Social Media Marketing All-in-One For Dummies [5 ed.] 2021931633, 9781119696872, 9781119696940, 9781119696933

No person can ignore social media these days—and no business can afford to ignore it either. Our lives are mediated thro

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Table of contents :
Title Page
Copyright Page
Table of Contents
About This Book
Foolish Assumptions
Icons Used in This Book
Beyond the Book
Where to Go from Here
Book 1 The Social Media Mix
Chapter 1 Making the Business Case for Social Media
Making Your Social Debut
Defining Social Media Marketing
Understanding the Benefits of Social Media
Casting a wide net to catch your target market
Building relationships
Improving business processes
Improving search engine rankings
Selling in the social media marketplace
Finding alternative advertising opportunities
Understanding the Cons of Social Media
Integrating Social Media into Your Overall Marketing Effort
Developing a Strategic Social Media Marketing Plan
Establishing goals
Setting quantifiable objectives
Identifying your target markets
Estimating costs
Valuing social media ROI
Chapter 2 Tallying the Bottom Line
Preparing to Calculate Return on Investment
Accounting for Customers Acquired Online
Comparing the costs of customer acquisition
One is silver and the other gold
Establishing Key Performance Indicators for Sales
Tracking Leads
Understanding Other Common Business Metrics
Break-even point
Profit margin
Revenue versus profit
Determining Return on Investment
Chapter 3 Plotting Your Social Media Marketing Strategy
Locating Your Target Market Online
Segmenting Your B2C Market
Geographic location
Purchasing behavior in different life stages
Psychographics or lifestyle
Affinity groups
Researching B2B Markets
Conducting Other Types of Market Research Online
Identifying influencers
Understanding why people use social media services
Setting Up Your Social Media Marketing Plan
Chapter 4 Managing Your Cybersocial Campaign
Managing Your Social Media Schedule
Controlling the time commitment
Developing your social date book
Creating a social media dashboard
Building Your Social Media Marketing Dream Team
Seeking a skilled social media director
Looking inside
Hiring experts
Creating a Social Media Marketing Policy
Staying on the Right Side of the Law
Obtaining permission to avoid infringement
Respecting privacy
Revealing product endorsement relationships
Protecting Your Brand Reputation
Book 2 Cybersocial Tools
Chapter 1 Discovering Helpful Tech Tools
Keeping Track of the Social Media Scene
Saving Time with Content-Distribution Tools
Alternative Content-Distribution Services
Snipping Ugly URLs
Using E-Commerce Tools for Social Sites
Selling through links
Displaying products on social media channels
Selling directly on social media
Reviewing third-party products for selling through social media
Keeping Your Ear to the Social Ground
Deciding what to monitor and why
Deciding which tools to use
Using free or inexpensive social monitoring tools
Measuring the Buzz by Type of Service
Chapter 2 Leveraging SEO for Improved Visibility
Making the Statistical Case for SEO
Thinking Tactically and Practically
Focusing on the Top Search Engines
Knowing the Importance of Search Phrases
Choosing the right search terms
Where to place search terms on your site
Understanding tags and tag clouds
Maximizing Metatag Muscle
Tipping the scales with the page title metatag
Pumping up page description metatags
Optimizing Your Site and Content for Search Engines
Writing an optimized first paragraph
Updating often
Making your site search engine friendly
Optimizing for local search
Getting inbound links from social sharing, social bookmarks, and social news services
Reaping other links from social media
Chapter 3 Optimizing Social Media for Internal and External Searches
Placing Search Terms on Social Media
Optimizing Blogs
Optimizing WordPress
Optimizing Blogger
Optimizing Wix
Assigning permalinks
Optimizing Images, Video, and Podcasts
Optimizing Specific Social Media Platforms
Optimizing Twitter
Optimizing Facebook
Optimizing Instagram
Optimizing Pinterest
Optimizing LinkedIn
Optimizing YouTube
Optimizing for Mobile Search
Gaining Visibility in Real-Time Search
Gaining Traction on Google with Social Media
Monitoring Your Search Engine Ranking
Chapter 4 Using Social Bookmarks, News, and Share Buttons
Bookmarking Your Way to Traffic
Sharing the News
Benefiting from Social Bookmarks and News Services
Researching a Social Bookmark and Social News Campaign
Executing your plan
Monitoring results
Submitting to Bookmarking Services
Submitting to Social News Services
Selecting content for social news services
Preparing social news stories for success
Using Application-Specific Bookmarks
Timing Your Submissions
Encouraging Others to Bookmark or Rate Your Site
Using Social Media Buttons
Follow Us buttons
Share buttons
Book 3 Content Marketing
Chapter 1 Growing Your Brand with Content
Introducing Content Marketing
Defining content marketing
Examining how content marketing can help your business
Determining the Best Content Platform for Your Needs
Selling Your Brand through Content Marketing
Making Your Content Stand Out
Chapter 2 Exploring Content-Marketing Platforms
Building a Blog
Understanding how blogging can benefit your business
Deciding if blogging is right for you
Setting up your blog
Using Podcasts and Video on Your Blog or Website
Deciding if podcasting is right for you
Using podcasts to drive traffic and land sales
Creating viral videos
Interviewing experts on camera
Sharing Images
Using images for your online content
Legalities: What you need to know about sharing images
Finding images online
Sharing images on photo-sharing sites
Using Social Media Platforms for Online Content
Deciding which social media platforms to use
Creating and sharing content with social media
Understanding the importance of community
Guest Blogging to Grow Awareness and Expertise
Understanding guest blogging
Finding relevant blogs and pitching your content
Promoting your guest blog posts
Chapter 3 Developing a Content-Marketing Strategy
Determining Content Goals
Driving traffic
Making sales
Establishing expertise
Growing your online community
Collecting leads with your content
Putting a Strategy on Paper
Understanding the elements of a content-marketing strategy
Doing a content inventory
Taking steps to achieve your goals
Delegating tasks
Chapter 4 Getting Your Content to the Masses
Creating an Editorial Calendar to Keep Content Flowing
Exploring the benefits of an editorial calendar
Deciding what to include on your calendar
Finding the Right Mix between Evergreen and Timely Content
Executing Your Content Strategy
Sharing Your Content with the Public
Measuring the Success of Your Content Strategy
Book 4 Twitter
Chapter 1 Using Twitter as a Marketing Tool
Deciding Whether Twitter Is Right for You
Communicating in 280 Characters
Promoting without Seeming like You’re Promoting
Researching Other Brands on Twitter
Knowing Quality Is More Important than Quantity
Chapter 2 Using Twitter as a Networking Tool
Finding the Right People to Follow
Finding the Right Topics to Follow
Finding Out Who Is Talking about You on Twitter
Responding to Tweets
Searching on Twitter
Filtering Search Results
Tweeting like a Pro
Articulating in 280 characters
Using the hashtag
Sharing on Twitter
Knowing when to @reply and direct message
Retweeting and being retweeted
Blocking people
Creating a successful Twitter campaign
Using keywords in your tweets
Following the Twitter Rules of Etiquette
Chapter 3 Finding the Right Twitter Tools
Customizing Your Twitter Profile Page
Creating a header photo
Creating a custom Twitter avatar
Pinning Tweets
Embedding Tweets
Using a Twitter Application
Exploring Twitter desktop applications
Tweeting from a gadget
Chapter 4 Social Listening with Twitter
Using Twitter to Listen to Your Customers
Responding to questions and complaints
Gaining new customers by being helpful
Chapter 5 Hosting Twitter Chat
Benefiting from Twitter Chats
Finding a Hashtag for Your Chat
Keeping Track of Who Says What
Finding Guests for Your Twitter Chat
Promoting Your Twitter Chat
Hosting Your Twitter Chat
Following Twitter Chat Best Practices
Book 5 Facebook
Chapter 1 Using Facebook as a Marketing Tool
Understanding the Appeal of Brands on Facebook
Branding with Facebook Pages
Examining the Components of a Facebook Page
Making the Most of Your Facebook Page
Adding a profile picture
Adding a cover photo
Adding finishing touches
Understanding Your Facebook Administrative Functions
Filling Out What You’re About
Using a Custom Username for Your Page
Inviting People to Join Your Community
Inviting friends to like your page
Getting likes from others
Liking Other Brands
Creating Facebook Events
Chapter 2 Creating and Sharing Content on Facebook
Creating a Facebook Content Strategy
Sharing Your Brand’s Story
Creating Content That Sings
Sharing and Being Shared
Posting content that followers will want to share
Using hashtags in your posts
Bringing Your Community into the Mix
Selling on Facebook
Creating polls, quizzes, and contests
Offering discounts to your community
Making Connections with Facebook Groups
Learning through Insights
Getting the scoop on your fans through Insights
Putting Insights data to good use
Chapter 3 Advertising and Selling on Facebook
Reaching More Fans with Ads
Deciding whether you want to invest in an ad
Choosing the right goal for your Facebook ad
Creating an ad with Ad Center
Targeting your fans
Measuring Your Ad’s ROI
Selling on Facebook
Facebook Marketplace
Shop Now button
Facebook Shops
Chapter 4 Streaming Live Video on Facebook
Understanding the Benefits of Live Streaming
Setting Up Your Live Stream
Engaging with Your Community via Facebook Live
Brainstorming Ideas for Live Videos
Book 6 LinkedIn
Chapter 1 Promoting Yourself with LinkedIn
Exploring the Benefits of Using LinkedIn
Creating an Online Resume
Projecting a professional image on LinkedIn
Choosing and uploading a profile photo
Filling out your profile
Understanding Recommendations and Endorsements
Receiving recommendations
Giving recommendations
Asking for endorsements
Using LinkedIn Messages
Chapter 2 Promoting Your Business with LinkedIn
Exploring the Benefits of a LinkedIn Page
Creating a LinkedIn Page
Setting up your brand’s profile
Optimizing your company page
Adding and removing administrators
Sharing your brand’s content
Selling and Promoting with LinkedIn Showcase Pages
Highlighting your products and services
Utilizing showcase pages
Benefitting from LinkedIn Groups
Exploring groups
Growing a community with a LinkedIn group
Establishing group guidelines
Growing your group
Moderating your LinkedIn group
Recommending posts
Chapter 3 Using LinkedIn as a Content Platform
Blogging on LinkedIn
Creating your first post
Writing in a professional voice
Promoting Your LinkedIn Articles
Posting Content on LinkedIn Pages
Deciding on the content to post
Taking advantage of LinkedIn’s content tools
Book 7 Getting Visual
Chapter 1 Pinning Down Pinterest
Understanding Pinterest
Getting Started
Joining Pinterest
Setting up your Pinterest profile
Navigating Pinterest
Business hub
Getting on Board
Planning your initial boards
Creating your first board
Pinning on Pinterest
Pinning an image
Following on Pinterest
Following friends
Following folks you don’t know
Sharing on Pinterest
Sharing other people’s Pins
Using share buttons
Driving Traffic with Pinterest
Being descriptive but brief
Using keywords
Building Your Pinterest Community
Commenting on Pins
Playing nice
Using Tools for Pinterest Marketing
Scheduling and automation
Growing your audience
Finding boards to follow
Creating content
Chapter 2 Snapchatting It Up!
Setting Up a General Snapchat Account
Understanding the lingo
Touring the Snapchat screens
Adding followers
Taking Your First Snap
Telling Your Snapchat Story
Knowing who is viewing your stories
Engaging with Snapchat
Using lenses, filters, and geofilters
Chapter 3 Getting Started with Instagram
Promoting Your Brand on Instagram
Creating and Using Your Instagram Account
Setting up your account
Completing your profile
Finding friends and fans on Instagram
Sharing photos
Controlling notifications
Determining What Is Photo-Worthy for Your Brand
Using Hashtags in Your Instagram Posts
Using Instagram Stories
Going Live with Instagram Live
Chapter 4 TikTok(ing) Around the Clock
Using TikTok for Brand Promotion
Creating and Personalizing Your TikTok Account
Setting up your account
Completing your profile
Touring the TikTok screens
Following (and getting followers) on TikTok
Sharing videos
Determining What Videos You Should Create
Chapter 5 Watching and Listening: Videos, Podcasts, and Your Brand
Deciding if Video and Podcasts Are Right for You
Determining What Content to Create
Attention-catching (and keeping)
Getting Set Up with Equipment
Choosing software
Picking a camera
Using a tripod
Selecting a microphone
Creating Your Content
Publishing Your Content
Book 8 Other Social Media Marketing Sites
Chapter 1 Weighing the Business Benefits of Minor Social Sites
Reviewing Your Goals
Researching Minor Social Networks
Assessing the Involvement of Your Target Audience
Quantifying market presence
Choosing Social Sites Strategically
Chapter 2 Maximizing Stratified Social Communities
Making a Bigger Splash on a Smaller Site
Taking Networking to the Next Level
Selecting Social Networks by Vertical Industry Sector
Selecting Social Networks by Demographics
Selecting Social Networks by Activity Type
Finding Yourself in the Real World with Geomarketing
Going geo for good reason
Deciding whether geomarketing is right for you
Spacing Out with Twitter
Checking in on Twitter
Searching real space with Twitter
Finding Your Business on Facebook
Geotagging on Facebook
Getting close with places nearby
Checking in on Facebook
Making a Facebook offer they can’t refuse
Making Real Connections in Meetup
Making Deals on Social Media
Offering savings, gaining customers
Making an attractive offer
Setting Terms for Your Coupon Campaign
The depth of the discount
The scope of the deal
Grappling with the gotchas
Measuring success
Further leveraging your deal
More upsides and downsides
Digging into Groupon
Diversifying Your Daily Deals
Chapter 3 Profiting from Mid-Size Social Media Channels
Deciding Whether to Invest Your Time
Entertaining Your Audience with Streaming Content
Turning Up New Prospects with Tumblr
Setting up an account
Advertising on Tumblr
Promoting Video with Vimeo
Signing up for a Vimeo Business account
Advertising on Vimeo
Chapter 4 Integrating Social Media
Thinking Strategically about Social Media Integration
Integrating Social Media with E-Newsletters
Gaining more subscribers
Finding more followers and connections
Finding and sharing content
Integrating Social Media with Press Releases
Setting up an online newsroom
Cultivating influencers
Distributing your news
Emphasizing content
Pressing for attention
Measuring results
Integrating Social Media with Your Website
Coupons, discounts, and freebies
Contests and games
Private membership sites
Community forums
Chapter 5 Advertising on Social Media
Integrating Social Media with Paid Advertising
Advertising on social media sites
Maximizing your advertising dollars
Engagement ads
Advertising on Facebook and Instagram
Getting started
Boosting or promoting a post
Paying for your Facebook ads
Advertising on Twitter
Promoting your tweets
Followers campaign
Promoting a trend
Engaging your Twitter audience
Creating an ad on Twitter
Dealing with Twitter cards
Advertising on LinkedIn
Targeting Your LinkedIn Ads
Advertising on Pinterest
Advertising on YouTube
Advertising on Snapchat
Advertising on TikTok
Interfacing with Influencers
Book 9 Measuring Results and Building on Success
Chapter 1 Delving into Data
Planning a Measurement Strategy
Monitoring versus measuring
Deciding what to measure
Establishing responsibility for analytics
Selecting Analytics Packages
Reviewing analytical options for social media
Selecting a URL-shortening tool for statistics
Getting Started with Google Analytics
Integrating Google’s Social Media Analytics
Chapter 2 Analyzing Content-Sharing Metrics
Measuring the Effectiveness of Content Sharing with Standard Analytics
Maximizing website stats
Tracking comments
Evaluating Blog-Specific Metrics
Visualizing Video Success
Understanding Podcast Metrics
Measuring Your Results from Pinterest
Finding out about your Pinterest audience
Third-party Pinterest analytics
Comparing Hard and Soft Costs versus Income
Chapter 3 Analyzing Twitter Metrics
Tracking Website Referrals with Google Analytics
Tracking Shortened Links
Using Twitter Analytics
Using TweetDeck
Using Third-Party Twitter Analytics Applications
Tracking Account Activity with the Notifications Tab
Monitoring mentions
Checking your retweet ranking
Gleaning meaning from direct messages
Using the Hashtag as a Measurement Mechanism
Calculating the Twitter Follower- to-Following Ratio
Chapter 4 Analyzing Facebook Metrics
Monitoring Facebook Interaction with Insights
Using Page Insights
Accessing Insights
Exporting Insights
Exploring the Insights Overview and Detail Pages
Actions on Page detail page
Total Views detail page
Reach detail page
Post Engagement detail page
Chapter 5 Measuring Other Social Media Networks
Plugging into Social Media
Measuring LinkedIn Success
Exploring Instagram Insights
Content You Shared
Chapter 6 Comparing Metrics from Different Marketing Techniques
Establishing Key Performance Indicators
Overcoming measurement challenges
Using A/B testing
Comparing Metrics across Social Media
Tagging links
Analyzing the clickstream
Tracking your own outbound links
Integrating Social Media with Web Metrics
Using Advertising Metrics to Compare Social Media with Other Types of Marketing
Obtaining metrics for paid advertising
Applying advertising metrics to social media
Juxtaposing Social Media Metrics with Other Online Marketing
Contrasting Word-of-Web with Word-of-Mouth
Chapter 7 Making Decisions by the Numbers
Using Metrics to Make Decisions
Knowing When to Hold and When to Fold
Diagnosing Problems with Social Media Campaigns
Fixing Problems
Your social presence can’t be found
Inappropriate match between channel and audience
Poor content
Lack of audience engagement
The four Ps of marketing
Adjusting to Reality

Social Media Marketing All-in-One For Dummies [5 ed.]
 2021931633, 9781119696872, 9781119696940, 9781119696933

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