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English Pages 164 [159] Year 1971
This series aims to report new developments in mathematical research and teaching - quickly, informally and at a high level. The type of material considered for publication includes: 1. Preliminary drafts of original papers and monographs 2. Lectures on a new field, or presenting a new angle on a classical field 3. Seminar work-outs 4. Reports of meetings Texts which are out of print but still in demand may also be considered if they fall within these categories. The timeliness of a manuscript is more important than its form, which may be unfinished or tentative. Thus, in some instances, proofs may be merely outlined and results presented which have been or will later be published elsewhere. Publication of Lectuw Notes is intended as a service to the international mathematical community, in that a commercial publisher, Springer-Verlag, can offer a wider distribution to documents which would otherwise have a restricted readership. Once published and copyrighted, they can be documented in the scientific literature. Manuscripts Manuscripts are reproduced by a photographic process; they must therefore be typed with extreme care. Symbols not on the typewriter should be inserted by hand in indelible black ink. Corrections to the typescript should be made by sticking the amended text over the old one, or by obliterating errors with white correcting fluid. Should the text, or any part of it, have to be retyped, the author will be reimbursed upon publication of the volume. Authors receive 75 free copies. The typescript is reduced slightly in size during reproduction; best results will not be obtained unless the text on any one page is kept within the overall limit of 18 x 26.5 em (7 x 10 y, inches). The publishers will be pleased to supply on request special stationery with the typing area outlined. Manuscripts in English, German or French should be sent to Prof. Dr. A. Dold, Mathematisches Institut der Universitiit Heidelberg, TiergartenstraBe or Prof. Dr. B. Eckmann, Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule, Zurich. Die ,Lectuw Notes" sollen rasch und informell, aber auf hohem Niveau, tiber neue Entwicklungen der mathematischen Forschung und Lehre berichten. Zur Veroffentlichung kommen: 1. Vorliiufige Fassungen von Originalarbeiten und Monographien.
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Lecture Notes in Mathematics A collection of informal reports and seminars Edited by A. Dold, Heidelberg and B. Eckmann, ZUrich
Symposium on the Theory of Numerical Analysis Held in Dundee/Scotland, September 15-23, 1970
Edited by John LI. Morris, University of Dundee, Dundee/Scotland
Springer-Verlag Berlin' Heidelberq . NewYork 1971
AMS Subject Classifications (1970): 65M05, 65MlO, 65M15, 65M30, 65N05, 65NlO, 65N15, 65N20,65N25
ISBN 3-540-05422-7 Springer-Verlag Berlin' Heidelberg' New York ISBN 0-387-05422-7 Springer-Verlag New York· Heidelberg· Berlin This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically those of translation, reprinting, re-use of illustrations, broadcasting, reproduction by photocopying machine or similar means, and storage in data banks. Under § 54 of the German Copyright Law where copies are made for other than private use, a fee is payable to the publisher, the amount of the fee to be determined by agreement with the publisher. © by Springer-Verlag Berlin' Heidelberg 1971. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 70-155916. Printed in Germany.
Offsetdruck: Julius Beltz, Hemsbach
Foreword This publication by Springer Verlag represents the proceedings of a series of lectures given by four eminent Numerical Analysts, namely Professors Golub, Thomee, Wachspress and Widlund, at the University of Dundee between September 15th and September 23rd, 19700 The lectures marked the beginning of the British Science Research Council's sponsored Numerical Analysis Year which is being held at the University of Dundee from September 1970 to August 1971.
The aim of this year is to promote the theory
of numerical methods and in particular to upgrade the study of Numerical Analysis in British universities and technical colleges.
This is being effected by the
arranging of lecture courses and seminars which are being held in Dundee throughout the Year.
In addition to lecture courses research conferences are being
held to allow workers in touch with modern developments in the field of Numerical Analysis to hear and discuss the most recent research work in their field.
achieve these aims, some thirty four Numerical Analysts of international repute are visiting the University of Dundee during the Numerical Analysis Year.
complete project is financed by the Science Research Council, and we acknowledge with gratitude their generous support.
The present proceedings, contain a great
deal of theoretical work which has been developed over recent years. however new results contained within the notes.
There are
In particular the lectures pre-
sented by Professor Golub represent results recently obtained by him and his coworkers.
Consequently a detailed account of the methods outlined in Professor
Golub's lectures will appear in a forthcoming issue of the Journal of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) Numerical Analysis, published jointly by Golub, Buzbee and Nielson. In the main the lecture notes have been provided by the authors and the proceedings have been produced from these original manuscripts. is the course of lectures given by Professor Golub.
The exception
These notes were taken at
the lectures by members of the staff and research students of the Department of Mathematics, the University of Dundee.
In this context it is a pleasure to ack-
nowledge the invaluable assistance provided to the editor by Dr. A. Watson, Mr.
IV R. Wait, Mr. K. Brodlie and Mr. G. McGuire. ,
Finally we owe thanks to Misses Y. Nedelec and F. Duncan Secretaries in the Mathematics Department for their patient typing and retyping of the manuscripts and notes.
J. Ll. Morris Dundee, January 1971
Contents G.Golub: Direct Methods for Solving Elliptic Difference Equations • . . . . . .
1. Introduction . . . . . 2. Matrix Decomposition. 3. Block Cyclic Reduction 4. Applications . . . . . . 5. The Buneman Algorithm and Variants 6. Accuracy of the Buneman Algorithms 7. Non-Rectangular Regions 8. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . 9. References .
2 2 6 10 12 14 15
18 18
G.Golub: Matrix Methods in Mathematical Programming 1. Introduction • . • • . . . . • . • • • 2. Linear Programming . 3. A Stable Implementation of the Simplex Algorithm 4. Iterative Refinement of the Solution 5. Householder Triangularization . 6. Projections . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . 7. Linear Least-Squares Problem . 8. Least-Squares Problem with Linear Constraints Bibliography • . . . . . . . ..•.
· 22 22 24
28 28
31 33
35 37
V.Thomee: Topics in Stability Theory for Partial Difference Operators.
Preface . . . • • . . . . . .. . . . . . . • . 1. Introduction .....•.... 2. Initial-Value Problems in L Constant Coefficients . 3. Difference Approximations in L to Initial-Value Problems with Constant Coefficients • . . . . . • • . • . 4. Estimates in the Maximum-Norm . . . . . . . . . 5. On the Rate of Convergence of Difference Schemes References • . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . E.L.Wachspress: Iteration Parameters in the Numerical Solution of Elliptic Problems . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. A Concise Review of the General Topic and Background Theory • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . 2. Successive Overrelaxation: Theory . 3. Successive Overrelaxation: Practice . . . . • 4. Residual Polynomials: Chebyshev Extrapolation: Theory 5. Residual Polynomials: Practice . 6. Alternating-Direction-Implicit Iteration . . • . . . . 7. Parameters for the Peaceman-Rachford Variant of Adi O.Widlund: Introduction to Finite Difference Approximations to Initial Value Problems for Partial Differential Equations 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . • . • . . . . . The Form of the Partial Differential Equations . The Form of the Finite Difference Schemes An Example of Divergence. The Maximum Principle The Choice of Norms and Stability Definitions Stability, Error Bounds and a Perturbation Theorem . .
42 43 51
70 79
89 93
95 98
.100 .102 .103 .106 .107 • 1 11 .112 .114 .117 • 121 .124 .133
7. The von Neumann Condition, Dissipative and Multistep Schemes .
8. Semibounded Operators . . • . • 9. Some Applications of the Energy 10. Maximum Norm Convergence for L 2 References •• • . . . . . . •
• •
• . . . . . . • Method • . . • Stable Schemes • • . . • • . .
• .142 .145 .149 . 1 51
Direct Methods for Solving Elliptic Difference Equations
GENE GOLUB Stanford University
Introduction General methods exist for solving elliptic partial equations of general type
in general regions.
However, it is often the case that physical problems such as
those of plasma physios give rise to several elliptic equations which require to be solved many times.
It is not uncommon that the elliptio equations whioh arise re-
duce to Poisson's equation with differing right hand side.
For this reason it is
judicious to use direct methods which take advantage of this structure and whioh thereby yield fast and accurate techniques for solving the associated linear equations. Direct methods for solving such equations are attractive since in theor,y they yield the exact solution to the difference equation, whereas commonly used methods seek to approximate the solution by iterative procedures [12].
Hockney [8] has
devised an efficient direct method which uses the reduction process.
Also Buneman
[2] recently developed an efficient direct method for solving the reduced sy stem of equations.
Since these methods offer considerable
over older teoh-
niques [5], the purpose of this paper is to present a unified mathematical development and generalization of them.
Additional generalizations are given by
George [6]. 2.
Matrix Decomposition Consider the system of equations
where M is an NxN real symmetric matrix of block tridiagonal form,
The matrices A and Tare pxp symmetric matrices and we assume that AT
= TA
This situation arises in many systems.
However, other direct methods which are
applicable for more general systems are less efficient to implement in this case. Moreover the classical methods require more computer storage than the methods to be discussed here whioh will require only the storage of the
Since A and T
cOllllllute and are syDlllletrio, it is well known [1] that there exists an orthogonal matrix Q such that '1'
Q T Q :: n , and A and n are real diagonal rnatrices. A and T, and A and
The matrix Q is the set of eigenvectClt's of
n are the diagonal matrices of the p-distinct eigenvalues of
and T, respectively. To conform with the matrix M, we write the vectors
!z x =
• x
Furthermore, it is quite natural to write
x x
• x
System (2.2) may be written
Tx,4 1 + Ax"'J + Tx j +1 = Y ,
j ::
2,3, ••• ,q-l ,
in partitioned fora,
From Eq. (2.3) we have A
= Q A QT
=Q 0
QT • T
Substituting A and T into Eq. (2.5) and pre-multiplying by Q we obtain +
0:lSl! :::
O:lSj_l +
+ O:lSj+l
ox:"'q_ 1+1lx "'q
=V lI..
=l j '
= 2.3 •••• ,q-l)
= 1,2, ••• ,q.
and lj are partitioned as before then the ith oomponents of Eq. (2.6) may be
rewritten as
= Yil '
AiXi l +
for i
+ Aix i j +
Yi j
(j = 2, ••• ,q-l) ,
+ Aixi q = Yi q •
= 1,2•••• ,p. If we rewrite the equatd ens by reversing the rolls of i and j we may write Ai Ai f
• •
Xu x
• • x
q x q Yi l
Yi q
so that Eq. (2.7) is equivalent to the block diagonal system of equations, ( i = 1,2, ••• ,p)
Thus, the vecter
a symmetric tridiagonal system of equations that has a
constant diagonal element and a constant super- and sub- diagonal element.
After Eq.
(2.8) has been solved block by block it is possible to solve for x j = Qx.. have:
Thus we
Algorithm 1 1. Compute er determine the eigensystem of A and T.
2. Compute lj
1,2, ••• ,q).
3. Solve
= Q lj =
= 1,2, ••• ,p).
4. Compute
1,2, ••• ,q).
It should be neted that only Q, and the since
can overwrite the lj' the
s ,.
j .. l,2, ••• ,q
have to be stored,
Y. and the x can overwrite can overwrite the "':l.
the A
simple oaloulation will show that approximately
2p2 q +
tors are required for the algorithm when step 3 is solved
5pq arithmetic opera-
using Gaussian elimina-
tien for a tridiagonal matrix when r
are positive definite. The arithemtic operai tors are dominated by the 2pZq multiplications arising from the matrix multiplioations
ot steps 2
+ 4.
It is not easy to reduce this number unless the matrix Q ha.
special properties (as in Poisson's equation) when the fast Fourier transform can be used (see Hockney
For our system
and the eigenValues may be written down as v .. A + 2(d eel!! iri i q+l
r .. 1,2, ••• , q
er that
Vi the diagonal IIlll.trix of eigenvalues of
r i and zrs
sJ.·n !![ • S·J.nce q+l
r i and r
have the same set of eigenvectors
Because of this decomposition, step (3) can be solved by computing
where the Z is stored for each r i'
This therefore requires of the order of 2pqa
multiplications and this approximately doubles the computing time for the algorithm. Thus performing the fast Fourier transform method in step 3 as well as steps 2 and 4 is
advisable. Blook Cyclic Redootien In Section 2, we gave a method for which one had to know the eigenvalues and
eigenvectors of some matrix. system of Eq.
We now give a more direct method for solving the
We assume again that
and Tare synunetric and that
and T commute.
more, we assume that q = m-l and
where k is some positive integer. +
Let us rewrite Eq. (2.5b) as follows:
= lj-l
Multiplying the first and third equation by T, the second equation by -A, and addi.n& we have
Thus if j is even, the new system of equations involves x.'s with even indices. Similar equa ti ODS hold for
and ;!5m-a'
The proc e ss of reducing the equations in
this fashion is known as oyolic reduction.
Then Eq. (2.1) may be written as the
following equivalent system:
o •
o • • •
= lm -
k l, Sinoe m = 2 + and the new system of Eq. (3.1) involves x.'s with even indioes, the k
block dimension Itf the new system of equations is 2 -1.
Note that once Eq. (3.1) is
solved, it is easy to solve for the Zj'S with odd indices as evidenced by Eq. (3.2). We shall refer to the system of Eq. (3.2) as the eliminated equations. Also, note that Algorithm 1 may be applied to System (3.1).
Since A and T
commute, the matrix (2T2_AZ) has the same set of eigenvectors as A and T.
= hi'
Also, i f
for i = 1,2, ••• ,m-l,
Hockney [8] has advooated this procedure. Sinoe System (3.1) is block tridiagonal and of the form of Eq. (2.2), we oan apply the reduotion repeatedly until we have one block. oan stop the prooess after any step and use the method
However, as noted above, we of Seotion 2 to solve the
resulting equations. To define the prooedure reoursive1y, let
A(o) ::: A, T(o)
::: T;;tj
::: ;tj'
(j ::: 1,2, ••• ,m-1).
Then for r ::: a,l, •• ,k A(r+1) ::: 2(T(r»2 _ (A(r»2, T(r+1) ::: (T(r »2 , (r-1) T(r) (r-) (r-) _ A(r) y(r) • ::: lj_2 r + lj+2 r -j lj The eliminated equations at eaoh stage are the solution of the diagonal system
(r-l) A
(r-1) _ T(r-1) ( _2r-1 ::: l.j2 r _2 r- 1
j ::: 1,2, ••• ,2
After all of the k steps, we must solve the system of equations
In either oase, we must solve Eq. (3.5) to find the eliminated unknowns, just as in Eq. (3.2).
If it is done by direot solution, an ill-oonditioned system may arise.
Furthermore A ::: A( 0 ) is tridiagonal A(i) is quindiagona1 simple structure of the original system.
and so on destroying the
Alternatively polynomial factorization
retains the simple structure of A. From Eq. (3.1), we note that A(l) is a polynomial of degree 2 in A and T.
r induotion, it is easy to show that A(r) is a polynomial of degree 2 in the matrioes A and T, so tilat
We shall proceed iI:> determine the linear factors of P2 r(A,T).
For t
ft 0,
we make the substitution
aft '" -2 From Eq.
we note that
P2 r+ 1 ( a , t ) = 2t
2r + 1
- (P2 r (a,t ))2
It is then easy to verify using Eqi.
and, consequently P2r(a,t) = -
(a + 2t oos
.1=1 and, heme,
A(r) '" -
.1=1 where
= (2.1-l)v/2 r + 1 •
Thus to solve the original recursively.
it is only
to solve the factored system
For example when r = 2, we obtain A(l) '" 2T2 _ A2 = (./2 T _ A)(./2 T + A)
whence the simple tridiagonal systems (./2 T - A) ! = (./2 T + A)
are used to solve the system '"
1. •
We call this method the oyclic odd-even reduction and faotorization (CORF) algorithm.
Example 1.
Poisson' 8 Equation with Diriohlet Boundary Conditt ons.
It is instructive to apply the results of Seotion 3 to the s:>lution of the
finite-difference approximation to Poisson's equation on a reotangle, R, with specified boundary values. u
Consider the equation
= f(x,y) for (x,y)€R,
+ U
= g(x,y) for (x,y)E8R •
(Here 8R indio ates the boundary of R.)
We assume that the reader is familiar
the general teohnique of impesing a mesh of d.iscrete points onto R and approximating The equation u v
= fi,j
xx + uyy
= f(x,y)
.+v i+l,j
is approximated at (xi'YJ') by v
- 2v
i'1 (liy 2
+ v
i , n-l, 1 , j , m-l) ,
with appropriate values taken on the boundary
Then v i j is an approximation to u(xi'Yj)' and fi,j
= f(Xi'Yj)'
= g(xi,y j).
Hereafter, we assume that
When u(x,y) is specified on the boundary, we have the Dirichlet boundary condition.
For simplicity, we shall assume hereafter that tsx = liy.
• 1
and T
= In_I'
(n-l) x (n-l)
The matrix I
1 indicates the identity matrix of order (n-l). A and Tare symmetrio nand commute, and, thus the results of Sections 2 and 3 are applicable. In addition, sinoe A is tridiagonal, the use of the factorization (3.10) is greatly simplified.
The nine-point difference formula for the same Poisson's equation can be treated similarly when -20
4 -20
o 4
A =
4 4
0 I
(n-l )x(,n-l)
Example II The method can also be used for Poisson's equation in reotangular regions under natural boundary conditions provided one use s
au u(x + Ax,Y) - u(x ax= 2h
and similarly :; , at the boundarie s , Example III Poisson's equation in a rectangle with doubly periodio boundary conditions is an additional example when the algorithm can be applied. Example IV The method can be extended successfully to three dimensions for Poisson's equation. Fer all the above examples the eigensystems are known and the fast Fourier transform can be applied.. Example V The equation of the ferm (a(x)u) xx +
yy + u(x,y)
= q(x,y)
on a rectangular region oan be solved by the CaRF algorithm provided the eigensystem is oaloulated sinoe this is not generally known.
The oounterparts in oylindrioal polar oo-ordinates oan also be solved using CORF on the raotangleSin the appropriate co-ordinates.
The Buneman algorithm and variants In this seotion. we shall desoribe in detail the Buneman algorithm [2]
variation of it.
and a
The difference between the Buneman algorithm and the CORF algo-
rithm lies in the way the right hand side is calculated at each stage of the reduotion.
Henoeforth. we shall assume that in the system of Eqs (2.5) T .. I • the p
identity matrix of order p. Again oonsider the system of equations as given by Eqs. (2.5) with q
= 2k+l-1.
After one stage of cyclic reduction. we have
for j = 2.4••••• q-l with side of Eq.
(5.1) (1)
where A(l) ..
Xo .. x
1 = 0 , the null veotor. -
Note that the ri8ht hand
may be written as .. lj-l + lj+l
(2I _ A2)
-j{,j -
A(l) A-'
lj + lj-l + lj+l - 2A-'lj
Let us define
(These are easily oaloulated sinoe A is a tridiagonal matrix.)
After r reductions, we have by Eq. (r+l)
«r) =
lj_2 r + lj+2 r
(3.4) A(r)
Let us write in a fashion similar to Eq. (5.3) v(r) K.j
Substituting Eq.
2I p
A(r) nCr)
A(r+l) from Eq.
+ n(r) "j.
into Eq.
and making use of the identit,y (A(r»2 ..
we have the following relationships:
(r+l) (r) (r) 2 (r+l) . E
d 'X >
inversion formula
'x J
Further, for u
J u(f)
\\ u \\
and aa a oonsequenoe of the latter, the set
:?X·""?· . J J" \
we have Fourier's
transforms in
of functions in
with Fourier
is dense in L2
In the sequel we shall oonsider N-vector valued funotions u(X)::(U1(X), ••• It is clearly natural to define u(x) E holds for each oomponent u ' j = 1, ••• ,N. j
to N-vectors e.g.
and for Nl
etc. by demanding that this
Single bars will denote norms with respect
and double bars will indicate norms with respeot to L2 , so that for the N-veotor
II u \\ For later use we need the following Lemma 1
Be a dense subset of La and let a( 1 ) be a oontinuous NxN matrix.
110. V II
Let u(x, t) be an N-vector-function defined for x initial-value problem 0
0 and a C such that
'" We then have that i f (1) is parabolic in Petrovskii's sense, the corresponding
initial-value problem is correctly posed in L2 •
For by Lemma 2 we have for
T, \ et-p
which is clearly bounded.
l\ +
In particular, the heat equation "d'2\J\
olearly falls into this oategory. Solutions of parabo1io
are smooth for t
0; we have
Theorem 2 Assume that (1) is parabolic in Petrovskil's sense.
Then for t
D E( t)v E L2 for any
and for ars T '> 0 and any 0\ there is a C such that \ ... \
\\ tl00
let [t] be its integral part.
We have.
e c
\ -s
which proves the lemma. Combining Lemmas 3 and 4 we have at once: Theorem 4
If (1). (2) is correctly posed in L2 then there is a oonstant
(n) satisfies the oonditions of Lemma 3. suoh that
On the other hand i f there is a constant
satisfies at least one of the conditions of Lemma
oorrectly posed in L2.
3. then (1), (2). is
One oommonly used criterion iSI Theorem 5 only if
Let p(;t) be a normal matrix.
(1), (2)
is correotly posed i f and
holds. Sinoe p(
By Theorem 3 we only have to prove the suffioienoy.
can find a unitary
is diagonal.
uCl )
is normal we
such that
whioh proves the result. For later use we statel Theorem 6
(1), (2)
posed in L2 then
tive oonstant Ct and C2 and for each
(10) holds
and there are posi-
d R a positive definite hermitian matrix
such tmt
(12) and
(13 ) f!:2.2!
By Theorem 4 there is a oonstant
oondition (iv) of Lemma 3 with C = Ct.
such that the family.r
Thus for each
in (11) satisfies
d R there is a positive
defini te H(,t ) such that
RQ. ( But by
n-)' I))
UCr)( PL
this implies
Differenoe approximations in L2 to initi.al-value problems 'Iii th constant ooefficients Consider again the initial-value problem
uh.)o) .., v(x)
For the approximate solution of (1), (2) we oonsider explioit differenoe operators of the form
where h is a small positive parameter,
NxN matrioes whioh are polynomials in h, and the summation is over a finite set of
We introduoe the symbol of the operator
::: whioh is periodio with period 2JJ /h in transform of
j and notioe that for v
j ,
Assume that the initial-value problem (1), (2) is oorreotly posed. to ohoose
the Fourier
We then want
so that it approximates the solution operator E(k) when k is a positive
parameter tied to h by the relation = oonstant;
we aotually want to approximate u(x,nk) = E(nk)v = E(k)nv by shall emphasise the dependence on k rather than h and write To aocomplish this, we shall assume that E
following; definition.
We say that
In the future we as in Lecture 1.
satisfies the condition in the
is oonsistent with (1) i f for any solution of
(1) in
If O(k) oan be replaoed by kC(hl"), we say that
is acourate of order
any oonsistent soheme is aoourate of order at least 1. We can express oonsistency and aocuraoy in terms of the symbol (of. [35]): Lemma 1
E" The
is oonsistent with (1) if and only if
The operator
The proof of
say, oonsists in proving like in the special case in Leoture
1 that oonsistenoy is equivalent to a number of algebraic conditions for the coeffi-
cients, whioh turn out to be equivalent to the analytio functions exp(kP(h- 1 Ek(h- l
having the same coefficients for h
up to a oertain order.
Using Lemma 1 i t is easy to dedoo e that if \: is oonsistent with (1) in the present sense then we also have consistency in the sense of Lecture 1. G
For the set
of genuine solutions in the previous definition we can for instance take the ones
oorrespondinc to v E:
From Lax's equivalence theorem it is clear that we want
to discuss the stability of operators Theorem 1
of the form described.
We have
1he operator \: is stable i f and only if for any T :> 0,
\ c We notioe that
E1c( t)n
is the symbol of
It follows in the same way as
in Lecture 2 that
whioh pr-ovea
" the theorem.
We now turn to the algebraic oharaoterization of stability.
We first prove
For any NxN matrix A we denote byf (A)
the neoessity of the von NeUIIB.nn condd.td.on,
its spectral radius, the maximum of the moduli of the eigenvalues of A. Theorem 2
Z If \: is stable in L
f' We have for nk
there exists a oonstant '(
such that
and so
K )
It is easy to prove by counter-examples that (4) is not sufficient for Necessary and sufficient conditions for stability have been given by Kreiss (18) and Buchanan [5]; we quote here Kreiss' result. concentrated in the following Lemma.
The main content in Kreiss' theorem is
Here we have introduced
notation: For H hermitian and positive definite, we introduce
the following
l \-\
\ \k \
1 t\ \ H
IA , "')
s« ?
Y"l. ,
\ \.1\ Ii
Reoall again that for hermitian matrices, A
B means (Au,u)
Lemma 2
Then the following four oonditions are
be a family of NxN matrices.
(ii) sup
t \ f\ "" \ ..; A ) t (\ \- \')\R (A ; z) l ;
(iii) For A .)(e,\J, 'J) where
e,. ':.'I then
-z l
J3 'N -' \N)
":: \
\J ,;z. 'W \
]'A and henoe with w
? )v,
\ £1 \/) \
\w\ -\
C\'"2.\ - \) \W\
which proves the result. One can aotually prove that
s 2,
A E.
This result oan be used to prove the stability of certain generalizations of the Lax-Wendroff operator to two dimensions (see [24]). Consider again the symmetric hyperbolio system (6) and a differenoe operator of the form (7), oonsistent with (6).
) =
is independent of h.
We say with Kreiss that E is dissipative or order \) ('\) even) if there is a k such that
g,> 0
\- N, y" -N leH + ( 1'\ l\
matrix A with spectral radius
Proof of Theorem 10
.l .
By consistency we have
E (h -i "$ ) _ "I
+ 0 (K T \ '1 \K)
We therefore have for n
\ t
T, with
«-x. '7> -
P (t ? ("1 + IN))) € ,
'«-t l·1j)
/ N-\
C e- 0,
0( ,
is a:>nsistent with (12) and
and any v G.
we have for nk
= t,
as the operator approximating Do( is again rather arbit-
One can indeed show that the same result as in Theorems 4 and 5 hold for any
differenoe operators oonsistent with D "'. Theorems 3, 4 and 5 generalize to variable coeffioients.
On the rate of convergenoe of differenoe schemes
In this leoture we shall work in a slightly more general setting than before. Let LP
= LP(Rd ) ,
oD ,
Consider also the Sobolev spaoes
and i t follows that
S' One can prove that B C BS2 if S, p p .
s+6 B p
s s c;: WeB •
S2, and tm t f or integer s and
E. > 0
The maan property of these spaces that we will need is P P then the following interpolation property: Assume that 1 P (J). m is a natural number, and
a real number with 0 < s < m.
Then there is a constant C such
that any bounded linear operator A in W with p ""
\' C\
P\ \J \ \
\\\Jllv-I. \>
C'1 \\ \J \\
we have
II R V \t w\>
Theorem 2 and (7) with A Theorem 3 posed in
f' . nk
W p
\I V
prove immediately the following result:
Assume that the initial-value problem (2), (3) is strongly correctly and that R
Then for 0
is stable in
consistent with
and accurate of order
there is a constant C such that for any v EB
II (1::1'. -,=If\\0
with order of accuracy
and let v =
¢ E;
is the Heavyside function (0).
By above
we have in this case
For dissipative operators
stronger results have been obtained in Apelkrans [1],
and Brenner and Thom;e [4], where also the spreading of discontinuities is discussed. It is natural to ask i f for a parabolic system, the smoothing property of the solution operator can be used to reduce the regularit,y demands on the initial data in Theorems 2 and
This is indeed the case.
Before we state the result we give
the following result, which follows easily from properties of fundamental solutions. v
Theorem 4 1
Assume that (1) is parabolic in Petrovskii I s sense.
eo , any. m
>, g
Then for axry p with
and T > 0 there is a constant C such that
C -t
\L\ '1'1 \> l
We can now state and prove the result about the rate of convergence in the parabolic case. Theorem 5
Assume that (2) is parabolic in Petrovskii's sense and that E is stable k
in W oonsistent with (2) and accurate of order p' S
there is a constant C such that for v E B , nk P
fA •
Then for any e
For details, see [27].
v G B; where
t" D
we obtain the same result as i f
formulate this result in terms of the Banach space
va EM
were stable in
We shall
of functions v with support in
[-M,O] such that
is finite. Va
Using the 1 2 convergence result, Sobo1ev's inequality, and the fact that
is continuously embedded in B 2
one can prove the following result [37].
Theorem 10
Consider a L2 stable operator
positive M and s
i P:
+1 and for
\\ E"" - Ell\K)\I \\ K
for the equation (5).
This result also holds when
C \\ depends upon x,
Then for given
. ))
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Iteration Parameters in the Numerical Solution of Elliptic Problems EUGENE L. WACHSPRESS General Blectric Company Schenectady, New York
These notes are intended to serve
all a
guide to a deeper stud,y of material
presented in a series of lecturell delivered in September, 1970 at the University of Dundee as a part of the special one year sympollium on The Theory of Numerical Analysis.
Lecture 1
A Concise Review of the General Topic and Background Theory
Successive Overrelaxation: Theory
Successive Overrelaxation: Practice
Residual Polynomials and Chebyshev Extrapolation: Theory
Residual Polynomials: Practice
Alternating-Direction-Implicit Iteration: Theory
Parameters for the Peaceman-Rachford Variant of ADI
Referenoe text: "Iterative Solution of Elliptio Systems," by Wachspress (Prentice
Hall, 1966).
A CONCISE REVIEW OF THE lrENERAL TOPIC AND BACKGROUND THEORY We are concerned with iterative approximation to the vector
which satisfies
the system of linear equations (1)
Ax where:
is a known m-vector
A is a given nonsingular mxm matrix. and is an m-vector which is to be found. An approximation
is acceptable when
where E is some prescribed error bound and
< E.
a designated norm.
We shall first oategorize various iteration procedures. cribe a measure of efficiency or rate of convergence.
We shall then des-
Having done this. we will
indioate a rather general approach to demonstrating convergence for a wide class of methods for iterative solution of linear systems.
Finally. an example of each of
three major classes of linear iteration procedures will be given. It is convenient to restrict matrix A in (1) to be real. symmetric. and positive definite.
(Our definition of positive definite is such that a real matrix
which is p.d. must be symmetric.)
Although less restrictive conditions are subject
to analysis. the discussion is greatly simplified in this manner. A STATIONARY LINEAR ITERATION procedure is characterized by: a known "trial" vector T
This procedure is convergent iff In order that
Defining the error vector!.n =.!n !.n -+
= A- 1 1s for any
n = 1.2 •••••
be a stationary point. we require:
= T .!
+ R
+ R
and subtracting (4) from (3). we get
= T ,!n-l = Tn ,!o
Q for arbitrary ,!o iff Tn
1s • •
The spectral Tadius of T is r(T) :: max/gi(T)/ where the ii are ei,envalues of T.
Thus, r(T) must be less than unity for oonvergence.
so that (I-T)A- 1
for any
From (4),
(3) oan be written
R, and
:: T !.n-l +
on the right hand side of (6), we would have no need for
If we oould oompute
Thus, T must be such that the right hand side of (6) does not require
oomputation of A-I or B! ::
To olarify this, suppose we can solve the system
for ! where B approximates A in some sense. B !n .. (B-A) !n-l +
We m8¥ attempt to iterate by:
, or
(I_B- 1A) !n-t +
!n Here, T :: I_B- 1A and (I_T)A- 1
B- t :: R.
We note that B is a "iood" approximation to A for this iteration when the speotral radius of (I_B- 1 A) is much less than unity. We will now derive a oondition sufficient to assure convergence whioh has application to many iteration techniques. A is positive definite and henoe has a unique positive-definite square root, 1
Thus, (I_B-tA) is similar to
whose spectral radius is bounded
above by the square root of the largest eigenvalue of (I_AiBT-1Ai) The
I _ AiB-t(B+BT_A)BT-1Ai •
T condition sufficient for oonvergenoe is that B + B - A be positive definite.
For then we can define K ::
and M ::
and rewrite (7) as
MM :: I-KK ; we note here that K is nonsingular, being the produot of nonsingular matrices.
r(I_B- 1A) < 1 i f B+B
g(W ) :: g(I_KK
T) :: 1 - g(KK < I, and we have proved that
- A is positive definite.
To oonvince ourselves that this is
not a neoessary oondition, we need only find one oounterexample: A
and B :: 2
is not positive definite.
with r(T) ::
- 18
[ 39
while B+B
- A
liT II ;. r( T) II s II T lin. II.!.o II;' r n II
If we choo se our norm so that
II,!n II:: II • n::
log E 10i r
and i f
= Q. then .!.O =
II.!.n II II !oIl
so that
< E for
We note that when r is close to unity the number of iterations
required to satisfy a prescribed oonvergence criterion varies as l/(l-r). A PARTIALLY STATIONARY LINEAR
prooedure is one for whioh the approximation
is obtained as a linear combination of vectors which could be obtained by a stationary procedure.
(j :: 1.2••••• n) be iterates generated by
Then the n-th
iterate of a partially stationary procedure based upon this stationary iteration would be If we define !n = 1.n -:I. :: :Ln -
!n = Pn(T) .!.O , where Pn(T) is a polynomial of degree n in T. normalized to unity when T=I.
(I is the identity matrix of order the same as T.)
Converienoe is established by showing that for a given Pn and T: 1
r :: limit n ...
[sup IPn(gi)
< 1
where the ii are the eigenvalues of matrix T. A NONSTATIONARY LINEAR i terati ve prooedure is one for whioh the iteration matrix is a funotion of parameters whioh may change from iteration to iteration: +
spectral radius of
n T
A- 1 !£ . If r n is the n T) j
- j=1
then the asymptotic convergence rate is limit n ...
When the T all oommute, analysis is quite similar to that applied to partially j
stationary schemes.
When the T do not oommute convergenoe theory is often less
definitive. In examining relative merits of iteration procedures. we endeavor first to
establish oonvergenoe for a range of iteration parameters. seoond to determine the speotral radius as a function of these parameters. and third to ascertain how theBe parameters may be chosen to minimise this speotral radius. arises in the analysis of eaoh iterative procedure. will be considered in subsequent lectures.
Thus. a minimax problem
Three commonly used techniques
These are: I. Successive Overrelaxation II. Chebyshev Extrapolation (partially stationary) III. Alternating-Direction-Implicit Iteration Each of these is well documented in the literature and these notes are intended only as an introduction to the subject rather than a detailed analysis. 2.
We may "improve" the value of a componen t of the vector! by computing as a new value during iteration n that number which yields satisfaction of the p-th equation with values from iteration n-l substituted in the equation for the remaining components of !: k
from iteration n-l for j n for j
An iteration consists in improvement of all components of!.
"Relaxation" or "simultaneous relaxation".
We may call this
On an array oomputer with many arithmetic
units working in parallel, it would be possible to improve all components simultaneously. We may, alternatively, use new neighbour values as soon as they are computed. Then
x pj jn
= 1,2, ••• ,m.
Components are now improved in some order, and we call this "successive relaxation". Although this latter approach is often better than simultaneous relaxation, a more significant gain in efficiency is usually achieved by extrapolation.
If we denote
the unextrapolated result of successive relaxation at point p by x*pn , then before proceeding to the next point during the n-th iteration, we compute for a prescribed extrapolation plrameter w: x
= x
w(x* - x ) pn pn-1
Numerical solution of elliptic type difference equations is accomplished with w in (:+,2) and since w is greater than unity this is called "successive overrelaxation." Among factors responsible for extensive literature on SOR are its simplioity,
wide applicability, and firm theoretical foundation. D.M. Young's analysis provided a basis for efficient utilization of SOR.
introduced the concept of a "consistent ordering" which is related to what is now lmown as Youni's Property A.
The equations of a system having this property may be
ordered as follows: An index s(p) is assigned to unknown x
associated with the p-th equation.
Then for every nonzero a ., the ordering s(p) is said to be consistent if PJ
s(p)-l for j < p
s(p)+l for j > p.
Components of .! are improved in order of increasing s.
Points (equations) with a
common s-value which are coupled to one another directly must be updated simultaneously.
Many systems arising in practice may be consistently ordered without a need
for simultaneous improvement even though several components may have common a-values. Five-point difference stars are an example. Young established an intimate relationship between eigensolutions of the simultaneous relaxation and consistently ordered SOR iteration matrices derived therefrom.
If g is an eigenvalue of the SR matrix, then there is a correspondin£
eigenvalue h of the SOR matrix satisfying: h
(w - 1)
The optimum extrapolatien parameter w is obtained by solving the minimax b problem: = maximum /h(w,g)/
/g/ ,
< 1
= minimum H(w,G). w
The solution to this minimax problem (whioh is a rather simple minimax problem) is
1 + ./l_G
(10 )
The remarkable gain in efficiency of SOR over SR is evidenced for the case G=l-r for r « 1 by oomparing the relative number of iterations required by the two methods for an error reductions of E: n SR = -In E/r while n
-In E
(n )
The potenoy of the oonvergenoe theorem given in the first lecture is illustrated by applying it to the SOR iteration matrix. T
A = D- R - R
1et the coeffioient matrix be
where D is diagonal (and positive since A is positive-definite by
hYpothesis) and R is strictly lower triangular.
If SOR is applied with the natural
ordering (successive updating of oomponents 1,2, ••• ) then the SOR iteration matrix is This may be written in the alternative form
- (Q - R)-t A.
Thus, B in equation (7) is equal to
Q w
R in this oase, and
B + BT _ A = 2D/w _ R _ RT _ D + R + RT = (2/w - 1) D. The speotral radius of 1 is less than unity when 2/w - 1 is greater than zero, or when w is in (0,2). It oan also be shown by this approaoh that SOR oonverges even when the ordering and the extrapolation parameter are ohanged eaoh iteration. When one digs deeper into the theory, one finds that the SOR iteration matrix with optimum parameter and oonsistent ordering does not have a diagonal Jordan form. The resulting eigenveotor deficienoy has an adverse effeot on convergenoe. 3.
For effio:ie nt implementation of SOR, one must choose an appropria te ordering and estimate the optimum parameter w One must also ohoose a strategy consistent b' with the charaoteristios of the computer for whioh the iteration program is designed. This latter point is sometimes overlooked.
One illustration is that on the CDc-6600
there is a staok feature whioh leads to a gain in speed by a faotor of ten in the basio arithmetio when one programs the "inner arithmetio Lcop" in maohine language, taking full advantage of the staok feature rather than relying on FORTRAN.
consideration is relative effioienoy of getting data in and out of fast memory and of oomputation onoe the data is in memory. be
On some maohines several iterations oan
performed in the time it takes to read the data in and out of memory.
The method
of oonourrent iterations enables one to perform several iterations with one pass over the equations.
This is partioularly important when solving large problems where all
the data oannot be oontained in memory. Periodio boundary oonditions present minor diffioulties.
Line relaxation is
benefioia1, and the proper ohoioe of lines enables retention of oonsistent ordering. (I often think in terms of problems arising from disoretization of partial differential equations to obtain fivepoint or sevenpoint differenoe stars.) A major oonsideration in any event is choioe of w.
As the spectral radius of
SR approaches unity, it becomes increasingly more important to choose a good w. Several elaborate techniques have been described for estimating the extrapolation parameter.
However, a reasonably effective procedure which I have had success with
for many years does not require any sophistioated additional programming. One starts with a parameter, wo, chosen deliberately smaller than w and iterb a.tes until an asymptotic convergence rate is established. This convergence rate is measured by oomparing suocessive changes in the vector:
- 2£n1 II II2£n. 2£nzll For Wo
1. The Pj and qj approach asymptotic values of order magnitude unity all b approaches unity, roundoff error is no longer a serious problem, and we need no longer deoide in advance upon the number of iterationll. There are other polynomial extrapolation prooedures in ooumon use.
One family
of iteration sohemes based on Lanczos' work involves oomputation of the Pj and qj from oertain inner products of the x
and x" veotors. -j
These include the steepest
desoent and conjugate gradient methods. 5.
The eigenvalue interval (a,b) upon whioh the extrapolation parameters are based may be estimated from observed convergence with assumed bounds.
error behavior indicates that the assumed lower bound is too large while a uniformly signed error indicates the upper bound is too low (for the case where the assumed bounds lie within the true bounds).
By noting the sign of the error and the rate of
change, one can update the eigenvalue interval. Although it is possible to start a new parameter cyole after eaoh updating, one may use the asymptotio values for Pj and qj iumediately.
This has proven to be
qUite satisfaotory for many problems. Systems which satisfy Young's Property A should be treated by the method whioh reduoes the arithmetio by a factor of two. erence text.)
(See Pp. 155-6 in the ref-
The Chebyshev and SOR methods are oomparable in efficiency.
The Chebyshev
method does often yield a greater reduction in error norm for a given number of iterations, but other factors often outweigh this.
Computer and problem oharacter-
istics often dictate which approach is better. We lIBy examine more precisely means by which the interval [a,b] may be estimated.
Although I have had no oocasion to use the procedure which will now be
described, thus making this discussion more "theory" than "practice", the means by whioh parameters are updated is one of the more practical aspects of iteration and thus falls appropriately in this section. When Chebyshev extrapolation is based upon an assumed eigenvalue interval [a',b'] which oontains the true interval [a,b], the asymptotic convergenoe rate is
r -lim t ..
C t
where Il
(J:.) Il
When [a,b] is not contained in[a',b'], error oomponents assooiated with eigenvalues outside [a,b] () [a' ,b'] will eventually predominate. either a' " a or b'
If it is known that
b , we seek only one bound and the procedure is analogous to
that already desoribed for SORe
We shall describe a more sophisticated approach for
estimating both a and b. Mter sufficiently maDY iterations, s , we suppose that suocessive iterates satisfy and define for k :: 1,2,3,
t t + Al !.1(S) + Az !.z(s) , I
It is easily mown that
.!1 -
t = 1,2,3, •••
We may ascertain values for CI and (3 which minimize II !. (CI,(3) 11 2
.,!2) (!.J.!.J) - (!1.!.J) (,!2.!.J)
(30 =
(.!.e.!.J) - (,!, •.!,3)_ (,!2•.!.e) (,!2.,!2) (!.J.!.J) - (!.a•.!,3)a
We may for example, compute
and (30 after ever,y ten iterations
(8 = 10,20,30, ••• ) until values are obtained whioh do not change appreoiably with 8. Having determined Clo and (30 we may e stlmate A, and All by using the relationship :
'i:, Thus
ao +
= ao
JClg 2(30
ag - Jal - 4/3g 2(30
are the esti.Da ted values for A. Referring to the Chebyshev polynomials with eigenvalue Z of the basic iteration (SR) matrix, we have cosh ,(2Z-(a'+b')] oosh [( s+t-l ) ooshb'-a' Now let x = 2Z - (a'+b') b'-a' Then
A ;, r (x +
and we have
The estimates for a and b are obtained by substitution in the above equation:
b =
a =
[(a'+b') +
+ h)] r
+ Aa)] r
This analysill ill intended primarily as a guide to further study of methods for estimating extrapolation parameters. speoific problems.
Numerical pro cedures should be molded to suit
We have indioated how a oomparison of observed oonvergenoe with
theoretical oonvergence provides a means for
updating parameters.
A family of non-stationary procedures i8 generated by splitting A into the sum of two matrices so that a two step procedure of the following type is formed: A = H + V
= -(V - wl):f j_1 +
(H +
+ ZjI):fj =
-(H -
+ j =
1,2, •••
The matHces H and V are ohosen so that this iteration is numerioally convenient.
For example, five-point differenoe
equations can be handled when H
inoludes horizontal (along lines of oonstant y-value) ooupling while V includes all vertical (along lines of constant x-value) ooupling.
Then (23) involves a correo-
tion of eaoh horizontal line treated as a block followed by oorreotion of eaoh vertioal line.
When H and V are both positive-definite and all the w and Zj are j
equal to a single positive oonstant, say w, convergenoe is easily demonstrated:
= Tn
where T
= (V+wI)-t(H-wI)(H+wI)-t(V-wI).
T is similar to T' = K(H) • K(V) where K(X) .. (X-wI)(X+wI)-t has a speotral norm less than unity for a:ny positive-definite X.
Henoe, the spectral radius of T' is
less than unity. Convergenoe is not assured without further oonditions when wj and with j.
theorem asserts that by using a large enough number of parameters
in a monotonically nonincreasing sequenoe (wi thin the interval of the eigenvalues of H and V) one oan obtain a spectral radius less than unity.
Repetitive appli-
oation of such a parameter oyole is oonvergent. The theory for this prooedure is not as useful in application as theory for SOR and polynomial extrapolation. The analysis of the model problem, wherein H and V oommute, is quite elegant. Optimum parameters are found by solving the minimax problem: t
g(x,!!,!.) ..
- x
= maximum I
a " x " b
c " Y " d H
= minimum
The existenoe of a unique solution to this minimax problem was reoently established in Il\Y thesis (see IFIP '68 pro oeedings for a oonoise summary).
means are available for choosing nearly optimum parameters. It is interesting to review the literature on this problem and note how the theory has been developed during the past fifteen years.
An analytic solution for
o 0 !: and!. found by W.B. Jordan culminated the searoh for optimum parameters.
theles., this minimax problem was actually solved about 100 years earlier (as observed by J. Todd)!
Jordan first devised a bilinear transformation of variablesto
reduoe the problem to an analogous one with identical eigenvalue intervals for both variables.
My thesis oould then be used to establish that the set of wj is identi-
oal to the Zj (except for order) for the transformed problem.
The optimum parameters are obtained by theory involving modular transformations of elliptio functions.
Numerioal evaluation turns out to be quite easy.
An appro
ximat10n valid over a wide range is:
rj -
j = 1.2••••• t.
To illustrate the mathematical eleganoe of analysis of convergence rates of (23). we will derive the equations for generating parameters a
o j
which solve the
minimax problem:
(28) H = maximum
a " x "b
minimum H
Multiplying numerator and demoninator of each faotor in the product on the right
hand side of (28) by ab /ajx. we obtain
,(x,!.) =
!!!._!H. x a,; ab ab -+x &j
II tTl j=1
As x varies from a to b, ab/x varies from b to a. o
as the set a j
Henoe the set
/a j
is the same
by virtue of the uniqueness of the parameters for e:ny given eigenCombining the faotors with &j and ab/a j , we get
value interval. (a (a
- x)(&b/a j - x)
+ x)(&b/a j + x)
(Xl + ab) - (&.1 + ab/a,,)x
(x + ab/x) _ (a.1 +
+ ab) + (a
+ ab/aj)x
(x + ab/x) + (a + ab/a j) j
a' _ x'
Ig(x.!.) I --
.1 ;r-:;:x, j=1
where (ab)i = a' , x' , b' = (a+b)/2. Continuing in this fashion. we sucoessively reduoe the number of faotors in the produot until we arrive at the one parameter problem:
We may work baokwards to obtain a parameter "tree" by suooessive solution of quadratios:
= a;s) + ./(a;s»1 _ (a{s»1 = (a(S»2 /
Although (27) looks a lot simpler, this teohnique was developed before the elliptic function solution was known.
There is an intimate connection between this
process and Landen transformations for evaluation of elliptic functions.
Introduction to Finite TIifference Approximations to Initial Value Problems for Partial TIifferential Equations OLOF WITILUNTI New York University
This work was in part supported by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Contract AT(30-1)-1480 at the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University
1. Introduction The study of partial differential equations and methods for their exact and approximate solution is a most important part of applied mathematics. mathematical physics and numerical analysis.
One of the reasons for this is of course that very
many mathematical models of continuum physics have the form of partial differential equations.
We can mention problems of heat transfer. diffusion. wave motion and
elasticity in this context.
This field of study also seems to provide a virtually
inexhaustable source of researoh problems of widely varying difficulty.
If in
particular we oonsider finite difference approximations for initial value problems we find a rapidly growing body of knowledge and a theory which frequently is as sophisticated as the theoryfhr partial differential equations.
The work in this
field. as in all of numerical analysis. has of course been greatly influenced by the development of the electronic oomputers but also very muoh by the recent progress in the development of mathematical tools for problems in the theory of partial differential equations and other parts of mathematical analysis. Much of this progress has centered around the development of sophistioated Fourier techniques.
A typical question is the extension of a result for equations
with oonstant ooefficients. to problems with variable coefficients.
In the oonstant
ooeffioient case exponential functions are eigenfunctions and such a problem oan therefore. via a FourierLaplaoe transform, be turned into a, frequently quite difficult. algebraic one.
Much recent work in the theory of finite difference
schemes, including much of that of the author has been greatly influenced by this development.
These techniques are usually referred to as the Fourier method and will
be the topic of several of lectures will be different.
lectures here in Dundee.
The emphasis of these
Wewill concentrate on explaining what is known as the
energy method after a discussion of the proper ohoice of norm, stability definition eto.
We will also try to make some effort in relating the mathematics to the under-
lying physics and attempt to explain difference approximations.
a philosophy of constructing classes of useful
We have deoided to use as simple technioal tools as possible, frequently oonoentrating on simple model problems, to illustrate our points.
Some generality will
undoubtedly be lost but it will hopefully make things easier to understand and simplify the notations.
A oonsiderable amount of time will be spent on analysing
the differential equations we are approximating.
Experienoe has shown that this is
the most convenient way to teach and work with the material.
The properties of the
differential equation are almost always easier to study and a preliminary analysis of the differential equations can frequently be translated into finite differenoe form.
This is partioularly useful when it comes to choosing proper boundary oondi-
tions for our difference schemes. The objeotive of our study is essentially to develop error bounds for finite difference schemes; methods to tell useful from less usefUl schemes and to give guidelines as to how reliable olasses of schemes can be found.
On the simplest
level finite difference methods are generated by replacing derivatives by divided differences, just as in the definition of a derivative, discretizing coefficient functions and data by evaluating them at particular points or as averagas over small neighbourhoods.
As we will see there are many choioes involved in such discretiza-
tion processes and the quality of the approximate solutions can vary most The finite differenoe approech has some definite advantages as well as disadvantages.
Thus the most one can hope, using a finite difference scheme, is to be able
to get a computer program which for any given set of data will give an accurate answer at a reasonable oost.
The detailed structure of the mapping which transforms
the data into the solution will of course in general be muoh too complicated to understand.
Thus the olassioal approach giving closed form solutions to differential
equations frequently gives much more information about the influence on the solution of changes in data or the model.
The same is true perhaps to a somewhat lesser
extent, of methods of applied mathematics such as asymptotic and series expansions. However finite difference sohemes and the closely related finite element methods have proved most useful in many problems where exact or asymptotic solutions are unknown or prohibitively expensive as a computational tool.
The main referenoe in this field is a book by is a seoond edition of a book by
[1957] whioh, in its theoretical part, is
based to a great extent on work by Lax and inf1uenoed by the work of Kreiss.
and Morton [1967J.
The new edition is heavily
A second part of the book disousses many speoifio
app1ioations of finite differenoe schemes to problems of continuum physics.
is also a survey article by Kreiss and the author [1967J, with few proofs, based on lectures by Kreiss which still awaits publication by Springer Verlag.
It may still
be available from the Computer Soience Department in Uppsa1a, Sweden.
Also to be
mentioned is a olassioal paper by Courant, Friedrichs and Lewy [1928J which has appeared in English translation together with three survey artioles containing useful bibliographies [1967]. very much worth a study. [1969J.
olassical paper, by John [1952J, is also
Among recent survey articles we mention one by Thomee
That paper essentially discusses the Fourier method.
2. The form of the partial differential equations We will oonsider partial differential equations of the form,
where u is a veotor valued function of x and t.
The variable x
= (X1'.'.'Xs ), S
varies in a region n which is the whole or part of the real Euo1idian space R
When n is all of R we speak of a pure initial or Cauohy problem; in the opposite case we have a mixed initial boundary value problem.
The differential operator P is
defined by
where 1111
s s
and the rna trioes A (x, t) have suffioiently smooth elements.
degree of the highest derivative present, m, is called the order of the equation. If we let the ooeffioients depend on u and the derivatives of u as well we say that the problem is nonlinear.
We will restrict our attention almost exclusively to linear problems and to the approximate calculation of classical solutions, i.e. solutions u(x,t) which are smooth enough to satisfy our equation in the obvious sense. In order to turn our problem into one with a possible unique solution we initial values u(x,O) = f(x).
It is thus quite obvious that for the heat equation
a specification of the temperature distribution at some given time is necessary in order to single out one solution.
Frequently when 0 is not the whole space we have
to provide boundary conditions on at least part of the boundary
we also have extra conditions such as in the case of the Navier-Stokes equation where conservation of mass requires the solution to be divergence free.
boundary conditions, the form of which might vary between different parts of the boundary, have the form of linear (or nonlinear) relations between the different components of the solution and their derivatives.
The essential mathematical
questions are of course, whether it is possible to find a unique continuation of the data and to stuqy the properties of such a solution. Like in the case of systems of ordinary different ial equations, we can hope to assure the existence of at least a local solution by providing initial data, etc. It is however, often not immediately clear how many boundary conditions should be supplied.
Clearly the addition of a linearly independent boundary condition in a
situation where we already have a unique solution will introduce a contradiction which in general leads to a
nonexistence of a solution.
Similarly, the removal of
boundary condition in the same situation will in general lead to a loss of
Existence is clearly necessary for the problem to make sense, similarly
to require uniqueness is just to ask for a
deterministio mathematical model.
correct number of boundary conditions as well as their form is often suggested by physical arguments (or, §3). We now mention some simple examples which will be used in illustrating the theory.
The equation
is the simplest possible system of first order, a class of problems of great importance.
We have already mentioned the heat equation
The equation
" is a simple model for equations of Sohrodinger type.
It has several features in
common with
which arises in simplified time dependent elasticity theory.
Finally we list the
wave equation with one and two space variables:
The last three equations do not have the form we have considered until now being second order in t. variables.
This can however be easily remedied by the introduction of new
Thus let v =i\U and w
will be equivalent to the equation provided.
Initial conditions have to be
We first note that u and 8
both have to be given like in the case of tu ordinary differential equations of second order. This is also clear from the analogy with a mechanical system with finitely many degrees of freedom.
The initial
conditions for w can be formed by taking a second derivative of u(x,O)o The wave equation, in two space variables, can be transformed into the required form in several ways.
We will mention two of these because of their importance in
the following diSCUSSion.
Let us first just introduce the new variable v = 8
rewrite the wave equation as
As we will see later on this is not a convenient form and we will instead introduce three new variables
u:s =
ay u
which gives the equation the form
Initial conditions for this new
are provided as above.
In order to illustrate our discussion on the number of boundary conditions we consider u(x,O)
= t'(x )
If f has a continuous derivative then f(x+t) will be a solution of the equation for x
0, t
0 and it can be shown that this solution is unique.
of the origin only.
The boundary consists
If we introduce a boundary condition at this point say u(O,t) =
get), a given function, we will most likely get a contradiction and thus no solution. The situation is quite different if 0 atu
= -axu
and 0 = (x; x
= (x;
(or what is essentially the same,
The solution is still f(x+t) for x + t
but in order to determine it uniquely for other points on the left halfline a boundary condition is required.
It can be given in the form u(O,t)
once continuously differentiable. g(x+t).
The solution for 0
= get),
x + t
t, t
= g(O),
0 will be
Thus different get) will give different solutions and the specification of
a boundary condition is necessary for uniqueness. us that no jump occurs across the line x + t
The condition f(O)
= g(O)
= o.
3. The form of the finite difference schemes. We begin by introducing some notations. defined on lattices of mesh points meshes:
= {x; Xi = nih, n
of the fineness of our mesh.
We will be dealing with functions
For simplicity we will consider uniform
= 0, ± 1, ± 2•••• J. The mesh parameter h is a measure We also discretize in the t-direction:
= !t; t
= nk,
n = O,1,2, ••• l.
When we study the convergence of our difference schemes we will
let both hand k go to zero.
It is then convenient to introduce a relationship
between the timestep k and the meshwidth h of the form k 0, k(O) = O.
decreasing when h m, k = Ah m
= the
= k(h),
Often this relationship is given in the form
order of the differential equation and A a positive constant.
The divided differences, which replace the derivatives, can be written in terms of translation operators T . defined by h
is the unit vector in the direction of the positive Xi-axis.
backward and central divided differences are now defined by D+ i 0, independent of h, such that (1/e)llfll p, h"
l l lrl l l p, h '
eillfill p, h
for all l' E L h.
It is easy to verify that a scheme strongly stable with respect to some norm is stable.
The strong stability reflects an effort to control the growth of the solution
on a local level.
Note that we have already established that certain finite diffe-
rence approximations to the heat equation are strongly stable with respect to the maximum norm.
Our proof that the L
norm of any solution of a symmetric first order
system has a limited growth rate gives hope that certain difference schemes for such problems will turn out to be strongly stable with respect to the L
In many cases we will however be forced to choose a norm different from 11 011 in order to assure strong stability. refer to Kreiss For a norm with
[1962] and
For a discussion of this difficult subject we
and Morton [1967].
stable scheme, the coefficients of which do not depend on n, there exists respect to which the scheme is strongly stable.
This can be shown by
the following trick which the author learned from Vidar Thomee. The fact that the coefficients of the difference schemes do not depend on time makes Eh(nk,n,k) a function of n-n, only.
We can therefore write it as Eh(nk-n,k)o
Introduce IlItlll
h::: sup Ile-alk E. (lk)fll
It is easy to show that this is a norm,
cllellp, h
It is equiValent to
stability and a choice of 1 ::: 0,
llellp, h ' llltlil p, h
11.11 p, h
because by
Our difference soheme is olearly strongly stable beoause,
II IEh(k)flIIp,h = f:E ..
a lk
Eh«1+1 )k)fllp,h ..
Illrlll p,h·
We oould oonsider using a weaker stability definition.
A oloser study gives tie
following analogue of the Hada.ma.rd condition. Definition
A finite differenoe scheme is weakly stable in L if there exist p
constants a, C and p such that
A theory based on this definition would however suffer from the same weakness
as one based on the Hadamard definition of well posedness. of. Kreiss
[1962] or Richtmwer and Morton [1967].
For a detailed discussion
It is also clear that, in genera4
we will stay closer to the laws of physics if we chao se to work with the stronger stability definit ions. This far we have only dealt with homogenous problems. genous case is however quite simple.
Going over to the iOOomo-
We demonstrate this for an explicit scheme
u(x,t+k) = u(x,t) + kQou(x,t) + kF(t). u(x,O) = rex) • Using the solution operator we get n
u(x,nk) =
F«v-1 )k) •
f(x) + k
v=1 If the soheme is stable in L
we get
1IU(nk) II h" C(exp(ank) Ilfll p,
h + k
x [max] IIF(t)11 h). te O,nk
Now if a:
ft 0
Notice that this is really essentially a matter of computing compounded interests on an
original capital IIfll and periodic savings IIF(t
The formalism is known
as Duhamel's principle. Its most common application is to error bounds for finite difference schemes. Put the solution of the differential equation into the difference scheme.
As was
pointed out before we will then get an extra inhomogenous term, the local truneaticn error, of the fora kT(X,nk,h).
Introduoe the error which is the difference between
the approximate and the exact solution.
Subtract the two difference equations.
The error will then satisfy the same differenoe equation with the truncation error as an inhomogenous term.
It is easy to see from our estimate that we have conver-
gence in L for 0 , t , T i f p
max IIT(nk,h)11 h goes uniformly to zero with the
lIlesh size and that we have a rate of convergence hr if T(nk,h) = O(hr) uniformly. We recall that
can be computed using just Taylor series.
We now turn to the theorem on perturbation mentioned in the previous section. For simplicity we give a proof only for time independent coefficients. Theorem
Consider a finite difference scheme u(x,(n+1 )k) = Q u(x,nk)
stable in L , statisfying p
Ilu(nk)11 p, h" C exp(ank) Ilu(o)11 p, h. Let Q' be an operator, uniformly bounded in L h. p,
Then solutions of
vex, (n+1 )k) = (Q+kQ') v(x,nk) satisfy Ilv(nk)1Ip, h ' C exp(13nk) Ilv(o)1Ip, h with
h "
Consider the 2 v terms in the development of (e- Ilk Q + e-
kQ')v. (;)Of
of these consist of j factors ke-IlkQ' and there at most (j+1) factors of the form (e- Ilk Q)p, P some natural numbers. j+ The norm of such. a. term is by our assumption bounded by k j C 1 IIQ' II j e -akj.
Q,)vlI , c
t (;)
czk where y = C e -
Thus we have verified a finite differenoe version of our perturbation theoremo A differential equation theorem can now be derived by taking, for any particular differential equation, a stable difference scheme, applying the theorem just proved and taking a limit by letting h and k go to zero. We have not shown that a stable scheme always can be found for any well posed differential equation but that is in fact the case.
Also notice that there is
never any chance to derive stronger inequalities for a finite difference scheme tb8n those which hold for the corresponding differential equation.
The most we can hope
ill to get exaot analogues of what is true in the oontinuous case. We leave it to the reader to give another proof of our latest theorem using the norm
111.111 p, h
which we constructed in our proof that any stable scheme is
strongly stable at least With respect to one norm.
7. The von Neumann condition, dissipative and multistep schemes. In this section we will use Fourier series to derive stability conditions and also introduce a number of useful schemes for hyperbolic equations. We first consider the periodio problem atu
= axu,
0, u(x,O)
= f(x) =
If' f(x) is sufficiently smooth it can be developed in a convergent Fourier series f(x) =
(Xv e
i vx
The solution of the equation takes the form +00
u(x,t) =
(Xv eiv(x+t)
The Euler differenc e scheme v(x,t+k) = v(x,t) + kDo v(x,t), can be studied in the same way.
Its solution is
).. = k/h.
In contrast to the differential equation case the amplitude of Fourier components will growo
).. = 1
This is so becuase 11 + i)" sin v hi =
sin2 V h > 1 for
From our discussion of the CourantFriedrichsLewy condition we know that would be ideal and we see that choosing ).. equal to a constant will lead to
very rapidly growing high frequency components.
It is easy to show that for
very smooth initial value functions this very strong amplification of high components will lead to arbitrary large and wildly divergent approximate solutions. The amplification of the lowest frequency modes is however not very large. This might lead us to the following idea.
Replace the initial value function by a
fixed partial sum of its Fourier serie s.
If the initial data is sufficiently smooih
we can do this changing the values of the initial value function and the solution by an arbitrarily small amount.
If we use the new initial value for the finite
difference scheme we can see, from the explicit solution formula, that the discrete solution will converge to the correct one when h goes to zeroo
In fact the same
argument shows that we could proceed with a ).. larger than 1 because for any constant).. (1 + i)" sin
vh)n will converge to e
i vkn
for any fixed value of v.
This approaoh however suffers from the same weakness as a theory for differential equations based on analytic functions only.
In fact a finite Fourier series
represents an analytio function and much of Hadamard's criticism of the CauchyKowaleski type theory carries over to the finite difference case. To see that something is drastically wrong with our argument above we urge the reader to carry out a few steps with the Euler method using ).. value function which is
= 10
at one mesh point and zero elsewhere.
and an initial
The rapid growth
of this special solution will assure us of a totally unacceptable growth of round off errors.
One could say that the error of measurements which played an important
part in Hadamard's argument are replaced by the round off errors.
From the error
bound in section 6 we see that we will not be seriously affected by round off errors if a difference scheme is stable.
This is thus a reason. perhaps the most impor-
tant one. why we insist on using only stable schemes for computations. There is a simple remedy for the lack of stability of the Euler scheme namely the addition of a so oalled dissipation term.
The term corresponds to a finite
difference approximation of yet another term in the Taylor expansion of u(x,t+k) with respect to t.
This way we get the 1axWendroff scheme.
v(x.t+k) = v(x.t) + kDrv(x.t) + The coefficient of e
i vx
f(x) •
is now amplified by a factor in each step.
It is elementary to verify that this factor is less than or equal to one in absolute value for A
This clearly ensures strong 1
From this, convergence
follows as well as a relative insensitivity to round off errors. We have now developed a simple technical tool which allows us to decide the qualities of all the sohemes suggested for the heat equation.
The results will be
revealed shortly. The dissipation of the 1axWendroff scheme aots to damp out the higher frequenqy modes of the solution and this is frequently just as well because they must contain rather serious phase errors.
For sufficiently smooth solutions, which means quickly
decreasing Fourier coefficients with increasing v, these modes playa ver,yunimportant part in the representation of the solution.
Similar considerations
make very much sense in cases when we do not have oonstant coefficients.
cally we can argue that the variability of the coeffioients will make various Fourier modes interact in a way which is very hard to analyse. expect serious phase errors for high modes.
However we can
Not only will these oomponents be in
error but they will interaot with other oomponents in a totally erroneous way. such a case it seems advisable to damp out such modes in the discrete model.
Sometimes model.
we however are quite anxious to have an energy preserving discrete
This is for instance the case when we have to calculate over long periods of
time and with only very weak forcing functions. the energy for the case BtU
= aXu is
One simple scheme which preserves
the leap frog scheme also mown as the mid-point
rule when it is used for ordinary differential equations, v(x,t+k) = v(x,t-k) + 2kD. v(x,t) • Another one is the Crank-Nicolson scheme (1 - k/2 Do) v(x,t+k)
= (1
+ k/2 Do) v(x,t) •
Fourier analysis shows that the amplification per step for the Crank-Nicolson scheme is (1 + i h/2 sin vh)/(1 - i A/2 sin vh)
and thus that the amplitude is preserved.
For the leap frog scheme we look for solutions of the form v(x,nk) get, by the solution of a quadratic equation, the two roots
J1 -
AZ sin2 vh which, for A
1, both lie on the unit circle.
,i It 1• VX e and
= iA sin vh .:t The multistep
character is reflected in the existence of two independent solutions. A similar analysis for the backward scheme shows that
_ i).1 sin vh l
1 which
again implies strong stability. We now turn to aFourier analysis of the schemes suggested for the heat equation. Using). for k/h2 we find that the amplification factor for Euler's method is 1 - A4 sin2 (vh/2), thus it is stable for).
For the Crank-Nicolson scheme:
(1 - 2A sin2 (vh/2»/(1 -+ 2A sin2 (vh/2». unconditionally stabl.e ,
For the backward
scheme 1/(1 + 4A sin2 (vh/2», unconditionally stable. For the mid-point rule an 'y iv ivx \J Ansatz of the form GL e leads to -4A sin2(vh/2) .:t J1 + (4). sin2(vh/2»2 which shows that the scheme is unstable for any constant Ao
In a similar way we
could also show that the Dufort-Frankel scheme is unconditionally stable. Another interesting method, of fourth order accuracy in time, is Milne's method (1 -
J kQ) v(x,t+k) = (1
where Q stands for Do or D+D••
31 kQ)
v(x,t-k) +
34 kQv(x,t)
The roots of the corresponding quadratic equation
2 'Aq .:t..,1I + 3 1( 1 . hi are ( 3 Aq)2) / (1 - 3 'Aq) Where q stands for 1. S1n vh or -4 sin2v 2
Thus the method
preserves energy for the hyperbolic case, provided " ,
and is
violently unstable for the parabolic case. The instability of the Milne and mid-point methods is closely related to the well known weak stability of these methods when applied to ordinary differenia1 equations. Cf. Dahlquist [1956], [1963].
In fact parabolic equations are very stiff
equations and weakly stable schemes are therefore quite useless. We are now well prepared for the following definition. Definition
Consider a linear finite difference scheme Un+t
and define its symbol by = exp( i
0 in
We will see by an example that this is a most
natural restriction. We first show that Ln '" Ln_l•
Rewrite the equation as
un+1 - un-, = kQ 1 (un+1 + un_I) + 2kQoun and take the scalar product with un+1 + un_I.
The first term on the right hand side is less than or equal to zero because of one of our assumptions.
Rearranging and adding lIunll2 on both sides we get Ln '" Ln_, •
To show that Ln is positive and equivalent to the natural L norm we start by 2 observing that
To see that kllQol1 10 1 - /) is a natural condition consider the case Qo = Do and
= 00
This Q. has, as is easily verified, an L norm equal to 1/h. Thus the 2 restriction just means k/h '1 - &, essentially the Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy condition.
This is a natural condition in terms of Qo alone because in the case Q, = 0 the method is explicit o For a more general discussion and a comparison of the growth rates of the exaot and approximate solutions we refer to Johansson and Kreiss [1963J. Sohemes of Dufort-Frankel type can be discussed in very much the same wayo We will now show that the se ideas can be used to design stable and efficient schemes, so called alternating direction implicit schemes, for certain two dimensWnal equations.
We suppose that our problem has the form
and that the operators and the boundary conditions are such that P, and Pz are semibounded.
For simplicity we assume that
Re(u, P.u) , 0 ,
j = 1,2,
and that we have finite difference approximations Q. to P., j J
ReCu, Q.u) , 0 , J
1,2, such that
= 1,2.
We will consider the following two schemes
These schemes are particularly convenient if Q, and Qz are one dimensional finite difference operators.
In that case we only have to invert one dimensional operators
of the form (r - akQi) and this frequently leads to considerable savings.
becomes clear if we compare the work involved in solving a two dimensional heat equation, using an alternating direction implicit method with Q, = Qz =
and the application of the standard backward or Crank-Nicolson scheme
with Q = D_xD+ x +
The former approach only involves solutions of linear
systems of tridiagonal type while the other, in general, requires more work.
The L stability of the first scheme is very simple to prove. 2 i
1,2, both have inverses the
Thus I - k Qi'
norms of which are bounded by 1.
stability of the other scheme is more involved.
The proof of the
(1 + k/2Q, )zn or Yn+, - Zn
= k/2
Q,(Yn+l + zn)
Forming the inner product with Yn+l + zn, just as in the proof of the stability of the Crank-NicolsGn method, we get
= Ilun+,11
- k/2 Re(Q2Un+"
Un+l) +
Therefore, because Re(Q2u, u) , 0,
It is easy to see that this implies L stability if kQ2 is a bounded operator. 2
kQ 2 is not bounded we instead get stability with respect to amxonger norm, a result which serves our purpose equally well. We refer to an interesting paper by Strang [1968] for the construction of other stable accurate methods, based on one dimensional operators o
10. Maximum norm convergence for L2 stable schemes In this section we will explain a result by Strang [1960] solutions of L
stable schemes of a certain accuracy converge
shows that in maximum norm with
the same rate of convergence as in L provided the solution of the differential 2
equation is sufficiently smooth.
u,,+1 = QUn ,
Uo (x) = f(x)
be a finite difrerence approximation to a linear problem, U
well posed in 1
= f(x)
To simplify matters we assume that the two problems are periodic. assume that we have an 1
stable scheme.
We also
It is known that if f is a sufficiently
smooth function the solution will also be quite smooth.
We now attempt to establish
the existence of an asymptotic error expansion of the error.
where we choose r as the rate of convergence
in 120
Make the Ansatz
If we substitute this
expression into the difference equation we find that the appropriate choice for er, er+l' are solutions of equation of the fora
e.(O)=O J
where 1
are differential operators which appear in the formal expansion of the
truncation error.
The solutionsof a finite number of these equations are under our
assumptions quite smooth. To end our discussion we have to verify that en,N(x,h) = u,,(x) - u(x,nk) -
(x,nk) l=r
is O(h r) in the maximum norm for some finite N, i.e. that hre error term.
is indeed the leading
This is done by a slight modification of the error estina te of §6 0
r N1 derive a difference equation for an,N and find that its L2 norm is 0(h + + ) . assumption we have a periodic problem. fore bounded by hspace dimensions.
times its 1
We By
The maximUlll norm of a mesh function is there-
h norm over a period, where s is the number of
This concludes our proof.
We remark that an almost identical argument shows that we can relax our stab:ilii;y requirements and require only weak stability (Cf. §6) and still get the same results for sufficiently smooth solutions. REFERENCES Brenner, P.; 1966, Math. Scand., V.19, 27-37. Courant, R., Friedrichs, K. and Lewy, H.; 1928, Math. Annal., V.100, 32-74 also; 1967, IBM J. of Research and Development, V.11, 213-247. Dahlquist, G.; 1956, Math. Scand., V.4, 33-53. Dahlquist, G.; 1963, Proc. Sympos. Appl. Math., V.15, 147-158. Friedman, A.; 1964, Partial Differential Equations of Parabolic Type. Prentice-Hall. Garabedian, P.; 1964, Partial Differential Equations.
Gelfand, I.M.; Shi1ov, G.E.; 1967, G€neralized Functions, V.3 Academic Press. Hadamard, J.; 1921, Lectures on equations. Johansson,
problem in linear partial differential
Yale University Press. Kreiss, H.O.; 1963, BIT, V.3, 97-107.
John, F.; 1952, Comm. Pure. Appl. Math., V.5, 155-211. Kreiss, H.O. ; 1959, Math. Scand., V.7 71-80. Kreiss, R.O. ; 1962, BIT, V.2, 153-181 Kreiss, H.O. ; 1963, Math. Scand., V.13, 109-128. Kreiss, H.O
Q ;
1963, Numer-, Math. , V.5, 27-77.
Kreiss, H.O., Widlund, 0.; 1967, Report, Computer Science Department, Uppsala, Lax, P.D.; 1957, Duke Math. J., V.24 Lax, P.D.; 1963, Lectures on hyperbolic partial differential equations, Stanford University (lecture notes). Littman, W.; 1963, J. Math. Mech., V.12, 55-68. R.D.; 1957, Difference methods for initial-value problems. Wiley Interscience. R.D., Morton, K.W.; 1967, Difference methods for initial-value problems Q 2nd Edition Wiley Interscience.
Strang, W.G.; 1960,
Math. J., V.27, 221-231.
Strang, W.G.; 1966, J. Diff. Eq., V.2, 107-114. Strang, W.G., 1968, SIAM J. Numer. Anal., V.5, 506-617. /
1962, J. SIAM, V.I0, 229-245.
Thom:e, V.; 1969, SIAM Review, V.ll, 152-195.
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