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Sapientia Naturae The Wisdom Of Nature ~ The Guidebook Compendium ~ for Naturosophy
Cory Edmund Endrulat Original Edition
“Let the questions be the curriculum.” “There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance.” “To know, is to know that you know nothing.” - Socrates
Copyright 2023 Cory Edmund Endrulat ISBN 9798373615587 2
CONTENT Preface 4
Nature 11
Law 35
Natural 20
Growth 54
Problem 64
Learning 59
Freedom 71
Experimentation 77 Facts 82 Effects 89 Profession 100 Currency 107 Religion 117 Health 125 Diet 132 Environment 142 Medicine 150 Naturopathy 158
Integration 165
Attraction 173
Intelligence 188
Power 198
Change 204
Leadership 214
The Way 221
Simplicity 227
Examples 240
Sayings 255
Nature Is The Answer 260 3
All To Guide, To Guide All, Guide To All... The nature of wisdom is so much as the wisdom of nature. This guidebook is to provide simple and easy-to-learn teachings about the fuller text “Sapientia Naturae.” The application of Sapientia Naturae, or the knowledge of nature for the wisdom of nature, may be said as Naturosophy, the philosophy of natures. Naturosophy is a 10-hour presentation with many quotes and perspectives that will further this education. For the purpose of speaking about wisdom, it will be further wise to create it; therefore, this text will encourage the use of questions and teaching methods for the practical application upon students or learners. It will encourage the use and building of critical thinking and common sense skills. This curriculum may cause individuals to question everything. Teachers may highlight the questions preferred from sections, for a classroom setting. Let the conversation flow, see where it goes freely; if it delves into another topic, either go over it, or await it's portrayal later. The methods portrayed in this text is not limited to merely what is shown here, as teachers being able in their craft may further optimize all material for an individual’s own learning. If by any chance, you are an individual who has not attained the original text of Sapientia Naturae, then may this guidebook allow you to create it for yourself with your own nature. Recommended: For each section covered in this curriculum, starting with the main topic, it is encouraged for each individual to come up with their own questions and optionally have a teacher ask questions in accordance to each response and individual, repeating back responses in different ways if need be. Questions can be asked aloud to everyone however it is recommended that the “inquiry” (otherwise known as 4
tests) provided are individual. Upon entering a new topic or section, it is also recommended to mass previous learning together for sake of context; this may take the form of a key (or chart) which has definitions or notes. Any and all “mistakes” or assumptions are OK so long as improvement is willing. Answers given to questions proposed are mere suggestions to help bridge between topics and questions. This curriculum is for individuals of an older age, particularly young adults or adults. This book may last a whole school “semester” due to the questions and further reading material. Intro question: There’s a lot to be said about our world, why talk about nature? Combining the letter “s” and “n” represents Sapientia Naturae, as well as Naturo-Sophy, the logo used for this curriculum. A student (learner to the guide) must: be willing to learn have care for the world around them invest time into inquiring knowledge be open to perspective critically think upon what is presented A teacher (guide to the learner) must: be willing to teach but also learn have care for the learners among the world invest time into sharing and inquiring knowledge be open to perspective as by the nature of all critically think upon how to present 5
The following definitions utilize Etymology. What is etymology? Exploring the origins of words to provide more context as to their representative nature. Questions are for the developed and developing human nature of reason. Wisdom – Learning -> Knowledge -> Experience In Latin, it is said as “Sapientia” What other word sounds like this that people commonly know? What is a human being? Homosapien – The genus of human beings From Latin homo, “man” and sapere, “being wise” Human From Latin humanus "of man, human," also "humane, philanthropic, kind, gentle, polite; learned, refined, civilized." This is in part from (dh)ghomon-, literally "earthling, earthly being," as opposed to the gods (from root dhghem- "earth") Are we really human if we lack wisdom? If we don’t learn? Are we remaining of the earth? Is the earth our home? Are we making our home more hospitable for humanity? Therefore, is it hospitable for our wisdom? Genus Latin for “birth”, alike gene-, “give birth” Nature From Old French nature "nature, being, principle of life; character, essence," from Latin natura "course of things; natural character, constitution, quality; the universe," literally "birth," from natus "born," past participle of nasci "to be born," from Egyptian ntr “god” 6
Humans have genes, just as they have natures; for they are born into existence from that which gives birth, nature, genes. Does the birth process have wisdom that we may then attain? If we ask of origin, are we really just asking of nature? How was the chicken born? How was the egg born? We see they come from one another for an order, alike that of human beings, but we ask upon their origin. Do we consider humans or chickens as gods? Do we have more wisdom than nature? Is nature representative or showing as god or origin? For would we live or have wisdom without nature? How about the nature of the very human birth system? How would we learn without our own nature of learning or reason? Therefore, does our individual nature depend upon the world of nature? Does our function rely on the function-able, on if we are to function? How do we know what we are able to do? How do we know what we are supposed to do? If homosapien is earth-man of wisdom, but the earth is not man, what separates man from earth? The Sapientia, the wisdom. How different are humans from other animals? What great asset do humans have over other animals? How powerful is this asset of humanity?
What creates any animal? What do all animals share? In order to obtain wisdom, is it necessary to live, as it is to experience, to learn and obtain knowledge? If all then has wisdom, these words speak for some kind of wisdom, the human-kind. Are we able to coexist as humanity without being humane? Is it not what it means to be kind? Is it not what it means to be liked? Therefore, is wisdom able to coexist with beings without order? Is nature not an intelligent order? Do humans generally strive for order? When do humans strive for wisdom and why would they want to? If we are to replace the word wisdom with nature, are we not utilizing nature for wisdom? For why would we identify nature? Whether it be our own nature upon the whole world of nature, or the whole world of nature upon our own nature? Is nature then, as a whole, the all, of all, with all, for all, by all...? Nature (Macro Ex. World) + Natures (Micro Ex. Individual) = Nature(s) (The Whole Of Nature, All Natures) In the use of the term nature, you must know it’s morewhole context as so, to know if the reference is speaking of the micro or macro. That also means, for each individual nature we speak of, there are other natures within and throughout. If homosapien is earth-man of nature, but the earth is not man, what separates man from earth? The Naturae, the nature.
In order to obtain nature, is it necessary to live, as it is to experience, to learn and obtain knowledge? If all then has nature, these words speak for some kind of nature, the human-kind. Therefore, is nature able to coexist with beings without order? Is nature not an intelligent order? Do humans generally strive for order? When do humans strive for nature and why would they want to? Therefore, in order to advocate for wisdom, one must also advocate nature, the wisdom of nature. To know thyself, one must know nature, the roots to the self, the roots to one’s own nature; the nature that created and allowed another. From the original text: “The wisdom of nature, sapientia naturae, is the nature of wisdom, it is nature, the natural, birth, life, being and the sapient, the wise, the homo-sapien or human; it is the life, very being and birth of a human and their wisdom; it is the natural wisdom, the nature of humanity, the humanity of nature; it is the nature of humanity that keeps them human, it is the humanity of nature that keeps them natural; it is the nature of wisdom that allows order, it is the wisdom of nature that creates order.” Extra Notes: Philosophy is known to be about “the body of highest truth, the science of the most fundamental matters.” Is there anything greater or more fundamental than nature?
How do we treat new philosophers? Must you think for yourself? Naturosophy – The Knowledge or Wisdom Of Nature Naturosophy is specifically the study of nature for nature. It is about the essential, the universal and timeless, emphasizing the internal philosopher. Philosophy is generally the study of any knowledge for any purpose. It can be based on semantics, delving into political ideology, emphasizing the external philosopher.
A Guide To Nature Introduction: People talk about nature, their connection to it, it’s presence among them, their own nature and how important it may be; we must navigate this. Does nature have feelings? Look within. Do we ignore what is in our nature? Is the order of nature incomplete without the natures within? Is that really order? Is nature and nurture at a competition? Are they supposed to? Is our power determined by our nature? Do we ever underestimate or overestimate our power? What determines such an estimation? Is it not evaluating our own nature in relation to the nature of the world? If we speak of one nature, is it complete without another? Do we find ourselves unending in pursuit of natures, so long as we have a pursuit of knowledge? Why do people do things? Are they missing something? How essential is said something? What is most essential? It is the natural for which human beings seek, because they are to be natural. What do all the ancient civilizations commonly speak of? Do we always do what we personally feel to be right, or do we ever excuse or disregard it? Why would we do so? How would our knowledge of what is right change? Similarly, do we always do what we feel to be natural, or do we ever excuse or 11
disregard it? Why would we do so? How would our knowledge of what is natural change? Do we ever ask what is intended, in either case? How do we look deeper at something? Is your body supposed to operate and heal? Is another individual supposed to live their own life? Do we ever ask if a food is real, or edible, meant to be consumed? Do we ever seek the intent of an individual or an action? What one-worded question gets to the root cause? Why. We are asking of what is natural as by every nature. Just because something is natural to occur as a result or comes natural, does that make it natural to exist and persist or permit? If it comes natural for us to use a certain technology, does that make it natural to do? Do we ignore the nature of technology? How do we become unconscious? How do we become more conscious? How does this correlate with wisdom? Do we ever speak of things upon pure faith in knowing? Do we refer to belief or knowledge in our referencing? Why would someone ignore nature or a nature? What would someone do in their ignorance? What continues and allows their ignorance? In the condition of normalized ignorance of the natural or intended, what is such a system? Can such a system ever be perfect or provide necessary fulfillment, peace and contentedness? Ignorance may be bliss, but for how long? Can you escape the inevitable, as is the intended? Is uniqueness and imperfection natural to nature? Are we trying to embrace the difference for unity or are we trying to create perfection for unity? 12
An embrace is the matter of accepting nature. A creation is the matter of creating the man-made. What are our creations based on? What is required of our creations? Can we embrace and create? If all natures are under nature, then what natures we create or what actions we do must align to natural creation, nature. If we are understanding all of nature, that is a world of great mystery. What benefits are there or what is provided in exploration or adventure? What’s required for such? What attachments do we have that may inhibit our mystery? Why is it that younger minds are so curious? Do we ever take for granted what we know? Why is it that we use words like these? Notice, it is we who use words, and how do we learn to create them? What problems are there with words? Words and peoples of whom express them can ever only guide us, and we must ultimately guide ourselves. Is there any better guide than yourself? Do not forget nature; but all nature you see is through the filter that is you, and you are the one living in nature. You carry the wisdom from nature with your nature, you and nature must become one. What does it mean to become one with nature? How do we share that with others, of whom live among many different natures? For you to answer these very questions, what do you use? Is such utilization being strengthened by it’s very usage? Does a body in motion stay in motion? When does it not? Would you want to know everything of all? Can you? Can anyone speak wholly of nature? We each live different lives 13
with different experiences, but we all live in the same world. The more we share with one another in the shared world, the more puzzle pieces we connect; we connect with each other in the same respect as we connect knowledge, a fair trade. Can anything you do to me change the nature of who I am? What parts of my nature can change? What determines how much I am changed from you? How is an individual negatively influenced? If an individual has everything essential to their nature, are they likely to be negatively influenced? When you are fulfilled, do you need anything? If an individual has something holding them by, but not necessarily providing, is their nature fulfilled? Can humans ever replicate something natural? Think of what is natural, such as the ability to feel emotions. What would hold someones emotions by, but not truly providing? Technology could feel as if it has adequate emotion, but it does not have emotion, we may say this is unnatural emotion. Do animals in nature live according to nature? Do they listen to their body? What would create problems for animals in nature? Are all problems really problems? Where do human’s problems come from? How much do we take responsibility? If a natural disaster takes place, do we recognize that it was only a disaster as because we weren’t prepared? For all things, is the problem because we are not in nature or is it because we don’t listen to our own nature? Are we not always in nature? Again, what is in our own nature to do and how do we compare to other animals? We have higher order thinking. Nature is good insofar as nature is understood.
We use the word nature to identify our world, from the micro to the macro. We can observe an individual hurting another out of natural instinct and blame nature or the natural as a result, this isn’t holistic. Can anything be a fault of nature, or is it rather the fault of the individual of not knowing nature? Does everything happen for a reason? Has the unknown, over time, become more known? Again, it is in our nature to learn, it’s what makes you human. When we label something, why do we do it? It is a mark of recognition from knowledge. What is natural is dependent upon knowledge. If an individual is reflecting upon nature alone, without shared knowledge, what benefits can come to their perspective? They may have greater concentration or focus, ability to get less distracted from the man-made world. This is also conveyed in natural simplicity. The nature of a book read by oneself at their own pace does this. I can speak to you as a messenger, but you are the one who receives the message; how well you receive it and what you do with it, is up to you. From a nature to my nature, sharing that nature, to your nature, all within nature; or, simply, a nature directly to you as it was to me through natural learning. How much can we break down a nature? Take the nature of what we call a word. The label of the word-word is what we call a general nature. What is required of a word? This is the base nature. What is it made of? Such is the core nature. What is it used for? This is the simple nature. Such an analysis may be called “the nature dynamic.” Notice, we can only observe and come to know aspects or parts within nature, within the all, because again we cannot know it all, it is much to comprehend. Why do we create forms of technology? Within the nature of a book is many natures. The spoken word 15
not on paper can be less orderly, but also perhaps providing simplicity in some regards. In knowing the difference between natures as such, we come to know time and place. What makes learning easier? What downsides are there to convenience? Religion, politics, money and science: Why is each one of these created? How are these created? What conflicts are therein? How much is the natural involved in each? How do these affect our learning? Can we learn from nature itself (do we need these things to learn from nature)? What is a medium? Should we need mediums? Would this book exist if it was already known? What do you really need in this life? Can mediums take hold of nature and what is natural? Learn with nature, for nature, with nature, for nature... These words are a medium. What does this do? Reading material: “Trivium: The Classical Liberal Arts Of Grammar, Logic & Rhetoric” on learning the nature of words and related natures. How does semantics or confusion occur? Are debates helpful? Are polarities helpful? Are generalizations helpful? We are merely understanding more natures, however important ones for that concerning knowledge. Where does polarity become division? Where does confusion become chaos? Where does insecurity become dependence? Where does debates become arguments?
Where do macros become clouded generalizations? In knowing nature, we know ourselves and our world. What is the human destiny? Do human affairs matter in the face of it? What does human affairs depend upon? Now with this understanding, what does it really mean to be down to earth? What does it really mean to go back to nature? Will humanity ever learn? We test this world by our actions, and the world tests us. This is one test, but nature is another. From the original text: “The test will be passed if humanity abides more to nature.” ~ Do we have a grasp upon our occurrences? Do we have a grasp upon our occupations? Why do we break down problems? So what if we are to break down natures? Can this help us see more problems? Or potential problems? What problems exist with using labels? Can we help find ourselves by creating that distinction between the self and others, between what mind we have and what concepts others have, who we are and what labels that are often placed upon us? Again, we come to know our time and place. How do we break something down? Knowledge is taken and given one way or another. Is nature something that can be broken? Are any solutions worthwhile without nature?
What creations have you made? How do you create? Does it help to have guidance? What should you be aware of when you create? How do you build tolerance or resilience in your life? Your body automatically breathes, but does it help to consciously breathe? To obtain more knowledge, is it best to be more conscious? What does our human ability of choice allow us to do? How do we shape our future? Does it require many people? Does it require certain environments? Here includes many natures. Are all natures considered? The choice of not just yourself, but others? How would it be fair for you to choose for everyone else? Who do you know most? Is there a self deeper than your physical body, connecting both the mind and heart? What makes such an orderly or intelligent system as one? What authority does nature have? Review: Nature is good insofar as nature is understood. What is natural is dependent upon knowledge. Learn with nature, for nature, with nature, for nature. Reading material: “Trivium: The Classical Liberal Arts Of Grammar, Logic & Rhetoric” In knowing nature, we know ourselves and our world. Inquiry: What interests you the most about the reading material? What interests you the most about nature?
What have you learned the most about from the nature of reality in your life? Extra Notes: “In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks” – John Muir “Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.” – Albert Einstein
A Guide To The Natural We’ve talked about nature and referred to the natural in reference to nature as origin. However, definitively what does it mean when we say something is natural? For any nature to align to nature, it must be natural. When we see something different, what happens? When do we recognize and when do we know? Can we forget aspects of our nature? We would need to re-cognize them. How simplistic is nature? Think of a complex invention, how does it become more complex? Does it become easier to start over? Are we able to live without it? What is your greatest tool? How are you able to question? Why would you want to question? How does innocence operate with this? When you connect questions or bring recognitions together, what occurs? What is creativity? Creating comes natural but we are still to learn from said creation. Micro to macro, nature to nature, learning to knowledge. Are we too accepting or too analytical? What should knowledge do? Not too easy but not too hard. What puts us in the best position to learn? Do you really understand that of which you did not create? Do you use the same words as other people to describe the same thing that other people talk about? What is it that we naturally share? The natural is that of nature. 20
The natural is existence that has always existed. What is time? What difference can be found between the nature of any man made thing and the nature of a human being? The distinction between natures is the distinction between time. What does time provide or when is time used? The natural is that more of nature and the unnatural is that less of nature. More or less can be detailed in terms of time. Does not time tell of all truth? What would be natural time as opposed to unnatural time? Natural is synonymous with real, nature with reality; what is natural promotes nature, what is real promotes reality. Any one man-made thing, is it good or bad? We know we need to observe the natures within but we also know it isn’t so natural. What happens when we give something our support? What does it mean to do so and not to do so? It is a matter of knowing what to give our support toward. We are again, coming to know the time and place of all things. Without placement, there is no time. Without time, there is no placement. Without either and both, there is no existence. What connections can be made from the figure of an hourglass? From growth to time to rest to health?
Any object has a placement created over-time, seen overtime, changing over-time. Are we trying to find our place? Know our place? Share our time? Maintain our time? Create our time? This is knowing who we are, who we belong to and where we belong. Is time representing movement? Think of a nature turning to another, or the natural to the unnatural. The natural is much ever present; is the present opposed to this? ~ What is an appeal to nature? Appealing to what is natural for what is good. Does it help in an appeal for it to consist of more knowledge (is it really an adequate appeal without it)? Is the word “natural”, natural to exist? Why do people instinctively make this appeal or why would it be used often? Why can it sound redundant? What would be the unnatural? It is the opposite of the natural. How does something become more unnatural? What if we disregard or ignore what is natural? Denaturing for the denatured, or the unnatural; naturalizing for the naturalized, or the natural. How does having more knowledge assist in the appeal to nature? What does it mean for something to be coherent or complete? Do people have an innate sense of what must change? Are most people generally good? Can people be misguided? Just because nature is perceived differently, does that change what nature is? What would be the opposite to respecting nature and determining what is true? How does it help us to recognize what is natural or unnatural?
From the original text: “If something seemingly natural causes a problem, you need only ask yourself what is unnatural that you don’t recognize or what really is the problem; it is ever the knowledge of nature, which you seek.” What would be an appeal to denature? What would make someone want to make such an appeal? What is manipulation? What is alignment or integration? Does man’s creation depend upon nature or man or his other creation? What problems exist therein? What if we are to use only man made creations, such as man made medicine without the use of natural medicine? Why would one have an unknowledgeable appeal to nature? Without knowledge, can an appeal to nature become an appeal to denature? Take the nature of a book, has it always existed? How is it made? What are the effects of said book and why was it created? What else encourages knowledge, what is a book similar to? How can a book be better than conversation and how can it be worse? Does everybody use a book for the same purpose? How is the book read? We come to know of mediums and the micros of the macro. Are there better natures to utilize per time and place, of cause and effect? We are recognizing more, which contributes toward our appeal. What is philosophy? Love of knowledge. How much is one willing to reason? What if philosophy takes over your life? How much do we really know? Again, we cannot see or be all, but we are among. What do we share with those of whom we call philosophers? What were the philosophers, scientists and doctors of old times studying? Not wrapped in doctrine, they 23
were studying nature; humanity may cloud the simplistic in nature. If they were studying nature, that makes nature the top expert in all fields of study. To find nature, since nature exists throughout all, perhaps all it takes is a look at the most simplistic similarities; what would this be? Be your own philosopher and forget not nature. Is there a way we may better be able to observe the nature of anything? Perhaps we can provide some essential starting grounds, which we can detail as “the nature dynamic.” The nature dynamic details the nature of anything from breaking it down by building it up. The nature dynamic ultimately forms an equation, a sentence when the identified natures are connected. Each identifiable nature will be presented as a question. Every-time you see the word “nature” in brackets, you are to replace such with the appropriate and reasonable answer. You may have several answers or answers in several words. The Nature Dynamic (Example Structure): The simple (true) nature: what is the intended use or function? [for nature] The base nature: what are the requirements? [from nature] The core nature: what is it made of? [of nature] The second nature (the second simple natures): what are the impacts or effects? [can be the natures of nature] Optional descriptives are as follows: 24
The general nature: what is the type or form? [a nature] The higher nature: what is the greater simple nature? [for a nature]. Let’s observe an example in using the nature dynamic. In order to find our answers, ask yourself the necessary questions and utilize your reason. Nature: Apple Simple Nature: For Nutrition/Enjoyment. Base Nature: From Growing, Eating. Core Nature: Of Waters, Sugars, Fibers, Nutrients. Second Nature: Can Be The Nature Of Glycemic Load, Detoxification, Satiation, Hydration. Optional: General Nature: A Fruit/Plant-Food. Optional: Higher Nature: For A More Nutritious/Enjoyed Diet. Example Questions: Is It Really Nutritious? Do We Know Of The Second Natures? If we are to combine these natures, we obtain the whole nature. How could we form this knowledge of a whole nature into one sentence? We connect our answers. Mini-Inquiry: Come up with another example yourself for anything in existence to be evaluated with the nature dynamic, and with your reason, find the adequate answers. Then observe, does it make sense and as you bring your answers together? Can we graph this or depict this in any way? Get creative! 25
How about depicting the connection with other natures? Think of the questions we found or the second natures. We can use a circle to represent each whole nature dynamic, connecting to other whole natures. What if we were to zoom out of what comprises of each circle? Upon evaluating the answers of the nature dynamic, ask yourself of the natural and unnatural within. This is how we understand if we are being misguided or perhaps shall utilize one object over another, for example. Why would this be? We can choose bread as a topic, but if we specify on a particular type of bread, we may get even more definitive on the natures of which we inquire. How may we end up going in circles? Can we obtain useless knowledge? If we are looking for something, like that among second natures, will we explore more about it with the nature dynamic to then find connections? What does it mean to ground in our knowledge? We can help each other, but when is it no longer help? What is reason? From the original text: “Reason both refers to the cause of effect, as well as the human ability to recognize cause and effect or the knowledge of natures by natural learning, even to the transmitting of such information; therefore, one, with reason, would have a reason, to reason.” What is our goal in this life? Why do we have goals? What appeals to individuals? Why do these things appeal to individuals in relation to the natures? Why might something unnatural appeal to people? Can it fulfill them the same way something natural would? 26
Nature must be embraced akin to a teacher. What is the state of nature by your own reason? Are we going to use what we are given in our nature? If nature is all, then everything is natural; but is everything always natural? What is the reason behind any thing, think perhaps an invention? Where does it go wrong? What is the reason behind the abolition of any thing, think perhaps certain drugs? Where does it go wrong? Is every change done so out of the introduction of a nature? In with the new, out with the old, despite the same macro nature ever remaining. To reiterate, can you see nature to it’s fullest? Can you know the most natural? Can any system by humans be imposed upon humanity? If one can’t see or speak for all nature, what makes it legitimate to impose upon all nature or claim nature’s authority? The greatest strategy is to let what shall be, be; but for all nature; for nature best seeks its own, otherwise it’s nature is not whole. To assume knowledge of these words, we claim of what is natural to it’s nature; it is our ground or sustenance. From the self, to the world of selves; are we not both of another so much as we are even more of nature? Nature is then our macro family, and our micro family is more of our nature. How is this text among us? It is among all the texts speaking of all. So how is the natural among us? We may similarly observe the natural in all which is all among nature. From the original text:
“The wisdom of nature, sapientia naturae, is the nature of wisdom, it is nature, the natural, birth, life, being and the sapient, the wise, the homo-sapien or human; it is the life, very being and birth of a human and their wisdom; it is the natural wisdom, the nature of humanity, the humanity of nature; it is the nature of humanity that keeps them human, it is the humanity of nature that keeps them natural; it is the nature of wisdom that allows order, it is the wisdom of nature that creates order.” Review: For any nature to align to nature, it must be natural. Micro to macro, nature to nature, learning to knowledge. The natural is that of nature. The natural is existence that has always existed. The distinction between natures is the distinction between time. The natural is that more of nature and the unnatural is that less of nature. Natural is synonymous with real, nature with reality; what is natural promotes nature, what is real promotes reality. Without placement, there is no time. Without time, there is no placement. Without either and both, there is no existence. Denaturing for the denatured, or the unnatural; naturalizing for the naturalized, or the natural. Be your own philosopher and forget not nature. 28
The nature dynamic details the nature of anything from breaking it down by building it up. It asks for the purpose, requirements, contents, effects, type and greater purpose. Nature must be embraced akin to a teacher. The greatest strategy is to let what shall be, be; but for all nature; for nature best seeks its own, otherwise it’s nature is not whole. Inquiry: Use the nature dynamic strategy for 5 different natures, breaking down each and creating at least 1 artistic depiction. What makes it hard to learn from nature? What makes it easy to learn from nature? What makes it hard to attach any value to nature? What makes it easy to attach any value to nature? What does nature look like in the world? Draw or imagine a picture. How can you apply this to your life? Extra Notes: We create the natural when we think, say or act from knowledge or embrace, of nature (natural authority, infinity), for naturalizing (natural effects). “Ignorance, the root and stem of all evil.” – Plato “All men by nature desire to know” – Aristotle
“Of all the frictional resistances, the one that most retards human movement is ignorance, what Buddha called the greatest evil in the world.' The friction which results from ignorance... can be reduced only by the spread of knowledge and the unification of the heterogeneous elements of humanity. No effort could be better spent.” – Nikola Tesla “The world owes you nothing. it was here first.” – Mark Twain “Nature is not a place to visit, it is home.” – Gary Snyder “After you have exhausted what there is in business, politics, conviviality, and so on - have found that none of these finally satisfy, or permanently wear - what remains? Nature remains.” – Walt Whitman The natural (of nature, forever) is equated to terms such as honesty (the honest), healthy (health), rightful (right), truthful (truth), real (reality, just (justice), standard, genuine, moral (morality), regular, correct, sensible, reasonable, unforced, fundamental, whole and essential. The unnatural (disregard or lack of nature) is equated to terms such as dishonesty (dishonest), unhealthy (unhealthiness), wrongful (wrong, error), untruthful (untruth), unreal (not really), fake, artificial, illusory (illusion), unjust (injustice), immoral (immorality), abnormal, aberrational, forced, pretended, feigned, contrived and incorrect. “Generally, the lie is a denatured truth. Drama occurs when this truth is still nonexistent, and it must become existent for the human being.” – Marieta Maglas “All good things are wild and free” – Henry David Thoreau
“Wholeness or health is our natural state. The nature of healing involves removing obstructions to this natural state and bringing individuals into alignment with themselves and their world. Free of these obstructions, an individual's innate intelligence and self-regulating capabilities will guide him toward a state of well being.” – Richard Carlson “Nature is doing her best each moment to make us well. Why, nature is but another name for health.” – Henry David Thoreau “Nature itself is the best physician” – Hippocrates “True health fundamentally means to be in tune with nature, both inner and outer.” - Sadhguru “Everything we see in nature is manifested truth; only we are not able to recognize it unless truth is manifest within ourselves.” – Jakob Bohme “Your nature is truth, and when you oppose it, you don’t feel like yourself. Stress never feels as natural as peace does.” – Byron Katie “If one way be better than another, that you may be sure is nature’s way.” – Aristotle “The best and shortest road towards knowledge of truth is Nature.” – Ancient Egyptian Proverb “Nature’s book always contains the truth; we must only learn to read it” – Sepp Holzer “I am entering into the truth, into nature” – Paul Gauguin
“Nature and truth are one, and immutable, and inseparable as beauty and love” – Anna Brownell Jameson In relation to the perspectives upon nature, to say that “something is really something else” is the equivalent to saying “something is naturally something else.” To say that “something is really good” is the equivalent to saying “something is naturally natural.” To say “something is sad” is the equivalent to saying “something is more unnatural.” The good makes us happy; healthiness is happiness because it is moral, it is correct, it is natural. “Nothing leads to good that is not natural.” – Friedrich Schiller “For nature is good, and man is ‘by nature’ good; it is civilization which ruins him.” – Jostein Gaarder “Nature knows no indecencies; man invents them” – Mark Twain “I felt my lungs inflate with the onrush of scenery—air, mountains, trees, people. I thought, 'This is what it is to be happy.” – Sylvia Plath “One of the first conditions of happiness is that the link between Man and Nature shall not be broken.” – Leo Tolstoy “We cannot live better than in seeking to become better.” Socrates “To be happy, we must be true to nature and carry our age along with us” – William Hazlitt “But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, – and all it wants, – is the liberty of appearing. The sun needs
no inscription to distinguish him from darkness” – Thomas Paine “The highest truth needs no communicating, for it is by its very nature self-propelling. It radiates its influence silently as the rose its fragrance without the intervention of a medium.” – Mahatma Gandhi What is naturalizing is what supports or gives to the natural. What is denaturing is what violates or steals from the natural. “For it is according to nature, and nothing is evil which is according to nature.” – Marcus Aurelius “Things always work according to their nature.” – C.S. Lewis “If a plant cannot live according to its nature, it dies; and so a man” – Henry David Thoreau There is no nature versus nurture, both contribute toward each other, constituting a cycle. “Nurture nature and nature will nurture you.” – Brian D Souza “Nurture the nature for a beautiful future” – Devakumar G “Nature does nothing uselessly.” – Aristotle It’s time we stopped fighting about who created the world, and started fighting those who are destroying it. The external environment is only one part of the whole of nature. The real appeal to nature is using the knowledge of nature for the natural, as the right or healthy against denaturing, occurring for the need of naturalizing, where knowledge is used against and for knowledge with the premises that nature is meaningful. An unknowledgable appeal to nature lacks in 33
being an appeal and presumes the “natural” and “need” without ground, where ignorance is used against and for ignorance with the premises that nature is meaningless, creating an excuse for the appeal to denature. The appeal to denature is using the disregard of nature for the unnatural, as the “right” or “healthy” against naturalizing, occurring for the “need” of denaturing. In summary, the appeal to nature is an appeal to natural authority, whereas the appeal to denature is an appeal to man-made authority.
A Guide To Natural Law Introduction: People talk about laws, talking about following them or changing them, or learning about them. We must navigate this. What is a law? Are there different types of law? What would be considered a real or natural law? What are some examples of natural laws? What are the differences between natural laws and laws which aren’t? Do laws govern everything? What determines law? If everything operates by laws, man made or natural, how hard is it to identify different laws? How does law relate to order? From the original text: “A law is an equivalent to a universal innate nature; innature. The laws within the law that is nature, would be the natures; these interact with other laws, all together forming the compact term of natural law.” Why is it important to understand how our world operates? Does it relate to our operation? We may observe 3 basic and shared operations of natural laws: cause and effect, time and reason. Why is cause and effect considered a law? Can anything escape it’s governance? What are the hermetic principles? Cause and effect is merely one. What are the others? Reading material: “The Kybalion” How do we create something? The principle of mentalism, the all is mind, the universe is mental; thoughts lead to the manifestation of things and events, thoughts create our state
and quality of existence; being responsible for everything we create is by being responsible for everything we think. Do the micro make up the macro, natures part of nature? The principle of correspondence, that which is above is like to that which is below; that which is below is like to that which is above; the macro and micro are reflections of each other; the universe is holographic, it is self-similar across all scales. Is anything actually still? The principle of vibration, nothing rests, everything moves, everything vibrates; the universe has no solidity, as matter is merely energy in a state of vibration. How is night and day different, hot and cold? The principle of polarity, everything is dual, everything has poles, everything has its pair of opposites; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree, extremes meet, all paradoxes may be reconciled. How does the pendulum swing work? The principle of rhythm, everything flows, out and in, everything has its tides, all things rise and fall; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left, rhythm compensates. Is there such a thing as chance? The principle of cause and effect, every cause has its effect, every effect has its cause, everything happens according to law, nothing can escape the law; chance is but a name for law not recognized; effects include the physical world which can only be changed by knowing the causes; causes include the mental world which is where change takes place by asking the question of why and seeking knowledge with reason. What are the poles of electricity? In electricity, positive is associated with masculine, negative is associated with 36
feminine. The principle of gender, everything has its masculine and feminine principles. Every male thing has the female element, every female contains the male element. This is the principle associated with creating, generating or producing. Do you master these laws? What quality is your thoughts, so to master the principle of mentalism? Are you able to study something you know in the micro in order to understand something you don’t know in the macro, so to master the principle of correspondence? Are you able to control your own mind and energy, so to master the principle of vibration? Are you able to turn evil into good, or hate into love, so to master the principle of polarity? How easily swayed are you, so to master the principle of rhythm? Are you a causer rather than someone who becomes stuck in the effects, so to master the principle of cause and effect? Are you generating and regenerating, so to master the principle of gender? In order to obtain such mastery, what is first required? Care, reason. Does our learning and mastery take time? Time is required in all. Do all forms of law operate with human nature? We create, recognize and connect, time and law. We learn the nature of any nature, and similarly the natural and unnatural, by cause and effect, time and reason. What is the time and place of the 3 operations? How can we otherwise summarize Natural Law? Natural Law is the natural governing conditions of natures. It may be said as nature itself, it includes the laws of nature and the long-told natural moral law.
Laws of nature include, for example: Inertia, Thermodynamics, Momentum, Electromagnetism. What if we may ignore a basic natural law, like that of the motion of falling? If these natural laws govern all conditions in the natural world, and people speak of law when it comes to politics and government, is it really law? Are there conditions that humanity creates based upon their knowledge of these laws, or their morals? Order and chaos, these are effects. How are these conditions created, furthermore? Do morals have to be developed? Could there be laws which constitute the knowledge for moral development? If chaos and order is the macro condition, what would be the micro conditions? Do certain actions of ours have objective and repeatable effects? How do we learn from history? What value does learning from history have? If we do something in which we don’t know what will happen, what can occur? Do we learn from trial and error? If we don’t know or are ignorant of order, what would happen? If we don’t know or are ignorant of wrong-doing, what would happen? If we don’t know or are ignorant of the natural, what would happen? Again, what governs this? Reading material: “Natural Law: The Science Of Justice” by Lysander Spooner. ~ From the original text: “To deny the right of nature is to deny nature, and to deny nature is to deny the natural which is ever of order, of law.” Natural Moral Law constitutes natural morality. What is slavery? Are there variations of the same definition? How did humanity mostly get rid of chattel slavery, or why is it that chattel slavery isn’t often attempted nowadays? It is 38
immoral and people recognize it as such. Is slavery unnatural? Is nature ever wrong? It is not just right to get rid of slavery, but natural, as it is then desired by our alignment to Natural Moral Law. In order for actions to be in alignment to such a law, it must be both natural and moral alike. From the macro of chaos, the micro includes wrong action. What does chaos mean for natural or healthy natures? Constant violation, disease or instability. What specific actions would you consider to be wrong or violating? Are there certain actions that most people all consider to be wrong? For example: violence, murder, theft, assault, rape, trespass, coercion, willfully lying. Why is it that so many people recognize this? What do these actions have in common? Wrong actions are considered those of which create a victim, steals property, results in harm or violence, or is involuntary. Reading material: “Right Is Might” by Richard Wetherill. Were there cultures which promoted different moral tenets? What was commonly shared across the world as a sort of guideline, spanning across the basis of nearly every organized religion? The golden rule. Would this ever be common sense? Why would it become such? We share empathy, conscience. We are all in the capacity to know right versus wrong. Common sense is based on common knowledge shared. What else do all the wrong actions have in common? Do they disrupt the nature of oneself? Do they involve ignoring the nature of oneself? Do they involve overestimating or underestimating the nature of oneself? A wrong-doing is simply a violation of nature.
Being that what is of nature is natural, then the unnatural is the wrong-doing, the violation of nature. Can this apply to an individual’s own self as well (not just the actions done to another)? Actions are right because they are naturalizing, being that they do not violate nature, they are of and for nature. How do people seemingly instinctively or intuitively know what is healthy, moral or natural? Natural learning. Why would they desire to know this? They are natural beings in nature, using the appeal to nature. Is it doctrine to seek harmony with the natural world? What makes humankind different from other animals in nature? Humans have a great sense of natural morality. Natural morality is the natural guides to action of natures. How do we learn about morality? Natural morality is a form of learning from nature that operates through conscience or empathy; we know that care and reason allows for mastery of the hermetic principles. Do we learn more as we grow? Are we prone to faults? What is the goal for our morality? To provide direction in action, to obtain a greater sense of the Natural Moral Law. Can there be any issue with this law? It is not imposed, it is mere knowledge. From the original text: “All natural laws cannot be imposed, for if they are natural and truthful or govern the nature of something, they can only be embraced, tried to be ignored or modified in recognition.” In order to obtain good, what should we do? Do good. Should we ever seek to improve our morality, as done with ending 40
chattel slavery? Are there other forms of slavery that still need to be addressed? Why is slavery important to look at? It’s a good example, people can understand it, they generally know it’s wrong and it is wrong-doing guaranteed and repeated. How does slavery manifest? Is slavery or violence not chaos? Actions for conditions, conditions for actions. From the Natural Moral Law, comes the existence of concepts such as justice, rights and ownership. Do people own themself? Should they? Even if such a nature is denied as by slavery, why do they naturally own themself? Their body belongs to them. Do they then have the right to their own body? How about their freedom? How about their responsibility? What property is theirs? Is this helping us determine the nature of people? Do people want to settle out problems? What is karma in the real sense? What would be natural karma versus unnatural karma? Viewing material: “Natural Law Seminar” by Mark Passio. How does “objective morality” relate to “natural authority” and in creating common sense? Instead of determining what is moral, as it is with us to naturally learn for ourselves, what would instead dictate what is moral? What would claim to be the man-made source of morality for people who then must obey? Is there a denatured form of natural moral law? Reading material: “The End Of All Evil” by Jeremey Locke. Unnatural law is man’s law, man-made government. Would man’s law be universal or timeless? Does man’s law encourage morality? Do people follow man’s law due to morality or legality? How does man’s law operate? How is it 41
created? Where is the authority placed? Is that authority natural? Critical Thinking Question Prompt: (Credit: Brian Young, HighImpactFlix) Do you have the moral right to rule or dominate another individual against their will? Does anyone have the moral right to rule or dominate you, if you don’t want them to rule or dominate you? Does anyone have a legitimately higher claim over your life and property than you? Do you have a legitimately higher claim over the life and property of another? Do you have a legitimate right to steal your neighbors stuff? Does anyone have the legitimate right to steal your stuff? If you don’t have the right to steal from or harm another person, can you confer that right (that you don’t have) onto another person or group? Advanced Critical Thinking Question Prompt: (Credit: Larken Rose) Is there any means by which any number of individuals can delegate to someone else the moral right to do something which none of the individuals have the moral right to do themselves? Do those who wield political power (presidents, legislators, etc.) have the moral right to do things which other people do 42
not have the moral right to do? If so, from whom and how did they acquire such a right? Is there any process (e.g., constitutions, elections, legislation) by which human beings can transform an immoral act into a moral act (without changing the act itself)? When law-makers and law-enforcers use coercion and force in the name of law and government, do they bear the same responsibility for their actions that anyone else would who did the same thing on his own? When there is a conflict between an individual's own moral conscience, and the commands of a political authority, is the individual morally obligated to do what he personally views as wrong in order to "obey the law"? Reading material: “Slavery Gone For Good” by Cory Edmund Endrulat. What is the belief in man-made government authority? Statism. It is how they form and how they grow. Do people commonly see governments as natural? How natural is it? How many natures do man made governments take hold of to control? How much of a threat are man made governments? What is democide? Violence by government, the top cause of unnatural death. How could slavery be created? How about slavery in mass? What is mental slavery and physical slavery? How can morality become dangerous? Are humans created equal? What makes it easier to control people? To claim somebody as your slave, are you not denaturing their shared human nature? What if one’s own nature is unknown to them? Many assumed slavery as part of life for thousands of years, do we hold other similar superstitions? Reading material: “The Most Dangerous Superstition” by Larken Rose. 43
People say “knowledge is power”, is that true? Who needs knowledge the most? What knowledge is it that is useful? What is the tytler cycle? Can we end this cycle? Is humanity destined to be free by nature? Are you free if you have a disease? If you are violently complying? If you are deceived? If you can’t be able? If you are unable to pursue the natural? How does this relate to self-control? How essential is control? Apply time and place to where control should be with an individual; should they control themselves or try to control others? What are the terms “legal” or “lawful” and are they relevant to nature? Is anyone actually a “criminal” or “diabetic”? Why do people associate themselves as part of an identity? What problems does this cause? Is justice reciprocal? How well does freedom provide solutions? Can the solutions become the problems? Can legality excuse wrong-doing? How does it do so? Do you need permission to exercise your nature? How does darkness become light? What would be natural government? Where does self-government fall into? By definition, there is no external government. You and nature are one. What does the word anarchy mean? It means no rulers, not no rules. If man is a slave to nature, is he a slave (does slavery exist)? Has government always existed? What does it mean for something to be unnaturally natural? Why does power corrupt and how? How do we lose sight of nature? What are vices as opposed to crimes or clear wrong-doings? How do people feel guilt? How does insecurity contribute to peoples actions? What is a psychopath? Who is it that desires power? Why do we help others? Can you help others without helping yourself? Can you give respect to others if you have not earned any for yourself? Can you give knowledge to others or 44
act wisely if you have not learned of any knowledge for yourself? Must all science (knowledge) be learned from others or the world around oneself? What if humanity does not use their instincts? What is it that humanity shall do most? Learn, from which then comes morality and all natures known. From the original text: “It takes time of humanity to know of their natural moral law so long as they do not utilize their natural morality, just as it would take time of humanity to know of the so-called law of the jungle so long as they do not utilize their natural instincts; ones natures is what makes them one nature, the human nature is thus natural when all within their nature is of nature, the function of every organ and every sense is functioning, and with time by which the law operates, they shall grow ever better in their function, their natures.” Optional: “Natural Law 4-Page Master Test” and “Learn Natural Law With Purely Questions Sheet” and “Natural Law Summary Pages” by Cory Edmund Endrulat and “Natural Law Study Guide” By Michael Gleeson (on nita.one/sheets and nita.one/advanced) Review: Reading material: “The Kybalion” We learn the nature of any nature, and similarly the natural and unnatural, by cause and effect, time and reason. Natural Law is the natural governing conditions of natures. It may be said as nature itself, it includes the laws of nature and the long-told natural moral law. 45
Reading material: “Natural Law: The Science Of Justice” by Lysander Spooner. Natural Moral Law constitutes natural morality. Wrong actions are considered those of which create a victim, steals property, results in harm or violence, or is involuntary. Reading material: “Right Is Might” by Richard Wetherill. A wrong-doing is simply a violation of nature. Actions are right because they are naturalizing, being that they do not violate nature, they are of and for nature. Natural morality is the natural guides to action of natures. Actions for conditions, conditions for actions. Viewing material: “Natural Law Seminar” by Mark Passio. Reading material: “The End Of All Evil” by Jeremey Locke. Unnatural law is man’s law, man-made government. Reading material: “Slavery Gone For Good” by Cory Edmund Endrulat. Reading material: “The Most Dangerous Superstition” by Larken Rose. Inquiry: Which material did you decide to look into? How interested were you in the material provided? 46
What came across as new or interesting to you? Can anything help with the current world you live in? Below, it cannot be acts previously mentioned. If so, they must be clarified. List five examples of actions that work in alignment to the natural moral law or natural morality. List five examples of actions that do not work in alignment to the natural moral law or natural morality. What does natural morality look like in the world? Draw or imagine a picture. How can you apply this to your life? Extra notes: Natural morality is objective authority, it is morality based on nature (truth). It includes having an objective. The natural or right is naturalization (supports nature), the unnatural or wrong is denaturing (violates nature). It is “self-evident” because the evidence is found in the self. “Truth is by nature self-evident. As soon as you remove the cobwebs of ignorance that surround it, it shines clear.” – Mahatma Gandhi “The morality of the act I dispose of as follows: I am myself; you are yourself; we are two distinct persons, equal persons. What you are, I am. You are a man, and so am I. God created both, and made us separate beings. I am not by nature bond to you, or you to me. Nature does not make your existence depend upon me, or mine to depend upon yours. I cannot walk upon your legs, or you upon mine. I cannot breathe for you, or you for me; I must breathe for myself, and you for 47
yourself. We are distinct persons, and are each equally provided with faculties necessary to our individual existence. In leaving you, I took nothing but what belonged to me, and in no way lessened your means for obtaining an honest living. Your faculties remained yours, and mine became useful to their rightful owner. I therefore see no wrong in any part of the transaction.” – Frederick Douglass A “right” (in the context of “rights”) is an action that does not violate nature, or that which constitutes ones nature. Since your nature is your own, ever since birth, these rights are birthrights and property; also, it means you are responsible for what you are given, including your actions. If you try to have or do something that does not belong, you will violate your nature, because it does not constitute your nature. What is most natural for you to own? In other words, what nature have you always had? How do you prove ownership? Duration, labor. “The true lover of knowledge naturally strives for truth, and is not content with common opinion, but soars with undimmed and unwearied passion till he grasps the essential nature of things.” – Plato Natural (positive) knowledge is that which is for the natural, right and healthy. Unnatural (negative) knowledge is that which is for the unnatural, wrong and unhealthy. Therefore, that which is not true knowledge, that which is negative knowledge, is deception or ignorance. Unnatural morality is subjective authority, it is morality based on opinion or whim. It includes being the subject of another. It is that which is considered merely “whatever” or “preferable” or “acceptable.” It may be considered the problem with “moral 48
relativism.” It includes man-made rights and law, where legality is morality, rulers are the rules and man-made “authority” becomes truth. “Nature never deceives us; it is we who deceive ourselves.” – Jean-Jacques Rousseau Natural morality emphasizes natural powers (conscience and empathy), based on the nature of beings. Whereas, “objective” morality emphasizes superstition (faith and belief), based on the ideology of beings. Humankind has not been honest. They will use “law” to violently coerce their neighbors. They will excuse violence for their favor. They will do something wrong they know is wrong, then attempt to excuse or justify it. We live our lives in contradiction. Nature simply exists, truth just is. It is moral (natural) in the application of human action, of purpose (intent), facing the unnatural. “Human nature is not a machine to be built after a model, and set to do exactly the work prescribed for it, but a tree, which requires to grow and develop itself on all sides, according to the tendency of the inward forces which make it a living thing.” – John Stuart Mill “We do not see nature with our eyes, but with our understandings and our hearts.” – William Hazlitt “Sickness – nature’s vengeance for violating her laws.” – Charles Simmons “There is no subject more captivating, more worthy of study, than nature. To understand this great mechanism, to discover 49
the forces which are active, and the laws which govern them, is the highest aim of the intellect of man.” – Nikola Tesla What is intended to exist, is what is intended to persist. Natural moral law is simply the natural. “Good nature is worth more than knowledge, more than money, more than honor, to the persons who possess it.” “Good nature is often a mere matter of health” – Henry Ward Beecher We learn from the lessons of loss. We lose in the unnatural. The natural aggregates for the harmless or benefit, good, life and order. The unnatural aggregates for the harm or danger, bad, evil and chaos. We learn to give and not to steal, knowing what to take. “Before you act, listen. Before you react, think. Before you spend, earn. Before you criticize, wait. Before you pray, forgive. Before you quit, try.” – Ernest Hemingway “You don’t think before you do something foolish. You do your thinking afterwards.” – Sidonie Gabrielle Colette “In fighting nature, man can win every battle except the last. If he should win that too, he will perish, like an embryo cutting its own umbilical cord.” – Thor Heyerdahl All the answers are always here. It’s just a matter of time to know. Denaturing is an attempt to make new, to be the answer. When something others may consider wrong of someone to do, occurs so-called naturally, that person who is doing the action also has the ideas that come natural to them of the wrong doing, they just choose to ignore it or they don't have 50
enough knowledge; and therefore, in their ignorance, the natural is not actually embraced. Nature has us born able to utilize her wisdom. Just because something “naturally” occurs, does not mean it is natural to exist. Just because something is natural to exist, does not mean it is natural to use. If the nature or birth, genus of human beings is to be wise or learned, what does it mean to be “born again” in this sense? Does this relate to naturalization? Does naturalization relate to humanization? “Wisdom is to speak the truth and act in keeping with its nature” – Heraclitus “The universal and absolute law is that natural justice which cannot be written down, but which appeals to the hearts of all.” – Victor Cousin “Nature to be commanded must be obeyed.” – Francis Bacon If you own yourself by nature, would you live without selfownership? How much of you do you own? What if you did not own yourself? Would you live your life claiming ownership over others? What would you need to do in order to accomplish such? “The world is good-natured to people who are good natured.” – William Makepeace Thackeray “We often forget that we are nature. Nature is not something separate from us. So when we say that we have lost our connection to nature, we have lost our connection to ourselves.” – Andy Goldsworthy
We collectively reap what we collectively sow. Every nature is unique, that’s what makes it have it’s own nature. There is a time and place for every natural nature, and learning this helps create balance, harmony or order. Is this related to unity? What does it mean to say “we see eye to eye”? Why do we say “things are out of place”? Why do we “share our time”? What we do with our time, determines our place. What place we have, helps us determine our time. “Have a time and place for everything, and do everything in its time and place, and you will not only accomplish more, but have far more leisure than those who are always hurrying.” – Tryon Edwards "Each one of us matters, has a role to play, and makes a difference. Each one of us must take responsibility for our own lives, and above all, show respect and love for living things around us, especially each other." – Jane Goodall Anarchy meaning “no rulers”, not no rules, is the epiphany of natural authority, the natural aggregate (moral) condition. You are born free by nature, merely another word for anarchy. Anarchism is Abolitionism, the end of masters and slaves, based on over 5000 years of experience, that we cannot entrust the management of our lives to any man-made “authority.” It is and created by the recognition of nature, and therefore it’s knowledge to create sovereignty through selfmastery, responsibility and ownership, for the internal ruler we are embracing in our nature, for no external ruler(s). It is the evolution and movement of the wisdom of nature. The only division concerning nature are those who want to live in reality, with naturalization and natural authority, where nature is the answer, as opposed to those who want to live in illusion, 52
with the denaturing and man-made “authority”, where man is the answer.
A Guide To Natural Growth Introduction: People talk a lot about growth; people say we are always growing, or that we must. Sometimes people feel like they aren’t. We must navigate this. What does it mean for something to grow? What is required for growth? What does it mean to respect natures? How does an individual’s ability relate to their growth? Is growth natural? Therefore, is it healthy and right? Why is it important for us to pay attention to growth? What does it mean to have greater ability? What changes in an individual as they go from a child to an adult? How does it relate to an individual’s independence or reason (how do people come to reason for their self)? Does an adult have an inner-child? If an individual grows very old, can they still grow in function? People may fear death, but what benefits does mortality provide? Is decay natural to growth? What is the cycle of life? Natural growth is the nurturing of natures, where natural functions are growingly able. What if we don’t grow? What if we did not distinguish the natural and unnatural, the right and wrong, the healthy and unhealthy? What can be the problem if we have an underdeveloped or malformed reason? What if an individual gives away their own abilities or human natures to others? Should fun or anger always be expressed by individuals? There’s a time and place for both. What is required for fun and what is it? How does learning relate to growth? Think of how the human body is formed through growth, how is this related to learning from time and place? 54
Why is it that others may not like what you are expressing? In what parts of life do we learn the most? How can they contribute to each other? Does the nature of anything tell us what is required for it’s growth? Why must the body heal? Why must the person be free? Guidance is the main requirement to natural growth. How does health relate to growth? How about freedom? How about environments? Based upon all this, how does nature maintain order? What would be unnatural growth? What do you have without love? What do you have without friends and family? What do you have without nature? What do you have without nutrition? Without the natural, what you are left with is deficiencies. If everybody is confused within themselves, what is the result in the world? Is it natural? If everybody grows upon themselves, what is the result in the world? Is it natural? If others are left in confusion or you live in an unnatural world, can you still grow and learn for yourself? What is the nature of a cow supposed to eat? Why is this (how do we know this)? What is the nature of fermentation of food items supposed to do in the case of human application? Why do we do this (how do we know this)? If we do the fermentation wrong, or the cow doesn’t live the life it’s supposed to, what occurs? Is the sauerkraut or chocolate in it’s recognizable form if it does not meet it’s nature? Are there signs we can notice with time and place? So long as one is growing, they are of growth; just as so long as one is healing, one is of health. 55
What is a natural death? How about an unnatural death? How does each affect those who are living among? Why should people cherish or treasure their lives and what they have? What is it that we should most protect? What can you learn by living in nature as opposed to not? Are we always in nature? Do we recognize this? What do we mean by “inside” or “outside” in reference to nature and man-made buildings? We are farther from nature in the man-made buildings. How much may this impact us? Should we forget or ignore our roots, our childhood or the natural world itself? Can you grow without it? Think of a house without it’s materials, and where do those materials come from? Therefore, a human with it’s natural natures will come from nature. What are the benefits and problems with isolation? Where is an individual likely to go for “vacation” if they work an office-job, that is a job stuck in a fast-paced and busy man made building? Why are families important and how relevant are they to growth? Is it in the nature of families for growth? Again, do we make the time to do what we must? Are we finding our place? If you are trying to “workout” by doing exercise and you are even trying to achieve any sort of results, would it help if you applied care and attention? What is the only place you live in? What’s the best way to prove something to another? What does it mean to “be the change” or “walk the talk”? How powerful is transformation and how does it compare to information? From the original text: “Your body and nature is the only true places you live in and so your time shall follow how much you are living; recognize first, that you are living, you are natural, so be of nature, you will live; may you teach of this nature as is in also being, you will live on.” 56
Review: Natural growth is the nurturing of natures, where natural functions are growingly able. Guidance is the main requirement to natural growth. Without the natural, what you are left with is deficiencies. So long as one is growing, they are of growth; just as so long as one is healing, one is of health. Inquiry: Below, it cannot be acts previously mentioned. If so, they must be clarified. List five examples of that which promotes natural growth, elaborate if you must. List five examples of that which does not promote natural growth, elaborate if you must. What have you grown into? What do you think helps you the most with your own growth? What does natural growth look like in the world? Draw or imagine a picture. How can you apply this to your life? Extra Notes: Nature is biased toward itself. Nature does not need us to still function. Nature operates as one big garden or machine. Ourselves, being one of the plants or gears, can work with the garden or machine. A body in motion stays in motion.
Progress is optimization, sustainability, generation and evolution. It is the natural, leading to or justifying the natural. Regress (regret) is stagnation, extinction, degeneration and involution. It is the unnatural, leading to or justifying the unnatural. Re-generation may be considered naturalization. “Truth can only be seen by those with truth in them” – Suzy Kassem Distraction consists of the man-made (the not-real), which can only distract us without the natural; it is a waste of time and place, where they are not met, creating non-fulfillment. What is distracting you? Alignment consists of the natural (the real), which can only focus us without the unnatural; it is a productive place and time, where they are met, creating fulfillment. What is setting you on track? “The truth isn’t going to bend itself to suit you.” – Malorie Blackman “To find yourself think for yourself.” – Socrates
A Guide To Natural Learning Introduction: Many people like to learn, others do not; people say we are always learning, or that we must. We must navigate this. With all that grows, is there a process of learning? What is learning? What does learning help us do? How does learning relate to knowledge? What about intelligence? Is there an innate intelligence or knowledge? Do our own bodies learn? Learning is how we are to acquire knowledge. What does knowledge help us do? Anything. What somebody is capable of doing is dependent on what? What does it mean to say natural learning? How do we learn? Where does nature fit into the equation? What if an individual does not strive to learn? They soon find out they must. Does everything in nature learn? What if you were to introduce a new food to your body or a new form of bacteria? Is it important to pay attention to what foods you introduce to your body? How about knowledge? Or anything you add to your life? How is our perceptual learning different from our bodily learning? Do we have to use both forms of learning? What does learning require? Intake of the new. What is innovation and how do you create it? How does this relate to creativity or imagination? What is the role of teaching? What are we doing here with these questions? What is used often as a powerful way to increase learning? Creative applications. Natural learning includes the use of all your own natural senses and what you learn of nature. 59
Refresh yourself on how humans compare to other animals and ask how it may make a difference in their learning. How do we learn to build something? What are the differences between the creator and the consumer? Any similarities? What do we tend to create or consume in the reflection of? Should anyone fully embrace any belief system? How does this relate to the creation of ourselves (what were we created by)? What does it mean to be integrative? Can you have growth without learning? How about learning without growth? Reading material: “The Lowest Animal” by Mark Twain From the original text: “It is so then, with all factors of development, coming from sources healthy, natural and moral, that reason is naturally developed just as reason helps further develop ourselves. Just as natural growth is akin to natural health, natural learning is akin to natural growth; else it is not learning, growth or health, it naturally shall be seen as such, so to promote growth and learning, not to excuse that which is unnatural, the negation; nature supports natures.” What would be unnatural learning as opposed to natural learning? Think of how you would not learn or not properly learn, what would take place for this to occur? The unnatural learning is that which does not rely on all the natural senses or the understanding of nature, therefore being the resort of man made material and semantics or any form that has a disregard to natural facts, in promoting the unnatural growth of natures. How does unnatural learning relate to mind control or propagandized learning? Is reason encouraged? Do you have 60
to care to teach someone? Do you have to care to heal someone, or even yourself? Who allows you to learn the most? Someone may assist you, but you are the one of whom the learning operates through. Should learning ever be forced (should anything)? What is your school in nature? Yourself, parents, nature. What would be your graduation? Achievements, value, purpose. How much does nature provide for us? How long do these provisions last? How does this compare to the man made? How does humankind justify the man made? What if we have a lack of knowledge for the more natural? Do we ever truly learn without nature? Can man ever create without a sense of nature? Can man create without their own nature? Can man ever create or learn like nature itself? What should be the first step to humankind finding their place? Learning from themselves, obeying their own nature. Why have we created complex things? How do we make connections with our ideas? Perspective. Why might our learning become complex? How important are simple recognitions? Would it help for us to remain present? Open minded but not too open minded? Do all paths eventually lead to nature (the same place)? What happens when you undergo an adventure? What ensures success among your travels? What if the person learning of nature or undergoing the necessary adventure is unwilling? Does nature have a response to this by law (is there a consequence for us being ignorant)? Why would someone question you? If you want to become healthy or happy, what is necessary? Does nature need us to teach? Do we have to teach, just as we have to learn? From the original text: 61
“Nature does not need us to teach, although we shall, we teach because we need nature; we shall do what we must.” Review: Learning is how we are to acquire knowledge. Natural learning includes the use of all your own natural senses and what you learn of nature. Reading material: “The Lowest Animal” by Mark Twain The unnatural learning is that which does not rely on all the natural senses or the understanding of nature, therefore being the resort of man made material and semantics or any form that has a disregard to natural facts, in promoting the unnatural growth of natures. Inquiry: Do you like to learn? Should you? What would help you learn? Below, it cannot be acts previously mentioned. If so, they must be clarified. List five examples of that which promotes natural learning, elaborate if you must. List five examples of that which does not promote natural learning, elaborate if you must. What does natural learning look like in the world? Draw or imagine a picture. How can you apply this to your life? Extra Notes: 62
“Curiosity in children Nature has provided to remove the ignorance they were born with.” – John Locke “We are by nature observers, and thereby learners. That is our permanent state.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson The word “answer” means to “conform, correspond” and “be responsible for” or “suffer the consequences of”, “respond in antiphony”, “respond in act or action, give back in kind”, “solve, find the result of.” From Old English andswaru “a response, a reply to a question,” from and- “against” (from PIE root *ant- “front, forehead,” with derivatives meaning “in front of, before”) + –sqaru “affirmation,” from swerian “to swear”, suggesting an original sense of “sworn statement rebutting a charge.” Old English answarian “make a statement in reply.” Also meaning “solution of a problem.” It is your choice. Having an answer means we have purpose, intent and reason. We find meaning, have no confusion, create clarity, find direction and truth. Knowing the nature tells us the purpose, intent and reason. You must actively ask for it; if you don’t, you have already asked. “Every individual acts and suffers in accordance with his peculiar teleology, which has all the inevitability of fate, so long as he does not understand it.” – Alfred Adler “In the process of understanding the Nature answers all our questions.” – Werner Heisenberg “Nature answers only when she is questioned” – Jacob Henle We are what we embrace, what we choose, follow or permit. Whatever you embrace, you come to know better. Facing the problem is embracing the solution. Facing the unnatural is embracing the natural. 63
A Guide To Natural Problems Introduction: People talk about problems, and how there can be a lot of problems in the world. We need to navigate this. What is a problem? What if the world is full of problems? What conditions come from problems? Is it normal to have massive problems far and vast? What if there is a central problem? Why would it be central? What is naturally most central to nature (what is the natural central)? What would not be the natural central? Certain people, does life revolve around them? And their creations, does life revolve around the manmade? Do problems really have to be taken as problems? What problems are easier to understand? How do problems become harder to understand? Are there more problems that make it harder? Natural problems are mere natural reactions, we can better understand why they occurred because they are local or minimal; unnatural problems are unnatural reactions, harder to understand why they occurred because they are manifested imbalances. Why do problems occur and how do they relate to solutions? What if we have many solutions? May we want to distinguish natural from unnatural solutions? Can there be bad solutions or good problems? Problems help teach us as with our natural learning but a problem is still a problem.
What if we don’t learn from natural problems? Let’s apply the idea of natural and unnatural problems to the micro and macro. Is it a natural problem from the macro view that chaos is the macro result of micro unnatural problems? Is this chaos natural to exist just because it was natural to occur? Chaos within itself is an unnatural problem, but is it chaos if it can be learned from in the macro? Does chaos have to be chaos? Is a problem really a problem if it helps us know what to do as the solution? Do problems start unnatural? Is it a natural problem from the macro view that there exists micro unnatural problems in the macro of freedom? If we recognize the natural problem, we are looking at the real and healthy problem, that turns into an unnatural problem when unaddressed. Why would a problem be healthy? When we recognize the natural problem from the macro, what shall we do in action? We try to prevent the problem from occurring, because it’s still a problem or we prevent it from growing, so it doesn’t become unnatural and out of control. Therefore, you need an open mind, a bigger way of thinking, to fix problems. How does the micro problem be held accountable or limited? If you see a problem as if it were intended to occur or bound to occur, would this be considered natural or unnatural? Will problems always exist? Do all problems have to exist? Relate this back to unnatural law and natural law. What does the scales of justice or yin/yang symbols represent? What if there is an unnatural problem from the macro? Do we find ourselves having to expand our minds even more to see it? How did it get to such a manifestation? How does a lack of responsibility contribute? Are we allowing a problem? Does natural morality and law have anything to do with this? 65
Natural problems are minimal harm effects within natural freedom, of the natural consequences of action. Do problems have recognizable signs before the problems manifest? The greater the problem the greater the recognition? Can problems act as distractions ever? May we find even more solutions without the distractions of many problems? How does right and wrong, or problems relate to finding out what’s poisonous? Do these exist for a reason? Do these exist for our reason? It keeps us in check. Ideally, do problems need to occur at all? They don’t have to, but will and have. Can we learn from awareness rather than experience? Do we have to be surprised when situations occur? How does reflection and presence help us in our actions? When you test yourself, how do you grow stronger? Can you test yourself too much or too little? You can use exercise as an example. Will you create more problems among these extremes? Should what you do be complimentary or supplementary to your nature? Is the goal for the natural to come natural or naturally? Are there problems we still have yet to discover? What if the very foundations of our nature is at risk? What makes it easier to discover and diagnose, treat and prevent problems? Multiple perspectives. Does it help to have multiple physicians? Multiple fields of medicine? Can an individual only see so far? Can an individual be fully conscious of their self? How about an individual in early development of self? How much would an “outsider” help, an individual other than the self? If we are in ignorance of what we must know, how much can an outsider help? Why might 66
we remain ignorant? How does fear contribute to this? Without problems, can there be learning? Without conflict or confrontation or courage and bravery, can there be revolution or change? We want natural causes and natural effects. Emerging from the unnatural to the natural takes effort. Interactive Critical Thinking: In reflection of all our previous topics concerning natures, list the order of how the following natures interact with one another (as by cause and effect) upon your reason and perspective. What allows what? What creates what? Natural Problems, Natural Growth, Natural Freedom, Natural Morality, Natural Learning If the structure works, the unnatural form of each in the similar order should also work. When you think about human ability and what we are all able to do to the world, are you and humanity the question itself? We may want to blame nature, but is nature really to blame if we are ignorant or don’t fix our own problems? Is it possible to not create any problems? Can you always stop others from creating problems? How hard would it be and how does it relate to unnatural law? Are people willing to blame themself? Should we ever fully blame another or ourselves? Why would depression, anxiety or other issues grow or be amassed in the world? How may people mask or cope with these issues? Does coping or masking really help them or give them what they may really need? Have 67
physicians taken the place of nature, in the sense that people may be dependent upon them for their own health? This gives us insight into not losing our essential nature, our true selves. Is the attempt of the unnatural the natural problem? Does it matter how evil something is if it’s evil? The real or natural problem is the lack of nature. Is the lack of nature, the lack of freedom? What if man-made options are the only choice, like in medicine? If given natural choices, which will individuals be more likely to choose first and foremost? If they go for the man-made options, would they do so for natural effects? Does nature regenerate and restore? Why do people have passion in the world? How much potential do people have? How do we grow tolerant? Do people generally love nature? Do you? Even with hardships in nature, is there a beauty of it within your heart? Do we follow our love for nature to it’s end (in all ways)? Again, does this include love for our own nature and our selves? Can and should we fear nature? What would be the result if we had this fear versus if we had love for all nature? From the original text: “Fire may burn, the light may blind, but we shall become tolerant to these elements as much as we would in nature; a storm does not last forever, the night turns to day, there is always hope but you must follow the elements where it is due; shine the light in the dark, do not allow anyone to be submerged in the elements, help the world find it’s place to master the elements, be the wielder and not the slave, the natural law enforcer and not the man’s law succumbent, the one of nature in that of difference and in expression.” 68
Analyze the poetry in the previous passage from the original text and relate it to your understanding of problems and solutions. The only problem is ignorance of nature, the allowed denaturing of society; the only solution is knowledge of nature, the expression and exercise of and for nature. Review: Natural problems are mere natural reactions, we can better understand why they occurred because they are local or minimal; unnatural problems are unnatural reactions, harder to understand why they occurred because they are manifested imbalances. Problems help teach us as with our natural learning but a problem is still a problem. If we recognize the natural problem, we are looking at the real and healthy problem, that turns into an unnatural problem when unaddressed. Natural problems are minimal harm effects within natural freedom, of the natural consequences of action. We want natural causes and natural effects. The real or natural problem is the lack of nature. The only problem is ignorance of nature, the allowed denaturing of society; the only solution is knowledge of nature, the expression and exercise of and for nature. Inquiry: What problems have you run into, within your life? 69
Are there any problems you like to face? What would help you face problems? Below, it cannot be acts previously mentioned. If so, they must be clarified. List five examples of that which promotes natural problems, elaborate if you must. List five examples of that which does not promote natural problems, elaborate if you must. What do natural problems look like in the world? Draw or imagine a picture. How can you apply this to your life? Extra Notes: “Nature will never confront you with a problem you can’t solve. You already have the answer, that is why the question appears before you.” – Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
A Guide To Natural Freedom Introduction: People talk about freedom, and how important or how dangerous it can be. We need to navigate this. Who are you without freedom? Would you exist without freedom? Without freedom, are you able to live a life for yourself? What are different ways your freedom can be restricted? What is mental slavery and how does it relate to physical slavery? Can acts of freedom be made without the condition of freedom? Can acts of slavery be made without the condition of slavery? How does unnatural law relate to this and the idea of permission? Are you free if you require permission? What if you are compelled to ask for permission? What does freedom allow us to create? When does freedom become a problem? Should freedom mean freedom for all? The line for freedom draws at property, where the natural conflicts with the nature. What is property? It is those natures for which you naturally work or trade for. What are some examples of property? What is your most natural property? What would be a natural trade? Consensual agreement upon the natures exchanged. What does it mean to claim a property? To say such a nature is yours, to claim it naturally belongs to you. How do you maintain property or ownership? Responsibility. What you do with your property, or your responsibility, is dependent on what? Natural morality. What if you claim something that is not much naturally yours? Is there order in an unjust claim? How does this relate to the time and place of people and their property? What is order? Does self-control of yourself provide 71
you with slavery or freedom? Does external man-made imposed control upon you provide you with slavery or freedom? What if you are the imposer? Why would it be important for an imposer to have self-control? Order is not the negation of freedom, it is the coexistence with freedom. Should we let another individual live their life free so long as they don’t harm anyone? Why is this? Natural morality. If freedom is respected of another due to morality, would freedom increase in a society which promotes morality? Aggregate nature is embraced as the aggregate natural is embraced. What makes freedom natural? How does freedom relate to choice? Does our ability to create or have choice belong in our nature? Should our natural abilities be suppressed? How should our natural abilities be learned from? Why would we learn from them? To know time and place, when or how abilities should be used. What other reason might someone want to limit our freedom other than for their own control over us? To limit our ability if we are irresponsible. Is natural freedom then a practice of responsibility? Do we ultimately decide what choices we make? Natural freedom is the natural condition that allows choice. Is freedom a form of property (do you have the right or responsibility to freedom)? Are we natural slaves (are people born a slave)? If slavery is an imposed condition, what is the natural condition? Freedom. Do people have their own reason to exercise on their own? If we are gathering among each 72
other and we have a shared sense of morality, will we be able to have freedom, fun and socialization? Do all people deserve to enjoy these conditions? We then assume them to be natural. What if we are lacking these conditions, why would it be? We can’t exercise our freedom. How would it feel to achieve these different conditions? How long did it take to end chattel slavery? How does it benefit the natures of all, when one person disturbs the natural order of many for the desires of few? If man does not abide to nature, does anything man made matter? If man does abide to nature, is anything man made necessary? It can help but more is not necessary. How does centralization occur in the man made context? What would be unnatural freedom? Can you be tricked that you are free when you are not? Unnatural freedom, is where you require permission to be free or are convinced that you are free when you are not, it is not freedom at all. It is where you have no free choice. If one or few gets to impose upon others, is that natural or unnatural freedom? What may be considered dangerous for the person being imposed upon to do? Free thinking, questioning authority. Based on what we’ve learned in connecting natural morality and natural freedom, what requires for unnatural law to exist? It is not government if there is no theft or no violence or no involuntary interactions or no unnatural aggregation; it is natural society, it is natural freedom. Who may disregard this very knowledge? Authority figures. Why might people lack the perspective to see problems, like in unnatural freedom? Do they lack freedom within their own 73
mind? Why is this? They lack sovereignty. What is sovereignty? Self-control, that you only own you. To be sovereign is to know of your own nature. If knowledge or freedom can be kept from people, can then nature be kept away by people? Nature belongs with all. What does it mean to express or exercise your freedom? What does it mean to express your self? What does it symbolize to act robotic? Can we express ourselves while promoting natural learning? What would be some examples of this? Can we really accurately understand those of the past or history? What is it that we must truly preserve? Will nature preserve itself? Can we all relate to nature? Does nature have it’s own language? What comes of natural freedom embraced by many? Can people actually mind their own business? Will family businesses be encouraged? How about entrepreneurship? Should the natural chaos within natural freedom be a valid excuse to not embrace nature? Will there not be more solutions? Will people need to become responsible? Do people fear freedom under unnatural law? Does it help for anyone to try to change the law if it’s still unnatural? We need to change the unnatural itself. For these words, am I imposing them upon you? Are you free to read? To observe? To write? You shall be free to live, nature is your home, and it can always be explored. Has humanity ever fully explored anything? Should we ever give up? How does this affect our freedom? What does it mean to follow your heart? Do these words carry more weight or meaning to some people more than other people? What 74
does it mean to be sensitive? Do you come to see more of all, if you open your awareness up to freedom? From the original text: “These words, this life, is meaning to the sensible, and so with it, you come to see more of the all, the freedom that awaits, adventures of the entire body, you too, were given it all.” Review: The line for freedom draws at property, where the natural conflicts with the nature. Order is not the negation of freedom, it is the coexistence with freedom. Aggregate nature is embraced as the aggregate natural is embraced. Natural freedom is the natural condition that allows choice. Unnatural freedom, is where you require permission to be free or are convinced that you are free when you are not, it is not freedom at all. It is where you have no free choice. It is not government if there is no theft or no violence or no involuntary interactions or no unnatural aggregation; it is natural society, it is natural freedom. To be sovereign is to know of your own nature. You shall be free to live, nature is your home, and it can always be explored.
Inquiry: What freedoms do you enjoy? Has freedom ever become dangerous for you? Is it freedom or nature’s fault? What would help you embrace natural freedom? Below, it cannot be acts previously mentioned. If so, they must be clarified. List five examples of that which promotes natural freedom, elaborate if you must. List five examples of that which does not promote natural freedom, elaborate if you must. What does natural freedom look like in the world? Draw or imagine a picture. How can you apply this to your life?
Natural Experimentation Introduction: People like to, or tend to experiment. Sometimes we feel like we have to, or that we should. We need to navigate this. What is an experiment? Is it a test? Is it the use of freedom? What do we use to experiment? Are there different ways we can experiment not limited to the scientific method? What happens when an individual conducts any action with more knowledge? They ensure less problems, and guarantee natural problems. When we take actions, can we be aware of the possibilities of potential problems? Can we be prepared? Is it possible we may actively want to confront some “problems” in order to grow in our response-ability? Take a scenario of an individual eating a food they know they should not eat, why might they still eat it? Cheating, ignorance, testing or building tolerance. Should an individual ignore their internal messages? When does ignorance become a problem, from real to unreal? Again, are humans prone to faults? Without faults, would we have natural learning, natural morality or natural problems? Why is it that humans like to experiment? What is creativity and what is it based upon? What is a scientific meta-analysis? Natural experimentation rests as the medium between freedom and effects. What if experimentation is suppressed? Less learning, less creativity. Does this create any dependence? Should the teacher provide questions or answers? What if there is too many questions? How do we not overwhelm ourselves? Is 77
there a constant answer to questions concerning life? Nature and yourself. Do we learn from nature with nature? Do people live by experiments often? We take risks daily. Do we take life for granted? Do people do things although knowing of the risks? How can presence help us with our experiments? It helps us slow down, do less wrong. What does it mean to think things through? How do you ensure a successful experiment? What if an experiment fails? There’s a cost, sometimes you must be willing to take. We shall equally strive to do experiments to do good, and do good experiments. Have we too long experimented with the same experiments that result in the same failures or lack of success? How can this relate to unnatural law? How would one optimize their experimentation? What is experimentation kept in check by? Natural morality, responsibility. Is natural morality merely the defense of natural natures? Can experimentation be considered an art or practice? Can there be any set standard to this art? How is controversy created? What benefits can controversy provide? Accountability. Would natural experimentation include creating victims? Such would violate the nature of another, unnatural morality. May it include vices? Are the resultant condition of these acts guaranteed? Reflect over the following three example acts: Drinking alcohol, consuming chocolate, gambling. What do these acts constitute? Foods, drinks, mere activities. Are these natural? If we are to deny these natural activities, would we be denying natural experimentation? Where does the problem arise, and how does it relate to natural and unnatural problems? Does it help to impose our will upon how natural experimentation should 78
be operated? What will make it more likely that an individual is responsible for their experimentation? Nature for nature, natural environments supporting experimentation, natural change. How could we encourage the natural in others? Natural learning. Are these questions the end of questions for this subject? There will always be more. We are to simply come to know some basics of nature. What if you were a scientist and you discovered something new? How does awakening or realization relate to this? How would you discover something new to begin with? Are all discoveries good? If somebody has depression or anxiety, what might they do or how may they experiment? How does this relate to risks or coping? How does coloring hair and getting piercings relate to the aggregation of the natural versus unnatural? What would be an aggregation of the natural instead? How may this relate to health or consumerism? Are there root causes? Why might we exaggerate or over-express? Is it a coincidence that the natural-look or healthy-look is appealing to people? What is imitation and how does it relate to this? Does the experimentation of people reflect their natures? Why might some experimentation be the most controversial while others are not as much? An experimentation is an experimentation. Do people know exactly what they are doing? But again, they still do it. It is inescapable. What happens if we become wrapped in illusions or in addictions to our experimentation? What does it mean to “play the victim”? What does it mean to “own up”? Selfcontrol. We know thyself. Should we seek more natural usages of all things? What would be unnatural
experimentation? How may it relate to projection? How does it handle vices? Unnatural experimentation is experimenting not out of the betterment or expression of your natural self but out of unnatural problems you have aggregated into needing to project or reflect; it is the growingly unnatural individual using unnatural freedom, the medium between unnatural freedom and unnatural effects, therefore the actions lacking responsibility, the aggregation of vices turning into or proclaimed to be wrong-doing, letting the innerchild become erratic, invoking unnatural growth thereof unnatural morality. Is everyone finding their way, in this life? What does that mean we should do for one another? What does that mean we should do with nature? Is this an on-going experiment for all of humanity? Should anyone experiment upon us? Should anyone dictate our experiments? From the original text: “One ought to question in their world, if individuals are unnaturally claiming all nature to be their test lab for dominion rather than integration, or if they are inhibiting the medium between natural freedom and natural effects.” Review: Natural experimentation rests as the medium between freedom and effects. We shall equally strive to do experiments to do good, and do good experiments.
Unnatural experimentation is experimenting not out of the betterment or expression of your natural self but out of unnatural problems you have aggregated into needing to project or reflect; it is the growingly unnatural individual using unnatural freedom, the medium between unnatural freedom and unnatural effects, therefore the actions lacking responsibility, the aggregation of vices turning into or proclaimed to be wrong-doing, letting the innerchild become erratic, invoking unnatural growth thereof unnatural morality. Inquiry: What experimentation have you done, within your life? Are there any experimentation you would like to do? What would help you do experimentation? Below, it cannot be acts previously mentioned. If so, they must be clarified. List five examples of that which promotes natural experimentation, elaborate if you must. List five examples of that which does not promote natural experimentation, elaborate if you must. What does natural experimentation look like in the world? Draw or imagine a picture. How can you apply this to your life?
A Guide To Natural Facts Introduction: People like to, or tend to say they have facts. Sometimes we feel like we have to, or that we should. We need to navigate this. Are all facts the same? What is an opinion and what is a fact? Can there be facts which we all agree on? Can there be facts that are facts no matter how people perceive it? Can anyone perceive perfectly? So is it that the facts are disputed or is it that the perspectives of those facts are disputed? How can we define truth? Facts represent truth, truth is what is. Do we generally try to find the facts? How much do those facts reflect nature? Can we ever lose our touch? How does ignorance or complications affect our facts? How may we become confused in this world? Too many perspectives and not enough personal insight, or mixing truth with lies. How may we become no longer human? Will we know what is humanity if this is embraced? What’s the problem with the idea of perfection? When does it become practical? How may we become content? Are we likely to embrace nature or want more man made things in the case of contentedness versus perfection? Could facts and opinions coexist? Are both meant to exist? How can we apply time and place to this? Do not impose opinions as facts, let nature be thy facts, let people have their opinions and shall people ever try to align their actions and educate about the facts. What do poets, philosophers or observers contribute to the world? Can they relate to scientists or doctors? How about politicians? Are we focused on nature or man made creation? Natural facts are of an ever-present universal nature. 82
What makes a greater fact? How does this relate to the natural? How does evidence compare to perspective? Would seeking the wisdom of nature be seeking natural fact? Would natural facts be common in an unnatural world? A natural fact or knowledge is that which is thereof topics directly that are natural; this correlates to speaking of the natures of all things, but also of each’s natural nature, rather than speaking only as to their symptoms and manifestations. Let’s break down politics and observe the natural facts therein. Is politics man-made? Is politics based on nature? Does politics regard natural law or natural morality? Does politics speak of natural fact? Would it be politics without man made law? Would slavery be slavery without man made ownership over other men? Would government be government without man made impositions and positions? Is “following orders” a justification to ignore nature and natural facts? Is it a natural fact that you live in a man made worded country? Is it a natural fact that you live on a piece of land which man has worded for recognition? What would be an even greater natural fact than this? The land is just the land, belonging more to nature than it is man. Which is more natural, the land or the government of which proclaims to be the land? Is it natural to have a certain president, king or minister, if it’s by it’s nature, involuntary and external? Is it natural for change to come from a political authority? Why is it that these are accepted into the world? Superstition, propaganda and layers of the unnatural. Do people speak of people or events they don’t really know? Is there any faith involved here? Can it be a religion? How dangerous is it? You 83
must obey, duress. Within any political system, what more does not exist in nature? Police, centralized and involuntarily paid, and the pieces of paper treated as holy text. Are we aware of any ancient texts? What do they speak of and how do they operate, compared to political texts? Do political texts consider these? Are the conclusions made in politics similar to what people would conclude if they were in nature, making decisions for themselves and having to learn selfsustainability? Let’s break down the so-called “news” and observe the natural facts therein. How many mediums does it take for us to consume our news? Does the news ever ask why things happen or how the events they report on occur? Can the news affect the effort people put into paying attention to their own world? If a news organization persists in education, are they really a news organization? What problems may come from the news, do we notice? Fear, insensitivity, normalcy. What is the goal, however, of the news? Education. What makes the news important? Is it good that news anchors try to be unbiased (Is bias natural)? How about if they maintain a certain image? Does the news look natural or act natural? Is there any better alternative? Being direct and honest, encouraging community outreach and contribution. Should the news encourage the public to join their efforts? Think of other professions, do they want people in their positions? What may be the difference between natural news and unnatural news? Why is it that the news may want to prop up stories that the public does not want to see? What is people’s best source of news? Their own and other’s experience and awareness, natural learning. What is most important to peoples when it comes to news? What if news organizations turn corrupt (how does accountability relate to the news)? People who consume 84
their content must hold them accountable just as much as the news does for them. What makes it easier to hold people accountable? Easy communication, natural morality, everyday people. Natural fact comprises of truth or reality or the natures of things, such as the fact that you are of humanity, or that we are all of nature. In politics, do we speak of others as if they are naturally different? Are they really? Does anyone have any more natural rights than others? The idea of natural rights deals with what people are created as naturally having, it deals with their nature. If I think people are not naturally the same, not with the same natural rights, am I in ignorance to natural fact? Again, without recognizing natural rights one way or another, what problems may occur? Is having authority necessarily the same as having influence? Which is based in natural fact? This is detailed by learning about the nature of power and leadership. Is it a natural fact that when we are dependent on the news, we desire unnatural learning? What is it by the greatest natural fact that you own? By natural fact, the only thing you always own is yourself. Would natural facts be timeless? Can we speak of the natural fact in all things, including problems or facts itself? Again, can we ever be fully factual? Natural fact is that of which applies anywhere and at all times, being the root to all problems and news alike; it is that which helps clear us from the unnatural, as we are coming to recognize nature, determining what is true.
Can opinions try to be facts? It is only problematic if they replace or distort natural fact. How is this aggregated? Unnatural law, unnatural morality, statism. Is opinion necessary? How does this relate to belief versus knowledge, or assumption and confirmation? When opinions are joined by one another, do we attain anything essential? What would unnatural facts be? Unnatural facts are those facts thereof politics and news, that of unnatural learning, that which is dictated to be true and in efforts to denature that of nature, so much as because it also ignores nature; it comprises of illusion or distraction or symptoms of problems. Are all opinions unnatural facts? No, because opinions can be natural facts. What would be a natural opinion and what would be an unnatural opinion? We all have opinions, they are natural to exist within each of us; sharing your thoughts is your opinion; sharing someone else’s thoughts without forming your own, it is by definition not your opinion. Does this relate to learning? The fact of the matter is the matter of fact, nature is so much the fact as it includes the opinion. Does all beg perspective? From the original text: “Nature is the greatest of perspective for it provides the groundwork, work upon the ground, opinion upon the fact.” Review: Natural facts are of an ever-present universal nature.
A natural fact or knowledge is that which is thereof topics directly that are natural; this correlates to speaking of the natures of all things, but also of each’s natural nature, rather than speaking only as to their symptoms and manifestations. Natural fact comprises of truth or reality or the natures of things, such as the fact that you are of humanity, or that we are all of nature. By natural fact, the only thing you always own is yourself. Natural fact is that of which applies anywhere and at all times, being the root to all problems and news alike; it is that which helps clear us from the unnatural, as we are coming to recognize nature, determining what is true. Unnatural facts are those facts thereof politics and news, that of unnatural learning, that which is dictated to be true and in efforts to denature that of nature, so much as because it also ignores nature; it comprises of illusion or distraction or symptoms of problems. The fact of the matter is the matter of fact, nature is so much the fact as it includes the opinion. Inquiry: What facts do you most know, within your life? Are there any facts you are still coming to know? What would help you find facts? Were you ever wrong on your facts? Why?
Below, it cannot be acts previously mentioned. If so, they must be clarified. List five examples of that which promotes natural facts, elaborate if you must. List five examples of that which does not promote natural facts, elaborate if you must. What does natural facts look like in the world? Draw or imagine a picture. How can you apply this to your life?
A Guide To Natural Effects Introduction: People will always create effects in the world. Sometimes we feel like we should have more control over these effects and don’t know how, or we don’t know what effects we are creating. We need to navigate this. What are effects? That which comes from causes. In connecting with the concept of natural law, what else is involved with cause and effect? Time. Does time tell us of our effects? Do the effects tell us of our time? If humanity will perish, if we are having a good time, if we are utilizing our time well. What determines our effects other than knowing the causes? What is natural and unnatural, time and place. Are effects everywhere? It is law. Should effects be evaluated or causes? Both lead to the other. How does natural facts relate to effects? Natural effects are effects that are natural to occur of and for natures; it is otherwise said as naturalizing effects, or natural naturalization. What does naturalization mean? To make natural. In the context of government or unnatural law, when they claim that you are naturalized under their system, what does that mean? What would then be natural naturalization as opposed to unnatural naturalization? Being born into an unnatural system, are you more likely to legitimize it? Is an individual’s own nature likely to abide? How can this relate to denaturalization? Natural naturalization is that of being born by nature and free by nature. Natural effects support natural facts. 89
Does our mind help us create or reason? Natural Law principle of mentalism. How may we not become the tools of our tools? Create or use consciously, we must know. What mindset may allow us to be the most conscious? Natural simplicity. Do you own what you work on? What do you most work on? What if a man made text represents your ownership? Should it solely represent your ownership? What may happen if we use more and more unnatural tools? Is there a danger with consumerism? May we relate this to unnatural consumption? When we use something, why do we use it? To produce a desired effect, to feed or heal. What would we consider dangerous? An effect we do not want, to impair or harm. What if we intentionally do something dangerous? What if we don’t know if what we are doing is dangerous? Experimentation, the medium between freedom and effects. If we don’t intend to do something dangerous and rather intend to do something useful, would we want it to become natural to us, to produce the desired effect that also assists our nature? This is naturalization. From the original text: “Nothing can be dangerous unless it is of an unnatural effect; so it is that the difference between health, that which heals nature and danger or harm, that which violates nature, can be further made by evaluating what manifests maintenance, naturalization of the natural or denaturalization, that which denatures into the unnatural.” The naturalizing or natural effects, are effects that promote natural natures, created by natural learning; all that is natural, is to remain natural, remained by natural 90
effects, effects of which do appeal to nature and natural morality, as we ever seek knowledge of nature with a respect towards it. What would be unnatural effects? The negation of natural effects, that which violates or doesn’t promote natural natures. How is it created? Unnatural learning, or the lack thereof natural learning. Can a hammer be malformed from it’s use? Will it become more or less effective? It’s an unnatural hammer. What will make it more likely that we will fix this? Natural environments, natural learning. What will make it less likely? Unnatural environments or aggregations, the problem is seen as legitimate. What if we continually use the malformed hammer? We could be more effective, we may waste time. What if the hammer is still being malformed? Eventually we will have to learn. All that is nature may denature to be more unnatural. How may a man made drug used for medicine be justified? An unnatural individual body, having an unnatural disease. How do we know to use this man made drug? Unnatural classification systems, or the unnatural environment. Is this an appeal to denature? Is there an emphasis on natural morality, even toward thyself? Is the problem ignorance? In the relation of natures, the natural effects are those which support life, health, law and birth alike; we recognize the importance of such, the right of existence, so not to be ignorant and therefore assume their nonexistence for our whimsical domination. What would unnatural effects not support? It is the wrong of existence. Is anything entirely unnatural? Is everything natural? Is it a matter of recognition? 91
From the original text: “Will one of human nature recognize the inherent, the natural so to grow in reality and stay down to earth, or will they grow apart from reality, needing to go back to nature.” The naturalizing effects are those which promotes and therefore allows growth, learning, function, preservation and defense. In light of this, what would the denaturing effects do? How can this be (how can they not be naturalizing)? They degrade and weaken, to replace and unnaturally change natural natures. If we want to prevent danger or unnatural effects, reiterate what it is that we do (in order to create natural effects, reiterate what is required)? Natural effects, or creations which consist of natural effects, will be manifested through natural knowledge, natural learning, consciousness of creation. Is deception worse than ignorance? What is deception dependent upon? Can we not however learn from denaturing effects, so why would it inhibit learning? Such a learning would depend on the use of natural effects; you cannot learn of nature from the denatured with the denatured. How do you stay in an illusion? Everything you do supports it. Can few use natural effects to their own benefit, at the unnatural effect of others? Think of how such an unnatural system would be created in the first place. It relies on knowledge of the natural system being kept hidden. Is it natural to have natural effects in support of only few? For few to have this intent and create an unnatural system, would they not need to be denatured themselves? How about those who follow them? Why do people follow them? Statism, mental slavery. Identify several 92
other unnatural factors in this equation: Unnatural authority, unnatural benefits, unnatural effects, unnatural morality, unnatural law. What would be the point in censorship or silencing those who dissent? Would those who rule over others ever get enough or become content? They have to continually feed on the populous. Do they also have fear? Of losing their grip of power or ego. Another scenario: what if it’s the man made drug that an individual needs to naturally recover? Then it isn’t so much an unnatural drug as it is natural to be used in recovery. Why would it succeed? Knowledge, alignment of natures. Could there be more natural options? Could it cause other problems? Is it targeting the root cause? Could something else create more natural effects? We need knowledge. What is the man made dependent upon, in the first place? Nature. Can anything man produce or act upon be as holistic? Are we biased toward nature? It is not wrong to see order in the universe, despite the seemingly randomness. Everything that comes as to the effects of our world is due to what’s going on within the world, so all that is created can be equally uncreated. If an essential truth gets out to people, how much of an impact may it make? If something provides a natural effect and more people know how to obtain that something, will it be hard to take it out of existence? Take the example of weapons. They are dangerous and can be used for evil, but why was it created? For self-defense. Will weapons always exist? Is preventing harm part of our nature? It is part of natural learning and knowing of natural problems. Would an animal in 93
nature defend thyself or others against an aggressor? Why would they? To protect natural freedom, their very self. What if they did not? Slavery would take place, violence would succeed. For humans, is self-defense the only option? Since we have reason, we can try to reason, or intentionally remain passive shall we see it fit. What’s the difference between a gun, a sword and a fist? Strength and material. How can you determine these natures? You can use the nature dynamic. What do these all share? Dependence upon the user, they are all man made. What benefit is there to people being concerned? Accountability, if not left to unnatural law. What’s the problem with justifying unnatural law for the “greater good”? It guarantees unnatural morality to prevent the possibility of unnatural morality, it is using the denatured for the natural. Why is it that people may still prefer fist fights? It is more natural, it can teach a lesson without extreme or unnatural experimentation. To reiterate, can we stop an unnatural product with natural effects? We cannot, it is reliant upon time and place among our learning. Take another example of smart-phones, does this nature provide anything essential to our nature? It is merely quicker communication but it can be used for a number of things. Is it commonly used for it’s intended function? Is it an actual benefit to have quicker communication among other things, if we create a bigger picture to look at all the effects? We see it is replacing what was more natural of communication. What are the effects dependent upon here? Still, the user, however also the type of object. How can the lack of clarity upon effects, effect individuals? They can be affected in ways they are unaware of. What if an individual knows for certain, certain effects and they still go ahead with it? This relates to experimentation. What benefits are there to understanding the 94
natures of all things? You recognize importance where others do not, you can sound the alarm, you can follow nature’s call to wisdom. Even if it’s just you who recognizes the natural, is the world unnatural? From the original text: “We would learn from natures with time in our life and as we come to form ourselves and our world, however much you shall know of it with your own reason, more, and more natures.” Review: Natural effects are effects that are natural to occur of and for natures; it is otherwise said as naturalizing effects, or natural naturalization. Natural naturalization is that of being born by nature and free by nature. Natural effects support natural facts. The naturalizing or natural effects, are effects that promote natural natures, created by natural learning; all that is natural, is to remain natural, remained by natural effects, effects of which do appeal to nature and natural morality, as we ever seek knowledge of nature with a respect towards it. All that is nature may denature to be more unnatural. In the relation of natures, the natural effects are those which support life, health, law and birth alike; we recognize the importance of such, the right of existence, so not to be ignorant and therefore assume their nonexistence for our whimsical domination.
The naturalizing effects are those which promotes and therefore allows growth, learning, function, preservation and defense. Natural effects, or creations which consist of natural effects, will be manifested through natural knowledge, natural learning, consciousness of creation. Everything that comes as to the effects of our world is due to what’s going on within the world, so all that is created can be equally uncreated. Inquiry: What effects have you created, within your life? Are there any effects you are currently creating? What would help you with your effects? Below, it cannot be acts previously mentioned. If so, they must be clarified. List five examples of that which promotes natural effects, elaborate if you must. List five examples of that which does not promote natural effects, elaborate if you must. What does natural effects look like in the world? Draw or imagine a picture. How can you apply this to your life? Extra notes: Real (natural) Naturalization is the recognition of being born by nature, conforming to nature; making nature, natural (embrace). Fake (unnatural) “Naturalization” is the recognition 96
of being born in government, conforming to government; making the unnatural, “natural” (disregard). Actions which promotes naturalization includes sharing (natural ownership), creating life (natural life), honesty (natural truth), consent (natural choice), consciousness (natural ability), boundaries (natural self-property) and guidance (natural learning). Actions which promotes denaturing (denaturalization) includes theft (unnatural ownership), murder (unnatural life), willfully lying (unnatural truth), trespass (unnatural choice), assault (unnatural ability), rape (unnatural self-property) and coercion (unnatural learning); these specifically may commonly be considered “crimes.” Vices may be considered those actions which involves yourself and potential but not guaranteed danger (victimless acts), whereas a crime will involves others with a guaranteed outcome (“no victim, no crime”). Vices includes gluttony (too much food), drunkenness (too much alcohol), gambling (personal risk taking), drugs (using unique substances), greed (material fixation), prostitution (paid intercourse) and idleness (doing nothing useful). Temperance is the act of sovereignty or self-mastery, where vices are not tempted into crimes. It means to work through yourself. Suffering from vice or allowing evil (crime), does not make you free. You must own up to your ownership. Use nature, for nature. The smallest unnatural change can be uncomfortable, otherwise unnoticeable; it is based on consciousness for the recognition to prevent problems, as it is to create peace. All crimes (wrong-doings) are forms of slavery, dictating the fate or freedom of another individual’s nature (ownership). 97
Slavery is the claim of ownership over the life or property of another. It is not natural or a “necessary evil”, as nobody is by nature a slave. Slavery to nature negates the idea of slavery, just as nature being government may negate the idea of government, as it simply is present truth which cannot be changed. Mental slavery is self-imposed (internal) obedience or statism to man-made “authority”, thus being self-imposed denaturing, it is the belief that physical slavery is at all, in any way legitimate. Physical slavery is violently imposed (external) obedience or statism to man-made “authority”, thus being violently imposed denaturing, including all forms of human governments or slave systems as the result of mental slavery. “Just as to establish slavery it was necessary to do violence to nature, so it was necessary to alter nature to perpetuate such a right.” – Jean-Jacques Rousseau “The slave begins by demanding justice and ends by wanting to wear a crown.” – Albert Camus “Little men, whether by instinct or internal prompting, will always pursue wealth and power at the expense of their better nature.” – Thomas Fleming The act of slavery includes momentary physical slavery, such being any crime. The condition of slavery includes continual acts of slavery backed by mental slavery, such being any government. The man who commits a crime commits an act of slavery, does wrong and leaves, everyone generally sees as immoral (unnatural). The man who is seen as “authority” creates the condition of slavery, commits a crime and continues, everyone generally sees as moral (natural). 98
The unnatural problem, the one main wrong, is slavery, because it is the wrong that aggregates or allows other wrongs. The unnatural and wrong is guaranteed and repeated. A violated individual is a vulnerable individual. Chattel slavery is one form of systemic slavery, which includes overt physical slavery, the outright ownership of another human being. Political slavery is that which is and maintains all systemic slavery, it is the very existence in human government, which is man ruling over man, the epiphany of man-made “authority”, the unnatural aggregate (immoral) condition.
A Guide To Natural Professions Introduction: People will always partake in professions. Sometimes we feel like we need better professions or we don’t know what professions we need. We need to navigate this. In order to create good or natural effects into the world, would it help to make it natural to do so? What does it mean to have a cause or purpose? Can you ever get fired from this cause? Can you lose this cause? Can you merely leave this cause? Can you always express this cause? Is it a cause that many want to do? Do people love to do it? Can it be hard to do it? How may this relate to the unnatural world and the striving for a natural world, or vice versa? How can a cause relate to a natural or moral obligation? What would be some examples of natural obligations? Food, water, shelter, natural living, well being, family, community, destiny. Are these natural obligations foremost in people’s lives? Do people have to pay attention to natural obligations more? What is the goal of working? To be happy. Why not work a job that gives you happiness? Is the goal of working to obtain more freedom? Why not work a job that gives you freedom? Can your cause be your profession or job? Is your profession really a profession if it’s natural to your life? Would it feel like slavery or freedom and happiness? What does it mean to “live in the now”? Can we know of what we are putting out into the world? Should health or truth start now or later? Think of your own nature, does the body have a natural cause? It automatically breathes and conducts effects we may be unaware of, it must. What is autonomy? What does it mean to live in harmony or order? 100
A profession is a way of going about life. Name several things a profession represents: job, career, lifestyle, helping your life, helping others around you. How may it help to differentiate natural versus unnatural professions? To see how it impacts the natures. Will professions always be done, just like learning and experimentation (does everyone have a job)? What is their profession based upon? Purpose, worldview, cause, values, desires. Does it help to see what is needed for the current world? What would be needed for the current world? Natural obligations, always. How would you best help the current world aside from knowing what is necessary? Complimenting the time and place, to allow transition. In an unnatural system, would it be easier or harder to have your own profession of choice? How would you feel to be obliged to work in environments that seem unnatural? What may be an unnatural trade between two peoples, that is a trade that does not support the natures of both peoples? How does unnatural morality play into this? Do you need currency to get by in life? So is it that currency is natural to life? Does that make your profession natural to life? Is your profession really natural if it’s dependent upon currency? What’s the point of this teaching, these questions? Is it currency? It is value created by natural professions. We do as human beings have natural obligations, and such constitutes our only professions, our natural professions. Are our needs basic? Has technology been of assistance? What would be the nature of unnatural professions? Anything not of natural obligation or more than natural obligation. 101
Despite having technology, are there still natural obligations not being met? Name a few problems that come to mind that may relate to natural obligations. In any problem, natures are not being fulfilled. What is the greatest wealth? Not money, natural currency. Is it that people have to give to the poor? What if the poor was given opportunity? Is it a better idea to teach someone how to grow their own food or how to fish or give someone food? Do people have to find their own ground, ultimately? Do people need to work to achieve what they want in life? How can work feel unfair? Are you more likely to attract that which you express? Natural attraction. What may affect or impair these attractions? How much does government seek to claim? How does this relate to business? What do those involved in unnatural law contribute toward? What is a monopoly? How about a cartel? What is domination and how does it affect professions? Can anyone participate in natural professions? Anywhere in the world? Why? It is natural. Natural professions are that which creates natural effects for natural growth, all done for the happiness and fulfillment of natures, creating natural currency; it is naturally beneficial to everyone; it requires natural energy and natural sacrifice, all thereof natural learning. Should you educate yourself before entering a profession? Can you educate yourself whilst in a profession? What is the problem with expectation? In an unnatural world, how would natural professions be treated? How may you obtain mastery over your craft or profession? How do you make sure you don’t overwork yourself? How does the energy flow in and out 102
of work? How does diet or cooking relate? How about exercise? Can you be inspired to work (should you want to work)? How does quantity interact with quality? How does it relate to professions? What would be a natural sacrifice? What you give, your energy expenditure. If you take, should you give? If you give, should you take? What if you are all giving? What if you are all taking? How does this relate to natural balance? All professions exist based upon the balance of all things, and such may also be correlated with supply and demand, among other ideas of nature which deal with a goal of natures. Why do we need to balance? Can you naturally balance that of which is unnatural or wrong to exist? What would then be an unnatural balance? It isn’t balance, it is attempting to balance in the unnatural which can’t be balanced. Would you balance the use of any poisons, natural or not, with that of which isn’t naturally poisonous? To attempt to balance this is an unnatural balance. If some poison is inevitable, we still should realize that it is a poison that shouldn’t be used as it is unnatural to use, so why should we balance it in with the natural? To know of what to balance and what not, what are we doing? Natural learning. Would you balance the amount of harm or good done to you? Or would you optimize the amount of good and reduce the amount of harm? Would you balance the amount of denaturing or naturalizing done to you? Or would you optimize the amount of naturalizing and reduce the amount of denaturing? How can balance be complete without knowing the nature of all things? Imbalance may occur due to unconsciousness. If a profession is based upon an unnatural
balance of things, would this profession be so natural in effect? Can everyone participate in unnatural professions? To reiterate, what is an unnatural profession? Unnatural professions include doing that which is unnatural to do for natures; it is that which creates unnatural effects for unnatural growth, all done for unnatural expectations, desires or attachments, creating unnatural currency; it is not naturally beneficial to everyone; it requires unnatural energy and unnatural sacrifice, whether it be in unnatural health or overexertion or unnatural pressures, all thereof unnatural learning. Think of the education necessary to become a “doctor” in your current world, where are they getting their education from? Does that education or learning determine their natural or unnatural profession? Think of somebody working a dead-end “job”, constantly working hard doing the same thing and in conditions unpleasant, dependent upon it for their living; is this a natural profession? Work is work but it should abide to the natures, peoples should increasingly find their place, even for the workplace. Do people have to participate in their professions? What does leaving such a participation rely on? Their own natures to put their cause elsewhere for more natural effect. Can doctors be natural? How about teachers? From the original text: “Every being is a doctor or teacher of thyself, and the attempt to place it elsewhere will only contradict their own nature; so it is that the natures of all shall be empowered by cause, by the wisdom of nature, including those who share such wisdom.” 104
Review: A profession is a way of going about life. We do as human beings have natural obligations, and such constitutes our only professions, our natural professions. In any problem, natures are not being fulfilled. Natural professions are that which creates natural effects for natural growth, all done for the happiness and fulfillment of natures, creating natural currency; it is naturally beneficial to everyone; it requires natural energy and natural sacrifice, all thereof natural learning. All professions exist based upon the balance of all things, and such may also be correlated with supply and demand, among other ideas of nature which deal with a goal of natures. Unnatural professions include doing that which is unnatural to do for natures; it is that which creates unnatural effects for unnatural growth, all done for unnatural expectations, desires or attachments, creating unnatural currency; it is not naturally beneficial to everyone; it requires unnatural energy and unnatural sacrifice, whether it be in unnatural health or overexertion or unnatural pressures, all thereof unnatural learning. Inquiry: What professions have you done, within your life? What professions are you currently doing? 105
What would’ve helped you with your past professions? Below, it cannot be acts previously mentioned. If so, they must be clarified. List five examples of that which promotes natural professions, elaborate if you must. List five examples of that which does not promote natural professions, elaborate if you must. What does natural professions look like in the world? Draw or imagine a picture. How can you apply this to your life?
A Guide To Natural Currency Introduction: People will often strive for currency. Sometimes we feel like we need more currency or we have too much, or it’s value can be limited. We need to navigate this. What is money? Are there different forms of money? What is greed? Is money really the root to greed? It’s the mentalities of human beings. What is money and it’s source? Man-made, dependent on humans. What is the source of trade or consumption? Also human beings. What do human beings do for or with money, trade or consumption? They make choices, they utilize their natural abilities or labor to produce things, they provide for people, they give something and get something in return, it is what they do with their time and place. Is it the fault of human beings or the fault of money, for the corruption of human beings? It is human beings giving permissibility to the denaturing. There is no greater reason for all things, than nature. Are there mediums in the way of you achieving what fulfills you in this life? Think of what money is supposed to provide, why do we strive for the idea of money? Which is preferable to go for, the medium to our fulfillment or the fulfillment? Is it actually easier to go for the medium? What is consumerism and how does it relate to this? How could somebody overcome consumerism? Are there things we naturally obtain? Why do we want to naturally obtain something? What can we obtain in all things? When we obtain something, are we also providing something for someone else? What is it that we give? Why is it that we 107
give? How does currency relate to professions? Giving and getting the useful, it may be reciprocal like justice. Does it take currency to make currency? Are there things we must obtain? Why is that? Natural currency is that which is natural to obtain. Is it natural to obtain a man made piece of paper? How was it created? Were you involved? What pieces of paper may be more natural to obtain? What you create or actually use. Does the paper have any value itself? Why would all value be determined by the same currency? Is it good to have difference among things? Is there something unique in everything? What would be natural value versus unnatural value? What is the value in professions, natural versus unnatural? Is there any value that has to do with health or happiness? Natural currency is what you obtain from natural professions. Thereof the value of natural currency is purpose, happiness, memory and natural health. When you are to trade with someone, what is the trade dependent upon in relation to value? The offers, fairness, dependent upon individuals. Should this also be reciprocal like justice? What does the phrase “this doesn’t do justice” mean? How does supply and demand work? Is it fair to add intrusion into a trade? What does it mean to say “fruits of your labor”? Does the fruits of our own labor belong to ourselves? If our currency is being taken from us to benefit others, does that make it right? The ends should not justify the means. Take for example: Should someone eat processed sugar to give themself energy? What can we do to stop such justification? What really belongs to you? What is responsibility? What are 108
your responsibilities? How does natural morality affect trade? Is all of life a trade of currency? To reiterate, when we buy, are we also selling? Can we sell ourselves? It is not selling what we have to offer, and it can only be tried. If you attempt to do this, does your nature belong to you? When your nature belongs to you, do you belong to nature? What may be a trade based in unnatural morality? How may governments relate to currency? Should anyone have the mere power over the property of another? How do governments gain their power? By individuals, statism. Therefore, are individuals making a transaction to give power? Is currency involved, whether it be in wealth, knowledge, morality or health? Break down each. How may each of these help in any transaction? What may cause someone to give away their own most natural property and value? Thinking it is natural or essential to do so. What is pretended value? If an individual lacks value within themselves, what does it take and what will they give? What is unnatural currency in relation to natural currency? If many people seek unnatural currency, can you still obtain natural currency? How may somebody lose sight of their own nature? Are consumers of unnatural currency ever naturally fulfilled? Can unnatural things become just as important if not more important than natural things? Think of items people use that they feel like must always be with them; inquiry, how does such items provide them with currency or what currency is necessary for such items. If people place their worth, their own value elsewhere, away from themselves, what happens? If the unnatural suits the unnatural, does that justify it’s existence as a natural unnatural? 109
It’s a contradiction, but we must be aware. What objects have long existed for currency? Natural currency includes natural objects and items, as these may be seen as the most natural mediums, if any, toward the natural value we obtain. Should the value of human beings be measured? Humans are not to be treated as objects, it may be seen as infinite. If an individual persists of much unnatural, does that change their underlying nature? It attempts, but the natural being remains. What is the role of health? Would someone trying to heal another person view them as they are or as what they are to be? How may gold and silver compare to man made paper currencies or technological currencies? Which stands the test of time? How about natural high quality foods versus unnatural lower quality foods? Is nature then desired? It is the only currency. From the original text: “Since it is that natures are required for other natures, so it is then that trade is to be natural, currency is to be natural, what’s required of getting is what’s required of giving and vice versa.” Natural currency provides natural energy and motivation; you’ve got what you’ve long worked for, you’ve gotten the energy necessary for the rest of the day, you’ve obtained the nutrients necessary for natural growth, you’ve met somebody who provides love, you’ve long helped someone who needed it and they will remember you, you’ve done what you enjoyed doing which also helped provide for your family. 110
How could you tell you are doing something for a higher purpose? Natural profession, great benefits. Can you tell you are healthy? Can you tell you have love? Can you tell you feel thankful or grateful? Can you tell you feel charitable, or have created justice? Can you tell you provided for others? How does practice work? What does it mean to say “a body in motion stays in motion”? How can presence help in regards to currency? From the original text: “It is the practice of presence and motion for time and place, being and doing; for it is the one who cannot be if he does not do, just as it is the one who can not do if he does not be.” Why do you feel good after doing a sport or dancing or have gone on an adventure? How does it feel with others? How does it feel to be out in (or closer to) nature? Is it always available as a source? Should people be long apart from nature? How about from their own family? Why is it as such? It’s the constitution of your life. Are there value in all these things? To reiterate, what would determine such a value? If you nourish and defend your nature, do you gain natural currency? Do you always have value? From the original text: “You lose no value because you lose no nature, and you ever gain or use value because you use nature; what you gain in natural value is equivalent to what you use, you thus always have value, it is within yourself.” How did man create so many great inventions? Their great value in natural powers. Why is it that people become 111
amazed? How could it seem like such an achievement? If humans have created many great things, can any currency be greater than human beings? How does unnatural law and government authorities view, claim and treat the value of fellow human beings? No natural currency is greater than the human beings themselves, other than nature itself, for such is why unnatural systems ever deduce their value, their currency and their selves equally as much. Is anyone ever actually “poor”? Only by man-made standards. They are without natures which may not be necessary for them. Can they still obtain natural currency? Can they be “poor” while having a natural profession? Is being poor to the natural more important? That includes having no natural currency or profession. Yet even then, can they be considered poor? They have themselves. What worth do you have to simply have yourself? Potential. Can people see your potential? How can natural morality in another person affect a person with potential or seeking potential? Are we social beings? How can we tell if we need help? Natures in need or natures that are denatured. What comes of importance in our lives? That which needs attention. Upon all this, is money everything? Why do people think it’s everything? The man-made or material world consumes people’s worldview. It is just one thing people have made into everything. Why is it that we can see it is not everything? Our knowing of reality, nature. What really is everything? That of which we truly seek, because “it means everything”, it adds meaning to everything.
All that is good or natural in life takes time, and effort of energy, such constituting attention; taking time and paying attention. Take this very work of questions and answers, of inquiry. Will something of natural value remain to be of natural value if there lacks natural value in those who create it? To reiterate, what is it that we don’t actually want in this life or realize is not so important in our life? Unnatural currency is that which is unnatural to obtain, that with a disregard to or of no natural currency, it is that what you get from your unnatural profession or as by the unnatural systems that be, it includes no inclusion of natural values such as happiness or purpose, it includes obtaining ignorance or mindless-doing with less time or attention in craft, less patience and less freedom or adventure or flexibility, it includes unnatural objects or items and provides unnatural energy or degrading motivations. How does displaying your intent help with your currency? Which comes first, money or life? How can we end humans being corrupted? From the original text: “So it is that you shall make it clear who you are and what you want; you remain present and ready to move, the best worker but no slave at all, you know what you do and do what you know, there’s more to life than money and you realize that first, there’s life; so it is that all shall understand this, then the aggregate corruption of money will be no more as humans will not corrupt themselves to begin; no foundation upon unnatural currency, every foundation upon nature.” 113
In the path of life between profession and currency, from growth to learning, we start and we continue and then we end, but what remains? Nature. In The Path Of All Life From, Of, By, With, For Foundation ~ Nature Nurturing ~ Nature Grounding ~ Nature Review: There is no greater reason for all things, than nature. Natural currency is that which is natural to obtain. Natural currency is what you obtain from natural professions. Thereof the value of natural currency is purpose, happiness, memory and natural health. Natural currency includes natural objects and items, as these may be seen as the most natural mediums, if any, toward the natural value we obtain. Natural currency provides natural energy and motivation; you’ve got what you’ve long worked for, you’ve gotten the energy necessary for the rest of the day, you’ve obtained the nutrients necessary for natural growth, you’ve met somebody who provides love, you’ve long helped someone who needed it and they will remember you, you’ve done what you enjoyed doing which also helped provide for your family.
No natural currency is greater than the human beings themselves, other than nature itself, for such is why unnatural systems ever deduce their value, their currency and their selves equally as much. All that is good or natural in life takes time, and effort of energy, such constituting attention; taking time and paying attention. Unnatural currency is that which is unnatural to obtain, that with a disregard to or of no natural currency, it is that what you get from your unnatural profession or as by the unnatural systems that be, it includes no inclusion of natural values such as happiness or purpose, it includes obtaining ignorance or mindless-doing with less time or attention in craft, less patience and less freedom or adventure or flexibility, it includes unnatural objects or items and provides unnatural energy or degrading motivations. Inquiry: What currency have you gotten, within your life? What currencies are you currently partaking in? What would’ve or what does help you with your currency? How much do you love currency? Below, it cannot be acts previously mentioned. If so, they must be clarified. List five examples of that which promotes natural currency, elaborate if you must.
List five examples of that which does not promote natural currency, elaborate if you must. What does natural currency look like in the world? Draw or imagine a picture. How can you apply this to your life?
A Guide To Natural Religion Introduction: People have had religions. Sometimes we feel like we need religion or that we shouldn’t, it has been controversial in history. We need to navigate this. Can you create without the ability? Can creation exist without a creator? What is required to have hope? If you are in struggle or dire need, what can help? What is required for love? Is your nature required? Does religion have any basis without nature? When you think of religion, what do you think of? Does religion have to mean what some people think it means? Are there any particular figures behind religion? How do they relate to nature? Are there any common themes between religions? Faith, golden rule, sense of morality. What contains all things, including all religions? Is everything created for a reason? Does it actually benefit us to have chaos or evil in existence? To reiterate, how does something grow? What if you feed something that feeds you? You grow and follow nature. What happens when you bring necessary parts together? What is the most unifying? Are these above or below all things? Natural religion is that of the most unifying; to follow nature and grow your nature via natural growth. Should science support our religion? What is science to do? Can we have freedom with our religion? To reiterate, your religion should allow and promote natural growth. Do we know everything? Can faith help us? When does faith become problematic? Is worship required to embrace nature? How does it compare to grounding? How does belief compare to 117
knowledge? How does man made texts compare to an everpresent nature to observe? How does belief compare to faith? How does faith compare to reason? Natural religion is the natural faith based upon reason thereof the human nature. Should the truth be known? How does darkness and light relate to knowledge or ignorance and unknowing? Can we find our way through the darkness, the unknowing, and if so, how? Can we have faith and reason in coexistence? Does this relate to hope? It is to do the best you can to your knowledge. How can higher-goals or higher-purposes relate to faith and reason (how grand is your purpose and are there practical things you can do toward it)? If you are struggling in your life, how can faith help? To persist. If you are struggling, how does your reason help? To configure. Does sharing faith or reason with others help? What is the golden rule and why is it shared among people? If we have reason without faith, what is the issue? If we have faith without reason, what is the issue? What does it mean to ground ourselves? How about grounding in the face of problems? How can this relate to our freedom? We must know it and ground ourselves in it, otherwise we will not be free. Are we just following nature, or are we also proactive to manifest it? What is required? Natural religion includes natural learning about natures. Should people know their own value (should people know how they contribute to the world)? Does knowing the world help in this? Does this relate to knowing the creator or creation alike? How does this relate to you? Does knowing natural law have anything to do with this? Despite the fact we don’t know everything, are there possibilities we may be aware of? Can 118
we ever fully disregard possibilities? Where do we fit into nature, above, below, within? How should we fit among one other? Is faith and reason thus natural to have based upon this? Natural religion is based on natural unity from natural facts. Apart from religion, are there certain things that you share with others? What is common and what is uncommon to accept in culture? Is order a possibility for beings? To reiterate, what gives them the ability to create it? Why would you want to raise a child a certain way? Where is the faith and reason within such raising? How does nature and nurture fit into this? If natural religion appeals to unifying our natures, what is conscience and how does it relate? Take a scenario of two peoples who want no problems, or two peoples who create love together, or two peoples who share knowledge together for a common sense. Ask yourself, would you let nature or the natural be your religion? How about true or natural love? How about helpful or natural knowledge? Does man-made material have to represent this? What’s the problem if it does? How about man-made or unnatural currency? Can we replace the word god or any name thereof with something that represents each? Natural religion is to help provide natural currency, it shall have no doing with unnatural currency. How can seeing the light in others help us? What if darkness is ever present in the world? Are there greater reasons or faiths for our faith or reason? Natural currency for natural currency. How easy should religion be for us? Should we be 119
indoctrinated into it? Should our knowledge and actions be consistent? Should individuals care to do so? Must we align to the truth? Must we use our nature? To reiterate, should it be natural for us to seek out in doing the natural? Natural religion shall come natural to natural beings, of which it is individuals toward nature, for natures; it is based upon natural law and natural morality; so it is that we are of natural law and must align to natural law, just as it is we are of natural morality and must utilize natural morality; such a consistency of attraction constitutes natural religion. How does faith and reason as such relate to the natural law principle of correspondence? That of which is above is for knowing all that we do that is below. Is natural law then in-part our natural religion? What if it’s man’s law? It’s unnatural religion. Can natural morality be twisted as instead of guiding, being misguiding? Where do you see religion goes wrong, understanding how natural religion may operate? From the original text: “Religion only goes wrong when people are not being educated and instead are being controlled; but that makes it a school, and one of thought, not a religion, the same with politics and science.” Expand upon this, what problems are there with man made religions? Do man made religions conflict with one another? Are they open to possibility? Do they assist an individual’s own truth discovery process (are they of natural learning)? Are their systems imposed, related to that of government? Is 120
the belief in government a man made religion? Is it divisive or does it unite peoples? How does man attempt to be god? What comes to such an agenda’s aid? How does technology and deception fit into the picture? Can history tell us of the impact of religions, if so, what do we learn? Unnatural religion is the unnatural faith based not on reason, therefore it may consist of pure belief or worship, imposition and propaganda, for no emphasis on the learning natures of knowledge, therefore including unnatural learning, unnatural unity via division and sects as also shown by the history of many wars, the use of unnatural facts including that of people and places of no current presence; such having an emphasis for unnatural currency or a disregard for individual natural currency, it is individuals shaping nature accordingly to their man made belief systems and texts and therefore losing roots with the natural thereof the may-it-be-called kingdom of natural freedom, it is based on unnatural law or unnatural morality, or with a disregard toward natural law or natural morality. Is there a disregard for natural authority, in unnatural religion? What is natural authority? How does this relate to statism and unnatural law? Why is it that people may not like to talk about politics or religion? Do they still engage in these? How do they develop? Can science be a religion? When does it become unnatural and when is it natural? Do we recognize natural intelligence in the world? Can truth be our very religion? Is there anything we may best know that can hold all the truth? Can you have none and all religions simultaneously? How can we develop a relationship with our world or the truth? From the original text: 121
“If you give love to your body, your body will give love back to you; if you give to your knowledge of nature, your knowledge of nature will give to you; truth is the religion which all religions claim to seek, but the only religion of which nature can bear, and thus one may speak of no and all religion; for no amount of unnatural power can beat the natural powers, that of morality and knowledge of truth.” Review: Natural religion is that of the most unifying; to follow nature and grow your nature via natural growth. Natural religion is the natural faith based upon reason thereof the human nature. Natural religion includes natural learning about natures. Natural religion is based on natural unity from natural facts. Natural religion is to help provide natural currency, it shall have no doing with unnatural currency. Natural religion shall come natural to natural beings, of which it is individuals toward nature, for natures; it is based upon natural law and natural morality; so it is that we are of natural law and must align to natural law, just as it is we are of natural morality and must utilize natural morality; such a consistency of attraction constitutes natural religion. Unnatural religion is the unnatural faith based not on reason, therefore it may consist of pure belief or worship, imposition and propaganda, for no emphasis on the learning natures of knowledge, therefore including 122
unnatural learning, unnatural unity via division and sects as also shown by the history of many wars, the use of unnatural facts including that of people and places of no current presence; such having an emphasis for unnatural currency or a disregard for individual natural currency, it is individuals shaping nature accordingly to their man made belief systems and texts and therefore losing roots with the natural thereof the may-it-be-called kingdom of natural freedom, it is based on unnatural law or unnatural morality, or with a disregard toward natural law or natural morality. Inquiry: What religions have you had, within your life? What religions are you currently partaking in? Should religion be bet out? Why and how? Below, it cannot be acts previously mentioned. If so, they must be clarified. List five examples of that which promotes natural religion, elaborate if you must. List five examples of that which does not promote natural religion, elaborate if you must. What does natural religion look like in the world? Draw or imagine a picture. How can you apply this to your life? Extra Notes: “Man is the most insane species. He worships an invisible God and destroys a visible Nature. Unaware that the Nature 123
he is destroying is this God he is worshipping.” – Hubert Reeves
A Guide To Natural Health Introduction: People have their own health. Sometimes we feel like we need to be healthy or that we shouldn’t care so much, it is a popular demand and people grow confused as to what to do. We need to navigate this. What is health (when you hear of health, what do you think)? What does health mean in Latin? Whole. Can you have health without care? How about care without health? What is required to have health? Can anything be destroyed within nature? If we say the world is in peril, what does that mean for the health of the world? How would it become in peril? Why would we question nature itself? Living in an illusion, a nature or world unknown. Could we say a world destroyed or unknown is a world denatured? What would a denatured world look like? Instability, confusion. What does disease mean? Is there a way to put nature at ease? Take it easy. Does this help us create a natural balance? Will the state of the world affect how people respond and react to events, or how their mentality and emotional state is? How will people react if the world is on fire? How about if the world is of a vibrant nature recognized? If you are able to control how you react, does that give you any advantage? How does it affect your health? Can we thus correlate selfcontrol and health? Is it easier to heal then when we embrace our nature? It is within our power to heal, our nature allows it. How do we embrace our nature? Does attaining the natural nature have anything to do with attaining health? It is health you should have. Think of a baby being born, why is it that the bodily systems are all formed in a particular order? How does 125
this relate to natural learning? Can people create health for other people? Is there any work on part of the individual, if so, why is that? Without your nature intact, will it be harder to heal? Disease is harder to ease. The word heal is in health, why is that? It takes time. Should we focus on prevention or treatment in health? If something claims to heal us, what would be a measure of it’s healing? If someone grows into this world with everything they need, not excess or deficiency, is this natural for their nature? If we do have excess or deficiency, is that health? Can we function or express our natures? How can function represent the less or more, healthy or natural? Natural health is the natural condition of well-being, the alignment or fulfillment of natures, the blueprint that is able for natural effects; for it is with health, can any nature function, it is what provides natural effect and is benefited from natural effect. To reiterate, what happens when we care for something? It gets nurtured. Does health have anything to do with our religion or way of living? What are some exact examples of how we can create natural health? How does health have to do with conditions or environments? How does conditioning work? Natural health is the natural religion of the body, to care for it so to receive care back, to achieve able function, even more optimized through the use of natural diet or exercise alike; it is always coexistent with natural environments; conditions for conditions, such constituting conditioning, as you would condition your body toward or away certain forms and types of health. 126
How does garbage going in contribute to garbage going out? Why would conditioning be used? By who may it be used by? How does dependence fit into conditioning? How may health relate to law? Think of the micro and macro or the principles. Is the health of the body reflective for the world? Natural law governs to create natural health in the macro, and so with it, there are laws that govern the health of the body for the micro. Are there blueprints in everything? Think of genetics, how fundamental is it? What happens if we don’t respect this? What does it mean to say a nature is at question? What if people tamper with the natural, what are they doing, referring to our previous concepts? It’s an appeal to denature. To reiterate, what does one do when they make this appeal? For if this is a war, does anyone benefit in war? Can anyone then benefit in the unnatural aggregate? What is humanity without natural health? Are we still human? That of which is no is that of less, internal and external. What could be identified or treated as a disease? Will nature always redeem or encourage return? Think of a machine who fights back at the humans who’ve created it, it may ever be smart but not conscious, should it be of it’s time and place? Now think of humans, we may ever be conscious but we are not the law which constitutes all consciousness, should we be of our time and place? Is knowing this part of natural health? Think, is it stability, is it ease? To reiterate, there is a time and place for all natural natures, because they belong. Natural health consisting of well-being, is the natural condition in all natural natures; it is that which makes the natures natural, of nature, or the natural-natural. Health is 127
structure, it is status; so without nature equally so without health. Is there need for medicine if we are of good or natural health? This may be said as the condition of being “healthy.” If we did need medicine however, would we need healing? Healing for health. Can we ever not worry about our health while being healthy? Is this healing passively, always, so not to worry about our health? Does this have anything to do with diet? If healing is constant for natural natures, what does that make it? Natural health. How does morality interact thereof health, does it relate to care and does it include yourself? Putting yourself in order so to create order with others. What would you consider a good relationship with others? Is it healthy, and for all peoples? If you can’t love yourself, can you give love to others? Are you to show your love or care? Improve to prove your nature. How is health expressed? Natural growth. Also, when something is healthy, how does it affect growth? How does this relate to the idea of success or optimization? How are the ways we can tell someone is of good health? Which is most important? That people live and are living, they are happy and involved in the healthy. A sign of good health is a sign of good growth; good as natural as healthy as naturally most morally preferable. What would be unnatural health? Relate your definition to the previous definitions. Is medicine needed? What medicine is likely to be promoted in an unnatural world? What medicine is however necessary? Unnatural health is the unnatural condition of well-being, it isn’t health or nature, it is disturbance, disease, the denatured, unable for natural effects and therefore further 128
prone to unnatural effects thereof; it does not coexist with natural environments, therefore creating and coexisting with unnatural environments; it is of an unnatural condition in all unnatural natures; when of unnatural health, there is need for medicine to fix problems and thereof an unnatural world, the unnatural medicine and diets will be promoted. Would there be much care in unnatural health? If there is care, where is it likely to be and does it have to do with morality? External care, unnatural morality. How can one maintain unnatural health? By not providing, by not allowing the natural. When something is known, will it be often seen? Is it hard to un-see? When is truth or healing most needed? When people have awakenings or health breakthroughs, does anything carry with them? Relate this to symbolizing a light in a dark cavern, what if the cavern is really dark? The light will be able to be seen more the darker the cavern. Based upon much of the whole of our world, it’s health, what are signs of an unnatural world? The unnatural health within, among other unnatural signs. Can signs warn us? Are we learning how to prepare ourselves? Does it ever hurt to prepare? Think back to prevention. Are we currently in an unnatural world? How can history help us? Why is health so sought by peoples? Why could it occupy so much of our time? What does it mean to make a diagnosis? What does it mean to look at the big picture? What does it mean to look at the root cause? Which is more important, the big picture or the root cause? The big picture helps you find the root cause, it also helps you not get trapped. How do we do this? We search for and learn from the nature. 129
From the original text: “Health that is naturalized is a beacon to the world because it is nature embraced, the natural government and laws of the body and world in harmony.” Review: Natural health is the natural condition of well-being, the alignment or fulfillment of natures, the blueprint that is able for natural effects; for it is with health, can any nature function, it is what provides natural effect and is benefited from natural effect. Natural health is the natural religion of the body, to care for it so to receive care back, to achieve able function, even more optimized through the use of natural diet or exercise alike; it is always coexistent with natural environments; conditions for conditions, such constituting conditioning, as you would condition your body toward or away certain forms and types of health. Natural law governs to create natural health in the macro, and so with it, there are laws that govern the health of the body for the micro. That of which is no is that of less, internal and external. Natural health consisting of well-being, is the natural condition in all natural natures; it is that which makes the natures natural, of nature, or the natural-natural. Health is structure, it is status; so without nature equally so without health. A sign of good health is a sign of good growth; good as natural as healthy as naturally most morally preferable. 130
Unnatural health is the unnatural condition of well-being, it isn’t health or nature, it is disturbance, disease, the denatured, unable for natural effects and therefore further prone to unnatural effects thereof; it does not coexist with natural environments, therefore creating and coexisting with unnatural environments; it is of an unnatural condition in all unnatural natures; when of unnatural health, there is need for medicine to fix problems and thereof an unnatural world, the unnatural medicine and diets will be promoted. Inquiry: What health status have you had, within your life? What health would you consider yourself to have now? What experiences have others had with their health? Should health ever be ignored? Below, it cannot be acts previously mentioned. If so, they must be clarified. List five examples of that which promotes natural health, elaborate if you must. List five examples of that which does not promote natural health, elaborate if you must. What does natural health look like in the world? Draw or imagine a picture. How can you apply this to your life? Extra Notes: “I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in order.” – John Burroughs 131
A Guide To Natural Diet Introduction: People often go on diets or they already have a diet. Sometimes we feel like we need to use particular diets, but then we don’t know which diet to use or how a diet may work. We need to navigate this. What is a diet? Does a diet have to feel like a diet? How do we decide what to eat? Are we able to adapt? Why might we eat a lot of food? Why might we eat a little food? How about just the right amount? Does diet rely on learning? Does diet concern our own body? Do diets typically consider our own individual body? Observe animals in nature, do they generally know what to eat? What makes animals different from us when it comes to diet? Humans are flexible and complicated as by our nature. Humans are all the same species, so why is it so difficult? We live in different environments, come from different backgrounds, have different upbringings. Let’s think, how much of a role does diet have when it comes to health? It literally creates the body. What other notions do we think of when we think of diet? Nutrition. What do we use nutrients for in our life? Fulfilling processes in the body, creating the body. What is food? What is food supposed to be? The intake of nutrients is fulfilled by the nature of food. Can something be food without nutrition? Let’s recap... Diet consists of what? Food consists of what? Natural health consists of? Diet is of food, food is of nutrition, nutrition is of the natural body; natural diet is of required natural health. To reiterate in a previous reflection, if a statement is true without distinguishing the natural, is it natural? Shifting back to 132
the topic at hand, why might someone be considered healthy with a diet many would consider unnatural, unhealthy or wrong? The key word is to consider, and are we considering all of their lifestyle? Why do we observe the nature of all things and question if they are natural or unnatural? What would it mean for a diet to be natural? Natural diet includes the natural way of eating for one’s own nature; it includes natural learning midst natural facts. Can we learn the time and place of food consumption? Find examples in lifestyle. Can you start to understand what foods are natural to you? What influences your diet? Does your past have an influence? Who is responsible for your health? Translate this responsibility into the terms of natural moral law, is it a natural right to take care of your own body? Why is that? It belongs to you. What happens when you are able to show that responsibility to others? You inspire them. Can they see health in you? What makes people want to go on diets? Does it have to do with trends? Think of how people support other people, do environments support other environments? How about organs with other organs? Why is this? They are connected within the same reality, same macro nature. Should we look at internal environments or external environments? Both. If natural diet is important to determine natural health, what would be important for unnatural systems or unnatural moral people to do? Think again of how health is treated. Would they encourage natural diet? Why is that? For profit or no care, not enough natural knowledge, creating dependencies. How may restriction fit into these? Does diet only include food (what does diet include other than food)? Should a diet provide ease? Should a diet be of ease (easy)? 133
Natural diet is to be akin to that of lifestyle, for if it’s natural and of natural health, it should provide ease and natural effects, not complication or unnatural effects. What foods would be included in a natural diet? What may these foods provide for us as benefit? What does it take to know more of what foods we should consume? Natural learning from natural problems. Natural dieting consists of natural foods, optimal digestion and all that comes with it including energy, immunity alike, as well as optimal nutrition; a natural diet is so that natures shall operate upon and seek natural effects, however such includes learning from natural problems. What are natural foods? Think of some more obviously unnatural foods and compare with other foods. What if a nutritional deficiency is ignored or masked? It contributes to an unnatural problem. Can we ignore or mask unnatural foods? Can people consume foods that are told to them to be healthy or natural? To reiterate, how is natural growth maintained? By learning. How do you maintain health? Learning ensures our very nature maintains. What is malnutrition? What is an example of malnutrition? Unnatural growth. Can disease be related to malnutrition? How does currency relate to diet? Without health, how are peoples lives? Natural diet includes and reaps natural currency. Health is perhaps one of the greatest gifts. Natural diets consist of naturally nutritious natural foods. Can any one diet be legitimately binding upon anyone? Due to it’s dependence upon our natural learning, it cannot. Why is this similar to governments and unnatural law? They are 134
restrictive. Nature must be learned and applied in practice, in health and otherwise. What is the best way to practice change? Be the change. Show good health by being the beacon to others. Can you claim to know of health without nature? What provides ground? Can you claim nature without basing it in nature? Unless you refer to talking about the natures of certain things, you still are talking about nature. Again, you can claim something is natural, but how much can you base such a claim from the evidence in nature? How long has mankind consumed different types of foods? How have plants changed? How have animals changed? Do we consume what we would never usually consume in nature? If we observe the natures of things existence and usage, do we necessarily need to look at nutrition? Is nutrition dependent upon anything? Nutrition, the food, availability, soil and more. Does this inspection go alongside our ease? Should inspection come natural if need be? Does the natural persist? What are the most nutritious foods? Raw living foods. What does this mean? Can bacteria have an impact? How about so-called “phytochemicals”? Are we what we eat? Are we what we think? Are we what we do? Life for life, nature for nature. Is something being raw considered to be in the most natural form? What happens to food when we apply heat? Lose bacteria, lose nutrients, can cause harmful compounds (carcinogens), or can help with digestion and therefore nutrition. What makes people look at heat as essential? Conditioning (just as people can also be conditioned to raw foods) or different foods with different natures upon different peoples. Are people currently conditioned to have certain foods in certain ways? Why might people want to condition other peoples with food? To sell diets or restaurants or products, to affect lifestyle one way or another, or even to 135
distract. Should life be all about food? Do we have to worry of consumerism in diet? What would be opposite of consumerism? Conscious intake. How can we learn from both plants and animals? How we harvest, how we prepare, how we share and/or how we consume, then how we digest. How is juicing helpful? Is juicing similar to any natural nature? Our teeth grinding food, extracting nutrients. Does juicing help enhance our natural natures? Is this why it’s helpful? It also gets rid of indigestible fibers, therefore helping digestion (assimilation or absorption) of nutrients. What is fermentation? Why is this helpful and how does it assist natural natures? It provides bacteria, helps our gut or microbiome. Think of different dishes that fit the criteria. How have raw meat dishes evolved, do they fit any of this criteria? Optimal nutrition and bacteria, no indigestible fiber. Do we have any conditioning around raw meat products? How long have they been consumed? How do fruits digest for humans? Can we digest nearly any raw animal product? What signs in our very nature tell us what we should eat? Our teeth structure, our stomach and gut structures. If a mother cannot produce breast milk, how can she best provide for her baby? If an individual lives in the arctic with little sunlight to get vitamin D, how can this individual best provide themselves with vitamin D? How do we obtain darker skin? Being exposed to sunlight. What if, with darker skin, we go up north where there is less sun, will this affect us at all? Vitamin D absorption will be affected, the skin has adapted previously. How do animal fats compare to plant oils? Are animal products more or less processed, more or less man-made than plant products? Observe the natures therein. What more determines how natural any animal or plant product is? The many environments, the diet of the animal or plant itself. In an 136
unnatural world, what would you expect when it comes to practices of all kinds? For example, different types of medicine. What need is there in restoration or the idea of rejuvenation or regeneration? What do these mean? Does such include independence for an individual learning their own natural diet? To reiterate, where is everything you need to learn about nature, found? Not in this writing, but in the teaching, which comes from where? Nature, yourself. Can humankind tell you what to eat? They can only help you. What if humankind is not even helping you? They are not providing a natural currency, profession or religion, it’s a lack of natural morality and contributing to a lack of natural learning. Should you eat accordingly to your bodily needs? What does it mean to use “food as fuel”? How about to “let thy food be thy medicine”? What if you don’t know your bodily needs? You will come to know it when you must, or you may become more conscious of your intake. What if you are continuously denying what you have not tried? Or what if you are denying that of which is claimed to be of your nature? You may lack the necessary natural experimentation. Experimentation then accordance. How much must you evaluate your-self? Why do we do this? To not let the unnatural take hold of our natural life. The questions like: Are we following a certain trend? Are we trying to maintain a certain image? Are we just continuing what we’ve done? Are we stuck in an unnatural religion? What does presence mean? How does it relate to grounding? Defending what you know to be natural. Let’s now relate this to the seen-need for exercise. Are we active if we are not exercising our body? How about our rights? The question is rather if it’s accordingly to nature. 137
However, let’s explore why this is once-more. If you become overactive, what happens? If you become inactive, what happens? We must learn, present as grounded, active as exercising. What does this mean though? Take for example, an individual who has cut sugar out of their current unnatural diet and now exercises more natural types of sugars, they learned and they grounded themselves for what to learn next. So they are present but remain moving, this cycle repeats for natural diet. How much help would it be for this individual to have others who motivate them, help them stay present and focused or provide them with more tips? Natural diet is exercise, career, relationships, spirituality alike which all must consist of the natural. When we seek natural forms in all that we do and consume, how does that form us? It helps make our life more natural as a whole, helping to form ourselves into natural form. Can we observe the seemingly unnatural and find natural effects? Effects take time, so should they be taken for granted? How does quantity and quality relate to this? Should one assume a natural diet merely due to the fact it’s not as unnatural as others? Can there exist a competition between the less unnatural and the more unnatural? If hotly contested, is the real or natural solution likely either? Are these questions to tell you what to do? You are the one to answer and find the answers, to ask more questions, to read the questions. Is one food to dictate your life? One diet? They can only be some nourishment, some guidance. The work thereof and without needs you. What is unnatural exercise and in relation to unnatural diet? 138
Unnatural diet is the unnatural way of eating, it includes unnatural learning midst unnatural facts and in creating problems, promoting unnatural health and unnatural growth or suppressing more natural growth, it includes unnatural effects or less natural effects, it includes and reaps unnatural currency, of unnatural supposednutrition or the lacking of nutritive-natures or the presence of unnatural foods or restrictive and imposed dogma. In summary, how can you increasingly get rid of the unnatural foods in your diet? Do you seek to grow food or just obtain food? This is akin to learning knowledge, learning how to eat rather than being told what to eat. From the original text: “Make no appeal to authority nor an appeal to denature, for the appeal to nature asks of no challenge, only integration, so it is you must add in the natural to crowd out the unnatural, manifest your nature with that of the natural foods, so for that of the natural diet, humans ever grow more capable not less, for growth created this and growth created you; what you can create, it’s dependent on what you do.” Review: Diet is of food, food is of nutrition, nutrition is of the natural body; natural diet is of required natural health. Natural diet includes the natural way of eating for one’s own nature; it includes natural learning midst natural facts.
Natural diet is to be akin to that of lifestyle, for if it’s natural and of natural health, it should provide ease and natural effects, not complication or unnatural effects. Natural dieting consists of natural foods, optimal digestion and all that comes with it including energy, immunity alike, as well as optimal nutrition; a natural diet is so that natures shall operate upon and seek natural effects, however such includes learning from natural problems. Natural diet includes and reaps natural currency. Health is perhaps one of the greatest gifts. Natural diets consist of naturally nutritious natural foods. Natural diet is exercise, career, relationships, spirituality alike which all must consist of the natural. Unnatural diet is the unnatural way of eating, it includes unnatural learning midst unnatural facts and in creating problems, promoting unnatural health and unnatural growth or suppressing more natural growth, it includes unnatural effects or less natural effects, it includes and reaps unnatural currency, of unnatural supposednutrition or the lacking of nutritive-natures or the presence of unnatural foods or restrictive and imposed dogma. Inquiry: What diets have you done, within your life? What diet would you consider yourself to have now? What experiences have others had with diets?
Should diet ever be ignored? What diets appeal to you the most in relation to nature? Below, it cannot be acts previously mentioned. If so, they must be clarified. List five examples of that which promotes natural diet, elaborate if you must. List five examples of that which does not promote natural diet, elaborate if you must. What does natural diet look like in the world? Draw or imagine a picture. How can you apply this to your life?
A Guide To Natural Environments Introduction: People live in many different environments. Sometimes we feel like we need certain environments or that our current environment can change in ways we feel like it’s hard to control. We need to navigate this. What is an environment? When we speak of environments, are we referring to one thing? Does it have to do anything with integration? Internal and external? Can we complain about only one part or micro of the macro environment? Does nature respond to humankind? Through the environments we receive as the result of our actions. What if humankind is blaming their own actions in an unnatural world? Is it always worth the blame? Are there environments worth considering from the past? Are there environments higher than other environments? Can these teach of us of the present or future? When natures are not in harmony with one another, do they continue to exist? Does this relate to health? If humans are out of harmony with their environments, will it be easier or harder for them to live in those environments? Would it be important for humans to abide to natural environments foremost? It is the environment above any unnatural environments. How would a disharmony take place? Disregard or lack of understanding. Should we be able to coexist in environments? What if we cannot coexist in environments? If environments support our natures, we can coexist. To reflect, what does it mean for something to support our natures? It promotes natural health, natural learning. What shall we do if we cannot coexist? Natural learning must take place of the problems, so not to create more unnatural problems. What does it mean to have natural immunity in the 142
body? Immunity means you cannot be violated upon. How about in the mind? How do you attain such natural immunity? What would be unnatural immunity? How does this relate to learning or health? If you optimize your environment so to be most natural, would you say that is creating natural immunity? If there exists a problem in the external world environment, what could you best do? Control your internal world environment. What does it mean to defend yourself? How about to own yourself? Does this relate to immunity? What does prevention mean in light of environments? What does it mean to prevent the aggregation or continuance of evil? Can the cycles of the world be prevented or changed? It relies on the environments of all. Connect the idea of law to health to freedom to environments. Definitively, what are natural environments? Law governs every condition, health brings status to every condition, freedom brings choice to every condition and the natural conditions of natures are the natural environments; it includes the internal and external. Think of natural environments, what comes to mind? What do natural environments include? A variety of natural bacteria and life. Without these components within the environment, what would life be like? Is it of the nature of life to have these components? Should mankind manipulate life? What is it that mankind should do? Integrate with and aggregate already existent natural life. To reiterate, when we ferment a food, what is happening? Is there a certain environment required? How much does it assist our natural diet? Is a certain environment created? How is the bacteria ever lost? Is a natural food natural without it’s natural environment? What would be it’s natural environment? All that is within it, the 143
package of nutrition, integrative and complimentary. Simultaneously, can there exist a natural environment without natural sustenance or food? What is it that natural environments provide? Natural environments provide natural effects, as by natural health alike; it must be embraced for all natural growth, as by natural learning. What does it mean to be a natural truth seeker? May it be someone who seeks the natural environment, beyond all environments? May it be someone who is trying to find out the nature of what’s going on or what has occurred? If we understand natural effects, what are some ways we can describe what natural environments do? They naturalize, nourish, nurture, help teach us. What may be more practical examples of natural environments? Natural beauty, clearer, stable or natural minds, healthy or fresh air. Is anything in nature really “dirty” or “clean”? Do natural problems within natural environments overwhelm us? What would cause confusion or overwhelming pressure? Unnatural environments or unnatural problems alike. Let us observe the nature of natural beauty, what is at question? Natural health and natural morality. What happens to our health or reflective beauty if we are constantly overwhelmed or confused? What if we are to look at that of natural minds? Can we look at it the same as natural beauty? It’s all environments. Nature is within itself recognized as beautiful and healthy when nurtured, is it not? The care is mutual or integrative. Therefore, is it that love is the most care-full? How important is it that love is indeed mutual or integrative? Otherwise it is not love and it cannot grow. What does love do to the environments of all? It is the creator of living natures. Without care, do you still care about 144
certain things? You may care about not having any care. Is care generative (does care produce for our life)? Can we produce anything we want without care? To reiterate, how important is love or care when it comes to health or morality? Can we say love is as much as nature? It is just another nature, but how important is it? If it is what produces, it is what all natural natures depend on, the reason of reason. Can words really describe love? How about nature? Which one leaves more room? No words can naturally describe these. How may this relate to the concept of the heart versus the brain? To reiterate, what is the goal of the nature of human beings? To thrive. Does it help to have environments that support this? What does it mean for you to thrive? May you relate it to health, it means to be able. Are we response-able? How should we react to the environments brought upon us? Should we let our internal environment or our own guard down? What does responsibility rely on in relation to environments? That we know of our environments and maintain our natural environments. Is there any more natural environment for ourselves than our own body? Nature. What if people attach to environments outside of themself? They may succumb to their own discontent. Do people forget of themself? Will peoples ever be content or have enough if they lack themself? Is it a coincidence that forgetting coincides with lacking? Knowledge helps us know the natural. In order for something to be unnatural, we must disregard or lack the natural. How does this relate to natural currency? How does sensitivity or sensuality help when it comes to ourselves and our environments? We become more aware, feeling out our environments more. How does mystery help? To have unending adventure, to know of nature in ways that those who 145
merely perceive or attach would not. Think, who is more likely to explore nature? The curious, those who seek mystery. Does this always include the scientist, physician or teacher? Should it? Think back to natural professions. Can we find our natural profession from finding natural currency, rather than just the other way around? This includes finding purpose, finding out what it is you must really do. Think of the curious and creative child, why are they so? Their mind is open and the world is their playground. When is it that the child becomes a bully? When is it that the child stops being the bully? When is it that the child stops being bullied? Can knowing what we do persist with having fun or being creative? This is humankind finding themselves within nature, is it not? This is humankind learning the time and place of their own nature, is it not? If people all live together in an unnatural environment, how does it help for few peoples to share nature when it is of need? Natural currency is provided. Does the environment change? Does it take imagination? It helps us vision a new or better world. Is this what is magic? It is the power to create, it is right in the word imagination, may it be something never seen before or previously unimagined. To reiterate, that creation depends upon what other than natural imagination? Knowledge, care. What do you think resembles magic in the world? Technology, love, complex systems of nature. Is magic to one, not magic to another? It is a matter if people understand the power being used. Are human beings conscious by nature? Are we to then utilize this nature? Then are we to be aware, sensitive and of imagination? Would this help us create natural environments? If peoples live in a natural environment, that is environments that support their natures, what if there are few within who want to disrupt such a harmony? What does their disruption depend upon? It ultimately depends on the unnatural seemingly natural. How 146
would evil be accepted by peoples? By making it normalized, disconnecting the natural natures of people with the natural, unnatural law. They can use the same natural facilities toward a different end or goal, but how would it be at the expense of others? If those others don’t use their natural facilities or powers, as by unnatural morality, or the lack of care or imagination alike. How may environments relate to reciprocity and sharing? If there exists something we may say is “dark magic”, may it be deceiving knowledge, or creating for control or slavery, what does this create? Is it a natural environment for peoples to live in? It is an unnatural environment. How can we describe what unnatural environments are? Unnatural environments are the unnatural conditions of natures as because of the aggregation of the unnatural; it includes unnatural bacteria or a lack of variety in both natural bacteria and natural life; it provides unnatural effects and thereof unnatural health; it is embraced for that of unnatural growth or the lack of natural growth, all via unnatural learning or the lack of natural learning. Based on what we spoke of previously, what are some signs of unnatural environments? Distress, disease, unfulfillment. If you want to change yourself, where do you start? If you want to change the world, where do you start? You can only start with yourself and nature, both of one another. In order to not ignore nature, is it necessary to not ignore others? Their nature is among yours, it contributes to yours, the environment is shared. From the original text:
“Life is all of ours to share, and creating naturalizing environments starts with nature and ends with nature, always; so always you will all be, if you will be always of all, of all the always.” Review: Law governs every condition, health brings status to every condition, freedom brings choice to every condition and the natural conditions of natures are the natural environments; it includes the internal and external. Natural environments provide natural effects, as by natural health alike; it must be embraced for all natural growth, as by natural learning. Unnatural environments are the unnatural conditions of natures as because of the aggregation of the unnatural; it includes unnatural bacteria or a lack of variety in both natural bacteria and natural life; it provides unnatural effects and thereof unnatural health; it is embraced for that of unnatural growth or the lack of natural growth, all via unnatural learning or the lack of natural learning. Inquiry: What environments have you been in, within your life? What environment would you consider yourself to have now? What experiences have others had with environments? Should environment ever be ignored? What environments appeal to you the most in relation to nature? Why is that? 148
Below, it cannot be acts previously mentioned. If so, they must be clarified. List five examples of that which promotes natural environments, elaborate if you must. List five examples of that which does not promote natural environments, elaborate if you must. What does natural environments look like in the world? Draw or imagine a picture. How can you apply this to your life?
A Guide To Natural Medicine Introduction: People use medicine for their health. Sometimes we feel like the medicine we use isn’t working or that we need a better medicine. We need to navigate this. When is the time to heal? When is the time for medicine? What is medicine as opposed to diet? How does time relate to medicine as opposed to diet? There exists a time difference in both existence and usage. Food is passive or continued medicine, that which is consumed often, preventing disease. Medicine is the activated or timely medicine, that of which is not commonly consumed, treating disease. Which is more natural for us to use or be reliant upon? We are to use food as medicine. Remember, food is part of diet. To reiterate, should our focus be on prevention or treatment? Such would be the macro or long-term health. If we treat only one part of health, are we really fulfilling health? Which category does breathing fall under? Can food be timely medicine? If we live in an unnatural world, what type of medicine should we use? To reiterate, if we are of natural diet specifically, is there need for other natural medicine? If we find ourselves utilizing medicine, should we question our diet? Can we utilize a natural diet and utilize unnatural medicine at the same time? Natural health may be at question, diet or lifestyle must again be questioned. Are we to use the unnatural for the natural? Are we to consider all things to the best of our knowledge?
Nature supports nature, and when the means are broken with the ends, we create an unnatural equation, a wrong diagnosis. Does any amount of denaturing justify other forms of denaturing? Does any amount of wrong doing justify other forms of wrong doing? Does any amount of man made problems justify man made treatments? What are signs that we lack prevention or preventative treatments? How do we observe these signs? Through time. Are there man made medicines that have been proven to work for many years? Why is it that they work? They work with the natural. Are they entirely unnatural, then? They produce natural effects. May there still exist more natural things to use for more natural effects, or for the same function? How dangerous is mixing truth with lies? It’s harder to detect lies, it may make the unnatural seemingly natural. What do lies depend upon? Ignorance. What should humans treat as their most valuable currency? Their life, their body, families, the world. Should this currency depend upon an unnatural currency? In relation to pharmaceuticals or man made medicine, what would be the best business model for profit? Dependence. Can it ever be natural? Would this business persist if the world was healthy? Will there always be people in need of health? If people knew what to do, would such a business exist so much? Should people best heal themselves? Why do we want to help others? Natural morality. When we help others, what are we to do so not to be of unnatural morality or law? Facilitate, guide, not tell what to do. Do people need honesty in health, among other things? What does it mean to have honest help? What if businesses sought out nature or honest help? Would there be variety, herbalists and practitioners of all kinds? Would there be dependence on the “experts”? Compare 151
influencers and businesses with governments, how do they differ? Influencers and businesses can be thereof natural morality, they don’t operate by unnatural law, they don’t need dependence. What does doctor mean in Latin? Teacher. What is a natural leader or governor to do, also as by their word origins? Guide, teach. What is the role and responsibility of practitioners and teachers among teaching or guiding? Think about healing the body, what are you to do? To seek the whole and root. Should only one thing be natural? Would that be health? To reiterate, if medicine is merely to be education, of the body or individual, what is the education about? Nature, natural learning. Can we speak of what should be without speaking of what should not be? What should not be? What does not encourage natural learning? That which imposes, unnatural law, government, that which disregards or lacks nature. Do peoples in the field of medicine or education speak of the nature of government, law, slavery or statism? Is not freeing the world from slavery an act toward natural health, natural currency or natural environment? Can we really treat the micro individual with a disregard to the macro world the individual lives in? What is germ theory versus terrain theory? Terrain theory considers the environment, germ theory considers the individual; which is preventative? To reiterate, both the micro and macro are essential toward each other. Are fields of medicine dependent upon systems of unnatural law? It is the nature of unnatural law to create systems for the denatured or unnatural. What does it mean to be dependent? What are you to be dependent toward? Will medicine ever be truly healing in a system of unnatural law? Can a slave be healthy but not as healthy as they can be, not of natural health? Again, does anyone deserve to be a slave? Is it a surprise people in the aggregate 152
may become increasingly unhealthy in unnatural law systems (governments)? Is it a surprise their freedoms seem to be going away? Is it people’s fault? Can we blame the slave for their own slavery? In part, they are compliant. Again, why do we learn and are we to grow? Humanity must evolve. Do we want to live longer, healthier lives? Do we want to build natural immunity? Practitioners can do great work, but is there greater work to achieve? Does it relate to the evolution of humanity? Does it relate to prevention? If you live in an unnatural environment with some natural medicine, do you really have the medicine you need or are destined to have? What’s the importance in destiny? If you are healing from a disease, what mentality or support is important? How does insecurity affect people? Why might people feel powerless? If you have no freedom, do you have the ability of choice when it comes to your health? If you don’t have such an ability, do you have your humanity? What is the medicine to this? How can we best define natural medicine? Natural medicine is the use of natural natures for natural health; the use of natural medicine is provided by natural effects; it may be considered thereof a natural diet; it includes special or synergistic natural natures at use, may it be people, foods, herbs, etc.; it consists of recognizable naturopathic principles; it is best provided by natural learning; it will revamp a natural currency. If we are of poor natural health, what else are we then poor of? Natural wealth, natural currency. Natural wealth is as so natural health. Can we speak of health without mentioning nature? We fail to see the blueprint given by nature, we lack perspective, we may fall to other’s perspectives. Can any full diagnosis be made without knowing the natural? To reiterate, 153
what does diagnosis mean? Through way of knowledge. Can we proceed with surgery without knowing anatomy? It would not seem so safe, natural, good or healthy. Is it medicine to know what should be done? Is it medicine to have people helping to support your natures with you? If you attain the knowledge of the natural and unnatural passively as your daily food, will you need of medicine? Are you likely to get hurt? Prevention must be learned. What’s the problem with too many diseases? What’s the problem with too many questions? Does it help to have a constant answer? Think of the diet that prevents most disease, or the answer which answers most questions. If you understand the natural, is nature the answer? Will you be more in control of your natural currency? What benefits are there to knowing yourself, your nature? If you don’t know yourself, what do you need? Are there things which would not help you know yourself? What would be unnatural medicine? Unnatural medicine takes hold in the base of treatment with the lacking of prevention; it is the use of unnatural natures for unnatural health, provided by unnatural effects; it is the many man made unnatural diets, modified substances or medicines, often said as drugs and in that of dependence, unnatural plants, people etc.; it often includes unnatural substances tackling one or few issues not synergistic and thereof unnatural labproduction, with pharmaceutical business dependence; it consists of centralized forms of medicine akin to that of unnatural law and unnatural morality, unfocused on individual-care and lacking in natural guiding principles for it’s ground; it is best provided by unnatural learning and it will revamp an unnatural currency, often focused upon unnatural manifestos in continuous cycles. 154
What does it mean to be your own physician or doctor? Are you expressing yourself if you don’t know yourself? Can you defend yourself if you don’t know yourself? Can you facilitate yourself? Use your nature to not lose your nature. From the original text: “To be your own physician, administer your own medicine, is to have the right, natural and moral medicine, as is diet and freedom at large, akin to the farmer and the land he shall raise; it is one of which a natural practitioner would create, for they are simply a facilitator of nature, as is for your nature, as you facilitate your nature and with nature; to be of natural medicine is to be of natural health, and so it is to be of integration and function, the naturalization, we all need, we all shall ever have.” Review: Food is passive or continued medicine, that which is consumed often, preventing disease. Medicine is the activated or timely medicine, that of which is not commonly consumed, treating disease. Nature supports nature, and when the means are broken with the ends, we create an unnatural equation, a wrong diagnosis. Natural medicine is the use of natural natures for natural health; the use of natural medicine is provided by natural effects; it may be considered thereof a natural diet; it includes special or synergistic natural natures at use, may it be people, foods, herbs, etc.; it consists of
recognizable naturopathic principles; it is best provided by natural learning; it will revamp a natural currency. Unnatural medicine takes hold in the base of treatment with the lacking of prevention; it is the use of unnatural natures for unnatural health, provided by unnatural effects; it is the many man made unnatural diets, modified substances or medicines, often said as drugs and in that of dependence, unnatural plants, people etc.; it often includes unnatural substances tackling one or few issues not synergistic and thereof unnatural labproduction, with pharmaceutical business dependence; it consists of centralized forms of medicine akin to that of unnatural law and unnatural morality, unfocused on individual-care and lacking in natural guiding principles for it’s ground; it is best provided by unnatural learning and it will revamp an unnatural currency, often focused upon unnatural manifestos in continuous cycles. Inquiry: What medicine have you used, within your life? What medicine do you currently use? What medicine have others used? Should medicine ever be ignored? What medicines appeal to you the most in relation to nature? Why is that? Below, it cannot be acts previously mentioned. If so, they must be clarified.
List five examples of that which promotes natural medicine, elaborate if you must. List five examples of that which does not promote natural medicine, elaborate if you must. What does natural medicine look like in the world? Draw or imagine a picture. How can you apply this to your life?
A Guide To Naturopathic Principles Introduction: People may use principles to help guide their medicine practice. Sometimes we feel like the medicine we use needs principles or that we need a better principles. We need to navigate this. If we are practicing medicine, what are we also practicing? Solving problems, natural heath. To reiterate, what calls for greater natural medicine? What are principles? How do principles help us? What does nature consist of based on our previous understandings? Does it help to ground our knowledge? How may principles differentiate from laws? Add in the natural to this distinction. For in the principles and laws of nature, what role does medicine have? To put these into practice and recognition. What does it mean to practice? Are there any fields of specific study or practice within natural medicine? Homeopathy, functional medicine, regenerative medicine, naturopathic medicine alike. What does naturopathy mean? Break it down, it means “path of nature.” Does this relate to purpose, intent or natural morality? To reiterate, is there a problem speaking of medicine without mentioning or regarding nature? It may give room to the unnatural. Think figuratively, why would there be room for something in regards to health? It means we are missing something. What fields of medicine are not so considered natural? Are there any fields of medicine that many people see as problematic or confusing, creating dependence or unnatural learning, disregarding nature? Allopathic.
There exists naturopathic principles to learn from that distinguishes natural medicine from unnatural medicine. Naturopathic principles constitutes the practice of natural medicine, in other words, an application of natural medicine; may it also be said as a natural practice or application, the six principles are to be universal, practical and timeless as of the natural law of the human bodily natural health. The first principle is “first, do no harm.” What does this mean? How may we learn this principle? How may it concern with natural effects? Is it possible to prevent all harm? What does it mean to optimize health? What does it mean to minimize risk of side-effects? What should be used first when it comes to treating a problem? What should be used as the last-resort? Can we harm unintentionally, if so, why can that be? What does it mean to work with one’s own nature? Should any harm anywhere be done? If someone is hesitant to do something, what should they do? How does having options or choices relate to freedom and health? The second principle is “the healing power of nature.” What does this mean? How may we learn this principle? Does this have to do with recognition? What is of this power within nature? Are there specific processes? Self-healing, order, intelligence. How do we find out about these powers? Reason, consciousness. How do we find out our potential? How do we invoke or activate the healing power of nature? Naturalization; add in the good, natural effects with natural learning or remove that which inhibits the natural, the bad. Should we remove problems or add in solutions? Should this process be gradual? What should be the intensity or rate of 159
which we do this? Relate this notion to environments, what is it that people shall do internally and externally? Utilize the natural for their natural natures. Is it just the wisdom of nature that is to be sought? Do our bodies have healing power? The wisdom of human nature is part of nature. The third principle is “identify and treat the causes.” What does this mean? How may we learn this principle? Should we simply be treating the symptoms of problems? What if we are, what’s wrong with that? We must look at the causes, or problems will keep occurring. Use hydration as an example, why might someone not feel so hydrated even if they are drinking water? Such individual may need minerals or electrolytes, or the problem is elsewhere. Let us use energy as an example, why might someone feel like they don’t have much energy? What if they are dependent upon caffeine for their energy? Why might someone feel back pain even if they weren’t doing much? It could be their posture, or maybe not enough circulation. Can this identification and treatment toward causes help us understand natural law? For the individual body and the individual foods, or in learning of the environments. How does ignorance of causes relate to the nature of problems? They are further aggregated into unnatural problems. Does it matter if the effects or symptoms of the cause are entirely managed or eliminated? How do we know the nature of something to begin with? We observe cause and effect. Why is it that a physician or detective is considered practiced or an expert? They have dealt with many cases. How about a martial artist or experienced fighter? They have fought many fights. Does it become easier to predict how cases or fights work? So it is we learn from causes and effects for our own intentional causes and effects.
The fourth principle is “doctor as teacher.” What does this mean? How may we learn this principle? What type of teacher should we be? One that encourages natural learning. Who are the doctors? Who else other than doctors can fulfill this role? Should one want to teach? Is it better to just tell people what to do? Is it better to just give an easy answer or solution? Where is the responsibility in this principle? Where is the greatest relationship? Yourself. What are we teaching? Does this relate to other principles? Should an individual take something for their health without knowing their own conditions? Are there any systems which allow for this principle to operate? Are there systems which don’t? How is it that the doctor cannot teach? Does this relate to unnatural professions? How is it that they cannot learn? Is it that a teacher creates a teacher? Does teaching include dependence? What does it mean to empower someone? When you heal someone, what are you doing? When you free someone from slavery, what are you doing? Helping them be their better self, embrace their nature, creating natural attractions. The fifth principle is “treat the whole person.” What does this mean? How may we learn this principle? Is it important to focus on the micro? How about the macro? To reiterate, what does health mean in Latin? Can we apply this principle to more than just people? Should we treat something that is inherently unnatural to exist? Why might we feel like we are wasting our time? Should we be invested into what we are doing? How do we ensure this investment? Natural currency, it has to mean something. Why might looking at the whole of nature help the whole of a person? Natural religion. Is everything connected? To reiterate, does everything exist for a reason? How do we attain a holistic, whole or balanced 161
worldview? How may this relate to the notion of “brain imbalance” that refers to polarities in thinking? The sixth principle is “prevention.” What does this mean? How may we learn this principle? To reiterate, what does immunity mean? The ability to stop the denaturing ability. How may this relate to responsibility? Having the ability to respond, not being the victim. Are we to obtain peak health? Are we to maintain such? What does it mean to have sustainability? Does this mean we never get sick? Does sickness teach us our current status in health? Can you prevent problems in other people’s health, if so, how? Why does medicine and philosophy go back many years? Have these been predictive? Do they influence each other? Does having knowledge others do not have give an advantage? How does this principle relate to knowing nature? How powerful is it to have just one individual who applies this knowledge? Where does prevention start? Where all actions start, at causation. Does causation and prevention relate to reason? We must use our reason among the reasons for why something occurs. Do these principles make sense to you? Are you obligated to follow these, if so, how? Are these principles present or past in any part of your life? How does it help to recognize this? For others, or doing it more-so, to be conscious. What does it mean to follow nature? To learn from it and achieve practice of principles or natural laws. What does it mean to be a wizard in the sense of wisdom? If an individual wants to do the opposite of the naturopathic principles, what path are they following? What are they appealing to? They are making an appeal to denature. If we are to observe the naturopathic principles, what would be the denaturopathic or unnatural health principles? 162
Unnatural health principles are to first do harm, utilize the power of man made medicine, identify and treat symptoms of causes, dictate over choice thereof no education, treat only parts of the whole and maintain treatment over prevention. Why would people utilize unnatural health principles at all? Do people choose to do so? Do they know they are doing so? Think of the path, are you following your own, or somebody else’s? Are you in control of your own path? How was your path formed? From the original text: “If we are to follow a path, do we follow the one only we or others created or the one of all that leads us to fundamental understandings that can and will be known with use of the natural natures; so it is that naturopathy is inevitable.” Review: Naturopathic principles constitutes the practice of natural medicine, in other words, an application of natural medicine; may it also be said as a natural practice or application, the six principles are to be universal, practical and timeless as of the natural law of the human bodily natural health. The first principle is “first, do no harm.” The second principle is “the healing power of nature.” The third principle is “identify and treat the causes.” The fourth principle is “doctor as teacher.”
The fifth principle is “treat the whole person.” The sixth principle is “prevention.” Unnatural health principles are to first do harm, utilize the power of man made medicine, identify and treat symptoms of causes, dictate over choice thereof no education, treat only parts of the whole and maintain treatment over prevention. Inquiry: What principles have you used, within your life? What principles do you currently use? What principles have others used? Should principles ever be ignored? What medicine principles appeal to you the most in relation to nature? Why is that? Below, it cannot be acts previously mentioned. If so, they must be clarified. List five examples of that which promotes natural medicine principles, elaborate if you must. List five examples of that which does not promote natural medicine principles, elaborate if you must. What does natural medicine principles look like in the world? Draw or imagine a picture. How can you apply this to your life?
A Guide To Integrative Nutrition Principles Introduction: People may use principles to help guide their diet for health. There may be principles we live by and don’t realize, or principles we have yet to apply. We need to navigate this. If there exists principles for natural medicine, can there be principles for natural diet? Should they relate? To reiterate, what is the difference between healing and health? Are diets always interpreted as diets? Can they become ideologies? Can they take control of people’s life? Does this relate to unnatural religion or unnatural freedom? What is of the natural diet? All and no diets, principles, laws. Is diet even more of a practice than medicine? It is daily medicine. What is the nature of supplementation? It means something is missing, it is man-made, more unnatural. Does it mean diet is lacking? Does that mean the diet is more unnatural or man made? What may we do with our diet if our natural diet is perpetually confused? Would integrative nutrition principles, from the sound of it, come from nature? Should they, in any case? How does the word “integrative” relate to the nature of health? What does nutrition mean in relation to this? Integrative nutrition refers to the practice of natural health dieting. Does helpful mean healthful? Should we talk about food or feelings? Both. What can help an individual on their own path toward their own natural diet? Guides. If another individual 165
helps a different individual with their own natural diet, why would that be? What if many people through different means achieve a similar desired result in health? Principles are at play, natures understood. How can health be maintained? Maintaining the principles that helped them, paying attention to the natures. Is experimentation and learning involved? What does it mean to be flexible with diet? The first principle is “bio-individuality.” What does this mean? How may we learn this principle? Does any one program or ideology work for everyone? Should ways of eating be imposed or persuaded upon people? What is a better way to help others? How should people express or exercise their bio-individuality? Natural experimentation. Can what is shared with individuals resonate with them? Should people copy other’s way of eating? They still must take into account their self. What other things than diet do people naturally differ on? Outfits, preferences, talents, music, cultures, environments. What things do people share or similarly desire? Laws, principles. Does this relate to integration? What creates order in the world? What creates order in the body? Can people unify upon difference? Is there a base nature to this life? Even if you think it’s randomized, there is a blueprint. What does it mean to give room for nature or other people? What type of change is the best? Prevention, long-term, natural, gradual. Do people generally know what they must do? Why is it then that they don’t do it? They need motivation. Do people want to remain ignorant? Why might someone not listen to their own body? What is the result of this? How is this natural experimentation promoted or aggregated? Outsiders, questions, natural professions and currency.
The second principle is “primary food.” What does this mean? How may we learn this principle? Should diet be limited to just food? Does everything affect our health? Health is everything. What other things are important than just food in our diet? Profession, relationships, spirituality, exercise, sunlight, going in nature, all the natural environments. Does diet have a toll on these other things? Is this integration at work? What binds all these things together that health depends upon? Care, natural currency, attraction. Are you going to have things in your life that affect you negatively? Why might you do so while knowing of it? The third principle is “heal yourself, by yourself – fitting out.” What does this mean? How may we learn this principle? Is natural health a competition? What is the opposite of fitting out? What good is there in fitting out? How about fitting in? What problems come from fitting out? How about fitting in? Does health have to do with identity or image? Is how people externally look, accurate for their internal health? Are there people who have used health for identity or image purposes? Should health help you express yourself? Does expressing yourself help your health? To reiterate, can anyone do the healing for you? Can anyone be responsible for you? They can only help. A question for you, are you in charge of yourself? What does self-healing mean? Are there other things in nature that self-heal and utilize other principles for such? What is part of the process of self-healing? Problems, medicine, experimentation. If you embrace your self-healing, are you embracing your nature? You are in the capacity, it provides natural effects. Are there always people in a worse condition than you? Have they achieved what you wanted to achieve? What is important if you are facing a lot of problems in your path to health? You don’t give up. One way or another, 167
will you be able to help others in or after this process? Everyone, to the physician, to the other people with problems. The fourth principle is “food changes everything.” What does this mean? How may we learn this principle? When we eat something, what happens? From taste to digestion to elimination to reproduction? Nature for nature. Why is it important to talk about health? How about law? It’s always at work, contributes to everything. How does morality relate to diet? Do the two affect each other? What does it mean for health to be regenerative? What about farmland and harvesting? Is regeneration related to integration? How should we treat harm to all things? Time and place, reduction or aggregation. Should we utilize everything in our grasp of the world? In order to do so, what should we make sure to do? How does food impact people’s mood? How about in the presence of others? How does investment work for the making and digestion of food? In the absence of good food and good times, what may occur? Cravings. If the world is unnatural, how will diet be affected? Conversely, how will diet affect the world? Everything changes with food just as food changes with everything. The fifth principle is “geographic proximity - 90/10.” What does this mean? How may we learn this principle? Should people seek out food near them? Should people seek out healing the whole area location of problems within their body rather than just the problems themselves? Should we seek out healing just one part of the world, or a greater part of the world? How does the micro and macro relate to this? The whole and the root? Should we be distracted from the problem? What would be the opposite of distraction? To address the place of concern. How does time relate to this? 168
To utilize your time wisely in addressing the place. How does chakras relate to this? What if you are focusing on the wrong chakra? What if you are doing something you don’t want to do? Do you feel out of place? When we partake in our diet, what does it mean to do our best? What does it mean for our diet to be 90/10 or 95/5? Indulgence, time-to-time doing what you know isn’t so healthy, may it be natural experimentation. Are you perfect? Are you meant to be? Where is beauty found? What if everyone was the same? Are people unique by nature? Do we need to respect people’s boundaries? If many people believe a certain thing you see as wrong, would you want to speak to everyone or just few people? Can we apply the same logic in healing a part of the body when that body lives in an unnatural environment or needs more healing in a greater part? The sixth principle is “crowding out by adding in – eat real, do real, be real.” What does this mean? How may we learn this principle? How does it help to eat real? How about do real? What about be real? How does this relate to freedom? You’re not trying to be something you’re not. What does it mean to want to do real and maintain it? It means you are trying to align to nature. What is the opposite of this reality? How do you stand in the face of it? What do you do to help promote reality in the presence of such? You stand by nature. Do you add in the good, the natural? How do you know what to add in? How do you know what’s real? Natural learning, natural growth. Does this have to do with knowing yourself? How about finding yourself? Should you know what you add in? If you don’t know of health, how will it manifest? How will it ever be an option? Do you know to know? How do you connect the dots? Does this principle have to do at all with optimization? How about sustainability? What if you are 169
being influenced by certain means? Will it shape who you are or what you do? How can you gain control of it? Know what it is and what it does, the why. Figuratively, what is your body? A book, shield, government, filter, machine, garden, subcreator, sub-intelligence, a world. Are we trying to maintain anything with this principle? Our nature, our health, our good. Does this relate to the idea of abolishing? What other strategies exist other than crowding out by adding in? In light of these principles, what would be the opposite of the integrative nutrition or natural diet principles? The disintegrative denaturing principles are that which conforms to collectivism, promotes food or select things over the whole lifestyle, that of dependence for healing, that of which is incomplete in it’s nature of lacking connectivity for recognizing nature, that which treats symptoms or only select things, and that which dictates what to do whether by listed-commands or removal, often not gradual. From the original text: “Nature is as morality, is as health; one without the other is incomplete in our nature; it is integrative as is nutrition, as is principle; one nutrient to the next, one individual to the next, one text to the next, one nature to the next; we may speak of many natures, many principles, many laws, many nutrients, many texts, many peoples but then shall we ever come to know of the same natures within these all, for nature is all.” Review: Integrative nutrition refers to the practice of natural health dieting. 170
The first principle is “bio-individuality.” The second principle is “primary food.” The third principle is “heal yourself, by yourself – fitting out.” The fourth principle is “food changes everything.” The fifth principle is “geographic proximity - 90/10.” The sixth principle is “crowding out by adding in – eat real, do real, be real.” The disintegrative denaturing principles are that which conforms to collectivism, promotes food or select things over the whole lifestyle, that of dependence for healing, that of which is incomplete in it’s nature of lacking connectivity for recognizing nature, that which treats symptoms or only select things, and that which dictates what to do whether by listed-commands or removal, often not gradual. Inquiry: How does your principles relate to other principles in your life? How do medicine and dietary principles relate? Why do others not care to use or recognize principles? How should principles be shared? How should principles not be shared? What natural dietary principles appeal to you the most in relation to nature? Why is that?
Below, it cannot be acts previously mentioned. If so, they must be clarified. List five examples of that which promotes natural diet principles, elaborate if you must. List five examples of that which does not promote natural diet principles, elaborate if you must. What does natural diet principles look like in the world? Draw or imagine a picture. How can you apply this to your life?
A Guide To Natural Attraction Introduction: People may have attractions toward different things in this life. Sometimes we attract what we want, other times we attract what we don’t want. Other people also affect our attractions. We need to navigate this. What is shared within love, change, profession or spirituality? Attraction. What is an attraction? How does it relate to natural law or what some may call the law of attraction? Our actions create the world, the conditions. Will there be the condition of love without being loving? What do we attract in our lives? What we want, what we do. How do we create something? By doing. How does questioning help? We are thinking, reflecting. Why might we create fiction texts or characters? What do elves, orcs or goblins represent? How do they compare to humans? Does characterization of humans into other forms help at all? If somebody attracts the unnatural or treats people or themselves in the unnatural, how may they be represented or seen as? Less human, less natural. Have they attracted away from their own nature? They are denaturing themselves. Should they be merely seen as unnatural or should they be characterized? They are still human, and the characterization helps the imagination realize what we are doing, how we may be acting. Why might we say someone is wrapped in darkness versus light? What do we mean when we say someone has clouded vision? What do we mean if we say someone has lost touch or lost their senses? How may this relate to common sense? What is the role of those who see inhumanity in other humans? To help invoke the humanity within, to help people become more human, fulfill or align their nature. Can this relate to alignment in chiropractic medicine? 173
What is the action of allowing or promoting nature? Naturalization, knowledge, embrace. What does it mean to bring people down to earth? Should we accept imagination as our reality? Should we accept reality without imagination? Is there a time and place for imagination? It is a tool of our minds, to envision and inspire, to do what? Create. Do we know our limits? Do we know the difference between the illusion and the real? What can help us know so? Our reason, our understanding of reality, of the nature of all. What do people hold dear or care about much? Do we care about what we consume? Do people choose to love material or man made things? What is the problem with that? Do they fulfill individuals? What gives love back to the lover? How does love compare in the natural versus the unnatural? Is what is natural really a “thing”? What should mean the most to us? The natural, because it comes from the earth or natural world, it means more. What is the man made based upon, however? Originally, the natural. What would make us the most invested into our man made thing? It has meaning or natural effects and currency we formed with it, we partook in making it with our natural currency and profession. What question remains with this investment, however? How far are we willing to go before we lose the natural roots. If we start with a natural attraction, will it remain? It is up to us, to fulfill the natural in all. Do we live in a world of people versus people, or people with people? When you think of attraction between individuals, what do you think of? To reiterate, are we supposed to be in order among one another? How may this benefit us?
Natural attraction is the natural expression of natural love, that worth putting natural currency into and obtaining natural currency as the result. What does it mean to gain natural currency as the result of our natural attraction? Fulfillment, natural health. Should you always follow what you are naturally attracted toward? Can sugar be used as an example for this? Think of refined sugar versus local and raw sugar cane. Is it essential? Why might one be better than the other? One is more natural, but both may not be so essential. What other factors determine how natural this product is? Exportation. What is it that you shall always follow? What is natural, not just what comes natural. What should however come natural? The natural, this is natural attraction. Should your desire be left unreasoned? To reiterate, how about your imagination? How does this relate to sexuality? What does natural attraction bring to sexuality? Natural sexuality, the art of love and reproduction. Is it in our nature to have all these abilities or powers? What else is potential within our nature? The ability to find change and create it, to realize all of this. How does change or creation operate? How does attraction play into this? It’s always at play. Are these attractions necessary? If you want something to work out, what is you must do? Align yourself toward the attraction, the path. What if you want to attract a natural life at large? You would attract all the natural. What about other people’s attractions? In love, what is required of it’s attraction? That it is mutual, toward one another. How does love relate to similarity? How about difference, what is the time and place? There exists a living between two peoples, where two are able to live as one, where both individuals are able to live among one another. How does this relate to health? Does this help with other attractions? Can attractions be made stronger? 175
How does this relate to receiving help from someone? Does love relate to care? What if love between two peoples is attracting the unnatural, or peoples care to attract the unnatural? Time will tell of truth for the unnatural attraction. Can a relationship between two people get affected by their mutual choices? Is our relationship with nature, including our own, more important than our relationship with others? Both depends upon the other, that too is a relationship. What helps before entering a relationship with others? Being conscious, knowing yourself. How does knowing of natures help your natural attraction of love? It ensures the natural, it forms the path of the path, attraction of the attraction. What is clarity, what does it mean to have direction, or what does it mean to be able to move together with someone in life? The attraction is known, it is thus natural. What does it mean to have natural love based upon this matter? Do you love yourself enough to give love to others? How can you claim to love others without first loving yourself? Are you seeking the natural in all things? You cannot have natural attraction without it, it means to respect all natures. What does it mean to follow your heart? What does this do for your attraction? Creativity, doing what you must do, natural morality, where to share your love. What if you don’t follow your heart? What if you follow figuratively, your other organs? You lose balance. Is the heart always right? It can still be deceived. Can we get carried away by the heart? What is the mind to do in being amongst the heart? The mind must use reason to filter. Are people more often following their heart or not following their heart? Why would an individual do either? How does this relate to natural morality? What’s the problem with doing only what one feels to be right (what may be problematic with moral relativism)? We must also base our 176
actions on knowledge. How may the heart relate to natural religion or the use of faith? Spot the attractions. How does natural environments relate to our understanding of the place of organs, or faith and reason? It helps form the filter and rails spoken about, to uphold natural attraction. Let us think of a healthy family, what attractions may this consist of? A healthy future. Why is it often wise to listen to the elder? What is it that attributes wisdom? The experienced reason. What constitutes experienced reason? What attractions have been made and are in effect, attractions of attractions. What are attractions of attractions? When you think of attraction between an individual and their world, what do you think of? In reflection, should an individual love the world, not just the people of such world? Do we have to love everyone deeply, or can we at least have a base love for their nature? Natural attraction which constitutes natural spirituality or religion; for love is as important as truth and freedom. Break down love in relation to freedom or truth, how do they relate? They are natural. What gives you faith midst this? What you create with love, freedom or truth. What creations keep your natural attraction going? A bond with another, a creation of your own, a child of nature. What gives you great reason to live? These built attractions. Why is it? You have a connection to them. Do they actually give you reason? How much may we learn from parenting? How about any path we take? Why is it that the child is naturally inclined toward nature? Mystery is with them, growth or learning desires attraction, it is a great playground that invigorates all the natural natures or senses. Can man made video games help individuals such as the youth? It can stimulate more exploration of nature or imagination, or that of nature 177
unreachable; it may provide natural effects. Why may we attribute a creator to nature? Are we ourselves creators? Do we create other creators? Through profession and sexuality. Are we natural born creators? We always create. What if our ability to create is suppressed? It may be due to unnatural law or morality, if not health. How do we create? Natural experimentation, with natural freedom. Does anything change at an older age? Our abilities or powers remain. What does it mean to have an inner child? How may we lose ourselves as we get older? Lacking the inner child, we may obtain less faith, grow miserable, unhealthy or have less contributions to humanity. What is unnatural attraction? How does it relate to morality? How about environments? How about health? How about religion or spirituality? Unnatural attraction is the unnatural expression of unnatural love, unnatural sexuality; it is that which lacks alignment or causes nonalignment, dissimilar natures or natural attractions unnaturally inclined toward another; it includes a disregard for the heart or natural morality in for that of imbalance, unnatural balance or immorality, unnatural morality; it is upheld by unnatural environments and may act for that of unnatural health, constituting unnatural religion or the lack thereof natural religion or natural spirituality. What may be the peak of unnatural attraction? Unnatural problems, suicide, democide. Are unnatural problems even a thought in the natural psyche of possibility, for those of natural environments? The natural may leave no room for the unnatural. Why might unnatural problems happen more and more, or at younger and younger ages? Ignorance, the lack of human natural attraction, the unnatural world or aggregations, 178
environments. What if you assume yourself to be of an unnatural psyche or mental health? You still have it within your nature to be of any other nature. Does any current condition define your whole natural nature? How powerful is humanity? If the problems were first created by humans, so can they be reversed? Is there always an attraction awaiting? These are opportunities. What are some examples? Love, professions, or change. What approach should we take toward these? One based in principles, may it be of natural health or medicine. Is there any shame in starting the path? No excuse changes the circumstance. Why do people have shame? Why do people make excuses? What helps escape such? What does it mean to say “it is what it is”? If we act of the natural, are we attracting the natural? Is your connection to nature inevitable? If we are to embrace such, what is it above, when speaking of connections? Can we strengthen the signal? What does it mean to have a signal? To know thyself. When we grow in this world, is sexuality part of us? What would be natural sexuality? Natural sexuality is the process of making one or the process of natural attraction particularly in the love sense. What is necessary for all living things to exist? Reproduction, as part of natural growth. Is there any learning involved for sexuality? Puberty, developed feelings, natural morality, use of natural powers. What does it have to do with morality? How does giving and taking love work? How does health relate to love? How may love relate to time? How may love operate in an unnatural world or environment? Are you responsible for other’s lives and their effects? Not wholly, you can only help or hurt them. To reiterate, what does it mean to help versus 179
what does it mean to hurt? What deserves the highest respect or love? What would hurt the most to lose? What does it mean to respect the self, or the individual? What if we didn’t? What does it mean to respect? Apply it to your body, to others and to nature. Is there a shared theme? How may this relate to natural law? What does the sacred have to do with love? It is that which deserves the highest respect, love we hold dear. How do we lose love, from ourselves to others? What does the unnatural world or unnatural problems teach us in relation to love and the sacred? What does such a teaching have to do with the natural? We are learning to obtain the natural. How is innocence often to attract in an unnatural world? How about curiosity alike? How about mistakes? How do these concepts relate to love? How does technology interfere with these concepts and the idea of love? Let us ask ourselves, is technology being used as a tool or are we being used as a tool of technology? What makes technology dangerous or powerful? Are these problems that can be natural or not made too unnatural? If we persist of a natural attraction and environment, natural experimentation. To reiterate, what does the micro and macro have to do with this? What does it mean to say that love wins? It is a place of consciousness, care. What does it mean to say love is unconditional? How about truth? What should justice be about? How does government and unnatural law treat justice? How do people treat justice otherwise? What is required for justice? How may this relate to the natural moral law? It is learned. What is the opposite of love? Fear. What occurs within ourselves when we are in fear? How does it relate to unnatural morality? If we attract a natural life for ourselves or others, how does self-defense fit into our lives? Is it always necessary to defend with force? 180
How is it that we know just what to do? We evaluate the natures, time and place, we observe natural effects. In summary, how essential is control and responsibility for attraction and sexuality? Otherwise you fall off path, unnatural problems occur. To reiterate, where is the control and responsibility? How do you know you are not in love? How do you know justice has not been made? What does a world look like for which justice has many solutions? What attraction would be shown if there are many problems? Based upon understanding natural sexuality, what is unnatural sexuality? The unnatural attraction and thereof unnatural sexuality, may very well consist of violating natural rights, violating the natural moral law thereof a broken conscience or persisting in mental illness, a lack of maturing, a lack of natural family life, the superficial, forced or fake attraction, may it be materialism or objectifying peoples, a sole reliance on technology for that of natural natures, and that of which is upheld in an unnatural world to where unnatural problems are embraced; unnatural effects of and for unnatural growth, utilized by the lack of natural learning or the use of unnatural learning, unnatural experimentation, by and for unnatural morality, further exemplified by unnatural health. Is following orders for an imagined authority, following natural attraction? Such an authority is not natural unless it is yourself or nature. Is following just one part of you following natural attraction? If you don’t follow the whole of yourself, or the whole of truth, what are you following? Again, relate such back to the heart and mind analogy, and where does the guts come into play? Is love to be entirely submissive? How about dominating? How does this relate to the slave and slave 181
master? What good does innocence provide for people? Sensibility, honesty, less harm, openness. What bad can it provide? If the unnatural takes hold. Where is it that you find your sense to love? Why might someone not want this sense? They may lack innocence, love has hurt them because it wasn’t love. What does real love feel like? Is it therapeutic or medicinal in any way? To care is to create, so what does it mean to really care? Why is some art or music or other creativity so beautiful to peoples? Why would people care to abolish slavery? Do people find a sense of self when love is present? It supports their nature, as it is natural and essential. What comes as the result of people caring about what happens to and around them? Love is sovereignty. Sovereignty is freedom. Is it important to live our lives by moderation? What does moderation mean? What problem is there with moderation? It may not consider the natural. Does this have to do with unnatural balance? How do we learn to live by these understandings? What may we consider this help we receive from learning? Healing, medicine, therapy, natural effects, currency. What is therapy? An act of medicine. If we are to seek therapy, what are the best forms? Or, what is it that therapy ultimately is to do, or does? It helps us learn from ourselves or nature, to do what’s natural. What determines if therapy is to help us attain the natural? If the therapy is natural therapy, following natural medicine and health. To reiterate, what gives us the ability to give therapy to others? A sense of personal therapy, developed natural natures, natural profession. Think of helping yourself or others, what does natural therapy consist of? Morality, tolerance, reason, patience, dialogue, coaching. Why would you want therapy? It 182
is upon your attraction. Does recognition and reminders come across this attraction? Can it act as therapy? Does our body or nature ever give up on us? Why should we then try to give up on it? Can distraction be a therapy? How can it be problematic? We must eventually face the reality. How should confrontation be made, therapeutically? Does reciprocity have to do with this? Does this relate to natural law principles? How does simple dialogue help as therapy? Why might religion be therapeutic for people? For what natural components and effects, it provides purpose and can assist natural learning. Would a reason-able confrontation allow the use of reason? If love is important for this therapy, how does a family or support system or natural environment help? It encourages the natural attraction. If we are in an unnatural world, or people need even greater therapy, what might more obviously help to face the unnatural? Living in nature, or interacting directly with nature and the most natural. Explore the reasons why being in nature may help individuals? It is our roots, being exposed to sunlight, water, the elements. Why might some individuals claim it doesn’t at first? What different lessons can be learned in nature? Survival, the importance of self-reliance or having others, being cautious, treasuring or realizing and recognizing what you have. Which comes first: property, freedom or life? What is the correct order? If therapy helps support life, what is it then that should be a focus? Natural freedom. How would such be attained? Natural ownership. How can we summarize this concept of natural therapy? Natural therapy is akin to natural medicine with that of natural morality and shall come to constitute natural diet or natural karma for natural health.
What does it mean to create order or justice within yourself? Honesty, clarity, the attraction is known, you know yourself and what you do. Can we heal the world with this? If therapy is applied in all places, natures are naturalized. Why might we question ourselves? Is too much of it sign of anything? How about too much external therapy? Why might meditation or deep breathing help people as a practice? Why might we question others? How about those who question us? If therapy is an action, isn’t this a matter of experimentation? Why is it that some people just have to try new things? Why is it that we look for different places to live in? How about different people? Different foods? Is dependence or independence the result? Is uniqueness or normalcy the result? What would unnatural therapy look like? What does it consist of? What does it lack? What does it emphasize? Unnatural therapy, or that of which is not helpful, includes the lack of tolerance, reason and patience, unnatural balance or imbalances and overwhelming complexities, that of distraction or fear and the lack of knowing thyself; it is unreasonable confrontation as by the lack of dialogue, presentation, shared-suspicion, coaching or questions, and awareness, or the presence of violence or subjugation; the core of such constituting the lack of a support system or the lack of natural environments, the presence of unnatural environments, aggregated by living among the denaturing or heavily man-made; in such practice, property is before life and life is before freedom as by the disregard of natural therapy and the emphasis on unnatural currency and unnatural law.
Is life only yours to live? Why does it help to connect everything we talk about? Why would it help to connect humanity? We would it help to connect our purposes, our attractions? If you are directed in life, are you more likely to achieve what you desire? Why is it that you desire? Is attracting nature supposed to be hard? What makes it easier? Would you step ahead unknowing of what’s ahead? Would you ignore what could change everything? Do reflect. What is a life in your control versus life controlling you? From the original text: “May you find your place in time so long as you attract, so long as you remain of your nature; and you may know of all to fit in and fit out, but most importantly, to follow nature’s call and ever have the ability to.” Review: Natural attraction is the natural expression of natural love, that worth putting natural currency into and obtaining natural currency as the result. Natural attraction which constitutes natural spirituality or religion; for love is as important as truth and freedom. Unnatural attraction is the unnatural expression of unnatural love, unnatural sexuality; it is that which lacks alignment or causes nonalignment, dissimilar natures or natural attractions unnaturally inclined toward another; it includes a disregard for the heart or natural morality in for that of imbalance, unnatural balance or immorality, unnatural morality; it is upheld by unnatural environments and may act for that of unnatural health,
constituting unnatural religion or the lack thereof natural religion or natural spirituality. Natural sexuality is the process of making one or the process of natural attraction particularly in the love sense. The unnatural attraction and thereof unnatural sexuality, may very well consist of violating natural rights, violating natural moral law thereof a broken conscience or persisting in mental illness, a lack of maturing, a lack of natural family life, the superficial, forced or fake attraction, may it be materialism or objectifying peoples, a sole reliance on technology for that of natural natures, and that of which is upheld in an unnatural world to where unnatural problems are embraced; unnatural effects of and for unnatural growth, utilized by the lack of natural learning or the use of unnatural learning, unnatural experimentation, by and for unnatural morality, further exemplified by unnatural health. Love is sovereignty. Sovereignty is freedom. Natural therapy is akin to natural medicine with that of natural morality and shall come to constitute natural diet or natural karma for natural health. Unnatural therapy, or that of which is not helpful, includes the lack of tolerance, reason and patience, unnatural balance or imbalances and overwhelming complexities, that of distraction or fear and the lack of knowing thyself; it is unreasonable confrontation as by the lack of dialogue, presentation, shared-suspicion, coaching or questions, and awareness, or the presence of violence or subjugation; the core of such constituting 186
the lack of a support system or the lack of natural environments, the presence of unnatural environments, aggregated by living among the denaturing or heavily man-made; in such practice, property is before life and life is before freedom as by the disregard of natural therapy and the emphasis on unnatural currency and unnatural law. Inquiry: How does attraction currently apply in your life? How about love or sexuality? How about therapy? How should you go about attracting love? How about therapy? What attractions appeal to you the most in relation to nature? Why is that? What do you look for in therapy? Why is that? Below, it cannot be acts previously mentioned. If so, they must be clarified. List five examples of that which promotes natural attraction, elaborate if you must. List five examples of that which does not promote natural attraction, elaborate if you must. What does natural attraction look like in the world? Draw or imagine a picture. How can you apply this to your life?
A Guide To Natural Intelligence Introduction: People have intelligence, and it seems the world at large may have it too. Perhaps there is intelligence we still need to understand. We may feel like we should trust in technology to help us. We need to navigate this. Are we always trying to understand our world? What does it mean to get better and better at it? What do we attain? What is intelligence? Does the universe practice intelligence like we do? What is the intelligence we have? Does it change? How may we evolve our intelligence? Growth or evolution itself, learning. Does intelligence contribute to evolution? What is involution as opposed to evolution? What is an action based in intelligence? What is a material thing based in intelligence? What allows our own intelligence and our ability to gain it? The mind, understanding, reasoning. Based upon these abilities within our nature, what would be natural intelligence? When people speak of artificial intelligence, what do they refer to? What creates artificial intelligence? Do we look at natural intelligence in light of artificial intelligence? Should we always allow artificial intelligence? What tells us of this allowance? Do we really know of our own creations? Why have people warned us about artificial intelligence? What is technology? Can technology be used for good or bad (can technology create natural effects)? So is it that intelligence can be used for good or bad? What is the good or bad dependent upon? Purpose, intent, effects. Do machines think about good or bad? They are programmed. Can humans be programmed like machines? What takes humans out of their programming? Does it involve rising to their higher 188
intelligence? Would natural intelligence thus be higher than artificial intelligence? It is what creates it and allows it. What is it that humans have that machines don’t, that makes it so? Consciousness. What compares between different forms of technology and a machine? Can we come to think artificial intelligence is real or natural? Is this a problem? What is it we should do? We simply must know of this to be responsible, to know the natural and unnatural. What if individuals were to depend upon artificial intelligence? What happens to their nature? They are giving away or disregarding their nature. What happens to artificial intelligence? It aggregates. Does this relate to the idea of unnatural systems or governments? How may this relate to unnatural medicine? How about unnatural problems? What would be more natural forms of technology? Would the user have more control? Would it assist the user? Where would the dependence be? Is natural intelligence at use? Why do we read books? Why do we ask these questions? It is all for our natural intelligence. Therefore, how may we define natural intelligence? Natural intelligence is said as the intelligence natural to natures; it is natural knowledge manifest, so to represent upon natural facts; it consists in the utilization of natural learning. Does natural intelligence need improvement? How does it do so? What does it aim for? Does artificial intelligence need improvement? How does it do so? What does it aim for? Do we understand the relationship between these two forms of intelligence? How about the natural and unnatural? Can we ourselves have unnatural intelligence? How may we define artificial or unnatural intelligence?
Artificial intelligence is the intelligence unnatural to natures. If we come up with a new idea, is it really new? What created that new idea? If we find a better way to do something, is that bad? When would people stop using artificial intelligence? When they recognize the roots must be grown, natural intelligence must be used. Where is the intelligence in deception? Where is the intelligence in problem solving? Why are some problems hard? Can the problem be intelligent, itself? Why would it be so? What do people mean when they say that consciousness must be expanded? What does a world of artificial intelligence without natural intelligence look like? What does a world look like when both are integrated? Are we always learning? To reiterate, how do we learn? If a machine relies on programming, is it natural or unnatural learning? If robotics seem self-aware, does it matter if it is naturally? If we are programmed by nature, are we said to be programmed? We are of the program itself. To reiterate, if we program ourselves into programs that may be much unnatural, are we still programmed to nature? How does this relate to attraction? What’s the main problem with not knowing the natural versus the unnatural in the case of machines and humankind? We don’t know the human, we become confused. Can we become artificial or unnatural intelligence, in this regard? How does this happen? Can we be programmed by others? Why might others want us to be programmed a certain way? Is it natural to be programmed by others? Who has the advantage, those who don’t know the machine from the human, or those who do know? What gives a machine power? What gives government power? In the use of 190
machines and in the use of governments, where is the time and place for knowledge and ignorance? To reiterate, what does an unnatural aggregation or system mean? That people have allowed or legitimized the unnatural. What does technology seem like to a child? How about to an older individual? How is nature perceived in these different age groups? Can technology ever get in the way of nature? How about nature in the way of technology? Does intelligence have to do with these? Will the child persist of natural wonder? How will their natural intelligence be expanded upon? How will they create natural effects? What if we did not have natural intelligence? What if we did not have natural effects? How do we maintain technology? Without natural intelligence, there’d be no artificial intelligence, and in the presence of artificial intelligence, natural intelligence is it’s barrier shall it persist thereof. Can we create something that at first helps us, but no longer does overtime? Why is this? Can our creations dictate us? What is addiction? How does this relate to experimentation? To reiterate, will there always be evil in society, such as slavery? Does it have to be systemic and result in democide? In connecting this with machines, will there always be technology? Does it have to be systemic and result in death machines? Is government a machine? Humans create both, there consists of programming. What makes it different? The belief of statism and unnatural law is involved in government, slavery does not need to be present in machines. Is statism similar to legitimizing technological control over beings? The problem comes down to nature. Where is the natural control? To reiterate, if your own nature does not belong to yourself,
where does it belong? Why would this happen? Is natural law an intelligence? Natural intelligence relies in the understanding of natural law, intelligence for intelligence, nature for nature, and remains as the root to all other forms of intelligence. If you obtain natural intelligence, do you necessarily need artificial intelligence? If natural natures are naturalized, do we feel the need to have more man made things? Do we need help if we can help ourselves? Let’s reiterate, why do people use unnatural natures? What does supplementary mean as opposed to complimentary? What does dependence mean as opposed to independence? Reflect upon the appeal to denature as opposed to the appeal to nature. Does intelligence need power? It also gives. If this is all the matter of power, do we have innate powers from our nature? Natural intelligence is utilized by the natural powers of nature, may you see it as the living-being and their bodily systems or abilities. If we wanted to optimize our natural natures, what would we do? Increase our natural intelligence. When we say wisdom of nature, is this related? How about the nature of wisdom? These are connected, bound in attraction. Where is the greatest intelligence found? Where do we have our natural ability to have intelligence? Nature. Is our human nature limited? Why would we feel like it’s limited? Is nature incomplete? Include ourselves into the picture. What would this limitation or incompleteness signify? Unnatural natures, problems. Do we have wisdom if our 192
knowledge is incomplete? If natures are in need, what is it that they need? What does the wisdom of nature do for us? Help us utilize the natural. Why might we disregard natural intelligence? Do we have to deal with reality? Should we try to change reality? If life is temporary, should we try to live forever and become immortal? If reality naturally has cycles, should we try to control these cycles? If life we see as simple, should we keep it that way? What is intelligence versus programming? Is unnatural intelligence, really intelligence? What currency is being used for artificial intelligence? Merely observe the emphasis, is it on the natural or unnatural? We are what we embrace. How is dependence or discontent related to unnatural medicine or health? What may individuals do with the lack of intelligence? To reiterate, why do people seek power? How do they maintain power? How can they best maintain power, which is aside from using deadly force? What creates compliance or statism other than the use of deadly force? Unnatural intelligence is merely the lack of natural intelligence, or the disregard for it, as all things unnatural. Can artificial intelligence as such be embraced for unnatural law? When individuals are said to be robotic, why is that? When individuals are said to have no soul, why is that? When individuals lack empathy, how may they use technology or artificial intelligence? How about in the presence of unnatural law? Can technology mask insecurity? Why might individuals want a sterile and high-tech environment? Why is it that humans often have a great care for animals? Do they care for all the animals in their lives? How does this relate to diet? Is the empathy given to humans by animals, the same empathy 193
that humans receive by other humans? Does finding love through technology feel the same as real life? Even if it can feel similar, is it the same? Why is one better than the other? One is more natural than the other. To reiterate, does the unnatural ever create? Does evil ever create? It only bends, attempts, tries. We see this in experimentation. Why is artificial intelligence new? It is unnatural. To reiterate, how is it that humans can become careful with it? Why do we want to be careful? To ensure natural effects, to remain of the natural. What powers of humankind is required of them to maintain unnatural intelligence? Are natural powers or intelligence sufficient? It becomes hard. To reiterate, why might we feel the need to create more unnatural things, aside from not having the natural? To justify other unnatural things. What happens when this justification aggregates? An unnatural system is created. What happens to powers in an unnatural system? What creates the views of utopias or perfect-worlds? Are these natural? Are they more likely under unnatural law? What is a technocracy? Why is atheism attracted to science? Why is religion attracted to spirituality? Reflect on the concept of natural religion, how does natural intelligence play into account with both? Does unnatural intelligence have to do with unnatural religion? If humans replace everything natural within nature, what will happen to themselves? They will live in a world they don’t naturally know or can never naturally live in, it’ll be confusion, abandonment. How do we determine how hard it is to deprogram ourselves? It is based on how much we’ve programmed ourselves. If you live your life born as a slave, what will freedom look like? Unknown, confused. If you question why things are different now versus how it was in the past, why would you be confused or not know how to create 194
such? Why would there be loss in an unnatural world? Losing the natural, nature. What should loss teach us in life? What are we recognizing or realizing? Relate this back to the idea of Abolitionism and slavery, is natural intelligence to be recognized? Is there deprogramming involved? How does integration work in relation? To reiterate, is this involved in health or healing? If nature is not the program, what is the program? What is unnatural integration or fake unity? What should you trust? If someone is looking for your trust and wants to guide you, what will they ask of you? Not to trust them, to listen to yourself, your world, make up your own mind, natural learning. Why should we do this? For our natural intelligence. Why do humans tend to distrust machines? Are we our own worst enemy? How about best friend? Is it obvious to not go against your own nature? When is it not obvious? Can machines ever truly be the fault? Humans have created it, and have control over it, intelligence over it. If you attack nature, who wins? What happens when you don’t listen to your body? What happens when you do something you know you shall not do? Relate this all back to science, religion and politics; do these have a place in nature? Not naturally, but they’d also have no place without nature. How resilient is nature, even with our acts? Does nature let us have fun? Are humans lucky? How about grateful? If we are made grateful, will it be fun? Why would we be made again, grateful or awakened? What does it mean to say reality strikes us? From the original text: “If humans are to continue treading upon this world, they ought not make their tread a total replacement of the world itself; for in doing so, they will replace themselves with a world they don’t know and can never naturally live in.” 195
Review: Natural intelligence is said as the intelligence natural to natures; it is natural knowledge manifest, so to represent upon natural facts; it consists in the utilization of natural learning. Artificial intelligence is the intelligence unnatural to natures. Without natural intelligence, there’d be no artificial intelligence, and in the presence of artificial intelligence, natural intelligence is it’s barrier shall it persist thereof. Natural intelligence relies in the understanding of natural law, intelligence for intelligence, nature for nature, and remains as the root to all other forms of intelligence. Natural intelligence is utilized by the natural powers of nature, may you see it as the living-being and their bodily systems or abilities. Unnatural intelligence is merely the lack of natural intelligence, or the disregard for it, as all things unnatural. Inquiry: How does your intelligence help you in your life? How has your intelligence helped you before? What relationship do you have with artificial intelligence? Why do others not care to use artificial or natural intelligence? How should artificial or natural intelligence be created? 196
What intelligence form appeals to you the most in relation to nature? Why is that? Below, it cannot be acts previously mentioned. If so, they must be clarified. List five examples of that which promotes natural intelligence, elaborate if you must. List five examples of that which does not promote natural intelligence, elaborate if you must. What does natural intelligence look like in the world? Draw or imagine a picture. How can you apply this to your life? Extra Notes: “Nature hates calculators.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson “Today’s scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments, and they wander off through equation after equation, and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality.” “It is a mere question of time when men will succeed in attaching their machinery to the very wheelwork of nature.” – Nikola Tesla
A Guide To Natural Powers Introduction: People are said to have powers, some greater than others. Some people claim to have powers that others may not believe or know of. Some powers seem to corrupt or create a struggle. We need to navigate this. How powerful are we? Why? Think about what makes us powerful, what natures do we have? What makes us feel powerless? What does it mean to recognize your powers? What does it mean to recognize the powers of the world? What power will hold accountable all other powers? What is the greatest power? How does this relate to natural law? Take the example of physical laws. When we have the power to jump, what is it dictated by? Natural powers are the expressive, for it is the natures which obtain or consist of natural intelligence. Why do powers seek intelligence? For the function of powers. Why do powers have mystery or creativity? Can powers create magic? Can it seem like magic? Are powers liked by others? Are there powers that not everyone knows how to use? Why is that? Is energy a form of power? How does energy work for our power? Does this relate to health? How about currency? How about profession? Can you have the power to do more in life? How does this relate to growth? Why does power corrupt? Is it the same type of power as the powers that express? What are power positions (does the concept of authority have to do with power)? How do we create or come into a position?
Actions become conditions, expressions become positions. Can someone show intelligence simply by their expressions? Do we have the very power to express our powers? Come up with several natural powers. Intuition, emotion, consciousness. Do these powers lead to other powers? If we have the natural power of emotion, what powers does this give us? Powers for powers, natures for natures. If we have the natural power of consciousness around our environment, do we have it in our power to do anything? What gives you the power to stop something? Address the unaddressed? See the unseen? What happens when we have all our own natural powers being used? In their time and place? What is an introvert and what is an extrovert? What benefits each compared to the other? Can we create unity within ourselves? How does this relate to health? Why do we feel at peace? When do we not feel at peace? Relate it to the use of powers, growth and learning. Why might people want to create division among others? Do we see the importance in our own powers? Do we ever degrade ourselves or others? If we have powers for ourselves, what powers are in nature aside from the laws? The very existence of all things. How great are these powers? Think of an insect and a human, do we understand each other? Is it in our power to want to understand, however? Can we pursue truth without confusion? What if we embrace confusion? It’s the matter of directing ourselves through the confusion. Is it empowering to accept ourselves? To be present and recognize our powers? Does everyone deserve this empowerment? It is natural for their nature. What powers are involved with knowledge? Reason. Can we tell what makes up a human? By their 199
powers, like reason. Is this the natural human? How does this relate to natural facts? The human points to the powers, the powers points to the human. Is there a power dynamic in nature (are there power positions in nature)? Think of human potential and evolution, the use of natural moral law, how does it change the way we see power? To reiterate, are politics and imposing class-systems natural for the human condition and destiny? Is it empowerment? Is it equality (is it empowering everyone)? Do we use powers to get to power positions? Can power positions not be through politics or imposed class-systems? If individuals express their nature, would they have more natural rights than others? Do they have the power to dictate other’s natural rights? What may we call an unnatural power play versus a natural power play? Can you simply live your life without making claims upon the life of another? Is it healthy to make an unnatural power play? What does a healthy or moral use of powers do? Therefore, what does it mean for a natural human being to be powerful? Is there need for power externally? Why is that? The internal powers, nature is embraced. Is nature an ideology? Is nature a government? It is the roots to all, therefore being the one and only. Unnatural powers is not the natural powers at use, it is of the lack of natural heath, it is the natures which obtain or consist of unnatural intelligence. Is unnatural power in machines, not just humans? Are these powers more confused than natural powers? What does the expression “what is this sorcery” mean? If a technician creates a machine with artificial intelligence, who understands this intelligence? How do people understand this same intelligence? If a physician knows the body for natural 200
medicine, what is different from this scenario versus the technician? The individual knows thyself best, nature being their creator and only physician, the physician is simply a facilitator and not a programmer, the individual can learn of and for themselves. What is the goal of aggregating unnatural power? To make all else unnatural, to make the unnatural seemingly natural. Does this relate to unnatural law or unnatural religion? To reiterate, what takes place in unnatural law? What happens when we lose our balance? What does it mean to fall? What would it mean to embrace such? Is it a position you should remain in? Do you have the power to do otherwise? What is corruption? Assuming the need in unnatural power is asking for a power that is not natural to have, hence the nature of human corruption. Should we expect something unnatural of an individual? Do we need to understand more about unnatural powers if they are unnatural by their base nature? We can know of them if we must, but they aren’t necessary to exist. To reiterate, what do natural powers allow us to do in the face of everything? They hold our roots, they allow us to express our nature. If unnatural powers claim to help the natural powers, should we accept this claim? Are the effects of unnatural powers often counter-intuitive or unnatural? Think to that of machines and governments. When we question what to accept, what are we doing? Questioning what to permit, what to embrace, questioning what we really know, what powers are necessary or what powers we are using. Reasoning experiment: If unnatural power is the power-less, dependent upon programming, is it power? Is it of life? It’s a thing. If unnatural power is the powerful, that which is above that of a natural 201
human being, is it a natural power to have? If an unnatural problem is the problem-less, is it a problem? If an unnatural problem is problem-full, that which is above what is natural to occur, is it a natural problem? These paradoxes speak of time and place, the need of reason, the natural balance. Remember, the unnatural is the lack or disregard of the natural. What would happen if we used our natural powers upon any unnatural powers? We persist of nature. What would happen if we used unnatural powers upon any natural powers? We are at question for how we persist of nature. If we have the wisdom of nature within us, is there any need for nature or wisdom? It is currently within our power, natural power. What does it mean to say we have “potential not harnessed”? If we are without the wisdom of nature, how does this relate? What makes the being not be? The love not loving? The text not textual? From the original text: “Unnatural power does not belong to you, however the natural power belongs to you because it is what makes you, you.” Review: Natural powers are the expressive, for it is the natures which obtain or consist of natural intelligence. Actions become conditions, expressions become positions. Unnatural powers is not the natural powers at use, it is of the lack of natural heath, it is the natures which obtain or consist of unnatural intelligence. 202
Assuming the need in unnatural power is asking for a power that is not natural to have, hence the nature of human corruption. Inquiry: How does powers apply in your life? How have powers applied in your past, including through the history of humanity? Why do others not care to use powers or choose to resort to certain powers? How should powers be strengthened? What powers appeal to you the most in relation to nature? Why is that? Below, it cannot be acts previously mentioned. If so, they must be clarified. List five examples of that which promotes natural powers, elaborate if you must. List five examples of that which does not promote natural powers, elaborate if you must. What does natural powers look like in the world? Draw or imagine a picture. How can you apply this to your life?
A Guide To Natural Change Introduction: People either want more change or less change Sometimes people don’t know how to make such a change, they are told how to change or they simply don’t want to. We need to navigate this. What is change? How do you change something? How does it relate to cause and effect? Is change automatic? Is everything always changing? Why do we point and identify something as a “change”? Why do people ask for change? Should they be asking? How about expecting? How does this relate to natural currency? How does the word “currency” relate to the word “change”? How does change relate to medicine? What would be the successful use of medicine and health? How may change relate to environments? How may unnatural change be created, based on these aspects? What is the difference between integration and alignment? What are we aligning to? What are some examples of bad combinations in this life? To reiterate, is everything connected? What is doing the integrating? Where does you and your choices relate to this? What is doing the alignment? To reiterate, why do we learn through time? Why does certain changes take time? If we take charge and embrace our own integration, what change may we make? What would constitute natural integration? What would unnatural integration look like? How can a doctor be using unnatural integration for someone who needs help? How can the patient be using unnatural integration for their own help? If someone thinks they should do something but are told to do something else, what should they do? Should someone do something of 204
which they don’t know what will happen? To reiterate, what is it that you truly know? Should you care to create a change? What value is there in not caring? What should you care about? Can people appear as non-caring? How does presence or meditations help with change? Does it always help? Are there times where change is unnecessary or unwanted? What does it mean to have grounding? How does this relate to time and place? How is society manifested from one individual to the whole of the world? Many individuals, the principle of correspondence. What changes would occur if humans put other humans in charge of their own nature? Who is being degraded in this relationship? Does anyone actually benefit? What other relationships do people create in this world? How does relationships change each person involved? When someone listens to music, what relationships are made and what changes are made? What changes are made when people allow the unnatural, wrong or unhealthy? Does it matter who does it? How would the unnatural become in the aggregate of society? What does it mean to say that “many things don’t seem what they are”? Think about music that isn’t music, or dances that wouldn’t be considered dances, or celebrity-like figures that wouldn’t be considered celebrities; what would change toward and away from this? Should the world changing happen very quickly? Does change usually happen very quickly? When might we want fast change? What does synergistic mean? Natural change in human society is the gradual, synergistic change of and for the natural; it is always occurring. How does being gradual help with nature and ourselves? At what time is nature? The ever present. What comes natural to 205
a natural society? What makes such a society go to the unnatural? How does this relate to discontent? What dictates if anything will reach it’s destination? For example, think of floating something down a river. How about any process in this life? Is learning a gradual and synergistic process? How about growth? How does learning and experimentation help us for change? How does change relate to the principle of vibration? Are we utilizing our natural natures for change? Are we encouraging that use? Are we really learning if we are not present? Are we really living if we are not present? How do we make unconscious actions in this life? What happens when we question the natures in relation to change? If we question the natural, we question the natures, thus questioning how changes occur; everything may either change naturally or unnaturally, for the natural or unnatural. Reading material: “Nature’s Radical Honesty: A practical application of Naturosophy” by Cory Edmund Endrulat. How do you deceive an entire populace? Does it have to do with time? How is it maintained? To reiterate, what makes the unnatural seemingly natural? Why do people say “slow but steady wins the race”? Does gradual only imply slowness? It also means gentle. Is a slow poison justifiable? It is still poison. What does it mean to “bend the will of nature”? Why might we be gentle toward nature? Why might we be gentle toward others? Why might we tend to be less gentle to material things? Why might some people value material things over other people? What is the problem with viewing people as material things? How does this relate to unnatural law and it’s mechanisms? What does it mean to have a life of disease 206
versus that of ease? How is ease achieved? Natural medicine, gentleness, gradualness, presence or mindfulness. To reiterate, what are natural powers? Do they require responsibility? Why is fighting considered an art? Why are there many types of meditations or relaxation and circulation techniques? If everything is gentle, is there need for haste? How do animals deal with this? If nature is the ever-present, what are we doing when we are not in alignment to nature? How does the future and past relate to imbalance or disharmony? How about expectation or regret? Do humans have any part of the sunrise and sunset? What is the part of humans for this phenomenon? Embrace, recognition. What would be unnatural for humans to do in regards to this? What are the problems with man-made time? How does it affect the value of natural time? Why might change seem impossible? Is change ever truly impossible? Is change ever truly immediate? Natural change thus implies natural natures for natural natures; unnatural change implies unnatural natures for unnatural natures; the mere difference between alignment and nonalignment, natural health and unnatural health. To reiterate, what should we do with our natural powers in relation to change? How about with others? What does it mean to create re-cognition? Does change have requirements? If we are looking at natural change, does it help to have more natural natures or particular natural natures? What does it mean to “do your best”? What does it mean to be optimal? How about sustainable? How do we know if something should not be changed? Does natural change have to do with natural effects? Are humans naturally good or bad, natural or unnatural? Where does the natural 207
moral law come into this? What is abolitionism and how has it been used in history? Does abolitionism imply forcefulness? How does it first come into thought for use? Even if someone used force through self-defense for abolitionism, is that really the prime motif? If self-defense did not have such a prime motif, would it still be self-defense? What is violence in relation to the natural natures? Think of the slave who partakes in abolitionism to free themselves from slavery, what should they do? Should man interfere with this process? What if man did interfere with this process? Will abolitionism always exist? How have certain practices diminished in society over many years? What are some examples? What does abolitionism then teach us? Unnatural placement, what to get rid of. How long have people been talking about the problems of slavery, essentially getting a picture of abolitionism? When you know something to be the truth, what are you likely to do? What are you to do? If that is what you are to do, isn’t that also the truth? This is being grounded in action. Abolitionism is the peak of natural change away from unnatural change. If an individual says that they identify as an abolitionist, what does that mean? It’s a call to action. Does it include adding anything new into creation? Does it include embracing natural creation? Is it right to view abolitionism in terms of time? Again, why does it exist? Is time along for the ride or is time the main determinant in this life? Are we to always do what is right, no matter what? What happens when we make exceptions? If lying has helped us even when knowing it is wrong, how may we feel? Are we to assume lying is right? Why is it important to be right? You’ll go wrong otherwise, natures are to be natural. How do you create more 208
opportunities in the right direction? What if you wait around? What if you don’t stand on principle? What if you don’t share what mostly only you know? What does it mean to have “everything fall into place” or for “everything to happen at the right time”? In reflection, what is unnatural change? What is it bringing together? Why might it be embraced? How does learning relate to change? Unnatural change is invasive, unhealthy or symptomatic change of and for the unnatural, may it include and be due to a disregard or lack of natural change; it is thereof disintegrating the natural powers of people for denaturing, so much as demoting the natural powers of people for the invasive or man made agenda, lacking recognition and including imposition; it is health made unhealthy, natural change unnaturally changed, for so it is that unnatural change is assisted by all unnatural natures; therein, the lack of natural learning or presence of unnatural learning leads to actions that wouldn’t have naturally been done with the natural natures, which creates in turn, an unnatural world; therefore, unnatural change is coexistent with and for unnatural effects. Why are people alarmed when something happens? What really alarms people? When people see a world that really needs changing, they may call it alarming, is this for a similar reason? What is the real enemy of unnatural change? Natural change, abolitionism. To reiterate, what calls for change to begin with? What if change is only limited to the unnatural change? What is required for abolitionism? What is required to continue the natural? In an unnatural aggregate or system, what change is likely to be used by people? Also, unnatural
change. How hard will it be to utilize natural change? Can solutions be worse than the problems? In ending all forms of slavery, what is it that humanity must do? How long may it take? How many people may it take? From the original text: “It is in your nature, your power, to create change; is the human species as a whole, with this power that they all have, going to use it, or are few going to create it for everyone else in the disregard for everyone else akin to man playing god, being nature.” Review: Natural change in human society is the gradual, synergistic change of and for the natural; it is always occurring. If we question the natural, we question the natures, thus questioning how changes occur; everything may either change naturally or unnaturally, for the natural or unnatural. Reading material: “Nature’s Radical Honesty: A practical application of Naturosophy” by Cory Edmund Endrulat. Natural change thus implies natural natures for natural natures; unnatural change implies unnatural natures for unnatural natures; the mere difference between alignment and nonalignment, natural health and unnatural health. Abolitionism is the peak of natural change away from unnatural change.
Unnatural change is invasive, unhealthy or symptomatic change of and for the unnatural, may it include and be due to a disregard or lack of natural change; it is thereof disintegrating the natural powers of people for denaturing, so much as demoting the natural powers of people for the invasive or man made agenda, lacking recognition and including imposition; it is health made unhealthy, natural change unnaturally changed, for so it is that unnatural change is assisted by all unnatural natures; therein, the lack of natural learning or presence of unnatural learning leads to actions that wouldn’t have naturally been done with the natural natures, which creates in turn, an unnatural world; therefore, unnatural change is coexistent with and for unnatural effects. Inquiry: How does change currently apply in your life? How has change been used for your past? Why do others not care to make or recognize change? What change does the world currently need? What change does the world not need? What change does the world always need? What change appeals to you the most in relation to nature? Why is that? Below, it cannot be acts previously mentioned. If so, they must be clarified. List five examples of that which promotes natural change, elaborate if you must.
List five examples of that which does not promote natural change, elaborate if you must. What does natural change look like in the world? Draw or imagine a picture. How can you apply this to your life? Extra Notes: Abolitionism is riddance through negation of the unnatural, where there is a known negative “no” for an only positive. Apophasis is affirmation through negation, where there are known negatives for sole positives. Abnegation is willful denial (negation), where a being will know to say “no.” From apophasis, comes abnegation, for abolition. In the context of slavery, apophasis is knowing slavery for freedom (mental), abnegation is ending slavery (action) and abolition is ending all slavery (condition, movement). Non-violence is the idea to do no harm, it is a peaceful cause. Self-defense is the idea to take no harm, it is an aggressive response. Non-resistance is to never do harm, it is a peaceful response. In the general goal of reducing harm, non-violence is the cause and self-defense to non-resistance is the response. This may be considered the art against violence. It may also be considered the art against slavery in the context of governments using violence, claiming others’ defense and applying resistance, to excuse wrong-doing, abdicate and centralize responsibility and not allow dissent. Slavery or government cannot continue without mental slavery, without these mechanisms, among war, capture and jailing systems. What is moral relies on individual action for what keeps you as you, reciprocally with others, it is doing the natural, encouraging morale, it includes self-mastery. What is morale relies on collective action for what keeps you going, 212
reciprocally with others, it is sharing the natural, encouraging the moral, it includes abolitionism. From doing the natural, it becomes manifest. From naturalization to the natural, for naturalization to the natural, in cycle. Your action creates the movement, and the movement creates more action. Nature is a practice, it requires practice; time and time again, humanity must get rid of what does not belong. “There are only two mistakes one can make along the road to truth; not going all the way, and not starting.” – Buddha Do not forget, it is not just about morality, it’s about our very being, our very ability to have morality. You don’t see the sky if you are looking at it through a screen. If you ever find yourself lonely, know you are never alone.
A Guide To Natural Leadership Introduction: People often strive or desire for leadership. Sometimes we want new or different leadership, if any at all. Other people can hinder or help us in this process. We need to navigate this. What is leadership? How does it relate to medicine? Do leaders need to rule or have authority? How does influence or being a facilitator compare to acting as or being an “authority”? Is anyone an inherent “authority”? What leaders do people like the most? Are there problems with becoming dependent on a leader? What makes someone a leader? Who is in the capacity to be a leader? What powers allow peoples to be leaders? If we were to suppress this and people looked up to us, what would we then be? What are we really suppressing in the totality? What potential do we have as human beings? Do we all have something to contribute? Does this have to do with the fact we are unique by nature? What can take us away from our uniqueness? What do we do after we recognize that we ourselves are unique? What if others do not recognize that in themselves? What does it mean to “walk the talk” or “be the change”? Should a leader be in front or in the back? Should a leader be above or below? Is a leader, a teacher? How about a physician? How should they teach or heal? Is leadership necessary? Is there one way to practice leadership? Do leaders ever create change? What would a natural leader create? The natural world (natural change) is created by natural leaders; the unnatural world (unnatural change) is created by unnatural leaders. 214
If you lead yourself, are you able to become a leader for others? What if you don’t lead yourself? Is anyone born a leader? Do leaders need to learn? Are leaders always leading? Do we learn from ourselves? How may learning relate to how an unnatural or natural leader arises? What do people do with the valuable? What is ideal that people do with the valuable? If there is value in the knowledge of nature, what may an individual do? Does honesty and genuine character have to do with leadership? What if you don’t have that and seek to be a leader? What if you presume an unnatural power position as your genuine self? What would constitute naturally influencing someone? How may it relate to morality? Natural leadership is the practice of naturally influencing others; naturally leading other’s natural natures; it is thereof natural change, done with natural powers thereof natural morality. Ideally, would a leader care for all things? Would they take matters into their own hands? What does the current environment tell us about the need in leadership? How about in relation to previous environments that have been undesired? How does one know when change is due? Can people be good at detecting that? What are those people? Do leaders have to be positive? Is anyone to always be positive or dwell? Does the word leader and master have any correlation? Can there be a problematic or an unseen correlation? Does the title or person really matter in light of actions and ideas? What if there is no where to lead? What would it mean to always find something to do that can help others? Is there always work to do? What is the greatest work in this world? To reiterate, what is innovation and what is 215
required for it? Is negativity really negativity if it’s shining light on darkness? Should a leader have doubt? Can problems created by man be fixed? How so? What are the roots? Man. Do people generally know what do in their own life? Take for example, health or diet. Whether they do or not, what is required? Acting on it, motivation. Should a leader provide choice? Should a leader reason or convince? Do leaders have to look a certain way or say certain things? How does a leader relate to the idea of naturalization? If the natural is what has always existed, what is a leader really doing? Would you say you fit the criteria of a leader? You can only try. To reiterate, what are you foremost leading? Yourself. Are you responsible for everything that occurs? Can you know everything? Do we need each other? What is inspiration and what is aspiration? What form of leadership is used for unnatural law, and why? Is there influence or authority? Persuasion or reason? Voluntary change or involuntary compliance? Why may leaders deceive people or lie? Are these questions to convince you of something? Who really convinces or teaches you? Yourself. Is everyone willing to ask and answer these questions? What is the point of these questions? Why might these questions seem confusing to people? How do you test your knowledge? How do you help with your own confusion? How about others? Should there be different leaders for different things? How does this all compliment natural moral law? If you don’t know much, what are you to do? If you know you can’t know everything, what are you to do? What does it mean to say “own up to the moment”? How does leadership relate to destiny or fate? If people follow a leader, what does the leader follow?
Natural leadership consists of leading by way of nature, what may be called the tao or dao, so much so as it is to live by the way of nature. In summary, what would be unnatural leadership? Unnatural leadership is the practice of unnaturally influencing others, to the point of dictation, for when leadership becomes dictatorship or demanding and ruthless commands; thus it is done with unnatural powers or the lack or manipulation of natural powers, thereof unnatural morality, may it perhaps be thereof unnatural law, it requires unnatural learning. Break down unnatural leadership. How does learning from such help us? We can be better, more natural leaders. How does unnatural leadership and unnatural influence relate to statism and slavery? Do people who engage in statism know better? Why do they call their leadership a “necessary evil”? Are they really expressing their own leadership by saying such? If they want a different reality, what must they do? In reflection, is there such a thing as an unnatural follower? Where does unnatural leadership lead to? What is moral relativism? How does this relate to unnatural leadership? Can the world be ran by people’s opinion or whim? Are they nature? When individuals all partake in the unnatural, how does this relate to illusion versus reality? Can the illusion ever truly work? Does the facilitation of natures require violations upon natures? How does this relate to medicine and looking at the whole or health of an individual? Should a leader look at the whole of peoples? How about nature? How might universal 217
truths be used by a natural leader versus an unnatural leader? How dangerous is it to mix lies with truth? How may this relate to health? Should leaders want people to learn? Would they want to be challenged or questioned? This is accountability. Would mistakes actually be encouraged? How does this relate to natural experimentation? Know thy limits. In relation to abolitionism and unnatural leaders, what is the natural leader doing? The natural leader thereof abolitionism, is abolishing the abolisher, so not that humanity and nature itself is abolished, it is the abolition of unnatural leadership, and thus the abolition of masters and slaves. What does it mean for us to say someone “is a natural” at something? What does it mean to have a “moral obligation”? How does that compare to a “duty” or the idea that one is just “doing their job”? How does this relate to natural professions? Responsibility for responsibility. If someone has a moral obligation but partakes in unnatural leadership and unnatural power positions, what change are they creating? What does it mean to “follow through”? In education versus participating in politics, where is the authority being placed? Should natural leaders fill the place of unnatural leaders? What place do natural leaders belong? Nature, with everyone. From the original text: “For which leader will ultimately succeed in both power and position, those who are of all thereof the all, or those who are of all thereof the few.” Review:
The natural world (natural change) is created by natural leaders; the unnatural world (unnatural change) is created by unnatural leaders. Natural leadership is the practice of naturally influencing others; naturally leading other’s natural natures; it is thereof natural change, done with natural powers thereof natural morality. Natural leadership consists of leading by way of nature, what may be called the tao or dao, so much so as it is to live by the way of nature. Unnatural leadership is the practice of unnaturally influencing others, to the point of dictation, for when leadership becomes dictatorship or demanding and ruthless commands; thus it is done with unnatural powers or the lack or manipulation of natural powers, thereof unnatural morality, may it perhaps be thereof unnatural law, it requires unnatural learning. The natural leader thereof abolitionism, is abolishing the abolisher, so not that humanity and nature itself is abolished, it is the abolition of unnatural leadership, and thus the abolition of masters and slaves. Inquiry: How does leadership apply currently in your life? How has leadership applied in your past? Why do others not care to use or recognize leadership? What natural leadership appeals to you the most in relation to nature? Why is that? 219
What may leadership be confused with and why? Below, it cannot be acts previously mentioned. If so, they must be clarified. List five examples of that which promotes natural leadership, elaborate if you must. List five examples of that which does not promote natural leadership, elaborate if you must. What does natural leadership look like in the world? Draw or imagine a picture. How can you apply this to your life?
A Guide To The Way Of Nature Introduction: People live their life in many different ways. Sometimes we want to follow one way or another, or we want to pave our own way. People can become confused due to everything in the way. We need to navigate this. What determines your way of being or acting? Did you find your place along the way? Are you still finding your place? What way are you following, toward what goal or purpose? Is it important to have goals or purpose? Why do you do what you do? What is the tao (tow) or dao (dow)? The way. If there is something in the universe called “the way”, what would that be? Why should humans follow the way? If it is of their nature. Does following necessarily imply letting go? Is letting go a practice? Why might the tao or dao represent yin and yang? Does this relate to diet? Extremes and deficiencies. What does extremes teach us? That there is a deficiency. What does deficiencies teach us? That there is an extreme. How does practice relate to the principles of natural law? To reiterate, what are we to do with these principles? What are we to do with the natural and unnatural? How do you bring simplicity to inherent complexity? Which is ultimately desired? What does it mean to have peace? How might the way relate to religion, natural and unnatural? What is simple deism? In our practice, how does that relate to alignment? What are we using? Natural powers. If we can learn from the way and share the way, what does that help us do? Natural leadership. What does a reading material about the tao help us do? Is it to be taken as the way itself? Reading material: “Tao Te Ching” by Lao Tzu 221
The tao te ching often references the need for leadership by the way and of being a “master”, what does it mean? Why has this knowledge been passed down generations; why is it still relevant? Who are the people who teach this knowledge? Does it promote natural learning? Particular Quote Analysis: Break down each of the following quotes, ask yourself what each quote means and why or how does it make sense. What concepts can connect? “Knowing the constant, we accept things as they are. By accepting things as they are, we are impartial. By being impartial, we are part of the Nature. By being a part of the Nature, we are one with Tao. Tao is eternal, and we survive physical death.” “Mastery of the world is achieved by letting things take their natural course. If you interfere with the way of Nature, you can never master the world.” “Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.” “Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them; that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.” “He who knows how to be aggressive, and yet remains patient, becomes a receptacle for all of Nature's lessons.” “It is better to do one's own duty, however defective it may be, than to follow the duty of another, however well one may perform it. He who does his duty as his own nature reveals it, never sins.”
“All things in nature work silently. They come into being and possess nothing. They fulfill their function and make no claim. All things alike do their work, and then we see them subside. When they have reached their bloom, each returns to its origin. . . . This reversion is an eternal law. To know that law is wisdom.” “Because clarity and enlightenment are within your own nature, they are regained without moving an inch.” “If people do not revere the Law of Nature, It will inexorably and adversely affect them. If they accept it with knowledge and reverence, It will accommodate them with balance and harmony.” “Returning to the source is stillness, which is the way of nature. The way of nature is unchanging. Knowing constancy is insight.” “One who lives in accordance with nature does not go against the way of things. He moves in harmony with the present moment, always knowing the truth of just what to do.” Can the way be described in other texts or cultures? Are the texts ever ending? Is the wisdom ever ending? Is it ever complete? Does that mean there is no point in seeking it? What is the point, again, of seeking it? In reflection, is the nature of man the problem? What if man continues not to align to nature? Are they of the way? What would be the unnatural way? How may it feel? The unnatural way or unnatural tao is man unaligned to nature, unfulfilled, not of the present natural simplicity, not of peace.
Would you know of yourself in this way? Are you utilizing natural powers naturally in this way? How does balance relate to all this? Why does the tao texts speak very little and simple? Why doesn’t it speak of specific people or events? Let us reiterate, what makes people similar and what makes people different? Does the writer even know the origin of his writings? Where is the writer obtaining the context? How does the tao relate to natural law? How does presence and simplicity interact with the way? How do you create a less problematic world? How does one manage action and inaction, treatment and prevention? Must you be the one to guide yourself? People all have many needs, so how can they fulfill these needs in relation to the way? How may we grow in our fulfillment? If we want something now, what should we do? Start now. What does the tao teach us in relation to changing nature? Natural change, don’t try to change it. Should the natural world submit to man? How does this relate to consumerism? If we want something to remain natural, what is it that we may best do? The tao or dao often speaks that what is natural (ziran) is what is without effort (wuwei); for the natural to remain natural, it must be natural. How does this relate to openness? Honesty? Embrace? Awareness? Presence? Who is willing to read? Who is willing to listen? Who is willing to write? Who is willing to love? Where is the greatest wisdom? What is the goal to living content and happy? From the original text:
“We are to live healthy and happily, so we are to live natural and naturally, live natural as naturally.” Review: Reading material: “Tao Te Ching” by Lao Tzu The unnatural way or unnatural tao is man unaligned to nature, unfulfilled, not of the present natural simplicity, not of peace. The tao or dao often speaks that what is natural (ziran) is what is without effort (wuwei); for the natural to remain natural, it must be natural. Inquiry: How does the way apply in your life currently? How has the way applied in your life previously? Why do others not care to use or recognize the way? How should the way be shared? How should the way not be shared? What quote about the way, was your favorite? What quote about the way, intrigued you the most? What quote about the way, may you perhaps understand better than others, in your own view? Below, it cannot be acts previously mentioned. If so, they must be clarified. List five examples of that which promotes the way of nature, elaborate if you must. 225
List five examples of that which does not promote the way of nature, elaborate if you must. What does the way of nature look like in the world? Draw or imagine a picture. How can you apply this to your life? Extra Notes: The wuwei is the effortless, the embrace, listening. The ziran is the self-regulating, natural, intelligence. You can choose to embrace nature, to stop changing life and start living life. “The price of freedom is simply choosing to be, liberation is in the mind.” – Buddha “It were happy if we studied nature more in natural things; and acted according to nature, whose rules are few, plain, and most reasonable.” – William Penn “When you know and respect your Inner Nature, you know where you belong. You also know where you don’t belong.” – Benjamin Hoff To not embrace nature, is to have no patience and no wisdom. Life must be lived, otherwise it isn’t life. Correct for the correct, nature for nature.
A Guide To Natural Simplicity Introduction: People may want a simple life, but such a life can be different person to person. Sometimes simplicity is seen as boring, other times, essential. We may even feel as if it’s not in control. We need to navigate this. What does it mean to have simplicity? What does it mean to be with the tao, or what may be called the natural way? How may it relate to clarity? What about purity? What if we say someone is clear-headed? Does this relate to decisionmaking? What if we are not clear headed? Does confusion help for when we want to create the natural? What if we say someone is pure? What if we are not pure? What does it mean to say someone is a degenerate? Is anyone any of these terms, actually? What would it mean to understand ourselves and how we are perceived by others? Is it simple to be ourselves? Is it simple to accept how we are perceived by others? Should it be simple? Do you live your life wanting things not simple? Why might we feel like things are too complicated in this life? What does it mean to be aware? Is simplicity required? What does the greatest life look like to you? In what ways can you start to manifest that now? Should you focus on any excuses, or let yourself get distracted? If you know you have the potential to be something, should you necessarily do it? What is natural ownership? What is it that you truly own? What would be unnatural ownership? Is there any room for the unnatural when you have natural ownership? Why might individuals say they are born with natural rights? How is the life of animals in nature? Is it complex or is it rather simple? What keeps life interesting? Does fun necessitate complexity? Where may a child have the most fun? What 227
allows the most fun? What allows the complex? Can the complex become simple? Can the simple be seen as complex? Can humans have fun and live rather simple lives? Can they live like other animals in some respect? What seems to be preventing fun in our world? What seems to be preventing slow or long breathing so to be relaxed? Do distractions actually help us? Do we need distractions? How may simplicity help us find ourselves? When we give ourselves more time, how does that also help us? We have more of ourselves. With simplicity, do we still have material things or human inventions? What do we do with these things? By embracing nature, do we ever create things? How may this relate to natural effects? Can simplicity be boring? Why would it be? How may this relate to attention and tolerance? What makes simplicity less boring? What makes people want to do the same thing over and over? What does our natural powers and natural attraction teach us about simplicity? Can we learn how to let go? Does simple necessarily imply weak? How does the simple relate to ease away from disease? Why would we say life is hard? How powerful is love? Are acts of love hard? Can they be hard? Can love help us become creative? How about natural freedom? Why does the Tao teach us that a sense of simplicity actually helps us get things done? From freedom may come abundance, is this an issue? How can this issue not grow into a worse or unnatural problem? Why might people overwork themselves? What is their solution? What if people under-work themselves? Is this always a problem in comparison to overworking? Does work have to feel like work? Why may people feel regret despite achieving so much in life? Why may people feel happier with less things? What is it that they have more of? Why do people come to realize that 228
money does not actually make them happy? Why is it that fame does the same thing? Does any alienation occur with fame? What happens if an individual gets consumed into these? What happens if other individuals follow these individuals? What’s the problem with wanting more? Is it sign of anything? Why may influencers receive criticism? Is criticism necessary? How can we become clear of worries? How does our mentality affect our healing? To reflect, where does healing start? Is it simpler to change the world or change ourselves? Is the simple always the easier? Or is it what provides ease? In an unnatural world, would simplicity be easy? Let us differentiate, what would be natural simplicity versus unnatural simplicity? Is there need for practice as alike other actions? Does simplicity require convincing? Why might that be so? Why might people simplify things aside from what was mentioned? What do you sense around you? Is that sense a common sense? What makes it art? What makes it science? What’s on the surface? What’s deeper? Do these ideas connect? Do we have to think of things this way? Why might the complex relate to the man made? Think of a tree and what it has been used for by mankind. What does it mean to want a “simple life”? The simple and complex are ever present together. Knowing time and place tells us of their nature. Why might a piece of paper appear simple to the mind? Does it have to do with what we have then created with said paper? Is a paper simple in nature? How about when it’s compared to a tree? What may simplicity have to do with finding the root cause? Are there problems in the world that have seemingly simple solutions? Why do we see it as simple? Our 229
knowledge. How does this allow us to live our lives? More naturally. What questions may we ask in regards to paper? The nature dynamic. Are there many questions in regards to trees? Are the answers as clear? How may this relate to natural and artificial intelligence? Does the question of origin have to do with understanding what is natural? To reiterate, should we want to know? Do we have to know everything? How does the notion of knowing everything relate to the simple and complex? Should your intent be complex? Can it also be grounded? Do we all generally share the same desires? What do we all share no matter what? Should we see these things as simple? To reiterate again, should love come easy? Should the body have ease? From the original text: “The world is both naturally simple and naturally complex in nature, but it is a matter of choice in how we’d like to see it in order to live it as complex beings but with simple hearts and an inner-child which strives upon simplicity.” What is the greatest form of ease? How do we best remain being? How does the natural maintain it’s natural nature? In knowing this, how may we summarize natural simplicity? Why might we take it for granted (notice what this means as unconscious embrace)? Natural simplicity is natural natures being; nature is the only definite thing in our lives, untouched by mankind; it is most simplistic because it is most universal and basic; to consist of it provides peace of mind, it is the most simple that actually teaches us the most and it is what is in need of reminder and recognition that we may take for granted in an unnatural world; it is to have less of man’s 230
creation, more of nature; it is growingly healthy, for a life easier and more fun. Why might natural simplicity seem hard? It is meant to be a practice; due to the unnatural world. How may clarity in life help with an individual’s clarity in health? Does simplicity always lead to simplicity? In light of natural simplicity and in recognizing the connection between simplicity and complexity, what would be natural complexity? What would be an example? Where is practice applied? Natural complexity is what constitutes natural simplicity, passive and complimentary, as example being the molecules within a plant; simplicity does not need to become complex, as it already naturally is; this is the natural intelligence behind the natural powers. From the original text: “It gives reason to this text, but only leads us back to natural simplicity; for we can only get so much out of nature’s complexity before realizing it’s simplicity.” What is this text and the questions detailing? Why is such a detail necessary? Why would simplicity be emphasized? How about in the face of this text, questions or other texts, questions? There is nature and yourself for you. Why is it that texts or questions can only cover the surface? Are there things seemingly too easy? In reflection, what is unnatural simplicity? How may it relate to unnatural leaders or unnatural growth, or other topics of discussion? Unnatural simplicity is unnatural natures being, the disregard for or lack of natural simplicity; it is an illusion of simplicity because it’s based not in nature but in man’s 231
creation; it includes just following orders, unnatural learning, or convenience which may backfire; it is due to a world too complicated as by unnatural complexity, so it is in unnatural simplicity to leave it to the supposed experts therein, the unnatural leaders; individuals despite having convenience, find themselves with more responsibilities or the lack of responsibility over natural natures and it is growingly unhealthy. What would be unnatural complexity based on our understanding of natural complexity and intelligence? Unnatural complexity is what constitutes unnatural simplicity, active and supplementary, the city in place of the natural country; it creates confusion upon the natural, it is unnatural intelligence; it is humans consumed by the idea of more, relying on unnatural simplicity, so it is simplicity becomes complexity as we unnaturally learn; we make things complex that don’t have to be. How may a sterile world relate to unnatural simplicity and complexity? How may uniqueness relate to this? How may people not know of their natural self? Does the self sound simple to you? What are you doing right by asking questions to yourself? You are expressing the self. To reiterate, why is it dangerous to simply follow orders? What other simple action may be taken? Together, natural simplicity and complexity is less of man, more of nature, and unnatural simplicity and complexity is more of man, less of nature; where there is seen less, speaks of simplicity and where there is seen more, speaks of complexity, but both differ in nature.
If you are thereof unnatural simplicity, will you be confused about the natural complex? Does this relate to time and place? How may simplicity relate to natural and unnatural diets and health? How about relationships and patience? May we pass up on natural effects? Which is more important, the car, the oven or your relationships, your love? Does your relationship or love depend on these things? What is your life based upon? Do our creations help us? Do we need them? How far will we go? If we lose our simple nature, what have we lost? What may we learn from tribes or peoples who live in nature? What is life really about? Are we gaining more responsibilities to handle, or less? What happens when we have more responsibility over our natural self? Can we still make our life easy while creating natural effects? To reiterate, why do we create convenience to begin with? How does this relate to currency? Where is natural learning involved? Can learning be simplistic? Should natural diet be simple? Is it simple for the natural or the unnatural? As we grow complex, do we need reminders of the simple roots? Is this reminder a sense of grounding? As to reiterate, can the heart conflict with the mind? Why might innovation stop or decline? What do we hold dearest? Let thy natural effects be thy home just as one would let thy food be thy medicine. How might religion relate to simplicity versus complexity? How may simplicity relate to conformity or unity? Are people really conforming to others if they are conforming to their nature? Chaos as opposed to order? Why might we learn from the child in relation to experimentation and freedom? They are the simple form of adults. How may this relate to computers and humanity? Why are humans using computers in the first 233
place? Is it wrong to use emotion as an appeal or argument? What does it mean to “tell it like it is”? In sharing the simple with others, is it really simple for them? How efficient does the knife need to be? How efficient does traveling need to be? What has passion and admiration done with simplicity? How does poetry relate to simplicity? Reading material: “Nature” by Ralph Waldo Emerson Particular Quote Analysis: Break down each of the following quotes, ask yourself what each quote means and why or how does it make sense. What concepts can connect? “To speak truly, few adult persons can see nature. Most persons do not see the sun. At least they have a very superficial seeing. The sun illuminates only the eye of the man, but shines into the eye and the heart of the child. The lover of nature is he whose inward and outward senses are still truly adjusted to each other; who has retained the spirit of infancy even into the era of manhood.” “The stars awaken a certain reverence, because though always present, they are inaccessible; but all natural objects make a kindred impression, when the mind is open to their influence. Nature never wears a mean appearance. Neither does the wisest man extort her secret, and lose his curiosity by finding out all her perfection. Nature never became a toy to a wise spirit. The flowers, the animals, the mountains, reflected the wisdom of his best hour, as much as they had delighted the simplicity of his childhood.”
“Nature always wears the colors of the spirit. To a man laboring under calamity, the heat of his own fire hath sadness in it. Then, there is a kind of contempt of the landscape felt by him who has just lost by death a dear friend. The sky is less grand as it shuts down over less worth in the population.” “To the body and mind which have been cramped by noxious work or company, nature is medicinal and restores their tone. The tradesman, the attorney comes out of the din and craft of the street, and sees the sky and the woods, and is a man again. In their eternal calm, he finds himself. The health of the eye seems to demand a horizon. We are never tired, so long as we can see far enough.” “Nature stretcheth out her arms to embrace man, only let his thoughts be of equal greatness. Willingly does she follow his steps with the rose and the violet, and bend her lines of grandeur and grace to the decoration of her darling child. Only let his thoughts be of equal scope, and the frame will suit the picture. A virtuous man is in unison with her works, and makes the central figure of the visible sphere.” “Every appearance in nature corresponds to some state of the mind, and that state of the mind can only be described by presenting that natural appearance as its picture. An enraged man is a lion, a cunning man is a fox, a firm man is a rock, a learned man is a torch. A lamb is innocence; a snake is subtle spite; flowers express to us the delicate affections. Light and darkness are our familiar expression for knowledge and ignorance; and heat for love. Visible distance behind and before us, is respectively our image of memory and hope.” “Nature is a discipline of the understanding in intellectual truths. Our dealing with sensible objects is a constant exercise 235
in the necessary lessons of difference, of likeness, of order, of being and seeming, of progressive arrangement; of ascent from particular to general; of combination to one end of manifold forces.” “The moral law lies at the centre of nature and radiates to the circumference.”..."The wise man, in doing one thing, does all; or, in the one thing he does rightly, he sees the likeness of all which is done rightly." “I only wish to indicate the true position of nature in regard to man, wherein to establish man, all right education tends; as the ground which to attain is the object of human life, that is, of man's connection with nature.” “The corruption of man is followed by the corruption of language. When simplicity of character and the sovereignty of ideas is broken up by the prevalence of secondary desires, the desire of riches, of pleasure, of power, and of praise,— and duplicity and falsehood take place of simplicity and truth, the power over nature as an interpreter of the will, is in a degree lost; new imagery ceases to be created, and old words are perverted to stand for things which are not; a paper currency is employed, when there is no bullion in the vaults. In due time, the fraud is manifest, and words lose all power to stimulate the understanding or the affections. Hundreds of writers may be found in every long-civilized nation, who for a short time believe, and make others believe, that they see and utter truths, who do not of themselves clothe one thought in its natural garment, but who feed unconsciously on the language created by the primary writers of the country, those, namely, who hold primarily on nature.”
What conclusions can be made from this text? What is the duty of humankind? What teaches us? What inspires us? Is complexity to be disregarded? How is it simple to return to nature? From the original text: “to live natural, is to hence live healthy and moral, as it is to live fulfilled and loved, which is to be simple, for it is natural for you so much as the world around you; how you embrace natural simplicity, start simple and with nature, so to be to learn and learn to be.” Review: The simple and complex are ever present together. Knowing time and place tells us of their nature. Natural simplicity is natural natures being; nature is the only definite thing in our lives, untouched by mankind; it is most simplistic because it is most universal and basic; to consist of it provides peace of mind, it is the most simple that actually teaches us the most and it is what is in need of reminder and recognition that we may take for granted in an unnatural world; it is to have less of man’s creation, more of nature; it is growingly healthy, for a life easier and more fun. Natural complexity is what constitutes natural simplicity, passive and complimentary, as example being the molecules within a plant; simplicity does not need to become complex, as it already naturally is; this is the natural intelligence behind the natural powers.
Unnatural simplicity is unnatural natures being, the disregard for or lack of natural simplicity; it is an illusion of simplicity because it’s based not in nature but in man’s creation; it includes just following orders, unnatural learning, or convenience which may backfire; it is due to a world too complicated as by unnatural complexity, so it is in unnatural simplicity to leave it to the supposed experts therein, the unnatural leaders; individuals despite having convenience, find themselves with more responsibilities or the lack of responsibility over natural natures and it is growingly unhealthy. Unnatural complexity is what constitutes unnatural simplicity, active and supplementary, the city in place of the natural country; it creates confusion upon the natural, it is unnatural intelligence; it is humans consumed by the idea of more, relying on unnatural simplicity, so it is simplicity becomes complexity as we unnaturally learn; we make things complex that don’t have to be. Together, natural simplicity and complexity is less of man, more of nature, and unnatural simplicity and complexity is more of man, less of nature; where there is seen less, speaks of simplicity and where there is seen more, speaks of complexity, but both differ in nature. Let thy natural effects be thy home just as one would let thy food be thy medicine. Reading material: “Nature” by Ralph Waldo Emerson Inquiry: How does simplicity apply currently in your life?
How has simplicity applied in your past? How does complexity apply currently in your life? Has has complexity applied in your past? Why do others not care to use or recognize simplicity? How should simplicity be shared? How should simplicity not be shared? What quotes about nature appeal to you the most? Why is that? What seems to be the hardest for you to understand? Do you want your life to be easy? How about fun or happy? Below, it cannot be acts previously mentioned. If so, they must be clarified. List five examples of that which promotes natural simplicity, elaborate if you must. List five examples of that which does not promote natural simplicity, elaborate if you must. What does natural simplicity look like in the world? Draw or imagine a picture. How can you apply this to your life?
A Guide To The Examples Of Natures Introduction: People often deal with many things in their life. Some things we see as necessary or not, harmful or helpful. We may be confused or even see no impact in what may come to be habits. We need to navigate this. What can we do to observe the nature of things? What are we observing? Can we worry sometimes too much? Are the problems we face really all that hard to treat? Are the solutions simple? Think of some possibilities for the natural, what would exist? Think of some possibilities for the unnatural, what would exist? What makes us speak of these possibilities? Why do things exist? What use do our creations have for us? What are we doing now, with these words and questions? What did we do with concepts such as learning, growth and leadership? What do we do with morality, right and wrong? We may evaluate anything by knowing it’s nature. Evaluate: Birth What is the natural way for a woman to give birth? What is the c-section option in relation to this? Is every procedure done, necessary for birth? How does vaccination relate to this? Is there an appeal to denature? What is the most natural of options? Why do other options exist? What prevents the need of these other options? If the baby persists of natural environments, what’s the need of man-made additions? How important is birth? What natural things should people do for healthy birth? Does this relate to natural diet? When are there complications? In reflection, how may we summarize an unnatural birth? 240
Evaluate: Vaccination Is there a natural form of vaccination? How about the immune system? What is a vaccine and what does it depend upon? How much do you really know about it? If it is marketed by unnatural systems, what does that speak as to it’s nature? What if it’s marketed for free? How likely are you trust something you are told to trust? What makes the natural body so wrong? If it provides natural effects, how should people go about in sharing such knowledge with others? In what ways should they not share it? Can there ever be such a thing as “one cure”? Are we ever healing? What does it mean if healing is natural? What creates the greatest immunity? What will create the least amount of unknown or complicated problems? In further reflection, is natural medicine necessary? Evaluate: Sleep What would be natural sleep? Is it important? What will sleep contribute toward? What if you used man made medicine to sleep? What if you used man made medicine for eating, going to the bathroom or breathing? How far are we willing to permit? Do people really have “no choice”? How may we help create natural sleep? What are the signs of natural sleep? In what ways may people try to ignore their natural sleep? How may quality and quantity relate here? What may make natural sleep harder? How may sleep relate to breathing? It can be a practice. Evaluate: Glasses Why might we question glasses for the eyes? Why were glasses created? Does it assist the natural? How natural is it, however? What’s the alternative to glasses? Should we have dependence upon glasses? What problems can there be? 241
Can we prevent the use of glasses? Why aren’t glasses that controversial? Is the nature of glasses generally known by people? How does that compare to cars or machinery? Why do people admire the world of the past? Evaluate: Clothes What is the use or function of clothes (what are clothes used for)? What are clothes used for in nature? How has clothes changed from it’s original use? What can clothes be used for other than it’s common original use? At what cost of nature can clothes be problematic? If an individual wants to express themselves with clothes, why might they do so? Why might there be a social stigma around clothes? Should natural expression be dependent upon clothes? How may marketing and currency relate to this matter? How may environments relate to clothes? Why might someone find someone else strange? What if people are all wearing the same thing? What if people are all wearing different things? How may this matter relate to natural morality and ownership? How about fun and creativity? In reflection, with anything man-made, when is the problem created? How does over sexualization aggregate, does it relate to lacking the most natural appearance? Do we make situations worse by covering them up? Is reality being covered up? How may this topic relate to insecurity, ego or trends? What if clothes were viewed as an art? In reflection, what impact does clothes make? Do we notice a trend among man-made items? Dependence upon the individual user. To reiterate, what affects decision making? What if nature is unknown or confused? If somebody takes care of thyself, how may their appearance be affected? Are clothes important in light of nature? Evaluate: Teeth 242
What are teeth to do? How important is teeth? Has humanity put focus on teeth? Why have they? Does this relate to natural diet or growth? Why do people have broken or incomplete teeth? Should industries have to profit from a natural nature? How about every natural nature? How does the concept of health and the health industry relate to the concept of currency? In an unnatural world, would the teeth be the only issue? Are teeth ever really the issue? What may be the problem having to align our get braces for our teeth? How about for whitening teeth? Are we trying to hide our health? What is used for these very processes? How does everyone know to utilize these processes? Are any alternatives of mention? How may this notion of knowing relate to leadership? To reiterate, why would people do something they don’t know much about? Does an appealing body make a healthy body? What should be done? Take care, with care. Do the problems today have a relation to the past? Who are we, as those people reflecting upon the past? Survivors. What is nature, then? The survivability. Evaluate: Makeup What is makeup? Why do people use makeup? In what ways can people use makeup? Is there any disregard or lack of the natural? Why would it be important to look at the problems with makeup usage? Conformity, identity, love, insecurity. Is there such a thing as natural makeup? What happens when people condition to the looks of others? Does this relate to natural environments? What is the importance of acceptance? Of others and yourself? How may simplicity and the way of nature relate to this? Is it helpful to accept the unnatural? Can we tell others what to do with their own body, however? If it is
a healing application, is it really makeup? If makeup is used to aggregate the natural, is this a worthy achievement? Evaluate: Media What is media? Can any man made thing be used for bad? What can make media useful or helpful? In what ways may technology relate to human beings? Can people live without technology or media? How much energy and time should be spent into these? Why is it important to see where our natural currency is being put? How natural is it to express ourselves through these mediums? Does this relate to natural intelligence? Is the media of today related to any nature back then? Is the guns of today related to any nature back then? What makes the difference? What if we are irresponsible with our media usage? With great power comes what? How may this relate to simplicity and complexity? Can we take these things out of existence? To reiterate, what is it that humans should know of their creations like this? Time and place, the choice is theirs. How can people change other people’s actions? What if humanity chooses to remain ignorant of problems? What if humanity decides to violently prevent others from attempting to use different tools or mediums? Should media be the primary form of learning? Should media be introduced often in a child’s development? How are we best able to discern natural versus unnatural reality? What does natural simplicity tell us about media? How does freedom relate to intelligence? Evaluate: Marriage What is marriage? What is usually associated with marriage? How does marriage in nature operate? Why would someone build a bond with another individual? Does the identity of 244
married or marriage help in a relationship? What about the terms of girlfriend or boyfriend, even? Should love naturally develop? Does marriage have to be publicized? What currency is involved? Do material things represent our love? Can we create any unnatural obligations or expectations? Why might divorces or broken-love situations occur? Can the man made continue unnatural situations concerning love? In what ways can an unnatural environment make the topic of love more difficult? Does this relate to natural attraction? Why might people promote marriage? Why might people not promote it? Do we need marriage for our nature? If an individual chooses to have a ceremony, what should they do? What if an individual says you need a cake? Why is it that society can go against tradition? Is traditional life values the same as natural life values? Evaluate: Transportation What is the use or function of transportation? What have we built in order to accomplish such? Can this relate to the idea that our world is “fast paced”? Does this relate to artificial intelligence and media? Is there a problem with it being simple to do certain things, like travel or communicate? Is it good to do more in our life? What is the transportation of the natural world? Are we more present or with the way of nature in such a world? Is the lack of presence necessary for the unnatural world? Would it be good for us to teleport? Why do we ask ourselves of loss, when we question the man made? How may cultures relate to transportation? Why do people tell us to keep with the times in relation to this? How may local communities be affected by transportation? How about our health? How about the environment? Should we seek to get rid of these things? Should we seek more of these things? 245
How may this affect potential natural effects? In the topic of machinery, what if we had machines harvest our food? What nature is that simpler than the car (what nature has the same purpose as the car)? Is the function of a car always used for the same purpose? What happens when people learn how dangerous transportation can be? What if there exists selfdriving in machines? Should humans be able to decide wherever they want to go? Evaluate: Pets What does it mean to have pets? What does it mean to have companionship? What can pets provide for us? What can we provide for pets? Can the idea of pets relate to that of slavery? How does intelligence relate to this topic? How may diet relate? Does a relationship have to be based on slavery or violence? How may natural effects relate to companionship? What complications may come with taking animals out of the wild? What can help create natural environments for the pet? In nature, would we have pets? What if a pet is unhealthy or unhappy? How may attraction relate? What can make things unnatural for pets? Should we treat life with care? Should we look at all our options? How do humans get pets in the first place? What does blatant dominion look like? How may this relate to how humans treat the natural environment of nature? How does morality, change and responsibility relate to this? Evaluate: Cultures What is a culture? In social, versus bacterial, context? Why might different cultures clash? What causes cultures to clash? What causes cultures to divide? How does this relate to morality and law? What is culture the product of? What 246
causes people to mix with other cultures? What causes people to stay with only their own culture? Why might these positions receive criticism? How does respect, integration, nature and voluntary interactions relate to this? What might artificial intelligence do for a world of cultures? What if people worry about other people, or what they associate with? How does this relate to leadership and change? How does culture relate to art or community? What does history teach us about culture? Can we erase history? How is it that we learn history? What is above culture? What is the problem with art or material? What if we lose any piece of history? Why might cultures have a constant reference of or reverence for nature? Evaluate: Sexuality, Gender & Related Identities Why do people question homosexuality? What is the function or use of homosexuality? Love. What may contribute to controversy surrounding simple natures like sexuality or gender? How does law and morality relate to this? What effects may come from homosexuality? How does it relate to other choices by humankind? It is personal preference. Does it produce life? Does it harm life? Does it have to do with identity? Are all terms in language necessary for usage? Why might someone bring personal matters into the public? Can anyone so rightfully know the origins of sexuality? If there are any problems with the choices, what shall occur? Is homosexuality just a label? What matters with any label? How may this relate to experimentation and growth? Can we use our nature for unnatural purposes? How may this relate to vices, learning or responsibility? How may this relate to freedom? Why may it be hard to give a clear answer, upon inspection? Should we be generalized? What is transgenderism? Why might this be even more controversial? 247
What is the purpose or use of such? What problems may be seen, in claim and mentality? How may this relate to growth, learning and simplicity? To reiterate, what can make problems turn into worse problems? Is society to determine what one individual should do? What is the action and what does it refer to? How may this relate to unnatural systems or aggregates? May there be any permissibility to denature? Are we to dictate our nature or pressure other’s natures? Why might other people feel pressured? If nature is ever changed, do we live in regret? Should we treat any human being any differently when it comes to morality? How do we give incentive for the natural world to manifest? Evaluate: Disasters What is a disaster? What do we call so-called natural disasters? Does it have to be a disaster? Does man play a role in these disasters? What can man do about them? Can man create them? Does nature deserve the blame? What if we dismiss human impact? How may disasters relate to poisons? How does this relate to learning? How may this relate to environments? What if humans do not consider what natural problems persist in their environment? Must nature ever bend the knee to man? How does nature tell of it’s power? What do disasters teach us? To prepare, to cherish, to align. What does it mean to do your best in light of nature? To reiterate, do problems have to be problems? Why might the natural or nature be a problem for humanity? Why might problems come as a surprise? What if humans never recognize their responsibilities? Why might disasters keep occurring? What if the disaster is not the fault of humans? How may simplicity relate to loss and disaster? Evaluate: Cities 248
What is a city (what is the use or function of a city)? Why might the city be associated with the unnatural? How does the city compare to the country? How might a city dweller feel when going to the country? How might a country dweller feel when going to the city? Why do people live or take vacation in these environments? Where is nature most present? Who tends to embrace freedom and be of good health? How may simplicity relate to this topic? What requires the making of a city? What happens when catastrophe takes place in the city versus the country? What does the city do for peoples versus a town or community? Does it help to go off-grid or away from others? Do people whom always dwell in the city ever truly see nature? How may unnatural currency relate to industrialization? Where is life most expensive? How does freedom relate to this matter? Why do we question something despite it being personal choice? To reiterate, what makes it hard to understand the natural? Would it be dangerous to not know of the country? How about the city? Is a land purely of trees and forests hospitable to humans? Is a land purely of man made things hospitable to humans? What may we then call a natural city? What would be an unnatural country? Are all natural environments so natural? Should people avoid the city? How do we maintain control over our creations? How do we not destroy ourselves? Where is our true home? How are the most beautiful or fitting creations created? Evaluate: Family What does it mean to have family? How integral is it to have family? How does this relate to growth and environments? Why is it that family is so often cherished in different cultures? Why might the family unit be broken and discouraged? Can other families be part of your family? Would it help for an 249
individual to remain mostly of their own family? How may this relate to culture and attraction? How does currency relate to creating a new being into this world? Why do we give love to others? Why does conflict occur in families? Should we also recognize and respect the individual? How might man made things affect the family unit? Why would these things affect them? Does it help to cherish our family backgrounds or ancestors? How did you get to where you are? How may this relate to natural leaders and learning? Why might an individual develop defeatism? Why might an individual not want to raise a family or be with family? Is this individual alone? What is the purpose of faith and what is required for medicine? What is required for the continual health of genetics and bloodlines? What is an outsider and how does it help and not help? How may unnatural systems interact with this matter? Are these systems also a family? Why might unnatural systems be ran by families? Should every being be loved? What if they are not? They still shall. What if you are to not start a family? What can we learn from starting a family? How may this relate to natural effects? Do our selfish obsessions matter? Do we need people to guide us in our development? How may family relate to natural authority and leadership as a whole in regards to this? What is the natural authority of the parents? What happens as you get older? Why might tribes get attacked nowadays? How may tribes compare to governments? Why do businesses exist? How do governments compare to businesses? Why might people equate society, family, tribes and businesses to government? These are hierarchies which always exist all throughout nature, however government is involuntary. Do people like government getting involved in their family or business matters? What would a natural family do for an individual? Would there be alienation, claim or titles? 250
From the original text: “Let the peoples of the world live their own lives so long as they are among the living and not violating the living by claiming to be above the living.” Evaluate: Video Games What is a video game? What can video games do for us? What do different types of video games portray? What makes the most captivating video games? Is this captivation good? What makes a phone different from a computer? Why are games created? How do video games compare to real life games? How do all games compare to other real life matters? Why is it important to make this comparison? Is life a game? Is it all about success? What within the psychology of games, appeals to people? What would make a game no longer fun? Why do games lose popularity? How does freedom and learning relate to games? What do games rely on? How may this relate to intelligence? How may music relate to games? What if your life depends upon the game? Is it time well spent? Why might we feel a lack of fulfillment? How may this topic relate to effects? What potential do games and video games have for people? What does that potential rely on? Why is freedom loved in games? Why is realistic graphics loved, or similar feelings to that of the natural world? Does this immersion always help? How do games compare to movies or shows? How may this relate to imagination and experimentation? What does fun or freedom require? Conclude If humans destroy any environment, why is it? Based on how we observe deeper upon the natures, on the topic of psychedelics, are they natural or unnatural? Does it being 251
natural to exist mean it is natural to use? Why do plants become popular? Does popular mean natural to use? Why might people want blanket statements about natures? What are we to do, if we can’t know everything? How is that we evaluate the natures as we did and continue to do? How many dependencies are there? What is our role within nature? How are we able to be of this role? How do we maintain it with our man made creations? How does simplicity apply to all this analyzation? Can we correlate and make things more relatable and honest? How can honesty be malformed by the unnatural, like in systems of man made law? Taxation instead of theft, gangs instead of cops, blood instead of milk. Can honesty and this deeper inspection be controversial? How would nature be viewed by the unnatural? From the original text: “It is therefore the simply natural, to the natural. So to best be is to be.” Reviewed Inquiry: Name three things or topics not previously mentioned, for yourself to evaluate. Then share your findings with someone else and obtain their thoughts; then share how you came across your findings, a reciprocal inquiry. Of the topics or things you choose to inquiry, use the nature dynamic on at least two of them. What topics or things do you have the hardest time figuring out? Why is that? What would make it more helpful? Have you discussed the topic or thing with someone else? Have you used the nature dynamic, or observed the natures therein?
How do the topics or things inquired, relate to your current life? How do the topics or things inquired, relate to your past? Why do others not care to learn from the topics or things inquired? Is this a problem? What should you do in light of this? (How should topics or things like those inquired, be shared among? How should they not be shared?) What topics or things appeal to you the most in relation to nature? Why is that? What do these topics or things look like in the world, in the natural or unnatural? Draw or imagine a picture of at least two. How can you apply this to your life? Extra Notes: The key is not to excuse the unnatural, in being aware of the natural. “All art, all education, can be merely a supplement to nature.” - Aristotle
Patterns of nature, ever giving, Amongst the stars and amongst the earth, We come to know the living, The time ever giving birth, freedom in sight so ever of a grasp, For the ability of humans to their last, In giving so much as loving, in respect to the past, For their sight above the seen, they ever shall cast, In the light of day, they find the ever vast, To know of their own light despite the fray, Their nature gives heed, so they follow the deed, In being so in sharing, to the lead – to say it’s okay, They lead not of themselves, but of nature in the delves, All follows among as alike all things under the sun, And the patterns are written anew for amongst what grew, Ever getting, nature is to trust, in the rue so none has won – the work is done but the study is only some for humans the best is yet to come – if it is the wisdom of nature they got, it is the wisdom of nature they shall give, for if it is they need it a lot, they shall give it to live.
Recognize at least three observations or extra thoughts concerning the above poem.
A Guide To Sayings Concerning Nature Introduction: People often say many different phrases. They are often said for different reasons. However, some may be said commonly in the world. May it be a shared habit, or otherwise, we need to navigate this. What do people commonly say about nature? What statements would make an appeal to nature and what makes an appeal to denature? What if a statement lacks knowledge of nature, or is ignorant of potential knowledge? When people make statements as such, how may someone with more knowledge respond? Are some statements rather just questions? What do our statements reflect aside from knowledge? Mentality. Are we willing to learn from nature? What if we aren’t? What does each pursue? Why might we feel compelled to disregard nature? Why might we feel compelled to defend nature? What does this teach us about the statements we make? To reiterate, why do the terms natural and unnatural exist? Do the specific words matter? Can words ever truly represent our intent? How can we use our sayings for the wisdom of nature? Evaluate: “Get with the times” What does it mean to say this? What does the present depend upon? What if we disregard our past? Can we disregard our future? Does this statement make any appeal to nature or to denature? Is our time and place always really meant for the current time and place? Do we tend to only look at our place within this time? Why might we need to look back at a different time at the same place? Can we get carried 255
away? Must we adapt to the current times? Does this phrase help an individual find their self, their nature? Is there any value in not going with the current times? Can we remain of a place ever present of time? Apply the natural and unnatural to this phrase: How are we to get with the times? Are we to naturally get with the natural times? How may this relate to the way of nature and natural simplicity? If there is the present and past, where is nature? What is the difference between getting with the natural times, versus the unnatural times, in clarifying this expression? What if people are being pressured into during either one? Is such natural learning, healing, leading or growing? From the original text: “the original saying is telling of an action unspecified and unguided.” Evaluate: “There’s nothing new under the sun” What does it mean to say this? How may this relate to the very idea of nature and natures? Is nature ever present? What is the context of this saying in the lens of the natural? How may this saying relate to natural simplicity? What does it speak of man made creations or the complex? In the lens of unnatural law, does it help to create new or many different forms of government and man made law? What is government based on that is nothing new to mankind? Belief, actions. What changes about from these roots? Can any aggregation occur? To reiterate, what is that aggregation based upon? Let us remind ourselves, what is the idea of the unnatural to do? Is it attempting to make new? Can it really make something new? Is this a problem, or the problem? If it cannot create anything real, how come it can seem real to us? Does this relate to unnatural simplicity and complexity? Is this 256
why we use words like artificial, illusionary or corruption? What if someone tries to make the case that it can be made real? What if you do your best to make something not true, true? What if you really had this ability? Think of the possibilities of adding the natural or unnatural to the phrase, how important is it that we do this? Evaluate: “What’s natural isn’t always good” What does it mean to make this statement? What is the purpose or function of the word unnatural? How does it compare to man-made? What is the purpose or function of the word natural in comparison? Is this statement claiming to know what is natural to the nature of the word “natural”? Is this contradictory? If someone claims they are correct, is this a timeless and universal standard? In light of this context, do they claim a case where good is also natural? Are they also claiming by saying “always”, that the natural can be good? Are we looking at what is natural to use, separately from what is natural to exist? How does natural learning relate to this statement? Why is “nature always good insofar as it is known”? Can we blame nature for our own ignorance? How may this relate to karma or natural moral law? Why might people use this statement, what for? What should people use this statement for? What is an appeal without knowledge? What is humanity without wisdom? How might we lose our own nature? How might wrong or bad things repeatedly happen to us? Let us summarize upon application of these ideas: When is nature good? When is nature bad? When is something unnatural good? Does this saying alone define what is natural or what is good? If what is natural is that of which has always existed, what is bad about it? Is it only bad because of what some humans may think of it or come to use 257
it for? Is this about subjective or objective morality? What is the problem if we are given nature? Are we allowing evil or the unnatural? Do we all have the ability to manifest the natural? Why is it that most people know violence is wrong? Do people make any exception to this knowledge? What does this statement look like reversed? Are we to prove nature right? What are we rather proving to be right? What is at question, most? What if wisdom is not bound to nature? How do we always remain slaves? What wisdom is bound to nature? How do we always remain not as slaves? Why might people be critical of this text or these questions? Does that stop you from learning, or the intent or perspectives shared here? Is there no relation or connection to be found? What is it that you must do? From the original text: “It is the natural you who must reason of the world and bring reason into the world; so to naturally go with the natural times, so to bring nothing naturally new under the sun, so to help know what is natural, good and healthy; what is natural for humanity is what humanity must know, and may that first be to know that nature is the answer.” Reviewed Inquiry: What other phrases come to your mind? Evaluate for yourself. Then share your findings with someone else and obtain their thoughts; then share how you came across your findings, a reciprocal inquiry. Of the phrases that came to mind, apply the natural and unnatural within to evaluate further context. What makes the most sense? 258
How do the phrases inquired, relate to your current life? How do the phrases inquired, relate to your past? Why do others not care to learn more from the phrases inquired? Is this a problem? What should you do in light of this? (How should the inquiry of these phrases, be shared among? How should they not be shared?) What do these phrases look like in the world, perhaps in a dialogue between peoples? Draw or imagine a picture. How can you apply this to your life? How may phrases relate with one another? Are our sayings ever to be taken for granted?
A Guide To Nature Is The Answer Introduction: People live their life with many questions and answers. Sometimes we want to ask more or answer more. We may have too many answers or questions. We may question answers, and answer questions, for what we are to do. What do we do? We need to navigate this. From the original text: “Thou shall question nature among thou nature and nature among thou nature shall answer.” Does the journey ever truly end? Why does it not end? What remains? How does any message continue? What message will always continue? Do we always see the present message? Do we always utilize our natural powers? Do we always utilize the natural? Should you expect knowledge of nature? How may consciousness relate to this? Is learning knowledge limited to one form? Can we learn the truth or nature in everything? What does this learning require from ourselves? What were all the inquiries we asked ourselves, about? How come we may have different answers? How may this actually help us, what for? Is there an answer among these answers? Can we ever not express a nature? Can we ever not be within or thereof nature? Can you have trust within your own actions without unnatural religion? Should worship be an action for our natures? How about labels or titles? In reflection, with knowledge, what does it mean to say “nature is the answer”? Is the natural superior to the unnatural? To reiterate, what is the need of the word “natural”? How about the word “answer”? Must we answer in 260
our daily life? How do we know what the answer should be? What is the role of questions? What are we questioning? Reflect on many different topics concerning the natural, why was it helpful to recognize distinction? Is it natural to do so? What if we did not? If we aren’t saying nature is the answer, what are we saying? From the original text: “that of the many things said and done humanity has but only not disregard or lose nature, that the nature dynamic is ever among dynamics ever to know and that this text is ever among texts ever to know but a nature, a natural world, ever even more knowable, one most liveable, loveable, fun-able and breathable, so ever able, so ever being.” Are you curious of the past? What may you find in the past? How do we know of loss? What is our duty upon the past and the idea of loss? What is ego and how does it relate to nature? How may we be wary of our own ego? Should you remain among people who validate your worldview? How does this affect learning or growth? Does nature have one? How may relations between people in this regard relate to natural attraction? Can your personal connections be spoken of? Who knows it best? If another person cannot tell you the answer to your own love or self, can they be the answer? To reiterate, what are they really? Why does abolitionism or the idea of abolishing exist in the presence of nature and knowing the natural? What does humanity have to abolish, that is counter to nature? What is the greatest man made or unnatural manifestation? Governments. What has it brought upon effects and our other topics? How did people get out of these manifestations, historically? Why might there exist censorship from man made systems? What is your vision of 261
the better tomorrow? How can people live in peace, with freedom and happiness? Can we start integrating these techniques now? To reiterate, how may integration relate to abolitionism, in reflection of natural change? What can we do in a world we love? How does change work alike healing? Does it relate to any sense of principles? Adding in, getting to the root cause, simply living. From the original text: “it is possible, it requires no major revision of the world, it only requires vision; a clear and direct vision and thereof abolitionism, to abolish the unnatural aggregate by it’s roots.” Why might peoples worship paper? What are some examples of this throughout history? Is it the most honest or natural to rely on? Would people even value it over other people? How may this relate to professions and currency? Can evil get a dose of their own medicine? How so should it be approached? If a person, practitioner or “enforcer” is suppressing their own conscience, their nature, what are you to do? What if you feel like there is no hope? Is this a beneficial outlook on them, of natural religion? From the original text: “you need only show the peoples who permit the unnatural, the natural that is inside themselves and what natural they are affecting, speak to their soul and conscience, find it within them through the darkest depths of their heart, seek any reason, seek their bond with nature, don’t let them abandon their nature and become the robotic disposable slave or slave master that such a defensive statist or believer in slavery may be.” Steps In Abolitionism: 262
What is the first step in abolishing the unnatural, or partaking in natural change? Awareness, representing, sharing. Can we be specific on what we are doing? Breaking mental slavery or statism. What is the second step? Education, introspection, internal work, shared awareness. What is the third step? Individual action to collective action, no statist or slave action. What is the fourth step? Generational history, media, ripple effect. Further Analysis: 1) How would you go about in doing step one? Is this a revolution? What has worked throughout history in this step? The idea of “nature is the answer”, how could this be utilized among this? How could people create curiosity and personal investment? Should authenticity be considered in sharing a message or movement? Shall the movement be created now upon your recognition of “nature is the answer”, why is that? How do you create any movement? Is it limited to any one person or event? What is a movement to do? Does it have to be against anything? What has the unnatural done for it’s movement? Can we learn from such for our movement? 2) How would you go about in doing step two? Would step two happen naturally? What’s important to bear in mind concerning connecting people together? Should they know of goals or the better tomorrow? How does it help to have people together? Are they limited to the original ideas that brought them together or any particular ideas? How may the idea of intent and natural leadership relate to this? 3) How would you go about in doing step three? Would this step happen naturally? What does it take to do this? Is there any need for offense? How may this relate to abolitionism and ending slavery in the past? What if offense is brought upon 263
these efforts by others? Does evil expose itself? What prevents such from being the case? What help will the media do to show this effort? Positive or negative feedback? What will other people who are outside of this conflict think? What if they follow suit? What if they sit back in cowardice? Will there be any self-demise in the immoral breach upon peaceful people? Is controversy necessary for truth? How may this step contribute to the other steps? How may a movement help in these effects? How can a flag or old methods of change be modernized to lead people to the knowledge of nature? Why is it important to document what goes on? How does this relate to history? Why is it that older history is more disputed? How can this relate to the topic of intelligence? 4) How can step four be done, in being more specific as to the effects of step three? Should these ideas of nature reach the whole world? How does destiny relate to all these steps? Can anyone stop this progression? What is this whole progression dependent upon? How does light compare to darkness, for analogy? Can we summarize these steps using the topics discussed of the natural and unnatural? In other words, the abolitionist cause can be summed up as: natural learning for natural leadership for natural change for the way of nature. What should we most uphold through the generations? Are we to initiate a movement or is there an inherent movement? What constitutes your contribution to this movement? What is the why and what is the how? Should you focus on peoples or places? Should you simply look at the basics? Should you talk to and help all peoples of all kinds? What can help those people who don’t seem to care or are feeling down? What can help unify peoples without division? What isms or ideologies 264
may discuss nature throughout history? Is nature limited to any one ism or way of thought? What are these to do? Does nature stand for itself? Are there a list of problems with the world you live in? Should we dwell on these? Why do you think this knowledge is shared from myself, a fellow guide, to you? What makes me question our world? Should anyone be only among the few of humanity? Why might it be hard to share observations on nature or the natural? What is life without hope? What is life without struggle? What is life without nature in relation? When nature is harmonized among you, how does it feel? Can we extend such a feeling to other areas of our life? What if this knowledge gets attacked in the mainstream or by others who may call themselves “experts”? Why may this knowledge be undervalued at times? Is popularity relevant? Why do we consider this work and knowledge? To reiterate, does any one of us speak solely for nature or humanity? From the original text: “I want humanity and nature to simply have such ability to speak and be; forever in spirit.” What is the nature of a life path? How does a life path progress, starting from the beginning? What will be your blockades? What would be the worst blockade or trap? May you come across illusions or bumps along the road? How do you move past these road bumps? What is the goal of your path? Do you have a greater or true nature for yourself, in reference to the nature dynamic for fulfillment? What may your death actually provide among following this path? Should people always have some conscious contribution to humanity? How does this relate to the process of birth and natural attraction? Is your life determined by your control or 265
consciousness? What do you do about the fact that you can’t control everything or the generations ahead? Nurturing, optimization. In conclusion of reiteration, does man depend ultimately upon man? Why does the natural question the unnatural? From the original text: “For nature is the answer because any answer has a nature under nature and every question seeks natures; man does not abide or depend upon man, but man shall abide to and depend upon nature; all created natures are to help man, and the natural questions the unnatural, whilst for so it is the natural natures are ever more the greater answers.” How do you ensure your future? Do you practice the natural world despite whatever world you currently live in? What makes it ever more possible? If this text on paper is seen as problematic, what shall be said? Are there other formats for distributing this knowledge? How has it always been distributed throughout time, in relation to natural learning? How may this relate to the use of curriculum or the teacher and student dynamic? Is the teacher solely one individual? Is this curriculum solely of one use? Is it ever too late to share a message, to be the change, to live your life? Be not beholden to any some “thing”, one book, some words, one idea. Every sentence can be turned into a question. Every book can be expanded. Every person can be learned from. From the original text: “You may use this text for any project of yours, and may you give credit upon your natural morality, you shall speak however.” 266
“Go into nature. Come to sense the light of life, the light in life, the sun’s light in the eyes of beauty within all peoples, our sense of nature in feeling the breeze, the ocean at our feet, the wild adrenaline of running through the forests, from the calm and cozy night, to the chirping and bright birds, the great company of friends who care among which I am yours so long as you too, care; may we experience all that nature has to offer us, but maintain it as so we may ever receive it’s offering, it’s wisdom – the wisdom of nature.” “Nature has already won, it is already one. The wisdom of nature is found in some, But it is the teachings known to none, That provides the truth in sum—one, Humanity ever has to realize—reason, a ton, That the war they wage with the(de) nature(s), Is but their own slavery among, While freedom provided by and with nature(s), Is but more their own, as much as the sun.”
You create the natural when you think, say or act from knowledge or embrace, of nature (natural authority, what has always existed), for naturalization (what supports or gives to the natural). You create the unnatural when you think, say or act from the lack or disregard of the natural, by man-made “authority”, for denaturing (what violates or steals from the natural).
Reflection: What will you create? Will you create? Introspection.
Nature Is The Answer nita.one Sapientia Naturae Naturosophy Sensus