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Clilheloe Glsburn Sloldburn Bolton-by-Bowland Dunsop Brldga Poole (Dorset) Porkstone Bournemouth Canford Cliffs Wlmbourne Verwood ferndown Chrlstehurch.O· sat Bloods'ona tvcnert Mlnster Keresley (CoIrv) Chapel End Coventry Bedworlh woiston Nunea'on xer eslev. Coventry fornworth Turlon Bolton Harwich (lanes) Betrnont Village Tottlngton (Bury) Boston (lines) Langrlek Hubberts Btldge New Leoka Fosdyke Noyland,Colchester Colchesler Great Bentlev West Menea Wlvenhoe Rowhedge Btlght"ngseo layer-de-Ia-Haye Peldon Hlgham. Cotchester Ebchas'er CONeN Oerwenfslde Edmundbyers Rowlonds Gilt Stanlev. CO.Ourham Dlp'on Burnopfleld lanchester Bodmln. Cor nwoll Wodebrldge Cordlnhom lantvet St. Mobyn Trebe'herlek Redruth. Cornwall Camoorne St.Dav Praze Portrea'h Sfllhlons Porfhtowan

0200 02005 02006 02007 02008 0202 0202 0202 0202 0202 0202 0202 0202 0202 0202 0203 0203 0203 0203 0203 0203 020333 0204 0204 0204 0204 020481 020488 0205 020573 020579 020584 020585 0206 0206 0206 0206 020622 020628 020630 020634 020635 020637 0207 0207 0207 0207 0207 0207 0207 0207 0207 0208 020881 020882 020883 020884 020886 020921 020971 020982 020983 020984 020986 020989

Birmingham City Centre Central City Centre City Centre City Centre City Centre City Centre City Centre BT Recorded Info. City Centre

021- .. .... 021-230 021·231 021-232 021·233 021-23d 021·235 021·236 021-239 021·246 021·262

Aston Cr05S Erdlngton four Oaks Woshwood Hth. Wltton Greo' Ban Gt. Borr lit Baacon Woshwood Hth.WINon wosnwood Hth.WINon Woshwood Hth.WINon Whltehouse Common Blrchfleld Erdlngton.Grav.HIII Walmley KlngstondlngStreetfy KlngstandlngStree'ry Suit IC oldf Id. Kingst. Sul10nC oldfId.Klngs' BlrchfJeld & Wltton PerryBarr.Hampstead PerryBarr.Hampstead Vauxhall Grea' Ban Erdlng'on.Grov I Hili Walmfey Erdlngfon.Grav/HIJI Whlfehouse Common Blrch'Ield & Wlffon Erdlngton.Grav IHIII Erdlngton. GrovIHIII

Aston Cross Aston Cross Bearwood Woodgo'e & Qulnton Woodgata & Qulnton Harborne Harborne Harborne Bearwood DruIds Heath Selly Oak King's Norton Calthorpe Woodgote Klng's Heath King's Healh Barnt Gre~n South Klng's Norton Rubery Edgbosfon Edgbos'on Edgbosfon King's Norton Klng's Norton Rubery Selly Oak Selly Oak Selly Oak Maypole Northfleld


021·300 021·306 021·306 021·322 021·324 021·325 021·326 021·327 021·328 021·329 021·331 021·350 021·351 021·352 021·353 021·354 021-355 021-356 021·357 021·358 021·359 021·360 021-313 021-375 021-377 021·376 021·379 021·382 021-384

021·388 021·389 021-420 021-421 021-422 021-.426 021-427 021-428 021~29

021·430 021-432 021-433 021-440 021-442 021-443 021-444 021-445 021-449 021·451 021-453 021-454 021-455 021-.456 021-458 021-459 021-460 021-470 021-.471 021-472 021-474 021-475

Nor'hfleld Northfleld Norlhfleld Northfleld Blockhea'h Halesowen Wednesbury Holesowen SITlethwlek Wednesbury BtoodWell

Hcndswortn Norden Halesowen Tlp'on

Honcswortn West Bromwlch West Blomwlch 00rle510n Tlpton Oldbury Oldbury Holesowen

Hondswortn Oldbury Wes' Blomwleh Hondswortn Wednesburv T1pton

srnetnwlck Blackheath Blockheoth Smethwlck Jomes &Idge SandwelJ West Btomwlch City Centre City Centre CltyCen're CIty Centre City Cen're CltyCen're City Centre ClfyCentre City Centre Acocks Green Shlrley Hall Green Solihull Solihull Solihull Acocks Green Acocks Green Acocks Green Acocks Green Castle &omwlch Sheldon Sheldon Shllley Shlrley Shlrley Castle Blomwlch Castle &omwlch Castle &omwleh Sheldon Chelmsley Wood Small Heath Small Heath Small Heath 5moH Heath Sheldon Castle Bromwlch Hall Green Hall Green Manton Green Chelmsley Wood Elmdon


021-411 021-478 021-.479 021·500 021·501 021·502 021·503 021·504 021·505 021·506 021-507 021·508 021·509 021-520 021·523 021·524 021·525 021·526 021-529 021·541 021·544 021·550 021·551 021·552 021·553 021-554 021-556 021·557 021·558 021·559 021-561 021-565 021·568 021·569 021·588 021·611 021·618 021·622 021·62J 021-6Jl 021·632 021-643 021·644 021-692 021·700 021·701 021·702 021·703 021·704 021·705 021·706 021·707 021-708 021·709 021·730 021·742 021·74J 021·744 021·745 021·746 021·747 02\·748 021-749 021-767 02\·770 021·771 021·772 021·773 021·774 021·775 021·776 021·777 021·778 021·779 021·780 021-782

S'echford stecntord Stechford Chelmsley Wood stecntoro

021-783 021-764 021-766 021-788 021-789

Tevershom Hlston We1t WroNlng Blodford-on-Avon llmptey Stoke .."lg

02205 022023 022029 02216 022122 0222 0222 0222 0222 0222 0222 0222 0222 0222 0223 0224

Pentyr~ h

Dlnas Powls Toffs Well Sully Penarth Senghenydd Qadyr (S.G lom .) CardIff Coerphllty Combfldge Offshore Aberdeen Flntroy (Aberdeen) lImpley Stoke 6f1g North Trowbfldge soutorc Trowbrldge 6 fig Howthorne Combe Down Mencshom Both, Avon Box, Wilts Bornsloy Gorvagh Herne Boy Canterbury Whttstoble Petnorn Chest1leld (Kent) Chlslet Stalling Mfnnls Wefherol long'own (CumbrIa) Carlisle Dalston (CumbrIa) SCotbv Hayfon (CumbrIa)

crcsev-on-rcen Rockcllffe.Cumbfla Klrkllnton Burgh-by-So nds Nlcholfores' urverston Donon-In-Furness Borrow-In-Furness Bloughfon-n-Fur 6f1g SoMerthworte lowlck BrIdge Greenodd 8ordseo Mlllom 6 fig Rovengloss 6 fIg Klrkby-In-Furness Oak ley (Beds) Cardlngton (Beds) Colmworth Turvey (Beds) Norfh Crowley Haynes Glengormley 4 & 5 fig Holywood 4 " 0 Dundonold 4 &. 5 fg Dundrod WhlTeobbey 6 fig Glengormley 6 rlO Cosflareogh 6 fig


022476 0225 0225 0225 0225 0225 0225 0225 0225 022574 0226 02265 0227 0221 0227 022770 022779 022766 022767 022& 0228 0228 0228 0228 022870 022873 022874 022875 022876 022877 0229 0229 0229 0229 022984 022965 022986 0229 0229 0229 022989 02302 02303 023062 023064 023065 02J066 02313 02317 02318 0232 0232 0232 0232

Hotywood 6 fig Drumbo 6 fig Carryduft Dundonold 6 fig Belfas' Ashford (Kent) Wye Charlng (Kent) A tdlngton (Ken') HomS'reat Challoel< Elms'ed (Kent) EQerton (Ken') Srnarden (Ashford) Rogstone Be'hersden Appledore Pluekley HIgh Holden Woodchureh Shlrley Moor Bedford Blewbury Dldeot Ablngdon (Oxon) Wantage Chlldrey West Honney Glenbolg

0232 0232 0232 0232 0232 0233 0233 023371 0233 023373 023374 0233 75 023376 02337 7 023380 023382 023383 023384 023365 023386 023389 0234 0235 0235

Coatbrldge KIIsyth Atrdrle Coldercrulx Cumbernauld 6 fig Greengolrs Horfland 5 fig Bldetord 6 fig Bldeford 4 & 5 flg Clovelly Horttond 3 fig Horns Cross Kllllnchy Dromaro Solntfleld Bollynohlnch Bollygowon 6 ne St. Field Crosswell 6 rig Aberporth Uwyndroln 6 fig Cardigan Crymych 6 fig Newport (Dyfed) Newcastle Emlyn Moylegrove 6 fig Crymych J fig Boneath Rhrydlewls L1wyndroln 3 fig L1ongronog

0236 0236 0236 0236 0236 02J683 0237 0237 02372 02373 02374 02375 0236 0238 0238 0236 0236 0238 0239 0239 0239 0239 0239 0239 0239 0239 023973 023974 023975 023977 023978

Pa ge 2


02357 023559 023587 0236

Crossw e ll 3 uc Moyregrove 3 fig lIechryd (Dyfe d ) lIt1le Cho lfont 4 rig Grea' Mlssenden 40 g Cholfo nt St. G lle s The lee (Buck s) Naph lll Rod na g e 4 fig Bledlo w Ridge Homp d en now Chole sb ur y Frlo ckhelm 5 fig Arbr o o th Cornou stl e Gowo nbo nk 5 fig Carmyllle 5 ftg fr loc khe lm 3 fig Inverk e llo r Carmyllle 3 fig Gowa nb o nk 3 fig Cheltenha m Alderton Bishops Cl e ave Coomb e HlII Tod d lnoton (G lo s) Co b erley Wlthlngf on Boshom 0N. SUSSE!K) 8ognor RegIs Bracklesham Boy Sldlesham.\V.Sus 6 fig Mlddlelon-o-Seo 6 fig Pagham Vaplon Blrdham Chichester Eostergote 6 fig Selsey 0N .susse x) Emsworth Sldleshom.W.SU! J fIg East Marden SIngleton SlIndon 0N. Sussex) Eostergote 4 fig Saughall Mlckle Tratford Howarden Chester Buckley Klnner'on Deeslde Great Mofllngton RosseM Aldford, Cheshire Chelmsford Good Easter Terllng Pleshey Danbury (Essex) ROKwell EcklnQlon (Derbys) Dronfleld Chesterfield Boslow MUllsle Newtownards Donoghodee Helens Bo y Comber Bangor (Co . Dow n) Bollywalter Porfavogle Portoferry Klrc u b b ln Greyobbey Port Dlnorwlc

023979 0239 86 023987 02