Seven Fast Stress Reduction Techniques: Techniques To Reduce Stress [Kindle ed.]

The 7 techniques you have in this short book are very good a start to change your life. These methods can free you to ge

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Table of contents :
1. Introduction
2. The concept of body - mind - spirit
3. Radical monologue (the spirit)
4. Two days in one (body)
5. Dream map (mind)
6. A recurring compliment (spirit)
7. Sensual relaxation (body)
8. Contingency plan (mind)
9. Mock the hater (mind/spirit)
10. Conclusion
11. My other book
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Seven Fast Stress Reduction Techniques: Techniques To Reduce Stress [Kindle ed.]

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Seven Fast Stress Reduction Techniques John Zager Copyright © 2020 All Rights Reserved

The book and any part of it may not be copied or otherwise read or reproduced without the permission of the author. The author made every effort to ensure that the material contained in this book is complete and reliable. Author does not take any responsibility for the use of the information, nor for any possible infringement of patent or copyright rights related thereto. The author does not assume any liability for any damages resulting from the use of the information in the publication. Before using the suggestions in this publication, please consult your doctor.

Table Of Contents: 1. Introduction 2. The concept of body - mind - spirit 3. Radical monologue (the spirit) 4. Two days in one (body) 5. Dream map (mind) 6. A recurring compliment (spirit) 7. Sensual relaxation (body) 8. Contingency plan (mind) 9. Mock the hater (mind/spirit) 10. Conclusion 11. My other books

1. Introduction

You have my short guide - “7 Fast Fast Stress Reduction Techniques”. You made a great decision to purchase it. After reading this book, you will be able to get rid of stress from your body and head. Keep a few things in mind: 1. Test, decide what you like and what you don’t like. You have seven techniques. You don’t have to use all of them. Find your favorite way and use it in moments of need. Take advantage of the possibilities you have. I recommend that you use at least one technique from each category. This will reduce your stress much faster and for longer. 2. Apply individual improvements. You know best what it looks like. Your life and the circumstances you find yourself in. You best you know what you can and can’t afford. That’s why don’t copy 1 to 1 techniques, just keep in mind all important the details of your life. 3. Implement it right away! Don’t postpone it. Be brave. Using these techniques, you will improve your life. Why do you need new knowledge if you will not use it? I believe this guide is the best answer to what awaits you in life. Every important situation generates stress. These happy situations also generate stress. After reading this guide, you will be prepared for every eventuality that happen in your life. Stress often blocks us. And when we are able to get rid of it, we discover in ourselves a level of strength, energy and thought that is completely sufficient to cope with the situation. You deserve to be free from stress! Good luck!

One more word. Before I invite you to read, I would like to emphasize that I am not a professional writer but an ordinary guy who wants to share my observations, ideas and experience. So prepare yourself for language mistakes.

2. The concept of body - mind - spirit Before we go any further, it is necessary for you to know the concept of body-mind - spirit. I think we are complex beings and have received many wonderful things as a gift. For everything to work well, it is important to take care not only of the individual elements but also of the interaction between them. See how things are going with the car. For a vehicle to drive well, it must have an efficient engine, suspension, electronics and fuel reserves. And these are just the basic elements! Man is complex too. And I can prove it! The body: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

gastrointestinal system circulatory system respiratory system bones muscles skin various "juices" such as gastric acid, pancreatic acid enzymes hormones bacteria hair teeth nails sexual prowess resistance or susceptibility to disease disability or infirmity ...and that's not all!

Mind: • • • • • • • • • • •

daily tasks thinking about the future memorization of the past thoughts about work thoughts of family thoughts about yourself troubleshooting religious beliefs beliefs about money beliefs about "living the right life" ...and much more!

The spirit: • • • • • •

inner joy or sorrow inner peace or anxiety remorse concerns strength, adrenaline or lack of power ...and this is just the beginning!

We can list endlessly the elements of which we are made up as people. That's not the point. More importantly, you'll notice that we can assign these components to different categories. They are intuitive, which allows us to use them better. Whenever you think about improving something in your life, remember to take care of each of these three big components. You have to take care of each of them simultaneously. Otherwise, you risk failure. It's no different in stress reduction. The techniques that affect the body are not enough. Not enough also for the mind. Nor can we neglect the spirit. It is best if you follow the guidance for body, mind, and spirit. You must implement at least one way in each category. Only then will your success last. Remember to use this concept also in other areas. It does not matter what you struggle with. Make sure that body, mind and spirit feel good. All three at once. No compromises. You will get the best results if you go back at least to one technique from each category. When you do that, you won't “recognize” yourself. That'll be a great effect.

3. Radical monologue (the spirit) A lot of stress in our lives is due to our broken relationships with other people. And sometimes it's not necessarily bad relationships, because apparently everything is ok, only our thoughts are blocking us. You may have a situation where you don't like someone, but you don't say that. And if you don't say it, then your relation is ok, except that you don't like this person and there is a conflict between what you really feel and what you say and show. Other people get fooled. But your body won't fall for it. We get the healthier in a state of harmony. When we do what we say and think. And the more we pretend and play, the worse we feel. As you can guess, it doesn't help us at all. It even hurts. To get rid of the stress of our negative thoughts about other people, "the easiest thing" would be to just talk. But I know that not everyone can get into such an honest, purifying conversation. So I have the perfect solution for you. You'll combine inner harmony and "social play". You will free yourself from the stress of negative thoughts, but you will not have to admit them in front of others. Sounds good? Then listen. Suppose you don't like your work colleague very much. He pisses you off, laughs stupidly and has different opinions. You're annoyed not only by his behavior, but even by his appearance and presence. He could be silent and you'll still be pissed off at the look on him. So do this thing: • start Facebook (or other social media you're on) • turn on his picture • looking into that picture, into his eyes, tell him everything that you really think

You can, looking at this picture, say yes: "Tom, I don't like you. You make me totally nervous when I see you. Your behavior makes me very annoyed and interferes with my work. I don't know why you're doing all this, but you're annoying me. It would be great if you didn't do it.” Your monologue is, of course, your individual thing. What if one of you doesn't have a Facebook profile? Type his or her name in google and look for graphics/photos with him or her. At a beginning you'll feel weird. But then you will be grateful for this exercise. You will smile and perhaps see some positive qualities in this person. But this will only be a side effect. The most important thing is that you get the stress out of yourself. That way you can do it and no one will know about it.

4. Two days in one (body) The great of this world used this way. We can name Napoleon, Da Vinci, A. Einstein, T. Edison, J.D. Rockefeller and many others. Not only did they reduce the enormous stress, but they also regenerated and gave themselves energy for more challenges. It's just about taking a nap during the day. Not about an interminable night’s sleep, but about a simple and brief rest.

Like meditation, regular naps reduce cortisol levels in the body. In addition, they reduce the risk of infarction, stroke and diabetes. Often the stress is caused by too little of sleep. You can make up for that dream during the day. You only need 15 minutes. Sleep also reduces your stress level. Researchers at Texas A&M University have examined people who take a nap during the day and people who do not it. The respondents were asked about their mood during the day. It turned out that taking a nap improves the mood of both those who use it systematically and those who do it only from time to time. It was also noticed that the very fact of resting in bed without falling asleep made the respondents more relaxed.

Contrary to what some people think, a nap is not bad for sleeping at night. On the contrary, you let yourself get even better sleep later. It is only worth remembering not to take a nap 3 hours before going to bed. A naps should not be longer than 30 minutes. After that time from the phase REM (Rapid-Eye Movement, a phase in which we have dreams) we are entering a deep sleep phase. So when we wake up after a sleep longer than 30 minutes, we wake up exhausted and it will take us several minutes to get back in shape. You should sleep for about 20 minutes. Set your alarm clock, hide from people and enjoy a short sleep. Cover yourself up with something to make the temperature in your body didn’t fall too much. Do it all, and you’ll feel not only the stress relief but also the flow of extra energy. And that’s all in a brief time! You can practice this way every day without no side effects on your health. In conclusion: • • • •

nap/lying without sleep every day lasting 20 minutes no later than 3 hours before bedtime

Remember what Winston Churchill said: “Whoever takes naps has two days instead of one.”

5. Dream map (mind) This method is enough to do once and sometimes just come back to it. It will remind you of things more important than stress. Think of your dreams. Maybe you want to live in a luxury villa, have a sports car or a happy family? Whatever it is, remember these dreams. Be honest, don't make up your mind. The point is to look at your dreams with a little baby's eye. The one who doesn't think about obstacles. You're just thinking about success. When you find out what you're dreaming about, it's beginning the most enjoyable part... to look for pictures of your dreams on google. This car, this trip, or your dream home. Whatever you want, you're sure to find on the Internet. When you collect these pictures, print them in color. Invest in a cork board and pin it to the wall. Alternatively, you can use a refrigerator and magnets. The idea is to use these pictures to make a dream map that you can hang in your house and look at every day.

With this map, your emotions will be much better and stronger. Thinking about your dreams and visualizing it will trigger endorphin and additionally, it is an encouragement to take action in their direction. They make us feel happier and stress-free. This exercise is designed to get you in a good mood, to relax. A couple of ideas on what you can take as a dream. Print it and hang it on the wall: • • • • • • • •

trip to an exotic place, beach, rest luxury car happy family a fake account statement with a nice amount of money expensive suit/skirt attendance at the concert participation in a sports event driving on an untested vehicle

There are many possibilities. One thing. It is important. These dreams have to be yours! My recommendation- collect your experiences, not things.

6. A recurring compliment (spirit) I’m sure you hear at least one compliment... a year. I mean, a compliment specifically addressed to you. There’s certainly more, but since you’re reading this chapter, you probably need a little of selfesteem to improve. So, let’s just assume one compliment per year. The second thing we can assume is that you are 18 years old or older. And since you are, you've heard at least a dozen compliments on yourself. So what do you do with them? You can take a notebook and write them down. You can also make a text file on your computer and save it there. Write down the compliments you've heard about yourself in your life. Write down who said them. In moments of weakness, go back to that list and read it. Remember how much value you have brought into the lives of others. Read how other people have appreciated you. Recall how much you can give to others. Especially now, when you have more experience and skills than when those compliments were being said. This exercise still has the advantage of focusing on new compliments. It’s possible that many positive words from the past has escaped your memory. But if you focus on getting them to yourself and to catch new ones, you’re going to remember a lot of old compliments too. This way, your list will keep growing and you will be proud. I'll share a part of my list with you for your inspiration. For almost 10 years I've been running a file called "Good sentences about me". There I write all the big and unusual compliments I've heard about myself.

I heard: • "You're a very skilled listener" - my friend Paul, after another of our many conversations. • „Good job. You fixed it very fast” - my friend Kate, after I fixed for her a car. • "I agree with the other girls that the book is great. You impress me more and more” - my friend Emma, about one of my books." - my friend Emma, about one of my books. After reading the entire list (constantly growing) there is no option to make me feel bad. I may still feel not perfectly good, but it's much better than it was just now. I encourage you to do the same. If you have been at least moderately active in your life, there are certainly a few sentences you can write about yourself. If you focus on them, you will sharpen your memory and your perceptiveness for the key sentences that appear in the conversation. And, of course, you will reduce your stress.

7. Sensual relaxation (body) In order for the body to fully relax, you need to give it a lot of relaxing stimuli. They all have to do with the senses. You have sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch. Use them all at the same time to make the body pleasantly “float away.” It is important that these stimuli are calm, gentle and friendly. You’re supposed to be in tune for a rest, not a fight. How do you do that? How to engage all the senses at once calmly? The best method I know is a hot bath. But not the usual bath. It’s worth it you take care of the whole environment besides hot water in the bath. Water will give warmth and satisfy the sense of touch. Favorite picture will satisfy the sense of of sight. Fragrant candles will satisfy the sense of smell. Mild music or recorded sounds of nature will satisfy the sense of hearing. And fruit that is easy to peel and eat will satisfy your sense of taste.

With a bath so prepared, after a few minutes everything you'll find it simpler. The body will be rested and ready. You will also feel a positive influence on other spheres.

According to scientists from the University of Freiburg, a warm bath better fights depression than physical activity. They gathered 45 people with moderate depression. Half of them visited the SPA twice a week and had to take a hot bath. The other half at the same time was doing the chosen sport. All of them were measured by the Hamilton scale of depression. Both before and after the experiment. It turned out that people who regularly bathed in warm water, had an average decline in depression by as much as 6 points. And that's after two weeks of experimentation. Those who regularly practiced sport (running, swimming or dancing) recorded a drop of 3 points. That means the hot bath was twice as effective! During depression, body temperature is disturbed and a hot bath brings it back to normal. And since it even works on a moderate depression, it will also work on everyday stress and also greater challenges. You will enhance the total effect if you take care of additional stimuli that I mentioned before. This way you will attack the stress from different sides and increase your chances of success! I hope you're convinced enough of this method. And that you will change your plans for tonight...

8. Contingency plan (mind) Think and decide: what's the worst that can happen in your life? Your death? Divorce? Bankruptcy? Some of these things can be predicted. Death affects every one of us. And if so, you can think about it in advance. Say, do you know what you'll do when someone close to you dies? Do you you have an emergency scenario that you can implement quickly? If not, I recommend that you set up an action plan, for example, in the event of the death of your loved ones. Thinking about it is not pleasant. But it is definitely worth taking care of, so that later on you can free your head from worrying about it. Now look for information on what to do. You better take care of it now that you have a calm head and come up with rational solutions. When that happens, you'll be prepared. If we're talking about the death of a loved one, it's best to prepare a list of contacts and procedures what to do with: • body of the deceased (funeral/creation) • successions • personal stuff, etc. Forgive me for redirecting your thoughts to unpleasant areas now. But I'm sure you'll be very relaxed after this. I also have my own plans in case of death of my loved ones and my death (this plan is made available for people I can count on). You can do the same with much less significant moments. What's the worst that could happen tomorrow at work? Or school? What could happen on the way? Michael Jordan, who is considered being the greatest basketball player in the history of the NBA league, has been asked many times about the recipe for success. We can also use some of his advice in the fight against stress.

He often asked himself this question during training: "What's the worst that can happen and how will I behave then?" At first, thinking about the worst-case scenario is not pleasant. But the longer you think, the more often you come up with solutions. And you feel better. The key to getting rid of the stress of these events is to accept the worst-case scenario. When you realize what can happen, and assume that it will happen, you will free yourself from this vision. If you accept the worst-case scenario, you will almost always experience something lighter. And even if it happens what you expect, you will be prepared for it.

9. Mock the hater (mind/spirit) In each of us there is a little voice that wants to say: "You can't do this". I put these words in quotation marks, because I think it's much worse. This voice is not a realist that wants to protect you from danger. This is a radical pessimist that wants you to impose its vision of the world. It wants to stop you from what you dream of and what you deserve. How to fight it? How to stop it? What do you do to make this inner hater lose its strength? Just smile!

When it tells you that you're stressed, blocked, nothing works and you don't know what to do, then... admit it. Exactly! There are times when admitting someone's right is the best way to put your opponent's mouth shut at the same time. Here's the way: 1. stretch your arms, 2. smile, 3. tell yourself in the sexiest voice you can: • "But I'm nervous..." • "I'm very stressed out..."

Remember to make it a calm, soothing, intriguing voice. Use different combinations of the phrase "I'm stressed". To enhance the effect, you can perform several actions related to your "inner voice": • • • • • •

personalize your inner voice it, give it a name, establish the sex; visualize it, determine its appearance; characterize it hear your inner voice (literally); get into a relationship with it get into a discussion with it

It's best that your inner voice evokes your pity. The most important thing is that you will have fun with it. You'll see that you like it soon. You will smile and relax, and your inner hater will whine of spite.

10. Conclusion At the end of this book, I want you to know that this is just the beginning. You got 7 very good techniques from me. Use them and you will see how wonderful and fascinating your life can be. • A life without stress. • Living in a state of relaxation and joy. • A life where you can show your best side. The 7 techniques you have in this book are very good a start to change your life. These methods can free you to get away from the immediate stress and show everyone what you can afford. Each one of them contributes to freeing you from toxic feelings and thoughts.

11. My other books How Get Rid Of Headache Naturally

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My Notebooks:

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