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Sanskrit Manual Л Quick-reference Guide to the Phonology and Grammar o f Classical Sanskrit Compiled, by R o d e r ic k S. B u c k n e l l
Di re cc ió n d(
First Edilion: Delhi, 1994 Reprint: Delhi, 1996, 2000, 2001
je-a— >jaya-, from which one can then produce the actually occurring forms jayati etc. In addi tion to knowing this set of rules, one has to know that ji be longs to class 1, and that it is predominantly conjugated in the active (rather than the middle) voice. Dictionaries and the vocabulary lists in primers supply that information with entries of the form Vji 1 P (where P stands for 'parasmaipada' (ac tive)). They also usually supply the principal form jayati, no doubt in recognition of the hazards involved in applying the rules and of the existence of exceptions. Thus the typical vo cabulary entry appears as Vji 1 P (jayati) 'conquer'. But clearly the information regarding the root (ji), the verb class (1), and the voice (P) tells the student little of value, for the single item jayati already says it all. Thus at this stage in the student's career the concept of roots, together with the rules which that concept makes necessary, is an unwarranted compli cation. Introducing beginning students to the concept of roots does nothing to facilitate presentation of the linguistic facts, or ease the task of mastering the present and imperfect tenses. It has the very opposite effect. Students' interests would be better served if verbs were cited in their most commonly occurring
form; for example, the above verb might as well be introduced simply as jayati 'conquer'. Such considerations underlie the treatment of verbs present ed here. The discussion proceeds not from hypothetical roots but from actually occurring verb forms, conventionally cited in the third singular of the present indicative active (or middle), thus: jayati 'conquer', labhate 'obtain', jänäti 'know', sunoti 'press'. It is not only in the early stages of a student's career that the concept of roots causes unnecessary difficulty. Consider, for example, traditionally formulated accounts of the aorist. They pay much attention to how the aorist verb stem may be derived from the root. The 'rules' whereby one can identify which roots follow which mode of derivation are so involved and so unreli able as to be of little real use. The practical reality is that, except in a few very distinctive root types, one cannot infer the form of the aorist with any confidence; one simply has to look it up. Any realistic presentation of the aorist must therefore proceed not from roots but from actual aorist forms, in particu lar from the form cited in dictionaries, the third singular active or middle. This reality is recognized in this manual. In the section on the aorist nothing is said about how one may, for example, get from the root ji to the aorist ajaislt. It is taken for granted that the form ajaislt can be known only by referring to a dictionary or a list of verb forms (such as Table 27). Accordingly the discussion focuses on how to conjugate once this basic form is known. The identifiable aorist paradigms (or classes of aorist) are set out and described, and information is given on how one may identify which class any particular verb belongs to. Here again the terminology is simple and mnemonic; e.g. ajaislt be longs to the -sit class of aorists. The traditional practice of presenting verbs in terms of derivation from roots has another major disadvantage: it de pends on, and thus reinforces, the very unsatisfactory tradition al account of vowel gradation. According to that account, the root (e.g. ji) is in the fundamental grade, and it yields the present stem (ji —> je-, jay-) by being raised or strengthened to the guna grade. Now, according to the findings of historical linguistics, the mechanism of vowel gradation is actually the reverse of that just described: in reality the guna grade (as in the present indicative jayati, infinitive jetum, etc.) is the source,
while the fundamental grade (as in the perfect passive participle jita- and the root ji) is derived from it by reduction or weakening (cf. Mayrhofer, p. 37). The traditional account has it back to Irunt. The fact that the traditional account reverses the mechanism oí vowel gradation as between fundamental and guna grades does not matter greatly in the case of ji and many other roots; however, there are also many roots for which it creates prob lems. Consider, for example, the root vad 'speak'. According to the traditional account, the root vad yields the present indica tive stem vad- by the usual process of strengthening to guna grade; and the fact that this strengthening does not result in any vowel change is covered by stating that the guna-grade counter part of the vowel 'a' is also 'a'. This artificial device does not, however, resolve a second problem: the perfect passive partici ple of vad is udita-, an exception to the general rule that the stem of the perfect passive participle is identical with the root. This is dealt with by further stating that roots in va, ya, and ra usually replace these by u, i, and r respectively (the process termed samprasarana) in the perfect passive participle. Such ad hoc adjustments seem unavoidable, given the basic premises. For example, one could not discard vad as the root and set up a root ud instead, because strengthening that to guna grade would yield od- rather than vad-. The problems illustrated in vad commonly occur wherever a root has va, ya, or ra; e.g., vas —> vasati, usita-; yaj —» yajati, ista-; grah —> grhnäti (exception!), grhlta- As noted, the traditional attempts at solving them are ad hoc and generally unsatisfac tory. Clearly the real solution is to recognize that the mecha nism of gradation between the guna and fundamental grades actually proceeds in the reverse direction: vad-, as in the pres ent indicative stem, is guna grade; and its corresponding fundamental-grade form (obtained from the guna by weakening) is ud-, as in the perfect passive participle udita-. Once this is allowed, the problems vanish; ad hoc qualifications become unnecessary. This solution is adopted here. It is recognized that the guna grade is basic to the gradation series, yielding the fundamental grade by weakening (and the vrddhi grade by strengthening). It is also recognized that the phenomenon of gradation is much more widely applicable than the traditional account allows; for example, where the traditional account has u —» o/av —> au/av,
the present account has u au/äv and u vä. In addition, the artificial a —» a —> 5 of the traditional account is replaced by the natural and obvious 0 a —> ä (as in cakhnnh, khanati, khünayaú). These revisions of the presentation of vowel gradation go hand in hand with the de-emphasizing of the notion of deriva tion from roots. Once the primacy of 'fundamental grade' is rejected, the primacy of the verbal root goes out with it. But in spite of this, and in spite of all the shortcomings in the concept of roots noted earlier, roots clearly cannot be ignored entirely in a work of this nature. Roots are invariably emphasized in existing grammars and primers, and are widely applied in the design of dictionaries etc.; and they do after all have a certain mnemonic usefulness. Familiarity with the concept of roots is therefore indispensable, and can be taken for granted in a stu dent of Sanskrit. In recognition of this, roots are discussed in this manual. However, they are introduced at a relatively late stage and are presented for what they are: handy labels artifi cially derived from the actually occurring verb (and noun) forms. Also, in keeping with common practice the 432 verbs in Table 27, 'Principal parts of verbs', are identified by their roots (used as headings) and arranged alphabetically according to those roots. For similar reasons the ten verb classes are also discussed briefly in the text and included in Table 27. Thus this manual strikes a balance between the demonstrable desirability of innovation and the practical indispensability of certain es tablished traditions. Acknoiuledgment and Request I wish to record my indebtedness and gratitude to David Dargie for his care, patience, and ingenuity in preparing the three indexes. I would like also to ask readers to offer sugges tions on how this manual might be improved, and to point out any errors, which can so easily occur in a work of this nature. R o d e r ic k S. B u c k n ell
The University of Queensland Brisbane, Australia December 1992
PA RTI. PHONOLOGY 1. T h e S p e e c h -so u n d s
The sounds of Sanskrit, when classified on articulatory criteria, fall naturally into the two-dimensional array shown in Table 1 (page 73). On the vertical axis of this array are shown the six places of articulation; on the horizontal are shown the manners of articulation, specified in terms of a number of overlapping features. It will be found that familiarity with these features, and with the total array, facilitates understanding of the rules of sandhi and other phenomena to be described below. The collocation of the speech-sounds in words is subject to numerous constraints. For present purposes it suffices to list the following most noteworthy constraints applying in any individual word cited in isolation: A word may begin with any consonant or vowel other than h m rt ñ n r 1. A word may end with one of the eight consonants k t t p ñ n m h , or with any vowel other than r and 1. At the beginning of a word, and within it, complex clusters of conso nants are possible, e.g. kramyanle, stribhyäm, drstvä, laksmyä; however, at the end of a word consonant clusters almost never occur. 2. E x t e r n a l S a n d h i
When individual words are put together in sentences, the boundaries between them are often blurred by phonetic interac tions between the abutting sounds: the final sound of each word modifies, and/or is modified by, the initial sound of the word following it. This phenomenon is called 'external sandhi' — 'external' because it occurs between each word and the next rather than within individual words. Because of external sandhi the process of translating into or out of Sanskrit entails a step in which the appropriate phonetic changes are allowed for. For example, the translating of the sentence 'There was a king' into Sanskrit proceeds through the following two steps. First one puts together the required com ponent words: aslt, 'was' or 'there was'; and raja, 'a king'. Then one applies to these isolated forms of the words the
Sanskrit Manual appropriate sandhi rule: a word-final -t, when followed by a word-initial r-, changes to -d, while the r- remains unchanged. This yields the actual sentence äsld räjä. (Though d is not permitted as a word-final consonant in the isolated forms of words, it is possible in their sandhi-derived forms.) The steps .ire, therefore, as follows: 1) 2) 3)
'There was a king.' äslt räjä äsld räjä
(isolated forms) (sandhi forms)
When translating out o f Sanskrit the above procedure is reversed. First the appropriate rule is applied in reverse to obtain the isolated forms of the words: äsld räjä is identified as derived by sandhi from äslt räjä. Then the individual words iisit and räjä are translated, if necessary using a dictionary and the appropriate tables of noun and verb paradigms. (a)
Rules o f external sandhi The complete set of rules for external sandhi is summarized in Table 2. Section (i) of that table covers those cases where the first of the two words involved in sandhi ends in a consonant; Section (ii) covers those cases where the first word ends in a vowel. Along the upper margin of Section (i) in Table 2 are shown the eight possible word-final consonants (-k, -t, etc.). One of the eight, -h, is divided into four types to cover four slightly differ ent situations that prevail according as the vowel preceding the h is (1) a, (2) ä, (3) any short vowel other than a, or (4) any long vowel other than ä. Types (3) and (4) are represented in the table by -ih and -Ih respectively. Along the right-hand margin of Section (i) are shown the consonants and vowels which may serve as initial for the second of the two words involved in sandhi. Consonant-initials having identical sandhi behaviour are grouped into sets (e.g. k-, kh-,...s-); and all of the vowel initials other than a- are grouped into a single set, represented by V-. To apply sandhi rules when translating into Sanskrit, one moves from the upper and right-hand margins into the rect angle. The form assumed by a given word-final consonant when followed by a given word-initial is indicated by the letter shown at the intersection of the corresponding axes within the
rectangle. Suppose, for example, that one is translating into Sanskrit, and has put together the component words äslt and räjä. One then goes to -t on the upper margin and moves down the -t column to the level of r- on the right margin. At the intersection is -d, indicating that -t must change to -d, whence äsld räjä. Some letters within the rectangle are labelled with an aster isk, and the corresponding initial at the right margin is followed by a notation in square brackets. This indicates that the sandhi involves a change in the initial as well as in the final. For example, in the case of -t á- the table shows -c*, while the notation to the right of á- reads *é— > ch-. This signifies that the -t changes to -c while the S- changes to ch-. Hence, the total change is from -t á- to -c ch-. As an example, consider the translating into Sanskrit of the sentence 'There was an enemy'. The steps are: 1) 2) 3)
'There was an enemy.' äslt áatruh (isolated forms) äslc chatruh (sandhi forms)
When translating out of Sanskrit, one first seeks the given form of the word-final within the rectangle, on a level with the given word-initial on the right margin; then one moves out to the isolated word-final on the upper margin. For example, 1) 2) 3)
aslc chatruh äslt áatruh (or äslt chatruh, but a word chatruh is not to be found) 'There was an enemy.'
Section (ii) of Table 2 summarizes the rules of external sandhi in cases where the first of the two words involved ends in a vowel. The possible word-final vowels are shown along the' upper margin, and as in Section (i) all possible word-initials are shown along the right margin. The groupings are different, however, and all the consonants are represented by C-. Because sandhi between two vowels often entails a change in the second (i.e. word-initial) vowel, such changes are shown within the rectangle (rather than at the right under * as in Section (i)). For example, when translating into Sanskrit, -ä u- becomes -o-:
1) 2) 3)
'The maiden said.' kanyä uväca kanyoväca
and when translating out of Sanskrit, -e '- is resolved into -e a-: 1) 2) 3)
svarge 'pi svarge api 'evert in heaven.'
Ambiguities in resolving sandhi As seen above in the case of äslc chatruh, the resolving of sandhi when translating out of Sanskrit .may introduce ambigui ty: aslc chatruh could be from either äslt áatruh or äslt chatruh. This ambiguity can be resolved only by recognizing the familiar word áatruh and, if necessary, confirming that there does not exist a word chatruh. All such cases of ambiguous sandhi are summarized in Table 3. For example, the case of äsic chatruh is covered by the entry -c ch- with its two possible resolutions, -t ch- and -t á-. (c)
Exceptions to the rules of external sandhi In general the rules embodied in Table 2 apply indiscrimi nately to all words within a sentence regardless of grammatical categories and functions. There are, however, the following exceptions. (i) The ending of a word in the vocative case, or of an associated expletive, usually does not enter into sandhi; for example: rama ihi he indra
'O Rama, go!' (not rämehi) 'Hey, Indra!' (not ha indra)
(ii) The dual-number endings -I, u, and -e, whether of nouns/adjectives or of verbs, do not enter into sandhi; nor does the -I of the masculine nominative plural demonstrative ami 'those'; for example: muni avadatäm labhete aávan
'The two sages said.' 'They two obtain horses.'
(iii) The word sah 'he' departs from the rules for -ah in that it becomes sa before all consonants; e.g. sa gacchati, sa tisthati. Otherwise it is regular; e.g. sa uväca, so 'vadat (from sah avadat), gacchati sah. Esah 'this', a derivative of sah, behaves similarly. (iv) The ending -ah of the words punah 'again', prätah 'early', and antah 'between' behaves in a manner analogous to -ih. It thus diverges from the rules for -ah when it is followed by any voiced sound; e.g. punar gacchati, punar uväca. Other wise it is regular; e.g. punah paáyati, punaá calati, punä raksati. The -äh of the word dväh 'door' (nominative singular) behaves similarly. (d) Regularities in the sandhi rules Table 2 will be found easier to understand —- and, eventual ly, to memorize — if considered in conjunction with Table 1. For example, the obvious division of Section (i) of Table 2 into upper and lower parts (marked by the horizontal broken line) corresponds to the division of the speech sounds into voiceless and voiced; Table 2 has a similar division: all word-initials above the broken line are voiceless, all those below it are voiced. Another example is provided by the seven sandhi derivatives of word-final -ah. One observes a simple regularity in the sandhi-derived fricative endings: palatal -aá before palatal с-, ch-; etc. Also the fundamental importance of the division of word-initials into voiceless and voiced is again apparent. 3. I n t e r n a l S a n d h i
Whereas external sandhi operates between adjacent words, internal sandhi operates within individual words. External sandhi causes the endings and/or beginnings of words to assume different phonetic forms in different phonetic environments and has to be taken into account by the writer or reader every time a sentence is composed or analysed; in contrast to this, internal sandhi serves to explain certain facts about the internal phonetic structure of words as they are found in the dictionary or as they are built up from their stems and inflexional endings using the tables of noun and verb paradigms. Many of the rules of internal sandhi are identical with those of external sandhi; for example, the plural instrumental of the noun marut 'wind-god' is marudbhih, with -t changed to -d
before the voiced consonant bh of the inflexional ending -bhih. (See Table 2, Section (i) -t bh-, and Table 6, paradigm [6] (page 81).) Other rules of internal sandhi differ from those of external sandhi. For example, the genitive plural of marut is marutam, with the voiceless -t retained despite the following vowel. (Contrast Table 2, Section (i), -t V-.) Only the two most import ant rules of internal sandhi are stated here, namely those con cerning the retroflexion of s and n; other rules will be noted in later sections as they become relevant. Rule (i) Within a word, s changes to s if it is followed by any sound other than r, r, or r, and is preceded — either immediately or with intervening h or m — by к or r or any vowel other than a or ä. 'Iliis involved rule becomes much easier to comprehend when considered in terms of Table 1, as is done in Table 4, Section (i). The following examples illustrate the application (or non-appli cation) of Rule (i) in various situations: sah, esah, kathäsu, devesu, bhiksusu, havisl, havimsi, havihsu, bhavisyati, puspam, tisrah, tisrbhih. The retroflexion is transmitted to an immediately following t, th, or n; e.g. drstva, tisthati, visnuh. Exceptions to Rule (i) are found in certain individual words, such as pustakam and kusumam, and in many desideratives beginning with s, e.g. sisevisate. Rule (ii) Within a word, n changes to n if it is immediately followed by a vowel, n, m, y, or v, and is preceded at whatever distance by r, r, r, or s, provided there is no intervening consonantal dental, retroflex, or palatal other than y. This rule is depicted in Table 4, Section (ii). The following are examples of its application (or non-application), most based on the instrumental suffix -ena: devena, varnena, nagarena, dharmena, rathena, dhätrnä, mrgena, mrtena, pitrn, pitfnam, krsnena, visena, puspena, kästhena. Rule (ii) may apply to the output of Rule (i); e.g. laksmanah, puspena, nisannah. Here the s is conditioned by the sound preceding it (Rule (i)), and in its turn conditions the following n (Rule (ii)).
Rules (i) and (ii) usually do not apply across the boundaries between the components of a compound noun or adjective. For example, in naranärlnäm 'of men and women', the second n is not influenced by the preceding r because these two sounds belong to different components of the compound, its structure being nara+närlnäm. On the other hand, the rules do usually apply between a prefix and the verbal stem to which it is attached; e.g. ni-sldati —> nisldati, pra-namati —> pranamati. 4. V o c a l ic G r a d a t io n
The vocalic alternations observable in the stems of different verb forms (and of some nominal forms also) can to a large extent be accounted for in terms of the phenomenon of vocalic gradation. This phenomenon is illustrated in the following example, based on various forms of the verb 'die'. The infinitive, 'to die', is martum, where mar- is the stem and -turn the characteristic sign of the infinitive. The same component mar- is found in maranam 'death', marisyati 'he will die', etc. However, we find a rather different component in märayati 'he causes to die, he kills', marl 'dying', etc., and a different one again in mrta- 'dead', amrta 'he died', mrtvä 'having died', and mamruh 'they died' (the r in mamruh being an internal sandhi variant of r). The three elements, ar är and r/r, are recognized as constitut ing a gradation series: Zero grade
1st grade
2nd grade
r/r mrtamamruh
ar martum maranam
är märayati märl
The first (so-called guna) grade, ar, is fundamental to the series. From it the second (vrddhi) grade, är, is obtained by 'strengthening', i.e. lengthening the a to ä; and the zero grade is obtained by 'weakening', i.e. diminishing the a to nothing, with the result that the remaining semivowel, r, if not followed by another vowel, takes on the role of a vowel, r. The relationship among the three grades is, therefore, as shown:
A similar series, but with the positions of vowel and semi vowel reversed, is found in the verb 'grab': Zero
r grhita-
ra gra/iitum
rä grahayati
Similar series again are found with the remaining three semi vowels: y, 1, and v; and a necessarily incomplete series without semivowel also exists. The total set of gradation series, with examples, is shown in Table 5. (Compare the Vocalic section of Table 1.) From Table 5 it can be seen that for each series in which the a and ä precede the semivowel (e.g. ay äy) there exists a corres ponding series in which a and ä follow the semivowel (e.g. ya yä) — except for the extremely rare dental series. The open series (0 a ä), in which there is no semivowel, naturally lacks this distinction. The series у ay äy has a variant form i/I e ai. The difference between these two is determined entirely by a rule of internal sandhi: у ay äy are found before a following vowel, i/I e ai before a following consonant. A similar sandhi-determined pair of variants exists in the labials: v av äv before vowels, u/ü o au before consonants. In the retroflexes there is the beginning of such a pairing, but it is incomplete because of the non-existence of 'retroflex diphthongs'. No such sandhi-determined pairing is found in those series in which a and ä follow the semivowel, because in such series the group in question is necessarily always followed by a consonant. The length of the vowel in zero grade is unpredictable; e.g., in the palatal series it is sometimes i, sometimes I. Usually there is consistency within any particular verb, but one finds many exceptions; e.g., alongside áruta-, árutva, etc. with short u one finds árüyate with long ü.
The pairing of series depending on whether a and ä precede or follow the semivowel does not extend to zero grade. Conse quently two different lst-grade forms may have identical zerograde counterparts; e.g., о and va both have u as their zerograde counterpart. This phenomenon is most strikingly illus trated in instances such as the following (from the verbs 'burn' and 'dwell'), where the perfect passive participles in two differ ent series happen to be identical: Zero
'burn': 'dwell':
osanam razsanam
In the open series in Table 5 (0 a ä), zero grade is represent ed by absence of any vowel. But because this would often lead to unpronounceable groupings of consonants, in practice some vowel, usually a or a, is provided, either by insertion or by substitution for a consonant. In the example given in Table 5, the zero-grade derivative of khan, namely khn, is represented in the form cafc/muh, a combination which presents no phonetic difficulty. However, where one might expect, by analogy with nita-, mrta-, etc., that the perfect passive participle would be khnta-, one finds instead khäta-; the n has been replaced by ä. Another example is provided by the following set of forms: tapta- fapanam Ulpayati. Here the phonetically unacceptable /pta has been avoided by insertion of a. In spite of these and other departures from the pattern presented in Table 5, recognition of vocalic gradation makes possible many useful grammatical generalizations, particularly regarding verb-forms. 5. A l p h a b e t ic S e q u e n c e
The conventional alphabetic sequence, used in ordering entries in dictionaries etc., is based on Table 1, but departs from its logical arrangement in some respects. The sequence is: aaiiuürfleaioaumhkkhgghñcchjjhñ tthddhntthddhnpphbbhmyrlvássh
In an optional orthographic variant, any nasal preceding a stop is written as m; e.g., angam may be written amgam, and antara may be written amtara. Words written in this second way are nevertheless ordered in dictionaries as if written in the first way. For example, samgah (= sangah) comes after sagotraand before sacih; but samsarah (in which m does not precede a stop and therefore cannot be alternatively written with some other nasal) comes before sakala.
PART II. GRAMMAR A. NOMINALS The Sanskrit noun, adjective, numeral, demonstrative, and pronoun have sufficient in common to be regarded as constitut ing a single large word-class, here called the Nominals. The noun and adjective are particularly closely related, being repre sented in a single set of paradigms (Table 6); the numeral, demonstrative, and pronoun are more distinctive, each having its own set of paradigms (Tables 12-14). These five sub-classes of nomináis will now be described in turn. 1. N o u n s
In general, each Sanskrit noun belongs inherently to one or another of three grammatical genders: masculine, neuter, or feminine. For example, Masculine: devah 'god', munih 'sage', paáuh 'beast' Neuter: phalam 'fruit', väri 'water', madhu 'honey' Feminine: kathä 'story', nadi 'river', vadhüh 'wife' (How to recognize the gender of any given noun is discussed below.) Nouns are declined for number and case. There are three grammatical numbers: singular, dual, and plural. For example, Sing.
devah 'a god'
devau 'two gods'
devah 'gods (more than two)'
munih 'a sage'
muni 'two sages'
munayah 'sages (more than two)'
There are eight cases; their general significance is as follows.
Syntactic/logical relationship
Nominative: Accusative: Instrumental:
Indicates the grammatical subject. Indicates the grammatical object. Indicates the means, manner, or accompa nying factor/person; = 'by', 'with', '-ly'. Indicates the recipient, purpose, or destination; = 'to', 'for'. Indicates the starting-point, source, reason, or standard of comparison; = 'from', 'out of', 'because', 'than'. Indicates the possessor or subordinator; = 'of'. Indicates the location in space or time; = 'at', 'in', 'when'. Indicates the individual addressed in direct speech; = 'O!'.
Dative: Ablative: Genitive: Locative: Vocative:
The intersection of the two 'dimensions' of number and case yields, for each noun, a set of 3 x 8 = 24 forms. (Some of the forms happen to be outwardly identical, thus reducing the count of outwardly distinct forms to 19 or fewer.) For example, the masculine noun devah 'god' has the following set of forms.
Nom: Acc: Ins: Dat: Abl: Gen: Loc: Voc:
devah devam devena deväya devät devasya deve deva
devau devau deväbhyäm deväbhyäm deväbhyäm devayoh devayoh devau
deväh devän devaih devebhyah devebhyah devänäm devesu deväh
For example, deväya deva devaih devayoh
= = = =
'to a/the god' (dat. sing.) 'O god!' (voc. sing.) 'by the gods' (inst. plur.) 'of the two gods' (gen. dual) or 'in the two gods' (loc. dual)
All masculine nouns whose nominative singular ends in -ah (e.g., gajah, putrah, aávah, rämah) are declined like devah. For example, gajah 'elephant' has the following forms: gajah gajam gajena
gajau gajau gajäbhyäm
gajäh gajän etc.
The 3 x 8 pattern given above for devah is, therefore, a model or paradigm; it is followed by all masculine nouns in -ah. Such nouns constitute by far the most numerous group. (In mem orizing paradigms such as that of devah, one should read hori zontally, not vertically, i.e.: 'devah devau deväh; devam devau devän; ...'.) The devah paradigm is one of sixteen paradigms that can be recognized for 'regular' masculine nouns (and adjectives; see below). These sixteen are set out in Table 6, Section (i) (pages 80 ff). For example, munih 'sage', along with almost all other masculine nouns in -ih, is declined as shown in paradigm [2] (page 80). A further fifteen paradigms of regular neuter nouns are given in Table 6 (ii), and nine for regular feminines in Table 6 (iii). A limited number of nouns/adjectives fail to conform to these paradigms. They are therefore regarded as 'irregular'; their declensional patterns are set out in Table 7. In dictionaries, nouns are usually cited in either of two forms: (i) in the nominative singular, or (ii) in a hypothetical underlying stem-form. Examples of these two methods of citation can be found in popular dictionaries such as those of V.S. Apte and M. Monier-Williams. In Apte's dictionaries, method (i) is used as far as possible, but method (ii) is resorted to when necessary for clarity. For example, the words for 'elephant', 'city', and 'creeper' are given as gajah, nagaram, and latä respectively, i.e. in the nominative singular. No indication of gender is given, it being expected that the student will recognize the endings -ah, -am, and -ä as characteristic of the masculine, neuter, and feminine genders respectively — and therefore as indicating, in addition, that the three nouns in question follow paradigms [1], [17], and [32] respectively of Table 6. On the other hand., the words for 'merchant', 'mind', and 'mother' are not given in their nomina tive singular forms vanik, manah, and mätä (see paradigms [7], [23], [40]). Instead they are given as 'vanij m', 'manas и', and
'mätr f . These are hypothetical stem-forms which may be thought of as underlying the actually occurring' forms; the gender (m, n, f) is stated because there is no way it could be in ferred with certainty. The rationale behind this citing of some nouns in hypothetical stem-forms will become clear in the descriptions given below for the various paradigms. Suffice it here to note that this practice has the advantage of making the most common endings, -ah, -am, -ä, and others, unambiguous as indicators of gender and paradigm; for example, because members of paradigm [23] are cited in the -as form (manas ra ther than manah), one knows that every word whose citation or dictionary forms ends in -ah is masculine and follows paradigm [ 1 ].
In the dictionaries of Monier-Williams, hypothetical stemforms are more widely used, being adopted even for members of the very common paradigms [1] and [17]. For example, 'elephant' and 'city' are given as 'gaja m' and 'nagara n' respec tively. (However, 'creeper' (paradigm [32]) is given in the nominative singular as 'latä /'.) From the practical point of view the method adopted by Apte has the advantage of presenting the majority of nouns in forms which actually occur, and which bear their own in-built gender labels. For example, the student wishing to learn the gender of 'city', will find it easier and more realistic to memo rize the word as 'nagaram' rather than as 'nagara (neuter)'. On the other hand, the method adopted by Monier-Williams has the advantage of drawing attention to correspondences across the genders; for example, it identifies the masculine, neuter, and feminine endings -ah, -am, -ä as constituting a related set, a point whose significance becomes apparent in the next section, on adjectives. The characteristics of the various noun/adjective paradigms will be described after the adjectives have been dealt with. 2. A d je c t iv e s
(a) Gender Agreement Unlike the noun, the adjective does not belong inherently to one of the three genders. Instead, it acquires the gender of the noun it qualifies or refers to. For example, the adjective 'dear', cited in dictionaries in the hypothetical stem form priya-, acquires, in the singular nominative, the following three gender forms:
priyah putrah priyah pita priyam mitram priyam näma priyä kanyä priyä patnl
'a 'a 'a 'a 'a 'a
dear dear dear dear dear dear
son' father' friend' name' daughter' wife'
The three forms, priyah, priyam, priyä, correspond to the noun types devah, phalam, kathä (paradigms [1], [17], [32]) respec tively. Most adjectives whose stem-form has, like priya-, a final -a-, form their masculine, neuter, and feminine in this way with -ah, -am, and -ä respectively. (For exceptions see next page.) The agreement between an adjective and its noun extends also to case and number. For example, priya- assumes forms such as the following: priyänäm putränäm priya pitah priye nämni priyayä patnyä
'of the dear sons' 'O dear father!' 'in a dear name' 'with a dear wife'
These forms of priya- are drawn from the appropriate para digms, [1], [17], or [32], according as the gender required is masculine, neuter, or feminine. The various adjective types that exist represent almost all of the paradigms [1] to [40]. For example, the adjective 'powerful' given in the dictionary as balin-, forms masculine ball, neuter bali, and feminine balini, which then follow paradigms [11], [28], and [33] respectively. Table 8 sets out the necessary information on the different existing types of stem-forms of adjectives, with their corresponding masculine, neuter, and feminine forms (all in the nominative singular), and the para digm which each of these follows. Each type is represented in the table by a common example, and the paradigms followed are indicated by their numbers in square brackets. (Some im portant irregular adjectives not covered by Table 8 are noted on pages 26-28 under 'Irregular noun/adjective declensions'.) It will be found that Table 8, in addition to its primary function, provides a handy overview of the total set of noun/adjective paradigms. As Table 8 shows, stem-forms in -a- or -ant- are ambiguous as indicators of the pattern followed. Adjectives with stem-
forms in -ant- are present or future active participles. Whether they follow nayant- (with feminine in -anti), or yuñjant- (with feminine in -ati-), depends on various factors discussed in the section on participles. (See pages 59-63. Further ambiguity may arise from the fact that the nayant- and yuñjant- types are often cited as nayat- and yuñjat-, thus confusing them with the dadhat- type.) Adjectives with stem-form in -a- in most cases follow priya-; however, a limited number follow' sundara- in forming their feminine in -I. The principal examples of the latter type are: (i) The ordinal caturtha- '4th', which has feminine caturthl, and similarly all higher ordinals (see Table 11); for example, páñcamaastadaáa-
pañcaml astadaál
'5th' '18th'
(ii) Adjectives that are, in origin, derived from nouns by strengthening of the first vowel to 2nd grade; e.g. éaivagändharva(iii)
Derivative adjectives in -maya and -tana; e.g.
cinmayl adyatanl
A few miscellaneous adjectives, including
áaivl (a derivative of the noun áivah) gändharvl
codanl tarunl puränl (also -nä) sadrál sundarl
Comparison o f adjectives There exist two distinct methods whereby the comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives may be formed. Method 1 is applicable to all adjectives; method 2 is applicable only to a relatively small, closed set of adjectives.
Method 1 This method consists in attaching the suffixes -tara- (com parative) and -tama- (superlative) to the stem form of the simple adjective (e.g. priya- priyatara- priyatama-) or to a slightly modified version of it (e.g. balin- balitara- balitama-). Table 9 shows how this applies to different types of stem-forms. The set of types covered by Table 9 is essentially the same as that covered by Table 8, with this exception that the áreyas type is lacking in Table 9 because, being itself a comparative form (according to method 2, below), it has no place here. The comparative and superlative forms shown in Table 9 are themselves stem-forms; they make the three gender forms in -ah, -am, -a, and so are declined according to paradigms [1], [17], and [32], regardless of the class of the original adjective in its positive form. Thus, the masculine, neuter, and feminine of the positive, comparative, and superlative forms of priya- and balin-, with their corresponding declensional paradigms (indi cated by numbers), are as follows: (i)
Masc: Neut: Fem:
priyah [1] ■ priyam [17] priya [32]
priyatarah [1] priyataram [17] priyatara [32]
priyatamah [1] priyatamam [17] priyatama [32]
Masc: Neut: Fem:
ball [11] bali [28] balini [33]
balitarah [1] balitaram [17] balitara [32]
balitamah [1] balitamam [17] balitama [32]
For example, priyataram mitram priyatama kanya priyatamäyai kanyäyai balinyä senayä balitamabhyam senabhyam
'a dearer friend' 'the dearest daughter' 'to the dearest daughter' 'by a powerful army' 'by the two most powerful armies
(ii) Method 2 The restricted number of adjectives to which method 2 applies are already covered by method 1; they are, therefore, capable of forming their comparative and superlative in two
different ways. Method 2 consists in adding -Туas- (compara tive) and -istha- (superlative), or sometimes simply -yas- and -stha-, to a modified version of the stem form. This modifica tion of the stem entails abbreviation to a single syllable, some times accompanied by vowel strengthening and/or other more drastic changes. For example, priya- 'dear' forms preyas- and prestha-; and laghu- 'light' forms laghlyas- and laghistha-. The comparative stem form thus produced makes the three gender forms as shown in Table 8 opposite áreyas-, i.e. by replacing -as with -an, -ah, and -asl; and these three forms then follow paradigms [14], [23], and [33] respectively. (Paradigm [14] is exclusively for masculine comparatives of this type.) The superlative makes its gender-forms with -ah, -am, and -a, and these then follow paradigms [1], [17], and [32] respectively. For example, the adjectives priya- and laghu- form their compara tive and superlative in the three genders as follows: Positive
Masc: Neut: Fem:
priyah [1] priyam [17] priyä [32]
preyän [14] preyah [23] preyasl [33]
presthah [1] prestham [17] prestha [32]
Masc: Neut: Fem:
laghuh [3] laghlyän [14] laghu [19] laghlyah [23] laghlyasl [33] laghuh [38] or laghvi [33]
laghisthah [1] laghistham [17] laghistha [32]
In addition to the fairly regular formation illustrated in priyaand laghu-, there are many formations so irregular that the derivational connexion between the positive and its comparative and superlative counterparts is often remote, or even (as in English sets such as 'good, better, best') no more than semantic. Because of these varying degrees of irregularity, adjectives compared by method 2 are best listed individually. Table 10 sets out the most important instances. (c)
Noun/adjective declensional paradigms (Table 6) The characterizing features of the forty declensional para digms for nomináis will now be summarized. (The gender headings are not exclusive; e.g. a few feminine nouns are
included under the Masculine heading because they have identical declension.) (i)
[1] devah 'god': Paradigm [1] in Table 6 is followed by those nouns whose citation form is given in dictionaries as '—ah' or as '—a (masc.)'; e.g. gajah 'elephant', putrah 'son'. It is also followed by the masculine of adjectives whose stem-form ends in -a-, of comparatives and superlatives in -a-, and of ordinals; e.g., nlcah 'low' (masc. of nica-), áucitarah 'purer', áresthah 'best', trtlyah '3rd'. [2] munih 'sage': Masc. nouns cited as '—ih' or as '—i (masc.)'; e.g. agnih 'fire', nrpatih 'king'. Also, the masc. of adjectives in -i- such as áucih 'pure' (masc. of áuci-). Patih, when it means 'husband', is irregular; see [46]. [3] pasuh 'beast': Masc. nouns cited as '—uh' or as '—u (masc.)'; e.g. áatruh 'enemy', guruh 'teacher'. Also, masc. of adjectives in -u-; e.g. laghuh 'light'. [4] netä 'leader': Masc. agent nouns whose citation form has final -r; e.g. data 'donor', raksitä 'protector'. Also, the kinship term naptä 'nephew'. (This paradigm exhibits all three grades of the retroflex gradation series, r/r ar är; e.g. netrsu/neträ netari netärah.) [5] pitä 'father': Masc. kinship terms whose citation form has final -r; e.g. bhrätä 'brother', jämätä 'son-in-law'. However, naptä 'nephew' follows [4]. [6] marut 'wind-god': Masc. and feminine nouns and adjectives whose citation form has final -k, -t, or -p; also, masc. of present active participles in -at- — but not of those in -ant- (which follow [12]), nor of the possessive adjectives in -mat- or -vat(which follow [13]). For example, sarvaáak 'omnipotent', sarit 'stream', bibhrat 'carrying', dharmagup 'guardian of the law'. The stem-final -k, -t, or -p is preserved throughout the para digm, except that before the six case-endings that begin with bh it becomes voiced to -g, -d, -b; e.g. marut has instrumental dual marudbhyäm.
[7] vanik 'merchant': Masc. and fem. nouns and adjectives whose citation form ends in a consonant other than -k, -t, -p, -h, -n, or -as; e.g. the words cited as vani;, priyaväc, trishiWi, dis, upana/¡. The final consonant of the citation form is preserved in those caseforms in which it is followed by a vowel; e.g., vani;', tristufr/j, dis, and vis have nominative plural vani/ah, tristu/j/zah, disah, and visah respectively. However, in the nominative singular where no sound follows, this consonant is replaced by some more or less closely related consonant from among the set of five permitted non-nasal word-finals, -k, -t, -t, -p, -h (see page 1); e.g., vani;, tristuWi, dis, and vis have singular nomina tive vaniA:, tristup, diк and vii respectively. As the instance of diá and viá shows, it is not always possible to predict which of the four permitted word-final stops will replace the stem-final of the citation-form. The reverse is also true; e.g., vanik and dik are from vani; and dis respectively. For this reason dictionaries usually indicate the nominative singular alongside the citation form. For practical purposes the best way of specifying the two consonants involved in the alternation is to name the nomina tive singular and plural; e.g. vanik—vanijah. Once these two forms are known, the entire paradigm is known. The first of the two consonants named (k in our example) occurs where no sound follows (i.e. in the nominative and vocative singular) and before the -su or -su of the locative plural; and it becomes voiced (to g) before the six -bh- case-endings. (For the purposes of this rule, the voiced counterpart of h is r.) The second of the two consonants named (j in our example) occurs before all vowel case-endings. It is therefore advisable to think of words of this type in terms of their nominative singular and plural (which, in any case, are the most commonly occurring forms); i.e. one should learn the words as 'vanifc—vani/ah', 'dik—disah', etc. Examples of the most frequent such pairs of consonants are set out in the following list. For completeness the three consonant-finals covered by [6] are included, since they are really only special cases of the present type. k— k: k— c: к jк—á: к—s:
sarvaáaк—sarvaáa/cah väk—väcah vaniк—vani;ah diк—disah dadhrfc—dadhrsah
'omnipotent' 'voice' 'merchant' 'compass-point' 'bold'
t-j: t—s: t—s: t—h:
samräi—samrä/ah vii—visah dvii—dvisah madhulif—madhuli/iah
'ruler' 'resident' 'enemy' 'bee'
t—t: t—d: t—dh: t—h:
maruf—marufah äpat—äpadah samif—samirf/iah upanaf—upana/iah
'wind-god' 'calamity' 'faggot' 'sandal'
P—P: p—bh:
dharmagup—dharmagupah tristup—tristub/iah
'guardian of law' 'a Vedic metre'
h—r: h—s:
dväh—dvärah doh—dosah
'door' 'arm'
Slight departures from the pattern described above occur in the last two types listed. As mentioned above, the voiced counterpart of h is here to be regarded as r; in addition, dväh has r in the locative plural: dvärsu. Thoroughly irregular nouns whose citation forms would seem to qualify them for membership of this class, include the word cited as pad and its derivatives — see [47], [48]; prañc and others in -ñc — see [50] to [54]; ap [71]; gir [72]; and pur [73]. [8] vedhäh 'wise man': Masc. and fem. nouns and adjectives whose citation form ends in -as (but excluding the masculine of comparatives in -yas- [14], and of perfect participles in -ivas[15] and -vas- [16]); e.g. candramäh 'moon', apsaräh 'nymph', sumanäh 'good natured'. [9] ätmä 'self': Masc. and fem. nouns and adjectives whose citation form has final -an preceded by two consonants; e.g. brahma 'the creator-god', yajvä 'worshipper', suparvä 'welljointed'. [10] räjä 'king': Masc. and fem. nouns and adjectives whose citation form has final -an preceded by one consonant; e.g. garimä 'heaviness', slmä 'boundary', sunämä 'well-named'. (This paradigm exhibits all three grades of the open gradation
series, 0 a a; e.g. ra/'ña ra/ani га/диah. In the case of zero grade the nasal assimilates to the adjacent stop: n —¥ ñ.) [11] hastt 'elephant': Masc. nouns and possessive adjectives whose citation form has final -in; e.g. sväml 'master', yogi 'acetic practitioner', dhanl 'rich'. [12] nayan 'leading': Masc. of future active participles, and of present active participles having stem-forms in -ant- or -änt(though often cited in -at- or -ät-, see pages 16, 60-61); e.g. raksan 'protecting', sunvan 'pressing', bhän 'shining', nesyan 'about to lead'. [13] dhlmän 'wise': Masc. of possessive adjectives whose citation form ends in -mat- or -vat-; e.g. murtimän 'having form', bhagavän 'blessed'. Also kiyän and iyan, masc. of kiyat'how much?' and iyat- 'so much'. [14] sreyan 'better': Masc. of comparative adjectives formed according to method 2 (pages 17-18; all with citation forms in -yas- or -lyas-); e.g. preyän 'dearer', laghlyän 'lighter'. [15] tenivän 'having stretched': Masc. of perfect active partici ples whose citation form ends in -ivas- (see pages 61-62); e.g. raraksivän 'having protected', tutudivän 'having hit'. [16] cakrvän 'having done': Masc. of perfect active participles whose citation form has final -vas- without a preceding short i (see pages 61-62); e.g. vidvän 'having known', áuáruvan 'having heard', ninlvän 'having led'. Before -us- endings (e.g. sing, instrumental -usä) r —> r, u —» uv, I —> у (or —> iy if two conso nants precede); e.g. cakrvän—cakrusä, áuáruván—Suáruvusa, ninlvän—ninyusä. (ii)
[17] phalam 'fruit': Nouns whose citation form is given as '—am' or as '—a (neut.)', and the neuter of adjectives whose citation form ends in -a-; e.g. vanam 'forest', yugam 'yoke', nlcam 'low'.
[18] väri 'water': Neuter nouns/adjectives with citation form in -i; e.g. áuci 'pure' • — but not aksi, asthi, dadhi, or sakthi, all of which are irregular (see [64]) Adjectives in this class may optionally follow [2] (murtih) in the singular dative, ablative, genitive, and locative, and in the dual genitive and locative; e.g., áuci has in the singular dative either áucine (following [18]) or áucaye (following [2]). [19] madhu 'honey': Neuter nouns/adjectives with citation form in -u; e.g. aáru 'tear', vastu 'property', guru 'heavy', laghu 'light'. Adjectives in this class may optionally follow [3] in the cases specified above for [18]. [20] dhätr 'that which creates': Neuter agent nouns/adjectives with citation form in -r; e.g. dätr 'that which gives', raksitr 'that which protects', sumätr 'having a good mother'. [21] jagat 'world': Followed by three classes of words: (a) Neuter nouns/adjectives with citation form in -k, -t, or -p; e.g. sarvaáak 'omnipotent', trivrt 'threefold', (b) The neuter of possessive adjectives in -mat- or -vat-; e.g. dhimat 'wise', bhagavat 'blessed', (c) The neuter of present active participles other than those with stem-form in -ant- or -änt-, for which see [29]; e.g. bibhrat 'carrying', jänat 'knowing', tudat 'hitting', bhät 'shining'; also the neuter of all future active participles (which, however, may optionally also follow [29]), e.g. nesyat, däsyat. Present active participles of verbs of the -Vti class (e.g. bibhrat, juhvat, dadhat) optionally have -ati in place of -anti in the nominative, accusative, and vocative plural. [22] asrk 'blood': Neuter nouns/adjectives with citation-form endings as for [7]. There is consonant alternation as for [7], which again is best specified by naming the nominative singular and plural; e.g. asrk—asrfi/i 'blood', priyavafc—priyavañci 'kindly-spoken'. The nasal, if followed by a stop, assimilates to that stop; otherwise it becomes m. [23] manah 'mind': Neuter nouns/adjectives with citation form in -(y)as; e.g. yaáah 'glory', sumanah 'good-natured', áreyah 'better'.
[24] havih 'oblation': Neuter nouns/adjectives with citation form in -is; e.g. jyotih 'light', rocih 'lustre', udarcih 'radiant'. [25] äyuh 'age': Neuter nouns/adjectives with citation form in -us; e.g. caksuh 'eye', dhanuh 'bow', dlrghäyuh 'long-lived'. [26] karma 'deed': Neuter nouns/adjectives whose citation form has final -an preceded by two consonants; e.g. carma 'leather', janma 'birth', suparva 'well-jointed'. [27] näma 'name': Neuter nouns/adjectives whose citation form has final -an preceded by one consonant; e.g. säma 'Vedic song', hema 'gold', sunäma 'well-named'. [28] bali 'powerful': Neuter of possessive adjectives whose citation form has final -in; e.g. dhani 'rich', manasvi 'wise'. [29] nayat 'leading': Neuter of present active participles with stem-form in -ant- or -änt- (i.e. those whose masc. is covered by [12]); e.g. raksat, tudat, bhät, näyayat, ninlsat, (see pages 6061). Also neuter of all future active participles (which, however, may optionally also follow [21]); e.g. nesyat, däsyat. [30] tenivat 'having stretched': Neuter of perfect active partici ples whose citation form ends in -ivas- (see pages 61-62); e.g. raraksivat 'having protected', tutudivat 'having hit'. [31] cakrvat 'having done': Neuter of perfect active participles whose citation form has final -vas- without a preceding short i (see pages 61-62); e.g. vidvat 'having known', áuéruvat 'having heard', ninlvat 'having led'. Before -us- endings the stem is modified as in [16]. (iii)
[32] kathä 'story': Nouns whose citation form ends in -ä (all are feminine); also, fem. adjectives in -ä, i.e. the majority of femi nines from adjectives whose citation form ends in -a-; e.g. kanyä 'daughter, maiden', senä 'army', priyä 'dear', presthä 'dearest'. [33] nadi 'river': Polysyllabic nouns whose citation form ends in -I (all are fem.); also, fem. adjectives formed with -I, (see
Table 8); e.g. devl 'goddess', närl 'woman', sundarl 'beautiful'. However, fem. adjectives in -I that are covered by [34] are excluded; and the words cited as laksml, tari, and tantri are irregular — see [68]. [34] dhlh 'intelligence': Monosyllabic nouns whose citation form is given as ending in -I or -Ih (all are fem.); also fem. of adjectives having such monosyllables as their final member; e.g. áríh 'fortune', hrlh 'modesty', sudhlh 'intelligent'. The corres ponding masc. adjectives (see Table 8) differ in that where alternative case-forms are offered, only the second is permitted; e.g., sudhlh (masc.) has in the dative singular only sudhiye — cf. [42]. Some masc. adjectives of this type also reduce -iy- to -ythroughout — cf. [43]. [35] matih 'mind': Fem. nouns whose citation form is given as ending in -i or -ih; also fem. of adjectives with citation form in -i; e.g. jätih 'birth', ratrih 'night', áucih 'pure'. [36] vadhüh 'wife': Polysyllabic nouns whose citation form is given as ending in -ü or -Oh (all are fem.); also fem. of polysyl labic adjectives in -0, except those covered by [37]; e.g. ávaárüh 'mother-in-law', juhüh 'sacrificial ladle', aticamüh 'victorious'. The corresponding masc. adjectives (see Table 8) differ in sub stituting -On for -Oh in the accusative plural. [37] bhüh 'earth': Monosyllabic nouns whose citation form is given as ending in -0 or -Oh (all are fem.); also, fem. of adjec tives having such monosyllables as their final member; e.g. bhrOh 'eyebrow', svabhüh 'self-existent'. The corresponding masc. adjectives differ as described under [34]. [38] dhenuh 'cow': Fem. nouns whose citation form is given as ending in -u or -uh; also, fem. of adjectives with citation form in -u, when made in -uh rather than in -vT (Table 8); e.g. hanuh 'jaw', raijuh 'rope', tanuh 'thin'. [39] nauh 'ship': Fem. or masc. monosyllabic nouns cited as ending in -au or -auh; e.g. glauh 'moon'. Dyauh 'sky' and gauh 'cow, bull' are cited as dyo and go respectively and are irregu lar; see [69], [70].
[40] mätä 'mother': Fem, kinship terms having citation form in -r; e.g. duhitä 'daughter'. However, svasä 'sister' exception ally has är instead of ar in six case-forms:
Nom: Acc: Voc:
svasä svasaram svasah
svasärau svasärau svasarau
svasarah svasrh svasarah
(d) Irregular noun/adjective declensions (Table 7) The distinction recognized here between 'regular' and 'irreg ular' is based to some extent on mere practical convenience: often a declensional pattern has been classified as 'irregular' simply because it is of relatively rare occurrence. In some instances an irregular pattern of declension is followed by just one noun or adjective; in others it is followed by a small class of nouns or adjectives, and so constitutes a minor paradigm. Information relating to such matters is now presented in brief. (i)
[41] viávapah 'all-protector': Cited as viávapa. Masc. agent nouns whose final component is a verbal root in -a; e.g. áañkhadhmäh 'conch-blower', somapäh 'soma-drinker'. [42] yavakrlh 'corn-buyer': Cited as yavakrl. Masc. agent nouns whose final component is a verbal root in -I preceded by two consonants; also, the masc. of some adjectives as described under [34]; e.g. sudhlh 'intelligent' — see Table 8. [43] senänlh 'army commander': Cited as senänl. Masc. agent nouns whose final component is the suffix -nl or a verbal root in -I or -Q preceded by one consonant; e.g. grämanlh 'village chief', khalapüh 'sweeper'. Also, the masc. of some adjectives as described under [34]; e.g. pradhlh 'intelligent' — cf. Table 8. [44] räh 'wealth': Cited as rai. [45] sakhä 'friend': Cited as sakhi.
[46] patih 'husband': Cited as patih or pati. However, com pounds from -patih, such as nrpatih 'king', follow [2] munih, as does patih itself when it has the meaning 'lord'. [47] pät 'foot': following [1].
Cited as pad. Can also be declined as pädah,
[48] dvipät 'biped': Cited as dvipad, Masc. compounds from -pat; e.g. catuspät 'quadruped', supät 'having good feet'. [49] anadvän 'ox': Cited as anaduh. [50] prañ 'forward, eastward': Cited as prañc. Similarly aváñ 'downward'. Neuter nom. and acc.: präk.präcT práñci; other cases as for masc. prän. Fem. präci follows [33]. [51] pratyañ 'backward, westward': Cited as pratyañc. Similar ly nyah 'downward', samyañ 'going together'. Neut. pratyak pratlcl pratyañci. Fem. pratlcl. [52] udañ 'northward': udañci. fem . udlci.
Cited as udañc.
Neut. udak ucllcl
[53] anvañ 'following': Cited as anvañc. Similarly viávañ 'going apart'. Neut. anvak anüci anvañci. Fem. anücl. [54] tiryañ 'going horizontally, animal': Cited as tiryañc. Neut. tiryak tiraácl tiryañci. Fem. tiraácl. [55] pumän 'man': Cited as pums. [56] pan thäh 'path': Cited as pathin. Similarly manthäh 'churning-rod', rbhukhäh 'Indra'. [57] püsä 'sun': Cited as püsan. Similarly aryamä 'sun'. [58] gohä 'cow-killer': Cited as gohan. Compounds from -hä 'killer', e.g. brahmahä 'priest-killer'. [59] áva 'dog': Cited as ávan. Fem. áuni [33]. [60] yuvä 'young man': Cited as yuvan. Fem. yuvatih [35].
[61] maghavä 'generous, Indra': follow [13]. [62] mahän 'great': mahati [33]. (ii)
Cited as maghavan.
Cited as mahat.
Neut. mahat [63]. Fem.
[63] mahat 'great': Cf. [62]. [64] dadhi 'yoghurt': 'thigh'.
Similarly aksi 'eye', asthi 'bone', sakthi
[65] ahah 'day': Cited as ahan. (iii)
[66] jarä 'old age': Alternatively may follow [32]. [67] strl 'woman'. [68] laksmlh 'fortune': Cited as laksml. Similarly tarlh 'boat', tantrlh 'string'. [69] dyauh 'sky': Cited as dyo. [70] gauh 'cow, speech': = 'bull'.
Cited as go.
Also treated as masc.,
[71] äpah 'water': Declined only in plural. Cited in singular ap. [72] glh 'speech': Cited as gir. Similarly aálh—aáisah 'bless ing', but forms aáirbhyam etc. and aálhsu. [73] püh 'city': Cited as pur. Similarly dhüh 'yoke'.
Cardinals The cardinal numbers, in their nominative case-forms, are set out in Table 11. The four forms shown there for 19 are equiva lent and freely interchangeable. They represent two basic formation types: one type (navadaáa) is analogous in formation to the preceding number (astádaáa 18); the other type (tmavimáatih/ekonavimáatih/ekannavimáatih) amounts to subtrac tion of 1 from the following number (vimáatih 20). Parallel sets of four equivalent forms, not shown in Table 11, exist for 29, 39, ... 99. Similarly the pairs of forms shown for 42, 43, 52, 53, 62, 63, 72, 73, 92, 93 are equivalent and interchangeable; this pairing of forms is not paralleled in the teens, 20s, 30s or 80s. Of the two or three equivalent forms for numbers above 100, the first form shown is avoided wherever it would lead to ambiguity. For example, for 103 tryadhikam áatam or tryadhikaáatam is preferred, and for 300 trini áatani is preferred; the simpler alternative is in both instances triáatam, which is there fore ambiguous. (In the older Vedic language, a distinction in accent prevented ambiguity: triáatam 103 versus triáatám 300.) However, where no possibility of ambiguity exists, the shorter form may be used. For example, 123 = trayovimáatiáatam. As a further option, the element -adhika may always be replaced by -uttara; e.g. 103 = tryuttaram áatam or tryuttaraáatam. The three forms shown for 1, 2, 3, and 4 are not alternatives but gender-forms, as explained below. As regards their declensional behaviour, the cardinal num bers fall into two broad sub-sets: (i) 1 to 19 (navadaáa), and (ii) 19 (ünavimáatih/ekonavimáatih/ekánnavimáatih) and up wards. The cardinal numbers as far as 19 (navadaáa) behave in much the same way as the adjectives, but with some limitations and simplifications. Agreement in gender with the associated noun is found only in 1, 2, 3, and 4. The masculine, neuter, and feminine forms of these four numerals (in the nominative case) are shown in Table 11. Agreement in grammatical number is limited by the fact that 1 and 2 are necessarily singular and dual respectively, while 3 to 19 (navadaáa) are plural. (The word eka- 'one' does exist in the plural, but the meaning is then 'some, a few'.)
Case agreement with the associated noun is complete, except that the vocative is rare. The case-forms are broadly similar to those of the relevant noun-types, but with a few unique fea tures. Table 12 sets out the forms as far as 10, again with gen der distinction extending only as far as 4. The numbers from ekaciaáa (11) to navadaáa (19) are declined like daáa (10). For example, ekasmai puträya catväro deväh pañcanam bhrätrnäm astádaáabhih kanyäbhih The cardinal numbers from ekannavimáatih) upwards are feminine and declined in the follow matih [35]; those in -áat
'to one son' '4 gods' (nominative) 'of the 5 brothers' 'by 18 maidens'. 19 (ünavimáatih/ekonavimáatih/ nouns. From 19 to 99 they are singular: those that end in -ih follow marut [6]. For example,
caturvimáatir deväh caturvimäatyä devaih trayastrimsad deväh trayastrimáato devänäm
'24 gods' (nom.) 'by 24 gods' '33 gods' (nom.) 'of 33 gods'.
The numbers 100, 1000, 10000, 100000 etc. are used in the singular, dual, or plural as required by their multiplier; e.g. 200 = dve áate, 3000 = trini sahasräni. They acquire the case ex pected in the associated noun, while the noun itself either retains its expected case or is put into the genitive plural. For example, áatam deväh áatam devänäm
'100 gods' (nom.)
astädhikaäatena devaih astädhikaäatena devänäm astädhikena áatena devaih astottaraáatena devaih etc.
'by 108 gods'
dväbhyäm áatabhyam devaih 'by 200 gods' etc.
(b) Ordinals The citation forms of the ordinals are set out in Table 11, to the right of the corresponding cardinals. The word for 'first' bears no resemblance to the word for 'one'; '2nd', '3rd', '4th', and '6th' are derived irregularly from their corresponding cardinals; and all the remaining ordinals are derived from their cardinals in regular and obvious ways. Suffixes shown in parentheses are optional; for example, the entry 'vimáa(titama)-' for '20th' is to be read as 'vimSa- or virnáatitama-'. The ordinals are adjectives; each agrees in gender, number, and case with the noun it qualifies. The words for '1st', '2nd', and '3rd', as well as tur(l)ya- (one of the two words for '4th'), form their feminine in -ä and follow kathä [32]; ca tur tha- (the other word for '4th') and all higher ordinals form their feminine in -I and follow nadl [33]. The masculine and neuter forms follow devah [1] and phalam [17] respectively; for example, Masc. '1st': '5th':
prathamah [1] prathamam [17] prathamä [32] pañcamah [1] pañcamam [17] pañcami [33]
However, '1st', '2nd', and '3rd' may, in the singular dative, ablative, genitive, and locative of all genders, optionally take the endings shown for 'one' in Table 12. For example, prathamäyai kanyäyai prathamasyai kanyäyai
'to the 1st daughter'
dvitlyät puträt dvitiyasmät puträt
'from the 2nd son'
trtiye grhe trtlyasmin grhe
'in the 3rd house'
When ordinals above 100 are expressed (optionally) with two discrete words (the first of which ends in -adhika or -uttara), both words are declined. For example, astadhikaáatatame grhe astädhike áatatame grhe
'in the 108th house'
4. D e m o n s t r a t iv e s This limited subclass has only two members: 'this', cited as idam-; and 'that', cited as adas-. Each agrees in gender, number, and case with the noun it qualifies. The declensional patterns for these two words in the three genders are set out in Table 13. (The form ami (masculine nominative plural) has un usual sandhi behaviour; see page 4. For etad- 'this', see next section.) 5. P r o n o u n s
The personal pronouns exhibit a 'dimension' that is not found in the other nomináis but is shared with the verbs, namely person. The three persons of Sanskrit are traditionally listed (for several good reasons) in the reverse of the European order:
3rd person: 2nd person: 1st person:
he/she/it thou I
they two they (more than two) you two you we two we
Gender is recognized throughout the 3rd person: 'they two' and 'they (more than two)' each have three forms for the genders, paralleling the singular 'he', 'she', and 'it'. The 3rd person pronoun agrees in gender with the noun to which it refers. Agreement in number and case applies throughout; however, the vocative is lacking. The full pattern for the personal pronouns is given in Table 14. (Sah 'he' has unusual sandhi behaviour; see page 5.) The hypothetical stem-forms traditionally adopted for citing the pronouns in the three persons are: 3rd: tad-; 2nd: yusmad-; 1st: asmad-. In the 2nd and 1st persons there exists an incomplete set of 'enclitic' forms, also shown in Table 14. These enclitic forms are semantically equivalent to the longer common forms — for example, te = tava, nah = asman; however, they may be substituted for them only in enclitic position, i.e. not at the beginning of a sentence or a metrical foot, and not before ca, va, or eva. Whereas the patterns for the 2nd and 1st person pronouns are unique, those for the 3rd person pronoun (tad-) in the three genders constitute a paradigm followed by a sizable group of words. Examples include etad- 'this', yad- 'which' (the relative
pronoun), anya- 'other', itara- 'different', katara- 'which (of two)?', katama- 'which (of many)?', etc. Etad- 'this' is a derivative of tad-, and is the only member of this group that follows tad- in having the exceptional s (necessarily changed to s) in the masculine and feminine nominative singular. It is semantically close to idam- (see previous page). Corresponding to the set of forms for etad- 'this' there exists an incomplete set of 'substitute' forms, enam enau etc., also given in Table 14. These substitute forms may replace the corresponding forms of etad- itself whenever some form of etad- has already been used with similar reference earlier in the same sentence. In addition, these substitute forms may replace the corresponding forms of idam- under similar circumstances. There is a further group of words which, while closely resembling tad-, differ from it in (a) substituting -am for -at in the neuter nominative/accusative singular, and (b) having vocative forms. This group is represented in Table 14 by sarva'all'. Other important members of the group include eka- 'one', ekatara- 'either', viáva- 'all', and ubhaya- 'both'. In addition, there exist several other words (most having directional meanings) which, while capable of being declined like devah [1], phalam [17], and kathä [32], are also optionally declined like sarva- in the three genders. Examples are: adhara- 'lower', antara- 'inner', apara- 'other', avara- 'western', daksina'southern', uttara- 'northern', para- 'later', pürva- 'earlier', sva'own'. For example, 'in the southern forest' is either daksine vane (following phalam [17]), or daksinasmin vane (following sarvam). Another variety again is represented in the interrogative kim 'which?'. This important word follows tad- except in the neuter nominative/accusative singular where it has kim. No other examples of this particular pattern exist (except in the obvious derivatives kim-cit, kim-cana, etc.). There are, then, under the heading of pronouns, three subtypes distinguished by their neuter nominative/accusative singular:
(a) anya-: (b) sarva-: (c) kim-:
anyah sarvah kah
anyat sarvam kim
anyä sarvä kä
В. VERBS The numerous conjugational forms assumed by the Sanskrit verb require the recognition of five 'dimensions': number, person, voice, mood, and tense. The variables on these dimen sions are as follows: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
3 3 3 3 7
numbers: persons: voices: moods: tenses:
singular, dual, plural third, second, first active, middle, passive indicative, optative, imperative present, imperfect, perfect, aorist, periphras tic future, simple future, conditional.
Of these five, number is found also in all the nomináis, and person is found also in the pronouns. The remainder are unique to the verbs. (a)
The three numbers A verb 'agrees' in number with its grammatical subject: there exists a set of singular, dual, and plural forms of the verb corresponding to, but formally distinct from, the three numbers seen in the nomináis. For example, Singular
áisyah pathati 'A student reads'
áisyau pathatah áisyah pathanti 'Two students read' 'Students read'
sa nayati 'He leads'
tau nayatah 'They two lead'
te nayanti 'They lead'
The endings -ati, -atah, and -anti are the characteristic endings for the singular, dual and plural numbers respectively, in the third person present indicative active of the most numerous class of verbs. Comparable sets of endings exist in the other persons, voices, moods, and tenses, as indicated below. (b)
The three persons A verb agrees with its subject in person as well as in number. The intersection of the dimensions of number and
person yields for each voice, mood, and tense of a verb a 3 x 3 pattern of forms; for example, Sing. 3rd: nayati 2nd: nayasi 1st: nayämi
nayatah nayathah nayävah
nayanti nayatha nayämah
'He/she/it leads' 'They two lead' 'They lead' 'Thou leadest' 'You two lead' 'You (plur.) lead' 'I lead' 'We two lead' 'We lead' (In memorizing, read horizontally: nayati nayatah nayanti; nayasi nayathah nayatha; etc.) This pattern corresponds to the 3 x 3 pattern into which the nominative forms of the personal pronouns naturally fall (cf. pages 32 and 110-111):
3rd: 2nd: 1st:
sah tvam aham
tau yuväm äväm
te yüyam vayam
(Since the verb endings indicate person as well as number, the personal pronoun subject is often omitted; e.g., nayasi is under stood as tvam nayasi.) (c)
The three voices Of the three voices, the active and passive have clearly distinct functions, resembling those of their counterparts in English. For example, Active
devo nayati 'The god leads'
devo nlyate 'The god is led'
The middle voice is less clearly definable. Theoretically it is applicable when the action is performed for the benefit of the subject him- or herself rather than for the benefit of another. However, in practice this distinction is rarely discernible; in the
classical language the middle form devo nayate means much the same as the active devo nayati. The choice between active and middle has come to be more a matter of conventional usage, so much so that in some verbs the middle form is rarely or never used, while in others it is the active that has fallen into disuse. Nevertheless, many verbs do retain the formal distinc tion between active and middle, thus exhibiting the full set of three voices. The set of nine forms shown in (b) for the active voice has counterparts in the middle and passive voices, as shown: Active:
nayati nayasi nayämi
nayatah nayathah nayävah
nayanti nayatha nayämah
nayate nayase naye
nayete nayethe nayävahe
nayante nayadhve nayämahe
nlyate nlyase nlye
nlyete nlyethe nlyävahe
rayante nlyadhve nlyämahe
nayathah nlyamahe
'You two lead' 'We are led'
For example,
It will be noted that the stem is identical in the active and middle, while the endings are identical in the middle and passive. That is, the middle voice forms can be thought of as combining the active stem (nay-) with the passive endings (-ate, -ete, -ante, etc.). (d) The three moods The moods serve to identify an utterance as (i) (ii) (iii)
a statement: indicative mood; a mild exhortation or a hypothetical possibility: optative mood; or a command, direct or indirect: imperative mood.
(The examples considered under (a), (b), and (c) above were all in the indicative mood.) For example, (i)
nayati nayasi
'He leads' 'Thou leadest'
nayet nayeh
'He should lead' 'Thou shouldst lead'
nayatu naya
'Let him lead!' 'Lead!'
The mood dimension intersects with the dimensions already considered, raising the number of forms from 27 to 81: ACTIVE: Indicative:
nayati nayasi nayämi
nayatah nayathah nayävah
nayanti nayatha nayämah
nayet nayeh nayeyam
nayetäm nayetam nayeva
nayantäm nayeta nayema
nayatäm nayatam nayäva
nayantu nayata nayäma
nayante nayadhve nayämahe
Imperative: nayatu naya nayäni MIDDLE: Indicative:
nayate nayase naye
nayete nayethe nayävahe
nayeta nayethäh nayeya
nayeyätäm nayeran nayeyäthäm nayedhvam nayevahi nayemahi
Imperative: nayatäm nayasva nayai
nayetäm nayethäm nayävahai
nayantäm nayadhvam nayámahai
PASSIVE: Indicative:
nlyate nlyase nlye
nlyete nlyethe nlyavahe
niyeta nlyethäh nlyeya
nTyeyätäm nlyeran nlyeyäthäm niyedhvam nlyevahi nlyemahi
Imperative: nlyatam nlyasva nlyai
niyante nlyadhve nlyämahe
nlyetäm nlyethäm nlyävahai
nlyantäm nlyadhvam nlyämahai
The seven tenses The tenses serve principally to indicate the time of the action or state relative to the time of speaking. Only three elementary time situations are in question, namely present, past, and fu ture; a fourth, represented by the 'conditional' tense, may be regarded as a combination of future with past: present
'He leads'
'He will lead'
'He led'
'He would lead'
These four correspond with the seven tenses as follows: Time situation
imperfect perfect aorist
periphrastic future simple future
Subtle semantic distinctions among the different past tenses early became blurred, so that in the classical language the three are for most purposes interchangeable. The same is true of the two future tenses. The examples considered above under (a) to (d) were all in the present tense: the pattern of 81 forms shown under (d) represents only the first of the seven tenses. However, it is not the case that each of the other six tenses has a comparable set of 81 forms. This is because each of the non-present tenses, with one partial exception, exists in only one of the three moods, namely the indicative. Each non-present tense is therefore represented by a set of just 27 forms — with the exception of the aorist, which in effect exists in the optative mood as well as the indicative. The intersection of tense with the other five dimensions therefore yields 270 forms in all. The complete pattern of 270 forms for the verb nayati is set out in Table 15. The expression 'the verb nayati' used in the preceding sen tence illustrates a convention that will be adopted henceforth when referring to different verbs: the third singular present indicative active (which, generally speaking, is the most com monly occurring of the 270 forms) will be adopted as the cit ation form — unless a verb does not exist in the active voice, in which case the corresponding middle-voice form will be adopt ed instead. Thus, to speak of 'the verb pathati' or 'the verb labhate' is equivalent to speaking of 'the verb read' or 'the verb obtain'. Verbs whose citation form ends in -ati (or -ate) will be referred to as '-ati verbs' or 'the -ati class'. Another termino logical convention to be adopted henceforth is to refer (as most grammars do) to the aorist optative as 'the precative'. The aorist indicative can then simply be called 'the aorist'; indeed the word 'indicative' can be taken as understood in all refer ences to the non-present tenses other than the precative. When patterns comparable to that for nayati are drawn up for other verbs, it is found that the nayati pattern is not, in its totality, a paradigm. Rather, it is a composite of several smaller patterns, certain of which are paradigms with widespread applicability. Five such component paradigms can be recognized. They are obtained by dividing up the total pattern as in the following diagram.
Present Indicative: Present Optative: Present Imperative:
1. Present, Imperfc>ct
Imperfect: Perfect:
2. Perfect
3. Aorist
4. Precative I
Periphrastic future:
5. Periph. ruture
Simple future: Conditional: The entire passive section, as well as the simple future and conditional tenses are excluded from this subdivision into paradigms for reasons that will be evident from Table 15: the endings in the passive are, with a single exception (namely the 3rd singular aorist), identical with those of the corresponding forms in the middle voice; and similarly the endings in the simple future and conditional are identical willi those of the corresponding forms in the present indicative and imperfect respectively. Consequently, all the forms of the passive and of the simple future and conditional are readily derivable provid ed one knows the appropriate stems. (Details on how to obtain this information and apply it are given later. For verbs outside the -ati class, the endings in the present/imperfect passive and in the simple future and conditional are as for the -ati class, i.e. they are invariably as shown in Table 15.) The total verb pattern can thus be reduced to five component sections. These will now be considered in turn.
1. P r e s e n t a n d I m pe r fec t
[1] The -ati class (exemplified in the verb nayati 'lead') The first section, covering the present and imperfect tenses, is reproduced as a discrete paradigm in Table 16 [1]. In it an unchanging stem is associated with a set of 72 different end ings, and in the imperfect with a prefixed a- as well. This paradigm is followed by every -ati verb, with only the follow ing exceptions: (a) Verbs which do not exist in one or other of the two voices: for such verbs naturally only half of the paradigm is relevant. (b) Verbs whose citation form begins with a vowel: in such verbs the initial vowel goes to the 2nd grade in the imperfect; e.g. icchati has, in the imperfect, aicchat etc. (not, as might have been expected, ecchat etc.). If one knows the citation form of any -ati verb one can apply it to the nayati paradigm to obtain any other required form. For example, wishing to translate 'Let us protect!' into Sanskrit, and knowing that the citation form ('he protects') is raksati, one finds from the nayati paradigm the relevant ending -äma, and thus sets up the required form raksäma. Conversely, wishing to translate alabhe out of Sanskrit, one finds from the paradigm that a—e is for the imperfect middle, 1st person; then, on establishing the meaning of the citation form labhate, one arrives at the translation 'I attained'. The citation forms of verbs may be sought in a dictionary or in Table 27. (For convenience, references to verbs listed in Table 27 will henceforth generally be accompanied by the serial numbers they bear in that table; e.g. 'nayati (189)'.) In Table 27 the citation form is the first form listed below the English gloss (opposite the heading 'Cit:'). The presence of an M following it (e.g. 'nayati M') indicates that the verb in question exists in the middle voice as well as in the active. The presence of an A (e.g. 'kampate A' (38)) indicates that the verb is normally used only in the middle voice, but does occasionally appear in the active also. Absence of M or A indicates that the verb lacks the middle or active voice respectively. Of the verbs listed in Table 27, about 70 per cent are -ati verbs, a proportion which probably reflects accurately the situation in the language as a whole. However, there do exist seven other smaller classes of verbs, here referred to, after their citation forms, as -äti, -iti, -auti, -näti, -noti, -Vti, and -Cti.
(V denotes here the vocalics e, ar, о and a; С denotes any conso nant.) Each of these classes has its own present/imperfect paradigm, distinct from the others yet sharing with them certain general features. The full set of eight present/imperfect para digms is presented in Table 16. Which of these eight paradigms any particular verb follows is usually self-evident from its citation form. For example, rauti ((293) in Table 27) is clearly an -auti verb, i.e. it follows para digm [4] in Table 16. The few uncertain cases are clarified in Table 27 by including the paradigm number after the citation form; e.g. 'jägarti [7]' (109 in Table 27). They are also pointed out in the following account, which summarizes the principal features of the seven remaining classes. [2] The -äti class (exemplified in bhäti 'shine') Members of this class all have just two syllables in their citation form; for example, päti, yäti, khyäti, snäti. (Thus jänäti and jahäti are excluded; they belong to the -näti and -Vti classes respectively.) All -äti verbs lack middle-voice forms. The endings in the -äti paradigm closely parallel those of the active section of the -ati paradigm; major differences do occur, how ever, in the imperative 2nd singular, and in the alternative form of the imperfect 3rd plural. [3] The -iti class (e.g. svapiti 'sleep') This very small class includes only svapiti, aniti, jaksiti, and ávasiti. Another verb roditi 'cry' appears from its ending as if it would belong to this class; however, it in fact departs from the paradigm in several respects, so is treated as 'irregular' and conjugated in full in Table 17 [12]. All -iti verbs lack middlevoice forms. [4] The -auti class (e.g. stauti 'praise') This is another small class; it has only about a dozen mem bers. Four of these, namely stauti, kauti, tauti, and rauti, can take the alternative endings (stavlti etc.) indicated in the foot note to the paradigm. Unlike the -ati, -äti, and -iti paradigms, in each of which one can identify an unchanging stem to which the different endings are attached, the -auti paradigm contains two different types of stem:
(a) 'strong' stems, formed with the 1st grade av before a fol lowing vowel, or with the 2nd grade au before a consonant (in one instance äv before a vowel); and (b) 'weak' stems, formed with the zero-grade u before a consonant, or uv before a vowel. For example, stauti has strong stems in stauti, staväni, etc. and weak stems in stutah, stuvanti, etc. This distinction of strong stems versus weak stems has been made clear in the paradigm by printing the 13 strong stems in italics. The verb bravlti 'say' closely resembles the alternative version of the stauti paradigm (staviti etc.), differing from if only in substituting ü for u before endings beginning in conso nants. This verb may therefore be regarded as an irregulai member of this class; it is given in full in Table 17 [13]. Two important features of the -auti class are shared also by the four remaining classes (the -näti, -noti, -Vti, and -Cti class es), namely: (a) the above-noted distinction of strong versus weak stems, with a fixed distribution of the two types (13 strong, 59 weak) within the total paradigm; and (b) a nearly invariable set of 'standard endings'. These two features are summarized in the following layout. (Italics indicate that the associated stem is in the strong form). Active: -tah -thah -vah
Pres. Indie.
-ti -si -mi
-anti -tha -mah
Opta tive
-yät -yätäm -yuh -yäh -yätam -yäta -yäm -yäva -yäma
Imper ative
-tu -hi -äni
-täm -tam -äva
Imper fect
-t -h -am
-täm -tam -va
-te -se -e
-äte -äthe -vahe
-ate -dhve -mahe
-lyätäm -Ita -Ithäh -lyäthäm -lya -Ivahi
-Iran -Idhvam -Imahi
-antu -ta -äma
-täm -sva -ai
-ätäm -äthäm -ävaliai
-atäm -dhvam -ämaliai
-an -ta -ma
-ta -thäh -i
-ätäm -äthäm -vahi
-ata -dhvam -mahi
It will be noted that, as regards the endings, the -äti and -iti paradigms also follow this pattern (in the active), but that the -ati paradigm departs from it at many points. [5] The -näti class (e.g. jänäti 'know') Members of this class all have three syllables in their citation form. (Thus snäti is excluded; it belongs to the -äti class.) Two sub-classes must be recognized depending on whether the sound preceding the n in the citation form is (a) a vowel, e.g. jänäti, krlnäti; or (b) a consonant, e.g. aänäti, grathnäti. In sub-class (a) the imperative active 2nd singular is formed with -nlhi, as shown in the paradigm; in sub-class (b) it is formed instead with -äna. For example, (a) jänäti — jänihi (b) grathnäti -— grathäna. A distinction between strong and weak stems exists, exactly as in the -auti class. In the 13 strong stems the n is followed by ä; in the 59 weak stems it is followed by I, except that where the ending (as shown in the above set of 'standard endings') begins with a vowel, the I is dropped (e.g. jänanti). [6] The -noti class (e.g. sunoti 'press') Here again there are two sub-classes, depending on whether the sound preceding the n of the citation form is (a) a vowel, e.g. sunoti, tanoti; or (b) a consonant, e.g. äpnoti, rädhnoti. Verbs in sub-class (b) exhibit the following slight departures from the given paradigm: (i) The u shown in the paradigm as being optional (it is shown in parentheses) becomes obligatory; e.g. äpnuvah versus sun(u)vah. (ii) The consonant cluster nv must be broken by insertion of u to give nuv; e.g. äpnuvanti versus sunvanti. (iii) The imperative active 2nd singular takes -hi, as in the set of 'standard endings'; e.g. äpnuhi versus sunu. The standard arrangement of strong and weak stem-forms is maintained. The strong stems have lst-grade o/av, the weak have zero-grade u/(u)v.
[7] The -Vti class (e.g. juhoti 'sacrifice') Here the letter V stands for any of following four vocalics: e, ar, о (all lst-grade ), and a (2nd-grade); e.g. bibheti, piparti, juhoti, daridrati. The members of this class are so idiosyncratic that no one of them can be cited that is in every respect representative. The pattern for juhoti may be taken as the paradigm, provided one excepts its peculiarity of taking -dhi rather than -hi in the imperative 2nd singular. The principal characterizing features of this class are: (i) the endings -ati, -atu, and -uh (rather than the usual -anti, -antu, and -an) in the active 3rd plural of the present indicative, present imperative, and imperfect respectively; and (ii) the additional strong stem before -uh in the imperfect active 3rd plural: ajuhavuh. These two features apart, the pattern for juhoti parallels perfectly that for -noti verbs of sub class (b), such as äpnoti. The idiosyncracies of individual members of this class will now be summarized. As noted above, juhoti has -dhi rather than -hi in the imperative active 2nd singular: juhudhi. Verbs in -arti, e.g. piparti, bibharti, jägarti, simplify the endings in the 3rd and 2nd singular of the imperfect to avoid word-final consonant clusters; e.g. the expected apipart and apiparh both become apipah. Jihreti has T/iy rather than i/у in the weak stems; e.g. jihreti jihrltah jihriyati. Bibheti optionally has I/iy rather than i/у in the weak stems; e.g. bibheti bibhitah bibh(i)yati. (Í denotes i or I; similarly 5 and Q.) There are several irregular members of this class, whose patterns are given in full in Table 17, namely: [14] eti 'go' (eti lacks middle-voice forms except when it bears the prefix adhi-) and [15] karoti 'do', both of which lack the features (i) and (ii) described above, and have other peculiarities as well; [16] dadhäti 'put' (followed also by dadäti 'give'); [17] jahäti 'aban don'; [18] mimlte 'measure' (followed also by jihlte 'go forth'); and [19] áete 'sleep', which has lst-grade e/ay throughout the middle voice, and an inserted r in some forms. [8-11] The -Cti class (e.g. yunakti 'join', dvesti 'hate', vasti 'wish', runaddhi 'obstruct'). This is probably the numerically largest class after the -ati class. The С denotes any consonant (though in practice only about a dozen different consonants occur in this position); and
the combination -Cti is to be understood as including also -Cti and -Cdhi. The verbs piparti, bibharti, and jagarti belong not to this class but to the -Vti class, ar being a first-grade vocalic. The typical representative of this class is the verb yunakti [8]. As can be seen from its paradigm, the class departs from the standard set of endings in the following two respects: (a) hi the imperative active 2nd singular it has -dhi rather than -hi; (b) In the imperfect 3rd and 2nd singular, the characteristic -t and -h are dropped to avoid word-final consonant clusters. (However, some verbs instead preserve the h of the imperfect 2nd singular while dropping the stem-final consonant.) The standard arrangement of strong and weak stems is preserved, with first-grade/zero-grade pairs such as bhinad-/bhind-, as-/s-, dves-/dvis-, vaá-/uá-, and doh-/duh-. Verbs in -Cti have much in common with nouns ending in consonants other than -h or -n, such as marut [6] and vanik [7] (pages 20-21). For example, in the verb yunakti, just as in the noun vanik, the stem-final consonant appears in three variants: (i) к before zero and voiceless consonants: ayuna/c, yunafcsi, yunMha. (ii) g before voiced stops: yuhgdhi, yungdhve. (iii) j before vowels, semivowels, and nasals: уuna/ama, yuñ/anti, yuñ/mahe. The difference between к and g is a matter of internal sandhi; that between these and j is a matter of consonant alternation. Just as consonant-ending nouns are best cited by stating their singular and plural forms in the nominative, for example, vanik—vanijah, so -Cti verbs are best cited by stating their singular and plural forms in the 3rd person of the present indicative active, e.g. yunakti—yuñjanti, vetti—vidanti. This mode of citation has the advantage of simultaneously making clear three things: (i) the consonant alternation: к—j, t—d, etc.; (ii) the distinction of strong stem versus weak stem; and (iii) the assimilation of any associated nasal: n —> ñ etc. In Table 27 the singular citation form of each -Cti verb (e.g. yunakti (277)) is given in the table proper, while its plural counterpart (e.g. yuñjanti) is given in a footnote. The verb yunakti—yuñjanti illustrates the most common pair of alternating consonants found in regular -Cti verbs, namely к—j. There exist five other such pairs; the full list is as follows:
к—с: к )■ t—d: t—d: s—')■ s—á:
rinakti—riñcanti yunakti—yuñjanti itte—Idate vetti—vidanti marsh—mrjanti vasti—uáanti
'leave' 'join' 'praise' 'know' 'rub' 'wish'
Many -Cti verbs do not display such alternation, any changes in the stem-final consonant being purely a matter of internal sandhi; for example, dvesti—dvisanti asti—santi Irte—Irate
'hate' 'be' 'move'
The situation is sometimes complicated by internal sandhi phenomena other than the simple voicing before voiced stops seen in yunakti. The most important cases are illustrated in the additional paradigms based on dvesti—dvisanti 'hate', vasti—uáanti 'wish', and runaddhi—rundhanti 'obstruct'. The dvesti paradigm [9] demonstrates that a stem-final s changes to t, d, and к before zero, dh, and s respectively, and that it in duces retroflexion in a following t, th, or dh. The vasti para digm [10] (middle forms are lacking) resembles that for dvesti, but with the further complication that s alternates with á. (This yields a total of four different values for C: s, á, t, and d.) The runaddhi paradigm [11] shows how the aspiration and voicing that basically belong with the stem-final consonant, as seen in rundhanti, are transferred to the t or th of ail endings that begin with those sounds. The citation form runaddhi may, therefore, be thought of as derived by internal sandhi from runadhti. Irregular verbs of this class are numerous. The most import ant are given in Table 17, namely: [20] asti 'be', [21] äste 'sit', [22] áásti 'instruct' (with the endings characteristic of the -Vti class), [23] hanti 'kill', [24] dogdhi 'milk' (cf. [11]), and [25] ledhi 'lick'. 2. P e r f e c t
The perfect tense is said to be strictly applicable only where the action referred to occurred in the remote past or was not personally witnessed by the speaker; however, in practice it is
fairly freely interchanged with the other past tenses (the imper fect and the aorist). There are two types of formation of the perfect. One type is characterized by a more or less obvious partial reduplication of the initial syllable; e.g. perfect jijiva 'lived' corresponding to present jlvati (112), ninäya 'led' (present nayati (189)), and äsa 'was' (present asti (11)). The other type involves a periphrastic construction comparable in form to English 'was saying' etc.; e.g. perfect kathayäm äsa 'told' (present kathayati (37)), and arthayäm cakre 'asked for' (present arthayate (6)). With a few exceptions, any particular verb makes only one of these two types of perfect. The reduplicating perfect, numerically the more important of the two, will be described first. (a)
Reduplicating perfect For the reduplicating perfect it is expedient to recognize eleven paradigms; see Table 18 [1] to [11]. These have much more in common with one another than do the various pres ent/imperfect paradigms, being characterized by a single, nearly invariable set of endings, namely:
3rd: 2nd: 1st:
-a -atuh -uh -(i)tha -athuh -a -a -iva -ima
-e -ise -e
-äte -äthe -ivahe
-ire -idhve -imahe
Departures from this pattern are found only in paradigms [8] and [9], both of which omit the vowel i from all endings except -ire; and in [11], where the active singular endings -a, -(i)tha, -a are replaced by -au, -ätha, -au respectively. The i of the active 2nd singular ending -(i)tha is obligatorily absent in [8] and [9], and is optional in [11]. In the remaining eight paradigms it is very inconsistent: in most verbs it is optional, but in a signifi cant number it is obligatorily present. Under these circum stances no useful rules regarding its occurrence can be formu lated. The principal differences among the eleven paradigms have to do with the choice of vocalic grade in the vowel or vocalic group of the syllable immediately preceding the ending; e.g. jijfva (zero grade), viveáa (1st grade), nimya (2nd grade), nirufya (optionally either 1st or 2nd grade). In most of the paradigms
there is a clear-cut contrast between 1st or 2nd grade in the three active singular forms and zero grade in the remaining fifteen forms. This distribution resembles that found in the indicative present and imperfect (p. 43). It is indicated in Table 18 by combined use of italics and asterisk, as in the following example. Zero grade: 1st grade: 2nd grade: 1st or 2nd grade:
ninyuh ninayitha ninaya* nimyaU)
Departures from the above-noted pattern of distribution occur in [1], where all eighteen forms are in the same grade (all zero, all 1st, or all 2nd), and in [10] and [11], where the situation is obscured by exceptional treatment of the stem and/or the active singular endings. In Table 27, opposite the heading 'Per:', the perfect of each verb is cited in the active 3rd singular, or, if no active form exists, in the middle 3rd singular. In the latter case, one conju gates on any paradigm except [8] (only for dadre and papre (158, 211)) and [9] (only for cucyuve and pupluve (104, 217)). In the former case, that of verbs having perfect active forms and therefore cited in the active in Table 27, one has to be able to identify which of the eleven paradigms any particular verb follows. This is sometimes very straightforward; for example, the perfect counterpart of gäyati 'sing' (84), given in Table 27 as jagau, clearly follows [11], since only that paradigm has the -au ending. More often, however, one has to examine the phonetic structure of the cited form in more detail. To facilitate this process a 'key' is provided (Table 20). In the key the terms 'initial' and 'final' denote the first and last sound respectively of the cited form; and the term 'stem vocalic' denotes the vowel or vocalic group in the syllable preceding the ending, that is, the italicised segment in the following examples: nin/nda, bubodha, caskanda, sasarja, vavdra, tusMua, áiáraya, suswpa, vivi/rtdha, jagraha. The key is so designed that pos sibly ambiguous instances such as tatyñja pose no problem. Regarding the distribution of verbs among the different paradigms there is, generally speaking, no correlation between the situation in the perfect and that in the present/imperfect. The only significant exception to this is that all verbs which
follow the present/imperfect -äti paradigm, follow the perfect paradigm [11]; e.g. present khyäti, perfect cakhyau (69); present bhäti, perfect babhau (228). There exist two major instances of irregular conjugation in the perfect, namely aha 'said' (13) and veda 'know' (338). The patterns for these two verbs are given as [12] and [13] in Table 19. (Äha is defective as well as irregular; and veda, though perfect in form, has present reference, i.e. 'know' rather than 'knew'.) (b) Periphrastic perfect This type of perfect is made by combining a nominal deriva tive of the verb with the appropriate perfect form of either asti 'be' (11) or karoti 'do' (45), i.e. either äsa or cakära. (Rarely babhüva, perfect of bhavati 'become' (236) may be used in stead.) In the active voice either äsa or (less often) cakära is used; in the middle voice only cakre (the middle voice form of cakära) is used. Гог example, the perfect counterpart of ksälayati 'wash' ((60), active voice only) is ksäiayäm äsa or ksäiayäm cakära, while the perfect counterpart of Iksate 'see' ((20), middle only) is Iksäm cakre. (For the conjugation of cakära, see Table 18 [8].) The example in Table 21, based on kalayati 'count' ((40), active and middle) may serve as the paradigm. In Table 27 the convention is adopted of citing active-voice periphrastic perfects always with äsa, often abbreviated to ä, and middle-voice ones with cakre, always abbreviated to c. Thus the perfects of kathayati (active), edhate (middle), and kalayati (active and middle) appear as 'kathayäm ä', 'edhäm с', and 'kalayäm äsa/c' respectively (see page 156). The periphrastic perfect is the type made by most verbs whose citation form ends in -ayati, by most whose citation form begins with a long vowel other than ä, and by a few others as well. Some verbs can take either the periphrastic or the redu plicating perfect. In the case of verbs whose citation form ends in -ayati, the nominal component of the periphrastic perfect is invariably formed by replacing -ati with -äm; e.g. corayati —> corayäm (101). 3. A o r is t
The aorist tense is said to be strictly appropriate only for events which have occurred in the very recent past and/or which have present relevance; however, in practice it is fairly
freely interchanged with the other past tenses (the imperfect and perfect). Seven aorist paradigms may be recognized; see Table 22. With a few exceptions the endings are constant throughout: Active
3rd: -t -täm -an/-uh 2nd: -h -tam -ta 1st: -am -va -ma
-ta -thäh -i
-ätäm -äthäm -vahi
-a(n)ta -dhvam -mahi
These endings are virtually identical with those of the imperfect as set out on page 43. The aorist further resembles the imper fect in having a prefixed a-. In a few verbs aorist and imperfect are actually identical in form; usually, however, the two tenses are formally distinct; for example:
sarati 'flow' (392): sincati 'sprinkle' (386): nayati 'lead' (189):
asarat asiñcat anayat
asarat asicat anaislt
Differences among the seven aorist paradigms relate mainly to: (a) the vowel and/or consonant(s) intervening between stem and ending; and (b) the distribution of the vocalic grades. The first of these two differences provides a simple means for recognizing, from the forms cited in Table 27, which aorist paradigm any particular verb follows. In Table 27, opposite the heading 'Aor:' the aorist is cited in the active 3rd singular, or if the verb does not exist in the active, in the middle 3rd singular. The key to recognizing the seven paradigms is as follows:
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
-at -sat -sit -Cslt -äslt
-ata -sata -sta -Cta
-ista -ita
Here s includes its retroflex counterpart s, С denotes any conso nant other than s or s, and the t in -Cta includes dh, t, and dh. Thus, for example, the aorists given in Table 27 as 'arucat M' (294), 'alambista' (305), and 'alabdha' (304) may be recognized as following paradigms [1] (active and middle), [6] (middle), and [4] (middle) respectively. The only exceptions are aorists in -amslt (e.g. anamslt (184)). These follow paradigm [5] in the active (but with am instead of ä) and [3] in the middle; for example, active: anamslt anamsistäm etc.; middle: anamsta anamsätäm etc. Ambiguity occasionally arises from the fact that some stems end in s or s; e.g. amarsit 'forgot' (267) belongs to class [6] rather than class [3], its structure being a-mars-It rather than a-mar-slt. Such doubtful cases can usually be resolved by examining the corresponding present form (mrsyati) or, if this is not known, by taking into account the vocalic gradation. (Since ar is 1st grade, amarsit must be class [6]; see next paragraph.) The characteristic endings listed above can also serve as mnemonic labels for the seven classes: one can speak of the 'the -at class of aorists', 'the -sat class', and so on. The distribution of the vocalic grades in each class follows the active/middle division. (It is shown in Table 22, using the same code as for the perfect; see page 49.) In the -at and -sat classes ([1] and [2]) there is no distinction of grade. In the -sit class [3], the active forms are in 2nd grade and the middle in 1st grade. In the -Cslt class [4], the active forms are in 2nd grade and the middle forms are usually in zero grade; however, where the active has simple ä, the middle has a rather than the expected o; e.g. active apäkslt, middle apakta (cf. page 9). In the -It class [6], it is usually the case that the active forms are in 1st grade for some verbs and in 2nd grade for others, while the middle forms are always in 1st grade; e.g. abodhlt abodhista ((222), both 1st grade), alavlt alavista ((317), active 2nd grade, middle 1st grade). However, a few verbs have zero grade throughout, e.g. avijlt avijista (337); and a very small number have 2nd grade throughout, e.g. ayäclt, ayäcista (276). In the case of verbs of this last type there could be doubt about how to conjugate; this problem is overcome in Table 27 by stating the middle 3rd singular forms of such verbs in footnotes. In the -ät class [7] the active always has ä, and the middle i; how’ever, only three aorists of this class is fact have middle forms, namely adät (146), adhät (168), and asthät (400).
In the aorist -Cslt dass [4], internal sandhi effects may produce consonant alternation similar to that found in the present/imperfect -Cti class. Some vowel changes are also encountered; for example:
srjati vasati runaddhi dahati vahati
'emit' 'dwell' 'hinder' 'burn' 'carry'
(393) (329) (297) (145) (332)
asräkslt avätslt arautsit adhäkslt aväkslt
asrsta avästa aruddha adagdha avodha
Instances of this relatively rare phenomenon are indicated in Table 27 by citing the middle 3rd singular in footnotes. The aorists of the verbs karoti 'do' (45) and bhavati 'become' (236) depart widely from the paradigms; they are therefore regarded as irregular and given in Table 23. 4. P r e c a t iv e
The precative (or benedictive) is recognized as 'a kind of aorist optative', though in fact it usually has present reference and therefore signifies much the same as the present optative. It is in any case very rare in Classical Sanskrit and is included here more for completeness than for practical usefulness. The paired precative paradigms given in Table 24 serve for all verbs, since the endings are invariable. For most verbs the stem for the precative active forms is identical with that for the present indicative passive. The precative active 3rd singular can therefore be readily obtained by substituting -ät for -ate in the form shown opposite the heading 'Pas:' in Table 27. For example, for the verb vahati 'carry' (332) the passive is given as uhyate; the precative active 3rd singular is therefore uhyät, from which one can then set up all nine active forms. A small number of verbs are exceptional in forming their precative active; these are indicated in the footnotes to the passives in Table 27; e.g. gäyati 'sing' (84) has passive giyate, but forms precative active geyät (with e rather than I). The precative middle 3rd singular is, with a few exceptions, obtained by substituting -ista for the ending -yati or -yate of the simple future (Table 27, 'Fut:'). For example, the verb vahati (332) is shown as having simple future vaksyati; its
precative middle 3rd singular is therefore vakslsta. The few exceptions to this principle are indicated in the footnotes to the simple future in Table 27. 5. P e r ip h r a s t ic F u t u r e
The periphrastic future is semantically indistinguishable from the simple future (Section 6, below), but is much less commonly used. Its middle-voice forms are particularly rare. The conjugation of the periphrastic future is covered by the single paradigm set out in Table 25. The active (or middle) 3rd singular form, on which the paradigm is based, is not given directly in Table 27, but can be obtained from the infinitive (listed opposite 'Inf:') by replacing -um with -ä. For example, for nayati 'lead' (189) the infinitive is given as netum, whence the 3rd singular of the periphrastic future is netä; and raksati 'protect' (281), with infinitive raksitum, has periphrastic future raksitä. Occasionally the periphrastic future is not so simply related to the infinitive; e.g. ksodum —> ksottä (63). Such instan ces are indicated in footnotes. The -tä form that underlies the paradigm is in origin the agent noun corresponding to the verb, e.g., netä is literally 'leader'. The 3rd person forms in the paradigm are then actually the nominative singular, dual, and plural of the agent noun, as shown in noun paradigm [4] of Table 6 (netä). The 2nd and 1st person forms are based on the singular of the agent noun, this time followed by the present indicative forms of the verb asti 'be' (Table 17 [20]). For example, netäsmi, 'I will lead' is from netä asmi, literally 'I am a leader'. This completes the account of the five sets of paradigms identified (on page 40) as the essential kernel of a description of the total declensional pattern for verbs (Table 15). It now remains to account for the rest of that pattern: first the simple future and conditional tenses in the active and middle voices, and then the passive voice in all tenses and moods. 6. S im p l e F u t u r e a n d C o n d it io n a l
The declensional endings for the simple future and the condi tional are identical with those for the present indicative and the imperfect respectively of -ati verbs. One is, therefore, able to set up the entire pattern for the simple future and conditional if one knows any one of the 36 declensional forms in those two
tenses. In Table 27, opposite the heading 'Fut:' the 3rd singular active (or middle, but middle forms are rare) of the simple future is given. For example, for the verb tanoti 'stretch' (121) the entry is 'tanisyati'; hence the patterns are: Simple Future: tanisyati tanisyasi Conditional:
tanisyatah etc.
atanisyat atanisyatäm atanisyan atanisyah etc.
(Compare the corresponding forms for nayati in Table 15.) The characteristic mark of the future tense is -sy- immediately before the declensional ending. 7. PASSIVE VOICE
In the present and imperfect the passive-voice endings are identical with the middle-voice endings of -ati class verbs, regardless of which class the verb follows in the active and middle voices. In Table 27, opposite the heading 'Pas:', is given the 3rd person singular of the present indicative passive for each verb listed. For example, for tanoti 'stretch' (121) the passive is given as tanyate; hence the present/imperfect passive section of the conjugational pattern for that verb is: Present indicative: Present optative: Present imperative: Imperfect:
tanyate tanyeta tanyatäm atanyata
tanyete tanyeyätäm tanyetäm atanyetäm
etc. etc. etc. etc.
(Compare the corresponding forms for nayati, Table 15.) In the perfect tense, the passive is identical in form with the middle; or (to put in another way) the middle forms may also be used with passive sense. In the aorist, it is always possible, as in the perfect, to use' middle forms with passive sense. However, many verbs have, in addition, a set of exclusively passive forms. Where this is the case, the first of the nine forms, i.e. the 3rd singular of the aorist passive, is given in Table 27 in a footnote to the aorist entry. For example, for pacati 'cook' (193) the aorist entry apäkslt has the footnote 'Pas apäci'. Knowing this form, one can set up the entire aorist passive pattern because the endings
of the remaining eight forms are always identical with those of the aorist middle of the -It class (Table 22 [6]). For example, pacati, with aorist passive 3rd singular apäci, has the following set of forms: apäci apäcisthäh apäcisi
apäcisätäm apäcisäthäm apäcisvahi
apäcisata apäcidhvam apäcismahi
However, since it is always possible for aorist middle forms to be used with passive meaning, the above pattern may be re placed by apakta apaksätäm etc. (Table 22 [4]). In the precative, periphrastic future, simple future, and conditional, it is again the case that middle voice forms may be used with passive sense, but that in many verbs there exist also sets of exclusively passive forms. The verbs for which there exist exclusively passive forms in these four tenses are those which have such forms in the aorist. The stem is identical with the 3rd singular of the aorist passive as cited in the footnotes to the aorist in Table 27, but (except in the conditional) without the initial a-; and the endings are identical with those of the corresponding middle voice forms. For example, for pacati (193), with aorist passive apäci, the stem for the passive in the precative, the two futures, and the conditional is päci-; and hence the passive forms themselves are: Precative: Periph. future: Simple future: Conditional:
päcislsta päcitä päcisyate apäcisyata
päcislyästäm päcitärau päcisyete apäcisyetäm
etc. etc. etc. etc.
(Compare the corresponding forms for nayati, Table 15.) 8. S e c o n d a r y C o n ju g a t io n s
Three 'secondary conjugations' can be formed from most verbs: the causative, desiderative, and intensive. These will now be discussed, beginning with the most important, the causative, (a) Causative Usually it is the case that if the primary or original verb is intransitive, its causative derivative is transitive, and if the primary verb is transitive its causative is doubly transitive, i.e.
Secondary Conjugations
capable of taking two objects. This is illustrated in the follow ing examples, based on rohati 'grow' (299), mriyate 'die' (262), and pacati 'cook' (193). Primary verb
Causative derivative
vrkso rohati 'The tree grows.'
rämo vrksam ropayati 'Räma causes the tree to grow.'
mrgo mriyate 'The deer dies.'
rämo mrgam märayati 'Räma kills the deer.'
däsah phaläni pacati 'The servant cooks the fruits.'
rämo däsam phaläni pacayati 'Räma gets the. servant to cook the fruits.'
In Table 27, opposite the heading 'Cau:', the causative of each verb is given in the 3rd singular present indicative active (or middle, but middle-voice forms are rare). Causatives are all of the -ati class in the present/imperfect. In addition they are all characterized by the presence of -ay- before the ending; i.e. they appear in Table 27 with final -ayati. (Note, however, that some primary verbs already have final -ayati in their citation form, e.g. kathayati (37).) Each causative is, like the primary verb from which it de rives, capable, in principle at least, of conjugation in all tenses, moods, and voices. Thus, if the verb nayati 'lead' has the set of 270 forms shown in Table 15, its causative derivative näyayati 'cause to lead' has a comparable set of 270 forms. It is not, however, necessary to list in Table 27 the passive, simple future, perfect, etc. of each causative, because most of those forms are predictable, there being considerable regularity in their structure vis-ä-vis that of the cited causative form. This is illustrated in the following sample list, based on the verbs bodhati 'waken' (222), bhavati 'become'(236), and karoti 'do' (45). Causative: Caus. Passive: Caus. Future: Caus. Perfect: Caus. Infinitive: Caus. Aorist:
bodhayati bodhyate bodhayisyati bodhayäm äsa bodhayitum abübudhat
bhävayati bhävyate . bhävayisyati bhävayäm äsa bhävayitum ablbhavat
kärayati käryate kärayisyati kärayäm äsa kärayitum aclkarat
in this set only the aorist is exceptional. The passive, future, perfect, and infinitive of the causative are formed by substitut ing for -ayati the endings -yate, -ayisyati, -ayäm asa, and -ayitum respectively. (The causative precative active and middle are formed from the causative passive and causative simple fu ture respectively as described earlier; and the causative peri phrastic future is formed from the causative infinitive. The causative passive in tenses other than the present and imperfect is identical with the causative middle.) The causative aorist is always of the -at type (Table 22 [1]). Its stem is formed with partial reduplication of the root syllable, and usually also some modification of the vowel. However, the rules governing this process are not readily generalizable; for this reason the most important causative aorists are given in Table 27, opposite the heading 'CAo:' (b) Desiderative This, the second of the three secondary conjugations, signifies a desire for the action or state expressed by the primary verb; for example, pipäsati 'he desires to drink' and pipathisati 'he desires to read', as against simple pibati 'he drinks' (201) and pathati 'he reads' (195). In Table 27 the desiderative is shown, opposite 'Des:', in the 3rd singular active or middle. All desideratives are of the -ati type in the present/imperfect; they are characterized by the presence of -s- or -is- before the conjugational ending, and by partial reduplication of the root syllable. Like the causative, the desiderative can yield a complete set of forms paralleling those of the primary verb. There is, how ever, even more regularity in the structure of the derivative forms; the following list, based on bodhati 'waken' (222), may therefore be taken as the model for all desideratives. Desiderative: Desid. Passive: Desid. Future: Desid. Perfect: Desid. Infinitive: Desid. Aorist:
bubodhisati M bubodhisyate bubodhisisyati M bubodhisäm äsa/cakre bubodhisitum abubodhislt M
Here the only difference from the situation in the causative series is that the aorist stem is predictable and is conjugated
according to the -It type (middie in -ista, Table 22 [6]). How ever, apart from the first one, the various desiderative forms exemplified in the above list are rarely encountered in practice. (c)
Intensive The intensive (or frequentative) signifies intensity or frequen cy of the action or state denoted by the primary verb; for exam ple, rorudyate 'he weeps long and bitterly', as against simple roditi 'he weeps' (296). There are two types of intensive, one having active and middle voice forms, the other having only middle forms. For example, nayati 'lead' (189) has intensives nenaylti (active/middle type) and nenlyate (exclusively middle type). The ac tive/middle type is of extremely rare occurrence in the classical language; consequently no examples of it are given in Table 27, nor is its conjugation discussed here. The exclusively middle type is of rather more frequent occurrence. In Table 27 attested examples of it are given in footnotes to the desiderative. In conjugation the middle voice intensive follows the middle voice section of the paradigm for -ati verbs in the present/imperfect; e.g. nenlyate nenlyete etc. Theoretically it can be conjugated in the other tenses as well, though actual occur rences are rare. The expected set of derivative forms is as in the following list, based on the verb bodhati: Intensive: Int. Passive: Int. Future: Int. Perfect: Int. Infinitive: Int. Aorist:
bobudhyate bobudhyate bobudhisyate bobudhäm cakre bobudhitum abobudhista
9. P articiples Participles in Sanskrit exist in the three voices — active, middle, and passive, and in three of the tenses — present, perfect, and future. The intersection of these two dimensions would be expected to yield 3 x 3 = 9 forms. However, the actual number may be higher because there are, potentially at least, three different future passive participles and two perfect active parti ciples; or it may be lower, because a verb which (according to Table 27) lacks active or middle forms in one or other of the
three tenses in question will normally lack the corresponding participles. The following two patterns display the sets of participles for two representative verbs, nayati 'lead' ((189) and Table 16 [1]) and dadhäti 'put' ((168) and Table 17 [16]). Active
The participles are adjectives. In their manner of assuming gender forms and declining them, they behave as shown in Table 8. All of the middle and passive participles follow the pattern of priya- (Table 8, first line). Of the active forms, the present follows nayant-/yuñjant- or dadhat-, according as it ends in -ant- or -at-; the first of the two perfects follows either tenivas- or vidvas- according as it ends in -ivas- or -vas-, while the second follows dhlmat-; and the future follows nayant-. A summary is now given of the maimer whereby the stemform of each participle can be obtained from the information contained in Tables 16-19 and 27. (a)
Present active participle The stem-form of the present active participle is most simply obtained by deleting the final -i from the 3rd plural of the
present indicative active. For example, raksati 'protect' (281), being an -ati verb, has present indicative active 3rd plural raksanti (Table 16 [1]), whence its present active participle is raksant-; and juhoti 'sacrifice' (424) has 3rd plural juhvati (Table 16 [7]), whence juhvat-. As shown in Table 8 (yuñjant- and nayant-), present active participles in -ant- form their feminine either in -ati or in -anti. The -ati formation is followed by all verbs whose citation form does not end in -ati; e.g. sunvant- (from sunoti) —> sunvatl. The -anti formation is followed by all verbs whose citation form ends in -ati or -äti; e.g. raksant- (from raksati) —> raksanti. However, certain -ati verbs optionally (but rarely) also follow the -ati formation. These are identified in Table 27 by the presence of '6' at the right of the heading; e.g. '340 viá-б'. (The 6 indicates the traditional verb-class; see pages 64-65.) Thus viáant- —> viáantl or viáatl. Verbs of the -äti class also may follow either formation; e.g. bhänt— > bhäntl or bhäti. (b) Present middle participle This is obtained from the 3rd plural of the present indicative middle as follows: The ending -ante is replaced by -amäna-; and the ending -ate is replaced by -äna-. For example, pacati 'cook' (193) has 3rd plural present indicative middle pacante, whence its present middle participle is pacamäna-; jihlte 'go forth' ((421, Table 17 [18], and page 45) has jihate, whence the participle is jihäna-; and bhinatti 'split' ((232) and Table 16 [8]) has bhdndate, whence bhindäna-. However, äste (15) irregularly has äslna-. (c)
Present passive participle Here the -ate ending of the passive form given in Table 27 is replaced by -amäna-. For example, for the three verbs cited in (b) above, the passives are given as pacyate, häyate, and bhidyate; so the present passive participles are pacyamäna-,. häyamäna-, and bhidyamäna- respectively. (d) Perfect active participle (i) The first of the two perfect active participles is most simply obtained by suffixing -s- to the 1st person dual of the perfect active (Table 18); however, if that form has -yiva (but not -iyiva), this is first changed to -Iva. For example, tanoti 'stretch' (121) has perfect active 1st dual teniva (Table 18 [10]),
whence its perfect active participle is tenivas-; jayati 'conquer' (110) has jigyiva (Table 18 [4]), whence jiglvas-; and karoti 'do' (45), has cakrva (Table 18 [8]), whence cakrvasAs a consequence of this, those verbs whose perfects follow [8] or [9] in Table 18, and those which fuse yi to give T, form perfect active participles of the -vas type rather than of the -ivas type (-Ivas is reckoned as of the former type), and therefore follow the vidvas- pattern (Table 8). All other verbs form present active participles of the -ivas type, and therefore follow tenivas- (Table 8). (ii) The second of the two perfect active participles is formed by suffixing -vat- to the perfect passive participle, for which see (f) below. For example, nayati 'lead' (189), having perfect passive participle ruta-, makes, for its second perfect active participle, nltavat-. The gender forms follow dhlmat- (Table 8). (e)
Perfect middle participle This is obtained from the 3rd singular of the perfect middle by replacing -e with -ana-. For example, nayati: ninye —> ninyäna-; karoti: cakre —> cakräna-. (f)
Perfect passive participle This, the most widely used of all the participles, is given for each verb in Table 27, opposite the heading 'PPP:'. For example, nayati 'lead' (189) has perfect passive participle nlta-; and nahati 'bind' (186), has naddha-. The perfect passive participle of a causative is formed by substituting -ita- for -ayati; e.g. märayati märita-. The PPP of a desiderative is formed by substituting -ita- for -ati or -ate; e.g. Ipsati —> Ipsita-. (g) Future active participle This is formed from the simple future active, as given in Table 27, by replacing -ati with -ant-. For example, nayati (189) has future nesyati, so makes its future active participle nesyant-. The feminine is formed in -anti or (rarely) -ati. (h) Future middle participle This is formed from the simple future middle, as given in Table 27, by replacing -ate with -amäna-; e.g. labhate 'obtain' (304), which has future lapsyate or labhisyate, makes lapsyamäna- or labhisyamäna-.
Future passive participle There are three types of future passive participle, character ized by the endings -avya-, -nlya-, and -ya-. In principle all three types may be formed for any particular verb; however, in practice it is often the case that one or more of them are not actually attested. The -avya- type is obtained by substituting -avya- for the ending -um of the infinitive as given in Table 27; however, since not all verbs customarily form this type of future passive parti ciple, this method т а У be applied with confidence only where the infinitive entry in the table is followed by the letter F (for 'Future'). For example, nayati has for the infinitive 'netum F', indicating that it may form netavya-; but nindati 'blame' (188) has 'ninditum' with no F, indicating that the expected ninditavya- is not attested or rare, and hence that the -nlya- or -yaform is to be preferred. The remaining two types of future passive participle are given directly in Table 27 opposite the two headings 'FPP:'; e.g. for nindati both nindanlya- and nindya-; and for nayati only neya-. 10. N o n -F in it e VERB-FORMS
Table 27 includes certain important verb-forms that are neither conjugated nor declined, namely the infinitive and the absolu tive. (a) Infinitive The infinitive (listed opposite 'Inf:') has been mentioned already as a convenient source of the form of the periphrastic future and of the future passive participle in -avya-. The infini tive as given in Table 27 corresponds semantically to the simple primary form of the verb; for example, netum icchämi 'I wish to lead' (189), gantum áaknoti 'He is able to go' (72). There are also infinitives corresponding to the secondary conjugations. They are formed by substituting -itum for -ati in the causative and desiderative, and for -yate in the intensive (cf. pages 56-59). For example, marayati —> märayitum 'to kill' (262). (b) Absolutive There are two forms of the absolutive. One, the form given in Table 27 opposite the heading 'Abs:', is used when no prefix is attached; for example, for nayati the form nltva, meaning
'having led' (189). The other form, used when a prefix is attached, is not given in Table 27 because it can be obtained by deleting the final -te from the passive; e.g. for nayati, with passive nlyate, the form is -nlya, as in parimya 'having led around, having married'. Occasionally, however, this second absolutive is not so simply related to the passive; such instances are indicated in footnotes to the passive. 11. V e r b a l R o o t s a n d t h e T e n V er b C l a sses
The Indian grammarians have long considered that the various existing forms of any particular verb are to be seen as derived from an underlying entity termed the root. For example, nayati, nlyate, nesyati, anaisit, etc., which are different voice and tense forms of the one verb 'lead' (189), as well as nominal deriva tives like netä 'leader', are regarded as derived from 'the root nl'. Similarly, nauti, nüyate, nosyati, anavlt, etc. ('praise' (190)) are assigned to a root nu. These roots, while having no real existence, do have a certain usefulness, particularly as mnemonic labels. In particular, they are used in dictionaries as headings under which all the associ ated verb forms are grouped. In recognition of this practice, and of the convenience of such a labelling device, the verbforms in Table 27 are grouped under their roots as headings, which in their turn are ordered alphabetically. For example, the alphabetical sequence of the roots nind, m, nu (188-190) has precedence over that of the verbs themselves, nindati, nayati, nauti. As a very general rule, the root of a given verb may be obtained from the perfect passive participle by deleting the ending -ta, -ita, or -na, while making due allowance for internal sandhi effects. For example, nlta----> nl (189), raksita---- > raks (281), lagna— > lag (300), labdha— > labh (304). However, many unpredictable factors make this rule far from infallible: some times the vocalic is weakened: tolita- —» tul; sometimes it is strengthened: grhita— > grah; and sometimes there is disagree ment among scholars as to what the root should be: the root of gäyati 'sing' (84) is variously given as gä and gai. Knowing the root of a verb, one is in no position to set up the actually occurring verb forms. For example, the seemingly very similar roots tap, tam, tad, and tan correspond to the very diverse actual present indicative forms tapati, tämyati, tädayati and tanoti respectively. The grammarians have dealt with this
problem by recognizing a set of ten verb classes, reflecting the different ways in which the present indicative is related to the root. For example, class 8 is characterized by the ending -oti; the root of tanoti can then be given in the dictionary as 'tan-8'. Similarly, the root said to underlie nayati is given as 'nl-l', where class 1 is characterized by the -ati ending and strengthen ing of the root vocalic to 1st grade. The student is expected to get from nl to nayati by strengthening the vocalic (-» ne), adding the conjugational ending (—> ne-ati), and applying the appropriate internal sandhi rule (—» nayati). In recognition of the above practice, each root heading in Table 27 is followed by a numeral denoting the verb class to which it is traditionally assigned. The correspondences between these and the eight present/imperfect classes recognized in Table 16 are as follows: 1, 4, 6, 10 2 3 5, 8 7 9
= = = = = =
-ati -äti, -iti, -auti, -Cti -Vti -noti -Cti -näti
Regarding these, the only point to note here is that verbs label led as belonging to class 6 are the ones which can form their present active participle feminine in either -anti or -ati (cf. page 61). 12. U sin g th e V er b T a b l e s The tabulated information on verbs is presented in two very different forms: (a) declensional patterns, both paradigmatic and irregular (Tables 16-25); and (b) lists of the principal parts of a range of verbs (Table 27). These two are complementary: from Table 27 one obtains, for any particular verb, certain key forms, which one then 'feeds into' the appropriate conjugational paradigms to obtain the specific forms required; or one does the reverse of this. Table 27 also gives some key adjectival derivatives of verbs (the participles), which are to be fed into the appropriate declensional paradigms (Tables 6, 7). How this process operates has been indicated piecemeal in preceding sections; it will now be reviewed systematically. Attention is directed first to Table 27.
The heading to each list in Table 27 contains, from left to right, (a) the serial number (1 to 432) of the entry; (b) the verbal root as usually cited in Indian dictionaries and grammars; and (c) the number (1 to 10) of the verb class to which the verb is traditionally assigned on the basis of its conjugational pattern in the present/imperfect. Next below these is an English gloss, included principally for mnemonic purposes, it being often only a very incomplete guide to the meaning of the verb. Then follow thirteen entries in a fixed sequence, to which an abbreviated key is provided in the three-letter headings (Cit, Pas, etc.) at the left-hand end of each row. Of these thirteen entries, the first eight (Cit to CAo) are finite verbal forms sub ject to conjugation for voice, mood, tense, etc.; the next two (Inf, Abs) are non-finite (i.e. uninflected) forms; and the last three (PPP and two FPPs) are adjectival derivatives capable of assum ing gender-forms which are then subject to declension for number and case. Some important forms not given in the lists are more or less readily derivable from the given forms; e.g., the periphrastic future can be obtained directly from the infinitive (-um -> -ä). Others cannot be so derived and are therefore given in foot notes. The footnotes provide principally the following: (1) Forms that cannot be inferred because (a) they are excep tions to the rules given earlier (and summarized in Table 27, see below), or (b) the needed source form is lacking. For example, for verb 110, footnote 7 states that the absolutive with prefix is -jitya (an exception to the rule: the passive jlyate would lead one to expect -jiya). And for verb 26, footnote 1 states that the absolutive with prefix is -uñchya, a fact not otherwise knowable since the passive is lacking. (2) Unpredictable forms, in particular plural counterparts of citation forms of -Cti verbs. For example, for verb 27, footnote 2 indicates that the plural of unatti is undanti: knowing the pair unatti—undanti, one can then set up any form in the pres ent/imperfect. (3) Alternatives to forms given in the body of the table. For example, for verb 28, footnote 7 states that for the PPP, besides ubdha-, the forms ubhita- and umbhita- are also permitted. However, alternatives are not given for the rare desiderative and causative aorist. (4) Middle-voice forms when these are not as expected given the cited active form. For example, for verb 163, footnote 2
states that the aorist active adyutat has as its middle-voice counterpart adyotista (where one would otherwise have expect ed adyutata). (5) The middle-voice intensive and the aorist passive in -i, which are footnoted to the desiderative and the aorist resDecX tively. The information derivable from Table 27 is summarized in Table 26. There each of the three-letter headings is followed by a specification of the form cited — but without redundant details such as '3rd singular' which is applicable to all the finite verb forms cited, 'indicative' which is applicable to all non present forms, and 'active/middle' which is to be understood in all forms other than passives. The sign ' =»■ ' denotes 'may be fed into' and is followed by the relevant table and paradigm numbers; for example: Fut:
Simple future =* Table 16 [1] Present Indicative
This signifies that the form cited in Table 27 opposite the head ing 'Fut:' is the simple future (understood to be in the 3rd singular indicative active/middle), and that this form is to be fed into the Present Indicative section of Paradigm [1] of Table 16. (The first form in that paradigm is nayati; a simple future such as gamisyati is 'fed into' that paradigm by substituting gamisy- for nay- throughout.) The sign ' -» ' denotes 'may be transformed into', and is fol lowed by a specification of the form that may be derived from the head form, together with (in parentheses) a formulaic statement of the mechanism of this transformation, or a refer ence to the page where that mechanism is described. For example, under 'Fut:' appears —» Precative middle (-syati/-syate —» -slsta) This signifies that the form cited in Table 27 for the simple future yields the precative middle if one replaces -syati (or -syate) with -slsta. The sign 'fn.:' signifies that the information mentioned to its right may (where relevant) be found in Table 27 in a footnote to the head entry. For example, 'fn.: Aorist passive in -i' appear ing under 'Aor:' signifies that the aorist passive in -i is given (for those verbs which have such a form) in a footnote to the
aorist entry in Table 27. Below such a 'fn.:' entry indented lines beginning with ' —> ' are statements of how the form given in the footnote may be transformed to yield further forms. For example, the one immediately below 'fn.: Aorist passive in -i' states how the aorist passive may be transformed to yield the precative passive. Where several different paradigms are given (to the right of =»), it will be necessary, in practice, to decide which is the appropriate one. In the present/imperfect this v/ill usually be evident from the ending; for example, any verb whose citation form ends in -näti must be fed into the -näti paradigm, i.e. Table 16 [5]. In possibly confusing cases the appropriate para digm number is added (in Table 27) after the cited form. In the reduplicating perfect, difficult cases can usually be resolved by using the key (Table 20). In the aorist the ending again pro vides a clear guide; see the list on p. 51. In the case of adjecti val derivatives (i.e. participles) there are usually three para digms listed, corresponding to the three genders. Where alter natives are offered (e.g. [15]/[16]), the criteria for making the choice will be found in the appropriate part of the section on participles (pages 59-63). Translation out of Sanskrit involves a general reversal of the above process. For example, faced with a form namämah, one identifies the stem nam- with verb 184, 'bow' (Table 27), and the ending -ämah with the 1st plural of the present indicative active (Table 16 [1]), yielding the translation 'we bow'. How ever, this process is often beset by various problems, and in recognition of this a set of three indexes (Tables 28-30) is pro vided. The use of these indexes will now be described. 13. U sin g t h e I n d e x e s
One common problem in translating out of Sanskrit is difficulty in recognizing verb stems. For example, it is not immediately evident that pece is a form of the verb cited as pacati ('cook', 193 in Table 27), or that jihremi is considered to be derived from the root hr! ('blush', 429). To facilitate resolution of this problem is the main purpose of Table 28, 'Index to verb stems'. Table 28 lists alphabetically all the verb stems occurring in the present/imperfect, passive, future, causative, reduplicating perfect, and aorist of all the verbs covered in Table 27. Each listed stem is identified by the number (1 to 432) of the verb in
Table 27, together with the relevant heading: Cit, Pas, Fut, Cau, Per, or Aor. This enables ready identification of difficult forms. For example, in the case of pece one looks up the stem pecin Table 28, and finds it identified as '193 Per'. Then one turns to Table 27 to locate verb 193 (рас 'cook') and the row headed 'Per:' (papäca M). If further help is needed, one may also consult Tables 20 and 18 (on the reduplicating perfect) to com plete the identification: pece is perfect middle, 3rd or 1st singu lar = 'he cooked' or 'I cooked'. In the case of jihremi, one looks up jihre- in Table 28, and finds '429 Cit'. Then one goes to Table 27 for verb 429 and 'Cit:' — and if necessary to Table 16 [7] (present/imperfect, verbs in -Vti) for the complete answer: jihremi is present indicative active, 1st singular = 'I blush, I am ashamed'. Any doubt about what counts as the stem, e.g. whether one should be looking for jihre- or jihr-, poses no problem: both possibilities are often included, and in any case scanning the relevant section of Table 28 will quickly locate the required entry. Table 28 does not include the prefixed a- of the imper fect or conditional, a fact that has to be allowed for when looking up a given form. For example, given the form abibhet and finding no abibhe- in the table, one should try bibhe-. The identification '233 Cit', in which 'Cit' covers the entire pres ent/imperfect paradigm, makes it clear that the given form (abibhet) is imperfect. On the other hand, Table 28 does in clude the prefixed a- of the aorist. For example, given the form abhaislt, one does find abhai-, identified as '233 Aor'. As far as possible, all the existing stems in each tense are given. For example, in addition to pec- the table includes papäc-, papac-, and papak-, all identified as '193 Per'. If identifying the conjugational form in question proves difficult, one can consult Table 29, 'Index to verb endings'. This table lists alphabetically all the regular conjugational endings occurring in the major tenses and moods: the present indicative/ optative, and imperative, the imperfect, the reduplicating per fect, and the aorist. Each entry heading is followed by a fivepart notation indicating: (a) the table and section in which the given ending is exem plified — e.g. '16 [6]', signifing 'Table 16 paradigm [6]' (i.e. -noti verbs);
(b) the tense/mood: Ind, Opt, Imv, Imf, Per, Aor, signifying Present Indicative, Present Optative, Present Imperative, Imper fect, Reduplicating Perfect, or Aorist; (c) the voice: Act, Mid, signifying Active or Middle; (d) the person: 3, 2, 1, signifying third, second, or first; (e) the grammatical number: sg, du, pl, indicating singular, dual, or plural. For example, given the form nametam, one looks up the ending -etam and finds it notated as '16 [1] Opt Act 2 du', i.e. optative active 2nd dual, exemplified in Table 16 [1] (i.e. -ati verbs). It is often the case that a single ending occurs in the table more than once, each time with a different notation; for example, given the form namatam, and looking up the ending -atäm, one finds eight possibilities listed. Of these, the ones indicating imperfect and aorist can be eliminated immediately, since namatam lacks the prefixed a-. Consideration of the stem nam- (identified, if necessary, using Tables 28 and 27) indicates an -ati verb (i.e. Table 16 [1]), whence the possibilities are further narrowed to those notated 16 [1]. That is, there are just two possible interpretations: imperative active 3rd dual, and imperative middle 3rd singular. Ready recognition of such ambiguities is a major benefit of using Table 29. In fact, however, there is a further dimension to the ambigui ty: namatäm could also be a form of the present active partici ple. That possibility is covered in Table 30, 'Index to noun/ adjective endings'. That table lists alphabetically all the declen sional endings contained in Table 6, indicating for each of them the case and number in question, and the particular paradigm, [1] to [40], in which the ending is exemplified. For example, the ending -atäm is identified as genitive plural and referred to Table 6, paradigms [12], [13], and [29]. In fact only [12] and [29] are found to be relevant: namatam could be the genitive plural of the present active participle, masculine or neuter. Noun/adjective endings display no less ambiguity than verb endings. For example, the one adjectival form priye (ending -e) could represent any of the following nine possibilities: feminine vocative singular, masculine/neuter locative singular, and neuter/feminine nominative/accusative/vocative dual. Looking up the ending in Table 30 draws one's attention to all these possibilities, and helps in deciding which will yield the appro priate translation.
Í ----- ------
simple diphthong2 fricatives
nasals semi vowels
vowels vocalics
'Locating h (the voiced counterpart of h) in the same column as gh, jh, etc. is a little artificial but proves expedient for purposes of description. 2Although e and о are both pure vowels (resembling the long vowels in English 'dairy' and 'story' respectively), they are traditional ly classified as diphthongs in recognition of their historical origins and their sandhi behaviour.
(i) W ord-final consonants
-k. -k
-t -t
-t -t -t
-k -k
-m -n
-ah -äh
-P -P -P -P -P
-n -ñ -ñ -ñ -ñ
-m -m -m -m -m
-n -ñ*-mé -ms -ms
-ah3 -ah3 -aá -as -as
-äh3 -ih3 -Ih3 -äh3 -ih3 -Ih3 -aé -iá -Iá -äs -is -Is -äs -is -Is
k-, kh-, p-, ph-, s-, ss- [*é— » ch-]4 c-, cht-, tht-, th-
-m -m -m -m -m -m -m -m -m
-n -ñ -n -m5 -n -n -n6 -n6
-o -o -o -o
-ä -ä -ä -ä -ä -ä -ä -ä -ä
rg-, gh-, d-, dh-, b-, bh-, j-, jhd-, dh1h- [*h— > gh-, dh-, dh-, bh-] n-, ma- [*a— » '-]
-c* -c
-t -t
-o -o
-o -o*
-I -Ir -Ir -Ir -Ir -Ir -Ir -Ir -Ir
-I -ir -ir -ir -ir -ir -ir -ir -ir
-b -b
-d -d -j
-d -d -d -d
-ñ -ñ -b -ñ -d -b -ñ -d -1 -b -ñ -d* -d* -b* -ñ -Л -n -n -m -ñ -g -d -d -b -ñ6 -g -d -d -b -ñ6
-g -g -g -g -g -g*
-ih1 -Ih2
Sanskrit Manual
(ii) W ord-final vowels
-a/-a -i/-I -ya-yä-í-I-yu-yü-yr-ye-yai-yo-yau-
-ä -ä -ä -ä -ä -ä -ä -ä -ä -ä -ä
-ra-rä-ri-V I-rl-ru-ü-ü-rü-vr- -r-ve- -re-vai- -rai-vo- -ro-vau- -rau-
-e aäiIuüreaioau-
-e -a -a -a -a -a -a -a -a -a -a
-o -a -a -a -a -a -a -a -a -a -a
äiIuü -. reaio-
’Similarly -uh. Similarly -üh, -eh, -oh, -aih, & -auh. 3~h may optionally assimilate before á-, s-, or s-; e.g. -h á— ■>-h á- or -» -é s4After -n, é- may remain unchanged; i.e. -n á — > -ft ch- or - » -ft á -. Alternatively -n may change to -I (a nasalized 1) when followed by 1-; i.e -n 1- -> -m 1- or -> -1 1-. 6Word-final -n or -n, if preceded by a short vowel, is doubled before a following vowel; e.g. -in e— > -inn e7Here V denotes any vowel other than a. 8C denotes any consonant. When the preceding word ends in a short vowel, ch— > cch-
Таы е 2. External Sandhi
-u/-u -r
Sandhi -g gh-h n-n m-c ch-t t-t th-d d-d dh -d dh-n n-n m-b bh-m n-m m-a V-1 -a V-a C-2 -I r-0 r-e3 r-o C-2 -o -ar-
—> -»
—> —> -> -> —>
-> —> -> -> —> —>
—> -> —> ->
Possible resolutions -k gh-ñ n-ñ m-t ch-t t-t th-t d-t dh-t dh-n n-n m-p bh-m n-m m-ah V-äh V-ä C-I r-Ü r-e r-o C-o a-a r-a a-i i-u u-a i-a u-a e-a o-
-k h-k n-k m-t á-t t-t th-t d-t h-t h-t n-t m-p h-p n-p m-e V-ai V-
-t dh-
-o V-
-ah c -Ih r-üh r-eh r-ah C-ah a-ä r-a ä-i I-U 11-
-a -a -a -a
’Here V denotes any vowel. 2Here С denotes any voiced consonant. ’Similarly for o, ai, au.
-ih r-uh r-
-ä a-
-ä ä-
-I i-
-II-ü ü-
-Ü u-ä i-ä u-ä e-ä o-
-ä -ä -ä -ä
(i) Retroflexion of s: Within a word, s changes to s if it is followed by any sound other than r, r, or r, and is preceded — either immediately or with intervening h or m — by к or r or any vowel other than a or a.
Necessary preceding sounds
Permitted intervening sounds
• [s—>s]
Prohibited following sounds
(ii) Retroflexion of n: Within a word, n changes to n if it is immediately followed by a vowel, n, m, y, or v, and is preceded at whatever distance by r, r, r, or s, provided there is no intervening consonantal dental, retroflex, or palatal other than y.
Necessary preceding sounds
Prohibited intervening sounds
Necessary following sounds
0 2
cakhnuh khananam khanayati
i/I У
e ay
ai ay
netum nayanam
anaisit myayati
у a] ayati
r r
mrtamamruh maranam
grahanam grahayati
kfl/panam kfllpa-
u/Ü о av v1
au äv
árotum árwtaáuárzwuh árai’anam
aárawslt árdcayati
u/ü va
’The expected v, seen, for example, in zero-grade árnue (versus lst-grade érnavai), is often replaced by uv, as in zero-grade áuárwmih.
Table 6. Declensional paradigms for nouns/adjectives, (i) Masculine [1]
devah devam devena deväya devät devasya deve deva
devau " deväbhyäm "
deväh devan devaih devebhyah
devayoh " devau
devänäm devesu deväh
munih muni munayah munim " munln muninämunibhyam munibhih munaye " munibhyah muneh munyoh munlnäm munau " munisu mune muni munayah
pasuh paáü paáum " paáunapaáubhyam paáave " paáoh paávoh paáau " paáo paáü
netä netäram neträ netre netuh netari netah
netärau " netrbhyäm " netroh " netärau
paáavah paáün paáubhih paáubhyah paáünam paáusu paáavah netärah netrn netrbhih netrbhyah netrnäm netrsu netärah
pita pitaram piträ pitre pituh
pitarau pitrbhyäm
pit rnäm pitrsu pitarah
marudbhih marudbhyah
marutoh marutau
marutam marutsu marutah
vanigbhih vanigbhyah
vanijoh vanijau
vanijam vaniksu vanijah
vedhobhih vedhobhyah
vedhasam vedhahsu vedhasah
pitroh pitari pitah
[6 ]
marut marutam maruta marute marutah maruti marut
vanik vanijam vanijä vanije vanijah vaniji vanik
vedhäh vedhasam vedhasä vedhase vedhasah vedhasi vedhah
pitarah pitrn pitrbhih pitrbhyah
ätmä ätmänam ätmanä ätmane ätmanah
atmanau ätmabhyäm
ätmanoh ätmani ätman
räjä räjänam räjhä rajñe rájñah
räjänau räjabhyäm rajnoh
rajñi1 rajan
hastl has tina m hastinä hastine hastinah hastini hastin
nayan nayantam nayatä nayate nayatah
'or rajani
ätmanäm ätmasu ätmänah
räjänah rajñah räjabhih räjabhyah
räjhäm räjasu räjänah
hastibhih hastibhyah
hastinäm hastisu hastinah
nayantau nayadbhyäm
nayatoh nayati nayan
ätmänah ätmanah ätmabhih ätmabhyah
nayantah nayatah nayadbhih nayadbhyah nayatäm nayatsu nayantah
dhimän dhlmantau dhlmantam " dhlmatä dhlmadbhyäm dhlmate " dhlmatah dhlmatoh dhlmati " dhlman dhtmantau
dhlmantah dhlmatah dhlmadbhih dhlmadbhyah
sreyän árcyamsam áreyasa áreyase áreyasah
áreyamsau " áreyobhyam "
áreyamsah áreyasah áreyobhih áreyobhyah
áreyasoh " áreyamsau
áreyasam áreyahsu áreyamsah
áreyasi áreyan
tenivän tenivämsau tenivämsam " tenusä tenivadbhyäm tenuse " tenusah tenusoh tenusi " tenivan tenivämsau
cakrvän cakrvämsau cakrvämsam " cakrusä cakrvadbhyäm cakruse " cakrusah cakrusoh cakrusi " cakrvan cakrvämsau
dhlmatäm dhlmatsu dhlmantah
tenivämsah tenusah tenivadbhih tenivadbhyah tenusäm tenivatsu tenivämsah
cakrvämsah cakrusah cakrvadbhih cakrvadbhyah cakrusäm cakrvatsu cakrvämsah
Sanskrit Manual (ii) Neuter [17]
phalena phaläya phalät phalasya phale phala
phalaih phalebhyah
phalayoh phale
phalänäm phalesu phaläni
värinä värine varinah
väribhyäm värinoh
■väribhih väribhyah
värini vari /váre
värlnäm värisu värlni
madhunä madhune madhunah
madhubhih madhubhyah
madhunoh madhuni madhu/ madho
madhünäm madhusu madhüni
dhátrná dhätrne dhätrnah
dhätrbhih dhätrbhyah
dhätfnäm dhätrsu dhätrni
dhätrni dhätr/ dhätah
jagatäjagadbhyam jagate " jagatah jagatoh jagati " jagat jagati
asrk asrjä asrje asrjah asrji asrk
asrjl asrgbhyäm " asrjoh " asrjl
jaganti jagadbhih jagadbhyah jagatäm jagatsu jaganti
asrñji asrgbhih asrgbhyah asrjäm asrksu asrñji
mana rnsi
manasämanobhyäm manobhih manase " manobhyah manasah manasoh manasäm manasi " manahsu manah manasl manamsi
havisahavirbhyäm havirbhih havise " havirbhyah havisah havisoh havisäm havisi " havihsu havih havisl havimsi
äyusä äyuse äyusah
äyurbhih äyurbhyah
äyusoh äyusi äyuh
äyusäm äyuhsu äyümsi
karmanä karmane karmanah
karmabhih karmabhyah
karmanoh karmani karma(n)
karmanäm karmasu karmäni
nämnä nämne nämnah
nämabhih nämabhyah
nämnoh näm(a)ni näma(n)
nämnäm nämasu nämäni
balinä baline balinah
balibhih balibhyah
balinäm balisu balini
balini bali(n)
n ay at
nayatä naya te nayatah
nayadbhih nayadbhyah
nayatoh nayati nayat
nayatäm nayatsu nayanti
te n iv a t
tenusa tenuse tenusah
tenivadbhih tenivadbhyah
tenusoh tenusi tenivat
ten usäm tenivatsu tenivämsi
cak rv at
cakrusä cakruse cakrusah
cakrvadbhih cakrvadbhyah
cakrusoh cakrusi
cakrusäm cakrvatsu cakrvämsi
kathäbhih kathäbhyah
kathänäm kathäsu kathäh
cakrusi cakrvat
(iii) Feminine [32]
kathä kathäm kathayä kathäyai kathäyäh kathäyäm kathe
nadl na dim nadyä nadyai nadyäh
nadyau nadlbhyäm
nadyoh nadyäm nadi
dhlh dhiyam dhiya dhiyai/-ye
nadyah nadlh nadlbhih nadibhyah
nadlnäm nadlsu nadyah
dhlbhih dhlbhyah
dhlnäm /dhiyam dhlsu dhiyah
dhiyäh dhiyäm/-yi dhlh
matih mati matim matyä matibhyam m atyai1 m atyäh/-teh maty oh matyäm /-tau mate mati
vadhüh vadhüm vadhvä vadhvai vadhväh
vadhvau vadhübhyäm
vadhväm vadhu
]or mataye
m atayah m atih matibhih m atibhyah matlnäm matisu matayah
vadhvah vadhüh vadhübhih vadhübhyah vadhünäm vadhüsu vadhvah
bhüh bhuvam bhuvä bhuvai/-ve bhuväh
bhübhih bhübhyah
bhuvoh bhuvam./-vi bhuvau bhüh
dhenuh dhenum dhenvä dhenvai1 dhenväh2 dhenväm3 dheno
nauh nävam nävä näve nävah nävi nauh
mätä mätaram rnätra mätre mätuh
dhenu " dhenubhyäm "
dhenavah dhenüh dhenubhih dhenubhyah
dhenvoh " dhenü
dhenünäm dhenusu dhenavah
naubhih naubhyah
näväm nausu nävah
mätarau mätrbhyäm
mätroh mätari mätah
2or dhenoh
bhünäm/bhuväm bhüsu bhuvah
3or dhenau
mätarah mätrh mätrbhih mätrbhyah mätrnäm mätrsu mätarah
Table 7. Irregular declensions of nouns/adjectives, (i) Masculine [41]
viávapah viávapám viávapa viávape viávapah
viávapau viávapabhyam viávapoh
viávapi viávapah
yavakrTh yavakriyam yavakriya yavakriye yavakriyah yavakriyi yavakrlh
senänlh senanyam senänya senanye senänyah senanyam senänlh
räh räyam räya räye räyah räyi räh
viávapah viávapah viávapabhih viávapabhyah
viávapam viávapásu viávapah
yavakribhih yavakrlbhyah
yavakriyoh yavakriyau
yavakriyam yavakrlsu yavakriyah
senanlbhih senänlbhyah
senányoh senänyau
senänyäm senänlsu senänyah
räbhih räbhyah
räyäm räsu rä.yah
sakhä sakhäyam sakhyä sakhye sakhyuh " sakhyau sakhe
sakhayau и
patih patim patyä patye patyuh 1!
patyau pate
sakhibhyäm " " sakhyoh t» sakhayau
pätibhyäm " patyoh patl
sakhäyah sakhln sakhibhih sakhibhyah и
sakhlrmm sakhisu sakhäyah
patayah patín patibhih patibhyah patlnäm patisu patayah
pät pädam padä pade padah " padi pät
pädau " padbhyäm " M
pädah padah padbhih padbhyah
padoh ” pädau
padäm patsu pädah
dvipät dvipädam dvipadä dvipade dvipadah " dvipadi dvipät
dvipädah dvipadah dvipädbhih dvipädbhyah
11 dvipadoh и dvipädau
dvipadäm dvipatsu dvipädah
anadvän anadvaham anaduhä anaduhe anaduhah
anadvahau anadudbhyäm
anaduhoh anaduhi anadvan
prän prañcam präcä präce pracah
präftcau prägbhyäm
präcoh präci prän
pratyañ pratyañcam pratlcä pratlce praticah
pratyañcau pratyagbhyäm
pratlcoh pratlci pratyañ udañ udañcam udlcä udlce udlcah
udañcau udagbhyäm
udlcoh udlci udañ
anadvähah anaduhah anadudbhih anadudbhyah anaduhäm anadutsu anadvähah
prañcah pracah prägbhih prägbhyah präcäm präksu prañcah
pratyañcah praticah pratyagbhih pratyagbhyah pratlcäm pratyaksu pratyañcah
udañcah udlcah udagbhih udagbhyah udlcäm udaksu udañcah
anvañ anvañcam anücá anüce anücah anüci anvañ
tiryañ tiryañcam tiraáca tiraáce tiraácah tiraáci tiryañ
pumän pumämsam pumsä pumse pumsah pumsi puman
pantháh panthánam pathá pathe pathah pathi pantháh
anvañcau " anvagbhyäm " anücoh " anvañcau
tiryañcau " tiryagbhyäm "
anvañcah anücah anvagbhih anvagbhyah anücám anvaksu anvañcah
tiryañcah tiraácah tiryagbhih tiryagbhyah
tiraácoh " tiryañcau
tiraácam tiryaksu tiryañcah
puma trisa u " pumbhyam "
pumámsah pumsah pumbhih pumbhyah
pumsoh " pumämsau
puipsam pumsu pumámsah
panthánau " pathibhyám "
panthánah pathah pathibhih pathibhyah
pathoh " panthánau
pathám pathisu panthánah
püsä püsanam püsnä püsne püsnah
pusanau püsabhyäm püsnoh
püsni püsan
gohä gohanam goghnä goghne goghnah
gohanau gohabhyäm
goghnoh goghni1 gohan
svä ávanam áuna áune áunah
gohanau ávánau ávabhyam áunoh
áuni ávan
yuvä yuvänam y una yüne yünah
évanau yuvänau yuvabhyám
yünoh yüni yuvan 'or gohani
püsanah püsnah püsabhih püsabhyah püsnäm püsasu püsanah
gohanah goghnah gohabhih gohabhyah goghnäm gohasu gohanah ávanah áunah ávabhih ávabhyah áunam ávasu ávanah yuvänah yünah yuvabhih yuvabhyah yünäm yuvasu yuvänah
maghavä maghavänau maghavänam " maghonä maghavabhyäm maghone maghonah maghonoh maghoni maghavan maghavanau
maghavanah maghonah maghavabhih maghavabhyah
mahän mahäntam mahata mahate mahatah
mahäntah mahatah mahadbhih mahadbhyah
mahäntau mahadbhyäm
maghonam maghavasu maghavanah
mahati mahan
mahatam mahatsu mahäntah
mahata mahate mahatah
mahadbhih mahadbhyah
(ii) Neuter [63]
mahati mahat
mahatäm mahatsu mahänti
dadhnä dadhne dadhnah
dadhibhih dadhibhyah
dadhnäm dadhisu dadhini
dadh(a)ni dadhe/ dadhi
ahnä ahne ahnah
ahobhih ahobhyah
ahnoh ah(a)nl
ahnäm ahahsu ahäni
jaräbhih jaräbhyah
jarasäm jaräsu jarasah
ah(a)ni ahah
(iii) Feminine [ 66 ]
jarä jarasam jarasä jarase jarasah jarasi jare
strl striyam1 striyä striyai striyäh
striyau strlbhyäm
striyoh striyäm stri
[ 68 ]
laksmlh laksmim laksmyä laksmyai laksmyäh
laksmyau laksmlbhyäm
laksmyoh laksmyäm laksmi 'or strlm
striyah striyah/strlh strlbhih strlbhyah strlnäm strlsu striyah
laksmyah laksmlh laksmlbhih laksmlbhyah laksminäm laksmlsu laksmyah
dyubhyäm "
dyubhih dyubhyah
divoh " divau
diväm dyusu divah
gävau " gobhyam "
gävah gäh gobhih gobhyah
gavi gauh
gavoh " gävau
gaväm gosu gävah
äpah apah adbhih adbhyah
dyauh divam diva dive divah divi dyauh
gauh gäm gava gave goh
apäm apsu äpah
glh giram girä gire girah giri gih
girau girbhyäm " giroh " girau
ghah glrbhih girbhyah giräm girsu girah
püh puram pura pure purah
purau pürbhyäm " puroh
puri püh
" purau
purah pürbhih pürbhyah puräm pürsu purah
priyah [1] sundarah [1] áucih [2] sudhlh1 tanuh [3]
priyam [17] sundaram [17] áuci [18] sudhi [18] tanu [19]
aticamwsvabhildätrsarvaáafc-4 privaväc-5 sumamsudarc/sdlrghayííssupammsunäma/zbal/иnayani-’ yuñj antdadhfltdhuiiatáreii/asten ivasvidvas-
aticamüh2 svabhüh3 dätä [4], ([5]) sarvaáak [6] priyaväk [7] sumanäh [8] udarcih [7] dlrghäyuh [7] suparvä [9] sunämä [10] ball [11] nayan [12] yuñjan [12] dadhat [6] dhlmän [13] áreyan [14] tenivan [15] vidvän [16]
priyä [32] sundarl [33] áucih [35] sudhlh [34] tanuh [38]/ tanvl [33] aticamu [19] aticamüh [36] svabhu [19] ' svabhüh [37] dätr [20] dätrl [33] sarvaáak [21] sarvaáak [6] priyaväk [22] priyaväk [7] sumanah [23] sumanäh [8] udarcih [24] udarcih [7] dlrghäyuh [25’1 dlrghäyuh [7] suparva [26] suparvanl [33 sunäma [27] sunämnl [33] baii [28] balinl [33] nayat [29] nayanti [33] yuñjat [29] yuñjatí [33] dadhat [21] dadhatl [33] dhrmat [21] dhlmatl [33] áreyah [23] áreyasí [33] tenivat [30] tenusi [33] vidvat [31] vidusl [33]
’See page 25, [34]. 2See page 25, [36]. 3See page 25, [37]. 'This type covers the three consonant finals -k, -t, -p. 5This type covers all alternating consonant final pairs such as k— t—j; see pages 20-21. 'This and the next often cited as nayat-, yuiijat-; but see page 61. 7Also covers adjectives in -vat-.
п ш :
Cardinal 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.
20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33.
ekah ekam ekä prathamadvau dve dve dvitlyatrayah trini tisrah trtlyacatvärah catväri tur(I)yacatasrah caturthapañca pañcamasat sasthasapta saptamaasta(u) astamanava navamadaáa daáamaekadaáa ekadaáadvadaáa dvadaáatrayodasa trayodaáacaturdaáa caturdaáapañcadasa pañcadaáasodaáa sodaáasaptadaáa saptadaáaastadaáa astadaáanavadaáa navadaáaünavimáatih ünavimáaekonavimáatih ekonavimáaekannavimáatih ekannavimáavimáatih vimáa(titama)ekavimáatih ekavimsa(titama)dvavimáatih dvavimáa(titama)trayovimáatih trayovimáa(titama)caturvimáatih caturvimáa(titama)pañcavimáatih pañcavimáa(titama)sadvimáatih sadvimáa(titama)sapta vimáatih saptavimsa(titama)astavimáatih astavimáa(titama)navavimáatih navavimáa(titama)trimáat trimáa(ttama)ekatrimáat ekalrimáa(ttama)dvatrimáat dvatrimáa(ttama)trayastrimáat trayastrimáa(ttama)-
34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42.
64. 65. 66. 67.
catustrimáat pañcatrimáat sattrirnáat saptatrimáat astatrimáat navatrimáat catvarimáat ekacatvariméat dvacatvarimáat dvicatvárimáat trayaácatvarimáat tricatvarimsat catuácatvarimáat pañcacatvarimáat satcatvarimáat saptacatvärimsat astacatvarimáat navacatvarimáat pañcaáat ekapañcaáat dvapañcaáat dvipañcaáat trayahpañcaáat tripañcááat catuhpañcaáat pañcapañcaáat satpañcaáat saptapañcaáat astápañcaáat navapañcaáat sastih ekasastih dväsastih dvisastih trayahsastih trisastih catuhsastih pañcasastih satsastih saptasastih
43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63.
69. navasastih
70. saptatih 71. ekasaptatih 72. dväsaptatih dvisaptatih 73. trayahsaptatih trisaptatih 74. catuhsaptatih 75. pañcasaptatih 76. satsaptatih 77. saptasaptatih 78. astäsaptatih 79. navasaptatih 80. aáltih 81. ekaáitih 82. dvyaáltih 83. tryaáltih 84. ’ caturaáltih 85. pañcaáltih 86. sadaáltih 87. saptaáitih 88. astaáítih 89. navaáidh 90. navatih 91. ekanavatih 92. dvänavatih dvinavatih 93. trayonavatih trinavatih 94. caturnavatih 95. pañcanavatih 96. sannavatih 97. saptanavatih 98. astänavatih 99. navanavatih 100. áatam 101. ekaáatam ekadhikaáatam ekädhikam áatam 102. dviáatam dvyadhikaáatam dvyadhikam áatar
saptatitamaekasaptat(itam)advasaptat(itam)advisaptat(itam)atrayahsaptat(itam)atrisaptat(itam)acatuhsaptat(itam)apañcasaptat(itam)asatsaptat(itam)asaptasaptat(itam)aastäsaptat(itam)anavasaptat(itam)aaáltitamaekaált(itam)advyaált(itam)atryaáit(itam)acaturaált(itam)apañcaált(itam)asadaáít(itam)asaptaáit(itam)aastaált(itam)anavaált(itam)anavatitamaekanavat(itam)advanavat(itam)advinavat(itam) atrayonavat(itam)atrinavat(itam)acaturnavat(itam)apañcanavat(itam)asannavat(itam)asaptanavat(itam)aastanavat(itam)anavanavat(itam)aáatatamaekaáata(tama)ekadhikaáatatamaekadhika- áatatamadviáata(tama)dvyadhlkaáatatamadvydhika- éatatama-
triáatam tryadhikaáatam tryadhikam áatam 1 1 2 . dvadaáaáatam dvadaáadhikaáatam dvadaáadhikam áatam 1 2 0 . vimáatiáatam vimáatyadhikaáatam vimáatyadhikam áatam 130. trimáacchatam trimsadadhikaáatam írimáadadhikam áatam 200 . dviáatam dve áate 300. triáatam trlni áatani 345. pañcacatvarimáadadhikam triáatam
1000 . sahasram
sahasratamadvisahasram dvisahasra(tama)dvyadhikasahasram etc. dvyadhikam sahasram 2000 . dvisahasram dve sahasre 2984. caturaáltyadhikam navaáatadhikam dvisahasram 1002.
10000 . 100000 . 1000000 . 10000000 . 10000 0 0 0 0 .
ayutam laksam prayutam kotih arbudam
Masculine: 1
ekah dvau trayah ekam " trin ekenadväbhyäm tribhih ekasmai " tribhyah ekasmat ekasya dvayoh trayänäm ekasmin ’’ trisu
catvärah pañca caturah caturbhih pañcabhih caturbhyah pañcabhyah и
caturnäm catursu
pañcanam pañcasu
Neuter: ekam
ekena dväbhyäm ekasmai " ekasmät ekasya dvayoh ekasmin "
tribhih tribhyah
caturbhih pañcabhih caturbhyah pañcabhyah
trayänäm trisu
caturnäm catursu
pañcanam pañcasu
tisrbhih tisrbhyah
catasrbhih pañcabhih catasrbhyah pañcabhyah
tisrnäm tisrsu
catasrnäm catasrsu
Feminine: ekä dve ekam ekayä dväbhyäm ekasyai " ekasyäh dvayoh ekasyäm "
pafinänäm pañcasu
6 sat
8 sapta
9 asta(u)
10 daáa
sadbhih saptabhih sadbhyah saptabhyah
astábhih navabhih daáabhih astäbhyah navabhyah daáabhyah
sannäm satsu
astänäm astäsu
saptänäm saptasu
As for masculine
As for masculine
navänäm navasu
daiänäm daáasu
'This' Masculine: imau " äbhyäm "
ime imän ebhih ebhyah
anayoh "
esäm esu
anena asmai asmät asya asmin
äbhyäm "
ebhih ebhyah
anayoh "
esäm esu
ayam imam anena asmai asmät asya asmin
Feminine: iyam imäm anayä asyai asyäh asyäm
äbhyäm "
äbhih äbhyah
anayoh "
äsäm äsu
'That' Masculine: asau amum amunä amusmai amusmät amusya amusmin
amu amöbhyäm
ami amün amlbhih amlbhyah
amlsam amlsu
ad ah
amunä amusmai amusmät amusya amusmin
amlbhih amlbhyah
amlsäm amlsu
amübhih amubhyah
Feminine: asau amum amuyä amusyai amusyäh amusyäm
amüsäm amüsu
3rd person Masculine: sah tam tena tasmai tasmät tasya tasmin
tau " täbhyäm "
te tän taih tebhyah
tayoh "
tesäm tesu
tena tasmai tasmät tasya tasmin
taih tebhyah
tesäm tesu
täbhih täbhyah
Feminine: sä täm tayä tasyai tasyäh tasyäm
täsäm täsu
2nd person
2nd person enclitic
tvam yuvam yüyam tväm yusmän tvayä yuväbhyäm yusmäbhih tubhyäm yusmabhyam " M tvat yusmat tava yuvayoh yusmakam tvayi yusmasu
tvä te te -
1st person aham äväm mam mayä äväbhyäm mahyam mat " mama ävayoh mayi "
väm — väm väm -
vah —
vah -
vah -
1st person enclitic vayam asman asmäbhih asmabhyam asmat asmakam asmäsu
m3 — me — me --
nah — nah -
— паи
3rd person substitute Masculine: enam enena
enat enena
enam enayä
'All' Masculine: sarvah sarvam sarvena sarvasmai sarvasmät sarvasya sarvasmin sarva
sarvau sarväbhyäm
sarve sarvän sarvaih sarvebhyah
sarvesäm sarvesu sarve
sarvena sarvasmai sarvasmät sarvasya sarvasmin sarva
sarvaih sarvebhyah
sarvayoh sarve
sarvesäm sarvesu sarväni
sarväbhih sarväbhyah
sarväsäm sarväsu sarväh
Feminine: sarvä sarvam sarvayä sarvasyai sarvasyäh sarvasyäm sarve
Active: Present Indie.
nayati nayasi nayämi
nayatah nayathah nayävah
nayanti nayatha nayämah
nayate nayase naye
nayete nayethe nayävahe
nayante nayadhve nayämahe
nlyate nlyase niye
nryete niyethe nlyävahe
niyante nTyadhve nlyamahe
Present Op tat.
nayet nayetäm nayeh nayetam nayeyam nayeva
nayeyuh naveta nayerna
nayeta nayethäh nayeya
nayeyätäm nayeyäthäm nayevahi
nayeran nayedhvam г.ауетаЫ
nlyeta nlyethäh nlyeya
myeyätäm niyeyäthäm nlyevahi
niyeran nlyedhvam nlyemahi
Present Imperat.
nayatu naya nayäni
nayantu nayata nayäma
nayatäm nayasva nayai
nayetäm nayethäm nayävahai
nayantäm nayadhvam nayämahai
nlyatäm nlyasva niyai
nlyetäm nlyethäm myävahai
nlyantäm nlyadhvam nlyämahai
anayanta anayadhvam anayämahi
amyata anlyathäh anlye
amyetäm anryethäm aniyävahi
anlyanta anlyadhvam anlyämahi
Imperfect anayat anayah Indie.
nayatäm nayatam nayäva
anayatäm anayan anayatam anayata anayäva anayäma
Perfect Indie.
ninäya ninetha nináya
ninyatuh ninyuh ninyathuh ninya ninyiva ninyima
Aorist Indie.
anaisit anaistäm anaisih anaistam anaisam anaisva
Aorist Op tat.
anayata anayetäm anayathäh anayethäm anaye anayävahi
ninye ninyise ninye
ninyäte ninyäthe ninyivahe
ninyire ninyidhve ninyimahe
ninye ninyise ninye
ninyäte ninyäthe ninyivahe
niijyire ninyidhve ninyimahe
anesta anesthäh anesi
anesätäm anesäthäm anesvahi
anesata anedhvam anesmahi
anäyi anäyisthäh anäyisi
anäyisätäm anäyisäthäm anäyisvatii
anäyisata anäyidhvam anäyismatii
nlyät nlyästäm niyäsuh nlyäh nlyästäm niyästa nlyäsam nlyäsva nryäsma
nesista nesfsthäh neslya
neslyästäm neslran neslyästhäm nesldhvam nesivahi nesimaM
näyislsta näyislsthäh näyisiya
näyislyästäm näyisiran näyislyästhäm näyisldhvam näyislvahi näyislmahi
Periph. Future Indie.
netä netäsi netäsmi
netä netäse netähe
netärau netästhe netäsvahe
netärah netädhve netäsmahe
näyitä näyitäse näyitähe
näyitärau näyitäsathe näyitäsvahe
näyitärah näyitädhve näyitäsmahe
Simple Future Indie.
nesyati nesyatah nesyanti nesyasi nesyathah nesyatha nesyämi nesyävah nesyämah
nesyate nesyase nesye
nesyete nesyethe nesyävahe
nesyante nesyadhve nesyämahe
näyisyate näyisyase näyisye
näyisyete näyisyethe näyisyävahe
näyisyante näyisyadhve näyisyämahe
Condit. Indie.
anesyat anesyatäm anesyan anesyah anesyatam anesyata anesyam anesyäva anesyäma
anesyata anesyetäm anesyathäh anesyethäm anesye anesyävahi
anesyanta anesyadhvam anesyämahi
anäyisyata anäyisyetäm anäyisyanta anäyisyathäh anäyisyethäm anäyisyadhvam anäyisye anäyisyävahi anäyisyämahi
anaisuh anaista anaisma
netärau netärah netästhah netästha netäsva netäsma
Table 16. Conjugational paradigms for the present and imperfect.
Present Indicative
nayati nayasi nayämi
nayatah nayathah nayävah
nayanti nayatha nayämah
Present Optative
nayet nayeh nayeyam
nayetäm nayetam nayeva
nayeyuh nayeta nayema
Present Imperative
nayatu naya nayäni
nayatäm nayatam nayäva
nayantu nayata nayäma
imperfect indicative
anayat anayah anayam
anayatäm anayatam anayäva
anayan anayata anayäma
Middle nayate nayase naye
nayete nayethe nayävahe
nayante nayadhve nayämahe
nayeta nayethäh nayeya
nayeyätäm nayeyäthäm nayevahi
nayeran nayedhvam nayemahi
nayatäm nayasva nayai
nayetäm nayethäm nayävahai
nayantäm nayadhvam nayämahai
anayata anayetäm anayathäh anayethäm anaye anayävahi
anayanta anayadhvam anayämahi
Active bhäti bhäsi bhämi
bhätah bhäthah bhävah
bhänti bhätha bhämah
bhäyät bhäyäh bhäyäm
bhäyätäm bhäyätam bhäyäva
bhäyuh bhäyäta bhäyäma
bhä tu bhä hi bhäni
bhätäm bhätam bhäva
abhät abhäh abhäm
abhätäm abhätam abhäva
abhän1 abhäta abhäma
svapiti svapisi svapimi
svapitah svapithah svapivah
svapanti svapitha svapimah
svapyät svapyäh svapyäm
svapyätäm svapyätam svapyäva
svapyuh svapyäta svapyäma
svapitu svapihi svapäni
svapitäm svapitam svapäva
svapantu svapita svapäma
asvapat2 asvapah3 asvapam
asvapitäm asvapitam asvapiva
asvapan asvapita asvapima
bhäntu ' bhäta bhäma
’or abhuh 2or asvapit 3or asvaplh
Active stauti1 stausi staumi
stutah stuthah stuvah
stuvanti stutha stumah
stuyät stuyäh stuyäm
stuyätäm stuyätam stuyäva
stuyuh stuyäta stuyäma
stautu stuhi staväni
stutäm stutam staväva
stuvantu stuta staväma
as taut astauh astävam
astutäm astutam astuva
astuvan astuta astuma
stute stuse stuve
stuväte stuväthe stuvahe
stuvate studhve stumahe
stuvlta stuvlthäh stuvlya
stuvlyätäm stuvlyäthäm stuvlvahi
stuvlran stuvldhvam stuvlmahi
stutäm stusva stavai
stuvätäm stuväthäm stavävahai
stuvatäm studhvam stavämahai
astuta astuthäh astuvi
astuvätäm astuväthäm astuvahi
astuvata astudhvam astumahi
’In the six forms with -au-, this vowel may be replaced by -av!~ . In Tables 16 and 17 forms printed in italics have 'strong' stems.
Active jän äti jänäsi jänämi
jänltah jänithäh jänlvah
jänanti jänltha jänlmah
jänlyät järayäh jänlyäm
jämyätäm jäniyätam jänlyäva
jänlyuh jäniyäta jäniyäma
jänätu jänlhi1 jänäni
jänltäm jänltam jänäva
jänantu jänlta jänäma
ajänät ajänäh ajänäm
ajänltäm ajänltam ajänlva
ajänan ajänlta ajänlma
jänlte jänlse jäne
jänäte jänäthe jänlvahe
jänate jänldhve jänlmahe
jänlta jänithäh jänlya
jänlyätäm jänlyäthäm jänlvahi
jänlran jänldhvam jänlmahi
jänltäm järäsva jänai
jänätäm jänäthäm jänävahai
jänatäm jänldhvam jänämahai
ajänlta ajänlthäh ajäni
ajänätäm ajänäthäm ajänlvahi
ajänata ajämdhvam ajänlmahi
Active sunoti sunosi sunomi
sunutah sunuthah sun(u)vah
sunvanti sunutha sun(u)mah
sunuyät sunuyäh sunuyäm
sunuyätäm sunuyätam sunuyäva
sunuyuh sunuyäta sunuyäma
sunotu sunu1 sunaväni
sunutäm sunutam sunaväva
sunvantu sunuta sunaväma
as uno t asunoh asunavam
asunutäm asunutam asun(u)va
asunvan asunuta asun(u)ma
sunute s unuse sunve
sunväte sunväthe sun(u)vahe
sunvate sunudhve sun(u)mahe
sunvlta sunvlthäh sunvlya
sunvlyätäm sunvlyäthäm sunvlvahi
sunvlran sunvldhvam sunvlmahi
sunutäm sunusva sunavai
sunvätäm sunväthäm sunavävahai
sunvätäm sunudhvam sunavämahai
asunuta asunuthäh asunvi
asunvätäm asunväthäm asun(u)vahi
asunvata asunudhvam asun(u)mahi
Active juhoti juhosi juhomi
juhutah juhuthah juhuvah
juhvati juhutha juhumah
juhuyät juhuyäh juhuyäm
juhuyätäm juhuyätam juhuyäva
juhuyuh juhuyäta juhuyäma
juhotu juhudhi1 juhaväni
juhutäm juhutam juhaväva
ajuhot ajuhoh ajuhavam
ajuhutäm ajuhutam ajuhuva
ajuhavuh ajuhuta ajuhuma
juhute juhuse juhve
juhväte juhväthe juhuvahe
j uhvate juhudhve juhumahe
juhvlta juhvithäh juhvlya
juhvlyätäm juhvlyäthäm juhvlvahi
juhvlran juhvldhvam juhvlmahi
juhutäm juhusva juhavai
juhvätäm juhväthäm juhavävahai
juhvätäm juhudhvam julmvamahai
ajuhuta ajuhuthäh ajuhvi
ajuhvätäm ajuhväthäm ajuhuvahi
ajuhvata ajuhudhvam ajuhumahi
juhvatu ■ juhuta juhaväma
yunakti yunaksi yunajmi
yuñktah yuñkthah yuñjvah
yuñjanti yuñktha yuñjmah
yuñjyat yuñjyah yuñjyam
yuñjyatam yuñjyatam yuñjyava
yuñjyuh yuñjyata yuñjyama
yunaktu yuñgdhi yunajani
yuñktám yuñktam yunajáva
yuñjantu yuñkta yunajäma
ayunak ayunak ayunajam
ayuñktam ayuñktam ayuñjva
ayuñjan ayuñkta ayuñjma
yunkte yuñkse yuñje
yuñjate yuñjathe yuñjvahe
yuñjate yuñgdhve yuñjmahe
yuñjlta yuñjlthah yuñjlya
yuñjlya täm yuftjiyäthäm yuñjlvahi
yuñjlran yuñjidhvam yuñjlmahi
yuriktäm yuñks va yunajai
yuñjatam yufljäthäm yunajävahai
yuñjatam yuñgdhvam yunajamahai
ayuñkta ayuiikthäh ayuñji
ayuftjätäm ayuñjátham ayuñjvahi
Active dvesti dveksi dvesmi
dvistah dvisthah dvisvah
dvisanti dvistha dvismah
dvisyät dvisyäh dvisyäm
dvisyätäm dvisyätam dvisyäva
dvisyuh dvisyäta dvisyäma
dvestu dviddhi dvesäni
dvistäm dvistam dvesßva
dvisantu dvista dvesäma
advet advet advesam
advistäm advistam advisva
advisan advista advisma
dviste dvikse dvise
dvisäte dvisäthe dvisvahe
dvisate dviddhve dvismahe
dvisita dvisithah dvislya
dvislyätäm dvislyäthäm dvislvahi
dvislran dvisldhvam dvislmahi
dvistäm dviksva dvesai
dvisätäm dvisäthäm dvesävahai
dvisätäm dviddhvam dvesämahai
advista advisthäh advisi
advisätäm advisäthäm advisvahi
advisata adviddhvam advismahi
Active vasti vaksi vasmi
ustah usthah uávah
uáanti ustha uámah
uáyát uáyah uáyam
uáyatam uáyatam uáyava
uáyuh uáyata uáyama
vastu uddhi vasäni
ustäm ustam vaéava
uáantu usta vasäma
avat avat avasam
austam austam auáva
auáan austa auáma
runaddhi runatsi runadhmi
runddhah runddhah rundhvah
rundhanti runddha rundhmah
rundhyät rundhyäh rundhyäm
rundhyätäm rundhyätam rundhyäva
rundhyuh rundhyäta rundhyäma
runaddhu runddhi runadlmni
runddhäm runddham runadhäva
rundhantu runddha runadhäma
arunat arunat arunadham
arunddhäm arunddham arundhva
arundhan arunddha arundhma
runddhe runtse rundhe
rundhäte rundhäthe rundhvahe
rundhate runddhve rundhmahe
rundhlta rundhlthäh rundhlya
rundhlyätäm rundhlyäthäm rundhlvahi
rundhlran rundhldhvam rundhlmahi
runddhäm runtsva runadhai
rundhätäm rundhäthäm runadhävahai
rundhätäm runddhvam runadhämahai
arunddha arunddhäh arundhi
arundhätäm arundhäthäm arundhvahi
Table 17. Irregular conjugations in the present and imperfect. [12]
Active roditi rod isi rodimi
ruditah rudithah rudivah
rudanti ruditha rudimah
rudyät rudyäh rudyäm
rudyätäm rudyatam rudyäva
rudyuh rudyäta rudyäma
roditu rudihi rodäni
ruditäm ruditam rodava
rudantu rudita rodama
arodat1 arodalf arodam
aruditäm aruditam arudiva
arudan arudita arudima
'or arodit 2or arodlh
Active bravfti bravisi bravTmi
brütah brüthah brüvah
bruvanti brütha brümah
brüyät brüyäh brüyäm
brüyätäm brüyätam brüyäva
brüyuh brüyäta brüyäma
bravitu brühi braväni
brütäm brütäm hravava
bruvantu brüta , braväma
abravü abravili abravam
abrütäm abrütam abrüva
abruvan abrüta abrüma
brüte brüse bruve
bruväte bruväthe brüvahe
bruvate brüdhve brümahe
bruvlta bruvithäh bruvTya
bruvTyätäm bruvlyäthäm bruvivahi
bruvlran bruvldhvam bruvlmahi
brütäm brüsva bravai
bruvätäm bruväthäm bravävahai
bruvätäm brüdhvam bravämahai
Active eti esi emi
itah ithah ivah
yanti itha imah
iyät iyäh iyäm
iyätäm iyätam iyäva
iyuh iyäta iyäma
etu ihi ayani
itäm itam ayäva
yantu ita ayama
ait aih ayam
aitäm aitam aiva
äyan aita aima
adhlte1 adhlse adhlye
adhlyäte adhlyäthe adhlvahe
adhlyate adhldhve adhlmahe
adhlylta adhlyithah adhlylya
adhlylyätäm adhlylyäthäm adhlylvahi
adhlylran adhlyldhvam adhlylmahi
adliitäm adhlsva adhyayai
adhlyätäm adhlyäthäm adhyayävahai
adhlyatäm adhldhvam adhyayämahai
adhyaita adhyaithäh adhyaiyi
adhyaiyätäm adhyaiyäthäm adhyaivahi
adhyaiyata adhyaidhvam adhyaimahi
1eti has middle forms only with prefix adhi-.
Active karoti karosi karomi
kurutah kuruthah kurvah
kurvanti kurutha kurmah
kuryät kuryäh kuryäm
kuryätäm kuryätam kuryäva
kuryuh kuryäta kuryäma
karotu kuru karaväni
kurutäm kurutam karaväva
kurvantu kuruta karaväma
akarot akaroh akaravam
akurutäm akurutam akurva
akurvan akuruta akurma
kurute kuruse kurve
kurväte kurväthe kurvahe
kurvate kurudhve kurmahe
kurvlta kurvithäh kurvlya
kurvlyätäm kurvlyäthäm kurvlvahi
kurvlran kurvldhvam kurvlmahi
kurutäm kurusva karavai
kurvätäm kurväthäm karavävahai
kurvätäm kurudhvam karavämahai
Active d adhäti dadlwsi dadhämi
dhattah dhatthah dadhvah
dadhati dhattha dadhmah
dadhyät dadhyäh dadhyäm
dadhyätäm dadhyätam dadhyäva
dadhyuh dadhyäta dadhyäma
dadhätu dhehi dadhäni
dhattäm dhattam dadhäva
dadhatu dhatta dadhäma
adadhät adadhäh adadhäm
adhattäm adhattam adadhva
adadhuh adhatta adadhma
dadhäte dadhäthe dadhvahe
dadhate dhaddhve dadhmahe
Middle dhatte dhatse dadhe dadhlta dadhithah dadhlya
dadhlyätäm dadhiyatham dadhlvahi
dadhlran dadhidhvam dadhtmahi
dhattäm dhatsva dadhai
dadhätäm dadhäthäm dadhavahai
dadhatäm dhaddhvam dadhamahai
Active jah äti jalulsi jahämi
jahitah jahlthah jahlvah
jahati ja hl tha jahimah
jahyät jahyäh jahyäm
jahyätäm jahyätam jahyäva
jahyuh jahyäta jahyäma
jahätu jahihi jahäni
j ahí täm jahltam jahäva
jahatu jahlta jahäma
ajahät ajahäh ajahäm
ajahitäm ajahltam ajahlva
ajahuh aj ahita ajahíma
Middle mimTte mimise mime
mímate mimathe mimlvahe
mimate mimldhve mimlmahe
mimlta mimithäh mimTya
mimlyätäm mimlyäthäm mimlvahi
mimlran mimldhvam mimlmahi
mimltäm mimisva mimai
mimätäm mimäthäm mimävahai
mimatäm mimldhvam mimämahai
amimlta amimlthäh amimi
amimätäm amimäthäm amimlvahi
amimata amimldhvam amimlmahi
sete áese áaye
áayate áayathe áevahe
áerate áedhve áemahe
áayita áaylthah áayiya
áaylyátam áaylyatham áaylvahi
áaylran áayldhvam áaylmahi
éetam áesva áayai
áayatam áayatham áayavahai
áeratam áedhvam áayamahai
aáeta aáethah aáayi
aáayatam aáayatham aáevahi
aáerata aáedhvam aáemahi
Active asti asi asmi
stah sthah svah
santi stha smah
syät syäh syäm
syätäm syätam syäva
syuh syäta syäma
astu edhi asäni
stäm stam asäva
santu sta asäma
äsTt äsih äsam
ästäm ästam äsva
äsan ästa äsma
säte säthe svahe
sate dhve smahe
Middle1 ste se he
’Middle voice forms of asti are rare.
Middle äste ässe äse
äsäte äsäthe äsvahe
äsate ä(d)dhve äsmahe
äslta äslthäh äslya
äslyätäm äslyäthäm äslvahi
äslran äsldhvam äslmahi
ästäm ässva äsai
äsätäm äsäthäm äsävahai
äsatäm ä(d)dhvam äsämahai
ästa ästhäh äsi
äsätäm äsäthäm äsvahi
äsata ä(d)dhvam äsmahi
Active sästi sassi sasmi
áistah áisthah áisvah
säsati áistha áismah
áisyat áisyah áisyam
äisyätäm áisyátam áisyáva
áisyuh áisyáta áisyáma
sästu sädhi säsäni
áistam áistam säsäva
säsatu áista säsäma
asat asät/asäh asäsam
aáistam aáistam aáisva
asasuh aáista aáisma
hanti hamsi hanmi
hatah ha thah hanvah
ghnanti hatha hanmah
hanyät hanyäh hanyäm
hanyätäm hanyätam hanyäva
hanyuh hanyäta hanyäma
hantu jahi hanäni
ha täm hatam hanäva
ghnantu hata hanäma
ahan ahan ahanam
ahatam ahatam ahanva
aghnan ahata ahanma
dogdhi dhoksi dohmi
dugdhah dugdhah duhvah
duhanti dugdha duhmah
duhyät duhyäh duhyäm
duhyätäm duhyätam duhyäva
duhyuh duhyäta duhyäma
dogdhu dugdhi dohäni
dugdhäm dugdham dohäva
duhantu dugdha dohäma
adhok adhok adoliam
adugdhäm adugdham aduhva
aduhan adugdha aduhma
dugdhe dhukse duhe
duhäte duhäthe duhvahe
duhate dhugdhve duhmahe
duhlta duhlthah duhlya
duhlyätäm duhlyäthäm duhivahi
duhlran duhldhvam duhlmahi
dugdhäm dhuksva dohai
duhätäm duhäthäm dohävahai
duhatäm dhugdhvam dohämahai
adugdha adugdhäh aduhi
aduhätäm aduhäthäm aduhvahi
aduhata adhugdhvam aduhmahi
ledhi leksi lehmi
lldhah lldhah lihvah
lihanti lldha lihmah
lihyät lihyäh lihyäm
lihyätäm lihyätam lihyäva
lihyuh lihyäta lihyäma
ledhu lldhi lehäni
lldhäm lldham lehäva
lihantu lldha lehüma
alet alet aleham
alldhäm alldham alihva
alihan alldha alihma
lldhe likse lihe
lihäte lihäthe lihvahe
lihate lldhve lihmahe
lihlta lihlthäh lihlya
lihlyätäm lihlyäthäm lihlvahi
lihlran lihidhvam lihlmahi
lldhäm liksva lehai
lihätäm lihäthäm lehävahai
lihatäm lldhvam lelmmahai
alldha al'idhäh alihi
alihätäm alihäthäm alihvahi
alihata alidhvam alihmahi
T a b l e 18.
C o n ju g a tio n .» !
m i
.и l i g n i ' .
Ini t h e r e d u p l i c a t i n g
p erfect.
jijiv .i
|!|l V . l l l i l i
j i j l v i 111.1
1111 v . 1 11И 111
1111v a
jijiv a
jíji v i i n a
jijiv e
|i|l v ílle
jijiv ire
jijiv ise
1111 V . 1 1 11«1
jijiv id h v e
ji j i v o
1 i 1 1v i V . »1i e
jijív im a h e
jijiv u h
v ilU ’SH 1
vi vis.il lili
v iv iáu h
invcM U ta
viv isa lliiih
v iv c su
vi v i s i v a
viviáim a
vi v i i e
v iv iáire
viv i.iise
vi viAai
v iv iá id h v e
vi visi v a l l e
v iv iá im a h e
1l e
П / í’S r t
ii/iv ith u
IS.lt l i l i l í
isi va
Is im a
isa le
i s is e
is.it lio
isi v a h e
isim ah e
n im n /t i' 1'
n in y a tu h
nin y u h
n iu m /H lu i'
n in y ath u h
nin y a
n ¡lli¡l/llU)
n in y iv a
nin y im a
nin y e
nin y áte
n in y ire
n in y ise
nin y äth e
n in y id h v e
nin y e
n in y iv a h e
n in y im a h e
'Italics = stern vocalic in 1st grade, vocalic in 2nd grade. or ninetha
italics plus asterisk = stem
sisräya* sisrayitha sisräyaw
áiáriyatuh áiáriyathuh áiáriyiva
áiáriyuh áiáriya áiáriyima
Siáriye áiáriyise áiáriye
éiáriyáte éiáriyathe áiáriyivahe
áiáriyire áiáriyidhve áiáriyimahe
uväca* uvacitha1 uväcaM
ücatuh ücathuh üciva
ücuh Oca ücima
üce ücise üce
ücáte ücathe ücivahe
ücire ücidhve ücimahe
tastära* tastaritha tasthra(*}
tas taratuh tastarathuh tastariva
tastaruh tastara tas tarima
tastare tastarise tastare
tastamte tastamthe tastarivahe
tastarire tastaridhve tastarimahe
cakära* cakartha cakaraw
cakratuh cakrathuh cakrva
cakruh cakra cakrma
cakre cakrse cakre
cakräte cakräthe cakrvahe
cakrire cakrdhve cakrmahe
'or uvaktha
tustotha tustävaw
tustuvatuh tustuvuh tustuvathuh tustuva tustuva tustuma
tus tuve tustuse tustuve
tustuväte tustuväthe tustuvahe
tustuvire tustudhve tustumahe
tenitha1 latüna{*}
tenatuh tenathuh teniva
ten uh tena tenima
tene tenise tene
tenäte tena the tenivahe
tenire tenidhve tenimahe
[11 ]
dadhau dadhatuh dadhätha2 dadhathuh dadhau dadhiva
dadhuh dadha dadhima
dadhe dadhise dadhe
dadhire dadhidhve dadhimahe
’or tatantha 2or dadhita
dadhäte dadhäthe dadhivahe
äha ättha
ahatuh ähathuh
veda vettha veda
vidatuh vidathuh vidva
viduh vida vidma
Table 20. Key to conjugation classes in the reduplicating perfect (active). I. II.
Final -au; e.g. dadhau, jagau......... [11] Final -a A. Initial a1. aha......... [12] 2. Other than aha; e.g. äda, anañja......... [1] B. Initial iy- or uv1. Stem vocalic in 1st grade; e.g. iyesa, uvosa......... [3] 2. Stem vocalic in 2nd grade; e.g. iyäja, uväca......... [6] C. Initial other than ä-, iy-, or uv1. Stem vocalic in zero grade; e.g. nininda, babhüva......... [1] 2. Stem vocalic in 1st grade a. Stem vocalic -e-, -o-, or -ar il) v ed a ......... [13] (2) cakarta and cakarsa......... [1] (3) Other than the above three verbs; e.g. viveáa, bubodha, sasarja......... [2] b. Stem vocalic -a- or -ra-; e.g. caskanda, raraksa, papraccha......... [1] 3. Stem vocalic in 2nd grade a. Stem vocalic -3y(1) -äy- preceded by one consonant; e.g. ninäya, cikäya......... [4] (2) -äy-preceded by two consonants; e.g. áisraya, cikräya......... [5] b. Stem vocalic -äv(1) dadhäva......... [1] (2) tustava, dudrava, susrava, and áuárava......... [9] (3) Other than the above five verbs; e.g. lulava, juhäva......... [5] c. Stem vocalic -ar il) jajära......... [7] or [10] (2) cacara and tatära......... [10] (3) cakära ('do'), babhära, vavära, and sasära......... [8] (4) cakara ('strew')......... [7]
(5) -är- preceded by one consonant, but excluding the above eight verbs; e.g. dadhära, mamärja......... [4] (6) -är- preceded by two consonants; e.g. tastära, sasmära......... [7] d. Stem vocalic other than -äy-, -äv-, -är(1) babhräma......... [4] or [10] (2) paphäla and babhäja......... [10] (3) cakräma, caksäna, caksäma, jagäda, jahäsa, tatyäja, dadhväna, áaáráma, and sasväna......... [7] (4) cakänksa, cakhäda, vavañcha, nanätha, yayäca, rarädha, áaáasa, and sasädha......... [11 (5) The type C’aC'äC^a (where С 1and С 2are any two consonants), but excluding those under (4) above (i.e. nanätha to sasädha); e.g. tatäna, papäca, sasäda.........[10] (6) Other than the above categories (1) to (5); e.g. vivyädha, susväpa, jagräha, cakhäna......... [4]
Table 21. Conjugational paradigm for the periphrastic perfect.
Active 3rd.: kalayam asa/ kalayam cakära
kalayam asatuh/ kalayäm cakratuh
kalayam asuh/ kalayäm cakruh
kalayäm äsathuh/ kalayäm äsa/ 2nd.: kalayam äsitha/ kalayam cakartha kalayäm cakrathuh kalayäm cakra kalayäm äsiva/ kalayäm cakrva
kalayäm äsima/ kalayäm cakrma
3rd.: kalayäm cakre
kalayäm cakräte
kalayäm cakrire
2nd.: kalayäm cakrse
kalayäm cakräthe
kalayäm cakrdhve
kalayäm cakrvahe
kalayäm cakrmahe
kalayam asa/ kalayam cakära
kalayäm cakre
22. Conjugational paradigms for the aorist.
asicat asicah asicam
asicatäm asicatam asicava
asican asicata asicama
asicata asicathah asice
asicetäm asicetham asicävahi
asicanta asicadhvam asicämahi
adiksat adiksah adiksain
adiksatäm adiksatam adiksäva
adiksan adiksata adiksama
adiksata adiksathäh adiksi
adiksatäm adiksäthäm adiksävahi
adiksanta adiksadhvam adiksämahi
anaisit*' anaisih* anaisam*
anaistßm* anaistam* anaisva*
anaisuh* amista* anaisma*
anesta2 anestlwh anesi
anesätam anesßthäm anesvahi
anesata anedhvam anesmahi
aksaipsit* aksaipsih* aksaipsam*
aksaiptäm* aksaiptam* aksaipsva*
aksaipsuh* aksaipta* aksaipsma*
aksipta aksipthäh aksipsi
aksipsätäm aksipsäthäm aksipsvahi
aksipsata aksibdhvam aksipsmahi
'Italics with asterisk = stem vocalic in 2nd grade. 2Italics without asterisk = stem vocalic in 1st grade.
abhäsit* abhasih* abhasisam*
abhäsistäm* abhasistam* abhäsisva*
abhäsisuh* abhäsista* abhäsisma*
[6 ]
apävit*' apctvih* apävisam*
apävistam* apävistam* apävisva*
apävisuh* apävista* apävisma*
apavista apavisthäh apavisi
apavisätäm apavisathäm apavisvahi
apavisata apavidhvam apavismahi
adät* adäh* adäm*
adätäm* adätam* adava*
aduh* adata* adama*
adita adithäh adisi
adisätäm adisäthäm adisvahi
adisata adidhvam adismahi
'Usually in the active of class [6] (-it class), the stem vocalic ' in 1st grade for some verbs and in 2nd grade for others.
akärsit* akärsih* akärsam*
akärstäm* akärstam* akarsva*
akärsuh* akärsta* akärsma*
akrta akrthäh akrsi
akrsätäm akrsäthäm akrsvahi
akrsata akrdhvam akrsmahi
abhüt abhüh abhüvam
abhütäm abhütam abhüva
abhüvan abhüta abhüma
nlyat nlyäh niyäsam
nlyästäm nlyästam niyäsva
nlyäsuh nlyästa nlyäsma
nesTsta nesisthäh neslya
neslyästäm nesiyästhäm neslvahi
neslran nesldhvam neslmahi
Table 25. Conjugational paradigm for the periphrastic future.
netä netäsi netäsmi
netärau netästhah netäsvah
netärah netästha netäsmah
netä netäse netä he
netärau netäsäthe netäsvahe
netärah netädhve netäsmahe
Present indicative active/middle =* Tables 16-17 [l]-[25] -» Present active participle (pp. 60-61) =>■Table 6 [12]/[6] [29] /[21] [33] —> Present middle participle (p. 61) =ф- Table 6 [1] [17] [32]
Present indicative passive =>■ Table 16 [1] Middle —» Precative active (-yate -> -yät) =>■ Table 24 Active —» Absolutive with prefix (-yate —> -ya)
Simple future =>■Table 16 [1] Present Indicative -> Conditional (—syati/—syate a—syat/a—syata) =* Table 16 [1] Imperfect -h> Precative middle (-syati/-syate h >-sista) =4- Table 24 Middle -> Future active participle (-syati -> -syant-) => Table 6 [12] [29]/[21] [33] -» Future middle participle (-syate -> -syamäna-) =* Table 6 [1] [17] [32]
Causative => Table 16 [1] -» Causative passive (-ayati -yate) =ф- Table 16 [1] Middle -» Causative future (-ayati -> -ayisyati) =* Table 16 [1] Present Indicative Active —> Causative perfect (-ayati -ayäm äsa) =» Table 21 Active —> Causative infinitive (-ayati —> -ayitum) -> Causative absolutive without prefix (-ayati -» -ayitvä) -н> Causative perfect passive participle (-ayati -» -ita-) =» Table 6 [1] [17] [32] -» Causative future passive participle in -nlya- (-ayati -> . -anlya-) =ф- Table 6 [1] [17] [32] —> Causative future passive participle in -ya- (-ayati -» -ya-) =* Table 6 [1] [17] [32] —» Causative future passive participle in -avya- (-ayati -» -ayitavya-) =»• Table 6 [1] [17] [32]
Desiderative =*■ Table 16 [1] —» Desiderative passive (-sati/-sate —> -syate) Table 16 [1] Middle -» Desiderative future (-sati/-sate —> -sisyati/-sisyate) =» Table 16 [1] Present Indicative —» Desiderative perfect (-sati/-sate —> -säm äsa/-säm cakre) =*■ Table 21 —> Desiderative aorist (—sati/—sate —> a—sít/a—sista) =>•Table 22 [6] —> Desiderative infinitive (-sati/-sate —> -situm) —> Desiderative perfect passive participle (-sati/-sate —» -sita-) => Table 6 [1] [17] [32] fn.: Middle-voice intensive =>• Table 16 [1] Middle —¥ Intensive passive etc. (p. 59)
Perfect =*■ Tables 18-19 [1]-[13] & Table 21 -> Perfect active participle in -(i)vas- (pp. 61-62) ^ Table 6 [15]/[16] [30]/[31] [33] —> Perfect middle participle (p. 62) =*■ Table 6 [1] [17] [32]
Aorist =ф- Tables 22-23 [l]-[9] fn.: Aorist passive in -i =*■ Table 22 [6] Middle, except 3rd sing.; endings: -i, -isatäm, etc. -» Precative passive (a—i —islsta) => Table 24 Middle -» Periphrastic future passive (a—i —> —itä) =* Table 25 Middle —> Simple future passive (a—i —> —isyate) ==>Table 16 [1] Present Indicative Middle -4 Conditional passive (-i —> -isyata) => Table 16 [1] Imperfect Middle
CAo: Causative aorist =ф- Table 22 [1] Inf:
Infinitive —> Periphrastic future (-um —» -a) =» Table 25 —> Future passive participle in -avya- (-um —> -avya-) => Table 6 [1] [17] [32]
Absolutive without prefix
Perfect passive participle =s- Table 6 [1] [17] [32] —» Perfect active participle in -vat- (-a —> -avat) => Table 6 [13] [21] [33]
Future passive participle in -nlya- =ф- Table 6 [1] [17] [32]
Future passive participle in -ya- =» Table 6 [1] [17] [32]
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
1 añc-1 'bend' añcati a(ñ)cyate' añcisyati añcayati añcicisati änaftca añclt añcitum arkitvä2 a(ñ)cita-3
5 an-2 'breathe' aniti anyate anisyati änayati aninisati äna änlt14 äninat anitum änitvä anita-
2 añj-7 'anoint' anakti4 M ajyate añjisyati5 añjayati añjijisati änahja M6 är.jlt7 äüjijat añjitum8 F añjitva9 akta-
3 at-1 'wander' atati M atyate atísyati ätayati atitisati11 äta ätlt ätitat atitum atitvä atita-
6 arth-10 'ask for' arthayate arthyate arthayisyate
7 arh-1 'deserve' arhati arhyate15 arhisyati arhayati arjilüsati änarha ärhlt arjihat16 arhitum arliitvä arhitaarhanlya-
artithayisate arthayäm с ärtathata arthayitum arthayitvä arthitaarthanlya-
4 ad-2 'eat' atti12 adyate13 atsyati ädayati jighatsati äda aghasat ädidat attum F jagdhvä jagdhaadaniyaadya8 av-1 'further' avati avyate avisyati ävayati avivisati äva ävlt17 ävivat avitum avita-
'Abs-acya Vaktvä 3/akta-/akna- 4P1 añjanti 5/añksyati 6Mid änaje 7Pas añji 8/añktum 9/a(n)ktvä 10/angyanInt atätyate 12P1 adanti 13Abs -jagdhya 14Pas äni 15Abs -arghya 16/ärhlt; Pas ärhi 17Pas ävi
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
9 aá-5 'obtain' ainute [6] aáyate aáisyate1 aáayati aáiáisate ánaáe ästa2 aáiáat astum3 astvä4 asta-
10 aá-9 'eat' aánáti aáyate aáisyati aáayati aáiáisati aáa aált5 asiáat aáitum F aáitva aáitaaáanlya-
13 ah-1 'say'
14 äp-5 'acquire' äpnoti äpyate äpsyati äpayati Ipsati äpa äpat7 äpipat äptum F äptvä äptaäpanlyaäpya-
äha [12] Missing forms from bra (224), vac (320), etc.
11 as-2 'be' asti [20]
äsa Missing forms from bhü (236)
15 äs-2 'sit' äste [21] äsyate äsisyate äsayati äsisisate äsäm с asista äsitum F äsitvä äsitaäsanlyaäsya-
12 as-4 'throw' asyati asyate asisyati äsayati asisisati äsa ästhat6 äsisat asitum as(i)tvä astaasaniya-
16 Í-2/1 'g°' eti [14]8 lyate9 esyati äyayati lyisati iyäya10 aislt äyiyat etum F itvä itaeya-
Yaksyate Vaáista VaSitum 4/aáitva 5Pas äSi 6Pas asi 7Pas api Vayati. For adhite (=adhi+i) see p. 206. 9/Abs -itya 10/ayäm äsa
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
17 indh-7 'kindle' inddhe idhyate indhisyate indhayati indidhisate indhäm с aindhista indhitum indhitvä iddha-
21 Id-2 'praise' Itte Idyate Idisyate Idayati Ididisate Idäm с aidista aididat Iditum F Iditvä IditaIdya-
18 is-6 'desire' icchati isyate esisyati esayati esisisati iyesa aislt1 aisisat esitum2 F istvä3 istaesaniyaesya-
19 is-4 'send' isyati isyate esisyati esayati esisisati iyesa aisit
22 ir-2 'move' irte Iryate Irisyate Irayati
23 Iá-2 'rule' Iste láyate láisyate láayati láiáisate láam с aiáista aiáiáat láitum F
Iräm с airista airirat Iritum Irita-4 IranlyaIrya-
'Pas aisi 2/estum 3/esitva 4/irna-
esitum2 F istvä3 isita-
20 Iks-1 'see' Iksate Iksyate Iksisyate Iksayati Iciksisate Iksam с aiksista aiciksat Iksitum F íksitva IksitaIksamya-
24 Is-1 'flee' Isate Isisyate IsSm с aisista Isitum Isita-
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP FPP
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
28 ubh-9/6 'confine' ubhnäti4
uñchisyati uñchayati uñcicchisati ufichäm äsa auñchlt auñcicchat uñchitum
27 und-7 'moisten' unatti2 udyate undisyati undayati undidisati undäm äsa aundlt aundidat unditum
29 us-1 'burn' osati usyate osisyati osayati osisisati uvosa8 auslt
30 üh-1 'remove' ühati M ühyate ühisyate ühayati
31 r-1/3/5 'move' rcchati” aryate arisyati arpayati aririsati ara ärat12 ärpayat artum rtvä rta-
32 rc-6 'praise' rcati reyate13 arcisyati arcayati arcicisati änarca ärclt
25 uks-1 'sprinkle' uksati M uksyate uksisyati uksayati uciksisati uksäm äsa aukslt
ositum ositvä usita-9
26 uñch-1 /6 'sweep' uñchati __i
Qhäm ä/c auhlt10 M aujihat Ohitum F ühitvä ühitaühaniyaühya-
ubobha6 au(m)bhlt u(m)bhitum
arcitum arcitvä arcitaarcanlyaareya-
'Abs -uñchya 2P1 undanti 3/unna- 4/u(m)bhati 5/obhisyati asa 7/u(m)bhita- 8/osäm asa 9/usta-/osital0Pas auhi "/iyarti/rnoti I2/arsTt; Pas ari 13Abs -arcya
6/ u m b h ä m
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
33 rj-1 'obtain' arjati M rjyate arjisyate arjayati arjijisate änrje ärjista ärjijat arjitum rjita-1 arjaruya-
34 rdh-5/4 'thrive' rdhnoti2 rdhyate ardhisyati ardhayati ardidhisati änardha ärdhlt
arsisyati arsayati arsisisati änarsa ärslt
ardhitum ardhitvä3 rddha-
arsitum arsitvä rsta-
35 rs-6 'push' rsati
36 edh-1 'thrive' edhate edhyate edhisyate edhayati edidhisate edhäm с aidhista aididhat edhitum edhitvä edhita-
ardhya37 kath-10 'teil' kathayati M kathyate4 kathayisyati kä tha уati cakathayisati kathayäm ä aclkathat kathayitum kathayitvä kathitakathanlya-
38 kamp-1 'tremble' kampate A kampyate kampisyate kampayati cikampisate cakampe akampista acakampat kampitum kampitvä kampitakampanlyakampya-
39 kal-10 'drive' kälayati M kälyate kalayisyati cikälayisati kalayäm äsa aclkalat5 M
40 kal-10 'count' kalayati M kalayisyati kälayati cikalayisati M kalayäm äsa/с acakalat M kalayitum
Varjita- 2/rdhyati 3/rddhva 4Abs -kathayya 5Pas akäli
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
41 kas-1 'move' kasati kasyate kasisyati kasayati cikasisati cakäsa akäslt aclkasat kasitum kas(i)takasanlya-
42 káñks-l 'desire' känksati känksyate känksisyati känksayati cikänksisati cakanksa akankslt
43 kaá-1/4 'shine' káá(y)ate kaáyate kaáisyate kaáayati cikaáisate cakaáe akaáista
44 kup-4 'be angry' kupyati kupyate kopisyati kopayati cukopisati cukopa akupat
känksitum F känksitvä känksitakäiiksanlya-
kaáitum kaáitv'3 kaáitakaáanlya-
kupitum1 kupitvä kupitakopya-
45 kr-8 'do' karoti [15] kriyate2 karisyati3 karayati ciklrsati cakara [8] akärslt4 [8] aclkarat kartum krtva krtakaranlyakärya-
46 krt-6 'cut' krntati krtyate kartisyati5 kartayati cikartisati cakarta akrtat6 acakartat kartitum7 kartitvä krttakartya-
47 krá-4 'grow lean' kráyati karáisyati karáayati cakaráa akráat karáitum kréitva8 kráita-
48 krs-1/6 'pulí' karsati9 krsyate karksyati10 karsayati cikrksati cakarsa akarkslt11 aclkrsat karstum F12 krstvä krstakarsanlyakrsya-
Vkopitum 2Abs -krtya 3Prec Mid krsista 4Pas akäri '/kartsyati Vakartít; Pas akarti 7FPP karttavya- “/karáitva 9/krsati'plough' “/kraksyati "/akraksit/akrksat 12/krastum
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
49 kr-6 'strev/ kirati kiryate karisyati kärayati cikarisati cakära [7] akärlt karitum klrtvä kirnaklrya-
53 krld-l 'play' ’ krídati M krldyate kridisyati krldayati cikrldisati cikrlda akridlt acikrldat krlditum krlditvä krldita-
50 klp-1 'be able' kalpate kalp(i)syate kalpayati cikalpisate caklpe aklpat1 aciklpat kalp(i)tum F klptvä2 klptakalpanlyakalpya-
54 krudh-4 'be angry' krudhyati krudhyate krotsyati krodhayati cukrutsati cukrodha akrudhat10 acukrudhat kroddhum kruddhvä kruddhakrodharuya-
51 kram-1/4 'step' kräm(y)ati3 krarnyate kramisyati4 krämayati cikramisati5 cakräma M akramlt6 acikramat kramitum7 F kräntvä8 kräntakramanlyakramya-
52 krT-9 'buy' krlnäti M krlyate kresyati M kräpayati cikrlsati M cikräya M akraislt"' M acikrapat kretum F krltvä krltakrayanlyakrey(y)a-
55 kruá-1 'cry out' kroáati kruáyate kroksyati kroá ayati cukruksati cukroáa akruksat11 acukruáat krostum F krustvä krusta-
56 kliá-9 'suffer' kliánati kliáyate kleáisyati12 kleáayati cikliáisati cikleáa akleált13 kleáitum14 kliáitva15 kliáita-16
'Mid aklpta/aklpista 2/kalpitva 3Mid kramate 4Mid krarnsyate 5Int cankramyate 6Mid akrarrista 7/kräntum 8/kramitvä 9Pas akräyi 10Pas akrodhi "Pas akroái 12/kleksyati 13/akliksat 14/klestum 15/klistva 16/klista-
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
58 ksam-1/4 'endure' ksamati3 M ksamyate ksamsyati4 M ksamayati5 ciksamsati M caksäma M aksamat6 aciksamat ksantum7 F ksäntvä8 ksanta-9 ksamanlyaksämya-
59 ksar-1 'flow' ksarati M
61 ksi-5/9 'destroy' ksinoti10 ksfyate ksesyati ksapayati11 cikslsati ciksäya aksaislt aciksayat ksetum ksitvä ksita-12
62 ksip-6/4 'throw' ksip(y)ati M ksipyate ksepsyati ksepayati ciksipsati ciksepa M aksaipslt13 M aciksipat kseptum F ksiptvä ksipta-
63 ksud-7 'shatter' ksunatti14 M ksudyate ksotsyati15 ksodayati cuksutsati cuksoda M aksudat16
57 ksan-8 'wound' ksanoti M ks any ate ksanisyati ksänayati ciksanisati caksäna M aksanlt1 ksantum2 ksa(ni)tva ksata-
ksarisyati ksärayati ciksarisati caksära aksarlt ksaritum ksarita-'
60 ksal-10 'wash' ksälayati ksälyate ksälayisyati ciksälayisati ksälayäm äsa aciksalat ksälayitum ksälayitvä ksälitaksälya-
ksodum17 ksutvä ksunna-
64 ksudh-4 'hunger' ksudhyati ksudhyate ksotsyati ksodhayati cuksutsati cuksodha aksudhat18 acuksudhat ksodhitum19 ksudhitvä20 ksudhita-
’Mid aksanista/aksata 2/ksanitum 3/ksämyati Vksamisyati 5Mid ksamayate 6Mid aksamista/aksamsta 7/ksamitum F Vksamitvä 9/ksamita- 10/ksinäti/ksayati "/ksäyayati l2/ksTna13Pas aksepi 14P1 ksundanti 15Prec Mid ksutslsta 16/aksautsit; Mid aksutta 17Peri Fut ksottä 18Pas aksodhi igPeri Fut ksoddha 20/ksodhitva
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
66 khan-1 'dig' khanati M khanyate1 khanisyati khänayati cikhandayisati cikhanisati cakhäna M akhänlt M acakhandat
65 khand-10 'break' khandayati
69 khyä-2 'be known' khyäti khyäyate khyäsyati khyäpayati cikhyäsati cakhyau M akhyat5 khyätum F khyätvä khyätakheya-
khanitum khätvä2 khätakhananlyakhänya70 gan-10 'count' ganayati M ganyate6 ganayisyati
67 khäd-1 'eat' khädati M khädyate khädisyati khädayati cikhädisati cakhäda akhädlt
68 khid-6/7 'afflict' khindati3 khidyate khetsyati khedayati cikhitsati cikheda M akhaitslt M
khäditum F khaditvä khäditakhadanlyakhädya-
khettum4 khittvä khinna-
71 gad-1 'speak' gadati gadyate gadisyati gadayati jigadisati jiganayisati ganayam a /с jagada agädlt ajiganaf M ajlgadat gaditum ganayitum gaditvä ganayitvä gaditaganitagananlyagadya-
72 gam-1 'go' gacchati M gamyate8 gamisyati gamayati jigamisati jagäma agamat9 ajlgamat gantum F gatvä gatagamamyagamya-
Vkhäyate 2/khanitvä 3Mid khidyate/khintte 4FPP kheditavya5Pas akhyayi 6Abs -ganayya 7/ajaganat 8Abs -gamya/-gatya 9Pas agärni
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
73 garj-1 'roar' garjati garjyate garjisyati garjayati jigarjisati jagarja agarjit garjitum garjitvä garjita-
77 gäh-1 'plunge' gähate A gähyate gähisyate5 gähayati jigähisate jagähe agähista6 ajlgahat gähitum7 gähitvä8 gähita-9 gähanlyagähya-
76 gä-2 'go' gati3 M gäyate gäsyate gäpayati jigäsati jage agat4 ajigapat gätum
74 garh-1 'blame' garhate A garhyate garhisyate garhayati jigarhisate jagarhe A1 agarhista ajagarhat garhitum F garhitvä garhitagarhaniyagarhya-
75 gal-1 'fall' galati galyate galisyati gälayati jigalisati jagäla agällt2 ajlgalat galitum
78 gu-1 'proclaim' gavate
80 guh-1 79 gup-1 'conceal' 'guard' gopäyati gühati M guhyate gupyate gopisyati10 gühisyatl12 gühayati gopayati jugopisati M jughuksati jugüha13 jugopa agaupsit agGhlt14 M ajüguhat ajügupat gop(i)tum F godhum F güdhvä guptvä11 güdhagup(i)tagopanlyaguhyagopya-
gosyate gävayati jugüsate juguve agosta ajagavaí gotum
'Actjagarha 2Pas agali Vjigati; Mid gate ‘4Mid agästa; Pas agäyi Vgháksyate 6/agädha 7/gädhum Vgädhvä 9/gädha’“/gopsyati "/gopitva ’Vghoksyati M 13Mid juguhe 14/aghuksat M
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
81 grdh-4 'covet' grdhyati gardhisyati gardhayati jigardhisati jagardha agrdhat ajlgardhat gardhitum gardhitvä1 grddha-
82 gr-6 'swallow' girati2 M gTryate garlsyati gärayati jigarisati jagära agarlt5
83 gr-9 'invoke' grnäti M ___4
garisyati gärayati jigarisati jagära agärlt ajlgarat garftum
86 granth-9/1 'compose' grathnati7 grathyate granthisyati granthayati jigranthisati jagrantha agranthlt8 ajagranthat granthitum9 gra(n)thitvä grathitagranthanlyagrathya-
87 gras-1 'swallow' grasati M grasyate grasisyate gräsayati jigrasisate jagrase agraslt M
85 gopä-1 'guard' gopäyati gopäyyate gopäyisyati gopäyayati jugopäyisati gopäyäm äsa agopäyit gopäyitum gopäyitvä gopäyitagopanlya-
grasitum gras(i)tvä grastagrasya-
84 gai-1 'sing' gayati glyate5 gäsyati gäpayati jigäsati jagau agasit6 ajlgapat gätum F gltvä gitaganiyageya-
88 grah-9 'seize' grhnäti M grhyate grahlsyati grähayati jighrksati jagräha M agrahlt10 ajigrahat grahitum grhltvä grhitagrahanlyagrähya-
‘/grddhva Vgilati, and similarly throughout 3Pas agäri ‘Abs -girya 5Abs -gäya; Prec Act geyät f'Pas agäyi 7/granthati “Pas agranthi 4FPP grathitavya- 10Mid agrahista; Pas agrähi
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
89 ghus-1 'sound' ghosati ghusyate ghosisyati ghosayati jughosisati jughosa aghoslt1 ajüghusat ghositum
90 ghr-1/3 'sprinkle' gharati3 gharisyate ghärayati jaghära aghär(s)It ajlgharat ghartum
ghusita-2 ghosanlyaghusya-
93 cam-1 'sip' camati10
94 car-1 'g°' carati caryate carisyati cärayati cicar(i)sati cacara acärlt1'4 aclcarat car(i) tum F car(i)tva caritacáranlyacarya-
camisyati cämayati cicamisati cacäma acamlt12 aclcamat camitum cänta-
91 ghra-1 'smell' jiglirati ghräyate4 ghrasyati ghräpayati jighrasati jaghrau aghrät5 ajighrapat ghrätum F jighritvä ghrata-6-
92 caks-2 'tell' caste7 caksyate _8 *
95 carv-1 'chew' carvati carvyate
96 cal-1 'move' calati calyate calisyati cálayati cicalisati cacala acällt aclcalat calitum F calitvä calita-
carvayati cacarva acarvlt acacarvat carvitum
caksayati cacakse9
'/aghusat 2/ghusta-/ghosita- 3/jigharti [7] 4Prec Act ghräyät/ghreyät YaghrñsTt; Pas aghräyi Vghrana- 7P1 caksate “This and other missing forms from khya (69). '’/caksau M ,0Ail forms only with prefix a-. "Abs -camya 12Pas acami 13Pas acari
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
97 ci-5 'gather' cinoti M clyate1 cesyati M cäyayati cicisati M cikäya2 M acaislt3 M cetum4 citvä citacayanlyaceya-
101 cur-10 'steal' corayati M coryate corayisyati
98 cit— 1 'consider' cetati cityate cetisyati cetayati cicetisati ciceta acetlt acicitat cetitum cetitvä5 cittacetya-
102 crt-6 'fasten' cr(n)tati crtyate
cartayati cucorayisati cicartisati corayäm ä/c cacarta acartlt acucurat7 corayitum F corayitvä coritacoranlyacorya-
cartitum crtta-
99 eint-10 'think' cintayati M cintyate cintayisyati
lOO cud-10 'impel' codayati M codyate codayisyati
cucodayisati cintayama/c codayämä/c acicintat M acQcudat cintayitum F codayitum F cintayitvä coditacintitacintanlyacodanlyacintyacodya-
103 cest-1 'act' cestati M cestyate cestisyate cestayati cicestisate cicesta M acestlt M acicestat cestitum F cestitvä cestita-
’*Abs -clya/-citya 2/cicaya M 3Pas ticayi fPas a cinti 7Pas acori “Peri Fut cy o tä
104 cyu-1 'fall' cyavate A cyosyate cyävayati cucyüsate cucyuve acyosta cyavitum8 cyuta-
4FPP cayitavya-
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
105 chad-10 'cover' chädayati M chädyate chädayisyati cicchadayisati chädayäm ä/c acicchadat M chadayitum F chädayitva chadita-1 chädya-
109 jagr-2 'wake' jägarti [7] jägaryate jägarisyati jägarayati jijägarisati jajägära4 ajagarlt5 jägaritum” jägarita-
106 chid-7 'cut' chinatti2 M chidyate chetsyati M chedayati cicchitsati M ciccheda M acchidat3 acicchidat chettum F chittva chinnachedanlyachedya-
107 ja n 4 'be born' jäyate j any ate janisyate janayati jijanisate jajñe ajarásta ajljanat janitum F janitva jäta-
108 jalp-1 'murmur' jalpati j alp yate jalpisyati jalpayati jijalpisati jajalpa ajalplt
110 ji-1 'conquer' jayati M jlyate7 jesyati8 M japayati jiglsati9 jigaya ajaisit M ajljapat jetum F jitvä jita-
111 jinv-1 'hasten' jinvati
112 jlv-l 'live' jlvati M jlvyate jlvisyati M jlvayati jijlvisati jijlva M ajlvlt ajljivat jlvitum F jlvitvä jlvitajlvanlyajlvya-
jinvisyati jinvayati jijinva ajinvlt jinvitum jinvita-
jalpitum jalpitvä jalpita-
Vchanna- 2P1 chindanti Vacchaitsit M Vjagaram asa 5Pas ajägäri 6FPP jagartavya- 7Abs -jitya Vjayisyati Tnt jejlyate
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf:. Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
113 jus-6 'relish' jusate A jusyate josisyate josayati jujosisate jujuse ajosista ajüjusat jositum justa-
114 jr-4 'decay' jiryati M jlryate jarisyati jarayati jijlrsati jajära ajärlt1 jarítum jaritvä jlrna-
117 jval-1 'blaze' jvalati M jvalyate jvalisyati jvälayati jijvalisati jajväla ajvällt
115 jña-9 'know' jänäti M jñayate jñásyati jñápayati jijñasati jajñau M ajñaslt2 ajijñapat j ña tum F jñátva jñata-
116 jya-9 'overpower' jinäti jlyate3 jyäsyati jyäpayati jijyäsati jijyau ajyasit4 jyätum jltvä jma-
118 dhauk-1 'approach' dhaukate dhaukyate dhaukisyate dhaukayati dudhaukisate dudhauke adhaukista adudhaukat dhaukitum
119 taks-1/5 'hew' taksati6 M taksy ate taks(is)yati taksayati titaks(is)ati tataksa ataksit atataksat taksitum taksitvä7 tastataksya-
120 tad-10 'hit' tädayati M tädyate tädayisyati tädayäm а/с atxtadat M tädayitum tädayitva täditatädaniyatädya-
’/ajarat 2Mid ajñasta; Pas ajñayi 3Abs-jyaya 4Pas ajyayi Vjita6/taksnoti 7/tastvä
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
121 tan-8 'stretch' tanoti M tanyate1 tanisyati2 tanayati titanisati tatäna M atänlt3 M atltanat tan(i)tum ta(ni)tvä tata-
122 tap-1 'burn' tapati M tapyate tapsyati4 tapayati titapsati tatapa M atäpslt M atltapat taptum F taptvä tap(i)ta-
125 tij-10 'sharpen' tej ayati
tejayäm äsa atltijat M tejayitum tejita-
123 tam-4 'faint' tamyati tamisyati tamayati
124 tark-10 'infer' tarkayati tarkyate tarkayisyati
tatäma atamat5
tarkayam a/c atatarkat M
tamitum tamitva6 tänta-'
tarkayitum tarkayitva tarkitatarkanlya-
126 tud-6 'hit' tudati M tudyate totsyate todayati tututsati tutoda M atautsTt7 N atütudat toditum8 tuttvä tunna-
127 tur-6/3 'hasten' turati9 M
128 tul-10 'weigh' tolayati M tolyate tolayisyati
folayitum tolayitvä folita-
atorlt toritum
tolayäm a/c atütulat M
Vtayate; Abs -tatya/-taya 2Mid tamsyate 3Pas atani 4/tapisyati 5Pas atämi Vtantvä 7Pas atodi “Peri Fut totta 9/tutorti
Sanskrit Manual
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
129 tus-4 'be satisfied' tusyati tusyate toksyati tosayati tutuksati tutosa atusat1 atütusat tostum F tustvä tustatosanlyatosya-
130 trd-7 'split' trnatti2 M trdyate tardisyati3 tardayati titardisati tatarda M atrdat4
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
133 tr-1 'cross over' tarati tlryate tarisyati tärayati titlrsati tatära atär(s)Itn atltarat tar(í)tum F tlrtvä tirnatäranlyatárya-
134 tyaj-1 'leave' tyajati tyajyate tyaksyati12 tyäjayati tityaksati tatyäja atyäkslt13 atityajat tyaktum F tyaktvä tyakta-
tarditum tarditvä5 trnna-
131 trp-4 'be satisfied' trpyati trpyate tarpisyati6 tarpayati titarpisati tatarpa atrpat7 atatarpat tarp(i)tum8 trptvä trptatarpanlya-
132 trs-4 'thirst' trsyati
135 tras-1/4 'tremble' tras(y)ati trasyate trasisyati träsayati titrasisati taträsa aträslt14 [6] atitrasat trasitum trasitvä trastatrasanlya-
136 trä-215 'rescue' träti16 träyate trasyate träpayati titräsate tatre aträsta17 atitrapat trätum F trätvä träta-18
tarsisyati tarsayati titarsisati tatarsa atrsat atltrsat tarsitum trsitva10 trsta-
‘Pas atosi 2P1 tmdanti 3/tartsyati Vatardit 5/trtvä 6/ tarpsyati/trapsyati 7/atarplt/aträpsTt/atärpsit "/traptum 9Prec Act trsyät 10/tarsitvä nPas atari 12/tyajisyati 13Pas atyäji 14Pas aträsi l5/trai-4 16Mid träyate 17Pas aträyi 18/träna-
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor CAo: Inf: Abs PPP FPP FPP
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor CAo: Inf: Abs PPP FPP FPP
137 tvar-1 'hasten' tvarate A tvaryate tvarisyate tvárayati titvarisate tatvare atvarista atatvarat tvaritum tvaritva tvarita-1 tvaranlya-
138 da(m)á-l 'bite' da(m)áati daáyate dartksyati damáayati dida(ñ)ksati dadamáa adänkslt2 [3]
141 dam-4 'tame' damyati damyate damisyati damayati didamisati dadäma adamit4 adidamat damitum damitvä4 damita-5
142 dambh-16 'deceive' dabhati7 dabhyate dambhisyati dambhayati didambhisati dadambha8 adabhat9 adadambhat dambhitum10 dambhitvä11 dabdha-
damstum da(m)stvä dasta-
139 daks-1 'be able' daksati M daksisyate daksayati dadakse adaksista adadaksat daksitum
140 dand-10 'punish' dandayati M dandyate dandayisyati dandayäm а/с adadandat M dandayitum dandayitvä danditadandanlya-
143 day-1 'pity' dayate
144 das-4 'lack' dasyati
däsisyati däsayati
didayisate dayäm с adayista
dadäsa adasat
'/turna- 2Pas adamái 3/adamat; Pas adämi 4/däntvä 5/danta6/-5 7/dabhnoti Vdadäbha 9/adambhIt 10/dabdhum "/dabdhva
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
145 dah-1 'burn' dahati M dahyate dhaksyati1 dähayati didhaksati dadäha adhäkslt [4]2 adldahat dagdhum F dagdhvä dagdhadähya-
149 div-1 'lament' devati devisyati devayati dideva adevlt M adldivat devitum dyüna-
146 dä-3 'give' dadäti M [16] dlyate3 däsyati däpayati ditsati dadau M adät4 M
147 dä-2 'cut' däti dlyate5 däsyati däpayati ditsati dadau M adät6 M
datum F dattvä dattadänlyadeya-
dätum F dattvä ditadänlyadeya-
150 diá-6 'show' diáati M diáyate deksyati9 deáayati didiksati dideáa M adiksat М adldiéat destum F distvä dista-
151 dih-2 'smear' degdhi10 M dihyate dheksyati dehayati didhiksati dideha M adhiksat M adldihat degdhum digdhvä digdha-
148 div-4 'play' divyati divyate devisyati devayati didevisati dideva adevlt adldivat devitum F dyütvä7 dyüta-8
152 dlks-l 'consecrate' dlksate dlksyate dlksisyate diksayati didlks(is)ate didlkse adiksista adidlksat dlksitum dlksitvä dlksita-
Vdahisyati 2Mid adagdha 3Abs -däya; Prec Act deyät 4Pas adäyi 5Abs -däya; Prec Act däyät f’/adäslt 7/devitvä 8/dyüna9Prec Mid diksTsta 10P1 dihanti, like [24]
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
153 dip-4 'blaze' dTpyate A dipyate dlpisyate dlpayati didlpisate didlpe adlpista adldipat dlpitum dlptva dlpta-
154 du-5 'suffer' dunoti düyate dosyati dävayati dudüsati dudäva adosit1
155 dul-10 'swing' dolayati
dudolayisati dolayäm äsa adüdulat
156 dus-4 'spoil' dusyati dusyate doksyati dosayati duduksati dudosa adosit3 adüdusat dos tum dustvä dustadüsya-
157 duh-2 'milk' dogdhi [24] duhyate dhoksyati dohayati dudhuksati dudoha M adhuksat4 adüduhat dogdhum F dugdhva dugdhadohya-
158 dr-6 'heed' driyate driyate5 darisyate därayati didarisate dadre adrta adldarat dartum drtvä drtadaranlya-
159 drp-4 'be proud' drpyati drpyate darpisyati6 darpayati didarpisati dadarpa adrpat7 adldrpat darp(i)tum8 darpitvä9 drpta-
160 drá-1 'see' paéyati10 drsyate draksyati daráayati didrksate11 dadaráa M adräkslt [4 adldráat drastum F drstvä drstadaráanlyadráya-
Vadauslt 2/duna- 3/adusat 4Mid adhuksata/adugdha 5Abs-drtya 6/darpsyati/drapsyati 7/adarpit/adärpsTt/adräpsit Vdraptum 9/drptva “from paá (200) "Int darídrsyate I2/adaráat; Mid adrsta
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des Per: Aor CAo: Inf: Abs PPP FPP FPP
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs PPP FPP FPP
161 dr(m)h-l 162 dr-9 'establish' 'tear' drmhati M drnäti dlryate drmhisyati darfsyati drmhayati därayati didrmhisati didarisati dadrmha dadara adrmhlt adärlt adadarat drmhitum daritum dlrtvä drdha-1 dlrnadaranlya-
163 dyut-1 'gleam' dyotate dyutyate dyotisyate dyotayati didyutisate didyute adyutat2 adudyutat dyotitum dyutitvä dyut(i)ta-
164 drä-2 'run' dräti dräyate dräsyati dräpayati didräsati dadrau adräslt adidrapat drätum dräna-
165 dru-1 'run' dravati M drüyate3 drosyati dravayati dudrüsati dudräva adudruvat drotum drutvä druta-
166 druh-4 'offend' druhyati M druhyate drohisyati5 drohayati dudruhisati dudroha adruhat adudruhat drogdhum6 F drugdhvä7 drugdha-8 druhya-
167 dvis-2 'hate' dvesti [9] dvisyate dveksyati dvesayati didviksati9 didvesa M adviksat M adidvisat dves tum dvistvä dvistadvesanlyadvesya-
168 dhä-3 'put' dadhäti M [16] dhlyate10 dhäsyati dhäpayati dhitsati11 dadhau M adhät M adldhapat dhätum F (d)hitvä hitadhämyadheya-
'/dr(m)hita- 2Mid adyotista 3Abs -drutya 4Int dodrüyate Vdhroksyati Vdrohitum/drodhum 7/druhitva/drohitvä/drudhva Vdrüdha- ’Int dedvisyate 10Abs -dhäya; Prec Act dheyät "Int dedhlyate
169 dhav-1 'rinse' Cit: dhävati M Pas: dhävyate Fut: dhävisyati Cau: dhävayati Des: didhävisati Per: dadhäva M Aor: adhävlt M CAo: adldhavat Inf: dhävitum Abs: dhävitvä1 PPP: dhävita-2 FPP: FPP:
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
173 dhe-1 'suck' dhayati dhlyate12 dhäsyati dhäpayati dhitsati dadhau adhä(si)t adldhapat dhätum dhltvä dhlta-
170 dhu-5 'shake' dhunoti M d huyate dhosyati3 dhavayati dudhüsati dudhäva M adhauslt4 M dhavitum5 F dhutvä dhüta-6
174 dhmä-1 'blow' dhamati dhmäyate dhamisyati13 dhmapayati didhmäsati dadhmau adhmäslt adidhmapat dhmatum F dhamita-14 dhmanlya-
171 dhr-1 'bear' dharati M dhriyate7 dharisyati dharavati didharisati dadhära M adharslt8 adldharat dhartum dhrtvä • dhrtadhärarilyadhärya-
172 dhrs-5 'dare' dhrsnoti —9 dharsisyati dharsayati didharsisati dadharsa adhrsat10 adldrsat dharsitum
175 dhyai-1/2 'ponder' dhyä(ya)ti M dhyäyate dhyäsyati dhyäpayati didhyäsati15 dadhyau adhyäslt adidhyapat dhyatum F dhyätvä dhyäta-
176 dhraj-1 'advance' dhra(ñ)jati
dhrsta-11 dharsanlya-
dadhräja16 adhräjlt17
Vdhautvä 2/dhauta- 3/dhavisyati VadhavItM 5/dhotum Vdhüna- 7Abs-dhrtya sMid adhrta 9Abs -dhrsya 10/adharslt "/dharsita- 12Prec Act dheyat 13/dhmäsyati "/dhm äta15Int dädhvävate 16/dadhrañja 17/adhrañjTt
Sanskrit Manual
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
177 dhvams-1 'perish' dhvamsati M ahvasyate dhvamsisyate dhvamsavati didhvamsisate dadhvamsa M adhvasat M1 dhvamsitum dhvastvä2 dhvasta-
178 dhvan-1 'resound' dhvanati dhvanyate dhvanisyati dhvánayati didhvamsati dadhväna adhvánlt adidhvanat dhvanitum dhvanitvä dhvanita-3
179 dhvr-1 'bend' dhvarati
180 naks-1 'attain' naksati M
dhvarisyati dhvärayati dudhürsati dadhvära adhvärsit
dhvartum F
181 nad-1 'roar' nadati nadyate nadisyati nädayati ninadisati nanäda M anadlt anlnadat naditum naditvä nadita-
182 nand-1 'rejoice' nandati M nandyate nandisyati nandayati ninandisati nananda anandlt ananandat nanditum
nanaksa M anakslt
183 nabh-1 'burst' nabhate nabhayati nebhe anabhat4
'Mid adhvamsista 2/dhvamsitva VdhvantaVnamisyati 6Pas anami ' /namitum
184 narnati-1 'bow' namati M namyate namsyati5 nämayati ninamsati nanäma M anamslt6 [5] anlnamat nantum7 natvä natanamanlyanamya-
'Mid anabhista
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
185 naá-4 'perish' naáyati naáyate naáisyati1 naáayati ninaáisati nanaáa anaáat anlnaáat naáitum2 naáitva3 nasta-
186 nah-4 'bind' nahyati M nahyate natsyati nähayati ninatsati4 nanäha M anatslr’ anlnahat naddhum F naddhvä naddha-
189 nl-l 'lead' nayati M nlyate nesyati näyayati ninTsati7 ninäya M anaisit8 M anlnayat netum F nltvä nlta-
190 nu-2 'praise' nauti nüyate9 nos yati10 nävayati nunusati nunäva anävlt11 anünavat notum12 nutvä nuta-
187 näth-1 'implore' näthati M näthyate näthisyati
nanätha M anäthlt6 näthitum näthita-
188 nind-1 'blame' nindati nindyate nindisyati nindayati ninindisati nininda anindlt aninindat ninditum ninditvä ninditanindanlyanindya-
191 nud-6 'push' nudati M nudyate no tsуati nodayati nunutsati nunoda M anautslt13 M anünudat noditum14 F nuttvä nutta-15
192 nrt-4 'dance' nrtyati M nrty ate nartisyati16 nartayati ninartisati nanarta anartlt anlnrtat nart(i)tum nartitvä nrtta-
Vnanksyati 2/namstum 3/na(m)stva 4Int nanahyate 5Mid anaddha; Pas anahi 6Mid anäthista 7Int neniyate 8Pas anäyi 9Abs -nutya ‘“/navisyati "/anausTt; Mid anOsta 12/navitum 13Pas anodi ’’Peri Fut notta 15/nunna- 16/nartsyati
Sanskrit Manual
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
193 pac-1 'cook' pacati M pacyate paksyati päcayati pipaksati papäca M apäkslt1 M aplpacat paktum F paktvä pakva-
197 pat-1 'fall' patati M patyate patisyati pätayati M pipatisati3 papäta apaptat4 aplpatat patitum F patitvä patitapatanlyapätya-
194 pat-1 'split' patati patisyati pätayati pipatisati papäta apätlt aplpatat patitum pätapatanT|yapatya198 pad-4 'g°' padyate A padyate patsyate pädayati pitsate pede A apatta5 aplpadat pattum F pattvä pann.apädanlyapädya-
195 path-1 'read' pathati pathyate pathisyati pathayati pipathisati papätha apathTt2 aplpathat pathitum F pathitvä pathitapathanlyapäthya-
196 pan-1 'bargain' panate panyate panisyate pänayati pipanisate pene apanistha aplpanat panitum panitvä panita-
199 paläy-1 'flee' paläyate A paläyyate paläyisyate paläyayati
200 paá-1 'see' paáyati M
Missing forms from drs (160)
paläyäm с apaläyista paläyitum paläyita-
‘Fas apaci zP«s apathi 3!nt patipatyate 4Pas apäti 5Pas apadi
Cit: Pas: F iib
Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf:
201 pa-1 'drink' pibati M plyate1 päsyati päyayati pipäsati2 papau apät3 aplpyat pätum F pitvä pina-4 pänlyapeya-
202 pa-2 'protect' päti páyate pasyati pälayati pipäsati papau apäslt aplpalat pätum F pälayitvä pä(li)tapälanlya-
205 pis-7 'grind' pinas ti5 pisyate peksyati pesayati pipiksati pipesa apisat6 apipisat pestum pistvä pista-
206 pld-10 'torment' pldayati M pldyate ptdayisyati
203 pinv-1 'swell' pinvati pinvyate pinvisyate pinvayati pipinva apinvlt pinvitum pinvita-
207 pus-9/4/1 'thrive' pusnäti8 pusyate posisyati9 posayati pipldayisati pupusisati pldayäm a/c puposa aplpidat7 M apusat10 apüpusat pidayitum F postum" pldayitvä pustvä plditapusta-12 pldaníyaposanlyaposya-
204 piá-6 'adorn' pi(m)áati piáyate peáisyate peáayati pipiáisati pipeáa apeált aplpiáat peáitum piáitvá piáita-
208 pü-9/1 'purify' punäti13 M püyate pavisyati pävayati pupüsati pupäva M apävlt M aplpavat pavitum pütvä püta-
’Prec Act peyät 2Int pepiyate 3Pas apayi 4/pIta- 5P1 pimsanti 6Pas apesi 7/apipldat Vpusyati/posati Vpoksyati “ /aposlt; Pas aposi "/positum 12/posita- 13/pavate
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
210 рг'-З/Э 'fill' piparti2 [7] päryate parisyati pärayati3 pupüjayisati pupürsati püjayäm ä/с papära apüpujat M apär(s)It aplparat püjayitum F püritum pürtvä püjayitvä pürna-4 püjitapüranlyapüjanlyapüryapüjya-
209 püj-10 'honour' püjayati M püjyate püjayisyati
pyä(yi)tum pyäyitvä pyäna-7
214 prach-6 'ask' prcchati M prcchyate praksyati pracchayati piprcchisati papraccha apräkslt8 apapracchat prastum F prstvä prsta-
213 pyäy-1 'overflow' pyäyate pyäyisyate pyäyayati pipyayisate pipye apyayista
211 pr-5/6 'be busy' prnoti5 priyate parisyate pärayati pupürsate papre aprta aplparat partum prta-
215 prath-1 'proclaim' prathate prathisyate prathayati púprathisate paprathe aprathista apaprathat prathitum prathita-
212 prc-7 'mix' prnakti6 prcyate parcisyati parcayati piparcisati paparca aparclt parcitum parcitvä prkta-
216 prI-9 'delight' prlnäti M priyate presyati prlnayati piprlsati pipräya M apraislt M pretum prltvä pritapriya-
Vpr 2/prnäti Vpürayati 4/purta- 5Mid priyate 6P1 prñcanti 7/pIna- 8Mid aprasta
217 plu-1 'drench' plavate plüyate1 plosyate plavayati puplüsate pupluve aplosta apiplavat piotum plutvä pluta-
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf; Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
221 badh-l 'oppress' bädhate A badhyate bädhisyate bädhayati bibädhisate babädhe abädhista4 ababädhat bädhitum F bädhitvä bädhitabädhanlyabadhya-
218 phal-1 'bear fruit' phalati M
219 bainh-l 'be strong' bamhate
phalisyati phälayati piphalisati paphäla aphällt aplphalat phalitum phalitvä phalita-
bamhisyate bamhayate
222 budh-1/4 'waken' bodhati M5 budhy ate bhotsyate6 bodhayati bubodhisati7 bubodha M abodhlt8 M abübudhat bodhitum9 F buddhvä10 buddha-11 bodhanlyabodhya-
223 brh-1/6 'be great' barhati12 brhyate barhisyati13 barhayati bibarhisati babarha abarhlt14 ababarhat barhitum barhitvä15 brdha-
220 bandh-9 'bind' badhnäti badhyate bhantsyati2 bandhayati bibhantsati babandha abhäntslt ababandhat ba(n)ddhum3 F ba(d)dhvä baddhabandhanlyabandhya-
224 brü-2 'say' bravlti [13] Missing forms from vac (320)
’Abs -plutya Vbandhisyati 3/bandhitum 4Pas abädhi Vbudhyate Vbodhisyati 7M; Int bobudhyate 8/abudhat; Mid abuddha Vboddhum 10/budhitvä/bodhitvä "/budhita12/brhati 13/bharksyati 14/abhrksat 15/brdhva
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor CAo: Inf: Abs PPP FPP FPP
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor CAo: Inf: Abs PPP FPP FPP
225 bhaks-10 'eat' bhaksayati bhaksyate bhaksayisyati
226 bhaj-1 'divide' bhajati M bhajyate bhaksyatH bhäjayati bibhaksayisati bibhaksati bhaksayäm ä. babhäja abhäkslt3 [4] ababhaksat ablbhajat bhaksayitum1 bhaktum4 F bhaksayitvä bhaktvä bhaktabhaksitabhajanlyabhäjya-
229 bhäs-1 'speak' bhäsate bhäsyate bhäsisyate bhasayati M bibhäsisate babháse abhäsista8 ababhasat bhäsitum F bhäsitva bhäsitabhäsanlyabhäsya-
230 bhäs-1 'shine' bhäsate bhäsyate bhäsisyate bhäsayati bibhäsisate babhäse abhäsista ababhäsat bhäsitum bhäsitvä bhäsitabhäsya-
227 bhañj-7 'break' bhanakti5 bhajyate bhañksyati bhañjayati bibhañksati babhañja abhänksTt6 ababhañjat bhanktum bha(n)ktvä bhagna-
228 bhä-2 'shine' bhäti bhäyate bhäsyati bhäpayati bibhäsati babhau abhäslt7 ablbhapat bhä tum bhätvä bhäta-
231 bhiks-1 'beg' bhiksate A bhiksyate bhiksisyate bhiksayati
232 bhid-7 'split' bhinatti9 M bhidyate bhetsyati bhedayati bibhitsati10 bibheda M abhidat11 M ablbhidat bhettum F bhittvä bhinna-12 bhedanlyabhedya-
bibhikse abhiksista abibhiksat bhiksitum F bhiksitvä bhiksita-
*F 2/bhajisyati 3Pas abhäji 4/bhajitum F 5P1 bhañjanti 6Pas abhafvji/abhäji 7Pas abhäyi Vababhäsat 9P1 bhindanti 10Int bebhidyate ' l/abhaitsTt M 12/bhitta-
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
233 bhI-3 'fear' bibheti1 bhlyate bhesyati bhlsayati bibhlsati2 bibhäya abhaislt3 ablbhisat bhetum F bhltva bhltabheya-
237 bhus-1 'adorn' bhüsati bhüsisyati bhüsayati bubhüsisati bubhüsa abhüslt abubhüsat bhüsitum F bhüsitabhüsanlyabhüsya-
234 bhuj-7 'enjoy' bhunakti4 M bhujyate bhoksyati bhojayati bubhuksati5 bubhoja M abhauksit6 M abübhujat bhoktum F bhu(n)ktvä bhuktabhojanlyabhojya-
238 bhr-3/1 'bear' bibharti9 M bhriyate10 bharisyati bhärayati bibharisati babhära11 M abhärslt12 ablbharat bhartum F bhrtvä bhrtabharanlyabhärya-
235 bhuj-6 'bend' bhujati bhujyate bhoksyati
bubhoja abhauksit bhoktum F bhugna-
239 bhramá-1 'fall' bhraáyati13 bhraáyate bhramáisyati bhramáayati bibhr amáisati babhramsa M abhraáat14 ababhramáat bhramáitum bhra(m)sitva15 bhrasta-
236 bhü-1 'become' bhavati bhüyate bhavisyati bhävayati bubhüsati7 babhüva abhüt8 [9] abibhavat bhavitum F bhütva bhütabhavanlyabhávya-
240 bhram-1/4 'wander' bhramati16 M bhramyate bhramisyati bhrlmayati bibhramisati17 babhrama abhramlt18 abibhramat bhräntum19 bhräntvä20 bhräntabhramanlya-
’/bibhyati 2Int bebhiyate 3Pas abhäyi 4P1 bhuñjanti 5Int bobhujyate 6Pas abhoji 7Int bobhüyate 8Pas abhavi 9[7] 10Abs -bhrtya "/bibharam ä/ с 12Mid abhrta 13Mid bhramáate 14Mid abhramsista 15/bhrastvä 16/bhrämyati 17Int bambhramyate 18/abhramat 19/bhramitum 20/bhramitva
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
244 ma(n)th-9/l 'stir' mathnäti6 M mathyate ma(n)thisyati manthayati7 mahayati mimamhisate mima(n)thisati mamantha mamamhe ama(n)thlt amamhista amamanthat ma(n)thitum F mamhitum ma(n)thitvä mahitvä ma(n)thitamamhitamamhanlya- manthanTyama(n)thya-
241 bhrasj-6 'roast' bhrjjati M bhrjjyate bhraksyati1 bhrajjayati2 bibhrajjisati babhrajja3 M abhräkslt4 M ababhrajjat brastum5 bhrstvä bhrsta-
242 bhräj-1 'shine' bhräjate bhräjyate bhräjisyate bhräjayatt bibhräjisate babhraje abhräjista abibhrajat bhräj itum bhräjitvä bhräjita-
243 mamh-1 'grow' mamhate mamhyate
245 mad-4 'rejoice' mädyati madyate madisyati mádayati mimadisati mamada amädit amlmadat maditum F maditvä matta-
246 man 4/8 'think' manyate8 A manyate9 mamsyate10 mänayati M mimamsate mene amaimsjta11 amlmanat man(i)tum F ma(ni)tvä matamänanlyamánya-
247 mand-1 'gladden' mandate mandyate mandisyate mandayati
248 masj-6 'sink' majjati M majjyate mariksyati12 majjayati rnimanksati mamanda M mamajja amänksit amandlt M amamajjat manktum13 manditum ma(n)ktvä magna-
3/babharia M 4/abhärkslt;
Mid abhrasta/abharsta 5/bharstum 6/ma(n)thati 7/mäthayati 8/manute 9Abs -manya/-matya 10/manisyate "/amanista 12/majjisyati 13/majjitum
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
249 mah-1/10 'rejoice' mahati M1 mahyate mahisyati mlhayati mimahisati mamäha M amahlt amamahat mahi turn mahitvä mahita-
250 mä-2/3/4 251 mith-1 'measure' 'associate' mäti2 methati M mly a te3 mäsyati M mäpayati mitsati M mamau M mimetha M amäslt4 M amethlt M amlmapat mätum F methitum mitvä mithitvä mitamithita-
252 mil-6 'meet' milati M milyate melisyati melayati mimilisati memela M amellt M amlmilat melitum militvä mili ta-
meya253 mis-6 'wink' misati
254 mih-1 'urinate' mehati M
___ 5*
mesisyati mimisisati mimes a ameslt6 mesitum misitvä7 misita-
meksyati mehayati mimiksati mimeha amiksat amlmihat medhum midhvä mldhamehanlya-
255 mI-9 'lessen' minäti M mlyate mesyati mäpayati mitsati mamau8 amäslt9 amlmapat mätum F mitvä mita-
256 mll-l 'wink' milati milyate mllisyati mllayati mimilisati mimlla amlllt amlmilat militum militvä milita-
Vmahayati M 2Mid mimlte [18]/m ayate 3Abs -maya; Prec Act meyat 4Mid amästa 5Abs -misya 6/amimisat 8Mid mimye 9Mid amasta; Pas amäyi
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
257 muc-6 'release' muñcati M mucyate moksyati mocayati M mumuksati murnoca M amucat1 amümucat moktum F muktvä muktamocanlyamocya-
261 mürch-1 'stiffen' mürcchati
258 mud-1 'rejoice' modate mudyate modisyate modayati mumodisate mumude amodista amümudat moditum muditvä mudita-2 modanlya-
262 mr-6 'die' mriyate mriyate mürcchisyati marisyati mürcchayati märayati mumürcchisati mumürsati mumürccha mamära amrta amürcchlt amumürcchat amlmarat mürcchitum martum F mrtvä mürtvä mür(cchi)ta- mrta-
259 mus-9 'steal' musnäti musyate mosisyati mosayati mumusisati mumosa amoslt amümusat mositum musitvä musita-3
260 muh-4 'err' muhyati muhyate moksyati4 mohayati mumuhisat mumoha amuhat5 amümuhat mogdhum6 mugdhvä7 mugdha-8
263 mrg-10 'hunt' mrgayate mrgyate mrgayisyate
mrgayäm с amamrgata mrgayitum
264 mrj-2 'rub' märsti9 mrjyate märjisyati10 märjayati mimärjisati mamärja amärjlt11 amamärjat märjitum121 mrstvä mrsta-13 märjamya-
’Mid amukta 2/modita- 3/musta- 4/mohisyati 5Pas amohi 6/mohitum/modhum 7/mohitva/müdhvä 8müdha- 9Dual mrstah, Pl mrjanti/marjanti 10/märksyati ’’/amärksit 12/marstum
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
265 mrd-9/1 'crush' mrdnäti1 mrdyate mardisyati mardayati mimardisati mamarda amardlt amlmrdat marditum F mrditvä mrditamardanlya-
266 mrá-6 'touch' mráati mráyate marksyati2 maráayati rnimrksati mamaráa amärkslt3 amlmráat marstum4 mrstvä mrsta-5
267 mrs-4 'forget' mrsyati M mrsyate marsisyati marsayati mimarsisati mamarsa M amarsit M [6] marsitum mrsitva6 mrsita- ■ marsanlya-
268 mna-1 'recall' manati mnäyate mnäsyati mnäpayati mimnäsati mamnau amnäslt7 amimnapat rnnätum F mnäta-
270 mlecch-1 271 mlai-19 'jabber' 'wither' mläyati10 M mlecchati mläyate mlecchisyati mläsyati mlecchayati mläpayati mimlecchisati mimläsati mamlau mimleccha amläslt11 amlecchit amimlecchat amimlapat mlecchitum mlätum
272 yaj-1 'sacrifice' yajati M ijyate yaksyati yäjayati yiyaksati iyäja M ayäksit12 aylyajat уas him F istvä istayäjamya-
269 mluc-l 'go' mlocati mlocisyati
mumloca amlucat8
Vmardati M 2/mraksyati '/amraksTt [4]; Pas amarái 4/mrashim 5/mrsita- 6/marsitva 7Pas amnäyi 8/amlocIt 9/mla-2 10/mlati "Pas amläyi 12Mid ayasta; Pas ayäji
274 yam-1 'give' yacchati yamyate yamsyati2 yämayati yiyamsati yayäma M ayämslt3 aylyamat уantu m4 F ya(mi)tvä yata-
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
273 yat-1 'strive' yatate A yatyate yatisyate yátayati yiyatisate yete ayatista1 aylyatat yatitum F yativä yat(i)tayatanlyayatya-
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
277 yuj-7 'join' yunakti6 M yujyate yoksyati yojayati yuyuksati yuyoja M ayujat7 ayüyujat yoktum F yuktvä yuktayojanlyayogya-8
278 yudh-4 'fight' yudhyate yudhyate yotsyati M yodhayati yuyutsate yuyodha M ayuddha9 ayüyudhat yoddhum F yuddhvä yuddhayodhanlyayodhya-
275 yä-2 'go' ya ti yäyate yä syati yäpayati yiyäsati yayau ayäslt aylyapat yätum F yätvä yäta-
276 yäc-1 'request' yäcati M yäcyate yäcisyati yäcayati yiyäcisati yayäca M ayäclt5 ayayäcat yäcitum F yäcitvä yäcitayäcanlyayäcya-
279 yup-4 'block' yupyati
280 ramh-1 'hasten' ramhati
yopisyati yopayati
ramhayati riramhisati raramha aramhit araramhat ramhitum
yuyopa ayupat
Tas ayati 2/yamisyati 3Pas ayami Vyamitum 5Mid ayacista 6P1 yuñjanti 7/ayauksIt M/ayoksIt Vyojya- 9Pas ayodhi
283 rañj-1/4 'be dyed' raj(y)ati M rajyate rartksyati rañj ayati riranksati rarañja M arañkslt2 ararañjat rariktum ra(n)ktva raktarañjamyarañjya-
284 rabh-1 'grasp' rabhate rabhyate rapsyate rambhayati ripsate rebhe arabdha3 ararambhat rabdhum F rabdhvä rabdha-
286 rah-1 'abandon' rahati
287 rä -2 'bestow' räti
rahisyati rahayati rirahisati raräha arahlt ararahat rahitum
räsyati räpayati riräsati rarau M aräslt M arirapat rätum
288 räj-1 'shine' räjati M räjyate räjisyati räj ayati riräjisati raräja aräjlt M araräjat räjitum räjitvä räjita-
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
281 raks-1 'protect' raksañ raksyate raksisyati raksayati riraksisati raraksa araksit [6] araraksat raksitum F raksitvä raksitaraksanlyä raksya-
282 rac-10 'arrange' racayati racyate racayisyati
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
285 ram-1 'enjoy' ramate A ramyate4 ramsyate rämayati riramsate reme A aramsta5 arTramat rantum6 F ra(n)tvä rataramanlyaramya-
riracayisati racayam asa arlracat1 racayitum racayitvä racitaracanlya-
Vararacat 2Mid arañkta 3Pas arambhi 4Abs -ramya/-ratya 5/aramsTt [5] 6/rami turn
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
289 rädh-5 'succeed' rädhnoti rädhyate rätsyati rädhayati ri(rä)tsati rarädha arätslt1 arlradhat räddhum räddhvä räddharädhanlyarädhya-
290 ri-9/4 'flow' rinäti2 M resyati repayati rirlsati riräya M araislt M arlripat return
293 ru-2 'cry' rauti rüyate ravisyati rävayati rurüsati ruräva arävit arüruvat ravitum8 rutvä ruta-
294 ruc-1 'shine' rocate A rucyate rocisyate rocayati rurucisate ruroca M arucat9 arürucat rocitum rucitvä rucita-
291 ric-7 'leave' rinakti3 M ricyate reksyati recayati ririksati rireca M aricat4 arlricat rektum riktvä riktarecanlyarecya-
resisyati resayati ririsisati riresa areslt6 arlrisat resitum7
295 ruj-6 'break' rujati rujyate roksyati rojayati ruruksati ruroja araukslt10 arürujat roktum ruktvä rugna-
296 rud-2 'weep' roditi [12] rudyate rodisyati rodayati rurudisati1 ruroda M arudat12 arürudat roditum ruditvä13 rudita-
292 ris-1/4 'be hurt' resati5
'Pas arädhi 2/riyati; Mid riyate 3P1 riftcanti 4/araiksit M; Pas areci 5/risyatiM 6/arisat 7/restum 8/rotum 9Mid arocista ,0Dual arauktäm “Int rorudyate 12/arodIt; Pas arodi 13/roditvä
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
297 rudh-7 'obstruct' runaddhi1 M rudhyate rotsyati rodhayati rurutsati rurodha M arudhat2 arürudhat roddhum3 ruddhvä ruddharodhya301 langh-1 'jump' langhati M lañghyate langhisyati lañghayati lilangbisati lalañgha M alañghit M lañghitum langhitvä lañghitalañghanlyalañghya-
298 rus-1/4 'be angry' rosati4 ___5
rosisyati rosayati rurusisati rurosa aroslt6 [6] arürusat rositum7 rusitvä8 rusita-
299 ruh-1 'grow' rohati ruhyate roksyati rohayati9 ruruksati ruroha aruhat arüruhat rodhum10 F rüdhvä , rüdharohanlyarohya-
303 lap-1 302 lajj-6 'be ashamed' 'chatter' lajjate A lapati M lapyate lajjisyate lapisyati lajjayati lapayati lilajjisate lilapisati12 laläpa lalajje alajjista aläplt alllapat lajjitum lap(i)tum F lapitvä lajjitalap(i)talapanlyaläpya-
300 lag-1 'adhere' lagati __и lagisyati lägayati lilagisati laläga alaglt lagitum lagitvä lagnalaganiya-
304 labh-1 'obtain' labhate labhyate lapsyate13 lambhayati lipsate lebhe A alabdha alalambhat labdhum F labdhva labdhalabhanlyalabhya-
*P1 rundhanti Varautsit, Dual arauddham; Mid aruddha, Dual arutsatäm; Pas arodhi 3/rodhitum 4/rusyati 5Abs -rusya Varusat 71rostum “/rositvä/rustvä 9/ropayati 10/rohitum nAbs -lagya 12Int lalapyate 13/labhisyate
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
305 lamb-1 'hang' lambhate lambyate lambisyate lambayati lilambisate lalambe alambista alalambat lambitum F lambitalambya-
309 lip-6 'smear' limpati M lipyate lepsyati lepayati lilipsati lilepa M alipat4 alilipat leptum liptvä liptalepya-
306 lal-1 'play' lalati lalisyati lälayati lilalisati alallt alllalat
307 las-1 'gleam' lasati lasyate lasisyati läsayati lilasisati laläsa aläslt alllasat lasitum lasitaläsya-
310 liá-6/4 'tear' liáati5
311 lih-2 'lick' ledhi [25] lihyate leksyati leksyati M leáayati lehayati liliksati liliksati lileáa M lileha M aliksat6 М [2] aliksat7 aliliáat alllihat lestum ledhum lldhvä listalldha-
308 likh-6 'write' likhati likhyate lekhisyati1 lekhayati lilikhisati lilekha alekhlt alllikhat lekhitum2 lekhitvä3 likhitalekhanlyalekhya-
312 11-9/4 'cling' linäti M8 iTyate9 lesyati10 M läyayati11 lilisati M liläya12 M alaislt13 M letum14 iTtvä Ilna-
‘/likhisyati 2/likhitum 3/likhitva 4Mid alip(a)ta 5Mid liáyate 6/alisat 7Mid aliksata/ahdha Vliyate ’Abs -liya/-laya 10/läsyati n/läpayati 12/lalau 13/aläsit ’Vlätum
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
313 lut-1/4 'roll' lotati1 lutyate lotisyati lotayati lulutisati lulota alotlt2 alulutat lotitum lutitvä lutita-3
315 lup-6 'break' lumpati M lupyate lopsyati lopayati lulupsati lunthayäm ä lulopa M alulunthat alupat4 alülupat lunthayitum loptum luptvä, lunthayitvä luptalunthita-
314 lunth-10 'rob' lunthayati lunthyate lunthayisyati
317 lü-9 'cut off' lunäti M lüyate lavisyati lävayati lulüsati luläva M alävlt9 alllavat lavitum lavitvä10 lüna-
318 lok-1 'look' lokate lokyate lokisyate lokayati lulokisate luloke alokista alulokat lokitum
319 loc-10 'consider' locayati M locyate locayisyati
locayäm а/с alulocat M locayitum
316 lubh-4/ 'desire' lubhyati5 lubhyate lopsyati6 lobhayati lulubhisati lulobha M alubhat7 alülubhat lobdhum lubdhvä8 lubdhalobhanlyalobhya-
320 vac-2 'speak' vakti11 ucyate vaksyati väcayati vivaksati uväca M avocat12 avlvacat vaktum F uktvä uktaväcaniyaväcya-
Vlutyati 2/alutat Vlotita- 4Mid alupta; Pas alopi 5/lobhati 6/lobhisyati 7/alobhIt “/lubhitvä/lobhitvä 9Mid alavista; Pas alavi I0/lütvä "1st Sing vacmi etc. For 3rd Pl use vadanti. 12Pas avaci /avoci
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
321 vañc-1 'stray' vañcati vacyate vañcisyati vañcayati vivañcisati vavañca avañclt avavañcat vañcitum va(ñ)citva vañcitavañcanlya-
325 vand-1 'salute' vandate A vandyate vandisyate vandayati vivandisate vavande A avandista avavandat vanditum F vanditvä vanditavandanlyavandya-
322 vad-1 'speak' vadati M udyate vadisyati vädayati vivaáisati uvada M avädlt1 M avlvadat vaditum F uditvä uditavadanlyavadya-
323 vadh-1 'kill' hanti2 vadhyate vadhisyati vadhayati
326 vap-1 'sow' vapati M upyate vapsyati4 väpayati vivapsati uväpa M aväpsTt5 M avlvapat vaptum F uptvä up(i)tavapanlyavapya-
327 varn-10 'depict' varnayati varnyate
avadhlt M
324 van-8 'love' vanoti M vanyate vanisyate vánayati vivanisate vaväna M avanista3 vanitum vanitavananlya-
328 vaá-2 'wish' vasti [10] uáyate vaéisyati vááayati vivarnayisati vivaáisati varnayäm ä uvaáa avavarnat aváált6 avlvaáat varn(ay)itum vaáitum uáitva varnitauáita-
'Pas avadi 2This and other missing forms from han (417). 4/ vapisyati 5Pas avapi 6Pas aväSi
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
329 vas-1 'dwell' vasati usyate vatsyati1 väsayati vivatsati uväsa avätsit2 avlvasat vas(i)tum3 usitvä4 usitaväsanlyaväsya-
330 vas-2 'wear' vaste vasyate vasisyate5 väsayati vivasisate vavase avasista avlvasat vasitum F vasitvä vasita-
333 vä-2 'blow' väti väyate väsyati väpayati viväsati vavau aväslt
334 värtch-l 'wish' vañchati váñchyate väftchisyati vañchayati viväftchisati vavañcha avañchlt8
vätum vätvä väta-
vañchitum vañchitva väfichitavänchanlya-
331 vas-10 'cut' väsayati väsyate väsayisyati
avlvasat väsayitum F väsita-
332 vah-1 'carry' vahati M uhyate vaksyati6 vähayati vivaksati uväha M avakslt7 avivahat vodhum F üdhvä üdhavähanlyavähya-
335 vaá-4 'bleat' vááyate A vaáyate vaáisyate vááayati vivaáisate vavaáe avaáista avavaáat vaáitum vaáitvá vaáita-
336 vic-7 'separate' vinakti9 M vicyate veksyati vecayati viviksati viveca M avicat10 avlvicat vektum viktvä vikta-
Vvasisyati 2Dual avästäm 3FPP vastavya-/usitavya- 4/ustva 5/vatsyate 6/vahisyati 7Mid avodha; Pas avähi 8Pas aváñchi 9P1 viñcanti 10/avaiksit M
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
337 vij-6 'quiver' vijate vijyate vijisyati vejayati vivijisati vivije avijit M avlvijat vijitum vigna-
341 vi-2 'enjoy' veti7 vlyate vesyati väyayati8 vivlsati viväya avaislt avlvayat vetum víta-
338 vid-2 'know' vetti1 vidyate vetsyati2 M vedayati M vividisati viveda3 avedit avlvidat vedi tum4 F viditvä viditavedanlyavedya-
vettum F viditvä vidita-6 vedanlyavedya-
340 viá-6 'enter' viáati viáyate veksyati veáayati viviksati viveáa M aviksat M avlviáat vestum F vistea vistaveáanlyaveáya-
342 vr-5/9/1 'cover' vrnoti9 M vriyate10 varísyati várayati vivarlsati vavära M avärlt11 M avlvarat var(í)tum vrtvä vrtaváranlyavárya-
343 vrj-7/1 'twist' vrnakti12 vrjyate varjisyati13 varjayati vivarjisati vavarja M avarjlt M avavarjat varjitum varjitvä vrktavarjanlyavarjya-
344 vrt-1 'turn' vartate vrtyate vartisyate14 vartayati vivartisate vavarta M avrtat15 avlvrtat vartitum F vrttvä16 vrttavartanlyavartya-
339 vid-6 'find' vindati M vidyate vetsyati2 vedayati vivitsati viveda M avidat5
’PI vidanti 2/vedisyati 3/veda [13], which however has present reference 4/vet tum 5Mid avitta/avedista 6/vinna-/vitta7like eti [14] 8/väpayati Vvrnäti M/varati M 10Abs-vrtya "Mid avarísta/avrta 12PI vrñjanti, Mid vr(n)kte; or Act = varja(ya)ti 13/varksyati 14/vartsyati 15Mid avartista 16/vartitvä
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
345 vrdh-1 'grow' vardhate A vrdhyate vardhisyate1 vardhayati vivardhisate vavardha M avrdhat2 avlvrdhat vardhitum vardhitvä3 vrddhavardhanlya-
346 vrs-1 'rain' varsati M vrsyate varsisyati varsayati vivarsisati vavarsa M avarslt avlvrsat varsitum vrstrva vrsta-
349 vep-1 'tremble' vepate A
350 vyac-6 'embrace' vicati vicyate vyacisyati vyäcayati vivyacisati vivyäca avyäclt avivyacat vyacitum vicitvä vicita-
vepisyate vepayati vivepisate vivepe avepista vepitum
347 vrh-6 'tear' vrhati vrhyate varhisyati4 varhayati vivarhisati vavarha avrksat
348 ve-1 'weave' vayati M üyate vayisyati7 väyayati viväsati uväya8 M avaslt M9
varhitum5 varhitvä6 vrdha-
vätum10 F utvä uta-
351 vyath-1 'suffer' vyathate A vyathyate vyathisyate vyathayati vivyathisate vivyathe avyathista vyatliitum vyathitvä vyathita-
352 vyadh-4 'pierce' vidhyati vidhyate vyatsyati11 vyädhayati12 vivyatsati vivyädha avyatslt avivyadhat veddhum F viddhvä viddha-
’/vartsyati 2Mid avardhista 3/vrddhva Vvarksyati Vvardhutn 6/vrdhvä 7/vasyati ‘/vavau M ’Mid avasta 10/otum "/vetsyati 12/vedhayati
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs PPP FPP FPP
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor CAo: Inf: Abs PPP FPP FPP
353 vraj-1 'proceed' vrajati vrajyate vrajisyati vräjayati vivrajisati vavräja avrajlt vrajitum vrajitvá vrajita-
354 vraác-6 'hew' vrácati vrácyate vraácisyati vraácayati vivraácisati vavraáca avrakslt1 avavraácat vraácitum2 vrstvä vrkna-
vrajya357 áañk-1 'hesitate' áañkate áañkyate áañkisyate áañkayati áiáañkisate áaáañke aáañkista áañkitum F áañkitvá áañkitaáañkanlyaáañkya-
358 áap-1/4 'curse' áap(y)ati M áapyate áapsyati áapayati áiáapsati áaáapa M aáapslt M aáláapat áap(i)tum áap(i)tva áap(i)ta-
355 áams-1 'praise' áamsati M áasyate áamsisyati áamsayati áiáamsisati áaáamsa M aáamslt M aáaáamsat éamsitum3 áastva4 áastaáamsanlyaáasya-
356 áak-5/4 'be able' áaknoti5 áakyate áak(i)syati M áakayati áiksati M áaááka M aáakat6 aáláakat áak(i)tum áaktva áak(i)ta-
359 áam-4/1
360 áam-10 'observe' álmayate áamyate
'be quiet' áamyati7 áamyate áamisyati áamayati áiáamisati áaáama aáamat aáláamat áamitum áamitva8 áantaáamanlyaáamya-
'/avraácít 2/vrastum 3FPP áa(m)stavya6Mid aáakta/aáakista Váamati Váantva
áiáamayisate áamayam с aáláamata áamayitum F
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau Des: Per: Aor CAo: Inf: Abs PPP FPP FPP
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor CAo: Inf: Abs PPP FPP FPP
361 áas-2 'instruct' áasti [22] éisyate1 áasisyati áasayati áiáasisati áaáasa aáisat aáaáasat áas(i)tum áisb/a2 áista-3 áásanlyaáisya-
362 áiks-1 'learn' áiksate áiksyate áiksisyate áiksayati
365 áuc-1 'grieve' éocati M áucyate áocisyati áocayati áuáucisati
366 áudh-4 'be pure' áudhyati áudhyate áotsyati áodhayati áuáutsati áuáodha aáudhat10 aáüáudhat áoddhum
aáoclt7 M aáuáucat éocitum8 áocitva áocita-9 áocanlyaáocya-
áiáikse aáiksista aáiáiksat áiksitum áiksitva áiksitasiksanlya-
363 áis-7/1 'remain' áinasti4 áisyate áeksyati M áesayati áiáiksati áiáesa M aáisat aáláisat áestum áistva áista-
364 áI-2 'sleep' áete [19] áayyate áayisyate5 A ááyayati áiáayisate áiáye aáayista6 aáiáayat áayitum F áayitvá áayitaáayanlya-
367 áubh-1/6 368 áus-4 'dry up' 'shine' sobhati” M áusyati áusyate áobhisyati12 áoksyati áobhayati áosayati áuáobhisate áuáuksati áuáobha13 M áuáosa aáubhat14 aáusat aáüáusat aáüáubhat áobhitum15 áostum áobhitva áobhita-16 áuskaáosamyaáosya-
’/áasyate 2/áasitva 3/áasita- 4P1 áimsanti 5/sesyate 6Pas aáayi 7/aáucat 8/áoktum Váucita- 10Pas aáodhi ’ "/áumbhati M 12/áumbhisyati 13/suáumbha M 14/aáumbhlt; Mid aáobhista 15/áumbhitum 16/áubhita-
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
369 ár-9 'crush' árnati áiryate áarísyati áarayati siáarisati éaáara aáárlt aáíáarat áarítum
370 ácut-1 'drip' scotati ácutyate ácotisyati ácotayati cuscotisati cuscota aácotlt1 acuácutat ácotitum
371 áyai-1 'congeal' áyayati M ályate áyasyate áyayayati3 áiáyasate áiáye aáyasta áyátum
372 árath-1/9 'get loose' árathati5 M __6
árathisyati7 áráthayati8 áiáranthisati áaáratha9 M aárathlt10 aáiárathat árathitum11 árathitva12 árthita-13
syáya373 áram-4 'weary' áramyati áramyate sramisyati árámayati áiáramisati áaárama aáramit14 aáiáramat sramitum árantva15 áranta-
374 árambh-1 375 ára-216 'err' 'cook' árambhate árá(ya)ti srambhisyate árasyati árambhayati árapayati áiárasati áaárambhe áaárau asrambhista aáraslt aáiárapat árambhitum srátum árabdhaárambhanlya-
376 ári-1 'take refuge' árayati M áriyate18 árayisyati árayayati19 áiárlsati áiáraya M aáiáriyat20 M aáiárayat árayitum F árayitva éritaárayarüyasräya-
Vaácutat 2/ ácotita- Váyapayati Válna-/áitaVárathnati M/árarithati 6Abs -árathya 7/áranthisyati “/áranthitum 9/áaárantha M ic/aáranthít "/áranthitum 12/áranthitva 13/'árathita- H/aáramat ‘Váramitva “ /árai-l 17/árana18Abs -áritya 19/árapayati 20Pas aárayi
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
377 áru-5 'hear' árnoti M árüyate1 árosyati áravayati áuárüsate áuárava asrausít2 aáiáravat árotum F árutva árutaáravariíyaáravya-
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
381 sañj-1 'adhere' sa(ñ)jati sajyate sañksyati sañjayati sisañksati sasañja asáñkslt asasañjat sa(ñ)ktum F saktvä saktasañjanlyasajya-
378 álágh-l 'confide' álaghate álaghyate álaghisyate álaghayati siálaghisate áaálaghe aálaghista aáaálaghat álaghitum álaghitaálaghanlyaálaghya-
379 ávas-2/1 'breathe' ávasiti3 ávasyate ávasisyati ávasayati áiávasisati áaávasa aávaslt aáiávasat Svasitum F ávasitva ávas(i)táávasanlyaávasya-
380 ávi-1 'swell' ávayati áüyate ávayisyati ávayayati áiávayisati áiávaya4 aáva(yl)t aáüáavat ávayitum ávayitva éüna-
382 sad-1 'sit' sldati M sadyate satsyati5 sädayati M sisatsati sasäda M asadat aslsadat sattum6 sattva sannasadanlyasadya-
383 sah-1 'endure' sahate A sahyate sahisyate7 sñhayati sisahisate sehe A asahista aslsahat sodhum8 F sodhvá9 sodhasahaníyasähya-
384 sädh-5/l 'accomplish' sädhnoti10 sädhyate satsyati sadhayati sisatsati sasädha asatslt aslsadhat säddhum11 säddhvä saddhasädhaniyasädhya-
’Abs -árutya 2Pas aáravi 3/svasati Véuáava Vsldisyati Vslditum 7/saksyate “/sahitum ’/sahitvä 10/sädhati M "/sadhitum
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
387 sidh-1 'repel' sedhati sidhyate setsyati5 sedhayati sisedhisati sisedha M asedhlt asTsidhat seddhum6 sedhitvä7 siddhasedhanlyasedhya-
388 sidh-4 'succeed' sidhyati M sidhyate setsyati sädhayati8 sisitsati sisedha asidhat aslsidhat seddhum siddhvä9 siddha-
386 sic-6 'sprinkle' siñcati M sicyate seksyati secayati4 sisiksati siseca M asicat M aslsicat sektum F siktvä siktasecanlyasecya-
389 siv-4 'sew' slvyati slvyate sevisyati sevayati10 sisevisati siseva asevlt aslsivat sevitum F sevitvä11 syüta-
390 su-5 'press' sunoti M süyate sosyati12 sävayati susüsati M susava M asauslt13 M asüsavat sotum sutvä suta-
391-1 'achieve' südate
392 sr-1 'flow' sarati M sriyate14 sarisyati särayati sislrsati sasära M asarat15
385 si-5/9 'bind' sinoti1 M slyate sisyati säyayati sisisati sisäya2 M asaislt M aslsayat setum sitvä sita-3
südisyati südayati susüdisate susüde asüdista asüsudat süditum
sartum F srtvä srtasäranlyasärya-
Vsinäti M 2/sasau 3/sina- Vsiñcayati 5/sedhisyati 6/sedhitum 7/sidh(it)vä 8/sedhayati Vsedhitvä 10/sTvayati "/syütvä I2/savisyati ,3/asävTt M 14Abs-srtya 'Vasärslt
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
393 sij-6/4 'emit' srjati1 srjyate sraksyati M sarjayati sisrksati M sasarja M asrakslt2 asasarjat srastum F srstvä srsta-
394 srp-1 'creep' sarpati M srpyate sarpsyati3 sarpayati sisrpsati sasarpa asrpat asasarpat sarp(i)tum4 srptvä srpta-
395 sev-1 'serve' sevate sevyate sevisyate A sevayati sisevisate siseve asevista asisevat sevitum F sevitvä sevita^ sevanlyasevya-
396 skand-1 'dart' skandati ska(n)dyate skantsyati skandayati ciskantsati caskanda M aska(n)dat5 acaskandat skanditum skanttvä skanna-
398 stu-2 'praise' stauti M stüyate stosyati stävayati tustusati tustava M astausit10 M atustavat stotum stutvä stutastavanlyastavya-
399 str-5/9 'overthrow' strnoti" M staryate12 starisyati starayati tistirsati tastära M astär(s)Tt M atastarat star(f)tum strtvä13 strta-14
400 stha-1 'stand' tistati M sthlyate15 sthäsyati sthäpayati tisthäsati tasthau asthät M atisthipat sthätum F sthitva sthita-
sarjya397 stambh-9 'uphold' stabhnäti6 stabhyate stambhisyati stambhayati tistambhisati tastambha M astambhlt7 M atastambhat stambhitum8 stambhitvä9 stabdhastambhanlya-
'Mid srjyate 2Mid asrsta Vsrapsyati Vsrap(i)tum Vaskantsit Vstabhnoti; Mid stambhate 7/astambhat 8/stabdhum 9/stabdhva 10/astavlt "/strn atiM 12/stiryate/striyate 13/stTrtvä 'Vstlrna15Abs -sthäya; Prec Act stheyat
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
401 snä-2 'bathe' snäti snäyate snäsyati M snäpayati sisnäsati sasnau asnäslt snätum F snätvä snäta-
402 snih-4 'love' snihyati snihyate snehisyati1 snehayati sisniksati sisneha asnihat asisiiihat snegdhum2 snigdhva3 snigdha-4
405 sprh-10 'desire' sprhayati sprhyate sprhayisyati
406 sphur-6 'dart' sphurati
sphurisyati sphorayati pisprhayisati pusphurisati sprhayäm ä pusphora M apisprhat asphurlt10 apusphurat sprhayitum sphuritum sprhayitvä sprhitasphuritasprhanlya-
403 spardh-1 'strive' spardhate spardhyate5 spardhisyate spardhayati pispardhisate paspardhe6 aspardhista
404 sprá-6 'touch' spréati M spráyate sparksyati7 sparáayati pisprksati pasparáa M aspräkslt8 apasparáat spardhitum sparstum9 F spardhitvä sprstvá spardhitasprstaspardhanlya- sparáanlya^práyaspardhya407 srni-1 'smile' smayate smlyate11 smesyate smayayati sismayisate sismiye asmesta12 smetum F smitvä smitasmayaníyasmäya-
408 smr-1 'remember' smarati smaryate13 smarisyati smárayati susmürsate sasmára asmarslt asasmarat smartum F smrtvä smrtasmaranlyasmarya-
Vsneksyati 2/snehitum Vsnihitva VsnTdha- 5Abs -sprdhya Vpasprdhe 7/spraksyati “/aspärksit/asprksat Vsprastum F 10/asphorTt “Abs-sm(ay)itya 12/asmayista 13Abs-smrtya
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
409 syand-1 'flow' syandate syandyate syandisyate1 syandayati sisyandisate sasyande asyandat2 asisyadat syan(di)tum syan(di)tva syanna-
410 sru-1 'flow' sravati
411 svañj-1 'embrace' svajate svajyate svañksyate4 svañjayati sisvañksate sasvañje asvañkta5 asasvañjat sva(ñ)ktum sva(ñ)ktvá6 svakta-
413 svan-1 'resound' svanati
414 svap-2 'sleep' svapiti supyate svapsyati svápayati susupsati susväpa asväpslt8 asisvapat svaptum F suptvä supta-
415 svid-4/1 'sweat' svidyaci9 svidyate svetsyate10 svedayati sisvidisate sisveda M asvidat11 asisvidat sveditum12 sviditva svidita-13
416 svr-1 'sound' svarati
svanisyati svánayati sisvanisate sasväna asvänlt asisvanat svanitum svanita-
srosyati3 srävayati susrQsati susräva M asravlt asusravat srotum
412 svad-1 'relish' svädate A svädayati sisvädisate sasväde asvadista asisvadat sväditum svaditasvädaniyasvädya-
svarisyati svárayati sisvarisati sasvära asvar(s)It asisvarat svar(i)tum
Vsyantsyate 2Mid asyan(t)ta/asyandista 3/sravisyati 4/svajisyate 5Pas asvañji 6/svajitva 7Abs -svädya 8Pas asvapi 9Mid svedate 10/svedisyate "Mid asvedista 12/svettum 'Vsvedita-Vsvinna-
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
417 han-2 'kill' hanti [23] hanyate1 hanisyati2 ghätayati jighämsati3 jaghäna M avadhlt4 M ajlghanat hantum F hatva hata-
421 ha-3 'go forth' jihlte [18] häyate häsyate häpayati jihäsate jahe ahästa7 ajlhapat hätum F hätvä häna-
418 hary-1 'enjoy' haryati M
jiharyisati jaharya aharylt
422 hi-5 'impel' hinoti M hlyate hesyati häyayati jihlsati jighäya M ahaislt7 ajlhayat hetum F hita-
419 has-1 'laugh' hasati M hasyate hasisyati häsayati jihasisati jahäsa M ahaslt5 ajlhasat hasitum hasitvä hasitahasanlyahäsya-
420 hä-3 'abandon' jahäti [17] hlyate6 häsyati häpayati jihäsati jahau M a h a ^ t7 ajlhapat hätum F hitvä hlna-
423 hims-1/7 'injure' himsati8 himsyate himsisyati himsayati jihimsisati jihimsa ahimsit ajihimsat himsitum F himsitvä himsitahimsanlyahimsya-
424 hu-3 'sacrifice' juhoti M hüyate hosyati hävayati juhüsati juhäva9 M ahauslt10 ajühavat ho tum F hutvä huta-
’Abs -hanya/-hatya 2/hamsyati 3Int jañghanyate 4from vadh (323) 5Pas ahäsi 6Abs -haya; Prec Act heyät 7Pas ahäyi 8/hinasti—himsanti Vjuhaväm äsa 10Pas ahavi
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
425 hr-1 'take' harati M hriyate1 harisyati2 härayati jihlrsati jahära M ahärsit3 ajlharat hartum F hrtva hrtaharanlyahärya-
426 hrs-4 'rejoice' hrsyati M hrsyate harsisyati harsayati jiharsisati jaharsa M ahrsat4 ajlhrsat harsitum hrsta-5
429 hrI-3 'blush' jihreti hriyate hresyati hrepayati jihrlsati jihräya6 ahraislt7 ajihripat hretum hrltva hrlta-8
430 hlad-l 'refresh' hlädate
431 hvr-1 'bend' hvarati hvaryate hvarisyati hvärayati juh(v)Qrsati jahvära ahvarslt
432 hve-1 'call' hvayati M hüyate hväsyati9 hväyayati juhüsati juhäva M ahvat10 M ajühavat hvätum F hütvä hüta-
hlädisyate hladayati jihlädisate jahläde ahlädista ajihladat hläditum hlanna-
427 hras-1 'diminish' hrasati M
428 hrad-l 'rattle' hrädate
hrasisyati hräsayati jihrasisati jahräsa ahräslt ajihrasat hrasitum
hrädisyate hrädayati
hvartum hvrta-
jahräde ahrädista hräditum
'Abs -hrtya 2Prec Mid hrsista 3Mid ahrta; Pas ahäri 4Pas aharsi Vhrsita- Vjihrayam äsa 7Pas ahrayi 8/hrina- 9/hvayisyati 10/ahvasit; Pas ahväyi/ahävi
Cit: Pas: Fut: Cau: Des: Per: Aor: CAo: Inf: Abs: PPP: FPP: FPP:
16a adhi + i 'study' adhlte [14] adhlyate1 adhyesyate adhyäpayati adhlyisate adhlye adhyaista adhyäpipat adhyetum F adhltaadhyeya-
‘Abs adhltya
akamp- . . akart- . . . akars- . . . akas- . . . . akäriks- . . akar- . . . . akär- . . . . akärk- . . . akaá- . . . . akas- . . . . akup- .. . akr- . . . . . akrk- . . . . akrt- . . . . akrá- . . . . aklp- . . . . akram- . . akram- . . akrak- . . . akrid- . . . akruk- . . . akrudh- . . akrus- . . . akre- . . . akrai- . . . aklik- . . . akleá- . . aks- . . . . aksam- . aksan- . . aksam- . aksar- . . aksäs- . . aksut- . . aksud- . . aksudh- . aksep- .. akseb- . . aksai- . . aksaip- . aksaut- . akhan- . . akhäd- . . akhan- . .
38 46 48 41 42 45 49 48 43 41 44 45 48 46 47 50 51 51 48 53 55 54 55 52 52 56 56 57 58 57 58 59 92 63 63 64 62 62 61 62 63 66 67 66
Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor
akhit- . . 68 Aor akhid- . . 68 Aor akhait- . . 68 Aor akhy- . . . 69 Aor agad-. . . 71 Aor agam- . . 72 Aor agarj- . . . 73 Aor agarh- . . 74 Aor agä-----76 Aor agä-----84 Aor agadh-. . 77 Aor agäd-. . . 71 Aor agär- . . . 82 Aor agar- . . . 83 Aor agäl- . . . 75 Aor agäh- . . . 77 Aor agüh- . . . 80 Aor agrdh- . . 81 Aor ago-----78 Aor agopäy- . 85 Aor agaup-. . 79 Aor agranth86 Aor 87 Aor agras- . . agrah- . . 88 Aor aghas- . . . 4 Aor aghär- . . 90 Aor aghuk- . . 80 Aor aghus- . . 89 Aor aghos- . . 89 Aor aghrä- . . 91 Aor aghru- . . 91 Aor añk- . . . . 2 Cit ang-----2 Cit acakal- . . 40 Aor acakhand- 65 Aor acam- . . 93 Aor acart- . . . 102 Aor acarv- . . 95 Aor acär- . . . 94 Aor acäl- . . . 96 Aor aciksal- . 60 Aor acicint- . 99 Aor acicchad- 105 Aor aclkath- . 37 Aor
acikal- . . . 39 acicint- . . 99 acücud- . . 100 acücur- . . 101 асе. 97 acet- . . . . 98 acest- . . . . 103 acai- . . . . 97 acchit- . . 106 acchid- . . 106 acchait- . . 106 acchaid- . . 106 асу.. 1 acyo- . . . . 104 ajagan- . . 70 ajan- . . . . 107 ajar- . . . . . 114 ajalp- . . . . 108 ajägar- . . . 109 ajar- . . . . . 114 ajinv- . . . . 111 ajlgan- . . . 70 ajlv-. . . . . 112 aje- . . . . . 110 ajai- . . . . . 110 ajos- . . . . 113 ajña- . . . . 115 .. 2 ajyajyä- . . . . 116 ajval- . . . . 117 añc- . . . . . . 1 añcay- . . . . 1 añcisy- . . . . 1 añcy- . . . . . 1 añj- . . . . . . 2 añjay- . . . . 2 añjisy- . . . . 2 a t - ......... . . 3 atisy- . . . . . 3 aty- . . . . . . 3 adhauk-. . 118 a t - ......... 4 ataks- . . . 119 atatark- . . 124
Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Pas Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Pas Aor Aor Cit Cau Fut Pas Cit Cau Fut Cit Fut Pas Aor Cit Aor Aor
atap- . . . atam- . . . atard- . . atarp- . . atän- . . . atäp- . . . atar- . . . atärp- . . atitad- . . atltij- . . . atut- . . . atud- . . . atus- . . . atütul- . . atrd- . . . atrp- . . . atrs- . . . . ator- . . . ataut- . . atyäk- . . atyäs- . . . atras- . . . aträ- . . . aträp- . . . aträs- . . . atvar- . . . atsy- . . . ad- . . . . adaks- . . . adank- . . . adarig- . . . adadandad ab h -. . . adam- . . . adambh- . aday- . . . . adarp- . . . adará- . . . adas- . . . . ada- . . . . adä- . . . . adäg- . . . . adärik- . . . adär- . . . . adärp- . . . adi- . . . .
122 123 130 131 121 122 133 131 120 125 126 126 129 128 130 131 132 127 126 134 134 135 136 131 135 137 4 4 139 138 138 140 142 141 142 143 159 160 144 146 147 145 138 162 159 146
Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Fut Cit Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor
adi- . . . . adiks- . . adiks- . . adlp- . . . adu- . . . adu- . . . adug- . . adudruvadus- . . . adüdul- . adr- . . . . adrrnh- . adrp- . . . adrs- . . . adev- . . . ad e v -. . . a d o -. . . . ados- . . . ad au -. . . ady- . . . adyut- . . adyot- . . adra- . . . adräk- . . adrap- . . adras- . . adruh- . . advik- . . adhars- . ad h av-. . ad h av-. . adhä- . . . adhä- . . . adhäk- . . adhar- . . adhäv- . . adhav- . . adhi- . . . adhiks- . adhijag- . adhi- . . . adhly- . . adhly- . . adhu- . . adhu- . . adhuks- .
. . . . . . .
147 150 152 153 146 147 157 165 156 155 158 161 159 160 148 149 154 156 154 4 163 163 164 160 159 160 166 167 172 170 169 168 173 145 171 170 169 168 151 433 433 433 433 168 173 157
Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Pas Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Per Cit Pas Per Aor Aor Aor
adhr- . . . adhrs- . . adho- . . . adhau-. . adhmä- . adhyay- . adhyä- . . adhyäpayadhyesyadhyai- . adhyai- . adhräj- . . adhräj- . . adhräftj- . adhvamsadhvan- . adhvas- . adhvän- . adhvär- . a n -.......... anam- . . anak- . . . anaks- . . anaj- . . . an ad -. . . an ad -. . . anand- . . anabh- . . anart- . . anaá- . . . anät- . . . anäth- . . anad- . . . anäv- . . . anind- . . anisy- . . anut- . . . anud- . . anü- . . . ane- . . . . anai- . . . anau- . . . anaut- . . any- . . . . арак- . . . apag- . . .
171 172 170 170 174 433 175 433 433 433 433 176 176 176 177 178 177 178 179 5 184 . 2 180 . 2 181 186 182 183 192 185 186 187 181 190 188 . 5 191 191 190 189 189 190 191 5 193 193
Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Cit Aor Cau Fut Cit Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Cit Aor Cit Aor Cit Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Fut Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Pas Aor Aor
apat- . . . apan- . . . apat- . . . apapt- . . apare- . . apaläy- . a p a v -. . . apa- . . . . apa- . . . . арак- . . . apät- . . . apäth- . . apar- . . . apav- . . . apinv- , . apipld- . apis- . . . apisprh- . aplpid- . apu- . . . apus- . . . apüpuj- . apr- . . . . apeá- . . . apos- . . . apyäy- . . aprak- . . aprag- . . aprath- . apras- . . aprak- . . apräs- . . apre- . . . aprai- . . aplo- . . . aphäl- . . abamh- . ababhaksababhäsabarh- . . abädh-. . abänd- . . abudh- . abodh-. . abhars- . abhä- . . .
194 196 198 197 212 199 208 201 202 193 194 195 210 208 203 206 205 405 206 201 207 209 211 204 207 213 214 214 215 214 214 214 216 216 217 218 219 225 229 223 221 220 222 222 241 228
Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor
abhak- . . abhänk- . abhänt- . abhär- . . abhark- . abhäs- . . abhäs- . . abhäs- . . abhiks- . abhit- . . abhid- . . abhuk- . . abhug- . . abhus- . . abhü- . . . abhus- . . abhr- . . . abhrk- . . abhai- . . abhauk- . abhau ksabhait- . . abhaus- . abhaus- . abhramáabhram- . abhraá- . abhras- . abhräk- . abhraj- . . ama- . . . amarn- . . amamh- . amath- . . amad- . . aman- . . amanth- . amand- . amamrgamard- . arnars- . . am ah- . . amä- . . . amä- . . . amänk- . amäd- . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
226 227 220 238 241 226 229 230 231 232 232 234 234 234 236 . 237 238 22.3 233 234 235 232 234 235 239 240 239 241 241 242 246 246 243 244 245 246 244 247 263 265 267 249 250 255 248 245
Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor
amärk- . . amärk- . . amärj- . . . amärs- . . . amärs- . . . amik- . . . . amimis- . . amli- . . . amuk- . . . amuc- . . . amuh- . . . amürcchamr- . . . ameth- . . . amel- . . . ames- . . . amod- . . amos- . . amnä- . . amräk- . am ras- . . amlä- . . . amluc- . . amlecchamloc- . . ay - ........ ayat- . . . ayas- . . . aya- . . . . ayak- . . . ayäc- . . . ayam- . . ayas- . . . ayuk- . . . ayug- . . . ayuj- ■■• ayut- . . . ayud- . . ayup- . . ayus- . . . ayauk- . . aya us- . . aram- . . arams- . . aramh- . araks- . .
264 266 264 264 266 254 253 256 257 257 260 261 262 251 252 253 258 259 268 266 266 271 269 270 269 16 273 272 275 272 276 274 272 277 277 277 278 278 279 277 277 277 285 283 280 281
Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Cit Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor
arañk- . . . arañg- . . . агарarabararac- . . . araha r ä - .......... aräj-.......... arätaradarävarikarig- ----a ric-.......... a ris-.......... arisyarlrac- . . arucarutarudarud- . . . arudh- . . arus- . . . aruh- . . . are- . . . . ares- . . . arai- . . . araik- . . . aroc- . . . arod- . . . aros- . . . arauk- . . araut- . . araud- . . arcay- . . arcisy- . . arjarjay- . . . aijisy- . . arthay- . arthayisyarthy- . . ardhay- . ardhisy- . arpay- . . ary- . . .
283 283 284 284 282 286 287 288 289 289 293 291 291 291 292 31 282 294 297 296 297 297 298 299 290 292 290 291 294 296 298 295 297 297 32 32 33 33 33 . 6 . 6 . 6 34 34 31 31
Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Fut Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Cau Fut Cit Cau Fut Cit Fut Pas Cau Fut Cau Pas
arsay- . . 35 arsisy- . . . 35 arh- . . . . 7 arh- . . . . 7 arhay- . . . . 7 arhisy- . . . . 7 arhy- . . . 7 alag- . . . 300 alañgh- . . 301 alajj- •••. 302 alap- . . . . 303 alap- . . . . 304 alab- . . . . 304 alamb- . . . 305 alal- . . . . 306 alas- . . . . 307 alä- . . . . 312 aläp- . . . . 303 aläv- . . . . 317 aläs- . . . . 307 alik-. . . . 310 alik- . . . . 311 alip- . . . . 309 310 aliá- . . . . alldh- . . . 311 alut- . . . . 313 alup- . . . . 315 alubh- . . . 316 alulunth- . 314 aluloc- . . . 319 ale- . . . . 312 alekh- . . . 308 312 alai- . . . . alok- . . . . 318 alot-. . . . 313 alobh- . . . 316 8 a v - .......... a v - .......... 324 avnñc- . . . 321 a v a d- . . . . 322 av ad h -. . . 323 avan- . . . . 324 avand- . . . 325 a v a p- . . . . 326 avar- . . . . 342 avarj- •• 343
Cau Fut Cit Aor Cau Fut Pas Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Cit Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor
avart- . . . 344 avardh- . . 345 avars- . . . 346 avavarn- . 327 avaá- . . . . 328 avas- . . . . 330 333 avä- . . . . 348 avä- . . . . aväk- . . . . 332 avañch- . . 334 avät- . . . . 329 aväd- . . . . 322 aväp- . . . . 326 avär- . . . . 342 avaá- . . . . 328 avaá- . . . . 335 avik- . . . . 336 avik- . . . . 340 avig- . . . . 336 avic- . . . . 336 337 avijavit- . . . . 339 avid- . . . . 339 avisy- . . . . 8 avivas- . . 331 avr342 avrk- . . . . 347 avrt- . . . . 344 avrdh- . . . 345 aved- . . . . 338 a v e d -. . . . 339 avep- . . . . 349 avai- . . . . 341 avaik- . . . 336 332 avoavoc- . . . . 320 avy8 avyac- . . . 350 avyath- . . 351 avyäc- . . . 350 avyät- . . . 352 avyäd- . . . 352 avraác- . . . 354 avräk- . . . 354 avraj- . . . . 353 avras- . . . 354
Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Fut Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Pas Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor
aáams- . . . aáak- . . . . aáank- . . . aáap- . . . . aáam- . . . aáay- . . . . aáar- . . . . aáap- . . . . aáar- . . . . aáiks- . . . . aáiáriy- . . aáis- . . . . aáis- . . . . aáisy- . . . aáisy- . . . . aáíáam- . . aáuc- . . . . aáudh- . . . aáubh- . . . aáumbh- . aéus- . . . . aáoc- . . . . aáobh- . . . aácut- . . . aácot-. . . . aán- . . . . aán- . . . . aáy- . . . . aáy- . . . . aáya- . . . . aáranth- . . aáram- . . . aárambhaára- . . . aárath- . . aárau- . . aálagh- . aáv- . . . . aávay- . . aávaá- . . a s - .......... asarik- . . asad- . . . asar- . . . asav- . . . asah- . . .
Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Fut Fut Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Cit Cit Paá Paá Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Cit Aor Aor Aor Aor 383 Aor 355 356 357 358 359 364 369 358 369 362 376 361 363 9 10 360 365 366 367 367 368 365 367 370 370 9 10 9 10 371 372 373 374 375 372 377 378 380 380 379 11 381 382 392 390
asät- . . . . asad- . . . . asar- . . . . asäv- . . . . asic-. . . . asidh- . . . asisy- . . . . asud- . . . . asrp- . . . . asrs- . . . . ase- . . . . asedh- . . . asev- . . . . asev- . . . . asai- . . . . aso- . . . . asau- . . . . askad- . . . askand- . . askant- . . astambh- . astar- . . . . astav- . . . astär- . . . . astav- . . . asto- . . . . astau- . . . astha- . . . asthi- . . . . asthu- . . . asna- . . . . asnih- . . . aspardh- . aspärk- . . aspärs- . . asprk- . . . asp-äk- . . aspräs- . asphur- . asphor- . asmar- . . asme- . . asy- . . . . asy- . . . . asyan- . . asyant- .
384 384 392 390 386 388 12 391 394 393 385 387 389 395 385 390 390 396 396 396 397 399 398 399 398 398 398 400 400 400 401 402 403 404 404 404 404 404 406 406 408 407 12 12 409
Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Fut Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Cit Pas Aor 409 Aor
asyand- . . 409 asräk- . . . 393 asräv- . . . 410 asräs-. . . . 393 asvañk- . . 411 asvañg- . . 411 asvad- . . . 412 asvan- . . . 413 asvan- . . . 413 asväp- . . . 414 asvär- . . . 416 asvid- . . . 415 asved- . . . 415 ahary- . . . 418 ahas- . . . . 419 ahä- . . . . 420 ahä- . . . . 421 ahär- . . . . 425 ahims- . . . 423 ahu- . . . . 420 ahr- . , 425 ahrs- . . . . 426 ahai- . . . . 422 ahau- . . . . 424 ahras- . . . 427 ahräd- . . . 428 ahräs- . . . 427 ahrai- . . . 429 ahlad- . . . 430 ahv-. . . . 432 ahvär- . . . 431 ä- .......... 15 änc- . . . . 1 añj2 ä t - .......... 3 ä t - .......... 3 ätay- . . . 3 ä t - .......... 13 äd4 äd15 äday-, 4 ä n - .......... . . 5 ä n - .......... 5 änak9 änank- . . . . 2 änaj2
Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Cit Aor Aor Per Aor Cau Per Per Cit Cau Per Aor Per Per Per
anañc- . anañj- . änay- . . anarc- . anardhänars- . änarh- . anaá- . . änrj- . . äp- . . . ap- . . . apay- . . apn- . . äpy-. . . apsy- . . äyay- . . ar- . . . . är- . . . . ärc- . . . ärj- . . . artath- . ärdh- . . ärs- . . . äv-. . . . äva- . . . ävay- . . aá- . . . . aá- . . . . aá- . . . . aáay- . . aáay- . . äs- . . . . äs- . . . . äs- . . . . äs- . . . . äs- . . . . äsay- . . äsay- . . äsisy- . . ästh- . . äsy- . . . äh-. . . . i - .......... icch- . . ijy- . . . . idhv- . .
. . 1 Per . . 2 Per . . 5 Cau . 32 Per . 34 Per . 35 Per . . 7 Per . . 9 Per . 33 Per . 14 Per . 14 Aor . 14 Cau . 14 Cit . 14 Pas . 14 Fut . 16 Cau . 31’ Per . 31 Aor . 32 Aor . 33 Aor . . 6 Aor . 34 Aor . 35 Aor . . 8 Aor . . 8 Per . . 8 Cau . . 9 Aor . 10 Per . 10 Aor . . 9 Cau . 10 Cau . . 9 Aor . 11 Per . 12 Per . 15 Cit . 15 Aor . 12 Cau . 15 Cau . 15 Fut . 12 Aor . 15 Pas . 13 Per . 16 Cit . 18 Cit . 272 Pas . 17 Pas
inadh- . int- . . . ind- . . . indh- . . indhayindhisyiyaj- . . . iyay- . . iyar- . . iyas- . . iyäj- . . . iyäy- •• iye- . . . iyes- . . iyes- . . isy- . . . isy- . . . isy- . . . iks- . . . Tksay- . Tksisy- . Iksy- . . Ij- . . . . It- . . . . Id- . . . . Iday- . . Tsisy- . . Idy- . . . l y - ----l y - ----1Г- . . . . Iray- . . Trisy- . . Iry- . . . íá- . . . . láay- . . láisy- . . láy- . . . Is- . . . . Is- . . . . Is- . . . . Is- . . . . Isisy- . . uks- . . . uksay- . uksisy-
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
17 17 17 17 17 17 272 16 31 272 272 16 16 18 19 18 19 19 20 20 20 20 272 21 21 21 21 21 16 16 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 18 19 23 24 24 25 25 25
Cit Cit Cit Cit Cau Fut Per Per Cit Per Per Per Per Per Per Pas Cit Pas Cit Cau Fut Pas Per Cit Cit Cau Fut Pas Pas Per Cit Cau Fut Pas Cit Cau Fut Pas Per Per Cit Cit Fut Cit Cau Fut
uksy- . . . ucy- . . . . uñch- . . . uñchay- . uñchisyud- . . . . udy- . . . udy- . . . unat- . . . unad- . . unt- . . . . und- . . . unday- . undisy- . upy- ■•• ububh- . ubobh- . ubhisy- . ubhn- . . umbh- . . umbhisyuvak- . . . uvac- . . . uvad- . . uvap- . . uva y - . . . uvaá- . . . uvas- . . . uvah- . . . uväc- . . . uväd- . . . uväp- . . . uväy- . . . uvää- . . . . uväs- . . . uväh- . . . uvo- . . . . uvos- . . . . u á -.......... uáy- . . . . u s - .......... usy- . . . . usy- . . . . uhy- . . . . ü c - .......... üd- . . . .
25 320 26 26 26 328 27 322 27 27 27 27 27 27 326 28 28 28 28 28 28 320 320 322 326 348 328 329 332 320 322 326 348 328 329 332 332 29 328 328 328 29 329 332 320 322
Pas Pas Cit Cau Fut Cit Pas Pas Cit Cit Cit Cit Cau Fut Pas Per Per Fut Cit Cit Fut Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Cit Pas Cit Pas Pas Pas Per Per
up- .......... 326 Per üy- .......... 348 Pas üy- .......... 348 Per ü á -............ 328 Per u s - ............ ....29 Per u s - ............ 329 Per u h ............ ....30 Cit üh- .......... 332 Per uhay- . . . . 30 Cau ühisy- . . . 30 Fut uhy- . . . . 30 Pas r - ...................31 Cit r c - ............ ....32 Cit rcch- . . . . 31 Cit r c y - .......... ....32 Pas rjy- .......... ....33 Pas rdhn- . . . . 34 Cit rdhy- . . . . 34 Cit rdhy- . . . . 34 Pas r s - ............ ....35 Cit e - ...................11 Cit e - ...................16 Cit edh- . . . . 36 Cit edhay- . . . 36 Cau edhisy- . . 36 Fut edhy- . . . . 36 Pas esay- . . . . 18 Cau esay- . . . . 19 Cau esisy- . . . . 18 Fut esisy- . . . . 19 Fut e s y - ..............16 Fut a i - ............ ....16 Aor aiks- . . . . 20 Aor a i d - ..............21 Aor aidh- . . . . 36 Aor aindh- . . . 17 Aor air- ..............22 Aor aiá- ..............23 Aor ais- ..............18 Aor ais- .......... ....19 Aor ais- ..............24 Aor obhisy- . . 28 Fut o s - ............ ....29 Cit osay- . . . . 29 Cau osisy-. . . . 29 Fut auks- . . . . 25 Aor
auñch- . . aund- . . aubh-. . . aumbh- . aus- . . . . auh- . . . kathay- . kathayisykathy- . . kamp- . . kampaykampisykampy- . karav- . . karisy- . . karisy- . . karisy- . . karo- . . . karksy- . kartay- . kartisy- . karáay- . karáisy- . kars- . . . karsay- . kalay- . . kalayisykalayisykalp- . . . kalpay- . kalpisy- . kalpsy- . kaly- . . . kas- . . . . kasisy- . . kasy- . . . känks- . . kanksaykänksisykänksy- . kathay- . käray- . . käray- . . kälay- . . kälay- . . käly- . . .
26 27 28 28 29 30 37 37 37 38 38 38 38 45 45 49 49 45 48 46 46 47 47 48 48 40 39 40 50 50 50 50 40 41 41 41 42 42 42 42 37 45 49 39 40 39
Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Cit Fut Pas Cit Cau Fut Pas Cit Fut Fut Fut Cit Fut Cau Fut Cau Fut Cit Cau Cit Fut Fut Cit Cau Fut Fut Pas Cit Fut Pas Cit Cau Fut Pas Cau Cau Cau Cit Cau Pas
káá- . . . . kááay- . . käiisy- . . kááy- . . . kaáy- . . . käsay- . . kir- . . . . kiry- . . . kupy- . . kupy- . . kur- . . . . kuru- . . . kurv- . . . krty- . . . krnt- . . . kráy- . . . krsy- . . . kopay-.. kopisy- . kramay-. kramisykramy- . kräpay- . kräm- . . krämay- . krämy- . kriy- . . . krld- . . . krlday- . krldisy- . krldy- . . krln- . . . kriy- . . . krudhy- . krudhy- . kruáy- .. kresy- . . kroksy- . krotsy-. . krodhaykroá- . . . kroáay- . klién- . . . kliáy- . . . kleáay-. . kleáisy- .
43 43 43 43 43 41 49 49 44 44 45 45 45 46 46 47 48 44 44 51 51 51 52 51 51 51 45 53 53 53 53 52 52 54 54 55 52 55 54 54 55 55 56 56 56 56
Cit Cau Fut Cit Pas Cau Cit Pas Cit Pas Cit Cit Cit Pas Cit Cit Pas Cau Fut Cau Fut Pas Cau Cit Cau Cit Pas Cit Cau Fut Pas Cit Pas Cit Pas Pas Fut Fut Fut Cau Cit Cau Cit Pas Cau Fut
214 ksarnsy- . . ksanksanay- . . ksanisy- . . ksany- . . . ksapay- . . ksam- . . . ksamay- . ksamisy- . ksamy- . . ksayksayay- . . ksarksarisy- . . ksänay- . . ksämy- . . ksäyay- . . ksäray- . . ksälay-. . . ksälayisy . ksäly- . . . ksinksipksipy- . . . ksipy- . . . ksTyksunat- . . ksunad- . . ksudy- . . . ksudhy- . . ksudhy- . . ksunt- . . . ksund- . . . ksepay- . . ksepsy- . . ksesy- . . . ksotsy- . . ksotsy- . . ksoday- . . ksodhay- . khanday-. khankhanisy- . khany- . . . khäd- . . . khäday- . .
58 57 57 57 57 61 58 58 58 58 61 61 59 59 57 58 61 59 60 60 60 61 62 62 62 61 63 63 63 64 64 63 63 62 62 61 63 64 63 64 65 66 66 66 67 67
Fut Cit Cau Fut Pas Cau Cit Cau Fut Pas Cit Cau Cit Fut Cau Cit Cau Cau Cit Fut Pas Cit Cit Pas Cit Pas Cit Cit Pas Cit Pas Cit Cit Cau Fut Fut Fut Fut Cau Cau Cit Cit Fut Pas Cit Cau
khädisy- . khädy- . . . khanay- . . khidy- . . . khidy- . . . khint- . . . khind- . . . khetsy- . . kheday- . . khyä- . . . khyäpayk hyäy-. . . khyäsy- . . g a - ........ gacch- . . . ganay- . . . ganayisyg an y -. . . gad- . . . gadisy- . g ad y -. . . gamay- . gamisy- . gamy- . . garisy- . . garisy- . . garlsy- . . garlsy- . . garj- ••• garjay- . . garjisy- . garjy- . . . gardhaygardhisygarh- . . . garhay- . garhisy- . garhy- . . g a l - ----galisy- . . galy- . . . g a v -----g ä - ........ gaday- . . gapay- . . gäpay- . .
67 67 66 68 68 68 68 68 68 69 69 69 69 76 72 70 70 70 71 71 71 72 72 72 82 83 83 82 73 73 73 73 81 81 74 74 74 74 75 75 75 78 76 71 76 84
Fut Pas Cau Cit Pas Cit Cit Fut Cau Cit Cau Pas Fut Cit Cit Cit Fut Pas Cit Fut Pas Cau Fut Pas Fut Fut Fut Fut Cit Cau Fut Pas Cau Fut Cit Cau Fut Pas Cit Fut Pas Cit Cit Cau Cau Cau
g a y -.......... g ä y -.......... gäray- . . . gäray- . . . gälay- . . . gavay- . . . g ä s y -----gäsy- . . . . g ä h -.......... gahay- . . . gähisy- . . g ah y -----gir- .......... g i y - .......... glry- . . . . gupy- . . . guhy- . . . güh- ----guhay- . . . gühisy- . . g m - .......... grdhy- . . . grhn- . . . . grhy- . . . . gopay- . . . gop äy-. . . gopäy- . . . gopäyay- . gopayisygopäyy- . . gopisy- . . gopsy- . . . g o s y -----grathn- . . grathy- . . granth- . . granthaygranthisyg r a s - ----grasisy- . . grasy- . . . grahisy- . . gräsay- . . grähay- . . greth- . . . g h a r ------
76 84 82 83 75 78 76 84 77 77 77 77 82 84 82 79 80 80 80 80 83 81 88 88 79 79 85 85 85 85 79 79 78 86 86 86 86 86 87 87 87 88 87 88 86 90
Pas Cit Cau Cau Cau Cau Fut Fut Cit Cau Fut Pas Cit Pas Pas Pas Pas Cit Cau Fut Cit Cit Cit Pas Cau Cit Cit Cau Fut Pas Fut Fut Fut Cit Pas Cit Cau Fut Cit Fut Pas Fut Cau Cau Per Cit
gharisy- . ghatay- . ghäray- . ghusy- . . ghos- . . . ghosay- . ghosisy- . ghna- . . . ghräpayghräy- . . ghrasy- . . cakampcakar- . . . cakar- , . . cakart- . . . cakará- . . . cakars- . . . cakas- . . . cakañks- . cakar- . . . cakär- . . . cakaá- . . . cakäs- . . . cakr- . . . . cakrá- . . . cakjp- . . . cakr- . . . . cakr- . . . . cakram- . . cakram- . . caks- . . . . caks- . . . . caks- . . . . caksan- . . caksan- . . caksam- . . caksay- . . caksar- . . . caksan- . . caksam- . . caksar- . . . caksy- . . . cakhan- . . cakhäd- . . cakhan- . . cakhn- . . .
90 417 90 89 89 89 89 417 91 91 91 38 45 49 46 47 48 41 42 45 49 43 41 45 47 50 45 49 51 51 41 92 92 57 58 58 92 59 57 58 59 92 66 67 66 66
Fut Cau Cau Pas Cit Cau Fut Cit Cau Pas Fut Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Cit Per Per Per Per Cau Per Per Per Per Pas Per Per Per Per
cakhy- . . cacaks- . cacam- . . cacar- . . cacart- . . cacarv- . cacal- . . . cacäm- . . . cacär- . . . cacäl- . . . cacrt- . . . cacrv- . . . cad- . . . . cam- . . . . camisy- . . cayay- . . . car- . . . . carisy- . . . cartay- . . . cary- . . . . carv- . . . . carvay- . . carvy- . . . cal- . . . . calay- . . . calisy- . . . caly- . . . . cas- . . . . caskand- . cämay- . . cäyay- . . . caray- . . . cälay- . . . cikay- . . . cikäy- . . . cike- . . . . ciky- . . . . cikray- . . . cikräy- . . . cikriy- . . . cikrld- . . . cikliá- . . . cikleá- . . . cikles- . . . ciksay- . . . ciksay- . . .
69 92 93 94 102 95 96 93 94 96 102 95 92 93 93 97 94 94 102 94 95 95 95 96 96 96 96 92 396 93 97 94 96 97 97 97 97 52 52 52 53 56 56 56 61 61
Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Cit Cit Fut Cau Cit Fut Cau Pas Cit Cau Pas Cit Cau Fut Pas Cit Per Cau Cau Cau Cau Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per
ciksip- . . ciksiy- . . ciksep- . . cikhid- . . cikhed- . cicay- . . . cicäy- . . . cicit- . . . cicist- . . . cice- . . . . cicet- . . . cicest- . . cicchid- . cicched- . cicy- . . . city- . . . . ein- . . . . cintay- . . cintayisycinty- . . . cly- . . . . cukup- . . cukop- . . cukrudhcukruá- . cukrodhcukroá- . cuksud- . cuksudhcuksod- . cuksodhcucyuv- . cuácut- . cuácot- . . ert- . . . . crty- . . . errtt- . . . cet- . . . . cetay- . . cetisy- . . cem- . . . cer- . . . . cel- . . . . cest- . . . cestay- . . cestisy- .
62 61 62 68 68 97 97 98 103 97 98 103 106 106 97 98 97 99 99 99 97 44 44 54 55 54 55 63 64 63 64 104 370 370 102 102 102 98 98 98 93 94 96 103 103 103
Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Pas Cit Cit Fut Pas Pas Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Cit Pas Cit Cit Cau Fut Per Per Per Cit Cau Fut
cestycesycoday- . . . codayisy- . cody- . . . . coray- . . . corayisy- . cory- . . . . cyav- . . . . cyävay- . . cyosy- . . . chäday- . . chädayisychädy- . . . chidy- . . . chinat- . . . chinad- . . chint- . . . . chind- . . . chetsy- . . . cheday- . . j a - ............ jag- .......... j a g - .......... jagad- . . . jagan- . . . jagam- . . . ja g a r-----ja g a r-----jagarj- . . . jagardh- . . jagarh- . . . ja g a l-----jagäd- . . . jagam- . . . ja g ä r-----ja g ä r-----ja g ä l-----jagah- . . . jagrjjagrdh- . . jagrh- . . . ja g m -----jagr- ----jagr- ----jagranth- .
103 97 100 100 100 101 101 101 104 104 104 105 105 105 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 417 76 84 71 72 72 83 82 73 81 74 75 71 72 82 83 75 77 73 81 88 72 82 83 86
Pas Fut Cit Fut Pas Cit Fut Pas Cit Cau Fut Cit Fut Pas Pas Cit Cit Cit Cit Fut Cau Cit Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per
agras- . agrah- . agrah- . agl- . . . aghanaghar- . aghä- . aghäkaghanaghar- . aghn- . aghr- . aghr- . ajar- . . ajalp- . ajägarajagarajägr- . ajar- . . ajñ- . . . ajñ- . . . ajr- ■■• ajval- . ajväl- . anay- . anisy- . any- . . ay- . . . ayisy- . aray- . . arisy- . arlsy- . alp- . . . alpay- . alpisyalpy- •• ah- . . . ah- . . . ah- . . . ahar- . . ahary- . ahars- . ahas- . . ahar- . . ahäs- . . ahry- .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
87 88 88 75 417 90 77 77 417 90 417 90 91 114 108 109 109 109 114 107 115 114 117 117 107 107 107 110 110 114 114 114 108 108 108 108 420 420 421 425 418 426 419 425 419 418
Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Cau Fut Pas Cit Fut Cau Fut Fut Cit Cau Fut Pas Cit Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per
ahrs- . . . . ahr- . . . . ahras- . . . ahräd- . . . ahräs- . . . ahläd- . . . ahvar- . . . ahvär- . . . agar- . . . . agaray- . . agarisy- . ag a ry -. . . agr- . . . . agr- . . . . an- . . . . . äpay- . . . äy- . . . . . gay- . . . . gä- . . . . . gäy- . . . . ge- . . . . . gy- ••••. ghay- . . . ghar- . . . ghäy- . . . ghr- . . . . ghe- . . . . ghy- . . . . ghr- . . . . ijinv- . . . . ijlv- . . . . . j y - ----- . in- . . . . . inv- . . . . invay- . . . invisy- . . h- . . . . ihims- . . . ihray- . . . ihray- . . . ihräy- . . . ihri- . . . . ihre- . . . . ly- ----- . y- ----- . Try- . . . . .
426 425 427 428 427 430 431 431 109 109 109 109 109 109 115 110 107 110 76 110 110 110 422 90 422 90 422 422 91 Ill 112 116 116 Ill Ill Ill 421 423 429 429 429 429 429 110 116 114
Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Cit Cau Fut Pas Cit Cit Cit Cau Cit Per Cit Per Per Per Per Cit Per Cit Per Per Cit Per Per Per Cit Cit Cau Fut Cit Per Cit Per Per Cit Cit Pas Pas Cit
t r y - .......... 114 Pas 112 Cit Iv- . . . . p r a y - ■ ■ ■ 112 Cau jtvisy- . . 112 Fut jíyy- . . . 112 Pas 79 Per jugup- . . 78 Per juguv- . . juguh- . . 80 Per 80 Per jugü- . . . jugüh- . . 80 Per 80 Per jugo- V . . 79 Per jugop- . . jughus- . 89 Per 89 Per jughos- . jujus- . . . 113 Per jus- . . . . 113 Cit jusy- . . . 113 Pas juhav- . . 424 Cit juhav- . . 424 Per juhav- . . 432 Per juhäv- . . 424 Per juhav- . . 432 Per juhu- . . . 424 Cit juhuv- . . 424 Per juhuv- . . 432 Per juho- . . . 424 Cit juho- . . . 424 Per juhv- . . . 424 Cit 114 Per jer- ....... jesy- . . . 110 Fut josay- . . 113 Cau josisy- . . 113 Fut jftapay- . 115 Cau jñay- . . . 115 Pas jñasy- . . 115 Fut jyapay- . 116 Cau jyasy- . . 116 Fut 117 Cit jval- . . . . jvalay- . . 117 Cau jvalisy- . 117 Fut jvaly- . . . 117 Pas jvalay- . . 117 Cau dudhauk- 118 Per dhauk- . 118 Cit dhaukay- 118 Cau dhaukisy- 118 Fut
dhauky- . 118 Pas tamsy- . . 121 Fut 119 Cit takstaksay- . 119 Cau taksisy- . 119 Fut taksy- . . 119 Pas taksy- . . 119 Fut tataks- . . 119 Per tatan121 Per tatap- . . 122 Per tatam- . . 123 Per tatar- . . . 133 Per tatard- . . 130 Per tatarp- . . 131 Per tatars- . . 132 Per tatan- . . . 121 Per tatap- . . 122 Per tatam- . . 123 Per tatär- . . . 133 Per tatrd- . . . 130 Per tatrp- . . . 131 Per tatrs- . . . 132 Per tatrs- . . . 135 Per tatyak- . . 134 Per tatyaj- . . 134 Per tatyaj- . . 134 Per tatr- . . . . 136 Per tatrap- . . 131 Per tatras- . . 135 Per taträs- . . 135 Per tatvar- . . 137 Per 121 Cit tan- . . . . tanisy- . . 121 Fut tany- . . . 121 Pas 122 Cit tap- . . . . tapisy- . . 122 Fut tapy- . . . 122 Pas tapsy- . . 122 Fut tamay- . . 123 Cau tamisy- . 123 Fut tar133 Cit tarisy- . . 133 Fut tarlsy- . . 133 Fut tarkay- . 124 Cit tarkayisy- 124 Fut tarky- . . 124 Pas
tarday- . tardisy- . tarpay- . tarpisy- . tarpsy-. . tarsay- . . tarsisy- . tastambhtastar- . . tastär- . . tasth- . . . täday- . . tadayisytädy- . . . tanay- . . täpay- . . tamy- . . tay- . . . . taray- . . tisth- . . . tlry- . . . . tutud- . . tutur- . . tutus- . . tutod- . . tutor- . . . tutos- . . . tud-. . . . tudy- . . . tur- . . . . tustav- . . tustäv- . . tustu- . . tustuv- . tusto- . . . tusy- . . . tusy- . . . tmat- . . . tmad- . . trdy- . . . trnt- . . . . trnd- . . . trpy- . . . trpy- . . . trsy- . . . tejay- . . .
. . . . . . .
130 130 131 131 131 132 132 397 399 399 400 120 120 120 121 122 123 121 133 400 133 126 127 129 126 127 129 126 126 127 398 398 398 398 398 129 129 130 130 130 130 130 131 131 132 125
Cau Fut Cau Fut Fut Cau Fut Per Per Per Per Cit Fut Pas Cau Cau Cit Pas Cau Cit Pas Per Cit Per Per Cit Per Cit Pas Cit Per Per Per Per Per Cit Pas Cit Cit Pas Cit Cit Cit Pas Cit Cit
te n -......... te p -......... temter- ......... toksy- .. . totsy- . . . . today- . . . tolaytolayisy- . tolytosay- . . . tyaksy- . . tyaj-......... tyajisy- . . tyajy-----tyäjay- . . . trapsy- . . . tras-......... trasisy- . . trasytrasyträ- ......... träpay- . . träytrayträsay- . . . trasytvartvaray- . . tvarisy- . . tvary- . . . tväray- . . damá- . . . damáay- . daksdaksay- . . daksisy- . . dañksy- . . danday- . . dandayisydandy- . . d a t-......... daddaddadda damá- .
121 122 123 133 129 126 126 128 128 128 129 134 .134 134 134 134 131 135 135 135 135 136 136 136 136 135 136 137 137 137 137 137 138 138 139 139 139 138 140 140 140 146 146 146 147 138
Per Per Per Per Fut Fut Cau Cit Fut Pas Cau Fut Cit Fut Pas Cau Fut Cit Fut Cit Pas Cit Cau Cit Pas Cau Fut Cit Cau Fut Pas Cau Cit Cau Cit Cau Fut Fut Cit Fut Pas Cit Cit Per Per Per
dadaks- . . dadag- . . . dadabh- . . dadam- . . dadambhdadar- . . . dadarp- . . dadará- . . dadas- . . . dadah-. . . dadabh- . . dadam- .. dadar- . . . dadas- . . . dadah-. . . dadrmh- . dadrp- . . . dadrá- . . . dadr- . . . . dadr- . . . . dadr- . . . . dadrap- . . dadras- . . dadh- . . . dadh- . . . dadh- . . . dadhar- . . dadhars- . dadhar- . . dadhav-.. dadhrs- . . dadhm- . . dadhy- . . dadhr- . . . dadhraj- . dadhrañjdadhräj- . dadhvamsdadhvan-. dadhvar- . dadhvän-. dadhvar- . dabh-. . . . dabhy-. . . damay- . . damisy- . .
139 145 142 141 142 162 159 160 144 145 142 141 162 144 145 161 159 160 158 162 164 159 160 168 168 173 171 172 171 169 172 174 175 171 176 176 176 177 178 179 178 179 142 142 141 141
Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Cit Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Cit Pas Cau Fut
dambhaydambhisydamy- . . . daydayisy- . . daray- . . . darisy- . . . darisy- . . . darisy- . . . darpay- . . darpisy- . . darpsy- . . darsay- . . daá-......... daáydasisy- . . . dasydahdahisy- . . dahy- . . . da- ......... däpay- . . . dapay- . . . dämy- . . . daray- . . . daray- . . . dävay-. . . dasay- . . . dasisy- . . . däsydasy- . . .. dähay- . . . d ig -......... didiv- . . . didiv- . . . didiá- . . . . didih- . . . didlks- . . . didlp- . . . didev- . . . didev- . .. dideá- . . . dideh- . . . didyut- . . didvis- . . . didves- . .
142 142 141 143 143 162 158 162 162 159 159 159 160 138 138 144 144 145 145 145 147 146 147 141 158 162 154 144 144 146 147 145 151 148 149 150 151 152 153 148 149 150 151 163 167 167
Cau Fut Pas/ Cit. Fuf Cau Fiít Fut Fut Cau Fut Fut Cau Cit Pas Fut Cit Cit Fut Pas Cit Cau Cau Cit Cau Cau Cau Cau Fut Fut Fut Cau Cit Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per
diá- . . . . diáy- . . . dih- . . . . dihy- . . . dlks- . . . diksay- . diksisy- . diksy- . . dTpay- . . dipisy- . . dTpy- . . . dlpy- . . . diy- . . . . diy- . . . . dlry- . . . dlvy- . . . divy- . . . dug- . . . dudav- . dudäv- . duduv- . dudus- . duduh- . dudos- . . dudoh- . dudrav- . dudrav- . dudru- . . dudruv- . dudruh- . dudro- . . dudro- . . dudrog- . dudroh- . dudhavdudhävdudhuvdun- . . . dusy- . . . dusy- . . . duh- . . . duhy- . . düy- . . . drmh- . . drmhaydrmhisy-
150 150 151 151 152 152 152 152 153 153 153 153 146 147 162 148 148 157 154 154 154 156 157 156 157 165 165 165 165 166 165 166 166 166 170 170 170 154 156 156 157 157 154 161 161 161
Cit Pas Cit Pas Cit Cau Fut Pas Cau Fut Cit Pas Pas Pas Pas Cit Pas Cit Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Cit Cit Pas Cit Pas Pas Cit Cau Fut
dm- . . . . drpy- . . . . drpy- . . . . drsy- . . . . de- . . . . . deksy- . . . deg------ . debh- . . . . dem- . . . . dev-. . . . . devay- . . . devay- . . . devisy- . . devisy- . . deáay- . . . des- . . . . deh- . . . . deh- . . . . dehay- . . . doksy- . . . dog- . . . . dolay- . . . dosay- . . . dosy- . . . . doh- . . . . dohay- . . . dyut- . . . . dyot- . . . . dyotay- . . dyotisy- . . draksy- . . drapsy- . . drav- . . . . drädrapay- . . dray- . . . . drävay- . . dräsy- . . . driy- . . . . driy- . . . . druhisy- . druhy- . . . druhy- . . . drüy- . . . . droksy- . . drosy- . . .
162 159 159 160 146 150 151 142 141 149 148 149 148 149 150 144 145 151 151 156 157 155 156 154 157 157 163 163 163 163 160 159 165 164 164 164 165 164 158 158 166 166 166 165 166 165
Cit Cit Pas Pas Cit Fut Cit Per Per Cit Cau Cau Fut Fut Cau Per Per Cit Cau Fut Cit Cit Cau Fut Cit Cau Pas Cit Cau Fut Fut Fut Cit Cit Cau Pas Cau Fut Cit Pas Fut Cit Pas Pas Fut Fut
drohay- . dvik- . . . dvid- . . . dvis- . . . dvisy- . . dve- . . . . dvek- . . . dveksy- . dves- . . . dvesay- . dhaksy- . dhat- . . . dhad- .. dham- .. dhamisydhay- . . dhar- . . . dharisy- . dharsisydhäpay- . dhapay- . dharay- . dhärsaydhäv- . . dhavay- . dhävay- . dhavisydhävy- . . dhäsy- . . dhasy- . . dhik- . . . dhig- ••• dhiy- . . . dhly- . . . dhuk- . . dhug- . . dhun- . . dhuy- . . dhrsn- . . dhe- . . . dhek- . . . dheksy- . dhok- . . dhoksy- . dhosy- . . dhmäpay-
166 167 167 167 167 167 167 167 167 167 145 168 168 174 174 173 171 171 172 168 173 171 172 169 169 170 169 169 168 173 151 151 168 173 157 157 170 170 172 168 151 151 157 157 170 174
Cau Cit Cit Cit Pas Cit Cit Fut Cit Cau Fut Cit Cit Cit Fut Cit Cit Fut Fut Cau Cau Cau Cau Cit Cau Cau Fut Pas Fut Fut Cit Cit Pas Pas Cit Cit Cit Pas Cit Cit Cit Fut Cit Fut Fut Cau
dhinäy- . . 174 dhmasy- . 174 dhyä- . . . 175 dhyäpay- . 175 dhyäy- . . . 175 dhyäy- . . . 175 dhyäsy- . . 175 dhraj- . . . 176 dhrafij- . . 176 dhriy- . . . 171 dhvams- . 177 dhvamsay- 177 dhvamsisy- 177 dhvan- . . 178 dhvanay- . 178 dhvanisy- 178 dhvany- . . 178 dhvar- . . . 179 dhvarisy- . 179 dhvasy- . . 177 dhvänay- . 178 dhväray- . 179 namsy- . . 184 naks- . . . . 180 naksisy- . . 180 nariksy- . . 185 natsy- . . . 186 nad- . . . . 181 naday- . . . 181 nadisy- . . 181 nady- . . . 181 nanams- . 185 nanaks- . . 180 nanad- . . . 181 nanad-. . . 186 nanan- . . . 184 nanand- . . 182 nanam- .. 184 nanart- . . 192 nanaá- . . . 185 nanah- . . . 186 nanäth- . . 187 nanäd- . . . 181 nanäm- . . 184 nanaá- . . . 185 nanäh- . . . 186
Pas Fut Cit Cau Cit Pas Fut Cit Cit Pas Cit Cau Fut Cit Cau Fut Pas Cit Fut Pas Cau Cau Fut Cit Fut Fut Fut Cit Cau Fut Pas Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per
nanrt- . . nand- .. nanday- . nandisynandy- . nabh-.. . nabhay- . nam- . . . namay- . namisy- . na my- . . nay- . . . . nartay- . nartisy- . nartsy- . . nav-. . . . navisy- . naáisy- . . naáy- . .. naáy- . . . nahy- . . . nahy- . . . näth- . . . näthisy- . näthy- . . näday-. . nämay- . näyay- . . nävay- . . naáay- . . nähay- , . ninay- . . ninäy- . . ninind- . nine- .. . nind- . . . ninday- . nindisy- . nindy- . . niny- . . . niy- . . . . nu- . . . . nud- . . . nudy- . . nunavnunäv- .
192 182 182 182 182 183 183 184 184 184 184 189 192 192 192 190 190 185 185 185 186 186 187 187 187 181 184 189 190 185 186 189 189 188 189 188 188 188 188 189 189 190 191 191 190 190
Per Cit Cau Fut Pas Cit Cau Cit Cau Fut Pas Cit Cau Fut Fut Cit Fut Fut Cit Pas Cit Pas Cit Fut Pas Cau Cau Cau Cau Cau Cau Per Per Per Per Cit Cau Fut Pas Per Pas Cit Cit Pas Per Per
nunudnunuvnuno- . nunodnüy- . . nrty- . . nrty- . . ned- . . nebh- . . nem- . . neá- . . . neáy- . . neh-. . . notsy- . noday- . nosy- . . nau- . . paksy- . рас- . , расу- . . pat- . . patisy- . path- . . pathisypathy- . pan- . . panay- . panisypany- . . pat- . . . patisy- . paty- . . patsy- . pady- . pady- . pap- .. pap- .. papak-. papac- . papat- . papathpapat- . papar- . paparcpapäc- . papät- . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
191 190 190 191 190 192 192 181 183 184 185 189 186 191 191 190 190 193 193 193 194 194 195 195 195 196 196 196 196 197 197 197 198 198 198 201 202 193 193 194 195 197 210 212 193 194
Per Per Per Per Pas Cit Pas Per Per Per Per Fut Per Fut Cau Fut Cit Fut Cit Pas Cit Fut Cit Fut Pas Cit Cau Fut Pas Cit Fut Pas Fut Cit Pas Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per
papäth- . . papät- . . . papar- . . . paprc- . . . papr-----paprpapracchpaprath- . paphal- . paphal- . parisy- . . parisy- . . parisy- . . parcay- . parcisy- . paläy- . . paläyaypaläyisypaläyy- . pav- . . . pavisy- . paáy- . . . paspardhpasparápasprdhpasprápä- . . . . päcay- . . pätay- . . päthay- . pänay- . . pätay- . . päday-.. päy-. . . . payay- . . päray- . . päray- . . päry- ••• pälay- . . pävay- . . päsy- . . . päsy- . . . pimá- . . . pirns- . . . pind- . . . pinak- . .
195 197 210 212 210 211 214 215 218 218 210 211 210 212 212 199 199 199 199 208 208 200 403 404 403 404 202 193 194 195 196 197 198 202 201 210 211 210 202 208 201 202 204 205 205 205
Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Fut Fut Fut Cau Fut Cit Cau Fut Pas Cit Fut Cit Per Per Per Per Cit Cau Cau Cau Cau Cau Cau Päs Cau Cau Cau Päs Cau Cau Fut Fut Cit Cit Cit Cit
pinas- . . 205 pinv- . . . 203 pinvay- . 203 pinvisy- . 203 pinvy- . . 203 pipar- . . 210 pipinv- . 203 pipiá- . . . 204 pipis- . . . 205 pipr- . . . 210 pipeá- . . 204 pipes- . . 205 pipy- . . . 213 pipr- . . . 210 pipr- . . . 216 pipray- . 216 pipräy- . 216 pipre- . . 216 pib- . . . . 201 piá- . . . . 204 piáy- . . . 204 pisy- . . . 205 piday- . . 206 pldayisy- 206 pldy- . . . 206 ply- . . . . 201 pun- . . . 208 pupav- . 208 pupäv- . 208 pupuv- . 208 pupus- . 207 pupo- . . 208 pupos- . . 207 pupluv- . 217 pusn- . . . 207 pusy- . . . 207 pusphur- 406 pusphor- 406 püjay- . . . 209 pujayisy- 209 pujy- . . . 209 püy- . .. . 208 püray- . . . 210 prñk- . . . . 212 prcch- . . . 214 prcchy- . . 214
Cit Cit Cau Fut Pas Cit Per Per Per Cit Per Per Per Cit Per Per Per Per Cit Cit Pas Pas Cit Fut Pas Pas Cit Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Cit Pas Per Per Cit Fut Pas Pas Cau Cit Cit Pas
prey- . . . prnc- . . . pm- . . . . pm- . . . . prnak- . . prnac- . . peksy- . . pec- . . . . pet- . . . . peth- . . . pen-. . . . pet- . . . . ped- . . . peáay- . . peáisy- . . pesay- . . pos- . . . . posay- . . posisy- . pyäy- . . . pyäyay- . pyayisypraksy- . pracchayprath- . . prathayprathisypriy- . . . priy- . . . prln- . . . prinay- . priy- . . . presy- . . plav- . . . plävay- . plüy- . . . plosy- . . phal- . . . phalisy- . phillay- . phel- . . . barnh- . . . barnhaybamhisybadhn-.. . badhy- . . .
212 212 210 211 212 212 205 193 194 195 196 197 198 204 204 205 207 207 207 213 213 213 214 214 215 215 215 211 211 216 216 216 216 217 217 217 217 218 218 218 218 219 219 219 220 220
Pas Cit Cit Cit Cit Cit Fut Per Per Per Per Per Per Cau Fut Cau Cit Cau Fut Cit Cau Fut Fut Cau Cit Cau Fut Cit Pas Cit Cau Pas Fut Cit Cau Pas Fut Cit Fut Cau Per Cit Cau Fut Cit Pas
bandhaybandhisybaband- . babandhbabarh- . babädh- . babrh- . . babh- . . , . babhank- . babhaj- . babhafij- . babhar- . babharj- . babhars- . babhäj- . babhar- . . babhäs- . . babhäs- . . babhüv-,. babhr- . . . babhr- . . . babhramábabhrajj- . babhram-. babhras- . babhräj- . . babhräm- . barhbarhay- .. barhisy- . . bädhbädhay- . . bädhisy- . bädhy- . . . bibhah- . . bibhay- . . bibhay- . . bibhar- . . bibhäy- .. bibhä- . . . bibhiks- . , bibhid- . . bibhr- , . . bibhe- . . . bibhe- , . . bibhed- . .
220 220 220 220 223 221 223 228 227 226 227 238 241 241 226 238 229 230 236 238 238 239 241 240 241 242 240 223 223 223 221 221 221 221 238 233 233 238 233 233 231 232 238 233 233 232
Cau Fut Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Cit Cau Fut Cit Cau Fut Pas Cit Cit Per Cit Per Cit Per Per Cit Cit Per Per
bibhy- . . . 233 bibhy- . . . 233 bibhr- . . . 238 budhy- . . 222 budhy- . . 222 bubudh- . 222 bubodh- . 222 bubhuj- . . 234 bubhuj- . . 235 bubhus- . . 237 bubhoj- . . 234 bubhoj- . . 235 brh223 brhy- . . . . 223 bodh- . . . 222 bodhay- . . 222 bodhisy- . 222 224 bravbravl- . . . 224 bruv- . . . . 224 brü -......... 224 bhaksay- . 225 bhaksayisy-225 bhaksy- . . 225 bhaksy- . . 226 bhank- . . . 227 bhariksy- . 227 bhañg-.. . 227 bhaj- . . . . 226 bhajisy- . . 226 bhajy- . . . 22.6 bhajy- . . . 227 bhañj- . . . 227 bhañjay- . 227 bhanak- . . 227 bhantsy- . 220 bharisy- . . 238 bharksy- . 223 bharksy- . 241 bharjay- . . 241 bhav- . . . . 236 bhavisy- . 236 bhä-. . . . . 228 bhäjay- . . 226 bhä pay- . . 228 bhäy- . . . . 228
Cit Per Cit Pas Cit Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Cit Pas Cit Cau Fut Cit Cit Cit Cit Cit Fut Pas Fut Cit Fut Cit Cit Fut Pas Pas Cit Cau Cit Fut Fut Fut Fut Cau Cit Fut Cit Cau Cau Pas
bhäray- . . bhävay-. . bhäs- . . . . bhäsay- . . bhäsisy- . . bhäsy- . . . bhäs- . . . . bhäsay- . . bhäsisy- . . bhäsy- . . . bhäsy- . . . bhiks- . . . bhiksay- . bhiksisy- . bhiksy- . . bhid- . . . . bhidy- . . . bhinat- . . bhinad- . . bhint- . . . bhind- . . . bhiy- . . . . bhlsay- . . bhunk- . . bhuñg- . . bhuj- . . . . bhujy- . . . bhujy- . . . bhufij- . . . bhunak- . . bhunaj- . . bhüy- . . . bhüs- . . . . bhüsay- . . bhüsisy- . bhrjj- . . . . bhrjjy- . . . bhej- . . . . bhetsy- . . bheday- . . bhesy- . . . bhoksy- . . bhoksy- . . bhojay- . . bhotsy- . . bhramá- . .
238 236 229 229 229 229 230 230 230 228 230 231 231 231 231 232 232 232 232 232 232 233 233 234 234 235 234 235 234 234 234 236 237 237 237 241 241 226 232 232 233 234 235 234 222. 239
Cau Cau Cit Cau Fut Pas Cit Cau Fut Fut Pas Cit Cau Fut Pas Cit Pas Cit Cit Cit Cit Pas Cau Cit Cit Cit Pas Pas Cit Cit Cit Pas Cit Cau Fut Cit Pas Per Fut Cau Fut Fut
Fut Cau Fut
bhramáaybhramáisybhraksy- . bhrajjay- . bhram- . . bhramay- . bhramisybhramy- . bhramy- . bhraáy- . . bhraáy- . . bhräj- . . . bhräjay- . . bhräj isy- . bhräj y- . . . bhrämay- . bhrämy- . bhriy- . . . bhrem- . . marnsy- . . mamh- . . mamhy- . . mañksy- . m a jj-----majjay- . . majj isy- . . majjy- . . . mathisy- . mathn- . . mathy- . . maday- . . madisy- . . mady- . . . man- . . . . man- . . . . manisy- . manthay- . manthisymanthn- . mand- . . manday- . mandisymandy- . many- . . many- . . mam- , .
239 239 241 241 240 240 240 240 240 239 239 242 242 242 242 240 240 238 240 246 243 243 248 248 248 248 248 244 244 244 245 245 245 246 268 246 244 244 244 247 247 247 247 246 246 250
Cau Fut Fut Cau Cit Cau Fut Cit Pas Cit Pas Cit Cau Fut Pas Cau Cit Pas Per Fut Cit Pas Fut Cit Cau Fut Pas Fut Cit Pas Cau Fut Pas Cit Cit Fut Cau Fut Cit Cit Cau Fut Pas Cit Pas Per
mam- . . . mamamhmamajj- . mamad- . mamanthmamand- . mamar- . mamard- . mamarámamarsmamah- . mamäd- . mamar- . mamarj- . mamärsmamäh- . mamrj- . mamrd- . mamrá- . mamrs- . mamn- . mamr- . . maml- . . marisy- . marksy- . mard- . . mardaymardisymaráay- . marsay- . marsisymah- . . . mahay- . mahay- . mahisy- . mahy- . . mä- . . . . mäthay- . mäday- . mädy- . . manay- . mäpay- . mäpay- . mäy- . . . märay- . mark- . .
255 243 248 245 244 247 262 265 266 267 249 245 262 264 264 249 264 265 266 267 268 262 271 262 266 265 265 265 266 267 267 249 243 249 249 249 250 244 245 245 246 250 255 250 262 264
Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Fut Fut Cit Cau Fut Cau Cau Fut Cit Cau Cau Fut Pas Cit Cau Cau Cit Cau Cau Cau Cit Cau Cit
märksy- . . 264 märj- . . . . 264 märjay- . . 264 märjisy- . . 264 märd- . . . 264 märs- . . . . 264 mäsy- . . . 250 mähay- . . 249 min- . . . . 255 m im -. . . . 250 mimith- . . 251 mimil- . . . 252 mimis- . . . 253 mimih- . . 254 mimil- . . . 256 mimeth- . 251 mimel- . . . 252 mimes- . . 253 mimeh- . . 254 mimy- . . . 255 mimlecch- 270 m il-......... 252 mily- . . . . 252 mis- . . . . . . 253 min- . . . . 255 mly- . . . . 250 mly- . . . . 255 m il-......... 256 milay- . . . 256 milisy- . . . 256 mily- . . . . 256 mucy- . , . 257 muñe- . . . 257 mudy- . . . 258 mumuc- . 257 mumud- . 258 mumus- . . 259 mumuh- . 260 mumürcch- .261 mumo- . . 260 mumog- . 260 mumoc- . . 257 mumos- . . 259 mumoh- . 260 mumluc- . 269 mumloc- . 269
Fut Cit Cau Fut Cit Cit Fut Cau Cit Cit Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Cit Pas Cit Cit Pas Pas Cit Cau Fut Pas Pas Cit Pas Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per
musn- . . . musy- . . . muhy- . . . muhy- . . . murcch- , . mürcchaymürcchisymrgay- . . mrgayisymrgy- . . . m rj-......... mrjyrnrdn- . . . mrdy- . . . mrá- . . . . rnréy- . . . mrs- . . . . mrsy- . . . mrsy- . . . meksy- . . meth- . . . medmen- . . . . melay- . . . melisy- . . mesisy- . . mesy- . . . mehmeh- . . . . mehay- . . moksy- . . moksy- . . mocay- . . mod- . . . . moday- . . modisy- . . mosay- . . mosisy- . . mohay- . . mohisy- . . mnapay- . mnäy- . . . mnäsy- . . mraksy- . . mriy- . . . . mriy- . . . .
259 259 260 260 261 261 261 263 263 263 264 264 265 265 266 266 264 267 267 254 251 245 246 252 252 253 255 249 254 254 257 260 257 258 258 258 259 259 260 260 268 268 268 266 262 262
Cit Pas Cit Pas Cit Cau Fut Cit Fut Pas Cit Pas Cit Pas Cit Pas Cit Cit Pas Fut Cit Per Per Cau Fut Fut Fut Per Cit Cau Fut Fut Cau Cit Cau Fut Cau Fut Cau Fut Cau Pas Fut Fut Cit Pas
mlapay- . . mlä- . . . . mläpay- . . mlay- . . . . mläy- . . . . mläsy- . . . mlecch- . mlecchaymlecchisymloc- . . . . mlocisy- . yamsy- . yaksy- . . . yacch- . .. У3) - ........ y a t-......... yatay- . . . yatisy- . . yatyyamay- . yamisy- . . yamy- . . . yay-......... yayam- . yayäc- . . . yayäm- . y ä-........... yac-......... yäcay- .. yäcisy- . . yacyyäjay- . . yatay- . . yäpay- . . yämay- . УЗУ-......... yasy- . . .. yunk- . . yung- . . yujyy u ñ j-----yudhy- . yudhy- . yunak- . . yunaj- . . yupy- . .
271 271 271 271 271 271 270 270 270 269 269 274 272 274 272 273 273 273 273 274 274 274 275 274 276 274 275 276 276 276 276 272 273 275 274 275 275 277 277 277 277 278 278 277 277 279
Cau Cit Cau Cit Pas Fut Cit Cau Fut Cit Fut Fut Fut Cit Cit Cit Cau Fut Pas Cau Fut Pas Per Per Per Per Cit Cit Cau Fut Pas Cau Cau Cau Cau Pas Fut Cit Cit Pas Cit Cit Pas Cit Cit Cit
yuyuj- . . yuyudhyuyup- . yuyoj- . . yuyodhyuyop- . yet- . . . . yem- . . . yoksy- . . yojay- . . yotsy- . . yodhay- . yopay-. . yopisy- . ramsy- . . ramh- . . ramhayraks- . . . raksay- . raksisy- . raksy- .. ranksy- . racay- . . racayisyracy- .. . raj- . . . . rajy- ••• rajy- ■•• rañjay- . . rapsy- . . rabh- . . . rabhy- . . ram- . . . ramay- . rambhayramy- . . rar- . . . . raramh- . raraks- . . raranj- . . . rarah- . . . raräj- . . . rarädh- . . raräh- . . . rav- . . . . ravisy- . . .
277 278 279 277 278 279 273 274 277 277 278 278 279 279 285 280 280 281 281 281 281 283 282 282 282 ?83 283 283 283 284 284 284 285 285 284 285 287 280 281 283 286 288 289 286 293 293
Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Fut Cau Fut Cau Cau Fut Fut Cit Cau Cit Cau Fut Pas Fut Cit Fut Pas Cit Cit Pas Cau Fut Cit Pas Cit Cau Cau Pas Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Cit Fut
rah- . . .. rahay- . . . rahisy- . . . r ä - ......... räj- ----rajay- . . . . räjisy- . . . rajy- . . . . ratsy- . . . . rädhay- . . rädhn- . . . radhy- . . . räpay- . . . rämay- . . rävay- . . . räsy- . . . . ring- . . . . ricy- . . . . riñe- . . . . rin- . . . . rinak- . . . rinac- . . . . riy- . . . . riray- . . . . riräy- . . . riric- . . . . riris- . . . rirerirec- . . . rires- . . . riry- . . . . risy- . . . riyru -......... rucy- . . . ruj- ■••• rujy- . . . runat- . . runadh- . rudrudy- . . . rudhy- . . runt- . . . rund- . . . rundh- . . rurav- . .
286 286 286 287 288 288 288 288 289 289 289 289 287 285 293 287 291 291 291 290 291 291 290 290 290 291 292 290 291 292 290 292 290 293 294 295 295 297 297 296 296 297 297 297 297 293
Cit Cau Fut Cit Cit Cau Fut Pas Fut Cau Cit Pas Cau Cau Cau Fut Cit Pas Cit Cit Cit Cit Cit Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Cit Cit Cit Pas Cit Pas Cit Cit Cit Pas Pas Cit Cit Cit Per
ruräv- . ruruc- . ruruj- . . rurud- . rurudhruruv- . rurus- . ruruh- . ruroc- . ruroj- . . rurod- . rurodhruros- . ruroh- . rusy- . . ruhy- . . rüy- . . . reksy- . recay- . rej- . . . repay- . rebh- . . rem- . . res- . . . resay- . resisy- . resy- . . reh- . . . roksy- . roksy- . roc- . . . rocay- . rocisy- . rojay- . . rotsy- . . rod- . . roday- . rodisy- . rodhayropay- . ros- . . . rosay- . rosisy- . roh- . . . rohay- . rau- . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
293 294 295 296 297 293 298 299 294 295 296 297 298 299 298 299 293 291 291 288 290 284 285 292 292 292 290 286 295 299 294 294 294 295 297 296 296 296 297 299 298 298 298 299 299 293
Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Cit Pas Pas Fut Cau Per Cau Per Per Cit Cau Fut Fut Per Fut Fut Cit Cau Fut Cau Fut Cit Cau Fut Cau Cau Cit Cau Fut Cit Cau Cit
la g -----lagay- . . lagisy- . . lañgh- . . lañghaylañghisylañghy- . lajjlajjay- . . lajj isy- . . lap- . . . . lapisy- . . lapy- ••• lapsy- . . labh- . . . labhisy- . labhy- . . lamb- . . . lambaу- . lambisylamby- . . lambhaylallalag- . . . lalangh- . lalajj- . . . lalap- . . . lalamb- . lalay- . . . lalas- . . . laläg- . . . laläp- . . . laläs- . . . lalisy- . . . lavisy- . . . las- . . . . lasisy- . . . lasy- . . . lagay- . . . lapay- . . . läpay- . . . läyay- . . . lalay- . . . lävay- . . . läsay- . . . läsy- . . . .
300 300 300 301 301 301 301 302 302 302 303 303 303 304 304 304 304 305 305 305 305 304 306 300 301 302 303 305 306 307 300 303 307 306 317 307 307 307 300 303 312 312 306 317 307 312
Cit Cau Fut Cit Cau Fut Pas Cit Cau Fut Cit Fut Pas Fut Cit Fut Pas Cit Cau Fut Pas Cau Cit Per Per Per Per Per Cau Per Per Per Per Fut Fut Cit Fut Pas Cau Cau Cau Cau Cau Cau Cau Fut
likh- ___ likhisy- . . likhy- . . . lin- ......... lipy- ----limp- . . . . l i i - ........... lilay- . . . . liläy- . . . . lilikh- . . . lilip- . . . . liliá-......... lilih- ___ lile -......... lilekh- . . . lilep- . . . . lileá- . . . . lile h -___ lily -......... lié -........... liáy-......... lih- ......... lihy- . . . . lidh- . . . . li'n- ......... Üy- ......... Hy- ......... luty- . . . . lunthay- . lunthayisylunthy- . . lu n -......... lu py-----lubhy- . . . lubhy- . . . lump- . . . lulav- . . . lulav- . . . lulutlulup- . . . lulubh- . . iuluv- . . . lulok- . . . lulot- . . . . lulop- . . . lulobh- . .
308 308 308 312 309 309 312 312 312 308 309 310 311 312 308 309 310 311 312 310 310 311 311 311 312 312 312 313 314 314 314 317 315 316 316 315 317 317 313 315 316 317 318 313 315 316
Cit Fut Pas Cit Pas Cit Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Cit Cit Cit Pas Cit Cit Cit Pas Pas Cit Fut Pas Cit Pas Cit Pas Cit Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per
lüy- . . . . lek- . . . . leksy- . . . leksy- . . . lekhay- . . lekhisy- . . le g - ----ledh- . . . . lep- . . . . lepay- . . . lepsy- . . . lebh- . . . . leáay- . . . les- . . . . lesy- . . . . lehlehay- . . . lok- . . . . lokay- . . . lokisy- . . . loky- . . . . locay- ••. locayisy- . locy- . . . . lot- . . . . lotay- . . . . lotisy-' . . . lopay- . . . lopsy- . . . lopsy- . . . lobh- . . . . lobhay- . . lobhisy- . . vak- . . . . vak- . . . . vak- . . . . vaksy- . . . vaksy- . . . vac- . . . . vacy- . . . . vañc- . . . . vañcay- . . vañcisy- . . vat- . . . . vatsy- . . . vatsy- . . .
317 311 310 311 308 308 300 311 303 309 309 304 310 307 312 311 311 318 318 318 318 319 319 319 313 313 313 315 315 316 316 316 316 320 328 330 320 332 320 321 321 321 321 328 329 330
Pas Cit Fut Fut Cau Fut Per Cit Per Cau Fut Per Cau Per Fut Cit Cau Cit Cau Fut Pas Cit Fut Pas Cit Cau Fut Cau Fut Fut Cit Cau Fut Cit Cit Cit Fut Fut Cit Pas Cit Cau Fut Cit Fut Fut
vad- . . . vad- . . . vadisv- . vadhay- . vadhisyvadhy- . . van-. . . . vanay- . . vanisy- . vand- . . vanday- . vandisyvandy- . . vany- . . . vap- .. . vapsy- . . vay- . . . . vay-. . . . vayisy- . var- . . . . varisy- . . varlsy- . . varksy- . varj- . . . varjay- . . varjisy- . varnay- . varny- . . vart- . . . vartay- . vartisy- . vartsy- . . vardh- . . vardhayvardhisyvars- . . . varsay- . varsisy- . varhay- . varhisy- . vav- . . . . vavafic- . vavan- . . vavand- . vavar- . . vavarj- . .
. . . .
322 330 322 323 323 323 324 324 324 325 325 325 325 324 326 326 341 348 348 342 342 342 347 343 343 343 327 327 344 344 344 344 345 345 345 346 346 346 347 347 333 321 324 325 342 343
Cit Cit Fut Cau Fut Pas Cit Cau Fut Cit Cau Fut Pas Pas Cit Fut Cit Cit Fut Cit Fut Fut Fut Cit Cau Fut Cit Pas Cit Cau Fut Fut Cit Cau Fut Cit Cau Fut Cau Fut Per Per Per Per Per Per
vavart- . . 344 vavardh- . 345 vavars- . . 346 vavarh- . . 347 vavas- . . . 330 vavañch- . 334 vavän- . . . 324 vavär- . . . 342 vaväs- . . . 335 vavr- . . . . 342 vavr- . . . . 347 vavrj- . . . 343 vavrt- . . . 344 vavrdh- . . 345 vavrs- . . . 346 vavrh- . . . 347 vavr- . . . 342 vavrak- . . 353 vavraj- . . 353 vavraác- . 354 vavraj- . . 353 vaá- . . . . 328 vaáisy- . . 328 vas- . . . . 328 vas- . . . . 329 vas- . . . . 330 vasisy- . . 329 vasisy- . . 330 vasy- . . . 330 vah-. . . . 332 vahisy- . 332 v a -......... 333 vacay- . . 320 vañch- . . 334 vañchay- 334 vañchisy- 334 vänchy- . 334 väday- . . 322 vänay- . . 32.4 väpay- . . 326 väpay- . . 333 väpay- . . 341 vay- . . . . 333 väyay- . . 341 väyay- . . 348 väray- . . 342
Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Cit Fut Cit Cit Cit Fut Fut Pas Cit Fut Cit Cau Cit Cau Fut Pas Cau Cau Cau Cau Cau Pas Cau Cau Cau
vaáay- . . . 328 vaáay- .. . 335 vaáisy- . . . 335 vaáy- . .. . 335 vaáy- . . . . 335 väsay- . . . 329 väsay- . . . 330 väsay- . . . 331 väsayisy- . 331 väsy- . .. . 331 väsy- . .. . 333 vähay- . . . 332 v i - ......... 341 vink- . . . . 336 ving- . . . . 336 vic- . . . . 350 vicy- . . . . 336 vicy- . . . . 350 vij- ----- 337 vijisy- . . . 337 vijy------ 337 vine- . . . . 336 vit338 vid- . . . . 338 vid- . . . . 338 vidy- . . . 338 vidy- . . . 339 vidhy- . . 352 vidhy- . . 352 vinak- . . 336 vinac- . . 336 vind- . . . 339 vivay- . . 341 viväy- . . 341 vivic- . . . 336 vivic- . . . 350 vivij- . . . 337 vivid- . . 338 vivid- . . 339 viviá- . . . 340 vive- . . . 341 vivec- . . 336 vived- . . 338 vived- . . 339 vivep- . . 349 viveá- . . 340
Cau Cau Fut Cit Pas Cau Cau Cit Fut Pas Fut Cau Cit Cit Cit Cit Pas Pas Cit Fut Pas Cit Cit Cit Per Pas Pas Cit Pas Cit Cit Cit Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per
vivy- . . . . 341 vivyac- . . 350 vivyat- . . . 352 vivyath- . . 351 vivyadh- . 352 vivyäc- . . 350 vivyädh- . 352 viá- . . . . 340 viáy- . . . . 340 viy- . . . . 341 vrñk- . . . . 343 vrñg- . . . . 343 vrjy- . . . . 343 vrñj- . . . . 343 vm- . . . . 342 vrnak- . . . 343 vrnaj- . . . 343 vrty- . . . . 344 vrdhy- . . . 345 vrn- . . . . 342 vrác- . . . . 354 vrácy- . . . 354 vrsy- . . . . 346 vrh- . . . . 347 vrhy- . . . 347 v e -......... 341 veksy- . . . 336 veksy- . . 340 veeay- . . . 336 vejay- . . 337 vet- . . . . 338 vet- . . . . 338 vetsy- . . 338 vetsy- . . 339 vetsy- . . 352 ved- . . . . 338 ved-. . . . 338 veday- . . 338 veday- . . 339 vedisy- . 339 vedhay- . 352 ven-. . . . 324 vep-. . . . 349 vepay- . . 349 vepisy- . 349 veáay- . . 340
Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Cit Pas Pas Cit Cit Pas Cit Cit Cit Cit Pas Pas Cit Cit Pas Pas Cit Pas Cit Fut Fut Cau Cau Cit Per Fut Fut Fut Cit Per Cau Cau Fut Cau Per Cit CauFut Cau
vesy- . .. vyacisy- . vyatsy- . vyath- . . vyathayvyathisyvyathy- . vyadhayvyäcay- . vyädhayvraj- . . . vrajisy- . vrajy- . . vraácay- . vraácisyvrajay- . . vriy- . . . áams- . . . áamsay- . áamsisyáakisy- . . áakn- . . . áaky- . . . áaky- . . . áaksy- . . áank- . . . áañkay- . áarikisy- . áanky- . . áap- . . . . áapy- . . . áapy- . . . áapsy- . . áam- . . . áamay- . áamay- . áamisy- . áamy- . . áay- . . . . áayisy- . . áayy- . . . áarisy- . . áarisy- . . áaáams- . áaáak- . . áaáañk- .
341 350 352 351 351 351 351 352 350 352 353 353 353 354 354 353 342 355 355 355 356 356 356 356 356 357 357 357 357 358 358 358 358 359 359 360 359 359 364 364 364 369 369 355 356 357
Fut Fut Fut Cit Cau Fut Pas Cau Cau Cau Cit Fut Pas Cau Fut Cau Pas Cit Cau Fut Fut Cit Cit Pas Fut Cit Cau Fut Pas Cit Cit Pas Fut Cit Cau Cit Fut Pas Cit Fut Pas Fut Fut Per Per Per
áaáap- . . áaáam- . . áaáaráaáak- . . áaáap- .. áaáam- . . áaáar-. . . . áaáas- . . áaár- . . . . áaár- . . . . áaárath- . áaárantháaáram- . áaárambháaárath- . áaáram- . áaálagh- . áaávas- . áaávas- . áasy- .. . áñ -......... áakay- . . áapay- . . áamay- . áamy- . . áamy- . . ááyay- . . áaray- . . áas- . . . . áasay- . . áasisy- . . áimd- . . . áirns- . . . áiks- . . . áiksay- . . áiksisy- . áiksy- . . áink- . . . áinak- . . áinat- . . . áinad- . . áinas- . . . áiáiks- . . áiáis- . . . siáes- . . . áiáy- . . .
358 359 369 356 358 359 369 361 369 375 372 372 373 374 372 373 378 379 379 355 361 356 358 360 359 360 364 369 361 361 361 363 363 362 362 362 362 363 363 363 363 363 362 363 363 364
Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Pas Cit Cau Cau Cit Cit Pas Cau Cau Cit Cau Fut Cit Cit Cit Cau Fut Pas Cit Cit Cit Cit Cit Per Per Per Per
áiáy- . . . . áiáray- . . . áiáray- . . . áiáriy- . . . áiávay- . . . áiáváy- . . . áiáviy- . . . áis- ......... áisy- . . . . áisy- . . . . á ly -......... álry- . . . . áucyáudhy- . . . áudhy- . . . áumbh- . . áumbhisyáuáudh- . áuáubh- . áuáumbháuáus- . . áuáodh- . áuáobh- . áuáos- . . áuárav- . áuárav- . áuáru- . . áuáruv- . áuáro- . . áusyáusy- . . .. áüy-......... árn -......... árn -......... árn -......... á e -......... áek-......... áeksy- . . áep-......... áem- . . . áer- . . . . áesay- . . áesy- .. . áoksy- .. áoc- . . . . áocay- ..
371 376 376 376 380 380 380 361 361 363 371 369 365 366 366 367 367 366 367 367 368 366 367 368 377 377 377 377 377 368 368 380 369 377 377 364 356 363 358 359 364 363 364 368 365 365
Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Cit Pas Pas Pas Pas Pas Cit Pas Cit Fut Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Cit Pas Pas Cit Cit Cit Cit Per Fut Per Per Cit Cau Fut Fut Cit Cau
áocisy- . . . áotsy- . . . áodhay- . . áobh- . . . . áobhay- . . áobhisy- . . áosay- .. . ácuty- . . . ácot- . . . . ácotay- . . . ácotisy- . . áyapay- . . áyay- . . .. áyayay- . . syäsy- .. . árath- . . . . árathay- . . árathisy- . árathn- . . . árathy- . . . áranthay- . áranthisyáramay- . . áramisy- . árambh- . . árambhayárambhisyáramy- . . . sray- . . . . árayisy- . . á ra -......... árathay- . . árapay- . . árapay- . . áramay- . . áramy- . . . áray- . . . . sräyay- . . áravay- . . árasy- . . . árTy- . . . . áruy- . . . . árosy- . . . álagh- . . . álaghay- . . álaghisy- .
365 366 366 367 367 367 368 370 370 370 370 371 371 371 371 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 373 373 374 374 374 373 376 376 375 372 375 376 373 373 375 376 377 375 376 377 377 378 378 378
Fut Fut Cau Cit Cau Fut Cau Pas Cit Cau Fut Cau Cit Cau Fut Cit Cau Fut Cit Pas Cau Fut Cau Fut Cit Cau Fut Pas Cit Fui Cit Cau Cau Cau Cau Cit Cit Cau Cau Fut Pas Pas Fui Cit Cau Fut
álaghyávay- . . ávayisyávas- . . ávasisyávasy- . ávayayávasays - ......... saksy- . sañksysajsajy- . . sañj- . . sañjay- . satsy- . . sady- . . sar- , . sarisy- . sarja y- . sarp- . . sarpaysarpsysavisy- . sasañj- . sasad- . sasar- . . sasarj- . sasarpsasäd- . sasäd li sasär- . . sasr- . . sasrj- . . sasrp- . sasn- . . sasmarsasrnarsasyandsasr- . . sasras- . sasvaj- . sasvañjsasvadsasvansasvar- .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
378 380 380 379 379 379 380 379 11 383 381 381 381 381 381 382 382 392 392 393 394 394 394 390 381 382 392 393 394 382 384 392 392 393 394 401 408 408 409 392 393 411 411 412 413 416
Pas Cit Fut Cit Fut Pas Cau Cau Cit Fut Fut Cit Pas Cit Cau Fut Pas Cií Fut Cau Cit Cau Fut Fut Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per PeíPer PeíPer Per Per
sasvad- . . sasvan- . . sasvar- . . . sah- . . . . sahisy- . . . sahy- . . . . sätsy- . . . . säday- . . . sädh- . . . . sädhay- . . sädhay- . . sädhn- . . . sädhy- . . . sayay- . . . säray- . . . savay- . . . sähay- . . . sicy- . . . . siñc- , , siñcay- . . . sidhy- . . . sidhy- . . . sidhy- . . . sin- . . . . sisaysisäy- . . . . sisic- . . . . sisidh- . . . sisidh- . . . sisiv- . . . . sisiv- . . . . . sisesisee- . . . . sised- . . . . sisedh- . . . sisedh- . . . sisev- . . . . sisev- . . . . sisnih- . . . sisne- . . . . sisneg- . . . sisneh- . . . sismiy- . . sisy- . . . . sisy- . . . . sisvid- . . .
412 413 416 383 383 383 384 382 384 384 388 384 384 385 392 390 383 386 386 386 387 388 388 385 385 385 386 387 388 389 395 385 386 387 387 388 389 395 402 402 402 402 407 385 385 415
Per Per Per Cit Fut Pas Fut Cau Cit Cau Cau Cit Pas Cau Cau Cau Cau Pas Cit Cau Pas Cit Pas Cit Per Per Per PeíPer Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per PeíPer Per Per Fut Per Per
sisved- . . . sldsidisy- . . . sly- . . . . . sivay- . . . sivy- . . . . slvy- . . . . sun-. . . . . supy- . . . . susav- . . . susäv- . . . susup- . . . susuv- . . . susüd- . . . susvap- . . susväp- . . susrav- . . susräv- . . susru- .. . susruv- . . susro- . . . Südsüday- . . . südisy- . . süy- . . . . . srj-......... srjy- . . . . . srjy. srpy- . . . . seksy- . . . secay- . . . setsy- . . . . setsy- . . . . sedsedh- . . . . sedhay- . . sedhay- . . sedhisy- . . sev- . . . . sevay- . . . sevay- . . . sevisy- . . . sevisy- . . . sevy- . . . . seh- . . . . sosy- . . . .
415 382 382 385 389 389 389 390 414 390 390 414 390 391 414 414 410 410 410 410 410 391 391 391 390 393 393 393 394 386 386 387 388 382 387 387 388 387 395 389 395 389 395 395 383 390
Per Cit Fut Pas Cau Cit Pas Cit Pas Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Cit Cau Fut Pas Cit Cit Pas Pas Fut Cau Fut Fut Per Cit Cau Cau Fut Cit Cau Cau Fut Fut Pas Per Fut
skady- . . . skantsy- . . skand- . . . skanday- . skandy- . . stabhn- . . stabhy- . . stambh- . . stambhaystambhisystarisy- . . stary- . . . . stavstäray- . . . stävay- . . stlrys tu -......... stüy- . . . . strnstrnstosy- . . . stau- . . . . striysthäpay- . sthäsy- . . . sthly- . . . . sn ä-......... snäpay- . . snäysriäsy- . . . snihy- . . . snihy- . . . sneksy- . . snehay- . . snehisy- . . sparksy- . spardh- . . spardhayspardhisyspardhy- . sparáay- . . sprs- . . . . spráy- . . . sprhay- . . sprhayisysprhy- . . .
396 396 396 396 396 397 397 397 397 397 399 399 398 399 398 399 398 398 399 399 398 398 399 400 400 400 401 401 401 401 402 402 402 402 402 404 403 403 403 403 404 404 404 405 405 405
Pas Fut Cit Cau Pas Cit Pas Cit Cau Fut Fut Pas Cit Cau Cau Pas Cit Pas Cit Cit Fut Cit Pas Cau Fut Pas Cit Cau Pas Fut Cit Pas Fut Cau Fut Fut Cit Cau Fut Pas Cau Cit Pas Cit Fut Pas
spraksysphur- . . sphurisysphoraysmay- . . smar- . . . smaray- . smarisysmary- . . smäyaysmäray- . smly- . . . smesy- . . syantsy- . syand- . . syandaysyandisysyandy- . sraksy- . srapsy- . srav- . . . sravay- . srävay- . sriy- . . . srosy- . . svanksysvaj- . . . svajisy- . svajy- . . svañjay- . svad- . . . svaday- . svan- . . . svanay- . svanisy- . svap- . . . svapay- . svapsy- . svar- . . . svaray- . svarisy- . sväd- . . . sväday- . svänay- . svapay- . svaray- .
404 406 406 406 407 408 408 408 408 407 408 407 407 409 409 409 409 409 393 394 410 410 410 392 410 411 411 411 411 411 412 412 413 413 413 414 414 414 416 416 416 412 412 413 414 416
Fut Cit Fut Cau Cit Cit Cau Fut Pas Cau Cau Pas Fut Fut Cit Cau Fut Pas Fut Fut Cit Cau Cau Pas Fut Fut Cit Fut Pas Cau Cit Cau Cit Cau Fut Cit Cau Fut Cit Cau Fut Cit Cau Cau Cau Cau
svidy- . . . 415 svidy- . . . 415 svetsy- . . . 415 sved- . . . . 415 sveday- . . 415 h a-......... 417 ham- . . . . 417 hamsy- . . 417 han417 hanisy- . . 417 hany- . . . . 417 har- . . . . 425 harisy- . . . 425 hary- . . . . 418 harsay- . . 426 harsisy- . . 426 has- . . . . 419 hasisy- . . . 419 hasy- . . . . 419 häpay- . . . 420 häpay- . . . 421 häy-. . . . 421 häyay- . . . 422 häray- . . . 425 hävay- . . . 424 häsay- . . . 419 häsy- . . . . 420 hasy- . . . . 421 hims- . . . . 423 hirrtsay- . . 423 himsisy- . 423 himsy- . . . 423 hin- . . . . 422 hin- . . . . 423 hinas- . . . 423 hly- . . . . 420 hly- . . . . 422 hüy- . . . . 424 hüy- . . . . 432 hrsy- .. . . 426 hrsy- . . . . 426 hesy- . . . . 422 hosy- . . . . 424 hras- . . . . 427 hrasisy- . . 427 hräd- . . . . 428
Cit Pas Fut Cit Cau Cit Cit Fut Cit Fut Pas Cit Fut Cit Cau Fut Cit Fut Pas Cau Cau Pas Cau Cau Cau Cau Fut Fut Cit Cau Fut Pas Cit Cit Cit Pas Pas Pas Pas Cit Pas Fut Fut Cit Fut Cit
hrädayhrädisyhräsayhriy- . . hrly- . . hrepayhresy- . hläd- . . hlädayhlädisyhvay- . . hvayisyhvar- . . hvarisyhvary- . hväyayhvärayhväsy- .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
428 428 427 425 429 429 429 430 430 430 432 432 431 431 431 432 431 432
Cau Fut Cau Pas Pas Cau Fut Cit Cau Fut Cit Fut Cit Fut Pas Cau Cau Fut
-a -a -a
......... ......... ......... .........
16 [8] 16 [9] 16 [10] 16 [8] 16 [9] ......... 16 [10] 16 [11] ......... 16 [11] 16 [1] .... .... 19 [1] .... 19 [1] -a . . . . . 19 [1] - a . . . . . 19 [8] -a . . . . . 19 [8] -a . . . . . 19 [8] -a . 19 [11] -a h . . . . . 16 [1] -ah . . . . . 16 [3] -ah . . . . . 22 [1] -at ...... . 16 [1] -a t . . . . . 16 [3] -a t . . . . . 22 [1] -a ta . . . . 16 [1] -a ta . . . . 16 [1] -a ta . . . . 16 [1] -a ta -a ta
. . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .
-ata . -ata , -ata . -ata . -atah -atam -a tarn -atam -atam -atäm -atäm -atäm -atäm -atam -atäm •atäm -ati .
. . . . . . . . .
... ... . . . .
. . . . . . . . ,.
. ... ... . . . . . . . . .
... ...
16 [5] 16 [8] 16 [9] 16 [11] 22 [1] 22 [1] 16 [1] 16 [1] 16 [1] 22 [1] 16 [1] 16 [1] 16 [1] 16 [5] 16 [8] 16 [9] 16 [11] 22 [1] 16 [1]
Imf Imf Imf Imf Imf Imf Imf Imf Imv Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Im f Im f A or Im f im f A or Imv Im f Im f Im f Im f Im f Im f A or A or Ind Imv Im f A or Im v Im f Im v Im v Imv Imv Imv A or Ind
Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act A ct A ct Act A ct Act A ct A ct A ct A ct A ct A ct A ct M id M id M id M id M id A ct Mid Act Act Act A ct A ct Act M id M id M id M id M id Act A ct
3 sg 3 sg 3 sg 2 sg 2 sg 2 sg 3 sg 2 sg 2 sg 3 sg 2 pl
-atu . . . . -atuh . . . -atuh . . . -atuh . . . -ate . . . . -ate . . . . -ate . . . . -ate . . . . -ate . . . . -ate . . . . -atha . . .
1 sg 3 sg 2pl
-athah . . 16 [1] -athah . . 16 [1] -athah . . 22 [1] -athu h . . 19 [1] -athu h . . 19 [8] -athu h . . 19 [11] -ad hvam 16 [1] -ad hvam 16 [1] -ad hvam 22 [1] -ad hve . . 16 [1] - a n ......... 16 [1] - a n ......... 16 [3] - a n ......... 16 [5] - a n ........... 16 [8] - a n ........... 16 [9] -an . . . . . 16 [10] - a n ........... 16 [11] - a n ........... 22 [1] -anta . . . 16 [1] -anta . . . 22 [1] -antäm . . 16 [1] -anti . . . 16 [1] -anti . . . 16 [3] -anti . . . 16 [5] -anti . . . 16 [8] -anti . . . 16 [9] -anti . . . 16 [10] -anti . . . 16 [11] -antu . . . 16 [1] -an tu . . . 16 [3] -an tu . . . 16 [5] -antu . . . 16 [8] -an tu . . . 16 [9]
1 sg 2 pl
2 sg 2 sg 2 sg 3 3 3 2
sg sg sg p!
2 3 3 3 3 3
pl sg pl p] pl pl
2 pl 3 sg 3d u 2 du 2 du 2 du 3du 3d u 3 sg
3 pi 3 pl 3 pl
3 pl 3d u 3 sg
16 [1] 19 [1] 19 [11] 19 [8] 16 [1] 16 [5] 16 [8] 16 [9] 16 [11] 19 [И] 16 [1]
Imv Per Per Per Ind Ind Ind Ind Ind Per Ind ind Im f A or Per Per Per Im v Im f A or ind Im f Im f Im f Im f Im f Im f Im f A or Im f A or Im v Ind Ind Ind Ind Ind Ind Ind im v Im v Im v Im v
Act Act Act Act Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Act A ct M id M id A ct A ct A ct M id M id M id M id A ct A ct A ct A ct A ct A ct Act A ct M id M id M id A ct A ct A ct A ct A ct A ct A ct A ct A ct Act Act A ct
3 sg 3du 3du 3 du 3 sg 3 pl 3 pl 3 pl 3 pl 3du 2 pl 2 du 2 sg 2 sg 2 du 2 du 2 du 2 pl 2 pl 2 pi 2 pl
3 pl 3 pl
3 pl 3 pl
3 3 3 3
pl pl pl pl
3 pl 3 pl 3 pl
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
pl pl pl pl pl pl pl pl pi pl pl pl
-antu . . . -antu . . . -ante . . . -am . . . . -am . . . . -am . . . . -am . . . . -am . . . . -am . . . . -am . . . . -avam . . -avam . . -aväni . . -aväni . . -aväni . . -aväma . -aväma . -aväma . -avämahai -avämahai -avämahai -aväva . . -aväva . . -aväva . . -avävahai -avävahai -avävahai -avih . . . -avit . . . -avlti . . . -avitu . . -avimi . . -avlsi . . . -avuh . . -avai . . . -avai . . . -avai . . . -asi . . . . -ase . . . . -asva . . . -äh......... -äh . . . . . -äh . . . . . -äni . . . . -ät . . . . . -ät . . . . .
16 [10] 16 [11] 16 [1] 16 [1] 16 [3] 16 [8] 16 [9] 16 [10] i6 [ui 22 [1] 16 [6] 16 [7] 16 [4] 16 [6] 16 [7] 16 [4] 16 [6| 16 [7] 16 [4] 16 [6] 16 [7] 16 [4] 16 [6] 16 [7] 16 [4] 16 [6] 16 [7] 16 [4] 16 [4] 16 [4] 16 [4] 16 Í4] 16 [4] 16 [7] 16 [4] 16 [6] 16 [71 16 m 16 [i] 16 [i] 16 [2] 16 [5] 22 [7] 16 [9] 16 [2] 16 [5]
Imv Imv Ind Imf Imf Imf Imf Imf Imf Aor Imf Imf Imv Imv Imv Imv Imv Imv Imv Imv Imv Imv Imv Imv Imv Imv Imv Imf Imf Ind Imv Ind Ind Imf Imv Imv Imv Ind Ind Imv Imf Imf Aor Imv Imf Imf
Act Act Mid Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Mid Mid Mid ActAct Act Mid Mid Mid Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Mid Mid Mid Act Mid Mid Act Act Act Act Act Act
3 pl 3 pl 3 pl 1 sg 1 sg 1 sg 1 sg 1 sg 1 sg 1 sg 1 Sg 1 sg 1 Sg 1 Sg 1 Sg 1 pl 1 pl 1 pl 1 pl 1 pl 1 pl 1 du 1 du 1 du 1 du 1 du 1 du 2 sg 3 Sg 3 sg 3 sg 1 sg 2 sg 3 pl 1 sg 1 sg 1 sg 2 sg 2 sg 2 Sg 2 Sg 2 sg 2 sg
1 Sg 3 3
Sg Sg
- ä t ___ -äta . . . -äta . . . -äta . . . -ätah . . -ätam . . -ätam . . -ätam . . -atäm . . -ätäm . . -ätäm . . -ätäm . . -ätäm . . -ätäm . . -ätäm . . -ätäm . . -ätäm . . -ätäm . . -ätäm . . -äti . . . -äti , . . -atu . . . -ätu , . . -äte . . . -äte . . . -äte . . . -äte . . . -äte . . . -äte . . . -ätha . . -ätha . . -äthah . -äthäm . -ätham .
-äthäm . -äthäm . -äthäm . -äthäm . -äthäm . -äthäm . -äthe . . -äthe . . -äthe . -äthe . . -äthe . . -äthe . .
22 [7] 16 [2] 16 [2] 22 [7] 16 [2] 16 [2] 16 [2] 22 [7] 16 [2] 16 [2] 16 [5] 16 [5] 16 [8] 16 [9] 16 [8] 16 [9] 16 [11] 16 [11] 22 [7] 16 [2] 16 [5] 16 [2] 16 [5] 16 [5] 16 [8] 16 [9] 16 [11] 19 [1] 19 [8] 16 [2] 19 [11] 16 [2] 16 [5] 16 [5] 16 [8] 16 [9] 16 [8] 16 [9] 16 [11] 16 [11] 16 [5] 16 [8] 16 [9] 16 [11] 19 [1] 19 [8]
Aor Imv Imf Aor Ind Imv Imf Aor Imv Imf Imv Imf Imv Imv Imf Imf Imv Imf Aor Ind Ind Imv Imv Ind Ind Ind Ind Per Per Ind Per Ind Imv Imf Imv Imv Imf Imf Imv Imf Ind Ind Ind Ind Per Per
Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Act Act Act Act Act Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Act Act Act Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid
3 sg 2 pl 2 pl 2 pl 3du 2 du 2 du 2 du 3du 3du 3du 3du 3du 3du 3du 3du 3du 3du 3du 3 sg 3 sg 3 sg 3 sg 3du 3du 3du 3du 3du 3du 2 Pi 2 sg 2 du 2 du 2 du 2du 2 du 2 du. 2 du 2 du 2 du 2du 2 du 2 du 2 du 2. du 2 du
-äthe . . -än . . . . -äna . . . -äni . . . -äni . . . -äni . . . -äni . . . -äni . . . -äni . . . -äni . . . -änti . . -äntu . . -am . . . -äm . . . -am . . . -äma . . -äma . . -äma . . -äma . . -äma . . -äma . . -äma . . -äma . . -äma . . -äma . . -äma . . -äma . . -ämah . -ämah . -ämahi . -ämahi . -ämahe -ämahai -ämahai -ämahai -ämahai -ämahai -ämi . . -ämi . . -ämi . . -äyäh . . -äyät . -äyäta . -äyätam -äyätäm -äyäm .
19 [11] 16 [2] 16 [5] 16 [1] 16 [2] 16 [3] 16 [5] 16 [8] 16 [10] 16 [11] 16 [2] 16 [2] 16 [2] 16 [5] 22 [7] 16 [1] 16 [1] 16 [2] 16 [21 16 [3] 16 [5] 16 [8] 16 [9] 16 [10] 16 [11] 22 [1] 22 [7] 16 [1] 16 [2] 16 [1] 22 [1] 16 [1] 16 [1] 16 [5] 16 [9] 16 [8] 16 [11] 16 [1] 16 [2] 16 [5] 16 [2] 16 [2] 16 [2] 16 [2] 16 [2] 16 [2]
Per Mid 2 du Imf Act 3 pl Imv Act 2 sg Imv Act 1 sg Imv Act 1 sg Imv Act 1 sg Imv Act 1 sg Imv Act 1 sg Imv Act 1 sg Imv Act 1 sg Ind Act 3 pl Imv Act 3 pl Imf Act 1 sg Imf Act 1 sg Aor Act 1 sg Imv Act 1 pl Imf Act 1 pl Imv Act 1 pl Imf Act 1 pl Imv Act 1 pl Imv Act 1 pl Imv Act 1 pl Imv Act 1 pl Imv Act 1 pl Imv Act 1 pi Aor Act 1 p! Aor Act 1 pl Ind Act 1 pl Ind Act 1 P1 Imf Mid 1 pl Aor Mid 1 pl Ind Mid 1 pl Imv Mid 1 pi Imv Mid 1 pl Imv Mid 1 pl Imv Mid 1 pi Imv Mid 1 pl Ind Act 1 sg Ind Act 1 sg Ind Act 1 sg Opt Act 2 sg Opt Act 3 sg Opt Act 2 pl Opt Act 2 du Opt Act 3du Opt Act 1 sg
-äyäma -äyäva . -äyuh . . -äva . . . -äva . . . -äva . . . -äva . . . -äva . . . -äva . . . -äva . . . -äva . . . -äva . . . -äva . . . -äva . . . -äva . . . -ävah . . -ävah . . -ävam . -ävahi . -ävahi . -ävahe . -ävahai -ävahai -ävahai -ävahai -ävahai -äsi . . . -äsi . . . -ähi . . . - i ......... - i ......... - i ......... - i ......... -idhvam -idhvam -ita -ita . . . . -ita -itah . . . -itam . . . -itam . . . -itäm . . . -itäm . . . - i t i ......... -itu -itha . . .
16 [2] 16 [2] 16 [2] 16 [1] 16 [1] 16 [2] 16 [2] 16 [3] 16 [5] 16 [8] 16 [9] 16 [10] 16 [11] 22 [1] 22 [7] 16 [1] 16 [2] 16 [4] 16 [1] 22 [1] 16 [1] 16 [1] 16 [5] 16 [8] 16 [9] 16 [11] 16 [2] 16 [5] 16 [2] 16 [5] 16 [8] 16 [9] 16 [11] 22 [6] 22 [7] 16 [3] 16 [3] 22 [7] 16 [3] 16 [3] 16 [3] 16 [3] 16 [3] 16 [3] 16 [3] 16 •[3]
Opt Act Opt Act Opt Act Imv Act Imf Act Imv Act Imf Act Imv Act Imv Act Imv Act Imv Act Imv Act Imv Act Aor Act Aor Act Ind Act Ind Act Imf Act Imf Mid Aor Mid Ind Mid Imv Mid Imv Mid Imv Mid Imv Mid Imv Mid Ind Act Ind Act Imv Act Imf Mid Imf Mid Imf Mid Imf Mid Aor Mid Aor Mid Imv Act Imf Act Aor Mid Ind Act Imv Act Imf Act Imv Act Imf Act Ind Act Imv Act Ind Act
1 pl ldu 3 pl lau ldu ldu ldu ldu ldu Idu ldu ldu ldu ldu 1 du 1 du 1 du 1 sg ldu ldu ldu Idu ldu ldu ldu ldu 2 sg 2 sg 2 sg 1 sg 1 sg 1 sg 1 sg 2 pl 2 pl 2 pl 2 pl 3 sg 3du 2 du 2 du 3du 3du 3 sg 3 sg 2 pl
itha . . . itha . . . ithah . . ithah . . idhve . . idhve . . ima . . . ima . . . ima . . . imah . . iinahe . . imahe . . imi . . . . ire . . . . ire . . . . ire . . . . iva . . . . iva . . . . iva . . . . ivah . . . ivahe . . ivahe . . isata . . . isata . . . isam . . . isam . . . isatäm . isätäm . isäthäm isäthäm is i......... is i......... is i......... isuh . . . isuh . . . ise . . . . ise . . . . ista . . . . ista . . . . ista . . . . istarn . . istarn . . istarn . . istam . . isthäh . . isma . . .
19 [1] 19 [11] 16 [3] 22 [7] 19 [1] 19 [11] 16 [3] 19 [1] 19 [11] 16 [3] 19 [1] 19 [11] 16 [3] 19 [1] 19 [8] 19 [11] 16 [3] 19 [1] 19 [11] 16 [3] 19 [1] 19 [11] 22 [6] 22 [7] 22 [5] 22 [6] 22 [6] 22 [7] 22 [6] 22 [7] 16 [3] 22 [6] 22 [7] 22 [5] 22 [6] 19 [1] 19 [11] 22 [5] 22 [6] 22 [6] 22 [5] 22 [6] 22 [5] 22 [6] 22 [6] 22 [5]
Per Per Ind Aor Per Per Imf Per Per Ind Per Per Ind Per Per Per Imf Per Per Ind Per Per Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Ind Aor Aor Aor Aor Per Per Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor
Act Act Act Mid Mid Mid Act Act Act Act Mid Mid Act Mid Mid Mid Act Act Act Act Mid Mid Mid Mid Act Act Mid Mid Mid Mid Act Mid Mid Act Act Mid Mid Act Act Mid Act Act Act Act Mid Act
2 sg 2 sg 2du 2 sg 2 pl 2 pl 1 Pl 1 pl 1 pl 1 Pl 1 Pl 1 pl 1 sg 3 pl 3 pl 3 pl 1du 1du 1du 1du 1du ldu 3 pl 3 pl 1 sg 1 sg 3du 3du 2du 2 du 2 sg 1 sg 1 sg 3 pl 3 pl 2 sg 2 sg 2 pl 2 pl 3 sg 2 du 2du 3du 3du 2 sg 1 Pl
-isma . . . -ismahi . -ismahi . -isva . . . -isva . . . -isvahi . . -isvahi . . -ihi ___ -I h ......... - I h ........ - I h ......... -It ........ -it ........ -It ......... -Ita . . . . -Ita . . . . -Ita . . . . -Ita . . . . -Ita . . . . -Ita . . . . -Ita . . . . -Itah . . . -Itam . . . -Itam . . . -Itäm . . . -Itam . . . -Itam . . . -ite . . . . -itha . . . -ithah . . -Ithah . . -Ithah . . -Ithah . . -Ithah . . -Ithah . . -Idhvam -Idhvam -Idhvam -Idhvam -Idhvam -Idhvam -Tdhve . . -Ima . . . -imah . . -Imahi . . -Imahi . .
22 [6] 22 [6] 22 [7] 22 [5] 22 [6] 22 [6] 22 [7] 16 [3] 16 [3] 22 [5] 22 [6] 16 [3] 22 [5] 22 [6] 16 [5] 16 [5] 16 [5] 16 [5] 16 [8] 16 [9] 16 [И] 16 [5] 16 [5] 16 [5] 16 [5] 16 [5] 16 [5] 16 [5] 16 [5] 16 [5] 16 [5] 16 [5] 16 [9] 16 [8] 16 [11] 16 [5] 16 [5] 16 [5] 16 [9] 16 [8] 16 [И] 16 [5] 16 [5] 16 [5] 16 [5] 16 [5]
Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Aor Imv Imf Aor Aor Imf Aor Aor Imv Imf Opt Imf Opt Opt Opt Ind Imv Imf Imv Imf Imv Ind Ind Ind Opt Imf Opt Opt Opt Opt Imv Imf Opt Opt Opt Ind Imf Ind Opt Imf
Act Mid Mid Act Act Mid Mid Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Act Act Act Act Act Mid Mid Act Act Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Act Act Mid Mid
1 Pl 1 pl 1 Pl 1 du Idu ldu ldu 2 sg 2 sg 2 sg 2 sg 3 sg 3 sg 3 sg 2 pl 2 pl 3 sg 3 sg 3 sg 3 sg 3 sg 3du 2 du 2.du 3du 3du 3 sg 3 sg 2 P1 2 du 2 sg 2 sg 2 sg 2 sg 2 sg 2 P1 2 pl 2 pl 2 pl 2 pl 2 pl 2 pl 1 pl 1 Р1 1 Pl 1 Pl
-Imahi . . -imahi . . -imahi . . -Tmahe . . -lya . . . . -lya . . . . -lya . . . . -iya . . . . -Tyäh . . .
-lyät . . . -Tyäta . . . -iyätam .
-lyätäm -lyätäm -lyätäm -lyätäm -lyätäm
. . . . .
-Tyäthäm -lyäthäm -Tyäthäm -Tyäthäm -Tyäm . . -Tyäma . . -lyäva . . -Tyuh . . . -Tran . . . -Tran . . . -Iran . . .
-Iran . . . -Iva . . . . -Ivah .....
-Ivahi . . -Ivahi . . -Ivahi . . -Ivahi . . -Ivahi . . -ivahe . . -Ise . . . . -Isva . . . -Ihi . . . .
-u ......... -uh -uh -uh
____ ____ ....
-uh ___ -uh
16 [9] 16 [8] 16 [11] 16 [5] 16 [5] 16 [8] 16 [9] 16 [11] 16 [5] 16 [5] 16 [5] 16 [5] 16 [5] 16 [5] 16 [8] 16 [9] 16 [11] 16 [5] 16 [81 16 [9] 16 [11] 16 [5] 16 [5] 16 [5] 16 [5] 16 [5] 16 [8] 16 [9] 16 [И] 16 [5] 16 [5] 16 [5] 16 [5] 16 [8] 16 [9] 16 [11] 16 [5] 16 [5] 16 [5] 16 [5] 16 [6] 16 [2] 19 [1] 19 [8] 19 [11] 22 [7]
Opt Opt Opt Ind Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Imf Ind Opt Imf Opt Opt Opt Ind ind
Imv Imv Imv Imf Per Per Per Aor
Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Act Act Act Act Act Mid Mid
1 Pl 1 Pl 1 Pl 1 pl 1 sg 1 sg 1 sg 1 sg 2 sg 3 sg 2 pi 2 du 3du 3du 3du
Mid 3du
Mid 3du Mid 2 du Mid 2 du Mid 2 du Mid 2 du Act 1 sg Act 1 pl Act ldu Act 3 pl Mid 3 pi Mid 3 pl Mid 3 pi Mid 3 pl Act 1 du Act 1 du Mid 1 da Mid l d u Mid 1du Mid I du Mid 1 du Mid 1 du Mid 2 sg Mid 2 sg Act 2 sg Act 2 sg Act 3 pl Act 3 pl Act 3 pl Act 3 pl Act 3 pl
-uta . . . . -uta . . . . -uta . . . . -uta . . . . -uta . . . . -uta . . . . -uta . . . . -uta . . . . -uta . . . . -utah . . . -utah . . . -utah . . . -utam . . -utam . . -utam . . -utam . . -utam . . -utam . . -utäm . . -utäm . . -utäm . . -utam . . -utäm . . -utäm . . -utam . . -utäm , . -utäm . . -ute ...... -ute . . . . -ute . . . . -utha . . , -utha . . . -utha . . . -uthah . . -uthah . . -uthah . . -uthäh . . -uthäh . . -uthäh . . -udhi . . . -udhvam -udhvam -udhvam -udhvam -udhvam -udhvam
16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16
[4] [4] [4] [6] [6] [6] [7] [7] [7] [4] [6] [7] [4] [4] [6] [6] [7] [7] [4] [4] [4] [6] [6] [6] [7] [7] [7] [4] [6] [7] [4] [6] [7] [4] [6] [7] [4] [6] [7] [7] [4] [4] [6] [6] Í7] [7]
Imv Imf Imf Imv Imf Imf Imv Imf Imf Ind Ind Ind Imv Imf Imv Imf Imv Imf Imv imf Imv Imv Imf Imv Imv Imf Imv Ind Ind Ind Ind Ind Ind Ind Ind Ind Imf Imf Imf Imv Imv Imf Imv Imf Imv imf
Act Act Mid Act Act Mid Act Act Mid Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Mid Act Act Mid Act Act Mid Mid Mid Mid ActAct Act Act Act Act Mid Mid Mid Act Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid
2 pl 2 pl 3 sg 2 pl 2 pl 3 sg 2 pl 2 pl 3 sg 3du 3du 3du 2 du 2.du 2 du 2du 2du 2 du 3du 3du 3 sg 3du 3du 3 sg 3du 3du 3 sg 3 sg 3 sg 3 sg 2 pl 2 pl 2 pl 2du 2 du 2 du 2 sg 2 sg 2 sg 2 sg 2 pl 2 pl 2 pl 2 pl 2 pl 2 pi
udhve udhve . udhve . unoh . . uma . . . uma . . . uma . . . umah ■■ umah . . umah . . umahi . umahi umahi . umahe . umahe . umahe . -uyah . . . -uyah . . . -uyäh . . . -uyät . . . uyät . . . uyät . . . uyäta . . uyäta . . -uyata . . -uyätam . -uyatam . -uyätam . -uyatam . -uyätäm . -uyatam . -uyam . . -uyam . . -uyäm . . -uyama . -uyama . -uyama . -uyäva . . -uyäva . . -uyäva . . -uyuh . . -uyuh . . -uyuh . . -uva . . . -uva . . . -uva . . .
16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16
[4] [6] [7] [6] [4] [6] [7] [4] [6] [7] [4] [6] [7] [4] [6] [7] [4] [6] [7] [4] [6] [7] [4] [6] [7] [4] [6] [7] [4] [6] [7] [4] [6] [7] [4] [6] [7] [4] [6] [7] [4] [6] [7] [4] [6] [7]
Ind Ind Ind Imf Imf Imf Imf Ind Ind Ind Imf Imf imf Ind Ind Ind Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Imf Imf Imf
Mid Mid Mid Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act
2 pi 2 pi 2 Pi 2 sg 1 pl 1 pl 1 pl 1 pl 1 pl 1 pl 1 pl 1 pl 1 pl 1 pl 1 pl 1 pl 2 sg 2 sg 2 sg 3 sg 3 sg 3 sg 2 pl 2 Pl 2 pl 2du 2du 2du 3du 3du 3du 1 sg 1 sg 1 sg 1 pl 1 pl 1 pl 1 du 1 du 1 du 3 pl 3 pl 3 pl 1du ldu ldu
-uvah . . 16 -uvah . . 16 -uvah . . 16 -uvata . . 16 -uvatäm . 16 -uvate . . 16 -uvan . . 16 -uvanti . 16 -uvantu . 16 -uvahi . . 16 -uvahi . . 16 -uvahi . . 16 -uvahe . . 16 -uvahe . . 16 -uvahe . . 16 -uvatam . 16 -uvatam . 16 -uväte . . 16 -uväthäm 16 -uväthäm 16 -uva the . 16 -uvi . . . . 16 -uvita . . 16 -uvlthah 16 -uvldhvam 16 -uvlmahi 16 -uvlya . . 16 -uvlyatam 16 -uviyathäm 16 -uvlran . 16 -uvlvahi 16 -uve . . . . 16 -use . . . . 16 -use . . . . 16 -use . . . . 16 -usva . .. 16 -usva . . . 16 -usva . . . 16 -uhi . . . . - uh i . . . .
- e ........... - e ........... - e ........... - e ........... - e ........... - e ...........
16 16 16 16 16 16 16
[4] [6] [7] [4] [4] [4] [4] [4] [41 [4] [6] [7] [4]
r'V 1/IJ
[4] [4] [4] [4] [4] [4] [4] [4] [4] [4] [4] [4] [4] [4] [4] [4] [4] [41 [6] [7] [4] [6] [7] [4] [6] [1]
[1] [5] [8] [9]
16 11]
Ind Ind Ind Imf Imv Ind Imf Ind Imv Imf Imf Imf Ind Ind Ind Imv imf ind Imv Imf Ind Imf Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Ind Ind Ind Ind Imv Imv Imv Imv Imv Ind Imf Ind Ind Ind Ind
Act Act Act Mid Mid Mid Act Act Act Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Act Act Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid
ldu ldu ldu 3 pl 3 pl 3 pl 3 pl 3 pi 3 pl 1 du ldu ldu 1 du ldu ldu 3du 3du 3du 2 du 2 du 2du 1 sg 3 sg 2 sg 2 pl 1 pl 1 sg 3du 2du 3 pl 1 du 1 sg 2 sg 2 sg 2 sg 2 sg 2 sg 2 sg 2 sg 2 sg 1 sg 1 sg 1 sg 1 sg 1 sg 1 sg
- e ........... - e ........... - e ........... - e ........... - e ........... - e ........... -e . . . . . . -e h ......... - e t ......... -eta . . . . -eta . . . . -etam . . . -etäm . . . -etäm . . . -etäm . . . -etäm . . . -ete . . . . -etham . . -ethäh . . -ethäm . . -ethäm . . -ethe . . . -edhvam -ema . . . -emahi . . -eya . . . . -eyam . . -eyätäm . -eyäthäm -eyuh . . . -eran . . . -eva . . . . -evahi . . - a i ......... - a i ......... - a i ......... - a i ......... - a i ......... -oh . . . . - o t ......... - o t ......... -oti . . . . -oti . . . . -otu . . . . -otu . . . . -omi . . .
19 [1] 19 [1] 19 [8] 19 [8] 19 [П] 19 [11] 22 [1] 16 [1] 16 [1] 16 [1] 16 [1] 16 [1] 16 [1] 16 [1] 16 [1] 22 [1] 16 [1] 16 [1] 16 [1] 16 [1] 22 [1] 16 [1] 16 [1] 16 [1] 16 [1] 16 [1] 16 [1] 16 [1] 16 [1] 16 [1] 16 [1] 16 [1] 16 [1] 16 [1] 16 [5] 16 [8] 16 [9] 16 [11] 16 [7] 16 [6] 16 [7] 16 [6] 16 [7] 16 [6] 16 [7] 16 [6]
Per Per Per Per Per Per Aor Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Imv Imf Aor Ind Imv Opt Imf Aor Ind Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Imv Imv Imv Imv Imv Imf Imf Imf Ind Ind Imv Imv Ind
Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid. Act Act Act Mid Act Act Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Act Mid Mid Act Mid Mid Act Mid Act Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act
3 sg 1 sg 3 sg 1 sg 3 sg 1 sg 1 sg 2 sg 3 sg 2 pi 3 sg 2 du 3du 3du 3du 3du 3du 2du 2 sg 2du 2 du 2du 2 pl 1 pl 1 Pl 1 sg 1 sg 3du 2du 3 pl 3 pl 1du 1du 1 sg 1 sg 1 sg 1 sg 1 sg 2 sg 3 sg 3 sg 3 sg 3 sg 3 sg 3 sg 1 sg
-omi . . -osi . . . -osi . . . -au . . . -au . . . -auh . . -aut . . . -auti . . -autu . . -aumi . -ausi . . -ta . . . . -la . . . . -ta . . . . -ta . . . . -ta . . . . -tah . . . -tah . . . -tarn . . -tam . . -tarn . . -tam . . -täm . . -tam . . -täm . . -täm . . -täm . . -ti . . . . -ti . . . . -tu . . . . -tu . . . . -te . . . . -tha . . . -tha . . . -thah . . -thah . . -thäh . . -dhi . . . -dhi . . . -dhvam -dhvam -dhvam -dhve . . -dhve . . -ta . . . . -ta . . . .
16 [7] 16 [6] 16 [7] 19 [11] 19 [И] 16 [4] 16 [4] 16 [4] 16 [4] 16 [4] 16 [4] 16 [9] 16 [10] 16 [9] 16 [10] 16 [9] 16 [9] 16 [10] 16 [9] 16 [10] 16 [9] 16 [10] 16 [9] 16 [10] 16 [9] 16 [10] 16 [9] 16 [9] 16 [10] 16 [9] 16 [10] 16 [9] 16 [9] 16 [10] 16 [9] 16 [10] 16 [9] 16 [9] 16 [10] 16 [9] 16 [9] 22 [3] 16 [9] 19 [8] 16 [8] 16 [8]
Ind Ind Ind Per Per Imf Imf Ind Imv Ind Ind Imv Imv Imf Imf Imf Ind Ind Imv Imv Imf Imf Imv Imv Imf Imf Imv Ind Ind Imv Imv Ind Ind Ind Ind Ind Imf Imv Imv Imv Imf Aor Ind Per Imv Imf
Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Mid Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Mid Act Act Act Act Mid Act Act Act Act Mid Act Act Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Act Act
1 sg 2 sg 2 sg 3 sg 1 sg 2 sg 3 sg 3 sg 3 sg 1 sg 2 sg 2 pl 2 P1 2 pl 2 pl 3 sg 3du 3du 2 du 2du 2 du 2 du 3du 3du 3du 3du 3 sg 3 sg 3 sg 3 sg 3 sg 3 sg 2 pl 2 Pl 2 du 2 du 2 sg 2 sg 2 sg 2 pl 2 pl 2 Pl 2 pl 2 pl 2 pl 2 pl
-ta . . . . -ta . . . . -ta . . . . -tah . . . -tam . . -tarn . . -tam . . -täm . . -täm . . -täm . . -täm . . -ti . . . . -tu . . . . -te . . . . -tha . . . -tha . . . -thah . . -thäh . . -thäh . . -dha . . -dha . . -dha . . -dha . . -dhah . -dhah . -dham . -dham . -dhäh . -dhäm . -dhäm . -dhäm . -dhi . . . -dhi . . . -dhi . . . -dhu . . -dhe . . -dhvam -dhvam -dhvam -dhvam -dhvam -dhve . . -dhve . . -ma . . . -ma . . . -ma . . .
16 [8] 22 [4] 22 [4] 16 [8] 16 [8] 16 [8] 22 [4] 16 [8] 16 [8] 16 [8] 22 [4] 16 [8] 16 [8] 16 [8] 16 [8] 19 [8] 16 [8] 16 [8] 22 [4] 16 [11] 16 [11] 16 [11] 16 [11] 16 [11] 16 [11] 16 [11] 16 [11] 16 [11] 16 [11] 16 [11] 16 [11] 16 [8] 16 [11] 16 [11] 16 [11] 16 [11] 16 [8] 16 [8] 16 [11] 16 [11] 22 [4] 16 [8] 16 [11] 16 [6] 16 [8] 16 [9]
Imf Mid Aor Act Aor Mid Ind Act Imv Act Imf Act Aor Act Imv Act Imf Act Imv Mid Aor Act Ind Act Imv Act Ind Mid Ind Act Per Act Ind Act Imf Mid Aor Mid Ind Act Imv Act Imf Act Imf Mid Ind Act Ind Act Imv Act Imf Act Imf Mid Imv Act Imf Act Imv Mid Imv Act Ind Act Imv Act Imv Act Ind Mid Imv Mid Imf Mid Imv Mid Imf Mid Aor Mid Ind Mid Ind Mid Imf Act Imf Act Imf Act
3 sg 2 pl 3 sg 3du 2du 2 du 2 du 3du 3du 3 sg 3du 3 sg 3 sg 3 sg 2 pl 2 sg 2du 2 sg 2 sg 2 pl 2 pl 2 pl 3 sg 3du 2du 2du 2 du 2 sg 3du 3du 3 sg 2 sg 3 sg 2 sg 3 sg 3 sg 2 pi 2 pl 2 pl 2 pl 2 pl 2 pl 2 pl 1 pl 1 pl 1 pl
-ma . . . -ma . . . -ma . . . -mah . . -mah . . -mah . . -mah . . -mah . . -mahi -mahi . -mahi . -mahi . -mahe . -mahe . -mahe . -mahe . -mahe . -mi . . . -mi . . . -mi . . . -mi . . . -yäh . . . -yäh . . . -yäh . . . -yäh . . . -yäh . . . -yät . . . -yät . . . -yät . . . -yät . . . -yät . . . -yäta . . -yäta . . -yäta . . -yäta . . -yäta . . -yätam . -yätam . -yätam . -yätam . -yätam . -yätäm . -yätäm . -yätäm . -yätäm . -yätäm .
16 [10] 16 [11] 19 [8] 16 [6] 16 [8] 16 [9] 16 [10] 16 [11] 16 [6] 16 [9] 16 [8] 16 [11] 16 [6] ■16 [8] 16 [9] 16 [11] 19 [8] 16 [8] 16 [9] 16 [10] 16 [11] 16 [3] 16 [8] 16 [9] 16 [10] 16 [11] 16 [3] 16 [8] 16 [9] 16 [10] 16 [11] 16 [3] 16 [8] 16 [9] 16 [10] 16 [11] 16 [3] 16 [8] 16 [9] 16 [10] 16 [11] 16 [3] 16 [8] 16 [9] 16 [10] 16 [11]
Imf Imf Per Ind Ind Ind Ind Ind Imf Imf Imf Imf Ind Ind Ind Ind Per Ind Ind Ind Ind Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt
Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act Act
1 pl 1 pl 1 pl 1 pl 1 pl 1 pi 1 pl 1 Pl 1 pl 1 pl 1 pl 1 pl 1 Pl 1 pl 1 Pl 1 pl 1 pl 1 sg 1 sg 1 sg 1 sg 2 sg 2 sg 2 sg 2 sg 2 sg 3 sg 3 sg 3 sg 3 sg 3 sg 2 pl 2 pl 2 pl 2 pl 2 pl 2 du 2 du 2 du 2 du 2 du 3du 3du 3du 3du 3du
-yam . . -yäm . . -yäm . . -yäm . . -yäm . . -yäma . -yäma . -yäma . -yäma . -yäma . -yäva . . -yäva . . -yäva . . -yäva . . -yäva . . -yuh . . -yuh . . -yuh . . -yuh . . -yuh . . -va . . . . -va . . . . -va . . . . -va . . . . -va . . . . -va . . . . -vah . . . -vah . . . -vah . . . -vah . . . -vah . . . -vata . . -vata . . -vatäm . -vatäm . -vati . . -vatu . . -vate . . -vate . . -van . . . -vanti . -vantu . -vahi . . -vahi . . -vahi . . -vahi . .
16 [3] Opt Act 1 sg 16 [8] Opt Act 1 sg 16 [9] Opt Act 1 sg 16 [10] Opt Act 1 sg 16 [И] Opt Act 1 sg 16 [3] Opt Act 1 pl 16 [8] Opt Act 1 pl 16 [9] Opt Act 1 Pl 16 [10] Opt Act 1 pl 16 [11] Opt Act 1 pl 16 [3] Opt Act ldu 16 [8] Opt Act ldu 16 [9] Opt Act 1 du 16 [10] Opt Act ldu 16 [11] Opt Act ldu 16 [3] Opt Act 3 pl 16 [8] Opt Act 3 pl 16 [9] Opt Act 3 pl 16 [10] Opt Act 3 pl 16 [11] Opt Act 3 pl 16 [6] Imf Act ldu 16 [8] Imf Act 1 du 16 [9] Imf Act ldu 16 [10] Imf Act ldu 16 [И] Imf Act 1 du 19 [8] Per Act ldu 16 [6] Ind Act ldu 16 !8] Ind Act ldu 16 [9] Ind Act ldu 16 [10] Ind Act 1 du 16 [П] Ind Act ldu 16 [6] Imf Mid 3 pl 16 [7] Imf Mid 3 pl 16 [6] Imv Mid 3 pl 16 [7] Imv Mid 3 pl 16 [7] Ind Act 3 pl 16 [7] Imv Act 3 pl 16 [6] Ind Mid 3 pl 16 [7] Ind Mid 3 pl 16 [6] Imf Act 3 pi 16 [6] Ind Act 3 pl 16 [6] Imv Act 3 pl 16 [6] Imf Mid 1 du 16 [8] Imf Mid ldu 16 [9] Imf Mid ldu 16 [11] Imf Mid 1 du
-vahe . . . -vahe . . . -vahe . . . -vahe . . . -vahe . . . -vätäm . . -vä täm . . -vätäm . . -vätäm . . -väte . . . -väte . . . -väthäm . -väthäm . -väthäm . -väthäm . -väthe . . -väthe . . - v i ......... - v i ......... -vita . . . -vita . . . -vlthäh . -vlthäh . -vidhvam -vTdhvam -vimahi . -vTmahi . -vlya . . . -vlya . . . -vlyätäm -vlyätäm -vlyäthäm -vlyäthäm -viran . . -viran . . -vlvahi . -vlvahi . -v e ......... -v e......... -sah . . . . -sat . . . . -sata . . . -sata . . . -satam . . -satäm . . -sathäh .
16 [6] Ind Mid ldu 16 [8] Ind Mid ldu 16 [9] Ind Mid ldu 16 [11] Ind Mid 1 du 19 [8] Per Mid ldu 16 [6] Imv Mid 3du 16 [6] Imf Mid 3du 16 [7] Imv Mid 3du 16 [7] Imf Mid 3du 16 [6] Ind Mid 3du 16 [7] Ind Mid 3du 16 [6] Imv Mid 2 du 16 [6] Imf Mid 2 du 16 [7] Imv Mid 2 du 16 [7] Imf Mid 2 du 16 [6] Ind Mid 2 du 16 [7] Ind Mid 2 du 16 [6] Imf Mid 1 sg 16 [7] Imf Mid 1 sg 16 [6] Opt Mid 3 sg 16 [7] Opt Mid 3 sg 16 [6] Opt Mid 2 sg 16 [7] Opt Mid 2 sg 16 [6] Opt Mid 2 pl 16 [7] Opt Mid 2 pl 16 [6] Opt Mid 1 pl 16 [7] Opt Mid 1 pl 16 [6] Opt Mid 1 sg 16 [7] Opt Mid 1 sg 16 [6] Opt Mid 3du 16 [7] Opt Mid 3du 16 [6] Opt Mid 2 du 16 [7] Opt Mid 2 du 16 [6] Opt Mid 3 pl 16 [7] Opt Mid 3 pl 16 [6] Opt Mid ldu 16 [7] Opt Mid ldu 16 [6] Ind Mid 1 sg 16 [7] Ind Mid 1 sg 22 [2] Aor Act 2 sg 22 [2] Aor Act 3 sg 22 [2] Aor Act 2 pl 22 [3] Aor Mid 3 pl 22 [2] Aor Act 2 du 22 [2] Aor Act 3du 22 [2] Aor Mid 2 sg
-sadhvam -san . . . . -santa . . -sam . . . -sam . . . -sata . . . -sätäm . . -sätäm . . -säthäm . -säthäm . -säma . . -sämahi . -säva . . . -sävahi . - s i ......... - s i ......... - s i ......... -si ......... - s i ......... -sih . . . . -sit . . . . -suh . . . . - s e ......... -s e ......... -s e ......... -sta . . . . -sta . . . . -stam . . . -stäm . . . -sthäh . . -sma . . . -smahi . . -sva . . . . -sva . . . . -sva . . . . -svahi . . -sata . . . -sam . . . -sätäm . . -säthäm . -si . . . . . - s i ......... -sih . . . . -sit . . . . -suh . . . . - s e .........
22 [2] 22 [2] 22 [2] 22 [2] 22 [3] 22 [2] 22 [2] 22 [3] 22 [2] 22 [3] 22 [2] 22 [2] 22 [2] 22 [2] 16 [8] 16 [9] 16 [10] 22 [2] 22 [3] 22 [3] 22 [3] 22 [3] 16 [8] 16 [9] 19 [8] 22 [3] 22 [3] 22 [3] 22 [3] 22 [3] 22 [3] 22 [3] 16 [8] 16 [9] 22 [3] 22 [3] 22 [4] 22 [4] 22 [4] 22 [4] 16 [И] 22 [4] 22 [4] 22 [4] 22 [4] 16 11]
Aor Mid 2 pl Aor Act 3 pl Aor Mid 3 pl Aor Act 1 sg Aor Act 1 sg Aor Mid 3 sg Aor Mid 3du Aor Mid 3du Aor Mid 2 du Aor Mid 2 du Aor Act 1 pl Aor Mid 1 pl Aor Act ldu Aor Mid ldu Ind Act 2 sg Ind Act 2 sg Ind Act 2 sg Aor Mid 1 sg Aor Mid 1 sg Aor Act 2 sg Aor Act 3 sg Aor Act 3 pl Ind Mid 2 sg Ind Mid 2 sg Per Mid 2 sg Aor Act 2 pl Aor Mid 3 sg Aor Act 2 du Aor Act 3du Aor Mid 2 sg Aor Act 1 P1 Aor Mid 1 pl Imv Mid 2 sg Imv Mid 2 sg Aor Act ldu Aor Mid ldu Aor Mid 3 pl Aor Act 1 sg Aor Mid 3du Aor Mid 2 du Ind Act 2 sg Aor Mid 1 sg Aor Act 2 sg Aor Act 3 sg Aor Act 3 pl Ind Mid 2 sg
-sma . . -smahi . -sva . . . -sva . . . -svahi .
22 [4] 22 [4] 16 [11] 22 [4] 22 [4]
Aor Aor Imv Aor Aor
Act Mid Mid Act Mid
1 pl 1 pl 2 sg 1 du ldu
6 [6] Nom 6 [6] Voc 6 [7] Nom 6 [7] Voc 6 [21] Nom 6 [21] Acc 6 [21] Voc 6 [22] Nom 6 [22] Acc - ....................6 [22] Voc -a ................. 6 [1] Voc -a ..................6 [17] Voc -a ..................6 [26] Nom -a . . . . . . . . . 6 [26] Acc -a ................. 6 [26] Voc -a ................. 6 [27] Nom -a ................. 6 [27] Acc -a ................. 6 [27] Voc -ah ..................6 [1] Nom -a h ..................6 [4] Voc -ah ................. 6 [5] Voc -a h ................. 6 [6] Nom -a h ................. 6 [6] Acc -ah ................. 6 [6] Voc -ah ................. 6 [6] Abl -ah ................. 6 [6] Gen -a h ................. 6 [7] Nom -ah ..................6 [7] Acc -ah ................. 6 [7] Voc -ah ................. 6 [7j Abl -ah ................. 6 [7] Gen -ah ..................6 [8] Voc -ah ..................6 [20] Voc -ah ................. 6 [21] Abl -ah ................. 6 [21] Gen -ah ..................6 [22] Abl -ah ..................6 [22] Gen -ah ................. 6 [23] Nom -ah ..................6 [23] Acc -ah ................. 6 [23] Voc -ah ................. 6 [40] Voc -ahsu............. 6 [8] Loc -ahsu............. 6 [14] Loc -ahsu............. 6 [23] Loc
sg sg sg sg sg sg sg sg sg sg sg sg sg sg sg sg sg sg sg sg sg pl pl pl sg sg pl pl pl sg sg sg sg sg sg sg sg sg sg sg sg pl pl pl
-anah............. 6 [26] -anah............. 6 [26] -ana............... 6 [26] -anäm ........... 6 [26] -a n i............... 6 [26] -a m ............... 6 [26] -a n i............... 6 [26] -a n !............... 6 [26] -ane............... 6 [26] -anoh............. 6 [26] -anoh............. 6 [26] - a t ................. 6 [29] - a t ................. 6 [29] - a t ................. 6 [29] -atah ............. 6 [12] -atah ...........■6 [12] -atah ............. 6 [12] -atah ............. 6 [13] -atah ............. 6 [13] -a ta h ............. 6 [13] -a ta h ............. 6 [29] -a ta h ............. 6 [29] -atä ............... 6 [12] -a t ä ............... 6 [13] -atä ............... 6 [29] -atäm............. 6 [12] -atäm............. 6 [13] -atäm............. 6 [29] -ati ............... 6 [12] -ati ............... 6 [13] -ati ............... 6 [29] -ate ............... 6 [12] -ate ............... 6 [13] -ate ............... 6 [29] -ato h .............6 [12] -ato h .............6 [12] -ato h .............6 [13] -ato h .............6 [13] -ato h .............6 [29] -ato h ............. 6 [29] -atsu ............. 6 [12] -atsu ............. 6 [13] -atsu ............. 6 [29] -adbhih.........6 [12]
Abl Gen Ins Gen Loc Nom Acc Voc Dat Gen Loc Nom Acc Voc Acc Abl Gen Acc Abl Gen Abl Gen Ins Ins Ins Gen Gen Gen Loc Loc Loc Dat Dat Dat Gen Loc Gen Loc Gen Loc Loc Loc Loc Ins
sg sg sg pl sg du du du sg du du sg sg sg pl sg sg pl sg sg sg sg sg sg sg pl pl pl sg sg sg sg sg sg du du du du du du pl pl pl pl
-adbhih . . . . . 6 [13] -adbhih . . . . . 6 [29] -adbhyah . . . . 6 [12] -adbhyah . . . . 6 [12] -adbhyah . . . . 6 [13] -adbhyah . . . . 6 [13] -adbhyah . . . . 6 [29] -adbhyah . . . . 6 [29] -adbhyäm . . . 6 [12] -adbhyäm . . . 6 [12] -adbhyam . . . 6 [12] -adbhyam . . . 6 [13] -adbhyam . . . 6 [13] -adbhyam . . . 6 [13] -adbhyam . . . 6 [29] -adbhyam . . . 6 [29] -adbhyam . . . 6 [29] -an............. . . 6 [9] -an ............. . . 6 [10] -an............. . . 6 [12] -an............. . . 6 [ 1 2 ] -an............. . . 6 [13] -an............. . . 6 [14] -an............. . . 6 [26] -an............. . . 6 [27] -anah......... . . 6 [9] -anah......... . . 6 [9] -anah......... . . 6 [9] -ana........... . . 6 [9] -anäm . . . . . . 6 [9] -a m ........... . . 6 [9] -a m ........... • • 6 [ 1 0 ] -a m ........... . . 6 [27] -a m ........... . . 6 [27] -a n i........... . . 6 [27] -a n !........... . . 6 [27] -ane........... . . 6 [9] -anoh......... . . 6 [9] -anoh......... . . 6 [9 ] -antah . . . . . . 6 [12] -antah . . . . . . 6 [12] -antah . . . . . . 6 [13] -antah . . . . . . 6 [13] -antam . . . . . . 6 [12] -antam . . . . . . 6 [13] -anti ......... . . 6 [29]
Ins Pl Ins Pl Dat Pl Abl P1 Dat P1 Abl Pl Dat Pl Abl Pl Ins du Dat du Abl du Ins du Dat du Abl du Ins du Dat du Abl du Voc s g Voc S g Nom S g Voc S g Voc s g Voc S g Voc S g Voc S g Acc pl Abl S g Gen S g Ins S g Gen pl Loc S g Loc S g Loc S g Nom du Acc du Voc du Dat S g Gen du Loc du Nom Pl Voc Pl Nom pl Voc Pl Acc s g Acc s g Nom pl
-anti . . . . . . . 6 [29] -anti . . . . . . . 6 [29] -anti . . . . . . . 6 [29] -anti . . . . . . . 6 [29] -anti . . . . •••6 [29] -antau . . . . . . 6 [12] -antau . . . 6 [12] -antau . . . •••6 [12] -antau . . . 6 [13] -ar.tau . . . 6 [13] -antau . . . 6 [13] -abhih . . . . . . 6 [9] -abhih . . . 6 [10] -abhih . . . 6 [26] -abhih . . . . . . 6 [27] -abhyah . . . . . 6 [9] -abhyah . . . . . 6 [9] -abhyah . . . . . 6 [10] -abhyah . . . . . 6 [10] -abhyah . . . . . 6 [26] -abhyah . . . . . 6 [26] -abhyah . . . . . 6 [27] -abhyah . . . . . 6 [27] -abhyäm . . . . 6 [9] -abhyäm . . . . 6 [9] -abhyäm . . . . 6 [9] -abhyäm . . . . 6 [10] -abhyäm . . . . 6 [10] -abhyäm . . . . 6 [10] -abhyäm . . . . 6 [26] -abhyäm . . . . 6 [26] -abhyäm . . . . 6 [26] -abhyäm . . . . 6 [27] -abhyäm . . ••6 [27] -abhyäm . . . . 6 [27] -a m ........... . . 6 [1] -a m ........... . . 6 [6] -a m ........... . . 6 [7] -a m ........... . . 6 [17] -a m ........... . . 6 [17] -ayah......... . . 6 [2] -ayah......... . . 6 [2] -ayah......... . . 6 [35] -ayah......... . . 6 [35] -ayä........... . . 6 [32] -aye........... . . 6 [2]
Acc Pl Voc Pl Nom du Acc du Voc du Nom du Acc du Voc du Nom du Acc du Voc du Ins Pl Ins Pl Ins Pl Ins Pl Dat Pl Abl Pl Dat pl Abl pl Dat pl Abl Pl Dat Pl Abl Pl Ins du Dat du Abi du Ins du Dat du Abl du Ins du Dat du Abl du Ins du Dat du Abl du Acc s g Acc S g Acc S g Nom S g Acc S g Nom pl Voc pl Nom pl Voc pl Ins S g Dat s g
-aye . . . . -ayoh . . . -ayoh . . . -ayoh . . . -ayoh . . . -ayoh . . . -ayoh . . . -arah . . . -arah . . . -arah . . . -arah . . . -aram . . -aram . . -ari . . . . -ari . . . . -ari . . . . -arau . . . -arau . . . -arau . . . -arau . . . -arau . . . -arau . . . -avah . . . -avah . . . -avah . . . -avah . . . -ave . . . . -ave . . . . -asah . . . -asah . . . -asah .. . -asah . . . -asah . . . -asah . . . -asah . . . -asah . . . -asah . . . -asah . . . -asam . . -asä . . . . -asä . . . . -asä . . . . -asäm . . -asäm . . -asäm . . -asi . . . .
... ... ...
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
6 [35] 6 [1] 6 [1] 6 [17] 6 [17] 6 [32] 6 [32] 6 [51 6 [5] 6 [40] 6 [40] 6 [5] 6 [401 6 [41 6 [5] 6 [401 6 [51 6 [51 6 [51 6 [401 6 [401 6 [40] 6 [3] 6 [3] 6 [381 6 [381 6 [31 6 [381 6 [81 6 [8] 6 [81 6 [81 6 [8] 6 [141 6 [141 6 [141 6 [23] 6 [231 6 [81 6 [8] 6 [141 6 [23] 6 [81 6 [14] 6 [231 6 [8]
Dat sg Gen du Loc du Gen du Loc du Gen du Loc du Nom Pl Voc P1 Nom P1 Voc Pl Acc S g Acc S g Loc S g Loc S g Loc S g Nom du Acc du Voc du Nom du Acc du Voc du Nom Pl Voc Pl Nom Pl Voc Pl Dat s g Dat S g Nom pl Acc pl Voc pl Abl S g Gen S g Acc pl Abl S g Gen S g Abl S g Gen S g Acc S g Ins S g Ins S g Ins S g Gen pl Gen pl Gen pl Loc S g
. . 6 [14] . . . 6 [23] . . . 6 [23] . . . 6 [23] . . . 6 [23] . . . 6 [9] . . . 6 [10] . . . 6 [26] . . . 6 [27] . . . 6 [8] . . . 6 [14] . . . 6 [23] . . . 6 [8] . . . 6 [8] . . . 6 [14] . . . 6 [14] . . . 6 [23] . . . 6 [23] . . . 6 [8] . . . 6 [8] . . . 6 [8] . . . 6 [1] . . . 6 [17] [4] -ä ................. . . . 6 [5] -ä ................. . . . 6 -ä ................. . . 6 [6] [7] -ä ................. . . . 6 [9] -ä ................. . . . 6 -ä ................. . . . 6 [10] -ä ................. . . . 6 [21] -ä ................. . . . 6 [22] -ä ........... . . . 6 [32] -ä ........... . . . 6 [40] -ämsah . . . . . 6 [14] -ämsah . . . . . 6 [14] -ämsam . . . . . 6 [14] -ämsi . . . . . . . 6 [23] -ämsi . . . . . . . 6 [23] -ämsi . . . . . . . 6 [23] -ämsau . . . . . 6 [14] -ämsau . . . . . 6 [14] -ämsau . . . . . 6 [14] -äh ........... . . . 6 [1] -äh ........... . . . 6 [1] -äh . . . . . . . . . 6 [8] - äh........... . . . 6 [32]
-asi ......... -asi ......... -así ......... - a s i ......... - a s i ......... -asu ......... -asu......... -asu......... -asu ......... -a s e ......... -a s e ......... -a s e ......... -asoh . . . . -asoh . . . . -asoh . . . . -asoh . . . . -asoh . . . . -asoh . . . . -asau . . . . -asau . . . . -asau . . . . -asya . . . . -asya . . . .
Loc sg Loc sg Nom du Acc du Voc du Loc P1 Loc P1 Loc P1 Loc Pl Dat sg Dat Sg Dat Sg Gen du Loc du Gen du Loc du Gen du Loc du Nom du Acc du Voc du Gen sg Gen sg Nom sg Nom sg Ins sg Ins sg Nom sg Nom sg Ins sg Ins sg Nom sg Nom sg Nom pl Voc Pl Acc sg Nom pl Acc Pl Voc Pl Nom du Acc du Voc du Nom pl Voc Pl Nom sg Nom pl
-ah................. 6 [32] -äh..................6 [32] -ä n i............... 6 [26] -ä n i............... 6 [26] -ä n i............... 6 [26] - ä t ................. 6 [1] - ä t ................. 6 [17] -än................. 6 [1] -än................. 6 [13] -an................. 6 [14] -änah............. 6 [9] -änah............. 6 [9] -änah............. 6 [10] -änah............. 6 [10] -änam ........... 6 [9] -änam ........... 6 [10] -änäm ...........6 [1] -änäm ...........6 [17] -änäm ...........6 [32] -ä n i............... 6 [17] -ä n i............... 6 [17] -ä n i............... 6 [17] -ä n i............... 6 [27] -ä n i............... 6 [27] -ä n i............... 6 [27] -änau............. 6 [9] -änau............. 6 [9] -änau............. 6 [9] -änau............. 6 [10] -änau............. 6 [10] -änau............. 6 [10] -äbhih........... 6 [32] -abhyah.........6 [32] -abhyah.........6 [32] -äbhyäm . . . . 6 [1] -abhyäm . . . . 6 [1] -äbhyäm . . . . 6 [1] -äbhyäm . . . . 6 [17] -äbhyäm . . . . 6 [17] -äbhyäm . . . . 6 [17] -äbhyäm . . . . 6 [32] -äbhyäm . . . . 6 [32] -äbhyäm . . . . 6 [32] -ä m ............... 6 [6] -ä m ............... 6 [7] -ä m ............... 6 [21]
Acc pl Voc pl Nom pl Acc pl Voc pl Abl sg Abl sg Acc pl Nom sg Nom sg Nom pl Voc pl Nom pl Voc pl Acc sg Acc sg Gen pl Gen pl Gen pl Nom pl Acc pl Voc pl Nom pl Acc pl Voc pl Nom du Acc du Voc du Nom du Acc du Voc du Ins pl Dat pl Abl pl Ins du Dat du Abl du Ins du Dat du Abl du Ins du Dat du Abl du Gen pl Gen pl Gen pl
-ä m ................6 [22] Gen pl -a m ................6 [32] Acc sg -äya . ..............6 [1] Dat sg -äya................6 [17] Dat sg -äyäh..............6 [32] Abl sg -äyäh..............6 [32] Gen sg -äyäm ........... 6 [32] Loc sg -äyai ..............6 [32] Dat sg -ärah..............6 [4] Nom pl -ärah..............6 [4] Voc pl -äram ........... 6 [4] Acc sg -ärau......... .. . 6 [4] Nom du -ärau..............6 [4] Acc du -ärau . . . . . . . 6 [4] Voc du -ävah . . . . . . . 6 [39] Nom pl -ävah..............6 [39] Acc pl -ävah..............6 [39] Voc pl -ävah..............6 [39] Abl sg -ävah..............6 [39] Gen sg -ävam ............6 [39] Acc sg -avä................6 [39] Ins sg -äväm ............6 [39] Gen pl -ä v i................6 [39] Loc sg -äve................6 [39] Dat sg -ävoh . . . . . . . . 6 [39] Gen du -ävoh..............6 [39] Loc du -ävau......... .. . 6 [39] Nom du -ävau..............6 [39] Acc du -ävau..............6 [39] Voc du -äsu................6 [32] Loc pl - i .................... 6 [6] Loc sg - i .................... 6 [7] Loc sg - i .................... 6 [18] Nom sg - i .................... 6 [18] Acc sg - i .................... 6 [18] Voc sg - i .................... 6 [21] Nom pl - i .................... 6 [21] Acc pl, - i .................... 6 [21] Voc pl -i...................... 6 [21] Loc sg - i .................... 6 [22] Nom pl - i .................... 6 [22] Acc pl - i .................... 6 [22] Voc pl - i .................... 6 [22] Loc sg - i .................... 6 [28] Nom sg - i .................... 6 [28] Acc sg - i .................... 6 [28] Voc sg
- i ....................6 [33] Voc sg - i h ..................6 [2] Nom sg - i h ........... 6 [24] Nom sg - i h ............... .6 [24] Acc sg - i h ................. 6 [24] Voc sg - i h ................. 6 [35] Nom sg -ihsu ............. 6 [24] Loc pl -in a h ............. 6 [18] Abl sg -in a h ............. 6 [18] Gen sg -in ä ............... 6 [18] Ins sg -ini ............... 6 [18] Loc sg -in! ............... 6 [18] Nom du -in! ............... 6 [18] Acc du -im ............... 6 [18] Voc du -in e ............... 6 [18] Dat sg -inoh . . . . . . . 6 [18] Gen du -inoh ............. 6 [18] Loc du - i n ................. 6 [11] Voc sg - i n ................. 6 [28] Voc sg -in a h ............. 6 [11] Nom pl -in a h ............. 6 [11] Acc pl -in ah ............. 6 [11] Voc pl -in a h ............. 6 [11] Abl sg -in ah ............. 6 [11] Gen sg -in a h ............. 6 [28] Abl sg -in ah ............. 6 [28] Gen sg -inam ...........6 [11] Acc sg -in ä ............... 6 [2] Ins sg -in ä ............... 6 [11] Ins sg -in ä ............... 6 [28] Ins sg -inäm ...........6 [11] Gen pl -inäm ...........6 [28] Gen pl -ini ............... 6 [11] Loc sg -ini ............... 6 [28] Loc sg -ini ............... 6 [28] Nom du -ini ............... 6 [28] Acc du -ini ............... 6 [28] Voc du -in e ............... 6 [11] Dat sg -in e ............... 6 [28] Dat sg -inoh ............. 6 [11] Gen du -in o h ............. 6 [11] Loc du -in o h ............. 6 [28] Gen du -in o h ............. 6 [28] Loc du -in au ............. 6 [11] Nom du -in au ............. 6 [11] Acc du -in au ............. 6 [11] Voc du
-ibhih . . . 6 [2] -ibhih . . . . . . 6 [11] -ibhih . . . . . . 6 [18] -ibhih . . . . . . 6 [28] -ibhih . . . . . . 6 [35] -ibhyah . . 6 [2] -ibhyah . . 6 [2] -ibhyah . . . . . 6 [11] -ibhyah . . . . . 6 [11] -ibhyah . . . . . 6 [18] -ibhyah . . . . . 6 [18] -ibhyah . . . . . 6 [28] -ibhyah . . . . . 6 [28] -ibhyah . . . . . 6 [35] -ibhyah . . . . . 6 [35] 6 [2] -ibhyäm . . -ibhyäm . . 6 [2] 6 [2] -ibhyäm . . 6 [Н] -ibhyäm . . -ibhyäm . . в [11] -ibhyäm . . fi [П] 6 [18] -ibhyäm . . 6 [18] -ibhyäm . . 6 [18] -ibhyäm . . -ibhyäm . . [28] 6 [28] -ibhyäm . . 6 [28] -ibhyäm . . 6 [35] -ibhyäm . . 6 [35] -ibhyäm . . -ibhyäm . . 6 [35] в [2] -im ......... в [35] -im ......... в [34] -iyah . . . . -iyah . . . . 6 [34] -iyah . . . . 6 [34] -iyah . . . . 6 [34] -iyah . . . . 6 [34] -iy a ......... 6 [34] в [34] -iyäh . . . . -iyäh . . . . 6 [34] -iyäm . . . . 6 [34] 6 [34] -iyam . . . . 6 [34] -iyi ........ - iy e ......... 6 [34] в [34] -iyai......... ' 6 134] -iyoh . . . .
Ins Pl Ins Pl Ins Pl Ins Pl Ins Pl Dat Pl Abl Pl Dat pl Abl Pl Dat Pl Abl Pl Dat Pl Abl Pl Dat Pl Abl Pl Ins du Dat du Abl du Ins du Dat du Abl du Ins du Dat du Abl du Ins du Dat du Abl du Ins du Dat du Abl du Acc sg Acc sg Nom pl Acc P1 Voc P1 Abl sg Gen sg Ins sg Abl sg Gen sg Gen P1 Loc sg Loc sg Dat sg Dat sg Gen du
-iyo h ........... .6 [341 -iy a u ........... . 6 [341 -iy au ........... . 6 [341 -iy a u ........... .6 [341 -irbhih......... •6 [241 -irbhyah . . . •6 [24] -irbhyah . . . •6 [24] -irbhyam . . . . 6 [24] -irbhyäm . . . . 6 [24] -irbhyam . . . . 6 [24] -ivat ........... . 6 [30] -ivat ........... . 6 [301 -ivat ........... . 6 [30] -ivatsu......... •6 [15] -ivatsu......... . 6 [30] -ivadbhih . . . . 6 [151 -ivadbhih . . . . 6 [30] -ivadbhyah . . 6 [15] -ivadbhyah . . 6 [15] -ivadbhyah . . 6 [30] -ivadbhyah . . 6 [30] -ivadbhyam . . 6 [15] -ivadbhyam . . 6 [15] -ivadbhyam . . 6 [15] -ivadbhyam . . 6 [30] -ivadbhyam . . 6 [30] -ivadbhyam . . 6 [30] -iv a n ........... . 6 [15] -ivamsah . . . . 6 [15] -ivämsah . . . . 6 [151 -ivämsam . . . 6 [15] -ivamsi •6 [30] . 6 [30] -ivamsi . 6 [30] -ivamsi -ivämsau . . . . 6 [15] -ivämsau . . . . 6 [151 -ivämsau . . . . 6 [15] -iv ä n ........... . 6 [151 -isah ........... ■6 [24] -isah ........... •6 [241 -isä ............. •6 [24] -isäm ........... •6 [24] -isi............... ■6 [241 -isi............... •6 [24] -is i............... . 6 [24] -is i............... ■6 [24]
Loc du Nom du Acc du Voc du Ins Pl Dat Pl Abl Pl Ins du Dat du Abl du Nom sg Acc sg Voc sg Loc Pl Loc P1 Ins Pl Ins Pl Dat Pl Abl Pl Dat Pl Abl Pl Ins du Dat du Abl du Ins du Dat du Abl du Voc sg Nom pl Voc Pl Acc sg Nom pl Acc Pl Voc Pl Nom du Acc du Voc du Nom sg Abl sg Gen sg Ins sg Gen Pl Loc Sg Nom du Acc du Voc du
. . 6 [2] .. 6 [ui . . 6 [18] . . 6 [28] . . 6 [35] . . 6 [24] . . 6 [24] . . 6 [24] . . 6 [2] ••6 [2] . . . 6 [2] ■■6 [11] . . . 6 [21] . . . 6 [21] . . 6 [21] . . 6 [22] - I ............. . . 6 [22] - I ............. . . 6 [22] - I ............... . . 6 [33] - I ............... . . . 6 [35] -I . . . . . . . . . . 6 [35] - I ............. . . . 6 [35] -imsi . . . . . . . 6 [24] -imsi . . . . . . . 6 [24] -imsi . . . . . . . 6 [24] - I h ............. . . . 6 [33] - i h ........... . . . 6 [34] - I h ............. . . . 6 [34] - I h ............. . . . 6 [35] -inäm . . . . . . 6 [18] -Ini .......... . . . 6 [18] -ini .......... . . . 6 [18] -Ini .......... . . . 6 [18] - I n ............. . . . 6 [2] -Inäm . . . . . . 6 [2] -Inäm . . . . . . 6 [33] -Inäm . . . . . . 6 [34] -Inäm . . . . . . 6 [35] -Ini .......... . . . 6 [28] -Ini .......... . . . 6 [28] -Ini .......... . . . 6 [28] -Ibhih . . . . . . 6 [33] -Ibhih . . . . . . 6 [34] -Ibhyah . . . . . 6 [33] -Ibhyah . . . . . 6 [33] -Ibhyah . . . . . 6 [34]
- is u ......... -is u ......... -is u ......... - is u ......... - is u ......... -ise ......... -isoh . . . . -isoh . . . . - I ............. - I ............. - I ............. - I ............. - i ............. - i ............. - I ...........
Loc pl Loc Pl Loc Pl Loc Pl Loc Pl Dat sg Gen du Loc du Nom du Acc du Voc du Nom sg Nom du Acc du Voc du Nom du Acc du Voc du Nom sg Nom du Acc du Voc du Nom pl Acc pi Voc pi Acc pi Nom Sg Voc Sg Acc pl Gen pl Nom pl Acc pl Voc pl Acc pl Gen pl Gen pl Gen pl Gen pl Nom pl Acc pi Voc pl Ins pl Ins pl Dat du Abl du Dat du
-ibhyah . . -ibhyäm . . -Ibhyäm . . -ibhyäm . . -ibhyäm . . -ibhyäm . . -ibhyäm . . -Im . . . . . - I s u ......... -I s u ......... -u . . . . . . -u ........... "U
-u . . . . . . -uh . . . . . -uh ......... -uh ......... -uh -uh . . . . . -uh ......... -uh . . . . . -uh . . . . . -uh . . . . . -uh . . . . . -uh . . . . . -uhsu . . . . -unah . . . -unah . . . -unä . . . . -unä . . . . -u n i......... -u n i......... -u n i......... -uni . . . . . -une......... -unoh . . . -unoh . . . -ubhih . . . -ubhih . . . -ubhih . . . -ubhih . . . -ubhyah . . -ubhyah . . -ubhyah . . -ubhyah . . -ubhyah . .
..6 ..6 ..6 ..6 ..6 ..6 ..6 ..6 ..6 ..6 ..6 ..6 ..6 ..6 ..6 ••6 ..6 ..6 ..6 ..6 ..6 ..6 ..6 ..6 ..6 •■6 ..6 ..6 ..6 ..6 ..6 ..6 ..6 ..6 ..6 ..6 ..6 ..6 •■6 ..6 ..6 ..6 ..6 ••6 ..6 ..6
[34] [33] [33] [33] [34] [34] [34] [33] [33] [34] 191 [19] [19] [36] [3] [4] [4] [5] [5] [25] [25] [25] [38] [40] [40] [25] [19] [19] [3] [19] [19] [19] [19] [19] [19] [19] [19] [3] [19] [36] [38] [3] [3] [19] [19] [38]
Abl du Ins du Dat du Abl du Ins du Dat du Abl du Acc sg Loc Pl Loc P1 Nom sg Acc sg Voc sg Voc sg Nom sg Abl sg Gen Sg Abl Sg Gen Sg Nom Sg Acc Sg Voc Sg Nom Sg Abl Sg Gen sg Loc P1 Abl Sg Gen Sg Ins Sg Ins Sg Loc Sg Nom du Acc du Voc du Dat S g Gen du Loc du Ins pl Ins Pl Ins Pl Ins Pl Dat Pl Abl P1 Dat Pl Abl P1 Dat P1
-ubhyah . . . . . 6 -ubhyäm . . .. 6 -ubhyäm . . .. 6 -ubhyäm . . .. 6 -ubhyäm . . . . 6 -ubhyäm . . .. 6 -ubhyäm . . . . 6 -ubhyäm . . . . 6 -ubhyäm . . . . 6 -ubhyäm . . . . 6 6 - u m ........... -um . . . . . . 6 -urbhih . . . 6 -urbhyah . . . . 6 -urbhyah . . . . 6 -urbhyäm . . . 6 -urbhyäm . . . 6 -urbhyäm . . . 6 6 -uvah . . . . 6 -uvah . . . . 6 -uvah . . . . 6 -uvah . . . . 6 -uvah . . . . 6 -uvam . . . . 6 -uvä ......... -uväh . . . . 6 -uväh . . . . 6 6 -uväm . . . . 6 -uväm . . . . 6 -u v i........... 6 -uve........... 6 -u v ai......... -uvoh . . . . 6 6 -uvoh 6 -uvau 6 -uvau 6 -uvau . . . . 6 -usah......... 6 -usah 6 -usah......... -usah......... 6 6 -usah......... 6 -usah......... 6 -usah......... 6 -u sä........... 6 -u sä...........
[38] [3] S3] [3] [19] [19] [19] [38] [38] [38] [3] [38] [25] [25] [25] [25] [25] [25] [37] [37] [37] [37] [37] [37] [37] [37] [37] [37] [37] [37] [37] [37] [371 [371 [37] [371 [371 [15] [15] [15] [25] [25] [30] [30] [15] [25]
Abl pl Ins du Dat du Abl du Ins du Dat du Abl du Ins du Dat du Abl du Acc sg Acc sg Ins Pl Dat pl Abl pl Ins du Dat du Abl du Nom pl Acc Pl Voc Pl Abl sg Gen sg Acc sg Ins sg Abl sg Gen sg Gen Pl Loc sg Loc sg Dat sg Dat sg Gen du Loc du Nom du Acc du Voc du Abl s g Gen s g Acc P1 Abl s g Gen S g Abl S g Gen S g Ins S g Ins S g
-u sä........... .. . 6 [30] -usäm ........... 6 [15] -usäm ........... 6 [25] -usäm ........... 6 [30] -usi . . . . . . . . 6 [15] -u s i................6 [25] -u s i............... 6 [30] -u s i............... 6 [25] -u s i............... 6 [25] -u s i................6 [25] -u s i............. .6 [30] -u s i................6 [30] -u s i........... . . 6 [30] -usu................6 [3] -usu................6 [19] -usu................6 [38] -u se................6 [15] -u se................6 [25] -u se................6 [30] -usoh............. 6 [15] •-usoh............. 6 [15] -usoh............. 6 [25] -usoh . . . . . . . 6 [25] , -usoh........... . 6 [30] -usoh............. 6 [30] -Ü ..................6 [3] -С ..................6 [3] -ü ..................6 [3] -ü ..................6 [38] -ü ..................6 [38] -ü ..................6 [38] -ümsi............. 6 [25] -ümsi............. 6 [25] -ümsi............. 6 [25] -üh ................6 [36] -Oh ................6 [36] -üh ................6 [37] -üh ................6 [37] -üh ................6 [38] -ün ............... 6 [3] -ünäm ........... 6 [3] -ünäm ........... 6 [19] -ünäm ........... 6 [36] -ünäm ........... 6 [37] -ünäm ........... 6 [38] -ü n i................6 [19]
Ins sg Gen pl Gen pl Gen pl Loc sg Loc sg Loc sg Nom du Acc du Voc du Nom du Acc du Voc du Loc pl Loc pl Loc pl Dat sg Dat sg Dat sg Gen du Loc du Gen du Loc du Gen du Loc du Nom du Acc du Voc du Nom du Acc du Voc du Nom pl Acc pl Voc pl Nom sg Acc pl Nom sg Voc sg Acc pl Acc pl Gen pl Gen pl Gen pl Gen pl Gen pl Nom pl
-ü n i............... 6 [19] Acc pl -ü n i............... 6 [19] Voc pl -übhih........... 6 [37] Ins pl pl -übhyah.........6 [36] Dat -übhyah.........6 [36] Abl pl -übhyah.........6 [37] Dat pl -übhyah.........6 [37] Abl pl -übhyäm . . . . 6 [36] Ins du -übhyäm . . . . 6 [36] Dat du -übhyäm . . . . 6 [36] Abl du -übhyäm . . . . 6 [37] Ins du -übhyäm . . . . 6 [37] Dat du -übhyäm . . . . 6 [37] Abl du 6 [36] Acc sg -ü m ........... -üsu............... 6 [36] Loc pl -üsu............... 6 [37] Loc pl -r . . . ..............6 [20] Nom sg - r ....................6 [20] Acc sg - r ....................6 [20] Voc sg -rnah............. 6 [20] Abl sg -m ah ............. 6 [20] Gen sg -rn ä ............... 6 [20] Ins sg - m i ............... 6 [20] Loc sg - m i ............... 6 [20] Nom du - m i ............... 6 [20] Acc du du - m l ............... 6 [20] Voc -m e ............... 6 [20] Dat sg -m oh............. 6 [20] Gen du -m oh............. 6 [20] Loc du -rbhih ........... 6 [4] Ins pl -rbhih ........... 6 [5] Ins pl -rbhih ........... 6 [20] Ins pl -rbhih ........... 6 [40] Ins pl -rbhyah . . . . . 6 [4] Dat pl -rbhyah........ 6 [4] Abl pl -rbhyah.........6 [5] Dat pl -rbhyah.........6 [5] Abl pl -rbhyah.........6 [20] Dat pl -rbhyah.........6 [20] Abl pl -rbhyah.........6 [40] Dat pl -rbhyah.........6 [40] Abl pl -rbhyäm . . . . 6 [4] Ins du rbhyäm . . . . 6 [4] Dat du -rbhyäm . . . . 6 [4] Abl du -rbhyäm . . . . 6 [5] Ins du -rbhyäm . . . . 6 [5] Dat du
-rbhyäm -rbhyäm -rbhyäm -rbhyäm -rbhyäm -rbhyäm -rbhyäm
. . . •6 [5] . . . . 6 [20] . . . . 6 [20] . . . . 6 [20] . . . . 6 [40] . . . .6 [40] . . . . 6 [40] . 6 [31] . 6 [31] . 6 [31] 6 [16] 6 [31] -rvadbhih . . . 6 [16] -rvadbhih . . . 6 [31] -rvadbhyah . . 6 [16] -rvadbhyah . . 6 [16] -ivadbhyah . . 6 [31] -ivadbhyah . . 6 [31] -rvadbhyäm . . 6 [16] -rvadbhyäm . . 6 [16] -rvadbhyäm . . 6 [16] -rvadbhyäm . . 6 [31] -rvadbhyäm . . 6 [31] -rvadbhyäm . . 6 [31] -rvan . . . . . . . 6 [16] -rvämsah . . . . 6 [16] -rvämsah . . . . 6 [16] -rvämsam . . . 6 [16] -rvämsi . 6 [31] . 6 [31] -rvämsi . 6 [31] -rvämsi -rvämsau . . . . 6 [16] -rvämsau . . . . 6 [16] -rvämsau . . . . 6 [16] -rvän........... . 6 [16] -rs u ............. •6 [4] -rs u ............. •6 [5] -r s u ............. . 6 [20] -r s u ............. . 6 [40] - f h ............... . 6 [40] -rnäm ......... •6 [4] -rnäm ......... •6 [5] -inäm ......... . 6 [20] -fnäm ......... . 6 [40] -rni ............. . 6 [20] -rni ............. . 6 [20]
Abl du Ins du Dat du Abl du Ins du Dat du Abl du Nom sg Acc sg Voc sg Loc Pl Loc Pl Ins Pl Ins Pl Dat Pl Abl Pl Dat P1 Abl Pl Ins du Dat du Abl du Ins du Dat du Abl du Voc sg Nom pl Voc Pl Acc S g Nom pl Acc pl Voc pl Nom du Acc du Voc du Nom s g Loc Pl Loc Pl Loc Pl Loc Pl Acc Pl Gen Pl Gen Pl Gen Pl Gen Pl Nom pl Acc Pl
- f n i ......... . . 6 [20] - f n ........... . . 6 [4] - f n ........... . . 6 [5] - e ............. . . 6 [1] •6 [2] - e ............. - e ............. . . 6 [6] - e ............. . . 6 [7] . . 6 [17] . . 6 [17] . . 6 [17] - e ............. . . . 6 [17] . . . 6 [18] - e ............. . . . 6 [21] - e ............. . . 6 [22] . . . 6 [32] - e ............. . . 6 [32] - e ............. . . . 6 [32] - e ............. . . . 6 [32] - e ............. . . 6 [35] -eh ........... . . . 6 [2] -eh ........... . . . 6 [2] -eh ........... . . . 6 [35] -eh ........... . . 6 [35] -ena......... . . . 6 [1] -ena......... . . 6 [17] -ebhyah . . . . . 6 [1] -ebhyah . . . . . 6 [1] -ebhyah . . . . . 6 [17] -ebhyah . . . . . 6 [17] -esu ......... . . . 6 [1] -esu ......... . . . 6 [17] -a ih ......... . . . 6 [1] -aih . . . . . . . . 6 [17] -o .......... . . . 6 [3] -o ........... . . . 6 [19] -o ........... . . . 6 [38] -oh ......... . . . 6 [3] -oh ......... . . . 6 [3] -oh ......... . . . 6 [6] -oh ......... . . . 6 [6] -oh ......... . . . 6 [7] -oh ......... . . . 6 [7] -oh ......... . . . 6 [21] -oh ......... . . . 6 [21] -oh ......... . . . 6 [22] -oh ......... . . . 6 [22]
Voc pl Acc Pl Acc Pl Loc sg Voc sg Dat Sg Dat Sg Nom du Acc du Voc du Loc sg Voc sg Dat sg Dat sg Nom du Acc du Voc du Voc sg Voc sg АЫ sg Gen sg Abl sg Gen sg Ins Sg Ins S g Dat pl Abl pl Dat pl Abl pl Loc pl Loc pl Ins pl Ins pl Voc Sg Voc S g Voc S g Abl s g Gen Sg Gen du Loc du Gen du Loc du Gen du Loc du Gen du Loc du
Table 30. -oh ............ 6 [38] -oh ............ 6 [38] -obhih 6 [81 -obhih . . . . в [14] в [23] -obhih 6 [8] -obhyah . . . -obhyah . . . в [8] в [14] -obhyah . . . -obhyah . . . 6 [14] -obhyah . . . в [23] -obhyah . , . 6 [23] -obhyam . . . . 6 [8] -obhyäm . . . . 6 [8] -obhyam . . . . 6 [8] -obhyam . . . . 6 [14] -obhyam . . . . 6 [14] -obhyam . . . . 6 [14] -obhyam . . . . 6 [23] -obhyam . . . . 6 [23] -obhyam . . . . 6 [23] 6 [11 -au ............ 6 П1 -au ............ -au ............. 6 [11 в [2] -au ............ -au ............ 6 [3] 6 [61 -au ............ 6 [61 -au ............. 6 [6] -au ............. 6 [71 -au ............. 6 [71 -au ............. в [71 -au ............. -au ............ 6 [35] 6 [38] -au ............ -auh .......... 6 [39] 6 [39] -auh .......... -aubhih . . . 6 [39] -aubhyah . . . . 6 [39] -aubhyah . . . . 6 [39] -aubhyam . . . 6 [39] -aubhyam . . . 6 [39] -aubhyam . . .. 6 [39] 6 [39] -a u su .......... в [10] -ñ a h ............. -ñ a h ............ 6 [Ю] 6 [10] -ñ a h ............ - ñ a ............... 6 [Ю]
Gen sg Ins Pl Ins Pl Ins Pl
Dat Abi Dat Abl Dat Abl
Pl Pl Pl
du du du du du du du du du du du du sg sg du du du du du du sg sg sg sg
Dat Abl
Ins Dat Abl
Ins Dat Abl Nom Acc Voc Loc Loc Nom Acc Voc Nom Acc Voc Loc Loc Nom Voc
Ins Dat Abl
Ins Dat Abl Loc Acc Abl
Pl Pl Pl
Pl Pl Pl
du du du
Pl Pl sg
Gen S g Ins sg
-ñam . . . . - ñ i ............ - ñ e ............ -ñoh . . . . -ñoh . . . . -n ah .......... -n a h .......... -n ä ............ -nam . . . . - n i ............ - n i ............ - n i ............ - n i ............ - n e ............ -noh . . . . -noli . . . . -bhih . . . . -bhih . . . . -bhih . . . . -b h ih ___ -bhyah . . . -bhyah . . . -bhyah . . . -bhyah . . . -bhyah . . . -bhyah . . . -bhyah . . . -bhyah . . . -bhyäm . . -bhyam . . -bhyäm . . -bhyäm . . -bhyam . . -bhyam . . -bhyäm . . -bhyäm . . -bhyäm . . -bhyäm . . -bhyäm . . -bhyäm . . -y a h .......... -y a h .......... -yam . . . . -У3 ............ - y a ............ -y a h .........
в [10] в [10] 6 [10] 6 [101 6 [101 6 [27] 6 [27] 6 [27] 6 [27] в [27] 6 [271 6 [271 6 [27] 6 [27] в [271 6 [27] 6 [6] в [7] в [21] 6 [22] в [6] 6 [6] 6 [7] 6 [7] в [21] 6 [21] в [22] 6 [22] 6 [6] 6 [6] ñ [6] в [7] 6 [7] 6 [7] 6 [21] 6 [21] 6 [21] в [22] в [22] 6 [22] 6 [33] 6 [33] 6 [34] 6 [33] в [35] 6 [33]
Gen Loe Dat Gen Loc Abl Gen Ins Gen Loc Nom Acc Voc Dat Gen Loc Ins Ins Ins Ins Dat Abl Dat Abl Dat Abl Dat Abl Ins Dat Abl Ins Dat Abl Ins Dat Abl Ins Dat Abl Nom Voc Acc Ins Ins Abl
Pl sg sg du du sg sg Sg pl Sg du du du sg du du Pl Pl Pl Pl Pl Pl Pl Pl Pl Pl Pl Pl du du du du du du du du du du du du Pl Pl sg sg sg sg
-yäh......... -yah . . . . . -yäh . . . . . -yäm . . . . -yäm . . . . -y a i......... -y a i......... -yoh . . . . -yoh . . . . -yoh . . . . -yoh . . . . -yoh . . . . -yoh . . . . -yau . . . . . -yau......... -yau......... - r ä ........... - r ä ........... - r ä ........... -rusah . . . -rusah . . . -nisah . . . -rusah . . . -rusah . . . -rusä -rusä -rusärrt . . . -rusäm . . . -rusi -rusi -rusi -rusi -rusi -ruse -ruse -rusoh . . . -rusoh . . . -rusoh . . . -rusoh . . . - r e ........... -re . . . . . . - r e ........... -roh ......... -ro h ......... -roh -roh
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 в 6
т [35] [35] [33] [35] [33] [35] Í2] [2] [33] [33] 6 [35] 6 [35] в [33] 6 [33] 6 [331 6 [41 6 [51 6 [40] 6 [16] 6 [161 6 [161 [311 6 [31] [16] 6 [31] 6 [16] 6 [31] 6 [16] 6 [31] 6 [31] в [31] 6 [311 6 [16] 6 [31] 6 [16] 6 [161 6 [311 6 [31] 6 [4] 6 [5] 6 [40] в [41 6 [41 [5] [5]
Gen Abl Gen Loc Loc Dat Dat Gen Loc Gen Loc Gen Loc Nom
Acc Voc
sg sg sg sg sg Sg sg du du du du du du du du du sg sg sg P1
Ins Ins Ins Acc Abl S g Gen S g Abl S g Gen S g Ins s g Ins S g Gen pl Gen pl Loc S g Loc S g Nom du Acc du Voc du Dat S g Dat S g Gen du Loc du Gen du Loc du Dat sg Dat sg Dat sg Gen du Loc du Gen du Loc du
-roh . . . . ___ 6 [40] -roh . . . . ___ 6 [40] -vah . . . . . . . . 6 [36] -vah . . . . . . . . 6 [36j -v ä......... ___ 6 [36] -v ä......... . . . . 6 [38] -väh . . . . ___ 6 136J -väh . . . . ___ 6 136J -väh . . . . ___ 6 [38] -väh . . . . ___ 6 [38] -väm . . . . . .. 6 [36] -väm . . . . . . . 6 [38j -vai . . . . ___ 6 136] -vai . . . . . . . . 6 [38] -voh . . . ___ 6 [31 -voh . . . . . . . 6 [3] -voh . . . ___ 6 [36] -voh . . . ___ 6 [36] -voh . . . ___ 6 [383 -voh . . . ___ 6 [38] -vau . . . ___ 6 [36] -vau . . . ___ 6 [36] -vau . . . . . .. 6 [36] -su ......... . . . . 6 [7] -su ......... . . . . 6 [22] -su ......... . . . . 6 [6] -su ......... ___ 6 [21J
Gen du Loc du Nom P1 Voc pl Ins sg Ins sg Abl sg Gen sg Abl sg Gen sg Loc sg Loc sg Dat sg Dat sg Gen du Loc du Gen du Loc du Gen du Loc du Nom du Acc du Voc du Loc pl Loc pl Loc pl Loc P1
ABBREVIATIONS A, Act ä ä Abl Abs a/c Acc Aor С с CAo Cit Condit Dat Des du F Fern fn FPP Fut Gen t Imf Imperat Imv Ind Indie Inf Ins Int Loc M, Mid Masc Neut
active voice äsa (in citing periphrastic perfect active) a or ä ablative case absolutive (written with a hyphen if with prefix) äsa or cakre (in citing periphrastic perfect active/middle) accusative case aorist tense consonant cakre (in citing periphrastic perfect middle) causative aorist citation form of verb, i.e. 3rd singular of the present indicative active/middle conditional tense dative case desiderative dual number future passive participle in -avyafeminine gender footnote future passive participle simple future tense genitive case i or I imperfect tense imperative mood imperative mood present indicative (Table 29) indicative mood infinitive instrumental case intensive locative case middle voice masculine gender neuter gender
Nom Opt, Optat Pas Per Peri fut Periph Pl, Plur PPP Prec Pres S Fut Sg, Sing fl V Voc -Vti 0
1 2 3 ( ) / * —> =►
nominative case optative mood passive voice perfect tense periphrastic future tense periphrastic plural number perfect passive participle precative present tense simple future tense singular number u or ü vowel vocative case -eti, -oti, -arti, or -äti zero, a non-sound, as in the open gradation series 0 a ä. first person second person third person optional; e.g. näm(a)ni = nämni or nämani or; e.g. bhuvai/-ve = bhuvai or bhuve stem vocalic in 2nd grade (Tables 18, 22) 'may be transformed into' 'is fed into' (Table 26)
id en tical w ith th e form im m ed iately above lack in g the exp ected form
BIBLIOGRAPHY APTE, Vaman S. The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary. ed. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1965.
COULSON, Michael. Sanskrit: An Introduction to the Classical Language. Teach Yourself Books. Sevenoaks, Kent: Hodder & Stoughton, 1976. KALE, Moreshwar R. A Higher Sanskrit Grammar. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1977.
1884; repr.
LANMAN, Charles R. A Sanskrit Reader. 1884; repr. Cam bridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1963. MACDONELL, Arthur A. A Sanskrit Grammar for Students. 3rd ed. 1927; repr, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1962. MAYRHOFER, Manfred. A Sanskrit Grammar, transí, by G. B. Ford. Alabama: University of Alabama Press, 1972. MONIER-WILLIAMS, Monier. Delhi: Ajanta Books, 1976.
Sanskrit Manual.
1868; repr.
MONIER-WILLIAMS, Monier. A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. new ed. 1899; repr. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1979. áÁSTRl, K. L. V. Sabda-MañjarT. rev. 12th ed. Kalpathi: R. S. Vadhyar & Sons, 1970. THUMB, Albert. Handbuch des Sanskrit. Heidelberg: Carl Winter's, 1905.
1. Teil: Grammatik.
WHITNEY, William D. Sanskrit Grammar. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1969.
2nd ed. 1889; repr.
WHITNEY, William D. The Roots, Verb-forms and Primary Deri vatives of tin Sanskrit Language. 1885; repr. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1979.
SANSKRIT MANUAL Roderick S. Bucknett This book is a convenient quick-reference guide to the phonology and grammar o f Classical Sanskrit, for use by university students and others. It presents, in easily read tables, essential reference information such as the rules o f sandhi, the declensional and conjugational paradigms, and the principal parts o f major verbs. Tables make up about two-thirds o f the book. The remainder is text, with guidance on how to use the tables and explanations o f the relevant grammatical principles. Romanized transcription is used throughout, and some innovative modes o f description and presentation are adopted. Particular features are a table o f the principal parts o f 452 verbs and a set o f three indexes— to verb stems, verb endings and noun endings. This Manual will be found a valuable, ‘user-friendly’ companion to existing grammars, such as Whitney’s. Though primarily intended for beginning and intermediate students, it will be o f use to scholars working with Sanskrit at any level. S. B u c k n e l l studied and travelled extensively in India and other Asian countries, before returning to Australia to do a Ph.D. in linguistics. He is currently Senior Lecturer in Chinese and Indian religions at the University of Queensland. His thoughts on the methodology o f teaching and learning Sanskrit derive in part from his own early experience as a student o f the language. He studied it both in India, under a pandit following completely traditional methods, and in Australia, under a specialist in IndoEuropean historical linguistics— contrasting approaches that highlighted some fundamental methodological issues. Besides linguistic problems Dr. Bucknell’s research and publication covers various aspects o f Buddhist studies. R o d e r ic k
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