Sir Gawain and the Green Knight: a close verse translation 9781935978107, 9781933202891

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Table of contents :
Acknowledgments (page vi)
Foreword (page vii)
Select Bibliography (page xxvi)
A Note on the Middle English Original Text (page xxviii)
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (page 1)
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Sir Gawain and the Green Knight: a close verse translation
 9781935978107, 9781933202891

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Medieval European Stucies XIU Patrick W. Conner, Series Editor

Other Titles in the Series: Via Crucis: Essays on Early Meciieval Sources and Ideas Thomas N. Hall, Editor, with assistance from Thomas DO. Hill and Charles D. Wright

Heéhand: Text and Commentary Edited by James E. Cathey

Naked Before God: Uncovering the Body in Anglo-Saxon England Edited by Benjamin C. Withers and jonathan Wicox

Theorizing Anglo-Saxon Stone Sculpture Edited by Catherine E. Karkov and Fred Orton

Old English Literature in its Manuscript Context Edited by Joyce Lally Lionarons

Ancient Privileges: Beowulf, Law, and the Making of Germanic Antiquity Stefan Jurasimski

Innovation and Traclition in the Writings of the Venerable Bece Edited oy Scott DeGregorio

The Power of Words: Anglo-Saxon Studies Presented to Donald G. Scrage on his Seventieth Birthday Edited by Jonathan Wilcox and Hugh Magennis

Caedmon's Hymn and Material Culture in the World of Bede Edited by Allen J. Frantzen and fonn Hines

The Cross and Culture in Anglo-Saxon England Eatted by Karen Jolly, Catherine £. Karkov, and Sarah Larratt Keefer

Cross and Cruciform in the Anglo-Saxon World: Studies to Honor the Memory of Timothy Reuter Edited by Sarah Larratt Keefer, Karen Louise folly, and Catherine E. Karkoo

Perspectives on the Old Saxon Heliand: Introductory and Critical Essays, with an Edition of the Leipzig Fragment Edited by Valentine A. Pakis

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West Virginia University Press, Morgantown 26506 Copyright 2012 by West Virginia University Press All rights reserved First edition published 2012 by West Virginia University Press Printed in the United States of America

2019158 1/ 16151413 12 98 /6394321 Paper: 978-1-933202-89-1 / EPUB: 978-1-935978-10-7 PDE: 978-1-9359/8-63-3

Library of Congress Cataloguing-in-Publication Data Benson, Larry D.19-——

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight :a close verse translation / by Larry D. Benson. --

ist ed.

p. em.-- (Medieval European studies; v. 13} Includes both the modern English and the Middle English text. Includes bibliographical reterences. ISBN-13: 978-1-933202-89-1 (pbk. : alk. paper) ISBN-13: 978-1-935978-10-7 (electronic)

1. Gawain (Legendary character}--Romances. 2. Knights and knighthood--Poetry. 3. Arthurian romances. 1. Benson, Larry Dean, 1929- [1, Title. PR2065.G3A332 2012 B21’ 1--de23

Library of Congress Control Number: 2011018426

Book Design by Than Satte!

Background image: Willow Bough wallpaper designed by William Morris, repurposed as fabric design c. 1895. Used under a Creative Commons license granted by PKM,

the original scanner. Source: Bough_1887 jog . Front cover image: Wood-cut of a Knight. (From Caxton’s Game of the Chess) Source: Knight, Charles: “Old England: A Pictorial Museum” (1845).

Acknowledgements oceania WE BOTEWOTK occ nnnennentneneniuninninninintannnannntiniaanunnnnenane WH

Select Bibliography oo ccccccnesnennnnmnnnmntntntinnnnnn XVI

A Note on the Middle English Original Text (uuu. | XxXVH

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight oon A

Acknowledgments Both of us owe thanks to Pat Conner for initiating the process by which West Virginia University Press undertook this publication. Daniel thanks Larry for the invitation to collaborate and for good conversations over Mexican food. Larry owes thanks to many, such as Jim Smith, who helped often without knowing it. But his greatest help came from Stephen A. Barney, who generously took the time to read and correct the whole manuscript. 50 too did Theodore M. Andersson, whose careful reading saved Larry from many blunders. Finally, the translation is dedicated to Gavin Benson, whose very name bears witness to his long and happy association with the best of knights.


Foreword By Daniel Donoghue

nen Larry Benson first described his project to translate Sir VV Gawain and the Green Kni ght, | was skeptical. It wasn’t just

the thought that other translations have appeared in recent years. “Why another?” is easily answered if the translation is good, and Benson has every credential a translator needs, because his ties to the poem are deep and go back at least to his now-classic 1965 book, Art and Tradition in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. No, my

skepticism had to do with the kind of translation he proposed, which keeps as much of the original language as possible but in modernized spelling, and which substitutes modern equivalents for words in the poem’s diction that have fallen out of use. Its adherence to the literal is what makes it a “Close Translation.” To me it seemed like a high-risk formula: neither fish nor fowl, a gallumautry of modern and medieval, a mechanical process applied

to a living work of art. Was it a real translation or a kind of aggressive normalization? On a more practical level, does modern English have suitable equivalents for the Gawain-poet’s famously rich word-hoard of synonyms? Then | read it. My skepticism yielded to acceptance, acceptance to admiration, admiration to reading pleasure. This translation really is the closest thing to reading the Middle English poem because of its consistency in preserving the essential features of the original: its rnythm, its alliteration, and its unique syntax. Recent translations by Borroff, Tolkien, Merwin, and Armitage craft an alliterative verse line as an aesthetic echo and homage to the original;

CYDonoghue’s does away with alliteration but keeps the pattern of four prominent stresses per line. No matter what style of verse


line is chosen, each successful translation like these stands on its own two feet and invites the reader to enter into a temporary conspiracy to forget about the original. This amnesia is both a product of the poet's craft and a sign of success. Benson’s literal translation, however, replaces this illusion with a sense of proximity. It never lets readers forget that they are reading a translation, because the original never seems out of earshot. While the meaning of each line is comprehensible even to students coming to the poem for the first time, the translation retains the essence of the poem’s alliterative lines (which in this edition are printed en face). llustrative passages could be chosen almost at random, but the following description of Gawain and his guide making their predawn trip to the Green Chapel displays the main features: They bound by banks |= where boughs are bare, They climb by cliffs | where clings the cold.

The heaven was uphigh but ugly there-under; Mist drizzled on the moor melted on the mountains: Each hil hadahat, a huge mantle of mist; Brooks boiled and broke — by banks about,

Brightly shattering on shores | where they shot down. Well wild was the way — where they went by wood. (2077-84)

It is all here: the visual images, the narrative control, the compact phrasing, the rhythm and alliteration. A poetic rendering today could not venture phrasings such as “where clings the cold” and “Well wild was the way,” but they rise naturally from the poem’s welispring. To see this transiation’s fidelity, compare the first two lines above with the original:


Pay bogen bi bonkkez per bozez ar bare, Pay clomben bi clytiez per clengez be colce.

Benson’s translation also preserves what is called the historical present (illustrated here with “clings” as opposed to “clung”) as well as older word forms like “thou keepest”; it keeps original features of syntax such as multiple negatives and the inversion of word order. Poetic synonyms such as freke, gome, hapel, segge which have fallen out of the language are replaced with a modern word alliterating on the same sound: fighter, gallant, horseman,

stalwart. The effect of preserving syntax and diction can be sensed in a line like “The gallant upon Gringolet galloped them under” (748), where “gallant” is an unintrusive substitute and “them under” preserves the original’s inversion of word order. Examining isolated instances does not do justice to the overall effect of reading passage after passage, where Benson’s literal translation shows its great advantage in conveying the medieval poem’s energy and

excitement. [tf can be read for pure enjoyment, but it also appeals to those who want more direct engagement with the medieval text.

The Poem and the Poet One of the masterpieces of Middle English, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight stands comparison with the greatest literature from any language and period. This critical reception, however, is fairly recent, because the poem did not come to the attention of a broad audience until the middle of the nineteenth century, when it was

first edited and published. Unlike Chaucer, for example, whose poetic gifts were recognized in his lifetime and whose works survive in multiple copies, the Gawain-poet apparently never enjoyed


wide circulation, and all that survives is contained in an unassuming manuscript, roughly the size of the book you are holding, now

housed in the British Library with the shelf mark Cotton Nero A.x, Art 3. Besides the text translated here, the manuscript contains another three narrative poems almost certainly by the same author, which are known by their modern names Pearl, Cleanness, and Patience. The four poems’ relatively obscure dialect, not surprisingly, has conditioned their modern reception. Most readers today encounter them only in translation, while Chaucer’s London dialect, by contrast, is still relatively accessible to anyone familiar with Modern English.

Nothing is known of the Gawain-poet except what can be gleaned from his body of writings. They show he was a person of considerable learning. ( use “he” for convenience; among the things unknown is the poet’s gender.) Parts of the plot of Sir Gawain reveal a deep acquaintance with French romances; his other poems show familiarity with Latin theology and biblical exegesis. The literary sources of all four poems, taken together, suggest that he had training appropriate for the clergy, but we cannot be sure whether he took orders or, if he did, whether he remained in religious life. The poet’s imaginative world is vast and varied: Sir Gawain is a secular romance rather than a religious work; Pearl presents itself as a dream vision of a father who loses his daughter, yet this secular frame is used for a didactic message based on orthodox theology. Patience and Cleanness, by contrast, are more re-

ligious in a conventional sense. Even if the poet were ordained in higher orders, he knew enough about the outside world to write

vivid scenes of boar hunting and sexual seduction. In thinking about this mixture of the sacred and profane from our historical remove, we need to remember that the secular and religious spheres


in the Middle Ages existed in constant dynamic interaction. The clergy at this time could be quite worldly—woridly by our anachronistic standards.

Where did this cultivated poet live and write? The dialect of the four poems in Cotton Nero A.x point to Cheshire, not far from the where the northern borders of Wales touch England. In addition, some of the place names mentioned in Sir Gawain are found in northern Wales. Recent scholarship, however, has expanded the question of “where?” by pointing out that a number of the poem's

themes would find special resonance in Richard H's royal court in London. Richard had long-standing ties to Cheshire and recruited hundreds of Cheshire men into his retinue (Mann 2009). While it is possible that the poem’s primary audience were London

transplants, their regional dialect is preserved in the language of Sir Gawain and the other three poems, which is quite unlike the London dialect. Linguistic and other evidence points to a date in the latter half of the fourteenth century, which makes the poet a contemporary of Chaucer, Gower, and Langland. There is no evidence his path ever crossed theirs, as tantalizing as the prospect might be in light of the possible London connection.

The Verse Form If you will listen tothislay but a little while

Ishalltellitatonce, as [lin town heard With tongue, AS itis set down and struck

In story stout and strong. With true letters interlocked

In this land as has been long. (30-36)


Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is but one of a number of sub-

stantial poems assigned to the fourteenth-century “Alliterative Revival.” Most prevalent in the north and west of England, the Revival saw a flourishing of poems that use alliteration as an essential formal device. For centuries the alliterative line had been a traditional English verse form-——as the quotation above puts it,

“Tn this land as has been long’-~-as opposed to the rhyming iambic verse associated with French and other continental literatures. The alliterative line’s persistence within an English oral tradition, though virtually certain, is untraceable for the obvious reason that it was spoken, not written. It descends from Old English alliterative verse in ways that are not entirely clear because the literary record is fragmentary. We do know, however, that already by the end of the Old English period the strict metrical conventions were changing. And later, after more than two centuries when poems like SGGK re-emerge “with true letters interlocked,” the alliterative line has expanded and gained rhythmic flexibility. Because Benson's translation follows the original poem so closely, it can be usec to illustrate Sir Gawain’s verse form.

The Gawain-poet’s basic line unfolds into two parts, divided by a pause called a caesura. A typical half-line has two syllables that receive a prominent stress (or accent), and the number of unstressed syllables between them can vary, so that while the rhythm will always change from one line to the next, the pattern of four stressed syllables gives shape to each line. Usually the first three of the stressed syllables will alliterate but not the final one. The following lines, coming shortly after the passage of the ride to the Green Chapel quoted earlier, show the alliterating syllables in bold type:


With that the warrior inthe Wood wrenches his bridle, Hit the horse with his heels as hard as he could, Leaps him over the land and leaves the knight there (2152-54)

The poet occasionally takes liberties so that, for example, some lmes have only two alliterating syllables and others have four, as shown in the three lines immediately preceding the passage just quoted:

“Now farewell, by God’s wounds, Gawain the noble! For all the gold upon ground — | would not go with thee, Nor bear thee fellowship through this forest — one foot further.” (2149-51)

Note how in the first line (2149) the first sounds of Gad’s and Gawain carry primary alliteration, while the W of farewell,

wounds, and the second half of Gawain add a second, subtle layer of alliteration. In the third line (2151), four words alliterate on f, including the final word further, which by traditional rules should not alliterate. These two examples only scratch the

surface of the variability in the alliteration and rhythm of the lines throughout the poem. Some lines, for example, have more stressed syllables without alliteration, and a few have no alliteration at all (Borroff 1962). The long alliterative line, however, is not the only kind of line in Sir Gawain. Each of its stanzas closes with a five-lme coda, called a

“bob and wheel,” which begins with a two-syllable turn (the bob) leading to four trimeter lines (the wheel), which together follow the


rhyme a-b-a-b-a. The following passage begins with the lines already

given, which lead into the bob and wheel that ends the stanza:

“Now farewell, by God’s wounds Gawain the noble! For all the Qold upon Bround [| would not Go with thee, Nor bear thee fellowship through this forest one foot further.”

With that the Warrior inthe Wood Wrenches his bridle, Hit the horse with his heels as Nard as he could, Leaps him over the land and leaves the knight there

Alone. a

“By God's self,” quoth Gawain, b “Twill neither gripe nor groan; a

Or God’s willl am certain, b

And I know that lam His own.” a (2149-59)

The alliterations and rnymes in the translation remain faithful wherever possible to the original Middle English, given here for the sake of comparison:

“Now farez wel, on Godez half, | Gawayn be noble! ror alle pe olde vpon Brounde — [| nolde Bo wyth pe, Ne bere be felagschip burg bis fryth — on fote fyrre.” Bi pat be Wyze in pe Wod = Wendeg nis brydel, Hit be hors with be helez as Iharde as he myzt, Lepez hym ouer be launde, — and leuegz be knyzt pere

Ajone. a

“Bi Goddez sell,” quop Gawayn, b

“Twyl nauber grete ne grone; a XIV

To Goddez wylle lam ful bayn, b

And to Hym | haf me tone.” a (2749-59)

Many of the words from the original are simply repackaged with modern spellings (e.¢., nauper becomes neither), but the trans-

lation necessarily must make some adjustments. Note, for example, that in modern English the W of wrenches (2152) does not actually alliterate—call it eye-alliteration—because the initial sound in the pronunciation of the word is 7 and the rhymes in the bob and tail are sormetimes inexact, as with Gawain and certain. In lime

after line, however, the translation preserves the essential texture of the original. If the alliterative line seems unfamiliar to the eyes of modern readers, we need to remember that the appearance on the page is deceptive because it is visual, not aural. The lines need to be heard. Follow the poet's advice—“If you will listen to this lay ...i shall tell it... With tongue’—and read it aloud. You will find the cadences familiar after all. Compared with other poems in the Alliterative Revival, Sir Gawain shows a remarkably cavalier attitude toward the conventions of the alliterative line. Perhaps chief among these is the prohibition against alliteration on the final stressed syllable; yet we see an example with one foot further in the passage above, and there are many more such liberties. As mentioned earlier, some lines pile up more alliterative sounds than the three required in a conventional line, while others lack alliteration altogether. Even the hero’s name seems unstable; it is occasionally spelled Wawuin and alliterates on

w. Why this looseness? We can reject the idea that the poet lacked adequate control of his medium and wrote shabby lines because of inferior skills. Quite the opposite. The poem Pearl in the same


manuscript is a masterpiece of versecraft, pernaps unequalled in all of English literature. Written in twelve-lines stanzas with precise alliteration and a demanding rhyme scheme (u-b-a-b-a-b-a-b-b-

c-b-c), it repeats a key word at the first and last line of each stanza within a section; it has still other exacting formal features. Clearly the poet who wrote Pearl could adhere to the comparatively slight demands of the alliterative line in Gawain. It is as if in turning to Sir Gawain the poet says with a wink, “Let's loosen things up.” Because poetic form, far from being mere window-dressing, serves to shape interpretation, Sir Gawain’s verse form sends a message that is full of energy, is somewhat whimsical, does not take itself too seriously, and toys with conventions without undermining them. lt inserts itself into the alliterative tradition in a self-conscious, seltconfident way. This calculated looseness should not be taken to mean that the

poem lacks formal control. Evidence of careful design is everywhere. In broad terms Sir Gawain and the Green Knight consists of

101 stanzas of varying length, most of which are between twenty and thirty lines including the bob and wheel. The manuscript divides the narrative into four sections of uneven length:

(3) lines 1 to 490, the initial challenge up to the end of the first year;

(i) 491 to 1125, Gawain’s journey and arrival at Hautdesert; GHD) 1126 to 1997, the hunting and bedroom scenes; and

(TV) 1998 to 2530, the episode at the Green Chapel and denouement.

In addition to these broad divisions, still other formal features show the hand of a poet sure of his narrative skills: repeated images,


parallel scenes, numerical patternings, rich symbols, character development, and more. Because of this depth the poem has always provided fertile ground for literary close readings —- which brings us from the poet as a master of versecraft to the poet as a master story-teller.

Genre and Sources In creating Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, the poet turned to what

was by the fourteenth century a shopworn genre in England. The high point of Arthurian romance came two centuries earlier, when Chrétien de Troyes and other authors swept onto the scene with the most innovative form of vernacular literature in Europe. They did so by yoking together the stories of Arthur and his court with the sensibility now known as courtly love or fin’amor. Along with amorous idolization, the ethos of courtly love exalted the impor-

tance of a knight's honor and chivalrous code of conduct. That Chrétien and others wrote in French was no obstacle to the genre’s reception in England, where educated persons above a certain rung on the social ladder, from wealthy merchants to nobility, could be expected to have some command of the language. Over time the freshness of Arthurian romance subsided, and other genres began to take its place. Yet it never disappeared altogether (and aspects persist even today). Some of Chaucer’s works incorporate the conventions of courtly love, for example in Trovus and Criseyde and The

Knight's Tale, but it is telling that in The Canterbury Tales—and indeed in all of his works——the only Arthurian romance is the tale as-

signed to the Wife of Bath. However, even if poets rarely cultivated

the genre in fourteenth-century England, an impressive number of manuscripts with older French Arthurian romances were owned


by Englishmen. Two hundred years after Chrétien, “French Arthurian romances were still being read in bulk in England... . [They

were} quite simply the most popular form of literary entertainment in the higher strata of society” (Putter 1995, 2). When the Gawain-poet takes up the genre, it is old, familiar, and

somewhat nostalgic. As an author his challenge is to breathe life back into it. The first two stanzas give a synopsis of the historical genealogy of Arthur going back to Brutus and Troy, and the poems final stanza circles back the same history, gesturing to “the best book of romance” and the “Brutus books” (2521, 2523) to lend

ancient authority to the tale. This gesture to written authority (often an empty gesture, as here) is itself a time-honored convention, but in fact there are no known sources for the complete Sir Gawain. The poet took traditional materials and reworked them into a poem that resembles nothing else that comes before il.

The beheading scene, or more precisely the exchange of blows—a theme well-attested in folklore—seems to go back ultimately to a Celtic source, but the Gawain-poet most likely encountered it in Le Livre de Caradoc, which forms part of the First Continuation of Chrétien’s Perceval, which as with other French romances remained popular in England (Benson 1965, 16). What is most remarkable, however, are the systernatic changes that the Gawain-poet makes to this source, so that little other than the basic framework of the exchange of blows remains. Even a quick glance at similar parts of Caradoc and Sir Gawain is enough to reveal the profound transformation. On the other hand, the temptation scenes, the hunting scenes, and the exchange of winnings motif are less clearly dependent on any sources known to us. Even if there were sources now lost, it seems certain that the Gawain-poet reworked them as thoroughly for his purposes as he did Caradoc. Most significantly, he transforms XVi

each of these traditional sources or themes as he weaves them into a unified story in the service of a guiding artistic vision.

For example, the opening two-stanza prologue emphasizes the chronological distance between the reader and Camelot. One way this is achieved is by making Arthur and his contemporaries child-like as they enjoy the innocent pleasures of their Yule festivities. Arthur is “youthful” and “juvenile” with “young blood”; and upon surveying the court, the Green Knight insults Arthur and his knights by calling them “beardless children.” This emphasis on human youthfulness superimposed on the chronological distance of Camelot reinforces the narrator’s judgment that “this fair folk” was “in their first age,” an age that, however noble and chivalric, is also naive in its remote innocence. The poet’s or the reacder’s society, by contrast, may be older and wiser, but such experience comes at the cost of skepticism about the noblest human ideals. The important point, however, is that these details reveal the imaginative power of the Gawain-poet in manipulating traditional material. There is nothing like it in Caradoc.

Narrative Technique The best way to introduce the poem’s narrative technique is to plunge into a sample passage. In the beheading scene at the Chapel,

the Green Knight makes two feints with his ax before delivering a “snick” on Gawain’s neck. Upon seeing drops of his blood fall on the snow, Gawain springs away and turns in vigorous challenge, assuming a fighting stance. The Green Knight will have none of it, as is clear from what today we would call his body language:

The horseman held himself back, and on his ax rested, Set the shaft upon shore, and on the sharp leaned, Kix

And looked to the liegeman that on the land went How that doughty, dreadless, | dauntless there stands

Armed, fullfearless: inheartitpleaseshim. (2331-35) The visual contrast of Bertilak’s leaning on his ax while looking

with amused detachment at Gawain braced for a fight says more about their respective attitudes than dozens of lines of description possibly could. On the one side is a display of valor appropriate to an Arthurian knight, on the other a posture that is indifferent to that valor. The grisly ax becomes a prop for relaxation. Like a painting in two panels, the two images perform an important narrative function, because now the reader’s point of view begins to align with Bertilak’s. Up to this point the narrative has privileged Gawain’s experiences, his adherence to the chivalric code. But Ber-

tilak’s relaxed pose subtly draws the reader away from Gawain’s perspective, especially after the potentially comic preparation to fight (ne broad-jumps and claps his helmet on his head); yet Gawain’s reaction “pleases” the reader “in heart” as it does Bertilak.

Despite the distancing, despite the fact that the poem does not simply celebrate chivalric ideals as would, say, a French romance from an earlier generation, the reader can nevertheless admire Gawain for his chivalry. To describe this complex yet deft narrative balancing act, Benson makes a useful distinction between unromantic and antiromantic sympathies (Benson 1965, 243). An antiromantic narrative criticizes the unrealistic ideals of pure romance, where rigid adherence to an idealized code of honor leads to selfdestruction, as it does eventually to the entire Round Table. The unromantic merely adopts a point of view outside the romance’s frame of reference and accepts it as a literary convention. It says that romance is not to be mistaken for reality. Bertilak admires


Gawain for the reasons that the poem’s readers have always done, but he holds back, leaning on his ax as he watches the action unfold, as if he were a character who can shift to a position outside of the romance genre. At this point it is as though he is in the romance but not of the romance.

This dichotomy between Bertilak’s detachment and Gawain’s earnestness continues in the following scene, when Bertilak re-

veals his admiration for Gawain’s exemplary character: compared with other knights he is like a pearl among white peas. But

he “lacked a little’ in upholding his oath, because he took the girdle. Gawain responds with an outburst condemning himself for cowardice, covetousness, and falseness. What is Bertilak’s response to Gawain’s self-condemnation? He laughs “lovingly.” In other words, Bertilak’s laughter does not spring from mockery or contempt but rather from a generosity of spirit because he can see beyond Gawain’s horizons of romance, or he finds himself on the outside looking in. Gawain’s earnest confession may be appropriate for a knight upholding the absolute ideals of chivalry, but from Bertilak’s unromantic point of view those ideals remain

out of reach to fallible humans and so excessive that they can seem COMIC.

The diptych of the Green Knight leaning on his ax and Gawain braced to fight is but one example of the poet's characteristic and pervasive use of concrete visual images. It is not the only such image from this scene, because Gawain leaps away only after seeing his blood shoot to the earth, where it Hes in “bright” contrast to the snow on the ground (2314-15). For him, the red blood on white snow is a sign of life. An attentive reader might also be reminded of parallels to the Lady’s complexion “Both white and red in blend” (1205) when she first visits him in bed, or even the Green Knight's


red eyes (303) as he surveys Arthur's court. Elsewhere, the detailed

description of slaughtering and dressing the slain deer, for example, seems to relish visual detail for its own sake. Such emphasis on the concrete creates a sense of realism, making Gawain’s blood and the deer’s carcass each within imaginative grasp. The poem’s expert use of visual detail contributes to the psychological portrayal of character. For the most part the narrative does not disclose the thoughts and emotions of Gawain or other characters via an omniscient narrator, yet there is no doubt about Gawain’s terror when he hears the loud noise of the grindstone sharpening the Green Knight's ax, or his confusion when Lady Bertilak first approaches him in bed, because the concrete descriptions shade toward his point of view.

Another measure of the poem’s careful construction are the various symmetries builf in to the narrative. Parallels abound: two castles and two courts, two beheading scenes, two confession scenes, a double identity for the Green Knight/ Bertilak, and more. The three-part parallels are less frequent, but no less significant. Each of the three hunting scenes is interrupted by the bedroom scene of Lady Bertilak’s morning visits to Gawain, where (in a brilliant piece of narrative patterning) she is the hunter and he is her quarry. Even at a level as small as the verse line, the first

half balances the second, linked by alliteration; and the syntax often works by juxtaposing one clause with another, which allows the reader to interpret what the pairing means. The poem’s architectural symmetry is pervasive, from the smallest detail to the largest elements of structure. The poem is no less rich in symbolism, even if the values symbolized are often ambiguous. A partial list would include the intruding knight's green color, the holly sprig he carries, the pentangle on Gawain’s shield (with its elaborate description), the animals XXL

hunted, the tumulus “chapel,” and the winter season — including the winter solstice, snow, the feast of Christmas, and New Year’s day. Might the snow, for example, signify innocence in its blankness? Or cold sterility? Or seasonal death? Or instead of death, does it become a sign of a fresh start in life, not unlike baptism, after Gawain’s blood hits it? Does it signify the soul’s purity after confession? The green girdle is richly malleable in what it signifies, because Lady Bertilak, the Green Knight, Gawain, and the Arthurian court each ascribe different values to it at different times. And the meaning ascribed is a sure indication of the lesson drawn from Gawain’s adventures by each interpreter.

Themes As an Arthurian romance, the core themes revolve around Gawain’s reputation as a lover and as a fighter; the former is measured by his courtesy and the latter by his bravery. Today (not the fourteenth century) both aspects of the romance hero are conveyed by the term “chivalry.” On two occasions Gawain’s public reputation for chivalry is called into question. Although both are delivered in mock-seriousness, the accusation stings. “But that ye be

Gawain,” accuses the Lady at the end of their first interview in the bedroom, “it goes against what I know.” (1293; similarly 1481)

The real Gawain, the Gawain known through old romances, would not part company after spending so much time with a lady without craving a kiss “by his courtesy.” He apologizes, they kiss, and

the game of exchanging kisses begins. “Thou art not Gawain,” accuses the Green Knight after Gawain flinches when the ax first comes down, because his courage has failed him: “thou fleest for fear ere thou feel harms!” (2270, 2272) These two accusations strike

at the core of Gawain’s public reputation as a lover and a fighter, XXL

although each is less a serious accusation than a rhetorical ploy calculated to manipulate him. What ultimately motivates Gawain’s reputation as a lover and

a fighter is a sense of honor, or its more tangible manifestation known as trawbe in the original, which is here translated as troth. The word’s meaning in the fourteenth century has the practical connotations of keeping one’s word in society; it is both personal and public, yet the public aspect is indispensable (Green 1999). It is important to bear this in mind, because today “honor” can seem more of an abstraction, like an inner virtue somehow nurtured outside of public view, or like funds kept in a bank account ready for occasional withdrawals. In an Arthurian romance honor is nothing if it is not public; it is nothing if it is not displayed in action. After he is beheaded in Camelot, the Green Knight enjoins Gawain to seek him out in a year and a day bi pi trawhbe, in the words of the original, and Gawain answers that he will, by my seker trawep, “by my sure troth.” As important as it is that Gawain stakes his personal reputation on keeping his word, if is just as important that he declares it in a public setting. Later in the story, when the guide tries to dissuade Gawain from completing his quest at the green chapel, part of the shame of turning away would be the very unpublic nature of such a dishonorable course of action. Honor, courtesy, and bravery are staples of almost any romance.

Another prevalent theme in Sir Gawain involves game-playing. In any game, whether it is tic-tac-toe or the most complex roleplaying game, the participants agree to abide by a set of rules that guides their actions. It is limited in having a beginning and an end, and its rules are typically separate from the usual rules of conduct in society. Unless something is amiss, people know when they are engaging ina game and when they are not, and playing it should give pleasure. Some games can be spontaneous, such as the exXELV

change of blows proposed by the Green Knight on New Year’s Day

in Camelot. Before Gawain swings the ax, he swears to abide by the agreement which, despite its formal language of “troth” and the like, is essentially a game. The pleasure derived from decapitating a giant may be doubtful; the onlookers in Camelot seemed stunned—what kind of game is this?——-which is one reason that no knight accepts the challenge at first. Fear is another. But once shamed into action, first Arthur and then Gawain accept the challenge because the return blow seems highly unlikely; from Gawain’s perspective, how can he fail to win? Another spontaneous game is the exchange of winnings between Bertilak and Gawain. This one, by contrast, seems like frivolous fun, as host and guest publicly and ceremoniously exchange their winnings at the end of each day—such as three kisses for a fox skin-——with much laughter.

Its non-serious nature allows Gawain to convince himself to accept and conceal the green girdle in breach of the game’s rules. After all,

it’s just a game. Yet these two games compose the plot of a poem with few peers: Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.


Select Bibliography Verse transiations Armitage, Simon, trans. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight: A New Verse Transiation. ist American ed. New York: WW. Norton, 2007. Borroftf, Marie, trans. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. A New Verse Trans-

lation. Isted. New York: Norton, 1967. Merwin, W. S., trans. Sir Gatwain and the Green Knight: A New Verse Trans-

lation. ist ed. New York: Knopt, 2002. CY Donoghue, Bernard, trans. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Penguin Classics. Londor: Penguin, 2006.

Tolkien, J. R.R. trans. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Pearl, and Sir Orfeo. ist American ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1975.

Critical Studies Benson, Larry Dean. Art and Tradition in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. New Brunswick, N]:; Rutgers University Press, 1965. Borrott, Marie. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight: A Stylistic and Metrical Study, Yale Stuclies in English, V.152. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1962.

Borrott, Marie, and Laura L. Howes, edd. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight: An Authoritative Translation, Contexts, Criticism. 1st ed, Norton Critical Edition. New York: WLW. Norton, 2010.

Green, Richard Firth. A Crisis of Truth: Literature and Law tn Ricardian Eng-

land, Tne Middle Ages Series. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1999,

Hanna, Ralph, U1 “Unlocking What's Locked: Gawain’s Green Girdle.” Viator: Medieval and Renaissance Studies 14 (1983): 289-302.


Heng, Geraldine. “A Woman Wants: The Lady, Gawain, and the Forms of Seduction.” The Yale Journal of Criticisni: Interpretation in the HumaniHes 5. no. 3 41992); 161-34.

Mann, Jill. “Courtly Aesthetics and Courtly Ethics in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.” Studies 1 the Age of Chaucer: The Yearbook of the New Chaucer Society 31 (2009): 231-65.

Putter, Ad. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and French Arthurun Romance. Oxford: Clarendon Press; New York: Oxtord University Press, 1995. Spearing, A. C. The Gawain-Poet; a Critical Study. Cambridge |Eng.): University Press, 1970. Staley, Lynn. The Voice of the Gawain-Poet. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1984.

Stanbury, Sarah. Seeing the Gawain-Poet: Description and the Act of Percep-

tion, Middle Ages Series. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1991.

Editions Andrew, Malcolm, and R. A. Waldron, edd. The Poems of the Pear! Manuscript: Pearl, Cleanness, Patience and Sir Gawain and the Green Kuight.

Sth ec, Exeter Medieval English Texts and Studies. Exeter: University of Exeter Press, 2007,

Tolkien, |. R. R., E. V. Gordon, and Norman Davis, ed. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, 2nd ed. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1967,


A Note on the Middle English Original Text The Middle English text, edited by Donoghue, accepts for the most

part the emendations found in Davis’s revision of Gordon and Tolkien’s edition (1967), with the following exceptions: Ticius (11), glaumande Cine 46), cayres (734), ny3t (929), 3if (2343). It retains the

letter yogh from the manuscript in word-final position when it conveys the sound [z], as in cayre3. Punctuation, capitalization, and word division have been changed throughout. The format of the alliterative lines follows the manuscript in leaving the mid-line caesura unmarked even though the rhythm of each line consistently breaks into two halves; the translation, however, indicates the caesura with a space as an aid to the reader.


Sir Gawain and the Green Knight


The Middle English Original ; Sipen pe sege and pe assaut watz sesed at Troye, Pe borg brittened and brent to brondez and askez, Pe tulk bat pe trammes of tresoun ber wrozt Watz tried for nis tricherie, be trewest on erbe.

. Hit watz Ennias pe athel, and his highe kynde, Pat sipen depreced prouinces, and patrounes bicome Wel neze of al pe wele in pe West Iles. Fro riche Romulus to Rome ricchis hym swybe, With gret bobbaunce pat burge he biges vpon fyrst, TO And neuenes hit his aune nome, as hit now hat:

Ticius to Tuskan and telces bigynnes, Langaberde in Lumbarcie lyftes vp homes, And fer ouer pe French floc Felix Brutus

On mony bonkkes ful brode Bretayn he settez U3 wyth wynne,

Where werre and wrake anc wonder Bi sypez hatz wont berinne,

And oft bobe blysse and blunder Ful skete naty skyifec synne.

20 Ande quen pis Bretayn watz biggec bi pis burn rych, Boide bredcden perinne—baret pat lofden—

in mony turned tyme tene pat wrozten. Mo ferlyes on bis folde han fallen here oft Pen in any ober pat | wot, syn pat Uk tyme. 25 Bot of alle pat here bult, of Bretaygne kynges,

Ay watz Arthur pe hendest, as | haf nerde telle. Forpi an aunter in erde | attle to scnawe, 2

The Modern English Translation i Once the siege and assault had ceased at Troy, The burg battered and burned to brands and ashes, The trooper that the tricks of treason there wrought Was tried for his treachery, the truest on earth.

5 It was Aeneas the noble and his high-born kin Who then despoiled provinces and patrons became Well nigh of all the wealth of the West Isles. Then rich Romulus to Rome rushes him swiftly, With great splendor that burg he builds at first,

io And namesithisownname, as it now has. Ticius to Tuscany and towns he builds; Longabeard in Lombardy lifts up homes; And far over the French Flood — Felix Brutus

On many banks full broad Britain he sets

1 To begin.

Where war and wrack and wonder Have often flourished there-in, And oft both bliss and blunder Have ruled in turn since then.

20 And when this Britain was built by this brave knight Bold men bred there-in— battles they loved— Who in many aturbulenttime troubles have wrought. More wonders on this field have befallen here oft Than on any other that | know — since that noble time.

23 But of all that here built of British kings Ever was Arthur the most elegant, as Ihave heard tell. Therefore an earthly adventure | aim to show, 3

Pat a selly in sigt summe men nit holden, And an outtrage awenture of Arthurez wonderez.

80 lf ze wyil lysten pis laye bot on littel quile, i schal telle hit as-tit, as | in toun nerce, with tonge, As hit is stad and stoken In stori stif and stronge,

38 With lel letteres loken, in lonce so hatz ben longe. Pis kyng lay at Camylot vpon Krystmasse

With mony jufiych lorde, ledez of pe best, Rekenly of pe Rounde Tabie alle po rich breber,

AQ With rych reuel oryzt and rechles merpes. Per tournayed tulkes by tymez ful mony,

usted ful jolilé pise gentyle kniztes, Sypen kayred to pe court caroles to make. For per pe fest watz iiyche fu) fiften dayes,

AN With alle be mete and be mirpe bat men coupe avyse; Such glaumande gle glorious fo here, Dere dyn vpon cay, daunsyng on nyztes, Al watz hap vpon neze in hallez and chambrez With lordez and ladies, as leuest him poat.

SO With all be wele of be woride bay woned per samen, Pe most kyd knyztez vnder Krystes seluen,

And be louelokkest Jadies pat euer iif hacen, And he be comlokest kyng bat be court haldes; For al watz pis fayre folk in her first age, S38 on sille,

Pe hapnest vnder heuen, Kyng hyzest mon of wylie; 4

That a strange signt some men it hold, And an awesome adventure of Arthur’s wonders.

AO If you will listen to thislay but a little while shall tellitat once, as lin town heard With tongue, As it is set down and struck

In story stout and strong.

ae With true letters interlocked In this land as has been long.

This king lay at Camelot upon Christmas time With many loyal lords, lads of the best, Renowned of the Round Table all those rich brethren,

AQ With rich revel aright and reckless mirth. There tourneyed troopers by times full many, Jousted fulljollily these gentle knights, Then came tothe court carols to make, For there the feasting was the same for a full fifteen days

AS With all the meals and the mirth that man could devise: Such gladness and glee glorious to hear, Dear din upon day, dancing at night; All was happiness on high in halls and chambers, With lords and ladies, and most lovely if seemed.

SO With all the wealth of the world they dwelt there together, The best known knights under Christ Himself, And the loveliest ladies that ever life had, And he the comeliest king that the court holds; For all was this fair folk in their first age,

55 And still

The mast fortunate known to fame, The king highest man of will. 5

rit were now egret nye to neuen So hardy a nere on hile.

aU Wyle Nw 3er watz so Zep pat hit watz nwe cummen, Pat day doubbile on be dece watz pe douth serued, Fro pe kyne watz cummen with knyztes into pe halle, Pe chauntré of be chapel cheued to an ence. Louce crye watz per kest of clerkez and oper, AS “Nowel” nayted onewe, neuened ful ofte;

And sypen riche forth runnen to reche hondeselle, Sezed “Seres-ziftes!” on nig, zelde nem bi hond, Debated busyly aboute bo giftes; Ladies laged ful loude, poz pay lost haden,

PO And he pat wan watz not wrothe, pat may 3e wel trawe. Alle pis mirpe bay macen to pe mete tyme. When bay hac waschen worpyly pay wenten fo sete, Pe best burne ay aboi, as hit best semed); Whene Guenore, ful gay, grayped in pe myddes,

25 Dressed on pe dere des, dubbed al aboute, Smal sencdal bisides, a selure hir ouer OF tryed tolouse, and tars tapites innoghe,

Pat were enbrawcded and beten wyth be best gemmes Pat myzt be preued of prys wyth penyes to bye, SO in daye.

Pe comlokest to discrye Per glent with yzen gray;

A semloker pat euer he syze Soth mozt no mon say.


It would now be hard to name So hardy a host on hill.

60 While New Year was so young, since it was newly come, That day with double portions were the diners served, For the king was come with knights into the hall, The chanting inthe chapel achieved an end. Loud cries were there cast by clerics and others,

oS “Noel” named anew, announced tull oft: And then the rich run forth to render presents Yelled “Year’s gifts!” on high, yielding them by hand, Debated busily about those gifts: Ladies laughed fullloud, though they had lost,

ae And he that won was not wroth, that may you well believe. All this mirth they made until the meal time. When they nad washed worthily, they went to sit, The best brave always above, as it best seemed; Queen Guenevere, full gay, graced the middle,

rae Bedecked on the dear dais, adorned all about, Fine silk at her sides, a ceiling above Of rich cloth of Toulouse, and of Tartary many tapestries Embroidered and bedecked with the best gems That might be proven in price with pounds to buy

80 In our day.

The comeliest to see

There gleaned with eyes of gray; A fairer that ever could be In sooth might no man say.


85 Bot Arthure wolde not ete til al were seruec, He watz so joly of his joytnes, and sumauat chiidgered: His Hf liked hym lyzt; he louled pe lasse Auber to longe lye or to longe sitte, So bisied him his zonge blod and his brayn wyide.

90 And also an oper maner meued him eke Pat he burg nobelay hac nomen: he wolde neuer ete Vpon such a dere day er hym ceuisec were Of sum auenturus pyng, an vncoupe tale, OF sum mayn meruayle pat he myzt trawe, oy Of alderes, of armes, of ober auenturus,

Ober sum sege hym bisozt of sum siker knyzt To joyne wyth hym in justyneg, in jopardé to lay

Lede lif for yf, leue vchon ober As fortune woilde fulsun hom, be fayrer to haue. 10 Pis watz pe kynges countenaunce where he in court were,

At vcn tarand fest among nis fre meny in halle. Perfore of face so fere He stigthez stif in stalle. TOS Ful zep in pat Nw 3ere

Much mirthe he mas withalle. Thus per stondes in stale be stil kyng hisseluen, Talkkande bifore pe nyze table of trifles Tul hence,

There gode Gawan watz grayped Gwenore bisyde, mae And Agrauayn a ia Dure Mayn on bat ober syce sittes,

Bope pe kynges sistersunes and ful siker knigtes. Bischop Bawdewyn abot bigineg pe table, And Ywan, Vryn son, ette with hymseluen.


ASS But Arthur would noteat until all were served, He was so jolly and joyful, and somewhat juvenile: He liked his life ight; he loved least Either too long to lie or too long to sit So busied him his young blood and his brain wild.

SO And also another matter moved him as well, That he had adopted for nobility: he would never eat Upon such a dearday ere he was told Of some adventurous thing, an astonishing tale Ofsome mighty marvel that he might believe

Os Of ourelders, of arms, of other adventures, Or some stalwart besought him for some true knight To join with him in jousting, in jeopardy to lay At risk life for life, each happy if the other By Fortune was favored the advantage to have. 100 This was the king’s custom whenever he was in court

At each fine feast arnong his fair retinue In hall. Therefore of face so fair

He stands strong at his stall.

LOS Full youthful in that New Year, Much mirth he makes with all.

Thus there stands at his stall the strong king himself, Talking before the high table of trifles full courtly. There good Gawain was seated Guenevere beside, ate And Agravain of the Hard Hand on that other side sits,

Both the king’s sister’s sons and full sure knights. Bishop Baldwin above begins the table And Ywain, Urien’s son, ate with Arthur himself.


Pise were digt on pe des and derworply serued, Tas And sipen mony siker segee at pe sidbordes. Pen be first cors come with crakkyng of trumpes, Wyth mony baner ful bryzt pat perbi henged; Nwe nakryn noyse with be noble pipes, Wyide werbles and wyzt wakned lote, 120 Pat mony hert ful hige hef at her towches.

Dayntés cryuen perwyth of ful dere metes, Foysoun of pe fresche, and on so fele cisches Pat pine to tynde be place be pepie biforne For to sette be sylueren bat sere sewes halden 125 on ciothe.

iche lede as he louec nymseiue Per lagt withouten lope; Ay two hac cisches twelue, Good ber and bryzt wyn bope. 130 Now wyi | of hor seruise say yow no more,

For vch wy3ze may wel wit no wont pat per were.

An ober noyse ful newe nezed billue, Pat be lude myzt haf leue Ifiode to cach; For vnebe watz be noyce not a whyie sesed, USS And be fyrst cource in be court kyndely serued,

Per hales in at be halle der an aghlich mayster, On be most on pe molce on mesure hyghe, Fro be swyre to be swange so sware and so bik, And nis lynces and his lymes so longe and so grete, 140 Half etayn in erde | nope pat he were;

Bot mon most | algate mynn hym to bene, And pat pe myriest in nis muckel pat my3t rice, For of bak and of brest al were his bodi sturne, 10

These were dining on the dais, diligently served, LS And next were many sure stalwarts at the sideboards.

Then the first course came with cracking of trumpets With many banners full bright that there-by hung; New noise of drums with the noble pipes, Wild warbles and loud wakened echoes,

y20 That many hearts heaved full high at their notes. Dainties drummed in there-with of many dear foods, Full plenty of fresh food and on so many fair dishes That it was a pain to find place the people before To set the silver that held the separate stews i235 On cloth.

Each lad as he loved himself There dined, nothing loath; Each two had dishes twelve, Good beer and bright wine both.

ie Now will Lot their service say you no more, For each warrior may well know no want was there. Another noise fullnew quickly came nigh That the lord might have leave _ to lift up his food, For hardly was the noise nota while ceased,

iSS And the first course in the court courteously served, There hastens in at the halldoor an awesome figure, One of the most on earth in measure of height, From the neck to the waist so well-built and square, And his loins and his limbs so long and so big 140 Halfa giantinearth I affirm that he was;

Yet man must I nonetheless admit him to be And that the merriest in his muchness that might ride, For though of back and of breast his body was stout,


Both his wombe and his wast were worthily smaile, US Anc alle his fetures folyancde, in forme bat he hace,

ful clene:

For wonder of his hwe men hade, Set in his semblaunt sene:

te ferde as freke were fade, TAQ And oueral enker grene.

Ande al grayped in grene pis gome and nis wedes: A strayte cote ful stregt, pat stek on nis sides, A meré mantile abof, mensked withinne

With pelure pured apert, pe pane ful clene 155 With blype blaunner ful brygt, and his hod bobe,

Pat watz lagt fro his lokkeg and layde on his schuideres;

Heme wel-haied nose of bat same, Pat spenet on his spariyr, and clene spures vnder Of bryzt goide, vpon sik bordes barred ful ryche, 160 And scholes vnder schankes bere pe schalk rides,

And alle his vesture uerayly watz clene verdure, Bope pe barres of his belt and ober blybe stones, Pat were ricnely rayied in nis aray clene Aboutte hymself anc his sadel, vpon silk werkez. 16S Pat were to tor for to telle of tryfles pe halue

Pat were enbrauded abof, wyth brydces and flyzes, With gay gaudi of grene, pe golce ay inmycddes, Pe pencauntes of his payttrure, be prouce cropure; His molaynes, and alle be metail anamayld was penne, 170 Pe steropes pat he stod on stayned of pe same,

And his arsounz al after and his abel skyrtes,

Pat euer glemered anc gient al of grene stones.


Both his belly and his waist were worthily slim,

ras And all his features conforming, in form that he had, Full clean.

But great wonder of the hue men had Set in his complexion seen: He fared like a fighter to dread,

ie And over all deep green. And all garbed in green this gallant and his clothes: Astraight coat full tight that stuck to his sides, Amerry mantle above, embellished within With finely trimmed furs, a facing full bright

TSS Of handsome white ermine and his hood as well, That was lifted from his locks and laid on his shoulders; Neat well-fitting hose of that same green That covered nis calves, and shining spurs below Of bright gold, on silken borders embroidered full rich,

160 And with fine shoes below the shanks the chevalier rides, And all his vesture verily was verdant green, Both the bars of nis belt and other bright stones, That were richly arranged in his array completely About himself and his saddle, upon silk works

16S That would be too toilsome to tell of trifles the half That were embroidered above, with insects, and birds With gay gems of green, and gold intermingled, The pendants of his horse trappings, the proud crupper; His mount’s bit and all the metal enamelled was then, LPO The stirrups that he stood on colored the same,

And his saddle-bow next and its elegant skirts That ever glimmered and glowed all of green stones.


Pe fole pat he ferkkes on fyn of pat ike, sertayn: ive A grene hors gret and bDikke,

A stede ful stif to strayne;

In brawden brycel quik, To be gome he wats ful gayn. Wel gay watz Dis gome gered in grene, 18g And be here of his hed of nis hors swete.

Fayre fannand fax vmbetoldes his scnuideres,

A much berd as a busk ouer his brest henges Pat wyth his higlich here bat of his hed reches Watz euesed al vmbetorne abot his elbowes, PSS Pat nalf his armes per-vnder were halched in pe wyse

Of a kyngez Capacias pat closes his swyre;

Pe mane of bat mayn hors much to hit lyke, Wel cresped and cemmed, wyth knottes ful mony, Foiden in wyth fildore aboute pe fayre grene, FOO Ay a nerle of be here, an ober of golde,

Pe tayl and his toppyng twynnen of a sute, And bounden bope wyth a bande of a bryzt grene, Dubbed wyth ful dere stones, as pe cok lasted, Sypen brawen wyth a pwong a pwarle knot alotte, POs Per mony pelleg ful bryzt of brence goide rungen.

Such a fole vpon foide ne freke pat hym rydes Watg neuer sene in pat sale wyth sy3t er bat tyme With yze. He loked as layt so ly3t, 200 So sayd al pat hym syze;

Hit semed as no mon myzt Vnder his dynttez aryze. 14

The foal he fares on fully of that same hue, Certain: UPS A green horse great and thick,

A steed full stiff to restrain:

In embroidered bridle quick, For the gallant who held the rein.

Well gay was this gallant and his gear in green, 180 And the hair of his head matching his horse.

Fair fanning locks enfold his shoulders, A beard big asa bush over his breast hangs That with the noble hair that trom nis head reaches Was clipped all around above his elbows

B85 That halt his arms there-under were held in the manner Of aking’s cape that encloses his neck; The mane of that mighty horse much to it like, Well curled and combed with knots full many, Tied in with gold thread about the fair green, 230 Always one strand of hair, another of gold,

His tail and his topknot twisted in braids, And both bound with a band of bright green, Adorned with full dear gerns to the top of the tuft, Then bound tightly with a thong, trickily knotted above, Lgs Where many bells full bright of burnished gold rang.

Such a foalin the field nor fighter that rides him Was never seen in that hall with sight ere that time With eye.

He looked like lightning as light,

200 Said all that saw him come nigh; It seemed that no man might Such blows as his defy. LS

Whreper hace he no helme ne hawbergh nauber, Ne no pysan ne no plate pat pented to armes, 208 Ne no schafte ne no schelde to schwue ne to smyte,

Bot in his on honde ne hade a holyn bobbe, Pat is grattest in grene when greuegz ar bare,

And an ax in his ober, a noge and vnmete, A spetos sparbe to expoun in spelle, quoso myzt. 2i8 Pe lenkpe of an einzerde be large nede hade,

Pe grayn al of grene stele and of goide hewen. Pe bit burnyst bryzt, with a brod egge As wel schapen to schere as scnarp rasores. Pe stele of a stif staf pe sturne hit bi erypte, 2th Pat watz wounden wyth yrn to pe wandes ence,

And al bigrauen with grene in gracios werkes; A lace lapped aboute, pat louked at be hede, And so after pe halme haiched ful ofte, Wyth tryed tasselez perto tacched innoze 220 On botouns of be bryat grene prayden ful ryche.

Pis habel neldez hym in and be halle entres, Driuance to pe heze dece — dut he no wobe; Hayised he neuer one, bot hege he ouer loked. Pe fyrst word pat he warp, “Wher is,” he saya,

225 “Pe gouernour of bis gyng? Gladly | wolce Se bat sege in syzt, and with hymself speke raysoun’”

To knyztez he kest his yze,

And reled hym vp and doun; 230 He stemmed, and con studie

Quo walt per most renoun.


Yet he had no helmet nor hauberk neither,

Nor any armor nor plate that pertained to arms,

205 Nor any spear nor any shield to shove nor to smite, Butin his one hand he had a holly branch, That is greatest in green when groves are bare, And an ax in his other, awesome and monstrous, A spiteful ax to describe in speech, if anyone could. 210 Near four feet in length the large head had,

With a spike of green steel and of hammered gold. The bit burnished bright with a broad edge, As well shaped to shear as a sharp razor. By the hilt of the strong shaft that stern one it gripped

215 That was wound withiron to the weapon's end, And all engraved with green in gracious works; By a lace sash, coiled about, that was tied at the head And so down the shaft looped full oft, With fine tassies there-to attached there-by,

220 And buttons of bright green, embroidered full rich. This horseman held his way in and the hall enters, Driving to the high dais—- no danger he feared; Hailed he never any one but high he looked over. The first word that he whipped out: “Where is,” he said,

eon “The governor of this gang? Gladly l would See that stalwart insight and speak with himself And reason.” To knights he cast his eyes

And rolled them up and down;

a THe stopped and stuclied to surmise Who wields there most renown.


Ther watz lokyng on lenbe pe luce to beholce, For vch mon had meruayle quat hit mene myzt Pat a hapel and a horse my3t sucn a hwe lach. 235 As growe grene as be gres and grener hit semed, Pen grene aumayl on golde glowance bryzter. Al studied bat per stod, and stalked hym nerre Wyth al be wonder of be worlde what he worch schuide, For fele sellyez had pay sen, bot such neuer are) 240 Forpi for fantoum and fayryze pe folk bere nit demed.

Perfore fo answare wat3 arge mony abel freke, And al stouned at his steuen and stonstil seten

Ina swoze sylence purg pe sale riche; As al were siyppec vpon siepe so slaked hor jotez 28S in hyze —

i deme hit not al for doute, Bot sum for cortaysye —

Bot let hym pat al schulde loute Cast vnto pat wyze. 250 Penn Arpour bifore pe hig cece pat auenture byholdez,

And rekenly nym reuerenced, for rac was he neuer, And sayde, “Wyze, weicum iwys to bis place; Pe hede of pis astel Arthour | nat; Ligt lufiych adoun and jenge, | be praye, 255 And guat-so py wylle is we scnal wyt after.”

“Nay, as help me,” quob pe hapel, “he pat on hyze syttes, To wone any quyle in pis won, hit watz not myn ernde; Bot for pe los of be, lede, is lyit vp so hyze, Ane py burg and py burnes best ar holden,


There was looking atlength the legeman to behold, For each man had marvel what it might mean That a horsemen and ahorse might have such a hue.

a3 As green as the growing grass and greener it seemed Than green enamel on gold glowing brighter. All studied that there stood and stalked him nearer, With all the wonder of the world of what he would do, For many spectacles had they seen but such as this never;

280 Thus from fantasy and fairyland the folk there it deemed. Therefore to answer were afraid many elegant fighters, And all were astounded by his speech, and sat stone-still In a swooning dead stillness through the silent hall, As if all were slipped into sleep so slackened their noises

245 On high—

IT deem it not all for fear,

But some, for courtesy shy, Let him whom all should revere To that warrior give reply.

250 Then Arthur before the high dais that adventure beholds And rightly reverenced him, for feared was he never, And said “Warrior, welcome indeed to this place; The head of this hostel Arthur I am called

Light lovely adown and linger I pray thee

255 And whatever thy willis we shall know later,” “Nay, so help me,” quoth the horseman, “He that on high sits, To dwell any while in this dwelling was not my errand; But for the laud of thee, lad, is litted up so high, And thy burg and thy braves best are held,


260 Stifest vnder stel-gere on steces to ryae,

Pe wyztest and be worpyest of be worldes kynce, Preue for to play wyth in ober pure laykez, And here is kydde cortaysye, as | haf herd carp, And pat hatz waynec me hider, iwyis, at pis tyme. 265 3e may be seker bi bis braunch pat | bere here

Pat | passe as in pes, and no plyzt seche, For had | founded in fere in fegtyng wyse, | haue a hauberze at home and a helme bope, A scheide anc a scharp spere, schinance bryzt, eae Ande oper weppenes to welde, | wene wel, als;

Bot for | wolde no were, my wecez ar softer. Bot if pou be so bold as alle burnez tellen, Pou wy! grant me godly pe gomen pat | ask, DE rygt.”

aes Arthour con onsware

And sayd, “Sir cortays knyzt,

If bou craue batay! bare, Here fayleg pou not to fy3t.” “Nay, Trayst | no tygt, in fayth | pe telle, 280 Hit arn aboute on bis bench bot bercieg chyider.

If | were hasped in armes on a heze stecle, Here is no mon me to mach, for myztez so wayke. Forpy | craue in pis court a Crystemas gomen, For hit is 30) and Nwe 3er, and here ar 3ep mony.

285 Hany so hardy in bis hous holceg hymseluen Be so bolde in his blod, brayn in hys hede Pat dar stifly strike a strok for an oper i schal gif hym of my gytt bys giserne ryche,


200 stoutest under steel gear on steecis to ride, The strongest and the worthiest of this world’s kind, With prowess in jousting and other pure sports, And here is famed courtesy, as | have heard claimed, And that has drawn me here, indeed, at this time.

263 You may be sure by this branch that I bear here That [pass here in peace and no peril seek, For had I fared here witha force for fighting ready, Lhave amail coatathome anda helmet too, Ashield and asharp spear, shining bright,

vat And other weapons to wield [know well also; But since lwant no war, my weeds are softer. But if thou be as bold as all battlers tell, Thou will grant me goodly the game that | ask, By right.”

275 Arthur gave answer And said, “Sir courteous knight, lf thou crave battle of armor bare, Here failest thou not to fight.”

“Nay, [seek no fight, in faith I thee tell.

280 Here about on this bench are but beardless children. ifl were harnessed inarmor ona high steed Here is no manto match me, their mignhts are so weak. Therefore I crave in this court a Christmas game, For itis Yule and New Year and here are youths many.

28S If any so hardy in this house holds himself, Oris so bold in his blood, brain-mad in his head That dare stiffly strike one stroke for another Ishall give him of my gift this great battle-ax,


Pis ax, pat is heué innogh, to nondele as hym lykes,

290 And | schal bide be fyrst bur as bare as I sitte. lf any freke be so felle to fonde pat | telle Lepe lyatly me to, anc lach pis weppen: | quit-clayme hit for euer, kepe hit as his auen, And | schal stonde hym a strok, stif on pis flet, 25 Elez pou wyi digi me pe dom to dele hym an ober barlay— And zet gif hym respite, A twelmonytn and a day. Now hye, and let se tite BOO Dar any nerinne ozt say.”

If he hem stowned vpon fyrst, stiller were panne Alle pe heredmen in halle, be hyz and be loge. Pe renk on his rouncé hym ruched in his sadel, And runischiy his rede yzen ne reled aboute, 305 Bende his bresec brozez, blycande grene,

Wayued his bercde for to wayte quo-so wolde ryse. When non woilde kepe hym with carp he cozed ful hyze, Ande rimed hym ful richly, and ryzt nym to speke.

“Anat? is bis Arthures hous,” quop pe habel penne, cane “Pat al pe rous rennes of burg ryalmes so mony?

Where is now your sourguycrye and your conquestes, Your gryndellayk and your greme, and your grete worces? Now is pe reuel anc pe renoun of pe Rounce Table OQuerwalt wyth a worde of on wyzes speche, 345 For al dares for drede withoute dynt schewed!”

Wyth bis he Jazes so louce pat pe lorde greued;


This ax, that is heavy enough, to handle as he pleases,

aN) And I shall abide the first blow as bare as I sit. If any fighter be so ferce to test what I tell Leap lightly to me and lay hold of this weapon; I quit-claim it forever; let him keep it as his own, And I shall stand one stroke from him, stout on this floor,

295 If thou will grant me the right to render him another. —~LPpme out today!—

And yet I give him respite, A twelvemonth and a day. Now hurry and let’s see aright

SOG If any dare anything say.” lf he astounded them at first, stiller were then All the courtiers in the hall, the high and the low; The rider on his mount moved him in his saddle

And roughly his red eyes he rolled about,

305 Bent his bushy brows brightly green, Waved his beard tosee whoever would arise. When none kept him there with talk, he coughed “ahem,” And rose up fulllordly and readied himself to speak. “What? Is this Arthur’s house” quoth the horseman then, SUG “That all the renownruns through realms so many?

Where is now your vainglory and your victories, Your ferocity anc your grimness and your great words? Now is the revel and renown of the Round Table Overthrown by one word of one warrior’s speech,

SES For all dither for dread without deed shown!” With this he laughs so loud that the lord grieved.


Pe blod schot for scham into his schyre face and lere: He wex as wroth as wynde,

320 So did alle pat per were. Pe kyng as kene bi kynde

Pen stod pat stif mon nere, Ande sayce, “Habel, by heuen, pyn askyng is nys, And as pou foly hatg frayst, fynde pe behoues. 325 | know no gome bat is gast of py grete worcdes.

Gif me now py geserne, vpon Godeg halue, And Lschal baypen by bone pat pou boden nabbes.” Lyztly lepez he hym to, and lagt at his honce, Pen feersly pat ober freke vpon Tote lyztis. B80 Now hatz Arthure his axe, and pe halme erypez,

And sturnely sturez hit aboute, pat stryke wyth hit pogt; Pe stif mon hym bifore stod vpon hyzt,

Herre ben ani in pe hous by be hede and more. Wyth sturne schere per he stoc he stroked his berce,

B38 And wyth a countenaunce dryze he droz doun nis cote, No more mate ne cismayd for hys mayn cintez Pen any burne vpon bench hace broat hym to drynk of wyne. Gawan, Dat sate bi pe quene,

340 To be kyng ne can enciyne: “| beseche now with sazez sene Pis melly mot be myne. “Wolde ze, worpiycn lorde,” quob Wawan to be kyng, “Bid me boze fro pis benche, and stonde by yow bere,


The blood shot for shame in his shining white face So fair:

He waxed as wroth as wind,

320 So did all that were there. The king, as keen by kind Then strode that stout man nearer,

And said “Horseman, by heaven, thine asking is foolish, And as thou folly hast sought, to find it thee behooves.

325 [know no gallant thatis aghast of thy great words. Give me now thy great ax, by God’s wounds, And I shall bestow the boon that thou hast begged.” Lightly leaps he him to and latches it from his hand Then fiercely that other fighter upon foot alights.

S80 Now has Arthur his ax, and the hilt grips, And sternly swings it about, and meant to strike with it; The stout man before him stood up straight, Higher than any in the house, by the head and more. With stern stance where he stood he stroked his beard,

S35 And with a countenance dry he drew down his coat, No more moved nor dismayed for his mighty blows Than if any battler upon bench had brought him a drink Of wine.

Gawain, that sat by the queen,

SAO To the king he did incline: “T beseech now with plain speech This melee may be mine.

“Would ye, worthy lord,” quoth Wawain to the king, “Bid me bow from this bench and stand by you there,


345 Pat | wythoute vylanye myzt voyce pis table, And bat my legge lacy lyked not ile, | wolde com to your counsey! bifore your cort ryche, For me pink hit not semly, as hit is sop knawen, Per such an askyng is heuenecl so hyze in your sale,

350 Paz ze zourself be talenttyt, to take hit to yourseluen, Whil mony so boide yow adoute vpon bencn sytten, Pat vnder neuen | hope non hazgerer of wylle, Ne better bodyes on bent ber baret is rered. lam be wakkest, | wot, anc of wyt feblest, 355 And lest lur of my lyf, quo laytes pe sope;

Bot for as mucn as ze ar myn em | am only to prayse; No bounté bot your blod | in my bodé knowe, And sypen pis note Is so nys bat not hit yow falles, And | naue frayned nit at yow fyrst, foldez hit to me; 360 And if | carp not comiyly, jet alle pis cort rych

pout blame.”

Ryche togecer con roun, And sypen pay reccden alle same: To ryd pe kyng wyth croun, 365 And gif Gawan pe game.

Pen comaunded pe kyng pe knyt for to ryse, And he ful radly vpros, and ruchchec hym fayre, Kneled coun bifore be kyng, and cachez pat weppen, And ne luflyiy hit nym laft, and lytte vp his honce, 370 And gef hym Goddez blessyng, and gladly hym biddes

Pat his hert and his nonde schulce hardi be bope. “Kepe pe, cosyn,” quop be kyng, “pat pou on kyrf sette. And if pou redez hym ryt, recly | trowe Pat pou schal bycien be bur bat he schal bece after.” 26

SAS That I without vile manners might vacate this table, And providing my hege lady be not ill pleased, I would come to your counsel before your rich court, For [think it not seemly, as it is sooth known That such an asking be heaved up so high in your hall,

S50 Though you yourself be tempted to take it to yourself While so many bold about you upon bench sit That under heaven hold none hardier of will, Nor better bodies on earth where battle is reared. Tam the weakest, | know, and of wit feeblest,

855 And my life would be the least loss, to speak the sooth, For only because you are my uncle am | to be praised; No goodness but your blood lin my body know, And since this business is so foolish, it does not befit you, And I have begged it of you first, inflict it on me;

360 And it l speak not courteously, let all this court rich Me blame.”

Rich nobles gathered round And they all advised the same: To replace the king with crown,

808 And give Gawain the game. Then commanded the king the knight for to rise, And he fullreadily uprose and arranged himself fairly, Kneeled down before the king and catches that weapon, And Arthur lovingly leftitto him and lifted up his hands

are And gave him God’s blessing and gladly him bids That his heart and hishands should hardy be both. “Take care, kinsman,” quoth the king, “that thou cut but once. And it thou deal with him rightly, readily I believe Thou shalt survive the blow he shall bring there-after.” 27

375 Gawan gotz to be gome with giserne in honcde, And he baidly hym bydez, ne bayst neuer be helder. Pen carppez to Sir Gawan be knyt in be grene, “Refourme we oure forwardes, er we fyrre passe. Fyrst lebe be, habel, how bat pou hattes;

S80 Pat pou me telle truly, as [ tryst may.” “In god fayth,” quob pe goocde knyzt, “Gawan | hatte, Pat becie pe bis buffet, quat-so bifalleg after,

And at pis tyme twelmonyth take at be an ober Wyth what weppen so pou wyit, and wyth no wyz ellez

S85 on iyue.”

Pat oper onswarez agayn,

“Sir Gawan, so mot | pryue, As lam ferly fayn Pis dint pat pou schal aryue.

390 “Bigoe!” quob pe grene knyzt, “Sir Gawan, me lyKes Pat | schal fange at py fust pat | haf frayst here.

And pou hatz redily rehersed, bi resoun ful trwe, Clanly al be couenaunt pat | be kynge asked, Saf pat pou schal siker me, segge, bi bi trawpe,

395 Pat pou scnal seche me biself, where-so pou hopes | may be funcde vpon foide, anc foch be such wages As pou deles me to-day bifore bis Goupe ryche.”

“Where schuide | wale pe,” quop Gauan, “where is py place? | wot neuer where pou wonyes, bi hym pat me wrozt,

400 Ne | know not be, knyzt, py cort ne bi name. Bot teche me truly perto, and felle me how pou hattes, And i schal ware alle my wyt fo wynne me beder,


SPS Gawain goes to the gallant with the great ax in hand, And he boldly him abides; he was abashed not at all. Then calls out to Sir Gawain the knight in the green, “Let us affirm our pledge, ere we further pace. First Lask thee, horsernan, how thou art called:

SSO That thou tell me truly, so [can trust.” “In good faith,” quoth the good knight, “Gawain lam called, Who grants thee this buffet, whatever after befalls, And from this time atwelvemonth [will take one from thee, With whatever weapon as thou wish and with no other warrior

SRS Alive.”

The other answers again: “Sir Gawain, as | may thrive, Lam greatly glad, certain, That thou this blow shalt drive.”

SSG “By Gog!” quoth the green knight, “Sir Gawain, I like it That [shall feel from your fist, the favor I have asked. And thou hast readily rehearsed, by reason full true, Completely all the covenant that | of the king asked, Save that thou shall assure me, good sir, by thy troth, S85 That thou shall seek me thyself, wherever thou supposest [may be found upon earth, and fetch thee such wages As thou dealest to me today before this dear court.” “Where do I find thee?” quoth Gawain, “where is thy place? Lam not aware where thou dwellest, by Him that me wrought,

ie Nor [know not thee, knight, thy court nor thy name. But teach me truly and tell me how thou art called, And I shall work with allmy wit to win my way thither,


And pat | swere be for sobe, and by my seker trawep.” “Pat is innogh in Nwe 3er; hit nedes no more,” AOS @Quop pe gome in pe grene to Gawan be hende. “Sif | pe tele trwiy, quen | pe tape haue And pou me smopely hatz smyten, smartly | be teche Of my hous and my home and myn owen nome, Pen may bou frayst my fare and forwardez nolde; ATO And if | spende no speche, penne spedez pou pe


For pou may leng in by londe and layt no fyrre-— pot slokes! Ta now by grymme tole to be,

And jet se how pou cnokes.” AVS “Giadly, sir, for sope,”

@Quop Gawan; his ax ne strokes.

Pe grene knyzt vpon grounde graypely hym caresses,

A littel jut with be hede, be lere he discouere3; His longe louelych lokkez he layd ouer his croun,

ABO Let pe naked nec to pe note schewe. Gauan gripped to his ax, and gederes hit on hyzt, be kay fot on pe foide he before sette, Let him doun lyztly iygt on be naked, Pat pe scharp of pe schalk schyndered be bones, 42s And schrank burg pe schyre grece, and schade hit in twynne,

Pat pe bit of be broun stel bot on pe grounde., Pe fayre hede fro pe halce hit to be erbe, Pat fele hit foyned wyth her fete, pere nit forth roled. Pe blod brayd fro pe body, pat blykked on be grene, §QO And nawber faltered ne fel be freke neuer pe helder,

Bot styoly he start forth vpon sty? schonkes, 30

And that l swear thee for sooth and by my sure troth.” “That is enough in the New Year; it needs no more,”

AOS Quoth the gallantin the green to Gawain the courtier. ‘TfL tell thee truly when I have tapped thee, And thou me smoothly hast smitten, smartly | will teach thee Of my house and my home and my own name. Then may thou be my guest and our agreements fulfill; Alo And it l cannot speak any speech, then succeedest thou the better,

For thou may lingerin thy land and look no farther. Thou spokest!

Take now thy grim tool, in truth, And let's see how thou pokest.” U5 “Gladly, sir, for sooth,”

Quoth Gawain; his ax he strokes.

This green knight upon ground gracefully him readies, A little bow with his head the face he uncovers; His long lovely locks he laid over his crown

420 Let the naked neck show to the nape. Gawain gripped to his ax and gathers it on high, The lett foot on the floor he set before, Let it down swiftly alight on the naked skin That the sharp of the chevalier shattered the bones

A2S And sheared through the shining flesh and slashed it in two, That the bit of the bright steel — bit on the ground.

The fair head from the neck hit on the earth, That full many it kicked with their feet, | where it forth rolled. The blood poured from the body, bright on the green, BSG And neither faltered nor fell the fighter nonetheless, But stoutly he starts forth wpon strong shanks, 31

And runyschly he razt out, bere as renkkez stoden, Lagt to his lufly hed, and byft hit vp sone; And sypen bozez to nis blonk, be brydel he cachcnez, ASS Steppez into stelbawe and strycez alofte,

And his hede by pe here in his honde haldez, And as sadly pe segge hym in his sacel sette As non vnhap nad hym ayled, baz heciegz he were in stedde. AAG He brayde his bulk aboute,

Pat vely bodi pat bledde; Moni on of hym hac coute, Bi pat his resoung were redde,

For pe hede in his honde he haldez vp euen,

Aas Toward be derrest on pe dece he dressez be face, And hit byfte vp pe yze-lyddez and loked ful brode,

And meled pus much with his muthe, as ze may now here: “Loke, Gawan, pou be graype to go as pou hettez, And jayte as lelly til bou me, luce, fynde,

A50 As bou natz hette in pis halle, herance bise knyztes; To pe grene chapel pou chose, | charge pe, to fotte Such a cunt as pou hatg dalf-——cisserued pou habbez-—

To be zederly golden on Nw 3eres morn. Pe Knyzt of be Grene Chapel men knowen me mony; ABS Forpi me for to fynde if pou fraystez, faylez pou neuer,

Perfore com, oper recreaunt be caide pe behoues.” With a runisch rout be raynez he tornez, Halled out at pe hal cor, his hed in nis hanae, Pat pe fyr of pe flynt flage fro tole noues.


And roughly he reached out where riders stood, Latched on to his lovely head, and lifted it up soon; And then bounded to his bronc, the bridle he catches,

ASS Steps into the stirrups, strides aloft, And his head by the hair holds in his hand, And as steadily the stalwart sat him in his saddle, Asif no mishap had ailed him, though headless now Instead.

AdQ He twisted his trunk about, That ugly body that bled; Many feared the clout, Ere his speech was said,

For the head in his hand he holds upright,

aay Toward the dearest on the dais he addresses the face, And it lifted up the eye-lids and looked full widely about And spoke thus much withits mouth, as you may now hear: “Look, Gawain, thou be prepared to go as thou promised, And look loyally tillthou, liegeman, find me,

450 As thou hast promised in this hall, in these knights’ hearing; To the Green Chapel choose the way, I charge thee, to fetch Such a dint as thou hast dealt —thou hast deserved it— To be promptly yielded on New Year’s morn. As the Knight of the Green Chapel, men know me many.

55 Thus me for to find, if thou set forth, failest thou never. Therefore come or recreant to be called thee deservest.”

With a rough roar the reins he turns, Hurried out at the hall door, his head in his hand, That the fire of the flint few from his foal’s hooves.


ASO To quat kyth he becom knwe non bere,

Neuer more ben pay wyste from queben he watz wonnen. What penne? Pe kyng and Gawen bare At bat grene pay lage anc grenne,

AGS 3et breued watz hit ful bare A meruay! armong bo menne.

Paz Arber, be hende kyng, at hert hace wonder, He let no semblaunt be sene, bot sayde ful hyze To pe comlych quene wyth cortays speche, Arg “Dere dame, to-day demay yow neuer;

Wel bycommes such craft vpon Cristmasse, Laykyng of enterludes, to lage and to syng,

Among bise kynde caroles of knyziez and lacyes. Neuer De lece to my mete | may me wel dres,

APS For | haf sen a selly, | may not forsake.” He glent vpon Sir Gawen and gaynly he sayce, “Now, sit, heng vp pyn ax, pat hatz innoz hewen”;

And nit watz don abot pe dece on doser to henge, Per alle men for meruay! myzt on hit joke,

AS And bi trwe tytel berof to telle pe wonder. Penne pay bozed to a borce pise burnes togeder, Pe kyng and pe goce kny3t, and kene men hem serued Of alle dayntyez double, as derrest myzt falle; Wyth alle maner of mete and mynstraicie bope,


260 To what country thathe came knew none there, No more than they knew from whence he was come. What then? The king and Gawain there

At that green one they laugh and grin,

465 Yet recorded it was with care As a marvel among those men.

Though Arthur, the elegant king, at neart had wonder, He let no sign be seen, but said full high To the comely queen with courteous speech,

van “Dear dame, today dismay you never; Well becomes such craft upon Christmas,

Playing of interludes to laugh and to sing, Among these courtly carols of knights and ladies.

Nonetheless to my meal [may me well address,

a. For | have seen a strange sight; I can not gainsay it.” He glanced at Sir Gawain and goodly he said, “Now sit, hang up thine ax, that has enough hewed”; And it was done, above the dais on the tapestry hanging,

Where all men fora marvel might look on it

A And be truly entitled there-of _ to tell the wonder. Then they bounded to the board, these battlers together, The king and the good knight, and keen men them served With all dainties double, as to the dearest should befall: With all manner of meat and minstrelsy both,


ASS Wyth wele walt pe day, tll worpec an ence

in londe. Now benk wel, Sir Gawan,

For wope bat pou ne wonde Pis auenture for to frayn

AQO Pat pou hatz tan on nonde.


ASS With wealth dwelt they thatday, untilit went to an end In land. Now, think well, Sir Gawain,

Lest for fear of what thou began, Thou from this adventure refrain

490 That thou hast taken in hand.


Blank Page


This hanselie hatz Arthur of auenturus on fyrst in zonge ger, for he zerned zelpyng fo here.

Thaz hym wordez were wane when pay to sete wenten, Now ar pay stoken of sturne werk, stafful her honc.

4Q5 Gawan watz glad to begynne bose gomez in halle, Bot baz pe ende be heuy haf ze no wonder; For paz men ben mery In mynde quen pay han mayn drynk, A zere zernes ful gerne, and zeldez neuer lyke) Pe forme to pe fynisment foideg ful seiden.

S00 Forpi pis z01 ouergecde, and be zere ater, And vche sesoun seriepes sued after oper: After Crystenmasse com be crabbed lentoun, Pat fraystez flescn wyth be fysche and fode more symple; Bot penne be weder of be worlde wyth wynter hit brepez;

S05 Coide clengez adoun, cloudes vplyften, Schyre schedez be rayn in schowrez ful warme, Fallez vpon fayre flat, flowrez pere schewen. Bobe groundez and be greuez grene ar ner wedez; Bryddez busken to bylde, and bremlych syngen 510 For solace of pe softe somer bat sues perafter

bi bonk;

And blossumez boine to blowe Bi rawey rych and ronk,

Pen notez noble innoze 515 Ar herce in wod so wionk,.

After pe sesoun of somer wyth pe soft wyndez Quen 3eterus syflez hymself on secez anc erbeg, Wela wynne is pe wort pat waxes peroute, When be donkande dewe dropez of be leuez,


This gifthas Arthur of adventures at first In the young year, for he yearned to hear challenges. Though words were wanting when they went to sit, Now are they stocked with stern work, stuffed full their hands.

Ags Gawain was glad to begin those games in hall, But though the end be heavy, have ye no wonder; For though men are merry when they drink much, A year runs full swiftly, and yields never the same; The first part with the finish fits full seldom.

500 Thus this Yule passed by, and the year after, And each season separately ensued after other: After Christmas came the crabbed Lent, That tests the flesn with fish and food more simple; But then the weather of the world wrangles with winter;

SOS Cold clings down, clouds uplift, Shining sheds the rain in showers full warm, Falls upon fair fields; flowers there show. In both ground and the groves green are their weeds; Birds bustle to build, and beautifully sing SiO For solace of the soft summer that ensues there-after

With thanks:

And blossoms begin to swell By hedge-rows rich and rank, Then noble notes in the dell

515 Are heard in brush and banks. After the season of summer with the soft winds When Zephyrus settles himself on seeds and herbs, Very well is the worthy plant that waxes there-about, When the drenching dew drops from the leaves,


520 To bide a blystul blusch of be bryzt sunne.

Bot pen hyges Heruest, and hardenes hym sone, Warneg nym for be wynter to wax ful rype; He dryues wyth drozt pe dust for to ryse, Fro pe face of be folde to flyze ful hyze; S25 Wrobe wynde of be welkyn wrastelez with be sunne,

Pe leuez lancen fro be lynde anc lyzten on be grounce, And al grayes pe eres pat grene watz ere; Penne al rypez and rotez pat ros vpon fyrst, And bus zernez pe zere in zisterdayez mony, B30 And wynter wyndegz agayn, as pe worlde askeg,

no fage,

Til Mezelmas mone

Watz cumen wyth wynter wage; Pen penkke Gawan ful sone

S35 Of his anious uyage. Set quy! Al-rial-Day with Arper he lenges;

And he made a fare on pat fest for pe frekez sake, With much reuel ana ryche of pe Rounde Table. Knygtez ful cortays and comlych ladies

540 Al for luf of pat lece In longynge bay were, Bot neuer be lece ne pe later bay neuened bot merpe. Mony ioylegz for bat ientyle iapez per maden.

For aftter mete with mournyng he mele to his eme, And spekegz of his passage, and pertly he sayae,

545 “Now, lege lorde of my lyf, leue | yow ask; 4e knowe be cost of pis cace, kepe | no more; To tele yow tenez perof neuer bot trifel; Bot | am boun to pe bur barely fo-morne To sech be gome of be grene, as God wy! me wysse.” 42

S20 To abide a blissful blush of the bright sun. But then hurries in Harvest, and hardens him soon, Warns him for the winter to wax full ripe; He drives with drought the dust for to rise, From the face of the field _ to fly full high;

S25 Wrathful wind of the heavens wrestles with the sun, The leaves launch from the limbs and alight on the ground, And all grays the grass that green was before; Then all ripens and rots that arose at first, And thus yields the year in yesterdays many,

SA0 And winter winds back again, as the world asks For tts age, Until Michaelmas moon

Was come with winter’s wage; Then thinks Gawain full soon

S385 Of his anxious voyage. Yet until All Saints’ Day with Arthur he lingers; And he made a festival anda feast for the fighter’s sake, With much revel and richness of the Round Table.

Knights full courteous and comely ladies

B40 All for love of thatlad in longing they were, But never the less nor the latter they spoke only of mirth. Many joyless for that gentle one jests there made. At after-meal with mourning he communes with his uncle, And speaks of his passage, and plainly he said,

S45 “Now, liege lord of my life, leave I ask you; Ye know the cost of this case, care | no more: To tell you troubles there-of is nothing but trifle; But lam bound to go for the blow on tomorrow To seek the gallant of the green, as God will me guide.” 43

550 Penne be best of be burg bozed togeder,

Aywan, and Errik, and ober ful mony,

Sir Doddinaual de Sauage, be cuk of Clarence, Launcelot, and Lyonel, and Lucan pe goce, Sir Boos, and Sir Byduer, big men bope,

S85 And mony oper menskful, with Macor de la Port. Alle pis compayny of court com be kyng nerre For to counsey! be knyzt, with care at her hert. Pere watz much cerue coel criuen in pe sale Pat so worthé as Wawan schuide wence on pat ernce,

SHO To dryze a delful dynt, and dele no more wyth bronde. Pe knygt mad ay god chere, And sayde, “Quat schuid | wonde? Of destinés derf and dere

SOS What may mon co bot fonde?” He dowellez ber al bat day, and dressez on pe morn, Askeg erly hys armez, and alle were bay brozt. Fyrst a tule tapit tyzt ouer pe flet, And miche watz be gyld gere bat glent peralofte; 570 Pe stif mon steppez peron, and pe stel hondeles,

Dubbed in a dublet of a cere tars, And sypen a crafty capados, closed aloft, Pat wyth a bry3t blaunner was bouncen withinne. Penne set pay pe sabatoung vpon be segge fotes,

SYS His legez lapped in stel with luflych greuez, With polaynegz piched perto, policed ful ciene,

Aboute his knez knagec wyth knotez of golde; Queme quyssewes pen, bat coyntiych closed His thik pbrawen pyzez with owonges to tachched; 44

550 Then the best of the burg banded together: Ywain and Eric, and others full many, Sir Dodinal de Savage, the duke of Clarence, Launcelot and Lionel, and Lucan the good, Sir Bors and Sir Bedivere, big men both,

S55 And many other men of worth, with Mador de la Port. All the company of court came to the king nearer For to counsel the knight, with care at their hearts. There was much secret sadness suffered in the hall That one so worthy as Wawain should wend on that errand, AGO To endure a doleftul dint, and deal blows no more But ce. The knight made ever good cheer, And said, “Why should I fly?

Of destinies dreary or dear

S05 What can man do but try?” He dwells there all that day, and dresses on the morn, Asks early his arms, and they were all brought. First ared silk tapestry spread tight on the floor, And much was the gilded gear that gleamed there-on;

570 The stout man steps upon it, and the steel handles, Adored ina doublet of a dear Turkish silk, And next a clever leather cape, closed at the throat, That with bright white ermine was bound within. Then set they the steel shoes upon the stalwart’s feet,

avis His legs lapped in steel with lovely armor, With knee-plates placed there-to, polished full bright, About his knees knitted with knots of gold; Clear plate then, that cleverly enclosed His thick sinewed thighs, with thongs attached; 45

580 And syben pe brawden bryneé of bryzt stel ryngez

Vmbeweued bat wyz vpon wionk stuffe, And wel bornyst brace vpon his bobe armes, With gode cowters and gay, and glouez of plate, And alle be godiych gere pat hym gayn schuide S85 pat tyde;

Wyth ryche cote-armure, His gold spore spend with pryde, Gurde wyth a bront ful sure With silk sayn vmbe nis syde.

50 When he watz hasped in armes, his harnays wat, ryche: Pe lest lachet ouer loupe lemed of goide. So harnayst as he watz he nerknez his masse, Offrec| anc honoured at pe neze auter. Sypen he comegz to pe kyng and to his cort-ferez,

595 Lacheg lufiy his leue at lordez and ladye3; And pay hym kyst anc conueyed, bikende hym to Kryst.

Bi pat watz Gryngolet grayth, anc gurde with a sadel Pat giemed ful gayly with mony golde frenges, Ayquere naylet ful nwe, for pat note rycned;

B00 be brydel barred aboute, with bryzt golde bounden; Pe apparayl of be payttrure and of be proude skyrtez, Pe cropore and be couertor, acorded wyth pe arsoune3; And al watz rayleci on red ryche golde nayles, Pat al glytered and gient as glem of pe sunne.

B05 Penne hentes he be helme, and hastily hit kysses, Pat watz stapled stifly, and stoffed wythinne.

Hit watz nyze on his hede, hasped bihynde, Wyth a lyztly vrysoun ouer be auentayle, Enbrawden and bouncien wyth be best gemmez 46

SSO And next the braided mail shirt of bright steel rings Enclosed that warrior and his costly clothes, And well burnished bracers on both his arms, With good elbow-guards and gay, and gloves of steel, And all the goodly gear that snould be gainful to him,

S85 At that tide:

With rich coat of arms

His gold spurs affixed with pride, Girt with a sword full sure, With silken sash round his side.

S90 When he was clasped in armor, his harness was rich: The least lacing or loop gleamed of gold. So, harnessed ashe was, he hears his mass,

Offered and honored at the high altar. Then he comes to the king and to his court-fellows,

S95 Takes lovingly his leave from lords and ladies; And they kissed and departed, entrusting him to Christ. By then was Gringolet ready, and girt with a saddle That gleamed full gaily with many gold fringes, Everywhere riveted fullnew, ready for that work; GOO The bridle with bars about, with bright gold bound; The apparel of the trappings and of its proud skirts, The crupper and the covering accord with the saddle-bows; And all was arrayed on rich red gold studs, That all glittered and glowed as gleam of the sun. GOS Then takes he the helmet, and hastily it kisses, That was stapled securely, and stuffed with padding. It was high on his head, held by a hasp behind, With alight silk band over the neck piece, Embroidered and bedecked with the best gems 47

B10 On brocde syikyn borce, and bryddez on semez,

AS papiayez paynted peruyng bitwene, Tortors and trulofez entayled so byk

As mony burde peraboute had ben seuen wynter in toune. B15 Pe cercle watz more o prys

Pat vmbeclypped hys croun, OF dilamauntez a deuys Pat bope were bry3t and broun. Then pay schewed hym pe scheice, pat was of schyr goulez

B20 Wyth pe pentangel depaynt of pure golde hweg. He braydez nit by be bauceryk, aboute pe hals kestes; Pat bisemed be segge semlyly fayre. And quy pe pentangel apendez to bat prynce noble | am in tent yow to telle, pof tary hyt me schulde:

B25 Hit is a syngne bat Salamon set sumquyle In bytoknyng of trawbe, Di tytie pat hit habbeg, For hit is a figure pat haldeg fyue poyntez,

And vche lyne vmbelappez and loukez in oper, And ayquere hit is endeleg: and Englych nit callen

B30 Queral, as | here, be endeles knot. Forpy nit acorcez to bis knygt and to his cler armez, For ay faythful in fyue and sere fyue sypes: Gawan wats for gode knawen, and as golde pured, Voyded of vche vylany, wyth vertuez ennourned O35 in mote;

Forpy be pentangel nwe Ke ber in scheide and cote, As tulk of tale most trwe And gentylest knyzt of lote. 48

Gio On broad silken borders, and birds on the seams,

Such as parrots painted preening there-about, Turtle-doves and true-love knots portrayed so thick Asif many maids there-upon had worked seven winters In town. GUS The circlet was worth more,

That enclasped his crown, For diamonds by the score Shone brightly all around.

Then they showed him the shield, that was of shining red

620 With the pentangle depicted in pure gold hues. He seizes it by the baldric, about the neck casts; That well suits the stalwart so seemly fair. And why the pentangie pertains to that noble prince [intend you to tell, though tarry me it should:

625 Itis asign that Solomon set some time ago In betokening of troth, that it truly has, Foritisa figure that holds five points, And each ine embraces and locks in the other, And everywhere itis endless; and the English call it

G30 Allover, aslhear, the endless knot. Therefore it accords to this knight and to his bright arms, For ever faithful in five ways and five times in each way: Gawain was for good known, anc as gold purified, Devoid of each villainy, with virtues endowed

GSS And devoted: Therefore the pentangle new He bore on shield and coat, As man of tale most true And gentlest knight of note. 49

Hdd Fyrst he watz funden fautlez in his fyue wyttez,

And efte fayled neuer be freke in his tyue fyneres,

And alle his afyaunce vpon folde wats in be fyue woundez Pat Cryst kagt on pe croys, as pe Crede tellez; And quere-so-euer pys mon in melly wat, stac, B85 His pro pogt watz in pat, burg alle ober pyngez,

Pat alle his forsnes he feng at pe Fyue Joyez

Pat pe hence heuen-quene hac of hir chylde; At bis cause pe knyzt comiyche hade in be inore half of his schelce hir ymage depaynted,

B50 Pat quen he blusched perto his belde neuer payred. Pe fyit fyue pat | finde pat pe trek vsec Wat traunchyse and felagschyp forbe al byng, His clannes and his cortaysye croked were neuer, And pité, pat passez alle poyntez, pyse pure fyue O58 Were harder happed on pat habel pen on any oper. Now alle bese fyue sybez, for sobe, were fetied on pis knyzt, And vcnone haiched in oper, pat non ende hace, And fyched vpon fyue poyntez, pat fayid neuer, Ne sarmned neuer in no syde, ne sundred nouber, O60 Withouten ence at any noke | oquere fynde,

Whereeuer pe gomen bygan, or glod to an ende. Perfore on his schene schelce schapen watz pe knot Ryally wyth rec goide vpon rece gowles, Pat is be pure pentaungel wyth pe pepie called O68 with lore.

Now graybed is Gawan gay, And lagt his launce ryzt bore,

And gef hem alle goud day— tie wence for euermore,


GaO First he was found faultless in his five wits, And also failed never the fighter in his five fingers, And all his faith in the field was in the five wounds

That Christ caught on the cross, as the Creed tells; And where-so-ever this man in melee took a stand,

645 His steadfast thought was in that, over all other things, That all his courage he took from the Five Joys That the courteous heaven-queen had of her child; For this cause the comely knight had On the inside of his shield her image depicted,

G50 That when he looked there-to he never lacked boldness. The fifth five that] find that the fighter used Was generosity and fellowsnip before all things, His purity and his courtesy crooked were never, And pity, that passes all points; these pure five G55 Were more heartily heaped on that horseman than any other. Now all these five fives, forsooth, were fixed on this knight, And each one woven into other, so that no end it had, And fixed upon five points, that failed never, Not assembled ever on one side, nor separated neither,

660 Without end atany angle anywhere, | find, Wherever the game began, or had gone to an end. Therefore on his shining shield shaped was the knot Royailly with bright gold upon a red background, That is the pure pentangle by the people called

665 With lore.

Now gracefully Gawain gay Latched on to his lance for war, And gave them all good day— He thought for evermore.


BPO He sperred be sted with pe spurez and sprong on his way,

So stif pat be ston-fyr stroke out perafter. Al bal sez pat semly sykec in hert, And sayde sobly al same segges til ober, Carande for bat comly: “Bi Kryst, hit is scape

BP 5 Pat pou, leuce, scnal be lost, pat art of lyf nobie! To fynde hys fere vpon folce, in fayth, is not ebe.

Warloker to haf wrogt hac more wyt bene, And hat cyst zonder dere a duk to haue worbed; A lowancde lecder of jedez in ionde hym wel semez,

GAO And so had better naf ben ben britned to nozt, Hadet wyth an aluisch mon, for angardez pryce. Who knew euer any kyng such counsel to take As knyztes in cauelacioung on Crystmasse gomnez?” Wel much watz pe warme water bat waltered of yzen,

O85 When bat semly syre sogt iro po wonez pad caye. Me made non abode, Bot wyztly went hys way;

Mony wylsum way he rode,

G90 Pe bok as | hercle say. Now ridez bis renk burg be ryalme of Logres,

Sir Gauan, on Godez halue, baz hym no gomen pozt, Olt leudiez alone he lengez on nyztez Per he fonde nogt hym byfore be fare pat he iyked.

B95 Hade he no fere bot nis fole bi frytnez and dounesz, Ne no gome bot God bi gate wytn to karo, Til pat he nezed ful neze into pe Norpe Walez. Alle pe iles of Angiesay on lyft half he naidez,


670 He spurred the steed with the spurs and sprang on his way, So strong that the stone-fire struck out there-after. All that saw that seemly sighed in heart, And soothly all the same said stalwarts to each other, Caring forthatcomely: “By Christ, itis a calamity GPS That thou, liegeman, shall be lost, that art of life noble! To find his fellow wpon field, in faith, is not easy. More warily to have worked had been more wise, And to have designated yonder dear a duke to have become; An illustrious leader of lads inland could well be,

G80 And had better have been that than battered to nothing, Beheaded by a monstrous man, for arrogant pride. Who knew ever any king such counsel to take As trom knights quibbling about Christmas games?” Well much was the warm water that weltered from eyes,

G85 When that seemly sire set out from those dwellings That day.

He turned to the road, And stoutly went his way; Many bewildering routes he rode,

G80 The book as I heard say. Now rides this rider through the realm of Logres, Sir Gawain, by God’s wounds, though no game it seemed. Oft friendiess alone he lingers by night Where he found not before him the fare that he liked.

G95 Had he no friend but his foal by forests and downs, Nor no gallant but God to speak with by the way, Till that he nighed full nigh into the North Wales. All the isles of Anglesey on left side he holds,


And farez ouer be fordez by pe foriondes,

FOO Quer at pe Holy Hede, tll he hace eft bonk in be wylidrenesse of Wyrale; wonce ber bot lyte

Pat auper God oper gome wyth goud hert louiec. And ay he frayned, as he ferde, at frekez pat he met, lf pay hade herde any karp of a knyzt grene,

POS in any grounce peraboute, of pe Grene Chapel; And al nykked hym wyth “nay,” pat neuer in her byue

Pay seze neuer no segge pat watz of suche hwez of grene, be knyzt tok gates straunge ats in mony a bonk vnbene;

His cher ful off con chaunge Pat chapel er ne myzt sene. Mony kiyf he ouerciambe in contrayes straunge, rer floten fro nis frendez fremediy he rydez. an At vche warpe oper water per be wzye passed He fonde a foo hym byfore-—-bot ferly hit were-—

And pat so foule and so felle pat fezt hyrm bynoce.

So mony meruay! bi mount per be mon fyndez, Hit were to tore for to telle of be tenbe cole. P20 Sumwhyle wyth wormez he werrez, and with wolues als,

Sumwhyle wyth wodwos, pat woned in be knarrez, Bope wyth bullez and perez, and bore; operquyle, And etaynez, pat nym anelecde of pe heze felle; Nade he ben dugty and cdryze, and Dryztyn had serued,

P25 Douteles he hade ben dec and dreped ful ofte. For werre wrathed nym not so much pat wynter nas wors, When pe colde cler water fro be cloudez schadde, And fres er hit falle mygt to be fale erbe: 54

And fares over the fords by the forelands,

POO Over by the Holyhead, until he again had the shore In the wilderness of Wirral: dwelt there but few That neither God nor man with good heart loved. And ever he asked, as he fared, from folk that he met, If they had heard any talk of a green knight,

POS On any ground there-about, or of a Green Chapel; And all denied it with “nay,” that never in their lives They ever saw any stalwart that was of such hues OF green.

The knight took ways strange att In many a bank between;

His mood full oft did change Ere that chapel might be seen.

Many a cliff he overclimbed in countries strange, Far flown from his friends as a foreigner ne rides. PS Ateach shore or water where the warrior passed He found a foe before him-- else a wonder it was—

And that so foul and so fierce that to fight him behooved. So many marvels by mountains there the man finds, It were too toilsome for to tell of the tenth part.

Pau Sometimes with dragons he wars, and with wolves also, Sometimes with wild men, that dwelt in the woods, Both with bulls and bears, and boars at other times, And ogres, that him annoyed from the high rocks; Were he not doughty and enduring, and the dear Lord served,

Pao Doubtless he had been dead and done for full oft. For war worried him not so much; that winter was worse, When the cold clear water from the clouds shed,

And froze ere itfall might to the faded earth; 35

Ner slayn wyth pe siete he sleped in his yrnes PSO Mo nyztez ben Innoze in naked rokkez,

Per as claterancde fro pe crest pe colde borne renneg,

And henged hege ouer his hede in hard lisse-ikkies. Pus in pery! and payne and plytes ful harde Bi contray cayrez pis knyzt, ty! Krystmasse euen,

PAS alone:

Pe knyzt wel pat tyce To Mary made his mone,

Pat ho nym rec to ryce And wysse hym to sum wane. PAD Bi a mounte on pe morne meryly he ryces

into a forest ful dep, pat ferly watz wyide,

Hige nillez on vche a halue, and holtwodez vnder OF hore okez ful hoge a hundreth togeder; Pe hasel and pe hagporne were harled al samen, PAS With roze raged mosse rayled aywhere,

With mony bryddes vnblype vpon bare twyeges,

Pat pitosiy per piped for pyne of be colce. Pe gome vpon Gryngolet glydeg nem vncer, Purg mony misy and myre, mon al hym one,

PSO Carande for his costes, lest he ne keuer schulde To se pe seruyse of pat Syre, pat on bat self nyzt

Of a burde watz borne oure baret to quelle; And perfore sykyng he sayde, “I beseche be, Lorde, And Mary, bat is myidest mocer so cere, P35 Of sum herber ber hegly | myg3t here masse, Ande py matynez tomorne, mekely | ask,


Nearly slain with the sleet he slept in his iron armor

oe More nights than enough in naked rocks, Where clattering from the crest the cold brook runs, And hanged high over his head in hard icicles. Thus in periland pain and plights full hard Through the country comes this knight, til Christmas eve, PAS Ajone:

The knight well that tide To Mary made his moan, That she reveal where to ride That some dwelling him be shown.

Pag By amount onthe morn merrily he rides Into a forest full deep, that was fabulously wild, Tall hills on each side, and high woods as well Of hoar oaks full nuge, a hundred in all; The hazel and the hawthorn were tangled all together,

PhS With rough ragged moss arrayed everywhere, With many birds unblithe upon bare twigs, That piteously there piped for pain of the cold. The gallant upon Gringolet galloped them under, Through many a morass and mire, amanall alone,

Pt Caring for his duties, lest he should not come To see the service of that Sire that on that same night (MN amaiden was born our troubles to abate: And there-for sighing he said, “T beseech thee, Lord, And Mary, thatis mildest mother so dear,

755 For some harborage where holily [| might hear mass, And thy matins inthe morning, meekly I ask,


And perto prestly | pray my Pater and Aue and Crece.”

re roce in nis prayere,

PO And cryed for his mysdede; He sayned hym in sypes sere, And sayde “Cros Kryst me specde!”

Nade he sayned hymself, segge, bot prye, Er he watz war in pe wod of a won in a mote,

76S Abot a launde, on a jawe, loken vnder bozez OF mony borelych bole aboute bi be diches: A castel be comlokest pat euer knyzt azte, Pycned on a prayere, a park ai aboute, With a pyked palays pynec ful pik,

PPO Pat vmbeteze mony tre mo ben two myle. Pat holde on bat on syde pe hapel auysed, As hit schemered and schon burg pe schyre okez; Penne natz he hendiy of his helme, and hegzly he ponkez lesus and Sayn Gilyan, pat gentyle ar bobe,

PPS Pat cortaysly had nym kyace, and his cry herkened, “Now bone hostel,” cope pe burne, “Il beseche yow zette!” Penne gerdez he to Gryngolet with be gilt hele, And he ful chauncely hnatz chosen to pe chef gate, Pat brogt pbremly be burne to pe bryge ende PBC in naste,

Pe bryge watz breme vpbrayde, Pe zateg wer stoken faste. Pe wallez were wel arayed,

Hit dut no wyndez blaste.


And there-to promptiy [pray my “Our Father’ and “Hail Mary’ And ‘Creed.””

He rode in his prayer,

PSO And cried for his misdeed: He signed himself repeatedly there, And said “Cross of Christ me lead!”

He had not signed himself, that stalwart, but thrice, Ere he was aware inthe wood of a dwelling within a moat,

705 Above an open lawn, on alow hill, locked under boughs By many burly branches about by the ditches: A castle the comeliest that ever knight commanded, Placed on an open meadow, a park all around, With a spiked palisade penned in full thick,

Feu That enclosed many trees more than two miles. That hold on that one side the horseman observed,

Asitshimmered and shone through sheltering oaks; Then courteously he dotfs his helmet, and holily ne thanks Jesus and Saint Julian, that gentle are both,

PPS Who courteously recognized him, and his cry hearkened. “Now for good lodging,” quoth the brave, “I beseech you yet!” Then he gives spur to Gringolet with the gilded heels, And he fully by chance has chosen the chief path, That quickly brought the brave to the bridge’s end

P80 In haste.

The bridge was firmly raised, The gates were shut up fast. The walls were mightily made; They feared no windy biast.


PRS Pe burne bode on bionk, pat on bonk houed

Of be depe couble dich bat drof to be place; Pe walle wod in be water wonderly depe, Ande eft a ful huge hezt hit hailed vpon lofte Of harde hewen ston vp to be tables, POO Enbaned vnder pe abatayiment in pe best lawe; And sypen garyteg ful gaye gered bitwene, Wyth mony luflych loupe pat louked ful ciene; A better barbican pat burne blusched vpon neuer. And innermore he behelde pat halle ful hyze,

POS Towres teided bytwene, trochet ful pik, Fayre fybyolez pat fyzed, and ferlyly long,

With coruon coprounes craftyly siege. Chalkwhyt chymnees ber ches he innoze Vpoon bastel rouez, bat blenked ful quyte.

SOO So mony pynakle payntet watz poudred ayquere, Among pe castel carneiez clambred so Dik,

Pat pared out of papure purely hit semec. Pe fre freke on pe fole nit fayr innoge poz, i ne myzt keuer to com be cloyster wythinne,

SOS To herber in pat hostel why! halyday lested, auinant.

He calde, and sone ber com A porter pure plesaunt, On pe wal his ernd he nome oane Anco haylsed pe knyzt erraunt,

“Gode sir,” quop Gawan, “wolcez pou go myn ernde To pe hez lorde of pis nous, herber to craue?” “3e, Peter,” quob pe porter, “and purely | trowee


PSS The brave abided on his bronc, that hovered on the bank Of the deep double ditch that defended the place; The wall went into the water wonderfully deep, And then a full huge height it had upon loft Of hard hewed stone high wp to the cornices

P90 With ledges under the battlements in the best style; And then towers full gay placed goodly between With many lovely windows that locked completely; A better defense that brave looked upon never. And further in he beheld that hall full high,

POs Towers between them, pinnacles full thick, Fair spires that befitted them, and fabulously high, With curiously carved tops, craftily made. Chalk-white chimneys, many choice ones On the burg’s roofs, that shone bright white.

S00 So many painted pinnacles were put about everywhere, About the castle embrasures clustered so thick,

That pared out of paper surely it seemed. The fighter on his foal thought it fair indeed, lf he could have leave to come the cloister within,

805 To have harbor in that hostel while the holy days last, As at present. He called, and soon there came

A porter purely pleasant, On the wall his duty to proclaim

S10 And hail the knight errant. “Good sir,” quoth Gawain, “wouldst thou go my errand To the high lord of this house, lodging to crave?” “Yea, Peter,” quoth the porter, “and surely I suppose


Pat ze be, wyze, weicum fo won quyle yow lyke3.”

SS Pen zecile pe wyze Zerne and com azayn swype, And folke frely hym wyth, to fonge pe knyzt. Pay let doun pe grete crazt and derely out zecien, And kneled doun on her knes vpon be colde erbe To welcum Dis ilk wyz% as worpy hom pozt; B20 Pay zolcen hym be brode gate, yarkec vp wyce,

And he hem raysed rekenly, and rod ouer be brygge. Sere seggez hym sesed by sadel, quel he lyzt, And sypen stabeled his stede stif men innoze. Kny3tez and swyerez comen doun penne B25 For to bryng bis buurne wytn blys into halle:

Quen he hef vp his heime, per hized innoghe For to hent hit at his honde, be hence to seruen; His bronde and his blasoun bobe bay token. Pen naylsed he ful hencly po habelegz vchone, B30 And mony proud mon per presed pat prynce to honour. Alle hasped in his hez wece to halle bay hym wonnen, Per fayre fyre vpon filet fersly brenned.

Penne be lorde of be lede ioutez fro his chambre ror to mete wyth menske pe mon on pe flor 835 He sayde, “3e ar weicum to welde as yow lykez

Pat here is; al is yowre awen, to naue at yowre wylle and welde.” “Graunt mercy,” quop Gawayn, “Per Kryst hit yow forgeide.”

S40 As frekez bat semed fayn Ayper oper in armez con feide. Cawayn giygt on pe gome pat godly hym egret,

And pugt hit a bolde burne bat pe burs azte, 62

That ye be, warrior, welcome to dwell while you like.”

SiS Then went the warrior eagerly and came again quickly, And folk courteously with him, to accompany the knight. They let down the great draw-bridge and decorously went, And kneeled down on their knees upon the cold earth To welcome this same warrior as worthy they thought;

820 They yield to him the broad gate, gaping up wide, And he bad them rise readily, and rode over the bridge. Several stalwarts held his saddle, while he stepped down, And then stabled his steed stout men many. Knights and squires came down then

825 For to bring this brave with bliss into hall; When he heaved up his helmet, there hastened many For to have it from his hand, the courtier to honor; His broad sword and his blazoned shield both they took. Then hailed he full courteously those horsemen each one, O30 And many proud men there pressed in, that prince to honor. All harnessed in his high armor to hall they bring him Where fair fire upon floor fiercely burned. Then the lord of the lads leaves nis chamber For to meet with good manners the man on the floor;

835 He said, “Ye are welcome, to wield what you like All that is here is your own, to have at your will And hold.” “Great thanks,” quoth Gawain, “May Christ you uphold.”

840 As fighters that do not feign Each other in arms did enfold.

Gawain gazed onthe gallant that goodly him ¢reeted, And thoughtita bold brave that the burg owned, 63

A hoge hapel for pe nonez, and of hyghe eldee;

B45 Brode, bryzt, watz his berde, and al beuer-hwec, Sturne, stif on be strypbe on stalworth schonkez, Felle face as pe fyre, and fre of hys speche; And wel hym semed, for sope, as pe segge puzt, To iede a jorischyp in lee of leudez ful gode.

ASO Pe lorde hym charred to a chambre, and chefly cumaundes To delyuer hym a leude, hym lozly to serue;

And pere were boun at his bode burneg innoze, Pat brogt hym to a brygt boure, per beddyng watz noble, Of cortynes of clene syik wyth cler golde hemmez,

B55 And couertorez ful curious with comiych panez OF bryzt blaunner aboue, enbrawced bisydes, Rudelez rennance on ropez, red goide ryngez, Tapttez tyzt to be woe of Tuly and Tars, And vneer fete, on pe flet, of folgance sute.

860 Per he watz dispoyledc, wyth spechez of myerpe, Pe burn of his bruny and of his bryzt wedez. Ryche robes ful rad renkkez hym brogten, For to charge, and to chaunge, and chose of be best. Sone as ne on hent, and napped perinne,

85 Pat sete on hym semly wyth saylande skyrtez, Pe ver by his ulsage verayly hit semec

Welnez to vche habel, alle on nwes Lowande and lufly alle his lymmegz vnder,

Pat a comioker knyzt neuer Kryst mace wae hem post.

Wheben in woride he were, rit semed as he mozt Be prynce withouten pere In felde ber felle men fozt. 64

A huge horseman for battling, and in his best years;

SAS Broad, bright, was his beard, and all beaver-colored, Stern, strong in his stance on stalwart shanks, Face fierce asthe fire, and fair in his speech; And well him suited, for sooth, as the stalwart thought, To lead a lordship ina castle of liegemen full good.

S50 The lord conducts him toa chamber, and quickly commands To assign himalad, loyally to serve; And there were ready at his bidding many brave knights, That brought him to a bright bower, with noble bedding, Of curtains of glowing silk with gleaming gold hems,

SO5 And covers full curious with comely panels Of bright white fur above, embroidered round about, Curtains running on ropes, with red gold rings, Stretched on the wall tapestries of Toulouse and Turkestan, And under foot, on the floor, of a matching form. AGO There he was disarmed, with speeches of mirth, The brave of his mail and of his bright armor. Rich robes full readily servants him brought, For to choose one, and to change, and rejoice in the best. As soon as he has picked one, and is apparelled within

865 One that saton him seemly with spreading skirts, The verdant Spring by his visage verily it seemed Well nigh to each horsemen, for all its hues Glowing and lovely, and all his limbs covered, That a comelier knight never Christ made,

S70 They thought. Wherever in world he were, It seemed as if he ought Be prince without peer In field where fierce men fought. 65

BPS A cheyer byfore be chemné, per charcole brenned,

Watz grayped for Sir Gawan graypely with ciobes,

Whyssynes vpon queidepoyntes bat koynt wer babe; And penne a meré mantyle watz on pat mon cast OF a broun bleeaunt, enbrauded ful ryche

S80 And fayre furred wythinne with fellez of pe best, Alle of ermyn in erce, nis hode of be same; And he sete in bat settel semlych ryche, And achauted hym chefly, anc penne his cher mended. Sone wat teldec vp a fabil on trestez ful fayre,

Sah Clac wyth a clene clobe bat cler quyt schewed, Sanap, and salure, and syluerin sponeg. Pe wyze wesche at his wylle, and went to his mete. Seggez hym seruecd semly innoze Wyth sere sewes and sete, sesounde of pe best. SOO Double-feide, as hit faiiez, and fele kyn fischeg, Summe baken in bred, summe brad on pe gieces, Summe soben, summe in sewe sauered with spyces, And ay sawes so sleye bat be segge lyked. Pe freke caicde hit a fest ful frely and ofte

SOS Ful hendely, quen alle pe hapeles rehayted hym at one, as hence, “Pis penaunce now 4e take, And eft hit schal armende.” Pat mon much merpe con make,

200 For wyn in his hed bat wende. Penne watz spyed and spured vpon spare wyse Bi preué poyntez of pat prynce, put to hymseluen, Pat he beknew cortaysiy of pe court pat he were


BPS A chair before the chimney, where charcoal burned, Was arrayed for Sir Gawain gracefully with cloths, Cushions upon quilts that were all cleverly made;

And then amerry mantle was on that man cast Of a bright silk fabric, embroidered full rich SSO And fair furred within with the finest of pelts, All with ermine adorned, his hood of the same: And he satin that seat, sumptuously rich, And warmed himself quickly, and then his mood changed. Soon was setupatable on trestles full fair, S85 Clad with a gleaming cloth that clear white shone, Place-mats, and saltcellars, and silver spoons. The warrior washed, as he wished, and went to his meal. Stalwarts him served seemly indeed With many excellent stews, seasoned of the best,

§O0 Double portions, as was fitting, and fish of many kinds, Some baked in bread, some broiled on the coals, Some seethed, some in stews savored with spices, And always subtle sauces — that the stalwart liked.

The fighter called ita feast full freely and oft

895 Full courteously, when ail the horsemen a reply at once Extended:

“This penance now ye take, And soon it shall be amended.”

That man much mirth did make,

O00 Por wine in his head that wended. Then was spied out and asked in subtle ways By privy questions of that prince, put to himself, That he admitted courteously that he was of the court


Pat abel Arthure be hence haldez hym one,

O08 Pat is pe ryche ryal kyng of pe Rounde Tabie, And nit watz Wawen hymself bat in bat won syttes,

Comen to pat Krystmasse, as case hym pen lymped. When be lorde hade lerned pat ne pe leude hade, Loude lazed ne berat, so lef hit hym pozt, O10 And alle be men in bat mote macen much joye

To apere in his presense prestly pat tyme, Pat alle prys and prowes and pured pewes Apendes to hys persoun, and praysed is euer; Byfore alle men vpon moide his mensk is be most. O15 Vcn segge ful softly sayde to his fere:

“Now schal we semiycn se slegtez of pewez And be teccheles termes of talkyng noble, Wich specde is in speche vnspurd may we lerne, Syn we haf fonged pat fyne fader of nurture. 920 God hatz geuen vus his grace godly for sope,

Pat such a gest as Gawan grauntez vus to haue, When burnez blype of his burbe schal sitte and synge, In menyng of manerez mere 925 Pis burne now schal vus bryng;

| hope pat may hym here Schal lerne of lul-talkyng.” Bi pat be diner watz Cone and pe dere vp Hit watz nez at pe nygi neged be tyme. ie Chaplaynez to pe chapeles chosen pe gate, Rungen ful rychely, ryzt as pay schuiden, To pe hersum euensong of be hyze tyce.


That Arthur the elegant holds as his own,

905 He who is the rich royal king of the Round Table, And it was Gawain himself that in that hall sits, Come to that Christmas, as the case then befell. When the lord had learned that he this liegeman had, Loud laughed he there-at, so lovely it seemed to him, O10 And all the men inside that moat made much joy

To appear in his presence promptly that time, since all price and prowess and pure manners Append to his person, and praised are ever; Before all men upon earth his honor is the most.

STS Each stalwart full softly said to his fellow: “Now shall we surely see the skills of good manners And the faultless terms of talking noble. What success isin speech without asking we can learn, Since we have found here _ that fine father of nurture.

O20 God has given us his grace goodly for sooth, Who such a guest as Gawain grants us to have, When blithe braves — of his birth shall sit

And sing. To understand good manners here

O25 This brave now shall us bring; [hold that he who may him hear Shali learn of love-talking.”

When dinner was done and the dear Gawain up It was nigh to that time that night neared. QAO Chaplains to the chapels chose the direct way, Rang full richly, right as they should, To the holy Evensong of the high season.


Pe lorde loutes perto, and be lady als: into a cumly closet coyntly ho entrez. O85 Gawan glydeg ful gay and gos peder sone;

Pe lorde laches hym by pe lappe anc ledez nym to sytte, And couply hym knowez and callez nym his nome, And sayce he wat, pe weicomest wyze of be woride; And ne hym ponkked broly, and ayoer halched oper,

O40 And seten soberly samen pe seruise quyle. Penne lyst pe lady to loke on pe Knyzt,

Penne com ho of hir closet with mony cler burdes. Ho wats pe fayrest in felle, of flescne and of lyre, And of compas and colour and costes, of alle oper, O45 And wener pen Wenore, as pe wyze post.

He ches burg be chaunsel to cheryche bat hence. An ober lady hir lac bi pe lyit honde, Pat watz alder pen ho, an auncian nit semed, And heziy nonowred with hapelez aboute.

O50 Bot vniyke on to loke bo ladyes were, For if be zonge watz sep, z0lge watz pat ober;

Riche rec on pat on rayled ayquere, Ruz ronkied chekez pat oper on rolled; Kerchofes of pat on, wyth mony ciler periez, G55 Hir brest and hir bryzt prote bare cisplayed,

Schon schyrer pen snawe pat schedez on hilleg; Pat ober wyth a gorger watz gered ouer pe swyre, Chymbled ouer hir blake chyn with chalkquyte vayles, Hir frount folden in sylk, enfoubled ayquere,

960 Toreted anc treleted with tryflez apoute, Pat nozt watz bare of pat burde bot pe blake brozes, Pe tweyne yzen and be nase, be naked lyppeg,


The lord leads there-to, and the lady also; Into a comely enclosed pew gracefully she enters.

O85 Gawain goes fullgay and gets thither soon; The lord snatches him by the sleeve and leads him to sit, And cordially with him converses and calls him by his name, And said he was the welcomest warrior inthe world: And he him thanked thoroughly, and either hugged the other,

OD And sat soberly together during the service. Then desired the lady to look on the knight, Then came she from her enclosed pew with glowing maidens. She was the fairest in complexion, of flesh and of skin, And of stature and color and customs, compared to all others,

O85 And more lovely than Guenevere, as the warrior thougnt. He chose his way through the sanctuary to salute that lady. Another lady her led by the left hand, That was older than she, an ancient it seemed,

And highly honored by horsemen about.

5c But unlike to look on those ladies were, For if the young was fresh, yellowed was that other; Rich red on that one arrayed everywhere, Rough wrinkled cheeks rolled on that other; Kerchiefs on that one, with many clear pearls,

O55 Her breast and her bright throat bare displayed, Shone more shining than snow that sheds on hills; That other with acollar had covered all her neck, Enclosed her black chin with chalk-white veils, Her forehead covered and adorned, enfolded everywhere,

YOO Bedecked and tricked out bejeweled all round, That nothing was bare of that woman but the black brows, The two eyes and the nose, the naked lips,


And pose were soure to se and sellyly blered: A mensk lady on moide mon may nhir calle,

OOS for Goce!

Hir body wats schort and pik, Hir buttokez balg and brode; More lykkerwys on to lyk

Watg pat scho hade on loce. 970 When Gawayn giyzt on pat gay, pat graciously loked,

Wyth leue lazgt of pe lorde he lent hem agaynes.

Pe alder ne hayises, heldande ful lowe; Pe loueloker he jappez a lyttel in armez, Hie kysses nir comlyly, anc knyztly he meles. OP 5 Pay Kallen hym of aquoyntaunce, and he hit quyk askez To be her seruaunt sothly, if hernself lyked. Pay tan nym bytwene hem, wyth talkyng hym leden To chambre, to chemné, anc chelly pay asken Spycez, pat vnsparely men specied hom to bryng,

OO And pe wynnelych wyne perwith vche tyme. Pe lorde luflycn aloft iepe ful ofte, Mynned merthe to be made vpon mony sypez, Hent hegly of his hode, anc on a spere henged, And wayned hom to wynne be worchip berof, O85 Pat most myrpe myzt meue pat Crystenmas whyile; “And | schal fonde, bi my fayth, to tylter wyth pe best Er me wont pe wede, with help of my frendez.” Pus wyth lagande lotez be lorde hit tayt make, For to glade Sir Gawayn with gomneg in nalle B90 pat nyt,

TH bat hit watz tyme

Pe lard comaundet lyzt; 72

And those were sour to see and exceedingly bleared; An honorable lady on earth men may her call,

865 For God!

Her body was short and thick, Her buttocks big and broad; Amore luscious one to pick Was she with whom she trod.

OPO When Gawain glanced on that gay, that graciously looked, With leave allowed by the lord the ladies he greets. The elder he hails, bowing full low; The more lovely he laps a little in arms, He kisses her comely, and knightly he speaks. OPS They request his acquaintance, and he quickly asks To be their servant soothly, if they so pleased. They take him between them, with talking him lead To chamber, to chimney, and cheerfully order Spices, that unsparinely men sped them to bring,

O80 And the excellent wine there-with each time. The lord lively aloft leaps full oft, Commanded mirth tobe made many atime, Hastily doffed his hood, and ona spear hanged it, And waved them to win the worship there-ot,

O85 Who most mirth might move that Christmas time; “And I shall try, by my faith, to contend with the best Lest [lose the hood, with help of my friends.” Thus with laughing speech the lord makes merry, For to gladden Sir Gawain with games in hall

GO9 That night, Tillit was late eve: The lord commanded light; 73

Sir Gawen his leue con nyme And to his bed hym dizt.

G45 On be morne, as vch mon myneg pat tyme Pat Drygtyn for oure destyné to deze watz borne, Wele waxez in vche a won in woricde for His sake; So did hit bere on bat day burg dayntés mony: Bope at mes and at mele messes ful quaynt O00 Deri men vpon dece crest of pe best.

Pe olde auncian wyt hegest ho syttes, Pe lorde lufly her by lent, as | trowe; Gawan and pe gay burcde togeder pay seten, Even inmyades, as pe messe metely come, OOS And sypen purg al pe sale as nem best semed;

Bi vche grorme at his cdegré graypely wats seruec

Per watz mete, per watz myrbe, per watz much ioye, Pat for to telle perof nit me tene were, And to poynte hit zet | pyned me parauenture. fOlO Bot get | wot pat Wawen anc pe wale burde

Such comfort of her compaynye cazten togecer Purg ner dere Calyaunce of her derne worces, Wyth clene cortays carp closed fro fyipe, Pat hor play watz passande vchne prynce gormen, POES in vayres.

Trumpez and nakerys, Much pypyng ber repayres; Vche mon tented hys,

And bay two tented payres. PO20 Much dut watz per cryuen pat day and pat ober,

Anc be bryd as pro bronge in berafter; 74

Sir Gawain takes his leave,

And then to bed aright.

SS On the morn, as each man remembers that time That Dear God for our destiny to die was born, Joy waxes in each dwelling in world for His sake; So did it there on that day through dainties many: Both at breakfast and at dinner dishes full elaborate; 6000 Doughty men upon dais dined on the best;

The old ancient wife highest she sits, The lord attentively by her lounged, as I believe; Gawain and the gay lady together they sat, Right inthe middie, where the meals first come, TOS And are then served to all, as to them best seemed:

Each good man, by his degree, graciously was served. There were meals, there was mirth, there was much joy, That for to tell there-of would be trouble for me,

And to compose itjust now pained me indeed. fOlO) But yet ] know well that Wawain and the winsome lady

Such comfort of their company caught together Through the dear dalliance of their secret words, With clean courteous discourse clear from filth,

And their play surpassed each princely game, LOLS And fair.

Trumpets and drummers the best. Much piping there repairs; Each man tends his business, And those two tended theirs. O20 Much delight was there driven that day and the next,

And the third as delightful thrust in there-after; 75

Pe ioye of Sayn Jonez Day watz gentyle to here,

And watz be last of pe layk, leudez per pazten. Per wer gestes to go vpon be gray morne, PO25 — Forpy wonderly bay woke, and pe wyn cronken,

Daunsed ful arezly wyth dere carolez. At pe last, when hit watz late, pay lachen her leue, Vchon to wende on his way pat wats wyze stronge. Gawan gef hym god day, pe godmon hym lachches, O30 Ledes hym to his awen chambre, pe chymné pysycde,

And bere he dragez hym on dryze, and derely hym ponkkeg Of be wynne worscnip pat he hym wayued hade, As to honour his hous on pat nyze tyde, And enbelyse his burg with nis bele chere: 6035 “Iwysse si, quyl | leue, me worbez pe better Pat Gawayn hatg ben my gest at Goddez awen fest.” “Grant merci, sir” quop Gawayn, “in god fayth hit is yowres, Al be honour is your awen; pe Heze kyng yow zelce! And lam wyze at your wylie to worch youre hest, 6O40 As lam haiden perto, in hyze and in loze, DE rege”

Pe lorde fast can hym payne To holde lenger be kny3f; To hym answarez Gawayn O45 Bi non way pat he myzt.

Then frayned be freke ful fayre at himseluen

Quat cerue dece hac hym dryuen at pat cere tyme So kenly fro pe kyngez kourt to kayre al his one, Er pe halidayez holly were halet out of foun.


The joy of Saint John’s Day was gentle to hear, And was the last of the feasting, liegemen there thought. There were guests to go upon the gray morn, 1025 Therefore long they stayed awake, and the wine drank,

Danced allunceasingly with dear carols. At the last, when it was late, they took their leave, Each one to wend on his way that was a guest warrior. Gawain gave him good day, the good man him grabs, TaSse Leads him to his own chamber, the chimney beside,

And there he draws him aside, and dearly him thanks For the noble worship that he had shown him, As to honor his house on that high season, And embellish his burg with his buoyant good cheer: TO8s “Indeed sir, while llive, Iwill be the better

That Gawain has been my guest at God’s own feast.” “Great thanks, sir,” quoth Gawain, “in good faith it is yours; All the honoris yourown; may the High King reward you! And lam warrior at your will to work your command, Fok Aslam beholden there-to, in high and in low, By right.” The lord fast did him strain

To hold longer that knight; To him answers Gawain 1048S That in no way he might.

Then asked the fighter full fair of himself What doughty deed had him driven at that dear time So keenly trom the king’s court to canter all alone, Ere the holidays wholly were hurried out of town.


O50 “For sope, sir,” quop pe segge, “Se sayn bot pe trawpe,

A heze ernde anc a hasty me hace fro bo wonez, For | arm sumnecd myselfe to sech to a place,

[ne wot in worlde whederwarcde to wence hit to fynde. | nolde bot if | hit negh myzt on Nw 3eres morne O35 — For alle pe londe inwyth Logres, so me oure Lorde heip!

Forpy, sir, bis enquest | require yow here,

Pat ze me telle with trawbe if euer ze tale nerde Of be Grene Chapel, quere nit on grounde stondes, And of be kny3t pat hit kepes, of colour of grene. 'O60 Per watz stabled bi statut a steuen vus bytwene

To mete pat mon at pat mere, gif | myzt last;

And of pat ilk Nw Sere bot neked now wontez, And | woice loke on pat jede, if God me let wolce, Gladioker, bi Goddez sun, ben any god weide! O65 — Forpi, iwysse, bi yowre wylie, wende me bihoues,

Naf | now to busy bot bare pre dayes, And me ais fayn to faile feye as fayly of myyn ernce.” Penne lagance quop be lorcde, “Now leng be byhoues, For | schal teche yow to bat terme bi be tyme ende, fOFO Pe Grene Chapayle vpon grounde greue yow no more;

Bot ze schal be in yowre bed, burne, at pyn ese; Quyie forth dayez, and ferk on be fyrst of be zere, And cum to pat merk at mycmorn, to make quat yow likez in spenne; TOPS Dowellez whyie New 3eres daye,

And rys, and raykez penne. Mon schal yow sette in waye; Hit is not lwo myie henne.”


L050 “For sooth, sir,” quoth the stalwart, “ye say but the truth,

Ahigh errand and an important haled me from home, For lmyselfam summoned to search for a place, I know not in this world which way to wend to find it. I want nothing but to be nigh it on New Year’s morn. i055 For all the land within Logres, so help me Our Lord!

Therefore, sir, this request [require of you here, That ye me tell with truth if ever ye tale heard Of the Green Chapel, where it on ground stands, And of the knight that it keeps, of color of green. 1060 There was set by agreement a day we arranged

To meet that man at that landmark, if I might last; And of that same New Year but little now lacks, And lwould look onthatlad, if God would let me, More gladly, by God’s Son, than any good wield! 1065 Therefore, indeed, with your permission, to wend me behooves.

Nor have [now to be busy but bare three days, And las eagertotalldead as fail of mine errand.” Then laughing quoth the lord, “Now linger thee behooves, For I shall teach you to that place by the time’s end, ovo Let the Green Chapel upon ground grieve you no more;

And ye shall be in your bed, brave, at thine ease; Wile forth the days, and fare on the first of the year, And come to that place at midmorning, as you please In detense:

LOPS Dwell until New Year’s day, And rise, and ride thence. We shall set you on the way; It is not two miles hence.”


Penne watz Gawan ful gad, and gornenly he lazed: POS0 “Now | ponk yow pryuandely burg alle ober pynge.

Now acheued is my chaunce, | schal at your wylle Dowelle, and ellez do quat ze cemen.” Penne sesed hym pe syre and set hym bysyce, Let pe ladiez be fette to lyke hem be better. (O85 Per watz seme solace by hemself stille;

Pe lorde let for luf lotez so myry,

As wy3 pat wolce of his wyte, ne wyst quat he myst. Penne he carped to be knyzt, criande louce, “3e han demed to do pe dede pat | bidde; fOo9O Wry ze halde pis hes here at pys oneg?”

“3e, sir, for sope,” sayd pe segge trwe,

“Why | byde in yowre bore, be bayn to yowre nest.” “For ze haf trauayled,” quob pe tulk, “towen fro ferre,

And sypen waked me wytn, 3e arn not wel waryst (O95 Nauber of sostnaunce ne of siepe, soply | knowe;

3e scnal lenge in your lofte, and lyze in your ese To-morn quyle pe messequyle, anc to mete wende When ze wyl, wyth my wyt, bat wyth yow schail sitte And comfort yow with compayny, til | to cort tome; mies ze lende,

And | schai erly ryse;

On huntyne wy! | wence.” Gauayn granteg alle pyse, Hym neldance, as be nende. (105 “Set firre,” quop be Treke, “a forwarde we make:

Quat-so-euer | wynne in pe wod nit worbegz to yourez;

Anc quat chek so ze acheue chaunge me berforne. 80

Then was Gawain full glad, and gleefully he laughed: O80) “Now [thank you abundantly over all other things.

Now achieved is my quest! [shall at your will Dwell, andelsedo whatever ye decide.” Then the sire seized him and sat him beside, Let the ladies be fetched to please them the better. iOSS There was seemly pleasure, im privacy by themselves; The lord used for love language so merry, Like a warrior that went out of his wit, nor knew what he dic. Then he called to the knight, crying loud, “Ye have decided todo the deed that I bid: 1080 Will ye hold this promise here for this once?”

“Vea, sir, for sooth,” said the stalwart true,

“While [bide in your burg, lam bound to your command.” “For ye have travelled,” quoth the true knight, “a trip from so far,

And then stayed up late with me; ye are not well restored, fOO8 Neither of sustenance nor of sleep, soothly I know; Ye shall linger in your loft, and He in your ease Tomorrow during the mass-time, and to meal wend When ye will, with my wife, that with you shall sit And comfort you with company, till to court return; feree Linger herein;

And I shall early rise; On hunting will l wend.” Gawain grants this likewise, Holding him his friend. OS “Yet further,” quoth that fighter, “first let’s agree:

Whatsoever | win in the wood will be yours; And what ye achieve here exchange it with me for that. Si

Swete, swap we so, sware with trawpe, Queper, ieude, so lymp, lere oper better.” fatO “Bi God,” quop Gawayn pe gode, “I grant pertylie,

And bat yow lyst for to layke, lef hit me pynkes.” “Who bryngegz vus Dis beuerage, bis bargayn is maked.”

So sayde pe lorde of pat iede; bay lagzed vchone,

Pay cronken and daylyeden and dalten vntyatel, f2i5 Pise lorcez and ladyez, quyle pat nem lykea:

And sypen with Frenkysch fare and fele fayre lotez

Pay stoden and stemed and styliy speken, Kysten ful comlyly and kagten her ieue. With mony leude ful lyzt and lemande torches 6220 Vene burne to nis bed watz brogt at pe laste,

ful softe.

To bed zet er pay zede,

Recorded couenauntez offe; Pe olde lorde of pat leucde 1725 Cowpbe weil halide layk alofte.


Sweet, swap we so, swear with truth, Whatever, liegemen, so befalls, loss or gain.” HO) “By God,” quoth Gawain the good, “I grant that,

And that you like such amusements, seems laudable to me.” “Let someone bring us this beverage; this bargain is made.” So said the lord of that land; they laughed each one, They drank, and dallied, and dealt unrestrained, M15 These lords and ladies, while they pleased;

And then in the French fashion and many fair words They stood and stayed and softly spoke, Kissed fullcomely and caught their leave. By many liegemen with light and gleaming torches Vi20 Each brave to his bed was brought at the last Full soft.

To bed yet ere they wend,

They repeated covenants oft; The old lord of that land Ligh Could well hold play aloft.


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Ful erly bifore be day pe folk vprysen,

Gestes pat go wolde hor gromez pay caiden, And pay busken vp bilyue blonkkez to sadel, Tyffen her takles, trussen her males, 6280 Richen hem pe rychest, to ryde alle arayce; Lepen vp iyztly, lachen her prydeles, Vche wyze on his way per hym wel lykec. Pe leue lorde of be lonce watz not be last Arayed for pe rydyng, with renkkeg ful mony;

(35 Ete a sop hastyly, when ne nade herce masse, With bugle to bent-felce he buskez bylyue. By pat any daylyat lemec vpon erpe He with his hapeles on hyze horsses weren. Penne pise cacheres bat coupe cowplec hor houndez, 1740 Vinclosed be kenel dore anc calde hem beroute,

Blwe bygly in bugiez pre bare mote;

Bracnes bayed perfore and breme noyse maked; And pay chastysec and charred on chasyng bat went, A hundreth of hunteres, as | haf nerce telle, pias of be pest.

To trystors vewters 30, Couples huntes of kest; Per ros for blastez gode Gret rurd in pat forest. Pi50 At be fyrst quethe of be quest quaked pe wyide;

Der crof in pe dale, doted for drede, Higed to be hyze, bot heterly pay were Restayed with pe stablye, pat stoutly ascryed. Pay let be nerttez haf pe gate, with pe hyze hedes,


Full early before the day the folk get up, Guests that would go called their grooms, And they bustle up busily broncos to saddle, Tighten their tackle, truss up their bags, iso The richest ready themselves _ to ride all arrayed;

They leap up lightly, lay hold of their bridles, Each warrior on his way where he well pleased. The lively lord of the land was not the last Arrayed forthe riding, with riders full many; 55 Had asnack hastily, when he had heard mass,

With bugle to the field he briskly bounds. Before any daylight gleamed upon earth He with his horsemen on high horses mounted. Then these crafty handlers coupled hounds in pairs,

feece Unclosed the kennel door and called them there-out, Blew boldly in bugles three long notes; Big hounds bayed there-at and brave noise made; Handlers whipped and turned back those on false scents, A hundred of hunters, asl have heard tell, Las Of the best.

To their stations handlers strode; Leashes huntsmen off cast: There rose for horn-blasts good Great noise in that forest. 50 At the first sound of the quest quaked wild beasts;

Deer drove through the dale, doddered for dread, Hied to the heights, but hurriedly they were Restrained by the beaters, that sternly shouted. They let the harts pass by, with their high horns,


fi55 Pe breme bukkez also with hor brode paumesz;

For pe fre lorde nade defende in fermysoun tyme Pat per schuide no mon meue to be male dere. Pe hindez were nalden in with “hay!” and “war!” Pe does cryuen with gret dyn to pe depe sladez; (760 Ber myzt mon se, as bay slypte, slentyng of arwes:

At vcne wende vncer wande wapped a flone Pat bigly bote on pe broun with ful brode necez. What! pay brayen, and blecen, bl bonkkez pay cezen, And ay rachches in a res radiy hem foilzes, 6265 Hunterez wyth hyze horne nasted hem after

Wyth such a crakkande kry as kiyffes hacien brusten. What wyicde so atwaped wyzes pat schotten

Wats al toraced and rent at pe resayt, Bi pay were tened at pe hyze and taysed to be wattrez; ii? Be ledez were so lerned at pe loze trysteres,

And be grehoundeg so grete, pat geten hem bylyue And nem tofyiched, as fast as frekez my3t loke,

per ryt. Pe lorce for biys abloy PaP5 Ful off con jaunce and lyst,

And drof pat day wyth joy Thus to be derk nyzt.

Pus laykez pis lorde by lynde-wodez euez, And Gawayn pe god mon in gay bed lyges, ha8O Lurkkez quy! be daylygt lemed on be wowes,

Vnder couertour ful clere, cortyned aboute; Anc as in slomeryng he siode, slegiy ne herce A jittel dyn at his dor, and dernly vpon;


TSS The brave bucks also with their broad antlers: For the fine lord had forbidden in closed-season time That any man there should move on the male deer. The hinds were held in with “hey!” and “be ware!” The does driven with great din to the deep valley; iis There might man see, as they slipped by, slanting arrows:

Ateach path in the woods an arrow whipped by That boldly bit on the brown with broad arrowheads. Hey! they bellow, and bleed, by banks they die, And ever bloodhounds inarush rapidly them follow; i565 Hunters with high horns hastened them after

With such a crackling cry as if cliffs had burst. Whatever wild that escaped the warriors wno shot Dogs pulled down and tore at the hunt station, When they were harassed on hills and harried to the waters; vag The lads were so well trained at the low hunt-stations,

And the greyhounds so great, that got them quickly And filched them faster than fighters could look There aright. The lord his bliss to enjoy TPS Did oft race ahead and alight,

And drove that day with joy Thus to the dark night.

Thus gallops this lord by a linden-wood’s edges, And Gawain the good man in gay bed lies, HiS8o Lurks while the daylight gleamed on the walls,

Under glowing coverings, curtained about; And as in slumbering ne slid, slightly he heard A little din at his door, and stealthily done;


And he heuez vp his hed out of be clopes, hiss A corner of be cortyn he cazt vp a lyttel,

And waytesz warly picerwarce quat hit be mygb.

Hit watz pe ladi, lofiyest to benoide, Pat croz pe dor after hir ful dernly and styille, And bozec towarde pe bec; and be burne schamed, F290 And layde hym doun lystyly, anc let as he siepte;

And ho stepped stilly and stel fo his bedde, Kest vp be cortyn and creped withinne, Anc set hir ful softly on be bec-syde, And lenged bere selly ionge to loke quen he wakened. F195 Pe lede lay lurked a ful longe quyle,

Compast in his concience to quat pat cace myst Meue ober amount; to meruayie hym pozt, Bot get ne sayde in hymsell, “More semly hit were To aspye wyth my spelle in space quat ho woice.” 6200 Pen he wakenede, and wroth, and to hir warce torned,

And vniouked his yge-lyddeg, and let as hym woncered, And sayned hym, as bi his sage be sauer to worthe, with hande, Wyth chynne and cheke ful swete, F208 Bobe quit and red in blande;

Ful lufly con no lete Wyth byopez smal lagzande.

“God moroun, Sir Gawayn,” sayde pat gay lacy,

“Se ar a sleper vnsiyze, pat mon may slyce nicer; 1270 Now ar ze tan as-tyt! Bot true vus may schape:

| schal bynde yow in your bedde, pat be ze trayst”: Al Jagance pe lacy ianced bo bources,. “Goud moroun, gay,” quop Gawayn be blybe, 90

And he lifts wp his head out of the bedclothes,

8S Acorner ofthe curtain he caught up a little, And looks warily thitherward what it might be. It was the lady, loveliest to behold, That drew the door after her, full stealthy and still, And moved toward the bed: and the brave shammed, M80 And iaid him down cautiously, and let on that he slept; And she stepped stilly and stole to his bed, Cast up the curtain and crept within, And set her fullsoftly on the bed-side, And lingered there very long to look when he wakened. LSS The lad lay lurking a full long while,

Considered in his conscience to what that case might Move or amountto; a marvel he thought, But yet he said in himself, “More seemly it would be To inquire with my speech openly what she wants.” Tene Then he awakened, and twisted, and toward her turned, And unlocked his eye-lids, and let on that he wondered, And signed himself, as if by his speech the safer to be, With hand.

With chin and cheek full sweet, L205 Both white and red in blend;

Pull lovingly did she him greet With small laughing lips, as a friend.

“Good morrow, Sir Gawain,” said that gay lady, “Ye are notasly sleeper, that one may slip hither; rene Now are ye taken inatricel Buta truce we may shape:

[shall bind youin your bed, that be ye sure”: Alllaughing the lady launched those jests. “Good morrow, gay,” quoth Gawain the blithe, 91

“Me schal worpe at your wille, and pat me wel lykez, (275 For l gelde me zederly, anc zeze after grace,

And pat is be best, be my dome, for me byhoues nece”: And pus he bourded agayn with mony a Diype lazter; “Bot wolde ze, lady louely, pen leue me grante, And deprece your prysoun, and pray hym to ryse, 6220 | wolde boze of bis bec, and busk me better;

| schulde keuer pe more comfort to karp yow wyth.” “Nay for sope, beau sir” saya bat swete, “Se schal not rise of your bedde; | rych yow better; i schal happe yow here pat ober naif als, 6225 And sypen karp wyth my knyazt pat | kagt haue;

For | wene wel, iwysse, Sir Wowen 3e are,

Pat alle be woride worchipez quere-so Ze ride; Your honour, your hencelayk is hencdely praysec With lordez, wyth lacyes, with alle bat lyf bere. 6230 And now Ze ar here, iwysse, and we bot oure one;

My lorde and his ledeg ar on Jenpe faren, Ober burnez in her bedde, and my burdes als, Pe cor drawen and dit with a derf haspe; And sypen | nave in pis hous nym pat al lykeg, 6235 | schal ware my whyle wel, quy! nit laste, with tale. 3e ar weicum to my cors, Yowre awen won to wale; Me behoueg of tyne force 280 Your seruaunt be, anc schale.”

“In god fayth,” quop Gawayn, “gayn hit me pynkkeg,

Paz | be not now he pat ze of speken To reche fo such reverence as ze renerce here 92

“shall work at your will, and that I well like, i2io Forlyield me utterly, and yearn for grace, And thatis best, asl believe, forl am obliged by need.” And thus he jested in turn with many a jolly laugh: “But would ye, lady lovely, then grant me leave, And parole your prisoner, and pray him to rise, 220 Twould bound from this bed, and prepare me better; [should have the more comfort to converse with you.” “Nay for sooth, beau sir,” said that sweet, “Ye shall not rise from your bed; | will arrange things better; Ishall lock you here, on that other side also, i225 And then converse with my knight that | have caught;

For lwell know, indeed, Sir Wawain ye are, That all the world worships where-ever ye ride; Your honor, your courtesy, is courteously praised By lords, by ladies, by all that bear life.

230 And now ye are here, indeed, and we but ourselves alone; My lord and his lads are a long way off, Other braves in their beds, and my bonnie maids as well, The door drawn and locked with a doughty hasp; And since | have in this house him that all pleases,

235 [shall wile my while well, while it lasts, With tale.

You are welcome to my body, Your own will to avatl: It behooves me of pure force 288 Your servant be, and I shall.”

“In good faith,” quoth Gawain, “gainful it seems to me, Though [be not now he of whom ye speak To reach such reverence as ye rehearse here 93

Lam wyze vnworpy, | wot wel myseluen. (245 Bi God, | were glad, and yow god bozt,

At saze oper at seruyce pat | sette myst To pe plesaunce of your prys; nit were a pure ioye.” “In god fayth, Sir Gawayn,” quop pe gay lady, “Pe prys and pe prowes Dat plesez al ober, P6250 Ti nit lakked ober set at lyat, hit were littel daynté;

Bot hit ar jadyes innoze pat leuer wer nowpe Haf be, hende, in hor holde, as | be habbe here, To daly with derely your daynté wordez, Keuer hem comfort anc colen her cares, §255 Pen much of pe garysoun oper goide bat bay nauen.

Bot | louue pat lik Lorde pat pe lyite haices, | haf hit holly in my honce pat al desyres, purge grace.” Scho mace hym so gret chere, 1260 Pat watz so fayr of face;

Pe knygt with speches skere Answared to vcne a cace.

“Macame,” quoth the myry man, “Mary yow zelde, For | haf founden, in god fayth, yowre fraunchis nobele 6265 And oper ful much of ober folk fongen bi nor cedez,

Bot be caynté pat pay delen, for my disert nys euen; Hit is pe worcnyp of yourself, pat nozt bot wel conne3.” “Bi Mary,” quob be menskful, “me pynk nit an ober; For were | worth al be wone of wymmen alyue, 12°70 And al pe wele of be worlde were in my honde,

Ane | schulde chepen anc chose to cheue me a lorde, For pe costes pat | nal knowen vpon be, knyzt, here,


lama warrior unworthy, I know well myself. i2sa «By God, lwould be glad, and if it seemed good to you, That my speech or my service I might set To the pleasure of your self; it would be a pure joy.” “In good faith, Sir Gawain,” quoth the gay lady, “The praise and the prowess that pleases all others, i250 olf T blamed it or slighted its value, it would be little pleasure; But there are many ladies that would rather now Have thee, handsome, in their hold, as Ihave thee here,

Dearly to dally with your dainty words, Cover them with comfort and cool their cares, 255 Than much of the goods or gold that they have.

But asl love thatsame Lord That lifts up the heavens, [have it wholly inmy hand that all desire, Through grace.” She made him much good cheer,

TesG Who was so fair of face: The knight with speeches pure Answered fo every case.

“Madame,” quoth the merry man, “May Mary reward you, For L have found, in good faith, your free nobility,

i265 And full many from other folk find praise for their deeds, But the honor that they dotome, does not equal my deserts; It is the worship of yourself, who know nothing but good.” “By Mary,” quoth the mannerly, “To me it seems otherwise; For were | worth all the multitude of women alive, i270 And all the wealth of the world were in my hand,

And I should shop and choose to purchase me a lord, For the qualities that [have known, in thee, knight, here,


Of bewté and debonerté and blype semblaunt, And pat | haf er herkkened and haide hit here trwee, 2°5 Ber scnulde no freke vpon folde bifore yow be chosen.”

“Iwysse, worby,” quop be wyze, “3e haf waled wel better;

Bot | am prouce of be prys bat ze put on me, And, soberly your seruaunt, my souerayn | holde yow, And yowre knygt | becom, and Kryst yow foryelde.” 6280 Bus pay meled of muchquat til mydmorn paste,

And ay pe lady let byk as hym loued mych; Pe freke ferde with defence, and feted ful fayre.

“Paz | were burce brytgest,” be burde in mynde hade, “De lasse luf in his lode for lur pat he sozt 285 boute hone,

Pe dunte pat schuide hym deue, Anco necez hit most be done.” Pe lady penn spek of jeue, he granted nir ful sone, 6290 Penne ho gef nym god cay, anc wyth a gient lazed,

And as ho stod, ho stonyec hym wyth ful storwordes: “Now He pat spedez vche spech bis disport zelde yow! Bot pat 3e be Gawan, nit gotz in mynde.” “Querforee” quob be freke, anc freschly he askeg, 6295 Ferde lest he hace fayled in fourme of his castes:

Bot be burde hym biessed, and “Bi pis skyl” sayde: “So god as Gawayn gaynily is haiden,

And cortaysye is closed so clene in hymseluen, Coutn not lygtly haf lenged so long wyth a lady, 6300 Bot he had craued a cosse, bi his courtaysye,

Bi sum towch of summe tryfie at sum talez ende.”


Of beauty and good manners and blithe demeanor, And what have ere heard and hold it here true, i275 There should no fighter upon field before you be chosen.”

“Indeed, worthy,” quoth the warrior, “ye nave chosen better; But lam proud of the price that ye put on me, And, soberly your servant, my sovereign I hold you, And your knight become, and Christ you reward.” i280 Thus they talked of this and that till midmorning passed, And ever the lady leton that she him loved much; The fighter fared with defense, and feigned full fair. “Though I were the brightest,” the beauty had in mind, “The less room for love in his luggage till nis journey

1285 Is begun, For the dint that shall him grieve, And now it must be done.” The lady then spoke of leave; He granted it at once

i280 Then she gave him good day, and with a glance laughed, And as she stood, she astonished him with full strong words: “Now He that sustains each speech for this sport reward you! But that ye be Gawain, it goes against what 1 know.” “Wherefore?” quoth the fighter, and quickly he asks, (295 Feared lest he had failed in the form of his speech;

But the lady him blessed, and said “For this reason: One so good as Gawain is rightly considered, And courtesy enclosed so completely in himself, Could not easily have lingered so long with a lady, (800 But he had craved a kiss, by his courtesy,

By some touch of some trifle at some tale’s end.”


Pen quop Wowen: “Iwysse, worpe as yow lykez;

ischal kysse at your comaundement, as a kny3i fallez, And fire, lest he displese yow, so plede hit no more.” 305 Ho comes nerre with pat, and cachez hym in armez,

Loutez luflych adoun and be leude kyssez. Pay comly bykennen to Kryst ayber ober; Ho dos hir forth at pe dore withouten dyn more, And he ryches hym to ryse and rapes hym sone, T8330 Clepes to his chamberlayn, choses his wede, Bozeg forth, quen he watz boun, biypely fo masse; And penne he meued to his mete bat menskly hym keped, And made myry al cay, tll pe mone rysed, with game.

{STs Watz neuer freke fayrer fonge Bitwene two so dyngne came, Pe alder and be zonge; Much solace set pay same. And ay pe lorde of pe londe is lent on his gamnesz, F220 To hunt in holtez and hepe at hyndez barayne;

Such a sowme ne per slowe bi bat pe sunne helcet, Of cas and of ober dere, to ceme were wonder. Penne fersly pay flokked in folk at be laste, And quykly of be quelled dere a querré pay makec,

325 Be best bozed perto with burnez innoghe, Gedered pe grattest of gres pat per were, And didden hem cerely vndo as be dede askez; Serchec hem at pe asay surnme bat per were; Two fyngeres pay fonde of pe fowiest of alle.


Then quoth Wawain: “Indeed, work as you like; [shall kiss at your commandment, asa knight should, And more, lest he displease you, so plead it no more.” TS8as She comes nearer with that, and catches him in arms,

Bows lovingly down and the liegeman kisses. Either the other they courteously entrust to Christ. She goes forth to the door without din more, And he prepares him to rise and rushes him soon, Tate Calis to his servant, selects his clothes,

Bounds forth, when he was ready, blithely to mass; And then he moved to his meal that worthily him awaited, And made merry allday, till the moon rose, With game. iOiS Was never fair fighter so well

Received by such worthy dames, The elder and the belle: Much pleasure and ever the same.

And ever the lord of the land is intent on his game, T8ee To hunt in woods and heath at barren hinds;

Such a sum he there slew till the sun went down, C¥ does and of other deer, wondrous to declare. Then fiercely the folk flocked in at the last, And quickly of the quelled deer, their quarry, made a pile, i325 The best bounded there-to with many braves,

Gathered the greatest in grease that were there, And had them carefully cut open, as the art requires; Searched out at the assessment some that were there: Two fingers of fat they found in the least of their quarry.


T8330 Sypen bay slyt pe slot, sesec be erber, Schaued wyth a scharp knyf, anc pe schyre knitten; Sypen rytte bay be foure lymmes, and rent of pe hyce, Pen brek Day pe balé, pe bowelez out token Lystily for laucyng pe lere of be knot; (335 Pay egryped to pe gargulun, anc graypely departed Pe wesaunt fro pe wynt-hole, and walt out pe guttez: Pen scher pay out pe schulderegz with her scharp knyueg, Haled hem by a lyttel hole to haue hole sydes. Sipen britned pay pe brest and brayden hit in twynne, 6340 — And eft at be gargulun bigynez on benne,

Ryueg hit vp racly ryat to pe byt, Voyceg out pe avanters, and verayly perafter Alle pe rymeg by be rybbez radly bay lance; So ryde pay of by resoun bi pe rygge bones, 6345 Euenden to pe naunche, pat hengec alle samen,

And neuen hit vp al hole, and nwen hit of bere, And pat pay neme for be noumbies bi nome, as | trowe, bi kynde:

Bi be byt al of be pyzes T350 Pe Jappez pay lance bihynce;

To hewe hit in two pay hyzes,

Bi be bakbon to vnbynde.

Bope pe hede and pe nals pay hwen of penne, And sypen sunder pay pe sydez swyft fro be chyne, S55 Ang pe corbeles fee pay kest in a greue;

Penn burled pay ayper pik side burg bi be rybpe, Anc nenged penne ayper bi hozez of pe fourches. Vche freke for his fee, as fallez for to haue.


FASO Next they slit the slot of the throat, seized the stomach,

Shaved it witha sharp knife, and the shining flesh knotted; Next they ripped off the fourlegs, and rent off the hide, Then they broke open the belly, took out the bowels Carefully, to avoid loosening, tied back the flesh; i335 They proceeded to the throat, and mannerly parted

The gullet from the windpipe, and threw out the guts; Then shear they out the shoulders with their sharp knives, Hauled them out by a little hole to keep the sides whole. Next broke they the breast and pulled it in two, i360 And then again begins one at the throat,

Rips it up quickly right to the fork, Voids out the waste parts, and verily there-after All the membranes by the ribs rapidly they loosen; So correctly they cleaned the back bones, iaa5 All the way to the haunch, _ that it hanged all together,

And they heave it up all whole, and hew it off there, And that they take for “the numbles” by name, as | believe, Assigned;

By the thigh-bones they placed

TS80 The flesh they loosened behind; To hew it in two they haste, The backbone to unbind.

Both the head and the neck they hew off then, And then split they the sides swiftly from the spine, i355 And the “crow’s share” they cast in a thicket;

Then pierced they through both thick sides by the rib, And hanged them both by hocks of the legs. Each fighter has his fee, as befits him to have.


Vpon a felle of pe fayre best fede pay payr houndes (360 Wyth pe lyuer and be lygtez, pe leper of be paunchez,

And pred babed In blod blende peramonges. Baldely pay blw prys, bayed payr rachcheg, Sypen fonge bay her flesche, folden to home, Strakance ful stoutly mony sti? mote. (265 Bi bat be caylyzt watz cone pe couthe watz al wonen

Into pe comly castel, per pe knyzt bidez ful stile, Wyth blys and bry2t tyr bette.

Pe lorde is comen pertyie:

PAPO When Gawayn wyth hym mette Per watz bot wele at wylle.

Thenne comaunced pe lorde in bat sale to samen alle pe meny.

Bope be lacyes on loghe to lyzt with her burdes, Bifore alle be folk on be flette, frekez he beddez i375 Verayly nis venysoun to fech hym bytforne,

And al godly in gomen Gawayn he called, Techez nym to pe tayles of ful tayt bestes, Schewez hym pe schyree grece schorne vpon rybbes. “Flow payes yow pis play? Haf | prys wonnen? 6380 Hauel pryuandely ponk purg my craft serued?”

“3e iwysse,” quop pat oper wyze, “here is wayth fayrest

Pat | sez bis seuen zere in sesoun of wynter.”

“And all gif yow, Gawayn,” quob be gome penne, “For by acorde of couenaunt ze craue hit as your awen.” 6385 “Bis is soth,” quopb be segge, “I say yow pat ilke:

Pat | haf worthyly wonnen bis wonez wythinne, 102

Upon a pelt of the fair beast feed they their hounds i8e0 With the liver and the lungs, the lining of the stomach,

And bread bathed in blood blended among it. Boldly horns blew “taken!” Their hounds bayed. Then take they their flesh, fare to home, Sounding full stoutlhy many long notes. (36s By the time daylight was done the company was all come Into the comely castle, where the knight bides Full stil, With bliss and bright fire heat, Comes the lord until Tare Gawain with him did meet,

And all was joy af will.

Then commanded the lord in that hall to gather the court.

Both the ladies came down with their lovely maids. Before all the folk on the floor, fighters he bids iS’ Verily his venison to fetch before him him,

And all goodly, in game, Gawain he called, Tells him the tally of beasts taken, Shows him the shining grease shorn from the ribs. “How repay you this play? Have I the prize won? i880 Have l well-earned thanks through my craft deserved?” “Yea indeed,” quoth that other warrior, “here is the fairest game

That [have seen this seven year in season of winter.” “And alll give you, Gawain,” quoth the gallant then, “For by accord of our covenant ye may claim it as your own.” i383 “This is sooth,” quoth the stalwart, “Isay you the same: What [have worthily won within these walls, 103

iwysse with as god wylle hit worpez to youre.” He nasppeg his fayre hals nis armez wythinne, And kysses nym as comlyly as he coupe awyse: 390 “Tas yow bere my cheuicaunce, | cheued no more; | wowcnhe hit saf fynly, paz feler nit were.”

“Hit is god,” quob pe godmon, “grant mercy perfore. Hit may be such hit is be better, and ze me breue woilde Where ze wan pis ilk wele bi wytte of yorseluen.” 6305 “Pat wat, not forward,” quop he, “frayst me no more. For ze haf tan pat yow tycdez, trawe non oper ze mowe.” Pay laged, and made hem biybe Wyth lotez pat were to lowe; une To soper bay zece as-swype,

Wyth dayntés nwe innowe. And sypen by pe chymné in chamber pay seten, Wyzez be walle wyn wezed to hem off, And efte in her bourcyng pay baypen in be morn 1405 To fyiie pe same forwarciez pat pay byfore maden:

Wat chaunce so bytydez hor cheuysaunce to chaunge, What nwez so bay nome, at nazgt quen bay metten. Pay acorded of pe couenauntez byfore pe court alle; Pe beuerage wats brogt forth in bource at pat tyme. 6470 Penne pay louelych lezten leue at pe last;

Vche burne to his bedde buskec byiyue. Bi pat pe coke hade crowen and cakled bot pryse, Pe lorde watz lopen of his bedde, pe leudez vchone; SO pat pe mete and pe masse watz metely delyuered,


Indeed with as good will it becomes yours.” He clasps his fair neck within his arms, And kisses him as courteously as he knew how: iSO “Take you there my winnings, [won no more;

[grantitcompletely, anc would it were more.” “Itis good,” quoth the good man, “great thanks there-for. It would be the better, if ye would me declare Where ye won this same wealth by wit of yourself.” iSe5 “That was not agreed,” quoth he, “ask me no more.

For ye have taken what belongs to you; expect nothing more There-by.”

They laughed, and made them blithe With words of praise on high; Lao To supper they swiftly stride,

pore cainties new to try. And then by the chimney in chamber they sat, Warriors the bright wine brought to them oft, And again in their bantering both agree in the morn i405 To fulfill the same agreements that they before made:

Whatever by chance betides, their winnings to exchange, Whatever new thing they take, at night when they met. They agreed to the covenants before all the court; The beverage was brought to seal the bargain then. 40 Thenthey lovingly took leave at the last;

Each brave to his bed bounded in haste. By the time the cock had crowed and cackled but thrice, The lord had leaped from his bed, and each liegeman: When the meal and the mass were properly served,


'4¢5 Pe douthe dressed to pe wo, er any day sprenged,

to chace: Heg with hunte and hornez Purg playnez pay passe in space.

Vncoupled among bo bornez wae Rachez pat ran on race.

Sone bay calle of a quest in a ker syde, Pe hunt renayted pe houndeg bat nit fyrst myngea; Wyide wordez hym warp wyth a wrast noyce; Pe howndeg bat hit herce hastid pider swybe, '425 — And fellen as fast to pe fuyt, fourty at ones;

Penne such a giauer ande glam of gedered racnchez Ros, pat pe rocherez rungen aboute; Hunterez hem hardened with horne and wyth muthe. Pen al ina sembié sweyed togecer, 6430 Brtwene a flosche In pat iryth and a foo cragge:

ina knot bi a clytfe, at be kerre syce, Per as be rogh rocher vnrydely wats fallen, Pay ferden to pe fyndyng, and frekez hem after; Pay vmbekesten pe Knarre and pe knot pope, 6435 Wyzez, whyl pay wysten wel wythinne hem hit were. Pe best pat per breued watz wyth pe biochoundes. Penne pay beten on pe buskez, and bede hym vpryse, And ne vnsoundyly out sozt seggez ouerpwert; On be sellokest swyn swengec out pere, 1440 Long sytnhen fro be souncer bat sized for olde,

For he wats breme, bor alber-grattest,

Ful grymme quen he gronyed; penne greued mony, For pre at pe fyrst prast he pry3t to be erbe,


i415 The company dashed to the wood, ere any day sprang, To the chase;

Hasting with hunters and horns; Through plains they race. Uncoupled among those thorns 1420 Hounds that rushed apace.

Soon they call ofa quarry found ona marsh’s side, The hunter urged on the hounds that found it first; Wild words they shouted with a loud noise; The hounds that heard it hastened thither swiftly, 1435 And fell fast to the track, forty at once;

Then such a great barking and din of gathered hounds Arose, that the rocky hills rang all about; Hunters them heartened with horn and with mouth.

Then allinasolid pack swiftly came together, 630 Between a poolinthat forest and a forbidding crag;

Inaclusterby acliff, atthe marsh’s side, Where the rough rock in ruins was fallen, Hounds fared to the find, and fighters them after; They searched around the rocky hill and the summit as well, i435 Warriors, while they knew well within there it was.

The best that there bayed were with the bloodhounds. Then they beat on the bushes, and bade him uprise, And he, cisastrously, sought out stalwarts in his path; The most splendid swine swung out there, i460 Long since from the herd set apart for age,

For he was brave, biggest of all boars, Full grim when he growled; then grieved many, For three at the first thrust he threw to the earth,


And sparred forth good sped boute spyt more. tac Pise oper halowed “Hyghe!l” ful hyze, and “Hay! Hay!” cryed,

Haden hornegz to moube, heterly rechatect:

Mony watz pe myry mouthe of men and of houndes Pat buskkez after pis bor with bost and wyth noyse to quelle. PASO Ful aft he bydez pe baye,

And maymesz pe mute inn melle:

He hurtez of pe houndez, and pay Ful zomerly zaule and zelle. Schaikez to schote at hym schowen to penne, 6455 Haled to hym of her arewes, hitten hym off;

Bot be poyntez payred at pe pyth pat pygt in his scheides, And be barbeg of his browe bite non wolde: Paz be schauen schaft schyndered in pecez, Pe hede hypped azayn were-so-euer hit hitte. 1460 Bot quen pe dynteg hym dered of her cryze strokes,

Pen, braynwod for bate, on burnegz he rasez, Hurtez hem ful heterly per he forth hyzez,

And mony arzed perat, and on iyte crogen. Bot pe Jorde on a ly3t horce launces hym after, 6465 As burne bolde vpon bent his bugle he blowez,

He rechated, and rode purgz roneg ful byk,

Suande pis wyide swyn tll pe sunne schafted. Pis day wyth pis ilk dede pay dryuen on bis wyse, Whyie oure luflych lede lys in his bedde, 14°70 Gawayn graypely at home, in gerez ful rychne

of hewe. Pe lady nozt forzate,

Com to hym to salue. 108

And sprang forth at good speed despite his harms.

cS The others shouted “Hurry!” tullhigh, and “Hey! Hey!” cried, Had horns to mouth, heartily sounded “recall”: Many were the merry sounds of men and of hounds That bound after this boar with boast and with noise Full fell.

1450 Pull oft he bides at bay, And maims the pack pell-mell, He hurts some hounds, and they Full piteously yow! and yell.

Chevaliers to shoot athim shove forth then, 14A85 Have at him with their arrows, hit him oft: But the points hitting the shoulder its strength blunted And none could bite into the bristles of his brow: Though the sharpened shaft shattered in pieces, The arrow-head rebounded where-so-ever it hit. i450 But when the hits him hurt with their heavy strokes,

Then, brain-mad for battle, on braves he rushes, Hurts them full hatefully where he forth hastens, And many feared there-at, and drew back a little. But the lord on a lively horse leaps him after,

fags And the brave one, bold on the field, his bugle he blows, He blew “recall,” and rode through bushes full thick, Pursuing this wild swine _ till the sun settled. All day with this same deed they do in this way, While our lovely lad lies in his bed, i470 Gawain gracefully at home, in garments full rich Of hue.

The lady did not forget, To come to him for her due.


Ful erly no watz hym ate ree His mode for to remwe.

Ho commes to be cortyn, and at pe knyzt totes. Sir Wawen her welcumed worpy on fyrst, And ho hym zeidez agayn ful gerne of hir wordes, Settez hir softly by his syde, anc swypely ho lazez, P4sO And wyth a lufiych loke ho layde nym pyse wordes:

“Sir, 3if ge be Wawen, wonder me pynkkez,

Wyze pat is so wel wrast alway to god, And connez not of compaynye be costez vndertake, And if mon kennes yow hom to knowe, 3¢ kest hom of your mynce. f485 Pou hatg forgeten zederly bat zisterday | taztte

Bi alder-truest token of talk pat | cowpe.”

“What is pat?” quob pe wyze, “Iwysse | wot neuer; lt hit be sothe pat 3e breue, pe blame is myn awen.” ‘Set | kence yow of kyssyng,” quop be clere penne, 6690 “Quere-so countenaunce is coube quikly to clayme;

Pat bicumes vche a knyzt bat cortaysy vses.”

“Do way,” quop pat derf mon, “my dere, pat speche, For pat durst | not co, lest | ceuayed were; If | were werned, | were wrang, iwysse, 3if | proferec.” b495 “Ma fay,” quop pe meré wy, “3e may not be werned,

4e ar stif innogne to constrayne wyth strenkpe, 41f yow lyke3, Zif any were so vilanous pat yow devaye wolde.”

“Se, be God,” quob Gawayn, “good is your speche, Bot prete is vnpryuande in pede per | lence, 6500 And vche gift pat is geuen not with goud wylle.

lam at your comaundement, to kysse quen yow lykez,


Pull early she him beset

vie His mood for to subdue. She comes to the curtain, and at the knight peeks. Sir Wawain her welcomed, worthily speaking first, And she replies to him again full eagerly in her words, Sits her softly by his side, and sweetly she laughs,

480 And with a lovely look she laid on him these words: “Sir, if ye be Wawain, itseems a wonder to me, A warrior that is so well disposed always doing good, And cannot of company the customs understand, And if one teaches you, ye cast them from your mind,

i485 Thou hast forgotten already what yesterday I taught By the truest teaching — of talk that I know.”

“What is that?” quoth the warrior, “Indeed I knew never; If it be sooth that ye say, the blame is mine own.” “Yet [taught you of kissing,” quoth the glowing one then, 1490 “Where-ever favoris known quickly to claim it; That becomes each knight that courtesy uses.” “Do away,” quoth that doughty man, “my dear, that speech,

For that dare [notdo, lest] denied were: If | were refused, | would be wrong, indeed, if | proftered.” 185 “By my faith,” quoth the merry one, “ye can not be denied,

Ye are stout enough to constrain with strength, if you like, Ifany were so churlish that she would deny you.” “Yea, by God,” quoth Gawain, “good is your speech, But threat does not thrive in the country where | live, S00) And each gift thatis not given with good will.

lam at your commandment, to kiss when you like,


4e may jach quen yow lyst, and Jeue quen yow pynkkez, in space.”

be lacy loutez acoun, TSOS And comlyly kysses his face,

Much speche pay per expoun Of druryes greme and grace. “Twoled wyt at yow, wyze,” bat worby per sayde,

“And yow wrathed not perwyth, what were pe skye (S10 Pat so zong and so zepe as ze at bis tyme,

So cortayse, so knyztyly, as 3e ar knowen oute

(And of alle cheualry to chose, pe chef pyng alosed is pe lel Jayk of juf, pe lettrure of armes; For to tele of pis teuelyng of pis trwe knyatez, (S75 Hit is be tytelet token and tyxt of her werkkez,

How iedes for her lele luf nor lyuez han auntered, Enoured for her drury culful stoundez, And after wenged with her walour and voyded her care, And brozt blysse into boure with bountees hor awen) PS20 0 And ze ar knyzt comlokest kyd of your elde

Your worde and your worchip walkez ayquere, And | haf seten by yourself here sere twyes;

et herce | neuer of your nec helde no wordez Pat euer longed to luf, lasse ne more; PS2S And ze, pat ar so cortays and coynt of your hetes,

Oghe to a z0nke pynk gern to schewe And teche sum tokenez of trweluf craftes. Why! ar ze lewed, pat alle pe los weldex?


Ye may take one when you will, and leave when you please, This place.”

The lady leans down, 1505 And comely kisses his face,

Much speech they there expound Of Love’s grief and grace. “T want to know from you, warrior,” that worthy there said, “Tf you would not be angry there-with, what was the reason (SiO) Thatso young and so youthful as ye at this time,

So courteous, so knightly, as ye are known all around (And since of all chivalry to choose, the chief thing praised Is the loyal game of love, the literature of arms; To tell of the trials of these true knights, Lois Are written tales and great tomes on their works, How lads for their loyal loves their lives have endangered, Endured for their dear ones doleful adventures, And after were avenged by their valor and their care averted, And brought blissfully into bower by their own brave deeds). i820 And ye are knight most comely known of your age;

Your word and your worship are widely known, And [have sat here by yourself two separate times; Yet heard I never that your head held any words That ever belonged to love, less nor more; i825 And ye, that are so courteous and clever about promises, Ought toa young thing yearn to show And teach some examples of true love crafts. Why! are ve unlettered, who all the lauds wields?


Ober elles ze demen me to dille your dalyaunce to herken? ThS0 for schame!

| corn hicer sengel, and sitte To lerne at yow sum game; Dos, techez me of your wyite, Whil my lorce ts fro hame.” P5385 “in goud faype,” quop Gawayn, “God yow forzelde!

Gret is pe gode gle, and gomen to me huge, Pat so worpy as ze wolde wynne hicere, And pyne yow with so pouer a mon, as play wyth your knyzt With anyskynnez countenaunce, nit keuerez me ese; (540 Bot to take pe toruayie to myself to trwluf expoun,

And towche pe temes of tyxt and talez of armez To yow bat, | wot wel, weldeg more siyzt OF pat art, bi pe half, or a hundreth of seche As lam, oper ever schal, in erde per | leue, iSe5 Hit were a folé felefolde, my fre, by my trawbe.

| wolde yowre wyinyng worche at my myzt,

Aslam hyzly bihalden, and euermore wyile Be seruaunt to yourseluen, so saue me Drygtyn!” Pus hym frayned pat fre, and fondet hym ofte, S80 For to haf wonnen hym to woze, wnat-so scho post ellez:

Bot he defended hym so fayr pat no faut semeci, Ne non euel on nawpber nalue, nawper pay wysten pot blysse.

Pay laged and layked longe; TSS At pe last scho con hym kysse.

Mir leue fayre con scho fonge And went hir waye, iwysse.


Or else deem ye me too dull your dalliance to heed?

Loa) But stay! I come hither single, and sit To learn from you some play;

Do, teach me of your wit, While my lord is away.” S35 “In good faith,” quoth Gawain, “God you reward!

Great is the good glee, and gladness to me huge, That so worthy as ye would wend hither, And take pains forso pooraman, and amuse your knight With any sort of attentions recovers my ease; iSO But to take the travail to myself to expound true love,

And tell the themes of texts and tales of arms

To you that, [know well, wield more skill In that art, by the half, or a hundred of such Aslam, or ever shall be, in earth where I live, S68 Tt were a folly manifold, my fair, by my troth. [would work your will according to my power, Aslam highly obligated, and evermore will Be servant to yourself, so save me Dear Lord!” Thus she tested that fairone, and tempted him often, PASO For to have won him to woe, what-ever she thought else; But he defended him so fair that no fault was seen, Nor of evil on either side, naught did they know But buss.

They laughed and played for long; i555 At the last she did him kiss.

Her leave she did not prolong But went her way, with this.


Then rupes hym be renk and ryses to pe masse, And sipen hor diner watz dy3t and cerely serued. 6560 Pe lece with pe ladyez layked alle day,

Bot pe lorde ouer pe loncez launced ful ofte, Swez his vncely swyn, pat swyngez bi pe bonkkez And bote pe best of his brachez pe pakke in sunder Per he bode in his bay, tel bawemen hit breken, 6565 And madee hym maweref his hed for to mwe viter,

So felle flonez per flete when pe folk gedered.

Bot zet be styfest to start bi stoundez he made, Til at pe last he watz so mat he myzt no more renne, Bot in pe hast pat he myzt he to a hole wynnez (570 Of a rasse bi a rokk ber rennez pe boerne.

tle gete pe bonk at nis bak, bigynez to scrape, Pe trope femed at his mouth vnfayre bi be wykez, Whettez his whyte tuschez; with hym ben irked Alle pe burnez so bolde bat nym by stoden (3875 To nye hym onterum, bot nege hym non curst

for wobe;

He hace hurt so mony byforne Pat al pugt penne ful lobe Be more wyth nis tusches torne, PSRO Pat breme watz and braynwod bothe,

Til be knygt com hymself, kachande his Dionk, Syz hym byde at be bay, his burnez bysyde; He lygtes iuflych adoun, leuegz his corsour,

Braydez out a bryst bront and bigly forth stryces, 6565 Foundegz fast burg pe forth per be felle bydez.

be wylde watz war of pe wyze with weppen in honde,


Then the rider bestirs him and rises to hear mass,

And dinner was ready and decorously served. 5600 The lad with the ladies delighted himself all day,

But the lord over the lands galloped full oft, Pursues this fierce swine, that swings by the banks And of the best of his hounds bit the backs in two Where he abode at bay, until bow-men broke it out,

TSS And forced him, despite his heed, to move farther out, So many arrows there flew when the folk gathered. Yet at times he made the strongest to start back, Till at the last he was so tired that he could no more run, But in such haste as he could he wends to a hole iSYOQ Of aledge by arock where runs the stream.

He got the bank to his back, begins to scrape the ground, The froth foamed at his mouth, foul by its corners, Whets his white tusks; with him then were angry All the braves so bold that by him stood SYS ‘To annoy him from afar, but nigh him none dared Approach; He had hurt so many before That all were then full loath To be more with his tusks tore,

T SSO By one fierce and brain-mad both, Till the knight came himself, spurring his bronc, Saw him abide at bay, his braves beside; He lights lively adown, leaves his courser, Brandishes a bright broadsword and boldly strides forth, (S83 Rushes fast through the stream where the fierce one abides. The beast was aware of the warrior with weapon in hand,


Hef hyziy pe here, so netterly he fnast Pat fele ferde for be freke, lest felle hym be worre. be swyn settez hym out on be segge euen, P5090 Pat pe burne and pe bor were bobe vpon hepes

In pe wyztest of be water; pe worre hade bat oper, For pe mon merkkez hym wel, as pay mette fyrst, Set sadly pe scharp in pe slot euen, Hit hym vp to pe hult, pat pe hert schyncered, 2SO5 And he garrande hym zelce, and zecoun pe water

ful tyt.

A nundreth houncdez hym hent,

Pat bremely con hym bite, Burnez him brozt to bent, GOO And doggez to dethe endite.

There watz blawyng of “prys” in mony breme horne, Heze nalowing on hige with hapelez pat myzt; Brachetes bayed pat best, as bidden pe maysterez Of bat chargeaunt chace pat were chef huntes. POOS Penne a wyze pat watz wys vpon wodcralte,

To vniace pis bor lufly bleynnes.

Fyrst he hewes of his hed and on hize settez, And sypen rendez him al roge bi pe rygge after, Braydez out pe boweles, brennez hom on giece, 6610) With bred blent perwith his braches rewardes.

Sypen he britnez out be brawen in bryzt proce cheideg, And hatz out be hastlettez, as nigtly biseme; And tet her haichesz al hole pe haluez togecer, And syben on a stif stange stoutly nem henges.


High bristled the hair, so hatefully he snorted That many feared for the fighter, lest befell to him the worse. The swine sets himself out, straight at the stalwart, i590 That the brave and the boar were both in a heap

In the wildest of the water; the worse had that other, For the man marks him well, as they met first, Set firmly the sword — straight in the throat-slot,

Hit him up to the hilt, that the heart sundered, TASS And he, snarling, nim yielded, and went down in the water And sit.

A hundred hounds at him went, That fiercely him bit,

Braves to the open him sent, L600 And dogs to death him commit.

There was blowing of “taken” in many brave horns, High hallooing on height by horsemen that knew how; Hounds bayed their best, as bade their masters Of that challenging chase that were the chief hunters. i605 Thenawarrior that was wise upon woodcraft

To carve this boar lovingly begins. First he hews off his head and on high sets it, And next rips him all rough — by the spine after,

Brings out the bowels, burns them on coals, i610 With bread blended there-with to bestow on his hounds.

Next he butchers out the brawn in bright broad slabs, And has out the entrails, as rightly befits; And next fastens all whole the halves together, And then ona strong pole stoutly them hangs.


'OtS Now with pis Uk swyn pay swengen to home;

Pe bores hed watz borne before pe burnes seluen Pat him forferde in be forpe burg forse of his nonce so stronge. Ti he sez Sir Gawayne G20 in halle hym boat ful longe;

He calde, and he com gayn ris feez per for to fonge. Pe iorde ful jowde with lote anc lagter myry,

When he seze Sir Gawayn, with solace he spekez: 1625 Pe goude iadyez were geten, and geciered pe meyny;

He schewez hem pe scheicez, and schapes hem pe tale Of pe largesse and pe lenbe, pe liperneg alse Of be were of be wyide swyn in wod ber ne flec. Pat ober knyat ful comly comended his dedez, 6630 And praysed hit as gret prys pat he proued hace,

For suche a brawne of a best, pe boide burne sayce, Ne such syces of a swyn segh he neuer are. Penne hondeled pay pe hoge hed, pe nence mon hit praysec, And let locly perat pe lorde for to here. 6635 “Now, Gawayn,” quob be godmon, “pis gomen is your awen Bi fyn forwarce and faste, faythely ze knowe.” “Hit is sothe,” quop pe segge, “and as siker trwe Aule my get l schal yow gif agayn, bi my trawpe.” He nent pe habel aboute pe haise, and hendely hym kysses, 'o40 And eftersones of pe same he seruec hym pere.

“Now ar we euen,” quop be hapel, “in bis euentice


i615 Now with thissame swine they swung toward home;

The boar’s head was borne before the brave himself That defeated him in the ford through force of his hand, 5o strong. Till he saw Sir Gawain 1620 In hall he thought it full long;

He called, and Gawain came again For the share that to him belongs.

The lord full loud with speech and laughter merry, When he saw Sir Gawain, with pleasure he speaks; i625 The good ladies were gotten, and the courtiers gathered;

He shows them the shoulders, and shapes for them the tale Of the largeness and the length, and the loathsomeness also Of the war with the wild swine in wood where he fled.

That other knight fullcomely commended his deeds, i630 And praised it as great prowess that he had proved,

For such brawn of a beast, the bold brave said, Nor such sides of aswine saw he never ere. Then handled they the huge head; the courtly one praised it, And let on he was jealous, for the lord to hear. 6635 “Now, Gawain,” quoth the good man, “this game is your own

By fine covenant and firm, faithfully ye know.” “Tt is sooth,” quoth the stalwart, “and as surely true

Alli got [shall give you inturn, by my troth.” He holds the horseman by the neck, and honorably him kisses, fosO) And soon after of the same he served him there.

“Now are we even,” quoth the horseman, “in this eventide


Of alle pe couenauntes pat we knyt, sypen | com hider, bi lawe.,”

Pe iorde sayde, “Bi Saynt Gile, 1645 Se ar pe best pat | knowe!

3e ben ryche in a whyle, Sucn chaffer and ze drowe.” Penne pay teidet tables trestes alofte, Kesten clopen vpon; clere lyzt benne 1650 Wakned bi wozez, waxen torcnes;

Seggez sette and serued in sale al aboute; Much giam anc gle glent vp perinne Aboute pe fyre vpon flet, anc on fele wyse At pe soper and after, mony abel songez, 1635 As councutes of Krystmasse anc carole, newe

With al pe manerly merpe pat mon may of telle, And euer oure luflych knyzt pe lady bisyde. Such sembiaunt to bat segge semly ho made Wyth stille stollen countenaunce, pat stalworth to plese, 1660 Pat al forwoncered watz pe wyze, and wroth with hymseluen,

Bot ne noide not for nis nurture nurne hir agaynez, Bot dait with hir al in daynté, now-se-euer be cece turned towrast.

Quen pay hade played in halle 1665 As longe as nor wyile hom last,

To chambre he con hym calle, And to be chemné pay past.

Ande per pay dronken, anc caiten, anc demec eft nwe Jo norne on pe same note on Nwe 3erez euen


O¥ all the covenants we knitted since I came hither, By law.”

The lord said, “By Saint Gile, 1645 Ye are the best that ever | saw!

Ye will be rich in a while,

If on such dealings ye draw.”

Then they set up tables on tops of trestles, Cast cloths upon them; clear light then

Tesco Awakened on the walls, in wax torches: Stalwarts were seated and served in the hall all about:

Sounds of gladness and glee go up there-in About the fire upon the floor, and in many fine ways At the supper and after, many elegant songs,

6655 Assongs of Christmas and carols new With all the mannerly mirth that men may of tell, And ever our lovely knight the lady beside. Such sweet looks to that stalwart seemly she made With stil, stolen gestures, that stalwart to please, Taso That allin wonder was the warrior, and wroth with himself,

But he would not, for his good manners, merely deny ner, But dealt with her all in delicacy, how-so-ever it seemed At last.

When they were amused in hall L665 As long as their will held fast,

To chamber he did him call,

And to the chimney they passed.

And there they drank, and dallied, and decided again To agree on the same conditions for New Year’s Eve


OPO Bot be knygt crauec leue to kayre on pe morn,

For hit watz neg at pe terme pat ne to schuide. Pe lorce hym letted of pat, to lenge hym resteyed, And sayde, “As | am trwe segge, | siker my trawpe Pou schal cheue to pe Grene Chapel by charres to make, 6675 Leude, on Nw Serezs iygt, longe bifore pryme.

Forpy bow lve in py loft and lach pyn ese,

And | schal hunt in pis holt, and halde pe towchez, Chaunge wyth be cheuisaunce, bi pat | charre hider; For | haf traysted pe twys, and faythful | fynde be. POR8O Now ‘prid tyme prowe best.’ Penk on pe morne,

Make we mery quy! we may and mynne vpon joye, For be lur may mon lach when-so mon lyke3.” Pis watz graypely grauntedc, and Gawayn is lenged: Blipe brozt watz nym crynk, anc pay to bedde zeden Pass with ligt.

Sir Gawayn lis anc siepes

Ful stile and softe al nigh Pe lorde pat his craftez kepes, Ful erly he watg cizt. (GSO After messe a morse] he and his men token:

Miry watz pe mornyng, his mounture he askes. Alle pe hapeles pat on horse schulde heiden hym after Were boun busked on hor blonkkez bifore pe halle gate. Ferly fayre wats pe folde, for pe forst clenged; '6OS — In rece rucede vpon rak rises be sunne,

And ful clere costez pe clowdes of be welkyn. Hunteres vnhardeied bi a holt syde, Kocheres roungen bi rys for rurce of her hornes; Summe fel in be fute ber be fox bacle, 124

6PO But the knight prayed leave to depart on the morn,

For it was nearly the time that he should go. The lord prevented that, to stay longer him constrained, And said, “As lam stalwart knight, Istake my troth Thou shalt arrive at the Green Chapel thy affairs to settle, iors Liezeman, on New Year’s first light, long before prime.

Therefore lie thou in thy loft and take thine ease, And I shall huntin this wood, and hold the terms, Exchange with thee the profit of what | acquire hither; For I have tested thee twice, and truthful I find thee.

ccs Now ‘third time best throw.’ Think on the morn, Make we merry while we may and be mindful of joy, For sorrow may one take whenever one likes.” This was gracefully granted, and Gawain is delayed; Blithely brought was drink, and to bed they went 1685 With light.

sir Gawain lies and sleeps Pull still and soft all night; The lord that his crafts keeps, Was ready at first daylight. FOSo After mass armorsel he and his men took;

Merry was the morning; his mount he asks. All the horsemen that on horse hold the way him after Were ready, bestride their broncs, before the hall gates. Wonderfully fair was the field, for the frost clung;

foes Inred, ruddy upon clouds, rises the sun, And full clear coasted the clouds from the skies.

Hunters unleashed hounds by a high wood’s side, Rocks rang in the woods from the roar of their horns; Some found the scentin the track where the fox waited, 125

(700 Traylez ofte a traueres bi traunt of her wyles;

A kenet kryes perof, pe hunt on hym calles; His felages fallen hym to, pat fnasted ful pike, Runnen forth ina rabel in his ryzt fare, And ne fyskez hem byfore; pay founcen hym sone, 6705 And quen pay sege hym with syzt pay sued hym fast,

Wregande hym ful weterly with a wroth noyse; And he trantes and tornayeez burg mony tene greue, Haullounez, and nerkenez bi hegges ful ofte. At be last bi a littel dich he lepez ouer a spenne, iP )O Stelegz out ful stilly bi a strothe rande,

Went haf wyit of be wocde with wyleg fro pe noundes;

Penne watz he went, er he wyst, to a wale tryster, Per pre pro at a prich prat hym at ones, al graye. van He blenched agayn bilyue

And stifly start onstray,

With alle be wo on lyue To pe wocd he went away.

Thenne watz hit list vpon lif to lyoen be houndez, (720 When alle pe mute hace hym met, menged togecer:

Suche a sorge at pat syzt pay sette on his hede As alle pe clamberancie clyffes hace clatered on hepes; Here he watz halawed, when hapelez hym metten, Louce he watz zayned with zarande speche; i725 Per he watz preted and ofte bef called,

And ay pe titleres at his tayl, pat tary he ne myat;

Ofte he watz runnen at, when he out rayked, And ofte relied in agayn, so Reniarde wats wyleé.


1700 And oft came uponitagain by the cunning of their wiles;

Asmall hound cries there-of, the huntsman on him calls;

His fellows rush to him, that panted full hard, Run forthinarabble on the right track, And the fox flees them before; they found him soon, P03 And when they saw him with sight they pursued him fast,

Denouncing him full wildly with a wrathful noise; And he twists and turns through many tough thickets, Doubles back, and hearkens by hedges full oft. At the last by a little ditch he leaps over a hedge, i210 Steals out full silently beside a small wood,

Thought he escaped from the wood by wiles for the hounds; Then he went, ere he was aware, toa well-made blind, Where three fierce hounds thrust forth and threaten him, All gray. iPS He bounded back from the strife

And swiftly turned from the fray; With all the woe on life To the wood he went away.

Then was ita pleasant life to listen to the hounds, (P20 When all the pack had met him, mingled together:

Such a curse at that sight they set on his head As if all the clustering cliffs had fallen, clattered in heaps; Here he was halloced, when horsemen him met,

Loud he was insulted with snarling speech; TPa5 There he was threatened and often thief called,

And always the hounds at his tail, that he could not tarry; Often he was runat, when he rushed out, And often ran back inagain, Reynard was so wily.


And ze! He lad hem bi lagmon, be lorde and his meyny, (P30 On bis maner DI pe mountes quyle myd-ouer-vnder,

Whyie pe hende knyzt at home holsumly slepes Withinne pe comly cortynes, on pe coide morne. Bot be lady for luf let not to slepe, Ne be purpose to payre pat pyzt in hir hert, 1735 Bot ros hir vp racy, rayked hir peder

in amery mantyle, mete to pe erbe, Pat watz furred ful fyne with fellez wel pured, No hwez gouc on nir hecle bot be hager stones Trased aboute hir tressour be twenty in clusteres: 1740 Hir pryuen face anc hir brote prowen al naked,

Hir brest bare bifore, and bihinde eke.

Ho comez withinne pe chambre core, anc closes hit hir after, Wayuez vp a wyncow, anc on be wyze calle, And radiy pus rehayted hym with hir riche wordes, TPs with chere:

“Al mon, how may pou slepe? Pis morning is so clere.”

He watz in drowping cepe, Bot penne he con hir here. 6750 In dreg droupyng of crerne drauelec pat noble,

As mon pat watz in mornyneg of mony pro poztes,

How bat destiné schulce pat day dele nym his wyrde At pe Grene Chapel, when he be gome metes, And bihoues his buffet abide withoute debate more: 1755 Bot quen pat comly com he keuered his wyttes,

Swenges out of pe sweuenes, and swarez with hast.


And yea! He led them by trickery, the lord and his court, (P20) In this manner by the mountains all mid-afternoon,

While the courtly knight athome wholesomely sleeps Within the comely curtains, on the cold morn. But the lady for love did not let herself sleep, Nor the purpose to pall that was placed in her heart,

(PSs Butrose herup rapidly, hurried herself thither Inamerry mantle, reaching to the earth, That was lined full fine with fur well trimmed, No good hues on her head but the well wrought jewels, Traced about her coif in clusters of twenty; TPA Her fair face and her throat flaunted all naked,

Her breast bare before, and behind also. She comes within the chamber door, and closes it her after, Wide opens up a window, and on the warrior calls, And right away thus rebuked him with her rich words, LPaS And cheer:

“AR! Man, how can thou sleep? This morning is so clear.”

rie was in crowsing ceep, But then he did her hear.

PSO In deep drowsing of dream driveled that noble, As man that wasin mourning for many sad thoughts, How that destiny should that day deal him his fate Atthe Green Chapel, when he the gallant meets, And it behooves him his buffet abide without debate; ivSS But when that comely came he recovered his wits,

Swings out of the dreams, and signs himself with haste.


Pe lady luflych com lagance swete, Felle ouer his fayre face, and fetly hym kyssed) He weicumesz hir worpily with a wale chere. 1760 He sez hir so glorious and gayly atyred,

So fauties of hir fetures and of so fyne hewes, Wigt wallancde joye warmed his hert.

With smobe smylyng and smoit pay smeten into merbe, Pat al watz blis and bonchef pat breke hem bitwene, 1765 and wynne.

Pay lanced worcdes gode;

Much wele pen watz berinne; Gret perile bitwene hem stod, Nif Maré hir knyzt mynne. (770 For pat prynces of pris depresed hym so Dikke,

Nurnec hym so nege pe pred, pat nece hym binoued Ober lach ber hir Jul, ober iodly refuse. te cared for his cortaysye, iest crapayn he were, And more for his meschef 4if he schulde make synne, i7?5 And be traytor to pat tolke pat pat telde azt.

“God schyide,” quop be schalk, “pat schal not befalle!” With luf-lagyne a lyt ne lay nym bysyde Alle pe specheg of specialté pat sprange of her mouthe. Quop bat burde to be bourne, “Blame ze disserue, P80 Bit ge luf not pat byf pat ze lye nexte,

Bifore alle pe wyzez in be woride wounded in hert, Bot if 3e haf a lemman, a leuer, bat yow lykeg better, And folden fayth to pat fre, festned so harde Pat yow lausen ne lyst and pat | leue noupe;


The lady lovingly came, laughing sweetly, Bent over his fair face, and fondly kissed him; He welcomes her worthily with warm good cheer. iv60 Hesaw herso glorious and gayly attired,

So faultless of her features and of such fine hues,

Strong welling joy warmed his heart. With smooth smiling and gentle they settled into mirth, That all was bliss and happiness between them enjoyed, Lv65 And then.

They chattered words good; Much joy then was there-in; Great peril between them stood, But Mary kept her knight from sin. iP?O For that princess of excellence pressed him so hard,

Pushed him so nigh the thread, that by need he must Either take there her love, or loathly refuse. He cared for his courtesy, lest craven he were, And more for hismischief if he should make sin, iv?S And be traitor to that knight that owned that castle.

“God be my shield,” quoth the champion, “that shall not be!” With love-laughing alittle he laid aside All speeches of affection that sprang from her mouth. Quoth that lady tothe brave, “Blame ye deserve,

i?sO It ye love not that life that ye lie next, Before all the creatures in the world wounded in heart, Unless ye have a lady, alover, that you like better, And have fixed your faith to that fine one, fastened so hard That you do not wish to loosen and that I now believe;


(785 And bat ze telle me pat now trwiy | pray yow,

For alle pe lufez vpon lyue layne not be sabe for gile.”

Pe knyzt sayde, “Be Sayn Jon,”

And smebely con he smyie; PP OO “In fayth | welde rigt non,

Ne non wil welde pe quile.” “Pat is a worde,” quob bat wy3t, “pat worst is of alle; Bot | am swared for sobe; pat sore me pinkkeg,. Kysse me now comily, and | schal cach hepen, 1795 | may bot mourne vpon molde, as may pat much louyes.”

Sykande ho sweze doun and semly hym kyssed, And sipen ho seueres hym fro, and says as ho stondes, “Now, dere, af bis departyng do me Dis ese: Gil me sumquat of py gifte, pi gloue if hit were, PSOO Pat i may mynne on pe, mon, my mournyng to lassen.”

“Now iwysse,” quop bat wyze, “I wolde | hace here Pe leuest bing for py luf pat | in londe welce, For ze haf deserued, for sobe, sellyly ofte More rewarce bi resoun ben | reche my3t; (SOS Bot to dele yow for drurye pat dawed bot neked.

Hit is not your honour to haf at bis tyme A gloue for a garysoun of Gawayneg gifteg, And | am here an erande in erdez vncoupe, And nave no men wyth no malez with menskful binges; PSiO Pat misiykegz me, ladé, for luf at pis tyme:

Icne tolke mon do as he is tan, tas to non ile ne pine.” “Nay, nende of hyze honours,”

Quop pat lufsum vnder lyne, 132

(PSS And that yetellme now truly I pray you, For all the loves upon life conceal not the truth For guile.”

The knight said, “By Saint John,”

And smoothly did he smile;

(PSO “Tn faith, [have right none, Nor none will have this while.”

“That is a word,” quoth that woman, “that worst is of all; But lam answered for sooth; that seems painful for me. Kiss me now, comely, and I shall creep away, (PSS [may but mourn upon earth, as maid that much loves.”

Sighing she stooped down and seemly him kissed, And then she steps away from him, and says as she stands, “Now, dear, at this departing do me this ease: Give me something as thy gift, thy glove as it were,

(Sco That may remember thee, man, my mourning to lessen.” “Now indeed,” quoth that warrior, “I would [had here The dearest thing for thy love that in this land possess, For ye have deserved, for sooth, awesomely often More reward by reason than I could reckon; (SOS But to give youforlove what would avail but little. [tis not to your honor to have at this time A glove fora keepsake of Gawain’s gifts,

Andlam here onanerrand in earth unknown, And have no men with no bags of beautiful things;

{Sig I mislike that, lady, for love at this time; Each trooper must do as he is told; take it not as evil Nor decline.”

“Nay, courtier of high honors,” Quoth that lovely, fair and fine, 133

PSUS “Paz | hade nozt of yourez,

et schuide ze haue of myne.” Ho ragt hym a riche rynk of red goide werkeg,

Wyth a starande ston stondande alofte Pat bere blusschancde bemeg as pe brygt sunne; P8200 Wyt ze wel, hit watz worth wele ful hoge.

Bot pe renk hit renayed, and redyly he sayde, “Twil no giftez, for Gode, my gay, at pis tyme; | haf none yow to norne, ne nozt wy! | take.” Ho bede hit hym ful bysily, anc he nir bode wernes, i325 And swere swyfte by nis sothe pat ne hit sese nolde,

Anc no soré pat he forsoke, and sayde perafter, “lf ge renay my rynk, to rychne for hit semez,

3e wolde not so hygly halden be to me, i schal gif yow my girdel, pat gaynes yow lasse.” 6630 Ho lagt a lace iygtly pat leke vmbe hir syceg,

Knit vpon hir kyrtel vnder pe clere mantyle,

Gered nit watz with grene syike anc with golde schaped, Nozt bot arounde brayden, beten with fyngrez; And pat no bece to pe burne, and biybely bisogt, PS35 Bag hit vnworpi were, pat he nit take wolde.

And he nay bat he noice neghe in no wyse Nauper golde ne garysoun, er God hym grace sende To acheue to be chaunce pat he hade chosen bere. “And perfore, | pray yow, displese yow nozt, '840 — And lettez be your bisinesse, for | baybe hit yow neuer

to graunte;

lam cerely to yow bihoide Bicause of your sembelaunt,


i8i5 “Though | have nothing of yours,

Yet should ye have something of mine.”

She reached to himarich ring of red gold works, With a shining stone standing aloft That bore blushing beams like the bright sun;

820 Know wellit was worth full huge wealth. But the rider refused it, and readily he said, “Twant no gifts, by God, my gay, at this ime; [have none you to offer, and nothing will | take.” She bade him fullearnestly, and he her offer rejects, i825 And swore by his sooth that he would not possess it, And she sorrowed that he forsook, and said there-after, “If ye refuse my ring, for it seems too rich, For ye would not so highly be beholden to me, [shall give you my girdle; that profits you less.” E830 She laid hold of alacesash wrapped lightly about her sides,

Knotted upon her girdle under the glowing mantle, Adorned it was with green silk and with gold trimmed, Everything embroidered, bedazzled by finger-work; And that sne offered to the brave, and blithely besought,

855 Though itunworthy were, that he would it take. And he said “nay”; he would not come nigh it in any way, For neither gold nor treasure, ere God him grace send To achieve the adventure that he nad chosen there.

“And there-for, pray you, be not displeased, issO And lay aside your business, for that bargain I will never it grant; Tam deeply to you beholden Por your kindness ever pleasant,


And euer in hot and colde PaaS To be your trwe seruaunt.”

“Now forsake ze pis silke,” sayde be burde penne, “For hit is symple in hitself? And so hit wel seme. Lo! So hit is littel, and lasse hit is worpy; Bot who-so knew be costes bal knit ar berinne, P80 He wolcde hit prayse at more prys, parauenture:

For quat gome so is gorde with pis grene lace, While he hit hade hemely haichec aboute, Per is no habel vnder heuen tonewe nym pat myzt, For he myzt not be slayn for slyzt vpon erpe.” 6855 Pen kest be knyzt and hit come to his hert

Hit were a juel for pe joparde pat hym iugged were: When he acneued to be chapel his chek for to fech, Myzt he haf siypped to be vnslayn, pe slezt were noble.

Penne he bulged with hir brepe and polec hir to speke, 'S60 And ho bere on hym pe belt and bece hit hym swype,

And ne granted and hym gafe with a goud wylie And bisogt hym, for hir sake, disceuer hit neuer, Bot to lelly layne fro nir lorcie; be ieude hym acordez Pat neuer wyze schulde hit wyt, iwysse, bot bay twayne Fags for nozte;

He bonkked hir oft ful swype,

Ful bro with hert and pozt. Bi pat on prynne syoe Ho hatz kyst be knygt so toat. PS?O Thenne lachcheg ho hir ieue, and leuez hym pere,

For more myrbe of bat mon mozt ho not gete. 136

And swear ever in hot or cold

1845 To be your true servant.” “Now forsake ye this silk,” said the sweet lady then, “For if is simple in itself? And so it well seems. Lol tis so little, and less is it worth: But whosoever knew the qualities that are knitted there-in,

{850 He would it appraise at greater price, perchance: Whatever gallantis girt with this green lace, So long as he has it neatly fastened about, There is no horseman under heaven to hew him that could, For he can not be slain by any strategern upon earth.” iSS8i Then considered the knight, and it came to his heart It would be ajewel for the jeopardy adjudged to him: When he arrived at the chapel his fortune for to fetch, Might he slip away and be unslain, the strategem would be noble.

Then he was patient with her speech and suffered her to speak,

i860 And she bore to him the belt and brought it to him swiftly And he granted and she gaveit with a good will And besought him, forhersake, discover it never, But loyally conceal it from her lord; the lieceman agrees

That never creature shoulditknow, indeed, but those two

L865 For aught; He thanked her in speeches refined, Earnestly with heart and thought. By then, the third time, She has kissed the knight she caught.

TSPo Then she takes her leave, and leaves him there, For more mirth of that man could she not get. 137

When ho wat, gon, Sir Gawayn gerez hym sone, Rises and riches hym in araye noble, Lays vp pe luf-lace pe lacy hym razt, f8P5 Hid hit ful noidely, per he hit eft foncie.

Sypen cneuely to pe chapel choses he pe waye, Preuély aproched to a prest, anc prayed hym pere Pat ne walde lyste his lyf anc lern hym better How his sawle schuide be saued wnen he schuld seye hepen. 'S8O Pere he schrof hym schyrly anc schewed his myscdedez,

OF be more anc pe mynne, and merci besechez, And of absolucioun ne on be segge calles; And ne asoyled hym surely and sette nym so clene As Domegaday schulde haf ben cdigt on pe morn. 6S85 And sypen he mace hym as mery among be fre ladyes,

With comlych caroles and alle kynnes ioye, As neuer he cid bot pat daye, to be derk nyzt, with blys. Vche mon hade daynté pare PHIO Of hym, and sayce, “lwysse,

Pus myry ne waltz neuer are,

Syn he com hider, er pis.” Now hym lenge in bat lee, ber luf nym bitycde!

Set is pe lorde on be launde ledande his gomnes. 6SO5 He hatg forfaren pis fox pat he folged longe;

As he sprent ouer a spenne to spye pe schrewe, Per as he herd be hownces pat hasted: hym swype, Renaud com ricnchande burg a roze greue, And alle pe rabel in a res ry3t at nis heles. O00 Pe wyze watz war of pe wyicde, and warly abices,

And braydez out pe pryzt bronde, and at be best castez. 138

When she was gone, Sir Gawain readies himself soon, Rises and arrays him in noble raiment, Stows away the love-sash_ the lady him gave, iS’S Hid it full carefully, where he could later find it.

Then quickly to the chapel chooses he the way, Privily approached a priest, and prayed him there That he would listen to his lite and learn him better How his soul should be saved when he set out hence.

i880 There he confessed him completely and showed his misdeeds, Of the mortal and the lesser, and mercy beseeches, And for absolution he on the priest calls; And he absolved him surely and set him as clean As if Doomsday had been destined to dawn on the morn. i885 And then he makes him as merry among the fair lacies, With comely carols and all kinds of joy, As never he did before that day, to the dark night, With bliss.

Each man had pleasure the more

BOO Of him, and said, “Sooth it is: Thus merry was he never before Since he came here, ere this.”

Now let him linger in that place, where love him betides! Yetis the lord onthe land leading his gallants. i885 He has killed this fox that he followed long; As he sprang over ahedge to espy the scamp, Where he heard the hounds that hastened to him swiftly, Reynard came rushing through a rough grove, And all the rabble ina rush right at his heels. 2800 The warrior was aware of the wild, and warily abides,

And brandishes the bright sword, and at the beast strikes. Lay

And he schunt for pe scharp, anc schnuide haf arered; A racn rapes hym to, ryzt er he my3i, And ryzt bifore pe nors fete pay fel on hym alle, 6305 And worled me pis wyly wyth a wrotn noyse.

Pe lorde lyztez bilyue, and lachez hym sone, Rased hym ful racly out of be rach moupes, Haldez heze ouer his hece, halowez faste, And per bayen hym mony brap houndes. fO7O | Huntes hyzed hem becer with hornez ful mony,

Ay rechatance aryzt til pay pe renk segen, Bi pat watz comen his compeyny noble, Alle pat euer ber bugle blowed at ones, And alle bise ober halowed pat hace no hornes; OTS Hit watz pe myriest mute pat euer men herce, Pe rich rurd pat ber watz raysed for Renauce saule with lote. Hor noundeg pay ber rewarce; Her hedez pay fawne and tfrote; PO20 And sypen pay tan Reynarde,

And tyruen of his cote. And penne pay heicden to home, for hit wat, nig nyzt, Strakande ful stoutly in hor store horneg.

Pe lorce is lyst at pe laste at hys ief home, fO25 Fyndeg fire vpon flet, pe freke bperbyside,

Sir Gawayn be gocde, pat glad watz withalle,

Among pe ladies for luf he ladde much ioye; He were a bieaunt of biwe pat bradde to pe erpe, His surkot semed hym wel pat softe wat, forrec,


And he shuns the sharp, and should have escaped; Ahound rushes him to, right ere he might go, And right before the horse’s feet they fell on him all, 905 And bitinto this wily with a wrathful noise.

The lord alights quickly, and lays hoid of him soon, Snatched him full rapidly out of the hounds’ mouths, Holds him high over his head, halloos fast,

And there bay athim many brave hounds. fS10 Huntsman hurried them thither with horns full many,

Aye blowing “Taken!” rightly ull they the rider see. By that time was come his company noble, All that ever bore bugle blew at once, And all these other hallooed that had no horns: fSi5 [twas the happiest pack of hounds that ever men heard,

The rich roar that there was raised for Reynard’s soul From throats.

Their hounds they there reward; Their heads they fondle and dote; 1920 And then they take Reynard,

And tear off his coat.

And then they headed home, for it was nigh night, Sounding full stoutly in their strong horns. The lord is alighted at last at his beloved home, i925 Finds fire wpon floor, the fighter there-beside,

Sir Gawain the good, that glad was withal, Among the ladies for love he led much joy; He bore armantle of blue that brushed the earth, His surcoat became him well that softly was furred,


6430 And his node of pat ilke henged on his schulder,

Blande al of blaunner were bope al aboute. He metez me pis goamon inmycdcesz pe flore,

And al with gomen he hym gret, and goudly he sayde, “Vschal fyiie vpon fyrst oure forwardez noupe, 6935 Bat we spediy han spoken, ber spared watz no drynk.” Pen acoles he be knyzt and kysses hym bryes, As sauerly and sadly as he hem sette coube. “Bi Kryst,” quop pat oper knyzt, “3e cach much sele in cheuisaunce of bis chaffer, gif ze nade goud chepes.” (O40 “Se, of be chepe no charg,” quab chefly pat ober,

As is pertly payed pe chepez pat | azte.” “Mary,” quop pat oper mon, “myn is bihynde, For | haf hunted al bis day, and nozt haf | geten Bot pis foule fox felle —- pe fence haf pe goceg! — 6945 And pat is ful pore for to pay for suche prys binges

As 3e haf pryzt me here bro, suche pre cosses so gode.” “Inog,” quop Sir Gawayn, “I ponk yow, bi be rode,” 950 And now be fox watz siayn

tle tolde hym as pay stode. With merbe and mynstraisye, with metez at hor wylle, Pay macen as mery as any men mozten, With lagyne of ladies, with lotez of bordes. fO55 Gawayn and pe godemon so glad were pay bobe

Bot if be couthe had doted, oper cronken ben oper. Bope pe mon and pe meyny macen mony iapes,


1930 And his hood of thatsame hanged on his shoulder,

Bedecked all of ermine were both all about. He meets this house-holder in the middle of the floor, And all with gladness he him greeted, and goodly he said, “Now [shall first fulfill our agreement, i935 That we speedily spoke, where spared was no drink.”

Then embraces he the knight and kisses him thrice, As sweetly and seriously as he knew how to set them. “By Christ,” quoth that other knight, “ye catch much joy In your profits in this business, if ye got a good price.” i860 “Yea, of the price no bother,” quoth promptly that other,

“Since the prices that lowed are fully paid.” “Mary,” quoth thatother man, “my account is behind, For | have hunted all this day, and naught have! got But this foul fox fur -—the fiend have the profits!— i865 And that is full poor for to pay for such prized things As ye have pressed on me here earnestly, such three kisses SO good.”

“Enough,” quoth Sir Gawain, “T thank you, by the rood,”

PSAo And how the fox was slain He told him as they stood.

With mirth and minstrelsy, with meals when they wanted, They made as merry as any men could With laughing of ladies, with light wit and jests. 855 Gawain and the good man so glad were they both

As if the court had gone crazy, or was drunk. Both the man and the courtiers made many jokes,


Til be sesoun watz sezen pat bay seuer moste; Burnez to nor bedde behoued at pe laste. 6960 Penne logly his leue at pe lorce fyrst

Fochchez pis fre mon, and fayre he hym ponkkes: “Of such a selly soiorne as | haf hade here, Your honour at pis hyze fest, be Hyze Kyng yow zelde! | zef yow me for on of yourez, if yowreself lykez, TaG45 For | mot nedes, as ze wot, meue to-morne,

And ze me take sum tolke to teche, as ze hyzt, Pe gate to pe Grene Chapel, as God wyi me suffer To dele on Nw 3erez day be dome of my wyrdes.” “In god faype,” quop pe godmon, “wyth a goud wylle (O70 Al pat euer | yow hyzt haice schai | reclé.”

Per asyngnes he a seruaunt to sett hym in pe waye, And coundue hym by pe downes, pat ne no crechch had, For to ferk burg pe fryth and fare at pe gaynest bl greue, LOPS Pe lorde Gawayn con bonk,

(Such worchip ne wolcde hym weue),

Pen at po ladyez wionk Pe knyzt hatz tan his leue.

With care and wyth kyssyng he carppez hem tile, 69SO And fele pryuande ponkkez ne prat hom to haue,

And pay zelden hym agayn zeply pat uk; Pay bikende hym to Kryst with ful colce sykyngez.

Sypen fro be meyny he menskly cepartes: Vche mon pat ne mette, he made hem a ponke 6885 — For his seruyse and his solace and his sere pyne,

Pat bay wyth busynes nad ben aboute hym to serue;


Till the season was seen that they must separate; Braves to their beds it behooved at the last. 860 Then humbly his leave from the lord first

Fetches this fine man, and fair he him thanks: “For such a splendid sojourn as I have had here, The honor at this high feast, the High King you reward! I give you me to be your servant, if yourselfit pleases, i865 For l must by necessity, as ye know, leave in the morn,

If ye me give some trooper to teach me, as ye promised, The way to the Green Chapel, if God will allow me To do on New Year’s day the decree of my fate.” “In good faith,” quoth the good man, “with a good will

vO All that ever | promised you I shall readily hold.” There he assigns him aservant to set him in the way, And conduct him by the downs, that he no trouble have, For to travel through the forest and fare the most direct way To achieve.

Lars Gawain the lord did thank (Much worship there-in he did weave), Then from those ladies of rank The knight has taken his leave.

With sorrow and with kissing he converses with them,

880 And full many hearty thanks he urged them to have, And they yield him inturn eagerly the same; They commend him to Christ with full cold sighs. Then from the court he courteously departs; Each man that he met, he gave him a thank 1885 For his service, his armusement, and his special pains, That they had been busy with to serve about him;


And vche segge as soré fo seuer with hym bere As bay hade wonce worbyly with pat wionk euer. Pen with leces and lyat ne watz ladde to nis chambre 6490 And blypely brogt to his bedde to be at nis rest.

4if he ne slepe soundyly say ne dar I, For he hade muche on be morn to mynne, 31f he wolde, in post, Let nym lyze pere stile, POS He hats nere pat he sozt;

And ze wy! a whyle be styile i schal telle yow now pay wrozt.


And each stalwart as sorry to separate from him there As if they had dwelt worthily with that noble forever. Then by lads and light he was led to his chamber 990 And blithely brought to his bed _ to be at his rest.

Ifhe slept soundly | dare not say, For he had much on the morn to muse upon, if he would, In thought. Let him lie there still, LOSS He has nearly what he sought;

And if ye will a while be still

I shall tell you how they wrought.


Blank Page


Now nezez be Nw 3ere, and be nyzt passez, Pe day dryuez to pe derk, as Drygtyn biddes; 2000 — Bot wylde wederez of be woride waknecd beroute,

Clowces kesten kenly pe colce to pe erpe, Wyth nyze innoghe of pe norbe, pe naked to tene; be snawe snitered ful snart, pat snayped be wyice. Pe werbelancde wynde wapped fro pe hyze, 2005 — And drof vche dale ful of dryftes ful grete.

Pe leude lystened ful wel bat jez in nis bedde; Paz he jowkez his liddez, ful lyttel he slepes; Bi vch kok bat crue he knwe wel pe steven. Deliuerly he dressed vp, er be cay sprenged, 2070 For pere wats lyzt of a laumpe bat Jemed in his chambre;

He called to nis chamberlayn, pat cofly hym swared, And bece hym bryng hym his pruny anc his blonk sadel; Pat ober ferkez hym vp and fechez hym his wedeg, And graypez me Sir Gawayn vpon a grett wyse. 20°58 — Fyrst he clad hym in his clopez pe colde for to were,

And sypen his oper harnays, bat holdely watz keped, Bope his paunce and nis platez, piked ful ciene, Pe ryngez rokked of pe roust of his riche bruny; And al watz fresch as vpon fyrst, and he watz fayn penne 2020 to bonk;

He hace vpon vche pece, Wypped ful wel and wionk; Pe gayest into Grece, be burne bede bryng his bionk. 2025 Whyle be wionkest wedes ne warp on hymseluen:

His cote wyth pe conysaunce of be clere werkeg Ennurned vpon veluet, vertuus stones 150

Now nighs the New Year, and the night passes, The day drives out the dark, as the Dear Lord commands;

2008 But wild weathers of the world awakened outside, Clouds cast keenly the cold to the earth, With well enough of the north wind, naked flesh to torment; The snow shivered fullsharply and snapped at wild beasts. The warbling wind whipped down from the heights 2005 And drove each dale full of drifts full creat.

The liegeman listened right well who lay in his bed; Though he locks his lids, very little he sleeps; By each cock that crowed he knew well the hour. Directly he was up and dressed, ere the day sprang, 2010 For there was light ofalamp that illumined his chamber;

He called to his servant, who quickly him answered, And bade him bring his armor and saddle his bronc; That other hurries fast and fetches him his garments, And gets sir Gawain ready ina goodly manner. 2O5 First he clad him in his clothes the cold to ward off,

And then his other harness, that honorably was kept, His paunch-armor and his plates, polished full bright, The rings rubbed clean of the rust from his rich mail; And all fresh as when firstnew, and he now fit

2020 To proceed. tle put on every piece, With care and speed, The gayest from here to Greece; The brave bade bring his steed. 2025 Meanwhile inthe most worthy weeds he wrapped himself:

His coat with the heraldic arms in the clever works Adorning the velvet, very powerful jewels 151

Apoute beten and bounden, enbrauded seme, And iayre furred withinne wyth tayre pelures. 2080 Set laft he not pe lace, pe lacdiez gifte;

Pat forgat not Gawayn for gode of hymseluen.

Bi he nace belted be bronde vpon his balze hauncheg, Penn cressed he his drurye double hym aboute, Swybe swebled vmbe his swange swetely pat knyzt 2035 Pe gordel of pe grene silke; pat gay wel bisemec

Vpon pat ryol red clobe pat ryche watz to schewe. Bot wered not bis lik wyze for wele bis gordel, For pryde of be pencauntez, baz polyst bay were, And baz be giyterancde golde gient vpon ences, 2040 Bot for to sauen hymself, when suffer hym bynoued,

To byde baie withoute dabate of bronde hym to were oper knyffe. Bi pat pe bolde mon boun Wynnez peroute bilyue, 2045 Alle be meyny of renoun

He ponkkeg ofte ful ryue.

Thenne watz Cryngolet graype, pat gret watz and huge, And hade ben solourned sauerly and in a siker wyse; Hym lyst prik for poynt, pat prouce hors benne. 2050 Pe wyze wynnez hym to and wytez on his lyre,

And sayce soberly hymself ana by his soth sweres: “Here is a meyny in pis mote pat on menske penkkeg: Pe mon nem maynteines, ioy mot bay naue; Pe ieue lady on lyue — luf hir bityce; 2055 3if pay for cnaryté cnerysen a gest,

And halden honour in her honde, pe Habel hem zeide


About stitched and sewn, embroidered seams, And fair furred inside with fine pelts. 2030 Yet left he not the lace, the lady's gift;

That forgot not Gawain for good of himself. When he had belted the sword on his brawny haunches, Then he draped his love-token double him about, Swiftly swaddied round his waist sweetly that knight 2038 The girdle of green silk; well befitted that gay

Upon that royal red cloth that rich was to see. But this same warrior wore not this girdle for its wealth, For pride of the pendants, though polished they were, And though the glittering gold gleamed on the ends, 2040 But for to save himself, when to suffer it him behooved, To battle without broadsword himself to defend, Nor knife.

By then the bold was bound Quickly unto strife,

2045 And to that whole court of renown Gives thanks to all on life.

Then was Gringolet ready, that great was and huge, And had been stabled to his liking and well cared for; He wanted the prick of the spur, that proud horse then.

Piles The warrior wends him to and examines his hice, And said soberly to himself and by his sooth swears: “There are courtiers in this castle that care for noble customs: The man that maintains them, joy may he have; And his dear lady on life-—- may love her betide;

2055 Since they for charity cherish a guest, And hold honor in their hand, the High God reward them,


Pat naidez pe heuen vpon hyze, and also yow alle! And 3if | myzt lyf vpon jonde lece any quyie, | schuld rech yow sum rewarce redyly, if | mygt.” 2060 — Penn steppez he into stirop and strycez alofte;

His schalk schewed hym his scheide, on schulder ne hit jazt, Gordez to Gryngolet with his gilt helez, And he startez on pe ston, stoc he no lenger iO praunce., 2065 His hapel on nors watz penne,

Pat bere his spere and launce. “Bis kastel to Kryst | kenne: He gel hit ay god chaunce.” The brygge watz brayce doun, and be brode zatez 2070 Vibarred and born open vpon bope halue.

Pe burne blessed nym bilyue, and pe bredez passed, Prayses pe porter bifore be prynce kneled — Gef nym God and goud day, pat Gawayn he saue — And went on his way with his wyze one, 2075 — Pat scnulde teche hym to tourne to pat tene place

Per pe ruful race he schulde resayue. Pay bozen bl bonkkez per bozez ar bare, Pay clomben bi clyffez per clengez pe coilde. Pe heuen watz vphail, bot vely per-vnder; 2050 Mist muged on pe mor, malt on pe mountez;

Veh hile hace a hatte, a myst-hakel huge; Brokez byled and breke bi bonkkez aboute, Schyre scnaterande on schorez ber pay doun schowued. Wela wylie watz pe way per pay bi wod schuilcen,


He that holds the heaven on high, and also you all! And if > might life uwponland lead any longer, I should render you some reward readily, if | could.” 2060 ‘Then steps he into stirrup and strides aloft;

His servant showed him his shield, on shoulder he it laid, Gives spur to Gringolet with his gilt heels, And he starts on the stone, stood he no longer, To prance.

Does The hero on horse was then, That bore his spear and lance. “This castle to Christ | commend. May He give it always good chance.”

The bridge was brought down, and the broad gates 20%0 Unbarred and borne open upon both sides. The brave blessed himself quickly, the planks crossed, Praises the porter that before the prince kneeled — Gave him God and good day, that Gawain he save— And went on his way with his one warrior, 20°5 ‘That should teach him to turn to that terrible place

Where the rueful blow he had to receive. They bound by banks where boughs are bare, They climb by cliffs where clings the cold. The heaven was up high, but ugly there-under; SURO Mist drizzled onthe moor, melted on the mountains;

Each hillhadahat, a huge mantle of mist; Brooks boiled and broke by banks about, Brightly shattering on shores, where they shot down. Well wild was the way where they went by wood.


2085 Til hit watz sone sesoun pat pe sunne ryses

pat tyce. Pay were on a hille ful hyze Pe guyte snaw lay bisyde; Pe burne pat rod nym by 2080 Bede his mayster abide.

“For | naf wonnen yow hider, wyze, at pis tyme, And now nar ze not fer fro pat note place Pat ze nan spied and spuryed so specially after; Bot I schal say yow for sabe, sypen | yow knowe, 2095 And ze ar a jede vpon iyue bat | wei louy,

Wolde ze worch bi my wytte, ze worped pe better. Pe place pat ze prece to ful perelous is halden; Per wonez a wy3e in bat waste, be worst voon erbe, For ne is stiffe and sturne, anc to strike louies, 2.00 And more ne is pen any mon vpon mydcelercae,

Ane nis body bigger pen be best fowre Pat ar in Arpurez hous, Hestor, ober ober. He cheuez pat chaunce at pe Chapel Grene: Per passes non bi pat place so proucie in nis armes 2.05 Pat he ne dyngez hym to debe with cynt of his honde;

For he is amon methies, and mercy non vses, For be hit chorle oper chaplayn pat bi be chapel rycdes, Monk oper masseprest, oper any mon elles, Hym pynk as queme hym to quelle as quyk go nymseluen. 2°30 Forpy | say be, as sobe as ze In sacl sitte,

Com Ze bere, ze be kylled, may be knyzt rede;


2085 It was soon the season that the sun rises At that tide. They were on a hill full high,

White snow lay them beside; The brave that rode him by

2090 Then bade his master abide. “For Lhave won your way hither, warrior, at this time, And now are ye not far from that noted place That ye have spied about and sought with such special care; But [shall say you truly, since well l know you,

2085 And yearealadupon life that I well love, Would ye work by my wit, ye would be the better. The place that ye press to full perilous is held; A warrior dwells in that wasteland, the worst on earth, Por he is stout and stern, and loves to strike, 2000 And mightierishethan any man upon middle-earth,

And his body bigger than the best four That are in Arthur’s house, Hector or other. He keeps the custom at the Green Chapel: There passes none by that place so proud in his arms 2008 That he does not deal him death by dint of his hand; For he is aman without measure, and no mercy uses, For be it churl or chaplain that by the chapel rides, Monk or mass-priest, or any man else, He thinks it as good to kill him as for himself to live. 2.10 Therefore I say this, as surely as ye in saddle sit,

Come ye there, ye be killed, if that knight has his way;


Trawe ze me pat trwely: baz ze hac twenty lyues to spence. He hatz wonyd here ful sore; 2uaS8 On bent much baret bence,

Agayn his cyntez sore

3e may not yow defence. “Forpy, goude Sir Gawayn, let pe gome one,

And gotz away sum oper gate, vpon Goce halue! 2120 Cayrez bi sum oper kyth, ber Kryst mot yow spece,

And | schal hyz me hom azayn, and nete yow fyrre Pat | schal swere bi God and alle his gode halgez, As nelp me God and pe halydam, and ope innoghe, Pat | schal lelly yow layne, and jance neuer tale 2(25 Pat euer ze foncet to fle for freke bat | wyst.”

“Grant merci,” quop Gawayn, and gruchyng he sayde: “Wel worth pe, wyze, pat woldez my goce, And pat lelly me layne | lieve wel pou wolces,. Bot nelce pou hit neuer so holde, anc | here passed, 2°30 Founded for ferde for to fle, in fourme pat bou tellez, | were a knygt kowarde; | myzt not be excused. Bot | wyl to be chapel, for chaunce pat may falle, And talk wyth bat ilk tulk be tale bat me lyste, Worbe hit wele ober wo, as pe wyrde lykez

2335 nit hate.

Paze he be a sturn knape To stigtel, and stad with staue, Ful wel con Drygtyn schape

ris seruauntes for to saue.”


Trust ye me truly; though ye had twenty lives To spend.

He has dwelt here since full yore; Bui On earth many met their end

Against him battling full sore; Ye cannot you defend.

“Therefore, good Sir Gawain, let that gallant alone, And go away some other way, by God’s wounds! 2.20 Cross some other country, where Christ may you help,

And I shall hasten me home again, and assure you honestly That [shallswear by God and all his goodly saints, As help me God, and the holy relics, and many good oaths, That [shalllovally he for you, and relate never a tale

2\25 Thatever ye fled forfear from fighter that I knew.” “Great thanks,” quoth Gawain, and grudgingly he said: “Well may thou prosper, warrior, who wishes me good, And loyally to lie for me Ibelieve well thou wouldest. But held thou it never so hidden, and I here slipped away, 2i8e Fared for fear to flee, in form that thou tell,

[would be a knight coward; [could not be excused. But will go to the chapel, whatever chance may befall, And talk with that same knight of whatever tale | want, Be it weal orwoe, however fate will

2185 Behave.

Though he be stern in fray, With a club to daunt the brave,

The dear Lord can find a way His servants tor to save.”


2340 9 “Mary!” quop pat ober mon, “now pou so much spellez,

Pat pou wyit byn awen nye nyme to pyseluen, And pe lyst lese by lyt, be lette | ne kepe. Hal here pi heime on py hede, bi spere in pi nonde, And ryde me doun pis ilk rake bi gon rokke syde, 2345 Ti pou be brozt to be bopem of pe brem valay;

Penne loke a littel on pe launce, on pi lyfte honde, And pou schai se in bat slade pe self chapel, And pe borelych burne on bent pat hit kepes. Now farez wel, on Godez halt, Gawayn be nobie! 2°50 For alle be golde vpon grounde | nolde go wyth be,

Ne bere pe felagschip pur pis fryth on fote fyrre.” Bi pat be wyze in be wod wendeg his brycel, Hit pe hors with pe helez as harde as he myzt, Lepez hym ouer be launde, and leuez pe knyzt pere

2158 alone.

“Bi Goadeg self,” quop Gawayn, “Twyl nauber grete ne grone: To Goddez wylle | am ful bayn,

And to hym | haf me tone.” 2760 Thenne gyrdez he to Gryngolet, and gecderez be rake,

Schowuez in bi a schore at a schaze syde, Ridez purgz pe roze bonk ryt to pe dale: And penne he wayted hym aboute, and wyide nit hym pozt, And seze no syngne of resette bisycez nowhere, 2765 Bot hyge bonkkez anc brent vpon bope halue,

And ruze knokied knarrez with knorned stonez: Pe skwez of pe scowtes skayned hym pozt.

Penne he houed, and wythhyide his hors at pat tyde, And ofte cnaunged his cher pe chapel to seche: 160

2160 “Mary!” quoth that other man, “now thou so much speakest, That thou wilt thine own bane bring on thyself, If thou want to lose thy life, [look not to prevent thee. Have here thy helmet on thy head, thy spear in thy hand, And ride thee down this same road by yon rocky side, 2068 Till thou be brought to the bottom of the broad valley; Then look a little at the open land, on thy left hand, And thou shalt see in that glade that same chapel, And the one brave in battle that there thee bides. Now farewell, by God’s wounds, Gawain the noble! 2150 Forall the gold upon ground I would not go with thee,

Nor bear thee fellowship through this forest one foot further.” With that the warriorin the wood wrenches his bridle, Hit the horse with his heels as hard as he could, Leaps him over the land, and leaves the knight there

iOS Alone.

“By God's self,” quoth Gawain, “Twill neither gripe nor groan; Of God’s will lam certain, And I know that lam His own.” 2160 Then gives he spur to Gringolet, and gets again the path,

Strikes in by ashore at a shining wood’s side, Rides through the rough bank right to the dale; And then he watched about him and wild he thought it, And saw no sign of refuge nowhere beside,

2165 But high banks and steep upon both sides, And rough knobs gnarled with twisted stones; The clouds seemed to graze on the clustered rocks. Then he halted, and held back his horse at that tide, And often searched around the chapel to seek: 161

2°70 He sez non suche in no syde, and selly hym bozt,

Saue, a lyttel on a launce, a lawe as nit were; A palz berg bi a bonke pe brymme bysyce, Bi a forg of a flode pat ferked pare; Pe borne blubred berinne as hit boyled hade. 2075 Be knyat kacheg his caple, and com to be lawe,

Ligez doun luflyly, and at a lynde tacnez

Pe rayne and his riche with a roze braunche. Penne he bozez to pe berze, aboute hit he walke3, Debatancde with hymself quat hit be myat. 2°80 Hit hade a nole on be ende and on ayper syce,

And ouergrowen with gresse in gloces aywhere, And al watz holg inwith, nobot an olde caue,

Or a creuisse of an olde cragge, he coube hit nogt deme with spelle. 2785 Wel Lorde,” aquob pe gentyie kny3t,

“Wheber pis be pe Grene Chapelle? Here myzt aboute mydny3zt

be cele his matynnes telle! “Now iwysse,” quop Wowayn, “wysty is here; 2750 Bis oritore is vgly, with erbez ouergrowen;

Wel bisemez be wyze wruxiled in grene

Dele here his Geuocioun on pe ceuelez wyse. Now | fele hit is pe fende, in my fyue wyttez, Pat hatz stoken me bis steuen to strye me here. 2°95 Bis is a chapel of meschaunce, pat cnekke hit bytyde!

Hit is pe corsedest kyrk pat euer | com inne!” With hege helme on his hede, his launce in his honde, He romeg vp to be roffe of pe roz wones.


2170 Hesaw none such on any side, and strange it seemed to him, Except a little rise onalawn, a knoll as it were; Asmooth mound by a bank beside the water’s brim, By a waterfall of aflood that foamed up there; The brook bubbled there-in as if it were boilime. 20"S The knight spurs his courser, and comes to the mound, Lights down lively, and at a linden attaches The reins of his steed to a rough branch. Then he bounds to the mound: about it he walks, Debating with himself what it might be.

218d Ithad ahole onthe end and on either side, And overgrown with grass on the ground everywhere, And all was hollow within, naught but an old cave, Oracrevice of anold crag, he could not say which It befell.

2185 “Why! Lord,” quoth the gentle knight, “Can this be the Green Chapel? Here might about midnight The devil his matins tell!”

“Now indeed,” quoth Wawain, “it is wild here;

2190 This oratory isugly, with weeds overgrown; Well befits the warrior wrapped in green To do here his devotion in the devil's way. Now I feel it is the fiend, in my five wits, That has doomed me on this date to destroy me here. 2195 Thisis a chapel of misfortune; may mischief betide it! It is the cursedest church that l ever came in!” With high helmet on his head, his lance in his hand, He roams up to the roof of the rough dwelling.


Pene herde he of pat hygze nil, in a harcde roche 2200 Bigoncde pe broke, in a bonk, a wonder breme noyse,

Quat! nit claterec in be clyfl, as hit cleue schulce, As one vpon a gryndelston hade grounden a sype. What! hit wharred and whette, as water at a muline: What! hit rusched and ronge, rawbe to here. 2205 Penne “Bi Godde,” quop Gawayn, “pat gere, as | trowe,

is ryched at pe reuerence me, renk, to mete bi rote.

Let God worche. We, loo!

Hit helppez me not a mote. 2240 My lif baz | forgoo,

Drede dotz me no lote.” Thenne be knygt con calle ful hyze:

“Who stigtles in pis sted me steuen to holde¢ For now is goce Gawayn goande ryt nere. 22°55 any wyze ozt wyl, wynne hicer fast, Ober now ober neuer, his necdez to spede.” “Abyde,” quop on on pe bonke abouen ouer his hede, “And pou schal haf al in hast pat | be hyzt ones.” Zet he rusched on pat rurde rapely a prowe 2220 And wyth quettyne awhart, er he wolce lyzty

And sypen ne keuerez bi a cragge, and comez of a hole, Whryrlande out of a wro wyth a felle weppen, A Denez ax nwe dyzt, pe aynt with to geide, With a borelych bytte bende by be halme, 2225 Fyled ina fyior, fowre fote large.

Hit watz no lasse bi pat lace pat lemed ful bryzt And pe gome in be grene gered as fyrst, Bobe pe lyre and be leggez, lokkez and berde, 164

Then heard he from that high hill, ona hard rock

Pee Beyond the brook, ina bank, a wondrous big noise, Whoosh! [t clattered in the cliff, as if it cleave should,

Asif one upon a grindstone had ground a scythe. Whoosh! It whirred and whirled, as water ata mill: Whoosh! It rushed and rang, rueful to hear.

oes Then “By God,” quoth Gawain, “that gear, as | believe, Is readied to honor me, to meet with due ritual the rider Coming here. Let God do as He will. Why, lo!

No help for me will appear.

2210 My life though I forgo No noise will make me fear.”

Then the knight did call full loud: “Who stands in this spot my set date to keep? For now is good Gawain going right here. 2215 Tfany warrior wants anything, let him wend hither fast, Ether now or never, his errand to achieve.” “Abide,” quoth one on the bank above, over his head, “And thou shalt have promptly what I promised thee once.” Yet he raised that roaring noise longer fora while

pee And with whetting continued, ere he would alight; And then he climbed down by acrag, and came from a hole, Whirling out of acrevice with a flerce weapon, A Danish ax newly honed, with which to yield the dint, With a massive blade curving back toward the handle,

2225 Filed sharp by a whetstone, four foot long. It was no less than that lace sash that gleamed full bright, And the gallantin the green garbed as at first, Both the face and the legs, locks and beard, 165

Saue pat fayre on his fote he foundegz on pe erbe, 2230 Sette pe stele to pe stone, and stalked bysyde.

When he wan to pe watter, per he wace noice, He nypped ouer on hys ax, and orpedly sirydez, Bremly brope on a bent bat brode watz aboute, on snawe. 2225 Sir Gawayn pe knyzi con mete;

He ne lutte hym nopyng lowe. Pat oper sayde, “Now, sir swete, Of steuen mon may be trowe.” “Gawayn,” quob pat grene gome, “God pe mot loke! 2260 — lwysse pou art welcom, wyze, to my place,

And pou hatz tymed pi trauay! as truee mon schuice, And pou knowez pe couenauntez kest vus bytwene: At pis tyme twelmonyth Dou toke bat be failed, And I schuide at pis Nwe 3ere zeply pe quyte. 2245 And we ar in bis valay verayly oure one;

Here ar no renkes vs to rydde, rele as vus like. Hal py helme of py hede, and haf here by pay. Busk no more debate pen | be pede penne When pou wypped of my hecle at a wap one.” 2250 “Nay, bi Goa,” quobp Gawayn, “pat me gost lante,

| schal gruch be no grwe for grem pat falles. Bot stygtel be vpon on strok, ancl | schal stonde style And warp pe no wernyng to worch as pe lykez, nowhare.”

2258 He lened with pe nek, anc lutte, And schewed pat schyre al bare, Anda lette as he nozt dutte; For drece ne wolde not dare. 166

Save that fair on his foot he fared on the earth, BORG Set the steel to the stone, and stalked beside. When he got to the water, where he would not wade, He vaulted over on his ax and vigorously strides, Furiously fierce ona field that flecked was about, With snow.

2a Sir Gawain the knight did meet; He in no way bowed him low. That other said, “Now, sir sweet, That thou keepest thy word we know.”

“Gawain,” quoth that green gallant, “May God guide thee!

oad Indeed thou art welcome, warrior, to my place, And hast timed thy travail as true man should, And thou knowest the covenants cast us between: At this trme twelvemonth thou took what thee befell, And I should at this New Year surely thee requite.

2265 And weareinthis valley verily ourselves alone; Here are no referees to interfere; we may rule us as we like. Have thy helmet off thy head, and have here thy pay. Make no more debate than | brought thee then When thou whipped off my head with one single whack.”

22x) “Nay,” quoth Gawain, “by God Who gave me soul, I shall grudge thee nota bit for any grief that may befall. But be satisfied with one stroke, and I shall stand still And willingly l warrant to work as thou please Anywhere.”

2eSS8 He leaned with the neck, to bow, And showed that flesh all bare, Let on that he naught feared now; Por dread he would not despair. 167

Then pe gome in be grene grayped nym swype, 2260 Gederez vp hys grymme tole Gawayn to smyte;

With alle pe bur in his body he ber nit on lofte, Munt as magztyly as marre hym he wolde; Hade nit dryuen adoun as crez as he atlec, Per hade ben ced of his dynt bat dozty watz ever. 2265 Bot Gawayn on bat giserne glyite hym bysyde,

As hit com glydande acoun on giode hym to schende, And scnranke a lytei with pe schuiceres for pe scnarp yrne. Pat oper schalk wyth a schunt pe schene wytnhaidez, And penne repreued he pe prynce with mony prowcde worces: 22°70 “Pou art not Gawayn,” quop be gome, “pat is 50 goud halden,

Pat neuer arged for no here by nylle ne be vale, And now pou ties for ferce er pou fele narmez! Such cowardise of bat knyzt cowpe | neuer here. Nawoper fyked | ne flaze, freke, quen pou mynitest, 2275 Ne kest no kavelacion in kyngez hous Arthor.

My hece flag to my fote, and zet flag | neuer; And pou, er any harme nent, arzez in hert; Wherfore pe better burne me burce be callec perfore.” 2280 Quob Gawayn, “I schunt onez,

And so wy! | no more;

Bot bag my hece falle on be stones, | con not hit restore. “Bot busk, burne, bi bi fayth, anc bryng me to pe poynt. 2285 Dele to me my cestiné, and do hit out of honde,

For | schal stonde pe a strok, and start no more Til byn ax naue me hitte. Haf here my trawbe.” “Haft at pe penne!” quob bat oper, and heuez hit alofte, 168

Then the gallantin the green got himself ready,

2260 Gathers up his grim tool Gawain to smite; With all the strength in his body he bore it aloft, Swung as mightily as if to destroy him he would; Had it driven down as deadly as he pretended, There had been dead of his dint he that doughty was ever.

2265 But Gawainon that greatax glanced sideways, As it came crashing down to the ground to destroy him, And he shrank a little with the shoulders from the sharp iron. That other chevalier shifts and the shining blade withholds, And then reproved he the prince with many proud words: 2270 “Thou art not Gawain,” quoth the gallant, “who is so good held,

That was never frightened by any host by hill nor by vale, And now thou flinchest for fear ere thou feel harms! Such cowardice of that knight could I never hear. I neither flinched nor fled, fighter, when thou swung, 22°53 Norcastany quibbles in the kine’s house of Arthur.

My head flew to my foot, and yet fled I never; And thou, ere any harmis had, art horrified in heart; Wherefore the better battler [| ought to be called Therefore.”

2280 Quoth Gawain, “T flinched once alone, And so will l no more: But though my head fall on the stone, i cannot it restore.

“But get ready, battler, by thy faith, and bring me to the point.

2285 Deal tome my destiny, and do it out of hand, For I shall stand thee one stroke, and stir no more Till thine ax have me hit. Have here my troth!” “Have at thee then!” quoth that other, and heaves it aloft, 169

And waytez as wropely as he wode were. 2290 He myntez at hym maztyly, bot not be mon ryneg,

Withheide heterly his honde, er hit hurt myst. Gawayn graypely nit bydez, and glent with no membre, Bot stode stylie as pe ston, ober a stubbe auber Pat rapeied is in roche grounce with rote a hundreth. 2295 Pen muryly efte con he mele, be mon in pe grene:

“So, now Dou hats pi hert holle, hitte me bihous. Halde be now be hyze hoce pat Arbur be razt, And Kepe py kane at bis kest, gif hit keuer may.” Gawayn ful gryndelly with grerne penne sayde: 2300 “Wy! presch on, bou pro mon, pou pretez to longe;

| hope pat pi hert arge wyth byn awen seluen.” “For sobe,” quop pat oper freke, “so felly bou spekez, | wyl no lenger on lyte lette bin ernde rigi nowe.” 2305 Penne tas he hym strype to stryke,

And frounsez bobe lyppe and browe; No rmeruayle baz hym mysiyke Pat hoped of no rescowe. He lyftes lyztly his jome, and let hit doun fayre 2370 With pe barbe of be bitte bi be bare nek;

Paz he homered heterly, hurt hym no more Bot snyrt hym on pat on syde, pat seuered pe hyde. Pe scharp schrank to pe flesche burg be schyre grece, Pat be schene biod ouer his schulderes schot to be erpe; 23.5 And quen pe burne sez be blode bienk on be snawe,

He sprit forth spenne-fote more pen a spere ienbe,


And looks about as wrathfully as if he were crazy.

2290 He menaces athim mightily, but not the man touches, Withheld suddenly his hand, ere it hurt might. Gawain gracefully it abides, and moved with no member, But stayed still as the stone, or a stump rather That embedded is in rocky ground with roots a hundred. 2205 Then merrily again did he speak, the man in the green: “So, now thou hast thy heart whole, it behooves me to hit. Help thee now the nigh rank to which Arthur thee raised, And preserve thy throat at this encounter, if it protect can.” Gawain full grimly with anger then said: 2800 “Why! thresh on, thou fierce man; thou threatenest too long;

[ believe that thy heart is frightened by thine own self.” “For sooth,” quoth that fighter, “so fiercely thou speakest, [Twill no longer look to delay thine errand ivow.”

2305 Then takes he his stance to strike, And frowns both lip and brow; No marvel that he it mislike, Who hoped for no help now.

He lifts lightly his tool, and let it down fair

2°10 With the blade of the bit by the bare neck; Though he hammered heartily, he hurt him no more Than a snick on that one side, that slit the skin. The sharp sank in the flesh through the shining grease, So that the bright blood over his shoulders shot to the earth;

2215 And when the battler saw the blood bright on the snow, Feet together, ne broad-jumped forth, more than a spear’s length,


Kent heterly his helme, and on his hed cast, Schot with his schulderez his fayre scheide vnder, Braydes out a brygt sworde, and bremely he spekes. 2320 Neuer syn pat he watz burne borne of his moder

Watz ne neuer in bis worlde wyze half so blype. “Blynne, burne, of py bur, bede me no mo! | haf a stroke in bis sted withoute siry? hent, And if bow recnez me any mo, | redyly schal quyte, 2325 And zelde zederly agayn — and perto ze tryst —

and foo. Bot on stroke here me fallez;

Pe couenaunt scnop ry3t so, Fermed in Arpurez hallez,

2330 And perfore, hence, now noo!” The habel heidet hym fro, and on his ax rested, Sette pe schait vpon schore, and to pe scharp lened, And loked to pe jeude pat on be launde zede, How bat dozty, crecies, deruely ber stondez 23285 Armed, ful agleg: in hert hit hym lykez.

Penn he melez muryly wyth a much steuen, And wyth a rynkande rurde he to be renk sayde: “Bolde burne, on pis bent be not so eryndel. No mon here vnmanerly pe mysboden habbeg, 234) Ne kyd bot as couenaunce at kyngez kort schaped.

| hygt pe a strok and pou hit hats, halide pe wel payed; | relece be of be remnaunt of ryztes alle oper. 4H | delluer had bene, a bofiet paraunter | coupe wropeloker haf waret, to pe haf wrozt anger, 2365 Fyrst | mansed pe muryly with a mynt one,

And roue be wyth no rof-sore, with ryzt | pe profered 172

Grabbed hastily his helmet, and on his head cast, Shot his shoulders under his fair shield,

Brings outa bright sword, and bravely he speaks. 2220 Never since that he was babe born of his mother

Was there ever inthis world warrior half so blithe. “Abide, battler; of thy blows give me no more! [have one stroke in this place without strife taken, And if thou offer me any more, I readily shall requite, 2225 Andrepay rapidly inturn —and there-to ye trust— As a foe.

But one stroke here me befalls:

The covenant shaped right so, Confirmed in Arthur’s halls,

2330 And there-for, courtier, now whoa!” The horseman held himself back, and on his ax rested, Set the shaft upon shore, and on the sharp leaned, And looked to the liezeman that on the land went How that doughty, dreadless, dauntless there stands 22885 Armed, fullfearless: in heart it pleases him.

Then he speaks merrily with a mighty voice, And with a ringing roar he to the rider said: “Bold battler, on this field be not so Herce.

Noman here unmannerly thee mistreated has, ao Nor acted but as covenant at king’s court requires.

I promised a stroke and thou it hast; hold thee well paid; T release thee of the remnant of all other rights. If | more belligerent had been, a buffet perhaps [could more harshly have dealt, to thee have wrought harm.

2868 First [menaced thee merrily with one mighty blow, And ripped thee with no gash; which rightly | proffered 173

For the forewarde that we fest on the fyrst nyt; And pou trystyly be trawpe and trwiy me haldez; Al be gayne pow me gel, as god: mon schulde. 2350 Pat oper munt for pe morne, mon, | be proferec:

Pou kyssedes my clere wyt; pe cossez me raztes. For bope two here | pe bede bot two bare myntes poute scape, Irwe mon trwe restore, 2355 Penne par mon drede no wabe.

At be brid bou fayled pore, And berfor bat tappe ta be. “For hit is my wede pat pou werez, pat Uke wouen girdel,

Myn owen wyt nit be weued, | wot wel for sope. 2360 Now know | wel by cosses, and by costes als,

And pe wowyng of my wyt: | wrogt hit myseiuen.

[sende hir to asay be, anc sothly me pynkkez On be fautlest freke pat euer on fote zede; As perle bi pe quite pese is of prys more, 2365 So is Gawayn, in god fayth, bi ober gay knyzies.

Bot here yow lakked a lyttel, sir, and lewté yow wonted)

Bot pat watz for no wylyde werke, ne wowyng nauber, Bot for ze lufed your lyt; be lasse | yow blame.” Pat ober stil mon in study stod a gret whyle, 2370 So agreued for greme he eryed withinne;

Allie pe blode of his brest blende in his face,

Pat al ne schrank for schome pat pe schalk talked. Pe forme worde vpon folde pat pe freke meled: “Corsed worth cowarddyse and couetyse pope!


For the agreement that we arranged on the first night, And thou, trusty and true, thy troth to me heldest; All the gains thou me gave, as good man should. 2850 That second swing on this morning, man, | proffered thee:

Thou kissedest my comely wife; the kisses you returned to me. For both of the two here | thee offered only two bare swings To disconcert. A true man must truly restore;

2385 Then one need fear no hurt. At the third thou failed, no more; That tap is thy just desert.

“For it is my weed that thou wearest, that same woven girdle, Mine own wife weaved itforthee, [know well for sooth. 2360 Now know I well thy kisses, and thy customs also,

And the wooing of my wife: [ wrought it myself. Isent her to assay thee, and soothly thou seemest to me The most faultless fighter that ever on foot went; As pearl compared to the white peas is greater in price, 2365 Sois Gawain, in good faith, compared to other gay knights.

But here you lacked a little, sir, and loyalty you wanted; But that was for no wild work, nor wooing neither, But for ye loved your life; the less | you blame.”

That other strong maninstudy stood a great while, 2370 Soaggrieved foranger he groaned within;

All the blood of his breast blended in his face, That all he shrank for shame as the chevalier talked. The first word on the field that the fighter spoke: “Cursed be cowardice and covetousness both!


2375 — In yow is vylany and vyse pat vertue cisstryeg.”

Penne he kazt to be knot, and pe kest lawsez, Braycde brobely be belt to pe burne seluen: “Lol per be faissyng, foule mot hit falie! For care of py knokke cowardyse me tazt 2380 To acorde me with couetyse, my kynce to forsake,

Pat is larges and lewté bat longez to knyztes. Now am |fawty and falce, and ferde haf ben euer Of trecherye and vntrawpe: bope bityde sorze and care! 2385 | biknowe yow, kny3zt, here stylle,

Aj fawty is my fare;

Letez me ouertake your wylle And efte | schal be ware.”

Thenn loge pat oper leude and luflyly sayce: 2390 “T halde hit harcdily hole, pe harme pat | nade.

Pou art confessed so clene, beknowen of py mysses, And hatz be penaunce apert of pe poynt of myn egge, | halide pe polysed of pat plyzt, and pured as clene As pou nadez neuer forfeted sypen bou wats fyrst borne; 2395 Andi gif be, sir, pe gurdel pat is goide-hemmed,

For hit is grene as my goune. Sir Gawayn, ze maye

Penk vpon pis ike prepe, per pou forth pryngez Among prynces of prys, and bis a pure token OF be chaunce of pe Grene Chapel at cheualrous kny3teg. 2480 — And ze schal in bis Nwe Ser agayn to my wonez,

And we schyn reuel pe remnaunt of pis ryche fest ful bene.” Per lapec hym fast pe lorde And sayde: “With my wyf, | wene, 176

23°58 In you is villainy and vice that virtue destroys.” Then he caught on to the knot, and the clasp loosens, Flings, boiling, the belt to the battler himself: “Lol there the falsehood, foul may it befall! For care of thy knock cowardice me taught 23880 ‘To accord me with coveting my character to forsake, That is largesse and loyalty that belongs to knights. Now am | faulty and false, and feared have been ever Of treachery and untruth: both betide sorrow And care!

e385 Lconfess, knight; hear me still, lam at fault in this affair: Let me regain your good will And next time I shall be ware.”

Then laughed that other liege and lovingly said: 2890 “Told ithappily healed, the harm that I had.

Thou hast confessed so cleanly, told thy misdeeds, And hast the public penance of the point of my blade, [hold thee polished by that penance, and purified as clean Asif thou had never sinned since thou was first born:

2398 And give thee, sir, the girdle that is gold-hemmed, Por itis green as my gown. Sir Gawain, ye may Think upon this thing, when thou art in the throng Around princes of price, and this a pure token Of the adventure of the Green Chapel for chivalrous knights. 2600 And yeshallin this New Year go again to my dwelling,

And we snall revel for the remnant of this rich feast The ladies between.”

Then invited him earnestly the lord And said: “With my wile, I ween, 77

2405 We schal yow wel acorde,

Pat watz your enmy kene.”

“Nay, for sope,” quob pe segge, and sesed nys helme, And natz hit of hendely, and pe hapel ponkkeg: “laf solorned sadly; sele yow bytyce, 2a 0 And He geice hit yow gare pat garkkez al menskes!

And comauncez me to pat cortays, your comlycn fere, Bope pat on and pat oper, myn honoured ladyez, Pat bus hor knyzt wyth nor kest han koyntly bigyled. Bot hit is no ferly paz a fole mace, 24.5 And purg wyles of wymmen be wonen to sorze,

For so watz Acam in erde with one byeyied, And Salamon with fele sere, and Samson eftsonez: Dalyda dalt hym hys wyrde. And Dauytn perafter

Watz blended with Barsabe, pat much bale poled. 2620 Now pese were wratned wyth her wyles. Hit were a wynne


To luf hom wel, and leue hem not, a leuce pat coube. For pes wer forne pe freest, pat folged alle pe sele Exellently of alle pyse oper, vnder heuenryche pat mused; 2825 And alle pay were biwyled

With wymmen bat pay vsed. Paz | pe now bigyied, Me pink me burce be excused. “Bot your gordel,” quobp Gawayn, “God yow forgeide! 2430 Pat wyl | welde wyth guod wylie, not for be wynne goilcde,

Ne be saynt, ne pe sylk, ne be syde pendaunces, For wele ne for worchyp, ne for be wionk werkkez, 178

2405 We shall you well accord, That was your enemy keen.”

“Nay, for sooth,” quoth the stalwart, and seized his helmet, And has it off graciously, and the Green Knight thanks: “T have sojourned sadly; may good fortune be yours,

eal And may He reward you Who honors all good manners! And commend me to that courteous, your comely companion, Both the one and that other, mine honored ladies,

Who their knight with their tricks have cleverly becuiled.

Butitisno marvel though a fool go mad, 2415 And through wiles of women be won over to sorrow,

For so was Adam onearth by one beguiled, And Solomon by many such, and Samson in his turn: Delilah dealt him his fate. David there-after Was befuddled by Bathsheba and much bale suffered. 2620 Now these were wronged by their wiles. [t would be a


To love them well, and believe them not, if alad could do so. For these were formerly the finest, whom fortune favored Excellently over all these others, under the heavens Contused;

eae And all these made wild, By women that they used. Though I be now beguiled, [think I might be excused.

“But your girdle,” quoth Gawain, “God give you reward! 2630 That will | wield with good will, not for winning gold,

Nor the sash, nor the silk, nor the side pendants, For wealth nor for worship, nor for the worthy works, 179

Bot in syngne of my surfet | schal se hit ofte,

When | ride in renoun, remorce to myseluen 2435 Be faut and be fayntyse of be flesche crabbed,

How tender hit is to entyse teches of fyipe;

And pus, quen pryde schal me pryk for prowes of armes, Pe loke to pis juf-lace schal lepe my herf. Bot on | wolcde yow pray, cispleses yow neuer: 2440 Syn ze be lorde of pe zoncer londe per | haf lent inne

Wyth yow wyth worschyp; pe Wyze hit yow zelde

Pat vonaldez be heuen and on hy sittez. How norne ze yowre ryzi nome, and penne no more?” “Pat schal | telle be trwiy,” quop bat ober penne, 2445 “Bertilak cde Hautcdesert | hat in pis jonde.

burg my3t of Morgne la Faye, pat in my hous lenges, And koyntyse of clergye, bi craftes wel lerned, Pe maystrés of Merlyn mony hatz taken For no hatz dalt drwry ful dere sumtyme 2e30 With pat conable klerk, pat knowes alle your knyztez

at hame:

Morgne be goddes Perfore hit is hir name: Weldez non so nyze hawtesse 2455 Pat ho ne con make ful tame.

“Ho wayned me vpon pis wyse to your wynne nalle For fo assay pe surquidré, aif hit soth were Pat rennes of be grete renoun of pe Rounde Table; Ho waynec me bis wonder your wytteg fo reue, 2460 — For to haf greued Gaynour and gart hir to dyze

With giopnyng of bat i/ke gome bat gostlych speked With his hece in his honde bifore pe hyze table. 180

But in sign of my sin I shall see it often,

When [ridein renown, remorse to myself, 2485 The fault and the feebleness of the crabbed flesh, How easy itis to entice touches of filth; And thus, when pride presses me on for prowess of arms, The look to this love-lace shall allay my heart. But one thing | would you pray, may if displease you never: 2440 Since ye be lord of the yonder land where I have lingered

With you with worship; may the Warrior reward you That upholds the heaven and on high sits. How say ye your truename? And then Il ask no more.” “That shall I tell thee truly,” quoth that other then, 2a45 “Bercilak de Hautdesert [am called in this land.

Through might of Morgan la Fay, who in my house lives, And quaint lore of clergy, by crafts well learned, Many of the magic arts of Merlin has she taken For she was mistress full dear at one time 2430 Tothat cunning clerk that knows all your knights

By fame;

Morgan the goddess Therefore is her name: Wields none such high haughtiness

2455 Whom she cannot make full tame. “She sent me inthis manner to your splendid hall For to assay the swollen pride, if it sooth were That runs of the great renown of the Round Table; She brought thee this wonder your wits to bereave 2660 And to have grieved Guenevere and got her to die

By the gruesome sight of that gallant that ghastly spoke With his head in his hand before the high table. 181

Pat is ho pat is at home, pe auncian lady; Ho is euen pyn aunt, Arpurez half-suster, 2465 Pe duches dogter of Tyntagelle, pat cere Vier after

Hade Arpur vpon, pat abel is nowpe. Perfore | epe pe, hapel, to com to pyn aunt, Make myry in my hous; my meny De Joules, And | wol be as wel, wyze, DI my faythe, 2470 As any gome vneer God for py grete traupe.”

And he nikkec hym naye; he noide bi no wayes. Pay acoien and kyssen and kennen ayper ober To be prynce of paradise, and parten ryzt pere on coolde: 2475 Gawayn on bionk ful bene

To be kyngez burg buskez boide,

And be knyzt in be enker-grene Whiderwarde-so-euer he woilcde. Wyide wayez in pe worlde Wowen now rycdez 2480 On Gryngolet, pat pe grace hace geten of his lyue;

Ofte he herbered in house and ofte al beroute, And mony aventure in vale, and venquyst ofte, Pat | ne tygt at bis tyme in tale fo remene. Pe hurt watz hole pat he hade hent in his nek, 2485 And pe blykkande belt he bere beraboute

Abelef as a bauderyk bouncen bi his syde, Loken vnder his lyfte arme, pe lace, with a knot, In tokenyng he watz tane in tech of a faute. And bus he commes to pe court, kny3zt al in sounde. 2490 Per wakned wele in pat wone when wyst be egrete

Pat gode Gawayn watz commen, gayn hit hym post.


That is she that is athome, the ancient lady; She is even thine aunt, Arthur’s half-sister, 2465 ‘The duchess’ daughter of Tintagel, whom dear Uther after Had Arthur upon, that glorious is now. Therefore I urge thee, horseman, to come to thine aunt, Make merry in my house; my court thee loves, And I will love thee as well, warrior, by my faith, 2470 As any gallant under God _ for thy great truth.”

And Gawain denied him with “nay”; he would in no way. They embrace and kiss and each the other To the Prince of Paradise, and they part right there In the cold: eS Gawain on bronco keen

To the king’s court rushes bold,

And the knight in the deep green Went where-so-ever he would.

Wild ways inthe world Wawain now rides 2480 On Gringolet, when the grace was given of his life;

Oft he was harbored in house and often all outside,

And had many adventures onthe way, and vanquished oft, Which I do not care at this time in tale to rehearse. The hurt was whole where he had been hit in his neck, 2485 And the bright shining belt he bore there-about Obliquely asa baldric bound by his side, Locked under his leftarm the lace sash, with a knot, Asatoken he was taken by the touch of a sin. And thus he comes to the court, a knight all safe and sound. 2490 Joy wakened in that dwelling when the great king was aware

That good Gawain was come he thought it grand news.


Pe kyng kyssez pe kny3t, and pe whene alice, And sypen mony syker kny3t pat sogt hym to nayice, Of his fare pat hym frayned; and ferlyly he telles, 2495 Biknowez allie pe costes of care pat he nace,

Pe chaunce of pe chapel, pe chere of be kny3f, Pe luf of pe ladi, pe lace at be ast. Pe nirt in be nek he naked hem schewecd Pat he lazt for his vnieuté at pe leuces hondes 2500 for blame.

He fenecl quen he scnuice tele, He groned for gref and grame; Pe biod in his face con melie, When he hit schulde schewe, for schame. 2505 “Lol lorde,” quop pe leude, and pe lace honceled,

“Bis is pe bende of pis blame | bere in my nek, Pis is be Jabe and be losse pat! jagt haue Of couardise and couetyse pat | haf cat bare; Pis is be token of vntrawpe pat | am tan inne, 25)0 Andi mot nedez hit were wyie | may last,

For mon may hyden his harme, bot vnhap ne may hit, For ber hit oneg is tacnched twynne wil hit neuer.” Pe kyng comfortez be kny3t, and alle pe court als Lagen loude perat, and luflyly acorden 25°5 Pat lordes and Jacis pat longed to pe Table,

Vche burne of pe broperhede, a bauderyk schulde haue, A bende abelef hym aboute of a bryzt grene, And bat, for sake of pat segge, in swete to were, For pat watz acorded pe renoun of pe Rounce Tabie,


The king kisses the knight, and the queen also, And then many sure knights that sought to embrace him, That asked him how he fared: and wonders he tells,

28'S He made known all the causes of care that he had, The achievement of the chapel, the cheer of the knight, The love of the lady, the lace at the last. The nick in the neck he naked them showed That he took from the liege lord’s hands _ for his disloyalty,

2500 To blame.

He grieved when he had to tell; He groaned for grief and ill fame; In his face the blood did up well, When he showed the nick, for shame.

2505 “Lollord,” quoth the Hegeman, and the lace handled, “This is the emblem of the blame I bear in my neck, This is the injury and the loss that [laid hold on For cowardice and covetousness that I have caught there; This is the token of untruth in which | was taken, 2510 Andi must by necessity wear it all the while I may live,

For one may hide hisharm, but sin can not be hidden, For where it once is attached depart will it never.” The king comforts the knight, and all the court also Laugh loudly there-at, and lovingly agree 2518 Thatlords and ladies that belonged to the Table,

Each member of the brotherhood, a baldric should have, band obliquely him about of a bright green, And for the sake of that stalwart, to wear that sign, For it represents the renown of the Round Table,


2520 And he honoured pat hit hace euermore after,

As hit is breued in be best boke of romaunce. Pus in Arthurus cay bis aunter bitidde, Pe Brutus bokez perof beres wyttenesse; Sypen Brutus, pe bolce burne, boged hider fyrst, 2525 After be segge and be asaute watz sesed at Troye,


Mony aunterez here-biforne taf fallen suche er Dis.

Now pat bere pe croun of pore, 2530 re bryng vus to his biysse!



S20 And he was honored thatithad evermore after, As itis written in the best book of romance.

Thus in Arthur’s day this adventure befell, The Brutus books there-of bear witness: Since Brutus, the bold brave, first bounded hither 2528 Once the siege and the assault was ceased at Troy, AS itis.

Many adventures nere-before Have fallen such as this. May He Who bore the crown of thorns

2530 Bring us to his bliss!” AMEN, SHAME TOHIM WHO THINKS EVIL.


Larry D. Benson is Higginson Professor of English Emeritus at Harvard University, where he taught for forty years, beginning in 1959, when he received his Ph.D. from the University of California at Berkeley and his

appointment as an instructor at Harvard. He has written on a variety of subjects, including books on Middle English—Art and Tradition in Sy Gawain and the Green Knight, King Arthur's Death, and Malory’s Morte

Darthure--and articles on Old and Middle English, most notably his 1966 article “The Literary Character of Anglo-Saxon Formulaic Poetry.” He is General Editor of The Riverside Chaucer.

Daniel Donoghue is the John P. Marquand Professor of English at Harvard University and the author of numerous publications on Old and Middle English, including Lady Godiva: A Literary History of the Legend and Old Enehsit Literature: A Short Introduction. He is editor of

the Old English series for the Dumbarton Oaks Medieval Library of Harvard University Press.