Teacher Education Policy in China: Background, Ideas, and Implications (Exploring Education Policy in a Globalized World: Concepts, Contexts, and Practices) 9811623651, 9789811623653

This book explores the ideas and background of teacher education policy development in China and implications for the co

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English Pages 151 [142] Year 2021

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Table of contents :
About the Authors
Part I Teacher Exchange and Rotation Policy
1 The Background of Teacher Exchange and Rotation Policy
1.1 The Quality and Balanced Development Of Compulsory Education
1.2 The Reform of School District System
1.3 Personal Experience and Research Interest
2 The Literature Review of Teacher Exchange and Rotation Policy
2.1 The Study of School District System
2.2 Study on the Problems and Countermeasures of School District System
3 The Implementation of Teacher Exchange and Rotation Policy
3.1 Changes of Western Education Policy Implementation Research
3.2 Changes of China’s Education Policy Implementation Research
3.3 The Research on the Mode of Education Policy Implementation
3.4 The Research on the Influencing Factors of the Implementation of Educational Policies
3.5 The Research on the Implementation of Educational Policies and Strategies
3.6 Research on the Implementation of Teacher Exchange and Rotation Policy
3.7 The Teachers Exchange Their Experience in the Implementation of the Rotation Policy
Part II Teacher Policy in the Perspective of China’s Alleviation on Education Poverty
4 Teacher Policy in the Perspective of China’s Alleviation of Education Poverty: Background
4.1 The Overview of Alleviation of Education Poverty in china
4.2 The Research Problems of Alleviation of Education Poverty in China
4.3 Research Significance of Alleviation of Education Poverty in China
4.4 The Theoretical Significance of Alleviation of Education Poverty in China
4.5 The Practical Significance of Alleviation of Education Poverty in China
5 Teacher Policy in the Perspective of China’s Alleviation of Education Poverty: Literature Review
5.1 The Outline of Teacher Policy
5.2 Literature Related to the Research on Poverty Alleviation in Education
5.3 The Theoretical Research on Poverty Alleviation Through Education
5.4 The Research on the Model and Role of Education in Poverty Alleviation
5.5 The Existing Problems and Suggestions on Teacher Policy Research in the Field of Education Poverty Alleviation
5.6 The Trend of Teacher Policy Research in the Education Poverty Alleviation
5.7 The Existing Problems and Suggestions on Teacher Policy Research
5.8 The Trend of Teacher Policy Research in the Field of Education Poverty Alleviation
6 Teacher Policy in the Perspective of China’s Alleviation of Education Poverty: An Historical Perspective
6.1 The Embryonic Stage: Establishment of Rules and Regulations (1985–2000)
6.2 The Initial Stage: From Quantity to Quality (2001–2010)
6.3 Development Stage: Deepening and Consolidation (2011–2018)
6.4 The Experience of Teacher Policy System Construction
7 Teacher Policy in the Perspective of China’s Alleviation of Education Poverty: The Trends and Suggestions
7.1 The Strategic Position of Teachers’ Priority Development
7.2 The Precision Construction Teacher Policy System Mechanism
7.3 The Subject of Teacher Policy Tends to Be Diversified
7.4 The Conclusion and Suggestions
Part III Balanced Allocation Policy of Teachers in Chinese Urban and Rural Areas
8 Balanced Allocation Policy of Teachers in Chinese Urban and Rural Areas: Backgrounds and Overview
8.1 The Key to Realize the Balanced Development of Compulsory Education
8.2 The “County-Oriented” Management System
8.3 The Research Review
9 Balanced Allocation Policy of Teachers in Chinese Urban and Rural Areas: Problems and Suggestions
9.1 The Reasons Affecting the Balanced Allocation of Compulsory Education Teachers in Urban and Rural Areas
9.2 The Gap Between Urban and Rural Teacher Training Opportunities
9.3 The Pathway of Balanced Allocation of Compulsory Education Teachers
9.4 Main Conclusions
Part IV The Implementation Effect Evaluation of the Free/Public Normal University Student Policy in China
10 The Implementation Effect Evaluation of the Free/public Normal University Student Policy in China: Studies and Policies
10.1 Research on the Implementation of Free Normal University Student Policy
10.2 Evaluation of Free Normal University Student Policy
10.3 Research Review of Free Normal University Student Policy
11 The Implementation Effect Evaluation of the Free/Public Normal University Student Policy in China: Decision-Making Process
11.1 The Problem Flow of Free Normal University Students’ Policy Decisions
11.2 The Political Flow of the Policy Decision of Free Normal University Students
11.3 The Policy Flow of Free Normal University Students’ Policy Decisions
12 The Implementation Effect Evaluation of the Free/Public Normal University Student Policy in China: The Perspective of the Road Map
12.1 Administrative Tools
12.2 Management Tools
12.3 The Reform Suggestion of Free Normal University Student Training
12.4 The Reform Proposal of Free Employment for Normal University Students
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Teacher Education Policy in China: Background, Ideas, and Implications (Exploring Education Policy in a Globalized World: Concepts, Contexts, and Practices)
 9811623651, 9789811623653

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Exploring Education Policy in a Globalized World: Concepts, Contexts, and Practices

Eryong Xue Jian Li

Teacher Education Policy in China Background, Ideas, and Implications

Exploring Education Policy in a Globalized World: Concepts, Contexts, and Practices Series Editors Eryong Xue, Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China Simon Marginson, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK Jian Li, Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China

This book series explores education policy on Pre-K, K-12, post-secondary education, and vocational education, informing multiple experts from academia to practitioner, and specifically pays focuses on new frontiers and cutting-edge knowledge that transforms future education policy development. It has been initiated by a global group of education policy research centers and institutions, whose faculty and staff includes internationally recognized researchers in comparative education policy studies. The series’ mission is to advance the modernization of the education and social construction. This series provides policymakers and researchers with an in-depth understanding of international education policy from diverse perspectives. Topics include cuttingedge and multidisciplinary studies on identifying, analyzing and uncovering education policy reform and practice among the fields in education policy and pedagogy. It addresses how education policy shapes the development of education systems in different regions and seeks to explain how specific education policies concentrate on accelerating the development of quality education and social progress. More importantly, this book series offers policymakers and educational stakeholders, government, and private sectors a comprehensive lens to investigate the trends, rationales of education policy development internationally.

More information about this series at http://www.springer.com/series/16621

Eryong Xue · Jian Li

Teacher Education Policy in China Background, Ideas, and Implications

Eryong Xue Faculty of Education Beijing Normal University Beijing, China

Jian Li Faculty of Education Beijing Normal University Beijing, China

Eryong Xue and Jian Li share the co-first authorship and contribute equally in this book.

ISSN 2730-6356 ISSN 2730-6364 (electronic) Exploring Education Policy in a Globalized World: Concepts, Contexts, and Practices ISBN 978-981-16-2365-3 ISBN 978-981-16-2366-0 (eBook) https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-2366-0 © The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021 This work is subject to copyright. All rights are solely and exclusively licensed by the Publisher, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission or information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed. The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use. The publisher, the authors and the editors are safe to assume that the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication. Neither the publisher nor the authors or the editors give a warranty, expressed or implied, with respect to the material contained herein or for any errors or omissions that may have been made. The publisher remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. This Springer imprint is published by the registered company Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. The registered company address is: 152 Beach Road, #21-01/04 Gateway East, Singapore 189721, Singapore


This book specifically explores the teacher education policy development in China from various dimensions to explore the backgrounds, ideas and implication in the field of Chinese education contemporary system. In addition, this book also aims to examine the key themes of teacher education policies since 1949. Specifically, the Chinese teacher education policy involves investigating Teacher Exchange and Rotation Policy, Teacher Policy in the Perspective of China’s Alleviation of Education Poverty, Balanced Allocation Policy of Teachers in Chinese Urban and Rural areas, and the implementation effect evaluation of the free/public normal university student policy in China. All these policies contribute to explore the dramatic development of teacher education policy development in contemporary China. Chapter 1 concentrates on the background of the teacher exchange and rotation policy. In particular, the quality and balanced development of compulsory education, the reform of school district system and the personal experience and research interest have been examined in this study. The conclusion has been offered in this study. Chapter 2 involves the literature review of the teacher exchange and rotation policy. Both the study of school district system and the study on the problems and countermeasures of school district system have been explored in this chapter. Chapter 3 focuses on the implementation of teacher exchange and rotation policy in China. Specifically, changes of western education policy implementation research, changes of China’s education policy implementation research, the research on the mode of education policy implementation, the research on the influencing factors of the implementation of educational policies, the research on the implementation of educational policies and strategies, research on the implementation of teacher exchange and rotation policy, and the teachers exchange their experience in the implementation of the rotation policy have been explored in this chapter. Chapter 4 concentrates the background of teacher policy in the perspective of China’s alleviation of education poverty. Based on the analysis of policy instrument theory, the teacher policy in the perspective of poverty alleviation in China from 1985 to 2018 has been collected by author. As a research content, the policy texts are used for analyzing the policy terms, aiming to study the teacher policy in the perspective of poverty alleviation in China development path summarizing the v



construction experience, analyzing the problems and putting forward suggestions for policy improvement based on the policy tool angle. Chapter 5 involves the literature review of teacher policy in the perspective of China’s alleviation of education poverty. In particular, the outline of teacher policy, the literature related to the research on poverty alleviation in education, the theoretical research on poverty alleviation through education, the research on the model and role of education in poverty alleviation, the existing problems and suggestions on teacher policy research in the field of education poverty alleviation, the trend of teacher policy research in the education poverty alleviation, the existing problems and Suggestions on teacher policy research, and the trend of teacher policy research in the field of education poverty alleviation have been explored in this study. Chapter 6 concentrates on the teacher policy in the perspective of China’s alleviation of education poverty. The historical perspectives have been offered to examine the embryonic stage: establishment of rules and regulations (1985–2000); the initial stage: from quantity to quality (2001–2010); and the development stage: deepening and consolidation (2011–2018). Chapter 7 focuses on the trends and suggestions of teacher policy in the perspective of China’s alleviation of education poverty. Based on the above analysis, it can be seen that the teacher policy tools for poverty alleviation in China are in the process of evolution and change, and the number of policy tools has been considerable. After more than 30 years of development and construction, the types of policy tools have become increasingly reasonable in the structure of use. Combined with the background of the country’s gradual increase in targeted poverty alleviation through education, based on the reality that the investment in the construction of the teacher team is gradually increasing, this paper proposes three countermeasures and suggestions based on the theoretical perspective of policy tools for the construction of the teacher policy system in China and the experience in solving common problems in the world. Chapter 8 involves the backgrounds and overview of the balanced allocation policy of teachers in Chinese urban and rural areas. The key to realize the balanced development of compulsory education, the “county-oriented” management system, and the research review have been offered in this chapter. Chapter 9 concentrates on the problems and suggestions of the balanced allocation policy of teachers in Chinese urban and rural areas. In particular, the reasons affecting the balanced allocation of compulsory education teachers, the gap between urban and rural teacher training opportunities, the pathway of balanced allocation of compulsory education teachers have been analyzed. In addition, the main conclusions have been also offered. Chapter 10 concentrates on the studies and policies of the implementation effect evaluation of the free/public normal university student policy in China. Research on the implementation of free normal university student policy, evaluation of free normal university student policy, and research review free normal university student policy have been examined in this study. Chapter 11 focuses on the using the decision-making process to explore the implementation effect evaluation of the free/public normal university student policy in



China. Specifically, the problem flow of free normal university students’ policy decisions, the political flow of the policy decision of free normal university students, and the policy flow of free normal university students’ policy decisions have been analyzed in this study. Chapter 12 concentrates on the perspective of the road map of the implementation effect evaluation of the free/public normal university student policy in China. Through to the high school students, reading free normal, on-the-job free normal one-to-one in-depth interviews and from Heilongjiang, Shanxi, Chongqing, Sichuan, Shandong, Jilin, Hunan, Jiaoning, Yunnan, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Guizhou, Henan and other regions, basic covers east Midwest reading free normal and on-thejob free normal analysis of the questionnaire. We can see that the implementation effect of the free normal university student policy in the aspects of publicity, enrollment, training, employment and post-employment further education has some gaps with the expected goal. The reason for the gap is that the policy itself needs to be improved. There are four kinds of educational policy tools: administrative, economic, managerial and social. Beijing, China

Eryong Xue Jian Li


In the realization of this book, our contributors have been supportive and willing to share their opinions and perspective on how to explore the overall Chinese education policy landscape from a concept-added policy chain perspective. We are really grateful for the generosity and positive spirit of collegiality. Warmly thanks to the contributors for their material collection: Fan, Xiaoxu, Meng Chunying, Zhu, Yuehua, and Zhao Dandan.



Part I 1



Teacher Exchange and Rotation Policy

The Background of Teacher Exchange and Rotation Policy . . . . . . . . 1.1 The Quality and Balanced Development Of Compulsory Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 The Reform of School District System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3 Personal Experience and Research Interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Literature Review of Teacher Exchange and Rotation Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1 The Study of School District System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 Study on the Problems and Countermeasures of School District System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Implementation of Teacher Exchange and Rotation Policy . . . . 3.1 Changes of Western Education Policy Implementation Research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 Changes of China’s Education Policy Implementation Research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3 The Research on the Mode of Education Policy Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4 The Research on the Influencing Factors of the Implementation of Educational Policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5 The Research on the Implementation of Educational Policies and Strategies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.6 Research on the Implementation of Teacher Exchange and Rotation Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.7 The Teachers Exchange Their Experience in the Implementation of the Rotation Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3 3 4 5 8 9 9 11 13 15 15 16 17 17 19 20 20 24




Part II 4



Teacher Policy in the Perspective of China’s Alleviation on Education Poverty

Teacher Policy in the Perspective of China’s Alleviation of Education Poverty: Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1 The Overview of Alleviation of Education Poverty in china . . . . . 4.2 The Research Problems of Alleviation of Education Poverty in China . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3 Research Significance of Alleviation of Education Poverty in China . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4 The Theoretical Significance of Alleviation of Education Poverty in China . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.5 The Practical Significance of Alleviation of Education Poverty in China . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Teacher Policy in the Perspective of China’s Alleviation of Education Poverty: Literature Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.1 The Outline of Teacher Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2 Literature Related to the Research on Poverty Alleviation in Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3 The Theoretical Research on Poverty Alleviation Through Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.4 The Research on the Model and Role of Education in Poverty Alleviation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.5 The Existing Problems and Suggestions on Teacher Policy Research in the Field of Education Poverty Alleviation . . . . . . . . 5.6 The Trend of Teacher Policy Research in the Education Poverty Alleviation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.7 The Existing Problems and Suggestions on Teacher Policy Research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.8 The Trend of Teacher Policy Research in the Field of Education Poverty Alleviation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Teacher Policy in the Perspective of China’s Alleviation of Education Poverty: An Historical Perspective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.1 The Embryonic Stage: Establishment of Rules and Regulations (1985–2000) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2 The Initial Stage: From Quantity to Quality (2001–2010) . . . . . . 6.3 Development Stage: Deepening and Consolidation (2011– 2018) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.4 The Experience of Teacher Policy System Construction . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

27 27 28 29 29 30 31 33 33 35 37 38 40 41 44 45 48 49 49 50 50 52 58



Teacher Policy in the Perspective of China’s Alleviation of Education Poverty: The Trends and Suggestions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.1 The Strategic Position of Teachers’ Priority Development . . . . . . 7.2 The Precision Construction Teacher Policy System Mechanism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.3 The Subject of Teacher Policy Tends to Be Diversified . . . . . . . . . 7.4 The Conclusion and Suggestions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


59 59 60 61 68 70

Part III Balanced Allocation Policy of Teachers in Chinese Urban and Rural Areas 8


Balanced Allocation Policy of Teachers in Chinese Urban and Rural Areas: Backgrounds and Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.1 The Key to Realize the Balanced Development of Compulsory Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.2 The “County-Oriented” Management System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.3 The Research Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

73 73 74 76 80

Balanced Allocation Policy of Teachers in Chinese Urban and Rural Areas: Problems and Suggestions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 9.1 The Reasons Affecting the Balanced Allocation of Compulsory Education Teachers in Urban and Rural Areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 9.2 The Gap Between Urban and Rural Teacher Training Opportunities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 9.3 The Pathway of Balanced Allocation of Compulsory Education Teachers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 9.4 Main Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107

Part IV The Implementation Effect Evaluation of the Free/Public Normal University Student Policy in China 10 The Implementation Effect Evaluation of the Free/public Normal University Student Policy in China: Studies and Policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.1 Research on the Implementation of Free Normal University Student Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.2 Evaluation of Free Normal University Student Policy . . . . . . . . . . 10.3 Research Review of Free Normal University Student Policy . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

111 111 116 117 119



11 The Implementation Effect Evaluation of the Free/Public Normal University Student Policy in China: Decision-Making Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.1 The Problem Flow of Free Normal University Students’ Policy Decisions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.2 The Political Flow of the Policy Decision of Free Normal University Students . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.3 The Policy Flow of Free Normal University Students’ Policy Decisions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 The Implementation Effect Evaluation of the Free/Public Normal University Student Policy in China: The Perspective of the Road Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.1 Administrative Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.2 Management Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.3 The Reform Suggestion of Free Normal University Student Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.4 The Reform Proposal of Free Employment for Normal University Students . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

121 121 122 123 124

125 125 126 129 132 135

About the Authors

Eryong Xue is the professor in China Institute of Education Policy, Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University. Changjiang scholars (young scholars) awarded by the Ministry of Education in China. He is also a research fellow of the center for science and technology and education development strategy in Tsinghua university. He is also a postdoctoral fellow in the public administration of Tsinghua university. He has published more than 100 Chinese and English papers in the field of educational research. He has produced more than 100 CSSCI articles. He has won the seventh award for outstanding achievements in scientific research in institutions of higher learning, the fifth national award for outstanding achievements in educational scientific research, and the award for outstanding achievements in political participation and discussion by the central committee for the advancement of the people for more than 40 times. More than 40 independent or co-authored consulting reports were adopted by decision-making departments or approved by leaders. Jian Li is the assistant professor in China Institute of Education Policy, Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University. She received her Ph.D. degree in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies (ELPS), School of Education, Indiana University Bloomington. Her research interests focus on Education policy studies; Globalization and Internationalization of Higher Education. She has published over 60 articles and books in regard to China’s education policy and comparative higher education studies. Dr. Li currently also serves as think tanker at China Institute of Education and Social Development, Beijing Normal University. China Institute of Education and Social Development (CIESD) was co-founded by China Association for Promoting Democracy and Beijing Normal University. It was founded on the base of China Institute of Education Policy and China Academy of Social Management of Beijing Normal University. Dr. Li general area of scholarship is on the assessment of education policy within education institutions comparatively. Within this general area, she has pursued four themes: compulsory education policy, globalization of higher education, higher education policy and management, undergraduate students’ global learning performance assessment, faculty academic innovation perspective within higher education and comparative higher education development as a framework for institutional research. Dr. Li has published over 30 articles, monographs and book xv


About the Authors

chapters and delivered over 20 workshops and seminars and offered more than 20 keynote, peer-reviewed and invited presentations throughout the U.S. and in Europe, Africa, and Asia.

Part I

Teacher Exchange and Rotation Policy

Chapter 1

The Background of Teacher Exchange and Rotation Policy

This chapter concentrates on the background of the teacher exchange and rotation policy. In particular, the quality and balanced development of compulsory education, the reform of school district system and the personal experience and research interest have been examined in this study. The conclusion has been offered in this study.

1.1 The Quality and Balanced Development Of Compulsory Education The development of fair and quality education has always been the essence of China’s education reform. By the end of 2018, a total of 2,717 counties had been recognized as basically equal in compulsory education by the state, accounting for 92.7 percent of the total number of counties. With the realization of the basic balance of compulsory education, the masses have higher quality of education needs. The promotion of basic equilibrium to quality equilibrium has become a new development direction of compulsory education, which is the inevitable requirement and the proposition for the reform and development of compulsory education in China, and also the appeal of the new era of educational equity. On September 11, 2018, the organization for economic cooperation and development (OECD) released its Education at a Glance 2018 in Paris, which provides OECD member and partner countries with the latest in a rich and comparable set of indicators for their Education systems, primarily assessing the position of OECD countries on the path to achieving the goal of equity. Indicators show that achieving equitable education and quality of learning remains an important goal for many countries, and governments need to do more to promote equity in education. Therefore, from the starting point of promoting the basic balance of compulsory education in the new era, it is necessary to move towards a high-quality balance of higher level, more balanced and higher quality. The connotation of high-quality balance includes clearer concept of all-round development, higher degree of standardization, stronger teachers and more satisfaction of © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021 E. Xue and J. Li, Teacher Education Policy in China, Exploring Education Policy in a Globalized World: Concepts, Contexts, and Practices, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-2366-0_1



1 The Background of Teacher Exchange and Rotation Policy

the people. This provides a breakthrough point for the reform and development of quality and balanced compulsory education, so that everyone is likely to grow up to be able to contribute to social construction and national development, with a sense of responsibility, creativity and practical ability of outstanding talents (Li, 2019; Xue et al., 2019).

1.2 The Reform of School District System In 2010, the outline of the national program for medium - and long-term education reform and development (2010–2020) pointed out to promote balanced development of compulsory education and narrow inter-school, urban–rural and regional gaps. It is a strategic task for China’s education development to narrow the inter-school gap, make great efforts to solve the problem of school choice and promote the balanced development of compulsory education in the region. At present, the phenomenon of school district housing and school choice is prominent, the reason behind which lies in the contradiction between the supply and demand of high-quality resources and the imbalance of allocation in the stage of compulsory education, which reflects the change of people’s educational demand from “having the ability to learn” to “having the ability to learn”. In 2013, the decision of the central committee of the communist party of China on some major issues concerning comprehensively deepening the reform was adopted at the third plenary session of the 18th CPC central committee, which proposed comprehensively deepening the education reform, taking school district production as an important measure to deepen the education reform. In 2014, the ministry of education pointed out in the key work points that the balanced development of compulsory education should be further promoted, and high-quality education resources should be continuously expanded through school district system and school alliance. Many regions in China have started to explore the reform of school district system, to innovate the system and mechanism, and to expand the coverage of quality education resources. Beijing, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Jiangxi, Guizhou and other regions are trying to deepen the reform of the management system, expand the coverage of quality resources, promote the school district system management, the nine-year system, the group school system and other ways to achieve high quality schools to promote weak schools, promote the overall improvement of the quality of education. As of September 2019, Beijing has through the collectivization of running a school, school system reform, the name of a variety of ways, such as, school-run campus respectively establish school district 130, more than 150 education group, elementary school, junior high school entrance to the nearest percentage were 99%, 96% above, junior high school students to high quality ratio above 52%, high school education in the capital of satisfaction increase year by year. The reform of school district system has become an important measure to promote the modernization of regional education governance system and governance capacity and promote the quality and balanced development of basic education (Li, 2019; Xue et al., 2019).

1.2 The Reform of School District System


The teacher exchange rotation is an important part of the balanced allocation of teachers in the school district. In 2003, Shenyang city began to implement the policy of teacher exchange and rotation, and made clear the exchange methods, and determined the two main lines of inter-school teacher exchange and urban–rural teacher exchange to promote the balanced development of regional and urban–rural compulsory education and realize the balanced allocation of educational resources. The decision of the CPC central committee on some important issues concerning comprehensively deepening reform, adopted at the third plenary session of the 18th CPC central committee, calls for balanced allocation of compulsory education resources between urban and rural areas and the practice of exchanging and rotating posts between principals and teachers. In 2014, the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security “about advancing the county (district) within the domain of communicating with teachers in compulsory education school principal rotational opinions [2014] No. 4 (teachers) propulsion for the work of urban and rural compulsory education exchange rotational deployment in detail, put forward the innovative ways of communicating with teachers in the principal rotational, take regular exchange, cross-school hired, school districts, integration management, school union, school-run campus, collectivize school-running, counterpart support, township primary and secondary schools teachers go teaching ways and methods; It also proposes to promote the reform of the management system of “county-level (district-level) management and employment” of compulsory education teachers, and to strengthen the overall management of compulsory education teachers in counties (districts). The school district system reform is a comprehensive reform of the education system, aiming at optimizing the allocation of educational resources in the region. As the leader of the education process, teacher is the primary resource of the school, which is not only related to resources but also the guarantee of quality improvement. Through the reasonable flow of teacher resources to promote the balanced development of education quality this goal makes the school district system reform and teacher exchange rotation policy closely linked together. At the same time, in the context of the school district system reform, the effective implementation of the teacher exchange and rotation policy is the focus of the current regional compulsory education teacher reform, and also an important starting point for the quality and balanced development of compulsory education.

1.3 Personal Experience and Research Interest We focus on communicating with teachers in school system reform under the background of job rotation policy. At the same time, due to the increase in the number of students, schools with relatively sufficient resources have the phenomenon of large class sizes, which destroys the original ecology of school development. To a large extent, the problem of school choice is the pursuit of high-quality teacher resources. The reform of school district system has been carried out in more and more areas to


1 The Background of Teacher Exchange and Rotation Policy

promote the balanced allocation of educational resources and the balanced development of compulsory education by taking the comprehensive reform of education as the direction. Among them, teacher exchange rotation is one of the human resources reform measures. How to implement it is the key to the balanced allocation of teacher resources. During the three-year study, under the influence of the tutor, we got to know the relevant contents of teachers’ policies and had some interest in policy research. At the same time, the study of teacher education for three years makes the author pay attention to the development of teachers. As a policy implemented from top to bottom by administrative means, teacher exchange rotation is what the author wants to know about the teachers themselves. Therefore, the author makes a preliminary discussion on the implementation of teacher exchange and rotation policy under the background of school district system reform. Based on the above reasons, this study will further focus on the research issues. Based on the dilemma in the implementation of the teacher exchange rotation policy and the existing development of the school district system reform in some pilot areas, the research issues are proposed. First, the teacher exchange rotation is still facing difficulties. The exchange and rotation of teachers in compulsory education has been carried out for many years, and the exchange work has achieved initial results. First, teacher exchange rotation is gradually becoming normal. Teachers’ attitude towards this policy is changing in a positive direction and they can actively participate in it. Second, the professional level of teachers has been improved. The communication between teachers seeks a new development platform for teachers, changes the working environment, broadens the vision, improves the working enthusiasm, and forms the complex teaching ability facing different environments. Third, the formation of teacher increment. Teachers can effectively play the role of demonstration and guidance to promote the professional growth of teachers in weak schools, so as to radiate high-quality resources, continuously improve the teaching level, and to some extent alleviate the problem of “school choice fever”, and students return. However, there are still many problems in the process of implementing the teacher exchange policy, and the effect of the exchange is not obvious. According to a survey of 89 education secretaries, 28 did not respond, 40 thought the effect was moderate, and only 21 thought it was good. First, there are no rules to follow, lack of normative procedures, strong arbitrariness, from the entrance to the exit of teacher communication procedures are not sound. The length of teachers’ communication is different, and the supervision and evaluation mechanism are not perfect. Second, the radiation effect of teachers is uncertain. Some communication teachers can give full play to their role of demonstration and guidance, but there are many teachers holding a muddle along attitude, unable to adapt to the new teaching environment, unable to integrate into the new teaching environment. Thirdly, teachers’ communication rotation mainly focuses on administrative means and ideological work, and teachers’ enthusiasm needs to be further improved, which does not highlight the significance of their own professional development. Fourthly, the supporting measures of teacher exchange rotation are missing. The problems of teacher personnel management and professional title selection have not been effectively solved.

1.3 Personal Experience and Research Interest


Second, the school district system reform brings new ways of development. In order to promote the quality and balanced development of compulsory education, many places began to explore the reform of school district. Shandong construction school district 1918, covering 11,275 compulsory education schools, school, 1699, in the district for elementary school and junior high school counterparts, recruit students, to form a school development community, construction of elementary school and junior high school of vertical, horizontal collaboration model, realize the admissions training, teacher resources, and course construction. As the comprehensive reform of education system, school system reform in school union, integration management, and other forms to realize resource sharing between schools within a certain range, from the course, teachers, hardware facilities and other aspects to promote and actively seek the path of regional comprehensive reform, within a reasonable driving school district unit balanced development of the education quality, provides the education resource sharing and orderly environment, makes every effort to solve the realistic problem of balanced development of education. As the basic unit of school, teachers are the carrier of education reform. Any reform of the education system should never be isolated, and teacher exchange rotation cannot fundamentally solve the problem of imbalance and poor quality of education by itself. Instead, it needs a reasonable and fair institutional framework and the coordinated promotion of all elements of the school system to form a virtuous circle. As a new measure of comprehensive education reform, school district system reform also brings new ways of teacher exchange and rotation. How to adapt to the school district system reform and how to implement the policy of teacher exchange and rotation more effectively under the background of school district system reform has become an urgent problem to be solved (Li, 2019; Xue et al., 2019). With the advance of urbanization, and the implementation of the reform of school districts in many parts of the country. In the context of the school district system reform, how to further promote the regional teacher exchange and rotation based on the school district system reform has become the key to adapt to the new development trend, which is also the inherent need of the teacher exchange and rotation innovation. The reform of school district system is still in its infancy in most areas, and it is urgent to enrich the experience and further discuss the research content. Therefore this study has a certain implementation experience in area B of Beijing as an example, based on the background of area B district reform and teacher exchanges job rotation policy, will be the research question focuses on communicating with teachers in school system reform under the background of how job rotation policy execution, in order to communicate more teachers in school districts under rotational policy to provide experience for the execution of the policy execution problems. The teacher exchange rotation policy has entered the stage of in-depth implementation, and how to implement it effectively is the key. The reform of school district system is an important measure for the quality and balanced development of basic education in the region. This study takes the teacher exchange rotation policy out of the context of the school district system reform and makes a macro and systematic grasp of the teacher exchange rotation policy. To have an in-depth understanding of


1 The Background of Teacher Exchange and Rotation Policy

the opinions of educational administrative leaders, school administrators and frontline teachers on the implementation of the teacher exchange rotation policy under the background of the school district system reform, and to discuss how the teacher exchange rotation policy can be implemented and the implementation results under the school district system. Therefore, this study takes B district of Beijing as an example to discuss the implementation of teacher exchange rotation policy under the background of school district system reform, which has certain theoretical and practical significance. This chapter examines the teacher exchange rotation policy from the perspective of public policy implementation to form an implementation model, enrich the content of policy implementation research, and provide a new perspective for the teacher exchange rotation research. Secondly, in the context of the school district system reform, this study establishes a connection with the implementation of the exchange and rotation policy of teachers, so as to achieve a diverse and rich research perspective. Based on Rawls’s “good order” social theory, it further explores a new pattern that is suitable for the implementation of the exchange and rotation policy of teachers in the region (Li, 2019; Xue et al., 2019).

References Li, G. (2019). The status quo and policy Suggestions on promoting teacher exchanges—An investigation report from training courses for education chiefs in some cities and counties in China People’s education, 14(07), pp. 29–31. Xue, E. Y., Liu, M., & Li, J. (2019). The course, characteristics and trend of the policy change of China’s education equity development. Education Research, 40(05), 142–150

Chapter 2

The Literature Review of Teacher Exchange and Rotation Policy

This chapter involves the literature review of the teacher exchange and rotation policy. Both the study of school district system and the study on the problems and countermeasures of school district system have been explored in this chapter.

2.1 The Study of School District System “School district system” is based on the school district formed by a number of systems composed of governance system, more reflects a school model reform, and as the enrollment area of the “school district” is different from the “school district” in the foreign context. Therefore, this study only summarizes the domestic research on “school district system". Due to address different parts of the country at the same time, some areas known as “the district”, therefore this study using literature retrieval set to “school” or “the district”, known in China network retrieval. 155 journal papers, 45 degree paper, through the network function measurement and visualization analysis, literature retrieval for characteristic carries on the preliminary understanding, to obtain the number, keywords co-occurrence information such as network, research institutions, for the purpose of literature and understanding for laying a foundation for the research content. In terms of the number of publications, there have been scattered studies on school districts in China since 2001. Due to the relatively mature management of school districts in the United States, most of them were introduced by domestic scholars before 2004. The first journal paper on the study of school districts is to introduce the characteristics and operating mechanism of school districts in the United States. With the promotion of school district system reform in Dongcheng district, Beijing in 2004, Shenyang in 2006 and Yuexiu district, Guangzhou in 2008, relevant researches began to increase. In 2005, an article introduced the management mode of school district in Dongcheng district. Since 2004, the number of studies has been on the rise. From the perspective of the keyword co-occurrence network,

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021 E. Xue and J. Li, Teacher Education Policy in China, Exploring Education Policy in a Globalized World: Concepts, Contexts, and Practices, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-2366-0_2



2 The Literature Review of Teacher Exchange and Rotation Policy

“education balance” is the word with the highest frequency in the keyword cooccurrence network. In addition, keywords such as “resource sharing”, “balanced allocation” and “educational equity” also appear more frequently, which is consistent with the original intention of promoting the balanced development of education. The 18th national congress of the communist party of China put forward the general requirements of “deepening comprehensive reform in the field of education” and made clear the key direction and important links of education reform. The reform of school district system is an important measure to deepen comprehensive reform in the field of education. “Education balance”, “regional education” and “school district system” form an obvious keyword co-occurrence triangle, which reflects that school district system is the key measure for regional education to promote education balance. “Collectivized school running”, “education group” and “nineyear system”, as school running methods and concrete forms, promote the sharing of resources and realize the balanced development of regional education. “Quality schools”, “education quality” and “school characteristics” are the main contents of the balanced development of education quality in the reform of school district system (Feng & Yang, 2011; Li, 2020; Xudong & Li, 2019). The concept of school district. The concept of school district originated from the west. School districts in the United States are also known as local school districts. School districts in the United States are local educational administrative agencies, which are the most basic educational administrative units at the state level. School districts in the United States were formed in colonial times, when colonists from all over Europe ran everything on their own in their colonies, including running schools and other educational businesses. The town community is the place where children receive their education, namely the school district. The education of the school district was initially the responsibility of the family and the church. As the town’s population grew, residents began to spread to the suburbs and countryside around the town. Around the town began to raise funds, hire teachers, schools, the management of the district’s educational affairs. In 1766, the state of Connecticut formally recognized the right to run schools outside of towns. Rural school districts began to work together with urban school districts as the United States educational authority. In 1789, the state of Massachusetts was the first to issue a law to legalize the autonomy of school districts. The rights and responsibilities of school districts as educational administrative organs began to be institutionalized, and the school district system was formally established, which laid the foundation for local administrative education. At present, school district is still an important basic education management organization in the United States. Domestic definition of school districts has much different. The school district on the one hand refers to the compulsory education phase in a certain residential area to recruit school-age children school area, on the other hand also refers to a considerable part of the township education administration area. It can be seen that in the United States, school district as the basic educational administrative unit is the substantive educational administrative unit. In China, it is emphasized that school district is a combination of schools with relatively concentrated geographical location, and an organization of resource sharing, cooperation,

2.1 The Study of School District System


exchange and common development (Feng & Yang, 2011; Li, 2020; Xudong & Li, 2019). The concept of school district system. For the school district system, different scholars in different reform areas have different expressions and focuses, such as school district, school district running, school district system management, school district management, school district system reform and so on. Although the above concepts have different names, they all refer to a comprehensive reform of the schoolrunning mode to realize the sharing of high-quality resources. In the focus of the district and school districts to distinguish: reform of Dongcheng district, has realized the transition from school district to school district system, the relevant person in charge of Dongcheng district think school district is largely divided into school districts, is more a practical configuration and working platform, the school system is a kind of relatively stable system of governance, made up by several interrelated system. But in other areas, there is no distinction between the two. The term “school district system” is used only in accordance with the research needs and the survey site. The school district system is an educational management system, which makes institutional arrangements for the organizational management mode and operating mechanism of schools in the school district. Has not had the person, the financial, the matter and so on the management autonomy. Study on the significance of school district system. The reform of school district system is not a simple “uniform enrollment”, but a system designed to realize the quality and balanced development of schools in the region. Therefore, most researchers agree that the reform of school district system promotes the balanced development of school quality and connotation, realizes the sharing of educational resources, and implements the comprehensive reform of education. The policy goal of the reform is to unite the unbalanced schools in the region to form a school district, on the basis of which resources can be shared and developed together. In the current school district system reform, the functional mechanism design of school district system is mainly manifested in the sharing of high-quality resources, including teachers, classroom teaching and curriculum construction, and hardware facilities. The reform of district management organization and the expansion of school autonomy. We try to promote the return of the source structure of students in schools to normal, and to solve the problem of school choice; Promote the characteristic balance among schools and realize the real quality and balance of each school (Feng & Yang, 2011; Li, 2020; Xudong & Li, 2019).

2.2 Study on the Problems and Countermeasures of School District System The reform of school district system is a systematic project, which is mainly designed and practiced from the aspects of sharing of high-quality resources, school district organization and management mechanism. Therefore, some studies have found that


2 The Literature Review of Teacher Exchange and Rotation Policy

the reform of school district system is faced with the “squeeze” of high-quality resources on general resources, the simple reproduction of high-quality culture, and the overlapping of administrative resources’ rights and responsibilities. The problems of school district resource sharing include lack of internal motivation, lack of sharing of knowledge resources by schools as knowledge production and dissemination, lack of taking school district as a platform for school cooperation and development, and lack of comprehensive benefits of resource utilization. In the school district organization and management, the relationship between the school district director and other principals in the school district, the relationship between the school district assistant and the school district administrator, the relationship between the school district development and the school district development management, and the relationship between the school district development and the teacher development are faced with problems. The current management of school district has the following problems: lack of a sense of belonging from teachers to the school district, unclear authority of school district management, unclarified management relationship, unmatching rights and responsibilities, lack of effective evaluation mechanism and lack of support from special funds. In view of the problems faced by the school district system, the school district should be endowed with more functions, such as financial and personnel rights, pay attention to the balanced allocation of cultural and spiritual resources, promote the schools in the school district from “gap cooperation” to “difference cooperation”, and form a quality-oriented assessment method for the school district. The school district should strengthen the theoretical research, divide the school district scientifically and fairly, and carry out the long-range planning and system construction of school district. The scientific organizational construction should be carried out, including the division of school district type, the quantity control of school district and the layout principle of school district. In the process of implementation, we should straighten out the relationship between rights and responsibilities, establish a resource sharing mechanism and a monitoring and evaluation system. From the perspective of community theory, the two researchers also believe that the path structure of school district system reform should be closely related to the three pairs of relationships in the effective operation of the community, that is, to achieve effective governance through contract relationship, to improve the dynamic mechanism of school district through bond relationship and to promote the sharing of school district resources through interaction relationship. Based on the collation of existing literature, the whole research on school district system is in its infancy, with both quantity and quality to be enriched. The current research has the following characteristics: (1) insufficient theoretical depth. At present, there are many researches on the school district system, which mainly introduce and report the practice of the school district system reform. Most of the researchers are education committee members and principals of primary and secondary schools. (2) lack of multidisciplinary perspective. The reform of school district system involves management system and resource allocation and sharing, which is not only an issue of education reform, but also a comprehensive reform of society. (3) the study of each element in the school district system is not indepth. At present, the research on school district system is summarized from the

2.2 Study on the Problems and Countermeasures of School District System


aspects of management system and resource sharing. In particular, the reform of the school district system involves the sharing of knowledge, teachers, culture and other resources, and it is worth further discussion on how each element facilitates each other with the school district system (Feng & Yang, 2011; Li, 2020; Xudong & Li, 2019).

References Feng, X. G., & Yang, B. Z. (2011). Interschool cooperation: A study on the balanced development mechanism of compulsory education—Based on the investigation of the “joint school district for educational development” of primary schools in hexi district, tianjin. China Education Journal, 2011(10), 27–30. Li, J. (2020). Compulsory educational policies in rural China since 1978: A macro perspective. Beijing International Review of Education, 2(1), 159–164. Xudong, Z., & Li, J. (2019). Investigating ‘collective individualism model of learning’: From Chinese context of classroom culture. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 52(3), 270–283.

Chapter 3

The Implementation of Teacher Exchange and Rotation Policy

This chapter focuses on the implementation of teacher exchange and rotation policy in China. Specifically, changes of western education policy implementation research, changes of China’s education policy implementation research, the research on the mode of education policy implementation, the research on the influencing factors of the implementation of educational policies, the research on the implementation of educational policies and strategies, research on the implementation of teacher exchange and rotation policy, and the teachers exchange their experience in the implementation of the rotation policy have been explored in this chapter.

3.1 Changes of Western Education Policy Implementation Research Policy implementation is an important stage and step in the process of policy implementation. In the mid-twentieth century, the focus of policy science was still on policy formulation and policy evaluation. In the 1960s, as the great society reforms initiated by the Johnson administration in the United States suffered serious setbacks, policy scientists began to reflect on why well-designed policies failed to be implemented successfully. In 1973, the Implementation: the expectation of the federal government in the city’s failed “(An Implementation: How Great Expectations in Washington are Dashed in Oakland), policy research began in the sights of the researchers, and policy research to upsurge in western countries, began to perform exercise. The development of western public policy research has experienced three paradigms: top-down, bottom-up and integrated execution. The education policy implementation and its development can be divided into three stages: the first stage (in the late 1960s—in the early 1980s), with a case study, analysis of the failure phenomenon of Education Policy Implementation, existing problems and the cause of the failure, is the early Education Policy research. Characteristics of the research: adopt the top-down macro policy implementation research method, analyze the implementation of the education © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021 E. Xue and J. Li, Teacher Education Policy in China, Exploring Education Policy in a Globalized World: Concepts, Contexts, and Practices, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-2366-0_3



3 The Implementation of Teacher Exchange and Rotation Policy

reform program, why the local authorities are not able and willing to implement, and the local education authorities resist and disobey the situation. The second stage (the first half of the 1980s) people began to analyze the 60s and 70s, the implementation of the education policy of the main problem is: in accordance with the original bill of solutions can be performed and the corresponding rules regulations, local environment and conditions according to itself, adjustment of higher education policy and the education reform scheme of federal or state can get support and effective enforcement. The research of this period tends to focus on the positive influence and effect of education policy, and also belongs to the research of policy implementation from top to bottom. The third phase (mid-1980s to present) focuses on how policies are implemented and how they are effectively implemented. This stage adopts the bottom-up micro policy implementation research and starts to pay attention to the combination and appropriate application of macro and micro policy implementation research methods. Education policy belongs to public policy, and its research process is basically consistent with that of public policy implementation. Starting from case studies, educational policy research focuses on the analysis of various factors affecting the effective implementation of educational policies. The contents of the research are also rich, including the distortion of the education policy implementation, the types and characteristics of the education policy implementation, and the analysis of the factors of the successful implementation of the education policy (Ban & Yu, 2006; Li & Li, 2019; Zhao & Zhang, 2015; Zhu & Li, 2019).

3.2 Changes of China’s Education Policy Implementation Research In China since the late 1990s began to gradually pay attention to the implementation of education policy research, 1996, Charles yuan, editor of the publication of education policy study, started to education policy research as one of the chapters, the introduction of the concept of education policy implementation and analysis, component, function and logical order, the reasons of the distortion of education policy implementation and countermeasures and abroad about the several theoretical models of policy implementation. It can be seen from the existing researches that: first, the research on the implementation of education policy started the scientific exploration of “policy implementation” earlier in the field of public policy research. Second, the number of studies on the implementation of education policies is on the rise. Third, the content and theoretical perspective of the research on the implementation of education policy in China are relatively rich, which fully reflects the interdisciplinary characteristics of the field of education policy, including sociology, politics, economics and philosophy. In addition, there are many analyses on the implementation of specific education policies based on case studies. There are studies on education policy implementation at all stages, covering pre-school education; Compulsory education, senior high school education and higher education; And about the various

3.2 Changes of China’s Education Policy Implementation Research


types of education policy: special education, migrant children of compulsory education, public high school restudy class, the new curriculum reform in the vocational colleges teachers, primary and secondary school teachers performance salary; Free normal university students and so on (Ban & Yu, 2006; Li & Li, 2019; Zhao & Zhang, 2015; Zhu & Li, 2019).

3.3 The Research on the Mode of Education Policy Implementation The policy execution pattern is a dynamic organizational structure formed by the interaction of various factors that affect the policy execution pattern. Since the rise of policy implementation research in the 1970s, policy implementation researchers have paid more attention to the policy implementation model. Western researchers have conducted abundant research on the policy implementation model and constructed different policy implementation models. Because of the consistency between the education policy implementation model and the policy implementation model, several influential implementation models are introduced here. Based on the objective needs of interest diversification and the development trend of administrative democratic reform at home and abroad in the period of social transformation, he reconstructed the participatory interactive chain model, which is actually a democratic model under the new public management concept. On the basis of the policy network theory, we construct the network model of education policy implementation from the aspects of the main body of education policy implementation, the path of education policy implementation information, and education policy tools, and constructs the trust mechanism, consultation mechanism, supervision feedback mechanism and learning mechanism to ensure the continuous operation of the education policy implementation model (Ban & Yu, 2006; Li & Li, 2019; Zhao & Zhang, 2015; Zhu & Li, 2019).

3.4 The Research on the Influencing Factors of the Implementation of Educational Policies The factors influencing the implementation of education policy are relatively complex. From the existing studies, scholars’ research on the factors influencing the implementation of education policy is consistent with the research on the implementation of public policy, mainly focusing on: First, the interest dimension. The essence of policy is to standardize and distribute the interests. Although the introduction of a policy is to balance the interests of all parties, the interests of policy makers and implementers are not completely consistent, and each subject in the process of policy implementation pays attention to their own demands. In the implementation of


3 The Implementation of Teacher Exchange and Rotation Policy

the rural teacher troop construction policy, the local government, in view of the pressure of local education quality evaluation and the realistic reason of blindly pursuing short-term achievements, keeps the high-quality teachers in the city. The teachers who participate in the exchanges between urban and rural teachers are more teachers who need to be promoted. There is a situation of “the excellent urban teachers who want to come cannot come, but the urban teachers who do not want to come without being invited”. Therefore, rural schools even think that the arrival of urban exchange teachers will destroy the original teaching ecology and profit distribution of schools. Second, the technical perspective. The possibility of positioning deviation exists in the system design of social policy target positioning and the social environment embedded in social policy. Taking our country’s on-class study policy as an example, li la analyzed the policy’s own factors, such as the policy’s lag, ambiguity and positioning limitation, which affect the implementation of the policy. The problems in the implementation of the off-site college entrance examination are closely related to the problems of the policy itself. Specifically, the problems are multiple policy objectives, vague conflicts and policy contents, improper relationship between central and local power and responsibility, the policy subject’s focus is shifted downward, the entry threshold is too high, and the benefit scope of the policy target group is narrow. In addition, there may be conflicts between the positioning of policy objectives and the complex realistic environment. The contradiction between the simplicity and universality of the policy goal and the complex reality of the social environment leads to the deviation of the policy implementation, which is also considered as the technical problem of the deviation of the policy implementation. In the implementation of the targeted poverty alleviation policy of education, the poor population is mainly based on the establishment of documents, the lack of accurate understanding of the causes of poverty of different poor population shows great blindness, and the policy tools show obvious epitaxial characteristics. Third, the institutional perspective. First, local education policies are usually made from the top down. It is carried out from top to bottom with the government as the leading role, and the stakeholders such as sending schools, communicating teachers and receiving schools are regarded as the obedient and executor of policy instructions, especially the low-level executor becomes the notified role. This creates a conflict between decision making at the top and the need for autonomy at the grassroots level. Secondly, the existing allocation of power and responsibility at the central and local levels leaves room for the grass-roots governments responsible for the implementation of specific policies to act in accordance with local conditions, making it a norm for grassroots governments to “selectively execute”, “vary” and “collude” based on their own interests. For execution “county tube school employment”, in the research of Jiang Chao B county is a way of bridging execution, between “no communication” and “thoroughly to mobilize human relations” between the local director thought it satisfy stable political needs, and to respond to the superior policy requirement, but also satisfy their smooth transition is going to communicate to other systems. The final result is that the communication scope, the communication object and the communication time of the “county management school hire” teachers have been reduced.

3.4 The Research on the Influencing Factors …


Fourth, the environmental perspective. Any policy implementation takes place in a certain context, and successful policy implementation depends on the compatible relationship between the incentive structure and the institutional background provided by public policies and their implementation programs. “the middle way” goes deep into multiple aspects of social management. In the education policy of children of migrant workers, local governments need to balance the conflict between local students and children of migrant workers in terms of education resources, and balance the interest demands between the central government and local public schools (Ban & Yu, 2006; Li & Li, 2019; Zhao & Zhang, 2015; Zhu & Li, 2019).

3.5 The Research on the Implementation of Educational Policies and Strategies The bad performance of the deviation from the policy objective of the education policy distortion and summarized the manifestation of the distortion as the superficial and enlarged of the education policy, the defect of the education policy and the substitution of the education policy. With the deepening of the research, scholars have broadened their horizon of the research on the implementation of education policy and expounded the implementation of education policy from different disciplines. However, the problems of the implementation of education policy are relatively similar, which urges us to comprehensively analyze the issue of policy implementation and find effective strategies. From the perspective of sociology, the effective implementation of policies should not only consider the formulation of appropriate policy objectives, but also consider the adaptation between the educational governance structure dependent on policy tools and its relationship structure with the real society and adopt the educational governance model of “relationship isomorphism". Some scholars study the implementation of education policy from the perspectives of game theory and cost transaction. We pay attention to the education policy implementation main body, stimulate the education policy implementation main body drive, and argues that democracy as the premise, with the separation of powers as the source, the rule of law as the security, based on the effectiveness of moderate to maximizing drive of executive main body education policy. From the perspective of public policy science, we believed that the implementation objective, implementation mechanism, implementation resources, implementation role and external environment caused the implementation deviation. The breakthrough point lies in the horizontal and vertical combination, the integration of functional departments’ rights and responsibilities, reduce the level of transmission of information consumption. At present, there has been a certain accumulation of research on the implementation of education policies. Firstly, the research content focuses on the implementation of different theoretical perspectives and the problems, influencing factors and coping strategies in the implementation of specific education policies, and the preliminary research conclusions have been formed. The research


3 The Implementation of Teacher Exchange and Rotation Policy

objects and theoretical perspectives are relatively diversified. Second, the research methods are diverse. There are theoretical studies, case studies based on a certain object, as well as large-scale surveys, which collect information through interviews and questionnaires. Thirdly, in terms of the research content, the research on the implementation of education policy mainly focuses on the outcome status of the policy implementation, including problems, influencing factors and Suggestions for improvement, etc., while there is relatively little research on the process of policy implementation, that is, how the policy is implemented (Ban & Yu, 2006; Li & Li, 2019; Zhao & Zhang, 2015; Zhu & Li, 2019).

3.6 Research on the Implementation of Teacher Exchange and Rotation Policy In order to better understand the implementation of the teacher exchange rotation policy, we searched the topic of “teacher exchange rotation” and “teacher exchange” in the CNKI database and obtained 146 journal articles and 124 dissertations by December 2019. From the existing research, there has been a certain accumulation of research. First, from the theoretical basis of the research, the theoretical perspective is relatively diverse. From the perspective of game theory, we analyzed the game between schools in the implementation of teacher exchange rotation policy and points out that the conflict between individual rationality and collective rationality leads to the “prisoner’s dilemma”. From the perspective of policy tools, we discuss the five policy tools used in the implementation of teacher exchange rotation, which are command, incentive, symbol and admonition, capacity building and system reform. In addition, it also discusses the incentive theory and institutional change in management science. Second, from the perspective of research methods, quantitative research based on statistics is widely studied. Taking a certain region as a case, questionnaires and interviews are used to understand the implementation of the exchange and rotation policy of teachers in that region. The policy implementation should focus on the school level, give full play to the professional strength of the rotation of teachers, and stimulate the formation of the internal development motivation of schools. The specific research contents are mainly discussed from the existing experience, implementation problems and improvement strategies of policy implementation.

3.7 The Teachers Exchange Their Experience in the Implementation of the Rotation Policy 1. Foreign teachers exchange experience in the implementation of the rotation policy. Foreign teacher exchange system started early, and some countries have

3.7 The Teachers Exchange Their Experience …


achieved good results, such as Japan and South Korea’s “teacher regular rotation” and the United States’ teacher exchange rotation policy. Japan’s operation plan is relatively perfect, providing strong policy support for teacher exchanges. First, the competent department of education issues the relevant rules of the teacher exchange system, and then the teacher fills in the questionnaire. Finally, the principal decides the candidate on the premise of respecting the teacher’s will, and reports to the competent department of education for examination and approval. The regular exchange system in Japan implements the teacher contract appointment system and “no school registration management” for the management of teachers, which takes back the management power of teachers to the county (district), and the county (district) education administrative department uniformly hires, manages and allocates teachers. Teachers in the county from units to systems, education administrative departments to optimize the combination, according to the need to set posts, strict assessment, scientific management. The Japanese government has also legislated teacher turnover to ensure the inevitability of teacher turnover and fully considered the individual wishes of teachers. In addition, the compensation and welfare of teachers are relatively comprehensive, mainly composed of basic salary, basic allowance, general allowance and special allowance. Among them, the special allowances for “rotation” include allowance for cold areas, allowance for off-site areas and allowance for off-site areas, service allowance for special areas and allowance for long-distance personnel transfer. South Korea’s urban and rural teacher rotation system has been implemented since the 1970s, which has played a great role in improving the quality of teachers, improving weak schools and promoting balanced education. In 1963, the republic of Korea promulgated the national law on civil servants in education, which established the basic guidelines for personnel management in education, strictly allowed the admission of teachers’ qualifications, and unified the administration and deployment of teachers. South Korea “swap system” execute a region to be in road level, be equivalent to Chinese provincial level, the limits of swap is restricted in this area school between, the distance of school and place of residence, limit is inside an hour and a half commonly, exceed the car of an hour and a half, road educates a department to need to raise installation fee (Ban & Yu, 2006; Li & Li, 2019; Zhao & Zhang, 2015; Zhu & Li, 2019). The policy defines “quality teachers” as those who have been teaching for five years and whose students have been in the top 20 percent of the district’s valueadded assessment of academic achievement for two or three consecutive years. The program offers $20,000 to high-quality teachers willing to relocate to weak schools for at least two years and $10,000 to each high-quality teacher in weak schools as a retention incentive. The program, which is being run in pilot school districts, involves three steps to identify itinerant teachers. Generally, value-added evaluation and ranking are conducted based on the academic performance of students of all grades and subjects in the school district in 2–3 years. The top 20% of high-quality teachers in the school district are mobile teacher candidates. Second, the schools are classified, and the input and output schools are identified. The input schools are the schools with poor academic performance and need help in the school district,


3 The Implementation of Teacher Exchange and Rotation Policy

and the rest are the output schools. Third, the incoming school principal began to select and recruit. Each spring a notice is issued to hold information conferences on vacant grades and subjects. The teacher mobility program implementation team sets up a teacher mobility site in each school district, with a full-time site leader overseeing all aspects of mobility. This includes matching the input school with the mobile candidate teachers, transmitting and communicating the information between the two sides, and arranging the specific time and place for the interview. After the interview is passed, the mobile teachers will receive the acceptance letter from the input school. In early summer, the plan implementation team counted the schools and teachers who had reached the intention, and timely released the remaining vacancies for the teachers who had not reached the intention to make a second choice. 2. Domestic teachers exchange experience of rotating posts. At present, teachers’ exchange and rotation is becoming more and more normal in China. Teachers’ exchange and rotation in counties (districts) is regarded as an important measure to promote the balanced development of compulsory education. Since the beginning of the implementation of the policy of teacher exchange and rotation in China, the goal has been to optimize the teacher allocation in rural schools and weak schools and promote the balanced development in the region. Therefore, the current teacher exchange in China is mainly an administration-led mode. In November 2013, the ministry of education held a press conference to comprehensively introduce the ways and means of implementing the current teacher exchange and rotation policy. Teachers who are under the age of 50 and under the age of 45 and have been teaching in the same school for 6 consecutive years shall be rotated. Second, carry out volunteer teaching. All the provinces have established a voluntary education system. For example, Hebei province stipulates that urban areas should arrange about 5% of teachers to teach in the countryside every year. Third, to organize counterpart support. The party with strong educational strength shall assist the party with weak educational strength. Some regions explicitly require the high-quality schools in cities to establish a long-term support relationship with the weak schools in rural areas and send relevant teachers to the weak schools for support on a regular basis. Specific development such as pair, hand in hand and other forms. Fourth, the establishment of school alliances. Mainly carried out in urban schools, schools to establish a variety of forms of alliance, alliance to achieve internal mobility. Fifth, the walking education system. For example, a teacher in Mentougou district of Beijing undertakes the teaching tasks of several schools, especially the music, body and beauty. To some extent, these communication methods have alleviated the imbalance of teachers. With the development of teacher exchange rotation work, “sending teachers to the countryside” and “walking education system” show a certain degree of unidirectional, aid-oriented, short-term and unstable, which is not conducive to the development of teacher exchange work. Therefore, the innovation of the way of communication between principals and teachers has become the direction of practice. School district integrated management, school alliances, famous schools and branches, hand in hand, education groups and other modes and means of running schools have been adopted to further promote teacher exchanges. At present, the regular communication within the school district, the formation of school alliances and education groups and other

3.7 The Teachers Exchange Their Experience …


forms have been explored in many places (Ban & Yu, 2006; Li & Li, 2019; Zhao & Zhang, 2015; Zhu & Li, 2019). Based on the review of the existing research literature, this paper summarizes the implementation of the teacher exchange rotation policy in the existing research and clarifies how to implement it in the actual research. The system itself is reasonable, legitimate and scientific. First of all, teachers as the breach of the balanced development of compulsory education questioned. Teachers are not the root cause of the unbalanced development of compulsory education. Whether teacher exchanges can promote teachers’ professional growth. Job burnout is not only affected by external factors such as the environment. From the review of existing literature, the research has the following characteristics: First, the school district system and the teacher exchange rotation policy joint research is less. At present, the research on teacher exchange rotation has been abundant, but it mainly focuses on the policy implementation of teacher exchange rotation in counties and regions. The school district system is a comprehensive reform trend in the field of education at present and even in the future. As an important way to comprehensively reform the teacher allocation in the school district system, the school district system reform is an innovative practice of the teacher exchange rotation policy. It is urgent to study how to carry out the teacher exchange rotation policy in the school district to promote the balanced development of compulsory education, and how to guide the relevant practice. Second, in terms of the research content, the research on the implementation of the policy of teacher exchange and rotation focuses on the results of the policy implementation, and on the problems and solutions in the implementation of the policy. With the implementation of the teacher exchange rotation policy, the policy has gradually become a normal one, and the construction of the system and mechanism of teacher exchange rotation is very important. How to promote the in-depth and effective implementation of the teacher exchange rotation policy and pay attention to the implementation process has become the research direction. According to local characteristics, some regions explore their own experience of exchange rotation, but there are still many regions where symbolic implementation exists, and teacher exchange is a mere formality. As an early exploration and reform area with certain experience, district B can provide experience for other regions by exploring how the teacher exchange and rotation policy can be implemented, and at the same time further clarify the problems in the implementation. Thirdly, in terms of research methods, the implementation of teacher exchange rotation policy belongs to the category of public policy, and the original research mostly adopts the method of quantitative research to grasp the current situation and problems of teacher exchange rotation. Through in-depth interviews and observations, this study made a “deep description” of the life status and real feelings of the teachers on the exchange rotation, listened to the “inner voice” of the teachers on the exchange rotation, and grasped the implementation process from the perspective of public policy implementation. The combination of the two is expected to present a


3 The Implementation of Teacher Exchange and Rotation Policy

clear pattern of policy implementation. To sum up, this research focus on communicating with teachers in school system reform under the background of job rotation policy research, based on the pilot areas of education, and the principal officials, school, and a line of teacher interview describe the practical policy implementation, form the policy execution model, for other areas to launch the teachers exchange policy provide experience, on the basis of that execution problems, put forward the perfect proposal.

References Ban, J. W., & Yu, H. Y. (2006). Benefit analysis on the difficulty of education policy implementation—A case study on the implementation of compulsory education policy for migrant children in Beijing. Education Science, 6(03), 10–13. Li, J., & Li, J. (2019). Educational policy development in China in the 21st century: A multi-flows approach. Beijing International Review of Education, 1(1), 196–220. Zhu, X., & Li, J. (2019). Being a teacher of holistic profession: A perspective of transformative learning. Beijing International Review of Education, 1(2–3), 472–487. Zhao, X. L., & Zhang, Y. T. (2015). Characteristics and paths of integrated management of school districts—From the perspective of organizational change. China Journal of Education, 15(06), 32–37.

Part II

Teacher Policy in the Perspective of China’s Alleviation on Education Poverty

Chapter 4

Teacher Policy in the Perspective of China’s Alleviation of Education Poverty: Background

This chapter concentrates the background of teacher policy in the perspective of China’s alleviation of education poverty. Based on the analysis of policy instrument theory, the teacher policy in the perspective of poverty alleviation in China from 1985 to 2018 has been collected by author. As a research content, the policy texts are used for analyzing the policy terms, aiming to study the teacher policy in the perspective of poverty alleviation in China development path summarizing the construction experience, analyzing the problems and putting forward suggestions for policy improvement based on the policy tool angle.

4.1 The Overview of Alleviation of Education Poverty in china On the one hand, the education against poverty is the focus of the current national strategy. Policy not only affects our daily life, but also affects the development of a field. On the other hand, education is an important way to solve the problem of poverty alleviation. China has made great efforts in the fight against poverty in recent decades, and education, as an important channel for poverty alleviation, has played a fundamental and decisive role. General secretary Xi jinping and other state leaders have been to the front line of poverty alleviation work for many times, earnestly supervised the relevant work, and attached great importance to the work of poverty alleviation through education. In particular, since the 18th national congress of the communist party of China (CPC), the state has frequently issued policies on poverty alleviation through education, set out the direction of targeted poverty alleviation, and attached great importance to the development of a policy system for teachers in the new era. we must be the next generation of education work well, particularly in poor areas, such as the mountainous area of such education to give policy support and special attention. At the same time, a number of important policy documents have been issued to give direction and policy support, especially since the 18th national © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021 E. Xue and J. Li, Teacher Education Policy in China, Exploring Education Policy in a Globalized World: Concepts, Contexts, and Practices, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-2366-0_4



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congress of the communist party of China (CPC) and the 19th national congress of the communist party of China (CPC). In addition, the state council has set up a special leading group office for poverty alleviation and development to organize poverty alleviation work in a scientific and efficient manner. In November 2015, “developing education and eliminating poverty” was explicitly included in the work of the “five and one batch” of the central conference on poverty alleviation and development. At this time, the precise requirement of strengthening the construction of rural teachers appeared in the national key areas of concern for the first time. At the same time, targeted at the weakest areas of education and the poorest groups of the people, precisely help to promote the education of the people, skills, employment and safety of the people, so that children in poor areas have access to the rise, employment skills, development, hope, and effectively block the transmission of poverty between generations. This also provides the leading path reference for the implementation of the education poverty alleviation policy. With the continuous development of national education poverty alleviation work, targeted poverty alleviation through education has become an important and long-term way of poverty alleviation. In succession in the understanding of national leaders, education out of poverty to the attention of the education out of poverty in the country the important effect of crucial for poverty alleviation work, teachers become after the precise focus of education out of poverty, the author combined with the understanding of professional knowledge and to explore the intention of the country’s major policies, determined to view the policy for teacher education out of poverty in China to carry out the related research field. In the research on targeted poverty alleviation in education, more and more attention has been paid to the construction of teacher policy system because of its important status. By sorting out the achievements in the construction of teacher policy system in a certain period of time, problems have been summarized and new trends have been found, which are in line with the requirements of The Times and the general trend of the country (Di, 2014; Dong & Yu, 2014; Fan and Cao, 2015).

4.2 The Research Problems of Alleviation of Education Poverty in China This study is based on the policy tools perspective and China’s field of vision on the policy for teacher education out of poverty. We used the text econometric analysis and qualitative research method of policy text for carding analysis to aim for studying Chinese education teacher policy system. We also studied its stages and each stage different features and content. At the same time, it analyzes the use of relevant policy tools, understands the evolution trend and new problems of teacher policies in the perspective of China’s education poverty alleviation, and discusses the relevant countermeasures and Suggestions for improving teacher policies from the perspective of policy tools.

4.2 The Research Problems of Alleviation of Education Poverty in China


Question 1: how many stages can be divided into the development of teacher policy in China’s education poverty alleviation? Question 2: what are the characteristics of teacher policy in the use of policy tools in the perspective of poverty alleviation in Chinese education? Question 3: what is the problem of teacher policy development in China’s education poverty alleviation? Question 4: based on the perspective of policy tools, how to improve the teacher policy in the current perspective of China’s education poverty alleviation?

4.3 Research Significance of Alleviation of Education Poverty in China According to the report to the 19th national congress of the communist party of China (CPC), China is faced an arduous task of poverty alleviation in the coming period. We need to take targeted measures to alleviate poverty and lift people out of poverty. Poverty caused by backward ideology, lack of relevant knowledge and skills is the second leading cause of poverty, only second to disease. To get rid of poverty, we first need to get rid of ideological and spiritual poverty. General secretary Xi jinping once pointed out that the more impoverished the region is, the more difficult it is to run education, but the more impoverished the region is, the more it needs to run education. “poor” and “foolish” are a vicious circle of mutual causation. We must think about education from the perspective of economic and social development strategies. Education is not only one of the important factors leading to poverty, but also an effective means to eliminate poverty. In order to achieve the goal of poverty alleviation, it is necessary to earnestly implement the relevant measures of “developing education to eliminate poverty". It is of certain significance to carry out the research on teacher policies in the context of China’s education to eliminate poverty (Di, 2014; Dong & Yu, 2014; Fan and Cao, 2015).

4.4 The Theoretical Significance of Alleviation of Education Poverty in China On the one hand, the research on the teacher policy in the perspective of China’s education poverty alleviation enriches the theoretical discussion in the field of education poverty alleviation and teacher policy research and strengthens the academic circle and the society’s attention to this theoretical issue. General secretary Xi jinping has attached great importance to the role of education in the improvement of national quality and the country’s prosperity and development. He has repeatedly mentioned the importance of education and teachers in government work reports, domestic and foreign conferences and other occasions. At present, the system and mechanism of education poverty alleviation with Chinese characteristics are being constantly


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improved and constructed, and the related researches on education poverty alleviation are being carried out in an orderly manner. Since the 19th national congress of the communist party of China (CPC), the state has released a number of documents on the construction of the teaching team, and the attention paid to the teacher policy has been significantly increased. Through CNKI retrieval, it is found that in recent years, the number of domestic research journals and literatures on education poverty alleviation policy and teacher policy has gradually increased, and the academic circle has gradually focused on the research on teacher policy, especially in the field of education poverty alleviation. On the other hand, from the perspective of policy tools, it deepens the discussion of teacher policy theory from the perspective of China’s education poverty alleviation and expands the perspective of policy tools for theoretical research. In the critical period of completing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects and winning the battle against poverty, China’s education is in the decisive stage of basically realizing the modernization of education. Great achievements have been made in improving China’s teacher policy system, but it is also facing new challenges in the new era and a new trend of development and improvement. Through scientific and normative policy text econometric analysis research, in-depth study of Chinese characteristics and regularity of view the policy for teacher education out of poverty, summarizes the existing achievements, find new problems, the new trend of foresight, widens the theoretical research Angle of view, enrich the data of policy research, policy research data provide certain policy support for teachers. At the same time, more understanding and enrichment of Xi jinping’s educational thought and educational policy theory can also help to improve the teacher policy research in the field of education and poverty alleviation, so as to provide theoretical basis for the further development and improvement of the teacher policy system ( Di, 2014; Dong & Yu, 2014; Fan and Cao, 2015).

4.5 The Practical Significance of Alleviation of Education Poverty in China First, education against poverty is the focus of the current national strategic work, is an important way to solve the problem of poverty alleviation, China’s education against poverty in the perspective of teacher policy quantitative analysis focused on the country’s major policies and policies, can put forward systematic teacher policy improvement recommendations, for better education against poverty to provide reference. Poverty before folly, poverty before wisdom. With the continuous promotion of targeted poverty alleviation, targeted poverty alleviation through education has become the focus of work in the next period, which undoubtedly provides a new opportunity for the promotion of poverty alleviation through education and related researches. The fight against poverty has entered a critical moment. The inclusion of “development, education and poverty alleviation” as a poverty alleviation measure

4.5 The Practical Significance of Alleviation of Education Poverty in China


indicates that the anti-poverty function of education has been recognized by the state and concerned by the society. As an important battle against poverty, education and poverty alleviation are of great significance. The research on poverty alleviation in education is becoming more and more popular, so it is of great practical significance to carry out the research on the function of poverty alleviation in education. Second, teacher policy has a priority position in education poverty alleviation. This study can point out the existing problems of teacher policy and lay a foundation for further improvement of teacher policy. To be strong, a country must first attach importance to education and respect teachers. Teachers are the key factors and important resources to improve the quality of education and promote educational equity, as well as the professionals who perform the duties of education and teaching. They are also the key to train innovative talents and improve the quality of education. To help lift China’s education out of poverty, it must rely on teachers. The group of teachers shouldering this responsibility should be paid attention to. It is imperative to pay attention to the teacher policy in the field of education poverty alleviation. At present, one of the key points for the improvement of China’s education system and mechanism is the construction of teacher policy system. The construction of teacher team is an important part of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects and blocking the transmission of poverty between generations. To realize the modernization of education and build a powerful country in education, we must attach importance to the construction of teacher policy system. In this chapter, under the guidance of theory of policy tools, using the policy text measurement to between 1985 and 2018 state key teachers in the education poverty alleviation poverty alleviation policy research, analysis of our country in different periods, different stages of policy system construction of teachers’ policy tool types, characteristics, development trend of teacher education in our country out of poverty is discussed policy system construction is facing new problems, new trends and new challenges. Summarizing international experience, drawing research conclusions and putting forward specific Suggestions are of certain significance for understanding the process of poverty alleviation in education and improving China’s teacher policy system.

References Di, Y. N. (2014). Intergenerational mobility, educational income and equality of opportunity—A study based on micro-survey data. Economic Science, 14(01), 65–74. Dong, J., & Yu, H. B. (2014). Teachers of primary education in rural India: Shortages, supplementary strategies and implications. Foreign Education Research, 41(05), 91–99. Fan, G. R., & Cao, J. W. (2015). A review of contemporary foreign teacher education policies. Educational Policy Observation, 15(10), 307–363.

Chapter 5

Teacher Policy in the Perspective of China’s Alleviation of Education Poverty: Literature Review

This chapter involves the literature review of teacher policy in the perspective of China’s alleviation of education poverty. In particular, the outline of teacher policy, the literature related to the research on poverty alleviation in education, the theoretical research on poverty alleviation through education, the research on the model and role of education in poverty alleviation, the existing problems and suggestions on teacher policy research in the field of education poverty alleviation, the trend of teacher policy research in the education poverty alleviation, the existing problems and Suggestions on teacher policy research, and the trend of teacher policy research in the field of education poverty alleviation have been explored in this study.

5.1 The Outline of Teacher Policy “Policy” refers to the political action or code of conduct taken by the government, political parties and other organizations to achieve certain political, economic, cultural and social goals in a specific period of time. It is the general term for a series of strategies, laws, decrees, measures, methods and regulations. As for teacher policy, there is no uniform definition in China, and different experts and scholars have different expressions. In the encyclopedia of China (politics), teacher policy refers to the standard provisions made by the party and the state on the requirements and treatment of teachers in order to mobilize the enthusiasm of teachers and improve the quality of education. With excellent young from all walks of life on behalf of the symposium, Xi jinping, the general secretary, teacher policy has two aspects of meaning, on the one hand, as part of the education policy and human resources policies, teachers’ policy is the party and government, political entity in a certain historical period, in order to promote the realization of a certain education and human resources tasks, coordinate the relationship between teachers’ internal and external action provided basis and principles. On the other hand, teacher policy is also a process in which political entities, political parties and governments, etc. © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021 E. Xue and J. Li, Teacher Education Policy in China, Exploring Education Policy in a Globalized World: Concepts, Contexts, and Practices, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-2366-0_5



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express the problems found in the policy system, put them on the policy agenda, study the countermeasures and select the policy schemes in order to achieve certain goals. The “teacher policy is a part of education policy and human resources policy". He believes that the expression form of teacher policy is the same as other policies, mainly including laws, regulations, policy documents and oral statements. The definition of the concept of teacher policy is closer to the reality. He believes that in order to build a sufficient number of high-quality and energetic teachers and achieve the fundamental goal of cultivating talents, the party and the government should make relevant strategic and normative provisions on teacher issues, which is the teacher policy. As the most important embodiment of the state’s educational rights in the field of teacher management, teacher policy mainly refers to the political provisions made by the party, the government or the administrative department of education on the policies, principles, objectives, measures, strategies, countermeasures and methods of teacher development. The teachers policy refers to a political party or the state, in order to achieve sufficient number, high quality and energetic teachers team construction, to better shoulder the burden of training hundreds of millions of children, to provide high-quality builders for construction of human resources power, made on the issues of teacher qualification, appointment and flowing strategic guidelines and regulations. Teacher policy has two important characteristics, one is to take “people” as the object, the other is to take “educating people” as the fundamental goal (Di, 2014; Dong & Yu, 2014; Fan and Cao, 2015; Fu, 2016, Gao et al., 2008). The education against poverty. There are two main explanations for the concept of “education against poverty” in the academic world. One view is that education has the function of poverty alleviation, which means “poverty alleviation by education". The education poverty alleviation of poverty is one of the ways in which intellectual poverty alleviation of poverty, it refers to the poor people in the poor areas for targeted education input and education support services, to help the poor to master rich knowledge and skills, thus improve the quality of the local population, and promote local economic and cultural development, the final purpose of poverty. Lin believes that education poverty alleviation means quality poverty alleviation, and the main way to realize it is to transform the quality of the poor people through education. The education poverty refers to by raising the poor areas and poor education level and quality, make the poor have rich knowledge, with rich skills, in turn, promote poverty population, scientific and cultural quality improve, thus will exert positive effects on local economic and social development, finally realizes the purpose of poverty alleviation of poverty. The education is the first way to control the poor, help the poor with wisdom, and improve the comprehensive quality of workers. Education can not only help the poor to master the skills of getting rid of poverty, but also be an effective way to stop the transmission of poverty from generation to generation. Another view holds that education should be lifted out of poverty in the first place, not just by education. As the main front and key field of poverty alleviation and development and poverty alleviation, education must be regarded as the target, task, content or field of poverty alleviation and poverty alleviation, and various means or means such as preferential policies should be adopted to help the poor in education, so as to finally achieve the goal of poverty reduction and poverty alleviation

5.1 The Outline of Teacher Policy


in the field of education. At the same time, poverty alleviation through education also means poverty alleviation through education. As an important and effective way to carry out poverty alleviation through development and poverty alleviation, we should rely on education to promote the development of poor areas and realize poverty alleviation and prosperity for the poor population. Through comparison, we find that although there are some differences in the above definitions of education poverty alleviation, education poverty alleviation, as an important part of China’s anti-poverty policy design, is not fundamentally different. All scholars regard education development as an important means of poverty alleviation and poverty reduction. To sum up, the concept of poverty alleviation in education is summarized in this paper as “on the one hand, poverty alleviation in education means poverty alleviation in education. Education, as the target, task, content or field of poverty alleviation, can ultimately achieve the goal of poverty alleviation and poverty alleviation in education by adopting special measures and making targeted efforts to support targeted poverty alleviation and poverty alleviation in education. On the other hand, poverty alleviation through education also means poverty alleviation through education. As an important and effective way to carry out poverty alleviation through development and poverty alleviation, we should rely on education to drive the development of poor areas and realize poverty alleviation and prosperity for the poor population (Di, 2014; Dong & Yu, 2014; Fan and Cao, 2015; Fu, 2016, Gao et al., 2008).

5.2 Literature Related to the Research on Poverty Alleviation in Education The research status of education against poverty. Poverty has always been the focus of the development of human society. For a long time, many experts and scholars at home and abroad have put forward their ideas on the generation mechanism of poverty, offering Suggestions for solving the poverty problem and carrying out in-depth research on the poverty problem. Since the eighteenth century, foreign economists began to carry out systematic research on poverty. By the middle of the twentieth century, the theoretical research on anti-poverty from the perspective of economics was the most fruitful. The theory of poverty alleviation from the perspective of economics, which started from the development and utilization of human resources, developed rapidly in the late twentieth century. With the in-depth study of poverty alleviation from the perspective of sociology and pedagogy, the research on poverty alleviation from the perspective of sociology and pedagogy gradually emerged, providing a more diversified perspective for the improvement of the theory of poverty alleviation in education. From the perspective of monographs, the research on education poverty alleviation in China has gradually developed from the research on poverty alleviation. Although the special research started relatively late, it has gained great attention in recent years, with abundant research results and a rapid development trend. At the


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beginning of the twenty-first century, with the acceleration of national poverty alleviation, the orientation of education policies has become more and more clear, and the domestic academic circle has paid more and more attention to the research on education poverty alleviation, and the number of monographs on education poverty alleviation has exploded. In recent years, domestic experts and scholars have begun to systematically introduce foreign studies on education poverty alleviation, draw on the experience of education poverty alleviation and poverty alleviation, and carry out relevant exploration and research. The continuous emergence of monographs on education poverty alleviation and poverty alleviation shows that people from the country to the society are paying more attention to education and poverty alleviation, and the coverage of research by experts and scholars is getting larger and larger, the positioning is more accurate, and the research results are getting richer and richer. From the perspective of quantity, the number of academic theses on education poverty alleviation research shows an increasing trend, especially since 2016, the number of related theses has increased significantly. From the perspective of content, the research on education poverty alleviation mainly focuses on the system and mechanism of education poverty alleviation and the impact of education poverty alleviation. From the perspective of research methods, the main research methods are case studies, and there is no quantitative analysis based on the perspective of policy tools. This chapter also illustrates the education precise research direction for poverty alleviation in the new period, reveal the precise trend of education in the new period out of poverty. According to statistics, there are a total of 229 academic journals on education and poverty alleviation in China up to now, and the number of articles published has increased significantly since 2015 and reached a peak in 2018 (Di, 2014; Dong & Yu, 2014; Fan and Cao, 2015; Fu, 2016, Gao et al., 2008). According to relevant researches at home and abroad, education poverty alleviation research is gradually deepening, focusing on the field of education targeted poverty alleviation and targeted poverty alleviation. In particular, education poverty alleviation policy research is gradually integrated with international education compensation research, and more attention is paid to the research on the precise orientation that suits the national conditions. As an important part of the national poverty alleviation strategy, the research on education poverty alleviation shows an obvious growth trend. Domestic experts and scholars have made abundant research achievements on education and poverty alleviation, focusing on three main areas, namely the theoretical research on education and poverty alleviation, the research on the model and function of education and the research on education and poverty alleviation policies.

5.3 The Theoretical Research on Poverty Alleviation Through Education


5.3 The Theoretical Research on Poverty Alleviation Through Education After sorting out the literature related to educational poverty alleviation theory, it is found that experts and scholars at home and abroad have explored the educational poverty alleviation theory from different perspectives, and the economic perspective has the largest and most far-reaching influence. In addition, the sociological perspective, the pedagogical perspective and the systematic scientific perspective also have a great influence. This chapter focuses on the literature review of the theory of poverty alleviation from the perspective of pedagogy and the theory of poverty alleviation from the perspective of economics and sociology. Since the 1940s, domestic and foreign experts and scholars have carried out theoretical research on educational poverty alleviation from multiple perspectives. Researchers from a sociological perspective affirm the key role of education in breaking the cultural shackles of poverty, optimizing social structures, and promoting the redistribution of resources. This representative view has a wide range of influence. The “cultural theory of poverty” takes education out of poverty as an effective means to stop the transmission of poverty from generation to generation, which has become a theoretical height and effectively guided social practice and related research. Although the theory of poverty culture clarifies that “poverty causes further poverty”, it is obviously imperfect. For example, it cannot explain “what causes the initial poverty”, which seriously restricts the further promotion of this theory. After entering the twenty-first century, foreign scholars based on the research of the Italian cities such as Milan, Naples, found in the process of the reform of modern social, some from low-income families, low level of education of the young people are becoming the main components of poverty in the area of personnel, the main cause of this result including policy imbalance, lack of the system and unfair distribution, etc. On the basis of universal recognition of the function of education in poverty alleviation, the research on the theory of poverty alleviation from the perspective of pedagogy has developed rapidly, and domestic scholars have made unremitting efforts to establish independent theories of education in poverty alleviation. At present, the research on educational poverty alleviation from the perspective of pedagogy mainly includes two parts: one is to help the poor in education, that is, to carry out the research on educational poverty alleviation, and the other is to rely on education, that is, to carry out the research on other undertakings. Education plays a promoting role in social and economic development. The research on poverty alleviation in the field of education must be based on the recognition of this premise, and there are many relevant research achievements in this field. In the 1980s, in the process of introducing foreign anti-poverty theories and localization, some domestic scholars have noticed that most of the anti-poverty thoughts of education are based on the function of poverty alleviation of education. Based on this, some scholars began to try to build an independent theoretical system of education poverty alleviation. The theory of poverty alleviation through education and discussed the anti-poverty function of education. With the constant battle against


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poverty in China, the research focus in the field of education poverty alleviation has gradually shifted from the relevant theoretical research to the localized education poverty alleviation model. In recent years, based on the development and application of system theory, synergetic theory and self-organization theory, the study of systematic poverty alleviation theory has emerged and gradually emerged, and the influence of educational poverty alleviation theory on the government’s poverty alleviation policy has become more and more far-reaching (Di, 2014; Dong & Yu, 2014; Fan and Cao, 2015; Fu, 2016, Gao et al., 2008).

5.4 The Research on the Model and Role of Education in Poverty Alleviation Based on the differences in China’s overall poverty alleviation process and the progress of local education poverty alleviation work, many educational poverty alleviation models with local characteristics and experience have been formed in various regions. Through sorting out the literature, we find that scholars at home and abroad mainly focus on the role of education in poverty alleviation in three aspects. First, education has a positive impact on the improvement of agricultural production and life. In the research on the investment and return of education in rural areas of China, it has been proved that education has a positive impact on agricultural production. The poverty alleviation through education can effectively increase the employment opportunities of rural labor force in the industrial sector, and also improve the employment opportunities of people in the high-paying security sector. Through research and calculation, the education development and education resource allocation can alleviate education poverty, and education poverty alleviation can promote the development of agricultural production and life. Based on the practical experience of local education in poverty alleviation, the “double-certificate” education poverty alleviation model was integrated into vocational education in general education, and the vocational education personnel training was integrated into agricultural labor to cultivate more practical and more conducive talents in rural areas to get rid of poverty and get rich. Second, education out of poverty has proved to be an important way to stop the intergenerational transmission of poverty. The poverty alleviation through education is conducive to the breakthrough of class solidification. The poverty alleviation through education can get rid of the accumulation of intergenerational relations of poverty. The poverty alleviation through education can significantly affect the educational yield rate of the next generation of children. The education needs to achieve economic growth and poverty reduction through the intergenerational accumulation of human capital. From the perspective of the individual level, education out of poverty is an important way to effectively improve the individual ability of workers, improve the quality of the level. In the field research, the education plays an important role in promoting the flow of intergenerational education among rural households

5.4 The Research on the Model and Role of Education in Poverty Alleviation


and in getting rid of poverty. Improving children’s education level can increase their income, thus playing the role of education in blocking the transmission of poverty between generations. Third, education has played a positive role in reducing income inequality and promoting social equity. The problem of income distribution in the process of economic growth affects education and poverty alleviation. Although the research on educational poverty alleviation in China is improving day by day, there are still several aspects worth mentioning. First, the theoretical study of education poverty alleviation needs to be further deepened. Theoretical research is based on a certain experience of the summary of sublimation, with the passage of time need to continue to improve and improve, education poverty theory research for more action to provide scientific and effective guidance for the realization of poverty alleviation cannot be separated from the theoretical innovation. The anti-poverty theory of international education was born out of western economic theory and sociological theory, and gradually formed a perfect theoretical system. Compared with the theories of poverty alleviation in foreign countries, domestic experts and scholars pay more attention to the discussion of educational poverty alleviation system and mechanism, existing problems and countermeasures in the early stage of education poverty alleviation research, while the research on educational poverty alleviation theory has risen rapidly in the past decade. As a long-term poverty alleviation strategy, the theoretical research of education poverty alleviation is its ideological basis and theoretical guidance. It is necessary to improve the deficiency and weakness of relevant theories, and with the arrival of new requirements in the new era, let the theory of education poverty alleviation continue to glow with vitality. Second, the organic combination of macro and micro education poverty alleviation research is still in the exploration stage, so we should avoid paying too much attention to a certain level of research, which leads to the loss of one. In the early stage of the research on education poverty alleviation, more attention is paid to the microscopic care of the object of poverty alleviation. The relevant research starts from the aspects of eliminating the intergenerational transmission of poverty and the demand for survival skills of the poor population, and the research entry point is relatively small. In the new period and stage of China’s education poverty alleviation research, the perspective of the subject of poverty alleviation has received more attention. The research mainly focuses on the formulation, implementation process and effect of education poverty alleviation policy, with special attention to the role of the government. Third, in order to improve the education poverty alleviation related research needs to enrich the research perspective. From the perspective of international experience, the research on poverty alleviation from the perspective of economics, sociology and systematic science provides a new research idea for the research on poverty alleviation in education and contributes a new strategy for breaking the obstacles in the system and mechanism of poverty alleviation in education. What cannot be ignored is that the perspective of China’s education poverty alleviation research is relatively single, still lack of interdisciplinary, multi-perspective education poverty alleviation research. As education is a part of the national poverty alleviation strategy and is closely linked with other means and approaches, the research on poverty alleviation in multi-vision education is conducive to broadening the thinking and achieving


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greater development (Di, 2014; Dong & Yu, 2014; Fan and Cao, 2015; Fu, 2016, Gao et al., 2008).

5.5 The Existing Problems and Suggestions on Teacher Policy Research in the Field of Education Poverty Alleviation First, the domestic focus on the practical research on the construction of the teacher team, the research from the perspective of reality can be closely related to practice, but for many years the attention to the relevant theoretical research is not high enough. The researchers had paid some attention to the education policies that had been issued, but before the policies were issued, there was almost no relevant research as theoretical guidance, and after the policies were issued, the research on the relevant policies lagged behind seriously. Based on the investigation of the content of China’s teacher policy since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the formulation of China’s teacher policy before 2005 and even longer time was lack of a clear theory as a guiding ideology. He pointed out that the construction of a more scientific teacher policy system must be based on a clear theoretical foundation. Starting from the research field of teacher policy in rural areas in the west of China, the lack of theoretical basis for the formulation of teacher policy in view of the current situation of insufficient scientific research results of teacher policy in China, and expressed his concern about the lack of foresight and pertinence of future teacher policies. Second, the research perspective and research methods are relatively single. From the perspective of the searchable teacher policy studies, most of them focus on the problems and countermeasures in the process of policy implementation, and the number of teacher policy studies that can be carried out from a multi-angle, alldimensional and cross-cultural perspective in China is small. From the perspectives of philosophy, politics, economics, anthropology and so on, there are few policy studies that can carry out logical and cross-cultural comparison, and at the same time, there are few studies on the construction of teacher team based on the perspective of policy. From the perspective of research methods, most of the current teacher policy research adopts a single qualitative research method and lacks comprehensive application. The development of teacher policy research needs to be enriched and promoted, so policy researchers need to establish a multidisciplinary awareness of research, and comprehensively apply multidisciplinary principles or methods, such as management science, metrology and system theory, to enrich and improve teacher policy research. Thirdly, the research on teacher policy system is not deep enough. At present, the research on teacher policy theory is still very little, and it has just emerged in recent years. Although sporadic text analysis of teacher policy can be retrieved, the research content is biased towards the policy value orientation, the process of change or the characteristics of the policy content, and the focus of the research is scattered,

5.5 The Existing Problems and Suggestions …


so no systematic teacher policy research has been formed. Take teacher education policy as an example. At present, the research on teacher education policy in China is more about discussing the problems of teacher education policy based on the basic principles of policy science. The characteristics of interdisciplinary subjects are not prominent enough, which is suspected of simple transplantation. Fourth, there are obvious shortcomings in the research content. The three main research subjects are teacher requirements, teacher treatment and teacher management, and the research on teacher rights protection policy and teacher turnover policy is not perfect. The literature on teacher policy evaluation in China is still relatively small, so the teacher policy research should not be limited to the policy formulation and implementation. We must pay attention to the implementation and evaluation of policies and the monitoring of education quality, and continuously promote the development of teachers’ policies and the construction of teachers’ team. The rapid advancement of urbanization, the development of kindergarten teachers, special education teachers, rural teachers and vocational education teachers cannot keep up with the development of The Times to some extent, and the relevant policies have shortcomings. The amount of content concerning teacher value in the current teacher policy is very small, and the implementation is even less, and the process is slow, which makes it difficult to give full play to the guiding and regulating role of teacher policy (Di, 2014; Dong & Yu, 2014; Fan and Cao, 2015; Fu, 2016, Gao et al., 2008). To sum up, although teachers policy research in China is still in the stage of development, there are insufficiently perfect research content, research perspectives and research methods is the lack of a single, but the teacher policy research has increasingly scientific development, the team expanded gradually, gradually become a new research field of education and poverty alleviation work. Teacher policy research can certainly play a positive role in promoting the development of China’s education, and will clearly embody the theme of the era of balanced development of compulsory education and poverty alleviation, and promote the healthy and comprehensive development of China’s education, politics and economy, which is of great significance to this era.

5.6 The Trend of Teacher Policy Research in the Education Poverty Alleviation With the poverty alleviation work entering the critical stage and the progress of education poverty alleviation work gradually accelerating, China’s teacher policies have drawn increasing attention from the country and people from all walks of life, and the number of teacher policies has increased significantly. In poverty alleviation and development in the country in the new era, a new stage of development, education career state timely and effectively guide the Chinese teachers team construction of policy towards a systematic, professional and precise direction, constantly promote the more mature, experienced the test of practice, can have very good effect of


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teacher policy written, fall to the ground. Based on the investigation and analysis of the contents of China’s teacher policies since 1985, especially since the 18th national congress of the communist party of China and the 19th national congress of the communist party of China, the author believes that the research trend of China’s teacher policies is mainly reflected in the following four aspects: First, we need to pay more attention to it. It is easy to see from the increasingly intensive teacher policies promulgated by the state and the frequently mentioned teacher groups that the state attaches more and more importance to teacher policies. General secretary Xi Jinping stressed at the national education conference in September 2018 that efforts should be made to improve the political status of teachers, and one of the important ways to improve the political status of teachers is to give priority to the allocation of political resources. One of the trends of teacher policy research is that experts and scholars attach increasing importance to teacher education policy. It is necessary to strengthen the communication between the decision makers’ research consciousness and the researchers’ decision-making consciousness and raise the degree of attention. Second, systematic trends. The development trend of teacher policy research is from sporadic opinions to systematic demonstration, and more attention will be paid to the balance of teacher education, teacher group and compulsory education in the future. Teachers’ policy research will be more organized and systematic, and the shortcomings of the policy system caused by insufficient systematization will be made up with emphasis, such as policy implementation and policy scientific evaluation. Third, the trend towards specialization. On the one hand, is a specialized, the participants to play teachers and experts and scholars in the teachers’ important role in the study of policy, organize teachers and related professionals to participate in policy formulation, promote the organic combination of top-down and bottom-up policy mode, guarantee teacher democratization and scientific process of policy from formulation to implementation. On the other hand, the professionalization degree of teacher policy research should be improved, and the professionalization and academic development of teacher policy theory research should be gradually realized, so as to build a more professional teacher policy system. Fourth, the trend of precision. In the process of promoting China’s education development, to ensure the accurate formulation and implementation of various teacher policies in education poverty alleviation is bound to become the focus of continuing close attention and in-depth discussion by education researchers and education managers. At present, China is in the midst of a decisive win poverty tough period, the education mode for poverty alleviation in the extensive type to the precision of a stage, in order to realize accurate identification object for poverty alleviation, accurate implementation of education support, accurate dynamic regulation and give full play to the education basic and fundamental role in poverty alleviation system accurately, focus in the field of teacher policy, the future development tend to build structure content reasonably accurate tendency of teacher policy system (Di, 2014; Dong & Yu, 2014; Fan and Cao, 2015; Fu, 2016, Gao et al., 2008).

5.6 The Trend of Teacher Policy Research in the Education Poverty Alleviation


Looking back at the development course of China’s teacher policy in the past decades, we have witnessed the change history of teacher policy from one-sided to comprehensive, from scattered to systematic, and from macro, middle and micro to reasonable development. Looking into the future, teacher policy research will develop rapidly in the direction of systematization, specialization and precision, showing a variety of characteristics such as fairness, science and precision. From the perspective of China’s education poverty alleviation, the teacher policy research involves many aspects such as China’s poverty alleviation, education poverty alleviation and teacher policy system construction. At present, some achievements have been made in relevant studies, which will lay a foundation for further research on teacher policies in the perspective of poverty alleviation in Chinese education. However, the research on teachers’ precise policies for poverty alleviation itself involves such environmental factors as national policy orientation and poverty alleviation process, so it is still necessary to dig into the problems and trends in this aspect. Combined with the existing research on teacher policies in the perspective of China’s education poverty alleviation and the deficiencies in the research, this research focuses on further exploration from the perspective of research methods and research content. In terms of research methods, the research on educational poverty alleviation and teacher policy is mainly based on the quantitative analysis of policy texts. Analysis methods such as measured at the policy tools and visual tracking process of education poverty alleviation of poverty, analysis of the internal word frequency times then education poverty alleviation policy and policy trends, explore teacher from formulation to perform and the influence factors of analysis and evaluation, find the general law, and to perfect Chinese education poverty alleviation policy research in view of the teachers provide opinions and Suggestions. In terms of research content, so far, China has gradually formed a relatively complete teacher policy system, including teacher training and supplementary policies, teacher treatment guarantee policies, and teacher literacy promotion policies. However, according to the summary research, the teacher policy of education poverty alleviation still faces the challenge of optimizing the policy tools, making up the deficiencies of the policy content and improving the policy system. Although a relatively complete teacher policy system has been preliminarily formed in China, and the effect of policy implementation has gradually emerged, under the new situation, the optimization of teacher policy tools and the improvement of policy system still face some practical challenges. On the one hand, it is an important task for China’s education development to improve the quality, promote equity, get rid of educational poverty and improve the whole nation’s quality, which puts forward higher requirements for the top-level design of teacher policy. On the other hand, the comprehensive reform of education has entered the deep-water area, which puts forward higher requirements for the reform of teacher policies. In addition, education poverty alleviation is of great significance in winning the battle against poverty, and the task of education poverty alleviation must depend on the teacher group, so it is imperative to improve the teacher policy research in this field. At present, the existing research content is relatively not deep enough and lacks the


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research on perfecting the relevant policy system, which needs to be further explored (Di, 2014; Dong & Yu, 2014; Fan and Cao, 2015; Fu, 2016, Gao et al., 2008).

5.7 The Existing Problems and Suggestions on Teacher Policy Research First, the domestic focus on the practical research on the construction of the teacher team, the research from the perspective of reality can be closely related to practice, but for many years the attention to the relevant theoretical research is not high enough. The researchers had paid some attention to the education policies that had been issued, but before the policies were issued, there was almost no relevant research as theoretical guidance, and after the policies were issued, the research on the relevant policies lagged behind seriously. Based on the investigation of the content of China’s teacher policy since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the formulation of China’s teacher policy before 2005 and even longer time was lack of a clear theory as a guiding ideology. He pointed out that the construction of a more scientific teacher policy system must be based on a clear theoretical foundation. Starting from the research field of teacher policy in rural areas in the west of China, the lack of theoretical basis for the formulation of teacher policy in view of the current situation of insufficient scientific research results of teacher policy in China, and expressed his concern about the lack of foresight and pertinence of future teacher policies. Second, the research perspective and research methods are relatively single. From the perspective of the searchable teacher policy studies, most of them focus on the problems and countermeasures in the process of policy implementation, and the number of teacher policy studies that can be carried out from a multi-angle, alldimensional and cross-cultural perspective in China is small. From the perspectives of philosophy, politics, economics, anthropology and so on, there are few policy studies that can carry out logical and cross-cultural comparison, and at the same time, there are few studies on the construction of teacher team based on the perspective of policy. From the perspective of research methods, most of the current teacher policy research adopts a single qualitative research method and lacks comprehensive application. The development of teacher policy research needs to be enriched and promoted, so policy researchers need to establish a multidisciplinary awareness of research, and comprehensively apply multidisciplinary principles or methods, such as management science, metrology and system theory, to enrich and improve teacher policy research. Thirdly, the research on teacher policy system is not deep enough. At present, the research on teacher policy theory is still very little, and it has just emerged in recent years. Although sporadic text analysis of teacher policy can be retrieved, the research content is biased towards the policy value orientation, the process of change or the characteristics of the policy content, and the focus of the research is scattered, so no systematic teacher policy research has been formed. Take teacher education

5.7 The Existing Problems and Suggestions on Teacher Policy Research


policy as an example. At present, the research on teacher education policy in China is more about discussing the problems of teacher education policy based on the basic principles of policy science. The characteristics of interdisciplinary subjects are not prominent enough, which is suspected of simple transplantation. Fourth, there are obvious shortcomings in the research content. The three main research subjects are teacher requirements, teacher treatment and teacher management, and the research on teacher rights protection policy and teacher turnover policy is not perfect. The literature on teacher policy evaluation in China is still relatively small, so the teacher policy research should not be limited to the policy formulation and implementation. In order to solve the problems in the construction of China’s teachers and the study of teachers’ policies, we must pay attention to the implementation and evaluation of policies and the monitoring of education quality, and continuously promote the development of teachers’ policies and the construction of teachers’ team. With the rapid advancement of urbanization, the development of kindergarten teachers, special education teachers, rural teachers and vocational education teachers cannot keep up with the development of The Times to some extent, and the relevant policies have shortcomings. The amount of content concerning teacher value in the current teacher policy is very small, and the implementation is even less, and the process is slow, which makes it difficult to give full play to the guiding and regulating role of teacher policy. To sum up, although teachers policy research in China is still in the stage of development, there are insufficiently perfect research content, research perspectives and research methods is the lack of a single, but the teacher policy research has increasingly scientific development, the team expanded gradually, gradually become a new research field of education and poverty alleviation work. Teacher policy research can certainly play a positive role in promoting the development of China’s education, and will clearly embody the theme of the era of balanced development of compulsory education and poverty alleviation, and promote the healthy and comprehensive development of China’s education, politics and economy, which is of great significance to this era (Di, 2014; Dong & Yu, 2014; Fan and Cao, 2015; Fu, 2016, Gao et al., 2008).

5.8 The Trend of Teacher Policy Research in the Field of Education Poverty Alleviation With the poverty alleviation work entering the critical stage and the progress of education poverty alleviation work gradually accelerating, China’s teacher policies have drawn increasing attention from the country and people from all walks of life, and the number of teacher policies has increased significantly. In poverty alleviation and development in the country in the new era, a new stage of development, education career state timely and effectively guide the Chinese teachers team construction of policy towards a systematic, professional and precise direction, constantly promote


5 Teacher Policy in the Perspective of China’s …

the more mature, experienced the test of practice, can have very good effect of teacher policy written, fall to the ground. Based on the investigation and analysis of the contents of China’s teacher policies since 1985, especially since the 18th national congress of the communist party of China and the 19th national congress of the communist party of China, the author believes that the research trend of China’s teacher policies is mainly reflected in the following four aspects: First, we need to pay more attention to it. It is easy to see from the increasingly intensive teacher policies promulgated by the state and the frequently mentioned teacher groups that the state attaches more and more importance to teacher policies. It is necessary to strengthen the communication between the decision makers’ research consciousness and the researchers’ decision-making consciousness and raise the degree of attention. Second, systematic trends. The development trend of teacher policy research is from sporadic opinions to systematic demonstration, and more attention will be paid to the balance of teacher education, teacher group and compulsory education in the future. Teachers’ policy research will be more organized and systematic, and the shortcomings of the policy system caused by insufficient systematization will be made up with emphasis, such as policy implementation and policy scientific evaluation. Third, the trend towards specialization. On the one hand, is a specialized, the participants to play teachers and experts and scholars in the teachers’ important role in the study of policy, organize teachers and related professionals to participate in policy formulation, promote the organic combination of top-down and bottom-up policy mode, guarantee teacher democratization and scientific process of policy from formulation to implementation. On the other hand, the professionalization degree of teacher policy research should be improved, and the professionalization and academic development of teacher policy theory research should be gradually realized, so as to build a more professional teacher policy system. Fourth, the trend of precision. In the process of promoting China’s education development, to ensure the accurate formulation and implementation of various teacher policies in education poverty alleviation is bound to become the focus of continuing close attention and in-depth discussion by education researchers and education managers. At present, China is in the midst of a decisive win poverty tough period, the education mode for poverty alleviation in the extensive type to the precision of a stage, in order to realize accurate identification object for poverty alleviation, accurate implementation of education support, accurate dynamic regulation and give full play to the education basic and fundamental role in poverty alleviation system accurately, focus in the field of teacher policy, the future development tend to build structure content reasonably accurate tendency of teacher policy system. Looking back at the development course of China’s teacher policy in the past decades, we have witnessed the change history of teacher policy from one-sided to comprehensive, from scattered to systematic, and from macro, middle and micro to reasonable development. Looking into the future, teacher policy research will develop rapidly in the direction of systematization, specialization and precision, showing a variety of characteristics such as fairness, science and precision.

5.8 The Trend of Teacher Policy Research in the Field …


From the perspective of China’s education poverty alleviation, the teacher policy research involves many aspects such as China’s poverty alleviation, education poverty alleviation and teacher policy system construction. At present, some achievements have been made in relevant studies, which will lay a foundation for further research on teacher policies in the perspective of poverty alleviation in Chinese education. However, the research on teachers’ precise policies for poverty alleviation itself involves such environmental factors as national policy orientation and poverty alleviation process, so it is still necessary to dig into the problems and trends in this aspect. Combined with the existing research on teacher policies in the perspective of China’s education poverty alleviation and the deficiencies in the research, this research focuses on further exploration from the perspective of research methods and research content (Di, 2014; Dong & Yu, 2014; Fan and Cao, 2015; Fu, 2016, Gao et al., 2008). In terms of research methods, the research on educational poverty alleviation and teacher policy is mainly based on the quantitative analysis of policy texts. Analysis methods such as measured at the policy tools and visual tracking process of education poverty alleviation of poverty, analysis of the internal word frequency times then education poverty alleviation policy and policy trends, explore teacher from formulation to perform and the influence factors of analysis and evaluation, find the general law, and to perfect Chinese education poverty alleviation policy research in view of the teachers provide opinions and Suggestions. In terms of research content, so far, China has gradually formed a relatively complete teacher policy system, including teacher training and supplementary policies, teacher treatment guarantee policies, and teacher literacy promotion policies. However, according to the summary research, the teacher policy of education poverty alleviation still faces the challenge of optimizing the policy tools, making up the deficiencies of the policy content and improving the policy system. Although a relatively complete teacher policy system has been preliminarily formed in China, and the effect of policy implementation has gradually emerged, under the new situation, the optimization of teacher policy tools and the improvement of policy system still face some practical challenges. On the one hand, it is an important task for China’s education development to improve the quality, promote equity, get rid of educational poverty and improve the whole nation’s quality, which puts forward higher requirements for the top-level design of teacher policy. On the other hand, the comprehensive reform of education has entered the deep-water area, which puts forward higher requirements for the reform of teacher policies. In addition, education poverty alleviation is of great significance in winning the battle against poverty, and the task of education poverty alleviation must depend on the teacher group, so it is imperative to improve the teacher policy research in this field. At present, the existing research content is relatively not deep enough and lacks the research on perfecting the relevant policy system, which needs to be further explored (Di, 2014; Dong & Yu, 2014; Fan and Cao, 2015; Fu, 2016, Gao et al., 2008).


5 Teacher Policy in the Perspective of China’s …

References Di, Y. N. (2014). Intergenerational mobility, educational income and equality of opportunity—A study based on micro-survey data. Economic Science, 14(01), 65–74. Dong, J., & Yu, H. B. (2014). Teachers of primary education in rural India: Shortages, supplementary strategies and implications. Foreign Education Research, 41(05), 91–99. Fan, G. R., & Cao, J. W. (2015). A review of contemporary foreign teacher education policies. Educational Policy Observation, 15(10), 307–363. Fu, Y. Q. (2016). Poverty alleviation through education is the fundamental guarantee for the implementation of the national strategy of targeted poverty alleviation. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 31(05), 80–83. Gao, H. B., Wang, W. B., He, M., & Liu, Y. (2008). Evolution of teacher policy system in the past 40 years of reform and opening-up. Teacher Development Research, 12(04), 1–9.

Chapter 6

Teacher Policy in the Perspective of China’s Alleviation of Education Poverty: An Historical Perspective

This chapter concentrates on the teacher policy in the perspective of China’s alleviation of education poverty. The historical perspectives have been offered to examine the embryonic stage: establishment of rules and regulations (1985–2000); the initial stage: from quantity to quality (2001–2010); and the development stage: deepening and consolidation (2011–2018).

6.1 The Embryonic Stage: Establishment of Rules and Regulations (1985–2000) The annual number of policies issued in this period was relatively stable, with a total of 54 relevant policy documents, accounting for 33.3% of all selected policies on education and poverty alleviation. In the embryonic stage, the promulgation of policies highlights the theme of establishing rules and regulations. The state strives to build a basic system of teachers’ policies in the context of poverty alleviation and poverty alleviation, and steadily promotes the construction of teachers from the aspects of teacher training, teachers’ ethics, teachers’ style, and salary guarantee. In 1994, the national seven-year poverty alleviation plan, a phased representative policy, was promulgated, and a number of other policy documents at this stage focused on the construction of educational poverty alleviation system and mechanism and promoted the institutionalization of teacher policies. Overall major education policy of the China education development and reform compendium promulgated marked the teachers’ professional development and quality improvement by teachers focus on the national level, but also marks the teacher team construction in our country gradually realized from the amount added to ascend, but has not yet hit to the “quality” of the development of education and different stage concrete model of design education out of poverty.

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021 E. Xue and J. Li, Teacher Education Policy in China, Exploring Education Policy in a Globalized World: Concepts, Contexts, and Practices, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-2366-0_6



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6.2 The Initial Stage: From Quantity to Quality (2001–2010) At the initial stage, a significant increase was made in the number of policy documents related to national poverty alleviation, with a total of 64 documents, accounting for 39.5% of all selected policies on poverty alleviation in education. In 2001, the outline of China’s rural poverty alleviation and development (2001–2010) was promulgated. As a representative policy at this stage, the policy mainly focused on the development of poor areas, rural education and poverty alleviation, and the establishment and improvement of the support system for disadvantaged groups. At the same time, the attention paid to the field of education has been significantly increased, covering a variety of educational fields. In terms of teacher policies, more attention has been paid to the construction of high-quality teachers, the reform of the management system, and the improvement of the system of teacher compensation and guarantee. In 2009, in particular, the state released 10 policy documents, covering the development of the western region, increasing farmers’ income, improving the student financial aid system, and helping vulnerable groups. On the basis of the establishment of rules and regulations, the policy documents issued in the initial stage pay more attention to the professional development of teachers and the improvement of the quality of the teacher team, and pay more attention to the national level, so as to gradually realize the transformation of the construction of the teacher team from quantity to quality (Li et al., 2019; Gao et al., 2008; Gao, 2015).

6.3 Development Stage: Deepening and Consolidation (2011–2018) The number of publications on poverty alleviation policies at the development stage showed a significant trend of fluctuation and increase. A total of 44 major national policy documents related to poverty alleviation in education were issued, accounting for 27.2% of all selected policies on poverty alleviation in education. In the development stage, the annual number of published articles is stable at about 5, and the maximum number of published articles is 15 in 2018. In the development of poverty alleviation policy in rural poverty alleviation and development, helping vulnerable groups, funding system perfect, and other fields, in 2016, promulgated “crucial” much starker choices-and graver consequences-in planning education out of poverty, as the third stage representative policy planning in a large-scale education investment and greater support BoRuoJiao renovation has clearly reflected, clear expanded to the field of special education out of poverty, it serves to show education out of poverty in the overall poverty crucial battle action to the unprecedented height. In this stage, more attention was paid to the construction of the teacher team, and a number of policy documents related to the construction of the teacher team were issued for the teacher group, which significantly increased the support for the construction of the teacher

6.3 Development Stage: Deepening and Consolidation (2011–2018)


policy system. Especially on the comprehensive deepening the reform of the new age teachers team construction on the promulgation of the, for the realistic problems of the teachers team construction for a long time to make a positive response, relevant strategic deployment deepening the teacher policy system, strengthen teachers team construction, supply teacher policies in China for a period of time to make perfect the top-level design. Since 1994, China has promulgated eight major national poverty alleviation policies, and the time interval between the promulgation of these policies has been significantly shortened. From the initial release of a poverty alleviation program in the first few years to the promulgation of an important poverty alleviation policy each year in recent years, it shows that the state attaches increasing importance to the work of poverty alleviation, the intensity of poverty alleviation is gradually increasing, and the work of poverty alleviation is gradually increasing, which is consistent with the background of the building of a moderately prosperous society in China and the policy orientation of poverty alleviation. From major national poverty alleviation policy content, by overall poverty alleviation policy focused on gradually to the rural poverty and anti-poverty engines by phases, regional collaboration correlation of poverty, depth of poverty, and other fields, this manifests the country out of poverty to be completed at different times, different characteristics and emphasis of highlights the national poverty reduction performance and direction. Compared with the original poverty alleviation policy, the targeted poverty alleviation policy in the new era is gradually realizing the transformation of the mode of poverty alleviation, from “flood irrigation” to “precise drip irrigation”, from “blood transfusion” to “hematopoiesis”, and gradually becoming the new policy orientation of multi-level, focused, targeted and scientific poverty alleviation(Li et al., 2019; Gao et al., 2008; Gao, 2015). The issues an overall major national education policy, which corresponds to the needs of China’s education development and reform. Five major national education policy is accurate overall education highlights the era theme, clear in a certain period the main task of the education reform and construction in our country, the original education system mechanism transformation and breakthrough, is for a period of nation and the people’s education is the most pressing needs an effective response, as to carry out the education reform in the new period, the important guidance to promote the development of education. Through combing analysis from 1985 to 2018, China’s education poverty reduction policy, we found that the education as the crucial important move out of poverty, poverty teacher policy initially formed a broad, focusing on the policy system, especially the policy innovation through continuous, feasible implementing scheme were developed, high maneuverability, high degree of conversion project was implemented, relevant experience accumulation and achieved initial results. In terms of policy innovation, the national top-level design includes the teacher policy of education and poverty alleviation. The teacher policy can be applied in the implementation of the district poverty alleviation plan. The implementation of the teacher policy is more specific, and the local government is more accurate in the implementation of the education and poverty alleviation plan and the teacher policy. In terms of the implementation effect, the investment in education funds for teachers increased significantly, the number of rural teachers whose benefits were effectively guaranteed increased significantly, the education level in


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poor areas improved rapidly, and the effect of the improvement of teacher quality on the improvement of income level began to show.

6.4 The Experience of Teacher Policy System Construction In the 33 years from 1985 to 2018, China has made remarkable achievements in poverty alleviation. The cause of poverty alleviation in education has made rapid progress. Targeted poverty alleviation in education has become a new focus. During this period, the content of teacher policy is gradually enriched with each educational reform, the teacher policy system is constantly improved, and the teacher team is constantly glowing with new vitality. Especially since the 18th national congress of the communist party of China and the 19th national congress of the communist party of China, China has intensively introduced a series of teacher policies, highlighting the determination to improve teacher policies in the new era in the form of a combination of policies. A teacher policy system that covers the entire school sector and focuses on teachers. The positioning and concept of poverty alleviation in major national education policies are consistent with the national poverty alleviation strategy and positioning, among which the number of relevant policy documents issued in 2019 is the largest. Teacher policy is the most concerned area under the background of poverty alleviation in education, accounting for the largest proportion among the 162 selected policy documents, with a total of 123 relevant policy documents. In addition, there are 12 basic education policies, 8 major national poverty alleviation policies, 6 subsidy system poverty alleviation policies, 5 overall major national education policies, 4 vocational education poverty alleviation policies, 1 poverty alleviation policy for preschool education, 1 poverty alleviation policy for ethnic education and 1 poverty alleviation policy for special education. From the perspective of the academic period, the construction of teacher team has always been the focus of education policies. Under the background of poverty alleviation, the construction of teacher team has become increasingly mature and improved. The state attaches great importance to the selection and training of teachers, supports the professional development of teachers, pays attention to the improvement of the quality of teachers, and pays attention to the selection of excellent teachers in the new era and the new background. Along with our country education reform gradually into the deep waters, the education of poverty task to face a more difficult challenge, has the world’s most massive investment in education, the largest Chinese teachers under the background of teachers’ team construction problem is becoming more and more complicated preliminary teachers completed the policy system, obtained the phased victory and bright eye, that have astonished the world teacher policy tool combination optimization, structure improving factors of teacher policy. The number of policies in the field of basic education is the largest in other academic sectors. Since the beginning of the 21st century, there have been corresponding policies issued almost every one or two years. The policy themes of this category are mainly the distribution of

6.4 The Experience of Teacher Policy System Construction


basic education, the improvement of the quality of rural compulsory education, and the balance between urban and rural compulsory education, with special emphasis on the planning and distribution of education in rural areas and rural areas. Vocational education poverty alleviation is an important means of education poverty alleviation in the national poverty alleviation strategy. The four policies of vocational education poverty alleviation reflect the determination and efforts of the state to vigorously promote the development of vocational education. They are designed at the top level to provide a strong policy guarantee for accelerating the development of vocational education. In the areas of preschool education, special education and ethnic education, poverty alleviation policies have been transformed from non-existence to existence and from less mention to focus on. The country’s multi-level poverty alleviation policies are gradually institutionalized and systematized, and the education policies of different categories and sections are becoming more and more perfect. The poverty alleviation policy of the financial aid system is committed to improving the poverty of students’ education through financial aid, financial aid, loans and other economic means. The six poverty alleviation policies of the financial aid system, as the tip of the iceberg, reflect the efforts of China in comprehensively utilizing the dual channels of economy and education to combat poverty (Li et al., 2019; Gao et al., 2008; Gao, 2015). In general, the national poverty alleviation policy and education poverty alleviation responded to the main body and content of the comprehensive national education reform in a certain historical period. Major national education policies serve the national poverty alleviation strategy, with basic education, especially compulsory education in poverty-stricken areas, as the main standard and regulating content of poverty alleviation. With the further strengthening of the country’s comprehensive national strength, the investment capacity of public finance in education is further improved, and the national investment in the field of education is further increased. The national education poverty alleviation policy will occupy an increasingly important position in the education policy and play an increasingly important role in the national poverty alleviation cause. The rational use of policy tools. At the early stage of poverty alleviation, the relevant education policies were not yet perfect. The teacher policies focused on solving major and urgent problems but lacked systematisms and continuity in the policy system. As crucial business gradually advancing poverty, education has become an important means of poverty, poverty teacher policy gradually walk to the important strategic position, especially since the party’s eighteen big 19, the party and the state of unprecedented importance to construction of teachers’ team, teachers’ systematic and continuity of the policy system, scientific increasingly highlight, improving policy system, policy tools use more incline to is reasonable. Based on the analysis results of policy tools, the teacher policy in China shows a trend of continuous improvement in the combination of horizontal dimension tools and vertical dimension teacher element structure, and the construction of the teacher policy system is improving day by day. In the horizontal dimension, China’s teacher policy system has formed a horizontal structure in line with the world. The 162 policies selected comprehensively involve five types of policy instruments, which, after continuous


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improvement and enrichment, usually play a greater role in the form of a combination of policies (Li et al., 2019; Cao et al., 2008; Gao, 2015). In the vertical dimension, the establishment of a more complete vertical structure of the teacher policy system. The vertical structure of education policy reflects the level of hierarchy. After decades of development and construction, China’s teacher policy has established a relatively complete vertical structure system at the three levels of general policy, basic policy and specific policy, and presented a comprehensive view of all kinds of teacher policies at all levels. According to the teacher policy evaluation framework released by the world bank, except for the “retirement system”, all the other nine teacher policy elements are covered by the teacher policy in China’s education poverty alleviation perspective. Based on the statistical results of the teacher policy elements, it can be concluded that the policy tools are basically reasonable in the vertical distribution of various dimensions, which indicates that the teacher policy system in China is basically in line with the international standards. The authority and synergy of teacher policies have been strengthened. On the one hand, the authority of the teacher policy promulgated by the state has been gradually strengthened. Through a survey of the policies in the past 33 years, whether it is poverty alleviation policy, education policy or teacher policy, we can find the trend of gradually increasing the level of the subject of policy publication and increasing the authority of policy. In terms of the number of documents directly issued by the CPC central committee and the state council, the number of documents directly issued by the CPC central committee and the state council always accounts for more than half of the selected policy texts, especially in recent years. On the other hand, the promulgation subjects of teacher policies with multiple participation become more and more frequent, which plays a growing role in the synergy of policies. Take the teacher policy promulgated since the 18th national congress of the communist party of China (CPC) and the 19th national congress of the communist party of China (CPC) as an example, the subject of policy publication has expanded from the single ministry of education at the beginning to the national development and reform commission and the ministry of finance, and then to several ministries and commissions including the ministry of human resources and social security. As a result, the subject of teacher policy publication has become increasingly diversified. With the continuous development of the teacher policy system, the policy release increasingly emphasizes the multi-sector alliance, which highlights the systematic and collaborative nature of the teacher policy. From the perspective of the main structure of the text of policy promulgation, it can be divided into three categories according to the specifications of the issuing institutions of policy formulation. The first category of policy documents are mainly issued by the CPC central committee and the state council, the second by the ministry of education, and the third by the ministry of education in conjunction with other ministries and commissions. According to the statistical chart of the main body of promulgation of policy documents, it can be found that the hierarchical structure of China’s education poverty alleviation policy text is relatively balanced and stable. The number of policy documents promulgated by the CPC central committee and the state council is the largest,

6.4 The Experience of Teacher Policy System Construction


leading the construction of the relevant policy system. The corresponding relationship between the three levels and the number is relatively consistent (Li et al., 2019; Gao et al., 2008; Gao, 2015). From the perspective of policy content, since 1985, the ministry of education, PRC, the state council, the CPC central committee and the state council have issued policy documents on strengthening the construction of teachers. In the national poverty alleviation policy, four poverty alleviation policy documents issued in the name of the central committee of the communist party of China and the state council are respectively issued in chronological order. These four documents clearly present the design of China’s national poverty alleviation strategy from 1994 to 2020, and also show the transformation course of China’s education poverty alleviation. From “the seven-year priority poverty alleviation program” to “China’s rural poverty alleviation and development program (2001–2010)” and “China’s rural poverty alleviation and development program (2011–2020), and then to 2015” about fight poverty tough decision, the national education out of poverty in poverty policy content continues to focus on security, on the basis of compulsory education in poverty-stricken areas, in view of the students, teachers and schools of poverty policy more precise, education forward extend to preschool education to reduce poverty, stretching back to high school and higher education, It has formed a policy system of education poverty alleviation with clear goals, sound systems and mechanisms, complete learning stages and comprehensive contents. The national education poverty alleviation policy responds to the main body and content of the comprehensive national education reform in a certain historical period. The national major education policy serves the national poverty alleviation strategy. Basic education is the main standard and adjustment content of education poverty alleviation, among which compulsory education in poverty-stricken areas is the most concerned field. As China’s national strength continues to grow, its political, economic and cultural levels continue to rise, and its poverty alleviation and education programs continue to deepen, the frequency of use of relevant policy tools has increased significantly, and the comprehensive utilization rate of various types of policy tools has also shown an upward trend. The use of policy tools has gradually shown an evolving trend rooted in the deepening of educational reform and development and poverty alleviation and has been further strengthened with the continuous improvement of the teacher policy system and the promulgation and implementation of special policies for teachers. The challenge of teacher policy system construction. China’s current teacher policy system construction has prominent shortcomings, as an important part of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects and blocking the transmission of poverty in the education link, in order to realize the modernization of education and build a powerful country in education, the construction of the teacher team has become an important policy problem that must be solved. Policy instrument based on two-dimensional statistical results, combining with our country education teachers policy tool change history to reduce poverty, teachers in some developed countries for reference and reference policy system construction experience, can draw teacher policy system construction in our country is still faced with problems accumulated in the old times, such as policy tools use needs further optimization, system construction


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of short outburst, policy content conflict, etc., in the new era under the new situation, teacher policy system construction in our country is faced with certain challenges. There are contradictions in the use of policy tools. At present, there are some practical problems in the construction of teacher policy system in China, such as the overuse of policy tools and the underdevelopment of policy tools. On the one hand, command tools are used in a high frequency, which is 3.9 to 12.1 times as often as other types of policy tools, showing a tendency of overuse. Since education is a mandatory public good produced and provided by the public sector, it is inevitable to take command tool as the main policy tool in the construction of teacher policy system. Compared with other types of policy tools, command tools have the advantage of being relatively easy to control in terms of policy impact and can easily avoid uncertainty. Besides, command tools have many significant advantages of being quick, convenient and low-cost for the achievement of policy goals. Moreover, command tools do not require additional resource input. However, each type of policy instrument has its optimal policy environment. If the policy objectives are clearly formulated and specific, and the means of policy implementation are clear and scientific, the goals of governments at all levels from the central to the local level can be relatively consistent, and the executing agencies of policies should have sufficient resources and sound operating mechanisms. Command tools are best used in situations with a combination of factors, but these situational requirements are not easily met. According to the existing research on the comprehensive analysis of the current environment, the division of educational authority and expenditure responsibility between the central government and local governments at all levels is not clear, the functions and powers of relevant government departments have not been rationalized, and the benign implementation and operation mechanism of teacher policies has not been improved. In such a context, the use of a large number of imperative policy tools can easily lead to selective implementation or even resistance by policy enforcement agencies and target groups, resulting in policy distortion. Therefore, the over-use of command tools in the construction of teacher policy system in China must be paid attention to and solved (Li et al., 2019; Gao et al., 2008; Gao, 2015). On the other hand, advisory tools and authority restructuring tools are underused. Except for the command tool, the usage frequency of the other four types of policy tools only accounts for 43%, and the usage frequency of the advisory tool and the authoritative reorganization tool is less than 10%. The insufficient use of the advisory tool and the authoritative reorganization tool forms a sharp contrast with the overuse of the command tool. As analyzed above, each type of policy tool has its own characteristics and advantages, which can be used rationally to achieve policy synergy and avoid risks and shortcomings. The authority reorganization tool can effectively change the long-term fixed policy implementation system environment, and also is an effective means to improve the power structure. Persuasion tools do not require too much resource investment, but they enable the policy audience to have a high degree of acceptance and identity in achieving the policy objectives. The common feature of these two types of policy tools is that they make the policy objectives more acceptable, have a relatively high possibility of realization, and promote the effective improvement of the policy environment. Policy of current education reform

6.4 The Experience of Teacher Policy System Construction


in China into the deep waters, the teacher in a key period of system construction, policy goals more clearly, to an orderly adjustment policy system, policy system of execution mechanism remains to be the background of research and perfect, need to adjust the use of command-line tools, and through the reasonable development and utilization of authority restructuring tools and advice to achieve the purpose of improving policy environment. In-depth knowledge authority restructuring tools and advice tool characteristic advantage, to use, to inspire multiple types energy policy tools, the raise the level of policy executive ability and motivation, promote the target group plays a unique role is consistent with the policy guidance, and optimize the policy execution mechanism of system, the realization of education of China in the view of poverty teacher policy system coordinated development in terms of policy tools to use. There are weak links in policy system construction. The results show that there are obvious shortcomings in the construction of teacher policy system in China. Longitudinal dimension of teachers policy framework contains ten kind of policy factors, total 30 years education poverty reduction while advancing, relevant policy elements constantly enrich teachers, but teachers’ retirement system, teachers’ quit mechanism in policy is still not involved, teachers’ rights and interests safeguard, engage, exit mechanism, policy and other policies need to be addressed as the teachers supply weak links. According to statistics, 162 teacher policies selected from 1985 to 2018 did not involve the teacher retirement system. As the only factor category not involved in the ten teacher policy elements, the teacher retirement system has become the shortest board for the construction of the current teacher policy system. In addition, based on the statistical results of ten class teacher policy elements dimensions, including “post management”, “rights of teachers”, “school leadership” and “monitoring and evaluation”, 4 class teachers have a relatively low policy elements among the use frequency of the gradient, the four kinds of elements in the policy text less involved, as the first gradient “welfare” policy tools use frequency of about 3.1 to 7.1 times the third gradient policy tools. In each historical period, teachers’ pre-service training, professional development and salary guarantee have been the focus of attention in the construction of the teacher policy system. The relevant policy content is relatively substantial, and the policy system and mechanism are relatively sound. The construction of the teacher policy system in the new era needs to shift the focus to the policy weakness and give priority to the policy problems that need to be solved. First of all, the retirement system for teachers is still in a policy gap. There is no special policy provision in relevant fields, and a complete and sound policy system cannot be formed for teachers without this part of the policy. Second, although the state has repeatedly issued a number of policies to improve the status of teachers and strengthen the protection of teacher treatment, and even raised the construction of the teacher team to an unprecedented height since the 19th national congress of the communist party of China (CPC), and paid enough attention to it from the central to the local level, it still faces the realistic dilemma that the career of teachers is not attractive. Finally, the widespread unreasonable structure of teachers, as well as serious structural deficiencies. On the one hand, the teacher team presents the phenomenon of age structure deficiency. According to the investigation, the age


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structure of China’s teachers, especially the rural teachers, is hourglass type, and the unreasonable age structure of the teacher team is quite common due to the lack of middle backbone strength. On the other hand, the unreasonable structure of teachers is also reflected in the different disciplines, such as rural music, art, physical education and other disciplines teacher’s structural deficiency is more prominent (Li et al., 2019; Gao et al., 2008; Gao, 2015).

References Gao, H. B. (2015). Teacher policy evaluation analysis—Based on the five-year implementation of the outline of national medium- and long-term education reform and development plan (2010–2020). Journal of Hebei Normal University (education science edition), 17(06), 93–98. Gao, H. B., Wang, W. B., He, M., & Liu, Y. (2008). The evolution of the teacher policy system in the past 40 years of reform and opening-up. Teacher Development Research, 22(04), 1–9. Li, T. Z., Wu, J., & Wang, Q. H. (2019). The change course, main features and development prospect of China’s teacher policy in the past 40 years of reform and opening up—A textual metrology study based on the theory of policy tools. Tsinghua University Education Research, 19(01), 103–110.

Chapter 7

Teacher Policy in the Perspective of China’s Alleviation of Education Poverty: The Trends and Suggestions

This chapter focuses on the trends and suggestions of teacher policy in the perspective of China’s alleviation of education poverty. Based on the above analysis, it can be seen that the teacher policy tools for poverty alleviation in China are in the process of evolution and change, and the number of policy tools has been considerable. After more than 30 years of development and construction, the types of policy tools have become increasingly reasonable in the structure of use. Combined with the background of the country’s gradual increase in targeted poverty alleviation through education, based on the reality that the investment in the construction of the teacher team is gradually increasing, this paper proposes three countermeasures and suggestions based on the theoretical perspective of policy tools for the construction of the teacher policy system in China and the experience in solving common problems in the world.

7.1 The Strategic Position of Teachers’ Priority Development From the perspective of external environment, more and more attention will be paid to the construction of teacher policy system, and the priority status of teacher development will be further consolidated on the original basis. A hundred years plan, education for this; Teachers are the foundation of education. Many years of educational reform experience has proved that teachers are the key to the success of educational reform. A strong country must first strengthen its teachers. As an important guarantee of high-quality education, high-quality teachers have a bearing on national rejuvenation and national development. In more than 30 years of the construction of the teacher policy system, the teacher policy has received due attention and issued a series of reasonable policies in the corresponding period, China has made remarkable achievements in the reform and development of education and the promotion of poverty alleviation. Teachers are the © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021 E. Xue and J. Li, Teacher Education Policy in China, Exploring Education Policy in a Globalized World: Concepts, Contexts, and Practices, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-2366-0_7



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dreamers of national education and national prosperity. It is an important task for the party and the country to put the construction of the teacher policy system in a prominent position in the future. In recent years, thanks to teachers team construction policy documents issued by the dense, teacher team construction in our country work was promoted to unprecedented political level, the unprecedented teachers team construction period of strategic opportunities are coming to us, attach importance to replace hardware as teacher development education career development center of gravity, it marks the “extreme importance” teachers’ team construction in our country’s strategic position become a consensus. At the 2018 national education conference, general secretary Xi jinping made it clear that efforts should be made to improve the political status of teachers. With targeted poverty alleviation in education becoming the focus of work in the new era, in order to promote the process of targeted poverty alleviation in national education, the construction of targeted teacher policy system is bound to be attached importance to, and the strategic position of teachers’ priority development will be further confirmed and consolidated (Cao & Wu, 2008; Zeng, 2016; Chen & Chen, 2017; Xue & Zhou, 2017; Yang et al., 2014; Yan, 2016).

7.2 The Precision Construction Teacher Policy System Mechanism From the perspective of policy content, the focus of future teacher policy is to improve the quality of teachers with precise orientation. For decades, the teachers quality is always the policy focus on important issues, however, teachers team construction is currently pressing problems left over by history, also is facing new challenges in the new period, such as teachers’ age structure, sex structure, the imbalance of subject structure and configuration imbalance problems, as well as countries around the world generally facing the rural teacher turnover rate is high, is the teacher team construction in our country need to face the problem in the new period, the accurate orientation of teachers’ team construction must mention qualitative growth, teachers must properly developing and perfecting the policy system to solve key problems of the construction of the teachers. At present, China is in the stage of targeted poverty alleviation through education, and the construction of teacher policy system with six precise characteristics conforms to the development of The Times and educational needs. In the new era, the use of policy tools related to pre-service teacher training and professional development has been increasingly frequent, which demonstrates China’s courage and determination to solve the chronic problems that have plagued the construction of the teacher team for a long time, so as to promote the long-term sustainable development of the teacher team.

7.3 The Subject of Teacher Policy Tends to Be Diversified


7.3 The Subject of Teacher Policy Tends to Be Diversified Multiple participation will become the development trend of the main body of teacher policy promulgation in the future, and the policy synergy will continue to be strengthened. In terms of the proportion of the total number, there were 12 related policies jointly issued by the ministry of education and several ministries and commissions, accounting for 28% of the total number of policies. And with the passage of time, the trend of joint publishing becomes more and more obvious. Issued for the past 33 years between state of teacher’s education policy, for example, in 2012 countries promulgated the opinions on deepening the reform of teacher education, this by the Ministry of Education, the National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Finance, and so on three ministries jointly issued the policy of the main body in 2018 extended to five ministries and commissions such as human resources and social security and public, the transition from single ministries to many ministries has realized the increasingly diverse post subject teacher policy. With the continuous advancement of the construction of the teacher policy system, the policy release increasingly emphasizes the multi-sector alliance, which highlights the systematic and collaborative nature of the teacher policy, and the policy subject develops towards the trend of diversification. From the perspective of the use of policy tools, the construction of the future teacher policy system will pay more attention to the optimization of the use of policy tools to stimulate the traction mechanism. Based on the comprehensive analysis of the evolution history of teacher policy tools in the perspective of China’s education poverty alleviation, it is not difficult to find that the use of policy tools in the process of teacher policy system construction in the perspective of China’s education poverty alleviation is always in a dynamic change. In the field of education poverty alleviation, education, as a compulsory public good mainly produced and provided by the public sector, is bound to be dominated by compulsory tools in the choice of policy tools. Combined with the future development plan and trend of teacher policy system construction, the use of policy tools will present the general trend of command tools to maintain the dominant status, incentive tools and capacity building tools to expand the scope of use, and the use frequency of advisory tools and authority reorganization tools to steadily increase (Cao & Wu, 2008; Chen & Chen, 2017; Xue & Zhou, 2017; Yang et al., 2014; Yan, 2016; Zeng, 2016). Suggestions on the construction and improvement of teacher policy system from the perspective of poverty alleviation in Chinese education. 1. Optimize the use of teachers’ policy tools, and form a rational distribution of policy tools The application of policy tools is a systematic project, which should be coordinated and optimized. Especially after entering the deep water of education reform, the use of teachers’ policy tools should be avoided. The construction of teacher policy system needs overall planning. In the early stage, the use of educational policy tools was too dependent on command tools, resulting in excessive use of command tools and insufficient use of other types of policy tools. In the future, sufficient attention should


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be paid to the optimal use of policy tools to avoid the lack of comprehensiveness and systematicity. Faced with the new situation and new challenges in the new era, the paper puts forward specific optimization strategies in three aspects: refining policy objectives, adjusting the combination of tools and introducing new policy tools based on relevant studies and the research results. First, specify the teacher policy objectives to ensure the pertinence of teacher policies. The policy tool is one of the ways to achieve the policy goal, but at the same time the policy tool also has the potential requirement to the policy goal. Theoretically, the clearer the description of policy objectives in the policy text, the more targeted the government will be in choosing the tools. However, it is not easy to satisfy the clarity of policy objectives and the pertinence of the choice of policy tools. It is found that in the teacher policies issued in China, the expression of the policy objectives is relatively general and broad, and the expression in the form of precise figures or proportions is relatively lacking, so there is still room for improvement in the effect of the policy implementation. In this regard, the author believes that the specific optimization strategy is to determine more clear and specific teacher policy objectives through the way of construction. First, the government should give consideration to efficiency and fairness when formulating policy objectives and selecting policy instruments and motivate and guide relevant subjects to participate in the construction of teachers with clear policy objectives and targeted policy instruments. Secondly, the government should analyze the new situation in the new era, and when discovering new problems or formulating new policies, it can improve the policies by gradually refining the policy objectives through communication with relevant subjects. Finally, through research and other forms of communication and consultation with the policy target group, a reasonable policy system is gradually constructed and improved, which is also an effective propaganda foundation for the policy target and lays a foundation for the final policy introduction. Second, adjust the tool mix to ensure adaptability and explore new ways of tool mix. The optimal use of policy instruments must take into account the characteristics of each type of policy instrument. First of all, when comprehensively applying the two or more categories of policy tools, it is necessary to ensure the coordination and adaptability between the policy tools. The policy tools with strong conflicts should not be used in combination. Secondly, the purpose of optimizing the use of policy tools is to better achieve the policy objectives, improve the construction of the teacher policy system, and form a policy synergy, so we should pay attention to the complementarity between policy tools. At present, the combination of command tool and incentive tool is a common form of policy tool combination in the process of constructing the teacher policy system of poverty alleviation in China. In the teacher education revitalization action plan (2018–2022), for example, in the “action” to improve the quality of teachers in rural guiding teacher training using the command tool, then through incentive tools to guide the rural teachers supplement and teacher quality, the integrated use of two types of policy instruments is to improve collaborative policy, implement policies to achieve policy objectives more effectively. The specific optimization strategy should be promoted step by step. First of all, we should avoid excessive reliance on command tools and highlight the advantages

7.3 The Subject of Teacher Policy Tends to Be Diversified


of the combination of other types of policy tools. The policy goal of command tool is clear and clear, but the over-use of command tool will reduce the policy effect and frustrate the subject’s enthusiasm. Reasonable combination of tools such as incentive tools and advisory tools to optimize the policy mix can properly avoid the “policy black box” inflation risk. Secondly, on the basis of ensuring the steady progress of the construction of the teacher policy system, we should make rational use of incentive tools and advisory tools. Under ideal conditions, incentive tools can effectively meet the system construction content that needs to be given priority; advisory tools can prompt the target group of the policy to perform corresponding behaviors according to the value delivered by the policy; optimizing the use of the two types of policy tools can promote the effective realization of the policy objectives. Finally, the optimal use of policy tools should take the situation into consideration and adjust the policy tool use strategy timely and appropriately according to the corresponding historical stage and different national conditions. Third, we should introduce new policy tools to meet the new requirements of policy system construction in the new era. After analysis, we found the policy tools used of the construction of teacher policy system of the command tool used and several other kinds of policy tools use the phenomenon of insufficient, but if considering the policy target group accept ability and policy implementation effect, the introduction of new policy tools will be more appropriate for teacher policy system construction goal in the new period. Taking information communication tools as an example, one of the remarkable features of the new era is the rapid development of informatization. The new requirements for the construction of the teacher policy system in the new era include the high expectations of the target groups for information transparency and timely and effective communication. Information communication tool itself has a top-down and bottom-up and parallel transmission level of unique tool properties, based on this, the introduction of information communication tool will be able to have on the developing and perfecting policy system, policy makers and practitioners, promoting creativity integrated use of other types of policy instruments play a good role. In addition, from the perspective of policy makers, good use of information communication tools can improve the degree of openness and understanding of policy information, open effective communication channels while taking into account the principle of efficiency and fairness, so as to further improve the degree of teachers’ policy recognition and demonstrate good performance. Each kind of policy tool has its own characteristics and applicable situation, which has irreplaceable advantages and disadvantages to be avoided. A single policy instrument is often difficult to deal with when faced with complex, differentiated or even conflicting real needs. The optimal combination of various types of policy tools can effectively make up for the above deficiencies and achieve a better policy effect. As part of the public policy system, policy system of teachers in many aspects, in the top-level design must be fully considered, on the one hand give play to the role of the main policy tools should be determined rationally type, as well as consideration of the characteristics of other types of policy instruments, optimize combination, using more powerful policy mix build a teacher policy system. Facing the new challenge


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of targeted poverty alleviation in education, we should thoroughly implement the reform of educational system and mechanism, reflect the requirements of the trend of precision, and optimize the combination of teachers’ policy tools. Second, strengthen the weak link policy supply, improve the teacher policy system construction. In the process of building the teacher policy system in China for more than 30 years, the teacher policy system has been constantly constructed, adjusted, enriched and improved. However, with the rapid development of education poverty alleviation and the rapid development of education, the country and the people have increasingly high requirements on the construction of the teacher policy system. The weak link has become an important factor restricting the improvement of the teacher policy system. To be specific, although the state has paid more attention and provided more policy support to teachers’ pre-service training, post-service training, and teachers’ rights and treatment in the early stage of policy system construction, the development of teacher policies in these areas cannot keep pace with the development of The Times to some extent. In order to make up for the shortcomings and improve the teacher policy system, China has made great efforts to strengthen the supply of weak links in the development stage of the teacher policy system construction, and made constant adjustments and improvements, so as to lay a foundation for precise teacher policies to ensure the realization of targeted poverty alleviation and poverty alleviation in education. First, we should supplement the relevant policies on the retirement system for teachers, carry out top-level design of the relevant policies as soon as possible, accelerate the formulation of the relevant policies on the retirement system for teachers, and promote the implementation of the policies. When each element of the internal framework of teacher policy overlapped with all levels of education, the missing teacher policy would have no place to hide, and the missing basic teacher policy would inevitably affect the formulation and implementation of relevant specific policies. Therefore, in the next stage, we should try our best to supplement and improve the relevant policies within the teacher policy framework. The teacher retirement system, as a vacuum of the current teacher policy, must be paid attention to. The relevant policy content can be constructed as soon as possible by referring to the relevant international experience, combining with the experience in the construction of China’s teacher policy system and the new requirements in the new era. At the same time, combining with the current situation of policy supply and the prominent problems in policy practice, we should strengthen policy supply in the weak links such as teacher employment and rights and interest’s protection. First of all, focus on solving the most concerned problems of the teachers, so that the teachers’ pay directly proportional to the income, to ensure the treatment of teachers. Referring to the relevant policies and regulations of the civil service system in China and the relevant experience in the world, it is suggested to set up a dynamic adjustment mechanism of allowances and allowances for teachers, so as to ensure that teachers can get a dynamic and rising salary guarantee in accordance with the price level, so that teachers can get a salary standard matching their education and teaching efforts. At the same time, we should strictly standardize the social security system,

7.3 The Subject of Teacher Policy Tends to Be Diversified


make clear the division of responsibility subjects and investment, and realize the joint efforts of the central, provincial and district and county governments to jointly protect teachers’ social security investment, so that teachers will have no worries in terms of medical care, old-age care and childbirth, and fully protect teachers’ rights and interests. Secondly, we should provide teachers with the institutional channels to raise their voices and redress their rights, and improve the system of teachers’ appeals, acceptance and arbitration. This is also a policy system that embodies the people-oriented and precise requirements of a society ruled by law. Finally, in view of the widespread attention of substitute teachers problems reflected by the identity problem, proposed to explore to work performance rather than whether has the identity for compiling according to the status of teachers, improve teachers enter exit mechanism, make the writing and the writing teachers shall have equal treatment, and weaken the establishment system of the personnel management function. To explore and improve the “implementation rules of the employment system for teachers and staff”, from the perspective of the national level, the implementation of the teacher employment system needs a solid policy foundation, which requires the state to justify the legal nature of the employment contract. Second, enhance the career attraction, so that teachers have a more sense of gain. In view of the weak attraction of teachers’ career, we should grasp the key link of the teacher policy system and provide policy support from material security to social status, so as to make teachers an enviable career for everyone. On the one hand, from the perspective of teacher management system and mechanism, it is necessary to straighten out the existing management mechanism, improve teachers’ social status and economic treatment, enhance teachers’ sense of gain, happiness and security, and enhance the attractiveness of teachers’ career. On the other hand, cultivate a social atmosphere that respects teachers and values education. Through the proper use of incentive tools and advice tools, the effect of policy use can be enhanced, the atmosphere of respecting teachers can be encouraged and guided by the society, and teachers’ self-identity and professional happiness can be externally stimulated. Third, we will introduce special policies to ensure and support development and quickly address structural deficiencies. The serious problem of structural deficiency is an important factor that has been seriously hindering the development of rural education. It not only hinders the process of targeted poverty alleviation and poverty alleviation in education, but also restricts the development of the teacher policy system in the new era. In this regard, the author puts forward three policy Suggestions from the perspective of teacher supplement. First, on the basis of the current increase in teacher recruitment, the recruitment rate should be appropriately increased to ensure that the number of teachers is adequate, and the scale is appropriate. Secondly, we should improve the teacher training system, improve the professional level of teachers and promote the quality of teachers. Finally, through various channels to recruit qualified teachers, support the development of education in disadvantaged areas and promote educational equity. The state should pay more attention to the supplementary policies for teachers, strictly control the entrance of teachers through policy regulation, strengthen policy guidance in the control of the age structure of teachers, the balanced allocation of teachers in the scientific stage of science in short


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supply, and the balance of teacher sex ratio, and give priority to the rational allocation of teachers in high demand. Third, develop diversified teacher policy subject, consolidate the priority of teacher development status. We should encourage multiple subjects to participate in the research and formulation of teachers’ policies, expand the target groups and action subjects of teachers’ policies, and involve diverse subjects, so as to inject vitality into the construction of teachers’ policy system. For a long period of time, the main body of China’s policy research and formulation is the government. In recent years, the participation of expert think tanks, universities and other main bodies gradually shows a trend of diversification. The government always occupies an unshakable leading position in the main body of policy action, and the target group of policy is relatively pure and simple. In a certain period of time, the relatively single policy subject composition can guarantee the efficient implementation of policies and improve the efficiency of policy system construction. However, as time goes by, the relatively single policy subject composition gradually fails to meet the needs of policy development. Therefore, in the new period of national teacher policy system construction, we should actively encourage the diversification of policy research subjects, action subjects and target groups, and jointly inject vitality into the improvement of teacher policy system under the system mechanism of multi-participation, cooperation and cohesion. As far as the main body of policy research and formulation is concerned, with the increasing demands of the country and people on the development and improvement of the teacher policy system, the government gradually begins to absorb different policy stakeholders into the construction of the teacher policy system. From the central committee of the communist party of China, the state council to the ministry of education and several ministries and commissions, teacher policy research and formulation is increasingly benefited from the participation of multiple subjects. By changing ideas, change policy research, establish systems and mechanisms, broaden participation channels, from the administrative department of education director leadership to think-tank experts, from university researcher to front-line teachers, a number of different field personnel to have the opportunity to participate in the policy making, policy implementation to the policy evaluation and a series of links, under the government leading into the Chinese teachers in the construction of policy system. The multi-subject participation has changed the “endogenous” policy to some extent, and changed the situation of “one family’s opinion”, so that the construction of teacher policy system in China’s education poverty alleviation perspective is more comprehensive and specific, and the specific needs of policy stakeholders are more comprehensive and scientific. As far as policy action subjects are concerned, the trend of international policy development shows that different countries on different continents have explored the mode of policy action subjects that are no longer limited to the government, and the subjects of policy action are gradually showing a trend of diversification. Diversification policy action subject to solving global teachers team construction played a good effect, the prevalence of common problems “teach for America” and “teaching” for Australian projects, the introduction of new policy action main body

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participation, broke the previous teacher recruitment, training, evaluation and so on are by the government as the main body of a single mode, allowing more interest groups participating, optimum combination policy action subject to the realization of the find a international experience which can be promoted. Based on the statistical results of policy subjects in this chapter, the conclusion that multiple subjects participate in policy actions can also be drawn. When drawing lessons from international experience, the construction of China’s teacher policy system can properly consider the expansion of the subject of teacher policy action and try to attract the participation of non-governmental organizations or institutions in the recruitment and training of teachers. In the aspect of expanding the supply channel of teachers, we should first overcome the disadvantages of too single supply channel in the past. We will gradually explore ways to cultivate teachers through various channels, with the government as the leading role, and with the help of non-governmental public welfare organizations or social organizations, so as to enhance the attractiveness of teachers to outstanding graduates. The promotion and publicity of “the most beautiful Chinese teachers” has attracted attention and support, and the pilot project of “teaching for China” has been carried out. Various parties have joined hands to make joint efforts to solve the problem of teacher shortage. In the aspects of teacher training and management mechanism, China has explored many experiences of multi-subject participation. In the process of organizing and implementing teacher training, education departments can, through cooperation with universities, research institutes and third-party institutions, run teacher training through multiple links such as teacher selection, preservice training, post-service training and whole-process management. In addition, the government’s innovative service purchase mechanism has strongly promoted the construction of domestic teachers. Under the leadership of the government, various parties have worked together to contribute to the improvement and development of China’s teacher policy system. As far as the policy target group is concerned, it should cover a larger range of teachers’ policy target groups and attach great importance to rural teachers in remote areas. After policy sorting and statistics, compared with the foreign special support policies for teachers in remote areas and other domestic education policies of the same period, in China, the relevant preferential policies for rural teachers were issued later and the number of policies was small. Rural areas are key support areas in the battle against poverty in China, as well as key work areas for targeted poverty alleviation and targeted poverty alleviation through education. Rural teachers, as the target group of the policy, must be given due attention, and more attention should be paid to relevant policies, so as to promote the construction of rural teachers and the development of education against poverty. Since the 18th national congress of the communist party of China (CPC) in 2012, the state has issued a number of special policies for teachers in just a few years, covering topics ranging from rural teacher support to teacher education revitalization. The policy supply further confirms the strategic position of teachers’ priority development. It is embodied in two aspects: on the one hand, the priority allocation of political resources; on the other hand, the priority investment of national public


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finance. In order to avoid the phenomenon of “big talk and little action”, and to ensure the effective implementation of the policies, it is necessary to strengthen the central government’s control over the overall direction of the policies, and gradually build a high-quality and stable contingent of rural teachers. The state has increased policy support to ensure the development of teachers, especially rural teachers, and to lay a policy foundation for targeted poverty alleviation in education. The signal of attaching importance to the construction of teachers released from the national level has caused a strong response in the society, and the target group of the policy has responded enthusiastically, consolidating the strategic position of teachers’ priority development, and forming a good atmosphere of respecting teachers and valuing education (Cao & Wu, 2008; Chen & Chen, 2017; Xue & Zhou, 2017; Yang et al., 2014; Yan, 2016; Zeng, 2016).

7.4 The Conclusion and Suggestions This study is an exploration and research on teacher policies in the perspective of poverty alleviation in Chinese education during the author’s postgraduate study. As a starting point, the content is relatively basic. At the same time, due to the limitations of some subjective and objective factors, there are still some deficiencies in this paper, which need to be further studied and improved. First, there is room for improvement and enrichment of policy text collection. The richness of the research data is closely related to the academic research, and it is of great importance to the research on the policy of China’s anti-poverty teachers based on the quantitative analysis of the policy text. Due to the condition and the researchers’ research capacity, this paper is on the campus in teacher education in China out of poverty after conditions screening policy text of the econometric analysis, the selection of representative policy text of 162 item number, although has certain representativeness but hard to show my teacher all policy system construction. According to statistics, since 1985, there have been as many as 500 special policies on teachers in China, especially at the time of the 18th national congress of the communist party of China and the 19th national congress of the communist party of China. The quantitative analysis of such a large number of policy texts is a long-term and systematic research work, and it is not a small challenge to cover all the policy samples in a short period of time. Measurement method based on the policy tools and policy text, on the basis of certain principles to select the most representative 162 policy text as an object of econometric analysis in the future related research can be based on all the teacher policy do detailed data analysis, the reliability and validity of research results and better research conclusion, believe that relevant policy recommendations will be more scientific and targeted, campus in teacher education in China out of poverty has guiding significance to the policy system construction. Second, the connection between policy analysis and social practice needs to be further explored. Perspective of this paper is based on the theory of policy tools for Chinese education poverty view the policy for teacher to carry out qualitative

7.4 The Conclusion and Suggestions


research text, but the econometric analysis cannot fully open the policy of “black box”, for policy making, policy, system construction, change the problems of study must be based on social practice, to obtain more in-depth information. Policies are not illusory clouds on the top of a mountain, nor illusory castles in the air. Policy research must be down to earth, rooted in the land of China to carry out research on education and poverty alleviation, deeply explore the construction of China’s teacher policy system, and make a good connection between policy analysis and social practice. In this way, relevant research can be better conducted, and more valuable research results can be obtained. China education poverty vision research based on the policy for teacher policy tools used in the text of measurement problems and optimizing, based on education in our country out of poverty career development direction and trend of teacher policy perfect, still exist in the work of this paper research limitations and deficiencies, hope expert scholars in the future more in-depth research carried out in the following aspects, more valuable output results, achieve new breakthrough. First, expand the scope of policy collection and improve policy selection criteria. Poverty alleviation is a long-term and great cause, education poverty alleviation needs to take multiple efforts, and the construction of teacher policy system is a systematic and complex process. Since May 1985 “decision on reform of the education system of the central committee of the communist party of China” promulgated, our country developed around 300 teachers special policy, especially the period, the party’s eighteenth big and the party’s nineteenth government departments in a short period of time dense issued a number of heavyweight teachers team construction documents, in order to promote teachers make important deployment policy system construction. Future research can be based on the research question, on China’s education poverty special policies and teachers for expanding the scope of the policy to collect, to determine the most conforms to the research content, conform to the requirements of the public policy research policy selection criteria, do all policies based on the text of the statistical analysis, summarized our country education teacher policies to reduce poverty new questions, new ideas, new experience, more generality of research conclusion. Second, comprehensive use of research methods, scientific policy interpretation. This paper adopts quantitative analysis of policy texts. The research value of this single quantitative research is limited. In order to overcome the limitation of a single research method, in the future, relevant research can choose a hybrid research model combining qualitative and quantitative research to deeply explore the energy contained in the research object. At present, there is still room for further in-depth and detailed research on teacher policy based on quantitative analysis of policy texts. The in-depth interpretation of quantitative results and the further integration of qualitative research pose new challenges to researchers, and also expand new ideas for relevant research. Third, to explore the value of policy proposals and enhance the practical significance of policies. Future vision education out of poverty in China will still be based on science teachers’ policy research, policy research, through in-depth analysis of China’s education teacher policy characteristics, in view of poverty, summarizing


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the results of teacher policy system construction in China to find new problems, to further perfect the policy system of teachers in the new period, put forward valuable Suggestions. The related research will no longer be limited to the static analysis of policy texts but will be involved in the dynamic process of policy formulation, implementation and evaluation, and solve the problems of policy distortion. From the castle in the air to the ground with quick steps to enhance the practical significance of policy (Cao & Wu, 2008; Chen & Chen, 2017; Xue & Zhou, 2017; Yang et al., 2014; Yan, 2016; Zeng, 2016).

References Cao, F., & Wu, Q. B. (2008). Review of theoretical research on urban anti-poverty abroad. Urban Issues, 18(10), 75–80. Chen, E. L., & Chen, L. (2017). Research on the targeted poverty alleviation model of education in poor areas under the perspective of educational informatization. China Audiovisual Education, 17(12), 23–29. Xue, E. Y., & Zhou, X. P. (2017). Policy design and system innovation of China’s education poverty alleviation. Education research, 38(12), 29–37. Yan, G. L., He, J. Y., & Jiao, Y. L. (2014). Tsinghua model of education poverty alleviation. Beijing education (Higher Education), 14(05), 7–10. Yan, T. (2016). Research on the targeted poverty alleviation model of west hunan vocational education. Education Modernization, 63(31), 221–224. Zeng, T. S. (2016). Improving the effectiveness of poverty alleviation through education with new concepts and new mechanisms—A case study of poverty alleviation practice in west yunnan of the ministry of education. Education Research, 37(12), 35–42.

Part III

Balanced Allocation Policy of Teachers in Chinese Urban and Rural Areas

Chapter 8

Balanced Allocation Policy of Teachers in Chinese Urban and Rural Areas: Backgrounds and Overview

This chapter involves the backgrounds and overview of the balanced allocation policy of teachers in Chinese urban and rural areas. The key to realize the balanced development of compulsory education, the “county-oriented” management system, and the research review have been offered in this chapter.

8.1 The Key to Realize the Balanced Development of Compulsory Education With the development of the society and the improvement of the quality of life, education has increasingly become a necessity for the spiritual consumption of people all over the world. Countries all over the world have taken the equal right to education as the basic right of citizens, and educational equity has subsequently become the focus of attention from all walks of life. In order to achieve this goal, the fifth plenary session of the 18th CPC central committee deliberated and adopted the CPC central committee’s proposal on formulating the 13th five-year plan for national economic and social development, which clearly stated that we should continue to promote the balanced development of compulsory education and realize educational equity. The 2017 report on the work of the government stressed that we should continue to promote fair and quality education. China implements the compulsory education management system of “county-oriented”, which shows that to realize the fairness of compulsory education in the whole society, we must take the lead in realizing the balanced development in the county. As the core element of educational resources, the teacher’s ability to get balanced allocation is the key index to measure the balanced development of compulsory education. In order to guarantee the smooth of balanced development of urban and rural compulsory education teachers within the county, the state council issued on the plan as a whole to promote the county within the several opinions of the reform and development of the integration of urban and rural © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021 E. Xue and J. Li, Teacher Education Policy in China, Exploring Education Policy in a Globalized World: Concepts, Contexts, and Practices, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-2366-0_8



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compulsory education, teachers explicitly pointed out that implementing compulsory education in counties equilibrium configuration in promoting local compulsory education the significance of the reform and development of the integration of urban and rural education, and take the lead to achieve the county in the urban and rural compulsory education teachers equilibrium configuration of strategic significance. As direct participants, teachers shoulder the responsibility of training people, which is related to the success of education. Therefore, how to effectively promote the balanced allocation of teachers in the county is the key to realize educational equity, the key and difficult point of the reform of compulsory education in China, and the hot issue of the whole society (Li, 2020; Li et al., 2020; Wen, 2011).

8.2 The “County-Oriented” Management System Since the beginning of the new century, the state has given priority to promoting the development of education and made it an important strategic task to popularize and consolidate the development of compulsory education. In 2001, the state council issued the “decision on the reform and development of basic education”, which established the management system of compulsory education with “countybased”. In 2003, the state council issued the decision on further strengthening rural education, reaffirming once again the implementation of this compulsory education management system. The emergence of the new management system is to solve the difficulties in compulsory education, especially in the rural compulsory education development project, which provides a system guarantee for gradually eliminating the unfair phenomenon of education in the county. In 2005, the ministry of education issued the opinions on further promoting the balanced development of compulsory education, which clearly defined the focus of compulsory education, continued to narrow the gap between regions, between urban and rural areas and between different schools, and gradually realized the balanced development of compulsory education. In the following year, the newly revised compulsory education law stipulated that the state council and the local people’s governments at or above the county level should rationally allocate educational resources in order to continue to promote the balanced development of compulsory education. The outline of the national program for medium - and long-term education reform and development (2010–2020) was issued, which identified the importance and priority of taking the lead in realizing the balanced development of compulsory education in counties. As the administrative unit with the longest history and the smallest change, the county-level government must shoulder the important task of promoting the balanced development of compulsory education. To take the lead in realizing the balanced allocation of urban and rural teachers in the county is the only way for the balanced development of compulsory education in the county, and it is also an effective way to realize the balanced development in a larger scope smoothly. In the same year, the ministry of education issued a document clearly requiring that the central government and the provincial

8.2 The “County-Oriented” Management System


level should strengthen the overall planning, strengthen the supervision of education, improve the evaluation method, rationally allocate educational resources, and continue to promote the balanced development of compulsory education teachers in the county. By the end of 2016, a total of 1,824 counties had been identified through supervision and evaluation, including 740 in the eastern region, 556 in the central region and 528 in the western region, accounting for 62.4 percent of the country’s total. Subsequently, the strategic position of taking the lead in realizing the balanced development of teachers in the county region becomes more prominent. As teachers are the most important educational resources, promoting the balanced development of teachers in urban and rural compulsory education in the county region has become the strategic task and problem breakthrough of the government, which is expected to be realized in a short period of time (Li, 2020; Li et al., 2020; Wen, 2011). The current educational reform has entered a critical period and a deep-water zone, and compulsory education has become more widespread. “In 2017 the government work report” again to continue to do a good job in fair quality education, education fairness as the foundation of social justice, the balanced development of compulsory education is related to the party and the people’s vital interests, to solve the problem of “school education”, “academic” and “school choice” problem highlights, “choice” is the key to “choose”. At present, China has intensified the management of the allocation of teachers and achieved remarkable results in the construction of the contingent of teachers in the compulsory education stage, with an increasing number, a more reasonable structure and continuous improvement in quality. However, when we see the achievements, we should pay more attention to the new problems. First, the different economic development in different regions and the existence of the dual economic structure in urban and rural areas directly affect the balanced allocation of compulsory education teachers in China’s counties. Urban and rural economic development imbalance, making more and more rural population pouring in cities and towns, many rural children as the parents into the school in cities and towns, made the large towns school class of problems with the loss of rural, rural appear more hollow school, in the face of this situation, many rural good teachers also will flow to the town school, this is more contributed to the same area of the teachers of compulsory education is imbalance. The second is the one-way flow of compulsory education teachers in the county. Under the adjustment of market economy, teachers often flow from “bad” schools to “good” schools, and this one-way flow leads to a serious imbalance in teacher allocation. In order to solve this problem, China has implemented the policy of teacher exchange and job rotation, but the effect is not ideal. The flow of compulsory education teachers in county areas still presents a one-way flow trend, resulting in the gap between urban and rural teachers has not been effectively alleviated. Third, there are differences in the salaries of teachers. The merit pay system of compulsory education teachers in China is mainly composed of four parts. In the actual situation, there is no great difference in basic salary among teachers, but there is a great difference in incentive salary due to the size and type of schools, which virtually aggravates the unbalanced development of compulsory education teachers’ resources in the county. The existence of these problems not only hindered the balanced development of compulsory education teachers in the county,


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but also seriously affected the realization of the objectives of compulsory education balance and educational equity.

8.3 The Research Review 1. The research on the connotation of the balanced allocation of teachers in urban and rural compulsory education. As for the connotation of the balanced allocation of teachers, many scholars have interpreted it from the content of the balanced allocation of teachers. Some scholars believe that the elements of balanced allocation of teachers include the educational level, professional title, age, gender, discipline structure and ratio between teachers and students. In order to promote the balanced allocation of teachers, it is necessary to accurately grasp these elements. The quality and structure of teachers are the three criteria to measure the balanced allocation of teachers. The structure of teachers is mainly measured from the aspects of age, gender and subject. The number of teachers is mainly measured by the number of teachers and the ratio of students to teachers. It is difficult to measure the quality of teachers from the operational level. At present, the quality of teachers is mainly reflected by their educational background, qualifications and professional titles. To sum up, domestic scholars’ conception and connotation of the balanced allocation of teachers in compulsory education are mostly reflected through the balanced allocation of teachers’ structure, quantity and quality. Therefore, by adjusting the distribution of the structure, quantity and quality of compulsory education teachers, the balanced allocation of urban and rural compulsory teachers in the county can be realized. 2. The research on the balanced allocation of teachers in urban and rural compulsory education. The difference of teachers is the biggest educational unfairness. In view of this problem, domestic scholars have conducted a lot of researches, which are mainly focused on the analysis of spatial scope and content. In terms of spatial scope, it is mainly reflected in the inter-regional, inter-urban and inter-school relationship within the same region. The existing management system decides that the balanced allocation of teachers in the county should be taken the lead, which is an effective way to realize educational equity. The actual shortage of rural teacher resources and inadequate staffing of subject teachers should be thoroughly investigated. In the study of the balanced allocation of compulsory education teachers in urban and rural areas, we should not only see the obvious gap between the balanced allocation of teachers in urban and rural areas, but also see the invisible gap. At the content level, the research on the balanced allocation of compulsory education teachers in the county mainly focuses on the structure, quantity, quality and salary of teachers. The number and structure of compulsory education teachers present an obvious imbalance. The quantity of teachers is not balanced, there is also a quality imbalance. From the perspective of the characteristics of policy tools, the primary problem in the balance of compulsory education in China is the balance of teachers, and the difference in the quantity and quality of teacher resources is the direct cause of the continuous vicious circle of regional and urban-rural dual structure. It can be

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seen from the above studies that there is an obvious imbalance between the space scope and the content of compulsory education teachers in China’s county areas, and various measures should be taken to promote their balanced development. 3. The research on the reasons for the imbalance in the allocation of teachers in compulsory education. Teachers, as a key element, are an important step to promote the balanced development of education. Therefore, the state has successively issued relevant policies to promote its balanced allocation. However, the current problems still exist, and in-depth exploration of the causes of the imbalance is the key to solve the problem. Therefore, the imbalance of teachers is caused by a variety of factors. Only by in-depth and comprehensive investigation of the causes of the imbalance can we find out the key points to break the imbalance. 4. The research on the path and strategy of the balanced allocation of teachers in compulsory education. Some scholars from teachers configuration solving strategy aspects, Wang Ming pointed out that the balanced development of regional internal is key, especially in the county (city, area) domain, teachers need to build communication mechanism, formulate unified wage, attract outstanding graduates to rural areas have weak urban schools, etc., gradually narrow the gap. It is necessary to adjust the labor price of teachers between urban and rural areas and improve the interest coordination mechanism. It is necessary to strengthen policy reform and build a school-led way of teacher allocation. In the face of the unbalanced allocation of teachers in the county, a systematic policy system should be established from the three aspects of guarantee, goal and operation. In order to solve the current imbalance of teachers in compulsory education, standards should be established, systems should be improved, and funds should be clearly defined, which is an important prerequisite for the balanced allocation of teachers in regional compulsory education. Targeted training is an effective way, full resource sharing is a long-term mechanism, and necessary special policies should be formulated to guarantee the system. It can be seen that domestic scholars have done a lot of research on this aspect, mainly focusing on teachers’ legal status, salary, professional training, exchange and job rotation, etc. More systematic research is needed to put forward effective solutions based on the practical problems of education development. 5. The research on the policy of the balanced allocation of teachers in compulsory education. The scholars studied the teacher allocation policies, such as the smell of stay in combing the current intercollegiate flow policy on the basis of teacher culture in our country, put forward the current teacher’s intercollegiate flow between three modes in our country, according to the theory of policy tools analysis, at present, our country school teachers flow policy focused on command and control, and economic control two kinds of orientation, caused a great discount policy implementation effect, but cannot deny the teachers flow on the significance of education fairness, greatly reduced the gap between the current compulsory education schools within the same area. The problems in the implementation of China’s teacher turnover policy through the international comparative study. On this basis, they proposed to make a bottom-up mobility plan to strengthen teacher turnover based on the needs of weak schools and teacher development. To sum up, although the balanced allocation policy of compulsory education teachers in China has played a considerable role


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in promoting the balanced development of education, there are still some problems such as inadequate implementation and imperfect policy system (Li, 2020; Li et al., 2020; Wen, 2011). Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the state has issued nearly 60 policy documents related to the construction of compulsory teachers, covering six aspects, including top-level design, teacher treatment guarantee, teacher training, management system, teacher exchange, and teachers in rural and remote areas, all of which involve the balanced allocation of teachers for compulsory education. After analysis, it was found that the core policy provisions included three categories: first, the incremental allocation of teachers, that is, to attract excellent talents to join the teaching team, and the new teachers’ preference to rural areas, such as the implementation of free demonstration student plan and special post teacher plan; Second, the existing stock of teachers should be adjusted. For example, regular exchanges and job rotation among teachers should be promoted, and measures should be taken to encourage urban teachers to support teaching in rural areas. The third is to improve the quality of teachers, such as the implementation of the national training program. According to the sorting out of relevant teacher policies, 2001 and 2011 can be regarded as the dividing point of the policies, and the related policies of the balanced allocation of teachers can be roughly divided into three stages. 1. The initial stage of the balanced allocation policy of compulsory education teachers in urban and rural areas within the county (1987–2001) Teachers law of the People’s Republic of China promulgated in 1993 was the main symbol of this stage, which continued to improve the teachers’ security mechanism, provided corresponding subsidies for those who worked in remote and poor areas, and required that rural primary and secondary school teachers be provided with housing and balanced allocation of teachers for compulsory education. Subsequently, the former national education commission issued opinions on strengthening the construction of primary and secondary school teachers during the ninth five-year plan period in 1996, proposing for the first time that teachers should exchange and rotate their posts regularly in order to strengthen the construction of rural primary and secondary school teachers, indicating that the allocation of urban and rural resources has gradually entered the field of public policy. Then, in 1999 the central committee of the communist party of China, the State Council jointly issued “the central committee of the communist party of China, the State Council on deepening education reform the regulation of the all-round quality education”, points out that to continue to take various measures to the rational allocation of teacher resources, and to teach at rural schools and weak schools as a review of the senior teacher title one of the necessary conditions, it is to a certain extent, contributed to the country with weak school teacher team construction. Jointly promulgated in 2000, the central committee of the communist party of China and the State Council on promoting the east, west school counterpart support work notice, request start the implementation of the “two big project”, namely “the east counterpart support western poverty-stricken areas school project” and “large and medium-sized cities in western schools counterpart support of provincial school project” (zone, municipality directly under the central government)

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poor areas, for the narrow and between regions, urban and rural compulsory education development gap between intercollegiate play an important role, promote the balanced development of compulsory education teachers. Since then, the problem of the balanced allocation of teachers in compulsory education has gradually entered the field of public policy, and the state has gradually established a relevant policy system to intensify efforts to promote the balanced allocation of teachers in compulsory education (Li, 2020; Li et al., 2020; Wen, 2011). 2. Formation stage of balanced allocation policy of compulsory education teachers in urban and rural areas within the county (2002–2011) The main symbol of this stage is the new compulsory education law promulgated and implemented in 2006. The law stipulates that the mechanism for guaranteeing the treatment of teachers shall be improved, especially the subsidies and allowances for teachers who have been teaching in rural areas for a long time, so as to promote the regular flow of teachers and the balanced allocation of teachers in compulsory education through multi-party cooperation. That same year, the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Finance, human resources, public jointly promulgated by the rural compulsory education school teacher AD hoc jobs plan implementation plan, decided to implement the “rural compulsory education school teacher AD hoc jobs plan”, the use of five years, every year to arrange part of the AD hoc positions, using public recruiting college graduates to “two basics” in western counties of rural compulsory education school way, step by step to solve rural areas such problems as shortage of teachers and irrational structure, improve the overall quality of the rural primary and secondary school teachers. At this stage, policy documents were released intensively. The “decision of the state council on further strengthening rural education” in 2003 and the “several opinions of the ministry of education on further promoting the balanced development of compulsory education” in 2005 and other policy documents specifically discussed the allocation of teachers, and all indicators continued to favor rural teachers. In 2007, the ministry of education issued and implemented the implementation measures on free education for normal university students directly under the ministry of education (trial implementation), which started from guaranteeing the training cost of teachers and attracted outstanding college students to teach in primary and secondary schools, especially rural primary and secondary schools. Then, in 2010, the CPC central committee and the state council jointly issued the “national medium and long-term education reform and development plan outline (2010–2020) and the ministry of education promulgated and implemented the” about to carry out the scientific outlook on development, further promote the opinions of balanced development of compulsory education stressed strategic tasks for the balanced development of compulsory education, put forward to continue to speed up the narrow the gap between urban and rural compulsory education, willing to tilt to the country, in terms of teachers with a sound system of urban and rural teachers exchange, further promote compulsory education teachers’ equilibrium configuration. With the gradual realization of the goal of “universal education” in China, the problem of “difficulty in going to school” has been solved. Improving the quality of education and rational allocation of educational resources have become the starting point of the policy to realize educational fairness. The balanced allocation of


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teacher resources has gradually become the focus of the development of compulsory education in China. 3. The establishment stage of the balanced allocation policy of compulsory education teachers in urban and rural areas within the county (from 2012 to now) The Ministry of Education and Ministry of Finance in 2014 issued “Opinions about advancing the county (district) in compulsory education domain’s on communicating with teachers in the school principal job rotation.” Since then, the strategic significance of realizing the balanced allocation of compulsory education teachers in urban and rural areas has become increasingly prominent, and relevant implementation rules and supporting policies have been issued and implemented intensively. In 2012, the state council issued the state council’s opinions on strengthening the ranks of teachers, which stated that in order to improve the attractiveness of rural teachers, policies should continue to be implemented in favor of them. In the same year, the Ministry of Education, the public, the National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Finance, people club department jointly issued the “opinions about vigorously promote the construction of the contingent of rural compulsory education”, establishing rural complementary mechanism, to improve and upgrade with the preparation and professional development, continue to push forward exchange rotational work, improving teachers’ welfare and so on, gradually narrow the gap between urban and rural compulsory education teachers’ in the county. In 2015, the general office of the state council issued the rural teacher support plan (2015–2020). Guided by the principle of “appropriate scale and reasonable structure”, the plan continued to rationally plan the size of the rural teacher team, formulate preferential policies and rationally allocate the rural teacher resources. In 2016, the State Council issued “about as a whole to promote the county within the several opinions of the reform and development of the integration of urban and rural compulsory education, the demands to build a well-off society in an all-round way of the goal, continued to narrow the gap between urban and rural education within the same area, promote the realization of education fairness, to promote reform and development of the integration of urban and rural compulsory education within the county as a whole. A review of China’s macro policy studies shows that the strategic position of the balance of compulsory education teachers has been constantly promoted, and the balance of teachers in the county has gradually shifted to the first place. The main body of policy promulgations has gradually changed from a single department to a multisector one, and a policy system for the balanced allocation of compulsory education teachers in urban and rural areas in the county has been gradually established (Li, 2020; Li et al., 2020; Wen, 2011).

References Li, J. (2020). Compulsory educational policies in rural China since 1978: A macro perspective. Beijing International Review of Education, 2(1), 159–164.



Li, J., Yongzhi, Z., Eryong, X., & Zhou, N. (2020). Faculty ethics in China: From a historical perspective. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 52(2), 126–136. Wen, D. M. (2011). Policy selection of balanced allocation of teachers in compulsory education. Education Theory and Practice, 21(11), 28–30.

Chapter 9

Balanced Allocation Policy of Teachers in Chinese Urban and Rural Areas: Problems and Suggestions

This chapter concentrates on the problems and suggestions of the balanced allocation policy of teachers in Chinese urban and rural areas. In particular, the reasons affecting the balanced allocation of compulsory education teachers, the gap between urban and rural teacher training opportunities, the pathway of balanced allocation of compulsory education teachers have been analyzed. In addition, the main conclusions have been also offered.

9.1 The Reasons Affecting the Balanced Allocation of Compulsory Education Teachers in Urban and Rural Areas At present, the Chinese government has increased its support in promoting the balanced allocation of compulsory education teachers in urban and rural areas within the county. After analyzing the current situation of the allocation of compulsory education teachers in urban and rural areas in the county, it is found that there is still a big gap in the allocation of compulsory education teachers in urban and rural areas in the county. Therefore, the cause of this problem must be discussed in detail and in depth. The urban–rural dual system is the fundamental reason for the imbalance of compulsory education teachers in urban and rural areas. Education development is subject to the development level of local economy and determines the level and level of education development to a great extent. Therefore, the imbalance of economic development level between urban and rural areas in a county directly leads to the imbalance of compulsory education development between urban and rural areas in a county. After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, especially since the reform and opening up, in order to quickly recover and develop the economy, China began to take the road of “city center” development. This practice led to the rapid recovery and development of China’s social economy and the continuous improvement of people’s living standards, but it caused the growing © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021 E. Xue and J. Li, Teacher Education Policy in China, Exploring Education Policy in a Globalized World: Concepts, Contexts, and Practices, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-2366-0_9



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gap between urban and rural areas. For a long time, China has not got rid of the limitation of prioritizing cities over villages in terms of institutional arrangements. This “town-centered” value orientation makes the country focus on meeting the needs of cities when formulating relevant policies. In the field of education, some local governments have the wrong orientation of “giving priority to cities” when allocating compulsory education resources. Urban schools are obviously superior to rural schools in terms of schooling conditions, teacher allocation and funding investment, resulting in a widening gap between urban and rural compulsory education. Therefore, the existence of the urban–rural dual system is the fundamental reason for the uneven allocation of compulsory education teachers in the county. Based on the research on the balanced allocation of teachers in urban and rural compulsory education in DC county, it is found that in the process of teacher introduction in this county, high-quality teachers are generally arranged in urban primary and middle schools, and then the remaining teachers with relatively poor quality are allocated to rural schools. In the allocation of education funds, the county government still gives priority to the use of education funds in cities and towns, resulting in the lack of attraction for outstanding teachers in rural primary and secondary schools, and the obvious gap between urban and rural teachers. Urban and rural dual system of “urban priority” value orientation, makes a lot of public education resources priority configuration town, by contrast, country enjoying a clear disadvantage in public education resources, this disadvantage makes rural schools fail to attract good teachers, and the town has formed the advantage on education and lead to the high quality teacher resources to urban concentration, which makes more and more big gap between the urban and rural compulsory education teachers. In the face of such a situation, in the county urban and rural compulsory education teachers equilibrium configuration is particularly important, not only need to perfect the policy guarantee mechanism, to attract outstanding teachers to teach at village, but also to break the barrier of the urban and rural, seize the root cause of the teachers imbalances, bold breakthrough fundamental institutional barriers, to achieve within the county urban and rural compulsory education teachers equilibrium configuration provides a good institutional guarantee, and then implement compulsory education balanced development (Jiang, 2019; Li, 2020; Li et al., 2020; Wu, 2011; Yang & Ma, 2011). The “key school system” is the historical reason for the imbalance of compulsory education teachers in urban and rural areas. From the perspective of the system, the imbalance in the development of compulsory education in China has an obvious historical imprint, and the imbalance in the allocation of teachers in the compulsory education in urban and rural areas is directly derived from the artificial and persistent “key school system” to a large extent. Education after the founding of new China, in order to better development, for the large-scale economic construction to cultivate the high-quality talents, education at that time under the condition of limited resources, in order to meet the needs of social development, national strategic choice do education centralized superior resources, priority to the development of key school, using the development of the key school to promote the development of general schools, finally achieve common development. Then the word “focus” began to appear in education policy. In the same year, when

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discussing education work at a meeting held by the political bureau of the CPC central committee, chairman Mao Zedong put forward the proposition of “building key middle schools”, which was also the earliest reflection of the idea of pooling high-quality resources to run education. June, June, the second national conference on education work held, the meeting put forward to run some key schools, this is the earliest official discussion on running key schools. Since then, the ministry of education issued a relevant policy document, clearly proposed to build key primary and secondary schools. After the reform and opening up, the ministry of education issued a series of policy notices clearly pointed out that a number of key primary and secondary schools should be effectively run and put forward specific requirements on how to strengthen teachers in key schools. Since then, the success of key primary and secondary schools has become the subject of many educational policy documents, striving to achieve the goal of having key schools at all levels, from the central government to the provincial, municipal and county levels. In order to ensure the smooth realization of this goal, the state has issued a policy to give priority to the allocation of teacher resources in key primary and secondary schools and to meet the development needs of key primary and secondary schools. The attention of the state and the guidance of policies have led to the emergence of all kinds of key primary and middle schools at all levels from the central government to the local government. And as a result of the existence of urban and rural dual system, and the resulting “to the town as the center” of the existence of the error values, makes the key primary and secondary schools must first distribution in urban areas, rural areas because of the economic level is low, cannot undertake construction the key task of primary and secondary schools, therefore, few rural areas with focus on primary and secondary schools. The survey shows that the expenditure of key schools, conditions of running schools, teacher’s allocation and other aspects are significantly better than rural schools, and the gap between schools in all aspects is getting bigger and bigger (Jiang, 2019; Li, 2020; Li et al., 2020; Wu, 2011; Yang & Ma, 2011). Since the middle of 1990s, the process of education democratization and modernization has been further developed, and the right to education is the most basic right. Therefore, the voice of realizing education equity is getting louder and louder. Priority right part focus on the practice of primary and secondary schools has seriously affected the realization of education fairness, although the policy making in China in the short term to build a batch of key middle and primary school, for our country’s social and economic development provides a large number of outstanding talents, but with the continuous development of social economy, the rising of people’s living standard, the deepening education democratization and modernization process, making the disadvantages of the policy and the negative impact of began to emerge, more and more big gap between the compulsory education schools, in order to pursue the best quality of education, people are taking various methods to let the child into a good school, “school choice hot” evolve, It has seriously damaged the realization of educational equity and gradually become the object of criticism from all walks of life. The law on compulsory education, newly revised in 2006, explicitly prohibits key schools and classes. However, the key schools previously supported have accumulated sufficient tangible educational resources such as people, money and materials,


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as well as intangible educational resources such as a good social reputation, financial, material and other tangible educational resources, but also accumulated a good social reputation and other intangible educational resources. Even though the state has abolished the policy of “key schools”, many local governments and educational administrative departments continue to support the development of some key primary and secondary schools under the pretext of setting up “model schools” in order to achieve better educational benefits. At present, the name of key schools and classes no longer exists, but model schools and classes have begun to emerge in large numbers. The investigation found that these model schools, model classes are the former key schools, key classes, the nature has not changed, in order to meet the inspection, just called different, these model schools, model classes still have the best teachers. In DC county, nearly all of the provincial and municipal model schools are located in and around the county, with nearly half of the county’s key teachers. The rise of “model schools” has aggravated the imbalance of the allocation of compulsory education teachers in urban and rural areas. 1. The central and provincial coordination efforts are not enough, and the county-level financial burden is too large to meet the development of rural teachers. First of all, although a three-tier fund sharing mechanism has been established among the central, provincial and county-level governments, the economic development of each county is at different levels, and the financial strength of some county-level governments is relatively weak, which makes it difficult to fully meet the development needs of education. After the reform of tax distribution system, the financial power is gradually handed over, which makes the funds gradually concentrated to the central and provincial governments. The financial power of county-level governments is gradually weakened, but the corresponding administrative power starts to be decentralized, which makes some county-level governments feel powerless to carry out the education work. Now our country compulsory education management system of “mainly on county”, gradually to purse strings, the governance of gradually, make the county obviously inadequate investment in compulsory education development, combined with the state governments at all levels between the finance rights and not make that clear, easy to cause serious imbalance of the local government financial powers and responsibilities and dislocation. Under the current compulsory education management system, county-level governments with less fiscal revenue bear most of the education funds, while the central and provincial governments with more and more concentrated funds only bear a small part of the education funds. Because of the lack of clear regulations, governments at all levels, in the face of this contradiction, generally adopt the attitude of “education is important in speaking, but secondary in doing” to implement the policy, which makes the funds for compulsory education cannot be put into practice and cannot attract outstanding teachers to teach in rural areas, thus hindering the development of rural education. Before the tax reform, besides financial allocation, DC county raised funds by levying education surcharges from villages, collecting tuition and miscellaneous fees, and collecting education funds, which basically met the development needs of education. After the reform of taxes and fees, DC county rural education functions depend on

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the county finance allocates funds, rural school education funding shortage, education investment caused the deficiency of the teaching problems, unable to attract and retain outstanding teachers to teach at village, such as some school teachers should enjoy the housing, health care and other rights and interests cannot be effectively implemented (Jiang, 2019; Li, 2020; Li et al., 2020; Wu, 2011; Yang & Ma, 2011). 2. The chain of operation of the “new mechanism” is too long to ensure the implementation of rural education funds. In order to promote the development of rural education, it is necessary to establish smooth channels of funds allocated, while in our country to establish and implement the “central, provincial, county” tertiary education funding allocation mechanism, but if you want to implement the central, provincial, county between vertical allocated directly is very difficult, for it is difficult to directly from the central to local, increases the funds allocated to the management of the chain. Second, the current lack of government accountability and management mechanism design. The lack of accountability, which makes the governments at all levels under the protection of right of discretion, passive implementation of the policy, therefore, on the education expenditure, generally is the municipal government “, “provincial government pressure,” municipal government at the county level government pressure “, so as to increase the financial pressure at the county level, due to the governance of layer upon layer down, makes the government at the county level in the governance gradually increase and the county finance limited, in a dilemma. “Education is important, to do the secondary” attitude, coupled with education in the hysteresis of the income and the county level in order to ensure the effective operation, do not hesitate to give up the investment in education, transfer and shirk responsibility, to reduce the government at the county level shall bear the proportion of investment, in this case, many parts of the total amount of compulsory education funds investment rather than increase, even falling because truncated and embezzlement. Third, the lack of funds supervision mechanism. Complete effective supervision mechanism is the guarantee of funds to carry out the powerful guarantee, after the construction of the “new”, our country did not use of funds to establish a perfect supervision mechanism, internal supervision, neither education system is also a lack of education system of external supervision, make the compulsory education funds cannot be implemented, cannot satisfy the development of rural education. 3. The existing system of teacher selection and employment is not sound, and the overall quality gap between urban and rural teachers is enlarged. As long as they have the corresponding teacher qualification certificate, they can participate in the open recruitment of teachers in this county. Although this expands the source of teachers, some non-normal college graduates who have the teacher qualification certificate enter the teaching team, which greatly reduces the quality of teachers. Moreover, at present, there is no sound system of teacher retirement. The school implements the employment method of “full collection according to the order, not easy to get in and out”, which makes the excellent teachers unable to get in and the unqualified teachers unable to get out, thus resulting in the low overall quality of the teaching team. The teacher qualification system is not perfect and cannot guarantee the overall quality of the teachers. Teachers’ qualification system is an basic system


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of teacher team construction, by setting up teacher’s professional standards, to be filtered into the teachers staff, it is a state of teachers’ legal professional licensing system, has been clear about the work in the education teaching staff should have the basic requirements, is a professional engaged in education teaching work technology, to select qualified teachers, ensure the quality of teachers as a whole has a profound significance and positive role. The “teachers’ law of the People’s Republic of China” promulgated and implemented in 1993 provided for “the state to implement the teacher qualification system” in the form of law for the first time. Since 2016, China has implemented a regular registration system for primary and secondary school teachers to remove unqualified teachers in a timely manner, so as to ensure the overall quality of the teachers in an all-round way (Jiang, 2019; Li, 2020; Li et al., 2020; Wu, 2011; Yang & Ma, 2011). Although the teacher qualification system is becoming more and more perfect, there are still some problems. First, the standards of teacher qualification are not strict. Based on the investigation of DC county, it is found that due to the shortage of teachers in the compulsory education stage in remote rural areas, under the call of national policies, hundreds of private teachers in DC county have turned into public teachers, most of whom are located in rural areas. Before 2015, the test subjects for obtaining teacher certificates were educational basics and basic skills. The test was very simple, and most people could pass it. In order to change this situation, after 2015, the national unified examination has been implemented, and professional tests have been added. The examination has become more difficult, but the comprehensive quality of teachers is still lacking, which is not conducive to improving the overall quality of compulsory education teachers in backward areas such as rural areas. Second, there are no strict professional requirements for teachers to teach subjects. At present, in the implementation of the regulations on the qualifications for teachers and the measures for the implementation of the teachers’ qualification regulations for primary and secondary school teachers in the teaching of subjects without specific clear demarcation, as long as you have appropriate certificate, teachers can in primary and secondary schools as the corresponding discipline, although many teachers graduated from the normal class can through the teachers’ qualification examinations, the right to obtain corresponding teachers’ qualification certificate, but they didn’t have received some professional training system and the corresponding discipline background, to some extent this is not conducive to raising the overall level of compulsory education teachers. The existing teacher employment system is not sound, and rural schools lack the right to employ people. At present, China’s primary and middle schools to implement the teacher employment system, this new employment mechanism, is a major reform of the teacher personnel system. The “decision of the state council on the reform and development of basic education” promulgated in 2001 clearly pointed out that primary and secondary schools should promote the teacher appointment system, and build a teacher appointment system that “can go out, can go in, can go up and can go down”. Besides, the establishment of primary and middle school teachers can be adjusted timely with the change of school scale, and dynamic management can be implemented. The implementation of this system is aimed at improving the

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instability, low quality and low quality of primary and secondary school teachers, so as to improve the quality of compulsory education. At present, China’s primary and secondary school teacher’s personnel system and employment system is in the deepening stage, there are still many problems. First, the attribution of the teacher’s employment right. Teachers law of the People’s Republic of China clearly points out that schools and teachers sign an employment contract on the basis of mutual willingness and equality and specify the rights and obligations of both parties. It can be seen from this that the employment right of primary and middle school teachers in our country lies in the school, but in fact, the teacher’s employment right lies in the educational administrative department of the school, which makes the school lose the autonomy of employment. Second, the process of teacher employment is not standardized. As an important part of the teacher employment system, the teacher dismissal system refers to the school’s dismissal of some inappropriate teachers. The existence of this system can not only make teachers have a sense of crisis, so as to stimulate the enthusiasm of teachers. It is also conducive to the rational allocation of teachers for compulsory education, so as to improve the quality of education and promote the fairness of education. In DC county’s research found that the county firing system, the lack of perfect teachers basic and become a mere formality, useless, this makes the incompetent and incompetent teachers from the school to flow out, rural schools in particular, to form the “excellent into do not come, where poor” unreasonable phenomenon, seriously hindered the DC county urban and rural compulsory education teachers’ equilibrium configuration (Jiang, 2019; Li, 2020; Li et al., 2020; Wu, 2011; Yang & Ma, 2011). The imperfect teacher withdrawal mechanism seriously hinders the construction of rural teachers. Since 2016, our country began to fully implement regular teachers qualification registration system, one is to strengthen the management of teachers, 2 it is can be unqualified teachers in time, in time to repel and unqualified teachers, thus the overall quality of the compulsory education teachers, and absorb the excellent new teachers in time, maintain the vitality of teachers, promote the sound and rapid development of education, but, according to the survey found that the system didn’t have the corresponding effect. The reasons are as follows: first, there is a lack of specific and detailed relevant system for teachers’ withdrawal, as well as operational policy provisions, which leads to insufficient implementation of the policy. Departments at all levels just shelve the system for inspection instead of putting it into practice. Teachers’ firing system imperfect, lack of shall dismiss teachers to have the provisions of the conditions, scope and standards of various firing scheme combined with the related is not clear, and the detailed rules for the implementation and not fully consider the area and the actual needs of teaching jobs, leading to unable to effectively promote the teacher work. As a school with human rights, in the process of dismissing teachers, many schools are not firm in their attitude, which results in some unqualified teachers not being eliminated from the teaching team, which is also a kind of damage to the educational cause. Second, there is no guarantee mechanism for teachers to quit. After the withdrawal of teachers, there is no clear provision on how to protect the legitimate rights and interests of these people. Some schools fail to give teachers a fair evaluation of their contributions to education when


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removing unqualified teachers, which makes it difficult for teachers to find jobs after the withdrawal. In addition, without a flexible and open talent mechanism, the market cannot fully play its regulating role on teachers, making some unqualified teachers unable to exit smoothly. Even if they don’t like teaching, they still stay in the teaching team in consideration of their own interests, which leads to many excellent teachers can’t get in. Take DC county as an example. Although the county has established a teacher withdrawal mechanism, it has not really implemented it. Especially in the countryside, the corresponding mechanism is even less sound. The rural teachers’ salary guarantee system is still not perfect, and the rural teachers’ occupation is not attractive enough. Since the reform and opening up, China’s rural education has been developing continuously. Teachers, as the teaching subject of compulsory education, establish a sound rural teachers’ salary guarantee system is the key to attract teachers to teach and stay in teaching. In recent years, the country has continuously improved the rural teacher pay guarantee system, carried out the performance-based salary reform for compulsory education teachers, and vigorously promoted the treatment of rural teachers. This has played an obvious role in increasing the occupational attraction of rural teachers, but there are still some problems such as imperfect system and insufficient occupational attraction of rural teachers. The salary guarantee system for rural teachers is not perfect, and there is no mechanism to increase the salary of rural teachers. At present, there is a serious shortage of teachers in some rural areas in China, which is not caused by the shortage of human resources for teachers in the society, but by the lack of sufficient vocational attraction in these schools. In recent years, especially since the implementation of the rural teachers’ support plan, the subsidy level of rural teachers has been constantly raised, and their salary and remuneration have been constantly improved. However, the rural teachers’ remuneration has not been lower or higher than that of their urban counterparts, and the gap between the urban and rural teachers’ remuneration still exists. Our country implements “mainly on county” compulsory education management system, the county financial strength is insufficient, the inadequate strength of the provincial plan as a whole, leading to rural teachers’ welfare system is still not perfect, unable to establish the rural teachers’ salaries growth linkage mechanism, a special fund implementation does not reach the designated position, the post allowance in rural school teachers for a long time its subsidies are still inadequate, rural teachers’ income level is still lower than town with the rank of teachers’ salaries income level, rural teachers’ professional attraction is not enough, can’t get a good man can “willing to”, “left”, “stability”, thus did not solve the problem of this kind of school teachers lack, Impedes the further development of the balanced allocation of compulsory education teachers in the county. The performance-based pay system is still not perfect, and subsidies for rural teachers are not fully implemented. Teacher performance appraisal is an important part of school incentive system, aimed at “counselor”, arouse the enthusiasm of teachers’ work, and compulsory education teacher performance salary system reform, to our country rural compulsory education teachers’ wages has obvious improvement, but in the process of actual execution, has made a lot of rural teachers

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complain about. First, the teacher performance appraisal system is not perfect. At present, the assessment of teachers’ performance mainly includes a number of contents, such as teachers’ morality, teaching level and the work of class teachers, etc. Many contents are not easy to be quantified, especially teachers’ morality, which leads to unclear evaluation criteria and weak operability. Taking teaching as an example, the influence of teaching on people is delayed, and its performance is hard to be seen in a short time. Therefore, the main assessment basis can only be the graduation rate and the students’ examination results, which cannot accurately reflect the teachers’ teaching level. Second, the distribution of merit pay is unfair. The current practice of teacher performance salary from teachers as a basic salary, the original took a 70% pay the other 30% as some bonus pay, this part of the salary is determined by the school how to allocate, coupled with the performance appraisal standard is not clear and lack of supervision, led directly to the unfair of performance-related pay on the distribution, even be alienated to wage “power”, was in order to improve the performance of teachers pay salary, actually did not have the corresponding effect. Third, subsidies for rural teachers cannot be implemented. Although the basic salary difference of primary and secondary school teachers is not big in our country, there is a great difference between urban and rural compulsory education teachers in subsidies. Although the policy of our country proposes to set up subsidies for difficult and remote areas and set up subsidies for rural teachers, it does not clearly put forward specific implementation methods of subsidies, which makes the policy impossible to be implemented. According to a rural primary school teacher, we have implemented performance-based pay in our county, but it is difficult to put it in place. So we say that we will subsidize teachers who have been teaching in the countryside for a long time. We have taught in the countryside for 20 years, but we have not really realized it. As a result, the salary income of rural teachers in the county is still lower than that of urban teachers, which is not conducive to attracting outstanding teachers to teach in the countryside, and it does not change the imbalance of teachers in compulsory education in the county (Jiang, 2019; Li, 2020; Li et al., 2020; Wu, 2011; Yang & Ma, 2011).

9.2 The Gap Between Urban and Rural Teacher Training Opportunities In order to adapt to the constant development of education and teaching practice, adequate and reasonable post-service training is an effective way to ensure the quality of education and teaching. With the increasing of the rural teacher training and the increasing of the training opportunities, the overall quality of the rural teachers has been constantly improved. While making achievements, there are still many problems. The reasons are as follows:


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The insufficient funds to meet the needs of improving the overall quality of rural teachers. After solving the problem of the shortage of teachers, it gradually turns to pay attention to the improvement of the quality of teachers. Since the 1990s, China has gradually strengthened on-the-job training for teachers in compulsory education, and gradually increased financial input to set up a special fund for the unified management of education administrative departments at and above the county level, which shall not be misappropriated. Since 2006, China has started to implement the “national training program”, which covers all primary and secondary school teachers. The central government’s increasing input has played a great role in improving the construction of the contingent of teachers of compulsory education, but it still cannot meet the needs of improving the overall quality of the contingent of teachers of compulsory education. The central government’s financial transfer payments are mainly used for the training of backbone teachers in the compulsory education stage, while the opportunities for rural teachers to get training are still limited. DC county as a provincial counties, the county financial ability is weak, can only rely on the central and provincial government funding, unable to bear all the county teachers’ professional training, often only backbone teachers have to participate in training opportunities, but more backbone teachers to teach in urban schools, which leads to the imbalance of urban and rural teachers’ professional development county. “Good training is our school’s turn,” said a rural primary school teacher. “the most we can do is to go to the town. The school starts only once a year. The training content is divorced from the reality of rural education, and it is difficult to meet the actual needs of rural teachers’ education and teaching. Only when it is combined with the education and teaching practice of rural teachers can the expected training effect be achieved. In the survey, it is found that many rural teachers reflect that the current teacher training content simply cannot meet their educational and teaching needs. Investigate its reason, it is a part of the training experts just behind closed doors to academic, there is no research to the countryside, with no understanding of rural teacher training needs, in the process of training, too much attention to the interpretation of the pure theoretical knowledge and teach, after the training, many rural teachers are often confused about, although have the theoretical knowledge, but there is no use to the actual work method, make training effect. In the investigation, this kind of question appears particularly prominent. Two is on the training content, from rural education reality, a lot of training content mainly from the perspective of urban schools and teachers demand, can be accepted by teachers in cities and towns, but it is hard to understand and accept rural teachers, this is not well adapted to rural schools and teachers’ work reality, difficult to meet the needs of the rural teachers’ education teaching. A village school teacher said: “take ‘countries culture plan instance, we listen to experts from the Internet, the expert is good, but we don’t know how to use, you say that finished training have a purpose, and they said the training are mostly from the city of teachers’ teaching practice, our country teachers don’t touch these problems in the process of teaching, we encounter problems, they do not speak again, but have appraisal regulations of the state, must attend the training, but training have a purpose?”.

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The teachers in rural schools are unable to participate in professional training due to their heavy teaching tasks. Taking part in teacher professional training is one of the effective ways to improve the quality of teachers. Compared with urban teachers, the quality of rural teachers is generally lower, so they should take part in teacher professional training. However, the actual situation is quite the opposite. Found in the field research, in the DC county rural primary and secondary schools, many teachers are also more, as a multi-discipline teaching is usually the main teachers are again as an attached to the class, and even some schools lack of teachers, practice the package shifts. The current system of teacher exchange and job rotation is formalistic and fails to reach a balanced effect. Strengthening the communication between urban and rural compulsory education teachers is an important policy measure to promote the balanced development of urban and rural compulsory education in China. Based on the investigation and interviews with teachers in DC county, it is found that the communication among teachers in this county is a mere formality with limited effect. The autonomy of teacher turnover is not strong, and the color of compulsion is strong. Scientific and reasonable system and policy is an important premise and guarantee to promote the balanced development of compulsory education in the county. In the counties with different levels of education development, a good system and policy arrangement is particularly important. The purpose of implementing the exchange and rotation of compulsory education in the county is to balance the teachers between urban and rural areas and between schools, so as to achieve the balanced allocation of teachers in urban and rural compulsory education schools. In order to ensure the smooth implementation of policy, countries will be to teach in the countryside as one of the essential conditions of title assess, the mandatory provisions, on the one hand, to promote the smooth implementation of the teacher exchanges, inspired urban teachers to teach at rural schools, through the exchange of learning, with rural teachers promote rural teacher’s professional level; However, on the other hand, without considering the stakeholders involved in the system and fully respecting the will of interest subjects, the exchange flow is not autonomous, resulting in the strong color of compulsory teacher flow, which makes it difficult to sum up the policies in the implementation process, and many local governments even perform perfunctorily. In the investigation of DC county, it was found that among the teachers participating in the exchange, the proportion of special-grade teachers and backbone teachers was very low. Basically, the teachers who were not strong in teaching ability and were pregnant participated in the exchange. Only under the premise of ensuring their own interests are not affected, each school selects and sends teachers to participate in the communication. Excellent teachers still stay in the urban schools, and the gap of teachers in compulsory education in the county has not been alleviated. The selection standard of teacher turnover is low, and the communication effect is poor. When organizing exchange rotation work in DC county, the school usually chooses the method directly, involving all teachers. However, some teachers said that in order to ensure the normal teaching order of the school, the school usually selects teachers with low teaching quality or insufficient teaching experience to participate in the exchange rotation. Although some teachers sign up voluntarily,


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they usually take into account the need for promotion of professional title. According to the survey, more than 80% of teachers choose to participate in the exchange for the purpose of professional title evaluation, rather than really have the desire to improve rural education. Communicate to towns rural school teachers in this way, many of them are education teaching level is not high, the will is not strong, basic cannot play a guiding role for rural teachers, the survey found that many have come to exchange rotational teacher said of the school year, the teachers play the role of the general, and even messed up normal education teaching. “We hope that the teachers from cities and towns will be academic leaders or backbone teachers who can guide the construction of a contingent of rural teachers, so as to help our school,” said the headmaster of a middle school. But, many urban teachers to communicate, to promotion the title, the country has a regulation, can only to rural communication to come very not adapt to the rural education teaching work, plus teach good bad the same psychological, the basic of our school do not have what help, also dare not to make them, sometimes is also a burden for our school.” The teacher exchange system lacks a comprehensive policy support mechanism. Teacher communication is complex and long-term, and it is not a simple teacher transfer and transformation, involving many issues such as financial subsidies, personnel management, discipline symmetry, etc., which involves a full range of systems such as finance, supervision and assessment, and personnel management. As a village primary school principal said: professional title is the lifeblood of teachers, but now the situation is that as long as teachers exchange to rural schools, the original professional title is no longer there, you have to start from scratch, professional title assessment, you say that how much influence on teacher exchange, who would like to come to our village school exchange? The successful implementation of teacher communication is inseparable from the establishment of relevant policy support mechanisms, and a complete policy support system must be constructed. However, in the actual operation process, due to the lack of the corresponding policy supporting mechanism, resulting in insufficient teacher turnover. For example, in the investigation of DC county, it was found that the county’s teacher assessment and evaluation system for participating in the communication was not perfect, resulting in many problems. The establishment of a scientific and reasonable evaluation system is an important part of the communication management of teachers. It is of great significance to objectively and impartially evaluate the work of teachers who participate in communication to improve the enthusiasm of teachers, guarantee the effect of communication, and encourage more excellent teachers to actively participate in the communication work. In DC county, teachers participate in the communication, personnel management is still in the original unit of the teacher, therefore, to participate in the exchange of rotational teachers still use the original unit of evaluation standard, the problem now, teachers have been flowing to a new school to teach, but teacher evaluation standards with reference to the original unit, still makes teachers’ evaluation and want to be free from the actual work environment, it is not only unable to participate in exchanges of teachers, the evaluation is objective and fair, and daily teacher management of inconvenience to the new school, a lot of to participate in teacher exchanges in line with the “doing good bad alike” psychological, tend to

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cope with the new job, cannot have the effect of communication, Communicating with teachers in compulsory education become a mere formality, a rural principal said: “sometimes did not want to take those to communicate teachers in our school, too complicated to manage, the somebody else is working in our school for a year or two, also dare not to use them, don’t say has helped to our school, also disrupted the daily management of our school.” This makes it impossible to promote the balanced allocation of teachers in compulsory education and hinders the integration of urban and rural education.

9.3 The Pathway of Balanced Allocation of Compulsory Education Teachers The fifth national conference on education and the 19th national congress of the communist party of China (CPC) will be held soon. Efforts will be made to solve the first and last problems in the development of education, thus opening a window for top-level design of education. The central committee of the CPC attaches great importance to the reform and development of education and regards education as the foundation of the national economy and people’s livelihood related to the country’s long-term peace and stability. To build a strong country and enrich its people, we must put educating people first. At present, the problem of “difficult to go to school” has been solved, and the problem of “learning to learn” has come one after another, leading to the prominent problem of “school choice”. The key of “school choice” lies in “teacher selection”. In the report on the work of the government in 2017, it was proposed that we should continue to ensure fair and quality education and promote the fair and balanced development of education. At present, the construction of teachers in compulsory education is faced with such problems as insufficient vitality, imperfect welfare benefits, establishment and professional title, which have seriously affected the realization of the goal of educational equity (Jiang, 2019; Li, 2020; Li et al., 2020; Wu, 2011; Yang & Ma, 2011). Facing these problems, in order to comprehensively improve the level of education development and sharing. The state has issued a series of policy documents, and clearly take the lead in realizing the balance of compulsory education in the county of the important strategic position. As the key and core of the development of compulsory education, the balanced allocation of teachers is an important step for the realization of educational equity. According to the practical survey found problem, the teacher pay, title appraisal, ac rotational, professional training is the key of the county in the urban and rural compulsory teachers equilibrium configuration, specific goal is: one is in the aspect of teachers’ salary, continue to build rural teachers’ salaries treatment guarantee mechanism, and continue to promote rural teachers’ income distribution policy, according to the level of subsidy in the grass-roots, the more difficult areas of the higher principles, ensure that rural teachers of teachers is not lower than the level of wage income, even higher than with rank county town of


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teachers’ wage income level; Second, in terms of professional title evaluation and employment, we will continue to deepen the reform of the professional title system in primary and secondary schools. We will try to basically determine the proportion of the post structure of compulsory education schools in counties within three years, and gradually promote the coordination of the post structure of schools in counties and give them an appropriate tilt to rural areas, so as to basically complete the tasks of the reform of professional titles and titles. Through five years of efforts, we have established a professional title system that is reasonable in setting up, scientific in evaluation, standardized in management, coordinated in operation, and comprehensive in service. Three is working in the teachers’ communication ways, strive to use three to five years to implement the county (district) domain teachers exchange rotational institutionalization, normalization, ensure the realization of policy goal four is in terms of professional training, strive to use three years of effort, implement compulsory education teacher training normalization, expenditure proportion to feet, continue to increase the chances of rural teachers’ participation in training, to build “the cultivation plan” school-based training and effective training system, gradually implement employee training, the training of characterization. In order to reduce the risk of reform, teachers’ balanced development and reform of compulsory education in county new ideas must be through the gradual institutional change, step by step, slowly but surely promote reform, strengthen the efforts in the central and provincial plan as a whole, comprehensive power to the basic implementation of balanced development of compulsory education in 2020, and the full implementation of balanced development of compulsory education in 2030. In order to promote the reform smoothly, specific Suggestions are given as follows in view of the problems existing in the balanced allocation of teachers for compulsory education in the county: First, strengthen the top-level design, improve the teacher legislation, optimize the system environment. A good system design is related to the realization of educational fairness and social justice. In order to promote the balanced development of teachers in compulsory education in the county, the system environment must be optimized first. The foundation and importance of the top-level design of teacher legislation and policy can be extended to build a sound legal and policy support system around 2025. 1. To strengthen the top-level design of the balanced allocation of teachers for compulsory education in the county. At present, our country within the county urban and rural compulsory education teachers’ balanced allocation policy as a whole and leans strength increasing, rural teachers’ professional appeal, the achievements of the at the same time, still want to see our country compulsory education teacher configuration is still a gap is too large, rural teachers quality is not high, the flow of a single, etc. In order to solve this problem, we should strengthen the top-level design and long-term planning of the balanced allocation of compulsory education teachers in the county. First of all, after the introduction of special policies at the national level, special working institutions should be set up according to the policies. In order to ensure the authority and executive power of the institutions, the relevant leaders of the general office of the state council should take the lead directly. On this basis,

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the ministry of education, the ministry of finance, the ministry of human resources and social security and other departments should break down departmental barriers and work together. Establish a sound post system, set up supervisors, in charge of specific affairs, and establish a regular working mechanism, regularly hold meetings, study and solve the most pressing problems in the construction of the current teacher team, and formulate policies for the construction and development of the teacher team. At the same time should be according to the local urban and rural compulsory education teachers’ comprehensive reform to an opportunity to build from “the central, provincial, county,” the integration of the three-level management system, the governments at all levels according to the current situation of the development of urbanization, and the “two children” comprehensive school-age children after let go of the quantity change trend, etc., to develop the urban and rural compulsory education teachers team construction of medium and long-term development plan, standardize the compulsory education in the future development goals, direction and task for the construction of teachers, etc. It is provincial education administrative departments shall be according to the national guidance document, guided around the county area compulsory education teachers configuration of strategic development planning, perfect the top-level design, clear the government at the county level in promoting local development direction of urban and rural compulsory education teachers’ configuration, system and mechanism, and for three years, gradually and orderly promote the balanced development of compulsory education teachers between urban and rural areas within the county. Thirdly, the county-level government should include the promotion of the balanced development of compulsory education teachers in urban and rural areas as an important part of the county’s education work and financial input and take this work as an important assessment index to measure the county’s education work. Strive to use 5 years, built up from central to local multisectoral coordination mechanism, set up one teacher of medium and long-term development planning and the sustainable development of the compulsory education teachers team construction policy system, and guide the direction of the urban and rural compulsory education teachers team construction, for the urban and rural compulsory education in the county teachers’ equilibrium configuration provides a good system environment. 2. Improving the legislation on teachers of compulsory education. In 2016, the outline for the implementation of the administration of education in accordance with the law was issued, marking a new stage of China’s comprehensive administration of education in accordance with the law. Teachers as an important part in the compulsory education system, teachers must establish the perfect legal laws and regulations system, to ensure the smooth progress in compulsory education teachers’ equilibrium configuration, according to its strong binding force and compulsory execution law, can be inside the county for the urban and rural compulsory education teachers’ balanced configuration provides the rule of law guarantee, to ensure that the county in the urban and rural compulsory education teachers equilibrium configuration in the direction of the benign development, to ensure that local teachers’ equilibrium configuration of urban and rural compulsory education. In Japan, in the face of the gap of compulsory education teachers’ big situation, Japanese government enacted the


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remote district education revitalization act and other laws, in the form of legislation to promote compulsory education teachers, especially the balanced development of teachers in remote parts, in under the protection of the law, execute the teacher regular flow system, to the implementation of law, equilibrium configuration ensures that the compulsory education teachers can do it, there are laws to realize the benign development. First, the legal identity of compulsory education teachers should be determined on the basis of publicity. Legal identity is the main body qualifications, the law involves teachers’ rights, obligations and legal responsibility, through the determination of teachers’ legal status, can not only strengthen the supervision and management of teachers, as well as the implementation of compulsory education in our country “county tube school hired” provides the legal basis, clear the unification of the education administrative department of the management of the teachers and the school autonomy of choose and employ persons, promote the urban and rural compulsory education in the county teacher exchanges the rotational smoothly, to accelerate the process of rural teachers team construction, the county within the rational allocation of urban and rural compulsory education teachers. The second is to establish a fair teacher treatment and social security system in the form of law. We will establish a unified system of welfare benefits and social security for compulsory teachers, especially for rural teachers. To ensure that teachers’ salaries are not lower than those of civil servants on the whole, and to implement a social security system consistent with the provisions of the civil service law. Aiming at the rural teachers, a special group, we should continue to increase the efforts to ensure that the salary level of rural teachers is not lower than that of the county teachers of the same rank, and the social security of rural teachers can be directly and vertically solved by the central finance. At present, China has very few special regulations on the balanced allocation of compulsory education teachers from the legal level, and there is no systematic system of teacher laws and regulations, which leads to the lack of legal effectiveness in the management of the allocation of compulsory education teachers in urban and rural areas. Therefore, China should strengthen the teacher legislation, especially the special legislation on the balanced allocation of compulsory education teachers, and comprehensively revise the current laws related to teachers, so as to provide a complete legal guarantee system for promoting the balanced allocation of compulsory education teachers in urban and rural areas within the county (Jiang, 2019; Li, 2020; Li et al., 2020; Wu, 2011; Wu, 2011; Yang & Ma, 2011). No reform can be carried out smoothly without the system of funds, especially for compulsory education. Since the new century, with the completion of the reform of taxes and fees, China has gradually formed a fund guarantee mechanism jointly Shared by the central, provincial and county-level finance departments. With the formation of the “new mechanism” and the substantial increase in educational expenditure, there are still some problems such as unclear financial sharing between the central and local governments. Therefore, we must speed up the improvement of the education funding system and strive to establish a funding guarantee system with clear powers and responsibilities from the central government to local governments and a complete external supervision system by 2020.

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3. Establishing a financial burden structure with clear rights and responsibilities and strengthen the management and supervision of the funds for teachers. At present, the management of funds for compulsory education in China adopts a system of “provincial-level overall planning and county-oriented”, which is consistent with China’s basic national conditions and conforms to the provisions of the law on compulsory education, as well as the balanced development of compulsory education in the county. But the “new” still present a lot of problems in the operation process, make the compulsory education financial gradually turned over to the tax and fee reform, but the governance gradually down, causing the increasing local government powers, but gradually reduce revenue, and the contradiction between the governance and fiscal, lead to growing part of the local governments cannot afford compulsory education financial investment, cause local urban and rural compulsory education teacher equilibrium configuration process is slow and fraught with problems. Therefore, first, strengthen the efforts in the central and provincial government as a whole, increase the education transfer payment of central and provincial government fiscal investment, perfect compulsory education funds allocated to the process, to set up the education budget accounting center, guarantee the education funds would be able to reach the government at the county level, gradually improve the financial difficulties, the county government to county within the balanced development of compulsory education teachers. Second, we must continue to improve “mainly on county” management system, in the face of the governance, not taking the reality of the financing problems, measures should be taken to truly unified finance rights and the government at the county level, the government at the county level in promoting the development of compulsory education in the teachers in the process of the equilibrium configuration can be centralized and unified, shoulder important task to promote teachers’ equilibrium configuration of compulsory education in the county. Third, we should strengthen the fund management and supervision system, establish a government accountability and management mechanism, reduce the intermediate links in the allocation of funds, and make good use of the education fund accounting center. Moreover, we should improve the system of disclosure of the use of funds, ensure the openness and transparency of the use of funds for compulsory education, set up third-party institutions, strengthen the supervision over the use of funds for compulsory education, and promote the smooth realization of the balanced allocation of teachers for compulsory education in counties. We strengthened coordination between the central government and the provincial level to establish a mechanism for guaranteeing salaries and benefits for rural teachers. At present, there is a serious shortage of teachers in some rural areas in China, which is not caused by the shortage of human resources for teachers in the society, but by the lack of sufficient vocational attraction in these schools. Therefore, first of all, to strengthen the central and provincial financial coordination efforts. Considering the various counties have different level of economic development, in the perfect “mainly on county” of financial security system at the same time, teachers’ salaries should be brought into the central and provincial government fiscal system, strengthening teachers’ salaries in the central and provincial government investment management, to ensure that the teachers’ overall improve the level of wages, increase


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the teachers’ professional appeal, attract and retain outstanding teachers, teachers, improve the overall level of teachers. The second is to adjust the teacher performance pay system, making it clear that the teacher’s performance pay is to allocate the additional incremental part, rather than the existing stock, so as to increase the teacher’s career sense of gain and satisfaction. At the same time, specific measures for the management of performance-based pay should be formulated to regulate the behavior of various schools in the formulation of performance plans, so as to reduce teachers’ dissatisfaction with the performance-based pay system. This requires the central and provincial governments to strengthen overall planning, constantly reduce the gap between regional and provincial teachers’ income and stabilize the teaching team. Third, we will vigorously raise the salaries of rural schoolteachers and establish a mechanism to increase their salaries. On the basis of teachers constantly improve the level of income, income distribution policy, we will continue to improve the teachers set up special funds, we will continue to increase subsidies for rural teachers, improve the post allowance in rural school teachers for a long time allowance, rural teachers’ wage income level is not lower than even significantly higher than the town with the rank of teachers’ salaries income level, increasing rural teachers’ professional appeal, let a good man can “go”, “left”, “stable”, so as to solve the problem of this kind of school teachers lack, promote local equilibrium configuration to the further development of the compulsory education teachers (Jiang, 2019; Li, 2020; Li et al., 2020; Wu, 2011; Yang & Ma, 2011). Establishing a mechanism to guarantee the funds for teacher training in rural compulsory education. Strengthening the professional training of teachers of compulsory education is an effective way to realize the balanced development of teachers’ quality. At present, China has initially established a long-term investment guarantee mechanism for county-level teacher training institutions. In the future, we should continue to improve the three-level financial investment mechanism from the “central - provincial - county” integration, in order to ensure that the training funds can be implemented, and effectively improve the professional quality of rural teachers. First of all, we should formulate special management methods of teacher training funds. The measures should clarify the scope, management and supervision system of the funds, and set up a special fund, making it clear that the funds should only be used for the training of rural teachers, restricting the behavior of governments at all levels and educational administrative departments in the use of funds, and timely determining and publicizing the allocation and use plans of training funds. The second is in “the cultivation plan” project funds, according to the required number of rural teacher training, study and formulate appropriate proportion of fixed funds, directly allocated to the county level teacher training institutions, independent teacher training institutions at the county level shall, in accordance with management measures for rural teacher training, to support the organization, management, training, service, and guide the rural teacher training. Third, teachers must strictly implement the relevant provisions on training funds in the “teacher law”, ensure that teachers ensure that 3% of teachers’ salaries and 10% of public education funds are used for teacher training, and conduct timely supervision according to the management measures to ensure that funds are implemented in place. At the same time, we should raise the

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proportion of funds for teacher training in the central transfer payment. Considering the actual situation of rural teachers, we should determine the use of funds and the proportion of funds for teacher training, continue to give an appropriate tilt to rural areas, and increase the opportunities for rural teachers to get training, so as to improve the professional level of the construction of rural teachers. Fourth, we will establish and improve the system of budgeting, final accounts, auditing and supervision of teacher training funds, appropriately introduce third-party institutions, strengthen the management and supervision of training funds, and ensure that training funds are fully implemented. We will combine multiple effects and strive to establish a sound funding guarantee mechanism for teachers of compulsory education in 3–5 years. Continuing to deepen the reform of the teacher management system and narrow the gap between urban and rural compulsory education teachers at the county level. With the increasing investment of funds, the increasing salary of rural teachers and the increasing occupational attraction, the reform of teacher management system can be comprehensively deepened. Our country executes “mainly on county” management system of compulsory education, but in the process of execution, the county government level is too low, the provincial government as a whole, teachers team construction of policy can perform adequately, the desired goal, therefore, to continue to improve the management system of compulsory education teachers, take various measures to promote the balanced development of compulsory education teachers in the county, considering the complexity of teacher management system, for the 2025 basic establish a flexible mechanism, multi-sectoral coordination management system, to build up the management system of comprehensive, balanced and in 2030. Improving the mechanism for replenishing and withdrawing teachers from compulsory education and solving the shortage of teachers in rural primary and secondary schools. The ideal teacher turnover should be completely regulated by the market, giving teachers and schools full choice. However, the perfect market regulation can easily lead to the one-way flow of excellent teachers and widen the gap of teachers. The first is to strengthen the government’s administrative intervention and establish the concept of dynamic management of teachers. The government shall uniformly organize the movement of teachers within the region, formulate educational policies, and guide excellent and backbone teachers in cities and towns to teach in rural schools on a regular basis. At the same time, we will send outstanding teachers from rural areas to schools in cities and towns for communication and train the academic leaders of rural primary and secondary schools in practice. Through this two-way flow and communication, the teaching level and quality of rural schools can be improved, and a number of high-quality teachers can be built in rural schools, so that rural children can also receive high-quality education, and the realization of educational equity can be promoted. The second is to standardize the employment autonomy of the school and promote the effective exchange and rotation of teachers. At present, the personnel relationship of primary and secondary school teachers is supervised by the county education administration department, but the schools control the allocation power of teacher turnover. In order to maintain their own interests, some schools will involve those teachers with weak teaching ability and


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low quality in teacher communication, which seriously affects the realization of the communication goal of teachers. So the county education administrative department should fully grasp the power of the personnel management of teachers, establish multi-sectoral linkage mechanism, establish a teacher management service center, professional is responsible for the local management of teachers, and to investigate teachers’ situation in the county, in does not affect the town under the condition of the school normal education teaching work, timely supplementary village school really need a teacher. Third, in the allocation of teachers, give priority to the allocation of rural schools. At present, the rural school widespread problems “that exceed, actual vacancy”, as a result, education administrative departments at the county level in the recruitment and deployment of teachers, should fully understand the status of the rural school teachers, shortage of priority allocation of rural school discipline, solve the problem of rural teachers’ structural vacancy, the optimization of rural teachers, to promote the balanced development of urban and rural compulsory education teachers in the county (Jiang, 2019; Li, 2020; Li et al., 2020; Wu, 2011; Wu, 2011; Yang & Ma, 2011). Improve the access and withdrawal mechanism for teachers in the compulsory education stage, pay attention to the initial allocation of teacher resources, and ensure the overall quality of rural primary and secondary school teachers. The quality of teachers directly determines the quality of the development of compulsory education, and the establishment of a sound teacher qualification access and exit mechanism is an important link to ensure the quality of teachers in compulsory education. First, we will improve the teacher access system. At present, China’s teacher qualification system is constantly reformed, and the teacher qualification examination is uniformly organized by the state. On the basis of the original education theory, subject content examination is added to increase the difficulty of teacher qualification examination, so as to ensure the Scientifics’s and rationality of teacher selection to a great extent. In the future, teachers and principals of the school will evaluate the students who have passed the exam. Finally, teachers can comprehensively evaluate whether they are qualified or not in combination with the professional interview. After the examination, they can obtain the teacher qualification certificate. The second is to establish a teacher withdrawal mechanism. At present, teachers belong to the career system, once acquired, is the tenure system, which is not conducive to mobilize the enthusiasm of teachers. Therefore, we must break the “iron rice bowl” of teachers, formulate detailed methods of teacher assessment and teacher withdrawal management, implement the five-yearly assessment, combined with the work performance during the teaching period, teacher ethics and other comprehensive assessment of teachers, assessment unqualified, timely withdrawal, in order to ensure the rational flow of teachers. The third is to pay attention to the initial allocation of teacher resources. Once acquire the qualification of teachers into teachers, education administrative departments at the county level should according to the actual situation of urban and rural teachers, unify the new assigned to each primary and secondary school teachers, shortage of rural primary and secondary school teachers preferred configuration, so as to ensure the quality of rural primary and secondary

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school teachers, to promote the county of the teachers of compulsory education in equilibrium configuration. Expand and improve the free education for normal university students, the special post plan and the policy of supporting education for college students and replenish excellent teachers for rural primary and secondary schools. Facing the shortage of excellent teachers in rural schools, we should draw lessons from foreign excellent experience and supplement excellent teachers in rural schools through various channels. First, we will continue to expand the free education policy for normal university students. In order to promote the healthy and sustainable development of compulsory education, the state council decided in 2007 to implement free education for normal students in six normal universities directly under the ministry of education. After nine years of practice, this educational policy has achieved remarkable results, training a large number of high-quality teachers who are willing to take root at the grassroots level. In the future, we will further expand the free education for normal university students, extend the original six colleges and universities directly under the ministry of education to provincial and local normal colleges and universities, and increase the number of free normal university students training colleges and universities, so as to train more high-quality teachers and enrich the ranks of rural primary and secondary school teachers. Second, we will continue to improve the special post plan and the policy of supporting education for college students. Second, we will continue to improve the special post plan and the policy of supporting education for college students. By recruiting university graduates and through strict selection and examination, they guarantee the professional quality and overall quality of teachers from the educational level, which greatly improves the overall quality of teachers in rural areas. In the future, in order to “teach for America” program, on the basis of good experience, to take root at the grass-roots level of college students to provide more preferential policy and economic subsidies, exploration and integration way of free normal education policy, set up specialized agencies, is responsible for the work plan and systematic management of college students volunteer themselves, according to the actual needs of rural teachers, to implement dynamic management, powerful complement rural primary and secondary school teachers, alleviate shortage of rural teachers, the quality is not high and the gap between urban and rural teachers great condition, promote the compulsory education in the county teachers’ equilibrium configuration. Deepen personnel reform in the field of compulsory education and allocate teachers’ resources rationally. The implementation of the teacher appointment system conforms to the law of education development. In order to ensure the vitality and quality of the teachers, the system should be designed to make the truly excellent teachers stay and the unqualified teachers withdraw in time. First, the relevant departments of the state should issue as soon as possible the “implementation rules of the employment system for teachers and staff”, clarify the quality procedures, norms, methods of renewal and dismissal of teachers of compulsory education, and clearly define the rights and obligations of administrative departments of education, schools and teachers. The employment system is the basis of the personnel management system of teachers. Based on the experience of the reform of the personnel


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department, we will try to form a relatively perfect system of teacher employment in three years, laying a solid foundation for the reform of the personnel management system of compulsory education teachers. Second, the school should, in accordance with the national policies and regulations, and the actual teaching situation of the school, formulate specific management measures for the employment of teachers at the school level, so as to give effect to the school’s autonomy in employment, so that the school can timely supply teachers who are really in short supply. Especially for rural schools, the establishment of the teacher employment system, and combining with the state support to rural education, can attract more excellent teachers in rural teachers, to establish “can into the” teachers’ management system, in order to ensure rural teachers team construction, county within the rational allocation of urban and rural compulsory education teachers (Jiang, 2019; Li, 2020; Li et al., 2020; Wu, 2011; Yang & Ma, 2011). Scientific accounting of the total amount and types of establishment of rural schools to provide space for the supplement and structural optimization of rural teachers. Teacher staffing is the core factor of teacher resource allocation and the biggest resistance to the flow of teachers. Facing the policy background of “only reducing but not increasing” the total teacher establishment and the practical problem of “overstaffing and lack of structure” of teachers in rural schools, it is urgent to reform the teacher establishment. First, the scientific calculation of the total number and types of rural teachers. Local education administrative departments, together with other relevant department to form resultant force, science for approval within this county urban and rural compulsory education teachers of the school, especially rural schools prepare the amount and type of staffing, when determining a region BianZhiShu teachers, should be in accordance with the “bottom-up” generation logic, namely regional total amount should be required for each school establishment quantity to add up, to solve the problem of rural schools “exceed short of people”. At the school level, the method of “basic compilation + flexible compilation” should be implemented, and the standard of teacher compilation should be established according to the basic parameters of student size, curriculum setting and class number, and the basic compilation should be scientifically verified. In order to ensure that every village teacher can have enough training time, according to the rotation training cycle and rotation training time reasonable set flexible compilation, in order to ensure that the village primary and secondary school teachers enough. Specific to a specific rural school, but also according to the number of subjects required by the compilation, the establishment of each subject gap, optimize the structure of rural teachers. Second, the establishment of dynamic management to break the rigid situation of teacher staffing. The teachers management relies mainly on the administrative mechanism, prone to prepare rigid management features, so you can explore the way of preparation of innovation, such as in the county government level to establish the teacher preparing bank, compiled all teachers should be brought into the unified management, this system is to use the knowledge of economics to adjust the vacancy area and exceed the teachers balanced, under the operation of the new system, allow the establishment of free trade. Considering the actual situation of rural education, the government can purchase teacher staffing for the village schools

9.3 The Pathway of Balanced Allocation of Compulsory Education Teachers


that are short of teachers, which can not only ensure the full use of teacher staffing resources and effectively supplement the teachers who are short of teachers in rural areas, but also realize the dynamic management of teacher staffing (Jiang, 2019; Li, 2020; Li et al., 2020; Wu, 2011; Yang & Ma, 2011). Continue to improve the evaluation and employment system for professional titles in compulsory education and narrow the gap between urban and rural areas. The title of teachers is one of the important indexes to measure the professional quality of the construction of the teaching staff and to evaluate the professional level of teachers. Moreover, in the practice of education, teachers’ professional titles are related to their salaries and development opportunities. Therefore, one is the establishment of compulsory education teacher primary, intermediate and senior title proportion, countries should according to the actual situation of primary and secondary schools, and with reference to the teachers’ age, education, etc., to measure and to set up independent of the primary and secondary school teachers title structure proportion, to generate the gradient structure, and according to the number of teachers change, dynamic management, for every ten years and the proportion of primary and secondary school teachers title structure adjustments. 2 it is to implement the national title evaluation policy, speed up the study to determine the county unity within a certain county compulsory education schools post structure proportion and unified title structure of the scale of urban and rural compulsory education, and gradually promote the classmates county within the period of school position structure to coordinate and tilt, appropriate to the rural primary and secondary schools to narrow the gap in urban and rural professional title structure, guarantee rural primary and secondary school teachers title promotion channels. Third, continue to reduce the rural primary and secondary school teachers professional title evaluation and employment difficulty, considering the actual situation of rural primary and secondary school teachers, weaken the rigid requirements on foreign language and paper, pay attention to the teaching methods; Fourth, the proportion of senior professional titles of rural primary and secondary school teachers should be effectively raised to ensure that the proportion of senior professional titles of rural primary and secondary school teachers should not be lower than that of urban teachers of students. Considering the particularity of rural primary and secondary school teachers, especially village primary and secondary school teachers, we set up a separate evaluation for rural primary and secondary school teachers, determine the number of senior titles in advance, and send them to the school, so as to increase the occupational attraction of rural teachers. County in urban and rural compulsory education teaching reform is complex, need more departments together, so we must adopted the policy of gradual reform path, by stages within the county teachers’ configuration of urban and rural compulsory education to revise and adjust the related policy, to win in 2020, the county urban and rural compulsory education in teachers equilibrium configuration of basic implementation, in 2030 the county within the urban and rural compulsory education teachers equilibrium configuration of basic implementation, and further realize the balanced development of compulsory education and the smooth realization of the education fair.


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Therefore, narrowing the gap and promoting harmony have become the themes of The Times. In the field of education, the public nature of compulsory education requires that the balanced development of education be placed in a prominent position. The balanced development of compulsory education belongs to the allocation of compulsory education resources fundamentally, and teachers, as the most important educational resources, are directly related to the smooth realization of the balance of compulsory education. Facing the regional, urban–rural and inter-school gaps in the balanced development of teachers in compulsory education, the state has introduced a series of policies and regulations to take the lead in realizing the balanced development of teachers in compulsory education in counties, so as to realize the path of balanced development of teachers in a wider range. Therefore, as an important part of the balanced development of compulsory education, the balanced allocation of compulsory education teachers in urban and rural areas is not only the focus but also the difficulty of the work, which is an arduous and complex subject. This study mainly studies the balanced allocation of compulsory education teachers in urban and rural areas within the county. Starting from literature review, it analyzes the theoretical framework of the balanced allocation of compulsory education teachers in urban and rural areas within the county and constructs the policy roadmap of the balanced allocation of compulsory education teachers in urban and rural areas within the county.

9.4 Main Conclusions The realization of the balanced allocation of compulsory education teachers in urban and rural areas within the county region needs to take the road of gradual reform. The realization of the urban and rural compulsory education teachers’ configuration in the county is a systematic and complex work, involves the education administrative departments, schools, teachers, students, parents, and other stakeholders, so the county in the new ideas and the balanced development of compulsory education teachers must through the gradual institutional change, the reform step by step, slowly but surely, starting from the objective reality, scientifically to adjust, and keep in a certain period of relative stability and flexibility. The realization of the balanced allocation of compulsory education teachers in urban and rural areas needs the coordinated promotion of multiple departments. The balanced allocation of compulsory education teachers in urban and rural areas is a systematic project. The balanced allocation of teachers involves multiple departments such as the ministry of education, the ministry of finance, the ministry of human resources and social security, etc. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a coordination mechanism among all departments and make overall arrangements for multi-layer and cross-sector coordination, so as to jointly realize the goal of balanced allocation of compulsory education teachers in urban and rural areas within the county.

9.4 Main Conclusions


The realization of the balanced allocation of compulsory education teachers in urban and rural areas within the county region needs to take into account the relationship between various factors. Teachers equilibrium configuration involves various aspects, including finance, personnel management, communicating with teachers in title assess, job rotation, the lack of any elements can achieve the allround development of urban and rural compulsory education teachers’ balance in the county, as a result, in promoting the county urban and rural compulsory education teachers equilibrium configuration, to unified planning, the relationship between all the elements from the teachers’ most concern, the most urgent problem of basic elements, to determine the priority order, clarify the relationship between the elements, overall consideration of urban and rural compulsory education teachers’ balanced development in the county. The balanced allocation of compulsory education teachers in urban and rural areas is a complex task. Due to the limitations of research proposition, paper length and research time, there are still some factors that cannot be included in this study. The author’s research on the balanced allocation of compulsory education teachers in urban and rural areas is not deep enough, and it still needs to be studied continuously, deeply and systematically. Expanding the research object and focus on the research content. Based on the research samples, the investigation can be further extended to a larger scope, not limited to a specific county (district), so as to improve the general applicability of the research conclusions. In terms of the research content, the content of the balanced allocation of compulsory education teachers in urban and rural areas can be further refined, and a systematic study can be conducted focusing on the aspects of salary, professional title and staffing. This not only helps to provide effective guidance for the balanced allocation of compulsory education teachers in urban and rural areas, but also helps to establish an integrated policy system for the allocation of compulsory education teachers, so as to ensure the validity of the research conclusions. Carrying out supporting studies on the balanced allocation of compulsory education teachers in urban and rural areas within the county. County is mainly studied in urban and rural compulsory education teachers’ balanced configuration research, although teachers as an important education resources, but still need to strengthen the education resource of finance, the standardization of school construction and others, all aspects of the education resources have influence on each other, only strengthen the other aspects of form a complete set of research, to the county within the faculty research systematic equilibrium configuration (Jiang, 2019; Li, 2020; Li et al., 2020; Wu, 2011; Yang & Ma, 2011).

References Jiang, P. (2019). Equity analysis of the balanced development of compulsory education from the perspective of planning outline. Education Theory and Practice, 11(6), 24–27 Li, J. (2020). Compulsory educational policies in rural China since 1978: A macro perspective. Beijing International Review of Education, 2(1), 159–164


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Li, J., Yongzhi, Z., Eryong, X., & Zhou, N. (2020). Faculty ethics in China: From a historical perspective. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 52(2), 126–136 Wu, Y. B. (2011). Optimizing teacher allocation in economic development county and promoting educational equity—A case study of teacher allocation in minhou county, fujian province. Fujian Forum (humanities and social sciences edition), 11(2), 15–17. Yang, T., & Ma, Y. H. (2011). Government responsibility in the balanced allocation of teachers in compulsory education at county level. Chinese Journal of Education, 2011(3), 13–15

Part IV

The Implementation Effect Evaluation of the Free/Public Normal University Student Policy in China

Chapter 10

The Implementation Effect Evaluation of the Free/public Normal University Student Policy in China: Studies and Policies

This chapter concentrates on the studies and policies of the implementation effect evaluation of the free/public normal university student policy in China. Research on the implementation of free normal university student policy, evaluation of free normal university student policy, and research review free normal university student policy have been examined in this study.

10.1 Research on the Implementation of Free Normal University Student Policy The research on the policy of free normal university students in enrollment. Since 2007, there have been 20 special studies on the enrollment of free normal university students, accounting for 2.10%. About the free normal university student enrollment, the main research methods are questionnaire survey and interview, the main research direction is high school students, teachers on the understanding of the policy, entry motivation and enrollment. Through the analysis of the research content, it can be seen that the main problems in the policy of free normal university student enrollment are students and teachers do not fully understand the policy of free normal university student, and the policy publicity is not in place. It is easy to confuse “ambitious” and “excellent” in admission. Students are motivated by economics and employment rather than love of teaching. In addition, the current enrollment quota of free normal university students is distributed horizontally by the ministry of education, and the quota is assigned to the provincial education authorities. In some provinces, the number of free normal university students is too large for the general enrollment quota, so students must choose free normal university students to go to the ideal university. Students choose free normal university students passively rather than voluntarily, which has laid a hidden danger for their default in employment. Research on high school students and high school teachers’ understanding of the free normal university student policy. Since 2007 since the implementation of © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021 E. Xue and J. Li, Teacher Education Policy in China, Exploring Education Policy in a Globalized World: Concepts, Contexts, and Practices, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-2366-0_10



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free normal policy, cause the attention of theory and practice of education workers, but their research focuses on the feasibility of the theory of free normal policy, equity, free normal learning, training, employment, the research object is mainly concentrated in the free normal that free normal or have graduated from school, the high three students and high school teachers to understand policy research is less. In the research literature of the last 10 years, only 3 articles focus on the students and teachers in senior high school. The research methods are mainly questionnaire survey and interview. The research content focuses on the high school teachers and students’ understanding of the free normal university student policy and their intention to register, as well as their expectations of the policy. Research on the policy of free normal university students in enrollment. Since 2007, there have been relatively few literatures devoted to the study of the admission of free normal university students, with a total of 9 articles in the past 7 years, accounting for 0.60% of the total literatures. The research method is mainly the method of investigation research and policy text analysis. The special research on the admission of free normal university students mainly focuses on the period from 2007 to 2009, which is basically the research on the admission of the first free normal university students. As an entry point for the implementation of the policy of free normal university students, enrollment is often involved in the research on the formulation and evaluation of the policy of free normal university students. In addition, many scholars have questioned some provisions of the enrollment policy and published relevant Suggestions on its improvement. The research content mainly has two parts, one is the admission situation of free normal university students, that is, the admission score line of free normal university students and the quality of students, the other is the Suggestions to improve the policy of free normal university students. Through reading the literature, the admission score of free normal university students is basically higher than the provinces a line of 30 points, the source of good students. The quality and gender ratio of the enrollment of free normal university students in six normal universities in 2007, and the positive impact of the results. Many scholars also put forward Suggestions for the improvement of the enrollment policy. Research on the motivation of free normal university students to register. Since 2007, a total of 8 literatures have been devoted to the study of the motivation of free normal university students to register for the examination. The main research methods are questionnaire survey and interview. The motivation of free normal university students to register for the examination mainly includes economic factors, employment factors, career ideal factors, teachers’ economic and social status, college entrance examination results, family factors, etc. They also analyzed the possible impact of different motivations on the free normal university student policy and put forward corresponding suggestions (Cui, 2012, 2014; Gao, 2012; Wang, 2012; Zhao, 2012, 2019). Research on the cultivation of free normal university students. There are 98 studies on the cultivation of free normal university students, accounting for 12.70%. Since 2007, the number of studies on free normal university students has been roughly parabolic, reaching its peak in 2012. The research on the training of free normal university students mainly includes the research on the training modes of 6 normal

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universities, the research on the comparison of the training modes of 6 normal universities, and the research on the problems encountered in the training modes of free normal university students. Through the analysis of the literature content, it can be seen that the six normal universities have developed their own training models. The problems in the policy training of free normal university students mainly include the deviation in the understanding of the educational objectives, the low satisfaction with the curriculum setting, the backward teaching methods, the insufficient diversification of students’ participation in extra-curricular activities, and the imperfect quality management of innovative talents. The relationship among the three dimensions and the basic characteristics of the free normal university student training program are further analyzed. The training programs for free normal university students in six normal colleges and universities are analyzed and investigated from three dimensions: training objectives, curriculum and training modes. Aiming at the problems existing in the design of free normal university student training program, this paper tries to position the training goal and highlight the characteristics of agriculture. Adjust the curriculum proportion and integrate the curriculum content; Suggestions are put forward from three aspects: establishing a new training mode and upgrading the training level, so as to improve the training program for free normal university students in relevant normal colleges and universities, highlight the characteristics of normal education and highlight the advantages of teacher education. Research on the free normal university student policy in terms of study. There were 127 studies on free normal university students, accounting for 13.32%. Since 2007, the number of studies on free normal university students has been in a parabolic shape, reaching its peak in 2011. The author believes that this is because the first free normal university students completed their studies in 2011, which provided a guarantee for researchers to compare their four years of study in various aspects, and the number of studies increased. There are two main research directions on the study of free normal university students. One is the study of free normal university students, including the current situation of learning, factors affecting the study of free normal university students, learning adaptability and the comparison with the study of non-free normal university students. The other is the practice of free normal university students. Through the analysis of literature research, it can be seen that the current policy stipulates that free normal university students should be engaged in primary and middle school education for more than 10 years after graduation, and they should teach in rural compulsory education schools for at least two years. The non-selectivity of free normal university students’ future career results in their lack of enthusiasm for learning. The lack of elimination mechanism in the free normal university student training is also one of the main reasons for the lack of motivation. After graduation, I joined the editorial staff. According to the survey, the results of free normal university students in the college entrance examination are equivalent to that of ordinary normal university students. However, after four years of university life, the quality of free normal university students is generally lower than that of local teachers who are openly recruited and selected at various levels. The results show that there is a significant positive correlation between independent learning and academic performance. In addition to political status, demographic variables such as gender


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and major have no significant predictive effect on autonomous learning. Learning goal orientation, verification goal orientation and avoidance goal orientation have significant predictive effects on autonomous learning. Independent learning plays a completely mediating role in the process of the influence of academic goal orientation on academic performance (Cui, 2012, 2014; Gao, 2012; Wang, 2012; Zhao, 2012, 2019). The free normal university students, as a new group, have some problems in the cultivation of their practical ability, such as the unreasonable curriculum setting, the lack of integration of the training program, and the imperfect evaluation system, which lead to the weakness of the free normal university students’ teaching skills and the difficulty in adapting to the actual teaching work in a short time after taking the post. Free normal environment construction should be free of developing practice ability of students as the center, in order to improve the free normal practice ability as the main line, through the environment of developing practice ability of curriculum system, security system and the construction of management system and so on three system, build the free normal practice ability training environment, to ensure the free normal practice ability will increase steadily. It was the basic requirement of the free normal university students’ education policy to enhance and strengthen their educational practice ability. At present, the free normal education practice guidance teachers’ role is role anomie, role at random, fuzzy role expectation and other three erroneous zone, the main reason with lack of normative teacher education policy and the overall linkage, teacher education lack of theory and practice research of keeping pace with The Times, the practice base in cooperation with colleges and universities lack of voice. Therefore, administrative departments should strengthen policy linkage and promote cooperation at different levels. Normal universities and base schools can strengthen the theoretical construction and promote the equal communication between the two sides. Teachers themselves should play the main role to achieve independent professional development. We analyzed the composition of free normal university students’ educational practice teachers and advocated the “double tutorial system”. According to the classification of the units in which the instructors belong, they are divided into intramural tutors and extramural tutors. According to the responsibilities of teachers, they are divided into practice teachers and practice teachers. Moreover, it requires the ability of free normal university students to instruct teachers in educational practice. Research on the employment of the free normal university student policy. There are a large number of studies on the free post-vocational continuing education of normal university students, with a total of 217, accounting for 22.77%. Since 2011, the literature on employment has increased sharply. On May 28, 2010, the implementation measures for the employment of free normal university graduates from normal universities directly under the ministry of education was promulgated, which further standardized the employment of free normal university students and provided policy basis and support for the further study and employment of free normal university graduates. The main points of the policy of the implementation measures for the employment of free normal university graduates of normal universities directly under the ministry of education can be summarized in 6 sentences and

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24 words as follows: “to fulfill the responsibility, to fulfill the establishment, to fulfill the post, to serve the countryside, to manage the performance of the contract, and to strengthen the supervision”. By July 2014, four free normal university students had been employed. The studies on the employment of free normal university students mainly focus on the first three sessions, especially the first free normal university students’ employment has attracted extensive attention and research from domestic scholars. The research content mainly includes the implementation of free normal university students’ employment and the influencing factors, the problems encountered in the free normal university students’ employment policy and the improvement measures. Through the analysis of literature research, it can be seen that the employment problems of the free normal university student policy mainly include the free normal university student’s package allocation policy, which makes those who do not have the basic teaching quality step onto the teacher’s post, resulting in the phenomenon of being qualified and unqualified. This, to some extent, affects the effect and level of education and teaching, and is also detrimental to the career development of teachers. The single emphasis on the free qualification of normal university students and the neglect of the specialty counterparts lead to the crossspecialty teaching of on-post teachers. The difference of majors greatly affects the quality of teaching and the learning effect of students. The employment status of free normal university students in central China normal university is analyzed. The data were analyzed quantitatively through questionnaire survey. The employment rate reached 100%, and the satisfaction level of the policy was about 60%. We took east China normal university as an example to investigate and understand how satisfied free normal university students were with the training system, the employment process and the signing results. The results show that the free normal university students are satisfied with the overall training system. The satisfaction of the free normal university student policy of the ministry of education and the school employment work was significantly higher than that of the provincial policies and measures. Among them, the type of employment city, the nature of the unit, the type of the unit and the specific situation of the unit all have a related impact on the employment satisfaction (Cui, 2012, 2014; Gao, 2012; Wang, 2012; Zhao, 2012, 2019). We also analyzed the employment status, employment location, employment units, employment channels and employment satisfaction of free normal graduates, and analyzed the national policy factors, government and administrative department factors, university factors and individual factors affecting their employment. We compared the employment of free normal university students with that of non-free normal university students in the form of questionnaire survey and sample interview and found that the employment situation of free normal university students was more optimistic than that of non-free normal university students. However, in terms of choosing a career, free normal university students are limited by geographical factors, while non-free normal university students have more extensive choices. On the other hand, the difference in local policy design leads to the lack of fairness in policy. The following countermeasures are put forward: reasonably design the entry and exit mechanism; Adjusting the length of service of students; Guide students to


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obtain employment in various fields; Expanding the scope of policy benefits; Ensure the consistency of policy implementation. Research on free post-vocational continuing education for normal university students. There are only 2.41% of the 23 studies on free post-vocational continuing education in normal universities. As can be seen from Fig. 7, since 2011, the number of literatures on post-professional continuing education has increased. Mainly because of free normal graduation, the first since 2011 in May 2010, the Ministry of Education issued regulations, free normal work in primary and secondary schools after graduation for a full semester can apply to study for a master of inservice education, all can apply for an exemption for in-service professional master degree of education, the teaching school inspection qualified, subordinates normal university work according to the assessment results, admission to the undergraduate academic performance and comprehensive performance evaluation. Before the free normal university student graduates and in the service, period stipulated in the agreement, generally cannot enter oneself for an examination off-job graduate student. The free normal university student studies the education master’s degree to adopt the on-the-job study way, the fixed number of years is general 2–3 years, implements the credit system. Course learning is mainly carried out through distance education and face-to-face teaching in winter and summer vacations. In September 2012, the first free normal university students officially enrolled in the Master of Education program, and their post-employment continuing education has attracted researchers’ attention. The main content of the study includes the training model of free normal university students studying for the master’s degree in education on the job.

10.2 Evaluation of Free Normal University Student Policy The study on free teacher policy texts was the largest among all studies, with 429 articles, accounting for 45.01%. The research method is mainly text analysis. Some of the literatures focus on a certain aspect of the policy formulation, implementation and evaluation of free normal university students, and some of the literatures cover all three aspects. Most of the literature mainly studies the necessity and importance of policy making for free normal university students, as well as the main problems existing in the implementation of free normal university students’ policies and puts forward targeted Suggestions. This review mainly analyzes and sorts out the policy of free normal university students from different theoretical perspectives. From an economic perspective, in that administrative policy to a certain extent, led to the cancellation of the teacher’s market is not balanced, “urban local exceed teacher”, and “vacancy” rural especially outlying and poverty-stricken areas, students in the pursuit of self-interest opportunism can lead to teacher supply market shrinking, transaction cost greatly increase the supply of teachers. From the perspective of transaction cost theory of new institutional economics, the implementation of free education policy for normal university students can effectively reduce the transaction cost and guarantee the employment of free normal university students through

10.2 Evaluation of Free Normal University Student Policy


contractual contracts. From the perspective of transaction theory, the free education policy of normal university students provides “a new governance mechanism for the transaction of teacher resources to reduce transaction costs”. It is necessary and feasible to restore the free normal university student policy, should be issued as soon as possible free normal university student policy. Through the analysis of the possible interests of all parties in the process of the free normal university student education policy, we suggested that the free normal university student policy should be issued with the corresponding exit mechanism and accountability mechanism. From the perspective of stakeholders, We analyzed the direct and indirect stakeholders in the free normal university student policy and proposed specific policy orientations such as coordinating the interest needs of all stakeholders, establishing a policy performance evaluation mechanism, strengthening the construction of good faith and improving the public participation and supervision ability. According to the literature review, there are only 4 articles on the international comparison of free normal university students, mainly in the United Kingdom, the United States, Finland and Taiwan. By analyzing the different models of teacher training in different countries, the researchers put forward the corresponding enlightenment based on the actual situation in China. We briefly introduced the current situation and characteristics of teacher education in Finland, as well as the enlightenment for free normal university students in China. We made a comparative analysis of the financial policies for normal university students in the United Kingdom and China from the history to the current situation. Based on the comparison, he put forward corresponding suggestions for improving the financial policies for normal university students in China (Cui, 2012, 2014; Gao, 2012; Wang, 2012; Zhao, 2012, 2019).

10.3 Research Review of Free Normal University Student Policy From the perspective of research content, it includes various aspects of policy formulation, implementation and evaluation of free normal university students, and the research content is relatively diverse and comprehensive. Most of the existing studies on the education of free normal university students focus on the institutional level, and the main focuses are on the policy interpretation and publicity, the interpretation of the significance of the policy, the evaluation of the effect of the implementation of the policy, and the policy improvement strategies, etc. Less attention is paid to the quality of the cultivation of free normal university students, especially the study status of free normal university students. From the perspective of research, there are both macro institutional perspective and individual and micro perspective of free normal university students. The research content mainly focuses on the impact at the institutional level, while the researchers’ research perspective is mainly focused on the macro level, and they pay less attention to the individual and micro level in the policy implementation.


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However, the existing small amount of micro studies are mainly focused on the aspects of free normal university students’ study and employment, and there is little involvement in the cultivation of free normal university students. From the perspective of research methods, the current studies on the policy of free normal university students mainly focus on the perceptive speculative analysis of researchers, while the empirical studies such as questionnaire survey are few. In terms of the regions where researchers are concentrated, researchers on the policy of free normal university students are mainly concentrated in southwest university, central China normal university, Shaanxi normal university and northeast normal university, which are the five normal universities in central and western China that recruit free normal university students. Beijing normal university, east China normal university and local normal colleges have done little and scattered research on the policy of free normal university students. From the point of view of the research object, there are many studies on the policy text of free normal university students and free normal university students. There is little or no research on the training schools for free normal university students and the receiving schools for free normal university students. By 2014, a lot of research on free normal policy, research on policy text reading, there are about free normal recruit students, learning, culture, employment, after rising research, research on free normal policy historical evolution, from different theoretical perspectives evaluation of free normal policy research, etc. On the whole, the research content is relatively diverse and comprehensive. Most of the studies only focus on a specific direction, such as the study of the motivation of a freshman in a normal university. As a result, the research problems and Suggestions are not systematic and comprehensive enough. There are few systematic studies on the whole policy of free normal university students. The free normal university student policy is a complete system in which the policy formulation, enrollment, study, training, employment and post-employment promotion interact with each other. This research with the aid of collective strength and wisdom of the project group, with the help of a group of free normal education administrative departments at all levels, the country free normal training schools, free normal receiving the questionnaire survey data and the interview results, using the theory of stakeholder research free normal policy implementation process in the recruitment of students, learning, culture, employment, after continuing education issues. Through free normal policy from history, the United States called the self-help projects, in the UK for QTS signs (qualified teachers training) standard training and ITT (pre-service teacher training) standard training, teachers policy, policy of the national defense students achieve good results, the method of free normal policy in our country, to provide reference experience to find out the method to solve the problem (Cui, 2012, 2014; Gao, 2012; Wang, 2012; Zhao, 2012, 2019).



References Cui, H. P. (2012). Research on role identity of free normal university students. Journal of Hebei Normal University (education Science Edition), 12(06), 29–32 Cui, B. (2014). Why free employment for normal university students deviates from the original intention of the policy—Based on the perspective of social mobility. Modern Education Management, 19(09), 36–39. Gao, W. (2012). A study on the employment status and employment psychology of the first free normal university students—Based on a survey of a normal university. Journal of National Institute of Education Administration, 20(06), 71–81. Wang, X. N. (2012). A comparative study on the policies of “free normal university students” and “special post plan” . Shanghai Education Research, 10(2), 30–33 Zhao, P. (2012). A review of the methodology of free normal university student policy research. Teacher Education Research, 12(03), 41–48 Zhao, J. (2019). Conflict between “free” contract and individual expectation—Free education policy for normal university students in the eyes of three free normal university students. Education Research and Experiment, 13(04), 25–30

Chapter 11

The Implementation Effect Evaluation of the Free/Public Normal University Student Policy in China: Decision-Making Process

This chapter focuses on the using the decision-making process to explore the implementation effect evaluation of the free/public normal university student policy in China. Specifically, the problem flow of free normal university students’ policy decisions, the political flow of the policy decision of free normal university students, and the policy flow of free normal university students’ policy decisions have been analyzed in this study.

11.1 The Problem Flow of Free Normal University Students’ Policy Decisions Due to China’s vast territory, there is a large gap in economic and cultural development between the eastern and central regions and between urban and rural areas. It is basically manifested in the high level of economic and cultural development in the eastern and urban areas and the low level of economic and cultural development in the western and remote rural areas. East Midwest due to differences in economy, culture, between regions, between urban and rural, between key schools and education of primary and secondary schools teaching level and teaching level, and operating conditions, such as development is unbalanced, embodied in the eastern region, the urban areas, the key high school teachers’ quality, education teaching ability is stronger, good hardware condition of running school at the same time; However, in the central and western regions, rural areas and ordinary schools, the number of excellent teachers is small, and the teachers’ teaching ability is average. Meanwhile, the school running conditions are poor. Moreover, due to the disadvantages of the central and western regions, rural areas and ordinary schools, it is difficult for teachers to stay in the central and western regions and teach in rural areas for a long time (Long, 2013; Qin et al., 2013; Yan & Chen, 2013). In addition, due to the poor conditions of running schools in the central and western regions and rural areas, regular teachers cannot be retained, so a large number © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021 E. Xue and J. Li, Teacher Education Policy in China, Exploring Education Policy in a Globalized World: Concepts, Contexts, and Practices, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-2366-0_11



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of substitute teachers have appeared in many central and western regions and rural areas, with different levels of substitute teachers. In addition, due to the lack of staffing of substitute teachers, their work is not stable enough, and they may leave their teaching posts at any time. All these will have a bad effect on students. At present, the basic trend of the teacher flow in China is: the rural flow to the city, the western flow to the east, and the non-key flow to the key schools. From the perspective of economics, basic education, as a public product, cannot be regulated by the market. If teachers are regulated by the market mechanism alone, the overall optimization and overall promotion of the teaching staff will be a slow and spontaneous process. The state must promptly introduce relevant policies and measures to regulate the development of teacher education and guide outstanding normal graduates to go to rural areas in the central and western regions for basic education. The implementation of the free education policy for normal university students will help reduce the imbalance of teacher resources and infrastructure allocation between the eastern region and the central and western regions, as well as between urban and rural areas, and promote educational equity. To strengthen the wind of respecting teachers and valuing education; To improve the quality of teacher education; Help to protect the rights and interests of poor students (Long, 2013; Qin et al., 2013; Yan & Chen, 2013).

11.2 The Political Flow of the Policy Decision of Free Normal University Students Since the symposium of experts on basic education was held on August 22, 2006, the ministry of education has successively established a policy making group for normal university students, with Chen Xiaoya, vice minister of education, as the group leader, and the presidents and directors of the six normal universities in charge, as well as relevant personnel from the department of normal education of the ministry of education, and education experts as the group members. To carry out research with a long duration, diverse forms and a wide range of research objects; Various work meeting, forming the students free education pilot implementation plan (discussion), and the relevant meeting of the discussion paper studies discussed the significance, the purpose of free normal policy target tasks, admissions aspects (including free education to develop students in front of the pilot schools, admissions propaganda work way, professional plans for the recruitment, admissions, etc.), and scholarship, training scheme, course system, etc., employment, exit mechanism, etc. Solstice on January 10, 2007 on March 9, 2007, the state councilor Chen Zhili, minister in the Ministry of Education, deputy minister Chen Xiaoya leadership under the auspices of, comrade, the normal department of normal university directly under six director in charge of the headmaster, educational administration, as well as experts and scholars in the field of education, to discuss the implementation plan of free normal policy for many times, and eventually on May 9, 2007, premier wen

11.2 The Political Flow of the Policy Decision …


support a state council executive meeting, discuss and in principle by the measures for the implementation of normal university students free education directly under the Ministry of Education (try out). On May 21, 2010, the ministry of education promulgated the implementation measures for free normal university graduates to study for master’s degree in education on the job (interim), and on May 27, 2010, the ministry of education promulgated the implementation measures for free normal university graduates to obtain employment in normal university directly under the ministry of education.

11.3 The Policy Flow of Free Normal University Students’ Policy Decisions Since the founding of new China until the early 1997 “about the provisions of the higher normal school (draft)” the provisional regulations (draft) on the normal school about to speed up the reform and the positive development of ordinary higher education opinions on the reform and development of normal education of several opinions, etc., are normal education for free, every month and allowance, work after graduation. In 1997, the reform of higher education was carried out. Teachers’ education, like other professional education, began to pay tuition fees and freely choose a career after graduation. There are also successful policies of free education for normal university students abroad and in Taiwan. The college tuition waiver and admission act (2007) passed by the United States in 2007 proposed the “teacher education assistance program” and stipulated that “TEACH grant program” is a kind of education assistance provided by the federal government to all future teachers. Applicants who participate in the program and meet the requirements will receive a $4,000 study grant for each academic year. The bill for the project application information, application process and related service agreement made detailed provisions, humanized the policy choice of system, strong legal support and policy guidance clear wait for a characteristic, not only reduce the teacher problem of poor schools in the United States, also has a far-reaching influence on teacher education in the United States. In 1805 Lancaster opened Britain’s first teacher-training school, which housed and housed students. After that the British government has created “the apprentice system of teachers”, set up regional teacher training organization, the Robbins report, issued by the education reform act “limited student loan scheme 2002” education law brown report, etc., all of these requirements on funding students always better than the general college students, as Britain has trained large quantities of high quality teachers. To sum up, the history and the relatively successful free education policy for normal university students in the United Kingdom and the United States have provided experience for the education of normal university students in China, which is conducive to the introduction of the free education policy for normal university students in China (Long, 2013; Qin et al., 2013; Yan & Chen, 2013).


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References Long, B. X. (2013). An effective learning model for free on-the-job graduate studies of normal university students. Degree and Graduate Education, 13(08), 19–24 Qin, L. R., Zhao, J. W., & Zhang, Z. Y. (2013). Teaching reform of thermodynamics and statistical physics for free normal university students. Journal of Southwest Normal University (natural Science Edition), 13(11), 167–170 Yan, D., & Chen, J. Q. (2013). Free normal learning strategy analysis and strategies to improve. Journal of Teacher Education Research, 12(9), 47–52

Chapter 12

The Implementation Effect Evaluation of the Free/Public Normal University Student Policy in China: The Perspective of the Road Map

This chapter concentrates on the perspective of the road map of the implementation effect evaluation of the free/public normal university student policy in China. We can see that the implementation effect of the free normal university student policy in the aspects of publicity, enrollment, training, employment and post-employment further education has some gaps with the expected goal. The reason for the gap is that the policy itself needs to be improved. There are four kinds of educational policy tools: administrative, economic, managerial and social. Based on the problems in the implementation of the free normal university student policy and the four types of educational policy tools, the general reform roadmap of the free normal university student policy is proposed as follows:

12.1 Administrative Tools Since 2016, administrative guidance on the policy of free normal university students has been strengthened. Before the enrollment in the fall of 2016, the mainstream media should publicize and interpret the policy of free normal university students. An authoritative free policy interpretation manual for normal university students should be formed in the autumn of 2017 for enrollment, and the normal university students’ training institutions should cooperate with the educational administrative departments of provinces in formulating reasonable enrollment plans, and the interview and psychological evaluation should be added in the enrollment process. At the beginning of the new semester in 2017, we shall increase the evaluation and examination of free normal university students and give them a free exit and a second choice. In 2017, we started to simplify the cross-provincial examination and approval procedures for the employment of free normal graduates and reduce the length of service to 6 years. In terms of economic tools: since the new semester of 2016, we increased the financial guarantee of the free normal university student policy, increase financial resources to improve the basic education facilities in the areas where free normal © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021 E. Xue and J. Li, Teacher Education Policy in China, Exploring Education Policy in a Globalized World: Concepts, Contexts, and Practices, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-2366-0_12



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university graduates are employed, and at the same time raise the salary level and various subsidies for teachers in the central and western regions and rural areas. In 2017, scholarships and grants for free normal university students were formulated to enhance their learning enthusiasm and attract outstanding high school graduates to apply for free normal university students.

12.2 Management Tools Since the second half of 2016, the professional title assessment of primary and secondary school teachers can be consciously tilted to rural teachers, so as to increase their chances of professional title assessment, especially to increase the chance of professional title assessment for students who have graduated from free normal university, so as to enhance their belief of staying in the central and western regions and rural areas. The above outline of the reform route of the free normal university student policy. The specific reform details of the free normal university student policy are as follows: Strengthen the mainstream media publicity and formulate the policy interpretation manual. Education is related to the future of national development. The free normal university student policy is aimed at providing quality teachers for the central and western regions and remote rural areas, promoting educational equity between the eastern and western regions and between urban and rural areas, and training future educators. Since 2007 began to implement free normal policy, government have issued three authoritative government documents, directly under the State Council on forwarding the Ministry of Education department of the Ministry of Education of normal university students free education measures (trial) notice, issued by the Ministry of Education of normal university directly under the Ministry of Education for in-service graduates of free normal education measures for the implementation of a master’s degree (interim) notice of the normal university directly under the Ministry of Education measures for the implementation of free normal graduate employment notice. In addition, many provincial education administrations have issued policy documents on the employment of free normal university students in different provinces according to the employment situation of free normal university students in different provinces. These documents explain the rights and obligations of free normal university students and provide policy guidance for the implementation of the free normal university students policy. However, due to many objective reasons, the mainstream media’s propaganda on the free normal university student policy is insufficient, resulting in many students’ inadequate understanding of the free normal university student policy. And because there is no authoritative department to interpret the policy in detail, many students are not rational enough to apply for the free normal university. Many high school principals and teachers are not familiar with the policy, but they still encourage many excellent high school students to apply for free normal students, which leads to students’ regret after entering college. Because propaganda, interpretation is not in place, so many high school students and

12.2 Management Tools


their teachers, parents, misunderstandings in free normal policy, some high school students based on the family economic difficulties, duty free normal arrangement is programmed after graduation work, teachers work stability, high income, high teachers’ social status chose free normal external factors (Cui, 2012a; Cui, 2012b; Gao, 2012; Zhang & Lang, 2012; Zhao, 2012, 2019; Wang, 2012). Based on the above situation, the following reform proposals are proposed: First of all, the central government and the ministry of education can invite educational experts to carry out authoritative interpretation of the free normal university student policy, and formulate interpretation manuals and video interpretation manuals, which can be distributed to the provincial education administrative departments and high schools. Moreover, senior high school principals and teachers should be trained in the policy interpretation manual step by step, so that they can have a comprehensive and correct understanding of the free normal university student policy, guide high school students to apply for the free normal university student, and answer their questions when applying for the free normal university student. Second, the central government, the Ministry of Education and provincial education administrative departments should make full use of the mainstream media to strengthen the publicity of free normal policy, both to enter oneself for an examination free normal can enjoy free tuition during study in school, from accommodation, and subsidies for living expenses, the required funds arranged by the central government’s preferential policies, and to explain the students need to perform obligation: hunting retrogradation are engaged in primary and secondary school education after graduation for more than a decade, to work in urban schools free normal graduates, should first services to the rural compulsory education school for two years. If free normal graduates fail to engage in primary and middle school education according to the agreement, they shall return the free education fees they have enjoyed and pay liquidated damages. The provincial administrative department of education is responsible for the management of the performance of the contract and the establishment of free archives of the integrity of normal university students. Thirdly, high school students will be issued with guidance for filling in the college entrance examination when filling in the college entrance examination. It is suggested that the guidance for filling in the college entrance examination should be attached with the relevant documents of the free normal university student policy and the policy interpretation manual, so that the free normal university students and their parents can have a thorough and detailed understanding of the free normal university students. Finally, six normal universities directly under the Ministry of Education may establish a free normal admissions team, on the campus open day, to the national key high school propaganda school or participate in college entrance examination application consultation can actively promote the free normal policy interpretation of free normal policy, encourage outstanding high school students to enter oneself for an examination free normal. The above measures can effectively improve the high school students’ understanding of the free normal university student policy when filling in the application form and enable high school students and their parents to make rational choices after careful consideration. By applying for the examination rationally, we can avoid the


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risks of boredom in professional study and employment default in the future and lay a good foundation for training a large number of excellent teachers and educators in the future. Second, improve the form of enrollment to choose real teachers. Teachers are not only the most glorious career under the sun but also a very special career, the object of the teacher’s work is not fully mature, the world outlook, outlook on life, values have not yet fully formed students. The particularity of teachers’ work determines that teachers not only need to have solid professional knowledge, but also need to be equipped with educational theoretical knowledge and skills, and more importantly, they need to have a sincere love for education and a sound personality. The aim of the free normal university student policy is to provide excellent primary and secondary school teachers for the central and western regions and remote rural areas, as well as to train excellent educators. The current free normal university students in the provincial college entrance examination enrollment is as a batch to recruit students in advance, from 2007 to now, the six ministries of education directly under the normal university enrollment score line is basically higher than the provincial key undergraduate line of 30 points and above. But to judge whether a person is suitable to be a teacher requires not only a high level of knowledge, but also excellent comprehensive quality. Therefore, the score of the college entrance examination cannot be the only hiring criterion. Want to choose already high score examinee to want to choose to love education again, have an interest in long-term teach, lifelong teach, suit to teach examinee, and the latter place occupies important a few higher. Therefore, it is suggested to add interview, psychological test and occupational test in the process of free normal university student enrollment. The interview process to focus on students if teachers’ profession in the future, for their own student whether there is love, patience and sense of responsibility, test your ability to communicate with different communities, language expression ability, organization ability, test your usual interpersonal skills, whether has the potential to deal with the relationship between teachers and students, teachers and parents in the future relations, the relationship between the teachers and teachers, etc.; Psychological test and occupation to the link to focus on the examinee’s personality traits, temperament and so on. Through the results of the college entrance examination, interviews and psychological tests, excellent free normal university students who truly love the front-line education career, have a high degree of professional recognition as teachers, can have excellent teacher ethics and are willing to engage in education work for life are selected (Cui, 2012a; Cui, 2012b; Gao, 2012; Zhang & Lang, 2012; Zhao, 2012, 2019; Wang, 2012). 3. Coordinate the enrollment plan and demand plan. Since the enrollment of free normal university students in 2007, the enrollment plan of free normal university students has been basically decided by six normal universities directly under the ministry of education, which leads to a certain gap between the majors of free normal university graduates and the needs of teachers in the places where the students come from. Suggestions based on this, first of all, free normal enrollment plan each year, the provincial administrative department of education, especially the department of education in the central and western rural areas, combined with the

12.2 Management Tools


local education present situation, such as distribution, school level, schools, school teachers overall quantity, writing teachers quantity, vacancy number, age, sex ratio at teachers, teachers at teacher professional, vacancy teacher professional, and education at teachers, the statistics of provincial teachers’ professional requirements. And according to these statistics, combining with the current situation of local education development, to formulate the education goals suitable for long-term development. The ministry of education and the six normal universities directly under the ministry of education have determined the number of students and majors enrolled in each normal university free of charge in each province each year according to the actual situation of education in each province and the long-term development goals they have set. Second, many students in the central and western regions want to apply for the six normal colleges and universities affiliated to the ministry of education, but they have to give up applying for the six schools or apply for the free normal students because of the enrollment plan of the six normal colleges and universities affiliated to the ministry of education. In this way, they will not study hard after entering the university, have a low level of education and teaching after employment, and break the contract after graduation, not to mention develop into excellent educators. Therefore, it is suggested that the enrollment quota of the six normal universities affiliated to the ministry of education in the central and western regions can be appropriately tilted to the free normal university students, but the total enrollment quota cannot be allocated to the free normal university students. In the enrollment plans of the six normal universities affiliated to the ministry of education, there should be both a free normal university student program and a non-free normal university student program.

12.3 The Reform Suggestion of Free Normal University Student Training 1. Free exit and reasonable second choice. According to the regulations of the ministry of education on the relevant documents of free normal university students, the outstanding non-free normal university students who are willing to teach in primary and middle schools in their hometown after graduation can apply for transfer to free normal university students within the second year of university. The tuition and accommodation fees paid before the transfer to the free normal university students will be returned to them by the training school, and the living allowance of the previous years will be refunded to them. At the same time, free normal university students can choose secondary majors in accordance with the provisions of the school. In 2012, the ministry of education promulgated the opinions on improving and promoting the free education of normal university students, which stipulated that the six normal universities affiliated with the ministry could appropriately increase the


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number of free normal university students’ self-enrollment, but the self-enrollment plan could not exceed 10% of the annual free normal university enrollment plan. The enrollment of free normal university students is completed in advance. Due to the poor publicity and interpretation of the policy of free normal university students, and the fact that many provinces in the central and western regions only have free normal university students in their enrollment plans, many examinees are not rational enough to apply for the free normal university students, and they are quite blind. After entering the university, the ideal university life is quite different from the reality, and with the broadening of knowledge and vision, we have a deeper understanding of my own character and ideal. Many free normal university students start to find that they are not suitable or unwilling to go back to their primary school teachers. At the same time, many non-free normal university students feel that they are more suitable to be primary and secondary school teachers and are willing to go back to their hometowns (Cui, 2012a; Cui, 2012b; Gao, 2012; Zhang & Lang, 2012; Zhao, 2012, 2019; Wang, 2012). Therefore, we should establish the free normal university student exit mechanism and the secondary entry mechanism as soon as possible. According to a document issued by the ministry of education in 2012, normal universities under the ministry of education should formulate specific measures for free normal university students to withdraw from free normal university students and change majors to study other subjects in accordance with the regulations on the management of students in ordinary institutions of higher learning and related policies on free education for normal university students. However, up to now, no specific method has been formulated. The measures for free normal university students to withdraw from the ranks of free normal university students and non-free normal university students to join the ranks of free normal university students are not perfect, and there is still no chance to choose to enter the ranks of free normal university students again. We suggested that the Ministry of Education and free normal recruitment of students colleges and universities, can try at the end of every school year, at ordinary times of free normal course grades, education theory and education teaching ability to make a check, for those inspection is unqualified, or don’t fit, don’t want to engaged in the foundation of free normal education, allow them after the refund already enjoy subsidies, free normal will always be with you, and also can not include in the scope of dishonest, not the so-called “dishonest” recorded in the archives. At the same time, we will continue to select students from the non-free normal university students who are interested in becoming primary and secondary school teachers in their hometown to enter the ranks of free normal university students, and refund their tuition fees that they have already paid, and make up their living expenses. In this way, we can create a competitive and free environment for both free normal university students and nonfree normal university students, so as to make the policy of free normal university students virtuous circle. 2. The reform raises the teaching ability the training way. In terms of the allocation of teachers for free normal university students, the training institutions should strengthen the education for free normal university students and provide highquality teachers for the study of free normal university students, so as to provide

12.3 The Reform Suggestion of Free Normal University Student Training


high quality course resources and properly cultivate students’ teaching skills. In addition, free normal university students should be provided with tutors who not only urge them to study, but also properly care about their lives. To provide appropriate care for competent and excellent teachers and mentors in terms of job assessment, professional title assessment and daily welfare benefits; For incompetent teachers and mentors, schools should replace and adjust them in a timely manner and offer appropriate criticism and education to relevant teachers. In the course setting of free normal university students, apart from providing excellent professional courses to teach professional knowledge, the patriotic belief of free normal university students should be strengthened, the vocational belief education of free normal university students should be strengthened, and the professional recognition of free normal university students to teachers should be improved. We will strengthen the moral education of free normal university students and publicize the exemplary teaching and education of outstanding teachers. If conditions permit, we can invite these outstanding teachers, especially those who serve rural areas, into the free normal university students’ classes and teach them their own examples, so as to enrich the content and form of teachers’ moral education. At present, our universities are not closely integrated with the teaching practice of primary and secondary school education, so is the teaching practice of free normal university students. Advice on free normal education practice, explore free normal training institutions and local governments, the primary and secondary schools to establish collaborative training mechanism of “trinity”, in primary and secondary schools to establish stable education practice base, at the same time, safeguard the free normal education practice internship funds, ensure each free normal to the primary and secondary schools to carry on the education internship practice of not less than one semester. At the same time, we will implement the “double tutorial system” in which college teachers and primary and secondary school teachers jointly guide free normal students. During the internship in primary and middle schools, excellent front-line teachers are selected to guide the teaching practice of free normal university students and improve their teaching skills. At the same time, university teachers who lead the team should try their best to watch and guide the free practice teaching of normal university students and make Suggestions on their teaching. In addition, training schools for free normal university students should also give full play to the role of extracurricular associations and organizations of students, from universities, colleges and departments to small classes, and often organize free normal university students to carry out various forms of teacher skill competitions, such as teaching skills competitions and future teacher competitions, so as to effectively improve the education and teaching level of free normal university students (Cui, 2012a; Cui, 2012b; Gao, 2012; Zhang & Lang, 2012; Zhao, 2012, 2019; Wang, 2012). Third, the establishment of free normal university student’s incentive and punishment mechanism. According to the relevant documents of the central government and the ministry of education on free normal university students, free normal university students will not only be exempted from tuition fees and accommodation fees during their study in school, but also be subsidized for living expenses. This has greatly


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solved the economic pressure of free normal university students. However, the scholarships and bursaries of the school are basically for all students in the school. Many non-free normal university students think that the free normal university students do not need to be awarded scholarships or bursaries because they already have financial support. As a result, no matter how hard the free normal university students try, there is no corresponding reward and no sense of achievement. Therefore, it is suggested that colleges and universities can set up special scholarships and bursaries for free normal university students, so as to reward those free normal university students who work hard to learn professional knowledge and improve their teaching skills. According to the relevant documents of the central government and the ministry of education on free normal university students, free normal university students will not only be exempted from tuition fees and accommodation fees during their study in school, but also be subsidized for living expenses. That is to say, as long as free normal university students fail, can successfully graduate without any employment pressure. For this reason, many free normal university students do not have the right learning attitude and do not actively study. Therefore, it is suggested that the training institutions of free normal university students should establish a punishment mechanism and give criticism and education to the free normal university students with bad learning attitude, absenteeism, failure, etc., and seriously persuade them to launch the ranks of free normal university students.

12.4 The Reform Proposal of Free Employment for Normal University Students First, improve the treatment of rural teachers to attract high-quality talents to teach. For a long time, the economic development level in the east of China is higher than that in the central and western regions, and the quality of education and teaching in the east is obviously higher than that in the central and western regions. The level of urban economic development is higher than that of rural economic development, and the quality of urban education and teaching is obviously higher than that of rural education and teaching. It is not only the hardware level such as educational facilities, but also the software aspects such as teacher quality and teacher professional level. The quality of rural primary and secondary schools is related to the realization of educational fairness and the realization of the Chinese dream. Many rural schools are isolated from the outside world due to their remote location and inconvenient transportation. There are no recreational and sports activities, and the villagers are backward and closed in thinking and pay little attention to education. As a result, many young teachers are unwilling to teach in rural areas. On the other hand, the salary of rural teachers is low, with most of them earning around 3,000 yuan a month. Due to the above reasons, teachers in the central and western regions, especially in rural areas, are in serious shortage, and their level is low. In many areas, there are only substitute teachers who are not on the payroll. There are no teachers who are on

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the payroll. Moreover, the teachers are older and have a lower professional level. In many areas, there are no professional music, physical education and art teachers. Due to financial problems, not only school buildings but also teachers’ dormitories are in poor condition in the central and western regions and rural areas. In some areas, there are even no dormitories for teachers. Teachers have classes in the classroom during the day and rest in the classroom at night or go to villagers’ homes for rest. This is very inconvenient and unsafe for many female teachers. Because of the traffic inconvenience, many rural teachers whose families live in county towns can only go home once a week or longer, which makes it impossible for new teachers to take care of their families. The purpose of formulating the free normal university student policy is to train high-quality teachers for the central and western regions and rural areas, so as to solve the shortage of teachers there. In order to make free normal graduates willing to teach in rural areas, we should do everything possible to improve the teaching conditions and living conditions of teachers in rural areas. We will raise the salary level and various subsidies for free normal school graduates who work in rural areas, improve the welfare system for free normal school graduates who work in rural areas, and provide special bonuses and compensation to those who teach in rural areas for free. In addition, we will provide better convenience and opportunities for the professional title assessment, job promotion and continuing education of the free normal university students. Special professional development opportunities are offered to free normal graduates who teach in schools in remote areas and remote mountain areas (Cui, 2012a; Cui, 2012b; Gao, 2012; Zhang & Lang, 2012; Zhao, 2012, 2019; Wang, 2012). Secondly, the length of service of free normal graduates should be shortened appropriately. According to the relevant documents issued by the ministry of education for free normal university students in six normal universities affiliated to the ministry of education, free normal university students need to serve in primary and secondary schools in their hometowns for at least 10 years after graduation, and those who sign up for free normal university students in urban primary and secondary schools need to serve in rural primary and secondary schools for two years. Many free normal university students think that it is not cost-effective to “exchange four years of free education for ten years of youth”. According to the principle of unifying rights and obligations, the service period of ten years is indeed too long. Moreover, this decade is crucial to the development of life. Many key life events, such as getting married, having a baby, buying a house and working, all take place in this decade. After ten years of service, free normal students have little choice but to continue to work in their original teaching positions. Therefore, many free normal graduates who want to change jobs will have no enthusiasm for work, which will have an impact on the teaching quality of primary and secondary schools, which is not conducive to the development of education in the central and western regions and is not conducive to educational fairness. According to the experience at home and abroad and the previous educational research, it takes about five years for a normal graduate to develop into an excellent


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teacher from the stage. It is suggested that the length of service of free normal university students should be changed to five or six years. After five years, if the free normal graduates still choose to stay in the original teaching post, the special subsidy can be increased, and the subsidy to stay in the countryside can be larger. And in the evaluation of professional titles and primary and secondary school teachers to participate in the national training, should be in the countryside to stay free normal graduates. According to the teacher training experience in the United States and Taiwan, the length of service of free normal graduates can be flexible. Free normal graduates can save up for 5 or 6 years of service in 10 or 8 years, instead of serving continuously for 5 or 6 years (i.e., 10 semesters or 12 semesters). Free normal graduates can serve for a year or so, and then freely choose whether to continue teaching in primary and secondary schools, go to graduate school or temporarily try other jobs, as long as they can save enough to serve for 5 or 6 years (that is, 10 semesters or 12 semesters). 3. Simplify the examination and approval procedures for cross-provincial employment of free normal university students. In 2011, the general office of the ministry of education issued a notice on the employment policies for free normal college graduates. According to the notice, free normal college graduates can achieve cross-provincial employment under the following three conditions: first, free normal college students are willing to teach in primary and middle schools in remote and poverty-stricken areas and ethnic minority areas in the central and western regions; The second is the free normal university students in college, their parents registered permanent residence transfer to other provinces (cities, districts); The third category is that of married free normal graduates who want to move to the primary and secondary schools in the province where their spouses live. According to the regulations of the provincial education administrative departments in the places where most of the free normal university students come from, cross-provincial employment is a special case with complicated examination and approval procedures and a long period of examination and approval. First of all, the cross-provincial employment of free normal graduates requires the agreement of the training universities for free normal graduates, and the agreement of the education administrative departments of the provinces where the original students are located, and the approval of the education administrative departments of the provinces where the original students are located. Secondly, although the central government, the ministry of education and provincial education departments generally agree with the three inter-provincial employment situations stipulated in the notice of the general office of the ministry of education on the employment policies of free normal university graduates in the employment policies of free normal university graduates. However, in practice, many provinces will find a variety of reasons to refuse to accept students who are not from their own province for free normal university students. As students who have graduated from 211 key universities, the free normal university students have an immeasurable advantage in improving the quality of education and teaching. Therefore, many provinces are not willing to let the free normal university students go to other provinces for employment and so on. All these have objectively hindered the cross-provincial employment of free normal graduates. Therefore, it is suggested to start the examination and approval process for

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free normal graduates who meet the requirements of cross-provincial employment from 2017 and guarantee that free normal graduates can enter the basic education after cross-provincial employment (Cui, 2012a; Cui, 2012b; Gao, 2012; Zhang & Lang, 2012; Zhao, 2012, 2019; Wang, 2012).

References Cui, H. P. (2012a). Research on role identity of free normal university students. Journal of Hebei Normal University (Education Science Edition), 12(06), 29–32. Cui, B. (2012b). Why free employment for normal university students deviates from the original intention of the policy—Based on the perspective of social mobility. Modern Education Management, 19(09), 36–39. Gao, W. (2012). A study on the employment status and employment psychology of the first free normal university students—Based on a survey of a normal university. Journal of National Institute of Education Administration, 20(06), 71–81. Wang, X. N. (2012). A comparative study on the policies of “free normal university students” and “special post plan” . Shanghai Education Research, 10(2), 30–33 Zhang, M. S., & Lang, D. M. (2012). The significance and approach of free career belief education for normal university students. School Party Building and Ideological Education, 12(1), 35–37 Zhao, P. (2012). A review of the methodology of free normal university student policy research. Teacher Education Research, 12(03), 41–48 Zhao, J. (2019). Conflict between “free” contract and individual expectation—Free education policy for normal university students in the eyes of three free normal university students. Education Research and Experiment, 13(04), 25–30