Table of contents : Contents Foreword Foreword Introduction Justice and Human Equality 1. Justice—Compensatory and Distributive 2. Equality, Race, and Preferential Treatment 3. The Costs of Equality 4. The Costs of Inequality: In Response to Robert A. Nisbet 5. Justice, Equality, and the Economic System 6. Equality and Fraternity: A Note on Subjective Realities Private Rights and the Public Good 7. Private Rights and the Public Good 8. Public Rights and Private Interests: In Response to Charles Frankel 9. On Privacy and Community 10. Do Rocks Have Rights? Thoughts on Environmental Ethics Technology and the Ideal of Human Progress 11. Living with Scarcity 12. The Technology of Life and Death 13. Biomedical Progress and the Limits of Human Health 14. Technology and the Structuring of Cities 15. The Aesthetics of Technology: In Response to David P. Billington War and the Social Order 16. On National Frontiers: Ethnic Homogeneity and Pluralism 17. The Lower Middle Class as Historical Problem 18. Reflections on War, Utopias, and Temporary Systems Education and the Good Society 19. The University and American Society 20. The University, Society, and the Critical Temper: In Response to George W. Pierson 21. Some Questions in General Education Today 22. Some Inconsistent Educational Aims 23. The Disestablished Humanities 24. A View from the Ivory Tower: In Response to Rosemary Park The Humanities and Public Policy 25. A Philosophic Perspective Notes Index