Scientific Testimony: Its roles in science and society 0198857276, 9780198857273

Scientific Testimony concerns the roles of scientific testimony in science and society. The book develops a positive alt

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English Pages 320 [321] Year 2022

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Table of contents :
List of Figures
Figure 1.1 Types of testimony
Figure 5.1 Norms for expert scientific testimony
Figure 6.1 Norms for public scientific testimony
Figure 7.1 Testimonial Obligations Pyramid (TOP)
Science and Scientific Testimony
Methodological Considerations
An Overview
I. Philosophical Foundations of Scientific Testimony
1. Testimony and the Scientific Enterprise
1.0 The Roles of Scientific Testimony
1.1 Kinds of Scientific Testimony: Intra-Scientific and Public
1.2 Aspects of Scientific Expertise
1.3 Science as Collaboration among Scientific Experts
1.4 The Division of Cognitive Labor
1.5 Norms of Scientific Testimony
1.6 Concluding Remarks
2. The Nature of Testimony
2.0 Testimony as a Source of Epistemic Warrant
2.1 Testimony, Testimonial Belief, and Acceptance
2.2 Testimony as an Epistemic Source
2.3 Foundational Debates in the Epistemology of Testimony
2.4 Individual Vigilance and Social Norms
2.5 Concluding Remarks
II. Scientific Testimony within Science
3. Scientific Justification as the Basis of Scientific Testimony
3.0 Scientific Testimony and Scientific Justification
3.1 Scientific Justification Distinguishes Scientific Testimony
3.2 Characterizing Scientific Justification
3.3 Hallmark I: Scientific Justification Is Superior
3.4 Hallmark II: Scientific Justification Is Gradable
3.5 Hallmark III: Scientific Justification Is Articulable
3.6 Concluding Remarks on Scientific Justification and Scientific Testimony
4. Intra-Scientific Testimony
4.0 The Roles of Intra-Scientific Testimony
4.1 The Characterization of Intra-Scientific Testimony
4.2 The Epistemic Norms of Intra-Scientific Testimony
4.3 Uptake of Intra-Scientific Testimony
4.4 A Norm of Uptake of Intra-Scientific Testimony
4.5 Collaboration and Norms of Intra-Scientific Testimony
4.6 Concluding Remarks on Intra-Scientific Testimony
III. Scientific Testimony in Society
5. Public Scientific Testimony I: Scientific Expert Testimony
5.0 Scientific Testimony in the Wild
5.1 The Roles and Aims of Scientific Expert Testimony
5.2 Laypersons’ Uptake of Public Scientific Testimony
5.3 The Folk Epistemology of Public Scientific Testimony
5.4 Norms and Guidelines for Expert Scientific Testifiers
5.5 Scientific Expert Trespassing Testimony
5.6 Concluding Remarks
6. Public Scientific Testimony II: Science Reporting
6.0 Science Reporting and Science in Society
6.1 Science Reporting and the Challenges for It
6.2 Some Models of Science Reporting
6.3 Justification Reporting
6.4 Justification Reporting—Objections, Obstacles, and Limitations
6.5 Balanced Science Reporting
6.6 Concluding Remarks on Science Reporting
IV. Scientific Testimony in Science and Society
7. The Significance of Scentific Testimony
7.0 The Place of Scientific Testimony in Science and Society
7.1 Scientific Testimony as the Mortar of the Scientific Edifice
7.2 Intra-Scientific Testimony and the Scientific Enterprise
7.3 Public Scientific Testimony in Society
7.4 Scientific Testimony in the Societal Division of Labor
7.5 The Significance of Scientific Testimony
Coda: Scientific Testimony, Cognitive Diversity, and Epistemic Injustice
C.1 Scientific Testimony’s Relationship to Cognitive Diversity and Epistemic Injustice
C.2 The Nature of Cognitive Diversity and Epistemic Injustice
C.3 How Cognitive Diversity and Epistemic Injustice Relate to Intra-Scientific Testimony
C.4 How Cognitive Diversity and Epistemic Injustice Relate to Public Scientific Testimony
C.5 Concluding Remarks on Cognitive Diversity and Epistemic Injustice
Appendix: List of Principles
Author Index
Subject Index

Scientific Testimony: Its roles in science and society
 0198857276, 9780198857273

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