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Solar Thermal - Electrical Energy Systems
High Temperature Solar Thermal Energy Systems History of Solar Engines Legend has it that as early as 212BC, the Greek scientist, Archimedes, used the reflective properties of bronze shields to focus sunlight and to set fire to wooden ships from the Roman Empire which were besieging Syracuse. Although no proof of such a feat exists, the Greek navy recreated the experiment in 1973 and successfully set fire to a wooden boat at a distance of 50m. In the1860s, French mathematician, August Mouchet proposed an idea for solar powered steam engines. In the following two decades, he and his assistant, Abel Pifre, constructed the first solar powered engines and used them for a variety of applications. These engines became the predecessors of modern parabolic dish collectors. At the conclusion of World War Two, scientist, novelist and visionary, Arthur C. Clark proposed the idea of satellites using solar powered steam engines. In 1969, the Odeillo solar furnace was constructed. This featured an 8 storey parabolic mirror. However, it wasn't until the development of Power Towers in the 1980s that the first large scale solar thermal electric generators were built.
Components of a Solar Thermal System In addition to the collector and receiver common to all Solar Thermal systems, high temperature systems require a concentrator to focus incident solar radiation onto the receiver. Three common forms of concentrating systems exist: •
Parabolic Trough
Parabolic Dish
Power Towers
Other optical systems, such as Fresnel Lens can also be used as concentrators. Why Parabolas? The parabola is a special curve, which can be described by equations of the type y = Ax2 + Bx + C, and has a single focal point at which all light is reflected to, as shown in figure 1. Ordinary spherical mirrors are subject to spherical aberration, where all light is not reflected into a single point.
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Solar Thermal - Electrical Energy Systems
Figure 1 The parabola has an unusual shape, such that all light is focused in a single point.
The use of parabolic reflecting systems maximises the concentrating ratio of the system by ensuring that all reflected light focuses on the receiver that is positioned at the focal point.
Parabolic Trough Concentrators The simplest parabolic concentrating system is the parabolic trough concentrator. These systems are parabolic only in one dimension and form a long parabolic shaped trough as shown in figure 2. Although the trough arrangement is mechanically simpler than two-dimensional systems, which require more complex tracking systems, the concentrating factor is lower. Tracking systems are required in these systems to ensure that the maximum amount of sunlight enters the concentrating system. Trough systems can either be orientated horizontally, in long rows, like the Luz system in California, or vertically, like the demonstration system in Canberra. Horizontally orientated systems are usually positioned in an east-west direction to reduce the amount of tracking required, and hence the cost. Alternatively, vertically mounted systems follow the motion of the sun throughout the day, by rotating the direction of the trough.
Figure 2 Schematic of a parabolic trough concentrator http://rise.org.au/reslab/resfiles/hightemp/text.html (2 of 11)6/18/2006 3:09:59 AM
Solar Thermal - Electrical Energy Systems
Image adapted from Energy Efficiency Renewable Energy Network.
Figure 3 A trough concentrator system at the Australian National University, which is designed to incorporate photovoltaic power generation or water heating and steam production. (Image courtesy of the Centre for Sustainable Energy Systems, Australian National University.
Parabolic Dish Concentrator Parabolic dish concentrating systems use parabolic dish shaped mirrors to focus incoming solar radiation onto a receiver that is positioned at the focal point of the dish. Fluid in the receiver is heated to high temperatures, around 750oC. This fluid is then used to generate electricity in a small Stirling or Brayton cycle engine, which is attached to the receiver. Parabolic dish systems are the most efficient of all solar technologies, at approximately 25% efficient, compared to around 20% for other solar thermal technologies. The Australian National University and Wizard Information Systems have negotiated the terms of a licence to commercialise the Big Dish solar concentrator technology and is working towards construction of a demonstration plant in Whyalla, South Australia.
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Solar Thermal - Electrical Energy Systems
Figure 4 Schematic of a parabolic dish concentrator Image adapted from Energy Efficiency Renewable Energy Network.
Figure 5 The Big Dish at the Australian National University (Image courtesy of Wizard Power).
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Solar Thermal - Electrical Energy Systems
Power Tower Power Towers use a number of heliostats (large sun tracking flat plane mirrors) to focus sunlight onto a central receiver situated on a tower, hence the name. In these systems, a working fluid (generally a high temperature synthetic oil or molten salt) is pumped through the receiver where it is heated to around 550oC. The heated fluid can then be used to generate steam for electricity generation.
Figure 6 Schematic of a power tower Image adapted from Energy Efficiency Renewable Energy Network.
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Solar Thermal - Electrical Energy Systems
Figure 7 Solar Two, power tower Image courtesy of NREL's Photographic Information Exchange.
High Temperature Solar Thermal in Australia
Construction of CSIRO’s $1.5 million National Solar Energy Technology Centre (NSETC) is underway at its Newcastle Energy facility, where the latest solar thermal technologies will be showcased and involved in CSIRO’s ongoing collaborative research into efficient, low emission energy generation. The NSETC will be the only multicollector facility of its type in Australia and home to the largest high concentration solar array in the Southern Hemisphere. At peak operation it will generate enough electricity to power more than 100 homes. The Centre comprises three main elements: a high concentration tower solar array that uses 200 mirrors to generate more than 500 kW of energy and peak temperatures of over 1000°C; a linear concentrator solar array that heats a fluid to temperatures of around 250°C to power a small turbine generator; and a control room that houses communications and control systems, and serves as an elevated viewing platform. CSIRO project engineers worked with Australian technology company Solar Heat and Power Ltd (ECOS, 2005).
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Solar Thermal - Electrical Energy Systems
Figure 8 The NSETC will be the only multi-collector facility of its type in Australia and the largest high concentration solar array in the Southern Hemisphere. (courtesy of ECOS and CSIRO Energy Technology).
Researchers at the Centre for Sustainable Energy Systems at the Australian National University are researching both photovoltaic trough concentrators and parabolic dish concentrators. The Australian National University and Wizard Information Systems have negotiated the terms of a licence to commercialise the Big Dish solar concentrator technology and is working towards construction of a demonstration plant in Whyalla, South Australia (See figure 8). The project will consist of up to twenty 400m2 solar dishes producing steam that will be carried via insulated steam lines to a central grid connected generation plant.
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Solar Thermal - Electrical Energy Systems
Figure 8 Conceptualisation of the solar power generation plant. (Image courtesy of Wizard Power).
Australian Compact Linear Fresnel Reflector technology developed by Solar Heat and Power Pty Ltd (See figure 9). This system is installed at the Liddell power station, NSW, Australia and preheats water for the coal fired power plant. New South Wales State Government loan funding was offered for testing of a commercial 20000 m² compact linear fresnel reflector array which will supply thermal energy at 285°C/70 bar to a conventional coal-fired steam-turbine cycle preheater, equivalent to 38 MWe, operating by 2007. The solar array is under construction at the Liddell Power Station, which is a 2600 MW coal-fired facility in the Hunter Valley in coastal New South Wales. Stage 1 (the first 1 MWth) is now completed with a short length of array separate from the coal plant.
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Solar Thermal - Electrical Energy Systems
Figure 9 The Concentrating Line Focus Receiver (CLFR) plant near the Liddell power station in NSW. (Image courtesy of Solar Paces).
The solar concentrators at White Cliffs, South Australia (See figure 10), were successfully installed at White Cliffs, NSW in the 1980s, where they produced 25 kW of solar thermal electricity before being converted to solar photovoltaic power generation in 1996.
Figure 10 The current 14 solar concentrating dishes now using PV technology at White Cliffs in South Australia (Image courtesy of Solar Systems).
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Solar Thermal - Electrical Energy Systems
The CSIRO’s Energy Technology division has successfully demonstrated a process of reforming natural gas all the way through to hydrogen using a 107m3 solar dish concentrator at its Lucas Heights facility. Combining sunlight and natural gas in a novel process will produce large-scale energy for Australia's future industrial and domestic needs. The technology provides the energy resource industry with a path to greater sustainability with significantly reduced greenhouse emissions per unit of energy generated. Concentrated solar thermal energy provides the high temperatures necessary to reform natural gas to syngas - a mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide. The syngas can be used wherever conventional syngas is used now, or could be further processed to hydrogen (CSIRO, 2005).
Figure 12 Dr Regg Benito adjusts the Solar Thermal Dish at CSIRO Energy Technology’s Lucas Heights facility (Image courtesy of CSIRO’s Process Magazine and North Sullivan Photography).
References CSIRO’s Process. 2004 “New Energy Source from Sunlight and Natural Gas” (Online) http://www.csiro.au/files/mediaRelease/mr2000/Prfutureenergy.htm (Accessed January 29 2006). CSIRO’s ECOS. 2005, “Sun-Power Technology Centre Underway” (Online) http://www.publish.csiro.au/ecos/index.cfm? paper=EC124p27&sid=11 (Accessed January 29 2006).
Acknowledgements This information was originally developed by Katrina O'Mara, and Mark Rayner with assistance from Philip Jennings (Murdoch University) in June 1999. Edited and updated in July 2004 by Katrina Lyon and in January 2006 by Mark McHenry. http://rise.org.au/reslab/resfiles/hightemp/text.html (10 of 11)6/18/2006 3:09:59 AM
Solar Thermal - Electrical Energy Systems
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Wizard Power Solar Technology
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Solar Technology Wizard Power’s role includes the commercialisation of Australian best practice solar research. The Australian National University and Wizard have entered into an arrangement that will see the ANU’s world leading research into big dish solar energy collection and storage systems incorporated in integrated solar energy solutions.
Example Projects Project Value
ANU's Solar Dish Technology The ANU 400m2 solar concentrator dish system prototype was completed in 1994. It is a prototype high performance solar concentrator intended for use in large arrays for multimegawatt scale electric power generation. Since its completion, the prototype has been operated experimentally and been the subject of ongoing design refinement and research and development. A second dish prototype was sold and installed at the Ben Gurion University in Israel by ANUTECH Pty Ltd. The prototype on the ANU campus is currently configured to produce superheated steam at 500°C, 4.5MPa. The campus unit drives a small reciprocating steam engine with a grid connected generator. The intention for commercial scale solar thermal power generation, is that an array of dishes would feed steam via a steam line network to a single high efficiency central power block using standard turbine or engine technology.
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Wizard Power Solar Technology
The ANU 400m2 solar concentrator dish.
The expected next step in the path to full commercialisation of this technology is the construction of a semi-commercial plant of up to 20 dishes feeding steam to generating equipment and providing second stage integration opportunities for other industries. It is worth noting that the dish is the world’s largest. Any installation of dishes in the near future would represent a significant tourist attraction and an iconic landmark. R&D activities are conducted in the Centre for Sustainable Energy Systems (CSES) within the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology. The CSES Solar Thermal Group works closely with ANU’s commercialisation arm, ANU Innovation, a branch of ANU Enterprises Pty Ltd, which brokered the partnership with Wizard Power.
Project Description The project will consist of up to twenty 400m2 solar dishes producing steam that will be carried via insulated steam lines to a central grid connected generation plant.
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Wizard Power Solar Technology
Conceptualisation of a solar power generation plant
The dish has a hexagonal aperture with an average radius of 22m. The best layout for a small array would be in rows running approximately North South, with spacing between dishes of about 30m. There is considerable flexibility with this however. For the power block, both turbines and steam engines are available commercially. Eg http:// www.spilling.de/ or http://www.siemens.com. Turbines are favoured as systems become larger. Specifications of the existing prototype dish system are given in the following table:
Dish Aperture
400 m2
Rim angle
Focal length
13.1 mr
Mirror reflectivity new
86 %
Tracking envelope
Elevation: + 5° to + 90°; Azimuth: ± 210°
Concentration ratio
84% above 1000-sun (0.25° tracking error)
Current design weight
Dish - 19 tonnes Foundations - 50 tonnes
Receiver Design
Monotube cylindrical boiler
Operation envelope
400 - 600°C; 4.2 - 6.8 MPa
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Wizard Power Solar Technology
Design output
320 kWth
Thermal effiency
80% - 90%
In a multiple dish / steam turbine application, each dish will contribute a peak electrical output of approximately 100kWe (depending on the power cycle unit chosen). Waste heat at a rate of around 250kWth per dish will be available in the low pressure expanded steam that leaves the turbine. Use of this steam as energy for other components of the integrated solution, e.g. to power absorption chillers, provide district heating or desalination, will reduce the investment in condensers and cooling towers that are required for stand alone plants, as well as providing secondary and tertiary income streams.
Example Projects A 20 dish system would, in a moderate solar location such as the Canberra region, generate about 2 GWh per annum of electricity and 4 GWh per annum of heat. Sale of the “Green Power” along with the integration of thermal energy delivery such as water treatment and town heating provide a viable long-term facility. Such a plant would also be a tourist attraction and the focus for solar forums and research. In an area such as the Murray Darling, a 20 dish system would be even more productive in terms of electricity generation with a larger range of thermal energy integration opportunities including, desalination, sewerage treatment, town heating, horticulture and aquaculture. As such a system expands further potential exists to integrate with broad acre farming activities such as, fuel production from biomass, chemical extraction and salinity reduction.
Project Value The value of such projects is their ability to demonstrate unique Australian technology capable of supplying renewable electricity on a utility scale, whilst providing viable sources of green energy with associated agricultural, domestic and industrial services. Solar thermal power systems have been developed in three basic configurations (see www. solarpaces.org ): ●
Central receivers that involve a large field of flat mirrors focusing sunlight onto a single energy conversion system on a tower; Parabolic trough concentrators that focus radiation to linear energy collecting receivers; and Paraboloidal dishes such as the ANU design.
It is trough plants that have so far had the most commercial development, with 354MWe of systems in operation in Southern California for nearly 20 years. To a large extent, Solar Thermal Power systems target the same markets as large wind turbines. They have some major advantages, including: ●
There are more potential sites with good solar but poor wind resources and these are typically in marginal grazing land;
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Wizard Power Solar Technology ●
Future use of thermal storage to provide continuous output results in a cost saving in the power block so that reliable dispatchable output can be produced at close to the same energy cost as intermittent sun following generation; and The low grade heat left after power generation is available for secondary applications such as desalination.
The competitive advantage offered by dish systems over the other solar thermal concentrator options include: ●
They produce higher temperatures and hence higher performance efficiencies than linear concentrator systems; They use mirrors more efficiently than central receiver systems and are thus more cost effective; and The basic unit is modular and lends itself to relatively “low tech” mass production.
The ANU dish technology is the world’s largest and this contributes to its cost effectiveness. In the longer term, ANU’s associated Ammonia based thermochemical energy storage system can be substituted for direct steam generation, thus providing for 24 hour power production.
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SolarPACES Home Page
Th e I EA Sola r PACES I m ple m e n t in g Agr e e m e n t
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SolarPACES Home Page
W h a t is Sola r PACES? SolarPACES is an int ernat ional cooperat ive organizat ion bringing t oget her t eam s of nat ional expert s from around t he world t o focus on t he developm ent and m arket ing of concent rat ing solar power syst em s ( also known as solar t herm al power syst em s) . I t is one of a num ber of collaborat ive program s m anaged under t he um brella of t he I nt ernat ional Energy Agency t o help find solut ions t o worldwide energy problem s. W h a t k in d of w or k doe s Sola r PACES do? Technology developm ent is at t he core of t he work of SolarPACES. Mem ber count ries work t oget her on act ivit ies aim ed at solving t he wide range of t echnical problem s associat ed wit h com m ercializat ion of concent rat ing solar t echnology, including largescale syst em t est s and t he developm ent of advanced t echnologies, com ponent s, inst rum ent at ion, and syst em s analysis t echniques. I n addit ion t o t echnology developm ent , m arket developm ent and building of awareness of t he pot ent ial of concent rat ing solar t echnologies are key elem ent s of t he SolarPACES program . W h a t a r e it s r e ce n t a ch ie ve m e n t s? A few exam ples illust rat e t he range of work of SolarPACES. Cooperat ive developm ent and t est ing of key solar com ponent s, including advanced concent rat ors and receivers, has helped reduce t he cost s and im prove t he reliabilit y of concent rat ing solar t echnology.
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Con ce n t r a t in g Sola r Pow e r a n d Ch e m ica l En e r gy syst e m s
Concent rat ing solar power syst em s use concent rat ed solar radiat ion as a high t em perat ure energy source t o produce elect rical power and drive chem ical react ions. These clean energy t echnologies are appropriat e for Sunbelt applicat ions where direct solar radiat ion is high. The first com m ercial plant s have been in operat ion in California since t he m id1980s, providing t he 354 m egawat t s of t he world's lowest - cost solar power. The m any t ypes of syst em s under developm ent ( including parabolic t roughs, power t owers, and dish/ engine syst em s) for different m arket s vary according t o t he concent rat ion devices, energy conversion m et hods, st orage opt ions and ot her design variables. Much at t ent ion is focused on t he m ult i- m egawat t syst em s t hat are appropriat e for t he ongrid m arket , com plem ent ing t he ot her m aj or solar t echnology, phot ovolt aics, m ost appropriat e for sm aller, off- grid applicat ions. Solar chem ical energy syst em s use concent rat ed solar radiat ion t o drive chem ical react ions for t he product ion of fuels and chem icals. Addit ional uses include environm ent ally benign t echnologies in fields such as det oxificat ion of chem ical wast es and energy st orage which are aim ed at t he m edium t o long t erm .
SolarPACES Home Page
Syst em t est s of pilot - scale plant s, such as t he 10- MW Solar Two power t ower in t he Unit ed St at es and t he DI SS t rough syst em in Spain have dem onst rat ed t he perform ance and reliabilit y dat a needed t o predict com m ercial plant perform ance. Sim ilarly, cooperat ive act ion on syst em s operat ion and m aint enance has led t o reduced cost s at t he com m ercial Kram er Junct ion parabolic t rough plant s in t he Unit ed St at es, and will help ensure cost - com pet it iveness at fut ure concent rat ing solar power plant s. The SolarPACES " START" ( Solar Therm al Analysis, Review and Training) t eam s have carried out m issions t o support t he int roduct ion of concent rat ing solar power t o developing count ries in t he Sunbelt . By sending an int ernat ional t eam of expert s, independent t echnical advice has been m ade available t o int erest ed count ries including Egypt , Jordan, Brazil and Mexico. START m issions t o Egypt and Brazil have already cont ribut ed t o successful applicat ions t o t he Global Environm ent Facilit y ( GEF) for t he first phase of planning a concent rat ing solar power plant in Egypt and an experim ent al plant in Brazil. I n solar chem ist ry research, where t he com m ercializat ion goals are m ore long t erm , SolarPACES has succeeded in building up and support ing int ernat ional int erest , defining research priorit ies, and facilit at ing cooperat ive int ernat ional research. W h o a r e it s m e m be r s? As of 2000, t here are fourt een m em bers of SolarPACES ( Aust ralia, Brazil, Egypt , t he European Com m ission, France, I srael, Germ any, Mexico, Russia, Spain, Sout h Africa, Swit zerland, t he Unit ed Kingdom , and t he Unit ed St at es) . Mem bership is open t o all count ries, subj ect t o Execut ive Com m it t ee approval, and involves a governm ent ( or it s nom inat ed cont ract ing part y) becom ing a signat ory t o t he program 's " I m plem ent ing Agreem ent ," which defines SolarPACES' chart er and condit ions of m em bership. H ow is in du st r y in volve d? The work of SolarPACES focuses on developing new and advanced concent rat ing solar t echnology for event ual com m ercializat ion, so indust rial part nership plays a crit ical role. Many of t he t asks' act ivit ies involve indust rial cooperat ion, including int ernat ional t eam s. I n fact , in som e count ries ( e.g. t he Aust ralia, Sout h Africa and t he UK) , t he SolarPACES cont ract ing part y is an indust rial consort ium . I nt ellect ual propert y can be prot ect ed as needed.
Th e I n t e r n a t ion a l En e r gy Age n cy The I nt ernat ional Energy Agency ( I EA) , founded in 1974 is t he energy forum for indust rialized count ries. Based in Paris, t he I EA is an aut onom ous agency wit hin t he fram ework of t he Organizat ion for Econom ic Cooperat ion and Developm ent ( OECD) . An im port ant funct ion of t he I EA is t he prom ot ion of enhanced int ernat ional collaborat ion on energy research and t he developm ent and applicat ion of new and efficient energy t echnologies. The I EA has set up m ore t han 60 I m plem ent ing Agreem ent s linking m em ber Count ries in R&D and t echnology dem onst rat ion and inform at ion init iat ives
H ow is Sola r PACES m a n a ge d? All SolarPACES' act ivit ies are overseen by an Execut ive Com m it t ee ( ExCo) com posed of individuals nom inat ed from each m em ber count ry. The ExCo m eet s t wice yearly t o form ulat e st rat egic obj ect ives, direct t he program of work, review result s and accom plishm ent s, and report t o t he I EA. An elect ed Chairperson presides over t he ExCo m eet ings, and t hroughout t he year an Execut ive Secret ary deals wit h t he ongoing m anagem ent of t he program .
H ow is t h e w or k coor din a t e d? The I m plem ent ing Agreem ent specifies broad " Tasks," or t hem at ic areas of work. SolarPACES current ly has t hree ongoing t asks, focusing on concent rat ing solar elect ric power syst em s ( Task I ) , solar chem ist ry research ( Task I I ) , and solar t echnology and applicat ions ( Task I I I ) . An Operat ing Agent , nom inat ed by t he ExCo, is responsible for overseeing t he work of each t ask. Each t ask m aint ains a det ailed program of work t hat defines all t ask act ivit ies, including t heir obj ect ives, part icipant s, plans, and budget s. I n addit ion t o t echnical report s of t he act ivit ies and t heir part icipant s, accom plishm ent s and progress are sum m arized in t he SolarPACES annual report . Many SolarPACES act ivit ies involve close cooperat ion am ong m em ber count ries ( eit her t hrough sharing of t ask act ivit ies or, occasionally, cost - sharing) , alt hough som e cooperat ion is http://www.solarpaces.org/ (3 of 4)6/18/2006 3:16:20 AM
SolarPACES Home Page
lim it ed t o sharing of inform at ion and result s wit h ot her part icipant s.
H ow is Sola r PACES fin a n ce d? The m ain aim of SolarPACES is t o bring added value t o t he nat ionally based work t hat is already funded by m em ber governm ent s. SolarPACES is t hus not in it self a " big budget " operat ion and norm ally does not provide funding for m em ber count ries' work. The sm all annual fee paid by m em ber count ries is used t o support a lim it ed range of cooperat ive act ivit ies approved by t he ExCo, including, for exam ple, START m issions, docum ent publicat ion and dist ribut ion, and act ivit ies t o build int ernat ional awareness.
[ Hom e] [ Cont ent s] [ Search] Send m ail t o [email protected] wit h quest ions or com m ent s about t his web sit e. Copyright © 2002 I EA SolarPACES I m plem ent ing Agreem ent Last m odified: 18/ 09/ 05
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IEA SolarPACES Library New Publications 051006 "Solar Thermal Power Now" by Greenpeace, ESTIA and IEA SolarPACES A scenario prepared by Greenpeace International, the European Solar Thermal Industry Association, and IEA SolarPACES, shows what could be achieved by the year 2025 given the right market conditions. The first joint scenario from ESTIA/Greenpeace was published in 2003 but now a new report has been released containing more project details, a special chapter on the Mediterranean region and latest information on the policy. Concentrated Solar Thermal Power – Now! contains a series of predictions based on expected advances in solar thermal technology coupled with the growing number of countries which are supporting projects in order to achieve both climate change and power demand objectives. Download the pdf version of the brochure "Concentrated Solar Thermal Power - Now" (1,300KB). Here you can find docum ent s relat ed t o Assessm ent of t he World Bank / GEF St rat egy for t he m arket Developm ent of Concent rat ing Solar Therm al Power ( 2005) European Concent rat ed Solar Therm al Road- Mapping ( 2005) MED- CSP: Concent rat ing Solar Power for t he Medit erranean Region – Execut ive Sum m ary ( 2005) I nt ernat ional Energy Agency: t echnologies at t he cut t ing edge ( 2005) CSP Global Market I nit iat ive ( GMI ) I EA SolarPACES Annual Report s CSP Technology Docum ent s Docum ent s relat ing t o t he I EA SolarPACES I m plem ent ing Agreem ent and it s form al procedures Legislat ion Prom ot ing Renewable Energy I m plem ent at ion
Furt her publicat ions can be found on t he following web sit es Publicat ions of CSP st udies, like t he MED- CSP St udy Report can be found at ht t p: / / www.eid.dlr.de/ t t / inst it ut / abt eilungen/ syst em / proj ect s/ St k/
Publicat ions on Parabolic Trough Technology are post ed at ht t p: / / www.eere.energy.gov/ t roughnet / publicat ions. ht m l
Publicat ions of t he Unit ed St at es SunLAB are post ed at ht t p: / / www.energylan.sandia.gov/ sunlab/ docum ent s.ht m
Free Publicat ions from t he I EA are available at ht t p: / / www.iea.org/ Text base/ publicat ions/ allfree.asp
Select ed CSP proj ect s funded bei t he European Com m ission are list ed at ht t p: / / europa.eu.int / com m / research/ energy/ nn/ nn_rt _cs5_en.ht m l
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[ Hom e] [ Cont ent s] [ Search] Send m ail t o [email protected] wit h quest ions or com m ent s about t his web sit e. Copyright © 2002 I EA SolarPACES I m plem ent ing Agreem ent Last m odified: 22/ 10/ 05
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Foreword ....................................................... 3 ExecutiveSummary ................................................ 4 partone:Solarthermalpower–thebasics ................................. 7 PartTwo:Solarthermalpower–technology,costsandbeneits................... 11 PartThree:Theglobalsolarthermalmarket ............................... 25 PartFour:Thefutureforsolarthermalpower............................... 35 PartFive:CSPspecial–solarthermalpowerplantsintheMediterranean ........... 40 PartSix:PolicyRecommendations ......................................43
Note:ThecurrencyusedinthisreportismainlytheEuro(¤)withtheUSdollarinsomesectionson non-Europeancountries.Itisassumedthat,averagedoverlongtimescales,thetwocurrencieshavean exchangerateof1:1.
FOREWORD Thisreportdemonstratesthattherearenotechnical,economic or resource barriers to supplying 5% of the world’s electricity needs from solar thermal power by 2040 – even against the challenging backdrop of a projected doubling in global electricity demand. The solar thermal industry is capable of becomingadynamic,innovative¤ 16.4billionannualbusiness within 20 years, unlocking a new global era of economic, technologicalandenvironmentalprogress. The beneits of solar power are compelling: environmental protection, economic growth, job creation, diversity of fuel supplyandrapiddeployment,aswellastheglobalpotentialfor technologytransferandinnovation.Theunderlyingadvantage of solar energy is that the fuel is free, abundant and inexhaustible.Thetotalamountofenergyirradiatedfromthe suntotheearth’ssurfaceisenoughtoprovideforannualglobal energyconsumption10,000timesover. Onclimatechange,asolidinternationalconsensusnowclearly states that business-as-usual is not an option and the world must move swiftly towards a clean energy economy. Solar thermal power is a prime choice in developing an affordable, feasible,globalenergysourcethatcanbeasubstituteforfossil fuelsinthesunbeltsaroundtheworld. Everydaywedamageourclimatebyusingfossilfuels(oil,coal andgas)forenergyandtransport.Climatechangealreadyhas animpactonourlivesandecosystemsanditwillgetworse.We needtoreduceourgreenhousegasemissionssigniicantly.We have already experienced a global mean temperature rise of 0.6ºCduringthelastcenturyand,asaresultofthegreenhouse gases we have already pumped into the atmosphere, we are alreadycommittedto1.2°or1.3°Cwarming,evenifallemissions werestoppedtomorrow.Thegoalofresponsibleclimatepolicy shouldbetokeepglobalmeantemperaturerisetolessthan2°C above pre-industrial levels. Above 2°C, damage to ecosystems and disruption to the climate system increases dramatically. Wehaveaveryshorttimewindow,i.e.nomorethanonetotwo decades, within which we can change our energy system to meetthesetargets.
A clear vision: Solar thermal power plants as the offshore wind farms of the desert – exploiting the heat from the sun’s heat to combatclimatechange.
Thesolidindustrialandpoliticalcommitmenttotheexpansion of the solar thermal power plant industry shows that the currentsurgeofactivityinthesolarelectricitysectorisonlya foretaste of the potential, massive transformation and expansion over the coming decades. Although reports are a usefulguide,itispeoplewhochangetheworldbytheiractions. We encourage politicians and policy-makers, citizens worldwide, energy oficials and regulators, utility companies, developmentbanksandprivateinvestorsandotherinterested partiestosupportsolarthermalpowerbytakingconcretesteps whichwillhelpensurethathundredsofmillionsofpeoplewill receive their electricity from the sun, harnessing its full potentialforourcommongood. Followingthe2002EarthSummit,theJohannesburgRenewable Energy Coalition was formed, with more than 80 countries proclaiming that their goal is to “substantially increase the globalshareofrenewableenergysources”onthebasisof“clear and ambitious time-bound targets”. In June 2004, an InternationalActionPlanwasadoptedbyevenmorecountries during the Renewables’2004 Conference in Bonn, including a speciicGlobalMarketInitiativeforConcentratedSolarPower. Politicaldeclarations,however,meanlittleiftheyarenotput into practice. This report is a blueprint for action that governmentscanimplement,andshowswhatispossiblewith justonerenewabletechnology.Solarthermalpowerisaglobal scaletechnologythathasthecapacitytosatisfytheenergyand developmentneedsoftheworldwithoutdestroyingit.
Greenpeace, the European Solar Thermal Power Industry Association (ESTIA), and the International Energy Agency’s (IEA) SolarPACES Programme have produced this report to improve understanding of the solar thermals contribution to world energy supply. The report,a practical blueprint, shows thatsolarthermalpoweriscapableofsupplyingelectricityto more than 100 million people1) living in the sunniest parts of theworld,withintwodecades. Modern solar thermal power plants can provide bulk power equivalent to the output and irm load characteristics of conventionalpowerstations.Thisblueprintaimstoaccelerate marketintroductionandpushtheboundariesoftechnological progress,unlockingmanysubsequentbeneits.Solarthermal power already exists; There is no need to wait for a magical ‘breakthrough’; Solar thermal power is ready for global implementationtoday.
Secretary-General/EuropeanSolarThermalIndustry Association
1. SolarElectricityproductionin2025=95.8TWh/a;averagepercapitaconsumptioninAfrica,Asia,ChinaandLatinAmerica955kWh/a;
EXECUTIVESUMMARY POWERFROMTHESUN Solarthermalpowerisarelativelynewtechnologywhichhas already shown enormous promise. With few environmental impacts and a massive resource, it offers a comparable opportunitytothesunniestcountriesoftheworldasoffshore windfarmsarecurrentlyofferingtoEuropeannationswiththe windiestshorelines. Solarthermalpowerusesdirectsunlight,soitmustbesitedin regions with high direct solar radiation. Among the most promising areas of the world are the South-Western United States,CentralandSouthAmerica,NorthandSouthernAfrica, the Mediterranean countries of Europe, the Middle East, Iran, and the desert plains of India, Pakistan, the former Soviet Union,ChinaandAustralia. Inmanyregionsoftheworld,onesquarekilometreoflandis enoughtogenerateasmuchas100-120gigawatthours(GWh) of electricity per year using solar thermal technology. This is equivalenttotheannualproductionofa50MWconventional coalorgas-iredmid-loadpowerplant.
Electricityfromsolarthermalpowerisalsobecomingcheaper toproduce.PlantsoperatinginCaliforniahavealreadyachieved impressive cost reductions, with generation costs ranging today between 14 and 17 US cents/kWh. However, costs are expectedtodropcloserto7-8UScentsinthefuture.Advanced technologies, mass production, economies of scale and improvedoperationwilltogetherenableareductioninthecost of solar electricity to a level competitive with fossil-fueled peak- and mid-load power stations within the next ten to 15 years.
TECHNOLOGY,COSTSANDBENEFITS Four main elements are required to produce electricity from solar thermal power: a concentrator, a receiver, some form of transport or storage, and power conversion. The three most promisingsolarthermaltechnologiesaretheparabolictrough, thecentralreceiverorsolartower,andtheparabolicdish.
TURNINGSOLARHEATINTOELECTRICITY Producing electricity from the energy in the sun’s rays is a straightforward process: direct solar radiation can be concentrated and collected by a range of Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) technologies to provide medium to hightemperature heat. This heat is then used to operate a conventionalpowercycle,forexamplethroughasteamturbine oraStirlingengine.Solarheatcollectedduringthedaycanalso be stored in liquid or solid media like molten salts, ceramics, concrete or, in the future, phase-changing salt mixtures. At night,itcanbeextractedfromthestoragemediumand,thus, continuesturbineoperation. Solar thermal power plants can be designed for solar-only or hybridoperation,asinCaliforniawheresomefossilfuelisused incaseoflowerradiationintensitytosecurereliablepeak-load supply. Thermal energy storage systems are extending the operationtimeofsolarthermalpowerplantsuptoa100%solar share. For example, in Spain the 50 MWe AndaSol plants are designed with six to 12 hours thermal storage, increasing annualavailabilitybyabout1,000to2,500hours.
Parabolictroughsystemsusetrough-shapedmirrorrelectors to concentrate sunlight on to receiver tubes through which a thermal transfer luid is heated to roughly 400oC and then used to produce superheated steam. They represent the most mature solar thermal power technology, with 354 MWe of plants connected to the Southern California grid since the 1980s and more than 2 million square metres of parabolic trough collectors. These plants supply an annual 800 million kWhatagenerationcostofabout14-17UScents/kWh. Furtheradvancesarenowbeingmadeinthetechnology,with utility-scaleprojectsplannedinSpain,Nevada(USA),Morocco, Algeria,Italy,Greece,Israel,Egypt,India,Iran,SouthAfricaand Mexico.Electricityfromtroughplantsarethusexpectedtofall to 7-8 ¤cents/kWh in the medium term. Combined with gasired combined cycle plants – so-called ISCC (Integrated Solar CombinedCycle)systems–powergenerationcostsareexpected tobeintheorderof6-7¤cents/kWhinthemediumtermand5 ¤cents/kWhinthelongterm.
Currenttrendsshowthattwobroadpathwayshaveopenedup forlarge-scaledeliveryofelectricityusingsolarthermalpower. One is the ISCC-type hybrid operation of solar collection and heattransfercombinedwithaconventionalpowerplant.The otherissolar-onlyoperation,withincreasinguseofastorage mediumsuchasmoltensalt.Thisenablessolarenergycollected during the day to be stored then dispatched when demand requires.
BENEFITSOFSOLARTHERMALPOWER Central receiver (solar tower) systems use a circular array of large individually tracking plain mirrors (heliostats) to concentratesunlightontoacentralreceivermountedontopof atower,withheattransferredforpowergenerationthrougha choice of transfer media. Following completion of the irst 10 MWe PS-10 demonstration tower plants, currently under constructioninSpain,andwithfurtherscalingupto30-50MW capacity, solar tower developers feel conident that grid connectedtowerpowerplantscanbebuiltuptoacapacityof 200 MWe solar-only units with power generation costs then comparable to those of parabolic troughs. Use of thermal storagewillalsoincreasetheirlexibility.
A major beneit of solar thermal power is that it has little adverse environmental impact, with none of the polluting emissions or safety concerns associated with conventional generation technologies. There is hardly any pollution in the form of exhaust fumes or noise during operation. Decommissioningasystemisnotproblematic. Eachsquaremetreofrelectorsurfaceinasolarieldisenough toavoidtheannualproductionof150to250kilograms(kg)of carbon dioxide. Solar thermal power can therefore make a substantial contribution towards international commitments toreducethesteadyincreaseinthelevelofgreenhousegases andtheircontributiontoclimatechange.
Although central receiver plants are considered to be further away from commercialisation than parabolic trough systems, solar towers have good longer-term prospects for high conversioneficiencies.ProjectsareunderconstructioninSpain and under preparation in South Africa. In future, central receiverplantprojectswillbeneitfromsimilarcostreductions tothoseexpectedfromparabolictroughplants.Theanticipated evolution of total electricity costs is that they will drop to 7 ¤cents/kWhinthemediumtermandto5¤cents/kWhinthe longterm.
Parabolic dish systems are comparatively small units which useadish-shapedrelectortoconcentratesunlight,withsuperheatedluidbeingusedtogeneratepowerinasmallengineat thefocalpointoftherelector.Theirpotentialliesprimarilyin decentralised power supply and remote, stand-alone power systems. Projects are currently planned in the United States, AustraliaandEurope.Intermsofelectricitycosts,anattainable near-term goal is a igure of less than 15-20 ¤cents/kWh, dependingonthesolarresource.
Newopportunitiesareopeningupforsolarthermalpowerasa result of the global search for clean energy solutions. Both national and international initiatives are supporting the technology, encouraging commercialisation of production. A number of countries have introduced legislation which offers attractivetariffsforprojectdevelopersorforcespowersuppliers to source a rising percentage of their supply from renewable fuels.Bulkpowertransmissionlinesfromhigh-insolationsites, such as in northern Africa, could encourage private project developers or European utilities to inance large solar plants whosepowerwouldbeusedforconsumptioninEurope. These and other factors have led to signiicant interest in constructingplantsinthesunbeltregionsfromprivate-sector projectdevelopersandturnkeycontractingirms.Inaddition, interest rates and capital costs have drastically fallen worldwide, increasing the viability of capital-intensive renewableprojects.
EXECUTIVESUMMARY Examples of speciic large solar thermal projects currently underconstructionorinadvancedpermittinganddevelopment stagearoundtheworldinclude: • A lgeria: 140-150 MW ISCC plant with 25 MW solar capacity (trough) • Egypt:150MWISCCplantwith30MWsolarcapacity(trough) • Greece:50MWsolarcapacityusingsteamcycle(trough) • India:140MWISCCplantwith30MWsolarcapacity(trough) • Italy: 40 MW solar capacity integrated into existing combined cycleplant(trough) • Mexico:291MWISCCplantwith30MWsolarcapacity(trough) • Morocco: 220 MW ISCC plant with 30 MW solar capacity (trough) • Spain:over500MWsolarcapacityusingsteamcycle(4x10-20 MWsolartowerand12x50MWparabolictrough) • USA: 50 MW solar capacity with parabolic trough in Nevada using steam cycle, preceded by a 1 MW parabolic trough demonstrationplantusingORCturbineinArizona • USA:500MWSolarDishParkinCalifornia,precededbya1MW (40x25kW)testanddemoinstallation
• B y 2025, the total installed capacity of solar thermal power aroundtheworldwillhavereachedover36,000MW. • By 2025, solar thermal power will have achieved an annual outputofalmost100millionMWh(95.8TWh).Thisisequivalent to the consumption of over one half of Australia’s electricity demand, or the total combined electricity consumption of DenmarkandBelgiumorIsrael,Morocco,AlgeriaandTunisia. • CapitalinvestmentinsolarthermalplantwillrisefromUS$60 millionin2006toalmostUS$16.4billionin2025. • Expansioninthesolarthermalpowerindustrywillresultinthe creationofover50,000jobsworldwide,withoutevencounting thoseinvolvedinproductionofthehardware. • The ive most promising regions, in terms of governmental targetsorpotentialsaccordingtothescenario,eachwithmore than1,000MWofsolarthermalprojectsexpectedby2025,are theMediterranean,especiallySpain,thecountriesoftheMiddle East and North Africa, the southern states of the USA, and Australia. • Duringtheperiodupto2025,theemissionintotheatmosphere of a total of 395 million tonnes of carbon dioxide would be avoided, making an important contribution to international climateprotectiontargets. Afurtherprojectionisalsomadeforthepotentialexpansionof thesolarthermalpowermarketoveranother11/2decadesupto 2040. This shows that, by 2030, the worldwide capacity will have reached 100,000 MW and, by 2040, a level of almost 600,000MW.Theincreasedavailabilityofplantresultingfrom thegreateruseofeficientstoragetechnologywillalsoincrease the amount of electricity generated from a given installed capacity. Theresultisthatby2040morethan5%oftheworld’selectricity demandcouldbesatisiedbysolarthermalpower. KeyresultsfromGreenpeace-ESTIAScenario2002-2025
THEFUTUREFORSOLARTHERMALPOWER AscenariopreparedbyGreenpeaceInternational,theEuropean SolarThermalIndustryAssociationandIEASolarPACESprojects whatcouldbeachievedbytheyear2025giventherightmarket conditions. It is based on expected advances in solar thermal technology coupled with the growing number of countries whicharesupportingprojectsinordertoachievebothclimate changeandpowerdemandobjectives. Overtheperiodofthescenario,solarthermaltechnologywill have emerged from a relatively marginal position in the hierarchyofrenewableenergysourcestoachieveasubstantial statusalongsidethecurrentmarketleaderssuchashydroand windpower.Fromacurrentlevelofjust354MWtotalinstalled capacity, the rate of annual installation by 2015 will have reached 970 MW, thus reaching a total installed capacity of 6454MW.By2025,4600MWwillcomeonsteameachyear.
Projection2025to2040 Capacityofsolarthermalpowerin2040
PARTONE:SOLARTHERMALPOWER–THEBASICS POWERFROMTHESUN The principles of solar thermal power conversion have been known for more than a century; its commercial scale-up and exploitation,however,hasonlytakenplacesincethemid1980s. Withtheseirstlarge-scale30-80MWparabolictroughpower stations, built in the California Mojave desert, the technology hasimpressivelydemonstrateditstechnologicalandeconomic promise. With few adverse environmental impacts and a massive resource, the sun, it offers an opportunity to the countries in the sun belt of the world comparable to that currently being offered by offshore wind farms to European andothernationswiththewindiestshorelines. Solarthermalpowercanonlyusedirectsunlight,called‘beam radiation’orDirectNormalIrradiation(DNI),i.e.thatfractionof sunlightwhichisnotdeviatedbyclouds,fumesordustinthe atmosphere and that reaches the earth’s surface in parallel beamsforconcentration.Hence,itmustbesitedinregionswith highdirectsolarradiation.Suitablesitesshouldreceiveatleast 2,000 kilowatt hours (kWh) of sunlight radiation per m2 annually, whilst best site locations receive more than 2,800 kWh/m2/year. Typical site regions, where the climate and vegetationdonotproducehighlevelsofatmospherichumidity, dustandfumes,includesteppes,bush,savannas,semi-deserts andtruedeserts,ideallylocatedwithinlessthan40degreesof latitudenorthorsouth.Therefore,themostpromisingareasof theworldincludetheSouth-WesternUnitedStates,Centraland SouthAmerica,NorthandSouthernAfrica,theMediterranean countries of Europe, the Near and Middle East, Iran and the desertplainsofIndia,Pakistan,theformerSovietUnion,China andAustralia.
Inmanyregionsoftheworld,onesquarekilometreoflandis enoughtogenerateasmuchas100-130gigawatthours(GWh) ofsolarelectricityperyearusingsolarthermaltechnology.This isequivalenttotheannualproductionofa50MWconventional coal-orgas-iredmid-loadpowerplants.Overthetotallifecycle ofasolarthermalpowersystem,itsoutputwouldbeequivalent totheenergycontainedinmorethan5millionbarrelsofoil2).
However,thislargesolarpowerpotentialwillonlybeusedtoa limitedextentifitisrestrictedbyregionaldemandandbylocal technological and inancial resources. If solar electricity is exported to regions with a high demand for power but few indigenoussolarresources,considerablymoreofthepotential in the sun belt countries could be harvested to protect the globalclimate.CountriessuchasGermanyarealreadyseriously considering importing solar electricity from North Africa and Southern Europe as a way of contributing to the long-term sustainable development of their power sector. However, priority should be given primarily to supply for legitimate indigenousdemand.
TURNINGSOLARHEATINTOELECTRICITY Producing electricity from the energy in the sun’s rays is a straightforward process: direct solar radiation can be concentrated and collected by a range of Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) technologies to provide medium- to hightemperature heat. This heat is then used to operate a conventionalpowercycle,forexamplethroughasteamturbine oraStirlingengine.Solarheatcollectedduringthedaycanalso bestoredinliquidorsolidmediasuchasmoltensalts,ceramics, concrete or, in the future, phase-changing salt mixtures. At night, it can be extracted from the storage medium thereby continuingturbineoperation. Solarthermalpowerplantsdesignedforsolar-onlygeneration are ideally suited to satisfying summer noon peak loads in wealthy countries with signiicant cooling demands, such as Spain and California. Thermal energy storage systems are capable of expanding the operation time of solar thermal plantsevenuptobase-loadoperation.Forexample,inSpainthe 50 MWe AndaSol plants are designed with six to 12 hours thermalstorage,increasingannualavailabilitybyabout1,000 to2,500hours. Duringthemarketintroductionphaseofthetechnology,hybrid plant concepts which back up the solar output by fossil coiringarelikelytobethefavouredoption,asincommercially operating parabolic trough SEGS plants in California where somefossilfuelisusedincaseoflowerradiationintensityto secure reliable peak-load supply. Also, Integrated SolarCombined Cycle (ISCC) plants for mid- to base-load operation arebestsuitedtothisintroductionphase.Combinedgeneration ofheatandpowerbyCSPhasparticularlypromisingpotential, asthehigh-valuesolarenergyinputisusedtothebestpossible eficiency, exceeding 85%. Process heat from combined generation can be used for industrial applications, district cooling or sea water desalination. Current CSP technologies includeparabolictroughpowerplants,solarpowertowers,and parabolicdishengines(seePartTwo).Parabolictroughplants withaninstalledcapacityof354MWhavebeenincommercial operation for many years in the California Mojave desert, whilst solar towers and dish engines have been tested successfullyinaseriesofdemonstrationprojects.
avoid the risk of drastic electricity costs escalation in future. Hybrid solar-fossil fueled CSP plants, making use of special inance schemes at favourable sites, can already deliver competitivelypricedelectricity. Basically, solar thermal power plants compete with conventional,grid-connectedfossilfuel-iredpowerstations– inparticular,modern,natural-gas-iredcombinedcycleplants in mid-load or base-load operation mode. For small-scale, off grid solar power generation, such as on islands or in rural hinterlands of developing countries, competition stems basicallyfromgasoilorheavy-fuel-oil-powereddieselengine generators. However,amixtureoffactors,includingreformoftheelectricity sector, rising demand for‘green power’, and the possibility of gainingcarboncreditsfrompollution-freepowergenerationas wellasdirectsupportschemes–e.g.feed-inlawsorrenewable portfolio standards for renewable power in some countries – areallincreasingtheeconomicviabilityofsuchprojects.
WHYCONCENTRATESOLARPOWER? Concentratingsolarpower(CSP)togeneratebulkelectricityis one of the technologies best suited to helping to mitigate climate change in an affordable way, as well as reducing the consumptionoffossilfuels.
Life-cycleassessmentoftheemissionsproduced,togetherwith the land surface impacts of CSP systems, shows that they are ideally suited to the task of reducing greenhouse gases and otherpollutants,withoutcreatingotherenvironmentalrisksor contamination.EachsquaremetreofCSPconcentratorsurface, forexample,isenoughtoavoidannualemissionsof200to300 kilograms(kg)ofcarbondioxide,dependingonitsconiguration. Theenergypaybacktimeofconcentratingsolarpowersystems is of the order of just ive months. This compares very favourablywiththeirlifespanofapproximately25to30years. MostoftheCSPsolarieldmaterialscanberecycledandused againforfurtherplants.
Thecostofsolarthermalpowerwillfallwithhighervolumes. ExperiencefromtheSolarElectricGeneratingSystems(SEGS)in California (see Part Two) shows that today’s generation costs are about 15 US cents/kWh for solar generated electricity at sites with very good solar radiation. However, most of the learningcurveisstilltocome. Together,advancedtechnologies,massproduction,economies ofscaleandimprovedoperationwillenableareductioninthe costofsolarelectricitytoalevelcompetitivewithconventional, fossil-fueledpeakandmid-loadpowerstationswithinthenext tenyears.Thiswillreducedependencyonfossilfuelsand,thus,
Efforts to design devices for supplying renewable energy throughuseofthesun’sraysbegansome100yearsbeforethe oilpricecrisisofthe1970striggeredthemoderndevelopment ofrenewables.Experimentsstartedinthe1860s,withAuguste Mouchout’s irst solar-powered motor producing steam in a glass-enclosedironcauldron,andcontinuedintheearly1900s with Aubrey Eneas’ irst commercial solar motors. In 1907, a patentwasgrantedtoDr.MaierfromAalenandMr.Remshalden from Stuttgart for a parabolic trough-shaped collector to use solar irradiation directly for steam generation. In 1912, Frank Shumanusedasimilarconcepttobuilda45kWsun-tracking parabolictroughplantinMeadi,nearCairo,Egypt. TheseearlydesignsformedthebasisforR&Ddevelopmentin the late 1970s and early 1980s, when solar thermal projects were undertaken in a number of industrialised countries, including the United States, Russia, Japan, Spain and Italy (seeTable 1.1). Many of these pilot plants, covering the whole spectrumofavailabletechnology,failedtoreachtheexpected performance levels. In the following decades, activities concentratedonfurtherR&Dfortechnologyimprovements. In the mid 1980s, the American/Israeli company Luz Internationalachievedamajortechnologybreakthroughwhen theystartedtobuildparabolictroughpowerstationsinseries. EachofthenineSolarElectricGeneratingStations(SEGS)plants built between 1984 and 1991 in the California Mojave desert was bigger by far than any of the research pilot plants built shortlybefore.TheSEGSplantsstarteditssuccessstorywithan initial14MW,followedbysixplantsof30MW,inallyreaching acapacityof80MWeinthelasttwounitsbuiltbetween1989 and 1991. In total, they provide 354 MW of reliable capacity which can be dispatched to the Southern California grid. In contrast to the early R&D plants listed below, all SEGS plants havebeendeveloped,inanced,builtandarestilloperatedona purelyprivatebasis.
PARTONE:SOLARTHERMALPOWER–THEBASICS Table1.1:Earlysolarthermalpowerplants Type,HeatTransferFluid& StorageMedium
Start– upDate
Size (MWe) 1
1 0.75 14
PARTTWO:SOLARTHERMALPOWER–TECHNOLOGY,COSTSANDBENEFITS TECHNOLOGYOVERVIEW Solar thermal power plants, often also called Concentrating SolarPower(CSP)plants,produceelectricityinmuchthesame wayasconventionalpowerstations.Thedifferenceisthatthey obtaintheirenergyinputbyconcentratingsolarradiationand converting it to high-temperature steam or gas to drive a turbineormotorengine.
Four main elements are required: a concentrator, a receiver, someformoftransportmediaorstorage,andpowerconversion. Many different types of systems are possible, including combinations with other renewable and non-renewable technologies, but the three most promising solar thermal technologiesare:
Parabolictrough Parabolic trough-shaped mirror relectors are used to concentrate sunlight on to thermally eficient receiver tubes placedinthetrough’sfocalline.Athermaltransferluid,such assyntheticthermaloil,iscirculatedinthesetubes.Heatedto approximately400°Cbytheconcentratedsun’srays,thisoilis then pumped through a series of heat exchangers to produce superheatedsteam.Thesteamisconvertedtoelectricalenergy inaconventionalsteamturbinegenerator,whichcaneitherbe partofaconventionalsteamcycleorintegratedintoacombined steamandgasturbinecycle.
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Centralreceiverorsolartower ������� ��������
A circular array of heliostats (large individually tracking mirrors)isusedtoconcentratesunlightontoacentralreceiver mountedatthetopofatower.Aheat-transfermediuminthis central receiver absorbs the highly concentrated radiation relectedbytheheliostatsandconvertsitintothermalenergy tobeusedforthesubsequentgenerationofsuperheatedsteam for turbine operation. To date, the heat transfer media demonstratedincludewater/steam,moltensalts,liquidsodium andair.Ifpressurisedgasorairisusedatveryhightemperatures of about 1,000°C or more as the heat transfer medium, it can even be used to directly replace natural gas in a gas turbine, thus making use of the excellent cycle (60% and more) of moderngasandsteamcombinedcycles.
A parabolic dish-shaped relector is used to concentrate sunlightontoareceiverlocatedatthefocalpointofthedish. Theconcentratedbeamradiationisabsorbedintothereceiver toheataluidorgas(air)toapproximately750°C.Thisluidor gas is then used to generate electricity in a small piston or Stirlingengineoramicroturbine,attachedtothereceiver.
Each technology has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages,someofwhichareshowninTable2.1.
Grid-connectedplants,mid-tohigh- processheat (Highestsingleunitsolarcapacityto date:80MWe.)Totalcapacitybuilt:354 MW
Grid-connectedplants,high temperatureprocessheat (Highestsingleunitsolarcapacityto date:10MWe,withanother10MW currentlyunderconstruction.)
Stand-alone,smalloff-gridpower systemsorclusteredtolargergridconnecteddishparks (Highestsingleunitsolarcapacityto date:25kWe;recentdesignshave about10kWunitsize.)
• Commerciallyavailable–over12 billionkWhofoperationalexperience; operatingtemperaturepotentialup to500°C(400°Ccommerciallyproven)
• Goodmid-termprospectsforhigh conversioneficiencies,operating temperaturepotentialbeyond 1,000°C(565°Cprovenat10MW scale)
• Veryhighconversioneficiencies– peaksolartonetelectricconversion over30%
• Storageathightemperatures
• Hybridoperationpossible
• Hybridoperationpossible
• Operationalexperienceofirst demonstrationprojects
• Projectedannualperformancevalues, investmentandoperatingcostsstill needtobeprovenincommercial operation
• Reliabilityneedstobeimproved
• Commerciallyprovenannualnet planteficiencyof14%(solarradiation tonetelectricoutput) • Commerciallyproveninvestmentand operatingcosts
• Modularity
• Modularity • Bestland-usefactorofallsolar technologies • Lowestmaterialsdemand • Hybridconceptproven • Storagecapability • Theuseofoil-basedheattransfer mediarestrictsoperating temperaturestodayto400°C, resultinginonlymoderatesteam qualities
• Projectedcostgoalsofmass productionstillneedtobeachieved
Parabolic trough systems represent the most mature solar thermal power technology, with 354 MWe connected to the Southern California grid since the 1980s and over 2 million square metres of parabolic trough collectors operating with a long term availability of over 99%. Supplying an annual
924millionkWhatagenerationcostofabout12to15UScents/ kWh, these plants have demonstrated a maximum summer peak eficiency of 21% in terms of conversion of direct solar radiation into grid electricity (see box “The California SEGS PowerPlants”).
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PARTTWO:SOLARTHERMALPOWER–TECHNOLOGY,COSTSANDBENEFITS Figure 2.3: Operating principles and daily tracking of the SKAL ET-EuroTrough collector ��� ��
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Althoughsuccessful,theybynomeansrepresenttheendofthe learningcurve.Advancedstructuraldesignwillimproveoptical accuracyand,atthesametime,reduceweightandcosts,thus resultinginhigherthermaloutput.Byincreasingthelengthof thecollectorunits,investmentsavingscanbeachievedindrive systemsandconnectionpiping.Next-generationreceivertubes willalsofurtherreducethermallosseswhile,atthesametime, improving reliability. Improvements to the heat transfer mediumwillincreaseoperatingtemperatureandperformance. Low-costthermalbulkstoragewillincreaseannualoperating hoursandtherebyreducegenerationcosts.Mostimportantfor furthersigniicantcostreductions,however,isautomatedmass productioninordertosteadilyincreasemarketimplementation. Newstructuralcollectordesignshaverecentlybeendeveloped in Europe and the USA and are currently in their test phase, whilstworkonimprovedreceivertubesisunderwayinboth IsraelandGermany. Whatpromisestobethenextgenerationofparaboliccollector technologyhasbeenunderdevelopmentattheEuropeansolar thermal research centre, the Plataforma Solar in Spain, since 1998byaEuropeanR&Dconsortium.KnownasEuroTrough,it aims to achieve better performance and lower costs by using the same well-tried key components – parabolic mirrors and absorber tubes – as in the commercially mature Californian plants, but signiicantly enhancing the optical accuracy by a completelynewdesignforthetroughstructure.Withfunding fromtheEuropeanUnion,botha100manda150mprototypeof
SKALETParabolicTroughCollectorloop,builtbySolarMillenniumAGandFlagSolintothe operatingSEGSVplantatKramerJct.,California.
theEuroTroughweresuccessfullycommissionedin2000and 2002respectivelyatthePlataformaSolar. Anextended4,360m2loopofanadvancedEuroTroughdesign, theSKALETcollectorloopwithboth100mand150mcollector unitshasbeenbuiltintoandisinoperationattheSEGSVplant in Kramer Junction, California since spring 2003 and has operatedcontinuallyeversince.Thecostofthisdemonstration loopwassharedbetweentheGermanSKALETconsortiumand theGermanFederalMinistryfortheEnvironment(BMU).
Figure 2.4: EuroTrough ET 150 collector
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IntheUSA,anadvanced-generationtroughconcentratordesign that uses an all-aluminium space frame is currently being implemented in a 1 MW pilot plant in Arizona. The design is patternedonthesizeandoperationalcharacteristicsoftheLS-2 collector, but is superior in terms of structural properties, weight, manufacturing simplicity, corrosion resistance, manufactured cost, and installation ease. Also in Israel, an upgradedversionoftheLS2parabolictroughhasnowbecome theifthgenerationofthiswell-knownandproventechnology. ThecommercialplantsinCaliforniauseasyntheticoilasthe heat transfer luid, because of its low operating pressure and storability. However, R&D efforts are under way at the Plataforma Solar – through the DISS (Direct Solar Steam) and INDITEPprojectssponsoredbytheEuropeanCommission–to achievedirectsteamgenerationwithinabsorbertubesandto eliminate the need for an intermediate heat transfer. This increases eficiency and will further reduce costs. In the irst DISS pilot plant, direct solar steam has been generated at 100barand375°C.Followingthissuccess,thecurrentR&Deffort from the INDITEP project is focused on increasing the steam temperaturebeyond400°C.Theissueofacost-effectivephase changestoragemediumfordirectsteamsystemsisatthefocus oftheEuropeanR&DprojectDISTOR.
ALinearFresnelRelector(LFR)arrayisalinefocussystemsimilar toparabolictroughsinwhichsolarradiationisconcentratedonan elevated inverted linear absorber using an array of nearly lat relectors. With the advantages of low structural support and relector costs, ixed luid joints, a receiver separated from the relector system, and long focal lengths allowing the use of conventional glass, LFR collectors have attracted increasing attention. The technology is seen as a lower-cost alternative to trough technology for the production of solar process heat and steam. For power generation, where higher steam temperatures areneeded,LFRmuststillproveitscosteffectivenessandsystem reliability. AnLFRcanbedesigned tohavesimilar thermalperformance to that of a parabolic trough per aperture area, although recent designstendtouselessexpensiverelectormaterialsandabsorber componentswhichreduceopticalperformanceandthus,thermal
“ForthecurrentstateofparabolictroughCSPtechnology,andat verygoodsites,asolarkWhcanbegeneratedforabout15-17US cents/kWh. This generation cost will be reduced when more projectsareimplemented.CSPindustryanticipatesreducingsolar powergenerationcostsby20-25%,once1,000MWeofnewsolar
FortheSpanish50MWAndaSol1,2and3projects,theGerman project developer Solar Millennium, in full collaboration with an American engineering company, designed a six to 12 full loadhoursthermalstoragesystemoperatingwithmoltensalt, which was successfully tested in the 10 MW USA Solar Two solar tower pilot plant. Similarly, this endeavour was cost sharedbytheindustrydeveloperandtheBMU. Anotheroptionunderinvestigationisthedevelopmentofthe parabolic-line-focusing concept with segmented mirrors, accordingtotheFresnelprinciple(seebox).Althoughthiswill reduceeficiency,thedevelopersexpectaconsiderablepotential forcostreductionsincethecloserarrangementofthemirrors requireslesslandandprovidesapartiallyshaded,usefulspace underneath. To date, as a result of the regulatory framework prevailing in CaliforniaduringimplementationoftheSEGSplants(seebox), all existing commercial parabolic trough plants use a steam cycle,withaback-upnaturalgas-iredcapabilitytosupplement the solar output during periods of low radiation, up to an annualmaximumof25%ofprimarythermalheatinput.From SEGS-IIonwards,however,theSEGSplantscanbeoperatedin solar-only mode. Parabolic trough plants can be built in unit sizesupto200MW.
output.However,thislowerperformanceseemstobeoutweighed bylowerinvestmentandoperationandmaintenancecosts. In 1999, the Belgian Company Solarmundo erected the largest prototypeofaFresnelcollector,withacollectorwidthof24mand arelectorareaof2,500m2.Thenextstepshouldbeapilotplant to demonstrate the technology in a larger-scale system under commercialoperationalconditions. Mostconvenientandcost-effectivewouldbeaplug-insolutionfor aFresnelcollectorconnectedtoanexistingpowerplant.In2003, theAustraliancompanySolarHeatandPowerconstructedatest ield for its new Fresnel collector concept, equivalent to 1 MW electriccapacity,andtestedit.Thisyear(2005)hasseenthestart oftheenlargementoftheFresnelsolarield,comprising20,000m which will be connected to the large coal-ired Liddell power stationusingsolarsteamasfeed-wateraddition.Theinalstage willbearolloutto135,000m.
capacity has been implemented. Upon reaching 5,000 MWe of new solar capacity, solar electricity generation cost will be fully competitive with fossil-based grid-connected mid-load power generation.” GlobalMarketInitiative,June2004
Designed, developed and constructed by the American/Israeli companyLUZovertheperiod1984-91,andranginginsizefroman initial 14 MWe up to the last-built 80 MWe, the nine parabolic trough power plants in the California Mojave desert (total capacityof354MWe)areknowncollectivelyastheSolarElectricity Generating Systems (SEGS). They use a highly eficient steam turbinefedwithsteamfromthesolarieldforpowergeneration. The gas-ired back-up burners are used to maintain the temperature of the heat transfer luid in hours of insuficient sunshine.However,thepowerpurchaseconditionsrestrictgasuse toanannualmaximumof25%ofthetotalheatinput.Withmore than 2 million square metres of glass mirrors, the plants have generatedover12billionkWhofsolarelectricitysince1985. TheUS$1.2billionraisedtobuildtheseplantscamefromprivate riskcapitaland,withincreasingconidenceinthematurityofthe technology, from institutional investors. Although backed originally by tax incentives and attractive power-purchase contracts, these have since been withdrawn, whilst a fall in fuel pricesinthelate1980sledtoa40%reductioninelectricitysales revenue. Nonetheless, signiicant cost reductions were achieved during the construction period through increased size, performance and eficiency. All nine SEGS plants are still in proitablecommercialoperation.
The 30 MWe SEGS plants at Kramer Junction, with an annual insolationofover2,700kWh/m2,havegeneratingcostsofabout 17 US cents/kWh (expressed in 2005 US$) and operate predominantlyduringhigh-pricedsummerdaytimepeakdemand hours (mainly to cover California peak load caused by air conditioning).Theyhaveanallowancetogenerateupto25%of theannualthermaloutputbysupplementarynaturalgasiring. Theequivalentpuresolarcostswouldbe20UScents/kWh.The two80MWeSEGSplantsatHarperLake,withthesameannual insolation,havegeneratingcostsof15UScents/kWh(in2005US$). Theequivalent“solar-only”costswouldbe17UScents/kWh). Intermsofeficiency,theSEGSplantshaveachieveddailysolar-tonet electric eficiencies close to 20%, and peak eficiencies up to 21.5%.Theannualplantavailabilityconstantlyexceeds98%and thecollectorieldavailabilitymore than99%.Theiveplantsat KramerJunctionhaveachieveda30%reductioninoperationand maintenancecostsbetween1995and2000. The improvements gained in the performance of the Kramer JunctionSEGSplantshavebeentheresultofsuccessfuladaptations to the design of the solar collectors, absorber tubes and system integration by a number of companies. Ongoing development workcontinuesinEuropeandtheUSAtofurtherreducecostsina number of areas, including improvements in the collector ield, receivertubes,mirrorsandthermalstorage.
Duetoitscommercialmaturity,parabolictroughtechnologyis thepreferredchoiceofindustrialdevelopersofandinvestorsin large-scale CSP projects in Europe and the South-western United States. This also applies to Integrated Solar Combined Cycle (ISCC) projects in Algeria, Egypt, India, Iran, Mexico and Morocco, some of which are currently out for international bidding, either with inancial support of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) or through national tariff or R&D incentiveschemes.Thefollowinglarge-scaleparabolictrough projectsarecurrentlyatanadvanceddevelopmentstage:
furtherdemonstrationstepforsuchCompoundLinearFresnel (CLFR) solar ield expansion to 5 MWe has recently been awarded to the promoters, Solar Heat and Power, by the off taking utility company. After successful demonstration, the nextstepswillincludea35MWeCLFR-basedarraywhichwill be used for pre-heating steam. This system increases the electricaloutputforagivencoalinputratherthanbeingsimply a coal-replacement technology. The use of existing infrastructure reduces costs when compared to a stand-alone plant.
Without additional support from GEF’s CSP portfolio, Algeria has set up a national programme for the promotion of renewable energy sources in the frame of its Sustainable Energy Development Plan for 2020. Algeria, as the irst nonOECD country, published a feed-in law in March 2004 with elevated tariffs for renewable power production, including solar thermal power for both hybrid solar-gas operation in steam cycles, as well as integrated solar, gas- combined cycle plants. In June 2005, the irst Request for Proposals (RfP) was publishedbytheNewEnergyAlgeria(NEAL)Agencyfora150 MWISCCplantwithparabolictroughtechnologytobeprivately inancedandoperated.
Havingpassedthesuccessfulpre-qualiicationstepofa1MWe equivalent pilot installation at the large, coal-ired 2,000 MW Liddell power station in Hunter Valley, New South Wales, a
InAugust2003,theNewandRenewableEnergyAgency(NREA) changed the GEF-sponsored, formerly structured as an IndependentPowerProject(IPP)approachtoanationalutility ownedimplementation–andassignedthepreparationofthe conceptualdesignandtheRequestforProposal(RfP)toFichtner SolarGmbH.InFebruary2005,theEgyptianauthoritiesdecided tochangethepreviousRfP,whichwasstructuredonaturnkey basisforthecompleteISCCof150MWecapacity(withasolar contributionof30MWe),intoRfPsfortwodistinctlots,onefor SolarIslandandonefortheCombinedCycleIsland.Newprequaliicationandbiddocumentsweredevelopedin2004,while NREAsecuredtherequiredco-inancing.Itisexpectedthatthe contracts for the Solar Island and the Combined Cycle Island willbeawardedbymid2006andtheplantwillstartoperations bytheendof2008.
Rajasthan Renewable Energy Corporation (RREC) published a RequestforProposals(RfP)inJune2002foranISCC(Integrated Solar Combined Cycle Power Plant) of 140 MWe capacity, incorporatingaparabolictroughsolarieldofabout220,000m2 toprovideanapproximately30MWesolarthermalcontribution. Theincrementalsolarcostsweretobecoveredbyagrantfrom Global Environment Facility (GEF) and with further soft loan inancingfromtheGermanKfWbankandloansfromIndiaand thestateofRajasthan.FichtnerSolarGmbHhadpreparedthe initial feasibility study, the conceptual design as well as the Request for Proposal for an EPC cum O&M contract. Limited competition, high risks on uncertain fossil fuel supply and some administrational disputes delayed the project. After extensive review of the underlying technical and project implementation concept, GEF is now seeking re-afirming of the commitment from all Indian participants to continue the project.
Since1997,thegovernmentofIranhasbeeninterestedinthe implementation of a 200,000–400,000 m2 parabolic trough ieldintoa300MWnatural-gas-iredcombinedcycleplantin the Luth desert in the area of Yazd. For that reason, Iran had approachedGEFwitharequesttoinancetheincrementalcost ofthesolarield.AsGEFwasnotinthepositiontoallocateany additionalresourcesforthisrequest,in2005,Iranhaschanged theplantconigurationandnowintendstobuildasolarield, equivalent to about 17MWe, also to power the envisaged upgradeofinstalledgasturbinesata467MWcombinedcycle plant.
In November 2001, the Israeli Ministry of National Infrastructure,alsoresponsiblefortheenergysector,decidedto introduce CSP as a strategic ingredient for Israel’s electricity market. A feasibility study, identifying necessary incentive premiums for CSP, was completed in late 2003 and is under reviewbytheIsraelPublicUtilitiesAuthorityforthedrawing up of an adequate feed-in law. Recent Israeli information suggests that a national CSP programme is currently under way,encompassingabout500MWofCSPcapacityby2010and another1,000MWby2015.
In 2001, the Italian Parliament allocated ¤ 55 million for CSP development and a national demonstration programme. In early 2004, a co-operation agreement between the National Environmental and Renewable Research centre, ENEA and ENEL,oneofItaly’sandEurope’sbiggestutilitycompanies,was signed to develop the Archimede project in Sicily as the irst Italiansolarplantintegratedwithanexistingcombinedcycle plant with advanced parabolic trough technology, using new collectordesign,newabsorbertubesandmoltensaltsasheat transferandthermalstorageluid.
Mexico’sComisiónFederaldeElectricidad(CFE)issuedaRfPin March2002fora250MWgas-iredcombinedcycleplantwith anoptionalintegratedparabolictroughsolarieldofatleast25 MW electrical output. The incremental solar costs should be covered by a grant from GEF. As investor’s response to this concept was very limited, it was decided in 2003 that an EPC schemewithCFEastheGEFgrantrecipientshouldbepursued. Thesolarieldwouldnolongerbeanoptionbutcompulsory.In 2005,theplantlocationwaschangedtoSonoraStateanditwas suggestedbyCFEthatthecombinedcyclesizebedoubledfrom 250to500MW.
In1999,agrantofUS$50millionfromtheGEFwascommitted toMoroccofora220MWISCCprojectwith30MWequivalent solarcapacity.Onbehalfofthenationalutilitycompany,Ofice National de l’Electricité (ONE) and GEF, Fichtner Solar GmbH preparedtheRfPwiththechoiceoftechnologybeinglefttothe bidding investors. When investor interest in a merchant Independent Power Project appeared non-existent, the approach was changed to a national utility-owned project. In August 2004, industry response to that new RfP concept was signiicant,leadingtothepre-qualiicationoffourinternational consortia. In February 2005, bid preparation documents were submitted to the World Bank for“Non-Objection”. Additional inancing has already been committed by the African Development Bank. The contract award is expected early in 2006,andthestartofoperationsattheendof2008.
Today, Spain is probably the hottest spot on earth for CSP projectdevelopment.InAugust2002,theirstEuropeanfeed-in law, explicitly regulating CSP for a solar resource-wise suficiently appropriate region, initiated early CSP project developments, such as those of Solar Millennium for the 50 MWeparabolictroughAndaSolprojectsinAndalusia.Following an increase in the Spanish solar thermal incentive premium from12to18¤cents/kWhinMarch2004,overadozenfurther 50 MWe solar thermal parabolic trough project developments were started. Developers include general contractors such as AbengoaandACS/Cobra,theSpanishindustrypartnerofSolar MillenniumfortheAndaSolplants,aswellasutilitycompanies likeEHN,thepartneroftheAmericanCSPdeveloperSolargenix, Iberdrola, Hidrocantabrico-Genesa and others. It is expected that about 500 MW of CSP capacities could be installed by 2010.
In 2003, Nevada Power signed a long-term power purchase agreement(PPA)withSolargenixEnergy(formerlyDukeSolar) for a 50 MW parabolic trough power plant to be built in EldoradoValleynearLasVegas.Thisplantisdesignedtooperate in solar-only mode. In 2005, the envisaged capacity has been increasedto64MW.Financialclosureisexpectedtotakeplace bytheendof2005orearly2006andconstructionshouldstart immediatelyafter.Priortothestartoftheconstructionofthis 64MWplant,a1MWparabolictroughtestplantwithorganic rankine-cycle turbine, also designed and built by Solargenix,
PARTTWO:SOLARTHERMALPOWER–TECHNOLOGY,COSTSANDBENEFITS willbeputintooperationinSeptember2005.InAugust2005, theAmericansolardishdeveloperSESandSouthernCalifornia Edison, Southern California’s biggest utility company have announced the signature of a long-term power purchase agreement (PPA) for a huge, 500 MW dish park with, with an option for further 350 MW. This PPA will be exercised once a irst 1 MW dish park, consisting of 40 individual 25 kW dishsterlingsystems,hasbeensuccessfullybuiltandtestedbySES. With the positive recommendations of Governor Schwarzenegger’sSolarTaskForcesinCalifornia,theWesternGovernors Association´s and New Mexico’s CSP Task Force, a revival of solar thermal power is expected in the USA soon. This is underlined by intensiied project development activities by a varietyofcompanies.
Between 1984 and 1991, the installed capital costs of the Californian SEGS Rankine-cycle trough systems with on-peak poweroperationfellfromUS$4,000/kWetounderUS$3,000/ kWemainlyduetotheincreaseinsizefrom30to80MWeunits andseriesexperience. The investment cost of parabolic trough ields has currently dropped to ¤ 210/m2 for enhanced collectors like the SKAL ET EuroTroughdesignwithlargesolarields,andwillfalltoabout ¤ 110-130/m2forhigh-productionrunsinthelongterm.A15% solar ield investment cost reduction can be expected in developingcountries,comparedtoUSA/Europeanpricelevels, duetolowerlabourcosts. According to a World Bank assessment of the USA/European solar thermal power plant market (“Cost Reduction Study for Solar Thermal Power Plants”, Final Report, May 1999), the installedcapitalcostsofnear-termtroughplantsareexpected to be in the range of ¤ 3,500-2,440/kWe for 30-200 MWe Rankine-cycle(SEGStype)plantsandabout¤ 1,080/kWefor130 MWehybridISCCplantswith30MWeequivalentsolarcapacity.
Theprojectedtotalplantpowergenerationcostsrangefrom10 to7¤cents/kWhforSEGStypeplantsandlessthan7¤cents/ kWhforISCCplants. The expected further drop in capital costs of grid-connected ISCCtroughplantsshouldresultinelectricitycostsof6¤cents/ kWhinthemediumtermand5¤cents/kWhinthelongterm. Thepromisinglong-termpotentialisthatRankine-cycletrough plants can compete with conventional peaking to mid-load Rankine-cycleplants(coal-oroil-ired)atgoodsolarsites.The cost reduction potential of direct steam generation trough technologyisevengreaterinthelongerterm.InAustralia,the CLFR total plant electricity costs have been estimated to be about AU$ 0.045/kWh when used in conjunction with coalired plants, and AU$ 0.07/kWh to AU$ 0.09/kWh as a standalonesolarthermalplant. Table2.3showshowsubstantiallythesecostreductionscould beachievedoverthenextivetotenyears,especiallyforplants withverylargesolarields.Similarly,theanalysisshowsthat projectscouldbebuiltcheaperoutsidethedevelopedworld.In apre-feasibilitystudyforaCSPplantinBrazil,forexample,it wasestimatedthattheconstructioncostofa100MWRankinecycleplantwouldbejustUS$2,660/kWtoday,19%lowerthan in the USA, with savings in labour, materials and, to some extent, equipment. A number of companies interested in building GEF projects have indicated that using local labour and manufacturing capabilities in India, Egypt, Morocco and Mexico will be the key to their competitive bidding at a low cost. AnAmericaninitiativecalledtheParabolicTroughTechnology Roadmap,developedjointlybyindustryandtheUSDepartment of Energy’s SunLab, identiied a number of potential improvements. The initiative suggests that further cost reductionsandperformanceincreasesofupto50%arefeasible forparabolictroughtechnology.
Table2.3:Costreductionsinparabolictroughsolarthermalpowerplants Near-Term (NextPlantBuilt)
Near-Term (NextPlantBuilt)
Near-Term (NextPlantBuilt)
Mid-Term (~5Years)
Long-Term (~10Years)
Long-Term (~10Years)
CapitalCost($/kW) USPlant International O&MCost($/kWh)
3,500 3,000 0.023
2,400 2,000 0.011
3,100 2,600 0.011
2,100 1,750 0.009
1,800 1,600 0.007
2,500 2,100 0.005
PowerCycle SolarField(,000m2) Storage(hours)
Figure 2.5: Parabolic trough power plant with hot and cold tank thermal storage system and oil steam generator
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The average sunlight concentration of tower systems varies withtheprocesstemperaturefromabout500timesfor540°C steam cycles to several thousand times concentration for applicationsat1,000°Candbeyondforgasturbineorcombined cycleselectricity,andthermochemicalcyclesforproductionof industrialmaterialsorsyntheticfuelslikehydrogen.
be collected during daylight hours and dispatched as highvalue electric power at night or when required by the utility. Therefore, in the USA sun belt regions, a plant could meet demandforthewholeofthesummerpeakperiods(afternoon, duetoair-conditioners,andevening).Indevelopingcountries, this storage capability could be even more important, with peaktimesonlyoccurringduringtheevening.
Thetechnicalfeasibilityofcentralreceivertechnologywasirst provedduringthe1980sbytheoperationofsixresearchpower plantsrangingfrom1to5MWecapacity,andbyone10MWe demonstrationplantwithawater/steamreceiver,connectedto theSouthernCaliforniagrid.Theirtotalnetelectricalcapacity was21.5MWe,withaninstalledheliostatmirrorareaofabout 160,000 m2. Commercial solar tower operation has still to be demonstrated, although solar tower developers now feel conidentthatgrid-connectedtowerpowerplantscanbebuilt up to a capacity of 200 MWe solar-only units. Conceptual designs of units with more than 100 MWe have also been drawnupforISCCplants.
Today,themostpromisingstoragesystemsareconsideredtobe the European volumetric air technology and the USA moltensalt technology. The latter is now ready to be commercially demonstrated,andaprojectledbySener(Spain)ispromoting theirstcommercialcentralreceiverplantwithsupportofEU andSpanishgrants.Thisproposed15MWeSolarTresplantin Spainwillutilisea16-hourmolten-saltstoragesystemtorun ona24-hourbasisinsummertime.Molten-saltstoragecoupled with central receiver/tower technology is unique among all renewableenergytechnologiesinthattheadditionofstorage3 reduces energy cost and increases its value by enabling dispatchtopeakdemandperiods.
Forgasturbineoperation,theairtobeheatedmustirstpass through a pressurised solar receiver with a sealing window. Integrated Solar Combined Cycle power plants using this method will require 30% less collector area than equivalent steamcycles.Atpresent,airstprototypetodemonstratethis conceptisbeingbuiltaspartoftheEuropeanSOLGATEproject, withthreereceiverunitscoupledtoa250kWgasturbine.
The European system involves irradiating ine wire mesh or ceramic foam structures, and transferring the energy by convection at a temperature range of 700-1,200°C. Tests conducted in the joint German/Spanish Phoebus project; between 1993 and 1995, with a German 2.5 MWth pilot plant demonstrated the feasibility of the volumetric air receiver systemconceptwithaceramicenergystoragesystem.
Various central receiver heat transfer media have been investigated,includingwater/steam,liquidsodium,moltensalt andambientair.Thosestoragesystemsallowssolarenergyto
As with parabolic troughs, efforts are under way to develop commercial central receiver plants using solar/fossil fuel hybrid systems. Although the ISCC coniguration, where solar
1. uptoabout13hoursyieldinga70%capacityfactoratahighsolarresourcelocation
PARTTWO:SOLARTHERMALPOWER–TECHNOLOGY,COSTSANDBENEFITS heatisaddedtothebottomingsteamcycle,favoursthelower temperature of the trough designs, high-temperature air receivers for tower technology allow heat addition to the toppinggasturbinecycleatmuchhigherconversioneficiency. Couplingtheoutputofthehightemperaturesolarsystemtoa gas turbine also has the potential for faster start-up times, lower installation and operating expenses, and perhaps a smaller,moremodularsystem. Sinceheliostatsrepresentthelargestsinglecapitalinvestment in a central receiver plant, efforts continue to improve their design with better optical properties, lighter structure and bettercontrol.Activitiesincludethe150m2heliostatdeveloped by Advanced Thermal Systems (USA), the 170 m2 heliostat developed by Science Applications International Corporation (USA),the150m2stretched-membraneASM-150heliostatfrom Steinmüller (Germany), and the 100 m2 glass/metal GM-100 heliostat from Spain. Initiatives to develop low-cost manufacturing techniques for early commercial low-volume builds are also under way, whilst prices for manufacture in a developingcountrycouldberoughly15%belowUSA/European levels. As with many solar thermal components, the price should fall signiicantly with economies of scale in manufacture. Central receiver plants have reached commercial status with theerectionofPS10plant,11MWsolartowerwhichistheirstof the new wave of CSP projects in Spain. Potential for improvementisalreadyhigh,assolartowershavegoodlonger termprospectsforhighconversioneficiencies.
Currentsolartowerprojects Spain
The irst two commercial solar tower plants in the 10-15 MW range are currently being prepared for or are already under construction within the Spanish solar thermal incentive programme. TheSpanishcompanySolucar,belongingtotheAbengoagroup, is currently constructing a 11MW solar tower plant with saturated steam receiver technology, known as PS10. With a 75.000m2heliostatield,thePS10willfeedanannual23GWhof solar electricity to the grid, and will achieve a 17.0% annual conversion eficiency from solar radiation to electricity (without cosine effect), thanks to the high eficiency of the cavity geometry and the low temperature of its receiver. The system includes the use of a small turbine, which makes the concept interesting for modular distributed electricity generationsystems.Solucarhasalreadygivenpermissionfora furthertwo20MWsolartowerplantsofthesametype. The Spanish company SENER is promoting the 15MW solar towerprojectSolarTreswithmolten-saltreceiverandstorage technologyfor24-hourround-the-clockoperation.
TheSouthAfricannationalelectricityutilityEskomhastakena strategicdecisiontopursuemolten-saltsolartowertechnology
withinitsprogrammeonbulkrenewableelectricity,aimingfor a series of 100 MW commercial solar towers. The project is currentlyassessingthefeasibilityofa100MWpilotproject.
Installed capital costs for central receiver pilot plants are still toohigh,andnoelectricitygenerationcostsfromcommercially scaled-up plants are yet available. Central receiver plants will take credit, however, for their potential for the favourable application of high-temperature energy storage systems. This willincreasetheplantcapacityfactor,reduceelectricitycosts, andincreasethevalueofpowerbyenablingdispatchtopeak demandperiods. Promoters of new near-term tower projects in Spain, such as the 10 MW PS10 plant with three hours of storage, have indicated their installed plant capital costs to be roughly ¤ 2,700/kWe, with Rankine-cycle turbines and a small energy storagesystem,andwithpredictedtotalplantelectricitycosts rangingfrom20to14¤ cents/kWh.Thetotalcapitalcostforthe 15MWSolarTresplant,with16hoursofstorage,isestimatedto be ¤ 84 million, with annual operating costs of about ¤ 2million.Theexpectedcostsforinstallingtheheliostatield rangefrom¤ 180to¤ 250/m2forsmallproductionrunsinthe USA,andfrom¤ 140to¤ 220/m2inEurope.A15%discounton theUSA/Europeanpricelevelcanbeprojectedfordeveloping countriesbecauseoflowerlabourcosts.Heliostatieldcostsare expectedtodropbelow¤ 100/m2athighproductionrunsinthe longterm. In the future, central receiver plant projects will beneit from similarcostreductionstothoseexpectedfromparabolictrough plants.AccordingtotheWorldBank,theexpectedevolutionof totalelectricitycostsisthattheywilldropto8to7¤cents/kWh inthemediumterm(100MWeRankine-cycleplantor100MWe ISCC,bothwithstorage)andto5¤cents/kWhinthelongterm (200MWeRankine-cycleplantwithstorage)forhighinsolation siteswithanannualDNIofmorethan2,700kWh/m2.
Parabolic dish concentrators are comparatively small units with a motor generator at the focal point of the relector. Overallsizetypicallyrangesfrom5to15metresindiameterand 5to50kWofpoweroutput.Likeallconcentratingsystems,they canbeadditionallypoweredbynaturalgasorbiogas,providing reliablecapacityatanytime. As a result of their ideal point focusing parabolic optics and their dual axis tracking control, dish collectors achieve the highest solar lux concentration, and therefore the highest performance of all concentrator types. For economic reasons, systems are currently restricted to unit capacities of about 25 kWe,butmultipledisharrayscanbeusedinordertoaccumulate the power output upwards to the MWe range. Because of its size, the future for dish technology lies primarily in decentralised power supply and remote, stand-alone power systems.
Since the 1970s, several small off-grid power systems with parabolic dish units in the range of 5 to 50 kWe have proved theirtechnicalfeasibilityinexperimentalprojectsaroundthe world. Dish/Stirling engine systems in particular have an excellentpotentialforhighconversioneficienciesbecauseof thehighprocesstemperaturesintheengine.Therecordenergy yieldsofarhasbeenfroma25kWeUSAdish/Stirlingsystem withasolar-to-electriceficiencyof30%.
pipe receivers and Stirling engines are currently under development with the aim of reducing costs. A further six demonstrationdisheshavebeenimplemented,withinancial support from the German Ministry for Environment, by the German company SBP in Germany, Spain, France, Italy and India. The Spanish one at Seville University’s Engineering Department is the irst CSP system to sell solar thermal electricityunderthenewSpanishfeed-inlaw.
Dish/engineprototypeswhichhavesuccessfullyoperatedover the last ten years include 7 to 25 kW units developed in the UnitedStatesbyAdvanco,theMcDonnellDouglasCorporation, theCumminsEngineCompanyandothers,althoughlargescale deploymenthasnotyetoccurred.InSpain,sixunitswitha9to 10 kW rating are currently operating successfully. These were developedbytheGermancompanySchlaich,Bergermannund Partner (sbp), working with Mero (suppliers of the collector system) and SOLO Kleinmotoren (Stirling engine). Three of thesedisheshavebeenoperatedcontinuallywithgreatsuccess since1992,accumulatingmorethan30,000hoursofoperating experience.
The new EuroDish development, supported by the European Union,willadvancethistechnologyfurther.Atthesametime, two industrial teams working in the United States – Stirling Energy Systems/Boeing Company and Science Applications International Corporation/STM Corp – have installed several second-generation25kWdish/Stirlingprototypesforextended testing and evaluation. Finally, WG Associates have demonstrated the irst unattended, remote operation of an advanced technology 10 kW dish/Stirling prototype. Turnkey dish/Stirlingsystems,withtheoptionofhybridoperationwith gas combustion, are currently under development and are expected to be available soon for initial demonstration projects.
Currentprojects UnitedStates
In July 2002, the US Department of Energy’s Concentrating SolarPowerProgramissuedarequestforproposalsforaproject to deploy 1 MW or more of dish/engine systems at a site in SouthernNevada.Thisieldvalidationschemeisknownasthe Nevada Solar Dish Power Project. Last year, SES, an American dishdeveloper,hasbuilt5dish-sterlingsystemsof25kW,each, at the American National Solar Research test facility, Sandia, Albuquerque. In August 2005, SES announced conclusion of a 500 MW power purchase agreement (PPA) with Southern California Edison utility, with a future option of another 350 MW. The PPA is conditional upon SES’s successful implementation and operation of an initial 1 MW solar dish parktestfacilityconsistingof40dish-sterlingsystemswith25 kW,each.
A demonstration project at the PSA in Spain involves six Germandish/Stirlingpre-commercialunitswith9to10kWel capacity each. Over 30,000 operating hours have been accumulatedbytheearliestsystem.Promisingadvancedheat
The cost trend for dish collectors has already shown a sharp reduction from ¤ 1,250/m2 in 1982 (40 m2 array, Shenandoah, USA) to ¤ 150/m2 in 1992 (44 m2 array, German SBP stretched membranedish).Overallinstalledplantcapitalcostsforairst stand-alone9to10kWedish/Stirlingunitcurrentlyrangefrom ¤ 10,000to¤ 14,000/kWe.Ifaproductionrunof100unitsper yearwereachieved,thiscouldfallto¤ 7,100/kWe.Intermsof electricitycosts,anattainablenear-termgoalisaigureofless than15¤cents/kWh.Inthemediumtolongterm,withseries production,dish/Stirlingsystemsareexpectedtoseeadrastic decreaseininstalledsystemcosts. The goal of the European EuroDish project is for a reduction from¤ 7,100/kWe,ataproductionrateof100unitsperyear,to ¤ 3,700/kWe (1,000 units/year) to ¤ 2,400/kWe (3,000 units/ year)andeventuallyto¤ 1,600/kWe(10,000units/year).Prices areunlikelytofallbelowthatlevelduetotheinherentlyhighly modular technology. Medium- to long-term installed dish collectorcostsarepredictedtobeintherangeof¤ 125to¤ 105/ m2 for high production rates. Advanced dish/Stirling systems are expected to compete in the medium to long term with similar-sizeddieselgeneratorunitsatsunnyremotesitessuch asislands. A1999Americanstudyontheutilitymarketpotentialfordish systemsconcludedthatcostswillneedtofalltobetweenUS$ 2,000 and US$ 1,200/kWe in order to achieve any signiicant market uptake. For initial market sectors, such as distributed generation, reliability and O&M costs will be crucial factors. Parabolic dish system commercialisation may well be helped byhybridoperation,althoughthispresentsagreaterchallenge withStirlingengines.Gas-turbinebasedsystemsmaypresenta moreeficientalternative. In 2005, the USA dish developer SES announced, that the company might be able to offer electricity from dish/Stirling engines in California for about the cost of a conventional generatedpeakingkWh,ifpowerpurchaseagreementsof5001,000 MW were available. These context has been achieved withtherecentpublicationofaPPAfor500MWwithSCE.
Two broad pathways have opened up for the large-scale delivery of electricity using solar thermal power. One is to combine the solar collection and heat transfer process with a conventional power plant. The most favoured current combination is the Integrated Solar/Combined Cycle system (ISCC).
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Essentially, the ISCC system uses the CSP element as a solar boilertosupplementthewasteheatfromagasturbineinorder toaugmentpowergenerationinthesteamRankinebottoming cycle (see Figure 2.6). Although yet to be built, studies have shownthateficiencywouldbeimprovedandoperatingcosts reduced, cutting the overall cost of solar thermal power by as much as 22% compared with a conventional SEGS plant (25% fossil)ofsimilarsize. Thesesystemscouldstillhaveanequivalentsolarcapacityof 30 to 40 MWe, and promise to be quite attractive as a way of introducing the technology to the market. They would also have the advantage of allowing mid-load to base-load operation,asopposedtothepeak-loadusewhichistheprimary market for SEGS plants. Increasing attention is being paid, however, to entirely solar-based systems. This is relected, for instance, in the incentive programmes currently available in both Spain and Nevada, USA, for which only 85-100% solar operation is eligible, whilst the World Bank-backed Global Environment Facility, an important source of funding, is supportinghybridISCCsystemswithalowsolarshare. Currentdrasticallyincreasingfuelpricesandpowershortages for summer daytime peaking power in South-west USA and SouthernSpainsuggestthatCSPsystemswilltodayindtheir primemarketsegmentinthissummeronpeaks.Here,power generation cost differences, compared to typically used gas turbineoperation,aresmallest. The market for 100% solar only operation will broaden still furtherwiththeuseofthermalstorageasawayofstoringthe sun’sheatuntilrequiredforpowergeneration.Arecentstudy, part of the USA Trough Initiative, evaluated several thermal
storageconcepts,withthepreferreddesignusingmoltensalts as the storage medium, as already chosen for the Solar Two pilot plant in California. Such a storage system will also be implemented in most of the 50 MW parabolic trough plants nowbeingpromotedinSpain. Solarenergycollectedbythesolarieldduringthedaywillbe storedinthestoragesystemandthendispatchedaftersunset. To charge the storage system, the salt is heated up to approximately384°C;todischargethesystem,itiscooleddown againtoabout291°C.Atbothtemperaturesthesaltisinaliquid state.Coldandhotsaltarestoredinseparatetanks,givingthe system its “two-tank” label. A thermal storage system with separate cold and hot tanks has the advantage that charging anddischargingoccuratconstanttemperatures. Figure2.7showsaprocesslowdiagramoftheAndaSol-1plant, with a two-tank molten-salt storage system. In this coniguration,hotthermalluidfromthesolarieldisdiverted toaheatexchangerwhereitsthermalenergypassestothesalt lowarrivingfromthecoldtank.Thisheatsupandaccumulates in the hot tank. During the night or at times of reduced radiation, the charging process is reversed, and salt from the hot tank is pumped to the heat exchanger, where the salt returns its thermal energy to the cold thermal luid. The thermalluidheatsuptokeepproducingsteamfortheturbine, whilethecooledsaltaccumulatesagaininthecoldtank. Intermsofcosts,experiencesofarhasbeenalmostexclusively from parabolic trough systems, such as the Californian SEGS plants.Forcurrenttroughsystemswith100%solaroperation, costs are in the range of 15-17 US cents/kWh in high solar radiationareasoftheUSSouth-westandabout20eurocents/
Figure 2.7: Flow diagram of solar field, storage system and steam cycle at the AndaSol-1 project, southern Spain
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kWhinthemediumsolarradiationareasoftheMediterranean. These costs can be cut down by 30-50% through the implementation of the irst 5,000 MW within the market introductionconceptoftheGlobalMarketInitiativeforCSP.
ENVIRONMENTALBENEFITS Solar thermal power involves hardly any of the polluting emissions or environmental safety concerns associated with conventional,fossilornuclear-basedpowergeneration.Thereis verylittlepollutionintheformofexhaustgases,dustorfumes. Decommissioning a system is not problematic. Most importantly, in terms of the wider environment, there are no
Carbondioxideisresponsibleformorethan50%oftheman-made greenhouse effect, making it the most important contributor to climatechange.Itisproducedmainlybytheburningoffossilfuels. Naturalgasistheleastdirtyofthefossilfuelsbecauseitproduces roughly half the quantity of carbon dioxide and less of other polluting gases. Nuclear power produces very little CO2, but has othermajorpollutionproblemsassociatedwithitsoperationand wasteproducts. Theconsequencesofclimatechangealreadyapparenttodayinclude: • TheproportionofCO2intheatmospherehasrisenby30%since industrialisationbegan. • The number of natural disasters has trebled since the 1960s. The resulting economic damage has increased by a factor of 8.5. • Thesevenwarmestyearsoverthelast130wererecordedduring thepast11years.
emissions of carbon dioxide in solar-only operation of a solar thermal plant – the main gas responsible for global climate change (see panel “Climate change and fuel choices”). If additional fossil fuel is used to back peak-load operation, in proportion to the solar share achieved, emissions are still signiicantlylower.AlthoughindirectemissionsofCOcoccurat otherstagesofthelifecycle,thesearenegligiblecomparedto theemissionsavoidedfrompowergeneration. Solar power can therefore make a substantial contribution towards international commitments to reducing the steady increaseinthelevelofgreenhousegasesandtheircontribution toclimatechange(seepanel“Theclimatechangeimperative”).
• T he mass of inland glaciers has been halved since industrialisationbegan. • Rainfallintemperateandnorthernlatitudeshasincreasedby 5% since 1950. Average wind speed has also increased signiicantly. • Sealevelhasrisenby10-20centimetresin thelast100years, 9-12cmofthisinthelast50. Becauseofthetimelapsebetweenemissionsandtheireffects,the full consequences of developing climate change have still to emergeoverthecomingdecades,bringingincreaseddangertothe stabilityoftheworld’seconomyandlifestyle. Therefore,toeffectivelystemthegreenhouseeffect,emissionsof COcmustbegreatlyreduced.Scientistsbelievethatonlyaquarter of the fossil fuel reserves which can be developed commercially todayoughttobeallowedtobeburnedifecosystemsarenotto gobeyondthepointatwhichtheyareabletoadapt.
• A n early start and rapid conclusion of negotiations for the second commitment period (2013-2017) of the Kyoto Protocol, continuing the absolute emission-reduction caps for industrialized countries and increasing them to at least 30% overall reductions for the third commitment period (20182022).This must include improving and strengthening the so called‘lexiblemechanisms’oftheProtocol,usingthepriceof carbon to drive the development and diffusion of the clean technologies the world so desperately needs. The countries coveredbythesecapsshouldbebroadenedsomewhat,andall effortsmustbemadetobringtheUSandAustraliabackinto the system, but must move ahead regardless of what the US does; • A new‘decarbonisation’track,engagingrapidlyindustrializing countriessuchasChina,IndiaandBrazilinmajorprogramsto ‘decarbonise’theireconomies,toincreasetheirprogresstolow and no-carbon technologies faster than ‘business-as-usual’ while,atthesametime,respectingtheirlegitimateaspirations foreconomicgrowthandabetterstandardoflivingfortheir citizens. The industrialized countries must help to accelerate
Thegrowing threatofglobalclimatechangeresultingfrom the build-upofgreenhousegasesintheearth’satmospherehasforced nationalandinternationalbodiesintoaction.Startingfromthe RioEarthSummitin1992,aseriesoftargetshavebeensetbothfor reducinggreenhousegasemissionsandincreasingthetake-upof renewableenergy,includingsolarpower.Tenyearslater,however, theWorldSummitforSustainableDevelopmentinJohannesburg still failed to agree on legally binding targets for renewables, prompting the setting up of a “coalition of the willing”. The EuropeanUnionandmorethanadozennationsfromaroundthe worldexpressedtheirdisappointmentwiththeSummit’sinaction by issuing a joint statement called “The Way Forward on RenewableEnergy”.LaterrenamedtheJohannesburgRenewable EnergyCoalition,morethan85countrieshadjoinedbythetime oftheRenewables2004conferenceinBonn.
The Kyoto Protocol is the world’s only international agreement withbindingtargetstoreducegreenhousegasemissions.Assuch, itistheprimarytoolgovernmentsoftheworldhavetoaddress climate change. Speciically, the Protocol requires a nominal 5 percentreductioninemissionsbydevelopedcountriesworld-wide relative to 1990 levels, by 2008-2012. To meet this world-wide target, each country is obligated to its individual target - the European Union (EU[15]) 8 percent, Japan 6 percent, etc. These individualtargetsarederivedfrompastgreenhousegasemissions. Inadditiontolegallybindingnationalemissionstargets,theKyoto Protocolincludesvarioustradingmechanisms.
thedisseminationoflow-andno-carbontechnologyathome andinrapidlyindustrializingcountriesinthedevelopingworld. Renewableenergy,energyeficiencyandfuelswitchingtoless carbon-intensive fuels – these are the ways to ‘engage’ the largeemittersintheindustrializingworldintheglobaleffortto protecttheclimate; • S erious,concertedglobalactiontohelptheworld’spoorestand most vulnerable countries adapt to the impacts of climate change which are already upon us, and which will get much worseinthecomingdecades.Thedevelopedworldhasalegal, political and moral responsibility to assist these countries to deal with the loods, droughts, storms, disease and famine whicharebeingexacerbatedbyclimatechange;ontopofthe overriding responsibility to limit these impacts as much as is humanly possible. But whatever happens, millions of people will be displaced by climate change, their livelihoods will be disrupted or destroyed, and the tens of thousands who die annually from climate change impacts today will no doubt growtohundredsofthousandsandperhapsmillionsperyear untilwegetthisproblemundercontrol.
Now that the Protocol is law, formal preparations will begin to createa‘global’carbonmarketforemissionstradingby2008,and the so-called ‘lexible mechanisms’ - the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and Joint Implementation (JI) - will become operational. The Kyoto Protocol was originally agreed on in 1997 - although manycrucialdetailswerelefttolatertalks.Inordertoenterinto force(becomelaw)theProtocolrequiredratiicationbyatleast55 countriesaccountingforatleast55percentofthecarbondioxide emissions from Annex B (industrialised) nations. So far, 129 countries have ratiied or acceded to the Protocol. It passed the number of countries test in 2002, and inally passed the second hurdlewithratiicationbytheRussianFederationinlate2004. NotablyabsentfromtheProtocolistheUS;whichshowsnosigns of ratifying the treaty, at least not as long as the Bush administration is in power - even though the US is the world’s biggestgreenhousegaspolluter.Australia,Liechtenstein,Croatia andMonacoalsohaveyettocompletetheratiicationprocess. The international issue now is what objectives for reduction in greenhousegaseswillfollowonfromthepresent2008-12target period.The EU Heads of states meeting in March recommended that “reduction pathways… in the order of 15- 30% by 2020, comparedtothebaselineenvisagedintheKyotoProtocol…should be considered.” Furthermore, it is critical that the next round of emissionsreductionsbeagreedsoon,so that themarketisclear that thestrongsystemsentby theentryintoforceof theKyoto Protocolcontinuesbeyond2012.
PARTTHREE:THEGLOBALSOLARTHERMALMARKET INTERNATIONALMARKETOVERVIEW DespitethesuccessofthenineSEGSoperatinginCalifornia,no newcommercialplantshavebeenbuiltsince1991.Therearea numberofreasonsforthis,someofwhichledtothecollapseof the project‘s sponsors, Luz International, including the steady fallinenergypricesduringthe1980s,andadelayinrenewing California’s solar tax credits. Others stem from the fact that solar thermal plants still generate electricity at a higher cost thanfossil-fueledplants. Progressindevelopingthemarkethasbeenfurtherhampered by the worldwide liberalisation of the electricity sector. This hassigniicantlyaffectedtheviabilityoflarge,capital-intensive generating plants. Lack of either irm market prices or longterm power purchase agreements has increased uncertainty and lowered the depreciation times for capital investments. Theresulthasbeenashifttowardslowcapitalcostplantlike combined cycle gas iring, with quick build times, installed costsfallingtobelow$500/kWandgenerationeficienciesof over50%.Inthisclimate,solarthermalplantwillneedtoscale uptolargerunitcapacitiesinordertocompetesuccessfullyfor thegenerationofbulkelectricity.
Against this trend has been the growing pressure from international agreements, often translated into national targets and support mechanisms, for the accelerated development of power systems which do not pollute the environmentandproducelittleornocarbondioxideemissions. But although ‘green power markets’ have been advancing in both Europe and North America, with premiums paid by customers or state funds for electricity generated from renewable sources, solar thermal has generally not been includedinthelistofqualifyingtechnologies. Even so, new opportunities are opening up as a result of the global search for clean energy solutions. Some of the main sponsors of energy investments in the developing world, includingtheWorldBank’sGlobalEnvironmentFacility(GEF), the German Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW) and the EuropeanInvestmentBank(EIB),haverecentlybeenconvinced of the environmental promise of and economic prospects for solar thermal. Funding has also been made available for demonstration and commercialisation projects through the
European Union’s Fifth and Sixth Framework Programmes, withparticularinterestinthesunbeltnorthernMediterranean region.ProjectsarealreadyplannedinSpain,ItalyandGreece. Other national initiatives will progress solar thermal developmentsigniicantly.Spain,forexample,aspartofitsCO2 emissions limitation target, intends to install 500 MWe of capacityby2010.SupportedbytherecentSpanishfeed-inlaw for renewable electricity, with attractive incentive premiums for solar thermal plants (see panel), this could generate an annual power production of 1500 GWh. Similarly, the Italian government’sENEAenergy/environmentagencyhasproduced astrategicplanformassdevelopmentofsolarenergy.Interest for solar thermal projects is reawakening in Greece. This recommendsbringingthermal-electricsolartechnologytothe market well before 2010. Commercial ventures would be encouraged through inancial incentives to show the advantages of large-scale schemes and reduce costs to competitivelevels. Bulkpowertransmissionfromhighinsolationsites(upto2,750 kWh/m2) in southern Mediterranean countries, including Algeria, Libya, Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia, may also offer opportunitiesforEuropeanutilitiestoinancesolarplantsfor electricityconsumptioninEurope.
Law 54/1997, which introduced competition into the Spanish electricity sector, also made this principle compatible with the achievement of other objectives, such as improving energy eficiency,reducingconsumptionandprotectingtheenvironment, all vital to meet Spanish commitments to reduce greenhouse gases. The Spanish Royal Decree 2818 of 1998 followed this by establishingaspeciallegalframeworkwhichgrantedfavourable, technologydependentfeed-inpremiumsforrenewableelectricity generation.However,onlytheincentivepremiumsforphotovoltaic electricitygenerationwereallowedtoexceedthelimitof90%of the average sales price. In 2000, any solar electricity generation was exempted from this limit, treating PV and CSP equally. In 2002, a irst incentive premium for solar thermal plants of 12 ¤cents/kWhwasintroduced,whichdidnotcoverthecostsofthe irstplants. Therefore, the solar thermal premium was increased in 2004 by 50%to18¤cents/kWhunderSpanishRoyalDecree436which,for theirsttimesincethevintageStandardOffersofCaliforniainthe late eighties, made solar thermal power projects bankable and attractiveforinvestorsthroughthefollowingfactors:
In the USA, the Solar Energy Industry Association and the Department of Energy have helped create Solar Enterprise Zones in sun belt states. These zones are aimed at assisting privatecompaniestodeveloplarge-scalesolarelectricprojects of1,000MWeoveraseven-yearperiod.ProjectsinNevada(50 MW) and Arizona (10-30 MWe) are at the planning stage and will beneit both from Renewable Portfolio Standards, which requireacertainpercentageofelectricitysupplytocomefrom renewablesources,andgreenpricing. During2004andin2005,aremarkablerevivalofCSPhasbeen observedintheUSASouth-west.WiththeelectionofGovernor Schwarzenegger in October 2003, California has increased its RenewablePortfolioStandard(RPS)to20%in2012and30%in 2020. Governor Schwarzenegger mandated a Solar Task Force aimingtodeinetherulestoimplement3,000MWofnewsolar power by 2015. A similar task force has been set-up by the WesternGovernor’sAssociation,resultinginagoalof30GWof cleanpowertechnology,including7GWofrenewablepowerby 2015.NewMexicohasevenmandatedaCSPspeciictaskforce tooutlinethewaytowardstheirstcommercialplants. AllthisisveryrationaliftheUSASouth-west’speakingpower proileisconsidered:duringrecentyears,Californiaexperienced several summer on-peak brown- and black-outs. Gas prices have quadrupled during the last three years. Today, Southern California’s peaking power costs anywhere between US cent 10-18/kWh, i.e. CSP is already cost-effective without any subsidiesorenhancedtariffschemes. Interest from the Australian government has resulted in Renewable Energy Showcase Grants being provided for two projectsbeingintegratedwithexistingcoal-iredplants.
• I tgrantsthesametariffsforPVandsolarthermalfrom100kW to50MW • Apremiumontopoftheelectricitypoolpriceof0.18¤/kWhfor the irst 200 MW of solar thermal plants, which roughly equatestoatotalpriceof0.21¤/kWh • Bankablewith25-yearguarantee • Annualadaptationtoelectricitypriceescalation • 12-15% natural gas back-up allowed to grant‘dispatchability’ andreliablecapacity Afterimplementationofirst200MWtariffitwillberevisedfor subsequentplantstoachievecostreductions. In the “Plan for Promotion of Renewable Energies in Spain”, approved by the Council of Ministers in December 1999, the installation of 200 MW of solar thermal plants is planned by 2010. This last incentive inally covers the costs and has motivated prominentplayersintheSpanishpowermarkettolaunchovera dozen50MWsolarthermalprojects,sothatraisingthe200MW limit to 500 MW was approved by the Government in August 2005underthenewRenewableEnergyPlan2005-2010.
In other countries with a large solar thermal potential, especially in the Middle East, Southern Africa and South America, interest is being shown by both governments and national utilities. The attraction comes both from the availability of post-Kyoto clean energy funding and, for countries with oil-based electricity production, the desire to exploit indigenous renewable resources. Apart from the four countries which have received GEF grants (see Table 3.1), a numberoftechnologyassessmentsandfeasibilitystudieshave beencarriedoutinBrazil,SouthAfrica,Namibia,Jordan,Malta and Iran. Many of these countries are currently undergoing electricity sector reform, and in the process encouraging independent power producers which are seen as the most appropriatevehicleforsolarthermalprojects. These factors have led to recent and signiicant interest in constructingplantsinthesunbeltregionsfromprivate-sector turnkey suppliers. In addition, interest rates and capital costs have fallen drastically worldwide, increasing the viability of capital-intensiverenewableprojects Overall, it is clear that parabolic trough plants are the most economicandmostmaturesolarthermaltechnologyavailable today,althoughtherearestillsigniicantareasforimprovement andcostcutting.Centralreceivers,withlow-costandeficient thermalstorage,promisetooffer‘dispatchable’,high-capacity factor solar-only plants in the near future, with the irst commercialplantscomingonlineinSpain.Whilstthemodular natureofparabolicdishsystemswillallowthemtobeusedin smaller high-value and off-grid remote applications for deploymentinthemediumtolongterm,furtherdevelopment andieldtestingisstillneeded,butwithsigniicantpotential forcostcuttingthroughmassproduction.
PARTTHREE:THEGLOBALSOLARTHERMALMARKET Table3.1:Solarthermalprojectsunderdevelopment Name/Location
TotalCapacity (MWe)
SolarCapacity (MWe)
CompactLinear Fresnel Relector
MacquarieGenerationandSolar HeatandPower
RREC(RajasthanRenewableEnergy Authority)/ GEFgrant,KfWloan
IsraeliMinistryofNational InfrastructurewithSolel
OpenforIPPbids GEFgrant
ONE/ GEFgrant,AfricanDevelopment Fund
SteamCycleswith0.5to12hours storageforsolar-onlyoperation with12-15%hybridiring
Abengoa,ACS-Cobra,EHNSolargenix,Iberdrola,HC-Genesa, SolarMillennium
Greenpricing,consortiumfor renewableenergyparkSierraPaciic ResourceswithSolarGenix
SteamCyclewithsaturatedsteam receiverand steamdrumstorage
SunCal2000,HuntingtonBeach California,USA
ParabolicTroughs Algeria LiddellPowerStation,NSW, Australia Kuraymat,Egypt THESEUS–Crete,Greece
NREA/ GEFgrant,JBICloan SolarMillennium,FlabegSolarInt., FichtnerSolar,OADYK
CentralReceivers Spain SolarTowerswithSteamReceivers PS10andPS20 Spain SolarTowerswithmolten-salt receivers ParabolicDishes
Scaling-upthesizeoftheprojectswillalsoproduceeconomies ofscale.Studieshaveshownthatdoublingthesizeofaplant reducesthecapitalcostbyapproximately12-14%,boththrough increased manufacturing volume and reduced O&M costs. A numberofprojectsarenowinvariousstagesofdevelopment (see Table 3.1) which, if successful, will give valuable learning experience and a clear indication of the potential for cost reductioninthenextgeneration.
MARKETBREAKTHROUGH:THERACETOBEFIRST Atthetimeoftheirsteditionofthisbrochure,theraceforthe connection of the irst solar thermal plant after SEGS plants seemedtobeheadedbythefourISCCSprojectsoftheGEFsolar thermal portfolio in Egypt, India, Mexico and Morocco. Three
yearslaterthisperceptionhaschanged.Thestruggleofthose countries, with the volatility of their local currencies and the international increase in oil prices after the Iraq war, forced them to abandon the independent power plant concept with private project inance and to return to national utility ownership. This change not only required lengthy renegotiations with the multilateral sponsors and inancing institutions but also demanded the rewriting of the bidding documentandrestartofthetenderingprocess. Meanwhile,hand-in-handwiththeeconomicandjob-creation success of wind energy in industrialised countries like Germany,SpainandtheUSA,theneedforreliable,renewable, and dispatchable peaking power coverage became more and more visible. This convinced governments in Spain and the
Table3.2:GEF-supportedsolarthermalpowerprojects Location
Expected Technology
Naturalgas-ired ISCCwithParabolic Troughsolarield
140MW. Solarcomponent:30 MW, Solarield:
50m$(GEF); 128m¤(KfW);20m$ (IndianandRajasthan government)
AinBeniMathar, Morocco
Naturalgas-ired ISCCwithParabolic Troughsolarield
220MW. Solarcomponent: 30MW
50m$(GEF); GEFgrantapproved, BalancecreditfromADB RFPmodiiedfor andONE turnkeyEPCcontract
Naturalgas-ired ISCCwithParabolic Troughsolarield
150MW. Solarcomponent:30 MW
50m$(GEF);balance creditfromJBICand NREA
tobedeined Mexico
Naturalgas-ired ISCCwithParabolic Troughsolarield
500MW Solarcomponent:30 MW
50m$(GEF);balance inancingfromCFE
South-westernUSAtolaunchincentiveprogrammestoattract private investment in solar thermal independent power projects. AnoutstandingexampleisthepublicationoftheRoyalDecree 436inSpaininMarch2004,whichimprovedthesolarthermal feed-inpremiumby50%from12to18¤cents/kWhandmade solar thermal power projects bankable again, as they were duringthetimeofCalifornia’sStandardOffersinthelate1980s. ThesearethemainelementsofSpain’sRoyalDecree: • T ograntthesametariffsforPVandsolarthermalfrom100kW to50MWwithapremiumontopoftheelectricitypoolpriceof 0.18 ¤/kWh, which roughly equates to a total price of 0.21 ¤/ kWh • Bankablewith25-yearguarantee • Annualadaptationtoelectricitypriceescalation • 12-15%naturalgasback-upallowedtogrant‘dispatchability’and reliablecapacity Since this tariff may be revised after implementation of the irst 200 MW, a race has started in Spain to be among those irst.
GEFgrantapproved RFPmodiiedforEPC contractsforSolar Islandandfor CombinedCycle Island
Anticipated dateof operation
Thetechnicalfeasibilityofa35MWdemonstrationprojectwas irst established in the early 1990s by Fichtner, a German engineering consultant, with assistance from the KfW. Following further evaluations, together with Engineers India Ltd,anIndianengineeringconsultant,Fichtnercameupwith theoptionofintegratingthesolarthermalunitwithagas-ired combined cycle power plant with a total capacity of 140 MW. TheprojectcostwasestimatedataroundUS$200million. Eventually, an agreement was reached between the World Bank/GEFandtheGermanKfWdevelopmentbanktoco-fund theproject.TheGEFcommitmentisUS$50million(tocoverthe additionalsolarcosts),KfWwantedtoprovidea¤ 128million loan,whilsttheIndianandRajasthangovernmentswantedto contributeabout$10millioneach.RajasthanRenewableEnergy Corporation (RREC) published a Request for Proposals in June 2002 for a combined cycle of about 140 MW incorporating a parabolic trough solar thermal ield of some 220,000m2 equivalentto30MWesolarcapacity.Limitedcompetition,high risks, uncertain fuel supply and administrational disputes delayedtheproject.ThesponsorsoftheGlobalEnvironmental Facility are now seeking a irm commitment of all Indian participantstocontinuetheproject.
In 1992, a EU-funded pre-feasibility study provided a irst analysisofimplementingsolarthermalplantsinMorocco. In1999,theGEFprovidedthenationalelectricutilityONEwith a grant of 700 000 US$ for the development of technical speciicationsforan220MWeIntegratedSolar/CombinedCycle system with a solar ield of some 220,000m2 equivalent to 30MWe,theestablishmentofthebiddocumentsandevaluation ofoffers.AgrantofUS$50millionhasbeenmadeavailableby theGlobalEnvironmentalFundtocovertheincrementalcostof thesolarelement.InDecember2000,FichtnerSolarGmbHwas selected to assist ONE in the establishment of the technical speciications,evaluatingoffersandnegotiatingthecontracts. In May 2002, invitations for expression of interest were launchedinordertoattractinvestorsforimplementationasan
PARTTHREE:THEGLOBALSOLARTHERMALMARKET AgeneralProcurementNoticewaspublishedinFebruary2004. Thirty-ive irms expressed their interest. The new prequaliication and the bid documents were developed in 2004, while NREA secured the required co-inancing. It is expected thatthecontractsfortheSolarIslandandtheCombinedCycle Islandwillbeawardedbythemiddleof2006andthattheplant willbeginoperationbytheendof2008.
Independent Power Project with private inancing. Following the lack of response, ONE took the decision to carry out the project within the framework of a turnkey contract for construction, operating and the maintenance of the power plant during the irst ive years. Concurrence with this new structurewasgivenbyGEFinAugust2003.Atthesametime, thelocalauthoritiesgavetheirapprovaltousetheselectedland atAinBeniMatharfortheISCCpowerplant.InDecember2003, topographicsurveysandageotechnicalstudyofthesitewere carriedout.InJanuary2004,negotiationswereinitiatedfora natural gas supply contract. In April 2004, a General ProcurementNoticewaspublished.Industryresponsetosucha “RequestforPrequaliication”in2004wassigniicant,leading to the prequaliication of four international consortia. In February2005,thebiddocumentwassubmittedtotheWorld Bank for “Non-Objection”. Financing has been committed by theAfricanDevelopmentBank.Thecontractawardisexpected forearlyin2006andthestartofoperationsattheendof2008.
In 1995, two pre-feasibility studies were conducted based on parabolictroughandcentraltowertechnologies,followedbya SolarPACESSTARTmissionin1996.Itwasagreedtoimplement theirstsolarthermalpowerplantasa150MWISCCwitha30 MW parabolic trough solar ield. GEF granted the project consultancyservicesandexpressedthewillingnesstocoverthe incremental cost. In 1998, the conceptual design and project concept paper were prepared. The consultancy services were dividedintotwophases.In2000,theirstphasewasconducted, resulting in a detailed feasibility study report. A shortlist of qualiiedandinteresteddeveloperswassetupin2001.Dueto the unexpectedly high rate of the US$ exchange against the Egyptian Pound, and to avoid the lack of foreign currency in 2002,thegovernmentissuedregulationsfornewindependent powerprojectstoreducetheburdenonthenationaltreasury, requiringtheirinancingeitherinlocalcurrencyorinforeign currency, on condition that the annual repayments be made from export revenues achieved by the project. In May 2003, a studywasconductedbytheWorldBanktoassessthelevelof interest of international developers and investors under the newframework.Nointerestwasfound.InJune2003,NREAand the World Bank agreed to change the approach of the project intoagovernmentalone.Theprivatesectorcouldparticipatein theO&Mthroughacontractlimitedtoiveyears.
A solar thermal project is being considered as part of an expansionplanproposedbythenationalComisiónFederalde Electricidad.Thiswouldinvolveconstructionofupto500MW ofhybridsolar/combinedcyclegasturbinesspreadacrosstwo sites, either Laguna or Hermosillio, during 2004, followed by CerroPrietoin2005.SpencerManagementAssociates,working on behalf of the World Bank and CFE, have since conducted a study on the economic viability and technical feasibility of integrating a solar parabolic trough with a CCGT at the Cerro Prieto, Baja Norte site owned by CFE. This has resulted in approval of GEF part funding for the scheme. The project has been delayed, however, both by the restructuring of Mexico’s powersectorandchangesinthenationalgovernment,putting politicalsupportfortheprojectatrisk. Mexico’s Comisión Federal de Electricidad (CFE) issued a Request for Proposals in March 2002 for a 250 MW gas-ired combined cycle plant with an optional integrated parabolic trough solar ield of at least 25 MW electrical output under designconditions.Theincrementalsolarcostswillbecovered by a grant from the Global Environment Facility (GEF). Since investor response to this structure was very limited, it was decided in 2003 that an EPC scheme with CFE as GEF grant recipientshouldbepursued.Thesolarieldwouldnolongerbe an option but compulsory. In 2005, the plant location was changed to Sonora state and CFE suggested doubling the combinedcyclesizefrom250to500MW.
In September 2002, Spain was the irst European country to introduce a “feed-in tariff“ funding system for solar thermal power.Thisgrantedapremiumpaymentof12¤centsforeach kWh output of a solar thermal plant between 100 kW and 50 MW capacity, which could be changed every four years. It turnedoutthatthiswasnotbankableandthattheamountdid notcoverthecostandriskstomaketheirstprojectsfeasible.
GreenpeaceSpainandtheSpanishnationalassociationofsolar thermal project developers, Protermosolar, joined forces to increase the objective of 200 MW to 1,000 MW in the next revision of the national plan for promotion of renewable energies, in order to increase Spain’s capacity of dispatchable cleanpeakpowerforthesummerdryseasons.InAugust2005, the Spanish Government approved a new Renewable Energy Plan,settinganewtargetof500MWby2010.
Therefore,thesolarthermalpremiumwasincreasedin2004by 50% to 18 ¤cents/kWh under Spanish Royal Decree 436, and guaranteedfor25years,withannualadaptationtotheaverage electricity price increase. This removed the concerns of investors,banksandindustrialsuppliersandlaunchedaraceof themajorSpanishpowermarketplayerstobeamongtheirst 200MW,themostprominentbeing: • 1 0MWesolar-onlypowertowerplantprojectPlantaSolar(PS10) at Sanlúcar near Sevilla, promoted by Solucar S.A., part of the Abengoa Group, together with partners, and employing saturated steam receiver technology. The PS10 project has received a ¤ 5 million grant from the European Union’s Fifth Framework Programme. Construction started in summer 2004 and will be completed in 2006. Project development of the followingtwo20MWpowertowerplantsPS20ofthesametype hasstarted.Abengoahasalsostartedtodevelopvarious50MW parabolictroughplants. • 15 MWe solar-only power tower plant Solar Tres project is promotedbytheSpanishcompanySENERemployingUSmoltensalttechnologiesforreceiverandenergystorage.SolarTreswill havea16-hourmolten-saltstoragesystemtodeliverthispower aroundtheclock.TheSolarTresprojecthasreceiveda¤ 5million grantfromtheEU’sFifthFrameworkProgramme. • 15MWesolartroughpowerplantEuroSEGSatMontesdeCierzo near Pamplona, promoted by the Spanish EHN group in cooperationwithSolarGenix. • Two 50 MWe solar trough power plants, AndaSol-1 and 2, are beingpromotedjointlybyACSCobraandtheSolarMillennium groupintheregionofAndalucia,witha510,120m2SKALETsolar collector ield and six hours’ thermal storage. The AndaSol-1 project has received a ¤ 5 million grant from the EU’s Fifth FrameworkProgrammeandinancialsupportfromtheGerman Ministry for Environment. Construction will start in autumn 2005 and will be completed in 2007. ACS Cobra and Solar Millenniumhavestarteddevelopmentofvarious50MWfollowupplantsinSouthernSpain. • National electric utility companies, such as Iberdrola and Hidrocantabrico-Genesa,havestartedpromotionofoveradozen 50MWparabolictroughplantsalloverSouthernSpain.
With a rapidly expanding population, an urgent need to increase the production of electricity, and concern about the build-up of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, the Islamic Republic of Iran has shown a growing interest in renewable energy technology, including solar power. Keen to exploit its abundant solar resource, speciically by means of CSP technology, the government also wants to diversify its power production away from the country’s oil and natural gas reserves. In 1997, the Iranian Power Development Company (IPDC) contracteditsElectricPowerResearchCentreandtheGerman engineering consulting irm Fichtner to execute a comprehensive feasibility study on an Integrated Solar Combined Cycle with trough technology. The best regions for installingsolarthermalpowerplantsinIranareEsfahan,Fars, Kerman and Yazd, but Yazd was eventually selected for implementing the irst plant. The entire high plateau of the Yazd region is characterised by an annual direct normal irradiationlargerthan2,500kWh/m2/a.
Asaresult,theIPDCwasinterestedintheimplementationofa 200,000-400,000 m2 parabolic trough ield into a 300 MW naturalgas-iredcombinedcycleplantintheLuthdesert,near Yazd.Forthatpurpose,IranhadapproachedGEFwitharequest toinancetheincrementalcostofthesolarield.AsGEFwasnot in the position to allocate any additional resources for this request,in2005,Iranhaschangedtheplantconigurationand nowintendstobuildasolarield,equivalenttoabout17MWe, toalsopowertheenvisagedupgradeofinstalledgasturbinesto a467MWcombinedcycleplant.
PARTTHREE:THEGLOBALSOLARTHERMALMARKET Theconsortiumcarriedoutsiteandfeasibilitystudies,collected weather data and identiied inancing. Further project development, however, was delayed by the onset of the Gulf War. In 1997 a START (Solar Thermal Analysis, Review and Training) team composed of IEA/SolarPACES representatives from Egypt, Germany, Israel, Spain, Switzerland and the US, with guest observers from the European Union, also visited Jordan, the mission being hosted by the Jordanian National ElectricPowerCompany. In 2001, an informal request for solar plant proposals was publishedbythegovernment.Basedonairstprojectsketchfor asolarhybridplantintheQuwairahareaofsouthernJordan(35 km north of Aqaba) to generate 100-150 MW of electricity, Jordanisseekinginternationalsupporttoexecuteafeasibility studyandpreferredinancing.
The Israeli Ministry of National Infrastructure, which is also responsiblefortheenergysector,decidedin2001tomakeCSP technologyastrategicelementintheIsraelelectricitymarket intheperiodupto2005,withaninitialaimforaunitof100 MWe.ThereisanoptiontoincreasetheCSPcontributionupto 500MWeatalaterstage,afterthesuccessfuloperationofthe irstunit. TheinvestmentcostoftheirstunitisexpectedtobeUS$200 million,withanestimatedproductioncostof9¢/kWhforthe electricityoutput,andanexpectedreductionto7¢/kWhwhen the500MWeunitiscompleted.Constructionandoperationof the irst unit will create around 1,000 jobs during the construction period and 120 permanent jobs in operation and maintenance. TheMinistryofNationalInfrastructurehasnowdesignateda teamtolocateasuitablesite,withthelikelylocationbeingin the Yamin Plain near Arad in the south of the country. The technologywillprobablybeparabolictroughs,althoughainal decisionmaydependonthecompanywhichbuildstheplant. Constructionofa100MWesolarpowerplantatacostofUS$ 250millionwasoficiallyagreedbytheIsraelElectricCompany (IEC)inFebruary2002,withtheoptiontoincreasethecapacity up to 500 MWe. The IEC approved the establishment of the plant on the condition that the Israel Electric Authority takes accountofthehighercostoftheelectricitythroughitsnational tariff policy. A feasibility study about the necessary incentive premiumsforCSPinIsraelwascompletedin2003andisbeing evaluated by the Israel Public Utilities Authority for the formulation of a feed-in law. Greenpeace published a costbeneitanalysisforsolarenergyinIsrael.Thereportsindicates agreateconomicbeneitforthestate’seconomyfromagradual growthinsolarthermalutilizationupto2,000MWin2025.
Jordanhasalong-standinginterestinlarge-scalesolarthermal power generation. Nearly ten years ago, a European-based industrial consortium known as Phoebus proposed the construction of a 30 MW volumetric-type solar power tower.
With Jordan joining the Global Market Initiative for CSP, that supportmaybecomeavailablesoonerthanexpected.Jordan’s needforrenewablepoweralternativesisobviousaspreviously available oil contracts on a preferred supply basis with Iraq haveexpiredand,consequently,fuelcostswillriseintheiroiliredsteamplantsatAqaba.
By2010,SouthAfricanpowerutilityEskomcouldbeoperating the world’s largest central receiver-type CSP plant. Eskom studiedbothparabolictroughandcentralreceivertechnology to determine which is the cheaper of the two. The national utility is also looking at manufacturing the key components through local suppliers and is gathering estimates from local glass and steel manufacturers. Ultimately, a decision will be made on a variety of factors, including cost, and which plant canbeconstructedwiththelargestlocalcontent.Theprojectis currentlyassessingthefeasibilityofa100MWpilotproject.
EldoradoValleybySolargenix,withitsoutputbeingsuppliedto utility subsidiaries of Sierra Paciic Resources. This was made possiblebylegislationrequiringutilitiestosupplyapercentage ofelectricityfromrenewablesources.Contractsarealsobeing inalised for the Nevada Solar Dish Power Project, a 1 MW demonstrationplant(fundedbytheUSDepartmentofEnergy’s Concentrating Solar Power Program) designed to validate the operation of a dish/engine system. A project for a 1 MW parabolic trough using an ORC engine is also in progress in Arizona.ThisisbeingimplementedbySolargenix.
Several paths towards CSP market development have gained momentum over the last year, all focused on projects in America’s South-west states, and encouraged by both the excellent direct beam solar resource and demand for power fromagrowingpopulation.
During2004andin2005,aremarkablerevivalofCSPhasbeen observedintheUSA’sSouth-west.WiththeelectionofGovernor Schwarzenegger in October 2003, California increased its RenewablePortfolioStandard(RPS)to20%in2012and30%in 2020. Governor Schwarzenegger mandated a Solar Task Force aimingtodeinetherulestoimplement3,000MWofnewsolar power by 2015. A similar task force has been set up by the WesternGovernor’sAssociation,resultinginagoalof30GWfor cleanpowertechnology,including7GWofrenewablepowerby 2015.NewMexicohasevenmandatedaCSPspeciictaskforce tooutlinethewaytowardsitsirstcommercialplants.
In2002,theUSCongressaskedtheDepartmentofEnergy(DOE) todevelopandscopeoutaninitiativetofulilthegoalofhaving 1,000 MW of new parabolic trough, power tower and dish/ engine solar capacity supplying the south-western United Statesby2006.TheUSACSPindustryandSunLabcollaborated onthedevelopmentofthisreport.. Thekeyindingswere: • T hesolarresourceintheUSA’sSouth-westiscomparableinscale tothehydro-powerresourceoftheNorth-west. • CSPisclean,large-scalepowerthatcouldmakeaverysigniicant contributiontoSouth-westUSAelectricityneeds. • CSPcouldbescaleduprapidly,althoughitmighttakesixtoeight yearstoachieve1,000MWbecauseofinitialprojectdevelopment time. • CSP costs are not yet competitive with conventional power, requiringinancialsupportfortheirst1,000MW. • OverallcostofaprogrammewouldbeUS$1.8billion,equivalent toUS$1.40/wattinstalledfortroughs,US$2.00/wattinstalledfor towers,andUS$2.60/wattinstalledfordishes. Solargenix is now carrying out a planning project funded by the California Energy Commission, and in co-operation with Californian municipal utilities. This aims to develop the reference PPA terms and conditions for 1,000 MW of trough plantsovertenyearswhichwillsatisfymunicipalutilitygoals as well as industry needs. The project will also identify sites, transmissionlineissues,theresourcemixforutilities,andthe expectedcostofelectricity. Meanwhile,twootherprojectsareprogressinginNevada.A50 MW plant using parabolic trough technology is to be built in
AllthisisveryrationalconsideringtheAmericanSouth-west’s peaking power proile. During recent years, California has experienced several summer on-peak brown- and black-outs. Gas prices have quadrupled during the last three years. Southern California peaking power today costs anywhere between 10-18 US cent/kWh, i.e. CSP is already cost-effective withoutanysubsidiesorenhancedtariffschemes.
As Algeria takes its place within the IEA Solar/PACES programme,thecountry’semerginginterestinCSPtechnology couldleadtoexcitingdevelopmentsinthefuture–including solarexportstoEurope. The trigger which has provided the framework for new investment opportunities is liberalisation of the Algerian power market, which resulted from a new law passed in February2002.Twomajorobjectives,tobeachievedby2010,are tobuildanumberofpowerplantswithatotalcapacityof2,000
PARTTHREE:THEGLOBALSOLARTHERMALMARKET NEAL’sirstinitiativeistobuildanew150MWISCCpowerplant with25MWofsolaroutput.Followingtheidentiicationofthe projectsiteatHassiR’Mel,NEALpublishedthetenderinJune 2005.
In2001,theItalianparliamentallocated¤ 110millionforaCSP development and demonstration programme. Since then, severalparabolictroughplantshavebeenunderdevelopment. In early 2004, a co-operation agreement between ENEA and ENEL was signed to develop the Archimede project in Sicily – the irst Italian solar plant integrated with a thermoelectric combined cycle plant with advanced troughs using molten saltsasheattransferluid.
MW and, secondly, to construct two power export cables (Algeria-Spain and Algeria-Italy) with an export capacity of 1,200MW.Meanwhile,boththeAlgeriangovernmentandthe privatesectorareawareofEurope’scommitmenttorenewable energysources,inparticulartheEuropeanUnion’saimtohave 12%ofrenewableenergyby2010. Algeriahasnowtakenonitsowndomesticcommitment,with theaimofincreasingthesolarpercentageinitsenergymixto 5% by 2010. But beyond this, Algeria is looking for a close partnership with the European Union so that Algerian plants canhelpdeliverthegreenenergyneededforEuropetomeetits targets. To bring these plans to fruition, and to enhance the participationoftheprivatesector–bothlocalandinternational –anewcompanyhasbeencreated.NewEnergyAlgeria(NEAL) bringstogetherSonatrach,theAlgerianhydrocarbonproducer, Sonelgaz, the Algerian power producer and distributor, and SIM, a privately owned company. In order to promote the productionofsolarelectricitywithintegratedsolarcombined cycles,on28March2004,theAlgerianGovernmentpublished the Decret Executif 04-92 in the Oficial Journal of Algeria Number 19, relating to the diversiication of electricity production costs. This decree establishes a premium for total electricity production by an ISCCS project, depending on the achievedsolarshare,rangingfroma100%premiumfora5-10% solar share up to a 200% premium for a solar share beyond 200%. NEAListopromoterenewablesinAlgeriabyhelpingtodevelop, primarily,cost-effectivepowerplantswhichwillenableaccess to energy for the whole population; secondly, the technical, economic and inancial support for plant development; and thirdly,moreeficientuseofthecountry’sgasreserves.NEAL’s speciic interest in solar thermal power is the result of an analysis of national strengths, since Algeria beneits not only fromabundantsolarradiationbutalsoareadysupplyofgas.
There are three main areas of solar thermal electricity generation in Australia. The most commercially advanced of these is the 35 MW CLFR system to be incorporated into an existing coal-ired power station. The initial plant is being constructed by the Solar Heat and Power company for approximatelyUS$500perkWe(peak)withoutdirectsubsidy. Thislowcostcanbeachievedbecausetheprojectusesexisting turbines and electrical infrastructure. It has no storage and a relatively low capacity factors, but it is approximately competitive with advanced wind generation. Work started in July2003.TheirstMWwascompletedandtestedbySeptember 2004. A second step was awarded in spring 2005 by the coal powerplantoperator.SolarHeatandPowerisalsodevelopinga stand-alone 240 MW design with its own turbine for various sites around the world. Further CLFR plant proposals using storage are now being discussed among utilities with an annual output equal to 4% of the NSW electricity supply. AccordingtoSHP,thesewillcostaboutUS$1400perkWepeak, including storage for a 56% capacity factor and using a moderate pressure turbine and generator. Other analysis suggests that large systems such as CLFR plants will be more cost-effective with a much more rapid take-up over the early years.However,unliketroughtechnology,theCLFRtechnology will have to be proven and thus represents a more optimistic scenario than the European Solar Thermal Power Industry Associationapproach. The next most developed system is the 50 kW parabolic dish prototypeattheAustralianNationalUniversity–althoughthe dishisbeingrefurbished,asyetnocommercialprojecthasbeen announced.
PARTFOUR:THEFUTUREFORSOLARTHERMALPOWER THEGREENPEACE-ESTIASCENARIOFOR2025 ANDPROJECTIONTO2040 This scenario was prepared by Greenpeace International and the European Solar Thermal Industry Association in order to project what could be achieved given the right market conditions.Itscoreassessmentlooksforward20yearsfromthe base year of 2005 to the end of the second decade of the 21st century.Itisnotaprediction,butascenariobasedonexpected advances in solar thermal technology, coupled with the growing number of countries which are supporting CSP projects in order to achieve both climate change and power demandobjectives. This is the second edition of the Greenpeace/ESTIA scenario. Theirstwaspublishedin2003.Sincethan,severalthingshave changed as this a very young industry. Some projects experienced delays with the tendering and/or inancing. But themainresultsremainthesame. Overtheperiodofthescenario,solarthermaltechnologywill have emerged from a relatively marginal position in the hierarchyofrenewableenergysourcestoachieveasubstantial statusalongsidethecurrentmarketleaderssuchashydroand wind power. From a current level of just 355 MW, the total installationby2015willhavepassed6400MW–18timesmore thantoday.By2025,theannualinstallationratewillbe4600 MW/a. At the end of the scenario period, the total installed capacity around the world will have reached the impressive igureof36,850MW. The scenario also shows how much electricity would be produced by solar thermal power plants. This is based on the assumption that the irst installations will have an annual output of 2,500 megawatt hours (MWh). However, the later installationswillhaveinternalstoragesystemswhichincrease theoutputperMegawattto3,500hoursperyearin2030and 5,000hoursperyearin2040.Toachievethis,thecollectorield must be enlarged to produced more steam, which will not be usedtoproduceelectricitystraightaway,buttostoreitforthe night. By 2025, solar thermal power will have achieved an annual outputofmorethan95,000MWhor95terawatthours(TWh). In terms of capital investment, it is assumed in the scenario that during the initial years, solar ield investment costs – including all system costs – are at a level of US$ 6,000/kW installed. These speciic investment costs then fall gradually overthetimescaleofthescenario,andarecutbyalmosthalfin 2025.Thismeansthattheinvestmentvolumeinsolarthermal powerplantswillrisefromUS$60millionin2006toUS$16.4 billionin2025. Asubstantiallevelofemploymentwouldbeanimportantbyproductofthisexpansioninthesolarthermalpowerindustry. At the end of the scenario period, more than 54,000 highly qualiied jobs will have been created in plant construction, operationandmaintenance.
TheinalbeneitfromtherealisationoftheGreenpeace-ESTIA scenariowouldbefortheenvironment.Duringtheperiodupto 2025,theemissionintotheatmosphereofatotalof362million tonnes of carbon dioxide would be avoided, making a substantial contribution to international climate change targets. Theassumptionhereisthat1MWhofinstalledsolarthermal powercapacityresultsinthesavingof600kilogramsofcarbon dioxide.Thetotalannualsavingsof57.5milliontonnesofCOcin 2025isequivalenttothatof35coal-iredpowerplants. Thescenarioisalsobrokendownbyregionsoftheworldand into the main country markets. By 2025, the leading regions will be Europe and the Mediterranean. According to the scenario, the most promising countries, each with more than 1,000MWofsolarthermalprojectsexpectedby2025,areSpain, theUnitedStates,andNorthAfrica/MiddleEast. KeyresultsfromGreenpeace-ESTIAScenario2002-2025 Capacityofsolarthermalpowerin2025
Projection2025to2040 Capacityofsolarthermalpowerin2040
Finally,afurtherprojectionismadeforthepotentialexpansion ofthesolarthermalpowermarketoveranothertwodecadesup to2040.Thisshowsthatby2030theworldwidecapacitywill have reached 100,000 MW, and by 2040 a level of almost 600,000MW.Increasedavailabilityofplantresultingfromthe greateruseofeficientstoragetechnologywillalsoincreasethe amount of electricity generated from a given installed capacity. This means that by 2040 the proportion of global electricity demandwhichcouldbesatisiedbysolarthermalpowerwill have reached a share of 5%. This is on the assumption that globalelectricitydemanddoublesbythattime,asprojectedby the International Energy Agency. Long before that point, however, solar thermal power will already be a mature, well establishedandmarket-orientatedsourceofelectricitysupply.
Table4.1:SolarThermalPowerPlantMarketbyRegions–KeyResults Year
49.470.000 Year
30.795.000 Year
93.195.000 Year
20.734.500 Year
2005 2010
18.855.000 (continuedonp.38)
PARTFOUR:THEFUTUREFORSOLARTHERMALPOWER Table4.1:SolarThermalPowerPlantMarketbyRegions–KeyResults Year
11.040.000 Year
13.125.000 Year
2005 2010
44.055.000 Year
2005 2010 2015
Total2000till2025 Year
PARTFIVE:CSPSPECIAL–SOLARTHERMALPOWERPLANTS INTHEMEDITERRANEAN PARTFIVE:CSPSPECIAL–SOLARTHERMALPOWER PLANTSINTHEMEDITERRANEAN Anyrenewableenergysupplystrategyaimingtotakeoverthe majorpartofelectricitysupplyinthedecadestocomehasto consider Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) as this technology option is capable of contributing with reliable, dispatchable power,speciicallyfordaytime-demandpeaks. The stress on today’s energy economies are already visible: Southern Spain as well as the USA’s South-west states are experiencing peaking power black-outs, mainly associated with their huge demand for air-conditioning. As, at the same time,thismarketsegmentoffersthehighestcompensationfor peaking power supply, CSP’s initial cost gaps are smallest, relative to conventional gas- and oil-based peaking power production. ItisalsoclearthatsouthernEurope,atleast,isnotcapableof generating all of its required reliable peaking power alone through its own renewable resources. Therefore, energy cooperation with its neighbouring countries is mandatory and has already become day-by-day practice. There are gas and powerinterconnectionsbetweenItaly,TunisiaandAlgeria,as well as between Morocco and Spain. As these southern neighboursalsohaveamuchgreatersolarresource,itislogical tointensifythisco-operationforCSP. TheGlobalMarketInitiativeforCSPhasalreadystructuredthe wayforregionalco-operation: Region II includes those countries that are or will soon be connected to Region I countries for transnational power exchange.CountriesinRegionIIincludeAlgeria,Moroccoand Mexico. Solar power generated from CSP plants in these countries could be exported to Region I countries at a much moreattractivepricethangeneratingitfromtheinferiorsolar resourceinRegionI.Asaresultoftheirexcellentsolarradiation resources and good grid connections, the southwestern USA and northern Mexico, as well as southern Europe and North Africa,offersuchcross-borderpossibilities. The Region II participants will take the political initiative to formulateafairschemethataccountsforbothimprovedtariffs forcleanenergygeneratedintheRegionIIcountriesandallows a beneit from enhanced feed-in tariffs for energy that is importedintoRegionI. In this chapter, we would like to feature an interesting study published in April 2005 from the German Aerospace Centre (DLR)called“ConcentratingSolarPowerfortheMediterranean Region”. The basic indings strongly support the Greenpeace/ ESTIA position, that solar thermal power pants have huge technical and economical potential. This study also suggests thattheGreenpeace/ESTIAmarketforecastupto2025isjusta foretasteofhowimportantsolarthermalpowerplantscanbe. Oneofthemostpromisingareasforsolarthermalpowerplants istheMediterraneanregion.Thisregion,althoughblessedwith intense solar radiation, currently exports mainly fossil fuels.
Fossil fuels, however, cause dangerous climate change effects and are, as currently being observed, subject to volatile price escalations. TohelppreventtheEuropeaneconomyfromfurtherfuelprice dependencies and keep global warming in a tolerable frame, the Scientiic Council of the German Government for Global Environmental Change (WBGU), in its latest study based on a scenario of the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change),recommendsreducingCOcemissionsonagloballevel by 30% until 2050. According to this scenario, developing countries and countries in transition may increase their transmissions by about 30% in consideration of their still growing infrastructure, while industrialised countries will havetoreducetheiremissionsbyabout80%. To achieve those COc reduction targets, WBGU recommends establishing a type of highly visible ‘lighthouse’ projects to introduce renewable energies on a large scale as a strategic lever for global change in energy policies. A strategic partnershipbetweentheEuropeanUnion(EU),theMiddleEast (ME) and North Africa (NA) is a key element within such a policyforthebeneitofbothsides:MENAhasvastresourcesof solarenergyforitseconomicgrowthandasavaluableexport product,whiletheEUcanprovidethetechnologiesandinance to activate those potentials and to cope with its national and international responsibility for climate protection – as documented in the Johannesburg agreement to increase considerably the global renewable energy share as a priority goal. Inordertoestablishappropriateinstrumentsandstrategiesfor the market introduction of renewables in the European and MENA countries, well-founded information on demand and resources,technologiesandapplicationsareessential.Itmust furtherbeinvestigatediftheexpansionofrenewablesenergies wouldimplyunbearableeconomicconstraintsonthenational economiesoftheMENAregion.
MAINRESULTSOFTHEMED-CSPSTUDY TheMED-CSPstudyfocusesontheelectricityandwatersupply of the regions and countries in Southern Europe (Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece, Cyprus, Malta), North Africa (Morocco, Algeria,Tunisia,Libya,Egypt),WesternAsia(Turkey,Iran,Iraq, Jordan,Israel,Lebanon,Syria)andtheArabianPeninsula(Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain).TheresultsoftheMED-CSPstudycanbesummarised inthefollowingstatements: • E nvironmental,economicandsocialsustainabilityintheenergy sector can only be achieved with renewable energies. Present measuresareinsuficienttoachievethatgoal. • A well-balanced mix of renewable energy technologies can displace conventional peak-, intermediate and base-load electricity, thereby prolonging the global availability of fossil fuels for future generations in an environmentally compatible way.
Figure 5.1: Countries of the EU-MENA region analysed within the MED-CSP Study/DLR 2005
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Figure5.2:AnnualdirectsolarirradianceinthesouthernEU-MENAregion. Theprimaryenergyreceivedbyeachsquaremetreoflandequals1-2barrelsofoilperyear
• R enewableenergyresourcesareplentifulandcancopewiththe growingdemandoftheEU-MENAregion.Theavailableresources are so vast that an additional supply of renewable energy to CentralandNorthernEuropeisfeasible. • Renewable energies are the least-cost option for energy and watersecurityinEU-MENA. • Renewableenergiesarekeyforsocio-economicdevelopmentand for sustainable wealth in MENA, as they address both environmentalandeconomicalneedsinacompatibleway. • Renewableenergiesandenergyeficiencyarethemainpillarsof environmental compatibility. They need initial public start-up investments but no long-term subsidies like fossil or nuclear energies. • An adequate set of policy instruments must be established immediatelytoacceleraterenewableenergydeploymentinthe EUandMENA.
WithintheMED-CSPstudy,solarthermalpowerplantsplaythe mayorroleinthelong-termenergysupply,becausewiththeir capabilityofthermalenergystorageandofsolar/fossilhybrid operationtheycanprovidereliablecapacityandthusareakey element for grid stabilisation and power security in such a well-balancedelectricitymix.
SOLARENERGYINTHEMEDITERRANEAN– ANINFINITEENERGYRESOURCE ByfarthebiggestenergyresourceincountriesintheNearand Middle East and North Africa is solar irradiance, with a potentialthatisbyseveralordersofmagnitudelargerthanthe totalworldelectricitydemand.Thisresourcecanbeusedboth in distributed photovoltaic systems and in large central solar thermal power stations. Thus, both distributed rural and centralisedurbandemandcanbecoveredbyrenewableenergy technologies. 41
PARTFIVE:CSPSPECIAL–SOLARTHERMALPOWERPLANTS INTHEMEDITERRANEAN ������������������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������� ����� �����
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To meet this demand, each country will have a different balanced mix of renewables in the future as the result of its ownspeciicnaturalsourcesofenergy.TheMED-CSPscenario showsawaytomatchresourcesanddemandintheframeof thetechnical,economic,ecologicandsocialconstraintsofeach country in a sustainable way. Only a switch to renewable energies can lead to an affordable and secure energy supply. Thiswillnotrequirelong-termsubsidies,asinthecaseoffossil ornuclearpower,butsimplyaninitialinvestmentintheframe ofaconcertedactionbyallEU-MENAcountriestoputthenew renewableenergytechnologiesinplace. ByfarthelargestenergyresourceinMENAissolarpowerfrom concentrating solar thermal power plants, which will provide thecoreofelectricityinmostcountries.Thisisduetothefact that they will be able to provide not only the required large amounts of electricity, but also reliable power capacity on demand. In addition, wind energy is a major resource in Morocco,EgyptandOman,whilegeothermalpowerisavailable in Turkey, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Yemen. Major hydro-power and biomass resources are limited to Egypt, Iran, Iraq and Turkey.Initially,photovoltaicelectricitywillbemainlyusedin decentralised, remote applications in the irst phase. Further cost reductions will lead to increasing shares of PV in the electricitygrid.Atalaterstage,verylargePVsystemsindesert regionswillalsobecomefeasible.However,theircontribution to reliable capacity is very limited, while concentrating solar powerplantscandeliversuchcapacityondemand. By 2050, the installed capacity of concentrating solar power will be as large as that of wind, PV, biomass and geothermal plants together but, because of their built-in solar thermal storagecapability,CSPplantsdelivertwiceasmuchelectricity peryearasthoseotherresources.
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The growth of population and economy will lead to a considerablegrowthofenergydemandintheMENAcountries. By2050,thesecountriescouldachieveanelectricitydemandin the same order of magnitude as Europe (3,500 TWh/y). AlthoughtheMed-CSPscenarioconsiderseficiencygainsand moderate population growth, and sometimes even regressive populationiguresinsomeoftheanalysedcountries,electricity demandcouldrisesigniicantly.
Therefore,awiseandresponsibleenergypolicyintheEuropean Unionmustsupportrenewableenergiesonalllevelsandbyall means. This includes CSP as the major future source of electricity supply in the southern EU Member States and southernMediterraneanneighbours. It is the responsibility of national governments and international policy to organise a fair inancing scheme for renewable energies in the EU-MENA region in order to avoid theobviousrisksofpresentenergypolicies,andtochangetoa sustainable path for wealth, development, and energy and watersecurity. Technical and economical potential of solar thermal power plantsintheMediterranean
Bahrain Cyprus Iran Iraq
Lebanon Oman Qatar
Economic Potential
Useduntil 2050
DirectNormal Irradiance*
SaudiArabia Syria UAE
Yemen Egypt
Morocco Tunisia Greece Italy
Portugal Spain
Turkey Total
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PARTSIX:POLICYRECOMMENDATIONS THEPOLITICALCHALLENGE Energyisconsideredtobeavitalingredientforanyeconomic development. The history of industrialisation in today’s developed nations is also a history of massive fossil energy exploitation, with its associated beneits of rapid availability, high-energy density, and – initially, at least – low generation costs. Over the past three decades, however, the harmful environmentalimpactoffossilfuelsontheregionalandglobal climatehasbeenbroughtintosharpfocus. Forthosenationsstillundergoingdevelopment,energyiseven morevitalastheyhavetomakeupfor,andkeeppacewith,the mature energy infrastructure of the industrialised nations in anincreasinglyglobalisedeconomy.Furthermore,itiswidely accepted in the developing world that these countries should not just copy the historical energy patterns of the developed world, but should consider building up a sustainable energy infrastructurewhichavoidslong-termdetriments. Although history has shown that building up such an infrastructureismosteficientlymanagedbytheprivatesector, governments do have a public responsibility to ensure fair market rules, level playing ields for the market participants and, most importantly, the sustainability of living conditions forthegenerationstocome.Hence,theyfacemanychallenges informulatingcurrentandfutureenergypolicies.Theyhaveto respond to the need for security of energy supply, economic growth, sustainable development, employment and technologicaldevelopment,andtocombatthegrowingeffects of climate change. Renewable energy technologies are consideredtohaveapositiveimpactonalltheseparameters. This study clearly demonstrates that solar thermal power plants,notwidelyknownasanenergytechnologyuptonow, areoneofthemostpromisingrenewablesources–capableof meeting 5% of future global electricity demand by the year 2040. The developing world in particular, with its abundant andevenlydistributedsolarresource,cancontributeinacost effective way to the bulk power supply of mega-cities, where decentralisedorluctuatingpowersupplywouldbeinadequate. This strategic power supply advantage has already motivated development banks, such as the World Bank, European Investment Bank and the German development bank KfW, to supporttheimplementationofsolarthermalpowerplants. Without initial political and inancial support, however, solar thermalpowerremainsatacompetitivedisadvantage,largely because of inadequate price information on the world’s electricitymarketsresultingfromdecadesofmassiveinancial andstructuralsupporttotraditionalpollutingfuelsandpower planttechnologies. Solar thermal power plants have to compete in a well established, very competitive energy market segment where oldernuclearandfossilfuelpowerstationsproduceelectricity at marginal cost because the interest payments and depreciationontheirinvestmentcostshavealreadybeenpaid by consumers and taxpayers. Political action is therefore neededtoovercomethosedistortionsandcreatealevelplaying
ield in which the economic and environmental beneits of solarthermalpowercanbefullyexploited. This is a very rational and impelling energy policy concept considering the rocketing crude oil spot market prices which havesurpassedtheUS$50/barrelbarriersincethebeginningof 2005.Althoughsomeoftheseescalationsareduetoincreased speculationontheworldcrudeoilspotmarkets,thereisavery robustworldeconomytrendwhichsuggeststhatoilpriceswill never fall again as low as they were in the mid 1990s. The dynamic economies of China, India and South-East Asia are increasingly important customers for crude oil and gas, and that will remain unchanged. Therefore, strategic back-stop technologies are needed, as in the 1970s when the oil crises turnedtheworldeconomydownwardsforalmostadecade.
SUCCESSFULMARKET-CREATIONPOLICYMEASURES Aclear,visiblemarketforsolarthermalpowermustbedeined for a project developer to seriously consider getting involved. Just as with any other investment, the lower the risk to the investor, the lower the costs for supplying the product. The most important measures for establishing new solar power markets are therefore those where the market for solar electricity is clearly embedded in national laws, providing a stableandlong-terminvestmentenvironmentwithrelatively lowinvestorrisksandsuficientreturns. Asalreadyoutlined,onekeybeneitofagrowingsolarthermal energy market is job creation. It is estimated that direct and indirectemploymentintheindustryworldwide,notincluding the production of components and equipment, could rise to about 54,000 jobs by 2025. In order to attract solar thermal power plant suppliers into establishing manufacturing facilities,marketsneedtobestrong,stableandreliable,witha clearcommitmenttolong-termexpansion.
In recent years, an increasing number of countries have established targets for renewable energy as part of their greenhouse gas reduction policies. These are either expressed asspeciicquantitiesofinstalledcapacityorasapercentageof energyconsumption. Renewableenergytargetsaremosteffectiveiftheyarebased onapercentageofanation’stotalelectricityconsumption.This createsanincentivetooptimiserenewabletechnologiesinthe supply mix, and provides a guide to where immediate policy changesarerequiredinordertoachievetheanticipatedtargets. But targets have little value if they are not accompanied by policiestoachievealevelplayingieldinelectricitymarkets,to eliminatemarketbarriersandtocreateaneconomicframework environmentthatwillattractinvestment. ThemostambitioustargethasbeensetbytheEuropeanUnion. In 2001, the European Council and the European Parliament adopted a Renewable Energy Directive establishing national targets for each Member State. Although at present these are notlegallybinding,theDirectiveaimsatdoublingtheshareof
renewableenergysourcesintheprimaryenergymixfrom6% to 12% by 2010, equivalent to 22% of Europe’s total electricity consumption. If this non-binding approach appears not to be working, then the Directive allows the European Commission to submit proposals to the European Parliament and Council formandatoryrenewableenergytargets. In the USA, Renewable Portfolio Standards have been established to gradually increase the contribution of clean, renewablepowerinthesupplymixofsomeofitsfederalstates. If utility companies fail to reach certain agreed targets, they will be penalised through compensation payments. This mechanism, with initial targets for 2-5% of a state’s total electricity demand by 2005 and 2010, respectively, is already starting to work. As a result, Nevada and Arizona are both negotiatinglong-termpowerpurchasecontractsfortheirirst newsolarthermalpowerplants.Californiadecidedrecentlyto actuallyexceedtheseinitialtargets,raisingthemto20%in2015 and,potentially,30%in2020.
Settingmandatorynationaltargetsfor2010andbeyond,would beappropriateandleadtomoreeffortsglobally.Newambitious, legally-binding, national targets for 2020 would demonstrate the long-term commitment to renewable energy and would signiicantlyenhanceinvestorconidence.Greenpeacesuggests to establish those global targets at the up coming “Beijing International Renewable Energy Conference 2005” during November7–8,2005whichwillbehostedbytheGovernment ofChina.Thesubjectoftheconference: 1. A nalyze and assess the renewable energy development status andtheproblemsitisfacing; 2. Explorethepolicymechanismsforencouragingenterprisesand inancial sectors to become involved in renewable energy development; 3. Explore the prospects and trends for the technological developmentofrenewableenergy,andsupportitsdevelopment throughtechnologytransfer; 4. Strengthen South-South cooperation, and promote the utilizationofrenewableenergyindevelopingcountries.
Howtosetthe“right”targets:Bindingtargets for2010,2015and2020
The development of short-, mid-, and long-term objectives is necessary in order to be able to assess and measure progress made towards fulft. Greenpeace suggests ive-year intervals startingfrom2010.
Country-speciictargetsrelatedto previousenergysupply
Objectives for individual countries must be deined according to the status quo in energy supply. The starting point for calculatingtargetsmustbeacombinationofboththestateof primaryenergysupply(forheating,industrialheatprocesses, refrigeration and transport) and of the electricity generation structure. In order for the proportion of renewable energy to increase signiicantly, targets must be set in accordance with the local potential of each technology (wind, solar, available
biomass, etc) and also according to local infrastructure, both existing and still to be built (ease of connection to networks, productionandinstallationcapacity,etc).
The market for renewable energy sources needs to growbyatleast30%annually. The example set in recent years by the wind power and photovoltaicindustryshowsthatmanufacturersofalternative energytechnologiesareabletomaintainalong-termgrowth rateof30to35%.Research,developmentandahighstandardof quality guarantees in planning, inance and installation are essential for long-term success. The basis for setting targets must be higher than the current 30% annual market growth rate.
Speciicpolicymechanisms–thecaseof European“feed-inlaws”
AspeciicEuropeanpolicymechanismwhichhasenabledthe achievement of renewable energy supply targets is the ixed tariffsystem,whereaspeciictariffrateorpremiumisallocated to particular renewable technologies. These rates and premiums relect the relative cost difference of the speciic renewable technology compared to the price offered by the liberalisedpowermarketforbulkpower.Utilitycompaniesare obliged to buy all renewable power produced at the rates establishedinthespeciicfeed-Inlaw.Thedifferentialcostof renewablepowercomparedtothemarketpriceofbulkfossilor nuclear-generated electricity is borne by the electricity ratepayer. Themostsuccessfulfeed-inlawschemeshavebeenestablished in Austria, Denmark, Germany and Spain, with the most remarkable result that about 20,000 MW of wind power is currentlyonstream.Biomassandsmallhydropowerplantsare alsoincreasing. Surprisingly, considering its cost-effectiveness amongst solar powertechnologies,solarthermalpowerhadnotbeenincluded inanyfeed-intariffsysteminEuropeuntilSpainpublishedits irstRealDecretoonsolarpowerinSeptember2002and,ina much enhanced version with even better compensations for CSPandPV,againinMarch2004.
At the International Executive Conference on Concentrating Solar Power, held in Berlin, Germany in 2002, the Global Environmental Facility, the German development bank KfW, theGermanFederalMinistryfortheEnvironment,andboththe European and American Solar Thermal Power Industry Associations discussed a Global Market Initiative for ConcentratingSolarPoweranddeinedstrategiesforitsrapid and large-scale market introduction. This strategy was publishedastheDeclarationofBerlin. The participants included politicians, senior government executives, the inancial community, donor organisations, the
PARTSIX:POLICYRECOMMENDATIONS CSP industry, independent power project developers and potential plant owners from 16 countries. The participating stakeholder groups supported the launching of a CSP Global Market Initiative to be further substantiated at the follow-up conferenceinPalmSprings,CaliforniainOctober2003.
The Second International Executive Conference on Expanding theMarketforConcentratingSolarPowerwasheldinOctober 2003 in Palm Springs. At this event, the IEA SolarPACES Implementing Agreement joined the sponsors of the Berlin conferencetoinaliseandlaunchthe
Solar energy is the largest and most widely distributed renewable energy resource on our planet. Among the solar electric technologies, concentrating solar power (CSP) is the cheapestandthelargestbulkproducerofsolarelectricityin theworld.CSPplants(alsoreferredtoassolarthermalpower) arecapableofmeetingasigniicantpercentageoffutureglobal electricity demand without technical, economic or resource limitations, speciically in sun-belt regions such as the USA’s South-west, southern Europe and broad regions of the developing world. This capability and the ability of solar thermalpowerplantstodispatchpowerasneededduringpeak demand periods are key characteristics that have motivated development banks, such as the World Bank, the European InvestmentBankandtheGermanKfWGroup,aswellasother organisations, such as the United Nations Environment Programme, as an implementing agency of the Global Environment Facility (GEF), the European Union and the US Department of Energy, to support the large-scale implementationofthistechnology. CSPsystemshavebeenusedsincetheearly1980stogenerate electricityandtoprovideheat.TheinvestmentofUS$1.2billion between 1984 and 1991 in nine commercial parabolic trough solarpowerplantsintheCaliforniaMojavedesert,totalling354 MWe,(knownastheSEGSplants)andtheirsuccessfulcontinued operationandperformance,demonstratethereadinessofCSP. Today, these California plants are still operating reliably and have produced more than 50% of all solar electricity in the world. The CSP industry anticipates that solar electricity generation costs will be fully competitive with fossil-based, grid-connected power generation costs once an initial 5,000 MWeofnewCSPsolarcapacityisinstalledglobally. Two international executive conferences have been held to address the barriers to current and future CSP project opportunitiesandtoexpandtheglobalmarketforCSP.TheFirst International Executive Conference on Concentrating Solar Power,heldinJune2002inBerlin,Germany,wassponsoredby the United Nations Environment Programme, the GEF, the GermanFederalMinistryfortheEnvironment(BMU),theKfW Group,theEuropeanSolarThermalPowerIndustryAssociation (ESTIA)andtheAmericanSolarEnergyIndustriesAssociation (SEIA).TheconferenceparticipantsdiscussedaGlobalMarket Initiative for CSP and deined strategies for facilitating the rapid,large-scalemarketintroductionofthistechnology.This strategy,publishedastheDeclarationofBerlin,wasregistered in Johannesburg as a UNEP Market Facilitation WSSD Type-II PartnershipforConcentratingSolarPowerTechnologies.
The objective of the GMI is to facilitate and expedite the building of 5,000 MWe of CSP worldwide over the next ten years.Thisinitiativerepresentstheworld’slargest,coordinated actioninhistoryforthedeploymentofsolarelectricity. Participationisopentoallgovernmentsincountriesorstates withadequatesolarthermalresources,tocountriesthathave an industrial capability in CSP technologies but lack the appropriatesolarresources,andtootherswhichcontributeto establishingtheframeworkproposedbelow.Ifthebeneitsof CSP are to be spread globally, it is essential that participating industrial countries outside the sun belt either support investmentsinsunbeltcountriesand/orallowimportsofsolar power at cost-covering rates, thereby stimulating investment inCSPplants.
Avisible,reliableandgrowingmarketforsolarthermalpower withnormalrisklevelsmustbeestablishedinorderforproject developersandCSPequipmentsupplierstomakethenecessary long-terminvestmentstoachieveacceptableinvestmentcosts, and hence competitive rates. The following policy areas will have the greatest impact on the use of concentrating solar power. Each country or state participating in the CSP GMI will contributetothefollowingpolicymeasures:
1. Targets
AstheoverallgoaloftheCSPGMIis5,000MWetoreachcost competitivenessby2015,nationaland/orregionaltargetswill besetforCSPcapacity.Thesetargetsmaybeaspeciicnumber ofMWoveracertainperiodoftime,ormaybeapercentageof CSPwithinthenewcapacitytobebuiltoveracertainperiodof time,asinRenewablePortfolioStandards.
2. Tariffs
ThelevelofrevenueforCSPprojectsneedstobeadequateto encourage private-sector investment and provide a stable investment climate. This can be achieved by feed-in tariffs, productiontaxcredits,orpublicbeneitchargesspeciictoCSP. ThesesupportswillbedesignedtoreduceovertimeastheCSP technology becomes competitive in the power market, once 5,000 MWe of CSP has been built by 2015. Coordination with participating neighbouring countries, states or regions with preferential tariff schemes will allow CSP-based electricity imports from high solar radiation areas (and therefore lower electricity costs). The use of long-term power purchase agreementsorsimilarlong-termcontractswithcredit-worthy off-takers, or equity ownership by public organisations, will buildconidenceamonginvestorsandinancialinstitutions.
3. Financing
Co-operating bilateral and/or multilateral inancial institutions will ensure that project-related lexible Kyoto instruments, such as Clean Development Mechanisms and Joint Implementation Actions become applicable to CSP and ensurethatthemechanismsarebankable.Theestablishment ofnationalorregionalloanguaranteeprogrammesviaexisting windowsatmultilateralbanks,nationallendingprogrammes andglobalenvironmentalprogrammes,suchasGEF,UNEP,and UNDP,willfurtherreducetheinherentriskofintroducingnew technologyforprivate-sectorbankinginstitutions. Investmenttaxcredits,whichstimulatedtheirst354MWofCSP plants in the USA, should be maintained, and production tax creditssimilartothosethathavestimulatedthegrowthofwind powerintheUSAshouldbemadeavailabletoCSPplants.Cost shareddevelopmentoftransmissionlinesbetweenregionswith excellent solar resources and urban load centres, even across bordersofparticipatingcountriesandregions,willoptimisethe developmentandexploitationofallregionalresources.
LimitationsonCSPplantcapacityoroperatingstrategiesthat make the technology introduction more costly must be avoided.
To account for the differences between countries in the development of CSP-related policy instruments and in the amountoftheirsolarresource,theCSPGMIparticipantshave deinedthreeregionswithadifferentstrategyforeach: • R egion I includes those countries and states that have already partiallyimplementedthepolicymeasuresrecommendedbythe CSP GMI or that will implement such measures in the near future. Countries in Region I include those in southern Europe, South-westUnitedStatesandIsrael.Inthesecountries,existing CSP-speciic targets or portfolio standards will create a market baseddemandandafeed-inlaworpublicbeneitcharge.Both rely on the ratepayers, and can be used to cover the price gap betweenthecompetitivepriceandCSPelectricitycosts. In Region I, additional political support is needed to make targets, policies and tariffs stable and predictable so that commercialinancingcanbesecured. • R egion II includes those countries that are or will soon be connected to Region I countries for transnational power exchange. Countries in Region II include Algeria, Morocco and Mexico.SolarpowergeneratedfromCSPplantsinthesecountries couldbeexportedtoRegionIcountriesatamuchmoreattractive pricethangeneratingitfromtheinferiorsolarresourceinRegion I.Asaresultoftheirexcellentsolarradiationresourcesandgood gridconnections,South-westUSAandnorthernMexico,aswell as southern Europe and North Africa, offer such cross-border possibilities. TheRegionIIparticipantswilltakethepoliticalinitiativetoformulate a fair scheme that accounts for improved tariffs for clean energy generated in the Region II countries and to enable beneits from enhancedfeed-intariffsforenergythatisimportedintoRegionI.
• R egion III includes developing countries not interconnected to the Region I countries’ grid. Countries in Region III currently include Brazil, Egypt, India, Iran, Jordan and South Africa. Preferential inancing in the form of subsidies (which could be grants, soft loans, carbon credits, CDM or green premiums) provided by Region I sources will be required to support the Region III countries’ desire for the development of clean CSP powerplants. • Oneexampleofsuchsourcesisthecommitmentof¤ 0.5billion forrenewableenergyoveraive-yearperiodwithinthescopeof the German Economic Co-operation with developing countries thatwasannouncedbyGermanChancellorGerhardSchroederin his UN Environmental Summit speech in Johannesburg in September2002. The collaborative effort of the three Regions will ensure that the market introduction cost of CSP will be reduced by aggregating the CSP market and making best use of existing clean power instruments. All participating countries will be helpedtoreachtheirKyotogoals.
An Interim Management Team was established in October 2003inPalmSprings. TheobjectivewastoreceiveamandateattheRenewables2004 Conference in Bonn for the implementation of the CSP GMI. This mandate should include a strong commitment by the governments of the interested CSP countries to adapt or implementtheirenergypoliciesinawayabletoaccommodate themainelementsoftheGMI. In order to represent the participating countries, states, multi and bilateral inancial institutions and the CSP industry, an ExecutiveCommitteewillbeformedrelectingtheinterestsof the stakeholders and the participating countries and states. This Committee will supervise a GMI Management Team, approveabudgetforitsoperationandhelpsecurethatbudget. FinancingfortheGMIManagementTeamshouldbeprovided byparticipatingcountriesandtheCSPindustry,augmentedby multi-andbilateralinancialcommitments. The near-term target to receive a solid mandate for implementingtheCSPGMIattheRenewables2004Conference inBonnhasbeensuccessfullyreached: June 2004: Ministers responsible for energy (speciically includingrenewableelectricity)fromAlgeria,Egypt,Germany, Jordan, Morocco and Israel, plus Deputy Ministers from Italy andSpain,signedtheGMIendorsementbilaterally. August2004:CSPGMIwasincludedintheoficialpublication oftheConcreteActionPlanoftheBonnRenewablesConference 2004.AGMIManagementTeamwasestablished. April 2005: Energy Minister from Yemen signed GMI endorsementandjoinedtheinitiative.
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New s 2 n d Ju n e 2 0 0 6 - M a ga zin e Ar t icle in M a t e r ia ls M on t h ly ( Pa ge 4 ) Art icle t it led: Slivers Away - Thinking out side t he square = t hinking inside t he wafer. Discusses; More bang for your buck, t ransparent m odules, flexible m odules, at t ainm ent of high volt age, bifacial response and energy payback.
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1 st M a y 2 0 0 6 - AN U Re por t e r Ar t icle " Fr om ce ll t o se ll" Art icle in t he Aut um n edit ion of t he ANU Report er on Sliver t echnology.
3 0 t h M a r ch 2 0 0 6 - VI P Visit or s Kim Beasley - Leader of t he Labor Part y and Ant hony Albanese - ALP Environm ent Spokesperson
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2 2 n d M a r ch 2 0 0 6 – Pa pe r on Slive r Te ch n ology Pr ospe ct s Sliver t echnology could reduce phot ovolt aic cost s by t hree quart ers
1 7 t h M a r ch 2 0 0 6 – VI P Visit or s Ant hony Albanese – ALP Environm ent Spokesperson
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8 t h M a r ch 2 0 0 6 – Ca n be r r a Tim e s N e w spa pe r Ar t icle At ANU, t he preference is sunny side up
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7 t h M a r ch 2 0 0 6 – VI P Visit or s His Excellency Maj or General Michael Jeffery – Governor General of Aust ralia Let t er from t he Governor General
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3 r d M a r ch 2 0 0 6 – VI P Visit or s Senat or Bob Brown – Leader of t he Greens in t he Senat e Senat or Christ ine Milne – Federal Greens Dr Deb Foskey – ACT Greens, Mem ber of t he ACT Legislat ive Assem bly
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2 7 t h Fe br u a r y 2 0 0 6 – VI P Visit or s Mr Herm ann Scheer - Mem ber of t he Germ an Parliam ent , President of t he European Associat ion for Renewable Energy ( EUROSOLAR) and General Chairm an of t he World Council for Renewable Energy ( WCRE)
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9 t h Fe br u a r y 2 0 0 6 – Ca n be r r a Tim e s N e w spa pe r Ar t icle “ Energy efficiency is about doing t hings bet t er, not wit hout ” by Andrew Blakers and Klaus Weber
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1 5 t h D e ce m be r 2 0 0 5 – M e dia Re le a se Rolling Awards for Sliver Solar Cells – Sliver Technology wins t he Aust ralian I nst it ut e of Energy 2005 Excellence in Energy Award for I nnovat ion in Energy Science and Engineering
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7 t h D e ce m be r 2 0 0 5 – Ca n be r r a Tim e s N e w spa pe r Ar t icle 2 art icles World- first solar power ideas get federal boost Govt m ay drop em ission t arget s
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1 9 t h Oct obe r 2 0 0 5 – Ca n be r r a Tim e s N e w spa pe r Ar t icle H igh - r ise apart m ent s proposed for sust ainabilit y
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1 st Se pt e m be r 2 0 0 5 – M e dia Re le a se Sliver Solar Technology Does I t Again – Sliver Technology wins t he Global 100 Eco Tech Award at t he 2005 World Expo in Aichi, Japan
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2 8 t h Ju n e 2 0 0 5 – M e dia Re le a se CSES Researcher Awarded for Wat er Treat m ent Syst em – Mondialogo Engineering Award for Reverse Osm osis Solar I nst allat ion for wat er t reat m ent syst em in PNG
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6 t h Ju n e 2 0 0 5 – M e dia Re le a se Solar Technology Wins Environm ent al Award – News of Sliver Technology’s success in winning t he 2005 Banksia Award in t he cat egory “ Environm ent al leadership in I nfrast ruct ure and Services”
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Spilling Energie System GmbH - Spillingwerk today
Originally founded in 1890 as a marine engine repair shop at the Hamburg docks, since then Spilling has grown steadily to become an engineering company with a worldwide customer portfolio. Today Spilling is a modern, medium-sized company and a competent partner to its customers in the fields of ● ● ●
industry local government and research.
The driving force behind Spilling's schedule of supplies and services is the Spilling motor, an advanced version of the classic steam engine. The Spilling motor combines the thermodynamic benefits of the traditional steam engine with the design features of a modern combustion engine Today Spilling supplies integral solutions, from individual steam or gas expansion engines to the complete power plant installations. The customer thereby benefits from its experience in the design and construction of hundreds of power generation plants. The major milestones in the development of the Spilling motor were the introduction of modular design (1950s) and the socalled "lubrication-free technology" (1998) which dispenses with oil lubrication of the engine pistons. This made "the Spilling" an efficient and versatile power generator offering almost unrivalled properties in its performance range. http://www.spilling.de/uk/index-spillingwerk.htm (1 of 2)6/18/2006 3:26:03 AM
Spilling Energie System GmbH - Spillingwerk today
Its main advantages: ●
http://www.spilling.de/uk/index-spillingwerk.htm (2 of 2)6/18/2006 3:26:03 AM
Best-possible adaptability of the engine to operating conditions due to its modular design. Insensibility to fluctuations in live steam and gaseous conditions (pressure/temperature/ flow). High efficiency levels, even with changing mass flow rates, compared with turboengines. High availability due to robust engineering and modular design. Less feed water treatment requirements than turbine plants. Oil-free steam or gas in Series TS engines reduces investment costs and simplifies operation.