266 98 10MB
Serbian Pages 240 Year 2015
by Edwcrd
Whitechcpel Gcllery London The MIT Press
Ccmbridge, Mcrssclchusetts
Edited by Edwcrd A. Shcrnken
Documents of Contemporcry Art
Whitechcpel Gcllery London The MIT Press
Ccmbridge, Mcrssclchusetts
Edited by Edwcrd A. Shcrnken
Documents of Contemporcry Art
Co published by WhitechapeL Gallery and The MIT Press First published 2015 O 2015 Whitechapel Gallery Ventures Lirrited All texts O the authors or the estates ofthe authors, unless otherwise stated
Documents of Contemporqry Art
Series Editor: lwona Blazwicl< Commissioning Editor: [an Farr Ploject Editor: Francesca Vinter Design by SMITH Allon l(aye, Justine Schuster Printed and bound in China Cover, Tomis Saraceno, 14 Billions
Whitechapel Gallery is the imprint of Whitechapel Gallery Ventures Limited
(2010). Black cords, elastic rope, hool(s. Dimensions/Scale: 1 : 17 Latrodectus mactans web.
All rights reserved. No part ofthis publication
2010. Photograph O Studio Tomis Saraceno, 2010.
lnstallation view, Bonniers l(onsthall, Stockholm may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system
o[ transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without the written permission of the publisher ISBN 978-0-85488-234 2 (Whitechapel Gallery) ISBN 978-0-262-52719-4 (The MIT Press)
A catalogue record for this bool< is available from the British Library
Whitechapel Gallery Ventures Limited 77 82 Whitechapel High Street London El 7QX whi techapelgal lery.org To order (UK and Europe) cal I +44 (0)207 522 1888 or email MailOrder@whitechapelgallery org Distributed to the bool( trade (Ul( and Europe only) by Central Books www.centralbooks.com
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
The MIT Press Cambridge, MA 02142
Systems / edited by Edward A. Shanken
MIT Press boo[