Table of contents : Tajweed rules of the Qur'an Part 1 احكام التجويد في القرآن Contents إسناد الامام حفص الى رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم إسناد المؤلفة بالقرآن الكريم برواية حفص من طريق الشاطبية Chapter1: Introduction to tajweed of the Qur'an Manners when reading the Qur'an Prostrations of reading Seeking refuge and saying basmalah Principles of tajweed Its definition Its formation Its fruits Its place within the sceinces Its founder Its precept Reasons for its rules Its principles اللحن Chapter 2: The articulation points of the letters General definitions الجوف الحلق اللسان اقصى اللسان وسط اللسان حافة اللسان طرف اللسان الحروف النطعية حروف الصفير الحروف اللثوية الشفتان الخيشوم Chapter 3: The Noon sakinh and tanween rules Definitions الاظهار الادغام القلب الاخفاء Chapter 4: The meem sakinah rules Meem sakinah rules الاخفاء الشفوي Small merging اظهار الشفوي Chapter 5: The ghunnah الغنة و مراتبها Chapter 6: The Lam Sakinah Rukes Definition الاظهار الادغام لام الفعل و لام الامر و لام الاسم و لام الحرف Chapter 7: The Mudood The leen letters The natural lengthening The lesser connecting medd The substitute medd Secondary medd Medd due to hamzah The exchange medd the required attached med The separate allowed lenghthening The greater connecting lenghthening Lenghthening caused by sukoon The lenghthening with a presented sukoon The soft lenghthening The compulsory medd The compulsory heavy lenghthening in a word The compulsory light lenghthening in a word The compulsory lenghthening in a letter The compulsory light lenghthening in letters The compulsory heavy lenghthening in letters اقوى السببين Chapter 8: How letters are formed Non-viewed letters Voweled letters Chapter 9: The Qalqalah mechanism The Qalqalah letters The Qalqalah is divided into two classes References