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English Pages [24] Year 2006
Peace Corps/Ukraine
Survival Ukrainian Language Lessons
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US Peace Corps in Ukraine
Survival Ukrainian
Table of Contents
Lesson 1: Introduction (no audio) ................................................................. 2 Lesson 2: Ukrainian Alphabet/Pronunciation .............................................. 3 Lesson 3: Greetings and Farewells............................................................... 5 Lesson 4: Useful phrases .............................................................................. 6 Lesson 5: Getting Acquainted ....................................................................... 7 Lesson 6: Family............................................................................................. 8 Lesson 7: About myself ................................................................................. 9 Lesson 8: Food ............................................................................................. 10 Lesson 9: Apartment .................................................................................... 11 Lesson 10: Numerals.................................................................................... 12 Lesson 11: At the store ................................................................................ 14 Lesson 12: Transport ................................................................................... 15 Lesson 13: City ............................................................................................. 16 Lesson 14: Post-office.................................................................................. 17 Lesson 15: Signs .......................................................................................... 18 Lesson 16: Emergencies.............................................................................. 19 Lesson 17: Personal pronouns ................................................................... 20 Lesson 18: Professions................................................................................ 21 Lesson 19: Days of the week and months.................................................. 22 Lesson 20: Question words ......................................................................... 23
Survival Ukrainian, Peace Corps/Ukraine ● June 2006
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US Peace Corps in Ukraine
Survival Ukrainian
Lesson 1 Introduction Welcome to the Peace Corps Ukraine language lessons! Ukrainian is the national language of Ukraine, and these “Survival Ukrainian” files will help you get a head start in learning the language and using colloquial phrases that will help you get by your first weeks in Ukraine. We recommend that you listen to the audio files and repeat while reading the language script. It will be useful if you use these files for 10-15 minute a day. In the language script we use the transliteration system which will help you to pronounce Ukrainian, even without any background in Slavic languages. The letters are transliterated from the Ukrainian alphabet in accordance to its sound in English. The letter ь (soft sign) has no sound and will be represented in the transliteration as an apostrophe [’]. Unlike English the Ukrainian alphabet is absolutely phonetic: each letter has a single pronunciation in every usage. The lessons do not have to be in any particular order. After you complete the first lesson, you may choose any topic of interest or importance to you. We won’t discuss grammatical topics in these lessons. You will learn grammar during the language classes in Pre-Service Training in Ukraine. About the Ukrainian language in a nutshell. It belongs to the Slavic group of the Indo-European language family. The Ukrainians use the Cyrillic alphabet. There are differences between the Cyrillic and Latin sounds and letters, but they are small and you will learn to recognize them quickly. The Ukrainian alphabet is comprised of 33 letters. Stress in Ukrainian can fall on any syllable in a word. The stressed part of the word will be marked in bold in transliteration and the word itself. One word has only one stressed syllable which is no longer that others. Usually the stress is indicated in dictionaries. We hope you will enjoy the Ukrainian language lessons and wish you good luck with your learning!
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Survival Ukrainian
Lesson 2 Alphabet - Абетка Listen carefully to the Ukrainian speaker the first time, then try to repeat the sounds with the speaker the second time. Ukrainian letter Аа Бб Вв Гг Ґґ Дд Ее Єє Жж Зз Ии Іі Її Йй Кк Лл Мм Нн Оо Пп Рр Сс Тт Уу Фф Хх Цц Чч Шш Щщ
Approximate English sound equivalent Like a b v h g d e ye zh z y ee yee y k l m n o p r s t oo f kh ts ch sh shch
in bar in book in voice in how in get in dot in ten in yes in pleasure in zone in byte in meet in yeast in boy in key in lamp in man in nose in port in spoon in roof in small in tart in moon in fine in Loch Ness in cats in chair in shine in rash choice
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Survival Ukrainian
no sound apostrophe ’ in transliteration yoo ya
Ь Юю Яя
it softens the previous consonant in youth in yard
As you can see and hear, some Ukrainian letters have equivalent sound in English but look quite different: Ukrainian letter Б Г П Ф Д З Л
Corresponding sound in both languages [b] [h] [p] [f] [d] [z] [l]
English letter В H P F D Z L
Perhaps the most confusing are the letters that look like Latin but in Cyrillic represent different sounds. Ukrainian letter“false friend” В P C H Х У
Corresponding sound in Ukrainian [v] [r] [s] [n] [kh] [oo]
English letter/sound V R S N [kh] as in Loch Ness [oo] as in moon
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Survival Ukrainian
Lesson 3 Greetings = Привітання In the following audio file you will hear a word or phrase in English one time, then twice in Ukrainian. Listen carefully to the Ukrainian the first time, then try to repeat the word or phrase with the speaker the second time. English Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening. Hi. How are you? I am good, thank you. And you? Fine.
Transliteration dobryy ranok dobryy den’ dobryy vecheer pryveet yak spravy dobre dyakooyoo a oo vas normal’no
Ukrainian Добрий ранок. Добрий день. Добрий вечір. Привіт. Як справи? Добре, дякую. А у вас? Нормально.
Transliteration do pobachennya poka do zavtra shchaslyvo
Ukrainian До побачення. Пока. До завтра. Щасливо.
Farewells = Прощання English Good bye. Bye. See you tomorrow. Good luck.
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Survival Ukrainian
Lesson 4 Useful phrases - Корисні фрази In the following audio file you will hear a word or phrase in English one time, then twice in Ukrainian. Listen carefully to the Ukrainian the first time, then try to repeat the word or phrase with the speaker the second time. English Yes. No. Thank you. Please. You are welcome. Excuse me/I’m sorry. Never mind. What a shame! Just a minute. May I? It’s important. I’m sorry, I don’t understand. I study Ukrainian
Transliteration tak nee dyakooyoo bood’ laska proshoo vybachte neechoho shkoda khvylynkoo mozhna tse vazhlyvo vybachte ya ne rozoomeeyoo ya oochoo ookrayeens’koo
Ukrainian Так. Ні. Дякую. Будь ласка. Прошу. Вибачте. Нічого. Шкода! Хвилинку! Можна? Це важливо. Вибачте, я не розумію. Я учу українську.
Repeat, please.
povtoreet’ bood’ laska
Translate, please.
perekladeet’ bood’ laska
Повторіть, будь ласка. Перекладіть, будь ласка. Як українською bread? Що?
What is the Ukrainian for yak ookrayeens’koyoo … bread? What? shcho
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Survival Ukrainian
Lesson 5 Getting acquainted = Знайомство In the following audio file you will hear a word or phrase in English one time, then twice in Ukrainian. Listen carefully to the Ukrainian the first time, then try to repeat the word or phrase with the speaker the second time. English Who is it? It is Oksana. It is John. What is your name? My name is Sasha. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you too. How old are you? I am 25. Who are you? I am an American (male). I am an American (female). I am a Peace Corps Volunteer. Where are you from? I am from America, the state of California.
Transliteration Khto tse tse oksana tse dzhon yak vas zvaty mene zvaty sasha duzhe pryyemno menee tezh skeel’ky vam rokeev menee dvadtsyat’ pyat’ khto vy ya amerykanets’ ya amerykanka
Ukrainian Хто це? Це Оксана. Це Джон. Як вас звати? Мене звати Саша. Дуже приємно. Мені теж. Скільки вам років? Мені 25. Хто ви? Я американець. Я американка.
ya dobrovolets’ korpoosoo myroo zveedky vy ya z ameryky shtat kaleeforneeya
Я доброволець Корпусу Миру. Звідки ви? Я з Америки, штат Каліфорнія.
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Survival Ukrainian
Lesson 6 Family = Сім’я In the following audio file you will hear a word or phrase in English one time, then twice in Ukrainian. Listen carefully to the Ukrainian the first time, then try to repeat the word or phrase with the speaker the second time. English father mother son daughter brother sister grandfather grandmother grandson granddaughter children husbаnd wife friend girlfriend and I have .... I have a brother and a sister. This is my family. This is my mother. This is my brother.
Transliteration tato mama syn dochka brat sestra deedoos’ baboosya onook onooka deety choloveek droozhyna drooh podrooha ee oo mene ye u mene ye brat ee sestra
Ukrainian тато мама син дочка брат сестра дідусь бабуся онук онука діти чоловік дружина друг подруга і У мене є … У мене є брат і сестра.
tse moya seem’ya tse mama tse brat
Це моя сім’я. Це мама. Це брат.
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Survival Ukrainian
Lesson 7 About myself = Про себе In the following audio file you will hear a word or phrase in English one time, then twice in Ukrainian. Listen carefully to the Ukrainian the first time, then try to repeat the word or phrase with the speaker the second time. English My name is Kelsey. I am 27 years old. I am from America, the state of Minnesota.
Transliteration mene zvaty kelsee menee dvadtsyat’ seem. ya z ameryky shtat meenesota
Ukrainian Мене звати Келсі. Мені 27 років. Я з Америки, штат Мінесота.
I am a teacher. I am a Peace Corps Volunteer. I have a family. I have a brother and a sister. I like to read. I study Ukrainian.
ya oochytel’ ya dobrovolets’ korpoosoo myroo u mene ye seemya u mene ye brat ee sestra
Я учитель. Я доброволець Корпусу Миру. У мене є сім’я. У мене є брат і сестра. Я люблю читати. Я учу українську.
ya lyooblyoo chytaty ya oochoo ookrayeens’koo
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Survival Ukrainian
Lesson 8 Food = Їжа In the following audio file you will hear a word or phrase in English one time, then twice in Ukrainian. Listen carefully to the Ukrainian the first time, then try to repeat the word or phrase with the speaker the second time. English borshch soup salad potato meat fish dumplings/varenyky macaroni rice vegetables fruit water non-carbonated water tea coffee juice milk It is delicious! I am a vegetarian (female). I am a vegetarian (male). I am not allowed. I like fruits. I don’t like meat.
Transliteration borshch soop salat kartoplya myaso ryba varenyky makarony rys ovochee frookty voda voda bez hazoo chay kava seek moloko smachno ya vehetareeanka
Ukrainian борщ суп салат картопля м'ясо риба вареники макарони рис овочі фрукти вода вода без газу чай кава сік молоко Смачно! Я вегетаріанка.
ya vehetareeanets’ menee ne mozhna ya lyooblyoo frookty ya ne lyooblyoo myaso
Я вегетаріанець. Мені не можна. Я люблю фрукти. Я не люблю м’ясо.
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Survival Ukrainian
Lesson 9 Apartment = Квартира In the following audio file you will hear a word or phrase in English one time, then twice in Ukrainian. Listen carefully to the Ukrainian the first time, then try to repeat the word or phrase with the speaker the second time. English my room kitchen bathroom toilet corridor balcony door key window table chair wardrobe sofa lamp telephone to smoke Where is my room? Here it is. Where can I smoke? Here. There.
Transliteration moya keemnata kookhnya vana tooalet korydor balkon dveree klyooch veekno steel steelets’ shafa dyvan lampa telefon palyty de moya keemnata os’ de mozhna palyty toot tam
Ukrainian моя кімната кухня ванна туалет коридор балкон двері ключ вікно стіл стілець шафа диван лампа телефон палити Де моя кімната? Ось. Де можна палити? Тут. Там.
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Survival Ukrainian
Lesson 10 Numerals = Числівники
In the following audio file you will hear a word or phrase in English one time, then twice in Ukrainian. Listen carefully to the Ukrainian the first time, then try to repeat the word or phrase with the speaker the second time. English one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine thirty
Transliteration odyn dva try chotyry pyat’ sheest’ seem veeseem devyat’ desyat’ odynadtsyat’ dvanadtsyat’ trynadtsyat’ chotyrnadtsyat’ pyatnadtsyat’ sheestnadtsyat’ seemnadtsyat’ veeseemnadtsyat’ devyatnadtsyat’ dvadtsyat’ dvadtsyat’ odyn dvadtsyat’ dva dvadtsyat’ try dvadtsyat’ chotyry dvadtsyat’ pyat’ dvadtsyat’ sheest’ dvadtsyat’ seem dvadtsyat’ veeseem dvadtsyat’ devyat’ trydtsyat’
Ukrainian 1 – один 2 – два 3 – три 4 – чотири 5 – п'ять 6 – шість 7 – сім 8 – вісім 9 – дев'ять 10 – десять 11 – одинадцять 12 – дванадцять 13 – тринадцять 14 – чотирнадцять 15 – п'ятнадцять 16 – шістнадцять 17 – сімнадцять 18 – вісімнадцять 19 – дев'ятнадцять 20 – двадцять 21 – двадцять один 22 – двадцять два 23 – двадцять три 24 – двадцять чотири 25 – двадцять п’ять 26 – двадцять шість 27 – двадцять сім 28 – двадцять вісім 29 – двадцять дев’ять 30 – тридцять
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forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety one hundred
Survival Ukrainian
sorok pyatdesyat sheestdesyat seemdesyat veeseemdesyat devyanosto sto
40 – сорок 50 – п'ятдесят 60 – шістдесят 70 – сімдесят 80 – вісімдесят 90 – дев'яносто 100 – сто
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Survival Ukrainian
Lesson 11 At the store = У магазині In the following audio file you will hear a word or phrase in English one time, then twice in Ukrainian. Listen carefully to the Ukrainian the first time, then try to repeat the word or phrase with the speaker the second time. English costume sweater coat jeans shampoo cream (lotion) soap tooth paste tooth brush hryvnia/hryvnias kopeck/kopecks dollar/dollars How much does it cost? 3 hryvnias. It is expensive. It is not expensive. Can you give me ...
Transliteration kostyoom svetr pal’to dzhynsy shampoon’ krem mylo zoobna pasta zoobna shcheetka hryvnya/hryvnee kopeeyka/kopeeyky dolar/dolary skeel’ky tse koshtooye try hryvnee tse doroho tse nedoroho dayte bood’ laska
Ukrainian костюм светр пальто джинси шампунь крем мило зубна паста зубна щітка гривня/гривні копійка/копійки долар/долари Скільки це коштує? Три гривні. Це дорого. Це недорого. Дайте, будь ласка.
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Survival Ukrainian
Lesson 12 Transportation = Транспорт In the following audio file you will hear a word or phrase in English one time, then twice in Ukrainian. Listen carefully to the Ukrainian the first time, then try to repeat the word or phrase with the speaker the second time. English bus trolley-bus tram taxi car metro bus stop passenger ticket How much does the ticket cost? 50 kopecks. Can you stop here, please.
Transliteration avtoboos troleyboos tramvay taksee masheena metro zoopynka pasazhyr kvytok skeel’ky koshtooye kvytok p’yatdesyat kopeeyok zoopyneet’ toot bood’ laska
Ukrainian автобус тролейбус трамвай таксі машина метро зупинка пасажир квиток Скільки коштує квиток? 50 копійок. Зупиніть тут, будь ласка.
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Survival Ukrainian
Lesson 13 City = Місто In the following audio file you will hear a word or phrase in English one time, then twice in Ukrainian. Listen carefully to the Ukrainian the first time, then try to repeat the word or phrase with the speaker the second time. English center street building post office bank hotel
Transliteration tsentr voolytsya boodynok poshta bank hotel’
Ukrainian центр вулиця будинок пошта банк готель
store pharmacy hospital school institute university theater movie theater museum stadium park straight to the right to the left backwards far away not far away. Where is the park? The park is over there. I got lost (male) I got lost (female)
mahazyn apteka leekarnya shkola eenstytoot ooneeversytet teatr keenoteatr moozey stadeeon park pryamo napravo naleevo nazad daleko nedaleko de park park tam ya zablookav ya zablookala
магазин аптека лікарня школа інститут університет театр кінотеатр музей стадіон парк прямо направо наліво назад далеко недалеко Де парк? Парк там. Я заблукав. Я заблукала.
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Lesson 14 Post Office = Пошта In the following audio file you will hear a word or phrase in English one time, then twice in Ukrainian. Listen carefully to the Ukrainian the first time, then try to repeat the word or phrase with the speaker the second time. English envelope letter post card postage stamp address envelope to America Where is the post office? The post office is in the center. How much does the envelope to America cost? How much does the post card cost?
Transliteration konvert lyst lysteevka marka adresa konvert v amerykoo de poshta poshta oo tsentree
Ukrainian конверт лист листівка марка адреса конверт в Америку Де пошта? Пошта у центрі.
skeel’ky koshtooye konvert v amerykoo
Скільки коштує конверт в Америку?
skeel’ky koshtooye lysteevka
Скільки коштує листівка?
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Lesson 15 Signs = Вивіски In the following audio file you will hear a word or phrase in English one time, then twice in Ukrainian. Listen carefully to the Ukrainian the first time, then try to repeat the word or phrase with the speaker the second time. English Closed Open Entrance Exit No smoking! Lunch Crosswalk Pull Push Break Toilet for men Toilet for women Be careful! Attention!
Transliteration zachyneno veedchyneno vheed vyheed ne kooryty/ne palyty obeed perekheed do sebe veed sebe pererva choloveechyy tooalet zheenochyy tooalet oberezhno oovaha
Ukrainian Зачинено Відчинено Вхід Вихід Не курити!/Не палити! Обід Перехід До себе Від себе Перерва М (чоловічий туалет) Ж (жіночий туалет) Обережно! Увага!
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Lesson 16 Emergencies = Критичні ситуації In the following audio file you will hear a word or phrase in English one time, then twice in Ukrainian. Listen carefully to the Ukrainian the first time, then try to repeat the word or phrase with the speaker the second time. English Fire! Help! I am not feeling well! Stop it! Militia! (Police!) Hold your dog!
Transliteration pozhezha dopomozheet’ menee pohano perestan’te meeleetseeya zabereet’ sobakoo
Ukrainian Пожежа! Допоможіть! Мені погано! Перестаньте! Міліція! Заберіть собаку!
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Lesson 17 Personal pronouns = Займенники In the following audio file you will hear a word or phrase in English one time, then twice in Ukrainian. Listen carefully to the Ukrainian the first time, then try to repeat the word or phrase with the speaker the second time. English I you (informal singular form) he she it we you (formal singular and plural form) they
Transliteration ya ty
Ukrainian я ти
veen vona vono my vy
він вона воно ми ви
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Lesson 18 Professions = Професії In the following audio file you will hear a word or phrase in English one time, then twice in Ukrainian. Listen carefully to the Ukrainian the first time, then try to repeat the word or phrase with the speaker the second time. English teacher businessman businesswoman doctor engineer journalist director secretary student (male) student (female) athlete (male) athlete (female) manager banker police officer pensioner (male) pensioner (female) farmer economist lawyer Who is she? (her profession) She is an economist. What is your profession?
Transliteration oochytel’ beeznesmen beeznes ledee leekar eenzhener zhoornaleest dyrektor sekretar stoodent stoodentka sportsmen sportsmenka menedzher bankeer meeleetseeoner penseeoner penseeonerka fermer ekonomeest yooryst khto vona
Ukrainian учитель бізнесмен бізнес-леді лікар інженер журналіст директор секретар студент студентка спортсмен спортсменка менеджер банкір міліціонер пенсіонер пенсіонерка фермер економіст юрист Хто вона?
vona ekonomeest yaka vasha profeseeya
Вона – економіст. Яка ваша професія?
I am a teacher.
ya oochytel’
Я – учитель.
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Lesson 19 Days of the week/Months = Дні тижня /Місяці In the following audio file you will hear a word or phrase in English one time, then twice in Ukrainian. Listen carefully to the Ukrainian the first time, then try to repeat the word or phrase with the speaker the second time. English Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday today yesterday tomorrow
Transliteration ponedeelok veevtorok sereda chetver pyatnytsya soobota nedeelya s’ohodnee oochora zavtra
Ukrainian понеділок вівторок середа четвер п’ятниця субота неділя сьогодні учора завтра
English December January February March April May June July August September October November
Transliteration hrooden’ seechen’ lyootyy berezen’ kveeten’ traven’ cherven’ lypen’ serpen’ veresen’ zhovten’ lystopad
Ukrainian грудень cічень лютий березень квітень травень червень липень серпень вересень жовтень листопад
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Lesson 20 Question words = Питання In the following audio file you will hear a word or phrase in English one time, then twice in Ukrainian. Listen carefully to the Ukrainian the first time, then try to repeat the word or phrase with the speaker the second time. English Who? What? Where? Where to? (with directions) When? How? Why? How much?
Transliteration khto shcho de koody
Ukrainian Хто? Що? Де? Куди?
koly yak chomoo skeel’ky
Коли? Як? Чому? Cкільки?
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