Secure Control of Networked Control Systems and Its Applications 9813367296, 9789813367296

This book shows some secure control methods of networked control systems related to linear control system, nonlinear con

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Table of contents :
1 Introduction
1.1 Security of Networked Control Systems
1.2 Network Attack Incidents in Power Systems
1.3 Network Attack Models
1.3.1 Denial-of-Service Attacks
1.3.2 Deception Attacks
1.3.3 Replay Attacks
1.3.4 Multiple Attacks
1.4 Secure Control Methods
1.4.1 Resilient Control Methods
1.4.2 Active Defense Control Methods
1.5 Structure of This Book
Part I Resilient Control of Networked Control System
2 Resilient Event-Triggered Controller Synthesis of NCSs Under Periodic DoS Attacks
2.1 Problem Formulation
2.1.1 System Description
2.1.2 Periodic DoS Attack Model and Control Objective
2.1.3 Design of Resilient Event-Triggering Scheme
2.1.4 Modeling of Event-Based Resilient Switched Control System
2.2 Exponential Stability Analysis
2.3 Resilient Controller Synthesis
2.4 Simulation Example
2.5 Conclusion
3 Observer-Based Event-Triggered Control for NCSs Subject to Periodic DoS Attacks
3.1 Problem Formulation
3.1.1 System Description
3.1.2 Smart Sensor Model
3.1.3 Design of Resilient Triggering Scheme and Observer
3.1.4 Modeling of Observer-Based Switched Control Systems
3.1.5 Control Objective
3.2 Stability Analysis
3.3 Co-design of Controller and Observer
3.4 Simulation Example
3.5 Conclusion
4 Security Control of Cyber-Physical System Based on Switching Approach for Nonperiodic DoS Attacks
4.1 Problem Formulation
4.1.1 System Model
4.1.2 Attack Model
4.1.3 A Switched System Formulation under DoS Attacks
4.2 Stability Analysis
4.3 Controller Design
4.4 Simulation Example
4.5 Conclusion
Part II Resilient Consensus Control of Multi-agent Systems
5 Observer-Based Distributed Secure Consensus Control of Linear Multi-agent Systems Subject to Random Attacks
5.1 Problem Formulation
5.1.1 Communication Topology
5.1.2 Random DoS Attack Model
5.1.3 System Description
5.2 Observer-Based Distributed Secure Control Strategy
5.3 Consensus Analysis
5.3.1 Attack-Free Case
5.3.2 Attack Case
5.3.3 Secure Consensus in Mean Square Sense
5.4 Simulation Example
5.4.1 A Numerical Example
5.4.2 A Practical Example
5.5 Conclusion
6 Event-Based Secure Leader-Following Consensus Control for Multiagent Systems With Multiple Cyber Attacks
6.1 Problem Formulation
6.1.1 Graph Theory
6.1.2 System Description
6.1.3 Design of Event Triggering Scheme
6.1.4 Multiple Cyber Attack Models
6.1.5 Design of Event-Based Control Protocol
6.1.6 Modeling of MASs Under Multiple Cyber Attacks
6.2 Mean-Square Exponential Consensus Analysis
6.3 Control Gain Design
6.4 Simulation Example
6.5 Conclusion
Part III Active Defense Control of Networked Control System
7 Security Control of Networked T-S Fuzzy System Under Nonperiodic DoS Attacks with Event-Based Predictor
7.1 Problem Formulation
7.1.1 System Description
7.1.2 Modeling of Event-Based Fuzzy Predictive System
7.2 Stability Analysis
7.3 Robust Security Controller Design
7.4 Event-Triggered Security Predictive Control Algorithm
7.5 Simulation Example
7.6 Conclusion
8 Bandwidth Allocation-Based Switched Dynamic Triggering Control Against Nonperiodic DoS Attacks
8.1 Problem Formulation
8.1.1 System Description
8.1.2 Design of Dynamic Event-Triggered Scheme
8.1.3 Modeling of Switched Control Systems
8.2 Design of Defense Switching Law
8.3 Stability Analysis
8.4 Switching Controller Design
8.5 Simulation Example
8.5.1 A Numerical Example
8.5.2 A Practice Example
8.6 Conclusion
Part IV Application of Secure Control Methods on Power Systems Under Network Attacks
9 Attack-Resilient Event-Triggered Controller Design of DC Microgrids Under Nonperiodic DoS Attacks
9.1 Problem Formulation
9.1.1 System Modeling of DC Microgrids
9.1.2 Controller Structure and Control Objective
9.1.3 Nonperiodic DoS Attack Model
9.1.4 Design of Attack-Resilient Event-Triggered Scheme
9.1.5 Modelling of Switched DC Microgrids
9.2 Stability Analysis
9.3 Attack-Resilient Event-Triggered Controller Design
9.4 Simulation Results
9.5 Conclusion
10 Resilient Dynamic Event-Triggered Control for Multi-area Power Systems with Renewable Energy Penetration Under Nonperiodic DoS Attacks
10.1 Problem Formulation
10.1.1 Modeling of Multi-area Power Systems with Penetrations of Solar and Wind Energy
10.1.2 DoS Attack Model
10.1.3 Design of Dynamic Event-Triggered Mechanism and Problem Statement
10.2 Resilience Analysis
10.3 Resilient Controller Design Based LFC-VIC Scheme
10.4 Active Secure Scheme
10.5 Simulation Example
10.5.1 Simulation of a Two-Area System Under DoS Attacks and Time Delay
10.5.2 Simulation of a Two-Area Power System with Inertia Reduction
10.6 Conclusion
11 Resilient Load Frequency Control Design: Nonperiodic DoS Attacks Against Additional Control Loop
11.1 Problem Formulation
11.1.1 Modeling of Multi-area Power System with Uncertainty, GRC, and Delay
11.1.2 Resilience LFC System Formulation Under DoS Attacks
11.2 Resilience Analysis of LFC System
11.3 Resilient LFC Controller Design
11.4 Simulation Example
11.5 Conclusion
12 Secure Distributed Optimal Frequency Regulation of Power Grid with Time-Varying Voltages Under False Data Injection Attacks
12.1 Problem Formulation
12.1.1 Power Grid Model
12.1.2 Control-Based Communication Network
12.1.3 Control Objective
12.2 Modality and Impact of False Data Injection Attack
12.3 Secure Distributed Optimal Frequency Regulation
12.4 Simulation Example
12.4.1 Response Under Attack-Free Case
12.4.2 Response Under Attack Case
12.5 Conclusion
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Secure Control of Networked Control Systems and Its Applications
 9813367296, 9789813367296

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Dong Yue · Songlin Hu · Zihao Cheng

Secure Control of Networked Control Systems and Its Applications

Secure Control of Networked Control Systems and Its Applications

Dong Yue · Songlin Hu · Zihao Cheng

Secure Control of Networked Control Systems and Its Applications

Dong Yue Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications Nanjing, Jiangsu, China

Songlin Hu Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications Nanjing, Jiangsu, China

Zihao Cheng Henan University of Chinese Medicine Zhengzhou, Henan, China

ISBN 978-981-33-6729-6 ISBN 978-981-33-6730-2 (eBook) © The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021 This work is subject to copyright. All rights are solely and exclusively licensed by the Publisher, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission or information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed. The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use. The publisher, the authors and the editors are safe to assume that the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication. Neither the publisher nor the authors or the editors give a warranty, expressed or implied, with respect to the material contained herein or for any errors or omissions that may have been made. The publisher remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. This Springer imprint is published by the registered company Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. The registered company address is: 152 Beach Road, #21-01/04 Gateway East, Singapore 189721, Singapore


Networked control systems (NCSs) are a kind of closed-loop control systems where the sensors, the controllers and the actuators exchange data through a limited bandwidth communication network. With the rapid development of computer and communication technologies, NCSs have received increasing attention in the last two decades and have been widely applied in different fields including power system, transportation system and so on. Compared with traditional point-to-point control systems, NCSs offer many advantages, such as low cost, easy maintenance and increased system flexibility. Yet despite the many benefits of NCSs, they also bear some inherent challenges. Specifically, the use of band-limited communication network (especially wireless communication channel) increases the exposure of NCSs to vulnerabilities and cyberthreats, which leads to several challenges regarding cybersecurity and resilience while saving the limited communication resources. Thus, secure control problems of NCSs have attracted much attentions from academia and industry in recent years. The investigation of secure control can be classified into twofold: resilient control and active defense control. Resilient control is currently a hot research topic in NCSs since it can provide the ability to maintain acceptable levels of operation of NCSs in the presence of abnormal conditions. Resilient control focuses on mitigating the negative effect of network attacks on system performance of NCSs. In general, the existing resilient control strategies guarantee the resilience of NCSs if attack signal satisfies a certain condition. In fact, it is not enough to guarantee the security of NCSs for system defenders, since the actual attack signal does not satisfy the designed resilient condition. Hence, active defense control methods need to be developed to enhance system security under arbitrary network attacks. To achieve active defense control, redundant resources like communication, computation and control are taken into consideration. The functionality of redundant resources is to preserve the secure operation of NCSs when the primary resources are exhausted by network attacks. The related problems of active defense control can be discussed in two steps. The first step is to construct primary-redundancy control structure by redundancy resource. The second step is to generate switching laws to manage redundancy resources from the perspective of system control. Within the framework of event-triggered stabilization, resilient control design problems of NCSs and multi-agent systems with various dynamics v



are investigated and elaborated in detail. An application of resilient control/consensus for a variety of power systems is introduced and some practical scenarios are provided to show the superiority of the resilient control methodology. Structure and readership. This monograph is concerned with developing resilient control and estimation methods for NCSs under cyberattacks and its applications to power systems. In this book, Chap. 1 is a summary of security of NCSs, attack models, and security control methods, they are the premises of the following chapters. The rest of this monograph is structured into four parts, Part I is devoted to considering the resilient control synthesis of NCSs; Part II is devoted to designing resilient consensus control protocol of networked multi-agent systems; Part III is devoted to considering active defense control of NCSs; and Part IV is devoted to considering some applications of secure control methods on power system under network attacks. Part I: The majority of the previous studies require that the feedback gain matrix of the resilient controller is known in advance, while few works consider the synthesis of feedback controller. In addition, most works on resilient control of NCSs so far are assumed that the sampled data are periodically transmitted by the sensors over the communication networks, i.e., in the time-triggered control framework. In general, a time-triggered control leads to inefficient utilization of limited network resources. Therefore, in Chap. 2, an event-triggered resilient state feedback controller synthesis method for NCSs under DoS attacks is proposed. In Chap. 3, observer-based resilient event-triggered state feedback controller design method is proposed for NCSs under DoS attacks. A observer-based resilient H∞ state feedback controller design method is proposed for nonlinear cyber-physical systems under DoS attacks in Chap. 4. Part II: Some control strategies that ensure normal operation of NCSs subject to disturbances and malicious DoS attacks have been established in Part I. They are called resilient control strategies in which the controller is designed to ensure system security. As a complement to the previous results shown in Part I, the objective of Part II is to introduce some resilient control strategies that ensure normal operation of a multi-agent system in the presence of cyberattacks. In Chap. 5, an observer-based distributed secure consensus control protocol is presented for a class of linear multiagent systems subject to random DoS attacks. In Chap. 6, an event-based secure leader-following consensus control scheme is proposed for nonlinear multi-agent systems under both DoS and replay attacks. Part III: Most works on resilient control of NCSs so far can be reviewed as passive defense control strategy. With the rapid development of computer network, the existing passive defensive technology cannot meet the increasing requirements about complex network security. Therefore, in Chap. 7, a model-based predictive control (MPC) framework is proposed by embedding predictors within the closedloop NCSs, which can actively compensate the missing data caused by DoS attacks. In Chap. 8, bandwidth allocation-based switched dynamic triggering control strategy is proposed for NCSs under DoS attacks and time delay. To compensate the effect of the DoS attacks actively, a primary-redundancy (PR) communication structure on the basis of limited bandwidth allocation is also established.



Part IV: The main focus of the previous three parts is on developing resilient estimation and control methods for uncertain NCSs under cyberattacks. In this part, the developed methods are applied for a variety of power systems. Specifically, the resilient controller design method proposed in Chap. 2 is applied to examine the stabilization problem of DC microgrids with constant power load in Chap. 9, develop a resilient dynamic event-triggered controller design strategy for multi-area power systems with renewable energy penetration in Chap. 10, and propose a resilient load frequency controller for multi-area power systems with uncertainties and time delay in Chap. 11. In Chap. 12, secure distributed Optimal frequency regulation of power grid with time-varying voltages under false data injection attacks is discussed. Nanjing, China Nanjing, China Zhengzhou, China August 2020

Dong Yue Songlin Hu Zihao Cheng


We would like to acknowledge the collaborations with Prof. Xiangpeng Xie and Dr. Hui Ge on the work of security control of cyber-physical system based on switching approach and security control of networked T-S fuzzy system, Prof. Yang Yang on the work of observer-based distributed secure consensus control, Prof. Jinliang Liu on the work of event-based secure leader-following consensus control and Prof. Chunxia Dou and Dr. Shengxuan Wen on the work of secure distributed optimal frequency regulation reported in the monograph. The supports from the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province of China under Grant (BK20202011 and BK20201377), the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant (61833008 and 61673223), the “Six Talent Peaks Project” of Jiangsu Province of China under Grant (RLD201810), the Qing Lan Project of Jiangsu Province of China under Grant (QL 04317006), and the 1311 Talent Project of Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, are gratefully acknowledged.




Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1 Security of Networked Control Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 Network Attack Incidents in Power Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3 Network Attack Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3.1 Denial-of-Service Attacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3.2 Deception Attacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3.3 Replay Attacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3.4 Multiple Attacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4 Secure Control Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4.1 Resilient Control Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4.2 Active Defense Control Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5 Structure of This Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Part I 2

1 1 2 3 3 5 6 6 7 7 8 9 10

Resilient Control of Networked Control System

Resilient Event-Triggered Controller Synthesis of NCSs Under Periodic DoS Attacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1 Problem Formulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1.1 System Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1.2 Periodic DoS Attack Model and Control Objective . . . . 2.1.3 Design of Resilient Event-Triggering Scheme . . . . . . . . . 2.1.4 Modeling of Event-Based Resilient Switched Control System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 Exponential Stability Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3 Resilient Controller Synthesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4 Simulation Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Observer-Based Event-Triggered Control for NCSs Subject to Periodic DoS Attacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1 Problem Formulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1.1 System Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1.2 Smart Sensor Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1.3 Design of Resilient Triggering Scheme and Observer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1.4 Modeling of Observer-Based Switched Control Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1.5 Control Objective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 Stability Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3 Co-design of Controller and Observer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4 Simulation Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Security Control of Cyber-Physical System Based on Switching Approach for Nonperiodic DoS Attacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1 Problem Formulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1.1 System Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1.2 Attack Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1.3 A Switched System Formulation under DoS Attacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 Stability Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3 Controller Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4 Simulation Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.5 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Part II 5

35 35 36 37 37 38 41 41 49 53 57 58 59 59 59 60 63 64 70 73 74 75

Resilient Consensus Control of Multi-agent Systems

Observer-Based Distributed Secure Consensus Control of Linear Multi-agent Systems Subject to Random Attacks . . . . . . . . 5.1 Problem Formulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.1.1 Communication Topology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.1.2 Random DoS Attack Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.1.3 System Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2 Observer-Based Distributed Secure Control Strategy . . . . . . . . . . 5.3 Consensus Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3.1 Attack-Free Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3.2 Attack Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3.3 Secure Consensus in Mean Square Sense . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.4 Simulation Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.4.1 A Numerical Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.4.2 A Practical Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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5.5 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Event-Based Secure Leader-Following Consensus Control for Multiagent Systems With Multiple Cyber Attacks . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.1 Problem Formulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.1.1 Graph Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.1.2 System Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.1.3 Design of Event Triggering Scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.1.4 Multiple Cyber Attack Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.1.5 Design of Event-Based Control Protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.1.6 Modeling of MASs Under Multiple Cyber Attacks . . . . . 6.2 Mean-Square Exponential Consensus Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.3 Control Gain Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.4 Simulation Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.5 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Appendix I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Appendix II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Appendix III . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Appendix IV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

101 101 101 102 102 103 106 107 109 109 110 114 116 118 120 122 123

Part III Active Defense Control of Networked Control System 7


Security Control of Networked T-S Fuzzy System Under Nonperiodic DoS Attacks with Event-Based Predictor . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.1 Problem Formulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.1.1 System Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.1.2 Modeling of Event-Based Fuzzy Predictive System . . . . 7.2 Stability Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.3 Robust Security Controller Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.4 Event-Triggered Security Predictive Control Algorithm . . . . . . . . 7.5 Simulation Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.6 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

127 127 127 131 135 137 140 141 145 145

Bandwidth Allocation-Based Switched Dynamic Triggering Control Against Nonperiodic DoS Attacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.1 Problem Formulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.1.1 System Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.1.2 Design of Dynamic Event-Triggered Scheme . . . . . . . . . 8.1.3 Modeling of Switched Control Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.2 Design of Defense Switching Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.3 Stability Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.4 Switching Controller Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.5 Simulation Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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8.5.1 A Numerical Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.5.2 A Practice Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.6 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Part IV Application of Secure Control Methods on Power Systems Under Network Attacks 9

Attack-Resilient Event-Triggered Controller Design of DC Microgrids Under Nonperiodic DoS Attacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.1 Problem Formulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.1.1 System Modeling of DC Microgrids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.1.2 Controller Structure and Control Objective . . . . . . . . . . . 9.1.3 Nonperiodic DoS Attack Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.1.4 Design of Attack-Resilient Event-Triggered Scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.1.5 Modelling of Switched DC Microgrids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.2 Stability Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.3 Attack-Resilient Event-Triggered Controller Design . . . . . . . . . . . 9.4 Simulation Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.5 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

10 Resilient Dynamic Event-Triggered Control for Multi-area Power Systems with Renewable Energy Penetration Under Nonperiodic DoS Attacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.1 Problem Formulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.1.1 Modeling of Multi-area Power Systems with Penetrations of Solar and Wind Energy . . . . . . . . . . 10.1.2 DoS Attack Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.1.3 Design of Dynamic Event-Triggered Mechanism and Problem Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.2 Resilience Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.3 Resilient Controller Design Based LFC-VIC Scheme . . . . . . . . . . 10.4 Active Secure Scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.5 Simulation Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.5.1 Simulation of a Two-Area System Under DoS Attacks and Time Delay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.5.2 Simulation of a Two-Area Power System with Inertia Reduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.6 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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11 Resilient Load Frequency Control Design: Nonperiodic DoS Attacks Against Additional Control Loop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.1 Problem Formulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.1.1 Modeling of Multi-area Power System with Uncertainty, GRC, and Delay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.1.2 Resilience LFC System Formulation Under DoS Attacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.2 Resilience Analysis of LFC System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.3 Resilient LFC Controller Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.4 Simulation Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.5 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Appendix A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Appendix B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Appendix C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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12 Secure Distributed Optimal Frequency Regulation of Power Grid with Time-Varying Voltages Under False Data Injection Attacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.1 Problem Formulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.1.1 Power Grid Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.1.2 Control-Based Communication Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.1.3 Control Objective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.2 Modality and Impact of False Data Injection Attack . . . . . . . . . . . 12.3 Secure Distributed Optimal Frequency Regulation . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.4 Simulation Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.4.1 Response Under Attack-Free Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.4.2 Response Under Attack Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.5 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271

Chapter 1


In the past few decades, the development of new network technology has made it possible to apply to significantly different control systems. These applications have led to a series of new control architectures called Network Control Systems (NCSs). In NCSs, sensors, actuators and controllers are connected through a shared band-limited digital communication network. The advantages of using digital communication networks are very obvious, not only from an application perspective. However, the network also brings some challenges, such as bandwidth limitations, delays or packet loss. In order to solve the above problems, in the past two decades, a new theoretical basis has been established [1]. Recently, NCSs faces many potential threats from network attacks, which can invade system nodes or communication channels, as shown in Fig. 1.1. Therefore, the security of NCSs against malicious attackers has become the focus of attention of scholars [2]. Security in NCSs is a relatively new area of research, and it is the main theme of this book. We will discuss it in detail in the next section.

1.1 Security of Networked Control Systems Wireless communication networks may make NCSs more vulnerable to attacks, because attackers can cause performance degradation or instability by intruding into the communication channel [3], thereby injecting malicious signals into the closed loop system. Network attacks on control systems have severely damaged many industrial systems [4, 5]. One of the most famous examples is the attack on Maroochy Shire Council’s sewage control system in Queensland, Australia in January 2000 [6]. The attacker hacked into the controller and modified the electronic data of certain sewer pumping stations, causing one million liters of untreated sewage to enter the drain and flow from there to the local waterways. Another incident is the StuxNet © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021 D. Yue et al., Secure Control of Networked Control Systems and Its Applications,



1 Introduction

Fig. 1.1 NCS under network attacks

virus, which targets the Siemens supervisory control and data acquisition system used in many industrial systems [7, 8]. In 2014, the computer of a German steel plant was hacked through a small environmental control system, causing the steel plant’s blast furnace to be destroyed on a large scale. In addition to these incidents, a report released by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security showed that from 2009 to 2015, the number of cyber attacks on critical U.S. infrastructure has increased significantly. Therefore, active defensive measures are needed to resist attacks against NCSs.

1.2 Network Attack Incidents in Power Systems With the increased dependency on communication network, cyber attacks bring serious threats to security operation of power systems. For the production and living of modern society is closely relying on power systems, power outage would lead to disaster. The types of attacks on the power industry are divided into ransomware, DDoS attacks, APT attacks, vulnerabilities, and malware. In addition to ordinary power companies, nuclear power plants are also a key target of cyber attacks. Once a nuclear power plant is attacked, serious consequences such as loss of employees or trade secret information, reactor shutdown, or physical damage may occur. In 2003, the Davis–Besse nuclear power plant in USA was attacked by the SQL Slammer worm. The network data transmission volume increased sharply. The computer processing speed of the nuclear power plant was slowed down. The process control computer stopped working for several hours. In 2006, the Browns Ferry nuclear power plant in Alabama, USA was attacked by a network attack. The reactor’s recirculation pump and condensing demineralization controller malfunctioned

1.2 Network Attack Incidents in Power Systems


and caused 3 unit to be shut down. In 2007, Aurora project of Idaho national laboratory proofed that network attacks can successfully destroy the controller. In the experiment, it was found that hackers could successfully open and close the circuit breaker of diesel generators through loopholes in the system. Further, it would cause power system explosion and shocks or even paralysis [9]. In 2010, Iron nuclear power system was intruded by Stuxnet. It leaded to one thousand centrifuges paralyzed by attacks [10]. In 2015 ukrainian power outage, Black Energy attacked the monitoring and management system. Three power areas were attacked. Seven 110 KV substations and 23 35 KV substations failed which affected 225,000 people [11, 12]. In 2019, the Venezuelan power system was attacked causing three times large-scale power outages. The reason for the power outage was the deliberate destruction of network attacks on the Guli hydropower station.

1.3 Network Attack Models Note that the traditional IT community has been protecting the network components of NCSs to prevent cyber attacks. However, IT security tools cannot handle the dynamic processes of NCSs physical components. The physical layer of NCSs can be manipulated by attack without tampering with IT components. Therefore, in order to complement IT security methods, we need systems and control theory perspectives to protect NCSs. The control community mainly focuses on resilience to attacks, that is, tolerating a certain degree of confrontational attacks. The first step towards tolerance of attacks is to model cyber attacks. In the following sections, we will introduce classic attack models.

1.3.1 Denial-of-Service Attacks Denial-of-Service (DoS) attack aims to damage availability of information. How does DoS attack intrude on information system? One way is to launch jamming signals in communication channels such that the system transmitted packets can not arrive in their destination. The other way is to paralyze communication system or exhaust communication resources such that the transmission service is broken or rejected for system lawful tasks. When DoS attacks occur, transmission packets will be lost or dropped. However, the time characteristics of packet drops are different from that of network induced. Because attackers could formulate various attack strategies with malicious attention while network induced packet loss often obey fixed probability distribution. Several attack model are given to represent various attack behaviors. (1) Random Model The attacks possess random nature since the successes of the attacks largely depends on the detection ability of protection equipment or software, the communication


1 Introduction

protocols and the network conditions (e.g., network load, network congestion, and network transmission rate) that are typically randomly fluctuated [13]. (1) Bernoulli distribution: Wang [5] and Yuan [14] described the randomness behavior of DoS attacks. (1.1) y¯k = γk yk , where γk subjected to Bernoulli distribution takes value 0 or 1. (2) Markov model: Sun hongtao [15] proposed a Markov jump model to describe DoS attack duration. pi j (ai , d j ) = Pr (γ j (k + 1) = j|γi (k) = i)


where the pi j (ai , d j ) represents that packet dropouts caused by DoS attacks shift from i to j if attackers adopt attack strategy ai and defenders adopt defend strategy dj. (2) Periodic DoS Jamming Attack Foroush [3] studied periodic DoS jamming attacks with constrained energy.  u jmd (t) =

1, (n − 1)T ≤ t ≤ (n − 1)T + Toff , 0, (n − 1)T + Toff ≤ t ≤ nT,


where n ∈ N is the period number, T, Toff are period and the length of sleep interval, respectively. (3) Average Dwell Time Model Persis [16, 17] presented a general attack model by adopting average dwell time to constraint upper bound of attack duration and frequency. (1) DoS frequency: There exist η ∈ R≥0 and τ D ∈ R such that n(τ , t) ≤ η +

t −τ τD


for all τ , t ∈ R≥0 with t ≥ τ . (2) DoS duration: There exist κ ∈ R≥0 and T ∈ R1 such that |Ξ (τ , t)| ≤ κ +

t −τ T


for all τ , t ∈ R≥0 with t ≥ τ . (4) Model-Based Average Dwell Time Model Based on the model-based average dwell time concept [18], Cheng [19] proposed a more general model with concept of model-based average dwell time. This model

1.3 Network Attack Models


described upper bound of average dwell time of attack interval and lower bound of average dwell time of sleep interval. (1) ADT of sleep interval: Denote N F (t, t0 ) the numbers of sleep intervals and Ξ F (t, t0 ) the sum of sleep intervals length during [t0 , t]. There exist scalars ζ F ∈ R≥0 , τ F ∈ R≥h satisfying Ξ F (t, t0 ) (1.6) N F (t, t0 ) ≤ ζ F + τF (2) ADT of attack interval: Denote N D (t, t0 ) the numbers of attack intervals and Ξ D (t, t0 ) the sum of attack intervals length during [t0 , t]. There exist scalars ζ D ∈ R≥0 , τ D ∈ R≥h satisfying N D (t, t0 ) ≥ ζ D +

Ξ D (t, t0 ) τD


1.3.2 Deception Attacks Deception attack aims to damage integrity of information. For example, measurements or control commands can be tampered illegally by deception attack. Controller or actuator will operate by using false data caused by deception attack. Then, feedback control under deception attack cumulates control errors to lead to system instability. Specially, False data injection attack is one of typical deception attack, which injects false measurements and commands without being detected [20–22]. Other attack type like zero dynamic attack as one kind of false data injection attacks has been studied concretely [23, 24]. In following, several deception attack models are introduced. (1) Bounded Deception Attack Model Most of deception attack models are studied by treating deception attack as outer disturbance with bound. The occurrence of deception attack is in form of stochastic or deterministic feature. Ding [13] presented a stochastic deception attacks on measurements and controller outputs. u k = u˜ k + αk rk , yk = y˜k + σk νk , rk = −u˜ k + ζ1k , νk = − y˜k + ζ2k ,


ζ1k  + ζ2k  ≤ . where u˜ k , y˜k are the controller outputs and the sensor measurements. The stochastic variables αk , σk are subjected to independent Bernoulli distribution. rk , νk represent the signals injected by deception attacker.


1 Introduction

(2) Unbounded Deception Attack Model Unknown attack strategy is the nature of deception attack. The study [25] relaxes the constraints on bounded deception attacks and investigates an unknown unbounded deception attack with the proposed distributed attack-resilient control framework. u˜ = u + δ


where u˜ is the corrupted command and δ with bounded δ˙ represents the potential unbounded injections launched in the control communication channel. (3) Stealthy Attack Stealthy attack is implemented through false data injection attacks [26, 27]. Attackers formulate stealthy strategy without being detected by the existing algorithms with combining the known system configuration information. In [26], both online and offline cases of stealthy attacks have been studied in distributed energy management problem of smart grid. (4) Linear Function Model Guo [28] proposed linear function model for deception attack. This kind of model has its structure to describe more attack behaviors. y˜k = Tk yk + bk ,


where Tk is an arbitrary matrix and bk ∼ N (0, L) is an i.i.d. Gaussian random variable which is independent of yk .

1.3.3 Replay Attacks Replay attacks repeat the messages of the compromised controllers (sensors) to actuators (controllers). The implementation of replay attacks requires no knowledge of system dynamics. Meanwhile, the repeated messages are difficult to be detected. In practice, replay attacks have been successfully launched by Stuxnet virus. Replay attacks are executed with the following steps [29]: (i) erases the messages sent by the lawful transmission nodes; (ii) sends the previous data stored in adversary memory to system nodes to be compromised; (iii) repeat above steps;

1.3.4 Multiple Attacks In practice attack scenario, attackers would take multiple attacks to achieve the maximum profits of attack. Multiple attacks are launched by adopted more than two

1.3 Network Attack Models


kinds of attack simultaneously. For example, DoS attack cooperates with deception attack; replay attack cooperates with DoS attack. Ding [30] considered random DoS attacks and deception attacks. yk = αk ( y˜k + βk νk ) + (1 − αk )yk−1 ,


and νk = − y˜k + ξk , ξk  ≤ δ, Prob{αk = 0} = 1 − α, ¯ Prob{αk = 1} = α, ¯ ¯ Prob{βk = 1} = β, ¯ Prob{βk = 0} = 1 − β, where α¯ ∈ [0, 1) and β¯ ∈ [0, 1).

1.4 Secure Control Methods To preserve system performance under network attack, secure techniques based on control method are important and necessary. Secure control method focus on physical system performance ignored by network security techniques. Secure control method consists of two class of methodologies. One is resilient control method to guarantee system performance can tolerate some level of attack. The other one is active defense control method that improve the security of networked control systems to against arbitrary attack.

1.4.1 Resilient Control Methods To explore the influence of attack on NCS performance, resilient control methods are provided with considering attack modeling, system modeling under attack and resilient analysis and synthesis. Most of researches have paid attention to resilient control methods, such as, stochastic control method, Lyapunov stability method, combined method LKF with switched system method. (1) Event-Based Control Event-based control methods combine the design of the feedback control and the transmission mechanism. Under the assumption of event-driven mode in controller and actuator, event-triggered mechanism regulates the control time to achieve system stability as well as resources reduction. In case of DoS attacks , however, eventtriggered mechanism plays a new role in guaranteeing sufficient transmission for feedback control. In [16], Lyapunov function method is applied for input-to-state stability of networked control system under DoS attacks. Event-based sampling logics


1 Introduction

are proposed to achieve suitable transmission schedule. In [31], a resilient eventtriggering communication scheme is proposed and a stabilization criteria is derived by using uniform Lyapunov–Krasovskii functional method. In [32], co-designed of event-triggered mechanism and resilient control is proposed by combing piecewise Lyapunov–Krasovskii functional method and switched system theory. (2) Stochastic Control Considering the randomness of attack behaviors, control systems under attacks are formulated by stochastic system. In [15], Markovian process is used to describe DoS attack behavior and a Markovian jump linear system is established for NCS under DoS attacks. Lyapunov method and LMIs technique are utilized to design the resilient control gain. In [13], discrete-time stochastic nonlinear systems under deception attacks is secure with probability 1 − ε and with an upper bounded for the given quadratic cost functional by employing the discrete time version of ISS in probability (ISSiP). (3) Game-Theory Based Resilient Control To model and analyze the interaction between defender and attacker, game theoretical framework are applied for security of NCSs. In [33], an optimal stationary cyberpolicy is proposed to ensure system security through an infinite-horizon zero-sum stochastic game between a defender and an attacker. In [14], a unified game approach is applied to study the resilient control of NCS under DoS attacks. Optimal criteria for both cyber defenders and DoS attackers is obtained with the optimal control method.

1.4.2 Active Defense Control Methods The desired resilient performance of NCS can be preserved within the tolerated attack level under resilient control methods. When strong attack breaks the resilient condition, however, the performance of NCS can not be guaranteed by resilient control methods. Hence, NCS with resilient control can only tolerate some kind of weak attack negatively. Thus, it is necessary to study active defense control method to enhance the security of NCS positively. Active defense control methods often make use of more communication or computation resources to support the security method such as, predictive control method, redundancy-based control method. (1) Predictive Control Method Predictive control is an effective method to compensate for network-induced delays and packet dropouts actively. For the influence of DoS attacks can be viewed as packet dropouts, predictive control scheme is still suitable. Further, false data detected can be replaced by the predictive commands generated by predictive control. In [34], predictive cloud control method is proposed to compensate packet dropouts caused

1.4 Secure Control Methods


by DoS attacks actively. In [35], a recursive networked predictive control (RNPC) method is proposed to compensate for the weak DoS attacks. (2) Redundant Control Method In practice, redundant channels are simultaneously equipped in networked control systems. Redundant controls are supported with the redundant channels for a same control task [36]. In case of network attacks, the primary channel would be compromised to lost its function of providing safe and reliable service for feedback control. Then, the directed and efficient way to eliminate the influence of attacks is to build a new secure control channels by starting up redundant channels. In [35], the switched system theory is applied for the closed-loop stability. For the strong DoS attacks , a multi-controller switching scheme is presented. In [37], a primary-redundancy (PR) communica- tion structure is presented to prevent DoS attacks. The convex combination method is proposed to design switching law for PR channel with the function of keeping the concealment of redundancy channel.

1.5 Structure of This Book The book is organized as follows: This chapter introduces NCS: background, security, overview; Part I consists of Chaps. 2–4, which is devoted to resilient control of networked control systems ; Part II consists of Chaps. 5 and 6, which refer to resilient consensus control of multi-agent systems; Part III includes Chaps. 7 and 8, devoting to active Defense Control of Networked Control System; Part IV includes Chaps. 9– 12, devoting to the application of secure control method on power system. In Chap. 2, the event-based controller synthesis for networked control systems (NCSs) under resilient event-triggering communication scheme (RETCS) and periodic denial-of-service (DoS) jamming attacks is proposed. In Chap. 3, observer-based event-triggered control for a continuous networked linear system subjects to denial-of-service (DoS) attacks is proposed. In Chap. 4, switching system approach is proposed to study the finite-time nonlinear system robust stability under intermittent DoS jamming attacks. In Chap. 5, event-based secure leader-following consensus for multi-agent systems (MASs) with multiple cyber attacks is obtained by using Lyapunov stability theory. In Chap. 6, an observer-based distributed secure consensus control strategy for a class of linear multi-agent systems (MASs) with random attacks is proposed. In Chap. 7, a model-based predictive control (MPC) framework is proposed for networked T-S fuzzy system under intermittent DoS jamming attack. In Chap. 8, a primary-redundancy (PR) communication structure is proposed to against DoS attacks. In Chap. 9, the attack-resilient event-triggered controller of a DC microgrid under DoS attacks is designed by event-triggered control method.


1 Introduction

In Chap. 10, resilient dynamic event-triggered control is proposed for frequency stabilization of multi-area power systems with renewable energy penetration under transmission delay and denial-of-service (DoS) attacks. In Chap. 11, resilient additional control design of a multi-area power system with uncertainty and physical constraint under denial-of-service (DoS) attacks and transmission delay is proposed with delay system method and switched system method. In Chap. 12, a novel type of secure distributed optimal frequency regulation is developed by introducing secure-based communication network to improve the resilience against cyber-attack.

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Part I

Resilient Control of Networked Control System

Chapter 2

Resilient Event-Triggered Controller Synthesis of NCSs Under Periodic DoS Attacks

This chapter addresses the event-based controller synthesis problem for networked control systems (NCSs) under resilient event-triggering communication scheme (RETCS) and periodic denial-of-service (DoS) jamming attacks is studied. Firstly, a new periodic RETCS is designed under the assumption that the DoS attacks imposed by power-constrained Pulse-Width Modulated (PWM) jammers is partially identified, i.e., the period of the jammer and a uniform lower bound on the jammer’s sleeping periods are known. Secondly, a new state error dependent switched system model is constructed, including the impacts of the RETCS and DoS attacks. According to this new model, the exponential stability criteria are derived by using piecewise Lyapunov functional (PLF). In these criteria, the relationship among DoS parameters, the triggering parameters, the sampling period, and the decay rate are quantitatively characterized. Then, a criterion is also proposed to obtain the explicit expressions of the triggering parameter and event-based state feedback controller gain simultaneously. Finally, the obtained theoretical results are verified by a satellite yaw angles control system [1]. This chapter is organized as follows. The description of system security problem is given in Sect. 2.1. Exponential stability analysis and resilient control synthesis are provided in Sects. 2.2 and 2.3. A simulation example about a satellite system is given in Sect. 2.4. Finally, Sect. 2.5 concludes the chapter.

2.1 Problem Formulation 2.1.1 System Description The configuration of a NCS under RETCS and periodic DoS attacks is shown in Fig. 2.1, where the signal transmission between event generator (controller) and con© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021 D. Yue et al., Secure Control of Networked Control Systems and Its Applications,



2 Resilient Event-Triggered Controller Synthesis …

Fig. 2.1 The framework of a NCS under resilient event-triggering scheme and DoS attacks

troller (actuator) is implemented over a wireless network subjects to periodic DoS jamming attacks. In what follows, we will introduce the mathematical model of physical plant, event-triggered controller, periodic DoS jamming attacks, and resilient event-triggered communication scheme, respectively. The state-space representation of the physical plant is given by the following linear time-invariant (LTI) system: x˙ (t) = Ax (t) + Bu (t)


where x (t) ∈ Rn is the state vector of the controlled plant, u (t) ∈ Rm is the control input. A and B are known system matrices with appropriate dimensions. As seen in Fig. 2.1, the control action is implemented over a wireless channel. In the absence of DoS attacks, let tk h (k = 0, 1, 2, . . .) be the triggering times at which it is desired to update the control action, where t0  0, h > 0 is the sampling period of the sensor. In this situation, whatever the event-triggered communication scheme (it will be designed later) generates the time sequence {tk h}k∈N , the triggered state data can be transmitted to the controller successfully, and the control signal can also be safely received by actuator [2], and hence the event-based control input denoted by u˜ (t) can be represented as  u˜ (t) = K x (tk h) , ∀t ∈ tk h, tk+1 h) , k ∈ N


where K is the control gain to be designed later. To achieve the desired control objectives, some common assumptions are necessary for system (2.1). Assumption 2.1 The pair (A, B) is controllable. Assumption 2.2 The sensor is time-triggered, the controller and the actuator are event-triggered. Assumption 2.3 The states of the controlled plant are fully measurable and transmitted with a single packet. The network-induced delays, data losses and disorder are not considered.

2.1 Problem Formulation


2.1.2 Periodic DoS Attack Model and Control Objective In practice, the sensor periodically samples the state signal of the controlled plant and sends it to an event generator. Whether the sampled state needs to be sent to a remote controller via a wireless network channel is determined by a predefined event-triggering condition (its definition will be given later). The attacker attempts to jam the wireless communication links to destabilize the stability of the considered system (see Fig. 2.1). Following [3], we consider the following DoS jamming signal, which aims at blocking the network channels intermittently:  S DoS (t) =

  1, t ∈ nT, nT + To f f  0, t ∈ nT + To f f , nT + T


where the sequence {nT }n∈N denotes  the time instants when the DoS jamming attack the sleeping time interval of the DoS is sleeping, the set nT, nT + To f f represents   < T over which communication is T jamming attack, of a length To f f ∈ R >0 o f f   possible. Further, the time interval nT + To f f , nT + T denotes the set of time instants where the DoS jamming attack is active and communication is interrupted. Here, as stated in [4], there is no need to keep the parameter To f f time-invariant which recalls PWM jamming, and thus it is assumed that there exists an uniform real min scalar Tomin f f ∈ R>0 such that To f f ≤ To f f < +∞ holds for all n ∈ N. In general, the DoS jamming signal can affect forward and feedback channels separately. In this work, we consider the scenario that DoS jamming signals simultaneously affect both forward and feedback channels as in [2]. That is to say, under DoS jamming attacks, the released sampled state cannot reach the controller successfully, and the control signal cannot arrive at the actuator successfully too. In view of this, the output of the actuator in Fig. 2.1 u (t) under DoS attacks (2.3) can be represented as ⎧     ⎨ K x tk,n+1 h , t ∈  tk,n+1 h, tk+1,n+1 h (2.4) u (t) = ∩ nT,nT + To f f  ⎩ 0, t ∈ nT + To f f , nT + T

h denotes the set of successful control update instants where t k,n t0,n+1 h  nT , which are generated by the event-triggering mechanism to be designed, h (< T ) is the sampling period, k ∈ {0, 1, . . . , k (n)}  K (n) with n ∈ N and

k (n) = sup k ∈ N |nT + To f f ≥ tk,n+1 h . Remark 2.1 Different from the work [5], in which the control input is based on the latest received triggered state, in this chapter, the control input is always zero during DoS time intervals. This idea is taken from [6].


2 Resilient Event-Triggered Controller Synthesis … 

In what follows, to simplify representation, for n ∈ N, define I1,n  nT, nT + To f f ,     I2,n  nT + To f f , nT + T , Rk,n  tk,n+1 h, tk+1,n+1 h , k ∈ K (n). Using (2.4), the state equation in (2.1) can be written as ⎧   ⎨ Ax (t) + B K x tk,n+1 h x˙ (t) = t ∈ Rk,n ∩ I1,n ⎩ Ax (t) , t ∈ I2,n .


Now, our main control objective: given positive scalars T and we formulate min To f f ≥ To f f , jointly design a resilient event-triggered communication scheme and an event-based state-feedback controller (2.4) while guaranteeing the exponential stability of the switched system (2.5) under DoS jamming attacks (2.3).

2.1.3 Design of Resilient Event-Triggering Scheme In this subsection, we will introduce a new RETCS which is used to remove the impact of the periodic DoS jamming attacks. We first recall that when the effect of the jamming attacks is not considered, Yue [7] presented the following event triggering condition: [x (tk h + lh) − x (tk h)]T W [x (tk h + lh) − x (tk h)] > σ x T (tk h) W x (tk h)


where σ ∈ (0, 1) is a predefined parameter, tk h + lh (k, l ∈ N) represents the current sampling time, tk h denotes the last triggering instant at which the control signal is updated. Now, if the impact of DoS jamming attacks is taking into account, then the control signal is blocked over the DoS jamming time intervals, which results in the event-triggering control sequence generated by (2.6) cannot achieve the stability of the considered system. Thus, the traditional event triggering scheme is not applied directly here. Next, we will modify the above triggering scheme (2.6) to adapt to the DoS jamming attacks (2.3). Toward this end, similar to [4], we consider the jammer is constantly maintaining a “worst-case jamming scenario”, i.e., To f f ≡ Tomin f f for all n ∈ N. Definition 2.1 We define the triggering instant shown in (2.4) as:

tk,n+1 h = tkl h satisfying (2.6) | tkl h ∈ I1,n ∪ {(n + 1) T }


where n, tkl , kl , l ∈ N, k denotes the number of event occurring in (n + 1)th attack period.

Remark 2.2 From (2.7), it is observed that the triggering time-sequence tk,n+1 h generated by (2.6) in (n + 1)th jamming action period lies in either time interval I1,n

2.1 Problem Formulation


or right endpoint nT of each interval [nT, (n + 1) T ). That is, if no event happens in I1,n , namely, tkl h satisfying (2.6) | tkl h ∈ I1,n = ∅, then the triggering instant only occurs at the right endpoint (n + 1) T . In addition, zeno phenomenon is excluded naturally in the proposed event-triggered framework.

2.1.4 Modeling of Event-Based Resilient Switched Control System In this section, to make use of the time delay approach and switched system approach to analyze the system stability, we first convert the system (2.5) with event-triggering strategy (2.7) into an equivalent switched time delay system. For this purpose, we divide the event intervals Rk,n (∀k ∈ K (n) , ∀n ∈ N) shown in (2.5) into sampling interval-like subintervals, that is,  ρk,n  tk,n+1 h + (m − 1) h, tk,n+1 h + mh Rk,n = ∪m=1   ∪ tk,n+1 h + λk,n h, tk+1,n+1 h


where ρk,n  sup m ∈ N | tk,n+1 h + mh < tk+1,n+1 h . Let 

Note that

  m = tk,n+1 h + (m − 1) h, tk,n+1 h + mh , Dk,n   ρk,n +1 = tk,n+1 h + ρk,n h, tk+1,n+1 h . Dk,n

k(n) I1,n = ∪k(n) k=0 Rk,n ∩ I1,n ⊆ ∪k=0 Rk,n .



Combining (2.8), (2.9) and (2.10), the interval I1,n can be rewritten as ρ


k,n I1,n = ∪k(n) k=0 ∪m=1

m Dk,n ∩ I1,n

Set m m = Dk,n ∩ I1,n Φk,n





k,n m I1,n = ∪k(n) k=0 ∪m=1 Φk,n .

Now, two piecewise functions are defined below: ⎧ 1 t − tk,n+1 h, t ∈ Φk,n ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ 2 ⎨ t − tk,n+1 h − h, t ∈ Φk,n ηk,n (t) = .. ⎪ . ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ ρ +1 t − tk,n+1 h − ρk,n h, t ∈ Φk,nk,n




2 Resilient Event-Triggered Controller Synthesis …

⎧ 1 0,t ∈ Φk,n ⎪    ⎪ ⎪ 2 ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ x tk,n+1 h − x tk,n+1 h + h , t ∈ Φk,n .. δk,n (t) = . ⎪     ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ x tk,n+1 h − x tk,n+1 h + ρk,n h , ⎪ ⎩ ρ +1 t ∈ Φk,nk,n .


According to the definitions of ηk,n (t) and δk,n (t), it can be seen that ηk,n (t) ∈ [0, h) , t ∈ Rk,n ∩ I1,n. Then the  successfully event-triggered sampled state x tk,n h can be described as x tk,n+1 h = xk,n (t) + δk,n (t) with xk,n (t) = x t − ηk,n (t) , t ∈ Rk,n ∩ I1,n . Based on the above analysis, the switched system (2.5) can be represented as ⎧ ⎧ ⎨ Ax (t) + B K xk,n (t) + B K δk,n (t) , ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ x˙ (t) = t ∈ Rk,n ∩ I1,n (2.14) ⎩ Ax (t) , t ∈ I2,n , k ∈ K (n) ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ x (t) = ς (t) , t ∈ [−h, 0] where ς (t) is the supplemented initial condition of the state x (t) on [−h, 0] with ς (0)  ς0 , and δk,n (t) satisfies  T T δk,n (t) W δk,n (t) ≤ σ xk,n (t) + δk,n (t)   W xk,n (t) + δk,n (t)


In what follows, in order to construct a PLFfor system analysis, inspired by [8], define σ (t) = 1 for t ∈ [−h, 0] ∪ ∪ I1,n , while σ (t) = 2 for t ∈ ∪ I2,n . n∈N  n∈N nT, i = 1 Then for σ (t) = i ∈ {1, 2}, let ti,n = , we can obtain that Ii,n = nT + To f f , i = 2     −  ti,n , t3−i,n+i−1 , σ ti,n = i, σ ti,n = 3 − i. According to the definition of σ (t), the switched system (2.14) is reformulated as ⎧ ⎨ x˙ (t) = Ai x (t) + B  i xk,n (t) + Bi δk,n (t) , t ∈ ti,n , t3−i,n+i−1 , n ∈ N (2.16) ⎩ x (t) = ς (t) , t ∈ [−h, 0] where Ai = A, B1  B K , B2  0, and δk,n (t) satisfies (2.7). Based on the above analysis and the reports in the literature [9], we choose the following PLF for switched system (2.16):

2.1 Problem Formulation


Vσ (t) (t) = x T (t) Pσ (t) x (t)  t x T (θ ) f (•)Q σ (t) x (θ ) dθ +  + +

t−h 0  t

−h  0

t+θ  t




x˙ T ( ) f (•)Rσ (t) x˙ ( ) d dθ x˙ T ( ) f (•)Z σ (t) x˙ ( ) d dθ

where Pσ (t) , Q σ (t) , Rσ (t) , and Z σ (t) are symmetric positive definite matrices, ασ (t) is a σ (t) positive scalar, and f (•)  e2(−1) ασ (t) (t−s) . Then, the main problems to be dealt with in this chapter are summarized below. P1: Consider a NCS under resilient event-triggering mechanism (2.7) and DoS thatthe sequence {nT }n∈N , jamming signal S DoS (t) (2.3)  shown  in Fig.2.1. Suppose  = T and T T ∈ T , +∞ in S DoS (t) (2.3) are the DoS parameters Tomin o f f o f f ff known. For given system matrices A, B in (2.1), event-triggering parameter σ in (2.7), and state-feedback gain K in (2.4), how to guarantee the switched system (2.16) is exponentially stable (ES). P2: Consider a NCS under resilient event-triggering mechanism (2.7) and DoS thatthe sequence {nT }n∈N , jamming signal S DoS (t) (2.3)  shown  in Fig.2.1. Suppose  = To f f and T T ∈ To f f , +∞ in S DoS (t) (2.3) are the DoS parameters Tomin ff known. For given system matrices A, B in (2.1), event-triggering parameter σ in (2.7), how to determine event-triggering weighting matrix W in (2.7) and state-feedback gain K in (2.4) while guaranteeing the exponential stability of the switched system (2.16).

2.2 Exponential Stability Analysis For σ (t) = i ∈ {1, 2}, using the piecewise switching Lyapunov functional (2.17), we first give a decay estimation of Vi (t) along the trajectories of the system (2.16), which is useful to derive the stability conditions in the sequel. Lemma 2.1 Assume the sequence {nT }n∈N , the parameters T and To f f in S DoS (t) (2.3) are known. Consider the switched system (2.16) with  gain matrix K and  a given triggering parameter σ ∈ (0, 1), for given scalars h ∈ 0, To f f and αi ∈ (0, +∞), i ∈ {1, 2}, if there exist symmetric matrices Pi > 0, Q i > 0, Ri > 0, Z i > 0, W > 0, and matrices Mi , Ni , Si , i ∈ {1, 2}, satisfying the following LMIs: √ √ √ i Σ11 h Mi h Ni h Si ⎢ Σi 0 0 22 ⎢ i Σi = ⎢

Σ 0 33 ⎢ i ⎣


⎤ i Σ15 0 ⎥ ⎥ 0 ⎥ ⎥ 0, Q i > 0, Ri > 0, Z i > 0, W > 0, and matrices Mi , Ni , Si , i ∈ {1, 2}, such that the LMIs ( 2.18), and the following condition (2.26) is satisfied: ⎧ ⎪ P1 ≤ μ2 P2 , P2 ≤ γ μ1 P1 ⎪ ⎨ Q i ≤ μ3−i Q 3−i (2.26) ⎪ Ri ≤ μ3−i R3−i ⎪ ⎩ Z i ≤ μ3−i Z 3−i where γ = e2(α1 +α2 )h . Then the event-based switched system (2.16) under (2.3) is ES λ . with decay rate ρ  2T


2 Resilient Event-Triggered Controller Synthesis …

 Proof Choose a PLF candidate as V (t) = 2.1, we obtain that for any t ≥ 0  V (t) ≤

V1 (t) , t ∈ Rk,n ∩ I1,n From Lemma V2 (t) , t ∈ I2,n .

    e−2α1 (t−t1,n ) V1 t1,n , t ∈ t1,n , t2,n     e2α2 (t−t2,n ) V2 t2,n , t ∈ t2,n , t1,n+1 .


According to (2.26), it is easy to show that 

−   μ2 V2 t1,n − V1 t1,n ≥ 0  − − V2 t2,n ≥ 0. γ μ1 V1 t2,n


Considering that ∀ t ≥  0, we can always find a non-negative integer n ∈ N such that  t ∈ t1,n , t2,n or t ∈ t2,n , t1,n+1 . Thus, two cases should be considered below. Case 1: If t ∈ t1,n , t2,n , it follows from (2.27) and (2.28) that − V (t) ≤ μ2 e−2α1 (t−t1,n ) V2 t1,n .. .   ≤ e−λn V1 t1,0 = e−λn V1 (0) . Notice that t < t2,n = nT + To f f , i.e., n > (2.29) gives V (t) ≤ V1 (0) e

t−To f f T λTo f f T


. Substituting this relation into λ

e− T t .


  Case 2: If t ∈ t2,n , t1,n+1 , by a similar procedure as above, we can obtain V (t) ≤

V1 (0) − λ t e T . μ2


  λTo f f Now, define M = max e T , μ12 , ε1 = min {λmin (Pi )}, 2

ε2 = max {λmax (Pi )}, and ε3 = ε2 + hλmax (Q 1 ) + h2 λmax (R1 + Z 1 ), from (2.30) and (2.31), it yields that λ V (t) ≤ Me− T t V1 (0) . (2.32) According to the definition of V (t) in (2.17), we have V (t) ≥ ε1 x (t) 2 , V1 (0) ≤ ε3 ς0 2h . Combining (2.32) and (2.33), we have


2.2 Exponential Stability Analysis


x (t) ≤

Mε3 −ρt e ς0 h , ∀t ≥ 0 ε1


which implies that the system (2.16) is ES with decay rate ρ. Remark 2.3 It follows from (2.25) that the decay rate ρ can be explicitly expressed as 2 (α1 + α2 ) β1 − 2α2 T − ln (μ1 μ2 ) 2T 2α1 β1 − 2α2 β2 − ln (μ1 μ2 ) = 2T


(2.35) (2.36)

where β1 = To f f − h, β2 = T − To f f + h. It is observed that the decay rate ρ in (2.35) is a monotony increase function of the parameter To f f (when T , αi , h, and μi are fixed). The larger the To f f (it means that the sleeping period of jamming is becoming bigger and, correspondingly, the active period of jamming denoted by T − To f f is becoming smaller), the bigger the decay rate ρ. Therefore, in order to seek for larger value of ρ (to guarantee the better stability performance), To f f should be chosen as large as possible while ensuring (2.25). This point will be validated in the simulation section. On the other hand, one can see from (2.35) that the decay rate ρ is a monotony decrease function of the sampling period h (when T , To f f , αi , and μi are fixed) and the parameters μi (when T , To f f , αi , and h are fixed). In addition, it can be concluded from (2.36) the decay rate ρ is a monotony increase (decrease) function of the parameter α1 (α2 ) (when T , To f f , α2 (α1 ), h, and μi are fixed). Therefore, the sampling period h, the parameters μi , and α2 should be chosen small enough while the parameter α1 should be chosen large enough to obtain some large value of ρ on the premise of guaranteeing the existence of the feasible solutions of the LMIs (2.26) with (2.25).

2.3 Resilient Controller Synthesis Based on Theorem 2.1, the joint-design criterion of the resilient event-triggering parameter W in (2.7) and the event-based controller gain matrix K is derived below. Theorem 2.2 Assume the sequence {nT }n∈N , the parameters T and To f f in S DoS (t) (2.3) are known. Consider the switched system (2.16). For give scalars σ ∈ (0, 1), εi ∈ (0, +∞), χi ∈ (0, +∞), ηi > 0, αi ∈ (0, +∞), μi ∈ (1, +∞), δi ∈ (0, +∞),  and h ∈ 0, To f f satisfying (2.25), if there exist proper symmetric matrices X i > 0, Qˆ i > 0, Rˆ i > 0, Zˆ i > 0, Wˆ > 0, and matrices Y, Mˆ i , Nˆ i , Sˆi , i ∈ {1, 2}, satisfying the following LMIs:


2 Resilient Event-Triggered Controller Synthesis …

Σˆ i <  −μ2 X 2 X 2 ≤

−X 1   −μ1 e2(α1 +α2 )h X 1 X 1 ≤

−X 2   X 3−i −μ3−i Qˆ 3−i ≤

εi2 Qˆ i − 2εi X i   −μ3−i Rˆ 3−i X 3−i ≤

χi2 Rˆ i − 2χi X i   −μ3−i Zˆ 3−i X 3−i ≤

ηi2 Zˆ i − 2ηi X i 


√ T  T Λi Λi21 h Aˆ i ⎢ Λi ⎢ 22 0 Σˆ i = ⎢ 2 ⎣ δi Rˆ i + Zˆ i

−2δi X i













⎤ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎦

with Λ1 = Λ1i j and Λ2 = Λ2i j being symmetric matrices composed of the matrices Λ111 = 2α1 X 1 + H e (AX 1 ) + Qˆ 1 + H e Mˆ 11 + Sˆ11 T T Λ121 = Y T B T + Mˆ 12 + Sˆ12 − Mˆ 11 + Nˆ 11 Λ122 = σ Wˆ + H e Nˆ 12 − Mˆ 12 T T Λ131 = Mˆ 13 + Sˆ13 − Sˆ11 − Nˆ 11 T T Λ132 = − Mˆ 13 + Nˆ 13 − Sˆ12 − Nˆ 12 Λ133 = −e−2α1 h Qˆ 1 − H e Sˆ13 − Nˆ 13

Λ141 = Y T B T + Sˆ14 + Mˆ 14 Λ142 = − Mˆ 14 + Nˆ 14 + σ Wˆ Λ143 = − Sˆ14 − Nˆ 14 , Λ144 = σ Wˆ − Wˆ √  T Λ121 = h Mˆ 1 Nˆ 1 Sˆ1   Aˆ 1 = AX 1 BY 0 BY   Λ122 = e−2α1 λ1 h diag − Rˆ 1 , − Rˆ 1 , − Zˆ 1

Λ211 = −2α2 X 2 + H e (AX 2 ) + Qˆ 2 + H e Mˆ 21 + Sˆ21 T T Λ221 = Mˆ 22 + Sˆ22 − Mˆ 21 + Nˆ 21

2.3 Resilient Controller Synthesis


Λ222 = H e Nˆ 22 − Mˆ 22 T T Λ231 = Mˆ 23 + Sˆ23 − Nˆ 21 − Sˆ21 T T Λ232 = − Mˆ 23 + Nˆ 23 − Nˆ 22 − Sˆ22 Λ233 = − Qˆ 2 − H e Nˆ 23 + Sˆ23 √  T Λ221 = h Mˆ 2 Nˆ 2 Sˆ2   Aˆ 2 = AX 2 0 0 0   Λ222 = diag − Rˆ 2 , − Rˆ 2 , − Zˆ 2 .

Then, the proposed resilient controller (2.4) with K = Y X 1−1 exponentially stabilizes the system (2.1) under event-triggering scheme (2.7) with W = X 1−1 Wˆ X 1−1 and periodic DoS jamming signals (2.3). Proof Define X i = Pi−1 , J1 = diag{J3 , X 1 , X 1 , X 1 , I },J2 = diag{J4 , J4 , I }, J3 = diag{X 1 , X 1 , X 1 , X 1 }, J4 = diag{X 2 , X 2 , X 2 }, then pre- and post-multiplying J1 and its transpose on both sides of Σ1 in (2.18), pre- and post-multiplying J2 and its transpose on both sides of Σ2 in (2.18), then introducing some new matrix variables as Qˆ i = X i Q i X i , Rˆ i = X i Ri X i , Zˆ i = X i Z i X i , Sˆ1 = J3 S1 X 1 , Sˆ2 = J4 S2 X 2 , Mˆ 1 = J3 M1 X 1 , Mˆ 2 = J4 M2 X 2 , Nˆ 1 = J3 N1 X 1 , Nˆ 2 = J4 N2 X 2 , Y = K X 1 , and Wˆ = X 1 W X 1 , and using the relations Ri = X i−1 Rˆ i X i−1 , Z i = X i−1 Zˆ i X i−1 , and −1 X i ≥ 2δi X i − δi2 Rˆ i + Zˆ i , we find Σˆ i < 0 guar(Ri + Z i )−1 = X i Rˆ i + Zˆ i antees Σi < 0 holds correspondingly. Furthermore, pre- and post-multiplying the first inequality in (2.26) and the second inequality in (2.26) by X 2 and X 1 , respectively, and applying the Schur complement formula, it follows that ( 2.38) and (2.39) are equivalent to the first inequality in (2.26) and the second inequality in (2.26), respectively. Following the preceding derivations, it can be concluded that the LMIs (2.40)–(2.42) ensure the third inequality in (2.26)-the fifth inequality in (2.26) hold, respectively. This completes the proof. Remark 2.4 Theorem 2.2 depends nonlinearly on the design variables T , To f f , μi , αi , σ , h, δi , εi , χi , and ηi , i = 1, 2. However, by fixing the parameters T , To f f , μi , αi , σ , h, δi , εi , χi , and ηi (i = 1, 2), matrix inequalities (2.37)–(2.42) become LMIs, in which case the parameters X 1 , Wˆ and Y can be synthesized numerically via the standard LMI Toolbox in MATLAB, and in turn the co-design of eventtriggering parameter W = X 1−1 Wˆ X 1−1 and the resilient control gain matrix K = Y X 1−1 is realized. Furthermore, earlier studies [7, 11] have shown that a bigger σ results in a bigger average release period, which implies the communication resource is saved, and thus we can expect that the switched system can tolerant more DoS attacks at the expense of higher sampling rate. Therefore, to some extent, the current method provides a meaningful option to the designer to consider a tradeoff between tolerance for DoS attacks and the data transmission reduction objectives of the closed loop system.


2 Resilient Event-Triggered Controller Synthesis …

2.4 Simulation Example A satellite control system (see Fig. 2.2) modeled as (2.1) with the following system parameters [12] is employed to validate the effectiveness of the developed eventbased resilient control strategy: ⎡

⎤ ⎡ ⎤ 0 0 1 0 0 ⎢ 0 ⎥ ⎢0⎥ 0 0 1 ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ A=⎢ ⎣ −0.3 0.3 −0.004 0.004 ⎦ , B = ⎣ 1 ⎦ . 0.3 −0.3 0.004 −0.004 0 For this example, by simple calculations, it is found that the eigenvalues of the system matrix A are 0, 0, −0.04 − 0.4224 j, −0.04 + 0.4224 j, which means that this satellite system is unstable without the control input. Joint-design of triggering parameter W and control gain K : In this section, we first show the joint-design method of the triggering parameter W and control parameter K . To this end, we consider the jammer, imposing signal S DoS (t) (2.3), where T = 2 s and To f f = 1.8 s. Choosing μ1 = μ2 = 1.05, α1 = 0.16, α2 = 0.5, h = 0.02 s satisfying (2.25). For given σ = 0.2, δi = 8, εi = 8, χi = 8, ηi = 8, i = 1, 2, applying Theorem 2.2, the matrices W and K are given by (we do not give all the obtained parameters here due to page limitation) ⎡

⎤ 44.9898 −21.7786 89.6892 60.3423 ⎢

10.6420 −43.5119 −29.2242 ⎥ ⎥ W =⎢ ⎣

179.5712 120.5600 ⎦


Fig. 2.2 Diagram of the satellite systems


2.4 Simulation Example



  K = −1.9822 0.9207 −3.8818 −2.5386 .


 T In the following, for simulation, the initial condition is set to be x0 = 1 0.5 0.3 0.2 and simulation time Tend is assumed to be 30 s. Figure 2.3 depicts the state trajectories of the satellite system controlled by the RETC (2.4) with (2.43) and (2.44). The release intervals of the event generator are depicted in Fig. 2.4. Figure 2.5 shows the control input of the controlled satellite system under DoS jamming attacks (2.3) with T = 2 s and To f f = 1.8 s. From Figs. 2.3, 2.4 and 2.5, it is found that (i) the satellite system is stabilized by the event-triggered controller; (ii) the proposed RETCS does eliminate the impact of the periodic DoS while reducing the amount of communication in the system.


Fig. 2.3 State responses with T = 2 s and To f f = 1.8 s



x2(t) x3(t)

State responses


x (t) 4

0.6 0.4 0.2 0 −0.2 −0.4 −0.6











Time (s) 1.8

Fig. 2.4 Release time intervals with To f f = 1.8 s and T = 2 s


Release time intervals

1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0





Time (s)


2 Resilient Event-Triggered Controller Synthesis … 0.5

Fig. 2.5 Control input with T = 2 s and To f f = 1.8 s


Control input

−0.5 −1 −1.5 −2 −2.5 −3 −3.5





Time (s)




Fig. 2.6 State responses with T = 10 s and To f f = 7.66 s



x (t) 2



State responses



0.6 0.4 0.2 0 −0.2 −0.4 −0.6









Next, we show how the parameters T and To f f affect the control performance. For this purpose, we set T = 10 s and To f f = 7.66 s, other parameters remain the same as before. With these conditions, the second simulation results corresponding to the first scenarios are shown in Figs. 2.6, 2.7 and 2.8. From Figs. 2.3 and 2.6, it can be seen that, compared with the first situation, the state responses shake more obviously in the second situation. Moreover, by comparing Figs. 2.4 and 2.7, we find that, compared with the first situation, the number of events seems more in the second situation. From Fig. 2.5 and 2.8, it is observed that in the second situation the control performance has been degraded, in comparison with that achieved in the first situation. To summarize, the first scenario has a better control performance in comparison with the second scenario. This observation can also be clearly illustrated by computation. Indeed, the total number of DoS jamming attacks over the time interval [0, 30] for the first and second scenarios are obtained as n 1 = 15 and n 2 = 3, respec-

2.4 Simulation Example

31 2.5

Fig. 2.7 Release time intervals with T = 10 s and To f f = 7.66 s Release time intervals

















Time (s)


Fig. 2.8 Control input with T = 10 s and To f f = 7.66 s

1 0.5

Control input

0 −0.5 −1 −1.5 −2 −2.5 −3 −3.5




Time (s)

tively. Therefore, the DoS duration for the first and second scenarios are obtained as

Ξ (0, 30) 1 = n 1 × (2 − 1.8) s = 3 s and Ξ (0, 30) 2 = n 2 × (10 − 7.66) s = 7.02 s, respectively. Hence, Ξ (0, 30) 2 > Ξ (0, 30) 1 , which implies the preceding claim is reasonable. Influence of the parameter T : In this section, we show the influence of the DoS parameter T on the system performance. Specifically, for given different T , we compute the corresponding minimum To f f . To this end, we formulate the following optimization problem (notice that the values of μi , αi , σ , h, δi , εi , χi , and ηi (i = 1, 2) are as before):  Tomin f f = min

To f f | To f f satisfying (2.25) subjects to LMIs (2.37)–(2.42).



2 Resilient Event-Triggered Controller Synthesis …

Table 2.1 The values of Tomin f f and J for different T T






Tomin ff












Table 2.2 The values of λ and ρ for given different To f f To f f






λ ρ

0.0012 0.0003

0.0540 0.0135

0.1860 0.0465

0.3180 0.0795

0.4500 0.1125

Table 2.3 The values of h max and Tomin f f for different σ σ






h max Tomin ff

0.07 1.61

0.06 1.60

0.04 1.58

0.02 1.56

0.012 1.55

Table 2.1 gives the minimum values of To f f and the maximum allowable DoS attack T −T min

rate denoted by J  T o f f . From Table 2.1, we can see that the values of Tomin ff and J increase with the increasing of T . In addition, from Table 2.1 we know that min Tomin f f = 1.61 for given T = 2. Table 2.2 shows the relationship between To f f and the decay rate ρ. The calculated results in Table 2.2 show that the bigger the Tomin f f , the larger the ρ, which validates the statement of Remark 2.3. Influence of the triggering parameter σ : We now further consider the impact of the parameter σ on the system performance of the considered system. For this purpose, let μ1 = μ2 = 1.01, α1 = 0.16, α2 = 0.5, T = 2, To f f = 1.8, δi , εi , χi , and ηi (i = 1, 2) are chosen as the same before. Table 2.3 lists the maximum value of sampling period h max and the corresponding Tomin f f for various σ . According to the calculation results shown in Table 2.3, we can see that for the known DoS attacks , the values of h max and Tomin f f are decreasing with increasing of the triggering parameter σ .

2.5 Conclusion In this chapter, the event-based resilient controller synthesis problem has been addressed for a linear NCS subject to periodic DoS attacks . A new periodic RETCS has been designed under the assumption that the jammer is partially known. A novel event-based switched system model has been built reflecting the effects of the proposed RECTS and periodic DoS attacks simultaneously. The exponential stability

2.5 Conclusion


criteria of the resulting switched system under periodic DoS jamming attacks have been derived in the form of LMIs by using the PLF method. The joint-design strategy has also been given to get the resilient triggering parameter and the corresponding event-based controller gain. Finally, the efficiency of the proposed event-based resilient control scheme has been explained by a real example. There are several possible avenues for future research. It is interesting to extend the current method to deal with observer-based ETC and fault detection/filter problems subjects to nonperiodic DoS jamming attacks. Another consideration is to extend the proposed method to multi-agent systems, nonlinear systems, and smart grid by referring to [13–20] .

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2 Resilient Event-Triggered Controller Synthesis …

17. L. An, G.H. Yang, Decentralized adaptive fuzzy secure control for nonlinear uncertain interconnected systems against intermittent dos attacks. IEEE Trans. Cybern. 49(3), 827–838 (2019) 18. M. Wang, J. Qiu, M. Chadli, M. Wang, A switched system approach to exponential stabilization of sampled-data T-S fuzzy systems with packet dropouts. IEEE Trans. Cybern. 46(12), 3145– 3156 (2016) 19. L. Zhang, X. Yin, Z. Ning, D. Ye, Robust filtering for a class of networked nonlinear systems with switching communication channels. IEEE Trans. Cybern. 47(3), 671–682 (2017) 20. C. Zhang, J. Hu, J. Qiu, Q. Chen, Reliable output feedback control for T-S fuzzy systems with decentralized event triggering communication and actuator failures. IEEE Trans. Cybern. 47(9), 2592–2602 (2017)

Chapter 3

Observer-Based Event-Triggered Control for NCSs Subject to Periodic DoS Attacks

This chapter is concerned with observer-based event-triggered control for a continuous networked linear system subjects to denial-of-service (DoS) attacks , where the attacks are launched periodically to block the data transmission in control channels. First, a new observer state-based resilient event-triggering scheme is developed in the presence of DoS attacks. Second, a novel event-based switched system model is established by considering the effect of the event-triggering scheme and DoS attacks simultaneously. By virtue of this new model combined with a piecewise Lyapunov– Krasovskii functional method, sufficient conditions are derived to guarantee exponential stability of the resultant switched system. It is shown that the proposed results can establish a quantitative relationship among the launching/sleeping periods of the attacks, the event-triggering parameters, the sampling period, and the exponential decay rate. Third, criteria for designing a desired observer-based event-triggered controller are provided and expressed in terms of a set of linear matrix inequalities. Finally, an offshore structure model is presented to illustrate the efficiency of the developed control method [1]. This chapter is organized as follows. In Sect. 3.1, a unified event-triggered NCS model under the periodic DoS attacks is proposed. In Sect. 3.2, exponential stability of the closed-loop system is analyzed. Furthermore, triggering matrix, controller gain matrix, and observer gain matrices are obtained by solving a set of LMIs. In Sect. 3.3, the effectiveness of the proposed control strategy is demonstrated by a practical example. The conclusions are drawn in Sect. 3.4.

3.1 Problem Formulation As shown in Fig. 3.1, the NCS configuration under consideration consists of a physical plant, a smart sensor, an event generator, a controller, and an actuator. The signal transmission from sensor to controller, and controller to actuator is implemented via © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021 D. Yue et al., Secure Control of Networked Control Systems and Its Applications,



3 Observer-Based Event-Triggered Control for NCSs Subject to Periodic DoS Attacks

Fig. 3.1 The block diagram of an event-triggered NCS under DoS attacks

a digital channel, which can be compromised by certain DoS jamming signals. In the following, we will describe each component in detail.

3.1.1 System Description The dynamics of the physical plant shown in Fig. 3.1 is given by ⎧ ⎨ x˙ (t) = Ax (t) + Bu (t) y (t) = C x (t) ⎩ x (0) = x0


where x (t) ∈ Rn x is the state vector, u (t) ∈ Rm is the control input, and y (t) ∈ Rq is the output vector, n x , m, and q ∈ N, N represents the set of nonnegative integers. A, B and C are constant matrices of appropriate dimensions. x0 is the initial condition. Throughout the chapter, it is assumed that (i) the state vector x(t) is unmeasurable; (ii) the pairs (A, B) and (A, C) are controllable and observable, respectively, and (iii) the matrix C is of full row rank. Here, we consider the same attack model as in Chap. 2 (see Eq. 2.3). For ease of description, we still give the DoS attack model as follows: ⎧   ⎨ 0, t ∈ nT, nT + T min of f   I DoS (t) = ⎩ 1, t ∈ nT + T min , (n + 1) T of f


where n ∈ N is the period number, T > 0 is action period of the jammer, Tomin ff   0 < Tomin < T denotes the sleeping period of the jammer in the nth period. Moreff   denote the intervals over which the jamming sigover, the sets ∪ nT, nT + Tomin ff n∈N   nal is off and communication is allowed, while the sets ∪ nT + Tomin , + 1) T (n ff n∈N

3.1 Problem Formulation


denote the intervals over which the jamming signal is active and communication is denied, and thus no data can be transmitted in thesetime intervals. In the following, for    min , + 1) T . notational simplicity, let L1,n  nT, nT + To f f , L2,n  nT + Tomin (n ff Remark 3.1 It should be pointed out that the parameter Tomin f f in (3.2) needs not to be time-invariant, and thus we assume that there exists a uniform lower bound for the sleeping period Tomin f f as in [2]. Throughout the chapter, for simplicity, we use the to denote the uniform lower bound of the sleeping period in every parameter Tomin ff active period T .

3.1.2 Smart Sensor Model The smart sensor has great computational power and can pre-process measurement output y (t) to get the state estimate xˆ (t) based on the following switched full-order state observer despite the presence of the DoS jamming attacks (3.2): ⎧ ⎧

A xˆ (t) + Bu (t) + L 1 y (t) − yˆ (t) , ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ ⎪ ⎪ t ∈ L1,n , n ∈ N ⎨˙

x(t) ˆ = A xˆ (t) + Bu (t) + L 2 y (t) − yˆ (t) , ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ ⎪ ⎪ t ∈ L2,n , n ∈ N ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ yˆ (t) = C xˆ (t) , xˆ (0) = xˆ0


where xˆ (t) ∈ Rn is the observer state, yˆ (t) ∈ Rq is the observer output, L 1 and L 2 ∈ Rn×q are observer gains to be designed later, xˆ0 is the initial condition of the observer. Remark 3.2 Note that in (3.3), two different observer gain matrices are introduced corresponding to the “sleeping mode” and “activated state” of the DoS jamming attacks (3.2), respectively. By doing so, the observer can adapt the duty cycle of DoS jamming attacks. Moreover, it can be inferred that as Tomin f f → T , the switched ˙ˆ = A xˆ (t) + state observer (3.3) reduces

to the traditional Luenberger observer x(t) Bu (t) + L 1 y (t) − yˆ (t) . Therefore, the traditional Luenberger observer can be regarded as a special case of the observer (3.3).

3.1.3 Design of Resilient Triggering Scheme and Observer In this chapter, inspired by sampled-data-based event-triggered schemes [3, 4] and PETC schemes [5], we will propose a resilient triggering scheme. In doing so, we select the condition


3 Observer-Based Event-Triggered Control for NCSs Subject to Periodic DoS Attacks

ekTj tk j h Ωek j tk j h > εxˆ T (tk h) Ω xˆ (tk h)


where ek j tk j h = xˆ tk j h − xˆ (tk h), ε ∈ (0, 1) is a design parameter, tk j h  tk h + j h denotes the sampling instant between two consecutive triggering instant, tk h is the latest event-triggering instant, and Ω is a positive definite weighting matrix to be designed later. Then in the presence of the periodic DoS jamming attacks (3.2), the triggering instant when the event generator transmits the estimate xˆ (t) to the controller is determined by the following resilient triggering condition described by 

tk,n h = tk j h satisfying (3.4) | tk j h ∈ L¯ 1,n ∪ {nT }


where n, k j , j ∈ N, k is the number of triggering times occurring in nth jammer action 

period. The parameter h > 0 denotes the sampling period. t1,n h = (n − 1) T ,0 <    ¯ 2,n  (n − 1) T + T min , nT . , L h < T . L¯ 1,n  (n − 1) T, (n − 1) T + Tomin ff of f In what follows, inspired by the Remark 3.1 in [6], under the DoS jamming attacks, the observer-based ETC u (t) can be written as  u (t) =

K xˆ tk,n h , t ∈ tk,n h, tk+1,n h ∩ L¯ 1,n 0, t ∈ L¯ 2,n , n ∈ N


where K is the control gain matrix, the sequence tk,n h can be iteratively determined 

by the above event-triggering condition (3.5), k ∈ {1, . . . , k(n)} = K (n) with 

k (n) = sup k ∈ N | tk,n h ≤ (n − 1) T + Tomin ff which implies that tk(n)+1,n h > (n − 1) T + Tomin ff . Remark 3.3 Notice that the zero-input strategy is employed when the DoS attacks are active. In doing so, the actuator does not work during the jamming period, which in turn reduces the energy consumption at the actuator side. In fact, the zero-input strategy has been widely used in the literature, see, e.g., [7–10]. However, these results do not consider the effects of the DoS attacks. In particular, when Tomin ff → T, it implies that the jamming signal has all but disappeared and the communication can be maintained continuously. This case has been extensively studied in the context of an event-triggered control framework, see [4] and the references therein.

3.1.4 Modeling of Observer-Based Switched Control Systems In the sequel, for simplicity of exposition, for n ∈ N, define  Υk,n = tk,n h, tk+1,n h , k ∈ K (n). Substituting (3.6) into (3.1) yields

3.1 Problem Formulation


 x˙ (t) =

Ax (t) + B K xˆ tk,n h , t ∈ Υk,n ∩ L¯ 1,n Ax (t) , t ∈ L¯ 2,n


For technical analysis, we divide the event intervals Υk,n shown in (3.7) into sampling interval-like subintervals, that is, γk,n tk,n h + (l − 1) h, tk,n h + lh Υk,n = ∪l=1

  where k ∈ K (n), n ∈ N, and γk,n = inf l ∈ N | tk,n h + lh ≥ tk+1,n h . Let ⎧ l ⎨ Fk,n = tk,n h + (l − 1) h, tk,n h + lh , l ∈ 1, 2, . . . , γk,n − 1 ⎩ γk,n Fk,n = tk,n h + γk,n − 1 h, tk+1,n h . Note that

 k(n) ¯ L¯ 1,n = ∪k(n) k=1 Υk,n ∩ L1,n ⊆ ∪k=1 Υk,n .




Combining (3.8) (3.9) and (3.10), the interval L¯ 1,n can be rewritten as  γk,n l ¯ L¯ 1,n = ∪k(n) k=1 ∪l=1 Fk,n ∩ L1,n . Set


l l = Fk,n ∩ L¯ 1,n . Ψk,n

γk,n l L¯ 1,n = ∪k(n) k=1 ∪l=1 Ψk,n .

Now, for k ∈ K (n), n ∈ N, we define two piecewise functions as follows:


⎧ 1 ⎪ ⎪ t − tk,n h, t ∈ Ψk,n 2 ⎪ ⎨ t − tk,n h − h, t ∈ Ψk,n τk,n (t) = . .. ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ γ t − tk,n h − γk,n − 1 h, t ∈ Ψk,nk,n


⎧ 1 ⎪ ⎪ 0, t ∈ Ψ k,n ⎪ 2 ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ xˆ tk,n h − xˆ tk,n h + h , t ∈ Ψk,n . ek,n (t) = .. ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ xˆ tk,n h − xˆ tk,n h + γk,n − 1 h . ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ γ t ∈ Ψk,nk,n


Based on the above two definitions, it can be seen that


3 Observer-Based Event-Triggered Control for NCSs Subject to Periodic DoS Attacks

xˆ tk,n h = xˆ t − τk,n (t) + ek,n (t)


where τk,n (t) ∈ [0, h), t ∈ Υk,n ∩ L¯ 1,n , k ∈ K (n). Then, the system (3.7) can be described as ⎧ ⎨ Ax (t) + B K xˆ t − τk,n (t) x˙ (t) = +B K ek,n (t) , t ∈ Υk,n ∩ L¯ 1,n ⎩ Ax (t) , t ∈ L¯ 2,n ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ x (t) = φ1 (t) , t ∈ [−h, 0] ⎧ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨


where φ1 (t) is the supplemented initial condition of the state x (t) on [−h, 0], and the error vector ek,n (t) satisfies

T T ek,n (t) Ωek,n (t) ≤ ε xˆ t − τk,n (t) + ek,n (t)

Ω xˆ t − τk,n (t) + ek,n (t) .


Substituting (3.6), (3.13) into system (3.3), the observer system under the DoS attack can be rewritten as: ⎧ ⎧ ⎨ A xˆ (t) + B K xˆ t − τk,n (t) + B K ek,n (t) ⎪ ⎪ ⎨˙ x(t) ˆ = +L 1 C x (t) − xˆ (t) , t ∈ Υ k,n ∩ L¯ 1,n (3.16) ⎩ A xˆ (t) + L 2 C x (t) − xˆ (t) , t ∈ L¯ 2,n ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ xˆ (t) = φ2 (t) , t ∈ [−h, 0] where φ2 (t) is the supplemented initial condition of the state xˆ (t) on [−h, 0]. Define x˜ (t) = x (t) − xˆ (t), then x˙˜ (t) =

(A − L 1 C) x˜ (t) , t ∈ Υk,n ∩ L¯ 1,n (A − L 2 C) x˜ (t) , t ∈ L¯ 2,n


Define ξ T (t) = xˆ T (t) , x˜ T (t) . We have the following switched system ⎧ ⎧ ⎨ A1 ξ (t) + B1 Gξ t − τk,n (t) ⎪ ⎪ ⎨˙ ξ (t) = +B1 ek,n (t) , t ∈ Υk,n ∩ L¯ 1,n , k ∈ K (n) ⎩ A2 ξ (t) , t ∈ L¯ 2,n , n ∈ N ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ ξ (t) = φ (t) , t ∈ [−h, 0]


     A L 1C BK A L 2C where A1 = , B1 = , φ (t) = φt = , A2 = 0 A − L 1C 0 A − L 2C 0  

φ1 (t) ,G= I 0 . φ1 (t) − φ2 (t) 

3.1 Problem Formulation


3.1.5 Control Objective Throughout the chapter, we shall use the following definition of global exponential stability for the switched system (3.18). Definition 3.1 The switched system (3.18) is said to be globally exponentially stable (GES), if there exists a scalar κ > 0 such that the solution ξ (t) of the system (3.18) satisfies ξ (t) ≤ κe−ρt φ0 h , t ≥ 0, where φt h  sup { x (t + θ) , x˙ (t + θ) } −h≤θ≤0

and ρ is called the decay rate.

The control objective of this chapter is to jointly design the observer and eventtriggering scheme such that, for all possible periodic jamming attacks I DoS (t) (3.2), are known where the sequence {nT }n∈N and parameters T and Tomin ff   min To f f ≤ T < +∞ , the switched system (3.18) is GES.

3.2 Stability Analysis The following lemma estimates the upper bounds of the chosen Lyapunov functional candidate in the absence of DoS attacks and in the presence of DoS attacks , respectively. Note that these estimations will later be used to characterize the properties of DoS attacks that guarantee the GES of the resultant switched system (3.18). Lemma 3.1 Given the feedback gain K and a jamming signal I DoS (t) (3.2), where  min the sequence {nT }n∈N and parameters T and Tomin are known T ≤ T < +∞ . ff of f For (3.18), if for some prescribed constants αi ∈ (0, +∞), ε ∈ (0, 1), h ∈  the system  0, Tomin , there exist symmetric positive definite matrices Pi , Q i , Ri , and matrices ff Ui (i = 1, 2) of appropriate dimensions such that the following matrix inequalities hold: (3.19) Π1 < 0, 1 > 0 Π2 < 0, 2 > 0 where    ∗ Σ1 R˜ 1 ∗ , 1 = h R1 G F1 −R1 U1 R˜ 1     ∗ Σ2 R˜ 2 ∗ , 2 = h R2 G F2 −R2 U2 R˜ 2     U11 U12 −2α1 h R1 ∗ , U1 = e U13 U14 0 3R1     R2 ∗ U21 U22 , U2 = 0 3R2 U23 U24  Π1 = Π2 = R˜ 1 = R˜ 2 =



3 Observer-Based Event-Triggered Control for NCSs Subject to Periodic DoS Attacks

Σ111 ⎢ Σ 21 ⎢ 131 ⎢Σ 1 Σ1 = ⎢ ⎢ Σ 41 ⎢ 151 ⎣ Σ1 Σ161 ⎡ 11 Σ2 ⎢ Σ 21 ⎢ 231 Σ2 = ⎢ ⎢ Σ241 ⎣ Σ2 Σ251

⎤ ∗ ∗ ⎥ ⎥ ∗ ⎥ ⎥ ∗ ⎥ ⎥ ∗ ⎦ Σ166 ⎤

∗ Σ122 Σ132 Σ142 Σ152 Σ162

∗ ∗ Σ133 Σ143 Σ153 0

∗ ∗ ∗ Σ144 Σ154 0

∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ Σ155 0

∗ Σ222 Σ232 Σ242 Σ252

∗ ∗ Σ233 Σ243 Σ253

∗ ∗ ∗ Σ244 Σ254

∗ ∗ ⎥ ⎥ ∗ ⎥ ⎥ ∗ ⎦ Σ255

Σ111 = 2α1 P1 + H e(P1 A1 ) Σ121 Σ122

+G T Q 1 G − 4e−2α1 h G T R1 G = B1T P1 − 2e−2α1 h R1 G − U11 G −U12 G − U13 G − U14 G = εΩ − 8e−2α1 h R1 + H e (U11 − U12 ) +H e (U13 − U14 )

Σ131 = U11 G + U12 G − U13 G − U14 G Σ132 = −2e−2α1 h R1 − U11 + U12 + U13 − U14 Σ133 = −e−2α1 h Q 1 − 4e−2α1 h R1 , Σ141 = 6e−2α1 h R1 G T T Σ142 = 6e−2α1 h R1 + 2U12 + 2U14 T T Σ143 = −2U12 + 2U14 , Σ144 = −12e−2α1 h R1 Σ151 = 2U13 G + 2U14 G, Σ153 = 6e−2α1 h R1

Σ152 = 6e−2α1 h R1 − 2U13 + 2U14 Σ154 = −4U14 , Σ155 = −12e−2α1 h R1 Σ161 = B1T P1 , Σ162 = εΩ, Σ166 = (ε − 1) Ω

F1 = A1 B1 0 0 0 B1 Σ211 = −2α2 P2 + H e(P2 A2 ) + G T Q 2 G − 4G T R2 G Σ221 = −2R2 G − U21 G − U22 G − U23 G − U24 G Σ222 = −8R2 + H e (U21 − U22 + U23 − U24 ) Σ231 = U21 G + U22 G − U23 G − U24 G Σ232 = −2R2 − U21 + U22 + U23 − U24 Σ233 = −e2α2 h Q 2 − 4R2 , Σ241 = 6R2 G T T Σ242 = 6R2 + 2U22 + 2U24 , Σ244 = −12R2 T T Σ243 = −2U22 + 2U24 , Σ253 = 6R2 , Σ254 = −4U24 Σ251 = 2U23 G + 2U24 G, Σ252 = 6R2 − 2 (U23 − U24 )

Σ255 = −12R2 , F2 = A2 0 0 0 0

3.2 Stability Analysis


Then along the trajectory of the system (3.18), it follows that:  ¯ ρ1 (nT  ) V (nT ), t ∈  L1,n  V (t) ≤ min ¯ ρ2 nT + To f f V nT + Tomin f f , t ∈ L2,n


where ρ1 (s) = e−2α1 (t−s) , ρ2 (s) = e2α2 (t−s) . Proof Construct the following piecewise Lyapunov functional for system (3.18):  V (t) =

V1 (t) , t ∈ Υk,n ∩ L¯ 1,n , k ∈ K (n) V2 (t) , t ∈ L¯ 2,n , n ∈ N


where V1 (t) = ξ T (t) P1 ξ (t)  t + ξ T (s) ρ1 (s) G T Q 1 Gξ (s) ds +h

t−h  0



ξ˙T (s) ρ1 (s) G T R1 G ξ˙ (s) dsdθ


and V2 (t) = ξ T (t) P2 ξ (t)  t + ξ T (s) ρ2 (s) G T Q 2 Gξ (s) ds +h

t−h  0 −h


ξ˙T (s) ρ2 (s) G T R2 G ξ˙ (s) dsdθ.


where P1 ∈ R2n×2n , Q 1 ∈ Rn×n , R1 ∈ Rn×n , P2 ∈ R2n×2n , Q 2 ∈ Rn×n , R2 ∈ Rn×n , Ω ∈ Rn×n are symmetric positive definite matrices. We now consider the following two cases: Case A: ∀t ∈ Υk,n ∩ L¯ 1,n , ∀k ∈ K (n), n ∈ N, taking the derivative of V (t) with respect to t along the system (3.18) yields V˙ (t) ≤ −2α1 V (t) + 2α1 ξ T (t) P1 ξ (t) + ξ T (t) P1 ξ˙ (t) +ξ˙T (t) P1 ξ (t) + ξ T (t) G T Q 1 Gξ (t) −ξ T (t − h) e−2α1 h G T Q 1 Gξ (t − h) +h 2 ξ˙T (t) G T R1 G ξ˙ (t)  t −h ξ˙T (s) e−2α1 h G T R1 G ξ˙ (s) ds t−h

Note that



3 Observer-Based Event-Triggered Control for NCSs Subject to Periodic DoS Attacks


t−h t

−h = −h  −h

ξ˙T (s) G T R1 G ξ˙ (s) ds

t−τk,n (t)

ξ˙T (s) G T R1 G ξ˙ (s) ds

t−τk,n (t)

ξ˙T (s) G T R1 G ξ˙ (s) ds.



Using the inequality in [11], we obtain t ⎧ −2α1 h T ˙T −h G R1 G ξ˙ (s) ds ⎪ t−τk,n (t) ξ (s) e ⎪ ⎪ h ⎨ T ˜ ≤− Λ R1 Λ1  t−τk,n (t) T τk,n (t)−2α1 h T ˙ ⎪ −h t−h ξ (s) e 1 G R1 G ξ˙ (s) ds ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ ≤ − h−τhk,n (t) Λ2T R˜ 1 Λ2


T T T υ12 , υ11 = ξ (t) − ξ t − τk,n (t) , υ12 = ξ (t) + where Λ1 = diag {G, G} υ11 t T T T ξ(s) υ22 , ξ t − τk,n (t) − 2δ1 (t), δ1 (t) = t−τk,n (t) τk,n ds, Λ2 = diag {G, G} υ21 (t) υ21 = ξ t − τk,n (t) − ξ (t − h), υ22 = ξ t − τk,n (t) + ξ (t − h) − 2δ2 (t), δ2  t−τ (t) ds. (t) = t−h k,n h−τξ(s) k,n (t) Using (3.24) and (3.25) to deal with integral terms in (3.23) by Lemma 3 in [12], we have  t −h (3.26) ξ˙T (s) e−2α1 h G T R1 G ξ˙ (s) ds ≤ −Λ3T 1 Λ3 t−h

T T T T T υ12 υ21 υ22 . where Λ3 = diag {G, G, G, G} υ11 T Substituting (3.26) into (3.23), adding the terms ek,n (t) Ωek,n (t) T −ek,n (t) Ωek,n (t) to the right hand side of (3.23), and using the event-triggering T condition (3.15) to bound the term ek,n (t) Ωek,n (t), we have V˙ (t) ≤ −2α1 V (t)

+η1T (t) Σ1 + h 2 F1T G T R1 G F1 η1 (t)


where η1T (t) = ξ T (t) ξ T t − τk,n (t) G T ξ T (t − h) G T

T δ1T (t) G T δ2T (t) G T ek,n (t) . Taking the Schur complement of the matrix Π1 < 0 in (3.19), we obtain that Σ1 + h 2 F1T G T R1 G F1 < 0, which implies that V˙ (t) ≤ −2α1 V (t) .


3.2 Stability Analysis


Due to the arbitrary of k, it follows that ∀t ∈ L¯ 1,n , V (t) ≤ e−2α1 (t−nT ) V (nT ) .


Case B: Following the similar arguments as the ones in the proof of Case A, the differential of V (t) with respect to t ∈ L¯ 2,n along the trajectory of system (3.18) yields V˙ (t) ≤ 2α2 V (t)

+η2T (t) Σ2 + h 2 F2T G T R2 G F2 η2 (t)


where η2T (t) = ξ T (t) ξ T t − τk,n (t) G T

ξ T (t − h) G T δ1T (t) G T δ2T (t) G T .

According to the condition Π2 < 0 in (3.20), we obtain that Σ2 + h 2 F2T G T R2 G F2 < 0, which implies that ∀t ∈ L¯ 2,n , V (t) ≤ e

  2α2 t−nT −Tomin ff

V nT + Tomin ff .


From the analysis above of Cases A and B, the conditions (3.19) and (3.20) guarantee the inequality (3.21) is satisfied. The proof is thus completed. Based on the Lemma 3.1, we now state and establish the following stability analysis result. Theorem 3.1 Given the feedback gain K and a jamming signal  I DoS (t) (3.2), and  min the sequence {nT }n∈N and parameters T and To f f are known Tomin f f ≤ T < +∞ . For the system (3.18), if for some prescribed constants αi ∈ (0, +∞), μi ∈ (0, +∞)   min (i = 1, 2, μ1 μ2 ≥ 1), ε ∈ (0, 1), h ∈ 0, To f f satisfying Tomin ff >

2α2 T + 2 (α1 + α2 ) h + ln (μ1 μ2 ) , 2 (α1 + α2 )


there exist symmetric positive definite matrices Pi ∈ R2n×2n , Q i ∈ Rn×n , Ri ∈ Rn×n , Ω ∈ Rn×n and matrices Ui (i = 1, 2) of appropriate dimensions such that the LMIs (3.19), (3.20) and the conditions below are satisfied: P1 ≤ μ2 P2


e−2(α1 +α2 )h P2 ≤ μ1 P1


Q 1 ≤ μ2 Q 2



3 Observer-Based Event-Triggered Control for NCSs Subject to Periodic DoS Attacks

R1 ≤ μ2 R2


Q 2 ≤ μ1 Q 1


R2 ≤ μ1 R1


then the switched system (3.18) under the periodic DoS  jammingattacks (3.2) is GES  λ  min − 2 (α1 + α2 ) h − with the decay rate ρ = 2T , λ = 2α1 To f f − 2α2 T − Tomin ff ln (μ1 μ2 ). Proof Choose a piecewise Lyapunov functional V (t) as Lemma 3.1. According to (3.33)–(3.38), it follows from Lemma 3.1 that V1 (nT ) = ξ T (nT ) P1 ξ (nT )  nT + ξ T (s) e−2α1 (nT −s) G T Q 1 Gξ (s) ds +h

nT −h  0  nT −h

nT +θ

ξ˙T (s) e−2α1 (nT −s) G T

×R1 G ξ˙ (s) dsdθ ≤ μ2 V2 nT − . Similarly,


  2(α1 +α2 )h min − nT + T . e V ≤ μ V2 nT + Tomin 1 1 ff of f


In the sequel, using (3.39), (3.40), and (3.21), by induction, when t ∈ nT, nT + Tomin f f , one has V1 (t) ≤ (μ1 μ2 )n e−2nα1 To f f



T −T min

of f ×e 2 2n(α1 +α2 )h ×e V1 (0)

= e−λn V1 (0)   min − V1 nT + Tomin ≤ (μ1 μ2 )n e−2nα1 To f f ff  2nα

T −T min

of f ×e 2 2n(α1 +α2 )h ×e

×e−2α1 To f f V1 (0) . min

Note that nT ≤ t ≤ nT + Tomin f f =⇒

t − Tomin ff T

0 ⇔ ρ > 0, one has J < J∗ 

α1 2h (α1 + α2 ) + ln (μ1 μ2 ) . − α1 + α2 2T (α1 + α2 )


Remark 3.7 According to expressions (3.50) and (3.51 ), the following three conclusions can be drawn: (i) For given scalars αi ∈ (0, +∞), μi ∈ (0, +∞) (i = 1, 2), T ∈ (0, +∞), and h ∈ (0, T ), the exponential decay rate ρ is a linear monotonic decreasing func1 μ2 ) , tion of the MAJA. That is, ρ = ρ (J ) = − (α1 + α2 ) J + α1 − 2(α1 +α2 )h+ln(μ 2T which implies that the larger the J , the smaller the ρ, that is to say, the worse the stability performance.

3.2 Stability Analysis


(ii) For given scalars αi ∈ (0, +∞), μi ∈ (0, +∞) (i = 1, 2), T ∈ (0, +∞) and J , the exponential decay rate ρ is a linear monotonic decreasing function of the sampling period h. This relation can be explicitly expressed as ρ = ρ (h) = 2) h + α1 − ln(μ2T1 μ2 ) − (α1 + α2 ) J , from which one can see that a larger − (α1 +α T h results in a smaller ρ, and the vice versa. So in order to improve the stability performance, one can reduce the sampling period value. (iii) For given scalars αi ∈ (0, +∞), μi ∈ (0, +∞) (i = 1, 2), and T ∈ (0, +∞), the upper bound of the MAJA denoted by J ∗ is a linear monotonic decreasing function of the sampling period h, which is expressed as J ∗ = J ∗ (h) = − T1 h + α1 1 μ2 ) − 2Tln(μ , which implies that one can improve the tolerance of the α1 +α2 (α1 +α2 ) event-triggered control systems against the DoS jamming attacks by decreasing the sampling period.

3.3 Co-design of Controller and Observer By Theorem 3.1, we now provide the following theorem for the co-design of the observer gains L 1 , L 2 , the controller gain K , and the weighting matrix Ω defining the resilient event-triggering scheme. Theorem 3.2 Consider the jamming signal I DoS (t) (3.2), in which the sequence min {nT }n∈N and the parameters T and Tomin f f are known and To f f ≤ T < +∞. For the  system  (3.18), if for given scalars αi ∈ (0, +∞), μi ∈ (0, +∞), ε ∈ (0, 1), h ∈ min 0, To f f satisfying (3.32), κi and i ∈ (0, +∞), there exist symmetric positive definite matrices X i ∈ R2n×2n , Q¯ i ∈ Rn×n , R¯ i ∈ Rn×n , Ω¯ ∈ Rn×n , and matrices U¯ i (i = 1, 2) of appropriate dimensions such that


¯1 > 0 Π¯ 1 < 0,


¯2 > 0 Π¯ 2 < 0,


−μ2 X 2 ∗ X 2 −X 1


−μ1 e2(α1 +α2 )h X 1 ∗ −X 2 X1


∗ −μ2 Q¯ 2 X 21 12 Q¯ 1 − 21 X 11


∗ −μ2 R¯ 2 2 ¯ X 21 κ1 R1 − 2κ1 X 11







3 Observer-Based Event-Triggered Control for NCSs Subject to Periodic DoS Attacks

∗ −μ1 Q¯ 1 X 11 22 Q¯ 2 − 22 X 21

∗ −μ1 R¯ 1 X 11 κ22 R¯ 2 − 2κ2 X 21



where    ∗ Σ¯ 1 R¯˜ 1 ∗ ¯ , 1 = h F¯1 κ12 R¯ 1 − 2κ1 X 11 U¯ 1 R¯˜ 1 ⎡ 11 ⎤ Σ¯ 1 ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ⎢ Σ¯ 121 Σ¯ 122 ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ⎥ ⎢ 31 ⎥ ⎢ Σ¯ ⎥ ¯ 33 ⎢ 141 0 Σ143 ∗44 ∗ ∗ ∗ ⎥ ¯ 1 0 Σ¯ 1 Σ¯ 1 ∗ ∗ ∗ ⎥ =⎢ Σ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ Σ¯ 51 0 Σ¯ 53 Σ¯ 54 Σ¯ 55 ∗ ∗ ⎥ 1 1 1 ⎢ 1 ⎥ ⎣ Σ¯ 61 0 Σ¯ 63 Σ¯ 64 Σ¯ 65 Σ¯ 66 ∗ ⎦ 1 1 1 1 1 Σ¯ 171 0 Σ¯ 173 0 0 0 Σ¯ 177     ¯˜ ∗ ∗ Σ¯ 2 R 2 ¯2 = , = h F¯2 κ22 R¯ 2 − 2κ2 X 21 U¯ 2 R˜¯ 2     ¯ ¯ R¯ 1 ∗ ¯ 1 = U11 U12 , U = e−2α1 h 0 3 R¯ 1 U¯ 13 U¯ 14     R¯ 2 ∗ U¯ 21 U¯ 22 ¯ , U2 = ¯ ¯ = 0 3 R¯ 2 U23 U24 = 2α1 X 11 + H e (AX 11 ) + Q¯ 1 − 4e−2α1 h R¯ 1

Π¯ 1 =

Σ¯ 1

Π¯ 2 R¯˜ 1 R¯˜ 2

Σ¯ 111 Σ¯ 121 = C T T1T , Σ¯ 122 = 2α1 X 12 + H e (AX 12 − T1 C) Σ¯ 131 = Y T B T − 2e−2α1 h R¯ 1 − U¯ 11 − U¯ 12 − U¯ 13 − U¯ 14 Σ¯ 133 = εΩ¯ − 8e−2α1 h R¯ 1 + H e U¯ 11 − U¯ 12 + U¯ 13 − U¯ 14 Σ¯ 141 = U¯ 11 + U¯ 12 − U¯ 13 − U¯ 14 Σ¯ 143 Σ¯ 144 Σ¯ 153 Σ¯ 154


= −2e−2α1 h R¯ 1 − U¯ 11 + U¯ 12 + U¯ 13 − U¯ 14 = −e−2α1 h Q¯ 1 − 4e−2α1 h R¯ 1 , Σ¯ 151 = 6e−2α1 h R¯ 1 T T = 6e−2α1 h R¯ 1 + 2U¯ 12 + 2U¯ 14 T T = −2U¯ 12 + 2U¯ 14 , Σ¯ 155 = −12e−2α1 h R¯ 1

Σ¯ 161 = 2U¯ 13 + 2U¯ 14 , Σ¯ 163 = 6e−2α1 h R¯ 1 − 2U¯ 13 + 2U¯ 14 Σ¯ 164 = 6e−2α1 h R¯ 1 , Σ¯ 165 = −4U¯ 14 , Σ¯ 166 = −12e−2α1 h R¯ 1 ¯ Σ¯ 177 = (ε − 1) Ω¯ Σ¯ 171 = Y T B T , Σ¯ 173 = εΩ,

F¯1 = AX 11 T1 C BY 0 0 0 BY


3.3 Co-design of Controller and Observer

Σ¯ 211 ⎢ Σ¯ 221 ⎢ 31 ⎢ Σ¯ 2 Σ¯ 2 = ⎢ ⎢ Σ¯ 41 ⎢ 2 ⎣ Σ¯ 51 2 Σ¯ 261

∗ Σ¯ 222 0 0 0 0

∗ ∗ Σ¯ 233 Σ¯ 243 Σ¯ 253 Σ¯ 263


∗ ∗ ∗ Σ¯ 244 Σ¯ 254 Σ¯ 264

∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ Σ¯ 255 Σ¯ 265

⎤ ∗ ∗ ⎥ ⎥ ∗ ⎥ ⎥ ∗ ⎥ ⎥ ∗ ⎦ Σ¯ 266

Σ¯ 211 = −2α2 X 21 + H e(AX 21 ) + Q¯ 2 − 4 R¯ 2 Σ¯ 221 = C T T2T , Σ¯ 222 = −2α2 X 22 + H e(AX 22 − T2 C) Σ¯ 231 = −2 R¯ 2 − U¯ 21 − U¯ 22 − U¯ 23 − U¯ 24 Σ¯ 233 = −8 R¯ 2 + H e U¯ 21 − U¯ 22 + U¯ 23 − U¯ 24 Σ¯ 241 = U¯ 21 + U¯ 22 − U¯ 23 − U¯ 24 Σ¯ 243 = −2 R¯ 2 − U¯ 21 + U¯ 22 + U¯ 23 − U¯ 24 Σ¯ 244 = −e2α2 h Q¯ 2 − 4 R¯ 2 Σ¯ 261 = 2U¯ 23 + 2U¯ 24 , Σ¯ 263 = 6 R¯ 2 − 2U¯ 23 + 2U¯ 24 Σ¯ 264 = 6 R¯ 2 , Σ¯ 265 = −4U¯ 24 , Σ¯ 266 = −12 R¯ 2

F¯2 = AX 21 T2 C 0 0 0 0 then the switched system (3.18) with −1 −1 −1 , L 2 = T2 X¯ 22 , K = Y X 11 L 1 = T1 X¯ 12

is GES in the presence of the periodic DoS jamming attacks (3.2).     P11 ∗ P21 ∗ −1 −1 , P2 = and define X 11 = P11 Proof Set P1 = , X 12 = P12 , 0 P12 0 P22 −1 −1 X 21 = P21 , X 22 = P22 , X 11 Q 1 X 11 = Q¯ 1 , X 11 R1 X 11 = R¯ 1 , X 21 Q 2 X 21 = Q¯ 2 , X 21 ¯ X 11 U11 X 11 = U¯ 11 , X 11 U12 X 11 = U¯ 12 , X 11 U13 X 11 = R2 X 21 = R¯ 2 , X 11 Ω X 11 = Ω, ¯ ¯ U13 , X 11 U14 X 11 = U14 , X 21 U21 X 21 = U¯ 21 , X 21 U22 X 21 = U¯ 22 , X 21 U23 X 21 = U¯ 23 , ¯ ¯ ¯ X 21U24 X 21 = U 24 , and Y = K X 11 , T1 =  L 1 X 12 , T2 = L 2 X 22 . For X 12 = ∗ X X 121 ∗ 221 W T , X 22 = W W T . On the basis of Lemma 2 in [13], W 0 X 122 0 X 222 there exist X¯ 12 = O S X 121 S −1 O T , X¯ 22 = O S X 221 S −1 O T such that C X 12 = X¯12 C and C X 22 = X¯ 22 C. Define J1 = diag X 11 , X 12 , X 11 , X 11 , X 11 , X 11 , X 11 , R1−1 , J2 

= diag X 21 , X 22 , X 21 , X 21 , X 21 , X 21 , R2−1 . Then pre- and post-multiply J1 and its transpose on both sides of (3.19), pre- and post-multiply J2 and its transpose on both pre and post-multiply (3.33) and (3.34) by  sides of (3.20). Furthermore,  X 21 ∗ X 11 ∗ and X 1 = , respectively, and using the Schur comX2 = 0 X 22 0 X 12 plement one can obtain (3.54) and (3.55). Utilizing the similar technique, preand post-multiplying (3.35)–(3.36) by X 21 and (3.37)–(3.38) by X 11 , respectively, and applying the inequalities −X 11 R¯ 1−1 X 11 ≤ κ12 R¯ 1 − 2κ1 X 11 , −X 21 R¯ 2−1 X 21 ≤ 2 ¯ 2 ¯ ¯ −1 κ22 R¯ 2 − 2κ2 X 21 , −X 11 Q¯ −1 1 X 11 ≤ 1 Q 1 − 21 X 11 , and −X 21 Q 2 X 21 ≤ 2 Q 2 −


3 Observer-Based Event-Triggered Control for NCSs Subject to Periodic DoS Attacks

22 X 21 and the Schur complement one can derive (3.56)–(3.59). This completes the proof. Remark 3.8 It should be pointed out that Theorem 3.2 is closely related to the sampling period h. From (3.13), it is seen that the upper bound of the artificial time-varying delay function τk,n (t) is dependent on h. Thus, Theorem 3.2 is a delaydependent condition for event-triggered observed-based controllers. For a larger h, it is more likely that Theorem 3.2 fails to obtain the controller design. On the other hand, a smaller h usually results in better performance of the resulting closed loop system under consideration while increasing the network loads. Therefore, in using the proposed method, due to the fact that the event-triggering mechanism can reduce the network loads greatly, one should choose a small h to design a suitable eventtriggered observed-based controllers such that the resulting closed loop system can achieve the desired system performance, which can be seen from the simulation section. Remark 3.9 Theorem 3.2 establishes the existence condition of a resilient eventtriggering scheme (3.5) and an event-triggered observer (3.3) with DoS jamming attacks (3.2). Specifically, if there exists a feasible solution of the matrix inequalities (3.52)–(3.59), then resilient event-triggering scheme (3.5) and the observer (3.3) can be designed simultaneously. Notice from (3.50) and (3.51) that ρ and J ∗ are monotonic increasing functions of α1 , and are monotonic decreasing functions of α2 , μ1 , and μ2 . In view of this, if the matrix inequalities (3.52)–(3.59) are feasible, α1 should be chosen as large as possible while α2 , μ1 , and μ2 should be chosen as small as possible to get large values of ρ and J ∗ . On the other hand, from (3.52)– (3.59), it is seen that a smaller α1 and larger values of α2 , μ1 , and μ2 are beneficial to the solvability of the inequalities (3.52)–(3.59). Therefore, one can use an iterative algorithm (see below) to obtain the maximal value of α1 , and the minimal values of α2 , μ1 , and μ2 that guarantee the feasibility of the inequalities (3.52)–(3.59). Step 1: Take a small initial value of α1 > 0 such that the inequality (3.52) is feasible. Specify an iteration step-size α1 > 0 for α1 . Step 2: Set α1 = α1 + α1 . Step 3: Checking the feasibility of the inequality (3.52). If the inequality (3.52) is feasible, go to Step 2. Otherwise, exit and set α1 = α1 − α1 . Step 4: Following some similar procedures as in Steps 1–3 to obtain the minimal α2 > 0. Step 5: For the obtained maximal α1 , minimal α2 , taking a large initial μ1 > 0 such that (3.55), (3.58), and (3.59) are feasible. Specify an iteration step-size μ1 > 0 for μ1 . Step 6: Set μ1 = μ1 − μ1 . Step 7: Checking the feasibility of (3.55), (3.58), and (3.59). If these inequalities are feasible, then go to Step 6. Otherwise, exit and set μ1 = μ1 + μ1 . Step 8: Following some similar procedures as in Steps 5-7 to obtain the minimal μ2 > 0. min Step 9: Take the values of Tomin f f and T satisfying 0 < To f f < T and inequality (3.32). It ends.

3.4 Simulation Example


3.4 Simulation Example In this section, a practical example is utilized to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. Let the physical plant in Fig. 3.1 be an offshore structure with an active mass damper (AMD) mechanisms, which is taken from [14]. The dynamic equations of the offshore structure are given by ⎧ m 1 z¨ 1 (t) = −c1 z˙ 1 (t) − k1 z 1 (t) + k2 z 2 (t) ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ −k2 z 1 (t) + c2 (˙z 2 (t) − z˙ 1 (t)) − u(t) m 2 z¨ 2 (t) = −c2 (˙z 2 (t) − z˙ 1 (t)) − k2 z 2 (t) ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ +k2 z 1 (t) + u(t)


where z 1 (t) and z 2 (t) are displacements of the offshore structure and the AMD, respectively; m 1 and m 2 are masses of the offshore structure and the AMD, respectively; k1 and k2 are stiffnesses of the offshore structure and the AMD, respectively; and c1 and c2 are dampings of the offshore structure and the AMD, respectively; u(t) is the control force of the system. Note that here, for simplicity, the wave force acting on the offshore structure is overlooked. Define x1 (t) = z 1 (t), x2 (t) = z 2 (t), x3 (t) = z˙ 1 (t) , x4 (t) = z˙ 2 (t), x (t) =

T x1 (t) x2 (t) x3 (t) x4 (t) , and assume the controlled outputs are the displacements of the offshore structure and the AMD. Thus, the state-space representation of the above Eq. (3.60) can be written as the form of the system (3.1) with ⎡

0 0

⎢ A=⎢ ⎣ − k1m+k2 k2 m2


0 0 k2 m1 − mk22

1 0

− c1m+c1 2

T B = 0 0 − m11 m12   1000 C= 0010

c2 m2

⎤ 0 1 ⎥ c2 ⎥ ⎦ m1 − mc22

As in [14], suppose that the offshore structure is placed in the water with depths d0 = 218 m. The length L of the offshore structure is 249 m, the cylinder diameter D˜ = 1.83 m. The masses, natural frequencies and the damping ratios of the structure and AMD are given as m 1 = 7825307 kg, ω1 = 2.0466 rad/s, ξ1 = 2%, m 2 = 78253 kg, ω2 = 2.00074 rad/s, ξ2 = 20%. For this simplified model, in the following, we first co-design the event-triggering parameters (ε, Ω), control gain matrix K in (3.6) and observer gain matrices L 1 , L 2 in (3.3) such that the closed-loop system (3.18) is GES. To this end, we assume the jammer, imposing jamming signal I DoS (t) (3.2) with T = 2 s and Tomin f f = 1.6 s. Choosing μ1 = 1.1, μ2 = 1.1, α1 = 0.2, α2 = 0.45, h = 0.02 s satisfying (3.32). For given ε = 0.3, κ1 = 1, κ2 = 1, 1 = 5, 2 = 5 solving the LMIs in Theorem 3.2, it is found that the observer-based event-triggered control problem is feasible, and


3 Observer-Based Event-Triggered Control for NCSs Subject to Periodic DoS Attacks

the obtained event-triggering parameter Ω, the controller gain matrix K , observer gain matrices L 1 and L 2 are given by ⎡

8.1471 ⎢ −0.0298 Ω = 103 × ⎢ ⎣ −0.2453 −0.1394

−0.0298 0.0003 0.0023 0.0006

−0.2453 0.0023 0.0232 0.0045

⎤ −0.1394 0.0006 ⎥ ⎥ 0.0045 ⎦ 0.0025

K = 106 × 4.3841 −0.0145 −0.1253 −0.0709 ⎡

−0.0098 ⎢ 0.2021 ⎢ L1 = ⎣ 0.0151 −1.6683

⎡ ⎤ ⎤ −0.0034 0.1746 −0.0226 ⎢ ⎥ 0.2484 ⎥ ⎥ , L 2 = ⎢ −0.8664 1.4365 ⎥ ⎣ ⎦ 0.0005 0.1470 0.4244 ⎦ −0.4939 −4.8470 −1.3500




Simulations are carried out by connecting the observer-based event-triggered state feedback controller (3.6) with (3.61) to the offshore structure under the eventtriggering mechanism (3.5) with (3.61) in the presence of the periodic DoS jam= 1.6 s. The initial conditions are taken ming attack (3.2) with T = 2 s and Tomin

T ff

T and the simulation time is as x0 = 0.2 0.3 0.6 0.9 , xˆ0 = 0.4 0.6 0.4 0.6 assumed to be 25 s. In the presence of DoS attacks , the state responses of the considered system, the error between system states and observed states, the release time intervals between any two consecutive release instants, and the control input are depicted in Figs. 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 and 3.5, respectively, from which we can see that (i) the observer-based error system is exponentially stable; (ii) the proposed resilient eventtriggering mechanism can reduce the amount of control updates; (iii) the observerbased resilient event-triggered state-feedback controller does have counteracted the effect of the periodic jamming attacks. In order to show the influence of the jamming period T , we solve the following optimization problem for different values of T in the time interval [0, 25 s] (the parameters μ1 , μ2 , α1 , α2 , ε, h, κ1 , κ2 , 1 , 2 are chosen as the same before):

min min T¯omin f f = min To f f | To f f satisfying (3.32) subjects to (3.52)–(3.59)} .


Table 3.1 shows the minimum Tomin f f for which the exponential stability of the closedloop system under consideration is guaranteed, the maximum allowable jammer T −T¯ min activity denoted by J¯  T o f f × 100% and the corresponding upper bound of J¯ obtained for each T chosen. From Table 3.1, it can be seen that when T increases, ¯ the values of T¯omin f f and J also increase. This may be reasonable because for a larger jammer period T , the shortest time the jammer sleeps should also be larger to make the system stable correspondingly. In other words, the system can relatively tolerate more malicious attacks as well. Furthermore, it is observed that the obtained lower bound min ∗ T¯omin f f of To f f (solving (3.64) by iteration) is very close to its analytical bound To f f ,

3.4 Simulation Example

55 10

Fig. 3.2 State responses of the system with T = 2 s and Tomin f f = 1.6 s

x (t) 1


x2(t) x3(t)


x (t) 4

State responses

4 2 0 −2 −4 −6 −8

Fig. 3.3 Error responses between system states and observed states with T = 2 s and Tomin f f = 1.6 s

Error between system states and observed states





Time (s)







e2(t) e3(t)


e (t) 4

1 0.5 0 −0.5 −1 −1.5 −2




Time (s)




which demonstrates the reasonability of the Remark 3.4. In addition, the obtained maximum allowable jammer activity J¯ is always smaller than J ∗ , which illustrates the validity of the Remark 3.6. In what follows, in order to show the relationship between T¯omin f f and the decay rate ρ, some calculations are listed in Table 3.2. It is observed that the bigger the T¯omin f f , the larger the ρ, which validates the statement of the Remark 3.4. To further show the effect of the triggering parameter ε on the stability of the system, we assume that μ1 = 1.01, μ2 = 1.01, α1 = 0.2, α2 = 0.45, T = 2, Tomin f f = 1.6, and κ1 , κ2 , 1 , 2 are chosen as the same above. The maximum allowable sampling period h max and the corresponding T¯omin f f for different ε are listed in Table 3.3. From


3 Observer-Based Event-Triggered Control for NCSs Subject to Periodic DoS Attacks

Fig. 3.4 Release time intervals with T = 2 s and Tomin f f = 1.6 s


trigger instants

Release time intervals

1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

Fig. 3.5 Control input with T = 2 s and Tomin f f = 1.6 s




Time (s)





x 10


control inputs


Control input









Time (s)



∗ ¯ Table 3.1 T¯omin f f , J , and J for different values of T

T T¯ min











To∗f f J¯






22% 22.44%

25% 25.21%

27.4% 27.44%

28.3% 28.39%

28.9% 28.92%

of f



3.4 Simulation Example


Table 3.2 λ and ρ for different values of Tomin ff Tomin ff






λ ρ

0.0114 0.0028

0.1414 0.0353

0.2714 0.0678

0.4014 0.1003

0.5314 0.1328

Table 3.3 h max and T¯omin f f for different values of σ ε






h max T¯ min

0.07 1.47

0.12 1.52

0.15 1.55

0.17 1.57

0.18 1.58

of f

Table 3.3, we find that for given the DoS attacks, the h max and T¯omin f f are becoming bigger when the triggering parameter ε is decreasing. Hence, there exists a tradeoff between system performance and resource occupancy.

3.5 Conclusion In this chapter, we have investigated the observer-based event-triggered control for a class of networked linear systems under periodic DoS jamming attacks. A novel resilient event-triggered communication mechanism has been proposed to enhance the utilization efficiency of network resources while resisting the DoS jamming attacks. Inspired by the intermittent property of the DoS jamming attacks, a new switched observer error system model has been established, which facilitates us to consider the effects of the resilient event-triggered strategy and DoS jamming attacks in a unified framework. Tractable LMI-based stability analysis and control design criteria for the co-design of the observer and controller gains have been derived while preserving satisfactory control performance despite the presence of DoS jamming attacks. At last, a practical example has been exploited to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed resilient event-triggered controller design method. In our future work, we will extend the proposed method to deal with the event-based H∞ filtering/fault detection problem and event-based adaptive control problem in the presence of DoS jamming attacks with the help of [15–17]. Besides, how to extend the proposed framework to study the event-triggered NCSs under more general DoS attacks is another interesting research venue, where the attack signals are unknown and happen aperiodically.


3 Observer-Based Event-Triggered Control for NCSs Subject to Periodic DoS Attacks

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Chapter 4

Security Control of Cyber-Physical System Based on Switching Approach for Nonperiodic DoS Attacks

This chapter analyzes the effects of the intermittent denial-of-service jamming attack (I-DoS-JA) on different communication channels and communication topology transformations. Each different communication topology is taken as a subsystem of the switching system. Based on the switching system, the finite-time nonlinear system robust stability conditions are derived. Both the theoretical deduction and example simulation have corroborated that this approach has special effective in resisting the intermittent DoS attack [1]. This chapter is organized as follows. The security problem of nonlinear system is formulated in Sect. 4.1. Finite-time H∞ analysis is given in Sect. 4.2. A simulation example is given in Sect. 4.3. Finally, Sect. 4.4 concludes the chapter.

4.1 Problem Formulation 4.1.1 System Model In this chapter, in order to reflect the features of the CPS, the remote plant is considered as a nonlinear system 

x (k + 1) = Ax (k) + Bu a (k) + f (x (k)) + Eω (k) y (k) = C x (k)

And the local controller is formulated via an observer framework as    xˆ (k + 1) = A xˆ (k) + Bu (k) + L ya (k) − yˆ (k) yˆ (k) = C xˆ (k)

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021 D. Yue et al., Secure Control of Networked Control Systems and Its Applications,





4 Security Control of Cyber-Physical System Based …

where x (k) ∈ R n and xˆ (k) ∈ R n denote the plant state and the controller state (obtained by an observer), respectively. And y (k) ∈ R m is the remote plant’s output. u a (k) and ya (k) represent the practical control and feedback signals, while the ideal values are u(k) and y(k). ω(k) ∈ R n stands for the outside disturbances, which satisfying ω (k) ∈ L 2 = [0, ∞) and we assume the disturbance is norm-bounded, N  which implicates ω T (k) ω (k) ≤ δ 2 . And the symbols E and L are the coefficient k=0

matrices of the disturbance and the observer.

4.1.2 Attack Model According to the description and analysis of the attack process of I-DoS-JA, the system can be divided as follows under the attack of DoS: n+1 n + T n = [Ton/o f f , Ton/o f f ) = Hn ∪ Dn , n ∈ Z n where Hn := [Ton/o , T n+1 ) represent the I-DoS-JA absent intervals, while Dn :=   f f o f f /on n+1 n Ton+1 f f /on , Ton/o f f represent the I-DoS-JA present intervals, where Ton/o f f means the n+1 ending of the n th DoS attack, and Ton/o f f means the beginning of the (n + 1)th DoS attack . To facilitate analysis, an assumption is given for the nonlinear parts of the system.

Assumption 4.1 For the nonlinear part, we assume that, the initial case is f (x (0)) = 0, meanwhile, for any x(ki ) and x(k j ), there exists  

   f (x (ki )) − f x k j  < νi j x (ki ) − x k j  , i = j holds. Furthermore, if there exists x(ki ) = 0 or x(k j ) = 0, then we have  f (x (ki )) < νi x (ki ) = νi x T (k) x (k) Remark 4.1 From mathematical perspective, the inequalities in Assumption 4.1 are satisfied. The key point is the selection of the parameter νi or νi j . To support the rationality of the defense strategy designed in this chapter, the following assumptions are made. Assumption 4.2 In this chapter, we assume that the I-DoS-JA can be detected by software applications,such as flow monitoring. In addition, under the presented switching system framework, we assume that, when a subsystem switches from one model to another, there should be existing at least one model which is secure, and

4.1 Problem Formulation


Fig. 4.1 The structure of switching system approach for I-DoS-JA schematic

this subsystem should be secure during the interval of τ R + τa∗ from switching beginnings, where τ R and τa∗ represent the upper bound of packet loss and the average dwell-on time, respectively. Remark 4.2 If the I-DoS-JA can not be detected, the subsystem will switch from one unsafe model to another unsafe model, the system will loss its stability or even break down. Therefore, the Assumption 4.2 is important and necessary for this chapter. Remark 4.3 Since the index τ R is the basic characteristic in NCS, and the dwellon time is the important performance for for system switching from one stable and secure model to another. Thus, Assumption 4.2 is set as a constrain condition that the successful switching is guaranteed. usually cause data missing, in this chapter, we define u a (k) =

The I-DoS-JA u k − Δi j and ya (k) = y k − Δi j to denote the control and feedback signals, which are effected by I-DoS attacks. And Δi j ∈ Z+ means the data missing span from node i to j. Here, we consider the special case with Δi j = 1, then we can define the errors vector and state stacking vectors as e (k) = x (k) − xˆ (k) and η (k) = T  T x (k) e T (k) u T (k − 1) yˆ T (k − 1) . Motivated by [2], we discuss the cases that the forward and feedback channels encounter cyber-attack, respectively. And the case both channels under intermittent DoS attack is considered as well. Under these conditions, the communication topologies have been changed according to each different cyber-attack model (Fig. 4.1). Case I: Both communication channels security Both the forward and feedback channels are secure, which implies u a (k) = u (k) and ya (k) = y (k). Then we have


4 Security Control of Cyber-Physical System Based …

η (k + 1) = A1 η (k) + M1 f (x (k)) + N1 ω (k)


⎤ ⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤ A + B K 1 −B K 1 0 0 I E ⎥ ⎢ ⎢I⎥ ⎢E⎥ C 0 0 0 A − L 1 ⎥, M1 = ⎢ ⎥, N1 = ⎢ ⎥. where A1 = ⎢ ⎣ ⎣0⎦ ⎣0⎦ −K 1 0 0 ⎦ K1 C 0 00 0 0 Case II: Feedback channel under attacking The feedback channel encounters I-DoS attacks, which makes ya (k) = 0 and ya (k) = y (k). Then, we have ⎡

η (k + 1) = A2 η (k) + M2 f (x (k)) + N2 ω (k)


⎤ A + B K 2 −B K 2 0 0 ⎢ L 2C A − L 2 C 0 −L 2 ⎥ ⎥, M2 = M1 , N2 = N1 . where A2 = ⎢ ⎣ K2 −K 2 0 0 ⎦ C 0 0 I Case III: Forward channel under attacking The forward channel encounters I-DoS attacks, which makes u a (k) = 0 , u a (k) = u (k) and ya (k) = y (k). Then, we have ⎡

η (k + 1) = A3 η (k) + M3 f (x (k)) + N3 ω (k)


⎤ A 0 B0 ⎢ −B K 3 A + B K 3 − L 3 C B 0 ⎥ ⎥, M3 = M1 , N3 = N1 . where A3 = ⎢ ⎣ 0 0 I 0⎦ C 0 0 0 Case IV: Double channels under attacking Both the forward and feedback channels have encountered I-DoS attacks with leading to the data missing of both channels with leading to ya (k) = 0 and u a (k) = 0. They imply that ya (k) = y (k), ya (k) = yˆ (k) , u a (k) = u (k) and u (k) = uˆ (k). From these, we can obtain η (k + 1) = A4 η (k) + M4 f (x (k)) + N4 ω (k) ⎡

A 0 ⎢ − (B K 4 − L 4 C) A + B K 4 − L 4 C where A4 = ⎢ ⎣ 0 0 0 0


⎤ B 0 B −L 4 ⎥ ⎥, M4 = M1 , N4 = N1 . I 0 ⎦ 0 I

4.1 Problem Formulation


4.1.3 A Switched System Formulation under DoS Attacks Synthesizing (4.3)–(4.6), we can derive η (k + 1) = Aσk η (k) + Mσk f¯ (η (k)) + Nσk ω (k)


where σk ∈ Iσk := {1, 2, 3, 4}. Definition 4.1 ([3, 4]) For given system (4.7), when the system is under intermittent DoS attack and which also caused u(k) = 0, together with the influence of outside disturbance ω(k), if there exist parameters 0 < α < φ, and positive number N ∈ Z+ and positive matrix R, such that x T (k) Rx (k) < ϕ2 , ∀k ∈ {1, 2, . . . , N }


and x0T Rx0 < α2 , then it is determined that the system (4.7) is finite-time bounded respect to {α, ϕ, δ, R, N }. Definition 4.2 ([4, 5]) For given system (4.7), when the system is under intermittent DoS attack and which also caused u(k) = 0, together with the influence of outside disturbance ω(k), if there exist parameters 0 < α < φ, γ > 0, and positive number N ∈ Z+ and positive matrix R, such that (i) the system (4.7) is finite-time bounded; (ii) under zero initial condition, the synthesis system (4.7) output satisfied N 

z T (k) z (k) ≤ γ 2



ω T (k) ω (k)



the system (4.7) is said to be H∞ finite-time bounded. Lemma 4.1 For given any x, y ∈ Rn and arbitrary positive definite matrix P ∈ R N ×N , then we have (4.10) 2x T y ≤ x T P x + y T P −1 y Lemma 4.2 ([6]) The redfollowing linear matrix inequality  Y=

Y11 Y12 T Y21 Y22

T T and Y22 = Y22 is equivalent to where Y11 = Y11 −1 T Y12 Y22 < 0, Y11 − Y12 Y22



4 Security Control of Cyber-Physical System Based …

4.2 Stability Analysis Theorem 4.1 For given switched system (4.7), during the interval [0, N ) and the IDoS-JA, which will caused u a (k) ≡ 0 or ya (k) ≡ 0, under Assumption 4.2, if there exist positive matrices Pi , Yi j , Wi j , Zi j , i, j ∈ Ik = {1, 2, 3, 4} and positive symmetric matrix R, and positive scalars τ ≥ 0, λ1 > 0, λ2 > 0, 0 < ϕ < ζ, κi j > 0, satisfying the follow inequalities λ1 R ≤ Pi ≤ λ2 R


⎤ − (1 + τ ) Pi + κi j I 0 AiT P j AiT P j 0 ⎢ 0 NiT ⎥  −Yi j NiT ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥   −P j ⎢ 0

0 ⎥ 0, 0 < ϕ < ζ, γ > 0, κi j > 0, meanwhile the Assumption 4.2 is true, which make the following inequalities λ1 R ≤ Pi ≤ λ2 R



4 Security Control of Cyber-Physical System Based …

−Pi 0 AiT P j AiT P j ⎢  − γ2 I 0 NiT ⎢ (1+τ ) N ⎢ ⎢   −P j 0 ⎢ ⎢    −Zi j ⎢ ⎢     ⎢    ⎣     

⎤ HiT AiT P j I FiT 0 0 ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ 0 0 0 ⎥ ⎥ 0 0 0 ⎥ 0, λ2 > 0, 0 < Yi j , W ϕ < ζ, γ > 0, κi j > 0, i, j ∈ Ik = {1, 2, 3, 4} satisfying the following inequalities 

−λ1 R X i  −X i

−λ2 R I < 0,  −X i

−X i 0 X i AiT X i AiT 2 γ ⎢  − I 0 NiT ⎢ (1+τ ) N ⎢  −X j 0 ⎢  ⎢ ⎢    −Z¯i j ⎢ ⎢     ⎢ ⎣        

 0 satisfying   2 λ2 AiT P j Ai + AiT P j Wi−1 j Pi Ai + ηi j I − λ Pi < 0 ⇒ AiT P j Ai − λ2 Pi < 0


According to the proof process of Theorems 4.1 and 4.2, the stability is restricted to a certain limit and the stability condition is relaxed as AiT P j Ai − (1 + τ ) Pi + AiT P j Wi−1 j Pi Ai + ηi j I < 0, τ > 0


Thus, τ → 0, which can ensure AiT P j Ai − λ2 Pi < 0. Because the state and output of the system do not change at the switching point, there are two adjacent switched systems

Vσ(k j ) k j ≤ φσ(k j ) Vσ(k j−1 ) k j Based on this, we can obtain


4.3 Controller Design


Vσ(ki ) (ki ) ≤ λ2(ki −k j ) Vσ(k j ) k j

≤ φσ(k j ) λ2(ki −k j ) Vσ(k j −1) k j

≤ φσ(k j ) φσ(k j−1 ) λ2(ki −k j ) λ2(ki −k j−1 ) Vσ(k j−1 ) k j−1 .. . ≤ φσ(k j ) φσ(k j−1 ) · · · φσ(k0 ) λ2(ki −k j ) λ2(ki −k j−1 ) · · · λ2(k1 −k0 ) Vσ(k0 ) (k0 ) = φ¯ N (0,k) λ2(k−k0 ) Vσ(k0 ) (k0 ) k−k0 = φ¯ τa λ2(k−k0 ) Vσ(k0 ) (k0 ) = χ2(k−k0 ) Vσ(k0 ) (k0 )


  where φ¯ = max φσ(k j ) , φσ(k j−1 ) , . . . , φσ(k0 ) . According to the definition, we can get V (k) ≥ λmin (Pi ) η T (k) η (k) = λ¯ 1 η (k)22 . On the other hand, we have i, j∈Ik

V (k) ≤ λmax (Pi ) η T (k) η (k) = λ¯ 2 η (k)22 , combine with (4.50), we can get i, j∈Ik

 η (k) ≤

λ¯ 2  ¯ 1 k−k0 η (k0 ) φ 2τa λ λ¯ 1


λ¯ 2  ¯ 1 k−k0 η (k0 ) φ 2τa λ λ¯ 1


Then, we can derive  η (k) ≤


τa > τa∗ = This is the end of the proof!

ln φ¯ 2 ln λ−1


4.4 Simulation Example An example from[4],  of switchingsystem is borrowed     0.8133 0.4413 0.126 A= , B= , C = 0.0223 0.1438 , 0.6953 0.4707 0.5361   E = 0.7573 0.8858 , F = 0.2857. By solving the linear matrix inequality, we    −0.2205 −0.4030 can obtain the intermediate variable Y11 = , Y12 = , Y21 = −0.0621 −2.4552         −0.7508 −1.7201 5.7354 −3.6990 , Y22 = , Y31 = , Y32 = , 1.7152 3.2943 −9.7622 −1.2059     −0.7004 −1.0459 , Y42 = and free-weighting matrix Y41 = 1.1922 0.9415


4 Security Control of Cyber-Physical System Based …

⎤ 0.4328 −0.7366 0 0 0 0 ⎢ −0.7366 1.2537 0 0 0 0 ⎥ ⎥ ⎢ ⎢ 0 0 6.6193 4.3074 0 0 ⎥ ⎥, X1 = ⎢ ⎢ 0 0 4.3074 6.2805 0 0 ⎥ ⎥ ⎢ ⎣ 0 0 0 0 9.6304 0 ⎦ 0 0 0 0 0 9.6547 ⎤ ⎡ 0.2495 −0.4247 0 0 0 0 ⎢ −0.4247 0.7228 0 0 0 0 ⎥ ⎥ ⎢ ⎢ 0 0 6.7440 5.3359 0 0 ⎥ ⎥, X2 = ⎢ ⎢ 0 0 5.3359 6.6309 0 0 ⎥ ⎥ ⎢ ⎣ 0 0 0 0 9.6304 0 ⎦ 0 0 0 0 0 0.0453 ⎤ ⎡ 0.0392 −0.0667 0 0 0 0 ⎢ −0.0667 0.1136 0 0 0 0 ⎥ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ 0 0 1.2748 0.9098 0 0 ⎥, ⎢ X3 = ⎢ ⎥ 0 0 0.9098 1.0270 0 0 ⎥ ⎢ ⎣ 0 0 0 0 0.0000 0 ⎦ 0 0 0 0 0 0.9657 ⎤ ⎡ 0.036 −0.0613 0 0 0 0 ⎢ −0.0613 0.1043 0 0 0 0 ⎥ ⎥ ⎢ ⎢ 0 0 1.5439 0.9793 0 0 ⎥ ⎥. Based on these, we can ⎢ X4 = ⎢ 0 0 0.9793 0.8465 0 0 ⎥ ⎥ ⎢ ⎣ 0 0 0 0 0.0000 0 ⎦ 0 0 0 0 0 0.0043 obtain the control gain of subsystem as K 1 = [ −1.5822 −1.0247 ],   K 2 = −3.1513 −1.8515 and K 3 = −3.4376 −2.0204 . Substituting the control gain of the subsystem, we can obtain the system state output with switching security control scenario under the I-DoS-JA (Fig. 4.2). The simulations indicate that the different control strategies for each subsystem modeled from different communication topology transformation under I-DoS-JA can be achieved stable control. In this chapter, the switching scenarios is limited by the upper bound of the average dwell-on time. As to the further investigation of switching trigger conditions, we will do our best to solve this problem in the future work. ⎡

4.5 Conclusion This chapter takes the I-DoS-JA process as an example to analyze its attack process, aiming at the different effects of control loop and feedback loop on the communication topology of the system when the control loop and feedback loop are separately and simultaneously encountered with I-DoS-JA. It is modeled as a control system with switching structure, and this method of switching control is adopted to realize the CPS security and stability control under attack by means of control theory. In

4.5 Conclusion subsystem1 x1 (t)


x2 (t)

0.5 0 -0.5 0



x2 (t)

1 0 -1 0




x2 (t)

1 0










1.5 x1 (t)



x1 (t)






State Responses



State Responses




State Responses


State Responses


x1 (t)


x2 (t)

0.5 0 -0.5 -1







Fig. 4.2 Security control for I-DoS-JA schematic with switching system approach

order to reflect the complexity of the system, in this chapter, taking nonlinear as an example, under the strategy of switching control, the condition that the system can achieve bounded stability after intermittent DoS attack under constraints is derived. At the same time, the average residence time condition is derived for secure handover of handoff systems under network attack.

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Part II

Resilient Consensus Control of Multi-agent Systems

Chapter 5

Observer-Based Distributed Secure Consensus Control of Linear Multi-agent Systems Subject to Random Attacks

This chapter is concerned with an observer-based distributed secure consensus control strategy for a class of linear multi-agent systems (MASs) with random attacks. Due to the fact that not all state information are available, observers are employed to estimate the internal states. The communication topology is randomly switching under the attacks, and a distributed secure consensus strategy is proposed using the output information. The feedback gains are calculated via solving the Riccati equation and Riccati inequality, and stability analysis is proven that the MAS achieves secure consensus tracking in the mean square sense. Finally, two examples are provided to verify the effectiveness of the observer-based control strategy [1]. This chapter is structured as below. The system model of this chapter is described in Sect. 5.1 and the distributed secure consensus protocol is designed in Sect. 5.2. Section 5.3 proved the stability analysis of the proposed scheme and explained the switching topology. In Sect. 5.4, the simulation results of numerical and example are presented to verify the feasibility of the secure consensus protocol. Finally, Sect. 5.5 concludes the chapter.

5.1 Problem Formulation 5.1.1 Communication Topology The MAS consists of one leader and N followers, and the communication topology among these agents is represented by a directed graph G{V, εr (t) , Ar (t) }, where V = {ν1 , ν2 , ν3 , . . . , ν N } is the set of nodes. The neighbor node of νi is defined as Nr (t) = {νi ∈ V, (ν j , νi ) ∈ εr (t), j = i}, where εr (t) is the edge set, ( j, i) ∈ εr (t) means that the information of Agent i can be sent to Agent j. A graph is said to be balanced if Nj=1 ai j = Nj=1 a ji for all i. The adjacency matrix associated with © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021 D. Yue et al., Secure Control of Networked Control Systems and Its Applications,



5 Observer-Based Distributed Secure Consensus Control …

G is recorded as Ar (t) = [airj(t) ] ∈ R N ×N , where airj(t) > 0 for (n j , n i ) ∈ εr (t) , and airj(t) = 0, otherwise. Lr (t) = Dr (t) − Ar (t) is denoted as the Laplacian matrix for Gr (t) , where Dr (t) = diag{d1r (t) , d2r (t) , . . . , d Nr (t) } is the row sum of the adjacency matrix,  and dir (t) = Nj=1 airj(t) . The information-exchange matrix for consensus control is expressed as Q r (t) = Lr (t) + βr (t) , where βr (t) represents the communication between leader and followers under the attack, and βr (t) = diag{b1r (t) , b2r (t) , . . . , brN(t) }. If the ith follower can access the information of the leader, bir (t) = 1, and bir (t) = 0 otherwise.

5.1.2 Random DoS Attack Model Inspired by the Markov chain with its applications in [2] and compared with other stochastic processes, the Markov process is considered to represent random switching graphs caused by cyber-attacks. This process holds the memoryless property that its future situation is only of dependence on current information with emphasis on data evolutions, and it is suitable to describe the random switching process of the topology. In this chapter, θ(t) is used to represent the condition of the system, and it is determined by the attack behavior att and the defense behavior de f . The two behaviors are associated with time [3]. For a group (att, de f ), let θ(t) be a right continuous, homogeneous, random Markov process [4, 5], and it takes values in the set S = {1, 2, . . . , s}, where s is a given positive integer representing one of topologies, att ∈ A and de f ∈ D, and A = {att1 , att2 , . . . , attm } and D = {de f 1 , de f 2 , . . . , de f n } are the attack space composed of m attack actions and the defense space composed of n defense behaviors, respectively. Assuming that the set of nodes is invariant, and the connections among the nodes may be disconnected or connected as the topology changes.  = [ξ pq ] is treated as the transition rate matrix, where the sum of each line of  is zero and all elements are positive except for diagonal elements. For p, q ∈ S, when the state is switched from p to state q, we have Ppq (t) = Prob{r (t + Δ) = q|r (t) = p}  ξ pq Δ + o(Δ), if p = q, = 1 + ξ pq Δ + o(Δ), if p = q,


where r (t) is the switching signal of the topology when the system is attacked, and o(Δ)/Δ = 0 as Δ → 0. f p (k) and gq (k) are the probabilities of choosing de f p (k) ∈ m . For D and attq (k) ∈ A, respectively, with f (k) = [ f p (k)]np=1 and g(k) = [gq (k)]q=1 the state ∀ p, q ∈ S, when p = q, ξ pq > 0 denotes the transition rate, and this means  p at time t switches to state q at time t + Δ, when p = q, ξ pp = − q=1, p=q ξ pq . ξ pq is from the average transition rates ξ˜pq (k) = ξ˜pq (attq (k), de f p (k))

5.1 Problem Formulation


ξ pq ( f (k), g(k)) =

n  m 

f p (k)gq (k)ξ˜pq (k).


p=1 q=1

5.1.3 System Description In the MAS, the dynamics of the followers are, 1 ≤ i ≤ N , 

x˙i (t) = Axi (t) + Bu i (t), yi (t) = C xi (t),


and that of the leader are 

x˙0 (t) = Ax0 (t), y0 (t) = C x0 (t),


where xi (t) ∈ R n and x0 (t) ∈ R n are the state vectors of the followers and the leader, respectively, u i (t) ∈ R l is the control input, A ∈ R n×n , B ∈ R n×l and C ∈ R p×n are constant matrices with the appropriate dimensions, and yi (t) ∈ R p and y0 (t) ∈ R p are the output signals of the followers and the leader, respectively. The dynamics of (5.3) can represent a large class of practical applications in circuits and systems, such as RLC circuits, armature-controlled DC motors, direct current-direct current (DC-DC) buck converters [6]. In this chapter, the state vector xi (t) is not available while the output ones are measurable. Assumption 5.1 The pairs (A, B) and (A, C) in the system (5.3) are stabilizable and detectable, respectively. For the MAS consisting of the followers (5.3) and the leader (5.4) in the presence of random attacks, the objective in this chapter is to design an observer-based distributed control strategy with the aim that followers are able to track the leader and achieve consensus in mean square sense. The system achieves the secure consensus tracking performance, if there exist positive scalars  and ι satisfying for all t > t0 , i ∈ V, E{xi (t)−x0 (t)2 }≤exp(−ι(t−t0))E{xi (t0 )−x0 (t0 )2 }.


In fact, the control strategy in this chapter is not suitable for all attacks, and suitable parameters and conditions should be introduced. Inspired by the switching mechanism [7], we consider the following two concepts, attack frequency and attack length rate, in this chapter, and it is convenient to analyze how the the attacks affect on the performance of the MAS.


5 Observer-Based Distributed Secure Consensus Control …

Definition 5.1 For switching signal σ(t) and ∀t2 > t1 ≥ t0 , the number of σ(t) changes of MASs over [t1 , t2 ) is defined as N f (t1 , t2 ), then define F f (t1 , t2 ) = N f (t1 , t2 )/(t2 − t1 ) as the attack frequency on [t1 , t2 ). Definition 5.2 For ∀t > 0, the whole time for the attack on a MAS at [t0 , t) is defined as Ta (t0 , t), then define Ra = Ta (t0 , t)/(t − t0 ) as the attack length rate on [t0 , t). The conditions about attacks will be presented in the following context.

5.2 Observer-Based Distributed Secure Control Strategy In this section, an observer-based distributed control strategy is proposed for the problem of secure consensus tracking control of the MAS under random attacks. The control architecture with observers, control strategy and random attacks is shown in Fig. 5.1. The attacks are driven by the random Markov process, and the connection among nodes will be interrupted and the system will be paralyzed. Due to the facts that the not all internal states of the system are available and Assumption 5.1, the observer is designed as 

xˆ˙i (t) = A xˆi (t) + Bu i + K ob (yi (t) − yˆi (t)), yˆi (t) = C xˆi (t),


where xˆi (t) ∈ R n is the observer state of xi (t), yˆi (t) ∈ R p is the measured output of the observer, K ob ∈ R n× p is a constant matrix, and the selection of K ob satisfies K ob C − A > 0. For t ∈ [t2k , t2(k+1) ) and an infinite sequence k = 0, 1, . . ., it is assumed that t2k+1 is the time instant when MAS is attacked. That is to say, the network is in a normal state

u1 Attacker Signal

Controller 1

b1r (t ) …

a1r,(jt )

xˆ1 xˆ j

uN Controller N

bNr (t )

a Nr (,t )j

xˆ N xˆ j

Communication Topology

xˆ1 Observer 1

xˆ N

y1 Agent 1

Observer N


Fig. 5.1 The architecture of the control strategy

Agent N

x0 Leader

5.2 Observer-Based Distributed Secure Control Strategy


during the period [t2k , t2k+1 ) without any attacks connected though an initial graph G0 , and the communication network Gr (t) is paralyzed over t ∈ [t2k+1 , t2(k+1) ). On the basis of the system restoration mechanism, it is assumed that multiagent network + . Define the ith can return to a connectivity-maintained topology at the instant t = t2k T  T T follower’s measurement error x˜i (t) = xi (t) − xˆi (t) and x(t) ˜ = x˜1 , x˜2 , . . . , x˜ NT . Define the observer-based tracking error for the ith agent ei (t) = xˆi (t) − x0 (t),


and taking its time derivative yields ⎧ [I N ⊗ A − (Q 0 ⊗ B L)]e(t) + (I N ⊗ K ob C)x(t), ˜ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ if t ∈ [t2k , t2k+1 ), e˙i (t) = ⎪ ⊗ A − ϑ(Q r (t) ⊗ B J )]e(t) + (I N ⊗ K ob C)x(t), ˜ [I N ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ if t ∈ [t2k+1 , t2(k+1) ),


T  where e(t) = e1T , e2T , . . . , e TN , Q 0 is a nonsingular matrix determined by the initial graph G0 (the graph without any attacks), and Q r (t) is denoted as the information exchange matrix of the graph Gr (t) (the graph under malicious attacks). The control strategy for the ith follower is designed as ⎧  N ⎪

L ai0j (xˆ j (t) − xˆi (t)) + bi0 (x0 (t) − xˆi (t)) , ⎪ j=1 ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ if t ∈ [t2k , t2k+1 ),  u i (t) = r (t) N ⎪ ϑJ ai j (xˆ j (t)− xˆi (t)) + bir (t) (x0 (t)− xˆi (t)) , ⎪ j=1 ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ if t ∈ [t2k+1 , t2(k+1) ),


where and ϑ are positive constants representing the coupling strength, and L ∈ R l×n and J ∈ R l×n are the control gain parameters to be determined later.

5.3 Consensus Analysis The system is switched between non-attacked and attacked scenarios, and, in this part, we introduce the stability lemmas of the MAS in the presence of the normal condition and attack one. Then, we further proof the the consensus of the system in mean square sense. To move on, the tracking error for the ith follower is z i (t) = xi (t) − x0 (t), and T  denote z(t) = z 1T , z 2T , . . . , z TN . Then, it follows that z i (t) = x˜i (t) + ei (t),



5 Observer-Based Distributed Secure Consensus Control …

and ˙˜ = (A − K ob C)x(t). ˜ x(t)


For the analysis of the whole system, we introduce the following two lemmas in normal and attacked cases.

5.3.1 Attack-Free Case In this subsection, we mainly deal with the MAS that are not exposed to attacks, and the corresponding topology is not paralyzed. Lemma 5.1 For the MAS (5.3) with (5.4) suffered any attacks, R > 0 and Y > I , there exists a unique symmetric positive definite matrix P > 0 such that P A + A T P − P B R −1 B T P + Y = 0.


˜ and a positive conThen, for the Lyapunov function Vc (t)

 = Va (e(t)) + Vob (x(t)) −1 −1 G2 stant α1 = min |2G 1 |, | λ (θ−1 P) | , Θ = diag{θ1 , θ2 , . . . , θ−1 N } with θ = min


T −1 T T [θ1−1 ,θ2−1 , . . .,θ−1 N ] = (Q 0 ) 1, Φ = Θ Q 0 + Q 0 Θ > 0, G 1 = λmin (K ob C − A) − −1 −1 2 K ob C and G 2 = αλmin (θi P) − λmax (θi P), the following property

Vc (t) ≤ exp(−α1 (t − t0 ))Vc (t0 )


holds under the control strategy (5.9) with L = R −1 B T P. Proof The Lyapunov function is chosen as Va (e(t)) =


eiT (t)θi−1 Pei (t).



Taking its time derivative, from (5.14), V˙a (e(t)) = [e T (t)(I N ⊗ A T − σ(Q 0T ⊗ (B L)T )) T + ((I N ⊗ K ob C)x(t)) ˜ ](Θ ⊗ P)e(t)

+ e T (t)(Θ ⊗ P)[I N ⊗ A − σ(Q 0 ⊗ B L)e(t) + (I N ⊗ K ob C)x(t)]. ˜


˜ and takDenoting M = x˜ T (t)(Θ ⊗ (K ob C)T P)e(t) + e T (t)(Θ ⊗ P K ob C)x(t) ing L = R −1 B T P into (5.15), we obtain

5.3 Consensus Analysis


V˙a (e(t)) ≤e T (t)(Θ ⊗ (A T P + P A))e(t) − σλmin θmin e T (t) (Φ ⊗ P B R −1 B T P)e(t) + M, where λmin = λmin (Φ) and θmin =


min θi .


Assuming σ > 1/(λmin θmin ) and according to (5.12), (5.16) can be written as V˙a (e(t)) = e T (t)(Θ ⊗ (A T P + P A− P B R −1 B T P))e(t)+ M = e T (t)(Θ ⊗ (−Y ))e(t) + M.


From −Y ≤ −λmin (Y )I ≤ −αλmax (P) and α = λmin (Y )/λmax (P), (5.17) is V˙a (e(t)) ≤ − αe T (t)(Θ ⊗ P)e(t) + M ≤ − αVa (e(t)) + M.


Integrating (5.18) over [t0 , t], one obtains Va (e(t)) ≤ exp(−α(t − t0 ))Va (e(t0 )) +

M exp(αt0 ). α


We choose 1 T x˜ (t)x˜i (t), 2 i=1 i N

Vob (x(t)) ˜ =


and its time derivative yields ˜ = V˙ob (x(t))


x˜iT (t)x˙˜i (t)


= −x˜ T (t)(K ob C − A)x(t). ˜


The above equation can be further written as ˜ ≤ −2λmin (K ob C − A)Vob (x(t)), ˜ V˙ob (x(t))


and then, taking integration on both sides, we have ˜ ˜ 0 )). Vob (x(t))≤exp(−2λ min (K ob C − A)(t−t0 ))Vob ( x(t It can be derived, from the definition of Vc , (5.14) and (5.20), that



5 Observer-Based Distributed Secure Consensus Control …

V˙c (t) ≤ − αe T (t)(Θ ⊗ P)e(t) + x˜ T (t)(Θ ⊗ (K ob C)T P)e(t) + e T (t)(Θ ⊗ P K ob C)x(t) ˜ − λmin (K ob C − A)x˜ T (t)x(t) ˜ 2 ≤[K ob C2 − λmin (K ob C − A)]x(t) ˜

− [αλmin (θi−1 P) − λmax (θi−1 P)]e(t)2 .


According to G 1 = λmin (K ob C − A) − K ob C2 and G 2 = αλmin (θi−1 P) − λmax (θi−1 P), and then, it follows, from (5.24), that  V˙c (t) ≤ − min |2G 1 |, |

G2 λmin (θi−1 P)

 ˜ + Va (e(t))) | (Vob (x(t))

≤ − α1 Vc (t),


 G2 where α1 = min |2G 1 |, | λ (θ | . Accordingly, (5.13) holds, and this completes −1 P) min i the proof.

5.3.2 Attack Case In this subsection, we will take the case that the network system suffers from attacks into account. This kind of attacks is driven by the Markov random process. Assumption 5.2  The switching signal r (t) depends on the initial distribution π = π1 , π2 , . . . , πs . Assumption 5.3 The topology Gr (t) subject to attacks is balanced, and the union of digraphs consisting of the leader and followers contains a spanning tree. Lemma 5.2 For the MAS (5.3) with (5.4), Assumptions 5.2–5.3 and a symmetric positive matrix T , there exists a symmetric positive define matrix S > 0, satisfying that S A + A T S − S BT −1 B T S − ρS < 0.


˜ the following property Then, for a Lyapunov function Vd (t) = Vb (e(t)) + Vob (x(t)), E{Vd (t)} ≤ exp (ρ1 (t − t0 ))E{Vd (t0 )}


holds under the control strategy (5.9) with J = T −1 B T S, where ρ1 = G 3 /λmin (S), and G 3 = ρλmax (S) + λmax (S). Proof Consider the Lyapunov function candidate

5.3 Consensus Analysis


Vb (e(t)) =


eiT (t)Sei (t).



Combining the random Markov jump process, the Lyapunov equation (5.28) can be written as p

Vb (e(t)) = E[e T (t)(I N ⊗ S)e(t)Wr (t)= p ], ∀ p ∈ S,


where r (t) represents the switching signal driven by the Markov process under attack, and Wr (t)= p = 1, if r (t) = p, and Wr (t)= p = 0, otherwise. p The derivative of Vb (e(t)) yields p

dVb (e(t)) = E{e T (t)[I N ⊗ (S A + A T S) dt − ϑ(Q p ⊗ S B J + (Q p ⊗ S B J )T )]e(t) T + ((I N ⊗ (K ob C))x(t)) ˜ (I N ⊗ S)e(t)

+ e T (t)(I N ⊗ S)(I N ⊗ K ob C)x(t) ˜ +



ξq p Vb (e(t))dt + o(dt)},


q=1 q

where Vb (e(t)) is the expression of the Lyapunov function when r (t) = q. On the basis of Assumption 5.2, we choose ϑ ≥ (2πmin λmin ( Qˆ un ))−1 , where πmin = min{π p } with S = {1, 2, . . . , s}. Under the premise of π p ≥ πmin and Assumption p∈S

5.3, substituting J = T −1 B T S into (5.30) to get dVb (e(t)) ≤E{e T (t)[I N ⊗ (S A + A T S) dt − ( Q˜ ⊗ S BT −1 B T S)]e(t) + N˘ },


˜ Q˜ = where N˘ = x(t) ˜ T (I N ⊗ (K ob C)T S)e(t) + e T (t)(I N ⊗ S K ob C)x(t), T (Q un + Q un )/(2λmin ( Qˆ un )), the information-exchange matrix Q un of the union of   digraphs Gun = p∈S G p is denoted as Q un = sp=1 Q p , p ∈ S, and Qˆ un is the corresponding information-exchange of the mirror of Gun .   An identify matrix is constructed as Ψ = Ψ1 , Ψ2 , . . . , Ψ N , where Ψi is one of orthonormal eigenvectors of Qˆ un . The eigenvalue of Qˆ un is denoted as λi ( Qˆ un ) and holds the property that ΨiT Qˆ un = λi ( Qˆ un )ΨiT , i = 1, 2, . . . , N . By defining e(t) ˜ = (Ψ T ⊗ I N )e(t), we can be further obtain that


5 Observer-Based Distributed Secure Consensus Control … N 

 e˜ Tj (t)


 λ j ( Qˆ un ) −1 T SA + A S − S BT B S e˜ j (t) + N˘ λmin ( Qˆ un ) T

≤e˜ Tj (t)(S A + A T S − S BT −1 B T S)e˜ j (t)+ N˘ .


According to S A + A T S − S BT −1 B T S − ρS < 0 and combining (5.31) with (5.32), it follows that E{V˙b (e(t))} ≤ρE{e T (t)(I N ⊗ S)e(t) + N˘ } ≤ρE{Vb (e(t)) + N˘ }.


Thus, taking the time derivative of Vd is ˜ V˙d = V˙b (e(t)) + V˙ob (x(t)) 2 ≤E{(K ob C2 − λmin (K ob C − A))x(t) ˜

+ (ρλmax (S) + λmax (S))e(t)2 }.


Taking G 1 = λmin (K ob C − A) − K ob C2 and G 3 = ρλmax (S) + λmax (S), (5.34) indicates that 2 ˜ + G 3 e(t)2 } E{V˙d } = E{−G 1 x(t)   G3 Va (e(t)) ˜ + ≤E −2G 1 Vob (x(t)) λmin (S) ˜ + Va (e(t)))} , ≤E {ρ1 (Vob (x(t))

where ρ1 =

G3 . λmin (S)


Then, (5.27) holds. This completes the proof.

5.3.3 Secure Consensus in Mean Square Sense Theorem 5.1 Under Assumptions 5.1–5.3, the MAS with (5.3) and (5.4) reaches the secure consensus tracking in the mean square sense with the observer (5.6) and distributed control strategy (5.9) if there exist constants τ ∗ ∈ (0, α1 ) and τ ∈ (0, τ ∗ ) such that Ta (t0 , t) α1 − τ ∗ ≤ t − t0 α1 + ρ1


and F f (t0 ,t) =

N f (t0 , t) τ∗ − τ ≤ F ∗f = , t − t0 2 ln μ


5.3 Consensus Analysis


where μ = max{max{θmin λmin (P), λmax (0.5I )}/ min{λmin (S), λmin (0.5I )}, max{max(S), max(0.5I )}/ min{θmin λmin (P), λmin (0.5I )}} ≥ 1. Further, the tracking error of the MAS satisfies E{z i (t)2 } ≤ ς exp(−τ (t − t0 ))E{z i (t0 )2 },


where c = max{max{λmax (θi−1 P), λmax (0.5I )}, max{λmax (S), λmax (0.5I )}}, d = min{min{λmin (θi−1 P), λmin (0.5I )}, min{λmin (S), λmin (0.5I )}} and ς = c/d,. Proof On the basis of Lemmas 5.1 and 5.2, we choose the Lyapunov functional candidate as Vσ(t) (e(t)). The switching signal σ(t) is a piecewise function that changes over time, and it is set as c or d which will be given later. Then, the entire running time of the controller is expressed as  Vσ(t) (e(t)) =

Vc (e(t)), if t ∈ [t2k , t2k+1 ), Vd (e(t)), if t ∈ [t2k+1 , t2(k+1) ).


According to Lemmas 5.1 and 5.2 and assuming that Vc (e(t)) is valid in [t2k , t2k+1 ) and Vd (e(t)) is valid in [t2k+1 , t2(k+1) ), it comes the result that ⎧ exp(−α1 (t − t2k ))E{Vc (t2k )}, ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ if t ∈ [t2k , t2k+1 ), E{Vσ(t) (e(t))} ≤ ⎪ exp(ρ 1 (t − t2k+1 ))E{Vd (t2k+1 )}, ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ if t ∈ [t2k+1 , t2(k+1) ).


+ + It means that, when t = t2k and t = t2k+1 , the closed-loop error switches. We are going to talk about the two conditions that are going on t ∈ [t2k , t2k+1 ) and t ∈ [t2k+1 , t2(k+1) ), respectively. Case 1: when t ∈ [t2k , t2k+1 ), according to (5.40), one has

E{V (t)} ≤ exp(−α1 (t − t2k ))E{Vc (t2k )} − ≤μ exp(−α1 (t − t2k ))E{Vd (t2k )} ≤μ exp(−α1 (t−t2k−1 )) · [exp(ρ1 (t2k−t2k+1 ))E{Vd (t2k−1 )}] ≤··· ≤μ2k exp(−α1 (t−t0−Ta (t0 , t))) · exp(ρ1 Ta (t0 , t))E{Vc (t0 )}. Case 2: when t ∈ [t2k+1 , t2(k+1) ), according to (5.40), one has



5 Observer-Based Distributed Secure Consensus Control …

E{V (t)} ≤ exp(ρ1 (t − t2k+1 ))E{Vd (t2k )} − ≤μ exp(ρ1 (t − t2k ))E{Vc (t2k+1 )} ≤μ exp(ρ1 (t − t2k+1 )) · [exp(−α1 (t2k+1 − t2k ))E{Vc (t2k )}]

≤··· ≤μ2k+1 exp(−α1 (t − t0 − Ta (t0 , t))) · exp(ρ1 Ta (t0 , t))E{Vc (t0 )}.


For t ∈ [t2k , t2k+1 ) and t ∈ [t2k+1 , t2(k+1) ), we can define N f (t0 , t) = k and N f (t0 , t) = k + 1, respectively. For ∀t ≥ t0 , from (5.41) and (5.42), we can get E{V (t)} ≤μ2N f (t0 ,t) exp(−α1 (t − t0 − Ta (t0 , t))) · exp(ρ1 Ta (t0 , t))E{V (t0 )}.


From (5.36) and (5.37), the following inequalities exp(−α1 (t − t0 − Ta (t0 , t))) exp(ρ1 Ta (t0 , t)) ≤ exp(−τ ∗ (t − t0 ))


  exp 2N f (t0 , t) ln μ ≤ exp((τ ∗ − τ )(t − t0 ))



are obtained, respectively. Utilizing the results (5.44) and (5.45), (5.43) further gives E{V (t))} ≤ exp(−τ (t − t0 ))E{V (t0 )}.


From (5.39), it follows that d E{ei (t)2 } ≤ E{V (t)}, E{V (t0 )} ≤ cE{ei (t0 )2 }.


Combining (5.46) with (5.47), one has E{z i (t)2 } ≤ ς exp(−τ (t − t0 ))E{z i (t0 )2 }, and this indicates that xi (t) → x0 (t) as t → +∞.


5.3 Consensus Analysis


Remark 5.1 The calculation process of the control strategy is briefly described as below. P and S can be obtained by calculating (5.12) and (5.26), and the feedback gains L and J are from L = R −1 B T P and J = T −1 B T S, respectively. It is worth mentioning that ϑ ≥ (2πmin λmin ( Qˆ un ))−1 and σ > 1/(λmin θmin ) should be satisfied. Remark 5.2 It can be seen, from the stability analysis, that E{xi (t) − x0 (t)2 } ≤ 2(E{xi (t) − xˆi (t)2 } + E{xˆi (t) − x0 (t)2 }). Compared with the SF result in [8], the upper bound of the tracking error is higher in this chapter when t ≥ T0 . As t → +∞, it yields that E{xi (t) − x0 (t)2 } → 0 since E{xi (t) − xˆi (t)2 } → 0 and E{xˆi (t) − x0 (t)2 } → 0. Therefore, though it is cost-saving for the output control strategy in this chapter, we should make promise between the tracking precision and redundant equipment.

5.4 Simulation Example Two simulation examples are conducted in this section to demonstrate our secure consensus control. The first one is on a numerical example in tracking consensus, and the other one is on a practical application, a group of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), in the stabilizing case. The system matrix in the first example is not Hurwitz while the one in Example B is Hurwitz. To illustrate the behavior of the system, we investigate comparison results on SF/OF and with/without secure consensus strategy, in Example A and Example B, respectively. The connections among agents are represented in Figs. 5.2 and 5.3, and they are divided into the following cases. (i) Fig. 5.2 represents the communication topology of the network system without attack, and this topology of the network system is expressed by G. It can be seen that it contains a directed spanning tree, and the leader is the root. (ii) Fig. 5.3, including (a), (b) and (c), represents interruptions of the link between nodes suffer from attacks, and these three different topologies in this figure are denoted by Gr (t) , where r (t) = 1, 2, 3.

Fig. 5.2 Initial topology









5 Observer-Based Distributed Secure Consensus Control …

























Fig. 5.3 Three possible topologies under attacks

5.4.1 A Numerical Example Consider a MAS⎤consisting ⎡ of⎤ one leader and six follower agents with A = ⎡ 0 0 1 0 0 ⎢0.9⎥ ⎢−2.27 1 0.9 0⎥   ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎣ 0 0 0 1⎦ , B = ⎣ 0 ⎦ , and C = 0, 1, 0, 1 . The generation matrix 0 1.1 0 −0.9 0 ⎡ ⎤ −0.1 0.02 0.08  = ⎣ 0.3 −0.5 0.2 ⎦ is used to generate the attack model, and the invariant 0.1 0.1 −0.2 distribution π = [0.59, 0.15, 0.31] gives the initial distribution of Markov jump progress. f p (k) = gq (k) = 1/3, p, q = 1, 2, 3, are the probabilities of the system being attacked and defended, respectively. According to Markov process, σ(t) in Fig. 5.4 represents whether the MASs are attacked during the entire running process. In other words, the switching of σ(t) indicates whether the system is under attack or not. r (t) in Fig. 5.4 describes the switching the communication topologies among G1 (a), G2 (b) and G3 (c) under the attack. The γ(t) in Fig. 5.4 represents the switching of MASs topology during the entire running. The parameters are set as follows K ob = [0.1, 1.8, 0.5, 2.1]T , R = 2, T = 0.051, Y = 10I , and we obtain that L = [3.24, 3.48, −1.25, 2.42] and J = [0.036, 0.090, −0.016, 0.034] by denoting α1 = 4.75 and ρ1 = 0.25, = 15, ϑ = 25, λmin = 0.08, θmin = 2.54, λmin ( Qˆ un ) = 0.15, μ = 11.2. Figure 5.5 shows the result of the observer on the state of the 1st agent, from which we can see that the observation value tends to be the same as the real value after a period time. It is shown, in Figs. 5.6, 5.7, 5.8 and 5.9, that the system can achieve secure consensus tracking ultimately and followers track the leader’s trajectories under the control law. The comparison of tracking errors E c (t) for systems with/without observers is presented in Fig. 5.10. This indicates that, although the two methods are able achieve consensus, the OF one, adding observers, does affect the consensus performance. According to (5.36) and (5.37), we can get Ta (t0 , t) α1 − τ ∗ 4.75 − 3.75 ≤ = = 0.2, t − t0 α1 + ρ1 0.25 + 4.75


5.4 Simulation Example


Fig. 5.4 Switching signals σ(t), r (t) and γ(t) in Example A

and F f (t0 ,t) =

N f (t0 , t) 3.75 − 0.05 τ∗ − τ = = 0.766, ≤ t − t0 2 ln(μ) 2 ln(μ)


which states clearly that attacks on the systems occur randomly with a probability of less than 0.766 during a unit of time and the average recovery time based on the frequency and length rate of the attack is calculated as α1 − τ ∗ = 0.261, (α1 + ρ1 )F f (t0 ,t)


and this indicates that the average recovery time is no more than 0.261 in a unit of time.


5 Observer-Based Distributed Secure Consensus Control …

Fig. 5.5 The performance of the observers in Example A



x ˆ1,1




x ˆ1,2

2 0


−2 −2 0

6 4 2 0 −2 0

Fig. 5.6 Consensus tracking x0,1 and xi,1 in Example A, i = 1, . . . , 6





t/s x ˆ1,3





t/s x ˆ1,4

2 0 −2 50






t/s x0,1 x1,1 x2,1 x3,1 x4,1 x5,1 x6,1

4 3 2 1 0 −1 −2 0







5.4.2 A Practical Example Consider a group of UAVs with one leader and six followers, and the dynamics of the ith follower are [9] ⎧ ⎪ ⎨ p˙ fi = − p fi + 0.2132v fi + s pi u p fi , v˙ fi = −0.5v fi + svi u v fi , ⎪ ⎩ yi (t) = C[ p fi , v fi ]T ,


where p fi and v fi are the position and velocity information, s pi and svi are set as 0.3153 and 0.4759, respectively, and yi is the measured output. Choosing xi =

5.4 Simulation Example Fig. 5.7 Consensus tracking x0,2 and xi,2 in Example A, i = 1, . . . , 6

95 5

x0,2 x1,2 x2,2 x3,2 x4,2 x5,2 x6,2

4 3 2 1 0 −1 −2 0

Fig. 5.8 Consensus tracking x0,3 and xi,3 in Example A, i = 1, . . . , 6








x0,3 x1,3 x2,3 x3,3 x4,3 x5,3 x6,3





−4 0







[ p fi , v fi ]T , u i = [u p fi , u v fi ]T , i = 0, 1, . . . , 6,the followers’ (5.52) can be  dynamics   −1 0.2132 0.3153 0 transformed into the form of (5.3), where A = ,B = , 0 −0.5 0 0.4759   C = 1, 0 .  T The parameters of the control strategy are K ob = 2.8, 3.9 , R = 5, T = 0.1, Y = 4I , and we obtain that L = [0.1351, 0.3390] and J = [0.4186, 0.5251] by denoting α1 = 4.25 and ρ1 = 0.55, = 15, ϑ = 25, π = [0.21, 0.79], λmin = 0.13, θmin = 1.55, λmin ( Qˆ un ) = 0.17, μ = 12.3. Figure 5.11 shows the switching of r (t), σ(t) and γ(t), respectively. It is obvious, from Fig. 5.12, that all the agents are able to achieve consensus in spite of the random attacks. Figures 5.13, 5.14 and 5.15 despite consensus tracking and the performance of the observer, respectively. To


5 Observer-Based Distributed Secure Consensus Control …

Fig. 5.9 Consensus tracking x0,4 and xi,4 in Example A, i = 1, . . . , 6


x0,4 x1,4 x2,4 x3,4 x4,4 x5,4 x6,4

4 3 2 1 0 −1 −2 −3 0

Fig. 5.10 Performance comparison between OF and SF methods in Example A








SF method OF method

7 6


5 4 3 2 1 0 0







further illustrate the validity of the control strategy, we present the case that the controller without anti-attacks in Fig. 5.16 in the same initial and network conditions. The results reveal the decrease of the UAVs performance, even divergence under the attacks.

5.5 Conclusion In this chapter, the observer-based distributed secure control strategy is designed where the randomness of the attack is described by the Markov process. Given this reality that some information of the system under random attack cannot be obtained,

5.5 Conclusion


Fig. 5.11 Switching signal σ(t), r (t) and γ(t) in Example B

Fig. 5.12 State trajectories of the UAVs

Leader 0 Agent 1 Agent 2 Agent 3 Agent 4 Agent 5 Agent 6

3 2


1 0 −1 −2 2 20




−2 0


98 Fig. 5.13 Consensus tracking x0,1 and xi,1 in Example B, i = 1, . . . , 6

5 Observer-Based Distributed Secure Consensus Control …

x0,1 x1,1 x2,1 x3,1 x4,1 x5,1 x6,1





−2 0

Fig. 5.14 Consensus tracking x0,2 and xi,2 in Example B, i = 1, . . . , 6







x0,2 x1,2 x2,2 x3,2 x4,2 x5,2 x6,2

1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 −0.2 −0.4 0

Fig. 5.15 The result of observer




t/s 2

x6,1 x ˆ6,1




x6,2 x ˆ6,2

1 0.5 0 0




0 0




5.5 Conclusion Fig. 5.16 Trajectories comparisons


x 10



x 10

x1,1 x2,1 x3,1

4 2 0 −2 0




4 2 0 −2 −4 0

x1,2 x2,2 x3,2




distributed observers are employed to reconstruct the system states. Under two sufficient conditions on attack frequency and attack length rate, the secure consensus tracking in mean square sense can be obtained. The stability analysis is performed by the Lyapunov theory, and the simulation results demonstrate the validity of the proposed strategy. Our future research would be directed to heterogeneous cases, reduced-order/intercommunication-free protocols [10–12], semi-Markovian jump processes [13, 14] and the static OF approaches [15, 16].

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Chapter 6

Event-Based Secure Leader-Following Consensus Control for Multiagent Systems With Multiple Cyber Attacks

This chapter concentrates on event-based secure leader-following consensus control for multi-agent systems (MASs) with multiple cyber-attacks, which contain replay attacks and denial-of-service (DoS) attacks. A multiple cyber-attacks model is built by considering replay attacks and DoS attacks simultaneously. The changes of communication topologies caused by DoS attacks are considered for MASs. Besides, an event-triggered mechanism is adopted for mitigating the load of network bandwidth by scheduling transmission of sampled data. Then an event-based consensus control protocol is first developed for MASs subjected to multiple cyber-attacks. In view of this, by using the Lyapunov stability theory, sufficient conditions are obtained to ensure the mean-square exponential consensus of MASs. Furthermore, the eventbased controller gain is derived by solving a set of linear matrix inequalities. Finally, an example is simulated for confirming the effectiveness of the theoretical results [1]. The rest of this chapter is organized as follows. The graph theory and problem formulation are provided in Sect. 6.1. The mains results of the event-based leaderfollowing consensus control issue for the discussed MASs are given in Sect. 6.2. In Sect. 6.3, the usefulness of designed method is illustrated through a simulated example. At last, Sect. 6.4 presents the conclusions.

6.1 Problem Formulation 6.1.1 Graph Theory In a directed graph G = (V, E, A), V = {1, 2, . . . , N }, E ⊆ {(i, j), i, j ∈ V} and A = [ai j ] N ×N denote a set of nodes, a set of edges and a weighted adjacency matrix with non-negative elements ai j , i, j = 1, 2, . . . , N , respectively. An edge ( j, i) ∈ E © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021 D. Yue et al., Secure Control of Networked Control Systems and Its Applications,



6 Event-Based Secure Leader-Following Consensus …

in graph G denotes that agent i can acquire the information of agent j. ai j > 0 only / E. D = diag{indeg when (i, j) ∈ E; ai j = 0 when (i, j) ∈  1 , indeg2 , . . . , indeg N } is represented as the in-degree matrix, where indegi = j∈Mi ai j for agent i. Mi = { j|(i, j) ∈ E} is the set of neighbors of agent i. Define Laplacian matrix L = [li j ] N ×N of G as L = D − A.

6.1.2 System Description Consider the following MAS composed of N followers and one leader labeled as node 0. The dynamics of the i th agent and the leader are described as 

x˙i (t) = Axi (t) + Fh(xi (t), t) + Bu i (t) x˙0 (t) = Ax0 (t) + Fh(x0 (t), t)


where xi (t) ∈Ra and h(xi (t), t) ∈Ra are the state vector and its nonlinear dynamics of the i th agent, respectively; u i (t) ∈Rb is the control output vector of the i th agent; i = {1, 2, . . . , N }  S N ; A, F and B are constant matrices with appropriate dimensions. Assumption 6.1 ([2]) The nonlinear function h : Ra → Ra satisfies the Lipschitz condition, i.e., for ∀x, z ∈ Ra , there exists a scalar  > 0 such that the following inequality holds.  h(x) − h(z) ≤   x − z 


Remark 6.1 In a directed communication graph G, if there exists a directed spanning tree, then its Laplacian matrix L has N eigenvalues which contain a simple eigenvalue 0 and N − 1 eigenvalues with positive real parts. According to this fact, one can draw the conclusion that every agent in the MAS (6.1) possesses not only one neighboring agent, which is significant to design the following event-triggered communication mechanism in this chapter.

6.1.3 Design of Event Triggering Scheme This chapter aims at designing an event-based control strategy such that the system (6.1) under multiple cyber-attacks can reach mean-square exponential consensus. For this purpose, the event-triggered mechanism is adopted for the MAS, the structure of which is exhibited in Fig. 6.1. In this framework, the sensor is time-triggered while the controller, the zero-order-hold (ZOH) and the actuator are event-triggered. The state of each agent i is sampled in a sampling period h, then the sampled-data can be sent out only when the given event-triggering condition is satisfied. Then one can

6.1 Problem Formulation


Fig. 6.1 Structure of event-based control for agent i

obtain the following sequence of transmitting instant for agent i.  i h =tλi h + min f i h|(ψ i (tλi h))T Φi ψ i (tλi h) tλ+1 f i ≥1  T i > σ ξi (tλ h + f i h)Φi ξi (tλi h + f i h)


where parameter σ ∈ [0, 1), Φi > 0, f i = 1, 2, . . ., and ψ i (tλi h) = xi (tλi h) − i xi (tλi h + f i h), i ∈ S N , h > 0, tλi h denotes the latest  transmitting instant, ξi (tλ h +  j i i i j f i h) = M j=1 ai j x i (tλ h + f h) − x j (tλ h + f h) .

6.1.4 Multiple Cyber Attack Models Due to the openness of communication network, the networked systems are susceptible to cyber attacks. As exhibited in Fig. 6.1, in this chapter, a class of multiple cyberattacks is taken into consideration, including replay attacks and DoS attacks. Figure 6.2 shows an example of transmitted signals via the event-triggered mechanism (6.3) under multiple attacks model for agent i, which may be helpful to understand the mechanism of launching a multiple cyber-attack. The replay attackers launch an attack at time t by executing the following steps [3]. (1) Record transmitted signals via the network from initial instant t0 to current instant t. The set of the recorded data is represented as Ti (t){x˜i (t0 ), x˜i (t1 ), . . . , x˜i (tm )}, 0 ≤ t0 < t1 < · · · < tm < t. (2) Select one arbitrary data x˜i (tr ) from Ti (t) for replay.


6 Event-Based Secure Leader-Following Consensus …

Fig. 6.2 An example of multiple cyber-attacks model

In order to describe replay attacks, a Bernoulli random variable αi (t) is introduced, whose expectation and mathematical variance are denoted as α¯ i and ρi2 , respectively. With the consideration of replay attacks, the i th agent’s transmitted signal under replay attacks is presented as xˆi (t) = αi (t)x˜i (tr ) + (1 − αi (t))x˜i (t)


where αi (t) ∈ {0, 1}. αi (t) = 1 denotes that replay attacks happen and the normal data is replaced by x˜i (tr ); αi (t) = 0 indicates the absence of replay attacks. x˜i (t) is the normal signal of agent i, which will be broadcasted over the network; tr is the previous instant and t is the current instant, obviously, one can get that 0 < tr < t, namely, tr = t − d(t), where d(t) ∈ (0, d M ), d M is the upper bound of d(t). It is worth mentioning that the random variables αi (t), i ∈ S N are independent. At the same time, the influences of DoS attacks are also taken into account. It needs to be mentioned that a DoS attack calls for a certain amount of energy. Suppose that the energy of DoS jamming signal is limited, then DoS jamming signal is sleeping at certain period to save energy for next attack. Therefore, a reasonable assumption is formalized as follows. Assumption 6.2 Whether DoS  attacks occur or not can be described by a variable 1, t ∈ [an , an + n ) β(t), which satisfies β(t) = , where [an , an + n ) 0, t ∈ [an + n , an+1 ), n ∈ N and [an + n , an+1 ) denote the sleeping period and active period of DoS jamming signal, respectively; n represents the length of the n th sleeping period. Then we can obtain the starting instants and end instants of DoS sleeping period satisfy 0 ≤ a0 < a0 + 0 < a1 < · · · < an < an + n < an+1 < · · · . Based on the Assumption 6.2, denote D M and Dm as a uniform upper bound on the lengths of the DoS active periods an+1 − an − n and a uniform lower bound on

6.1 Problem Formulation


the lengths of the DoS sleeping periods n , respectively, then one can acquire the following inequalities: ⎧ ⎨ D M ≥ sup{an+1 − an − n } n∈N


⎩ Dm ≤ inf { n } n∈N

Besides, the number of DoS attacks sleep/active transitions in the interval [0, t) is represented as o(t), then there exist b0 ≥ 0 and f a ≥ h so as to satisfy the following condition: o(t) ≤ b0 +

t fa


In order to facilitate analysis, denote H1,n  [an , an + n ), H2,n [an + n , an+1 ), i i i  [tλ,n h, tλ+1,n h) for ∀n ∈ N, t0,n h  an . The corresponding network-induced Dλ,n i i i delay of transmitted instant tλ,n h is defined as δλ,n . Denote δ¯ = max{δλ,n }. Inspired χi


λ,n i can be divided as Mλ,n ∪ Mλ,n by [4, 5], to analyze more easily, Dλ,n


, where

⎧ χi i i ¯ tλ,n ¯ ⎪ Mλ,n = [tλ,n h + (χ i − 1)h + δ, h + χ i h + δ), ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ i ⎪ χ ∈ {1, 2, . . . , pλ,n } ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ pλ,n +1 i i ¯ tλ+1,n h + pλ,n h + δ, h) Mλ,n = [tλ,n i i i i ⎪  inf{χ ∈ N|t h + χ h ≥ t p ⎪ λ,n λ,n λ,n+1 h} ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ λ ∈ {0, 1, 2, . . . , q(n)}  U(n) ⎪ ⎪   ⎩ i h ≤ a n + n , n ∈ N q(n) = sup λ ∈ N|tλ,n Then the interval H 1,n can be rewritten as

χi (n) pλ,n +1 M . As a result, define H1,n = ∪U ∪ ∩ H 1,n λ,n λ=0 χ i =1 

i i δλ,n (t) = t − tλ,n h − (θ i − 1)h i i i (t) = xi (tλ,n h) − xi (tλ,n h + (θ i − 1)h) ψλ,n


where t ∈ Mθλ,n ∩ H1,n , θ i = 1, 2, . . . , pλ,n + 1. From (6.7), one can acquire that i i i 0 < δλ,n ≤ δλ,n (t) ≤ h + δ¯  δ M , δ M is the upper bound of δλ,n (t). Further, the i event-triggered sampled state xi (tλ,n h) can be given as follows: i

i i i h) = ψλ,n (t) + xi (t − δλ,n (t)) x˜i (t) = xi (tλ,n


i with ψλ,n (t) violating the following inequality: i i i i (t))T Φi ψλ,n (t) − σ ξiT (t − δλ,n (t))Φi ξi (t − δλ,n (t)) ≤ 0 (ψλ,n



6 Event-Based Secure Leader-Following Consensus …

Then by considering the impacts of replay attacks and DoS attacks , the actual control input of agent i received from agent j can be expressed as ⎧ ⎪ ⎨α j (t)x˜ j (tr ) + (1 − α j (t))x˜ j (t), j x¯ j (t) = t ∈ Dλ,n ∩ H1,n ⎪ ⎩ 0, t ∈ H2,n



Remark 6.2 In (6.10), when t ∈ Dλ,n ∩ H1,n and α j (t) = 0, it means that no cyberj attack occurs in the network, in this case, x¯ j (t) = x˜ j (t); when t ∈ Dλ,n ∩ H1,n and α j (t) = 1, it means that only replay attacks happen, in such situation, x¯ j (t) = x˜ j (tr ); when t ∈ H2,n , we can get x¯ j (t) = 0, which means that the communication paralysis appears due to the presence of DoS attacks.

6.1.5 Design of Event-Based Control Protocol Due to the DoS attacks , the communication topologies are no longer always fixed in this chapter. When DoS jamming signal is sleeping in ∪n∈N H1,n , the communication topology of MASs is connected, where the data transmission is successful. When DoS attacks occur in active periods ∪n∈N H2,n , consider the effects of DoS attacks on the communication links E rather than the nodes V. Under such circumstance, the original communication topology with a directed spanning tree is destroyed as a disconnected topological graph where the agents are assumed to give up communications. It should be pointed out that the impacts of DoS attacks will be wiped out at time an+1 by some ˜ with a directed spanning repairing efforts, then the topological graph is recovered to G tree before the next DoS attack. The time spent in repatching the topological graph may be such short that it can be negligible. A piecewise constant function τ (t) : [0, +∞) → M = {1, 2, . . . , m} is utilized to depict the switching among different ˜ for t ∈ H1,n , n ∈ N, where G ˜ = {G1 , G2 , . . . , Gm }, topology diagrams; Gτ (t) ∈ G, m ≥ 1, represents the set of all possible topological graphs when the MASs recover from DoS attacks. On the basis of the analysis above, the event-based control protocol for system (6.1) is designed as follows:  ⎧ Mi    ⎪ ⎪ ⎪−φ K aiτj(t) x˜i (t) − x¯ j (t) ⎪ ⎨ j=1  u i (t) = τ (t)  i ⎪ x ˜ (t) − x (t) , t ∈ Dλ,n ∩ H1,n + d i 0 ⎪ i ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ 0, t ∈ H2,n


6.1 Problem Formulation


where λ ∈ U(n), n ∈ N, φ > 0 denotes the coupling strength of the MASs, K is the controller gain to be determined later; aiτj(t) stands for the adjacency element of Gτ (t) ; diτ (t) = 1 means that follower i can receive the information from the leader.

6.1.6 Modeling of MASs Under Multiple Cyber Attacks Define error ei (t) = xi (t) − x0 (t), by combining (6.1), (6.8), (6.10) and (6.11), and let x(t) = [x1T (t), x2T (t), . . . , x NT (t)]T e(t) = [e1T (t), e2T (t), . . . , e TN (t)]T α(t) ˘ = diag{α1 (t), α2 (t), . . . , α N (t)} 1 T 2 T N T ψλ,n (t) = [(ψλ,n ) (t), (ψλ,n ) (t), . . . , (ψλ,n ) (t)]T

h(x(t), t) = [h T (x1 (t), t), h T (x2 (t), t), . . . , h T (x N (t), t)]T H (x(t), t) = [h T (x1 (t), t) − h T (x0 (t), t), h T (x2 (t), t) − h T (x0 (t), t), . . . , h T (x N (t), t) − h T (x0 (t), t)]T 1 2 x(t − δλ,n (t)) = [x1T (t − δλ,n (t)), x2T (t − δλ,n (t)), . . . , N (t))]T x NT (t − δλ,n

then we can obtain the consensus tracking error system: ⎧ (I N ⊗ A)e(t) + (I N ⊗ F)H (x(t), t) ⎪ ⎪ ⎪  ⎪ ⎪ −φ(I N ⊗ B) [(L τ (t) ⊗ K )e(t − δλ,n (t)) ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ τ (t) τ (t) ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ +(D ⊗ K )ψλ,n (t) − (A ⊗ K )ψλ,n (t) τ (t) ⊗ K )[e(t − rλ,n (t)) + ψλ,n (tr ) ˘ e(t) ˙ = −α(t)(A ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ −e(t − δλ,n (t)) − ψλ,n (t))] ⎪

⎪ ⎪ τ (t) ⎪ i ⎪ +(D ⊗ K )ψ (t) , t ∈ Dλ,n ∩ H1,n , λ ∈ U(n) λ,n ⎪ 0 ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ (I N ⊗ A)e(t) + (I N ⊗ F)H (x(t), t), t ∈ H2,n


where rλ,n (t) = d(t) + δλ,n (t − d(t)), and rλ,n (t) ∈ [0, r M ), r M is the upper bound of rλ,n (t). For technical convenience, denote     x(t) h(x(t), t) ˜ η(t) = , F(x(t), t) = e(t) H (x(t), t) ¯ ¯ A = diag{I N ⊗ A, I N ⊗ A}, F = diag{I N ⊗ F, I N ⊗ F}

D0τ (t) = diag d1τ (t) , d2τ (t) , . . . , d Nτ (t) , α(t) ˆ = diag {α(t), ˘ α(t)} ˘


6 Event-Based Secure Leader-Following Consensus …

  L¯ τ (t) ⊗ B ¯ τ (t) 0 ,L = L τ (t) + D0τ (t) B¯ 1τ (t) = N ×N ¯ τ (t) 0 N ×N L ⊗B   τ (t) A ⊗ B − D τ (t) ⊗ B − D0τ (t) ⊗ B τ (t) ¯ B2 = Aτ (t) ⊗ B − D τ (t) ⊗ B − D0τ (t) ⊗ B     τ (t) Aτ (t) ⊗ B 0 A ⊗B , B¯ 4τ (t) = B¯ 3τ (t) = N ×N τ (t) 0 N ×N A ⊗ B Aτ (t) ⊗ B     H1 = I N 0 N ×N , H2 = 0 N ×N I N where 0 N ×N represents the N -dimensional zero matrix, which can be abbreviated as 0 sometimes. It needs to point out that in the following, the element 0 in a matrix denotes the zero matrix with appropriate dimension. Then by combining (6.1) and (6.10), the consensus tracking error system can be written as ⎧ ¯ ˜ ⎪ + F¯ F(x(t), t)) − φ B¯ 1τ (t) K¯ η(t − δλ,n (t)) ⎪ ⎪ Aη(t)τ (t) ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ˆ B¯ 3τ (t) K¯ [η(t − rλ,n (t)) ⎨+φ B¯ 2 K¯1 ψλ,n (t) + φ α(t) η(t) ˙ = −η(t − δλ,n (t))] + φ α(t) (6.13) ˆ B¯ 4τ (t) K¯1 [ψλ,n (tr ) ⎪ ⎪ i ⎪ −ψλ,n (t)], t ∈ Dλ,n ∩ H1,n , λ ∈ U(n) ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ Aη(t) ¯ ˜ + F¯ F(x(t), t)), t ∈ H2,n where K¯ = I2N ⊗ K , K¯1 = I N ⊗ K ; ζ (t) is the supplemented initial condition of the state η(t) with ζ (0)  ζ0 . Remark 6.3 In (6.11), an event-based model of MASs under multiple cyber-attacks has been established. Up to the authors’ knowledge, the event-based secure leaderfollowing consensus control issue of MASs with multiple cyber-attacks is firstly addressed in this chapter. Before we present the main results, the following assumption and definition are given. Assumption 6.3 For t ∈ ∪n∈N H1,n , the topological graph Gτ (t) has a directed spanning tree where the leader is the root node. Definition 6.1 ([6]) (Mean-square exponential consensus tracking) The system (6.1) with the event-triggered control strategy u i (t) can reach mean-square exponential stability under multiple cyber-attacks when studying the problem of leader-following consensus control for MASs, if there exists such a scalar w > 0 and a decay rate v that the following inequality holds for any t ≥ 0.   E  xi (t) − x0 (t) 2   ≤ we−vt E  xi (0) − x0 (0) 2 , i ∈ S N


6.2 Mean-Square Exponential Consensus Analysis


6.2 Mean-Square Exponential Consensus Analysis Theorem 6.1 The DoS parameters D M , Dm , b0 , f a are known. For given matrix K , and scalars σ ∈ [0, 1), α¯ i ∈ (0, 1), δ M > 0, r M > 0, h > 0, system (6.11) is exponentially stable in mean-square, if for some prescribed positive scalars μ1 , μ2 , ς = μ1 + μ2 , ω1 and ω2 , there exist symmetric positive definite matrices Φi (i ∈ S N ), P1 , P2 , Q 1 , Q 2 , R1 , R2 , Z 1 , Z 2 , S1 , S2 , positive scalars , φ, and matrices M1 , M2 , U1 , U2 with appropriate dimensions such that the following inequalities hold: ⎤ ⎡ 1 Γ11 ∗ ∗ ∗ ⎢Γ 1 Γ 1 ∗ ∗ ⎥ 21 22 ⎥ 0, l = 1, 2 (6.17) Ml Rl Ul Sl  (I2N ⊗ P1 ) ≤ ω2 (I2N ⊗ P2 ) (6.18) (I2N ⊗ P2 ) ≤ ω1 e2ς h (I2N ⊗ P1 ) Q l ≤ ω3−l Q 3−l , Rl ≤ ω3−l R3−l , l = 1, 2 2 1 ϑ = (μ1 Dm − μ2 D M − ς h) − ln(ω1 ω2 ) > 0 fa fa

(6.19) (6.20)

where the elements of Π1 and Π2 are given in Appendix I. Proof See Appendix II.

In Theorem 6.1, the sufficient conditions are achieved which can guarantee meansquare exponential consensus of system (6.11). In the following, the controller gain of MASs with event-triggered mechanism and multiple cyber-attacks is derived on the basis of Theorem 6.1.

6.3 Control Gain Design Theorem 6.2 For given DoS parameters D M , Dm , b0 , f a , and scalars σ ∈ [0, 1), α¯ i ∈ (0, 1), δ M > 0, r M > 0, h > 0, system (6.11) is exponentially stable in meansquare, if for some prescribed positive scalars μ1 , μ2 , ς = μ1 + μ2 , ω1 and ω2 , there exist symmetric positive definite matrices X 1 , X 2 , Φˆ i (i ∈ S N ), Qˆ 1 , Qˆ 2 , Rˆ 1 , Rˆ 2 , Zˆ 1 , Zˆ 2 , Sˆ1 , Sˆ2 , positive scalars , φ, ν1 , ν2 , ν3 , ν4 , ν12 , ν22 , and matrices Y , Mˆ 1 , Mˆ 2 , Uˆ 1 , Uˆ 2 with appropriate dimensions such that the inequality (6.20) and the


6 Event-Based Secure Leader-Following Consensus …

following linear matrix inequalities hold: ⎤ ⎡ ˆ1 Γ11 ∗ ∗ ∗ ⎢Γˆ 1 Γˆ 1 ∗ ∗ ⎥ 21 22 ⎥ Πˆ 1 = ⎢ ⎣Γˆ 1 0 Γˆ 1 ∗ ⎦ < 0 31 33 1 ˆ1 ˆ1 ˆ1 Γˆ41 Γ42 Γ43 Γ44 ⎤ ⎡ 2 Γˆ11 ∗ ∗ 2 ˆ2 Πˆ 2 = ⎣Γˆ21 Γ22 ∗ ⎦ < 0 2 ˆ2 ˆ2 ˆ Γ31 Γ32 Γ33     Rˆ l ∗ Sˆl ∗ > 0, ˆ ˆ > 0, l = 1, 2 Mˆ l Rˆ l Ul Sl   ∗ −ω2 (I2N ⊗ X 2 ) ≤0 −(I2N ⊗ X 1 ) I2N ⊗ X 2   ∗ −ω1 e2ς h (I2N ⊗ X 1 ) ≤0 −(I2N ⊗ X 2 ) I2N ⊗ X 1   −ω2 Qˆ 2 ∗ ≤0 I2N ⊗ X 2 −2ν1 (I2N ⊗ X 1 ) + ν12 Qˆ 1   −ω1 Qˆ 1 ∗ ≤0 I2N ⊗ X 1 −2ν3 (I2N ⊗ X 2 ) + ν32 Qˆ 2   ∗ −ω2 Rˆ 2 ≤0 2 ˆ I2N ⊗ X 2 −2ν12 (I2N ⊗ X 1 ) + ν12 R1   −ω1 Rˆ 1 ∗ ≤0 2 ˆ I2N ⊗ X 1 −2ν22 (I2N ⊗ X 2 ) + ν22 R2



(6.23) (6.24) (6.25) (6.26) (6.27) (6.28) (6.29)

where the elements of Πˆ 1 and Πˆ 2 are given in Appendix III. Furthermore, the controller gain can be obtained as K = Y X 1−1 Proof See Appendix IV.


6.4 Simulation Example In this section, a simulation example is provided for validating the feasibility of the event-based leader-following control strategy for MASs, where the dynamic of each agent can be described by an F-18 aircraft model [7, 8]. Then the decoupling linearized longitudinal state dynamical equations of agent i is expressed as

6.4 Simulation Example


Table 6.1 Meanings of the parameters in Sect. IV Parameter Meaning xi1 (t) xi2 (t) x˙i1 (t) x˙i2 (t) u i1 (t) u i2 (t) A Long B Long

Angle of attack Pitch rate Angular velocity of attack Pitch acceleration Symmetric elevator position Symmetric pitch thrust velocity nozzle position Longitudinal state matrix Longitudinal control input matrix

     x˙i1 (t) x (t) u (t) = A Long i1 + B Long i1 x˙i2 (t) xi2 (t) u i2 (t)

where the parameters are given in Table 6.1. In the following, the velocity of 3 Mach and height of 26 kft are chosen as the flight condition of F-18 aircraft, then one can get the following system matrices A Long , B Long [9]:  A Long = B Long =

−0.2296 0.993 −0.02436 −0.2406

  −0.01434 −0.01145 −1.73 −0.517

T  T T (t) xi2 (t) , control output of agent F = I2 , the state vector of agent i is xi (t) = xi1 T  T T (t) u i2 (t) , then h(xi (t), t)= [0.3 sin(0.4xi1 (t)), −0.2 tan(0.1xi2 i is u i (t) = u i1 (t))]T . Suppose that there are one leader and eight followers in the agent system, whose communication topology is described as Fig. 6.3(a). Then the Laplacian L has the following form: ⎡

2 ⎢−1 ⎢ ⎢−1 ⎢ ⎢0 ⎢ ⎢0 ⎢ ⎢0 ⎢ ⎣0 0

−1 3 0 −1 −1 0 0 −1

−1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

0 −1 0 2 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 −1 2 −1 0 0

0 −1 0 0 −1 1 −1 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

⎤ 0 0⎥ ⎥ 0⎥ ⎥ 0⎥ ⎥ 0⎥ ⎥ 0⎥ ⎥ 0⎦ 1

Remark 6.4 Fig. 6.3(a) satisfying Assumption 6.3 shows one kind of communication topologies for MASs without DoS attacks. When DoS attacks happen, one possible topology graph of MASs is shown in Fig. 6.3(b), where there exists no directed spanning tree and the agents abandon communication. It should be pointed


6 Event-Based Secure Leader-Following Consensus …

Fig. 6.3 Communication topology of MASs

out that due to page limitation, in this section, suppose that the communication topology of MASs without DoS attacks is exhibited in Fig. 6.3(a). In this case, the controller gain is derived by solving the linear matrix inequalities of Theorem 2 in MATLAB. The other cases of communication topologies for MASs can be discussed and simulated in the same way. Set σ = 0.2,  = 0.2, φ = 0.45, δ M = 0.2, r M = 0.5, α¯ 1 = α¯ 5 = 0.035, α¯ 2 = α¯ 6 = α¯ 8 = 0.04, α¯ 3 = α¯ 4 = 0.03, α¯ 7 = 0.02 and ν1 = ν2 = ν3 = ν4 = 0.1, ν12 = ν22 = 0.1. Let h = 0.01s, Dm = 1.02s, D M = 1.23s, ω1 = ω2 = 1.02, and μ1 = 0.08, μ2 = 1.06. Through solving linear matrix inequalities in MATLAB, it can be obtained that     −19.0258 63.8747 49.9773 1.2792 Y = ,X = 63.8747 −214.0046 1.2792 23.3038     85.8297 −5.2213 195.4735 0.6162 , Φ2 = Φ1 = −5.2213 65.6375 0.6162 78.1812     70.5948 −12.7171 151.4484 −17.1506 , Φ4 = Φ3 = −12.7171 196.1262 −17.1506 122.6408 

   391.5966 −0.0590 391.5907 −0.0400 , Φ6 = Φ5 = −0.0590 391.7730 −0.0400 391.7090     391.5809 −0.0098 391.5809 −0.0098 , Φ8 = Φ7 = −0.0098 391.6106 −0.0098 391.6105 Then by utilizing equality (6.30) in Theorem 6.2, we can get the controller gain   −0.4515 2.7657 K = 1.5153 −9.2664 The initial conditions are chosen as  T  T  T x0 = 0.4 −0.5 , x1 = 0.2 −0.1 , x2 = −0.2 0.3  T  T  T x3 = −0.8 0.5 , x4 = 0.1 −0.6 , x5 = 0.4 0.1  T  T  T x6 = −0.5 0.6 , x7 = −0.4 0.9 , x8 = 0.5 −0.6

6.4 Simulation Example


1 0.5


0 -0.5 -1 0




















x i (t),i=5,6,7,8

2 1 0 -1 0







Fig. 6.4 Responses of xi (t)

DoS attacks


0 0









Fig. 6.5 The signal of DoS attacks

Then by using MATLAB, the simulation results are shown in Figs. 6.4, 6.5, 6.6, 6.7, 6.8, 6.9 and 6.10. The state responses of xi (t) are presented in Fig. 6.4. The DoS jamming signal with D M = 1.23 and Dm = 1.02 is described in Fig. 6.5. Figure 6.6 presents the Bernoulli variables for replace attacks. Figures 6.7 and 6.8 exhibit the release time intervals of eight agents, respectively. Besides, the controller inputs are shown in Fig. 6.10. The consensus tracking errors ei (t) are exhibited in Fig. 6.9, which achieve stable even though the MASs are subjected to multiple cyber-attacks. Based on the above analysis, it can be concluded that the event-triggered mechanism adopted in this chapter can relieve the communication load. The discussed MASs with event-triggered mechanism and multiple cyber-attacks can reach consensus. In other words, the designed controller for MASs under multiple cyber-attacks performs well.


6 Event-Based Secure Leader-Following Consensus … 1













0 0















Time(s) 1









0 0












Fig. 6.6 Bernoulli variables for replay attacks 8

8 Release interval of agent 1


Release interval of agent 2







0 0








Time (s)





Time (s)


8 Release interval of agent 3

Release interval of agent 4



4 2



0 0








Time (s)





Time (s)

Fig. 6.7 Release instants and release intervals of Agent 1, 2, 3, 4

6.5 Conclusion In this chapter, the event-based secure leader-following consensus control for MASs with multiple cyber-attacks has been investigated, including replay and DoS attacks. The addressed DoS attacks contribute to the changes of communication topology in MASs. To reduce network bandwidth consumption, the event-triggered mechanism is implemented. Then the event-based consensus control protocol is firstly proposed for MASs under multiple cyber-attacks. Moreover, the sufficient conditions are derived

6.5 Conclusion



8 Release interval of agent 5

Release interval of agent 6



4 2


0 0








Time (s)





Time (s)


6 Release interval of agent 7


Release interval of agent 8


4 2

2 0

0 0








Time (s)





Time (s)

Fig. 6.8 Release instants and release intervals of Agent 5, 6, 7, 8 2.5 2 1.5

e i (t)

1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 0

















Fig. 6.9 Responses of errors ei (t)

The inputs of controller






-1 0







Fig. 6.10 Responses of controller inputs


6 Event-Based Secure Leader-Following Consensus …

to guarantee the attainment of mean-square exponential consensus for MASs and the event-based controller gain is acquired by applying Lyapunov stability theory and linear matrix inequality technique. Finally, the example of F-18 aircraft model is presented to testify the validity of theoretical results. Future discussion is concerned with the containment control problem about multiple leaders in MASs, along with the attack detection and defense to improve the MASs performance against cyber attacks.

Appendix I Elements of Π1 and Π2 in Theorem 1 ⎡ ⎤ b1 ∗ ∗ 1 ⎦ b3 ∗ = ⎣ b2 Γ11 −g1 M1 g1 (R1 + M1 ) −g1 Q 1 − g1 R1 b1 = 2μ1 (I2N ⊗ P1 ) + Q 1 + Z 1 − g1 R1 − g2 S1 +(I2N ⊗ P1 ) A¯ + A¯ T (I2N ⊗ P1 ) b2 = g1 (R1 + M1 ) − φ K¯ T ( B¯ 1τ (t) )T (I2N ⊗ P1 ) −φ K¯ T ( B¯ 3τ (t) )T (I2N ⊗ P1 )

b3 = σ H1T (Aτ (t) )T ΦAτ (t) H1 + g1 (−2R1 − M1 − M1T ) ⎤ ⎡ b4 00 1 0 0⎦ −g2 U1 Γ21 =⎣ T ¯ 2N ⊗ P1 ) 0 0 φ K¯1 ( B¯ 4τ (t) )T α(I b4 = φ K¯ T ( B¯ 3τ (t) )T α(I ¯ 2N ⊗ P1 ) + g2 (S1 + U1 ) Φ = diag{Φ1 , Φ2 , . . . , Φ N } ⎡ ⎤ b5 ∗ ∗ 1 Γ22 = ⎣g2 (S1 + U1 ) −g2 Z 1 − g2 S1 ∗ ⎦ 0 0 −Φ b5 = σ H1T (Aτ (t) )T ΦAτ (t) H1 + g1 (−2S1 − U1 − U1T ) ⎡ ⎤ b6 00 1 Γ31 = ⎣ H1 F¯ T (I2N ⊗ P1 ) 0 0⎦ 00  H2 T b6 = φ K¯1 ( B¯ 4τ (t) )T (I2N ⊗ P1 )

¯ 2N ⊗ P1 ) −φ K¯1 ( B¯ 2τ (t) )T α(I = diag{−Φ, −I, −I }, g1 = e−2μ1 δ M , g2 = e−2μ1 r M ⎤ ⎡ δ M (I2N ⊗ P1 ) A¯ b7 0 ⎢r M (I2N ⊗ P1 ) A¯ b8 0⎥ ⎥ =⎢ ⎣ 0 b9 0⎦ 0 b10 0 T

Γ33 1 Γ41

Appendix I


b7 = −δ M φ(I2N ⊗ P1 ) B¯ 1τ (t) K¯ −δ M φ(I2N ⊗ P1 )α¯ B¯ 3τ (t) K¯ b8 = −r M φ(I2N ⊗ P1 ) B¯ 1τ (t) K¯ −r M φ(I2N ⊗ P1 )α¯ B¯ 3τ (t) K¯ b9 = δ M φ(I2N ⊗ P1 )ρ B¯ 3τ (t) K¯ b10 = r M φ(I2N ⊗ P1 )ρ B¯ 3τ (t) K¯ ⎡ δ M φ(I2N ⊗ P1 )α¯ B¯ 3τ (t) K¯ ⎢ τ (t) ⎢ r φ(I2N ⊗ P1 )α¯ B¯ 3 K¯ 1 =⎢ M Γ42 ⎣−δ M φ(I2N ⊗ P1 )ρ B¯ 3τ (t) K¯ −r M φ(I2N ⊗ P1 )ρ B¯ 3τ (t) K¯

0 0 0 0

⎤ δ M φ P140 ⎥ r M φ P140 ⎥ ⎥ −δ M φ P141 ⎦ −r M φ P141

P140 = (I2N ⊗ P1 )α¯ B¯ 4τ (t) K¯1 , P141 = (I2N ⊗ P1 )ρ B¯ 4τ (t) K¯1 ⎤ ⎡ δ M φb11 δ M (I2N ⊗ P1 ) F¯ H3 0 ⎢ r M φb12 r M (I2N ⊗ P1 ) F¯ H3 0⎥ 1 ⎥ Γ43 =⎢ ⎣δ M φ P141 0 0⎦ 0 0 r M φ P141 b11 = (I2N ⊗ P1 ) B¯ 2τ (t) K¯1 − (I2N ⊗ P1 )α¯ B¯ 4τ (t) K¯1 α¯ = diag{α¯ 1 , . . . , α¯ N , α¯ 1 , . . . , α¯ N }  ρ = diag{ρ1 , . . . , ρ N , ρ1 , . . . , ρ N }, ρi = α¯ i (1 − α¯ i )  1 Γ44 = diag (I2N ⊗ P1 )−1 R1 (I2N ⊗ P1 ), (I2N ⊗ P1 )−1 S1 (I2N ⊗ P1 ), (I2N ⊗ P1 )−1 R1 (I2N ⊗ P1 ),  (I2N ⊗ P1 )−1 S1 (I2N ⊗ P1 ) K¯ = I2N ⊗ K , K¯1 = I N ⊗ K ⎡ ⎤ b1 ∗ ∗ 2 ⎦ ∗ = ⎣ R2 + M2 −2R2 − M2 − M2T Γ11 R 2 + M2 −g3 Q 2 − R2 −M2 b1 = −2μ2 (I2N ⊗ P2 ) + Q 2 + Z 2 − R2 − S2 +(I ⊗ P2 ) A¯ + A¯ T (I2N ⊗ P2 ) ⎤ ⎡ 2N 00 S2 + U2 ⎢ 0 0⎥ −U2 2 ⎥ Γ21 =⎢ ⎣ H1 F¯ T (I2N ⊗ P2 ) 0 0⎦ 00  H2 ⎡ ⎤ T −2S2 − U2 − U2 ∗ ∗ ∗ ⎢ b2 ∗ ∗ ⎥ S2 + U2 2 ⎥ Γ22 =⎢ ⎣ 0 0 −I ∗ ⎦ 0 0 0 −I


6 Event-Based Secure Leader-Following Consensus …

b2 = −g4 Z 2 − S2 , g3 = e2μ2 δ M , g4 = e2μ2 r M   δ (I ⊗ P2 ) A¯ 0 0 2 Γ31 = M 2N r M (I2N ⊗ P2 ) A¯ 0 0   0 0 δ M (I2N ⊗ P2 ) F¯ H3 0 2 Γ32 = 0 0 r M (I2N ⊗ P2 ) F¯ H3 0  2 Γ33 = diag (I2N ⊗ P2 )−1 R2 (I2N ⊗ P2 ),  (I2N ⊗ P2 )−1 S2 (I2N ⊗ P2 )

Appendix II The proof of Theorem 1 The following time-varying Lyapunov functional is constructed for system (6.11): Vγ (t) (t) =η T (t)(I2N ⊗ Pγ (t) )η(t)  t θ (·)η T (v)Q γ (t) η(v)dv +  +

t−δ M t

θ (·)η T (v)Z γ (t) η(v)dv

t−r M

+ δM + rM



−δ M  0

t+s  t

−r M


θ (·)η˙ T (v)Rγ (t) η(v)dvds ˙ θ (·)η˙ T (v)Sγ (t) η(v)dvds ˙

(6.31) γ (t)

where Pγ (t) >0, Q γ (t) >0, Z γ (t) >0, Rγ (t) >0, Sγ (t) > 0, and θ (·)  e(−1) 2μγ (t) (t−v) ; γ (t) = 1 when t ∈ H1,n and γ (t) = 2 when t ∈ H2,n , n ∈ N. In the following, the discussion on two cases of γ (t) = 1 and γ (t) = 2 will be given respectively. When γ (t) = 1, for t ∈ H1,n , n ∈ N, calculate the derivation and mathematical expectation of V1 (t). In addition, it follows from the inequality (6.9) that σ η T (t − δλ,n (t))H1T (Aτ (t) )T ΦAτ (t) H1 η(t − δλ,n (t)) T −ψλ,n (t)Φψλ,n (t) ≥ 0


where Φ = diag{Φ1 , Φ2 , . . . , Φ N }. From Assumption 6.1, it is easy to achieve that ˜ t) ≥ 0  2 η T (t)H2T H2 η(t) − F˜ T (x(t), t)H2T H2 F(x(t),


Appendix II


Combining (6.32) and (6.33), then by applying Jensen’s inequality [?] and Schur complement, we have E{V˙1 (t)} ≤ −2μ1 E{V1 (t)} + ϕ1T (t)Π1 ϕ1 (t)


where ϕ1 (t) = [η T (t) η T (t − δλ,n (t)) η T (t − δ M ) η T (t − rλ,n (t)) η T (t − r M ) T T ˜ (tr ) ψλ,n (t) (H1T F(x(t), t))T I I I I I ]T . Due to Π1 < 0, it can be acquired ψλ,n that for t ∈ H1,n , n ∈ N, E{V˙1 (t)} ≤ −2μ1 E{V1 (t)} holds. When γ (t) = 2, t ∈ H2,n , n ∈ N, take the derivation and expectation of V2 (t), and similarly employ the aforementioned method, then we can obtain E{V˙2 (t)} ≤ 2μ2 E{V2 (t)} + ϕ2T (t)Π2 ϕ2 (t)


where ϕ2 (t) = [η T (t) η T (t − δλ,n (t)) η T (t − δ M ) η T (t − rλ,n (t)) η T (t − r M ) ˜ t))T I I I ]T . By applying Π2 < 0, it follows that for t ∈ H2,n , n ∈ N, (H1T F(x(t), E{V˙2 (t)} ≤ 2μ2 E{V2 (t)} holds.  an , j = 1, For convenience, define j,n = , then one can get Hj,n = a n + n , j = 2 j [j,n , 3−j,J −1+n ), then it yields that E{Vj (t)} ≤ e2(−1) μ J (t−j,n ) E{Vj (j,n )} holds for t ∈ [j,n , 3−j,j +n−1 ), j ∈ {1, 2}. Besides, owing to the inequalities in (6.18) holding, then by some simple calculations, we can achieve the following inequalities: 

E{V1 (1,n )} ≤ ω2 E{V2 (− 1,n )} 2ς h E{V2 (2,n )} ≤ ω1 e E{V1 (− 2,n )}, ς = μ1 + μ2


If t ∈ [1,n , 2,n ), according to (6.36), it yields that − 2μ2 (1,n −2,n−1 ) E{V2 (2,n−1 )} E{V (t)}≤ω2 e−2μ1 (t−1,n ) E{V2 (− 1,n )}, then E{V2 (1,n )} ≤ e − can be derived due to 1,n ∈ [2,n−1 , 1,n ). By reiterating this process, then we can obtain E{V (t)} ≤ eo(t) E{V1 (0)}


where o(t) = (b0 + fta )[2(ς h + μ2 D M − 2μ1 Dm ) + ln(ω1 ω2 )]. Due to the inequality (6.20) holding, it is easy to acquire that E{V (t)} ≤ eξ1 e−vt E{V1 (0)}


where ξ1 = b0 [2(ς h + μ2 D M − μ1 Dm ) + ln(ω1 ω2 )], v = f1a [(−ς h − μ2 D M + μ1 Dm ) + 21 ln(ω1 ω2 )]. Then by adopting the similar method and combining inequality (6.20), the following inequality can be obtained:


6 Event-Based Secure Leader-Following Consensus …

E{V (t)} ≤

eξ2 −vt e E{V1 (0)} ω2


where ξ2 = (b0 + 1)[2(ς h + μ2 D M − μ1 Dm ) + ln(ω1 ω2 )]. Moreover, it yields that   eξ2 −vt e E{V1 (0)} E{V (t)} ≤ max eξ1 , ω2


It follows from the definition of V (t) that 

  E{V (t)} ≥ ϕmin E  η(t) 2   E{V1 (0)} ≤ ϕmax E  ζ0 2


where ϕmin = min{n (I2N ⊗ Pi )} and ϕmax = max{m (I2N ⊗ Pi )} + hm (Q 1 )+ h2 m (R1 + S1 ). 2 Combining (6.40) and (6.41), it is easy to derive that      ∀t ≥ 0, E  η(t) 2 ≤ εe− 2 t E  ζ0 2


ξ1 eξ2 . According to inequality (6.42) and Definition 6.1, it · max e , where ε = ϕϕmax ω min 2 can be concluded that if the inequalities (6.15)–(6.20) hold, system (12.19) reaches mean-square exponential stability with decay rate 2 . That completes the proof.

Appendix III Elements of Πˆ 1 and Πˆ 2 in Theorem 2 ⎤ c1 ∗ ∗ 1 ⎦ c3 ∗ Γˆ11 = ⎣ c2 ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ −gε M1 g1 ( R1 + M1 ) −g1 Q 1 − g1 R1 ⎡

c1 = 2μ1 Xˆ 1 + Qˆ 1 + Zˆ 1 − g1 Rˆ 1 − g2 Sˆ1 + A¯ Xˆ 1 + Xˆ 1 A¯ T c2 = g1 ( Rˆ 1 + Mˆ 1 ) − φ Y¯ T ( B¯ 1τ (t) )T − φ Y¯ T ( B¯ 3τ (t) )T c3 = σ H1T (Aτ (t) )T ΦAτ (t) H1 + g1 (−2 Rˆ 1 − Mˆ 1 − Mˆ 1T ) Φˆ = diag{Φˆ 1 , Φˆ 2 , . . . , Φˆ N } ⎤ ⎡ φ Y¯ T ( B¯ 3τ (t) )T α¯ + g2 ( Sˆ1 + Uˆ 1 ) 0 0 ⎥ ⎢ 1 −g2 Uˆ 1 0 0⎦ Γˆ21 =⎣ T 00 φ Y¯1 ( B¯ 4τ (t) )T α¯

Appendix III


⎤ c4 ∗ ∗ Γˆ221 = ⎣g2 ( Sˆ1 + Uˆ 1 ) −g2 Zˆ 1 − g2 Sˆ1 ∗ ⎦ 0 0 −Φˆ ⎡

c4 = σ H1T (Aτ (t) )T ΦAτ (t) H1 + g1 (−2 Sˆ1 − Uˆ 1 − Uˆ 1T ) ⎤ ⎡ T T φ Y¯1 ( B¯ 4τ (t) )T − φ Y¯1 ( B¯ 2τ (t) )T α¯ 0 0 1 Γˆ31 =⎣ H1 F¯ T 0 0⎦  H2 Xˆ 1 00 ˆ −I, −I }, g1 = e−2μ1 δ M , g2 = e−2μ1 r M Γˆ33 = diag{−Φ, ⎤ ⎡ ¯ˆ c5 0 δM A X 1 ⎢r M A¯ Xˆ 1 c6 0⎥ 1 ⎥ =⎢ Γˆ41 τ (t) ⎣ 0 δ M φρ B¯ 3 Y¯ 0⎦ 0 r M φρ B¯ 3τ (t) Y¯ 0 c5 = −δ M φ B¯ 1τ (t) Y¯ − δ M φ B¯ 3τ (t) α¯ Y¯ c6 = −r M φ B¯ 1τ (t) Y¯ − r M φ α¯ B¯ 3τ (t) Y¯ ⎤ ⎡ δ M φ α¯ B¯ 3τ (t) Y¯ 0 δ M φ α¯ B¯ 4τ (t) Y¯1 ⎥ ⎢ τ (t) τ (t) ⎢ r φ α¯ B¯ 3 Y¯ 0 r M φ α¯ B¯ 4 Y¯1 ⎥ 1 Γˆ42 =⎢ M ⎥ τ (t) τ (t) ⎣−δ M φρ B¯ 3 Y¯ 0 −δ M φρ B¯ 4 Y¯1 ⎦ −r M φρ B¯ 3τ (t) Y¯ 0 −r M φρ B¯ 4τ (t) Y¯1 ⎤ ⎡ δ M φ B¯ 2τ (t) Y¯1 − δ M φ α¯ B¯ 4τ (t) Y¯1 δ M F¯ H3 0 ⎥ ⎢ τ (t) τ (t) ⎢r φ B¯ Y¯ − r φ α¯ B¯ 4 Y¯1 r M F¯ H3 0⎥ 1 Γˆ43 = ⎢ M 2 1 τM(t) ⎥ ⎣ 0 0⎦ δ M φρ B¯ 4 Y¯1 0 0 r M φρ B¯ 4τ (t) Y¯1 α¯ = diag{α¯ 1 , . . . , α¯ N , α¯ 1 , . . . , α¯ N }  ρ = diag{ρ1 , . . . , ρ N , ρ1 , . . . , ρ N }, ρi = α¯ i (1 − α¯ i ) 1 Γˆ44 = diag −2ν1 Xˆ 1 + ν12 Rˆ 1 , −2ν2 Xˆ 1 + ν22 Rˆ 1 ,

−2ν1 Xˆ 1 + ν12 Rˆ 1 , −2ν2 Xˆ 1 + ν22 Rˆ 1 Y¯ = I2N ⊗ Y, Y¯1 = I N ⊗ Y Xˆ 1 = I2N ⊗ X 1 , Xˆ 2 = I2N ⊗ X 2 ⎡ ⎤ c1 ∗ ∗ 2 ⎦ ∗ Γˆ11 = ⎣ Rˆ 2 + Mˆ 2 −2 Rˆ 2 − Mˆ 2 − Mˆ 2T − Mˆ 2 −g3 Qˆ 2 − Rˆ 2 Rˆ 2 + Mˆ 2 c1 = −2μ2 Xˆ 2 + Qˆ 2 + Zˆ 2 − Rˆ 2 − Sˆ2 + A¯ Xˆ 2 + Xˆ 2 A¯ T


6 Event-Based Secure Leader-Following Consensus …

⎤ Sˆ2 + Uˆ 2 0 0 ⎢ −Uˆ 2 0 0⎥ 2 ⎥ =⎢ Γˆ21 ⎣ H1 F¯ T 0 0⎦  H2 Xˆ 2 0 0 ⎡ −2 Sˆ2 − Uˆ 2 − Uˆ 2T ⎢ Sˆ2 + Uˆ 2 2 =⎢ Γˆ22 ⎣ 0 0 ⎡

∗ c2 0 0

∗ ∗ −I 0

⎤ ∗ ∗⎥ ⎥ ∗⎦ −I

c2 = −g4 Zˆ 2 − Sˆ2 , g3 = e2μ2 δ M , g4 = e2μ2 r M     δ M A¯ Xˆ 2 0 0 0 0 δ M F¯ H3 0 2 2 ˆ ˆ Γ31 = , Γ32 = 0 0 r M F¯ H3 0 r M A¯ Xˆ 2 0 0

2 Γˆ33 = diag −2ν3 Xˆ 2 + ν32 Rˆ 2 , −2ν4 Xˆ 2 + ν42 Rˆ 2

Appendix IV The proof of Theorem 2 Due to (R1 − ν1−1 (I2N ⊗ P1 ))R1−1 (R1 − ν1−1 (I2N ⊗ P1 )) ≥ 0, it is easy to obtain that − (I2N ⊗ P1 )R1−1 (I2N ⊗ P1 ) ≤ −2ν1 (I2N ⊗ P1 ) + ν12 R1


Similarly, we can get the following inequalities: ⎧ −1 2 ⎪ ⎨−(I2N ⊗ P1 )S1 (I2N ⊗ P1 ) ≤ −2ν2 (I2N ⊗ P1 ) + ν2 S1 −1 −(I2N ⊗ P2 )R2 (I2N ⊗ P2 ) ≤ −2ν3 (I2N ⊗ P2 ) + ν32 R2 ⎪ ⎩ −(I2N ⊗ P2 )S2−1 (I2N ⊗ P2 ) ≤ −2ν4 (I2N ⊗ P2 ) + ν42 S2 Then replacing the terms in Γ441 and Γ332 with −2ν1 (I2N ⊗ P1 )+ν12 R1 , −2ν2 (I2N ⊗ P1 ) + ν22 S1 and −2ν3 (I2N ⊗ P2 ) + ν32 R2 , −2ν4 (I2N ⊗ P2 ) + ν42 S2 , it follows that ⎧  1 ⎪ Γ44 = diag −2ν1 (I2N ⊗ P1 ) + ν12 R1 , ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ 2 2 ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ −2ν2 (I2N ⊗ P1 ) + ν2 S1 ,−2ν1 (I2N ⊗ P1 ) + ν1 R1 , 2 −2ν2 (I2N ⊗ P1 ) + ν2 S1 ⎪  ⎪ 2 ⎪ = diag −2ν3 (I2N ⊗ P2 ) + ν32 R2 , Γ33 ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ −2ν (I ⊗ P ) + ν 2 S  4 2N 2 4 2 Let X 1 = P1−1 , Xˆ 1 = I2N ⊗ X 1 , X¯ 1 = I N ⊗ X 1 , Δ1 = diag{ Xˆ 1 , Xˆ 1 , Xˆ 1 , Xˆ 1 , X¯ 1 , I, I, Xˆ 1 , Xˆ 1 , Xˆ 1 , Xˆ 1 }, then pre- and post-multiply Π1 with Δ1 and Δ1T . Define Y = K X 1 , Y¯ = I2N ⊗ Y , Y¯1 = I N ⊗ Y , Qˆ 1 = Xˆ 1 Q 1 Xˆ 1 ,

Appendix IV


Rˆ 1 = Xˆ 1 R1 Xˆ 1 , Zˆ 1 = Xˆ 1 Z 1 Xˆ 1 , Sˆ1 = Xˆ 1 S1 Xˆ 1 , Mˆ 1 = Xˆ 1 M1 Xˆ 1 , Uˆ 1 = Xˆ 1 U1 Xˆ 1 , Φˆ = X¯ 1 Φ X¯ 1 , then we have Πˆ 1 , further, it can be acquired that E{V˙1 (t)} < 0. In addition, denote X 2 = P2−1 , Xˆ 2 = I2N ⊗ X 2 , Δ2 = diag{ Xˆ 2 , Xˆ 2 , Xˆ 2 , Xˆ 2 , Xˆ 2 , I, I, Xˆ 2 , Xˆ 2 }, then pre- and post-multiply Π2 with Δ2 and Δ2T . Define Qˆ 2 = Xˆ 2 Q 2 Xˆ 2 , Rˆ 2 = Xˆ 2 R2 Xˆ 2 , Zˆ 2 = Xˆ 2 Z 2 Xˆ 2 , Sˆ2 = Xˆ 2 S2 Xˆ 2 , Mˆ 2 = Xˆ 2 M2 Xˆ 2 , Uˆ 2 = Xˆ 2 U2 Xˆ 2 , then we can get Πˆ 2 , moreover, one can easily obtain that E{V˙2 (t)} < 0. For the first inequality in (6.18), employing Schur complement, then by multiplying Ω and Ω T (Ω = diag{ Xˆ 2 , Xˆ 2 }) on its both sides, we can get the inequality (6.24). Applying the similar method, it follows from the inequalities in (6.18) and (6.19) that inequalities (6.25)–(6.29) hold. Based on the results of Theorem 1, one can obtain that the system (12.19) achieves exponentially stability in mean-square. Owing to Y = K X 1 , it is easy to derive that the controller gain is K = Y X 1−1 . This completes the proof.

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Part III

Active Defense Control of Networked Control System

Chapter 7

Security Control of Networked T-S Fuzzy System Under Nonperiodic DoS Attacks with Event-Based Predictor

This chapter investigates the security issue of networked T-S fuzzy system (NTFS) under intermittent DoS jamming attack (I-DoS-JA). This kind attack often causes the hiatus of control input and output feedback in communication channels. In order to compensate the missing data caused by attacks, a model-based predictive control (MPC) framework is proposed by embedding predictors within the closed-loop NTFS, in which: (1) a T-S fuzzy model is formulated with the consideration of I-DoSJA. Based on this model, a fuzzy observer is constructed to estimate the unmeasurable system states; (2) the predictors embedded in remote plant and local controller are modeled as a synchronous T-S fuzzy system; and (3) an event-trigger mechanism (ETM) is integrated in the observer-based predictor, which would take great advantages in saving bandwidth sources. Finally, a nonlinear system is given as an example to substantiate the work of this chapter [1]. This chapter is structured as below. The system model and problem formulation are described in Sect. 7.1. The analysis of asymptotically stable is proposed in Sect. 7.2. Section 7.3 provides ETP algorithm. In Sect. 7.4, the simulation example is presented to verify the feasibility of the proposed theory. Finally, Sect. 7.5 concludes the chapter.

7.1 Problem Formulation 7.1.1 System Description According to the definition of CPS, a networked control system (NCS) framework is proposed as showing in Fig. 7.1 to describe a typical phenomena of CPS under cyber-attack. In this framework, observer is designed to estimate the unmeasurable data, and event-trigger is introduced to make full use of the bandwidth. In view of the complex characteristics of CPS , a nonlinear system is formulated via powerful © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021 D. Yue et al., Secure Control of Networked Control Systems and Its Applications,



7 Security Control of Networked T-S Fuzzy System …

Fig. 7.1 Event-based predictive control for I-DoS-JA schematic

T-S fuzzy model as 

x (k + 1) = Aθ(k) x (k) + Bθ(k) u (k) y (k) = Cθ(k) x (k)


  where Aθ(k) = h i (θ (k)) Ai , Bθ(k) = h i (θ (k)) Bi and Cθ(k) = i∈{1,...,r } i∈{1,...,r }  h i (θ (k)) Ci are the coefficient matrices, and h i (θ(k)) is the membership

i∈{1,...,r }

function,  θ(k) is the premise variable. In addition, it satisfies the features h i (θ(k)) > 0 and ri=1 h i (θ(k)) = 1. x(k) ∈ R n x is plant state, u(k) ∈ R n u is the control input and y(k) ∈ R n y is the measurement of sensors. In order to obtain the unmeasurable states, an observer approach is adopted to estimate the states. According to the powerful T-S fuzzy IF-THEN rules, the nonlinear observer system is presented as 

  y(k) − yˆ (k) ˆ + Bθ(k) x(k ˆ + 1) = Aθ(k) ˆ x(k) ˆ u(k) + L θ(k) ˆ yˆ (k) = Cθ(k) ˆ ˆ x(k)


7.1 Problem Formulation


Fig. 7.2 DoS attack schematic

where  j∈{1,...,r }

 ˆ ˆ h j (θ(k))A Bθ(k) = h j (θ(k))B Cθ(k) = j, j, ˆ ˆ j∈{1,...,r } j∈{1,...,r }  ˆ ˆ ˆ h j (θ(k))C = h j (θ(k))L j and L θ(k) j . The notation h i (θ(k)) is the ˆ Aθ(k) = ˆ

j∈{1,...,r }

ˆ membership function, and θ(k) is the premise variable. In addition, it satisfies the r ˆ ˆ features h i (θ(k)) > 0 and i=1 h i (θ(k)) = 1 . x(k) ˆ ∈ R n x and yˆ (k) ∈ R n y denote the estimated state and output of the observer, respectively. Remark 7.1 According to the standard T-S fuzzy process, we realize that the plant and the observer in the fuzzy system have the same premise variables. In order to distinguish the two, different symbols are used in this chapter. Thus, if the subscripts and L θ(k) = L θ(k) i = j, we have Aθ(k) = Aθ(k) ˆ , Bθ(k) = Bθ(k) ˆ , C θ(k) = C θ(k) ˆ ˆ . The remote controller with feedback control law is presented as u(k) = Kh(k) x(k)


 ηl (h (k)) Kl denotes the feedback gain set, which contains where Kh(k) =   l∈{1,...,r } K1 . . . Kr . The notation ηl (h(k)) is the membership function, and  h(k) is the premise variable. In addition, it satisfies the features ηl (h(k)) > 0 and rl=1 ηl (h(k)) = 1. Considering the event-based scheme and the feedback original signal is from observer, thus the controller output in this chapter is described as ˆ s) u(k) = Kh(k) x(k The periodic DoS jamming attack process to be considered is illustrated in Fig. 7.2. From Fig. 7.2, we can get that the DoS attack process is intermittent and stochastic during the interval [k0 , k p ]. Thus, it can be formulated with the follow subsections as


7 Security Control of Networked T-S Fuzzy System …

Snor :=

∞  i i+1 [satt + τi , satt )



 i  i i ∪ [satt , satt + τi ), i ∈ [0, ∞) Satt := satt


 above formulation, we can consequently drawn the two conclusions as Based on (i) k0 , k p = Satt Snor ; (ii) Satt Snor =φ. i We employ koi f f /on and kon/o f f to denote the beginning and ending time instant of the ith DoS jamming attack in Fig. 7.2. Therefore, the ith DoS jamming attack is i located in the interval koi f f /on , kon/o f f . Based on two ends of the interval, the ith i i DoS attack duration is drawn as i = |kon/o f f − ko f f /on | and then we can describe the union set of DoS attack as

 DoS =

∞   i  i ko f f /on , kon/o ff



According to Assumptions 7.1 and 7.2 in [2], two important definitions of DoS duration time and frequency are presented. Definition 7.1 ([2, 3]) Given scalars ε ≥ 0 and τ D ∈ R≥0 , the I-DoS-JA frequency can be described as k p − k0 (7.7) N(k0 ,k p ) ≤ ε + τD where k0 and k p denote the beginning and ending time of the DoS attack interval, and τ D stands for the average number of DoS attack per unit time. Definition 7.2 ([2, 3]) Given scalars  ≥ 0 and T ∈ R≥0 , the I-DoS-JA duration can be described as k p − k0 (7.8) |(k0 , k p )| ≤  + T where k0 and k p denote the beginning and ending time of the DoS attack interval, and T1 stands for the upper limit of average dwell-on time of intermittent DoS attack within a unit time. For the sake of pointing out the differences between packet loss and intermittent DoS jamming attack, we define τ PC and τ R to denote the predict span and the upper bound of packet loss, respectively. The probability of packet loss is often fixed and not greater than a certain supremum for a fixed bandwidth and hardware conditions, thus, the packet loss span τ R is bounded. While the data missing span τ PC (or called DoS duration time) caused by DoS attack is changeable and stochastic. Such that, the following relationships can be summerized. 1. 0 < i < τ R ; 2. τ R < i < τ R + τ PC ;

7.1 Problem Formulation


Fig. 7.3 Different DoS attack duration time schematic

3. n ∗ (τ R + τ PC ) < i < n ∗ (τ R + τ PC ) + τ R , i = 1, 2, . . . , n (τ0 , t); 4. n ∗ (τ R + τ PC ) + τ R < i < (n + 1) ∗ (τ R + τ PC ), i = 1, 2, . . . , N(k0 ,k p ) . Based on above relationships, an strategy of predictive control is presented for stability and security control when the DoS duration time is longer than the upper bound of packet loss (UBPL). The detailed processes are presented in Fig. 7.3. In Fig.7.3, the interval (a) denotes the process of DoS belongs to i , which indicates the length of attack the system can withstand. The interval (b) denotes a complete predictive period for missing date compensation. The processes (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) denote the different data compensation cases. In addition, the red line indicates the ending of data compensation. In practical process, the time instant described by the solid blue line with downward arrow is not existing. It is designed for explaining the predictive control scenario. According to above analysis, an event-based predictive control scenario will be designed in the next section. In addition, some meaningful assumptions, which will play important roles in the rest parts, are shown as follows: Assumption 7.1 If the DoS attack duration time i is shorter than UBPL τ R , system is assumed to be stable. Assumption 7.2 In the NCS framework as presented in Fig. 7.1, the controller and actuator are assumed to be event-driven, while the sensor is clock-driven. Assumption 7.3 The forward and backward communication channels are not attacked simultaneously. If both of the two channels are under intermittent DoS attack, the processes are intermittent and alternate.

7.1.2 Modeling of Event-Based Fuzzy Predictive System Intermittent DoS attack is a kind of the attack that the communications between plant and controller are fitful, a part of the communication is impossible. Due to this malicious attack, many important information will be lost, and the performances


7 Security Control of Networked T-S Fuzzy System …

Fig. 7.4 Event-based predictive instants schematic

of the communication will decline as well. For the communication limitations, the inevitable cyber attack often do harm to the availability and authenticity of the data, such that event-based predictor is designed in this note to mitigate effect of malicious attack. Considering the advantage of saving communication resources, ETS is adopted to weaken the effect of intermittent DoS attack [4]. Since the states of the plant can not be measured directly, thus, the observer-based approach is employed. Motivated by the design philosophy of dynamic ETS [4–6], the transmission instants can be determined via the following rule   ˆ s) ks+1 = inf k > ks : esT (k)W es (k) > μxˆ T (ks )W x(k k


where es (k) = x(k) ˆ − x(k ˆ s ) is the errors between observer and predictor, μ ∈ [0, 1] is a parameter for ETS modulation and W > 0 is a weighting matrix, which will be determined later.

the DoS attack, we consider the time interval ksi , ksi+1 , with ksi +m ∈  To model ksi , ksi+1 and m ∈ S1 := {0, 1, . . . , si+1 − si − 1}, i = 1, 2, . . . , N(k0 ,k p ) , are the data transmitted instants generated by event-trigger. Then we can formulate the interval sets as si+1 −si −1  

= ksi +m , ksi +m+1 , m ∈ S1 m=0

as the subintervals,  k ∈ . The interval ksi , ksi+1 is taken as a completed predictive period, ksn +m are the trigger instants without DoS attack, with m ∈ S1 . Therefore, the lost triggered data caused by DoS attack can be produced by the algorithm        ˜ sn + B˜ u˜ k|k ˜ sn , k˜ ∈ k˜sn , k˜sn+1 x˜ k˜ + 1|ksn = A˜ x˜ k|k


 Thus, within the predict intervals ksi , ksi +1 , the triggered instants can be described as data In Fig. 7.4, the instants ksi +m denote the instants of successful  transmission, ˜ ˜ ˜ if we ignore the effects of time delay, we can get k ∈ ksn , ksn+1 equals to k˜ ∈

7.1 Problem Formulation


ksn , ksn+1 , based on this condition, we have       x˜ k˜sn +m + jm + 1|ksn = A˜ x˜ k˜sn +m + jm |ksn + B˜ u˜ k˜sn +m |ksn


  ˜ B˜ are the coefficient matrix, where jm ∈ S2 := 0, 1, . . . , k˜sn +m+1 − k˜sn +m − 1 , A,   u˜ k˜sn +m |ksn is the signal transmitted from controller to actuator, ksn +m indicates the time when data transmission is triggered. For a complete prediction process, all of event-based predictive time can be formulated as sn+1 −sn −1 k˜sn +m+1 −k˜sn +m −1

mn =



[k˜sn +m + jm , k˜sn +m + jm + 1)


where m ∈ S1 , k˜ ∈ mn . From the model-based predictive (MPC) scenario design, the corresponding trigger condition is updated as 


   W x˜ (k) − x˜ ksi +m |ks i ≥ x˜ (k) − x˜ ksi +m |ksi  μx˜ T ksi +m + jm |ksi W x˜ ksi +m + jm |ksi


where x(k) ˜ = x(k ˜ si +m + jm |ksi ), with jm ∈ S2 , m ∈ S1 . Motivated by [7], the event-trigger judgement function is defined as  T   ˜ − x(k ˜ si +m |ksi ) W x(k) ˜ − x(k ˜ si +m |ksi ) f (k|ksi ) = x(k) ˜ si +m + jm |ksi ) −μx˜ T (k si +m + jm |ksi )W x(k


where f (·) is the function of event-trigger scheme, if f (·) > 0, the transmission is allowed, otherwise, the transmission is infeasible. According to the predictive scenario, the system model is updated as ˜ s) x(k + 1) = Aθ(k) x(k) + Bθ(k) u(k ˆ s) = Aθ(k) x(k) + Bθ(k) Kh (k˜ ) x(k


where u(k ˜ s ) is the control signal produced by predictor, and Kh (k˜ ) is the feedback gain. In the framework in Fig. 7.2, an observer is presented as   x(k ˆ + 1) = Aθ(k) − Lˆ θ(k) Cθ(k) xˆ (k) + Bθ(k) Kηkˆ  xˆ (ks ) + L θ(k) y (k) In the controller side, the state of the predictor is formulated as



7 Security Control of Networked T-S Fuzzy System …

x(k ˜ + 1) = A˜ θ(k) x(k) + Bθ(k) u(k ˜ s) where A˜ θ(k) =

 i∈{1,...,r }

A˜ i and B˜ θ(k) =

 i∈{1,...,r }


B˜ i are the coefficient matrices.

Some important errors are presented e(k) = x(k) − x(k), ˆ e(k) ˜ = x(k) ˆ − x(k), ˜ eim (k) = x(k) ˜ − x(k ˆ s ) and es (k) = x(k) ˆ − x(k ˆ s ) with k ∈ mn to denote the state errors between plant and observer , observer and predictor, predictor and predictive event-trigger, respectively. According to above definitions of the errors, we have  xˆ (ks ) = xˆ (k s ) − xˆ (k) + xˆ (k) − x (k) + x (k) = x (k) − e (k) − es (k) and x˜ ksn +m |ksn = x˜ ksn +m |ksn − x˜ (k) + x˜ (k) − xˆ (k) + xˆ (k) − x (k) + x (k) = x (k) − e (k) − e˜ (k) − enm (k). T  A stacking vector is defined as z (k) = x T (k) e T (k) e˜ T (k) , then the synthesis system model is formulated as z (k + 1) = z (k) + ϒenm (k)


⎡ ⎤ i jl i jl i jl 11 Pi 12 13 r  r  r  ⎢ i jl i jl i jl ⎥ = ⎣ 21 22 23 ⎦ i jl i jl i jl i=1 j=1 l=1 31 32 33


⎡ ⎤ −Bi K˜ l r  r  r   ⎢ B j − Bi K˜ l ⎥ ϒ= ⎣   ⎦, i=1 j=1 l=1 − B j − B˜ i K˜ l


i jl i jl i jl i jl i jl with 11 = Ai + Bi K˜ l , 12 = −Bi K˜ l ,12 =, 13 = −Bi K˜ l , 21 = Ai − A j + 

i jl

 i jl  Bi − B j K˜l + L j Cj − Ci , 22 =A j − L j C j + B j − Bi K˜ l , 23 = B j − Bi 

i jl i jl K˜ l , 31 = B j − B˜ i K˜ l + A j + L j Ci − C j − A˜ i , 32 = A˜ i − A j + L j C j −     i jl B j − B˜ i K˜ l , 33 = A˜ i − B j − B˜ i K˜ l . For further, we have z (k + 1) = 1 z (k) + 2 K˜ z (k) + ϒ1 K enm (k) ⎤ 0 0


⎣ Ai − A j + L j C j − C i Aj − L jCj 0 ⎦, where 1 = 

i=1 j=1 ˜ ˜ A j − Ai + L j Ci − C j Ai − A j + L j C j A˜ i ⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤ −Bi −Bi Bi −Bi r  r  r r   ⎣ Bi − B j B j − Bi B j − Bi ⎦, ϒ1 = ⎣ B j − Bi ⎦, 2 = i=1 j=1 i=1 j=1 B j − B˜ i B j − B˜ i B˜ i − B j B˜ i − B j ⎡ ⎤ K 0 0 l r r   ⎣ 0 K l 0 ⎦, K h(k) = Kl . K˜ = l=1 l=1 0 0 Kl r  r 


7.1 Problem Formulation


According to the definitions in the event-trigger scheme design part, we can derive T enm (k) W enm (k) ≤ μz T (k) z (k)


⎤ 1 −1 −1 where  = W × ⎣ −1 1 1 ⎦. −1 1 1 In order to obtain the event-trigger condition of observer, we define an error vector es (k) = xˆ (k) − xˆ (ks ), then we have 

T   xˆ (k) − xˆ (ks ) W xˆ (k) − xˆ (ks ) ≤ μxˆ T (k) W xˆ (k)


According to above definitions of error vectors, we have made before, we can get xˆ (k) =xˆ (k) − x (k) + x (k) = x (k) − e (k), thus, a further useful event-trigger condition in () is derived as esT (k) W es (k) ≤ μη T (k) W¯ η (k)


   x (k) W −W ˜ where η (k) = ,W = , μ ∈ [0, 1]. e (k) −W W

7.2 Stability Analysis Lemma 7.1 Given real matrices H and E with appropriate dimensions, for all F(t) satisfying F T (t) F (t) ≤ I , there exists inequality H F (t) E + E T F T (t) H T < 0 holds, if and only if there exists a scalar ε > 0, such that εH H T + ε−1 E T E < 0 Based on above design and Lemma 7.1, stability analysis results are derived below. Theorem 7.1 Given positive parameters μ ∈ (0, 1), α > 0, β > 0, system (7.17)– (7.18) are asymptotically stable (AS), if there exists R¯ > 0, W¯ > 0 and appropriate dimensions matrix Y j , j ∈ {1, 2, . . . , r }, which satisfy the in equations ⎡

11 ⎢ 0 ⎢ ⎣ 0 

∗ 22 0 ϒ

∗ ∗ 33 0

⎤ ∗ ∗ ⎥ ⎥ 0 and matrices Yl , l ∈ {1, 2, ...r } satisfying the LMIs ⎡ ⎤ 11 ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ⎢ 0 22 ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ 0 0 33 ∗ ∗ ∗ ⎥ ⎥ 0, W¯ > 0 and the matrices Yl , l ∈ {1, . . . , r }, such that the follow LMI holds ⎡

11 ⎢ 0 ⎢ ⎣ 0 ˜ 41 

∗ 22 0 ˜ 42 

∗ ∗ 33 0

⎤ ∗ ∗ ⎥ ⎥ 0, for any k ∈ mn , along the trajectory of system (7.17)–(7.18) to calculate the difference for V (η (k) , k), observe the inequality ⎡

11 ⎢ 0 ˜ =⎢  ⎣ 0 ˜ 41 

∗ 22 0 ˜ 42

∗ ∗ 33 0

⎤ ∗ ∗ ⎥ ⎥ εx T (tk,n h)Ω x(tk,n h) + η(tk j h) ϕ


where tk j h  tk h + j h, ε > 0, ϕ > 0 and positive triggering matrix Ω to be designed. The internal dynamic function η(t) is defined as ⎧ dη(t) T ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ dt = − μη(t) + εx (tk,n h)Ω x(tk,n h) − [x(tk j h) − x(tk,n h)]T Ω[x(tk j h) − x(tk,n h)], ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ η(0) = η0 ,


where η0 > 0. Remark 8.2 Note that η(t) > 0, ∀t with ϕ = 0. Substituting (8.6) to (8.7), for t ∈ [tk j h, tk j+1 h), one has dη(t) 1 ≥ − μη(t) − η(tk j h), dt ϕ (μϕ + 1)e−μ(t−tk j h) − 1 η(tk j h) μϕ (μϕ + 1)e−μh − 1 η(tk j h) ≥ μϕ N  (μϕ + 1)e−μh − 1 ≥ η(0). μϕ

η(t) ≥

where N ≥ 0. Then, it satisfies η(t) > 0 if ln(1 + μϕ) > μh. Remark 8.3 The continue function η(t) is similar with the discrete one in [2]. Both of them are positive decay function. However, the work in [2] did not consider the influence of DoS attacks. Here the function η(t) is piecewise continued function due to the intermittent operation of dynamic ETM. At the beginning time of intervals Hn , Rn , the dynamic ETM will be forced to trigger communication.

8.1 Problem Formulation


8.1.3 Modeling of Switched Control Systems According to the triggered sequence {tk,n h} with delay, the primary control interval Hn can be divided by Hn = ∪k(n) k=0 Hk,n , where Hk,n

⎧ ⎪ ⎪[h n , t1,n h + τ1 (t1,n h)), k = 0, ⎪ ⎨ [t h + τ (t h), t k,n 1 k,n k+1,n h + τ1 (tk+1,n h)), = ⎪ k = 1, ..., k(n) − 1, ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ [tk(n),n h + τ1 (tk(n),n h), h n + gn ), k = k(n),

and k(n) = sup{k ∈ N |tk,n h + τ1 (tk,n h) < h n + gn }. For each Hk,n , it can be divided by j (k)


Hk,n = ∪ j=0 Hk,n , where



⎧ [tk,n h + τ1 (tk,n h), tk,n h + τ¯1 + h), j = 0, ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ [tk,n h + τ¯1 + j h, tk,n h + τ¯1 + ( j + 1)h), = j = 1, ..., j (k) − 1, ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ h + τ ¯ + j (k)h, t [t k,n 1 k+1,n h + τ1 (tk+1,n h)), ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ j = j (k),

and j (k) = sup{ j ∈ N |tk,n h + τ¯1 + j h < tk+1,n h + τ1 (tk+1,n h)}. Then, a virtual input delay is introduced ⎧ 0 ⎪ t ∈ Hk,n , ⎨t − tk,n h, j τ1 (t) = t − tk,n h − j h, t ∈ Hk,n , j = 1, ..., j (k) − 1 ⎪ ⎩ j (k) t − tk,n h − j (k)h, t ∈ Hk,n .


Thus, one can has τ1 (tk,n h) ≤ τ1 (t) ≤ τ˜1 , t ∈ Hk,n . where τ˜1 = τ¯1 + h. Furthermore, the triggered error can be represented by ⎧ x(tk,n h) − x(tk,n h), ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨x(t h) − x(t h + j h), k,n k,n e1 (t) = ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ x(tk,n h) − x(tk,n h + j (k)h),

0 t ∈ Hk,n , j t ∈ Hk,n , j = 1, ..., j (k) − 1, j (k) t ∈ Hk,n .



8 Bandwidth Allocation-Based Switched Dynamic Triggering Control …

When the redundancy channel is active, similarly, the triggering instants and intervals will be generated as same as the above process. Denote triggering instants {tˆk,n h} generated by {rn } and the triggered condition (8.6) in which the tk j h and tk,n h are replaced by tˆk j h and tˆk,n h, where tˆk j h ∈ Rn , tˆk j h  tˆk h + j h. Then, we can obtain that (8.10) τ2 (tˆk,n h) ≤ τ2 (t) ≤ τ˜2 , t ∈ Rk,n , where τ˜2 = τ¯2 + h and the triggered error e2 (t) = x(tˆk,n h) − x(tˆk,n h + j h), t ∈ j j Rk,n , Rk,n = [tˆk,n h + j h + τ¯2 , tˆk,n h + ( j + 1)h + τ¯2 ). According to (8.1), (8.2), (8.8), (8.9), (8.10), under DoS attacks, networked continued system (8.1) with redundant channel is represented by a class of switched delay system consisting of three subsystems Σσ(t) : ⎧ j ⎪ ⎨ Ax(t) + B K 1 [x(t − τ1 (t)) + e1 (t)], t ∈ Hk,n , j x(t) ˙ = Ax(t) + B K 2 [x(t − τ2 (t)) + e2 (t)], t ∈ Rk,n , ⎪ ⎩ Ax(t), t ∈ Dn ,


where τ1 (t) ∈ [0, τ˜1 ] and τ2 (t) ∈ [0, τ˜2 ] and the triggering error ei (t) (i = 1, 2) satisfies eiT (t)Ωei (t) ≤ε[x(t − τi (t)) + ei (t)]T Ω[x(t − τi (t)) + ei (t)] 1 + η(t − τi (t)), ϕ with


dη(t) = −μη(t) + ε[x(t − τi (t)) + ei (t)]T Ω dt [x(t − τi (t)) + ei (t)] − ei (t)T Ωei (t).

In this study, our control objective is to design feedback gains K 1 , K 2 and dynamic ETM parameter Ω to stabilize the system (8.11). Remark 8.4 The system model (8.11) includes three subsystems dynamic. As a special case of our model, the study on resilient control problem in [3, 4] only considered two subsystem dynamic, namely Σ0 and Σ1 . The subsystem Σ2 is described individually because its control channel has different and correlated communication environment with relative to primary channel, as reflected by the correlated delay τ1 (t), τ2 (t). This study case is also different from the multi-channel system with the assumption of independent delay or packet drop [5, 6]. Although the system we established has only two channels, it can represent a class of multi-channel system from a viewpoint that one part of channels is for primary control while the other part of channels is for redundancy control to prevent DoS attacks.

8.2 Design of Defense Switching Law


8.2 Design of Defense Switching Law Although the strategy of attackers is priori unknown, our defenders should keep the system in an invincible state by well using the redundant resources. We aim to design a defense switching law ρ(t) for the redundant control channel. Before that, an assumption is that DoS attacks can be detected by a real-time on-line detection mechanism. Assumption 8.2 DoS attacks on the primary channel can be detected by intrusion detection system of cyber layer. Remark 8.5 Although the strategy of DoS attacks is unknown for us, it can be detected in real-time [7, 8]. In this study, we focus on studying defensive strategy on the basis of the given detection results which identifies whether the primary channel is under attacking at the current moment or not. As DoS attacks is detected, we will generate a switching law to determine when to switch to redundancy control channel. To eliminate the influence of DoS attacks on system performance, the switching law of redundant control channel is very important to assistant primary control loop to achieve system security. In following, two kinds of defense switching laws are discussed here. (1) Seamless switching law: Order ρ(t) = 2 for all time. Both u 1 (t) and u 2 (t) are transmitted by primary channel and redundant channel respectively. But actuators will only choose u 1 (t) and drop u 2 (t) when primary channel is secure without DoS attacks. And system (8.11) will switch to subsystem Σ2 immediately DoS attacks disrupt the control channel transmitting signal u 1 (t). This is perfect to defense DoS attacks. However, seamless switching law requires the redundant channel is always on-line. Thus, this switching law not only wastes much resources and energies but also increases the risk to be attacked. The redundancy channel once invaded by DoS attacks will betray our original intention to achieve active defense. (2) Concealing switching law: It is not guaranteed that the redundancy control channel would not be found and broken by DoS attacks. Thus, we should design one kind of concealing switching law in order that the redundant channel is to be switched as possible as less while the system performance is compensated under DoS attacks. In this study, according to Hurwitz convex combination method [9, 10], a concealing switching law is generated. First, we assume that there exist a Hurwizt convex combination 2 θi (Ai + B K i ), (8.13) E= i=1


8 Bandwidth Allocation-Based Switched Dynamic Triggering Control …

which satisfies E T P + P E = −Q. where θ1 + θ2 = 1 and P, Q are positive definite matrices. Based on P and Q, the switching region is constructed by Ωi = {x ∈ R n |x T (t)[(Ai + B K i )T P + P(Ai + B K i )]x(t) ≤ −x T (t)Qx(t)}


According to the obtained Ωi , a set of switching regions with no overlapping is given by Ω˜ 1 = Ω1 , (8.15) Ω˜ 2 = Ω2 − (Ω2 ∩ Ω˜ 1 ), 2 where ∪i=1 Ω˜ i = R n and Ω˜ 1 ∩ Ω˜ 2 = ∅. The concealing switching law is constructed by

ρ(t) = 0, when x(t) ∈ Ω˜ 1 or s(t) = 1, ρ(t) = 2, when x(t) ∈ Ω˜ 2 and s(t) = 0.


Remark 8.6 The switching law design problem in this study is different from conventional one [9, 10]. First, we use A + B K 1 but A to represent the subsystem Σ0 in Hurwizt convex combination. On the one hand, if the subsystem Σ0 with unstable A were in Hurwizt convex combination, all states x(t) will always be fallen into the region Ω˜ 2 and then we only obtain a seamless switching law. On the other hand, considering that system under DoS attacks has some kinds of resilience, we choose subsystem A + B K 1 to construct Hurwizt convex combination (8.13). Second, because the switching law to be designed is under the comprehensive constraint of DoS attacks strategy and defend strategy. In convention study [9, 10], the switching law only between subsystem Σ1 and subsystem Σ2 is generated by σ(t) = i, x(t) ∈ Ω˜ i , (i = 1, 2).


According to [10], the system with subsystem Σ1 , Σ2 is stable under the switching law (8.17). However, the switching law (8.17) will be disturbed by attacks signal and another unstable subsystem Σ0 caused by attacks will be introduced to damage the stability of system (8.11). It can not be guaranteed that system (8.11) is stable under the disturbed switching law.

8.3 Stability Analysis


8.3 Stability Analysis In this section, we will demonstrate that the concealing switching law (8.16) can stabilize system (8.11) under DoS attacks. First, the switching signals σ(t) is generated by the superposition of the concealing switching law (8.16) and DoS attacks signal. ⎧ ⎪ ⎨0, s(t) = 0, and ρ(t) = 0, σ(t) = 1, s(t) = 1, and ρ(t) = 0, (8.18) ⎪ ⎩ 2, s(t) = 0, and ρ(t) = 2. According to the resulting switching signal σ(t) (8.18), the switchings between subsystems have several situations as explanation in follows Table 8.1. And the subsystem switching logic is depicted in Fig. 8.2. The stability of system driven by the switching logic is developed in following Theorem 1. Theorem 8.1 Given λ, φ, τ¯ , h, αi , (i = 0, 1, 2), θi , (i = 1, 2), ε(> α1 , α2 ), ϕ, μ and δ, system (8.11) is exponential stable under switching law (8.18) if there exists positive definite matrices P, R, Z , W and matrices K 1 , K 2 , X with appropriate dimensions satisfying (8.19) Ξi < 0, (i = 0, 1, 2),

Table 8.1 Explanation of subsystem switching (1) σ(t − ) = 0 → σ(t + ) = 1 (2) σ(t − ) = 0 → σ(t + ) = 2 (3) σ(t − ) = 1 → σ(t + ) = 0 (4) σ(t − ) = 1 → σ(t + ) = 2 (5) σ(t − ) = 2 → σ(t + ) = 0 (6) σ(t − ) = 2 → σ(t + ) = 1

DoS attacks ending Defense during DoS attacks DoS attacks starting without defense DoS attacks starting while defense starting Defense ending during DoS attacks DoS attacks ending while defense ending

Fig. 8.2 Switching subsystem under attacks signal s(t) and defense law ρ(t)



8 Bandwidth Allocation-Based Switched Dynamic Triggering Control …

⎤ Φ0 ∗ ∗ Ξ1 = ⎣τ˜1 Φ1 −Z −1 ∗ ⎦ , τ˜1 Φ1 0 −W −1 ⎤ ⎡ P B K1 Φ0 (1, 1) Φ0 (1, 2) −ρ1 X ⎢ ∗ Φ0 (2, 2) ρ1 (X − Z ) ψ1 εΩ ⎥ ⎥, Φ0 = ⎢ ⎦ ⎣ ∗ 0 ∗ Φ0 (3, 3) ∗ ∗ ∗ ψ1 (ε − 1)Ω Φ0 (1, 1) = H e(P A) + α1 P + R + ρ1 Z − Φ0 (1, 2) = P B K 1 − ρ1 Z + ρ1 X + Φ0 (2, 2) = ρ1 (2Z − X − X T ) −

π2 W, 4

π2 W, 4

π2 W + ψ1 εΩ, 4

Φ0 (3, 3) = −e−α1 τ˜1 R + ρ1 Z , Φ1 = [A, B K 1 , 0, B K 1 ], τ˜1 = e( λ −1)φ τ¯ + h, ρ1 = α1 τ˜1 /(1 − eα1 τ˜1 ), 1

ψ1 = ϕ(μ − α1 ) + 1. ⎡ ⎤ Γ0 ∗ ∗ Ξ2 = ⎣τ˜2 Γ1 −Z −1 ∗ ⎦ , τ˜2 Γ1 0 −W −1 ⎤ ⎡ P B K2 Γ0 (1, 1) Γ0 (1, 2) −ρ2 X ⎢ ∗ Γ0 (2, 2) ρ2 (X − Z ) ψ2 εΩ ⎥ ⎥, Γ0 = ⎢ ⎦ ⎣ ∗ 0 ∗ Γ0 (3, 3) ∗ ∗ ∗ ψ2 (ε − 1)Ω Γ0 (1, 1) = H e(P(E − B2 K 2 )) + α2 P + R + ρ2 Z − Γ0 (1, 2) = P B K 2 − ρ2 Z + ρ2 X + Γ0 (2, 2) = ρ2 (2Z − X − X T ) −

π2 W, 4

π2 W + ψ2 εΩ, 4

Γ0 (3, 3) = −e−α2 τ˜2 R + ρ2 Z , Γ1 = [A, B K 2 , 0, B K 2 ], τ˜2 = e( 1−λ −1)φ τ¯ + h, ρ2 = α2 τ˜2 /(1 − eα2 τ˜2 ), 1

ψ2 = ϕ(μ − α2 ) + 1, ⎡ ⎤ Λ0 ∗ ∗ Ξ0 = ⎣τ¯ Λ1 −Z −1 ∗ ⎦ , τ¯ Λ1 0 −W −1

π2 W, 4

8.3 Stability Analysis


⎤ Λ0 (1, 1) Λ0 (1, 2) −ρ0 X Λ0 (2, 2) ρ0 (X − Z ) ⎦ , Λ0 = ⎣ ∗ ∗ ∗ −e−α0 τ¯ R + ρ0 Z Λ0 (1, 1) = H e(P(E − B1 K 1 )) + α0 P + R + ρ0 Z −

π2 W, 4

π2 W, 4 π2 Λ0 (2, 2) = ρ0 (2Z − X − X T ) − W, 4 α0 τ¯ Λ1 = [A, 0, 0], ρ0 = α0 τ¯ /(1 − e ). Λ0 (1, 2) = −ρ0 Z + ρ0 X +

Proof According to Remark 8.6, the switched system that is consisted of the subsystem σ(t) = 1 and σ(t) = 2 can be stabilized by the switching law (8.17) without of considering the DoS attacks. Comparing with the conventional switching law (8.17), we have a variation of switching law (8.18) which is the superposition of the concealing switching control law (8.16) and DoS attacks signal s(t). Further, we will show that the variation of switching law (8.18) can also stabilize the switched system (8.11). For each subsystem, choose a Lyapunov–Krasovskii functional as followings.  Vi (t) = x T (t)P x(t) +  + τ˜i

0 −τ˜i t

 + τ˜i2 π2 − 4


t t−τ˜i

x T (s)ex p()Rx(s)ds

x˙ T (s)ex p()Z x(s)dsdθ, ˙


t−τi (t) t

x˙ T (s)ex p()W x(s)ds, ˙


t−τi (t)

[x(s) − x(t − τi (t))]T

ex p()W [x(s) − x(t − τi (t))]ds. where i = 0, 1, 2 and ex p() = eαi (s−t) . Case I: when σ(t) = 1, the subsystem Σ1 is active. Based on (8.20), choose a j Lyapunov functional for Σ1 , t ∈ Hk,n V (t) = η(t)|t=tk j h + + V1 (t).


Taking derivation of Lyapunov–Krasovskii functional (8.21) along subsystem j Σ1 , t ∈ Hk,n , it has


8 Bandwidth Allocation-Based Switched Dynamic Triggering Control …

V˙ (t) ≤ −α1 V (t) + α1 η(tk j h + ) + α1 x T (t)P x(t) − μη(tk j h + ) − e1T (t)Ωe1 (t) + ε[x(t − τ1 (t)) + e1 (t)]T Ω[x(t − τ1 (t)) + e1 (t)] + 2x T (t)P[Ax(t) + B K 1 x(t − τ1 (t)) + B K 1 e1 (t)]


+ x T (t)Rx(t) − e−α1 τ˜1 x T (t − τ˜1 )Rx(t − τ˜1 ) +τ˜12 ξ1T (t)Φ1T (Z + W )Φ1 ξ1 (t)  − τ˜1 −

t t−τ˜1

eα1 (s−t) x˙ T (s)Z x(s)ds ˙

π2 [x(t) − x(t − τ1 (t))]T W [x(t) − x(t − τ1 (t))] 4

where ξ1 (t) = col[x(t), x(t − τ1 (t)), x(t − τ˜1 ), e1 (t)]. Recalling η(tk j h + ) = η(t − τi (t)) and (8.12), one has − (μ − α1 )η(tk j h + ) ≤ −ϕ(μ − α1 )e1T (t)Ωe1 (t) + εϕ (μ − α1 )[x(t − τ1 (t)) + e1 (t)]T Ω[x(t − τ1 (t)) + e1 (t)]. According to Lemmas 1 and 2 in [11], we have 


eα1 (s−t) x˙ T (s)Z x(s)ds ˙      Z X η1 ≤ ρ1 η1T η2T X T Z η2

− τ˜1


where ρ1 = α1 τ˜1 /(1 − eα1 τ˜1 ), η1 = x(t) − x(t − τ1 (t)), η2 = x(t − τ1 (t)) − x(t − τ˜1 ). By using Shur Complement lemma, it is further obtained V˙ (t) ≤ −α1 V (t) + ξ1T (t)Ξ1 ξ1 (t).


According to (8.19), one has V˙ (t) ≤ −α1 V (t).


Case II: When σ(t) = 2, the subsystem Σ2 is active. Based on (8.20), choose a j Lyapunov functional for Σ2 , t ∈ Rk,n V (t) = η(t)|t=tˆk




+ V2 (t).

Because x(t) ∈ Ω˜ 2 , according to (8.13) and (8.14), one has


8.3 Stability Analysis


0 ≤ − x T (t)[(A + B2 K 2 )T P + P(A + B2 K 2 )]x(t) + x T (t)(E T P + P E)x(t)


Taking derivation of Lyapunov–Krasovskii functional (8.25) along subsystem Σ2 , and adding (8.26) to the right side of the derivation of Lyapunov–Krasovskii functional (8.25), we obtain V˙ (t) ≤ −α2 V (t) + ξ2T (t)Ξ2 ξ2 (t).


where ξ2 (t) = col[x(t), x(t − τ2 (t)), x(t − τ˜2 ), e2 (t)] and According to (8.19), one has V˙ (t) ≤ −α2 V (t).


Case III: when σ(t) = 0, the subsystem Σ0 is active. Based on (8.20), choose a Lyapunov functional as follows V (t) = V0 (t),


where τ˜0 = τ¯ . Because x(t) ∈ Ω˜ 1 , according to (8.13) and (8.14), the constraint should be satisfied 0 ≤ − x T (t)[(A + B1 K 1 )T P + P(A + B1 K 1 )]x(t) + x T (t)(E T P + P E)x(t).


Taking derivation of Lyapunov–Krasovskii functional (8.29) along subsystem Σ0 and adding (8.30) to the right side of the derivation of Lyapunov–Krasovskii functional (8.29), we obtain (8.31) V˙ (t) ≤ −α0 V (t) + ξ0T (t)Ξ0 ξ0 (t), where ξ0 (t) = col[x(t), x(t − τ0 (t)), x(t − τ¯ )]. According to (8.19), one has V˙ (t) ≤ −α0 V (t).


Denote α = min{α0 , α1 , α2 }. According to (8.24), (8.28) and (8.32), one has V˙ (t) ≤ −αV (t). By denoting 1 = λmin (P), τmax = max(τ1 , τ2 ), π0 = λmax (P) + 3 3 ˙ t∈ /2λmax (Z ) + τmax λmax (W ), χ0 = max{ x(t) , x(t) }, τmax λmax (R) + τmax [−τmax , 0], one has  0 − αt x(t) ≤ e 2 χ0 1 which indicates that the switched delay system (8.11) is exponential stable.


8 Bandwidth Allocation-Based Switched Dynamic Triggering Control …

8.4 Switching Controller Design In this section, we use LMIs technique to provide a co-design method of feedback control gains K 1 , K 2 and dynamic triggering parameter Ω. Theorem 8.2 Given λ, φ, τ¯ , h, αi , (i = 0, 1, 2), θi , (i = 1, 2), ε(> α1 , α2 ), ϕ, μ and δ, system (8.11) is exponential stable under the concealing switching law (8.18) ˜ R, ˜ Z˜ , W˜ , Ω˜ and matrices K˜ 1 , K˜ 2 , X˜ with if there exists positive definite matrices P, appropriate dimensions satisfying Ξ˜ i < 0, (i = 0, 1, 2), 

 Z˜ X˜ ≥ 0, X˜ T Z˜

E P˜ + P˜ E T ≤ 0. where

⎤ ∗ ∗ Φ˜ 0 ⎦, Ξ˜ 1 = ⎣τ˜1 Φ˜ 1 δ 2 Z˜ − 2δ P˜ ∗ τ˜1 Φ˜ 1 0 δ 2 W˜ − 2δ P˜ ⎤ ⎡ Φ˜ 0 (1, 1) Φ˜ 0 (1, 2) −ρ1 X˜ B K˜ 1 ⎢ ∗ Φ˜ 0 (2, 2) ρ1 ( X˜ − Z˜ ) ψ1 εΩ˜ ⎥ ⎥, Φ˜ 0 = ⎢ ⎦ ⎣ ∗ 0 ∗ Φ˜ 0 (3, 3) ∗ ∗ ∗ ψ1 (ε − 1)Ω˜ 2 ˜ + α1 P˜ + R˜ + ρ1 Z˜ − π W˜ , Φ˜ 0 (1, 1) = H e(A P) 4 2 π Φ˜ 0 (1, 2) = B K˜ 1 − ρ1 Z˜ + ρ1 X˜ + W˜ , 4 2 π ˜ Φ˜ 0 (2, 2) = ρ1 (2 Z˜ − X˜ − X˜ T ) − W˜ + ψ1 εΩ, 4 Φ˜ 0 (3, 3) = −e−α1 τ˜1 R˜ + ρ1 Z˜ , ˜ B K˜ 1 , 0, B K˜ 1 ], Φ˜ 1 = [A P,

τ˜1 = e( λ −1)φ τ¯ + h, ρ1 = α1 τ˜1 /(1 − eα1 τ˜1 ), ψ1 = ϕ(μ − α1 ) + 1, ⎡ ⎤ Γ˜0 ∗ ∗ ⎦, Ξ˜ 2 = ⎣τ˜2 Γ˜1 δ 2 Z˜ − 2δ P˜ ∗ 2 τ˜2 Γ˜1 0 δ W˜ − 2δ P˜ 1

(8.33) (8.34) (8.35)

8.4 Switching Controller Design


⎤ Γ˜0 (1, 1) Γ˜0 (1, 2) −ρ2 X˜ B K˜ 2 ⎢ ∗ Γ˜0 (2, 2) ρ2 ( X˜ − Z˜ ) ψ2 εΩ˜ ⎥ ⎥, Γ˜0 = ⎢ ⎦ ⎣ ∗ ∗ Γ˜0 (3, 3) 0 ˜ ∗ ∗ ∗ ψ2 (ε − 1)Ω ⎡

2 Γ˜0 (1, 1) =H e( θi (A P˜ + B K˜ i ) − B2 K˜ 2 ) + α2 P˜ i=1

π2 + R˜ + ρ2 Z˜ − W˜ , 4 π2 Γ˜0 (1, 2) = B K˜ 2 − ρ2 Z˜ + ρ2 X˜ + W˜ , 4 2 π T ˜ Γ˜0 (2, 2) = ρ2 (2 Z˜ − X˜ − X˜ ) − W˜ + ψ2 εΩ, 4 Γ˜0 (3, 3) = −e−α2 τ˜2 R˜ + ρ2 Z˜ , ˜ B K˜ 2 , 0, B K˜ 2 ], Γ˜1 = [A P, τ˜2 = e( 1−λ −1)φ τ¯ + h, ρ2 = α2 τ˜2 /(1 − eα2 τ˜2 ), 1

ψ2 = ϕ(μ − α2 ) + 1, ⎡ ⎤ Λ˜ 0 ∗ ∗ ⎦, Ξ˜ 0 = ⎣τ¯ Λ˜ 1 δ 2 Z˜ − 2δ P˜ ∗ τ¯ Λ˜ 1 0 δ 2 W˜ − 2δ P˜ ⎤ ⎡ Λ˜ 0 (1, 1) Λ˜ 0 (1, 2) −ρ0 X˜ Λ˜ 0 = ⎣ ∗ Λ˜ 0 (2, 2) ρ0 ( X˜ − Z˜ ) ⎦ , ∗ ∗ −e−α0 τ¯ R˜ + ρ0 Z˜ Λ˜ 0 (1, 1) = H e(


θi (A P˜ + B K˜ i ) − B1 K˜ 1 )


π2 + α0 P˜ + R˜ + ρ0 Z˜ − W˜ , 4 2 π Λ˜ 0 (1, 2) = −ρ0 Z˜ + ρ0 X˜ + W˜ , 4 π2 Λ˜ 0 (2, 2) = ρ0 (2 Z˜ − X˜ − X˜ T ) − W˜ , 4 ˜ 0, 0], ρ0 = α0 τ¯ /(1 − eα0 τ¯ ). Λ˜ 1 = [A P, The state feedback control gains can be obtained by K i = K˜ i P˜ −1 . ˜ Q˜ = P˜ Q P, ˜ R˜ = P˜ R P, ˜ Z˜ = P˜ Z P, ˜ W˜ = P˜ W P˜ Proof Denote P˜ = P −1 , K˜ = K P, ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ and X = P X P. Pre-and pro-multiply diag{ P, P, P, P, I, I } and its transpose on ˜ P, ˜ P, ˜ I, I } and its transpose both sides of Ξ1 < 0 and pre-and pro-multiply diag{ P, ˜ LMI on both sides of Ξ0 < 0 By using inequality technique −Z −1 < δ 2 Z˜ − 2δ P,


8 Bandwidth Allocation-Based Switched Dynamic Triggering Control …

(8.33) Ξˆ i < 0, (i = 0, 1, 2) is derived. With the same process, (8.34) and (8.35) can be obtained. Remark 8.7 The feasibility of LMIs (8.33)–(8.35) depends on the following tuning parameters: referring to sample periodic h; delay bound λ, φ, τ¯ ; DETM ε, ϕ, μ; Hurwitz convex combination θi , (i = 1, 2); exponential decay rates αi , (i = 0, 1, 2) and tight inequality δ. The above parameters are coupling with each other to influence the feasibility of LMIs and the triggering control performance. Especially, the sample periodic h and the tight inequality δ can be viewed as the fundamental parameters for the feasibility of LMIs. And it is better to choose small value h and large value δ. For the feasible LMIs, other parameters refer to exponential stability, triggering efficiency, switching concealment and tolerable delay bound, respectively. It could be right for better exponential stability with large αi , (i = 0, 1, 2), for larger triggering interval with small value ϕ, μ and large value ε, for better switching concealment with large θ1 (θ2 = 1 − θ1 ), for larger tolerable delay bound with large φ, τ¯ . However, due to the coupling characteristic of these parameters, the mentioned performances will happen to be a tradeoff by choosing suitable corresponding parameters.

8.5 Simulation Example In this section, we simulate networked control systems under DoS attacks to verify that system can be exponential stable under redundant control regulated by the designed concealing switching law. Both numerical example and practice control system simulation will be carried out.

8.5.1 A Numerical Example The system matrices are given by  A=

   3 2 −1 0 ,B = . −1 1 1 −1

Other parameters are given by α0 = α1 = α2 = 0.1, θ1 = θ2 = 0.5, δ = 0.3. λ = 0.7, φ = 0.2, τ¯ = 0.1s, h = 0.01s, ts = 0.001s and ε = 0.1, ϕ = 0.3, μ = 0.2. According to Theorem 8.2, we obtain that

8.5 Simulation Example


Fig. 8.3 System responses under DoS with and without redundancy control

   8.0044 3.9747 5.7209 2.2924 K1 = , K2 = , 11.1930 8.2087 16.3787 13.1491     11 5.5411 3.0286 9 7.0905 3.5045 , P = 10 , Ω = 10 3.0286 1.7841 3.5045 2.5818   1.1031 0.6497 . Q = −(E T P + P E) = 1011 0.6497 0.4174 Figure 8.3 shows the dynamic trajectories of the simulated system under DoS attacks with adopting our proposed method and conventional control, respectively. The grey areas are the attack intervals. In the first subgraph of Fig. 8.3, intuitively, the states are stable under dynamic triggering control as well as switching law. It illustrates the validness of our defense method by comparing with the conventional control having unstable trajectories in the second subgraph of Fig. 8.3. As the main contribution in our study, the concept of concealing switching law is well illustrated in Fig. 8.4. First, it can be observed that during sleeping intervals the switching signal is always taking σ(t) = 1 representing the online of primary channel while the offline of redundancy channel to avoid being detected by attacker before attack implement. Second, during DoS attacks some intervals with σ(t) = 2 represents the redundancy channel in active while others with σ(t) = 0 represents the concealing of redundancy channel to conceal the defense aim. Even though the use time of redundancy channel is not completely overlapping with attack intervals, the resulting stable system as shown in Fig. 8.3 verifies the validness of the concealing


8 Bandwidth Allocation-Based Switched Dynamic Triggering Control …

Fig. 8.4 Switching law Fig. 8.5 The triggered instants and release intervals in PR channels

DoS ET in prmary ET in redundancy

0.9 0.8

Release interval

0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0












switch law especially for system with the limited communication resources and energy. To have efficient use of limited communication resources, dynamic event-triggered mechanism is presented. The triggering instants and release intervals are depicted in Fig. 8.5. The blue stems launch in primary channel while the red stems in redundancy channel. Comparing with the sample periodic h = 0.01s, the sparse release

8.5 Simulation Example


Fig. 8.6 log(η(t)) with η(t0 ) = 1


log( (t))

















Table 8.2 The delay upper bound τ˜1 , τ˜2 for various resources allocation rates λ λ 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 τ˜1 τ˜2

0.6150 0.1122

0.1695 0.1189

0.1321 0.1321

0.1189 0.1695

0.1122 0.6150

intervals proof that our designed dynamic event-triggered mechanism can save more communication bandwidth. Figure 8.6 shows the trajectory of the positive piecewise function η(t) due to the existence of DoS attacks when t ∈ Dn . It appears to decay fast with decay rate μ = 0.2. The positive character of η(t) will delay the average triggering periodic while the decay character will have the dynamic tuning ability of ETM as well as guarantee the necessary triggering control to stabilize system. Then, we explore the relationship between the resources allocation rates λ and the communication situation like delay bound. Table 8.2 can be observed that with the increase of λ the delay upper bound τ˜1 of the primary channel is decreased while the delay upper bound τ˜2 of the redundancy channel is increased. Given that λ is the resources allocation rate for primary channel, it is obvious that the large value of λ represents the more communication resource bandwidth will be configured in primary channel. Then, the delay bound τ˜1 become small with the large communication bandwidth under the specified transmitted load φ. It is also reasonable that the delay bound τ˜2 become large with the equipped small communication bandwidth. From Table 8.3, the online time T2 of the redundancy channel has the tendency of from reducing to raising. The minimum value of T2 appears with λ = 0.7. It is suggested that it is better to obtain the best concealing defense strategy by choosing the allocation ratio nearby 0.7. The triggering numbers N2 , however, are positive correlation to the online time T2 . Under the dynamic ETM, the average triggering


8 Bandwidth Allocation-Based Switched Dynamic Triggering Control …

Table 8.3 The online time T2 and triggered numbers N2 of redundancy channel for various bandwidth allocation rates λ under the same DoS attacks λ 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.7 0.8 T2 N2

14.5060 80

13.6090 59

12.7020 55

10.1060 51

14.5060 70

Table 8.4 The released numbers N1 , N2 for various dynamic triggering parameters ϕ ϕ 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.2 N1 N2 N

27 27 54

27 31 58

26 34 60

27 35 62

29 37 66

Table 8.5 The total released numbers N and the total online time T of primary-redundancy (PR) channels and the average triggering periodic T /N for various trigger parameters μ μ 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 N T T /N

33 14.7160 0.3003

32 13.5520 0.2337

23 14.5850 0.2917

38 14.8020 0.2552

36 14.0550 0.2130

periodic is relative average under different bandwidth allocation to preserve system stable within the limited control time of redundancy channel. Table 8.4 shows the function of the trigger tuning parameters ϕ. As the increase of ϕ, the triggered numbers N1 and N2 are becoming more and more large. According to (8.6), one can understand that the right hand of the triggering condition will become small to reduce the triggering intervals as well as increase the triggering numbers. Table 8.5 will try to illustrate the function of tuning parameter μ. According to (8.7), μ is the decay rate of differential equation η(t). It can be inferred that the large μ will lead to the fast reduction of the function value η(t) to reduce the triggering periodic T /N . Table 8.5, however, disagree the above analysis according to the decreasing trend but with the wave at μ = 0.5. Because the wave might be subjected to the term εx T (tk h)Ω x(tk h) − [x(tk j h) − x(tk h)]T Ω[x(tk j h) − x(tk h)].

8.5.2 A Practice Example In this section, the proposed dynamic triggering control method is employed to a batch reactor system (8.1). The matrices of linearized system model are given as follows.

8.5 Simulation Example


Fig. 8.7 System responses under DoS with redundancy control (upper sub-figure) and without (lower sub-figure)

1.38 −0.2077 6.715 ⎢−0.5814 −4.29 0 A=⎢ ⎣ 1.067 4.273 −6.654 0.048 4.273 1.343  T 0 5.679 1.136 1.136 . B= 0 0 −3.146 0

⎤ −5.676 0.675 ⎥ ⎥, 5.893 ⎦ −2.104

Other parameters are given by α0 = α1 = α2 = 1, θ1 = θ2 = 0.5, δ = 0.3. λ = 0.712, φ = 0.2, τ¯ = 0.2s, h = 0.01s, ts = 0.001s and ε = 0.1, ϕ = 0.3, μ = 5. According to Theorem 8.2, the states trajectories are depicted in Fig. 8.7. As can be seen, the states are approaching zeros under DoS attacks with our designed redundancy channel based dynamic triggering law. However, the convention control can not stabilize system. Thus, the validness of our proposed method is verified. The switching law is depicted in Fig. 8.8. A interesting phenomenon can be observed that the redundancy channel has not been stimulated at the neighborhood of the initial time. Because the primary channel at initial time is responsible for the transmission of the feedback control inputs. Even though DoS attacks occurs after the initial time immediately, system has some kind of resilience performance which can be view as the nature of system ability of tolerating DoS attacks.. This kind of resilience is the important evidence to achieve the concealing switch control. That


8 Bandwidth Allocation-Based Switched Dynamic Triggering Control …

Fig. 8.8 Switching law

Fig. 8.9 The triggered instants and release intervals in PR channels

DoS ET in prmary ET in redundancy


Release interval






0 0












is why we use the subsystem Σ1 to replace the subsystem Σ0 to construct Hurwizt convex combination as mentioned in Remark 8.6. Figure 8.9 shows the triggering instants and release intervals of dynamic eventtriggered mechanism. As can be seen, the largest triggering intervals is about 1.2s which illustrate the dynamic ETM having better efficiency of saving communication resources. Further, set φ = 0.01, τ¯ = 0.05s, θ1 ∈ [0.1, 0.9] and λ ∈ [0.1, 0.9]. Other parameters are same as before. To study concealment capability of the redundancy channel and the event-trigger efficiency, we introduce two index: concealed time of redundancy channel (CR) and event-triggering communication rate (ETR), respectively.

8.5 Simulation Example


Fig. 8.10 C R for λ ∈ [0.1, 0.9] and θ1 ∈ [0.1, 0.9]

1 0.95 0.9


0.85 0.8 0.75 0.7 0.65 1



n=N (t)

CR =

fn +

n=N (t)

n=0 N (t)

ET R =











n=0 n=N (t)


, ln


k(n) + N (t) +



n=N (t) n=0

fn +

ˆ (t) N

ˆ k(n) + Nˆ (t)

n=0 n=N (t)

. gn )/ h


The C R values distribution displays obviously two area Fig. 8.10. The low value area is about during θ1 ∈ [0.5, 0.9] while the high value area is about during θ1 ∈ [0.1, 0.4]. The low value area indicates that the concealing switch law can preserve system stable with less online time. The 1 − θ1 is the weight of convex combination on Σ2 which indicates the possibility of switching to the redundancy control channel. The C R is positive proportional to the weight 1 − θ1 . In other word, the large weight 1 − θ1 increases the online time of the redundancy channel. Thus, it is better to choose the large θ1 to get better concealing switch law. For given θ1 in low value area, the C R value has slight wave for different values of λ. For given θ1 in high value area, the C R value has heavy wave for different values of λ. Even though it is better to choose the large θ1 , the influence of λ on C R can not be ignored. Thus, we suggest that the lower value C R can be obtained by picking suitable value of λ in low area of θ1 . Figure 8.11 shows the value distribution of the triggering rate under various (θ1 , λ). The low value area is during θ1 ∈ [0.1, 0.6] while the high value area during θ1 ∈ [0.7, 0.9]. At the low value area, for given θ1 , the triggering rate has sight wave for various λ. At the high value area, for given θ1 , the triggering rate has serious wave for different λ. Thus, to get better triggering efficiency, it is suggested to choose the low value of θ1 .


8 Bandwidth Allocation-Based Switched Dynamic Triggering Control …

Fig. 8.11 E T R for λ ∈ [0.1, 0.9] and θ1 ∈ [0.1, 0.9] 1


0.8 0.6 0.4


0.2 0.5 0 0.9











From the above analysis, we find that the conclusion from Figs. 8.10 and 8.11 exist tradeoff for selecting θ1 . Because the large θ1 is benefit to obtain small C R referring to a better concealing switch law, but will lead to large E T R referring to a worse event-triggering efficiency. Conversely, the small value θ1 is benefit to obtain small E T R referring to a better event-triggering efficiency, but will lead to large C R referring to a worse concealing switch law. Thus, it is better to first choose a θ1 at middle area of interval [0.1, 0.9] and then search a suitable value of λ.

8.6 Conclusion The primary-redundancy control framework under bandwidth allocation has been proposed to design dynamic triggering control for linear continue-time system under DoS attacks. The concealing switch law and correlated delay model have been proposed. A switched delay system with three modes has been established. Sufficient conditions have been derived as the criterion of exponential stability and the design method of dynamic ETM and feedback control gains has been presented. Finally, two simulation examples has been carried out to illustrate the validness of our theory. In future, we will seek to design more flexible concealing switch law to make better use of redundancy control channel.

References 1. S. Hu, Z. Cheng, D. Yue, C. Dou, Y. Xue, Bandwidth allocation-based switched dynamic triggering control against DoS attacks, in IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems (Early Access, 2019), pp. 1–12.



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Part IV

Application of Secure Control Methods on Power Systems Under Network Attacks

Chapter 9

Attack-Resilient Event-Triggered Controller Design of DC Microgrids Under Nonperiodic DoS Attacks

This chapter is concerned with the attack-resilient event-triggered controller design problem of a DC microgrid with multiple nonlinear constant power loads and intermittent denial-of-service (DoS) attacks. First, for a resource efficiency purpose, an event-triggering communication scheme is delicately devised in such a way to only invoke the data transmission over the communication line when the DoS attack is inactive. Second, via characterizing the DoS active and inactive time intervals, a new switching piecewise system model for the nonlinear DC microgrid system is presented. Third, a numerically efficient design criterion on the existence of the desired attack-resilient event-triggered controller is established. It is further shown that various performance indices including resource efficiency, attack resilience, robustness against disturbance, sampling performance of the DC microgrid system can be evaluated in a unified framework. Finally, an illustrative example is given to verify the effectiveness of the proposed control design method for the DC microgrid [1]. The chapter is organized as follows. DC microgrids modeling and attack-resilient event-triggered communication are presented in Sect. 9.1. Stability analysis and synthesis are given in Sect. 9.2. A simulation example is illustrated to demonstrate the effectiveness of our theory in Sect. 9.3. Section 9.4 concludes this chapter.

9.1 Problem Formulation 9.1.1 System Modeling of DC Microgrids The typical structure and circuit diagram of a DC microgrid comprising several CPLs are shown in Figs. 9.1 and 9.2 (see [2] for more details), respectively, where the DC microgrid is decoupled into Q + 1 subsystems including Q CPLs and one energy storage system (ESS). The state equation of the jth CPL is given by [2]   x˙ j (t) = A j x j (t) + d j h j x j (t) + A js xs (t) © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021 D. Yue et al., Secure Control of Networked Control Systems and Its Applications,

(9.1) 175


9 Attack-Resilient Event-Triggered Controller Design …

Fig. 9.1 The structure of DC microgrid with Q CPLs

Fig. 9.2 The Circuit diagram of DC microgrid with Q CPLs

9.1 Problem Formulation


where x j (t) = [i L , j vC, j ]T with i L , j and vC, j denoting the current of the inductor and the voltage of the capacitor, respectively, in the jth CPL, and    − L1j 0 Aj = , dj = − C1j 0  1    Pj 0 Lj , h j x j (t) = A js = 0 0 vC, j j = {1, 2, . . ., Q}, s = Q + 1. 

rL, j Lj 1 Cj

where r L , j denotes the resistance of the inductor in the jth CPL, L j denotes the inductance of the jth filter connected to the jth CPL, and P j is the power of the jth CPL. It is assumed that the CPLs are ideal and the value of the power is constant. Then, the DC source subsystem can be written as x˙s (t) = As xs (t) + bs Vdc + bes ı˜es (t) +


Acn x j (t)



where xs = [i L ,s vC,s ]T with i L ,s and vC,s denoting the current of inductor and the voltage of the capacitor, respectively, in the ESS, and 

  1  − Lrss − L1s Ls As = = , b s 1 0 0 Cs     0 0 0 Acn = . , bes = − C1s 0 − C1s where rs denotes the resistance of the filter connected to the DC source. Augmenting the Q CPLs and the ESS yields the following nonlinear dynamics of the DC microgrid x˙ (t) = Ax (t) + D H (x (t)) + Bes ı˜es (t) + Bs Vdc where x (t) = [x1T (t) x2T (t) . . .   h 2 (x2 (t)) . . . h Q x Q (t) ]T , and ⎡

A1 ⎢ 0 ⎢ ⎢ A = ⎢ ... ⎢ ⎣ 0 Acn

0 A2 .. . 0 Acn

··· ··· .. . ··· ···

0 0 .. . AQ Acn

x QT (t)


xsT (t)]T , H (x (t)) = [h 1 (x1 (t))

⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎡ ⎤ ⎤ d1 0 A1s 0 0 ⎢ 0 d2 A2s ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ .. ⎥ ⎢ .. ⎥ .. ⎥ , B = ⎢ . ⎥ , B = ⎢ . ⎥ , D = ⎢ .. .. ⎢ . . ⎢ ⎢ ⎥ ⎥ . ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ es ⎣ 0 ⎦ s ⎣ 0 ⎦ ⎣ 0 0 ⎦ A Qs bes bs As 0 0

··· ··· .. . ··· ···

⎤ 0 0 ⎥ ⎥ .. ⎥ . . ⎥ ⎥ dQ ⎦ 0


9 Attack-Resilient Event-Triggered Controller Design …

Applying a coordinate transformation, the equilibrium point of the system (9.3) can be shifted to the origin. Let the energy storage current i˜es be the control input, the new coordinated DC microgrid is of the following form [3] x˙˜ (t) = A x˜ (t) + D H (x˜ (t)) + Bes i˜es (t) where x˜ (t) = [x˜1T (t) x˜2T (t) . . . x˜ QT (t)   [h 1 (x˜1 (t)) h 2 (x˜2 (t)) . . . h Q x˜ Q (t) ]T and   h j x˜ j (t) =


x˜sT (t)]T = x (t) − x0 , H (x˜ (t)) =

P j v˜C, j   vc0, j v˜C, j + vc0, j


with x0 being the equilibrium point of the DC microgrid and vc0, j being the equilibrium point of the vc, j .

9.1.2 Controller Structure and Control Objective Consider the DC microgrid system (9.4), in which the nonlinear vector H (x˜ (t)) satisfies H (x˜ (t)) H (x˜ (t)) = T


    h Tj x˜ j (t) h j x˜ j (t)


≤ α2 x˜ T (t) F T F x˜ (t)


with α > 0 representing the robustness index and the diagonal matrix F being given by ⎤ ⎡ F1 · · · 0 0   ⎢ .. . . .. .. ⎥ 00 ⎥ ⎢ . . . . F =⎢ , i ∈ 1, 2, . . . , Q. ⎥ , Fi = 01 ⎣ 0 · · · FQ 0 ⎦ 0 ··· 0 0

In (9.4), i˜es (t) stands for the injecting current, which stabilizes the DC microgrid and increases the closed-loop system robustness against the nonlinear disturbance and external malicious attacks. To design i˜es (t), a linear state feedback controller of the following form is adopted: ˜ i˜es (t) = K x(t) where K is the gain matrix to be designed later.


9.1 Problem Formulation


The main objective of this chapter is to design K in (9.7) such that the system (9.4) under (9.7) is globally asymptotically stable regardless of the presence of malicious attacks on the communication line.

9.1.3 Nonperiodic DoS Attack Model In this chapter, we consider a general DoS attack model that employing two typical DoS characteristics in terms of DoS frequency and duration, while requiring no assumptions regarding the underlying attack strategies, which applies to wide classes of DoS attacks. Moreover, it is assumed that the malicious attacker launches the DoS attacks on the communication line to prevent the signal i˜es (t) from being applied intermittently, as shown in Fig. 9.3. To describe the impact of the DoS attacks  quantitatively, let [h n , h n + ln ) = Hn (h n ≥ 0, n ∈ N) denote the DoS-free interval over which the jamming attack signal is inactive and the communication is allowed,   and let the time interval h n + ln , h n+1 ) = L n (h n + ln < h n+1 , n ∈ N) represent the n + 1th DoS interval where the jamming attack signal is active and no data can be transmitted during this period. For ease development, we use S DoS (t) to denote the nonperiodic DoS attack signal as in [4]:

Fig. 9.3 Schematic of event-triggered control of a nonlinear DC MG under nonperiodic DoS attacks


9 Attack-Resilient Event-Triggered Controller Design …

 S DoS (t) =

0, t ∈ Hn 1, t ∈ L n .


For the DoS attack signal S DoS (t), ∀t ≥ 0, let n (t) denote the number of DoS off/on transitions happening on the interval [0, t]. Assumption 9.1 (DoS attack frequency) There exist two real scalars η ≥ 0 and τ D > 0 such that for all t ≥ 0 t . (9.9) n(t) ≤ η + τD Besides the DoS frequency of the jamming attacker is constrained, the DoS duration of the jamming attacker also needs to be restricted. Consider the sequence {h n + ln }, let      Ξ (t) = ∪n(t)−1 ∪ h n(t) + ln(t) , min h n(t)+1 , t L n n=1 denote the total DoS intervals up to the current time t, and, for any given a time interval I , its length is denoted by |I |. Assumption 9.2 (DoS duration) There exist two real scalars κ ≥ 0 and Γ > 1 such that for all t ≥ 0 t |Ξ (t)| ≤ κ + . (9.10) Γ Remark 9.1 Note that the attack pattern considered here is a little different from [5, 6], this difference can be seen from the definitions of the intervals Hn , L n , and Ξ (t). In addition, Assumptions 9.1 and 9.2 actually limit the allowable class of DoS attack signals considered in the rest of this chapter. Intuitively, in order to guarantee the stability of the DC microgrids subject to DoS attacks, the amount of DoS attack cannot be arbitrary. Inspired by the elegant work [5], we impose some reasonable conditions on both frequency and duration of DoS attack signals S DoS (t) (see (9.8)) in DC microgrids. Constraining the DoS frequency and duration not only makes the considered stabilization problem meaningful, but also has actual motivation. In practice, there are many measures that can be taken to resist the DoS attacks, see, e.g., high-pass filtering and spreading techniques as mentioned in [5]. These measures reduces the likely success of a DoS attack, and, as such, constraint in practice the DoS frequency and DoS duration.

9.1 Problem Formulation


9.1.4 Design of Attack-Resilient Event-Triggered Scheme When the communication channel is secure, namely without any DoS attack, whether the data packet should be transmitted or not through the communication line is determined by the following widely used triggering condition [7]: T        x˜ tki h − x˜ (tk h) Ω x˜ tki h − x˜ (tk h) > σ x˜ T (tk h) Ω x˜ (tk h)


where σ ∈ (0, 1) is a threshold and Ω > 0 is a weighting matrix. In (9.11), tk h denotes  the last event-triggering instant, h is the sampling period, and tki h = tk h + i h (k, i ∈ N) denotes the subsequent sampling instant. In the presence of intermittent DoS attack signals, however, some data packet cannot be transmitted to the destination successfully in the DoS interval, which may depress the system performance. In order to compensate for the unavailable data packet stemmed from the sporadic DoS attacks, we next modify the event triggering condition (9.11) as   tk,n h ∈ tki h satisfying (9.11) | tki h ∈ Hn−1 ∪ {h n } .


9.1.5 Modelling of Switched DC Microgrids Under the resilient triggering scheme (9.12) and intermittent DoS jamming attacks (9.8), the expression for i˜es in (9.7) can be represented as i˜es (t) =

K x(t ˜ k,n h), t ∈ [tk,n h, tk+1,n h) ∩ Hn 0, t ∈ L n


where the set  {tk,n h} denotes the sequence of successful transmission instants    t0,n h = h n , and k ∈ {0, 1, 2, . . . , k(n)} = K (n) with   k(n) = sup k ∈ N | tk,n h < h n + ln , which implies that tk(n)+1,n h ≥ h n + ln . Substituting (9.13) into (9.4) yields ⎧ ˜ k,n h), ⎨ A x˜ (t) + D H (x˜ (t)) + Bes K x(t t ∈ [tk,n h, tk+1,n h) ∩ Hn , k ∈ K (n) x˙˜ (t) = ⎩ A x˜ (t) + D H (x˜ (t)) , t ∈ L n , n ∈ N.


In what follows, we divide the event intervals Jk,n into subintervals as   λk,n  tk,n h + (m − 1) h, tk,n h + mh Jk,n = ∪m=1   ∪ tk,n h + λk,n h, tk+1,n h



9 Attack-Resilient Event-Triggered Controller Design …

where k ∈ K (n), n ∈ N, and   λk,n = sup m ∈ N | tk,n h + mh < tk+1,n h . Define

  ⎧ m ⎨ Fk,n = tk,n h + (m − 1)  h, tk,n h + mh , m ∈ 1, 2, · · · , λk,n  ⎩ λk,n +1  Fk,n = tk,n h + λk,n h, tk+1,n h .


  k(n) Hn = ∪k(n) k=0 Jk,n ∩ Hn ⊆ ∪k=0 Jk,n .


It is easy to see that

Combining (9.15), (9.16) and (9.17), the interval Hn can be described as Hn =  λk,n +1  m k(n) λk,n m m ∪k(n) Fk,n ∩ Hn . Let ϕm k,n = Fk,n ∩ Hn , then Hn = ∪k=0 ∪m=1 ϕk,n . k=0 ∪m=1 Now, for k ∈ K (n), n ∈ N, two piecewise functions are defined as


⎧ t − tk,n h, t ∈ ϕ1k,n ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ t − tk,n h − h, t ∈ ϕ2k,n τk,n (t) = .. ⎪ . ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ λk,n +1 t − tk,n h − λk,n h, t ∈ ϕk,n


⎧ 0,t ∈ ϕ1k,n  ⎪  ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ x˜ tk,n h − x˜ tk,n h + h , t ∈ ϕ2k,n ek,n (t) = .. ⎪. ⎪ ⎪    ⎩  λk,n +1 . x˜ tk,n h − x˜ tk,n h + λk,n h , t ∈ ϕk,n


Based on the definitions of τk,n (t) andek,n (t),  we have τk,n (t) ∈ [0, h). Furthermore, the event-triggered sampled signal x˜ tk,n h can be rewritten as     x˜ tk,n h = ek,n (t) + x˜ t − τk,n (t) , t ∈ Jk,n ∩ Hn ,


where the error vector ek,n (t) satisfies     T ek,n (t) Ωek,n (t) ≤ σ x˜ T tk,n h Ω x˜ tk,n h .


Substituting (9.20) into (9.14), the switched system formulation of the DC microgrid system (9.4) can be expressed as

9.1 Problem Formulation


⎧ ⎧   ⎨ A x˜ (t) + D H (x˜ (t)) + Bes K x˜ t − τk,n (t) ⎪ ⎪ ⎨˙ +Bes K ek,n (t) , t ∈ Jk,n ∩ Hn x˜ (t) = ⎩ A x ˜ (t) + D H (x˜ (t)) , t ∈ L n ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ x˜ (t) = φ (t) , t ∈ [−h, 0] .


9.2 Stability Analysis We first present the following technical lemma which estimates the upper bound of the candidate Lyapunov–Krasovskii function in the DoS-free and DoS intervals, respectively, and serves as the basis of deriving the main results of this chapter. Lemma 9.1 Consider an attack-resilient event-triggering scheme (9.12), along with DoS attacks satisfying Assumptions 9.1 and 9.2. For given parameters η ≥ 0, κ ≥ 0, τ D > 0, Γ > 1, α > 0, ai ∈ (0, +∞), σ ∈ (0, 1), h ∈ (0, +∞), if there exist symmetric positive define matrices Pi ∈ Rn×n , Q 1i ∈ Rn×n , Q 2i ∈ Rn×n , Ri ∈ Rn×n , Tωi ∈ Rn×n , Ω ∈ Rn×n , matrices Mi and Ni (i = 1, 2) such that ⎡

1 √Ψ11 T ⎢ h M1 √ Ψ1 = ⎢ ⎣ hNT 1 √ h R 1 F1

∗ 1 Ψ22 0 0

⎤ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ⎥ ⎥ 0, Q 1i > 0, Q 2i > 0, Ri > 0. i

Proof Taking derivation of (9.26) with i = 1 and by using free weighting matrix technique [8], one has ˙˜ + x˜ T (t)Q 11 x(t) V˙1 (t) ≤ −a1 V1 (t) + a1 x˜ T (t)P1 x(t) ˜ + 2 x˜ T (t)P1 x(t) ˜ T −a1 h+1 T ˙˜ −x˜ (t − h)e Q 21 x(t ˜ − h) + h x˙˜ (t)R1 x(t)  t ˙˜ ˜ − h) x˙˜ T (s)e−a1 h R1 x(s)ds − e−a1 h+1 x˜ T (t − h)Tω1 x(t − t−h

˜ − τk,n (t)) +2e−a1 h+1 x˜ T (t − h)Tω1 x(t −e−a1 h+1 x˜ T (t − τk,n (t))Tω1 x(t ˜ − τk,n (t)) + 2ξ1T (t)(M1 ϑ1 + N1 ϑ2 ). t Δ Δ ˙˜ where ϑ1 = x(t) ˜ − x(t ˜ − τk,n (t)) − t−τk,n (t) x(s)ds, ˜ − τk,n (t)) − x(t ˜ − h) ϑ2 = x(t  t−τk,n (t)   ˙ ˜ H (x(t)) ˜ , x(t ˜ − τk,n (t)), x(t ˜ − h), ek,n (t) . − t−h x(s)ds, ˜ ξ1 (t) = col x(t),

9.2 Stability Analysis


Applying the element inequality −2a T b ≤ a T X −1 a + b T X b (∀a, b ∈ Rn , 0 < X ∈ Rn×n , 0 < X ∈ Rn×n ) to estimate the integral terms in the last term of (9.27) and inserting the event-triggering condition (9.21) into (9.27), we can obtain 1 + h M1 ea1 h R1−1 M1T V˙1 (t) ≤ −a1 V1 (t) + ξ1T (t)[Ψ11 +h N1 ea1 h R1−1 N1T + hF1T R1 F1 ]ξ1 (t). 1 + Taking the Schur complement of the matrix Ψ1 < 0 in (9.23), we get Ψ11 T T a1 h −1 a1 h −1 T h M1 e R1 M1 + h N1 e R1 N1 + hF1 R1 F1 < 0, which implies that

V˙1 (t) ≤ −a1 V1 (t) , t ∈ Jk,n ∩ Hn .


Considering the arbitrariness of k, we can deduce that for t ∈ Hn V1 (t) ≤ e−a1 (t−h n ) V1 (h n ).


Similar to the above analysis, differentiating V2 (t) with respect to t ∈ L n along the trajectory of the system (9.26) with i = 2 yields 2 + h M2 R2−1 M2T V˙2 (t) ≤ a2 V2 (t) + ξ2T (t)[Ψ11 −1 T T +h N2 R2 N2 + hF2 R2 F2 ]ξ2 (t).

  ˜ x(t ˜ − τk,n (t)), H (x(t)) ˜ , x(t ˜ − h) . where ξ2 (t) = col x(t), According to the condition Ψ2 < 0 in (9.24), it holds that V˙2 (t) ≤ a2 V2 (t), t ∈ L n , which implies that for t ∈ L n V2 (t) ≤ ea2 (t−h n −ln ) V2 (h n + ln ).


This completes the proof. Based on Lemma 9.1, we are in a position to present the following theorem through which the closed-loop stability of system (9.22) under the proposed attack-resilient event-triggering controller can be preserved. Theorem 9.1 Consider the switched system (9.22) with known K . For given parameters η ≥ 0, κ ≥ 0, τ D > h, Γ > 1, α > 0, ai ∈ (0, +∞), υi ∈ (0, +∞), υ1 υ2 ≥ 1, σ ∈ (0, 1), and h ∈ (0, ln ), there exist symmetric positive define matrices Pi ∈ Rn×n , Q 1i ∈ Rn×n , Q 2i ∈ Rn×n , Ri ∈ Rn×n , Tωi ∈ Rn×n , Ω ∈ Rn×n , matrices Mi and Ni (i = 1, 2) of appropriate dimensions such that the linear matrix inequalities (LMIs) (9.23), (9.24) and the following LMIs are satisfied:


9 Attack-Resilient Event-Triggered Controller Design …

P1 ≤ υ2 P2 P2 ≤ υ1 e


(a1 +a2 )h



Q 1i ≤ υ3−i Q 1(3−i) Q 2i ≤ υ3−i Q 2(3−i)

(9.32) (9.33)

Ri ≤ υ3−i R3−i Tωi ≤ υ3−i Tω3−i

(9.34) (9.35)

ln(υ1 υ2 ) a1 +a2 +h



1 Γ

ln(υ1 υ2 ) a1 +a2 +h



ln(υ1 υ2 ) . a1 +a2

Furthermore, denote

the jamming attack rate by γ. Then the stability condition (9.36) can be replaced ln(υ1 υ2 )


1 by γ < γ, ¯ where γ¯ = a1a+a − a1 +aτ D2 . According to this relation, it can be seen 2 that the upper bound γ¯ of the jamming attack rate γ is explicitly dependent on the convergence rate a1 , the divergence rate a2 , the sampling period h, the average DoS duration τ D , and the tuning parameters υ1 and υ2 . More specifically, if a1 , a2 , h, υ1 , ¯ and vice versa. Similarly, when and υ2 are fixed, a larger τ D results in a larger γ, a1 , a2 , τ D , υ1 , and υ2 are fixed, γ¯ is inverse relation with h. Therefore, in order to tolerate more DoS attacks (i.e., tolerate bigger γ), ¯ we can reduce the value of sampling period h (other parameter are fixed). A smaller h may result in better performance of the DC microgrid system under consideration while increasing the communication burden. Considering the event-triggered communication mechanism can effectively reduce the network loads, one should choose a smaller h and bigger σ (for balance) carefully to design a feasible event-triggered controllers such that the resulting DC microgrid system can achieve the desired performance. Notice that for a larger h and σ, it is more likely that the following Theorem 9.2 is not feasible.

9.3 Attack-Resilient Event-Triggered Controller Design Theorem 9.2 Consider the switched system (9.22). For given parameters η ≥ 0, κ ≥ 0, τ D > h, Γ > 1, ai ∈ (0, +∞), υi ∈ (0, +∞), υ1 υ2 ≥ 1, σ ∈ (0, 1), h ∈ (0, ln ), α, i , φi , ϕi , θi ∈ (0, +∞), if there exist symmetric positive define matrices Pi ∈ Rn×n , Q¯ 1i ∈ Rn×n , Q¯ 2i ∈ Rn×n , R¯ i ∈ Rn×n , T¯ωi ∈ Rn×n , Ω¯ ∈ Rn×n , matrices M¯ i and N¯ i (i = 1, 2) of appropriate dimensions such that (9.36) and the following LMIs hold ⎡ ¯1 ⎤ ∗ √Ψ11 T ∗1 ∗ ∗ ⎢ h M¯ 1 Ψ¯ 22 ∗ ∗ ∗ ⎥ ⎢√ ⎥ T 1 ⎢ ¯ ¯ ¯ Ψ1 = ⎢ h N1 0 Ψ33 ∗ (9.40) ∗ ⎥ ⎥0 , n ∈ N the beginning time of the nth attack interval Sn = [gn + bn , gn+1 ). Further, from the viewpoint of switched system including unstable subsystem, it is interesting to explore the upper bound of the average dwell time of attack interval and the lower bound of the average dwell time of sleep interval. Thus, model-based average dwell time (MDADT) concept is first introduced to characterize DoS attacks. The attack model is represented by the following definitions. Definition 10.1 ([2]) Denote N F (t, t0 ) the numbers of sleep intervals and Ξ F (t, t0 ) the sum of sleep intervals length during [t0 , t]. There exist scalars ζ F ∈ R≥0 , τ F ∈ R≥h satisfying Ξ F (t, t0 ) (10.6) N F (t, t0 ) ≤ ζ F + τF

Definition 10.2 ([2]) Denote N D (t, t0 ) the numbers of attack intervals and Ξ D (t, t0 ) the sum of attack intervals length during [t0 , t]. There exist scalars ζ D ∈ R≥0 , τ D ∈ R≥h satisfying Ξ D (t, t0 ) (10.7) N D (t, t0 ) ≥ ζ D + τD

Remark 10.1 The proposed DoS attack model (10.6), (10.7) can not only represent periodic DoS attacks [3–5] by τ F = To f f and τ D = T − To f f but also represent aperiodic DoS attacks [6] by τ F = bmin and τ D = lmax . Compared with ADT model in ≥ τ D is defined for the mixed [7, 8], the lower bound of average dwell time n(τt−τ ,t)−η interval composed of one attack interval and its adjacent sleep interval. Such definition represents the stable subsystem operating in the mixed interval and treats the influence of attack as the beginning transient dynamic which will be eliminated with a sufficient large τ D . In Definition 10.1, however, the average dwell time of sleep interval purely indicating the operation of stable subsystem is denoted as τ F . On the other hand, the duty cycle of attack duration should be less than its upper bound Ξ (τ ,t)−κ ≤ 1/T . In Definition 10.2, however, the average dwell time of attack intert−τ val is denoted as τ D which is more flexible than the concept of 1/T . The proposed MDADT model is more general and flexible than the previous models. According to (10.5), the availability of control signals u(t) generated by load frequency control and virtual inertia control (LFC-VIC) scheme is subjected to the

10.1 Problem Formulation


switching signal s(t), which means that the control signal u(t) is available during sleep intervals In while the zero inputs strategy is adopted during attack interval Sn .  u (t) =

K y(kh), t ∈ In , 0, t ∈ Sn .


10.1.3 Design of Dynamic Event-Triggered Mechanism and Problem Statement To improve the communication efficiency during the sleep interval In , a dynamic event-triggered mechanism (DETM) is introduced to determine whether to transmit the measurement output signals y(kh). Denote {tk,n h} as the set of triggering instants which satisfy tk,n h = {tk j ,n h|tk j ,n h satis f ying (10.9) and tk j ,n h ∈ In } ∪ {h n } where n, j, k j ∈ N , {tk,n h} ⊆ {kh}. By denoting tk j ,n h  tk,n h + j h, the triggering condition is given by [y(tk j ,n h) − y(tk,n h)]T Ωc [y(tk j ,n h) − y(tk,n h)] 1 > εy T (tk,n h)Ωc y(tk,n h) + η(tk j ,n h) ϕ


where positive triggering parameters ε, ϕ and Ωc . Moreover, the definition of scalar function η(t) is given by ⎧ dη(t) T ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ dt = −μη(t) + εy (tk,n h)Ωc y(tk,n h) − [y(tk j ,n h) − y(tk,n h)]T Ωc [y(tk j ,n h) − y(tk,n h)], ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ μ > 0, η(0) = η0 > 0, η(gn ) = 0, n > 1.


For simplification and convenience, the dynamic event-triggered condition (10.9) with (10.10) will be represented by the form of state vector. ⎧ [x(tk j ,n h) − x(tk,n h)]T Ω[x(tk j ,n h) − x(tk,n h)] ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ 1 ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ > εx T (tk,n h)Ω x(tk,n h) + η(tk j ,n h), ϕ ⎪ dη(t) ⎪ T ⎪ = −μη(t) + εx (tk,n h)Ω x(tk,n h) ⎪ ⎪ dt ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ − [x(tk j ,n h) − x(tk,n h)]T Ω[x(tk j ,n h) − x(tk,n h)], where Ω = C T Ωc C.



10 Resilient Dynamic Event-Triggered Control for Multi-area Power …

Remark 10.2 Note that η(t) ≥ 0 if ln(1 + μϕ) > μh. The detail proof can be seen in [9] and omitted here. Due to the existence of positive function of η(t) ≥ 0, the considered DETM would be more efficient than the traditional ETM [3, 10]. Because the value of the right side of triggering condition is larger than that of traditional ETM. According to the triggered sequence, the sleep interval can be divided by the triggering intervals In = ∪k(n) k=0 Ik,n , with


⎧ ⎪ ⎨[h n , t1,n h + d(t1,n h)), k = 0, = [tk,n h + d(tk,n h), tk+1,n h + d(tk+1,n h)), k = 1, . . . , k(n) − 1, ⎪ ⎩ [tk(n),n h + d(tk(n),n h), h n + gn ), k = k(n),

¯ where k(n) = sup{k ∈ N |tk,n h + d(tk,n h) < h n + gn } and d(tk,n h) ∈ [0, d]. Within the triggering interval Ik,n , one can further have j (k)


Ik,n = ∪ j=0 Ik,n , with j


⎧ ⎪ ⎨[tk,n h + d(tk,n h), tk,n h + d¯ + h), j = 0, = [tk,n h + d¯ + j h, tk,n h + d¯ + ( j + 1)h), j = 1, . . . , j (k) − 1, ⎪ ⎩ [tk,n h + d¯ + j (k)h, tk+1,n h + d(tk+1,n h)), j = j (k),

where j (k) = sup{ j ∈ N |tk,n h + d¯ + j h < tk+1,n h + d(tk+1,n h)}. j For t ∈ Ik,n , j = 0, . . . , j (k), a virtual input delay is introduced ⎧ 0 ⎪ t ∈ Ik,n , ⎨t − tk,n h, j d(t) = t − tk,n h − j h, t ∈ Ik,n , j = 1, . . . , j (k) − 1 ⎪ ⎩ j (k) t − tk,n h − j (k)h, t ∈ Ik,n . which indicates


d(tk,n h) ≤ d¯ ≤ d(t) ≤ d M , t ∈ Ik,n ,

where d M = d¯ + h. Furthermore, a piecewise function to represent the triggered error is defined by ⎧ 0 ⎪ t ∈ Ik,n , ⎨x(tk,n h) − x(tk,n h), j e(t) = x(tk,n h) − x(tk,n h + j h), t ∈ Ik,n , j = 1, . . . , j (k) − 1, ⎪ ⎩ j (k) x(tk,n h) − x(tk,n h + j (k)h), t ∈ Ik,n .


10.1 Problem Formulation


Then, the final control inputs implemented by actuators can be rewritten by  u (t) =


K C(x(t − d(t)) + e(t)), t ∈ Ik,n ∩ Ik,n ∩ In , 0, t ∈ Sn .


Based on the resilient control scheme (10.14), the multi-area power systems (10.3) under DoS attacks is described by a switched time delay system Σs(t) , s(t) ∈ {0, 1}  ⎧ x(t) ˙ = Ax(t) + B K C(x(t − d(t)) + e(t)) + Fw(t), ⎪ ⎪ Σ j 1 ⎨ z(t) = E x(t), t ∈ Ik,n ∩ Ik,n ∩ In ,  ⎪ ˙ = Ax(t) + Fw(t), ⎪ ⎩ Σ0 x(t) z(t) = E x(t), t ∈ Sn ,


˙ = 1, initial conditions x(t0 )=x0 , t0 ∈ [−d M , 0] with input delay d(t) ∈ [0, d M ], d(t) and triggered error satisfying ⎧ 1 ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ e T (t)Ωe(t) ≤ ε[x(t − d(t)) + e(t)]T Ω[x(t − d(t)) + e(t)] + η(tk j ,n h), ϕ ⎪ dη(t) ⎪ ⎩ = −μη(t) + ε[x(t − d(t)) + e(t)]T Ω[x(t − d(t)) + e(t)] − e(t)T Ωe(t). dt (10.16) For switched time delay system (10.15), the objective of this study is to design output control gain K and triggering matrix Ω to preserve the exponential H∞ performance. (1) The closed-loop system (10.15) with w(t) = 0 is exponentially stable; (2) Under zero initial state condition, for any nonzero w(t) ∈ L2 [0, ∞), it holds

z(t) ≤ γ w(t) for prescribed level γ > 0.

10.2 Resilience Analysis In order to facilitate the theory development, we first establish a technical result on decay rate estimation of piecewise Lyapunov–Krasovskii functional. Theorem 10.1 Given positive scalars d M > 0, α0 > 0, α1 > 0, ε > 0, ϕ > 0, μ > 0 along each subsystem (10.15), respectively, it follows V˙1 (t) ≤ −α1 V1 (t) − z T (t)z(t) + γ 2 w T (t)w(t),


V˙0 (t) ≤ α0 V0 (t) − z T (t)z(t) + γ 2 w T (t)w(t),


if there exist positive definite matrices Pi > 0, Q i > 0, Ri > 0, Z i > 0, i = 0, 1, Ω > 0, and appropriate dimension matrices K , X 0 , X 1 satisfying


10 Resilient Dynamic Event-Triggered Control for Multi-area Power …

Φ ≤ 0, Γ ≤ 0,



R1 X 1 R0 X 0 ≥ 0, ≥ 0. X 1T R1 X 0T R0


⎤ ∗ ∗ ∗ Φ0 ⎢d M Φ1 −R −1 ∗ ∗⎥ 1 ⎥ Φ=⎢ ⎣d M Φ1 0 −Z −1 ∗ ⎦ , 1 0 0 −I Φ2 ⎡ ⎤ Φ0 (1, 1) Φ0 (1, 2) −ρ1 X 1 P1 B K C P1 F ⎢ ∗ 0 ⎥ Φ0 (2, 2) Φ0 (2, 3) εψΩ ⎢ ⎥ (3, 3) 0 0 ⎥ ∗ ∗ Φ Φ0 = ⎢ 0 ⎢ ⎥, ⎣ ∗ ∗ ∗ Φ0 (4, 4) 0 ⎦ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ −γ 2 I ⎡

Φ0 (1, 1) = H e(P1 A) + α1 P1 + Q 1 −

π2 Z 1 + ρ1 R1 , 4

π2 Z1, 4 π2 Z1, Φ0 (2, 2) = εψΩ + ρ1 (2R1 − X 1 − X 1T ) − 4 Φ0 (2, 3) = ρ1 (X 1 − R1 ), Φ0 (3, 3) = −e−α1 d M Q 1 + ρ1 R1 , Φ0 (1, 2) = P1 B K C − ρ1 R1 + ρ1 X 1 +

Φ0 (4, 4) = (ε − 1)ψΩ, ψ = ϕ(μ − α1 ) + 1, Φ1 = [A, B K C, 0, B K C, F], Φ2 = [E, 0, 0, 0, 0], ⎡ ⎤ ∗ ∗ ∗ Γ0 ⎢d M Γ1 −R −1 ∗ ∗⎥ 0 ⎥ Γ =⎢ ⎣d M Γ1 0 −Z −1 ∗ ⎦ , 0 0 0 −I Γ2 ⎤ ⎡ −ρ0 X 0 P0 F Γ0 (1, 1) Γ0 (1, 2) ⎢ ∗ 0 ⎥ Γ0 (2, 2) ρ0 (X 0 − R0 ) ⎥, Γ0 = ⎢ α0 d M ⎣ ∗ Q 0 + ρ0 R0 0 ⎦ ∗ −e ∗ ∗ ∗ −γ 2 I Γ0 (1, 1) = H e(P0 A) − α0 P0 + Q 0 + ρ0 R0 −

π2 Z0, 4

π2 Z0, 4 π2 Z0, Γ0 (2, 2) = ρ0 (2R0 − X 0 − X 0T ) − 4 Γ1 = [A, 0, 0, F], Γ2 = [E, 0, 0, 0]. Γ0 (1, 2) = −ρ0 R0 + ρ0 X 0 +

Proof Choose a piecewise Lyapunov–Krasovskii functional

10.2 Resilience Analysis


 V (t) = where


V1 (t), t ∈ Ik,n ∩ Ik,n ∩ In , V0 (t), t ∈ Sn ,


Vi (t) = i ∗ η(t)|t=(tk j ,n h)+ + x T (t)Pi x(t) t + x T (s)ex p( )Q i x(s)ds t−d M

+ dM 2 + dM

π2 4


−d M t


x˙ T (s)ex p( )Ri x(s)dsdθ ˙


x˙ T (s)ex p( )Z i x(s)ds ˙



Δx(s)T ex p( )Z i Δx(s)ds,


where ex p( ) = e(−1) αi (t−s) and Δx(s) = x(s) − x(t − d(t)). j Case I: for t ∈ Ik,n , taking derivation of V1 (t) (10.21) along subsystem Σ1 with triggering constraint (10.16), one has i

V˙1 (t) ≤ − α1 V1 (t) + (α1 − μ)η(tk j ,n h) + α1 x T (t)P1 x(t) + ε[x(t − d(t)) + e(t)]T Ω[x(t − d(t)) + e(t)] − e T (t)Ωe(t) + 2x T (t)P1 x(t) ˙ + x T (t)Q 1 x(t) − e−α1 d M x T (t − d M )Q 1 x(t − d M ) 2 T +d M x˙ (t)(R1 + Z 1 )x(t) ˙ t x˙ T (s)e−α1 (t−s) R1 x(s)ds ˙ − dM t−d M

π2 − [x(t) − x(t − d(t))]T Z 1 [x(t) − x(t − d(t))] 4 + z T (t)z(t) − γ 2 w T (t)w(t) − z T (t)z(t) + γ 2 w T (t)w(t). According to Lemmas 1 and 2 in [6], we have − dM ≤ ρ1


x˙ T (s)e−α1 (t−s) R1 x(s)ds ˙

t−d M

Δx(t) −Δx(t − d M )


R1 X 1 X 1T R1

Δx(t) −Δx(t − d M )


10 Resilient Dynamic Event-Triggered Control for Multi-area Power …

where ρ1 = α1 d M /(1 − eα1 d M ). Let ξ1 (t) = col[x(t), x(t − d(t)), x(t − d M ), e(t), w(t)] and μ ≥ α1 . By using Schur complement lemma, it is further obtained V˙1 (t) ≤ −α1 V1 (t) + ξ1T (t)Φξ1 (t) − z T (t)z(t) + γ 2 w T (t)w(t). According to Φ ≤ 0 (10.19), the decay estimation of V1 (t) (10.17) can be obtained. Case II: for t ∈ Sn , taking derivation of V0 (t) along subsystem Σ0 , it can be obtained that V˙0 (t) ≤α0 V0 (t) − α0 x T (t)P0 x(t) + 2x T (t)P0 [Ax(t) + Fw(t)] + x T (t)Q 0 x(t) − eα0 d M x T (t − d M )Q 0 x(t − d M ) 2 T +d M x˙ (t)(R0 + Z 0 )x(t) ˙ t eα0 (t−s) x˙ T (s)R0 x(s)ds ˙ − dM t−d M

π2 − [x(t) − x(t − d(t))]T Z 0 [x(t) − x(t − d(t))] 4 + z T (t)z(t) − γ 2 w T (t)w(t) − z T (t)z(t) + γ 2 w T (t)w(t), According to Lemmas 1 and 2 in [6], we have − dM ≤ ρ0


eα0 (t−s) x˙ T (s)R0 x(s)ds ˙

t−d M

Δx(t) −Δx(t − d M )


R0 X 0 X 0T R0

Δx(t) −Δx(t − d M )

where ρ0 = α0 d M /(e−α0 d M − 1). By denoting ξ0 (t) = col[x(t), x(t − d(t)), x(t − d M ), w(t)] and using Schur complement lemma, one has V˙0 (t) ≤ α0 V0 (t) + ξ0T (t)Γ ξ0 (t) − z T (t)z(t) + γ 2 w T (t)w(t). According to Γ ≤ 0 (10.19), the decay estimation of V0 (t) (10.18) can be obtained. This completes the proof. Based on Theorem 10.1, the resilience analysis, exponentially stable with H∞ performance, of switched delay system (10.15) will be given by using switched system approach.

10.2 Resilience Analysis


Theorem 10.2 Given positive scalars γ > 0, 1 > λ1 > 0, λ0 > 1, under DoS attacks (10.5) with τ D , τ F , switched time delay system (10.15) is exponentially stable with H∞ performance level γ if Theorem 6.1 holds and there exist positive definite matrices Pi > 0, Q i > 0, Ri > 0, Z i > 0, i = 0, 1, satisfying P1 ≤ λ0 P0 , P0 ≤ λ1 e(α1 +α0 )d M P1 , Q 1 ≤ λ0 Q 0 , Q 0 ≤ λ1 Q 1 , R 1 ≤ λ0 R 0 , R 0 ≤ λ1 R 1 , Z 1 ≤ λ0 Z 0 , Z 0 ≤ λ1 Z 1 , τF >

lnλ0 −(lnλ1 + (α0 + α1 )d M ) , τD < . α1 α0



Proof According to (10.22), the inequality relationship of Lyapunov–Krasovskii functional (10.21) in switching points are derived V1 (gn+ ) ≤ λ0 V0 (gn− ), V0 ((gn + bn )+ ) ≤ λ1 e(α1 +α0 )d M V1 ((gn + bn )− ).


First, the exponential stability of the switched delay system (10.15) will be analyzed under the assumption of w(t) = 0. Without loss of generality, we develop the decay process of piecewise LKF (10.21) from t ∈ [gn , gn + bn ). Based on (10.17), (10.18) and (10.24), one has V (t) ≤e−α1 (t−gn ) V1 (gn+ ) ≤e−α1 (t−gn )+α0 (gn −gn−1 −bn−1 )−α1 bn−1 − λ0 λ1 e(α1 +α0 )d M λ0 V0 (gn−1 )

≤(λ1 e(α0 +α1 )d M ) N D (t,0) λ0N F (t,0) e−α1 Ξ F (t,0) eα0 Ξ D (t,0) V (0) According to (10.6) and (10.7), by denoting exp{ } = e , we further obtain V (t) ≤exp{(lnλ1 + (α0 + α1 )d M )ζ D + ζ F lnλ0 }

  lnλ1 + (α0 + α1 )d M + α0 Ξ D (t, 0) exp τD

  lnλ0 − α1 Ξ F (t, 0) V (0) exp τF

  lnλ0 lnλ1 + (α0 + α1 )d M + α0 , − α1 ≤φexp max τD τF (Ξ F (t, 0) + Ξ D (t, 0))}V (0) ≤φe−βt V (0)


10 Resilient Dynamic Event-Triggered Control for Multi-area Power …

where φ = exp{(lnλ1 + (α0 + α1 )d M )ζ D + ζ F lnλ0 }, β = max{− lnλ1 +(ατ0D+α1 )d M − 0 }. According to (10.23), it has β > 0. Thus, when t → ∞, the switched α0 , α1 − lnλ τF delay system (10.15) is exponentially stable. Furthermore, we analyze the H∞ performance of system (10.15) with x(t0 ) = 0. According to (10.17), (10.18) and (10.24), for t ∈ [gn , gn + bn ), we have the following recursion steps t −α1 (t−gn ) − λ0 V0 (gn ) + e−α1 (t−s) Δ(s)ds V (t) ≤e ≤e

gn −α1 (t−gn )+α0 (gn −gn−1 −bn−1 )−α1 bn−1

t − λ0 λ1 e(α1 +α0 )d M λ0 V0 (gn−1 )+ e−α1 (t−s) Δ(s)ds gn gn e−α1 (t−gn )+α0 (gn −s) λ0 Δ(s)ds + + e

gn−1 +bn−1 gn−1 +bn−1

e−α1 (t−gn )+α0 (gn −gn−1 −bn−1 )

gn−1 −α1 (gn−1 +bn−1 −s)

λ0 λ1 e(α1 +α0 )d M Δ(s)ds N (t,g



≤(λ1 e(α0 +α1 )d M ) N D (t,gn−1 ) λ0 F n−1 e−α1 Ξ F (t,gn−1 ) t − eα0 Ξ D (t,gn−1 ) V (gn−1 )+ (λ1 e(α0 +α1 )d M ) N D (t,s) gn−1

λ0N F (t,s) e−α1 Ξ F (t,s)+α0 Ξ D (t,s) Δ(s)ds ≤(λ1 e(α0 +α1 )d M ) N D (t,0) λ0N F (t,0) e−α1 Ξ F (t,0) t eα0 Ξ D (t,0) V (0) + (λ1 e(α0 +α1 )d M ) N D (t,s) 0

λ0N F (t,s) e−α1 Ξ F (t,s)+α0 Ξ D (t,s) Δ(s)ds where Δ(s) = −z T (s)z(s) + γ 2 w T (s)w(s). For convenience, define a propagation operator P(t, τ ) = exp{(lnλ1 + (α0 + α1 )d M )N D (t, τ ) + lnλ0 N F (t, τ ) − α1 Ξ F (t, τ ) + α0 Ξ D (t, τ )}, ∀t ≥ τ .


Then, we rewrite (10.25) as


V (t) ≤ P(t, 0)V (0) + 0

P(t, s)Δ(s)ds.


10.2 Resilience Analysis


From (10.23), it has P(t, τ ) ≤ φe−β(t−τ ) . Under zero initial condition, one has



φe−β(t−s) Δ(s)ds.



Integrating both sides of (10.28) from t = 0 to ∞, one has 0≤


⇔0≤ 0



t 0

φe−β(t−s) Δ(s)dsdt.

φe−β(t−s) Δ(s)dtds.


φ Δ(s)ds. β

∞ It finally has 0 z T (t)z(t)dt ≤ γ 2 0 w T (t)w(t)dt, namely z(t) ≤ γ w(t) . The proof is completed that system (10.15) is exponentially stable with H∞ disturbance attenuant level γ. ∞

Remark 10.3 The satisfaction of the resulting conditions (10.22) guarantees the decay at the switching points of attack intervals and sleep intervals. The condition about τ F exhibits the lower bound of the ADT of sleep intervals to guarantee frequency stability of power system. The lower bound is in inverse proportion to the exponential decay rate α1 during sleep interval. It means that if power system has a fast exponential convergence with a large value of α1 during sleep interval a short ADT τ F would be required. It indicates the excellent performance during sleep intervals store much resilience for power system against DoS attacks. The condition about τ D exhibits the upper bound of the ADT of attack intervals. The upper bound is in inverse proportion to the exponential decay rate α0 during attack interval. It means that if power system has a large exponential divergence with a large value of α0 during attack interval a short ADT τ D would be tolerant. It indicates the poor performance during attack intervals would lead to power system only tolerating short DoS attacks. On the other hand, the exponential decay rate β depends not only on the adjusting parameters αi , λi (i = 0, 1) but also on delay bound d M and model based average dwell time (MDADT) parameters τ D , τ F . And the criterion (10.23) about the tolerable ADT of DoS attacks and the required ADT of normal transmission is our main contribution. The MDADT criterion (10.23) is more flexible and practical than that in [6, 7, 11] from the aspects of constraining attack interval and sleep interval independently, respectively.


10 Resilient Dynamic Event-Triggered Control for Multi-area Power …

10.3 Resilient Controller Design Based LFC-VIC Scheme According to Theorems 10.1 and 10.2, the co-design method of resilient load frequency control and virtual inertia control (LFC-VIC) gain and DETM parameter is presented by using LMI technique. Theorem 10.3 Given positive scalars d M > 0, γ > 0, α0 > 0, α1 > 0, 1 > λ1 > 0, λ0 > 1, δ > 0, ε > 0, ϕ > 0, μ > 0, under DoS attacks (10.5) with τ D , τ F , switched time delay system (10.15) is exponentially stable with H∞ performance level γ if (10.23) holds and there exist positive definite matrices P˜i , Q˜ i , R˜ i , Z˜ i , (i = 0, 1), Ω˜ and appropriate dimension matrices K˜ , X˜ 0 , X˜ 1 , Υ satisfying Φ˜ ≤ 0, Γ˜ ≤ 0,


R˜ 1 X˜ 1 R˜ 0 X˜ 0 ≥ 0, ≥ 0. X˜ 1T R˜ 1 X˜ 0T R˜ 0

 ⎧ ⎪ −I ∗ ⎨ < 0, C P˜1 − Υ C −I ⎪ ⎩ →0

−λ1 e(α1 +α0 )d M P˜1 ∗ −λ0 P˜0 ∗ < 0, < 0, P˜0 − P˜1 P˜1 − P˜0

−λ0 Q˜ 0 ∗ −λ1 Q˜ 1 ∗ < 0, < 0, P˜0 Qˆ 1 P˜1 Qˆ 0 −λ0 R˜ 0 P˜0 −λ0 Z˜ 0 P˜0 where

−λ1 R˜ 1 ∗ < 0, P˜1 Rˆ 1

−λ1 Z˜ 1 ∗ < 0, ˆ P˜1 Z1

∗ < 0, Rˆ 0

∗ < 0. Zˆ 0

⎡ ˜ ⎤ Φ0 ∗ ∗ ∗ ⎢d M Φ˜ 1 Rˆ 1 ∗ ∗ ⎥ ⎥ Φ˜ = ⎢ ⎣d M Φ˜ 1 0 Zˆ 1 ∗ ⎦ , Φ˜ 2 0 0 −I ⎡ ⎤ Φ˜ 0 (1, 1) Φ˜ 0 (1, 2) −ρ1 X˜ 1 B K˜ C F ⎢ ∗ 0 ⎥ Φ˜ 0 (2, 2) Φ˜ 0 (2, 3) εψ Ω˜ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ Φ˜ 0 = ⎢ ∗ 0 0 ⎥ ∗ Φ˜ 0 (3, 3) ⎥, ⎣ ∗ ∗ ∗ Φ˜ 0 (4, 4) 0 ⎦ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ −γ 2 I




10.3 Resilient Controller Design Based LFC-VIC Scheme


π2 ˜ Φ˜ 0 (1, 1) = H e(A P˜1 ) + α1 P˜1 + Q˜ 1 − Z 1 + ρ1 R˜ 1 , 4 π2 ˜ Φ˜ 0 (1, 2) = B K˜ C − ρ1 R˜ 1 + ρ1 X˜ 1 + Z1, 4 π2 ˜ Φ˜ 0 (2, 2) = εψ Ω˜ + ρ1 (2 R˜ 1 − X˜ 1 − X˜ 1T ) − Z1, 4 Φ˜ 0 (2, 3) = ρ1 ( X˜ 1 − R˜ 1 ), Φ˜ 0 (3, 3) = −e−α1 d M Q˜ 1 + ρ1 R˜ 1 , ˜ ψ = ϕ(μ − α1 ) + 1, Φ˜ 0 (4, 4) = (ε − 1)ψ Ω, Φ˜ 1 = [A P˜1 , B K˜ C, 0, B K˜ C, F], Φ˜ 2 = [E P˜1 , 0, 0, 0, 0], ⎡ ˜ ⎤ Γ0 ∗ ∗ ∗ ⎢d M Γ˜1 Rˆ 0 ∗ ∗ ⎥ ⎥ Γ˜ = ⎢ ⎣d M Γ˜1 0 Zˆ 0 ∗ ⎦ , Γ˜2 0 0 −I ⎡ ⎤ Γ˜0 (1, 1) Γ˜0 (1, 2) −ρ0 X˜ 0 F ⎢ ∗ Γ˜0 (2, 2) ρ0 ( X˜ 0 − R˜ 0 ) 0 ⎥ ⎥, Γ˜0 = ⎢ α0 d M ˜ ⎣ ∗ ˜ ∗ −e Q 0 + ρ0 R0 0 ⎦ ∗ ∗ ∗ −γ 2 I π2 ˜ Γ˜0 (1, 1) = H e(A P˜0 ) − α0 P˜0 + Q˜ 0 + ρ0 R˜ 0 − Z0, 4 π2 ˜ Γ˜0 (1, 2) = −ρ0 R˜ 0 + ρ0 X˜ 0 + Z0, 4 π2 ˜ Γ˜0 (2, 2) = ρ0 (2 R˜ 0 − X˜ 0 − X˜ 0T ) − Z0, 4 Γ˜1 = [A P˜0 , 0, 0, F], Γ˜2 = [E P˜0 , 0, 0, 0]. The LFC-VIC control gain and DETM parameter can be obtained by K = K˜ Υ −1 , Ω = P˜1−1 Ω˜ P˜1−1 . Proof See the Appendix 10.6.3. Proof By denoting P˜1 = P1−1 , Q˜ 1 = P˜1 Q 1 P˜1 , R˜ 1 = P˜1 R1 P˜1 , Z˜ 1 = P˜1 Z 1 P˜1 , X˜ 1 = P˜1 X 1 P˜1 , Ω˜ = P˜1 Ω P˜1 , Qˆ 1 = δ 2 Q˜ 1 − 2δ P˜1 , Rˆ 1 = δ 2 R˜ 1 − 2δ P˜1 and Zˆ 1 = δ 2 Z˜ 1 − 2δ P˜1 pre-and pro-multiply diag{ P˜1 , P˜1 , P˜1 , P˜1 , I, I, I, I } and its transpose on both sides of Φ < 0. To deal with the nonlinear term B K C P˜1 , (10.31) is introduced by denoting B K C P˜1 = B K Υ C = B K˜ C. By using inequality technique −R1−1 < δ 2 R˜ 1 − 2δ P˜1 , LMI Φ˜ < 0 (10.29) is derived. Similarly, denoting P˜0 = P0−1 , Q˜ 0 = P˜0 Q 0 P˜0 , R˜ 0 = P˜0 R0 P˜0 , Z˜ 0 = P˜0 Z 0 P˜0 , Qˆ 0 = δ 2 Q˜ 0 − 2δ P˜0 , Rˆ 0 = δ 2 R˜ 0 − 2δ P˜0 and Zˆ 0 = δ 2 Z˜ 0 − 2δ P˜0 . Pre-and pro multiply diag{ P˜0 , P˜0 , P˜0 , I, I, I, I } and its transpose on both sides of Γ < 0, one has LMI Γ˜ < 0 in (10.29). Moreover, pre-and pro multiply diag{ P˜1 , P˜1 }, diag{ P˜0 , P˜0 }


10 Resilient Dynamic Event-Triggered Control for Multi-area Power …

and its transpose on both sides of (10.20), respectively, one has LMI in (10.30). By using Schur complement lemma, (10.22) are converted to LMIs (10.32) This completes the proof. From Remark 10.7, it can be found that the design of resilient LFC-VIC gain and DETM parameters relates to many parameters. Thus, it is necessary to provide an algorithm for the concrete implementation of Theorem 10.3. Algorithm 3.1 Solving LFC-VIC gain K and DETM parameter Ω Initialization: Set the prescribed d M ,τ F ,τ D ,  → 10−6 , k = 0, kend >> 0; Set larger initial values γ ∈ (0, ∞), δ ∈ (0, ∞), λ1 ∈ (0, 1), ϕ ∈ (0, ∞), μ ∈ (0, ∞), α0 ∈ (0, ∞) and smaller initial values α1 ∈ (0, ∞), λ0 ∈ (1, ∞), ε ∈ (0, ∞) ; Iteration: 1: Choose nonnegative deviation variables Δγ(k), Δδ(k), Δλ1 (k), Δϕ(k), Δμ(k), Δα1 (k), Δα0 (k), Δλ0 (k), Δε(k); 2: if the condition (10.23) holds then Go to Step 4 3: else Δγ(k) = 0, Δδ(k) = 0, Δε(k) = 0, Δϕ(k) = 0, Δμ(k) = 0 and go to Step 6; 4: end if 5: if the LMIs (10.29)-(10.32) hold then Go to Step 7 6: else Go to Step 6; 7: end if 8: γ ∗ = γ + Δγ(k), δ ∗ = δ + Δδ(k); α1∗ = α1 − Δα1 (k), α0∗ = α0 + Δα0 (k), ε∗ = ε − Δε(k), ϕ∗ = ϕ + Δϕ(k), μ∗ = μ + Δμ(k), γ = γ ∗ , δ = δ ∗ , α1 = α1∗ , α0 = α0∗ , ε = ε∗ , ϕ = ϕ∗ , μ = μ∗ , k = k + 1 and return to Step 1; 9: if k < kend then γ ∗ = γ − Δγ(k), α1∗ = α1 + Δα1 (k), α0∗ = α0 − Δα0 (k), ε∗ = ε + Δε(k), ϕ∗ = ϕ − Δϕ(k), μ∗ = μ − Δμ(k), γ = γ ∗ , α1 = α1∗ , α0 = α0∗ , ε = ε∗ , ϕ = ϕ∗ , μ = μ∗ , k = k + 1 and return to Step 1 10: else 11: Go to Step 10; 12: end if 13: return K = K˜ Υ −1 , Ω = P˜1−1 Ω˜ P˜1−1 .

10.4 Active Secure Scheme Until now, the analysis and synthesis of resilient DETM based LFC-VIC of multiarea power system under DoS attacks is completed. One desired exponential H∞ performance will be guaranteed under the novel criterion (10.23) and the designed resilient controller. However, the criterion (10.23) can not be satisfied automatically because it is subjected to not only system secure scheme (τ F ) but also attack strategy (τ D ). Thus, to realize the criterion (10.23), an active secure scheme is proposed on the basis of model based predictive control against the unknown but observable attack strategy.

10.4 Active Secure Scheme


This secure scheme exhibits a dynamic prediction horizon. The idea of dynamic horizon is original from the consideration for uncontrollable and changeable attack strategy and limited computation times and resources. This is different from the conventional MPC with uniform prediction horizon referring to upper bound of packet drop and time delay. First, there is no idea about the upper bound of packet drop caused by DoS attacks . Second, uniform prediction horizon is hard to be realized under the limited computation resources and computation time. In this study, the dynamic prediction horizon N P (tk,n h) is scheduled according to the observed value τ˜D (tk,n h), the theoretical value τ˜F (tk,n h) and the triggering interval length ΔT (tk,n h) = tk,n h − tk−1,n h. Define ΔT˜ (tk,n h) as the mean of ΔT (tk,n h). Based on the secure criterion (10.23), the scheduling scheme of dynamic prediction horizon is proposed as follows. d M lnλ0 , −lnλ1 − α0 (d M + τ˜D (tk,n h)) ΔT (tk,n h) τ˜F (tk,n h). N P (tk,n h) = ΔT˜ (tk,n h)

τ˜F (tk,n h) >


Under the scheduling scheme, the prediction controls are generated and transmitted to actuators. U (tk,n h) = {u(tk,n h), u(t ˆ k1 ,n h), . . . , u(t ˆ k N P ,n h)}.

ΔT (tk,n h) represents the time efficiency of the triggering signal at ΔT˜ (tk,n h) (tk,n h) tk,n h. The small value ΔT indicates that the feedback signal at tk,n h is the required ΔT˜ (tk,n h)

Remark 10.4 The

one with high real-time for system. Thus, it is better to have a short prediction horizon to save the computation time. Compared with traditional predictive control (TPC) supported by the knowledge of upper bound of data dropout [12, 13], the proposed dynamic prediction horizon (DPH) deals with DoS attacks with priori unknown of bound of data loss. DPH strategy regulates variable prediction horizon around average dwell time of sleep intervals while TPC generates uniform prediction horizon every time. Both TPC and DPH are kinds of compensation strategy by increasing the redundancy of control inputs. Considered that the redundant control commands will consume additional computation and communication which would influences the real-time of control, DPH can enhance the real-time of control by automatically regulating prediction horizon according to the information of the current triggered (tk,n h) . interval length ΔT ΔT˜ (t h) k,n

Remark 10.5 An overall block diagram of the proposed approach is given as shown in Fig. 10.3. The proposed approach consists of the resilient conditions obtained offline and resilient result based dynamic prediction horizon as active secure scheme of power system in online operation.


10 Resilient Dynamic Event-Triggered Control for Multi-area Power …

Fig. 10.3 An overall block diagram of the proposed approach

10.5 Simulation Example This section presents a simulation example to verify our resilient design method for model based average dwell time (DETM) based load frequency control and virtual inertia control (LFC-VIC) scheme. A two-area power system under DoS attacks is considered in following simulation with parameters from [14] Table 10.1.

10.5.1 Simulation of a Two-Area System Under DoS Attacks and Time Delay Let γ = 320, d M = 0.5, δ = 10, α0 = α1 = 0.1, λ0 = 1.8, λ1 = 0.6, ε = 0.13, ϕ = μ = 10 and  = 10−6 . In following, set the simulation step ts = 0.001s and the sample periodic h = 0.1s. The parameters of RESs are the solar system time constant TP V 1 = TP V 2 = 1.3, the wind turbine time constant TW T 1 = TW T 2 = 1.5 and the virtual inertia time constant TV I 1 = TV I 2 = 10. According to the Theorem 10.3, the results are obtained in following Tables. From Table 10.2, the allowable delay bound d M is decreased with the increasing

10.5 Simulation Example


Table 10.1 Parameters of two-area power system Parm M D R Tg (s) Area 1 Area 2

0.166 0.202

0.015 0.016

3 2.73

0.08 0.06

Tch (s)


Ti j

0.4 0.44

0.3493 0.3827

0.08 0.08

Table 10.2 The trigger parameter ε for various delay upper bound d M ε 0.13 0.18 0.2 0.22 dM





0.23 0.1

Table 10.3 The average dwell time of attack intervals τ D for various delay upper bound d M dM 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 τD




Table 10.4 The MDADT index τ F , τ D for various α1 α1 0.2 0.4 0.6 τF τD

29.3893 4.5083

14.6947 4.4083

9.7964 4.3083





7.3473 4.2083

5.8779 4.1083

of the triggering threshold ε. The reduction of transmission by tuning to a large threshold lower the system tolerable ability in delay. The delay stability is the primary performance of system. Thus, a suitable tradeoff should be concerned for system designer between transmission efficiency and system performance. Table 10.3 shows that for the increased delay bound d M there is a tendency toward decrease in allowable attack ADT. The simultaneous existence of delay and DoS attacks, the coupling influence from network, bring double deterioration on system performance. Therefore, power system with the determinate stability margin will has less resilience to DoS attacks under the large time delay. According to the resilient condition (10.23), a relationship bridged by α1 between sleep ADT and attack ADT is given in Table 10.4, which shows the negative correlation between α1 and τ F or τ D . However, the negative correlation level in (α1 , τ F ) is larger than (α1 , τ D ). It means that for the large α1 , sleep subsystem is allowed to be with less duration while the tolerable attack ADT still keep the same level. Thus, it is better to choice a relative large α1 . From Table 10.5, as the triggering threshold ε increases, the three indices Tn , Ta , T p decrease for the communication load can be reduced by choosing a large triggering threshold ε. Table 10.6 shows the average triggering periodic Ta obtained from experiment statistic under various weight value ϕ of dynamic function in DETM condition. With the increasing of ϕ, the average triggering periodic Ta is decreased to transmit more


10 Resilient Dynamic Event-Triggered Control for Multi-area Power …

Table 10.5 The triggered times Tn , the average release periods Ta , and the transmission percentage T p for various ε with ϕ = 10 and μ = 10 ε







Tn Ta T p (%)

389 0.0946 97.98

206 0.1786 51.89

147 0.2502 37.03

102 0.3606 25.69

85 0.4327 21.41

73 0.5039 18.39

Table 10.6 The average release periods Ta for various ϕ with ε = 0.13, μ = 10 ϕ 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 Ta






Table 10.7 The average release periods Ta for various μ with ε = 0.13, ϕ = 10 μ 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 Ta






Table 10.8 Comparison among various different event-triggered schemes with ε = 0.1, h = 0.1 and d M = 0.1 Schemes Trigger numbers Average periodic ST ET DET (this study)

397 105 83

0.100 0.3503 0.4432

packets, which proves the negative correlation between the triggering periodic and ϕ in triggering condition (10.11). Though the smaller ϕ can save more communication load, there is a dead zone ϕ ∈ (0, 0.01]. Table 10.7 shows the negative correlation between average triggering periodic Ta and μ. Because the tuning function η(t) with large value μ is decaying so fast that the triggering periodic is reduced. The communication numbers are shown in Table 10.8 under sampled transmission (ST), event-triggered transmission (ET) and dynamic event-triggered transmission (DET). It illustrates DET is better than ET and ST on transmission efficiency. On the other hand, based on the given parameters, the resilient control gain K can be obtained by using MATLAB Toolbox YALMIP with solver MOSEK. ⎡

0.0231 ⎢−0.0033 K =⎢ ⎣ 0.0364 0.0040

0.0079 −0.0197 −0.0009 0.0240

0.0293 0.0025 0.0357 −0.0031

⎤ −0.0020 0.0203 ⎥ ⎥ 0.0094 ⎦ −0.0247

10.5 Simulation Example


0.5 Load changes


Multiple disturbances

-0.5 0











0.5 Wind power

0 -0.5 0











0.2 Solar power

0 -0.2 0












Fig. 10.4 Multiple disturbances: load changes, wind power and solar power in area 1

By calculating (10.23), the theoretical values of model based average dwell time (MDADT) are obtained τ F∗ > 5.8779, τ D∗ < 4.1083. The solved MDADT index illustrates that to guarantee the desired H∞ performance sleep intervals should be larger than 5.8779s and attack intervals should be less than 4.1083s in mean sense. In this process, the multiple disturbances are depicted in Figs. 10.4 and 10.5. According to the eigenvalue analysis (EA) method in [14], a stabilizing control gain is chosen as K = diag[0.3, 1.5, 0.2, 1.7]. From Figs. 10.6 and 10.7, under the network circumstance of transmission delay and DoS attacks, the dynamic of frequency derivations and tie-lie power derivations in the two-area power system are finally approaching zeros under our proposed method while the dynamic responses under the control gain derived by the eigenvalue analysis method in [14] are serious oscillation and divergence. With the designed control inputs depicted in Fig. 10.8, the H∞ disturbance attenuant level can be obtained by γ∗ = z / w = 0.0443/0.6049 = 0.0733, which is far smaller the desired value γ = 320. The exhibition of release intervals is depicted in Fig. 10.9 to show the efficiency transmission of dynamic ETM. First, DETM do not trigger transmission during DoS attacks to ignore wasting energy. Second, high frequency triggering communication happens to attenuate the multiple disturbances distributing in [0, 80s]. Low frequency triggering communication service for steady state interval [80s, 100s] to reduce transmission numbers. The average triggering interval is 0.5255s in statistics. With ϕ −→ ∞, the dynamic event-triggered scheme is drawback to traditional event-triggered scheme and the average triggering interval is 0.4840 in statistics.


10 Resilient Dynamic Event-Triggered Control for Multi-area Power … 0.2 Load changes


Multiple disturbances

0 0











0.2 Wind power

0 -0.2 0











0 Solar power

-0.1 -0.2 0












Fig. 10.5 Multiple disturbances: load changes, wind power and solar power in area 2 × 10-3



2 0 -2


-4 0















Time(Secs) 4

× 10-3 DoS LFC-VIC EA


2 0 -2 0







Time(Secs) Fig. 10.6 Frequency derivations of the two-area power system under DoS attacks and time delay d M = 0.5 (LFC-VIC designed by this study, EA provided by eigenvalue analysis (EA) method from [14])

10.5 Simulation Example


× 10-3


P tie1


-2 -3 0















Time(Secs) × 10-3

P tie2



2 1 0 -1 0







Time(Secs) Fig. 10.7 Tie-line power derivations of the two-area power system under DoS attacks and time delay d M = 0.5 (LFC-VIC designed by this study, EA provided by eigenvalue analysis (EA) method from [14])

Area 1 control inputs

× 10-5 DoS LFC VIC



-5 0











Area 2 control inputs

× 10-5 DoS LFC VIC

5 0 -5







Time(sec) Fig. 10.8 Control inputs of the two-area power system







10 Resilient Dynamic Event-Triggered Control for Multi-area Power … 3.5

Release time interval







0 0

















Fig. 10.9 Event triggered instants and release intervals 2.5

× 10-7






0 0







Fig. 10.10 Dynamic function η(t) of dynamic event-triggered mechanism

10.5 Simulation Example


Figure 10.10 shows the trajectory of dynamic function η(t). As can be seen, the function is piecewise positive, which plays the key role to increase the triggered interval compared with traditional event-triggered mechanism. It also verifies the conclusion in Remark 10.2. Further, the trajectory of η(t) exhibits the tendency of decay and oscillation as said in (10.10). This decay tendency guarantees the necessary triggering of feedback signals to preserve system performance.

10.5.2 Simulation of a Two-Area Power System with Inertia Reduction Let d M = 0.23 and reduce 30% of the system inertia Mi . Other parameters are same with before. On the one hand, the frequency derivations and the tie-line power derivations (the blue lines in Figs. 10.11 and 10.12) happen to more serious oscillation than that in Figs. 10.6 and 10.7. Because the reduction of system inertia influences the frequency stability. However, under the designed LFC-VIC scheme, the frequency derivations and tie-line power derivations finally approach to zeros, which demonstrates the validness of our method. On the other hand, compared to the blue lines, the red lines generated by EA method have serious oscillation without approaching to zero steady states. Thus, it varies the advantage of our proposed LMI based design method. × 10-3



1 0 -1


-2 0











Time(Secs) × 10-3



-1 0











Time(Secs) Fig. 10.11 Frequency derivations of the two-area power system with inertia reduction of 30% under DoS attacks and time delay d M = 0.23 (LFC-VIC designed by this study, EA provided by eigenvalue analysis (EA) method from [14])


10 Resilient Dynamic Event-Triggered Control for Multi-area Power …

P tie1


× 10-4


-5 0











Time(Secs) × 10-4 DoS LFC-VIC EA

P tie2



-5 0











Time(Secs) Fig. 10.12 Tie-line power derivations of the two-area power system with inertia reduction of 30% under DoS attacks and time delay d M = 0.23 (LFC-VIC designed by this study, EA provided by eigenvalue analysis (EA) method from [14])

Remark 10.6 A brief discussion is given to explain the usability of the proposed model, resilient condition and defense strategy. The established power system model is mainly used for studying the influence of communication uncertainties on physical power system that frequency deviation dynamics are subjected to time delay, DoS attacks and event-based transmission. Moreover, the proposed system model provides a foundation for the study on remote virtual inertial control over network to deal with low inertia and RESs disturbances. The resilient condition (10.23) is convenient to be applied by system defender through simple statistic of historical average duration of sleep intervals and attack intervals. As known, predictive control method is powerful to compensate network induced uncertainties. The defense strategy (10.33) improves predictive control method from dynamic prediction horizon, which is practical due to the full consideration of the limitation of computation and the priori unknown DoS attacks. Remark 10.7 The results of this study are derived on the basis of the Wirtingerbased Lyapunov functional and improved weighted Jensen’s inequality [6], which are the main factors impacting the results. For interested reader, Bessel–Legendre inequality [15] and augmented Lyapunov–Krasovskii functional [16] can be used to reduce the conservatism of this results. The limitations of this study are that the proposed method is not adequate to deal with the nonlinearities of power system like GDB, GRC. In future, model predictive control with the proposed defense strategy will be employed to actively counter power system nonlinearities and DoS attacks.

10.6 Conclusion


10.6 Conclusion Resilient design problem of interconnected power system with renewable energy sources penetration has been studied under DoS attacks and transmission delay. A switched delay system model has been established to represent the dynamic of interconnected power system under dynamic event-triggered mechanism based load frequency control (LFC) and virtual inertia control (VIC) scheme. By using piecewise LKF method, a criterion about tolerable model based average dwell time (MDADT) ( τ F > lnλ0 /α1 , τ D < −(lnλ1 + (α0 + α1 )d M )/α0 ) has been derived to preserve exponential H∞ performance. A co-design method for DETM and resilient LFCVIC has been proposed with the LMIs technique. Further, according to the criterion, a dynamic prediction compensation strategy has been scheduled as the active secure strategy against DoS attacks. In future, active secure strategy against hybrid network attacks will be studied by using model-based predictive control method with a dynamic prediction scheme.

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Chapter 11

Resilient Load Frequency Control Design: Nonperiodic DoS Attacks Against Additional Control Loop

This paper is concerned with resilient load frequency control (LFC) design problem of a multi-area power system with uncertainty and physical constraint under nonperiodic denial-of-service (DoS) attacks and transmission delay. LFC scheme consists of a local PI control loop and additional control loop to be designed. PI control loop is subjected to constant transmission delay while additional control loop is subjected to DoS attacks. We characterize DoS attacks by attack frequency, uniform lower bound of sleep interval and uniform upper bound of attack interval. Considering DoS attacks and time delay, we describe LFC system dynamic by a switched delay system model. Further, a stability criterion is derived by using delay system method and switched system method. Under the criterion, a design method is presented to solve state feedback control gain. Finally, numerical simulations are given to verify the validness of our proposed design method [1]. The chapter is organized as follows. The power system model and attack scenario are presented in Sect. 11.1. Section 11.2 analyzes the resilient performance of power grid under DoS attacks and presents a design method of LFC gain. Section 11.3 illustrates the simulation results to demonstrate the effectiveness of our theory. Finally, the conclusion is stated in Sect. 11.4.

11.1 Problem Formulation 11.1.1 Modeling of Multi-area Power System with Uncertainty, GRC, and Delay In this section, we describe a multi-area load frequency control (LFC) system with parameters uncertainty under the influence of time delay and DoS attacks. The structure of the ith area power system is illustrated in Fig. 11.1. The system dynamic of the ith area power system is represented by [2]. © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021 D. Yue et al., Secure Control of Networked Control Systems and Its Applications,



11 Resilient Load Frequency Control Design: Nonperiodic DoS …

Fig. 11.1 The ith area power system under DoS attacks

⎧  1  i ⎪ ˙ ⎪ ⎪ Δ f i = Mi −Di Δ f i + ΔPmi − ΔPtie − ΔPdi , ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ n ⎪    ⎪ i ⎪ ⎪ Δ P˙tie = 2πTi j Δ f i − Δ f j , ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ j=1, j=i 1 ⎪ Δ P˙mi = (−ΔPmi + ΔPvi ) , ⎪ ⎪ T ⎪ chi ⎪

⎪ ⎪ ⎪ 1 1 ⎪ ˙ ⎪ − , = Δ f − ΔP − k (t − d ) + u AC E Δ P vi i vi i i i i ⎪ ⎪ Tgi Ri ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ i AC E i = βi Δ f i + ΔPtie ,


where AC E i , Δf i , ΔPvi , ΔPmi , ΔPtie−i are the area control error, deviation of area frequency, governor valve position, mechanical power output of the alter nator, tie-line power, respectively and ΔE i = ki AC E i (t) as seen in Fig. 11.1; Mi , Di , Tgi , Ri , Tchi , Ti j and βi are area equivalent inertia, area load frequency characteristic, governor time constant, droop characteristic, turbine time constant, synchronizing coefficient between area i and j and frequency bias, respectively. Generator rate constraint (GRC) [3]: The physical constraint is posed on Δ P˙mi which is limited by υ ≤ Δ P˙mi ≤ υ. ¯ To achieve LFC goal as well as deal with the physical constraint on generator units (GRC), we adopt the fictitious output vector method [4]: 

i ξ3i AC E i ξ4i u i . (11.2) z i (t) = col ξ1i Δf i ξ2i ΔPtie Speed droop coefficient uncertainty [5]: In this study, we consider the uncertainty of power system referring to the speed droop coefficient Ri . The uncertainty of speed droop coefficient is described by (1 + i )Ri , where 0 ≤ i ≤ 1. Time varying delay of transmission channel: Considering the AC E i signals with transmission delay, a multi-area power system is a multi-delay system. To fully represent input delay di , i = 1, 2. . .n of each area in multi-area power systems [6],

11.1 Problem Formulation


we introduce a single time varying delay d(t) with satisfying 0 ≤ d(t) ≤ dm and ˙ = 1. d(t) Then, multi-area power systems model can be standardized by 

x(t) ˙ =(A + ΔA)x(t) + Ad x(t − d(t)) + Bu(t) + Fw(t), z(t) = Dx(t) + Eu(t),



where x(t) = x1 (t) x2 (t) . . . xn (t) , w(t) = ΔPd1 (t) ΔPd2 (t) . . . ΔPdn (t) , T

T i ΔPmi ΔPvi AC E i . u(t) = u 1 (t) u 2 (t) . . . u n (t) , xi (t) = Δf i ΔPtie ⎡

A11 ⎢ A21 ⎢ A=⎢ . ⎣ ..

A12 A22 .. .

... ... .. .

⎤ A1n A2n ⎥ ⎥ .. ⎥ , . ⎦

An1 An2 . . . Ann

 ΔA = diag ΔA11 ΔA22 · · · ΔAnn , 

Ad = diag Ad1 Ad2 · · · Adn ,

 B = diag B1 B2 · · · Bn ,

 F = diag F1 F2 · · · Fn ,

 D = diag D1 D2 · · · Dn ,

 E = diag E 1 E 2 · · · E n , ⎡ Di 1 −M − M1i 0 Mi i ⎢  n ⎢ 2πTi j 0 0 0 ⎢ ⎢ Aii = ⎢ j=1, j=i 0 0 −1/Tchi 1/Tchi ⎢ ⎢ 0 0 − T1gi ⎣ − Ri1Tgi βi 1 0 0


⎥ 0⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥, 0⎥ ⎥ 0⎦ 0

Ai j = 05×5 , Ai j (2, 1) = −2πTi j , ΔAii = 05×5 , ΔAii (4, 1) =

i , (1 + i )Ri Tgi

Adi = 05×5 , Adi (4, 5) = −ki /Tgi ,     Bi = col 0 0 0 T1gi 0 , Fi = col − M1i 0 0 0 0 , ⎤ ⎡ i ξ1 0 0 0 0 ⎢ 0 ξi 0 0 0 ⎥ 2 ⎥ Di = ⎢ ⎣ 0 0 0 0 ξ3i ⎦ , 0 0 00 0 E i = col[0, 0, 0, ξ4i ]. Then, state feedback control law is adopted in multi-area power systems (11.3).


11 Resilient Load Frequency Control Design: Nonperiodic DoS …

u (t) = K x(t).


where K = diag{K 1 , K 2 , . . ., K n } are control gain to be designed.

11.1.2 Resilience LFC System Formulation Under DoS Attacks Due to deep integration of network transmission technique in physical power system, the influence of cyber attacks on LFC system is a noticeable problem. In this study, we consider the influence of nonperiodic DoS attacks which invalidate the transmission channel serving for additional control signals u(t). First, we denote the attack intervals as follows.  1, t ∈ [gn , gn + bn ), (11.5) s(t) = 0, t ∈ [gn + bn , gn+1 ), where gn ∈ R>0 , n ∈ N denotes the nth ending time of DoS attacks with g0 = 0, gn + bn ∈ R>0 , n ∈ N denotes the nth beginning time of DoS attacks. Then, the entire time interval can be divided by the sleep interval I1,n = [gn , gn + bn ) and the attack interval I2,n = [gn + bn , gn+1 ) (Fig. 11.2). Because of attacks strategy priori unknown, DoS attacks with limited energy can be constrained by upper bound of attack frequency and uniform upper (lower) bound of attack (sleep) duration. Considering the attack scenario that control center is tempered by DoS attacks (11.5), we model DoS attacks by the following Assumptions. Assumption 11.1 Denote N (t, t0 ) as the numbers of DoS attacks during [t0 , t]. There exist scalars κ ∈ R≥0 , τ D ∈ R>h satisfying N (t, t0 ) < κ +

t − t0 τD

where h is sample time.

Fig. 11.2 Sleep intervals and attack intervals distribution diagram


11.1 Problem Formulation


Assumption 11.2 For sleep intervals I1,n , n ∈ {0, 1, . . ., N }, there exists a positive scalar bmin = in f n∈N {bn }. For attacks intervals I2,n , n ∈ {0, 1, . . ., N }, there exists a positive scalar lmax = sup n∈N {ln } where ln = gn+1 − gn − bn . As shown in Fig. 11.1, additional control signals transmitted from control center to actuator would be lost in presence of DoS attacks. Here, we assume that control center operate in time-driven mode and actuator in event-driven mode. Then, control inputs are finally adopted in actuator as follows.  u (t) =

K x(t), t ∈ I1,n , 0, t ∈ I2,n ,


Based on the resilient control scheme (11.7), the multi-area power systems (11.3) under DoS attacks is described by a switched time delay system Σs(t) , s(t) ∈ {0, 1}  ⎧ x(t) ˙ = ( A¯ 1 + ΔA)x(t) + Ad x(t − d(t)) + Fw(t), ⎪ ⎪ Σ : 1 ⎨ z(t) = Dx(t) + Eu(t), t ∈ I1,n ,  ⎪ ˙ = ( A¯ 0 + ΔA)x(t) + Ad x(t − d(t)) + Fw(t), ⎪ ⎩ Σ0 : x(t) z(t) = Dx(t), t ∈ I2,n ,


where A¯ 1 = A + B K , A¯ 0 = A with initial conditions x(t0 ) = x0 , t0 ∈ [−dm , 0]. Remark 11.1 In practice, control signals u(t) transmitted over network should be sampled-time based signals u(th). For simplification, we view u(t) as continue signals because the sampled time h is far smaller than dm . In this study, our aim is to design additional control gain K to stabilize switched time delay system (11.8) and preserve H∞ disturbance attenuation level γ. (1) The closed-loop system (11.8) is exponential stable when w(t) = 0. (2) Under zero initial condition, the closed-loop system satisfies

∞ 0

z T (t)z(t)dt ≤ γ 2

w T (t)w(t)dt



where γ > 0.

11.2 Resilience Analysis of LFC System Similar to the previous chapter, we first establish a technical result on decay rate estimation of piecewise Lyapunov–Krasovskii functional.


11 Resilient Load Frequency Control Design: Nonperiodic DoS …

n Lemma 11.1 ([7]) For  any given matrix R ∈ S+ , assume that there exists a matrix R X X ∈ Rn×n such that ≥ 0. Then, the following inequality holds XT R


R 0


0 1 R 1−α


 R X , ∀α ∈ (0, 1). XT R

According to [8], we have the following Lemma 11.2. The proof is similar with [8] and is omitted here. Lemma 11.2 For a given matrix R ∈ Sn+ , scalars β, b > a and a function ϕ ∈ C([a, b], Rn ), the following inequality holds


eβ(s−t) ϕT (s)Rϕ(s)ds


β eβ(t−a) − eβ(t−b)


T ϕ(s)ds




ϕ(s)ds .


Theorem 11.1 Given positive scalars dm >0, γ > 0, α0 >0, α1 > 0, ξi >0, (i = 1, 2, 3, 4), along each subsystem (11.8), respectively, it follows V˙1 (t) ≤ −α1 V1 (t) − z T (t)z(t) + γ 2 w T (t)w(t),


V˙0 (t) ≤ α0 V0 (t) − z T (t)z(t) + γ 2 w T (t)w(t),


if there exist positive definite matrices Pi > 0, Q i > 0, Ri > 0, Z i > 0, i = 0, 1 and appropriate dimension matrices K , X 0 , X 1 satisfying Ξi ≤ 0, i = 1, 0. 



   R0 X 0 R1 X 1 ≥ 0, ≥ 0. X 1T R1 X 0T R0 ⎡

∗ ∗ Φ0 ⎢dm Φ1 −R −1 ∗ 1 Ξ1 = ⎢ ⎣dm Φ1 0 −Z −1 1 0 0 Φ2

⎤ ∗ ∗⎥ ⎥, ∗⎦ −I


11.2 Resilience Analysis of LFC System


⎤ −ρ1 X 1 P1 F Φ0 (1, 1) Φ0 (1, 2) ⎢ ∗ ρ1 (X 1 − R1 ) 0 ⎥ Φ0 (2, 2) ⎥, Φ0 = ⎢ −α1 dm ⎣ ∗ Q 1 + ρ1 R1 0 ⎦ ∗ −e ∗ ∗ ∗ −γ 2 I Φ0 (1, 1) =H e(P1 ( A¯ 1 + ΔA)) + α1 P1 + Q 1 ⎡

+ ρ1 R1 −

π2 Z1, 4

π2 Z1, 4 π2 Z1, Φ0 (2, 2) = ρ1 (2R1 − X 1 − X 1T ) − 4 Φ1 = [ A¯ 1 + ΔA, Ad , 0, F], Φ2 = [D + E K , 0, 0, 0], ⎤ ⎡ ∗ ∗ ∗ Γ0 ⎢dm Γ1 −R −1 ∗ ∗⎥ 0 ⎥ Ξ0 = ⎢ ⎣dm Γ1 0 −Z −1 ∗ ⎦ , 0 0 0 −I Γ2 ⎡ ⎤ Γ0 (1, 1) Γ0 (1, 2) −ρ0 X 0 P0 F ⎢ ∗ 0 ⎥ Γ0 (2, 2) ρ0 (X 0 − R0 ) ⎥, Γ0 = ⎢ α0 dm ⎣ ∗ Q 0 + ρ0 R0 0 ⎦ ∗ −e ∗ ∗ ∗ −γ 2 I Γ0 (1, 1) =H e(P0 ( A¯ 0 + ΔA)) − α0 P0 + Q 0 Φ0 (1, 2) = P1 Ad − ρ1 R1 + ρ1 X 1 +

+ ρ0 R0 −

π2 Z0, 4

π2 Z0, 4 π2 Z0, Γ0 (2, 2) = ρ0 (2R0 − X 0 − X 0T ) − 4 Γ1 = [ A¯ 0 + ΔA, Ad , 0, F], Γ2 = [D, 0, 0, 0].

Γ0 (1, 2) = P0 Ad − ρ0 R0 + ρ0 X 0 +

Proof See the Appendix A. In the following, switched system method is utilized to derive sufficient conditions under which system (11.8) is exponential stable with H∞ performance. Theorem 11.2 Given positive scalars dm > 0, γ>0, α0 > 0, α1 >0, λ1 ≥ 1, λ0 ≥ 1, ξi > 0, (i = 1, 2, 3, 4), under DoS attacks (11.5) with τ D , bmin , lmax , switched time delay system (11.8) is exponential stable with H∞ performance level γ¯ if Theorem 11.1 holds and there exist positive definite matrices Pi > 0, Q i > 0, Ri > 0, Z i > 0, i = 0, 1, satisfying


11 Resilient Load Frequency Control Design: Nonperiodic DoS …

P1 ≤ λ0 P0 , P0 ≤ λ1 e(α1 +α0 )dm P1 , Q 1 ≤ λ0 Q 0 , Q 0 ≤ λ1 Q 1 , R 1 ≤ λ0 R 0 , R 0 ≤ λ1 R 1 , Z 1 ≤ λ0 Z 0 , Z 0 ≤ λ1 Z 1 , (−ln(λ1 λ0 ) − (α0 + α1 )dm − α0 lmax + α1 bmin )/τ D > 0



Proof See the Appendix B.

11.3 Resilient LFC Controller Design Lemma 11.3 ([9]) For real matrices Σ, Σ0 , and Σ1 , it holds Σ + Σ0 (t)Σ1 + Σ1T T (t)Σ0T < 0, for any (t) satisfying T (t)(t) ≤ I , if and only if there exists a positive scalar ε > 0, such that Σ + ε−1 Σ0 Σ0T + εΣ1T Σ1 < 0. Based on the conclusion in Theorems 11.1 and 6.2, this section will propose the design method of the state feedback control gain by using LMI technique. Theorem 11.3 Given positive scalars dm > 0, γ > 0, α0 > 0, α1 > 0, λ1 ≥ 1, λ0 ≥ 1, ξi > 0 (i = 1, 2, 3, 4), δ > 0, ε > 0, under DoS attacks (11.5) with τ D , bmin , lmax , switched time delay system (11.8) is exponential stable with H∞ performance level γ¯ if (11.15) holds and there exist positive definite matrices P˜i , Q˜ i , R˜ i , Z˜ i , (i = 0, 1), and appropriate dimension matrices K˜ , X˜ 0 , X˜ 1 satisfying

R˜ 1 X˜ 1T

Ξˆ i < 0, (i = 0, 1),


  X˜ 1 R˜ 0 ≥ 0, ˜ R1 X˜ 0T


 X˜ 0 ≥ 0. R˜ 0

    −λ0 P˜0 ∗ −λ1 e(α1 +α0 )dm P˜1 ∗ < 0, < 0, P˜0 − P˜1 P˜1 − P˜0     −λ0 Q˜ 0 ∗ −λ1 Q˜ 1 ∗ < 0, < 0, P˜0 Qˆ 1 P˜1 Qˆ 0     −λ0 R˜ 0 ∗ −λ1 R˜ 1 ∗ < 0, < 0, P˜0 Rˆ 1 P˜1 Rˆ 0     −λ0 Z˜ 0 ∗ −λ1 Z˜ 1 ∗ < 0, < 0. P˜0 Zˆ 1 P˜1 Zˆ 0


11.3 Resilient LFC Controller Design


Φˆ 0 ∗ ∗ ⎢d Φˆ Ξˆ (2, 2) ∗ ⎢ m 1 1 ⎢ Ξˆ 1 = ⎢dm Φ˜ 1 εdm2 GG T Ξˆ 1 (3, 3) ⎢ ⎣ Φˆ 2 0 0 Φˆ 3 0 0


⎤ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ∗ ∗ ⎥, ⎥ −I ∗ ⎦ 0 −εI

Ξˆ 1 (2, 2) = Rˆ 1 + εdm2 GG T , Ξˆ 1 (3, 3) = Zˆ 1 + εdm2 GG T , ⎤ ⎡ Φˆ 0 (1, 1) Φˆ 0 (1, 2) −ρ1 X˜ 1 F ⎢ ∗ ρ1 ( X˜ 1 − R˜ 1 ) 0 ⎥ Φˆ 0 (2, 2) ⎥, Φˆ 0 = ⎢ −α1 dm ˜ ⎣ ∗ ˜ ∗ −e Q 1 + ρ1 R1 0 ⎦ ∗ ∗ ∗ −γ 2 I Φˆ 0 (1, 1) =H e(A P˜1 + B K˜ ) + α1 P˜1 + Q˜ 1 π2 ˜ + ρ1 R˜ 1 − Z 1 + εGG T , 4 π2 ˜ Φˆ 0 (1, 2) = Ad P˜1 − ρ1 R˜ 1 + ρ1 X˜ 1 + Z1, 4 2 π ˜ Φˆ 0 (2, 2) = ρ1 (2 R˜ 1 − X˜ 1 − X˜ 1T ) − Z1, 4 Φˆ 1 = [A P˜1 + B K˜ + εGG T , Ad P˜1 , 0, F], Φˆ 2 = [D P˜1 + E K˜ , 0, 0, 0], Φˆ 3 = [H P˜1 , 0, 0, 0], ⎡ ⎤ Γˆ0 ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ⎢d Γˆ Ξˆ (2, 2) ∗ ∗ ∗ ⎥ ⎢ m 1 0 ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ 2 T Ξˆ 0 = ⎢dm Γˆ1 εdm GG Ξˆ 0 (3, 3) ∗ ∗ ⎥ , ⎢ ⎥ ⎣ Γˆ2 0 0 −I ∗ ⎦ Γˆ3 0 0 0 −εI

2 GG T , Ξˆ (3, 3) = Zˆ + εd 2 GG T , Ξˆ 0 (2, 2) = Rˆ 0 + εdm 0 0 m ⎤ ⎡ˆ ˜ ˆ Γ0 (1, 1) Γ0 (1, 2) −ρ0 X 0 F ⎢ ∗ Γˆ0 (2, 2) ρ0 ( X˜ 0 − R˜ 0 ) 0 ⎥ ⎥, Γˆ0 = ⎢ α d ⎣ ∗ m 0 ˜ ˜ Q 0 + ρ0 R0 0 ⎦ ∗ −e ∗ ∗ ∗ −γ 2 I

Γˆ0 (1, 1) =H e(A0 P˜0 ) − α0 P˜0 + Q˜ 0 π2 ˜ Z 0 + εGG T , 4 π2 ˜ Γˆ0 (1, 2) = Ad P˜0 − ρ0 R˜ 0 + ρ0 X˜ 0 + Z0, 4 π2 ˜ Γˆ0 (2, 2) = ρ0 (2 R˜ 0 − X˜ 0 − X˜ 0T ) − Z0, 4 Γˆ1 = [A P˜0 + εGG T , Ad P˜0 , 0, F], + ρ0 R˜ 0 −

Γˆ2 = [D P˜0 , 0, 0, 0], Γˆ3 = [H P˜0 , 0, 0, 0].


11 Resilient Load Frequency Control Design: Nonperiodic DoS …

The state feedback control gain can be obtained by K = K˜ P˜1−1 . Proof See the Appendix C. Note that the design of feedback control gain K depends on the selection of many parameters in Theorem 11.3. It is necessary to develop an algorithm to select parameters for achieving desired exponential exponential H∞ performance of multi-area power systems.

11.4 Simulation Example Simulation of a two-area LFC system under DoS attacks : The following simulation is carried out to show the influence of the attack beginning time. The parameters of a two-area power system borrowed from [10] are listed in Table 11.1. The beginning time of DoS attacks are α = 0(no attacks), TDoS = 0.1 ∗ 30s = 3s, TDoS = 0.2 ∗ 30s = 6s and TDoS = 0.5 ∗ 30s = 15s, respectively. According to Theorem 11.3, the frequency derivations and tie-line power deviations are depicted in Figs. 11.3 and 11.4, respectively. It can be observed that the dynamic trajectories illustrated by red lines (α = 0.1) have the largest settling time and overshoot by comparison. Because DoS attacks happen in the early time TDoS = 3s when power system have poor transient performance to be regulated by LFC scheme. This point has been discussed by [10]. By comparing with [10], the frequency derivations and tie-line power deviations have the less settling time and overshoot under our design resilient additional control scheme, as can be seen in Tables 11.2 and 11.3. Simulation of a three-area LFC system under DoS attacks and time delay: The parameters of a three-area power system [11] are given in Table 11.4 with coefficients T12 = 0.2, T13 = 0.12, T23 = 0.25 (pu/rad). To solve the state feedback control gain, we set parameters as follows: γ = 220, dm = 0.1, k = 0.1, α0 = α1 = 0.1, δ = 5, λ0 = λ1 = 1.01. The load changes of the three-area power system is depicted in Fig. 11.5. According to Theorem 3, the frequency derivations and the tie-line power changes of the three-area power system are depicted in Figs. 11.6 and 11.7. The performance degradation of power system is obvious under the influence of DoS attacks and time delay. Even though there still exist DoS attacks and time delay, the dynamic trajectories are finally converging to zeros. Moreover, we get the H∞ per-

Table 11.1 Parameters of two-area power system with LFC Parameters M



Tg (s)

Tch (s)


Ti j

Area 1








Area 2








11.4 Simulation Example




=0 =0.1 =0.2 =0.5

0.02 0 0









0.1 =0 =0.1 =0.2 =0.5











Fig. 11.3 Frequency derivations of the two-area power system under the influence of DoS attacks

P 1tie

0 =0 =0.1 =0.2 =0.5

-0.01 -0.02 -0.03 0








P 2tie


=0 =0.1 =0.2 =0.5

0.02 0.01 0 0








Fig. 11.4 Tie-line power deviations of the two-area power system under the influence of DoS attacks


11 Resilient Load Frequency Control Design: Nonperiodic DoS …

Table 11.2 Comparison of overshoot between [10] and this study 1 Overshoot Δf 1 Δf 2 ΔPtie [10] This study

0.05 0.01

0.1 0.03

2 ΔPtie

0.1 0.01

0.1 0.02

Table 11.3 Comparison of settling time between [10] and this study 1 Settling time(s) Δf 1 Δf 2 ΔPtie [10] This study

100 10

100 10

2 ΔPtie

200 30

200 30

Table 11.4 Parameters of a three-area power system with synchronizing Parameters M D R Tg (s) Tch (s) Area 1 Area 2 Area 3

10 12 12

1.0 1.5 1.8

0.05 0.05 0.05

0.37 0.40 0.35

0.30 0.17 0.20

β 2/R1 + D1 4/R2 + D2 3/R3 + D3

formance lever γ∗ = z / w = 0.0017/0.3513 = 0.0049 < 220. It indicates that the proposed resilient additional control scheme is valid for preserving exponential H∞ performance. Furthermore, the dynamic oscillation level in Figs. 11.6 and 11.7 is |Δf 1 | < 10 × 10−6 , |Δf 2 | < 8 × 10−6 , |Δf 1 | < 1.5 × 10−5 which is less than that |Δf 1 | < 2 × 10−5 , |Δf 2 | < 2 × 10−5 , |Δf 1 | < 2 × 10−5 in [11] even though the three area power system in this simulation is subjected to the larger time varying delay during [0, 0.1s] than that during [0, 0.04s] in [11]. To compare the resilient performance, the comparison related to upper bound of DoS attacks duration is given between [11] and this study in Table 11.5. The values of delay upper bound come from [11]. For the fixed delay upper bound, the parameters lmax , bmin referring to attack duration can be obtained by Theorem 11.3. First, for the case of no DoS attacks, we obtain the delay upper bound dm = 3.2 which is larger than η¯ = 2.3885. In present of DoS attacks, the upper bound of duration of DoS attacks were 0.002, 0.004, 0.006 obtained by [11] under different delay margin. The attack duration bounds of this study, however, are represented by two parameters (lmax , bmin ). From Table 11.5, the lmax can be 0.002, 0.2, . . ., 60 which is larger than τ D h with the same delay margin η¯ (dm ). In fact, the upper bound of duration of DoS attacks lmax can be arbitrary large value because one always can find a suitable large value bmin to satisfy the condition (11.15) in Theorem 11.3. Thus, our proposed method has less conservatism and more flexible than [11] from aspect of analysis of DoS attacks. Simulation of a two-area LFC system under DoS attacks, time delay, uncertainty and GRC: This section will illustrate the validness of the proposed resilient

11.4 Simulation Example


P d1

0.1 0 -0.1 0

































P d2

0.1 0 -0.1

P d3

0.1 0 -0.1


Fig. 11.5 Random impulsive load changes for the three-area power system

Fig. 11.6 Frequency deviations of the three-area power system under the influence of DoS attacks and time varying delay [0, 0.1s]


11 Resilient Load Frequency Control Design: Nonperiodic DoS …

Fig. 11.7 Tie-line power deviations of the three-area power system under the influence of DoS attacks and time varying delay [0, 0.1s] Table 11.5 Comparison between attack duration lmax , bmin of this study and attack duration τdos−m ≤ τ D h (h = 0.002s) in [11] for various delay upper bound dm (¯η in [11]) with K I = 0.1 η¯ (dm ) τ D h [11] (lmax , bmin ) this study 2.3885(3.2) 1.8434(1.8434) 1.700(1.700) 1.2500(1.2500)

0 0.002 0.004 0.006

(0, inf) (0.002, 17) or (0.2, 19) or (20, 178) (0.004, 14) or (0.4, 17) or (40, 294) (0.006, 9) or (0.6, 13) or (60, 369)

Table 11.6 Parameters of two-area power system with LFC Parameters M D R Tg (s) Area 1 Area 2

10 12

1 1.5

0.05 0.05

0.1 0.4

Tch (s)



0.3 0.17

41 81.5

0.5 0.5

additional control scheme with state feedback control law. A two-area power system with four generators is modeled by a single equivalent generator. The corresponding parameters are given in Table 11.6 with T12 = 0.2( pu/rad) [2].

11.4 Simulation Example


In this simulation, the uncertainty matrix ΔA = G L(t)H (11.27) is specified by

 G = diag G 1 G 2 . . . G n , 

L(t) = diag L 1 (t) L 2 (t) . . . L n (t) ,

 H = diag H1 H2 . . . Hn , 

where G i = col 0 0 0 1 0 , L i (t) = i /1 + i , Hi = 0.001/Ri Tgi 0 0 0 0 . To solve the state feedback control gain, we first set parameters as follows: γ = 280, dm = 0.5, α0 = 1, α1 = 5, δ = 5, λ0 = λ1 = 1.01,  ∈ [0, 0.8], ε = 10−3 , υ¯ = 2, υ = −2 and ξ1 = 0.1, ξ2 = 0.1, ξ3 = 0.1, ξ4 = 90. Based on above parameters, the state feedback control gain K can be obtained by solving LMIs (11.16)–(11.18) in Theorem 11.3 by using MATLAB stools YALMIP with solver MOSEK. K = [K 1, K 2], K1 =   −11.9106 0.8927 −0.4181 −0.1415 −0.2744 , −0.4128 4.1687 −0.0991 −0.0390 4.5809 K2 =   −1.8189 0.8761 −0.0206 −0.1796 −0.2287 . −102.4007 13.5772 −1.4368 −3.4687 −4.6071 With the solved resilient control gain, under the load changes in Fig. 11.8, we will show the dynamic trajectories of the two-area power system. First, the frequency derivations of the two-area LFC system are depicted in Fig. 11.9. The grey area in Fig. 11.9 represent the intervals of DoS attacks. The frequency derivations are degraded under the load disturbances. Because the operation of power system is subjected to the comprehensive influence of DoS attacks, time delay, uncertainty and GRC. Besides, the tie-line power deviations are depicted in Fig. 11.10. One can observe that the serious oscillation happen during [0, 10s] because of the high frequency DoS attacks. To preserve the exponential H∞ performance, the resilient additional control inputs are generated as depicted in Fig. 11.11. The control inputs are zeros in grey area while the control inputs actions are performed during sleep intervals. Under the resilient control inputs (11.7), however, the trajectories of frequency derivations are approaching zeros. It indicates that the closed-loop system (11.8) is exponential stable. Furthermore, by calculating the actual H∞ performance level γ∗ ¯ = z(t) / w(t) = 20.5310, one can observe that the γ∗ ¯ is far less than the respective one γ = 280. Thus, it concludes that the two-area power system is exponential stable with H∞ performance level γ¯ by using our designed resilient LFC scheme (11.7).


11 Resilient Load Frequency Control Design: Nonperiodic DoS …

P d1 (t)



-0.5 0






















P d2 (t)






Fig. 11.8 Load changes in the two-area power system

Fig. 11.9 Frequency derivations of the two-area power system under the influence of DoS attacks, time varying delay [0, 0.5s], load changes ΔPdi , uncertainty ΔA and generator rate constraint υ, ¯ υ

11.4 Simulation Example


Fig. 11.10 Tie-line power deviations of the two-area power system under the influence of DoS attacks, time varying delay [0, 0.5s], load changes ΔPdi , uncertainty ΔA and generator rate constraint υ, ¯ υ

With the above parameters, we investigate the relationship between bmin and lmax . For given lmax , the required bmin can be obtained according to (11.15) while other sufficient conditions are feasible in Theorem 11.3. The results are listed in Table 11.7. The bmin is increased with the increasing of lmax , which indicates that power system need more sleeping time to preserve the exponential H∞ performance under the long time DoS attacks. Moreover, the decreasing trend of rate bmin /lmax indicates that the power system with longer sleep times has better resilient performance to tolerate longer DoS attacks even. The reason might be the decreasing of attack frequency estimated by 1/(lmax + bmin ). According to Theorem 11.2, the exponential decay rates of the two-area LFC system are given under various uniform attack duration lmax Table 11.8. With the increasing of attack duration, the exponential decay rates β are decreasing. This result meets our common sense that the longer DoS attacks leads to the worse exponential stability of power system. Beside of DoS attacks duration, DoS attacks frequency is another important factor to influence the resilience performance of a multi-area power system. As given in the process of system switching analysis in Theorem 2, we equivalently deal with each attack as periodic attack signals composed by uniform lower bound of sleep intervals


11 Resilient Load Frequency Control Design: Nonperiodic DoS …

Fig. 11.11 Resilient additional control inputs for the two-area power system Table 11.7 The required bmin for various DoS attacks duration lmax lmax 1s 3s 5s 7s bmin 0.9s 1.3s 1.7s 2.1s bmin /lmax (%) 90.00




Table 11.8 The exponential decay rate β for various lmax with fixed bmin = 2s lmax 1.5s 3.5s 4.5s 5.5s β





9s 2.5s 27.78

6.5s 0.0565

bmin and uniform upper bound of attack intervals lmax . Thus, we estimate the attack frequency by 1/τ D = 1/(bmin + lmax ). Then, power system exponential decay rate β are given in Table 11.9 under different DoS attacks frequency 1/τ D . Exponential decay rate β is calculated according to (11.15). From Table 11.9, the decay rate β is increased with the decreasing of attack frequency 1/τ D . It indicates that the higher the attack frequency is, the worse the exponential stability of power system is.

11.5 Conclusion


Table 11.9 The exponential decay rate β for various attack frequency 1/τ D 1/τ D 0.3226 0.1613 0.1075 0.0806 β





0.0645 0.9342

11.5 Conclusion Resilient LFC design problem of a multi-area power system with uncertainty and physical constraint has been investigated under DoS attacks and time varying delay. Time delay system method and switched system method have been used in the resilient analysis. Sufficient conditions have been derived for preserving the exponential H∞ performance. Under the tolerable DoS attacks, state feedback control law have been designed. In future study, the conservatism of the results can be improved by using advanced tight inequality technique [12]. Event through the influence of DoS attacks has been considered fully, the method need to be improved when the nonlinearities like GDB, boiler dynamics are considered. Further, based on the considered LFC scheme consisting of two control loops, we further study the active defense strategy by cooperating the two control loop, for example, redundancy switching control strategy.

Appendix A Proof of Theorem 11.1: Choose a Lyapunov–Krasovskii functional for subsystem Σi (11.8), i = 0, 1., respectively.

Vi (t) = x (t)Pi x(t) +



+ dm + dm2 −

π 4





x T (s)ex p()Q i x(s)ds

t−dm t

x˙ T (s)ex p()Ri x(s)dsdθ, ˙


x˙ T (s)ex p()Z i x(s)ds, ˙

tk h t

[x(s) − x(tk h)]T ex p()Z i [x(s) − x(tk h)]ds.

tk h

where ex p() = e(−1) αi (t−s) and tk h = t − d(t). Taking derivation of LKF (11.19) with i = 1 along system Σ1 , it has i



11 Resilient Load Frequency Control Design: Nonperiodic DoS …

V˙1 (t) ≤ −α1 V1 (t) + α1 x T (t)P1 x(t) + 2x T (t)P1 [( A¯ 1 + ΔA)x(t) + Ad x(t − d(t)) + Fw(t)] + x T (t)Q 1 x(t) − e−α1 dm x T (t − dm )Q 1 x(t − dm ) +dm2 ξ T (t)Φ1T (R1 + Z 1 )Φ1 ξ(t)

t eα1 (s−t) x˙ T (s)R1 x(s)ds ˙ − dm t−dm

π2 − [x(t) − x(t − d(t))]T Z 1 [x(t) − x(t − d(t))] 4 +ξ T (t)Φ2T Φ2 ξ(t) − γ 2 w T (t)w(t) − z T (t)z(t) + γ 2 w T (t)w(t), where ξ(t) = col[x(t), x(t − d(t)), x(t − dm ), w(t)]. According to Lemmas 11.1 and 11.2, we have



eα1 (s−t) x˙ T (s)R1 x(s)ds ˙ t−dm   

T T  R1 X 1 η1 ≤ ρ1 η1 η2 X 1T R1 η2

α1 dm where ρ1 = 1−e α1 dm , η1 = x(t) − x(t − d(t)), η2 = x(t − d(t)) − x(t − dm )). By using Schur complement lemma, it is further obtained

V˙1 (t) ≤ −α1 V1 (t) + ξ T (t)Ξ1 ξ(t) − z T (t)z(t) + γ 2 w T (t)w(t). According to Ξ1 ≤ 0 (11.12), the decay estimation of V1 (t) (11.10) can be obtained. Similarly, along system Σ0 , the decay estimation of LKF (11.19) with i = 0 can be derived by V˙0 (t) ≤ α0 V0 (t) − α0 x T (t)P0 x(t) + 2x T (t)P0 [( A¯ 0 + ΔA)x(t) + Ad x(t − d(t)) + Fw(t)] + x T (t)Q 0 x(t) − eα0 dm x T (t − dm )Q 0 x(t − dm ) +dm2 ξ T (t)Γ1T (R0 + Z 0 )Γ1 ξ(t)

t eα0 (t−s) x˙ T (s)R0 x(s)ds ˙ − dm t−dm

π [x(t) − x(t − d(t))]T Z 0 [x(t) − x(t − d(t))] 4 +ξ T (t)Γ2T Γ2 ξ(t) − γ 2 w T (t)w(t) −


− z T (t)z(t) + γ 2 w T (t)w(t),

Appendix A


where ξ(t) = col[x(t), x(t − d(t)), x(t − dm ), w(t)]. According to Lemmas 11.1 and 11.2, we have


t t−dm

eα0 (t−s) x˙ T (s)R0 x(s)ds ˙   

T T  R0 X 0 η1 ≤ ρ0 η1 η2 X 0T R0 η2

where ρ0 = α0 dm /(e−α0 dm − 1). By using Schur complement lemma, one can has V˙0 (t) ≤ α0 V0 (t) + ξ T (t)Ξ0 ξ(t) − z T (t)z(t) + γ 2 w T (t)w(t). According to Ξ0 ≤ 0 (11.12), the decay estimation of V0 (t) (11.11) can be obtained. This completes the proof.

Appendix B Proof ofTheorem 11.2: Choose a piecewise Lyapunov–Krasovskii functional as V1 (t), t ∈ I1,n V (t) = for the switched delay system (11.8). V0 (t), t ∈ I2,n According to (11.14), the inequality relationship of Lyapunov–Krasovskii functional (11.19) in switching points are derived V1 (gn+ ) ≤ λ0 V0 (gn− ), V0 ((gn + bn )+ ) ≤ λ1 e(α1 +α0 )dm V1 ((gn + bn )− ).


First, we will analyze the exponential stability of the switched delay system (11.8) by assuming w(t) = 0. Case I: When t ∈ I1,n = [gn , gn + bn ), based on (11.10), (11.11) and (11.20), the decay estimation of V (t) is developed by V1 (t) ≤ e−α1 (t−gn ) V1 (gn+ ) + )λ1 λ0 e(α0 +α1 )dm +α0 ln−1 −α1 bn−1 ≤ e−α1 (t−gn ) V1 (gn−1 + ≤ e−α1 (t−gn ) V1 (gn−1 )λ1 λ0 e(α0 +α1 )dm +α0 lmax −α1 bmin

.. . ≤ (λ1 λ0 e(α0 +α1 )dm +α0 lmax −α1 bmin )n V1 (0). Due to n = N (t, 0), based on Assumption 11.1, it has


11 Resilient Load Frequency Control Design: Nonperiodic DoS …

V1 (t) ≤ς1 e−βt V1 (0),


where ς1 = e−κβτ D and β = (−ln(λ1 λ0 ) − (α0 + α1 )dm − α0 lmax + α1 bmin )/τ D . Case II: When t ∈ I2,n = [gn + bn , gn+1 ), similarly, the decay estimation of V (t) is given by V0 (t) ≤eα0 (t−gn −bn ) V0 ((gn + bn )+ ) (α1 +α0 )dm +α0 lmax −α1 bmin V1 (gn+ ) ≤λ−1 0 λ1 λ0 e

≤λ0 −1 (λ1 λ0 e(α1 +α0 )dm +α0 lmax −α1 bmin )n+1 V1 (0). Due to n + 1 = N (t, 0), based on Assumption 11.2, it has V0 (t) ≤ς0 e−βt V1 (0),


where ς0 = λ−1 0 ς1 . Finally, by denoting ς = max(ς0 , ς1 ), according to (11.21) and (11.22), we have V (t) ≤ςe−βt V1 (0), ∀t > 0.


By denoting π1 = min{λ(P0 ), λ(P1 )}, π0 = λmax (P1 ) + dm λmax (Q 1 )+dm3 /2λmax ˙ t ∈ [−dm , 0], one has (R1 ) + dm3 λmax (Z 1 ), χ0 = max{ x(t) , x(t) },  ς

x(t) ≤

π0 − βt e 2 χ0 π1

which indicates that the switched delay system (11.8) is exponential stable. Furthermore, we analyze the H∞ performance of system (11.8) with x(t0 ) = 0. Based on (11.10) and (11.11), one has n


i=0 n


gi +bi

d[eα1 (t−gi ) V1 (t)] ≤



gi +bi



α0 (gi+1 −t)

V0 (t)] ≤



gi +bi

gi gi+1 gi +bi

eα1 (t−gi ) Δ(t)dt,

eα0 (gi+1 −t) Δ(t)dt,



where Δ(t) = −z T (t)z(t) + γ 2 w T (t)w(t). Multiply both sides of (11.24) with λ−1 0 and add it with (11.25). According to (11.20), it is obtained under zero initial states.

Appendix B


n  α1 bmin {[λ−1 − λ1 eα0 lmax +(α1 +α0 )dm ]V1 (gi + bi )} + λ−1 0 e 0 V1 (gn+1 ) i=0

≤ ≤

n  α1 bi {[λ−1 − λ1 eα0 li +(α1 +α0 )dm ]V1 (gi + bi ) + λ−1 0 e 0 [V1 (gi+1 ) − V1 (gi )]} i=0 n 



gi +bi


α1 (t−gi ) λ−1 Δ(t)dt + 0 e


gi +bi

eα0 (gi+1 −t) Δ(t)dt].

α1 bmin According to (11.15), note that λ−1 − λ1 eα0 lmax > 0. Then, it has 0 e

λ−1 0



gi +bi



α1 (t−gi )

Δ(t)dt +




gi +bi

eα0 (gi+1 −t) Δ(t)dt ≥ 0,

Further, with n → ∞, it finally has


z T (t)z(t)dt ≤ γ¯ 2

w T (t)w(t)dt,



√ where γ¯ = ψγ, ψ = max(eα1 bmax , λ0 eα0 lmax ) and bmax = max{bi }. The proof is completed that system (11.8) is exponential stable with H∞ disturbance attenuant level γ. ¯

Appendix C Proof of Theorem 11.3: First, the uncertainty ΔA in (11.12) can be decomposed by ΔA = G L(t)H, where G, H are known matrix and L T (t)L(t) ≤ 1. Then, Ξ1 < 0 and Ξ2 < 0 in (11.12) are rewritten by Ξ1 + [Ξ˜ 1 , 0] + [Ξ˜ 1 , 0]T < 0, Ξ0 + [Ξ˜ 0 , 0] + [Ξ˜ 0 , 0]T < 0, where

Ξ˜ 1 = col[P1 ΔA, 0, 0, 0, dm ΔA, dm ΔA, 0], Ξ˜ 0 = col[P0 ΔA, 0, 0, 0, dm ΔA, dm ΔA, 0].



11 Resilient Load Frequency Control Design: Nonperiodic DoS …

According to definition (11.27), one has Ξ1 + Υ1 L(t)Ψ + Ψ T L T (t)Υ1T < 0, Ξ0 + Υ0 L(t)Ψ + Ψ T L T (t)Υ0T < 0, where

Υ1 = col[P1 G, 0, 0, 0, dm G, dm G, 0], Υ0 = col[P0 G, 0, 0, 0, dm G, dm G, 0], Ψ = [H, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0].

According to Lemma 11.3, we obtain Ξ1 + εΥ1 Υ1T + ε−1 Ψ T Ψ < 0, Ξ0 + εΥ0 Υ0T + ε−1 Ψ T Ψ < 0, By using Schur complement lemma, one has Ξ˜ 1 < 0, Ξ˜ 0 < 0.


where ⎡

Φ˜ 0 ∗ ∗ ⎢dm Φ˜ 1 Ξ˜ 1 (2, 2) ∗ ⎢ 2 T ˜ ˜ Ξ˜ 1 = ⎢ Φ Ξ εd GG (3, 3) d 1 ⎢ m 1 m ⎣ Φ2 0 0 0 0 Φ3 −1 Ξ˜ 1 (2, 2) = −R1 + εdm2 GG T ,

⎤ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ⎥ ⎥ ∗ ∗ ⎥ ⎥, −I ∗ ⎦ 0 −εI

Ξ˜ 1 (3, 3) = −Z 1−1 + εdm2 GG T , ⎤ ⎡ −ρ1 X 1 P1 F Φ˜ 0 (1, 1) Φ0 (1, 2) ⎢ ∗ ρ1 (X 1 − R1 ) 0 ⎥ Φ0 (2, 2) ⎥, Φ˜ 0 = ⎢ −α1 dm ⎣ ∗ Q 1 + ρ1 R1 0 ⎦ ∗ −e ∗ ∗ ∗ −γ 2 I π2 Φ˜ 0 (1, 1) =H e(P1 A¯ 1 ) + α1 P1 + Q 1 + ρ1 R1 − Z 1 + εP1 GG T P1 , 4 π2 Z1, Φ0 (1, 2) = P1 Ad − ρ1 R1 + ρ1 X 1 + 4 π2 Z1, Φ0 (2, 2) = ρ1 (2R1 − X 1 − X 1T ) − 4 Φ˜ 1 = [ A¯ 1 + εGG T P1 , Ad , 0, F], Φ2 = [D + E K , 0, 0, 0], Φ3 = [H, 0, 0, 0],

Appendix C


⎤ Γ˜0 ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ⎢dm Γ˜1 Ξ˜ 0 (2, 2) ∗ ∗ ∗ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ 2 T Ξ˜ 0 = ⎢dm Γ˜1 εdm GG Ξ˜ 0 (3, 3) ∗ ∗ ⎥ ⎥, ⎣ Γ2 0 0 −I ∗ ⎦ 0 0 0 −εI Γ3 −1 Ξ˜ 0 (2, 2) = −R0 + εdm2 GG T , Ξ˜ 0 (3, 3) = −Z 0−1 + εdm2 GG T , ⎤ ⎡ −ρ0 X 0 P0 F Γ˜0 (1, 1) Γ0 (1, 2) ⎢ ∗ 0 ⎥ Γ0 (2, 2) ρ0 (X 0 − R0 ) ⎥, Γ˜0 = ⎢ α0 dm ⎣ ∗ Q 0 + ρ0 R0 0 ⎦ ∗ −e ∗ ∗ ∗ −γ 2 I Γ˜0 (1, 1) =H e(P0 A¯ 0 ) − α0 P0 + Q 0 + ρ0 R0 −

π2 Z 0 + εP0 GG T P0 , 4

π2 Z0, 4 π2 Z0, Γ0 (2, 2) = ρ0 (2R0 − X 0 − X 0T ) − 4 Γ˜1 = [ A¯ 0 + εGG T P0 , Ad , 0, F], Γ2 = [D, 0, 0, 0], Γ3 = [H, 0, 0, 0], Γ0 (1, 2) = P0 Ad − ρ0 R0 + ρ0 X 0 +

Further, denote P˜1 =P1−1 , K˜ = K P˜1 , Q˜ 1 = P˜1 Q 1 P˜1 , R˜ 1 = P˜1 R1 P˜1 , Z˜ 1 = P˜1 Z 1 P˜1 , X˜ 1 = P˜1 X 1 P˜1 , Qˆ 1 = δ 2 Q˜ 1 − 2δ P˜1 , Rˆ 1 = δ 2 R˜ 1 − 2δ P˜1 and Zˆ 1 = δ 2 Z˜ 1 − 2δ P˜1 . Preand pro-multiply diag{ P˜1 , P˜1 , P˜1 , I, I, I, I, I } and its transpose on both sides of Ξ˜ 1 < 0 in (11.28). By using inequality technique −R1−1 < δ 2 R˜ 1 − 2δ P˜1 , LMI Ξˆ 1 < 0 (11.16) is derived. Similarly, denoting P˜0 = P0−1 , Q˜ 0 = P˜0 Q 0 P˜0 , R˜ 0 = P˜0 R0 P˜0 , Z˜ 0 = P˜0 Z 0 P˜0 , Qˆ 0 = δ 2 Q˜ 0 − 2δ P˜0 , Rˆ 0 = δ 2 R˜ 0 − 2δ P˜0 and Zˆ 0 = δ 2 Z˜ 0 − 2δ P˜0 . Pre-and pro multiply diag{ P˜0 , P˜0 , P˜0 , I, I, I, I, I } and its transpose on both sides of Ξ˜ 0 < 0 in (11.28), one has LMI Ξˆ 0 < 0 in (11.16). Moreover, pre-and pro multiply diag{ P˜1 , P˜1 }, diag{ P˜0 , P˜0 } and its transpose on both sides of (11.13), respectively, one has LMI in (11.17). By using Schur complement lemma, (11.14) are converted to LMIs (11.18) This completes the proof.

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Chapter 12

Secure Distributed Optimal Frequency Regulation of Power Grid with Time-Varying Voltages Under False Data Injection Attacks

The distributed optimal frequency regulation of power grid containing plenty of distributed renewable energy resources is highly dependent on the communication network. However, the utilization of communication network makes the power grid vulnerable to false data injection attacks, which could deteriorate the control performance and even cause the failure of control task. To address this problem, this chapter investigates the secure distributed optimal frequency regulation of power gird under false data injection attacks. The stealthy false data injection attack model is constructed and its perniciousness on optimal frequency regulation is analyzed. A novel type of secure distributed optimal frequency regulation is developed by introducing secure-based communication network to improve the resilience against false data injection attacks. It is proved theoretically that the secure regulation can restore the frequency deviation of each area to zero and minimize the total generation cost to retain the economic efficiency even under false data injection attacks. Simulation result shows the effectiveness of the proposed method [1]. The chapter is organized as follows. The system model, control-based communication network and control purpose are presented in Sect. 12.1. Section 12.2 constructs the modality of false data injection attacks and analyzes its impact on power grid optimal frequency regulation. The secure distributed optimal frequency regulation against the false data injection attack is developed in Sect. 12.3. Section 12.4 illustrates the simulation results to demonstrate the effectiveness of our theory. Finally, the conclusion and future works are stated in Sect. 12.5.

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021 D. Yue et al., Secure Control of Networked Control Systems and Its Applications,



12 Secure Distributed Optimal Frequency Regulation of Power …

12.1 Problem Formulation 12.1.1 Power Grid Model The considered power grid is partitioned into n smaller areas, where the dynamic behavior of each area can be regarded as an equivalent single generator as a result of coherency and aggregation techniques [2, 3]. Labelling the areas from 1 to n, the power network can be described by an undirected and connected graph G  (V, E). V  {1, 2, . . . , n} is the node set representing the areas, and E  {( j, i)} ⊆ V × V is the edge set where ( j, i) signifies the transmission line connecting the area j and i in power grid. The set of areas connected to area i by transmission lines is expressed as Ni . Assuming that there are a total of m transmission lines between the n areas, an incidence matrix D  {dik } ∈ R n×m is used to represent the power network topology, where dik = 1 if node i is the positive end of edge k, and dik = −1 if node i is the negative end of edge k, otherwise dik = 0. Based on the partition technology of power grid, the individual generator and load buses are not distinguished [4] and the dynamics of area i(i ∈ V) is described as follows [5]. d δi = ωib dt  d Mi ωib = u i − Vi V j Bi j sin(δi − δ j ) − Ai (ωib − ω n ) − Pil dt j∈N

(12.1) (12.2)


 ) 1 − Bii (X di − X di E fi Todi d V = − Vi i    X di − X di dt X di − X di X di − X di  + V j Bi j cos(δi − δ j )



Mentioned that, the state variables δi , ωib and Vi represent the voltage angle,  denote frequency and voltage magnitude, the parameters ω n , Mi , Ai , Tdoi , X di and X di the nominal frequency, moment of inertia, damping constant, direct axis transient open-circuit constant, direct synchronous reactance and direct synchronous transient reactance, Bi j means the susceptance of the transmission line, the power demand Pil is the uncontrollable inputs, and the controllable inputs E f i and u i describe the exciter voltage and controllable power generation respectively. Remark 12.1 The system model (12.1)–(12.3) extends the classical second-order swing equations by introducing a differential equation (12.3) describing voltage dynamics. The conductance is neglected since the high voltage transmission network is considered in this chapter. Moreover, the exciter voltage E f i is assumed to be constant and does not explicitly include exciter dynamics in order to keep the analysis concise. The system model (12.1)–(12.3) can be equivalently re-written in the following compact form

12.1 Problem Formulation


d η = DT ω dt d M ω = u − DΓ (V )sin(η) − Aω − P l dt d T V = −E(η)V + E f d dt

(12.4) (12.5) (12.6)

Noted that the vectors ω = (ω1b − ω n , . . . , ωnb − ω n )T , δ = (δ1 , . . . , E f1 δn )T , u = (u 1 , . . . , u n )T , V = (V1 , . . . , Vn )T , P l = (P1l , . . . , Pnl )T , E f d = ( X d1 −X  , d1

E fn T T  ) , D is the incidence matrix and η = D δ, sin(η) = (sin(η1 ), . . . , X dn −X dn sin(ηm ))T , the matrix M = diag{M1 , . . . , Mn }, A = diag{A1 , . . . , An } and T = Todn od1 diag{ X d1T−X  ,...,  }, Γ (V ) = diag{γ1 , . . . , γm } with γk = Vi V j Bi j = V j Vi X dn −X dn d1  1−Bii (X di −X di ) B ji , and the matrix E(η) with E ii = and E i j = −Bi j cos(ηk ) for i = j X di −X 



where the index k denotes the edge (i, j). The matrix E(η) is positive definite in realistic power grid [5].

12.1.2 Control-Based Communication Network In order to implement the distributed optimal frequency regulation, the communication network should be deployed to transmit information among the areas in power network. This type of communication network is named as ‘control-based communication network’ since it is aimed at offering services for distributed optimal frequency regulation. The control-based communication network is represented by an undirected and connected graph G c  (V, E c ). The node set V is defined in Gc


Sect. 12.1.1. E c  {( j, i)| i f j − → i} ⊆ V × V is the edge set where j − → i implies that area j can transmit its own information to area i through G c . The adjacency matrix of G c is represented as C c  {cicj } ∈ R n×n where cicj = 1 if and only if (i, j) ∈ E c , otherwise cicj = 0 and it is assumed that ciic = 0. The neighbouring set of area i in control-based communication network is defined as Nic  { j ∈ V|( j, i) ∈ E c }.  Defining the matrix D c  diag{d1c , . . . , dnc } where dic = j∈Nic cicj , the Laplacian matrix of G c is given as L c = D c − C c . It is known that the matrix L c is semipositive definite since G c is undirected and connected [6]. Denote the eigenvalues of L c as 0 = λc1 < λc2 ≤ · · · ≤ λcn , and label the corresponding linearly independent orthonormal eigenvectors as ξ1c , . . . , ξnc ∈ R n . Note that the control-based communication network G c does not necessarily have to coincide with the power network G.


12 Secure Distributed Optimal Frequency Regulation of Power …

12.1.3 Control Objective When the load patterns in the power grid are changed subject to certain disturbances, the frequencies of the areas will deviate from their nominal value and the nonzero frequency deviation will occur. The main purpose of frequency regulation is to restore the non-zero frequency deviation ω in (12.4)–(12.6) to the steady state 0 by adjusting the power generation u. It means that the stability of steady state of system (12.4)–(12.6) should be considered. For a given constant generation u = u, the constant steady state (η, ω, V ) of system (12.4)–(12.6) satisfies (12.7)–(12.9) and Lemma 12.1 [5]. 0 = DT ω


0 = u − DΓ (V )sin(η) − Aω − P


0 = −E(η)V + E f d

(12.8) (12.9)

Lemma 12.1 If there exist (η, ω, V ) such that (12.7)–(12.9) hold, then ω = ω∗ 1 with  l (u − P l )T 1 i∈V (u i − Pi )  = ω∗ = 1T A1 i∈V Ai and 

 A11T (u − P l ) ∈ D I− T 1 A1

where 1 = (1, . . . , 1)T is the n dimensional vector, I is the identical matrix, D = {v ∈ R(D)| v = DΓ (V )sin(η), η ∈ R(D T )} and R(D) denotes the range of D. It can be seen from Lemma 12.1 that the zero frequency deviation steady state, i.e. ω = 0, can be obtained when the total power demand and supply achieve a balance at the steady state, i.e. (u − P l )T 1 = 0. It means that the purpose of frequency regulation is to adjust the power generation u such that (u − P l )T 1 = 0 at the steady state. Moreover, different generators have different associated cost functions generally, and there exists purpose in reducing generation cost by coordinating generators in an economically efficient way. As a consequence, the optimal frequency regulation problem is characterized as (12.10)–(12.11) by considering the frequency restoration and economic efficiency purposes simultaneously. min u C(u) = min u

Ci (u i )



s.t. (u − P l )T 1 = 0


12.1 Problem Formulation


where the cost function Ci (u i ) = 21 qi u i2 with qi > 0. Obviously, C(u) = 21 u T Qu with the positive definite matrix Q = diag{q1 , . . . , qn }. The following lemma [5] gives the constant generation u which is the solution of the optimal frequency regulation problem (12.10)–(12.11). Lemma 12.2 There exists a solution u for problem (12.10)–(12.11) if and only if u = Q −1

11T P l 1T Q −1 1


n Assumption 12.1 For a given P l , there exist η ∈ R(D T ), V ∈ R>0 and E f d ∈ R n T such that 0 = −E(η)V + E f d and (Q −1 1T11 − I )P l ∈ D, where D is defined in Q −1 1 Lemma 12.1.

Assumption 12.1 shows that the constant steady state (η, ω, V ) satisfying (12.7)– (12.9) exists under the constant optimal control (12.12). By an internal model approach, the distributed feedback controller (12.13)–(12.14) is designed by Trip et al. [5], which is able to generate the feedforward input (12.12) under Assumptions 12.1 and 12.2. It shows that the optimal frequency regulation problem (12.10)–(12.11) is solved by (12.13)–(12.14) under ideal information transmission. ui = d θi = dt

θi qi  j∈Nic

(12.13) (θ j − θi ) −

ωi qi


n satisfy Assumption 12.2 The steady states η ∈ (− π2 , π2 )m and V ∈ R>0

E(η) − diag(V )−1 |D|Γ (V )diag(sin(η))diag(cos(η))−1 diag(sin(η))|D|T diag(V )−1 > 0 where the elements in matrix |D| are the absolute values of those in incidence matrix D. It should be mentioned that, the introducing of communication network makes the power grid vulnerable to cyber-attack. Moreover, the distributed control architecture is more likely to suffer cyber-attack due to the lack of a central authority. The attack launched by adversary may deteriorate the control performance of (12.13)–(12.14) and even cause the failure of optimal frequency regulation, which signifies that the security issue should be a major concern. In next sections, the modality and impact of cyber-attack will be analyzed, and then the secure distributed optimal frequency regulation strategy will be constructed.


12 Secure Distributed Optimal Frequency Regulation of Power …

12.2 Modality and Impact of False Data Injection Attack Considering the controlled-based communication network suffering from false data injection attacks, the ideal optimal frequency regulation control (12.13)–(12.14) is affected by an uncertainty injection as follows θi qi   ωi d θi = (θ j − d j ) − (θi − di ) − dt qi c ui =

(12.15) (12.16)


where the variable di denotes the uncertain injection caused by cyber-attack at area i. Denoting u = (u 1 , . . . , u n )T , θ = (θ1 , . . . , θn )T and d = {d1 , . . . , dn }, (12.15)– (12.16) can be re-written as u = Q −1 θ d θ = −L c θ + L c d − Q −1 ω dt

(12.17) (12.18)

The dynamic of injection d is constructed by adversary as follows d d = Fa d + Ba θ dt


where the matrix Fa and Ba are chosen by adversary arbitrarily to destroy the frequency restoration and economic efficiency. Note that Fa should be chosen as a Hurwitz matrix. Theorem 12.1 Supposing the matrix Fa = −λa I and Ba = I , the states of the closed-loop system constructed by (12.4)–(12.6) and (12.17)–(12.19) approach to infinite for all λa ∈ (0, 1), which demonstrates the failure of optimal frequency regulation. Proof Equations (12.18) and (12.19) can be written as follows d dt

    −1     θ Q θ −L c L c − ω = I −λa I d 0 d 

Denoting the matrix A 

 −L c L c , the characteristic equation of A is I −λa I

  det s 2 I + (λa I + L c )s + (λa − 1)L c = 0


where det (·) denotes the determinant of matrix. Equation (12.20) indicates that the eigenvalues of matrix A is positive for λa ∈ (0, 1) [7]. This implies that θ converges to

12.2 Modality and Impact of False Data Injection Attack


infinite, which means that the closed-loop system is disable and the optimal frequency regulation fails. Theorem 12.1 shows that the conventional regulation under cyber-attack (12.17)– (12.18) can not accomplish the optimal frequency regulation purpose of power grid, which means that the distributed optimal frequency regulation designed under ideal information transmission (12.13)–(12.14) is not applicable in the case of the considered cyber-attack. It should be mentioned that, there are numerous choices of Fa and Ba that would render the failure of optimal frequency regulation except the choice in Theorem 12.1. Therefore, it is necessary to study the secure distributed optimal frequency regulation strategy which is robust against the uncertain dynamic injections caused by cyber-attack, and this will be elaborated in next section.

12.3 Secure Distributed Optimal Frequency Regulation A novel type of communication network which is named as ‘secure-based communication network’ is introduced to ensure the construction of secure distributed optimal frequency regulation under cyber-attack. The secure-based communication network, which connects all the areas in power grid, is described by an undirected connected graph G s  (V, E s ). The node set V is the same as that in Sect. 12.1.1 and Gs


E s  {( j, i)| i f j − → i} ⊆ V × V is the edge set where j − → i implies that area j can transmit its own information to area i through G s . Define the neighboring set Nis  { j ∈ V|( j, i) ∈ E s } of area i in secure-based communication network. The semi-positive Laplacian matrix of graph G s is marked as L s . Denote the eigenvalues of L s as 0 = λs1 < λs2 ≤ · · · ≤ λsn , and label the corresponding orthonormal linearly independent eigenvectors as ξ1s , . . . , ξns ∈ R n . It should be mentioned that, the edges in the secure-based communication network G s does not necessarily have to coincide with those in the control-based communication network G c and power network G. The three types of networks are illustrated in Fig. 12.1. The secure distributed optimal frequency regulation as shown in (12.21)–(12.23) is proposed to resist the influences caused by the considered cyber-attack. ui = d θi = dt

θi qi 

(12.21) (θ j − θi ) − β





(z j − z i ) −

  d zi = (z j − z i ) + β (θ j − θi ) dt s s

ωi qi

(12.22) (12.23)

where the additional variable z i is introduced into the regulation and β is a positive constant.


12 Secure Distributed Optimal Frequency Regulation of Power …

Fig. 12.1 An example of the relationship of power network G , control-based communication network G c and secure-based communication network G s . The nodes are the same in the three types of networks, but the edges can be different

Remark 12.2 Compared with the conventional regulation (12.13)–(12.14), the secure one introduces the additional variable z i whose dynamic is represented in (12.23) to resist the cyber-attack. It can be seen from (12.21)–(12.23) that the variables θi and z i is transmitted among the areas through secure-based communication network in order to implement the secure regulation, although it may lead to the additional expense of a redundant communication network. The redundancy means that the other communication network G s , whose topology is undirected and connected, is needed except the conventional control-based communication network G c . From the perspective of practice, the redundancy implies that the additional information flows are required, and this can be implemented by using wireless or Internet. The redundant network increases the resilience of power grid in the information layer while thwarting cyber-attack. Mentioned that the secure distributed optimal frequency regulation (12.21)– (12.23) is in the case of non-attack. We will prove that the optimal frequency regulation problem (12.10)–(12.11) can be addressed by the regulation (12.21)–(12.23) in the absence of cyber-attack. Denoting z = (z 1 , . . . , z n )T , re-write (12.21)–(12.23) in the following compact form u = Q −1 θ d θ = −L c θ + β L s z − Q −1 ω dt d z = −L s z − β L s θ dt

(12.24) (12.25) (12.26)

The closed-loop system under the regulation (12.21)–(12.23) is given by (12.4)– (12.6) and (12.24)–(12.26). For the constant optimal generation u given in (12.12),

12.3 Secure Distributed Optimal Frequency Regulation


the steady state (η, ω, V , θ, z) of this closed-loop system exists under Assumption T l P 12.1, where ω = 0, θ = 111 T Q −1 1 , η, V and z = a1 are constant for some constant a ∈ R. Moreover, the steady state satisfies (12.7)–(12.9) and the following (12.27)– (12.28). d θ = −L c θ + β L s z dt d z = −L s z − β L s θ dt

(12.27) (12.28)

Theorem 12.2 Under Assumptions 12.1 and 12.2, the secure distributed optimal frequency regulation (12.21)–(12.23) (or (12.24)–(12.26) equivalently) guarantees the solution of the closed-loop system (12.4)–(12.6) and (12.24)–(12.26), which start in a neighborhood of the steady state (η, ω, V , θ, z), to converge asymptotically to , θ,  − E f d = 0 for constant V  and  z) where E( η)V η, the new steady state ( η , ω, V and  z = b1 with some constant b ∈ R. Proof Defining the following functions W1 (ω) 

1 (ω − ω)T M(ω − ω) 2


and  T W2 (η, V )  −1T Γ (V )cos(η) + 1T Γ (V )cos(η) − Γ (V )sin(η) (η − η) 1 1 T −E f d (V − V ) + V T F V − V F V 2 2 (12.30) where F is a diagonal matrix with Fii = constructed as

 1−Bii (X di −X di ) ,  X di −X di

the Lyapunov function is

1 1 U (η, ω, V, θ, z) = W1 + W2 + (θ − θ)T (θ − θ) + (z − z)T (z − z) 2 2 Mentioned that the function W2 has a strict local minimum at (η, V ) under Assumption 12.2 [5]. This implies that the Lyapunov function U has the local minimum point (η, ω, V , θ, z), which is the steady state. The derivation of W1 with respect to t along the solution of closed-loop system is


12 Secure Distributed Optimal Frequency Regulation of Power …

d d W1 = (ω − ω)T M ω dt dt = (ω − ω)T (u − DΓ (V )sin(η) − Aω − P l )   = (ω − ω)T u − DΓ (V )sin(η) − Aω − u + DΓ (V )sin(η) + Aω (12.31) where (12.5) and (12.8) are used here, and the derivation of W2 is    ∂W2 T dη ∂W2 T d V + ∂η dt ∂V dt   = ω T D Γ (V )sin(η) − Γ (V )sin(η) − ∇V W2 2T −1

d W2 = dt


where (12.4) and (12.6) are used, and the notation T    2 T 2 ) T −1 ( ∂W ) = E(η)V − E f d T −1 E(η)V − E f d . ∇V W2 T −1  ( ∂W ∂V ∂V According to (12.25)–(12.28), we have d (θ − θ) = −L c (θ − θ) + β L s (z − z) − Q −1 ω dt


d (z − z) = −L s (z − z) − β L s (θ − θ) dt



Based on (12.31)–(12.34), the derivation of U with respect to t satisfies d U = − (ω − ω)T A(ω − ω) − ∇V W2 2T −1 + (ω − ω)T (u − u) dt − (θ − θ)T L c (θ − θ) − (θ − θ)T Q −1 ω − (z − z)T L s (z − z) = − (ω − ω)T A(ω − ω) − ∇V W2 2T −1 − (θ − θ)T L c (θ − θ) − (z − z)T L s (z − z)


where the last equation can be obtained since u = Q −1 θ and ω = 0. According to (12.35) and Lasalle’s invariance principle, the solution of closedloop system converges into the largest invariant set contained in the following set S  {(η, ω, V, θ, z)|ω = ω = 0, ∇V W2 T −1 = 0, θ = θ + c1 1, z = z + c2 1} where c1 and c2 are some constants.  Equations (12.5) and (12.8) yield that M dtd ω = u − u − A(ω − ω) − D Γ (V )    sin(η) − Γ (V )sin(η) , and thus 0 = c1 Q −1 1 − D Γ (V )sin(η) − Γ (V )sin(η) in S since u = Q −1 θ. Multiplying both sides of the above equation by 1T yields 0 = c1 1T Q −1 1 since 1T D = 0, and then it is obtained that c1 = 0. Moreover,

12.3 Secure Distributed Optimal Frequency Regulation


∇V W2 T −1 = 0 implies E(η)V − E f d = 0. It indicates that V is constant in set . This further S since dtd V = 0 according to (12.6) and the constant V is denoted as V demonstrates that η is constant in set S and is denoted as  η . It can be seen that the constant b = a + c2 . This concludes the proof. Remark 12.3 The dynamical scenario of optimal frequency regulation for power grid can be depicted as follows. The power grid is operated at an acceptable steady state (η, ω, V , θ0 , z) initially for the initial power demand P l,0 . Mentioned that we have (Q −1 θ0 − P l,0 )T 1 = 0 since the balance between total power demand and supply should be maintained at the steady state. When the power demand changes from P l,0 to P l due to certain disturbances of load patterns, the initial power flow is mismatched and can not satisfy the optimal frequency regulation requirement since (Q −1 θ0 − P l )T 1 = 0 usually. Suddenly, the regulation actions (12.21)–(12.23) will , θ, z) govern the closed-loop system trajectory to another new steady state ( η , ω, V under the new power demand P l , and the new steady state is also acceptable for the power grid stable operation [5, 8]. Mentioned that the action (12.21)–(12.23) addressed the optimal frequency regulation problem (12.10)–(12.11) since the power T l P generation u achieves Q −1 111 T Q −1 1 , which is the optimal solution of (12.10)–(12.11) l for the new power demand P as illustrated in Lemma 12.2, at the new steady state , θ, z). ( η , ω, V Remark 12.4 The solution of closed-loop system (12.4)–(12.6) and (12.24)–(12.26) , θ, converges to the new steady state ( η , ω, V z) instead of the considered one (η, ω, V , θ, z) as shown in Theorem 12.2. It should be mentioned that both of , θ, z) and (η, ω, V , θ, z) can address the optimal frequency regulation prob( η , ω, V lem (12.10)–(12.11) since the same power generation u = Q −1 θ, which is the optimal solution of problem (12.10)–(12.11), is achieved under these two types of steady state. Based on the dynamical scenario explained in Remark 12.3, the initial value of the solution is (η, ω, V , θ0 , z) when the power demand changes from P l,0 to P l , where 1T (Q −1 θ0 − P l,0 ) = 0 and θ0 = c0 1 for some constant c0 ∈ R. On the other hand, we have 1T (Q −1 θ − P l ) = 0 and θ = c1 for some constant c ∈ R. This T l l,0 ) . implies that 1T Q −1 (θ − θ0 ) = 1T (P l − P l,0 ), and thus we get c − c0 = 1 1(PT Q−P −1 1 Based on the Lasalle’s invariance principle and the fact that dtd U ≤ 0 shown in the , θ, proof of Theorem 12.2, the new steady state ( η , ω, V z) belongs to the compact Lyapunov level set Γ = {(η, ω, V, θ, z)|U (η, ω, V, θ, z) ≤ U (η, ω, V , θ0 , z)}. Mentioned that U (η, ω, V , θ0 , z) = 21 (θ − θ0 )T (θ − θ0 ) = 21 (c − c0 )2 1T 1 = n2 (c − T T l l,0 l l,0 ) 2 ) 2 , θ, c0 )2 = n ( 1 (PT −P ) . It demonstrates that U ( η , ω, V z) ≤ n ( 1 (PT −P ) , which −1 −1 2

1 Q



1 Q


further implies n ) + 1 ( z − z)T ( W2 ( η, V z − z) ≤ 2 2

1T (P l − P l,0 ) 1T Q −1 1

2 (12.36)

according to the definition of function U . It should be seen that, formula (12.36) , θ, exhibits the distance relation between the steady states ( η , ω, V z) and (η,


12 Secure Distributed Optimal Frequency Regulation of Power …

ω, V , θ, z) since the function W2 (η, V ) reaches the strict minimum at (η, V ). Moreover, formula (12.36) shows that the distances about voltage magnitude and power flow are dependent on the change of total power demand 1T (P l − P l,0 ), which is convincing in practical power grid regulation. Theorem 12.2 demonstrates that the secure distributed frequency regulation (12.21)–(12.23) can accomplish the optimal frequency regulation problem in the case of non-attack. When the considered cyber-attack carries out over the controlbased communication network as illustrated in Sect. 12.2, the uncertain injection di (i = 1, . . . , n) launched by the adversary affects the secure regulation as follows. ui = d θi = dt

θi qi 

(12.37) ((θ j − d j ) − (θi − di )) − β


  d zi = (z j − z i ) + β (θ j − θi ) dt s s j∈Ni

(z j − z i ) −


ωi qi

(12.38) (12.39)


which can be written as u = Q −1 θ


d θ = −L c θ + L c d + β L s z − Q −1 ω dt d z = −L s z − β L s θ dt

(12.41) (12.42)

where the dynamic of injection d is given in (12.19). The following theorem interprets the effectiveness of secure distributed frequency regulation (12.37)–(12.39) against cyber-attack. Theorem 12.3 Under Assumptions 12.1 and 12.2, the secure distributed optimal frequency regulation (12.37)–(12.39) (or (12.40)–(12.42) equivalently) with sufficiently large β guarantees the solution of the closed-loop system (12.4)–(12.6) and (12.40)– (12.42), which start in a neighborhood of the power grid steady state (η, ω, V , θ, z), to converge asymptotically into an arbitrary small neighborhood of the new steady , θ,  − E f d = 0 for constant V  and  z) where E( η)V η , and z = b1 with state ( η , ω, V some constant b ∈ R. 1 (ω) = βW1 and W 2 (η, V ) = βW2 where W1 and Proof Construct the function W W1 are defined as (12.29) and (12.30) respectively. Define the following function 3 (θ, z, d) = β (θ − θ)T (θ − θ) + 1 W 2 2

z−z d


βI I I Pa

z−z d

12.3 Secure Distributed Optimal Frequency Regulation


where the positive definite matrix Pa is selected such that FaT Pa + Pa Fa = −Q a 3 has the minima (θ, z, 0) when for positive definite matrix Q a . Mentioned that W β > λmin1(Pa ) where λmin (Pa ) denotes the minimum eigenvalue of matrix Pa . Consider the Lyapunov function of the closed-loop system as 2 (η, V ) + W 3 (θ, z, d) (η, ω, V, θ, z, d) = W 1 (ω) + W U  has the local minimum point According to the above analysis, the function U (η, ω, V , θ, z, 0) under Assumption 12.2. Similar with the proof of Theorem 12.2, we have d  2 ) = − β(ω − ω)T A(ω − ω) − β ∇V W2 2 −1 + β(ω − ω)T (u − u) ( W1 + W T dt (12.43) Based on (12.41) and (12.42), it yields d (θ − θ) = −L c (θ − θ) + L c d + β L s (z − z) − Q −1 ω dt d (z − z) = −L s (z − z) − β L s (θ − θ) dt

(12.44) (12.45)

3 with respect to t along the solution of closed-loop system The derivation of W satisfies d d  W3 = β(θ − θ)T (θ − θ) + dt dt

z−z d


βI I I Pa

d dt

z−z d


Combining (12.44)–(12.46) yields 1 d  W3 = − β(θ − θ)T L c (θ − θ) − β(z − z)T L s (z − z) − d T Q a d dt 2 + (z − z)T (Fa − L s )d + d T Pa Ba θ − β(ω − ω)T (u − u) + (z − z)T Ba θ


According to (12.43) and (12.47), we can get d  U = − β(ω − ω)T A(ω − ω) − β ∇V W2 2T −1 − β(θ − θ)T L c (θ − θ) dt 1 − β(z − z)T L s (z − z) − d T Q a d 2 + (z − z)T (Fa − L s )d + d T Pa Ba θ + (z − z)T Ba θ


12 Secure Distributed Optimal Frequency Regulation of Power …

Defining the orthogonal matrix T c  (ξ1c , . . . , ξnc )T and T s  (ξ1s , . . . , ξns )T where the orthonormal eigenvectors ξic and ξis are defined in Sects. 12.1.2 and 12.3 before, it can be obtained that T c L c (T c )T = Λc  diag{0, λc2 , . . . , λcn } and T s L s (T s )T = θ  T c (θ − θ),  z  T s (z − z) and W = (0, Λs  diag{0, λs2 , . . . , λsn }. Denoting  T n×(n−1) , we have In−1 ) ∈ R d  θ T Λc z θ − β z T Λs U = − β(ω − ω)T A(ω − ω) − β ∇V W2 2T −1 − β dt 1 − d T Q a d + z T T s (Fa − L s )d + d T Pa Ba (T c )T  θ + d T Pa Ba θ 2 + z T T s Ba (T c )T  θ + z T T s Ba θ θ T Λc  z T Λs z∗ = − β(ω − ω)T A(ω − ω) − β ∇V W2 2 −1 − β θ∗ − β T

1 − d T Q a d + z ∗T W T T s (Fa − L s )d + d T Pa Ba (T c )T W  θ∗ + d T Pa Ba θ 2 + z ∗T W T T s Ba (T c )T W  θ∗ + z ∗T W T T s Ba θ (12.48) Note that Λc∗ = diag{λc2 , . . . , λcn } and Λs∗ = diag{λs2 , . . . , λsn } are positive definite z ∗ ∈ R n−1 are the vectors which are composed of the last (n − 1) matrix, and  θ∗ , components of vectors  θ and  z respectively. Since the matrix W, L s , T s , T c , Fa , Pa and Ba are all constant, by the help of Young’s inequality, it can be get from (12.48) that d  θ∗ 2 −βλs2  z ∗ 2 U ≤ − β(ω − ω)T A(ω − ω) − β ∇V W2 2T −1 − βλc2  dt 1 1 − λ Q,min d 2 + a1 W T T s (Fa − L s ) 2 +a3 W T T s Ba 2 2 2  1 1 1 1 T s c T z ∗ 2 + ( + + a2 W T Ba (T ) W 2  + ) d 2 2 a1 a4 a5   1 1 a5 θ 2 θ∗ 2 + Pa Ba θ 2 + + + a4 Pa Ba (T c )T W 2  2 a2 2 2a3 (12.49) where λ Q,min is the minimum eigenvalue of Q, the positive constants a1 , a2 , a3 , a4 and a5 are selected to satisfy a11 + a14 + a15 < λ Q,min . Equation (12.49) indicates that the solution of closed-loop system converges into the following set  S by selecting sufficiently large β,  S {(η, ω, V, θ, z, d)|β(ω − ω)T A(ω − ω) + β ∇V W2 2T −1 + (βλc − β1 )  θ∗ 2 +(βλs − β2 )  z ∗ 2 +γ d 2 ≤ } 2


where the positive constants β1 = 21 ( a12 + a4 Pa Ba (T c )T W 2 ), β2 = 21 (a1 W T T s (Fa − L s ) 2 +a3 W T T s Ba 2 +a2 W T T s Ba (T c )T W 2 ), γ = 21 (λ Q,min − a11

12.3 Secure Distributed Optimal Frequency Regulation


− a14 − a15 ) and = a25 Pa Ba θ 2 + θ . The parameter β can be selected suffi2a3 ciently large such that βλc2 − β1 > 0 and βλs2 − β2 > 0. Furthermore, we have the following formula since  θ∗ = (T c )−1 · θ − θ = T c · θ − θ and  z ∗ = (T s )−1 · z − z = T s · z − z . 2

 S ⊆ (η, ω, V, θ, z, d)| ω − ω 2 ≤

, ∇V W2 2T −1 ≤ , βλ A,min β

2 2 2 , z − z ≤ , d ≤ θ−θ ≤ T c 2 (βλc2 − β1 ) T s 2 (βλs2 − β2 ) γ

where λ A,min is the minimum eigenvalue of matrix A. By the help of the proof in Theorem 12.2, the trajectory of (η, ω, V, θ, z) in set  S is in an arbitrary small neigh, θ, z) which is demonstrated in Theorem borhood of the new steady state ( η , ω, V 12.2 for sufficiently large β. This concludes the proof. Remark 12.5 Theorem 12.3 indicates that the secure regulation (12.37)–(12.39) drives the system state of power grid into an arbitrary small neighborhood of the new , θ, steady state ( η , ω, V z), under the considered cyber-attack launched by adversary. Mentioned that the states of power grid, such as frequency, voltage magnitude, power generation and so on, are not necessary to asymptotically converge to the steady state strictly in application. Instead, these states are allowed to fluctuate in a certain range around the steady state in practical power grid. This certifies that the uniform boundedness result represented in Theorem 12.3 can still fulfill the optimal frequency regulation requirement of power grid.

12.4 Simulation Example A test power grid containing four areas, which is equivalent to IEEE New England 39-bus system or the South Eastern Australian 59-bus system [9], is used to verify the effectiveness of the secure distributed optimal frequency regulation. The network topology of test system is given in Fig. 12.2. The susceptance of transmission lines is given as B14 = 21.0, B12 = 25.6, B23 = 33.1 and B34 = 16.6, and the other parameters are shown in Table 12.1. The power demand changed from P l = (2.00, 1.00, 1.50, 1.00)T to P l = (2.20, 1.05, 1.55, 1.10)T at 20 s.

12.4.1 Response Under Attack-Free Case The first scenario is that there is no cyber-attack in power grid and the simulation result is shown in Figs. 12.3 and 12.4. Figure 12.3 illustrates the effectiveness of the conventional distributed optimal frequency regulation (12.13)–(12.14), while Fig. 12.4 shows that of the secure distributed optimal frequency regulation (12.21)–


12 Secure Distributed Optimal Frequency Regulation of Power …

Fig. 12.2 The test power grid

Table 12.1 The value of parameters in simulation Area 1 Area 2 Mi (p.u.) Ai (p.u.) Tdoi (s) X di (p.u.)  (p.u.) X di E f di (p.u.) Bii (p.u.) qi ($104 / h)

5.22 1.60 5.54 1.84 0.25 4.41 −49.61 1.00

3.98 1.22 7.41 1.62 0.17 4.20 −61.66 0.75

Area 3

Area 4

4.49 1.38 6.11 1.80 0.36 4.37 −52.17 1.50

4.22 1.42 6.22 1.94 0.44 4.45 −40.18 0.50

(12.23) with the parameter β = 14. It can be seen that the action results of these two types of regulations are almost the same. Both of them can drive the frequency derivation to 0 when the power demand changes. The power generations of the four areas take a different share of the power demand according to the cost function in order to minimize the total cost. Moreover, the voltage magnitudes do not deviate much from their nominal value of 1 p.u. under the two types of regulations, which is acceptable in practical applications. Therefore, the optimal frequency regulation problem is addressed, and the effectiveness of the constructed secure distributed optimal frequency regulation in the case of no cyber-attack is verified here.

frequency deviation(p.u.)

12.4 Simulation Example




-0.02 0
























1.05 1 0.95 0.9 0





time(s) 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0





frequency deviation(p.u.)

Fig. 12.3 Response of conventional regulation without cyber-attack 0.02


-0.02 0




time(s) voltage(p.u.)

1.05 1 0.95 0.9 0




time(s) generation(p.u.)

2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0





Fig. 12.4 Response of secure regulation without cyber-attack


12 Secure Distributed Optimal Frequency Regulation of Power …

12.4.2 Response Under Attack Case The cyber-attack (12.19) is launched at 10 second to inject the unauthorized changes of information in this scenario, where the matrix of injection dynamic is set arbitrarily as ⎛ ⎞ −0.7043 2.0679 −0.2568 4.2815 ⎜ 2.1130 −2.0406 1.6164 −0.3450 ⎟ ⎟ Fa = ⎜ ⎝ −6.0804 −3.0383 −2.7128 5.8092 ⎠ , −0.5326 −0.7417 −0.8711 −1.1329 ⎛ ⎞ −1.0689 0.3252 −0.1022 −0.8649 ⎜ −0.8095 −0.7549 −0.2414 −0.0301 ⎟ ⎟ Ba = ⎜ ⎝ −2.9443 1.3703 0.3192 −0.1649 ⎠ 1.4384 −1.7115 0.3129 0.6277

frequency deviation(p.u.)

Figure 12.5 shows the simulation result of the conventional regulation under the cyber-attack (12.15)–(12.16). Obviously, the regulation effect is seriously affected by cyber-attack compared with the result illustrated in Fig. 12.3, and the stable operation of power grid can not be maintained. Figure 12.6 illustrates the simulation result of the constructed secure distributed optimal frequency regulation under cyber-attack (12.37)–(12.39). Similar to the result shown in Fig. 12.4, the frequency deviation is



-0.2 0















1.1 0.9 0.7 0.5 0.3 0




time(s) generation(p.u.)

10 5 0 -5 0





Fig. 12.5 Response of conventional regulation under cyber-attack

frequency deviation(p.u.)

12.4 Simulation Example




-0.02 0















1.05 1 0.95 0.9 0




time(s) generation(p.u.)

2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0





Fig. 12.6 Response of secure regulation under cyber-attack

restored and the power generation is allocated to minimize the cost function. This implies that the optimal frequency regulation task is performed under the secure regulation even in the case of cyber-attack. Mentioned that although the states of power grid fluctuate in a small range around the steady state as shown in Fig. 12.6, it still fulfills the requirement of optimal frequency regulation in practical power grid.

12.5 Conclusion The problem of secure distributed optimal frequency regulation of power grid under false data injection attack has been investigated in this chapter. The false data injection attacks launched by adversary injects unauthorized changes into the transmitted information among areas to destroy the optimal frequency regulation task with stealthy characteristic. The model of cyber-attack is constructed and its perniciousness on optimal frequency regulation is analyzed. A novel type of secure distributed optimal frequency regulation is developed by introducing secure-based communication network to improve the resilience against cyber-attack. It is proved theoretically that the secure regulation can restore the frequency deviation and retain the economic efficiency simultaneously even under the considered cyber-attack, and the simulation result confirms the effectiveness of theoretical method. Our future work concerns the


12 Secure Distributed Optimal Frequency Regulation of Power …

secure frequency regulation with the time-varying power demand and the lossy electric line case. Moreover, our research is also planned for the other various kinds of attacks, e.g.. denial-of-service attack and replay attack in power grid.

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A Average Dwell Time (ADT), 4, 195, 200, 209, 213, 214

Exponential stability, 15, 18, 21, 23, 32, 35, 54, 108, 120, 162, 170, 207, 241, 242, 245

B Bernoulli distribution, 4, 5, 104, 113

G Generator Rate Constraint (GRC), 226

C Consensus, 9, 79–83, 88, 91, 92, 95, 99, 101, 102, 107, 108, 113

D DC microgrid, 9, 175, 177, 178, 180, 183, 187, 189, 190, 193 Deception attacks, 5, 8 Delay system, 10, 19, 152, 159, 170, 203, 206, 207, 222, 223, 225, 226, 229, 231, 242, 246 DoS attacks, 2, 3, 7–9, 15–17, 27, 32, 35, 36, 38, 40, 41, 54, 57, 59–61, 63, 70, 75, 101, 103, 104, 106, 111, 113, 114, 129–131, 143, 145, 147, 149, 152, 154, 155, 162, 167, 175, 179, 180, 183, 187, 193, 195, 200, 207, 210, 212–215, 217, 221, 222, 225, 228, 231, 234, 236 Dynamic event-triggered mechanism, 149, 164, 168, 195, 201, 222, 223

E Event-triggered mechanism, 7, 101–103, 109, 113, 221

H H∞ control, 57, 63, 68–70, 195, 203, 206, 208, 210, 217, 222, 223, 229, 231, 234, 236, 239, 243, 246 Hurwitz, 91, 256 Hurwitz convex combination, 153, 162 L Linear Matrix Inequalities (LMIs), 8, 21, 23, 25, 27, 32, 33, 45, 48, 53, 57, 70, 101, 137, 139, 160, 161, 185, 187, 189, 193, 195, 196, 210–212, 221– 223, 232, 239, 249 Load frequency control, 195, 196, 199, 200, 210, 222, 223, 225 Lyapunov–Krasovskii functional method, 8, 35, 195 Lyapunov stability theory, 9, 114, 116 M Markov process, 4, 8, 80, 82, 86, 87, 92, 96, 99 Multi-Agent Systems (MASs), 9, 79, 101 Multi-area power systems, 10, 195, 198, 199, 226, 227, 234 Multiple attacks, 6, 101, 103

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021 D. Yue et al., Secure Control of Networked Control Systems and Its Applications,


272 N Networked control systems, 1, 7, 9, 15, 162 Nonlinear system, 8, 9, 59, 127 O Observer, 9, 33, 35, 37, 38, 40, 41, 49, 52, 53, 57, 59, 79, 81–83, 92, 95, 96, 127, 128, 132, 133, 193 P Predictive control, 8, 9, 127, 131, 141, 212, 213, 221, 222 R Redundant control, 9, 149, 153, 162, 213 Renewable energy, 10, 195, 251 Replay attacks, 6, 101, 103, 104, 106, 270

Index Resilience, 10, 145, 154, 167, 175, 206, 215, 241, 251, 258, 269

S Stochastic, 5, 7, 8, 80, 129, 130 Switched system, 7, 9, 10, 15, 18, 20, 21, 23, 25, 27, 32, 35, 40, 41, 46, 51, 64, 70, 72, 82, 157, 182, 185, 187, 193, 200, 206, 225, 231

T T-S fuzzy system, 9, 127

V Virtual Inertia Control (VIC), 195, 196, 198– 200, 210, 214