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English Translation of
* 3.
Sunan An-Nasa I Volume 2 Compiled by: Imiim Hiifiz AbQAbdur Rahmiin Ahmad bin Shu'aib bin 'Ali An-Nass'i Ahadith edited & referenced by:
Hiifiz Abu Tiihir Zubair 'Ali Za'i Translated by:
Niisiruddin al-Khattiib (Canada) Edited by:
Hud5 Khattiib (Canada) Final review by:
AbCi Khaliyl (USA)
. .
Rivadh Jeddah Al-Khobar ~Sharish ~ d h o r e .London .Houston. New ~ A r k
In the Name ofAllbh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merczjhl
Maktaba Dar-us-Salam, 2007 King Fahd National Library Catalog-in-Publication Data
An-Nasai, Ahmad bin 'Ali An-Nasai IAhmad bin 'Ali -An-Nasai-Riyadh-ZOO7 556p, 14x21 cm ISBN: 978-9960-58-760-8 (set) 978-9960-58-762-2 (Val.-2) I-Al-Hadith- Six books 2- Hadith 3-Title 237.3 dc 142817415 Legal Deposit no.142814679 ISBN: 978-9960-58-760-8 (set)
11. The Book Of The Commencement Of The Prayer Chapter 1. What Is Done At The Beginning Of The Prayer.................................. Chaoter 2. Raisine The Hands Before Saving , - The Takbir..................................... Chapter 3. Raising The Hands In Level With The Shoulders ........................... ..... Chapter 4. Raising The Hands Parallel To The Ears ......................................... Chapter 5. Location Of The Thumbs When Raising The Hands ............................. Chanter 6. Raisine - The Hands, Extended........................................................ Chapter 7. Obligation Of The First Tukbk ...................................................... Chaoter 8. The Saying With Which The Prayer Is Begun ........................ . ...... .... chapter 9. PlacingTh-e Right Hand On T h e m Hand During The Prayer ............... Chaoter 10. If The 1n1Bm Sees A Man Placing His Left Hand On His Right .............. Chapter 11. The Location Of The Right Hand On The Left In Prayer ..................... Chapter 12. The Prohibition Of Putting One's Hand On One's Waist When Praying .... Chapter 13. Standing With The Feet Together When Praying ............................... Chapter 14. The 6nBm Pausing After Starting The Prayer .............................. ...... Chapter 15. The Supplication Between The Takbir. And The Recitation ................... Chapter 16. Another Supplication Between The Tokbk And Recitation ................... Chanter Between The Takbb. - ~ - ~ 17. Another Tvoe , Of Remembrance And Suoolication .. And Recitation .................................................................. Chaoter 18. Another Kind Of Remembrance Between The Start Of The Prayer And The Recitation ..................................................................... Chapter 19. Another Kind Of Remembrance After The Takbk.............................. Chapter 20. Starting With FBti!zatrl-KitBb (The Opening Of The Book) Before Another Sirralt............. ........................................................ Chaoter 21. Reciting: - "In 'Il~eName Of Allih, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful". ........................................................................... Chapter 22. Not Saying "In The Name Of AUih The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful" Aloud ..................... .. ....................................... Chapter 23. Not Reciting "In The Name Of Allih, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful" In Al-Fitilzah ........................................................... Chapter 24. The Obligation To Recite FBtiltatil-Kifiib In The Prayer........................ Chapter 25. The Virtue Of FBti!zatil-KitBb ....................................................... Chapter 26. The Interpretation Of The Saying Of AUih, The Mighty And Sublime: And Indeed, "We Have Bestowed Upon You Seven Of A-Maaini (Seven Repeatedly-Recited) And The Grand Qur'in" ....................... Chapter 27. Not Reciting Behind The 6nBm In Prayers Where He Does Not Recite ........................................................ Loudly ............... . . . Cha~ter28. Not Reciting Behind The ImBm In A Rak'ah Where He Recites Out Loud chapter 29. Reciting UI;~ Al-Qur'rin (Al-FBfiltalt) Behind The ImZm In Rak'ahs Where The finrinz Recites Out Loud ....................................
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Chapter 30. The Interpretation Of The Saying Of M2h, The Mighty And Sublime: So, When The Our'& Is Recited, Listen To It, And Be Silent That You May Receive Mercy ............................................................... Chapter 31. The Imarnim's Recitation Is Sufficient For The One Who Is Following Him.. Chapter 32. What Recitation Is Sufficient For One Who Cannot Recite Qur'in Well... ..... ............,, Chapter 33. Imam Saying Amin Out-bud Chapter 34. The Command To Sayfimin Behind The I m h ................................ Chapter 35. The Virtue Of Saying Amin . . ................................ Chapter 36. What A Person Should Say If He Sneezes Behind The Imhm ................ Chapter 37. Collection Of What Was Narrated Concerning The Qur'h ................... Chapter 38. Recitation In The Two Ruk'aks Of Fajr ...................... .................... Chapter 39. Reciting: Say: 0 You Disbelievers And: "Say: He Is All&, (the) One" In The Two Rak'ahs Of Fajr ......................................................... Chapter 40. Making The Two Rak'ahs Of Fajr Brief ..................... ................... Chapter 41. Reciting (S2mt)Ar-Rim In SSuh.............................. .................. Chapter 42. Reciting Between S i And One Hundred Verses In Subh ................... Chapter 43. Reciting (Sarah) In Subh ....................................................... Chapter 44. Reciting: "When The Sun Is Wound Round" In Subh ......................... Chapter 45. Reciting Al-M~r‘awwi&atuin In Subh Chapter 46. The Virtue Of RecitingAi-Mu'mvwidhatain...................................... . .............. Chapter 47. Recitation In Subh On Friday Chapter 48. The Prostration Related To Reading Qur'k: The Prostration In Shd (38). Chapter 49. The Prostration In An-Najm (53) .................................................. Chapter 50. Not Prostrating In An-Najm......................................................... Chapter 51. The Prostration In: "Wheu The Heaven Is Split Asunder" .................... Chapter 52. Prostration During: "Read! In The Name Of Your Lord" Chapter 53. Prostration During Obligatory Prayers ............................................ Chapter 54. Recitation (In prayers) During The Day ...................... ................... Chapter 55. Recitation In Zuhr .................................................................... Chapter 56. Making The Standing Longer In The First Rak'ah Of Zuhr Prayer .......... Chapter 57. The Inuim Saying A Verse Audibly In Zuhr................ ................. Chapter 58. Making The Standing Shorter In The Second Rak'ah Of Zukr ................ Chapter 59. Recitation In The First Two Rak'ahs Of Zuhr ................................... ... ... Chapter 60. Recitation In The First Two Rak'ahs Of a r ..... ............ Chapter 61. Maldng The Standing And Recitation Lighter ................................... Chapter 62. Reciting The Short Mufa@ Siimhs In Magkrib ........................... .. Chapter 63. Reciting: "Glorifi The Name Of Your Lord, The Most High" In Maghrib ....................... ...................................................,,, Chapter 64. Reciting Al-Mmalht (77) In Ma@b .............................................. Chapter 65. Reciting At-Tiir (52) In Maghrib.. ................................. ................. Chapter 66. Reciting Ad-DUB& (44) In Maghrib. ............................................. Chapter 67. Reciting "Alif-Lhm-Mim-ShdIn Maghrib .......................................... Chapter 68. Recitation In The Two Rak'uhs After Maghrib................................... Chapter 69. The Virtue Of Reciting "Say: He Is All&, (The) One" ........................ Chapter 70. Reciting. "Glorify The Name Of Your Lord, The Most HLgh" In 'I&d'.. ... Chapter 71. Reciting: "By The Sun And Its Brightness" In 'IS&' ........................... Chapter 72. Reciting "By The Fig, And The OlivemIn1&h' .............. . . .. ............... Chapter 73. Recitation In The First R&h Of 'I@' ..... ........ ..... Chapter 74. Taking One's Time In The First l b o Rak'ah~................................... Chapter 75. Reciting Tivo S h a h In One Rak'ah ............................................... Chapter 76. Reciting Part Of A Sarah ............................................................
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Chapter 77. Reciter Seeking Refuge With AllHh If He Recites A Verse That Mentions ..................................... 94 Punishment .................................. Chapter 78. Reciter Asking A l l a When He Reaches A Verse Mentioning Mercy ....... 95 Chapter 79. Repeating A Verse ................................................................... 95 Chapter 80. The Saying Of All&. The Mighty And Sublime: "And Offer Your Salah (Prayer) Neither Aloud Nor In A Low Voice" ................ . ............. 96 Chapter 81. Reciting Qur'in In A Loud Voice .................................................97 Chapter 82. Elongating The Sounds When Reciting Qur'Hn .................................. 97 98 Chapter 83. Making One's Voice Beautiful When Reciting Qur'Hn ........................ Chapter 84. Saying The Takbir Before Prostrating .............................................101 Chapter 85. Raising The Hands Before Bowing Until They Are Parallel To The 102 Highest Part Of The Ears ...................................................... Chapter 86. Raising The Hands Parallel To The Shoulders Before Bowing ............... 102 103 Chapter 87. Not Doing That ....................................................................... ............... 103 Chapter 88. Bringing One's Backbone To Rest When Bowing ............... Chapter 89. Being At Moderate In Bowing...................................................... 104
12 [The Book of TheAt-Tafbiq (Clasping One's Hands Together)] Chapter 1. Clasping One's Hands Together ..................................................... 105 Chapter 1. Abrogation Of That ................................................................... 106 Chapter 2. Holding The Knees When Bowing .................................................. 107 Chapter 3. Where To Place The Palms When Bowing ....................................... 108 Chapter 4. Where To Place m e Fingers When Bowing.......................................108 Chapter 5. Holding 'Ibe Arms Out From One's Side When Bowing ........................ 109 Chapter 6 . Being Moderate In Bowing ............. . . . . ..................................... 109 Chapter 7. The Prohibition Of Reciting Qur'2n While Bowing .............................. 110 .......................... 112 Chapter 8. Glorification Of The Lord While Bowing .............. Chapter 9. Remembrance While Bowing ........................................................113 113 Chapter 10. Another Kind Of Remembrance When Bowing ................................ 114 Chapter 11. Another Kind ........................................................................ Chapter 12. Another Kind Of Remembrance When Bowing ................................. 114 Chapter 13. Another Kind .......................................................................... 115 ..................................................... 115 Chapter 14. Another Kind ................... Chapter 15. Concession Allowing One Not To Recite Any Remembrance When . . .................................................... 116 Bowing...................... Chapter 16. The Command To Bow Properly ........... . . ................................ 117 Chapter 17. Raising The Hands When Rising From Bowing ................................ 118 Chapter 18. Raising The Hands Until They Are In Level With The Highest Part Of The Ears ............................................................................ 118 Chapter 19. Raising The Hands Until They Are In Level With The Shoulders When Rising From Bowing................. . . .........................................119 119 Chapter 20. Concession Allowing One Not To Do That .................................. Cha~ter21. What The Indm Savs When He Raises Ilis Head From Bowinr ............. 119 Cllapter 22. Whur Illc Person Pr:qing Behind The / m i , n Should Say ...................... 120 Chifintcr23 . Savina: Rabbonrj Wu l.a!al-Ha,nd lour Lord. And'Tu You Dc The Praisr)' .. 122 chapter 24. Tde Duration Of The standing ~dtween~ i s i Up n ~From Bowing TO Prostrating ........................ . .............................................. 1% Chapter 25. What Is To Be Said When Standing Up (After Bowing) ....................... 124 Chapter 26. The QunDt After Bowing ............................................................126 ............................... 127 Chapter 27. The Qunlit During The Subh Prayer ............... Chapter 28. The Qunlit During The Zuhr prayer ...............................................129 ~
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Chaoter 29. The . Ounat Durine The Maatib Praver.................................. " Chapter 30. Uttering Curses During The Qunlit ................................................ Chanter 31. Cursine The Hvoocrites Durina The Ounat . ...................................... Chapter 32. Not Saying The QunDt ............................................................... Chapter 33 . Cooling The Pebbles In Order To Prostrate On Them ......................... Chapter 34.The Takbir When Prostrating.........................................:............. Chaoter 35. How One Should Go Down For Prostration ..................................... Chapter 36. Raising The Hands Before Prostrating.................... . . ................... Chapter 37. Not Raising The Hands When Prostrating ..................................... Chapter 38.The First Part Of The Body That Should Reach The Ground When A Person Prostrates ................. .......................................... Chapter 39. Putting The Hands Down Along With The Face When Prostrating.......... Chapter 40. On How Many (Parts Of The Body) Does One Prostrate On? ............... Chapter 41. Explanation Of That ................................................................. Chapter 42. Prostrating On One's Forehead .................................................... Chapter 43. Prostrating On One's Nose .......................................................... Chapter 44. Prostrating On The Hands ...................... . . . ............................. Chaoter 45. Prostratine On The Knees........................................................... Chapter 46. Prostrating On The Feet............................................................. Chaoter 47. Placina The Feet Uoriaht Durina Prostration.................................... Chapter 48. ~ e u d The k ~ ~ o e s ' ( GThat ~ i e Point y Toward The Qiblah) During Prostration .......................................................................... Chapter 49. Placement Of The Hands When Prostrating ............................ ...... Chapter 50. The Prohibition Of Resting One's Forearms On The Ground When Prostrating ......................................................................... Chapter 51. Description Of Prostration ......................................................... Chaoter 52. Holding.The Arms Out From One's Side When Prostrating ................... Chaprer 53. Modcr~tionLn Ros~rarioo........................................................... Chapter 54. hlnintaining .One's Back (At Ease) Whsn Prosrratirlr! ........................... Chapter 55 . The Prohibition Of P e c h g Like A Crow ...................... . . ............. Chapter 56. The Prohibition Of Tuddng Up The Hair When Prostrating................ Chapter 57. The Liheness Of One Who Prays With His Hair Bound Behind Him ....... Chapter 58. The Prohibition Of Tuching Up One's Gament When Prostrating .......... Chanter 59. Prostratine u On One's Garment ..................................................... Chapter 60. The Command To Prostrate Properly ........... . . .............................. Chanter 61. The Prohibition Of Recitine Our'& When Prostratine ......................... chapter 62. The Command To Strive Hard In Supplication when-~rostratiug............ Chapter 63. The Supplication When Prostrating................................................ Chapter 64. Another Kind .......................................................................... Chapter 65. Another Kind .......................................................................... Chapter 66.Another Kind ................... .................................................... Chapter 67. Another Kind ............................ ........ ...................................... Chapter 68. Another Kind .......................................................................... Chapter 69. Another Kind .......................................................................... Chapter 70. Another Kind .......................................................................... Chapter 71. Another Kind ............................... .. ....................................... Chapter 72. Another Kind......................................................................... Chapter 73. Another Kind ......................................................................... Chapter 74.Another Kind........................................................................ Chapter 75. Another Kind......................................................................... Chapter 76. The Number Of TasbiIp In Prostration ..........................................
Chapter 77. Concession Allowing One Not To Recite A Statement Of Remembrance . ....... . . ............................... While Prostrating ................... . Chapter 78. When Is A Person Closest To Allih The Mighty And Sublime?.............. .... ............. .............................. Chapter 79. The Virtue Of Prostration ........ Chapter 80. The Reward OfThe One Who ProstratesToAll8h, TheMighty And Sublime... Chapter 81. The Place Of Prostration ............................................................ Chapter 82. Is It Permissible To Make One Prostration Longer Than The Other? ....... ........ Chapter 83. The Takbir When Sitting Up Froin Prostration ......... . ........ . Chapter 84. Raising The Hands When Rising From The Fkst Prostration ................. Chapter 85. Not Doing That Between The Two Prostrations................. ........ Chapter 86. The Supplication Between The Two Prostrations ......................... ... Chapter 87. Raising The Hands (Near) The Face Between The Two Prostrations ....... Chapter 88. How To Sit Behveen The Two Prostrations ...................................... Chapter 89. How Long One Should Sit Between The Two Prostrations .................... Chapter 90. The Takbir- For The Prostrati .... .... Chapter 91. Settling In A Sealed Position Chapter 92. Supporting Oneself On The Ground When Getting Up ........................ ...................... Chapter 93. Lifting The Hands From The Ground Before The IG~ees Chapter 94. The Takbir When Getting Up ...................................................... Chapter 95. How To Sit For The First Tasjlnhhud ............................................. Chapter 96. Pointing The Toes Toward The Qiblnlz When Sitting For The First
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Chapter 98. Where One Should Look Wl~ileReciting The Tas&ahhud ..................... . ........ Chapter 99. Pointing With The Finger During The First Ta&ahhud ............ . Chapter 100. What Is Said In The First Ta&ahitud ........ . . .......................... Chapter I01. Another Version Of The Taeahhnrhhud ............................................ Chapter 102. Another Version Of The Ta&ailhud ........................................ Chapter 103. Another Version Of The Ta&ahhud .......... ............................... Chapter 104. Another Version Of The Ta&uhlzud ....................................... Chapter 105. Being Brief In The First Ta~alzhud.......................... ........... Chapter 106. Not Reciting The Fint Ta&nhliud ...............................................
160 162 163 163 164 165 166 166 167 167 168 169 169 170 171 172 172 173 174 175 176 177 177 185 186 187 IS8 189 190
13 [The Book Of Forgetfulness (In Prayer)] Chapter 1. The Talih3 When Standing Up Following Two Rak'ahs ......................... Chapter 2. Raising The Hands When Standing For Tile Last Two Rak'ahs ................ 1. Raisine The Hands In Level With The Shoulders When Standine For The Chanter . . . . Last Two Rak'ahs ...................... . ........................................ Chanter 4. Raisin. E The Hands, And Praising .And Extolling.Allsh Dnri~igThe Prayer .. Cllapter 5. Greeling People With A Hand Gesture While Praying .......................... Chapter 6. Returning The Sairin,s With A Gesture When Praying .......................... Chapter 7. The Prohibition O i Smoothing The Pebbles While Praying ..................... Chapter 8. Concession Allou~ingOne To Do That Once ...................................... Chapter 9. The Prohibition O i Lifting One's Gaze To The Sky When Praying............ Chapter 10. Stern Warning Against Tuining Around When Praying ........................ Chapter 11. Concession Allowing One To Turn To The Right Or Left When Praying .. Chapter 12. Killing Snakes And Scorpions While Praying.................................. Chapter 13. Carlying Small Children And Putting Them Down While Praying ........... Cl~apter14. Taking A Few Steps In The Direction Of The Qiblolz .......................... Chapter 15. Clapping During Prayer ..............................................................
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Chapter 16. The Tasbih During Prayer ......................... ...............................207 Chapter 17. Clearing The Toroat While Praying................................................ 207 Chapter 18. Weeping During Prayer ..........................................................208 Chapter 19. Cursing Ibfis And Seeking Refuge With AU&h From Him W e Praying ... 209 Chapter 7.0. Spealdng During The Prayer ..................... ............................... 210 Chapter 21. What A Person Should Do If He Stands Up After Two Rak'ahs And ................... 215 Forgets To Say The T e h h u d ........................... Chapter 22. What Should A Person Do If He Says The Taslim Following Two Rak'ahs By Mistake And Then Speaks ............................ ...................... 215 Chanter 23. Mentionine The Renorts That Differ From Abh Hurairah Concernine " The Two Prostrations.................................................................. 220 Chapter 24.The Praying Person Completing m e Prayer) Upon What He Remembers When He Doubts .................................................................. 223 Chapter 25. Estimating (What Is Most Likely The Case) ..................................... 224 Chapter 26. What A Person Should Do If He Prays Five (Rak'ahs)......................... 230 Chapter 27. What Should A Person Do If He Forgets Part Of His Prayer................. 233 Chapter 28. The Takbir For The Two Prostrations Of Forgetfulness........................ 234 Chapter 29. How One Should Sit In The Final Raak'ah Of The Prayer ..................... 234 Chapter 30. Placement Of The Forearms ............................. ........................ 235 Chapter 31. Placement Of The Elbows............. ......................................... 236 Chanter 32. Placement Of The Hands.......................................................... 237 ~ h & r r33. Clenching The Fingers Of Thc Right Hand !\pan From The Forefinger ... 237 Chaprcr 33 . Clcnching'l'mo Of The F~ngcrcOf Ihe Right Clad And Making A Circle And lhumb .......................................... 238 With 'l'he hliddle Fincer u Chapter 35. Laying The Left Hand On The Knee............................................. 238 Chapter 36. Pointing With The Finger During T a e h h u d .................................... 240 Chapter 37. The Prohibition Of Pointing With Two Fingers, And With Which Finger ........................................ 240 One Should Point ..................... Chapter 38. Bending The Finger When Pointing ............................................... 241 241 Chanter 39. Where To Look When Pointing And Moving The Forefinger................ chapter 40. The Prohibition Of Lifting one's Gaze To The Sky W h e n - ~ u ~ ~ l i c a t i n ~ During The Prayer ................................................................. 242 Cha~ter41. The Oblieation Of Tashahhud ...................................................... 243 ~habrer42. l eachm2-thc l ~ & a h / ~ ; ; dJust As One Teaches A SCrah Of Thc Our'Sn .... 243 Chanrcr 43 . What I$ S~ i d For 1hc Tashuhln~l . .................................................. 244 Chapter 44. Another Version Of The Tashahhud ......................... ................. 245 .............................................. 246 Chanter 45. Another Version Of The Tashahh~rd . Chtiptcr 46. Sending Sulrims Upon The Prophet ,.......................................... 247 Chanter 17. Thc Virme Oi Smclinc Sal6ms Upon The Prophcr i4 ......................... 348 chapter 48. Glorifying AlEh And illrrences Reported Frum Shu'bah I \bout Th ..i Rcpon . chapter 49. Mentioning The Differences ~ e b r t e From d %lik Bin Mighwal Abok
496 497 497 498 499 500 502 503 505 506 508 510 511 513 516 516 517 517
Chapter 52. Not Raising The Hands While Supplicating During Wih........................ 527 Chapter 53. The Length Of Prostration After Wih....................................... 528
Chapter 60. The Time For The TWORak'ahs Of Fajr. And Mentioning The Differences .................. 535 Reported From N W
Chapter 63. One Who Chapter 64. How Many (Praying Q j r i m Al-Lail) Or Was Prevented From Doing So By Pain ..... Chapter 65. When Should A Person Who Slept And Missed Reciting His Nightly Portion Of Qur'Hn Make It U Chapter 66. The Reward Of One Who Prays Twelve Rak'ahs Apart From The Prescribed Prayers During The Day And Night ............................... Chapter 67. The Difference In The Reports From Ismkil Bin Abi %Slid .................
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The Book of The Commencement
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11. The Book Of The Commencement Of The Prayer
said: I saw the Messenger of Allih @, when he said the opening Talcbir of the prayer, raise his hands until they were level with his shoulders. When he said the Takbir before bowing he did likewise, and when he said: 'Sonzi' Allirlzu linzaiz !zalnidalz (Allsh hears those who praise Him),' he did likewise, then he said: 'Rabbarza iua lakal-[zamd (Our Lord, toYoubepraise).'Buthe didnotdo that when he prostrated or when he raised his head from prostration."
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Chapter 1. What Is Done At The Beginning Of The Prayer
877. It was narrated that Ibil 'Umar
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This Hadie indicates that fist the hands should be raised, and in the same state, the Takbir should be pronounced. The wisdom in this is that raising the hands stands for the negation of false deities, and saying Alldhu Akbar is the assertion of the Oneness of All& - of Tawhid.
Chapter 3. Raising The Hands In Level With The Shoulders
879. I t was n a r r a t e d f r o m
'Abdullih bin 'Umar that when the Messenger of AUih &$ started to pray, he would raise his hands in level with his shoulders, and when he bowed and when he raised his head from bowing, he would raise them likewise and say "Sami'
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884. Sa'eed bin Sam'2n said: "AbO Hurairah came to the Masjid of Banu Zuraiq and said: 'There are three things that the Messenger of All2h g$used to do and the people have abandoned; he used to raise his hands extended when praying, and he would fall silent briefly, and say Takbir when he prostrated and when lie sat up."' (Hasan)
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Comments: Slothfully acting people had, after tlie lifetime of the Prophet's jg Companioiis themselves, abandoned some of the Prophet's &p Sunrzah practices. Such practices, they fell, were not obligatory. The Din (the Religion) does not become complete by observing obligations alone; tlie Prophet's & customs (the S~uzan)are also essential. Altogether abandonment of the Prophet's g practices is blamewo~thyand condemnable.
Chapter 7. Obligation Of The First Takbir 885. It was narrated from AbO Hurairah that the Messenger of All2h @ entered the Masjid, then a man entered and prayed, then he came and greeted the Messenger of All2h @ with Saliiin. The Messenger of All211 gj returned his
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I'[ They disagree over the meaning of Madda in this Had&. It is translated here in accordance with the explanation of N!mad gikir in his comments on J8mi'Ar-Tinnid& See also Tu!fatAl-A!~lr,aand Nail A/-AI~J@).).
The Book of The Commencement
greeting and said: "Go back and pray, for you have not prayed." So he went back and prayed as he had prayed before, then he came to the Prophet #$$ and greeted him with Salim, and the Messenger of AllSh gj said to him: "Wa 'alaika assaliim (and upon you be peace). Go back and pray for you have not prayed." He did that three times, then the man said: "By the One Who sent you with the truth, I cannot do any better than that; teach me." He said: "When you stand to pray, say the Takbir, then recite whatever is easy for you of Qur'Sn. Then bow until you have tranquillity in your bowing, then stand up until you are standing straight. Then prostrate until you have tranquillity in your prostration, then sit up until you have tranquillity in your sitting. Then do that throughout your entire prayer." (Sahih)
Comments: 1. This Had& is !mown as the "Ha&& of the one who prayed incorrect." 2. According to many scholars, the Prophet @ has shown in this Tradition the obligatory elements of the prayer; without them, there is no prayer at all.
3. According to this narration, all of the following are obligatory elements of the prayer: the Takbirat Al-Ihriim the consecratoIy declaration of the Supreme Greatness of All&, recitation of the Qur'in, tbe act of bowing and calmness in it, raising the head and standing upright, prostration and tranquillity in it, raising the head and sitting calmly composed.
The Bookof The Commencement
Chapter 8. The Saying With Which The Prayer Is Begun
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886. It was narrated from 'Abdullih bin 'Umar that a man stood behind the Prophet of AUSh @ and said: "Allrihu Akbaru kabira wal-lzamdu Lillrilzi ka@ra, wa sublzrirz-Alltihi bukratart wa a ~ i l a(Allfih is Most Great and much praise be to AUih and glorified be Allih at the beginning and end of the day)." The Prophet of Allih jg said: "Who spoke these words?" A man said: "I did, 0 Prophet of Allih." He said: "Twelve angels rushed (to take them up)." (SalzQz)
887. It was narrated that Ibn 'Umar said: "While we were praying with the Messenger of Allih g,a man among the people said: 'Allriltu Akbaru kabira, wallzantdu Lillrihi ka@ra, wa sublzrinAllrilzi bukratart wa apila (Allih is Most Great and much praise be to Allih and glorified be Allih at the beginning and end of the day).' The Messenger of Allih @ said: 'Who is the one who said such and such?' A man among the people said: 'I did. 0 Messeneer of Allih.' He said: 'I l i e it,' and he said words to the effect that the gates of the Heavens had been opened for it." Ibn 'Umar said: "I never
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The Book of The Commencement
stopped saying it since I heard the Messenger of AUSh $g say that."
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Chapter 9. Placing The Right Hand On The Left Nand During The Prayer
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888. It was narrated that MQsa bin
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'Umair Al-'Anbar? and Qais bin Sulaim Al-'Anbas said: "Alqamah bin WVil told us that his father said: 'I saw the Messenger of All31 @,when he was standing in prayer, holding his left hand with his right."' (Sahib)
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Comments: This demonstrates that in the posture of upright standing the Qjrim in prayer, the right hand should be placed upon the left in a way grasping it. This is the course of action of the vast majority of scholars. Some Malikis and the Shiites maintain that the hands be left in their natural position along one's sides without placing one upon the other. But none of them has what amounts to a plausible argument, never mind actual evidence.
Chapter 10. If The Imcim Sees A Man Placing His Left Hand On His Right
889. It was narrated that Al-Hajj@
bin Abi Zainab said: "I heard Abfi 'Urnin narrate that Ibn Mas'Bd said: 'The Prophet @ saw me when I had placed my left hand on my right in prayer. He took hold of my right hand and placed it on my left."' (Hasan)
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The Book of The Commencement ..
Chapter 11. The Location Of The Right Hand On The Left In Prayer
890. Ws'il bin Hujr said: "I said: 'I a m going t o watch how t h e Messenger of Allih g prays.' So I watched him and he stood and said the Takbir, and raised his hands until they were in level with his ears, then he placed his right hand over his left hand, wrist and lower forearm. %%en he wanted to bow he raised lus hands likewise, and placed his hands on his knees. When he raised his head, he raised his hands likewise. Then he prostrated and placed his hands in level with his ears. Then he sat up and placed his left leg under him; he put his left hand on his left thigh and knee, and he put the edge of his right elbow on his right thigh, then he held two of his fingers together and made a circle, and raised his forefinger, and I saw him moving it and supplicating with it." (Sa@) &I L&$I
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Chapter 12. The Prohibition Of Putting One's Hand On One's Waist When Praying 891. It was narrated from Abfi
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The Book of The Commencement
Hurairah that the Prophet g forbade praying with one's hands on one's waist. (Sahih)
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892. It was narrated that Ziyid bin Subaih said: "I prayed beside Ibn 'Umar and w t my hand on my waist, and he did this to me knocked it with his hand. When I had finished praying I said to a man: 'Who is this?' H e said: "Abdulla bin 'Umar.' I said: '0 Abii ' A b d u r - R b h , why are you angry with me?' He said: 'This is the posture of crucifixion, and the Messenger of AUih g forbade us to do this."' (Sah9)
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The Book of The Commencement
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Chapter 13. Standing With The Feet Together When Praying
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893. It was narrated from Abii 'Ubaidah that 'Abdull2h saw a man who was praying with his feet together. He said: "He is going against the Su~mah;if he shifted his weight from one to the other that would be better." (DaTf)
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The Book of The Commencement .. 30
Chapter 17. Another Type Of Remembrance And Supplication Between The ~ a k i i And r Recitation 898. It was narrated from may
Allih he pleased with him, that the when th; Messenger of All& @$ started to pray, he would say Takbir, then say: "Wajahtu wajhi lilla@ fataras-samiiwcifiwal-ardahanifan wa mii an8 minal-mu&rikin. Inna salciti wa nusuki wa mahyriva wamamiifi lillrihi rabbi/-%lami; 1: lahu, wa bi&iilikn umirtu wa anii min a/muslimin. AZZih~lmma!Antal-maZik1 16 ilriha illii ant, and 'abduka zalamtu nafsi wa'tarafh~bi&anbi faghfirli &unCbi jami'an, li, yaghfinr&&~mgba ill6 anta, wahdini liabanila@laqi, Zii yahdi li ahsanihii ill&anta wasrif 'anni sayy'ahi lci yapifu 'nnni sayy'ahii ill6 anta, labaika wa sa'daika, wal-&aim kulluhu fi yadaika wa&-&amr laisa ilaika anii bika wa ilaika tabrirakta wa ta'ilaita astaghfnuka wa aGbu ilaik. (Verily, I have turned my face toward Him Who has created the heavens and the Earth Hanifa (worshipping none but Allih Alone), and I am not of the idolaters'. Verily, my Salah, my sacrifice, my living, and my dying are for All&, the Lord of the all that exists. He has no partner. And of this I have been commanded,[" and I am one of the Muslims. 0 All&, You are the Sovereign and there is none worthy of worship but You. I am Your slave, I have wronged
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The Book of The Commencement
myself and I acknowledge my sin. Forgive me all my sins for no one forgives sins but You. Guide me to the best of manners for none can guide to the best of them but You. Protect me from bad manners for none can protect against them but You. I am at Your service, all goodness is in Your bands, and evil is not to be attributed to You. I rely on You and turn to You, blessed and exalted are You, I seek Your forgiveness and repent to You." (Sahib) 7 . 7 / V V \ : ~L J ? J ~ .;L,~
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Comments: In some of the routes of this narration there is a clarification that when ALlih's Messenger gg commenced the obligatory prayer, he recited this supplication, whereas in some narrations there is mention of the night vigil. Hence, this supplication may be recited both in obligatory and optional prayers. However, in the event of congregational prayer, it is essential to be considerate to the members of the congregation.
899. I t was n a r r a t e d f r o m Muhammad bin Maslamah that when the Messenger of All& g stood to offer a voluntary prayer he would say: 'Xllihu Akbar wajahtu wajhi /illad& facaras-samiwit?walarda hanifa muslimin wa ?idani minal-mu&ikin. Inna ~ a l i t iwa nusuki wa mahyiya wa mamiti lillihi rabbi/-'ilamin, 16 &arika lahu, wa bi&lika umirtu wa an2 awwalul-muslimin. Allrihuma antalmaliku 16 iliha illri anta subhinaka wa bihamdik ( M i h is Most Great. Verily, I have turned my face toward Him Who has created the heavens and the Earth (worshipping none b u t All2h
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The Book of The Commencement .. 32 alone), as a Muslim, and I am not of the idolators. Verily, my Salih, my sacrifice, my living, and my dying are for All&, the Lord of the all that exists. He has no partner. And of t h i s I have b e e n commanded, and I am the first of the ~uslims.[~'0 All&, You are the Sovereign, there is none worthy of worship but You, glory and praise be to You.)" Then he would recite. (Sahih)
Chapter 18. Another Kind Of Remembrance Between The Start Of The Praver And The Recitation 900. I t was narrated from Ab6 Sa'eed that when the Prophet gg started to pray he would say: " S u b h a n a k a l l i i h u m m a , wa bihamdika tabiirakasmuka wa ta'iila jaddzrka wa lii iliiha ghairuk (Glory and praise be to You, 0 All&. Blessed be Your name and exalted be Your majesty, there is none worthy of worship except You.)" (Hasan) +I
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The Book of The Commencement.. 34 $&$ said: 'I saw twelve angels
rushing to see which of them would take it up."' (Sahih) j .
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Comments: He was short of breath: this demonstrates that this Companion (of the Prophet @) had arrived toward the prayer pretty hastily. Hence, walking at a fast pace, short of d g , is permitted; although, composure and dignity should remain. !gsl$l - ( I . +I) Chapter 20. Starting With
Fcitihtil-Kitcib (The Opening Of The Book) Before Another Sarah 903. It was narrated from Anas that the Prophet &, Abfi Bakr, and 'Umar, may AUih be pleased with them both, would start their recitation with: "M the praise and thanks be to All&, the Lord of all that exists."['] (Sahih) Q d l $ ! i.lpil
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This proves that in every unit of prayer, the commencement should be made with Surat Al-Fktihah, because it is obligatory in prayer. It could suffice in place of other recitation, but some other Sclrah (of the Qur'h)would not be sufficientin its place. (Tor instance, the last one or two units of prayer).
904. It was narrated from Anas: "I prayed with the Prophet B and with Abfi Bakr and 'Umar, may Mfih be pleased with them both, and they started with "All the praise and thanks be to M% ,I the Lord of all that exists."[" ( M i h )
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Milii said: "One day when he 3 '@ , J, ~ 2 l $& the Prophet % - was still among , ,, us, he took a-nap, then he raised 2 ;r -. :jc; + . ,, his head, smiling. We said to him:
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1. "It is deficient, it is not complete": and the prayer ought to be performed completely. It follows from the teim Khid6j that it is such a deficiency that in
The Book of The Commencement .. 40
the event of the occurrence of this deficiency the prayer will be invalid. This is because this expression (Khidtij) is brought into usage to describe a she-camel who has cast her young one before the completion of the days of her gestation - when the young one has not yet been formed completely. It is merely flesh all over; it is a stillborn which cannot be called an offspring. In other words, the form of prayer in which Surat AI-Fritihah is not recited resembles a mass of flesh which is of no use at all. Tlns demonstrates that the recitation of Swat Al-Fritihah is essential for the wholesomeness of prayer. 2. Recite it to yourself - to oneself, which means quietly, unheard by others does not signify mere visualization or consciousness, because it is not termed a recital. And here the expression 'recite' is explicit. 3. "Divided between Myself and My servant," because the first half is praise of All&, and the second half is a request of Him. Chapter 24. The Obligation To Recite Fiitihatil-Kitiib In T h e Prayer
,WI s i!;I% 3 % -~(r r +I) ( Y A \ &dl) $dl 2
911. It was narrated from 'Ubsdah bin &-Sirnit that the Prophet $g
3 k I, 3 '&I Fritihatil-Kitrib or more."' (S@+)
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The Book of The Commencement
@ A Y I UW
C~U & I dl &I3 C? y +A- 3 w / r f f : c &,&AA?*!:&& sb-91 $'&J & y i l " : > . d. l j u - 6~ ~4 1.L;>qii Jli,~ f h r '&;-UI : ~ UI jij U Id!+41kj3 ji + Ux,3 & M I Y F J IX3 ' v l / \ : i i ~ y ly& 2 +UI 'j+* $ cfl>&GJ3+ 2 A&. cMl + L .&if'>d>L+Jl rLYl 6 Comments: 1. Two forms have been described for the validity or wholesomeness of the prayer: (1) Reciting the Sumt Al-Fatilzah only (2) Reciting more than the Fitihah. This means only the Fritilzalz is obligatoiy; additional recitation is not obligatory. The prayer, without additional recitation, is considered valid. 2. The recitation of SuratAl-Fitilaal? is essential in every unit of prayer - in evely Ralc'ah - and not just one time only in the whole of prayer, because Mill's Messenger @, while teaching one who prayed incorrectly how to pelform it, had commanded him: do like this in the whole of your prayer. (Sahilt AlBuk&B11^ - Al-A&&: 757).
Chapter 25. The Virtue Of F&ti!mtil-Kitrib
913. I t was narrated that Ibn 'A&& said: "When JibrTl was with the Messenger of Allih @, he heard a sound from above like a door opening. Jibsl, peace be upon him, l i o k e d i p toward the sly i n d said: 'This is a gate in Heaven that has been opened, but it was never opened before."' He said: "An Angel came down from it and and said: came to the Prophet 'Receive the glad tidings of two lights that have been given to you and were never given to any prophet before you: The Opening of the Book (Al-Fritilzalz) and the last verses of Slilnt Al-Baqa~alz. You will never recite a single letter of them but you will be granted it."' (Sa!zi!z)
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916. I t was narrated that Ibn 'Abbis said: "The Prophet @ was given seven oft-recited; the seven long ones." (Day8
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915. It was narrated that Ubayy bin Ka'b said: "The Messenger of Allah g said: 'Allih, the Mighty and Sublime, did not reveal in the Tawrah or the Injil anything l i e Umm Al-Qur'Bn (Al-FBtilzah), which is the seven oft-recited, and (Allih said) it is divided between Myself and My slave and My slave will have what he asked for."' (Hasan) &+I
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Comments: This is also one of the several explanations of As-Sab'a al-Matlzani (the seven oft-repeated): That it denqtes the first seven lengthy Susals of the Glorious Qur'in: Surotul Baqarah 21-Inzrriiz, An-Nisa, Al-Mai'dala, Al-Aiz'Bnz, Al-A%& At-Tau,bah (includingAl-Anpl) because the theme of both of them is one and the same. That is why they have been recorded together. 917. It was narrated that Ibn :j t + 2 $37 - q \ v 'Abbb said, concerning the words of Allih, the Mighty and Sublime: 2 3 C ~ C ! -,3 62 "Seven of Al-Mathini" (seven &334$2 : T , q? . 'I 2 , 'F *" repeatedly-recited):lT "The seven ,J& :J c; 4 &I ;-,, g$ long ones." (Hasan)
The Book of The Commencement.. 44
& 56131 23 - ( Y Y +I) unr A I ) g $Q
Chapter 27. Not Reciting Behind The Imim In Prayers Where He Does Not Recite Loudly 918. It was narrated that 'Imrin
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L+I 2 p3 c + &L +& iP &I> ;r &I & 34 Y + d l ILL a l j ~"42 ai -3 C Y \ Y : ~c+L;il by1 161; ;u;lhii i-12 3ji. + d i is~J r 3 . zA9 LT air ~ Y U"L~ I 9 r . . i s +i>l j ~ F r I ~ 1.2 ;P >Ip! +i -p3 '&,.J13 +&I Comments: The Prophet's g denial in this narration was due to a follower's loud b3 '99\:c
'&9l3 ,AV'AT?/\:(~-)
recitation, because the prayer-leader encounters inconvenience only when someone's humming reaches out to him. If one recites inaudibly without being heard by anyone else, whal kind of annoyance or irritation would it cause? None, actually. However, in audible prayers, followers of the IiizllBm have been explicitly prevented from reciting more ihan the Surat Al-Fatihah. Therefore, in audible prayers, followers may not recite more than the Fitilzali either audibly or inaudibly.
Chapter 29. Reciting Uinm AlQur'rin (Al-Fritihalz)Behind The Intrim In Rak'ahs Where The Iinhm Recites Out Loud 921. It was narrated that 'Ub2dah bin &-Sirnit said: "The Messenger
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The Book of The Commencement
of All% gg led us in one of the payers in which the recitation is done out loud, and he said: 'None of you should recite when I recite out loud, apart from the Umm AlQur%n (AI-Fdtihah)."' (Sahih)
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Comments: In some other narrations, it is mentioned that it was the dawn prayer. The recitation proved telling upon him (the Prophet B).After having finished the prayer, he stated: you are probably reciting behind the prayer-leader. Recite nothing besides Szrrat AI-Fdtihah behind the prayer-leader because prayer is not valid without it. This narration is at least of the Hasan level. (In Ha$& terminology, the Hasnn is a verified Had@ of the Prophet g,although it is not as strong as Sahih: the authentic). Hence, Szirat Al-Fdtihah must be recited behind the prayer-leader in audible prayers. However, reciting in excess of it is forbidden.
Chapter 30. The Ioterpretation Of The Saying Of AU&, The Mighty And Sublime: So, When The Qur'in Is Recited, Listen To It, And Be Silent That You May Receive ~ e r c ~ [ l ] 922. It was narrated that AbB Hurairah said: "The Messenger of
AU2h @ said: 'The Imdm is appointed to be followed, so when he says the Takbir, say the Takbir,
The Book of The Commencement .. 47 and when he recites, he silent, and when he says: "Sanzi' AJJdhu Jinzara !?amidah (All2h hears those who praise Him)," say: Rabbmzir lakalhanzd (Our Lord, t o You be praise)." (Salzih) ?I,
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923. It was narrated that AbO Hurairah said: "The Messenger of All2h @ said: 'The Imam is appointed to be followed, so when he says the Takbir, say the Takbir, and when he recites, be silent."' AbO 'Abdur-Rahmin said: AlM u a a r r i m i would say: He his trustworthy - mean in^ - Muhammad bin Sa'd Ai-~nsiri.(&hih)
Chapter 31. The Incirn's Recitation Is Sufficient For The One Who Is Following Him
924. K a a i r hin M u r r a h AlHadrami narrated that he heard AbCi Ad-Dard;' say: " T h e Messenger of All2h g was asked: 'Is there recitation in every prayer?' He said: 'Yes."' A man among the Ansdr said: 'Is that obligatory?' He (AbO Ad-DardP) turned to me (Ka&r), as I was the closest of the people to hi, and said: 'I think
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The Book of The Commencement ..
that if the Imlim leads the people, that is sufficient for them."' (?a'@ Ab6 'Abdur-Rb?tn (An-Nad'i) said: It is a mistake to say that this is from the Messenger of AUih g, rather it is the words of Abii AdDardP. This was not recited with the book. ~& , A . =-j
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Imim An-NasCi has offered explanation that the one who turned his attention and gave his opinion was the honorable Abii Ad-Darda & and not
the Messenger of All& g.In this statement also what is meant is recitation that is performed in excess of SuratAl-Flitihah.
Chapter 32. What Recitation Is Sufficient For One Who Cannot Recite Qur'6n Well
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925. It was narrated that Ibn Abi Awfa said: "A man came to the Prophet @ and said: 'I cannot learn anything of the Qur'in; teach me something that I can say instead of reciting Qur'in.' He said: 'Say: Subhlin Alllih, walham& Lilllih, wa 16 illiha ill-Alllih, wa Alldhn Akbar, wa lli hawln wa 16 quwwata illa Billlihil-'aliy a l - ' d m (Glory be to AUih, praise be to Allih, there is none worthy of worship except AUih, AUih is Most Great, and there is no power and no strength except with Allih the Exalted and Magnificent)."' (Hasan) k " I g 1 3 &+VIJ &Vl rs* L
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.(AYY):>+l Comments: He was a new Muslim. He was not able to memorize the Qur'Sn immediately; learning would take at least some time. Since the obligatory prayer cannot be postponed, he was taught these phrases by way of a temporary measure. These phrases are known to all and sundry. A new Muslim should continue reciting these phrases and make do with them until he memorizes Al-Firtihah.
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Chapter 33. Imam Saying h n i n
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Out Loud 926. I t was narrated that AbO Hurairah said: "The Messenger of Allgh @> said: 'When the reciter says An?$?, then say: 'Aarnin9, too, for the angels say amin and if a person's coincides with the antin of the angels, All2h will forgive his previous sins." (Sahilz)
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This demonstrates that the prayer-leader utters anzin aloud so that the followers too might say it.
927. It was narrated from AbO Hurairah that the Prophet said: "When the reciter says Antin, then say: Arniarz' too, for the angels say amiiz and if a person's a m i n coincides with the anzirr of the angels, his previous sins will be forgiven." (Salzih)
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The Book of The Commencement -
928. It was narrated that Abfi
Hurairah said: "The Messenger of AUih $g said: 'When the Imim says: N& (the way) of those who earned Your anger, nor of those who went astra;y, say: 'iimin,' for the angels say Amin and the Imim says amin, and if a person's amin coincides with the a m h of the angels, his previous sins will be forgiven."' (Sahih)
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929. It was narrated from Abfi Hurairah that the Messenger of Allih gg said: "When the Imrim says amin, say 'amin,' for if a person's &in coincides with the amin of the angels, his previous sins will be forgiven." (Sahih)
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