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English Pages [81] Year 1999
The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana Deane, 1999, All Rights Reserved
Contents NOTICE OF CLAIMS, CONSENT and COMMITMENT ................................................................................. 3 Welcome........................................................................................................................................................ 8 Melchizedek Cloister Teachings .................................................................................................................... 8 The Audio CD Course.................................................................................................................................... 9 Course Contents .......................................................................................................................................... 10 How To Use This Audio Program ................................................................................................................ 11 The Azurite** of the Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order (APMCEO) ........................................................ 13 Keylontic Science ........................................................................................................................................ 14 Bio-Spiritual Evolution.................................................................................................................................. 15 Keylontic Science Mechanics ...................................................................................................................... 16 Summary Charts .......................................................................................................................................... 19 Geomancy Symbol Codes ...................................................................................................................... 19 Crystal Matrices, Morphogenetic Field .................................................................................................... 20 The D-5 Archetype Identity ...................................................................................................................... 21 The 15-Chakra System ........................................................................................................................... 22 The 8 Hova Bodies and Stations of Identity ............................................................................................ 23 The Interwoven Body-Mind-Spirit System ............................................................................................... 24 The Hova Bodies and Identity Levels ...................................................................................................... 25 Supplementary Exercises ............................................................................................................................ 26 Raising the Frequency of Foods.............................................................................................................. 26 The Song of Orion ................................................................................................................................... 27 AM-PM I AM Grids .................................................................................................................................. 28 The I-Am Prayer ...................................................................................................................................... 29 Glossary ...................................................................................................................................................... 31 Course – 1 Audio CD Descriptions .............................................................................................................. 53 An Abridged Transcript of Lectures 1 – 6 .................................................................................................... 57 INDEX.......................................................................................................................................................... 80
This Course may not be reproduced or presented in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information and retrieval systems, without written permission from A'sha-yana Deane, Eckr. MCEO The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana Deane, 1999, All Rights Reserved
The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana Deane, 1999, All Rights Reserved
NOTICE OF CLAIMS, CONSENT and COMMITMENT Pertaining to MCEO Teachings, Techniques and Technologies
Theoretical Perspectives MCEO Meditations for Spiritual Exploration, Medical and Psychiatric Considerations Claim of Authenticity Terms, Conditions, Agreements and Implied Consent A Commitment to Quality and the MCEO Course-book Manuals
Theoretical Perspectives MCEO teachings presently exist on Earth as a growing body of detailed information pertaining to the spirituality and science of creation and the history and evolution of humanity. MCEO teachings offer unique perspectives, techniques and technologies of mind and spirit that have proven useful to many people in the exploration and expansion of personal consciousness. Information contained within MCEO teachings represents a cohesive paradigm of ideas, beliefs and perspectives reportedly translated from ancient texts, which together comprise an affirmative and inspirational “point of view” or “world view” regarding the tangible realities of spirituality, the mechanics of creation, the history of our universe and the potentialities of the human condition. Like many popular “New Age” and “Traditional” paradigms of spiritual, scientific and historical beliefs, many points of view presented within MCEO teachings extend beyond the framework of presently recognized spiritual/religious, scientific and historical “fact” that can be verified through common contemporary scientific procedures. Thus, like many other popular belief paradigms, including ALL known “New Age” and “Traditional” spiritual/religious doctrines and many fields of contemporary scientific study, the perspectives presented within the MCEO teachings must, too, be presently categorized as theoretical in nature. The verifiable actuality, and thus the potential validity, of the presently theoretical spiritual, scientific and historical perspectives of MCEO teachings pertaining to the “Ancient Science of the Shields” (scalarstanding-wave templates of matter and consciousness), “Merkaba Mechanics” (interdimensional electromagnetic vortex mechanics), “DNA Template Activations” (frequency accretion within the scalar template behind manifest chemical DNA), “Interdimensional Structure”, “15-Dimensional Anatomy”, “Bio-Spiritual Healing” (support of biological healing and well being through holistic spiritual practice) and Humanity‟s Evolutionary Journey, perspectives which are featured within the MCEO Kathara BioSpiritual Healing Program, MCEO Maharata “Dance For” Programs and related published works of the MCEO, cannot at this time be “proved or disproved”. Therefore, the MCEO Paradigm and its related teachings, techniques and technologies are offered to the public as a unique and inspirational view point, solely for the purpose of public investigation, consideration and theoretical exploration. Though the presently theoretical categorization of MCEO teachings within the public sector is recognized, it should also be recognized that members of the Azurite Press, Trustees and the AP Regents Council, as well as authorized MCEO translators/authors and teachers and many individuals within the international community, have personally chosen to accept the validity of MCEO teachings as representing more than a theoretical perspective, instead acknowledging the MCEO Paradigm as a factual reality interpretation, and practical worldview, through which progressive expansion of personal consciousness and coherent spiritual awakening are fostered. Such decision as to the factual or theoretical categorization of the MCEO The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana Deane, 1999, All Rights Reserved
Paradigm, and the responsibilities inherent to this decision, are deeply private spiritual issues, and thus must be assigned to the faculties of personal discretion.
MCEO Meditations for Spiritual Exploration, Medical and Psychiatric Considerations As the MCEO Paradigm is built upon presently theoretical spiritual, scientific and historical perspectives, any and all techniques and technologies offered through the MCEO Paradigm must also be considered as presently theoretical in nature, and thus any and all techniques and technologies presented within MCEO teachings are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease or illness, nor are they intended as substitution for professional medical or psychiatric advisory or treatment. Techniques and technologies provided within MCEO teachings are offered to the public solely as “Meditations for Spiritual Exploration”, with the intention of assisting to serve the further evolution of human consciousness through providing exposure to an expanded range of perspectives and potentialities. It is strongly recommended that individuals having a history of medical or psychiatric difficulties, or whom are presently under the care of medical or psychiatric professionals, seek professional advisory before using any MCEO Meditations for Spiritual Exploration techniques or technologies. Since introduction of MCEO Meditations for Spiritual Exploration techniques and technologies in 1999 many people have claimed to receive beneficial affects and effects in the development and expansion of personal consciousness and spiritual awakening through use of MCEO techniques and technologies. There have also been a lesser number of reports of individuals claiming to receive no affect, effect or benefit at all, but there have been no reports of individuals claiming adverse medical, psychiatric or psychological affects or effects in conjunction with use of MCEO techniques and technologies. As a reflection of commitment to responsibility in presentation, MCEO techniques and technologies are not presented for exploration in the public domain until they are first and/or simultaneously explored, utilized or practiced by authorized MCEO translators/authors/ teachers and members of the Azurite Press Board of Directors. Though validation of factual actuality pertaining to affects, effects or benefits of practicing MCEO Meditations for Spiritual Exploration techniques and technologies must, like the techniques and technologies themselves, for the present time remain within the realm of theoretical exploration, it can be reported that since 1999, findings pertaining to the practicality of utilizing MCEO techniques and technologies have consistently revealed that affects and effects of such practices are quite individualized, though predominantly positive, in nature. Therefore, however, no claims, promises or guarantees as to the affects, effects or benefits an individual might expect to encounter through use of MCEO techniques and technologies can be offered at this time. Utilization of MCEO Meditations for Spiritual Exploration techniques and technologies presently remains within the category of experimental self-exploration, through which absolute conclusions regarding generalities of mass affect, effect, benefit or detriment cannot yet be drawn. An individual‟s involvement with MCEO teachings, techniques and technologies represents a choice of personal decision and discretion, and thus responsibility pertaining to affect and effect of practice that are inherent to this choice must also remain with the individual.
Claim of Authenticity In offering MCEO teachings for public exploration, neither the translators/authors, publishers, promoters or related individuals and organizations make any claims whatsoever as to the factuality of ideas or perspectives contained within the MCEO Paradigm. Though the MCEO teaching texts themselves do on occasion claim that certain ideas and perspectives are of a factual nature, such claims represent points of view intrinsically contained within the ancient texts from which contemporary translations are drawn. The authorized translators/authors of contemporary MCEO teaching texts hold a The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana Deane, 1999, All Rights Reserved
binding commitment to ensure the clearest and most accurate translation of MCEO texts as possible under current evolutionary circumstances; a commitment to clarity and accuracy of translation that must include the allowance of contemporary translation of any claims of factuality as they are contained within the MCEO texts of antiquity. Information represented as factual knowledge within the MCEO texts of antiquity, and their contemporary translations, is understood to represent “potential or possible factuality, expressed as factuality within the ancient texts, but which presently resides within the domain of theory” within the context of contemporary publication. The contemporary translators/authors of MCEO teachings claim only that the MCEO text translations contained within presently published works bearing their authorship represent an “asaccurate-as-possible” translation of MCEO text records believed to have been created in ancient times, which the contemporary translators/authors have had opportunity to review through authentic personal experiences. Translators/authors thus make claims only as to the authenticity of their personal experiences through which review of ancient MCEO text records occurred and as to the factuality that translation of the reviewed ancient MCEO texts into contemporary English language has been rendered by them as clearly and accurately as possible. As the original MCEO texts of antiquity are not presently in the direct possession of authorized contemporary translators/authors, and thus contemporary translators/authors cannot at this time publicly display these artifacts in order to validate the reality of their continued existence and verify their inherent content, those who explore contemporary MCEO texts translations must understand that such works are presented as theoretical perspectives and possibilities, the validity of which one may choose to believe, or disbelieve, upon the merit of one‟s personal discretion. If ideas, concepts or perspectives contained within the MCEO texts, their contemporary translations or related teaching materials bear any resemblance to ideas, concepts or perspectives contained within any other presently known spiritual/religious, scientific or historical paradigms or teaching systems, such resemblance is purely coincidental. However, the event of such coincidence arising may potentially suggest that both the MCEO Paradigm and paradigms to which it might bear resemblance may have arisen from a common source in antiquity that has yet to be discovered or scientifically verified, but which would upon discovery lend credence and clarity to such coincidence.
Terms, Conditions, Agreements and Implied Consent As contemporary MCEO text translators/authors can make no claims or promises as to the factuality of ideas and perspectives presented within MCEO teachings, they likewise cannot offer any claims, promises or guarantees as to the affects or effects that may or may not arise through personal use of MCEO teachings or Meditations for Spiritual Exploration techniques and technologies. The responsibility for decision to engage involvement with MCEO teachings, techniques or technologies rests with each individual, and thus the responsibility for any affects or effects that may or may not occur in conjunction with use of MCEO teachings, techniques and technologies must also rest with the individual. The Meditations for Spiritual Exploration techniques and technologies provided within MCEO teachings represent translations from the ancient MCEO texts, and are provided to the public as an option for personal spiritual exploration, investigation and experimentation, to be utilized at the personal discretion of the reader or workshop attendee. As stated in numerous public forums and workshops since 1999, in choosing to utilize MCEO teachings, techniques or technologies it is understood that in so doing the individual accepts full responsibility for any and all conditions that may or may not occur in conjunction with such practice. It is further recognized that the individual, through the act of utilizing MCEO teachings, techniques or technologies, thereby through this act agrees to release Azurite Press, Trustees, the AP Regents Council, authorized Kathara Bio-Spiritual Healing Program teachers and facilitators The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana Deane, 1999, All Rights Reserved
(pertaining only to MCEO-sanctioned Kathara “no-touch” procedures), authorized MCEO translators/authors, teachers, promoters and any individuals and organizations thereto related, from any and all claims of liability or damages perceived or assumed to occur in conjunction with involvement in MCEO teachings, techniques or technologies. This statement of Terms and Conditions represents a written Notice of Implied Agreement and Consent to Liability Release in regard to involvement with MCEO teachings, techniques and technologies. This Notice of Implied Agreement and Consent of Liability Release represents a reiteration in specific written format of previously provided notice as to the necessity of taking personal responsibility for any and all consequences arising from chosen involvement with the MCEO Paradigm; notice which has been frequently provide verbally in public forum since 1999. It is recognized that the Implied Agreement and Consent to Terms and Conditions of Liability Release stated here within is accepted and enacted as such upon the act of chosen involvement with and/or practice of MCEO teachings, techniques and technologies. If one is uncomfortable or in disagreement with this stated Notice of Implied Agreement and Consent to Terms and Conditions of Liability Release, it is suggested and recommended that one choose at this time non-involvement with MCEO teachings, techniques and technologies, until a future time wherein such concerns have been assuaged.
A Commitment to Quality and the MCEO Course-book Manuals
The authorized MCEO translators/authors, members of the MCEO, Azurite Press, Trustees, Regents Council, teachers and promoters of the MCEO Paradigm extend their greatest efforts in making MCEO teachings available for public exploration in the most responsible and respectful manner possible, whilst striving to maintain the highest standards of integrity in MCEO text translation and teaching. Intrinsic to such responsibility in presentation, authorized MCEO translators/authors, members of Azurite Press, Trustees, Regents Council and authorized teachers and facilitators of MCEO programs are all individuals who personally believe in the factuality of the MCEO Paradigm and who actively participate, for personal spiritual reasons, in MCEO programs, including personal utilization of MCEO techniques and technologies. These individuals all share a common commitment to achieving and maintaining integrity, quality and responsibility in public presentation of MCEO teachings; this shared commitment arises from a commonly shared, individually held, reverence, respect, appreciation for, and belief in the validity of, the MCEO Paradigm, its inherent teachings of personal spiritual self-discovery and the limitless potentialities of human consciousness that this paradigm suggests. On behalf of this commitment to quality, may it be understood that MCEO Course-book Manuals, as featured within the MCEO Kathara Bio-spiritual Healing Program, MCEO Maharata “Dance For” Programs, MCEO Masters Templar Stewardship Initiative Program and other MCEO teaching programs, do not represent completed books, but rather exist as companion text briefings that are created in conjunction with specific corresponding live workshop presentations which are preserved via audio/ video recordings that are made available on the Azurite Press Products List as specific Program Sets. The Course-book Manuals that accompany some of these audio-video workshop programs contain only the charts, graphs and most pertinent information pertaining to their corresponding audio-video program, and do not contain the many pages of dialogue and detailed explanation that is incorporated verbally within the audio-video program. Thus MCEO Course-book manuals are not intended to be used alone, but are rather intended for used as an additional educational aid in conjunction with their corresponding audio-video workshop program. As new MCEO workshop materials are often released and translated during live workshop presentations, the corresponding Course-book Manuals and their inherent graphs and charts often reflect the immediacy of the new information provided in that they are initially rendered “in-the-rough”, often with portions of text in hand-written form, not yet “perfected” for book publication with appropriate dialogue text detail, typesetting, computer graphics, pagination and indexing. As each new workshop since 1999 has introduced the next level of new, live MCEO data translations, there has been insufficient time to “move backward” and perfect the quality of production pertaining to MCEO Course-Book Manual texts from previous workshops. The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana Deane, 1999, All Rights Reserved
The information and new MCEO teachings contained within each workshop program always reflect the standards of integrity and quality inherent to the MCEO Paradigm, but often timely public release of new materials is achieved at the expense of quality in product production. The Azurite Press staff apologizes for any inconvenience that such “data-in-the-rough” may cause; however, if workshop programs were withheld from Product List release until their audio/video recordings and corresponding Course-book Manuals were “perfected” in terms of product production, it would be several years before these materials were released for public review. As new MCEO teachings are often timesensitive in regard to the unfolding of planetary events, especially since 2000, it has been of greater priority during this time to expedite availability of the MCEO teachings contained within the products, than it has been to demonstrate the standards of excellence in quality product production that remains a goal of Azurite Press. For the time being, MCEO audio-video-Course-book Programs are in a state of continued evolution, as the small staff at Azurite Press, with the assistance of numerous individuals who volunteer their time and talents, endeavor to compile dialogue transcripts and perfect typesetting, computer graphics and format organization of previous MCEO workshop presentations in effort to fulfill the goal of creating “perfected” book publications that contain, and “do justice to”, the vast body of quality teachings that have been presented during the 1999-2003 MCEO workshops. The commitment to achieving excellence in quality of production, as well as quality of information, that is held by members of Azurite Press staff arises from the personal desires of staff members to “honor the spirit of the teachings” which they have found personally valuable, as well as from a desire to provide the best possible quality of product and service in spiritual respect to the public. Until the goal of achieving “perfected” product production quality is actualized, Azurite Press staff hopes that the public will share in the recognition that it is the quality, and inherent substance, of MCEO information, more so than the “package that it comes in”, which demonstrates the value of Azurite Press MCEO educational products. ……Azurite Press Board of Directors
The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana Deane, 1999, All Rights Reserved
Welcome The Tangible Structure of the Soul Accelerated Bio-Spiritual Evolution Program Audio CD Course Welcome to the Melchizedek Cloister Accelerated Bio-Spiritual Evolution Program – The Tangible Structure of the Soul. We of the Melchizedek Cloister take great joy in bringing this program to you, for the information and practical techniques offered in this CD Course (and within the expanded programs to come) can create truly promote transformation results within your quest for spiritual growth, personal empowerment and practical understanding of the nature of, and purposes for, the human experience. I am excited to bring this information to you! I know that the spiritual quest can often be confusing as one tries to sort through a multitude of conflicting idea paradigms, attempting to find “the truth” and all too often the reality of spiritual enlightenment still remains illusive. Our Tangible Structure of the Soul Program is unique in that the idea paradigm upon which this program is built is INCLUSIVE rather than EXCLUSIVE. We seek to reveal the point of union between seemingly opposing perspectives, to heal the conflicts inherent to Duality Consciousness and assist in positive growth toward a Unity Consciousness that is based upon mutual love, respect, freedom and co-creative stewardship toward our planet. The most exciting feature of the Melchizedek Cloister Bio-Spiritual Evolution Program is the revelation of the “road map” through the contours of multi-dimensional human anatomy, through which the interwoven biological and spiritual aspects of human evolution can be understood and consciously accelerated. This Audio Program features specific techniques and exercises of consciousness that will, if practiced sincerely, begin to open the fields of higher consciousness and spiritual enlightenment into the earthly conscious awareness. The program is a support tool for individuals seeking accelerated spiritual awakening and is a companion of the more extensive spiritual-science teachings of the Melchizedek Cloister.
Melchizedek Cloister Teachings The teachings contained within this program are representative of a vast repository of ancient knowledge regarding the true purposes and processes of human biological and spiritual evolution. These teachings have been kept alive within our cultures since pre-ancient history, through a secret Soul Group known as The Keepers of the Flame. The Keepers of the Flame are a part of a large group of spiritualscience teachers called the Melchizedek Cloister Family. Teachings of the Melchizedek Cloister Family are “brought out of hiding” when humanity most needs this information to help direct its evolution along a positive, life-giving path. For the first time in over 10,000 years, the full teachings of the Melchizedek Cloister Keepers are being publicly re-introduced. The philosophies of the Melchizedek Cloister present a view of reality in which both spirituality and science have their place and the intimate connection between spirit and science is revealed. Teachings of the egalitarian Melchizedek Cloister are not limited to the traditionally patriarchal slant promoted by some Melchizedek Priesthoods. Our perspectives are egalitarian in nature, stressing the need for balance and equal representation between the masculine and feminine aspects of reality. We assign no discriminatory bias to gender, race, religion or creed, other than to identify the differences between that which is supportive of true human bio-spiritual growth and that which impeded the growth process. The objective of the Melchizedek Cloister teachings is to cultivate an awareness of mechanics by which reality is created so humanity can begin to participate consciously as responsible co-creators within the universal creation drama.
The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana Deane, 1999, All Rights Reserved
The Audio CD Course In this Audio CD program you will learn a bit about the underlying structures upon which reality is made manifest and you will become acquainted with the multi-dimensional anatomy of the human identity. The bio-energetic techniques provided in this program are designed through an extensive understanding of Keylontic Morphogenetic Science – the Science of Consciousness and Creation, a system of understanding the “blueprints” upon which reality manifests. The techniques are easy to follow and one only needs a rudimentary understanding of the ideas presented within the included lectures, in order to receive the benefits of the Keylontic Science Techniques provided. I am personally excited to bring this information to you because I KNOW THE PROGRAM WORKS! I have experienced very rapid advancement in my own spiritual awakening and in the development of multi-dimensional perceptual skills through using these and similar Keylontic Science exercises. New worlds of perception, understanding, productivity and peace have opened up within me, as I experienced expansions of consciousness and direct cognition that I did not know existed until I ventured to use this program. I am delighted to share this information with you so you, too, may discover the joy-in-knowing that I have found, through using the programs of spiritual advancement, as provided by the Melchizedek Cloister. If you could see what I have come to see, know what I have come to know, the love, joy, wisdom and power of the universe would literally open up within you. I hope for you attainment of these states of cognition and more. The Melchizedek Cloister Program is a very good place to start your journey toward rapid spiritual awakening. Accelerating Bio-Spiritual Evolution, through expansion of the personal consciousness and integration of the spiritual aspects of being, is the primary objective of this CD Program. The paradigm of Bio-Spiritual Evolution recognizes the intimate connection between the human DNA, multidimensional levels of identity and anatomy, and the spiritual integration process. The focus of this program is providing practical techniques of bio-energetic mechanics through which the consciousness can expand by integrating the constructs of the multi-dimensional human anatomy. You will become acquainted with the basic structure of 15-dimensional human anatomy and identity and the energetic Hova Bodies, which house the multi-dimensional awareness. You will encounter the identity aspects of the Incarnate, the Soul and Archetype, the Over-Soul and Monad, and the Avatar, Rishi, GodSelf and God-Seed, that correspond to this basic anatomy structure. Techniques are geared toward assisting you to make a conscious connection with these transcendent portions of yourself and toward accelerating the natural bio-energetic processes by which these portions of your awareness can be brought into conscious embodiment. You will learn direct applications of Keylontic Morphogenetic Science, through which you can begin transforming your reality to a higher level of joy by healing and realigning the “blueprints” of light and sound, upon which your manifest reality is built.
The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana Deane, 1999, All Rights Reserved
Course Contents CD 1: Track 1: Lecture 1: Linking with the Solar Rishi – Hova Bodies and “Christ Consciousness” Track 2: Technique 1: Linking with the Solar Rishi CD 2: Track 1: Lecture 2: Anchoring the D-5 Archetype – Bio-Spiritual Evolution and Soul Integration Track 2: Technique 2: Anchoring the D-5 Archetype (advanced version) CD 3: Track 1: Lecture 3: Anchoring the D-8 Monad – Geomancies, Fire Letters and the God-Self Track 2: Technique 3: Anchoring the D-8 Monad (advanced version) CD 4: Track 1: Lecture 4: Keylonta Merkaba Activation – Hova Bodies, Crystal Seals and Merkaba Phases Track 2: Technique 4: Keylonta Merkaba Activation CD 5: Track 1: Lecture 5: Clearing the Crystal Body – Miasms and Releasing the Karmic Imprint Track 2: Technique 5: Clearing the Crystal Body CD 6: Track 1: Lecture 6: Activating the God-Seed – The Family of Consciousness and the God-Seed Track 2: Technique 6: Activating the God-Seed For detailed CD description, see page 53
I hope you have many expansive and joyful experiences as you work with the Melchizedek Cloister Tangible Structure of the Soul CD Course. This CD program is the foundation and forerunner of an integrated, future program of bio-spiritual healing and Conscious Evolution. With Love, Light and Spirit‟s Blessings….. A‟sha-yana
The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana Deane, 1999, All Rights Reserved
How To Use This Audio Program The Tangible Structure of the Soul Audio program is designed to serve the needs of anyone wishing to enhance their processes of Spiritual development, personal empowerment and expansion of consciousness. One does not need to fully understand the mechanics of Bio-Spiritual Evolution or to fully believe in the paradigm of Stair Step Creation in order to have this program work for you. The Lectures provided on Track 1 of each CD will provide you with a short orientation to the subject matter featured in the Keylontic Science Technique on Track 2. We recommend listening to the Lectures at least once, before practicing the corresponding technique, to become familiar with the concepts and terminology used in the exercises. The techniques are designed in a way that allows them to be used individually or as a well-rounded program, sequentially or in any order you prefer. Recommendations as to sequence and frequency can be found at the end of each technique description in the Course-1 CD Descriptions section. In the Summary Charts section you will find helpful diagrams and “information bites” related to the BioSpiritual Evolution process that will provide a bit more depth of understanding of the materials discussed in the Lectures and used in the Techniques. For those of you who have an appetite for intensive knowledge of the technical kind, the Glossary section of this supplement provides an in-depth explanation of terms used in this program, through which you can gain a more comprehensive understanding of the Bio-Spiritual Evolution, Stair Step Creation and Higher Identity Integration process. However, it is not necessary to review the technical information in order to use this program successfully. The most important features of this program are the Keylontic Techniques themselves, for it is through consistent application of these techniques that you will begin to make literal changes and expansion within your consciousness, perceptual range, morphogenetic field, bio-energetic field, chakra system, physical body and DNA. This program is designed to produce rapid, yet balanced, acceleration of spiritual development by affecting the morphogenetic field directly, and over time you can expect to notice subtle (or sometimes not so subtle!) changes in your consciousness and body. When first using the program, you may begin to feel various sensations of energy moving through your body at different times (even when you are not using the techniques), tingling or subtle infusions of heat or cold that may be noticeable, but not unpleasant. You may experience rapid improvement in dream recall, astral projection or psychic perception, especially if you use the techniques frequently and consistently. You may begin to feel the presence of an “unseen force” with you, as your own Higher Identity begins to integrate into your consciousness. This course represents the first level of an intensive Bio-Spiritual Evolution Program, its primary purpose is to establish a strong connection between you and your Levels of Higher Consciousness, so that your physical, emotional, mental and astral bodies are prepared for more intensive course work to follow. You may find that Course-1 is all you need to reach your goals of consciousness expansion through strengthening your connection to your Higher Self. Course-1 will gently begin the process of biologically integrating your Higher Identity Levels. The energy accelerations produced by Course-1 Techniques are geared toward realigning the Astral Body Levels first, while preparing the physical body to house higher frequency energy, so you do not have to worry about disrupting the energetic balances in your body systems. You may begin to experience short periods of mild emotional body clearing or slight mental fatigue, as the mental and emotional bodies begin to realign themselves to a higher order. Such clearing periods will run in cycles and if you keep a journal of your experiences, while using this program, you will begin to identify how and when these growth cycles manifest through your personal bio-energetic system. If you become uncomfortable with the feelings of energetic movement you may feel in your body, or if mental or emotional fatigue continues for more than a day or 2, we suggest stopping the program for a time, until your bio-energetic system has balanced the new energies brought in from the Techniques. Treat yourself gently and with kindness and don‟t feel that you need to rush your The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana Deane, 1999, All Rights Reserved
spiritual expansion. Your Higher Identity will regulate the rate of your growth, according to what is best for your entire body-mind-spirit system. We recommend keeping a daily journal as a general practice, even when not using the techniques. Observe your consciousness, your dreams, and the content of your thoughts in the moment and begin to become more aware of the energy in your body and the quality of your inner and outer perceptions. Training yourself, in such self-observation, will help you to notice your progress within the program more quickly. You will also be able to look back in your journals to see “how far you‟ve come”. Journal writing is also helpful in conjunction with the Techniques. At times during the exercise, particularly after regular use of the program, you may get spontaneous insights, information or guidance pertaining to important issues. You should record this information as soon as possible, after the exercise, before it fades from your awareness, after returning to your usual waking focus. For this reason, we suggest keeping a notebook and pen handy when practicing the Techniques. It is also wise to keep a notebook or recorder by your bedside, as use of the program will help to better organize information from the dream-state, and often your Higher Identity will communicate with you directly through the medium of dreams. Again, dream revelations will often fade or become confused once you focus into the waking consciousness (the gene code serves to fragment, block or distort incoming data from higher dimensional fields that you entered during sleep, until the 4th DNA strand and above begin activation). This Course is highly compatible with other forms of self-exploration, such as: affirmations, visualization, chakra work, bio-energetic healing, self-hypnosis, regression, belief reprogramming, rebirthing, meditation, prayer, toning, etc. We urge anyone who actively participates in such processes as the above, to use this program, as it will enhance your performance while helping you to protect yourself from unwanted influences such as Astral interference or chaotic reincarnational bleed-through. This program is designed specifically to create a strong energetic alignment between you and your Highest Identity levels, (far more than simply “opening the doors to Astral awareness”), so that your expansion of consciousness can proceed unimpeded and your exploration into the frontiers of multidimensional being can unfold safely and in a gentle manner. When first using the Techniques, it may be a challenge to keep up with the instructions or to visualize the images described. Don‟t be discouraged; with repetition and trust in your Higher Self, you will eventually be able to follow the Techniques with ease. The Techniques themselves will help you to develop concentration, focusing, visualization skills and higher dimensional perception. It is best to use the Techniques in a relaxed manner, removing from your mind any concern about what you will accomplish and focusing on the experience of following the steps as they come. The Techniques are intended to take you beyond your usual level of 3-dimensional perception and into inner landscapes, through which you can link with your Higher Identity. To receive full benefit from the program, focus your attention fully upon the audio experience and lessen all distracting thoughts or outside interference. It is favorable to use the Techniques in a calm, comfortable, quiet environment, in which you will not be disturbed (unplugging your phone can be helpful!). Though Track 1 Lectures can be used any time, Track 2 Techniques are not intended for use while driving. As with any skill development program – patience, practice and persistence – are most helpful in achieving the results you desire. For those interested in more extensive development, we offer several levels of Course Work, focusing upon Advanced Keylontic Healing Practices, Developing Manifestation Skills, Honing Multi-vector Consciousness, Advanced Merkaba Mechanics and Preparing for Bio-Spiritual Ascension. We also offer a variety of books, CD‟s, DVD‟s and educational materials to further your exploration of Bio-Spiritual Evolution, Stair Step Creation and 15-Dimensional Physics. May your journey into the frontiers of Higher Evolution be fun, inspiring and fulfilling. – Bon Voyage The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana Deane, 1999, All Rights Reserved
The Azurite Press** of the Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order (APMCEO) The APMCEO is a non-denominational, egalitarian, spiritual service organization, dedicated to providing cutting-edge information, teachings, services and out-reach programs for Spiritual Development, Bio-Spiritual Evolution, Healing, World Peace and Planetary Stewardship efforts. We offer a pro-active, affirmative action, personal and global healing perspective based upon the paradigms of Keylontic Morphogenetic Science and Stair-Step Creation, which are derived from the Ancient Teachings of the Eternal Dora-Teura, the Living Crystalline Morphogenetic Memory Matrix of Universal Order. Our programs focus upon awakening to higher consciousness and educated enlightenment and are intended to assist in the cooperative biological and spiritual evolution of all beings, through reverence and respect for all life. The Azurite Creed does not revolve around a rigid program of exclusive dogma, to which members are required to subscribe, but rather focuses upon a co-joining of ideas from all walks of life, through which the science and spirituality of the human condition can be more fully understood. The purpose of the APMCEO is to provide a loosely structured organization, through which people of all creeds and perspectives – from the scientific to the religious to the atheist – can come together to share ideas, learn form each other and grow toward a greater understanding and celebration of the mechanics and meaning of existence. The organization also provides a framework in which people may receive validation, acknowledgement and credit for spiritual growth and practical wisdom they have achieved through personal life experience, including experience of an extra-ordinary nature (such as Near-Death-Experience, Inter-dimensional Contact, etc.) that are most often ridiculed or misjudged by organizations that are built upon conventional religious and scientific dogma. From time to time, we have referred to our spiritual service organization as a “temple” not because of a structure within which it is housed or any affiliation with other religious organizations, but rather because we honor the belief that human consciousness and its embodiment represent the only true temple required for personal connection to AllThat-Is. Conventional organizations, serving scientific or religious perspectives, frequently favor one side of the science-spirituality dilemma, to the exclusion of the other. Perspectives of the APMCEO validate both scientific and spiritual perspective, viewing both as an intrinsic, interwoven part of cosmological structure. We seek to reveal the science of spirituality and the spirituality within true science, to further the evolution of personal and planetary consciousness. Melchizedek Initiations and Ordinations Programs represent Bio-energetic System / Morphogenetic Field / DNA activations, accomplished through application of Keylontic Science, which serve to accelerate and advance the biological embodiment of and expansion into, higher dimensions of consciousness. Initiation & Ordination Levels correspond directly to specific bio-electric, electro-magnetic & scalar wave manifestation within the body, chakra system, morphogenetic field and consciousness that occur through the process of building the hyper-dimensional Merkaba light-sound vehicle. Titled Ordination levels are not assigned to provide rank, but rather to clarify the level of individual Merkaba development and consciousness expansion, so that the skill level and bio-energetic ability to carry out specific functions of Keylontic Science Healing, teaching and Morphogenetic Code Transmission can be determined. In this way, ordinates are able to chart the path of their own growth more clearly and to more accurately assess their levels of skill in assisting others with bio-energetic/ morphogenetic field/ DNA work. The structure of the Ordinations Program is offered as a service to add clarity within the Melchizedek Cloister Bio-Spiritual Evolution Program. Initiations and Ordinations are free of charge and imply no spiritual, financial or other obligation whatsoever. **The Azurite Press was originally, and for a short time, called “Azurite Temple”. However, this was changed when the Guardian Alliance pointed out that the name tended to support a focus on an external spiritual organization rather than the essential emphasis on internal spiritual organization and personal conscious evolution.
The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana Deane, 1999, All Rights Reserved
Keylontic Science The APMCEO is dedicated to the accumulation and practical application of knowledge pertaining to 15Dimensional Physics and the study of advanced Inter-dimensional Vibrational Mechanics, known as Keylontic Morphogenetic Science. The foundations of our work are built upon the premises of the Stair-Step Creation and perpetual Motion Universe Models of Cosmological Order. These advanced models of cosmic order reflect and understanding that all things exist within and are perpetually sustained by a common, eternal, centralized Source of Creation & perpetual energy supply. Within this central Creative Source exists a fixed, ordered structure of sets of 15Dimensional Universal Systems that are divided into 5 sets of 3-dimensional systems, known as Harmonic Universes. All Universes are understood to exist within the same space, but are composed of varying degrees of dimensionalized matter – to – ante-matter density levels and possess different angular rotation of particle spin, thereby rendering simultaneously co-existing multi-dimensional reality systems invisible to each other. Within the paradigm of the Perpetual Motion Universe, it is further recognized that the energetic substance, of which the Eternal Source is composed, is made of CONSCIOUS SUBSTANCE, ultra-micro-particle unites of conscious awareness known as Partika, Partiki and Particum. The Ultra-micro-particle units of consciousness enter manifestation in the form of infinitely structured Scalar Grids, or constructs of consciousness, light, sound & electro-magnetic energy, built upon fixed points of sound (vibration), which form a geometrically arranged Crystalline Matrix of Consciousness called a Morphogenetic Field. Source Identity can perpetually experience Itself in individual, manifest forms through projection of Its consciousness into the holographic structure of dimensionalized Morphogenetic Fields. Through the understanding of the Perpetual Motion Universe and 15-Dimensional Morphogenetic Field structure, the model of Stair Step Creation emerges, within which it is understood that all things are composed of units of the consciousness of Source (or God), eternally reside within Source and experience individuation of identity and manifestation of form through a progressive expansion and projection into dimensionalized gestalts of consciousness. Individuation from Source represents breaking identity down into smaller gestalt packages, within the dimensional scale, and thus a return to Source constitutes a re-assembly of progressive levels of dimensionalized gestalt identity, through sequentially merging the dimensionalized scalar grids of the Crystalline Morphogenetic Field, that hold the levels of gestalt identity. Merging the morphogenetic fields of gestalt identity creates a sequential expansion of consciousness back into its original At-One-ment with Source consciousness, through which the process of progressive matter transmutation (de-densification) and ascension upward, through the dimensional scale, is achieved. Within this reality model existing paradigms of science, psychology and spirituality are fully brought together, revealing the dynamic relationship between matter, mind, spirit and Source. Keylontic Morphogenetic Science – the science of Light, Sound and the Crystalline Geometrical Templates of Matter – represents the study and application of the intrinsic morphogenetic dynamics of creation. As Keylontic Science deals with the operations of the templates, upon which the manifest hologram is built, it holds the key to understanding and mastering all aspects of time, space, matter and consciousness. Keylontic Science provides us with the tools and knowledge through which we can become consciously aware of our evolutionary process, both spiritually and biologically, for the morphogenetic field template creates and regulates our operable biological genetic code via the DNA-RNA. The study of Keylontic Science will reveal to us the true structure of our multi-dimensional anatomy and the means by which we can expand our awareness and transmute our DNA/ biology beyond the limitations of 3-dimensional reality, so we may awaken from the hologram of our genetically imposed mortality to reclaim our eternal nature and finally re-enter the space-time matter fields of higher evolution and beyond. The teachings of Keylontic Science Morphogenetic Science, the Perpetual Motion Universe, 15Dimensional Structure and Stair-Step Creation were taught on Earth long ago, in advanced pre-ancient cultures. Portions of these teachings were originally contained within the Bible and Torah, and were part of every true religious doctrine from the most ancient of times. These are the teachings of the Melchizedek Cloister, which span the structures of dimensionality to provide a living link to the central Source of creation. These teachings were actively applied within ancient Essence, Egyptian, Mayan, Christian, Hebrew, Hindu, Buddhiac and Druidic mystical schools, to assist humanity in the processes of inter-dimensional evolution and ascension. These teachings have been lost to humanity for many thousands of years and are now re-emerging, so we may reclaim the truth of our heritage and begin to direct the course of our Conscious Bio-Spiritual Evolution. The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana Deane, 1999, All Rights Reserved
Bio-Spiritual Evolution The term Bio-Spiritual Evolution refers to the true, natural evolutionary process of all life forms, by which the multi-dimensional consciousness (spirit) and the genetic code, body form or organic physical structure, grow and evolve simultaneously. In terms of human evolution, Bio-Spiritual Evolution is the natural process by which the DNA expands to prepare the physical body to hold progressively higher frequency bands and corresponding levels of conscious awareness. The human DNA imprint has been functioning below its capacity for thousands of years, which has served to block the intended processes of higher identity embodiment, through which the conscious awareness would naturally expand into multidimensionality. In using Keylontic Science, the function of the human DNA imprint can be progressively restored, allowing the natural dynamics of Soul, Over-Soul and Avatar level identity embodiment to commence. The morphogenetic (energetic template) imprint of the DNA is progressively expanding through drawing frequency in from the dimensional Unified Fields of Energy that surround the body. If certain structures in the morphogenetic field are rendered inoperable (as they have been in the human gene code), the morphogenetic field is blocked and can process only a limited frequency range. The morphogenetic DNA imprint controls what DNA functions will physically manifest and so morphogenetic blockages result in the physical DNA, body and consciousness functioning at a lower capacity than is the natural potential. Keylontic Science can be used to correct morphogenetic field distortions that serve to block the natural process of frequency accretion and DNA/consciousness expansion. As the natural pattern of the morphogenetic field is restored, missing frequency accretes in the morphogenetic field, dormant aspects of the DNA & RNA come to life, the “junk DNA” fragments, in the cells, begin to reorder and the manifest DNA expands to operational coding. As the physical DNA expands its potentials, dormant areas of the brain slowly come to life. The Pineal Gland begins to activate, reordering the functions of the metabolic and glandular systems. New neuro-passageways, nerve endings and brain-chemical combinations develop, the body is progressively able to house higher dimensional aspects of consciousness and the embodied identity is progressively enabled to perceive and participate in action taking place in higher dimensional fields. Eventually the cellular structure transmutes into a less-dense form of matter, the chromosome number increases and the biological carbons transmute into Silica, transforming the human biology into a more highly evolved biological form, which can move through various dimensional fields at will. The human genetic imprint was originally designed to hold 12 dimensions of consciousness – the embodiment of a full Avatar identity – as was exemplified 2000 years ago by Jesheua Melchizedek (Jesus/Sananda). The original human genetic imprint is called the Silicate Matrix or the Diamond Sun DNA Code, it is designed to manifest 12 strands of operable DNA, which allows for perception and embodiment of , and bodily transmutation-transmigration through, 12 dimensional fields and their corresponding levels of matter density. The Silicate Matrix is the hidden evolutionary potential that presently lies dormant within the human genome. The Bio-Spiritual Evolution programs, presented by the Melchizedek Cloister, are intended to assist humanity in reclaiming its birthright of the Silicate Matrix, through which accelerated Spiritual evolution (evolution of multi-dimensional consciousness) and its corresponding advancement of biological evolution can be achieved. Contemporary science does not comprehend the dynamics of morphogenetic fields and thus, does not yet understand the intimate connection between consciousness, DNA and the bodily condition. A popular misconception, in the scientific arena, is that consciousness is formed by the brain-function and thus, ceases to exist at the death of the physical brain. This assumption simply illustrates that contemporary science remains innocent to the knowledge of morphogenetic fields and multidimensional reality structure. This assumption creates a misinterpretation of available data through which manifest symptoms (the brain) are mistaken as the cause (consciousness). Science knows that “energy cannot be created or destroyed, it only changes form”. What is not yet recognized by science is that consciousness is energy and all energy is conscious. When this fact is understood, the eternal nature of conscious identity will be comprehended. The evolutionary expansion or digression of body and spirit are inseparable, taking place simultaneously and in direct correspondence to each other, through the natural process of Bio-Spiritual Evolution. When both science and religion evolve to understand this truth, there will no longer be division between these paradigms of belief.
The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana Deane, 1999, All Rights Reserved
Keylontic Science Mechanics Keylontic Mechanics is a multi-dimensional science which utilizes the natural laws of dimensional creation. It is the science of Light, Sound, the Sub-conscious Symbol Codes and the Base Codes of Matter. In Keylontic Science technique, the blueprints for manifestation are guided and directed to a higher order, through directly influencing the morphogenetic templates upon which manifest forms and events are created. Keylontic Science is the science of multi-dimensional Morphogenetic Fields – the science and art of consciousness and creation. The primary tools of Keylontic Science are the interdimensional light, sound, electro-magnetic and scalar wave spectra and the scalar fields (standing electrotonal wave grids) of which morphogenetic fields are composed. Keylontic Science uses specific scalar templates to interact directly with the movement and structure of energy, within morphogenetic fields. The scalar templates of Keylontic Science are called Geomancies and Geomantic Codes. A Geomancy is a specific pattern of internal light (electricity) and sound (vibration/frequency) used in the mental direction of energy through the human morphogenetic field. This pattern of light-sound represents a specific scalar wave template, built upon specific electro-tonal units of sound frequency, which are imbued with multi-dimensional electrical current. The Geomancy serves as a wave guide and manifestation template for energy movement within the human morphogenetic field. Geomancy Control Codes are wave-guides that direct the focus and manifestation of wave spectra within each dimensional field in the 15-Dimensional Spectrum. Each dimension has many subsidiary Geomantic Control Codes and one Primary Geomancy Control Code through which the frequency wave patterns of that dimension can be contoured and directed through the human morphogenetic field, in order to create desired results within the blueprints for matter manifestation. Through using the Primary Geomancy Control Codes the blueprints of consciousness and matter manifestation can be directly influenced and realigned with the higher identity structure and path of higher evolution. In greater terms, the Geomancies also represent stations of dimensionalized consciousness, portions of living, multi-dimensional intelligence containing vast amounts of condensed information and knowledge. All morphogenetic fields, including that of the human body and identity, are built upon complex arrangements of Geomantic Intelligence. It is through the Geomantic Intelligence that the morphogenetic structure of manifest identity perpetually receives its structural integrity and its impetus for expansion and evolution. Geomantic Intelligence perpetually connects all manifest forms to the consciousness of the Central Source of Creation or God and through interacting directly with the Geomantic Intelligence, one can become a conscious co-creator with Source-God. Humans are intended to become responsible co-creators within the Universal scheme. Working consciously with Keylontic Science Exercises and the Geomancy Control Codes (and the condensed information and cognition the Geomancies contain) expedites the process of human spiritual integration and evolution of consciousness and biology. Through the Geomancies, humans can begin to participate consciously in the creation of morphogenetic fields – the templates of creation upon which matter and event manifest.
Keylontic Science Technique In Keylontic Science technique, Primary Geomancy Control Codes and multi-dimensional light, sound and scalar wave spectra are used to realign the human body and DNA with the identity structure of the Soul and the higher aspects of multi-dimensional identity. The realignment of biology and multi-dimensional identity accelerates the process of awakening higher consciousness and perception. Through preparing the neurological structure and body to hold the faster moving wave spectra of the higher-dimensional identity levels, the experiential realities of higher-dimensional reality fields open to human perception and cognition. The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana Deane, 1999, All Rights Reserved
Each Keylontic Science technique, offered in the Tangible Structure of the Soul Program, utilizes the intrinsic dynamics of morphogenetic field operation and is geared toward developing, activating and expanding a specific aspect of the neurological structure, dormant DNA codes and higher dimensional levels of consciousness. Keylontic Science techniques are intended to rapidly expedite the personal process of Bio-Spiritual Evolution. Keylontic Science theory is built upon an extensive knowledge of 15-Dimensional Harmonic Physics and an in-depth understanding of the multi-dimensional morphogenetic fields, through which human consciousness manifests. Even if one does not consciously possess an understanding of the complexities of consciousness and creation, Keylontic Science technique can be easily employed to advance personal Bio-Spiritual Evolution. Each technique will produce subtle but definite expansion within the neurological structure, DNA and conscious awareness, gently leading one forward toward the expanded perception and cognition characteristic of true enlightenment.
The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana Deane, 1999, All Rights Reserved
Summary Charts And Supplementary Exercises
Summary Charts Used in Keylontic Science CD Techniques
Geomancy Symbol Codes CD1: Linking With the Solar Rishi
The Silver Shield CD2: Anchoring the 5th Dimensional Archetype
The Blue Pentagram The White Merkaba Star th CD3: Anchoring the 8 Dimensional Monad
The Pale Gold “ZTZ” (Double Forward Slanting Lightening Bolt) + White Merkaba Star CD4: Keylonta Merkaba Vehicle Activation
The Orange-Gold Square-Dot + the Blue Pentagram + the Gold ZTZ CD5: Crystal Body Clearing
The Merkaba Sun The Merkaba Star CD6: Activating the God-Seed
The Golden Egg
Miasmic Flame Cube
The Golden Cable
The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana Deane, 1999, All Rights Reserved
Crystal Matrices, Morphogenetic Field And Keylontic Science 1. Partiki, Partika and Particum: Smallest units of energy-substance. Electro-tonal units of consciousness that are the building blocks of morphogenetic fields, matter and individuated conscious identity. Operate as minute, perpetual motion fission/fusion generators.
1. PartikiAnte-matter
Particum Matter
2. Partiki Grids: The fabric of 2. morphogenetic field structure. Partiki units group to form interwoven Strands, then Grids of electro-tonal substance, out of which morphogenetic fields are fashioned. Out of a Unified Field of Partiki units, Partiki Grids form to create the frequency bands that make up dimensional fields and then to form individuated morphogenetic fields.
Partika Anti-matter
3. Partiki units continue to group or accrete upon the Partiki Grids, forming A. Keylons – crystallizations of “frozen” light” (standing scalar wave patterns and fixed points of tonal frequency), and B. Keylon Codes – complex groupings of Keylons, which together form a crystalline template of light spectra, sound frequency and electro-magnetism that is the morphogenetic field Crystal Body- the Blueprint upon which matter and identity will manifest.
3. A
3. B
4. Fire Letters: Light-Symbol Codes that 4. represent the electro-tonal programs of Keylons.
5. Geomancies: Composite Fire Letter 5. Light-Symbol Control Codes that represent the electro-tonal programs of Keylon Codes, which are used to direct the Fire Letters/ Keylons and the flow of energy through the morphogenetic field Geomancies Crystal Body. Morphogenetic Fields govern the form of matter manifestation and evolution of consciousness. Keylonta is the science of morphogenetic field mechanics and thus holds the key to physical reality and biological and spiritual evolution.
The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana Deane, 1999, All Rights Reserved
The D-5 Archetype Identity 1. The HU-2 Alphi Hova body (Soul Matrix ID) holds the original electro-tonal template for the HU-1 Nada Hova body (Incarnate body and ID). Disease within the incarnate body results from misalignments between the electro-tonal programs of the Alphi Hova and Nada Hova bodies. Some of these misalignments are carried in the DNA and cannot be realigned without Crystal Body reprogramming, but many imbalances and dis-ease conditions in the physical body can be corrected by Imprinting the Nada Hova body with the corrected electro-tonal program of the Alphi Hova body via Imprinting. 2. Within the 12 dimensions of human biological morphogenetic structure certain dimensional bands direct the function of other dimensional bands. The Geomancies and Fire Letters of these controlling dimensional bands govern the operation of the Crystal Body morphogenetic field. Each Hova body has a control center – the portion of its grid that contains the frequencies of a controlling dimensional band. The Alphi Hova / Soul Matrix body control center is the 5 th dimensional Partiki grid – the station of Identity corresponding to the D-5 grid is the Archetype. The D-5 Archetype is the control center for the Soul Matrix and Alphi Hova body. The Control Center for the Nada Hova body is the 2nd dimensional Partiki gird – the station of Identity corresponding to the D-2 grid is the Instinctual-Emotional Mind.
D-6 HU-2 D-5 D-4 Alphi Hova body (Soul Matrix ID) D-3 HU-1 D-2 Misalignments in electro-tonal programs D-1 Between Alphi and Nada Hova Bodies Nada Hova body (Incarnate ID)
Alphi Hova Control Center (D-5 Archetype ID)
Corrected Electro-tonal Imprints
Nada Hova Control Center (D-2 Instinctual-Emotional ID)
Imprinted Archetype – Alphi Hova Body converts misalignments in Nada Hova Body
The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana Deane, 1999, All Rights Reserved
The 15-Chakra System 15 Chakras and 15 Star Crystal Seals Placement Chart Seven Primary Chakras (C) C1. Base C2. Sacral C3. Solar Plexus C4. Heart C5. Throat-Thyroid C6. 3rd Eye-Pituitary C7. Crown-Pineal Eight Morphogenetic Chakras (MC) presently dormant MC8. Thymus-Cosmic Core MC9. Thalamus-Galactic Core MC10. Galactic Morph. 1 MC11. Galactic Morph. 2 MC12. Earth Star MC13. Earth Core MC14. Universal Morph. 1 MC15. Universal Morph. 2
32-36" above head MC14 Chakras (C) (MC)
Deep Space S12 Star Crystal Seals (S)
18" above head MC11 6" above head
Deep Space S11
3 Universal Merkaba Fields: link the 12 dimensional human morphogenetic field to the planetary, galactic & central vertical current & Hara Line universal morphogenetic fields. A. Universal Merkaba Field- MC‟s 14&15, Links galactic morph. to Universal morph. B. Galactic Merkaba Field-MC‟s 11&13, Links planetary Morph. to galactic morph. C. Planetary Merkaba FieldMC‟s 10&12, Links human morph. to planetary morph. 8 Outer Morph. Levels of Auric Field: sets human morph. imprint into Unified Fields of dimensions 8-15. Created by Dimensional Merkaba Fields 8-15. links to inner layers of auric field & body via MC‟s 8-15. D.
chakra structure Seed Crystal Seal at center
7 Inner Levels of Auric Field: set human morph. imprint into dimensions 1-7. created by Dimensional Merkaba Fields 1-7. links body & Outer Auric Levels via C‟s 1-7. E.
Inner Aura: extends 3" to several yards from body. E.
Star Crystal Seals: keep human morph field & identity dimensionally separated by controlling the angle of the Dimensional Merkaba Fields Axes in relation to the Harmonic Universe & Universal Merkaba Fields. Regulates the angular rotation of particle spin between dimensions. 15 Star Crystal Seals (S) S1. Red Star S2. Orange Star S3. Yellow Star S4. Green Star S5. Blue Star-Heart Star S6. Indigo Star –Core Star S7. Violet Star S8. Gold Star-Earth Star S9. Silver Star-Core Star S10. Blue-Black Star S11. Silver-Black Star S12. White Star S13. Universal Morph. Star 1 S14. Universal Morph. Star 2 S15. Universal Morph. Star 3
Outer Aura: extends outward into Earth‟s atmosphere & galaxy
6" below feet
Earth Core = Magnetic Merkaba Spiral
The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana Deane, 1999, All Rights Reserved
= Electrical Merkaba Spiral
The 8 Hova Bodies and Stations of Identity The 8 Hova Bodies & Corresponding Identity Stations: Hovas 1-5 are the Ariea Bodies, Hovas 6-8 are the Yuseta Bodies The word Hova means a Triadic Harmonic Light (scalar wave) Sound (tonal frequency) Grid (morphogenetic Partiki grid). 1. Nada Hova – the Incarnate ID (Taurenic Body) (Subconscious, Instinctual & Reasoning Minds) 2. Alphi Hova – Soul Matrix ID (Doradic Body) (Astral, Archetype & Angelic Minds) 3. Betcha Hova – Oversoul Matrix ID (Metatronic Body) (Ketheric, Monadic & Keriatic Minds) 4. Mahara Hova – Avatar Matrix ID (Hydronic Body) (Christiac, Buddhiac & Nirvanic Minds) 5. Raja Hova – Rishi Matrix ID (Hedronic Body) (Universal Conscious Mind) 6. Tanotra Hova – Geomantic Entity Matrix ID (MereKaBah Body) (Ascended Master Level – 1; Yuanasai/God Mind-1) 7. Di-omni Hova – RishA Matrix ID (SughmaDaTAa Body) (Ascended Master Level-2 – Yunasai/God Mind-2) 8. Prima Hova – Eckar Matrix ID (Ecka-Ba Body) (Ascended Master Level-3 – Yunasai/God At-one-ment)
= Ariea Hova Bodies in Time Matrix
= Yuseta Hova Bodies beyond time in Energy Matrix
Personal Spiritual evolution is the process of progressively expanding the personality to embody the higher stations of Identity and the morphogenetic Crystal Body. Through this process At-one-ment with our spiritual identity & God Consciousness is achieved. Integration of the higher identity progressively changes the nature of the biological form, so biological & spiritual evolution are one. Originally identity integration took place through one incarnational lifetime. Due to morphogenetic field distortions the process now takes place through successive reincarnations. Reincarnation was not the natural evolutionary process of the original human lineage, but it has been operational for over 5 million years. Through Keylontic Morphogenetic Science and the Silicate Matrix Crystal Gene, we can reclaim our eternal bodies and re-enter our natural state of evolution. The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana Deane, 1999, All Rights Reserved
The Interwoven Body-Mind-Spirit System 1. The 12 DNA strands of the Silicate Matrix correspond to the frequency bands of 12 of the 15 dimensions within one 15-Dimensional Matrix. 5 Ariea Hova Bodies & 5 Harmonic Universes in one 15-Dimensional Time Matrix
2. The 5 Ariea-Hova Bodies correspond to the 5 Harmonic Universes of one 15-Dimensioanl Matrix within the Time Matrix. The 3 Yuseta-Hova Bodies correspond to the 3 Levels of the Energy Matrix. (Triadic Level = Tanotra Hova, Polaric Level = Di-omni Hova, Eckatic Level = Prima Hova).
Silicate Matrix
15 Chakras and 5 Sections and 5 Levels of the Bio-energetic Field: 5 Harmonic Universes = 5 Bio-energetic Field Sections = 5 Ariea-Hova Bodies = 5 sets of 3 dimensions and 5 sets of 3 Chakras. 15 Dimensions = 15 Bio-energetic Field Levels = 15 Chakras. Cosmic Identity Structure = 8 stations of Identity, 5 within the Time Matrix and 3 within the Energy Matrix.
3 Yuseta Bodies in Energy Matrix
Through understanding the foundation structures upon which the body and consciousness are built we can learn to consciously direct the path of and accelerate our personal biological and spiritual evolution. The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana Deane, 1999, All Rights Reserved
The Hova Bodies and Identity Levels Substance Anatomy of Morphogenetic Identity The 8 Morphogenetic Bodies & Tonal Translations of the Stellar Fire Letter Sequences
The 5 Ar-E-a Bodies Body # & Name corresponds to: Dimensions #
Harmonic Universe #
density type Carbon based biology physical matter-1 CarbonSilica based biology physical matter-2
NADA HOVA BODY 1. Taurenic Body
Solar Fire Letter Sequences
ALPHI HOVA BODY 2. Doradic Body
Amenti Fire Letter Sequences
3. Metatronic Body
4. Hudronic Body
Dodecahedronic Fire Letter Sequences
individual Cellular Record Astral Archetypal & Angelic Minds
Dora Soul
crystalline liquid-light based biology Pre-Matter
Dolus Avatar
Metatronic Fire Letter Sequences
(also called the Dolaric Body)
Tauren Incarnate
Teura Over-Soul
Memory Record Matrix Subconscious Instinctual & Reasoning Minds
Silica based biology Etheric matter
(also called the Eck-a-sha Body)
identity level
Race Memory Record Ketheric Monadic & Keriatric Minds (Eck-a-shic Record) Planetary Memory Record Christiac Buddhiac & Nirvanic Minds (Dolaric Record) Galactic Memory Record Universal Mind
(also called the Rishic Body)
5. Hedronic Body
Tetrahedronic Fire Letter Sequences
standing wave pattern flame or fire body ANTE-Matter
(Rishic Record) Universal Memory Record
3 Levels of Ascended Mastery The 3 Yu-Set-a Bodies Triadic Fire Letter Sequences
Di-omni Hova 7. Sugh-ma-Da-TA-a Body
Prolaric Fire Letter Sequences
Prima Hova 8. Ecka-Ba Body
Eckatic Fire Letter Sequences
Triadic Matrix
Energy Matrix
(consciousness as) radiation
(Memory Matrix) Cosmic Trinity
Polaric Matrix
Energy Matrix
Cosmic Polarity
Unified Matrix
Energy Matrix
Cosmic Unity
The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana Deane, 1999, All Rights Reserved
Cosmic Conscious Mind
Tanotra Hova 6. Mer-eKa-Bah Body
Supplementary Exercises
Supplementary Exercise
Raising the Frequency of Foods With Keylonta
In ancient times the ritual of blessing foods was quite common. This practice is more than simply showing gratitude for one‟s bounty. Originally the food blessings were used to increase the quality and life force energy within the foods, via specific word-sound patterns and the secondary Chakras in the palms. The true mechanics of this ritual have long been forgotten, leaving simply an attitudinal gesture where once was Keylontic Science energy dynamic. The true art of food blessing can be rediscovered using simple techniques such as the one below. Astral Infusion 1. Sit for a moment with eyes closed and inhale slowly, while visualizing the air-energy from the breath collecting in the 4th Heart Chakra. 2. Exhale while visualizing the air-energy expanding within the Heart Chakra, filling the Chakra with light. 3. Take 3 more slow, deliberate inhale-collecting – exhale-expanding breaths, until the Heart Chakra is imagined to be overflowing with White Light. 4. Place hands over food item and on the final inhale, draw golden energy downward from the 7th Crown Chakra into the 4th Heart Chakra, turning the Heart Chakra energies to golden light. 5. On the exhale, plush the energies from the Heart Chakra down through the arms, into the palms and out the palm chakras directly onto the foods. 6. As you continue to breathe energy down, from the Heart Chakra, repeat the following wordsound statement: “I bless this food with the power of the Holy Spirit”. Imagine golden light entering into the food item, turning all of its molecules to golden light. 7. Repeat the verbal blessing, while using the breath to guide the energies from the Heart Chakra until all of the golden light in the Heart Chakra has dissipated. Close blessing with statement, “And so it is” or “Amen”. This exercise infused the food item with 8th – dimensional frequency (golden light) via the 4th – dimensional astral level of the food‟s bio-energetic body (accessed through the 4th – dimensional Heart Chakra).
The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana Deane, 1999, All Rights Reserved
Supplementary Exercise
Kathara Toning Exercise The Ar-E-a Khum – Nar‟ A The Song of Orion Verse 1: OM A Da E‟ Patum ah OM A Da E‟ Patum ah Patum ah A' DE E - Tah, A khum-na OM A Da E‟ Patum ah Verse 2: TrA TE La E‟ Durum Na TrA TE La E‟ Durum Na Durum' ah A' Khem - Tah, A khum-na OM A Da E‟ Patum ah
Because Morphogenetic Fields are scalar grids, that are built upon minute patterns of light, sound and electro-magnetism, they are directly affected by light, sound and electro-magnetism. When we understand the nature of Morphogenetic Fields and the personal Crystal Body Morphogenetic Field, through which we manifest, we begin to realize the power each individual possesses to directly affect conditions within the body-mind-spirit system. Each thought we think creates an electro-magnetic signature of energy within the morphogenetic field, which either serves to raise or lower the vibrational rate of the body and consciousness. Like thought, qualities of externalized sound, light, electro-magnetism and vibration also directly affect the morphogenetic field. In our culture we tend to take sound for granted, never really considering the power that exists within the wave spectra we perceive as sound. Each day we are saturated with sounds from our environment and also form the inner sounds of our own thoughts and emotive reactions. There is much power in thought and within the spoken word, for these attributes of our consciousness have the power to create morphogenetic field alterations. This Exercise, and the 2 that follow, are applications of morphogenetic field technology. Using specific affirmative word combinations, such as in the practice of Affirmations, or specific sound-tone combinations, such as in Toning, we use our power of sound to create healing and accelerate evolution, through directly setting “sound grids” within the Crystal Body. This exercise – The Ar-E-a Khum-Nar’ A, is an ancient sound-tone program that was used in ancient Essence, Egyptian, Sumerian, Atlantian and Lemurian Ascension Schools to Stimulate the 8th DNA strand into activation for acceleration of the Soul/Over-Soul Embodiment Process and to begin the process of activating the Kee-Ra-ShA (Kundalini energies). Repetition of this toning builds a powerful thrust of 8 th-Dimensional frequency within the morphogenetic field, which accelerates and realigns the lower dimensional frequencies within the DNA, chakra system and Auric Field. Used regularly as a mantra, the “Song of Orion” is a powerful tool for spiritual awakening and transformation.
The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana Deane, 1999, All Rights Reserved
Supplementary Exercise
AM-PM I AM Grids
"I AM" word programs set powerful electro-magnetic programs within the Morphogenetic Crystal Body (Energy Body). Word patterns can serve to help you evolve and awaken or impede this process. The most powerful times for setting Crystal Body programming Grids is just prior to sleep and just after awakening. The following exercise provides a very powerful morphogenetic programming grid to assist you in accelerating spiritual evolution and multi-dimensional identity integration, while setting up multi-dimensional protection grids that will help reverse the polarity of negative or harmful programming grids.
I AM ONE with the Cosmic Mind. I AM held gently, at all times, within the love of the Original ONE – the true God of Creation. I AM strong & resolute in my calling; I hear the call of my sacred Original – Divine – Self, my God – Self, leading me home. I AM clear of mind & vision as the knowing of my God – Self flows through me at all times. I AM in this moment fully embraced by my God – Self and its connection to the Original God. I AM at peace in the face of anger. I Am calm in the face of chaos. I AM filled with the glowing essence of Divine love, through which I AM healed. I AM the vessel for Original Truth and Wisdom. I AM the conduit for Original Love. I AM the living expression of the Scared Law of One. I AM harmless yet powerful. I AM humble yet knowing. I AM the expression of eternal love, light, truth and power – I carry the will of the Original ONE through all of my moments, allowing the Divine to touch others through me. I AM Whole NOW. I AM Peace NOW. I AM Wisdom NOW. I AM Divine Love NOW. And So IT IS Repetition of this tonal manifestation grid for a period of 3 consecutive weeks, repeated out loud once in the morning upon waking and once prior to evening sleep will create a powerful, grid-shifting program that will assist directly in the Spiritual Integration process.
The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana Deane, 1999, All Rights Reserved
Supplementary Exercise
The I-Am Prayer
This Prayer can be used in the form of a spoken Affirmation or rendered in a song. The energy signature of the words creates a powerful morphogenetic manifestation grid. This grid will assist in accelerating the activation of the Silicate Matrix DNA codes to create a pure and rapid connection between the multidimensional levels of identity. Verse 1: I AM a Child of the Original ONE, I AM a Ray of the Original Sun, I AM Wholeness, I AM Love. I AM the Truth that spans the sands of time, I AM the Rainbow of the very first Shine, I AM Music, I AM Light. Chorus 1: Let the Light Descend Upon me, guide the way with Golden Light, No other God will stand before me, as I embrace the One True Life… I was born to live...by the will of the Original ONE. Verse 2: I AM a face of the Original God, I AM a voice of the Original Sound, I AM a wave upon the Ocean of Eternal Light. Chorus 2: I Reach my arms up to the heavens… Sing….I AM – THIS - I AM The Presence of the ANCIENT ONE Springs forth at my command…. I AM ONE WITH GOD…. I AM THIS I AM.
AND SO IT IS… In the many mansions of the scared House of ONE.
The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana Deane, 1999, All Rights Reserved
Glossary And Course-1 Audio CD Descriptions
Glossary Alphi Hova Body: The 3-dimensional, tri-tonal scalar grid within the anatomy of the multi-
dimensional human morphogenetic field, that corresponds to Harmonic Hunverse-2 and DNA Strand 4-6, houses the awareness of the Soul Matrix Identity and contains the Astral Mind of the 4thDimension, the Archetypal Mind of the 5th-Dimension and the Angelic Mind of the 6th-Dimension. The Alphi Hova Body contains the morphogenetic imprint, conscious awareness and Kee-Ra-ShA energy for 2 cycles of 12 Semi-etheric matter Soul manifestations in Harmonic Universe-2 and serves to link the consciousness of each Soul to its parallel anti-particle double in parallel Harmonic Universe-2. The Alphi Hova Body holds the memory matrix of the identity‟s Harmonic Universe-2 Soul manifestation, the memory of the Nada Hova Body and the Race Memory Record. Merger of the Alphi Hova Body with the Nada Hova Body, of the Incarnate identity, constitutes Soul Integration, the state of cognitive expansion within which one begins to develop Multi-vector Consciousness (the embodied awareness becomes able to simultaneously perceive and interact with multiple space-time coordinates and more than a singular time continuum) and to access extraterrestrial and future-time reincarnational memory, through activation of DNA strands 4-6. The Alphi Hova Body corresponds to chakras and auric field levels 4, 5 and 6 and to the 2nd of 3 Kee-Ra-ShA (Kundalini) Spirals at the base of the spine and to the 2 nd of 3 Frequency Seals on the Pineal Gland, which regulates the activation of the Hallah Phase Merkaba Vehicle.
Archetype: The Archetype Identity is the portion of the multi-dimensional mind that corresponds
to the 5th Dimension, the center of the Soul Matrix and Alphi Hova Body. The Soul Matrix is a 3dimensional scalar grid (a Hova Body) that houses the Soul Gestalt Identity in dimensions 4, 5 and 6 (Harmonic Universe-2). The Archetype Identity of D-5 is the central control consciousness for the Soul Matrix-Alphi Hova Body. The first level of higher identity integration is called Soul Integration, the process by which the Alphi Hova Body of the Soul Identity merges, through the bio-energetic field and DNA, with the Nada Hova Body of the Incarnate Identity. Through Anchoring the Archetype, to expedite the process of Soul Integration, the scalar grid of the 5th-Dimensional Archetype Identity is progressively brought into merger with the 2nd-Dimensional Emotional Body, which realigns distortions in the 4 th-Dimensional Astral Body, 3rd-Dimensional Mental Body and 2nd-Dimensional Emotional Body, as the 5th Dimensional Archetype frequencies move through the scalar grids, chakras and DNA strands corresponding to the 4 th, 3rd and 2nd Dimensional morphogenetic field. Anchoring the Archetype imprints the personal morphogenetic field with the realigned template for DNA strands 1-6 within. Activating the Archetype begins process of manifesting DNA strands 1-6 within the operational gene code, once they have been realigned through the Anchoring process, allowing a progressive embodiment and consciousness awakening of the Soul Matrix Identity within the Incarnate Identity. As distortions in the Incarnates Nada Hova Body (dimensions 1, 2 and 3) are purged by entry of the 5th-dimensional Archetype frequencies, the process of merging the Soul’s Alphi Hova Body (dimensions 4, 5 and 6) with the Nada Hova Body is accelerated. This begins merger of the 1st-Dimensional Etheric Body (and Body Consciousness) with the 4th-Dimensional Astral Body and Consciousness, and the 6th-Dimensional Angelic Body and Consciousness with the 3rd-Dimensional Mental Body and Consciousness. Full Soul Integration (merger of the Incarnates Nada Hova Body with the Alphi Hova Body of the Soul Matrix) expands the Incarnate Identity from a 3-dimensional consciousness to a 6-dimensional consciousness, activating dormant DNA strands 4-6, through which the Incarnate becomes a fully embodied Soul. A fully embodied Soul has a 6-Dimensional perceptual field, a progressively expanding reincarnational memory and is capable of experiencing clairvoyance, clairaudience and conscious astral projection in 6 dimensions and bi-location in 2 Harmonic Universes, through entering Hallah Phase Merkaba, once these skills have been honed. The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana Deane, 1999, All Rights Reserved
Ascended Master: A term that is highly misused within the contemporary New Age movement,
particularly by 4th-Dimensional discarnate collectives who interact with Earth humans form the D-4 Astral planes, calling themselves by this term, when in fact such D-4 groups are hardly more advanced than Earth humans in the evolution toward ascended mastery. True Ascended Masters are not identities who are progressed in partial ascension, within the dimensional scales of the Time Matrix. An Ascended Master is a highly evolved Ultra-terrestrial gestalt of consciousness, in pure ante-matter wave form, that exists beyond the dimensionalization of the Time Matrix, within the 3 levels of the nondimensionalized Energy Matrix. Though all beings in time originally began their journey of individuation through such an Ultra-terrestrial Collective, and thus each being has, as part of its higher identity anatomy, 3 levels of ascended mastery consciousness, a being within the Time Matrix is not considered to be the embodiment of an Ascended Master unless the being has experienced a full projection into the Time Matrix and a full 15-Dimensional ascension back out of the Time Matrix, before returning to manifestation within time. Such criteria for ascended mastery is used because a being entering manifestation within the Time Matrix, for the first time, experiences a fragmentation of its geometrical morphogenetic field as it enters dimensionalization. It is the connection of the geometrical structures of the morphogenetic field scalar grids that allows for a being to attain a conduit of communication with its ascended mastery identity levels. On the first projection into time, the morphogenetic field is fragmented, thus temporarily severing the conduit of communication between the manifest identities and the ascended mastery identity. As a being proceeds to evolve within the dimensions of the Time Matrix, the geometrical structures of the morphogenetic field progressively reassemble, re-opening the conduits of communication through first the dimensionalized identity levels, then finally with the ascended mastery identity levels, beyond time, when the consciousness has merged its 5 dimensionalized Hova Bodies and transmuted into the antematter Rishi state of being. Through this first evolution, the morphogenetic codes (scalar wave patterns) of the entire 15-Dimensional Matrix become embodied within the identity’s morphogenetic field and these codes will remain as the consciousness leaves the Time Matrix to return to its Ultra-terrestrial Collective. When an ascended being chooses to re-enter the Time Matrix for incarnation, the morphogenetic codes it collected in it first projection in time will remain and upon the second projection these “codes of ascension” or “Cap Stone Codes” can be imbued within the morphogenetic fields of the dimensionalized identity aspects, where they will manifest as dormant potentials within the physical genetic code of the Incarnate and Soul bodies in Harmonic Universes-1 and 2. Only incarnates who possess the Cap Stone Codes within the DNA imprint, in the present life time, possess the genetic ability to translate the ascended mastery levels of consciousness through the embodied gene code. Thus only beings that have achieved full ascension and then returned to incarnation are considered to be true embodiments of Ascended Masters. Rishi, Avatars, Souls and Over-Souls, though all transcendent levels of identity, do not qualify as true Ascended Masters unless their gestalt of consciousness has fully completed at least one full cycle of ascension out of time. The term “Ascended Master” thus refers to the Ultra-terrestrial Consciousness collectives beyond time in the Energy Matrix, or to manifest incarnates of these collectives that are born of a consciousness gestalt that has fulfilled ascension and then returned to carry the Cap Stone Codes within the morphogenetic field and genetic imprint. The Ascended Master is also the level of Ultra-terrestrial personal identity that corresponds to the final 3 of 8 Hova Bodies, the Yuseta Hova Bodies, within the morphogenetic anatomy of the human. The Yuseta Hova Bodies correspond to the eternal gestalt identity levels stationed within the 3 non-dimensionalized levels of the Energy Matrix – the Geomantic Entity identity of the Triadic Level, the RishA identity of the Polaric Level and the Eckar identity of the Eckatic Level. Though all humans are not able to fully embody their ascended mastery levels of identity in the current lifetime, they can accelerate the process of fist ascension by working consciously to merge the 5 dimensionalized Hova Bodies, the The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana Deane, 1999, All Rights Reserved
Ariea Hova Bodies, for Soul and Over-Soul integration while physically incarnate. Following the end of the current life they may be able to fulfill Avatar and Rishi Integration to fulfill the first ascension. If full ascension is achieved in the present life-death cycle, the identity will have the choice of returning to incarnate as an Ascended Master, carrying the Cap Stone Codes, as the next life experience. Working to connect with the ascended master identity levels within this lifetime begins the process of aligning the 5 Hova Body scalar grids in time, with the 3 Hova Bodies beyond time, allowing the high cognition of the ascended master levels of personal conscious awareness to progressively serve as a guiding influence within the current incarnation, which offers the opportunity for more rapid and harmonious Bio-spiritual Evolution. Ascended Masters can access the Triadic, Polaric and Eckatic Cosmic Memory Records. Ascended Masters are called Commodores-Elder-Consummates (5th-degree ministers – Triadic and Polaric Level Integration) or Eckars (6 th-degree ministers-Eckatic Level Integration) in the Melchizedek Cloister Ordinations Program.
Avatar: The Avatar Identity is the portion of the multi-dimensional identity that corresponds to the
Mahara Hova Body of Harmonic Universe 4, contains the Christiac Mind of the 10th-Dimension, the Buddhiac Mind of the 11th-Dimension and the Nirvanic Mind of the 12th-Dimension and exists in a Pre-matter Liquid Light state of density. The Avatar identity level represents the 12-dimensional state of cognitive expansion one experiences with full activation of the 12 DNA strands of the Silicate Matrix genetic imprint, it is the highest level of awareness that can be embodied within a physical human form. The Avatar is a gestalt of Meta-terrestrial consciousness, which includes all incarnational identity aspects positioned within the lower dimensions. When one has integrated all or part of the Avatar identity level, the perception of time, space and matter changes to a 12-dimensional spectrum of Multi-vector Consciousness. Multivector Consciousness represents simultaneous perception of and interaction with numerous Incarnational, Soul and Over-Soul Identities within various space-time positions in the Time Matrix. The Mahara Hova Body scalar grid of the Avatar identity connects the Etheric matter Over-Soul Matrix of Harmonic Universe-3 (Betcha Hova Body, dimensions 7-9) with the Ante-matter Rishi Identity in Harmonic Universe-5 (Raja Hova Body, dimensions 13-15). This term is also used to describe human or discarnate consciousness that possesses 7-12 dimensions of conscious awareness, but only those with 10-12 dimensions of consciousness are considered true Avatars. Though all human incarnates are connected to a gestalt of higher dimensional consciousness that includes the Avatar identity level, not all incarnates can fully embody the 12-dimensions of consciousness in one life-time. The bio-energetic field of a fully embodied Avatar transmits a massive spectrum of inter-dimensional electromagnetic and scalar waves. If too many 12th-level Avatars entered the Earth system at one time the morphogenetic field of the planet would over-load with frequency causing planetary implosion. Thus true Avatar embodiments are the result of a limited number of Contract Agreements, made between a consciousness choosing to incarnate from Harmonic Universe-4 (most consciousness incarnates from Harmonic Universes-1 and 2) and the Harmonic Universe-5 Rishi gestalts of consciousness, who watch over human evolutionary cycles (often called the “Councils of Light”). True Avatars can incarnate only through very specific gene code combinations, which allow for the formation of a fetal pattern that can hold higher dimensional frequencies of energy. Frequently Avatars do not awaken to their true identity, full embodiment of Avatar awareness and full 10-12 strand DNA activation until well into adulthood. Awakening of Avatars is synchronized with the raising of the vibration within the planetary morphogenetic field, most awaken in stages as the planetary vibration rises. Avatar contracts always involve some form of work that affects the evolution of the masses. Even though most human incarnates do not possess Contracts for full Avatar Over-Soul embodiment, many hold Over-Soul Integration Contracts and are capable of expanding the consciousness into Over-Soul embodiment through merger of the Nada, Alphi and Betcha Hova Bodies and activation of DNA strands 7-9. Once Over-Soul embodiment is achieved, one can open to receive information from their Avatar identity and Rishi identity levels, which is not the same thing as full biological embodiment of the level, but still provides a transcendent state of awareness. The The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana Deane, 1999, All Rights Reserved
Avatar Identity represents the true meaning of “Christed Consciousness”. One attaining this level of integration is capable of entering Mahunta Phase Merkaba for full biological transmutation abilities within 4 Harmonic Universes (ascending or descending through the 12-dimensional scale at will), once skill has been honed and 12 DNA strands have been activated. Avatars can access the Galactic Memory Record. Avatars are called Regents (3rd – degree Ministers) in the Melchizedek Cloister Ordinations Program.
Betcha Hova Body: The 3-dimensional, tri-tonal scalar grid within the anatomy of the human
multi-dimensional morphogenetic field, that corresponds to Harmonic Universe-3 and DNA Strands 7-9, houses the awareness of the Over-Soul Matrix Identity and contains the Ketheric Mind of Dimension-7, the Monadic Mind of Dimension-8 and the Keriatric Mind of Dimension-9. The Betcha Hova Body contains the morphogenetic imprint, conscious awareness and Kee-Ra-ShA (Kundalini) energy for 2 cycles of 12 Etheric matter, Over-Soul manifestations within Harmonic Universe-3 and serves to link the consciousness of each Over-Soul to its parallel anti-particle double in parallel Harmonic Universe-3. The Betcha Hova Body holds the memory matrix of the identity‟s Harmonic Univers-3 manifestations, the memory contained within the lower Hova Bodies and the Planetary memory Record. Merger of the Betcha Hova Body with the Incarnates Nada Hova Body constitutes Over-Soul Integration, the state of cognitive expansion, within which one begins to access memory of Etheric Stellar incarnations and the original entrance into the Time Matrix, through activation of DNA strands 7-9. The Betcha Hova Body corresponds to chakras and auric field levels 7-9, to the 3rd of 3 Kee-Ra-ShA (Kundalini) Spirals at the base of the spine and to the 3rd of 3 Frequency Seals on the Pineal Gland, which regulates activation of the Quatra Phase Merkaba Vehicle.
Bio-Spiritual Evolution: The natural process of the multi-dimensional evolution, not yet
understood by contemporary science, through which the evolution and growth of the physical body form and multi-dimensional consciousness are co-dependent and intertwined through the morphogenetic field and DNA. The DNA serves as the conduit through which the multi-dimensional consciousness of the Soul, Over-Sour and Avatar identity (higher dimensional identity levels) progressively embodies, within physically incarnate form, over the course of numerous incarnations. Through the course of each lifetime, the incarnate consciousness progressively draws into (accretes) the morphogenetic field and DNA, more of the consciousness from its higher-dimensional identity (Hova Bodies of the multidimensional morphogenetic field), progressively activating more elements of dormant DNA, expanding the embodied awareness and eventually creating cellular transmutation from dense matter into ante-matter wave form. When the DNA is working properly the process of higher identity embodiment (through Hova Body merger) can occur in one extended lifetime and dimensional ascension (transmutation of the body matter into pure consciousness wave form), rather than physical death and repeated incarnation, is the means by which consciousness proceeds from dense matter, biological reality systems into non-matter eternal reality systems. For hundreds of thousands of years the human gene code has carried mutations that impede the natural process of higher identity embodiment and evolution through dimensional ascension, whereby physical death and repeated biological incarnation has become necessary for identity integration to occur over many lifetimes. Through understanding the inherent nature of Bio-Spiritual Evolution, on can begin to restore the biological morphogenetic field to repair DNA mutation, through which the natural processes of higher identity integration and embodiment, consciousness expansion into multidimensionality and bodily dimensional ascension can once again be restored. Bio-Spiritual Evolution is the process by which Keylontic Morphogenetic Science is consciously used by the incarnate identity to restore the morphogenetic field for rapid consciousness expansion, DNA restoration, biological transmutation and Dimensional Ascension.
The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana Deane, 1999, All Rights Reserved
Crystal Body: In relation to human beings, the 8 Hova Bodies within the anatomy of the multi-
dimensional human morphogenetic field are collectively referred to as the Crystal Body. The human Crystal Body represents an 8 level scalar grid that is composed of electro-tonal ultra-micro-particle units of consciousness called Partiki, Partika and Particum. These ultra-micro-particles form geometrically arranged Partiki Strands and Partiki Grids, that are the foundation “fabric” or template of dimensionalized light, sound and scalar waves, upon which the individuated consciousness and matter substance of the physical body manifests, within the varying levels of matter density in the Time and Energy Matrices. The Crystal Body is the morphogenetic field, which forms as a crystalline structure of interwoven Partiki units, due to the geometrical relationships between the light, sound and scalar waves upon which it is built. The Partiki Grids of the Crystal Body form the scalar grids of the electro-tonal standing wave patterns that form the structure of the Hova Bodies, which serves to house the individuated stations of consciousness within dimensionalization. The term Crystal Body is used in reference to the multi-dimensional morphogenetic field, of a person, object, planet, galaxy, universe or cosmos. It contains the 8 Hova Bodies of human anatomy, their corresponding levels of mind and holds the imprint for the DNA-RNA pattern through which the biological genetic code of the physical body manifests. The Crystal Body of both biological and non-biological forms represents the geometrical template upon which particles and anti-particles group to “flesh out the form in matter”. The Crystal Body morphogenetic field represents the causal aspect of all manifest effects, and thus it is the level of energetic reality and consciousness through which manifestation can be directly affected. Keylontic Science techniques use Geomancies (geometrical patterns of light, sound, electro-magnetism and scalar waves) as waveguides to alter and adjust the scalar grids of the Crystal Body, to create desired beneficial effects in manifest conditions.
Dimensions: Dimensions are vibrating fields of electro-magnetic scalar grids, built upon specific
morphogenetic field templates that exist in specific relationships to each other, which together from an energetic framework of interwoven frequency bands within manifest reality , individuated identity, time, space and matter can be experienced by consciousness. Dimensions form a matrix of morphogenetic order called the Time Matrix, within which all manifest reality systems take place. Dimensions are structured in sets of 15, which are further ordered into groups of 3. Each set of 3 dimensions represents 1 Harmonic Universe reality system. Within a 15-Dimensional Time Matrix the vibratory/oscillation rate and frequency of each dimension progressively increases from lowest to highest, ULF to UHF, creating an inter-dimensional scale of vibrational/oscillation through which consciousness passes into manifestation. Each dimension within the scale has a specific range of vibrational movement, frequency, angular rotation of particle spin, and level of associated conscious awareness. One Time Matrix is composed of 5 sets of 3 dimensions, or 5 Harmonic Universes, which create 5 interwoven, 3-dimensional universal reality fields, existing within different frequency ranges. Each Harmonic Universe represents a three-part scalar grid, with which consciousness merges to take on manifestation and 3-dimensional perception. Perception of external reality and matter density is a holographic projection of consciousness through the scalar grids of the dimensionalized Harmonic Universe systems, within the Time Matrix. Each Harmonic Universe within the 15-Dimensional scale possesses its own range of frequency, vibrational/oscillation and angular rotation of particle spin, through which a progressive system of matter density levels – from gross physical matter in the lower dimensions, to ante-matter pure conscious wave forming the highest dimensions – is formed. The types of biological life and consciousness that will manifest in each Harmonic Universe are characteristic to the associated matter density levels. The multidimensional structures of the Time Matrix represent the system of energy constructs through which consciousness fragments and descends in vibration to achieve manifestation and individuality, and within which embodied consciousness will then evolve through re-integrating its multi-dimensional fragments and ascending its vibration, to return to its original form of pure sentient consciousness beyond the holographic projection of space, time and matter. All dimensions exist within the same The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series 35 Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana Deane, 1999, All Rights Reserved
place and flow through each other at specific intervals, but the reality fields of dimensionalized matter and consciousness appear separate and invisible to each other due to the 90-degree difference in angular rotation of particle spin between dimensional bands and a 45-degree difference in particle spin between Harmonic Universes. The dimensional collective represents a cosmic scalar grid made of standing scalar waves, built upon fixed points of sound, which form the morphogenetic template for cosmic creation. All life forms represent smaller morphogenetic fields, microcosmic versions of the macrocosmic dimensional scale, that hold individuated consciousness within the framework of space, time and matter. Dimensions represent stations or platforms of universal consciousness, composed of fields of standing scalar waves and frequency that form the morphogenetic framework within which BioSpiritual Evolution of life forms takes place.
Energy Matrix: Within the morphogenetic structure of cosmic design, the Energy Matrix exists
within the Consciousness Field of the Central Source of Creation (within the Monad), as a Unified Field of Energy, within which the smaller dimensionalized reality fields of the Time Matrices exist. The Energy Matrix represents the first area of projection into which consciousness flows as it individuates from the Monadic level of the Central Creative Source. The Energy Matrix has 3 primary levels of vibration, scalar grids built upon sound tones, that form a trinity of non-dimensionalized reality fields and gestalts of eternal consciousness awareness. The Eckatic Matrix is the mid-vibration reality fields and the Resonant Tone (combined Base Tone and Over Tone) of the trinity, that represents the first scalar grid into which consciousness will pass, in its individuation from the Monad and the last scalar grid through which consciousness will move in it expansion back into the Monad. The Polaric Matrix is the high vibration reality fields and Over Tone of the trinity, that represents the 2nd scalar grid into which consciousness will pass in its individuation from the Monad and the 2nd to last scalar grid through which consciousness will move in its expansion back into the Monad. The Triadic Matrix is the low vibration reality field and Base tone of the Trinity and represents the 3rd scalar grid into which consciousness will pass in its individuation from the Monad and the 1st scalar gird consciousness will pass into after ascending out of the dimensionalized constructs of the Time Matrices. The Energy Matrix is the point at which vibrations of the consciousness of Source and its individuated gestalt God-Seed and Monads (tonal structures of consciousness) emerge into electro-tonal structures of light and electro-magnetism, lighting the morphogenetic scalar grids and setting the core morphogenetic field within which all manifest creation takes place. The Energy Matrix is considered to be the Cosmic structure of conscious energy, within which smaller Universal structures take place. The 3 Yuseta Hova Bodies of human morphogenetic structure and their 3 levels of Ascended Mastery identity (the Geomantic Entity, the RishA and the Eckar) correspond to the 3 grids of the Energy Matrix.
Gestalt Identity: One identity formed of many smaller identities, whose consciousness is greater
than the sum of its parts. The primordial structure of identity individuation from Source as occurs within the process of Stair Step Creation. In the formation of manifest beings, identity gestalts are formed in exponential sets of 12, as larger gestalts of consciousness fragment themselves into smaller gestalts, as they project into the levels of the Energy Matrix and dimensionalized structures of the Time Matrix. Each Soul is a gestalt identity composed of sets of 12 Incarnates, each Over-Soul a gestalt identity composed of sets of 12 Souls, each Avatar a gestalt identity composed of sets of 12 Over-Souls, each Rishi a gestalt identity composed of sets of 12 Geomantic Entities, each Eckar a gestalt identity composed of sets of 12 RishA, each Monad a gestalt identity composed of sets of 12 Eckars, each God-Seed a gestalt identity composed of sets of 12 Monads, the Yunasai (central Source of Creation) an infinite gestalt identity that perpetually projects sets of 12 God-Seeds into manifestation. The consciousness of every being enters creation through the process of Stair Step Creation, the progressive fragmentation of Source identity into individuated gestalts of consciousness and its reciprocal accretion (drawing together) The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana Deane, 1999, All Rights Reserved
of individuated identities back through the expanding gestalts of consciousness in return to Source identity.
God-Seed: The God-Seed represents the core tonal structure out of which the morphogenetic
fields of multiple Monads emerge. It is the first projection into gestalt identity that consciousness encounters when it individuates from Source consciousness. The God-Seed represents an eternal station of gestalt of identity that exists as a complex geometrically organized tonal grid, within which infinite numbers of Monads (Cosmic Families of gestalt consciousness) and their inherent Energy and Time Matrices, are created. The consciousness gestalt of the God-Seed is known as the Yusette identity level, the “I Am this I Am” eternal identity that perpetually exists in a state of At-One-ment with Source. The Yunasai (Central Creative Source or God) creates within itself sets of 24 Primary God-Seeds. Each God-Seed progresses to create within itself sets of 12 Monads, the scalar grids of gestalt identities or “Cosmic Families of Consciousness”, that hold the 8 Hova Bodies and identity levels of the human consciousness. Each Monad holds, within itself, sets of 12 Energy and Time Matrices and their inherent 8level Hova Body structures. The God-Seed represents the Original Point of Creation for all consciousness manifesting and expressing within the Time and Energy Matrices. Every human has an eternal and indelible connection to the field of intelligent, sentient consciousness that is the Source of Creation (God), a connection that exists as the core tonal structure of the God-Seed, upon which the entire morphogenetic field and gestalt consciousness is created. Using Keylontic Science to begin consciously opening the morphogenetic field of the Incarnate to the God-Seed begins simultaneously realigning the Hova Bodies of all identity levels with the Original Point of Creation. This realignment begins building a bridge of frequency, (the “Pillar of Light”) from the God-Seed, through all of the Hova Bodies, to the Incarnate, which accelerates the expansion of consciousness and process of Hova Body merger, through which full ascension into At-one-ment with Source (return to the God-Seed) can occur.
Harmonic Universe: A set of 3 dimensions that exists within a greater structure of 5 Harmonic
Universes, which together represent the 15-Dimensional morphogenetic field of one Time Matrix. Harmonic Universes create the dimensional unified fields within which 3-dimensional reality fields take place. All dimensions and Harmonic Universes take place within the same space, but each possesses its own vibratory rate and angular rotation of particle spin, thus creating a unified field of interwoven multiple universes and dimensionalized reality systems that appear invisible to each other. Each Harmonic Universe (HU) represents a stage of matter density between gross matter, in the slowest vibrating harmonics, and pure conscious ante-matter wave-form, in the highest vibrating harmonics. Each Harmonic Universe also represents a universal time cycle that moves in synchronization with the time cycles of the other Harmonic Universes; within each universal time cycle there are 6 primary smaller time continua which create cycles of linear time within which manifest beings evolve. Human anatomy and identity spans the 15-Dimensional structure of the 5 Harmonic Universes in our Time Matrix; these harmonics of our identity represent the stations of our consciousness as they are held within time cycles and density levels between physically manifest and non-manifest creation. All manifest forms have a morphogenetic field that spans the 5 Harmonic Universes of the Time Matrix. Our planet is called Earth in HU-1 (dimensions 1-3, gross matter density), Tara in HU-2 (dimensions 4-6, Semietheric matter density) and Gaia in HU-3 (dimensions 7-9, Etheric matter density). In HU-4 (dimensions 1012) the planetary morphogenetic field exists as crystalline liquid light Pre-matter and in HU-5 (dimensions 13-15) it exists as a scalar grid of pure ante-matter wave form. The harmonics of human identity are also manifest within the gross matter to ante-matter density spectrum: the Incarnate body in HU-1 is made of gross matter (carbon based biology), the Soul Matrix identity of HU-2 is a manifest body of less dense Semi-etheric matter (carbon-silica-based biology), the Over-Soul Matrix identity of HU-3 is a manifest body of “ghost-like” Etheric matter (Silica-based biology), the Avatar Matrix identity of HU-4 is a The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series 37 Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana Deane, 1999, All Rights Reserved
fluid body of crystalline liquid light Pre-matter and the Rishi Matrix identity of HU-5 is an ante-matter scalar wave grid of pure consciousness. As we evolve through our time continua, we progress upward through the matter density scale and harmonic Universe time cycles until we have achieved integration all of our manifest stations of identity and transmuted into ante-matter, which constitutes completing full Dimensional Ascension. At this time we are free to leave the Time Matrix and expand into the Energy Matrix to begin integrating our 3 stations of Ascended Mastery identity.
Higher Identity: In terms of the structure of human consciousness, the Higher Identity represents
the progression of levels of consciousness expansion that exist within the Time and Energy Matrices and are housed by the Hova Body scalar grids, that have a lower vibration and higher oscillation than the earthly incarnate identity. Human Bio-Spiritual Evolution is the process by which the incarnate identity progressively incorporates these higher identity levels into awareness through Hova Body merger, which progressively transmutes the biological form out of matter density and the Time Matrix, and returns the identity to its original form of consciousness as the God-Seed. The progression of identity levels of the human are; the Incarnate – the Soul Matrix – the Over-Soul Matrix – the Avatar – the Rishi – the Geomantic Entity – the RishA – The Eckar – the Monad – and the God-Seed.
Hova Bodies: Hova Bodies are vibrating tri-tonal grids of light, sound, electro-magnetic and
scalar waves that form the morphogenetic field/Crystal Body of multi-dimensional human anatomy. There are 5 Ariea Hova Bodies within the dimensional scale of one 15-Dimensional Time Matrix and 3 Yuseta Hova Bodies within the scalar fields of the Energy Matrix. Hova Bodies are structured as sets of 8 concentric spheres of electro-magnetic and scalar waves, with the lowest vibrating spheres at the core, that surround and permeate the human body, hold the consciousness in dimensionalized levels and serve as the morphogenetic templates upon which the consciousness, Merkaba Fields, DNA, auric field, chakra systems and physical body will manifest, within the Time and Energy Matrices. Each Hova Body houses 1 of 8 portions of human multi-dimensional identity and the corresponding 3 dimensions (or frequency fields), 3 levels of mind, 3 chakras and 3DNA strands associated with each identity level. The correspondences are as follows: Time Matrix – Ariea Hova Bodies: HU-1 (Harmonic Universe) – gross matter density-Nada Hova Body – Incarnate identity – the subconscious mind, instinctual/intuitive and reasoning mindsdimensions, chakras, auric field levels and DNA strands 1, 2 and 3. HU-2 – Semi-etheric matter density – Alphi Hova Body – Soul Matrix identity gestalt – the astral, archetypal and angelic minds – dimensions, chakras, auric field levels and DNA strands 4, 5 and 6. HU-3 – Etheric matter density – Betcha Hova Body – Over-Soul Matrix identity gestalt – the Ketheric, monadic and Keriatric minds – dimensions, chakras, auric field levels and DNA strands 7, 8 and 9. HU-4 – Pre-matter Liquid Light density – Mahara Hova BodyAvatar identity gestalt – the Christiac, Buddhiac and Nirvanic minds – dimensions, chakras, auric field levels and DNA strands 10, 11 and 12 (highest level of identity that can embody in a human form). HU-5 – Ante-matter wave form density – Raja Hova Body – Rishi identity gestalt – Universal mind – dimensions, chakras, auric field levels and morphogenetic codes 13, 14 and 15. Energy Matrix-Yuseta Hova Bodies: Triadic Matrix – Tanotra Hova Body – Geomantic Entity identity gestalt. Polaric Matrix - DiOmni Hova Body – RishA identity gestalt. Eckatic Matrix – Prima Hova Body – Eckar identity gestalt. Through the process of progressively merging the Hova Body levels, an incarnate identity progressively expands its awareness into each higher identity level and activates the corresponding 12 DNA strands, while transmuting the body matter into progressively less dense states of matter for Dimensional Ascension.
Incarnate: The Incarnate Identity is the portion of the multi-dimensional identity that corresponds
to the Nada Hova Body of Harmonic Universe-1, contains the Subconscious Mind (cellular consciousness) of the 1st-Dimension, the Instinctual/Intuitive Mind (emotional body) of the 2ndDimension and the Rational/Reasoning Mind (Mental Body) of the 3rd-Dimension and exists in a The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series 38 Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana Deane, 1999, All Rights Reserved
gross matter state of 3-Dimensional physical matter, carbon based biology. The Incarnate identity level represents the 3-dimensional state of cognitive expansion one experiences with activation of DNA strands 1, 2 and 3 of the Silicate Matrix genetic imprint. Incarnates are created by Souls in sets of 12, forming the Incarnate Matrix. Most contemporary humans are bio-energetically phase-locked into the dimensional bands of the Nada Hova body, due to genetic distortions in the Silicate Matrix, which manifests as Single-vector Consciousness. Single-vector Consciousness permits one to perceive and consciously interact within only one time continua while the awareness is physically embodied and biologically blocks the translation of multi-dimensional memory and experience into embodied conscious perception and cognition. The Incarnate identity represents the individual personality as it manifests in a given lifetime. The Incarnate identity can expand beyond its present perceptual and bio-neurological limitations through using its conscious power to activate the dormant DNA strands that will allow the process of Higher Identity Integration to begin. Through the process of Higher Identity Integration, the Incarnate will expand to become a Multi-vector Consciousness, Multi-dimensional being that is capable of remembering and interacting with its other reincarnational identities that exist in other time cycles. The Subconscious aspects of the Incarnate will become conscious and realigned with the Higher Identity as DNA activation progresses and the Subconscious and Instinctual minds will cease to erratically direct the creative power as the conscious mind expands to become the ordering and directive influence. Many humans are now beginning to evolve beyond the limitations of the Incarnate identity through activation of the 4th DNA strand and integration of the 4th-Dimensional Astral identity, the first level of the Soul Integration process. Once Soul Integration is achieved the personality of the Incarnate expands to know itself as an eternal Soul embodying within the garments of flesh and no longer identifies only with the external world of 5 sensory perception. Incarnates who participate in the path of Conscious Bio-Spiritual Evolution and who are born with or choose to receive the full imprint of the 12-strand DNA Silicate Matrix, are called Initiates within the Melchizedek Cloister Ordinations Program.
Kee-Ra-ShA (Kundalini energy): The Kee-Ra-ShA is the life-force energy that creates and
maintains the physical body and consciousness while in manifestation. It is a complex system of inter-dimensional energy structures and conduits through which the energy and consciousness of Source perpetually flows through the identity and its manifest parts. The Kee-Ra-ShA energies represent a continual pulse of energetic substance that moves from the God-Seed into the scalar grids of the 8 Hova Bodies, through which identities in time are sustained. All biological organisms have a form of Kee-Ra-ShA energies that are structured in ways characteristic to the morphogenetic order of the form. In humans, part of the Kee-Ra-ShA energies manifest as a “tube of light” that runs down the center of the body and bio-energetic field from the Soul Matrix and higher identity levels and into the Earth‟s core, where the race morphogenetic field is stored. The human Kee-Ra-ShA begins at conception with the building of the Kundalini and the “Silver Cord”, bridges of inter-dimensional frequency that connect the fetus to the Soul Matrix and through which fetal integration of the soul essence occurs. The amount of soul essence that can enter a fetal pattern at birth depends upon the genetic code inherent to the fetus, which is primarily determined by the morphogenetic and genetic coding of the parents. When conception occurs, part of the incoming soul essence first enters the original 8 cells at the base of the spine, that will grow to become the fetus, establishing an energetic link, often called the Kundalini energies, between the embryo and the incoming soul essence. The amount of energy stored in the Kundalini will be determined by the capacity of the genetic code to hold ULF and UHF energy; the soul essence energies that cannot integrate into the DNA will be stored in the Kundalini center at the base of the spine. Once the fetus begins to accelerate in vibration and grow, due to the stimuli applied by the soul essence, the faster vibrating portions of the soul essence are fed into the fetal body, forming 3 energetic coils at the base of the spine that connect the fetal body directly to the race morphogenetic field in Earth‟s core and the Soul Matrix in HU-2. This coiling spiral of UHF and HLF energy become the Kundalini The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana Deane, 1999, All Rights Reserved
energies, which slowly feed the body during its growth to physical maturity. As the Kundalini Spirals are being set at the base of the spine, within the fetal pattern, another bridge of frequency is set into the body in the regions of the Navel, Heart and Crown Chakras and within the Pineal, Thyroid and Thymus glands. This part of the Kee-Ra-ShA energies creates a bridge of 9th-dimensional frequency, a “Silver Cord”, that opens the Crown chakra vortex for full fetal integration and connects the body form at the navel and several other regions of the body, to the sustaining energies of the Soul Matrix and Nada Hova Body. The Kundalini energies at the base of the spine connect to the Silver Cord frequency bridge, forming a “main vertical current of energy” running through the fetus and the morphogenetic field, through which the body and consciousness will progressively rise in vibration and expand as physical growth and soul essence integration continues over time. In most contemporary humans the Kundalini Spirals usually remain dormant throughout the lifetime, following their original placement at conception. The Kundalini Spirals are connected to the Silver Cord and to the Pineal Gland at the brain center, and only become activated when the Pineal Gland receives enough stimulation of higher dimensional frequency as the Soul Integration and DNA activation process proceeds. Due to mutations in the present human gene code, natural Soul Integration (merger of the Nada Hova and Alphi Hova Bodies) does not usually occur around the age of 12, as it should, and as a result the body produces chemical and electro-magnetic properties that further inhibit the Soul Integration process. The Kundalini Spirals are brought to life only through activation of DNA strands 4 and above, which occurs through the Soul Integration process. Because this process is presently biochemically inhibited, due to distortions in the morphogenetic imprint for the DNA, most people will not experience Kundalini Activation – the process by which the “Pillar of Light” frequency bridge between the higher identity levels connects with the body‟s Kundalini through the Pineal and the Silver Cord at the navel. In the contemporary human, only a small portion of the Kundalini is used, the Hara Line, to maintain the body‟s connection to the race morphogenetic field, at Earth‟s core and the Raja Hova Body, at the 14th-Dimension. When one begins to actively participate in Soul Integration, through activation and alignment of dormant DNA codes, the entire Kee-Ra-ShA energies come to life. The Silver Cord at the navel expands its diameter, the Main Vertical Current of the body expands to become a Pillar of Light/frequency that encompasses the body, and the Kundalini Spirals at the base of the spine and in Earth‟s core begin to run their UHF and ULF energies through the body systems and consciousness. The 3 Kee-Ra-ShA/ Kundalini Spirals at the base of the spine, each correspond to one of 3 Hova Bodies: the 1st Spiral to the Nada Hova Body (Incarnate), the 2nd to the Alphi Hova Body (Soul Matrix) and the 3rd to the Betcha Hova Body (Over-Soul Matrix). As each level of Hova Body merger and identity integration progresses, the corresponding Kee-Ra-ShA spiral begins running its frequency through the morphogenetic field and body cells, raising the rate of vibratory oscillation within the consciousness and molecular structure, activating the corresponding Phase of the Merkaba Vehicle. Activation of the 3 embodied Kee-RA-ShA Spirals progressively alters the body‟s metabolic and glandular functions, preparing the body for transmutation from carbon to silica based biology, Goss matter to Etheric matter density. Kee-Ra-ShA Spiral 1 bio-chemically opens the body and morphogenetic field to receive Higher Identity Integration, corresponds to chakras and DNA strands 1-3, the “sexual” energies and releases phase-lock on the Nethra (HU-1) Merkaba Spiral. Kee-Ra-ShA Spiral 2 begins the process of Soul Integration, corresponds to chakras and DNA strands 4-6, the Thyroid and Pituitary glands, the “Heart” energies and releases phase-lock on the Hallah (HU-2) Merkaba Spiral, allowing the body and consciousness to enter Hallah Phase Merkaba Vehicle when the Spiral is fully activated. Kee-Ra-ShA Spiral 3 begins the process of Over-Soul Integration, corresponds to chakras and DNA strands 7-9, the Thyroid, Thymus and Pineal glands, the “Spiritual” energies and releases phase-lock on the Quatra (HU-3) Merkaba Spiral, allowing the body and consciousness to enter Quatra Phase Merkaba Vehicle. Kee-Ra-ShA Spiral 4, at the Earth‟s core, begins the process of Avatar Integration, The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana Deane, 1999, All Rights Reserved
corresponds to chakras 10-12 and DNA strands 10-12, the Pineal gland and entire metabolic and glandular system, the “Christ Consciousness” energies and releases phase-lock on the Mahunta (HU-4) Merkaba Spiral, allowing the body and consciousness to enter Mahunta Phase Merkaba Vehicle for full transmutation out of matter form and into liquid light Pre-matter. The Kee-Ra-ShA / Kundalini energies represent part of the complex system of multi-dimensional biochemistry and morphogenetic field mechanics, through which the human body and consciousness are created and through which the process of Ascension takes place.
Mahara Hova Body: The 3-dimensional, tri-tonal scalar grid within the anatomy of the multi-
dimensional human morphogenetic field that corresponds to Harmonic Universe-4 and DNA strands 10-12, houses the awareness of the Avatar identity and contains the Christiac Mind of the 10th-Dimension, the Buddhiac Mind of the 11th-Dimension and the Nirvanic Mind of the 12thDimension. The Mahara Hova Body contains the morphogenetic imprint, conscious awareness and KeeRa-ShA energy for 2 cycles of 12 Avatar manifestations within Harmonic Universe-4 and serves to link the consciousness of each Avatar to its parallel anti-particle double in parallel Harmonic Universe-4. The Mahara Hova Body holds the memory matrix of the identity‟s Harmonic Universe-4 liquid light Pre-matter manifestation, all memory of the lower Hova Bodies and the Galactic Memory Record. Merger of the Mahara Hova Body with the Nada Hova Body of the Incarnate identity constitutes Avatar integration, or becoming “Christed”, the state of cognitive expansion within which one develops 12-dimensional consciousness and the ability to access the planetary, galactic and universal memory through activation of DNA strands 1-12. Integration of the Mahara Hova Body opens the 4 th Frequency Seal in Earth‟s core that connects the individual to the race morphogenetic field, which creates a full Kee-Ra-ShA (Kundalini) activation, through which the body form transmutes into Pre-matter to enter full Mahunta Phase Merkaba. This is the true meaning of attaining “Christ Consciousness”, as full mastery is achieved over 12 dimensions of consciousness. The Mahara Hova Body corresponds to chakras and auric field levels 10, 11 and 12, to the 4th Kee-Ra-ShA Spiral at Earth‟s core, the composite 3-level Frequency Seal on the Pineal Gland and to the Mahunta Phase Merkaba Vehicle.
Merkaba: Electro-magnetic Merkaba Spirals are a naturally occurring configuration of energy through
which the multi-dimensional bio-energetic field of any matter form manifests. They are carriers of energetic substance from the morphogenetic field into form manifestation. Merkaba Spirals appear as spiraling, tetrahedronal, funnel-shaped vortices of energy, and have a counter-clockwise spiraling spin. Other Merkaba Spirals are electrical transmitters of energy and have a clockwise spiraling spin. Merkaba Spirals appear in sets of counter-rotating spirals, through which energy is passed between the Universal Unified Field of energy, the personal morphogenetic field and the manifest form. Everyone has sets of Merkaba Spirals. There are smaller Merkaba Spirals, which bring energy in from each dimensional Unified Field into the personal morphogenetic field, to “fill the body form out in particles” for manifestation of form and identity. These are called Dimensional Merkaba Spirals. There are larger Merkaba Spirals that span sets of 3 dimensions, which serve to organize and govern the processes of the smaller Dimensional Merkaba Spirals; the larger Merkaba Spirals are called Harmonic Merkaba Spirals. Harmonic Merkaba Spirals keep each of 3 Dimensional Merkaba Spirals locked into the speed of spin set by their corresponding dimensional band. When the dimensional Merkaba Spirals are phase-locked, the levels of identity and Hova Body scalar grids, within the human multi-dimensional morphogenetic field are kept separate through magnetic repulsion. To accomplish higher identity embodiment, through Soul and Over-Soul Integration, the phase-lock on the Dimensional Merkaba Spirals must be released, to allow one set of 3-dimensional Spirals to merge with another. Releasing the phase-lock on the Dimensional Merkaba Spirals is accomplished through moving one Harmonic Merkaba Spiral into another. Merging Harmonic Merkaba Spirals is accomplished by using the Primary Geomancies, (primary scalar wave-guides), for each Harmonic Merkaba Spiral, to release the morphogenetic field Frequency Seals that keep Harmonic The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series 41 Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana Deane, 1999, All Rights Reserved
Merkaba Spirals separate. Release of the Harmonic Merkaba Spirals reverses their direction of spiraling spin, dissolving the magnetic repulsion between each set of 3 Dimensional Harmonic Merkaba Spirals. When Harmonic Merkaba Spirals, from 1 set of 3 dimensions, merge with those from another set of 3 dimensions, they form a Merkaba Field, a set of 2, spiraling, counter-rotating tetrahedronal funnels of energy that take of the from of a Star-tetrahedron. Formation of progressive Merkaba Fields, through combining Harmonic Merkaba Spirals from each set of 3 dimensions (from each Harmonic Universe) in the 15-Dimensional Matrix, progressively creates the various Phases of the Merkaba Vehicle. The Merkaba Vehicle is a configuration of spinning Merkaba Fields that builds within the bio-energetic field of a person as they progressively merge the Hova Bodies, activate dormant DNA and chakras and release the Kee-Ra-ShA (Kundalini) Spirals and Pineal Gland Seals, in the process of Higher Identity Integration. The Merkaba Vehicle allows for release of one‟s phase-lock into one time continuum and Harmonic Universe. Activation of the Merkaba Vehicle creates a vehicle of inter-dimensional light, sound, electro-magnetic and scalar wave spectra that allows for transmutation of cellular form into light (ante-matter) and back again, through which transmigration (movement) into various time cycles can occur. Each level of Higher Hova Body merger, with the Incarnates Nada Hova Body, represents a Phase in building of the Merkaba Vehicle; Alphi Hova Body (Soul Integration) creates Hallah Phase Merkaba Vehicle, a 6-dimensional vehicle through which bio-location of body and consciousness between Harmonic Universes 1 and 2 can occur – Betcha Hova Body (Over-Soul Integration) creates Quatra Phase Merkaba Vehicle, a 9-dimensional vehicle through which full displacement from harmonic Universe-1 to Harmonic Universe-2 and bi-location between harmonic Universes 2 and 3 can occur. – Mahara Hova Body (Avatar Integration) creates the Mahunta Phase Merkaba Vehicle, a 12-dimensional vehicle through which full displacement from harmonic Universe-2 to Harmonic Universe-3, Etheric matter and bi-location between Harmonic Universes 3 and 4 can occur – Raja Hova Body (Rishi Integration) creates the Rahunta Phase Merkaba Vehicle, a 15-dimensional vehicle through which full displacement from Harmonic Universe-3, Etheric matter, to harmonic Universe-4,liquid light Pre-Matter and bi-location between Harmonic Universe 4 and the Triadic Level of the Energy Matrix, outside the Time Matrix, can occur. Most contemporary humans have yet to experience Soul Integration and their bio-energetic fields and consciousness remain phase-locked within the Nada Hova Body and 3-dimensional Incarnate identity, a condition that is called Nethra Phase Merkaba Vehicle. Through consciously working toward Higher Identity Integration and activation of dormant DNA and chakras, many people can rapidly begin to build the Hallah Phase Merkaba Vehicle for bi-location travel between Earth and Tara (HU-1 and HU-2). Some can build the Quatra Phase Merkaba Vehicle for full bodily ascension from Earth (HU-1) for transmigration to Tara (HU-2) and bi-location to Gaia (HU-3). Humans who entered this incarnation contracted and genetically coded to embody the Avatar identity and Mahara Hova Body of HU-4, will be able to build the Mahunta Phase Merkaba Vehicle, for transmutation out of the matter densities of HU-1, 2 and 3 to become fully “Christed” beings of liquid light Pre-matter, in HU-4. Building the Phases of the Merkaba Vehicle allows humanity the opportunity to leave the Earthly time cycle of birth, death and rebirth, to enter the eternal time cycles of less matter density and higher evolution.
Miasms: Miasms are morphogenetic crystallization of Partika (electro-tonal units of consciousness
that form the base for anti-particles), caused by the collection of lower-vibrating, disharmonic thought patterns (thoughts create morphogenetic templates within the morphogenetic field of the body and consciousness). Miasms manifest within the particle structure of the Hova Bodies as electrically charged anti-particles, which block the natural functions of Hova Body merger, Merkaba Vehicle formation and Dimensional Ascension. The buildup of Miasmic Crystals, within the morphogenetic field, DNA, physical body and consciousness, which accretes from one lifetime to another, impedes the natural evolutionary process, blocking the process of Soul and Over-Soul Integration. The Miasmic Body (collective of Miasmic Crystals within the morphogenetic field) is frequently called the Karmic Imprint, its The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana Deane, 1999, All Rights Reserved
content becomes holographically projected into the body, mind and 3-dimensional life experience through the inherent natural laws of multi-dimensional manifestation. The Miasmic/Karmic imprint must be transmuted for Hova Body merger, Higher Identity embodiment and Dimensional Ascension to take place. Transmutation of the Miasmic Body is achieved by reversing the polarity charge of its crystallizations, merging its anti-particles/ Partika with its corresponding particles/ Particum (electro-tonal units of consciousness that form the base for particles), within the morphogenetic field and DNA, which dissolves the Miasmic Crystal through morphogenetic and inter-cellular fusion. Through fusion and reciprocal fission, within the next dimensional harmonic, the Miasmic content and its corresponding body mass are transmuted into inter-dimensional light/sound/electro-magnetic/scalar wave spectra, progressively freeing distortion from the Hova Bodes, to allow building of the Merkaba Vehicle and the processes of Dimensional Ascension to commence. Reversal of Miasmic Polarity to dissolve Miasmic Crystals can be achieved in various ways. The conventional method is to “walk the karma and make more appropriate choices in this life time”, which serves to “heal the karmic issue” (dissolve the associated Miasmic imprint) as the projection manifests in the 3-dimensional life. Unfortunately, the buildup of the Miasmic Body, in most humans, is so convoluted that the issues upon which “better choices” could be made are rarely clear or identifiable; most often the Miasmic Body becomes reinforced and expanded in the present life, as the same disharmonic response patterns are repeated, due to the pull of the Miasmic imprint on the mental and emotional bodies. A second method of dissolving the Miasmic imprint is to combine its disharmonic holographic projection with is corresponding harmonic holographic projection in visualization practices. In this method, the disharmonic content of a present-life drama is traced back to its original incarnation point of creation, then visualized as if the opposite, harmonic action was taken in the past. This constitutes healing the present by changing the morphogenetic program of the past, as it is stored in the DNA. The fastest, most gentle way of dissolving the miasmic imprint is dealing with the imprint directly as energy, with energy, using Keylontic Science technique to reverse the polarity of the miasmic anti-particles, through which their crystallizations dissolve, then re-directing the re-ordered energy back into the DNA. The Miasmic Body can be cleared in one lifetime, without one having to “walk through the Karma of the past”, if the dynamic of Miasmic release through Keylontic manipulation of the morphogenetic field are understood.
Morphogenetic Field: See “Crystal Body”. Nada Hova Body: The 3-Dimensional, tri-tonal scalar grid within the anatomy of the multidimensional awareness of the Incarnate Identity and contains the Subconscious/ Cellular Mind of the 1st-Dimension, the Instinctual/Intuitive/Emotional Mind of the 2nd-Dimension and the Rational/Reasoning Mind of the 3rd-Dimension. The Nada Hova Body contains the morphogenetic imprint, conscious awareness and Kee-Ra-ShA energy for 2 cycles of 12 incarnations within Harmonic Universe-1 and serves to link the consciousness of each Incarnate to its parallel anti-particle double in parallel Harmonic Universe-1. The Nada Hova Body holds the memory matrix of the identity‟s Harmonic Universe-1 incarnations and the Individual Cellular Memory Record, is phase-locked into the dimensional bands of Harmonic Universe-1 (Dimensions 1, 2 and 3) and into Single-vector Consciousness (able to perceive only its immediate time continuum) until it is opened to Higher Identity Integration through activation of dormant DNA strands an the 1st Kee-Ra-ShA Spiral, at the base of the spine. The Nada Hova Body corresponds to chakras and auric field levels 1, 2 and 3, to the 1 st of 3 Kee-Ra-ShA (Kundalini) Spirals, at the base of the spine and to the 1st of 3 Frequency Seals on the Pineal Gland, which regulates activation of the Nethra (HU-1) Merkaba Field.
The Over-Soul Identity is the portion of the multi-dimensional identity that corresponds to the Betcha Hova Body of Harmonic Universe-3, contains the Ketheric Mind of the The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series 43 Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana Deane, 1999, All Rights Reserved
7th-Dimension, the Monadic Mind of the 8th-Dimension and the Keriatric Mind of the 9th-Dimension, and exists in a Silica-based Etheric mater state of density. The Over-Soul identity represents the 9dimensional state of cognitive expansion one experiences with full activation of DNA strands 1-9, can access the Planetary Memory Record and is capable of entering Quatra Phase Merkaba Vehicle. OverSouls are created by the Avatars in sets of 12, forming the Over-Soul Matrix. The Over-Soul projects portions of itself into Harmonic Universe-2 to create sets of 12 Souls, forming Soul Matrices. Beings who have begun the process of Over-Soul Integration are called RaB’nai (2nd Degree Ministers) in the Melchizedek Cloister Ordinations Program.
Raja Hova Body: The 5th of 8 3-Dimensional, tri-tonal scalar girds within the anatomy of the multi-
dimensional human morphogenetic field that corresponds to Harmonic Univers-5, morphogenetic codes 13-15 (no DNA equivalent), houses the awareness of the Rishi Identity Gestalt and contains the Universal Conscious Mind of Dimensions 13-15. The Raja Hova Body contains the morphogenetic imprint, conscious awareness and Kee-Ra-ShA energy for 2 cycles of 12 Ante-matter Rishi Consciousness Collectives, in Harmonic Universe-5 and serves to link each Rishi with its parallel anti-particle double in parallel Harmonic Universe-5. The Raja Hova Body holds the memory matrix of the identity‟s Harmonic Universe-5 Rishi manifestations, memory of all lower Hova Bodies and the Universal Memory Record. The Raja Hova Body corresponds to chakras and auric field levels 13, 14 and 15, does not translate into manifest DNA strands, cannot fully integrate into an Incarnate body, and is composed of Antematter scalar grids of pure, sentient consciousness.
Rishi: The Rishi Identity is the portion of the multi-dimensional identity that corresponds to the
Raja Hova Body of Harmonic Universe-5, contains the 15-Dimensional Universal Mind and exists in a state of pure, conscious Ante-matter wave-form. The Rishi identity represents the 15-Dimensional state of cognitive expansion one experiences following transmutation out of Pre-matter, space, time and matter perception. The Rishi is a Gestalt of Meta-terrestrial Consciousness that appears as a flaming sphere of light when viewed from lower dimensions. Rishi are created by the Geomantic Entities of the Triadic Level of the Energy Matrix in sets of 12, forming Rishi Consciousness Collectives. Each Rishi projects portions of itself into Harmonic Universe-4 to create sets of 12 Avatar Consciousness Gestalts. When one has expanded into Rishi identity, perception expands to 15-Dimensional Multi-vector Consciousness, a state often referred to as Universal Consciousness. The Rishi Consciousness Collective can access the Universal Memory Record and is capable of entering Rahunta Phase Merkaba Vehicle for movement into the Energy Matrix. Beings that have embodied their Avatar identities and have integrated their Rishi identity into their bio-energetic field are called Consummates (4th-degree ministers) in the Melchizedek Cloister Ordinations Program.
Scalar Grid: A scalar wave is a multi-dimensional standing wave pattern that emanates out of a
fixed point of sound-tonal vibration – within the morphogenetic field of the cosmic Unified Field of Energy. Scalar waves appear to move from one place to another, but in truth they are stationary points of light that are strung together in sequences, within the fabric of the cosmic morphogenetic field. The appearance of scalar wave movement is generated as sequences of scalar wave points are activated or “lighted” in synchronization with each other (an effect one can compare to progressively flashing a series of light bulbs, strung out in a line, off and on, one at a time, flashing the first bulb off as the second lights, etc., whereby it appears that the light has moved from one point in the line to another). Scalar waves represent fixed points of perpetual fission and fusion that emanate from the fabric of morphogenetic fields. Morphogenetic Fields are built upon units of electro-tonal consciousness called Partiki (electro-magnetic), Partika (base electrical transmitting energy) and Particum (base magnetic receiving/ drawing energy). These units of electro-tonal consciousness group together to form Strand, then Grids, then The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana Deane, 1999, All Rights Reserved
dimensionalized geometrical crystallizations of energy (called Keylon Codes), that represent the foundations of morphogenetic field construction. The Partiki Grids, formed by the Partiki units, possess an inherent vibrational rhythm that creates a cycling of Partiki units into phases. In 1 phase the electro-magnetic Partiki unit undergoes internal fission and releases a burst of polarized energy that becomes the magnetic Particum and the electrical Partika. At the creation of the Particum and Partika, the original Partiki de-manifests, or “flashes off”, while the Particum and Partika units “flash on” into manifestation. The polarities within the Particum and Partika units draw the units back together into a state of fusion, at which point a burst of energy in the form of Partiki is released, the original Partiki is replicated and “flashes on”, while the polarized Particum and Partika units de-manifest and “flash off”. This process of Partiki fission and fusion, which is called Partiki Phasing, takes place within every Partiki unit that composed the Partiki girds of morphogenetic fields. Each Partiki unit thus, represents a fixed point of fission/fusion, as standing scalar wave, that flashes on and off, which emanates from the fixed point of electro-tonal vibration that forms the Partiki unit. The scalar wave represents the standing burst of light that is created in the morphogenetic Partiki grid as fission and fusion synchronistically occur during the process of Partiki Phasing (Partiki units polarizing through fission to become Particum and Partika, the re-merging through fusion, to replicate the Partiki unit). Particum are the base-magnetic (drawing/ receiving) units of energy that create the scalar wave template for matter particle manifestation and Partika are the base-electrical (projecting/transmitting) units of energy that simultaneously create the scalar wave templates for anti-particle manifestation. The Partiki represents the stage of Partiki Phasing in which the particle/ anti-particle fuses, “flashes off as matter” and replicates or “flashes on” as an electro-tonal ante-matter wave-form. The dynamic of Partiki phasing creates a synchronized “flashing off and on” of manifest particles within the morphogenetic fields of cosmic structure, operating from the macrocosm to the microcosm. It is the process by which conscious life-force energy, from Source, perpetually circulates through, creates and sustains its infinite creations within the Time and Energy Matrices. All things manifest upon a morphogenetic template of Partiki grids, or grids of Standing Scalar Waves, which are called Scalar Grids or Scalar Fields. The entire morphogenetic field of the cosmic Unified Field of Energy and its inherent levels of the Energy Matrix and 15-Dimensional structures of the Time Matrices, represents one massive Scalar Field, within which smaller Scalar Grid morphogenetic fields of consciousness are placed for individuated expression and evolution. The 8 Hova Bodies of multi-dimensional human morphogenetic anatomy are smaller Scalar Grids that house the dimensionalized levels of consciousness in time. The human body, mind and consciousness manifest through the natural laws of multi-dimensional Partiki Phasing and Scalar Grid mechanics that are inherent to the macrocosmic and microcosmic manifestation process. The energetic reality behind our process of Bio-Spiritual Evolution is the progressive and sequential “plugging the multi-dimensional scalar grids into each other”, through which the Unified Field of our consciousness is progressively expanded back into its original, fully unified form-Source Consciousness.
Silicate Matrix: The original core genetic imprint of the human lineage before mutations occurred,
portions of which still create the foundations of our operational DNA, while other portions remain dormant or fragmented within the cells and have been identified by contemporary science as “junk DNA fragments”. The full Silicate Matrix is built upon a morphogenetic imprint of 12 DNA strands, each strand corresponding to 1 of 12 dimensions of frequency, through which 12 dimensions of consciousness can embody within the human form. When the Silicate Matrix is functional, within the operation gene code, each of the 12 strands contains 12 primary magnetic Base Codes that correspond to the particle body and 12 primary electrical Acceleration Codes, that correspond to the anti-particle body on parallel Earth, which together manifest as an observable double-helix DNA chain. The DNA and RNA of the particle and antiparticle bodies are intimately intertwined through the morphogenetic field, which creates a sympathetic correspondence and synchronized path of evolution between the earth incarnate and its parallel-earth double. Within the structure of the Silicate Matrix there are also specialized codes called Activation The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana Deane, 1999, All Rights Reserved
Codes, which when activated, allow one strand of DNA to fuse with another, for transmutation of the strand codes to a higher level of function, the mechanism behind cellular transmutation is ascension. The Codes of the DNA begin as specialized imprints within the morphogenetic field, that appear in the form of star-tetrahedron crystals. The DNA imprint is a scalar grid ( an interwoven group of standing scalar wave patterns built upon fixed points sound of vibration) that progressively activates over time as frequency from the Unified Field is drawn in to stimulate the dormant wave-forms of the imprint into activation. Once activated, the DNA codes produce bio-chemical and electrical impulse instructions within the body, directing the functions of and manifestations within the physical body and brain. The condition of the Silicate Matrix in the gene code will determine the form of the operational bio-neurological structure through the manifest DNA, and so regulates the level, type and abilities of consciousness that can focus within the body form. Expansion of the DNA creates expansion of the embodied consciousness and distortion in the DNA creates distortion in the functions of the embodied consciousness. Along with the primary 12 Base and Acceleration Codes, each of the 12 DNA strands contains many secondary code sequences, some of which are imbued by the parent‟s gene code at conception, others that correspond to inter-time and reincarnational family associations; these secondary DNA code sequences are called Sub-Strand DNA Matrices. Each of the 12 Double-helix DNA Strands has a morphogenetic design that resembles the structure of a “fiber-optics cable”, many smaller cables, or gene code sequences, contained within each singular strand. Each double helix DNA strand contains 12 smaller Sub-Strand sequences and billions of Sub-Strand fragments (the double helix counts as 1 full DNA strand in the Silicate Matrix). The DNA presently identified by contemporary science represents a small portion of the Sub-strand Matrices within the 2nd and 3rd strand of the Silicate Matrix, some of which correspond to the genetic imprint inherited by the biological parents, other portions corresponding to part of the memory matrix from past incarnational life cycles in the Lemurian and Atlantian Root Race evolution cycles. As the Silicate Matrix is a multi-dimensional construct, science can only perceive the portions of its manifestations that exist within the contemporary perceptual range of dimensions 2 to 3. The vibratory oscillation rate and angular rotation of sub-particle spin for the most of the 12 DNA strands is presently out of the perceptual field of contemporary observation and thus, the other strands, both dormant and active, appear invisible to scientific observation. Contemporary Science assumes that the human form has only 2 DNA strands, a theory in which each helix is considered to represent a strand, but this theory is based upon limited, 3 rd-dimensional observation. Contemporary genetics theory does not take into account the natural laws of energy as they apply within a multidimensional Universe. DNA, Manifestation and Time The Silicate Matrix represents the vessel through which the morphogenetic field makes its transition into physically manifest matter substance. Through complex morphogenetic field dynamics knows as the Transduction Sequence, frequency from the dimensional Unified Fields of energy, surrounding the body, is drawn into (accreted) the morphogenetic imprint of the DNA, which begins a progressive manifestation of the dormant strand imprints (through particle accretion) within the physical, operational gene code, as the dimensionalized conscious awareness, within the Unified Field, progressively enters embodiment for growth and expansion of the physical body and consciousness. The structure and mechanics of the Silicate Matrix represent a complex, elegant system of Bio-Spiritual Evolution, affecting not only the present life manifestation but also connecting the present embodiment to all other incarnations of the identity in time. The Silicate Matrix was designed for long term evolution of the human race, whereas the activation and manifestation of each DNA strand and the physical attributes, contained therein, takes place over long expanses of time, creating race evolutionary cycles to which each individual in a given time period is connected. Each of the 12 DNA strand imprints, within the morphogenetic field, corresponds to a specific dimensional frequency band within the 15-Dimensional The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana Deane, 1999, All Rights Reserved
Universal Scale. Each dimension corresponds to specific time continuum within the 15-Dimensioanl Time Matrix, and each set of 3 dimensions (1 Harmonic Universe) corresponds to a larger Harmonic Time Cycle, within which the smaller time continua take place. As each DNA strand of the Silicate Matrix corresponds to a specific dimensional band, each strand, therefore, also corresponds to the time continuum that corresponds to that dimension. In the 12-strand package, 4 sets of 3 strands correspond to 4 3-dimensional Harmonic Time cycles and it is through these time cycles that an embodied consciousness evolves by accreting (drawing in) the frequencies of the corresponding 3 DNA strands into manifest operation. It is through the Silicate Matrix, in the DNA, that consciousness experiences the forward movement through linear time, as specific sequences of DNA codes progressively activate to change the vibration of the body form in minute ways, that creates the perceivable experience of one moment progressing into the next. The DNA operates as a memory recording matrix and holographic projection machine. Each moment a person passes through represents a specific electro-magnetic signature in dimensionalized energy; the contents of the “moment hologram” (external picture in the moment) actually represent a digital electronic program that is stored in the dormant DNA, and when the corresponding DNA codes come into activation, within the body, the holographic projection of their contents “comes to life” upon the “screen” of the Unified Field of energy, to create the 3-dimensional external life experience. It is due to the complex coding of the DNA that the manifest body form and external reality picture appear to made of solid matter, when in fact the body and all things intrinsically, exist as electromagnetic signatures in energy. As the embodied consciousness passes through a moment-point the electro-magnetic signature of the moment is then recorded by the DNA; the memory imprint becomes encoded within the body cells and morphogenetic field, progressively forming what is called Cellular Memory. In each DNA strand there is thus stored the memory imprints of what the embodied consciousness experienced as it passed through the linear time continuum, corresponding to that strand; event memory from the current life time and also from past incarnations is stored within the Cellular Memory of the body. Memory from future time manifestations of the identity remain as dormant sequences of “moment hologram” that will become manifest experiences as the DNA strands, corresponding to the higher dimensions, progressively activate, through the evolution of the identity in time. Time is actually a progression through various levels of vibration within the Unified Energy Field of the 15-Dimensional scale; the Unified Field represents a fixed energy field within which all time experience takes place, and thus time is simultaneous in nature. Perception of linear time progression is created through the DNA and energetic mechanism of the body and consciousness. The Activation Codes of the Silicate Matrix, within the DNA imprint, are called Genetic Time Codes, they allow for DNA strand fusion, which creates the ability to experientially merge several time continua and to transmute the body from out of its present time continua and into others. The Genetic Time Codes/ Activation Codes are the key to expanding from Single-vector to Multi-vector Consciousness. These hidden abilities of the human genetic potential have remained dormant for most, due to mutations in the morphogenetic imprint of the Silicate Matrix DNA; these imprints can be realigned using Keylontic Science, thus restoring the potential of biological movement through time to the embodied human consciousness. The design of the Silicate Matrix was created millions of years ago, within Harmonic Universe-2, and the human lineage has a long history of evolution within the time cycles of HU-2, prior to its seeding on Earth in HU-1. The Silicate Matrix design corresponds to race evolutionary cycles and each strand represents a series of incarnational cycles within specific Root Races that were predominant in specific time cycles. For example, the memory imprints for one‟s Atlantian incarnations can be found in the 3rd DNA strand, as the Atlantian race evolution cycle corresponded to a time continuum within the frequency bands of the 3rd Dimension. Presently we are in the Aryan race evolution cycles, which correspond to time continua within the 4th Dimension. As we move through our present time continuum our experiences are being recorded within the imprint for the 4th DNA strand, which we are just beginning to The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana Deane, 1999, All Rights Reserved
activate as a race. The “moment hologram”, we are perceiving in external reality, both individually and en mass, represents the “moment holograms” that were recorded during our Atlantian life cycles, in Dimension 3, which are recorded in our 3rd DNA strand. We will perceive as manifest reality the dimensional bands and DNA strand programs that exist one full dimension below our present station of consciousness. As we are now beginning to enter 4th-Dimensional consciousness, through natural evolutionary activation of the 4th DNA strand imprint, we are now beginning to see the physical manifestation of the experiential memory programs that were set when our consciousness was stationed in the 3rd-Dimension, at the beginning of the activation of DNA strand 3. Strand 3 experience corresponds with our tour through the Atlantian Root Race cycles, and so now we are beginning to walk through the manifestations of our collective Atlantian thought forms. Though the processes by which the DNA Silicate Matrix literally creates our perceivable passage through physical time, space and matter is quite complex, it is important to recognize the breadth of the Silicate Matrix gene code design, for it not only pertains to our present-life physical and consciousness evolution, but is an intrinsic part of our race evolution from its inception to its intended fulfillment. The Silicate Matrix contains the dormant potentials for our personal and race evolutionary blueprint, potentials we can now begin to reclaim if we can understand the intrinsic part of our biological and spiritual heritage. Bio-Spiritual Evolution and DNA On a personal level, the Silicate Matrix corresponds directly to the levels of identity, the chakra system, levels of the auric field, the Hova Body anatomy, the operations of the Kee-Ra-ShA (Kundalini) energy and the formation of the Merkaba Vehicle; all of these aspects of the human design represent an intimately interwoven system of Bio-Spiritual Evolution that our contemporary sciences have yet to fathom. DNA stands 1-3 (strands activated during the part Hyperbornean/Polarian, Lemurian and Atlantian Root Race evolutionary cycles) correspond to chakras and auric field levels 1-3, to the physical, emotional and mental bodies of the Incarnate identity level, to the Nada Hova Body and Nethra Merkaba Field of Harmonic Universe-1, to the 1st of 3 Kee-Ra-ShA Spirals at the base of the spine and contain the memory and manifestation imprints of our incarnational experiences within the Time Cycles of Harmonic Universe-1. DNA strands 4-6 (strands that will activate during the present and future Aryan, Muvarian and Euanjhechi Root Race cycles) correspond to chakras and auric field levels 4-6, to the Astral, Archetypal and Angelic Minds of the Soul Matrix identity level, to the Alphi Hova Body and Hallah Phase Merkaba Vehicle of Harmonic Universe-2, to the 2nd of 3 Kee-Ra-ShA Spirals at the base of the spine and contain the memory and manifestation imprints of our future-time manifestations in the Semi-etheric matter time cycles of Harmonic Universe-2, which we will progressively perceive as manifest reality as we move through the Soul Integration Process. DNA strands 7-9 correspond to chakras and auric field levels 7-9, to the Ketheric, Monadic and Keriatric Minds of the Over-Soul Matrix, to the Betcha Hova Body and Quatra Phase Merkaba Vehicle of Harmonic Universe-3, to the 3rd of Kee-Ra-ShA Spirals at the base of the spine and contain the memory and manifestation imprint of our future-time manifestation sin the Harmonic Universe-3 Etheric matter time cycles, which we will begin to experience as manifest as we move through the Over-Soul Integration process. DNA strands 10-12 correspond to chakras and auric field levels 10-12, to the Christiac, Buddhiac and Nirvanic Minds of the Avatar Matrix identity, to the Mahara Hova Body and Mahunta Phase Merkaba Vehicle of Harmonic Universe-4, to the 4th Kee-Ra-ShA Spiral in Earth‟s core and contain the memory and manifestation imprints of our future-time manifestation in the Pre-matter liquid light Time Cycles of Harmonic Universe-4, which we will know as manifest experience as we move through the Avatar Integration process to become fully “Christed” beings. (DNA strands 7-12 exist as dormant DNA potentials within the Cloister Races that evolve within the Root Race Cycles – the Ur-Antrians the Breanoua, the Hibiru, the Melchizedek and the Yunaseti Cloisters). Full activation of the 12-strand Silicate Matrix will allow us bodily transmutation from gross matter density to pre-matter density, from which point we enter a form of transcendent cognitive reality beyond the “moment holograms” of time, space and The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana Deane, 1999, All Rights Reserved
matter. Though it may be a long journey to achieving this state of being for most of us, this progression of evolution toward Dimensional Ascension is the intended purpose and potential held within the design of the Silicate Matrix. Though all consciousness evolves within the multi-dimensional structure, the human organism is the only Earth species that possesses the full 12-strand DNA potential of the Silicate Matrix and its attributes of bodily transmutation for multi-dimensional evolution. Most genetic codes and morphogenetic field constructions rely upon death of the physical form and progressive rebirth into more higher evolved forms, for the evolution of consciousness. Presently the human genetic code operates in the same way due to mutations and distortions in the Silicate Matrix. However, these genetic distortions can be progressively released from the human DNA imprint through realigning the morphogenetic field, upon which the physical DNA is built. Such morphogenetic field realignment has the potential to reverse-mutate the human genetic code back into its original form of the Silicate Matrix, thereby restoring the evolutionary potentials of humanity‟s multi-dimensional heritage. Techniques of Keylontic Science, that serve to expedite the process of Hova Body merger, consciousness expansion and higher chakra and DNA activation, serve to rapidly restore the morphogenetic imprint for the Silicate Matrix.
Soul: The Soul Identity is the portion of the multi-dimensional identity that corresponds to the
Alphi Hova Body of Harmonic Universe-2, contains the Astral Mind of the 4th-Dimension, the Archetypal Mind of the 5th-Dimension and the Angelic Mind of the 6th-Dimension and exists in a Carbon-Silica based Semi-etheric state of matter density. The Soul identity represents the 6dimensional state of cognitive expansion one experiences with full activation of DNA strands 1-6, can access the Race/species Memory Record and is capable of entering Hallah Phase Merkaba Vehicle. Souls are created by the Over-Soul in sets of 12, forming Soul Matrices. The Soul Matrix projects portions of itself into Harmonic Universe-1 to create sets of 12 manifest, gross matter physical Incarnations, forming Incarnational Matrices. Beings who have accepted a “Rishi DNA Bond” between their Incarnate and Rishi identity levels, which activates and accelerates the process of Soul embodiment, are called Ministers (1stdegree ministers) in the Melchizedek Cloister Ordinations Program.
Stair Step Creation: The process by which the consciousness of the central Source of Creation
projects its awareness into the formation of morphogenetic scalar fields, laying the foundation structures for Macrocosmic and Microcosmic Order. The energetic structures of dimensionalized reality fields are created from units of conscious substance and infinite microcosmic morphogenetic fields are projected into the Unified Energy Field of Macrocosmic consciousness, forming vast systems of individuated life forms and consciousness collectives. In relation to human design, Stair Step Creation involves the projection of consciousness from Source into progressively smaller gestalts of individuated consciousness, that becomes manifest forms of sentient, creative life within the Macrocosmic structures of the Time and Energy Matrices. Human Identity and Stair Step Creation Human consciousness first individuates within the Source-Mind (God-Mind) in the form of the GodSeed, an eternal, electro-tonal gestalt of consciousness composed of pure conscious radiation, which exists within the Unified Field of Source Consciousness, the Yunasai. The God-Seed is imbued with the characteristics of consciousness possessed by the Yunasai (a process of exponential fractalization). The God-Seed represents the Source Family of Gestalt Consciousness, within which the levels of individuated identity have their being. The Yunasai creates many God-Seeds and in relation to the structure of our Cosmic Order, there are 24 (2 sets of 12) Primary God-Seed collectives, within which our cosmos and universes manifest. Creation of the God-Seed Consciousness Gestalts is the first step in the Stair Step Creation process. The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series 49 Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana Deane, 1999, All Rights Reserved
As the God-Seed Consciousness Gestalts are imbued with the energy-identity and created in the image of the Yunasai, they too create forms of individuation within themselves. In the second step of Stair Step Creation, each God-Seed creates within itself, sets of 12 Monads, Cosmic Family Gestalts of Consciousness, within which many universes are created. In the third step of Stair Step Creation, each Monad creates, within itself, a trinity of vibrating light and sound that becomes the morphogenetic field for Energy Matrices. Within the first level of an Energy Matrix, within a Monad, the Eckatic Level, sets of 12 Consciousness Gestalts, called Eckars, are formed. On the forth step of creation, the Eckar Consciousness Gestalts create, within themselves and the Monad, sets of 12 RishA Consciousness Gestalts, within the Polaric Level of the Energy Matrix. The fifth step: Each RishA Consciousness Gestalt creates within itself and the Monad, sets of 12 Geomantic Entity Consciousness Gestalts, within the Triadic Level of the Energy Matrix. The layers of the Eternal Gestalt Consciousness created within the Yunasai, which take on the form of concentric spheres of conscious energy – the God-Seed, the Monad, the Eckar, the RishA and the Geomantic Entity – are considered Ultra-terrestrial Consciousness and represent the Ascended Mastery levels of human consciousness. In the 6th step of Stair Step Creation, each Geomantic Entity Gestalt in the Triadic Level of the Energy Matrix polarizes its consciousness to form within itself a set of 2 15-Dimensional Time Matrices. Starting with a point of frequency that represents the scalar grid of the 8th-Dimension, the Geomantic Entity fragments portions of itself, simultaneously, into 2 sets of 7 dimensionalized scalar girds, forming 14 dimensions, within which manifest reality will take place. The scalar grids of the 2 sets of 7 dimensions, plus the original 8th-Dimension, form one 15-Dimensional Scalar Grid called a Time Matrix. Simultaneously the Geomantic Entity creates 2, interwoven 15-Dimensional Time Matrices, within itself, which form the foundations for 5 Harmonic Particle Universes and their corresponding parallel Anti-particle Harmonic Universes. Step 7: The Geomantic Entity projects portions of its consciousness into the highest vibrating dimensional fields of the particle and anti-particle universes, the 15th, 14th and 13th Dimensions of the 5 Harmonic Universes, forming sets of 12 Rishi Consciousness Gestalts, the first dimensionalized morphogenetic scalar grids of conscious Ante-matter wave form, which form the foundations for multiple Universal morphogenetic structures. Step 8: The Rishi Consciousness Gestalts create within themselves sets of 12 projections of their consciousness in the 12th, 11th and 10th-Dimensions of Harmonic Universe-4, creating the morphogenetic fields upon which Pre-matter liquid light Avatar Consciousness Gestalts form. The Pre-matter crystalline liquid light scalar fields of Harmonic Universe-4 are often referred to as the Christos and form the foundations for multiple Galactic morphogenetic structures. Step 9: The Avatar Consciousness Gestalts create, within themselves, sets of 12 projections of their consciousness in the 9th, 8th and 7th-Dimensions of Harmonic Universe-3, creating the morphogenetic fields upon which Etheric matter/Silica based life-forms of Over-Soul Consciousness Gestalts form, which form the foundations for multiple Planetary morphogenetic structures. Step 10: The Over-Soul Consciousness Gestalts create, within themselves, sets of 12 projections of their consciousness in the 6 th, 5th and 4thDimensions of Harmonic Universe-2, creating the morphogenetic fields upon which Semi-etheric matter/Carbon-Silica based life-forms of Soul Consciousness Gestalts form, which form the foundations for Race/Species morphogenetic structures. Step 11: The Soul Consciousness Gestalts create, within themselves, sets of 12 projections of their consciousness in the 3 rd, 2nd and 1st-Dimensions of Harmonic Universe-1, creating the morphogenetic fields upon which Gross matter/Carbon based life-forms of Incarnate Consciousness Gestalts form, which form the basis for Individual morphogenetic structures. Science, Spirituality and Stair Step Creation The dynamics through which Stair Step Creation unfolds is infinitely complex in both scientific and spiritual terms. The perpetual creation of living Gestalts of Conscious Awareness, through the formation of morphogenetic scalar grids, is a higher ordered system of creation, which employs sciences of extensive geometrical and mathematical relationships as they apply to the mechanics and dynamics of The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana Deane, 1999, All Rights Reserved
energy. The morphogenetic fields of creation, Partiki Grids that form scalar fields, are mathematically structured upon both simple and complex geometrical inter-relationships between units of conscious electro-magnetic energy. Keylontic Science, Scared Geometry and Mathematics provide us with the tools of understanding the mechanics by which our creation unfolds. Within the secrets of our Stair Step Creation lie the hidden purposes and processes for our evolution. Through understanding the hierarchy of Gestalt identity, out of which we each emerge, we can begin to comprehend that our evolution represents a return to wholeness and expansion back into that which we once had been. In the formation of our hierarchy of consciousness, the Gestalts through which we received our progressive individuation, represent a progressive fragmentation of consciousness into smaller parts. With each level of fragmentation of consciousness, the vibratory oscillation rate and frequency of our energy-identity drops to a lower, slower level, creating the experience of our consciousness descending dimensionally into space, time and matter. As our entry into matter is a process of high scientific order, then so too is our return to wholeness a scientific, as well as spiritual, process of consciousness. Our evolution to wholeness represents a progressive reclamation of our fragmented parts and expansion into becoming the Gestalts of consciousness through which we were once created. In our return to wholeness the vibratory oscillation rate and frequency of our energy-identity rises and we begin the process of Dimensional Ascension, the reversal of the process of descending dimensions into space, time and matter. (As all existence takes place in the same space, the process of ascending and descending the dimensional scale is a process of raising and lowering the vibratory oscillation rate/frequency of energy of our consciousness to create expansion and contraction, rather than moving our consciousness from one place to another). Our evolution into wholeness, to return to the Yunasai and reclaim our At-One-ment with Source, is simply a process of progressively merging the scalar grids of our multi-dimensional gestalt identity (the 8 Hova Bodies) and expanding our dimensionalized consciousness back into unification. Through this process of consciousness expansion, our bodily matter will progress through the de-manifestation process of passing from Gross matter density, through the Semi-Etheric, Etheric and Pre-matter density states, to return to our original form of pure, conscious Ante-matter wave form. Ascension is the fulfillment of the plan of Stair Step Creation, and the plan of perpetual creation is both highly scientific and highly spiritual. The key to humanity‟s evolutionary fulfillment is the Silicate Matrix 12-strand DNA genetic code, for within this structure lives the promise of Ascension and a return to sentient, conscious At-one-ment with All-That-Is. As we begin to understand the science of spirituality we will simultaneously learn the spirituality of true science. Through the process of Stair Step Creation, the Consciousness of the Yunasai/Source/God/All-That-IS, creates within itself infinite varieties and structures of consciousness and identity, made of energetic substance of the Yunasai-consciousness itself, much as humans create within their minds images, events and thought-form structures, using the substance of their consciousness. As human thought forms exist within the consciousness that creates them, so too do the thoughtforms of the Yunasai/Source exist within the Yunasai/Source consciousness. This implies that all things in creation are composed of the substance of the consciousness of Source/God/the Yunasai and that no thing is ever separate from Source because all action and creation take place within the structures of the Yunasai/Source-consciousness. Therefore, all things in creation are sacred and represent individuated manifestations of the consciousness of God. Things, deemed negative from the human perspective, represent a part of the intrinsic polarity or division of energy that is required to keep the manifest creation dynamic in motion. In the scientific terms of energy mechanics, creation relies upon the polarity of electrical/transmitting and magnetic/receiving force. Polarity of energy, duality of consciousness – one implies the other, because all consciousness is energy and all energy is conscious. In terms of morality within the experience of the human drama, the “forces of good and evil” can be understood in terms of the forces of order and chaos – organization and disorganization – creation and destruction – darkness and light – natural The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana Deane, 1999, All Rights Reserved
attributes of the nature of All-That-Is. Therefore, we learn to embrace the totality of existence, the darkness and the light, within ourselves and throughout the universe. Through understanding the science of creation we learn the spiritual lessons of allowance and unconditional love, as we recognize all things, forces and beings as intrinsic parts of our Unified Field of Consciousness. In recognizing the One Source of Creation (which the Melchizedek Cloister refers to as the Yunasai-the Point of Union) through which we are all indelibly united, we are enabled to become a force of healing and restoration in the dramas of polarity – restoring chaos to order – disorganization to organization – destruction to creation – darkness to light – fragmentation to wholeness – and duality to unity – within ourselves and throughout the worlds we encounter. Stair Step Creation represents a model of cosmological order, through which science and spirituality are fully brought together, revealing the intrinsic and dynamic relationships between mind, matter spirit and Source.
The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana Deane, 1999, All Rights Reserved
Course – 1 Audio CD Descriptions CD 1. Lecture 1: Linking with the Solar Rishi – Hova Bodies and Christ Consciousness Keylontic Technique 1: Linking with the Solar Rishi Lecture 1 offers a discussion on awakening the higher spiritual identity, proving an orientation to the roadmap of multi-dimensional human anatomy and the levels of transcendent consciousness, through introducing the 8 Landmarks of Consciousness – the Hova Bodies (tri-tonal scalar grids that form the morphogenetic field and hold the focus of multi-dimensional levels of consciousness) – and their associated levels of mind and dimensional correspondences. Technique 1 establishes a bio-energetic, DNA and consciousness link between the earth Incarnate identity (Nada Hova Body, dimensions 1-3) and the gestalt Rishi identity (Raja Hova Body dimensions 13-15). Introducing the electro-magnetic patterns of the Raja Hova Body into the Nada Hova Body, begins building The “Pillar of Light”, within the morphogenetic field, chakra system and DNA. The Pillar of Light is the vertical scalar wave frequency bridge that connects the 15-dimensional aspects of consciousness of the scalar grids of their original eternal “Ascended Master” levels of gestalt identity, which exist beyond the dimensionalized structures of time. This exercise begins activating the morphogenetic codes, through which the Nada, Alphi, Betcha and Mahara Hova Bodes of dimensions 1-12 come into alignment with the Raja Hova Body and Rishi identity level of dimensions 13-15. Linking with the Rishi-Raja Hova Body – begins realigning the scalar grids within all of the lower Hova Bodies with the original scalar patterns upon which the consciousness entered the dimensionalized reality fields of time, to set the morphogenetic field, through which ascension out of space-time-matter may occur. The mental symbolism used in this technique is translated by the body consciousness into digital instructions (bio-chemical and electro-magnetic pulses) which serve as navigational directions for the flow of energy through the morphogenetic field, chakra systems, DNA, mind and body. This exercise begins the release of the 1 st of 3 Frequency Seals on the Pineal Gland, through which the Kee-Ra-ShA energies (“Kundalini”) of the body are regulated. The 1st Pineal Seal corresponds to the frequencies of Dimension-10; release of this Seal begins activation of the 10th Chakra and stimulates the dormant 10th DNA strand of the Silicate Matrix into activation. (Strand 10 will not fully manifest in the operable gene code until Strands 4-9 have activated). Awakening the 10th Chakra and DNA Strand, through release of the 1st Pineal Seal, is the first step for preparing the biology and embodied awareness to receive expansion into the Avatar or “Christed” consciousness levels of dimensions 10-12. The affects of Keylontic Science morphogenetic field techniques are cumulative; consistent repetition creates progressive bio-system and DNA activation and expansion of consciousness. This technique can be used as often as desired. CD 2. Lecture 2: Anchoring the D-5 Archetype – Bio-Spiritual Evolution and Soul Integration. Keylontic Technique 2: Anchoring the D-5 Archetype Lecture 2 provides an introduction to the structures of cosmological order – Dimensions, 15-Dimensional Matrices, Harmonic Universes, Scalar Waves and Grids – and their relationship to the order and function of the multi-dimensional human psyche, gestalt consciousness and the 5 Ariea Hova Bodies. Discusses the levels of mind associated with the Hova Bodies, the process of Dimensional Ascension through progressive Hova Body merger and the dynamics of Soul Integration through Anchoring the 5th-Dimensional Archetype Mind, the first level of Hova Body merger within the process of higher identity embodiment. Technique 2 uses the Keylontic Symbol Code of the Blue Pentagram (a morphogenetic scalar wave guide), which is the 5th-Dimensional Geomancy Control Code, combined with the White Merkaba Star (for 12th-dimensional protection), to directly activate dormant portions of the Incarnates Nada Hova Body morphogenetic field. Through using these Geomancies, the conduits to receive the 4th, 5th and 6th The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana Deane, 1999, All Rights Reserved
dimensional frequencies of the Soul Matrix identity (Alphi Hova Body) are opened within the morphogenetic field, chakra system and DNA. The 5th Dimensional Archetype Identity is the control center for the Soul Matrix identity (Alphi Hova Body) and in this exercise it is used to begin merger of the Incarnate identity and the Soul Matrix identity for Soul Integration. Through this exercise 5th-Dimensional frequency is brought into the personal bio-energetic and morphogenetic fields of the Incarnate, the 2nd and 5th chakras are stimulated into higher frequency activation and the morphogenetic imprints of the 4 th, 5th and 6th DNA strands are prepared for progressive activation. The affects of this exercise are cumulative; it is suggested to use this exercise 2 times daily, one in the AM after awakening and once in the PM before sleep, for 3 consecutive weeks, then reducing practice to 2-3 times per week, once daily, in active meditation. CD 3 – Lecture 3: Anchoring the D-8 Monad – Geomancies, Fire Letters and the God-Self Keylontic Technique 3: Anchoring the D-8 Monad Lecture 3 discusses the Spark-of-the-Living-Flame, the point of dormant radiation that exists within the Thyroid Gland, and the corresponding Eckar identity level or God-Self, which represents the original Seed of Consciousness, the individual‟s indelible connection to God-Source. Proving background on the Creation Process, the subjects of Individuation from God, the Law of One and the Stream of Consciousness are addressed, along with the Geomancies and Fire Letters, configurations of crystalline substance that compose the scalar grids of the multi-dimensional morphogenetic field. Offers an introductory overview to the science and spirituality of the human connection to the God-Source and the inherent energetic processes of creation. Technique 3 uses the 8th-Dimensional Geomancy Control Code (scalar wave guide), to directly activate dormant portions of the Incarnates Nada Hova Body morphogenetic field, through which the conduits to receive the 7th, 8th and 9th dimensional frequencies of the Over-Soul Matrix Identity (Betcha Hova Body) are opened within the morphogenetic field, chakra system and DNA. The 8th dimensional Monad identity is the level of mind that functions as the control center for the Over-Soul identity (Betcha Hova Body), and in this exercise it is used to begin merger of the Soul Matrix identity (Alphi Hova Body) and the Over-Soul identity (Betcha Hova Body) for Over-Soul Integration. Through this exercise, 8th-Dimensional frequency is brought into the DNA, bio-energetic and morphogenetic fields of the Incarnate, beginning the activation of the dormant point of radiation in the Thyroid Gland, which expedites the process of Soul Integration, so Over-Soul Integration can begin. Stimulates the dormant 8 th and 9th chakras into activation, increases the frequency processing of the 7th Crown chakra and prepares the morphogenetic imprint of the 7th, 8th and 9th DNA strand for activation, following full manifestation of Strands 4-10. This exercise is most effective when used initially once every 3 days for the first month, then reducing practice to once every 2 weeks for 3 months. Following the initial format, practice only once or twice per year is needed. More rapid results will be noticed if the Anchoring the D-5 Archetype Technique is used for a 3-6 months prior to, or concurrently with, this technique. CD 4 – Lecture 4: Keylonta Merkaba Activation – Hova Bodies, Crystal Seals and Merkaba Phases. Keylontic Technique 4: Keylonta Merkaba Activation Lecture 4 discusses Dimensional and Harmonic Merkaba Spirals, the process by which particles accrete into the Morphogenetic Field to build up into matter form, the relationship between the Hova Body merger levels and the Merkaba Phases and forms, and the Morphogenetic Crystal Seals that govern phase-lock of Merkaba Spirals, to provide an overview of the processes by which the hyper-dimensional Merkaba Vehicle is formed in the bio-energetic field (to allow for transmigration/transmutation of form in Dimensional Ascension). The Merkaba Vehicle allows for cellular transmutation – turning the body matter into light and back again – for movement or transmigration of consciousness and biology, throughout various time cycles of the 15-Dimensional scale. Activation of the Merkaba Vehicle is the key to attaining Christ The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana Deane, 1999, All Rights Reserved
Consciousness, master of time travel and is the dynamic by which Dimensional Ascension occurs. This lecture offers an introduction to the ancient ascension science of Merkaba Mechanics. Technique 4 uses activation of the larger Harmonic Merkaba Spirals to induce activation of sets of Dimensional Merkaba Spirals, to create rapid formation of the Merkaba Vehicle, within the bio-energetic system and to accelerate the natural processes of Hova Body merger, DNA activation and expansion into higher-dimensional consciousness. Specific Geomancy Control Cods are used in specific regions of the body (regions that correspond to the Kathara Grid – the core template upon which the Morphogenetic Field is built) to release the Morphogenetic Crystal Seals that keep the Hova Bodies and Merkaba Spirals phaselocked into 3-dimensional positions. This exercise begins the process of building a 9-Dimensional Merkaba Vehicle, within the bio-energetic field, and accelerates the process of merging the Over-Soul identity (Betcha Hova Body), the Soul identity (Alphi Hova Body) and the Incarnate identity (Nada Hova Body), to expedite Soul and Over-Soul embodiment. Unlike other Merkaba practices, this technique works to simultaneously activate 3 phases of the Merkaba Vehicle, which prepares the body and consciousness for transmutation/transmigration, spiritual integration and entry into Avatar/Christ Consciousness more quickly than Merkaba techniques that rely upon sequential activation of the Merkaba Phases. This exercise, used in combination with other Keylontic Techniques in this program, will rapidly accelerate the process of Bio-spiritual Evolution; this Keylonta Merkaba Activation technique can be used as often as desired. CD 5 – Lecture 5: Clearing the Crystal Body – Miasms and Releasing the Karmic Imprint. Keylontic Technique 5: Clearing the Crystal Body Lecture 5 touches upon the dynamics of the Hova Body, Chakras, thought-forms and the ultra-microparticles – Partiki, Partika and Particum – that form the substance of the morphogenetic scalar grids, as they apply to the formation of Miasmic Crystals and the Karmic Pattern, within the morphogenetic field. Provides an orientation to the true nature of “karma” and how it can be released through Keylontic Science technique. Technique 5 is designed to begin releasing the Miasmic distortions from the multi-dimensional Hova Bodies, realigning the Geomancies and Fire Letters of the morphogenetic scalar grids back into their original pattern of creation, so the process of Hova Body integration and identity expansion can progress unimpeded. Using this technique allows one to begin perceiving the Miasmic Body in energy form, and to begin releasing specific portions of the Miasmic imprint through direct energetic transmutation of Miasmic Crystals. This process progressively releases the Miasmic-Karmic imprint from the DNA and cellular coding, deterring disharmonic patterns, from other lifetimes, from holographically manifesting into the present 3-dimensional life experience, while systematically transmuting particles and anti-particles of the morphogenetic field and body back to their original Anti-matter wave form (“light”). The process of particle transmutation from matter substance to wave form is a natural part of the Hova Body merger/consciousness expansion/DNA activation mechanics, associated with building the Merkaba Vehicle and Dimensional Ascension. This exercise serves to transmute distortions from the morphogenetic field, DNA, body and consciousness so that natural processes of particle transmutation, associated with Dimensional Ascension can function, according to their original design. This exercise is designed to begin clearing Miasms from the morphogenetic field, to reduce the manifestation of disharmonic karmic disease patterns and life dramas and to explore the Core Miasmic Grids in the morphogenetic field for later transmutation, using advanced Miasmic-Kathara-Grid mechanics. This technique should be done regularly as part of a weekly regime, allowing 3 days between each practice so any residual energies released during the exercise can process out of the bio-energetic field.
The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana Deane, 1999, All Rights Reserved
CD 6 – Lecture 6: Activating the God-Seed – The Family of Consciousness and the God-Seed Keylontic Technique 6: Activating the God Seed Lecture 6 reveals humanity‟s core connection to the Source of Creation – God. Discussion focuses on the Family Tree of Consciousness, the levels of gestalt identity that are held in place by interwoven, multidimensional morphogenetic fields, through which each human incarnate is indelibly connected to the energy and identity of God. Explores the reality of attaining At-One-Ment with Source and God Realization through integration of the 8 Hova Bodies, the vibrational mechanics of Absolute Love, Joy and Ecstatic Fulfillment, the Monadic Imprint and God-Seed “Cosmic Family” consciousness gestalts, to which we are all connected. Provides the framework through which we can reawaken to our direct, personal connection to God. Also explains the nature of the Melchizedek God-Seed, the original gestalt of consciousness, out of which the human lineage emerged. Technique 6 begins the process of setting the scalar grids of the 8 Hova Bodies into simultaneous activation to rapidly accelerate the process of “Building the Pillar of Light” (scalar bridge) between the Incarnate and the God-Seed. This process triggers activation of the 3 Kee-Ra-ShA Spirals (Kundalini) at the base of the Spine and the 4th Kee-Ra-ShA Spiral that is connected to the race morphogenetic field at Earth‟s core (in the Halls of Amenti), accelerating the release of the Seed Seals, within the chakras and expediting activation of dormant DNA, chakras and the Merkaba Vehicle. Simultaneous activation of the Kee-Ra-ShA begins the release of the 3rd of 3 Pineal Seals. The 3rd Pineal Seal corresponds to the 12thDimension, 12 DNA strand, 12th chakra and 13th chakra, in Earth‟s core. Full release of this seal allows the frequencies of 12th-Dimensional Pre-matter Liquid Light to run through the Main Vertical Current (central energy tube) of the body, expanding the tube to encompass the body form for transmutation into full Merkaba wave form, which represents the attainment of full Christ Consciousness, Dimensional Ascension and freedom from time, space and matter. This technique sets the entire transmutation process in motion. The release of morphogenetic Seals, acceleration of the Merkaba Fields, activation of the DNA, chakras and the Kee-Ra-ShA is regulated by the God-Seed identity, which keeps the Incarnates growth rate in harmony with that of the higher identity gestalts, so the Incarnates bio-energetic systems can stay balanced during rapid Merkaba Vehicle activation. Frequent practice of this is exercise will progressively strengthen one‟s conscious connection to God-Source, expanding higher dimensional awareness, perception and cognition, while safely and systematically preparing the body to achieve its potentials within the processes of transmutation and Dimensional Ascension. This technique can be used as often as desired; the affects are cumulative and more noticeable with consistent, frequent practice.
The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana Deane, 1999, All Rights Reserved
“THE TANGIBLE STRUCTURE OF THE SOUL” An Abridged Transcript of Lectures 1 – 6
Prepared by A'zah-yana Deane, April 1999 The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana Deane, 1999, All Rights Reserved
Spiritual enlightenment, the quest for answers to the spiritual realities for existence, i.e. “truth”, is a natural impulse, which relates directly to Cosmic Order and its cycles (particularly approaching Ascension windows of the Processional Equinoxes – and especially, the 212,000 year Cosmic Cycle. It is not, according to the cynics of the modern world, some kind of faddish or coping mechanism. The process reflects, instead, the true impetus of all life as well as the mechanics of Creation itself. Understanding this impetus for humanity corresponds directly to the understanding of the nature and design of humanity‟s being (and hence the true nature of the Christ story and the foundation of all-spiritual truths and esoteric teachings. The origin of the spiritual quest and true nature of the mechanics of universal design are what constitutes the historically forbidden knowledge of all spiritual reality, thus masking the reality of sophisticated, elegant, order and a framework for the development and evolution of Consciousness itself. “Human” design is a multi-dimensional complex of conscious energetic reality structures, which exist within a Cosmic System, each of which reflects each other (as above so below) demonstrating that the human system IS an intrinsic element of cosmic order. The Energetic Order represents the means by which manifest reality comes into being. The rules of existence crucially recognize that; 1: all things are made of energetic substance and 2: all energetic substance is made of consciousness. Therefore, 3: all consciousness is aware, 4: all energy is consciousness and thus 5: spirituality and science are directly and inextricably intertwined. Hence, 6: human reality and human consciousness are made of the same cosmic substance. From this understanding it can be deduced that body, mind and spirit represent a truly ordered structure, which is in fact a system of mechanics, all of which is completely and irrevocably interwoven with the energy and structure of the cosmos. Morphogenetic Fields: the Fabric of Creation The essential first link between man, matter and the Cosmos concerns something referred to as morphogenetic (form holding) fields. Morphogenetic fields (MF) are comprised by templates of conscious light and sound, which serve as blueprints on which matter forms and conscious identity will manifest. This occurs microcosmically and macrocosmically. Therefore, the universe is one massive field of consciousness, embracing and containing all other forms and all experiences of reality and manifestation taking place. At the most macrocosmic level, then it can be understood, that the “All That Is” to which “New Agers” refer, is in fact a massive MF in which all experiential reality occurs. This is the theatre of what people term “illusion”. Within this “All That Is” (God) the blueprints for all things and all identities are held, perpetually created and renewed. Cosmic structure/order is the basis of human order and the human psyche, in terms of the Cosmic Divine Blueprint, experiential reality fields are created of templates of energy, divided into groups and energy patterns, which form the morphogenetic structure of each and all dimensions (D) Dimensions are fixed groupings of energy within a specific, geometrically, arranged form, built upon crystallized, conscious units of sound and light. Morphogenetic Fields (MF‟s) of Dimensions (D‟s) are composed of stationary points of vibrations of sound tones, which together form a fabric of tones, into which smaller MF‟s are woven. From each fixed point of sound vibration, within each D of MF, an electrical current of consciousness emerges. The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana Deane, 1999, All Rights Reserved
The electrical currents of consciousness, emerging from the sound tones in the D MF, are stationary pulses of energy which flash on and off, forming what is called a Scalar Wave (SW). SWs represent fixed, standing wave patterns of conscious electrical energy that emanates from the core sound tones, from which MFs are created. When we attempt to explore the order of energy, from which manifest reality arise, we are exploring the mechanics and dynamics of dimensionalized morphogenetic fields, in which conscious experience takes place. MFs can be understood as Scalar Grids (SG) or Scalar Fields (SF) made of interwoven patterns of consciousness that take the form of standing SWs – both cosmic order and human design are created and sustained upon dimensional SGs of sound and consciousness; (and it would be appropriate to reflect for a moment here on the effects of Law of Thought and the true nature of the collective unconscious, human, mind)! Cosmic morphogenetic structure is ordered into sets of systems, each one comprising fifteen dimensions and referred to as “fifteen dimensional matrices”. In each 15 D system, D‟s are grouped in sets of 3, forming a morphogenetic blue print of five, 3-dimensional reality systems, in each dimensional matrix. Each reality system is called a Harmonic Universe (HU). Thus, within each 15 D matrix there exists 5 HUs, all of which represents the basis of cosmic morphogenetic order. Understanding this is essential to the understanding of the true structure of the human organism since it is first essential to understand the organisms placement and characteristics within these dimensional scales. Multi-dimensional Identity The human organism, in truth, is a multi-dimensional construct. Thus, the true anatomy of the human form embraces the entire spectrum of the 15D matrix (in classical esoteric teachings, this would be the forum for the soul and the monadic groups expression). Human identity and biology come into being as a projection of consciousness from the collective cosmic MF identity. This collective is a massive gestalt of conscious identity, which is referred to by many names; God, Source, Prime Creator, Great Central Sun, etc.). Human identity comes into being as a projection of consciousness, arising from “God Consciousness”. As a result of the projection of consciousness, which produces and subsequently manifests in the MFs of the 15D matrix systems. The stream of consciousness, through which humanity manifests, emanates from the SGs entering the 15D system through the 8D portal, subsequently spreading upward and downward through all Ds of the 15D matrix. This directly creates the morphogenetic blue print of the human multidimensional form. The blue print of the human consciousness follows that of all dimensional systems; consciousness is broken down into 5 sets of 3Ds, forming separate but interwoven morphogenetic bodies of light and sound, within which portions of consciousness are carried. The 5 dimensionalized bodies of human anatomy, representing distinct portions of identity and awareness, then manifest in “time”. Each has multiple expressions of identity in which singular identities and biologies are created. Each corresponds to different aspects of the human body and psyche. The 5 dimensionalized bodies are storehouses of all human consciousness; though conscious physical identity itself is primarily located in D3, intuitive identity in D2 The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana Deane, 1999, All Rights Reserved
and subconscious identity in lower D2 and D1. This illustrates how the dimensions act as SGs (better understood as bands of frequency where portions of multi-dimensional identity are stationed). Understanding human nature requires more than just understanding the lower dimensions – simply due to the fact that true human anatomy is comprised by a multi-dimensional structure bridging various expressions of conscious identity. Therefore, incarnate identity exists as one part of a large identity gestalt, stationed in the higher bodies. Higher dimensional identities represent more energy and therefore more conscious awareness, than the lower identities, representing the super conscious aspects of mind and being. This consciousness is unseen, but IS manifest; each aspect simply lies beyond the human perceptual range (wherein lie the additional seven „senses‟). The true process of human evolution is concerned solely with the incarnates expansion of perceptual consciousness into higher dimensional fields, which are outside the perceptual range of the human incarnate identity. Nevertheless, it is correct to assume that the physical body and biological form is constructed from the same energetic substance that the entire multi-dimensional self is made from; the conscious, electrotonal scales/grids of the multi-dimensional morphogenetic anatomy. Physical anatomy, matter solidity, external space and linear passage of time are illusions created by specific ratios of vibrational movement and angles of perception between various levels of identity, which “separate” all of the bodies. In truth, everything exists as interwoven conscious energy patterns; that is: MF‟s that take for form of SG‟s, which serve as store houses of consciousness. Yet when dealing with human evolution and expansion of incarnate identity into higher reality fields, the object of focus concerns the morphogenetic energy process. It is this central truth which provides the scientific translation of the nature of all spiritual evolution. Evolution The higher bodies manifest as direct function of human DNA; the content of which determines the life path, circumstance and contours of conscious awareness, that will manifest in each incarnation. That is to say these higher bodies govern the blueprint on which human experience manifests as physically incarnate experience. Evolution therefore takes place as a result of explicit morphogenetic field and higher body dynamics. Evolution, identity integration and the higher bodies represent the interwoven nature of consciousness and bodies, through a progressive integration of each body in turn (or each dimensional aspect associated with each higher body). Merging these bodies represents the key to spiritual enlightenment, opening human incarnate perception to higher levels of consciousness. This means progressively transmuting physical existence to progressively less dense states of matter – finally integrating all its dimensionalized parts, ultimately returning to its original state of pure conscious identity. The progressive transmutation of physical form and integration of higher states of consciousness IS the ordered design behind and within human evolution. This can be thought of as „vertical evolution‟ or The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana Deane, 1999, All Rights Reserved
otherwise dimensional ascension. Either way, this represents the individual incarnates connection to „All That Is‟ or God. The Process The process of merging the physical and higher bodies is made manageable by working with energetic exercises designed to assist and expedite the integration of higher identity levels by setting the process in motion. The dimensional bodies are referred to as „Hova‟ bodies, which can be thought of as a housing for specific aspects of identity. The consciousness, which dominates one Hova body, can be employed to facilitate the merger with another. The bodies can be described as follows: No. 1 – No. 2 – No. 3 – No. 4 – No. 2 –
1D – 3D 4D – 6D 7D – 9D 10D – 12D 13D – 15D
Incarnate identity Soul identity Over soul identity Avatar / Christed identity Rishi, I Am This‟, Monadic identity
(the monadic identity is the first station to emerge beyond „time‟. It is also the station through which connections are made to the 3 higher gestalts of consciousness, which lie outside of all dimensionalized, experiential, reality. The realm of TRUE Ascended Masters!). The process of integration is actually based on simple energetics – at least from the standpoint of setting the process in motion. Essentially, each body contains three levels of identity or three „Aspects of Mind‟, from within which one level directs the function of the other two levels of Mind. This „controlling‟ consciousness can be used to affect the merger of one body into the next. These aspects of mind exist as dimensionalized frequencies of consciousness, representing the merging of dimensionalized frequency bands. Therefore, from the incarnate standpoint, the action of conscious mind calls into action the Soul Mind. In classical inner mystery school teachings, this is referred to as „Soul Merge‟. The human incarnate, at this point, has successfully begun to integrate the frequencies which compose soul identity; the physical body having expanded to accommodate up to 4D awareness, perceptual range and memory. Soul integration represents the first stage of spiritual enlightenment of the multi-dimensional personality. Exercises work to bring forward the control aspect of the Soul Body archetype, focused at the 5D, and it is this frequency which is integrated with the lower frequencies of the physically embodied incarnate. Persistent use of appropriate exercises/methods stimulate the opening of the chakras to receive infusions of 5D frequency/light, which in turn affects dormant DNA codes. It is the stimulation of the DNA codes which produce the expansion of wisdom, memory and consciousness of the embodied soul. The incarnate personality is not negated during this, but instead expands to reclaim portions of its memory and awareness.
The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana Deane, 1999, All Rights Reserved
This process is quite literally, and energetically, a function of the higher consciousness calling itself home. Through the process of dimensionally descending (from 8D) human consciousness literally fragments into dimensionalization and individualization in order to experience the manifest illusions of time and matter. In order to perpetually grow, expand, evolve and renew itself, human consciousness reassembles fragments of its identity and returns back to its source……..through which the process of dimensional ascension is created (revealing the intrinsic order and purpose of the universe and the integration of the multiple bodies identity‟s and levels of consciousness). The key to the process, from a human perspective, concerns the utilization of Symbols and Codes, inherent to the Language of Light (Keylontic Science); it is this source which provides the very fuel which returns human bodies to harmonious order, rendering them receptive to the frequencies of higher levels of consciousness. Unique Cosmic Identities Every person has a unique identity and individuation which lies outside of all time/space dimensions. This identity is called „the Seed of Consciousness‟ – the original point of origin, the spark or ember of God, the Permanent Atom. This seed relates to the origin of all manifestations and incarnations. The seed retains its original integrity of design in all ways. Once it reaches individuation, it enters the „Time Matrix‟ upon an energetic projection which we would call „a stream of energy (electrotonal units of consciousness) that retains the original identity set within the original seed of consciousness, or permanent atom. The original individuated (“human”) design exists as specific constructs of fixed points of frequency – sound vibrations that form units of light, which amount to standing scalar wave patterns. The scalar wave forms, composing the consciousness, are referred to as Geomancies and fire letters. These are patterns of specific standing scalar waves that give consciousness its individuated form in time. Geomancies and fire letters are the building blocks the God Mind uses as the processors of Creation. Geomancies are composite groupings of fire letters. Fire letters are composite groupings of standing scalar wave patterns built upon fixed vibrations of sound. The stream of consciousness can thus be viewed as a constant stream of light and sound energy composed of Geomancies, fire letters and standing scalar waves through which the pulse of God Mind perpetually spirals consciousness into individuation and manifest form. When this consciousness enters the dimensionalized structures of the Time Matrix (which itself is a standing scalar wave field built upon fixed points of sound vibration) its original arrangement of fire letters begins to change. The original stream of consciousness and fire letter arrangements breaks down, fragmenting its consciousness through the dimensional scale producing new forms of individuation. The new forms are imbued with the conscious creative thrust of the original stream of consciousness, which continues to create new specializations of consciousness and new forms, through which consciousness manifests. This is called „stair step creation‟. The process of stair step creation can be viewed as a singular beam of ‘light & sound’ – stream of consciousness, holographically refracting within the scalar fields of the Time Matrix, spreading itself into multiple beams („Sacred Rays‟). Each is imbued with portions of these qualities, attributes, fire letters and consciousness that were contained within the original beam or stream of consciousness.
The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana Deane, 1999, All Rights Reserved
Each new beam of light & sound consciousness, that is formed through the splitting of the original consciousness, retains part of the original flame letter design of the original stream; it also creates new, smaller streams that manifest as further differentiated identities and manifest forms. Through this process of scalar wave splitting and refraction, the blue prints or MF‟s for conscious life forms are created in time. In relation to human form, which itself exists as a multi-dimensional scalar wave construction – a living MF – the structure of dimensionalized consciousness takes the form of the 15 dimensional identities. These levels of individuation are formed as consciousness spirals its way outward through the stream of consciousness, form the seed of consciousness, into dimensionalization. The various structures of multidimensional human consciousness exists as forms of sentient awareness, identities possessing attributes and form, characteristic of the dimensions on which they appear. All, in truth, are mental constructs, thought forms, MF‟s, within the eternal God Mind. Each of these conscious identity levels are unique to themselves, yet simultaneously, are all connected to each other and the original stream of consciousness contained within the Geomancies and fire letters within the design of the original stream and the original seed. All identities, including those physically incarnate, are ultimately connected to Source through the multi-dimensional stream of consciousness from which they were collectively created. The reality of evolution is then the process by which the smallest fragments of individuated identity that have spiraled into the Time Matrix, progressively re-merge with their original parts. Through this reintegration of identity the individuated consciousness progressively expands back into its original wholeness, rebuilding the original stream upon which it entered dimensionalization. This is achieved by reassembling the fire letters and scalar wave patterns of the original seed of consciousness – thus – the manifest forms progressively change: from the dense matter form of the lower dimensional field, to the pure scalar wave radiation forms of the highest dimensions. When the original identity has been reassembled, the sentient consciousness then expands beyond the Time Matrix, returning to its original form as the sentient seed consciousness, existing in co-creative At-One-Ment with God Source. This is the place of true Ascended Mastery. The clear cut path of evolution is then a „simple‟ case of rebuilding the original fire letter scalar wave design of the original seed and stream of consciousness. Through this process, the consciousness traverses „backward‟, spiraling through the original beam of light & sound upon which it entered dimensionalization and then re-expands back to its original form. (the nature of this process has been referred to by others as „the Science of the Antakharana‟, which is a teaching inherently limited to 9-D where the Antakharana ends and the Maharata begins, leading to the Primal Light and Sound Fields of the Kee-Ra-ShA and Khundaray). Each time a conscious seed is sent forth into the Time Matrix, breaking itself down into dimensionalized individuated identities, it then re-evolves through the re-assembly of its parts to attain freedom from the Time Matrix and the experiential realities it encountered through its journeys in time.
The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana Deane, 1999, All Rights Reserved
God Source The experiences in time add to the content of the original seed of consciousness as a result the expanded seed of consciousness then sends forth a new stream of consciousness through which a new, expanded design of identity is cast into the Time Matrix for evolution. The processes of creation and evolution are eternal. The experience of each individuated expression adds to the content of the whole and God Source, and yet the original pattern of the whole remains indelibly, eternally intact. The eternal force, Heart-Mind of God, is an unquantifiable construct of energy, consciousness, cognition and identity. Pure, sentient, creative force. This force perpetually expands through new manifestation of itself, though it remains perpetually the same. This is so, since the perpetual expansion of creation is balanced eternally by a reciprocal contraction – eternal stillness, the Great Void. The force contains within itself, as a natural attribute of its being, a balance between stillness and motion, expansion, contraction, order and chaos, darkness and light, creation and the void…within which creation takes place. Together, these attributes represent the eternal state of „Is-ness‟; without beginning, without end, the very Beingness of God. Through this state, the Cosmos is kept in perpetual balance, eternal stillness, eternal motion and unending creation. In the process of perpetual evolution, particularly in relation to human consciousness, the intended path held within the seed of consciousness, is the reintegration of identity for its eventual return to At-One-Ment and co-creatorship with God Source. This process works well, within the overall scheme of things, but in terms of individual evolution the evolutionary experience/process can provide quite a challenge. Once the seed has cast its stream of consciousness into the Time Matrix, the fire letters, scalar wave design, of the original consciousness, frequently breaks down or becomes distorted, through its inter-action with the dimensionalized fields of ‘reality’. In terms of the human experiment, this occurs because the seed of consciousness for the human form is imbued with free creative will. Free Will = “Creative Choices”…? Identities in time have the power of choice and the power of creation, within the boundaries of the seed of consciousness. Individual identities in time have the ability to refuse or accept the impulse for evolution, as set by the seed of consciousness. Through free will, new creations can be experienced by the individual, which ultimately add to the experience of the whole, but free will can also create a dilemma for the identity in time. Due to it‟s experience in dimensionalized consciousness, the individual frequently makes choices that results in a distortion of it‟s fire letters and scalar wave patterns, through which it is connected to the original stream of consciousness. Distortion of an individual‟s fire letter design, (which manifests through the MF and also within the genetic code of the individuated physical body) disables the individuals natural ability to reintegrate with the fire letter patterns of the original stream of consciousness. When this occurs, literal energetic breaks appear within the multi-dimensional identity structure, corrupting (and eventually severing) the stream of consciousness, which tethers the individual identity to it‟s seed consciousness within the God Mind. (this is directly related to matters concerning the Soul Matrix and related concerns relating to soul fragmentation, possession and robbery).
The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana Deane, 1999, All Rights Reserved
If an identity is severed from its original stream of consciousness, that identity can no longer draw life force substance to itself directly from the God Source; this can only be done through the identity‟s connection to the seed of consciousness. The identity therefore becomes finite in nature, trapped in time, perpetuating its existence by drawing life force indirectly from other life forms that still possess a connection to their seed of consciousness. Eventually, such finite identities lose their ability to hold the original fire letter design of their own individuation and fragment further in time, ultimately becoming undifferentiated units of consciousness within the energetic structures of the dimensional fields. This is the process of de-evolution and though it is a natural part of the intrinsic dynamics of balance, it is the antithesis of the original intention, set by the God Mind, for the evolution of the human race. No being is ever separated from the God Source simply because all energy is a manifestation of the consciousness of God and all manifestation takes place within the confines of the God Mind. The difference between evolution and de-evolution, therefore, becomes a matter of the difference between the „experience‟ or the „non-experience‟ of God, (or of the cognition of the awareness of God). The pattern of de-evolution leads to fragmentation and non-differentiation of identity and loss of the cognition of the awareness of God – while still remaining as unknowing, unordered, consciousness within God. The path of evolution then, can be viewed as the progressive expansion into active awareness and participation with „Godly Identity‟. For human incarnates, the process of evolution is the process of the progressive integration of the original stream of consciousness, achieved by the progressive accretion, the drawing within oneself, of the MF, reassembling fire letters, scalar wave patterns and the seed of consciousness. If this stream of consciousness has been broken and distorted, on any level of fifteen dimensional human identity, the identity will be trapped in time, unable to re-integrate with the seed of consciousness, until the fire letters from the stream of consciousness are restored. In simple terms, the way out of the Time Matrix is to follow and reintegrate the stream of consciousness, upon which one entered the Time Matrix. This is the Path of Ascension. Dimensional ascension is the purpose for, and process of, evolution. The seed of consciousness, eternally held within the God Source, is the key to reassembly of the seed of consciousness. It is the seed which holds the original pattern of identity and individuation, the original fire letter scalar wave design that birthed the stream of consciousness into manifestation. Identities in the Time Matrix, regardless of the amount of distortion in their connection to the original stream of consciousness, (distortions in DNA structure and circuitry) possess at least a minute fragment of the original seed of consciousness. One fragment of the original fire letter scalar wave design that originally connected them to the God Source. The fragment is called; „The Spark of the Living Flame‟ and it contains, within itself, the potential to regenerate the original fire letter design of the seed. Regeneration of the identity‟s connection to the stream and seed of consciousness is not simply a process that happens over night; it can take many incarnations and cycles within the Time Matrix to complete. But, reconstituting the incarnates connection to its original stream of consciousness, through regeneration of the original fire letters, in the right patterns, is well worth the effort. This holds promise of fulfillment of individual evolutionary destiny – returning to the original splendor of a sentient co-creative force within the Heart of God Mind. The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana Deane, 1999, All Rights Reserved
The pinnacle of human evolution is to achieve the return of the individual identity to this point of original innocence. The 8th Dimensional Spark of the Living Flame The key to human evolution is the „Spark of the Living Flame‟, which is the intrinsic, minute, fire letter scalar wave pattern that connects individuals to their original seed and stream of consciousness. This spark exists within the human bio-energetic structure as a dormant, fire letter, scalar wave pattern. When activated, the spark opens new chakra centers in the body allowing new frequency patterns to enter the MF‟s and DNA. Through activation of the spark, the process of reconnecting the stream and integrating multi-dimensional identity is set in motion. The „Spark‟ of the Living Flame‟, which connects the human to the seed of consciousness beyond time, is composed of the fire letter, scalar waves and tonal patterns of the 8 th D. In the human body, this park exists as a minute crystallization of radiation, located between the 4 th and 5th chakras, within the area of the thyroid gland. The spark can be brought back into activation through specific techniques (the Song of Orion or “Om A Da” being a major one). The Spark of the Living Flame is knows as the Shield of Orion – the Gaian Shield. Activation of the Shield of Orion begins the activation of the 8th Chakra, within the body and imprints the MF with the fire letter design of the 8 th DNA strand, within the silicate matrix gene code. This process begins activation of other gene codes and bio-energetic structures, within the human body and consciousness. Through activation of the Shield of Orion, the individual‟s connection to the original stream of consciousness can begin to reassemble, within the embodied human consciousness and the Path of Ascension can be properly and correctly resumed. Activation of the Shield of Orion sets in motion the reintegration of the 8 th dimensional aspect of identity, the Monad, the center of the Over Soul identity; this is called “anchoring the Monad”. The result is to imbue the MF with the correct fire letters, scalar wave and tonal patterns, activating 8 th dimensional frequencies within the MF. The 8th strand of DNA will not activate within the manifest human gene code until DNA Strand 7 and below have fully activated. But the 8th dimensional frequencies of the Shield of Orion will stimulate into activation and progressively reorder, the fire letter scalar wave patterns of the dimensional identity levels and strands below. The MerKaBA & “Light Body” The MerKaBa (MKB) is represented by a system of spiraling electro magnetic energy (EM) constructs within and surrounding the body that manifests in the form of interwoven, counter rotating, star tetrahedrons – two pyramids together combining to form a Star of David. The MKB forms as a natural product of merging the multi-dimensional MKB spirals which arise as a result of the evolutionary process and integration of the 15D levels of identity. MKB spirals are sets of counter rotating EM fields that exist as part of the organic form of construction, within the dimensionalized universes of the Time Matrix. All dimensionalized manifest forms, and forms of consciousness within time, are created through sets of MKB spirals. MKB spirals draw energy and consciousness from the dimensional unified fields to the MF, the form holding blueprint of a being, feeding it a continuous supply of energetic substance through which particles build up to create manifestation of the blueprint in matter. The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana Deane, 1999, All Rights Reserved
MKB spirals are a natural part of the hidden dynamics of creation. Every manifest form in time has sets of dimensional MKB spirals, through which physicality or external manifestation is brought into being. The human form has 15 MKB spiral sets, one for each dimension of its morphogenetic structure. MKB fields exist not only in individual structures of dimensions but also in the larger fields of the Harmonic Universes. The 15D Matrix is structured in such a way that HU 1 & 2, v 4 & 5, have one half of a harmonic MKB set and HU3 as the center of the 15D Matrix, has one complete set of harmonic MKB spirals. The partial spirals of HU1 & 2 and HU4 & 5 co-join at certain times, and under certain conditions, forming complete harmonic MKB spirals, which allow these Universes and their inhabitants to energetically connect with HU3 (8th D). HU3 connects to the central core of the Time Matrix, 8D, the original point of entry and point of exit for the Time Matrix, when a being has completed its evolution in time. The interlocking harmonic MKB spirals serve as an energetic conduit through which consciousness can enter and leave time. Harmonic MKB spirals represent pathways of spiraling energy, through which all things in dimensionality are connected, and through which dimensional forms of consciousness can return to their former, non-dimensional states of being. MKB fields play an important role in dimensional ascension. Each of the bodies of HU 1-5 exist within, and through, discreet MKB spirals; and the integration and transmutation of bodies takes place through the dynamics inherent in the higher bodies. The dimensional MKB spirals are locked into each dimensional band through the morphogenetic blueprint of the higher bodies. This blueprint keeps the identity and its manifest body locked within a three dimensional HU system, and into the time cycles and space coordinates of that system. The harmonic MKB spirals are likewise locked into their harmonic universes, keeping the five HU bodies and 15D identity levels separate in time and space. In order for the HU bodies to merge, through dimensional ascension, the harmonic MKB spirals must be released from their rotational speeds of their harmonic universes so that they may come together and merge. Release of the 5 harmonic MKB spirals releases the 15 dimensional MKB spirals contained within them and through this process the consciousness and bodily molecular structure of the fire 3-dimensional identity levels is freed from its placement within space and time. The dynamics by which the harmonic and dimensional MKB spirals are released, from their phase lock in space-time, is quite complex. The MKB spirals are locked in time through a series of morphogenetic structures called morphogenetic crystal seals. Through opening the crystal seals the MKB spirals release, allowing the merger of the five HU bodies, expansion of identity and consciousness, as well as transmutation of the cellular form. Through the process of merging the HU bodies and MKB spirals, a structure of light, sound and electro magnetic scalar waves is progressively formed around the body – giving the body-form and consciousness, progressively more freedom of movement through the dimensions and universes of space-time. This structure of wave patterns is what is called The MerKaBa vehicle. (MV) The MV forms in stages, with the progressive integration of each HU body and group of 3 identity levels. The position of the harmonic MKB spirals, when they are locked into their respective HU‟s, is called The „Nethra Phase‟ MKB. Nethra Phase represents a 3-dimensional MKB vehicle. The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana Deane, 1999, All Rights Reserved
The first stage in assembling the MV occurs with the merging of the HU1 and HU2 body/identity systems, i.e. the earthly incarnate with the Soul Matrix identity. (referred to as „Hallah Phase‟). This process creates the common bi-pyramidal MKB vehicle otherwise referred to as the Star Tetrahedron, which facilitates movement between HU1 and HU2. Through this wave pattern structure, a state of physical bi-location of the identity, within corresponding space, time co-ordinates in HU1 and HU2, takes place; the consciousness can simultaneously experience life in HU1 and HU2, and the identity becomes a fully embodied soul. In this phase, DNA strands 1-6 inclusive (of a twelve strand silicate matrix genetic code) come into activation. Thus „Hallah phase‟ represents a 6D MKB vehicle. When the HU3 body mergers with bodies from HU1 and HU2 the MKB vehicle changes form, entering Quatra phase, as the Over Soul begins to merge with the Soul identity. The Quatra phase MKB is a tripyramidal construct through which the identity in HU1 (bi-located during Hallah phase) is turned into a Light-Wave pattern and re-manifested fully within HU2, in a less dense version of its matter body. The Quatra phase MKB looks like the Star Tetrahedron with two extra legs, i.e. an 8-pointed star. This MKB is capable of transporting its owner between HU1, 2 and 3. The identity becomes a fully embodied Over Soul with DNA strands 1-9 activated within the genetic code and therefore the Quatra phase MKB represents a 9th dimensional MKB vehicle. With integration of the HU4 body and Christ identity, the MKB again changes form as yet another MKB spiral is added to the MKB vehicle; this is the Mahunta phase. This phase creates a four-pyramidal structure, identical to 2-interlocking Star Tetrahedrons at 90 degree angles to each other. The appearance of this MKB is as a 10-pointed star surrounded by a rotating ring of multi-spectral light. All 12 strands of DNA will be activated. The integration of the HU5 body is referred to as the Rahunta phase and the MKB which manifests at this level has two additional “legs”, one above and one below, creating a 12 pointed star, surrounded by two multi-spectral rings. Such a MKB can only move between HU3 and HU5 because it would vaporize matter and life forms if it came into direct contact with the lower HU‟s. HU5 consciousness is a pure radiating energy in the shape of the Rahunta MKB vehicle and is totally capable of fragmenting itself into lower phase MKB vehicles as a means to interact with lower HU‟s. When an identity evolves beyond HU5 it begins to incorporate non-dimensional reality fields of the Energy Matrix – the area within which the energy and consciousness of the Time Matrix resides. The Universal Body of Light, or “Rishi” Body, first evolves to be a geomantic entity, within the Triadic Level of the Energy Matrix, just outside of Time, just beyond the meta-galactic core at the 8thD. The MKB form of the geomantic entity (Tinatra) appears as an elongated diamond form comprised of two elongated 3 sided pyramids, surround by three rings of multi-spectral light. The rapid counter-rotating spin of the elongated pyramids give this MKB vehicle the appearance of a Sphere of Fire, surrounded by rings of fire. Entities existing thus remain at the Meta-galactic Core, just beyond the 8thD and send forth to the Time Matrix fragments of themselves to evolve within the 15D system. In terms of human earthly evolution, most of us have a long way to go to get to this! Most humans are yet working toward the first stages of their Hallah-MKB vehicle and 4th D consciousness. However, we can accelerate our spiritual evolution and expedite the merging of these bodies by using certain techniques to release the morphogenetic seals, which keep our MKB spiral‟s locked into our present space: time The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana Deane, 1999, All Rights Reserved
locations. This is done by releasing specific geomantic control codes in specific regions of the body, in order to affect the morphogenetic structure of the higher bodies directly, beginning the process of releasing the crystal seals that keep us in the Nethra phase MKB vehicle. Thus, we can accelerate activation of DNA 4-9 and the integration of the HU1-HU3 bodies. Please Note Whilst undertaking such development, it is very important that we become more aware of the thoughts and intentions we hold, at any given moment, on a conscious level. It is vitally important that humans recognize the nature and power of the contours of the mind. Thoughts are things, in literal energy terms. Thoughts create MF‟s which then take on a life of their own – creating energy which become manifestations in both matter and event. Our thoughts will take us backwards or forwards in our quest for evolution and thus we must establish our responsibility for re-programming thoughts which no longer serve our intentions for growth. Manifestation & Anatomy The physical human body emerges into manifestation as a result of intricate, multi-dimensional, dynamics of light and sound – the basis of the true secrets of physical manifestation. All manifest forms, including biological systems, emerge into physical manifestation through a complex system of energetic structures that span the sets of 15 dimensional frequency bands, upon which multi-dimensional reality fields are ordered. The physically manifest aspects of the human body represent only one small portion of true human anatomy. Beneath and beyond the apparent manifest aspects of the physical structure lie the true energetic foundations upon which the human form is built. In human anatomy, subtle energy structures, such as the bio-energetic auric field and the chakra system, exist as greater parts of human construction. However, beyond these subtle components, the human form also possesses an ordered structure of tangible form that spans various matter-density ranges, within the 15 dimensional scale. A little known portion of the human body is that of the higher of Hova bodies – the multi-dimensional grids of light and sound upon which the physical particle base of the body is manifest. The Hova bodies are scalar grids, interwoven networks of standing scalar wave patterns that emanate from fixed points of electro-tonal frequency, which serve as templates of consciousness for particle manifestation. Morphogenetic Fields & the 8 Hova Bodies There are 8 primary Hova bodies within the multi-dimensional structure of the human anatomy and consciousness – and collectively this energetic web-work of order is referred to as “the Morphogenetic Field”. All manifest forms, including thoughts themselves, possess MF‟s, which exist within the greater MF‟s of Universal and cosmic structure. MF‟s are composed of literal energetic substance, crystalline, microparticle units of electro-tonal consciousness. These are referred to as: Partiki, Partika and Particum. These crystalline micro particles of conscious, electrified vibrating energy, group together to form strands, then grids of crystalline light and sound.
The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana Deane, 1999, All Rights Reserved
The crystalline light/sound Partiki grids, of the MF construction, form along specific geometrical designs with the dimensional scale, creating the base templates along which consciousness will manifest itself into solidified forms. The MF‟s, or templates of conscious energy, upon which matter and sentient identity manifest, are composed of crystalline micro particle units and so these MF‟s are often referred to as „Crystal Bodies‟. In terms of human anatomy, the multi-dimensional MF contains the eight Hova bodies and the levels of conscious identity that correspond to them, collectively the eight bodies of the MF are called the Human Crystal Body. The HCB is the vehicle through which consciousness manifests itself into individual identities in time. The physical form manifestations created through the HCB and its inherent Hova bodies, only appear physically solid when viewed from specific dimensional levels of perception. As a general rule, energy patterns, or MF‟s, that are stationed in dimensional bands precisely one dimension below or one lower station of consciousness, will be perceived as physically solid manifest objects and events. In truth, nothing is really solid and all things exist as conscious identity and energy. The human physical form is no exception. The human body is a multi-dimensional thought form that exists as a portion of the personal consciousness – part of the identity of the morphogenetic HCB. There is little difference between the substance of a thought and the matter substance of the physical body, other than the dimensional level of consciousness from which they are perceived. The portion of the HCB that appears to you as the physically manifest body, is a portion of your energy identity that exists one dimension below your present moment state of consciousness. The quality of perception that you perceive as thought is a portion of your energy identity that that exists within the same dimensional bands as those in which your consciousness is presently stationed. You have not yet moved the station of consciousness one dimension above the thoughts, so the thought from portions of your energetic makeup do not appear as solid or as external manifestations. Once your attention has left the thought form and moved one dimension above its dimensional placement, that which you once knew as an inner thought form will become part of the physical body or externally perceived reality field. As your consciousness evolves up through the 15 dimensional scale, you will continue to perceive the portion of your multi-dimensional crystal body that is one dimension below your focus of consciousness, as if a physically manifest form. As your consciousness proceeds upward through the dimensional scale, and progressively perceives as solid the energy patterns in the higher dimensional fields. the characteristics of perceived matter density begin to change. In faster oscillating (greater expansion), lower vibrating dimensions, matter solidity will appear less dense and more mutable than matter density levels in the lower oscillating, faster vibrating (greater contraction) lower dimensional fields. Eventually one evolves to states of consciousness in which no matter density, or externalized perception occurs at all – and all things are known as a state of „At-One-Ment‟…through direct cognition. The multi-dimensional HCB holds the design and promise for evolution of consciousness into such exalted states of cognition and all human consciousness will eventually evolve beyond all identity with physical mater substance, through progressive integration and expansion of the eight Hova bodies. While consciousness is stationed in the MF of an earthly human body, the illusions of solidity and externalization will remain. It is helpful to realize the true energetic nature of human anatomy and morphogenetic The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana Deane, 1999, All Rights Reserved
construction when one resides in such a form – for the human MF crystal body is directly and continuously affected by the content of the consciousness that is stationed within that form. The thoughts you think are composed of ultra micro particle units of consciousness. They represent mini MF‟s that become part of the literal energetic substance of the crystal body, upon which your physical body and manifest reality pictures form. Thoughts are things, in energetic forms and quite powerful things as well, for they are the creative substance out of which morphogenetic templates for matter manifestation are created. Thoughts form mini crystal bodies of their own, which become interwoven into, and affect the function of, your personal HCB. You will perceive your collective functional thought body as manifest substance and event, when your consciousness has expanded to incorporate the frequency bands contained in the dimension one level above the dimension in which the thoughts were held. Every time you think a thought you are leaving a MF, or crystal body imprint, behind within the dimensional frequency bands in which your consciousness was stationed. You will run into that thought pattern, in combination with others, from the collective consciousness – as a manifestation in physical reality. Remember, MF‟s are the form holding templates of consciousness, through which matter forms and becomes manifest. When an MF is created it begins to draw frequency patterns to itself, from the dimensional unified fields of energy, expanding, accreting and fleshing itself out into matter. Have you ever considered where thoughts go once your attention has left them? Part of what appears to you as manifest reality now represents your thought forms, and those of the collective masses, that were left behind as MF‟s, when your conscious focus of attention was stationed in a dimension below your present focus. Part of what you see before your eyes represents the living thought forms or your past selves, from this incarnation and those previous – and – those of the masses. Your thoughts become MF‟s within your personal HCB and within the morphogenetic CB of the earth. Your thoughts are planted in the frequency band where your consciousness is presently stationed, left within your present time, to be discovered as manifest objects and events once your consciousness has moved ahead in time and evolved beyond them. Thought forms from your past moments and incarnations, which are composed of more dense, slower moving particles of lower frequency bands, manifest within your HCB and within the cellular structure of your physical body. Higher vibrating (more contracted – less oscillation), disharmonic past through forms, that become trapped within the HCB, are called miasms. Miasms distort the natural flow of energy and identity, through the HCB and physical form, impeding the processes of evolution. Miasms are the morphogenetic imprints responsible for creating the manifestations of disease and disharmonic conditions, within the body and the life drama. The collective body of contracted vibrating miasms, buried within your HCB, is frequently referred to as your „Karmic Imprint‟ or „Karmic Debt‟. The KI is nothing more than a body of energy, though sometimes rather large, of crystallized miasmic thought forms that have built up within the HCB throughout various life experiences – and – which serves to inhibit the natural expansion and evolution of consciousness into higher states of being. Miasmic imprints affect the design and function of the DNA and the body form itself, and they operate as energetic blockages to the natural evolutionary processes of Hova body integration. The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana Deane, 1999, All Rights Reserved
The miasmic/KI leads from one lifetime to another, through the Collective Crystal Body Morphogenetic Field – out of which separate incarnational identities emerge. When the original human genetic code operated according to its original 12-strand DNA form, the HCB progressively transmuted the miasmic blueprints as the identity evolved. Through the process of embodying the higher identity levels, disharmonic, miasmic, thought crystallizations were easily transmuted and realigned through the identities of the higher dimensional bodies. An excessive build-up of miasms in the HCB did not occur in this case, and thus the earthly identity was able to evolve in time with less matter density, free from the KI of ever increasing miasmic build-up, within the HCB. Within the operations of the human gene code, as it is now arranged, the natural immortality of the body has been reduced to cycles of birth and death; reincarnations, from which the miasmic imprint continues and is passed from one life to another. Due to distortions in the HCB and DNA, the miasms from each lifetime are compounded. These patterns are replicated in each life experience, creating a burdensome collection of ever growing miasms of karmic debt, within the HCB. The MF of the miasmic KI further distorts the natural function of the HCB and inhibits the integration of the higher dimensional bodies, through which miasms could be transmuted and returned to harmonic order. The miasmic thought forms of past and present moments, and of other incarnational selves, will manifest themselves in the present human body and replicate themselves into future manifestations, until the contracted vibrating miasmic crystallizations – frozen thought forms – are raised to an oscillation speed sufficient enough to dissolve the miasmic crystals. This process is slowly accomplished through the evolutionary process as each person „walks through‟ their karmic dramas, processing karma in the traditional manner. This is the hard way of learning to clear the HCB, aligning the earthly identity with the higher identity levels. If it can be understood that karma is nothing more than a build-up of contracted vibrating, disharmonic miasmic vibrations, within the HCB, then this burden can be readily dealt with in its true form – as energy! Working directly with the frequencies of the higher identities, the earthly identities can transmute, or burn off, much of its KI by directing specific frequency patterns into the miasmic crystallizations. The miasmic crystals of the HCB, which make up the KI, can be shattered and their energies realigned through direct application of higher frequency. Breaking up miasmic crystals and transmuting their trapped energies into higher order, progressively clears the burden of KI, within the personal HCB. It is the miasms of the KI, in the personal MF, that causes disease and disharmonic manifestations to erupt into the life drama. By removing the miasmic imprint directly, one can begin to realign the life direction and physical health of the body, within the harmonious path of evolution. The harmonious path of evolution – often called the „Heroic Probability‟ – is the original morphogenetic body crystal design, through which progressive and unimpeded integration of Hova body identity occurs. Evolution of consciousness in time, that is unimpeded by disease or pain, is the result of an undistorted energetic alignment between, and progressive integration of, the eight higher bodies, which compose the human morphogenetic anatomy. The KI and miasmic built-up, that presently plagues earthly human consciousness, is not an organic part of the original human design but is rather a manifestation of Hova body and DNA distortions that were put in place within the HCB and genome, eons ago.
The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana Deane, 1999, All Rights Reserved
By working consciously to dissolve miasmic crystallizations, within the HCB, its Hova body and DNA distortions can begin to be corrected and realigned, within the natural structures of multi-dimensional anatomy. Through this process of realignment, the KI and its undesirable manifestations an be progressively purged and transmuted, freeing the earthly consciousness to evolve along its natural and intended path of vertical evolution, or dimensional ascension. Dimensional ascension of consciousness is the result of consciously expanding throughout the dimensional scale as a result of progressive integration of the morphogenetic Hova bodies. Clearing of the KI is the return of consciousness to the true innocence of the Divine Essence, through which a clear path of vertical evolution, dimensional expansion and identity integration is revealed. By dealing with the Karmic Miasmic Imprint on its own terms, as energy – with energy – many unpleasant conditions and circumstances, within the physical body and life drama, can be avoided. Miasmic imprints, that are transmuted through direct energy work, will not manifest into the karmic patterns you must walk through in your physical life. The Collective Conscious Every individual being in the Universe exists as an intrinsic part of a greater collective consciousness, from which it‟s being originally emerged. This multi-dimensional collective consciousness is known as the „Family of Consciousness‟ and every individual is connected to it through a Multi-dimensional Family Tree. Each earth human has, by the nature of its existence, a family tree of consciousness, through which its identity has emerged into individuation and into its present moment of space: time orientation. The Family Tree of Consciousness spans many space, time and dimensional fields following the intrinsic 15D structure of Universal Design. Within the sets of 15D matrices and their inherent sets of 3-dimensional systems (HU‟s) the family tree of consciousness branches outwards into each HU, creating a myriad of different individuated forms. In every human family tree of consciousness, smaller identity consciousness gestalts are formed, in each of the five HU‟s. This reality produces a universal web of identity, through which each individual member retains its connection to the source of its creation, which lie beyond the dimensional structures of the 15D time matrices. The smaller consciousness gestalts within the 15D matrices (that compose the time matrix) follow specific designs of energy that are intrinsic to the energetic composition of universal and cosmic structure. Cosmic structure is designed upon wave grids or complex patterns of energy weavings, that form sets of interwoven, unified fields of energy that co-exist within one gestalt unified field, known as the Mind of God. The unified fields of energy that make up the infinite contours of the God Mind gestalt are composed first, and primarily, of units of consciousness of God Mind. These units of consciousness are known scientifically as: Partiki, Partika and Particum and group into complex geometrical patterns…forming first strings and then groups of consciousness. These grids of consciousness constitute the underlying structures, or consciousness templates, upon which all manifestation is built. These consciousness templates are called morphogenetic fields (MF‟s) and they represent conscious, living, intelligent, individuated aspects of the God Mind. Morphogenetic fields are the creative thoughts of God, born into perpetual manifestation. The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana Deane, 1999, All Rights Reserved
The entire structure of the non-dimensional Energy Matrix, and it‟s inherent, smaller, universal constructs of the Time Matrix, are built upon the living conscious substance of MF‟s – and so – the entire cosmos is alive and aware. All this exists within and are perpetually manifesting as expressions of the Eternal Mind of God. The units of consciousness of God, (Partiki, etc.), upon which MF‟s are built, form the first building blocks on which the sub-particles, particle and anti-particles of matter, pre-matter and anti-matter radiation manifest. And thus, all matter forms, from the microcosm to the macrocosm, are intrinsically composed of the substance of God. Within the infinite contours of Cosmic structure, uncountable smaller structures of creation are formed. The multi-dimensional family tree of consciousness, through which human consciousness (and other forms of identity) receive individuation while retaining their God connection, exists as a structure of ordered consciousness within the greater structure of Creation. The family tree of consciousness, like Cosmic structure, is built upon conscious MF‟s that span the micro and macro-cosmic contours of the Time and Energy matrices. The multi-dimensional MF of the family tree of consciousness, can be understood as a template of identity, through which the human body and consciousness are directly connected to their God Mind. There can be no real separation between the individual and the God Mind. This is simply because the morphogenetic template of identity, upon which individual consciousness manifests, exists as an intrinsic part of the cosmic identity structure; and both the individual and the cosmos externally within the Mind of God. So then, the process of spiritual advancement to attain At-One-Ment with God is a process of expanding into the cognition of “I AM GOD” – knowing the self as an expression of this Infinite consciousness; knowing the self as an externalized collective consciousness, within which no real separation exists between God and it‟s infinite manifestations. When one expands to encompass the knowing “I AM GOD”, one simultaneously understands that ALL is God and therefore, does not place the personal, individuated identity as above, or superior to any other manifestation of the God Mind. Humility, in reference to all life and not the illusions of personal grandeur, are the result of knowing the self as the “I AM Presence” in complete At-One-Ment with God. At-One-Ment and Absolute Love Through the condition of At-One-Ment with God, through selflessness and humility, genuine love can be known. The feeling of love is the result of a condition of vibrational harmonization, or the co-resonance of consciousness, between the lover and the Beloved. Expansion into At-One-Ment with God creates the condition of absolute harmonization between the individual consciousness and the God Mind, a co-resonance of consciousness between God and the individuated manifestations of itself. In terms of “felt experience”, At-One-Ment creates the feeling of absolute love, Unconditional Love, the quality of love the God Mind experiences toward all it‟s manifestations (with whom it eternally remains in a state of vibrational co-resonance of consciousness). All things exist within the Mind of God and so the God Mind exists in a perpetual state of vibrational coresonance or Absolute Love with all manifestations of itself. The experience of lack of love reflects the The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana Deane, 1999, All Rights Reserved
condition of non-resonance of consciousness between the individuated manifestation of God and the totality of the God Mind itself. Non-resonance of consciousness or vibrational disharmony, between the individual mind and the God Mind, can only be experienced by the individual who has yet to achieve „At-One-Ment‟ with the totality of itself as a manifestation of the God Mind. Personal expansion to „At-One-Ment‟ or harmonic resonance with the God Mind allows the individual to transcend all vibrational disharmonics of consciousness and to retain co-resonance with the Cosmos. AtOne-Ment creates absolute love and absolute love IS the eternal vibrational resonance of consciousness that holds the structures of the Cosmos together. Absolute love creates the experience of absolute joy and ecstatic fulfillment – and – in human terms, generates the attributes of all those feelings and sensations deemed as „good‟. All conditions of disease, conflict, pain, anguish and suffering are the direct result and manifestation of vibrational dissonance of individual consciousness with the God Mind. The only absolute cure for any malady is absolute love. Suffering is intended to show one the areas in which disharmonics of consciousness reside and exists to stimulate the multi-dimensional identity to reorder its consciousness into harmonic co-resonance with the eternal God Mind. As At-One-Ment with God creates absolute love, and as absolute love creates the absolute cure for all suffering, the conditions for achieving At-One-Ment is most desirable if one seeks to end suffering and expand into the transcendent realities of ecstatic fulfillment. Creating the experience of At-One-Ment is the process of progressive expansion beyond the boundaries of the personality and ego identity, into the greater aspects of gestalt identity, as contained within the family tree of consciousness – a progressive realization of the Self as a plural rather than a singular construct. The personal identity is not lost, overtaken or compromised within the expansion of self – it is instead It‟s Self expanded to become the gestalt identity – just as the identity of the child expands to become the adult. As the micro and macrocosm are structured on templates of consciousness (MF‟s) it is most useful to understand these basic structures if one seeks to achieve At-One-Ment with God. Through understanding the structures of God consciousness, upon which individual and Cosmic experience is built, and individual can begin to grasp, and apply, the conscious mechanics of energy by which At-One-Ment is achieved. Comprehending the structure of multi-dimensional identity and the family tree of consciousness, out of which the individual emerges, provides a consensual road map to the destination of ultimate At-One-Ment with God. For this reason, the God Mind makes available the knowledge of the MF structure so the individual can consciously co-create its experience of evolution and expansion into At-One-Ment. The MF, or template of consciousness of the family tree of consciousness, for each individual is a 15D structure, composed of units of consciousness (Partiki, etc.). There is a set pattern of organization inherent to this structure, which corresponds to the greater MF‟s of which the Time Matrix is composed. Multidimensional human identity possesses five primary structures in time and three outside of it.
The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana Deane, 1999, All Rights Reserved
The five correspond to each HU/Time Matrix expression. As each HU comprises three dimensional fields, each body is thus structured on the three templates of consciousness – or morphogenetic wave grids (within which that particular body is stationed and which each HU contains). Each of the five bodies of the human consciousness construction represent energy forms or templates of geometrically arranged energy, which hold the instructional program, or underlying intelligence, upon which the matter form and identity will manifest, within its respective HU. The three dimensional bodies are MF‟s that are constructed on units of consciousness (Partiki, etc.) which take the form of crystallized or frozen sound. Through the process of the consciousness moving through the unified energy fields, of each HU, these particles of frozen sound are stimulated into vibrational movement. This stimulation of crystallized sound patterns transforms the original crystallized sound into a living pattern of conscious awareness that takes on the form of a fixed standing wave pattern, known as a scalar wave (SW). Thus, each higher body is a SW field, i.e. a field of SW‟s built upon a fixed morphogenetic template of sound. As this consciously moves itself, or evolves, through 15D‟s it progressively stimulates into life the scalar grids of the higher bodies. This brings into activation and manifest expression, progressively more portions of its family tree of consciousness. The process of expanding the personality to the At-One-Ment with God has its equivalent action, in terms of electro-magnetic dynamics. Therefore, At-One-Ment represents the progressive activation of the scalar grids of the higher bodies, within which the consciousness of the family tree resides. Understanding the simple structures of the higher bodies, and the greater morphogenetic construction, within which they exist, makes the process of achieving At-One-Ment comprehensible. Though there are many complex multi-dimensional mechanics involved within the operations of consciousness and the higher bodies. It is enough to understand the basic existence of the higher body structures – for with this knowledge one can take an active hand in the personal evolutionary process. The process of higher body merger and identity integration is the intrinsic process of human evolution through time, if one can understand that the goal of At-One-Ment with God is achieved through merging the higher bodies and identity levels, the process of achieving At-One-Ment becomes clear and more easily achievable. The higher bodies form a part of a larger morphogenetic template beyond the five higher bodies, which involves three other, non-dimensionalized bodies. The five higher bodies are expressing within the Time Matrix. The extra three bodies correspond to the larger portions of the family tree that are stationed within the Energy Matrix, within which the Time Matrix exists. The three highest bodies represent the three levels of personal gestalt identities that are referred to as „Ascended Mastery‟. The levels of identity in these three bodies correspond to the three nondimensionalized levels of the Cosmic Energy Matrix – the Triadic Matrix, The Polaric Matrix and the Eckatic Matrix. (closest to the God Mind). The identity levels corresponding to these three matrices of Cosmic consciousness are: the Geomantic, the Rishi and the Eckar. As the identity progressively merges with the five higher bodies, the identity creates a progressively expanding scalar grid as the levels of identity expand into integration. When viewed collectively, the eight higher bodies of the human family tree represent one larger MF made of fixed points of sound and light, which represents the Monad (or Monadic Identity Imprint). The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana Deane, 1999, All Rights Reserved
The Monad is an energy form, a scalar grid, which holds the entire electro-tonal design of the Cosmic family three of consciousness. It is composed of the eight higher bodies and the stations of consciousness contained within them. The Monad exists as a gestalt identity MF, eternally stationed within the God Seed, within the God Mind. The Monad contains, within its structure, the smaller individuated MF‟s for the Eckar identity and the smaller identities of the eight higher bodies for the individual identity incarnated in time. The Monad is the key to achieving At-One-Ment and expansion into the God Mind – to attain freedom from the cycles of space, time and matter manifestation, within the Time Matrix. The Monad represents the core program of light and sound – energy, consciousness and identity, through which the original Seed of Consciousness (SC) and family tree of consciousness (FTC) were created; the original geometrical construction of consciousness that emanated forth from the God Seed to create the 8 higher body MF. The Monad is a singular point of unified energy identity, within the gestalt of the Cosmic FTC and represents the individual‟s direct connection to the God Seed and the final expansion into God. The God Seed represents the core MF, out of which multi-monads or Cosmic family lines of consciousness emerge. There are 24 primary God Seed identities within the God Mind. These Sacred Identities possess perpetual cognizant At-One-Ment with the God Mind. Each of these 24 identities creates within itself sets of 12 Monads or Cosmic family lines of consciousness. Each monad creates within itself, sets of 12 Eckar identities – or – original seeds of consciousness, within the Energy and Time Matrices. The God Seed, the Monad and the original SC are interwoven but are not the same energy constructs. Each God Seed holds, within its design, the pattern for 12 Monads, or CFTs. Each Monad creates sets of 12 UFTs. Each seed of consciousness or universal family tree creates family trees of consciousness, within the universal Energy and Time matrices, (i.e. “soul” groups). In relation to an earth individual achieving AT-One-Ment with God, the dimensionalized FTC and nondimensionalized Universal Family (1), the Monad or Cosmic Family (2) and the God Seed or God Family (3), together represent a pillar of direct connection in consciousness between the God Mind and all its individuated parts. The Pillar of Consciousness (PC) exists as interconnected platforms of identity, through which the individual progressively expands as it evolves to full At-One-Ment. In understanding the basic structure of this Cosmic hierarchy of identity one can learn to use the individual consciousness in ways that expedite the process of evolution. And, one can more easily keep the progress of evolution on its intended course. One of the fastest ways to realign personal evolution toward One-ness, is to bring the dormant energetic component of the Monad and the God Seed morphogenetic scalar girds within the earthly body, into life consciousness – thus activating the Good Seed and building the Pillar of Light (Maharata). Such development of the Pillar stimulates all eight bodies into simultaneous activation. Building the Pillar of Light is achieved by activating the God Seed, the Pillar of Light is a morphogenetic construction of scalar grids that appears in the bio-energetic field as a progressively expanding pillar of multi-colored light (hence, „the rainbow bridge‟). The pillar, which forms from the progressive activation alignment and merger of the five bodies, is a conduit through which the consciousness of God flows into conscious human embodiment. The full Pillar of Light is constructed when all eight higher bodies have been aligned, activated and opened into the consciousness of the God Seed. This is called God Realization. To understand this evolutionary process in simple terms, one can view evolution as the progressive building of the Pillar of Light that connects one, through the fields of time and the hierarchy of identity, directly to the Heart and Mind of God. The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana Deane, 1999, All Rights Reserved
Activating the God Seed begins to build the Pillar of Light, from the top down; the God Seed down to the incarnate, progressively aligning the geometrical constructs of the Monad‟s magnetic field with it‟s original design, within the God Mind. As the 8 higher bodies in the Monad‟s scalar grid progressively align and merge with each other, the Pillar of Light progressively descends toward the incarnate – eventually encompassing the incarnates body and consciousness within the hierarchy of identity. The process of re-merging the personal identity, within the Pillar of Light, has been referred to as “entering the fold”; through which the incarnate awakens to it‟s direct connection to the God Mind, ultimately expanding to know itself as a limitless expression of God. The Melchizedek God Seed Of the 24 God seeds, only one God Seed is responsible for the multi-galactic human lineage. The original human lineage was manifest upon 12 Monads, or cosmic families, and each of the 12 monads manifested 12 Seeds of Consciousness or Universal Families, within the Energy and Time Matrices. All the dimensional and cosmic families of human consciousness manifested through one common God Seed. This common God family consciousness gestalt goes by the name of Melchizedek. In the multidimensional scheme of galactic creation, the God Mind also manifests cosmic family lines through the 23 other God seeds. Many, other, ancient, interstellar races that entered the Time matrix, prior to the time of the human family consciousness, have as their God Seed a Monadic identity other than the Melchizedek Collective. Through the course of interstellar history, numerous families of both the Melchizedek lineage and other God Seed lines, encountered difficulties within their Monadic imprint and found themselves unable to retain their connection to the Pillar of Light. Distortions within the geometrical structures of their MF‟s rendered their bodies unable to merge – a condition that keeps the consciousness trapped in time, unable to achieve full expansion to At-One-Ment with God. Of the 24 God Seeds, the Melchizedek God seed is the one of the few that has kept the Pillar of Light unbroken, through a majority of their family lines. The Melchizedek (Cloister) Collective has thus become known as the Keeper of the Codes and Guardians of the Path of Ascension for all Races within the Time Matrix. The human Turaneusian lineage is one of the manifestations of the Melchizedek God Seed and it was created to function as a vessel through which the inter-stellar races, trapped in time, could re-evolve into At-One-Ment with the God Mind. Most of the beings, now incarnate in human form, did not begin their journey into Time with the human imprint. Most present day humans were originally a consciousness that manifested in other than human form – emerging out of one of the other 23 God Seeds/Families. In the beginning of human creation, these other families of consciousness were spliced into the human, genetic, morphogenetic lines so that they could re-evolve through the Melchizedek God Seed. This process of splicing one family of consciousness into another MF is called a “Host Matrix Transplant” – and the Melchizedek God Seed has served as a Host Matrix for the ascension of many inter-stellar races.
The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana Deane, 1999, All Rights Reserved
Most humans possess other than human re-incarnational memories in their sub-conscious minds; and, many of these other than human races were not originally a part of the Melchizedek God Seed families. Within the Melchizedek Monads of Cosmic family lines, there thus exist two primary branches: one, created by gene splicing by one racial origin with the Melchizedek; the other a gestalt of the original family lines of the Melchizedek God seed are referred to as the Melchizedek Cloister. When Earth incarnate begins activating the God seed, it calls into manifestation (within it‟s genetic code in consciousness) the scalar grids of it‟s Monad, or Cosmic family, or God seed, upon which it‟s family originally manifested. It begins to build the Pillar of Light to it‟s Self, from it‟s respective God Seed. If the consciousness or the incarnate happens to be of the Inter-stellar races that encountered distortions in their higher bodies (which manifests in the biological genetic code) these areas of morphogenetic distortion will create blockages, or blank spots in frequency, within the Pillar of Light, descending from the God Seed. Such blockages can occupy many incarnational cycles to correct and it is quite difficult to do so from the incarnates level of awareness. Activating the God Seed in cases of Monad distortion is still desirable, but it is incomplete in terms of fulfilling ascension into At-One-Ment with the God Mind. Because it is difficult, from the earth human perspective, to determine the level of higher body distortion (and to identify the original God seed Family Tree), the practice of Melchizedek Cloister Ordination is often used to assist the incarnate in building the Pillar of Light. The Melchizedek Cloister Ordination (MCO) accomplishes activation of all the original God Seed, but also serves to splice the incarnates consciousness and 8 higher bodies into the Melchizedek Cloister God Seed. The God Seed Melchizedek then serves to re-align any blockages in the Pillar of Light; thus, holding the integrity of the higher bodies intact until all distortions can be re-aligned with the Monad of the original God Seed identity. The practice of Melchizedek Ordination (MCO) can save the incarnate many millennia of earth incarnation cycles throughout the lower multi-dimensional universes, thereby providing the incarnate a rapid path of ascension and At-One-Ment with the God Mind. The decision of the Earth incarnate to accept MCO helps the entire multi-dimensional gestalt to expedite it‟s own process of ascension. Thus the 24 God Seed identities encourage the process for earthly incarnates. If the higher bodies of an individual‟s Family Tree are aligned (allowing the proper building of the Pillar of Light) the MCO serves simply to accelerate the natural process of ascension through the organic Monad and God Seed. But if the integrity of the Pillar of Light (between incarnate and God Seed) is compromised through Monad distortions, then the MCO serves as a lifeline for the incarnate and it‟s hierarchy of identities. Special “Light Exercises” activate the God Seed and begin the process of building the Pillar of Light…but these do not realign distortions within the higher bodies.
The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana Deane, 1999, All Rights Reserved
INDEX A Absolute Love, 74 Alphi Hova Body, 31, 38, 40, 42, 48, 49, 54, 55 AM-PM I AM Grids, 28 Anatomy, 3, 25, 69 Archetype, 9, 23, 31, 53, 54 Ariea Hova Bodies, 33, 38 Ascended Master, 32 Astral Body, 11, 31 At-One-Ment, 63, 64, 70, 74, 75, 76, 77 Avatar, 9, 15, 23, 25, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 40, 41, 42, 44, 48, 50, 53, 55, 61
H Harmonic Universe, 31, 33, 34, 35, 37, 38, 41, 42, 43, 44, 47, 48, 49, 50, 59 Higher Identity, 11, 12, 38, 39, 40, 42, 43 Higher Self, 11, 12 Hova Bodies, 9, 10, 23, 24, 25, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 44, 45, 51, 53, 69
I Incarnate, 9, 21, 23, 25, 31, 32, 37, 38, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 48, 49, 50, 53, 54, 61
B Betcha Hova Body, 33, 34, 38, 40, 42, 43, 48, 54, 55 Bio-Spiritual Evolution, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 34, 36, 38, 39, 45, 46, 48, 53 brain-function, 15 Buddhiac Mind, 33, 41
C Cap Stone Codes, 32 Christiac Mind, 33, 41 cognition, 9, 16, 17, 33, 39, 56, 64, 65, 70, 74 Crystal Body, 10, 20, 23, 27, 28, 35, 38, 43, 70, 72
D D-5 Archetype, 10, 21, 53, 54 D-8 Monad, 10, 54 Dimensions, 24, 25, 35, 36, 43, 44, 50, 53, 58 DNA, 3, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 24, 27, 29, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 53, 54, 55, 56, 60, 61, 65, 66, 68, 69, 71, 72
E Eckatic, 24, 25, 32, 36, 38, 50, 76 Energy Matrix, 24, 25, 32, 36, 38, 42, 44, 45, 50, 68, 73, 76 Evolution, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 17, 33, 34, 60, 72
F Free Will, 64
G Geomancies, 10, 16, 20, 35, 41, 53, 54, 55, 62, 63 Geomancy, 16, 19, 53, 54, 55 Geomancy Control Codes, 16 Gestalt Identity, 31, 36 God, 9, 10, 14, 16, 23, 28, 29, 36, 37, 38, 39, 49, 50, 51, 54, 56, 59, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79 God Source, 63, 64, 65 God-Seed, 9, 10, 36, 37, 38, 39, 49, 50
J Jesheua Melchizedek, 15 Jesus, 15 junk DNA, 15, 45
K Keepers of the Flame, 8 Kee-Ra-ShA, 27, 31, 34, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 48, 53, 63 Kundalini, 27, 31, 34, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 48, 53
L Light Body, 66
M Mahara Hova Body, 33, 38, 41, 42, 48 Manifestation, 12, 46, 69 Melchizedek Cloister, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 33, 34, 39, 44, 49, 52, 78, 79 Merkaba, 3, 10, 12, 13, 31, 34, 38, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 48, 49, 53 MerKaBA, 66 Miasms, 10, 42, 71 morphogenetic field, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, 23, 27, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 49, 50, 53, 54, 55, 56, 60 Morphogenetic Field, 13, 14, 20, 27, 43, 69, 72 Morphogenetic Fields, 14, 16, 20, 27, 44, 58, 69 Multi-dimensional Identity, 59
N Nada Hova Body, 31, 34, 38, 40, 41, 42, 43, 48, 53, 54, 55 neurological structure, 16, 17, 46 Nirvanic Mind, 33, 41
P particle spin, 14, 35, 37, 46 Polaric, 24, 25, 32, 36, 38, 50, 76
The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana Deane, 1999, All Rights Reserved
Stair Step Creation, 11, 12, 14, 36, 49, 50, 51, 52 Symbol Codes, 16, 19, 20
Raja Hova Body, 33, 38, 40, 42, 44, 53 Rishi, 9, 23, 25, 32, 33, 36, 38, 42, 44, 49, 50, 53, 61, 68, 76
S Sananda, 15 Scalar Grids, 14, 45, 59 Silicate Matrix, 15, 23, 24, 29, 33, 39, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 53 Solar Rishi, 10, 53 Song of Orion, 27 Soul, 8, 9, 10, 11, 15, 16, 17, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 48, 49, 50, 53, 54, 61, 64, 66, 68 Spark of the Living Flame, 65, 66
T The Collective Conscious, 73 The I-Am Prayer, 29 The Melchizedek God Seed, 78 Theoretical Perspectives, 3 Time Matrix, 24, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 42, 47, 50, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 73, 75, 76, 77, 78 Triadic, 23, 24, 25, 32, 36, 38, 42, 44, 50, 68
U Unique Cosmic Identities, 62
The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana Deane, 1999, All Rights Reserved