Seven Principles for Being in God's Will

This book is about being in the Will of God. It describes seven key principles for spiritual growth. As a Christian, ser

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Table of contents :
Address of Tatian to the Greeks / Tatian --
The adornment of the spiritual marriage / John of Ruysbroeck --
Against Celsus / Origen --
Against heresies / St. Irenaeus --
Agape and Eros / Anders Nygren --
Aids to reflection / Samuel Taylor Coleridge --
The analogy of religion / Joseph Butler --
Apologia pro vita sue / John Henry Cardinal Newman --
An apology for the true Christian divinity / Robert Barclay --
The apology of Aristides / Aristedes --
The apology of Athenagoras / Athenagoras --
The apology of Tertullian / Tertullian --
The apostolic tradition / St. Hippolytus --
The ascent of man / Henry Drummond --
Attack on Christendom / Søren Kierkegaard --
The Babylonian captivity of the church / Martin Luther --
Basic Christian ethics / Paul Ramsey --
The bazaar of Heraclides / Nestorius --
Being and having / Gabriel Marcel --
Benjamin Minor / Richard of St. Vicor --
The bloody tenant of persecution / Roger Williams --
The bondage of the will / Martin Luther --
The catechetical lectures / St. Cyril, Bishop of Jerusalem --
Christ and culture / H. Richard Niebuhr --
Christ and society / Charles Gore --
Christ and time / Oscar Cullmann --
A Christian directory / Richard Baxter --
Christian discourses / Soren Kierkegaard --
Christian doctrine / J.S. Whale --
The Christian doctrine of justification and reconciliation / Albrecht Ritschl --
Christian dogmatics / Hans Lassen Martensen --
The Christian faith / Friedrick Schleiermacher --
The Christian message in a non-Christian world / Hendrik Kraemer --
Christian mysticism / William Ralph Inge --
Christian nurture / Horace Bushnell --
The Christian pastor / Washington Gladden --
The Christian system / Alexander Campbell --
Christian theology: an ecumenical approach / Walter Marshall Horton --
Christian theology in outline / William Adams Brown --
The Christian understanding of God / Nels Ferre --
Christianity and liberalism / John Gresham Machen --
Christianity and paradox / Ronald W. Hepburn --
Christianity as old as the creation / Matthew Tindal --
Christianity not mysterious / John Toland --
Christians and the state / John Coleman Bennett --
Christus Victor / Gustaf Aulen --
Church dogmatics / Karl Barth --
The city of God / St. Augustine --
The cloud of unknowing / Unknown --
Colloquia peripatetica / John Duncan --
Commentary on Galatians / Ragnar Bring --
The commonitory / St. Vincent of Lerins --
Concluding unscientific postscript / Soren Kierkegaard --
The confessions of St. Augustine / St. Augustine --
The cost of discipleship / Dietrich Bonhoeffer --
The creed of a Savoyard priest / Jean Jacques Rousseau --
Cur Deus homo / St. Anselm of Canterbury --
The dark night of the soul / St. John of the Cross --
De corpore Christi / William of Ockham --
De monarchia / Dante Alighieri --
De regno Christi / Martin Bucer --
De religione laici / Edward Herbert, first lord of Cherbury --
The decades / Johann Heinrich Bullinger --
A declaration of faith and other writings / Gregory Thaumaturges --
The declaration of sentiments / Jacobus Arminius --
A defense of the true and catholic doctrine of the sacraments / Thomas Cranmer --
The destiny of man / Nikolai Berdyaev --
Devotions upon emergent occasions / John Donne --
The dialogue of Catherine of Siena / St. Catherine of Siena --
A dialogue of comfort against tribulation / St. Thomas More --
The dialogues / Theodore of Cyrus --
Dialogues concerning natural religion / David Hume --
The diary of David Brainerd / David Brainerd --
The didach of the teachings of the twelve apostles / Unknown --
Didactica magna / Johannes Amos Comenius --
Discourse concerning the Holy Spirit / John Owen --
Discourses upon the existence and attributes of God / Stephen Charnock --
A disputation of the sacrament of the Eucharist / Peter Martyr Vermigli --
The divine comedy / Dante Alighieri --
The divine imperative / Emil Brunner --
The divine institutes / Lucius Caecilius Firmianus Lactantius --
The divine milieu / Pierre Teilhard de Chardin --
The divine names / Dionysius, the pseudo-Areopagite --
The divine relativity / Charles Hartshorne --
The divinity school address / Ralph Waldo Emerson --
Dogmatics / Emil Brunner --
Ductor Dubinitantium / Jeremy Taylor --
Early theological writings / Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel --
Ecc Homo / Sir John Robert Seeley --
Ecclesiastical history / Eusebius of Caesarea --
Ecclesiastical history of the English nation / St. Bede --
An eirenicon / Edward B. Pusey --
Enchiridion militis Christiani / Desideius Erasmus --
The enchiridion on faith, hope, and love / St. Augustine --
The epistle of Barnabas / Unknown, but attributed to the Apostle Barnabas --
The epistle to Diognetus / Unknown --
Epistle to the Philippians / St. Polycarp of Smyrna --
The epistle to the Romans / Karl Barth --
The essence of Christianity / Ludwig Feuerback --
Ethics / Dietrich Bonhoeffer --
Evolution and religion / Henry Ward Beecher --
The extant writings of Julius Africanus / Sextus Julius Africanus --
Faith and history / Reinhold Biebuhr --
Faith and knowledge / John Hick --
The faith of a moralist / Alfred Edward Taylor --
The faith of the Christian church / Gustaf Aulen --
The first apology and the second apology / Justin Martyr --
The first epistle of Clement to the Corinthians / St. Clement of Rome --
Five theological orations / St. Gregory of Nazianzus --
The following of Christ / Gerhard Geert de Groote --
The form of the personal / John Macmurray --
Foundations of Christian doctrine / Menno Simons --
The foundations of Freedom / John Lilburn --
The fountain of wisdom / Sr. John of Damascus --
Freedom and the spirit / Nikolai Berdyaev --
Freedom of the will / Jonathan Edwards --
God in Christ / Horace Bushnell --
God was in Christ / Donald M. Baillie --
God's grace and man's hope / Daniel Day Williams --
The gospel and the church / Alfred Loisy --
Grace abounding to the chief of sinners / John Bunyan --
The grand inquisitor / Fyodor Dostoevski --
The great catechism / St. Gregory of Nyssa --
The great Christian doctrine of original sin defended / Jonathan Edwards --
The growth of the idea of God / Shailer Mathews --
History of the development of the doctrine of the person of Christ / Isaac August Dorner --
History of the reformation in Scotland / John Knox --
Homilies on the statues / St. John Chrysostom --
The hymns of Ephraem the Syrian / Ephraem the Syrian --
I and Thou / Martin Buber --
The idea of a Christian society / T.S. Eliot --
The idea of Christ in the gospels / George Santayana --
The idea of the Holy / Rudolf Otto --
The imitation of Christ / Thomas a Kempis --
In his steps / Charles M. Sheldon --
The incarnation of the word of God / St. Athanasius --
The institutes of the Christian religion / John Calvin --
Instructions in favor of Christian discipline / Commodianus --
Introduction to the devout life / St. Francis of Sales --
Introduction to the philosophy of religion / Peter Anthony Bertocci. Jesus the Lord / Karl Heim --
John Ploughman's talks / Charles Haddon Spurgeon --
The journal of Francis Asbury / Francis Asbury --
The journal of George Fox / George Fox --
The journal of John Wesley / John Wesley --
The journal of John Woolman / John Woolman --
Journals of George Whitefield / George Whitefield --
The journals of Henry Melchior Muhlenberg / Henry Melchior Muhlenberg --
The journey of the mind to God / St. Bonaventura --
The keys of the Kingdom of Heaven / John Cotton --
The kingdom of Christ / Frederick Denison Maurice --
Know Thyself / Peter Abelard --
The latter of divine ascent / St. John Climacus --
Lectures on Calvinism / Abraham Kuyper --
Lectures on Godmanhood / Vladimir Solovyev --
Lectures on preaching / Phillips Brooks --
Lectures on revivals of religion / Charles Grandison Finney --
The letters of St. Jerome / St. Jerome --
Lex rex / Samuel Rutherford --
The life of Antony / St. Athanasius --
The life of Jesus / Ernest Renan --
The life of Jesus critically examined / David Friedrich Strauss --
The life of St. Martin / Sulpicius Severus --
The life of St. Teresa of Avila / St. Teresa of Avila --
Literature and dogma / Matthew Arnold --
The little flowers of St. Francis / Unknown --
The living God / Nathan Soderblom --
The living word / Gustaf Wingren --
Loci communes rerum theologicarum / Philipp Melanchthon --
The longer rules and the shorter rules / St. Basil of Caesarea --
Love, the law of life / Toyohiko Kagawa --
The Magdeburg centuries / Matthias Flacius and others --
Magnalia Christi Americana / Cotton Mather --
The meaning of God in human experience / William Ernest Hocking --
The meaning of revelation / H. Richard Niebuhr --
Monologion / St. Anselm of Canterbury --
A much abused letter / George Tyrrell --
The natural and the supernatural / John Wood Oman --
Natural religion and Christian theology / Charles E. Raven --
Natural theology / William Paley --
The nature and destiny of man / Reinhold Niebuhn --
Nature, man and God / William Temple --
The nature of faith / Gerhard Ebeling --
The nature of the atonement / John McLeod Campbell --
The necessity of reforming the church / John Calvin --
A new critique of theoretical thought / Herman Dooyeweerd --
Octavius / Minucius Felix --
Of conscience, it's power and cases / William Ames --
Of learned ignorance / Nicholas of Cusa --
Oliver Cromwell's letters and speeches / Oliver Cromwell --
On ecclesiastical unity / John Gerson --
On first principles / Origen --
On religion: speeches to its cultured despisers / Friedrick Schleiermacher --
On the adaptation of external nature to the moral and intellectual constitutioni of man / Thomas Chalmers --
On the duties of the clergy / St. Ambrose --
On errors of the trinity / Michael Servetus --
On the eternal in man / Max Scheler --
On the Holy Trinity / Anicus Manlius Severinus Boethus --
On the trinity / St. Augustine --
On the trinity / St. Hilary of Poitiers --
On the unity of the Catholic church / St. Cyprian of Carthage --
An open letter to the Christian nobility of the German nation / Martin Luther --
Ordinatio: Oxford commentary on the sentences of Peter Lombard / Johannes Duns Scotus --
Our calling / Einar Billing --
Our experience of God / H.D. Lewis --
Panarion / St. Epiphanus of Salamis --
The parables of the kingdom / Charles Harold Dodd --
Paradise lost / John Milton --
Pastoral care / St. Gregory I --
Pensees / Blaise Pascal --
The person and place of Jesus Christ / Peter Taylor Forsyth --
Personalism / Borden Parker Browne --
The phenomenology of Spirit / Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel --
The philosophical bases of theism / George Dawes Hicks --
Philosophical theology / Frederick Robert Tennant --
A philosophy of religion / Harold Hoffding --
The pilgrim's progress / John Bunyan --
A plain account of Christian perfection / John Wesley --
The plan of salvation / Benjamin Warfield --
Policraticus / John of Salisbury --
Practical Christianity / Rufus Matthew Jones --
The practice of the presence of God / Brother Lawrence, Nicholas Herman --
The praise of Folly / Desiderius Erasmus --
Prayer / George Arthur Buttrick --
Preces privatae / Lancelot Andrews --
A priest to the temple / George Herbert --
The problem of Christianity / Josiah Royce --
Proslogion / St. Anslem of Canterbury --
The quest of the historical Jesus / Albert Schweitzer --
The reality of Faith / Friedrich Gogarten --
The reasonableness of Christianity / John Lock --
Religio medici / Sir Thomas Browne --
Religion in the making / Alfred North Whitehead --
Religion within the limits of reason alone / Immanuel Kant --
The religious a priori / Ernst Troeltsch --
Retracing the arts to theology / St. Bonaventura --
The revelations of divine love / Lady Julian of Norwich --
The rule and exercise of holy living and holy dying / Jeremy Taylor --
The rule of St. Benedict / St. Benedict of Nursia --
The saints' everlasting rest / Richard Baxter --
The scale of perfection / Walter Hilton --
Science and health with key to the Scriptures / Mary Baker Eddy --
The screwtape letters / C.S. Lewis --
The Scripture--doctrine of the trinity / Samuel Clarke --
Seasonable thoughts on the state of religion in New England / Charles Chauncy --
Selected letters / Baron Friedrich von Hugel --
Selected writings on the spiritual life / St. Peter Damian --
A serious call to a devout holy life / William Law --
Sermons and treatises / Johannes Eckhart --
Seven books of history against the pagans / Paulus Orosius --
The seven epistles of Ignatius / St. Ignatius, Bishop of Antioch --
The shepherd / Hermas --
A short and clear exposition of the Christian faith / Ulrich Zwingli --
The social teaching of the Christian churches / Ernst Troeltsch --
Soliloquy on the earnest money of the soul / Hugh of St. Victor --
Songs of innocence and of experience / William Blake --
The source of human good / Henry Nelson Wieman --
The steps of humility / Saint Bernard, Abbot of Clairvauz --
The stromata of miscllanies / St. Clement of Alexandria --
A study of religion / James Martineau --
Summa contra gentiles / St. Thomas Aquinas --
Summa theologica / St. Thomas Aquinas --
System of doctrines / Samuel Hopkins --
Systematic theology / Charles Hodge --
Systematic theology / Augustus Hopkins Strong --
Systematic theology / Paul Tillich --
Theologica germanica / Unknown --
Theology as an empirical science / Douglas Clyde Macintosh --
A theology for the social gospel / Walter Rauschenbusch --
Theology of the New Testament / Rudolf Bultmann --
Theophilus to Autolycus / Theophilus of Antioch --
Time and eternity / Walter T. Stake --
Tome / St. Leo I --
Training in Christianity / Søren Kierkegaard --
The transient and permanent in the Christianity / Theodore Parker --
A treatise concerning religious affections / Jonathan Edwards --
Treatise concerning the search after truth / Nicholas Malebranche --
A treatise of excommunication / Thomas Erastus --
Treatise of reformation without tarrying for any / Robert Browne --
A treatise on Christian liberty / Martin Luther --
Treatise on the church / John Huss --
Treatise on the four gospel / Joachim of Fiore --
Treatise on the laws of ecclesiastical polity / Richard Hooker --
Trialogues / John Wycliffe --
True Christianity / Johann Ardnt --
True Humanism / Jacques Maritain --
The true intellectual system of the universe / Ralph Cudworth --
The truth of the Christian religion / Henri Bergson --
Unitarian Christianity / William Ellery Channing --
The varieties of religious experience / William James --
The vision of God: the Christian doctrine of the summum bonum / Kenneth E. Kirk --
The way to Christ / Jakob Boehme --
What I believe / Leo Tolstoy --
What is Christianity? / Adolf Harnack --
The wisdom of God / Sergius Bulgakov --
The works of Lyman Beecher / Lyman Beecher --
Worship / Evelyn Underhill.

Seven Principles for Being in God's Will

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