arp Ä1aura: '.r' IIe^r erB r.lcrq^r $l.lo.r\ c.r-:

sruorler snrun ser salnur te?U1uEIS 'tuetslp eruluouls sl)o^Iun ge slcoarnbg onb ta ralllenb'arec[s]ou3oc ocr!J[p]l sndo lsg 'rsdr rnrurlp; slsd; qe ta 'solle rulq snurrlleJ 'snuetnd 'anburruald lg ponb 'raduras uerJ tA 'Eun gns af,o^ ruar u:eun sarnld snlnru qns


yo urlo[ tlcrq,u rcorrntr

'aldurexa ro; 'atugpua,\ -ic rlf,lr{Ä rrol}r?lba uo sasnre:








(158?8) s[rennus: a quo hec strenna gallice estren, anglice honsulless / (158?C) miaa: coyfe I ltrnfus urlure gallice s6 I piÜohm: gallice hlrre I frdcbt Ip.33Zl (1587D) pot / nmwt: srese / ansa' gallice [sic] handle I lp.333l (1588C) gestßnen: gallice contenance I efibramr espiur. feutre

Aptru convenier" Btaries animal. s


Vel tria, si reliq-r Awumo qui sperc Haurü consumir, Sorbet et exnecc:

are vemacular glosses as follows:

stilerdium: gallice soud (1586 (1583C) A) volue, uuichet /rn4gicdr: streye. corbelhts,leppe5T / [f.8v] [f.6r]

There are no glosses of any kind


Accipb enurrit, da

Quod hoc facit ac Hec adoiet, sigrur edn*at rescipir. .

in the text transmitted in MS London, British

Library, Harley 496? f{.l86ra-191vb (= s.xv). In MS Dublin, fünity College 270 (s.xiii/xiv) ff.1r-10r the conclusion of the treatise (marked on f.9v with the margi' nal note 'Explicit liber qui vacarur [corr. vocarur] encheredeon') is followed by extraneous matter (f.9v) and insertions of omitted lines (f.10r). There are no glosses, but at the top of f.9v has been written'sout nothus, est eurus' zephirus west,

Mqterwl re reipii Ast animad','enis Hoc anima[d]r'en

In vi pascivi nor:

Si sit deponer**, d Acusativum p'oss: A/icit informar, p

flat borias noftht'.

TlteEqwwco sets out at length similar sounding words (not always homonyms) which have different senses. The distinction of such words became something of an industry in the thirteenth century. Still unedited, theEquiwca deals as follows with

Arll;ar agit libros

Gratus agit grater

words begining with A:



Est etiam vector qui ve[h]it et ve[h]ytur, Est etiam spolium spoliantis ut est spoliati,

Vulnus agentis erit vulnus dic et pacientis. Antes prostantes tra[h]it antes filius Antes. Litera vel titutus sit aDex culmenve corona.

FE\f 12,294a and MED sub ha:uellen. There are other examples of this form in FEW ? ,424b. See n.54 above. See


sic circu

Ambirus est nom( Arcec qui remoi'ei Et acuens arcen-i. Arcru volm, sin;s

Augratu, -tus, -ui wlt divinacio dici, Mobile si fiat, argustru nobile signat,

Sum qui suscipior et qui me suscipit hospes,

ss s6 s7


-ti, -to Cesar vel mensis [h]abeto,

Augeo dat primum, dant gusrus avisque secundum. Awofavor, splendoL flarus dicatur et aer. Estobans mensa, metrum, capitale columb[n]e. Hec acus est sdbium, calamistnrm, subula Rome, Portula, ruricole, stimulos, pugioque draconis; Hoc acus est palea, sutoribus hec acus appta, Hoc aceris faciet, set acus dabit hic genitio. Est acies belli, cultelli, visus ocelli. Acu et indomitus, sevus, velox et acerbus. Dicitur ala p[h]alanx, acetla, parsque volucris. Est altu,m sublime, bonum, subtile, profu ndum, Est altum longum, nutritum dicimus alrum, Estque me nutrit et qui nutritur alumpruu,


Ambb dum cup:c

MS B,L. Harley 4967



[f.175r] Et loca sacroru:i

ln the copy in MS London, British Library Harley 683 (s.xiii/xiv) tf.Zr-llv ürere

f.3r] (15?9C) rcumuh, gallice cumbler / f.+d (tSg0C)


[f .17

Archirenens arcur 5vl Privarumque rene

Articulus numeru5

Articulus color


Momenrum arrict

Ast manum digin Argzrt ista facir, p

Argutum breve er Historiam, invenl

Ardeo festino, cup Ardea nomen ar'::

Assi&t indulger, Dicitur assiduus r. r

As, assis primum I Asceit affirmat, c. Vendicat, asserere Cum non sit norr, Temporis atque lo Hominis sit verbi,

There are particularly li Many of the MSS bracker I

a8uzr saluuE 'uourÄla.ro pro^\ aluBs aqt qrl^r SullBap seull raIf,BJg ggyq arp 3o Äuery PuB C sranäl aql {PI,t\ SuluulSag sPro/h uo suollf,e§ 3uo1 Äpelnrnred aru araql


'uarue leual runsues llgn^pe 'lqraa trs s1uluoH 'rool onf,unluof, f,oq ruep IJol anble suodual uauo lr[q]eu unulura8 serle'uau:ou tls uou tunC :arcarnba Jntrf, Jp eJaJasse'lecrpual anbre rerag! 1'rl8un1uoc'reurrtSye l.mry 'urnpunf,es anboepasse rlqep unu:r.rd srsse 'ry 'snsolPnls la^ §a^IP la^ snnPlssB In]lslo 'rn]elluJlsse'lapas utxnt'la8pput rTn§ry 'srg.rn rrur3rP uerrJou la srAB uauou raPJV 'ouJap 'oapualds 'ou:aro'oadnf, 'oupsa, oaprv

'urnluaunfue te]ou uaut!f,ads la unluaaul 'ulatrotstH

'ruruouos alpqns urntf,unruoJ te ä^arq unrnfuy 'tlpuaqardar ra tegord'rag! [q] ord'r 1cE ersl rafry 'unpad anbsnlncn:e snrrärp unuuru tsv 'snlcund la ernssard 'Jmra, snlnf,llJe urruueurolll 'ecar8 anbonb sred'aluq ruruqruaru 'tsa rolor snlnf,ruv 'sruec11dp1nur souap rad sruorunu snlrol{'w 'sueuetrqf,re JntlJIp suauat anbtuuealr4 'uref,rE tauat suauatlqcrE pas trln3rB slrzurllwrv 'suÄ snlnlrrcrures trs 'snurs 'Bllo^ s?4rrv


'tFe sn(c)luoorB orq epun'suacrB suancB tA suaf,rE rnt,rorp araSoc te taloruar 1nb ,arrv 'alednwud srurgrue'ueurou tse srulqurv 'op1dn: anblls ulou 'sntlncrlc Jrs oplgluv 'orlsnl olqtue rmplp f,rs 'ordnc urnp CIguv

'opldnc anbtrs etou :osnec



:olce tr8e 'ser Bnl rntr8e 'saler8 ry8e suerg 'souue rand 'sapncad rolsed'sorqll 43e nmy 'teu8;s BFr Jaq'tydnc'tlund'reurro;ur naly 'runsef, ara8unr 1nur1s rlssod un^uBsn3v anbcunt araurads reu8lsap'suauodap lrs

rpl/t\ s^\ollo] se sleaP


Surqreruos äure§.; (sruÄuoruorl sÄe.tr1e lc": ;



'lsan srurqdaz 'srune :sa

'Faloruar rotre^[p]B le3ou larcsed ra u1 'atueur Igp rnr;dlcrad ponb snrar[p]eu.rrue co11 'srund aragraa uranb urna ur sllrelpBrurue lsv 'suapuadar anb al uernc 'sualcldser al [oltaow


ou arB areqJ '(rCI ;l ='

Äq pamo1lo; sr (.u@F:u? j -r8reru arp Wl/tl uc :;

^6'J '::":gl7 a8e11o3 Ärpu1 qsplrg'uopuol SI\ ut i:

'seuaqB texel'plnbulpp'tldl3sar Ultuuipv 'lpsar'leu8rs 'lqo?o )aH

'leJJetrr anbonb 'leLuarf,

'urrunf,e r1y ponb pnllt raf,€ tlcE cog pon§ 'rlpne'r;drurp'lnuns etsp'llunua 441rray lllrllerrxa']BJ3auxa ra ragros

'aÄe:ls :srcrSau I


'r1q1q anbre

'lrpnB 'lual 'llnoBrra 'llpln'llrunsuoa WDH 'orrp'otnd rnb'oparc rnb'orads nb anntny 'o8rro rruer1p urrure qnblpr rs 'BIa la1




pnos arrlpE :u?lrA.radrt


rurrd opte rndec seclp ruruoroBs sool [rSf 'sBJrp Buatrurrs tuäpee'[sBInB 'IIm] sErB crp rulv 'llleq BuSIf,Bru anbonb runu8rs'luturue sap, tsa 'sudalr;pe la l1s snlelde'suaruaauoc mldy


^[ I-rZ




(Cggst) tif



,olt?p{ larng acrlle8 :un: ssallnsuoq ecrlSue 'ua:







from a single line for a particular word to more than six lines. Some of these entries recur in countless other reatises. The following passage is frequendy encountered in wo*s dealin g wirh e4uiuoca:

[f.179v] Glos, glossis, lignum verus est, de nocte serenum,

case of all school texts, there are various types of layout designed to make consultadon of the work easy. In MS Harley 4967, on ff.181r-185v (a different hand from the earlier part of the text), the headwords are written to the left of the text and boxed in red. In the marginal commentary lemmata are underlined in red. Red paragraph marks are also employed to sectionalise the text. On the preceding pages (ff.174v-180v), on the other hand, only a few headwords have been placed beside the text and the scribe has drawn delicate lines berween the sections dealing with a particular word and its derivatives. In MS Arundel 52 (s.xiv), which is not an insular MS, each section of text on ff.6}va-?2rb is marked by red and blue paragraph marks. The text ends: 'F,quivoca hec legique metri lege coegi / et libet illa legi pueris quibus ipsa peregi / atque libet dici lector quicumque fuisti / in capud Henrici veniat benedictio Christi'. In MS Harley 683 (s.xiii/xiv) the text of rhe Eqwwca occupies ff.l1e31w and the exphcit is followed by a short accessus:

Materie huius libri sunt dictiones equivoce nemine contradicente. Quid est equivocum? [Equivocum] est cuius nomen est comune, regulariter autem substancie diverse. Quid est intentio? Autoris equivoca peftractare et minoribus pupplicare. Iste liber est secundaria pan Encheridionis secundum literas alphabeti. Conpositus tiulus talis est et denoscitur utilis iuvenibus tirunculis gramatice non fundads.

/ kan le

corage ne est egtable?'.

The text of th e Equionca in MS Harley 683 is accompanied by an even mixture of English and Anglo-Norman items:$

f.20rl Augurtru (secunde declinationis): anglice monit5e I Augstus (quarte declinationis): angglice gestinge I deunorb: devinal I coharaw: peler / subium (con. sa-

special study, outside the scope of the presenr work, should be made of the 15th C. commentaries which contain English gloses e.g. MSS Oxford, Bodleian Library Douce 103 ff.85r-116v; Rawlinson G 60 ff.44r-7lv; Rawlirson G 9O ff.lr-Z}v; Cambridge Univeniry Library Add. 2830 ff.62r-75v. On the latter MS see D. Thomson, ADescripiwCo.talque . . ., pp.169-78. Some rexc begin with a prose preface 'Quoniam scüe distinguere sophistarum ampullas reprimit. . .', see Bursill-Hall, Johannes de Garlandia . . .'p.165, no.11A. The copy in MS Cambridge Universicy Library Ll. 1. 14 (s.xiv) ff.17ra-45va has a very full commentary on each line. The copy in MS Dublin, Tiiniry College 424 (D.4.4) (s.xv) ff.4r-68v ends 'Expliciunt equivoca a magistro Matheo Windocinersi composita et per framem I Hancok scripta' (a deeiled description will be found in Prof. M. L. Colker's forthcoming catalogue).

59 @

i.e. month. Augr,lsarshere mearrs'augury','divinacio'.



steringe6T [f.?lrl bd,ats, chabacleston 7o I htaic, ar

emflisur I


talun/calx (lapis

As in the

58 A

I fu'rlso-.

tongeil |aruns: velie65


Glos, glossis, li[n]gua, eius filia glosa, Glos, gloris, flos est, illius gloria dos est, Glos etiam gloris dicetur femina fratris.

There has been added a French proverb: 'Quey est horisun for ke fable

bium): emdiz6t


usrus), br

petit steleTs I [f .21v1 c,;r; enverrune llf .ZZvl hic rru duulus (fructus): darc I in:

bran / E.23vl problanw, put tedelE I corcwndo: schet-, drane / fau.tro: credilboni feiner / glos (flos): presre i crabbe huius arboris 6r ,' blaverale franceysü / j,.,g; men: eccleyr, anglice for.;




ff.25r1 tirrccra,


(srupri consiliatrix ) : bau,i.r, :


See FEW 4,651a'enduit' f.1r glosses acus with hoc snb mulieres soleant mungere fx:

62 Crespelet seems only to be 63 SeeOEDsubpbl,hsb:. 61 See OED sub ang sb.rl,1. 65 'vine shoots', see FE\( li wyne'.


67 66 6e 7o


7z 73 74 75 76 ?7 7E

See MED sub hirn(e n. See OED sub stirring vb,l. s See OEDsubpicko4 pid,. See MEDsub bil(eL(2). See MEDsub cobuncbn. See MED sub boh n.(1) . See DMLRS sub cauttnst See MEDsub hinea.(l) See MED sub clwlkn.I(d; The gloss is obscure, bur s See See See See

MEDsub ilen.(1), MED sub t}r.esholl MED sub }.rlthn.(a) MED sub crodcl n.l ( c .

7e 60 A miscopying of utlvefst.


6z 83

'dandelion', see OED sub

MED sub oken ad. an MED sub blanctn. an, 6'+ 'thunder' is obviously a m 85 See MED sub band(e-stroa 86 See MED sub airc n.(1). 6? See MED sub f dr'nes n.(p See See

'pereadar are $uel! erxos Shl

'Tora@n qns

'(§)'usar»1otl qns CAW '( l )'u a,ü qns CAr\



"iojls.?)?roq 'aIEtsSu e Ä;motaqo q


PtJe'v1?fl?lq gns

aas eäS






'ß|u q)yo pue'W uaD,o qns CAI/{ aas '.u^ror, (s,)rsa1rd, oOI' ilf qs ?sard qns CAO aas ',uo11apuep, '(7)'u ln/qns qgl^l p EurÄdocsru y aa5 its{aoyvn

'(o)l\p?D.D '(D)'u\uz\

'ala?s, qns


0I9'l 1I

1h1K pup


qns qns



aas aas

t8 e8 58

m €s zg tB 0s 6L


13'äl::31il::3 ti aq1

rnq 'amxqo s



.r",;:}q:kxl:3xä ::3





eas ',sroogs




§ Ls




'(an?olerer Stnutolr.ir:. -. --; Iof,ueH I ruene{ :a'j :a :: i sPue


s, .-


^89Fri', Ärctuauluor IIry.ua.\ E *-- :' Ädoc aq1'y11 ou 'c9- : runrel$qdos a:anFu:s: :::'i '' ''ano1vto3 zrrr*^-sa- ; Ärtsaatun aSpr:quel'.---: COI

arnoc '.ue-:qt- :rE:>-]:.: al{r Jo rPsu.r }: :i-r:

'3 qrsl


'(D)I'unaW gnsCgy{ eas ,L (il'uauw qnsCAy{ ees €L 'putntaTnn qns SS'IWC ees '(ü'uryq qnsCAy\ aas u qns Cgy\ aas ol

agl;o ur8reur pueg-lqtp aqr ul 'Z'ü apurqn) .anoa{pue

'gs '1go Sruras qns CIAO .u a)uru qns Ceh[

aÄ;o sarlruerq, a^Er{ SSr{ q{13u9 ralel aql;o Äue61 'bs


-4S 'lJof,)

urnlr:! :;'):

-euIIceP at:en'C' :-J,-:i:'=

,o arruxru ua.\a uE

el uel






::-j 'i-;'j



'r'gs a11ard qns CgO aes €s '*twunumlocfuitrelsueJl aagr:afpe uB sE pa]sarB ag or Äpo suraas laladsa,r3 zg '.sens salre, ara8unur tuealos sararlmu onb urntuan8rm uepponb, sB tr saugap puE .er{rJats arryäue urnrqps rorl qr!/§ mco sasolE :17 uosr4l/heu 'ÄiErql'I uEralPog 'ProJ*o sh{ 'zoc'l'f 'IL PuE .rlnPue, EI99't ä\gJ ees e 06


srln)urun snqrua.lnl s-' seralrl runPun3es s:ul snglJouluj la alEllp;>: -qns ruetne rarpelr-A: ' f§a PInÖ'elualrPF*::'j :


:uawnl l"gz'il I rs euf,B{, umln4ruT / es atau :ilal / 5s}oaslpnBq :(xplerllsuoc pdnrsl ,uel/ elaprog :umt*nls / parg:e?lrl/ grrod twoltoüD / plalg:srurul, [rgz]l/ 1äIor :rr4ts14 lluauatue^e :ornntm{ / puBgllpaJr 'rllls:tll l*rpuo{ acrlSue tÄa1cca :traur -1r{/ s11o11og tsa.](l/!$ / adrBrl :(runtuar.un.I]sull xTnl I ?{J,l':oant I osÄacuerl elera^elg 'pa/holq 'r :sn:rrt4to{ / crcts :xq lttyT'11 / auro3eq :setmß / zssFoqre snlnq aggero auuaToq 'pl elB^\aprof, 'pl te Buer BqlB 'l' qlrS / E guruoc alsard r(sou) sq8 I IeuleJ :oBwl [tp7'11/ osl§tJarFq :mtuml / eqf,r8 'tnot :xnuoll npuoqllperf, o$nol / auerp :mtnl I a?ap fipo luetq:nlnl lyagauoy :ruorrf / tuaruesa^erps iotJoutnfln) / Bl aper -s+aq ffi)o! I II>ps :x1p17 latBq :(Bqun =) ,qults 7 assodrnd m)ano$ [^ezj / uBrq


aqr Jo rxar


rJIruaH pndec ur / psr:: ar8al BIII raqtl r3 / ISec: :-ered anlg pue par 19 i"r

ue lou sl



;;' :

snrsrad Jo


'.rntlolp apua8 sl. x1llc ceq la ctq, utSreur pwq.lqftr a$ *r .(ü'ttt/€.a,1l) qns Cgl^{ €S srr


ltlb'i I selaqror ecnp8 :ooüts laSeE ac;11e3 :otorßfi | ndnoe acryle8 lrorreps / ra§ues acrlle8 ouzJD / {lef,sareu ',1' spqq / rrnbs ao;lye8 :slssnu, / sunsBur turuuto?Dl

/ srqgero niltw / eqf,B ol4o [^ü'tl / gddoc acrlle8 :§ir.{/luJ/,J / saurag [crs] arrlp8 ouo I aJlngu :tot7nos / Ialnes :maos lreq3er :ofugxa / rmalem acrl8ue :yqw lt}t.il / arrlSue llwoa :ofwtp / srlop[uB] acrlleE :eflry / IroU :m1po [a6E7] 7 auarSSa acrlle8 :sr&roo ra1 :F.lod e' addot acrlSue ,ac;1p8 oo1 :snl& "lrLmua 'rauod 7 / / addm ac11p8 :ü@ I le7rß iuruo ac1lp8 ralaq:uaun laddec actlp8 :oQQtt I .rsrqqrus ,acryp8 sruneqo lr' ,souqn? spag srag :sr8z/ / ,r,ac;pue alqapFcs :(pr snpetlB Ie^ sllsa^ 'ac1p8 / / etag]a acrlye8 :snpd /

s8rltueJ]xa) s!+l [^gt.J]

astllB8 :a1aqd acqq acylaue ,r, [rgt'Jl / auÄssoru

rdod'elaEp'l':r(E l^Le'il l,r,auÄssoru aor11e3:(snFdru8ur)

:so&nyo! sepaq tm?uoo sÄauap aqf,Eq ap :ruuQq / / l^ge.i I apes acrlle8 :snprs ,a:un lsenb orqons [tSe.il lrpa;u ac;11e8 ;nunsatl^2e.il / rapre :ot8o1l larrnb ac11p8


^BlEq -frs alatoqrn ac113ue' (i) urruouropy seudurnllof, E:qxa (un-rBrseloca Fetll / Ie^ sred e11t to.L?exe I^Ze'!l I alawd :oyruar1 7 Äaryaq ac1y1e3 :nyql\d / .0, snarÄa iu.ürnrl / ädBu :aQosrw8 / prEqsoru :n(rr.üs / tagln B :st4i?p / §eJnq ,mßry Vzrll I $rrntBq acr11e3:oüotrrluns / yaed arrlp8 :ofows eqrras e / [c1s] acrlpE :oBoput / uuq acrl?ue'uer ac11p8 :mtosfll trIt;] / uÄdad acryleE lurfueru puegaq8;r) ,uröd arrlp8 :oruuooqwoq/ uuor xqwq1 aunr acr11e3 :zruarru runnncD

uaue8 arrlp8 :rpässa aaglle.E rurupnec spl 1 ,r, / x,arys I [crs] acrlp8 :sr(rurs ltgz.i I arlrcy ecrle8 .mqolo / sroue8 acr11e3 :osp,ß ,r, [967 snlopoatp] Intz.tl lpproq :xnrlo,[ / ra8nay ,q4t{ l*,alua8 :strtltC F;ZI 7 rnssard acglp8 tntßw t^gz.ll lraÄed :oc -ol$lttor lsanq :srraduroc / raruos acrlp8 :ounp lrgT'11/ ranlEua nq Vbz.Jl/ ,r, ralaalc

arll8ue 'ac;11e8 9np :w11qo | ,rr alnog a:r11e8 :olwa4s l"tZ'il e1g acrlEue nuq t Fez'il I 9n1B :szrg / auÄ€qu8ld ac11p3 :ossqSowo I^ZZ.ll I Jf,Dnpuß:?olmta l4atq:fion 1t77.11 :s,tlollg se sassolE telnc rr ral surstuos txet at1l .seull gg ]noqB suB^\ rl q rerl 'errnb- ep pua aqt:e Äpcayadurl saqsrurJ u,nymnhy et1l .(Z 19 ür Äpcal



t{sltug'uoPuo'l S;\ 'ir .fl'-t'-






I^69')l laIzus :.aaf1ar: ?

.ralqa llorq 'uns": I des -

:mrryo$ /



nyrcryn lactlSue aitS :, r:;: fltmquns 7 rndocsa :/r]-?--I red :mssrcxa /;pseq ,'1=

:urop.mn§ns tsa Bqrau

/ "" l^99'11 I [crs] auDuua ce :snrr{ =;

tsttxqo /


rÄd :snqd / zagxnu




lafuaqmo.us 'säs..,:

ue :s,grur,

/ [arnpoqua r-

red :snnrrc I aPu+:

isnuoJts :s1zd

/ sararlnu sa:^':

/ plco>1 aorl8ue 'a::

Fegll /JÄerr :sqos I T:.-: l^Zg'll lässrg :urzlqu swo) / arqiE--:i j 'aJqurnBJ

9Äauer :("rs) Aorsodr,' to::


'3' rerareqc :r3unr



/ 6sz tTtlrJcassÄ1c acrlSue'xa' 'B'ezep:Dt1p /'3' [r]; a: [ntg:] / pf, e alep :sru?:r-l

se suru rlf,tq^l §fl§§art ue $t/r\ pap;aord st Llz-egldd (rllx's) gg1 a3a11o3 snre3 puB alll^uoo'a8plrgue3 SI{ ur paurEquof, lxat ag1'nO1u',$w) sltbrlC arp se u^\ou1 paryomar sem arttouttuoß wnauduroS ey1

[nfg]l / luaruaon!:d :'rtr : ua dod ap '8' :ut:r-.? / ^od '3' :sz-.J :ob [tgg'11/ aqcor


rsa8lp e ur puBIrBC 3o

urp[ Ig

'aruour :§ußut (ezi'e\ uz ntuat :otlutJp (§Bf e) aursrnb 'euJdod :Nrtnx (ege'e) / / 7aplo8's' :uD?os (gtg'e) [BrgII.}] 7o,rsa11oq.tdod:ooo4o4 (t9e,e) / secse^.s. :snrl] (Bsg'e) / 60z saf,!f,s ',!' itu)D (9§f e) [g^/I I ]] 7 *aplo8 :ummbaslos (a8ud 3o urolog) :flru/,t/iu.l3 (60e't) / apeur :qtos (1$l'f) / nes te-t:p,tqilos (egz'e)

/ alauBl



rBln3Bura^ 3u1no11o1 agr Äg peruedu:oc

-cB sr 'f,te sqnrqs 'seau qt1a\ Eulleep oru{oßotusoa aqr ruog tdracxa aq1



nd :nQns / '3' znsap :eC ; / '3' arsa.rc :arln I '3' g:ua \rruwu! VSr[ lrar:aua Fnäi lno; acrlp8 'aq:aq tsopolt I urÄeu '3' :üJ1sr,L'. / '3' 1prer :tnuzl4 Dtolu 1 ) ec111e3

sanrlrd nt :uaramu f ,r







6, M:S

I lp.Tl7lbrmÄb, kivil / saceljus: sachel I sthiwn blaunchet I urt,i dever I zts / [p.218] lavrc,utn lavur / [p.219] gnphes, gripis anglice 216 Bare I petißwn: bussun I nrcewm, puddingis llp.T}}lloeacri lavur / ticio: Eysun I s1irum: eschine I lp.1zll tswra: templis I lp.Zl3l collhia gallice daynt6 I lp.ZT6l tew'uts: anglice crampe I tlegbotunid *go€. un crespe

luinia: pan, anglice

From MS Cambridge, Trinity Crllege R. 3. l8 rwo further texts are of interest in respect of vemacular glossing. The pseudo-Boethian De disctplino scolsriumzt? is found on ff.1r-l lv with tle following vemacular entries:2r6 (1,2 -94115) rzsttatwni decul€ I $,2-94116) bnpedem, clop / (I,13 -97115) finbräs: frenges I 0,17 - 98/15) succinlclm esscuc6 / (1I,3 100/l) pompas: bobans / (t1,6 i00/18) fulbutimti: babaund / (II,8 -101/17) zeloapis, jelus / (II,l3 l03l16) mutil* 10519) ornl* 10415) pedults: pingunys I limbuist hurl6s / (lII,3 r,o: pincd I $1,14 nru: curtiller / (ttt,g -10?16) fulgm esclayr / (lV7 -110/10) cedillomt un scrouet / (IV8 110/20) ronaori mussur / (IV8 ll0l23) auxiona'iw regrater / (IVl7 114/10) cestrrs: de talva, lfulminacio: le ecclar / ros: la rosay / (IVl9 missiüum: de gavillocs ll7l5) euaparauit: enchaufa $Y,35 12016) QV,Z1 t2213) inWtttur: arettd / (V8 12214) slealari: de apotnsariorum: espicerys i (V8 bouters zre / (V8 - 17719) scrinia: cofirs / (VI,l0 lZ5ll9) ciruillulo: la tencel / (Vt,tO 12615) spectaculis: bourys zrc / (Vt,t3 126171) expbrmnbus: espiauntis I (V1,27







13212) linw: de la fyl


I (Vl,Z1













- l31l4) cirris hyrsuris: le jardrice, top of hare.

Following the De discipliru scolarium there is a text of Ovidt

Heroi.des 44va)zzr which ends at XIX,228. Here, too, there are vemacular glosses:



(1,26) NaAs: de pays I 0,71) detnens: enrag6 / (I,104) are: de la porcherie / (II,80) upistratis: chevestres I $11,64) creß1eri.i. comburer I $V,ZZ) de grege rzptus e4ß: .i. annenro, hanz | (1V48) timpuw: 16 mbon / (V19) maculis: per maylis I N,47) ultws (corr. ulmus): oumel, illa arbor.

Another copy of the De üsciplhw scolaritmt which exhibits vemacular glosses is found in MS Cambridge, Gonville and Caius College 136 (s.xiiiz), pp.235-58 (ending incomplete at

IV26-ll6/18). According to a note at the beginning of the

2r5 See MED sub gor(e n.(2)2(a). The gloss on this line ('Asserir ut prudens hora est lacinia vestis') has 'Promatheus'above pruderu and at the end of the line 'Dicit Promatheus occupat extremam clamidis lacinia partem', which is drawn from Nequam's versified Corroguiorws Pronetfui (see below pp.Z4?ft).

2t5 See MED sub crip(e r(3). 21? liggl6 is known about the origins of the work, but the editor Olga Weijers, ed. cit. suggests a Parisian origin and a date of c.1240. There is an unpublished dissertation (see DA 34, p.3367a) by H. E Sebastian on William of Whetely's commentary on the De disciplina within the context of medieval grammar-school education. 218 References are to the divisions of the text followed by page and line numbers in lt7eijer's edition. zl9 S€e note 142 above. 2rc See note above. 221 The text in MS London, B.L. Burney 219 (s.xiii) has only one vemacular glos, f.22v (XII,2 I ) exprofrlore: reprecher [sic].

work 'apellatur liber isre nacular glosses are as foii lp.236l 0,3-9 4,20) hjtr:r,

(t,r3-9? lt5)) ü,(re I,l5-9815) 'r.ay;



[pp.242131 (II,8-10 1 /1 ? ) creaunsours / [p.2a3] (ll,



lp.245l (II,13-1i.

gallice amemenr / (lllJI lp.747l (III,,1-105/1 i ) ie sunt, gallice relef / [p.]-' exceceti enveglit.

'lll8a^ua ilx)tJxa

(ttlglt-S1'AD [8§Z'd] / sB^alBr :§ru§a, (OI/,II-6Iht) [gSZ'dl /Jalar arrlle6 ']uns vteptr4ryuzlI,.sgw'aynfip,'uruauao$ ( - ) [e§Z'dl 1a\:sml Q1l§oI+'tII) lLbl'dl I rellror ts'mpptn (dSOt-f llt) / ?trerua :vuutmotd (8/§0I-f ru) / ruauau:e ae11p8 tlurtllatil.n fiAtO1 Z'W) lgnz'dl l arpuÄar :anaJlo (6Ile0I-tI'ID IShZ'dl / rllqeJ -ue:rontzto (8I/zoI-I I'II) / llsrnPua wlqe[!] (8I/Z0I-I I'II) [t]z'dl / srno§unBers


twr§ry{?D (61110I-g'Il) snolaE 'snaradoc :st$lqat (zIlIoI-g'Il) lel?.nz'ddl arrr(lr§o3 :mr.u (9/OOI-,'II) [IrZ'd] luäuraurol :ttm potlt (§/86-gl'l ar) / auorp acrlEue 'eroletu ac;1e8 nnt QllL6-'I'I) / tro, ttTotop ((gllL6-tI'I) l6ez'dl / ässenqil e!§r.{,]wp (OZ'96-L'l) llez'dll zrunef acrlp8 a)yal!\ (OZ'r6-e't) lgel'dl


-ra eqf

'.ru n



urn lncad






s,:afta6y r.rl sJaquJnu at:.tl :uE

ulqrp rundow eC aql x: .-. 'le Ve aas) uous]ress:; r+''1, 'pD 'srefla.!, ei;' . slseSSns

l r:rr: "'

satntm&oun3 peurs:a.1 ;. -:ledneco snar{reuroJd ErurrPI tsa EJoq suaFr.i: :- : -

aql;o Euruur8al a,c :z ;:gg-se7'dd ,(3ltrx s) gglBlnfeule.l r::.'; sr sassolS

snufn (Lt'h) / sr1Äeu rJ , 't' isnba mtiot a8aß T (::. (08'lI) / auaqoIod BI ap ? :sasso13

-^II_+J) Wor2H



S,PI.\C .i

'areqJo dol 'a:.::: LZ'IL) / sllunerdsa :sr:;:--

0I'IA) / Ieruat Bl :qnitff ap:uoyoa4s (t/ZZI - S:\,

(glozt-grAI) /Eln8qr

/ relsra a1 :anoununl


- f IhI) / raruSa: :!'?ii.ra-.


tanor?s un


:urfrpa, (!.'


- ['ut)

=.,: olrytur (qtleOt 9'II) / suBqoq :srÖ,uC '


:snrottul (SlltO



fl'il\ I'l\ :--



uzumlruto)s rt41fuqp a Jo aJE $xa ra(L;

ul l§eDlu!


g ruaror Erua.,, .,,o"

* np., nt§ti*

:H ;üJi,,ä';:J;



/ 9lu{ep a / Jrr.le

truotn(s 7 unsÄr :oprt

,,,acrpue srdu8 :sa$f8 [6. / Ia^ ap :utr6 / taqf,unelq :


:erF".trh*" -

1, üh-

s)oogcuo/a, AI


W'unr I'lqt

aqt q uoltlpe s.raler{f,S ro sraqunu aSed aqr or arE esuean s.ruepv Jo rxat eqr Suru:acuo: saf,uara;er IBf,uerxnu dpnrs ruasa:d aql ul '('-Z€I'dd uo uotrdrrxap SI^{) B-Z8I'dd'(906I 'pa ta,tog')'[ Äq 'druo: lrrsaora41- Io K-C1 'p,rorxo) uorllureH'C'S q ^er § n8oyoo3 ut parur:d sl loqqflC lot4or13 gt u:! laoosat! n$nmwy1 Os'ö IErpeqrEC rarsaf,rol1\ SI^l lo ruog eslrEart s.u.repvro ruaur8eg V '88'-98, '(lOOt ) 9e DruDund ',a8e11o3 snleC ra alll^uoC 'L1 a8p;qure3 ap sre5ueg slyrsnuEur sa1, ':eÄa;4 6 Äq perulrd are 9[I a8a11o3 snreC Pue el1^uoC'e8plrgrue3 SI^[ uro{'sasso18 qrr,n 'erer]xA 'lg-gt'dd 'dsa'(1691 'sue6) jg sosxg ,a sanroN '.elEuolteN anbqgrouqrg Bl ap sulrq srlnsnuerx sap tl8ül or?ulnu el rns acltoN, 'ne,arneH 'g :161-611'dd '(1991 'ftzd1r1) ostrtur{ sasop olcarw gnqn4rr.lr.d?nedtptltw D urr,raN aryw1v 'apwytogep watTp sa,1ot1§or1 :ap?rs {IlXrT p aIIXnP awrqa.nlilot8ocxry "p u1 :dar '€6-§Z '(1981) S lfl 'P* W 'unr| 'Wqt'releqrs'y luradsar Äueur 14 rualr -Uep lllts lnq ',rxer paqslqnd rseq eqr, sE ollanled-oru1;a1 Äq paqr:eep '([t98I] 'aeplmoeN) tsuar.toto) z)w) xa 'ufirLupctly pD ssurruloqrg ruow olundE [uaqalsra11eg uo^ 'H'V 'a1] srsuoqalsJalleJ snuuBuryoH :gg-917'dd '(6tr91 'ftzd1a1) IX 'rqq- 'lt{d ''sst41 'P'sag '§/rps 'p '.rag'rdneg'yr1 :s/rolloJ se äre suoulpa paqqlqnd aril- '2608 'ppv '&erq!l gsppg 'uopuo'I Shl ,oarEr\Euns!eH'Z'u'8II ''7n'1m 'ollanled,orury\,(quaar8qSSh[aq]Jor$lV t 't6-ese '(0861) Zt WS'payv',aruerC pue puelSug

'X Ie^arpali{ ul l,-1 sn;11a9 snlnv Jo uortelnf,n3 eqr pue 9Z 'Shl a8a11o3 arEIO, 'asno5'H '['il"r{.rrn ä Äq ot PaPPE PtrE Passn?qP are snrllacro uots§IustrP$ ]Elnsut eql PUE rnt.rEli{ uo sarpn:ls tuaceryo suolsnlcuof, ay6'?ntw srrroN s.snrllaC snlnv ruor; sa8essed pem oslE s"q aq'uElsslJd puE snruoN'snuo:erq snlnEd 'a.roprq rno{ ulr\ejp lElrateru ot uoltlppE e 'gdesrT tglo urEpvro teqr qrl^\ taars, s.ruepv Jo ued samJuoc IaugEC 'le-I'dd



'(696I 'uleyrl rue rmIFErC) (rrsrarru6 pnaopahl lo tua1lH af t1 srlpiis 'ppuqnCt? ^F sratsel^l rlgla^rl aqr Srnmp qred ul sruepms pue qql?ug, 'lauqEC'1 'V aas z '(mgasruam aqro suatuor sa4reur

u1 ,,,irn:ua-3

.urns) ü-ZOZ'dd

-luen'n urEqEEg




osp ees'69I-9II '(,96I)


ezrlrpntry§ap .Lrrrualtlua\xslvt"tol rr,p aryf,fllrsaC 'sn.ll seprqs arrDsspuau foftnlpw ',.snueruodla.1e4,, aas aJll sltl Jo sllElop .toC r


,o urEpv ,o rpurlas§lo srv eqtr 'ollanled-oluly{'1

,'pareedde a^Bq qf,lq,rr Tro^\ s.uIBpV Jo suourpa JnoJ aqt ur pazrlpn Älsnouezr uaaq PBrl xrs rlsrrl^\ Jo 'aa1a:ns ot uirlou{ ara^\ sldrrssnuBu uealllgl €'Pua!r} qg ssardu:r ol PuE ,{r11eueq urog a1Ärs aqj e^es ol sPro^\ uIlB'I cnoxa Pue clrelosa Jo lco1s e Surarasard Älaruraqtlap erulr erues aqr rE rsllqlt\ 'pooä ena er+ arolaq suolssessod Ierrateur Jo e ol tsurBSB Surtuen sB llein se a111 Äepfueaa 3o srcafqo uoruuof, qtr/rr sleap asllBart aq1 'a1&s s.uepv,o ssautf,arrp aldturs agr peslf,plro pBr{ orllr\ 'rulasuy 'puau; B ro; ef,uetsul rsry aqt ur pau8rsap sBA\ tr tnq 'puBFBC;o uqof pue tuenba5l dq pamo1lo1 sB \ qrlq^\ ruapacard B tes sr4qrfsuarn aO srH '6gII eroJeq Äproqs perp a^Bq or rq8noqr u all 'puepuE u1 Ä11ue; s1g ot Suru:nter aroJaq arag sreaÄ a^la^q au:os tuads a^eq ol suaas pue sued ul uouef, E auef,aq ar{ §tI I u1 ,'ruenba51 rapuexalv Äq por;upe qf,ntu puB &nqsrpg 3o uqof Äq 'pasrcnuo osle q8nogr 'potcadsar sB \ eH 'aJII qq rnoqB u/r\ouI sl aprll 'nlio;agt pue !{iq1 1r.usry(o5 aql Jo aJuanuul aYr s^\oq§ tctg,u cfol uo äsltBarl pyamod B '(ze I I) tfiDnssp srv uB Jo ro{rne arf sB sr acueuodu.rl;a!qo slH ,'snueluodrruBd urepv tanbuqos luanbxqns eqr af,uaq'tuod tpad agt Jo looqrs äqt lB sued ur aruu qcnur luads pue uortf,enxe gJuarg ;o Ä11ue; B urorJ auec 'aäppqrue3 reau urog qSnogr 'ruegsleg lo ruepv





To this number I now add rwo further manuscripts.5 Besides the interlinear glosses in Latin, Anglo-Norman and Middle English, the De utensihbus was also fumished with a number of commentaries and sets of marginal notes, notably by Adam's 'prepositus' Perer (see Haupt's edition) and by a Magister N[equam?]. Vemacular glosses, similar ro rhose which I have already published from comparable thirteenür-century sources, are frequently present, notably in the following manuscripts:

A = London, British Library, Add.8092 (s.xiii) ff.I1v-16r. Unknown to MinioPaluello, this MS contains a number of grammatical texts,6 including the Derwnmiutensiüum of Nequam (ff.lr-5v). Whereas the latter is scarcely glossed at all beyond f.Lr, and there is no commentary, the text of Adam's treatise is amply glossed, in rwo hands apparently contemporary with the main text, and there is considerable marginal commentary on individual words. The scribe of the main text was careless and did not understand many of the Latin words which he had before him, with the result that *re lemmata appear in bizarre spellings which often render them difficult to recognise. As in MS Lincoln Cathedral Chapter Library 132, there is a reference to Nequam which tends to suppoft the argument that he was responsible for the explanatory notes on the lemmata.T


C = Cambridge, Gonville and Caius College 136 (s.xiii ex.) pp.2l-30. This important grammatical manuscript was fully described by Meyer.s It begins with the lexicographical fteatises of Nequam (pp.1-20), Adam (pp.2l-30) and John of Garland (pp.31+4). Each begins with an omately decorated initial in red and blue. Subsequent initials are always blue, with red decoration, whilst the paragraph marks altemate red and blue. In the works of Adam and John the marginal commentary is well maintained, but in the treatise of Nequam it is sparse after p.13. The text of the De utmsibus finishes 'Explicit epistola magistri Ade de Parvo Ponte Ansetmo Cantuariensi archiepiscopo [sic!] de utensilibus cum elucidatione magistri N.'. On p.25 we find the following note: 'Demon fecit hunc versum: ulmus honor claustri iacet obruta flatibus austri', the first part of the verse being glossed 'ye wileu in ye cloystre ys fallen', and the second 'del vent de suhC. The marginal commentary


Synonyma of John of Ca:.. of Garland's Cunperer.

8972) e (c) ff. 14ra-l-ir: ff .26r*-33vb: De no'r:r*, 114r: Graecismru of Ebe=

in the revision of Johr


notes (h) f(.157r-169r ) (i) tr.169v-17 7 r : De'u:.-:, of John of Garland rk' :-.

quamwtdts€xsw... t. Ps-Ovidian De rrur abut:;

Breckendaler3 (o) f.2J+n(p) ff .Z04va-2l2vb Lür i

L = Lincoln Caüredni C: esting manuscript the re: often tansmitted toge:i.=

Cannianus, all rhe rex:, (ff.36vb-5 lra) is acccn:: 'c, laneous Latin venes, which ends Expliciur; r"-: nus


O = Oxford, Bodleian --i 155v. The codex is rr.,i,

centuries, containing r:. : . Herotles and of \Ualre:;: is preceded by Nequar.'s ::

theDictbrurilßof lol,r. :


contains frequent references to lsidore, Starius, Virgil, Lucan etc.

same hand as Nequar:. i paragraph marks. Tne i:.: the main text (s.xiiii). T:.

D = Dublin, Tiinity College 270 (s.xiii/xiv) ff.l69v-177r. This is an important


manuscript despite the fact that no adequate description of its contents exists in print. I therefore provide a brief survey of the contents as follows' (a) ff 1r-10r: the


The London and Berlin copies. For other, [oot, copies see M. R. James, Tfu Anaent Libruies of Cantzrbwy arl.Doter (Cambridge, 1903), pp.251 (485),319 (1117),361 (1415), 489 (408), 4n «n),494 (440),495 (442)' Adam's treatise is also cited in a number of grammarical commentaries e.g. the Exockon (see below pp.298ff) and John of Garland's Equiuxa (Berlin MS f.52vb). Norably De pretnitb (ff.6r-8v; \üalther, Initia 1562) and De garcribus dechr.ujr;nß (f{.9r11r; Walther, Initia 4206), both of which are found in MS Cambridge, Gonville and Caius College 593, ff.ll3v et seq. and ff.118v ec seq. respectively and, similarly, in MS London, British Library, Add. 23892, ff.70v-23v and 36r-38v. On ff.25v-30r we have the 'Summa magistri Hugonis de Milneburne super antidotarium parvum' (inc. Tesranrc Cotstanarc kanano corpora), the authorship of which remains okcure, see D. E. R. Watt, A Bwgaphical Dbtiotruy o/Sco*islr Crduatzs to A.D. l4l0 (Oxford, 19?7), p.387. Esposiro in EHR 30 ( l9l5), 462 n.ll agrees with Meyer, art. cit., 488 that 'N' probably stands for Nequam. ut. at.,482-502. N. R. Ker, MedkwlLibraries of GrearBriainZnd ed. (London, 1964), p.127 identifies it as a Kingb Lynn book (Ben. Priory of St Margaret).


? E

= Cambridge, Trinin i script comes from Build*:

cal texts.le As usual the . (ff.l2Zel35r) and is t n:

e lo It tz

13 14

See See See See See See

below p.87 above p.44 for the above pp.38ff. above pp.4Lff



below pp.l53ff. Tony Hunr,'Ane- A number of folios ar" r. hymnorum is also found on r. 15 See the brief descnpr::


CatlleÄral Cllapter Ubr

l? l8 le

an \t-:

See Index for referenc.: N. R. Ker, op. cic., p.16: See M. R. James, Tiu

(Cambridge, t902), pp

"I: l-(ii,

translation of the Sophsrr.r

uolre(nurEluotr IEuorsErf,o sl areql q?lr{^\ ul (ntlI-r8§I #) ry)tälEtrtlq/ildos e$Jo uorlelsuerl uErqraog aqt;o ldo: ureld tpea uE ro; alqetou sl S,^{ aql 'es-I§e'dd '(7661 'o8puque3) ß:;r.41t'ta4tq ndlu.*unhl u.ärsel( a/J'satuef'U 'h{ eäS 6r g'1ot'a8p4rlraa'a?aypa 89I'd ''ln 'do':a;1 'g '51 sr

upfln p

ßtrut tlo

'looq suzqlv lS

B sB



'Äpnrs ruasard aqt ul Pessnf,$P stxar aql ol saf,uäJo1e.l lo3 xePul ees lt 11'd aaoge pue 776'dd '(1761 'uopuo1,) ßnqn otdotlCTory?tt1DC


to nßory3


'ht'C ul

uotrdt:rsap Jallq aql



^11 '^;Z--r-^yZ'JJ uo puno, osle s ruzuouur(r1 sr Jo trEd 'SI^{ aql Jo Pua eqr le ?utsslru ale sorlo; Jo raqtunu

)aql'I aq) uo fueruaruuroc




St S&{ ',Ef,IuuEu.uo51-o13uy EroPoeuv, 'lun11 Äuo1 aag rr IJtSI'dd ^\olag ees 'ilZt'dd e^oqE mS zt ' 'r8e'dd a^oqe aes tr


I J uo serou le)uerurüe:8 eqr ro; tr9'd aaoqe 4g'd molaq



or 6


'(ü96I 'uopuol) 'pa puÄlqegord ,N, ter[] gSt



= -

yualdos,,gfl'r:e.n a=ta

-aütry ou11fi1§n3



Erutuns, aql e^Etl a.n :_'i-' 'uopuo'I SW ul 'A]lEt: jj': :\


snlP3 Pue alll.luoO ?j-:

-t6'y) +AnunttP



s.puEIrEC Jo uLlc: i': _::: ,o loqrunu e ut P3Ir *\-: i '(sIlI) I9f '(jilt' :.:,: all '=u,ei '! ; ; ::


qf,ntrr saruof,aq railBl eYt) >lut Pu8 PuEt{ aue§ aql uI uellu^\ sI PUE (rgtl-rzzl'JJ) papacerd sI sn{4lsua?n eC aqr lEnsn sV 6r'slxal- 183 uEnbeN Äg ryorn relluls aW .perlurer8 pue snor8rlar Jo ÄrapB^ ^q E suletuoo pue Äaqqy seit\Pllng ruo+ saruoc lduos

-nuBru ar{f '^Itl-rgfl'} (tttx/ttx's) (tftI) 6'1'g a8a11o3 drtupl 'a8p;rgue3 = 1 'spuBr{Jo Älauerr e ur uatlrr1h salou leurSrelu eruos erB alagl'(r!!tx's; lxal ulBlu eql are sassolS rBaullrelul aq1 'sTrELu qder8eted tpllr i{:erodureruof, Pueq B uI ^ltsotu puB sleurul anlq pue por l{11rr PetBroceP sI PUB lrorr\ s.lrJBnbaN sB PuBq aules a{t ur ua:nrr^r sr sr4{r?rsuan aeatl'(n1gl-rggl'!})WqnClou'loflo trutouoronqaq Äq pa1l\o1lol puB (^6'I-rBeI rlalqns aluBs eq] uo äsrlBarl qtuenbe5l Äg pepacerd st I) s'nqrililtl ac s.urEPV Jo rxer eYL'st?.Lwox21y s,uolllrggc Jo rarl8l§ Jo PlJe s"?otaH (salrnlueo arp 3o Ädoc B Jo uortlppB aqt qtl/rr 'slxal lBf,lleluruer8 Ä1lsou: Sututeluo, rlueeurqr PuB qrJla/hl eql ur uallp^l ssN a^l} Jo dn apeu sI xaPof, aql '^§sI -^6ll'll (Itx/ttx's) er(zglgt'c's) 66 c uo§url/\lBu "{:u$ll uBralPo8 'ProJxo = o 0Il PUB q^80I-ErI0I'J uo Puno] sr snu -atal4e s,puBIrEC;o urqof 'utonbayl uryx?lv ltlst8atu alntau rury411xq sPua q]lt{/tr ot fuBtueunuoo eqr (qrt9-argS'#) sn1ilnom aO §.tuePv Äq'seua,r ullB'I snoeuBl -lacsru auos rat B 'pamo11o; sr pue ,{:etuaruruoo a Äg paruedtuos3B s! (BrI §-q^gt'JJ) txal s,u:enba51 ,,'sasso18 relnceural auros uletuof, qolq^\ Jo stxat ar{t lle'mlm.tuü)oC Dy'Ie Älleuuassa sl terl^\ oru; parerod:of,u! ueag a,req ragla8ol perplsuau uauo os are qf,lq^\ puBIrEC Jo urlo[ pue uenba5l 'tuspv Jo sasl]Ban aqt tduosnueru Euqsa -retur srqt ul er'qri9-Brt§'.,J ('xe IIIX'S) ZtI ÄrBrql'I ralderl3 IBrpar+BC ulooul'I = 'I

,,'(araldruocul pue penuuuox) utnrtuutd1 lagq ZlZ-e^t1Z'J (d) ,,xetuÄs uuB'I uo ueruro5l-o18uv ur serou lef,IrBulruet8 .q-r-:r1z'! (o) €ralePuallerg

ap sBloqotN p

:^t6l-rt6l }

alnnntodal :^e0Z-tg6I'JJ (u) u!{mut sfrqiiltqo4ut aC UBtPI^O-sd (u:) rdracar IBf,rPau ueuuo5l-o18uv :^z6l J (l) ,,' ' ' torxa mptmu onb

snttolrat4e :^bgl-^LLl'Jl ([) ruo4 ]trad Jo ruBpv Jo snqqlsuan ?e i LLI-^691'll (t) fuetuau:uoc IF, qrlir 'u:enba51 lo ufiullstäfn s7,qlurufin ee 169l-rLgI'J (t{) sarou

lecpeu:urer8 snoeuellacsrul tggi-^gg1;1 (3) PUEITBC 3o utiof Jo uorsl^ar a$ ul 'rec EIUAlorepuBxalvJo TWuDoe:r§gI-rgII ä (J)orPrEqreqAJo §??urso?Dt]]tll 4be.il (a) Äreruautu:of, lnorpl^\ 'ruenbe5i Jo urnnßrafl snquluu,an ee \^ee-etgz'l! (p) &€cuauuo3 tpt^r 'puepeg 1o urlof Jo snttüLtotr,t? tqlbl-e+l'U P) 6Q168 qrruI 'raqrle/ß; ,acar8 sauonrsode:6, pelltue ataauumß wruynüw3 s.puBIrBC Jo urp[;ouopf,asB:ertl-rlI'JJ(q) $Leopw'raq]lsl)§)puEIrEcJouqof;onu.(uou(5 snsnlsN3J,n


eql :r0l-lllJ 1E\ :Y.: :.UI SlSIxa SIUäluu'l i .: luBJrodul ue sl i:'j - -_ '::?'i:: :-' :Ärelueturuoc aÄ



na11,r e.i,


IrlsnBlf, Jouori snul:r :';-: uO ','N utsrietu auc:::': otulasuv eluod o.\:zc ;:

eqrJo lxat aq1'61 i::::: s1 Ä:etuarutuo: leurF:t: :


:'"''i: ': :

qderEared au':

.qns 'enlq

PUB Fa.r

puBIrBC 3o uqof pue _'; -o3rxel eqt {rl.,'l surF>: :'


.uodser sB^\ eq terp


-uodul stt11 '96-1;

j; -

ereqt '21 fuerqll .ra::-. -' JaPuaI uolo qllq.\1 s;''j:'"1 oroJag Peq aq qf lq.$ i:j: lxal ulBru aql Jo aqur: 3 -' sr araql pue 'lxat utE'Jj l Ä1due s1 asrteall s,ur€p'y'

1p re passolS Ä1auex ,: -runuolt aC eqr 3urpr1::' . -olulhl ol u^\ouluil :l' :§tdu:sn';: funluec-grueetrlrp aiqä:



J!! ;

ur sassoläreeullJatur



-rsoderd, s.luBpy Äq .r';.qtr.r\ Peqsruln] osle s8.11 !-

to s,rNod rutdco l^tvcv 'l



7. .lj


darker at f.13?v). There is no coloured decoration, though the copy of Nequam displays red inidals.

As well as being accompanied by a commentary, Adam's treatise is often preceded by a prose introduction or accessü.s, for'in principio cuiuslibet scriptuncule quinque sunt inquirenda, que materia, que causa suscepti operis, que intencio, que utilitas, quis ritulus' (T f.135r). MSS D and L contain a preface as follows,

Materia [huius libri, Dl sunt nomina utensilium. Intentio auctoris est colligere sub compendio nomina utensilium et rerum usitatissimarum que multis etiam eruditis ignota erant. Causa suscepti operis est petitio magistri Anselmi qui artificem huius libelli .s. magistnrm Adam Parvipontani de leviate suarum epistolarum sepe [et mulrum, L] redarguit. Unde ut eidem Anselmo satisfaceret et aliorum instructioni profiteret hoc compendium quod orationem vocat composuit. Utilitas est nominum et rerum cognitio et partium expositio' Et tirulus talis est: lncipit Epistola magistri Ade Parviponani [Hic incipit magistri oratio Alexandri Parvipontani, Dl ad magistrum Anselmum de rediru suo in Angliam a Gallia, in quo titulo ostenditur quis libri compositor, quis Ada Parvipontanus.D

ln MS T the author's pur non usitarissima in sumn:;

In the accompanf ing stricdy speaking, falls ou (s.xiv), but which is of c Preussischer Kulurbesic l

Thomas Phillipps and ap: in 1899 (it was sold on T collection of rare works b the MS appeared in Bib,r:

colkctbn of classical, hur leurrs of tlwbte Sir Thonu script of the fourteenth contents are


dare. Causa suscepti operis erat Ancelmus Canruariensis Archiepiscopus qui sepe corripuit ipsum super hoc quod levia verba sibi miserat in epistolis suis et ideo excusat se super hoc dicens quod sibi mittet verba duriora et obscuriora. Titulus est Incipit Epistola magistri Ade de Parvo Ponte ad Ancellmum amicum suum. lncipit autem hec epistola PW nlum etc. Unde sic appellatur quia per hec nomina inquoatur nec est alia causa quare sic indrularur nisi quod a


f{.lra-9rc: the De rglosses) alrcmating


decoration and un;< mentary by dre sarr.< on each verso ani ).

f{.9rc-l3rc: The D;r Johannis de Carlan; above. The top of r

top of the page ü.e glosses.




ff.L3v-l9v: the De: extensive surrounCi: area and *re


are interlinear glosst tri Ade Balsamiens. rectos totuln. The a;

prima fronte libri sibi nomen sortiatur.

In MS O the preface runs as follows: In principio huius libelli potest queri que sit materia, que causa suscepti operis, quis tirulus et que utilitas. Materia est talis: sunt mea materies omnes conspectus in agris ac invenra domi mea sunt pharrago libelli. Causa suscepti operis est petitio magistri Anselmi qui multociens prc epistolarum suarum levitate mulrum redarguit. Titulus talis esu Hic incipit oratio magistri Ade Parvipontani. Utilitas est ut perlecto libro et intellecto diversarum rerum


ander Nequam') i;:

MS C fumishes similar informarion in a slighdy different form:

In principio huius libri quinque sunt inquirenda .s. que materia, que intentio, que udlitas, que causa suscepti operis et quis tirulus. Materia huius opusculi sunt nomina diversa et exotica que in redeundo a Gallia in Angliam vidit in notando res divenas. Intencio scribentis est huiusmodi nomina in summulam quandam redigere. Utilitas est hec libello taliter scripta memorie commen-


red'). The MS appears in



ff.19v-25va the Dt fulget'), written ar : an opening accessus.

the commenrary ir.

vocabula extranea cognoscamus.zl


The text ends with ' top of the page *re t Interlinear glosses ri

ff.26n-37vb: the


loss of several leavq

by the aanslation of James of Venice. The copy was used by B. G. Dod in his edition of the Elerrcfu in Aris ateles Latirws V


I, 1 -3,


iden etc.,

I 9 75


In D the preface ends with a number of lines also exhibited by T 'ln principio cuiuslibet scriptuncule quinque sunt inquirenda, que materia, que utilitas, que causa suscepti operis, et que intentio, quis titulus, que omnia iam patent' (f.169v),




(PL 205,971B line . commentary and ü., l-4 above. At the «

ff.38ra-46vb: an Poetria Noua




tlree columns and





sl l8urroJ eure§ aql PUB suulnlof, aerLp uo PalBader sE PuEq atuBs aql ul ,ooN qraaod

^l$b'Jt ur uel]ultl s! lxel a$ rotl uo'e^oqE I'ou

s.jnBsur6 Jo Äergoag 3o (Ogt'l le Suruur8eq) rxal snolegdacB uB :q^9t-Er8e lJ '(or3er) alQ qoa a8ed aqr;o dor e$ rv 'a^oqB (osraal sou luorJ tua.relrp sl PuBq eq1 'sassolä JEauIIIalul ele araql pue Ä:eluau:tuoc '-I


Äq papunouns sr rxat eqt 'suurnlof, alqnoP u! uallur6 '(ZZ aull gIt6 '902 'Id) truruDl4 qoJD[ n)A qrl.tr SulPnl]uof, lxal aql 'Puo aql le sa^eal le"Ia^es Jo ssol ar4 or 3u1no aleldtuooul 'eulgPua1 Jo lrraqllel^l Jo s4qol aqr :q^le-Br9z'# '9 'txot ot sxso18 rBautpatul

'luef,B^ sl ar.p




olloJ 'um sotf,ar at{l PuB

tt ?snu a^eq sosle^ aqr a8ed aql;o dor lxal aqJ.

'.ueluv 'ragll eulurlrf, lrs roldtrcs'Jaqll alsl





a13u,s u1

^6I ruo4 rpa6;o

§B erE

ta 'srtado qrdacms emsl anl taqllsnlnf, otdtctn:d ul1 :! .'.:

$g tn Poc a

luruBns luruelol-(I5 *: pda:sns esnB3 r''>r"


.UOf, SOUTUO SeuSla:


'suado ndarsns e-(^?: >-




aqr Jo uolrlPa

luruar urruEsJa.\E :::? apy ulsr8eu ot:a: : :


'sur8reu: erp ul PuB lxal eW 3o saäessed uaa^ueg Palläsul fueluauuroc at1l uo 'sn ssaaco äupado ue gll^\ suunlo3 0ml ot saSuegc leluroj aql 'bx la ^oz'# pue Ärerua'u:ruoc Eulpunouns qtlit\ suunlo, a18urs ur lsrlJ le uallllirr '(,la31n; onb erl8uy, 'rur) puEIreC 3o uqof ]o ?ls?p)a snrals(ur aC aql

Ärnluac-qluaeulqr B Jo reqr aroru qcnu sI araq acuueadde aql 'u^ttilol solcar eql pue aFId a^Bq sosra^ agt aäed arp;o dol aqr lV '.slsualtuBsleg aPY Fr -s13eu: eturuns rprldxg, spua txet 3qI'lxal ulBtu otp ol sassolS ,Baullrelut are erarlJ 'seurl padurero a^IJ roJ tdacxa ,{.retuetutuoc ou sl eratP PUB BerB 8u1ltr,t eloq^\ aq1 ra^o spualxa txat aqt J uO 'Ä:eluauuoc Sutpunorrns anlsuelxa



* :,1.JüIiäill,ooi*,;::r,l;lr*

reaurlrarul oN 'snuru sol3er agl PuB q?O a^BI{ so§re^ agt a8ed atp ;o dor agr rV 'txat ,o tunourB llBrus E Jo s§ol eql rrl^l urol sr 713 3o dot aqf 'ä^oqB a$ alll uellr/x\'(,snqpuanbes sngpopsanb ulnf, rRllulj BPuelrBC ap sluueqo[ rüsr,eu: snrrasr-r ' r1c11dxE,1 pu,rrBc

sreadde xaly ailedarp 3o dol aqt tV 't! alor^r qclq^\ Pueq erues aql Äg Ä:erueru .ruof, aqt ol suorlf,erJoc leur8reru eruos arB araql'SututlraPun Pue uollalmaP e^lsuatxe tlqlqxa rp;qm fueruauulof, Jo sqder8ered glr,n Sulleulalle (sassol8 reaurlretul rnoqll/t\) lxel Jo suollf,as 3uo1 'surunioc as.ltll ut (,u:enbe51 rapue -xa1y r1:r1dxE,) urenba5l raPuexelv Jo un\ls1aIn snq:;rluan ?C a$ ::16-el1']J :s1(olloj

e ponb rsru rnlEir:: j. elnb rnrelladde rrs a:'i. -ruB unrullaluY pE ::' 'E.rounf,sgo

la eJou..:


la sgns slolsrda ur rej§ rnb sndocsrdalqlry s:i -ueuruof, elJouJeu q': luBlnululns uI Euluro'.: i ul llpl^ u:erlEuy ut ::'Ilncsndo snlnq Ellal?;'i


'orlualul anb'euatgr.:

:i_i ::

'I qnb tolrsodruof,


ar{f 'yZ9OI pue gegtl rapun anSolaec sddrlyq6 Plo arp ur sreadde Sf{ aql'(.Par puB anlq u1 sptldm 'sequJs qsrlSuE Äq 'urn11ea uo 'Ärn]uac qlueallnoJ aqt ;o rdpcs -nueu,) [999'or] 6g'd'(6681) 'aa'S'U'C'l.t g §d4fllqd sDrLßltL 45 aq ap lo uznal 14oßomo ptm v4rnnntout rall1o W 'pay4oßo4ot 'fr.lLülsl1'1r:!sso1t to_uopnloc snunl aq lo uotuoq oqtnl o to aßqon3 'r;rßiln1d r:rapoflQt1 ur poreadde Shl agl ,o tunof,oe etsrnJce tnq Jerrg v '.sroqtnB qstl8ug Äpea Äq sryoir erBI Jo uonJallo3 snorrnc Ära,r e, se paglrrsap sei§ tl uaq.,tt (äunf I ,(epsrnql uo PIos sBA\ lI) 668I ul e8pofi puB uosurlp/X\ Äqagog Jo ruoorales aqr u1 pareodde pue sdd1111t14 sBIuoI"lJ rr5 3o ,berqtl aqr or paSuoleq scuo [n6t-ne t ]l t09 'loj 'lBl alseqrruln) raqf,sls§nard 'leqtorlqrqsr8ets aqcsrnac 'ulFeg Shl 'acuB^elar §nol^go Jo §I qolqA\ rnq '(alx's) arep stl Jo esnmaq Äpnrs luasard agr yo adocs aql aPlstno s11g '3u11eads Äpcpls 'qclq,n Shl s ,o s8ulpear agt luud 1 sxso18 Jo aunlo^ 8utÄuedtuocce aql uI '(rgtl'J) .eralutsul sotpadur strf,allof, la a:a8ll1oc ruatuluns ut Btuls§qellsn uou ta rrlnrpsuetn erurssnouät Bultuou, :snqt Pagpf,sop sr asodrnd s.toqlnB aW -L Sn uI SnBI'IISNEJn SO




nllPar aP runule§rY 'ij luauo:I:';



'olllsodxa urnlr:ed la


urauollaro ponb u.rnr::: -§rtBs ourle§uv uaFla ruruans e]€tl^ai aP lu


lulasuy plsr8er:: :

ruBlta splnul anb u:tu:ara8Jlloe tsa slrorfne


:sAlolloj se alt-=:

enb torf,ualur anb'suaCc elncunldlrcs raqllsnrnr c: : uauo sl a§rtBaü s,uEF\' u:enba11 3o Ädo: ar4r t13l,





top of the page Nooa (recto) poe (veno). Interlinear

7. 8.

9. 10. 11.

7, r.:


glosses and marginal


ff.46vb-49ö: the Distrgium often attributed to John of Garland ('Explicit distigium'). There is a full commenrary but no interlinear glosses. tr.49vb-52$: the Exoticon of Alexander of Hales preceded (f.49rb-vb) by a shon rreatise on the Greek and Hebrew alphabets which is found in some other MSS of the Exoticon (see below p.300) and which begins 'Quia dyaleticus resolvit propositionem . . .' On top of f.49rb is 'lncipit versus Alani' and the rest of the copy has uersru (verso) Alanj (recto) at the top of the page. There are no interlinear glosses except on f .52rah where halfivay down the first column the commentary previously very full, dwindles to a mere handful of lines. The text ends 'Expliciunt versus magistri Alexandri de Hales maximi theologi'. ff.52va-58va: rhe Eqwuoca (Argzstas +i -n of John of Garland, written in sections altemating wittr passages of commentary. Interlinear glosses to the main text. At the top of the pages there is Eqi (verso) uoca (recto). The text ends'Expliciunt equivoca'. ff.58va-6lvc: the Fables of Aesop in the metrical version of Gualterus Angli' cus ('Explicit ysopus') wirhout glosses, commentary or notes. At the top of each page there is Yso (verso) Pru (recto). ff.6lvc-67rc: dteCanula ('Explicit contemprus mundi'). No interlinear gloss. ing or commentary. At the top of the page cffitßmPtru (verso) mundi (recto). The text shows considerable deviations from that printed in PL 184, 1307 et seq'

MSS read Varronis in rii: since Isidore follows Var Vergilius in quatruor librc description of the fiel* ; populate them with a -:

(Etlm. XII,i,48 et seq. s. ) works and palisade. He :, known him before his dep enter the plaium or


various'hangers-on'. The; a brief description of fac inquires about the idenr::. by Adam and his inreric, ment. Here there is a rse:

doubt from Aulus Cel.:-: appartments including üe etc. Here, with a referer.; debt to Gellius (Noct. .d:: the library chapel, storeh:

vehicles (largely drau'n i: side the party visim the s=l subject of a long descn;:. The party now rerllms rc : a relative. Deailed lisrs cr

with its from the fragment of the De utrrßi[bra in MS 'Worcester Carhedral Chapter Library Q.50 (s.xiiil) ff.28ra-29vb. The first section of this MS is older than the others and, as Hamilton and Floyer conjecrure in their Catalogue of the MSS in \iUorcester Cathedral Library (pp.132f), may once have formed part, together with MS Q.6(12) of a volume of Nequamt works. Adam's treatise is preceded by Nequam's De nominihs wensilium (ff.5r-18v) and John of Garland's Dictiorwrius (ff.18v-27v), lt is written in a large ugly hand and begins with a red initial. There is no dccessus or prefatory material. The text is divided into sections interspersed with commentary, the sections being marked by red paragraph marks and the commentary showing red underlining of the lemmata. There are no interlinear glosses on ff.28r-29r inclusive and the fragment ends at p.79, line 15 of Scheler's edirion (in my edition below, p.173 line 14). To judge from these MSS Adam's work, though more omate and glossemaric in its language than the treatises of his imitators, Alexander Nequam and John of Garland, enjoyed considerable populariry and was richly provided with gloses by generations of schoolmasters. The De utmsilhu begins with Adam's description of his approach to his estate and the imagined criticisms of his opening sryle by his teacher Anselm. He explains that he has sought to describe what he found on the state or imagined, so that Anselm, who has himself become the owner of a country estate, may have before him a model of fine planning, in a sryle which is different from the plain manner which Adam was accustomed to adopt in his letters and which is now offered to Anselm's judgement. Täking up again his opening sentence, which described the features of the terrain impeding access to the estate and interfering with the view Adam describes the basic setting. Here he is indebted to Isidore, for example in the description of the different types of fields. Some of the

In Volume 2 I also print the vernacular


numerous irur:: XIX,xxii), head omamer-.: (Erym. XlX,xxiii). The r: stools, beds, bedcoven. Tt-,

I print below the text of \ by any previous editor ar.; the printed editions, rhar : to Scheler in order to facii: and by me in vol. 2. In rhe 'critical' text, for this u'oul an important realiry of rhe

present a conservative rex forms which may nor be f; cause difficulry bur rhe p:

faulty texts cannot be c;-

achieved. The accompanr almost exclusively eq'mcl comparing some of the ncr by Haur6au.


Fala est sumiras


dicirur falaru, -g:s que catena et qü: umirur quia sicur




[s]a Etr 'ulIUle tsa runlaf, lnf,ls EInb


.suE.rl ta Jrq rntlluns slr la 'surnl BauSII JruIf,IP anboPuBnb lä EilalEf, anb -runoenb ord rururns ruerte enbpuenÖ 'B^Jatm sltsalaf, 'sr8- 'suele; rntl)!P apul'setltuns:sa ponb'oPuBlB, B rntlolP tä unlä3le^ rlal sBtlruns lsa BIEJ


eqr Jo al.uos 'sPIaII Jo säa'

or PargePul sr aq a:011 -relul PUB el€qse aql ol i{ 'eoue:luas Suruado stq ur:.i pue srerlal s1g ur rdoct : luara#lp sl r{f,Iq./l\ al.\l§ .

arfl uo PunoJ eq reu.r >:--:

paru;rd eso{r qrl/h Z698 'ppv gpl yo Suruur8ag eqr 18 satou eqt Jo auro§ Eulredruoc urory paure8 ag uBJ adocs rrerg ;o eapl aruog '1ecr8o1ouÄra Älalrsnpxa lsourlB are pupl slt1l ,o seslrBalt polxsl 01 sapnuaruwoc 8urÄuedruoc3s aqJ 'Pa^alg)B aq or sl Är1upe1 le^arparu Jo ateurltse anu B J! aPlse tsBJ eq louueJ srxar ,b1ne3 pue arndu:1 rltl^\ ulre'i Eurgcear pue 3u1u:ea1 3o stualqord aqt tnq 'Ärpclgp esnec Äluyeirac III/r\ spro^r auos 'SSy{ tuelxa arp 3o Äue ul PunoJ 39 lou Äeur qcrqm sulol .loauoo, agl arolser ot ueql Jal{lat 'asuas selBu q3ltl^\ lxal a^llB^Jasuoc e luasard o1 Äldrurs rq8nos aropraql a^eq I 'tuoorlooqos le^alPaur agr;o Ärtlear lueorodu:t ue ärE qf,rq^\ sanueln8aul pue stualgord fuaa agt lee3uo3 Plno^\ slqr ro3 'txat .lef,Itlr3, e Suuedard uy ruyod älull eq plno/$ ara(p txatuof, tuasa.rd a{r ul 'Z 'lo^ uI aru Äg pue rr:lq patuud sassoy8 relnoerual agr;o uosrredruoc atetlll3ry ol raPro uI ralel{f,S ol ^q seruarepr a8ed agr parlddns o^Bq 'nB?rneg Äq puedard rerp 'suoplPe paruud ar1r




;o ÄrorcEqres lsou eqt ot esols 'lxal Punos E saqsrtun; PuB rollPa snolaard Äue Äq rulrd 1 lou seq srqt aculs '2608 'pPV "I'g 'uoPuo'I Sf{ ro txel agl ^toPq pasn uaeq

'tulasuv ot ssarppB Surpnlcuoc B q araqJ'sre^ocPag'sPag'slools &red ag1 '(ll!xx'XIX 'ut$E) - (lx'XX 'uütE) ,qauerlpaddns, ot sPeaoord Ä11eur; p Eulgrop eW puB (llxx'XIX 'ur&E1 sruausuro PBeq '(llxx'XIX ]uJ&A) sPlrälBur 3u19o1c '(xrxx 'XIX 'u&g1 sluaurulsul snoreunu sll t+l^l saldoad tuere#lp

uroor-Euraearn arp 3o uolrd;rJsap aqt ul rnf,f,o aloru af,uo srsll pellereq 'a^ltelal B qrl^\ ecBld selet uortesra^uoJ rerltoue alcr'qm umgqoQ aqt ot sruruat ,nou Ärred aq1 '(llla-r'l'XX :uufi1) aroplsl urog §lstl Euperodrolul 'uollducsap 3uo1 e ;o rcafgns eqr $ qclq^\ uaqf,tl1 agt pue 'eare Sulssard-aulin aqt 'salgets eqt $lsl^ ,bred arp apls uretsea eW uO 'preÄ luacefpB aq] ur (g'l!x'Xx aroplsl ruorJ u,t\etp Äp8re1) salolqa^ pue sruauaydrul ,o a;uer stl rll^\ ibeuer8 a$ pue 'sasnoqarols 'ladeqo 'fuatq11 at1r äu1pn1cur 'seare raglo scedsur Ärred ag uaqf '(^xx'X 'lV 'lroN) snrllaC ot tgeP B slea^ar up8e urepy 'snlAeEN 'uC Jo a.nßaH aqt ot aoueraJer B [rl^\ 'araH 'f,te splalqs 'sprolrs :Äeldsrp ro, tno plBI are slurB araqit\ Je^tor egl 3u1pn1cu1 stuau:tredde aW Jo rnol E sl erew raTBaraql '!Ill srrroN 'snlllaC snlnv ruor, tqnoP ou rerllrue; or1de3 snletv pue xapul1 snlllesa€C ol af,uaraJar B sI arayl ereH 'tuauI .ulBuetue pa^\olloJ aragt uaqf 'slaqt;da Ägtd gtrt rornf,opetul slq puB urepv ^q paqlrf,sap aJB or{^r ecuepuailB u1 suosrad er+ Jo auos 3o Är;luapt eyr rnoqe sartnbut eq e^pelar B grl^r a8uetlaxa uoqs B u! uaqf 'Iupp puB poor ro uondpcsep jeug e Äpo sapy'ord tuepv 'toBJ u1 'raddns or uepplq af,uo tB arB Äaq1 ',uo-sra8uerl, snouerr Ä11rllE yo Ärlsrarrrp äqr auasqo Äarp araryn 1pq lear8 umlmpd aql ralua Äerp raqra8or puB rärlrea sreaÄ aalamt arxoq ruol, arruredap sJq aroraq rulq uaoul




pBq orlrr\ sa^uular yo Äralrea e Äq acuerrua äW tB taru sr aH 'apessrled puB $poär retno aql sagoeordde pue ,esop sa^oru uaLp aH '(ZBZ'X § 'D?s ,a Bt'l'lIX 'uth1) ule8e aroplsl uo Eurrnerp 'uarustunq puB sasoq Jo sarras B ytl^r ruarg arelndod or spaaud urEpv eteJsa aqr Surpunouns suntsed pue splag aqt ,o uolrdpxap strp raTV '(g'tttxhx'u.(rA) .rsa snfnf,as ruruocr8roag sorgll ronlenb ur snrp8ral uepa pon§, sp,pB tnq (,rarcp ous^ tn,) suoltf,ultslp s.orre^ s/rrolloJ aroplsl a3uls 'alq1ssod sr raglfl 'sruorer{ a^Bq sraqro tsllrl/tr'uopses snp ur sruorre1 peer SSy{




ro Jeu^\o a'fi

srq Äq a1Ärs Sutuado s:--: :

;o uondr.rcsep s,lr:sr\'


Äq sassolS rplr'r Fo:l 1::: ;o uqof pue ruenbel :r-

ur f,EeruessolS pue a:;-::: (ll. c- :-. tB spua luauSu: a i :'-

'eteruuel atp p Fur::'::::':



paryeu äuraq r::::=i

lxal aqf 'leualsij 'jr: e i:: j;

puepueqÄ13n a3:e1

(^Bl-rg jj) urnfls-tTr': )'?--qruenba5l

'(JZet'dd) raÄo1g

]o arunlo.\





uotllruBl{ pue^.rerqt'l


aqJ 'g 6Z-Br8Z'jJ (,Ii., -tllsJatn eC aB;o luatuSra ,otl 't8I ld ur p:::'-: '(orcar; Izuzur (os:a.r\ :-: -ssolSreautpalur

o\ | ::'j

;o dor agt rV 'sarou l: .' -ll8uy sruatlenC Jo ur:r: txat eqJ'(orcar; Dfol : ts. aqt ot sassolS reaurl:a:'.:' ur uall,rr/t\ 'pue1:eo _rc u ilurx8ru §elBH aP uPuEx; InJPuBg araru e or salP'i: Y. eqr u,llop Äe,rgpq arau.Y. 'e8ed aqr;o dor arp le l pue .ruBlv snsran trdr:u'.

-papÄp ern§, sur8ag r.p1u aruos ul Puno, sl §l!q.r . e Äg 1qn1:6rl) papere:: 'saso18


rtc;1dxg,1 puelreC Jo u-:

pul8reu pue sasolE :e';

sn8l'rrsNsm go s.LNod IuJdJo htvov 'z



;. .d:


Tolus dicitur quasi stolus .i. pars domus et ponitur hoc a compleo, comples. Stolus quandoque missio, unde epistola; quandoque dicitur omamentum! unde stöla sacerdods; quandoque dicitur tintare, unde sistole; quandoque dicirur tulet et sic sumirur hic; quandoque ästigium templi romndi; quandoque pinaculum templi; quandoque lignum ad quod liga[n]rur cetera tigna domus utpote coquine . . . Tesqua quandoque dicuntur loca ubi castclntur animalia, ubi Romani sole' bant castrare sua animalia et illa vocabant tesqua; quandoque vero loca aspersa .s. petrosa et huiusmodo quia tesqua idem sunt quod ruguria vel tesqua quorum luca sunt lucculena vel humida; et dicuntur a tesis, quod est positio, et careo, -res, quasi carentia tesi .i' siru vel positione.

mesdecim coloribus,

autem occacione(m) fracms, occatione dispersas; veracta vero videre temp$ pro[h]ibebat. Parte autem altera equos autem inter fructecta

in equicio vagantes' precipuis


Ecce vallum aspicio, r velud ad ripam alluder'.: inter[vallis] angustis

[f.11v] Falle tholum scillentibus radiis conspicuum cum iam prospicerem, ecce acel. lerantem morabantur tesqua cum scabris, dumeta cum quisquiliis, et confraga_rubetis circumvallata. Pape! autem inquies, o mi Anselme, ut iam video, quorsum [h]oc tam scabrosum orationis respicit initium? Ego, vero, si forte cofidiani cibi sarieAtem sapore acide te relevare [MS revellarel dellectat, scriptiuncule [77] materiam cau§am modum paucis verbis, adverte, pandam. Domum quam in Angliam a Gallia rediens adire opiabam, qualiter adierim et qualem invenerim, ecce tibi ex condicto conscribo. Sequitur autem oratio partim ldemonstrans] rerum illic inventarum formam, ut res ibi invente innotescant, partim evagationis immaginarie licentiam, ut, quoniam ruralium mansionum novus efectus es possesor, et loci elegendi et edifici[i] consmrendi et rerum copiam cologandi incomparate venustatis habeas exemplar. Nec mendacii tamen argui posse videatur oratio, cum ceftissimum sit licirum esse imaginationibus quamlibet rerum compre[hlendere formam et oratione quamlibet im' aginationis promere compre[h]ensionem. Sed quoniam illum planum modum loquendi, quo uti consuevi, flumini visum usquequaque in ima admittenti compara' baJ, nobiliorem aurem tibi videri dicebas orationem fluvio tenebrosa profunditate stagnanti comparandam, ad arbitrium geram tibi morem. Potest enim et fluminis puri ranquilliras [h]iemali rivolorum incursione turbari et aeris lucidi serenitas [.tZr] nubilosa densitate nebularum obvolvi. Quoniam etiam, sed hoc rationabilius, latine orationis copiam in dies minui querebaris et rerum usitatissimarum nomina ignotissima esse vere dicebas, [i]deoque iam pene absolea aput eruditos celebrari oportere aserebas, in hoc autem quoque ex arbitrio tibi morem geram. [A]ccelerantem ergo, ut dicere inceperam, cum multa morarentur, plurimum inpediebant iacentia inter labinas arborum recidiva gressum, flagella et cime inruitum, veprecule oblitentes sirmata planete. [78] Tärdabat quoque agrorum teritorii circumspectio, quorum hinc videbam sationales, inde pascuos, istinc consitos et illinc flore[o]s - secundum Maronis distinctionem - intemo[s]cebam. Habundabant autem pascui bestiis, florei apiculis, sa(s)tionales ovium caulis et opilionum mappali' bus, consiti vero quarundam arborum cerculis [1. surculisl, aliarum codicibus intercertis, et quarundäm oculis arborum cum aderente libro, ad aliarum ramisculos translatis. Adiacebant aurem agris sationalibus arcifinii squalidi, uligi(o)nosi, iuxta novalia cum succinis, et hi omnes acurate cardinibus et decumanis limitati erant. In his etiam glebas cernebam änte sationem runcatione nudams, letamine fetas, post


notare non tedebar' baie: vocabanrur, gillos vel gil.:: nigros; [79] posterioris au:, vel dosinos vel cinere[o.s etiam venatorum numer..,l : dabar [MS iocundebar], r< autem huiusmodi circurs; conspicio, sed tanra admr: mihi videretur.

dis car.

conplicabiles cilleri er ir.:: vide[r]ant anno iam dui,. nothi - nam uterinos et r;

deinde consobrini - parr, autem matertere castias : sobrini. Horum autem q-. em indicabant. Colloque::.

riis, repositoriis, ofticin:.: quintane forme imbulis :

elaborata, sed ostracum re quo, asurgentium salura: : non sine risu respicio, ut c. immobilem, [f.13r] luxo ge: tem. Penitiores deinde dc,:: autem, cum glore mea er a: investis erat; quam cerere sem [81] apellaret, nec rr.? sermonibus quos res posn-. na con[s]cendimus; lecris r
:sBq sl^{ srqr alu::


(^/II'J uo srnorc ,üerua-: Ir\oPg 3es) urnur?r2}\ a-j' eqt puB 'spu8q ruala_r:: 'sryeur qde$ered uaer5


arB araqt pue lertrur uau..s 'uoqs Äraa B sI arer.[ ];." uo lno ueI|II^\ ar8 lxa] i,'


e^eq q)!q^l selou lellxsr

auos uo Äreluauurol e u: pue

o90I sorlog 'pesoJ:a sl lxal aqa 'qr: i :


o^rl arg araql'sacard :r" -r8tl'jJ) Irsv jo ourug :

allll Jo uelv


ratpls Äg sxnea:: sn,:: s?xal Jo uonf,e]lof, sncoxE'


ualllrlt\ sB^r sh{ ar+ }o rsa.r ur uoneroJaP I€uorrrPFE


#fr* :F*






copus, [62] dentrix, megarus, turtur, et allecia, gamorus dimidio ovo confrictus et bocca maris et ostria et colchiria. Assit etiam micatorium, et ruder, ad quod sordes quoquine defluere possint. [f:104vb] In disspensa sive in disspensatorio sint gausape, ma[n]tille, manutergia, facitergium et a pertica apte propter incidias murium dependeant. Sint etiam cultelli, salarium, salinum sculptum, theca caseorum, candalabrum, absconsa, latema, calathi. [f.105ra] In promtuario sive in penu sive in celario sint cadi, utres, dolea, ciphi, cophini, et coclearia, clepsedre, pelves, corbes, mera, vina, cervicia, cisera' mustum, mulsum, claretum, nectar sive pigmentum, medo - secundum Ysodorum medus sive ydromellum, piretum, vinum pirerum, vinum rosatum, vinum feratum, vinum falernum, gariofila(r)tum, lambris et ambubagis appetibile, quorum summum stu' dium est Lavemam colere et genium. [f.105rb] Perhendinarurus jupam habeat penulatam et tunicam manubi[i]s et biris, laciniis munitam. Femoralibus et est opus ubi lateant putibunda narure. [63] Et opus est lumbaribus, caligis tibie munianrur, pedes estivalibus vel calceis laqueatis vel ionsutilibus. Camisia sindonis vel serici vel bissi vel saltem lini materiam sortiatur. Penula mantelli sit de cicinis vel experiolis et scurellis [MS securillus] vel ex cuniculis vel ex laeronibus. Urla autem sit ex sabellino vel martrice vel bevere vel fibro vel vulpecula vel ex castore vel roserella (opinantur). [f.105va] Equitarurus capam habeat manubeatam cuius caputtium aeris minas non ex[h]oreat. Ocreas habeat et calcaria et stimulos [h]ortatorios. Equo insideat [MS madeat] [.105vb1 neque succussanti neque cesspitanti neque recalciuanti neque reculanti neque recursanti neque repedand neque antepedanti neque §timulos neganti, sed bene ambulanti et ad mittendum habili. Ferri clavis sint bene firmati. Carentivillo rcrgum sit coopertum, postmodum sudario - vel suario §ecun' dum quosdam - deinde panetlo. Postmodum sella apte collocerut teniis sudari[i] apte süper clunes equi pendentibus. Strepe sive scansilia a sella apte dependeant' Arculi .s. ansella et posscela [64] suas habeant antelas et postelas, ut vestes sub involucro posite bene disponantur in mantica. Autem pectorale et cetere phallere usui equitantis necessarie non omittantur. Preterea camum et capistrum, frenum, lupatum sive salivare spumis sanguineis infectum, habenas et singulas et lingulas, pulvillam, trussulam sponte pretereo. Garcio sive pedes strigilem ferat' plusculam, [f.t06rb]-ln chamera sive in talamo parietes ambiat honeste cortina [MS cortima] sive canopeum scenicum ad muscarum evitationem et aranearum. A stilis sive epistilis colrmprre taperum sive tapete dependeant. luxta lectum cathedra locetur ad pedes sive ad bases, cui scabellum substiruatur, cui lectica associetur. Supra lectum ponatur culcitra plumalis, cui cervical maritetur. Hanc cooperiat culcitra punctata vel vestis stragulah, super quam pulvinar capitis parti subponende desuper ponanlr. Linteamina ex cindone vel bisso vel saltem lino vel lo,iices subpona[n]tur. Deinde coopertorium viridi sagio munitum, penula taxea vel catina vel beverina subponatur, si desit purpura et catum volatile. [65] Assit etiam pertica cui possit insidere capus, nisus, herodius et alierus, cirri, herodius. tercellus, falco peregrinus, falco assensor[i]us, tardarius, prepes, in[flesrus, ardearius [f.106va], gruarius, ancipister. Ab alia pertica dependeant supara, flammea, flameola, perizoma, patlium, tunica, toga, collobium, capa, antiper[a]. Preter hec autem instita matronalis, lumbare sive lumbatorium, renale sive venrale, non dico limata, sed aspergines, sparta et cirmata et longa cirophea et ludices tearales et terristrum. Assit etiam nimphula cuius facies thalamum serenet et amenet et quandoque diem fallit, cum mataxa aut aurifrigii nexus et nunc tricaturas complicet aut vestes laneos explicet vel pannos

lineos apte consuat et sarcii habeat [et] teca[m] corigiale

vel digitale dicirur. Fortice ecclesiam pertinet. Glomc. opus anaglafar[i]um, minus


vulgare opus, grossas ad : grosiscimas vero cum amc: excipiat, nunc corrolla, nu; tium libertatem refrenar l camicie colaria iungat. Hab ova supponat [f.l06vb] p".

morbidos - non dico anrcsubrumos ablactatos inc,u-. festivis diebus sint matrori est subulcis colustrum et bui [67] in obsoniis obsigalam

catulis in abditorio reposi::i [f.107va] Assa camis su:. lam, prunis carbonum arcien tum dedignatur aliud qua;n in conciso parata piperis n. tenera, veru longo circumr r

viridol succo racemorum 'e. ca ex quo scaturizata fuen:. assata sit,

guftulis lardi reir;.

erit cum simplici

salsa. Pi

composita. Postmodum s::: cillum, costus, ditamnum, x

vinum passum, [f.l07vb] ir. [68], quod lacrimarum per.,

comu bubali representet. S. dum ut nux philidis, (sit) re li, forte ad modum edificu Subtilitate Parvipontane( e, cristalli excedat. [f.108ra] Si castra desenr

citum] loci natura mu[f.tii

sortiatur, vel nature defecrex cemento et lapidibus cor sepes horida. Palis quadran; dum vallum amplis gaudeai autem supereminentes col

autem [69] [muri] trulle ei

debitis distinguantur propa : sitam muniant, nec desinr obsideatur, ne defensores o;

et farre et pemis et


tonsetuml, salsuciis, came Fonte iugiter scaturiente, p [f.108va] et succursum hom

'olpdelec 'aaf,uel turssv 'tuepa3ur rrntBIIB ratuatel sauruog urnsrnccns re [e^80I ]I uredo snglnb'slaueratgns snqltserBtec'snql1lrgns srcrtsod 'etuepnteos retr8nl atuog 'sJsra^rp snglultun8al te BuneuB euJ8c 'Bul^o ta EIIInS auiBc 'srIJnslBS '[un]asuol Sf{] snasuot 'sr1pg 'arsod orprf,f,ns ur auiec ta snqruof,Eq le sru:ad ta errg ta orer,u te opelq rnr[u]Bruntu lntue8of, uauonrpap pe ryrdo serosuaJap au tnreeplsgo urrutsef, arroJ l[S] 'sopual3la sätuaupsns sarBloru satE.ro tursäp oau 'tuelunru luells of,ol lruaulua ur rurrtu auurd ra epceu8ndor4 'sngluonrodord rntuen8uusp splqap lllerueC 'leru[a]sardar ruerado llJetuaruaf, ta u:ala;nba a11rur [Fnu] [69] tuarne sercruadng 'rnl[u]erpodde snmolloo snrratf,xe srudunloc satueurtuaradns ue:lne rrnhl xnlalu8ur auel srua^ runtueruePunl 'srrtttsralu; leapneS srldrue unll8^ urnP -otulsod '€cBrurB lls aueq snqpueS[u]nd snggde,r ra srln8uerpenb srle4 'ep;rog sadas rnlB8lra cueq radng 'sndo tecsa:cxa runnpre u! etorutsuoo snqp;de1 te otueruac xe saloru srlBrnlu a^rs srlunlBu 'urn!f,gauag teJnf,fns snrB rnt3aJap erntBu Ie^ truepros ruepes uBtJqep uradru urB^nBu radns erou rn 'reru[qrgglJ]mu BrnlEu 1co1 [unr1c 1c|1dnp'lueagap rnDsuof, raruesap ens8o rS [EIBoI]l 'lBPasxa IIIBrsuc

Sltl unlts 'rnrue8url essol

rualecl[p1]8p;'snssrq tn tuntecrlep tnreredlnba sltBtua^ (aleueruodp:ed arBrllpqns 'ellpulos runpour pB suBJrura 'uruor{3euour turuorsu8 IIrUlpa urnpotu pB atroJ 'll -ouder unpour pe suelnf,pse8'rlouadxa runpou pe suadar (tls) 'sprlrqd xnu tn runp -ldes 'sruruln; urnpou pB tepuecsep asontadur urnrdung 'tatuasardar llegng nuroJ ruerorll aroloo ul r$euroJuo3 lte;yelc sllue8e e;lual[;]uad uruBrurrcBl ponb '[89] rxaralpunJord gp pe anbsn trssod uantupe srnb as onb ur [g^tgl]l 'u:nssed (unur^ lare11[q]xa uratuaruns laq pas 'eradrd runf, Bele 'un111d:as 'runuuBtrp'snrsoo 'runlllo -orlad 'ea81es trs snrnf, B!.ratBuI 'erodes lpFll urnr rntuBuns unpotutsod 'ellsodtuoc ourl la enbe xa rntuanboc esles runc ltaratuexe saf,srd 'Bsles 1c11drurs runf, tlra ueruBl arurssrpldes 'atelle llnuer runtuaurrpuoc f,eu Snterogar !pre1 sllnrrnä't;s etesse rs pas 'lls Bxrla rs Smerpuoo ourururc 'Bsr^rp urnerquau 'lpenJ e]ezlrntecs onb xa ec -psauop eurlBC 'urereradurat[s]lp urn;rrsaaps urnrou:od Ie^ urruouraseJ of,cns [oppl^ Shtl ppp Ia^ our^ un3 'teraprsap urauo} ureterle 'Etnlo^urn3rJ o8uol ruaa 'eraual lls oporuuJnp 'BoJlsetuop Bf,nV 'urauorcradsse llnual uou suadrd elered osrouoc ur [e1pp 911] qlplv 'tuelBs unrnd p^ urereelle uacrldu-rrs urenb pnrle rnleu8rpap runl .ueurpuof,'sngytuessac BturuBU la ourn;'snrsodgns snguuaprc r.unuogreJ srurud'u:e1 -n3naro radns orqarc atBsrel Ia ntf,en pua8rpp etesse allrns srrrref, BssV [BnlOI ]l 'era8uod oern3;rn; aued u:nc urruas an8urd splsodar olJotlpqB ur srlntBf, 1ä arBlslulru s!!gurl3 ut untcenb anrs [u:elp8rxo rol] ueye8rsgo snuosqo ul [t9] snqlprat8llo3 slns la uraln8 oulurop'sluetuauuB ta srcFqng ta wrutsnloc srclngns tsa snsn rualne snrnH 'urrulsaral la lunruroar 'aurlederes :selBuonBru tuls snqap srlpsaJ ul Btuarunpul snrno 'ol1ual Ecxnr oln8rad ur laeuat sosnlf,ur sotutf,Blqe sorurugns la solnlr^ 'ouarP lBa^oj etf,BI etBtrreuat Bns ur - soln3rue of,lP uou - soPlgrour sollau8e enb 'leuret[s]qns Braf,B snqlrasue ta ersuef,rJrllnd [qngOt', teuoddns eno srurlle8 anb 'erSorpue urella llssv 'sarneur ta sanbrot tseqBH 'te8unr BrrBIof, erf,rruB3 IaA ltcuBoosnJ 'ef,Iunf onb 'ratutds ta tBageq elluoh{ 'tBuar]ar uretetreqrl runrl -uarnf,srp ruruBuro? oln3rlal Ia^ rleurrf, pA Ellef,ero) cunu 'e11or.rof, cunu 'terdrcxa suae ruauadr.uarul oldad cunpq 'tea8ppul spqerallr srroruB runo orel serurcsrsor8 'sopuecnpul soanbel pe serorssorä 'sepuarlod se3utrurq pe sessor8 'sndo areSlnzr unpuansuoo pB selnqns rurued 'aleu:n1d sndo pE salpqns snurur 'urn[1]reye1äeue sndo pB salpqns ta seAred 'sBuE^ teaqBq sn3v 'taorrtxa rp; sourolC 'tauuad uersaloca pe ponb 'runuotepJ of,lp uou - unrrelr, ta tsagBq rua3rrroJ 'rntJclp alerr8rp 1aa tunrcrllod ratue8lna anb [99] 'uratuellqo snJB srrprsur rualer8uoc [ru]BJer [rel reaqBq 'sngluoluod srlt3ndue ruruolr8rp sru;ud 'seoalorrf, lA 'lBrcrBs le tBnsuoo alde soaurl


nnnrsNgJn snstNlyyoN ao §hrvnÖ3N xtoNuGTV

souuBd 1aa lacrldxa soau?' i tne Bxeteru tun3'tlllq Ila': l elnqduru tuepa trssv tu^j:i' ta etreds 'seuy8radse Pes E. arequrnl 'srleuoJleru etn:-it : -runt 'unr11ed'eu:o:paJ 'i :: .srdr:ue 'snlreru8 '[e.r9,'; :.


'snuu8arad ocle;'sn11a::;: : llssod Inf, mrl:ad ulElli ::-i-i': EUTJaAAq Ia^ eurlEf le.l =\'ru[u]euodqns särrFrct ;t'. - j tr:ri .'-' :-:

rednsep apuauodqns

Ertlolnf, lepedooc suEL:

erdng ruarrcsse

sr!l:' .-:

rnlmol BrPaqlBl ulm:Q' =\:a^l§ sl]ns v 'Irlrueauä! :: j [etunrm gry] eurr:o: a:=:'rBJeJ

uJell8Fls sap§;





la seln8uts la s?jr-: 'runua:; 'run:lsldec ta L:- ':?


eralleqd eraref re aluc:=: qns sälsa^ ln 'selatsod ta :z' 'rueapuadap alde ElIa§ E e:':

[t]Ppns §rtual lnlarollol :: -unces orrgns IeA

eueq lur§ §rABI3

- oueF^; :i rüel rlr.E'

-nruus enbeu nuepodatuE 3-

rluenrflBcer enbeu nus,:i;; lBePlsul onbg 'souorello':-' sBulru suee urnrrrnder sn:^;l--

Ie^ aD^aq Ie^ esllueur le.\ :

xe 1er [snlllrncas 91,1] sue:-BIlrO§ ruBlrAlEru lurl ujalrE-i ' srreanbel sreole) Ie^ snqrlE.\::i [e9] 'enreu epunqund rue:: §l]]lqnuBtu lrrBf,Iurl la '.


-nfs unununs uruonb 'alrc: runul^ 'unlera; runurn 'r.!::€

snParu ruuoPosÄ tunPur= -(tunlsnul'Eras]f,

'B!)tAJaf 'Eul

'lqdp'ea1op'sartn'tpef tu:!

'EuralBI'EsuocsqB'urrugEl€: -lerln3 tuBrte tu!s 'ruEePu]:: 'elSratnueu:'allp[u]Eru'adessapros ponb pe tapru ra 'ru.' SIIIf,UJ1IOC O^O OIPll'UrP :..






ancilia, scuta, peltes, baliste, fustibula, funde, baleares, sudes ferei [MS feres], clave nodose, fustes, torres ignem sapientes, quibus asulrus obsidentium elida[n]tur et enervenfur, ne prOpOsitum Consequantur. Asint etiam ariete§ et vinee, vites, garites, baliste, trabärie, crates et alie machine belli. Assint eriam manni, gradarii' dexrarii, palefridi usibus militum apti. Quibus exeuntibus ut me[l]ius animenrur, concinani [70] rube, tibie et lirui, buxus, comua, [et] acies, cunei, legiones vel coortes et excercirus a tribunis milide ordinentur et cum prosiliant ad troiampium vel ad troianum vel tomamentum vel ad girum, tirocinium agmen vel hastiludium sive hastiledium. Assint etiam runcini sive succussorii vernis et visspilionibus [et] coterellis apti. Sint etiam in castro viri prudentes, tam clangatore§ quam caduci. atores, quo-^ ausrucia et prudensia mediante in tempore toge gt in tempore belli nihil inconsulte fiat, penes quos moles regni et summa consih[i] constat. Quorum disspensatione mitius agatur cum supplicibus [MS simplicibus], quorum §ensura et rigore degrassatores legirumpi [MS ligirumpi], plebicitorum [abusores vel] prevaricatores ple6i starutoru., clepi, abactores, sicarii, multatores, enectores' [f.108vb] an' tropocedi fustigantur, punianrur, vel capitali §ententia condenenrur, quorum vita sapiat frugalitatem - est autem frugalitas parcitas in abundansia - quorum sententia ad simile [est] [h]ortans vel a simili de[h]oftans sine conjectura. Sint etiam tam clangatores quam caduciatores. [?1] Sint etiam stratillates, quibus decertantibus [MS

decemantibusl stantelum maneat inconcussum. Quibus victoriam et finem belli consequentibus, victoriarum scripta, utpote nichiteria [MS michiteria], punctis publicis non illaudabiliter committantur. Cum etiam triplex (est) ordo sit milirum, assint milites evocati, tumulruarii et sacErmentates, quos animet ruba ducis decertantis in nube telorum et aleam belli optinentis, quos munera moneant duci§ donat[iv]a et sripendia [MS stupendia], unde sdpendium est stipis pencio. Assint etiam carseres debitis mancionibus distincti, in quorum fundum demrcidanrur compediti et in manicis ferreis posiri. Assint etiam cippi et columbaria, excubie vigiles suis comibus clangorem et strepitum facientes.

[f.109vb] In granario sive in apoteca sit ostorium, corus, modius, vannu§, batus, divene tece frumenti sive tritici ordei, sigilli sive siliginis, et avene vel lolli[il. Assint etiam usui avium cortis pallee, silique, lollium, avena sterilis. Aves autem cortis sunt hee: pulli, galli, galine, gallinatici sive gallinarii, altiles sive autilia' anceres, anates, [?2] cicones, ardee, aves Phasidis sive fasiane, Libie volucres sive grues, futice, alambes, mergites sive mergi, alceones, galli palustres, pavones sive junonius ales.

ff.l10ra1 ln stabulo sint presepe, bostar, are, alvei, alveoli, strigilis et camusr salivare, sonovectorium sive epiredium, capistrum, [etl fallere [= phalerel equorum superius -Textorenumerate. teresrris eques est, qui duarum streparum adnitens apodiamento, [equum] admittit assidue, exili tamen contentum dieta. Scansilia autem, eius forrune conditionem representantia, mutua gaudent vicissitudine [MS viscitudine], ut dum unum

eve[h]irur, reliquum sine nota livoris deprimatur. Et trocleam circumvolubilem [habeatl, cui pannus evotvendus assidue maritari posit' Cidulas habe[a]t trabales, columbaribus disti[n]ctas [et] e diversa regione sese respicientes, cavillis ad modum [f.110rbl pedorum curvatis, trabibus tenorem tele ambientibus, licia tam teni[i]s quam fimbriis apte associentur. Vergis in capudio debitis intersticiis insignitis sia-en deducat täm supponendum quam superponendum. Trama autem [73] benefi' cio navicule transeunris ffansmissa consolidet opus totum, que pano fereo et saltem lingneo muniatur infra fenestrellas. Panus spola vestiatur. Spola autem penso ad modum glomeris vestiatur. Ex hoc penso materia trame sumatLlr, dum manus altera



naviculam textoris iacule

manum remissuram. Seri n capillis gerentes, vimrte r;

laverint, ut magis sincera floccis laneis ad modum sr dicis ad modum populi Bei granehl inebrietur. Posrmr tium forma[m] prorumpat.


tionem exposcens. Sed antequam eterrnm

precedit perduellio. Posre sordium abbluere, ut inpit

estote' [Is.1,16]. Et sic deir.. [74] ubi non erit sicomach: dilectionis et eucaris. lf.11Ovbl [155]Veredu

grisio, collobium habear r sonis vel mulionis otticiu: equos scedat, lenta virga r equi regat. [f.l I lra] Hatea Cum radicem montis ve. curus, bige vel quadrige, ar legere oportet, dissocienr.

posteriori [parti] quadng-e retardare, [MS rerarder] s:: IMS temenis] iuxta resrem Item habeat equus epi(s)pi satiata. Jugum et faleras er cum in alio loco enumecr!'r que equitem munivi circur rum positione, in quibus te

Sed ipsam quadrigam


societur ex diversa regione

lo. Cavilla axi firmirer sir : transmittendi, quorum raj Vestigia profundius irucri'b

rum et ad vermem v'anr, stellionarus .s. crimen van rius reperirur. Circumferer incidias vel offendicula sir' in area quadrige collocenru transversisl duchrum erecr

ligando dicti. Temonis [\i! ter sit armatus. Elevando n, lf.lllvbl [157] Corpus disposita. Atrium etiam ha fieri solebant, ut transeunr intersticiis distincti. [f.1 i 3r ad doma edificii aringenrib ponectis. Parietes e diven

oruäruepury B snltouar oruBnb 'plsodsrp tuts auot8er Bsra^tP ä sarar:e4 'spcauod ruernsslruo? snruop pe anbsn s11113p lsa sndo ueua rg 'snqpuaSune lpglFre Btuop pe anb,sn slu8p 'snqlqeu 'rse sndo qlel'srlnpun'snquessv [erZt t'rl 'ncunslP stlcllsre]ul srlrgäp salsod tuls BInB ul 'tuarltuas autnbob ruaroptu satunasualt tn 'tueqalos pel; sealeld elxnt aurnbob ponb oa rnllf,rP ore gB ponb 'reaqeq uBlla tunFlv 'etrsodsrp lls alseuoq sncluod ponb etxnt'rntetuntu olnqpsa^ alne snd:o3 [tsl] [g^III]l 'rnuralrurr arlE ru[lrJn, uI sou oPue^alE 'sn]BturB lls ral 'eJegla .sou tuälne srurnC'.rluarunua snrrd selpaec [u]auouet S]^il stuouaJ'pc;p opueft1 B la^ oturl e 1aa 'a8upunb luns rlnceq ruetne sauorull 'sltJera ruruelsnP lslsra^suBrl Sr\l osa^sueJt xe turuelnplc Brregurnlo, rad sngluotull lntuercllof, a8upenb BerB u! snql[r]elJ gns uretne serassv 'tecsaledxe u:arelllenbaut a^Is BInoIPueJo Ia^ seIPIsuI

uruolndn:cs eu 'rruellse^ otluntu st^BIJ orra; etoJ EltueraJrunf,JrC :ruuadar snu -B.Duo) lqls snteulurBxe e^rs sntnad srnb opuenb 'sluoueuel uauuf, 's' snleuotllals uaruuc snqr8el ur Jntrf,lp onb e 'turuf,ultslP snqpolof, sIITBA lrIauual PB ta urru .orper sateluauxe pB tse tuncoarnba uatne olllets 'tunqlrJsul sntpun;ord erSnsal 'arlqro taJrlepl^ 'rntuncrp sauolllats sete]nuärtxa turuolPer u:ruonb ';pualrltusuerl

[$I I I j so]uef, u! !!Per tuaqaP yerde olotpoul ul 'esrulul lls rellurg Ixe BllI^BC 'ol -opour ur alrs ouedup ur r[la^lo^lururf, urelne srxv 'B]rs auofar Bsro rp xa rnlalf,os nrsodretur olJ11aueq srxe 'et- 'etog 'snuawre oratel ap u:e8rrpenb uesdt pag 'rntunuadar rcualc r8rpord [ra] peae nurss[p]euar sngpb ur 'auortrsod u:n: -oqral pas auollnf,acxa suado uou'slpessaJau srquelsrunJrr: rlrunur ruarlnba anb -uncruanb aars urrua8ru:re elrs tunFBtnf,s [9gt] unP'ur.uaaBraunue orol oIIE u! uno 'ueruBt ouruto ta unll!^ltuerB, ra untllaf,gns ta runlrBns te sBralBJ ra run8nf 's]enBs auotues rcrldnpu ollof, ur uenb runsrop erdns luer B[!]qd(s)lde snnba reaqeg urall 'lBeual snparal JtroJ nueur unacrrc uBlsara urarolralue uralsar erxnr [sruaurar gyrl] sruoual tuBlll^Bo [ra] 'rnrersare 'aluerogel arlldod otBnuls [raprerar Shl] 'arsPrea.l a8upenb sntour urntadur Bns etntrra es f,ls tä 'srueä11 aEppenb [pred] yopatsod orlsldec ratle 're[q]El urruJnf, snun ta r8n8urc rnbe rntuersosslp 'tauodo ere8al urätne runC'runtcnfuoc rlred uorretuu'a8upenb lan a8rq'srunc a8uol saarlcep


Ie^ rrlBc snuo rntatde 'lnba tunpuaxe run8nf


sntEl Ie^ sltuoru IIref,IPBr tuno

'texa^edxa sueleld IeA sBr^ sesolnl laa enbsal au searoo tBaqEH [erI I le8ar mba ruarne ponb oe rmruos uaruou eärrne apun 'uralne le8ar eEra elual 'lepacs sonba euordrocs 1aa olla8eg lnren{ oelntrB 'ltranloa araldxa tunlf,I}o sluolFru Ia^ sluos (lrrangll snuau runt ln -e,8e rs 'unleagnsetu rBaqBq urnlqolloc 'otsu8 IoA 'tuBaxa urBrBruIB onndec reeqBq rx'Inf,n(t)f, sruruf,np runrr'pera^



ruBna ta suearda le snsorter8 smol pas 'opnrrorlos anbeu enlceruoi;* t1r, uou sn [üf] snurqelo^uof, urepled ueuradns (pB) pB lrBc[l}]punru apulap f,ts rA 't9I'I's1] ,alolsa

Ipunu la 'luluIB^B'L :ulelalll PB l§e IllnlclP Ponb rnrealdul ln 'eranlggB runlpros ta araxaluoo [e"Ot t l] slls]rrBc sndo lacap eelsod 'orllanprad rpocard


e3uo1 'snsues

lä sluorlu snloru Jalul

'snurerdrf,sns tualsal ruguralo uenbarue pag

'suacsodxa rueuoB

.n1qe rua:uanbar; 'e;rue{npu! ](u)eplqns asas spollry 'tedu:ruord [ur]B(uro, lunn .sal ul tuenbatue 'tunlcu1ue latlpua^ Iqls slrotxar tunporutsod :nrerrqour [a]auerä oluaulpuoJ orgarJ e"lntJult la^ rntBluos ruado slsuecealpg l1ndod runpotu PB slslP -uls p^ srf,rpues BuEI unpourrsod 'snqppsredns urruednts unpotu pB slauel srooog 'rma^raser srunuats sndo pe B3npe euBI roryqeq le sred Eraouls s18eur ln 'tupalel -;dap asx aurtuelraf, ooordlsar ra o8uol '[unp]uarllour s1u31 alnlll 'satuare8 srlydec ord rueuel 'raüe, sauqoad rsru 'rnlerpro rrrelal srnb errsng pos 'urernssnual lunueru rueroos ur anbsn snueru srrorrd unrcrlaueg tuap! Sntapcer suolxel tuelncrleu


Bra:tlB snueu runp trueun: pe osuad tuatne elodq :-:

ruatlBs ta oeral oued anb


[61] ualne


'; :

snru8rsur sllf,ltsratur srrr:r s[l]Iual tual E!J!l 'sngtlu::: unPou P8 srllr^Ef '§a]uf:r' 'salegert r[E]eqeq selnpr-)

ruallqnp^urnf,rl) tuear]1. urnun runp tn '[eurFrur-:., -lPuo3 aururoJ snle 'u.13:^:

[unnba]'oluauerpo'ie :-:;urruonba [ualeqd =l :j: ':: (snrue3 te srp8ras '1'r;,.': enrs seuoned 'ser]sl. SArS SarSnlo^






'BrlunB e^rs salnle 'lur.:'. rualnB §aAV 'srluats sua..,€ '[l]t11o1

Ie^ eue^e ta 'stu'*i


sa1lfta algncxa'euEgurnl,l: -ruof, rnluBP!f,ulaP ur npu-:

rulssv 'orcuad srdos

r= '; i:

sr3nP luBauour eraunur

-ra33P slf,nP eqnt teuruE ! 'urnlrlru lls oPro (lsa\ x;' r;

-gnd spcund'[euarrq:ru

IIIaq tuaug

le ulePollr.\


gyrl] snq;ruec.recap snqrrb ":

rutl tuelta turs 'errulol'i. srlualuas ruruonb - Ersus:i elrn uruonb'rnluauapu:: .ue j]'serot?aua'e [qag61 -eouezra:d


[1arr sarosnqe]

le Ernsues urruonb '[snqr]:wruon§'telsuo3 [l]tltsuo:

I11aq arodruar ur ta e8ol a:; -!f,npef, u.renb sa:ote8uel: ' [lo] §nqluollldsslrr 1a sru:ar runlpnlltser{ lan uatuEe u::

runrduerorl pe ruellqso:d i:: ' larr sauoläel 'reun3 'sar)e

'rntuarurue snr[l]atu tn snc: tttreper8 'yuuBru ruBpa turs-r 'selll 'aaur^ la selalle ul re rru[u]EPIIa runnuaPrsqo a^EIo '[sera] §]a1] Iere; sapns




8. ALE{A\-:


surgunt, tanto magis distant latitudine, alioquin ruinam minabitur tota machina doÄus er ira erir [MS exit] discrimen, Specularia autem competenter sint disposita eoas [MS oeas] partes resspicientia, ubi succina sive pixides tortiles sub divo ponan. tur, in quibus itorasis calamita [non] autem storacis sigia nec sigie corimbrum, continearur, sirapinum, amomatum, oppanatum, Melium, euforöium, sarcocalla, masticum, popilio, oleum laurinum, anifactroleon [ 1 58], sa[m]buceleon, castoreum' aneteleon et epi rimata. Crates etiam tecto supponantur, que culmo supposita aut calamo palustri aut arundine cooperiantur, aut cindulis subpositis lateres sive tegule subponantur. La' quearia insidias [aeris] expellant. Proiectum [et] fundamentum stipitibus muniantur. Hostium habeat seram et pessulam, vectes, gumfos, repagula. Valve bifores iuxta porticum colloce[n]tur et cardinibus debito modo muniantur. [f.ll2va] Rusticus rure degens inopi senecte volens consulere, domum habeat muniam corbibus, calathis, cumeris vimineis, et spoftis et cophinis. Habeat etiam fucinam hamatam, ut se pisibus reficere possit. Nec ficina sive ficella careat in qua lac a mulra diligenter susceptum et sepius expressum crebra coaguladone in formam casei transeat, sero eliquato. Colustrum reservetur teneris pueris pro[p]inandum. [159] Postea caseus in sua teneritare in techa ex papiro vel ex cirpis vel ex junccis palustribus composita foliis lateat coopertus propter insidias muscarum, cinifum, locustarum, brucorum, cullicum, c[r]abronum. Palleas habeat et acera et furfura que sint gallinis pabula, anatibus et anceribus, aucis, auculis et huiusmodi avibus cortis. Habeat etiam pollenuudium et taratantarum, ut illo pollen eliquarur, illo servisia colerut specificetur et purgetur. Habeat etiam frameam et spatam sive vangam et tribulum et tribulam - non dico tribulos - et saciculum ad tempus sationis conservatum, sonovectorium, corium, quallum, quaxillum, muscipulam contra mures, pedicam qua lupi capiuntur. Habeat etiam fustes et palos sepius in igne exploratos. Habeat F.l12vbl bisacuram ad eradicandum vepres, tribulos, sentes et s(a)pinas, vitulamina spuria ad sepes firmandas et renovandas, ne per incuriam sub tempore furfe noctis abactores, bubulcis et sub(ub)ulcis sopitis, intrent curiam et armenta aMucant. [160] Habeat artavum quo surculos excecat et eosdem arboribus oculandis [MS oculandas] inserat si opus fuerit. Habeat et ligones quibus tirsos exrirpet et inrubas, urticas, elTvos, lollium, carduos, avenas steriles. Quedam tamen habilius unco extirpanrur quam ligone. Habeat etiam subulcum et bubulcum et opilionem propter luporum insidias. Habeat etiam caulam sive ovile, ut oves ibidem posite terram pinguiorem et letiorem reddant sterconlm opulenda. Assit tugurium pastoris sive magale, in quo canis custos fidelis secum pemoctet. Tiansferatur sepius ovile, ut tota campi area tam mincrure quam stercorationis pecorum sentiat beneficium. Habeat etiam bosar rusticus noster et presepe, hoc equis, illud bobus, aptandum. Et si ei aliquantulum arid(i)eat prosperitas foftune blandientis, habeat agasonem et mulionem et in equicio equum emissarium. [Habeat etiam] oves, boves, capras, iuvencas, tauros, buclos, buclas, bubalos, [f.l13ra] onagros, arietes, verveces, mul' tones, ciciros, burdones. Habeat etiam casses et retia et reticula et laqueos extensos ad circumvolvendum [161] lepores, damas, capriolas, cervos, cervas, hinulos. Hec sunt arrna et instrumenta rusticorum. Odorinse(n)ci [et] canes melod assint (cervas) et leporarii. Habeat aratrum humane vite usibus admodum necessarium cuius medium sortia. tur grande robur, quod usualiter trabem vel temonem dicimus. Quod quasi bifurcando procedat in binas aures, ut lira sive sulcus latior efficiatur. Quoddam tamen aratrum unica aure vel ansa contentum est. Procedat etiam robur curvandum in burim, que cauda bovis interpretatur vel cauda aratri. Buris autem dicitur quasi bris



uros enim idem cuc

quod idem est quod mer: aratrum cui capulus inrigar.

et libidna sive feremtm. ararrum difficilis regimri-.::


inpressum ubi [MS vel] su:

(salignea). Subponarur de; cratem, clavos, cavillas, res opoftet agros [alut fimo ;e edis cad[e]ntibus iteranCo letificare aut igne purgare cratis munire factis de sc:: cooperire, autgrana tere ca prorumpat, herba in calar:.1 tur et honererur [MS hon; rare, aut ab area manr: commendare, rastro munj: fringi oporteat, dissolvi e: r


di in

usu panis trarufcr:

edis[er]anda relinquo. [f -.

ymaginem Priapi non ex omitto. Multa etiam ralia sum, unde non me sicut qu. [f. 1 l4rb] Navium di''er::


Navis, navicula ,r: Et ratis, lembu=.;:

Rosrum cun'an,i Prora prior navis : Hiis interposita pa

Set summam pane Queque ratis navl!

[f.1 l4val Navis ergo pn: vomere quod in transfrera: idem quod vomirus. A navr sit clericus navis qui com; naulum, -li, .i. pretium qu.-te, et navica, -ce. Item n, quia prima huius verbi fra: unde Lucanus:'Naufragiu::

huius dictionis suffragium p

venor'[Epl. I,19,37]l Ad h: dam coripit [corr. produ;i:

duxit secundam huius di;::

secundam etiam excepti cr., tum sequi naftrram sui sr= prorumpendo. [Puppis di; r: ratus] dicitur de rarus, -a, Item a prora dicirur prorer spectat sedere in prora. G

ep 'Bulru sueruf, rsenb rntrcrp uJruoplsÄ unpunoas Burre3 'erord ur arapas lacads u:a:erp8;p IIrBIIacuBc pe ernb tntlllP snpBllacugf, rnb era:ord rrulcP aro.rd e u.rat1 'BuuU essa taqap srter eynb 'un- 'B- 'snrurg rsa ponb 'run- 'B- 'sntBr ap .lntrcrp [sn]er Snl sneg 'üro- 'B- 'snl.rno rsa ponb'run- 'E- 'snddnd [e rnrlcrp srddn4l 'opuadturuord B rntrf,rp erord uatl [t9I] 'BgnuoJd 'eqnuut tncrs 'stctlduts Ins tuetrleu tnbx u:nl .rsodtuoc anbrqn teuodo uou elnb 'teraplsuoo aln8ar urauortdacxa rue1ta uepunf,as lldlüo3 ora^ rnb'trxadsul sl3o^ ruernteu runrqnuuoJ sruonrrp snrnq ruepuncas tlxnp -ord rnb tn)!s 'ueuoltcnpord rue,,rnrsod olal snrterg '[llrnpord 'uoc] r;duoc ruep -unoes Inb trf,rdssar lar tuerueu snueon'I ponb snurcrp coq pV ille'6ll1dg] ,:ouan efergns srgald asoluaa o8a uop, snltelo apun tntr3npord unr8elgns sruouorp snrnq EpunJas ponb o8ra tsa apun '[tog'l] ,l1re; enbsrnb 1qls runl8egneN, :snuecn'I aPun 'auoprsod rnl;cnpord päs 'Jntlduroo ratllgrntgu 'sr8- 'o8uer; Igre sntnq eruud ernb lse EqdaJJoo Bpunoes lgl ta unl8arJneu rntluodruos sI^Bu ruatl 'aJ- 'BsIAeu te 'al, 'etneu rnrJlp sr^eu B ruatl 'sr^Bu olncr[q]aa ord rnrep ponb unnard 'l' '11- 'unlneu rIIlrJlP r^Bu B ru3:tl 'snrrBssef,eu t§ä uraPlql auü11lo1 la nuro3 rnb srrreu sn3uelf, lls Ie 'r^Bu u! tuetros tloBJ lnb srualonBu rntruodtuoc orel r^Bu V 'sntluro^ ponb u:apl rsa ponb 'aa- 'EasnBu apun 'tr8uBuoc snrdas srreur ouoltBte{suau ur ponb äretuol ponb rsa urapl ponb 'sB- 'oesnBu rntrf,rp epun tsa unautruud oSra srae51 [B"tI I ]I 'srssBIJ oltcelloc lunrlBu 'sraeu srter anban§ lue]Br assa snurf,rp rualred ueruruns tas 'Buuec Epuaf,p lsa sred etlsod:atur srr11

:srddnd Eurltp lntlllp sred sr,reu .ror.rd eror4 'teqBr{ §r^8u Bulruou oPuBNnf, runrlsou

:snlacegd'eumqll'eqru rc'eqde:'snqurel'srter tE rapurlrrlc enbxolec anbrelurl BIncr^Bu'syae51 :rnrunp[ua]rlardruor snqrcre^ srq satetrsre^rp unr^EN [qrtI I ]l '[erpourlod Sy\] ErpourlBd tezrnr soru!:nldruenb tncrs aru uou apun 'u:ns sntncx.rad sreru suatll srrle ur euueurtred urntlsodord pB Brlsl ruene EtlnlAI 'o]]1ruo suase.rd pB 'elrouatu lurun3o uou ernb pes 'Bltue.rou8r xa uou 1deu4 ruaur8euÄ uB?ne^rBl te ruB^rBI [t9ll te ruBqer 'r.unelncv [e"gtt]] 'onburlar epue[ra]srpa Ia^ Bpuealf,nua lulranou erlel [;nb] s1111 'rrssod rreruroJsuBn srued nsn u1 ;p .uaculd äuE tn(E) 'a:enb11a Fqarf, sng1ulureroJ rrrntpJaruls te l^lossrp'teat:odo r8urr; -uoc tunuu8 Blolu B unpoutsod 'areclJrpunu ouue^ 'erapunru orlsar 'arepueururof, slaro seqrt8 sBlcalloc te sEtorugns seu:rla8 aars solndruBw BarB qB tne 'eJBr -ntlrl BaJB ul tnB 'arataur teatrodo opotu rsBuonö '[rnroorroq Sl\il rn]arouor{ ta rnl -Bruour ruruouer8 sr:rds la sroat snruelBo'rnlapllosuoc runruele3 ur Bqraq'tedruruord urBgreq ur unssrJ ta urntef,ljlroru tunuer8 tn 'arepuauruo) aral euer8 tne 'arpadooc olorJäuäq arleD uressrruruo3 eräl uäreräJ tä snnuru srurds ep srlf,BJ arrunru snero snqpuep sor8e rne erenba orpuryrlJ tnE 'slsuaoul srlndns erefund au8r tne erecgltel ularf, ruetat tne are^oual BtJBra^ tnE arEurqar BrlB^ou opuerat! sngpu[a]pec srpa [1aa] euecrrue la [oaec SI^l] euec gns 'arrf,resar tne aracsed ouru rn[B] sor8e tauodo arerof,rals opotu uteuon§ 'oararerd eluods rurutlnf,'tuetsar 'sBIIrABf, 'so^BIJ 'ruetBJo 'uadag '[q]elI, rrueSgul reurol le^ sluro^ onb epruap rnreuodqng '(eau311es) rrqu88ue.rJ [Z9Il eln]EuEar Fal eau8urles e8nr urnrle8nlqns [p^ Shl] lqn u:nssardur l1s esoudrunle 1aa essd;E BJat Ia^ Eruorunue ul runc srurtur8e: srllolglp rurutare ruatnB lq 'tlpuaqarduo) ens nueu ur rotare ponb :a 'turutäre; a^rs eurtrqrl te 'slcue stllrueüxa :B!l pe runrcarnba snlndec ruatne tsg 'rnre8gu; snlndec rnc rurut&ra rntr8ar enb opuenbrlqo gB e^ns rnte^alA 'sl^oq urruqrueru ponb rsa uapl ponb sorn sualo? rsenb rrurcrp srunloo epun 'sog


F^ epneo ponb urapl rulua sorn - sorn

qrq lsenb rntlf,Ip lue]ne sr.r-;

ur unPuE^Jnf, JngoJ ruE:: uatue] uBppon§'.tn:er::;:

-uecrnJlg tsenb pon§ 'sn'ji i: Snrnf !unl:?i. -BnJO§ UJnIPaIU

(se^Jal) tulssB noleu



f,eH 'soFun{ 'se^J3l 'sc'rt: €lnr:r: i.-: sosualxa soanbel ta


tseJdec 'saloq 'sa,ro l':::: la uauose8e teagei{ ':::i: :- , u-j-lf

lg'unpuerde'snqoc 'r.unlf,IJeuaq lelluas

ln 'all^o



srrolsed unun8ru rr;i-i' i -- arrsod ruaplqr se.\o r- ; ' urauorlrdo ta runrlnc.-: :: '

snlllgeq uatuel

weparl ir

la ledJnxe sosrtl snqirb -i: srPuBlnso snqlrogre uraPi,l: Eluarure la ruallnf lual:ul

erodtuel qns rueuncur :aJ l 'sBurd(e)s ta setues 'solr..:

'soleroldxa au8r ur snrCr -!Ped'sernur EJluof rue'^: -e^JasuoJ sruones sndua:



le rue8uer aars ueteJs :l : ua":': Brsr^ras o111 5nrenb11a

'sruoJ §nqr^E rpousnrnu ra !


anb ernyn; te Bra?B ta

'tunJlulf, 'tunrEosntu sEtE::-.i' srccunf xa 1al srd:rc xa I!\ :-

'urnpueur[d]ord sr:anj ;' ruBur.roJ ur auoneln8eo: e: :; enb u1 learec BIIef,rJ e^rs e-jl luenä teeqeH 'srurgdo: ra s tBageq tunruop 'aralnsuo: :Btxnr saroJlq eapl 'e1n8e3a 'rntuBruntu snqpldps urnrua'




-e1 :nlueuodqns oln8al

lne rrsnled




'BllBf,o3res'runrqrojne'(Un: (urruqurroc ar8rs 3au er8rs -ueuod o^rp qns salll:ot seFl ellsodsrp tuls ratuatadtuor Eurqf,eu elol rrulqeurut lx





curo, -is vel a carie dicitur eo quod carere debet carie. Classis dicitur multirudo navium. Calon [MS colon] enim idem est quod lignum, unde classicum dicitur clamor nautarum et intransitivum est vocabulum, ut hec clasica dicunrur clangores tubarum [f.114vb] et lituorum. Qui ergo munitam vult habere ratem, albesrum habeat, ne desit ei ignis benefi' cium. Fst autern albestus lapis quidam qui cum sit accensus, inextinguibilis manet. Habeat etiam acum iaculo subpositam. Rotabitur et circumvolvetur donec cuspis orientem resspiciat, sic compreh[e]ndent quo t[elndere naute habeant (naute) cum cinosura lateat in aeris [MS auris] rurbatione, quamvis ad occasum numquam tendat propter [165] sui circuli brevitatem. Farre etiam cibo opus est et mero. Armis autem äavis sit munita et securi, ut malus abs[clindi possit, tempestate emergente, quod ultimus cumulus est malorum, et ut piratarum possint elidi insidie. Asseres autem firmis clavis coniungantur, malleolis sibi utrinque concurentibus, et pice et cera picata exterius [MS interius] lineantur ut ungine, interius, [MS exterius] levigentur, haustr. nimie unctionis gliscentes. Trabibus et craticulis opus est, ne pulsatio crebra alipedum compaginem navis dissociat vel dissolvat. Asseribus etiam opus est sibi proportionaliter associatis, et mancionibus nautarum distinctis. Super modium malus eiigatur. Modius enim equivocum est ad mensuram et ad instrumentum illud

super quod erigirur malus. Malus autem dicitur a malo, quod est pomum, quia rotundus est. Dehinc velum malo maritetur. [.115ra] Rudentes autem circumquamque paftem pretendantur, a rudendo dicti, quorum extremitatibus velum malo maritetur. Inferior autem pars veli trabibus ex ransverso ductis societur. Tümor autem veli sinus apellatur. Antemnis [MS antomnis] etiam opus est. Sunt autem antempne corde quasi ante amnem posite [166] (quantum) superius [quarum] exffemitates comua dicunrur. Virga mali carchecium dicirur. Est a[uteml carchesium vas sacrificio aprum et eadem virga cheruca vocatur. Cheruca proprie dicirur idem quod ventilogium, quod gallice dicitur'kochet'. Fiant etiam fori et columbaria - non dico foratoria - peique remi exire possint, si opus sit navigio, si aura deficiat. Collumbar in alia significatione dicitur 'pillori'. Parastes autem pretendanrur, funes videlicet grocissimi vel malum stipites suppodientes. Sic autem dicuntur quasi pariter stantes vel pares stantes. Remus quidem tonsus dicitur, nunc a regendo [MS cegendo], nunc


8. ALETA\:


tondendo, clawm etiam habeat

et podium. Extremitates remi autem

§unt palm[u]le. Palm[u]la a palma dicitur quod est admodum palme. Habeat etiam nauclerus transtrum, quod est sedes nautarum a transverso dictum. Iuxta autem assit troclea, a trocleos grece, quod est rotundum latine, dicrum, et instrumentum illud eo quod circumvolvarur, ut rudentes circumlegati sint firmiores et ut velum per aure

variationem nunc superioretu! nunc inferioretur. Dicirur autem troclea rorunda moles. Opus est ancora, dicta eo quod contra corum ponitur, [f.115rbl ut ponatur species pro genere. Dicitur autem ancora ab an [MS am], quod est circum, et ciros, quod est manus, quia circumcirca similis est manui. [167] Et nonndum quod porticulus dicitur maleolus quo nauta dat signum sociis, unde Plautus [MS plastus] dicit 'Ad loquendum et tacendum habeas pofticulum' in carmine suo (porticulum ha' beas). Navis autem sic ordinetur nostra quod ad porrum salutis applicetur. [f.1 16ral Scriptor habeat rasorium sive novaculum ad radendum sordes pergameni vel membrane. Habeat etiam pumicem mordacem et planulam ad purgandum et equandum superficiem pergameni. Plumbum habeat et tinulam, quibus lineatur pergamenum, margine circumquaque tam ex parte tergi quam ex parte camis exist. ente libera. Assit eriam quaternu§ - non quatemio dico, qui quartam partem exceP citus significat. Cedula [MS cedule] sive appendice tam in superiori parte quam in inferiori folia habeat coniuncta, et registrum et punctorium de quo dicere possit

'punxi non pupugi'. Scr: pluteum sive asserem su::r

habeat epicaustori um cer. : habilis sit et ydonea ad


dentem ver[r]is sive apn : [itera] sive lirura facra Ii,: Cavillam et spectaculur.

beat prunas in epicausrer.incaustum, pergameno ex: [f. I 1 6rb] lux intrare pos-i i :. naris. Fenestrella pannc ..

obstictal muneatur. Vini: albedo enim incensa visu:

exsensum obtenebrat. Er i vel rubeas vel feniceas e: Salamone repertam. Sci,:

ubi diasian et ubi o[rc]r.r

si[g]ma, antisi[g]ma [\{S , barbaralexim vel scrib,e:.i barbarorum mos. Sciat u':: bi, ubi virgula represen=. in cirograffis, cartis, rra:. aurcm per subbrevirarer:.


[f.l lTra] Aurifaber ca;

cuncto§ meatu§ evapoG:e spiritus per fistulas excier.: alimenrum. Assit eriam :: formam debitam suscipia: forcipis tenearur ad forma mandas, quandoque larr.,:

quandoque stanneas, qua:

electro, adamante vel cx-.e vel carbunculo vel iaspije Habeat etiam et cotem qu conferat. Habeat etiam e: superficiem auri et argenr: scorio gremiali colligere


opus represenranr. i-

gium, filum argenteum, ii

consui vel construi vel pa: in opere anagfl]afario, ran rudis habeat tabellam ce:prorahendos [et] depinge cognosscat et litargium. .{ ne pro auro elico emar a,

givenationem fabateriam §unt tre§ animi morus, me: rum. [f. 1 18ra]



fixum [et] alie vero ymagr:

.l§rxa s.nuBf, aued xe

-oJnlnJ euuaprud'tunlluasard enualos 'uruolpala:d Bpotuau 'snlour Ilulue sar luns ruBN :nterunru snqrtout rurue sllcayad rsru 's;tuertulqns tueualeqel uauoueueu8 .rel ara8nga srcellad sr.lotltsu! rsa aaer8 uBN 'unJleorrne terua ooIIä orne ord au 'ordnc e 'oclecpo qB ereuacsrp tel3s unzrrgo luerta unrnv 'runtfuel11 ta tecssouSoc rueulseo'tepacord asue5our uratnB rn 'srpour sIITBA sopua8urdap [ra] sopuaqenord sopf,sol, pB Ecllqo uslf,un e1113re 1an eretuoraf, Ia^ tuereref, tuelleqet teaqeq sIPru snlndrcsrp snre lE 't1lcry a:edo u; ruenb lllrcnp arado ut rxet 'olreJe[l]3eue aredo ur uenb ;1erunld arado ur ruet assa taqep sntlrad 'rulssod uered 1aa !rutsuoo Ie^ rnsuof, arde llngdrc re lrcBr; lqdlc re rurqdoc onb [111] [$tII]] 'unatua8re tunlg'unt8 -lrJFnB'ueru11 ta ueeutl Ia^ ruetBtuep ruetes ruepa leaqeH 'tueluasardar sndo r11n8r; enb 'elnunu BsBA le selndtue [ra] serecse tuelta teaqeH 'araä111oo 11eluari ouocs 'olruerE u1 tuearad au 'urruollBtaru elnrruer8 llssod onb ta ltua8rt ta une u:atcruadns ara8ratxa pa arrlodxa pa are8rnal onb tunutrodel uapad ta ulerta tBaqBH 'lelaJuo3 ualce [qay gyri] oua; enb rueloru la leroldxa tunlletelu enb ruatoc ta rualte lEaqBH 'lrssod areuuo; pn aradlncs saorldrrlnu sern8r; o-rrtldes lair aprdsel Ie^ olnJunqreo la^ etue8reur 1aa op8ereus Ie^ otourf,Br IeA arouueu la^ atlaj3o la^ etuBLuBPB 'ortf,alä u1 enb u:etnceard uallac te ruelta tBeqeH 'seardnc anbopuenb'seauuets anbopuenb 'sBaclEJIrnE anbopuenb'seara; anbopuenb 'seatue8re sEuIruBI anbopuenb'sepuBru -ro; seesero sBe[r]cerq pE urnloalleru ruelte rBegBH 'runpuBruro; PB rueaual srdrctoS nsn JurH 'lpuatxa ta turssod rcnpord lloalleul nsn f,urH 'terdlcsns tueltgep tueuuoJ la rn1erl1sur3 rurure} uenb radns alotrnp arsne[q]xaur sncur ruelta tlssv 'ulmuotullB leaqud ru8r orcradsse erqarc anbe tBpuaf,f,B [941] seun:d suerf,xa selntsg rad sntt:rds suatslxe sntur tn 're8u sa11o; nslnd rnal eratlB snuel^l 'ererodena sntearu sotcunc rad trssod snrunJ tn 'unleroyed oururns u! teaqBq rununuef, raqBJIrnV [BrtII]I 'reqap lqFrs sacrde rad osorpuaduoc ta uatelr^arqqns rad tualne esolg 's1so1ä ur unrle ta 'ntxat ur tunrle te snqruortcBsuBl 'sruef, 'st$e:Sortc ut rrueruos lpuaglros oporu orlv :nrBqlrc[s]qns uoiuordp sueruxardar elnSrrn 1qn'lq ,rrJsqns teegap snlal;ousode lqn 'EuolBqradÄ 1qn'sourrlq Iqn tBrcs 'soru ruruoregrBg rnrel[1e]de snusrreqrBg 'te.unour sncrger8 unusueqreq opuaglr3s la^ urxelBreqrBq opuanbol au 'Btol I{n 'nerr lqn 'Brur'ue8rp 1gn te'[Bulsnue Shll eru[8];spue 'eu[8]ls Iqn'Brlep ]qn re eaq lqn 'Bre lqn re uorJnuo rqn la e8au[or]o Ign re uBlsBrp lqn ta ualls aragpss teaqap lgn snlrerqll a rs snrrBlou (ponb) re;rg 'ruerradar auoureles B ruernze la uarallnd runJsnJ ruBrta tBagBH 'selzlrdec te seaf,lua, la^ seoqu Ie^ seauund sBralll [691] sspueruro] pB runounrl urBna teegeq tA 'leJqauelqo urnsuasxe 'l' [u:ncpdo ro3] u:nrrsgo lunl.lau aturxBlu ra:e[SJar8sp lunsrl Esue3ur turua opaqle 'rlrmolnf,o srrpu eururelos luaqard ra8ru pa roloJ rulua slplrl1 'Jrueaunru [errnsgo Sy\l Blruusrp oräru pa [arolo]l lplr!^ BueJqurau Ia^ oaurl ouued Ellersaual 'slreu -ollnbe nual srulnsse lau8undur snra uellenseua, auo; rs 'lrssod eranu1 xnl [qr9I I]l olclJauaq snrnc'runrpol ruerta tEagEH'luntuerrrsuB urnlerexa ouarue8rad'runtsneour lrssod ue3orsap osrcnbe Ie^ osolngeu arodu:at ur snrtlf, ln 'ouatsnBcrda ur seurud leaq .BH 'ruBsorpuadssrp uraroul urerorJe eu runpcercads la urell!^B3 qo rercE 'teeqeg 'trra^BllecuB, setducs sarätll le^ - rüntuaurele oJIp uou Ftsl elcE erntll a^rs leraltll recsanbll [e^rs SI^{] [uou ]n] unuau:e8rad u:npuarylod pe pde anls sr[r]raa ruetuep rBagBH 'Btcenxe ruuad e (aJoal a^rs) rualne o1Ä'urnpueqlros pe eauopÄ ta trs srpgeq tn 'taluro, ue[u]uad onb reageq *lrerV 'runtredooc euotual runpotsnecrda tBagBq .rotducg 'olysod sngpad gns arde [B9I] ollagms 'snqnuaultsns ruarassB arls unalnld 'slte^ale anbruutn slsue 'teeplsar BrpagteJ ul rualne srunrdlrcg ',18ndnd uou 1xund,

rlssod a.rargp onb ap runucr: ur ruenb alred uouedns ui 'j -ra:xa u:alred uer:enb rnb :

'ertsaqcro 'unrSoleue 'runtsalf,s'unlldlnd rueua trssv 'saur8eurÄ ora^ arlB [la] unxg -1cruc 'urnloueru 'suoy eAIs runroB BI :f,aq tuns Bonsersel3se utueurrulsul [ar8 t t I




rnlBaurl snqlnb 'ue1nutl :: la unpueSrnd pe uelnuerJ : ,arueSrad sapros runpu?F'j : 'rnlacrldde sIlr"Es ' -Bq runlnf,prodl ons eu:-j-j.:

l1c1p [snrseld 5p1] srune',: ;: -.rod ponb runpuslou _:

tsorlo la 'ulnoJro lsa

r: .:


rrueuod rn [q:911r] ':-:':-.: ePuRlor Eelf,orl urelnE :-:': arne rad unla^ rn la s?:t*j oe


:: 'jj-

Pnll! lls§E uralne elxnl 'u.:.::': : -neu uEua leeqeH o'ij'i: luns lualne rural :'alE:\l u1p'.: --- :: cu

nu' [opua8a]


saluers rarued lsenb


lesllap!^ saury'.rnluePusla: rB$unlloc ']Brf,rr3P erne rs of,lP uou - Bu8glunlof la '.:1 ponb urepl ruIf,IP er:Cc:: [uo-lJII3es sBA runlsaqf,rel

setBlruärlxa [turuenb] snu>:

audualue rualne tunq ts? iIlIe]nE lolllnf 'InlalrcS )ll:-: -etu oletu unle^ snquür';:: .tuenbuncrrc ruerne sarulr^ etnb 'urnurod rsa ponb, :' Pnlll urruuilurulsul Pe l3 i:jz runrpo{u


lsa sndo uJBIla snquas§Y lE*', orleslnd eu 'lsa sndo sttn::: 'rntua8riral [snue]xe S]\] ',areo la acrd la 'snquue:n:'.: luelnB §erassv 'arPrsur lDlr?

ponb'aluaärarua atasadrua: rualnB slurrv 'oraru la lsa s:

lBpual urenbunu runseff,r D runf, (atnBu) tu8aqer{ arne.l srdsnc cauop rnte^lo^urnlri

'lauBru srlqrn8urlxaur'snsL:. -lJauaq sluEt ta llsep au 'tE"i saroSuelc ruunf,rP BsrsBl?

rrurf,rp unf,rssElS SPun

'u.1.'. 3

oPnlpFur rnlIsIP slssel]


9. JOH\ (

john of Garland's Dicttt'; Petit Pont and Alexande:

to have been composei. . College 2? 0 ff .L4n-24 rb pe1 Ä11enba alrr pue petlpa uaaq ra^au sBr{ ef,urs ot rlncrsm sl Pasn se,t rsa8lp eB qolq^r ol tuätxa aq1 'alglg erp u1 Ärepqerca IBnsnun Yll/r\ tullBep ued puoces ag p tsaSp esra^ 8 pasodruoc u.renba51 tflfintotl srg Eurcnpord puB {uour e Sulurocag rat B erxp euros

opuenb 's' stlotmJrn ?lndul?i

ratwoilouaS relndod


,!\l?tnot 4

sau/J{laa o rro

nvno8N uitqNu«t'Iv



C, Pa{ß taA

-ouuef, rsenb rnrlclp umutar.tr






Ut clibanus fumum



sic exprimit hic tibi maylum

tibi om. (J) muiüm (J) muilm (L) f.101v Sic per pulmentum tibi cunputage vocarur Sit (JL) dtmwtage (J) notarum (J) vocatum (L) f.l01v Dicirur arncyd qui constematus habetur eynaez (JL) constematur (L) f .102r Dic quod resinam pariunt reln atque resudo ä reisinam (L) pereunt (L) rayn (L)


f.103v f.103v

Quod gallus uudrundicit censeto lebetem dvudriln (J)


Unccus et unccinus cyoc et crol1eads e^Ileu 8 qll1lr tcaluos ruoJ, sauos teqt a8pal^\ou1ro ttos aqt WI^\ pateroätaut Ja^au sl Pue ernteu

) i

'ru*Älli"ri'rto :i

'B-tgr'dd'rp 'do*4qcuag

Äq paronb

-ord la araf,nPulnl.l:l

l3 'snruaqBq

aPBU retuoulH Äg pore8nsec a8en8uel;o acueäerreoxa

Eqdrunss8 srpessol8 ap Bsrutsgg



-elerdralur auls


'uetrtv anbte euueg -Blualso PE arelll(Ull.:' le '8]rsod luns auotrE ur aenb'Ba rslu EFeI 'aen8ur1 anbsnutn u:e 'psyrrn18 uou aer sauuo ln 'llsJruarul ):. -ualua^uof,ur'sr8t1la:u

rueuorlBl§aJ]ueu, Pe



BIB$ou 'llry un§t.\ I ]a'BseerC lqn'selalo




Blsaplg ur rnbol ega. :snlolsody r!f,rp urnt'

'suonsanb lectqderSoquo uo aSIAPB a(uos PuBq-Puof,as BJo sr lro/h aql 'Pnsn se 'rng oslB sl araql'uoua^uep 1ec;8oloru,ba atp Surureldxa pue Sulueeu aqt 3u1sso13 uo

sr srseqdure ulBur aql puB sreroB;reqo ueluog ul PateJatllsuan erB raDEI aqJ '(1ZeZ -6ZI'II) $Eual lB Pol8a§ aft t)aotc agr ]§ltq/t\ '(8zl-I'lI) sPro^r marqag Är3t3 uee^rtag rnoqe Äpo qrl^\ slBäp snulelllnC lua^a aqt uI ,€'spro^\ ^\arqaH Pue Iaarg Äpuapryuoc arour qslnäupsm or alqlg ar+ Jo sruapnrs algeue plno^\ rlclq^\ aspeerl Isculeu e ',{rntuac Buao1lqr aql }o relrenb lsBI aW ur 'palldruoc olFg sn1lIlal -llnc ue"srcuBrc es PuBuaP e rpns ,lsnes o]. 1.?llp7(uou sanaoaotna s,urenball ut ro sfllu$reorC s.pJBrlraqg ro g rardap ur älqEIrB^E seir\ ueqr ruaultean palletep erou roJ pelps ernrdpcg lo t)?otC aqr 'pueq ra(po eql uO 'enle^ lecpcard ou Jo sB^\ lI ,r'.snrusluBurnH runz srq retlqeulf{ a.retgds sep titlnp ,(qcsrqDeuC-ueqderSollxe1,, uapulargoalqosra^ Spugrs rpls uo^ elurl apuareru:a:dap au!a, slleo ultlf,srag rBq^\

ol uounqpluoo u^ro sl

IqIu re


auopBr aur§




Jo srusrcltuc äurmo11oj a

-uoc lq palordarun ssei

padolerrep araqr



aqr Jo §luaua^arql8 PIl uortlsoduoc Äq uonenua


an:r araqds cps1n6ur1

enlB^ eql PUB o6'(srurot le

qlr\ slu?uod.

)Perc eql

Ärpe;yure; 3o aar8ap eu:c

€6''' snurrss\f,d aua;ord Ia^ ulauoqerrurPB

snglruagBq sarne §etuadlBf,§ ne§ sngltuelc§3u uarodnts


Äq Äaarns FrellBrap aqr ur

Ie^ meEro Bqra^ snuatBnb 'snurssod eref,np






Bacon. His grammar is part of a renaissance of Greek srudies in thirteenth-century England3e which is marked by the activities of Robea Grosseteste and his circle, who clearly perceived the inadequacy of existing ranslations from the Greek.€ According to Matthew Paris, John of Basingstoke (d. l25Z) composed a Dorwtus Graeats 'in quo artificiose et compendiose tota vis grammaticae continenlr'.{l Bacon himself despised the lexicographers and sought to put the study of Greek on a reliable footing.{z It is interesting to note that he employs a number of French illusrations in his Grammar:


closely similar rreaire.

Library Add. 1035i i


tiones grece', The wc,rk ::.

Communiter scler : : quoniam viguir p:.. : i:: grama tice grecc ::.:: :-:.. rum logice qui : :: : : i

Porphir...;:: inroduct:.:.: ; .-.


Sciendum igirur quod articulus est pars oracionis apud grecos quia habet casus, genera et numeros; sed latini non habent articulos ticet omnes fere naciones habeant eos, et lingua gallica habet eos ut Ii, Ie, h et huiusmodi, que distinguunt ca§us, genera et numero§.


Et cum dicit tov qluis, tro odtt(, loquitur more grecorum, afferens articulos grecos ad illa vocabula scilicet genitivum Tov et To nominativum, sicut dic-

nias, nuntio, q-',. := quod est locus.,:...=

eretur in gallico ü rois in nominativo et delirois in genitivo.43

In the three chapters which follow we edit three works of the thirteenth century which sought to present a selection of Greek and Hebrew words with grammatical

tio in logicam. li:- -: , tur kategorie a x::=.-:


e': .:t

posteriorum er



commentary.{ APPENDTX

Word composition based on Greek prefixes is illustrated by an interesting treatise, 'Prepositiones Grece', found in MS Oxfod, Bodleian Library, Auct. F.6.8 (S.C.8840) (s.xiii2) ff.lra-8vb. The work is to all intents and purposes a set of lexicographical notes illustrated with quotations from Claudian, Theodolus, Statius, Virgil, Horace, Boerhius, 'Tullius in libro de officiis', albeit used sparingly. Headwords are underlined in the margins and there are a number of vemacular entries. A


Berschin, oP.cit., p.294 remarks'England hat im XIII. Jahrhundert mit sizilischer Hilfe Griechisctstudien gekannt'. See S. Hanison Thomson, Tlre Writings of Rotr';n Grosseteste (Cambridge, 1940) and D.


ganz ersraunliche

[f.lrbl aDüb -as ii e,: :.-



A. Callus (ed.), Rokn Grosseteste, S&olar


Bis[op (Oxford, 1955). See also G. R.

Stepher», The Knowledge of Greek in England in the Middle Ages, diss. Philadelphia, 1913, pp.l18-30 and M.R.James,'Greek Manuscripts in England before the Renaissance', The Lihuy, lY,? (1927), 337-53. See also various essays in R. Weis Medievol ad Hwwnist Greek. ColkaeA.Essay: (Padova, 1977). ClvoriictMabraed. H. R. Luard, RS 5 (London, 1880), p.286. 12 'illi qui primi sunr in expositionibus vocabulorum linguae latinae, ut sunt Papias et Hugutio et Brito, mendaces, quorum mendaciis vulgus opprimitur Latinorum', Conprdium satÄä phibsophiu c.7 in J. S Brewer ("d.), R. Baconi, Opero inediaa RS 15 (London, 1859), pp.446f. Cf. Ch. B. Vandewalle O.EM., Roger Bocon dars l'hisnire de la pklobgie, France Franciscaine (Paris, 1929) (= vol. XI, pp.315-410 and XII, pp.45-90, 16l-210). 43 Nolan & Hinch, op. cit., pp.l3 & 157 (see pp.xviii-xix for French words in other works). +1 I do not discuss the thirteenth-century De üffewtüs et dcriuuiaibus greconnn by William (of Corberonl), which includes some French equivalents, as it was written in France and exiss only in thrree continental MSS. It is a schoolbook designed to distinguish similar sounding Greek words, which are arranged in 115 pairs, and to illustrate the importance of Greek for Latin word derivation and compcition. The level of the author's Greek is distress. ingly [ow, see ]. R. Williams, The "De differentiis et derivationibus grecorum" attributed to William of Corbeil', Viaror 3 (1972),293-310.




-li, ruper;:. :;e .:,

lf .lrbl aDub -as: gali

[f.2va] hoc JDodront *-.




[f.3va] hic l: '9161 'erqdlapellr{d 'ssrF sai''t

'U'C osle aag '(9c61 p.:-: 'C pue (0ü6I 'a8pt:que3' a:

arllH raqrqllzls lllu lraPunq:-i


'§el$ua rBlnrBula^ Jo


.peag'Äl8uueds pasn :rac.'


,o tas B sasod:nd pue sl're 8'9 g 'lcny 'tu4q11 u:: 'äslleell Sunse:atut ue .\;

lecperuruu8 qll/rl sPro.ltr .f, d:ntuar gtueetrryr aqr _to s tt o,llll'.

-3lP 1n3!s'urnalleutucu solnsnJB suareJP runlc

-ultslp anb 'tpousnrnr.l


§euorSeu aral seuuo 'snsef,

laqeq etnb sofor3

qruerJ ,o requnu e s.io1 {aerC;o Äpnrs ag

B uo

uo"Eg tt'.Inleulluoc eBlll


sntüuo1 e pasodruoc (7c; or'laarc aYl lxo+ §uoueii 'alarlf, slq puB atsarassorc) Ärntuac-r1]uaaulqt ut sarpr





The attribution of a set of 22 distiches on Hebrew and Greek words to Alexander of Hales is based on the authoriry of an occessus in three important English MSS of the

work, references at the beginning and end of the text in a Berlin MS, and explicit allusions to the treatise in commentaries on the Distigium a d Merariurrq both of which are dealt with later in this section. Alexander of Hales is, of course, cel. ebrated as a Franciscan theologian, the 'Docror Irrefragabilis' of his order, but his early career is that of a qpical schoolman. His parents belonged to a wealthy, land-owning family and it is thought that Alexander took his name from Hales Owen in Shropshire, his assumed place of origin, rather than from the monastery of Hales in Gloucestershire where he received instmction. He was bom in the middle of the 1180s and went to study in Paris where he became Regent Master of Arts by 1210 and Regent Master of Theology ten years later. We know that he lecrured on the Sentences of the Lombard and assumed a wide range of responsibilities.r For example, whilst resident in Paris he became a canon of St Paul's in London and a prebend of Holborn (122G9). Between lZ79 and 1231 he was acrively concemed in the dispute beveen the University of Paris and the Crown which culminated in the reorganisation of the University in accordance with Gregory IX's bull Parms scientiorum of 1231. He was in England in l73l-2, as canon of Lichfield and archdeacon of Coventry, thereafter retuming to his teaching in Paris until in 1236_ 7 he sunendered all his possessions and joined the Franciscans, becoming Regent of their first school in Paris. He died there in 1245.He is thus an exact conremporary and comparriot of John of Garland, who refers to him in his Ccrmen de rnyswäs


and St Bonavenrure ar.i i examining documenn : :-g: Despite his eminence.j :.., to the decline of rhec i-g:: : archidiaconus mag"nus. e: : ignoravit has scientia: :.-:.: cam, in quibus esr r::-= ;. pOtest' Ut patet Omr..: -, sunt de eisdem de q-L: -i :. cat logicae, et in aliis ;.::.:: sine logica . . . cerr..r::. .:.: ravit, sine quibus n:n:. r-:; works is sdll in disp-:= : -:

work from his davs ::. =.: Distigium and u'as s::--..:: relarive chronolog

:t -


edge, be decided. The Exocicon sun':,,= .:.

C = Cambridge, Cc:.,. . : . The text is writrer. ::. -:- -:

full commenrarl, :r.;. -:.:=

Norman equivalenr. ,- ; . and H below, anj ::.= ^--: edition of text and c:::.=;: written 'Exoticon r:.ii.; r. rium (see below) are




= O#ord, Bodleia:. -.::.-.

Oxford, Bodleian


(1245).2 He numbered amongst his pupils Jean de la Rochelle, Odo Rigaldus

MS Auct. F.6.8. is a ;:..=-

The fullest docurnentation of Alexander's biography has been provided by the editon of the Glossc ia quaaur hbros senttntiuum Peni ln$adi, Bibliorheca Franciscana Scholastica Medii Aevi, I.XII (Florentiae, l95l), pp.7*-75*. For more recent bibliography see W. H. Principe C.S.B., Atexmler of Hales'sTlwology of theHypostatic Union (Toronto, 1967). 2 See the epilogue in MS Lincoln Cathedral Chapter Library l3Z f.76v: [FI]oc opus exi. guum ludendo tempore feci / exiguo, quod Parisius precone relarum / conscripsere manus, studium quo tempore mortem / flevir Alexandri studiosi carmine tali. / Gemma pudicitie fuir hic, flos philosophie, / aula decens morum redolens velud area florum, / quem virrus humilis texit, quem vultus erilis / promsir pacificum, doctum, rationis amicum. / Floret Alexandro locus hic, dedit Anglia florem, / cuius Parisius celo transmisit odorem. f Mille ducenrenis quater inde decem ligar annis / virginis a partu quinos sensura Joannis. I Missam legarus pro defuncto celebravit / qua Jesus oblatus ferea nos sanguine lavit, / Assunt prelati de corsilio venientes / cum prece deflentes mortem doctoris humati. / Virginis Assumpte festivo tempore sumptus, / Virgo vir ad celum virtutum premia sumpsit, / Qui mundi pompam prius archilevita repressit, / Francissi cordas non parvo tempore gessit, / interius reprobat mundane gaudia

with the nvelfrh set cf ,. e:= is an accessru, interline:: :.



pompe. / Exterius studet hanc nodis dum stringere pompe, / gaudia mundane reprobat interius. Enitet ergo scenum speculum probitatis amenum, / exemplar iuvenum florenti dogmate plenum, / qui fuit Ecclesie directa columpna, fenestra / lucida, rurribulum redolens, campa[na] sonora. Explicit liber misteriorum .s. sancte Ecclesie. Two glosses clearly identi$ the deceased as'Alexander de Ales'. A gloss in the left-hand margin has'po-pir .i. mundanis vanitatibus, gallice bobancc'.


Osbem of Gloucesrer i:'. -,1:

contains Anglo-Norma:'.



H = London, Bridsh Lr:-:, A grammatical MS cc,r.=::(ff.104r-13r & 149v--1earq 'ufilloxl aql Jo lxal u;e1d (^x.s) (zg§z.c.s) 159 Äapog,tuBrqll uBrelpog,FoJ*o =



;FLiW) Jnlerorueu Ef,IP aultue 'sua8ar elunf, xer rn / tnracard arol -ca1 ord srnb 'sua8al eruolpÄ f,oH 'arotf,al etunaxa läpeqceJg ap oelotlslN otceped orupd ou:lsa8exas oJ ur lulruop auoneuJef,ur qe ouus unlÄ1tr orq11 'spqruacap'lT ^x orrellaouef, ap oueqdarg oüsfetu IIIgEJaua^ gns arätrgetueC olpus u1 sntoapad ta atsl Dqll tsa Jn:llpg :nrep epe.rE ta suaur euoq 'sap$ BuBs rgrs rn / rruacard anbsrnb ponb raqeq sneloqslN sngpard ord, :I9ZI u1 a8ppqrue3 u! aFPuaTf,erg Jo sepqrlN Äg rq8ner puB peal se/t\ Irod\ aqr rBqr s^roqs qolq/n uoqdoloc B sI aretp .uof, -noxg raqll:1c11dxa,lH, rarJv 'rare,tr Äq PemoloJSIP uaaq a^eq sotloJ äW Mrrog aql lV 'sruarl qsll8ug puB ueuuoN-o1äuy qtoq sulBtuoc '11ry s1 gc1q,n'Äreauautuoc ar{J'ulte'I ur sassolE rBaurpetul ars araqt pue sul8reur eqt ut lno ualllri\

aJB .snsue§,

ro suoqBsrlaroru at1l'(rsol uaaq a^Eq o] suees o!lo] e1äurs e) raqr.unu Eupq sauarr t 'Äposord Jo tes rsry aqr 'uo4loxg 3ql Jo rxar snolegdace uB srelo Sn aqJ Pue areu uo stJen snourÄuoue pue (r71-rg1'J» ufinqlafi qrtanmilo eC .sauuag ro poqrel^l '(^g-rllJ gznf3 :qtl 'rdBqC 'qtBC ruBqrnc '^eOZ-r§6|'JJ'OLZ.'C'CI utlqn(l





arP 1o ot1o1


ftr'. Cc:

'eloqe H Shl aos sardsc::' (^lZ I-r§ 1 1 :ng 1 1-.r c -


-tee'l» rywDN s.Prean\ 't LtI-t6Zl' ll (.1x,

"1 :

'e:u qf,lq^\ §urell uErursc xls F aq1 ,:a111adruoh[ ur aur:: sardoc salqruasse

Sl\ alp r.

saar8e qctgrn utrB'l ut txa: sursluoJ Pus lxel aw saPar uo spua puB (B^,IZ'J) ,s:' Ieltpl uE seq'urn8ann atp ruEanll pB srsr^ sllH [;9 3pun, spue qclq/t\ (sns}llai?


.rxeur salBH eP IrPuBxalY

'(SN elf ul ararlr\esla s"s aqt ul .acllle8, pa1:eru su

rrs ro uoucellof, aqt ur .tp qderäered pernoloc ere era tes Puof,es eqr roj paplno: 'ul uällrra uaaq seq Ä:aua aaeq Äpo ZZ-ZI sequnu dor aqr le g8noqrle',upt


Peqsprry sl uorooxa arP '(l/rr/)qoxl aqr äuronput) ,r sBll\ ararlf q^blz-e^elz' vgzT:jtszz'JJ ( rllx's) g 1 {16r'r) ' ' ' § '


qrtq^\ (q


ruur8aq leqe q


(^rx's) 109'loJ'rBI'zlrsaq:r -/nolloJ aql are snoaua8ou:c uorssassod 'vlsseJ)D ue


'PallI sPror\ aqt ro arros roJ §rua

qEnog'fueluaururoc eg1 '§asra^Jo la§ qrJle^q erf J




of Syon Monastery Isleworth, possessed in the l6th an MS (A 4) which contained, intet alio, the following:ro f f f

.39 Neurrale magistri Ade Nydrard Oxoniensis .44 Deponentale magisrri Nicholai de Birkendalia .47 Versus quidam de dicronis, de terminorum significationibus,

f.50 f


In MSS ACH there :' [p.1 l5a] In exorcii-causa15





'Materiam tirulo, ;*.: rur, inveniemus'.: f:

Dictionarium magisrri Alexandri de Halys de vocabulis grecis et hebreis in libris theologie repertis, metrice compilatus cum optima glosa libellus de rcrminis difficilli[si]mis cum optima glossa, scilicet Merarii nuper

cibiliora sunt or.:..": videamus qr..re sir r.a:a tia et ut a causa ::-; vocabula greca e: i.compilare.E Cau:a =: scienria scianr v.x:: -. ignorantibus. Fr,; r-: := Incipit Exoticon :::;-

et differenciis

f.t30 öicrone Serlonis metrice edite secundum ordinem alphabeti The contemporary index has 'Alexander Halys in suo dictionario, scilicet Cespitat in phaleris A 4 fo 5l / item in suo exoticon de lineris grecis metrice'.ll This attribution of the Disti§um to Alexander underlines the difficulry of relating the works chronologically and of separating texß from commentary. The commentary in MSS ACH was certainly written after 1245, as there is a reference on two occasions to John of Garland's De rrrystoäs ecclesie which was completed in that year.lz F4ually, there are references in the most homogeneous commentary on the Disrigium to Alexander of Hales.rs We know that these two compatriots were responsible for the versified texts, but we do not know who was responsible for the commentaries which, in the narure of things, tend to draw on a conventional stock of lexicographical and grammatical illustration which conceals rather than proclaims individualiry.ll In the present state of our knowledge, therefore, there are no cogent arguments for urging the prioriry of the one text or the other. See

Mary Bateson (d.),Cataloyc ol t)rzUhary of Syon Mmostcry,Isbworth (Cambridge,

1898), p.2.


IAd, p.203. There was also a copy at Dover Priory see M. R. James, The AnciertUbrmies of Canerbury atdDa,.,er (Cambridge, 1903), p.494 'Exoticon Alexandri chere theorem[ata]'.


et fnrcrus.

confingitlE repenre i.





C p.11?a'. . dicitur hic agnus, -ni, quia animal pium est et propter hoc comparatu ei Christus in Misteriis Ecclesie'and p.l19a'Quod autem cyrotheca producat See MS

penultimam patet in Misteriis Ecclesie "lnclira sanctorum cyrothece facta figurant" '. See, for example, MS C p.45a 'lpodromium est locus ubi refrenantur equi quod aliter dicitur ipocoerciurn, ut predictum est. Istam differentiam ponit Alexander MS Hb de Hales, MS H de Alys] in libro de grecis dictionibus et ebreis'. There is also, however, a reference to the Distigium in the commentary to the Exotbon, see MS C p.l16b 'kalon . . . unde in Distigio "Qui calus in praxi simul esr ut pisticus emo" ' [Dist. 2a] and in P f.23lrb under plrylaxe 'unde versus: "Qui cupide servat ypogeum gazophilaxis / rardus ad uranici scandes ad gamata celi"' ard f,234n under monotalmus 'unde in Distig(ig)io "lnter pigmeo manus [sic] regrrat trabos [sic] luscos / loripes extalos monotalmus quoque ceco§" ' ar'd f .734va 'in Distigio magistri J. de Garlandia "Hemia prava (co)proco spurcum genus et vola casa"'; on f.234vb we read under pfuLr,te 'unde in Distigio magistri J. de Garlandia "Qui cupide servat ypogeum gazophilacis /


Tardus ad Uranici scandes ad galmata celi" '.


Nothing is known about the authorship of the elementary rreatise on the Greek alphabet Exotjr,or. in some MSS and which begirs 'Quoniam dialecticus'. It has the same lexicological emphasis as the main commentary and besides Priscian ('in libro de accenru qui secutus esr Apollonium magistrum suum in latino et greco'), Donatus and Isidore, it cites several anctares including Persius (Sar. 3,56 and 4, 13) and Statius (Acfull. 1,42). There is also a quotation kom Aristatelcs in liho de onima ('Reminiscibiliora sunt ista que ordinem habent quam que non'). Both MSS B and E

(with a brief corsideration of Hebrew) which introduces the


quod est exrEr, ei :.---.: aurem'o .i. exrra ;;:.::.

The Berlin MS ofr'e[f.49vb] Hiis antequam ad esset, sed




e:;: :::

Ir:e-.: i

ut n.-.e...




venibus ab ore;-.*iscribenrur de cer::: .:.

In the


pages tha:


offer a handful of ver:: In alia significatione rje::. :s virge gallice **r'; B f.+;\ 3 'i ryara gallice aumuche'. C:. muche gallice.



15 A-causamatena. 16 A=sitcompetenrer. t7 H - oppoeitus. 16 H - convenit. 19 cria om. A.

n zr

second line om. A.

?3 24

H=habentordinen-.. H = ideo necessani:. -: A = libri.



= ea.

zs A=fuitvel esr,H=es: 26 H - copulare. z? A = aliqua.


29 30


H = Frucos huius autem om. AH.


extra aurem .i. om. H.

The Exoticofl is foil:*::

s&tatio, motof which,*=


withour any aftempt ro s:.: i de Mapham suus R. de K;:.:

Epor ap atErurlua u! Jadnu areruE6 olrdsul o,Ils^ rxalnlBs uoluÄ) äP 'U snns uEqdEW aP .U olq8Eru ons [B]Zl'dl :sarnpord l r{f,lr{Ä sruanord leranas ar{r e^los or ldruaue lue rnogrt,n 'äreqIIry ul a,u? 1rprrl,tr pue anSolerec qq u! saurEfÄq Pegp]suer s€,lr qc!t{,t\ro l*ut'qarlnps aqqrsed etnf,§cP uB eTl c)|ool reqrt Äq 3 sI^{ u! Pe^rollo, sl lroJttorg aqf rf B

ro uuoj eqr


'H 'ruo'l' rualnB


.HV 'rrlo ruatnB

06 6Z

.rsa llncsndo *,".t 1Hü{ = n 'arelndoc - 11 x. -V t;


'rsa = 11 'rse

la^ t!ry

'rn rum.tesserau .ruau,prc

5$l :



*.T: =,#



sraJo sy{ ullrag

a pue g SSI^{ qrog '(,uou an oqnu4 srP?ots,,lv ruog uor 7P

'l"S) $Isred Sqpnlcrn


urntsl?eur urnluoylody rsa srL: rneru aqt se sseqdtua 1e::,i: PUE SSI4{ aulos ul rn)flaxa raqegdle IaaJC eql uo asllEl

/ lcellqdoze8

urnaSod.{ le.ua'

laPun PEaI a/\{ q^,€Z'J uo :. .. ap'[!ns18eru ot8ttsrq uI. E.17J soqe:l tet6e: [c1s] mueu: ra, ,,ll?o EtEruEB pe saPusls


'v'ulo alnl Puolas w .V .ruo Bul 6r H 8t 11 Lt

']luä^uof, = 'mrlsoddo =

:arualadruorlls=y 9t 'Bual'ru esnec;"Xr"il

.ae, otoßt qrgz1't uo pue ,uoÄq9 ac111et, ztlo sasolä d ergZZ'J uO '.at{f,nrrnB aattle8 ereÄr ponb urapr ' ' ' xdV, E^6tl g l,a8us acrtlet leruluE tsa eluÄs caq, E^6,J g l,*** acr11eä a34a setlruruns' ' 'eurÄ3, e^6,1 g l.uorvc acrtlet at4a stlpuns ponb rsa ulaPl auollsf,lrlt6ts et;e u1 'socar3 pnde erau11 Eluat tsa EullC, E^,IZJ A :s,t\ollo, se 'sasso18 relnf,Erüa^ ro lryPueq E rarro


apun, arrl,cqd :aPun qrl [- : i or8pqq uI epun' ' 'uole1, -.i

ot erue.Iajal e larra,trog 'c-e 'selEH ap qH Sn] rapuExeiy' .rar11e ponb lnbe rnlueuaie: ',,,lueJn8g slfeJ 3-i :eonpord ecaqlo:Ä: luarn€ r

ooq rardord ta lsa urntd 1r j ', [ere]ura:oaqr areqf, IrPu ex? szr.)oqrl lvaouv ay1 'sau:e


a8puqurE3) It n IraFI',(r::


xarfo a'+:

reqr sa8ed agr u1 suopcas Supsarelul aroru a{l pue tr C ,o lxat äqr tupd I ^\olloJ 'Fpuexaly snsra^ tunrdlJul 'orataf, ap JruuaqFf,s etJar pas '§.rtuatuo, eP oaup uou §ngrnb u1 la 1cer3 ureP§nlnc aro gB snqlsa^ ul tuns anb epgecoa Bluluo Brnb '[se]uaroufl Sy\l sngFuBrou8l uenualcs tunlpadtul untlnur Elnb 'Blngmo^ luarl;s erSoloagr ut IIIe^ou tn Pes 'losse alellJotf,nB rI1 1n ruruill rnsoduros uou BInb '§nuePaf,3e uelalll pe wenbalue BpuerFbul luns anburn§ 'ararlnbu! ruBl^ lserä]ul sll3tP o8ra sllH [9^6r]l :uollf,nPoDul rauoqs qsnlu

ou erE araql 'a:o;erarqi 'aft -ord uerp rer{tBr sleacucl {col§ lBuopua^uoc e uo .r aqr ro; elglsuodsar sat\ c'. -ar eralt slouledluo3 o.1\-l Srll uo Äreluaruuoc snoau reqr ur paraldtuoc se.{ u


O/trl uO aOuaJaPI e SI aJau

-ueluruo3 aqJ'dJe3uetuiu(

'rle eFBssaSou uaruB runllnlu 'BlJ§d tunsn ulauntuluoc enxe 'l' s5ualnB Brlxa elnq8?o^ leuuuof, as ul snllaqll alsl ernb 'sune ''etllo' la 'BIlx3 rsa ponb ''a' qe uocrrpoxA rrulf,lp rE 'saleH ep IrpuBxalv pslSeur uoJnoxA rldycul :[lsa] sllBr

Sulreyar 3o Är1nc1gnc ar4 sa



rerldsa3 raSlltss'ouBuoD:

urnnsreA ruruotsl lsa 6z'uretne sz'sntf,nrJ 'sngltuBrou8l


ruBrluarJs runPedu! ruruFru eflb 'Barqeq ]e 8r3r3 E'ls! Blnqef,o^ lu8lf,s Bnuetss rzBIIE ur pcarrord §nulu le q'oloaqt ul III3^ou tn lsa BsnBS ,'arelldruoc aPlcnl spdFos snqlsraÄ euadar a;Eoloag sFqll ul sargeq la mer8 EFqsco^

radnu rlrerayl ]a3!llfs

snrng Blrerehl'raluapl^a lepaud sruoruJ Bsnec B ln la sF szruns .uanbaruoc 'zlllagll lueanbrl Elraleru B ols ln 'llncsndo snrnq Buetetu tgs anb snureapl^ 1n ,roapl tse runpessareu zz'luegBq ruäulPro anb ,reluuo luns BrolllqlJ runPunf,es ernb lg oz',sntuelua^u! 'rnl ,q orclll 'uraFlolspv f lsnuaupal tuntf,n} 'tuBsns3 'o1nl1l ureFaleyrl,


ur slarqaq te srcal8

-slulruar 'Burrue

-pod auaq snFtp






Is 'Eul 3oH

:msraA apun 'unlrn{ ]a ulBsnso 'ulBlralBtu 6r:8I.Il f,3q arlradar ,,ll8upuoc ,,'sntlsodde et lls DtualduroJ snlmp ;s 'ponb runPualcs tg 'sntf,nrJ le sl asnef, 'eualBur 'snlruF re3llaPl^'epuarlnbul luns elq lllxlll snnsr olProxa u1 [eE11'd]

:(c uo posBq rxor) s^\olpj


ss suru


§?I§s,]?, uB sl



,peulBtuof, qrlq^\

Hcv ssN uI

(t V)







i3 l-r:

of the commentary (with panicular reference to the use made of the


especially Juvenal). I give a full list of varianrs, so far as üre text is concemed, except for purely orthographical variations. In the quotatioru found in üre commentary an asterisk indicates a deviation from the textus rerßptus of the author concemed. Regarding rhe saxentiae which accompany each set of verses, I have printed all

those in B, for they are quite sepantre moralisations from üre rest öf the MS Eadition, but I have not given üre variant readings from the other MSS, where the senr,Entiae are subsmntially identical with those in C. For comparative purposes addidons to the commenrary as it is found in C are illustrated from B and E, fror.t

this evidence no inferences are to be drawn about the exisrence of such additions in I have tried to illustrate the close relationship of P and E by indicaqing agreements berween them and of both with B. \ü7here readings of groups of MSS are given, the text follows that of the fint wirness in the group. Hebrew lvon:ls qre mqrkgd by a dagger. The interlinear gloses to the main text are reproduced from C (those in ABEP are subsantially in agreement). Although P is not an insular witnes and its commentary fluctuares in fullness (it is very abbreviated in the case 6 l7),I have naturally made use of it. It should be noted that it lacks moralisarions for nos. 2-6 and 11. The commenrary contains some individual touches, for example, several references to the Physiologus. Along with BE it is preceded by the treatise'Quoniam dialecticus . . .'

other MSS, though

i.til;,.d;;i;,-.";:incendio amoris'. Cbse

vennrs procedit, et \'tr!:. Quod chere sit idem q-:c suum "chere" ' [Prol. S

no genere: 'summi arce.e :

-tri quia in illo loco s.e:: dos35...Gignos. . ::^:< carmina cum p€rsonrs :.Juvenalis: 'Et quon:a:r grece, aries latine.


e: .:.;r

unde Juvenalis: 'ne;.


dem*' [3,102-3] .\:.::- ; similiter hic meanie: -*-. 'Ad vada Me(n)and:: ;::,.

'O torruose serp€r-T :.-. : in Phale roio i::.:*: phalas Delphinorum:.-: . unde

sociems, unde Juveru..i ,:.

. . . Simi.rre: :.-., in illa sa:r-" .:. cassis' [11,103]. Cc:;-; .-, us, unde Juvenalis :r. ...: : 12,461.


[p.l15a] .i.




.i. video THEoREN

.i. incendio .i. ipsum



.i. nudum



.i. in ligno PHALANDO

QLEM CICNOS CRUCIS ANDRO totum .i. eleva .i. te .i. cogroscit .i. amoris SD(QUY IAMBYN SE GNOTI PHYLOS



atque caminis, / ar.-:. ::.: enim fomax ubi ol.e ::--,:

tur. Lydros grece, er: ::::i componirur ol'y'*ros - :

cheron (O) theoron (BEP) gingnos (H) philando (H) phalanda (P) camma (P) lithos om. (H) iabin (O) se om. (B) esse (E) phyloo om. (B) cum ce nothi (P)

quod ipse. Et os apu.i ;:-est nomen infinirur:r : :. Olythos id quod iiie:--.. : componitur hic er hec

Sententia istorum versuum est quod ille qui profert istos versus salutat Chrisrum crucifixum et dicit'O aries, quem video nudum in ligno crucis, Salve'.3z


Aries dicit quia Christus significatur per arietem, qui aries est, animal pium et sine malo et quodens depingitur, cum cruce in tergo defixa depingitur.s3 Ei in secundo versu exorat quod ille qui cognoscit Dominum Deum totum elevetur de terra pon. derosa ad celum et ad gloriam sempitemam, et dicit ita: 'Eleva ipsum torum qui cognoscit te totum in Patre et Filio et Spiritu Sancto a terrenis adcelestia, et hoc Mich. inventa in momo de liriababbo

ea die

nil galgariante de cayco cum prothocollis


B, like E later, adds cl^,e ;. the following explanarion: '; psitaco, palam dicebac "che:'e has the same. 3s BP also have a quora:::c

versus finem: "lnterea \1e;=.t In aaempting to .'..


selective in my referer,:t-* :: flucruates in lengrh anj



all the MSS which ha'e a :

Sandewycum faciente mentionem mecum deliberavi. Unde non dividiis tesrula cum sca-bris rubeta cum q-uisquiliis per agranur (?) ea nec non rodentes cum galgagine ligusra cum vacciniis desiduo_sumptis mastmgatis texd viliciis venrilantur nec invÄta quare väbis supplico-quatenus apud rinovanrum in ariopatanis miropoli foripendio circumspecro liripipia hec et hiis similia secundum leges rodias redibere faciaris. Valerevel sic, va tibi iit primo,-le postea

36 Ef.2l6ra has Melea::ilro,rr s.rapuexelv roJ papnord esotl ot uolleslletoru lB sldrualle rel1ruls relep tou pfp slqJ q8nogr 'arnlsqo sautpauos st Sutueau: aql Pue luaurnäre antl -nrasuoc ou sl alaql 'u4\oxg egl ro asBJ a{r ul §V '§luall itlerqaH Jo ragurnu rallErus

au:nett':! acr11e3




ap arn:ed acrlle8 :snuarcsa alrlie

uor{orrerl acr11e3 :rr:- s acrlle8 rne-g (a18poc) al3noq errtr reluJec acrlle8 :rr- i1rr1: Iatsroq acrlle8 : (Brnv.t

are salrBlueuuoo aqt puB urlel3 atp se;;;lsn[ Älpreq auop ]xel aql lng r'PuBPeC aluos 'uof,uoxg 3o utlof or urnfilslg ayr ernqp]tB ot Peutlf,ul uaag a^Bq sreloq3s 'Ssltt gsllEug s.salBH ]o Fpuexalv Jo aldurexa aqt Äg paldsul uaaq aneq Äetu ^rqI IBIoU aqf atp ur 8ur>pe1 Ä11ry1:ratu arB sapnllB snssrJ,, aqt q3!q/\1 ot suonetardralut


B puB spro r )parC ro suopeslupel 'asrnof, p 'Äga1q: Eutag 'suelreu:ruer8 PelBul3sg p uos agr Euperrsnllt sr;ed ur pednor8 sralauBxeq (§n§§err

qclq \ rrltoxa atp ur parsa88ns sB


Ä11euorsecrc1 79 sasudtuoc

lxal aql


lou jt 3u19ou

e8augr,e ecr11e3



relllof :lu-

'oltlsodxa uruolngBf,o^ ruruosrellD la oponportul ulntrurt^ uruouoq pqll snqsr arralBur tsa ta oParc lnals snsJa^ ronllenb ra nu1äerpenb IsIu l!3a, uou sntuala:d euoru pos 'lldacut urrugll runtsl BsnBo ap enb :aotratu uou la llns -oduroc acÄesord solplu alsl rolle ponb rsa unPuslou tA 'snqlsrs^ sngonP uI rnteurluof, snsux ernb 'snsues rsa ponb 'so8ps la onP tsa ponb 'eÄp e snr8rlsrp snrE;rs;p lldrcut osol Jotl u1 :suapq( u4 lolQsaS

acrlle8 atsrcr: 'ercde rntrrrp au

ta'' '8f,1p'acrl1e8 a1la lsa la soP- la^ stp(s)u acrlle8 alrernor :

rntlrrp ta pnuroC yusfeur

:.BnuJoC ulsl8eu sn6nsrq r;c;1dxg, t1l/tr ryo^\ atp PePnlf,uoo osp oq^\ 6I§ )pqrollgtqrafung 'urag Shl ur srsseJJo ue ;o rasodtuot eqt Äq sem tg se 'dlguotpne Jo uolteJtPul uE sB ualet aq rou Plnoqs t! tBt[] 'sntsra4 pue leuaan[ uo BIIor{os 'asrnof, p 'Äpelncured 'sassol8 le^atPetu qt!A\ uollf,auuos ul Äpuanb -ag os dn sdorc sntntuoC etuBu eqf '8upep alernf,oe uB roJ af,uaPl^a alttll äPt^ -ord pue Äpanncosuo: pue Ä1ararcdx {roq pexrrusuau are slooq o^rt aqf 'sry}oN

mmuloC sB ot[ )pog PUB mnbgty sttwulrC se u^\ou1 uouo §l t{3lq/tr }o euo loog 'qc&dfp Isf,rxal e 1o ued rsrg etp ot uaatE Äluouruoc alueu etlt sr urnr3tlsr6

actlpä leunoSuetu ac111e8




acr1leä sepuln

acrlle8 a8enau: acrlle8 sallle,l : eJIOSlO

mr1;e8 ltu:! IIBIuarJse esrlle


-urog ponb rsa ruepl :aqd-

aJraq's' rnllpuatxa urn: onb ur runtuaunusur pnll


(oaseo re aueJ acrlle8 ac.re) srssrc_i


-rJ, elossrol 's' :aarf,oqtle aul^Bl3§e :är




times cited as an authoriry in the Pxnnpwium Panntlmun (c.1440).5 Despite this enduring populariry, üre work has never been satisfacorily edited,6 though it has fared a little better than the completely neglected Exoticon, of identical length. It is perhaps not an entirely serious work. Liebl saw in it 'eine gewisse Lascivirät und Frivolität der Zeit, welche selbst in die Schulbticher gedrungen ist' (ed. cu.,p.29), whilst Habel says more soberly 'Unser Buch ist offenbar so [i.e. C-omurus] genannt worden, weil es für den schon vorgeschrittenen, aber der Lehre noch nicht ganz entwachsenen Schtiler bestimmt war' (ed. cit., p.5).? A number of üre insular MSS conhin vemacular glosses, reminding us once again, in Habel's words, 'Dass die Annahme einer gänzlichen Ausrhliessung der Muttersprache aus dem Unterricht des ganzen Mittelalters unberechtigt ist' (ed. cic., p.7). In what follows I have chosen to print a commentary which is found in three of the insular MSS (C,H,Hb) and transmitted by them with remarkably little variation and almost no interpolations. The purposes of the present study are not best served by the concept of the 'critical edition'. I have therefore chosen to print the text and commentary as they are found in MS C. Beneath the text of the Distigium I print, in a first block, the varianr readings of the other MSS; in a second block I record the vemacular items which are found as interlinear glosses. The text of the commentary from MS C is occasionally conected from the other two MSS and in all but cosmetic cases these changes have been indicated in the notes. Additions and omissions are indicated in the conventional manner by brackets and suspension points. I have permitted myself a small number d silent correcrions, notably in *re matter of spelling (substituting where necessary -sc- for .ss-, t for c, etc) and in a few cases of purely mechanical lapses on the part of the scribe. Printed between slashes are a few illusrarive examples of interlinear glosses accompanying the text of the Distigiurn. I have not reproduced the sporadic interlinear gloses which are found in the commentary. The eshblishment of the list of variant readings and vemacular glosses is based on the following MSS:

et in eodem Comentarius J. de Garlandia, Diccionarius eiusdem, Disrigius eiusdem, Liber de mysteriis rerum ecclesie eiusdem, Liber synonymorum, Liber Persei poete, pars Doctrinalis magni er Massa compoti in quaterno', see M. R. ]ames, TÄe Ancimthhancs d Catcrbury and Dowr (Cambridge, 1903), p.361 (1415). The next entry (1416) reads'Liber qui dicirur Merarii et in eodem libro Distigius'. tiry'Edinburgh, 1954), pp.l,l5. Srarnes makes the common mistake, following Wright, of conflating rhe Distigiran with the Iifu Ca}nlLLs (or bqsal-atmi). 6 Thomas Wright princed a rext from MS London, British Library, Harley 1002 (s.xvz) f 1!3r-y1n AVoh;lrlle,4Veabulsies (Liverpool, 185?), pp.l?5-?, revised in id, Anglo-Saxon ardOAEtglbhVxohlßks 2nd ed., edited and collared by Richard Pau[ Wtilcker (London, 1884), vol. l, pp.6Zl4. Anorher rexr wirs produced by H. Liebl, Db Ußtichl Camwi, atrh Co'-tl,as der Distigiun des Jo. v. Goladb geno,tnt, ud ds Scloüor Comuas, mit demText drt 9ry* @ßqntlls et r.o,l*s, Programm der kgl. srudien-Ansrak saaubing (saaubing, 1888). Better than these editiors is Edwin Habel, Der Deutsclv. Conruas 1. TeilDer Cürafiß Joha vrcs dc culandia, e,n'Schihrchdzs 13. Jahrh,,,derc i^dn dilßür,-übersetryrgendzs Miazlahers (Berlin, 1908), text on pp.23-8. I recorded the text and some of the glossei from MS Oxford, BodleianLibrary, Rawlirson C496ff.Z&-Z|v inCula.naNeoht;ni39 (19?9),




One early printed texr (Heinrich Gran, Hagenau, 1487) explains 'lrem dicirur comurus, quia sicut animalia duobus comibus se defendunt, sic autor iste exprimit intentionem duobus versibus ut patebit'.


= MS London, Bntrsir


decc-: form of annomrion :- Paper, unruled, no

compiler of the )u{S. T:.e:,


pres est mediator I Cis


schoolbook associatei'. .: contains many voca'b -- ::. Thomson, A Descn;::rt J

London, 19?9), pp I



Aa = MS London, B:.: i. Habelt MS E (ec ;r : i Latin) accompanii :'. ,

:-. : follou. :. ': -:

begins'Piger, surge . . .'. There

B = MS Oxford, ki.e.,: A collection oi ma::..r =, Alexander of F{ale. i J:, ; tion of which I ha',: :::::

C = MS Cambriige. J -:,


There is much l:.:c:. :=, commentar) ui^.:;:. - : : -another compilarr:r. based on rhis lrlS



H = MS London. 3::.;: The text is ma:ie: ;..:

commentar)', almc:: ::e:.: vemacular enrrie- n-*. gen, 1928), pp.531--: -: gelegentliche Autni-.: = . vollständigte Samn'.1 -:-. den Heilsbronner Cr s:.::.,


MS Aberysr*ryth, l07r-108r.

A disordered and he:=:-g different times, br T-:.::--. Basingwerk 1461-:5-: in a school connec:= -

Latin and English i::._-: Theodolus



(ff.23r-36v), üre Ars ---..'Grosseteste Staru



:--Docnn,ale (ff.99r-iJ-r = attributed to John o: ,J.: beginning fow.s cob;;; :' (ff.107r-108r). The f::,: mentl.frn (f .73r-v), rhe


commentary after eac:. :: ents. The second t€xr i.::

Latin and English. D. Thomson, op. cv


:- -: :: .

MS Berlin, Deutrhe S:,. {f .46vb49rb.

An important l'{S. :;::: =: mits a series of gramn,: :.:


der of Hales and . and English ar rhis :