Samoan dictionary

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English Pages [531] Year 1862

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Oi! oh! ...
Oi! oh! ...
HEA ...
SPI ...
Tesema, eng. December. ...
Tesema, eng. December. ...
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Samoan dictionary

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George Pratt .




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PREFACE. --- - * * 3 . .

No Dictionary of the Samoan dialect having been hitherto published , the present will almost of necessity

be found imperfect. It com }.rises , however , the sub stance of what has heen gathered during niore than twenty -one years, by attention to the language as spoken by the natives.

In 1851, all the words that I had by that time col lected were examined carefully, one by one, with intel ligent natives, who acted as pundits. The manuscript thus prepared was subsequently collated with a manu script volume of native songs and traditions, and thence

enlarged . It was also compared with the Tongan and part of the Tahitian Dictionaries. At a meeting of the missionaries in 1859, a resolu tion was passed that the Work should be printed .


consequence of this , it has been again revised , and eigh

teen hundred words have been added to Prart II . ; and ,

finally, it has been revised by the Rev A . W . Murray. The size of the volume might easily have been in creased , by enlarging the Grammar, by adding examples


from the native songs, and by putting down , in very nu merous instances, the same word in its various uses as a

noun , and a verb, and an adjective.

In consulting its pages, the following remarks should be borne in mind : All adjectives may have a verbal form

by merely adding the verbal particles : as, lelei, good ; ua lelei, it is good . This is also the case with many nouns : as, maʻi, a disease ; ua maʻi, he is ill ; and, vice

versâ , verbs may be made into nouns by adding the ar ticle, or by introducing the possessive pronoun : as sau, to come; sau , a coming, - 0 lona luai sau. Often,

however , such nouns are distinguished by an affix , such as ga , saga, or taga.

Very many words, and even parts of sentences, will take the causative faa, and the qualifying particle faale,

before them . Ofwords so compounded, comparatively a few only will be found, since a very little knowledge of the language will enable a learner to find out the shade

of meaning superadded to the original word by those prefixes.

It should also be borne in mind that, although in those words in which two or more of the same vowels

come together, a break, or palatal sound almost like a k , occurs in pronunciation ; yet we have in such cases omit

ted the inverted comima which we have used as the sign

of the break. Wehaye omitted it in these instances to

avoid the printing of the great number of inverted com mas which the insertion in such places would have re

quired. GEORGE PRATT. Matautu , Savaii, January , 1861.




LETTERS THE Samoan Alphabet consists of only fourteen letters:- a, e, i, o, u ; f, g, l, m , n, p, s. t, v. a is pronounced

1st, long, as in father ; pā , wall. 2nd, rather short, as in mat ; päti lima.

3rd , very short, nearly like ů ; as, inăte,măliu , văve (vuve). é, i, o, u , as in the Continental languages.

g (nga), is always nasal, as ng in sing. 1 (la ), the same as in English, except when preceded by either a, o, oj* u , and followed by i, when it is pronounced by most natives as a soft r, almost approaching to a d sound, for which it is substituted , in similar circumstances, in the pronunciation of New Zealand words— (kidikidi,

written kirikiri) : aliuli, prouounced ariari.

s, is not quite so sibilant as in English . The other letters, f, m , n , p, t, v, called fa,mo, nu, pi, ti, vi, are pro nounced as in English . In addition to these , there is a sound something between hand k , for which it is substiluted . This has been represented by an inverted comina. In our printed books, however, to save trouble , they are only used when

required to distinguish words spelt in the same way , as in the case of the

pronouns loʻu , my, and lou , thy, & c. Two similar vowels cannot occur together without a break between. When they would cometogether in forming new words, or in commencing a word with the vowel which terminates the preceding word , and with

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No Dictionary of the Samoan dialect having been hitherto published , the present will almost of necessity

be found imperfect. It com }.rises , however , the sub

stance of what has been gathered during more than twenty -oneyears, by attention to the language as spoken by the natives.

In 1851, all the words that I had by that time col lected were examined carefully , one by one, with intel ligent natives, who acted as pundits. The manuscript thus prepared was subsequently collated with a manu

script volume of native songs and traditions, and thence Ce

enlarged .

It was also compared with the Tongan and

part of the Tahitian Dictionaries. At a meeting of the missionaries in 1859, a resolu tion was passed that the Work should be printed . In

consequence of this, it has been again revised , and eigh teen hundred words have been added to Prart II. ; and ,

finally, it has been revised by the Rey A . W . Murray.

The size of the volume might easily have been in

creased , by enlarging the Grammar,by adding examples



from the native songs, and by putting down, in very nu

merous instances , the sameword in its various uses as a noun , and a verb , and an adjective . In consulting its pages, the following remarks should

be borne in mind : All adjectives may have a verbal form by merely adding the verbal particles: as, lelei, good ; ua lelei, it is good . This is also the case with many

nouns: as,ma‘i, a disease ; ua ma'i, he is ill; and, vice versâ , verbs may be made into nouns by adding the ar

ticle, or by introducing the possessive pronoun : as sau , to come; sau, a coming,40 lona luai sau. Often , however, such nouns are distinguished by an affix , such as ga, saga , or taga . Very many words, and even parts of sentences, will

take the causative faa, and the qualifying particle faale, before them . Of words so compounded , comparatively a few only will be found , since a very little knowledge of the language will enable a learner to find out the shade of meaning superadded to the original word by those

prefixes . It should also be borne in mind that, although in those words in which two or more of the same vowels

come together, a break , or palatal sound almost like a k , occurs in pronunciation ; yet we have in such cases omit ted the inverted comma which we have used as the sign of the break . We haye omitted it in these instances to

avoid the printing of the great number of inverted com mas which the insertion in such places would have re

quired . GEORGE PRATT. Matautu , Savaii, January, 1861.






LETTERS. The Samoan Alphabet consists of only fourteen letters:-- a, e, i, o, u ; f, g , l, m , n, p,, v. a is pronounced

Ist, long, as in father ; pā, wall. 3rd, very short, nearly like ú ; as, inăte,măliu, văve (vuve). 2nd , rather short, as in mat ; påti limá.

é, i, o, u , as in the Continental languages.

g (nga), is always nasal, as ng in sing . 1 (la ), the same as in English , except when preceded by either a, o, or ů , and followed by i, when it is pronounced by most natives as a soft r ,

almost approaching to a d sound , for which it is substituted, in similar circumstances, in the pronunciation of New Zealand words- (kidikidi,

written kirikiri) : aliuli, provounced ariari.

s, is not quite so sibilant as in English . The other letters, f, m , n , p, t, v, called fa,mo, nu , pi, ti, vi, are pro nounced as in English . In addition to these, there is a sound something between h and k , for

which it is substituted. This has been represented by an inverted comina, In our printed books, however, to save trouble , they are only used when required to distinguish words spelt in the same way , as in the case of the

pronouns loʻu , my, and lou , thy, & c. Two similar vowels cannot occur together without a break between . When they would come together in forming new words, or in cominencing a word with the vowel which terminates the preceding word , and with

Samoan Grammar. which it stands in close connection , they are pronounced by a single im . pulse of the voice, as one long vowel : as, tagatā nun ; aiofu atu , alofātu . A few cases occur of the coalescence of different vowels , as ma ona , for him , pronounced mõna . Every letter is distinctly sounded , so that there are no improper diph thongs. No two consonants can come together without a vowel between . Many Samoans are exceedingly careless and incorrect in the pronunci. ation of consonants, and even exchange or transpose consonants with out confusion , and almost unnoticed by their hearers, as mānu for nāinu,

lagoga for lagona ; but they are very particular about the pronunciation of the vowels.

The only foreign letters which have been introduced are h , k, and r ;

used in writing proper names and foreign names for things for which no appropriate Samoan word could be found. In some cases, they change k into s ; as Sapai for Hapai.

SYLLABLES. Every syllable must end in a vowel. No syllable can consist of more

than three letters ; as fai,mai, tau . Accent. The general rule is, that the accent is on the penultima; but to this there are exceptions : as, O loo i Safotú ; su Muliagá .

In speaking , the voice is raised , and the emphasis falls on the lastword When a word receives an addition , by means of an affixed particle , the accent is shifted forward : as, alófa, alofága, alofugía .' in each sentence.

Reduplicated words have two accents : as, palapála , ségiségi.



The article le is both definite and indefinite ; at least, it is constantly used by the natives where the English would require the indefinite article : as, o le alii Pai, such a one is a chief ; O le Atua, God, is definite.

Samoan Grannar. Se is always indefinite : Ta mai se laau, cutme a stick. Proper names in the nominative case take 'o before them (with the break ) : as, ' O Tagaloa , ' O Toya ; but ' O le Toga , would mean a Tonga man .

The plural nominative takes or omits 'o : o tagata, or simply , tagata. With a noininative absolute, it always takes it; and before each of a list of things, if without the conjunction ; as, O le mulauli; o le anae,olé filoa, ma i'u uma lava .

When the nominative follows the verb, it is mostly , except after verbs preceded by ona : as, Va pauu umamai laau . 2. Nouxs. Gender is sometimes expressed by distinct names : O le alii, a chief.

O le tamaitai, a lady :

O le tane, a man .

le fafine, a female. O le matuā mua , a hen .

O le tama, a boy . O le toa , a cock .

( le teine, a girl.

O le poʻa, a male animal. O le manu fafine, a female animal.

When no distinct name exists, the gender of animals is known by add

ing poʻa and fafine: The Plural is known 1. By the omission of the article.

2. By particles denoting multitude, and is then emphatic: o le au ia, a shoal of fish ; o le vao tagata, (literally) a forest of men ; & le mou mea , a great number of things.

3. By lengthening (properly , doubling) a vowel in the word : as, tuafāfine, sisters of a brother. Case is formed by prepositions : as, Plurat:

Sing. N . " O le alii G . o and a le alii D . i le alii, to

mo and ma le alii, for

bo alii or alij . o or a alii . i alii, to .

mo or ma alii, for.

A . i le alii

i alii.

V . le alii e !

alii e !

Ab. e and i le alii, by and in

o and i alii, by and in . mai, from .

mai, from

Proper names are declined as the plural, except the accusative and dative, which tahe iã : Fai atu iā Sina, & c .

Some nouns are derived from verbsby the addition of ga, suga, tuga , & c.

as, tuli, to drive, tuliga, a driving; luluu, to fill the hand, luutaga , handful; anu, to spit, anusaga, spiuile.










George Pratt .





from the native songs, and by putting down , in very nu merous instances, the same word in its various uses as a

noun , and a verb , and an adjective.

In consulting its pages, the following remarks should be borne in mind : All adjectivesmay have a verbal form by merely adding the yerbal particles : as, lelei, good ;

ua lelei, it is good . This is also the case with many nouns : as, ma'i , a disease ; ua maʻi, he is ill ; and, vice versâ, verbs may be made into noạns by adding the ar ticle, or by introducing the possessive pronoun : as sau ,

to come; sau , a coming, 0 lona luai sau. Often, however , such nouns are distinguished by an affix , such as ga, saga, or taga. Very many words, and even parts of sentences, will take the causative faa, and the qualifying particle faale,

before them . Of words so compounded , comparatively a few only will be found, since a very little knowledge of the language will enable a learner to find out the shade

of meaning superadded to the original word by those prefixes.

It should also be borne in mind that, although in those words in which two or more of the same vowels

come together, a break, or palatal sound almost like a k , occurs in pronunciation ; yet we have in such cases omit ted the inverted comma which we have used as the sign of the break .

We have omitted it in these instances to

avoid the printing of the great number of inverted com mas which the insertion in such places would have re

quired. GEORGE PRATT. Matautu, Savaii, January , 1881.




LETTERS THE Samoan Alphabet consists of only fourteen letters :-- a, e, i, o, u ; f, g, l, m , n, p, s, t, v. a is pronounced Ist, long , as in father ; pā , wall. 2nd, rather short, as in mat ; påti lima.

3rd , very short, nearly like ŭ ; as, inăte ,mălïu, văve (vuve). ė, i, o, u , as in the Continental languages .

g (nga), is always nasal, as ng in sing . 1 (la ), the same as in English , except when preceded by either a , o , ori" ú , and followed by i, when it is pronounced by most natives as a soft r, almost approaching to a d sound , for which it is substituted , in similar

circumstances, in the pronunciation of New Zealand words — (kidikidi, written kirikiri) : aliuli, provounced ariari.

s, is not quite so sibilant as in English . The other letters, f, m ,n ,p, t, v, called fa,mo, nú, pi, ti, vi, are pro nounced as in English. In addition to these, there is a sound something between hand k , for which it is substituted . This has been represented by an inverted comina. In our printed books, however, to save trouble, they are only used when

required to distinguish words spelt in the same way , as in the case of the

pronouns loʻu ,my, and lou , thy, & c. Two similar vowels cannot occur together without a break between.

When they would come together in forming new words, or in commencing a word with the vowel wbich terminates the preceding word , and with

Samoan Grammar. which it stands in close connection , they are pronounced by a single im pulse of the voice, as one long vowel : as, tagatā nuu ; aiofu atu , alofātu . A few cases occur of the coalescence of different vowels, as ma ona , for him , pronounced mõna.

Every letter is distinctly sounded , so that there are no improper diph

thongs. No two consonants can come together without a vowel between .

Many Samoans are exceedingly careless and incorrect in the pronunci ation of consonants, and even exchange or transpose consonants with

out confusion , and almost unnoticed by their hearers, as mānu for nāinu ,

lagoga for lagona ; but they are very particular about the pronunciation of the vowels.

The only foreign letters which have been introduced are h , k , and r ;

used in writing proper names and foreign names for things for which no appropriate Samoan word could be found. In some cases, they change

h into s; as Sapai for Hapai.

SYLLABLES. Every syllable must end in a vowel. No syllable can consist of more than three letters ; as fai, mai, tau .

Accent. The general rule is , that the accent is on the penultima ; but to this there are exceptions : as, o loo i Safotú ; su Muliagá .

In speaking, the voice is raised , and the emphasis falls on the last word in each sentence.

When a word receives an addition, by means of an affixed particle , the accent is shifted forward : as, alófa , alofága, alofugía.

Reduplicated words have two accents : as, palapála , ségiségi.


1. The ARTICLE. The article le is both definite and indefinite ; at least, it is constantly used by the natives where the English would require the indefinite article : as, o le alii Pai, such a one is a chief; O le Atua , God, is definite.

Samoan Grammar. Se is always indefinite : Ta mai se laau, cutme a stick . Proper names in the nominative case take 'o before them (with the break ) : as, ' O Tayaloa , O Toya ; but ' O le Toga , would mean a Tonga man .

The plural nominative takes or omits 'o ; o tagata , or simply, tagata . With a noininative absolute, it always takes it ; and before each of a list of things, if without the conjunction ; as, O le malauli; o le anae, ó lé filoa , ma iʻa uma lava .

When the nominative follows the verb , it is mostly o.nited, except after verbs preceded by ona : as, Va pauu uma mailaav . 2. Nouxs. Gender is sometimes expressed by distinct names : O le alii, a chief.

O le tamaitai, a lady :

O le tane, a man . O le tama, a boy. O le toa, a cock .

( le teine, a girl.

le fafine, a femalc. O le matuā mua, a hen .

O le poʻa , a male animal. O le manu fafine, a female animal. When no distinct name exists, the gender of animals is known by add ing poʻa and fafine:

The Plural is known 1. By the omission of the article . 2. By particles denoting multitude, and is then emphatic: o le au ira, a shoal of fish ; o le vao tagata , (literally ) a forest of men ; ♡ le mou mea, a great number ofthings. 3. By lengthening (properly , doubling ) a vowel in the word : as, tuafāfine, sisters of a brother.

Case is formed by prepositions : as, Plural :

Sing . N . (O le alii

"o alii or alii.

G . o and a le alii

o or a alii .

D . i le alii , to

i alii, to. mo or ma alii, for . i alii.

mo and ma le alii, for A . i le alii V . le alii e !

Ab. e and i le alii, by and in

mai, from

alii e !

e and i alii, by and in : mai, from .

Proper names are declined as the plural, except the accusative and Some nouns are derived from verbsby the addition of ga, suga, tuga , & c . as, tuli, to drive, tuligu , a driving ; luluu , to fill the hand, luutaga, te handful ; anu, to spit, anusaga , spillle. dative , which tahe ia : Fai atu iā Sina , & c .

Samoan Grammat. 3. ADJECTIVES. Some adjectives are formed from nouns by the addition of a - like y in English ; as word, wordy; seed , seedy :- thus, eleele,dirt, eleelea, dirty ; pálapála , mud, pálapalā, muddy ; or by doubling the word : as, pona , a

knot, pónapóna, knotty . The plural is sometimes distinguished by doubling a syllable : as, sina ,

white, pl. sisinu. Comparison is generally effected by using two adjectives, both in a po sitive state : thus, E lelei lenei, a e leaga lela, this is good , but that is bad - i.e, not in itself, but in comparison with the other. The superlative is formed by the addition ofan adverb : such as,matuā , tasi, sili, silisili ese, & c. : Uu lelei tasi, it alone is good ; or, nothing equals it. Ua matuā silisili ona lelei, it is very exceedingly good .

Numerals and ordinals. These are : Cardinals .

E tasi, one.


E sefulu , ten .

E sefulu ma le tasi, eleven .

lua, two: tolú , three. fa , four. lima, five. ono, six . ftu , seven . valú , eight.


E iva , nine.

lua fulu , twenty . tolu gafulu , thirty . fa gafulu , forty . selau, one hundred . lua lau , two hundred . tolu galau , three hundred . afe , a thousand .

Some say mano is used for ten thousand , but it is doubtful whether itmeans any more than a very great number.


O long lua, or le lua, second. O le muamua, first. And so on , adding ga to the others : as, 0 le limaga masina.

The numeral adverbs, once , twice, & c., are expressed by atu : thus, o le utu lua, twice. Also by prefixing faa : as, Ua ou sau faalua.

The cardinalsmay either precedeor follow their noun : thus, O mea e lua , or e luu mea , two articles. Very many things are counted each in its own peculiar way. A know

ledge of this is absolutely necessary, as being always used by the native ; and also to prevent mistakes : thus, to say, 0 < a e luu lau , instead of

meaning two hundred, would only mean two. The following are the principal forms: Men are counted by prefixing toʻa : e toatasi , 1 ; e toatinoagafulu , 10. Young pigs and cocoanuts , by suffixing oa, or in couples : as, e lua oa, 4 ; e fa gaoa , 8. The odd one being expressed separately : thus, o popo e ono gaoa ma le popo e tasi, 13. Cocoanuts by the score, thus : e seaea , 20 ; e luā ea , 40 ; e tolu gaea, 60. Fowls , breadfruit, and someshell- fish : e tasi, 1 (as often with other things); e lua fua ,-2 ;- e tolu gafua , 3 ; e fuāgafulu , 10 ; e fua lua , 20 ; e fua se Thu, 100 Crayfisli : wlien ten , e tu 'eagafulu ; turelua , 20 .

Samóan Grammar.

Fish : e lua lau, 2 ; e tolu galau, 3; e lau agafulu, 10; e láu lua, 20; e lau selau , 100 ; e lau lua lau , 200 ; e lau afe, 1,000 . Bonito (not called iʻa by Samoans) : o atu e lua tino , 2 bonitos; e tinoaga fulu , 10. . . : e lua mata, 2 ; e matāgafulu , 10 ; e matalua, 20 , & c. Taro

Yams: units as cocoanuts, tens as bananas. Bananas : le cau faʻi, 1 bunch (or stem ); e lua “au, 2 bunches ; e "au aga fulu , 10 ; e au lua, 20 . Masi, in round cakes or balls (potoi): e potoi agafulu , 10 . in flat cakes : afi agafulu , 10 .

Nativemade dishes (cooked in leaves): e faaofuagafulu ; 10; ofu lua, 20.


Personal Pronouns. FIRST PERSON .



(including person addressed ). N . 'O a 'u , a'ouaʻu, ,tăof, i tāua, we two. ' . O N | [me. o andoʻu (moʻu ), ma aʻu (mā'u ), for | G . o and GĎ .. mo a i taua, of us two. A . ia te au, or ia te ita , me, in me. me. , by requires e aíu me Ab. from two prepositions, mai ia te au .

D . mo and ma i tāua, for us two.

A . ia te i tāuit, or ia 'i tāua , us two

Ab. e i tāua , by us two.

"O i mauá, we two (excluding the person addressed), is declined in the sameway Plural. " O i tatou , we (including person or persons addressed ) ; "Oimatou , we (excluding person or persons addressed) ; arc declined the sameas the dual. SECOND PERSON .



N . "O oulua, you two. N . 'O 'oe, thou . G . 0 and a oulua, of you two. . of you oe, oe o andanda ma GD .. mo (contracted to māu D . mo and ma oulua, for you two. A . ia te oulua , you two. and mõu), for you . Ab. e oulua , by you two. A . ia te oe, you . Ab. e oe, by you ." Plural "O outou, you , declined as the dual. THIRD PERSON .


Ñ . "O ia,* he or she. G . o ia , and a ia , of him or her . D . mo and ma ia, mo ona (mõna), and ma ana (māna), for him , & c.


"O i lāua, they two,declined as o i tāuais

Plural. A . ia te ia , him or her . ilatou, they, declined Ab. e ia , by him . * Na is also used , but To only in the nominative.

as o i tāua.

Samoan Grammar,

Adjective Pronouns. 1. POSSESSIVE PRONOUXS. Sing .

Loʻu and laʻu , lota and lata , my.

Plural. ou and āru , my.

Lõu and lāu , lo oe and la oe, thy .

Ou and āu , thy. Lona , lana , his. Una and ana , his. Lo and la mana , or matou , our ; and so 0 and a maua , our; and so on through on through all the pronouns dual out the dual and plural.

and plural. 2. DISTRIBUTIVE PRONOUNS. Taitasi, each . Taitasi uma, every : So before a pronoun : as So maua , one of us two. $o oulua , one of you two, & c.

3. DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUNS, Plural: | Ia and nei, these. lea , o lena , o lela , that. Na, those ; (1a). Sea , sisi, siasi, sinasi, diminutives. | Sing .

O lenei, this ; sinei, a diminutive.

4 . INDEFINITE PRONOUNS. Nisi (ni isi), isi, some, others. Ni, some, any . Nai, some (a few ). Se tasi, le tasi, one , another, the other . Le isi, the other . Se isi, another .

Relative Pronouns.

Sing .

Plural. Oē, who, that. | Ái is also constantly used in a relative sentence : as, Ona taomia lea, oti ai, then

O lē, who, that.

he was crushed , by which he dicd .

Interrogatives. O ai ? who ? singular and plural. O le ā ? what? (sing.) Oā? (plural). Se ā ? what? (indefinite). Niā ? (plural). Le fea ? se fea ? which ? '

5 . VERBS. PRESENT TENSE , (and also used as a future).



1. Ou te pule, I rule.

| 1. Ma te pule, or ) e pule imāua We two rule. E pule i tāua

2. E pule oe, thou rulest.

Lua te epule ouluaor loyou two rule. e pul | 3 . La te pule , or 11,

3. E pule o ia, he rules.

tworule. they two rule. e pule i lāua they

Samoan Grummar: Plural.

1. 2. 3.

Matou te pule, or e pule imatou Zemoule Tatou te pule, or e pule i tatou ! Tou te pule, or e pule outou , you rule. Latou te pule, or e pule i latou, they rule.

Uu, though generally past, also sometimes designates the present i E sometimes denotes what now is, and always was so : thus, E silisili

thus, Ua maʻi o iu , He is sick .

le Atua , God is very great. IMPERFECT TENSE .

1. Na aéu alofa , I loved .

2. Na ē alofa, thou lovedst. 3 . Na ia alofa, he loved , & c . & c . & c.

Sa differs but little from na : Sa āu nofo, I sat or was sitting: PERFECT TENSE.

1. Ua aʻu sao, I have escaped . 2. Ua ē sao, thou hast escaped . 3 . Ua sao ia , he has escaped .

fc. &c. & c.

The pluperfect is expressed by the imperfect, or by adding uma: UC uma onu tuele ina ua o mai i latou . FUTURE (IMMEDIATE). 1. O le ā aʻu alu , or ā au alu , I am about to go. 2. O le a ē alu , or o le a alu oe, thou art about to go. 3 . O le a alu o ia , he is about to go. fc. & c. & c. FUTURE (INDEFINITE ). Dual. Sing.

1. Ou te alu , or tă te alu , I shall go. ! 1. Mā te o, or eö i māua /we two will 2. E alu ve, or e te alu , thou shalt go. 3 . E alu o ia , or ia te alu , or na te alu , he shall go.

Tā te o, or eu i tāua I go. & c. & c.

Imperative Mood . 1 . Se' i ou saili, let me seek . 2. Ina ē saili, or saili, or saili ia oe , seek thou . Ia ē saili, do thou seek .

3 . Ia saili o ia, let him scek .

Infinitive Mood . E saili, to sech. Participles. o loo saili, seeking . O loo ua sailia, being sought. A saili, about to scek .

Samoan Grammar.

- The Passive is formed by affixing ina, ia , a, fia , gia , lia ,mia , sid , tia : thus,muista, tuluia (shortened from tutulu, as is often the case ); sailia , inofia , alofa

gia , taulia , si'omia ,“inosia , pulütia . A Causative (like Hüphel) is formed by prefixing faa : as faatupu, to cause to grow . Faa also de notes a diminished degree : as faaleluta , not quite at home. Also it is used in comparison : as faatamaiiiiti, to be like a child .

The Reciprocal (Hithpael) is formed by prefixing fe and affixing ni, a'i, fa'i, sa'i, ta'i, & c.: fealo fani, to love one another ; fealuaʻi, to go about from place to place ; fè

tamataʻi, to watch for one another.

Continued Action'. (1) is denoted by prefixing tau : as taufaatupu , to continue to cause to grow .

( 2 ) by reduplication : as sailiili. Reduplication is also used to express intensity : as mu, to burn ; mumū,to burn brightly. And also the plural : ás alolofa . The affix aina denotes intensity of action, (Piel) : fuiaina, to be over come,surpassed ; teleuina , to hurry on ; tuliuina, to drive on . Ma prefixed makes the sense ( 1) neuter : thus, sasaa , to spill ; masaa , is spilt ; or ( 2 ) ability - can : mafai, to be able ; ua ma mänava , he can '


Verbs signifying “ to abound in ” are formed from the noun, by adding a : niu , a cocoanut ; uu niua , abounding in cocoanuts .

The prefix yā expresses equality or companionship : gātusa , to be exi actly equal; gātasi, to be together ; gāsolo, to glide along .

Impersonal Verb. Fãʻi, It is supposed .

Irregular Verbs are, first, those which are irregular in forming their plural: thus Sing .


Sau , to come. Alu , to go. Pupula, to shine, Momo‘e , to run .

Tago, to take hold of.


fepulafi .

femoʻei and taufetuli.. fetagofi.

Samoan Grammar


Secondly , those which are irregụlar io forming their passives: Active. Aumai, to bring. Avatu (ave atu).

Passive. aumaia .

avatūa .

The peculiarity consists in combining the directive particlewith theword, Some verbs are formed from nouns, by adding the verbal particles : as, ola , life ; ua ou ola , I live. In the same way, also , do the adjectives be come verbs : Ua eleelea , it is dirty .

Particles, directives to Verbs. Mai, direction towards the speaker. Atu , direction from .

A‘e, above : Ua alu are, it is gone up. Ifo , below , down .

Ane, a more indirect motion.


linei, here.

O fea ? where ?

Tilā , there.

Analeila , just now , Nanei, presently. Talu , since. Anci, by-and-bye.

I ő, yonder. Nei , now . Io , ioe, e, yes.

E leai, iai, no. Oi, yes (to a call), Soo, often .

Vave, quickly. Faapefea ? how ?

Afea ? when ?

Faapea , thus. With many others.

9. PREPOSITIONS. I fafo, without. O and a, of. Moand ma, for, on account of. I luga , above. I lalo , under. la (to proper names), to. I tala utu , beyond . I , in , at, to.

E , by

I tala mai, on this side,

Mai, from .

I tua , behind .

I totonu, within .

I luma, before .

I loto, within


Afại, if


Å , if (future):

Sumoan Grammar.

Ana, if (past).

Ma and foi , also , likewise.

E ui lava ina , although. Peitai and peisai, but. A , but.

Ana le se anoa , except.

Auā , because. Atoa ma, and also .

Faitai, but (obsolete ).

Ne'i , lest.

Peiseai, like as, as though.


E ui ina mea , notwithstanding


Maeu ! 1 wond , Ola ! won erful ! Ena ! well done! Alili ! atitu ! Do Es ! Eenu ! enuenu ! Pshaw Tă “ ino‘ ino ! abominable ! Se pagā ! what a pity !

Oi ! oh !

Oi, oi, oi ! oh , oh ! 'Uē! exclamation of delight. Isa ! of contempt.

Faauta ! behold !

Tă fefe ! (literally, “ I fear ! ”) Alas !


0. RULE 1. -- Every noun , word , or sentence standing as a nominative ab . solute requires the 'o before it ; thus, ' O lona faatoa sau lenei, this is the first time he has come.

Exceptions.— 1. It is omitted after the conjunction ma : 'O alii ma fuipule.

2. Before nominatives following the verb it may be omitted : as, Ua ligoligo le ulufunua .

3. In poetry, it is often omitted : - Fagaliima Selea le fanua.” — Muliau ia Tuu.

Rule 2.- Verbs preceded by ona and followed by lea take an 'o before the noininative : as, Ona tagi lea “o Sina . Le.

Le is often indefinite : thus, o le ali o ia , he is a chief.

It is omitted in the adverbial expression i falē , in the house , or inside. Se .

This article is rather sparingly used . Its chief use is in regard to things unknown or future : E te se Amoa ea ? are you an Amoan ?

ame . nc i to se matagiſetaua‘i." - f'iiga vii. 10 .

Sumoan Grammar. 65 A se alii, avane lona suafa ." - - Muliau ia Tuu .

- (If it should be a man child , give him his title).

The Article as a Pronoun . O le Atua lē fetalai mui, it is God who is speaking ; properly , le e fer talai mai, the [one] speaking. “ O le Tupu o tupu, o afio i le lagi.” — Viiga i. -- ( The King of kings, who dwells in heaven ).

NOUNS. The singular is sometimes used for the plural: 1, In nouns ofmultitude : Ua o mai le nuu , the people are come. 2 , Where one stands for a class:

E fausalaina lē pagotā , the ill-doer will be punished . Apposition. The 'o before the second name is dropped : as, O Iesu , le Alii, Jesus, the Lord .

Exceptions. If the office precedes the name, then both have it : O le alii, o Malietoa , the chief, Malietoa.

Nominative. The noun usually follows the verb : Ua sau le tamaloa, the man is come.

When it precedes the verb , it is usually emphatic , and requires to be followed by a pronoun after the verb : thus “ Filoilupo ma Lemaluosamca, Avatu i laua e faima oso." - - Lagisolo ia Tato.

- (F . and L., take them for food on the journey).

Nouns standing in apposition, whatever case the firstmay be in , all the subsequent ones are in the nominative ; as, Na e tugi i lau tane, o le gogo sina .

Genitive. This is indicated by the prepositions a or o (soft). As to which of these should be used , as well as the pronouns lou , lau , lona , Inna , lo and la

mutou , & c ., it is difficult for a foreigner to know . There is no general rule which will apply to every case.

The goveruing noun decides which

should be used : thus, manau o le tino ; but amiigo a le tino ; upu o Fagono ; but upu a tuguta. The following hints may serve in some measure to guide as to which some classes of nouns govern : I. O is used with

1. Nouns denoting parts of the body : fofoga o le alii, eyes of the chief. So of hands, legs, hair , & c. ; except the beard, which takes a . 2 . The mind and its affections : o le toasa o le alii. So of the

will, desire, love, fear, & c.

Samoan Grammar. which it stands in close connection , they are pronounced by a single im pulse of the voice, as one long vowel: as, tagatā nuu ; aiofu atu , alofātu . A few cases occur of the coalescence of different vowels, as ma ona , for

him , pronounced mõna.

Every letter is distinctly sounded , so that there are no improper diph thongs. No two consonants can come together without a vowel between .

Many Samoans are exceedingly careless and incorrect in the pronunci

ation of consonants, and even exchange or transpose consonants with out confusion , and almost unnoticed by their hearers, as manu for näinu ,

lagoga for lagona ; but they are very particular about the pronunciation

of the vowels. The only foreign letters which have been introduced are h, k, and r ; used in writing proper names and foreign names for things for which no appropriate Samoan word could be found. In some cases, they change h into s ; as Sapai for Hapai.


Every syllable must end in a vowel. No syllable can consist of more than three letters ; as fai,mai, tau . Accent.

The general rule is, that the accent is on the penultima ; but to this there are exceptions : as, O loo i Safotú ; su Muliaga . In speaking , the voice is raised , and the emphasis falls on the last word

in each sentence.

When a word receives an addition, by means of an affixed particle, the accent is shifted forward : as, alófa , alofága, alofugía . Reduplicated words have two accents : as, palapála, ségiségi.



The article le is both definite and indefinite ; at least, it is constantly used by the natives where the English would require the indefinite article : as, o le alii Pai, such a one is a chief; O le Atua, God, is definite .

Samoan Grammar .

Še is always indefinite : Ta mai se laau, cutme a stick. Proper names in the nominative case take 'o before them (with the break ) : as, 'O Tayaloa , ' O Toya ; but “O le Toga, would mean a Tonga man . The plural nominative takes or omits 'o : o tagata , or simply , tagata . With a noininative absolute, it always takes it ; and before each of a list of things, ifwithout the conjunction : as, O le malauli; o le anae,olé filoa , mu i' a uma lava .

When the nominative follows the verb , it is mostly , except after verbs preceded by ona : as, Va pauu uma mai laau .

2. Nouns.

Gender is sometimes expressed by distinct names : O le alii, a chief.

O le tamaitai, a ladyj: , le fafine, a female. ( le teine, a girl. . O le matuā mua , a hen . O le toa , a cock. O le poʻa, a male animal. O le manu fafine , a female animal.

O le tane, a man . O le tama, a boy .

When no distinct name exists, the gender of animals is known by add ing poʻa and fafine. The Plural is known 1. By the omission of the article . 2. By particles denoting multitude, and is then emphatic : o le au i'a , a shoal of fish ; o le vao tagata , (literally ) a forest of men ; º le mou mea , a great number of things.

3. By lengthening (properly, doubling ) a vowel in the word : as,

tuafāfine, sisters of a brother. Case is formed by prepositions: as, Sing. N . "O le alii G . o and a le alii D . i le alii, to

mo and ma le alii, for A . i le alii V . le alii e !

Ab .e and i le alii, by and in mai, from


bo alii or alii. o or a alii . i alii , to .

mo or ma alii, for. i alii . alii e !

e and i alii, by and in :

mai, from .

Proper names are declined as the plural, except the accusative and dative, which tahe iă : Fai atu iā Sina , fc. Some nouns are derived from verbs by the addition of ga, suga, tuga , & c. as, tuli, to drive, tuligu , a driving ; luluu , to fill the hand, luutaga , the handful ; anu, to spit, anusagu , spillle .

Samoan Grammar.

3. ADJECTIVES. Some adjectives are formed from nouns by the addition of a - like y in English ; as word , wordy ; seed , seedy:- thus, eleele, dirt, eleelea , dirty ; palapála ,mud, pálapalā , muddy; or by doubling the word : as, pona , a

knot, pónapona,knotty . The plural is sometimes distinguished by doubling a syllable: as, sina, white, pl. sisinu. Comparison is generally effected by using two adjectives , both in a po sitive state : thus, E lelei lenei, a e leaga lela , this is good, but that is bad - i.e, not in itself, but in comparison with the other. The superlative is formed by the addition of an adverb : such as,matuā,

tasi, sili, silisili ese, & c.: Vu lelei tasi, it alone is good ; or, nothing equals it. Ua matuā silisili ona lelei, it is very exceedingly good .

Numerals and ordinals. These are : Cardinals. E tasi, one. E E E E E

lua , two. tolu , three. fa , four. lima, five. ono, six .

E fitu , seven .

E -sefulu , ten . E sefulu ma le tasi, eleven . E lua fulu , twenty . I tolu gafulu , thirty . E fa gafulu , forty . E selau , one hundred . E lua lau , two hundred .

E tolu galau, three hundred . E valu , eight. E afe, a thousand. E iva , nine. Some say mano is used for ten thousand, but it is doubtful whether it means any more than a very great number . Ordinals:

o le muamua , first. O long lua, or le lua, second . And so on , adding ga to the others : as, o le limaga masina .

The numeral adverbs, once, twice, & c., are expressed by atu : thus, o le utu lua, twice. Also by prefixing faa : as, Va ou sau faalua .

The cardinals may either precede or follow their noun : thus, O mea e lua , or e lua mea, two articles. Very many things are counted each in its own peculiar way. A know

ledge of this is absolutely necessary, as being always used by the natives ; and also to prevent mistakes : thus, to say, O ia e luu lau, instead of meaning two hundred, would only mean two. The following are the principal forms: Men are counted by prefixing toʻa : e toatasi; 1 ; e toatinoagafulu , 10. Young pigs and cocoanuts, by suffixing oa , or in couples : as, e lua oa , 4 ; e fa gaoa , 8 . The odd one being expressed separately : thus, o popo e" ono gaoa ma le popo e tasi, 13 . Cocoanuts by the score, thus : e seaea , 20 ; e luā ea, 40 ; e tolu gaea, 60 . Fowls,-breadfruit , and someshell-fish : etasi, 1 (as often with other things);

e lua fua , 2 ;- e tolu gafua , 3 ; e fuāgafulu, 10 ; e fua lua, 20 ; e fua se lưu, 100:

Crayfish : when ten, & tu 'engafulu ; tuéelua, 20 .

Samoan Grammar.

. Fish : e lua lau, 2 ; e tolu galau, 3; e lau agafulu, 10 ; e làu lua, 20 ; e lau selau , 100 ; e lau lua lau , 200 ; e lau afe, 1,000 . Bonito (not called iʻa by Samoans) : o atu e lua tino, 2 bonitos; e tinoaga fulu , 10 . Taro : e lua mata, 2 ; e matāgafulu , 10 ; e matalua , 20, & c. Yams: units as cocoanuts , tens as bananas. Bananas: le "au faʻi, I bunch (or stem ) ; e lua “au, 2 bunches ; e 'au aga-fulu , 10 ; e au lua , 20 . Masi, in round cakes or balls (potoi): e potoiagafulu, FO. in flat cakes : afi agafulu , 10 .

Nativemade dishes (cooked in leaves): e faaofuagafulu , 10; ofu lua, 20.

4 . PRONOUNS. Personal Pronouns. FIRST PERSON. Sing.


N . 'O a 'u , 'ou ; tă , 1. G . o and a aʻu , of me. [me. Đ . mo oʻu (moʻu ), ma aʻu (mā'u ), for A . ia te au , or ia te ita, me, in me. Ab . e a 'u , by me. from me requires two prepositions,

(including person addressed ). | N . 'O i tāua , we two. G . o and a i taua, of us two.

DA .. mo and ma i tāua, for us two.

ia te i tăui , or ia 'i tāua , us two

Ab. e i tāua , by us two.

mai ia te au.

"Oimaua , we two (excluding the person addressed), is declined in the same way. Plural. " O i tatou , we (including person or personsaddressed ) ; " O i matou, we (excluding person or persons addressed ) ;

arc declined the same as the dual. SECOND PERSON . Dual.

Sing. N . '0 'oe, thou .

| N . 'O oulua , you two. G . o and a oulua, of you two. G . o and a oe , of you . D . mo and ma oe (contracted to māu D . mo and ma oulua, for you two. A . ia te oulua , you two. and mõu), for you . A . ia te oe , you . Ab . e oulua, by you two. Ab. e oe, by you ." Plural

"O outou , you , declined as the dual. THIRD PERSON .

Sing N . "O ja,* he or she.

Dual. "O i lāua , they two, declined as o itāua ;s

G . o ia , and a ia , of him or her .

D . mo and ma ia, mo ona (mõna), and - ma ana (māna ), for him , 8c. Plural. A . ia te ia , him or her. "O i latou , they, declined as o i tāua. Ab. e ia , by him . * Na is also used , but only in the nominative.'

Samoan Grammar :

Adjective Pronouns. 1 . POSSESSIVE PRONOUXS.

Sing. Plural. Loʻu and laru , lota and lata , my. O ‘u and āʻu , my. Ou and āu, thy . Lõu and lāu, lo oe and la ve, thy. Lona, lana , his. Una and ana, his . Lo and la maua, or matou , our ; and solo and a maua, our ; and so on through on through all the pronouns dual out the dualand plural. and plural. 2 . DISTRIBUTIVE PRONOUNS.

Taitasi, each . Taitasi uma, every : So before a pronoun : as--So maua, one of us two. $ o oulua , one of you two, & c .

3. DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUNS. Plural. O lenei, this ; sinei, a diminutive. Ia and nei, these. lea , o lena, o lela, that. Na, those ; (1a). Sea, sisi, siasi, sinasi, diminutives. | Sing .


Nisi (ni isi), isi, some, others. Ni, some, any . Nai, some (a few ). Se tasi, le tasi, one, another , the other. Łe isi, the other. Se isi, another..

Relative Pronouns. Plural.

Sing .

O lē, who, that.

Oē, who , that.

Áiis also constantly used in a relative sentence : as, Ona taomia lea, oti ai, then he was crushed , by which he died .

Interrogatives . O ai ? who ? singular and plural. O le ā ? what? (sing.) Oā ? (plural). Se ā ? what? (indefinite). Niā? (plural). Le fea ? se fea ? which ?

5 . VERBS. Sing .

1. Ou te pule , I rule.

2. E pule oe, thou rulest. 3. E pule o ia, he rules.

PRESENT TENSE, (and also used as a future). Dual. 1. Ma te pule, or ) e pule imāua We two rule . E pule i tăua 2. Lua te pule or you two two rule. rule. e pule oulua you 3. La te pule, or ( they 1) two rule.

e pule i lāua iney

Samoan Grummar: Plural. te pule, or e pule i matou 1. Matou Tatou te pule , or e pule i tatou


we rule . que

2. Tou te pule, or e pule outou , you rule.

3. Latou te pule, or e pule i latou, they rule .

Ua, though generally past, also sometimes designates the present: thus, Ua ma' i o iu , He is sick .

E sometimes denotes what now is , and always was so : thus, E silisili

le Atua, God is very great. IMPERFECT TENSE .

1. Na aʻu alofa , I loved . 2. Na ē alofa , thou lovedst. 3. Na ia alofa , he loved . & c. & c . & c.

Sa differs but little from na : Sa āu nofo , I sat or was sitting: PERFECT TENSE .

1. Ua aʻu sao, I have escaped . 2 . Ua ē sao , thou hast escaped . 3. Va sao ia , he has escaped.

fic. &c. & c.

The pluperfect is expressed by the imperfect, or by adding uma: Vď uma onu tuele ina ua o mai i latou . FUTURE (IMMEDIATE). 1. O le ā aʻu alu , or ā au alu , I am about to go . 2. O le a ē alu , or o le a alu oe, thou art about to go . 3 . O le a alu o ia , he is about to go.

8c. $ c. sc.

FUTURE (INDEFINITE) Dual. Sing. 1. Ou te alu , or tă te alu , I shall go. I 1. Mā te o, or eö imāua , we two will 2. E alu ve, or e te alu , thou shalt go.

3. E alu o ia , or ja te alu , or na te

Tā te o , or evitāua S go . & c . & c.

alu , he shall go .

Imperative Mood . 1. Se'i ou saili, letme seek . 2. Ina ē saili, or saili, or saili ia oe, seek thou . la ē saili, do thou seek . 3 . Ia saili o ia , let him scek .

Infinitive Mood. E saili, to sech.

Participles. O loo saili, seeking. O loo ua sailia , being sought. A saili, about to seek .

Samoan Grammar.

- The Passive is formed by affixing ina , ia , a, fia , gia , lia , mia , siä , tia : thus,muista , tuluia ( shortened from tutulu, as is often the case); sailça , inofia , alofa gia , taulia , si-omia, 'inosia , půlutia .

A Causative ( like Hiphel) is formed by prefixing faa : as faatupu, to cause to grow . Faa also de notes a diminished degree : as faaleluta , not quite at home.

Also it is

used in comparison : as faatamaitiiti, to be like a child .

The' Reciprocal ( Hithpael) is formed by prefixing fe and affixing ni, aíi, faʻi, sa 'i , taʻi, & c . : fealo fani, to love one another ; fealuaʻi, to go about from place to place ; fè tamataʻi , to watch for one another.

Continued Action . (1) is denoted by prefixing tau : as taufaatupu, to continue to cause to grow .

( 2 ) by reduplication : as sailiili. Reduplication is also used to express intensity : asmu, to burn ; mumū, to burn brightly. And also the plural: ás alolofa. The affix aina denotes intensity of action , (Piel) : fuiaina, to be over

come,surpassed ; teleuina, to hurry on ; tuliuina, to drive on. Ma prefixed makes the sense (1) neuter : thus, sasaa ,to spill ; masaa, is spilt ; or ( 2 ) ability - can : mafui, to be able ; ua ma mõnava, he can breathe.

Verbs signifying “ to abound in ” are formed from the noun , by adding a : niu , a cocoanut ; uu niua , abounding in cocoanuts .

The prefix yā expresses equality or companionship : gātusa, to be exi actly equal; gātasi, to be together ; gāsolo , to glide along .

Impersonal Verb. Fã i, It is supposed .' Irregular Verbs

are, first, those which are irregular in forming their plural: thus Sing. Sau , to come.


Alu , to go .


Pupula , to shine, Momore, to run .

fepulafi. femoʻei and taufetuli. fetagofi .

Tago, to take hold of.

Samoan Grammar. Secondly , those which are irregular in forming their passives: Passire.


Aumai, to bring. Avatu (ave atu) .

aumaia . avatūa .

The peculiarity consists in combining the directive particle with the word, Some verbs are formed from nouns, by adding the verbal particles : as, ola , life ; ua ou ola , I live. In the sameway, also , do the adjectives be. come verbs : Ua eleelea, it is dirty .

Particles, directives to Verbs. Mai, direction towards the speaker. Atu , direction from . A 'e, above : Ua alu a 'e, it is gone up. Ifo , below , down.

Ane, a more indirect motion .


O fea ? where ?

linei, here: Tilā , there .

Analeila, just now ,

I 7, yonder .

Nanei, presently.

Nei, now .

Talu , since.

Io, ioe, e, yes.

Anci, by-and -bye. Vave, quickly . Faapefea ? how ? Faapea , thus. With many others.

E leai, i'ai, no. Soo, often . Oi, yes (to a call) : Afeu ? when ?


O and a, of. Mo and ma, for, on account of. ja (to proper names), to. İ, in , at, to .

E , by. Mai, from .

I totonu , within , I loto, within ,

I fafo, without. I I I I I I

luga , above. lalo , under. tala atu, beyond . tala mai, on this side, tua , behind . luma, before .


Afqi, if.

A , if (future ).

Sumoan Grammar.

Ana , if (past ). E ui lava ina , although. Peitai and peisai, but.

Ma and foi , also, likewise. Ana le se anoa , except. Auā , because .

A , but. Faitai, but (obsolete ).

Atoa ma, and also .

Ne'i, lest.

Peiseai, like as, as though.


E ui ina mea , notwithstanding


Oi ! oh !

Maeu !

Oi, oi, oi ! oh , oh ! ‘Uē! exclamation of delight. Isa ! of contempt.

Faauta ! behold !

Tă fefe ! (literally, “ I fear !” ).

wond " erful ! Ola ! Ena ! well done ! Alili ! atitu ! Pshaw ! Eenu ! enuenu ! Tŭ 'ino‘ ino ! abominable !

Se pagā ! what a pity !

Alas !


-0 .

Rule 1.- Every noun , word , or sentence standing as a nominative ab . solute requires the 'o before it : thus, 'O lona faatoa sau lenei,this is the first time he has come.

Exceptions.- 1 . It is omitted after the conjunction ma : 0 alii ma fuipule.

2. Before nominatives following theverb it may be omitted : as, Ua ligoligo le ulufunua..

3. In poetry , it is often omitted : “ Fagalii ma Selea le fanua.” — Muliau ia Tuů . RULE 2 . - Verbs preceded by ona and followed by lea take an ‘o before

the noininative : as,'Ona tagi lea “o Sina. Le .

Le is often indefinite : thus, o le alii o ia , he is a chiet. It is omitted in the adverbial expression i falē, in the house, or inside. Se.

This article is rather sparingly used. Its chief use is in regard to things unknown or future : E te se Amoa ea ? are you an Amoan ? com " neʻi to se matagi fetaua'i." -- l'iiga,vii. 10 .

Sumoan Grammar. $ ? A se alii , avane lona suafa .” - NIuliau ia Tuu .

- ( If it should be a man child , give him his title).

The Article as a Pronoun .

O le Atua lë fetalai mui, it is God who is speaking ; properly, le e fe: talai mai, the [one] speaking . " O le Tupu o tupu, o afio i le lagi.” — Viiga i. ---( The King of kings, who dwells in heaven ) .

Nouns. The singular is sometimes used for the plural : 1 , In nouns of multitude : Va o mai le nuu, the people are come. 2 , Where one stands for a class :

E fausaluina lē pagotā , the ill-doer will be punished .

Apposition . The 'o before the second nameis dropped : as, O Iesu , le Alii, Jesus, the Lord .

Exceptions. If the office precedes the name, then both have it : O le alii, o Malietoa, the chief, Malietoa. Nominotive.

The noun usually follows the verb : Ua sau le tamaloa , the man is come.

When it precedes the verb, it is usually emphatic, and requires to be followed by a pronoun after the verb : thus « Filoilupo ma Lemaluosamca , Avatu i laua e fai ma oso ." --- Lagisolo ia Tato . - ( F . and L ., take them for food on the journey ) .

Nouns standing in apposition , whatever case the first may be in , all the subsequent ones are in the nominative ; as, Na e tugi i lau tane, o le gogo sina .

Genitive . This is indicated by the prepositions à or o (soft). As to which of these should be used, as well as the pronouns lou , lau , lona , luna , lo and la matou , & c., it is difficult for a foreigner to know . There is no general rule which will apply to every case.

The governing noun decides which

should be used : thus, manau o le tino ; but amivga a le tino ; upu o Fagono ; but upu a tuguta .

The following hints may serve in some measure to guide as to which some classes of nouns govern : I. O is used with 1. Nouns denoting parts of the body : fofoga o le alii, eyes of the

chief. So of hands, legs, hair, & c.; except the beard, which takes a. 2. The mind and its affections : o le toasa o le alii. So of the

will, desire, love, fear, & c.

Sumoun Grammar'.


3. Houses, and all their parts ; canoes, land, country , trees , plan tations : thus, pou o le fale, posts of the house ; lona funua , lona

nuu , & c .

4 . People, relations, slaves : o ona tagata , his people ; o le fale

tua o le alii, the chief's wife. So also of a son, daughter, father , & c. Exceptions.— Tane, husband ; avā , wife , (of a common man ), and children , which take a : lana avā ma ana fanau . 5 . Garments, & c., if for use : ona ofu .

Except when spoken of as property , riches, things laid up in store, II. A is used with 1. Words denoting conduct, custom , & c . : amio , masani, tu . " 2 . Language, words, speeches : gugana, upu , fetalaiga , ufioga. 3 . Property of every kind . Except garments, & c. for use. 4 . Servants, animals, men killed and carried off in war ; luna ta gaia .

5. Food of every kind . 6 . Weapons and implements, as clubs, knives, swords,bows, cups, tatooing instrumens, & c. Except spears, axes, and “oso (the stick used for planting taro), which take o.

7. Work : as lana fale, which he is building for another; lana galuega. Except faiva , which takes o . Some words take either a or o : asmanatu , taofi.

Dative .

Moand ma governing this case, usually signify for : as, Au mai lea ma aʻu, give that to or for me. Ma also means, on account of, because : Sau i fule ,ma le la, come in , because of the sun .

A peculiar use is, Ou te alu ma aíu , I will go with me, (i.e. I will take The cause or occasion of a thing is signified by ona o. Accusative.

at ).

This case mostly follows active verbs. It is also used in sentences which require the verb to be or to have in

translating them : l'a ia te ia le mea , the property [is ] to him , (i.e. he has it ).

The preposition i is often omitted after the verb : as, Lafoai lena mea . la is used before names of persons : Ona latou fai atu lea ia Sina .

The Vocative sometimes takes the article le : Le alii e ! Le ula e ! but most commonly

it is omitted . The proper place for the vocative is at the commencement of a sentence .

17 Samoan Grammar. It is occasionally found (mostly in poetry ) in the middle or at the close of the seutence :

“ E, ata tapa fua ia te oe, le Atua e! ” — Viiga v . It is often omitted : as, “ Soufuna, Sina , le tumn fafine ! ” . When two vocatives are connected by the conjunction mu, it is omitted after the second : “ Tui e ma Tui ! ” Sometimes a proroun is used in

such cases : as, “ Alii e, mu outou." In poetry , the vocative e is used after verbs and sentences : as, “ Faa tali utu e,” Ablative.

This is governed by mai, nai,ai, froin ; 'i, into ; e, by (confined mostly to persons),

ADJECTIVE. The adjective follows its noun ; as, le tagata umi, a tall man . Numerals. There are differentways of expressing them : thus (besides those already given ), E tolugafulu i le fu , twenty - four. O le aso lima, the fifth day ;

but o le tausuga e fitu , the seventh year. O lona onoya masina lenei, this is her sixth month .

Tua and sautua are used to express times, fold : as, O le pa tua lua , a double wall; O le ie sautua lasi, a cloth doubled in many folds. . Ta'i added to the numerals expresses distribution : E taitolu , three to each .

PRONOUNS. The pronoun before the verb is often emphatic ; and in that case it is

repeated after the verb : O i mutou nei, o le a ō i matou , we are going ; or , us for us, we are going .

When it follows the verb, the ' o of the nom native is usually dropped : Uu sese imatou nei, we are in fault. On the contrary , E le toe suu lava

o ia , he will not come again, Euphony seemsto direct this usage. The Relative is often understood in Samoan : O le laau lea na aʻz

liaiina , that is the plant (which ] I pulled up. In this case the passive terinjnation seems to supply the place of ui. More cominonly it is ex pressed by ai : O le mea lavu lenei na au manao ai, this is the thing which I wanted.

o le mea lea , therefore, aiid Se a le mea , wherefore, are always fol lowed by vi after the verb : as, o le mea lea na au sau aia

The Interrogative Pronoun is much used instead of direct negation :

Samoan Grammar.

Ou te alu o le a ? whạt should I go for ? instead of I will not go. E iloa e ai ? who knows ? I don ' t.


E is used of that which remains the same: as, & pule le Atua ; Élelei le Atua. But, Q :loo soifua le Atria ,

Imperative.- Ina is used in positive commands. Ia is precative. Of For intensity, the verb is repeated , followed by ia : Alu , ina alu ia,

ten both are omitted .

Go, begone ! Alu ia , ina alu !

The future tense is also used as an imperative : E te alu lava oe, go

you, or you shall go. The Infinitive sometimes takes i instead of e : Ou te musu i alu . Participles govern the same case as their verbs. A peculiar use of o loo is , o loo malolo , he is well.

Ua malolo, in an

swer to an inquiry , would signify , that he had been ill, but was now re covered .

Passive forms have an active signification when the pronoun precedes : Na matou sailia , we sought.

Many verbs become nouns by adding ga, saga, taga : as, savali, sava liga ; tutalo , talosaga ; faauma, faaumatuga. The verb to be is used only at Tutuila : as, É isi sau avā ?

It is either

understood or expressed by some plirase in the larg r islands : as, Pe ai ea sau avā ? Ua i fale. O le taui o le agasalu , o le oti leu .

In some cases, the verb agrees with its object in number: as, Ua ou tutuli ia i latou , Ua na fufusi ia i latou.

Particles Their position in a sentence . The interrogative ea should not be put far on - generally not farther than from the third to the fifth word : “ Uu afio ea Gogo ? ” Foʻi, a conjunctive and also a qualifying particle , about third or fourth

Adverbs. The adverb is often expressed by a noun joined to the verb by the con junction : as, Nà iä tuutula maimu le itá , hetalked angrily, ( literally , he

· talked with , or in , auger

Samoan Grammar.


Sometimes the adverb precedes the verb, butmore commonly it follows : as, Ua vave oti, he is soon dead. Ua savali tualise, he walks quickly . Sometimes it is expressed by two verbs : Uu loa onu sau , he came long

ago, (literally, It is long his coming , or since he came). PREPOSITION .

The preposition is omitted after the conjunction ; as, E pule o ia i lo lagi ma le lalolagi.


A adversative is often followed by a nominative absolute : A o au, ou te le alu , but as for me, I will not go .

CHIEFS' LANGUAGE. There is a large number of words used to chiefs and strangers ; and to use any other when addressing such is equivalent to an insult. These words are never used by a chief speaking of himself. Amongst these are words used according to the rank of the person ad dressed : e. 4 . tarsami, to eat,

a respectful term to a “ tulafale ; " taš .

mafu — to a chief ; taute - to the highest chief.

Samoan Grummar : Adjeciive Pronouns. 1. POSSESSIVE PRONOUXS. Sing. Plural. Loʻu and laʻu , lota and lata , my. O ‘u and aʻu , my. Lõu and lāu, lo oe and la ve, thy . Ou and āu , thy . Una and ana, his. Lona, lana, his . Lo and la maua, or matou, our ; and so O and a naua , our ; and so on through on through all the pronouns dúal out the dual and plural. and plural.

2. DISTRIBUTIVE PRONOUNS. Taitasi, each . Taitasi uma, every : So before a pronoun : as So maua , one of us two. $ o oulua, one of you two, & c .

3. DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUNS. Plural. O lenei, this ; sinei, a diminutive. | Ia and nei, these. lea, o lena, o lela, that. Na, those ; (ia). Sea , sisi, siasi, sinasi, diminutives. I 4. INDEFINITE PRONOUNS. Nisi (ni isi), isi, some, others. Ni, some, any. Nai, some (a few ). Sing .

Se tasi, le tasi, one, another, the other .

Le isi, the other . Se isi, another.

Relative Pronouns. Sing . Plural. Oē, who, that. O lē, who, that. 1 Aiis also constantly used in a relative sentence : as, Ona taomia lea, oti ai, then he was crushed , by which he died .

Interrogatives. O ai ? who? singular and plural.

O le ā ? what? (sing .) 0ā ? (plural). Se ā ? what? (indefinite ). Ni ā ? (plural), Le fea ? se fea ? which ?


(and also used as a future).

Sing .

1. Ou te pule , I rule .

Dual. 1. Ma te pule, or ) e pule imāua (We two rule: E pule i tāua


2. E pule oe, thou rulest.

2. Lua te pule or you uw two to rule . e pule oulua

3. E pule o ia, he rules.

3 . La te pule , or le

e pule i lāuasthey tworule.

Samoan Grammar: Plural.

1. Matou te pule, or e pule imatou Werele Tatou te pule , or e pule i tatou sa 2. Tou te pule, or e pule outou , you rule . 3. Latou te pule, or e pule i latou , they rule .

Uu, though generally past, also sometimes designates the present : thus, Uu ma' i o iu , He is sick .

E sometimes denotes what now is, and always was so : thus, E silisili le Atuu , God is very great. IMPERFECT TENSE .

1. Na aʻu alofa, I loved . 2. Na ē alofa , thou lovedst . 3 . Na ia alofa , he loved , & c . & c . & c.

Sa differs but little from na : Sa žu nofo, I sat or was sitting : PERFECT TENSE.

1. Ua aʻu sao, I have escaped . 2 . Ua ē sao , thou hast escaped . 3. Va sao ja , he has escaped . & c. & c. & c.

The pluperfect is expressed by the imperfect, or by adding uma : Va uma onu tuele ina ua o mai i latou . FUTURE (IMMEDIATE). 1. O le ā aʻu alu , or ă au alu , I am about to go . 2. O le a ē alu , or o le a alu oe, thou art about to go, 3 . O le a alu o ia, he is about to go .

& c. & c. & c.

FUTURE (INDEFINITE ). Dual. Sing. 1. Ou te alu , or tă te alu , I shall go. I 1. Mā te o, or eö imāua ,we two will 2. E alu ve , or e te alu , thou shalt go. Tā te o , or evi tāua I go . & c. & c. 3 . E alu o ia , or ia te alu , or na te alu , he shall go.

Imperative Mood . 1.2. 3.

Se'i saili,orletmescek Ina ēousaili, saili, or .saili ia oe, seek thou . Ia ē saili, do thou seek . Ia saili o ia , let him scek .

Infinitive Mood. E saili, to sech. Participles. O loo saili, seeking. O loo ua sailia , being sought. A saili, about to scek .

Samoan Grammar .

The Passive is formed by affixing ina , ia , a , fia , gia , lia , mia , sid , tia : thus, niuiita',

tuluia (shortened from tutulu , as is often the case); sailza , inofia , alofa gia , taulia , si'omia , “ inosiu , púlutiả .

A Causative ( like Hiphel ) is formed by prefixing faa : as faalupu , to cause to grow . Faa also de notes a diminished degree : as faaleluta , not quite at home. Also it is used in comparison : as faatamailiiti, to be like a child .

The' Reciprocal (Hithpael ) is formed by prefixing fe and affixing ni, aʻi, faʻi, sa'i, taʻi , & c. : fealo

fani, to love one another ; fealuaři, to go about from place to place ; fé tamataʻi, to watch for one another .

Continued Action'. (1) is denoted by prefixing tau : as taufaatupu, to continue to cause to grow .

( 2) by reduplication : as sailiili. Reduplication is also used to express intensity : as mu, to burn ; mumū, to burn brightly. And also the plural : ás alolofu .

The affix aina denotes intensity of action, (Piel) : fuiaina, to be over

come,surpassed ; teleuina, to hurry on ; tuliuina, to drive on. Ma prefixed makes the sense (1) neuter : thus, sasaa ,to spill ; masaa , is spilt ; or ( 2 ) ability - can : mafai, to be able ; ua ma mõnava, he can breathe.

Verbs signifying “ to abound in " are formed from the noun, by adding a : niu , a cocoanut ; uu niua , abounding in cocoanuts.

The prefix yā expresses equality or companionship : gātusa, to be exi actly equal; gātasi, to be together; gāsolo, to glide along. Impersonal Verb .

Fãʻi, It is supposed. Irregular Verbs are, first, those which are irregular in forming their plural : thus Sing. Sau , to come. Alu , to go. Pupula , to shine, Momo- e, to run . Tago, to take hold of.:

Plural. 0.

fepulafi. femoʻei and taufetuli. fetagofi .

Samoan Grammar.

Secondly, those which are irregular in forming their passives: Passive.


Aumai, to bring .

aumaia .

Avatu (ave atu ).


The peculiarity consists in combining the directive particlewith the word, Some verbs are formed from nouns, by adding the verbal particles : as, come verbs : Va eleelea , it is dirty .

ola , life ; ua ou ola , I live. In the same way, also , do the adjectives be

Particles, directives to Verbs. Mai, direction towards the speaker. Atu , direction from .

A e , above : Ua alu are, it is gone up . Ifo , below , down .

Ane, a more indirect motion .


linei, here:

O fea ? where ?

Íilā , there. I ö, yonder.

Analeila , just now . Nanei, presently. Talu , since.

Nei, now . Io, ioe, e, yes.

Anei, by-and-bye. Pave, quickly.

E leai, i'ai, no . Soo, often .

Faapefea ? how ?

Oi, yes (to a call), Afeu ? when ?

Faapea , thus. With many others.


O and a , of.

I fafo , without. I luga , above. I lalo, under.

Mo andma, for, on account of. Ia (to proper names), to.

I tala atu , beyond. I tala mai, on this side,

1, in , at, to .

E , by. Mai, from . I totonu, within . I loto , within ,

I tua , behind . I luna, before.


Afai, if


4 , if (future):

Sumoan Grammar. Ana, if (past). Ma and fui, also, likewise. Ana le se anoa , except. E ui lava ina , although. Auā , because. Peitai and peisai, but. A , but. Atoa ma , and also . Faitai, but (obsolete ).

Nei, lest.

Peiseai, like as, as though .

E ui ina mea , notwithstanding


Maeu ! 1 wonderful ! Ola ! Ena ! well done ! Alili ! atitu ! 2 Palau Eenu ! enuenu ! Pshaw ! Tă “ino‘ino ! abominable !

Oi ! oh !

Oi, oi, oi ! oh , oh ! *Uē! exclamation of delight. Isa ! of contempt.

Faauta ! behold !

Tă fefe ! (literally, “ I fear ! " ) Alas !

Se pagā ! what a pity !


0. RULE 1. - Every noun , word , or sentence standing as a nominative ab .

solute requires the 'o before it : thus, “O lona faatoa sau lenei ,this is the first time he has come.

Exceptions. — 1 . It is omitted after the conjunction ma : ' O alii ma fuipule.

2. Before nominatives following the verb it may be omitted : as, Ua ligoligo le ulufunua.. 3 . In poetry, it is often omitted : « Fagaliima Selea le fanua.” — Muliau ia Tuu.

Rule 2.– Verbs preceded by ona and followed by lea take an 'o before the noininative : as, Ona tagi lea “o Sina. . Le. Le is often indefinite : thus, 0 le alii o ia , he is a chief. It is omitted in the adverbial expression i falē, in the house , or inside. Se.

This article is rather sparingly used . Its chief use is in regard to things

unknown or future : E te se Amoa ea ? are you an Amoan ? "' ne'i to se matagi fetaua'i." - liiga vii. 10.

Samoan Grammar. 6 ! A se alii, a vane lona suafa .” - Muliau ia Tuu .

- (If it should be a man child , give him his title).

The Article as a Pronoun .

O le Atua le fetalai mui, it is God who is speaking ; properly, le e fer talai mai, the [one ] speaking. “ O le Tupu o tupu , o afio i le lagi.” — Viiga i. -- (The King of kings, who dwells in heaven ) .

NOUNS. The singular is sometimes used for the plural: 1, In nouns ofmultitude :.

Ua o mai le nuu , the people are come. 2 , Where one stands for a class : E fausaluina lē pagotā , the ill-doer will be punished .

Apposition . The “o before the second name is dropped : as, O Iesu, le Alii, Jesus, the Lord . Exceptions. If the office precedes the name, then both have it : O le alii, o Malietoa , the chief, Malietoa.


The noun usually follows the verb : Va sau le tamaloa , the man is come.

When it precedes the verb , it is usually emphatic, and requires to be

followed by a pronoun after the verb : thus « Filoilupo ma Lemaluosamca ,

Avatu i laua e faima oso." -- Lagisolo ia Tato. - ( F . and L . , take them for food on the journey) .

Nouns standing in apposition , whatever case the first may be in , all the subsequent ones are in the nominative ; as, Na e tugi i lau tane, o le gogo sina . Genitive. This is indicated by the prepositions à or o ( soft). As to which of these should be used , as well as the pronouns lou , lau , lona , luna , lo and la matou , & c., it is difficult for a foreigner to know . There is no general rule which will apply to every case. The governing noun decides which

should be used : thus, manau o le tino ; but amivga a le tino ; upu o Fagono ; but upu a tuguta. The following hints may serve in some measure to guide as to which some classes of nouns govern :

I. O is used with 1. Nouns denoting parts of the body : fofoga o le alii, eyes of the chief. So of hands, legs, hair , & c.; except the beard , which takes a . 2 . The mind and its affections : o le toasa o le alii. So of the

will, desire, love, fear, & c.

Sumoun Grammer'.

3. Houses, and all their parts ; canoes, land, country, trees, plan tations: thus, pou o le fale, posts of the house ; lona funua , lonce

nuu , & c . 4 . People , relations, slaves : o ona tagata , his people ; o le fale

tua o le alii, the chief's wife . So also of a son , daughter ,father, & c. Exceptions. — Tane, husband ; avā , wife, (of a common man ), and children , which take a : lana avā ma ana fanau. 5 . Garments, & c ., if for use : ona ofu . Except when spoken of as property, riches , things laid up in store, II. A is used with 1 . Words denoting conduct, custom , & c. : amio ,masani, tu . " 2 . Language, words, speeches : gagana, upu, fetalaiga , ufioga . 3 . Property of every kind.

Except garments, & c. for use.

4 . Servants, animals , men killed and carried off in war ; luna ta gaia . 5. Food of every kind .

6 . Weapons and implements, as clubs ,knives, swords,bows, cups, tatooing instrumens, & c .

Except spears, axes , and “oso (the stick used for planting taro ), which take o. 7. Work : as lana fale,which he is building for another ; laną galuega.

Except faiva , which takes o . Some words take either a or o : as manatu , taofi. Dative.

Mo and ma governing this case, usually signify for: as, Au mai lea mą aʻu , give that to or for me. Ma also means, on account of, because : Sau i fule ,ma le la , come in , because of the sun.

A peculiar use is, Ou te alu ma aíu , I will go with me, (i.e. I will take it).

The cause or occasion of a thing is signified by ona o . Accusative.

This case mostly follows active verbs. It is also used in sentences which require the verb to be or to have in

translating them : l'a ia te ia le mea , the property [is ] to him , (i.e. he has it). The preposition i is often omitted after the verb : as, Lafoai lena mea . Ia is used before names of persons : Ona latou fai atu lea ia Sina. The Vocative sometimes takes the article le : Le alii e ! Le ula e ! but most commonly it is omitted. The proper place for the vocative is at the commencement of a sentence ,

Samoan Grammar. 17 It is occasionally found (mostly in poetry) in the middle or at the close of the sentence :

“ E , ata tapa fua ia te oe, le Atua e !" - Viiga v. It is often omitted : as, “ Soufuna, Sina , le tama fafine! ” . When two vocatives are connected by the conjunctioni ma, it is omitted after the second : " Tui e ma Tui ! ” Sonetimes a pro !'oun is used in

such cases : as, “ Alii e, mu outou .” In poetry, the vocative e is used after verbs and sentences : as, “ Faa tali utu e." Ablative.

This is governed by mai, nai,ai, from ; “i, into ; e, by (confined mostly to persons), ADJECTIVE.

The adjective followsits noun ; as, O le tagata umi, a tall man . Numerals. There are differentways of expressing them : thus (besides those already given ), E tolugafulu i le fu , twenty-four. O le aso lima, the fifth day ;

but o le tausuga e fitu , the seventh year. O lona onoya masina lenei, this is her sixth month . Tua and sautua are used to express times, fold : as, O le pa tua lua, a

double wall ; O le ie sautua lasi, a cloth doubled in many folds. : Ta‘i added to the numerals expresses distribution : E taitolu , three to each ,

PRONOUNS. The pronoun before the verb is often emphatic ; and in that case it is repeated after the verb : 0 i matou nei, o le a ō i matou , we are going ;

or, us for us, we are going .

When it follows the verb , the 'o of the nominative is usually dropped : Ua sese i matou nei, we are in fault. On the contrary , E le toe suu lava

o ia, he will not come again . Euphony seems to direct this usage. The Relative is often understood in Samoan : O le laau lea na aʻu

liaiina , that is the plant (which I pulled up. In this case the passive terinination seems to supply the place of ai. More cominonly it is ex pressed by ai : O le mea lavu lenei na au manao ai, this is the thing which I wanted . O le mea lea , therefore, aiid Se a le men , wherefore , are always fol lowed by ei after the verb : as, o le mea lea na au sau aia

The Interrogative Pronoun is much used instead of direct negation :

Samoan Grammar .


Ou te alu o le a ? what should I go for ? instead of I will not go. E iloa é ai ? who knows ? I don 't.

VERBS: E is used of that which remains the same: as, & pule le Atua ; Élelei le Atua. But, Q. loo soifua le Atua,

Imperative.- Ina is used in positive commands. Ia is precative. Of For intensity, the verb is repeated , followed by ia : Alu, ina alu ia ,

ten both are omitted .

Go, begone ! Alu ia , ina alu !

The future tense is also used as an imperative : E te alu lava oe, go you, or you shall go. The Infinitive sometimes takes i instead of e : Ou te musu i alu. Participles govern the saine case as their verbs. A peculiar use of o loo is, o loo malolo, he is well. Ua malolo, in an swer to an inquiry, would signify , that he had been ill, but was now re covered .

Passive forms have an active signification when the pronoun precedes :

Na matou sailia, we sought. Many verbs becomenouns by adding ga, saga , taga : as, savali, sava ,

liga ; tutalo, talosaga ; faauma, faaumatuga. The verb to be is used only at Tutuila : as, E isi sau avā ? It is either understood or expressed by some phrase in the larg 'r islands : as, Pe ai ea sau avā ? Uu i fale . O le taui o le agasalu , o le oti leu .

In some cases, the verb agrees with its object in number : as, Ua ou tutuli ia i latou ; Ua na fufasi ia i lutou .


Their position in a sentence.- The interrogative ea should not be put far on - generally not farther than from the third to the fifth word : “ Uu afio eu Gogo ? ” Foʻi, a conjunctive and also a qualifying particle, about third or fourth :


The adverb is often expressed by a noun joined to the verb by the con junction : as, Nà iä tuutula maimu le ita , he talked angrily , (literally, he

· talked with , or in , anger :

Samoan Grammar.


Sometimes the adverb precedes the verb, butmore commonly it follows : as, Ua vave oti, he is soon dead . Ua savali tualise, he walks quickly.

Sometimes it is expressed by two verbs : Uu loa ona sau, he came long ago, (literally, It is long his coming , or since he came). Preposition .

The preposition is omitted after the conjunction : as, Ê pule o ia i le lagi ma le lalolagi. CONJUNCTION ,

A adversative is often followed by a nominative absolute : A o au , ou te le alu , but as forme, I will not go.

CHIEFS' LANGUAGE. There is a large number of words used to chiefs and strangers ; and to

use any other when addressing such is equivalent to an insult. These words are never used by a chief speaking of himself. Amongst these are words used according to the rank of the person ad dressed : e. g. tarsami, to eat, — a respectful term to a “ tulafale ; ” tax mafu — to a chief; taute -- to the highest chief.


The Samoan has many different kinds of poetical compositions. Metre is altogether unknown ; but the best kinds of poetry are in rhyme. They are mostly responsive ; tach verse being con :ienced by a few persons,

and is called the usu , the remaining half being taken up in chorus, and

with strict attention to time, by all present; it is called the talı. I.

Popular songs on passing events ,are , as in other lands, very common . They are sung to the stroke of the paddles when on a journey, or when

engaged on any work requiring united exertion . At the time when religion was beginning to take root, the lovers of

darkness thus expressed their regrets at the prospective loss of their plea : sures : Tini, tinio , tinio ! Maumau o mea faamālama,

A tiai e le malo.

II. War Songs. Pe tipa i le lo , Pe tịli fao.

Sua le anefe , Ta le alogo . E ula i le i'a tui ogo .

II . The Fagono is partly narrative, partly sung by one person :- -) st,

Sunioan Grammar. O le Fagono. A o Tafitofau la lenei ma Ogafau : Aue ! a o fanau la la tama, ona fanau lea o Tui. Toe funau o Tui; toe fanau • Tui ; toe fanau o Tui; toe fanau o Tui ; toe fanau o Tui ; toe fanau o Tui; toe fanau o Tui ; toe fanau o Tui ; ona fanau lea o Sina. Upu o Fagono ; pe mooi ! Ua leai lava le au uso * ma lo latou tuafafine : ua soona inatutua , ma sooria ma Danaia , ma lalelei lo latou tuafafine. Le au uso o lo ua matutua .

Ona fai atu lea lo latou tuafafine, “ Tui ē, ma Tui ma Tuima Tui, o lenei ua ta tou matutua ; pe ni ā o tatou faiva a fai nei ? E lelei ina ia tatou ta ti'a ." . Ona usitai lea i ai o le muñ : ona latou ta ti'a lea . Ta le ti'a a Sina ; mua i tai. Ta le tiča a Sina ; mua i uta . Toe' ta le ti-a a Sina ; mua i tai. Ua leai lava le fa

fine - ua soona lalelei: wa u maimata, ua ni aiga faalălă : u mai le tua , ua oo le malama i Sáuă .t

Ona vaaia lea e Sina o le gogo sina, ua tipatipa mai tai. Ona faapea lea o Sina :

o Oi laʻu tane ! o le gogo sina . Ou te mātramea i ana tipa.” Ona fai atu tea o le nuū, “ Seria é, o mai ia, ina tatou sailia le tane a Sina." Ona latou fai atu ai lea ia Sina, “ Sina e, sau ia ; ina e nofo iinei ; a e matou o é

saili i lau tane, o le gogo sina, e te mánamea i ana tipa. Sina e, aua e te tau Una tauvalaau lea o Sina, “ Tui e,ma Tuima Tui !” Odia sau ai lèa o Tuile tafuře, o le saualii; ona fefe ai lea o Sina. Va sau le aitu ; ons moe lea i vae o

valaau . ” Ona latou v ai lea . Sina.

Ona o mai lea le au uso tuagane o Sina ,ma lana tane, o le gogo sina ; ona tepa O Fagono a tagi; a o tagi le tamaloa :

átu lea ua i ai le aitu ia Sina, ona tagi lea .

" Soufuna Sina, soufuna Sina', Le tama fafine, le feagaiga ; Lota tuafafine, na e taği i lau tané, o le gogo sind: E te manamea i ana tipa . Ifo vanu, a' e vanu, āu manu na :

A e tă alu ita , ne'i tă paū ; tă lilia e."

À o tagi Sina: “ Sole Tui, sau i fale ; Tui e, sau i fale, i tā gagase. Oèmai ai te tasi Tui, o Tuitétafute ; lē moe nei, Le tofa i oʻu vae nei: Tui e, sau i fale nei.” Na'u valaau, o Tuima Tui!

Ona tagi lea o'le aupito anei ai. E faapea uma lava a latou tagi: Ona tagi lea o Sina : “ Sole Tuí e, sau i fale ; Sau i fale, i tā gagase . Na'u valaau, o Tuima Tui ! Oemai ai le tasi Tui, Tuiletafuốe'; le moe nei. Tui e, sau i fale nei.”

Tagi le ur : « Soufuna Sina , le tamafafine, Luta tuafafine, le feagaiga , Na e tagi i lau tane, o le gogo sina ; E te manamea i ana tipa. I'fo 'vanu, a 'c vanu, āu manu na.

A é alu ita nei ; tă paū ; tăt lilia e."

Ona alu ai lea o le uii, na tago ile lauulu o'le aitu ; ua ave le tasi fuafuati lattia * i. e. There was none like them in beauty. † A phrase meaning beautiful::

Samoan Grammar. The Passive

is formed by affixing ina, ia , a, fia , gia , lia ,mia , sid , tia : thus, muista', tuluia ( shortened from tutulu , as is often the case); sailia, inofia , alofa gia , taulia , si'omia ,“inosia , púlütià .

A Causative (like Hiphel) is formed by prefixing faa : as faatupu, to cause to grow . Faa also de notes a diminished degree : as faalelata , not quite at home. Also it is used in comparison : as fantamaitiiti, to be like a child .

The' Reciprocal (Hithpael) is formed by prefixing fe and affixing ni, a'i, faối, saối, taʻi, & c.: fealo fani, to love one another ; fealuaʻi, to go about from place to place ; fè tamataʻi, to watch for one another.

Continued Actioni.

(1) is denoted by prefixing tau : as taufaatupu , to continue to cause (2) by reduplication : as sailiili. Reduplication is also used to expri-ss* intensity : as mu, to burn ; mumū, to burn brightly . And also the plural: ás alolofu . The affix aina denotes intensity of action , (Piel) : fuiaina, to be over come, surpassed ; teleuina, to hurry on ; tuliuina , to drive on . Ma prefixed makes the sense (1) neuter : thus, sasaa, to spill ; masaa , iš spilt ; or ( 2) ability - can : mafai, to be able ; ua ma mūnava, he can to grow .


Verbs signifying “ to abound in " are formed from the noun, by adding a : niu , a cocoanut ; uu niua , abounding in cocoanuts.

The prefix yā expresses equality or companionship : yātusa , to be exi actly equal; gātasi, to be together ; gāsolo , to glide along .

Impersonal Verb. Fāʻi, It is supposed .' Irregular Verbs are, first, those which are irregular in forming their plural : thus Sing.


Sau , to come. Alu , to go.


Pupula , to shine,

fepulafi. femo‘ei and taufetuli. fetagofi.

Momo'e , to run .

Tago, to take hold of.


Samoan Grammar .

Secondly, those which are irregular in forming their passives: Active.


Aumai, to bring .

aumaia .

Avatu (ave atu ).

avatūa .

The peculiarity consists in combining the directive particle with theword , Some verbs are formed from nouns, by adding the verbal particles : as, ola , life ; ua ou ola , I live. In the same way, also, do the adjectives be

come verbs : Va eleelea, it is dirty . Particles, directives to Verbs . Mai, direction towards the speaker. Atu , direction from .

Aře, above : Ua alu are, it is gone up. Ifo, below , down. Ane, a more indirect motion .


Iinei, here.

O fea ? where ?

bilā , there.

I ö , yonder.

Analeila , just now , Nanei, presently.

Nei, now . Io, ioe, e , yes. E leai, i'ai, no . Soo, often .

Talu , since. Anci, by-and-bye. Vave, quickly. Faapefea ? how ?

Oi, yes (to a call). Afeu ? when ?

Faapea , thus.

With many others.

5 . PREPOSITIONS. I fafo, without. O and a, of. Mo and ma, for, on account of. I luga , above.

Ia (to proper nạmes ), to. 1, in , at, to.

I tala utu , beyond .

E , by.

I tala mai, on this sider

Mai, from . I totonu , within .

I tua, behind. I luma, before .

I lalo, under.

loto , within . 8 . CONJUNCTIONS,

Afai, if.

A , if (future ).

Sumoan Grammar. E ui lava ina , although.

Ma and foi, also, likewise. Ana le se anoa , except.

Peitai and peisai, but.

Auā , because.

A , but.

Atoa ma, and also .

Ana , if (past). Faitai, but (obsolete).

Ne' i , lest.


Peiseai, like as, as though .

E ui ina mea , notwithstanding ,


Maeu ! 2 wonderful ! Ola ! Ena ! well done !

Oi ! oh !

Oi, oi, oi ! oh , oh ! ' Ue! exclamation of delight. Isa ! of contempt. Faauta ! behold !

Alili ! atitu !

Pshaw !

Eenu ! enuenu !

Tă fefe ! (literally, “ I fear !”)

Tă ‘ ino‘ ino ! abominable ! Se pagā ! what a pity !

Alas !



Rule 1. - Every noun , word , or sentence standing as a nominative ab .

solute requires the "o before it : thus, 'O lona faatoa sau lenei, this is the first time he has come.

Exceptions. - 1. It is omitted after the conjunction ma : ' O alii ma

fuipule. ligoligo le ulufunua..

2. Before nominatives following the verb it may be omitted : as, Va 3. In poetry, it is often omitted :

“ Fagaliima Selea le fanua.” — Muliau ia Tuu . RULE 2. - Verbs preceded by ona and followed by lea take an 'o before the noininative : as, Ona tagi lea ‘o Sina. Le.

Le is often indefinite : thus, o le alii o ia , he is a chief. It is omitted in the adverbial expression i falē, in the house , or inside. Se.

This article is rather sparingly used . Its chief use is in regard to things unknown or future : E te se Amoa ea ? are you an Amoan ? vr nc i to se matagifetaua‘i." -- l'iiga vii. 10 .


Sumoan Grammar. ? A se alii, avane lona suafa ." -- Muliau ia Tuu . - (1f it should be a man child , give him his title) .

The Article as a Pronoun. O le Atua lë fetalai mui, it is God who is speaking ; properly , le e fe talai mai, the [one] speaking . “ O le Tupu o tupu , o afio i le lagi." — Viiga i. ---( The King of kings, who dwells in heaven ).

Nouns. The singular is sometimes used for the plural: 1, In nouns ofmultitude : Ua o mui le nuu , the people are come. 2 , Where one stands for a class :

E fausaluina lē pagotā , the ill- doer will be punished .

Apposition .

The 'o before the second name is dropped : as, O Iesu, le Alii, Jesus, the Lord .

Exceptions. If the office precedes the name, then both have it : O le alii , o Malietoa , the chief, Malietoa. Nominative. The noun usually follows the verb : Un sau le tamaloa , the man is come.

When it precedes the verb , it is usually emphatic , and requires to be followed by a pronoun after the verb : thus “ Filoilupo ma Lemaluosamca , Avatu i laua e fai ma oso ." - - Lagisolo ia Tato.

- ( F . and L ., take them for food on the journey). Nouns standing in apposition , whatever case the first may be in , all the subsequent ones are in the nominative ; as, Na e tugi i lau tane, o le gogo sina .

Genitive. This is indicated by the prepositions à or o (soft). As to which of these should be used , as well as the pronouns lou , lau , lona, Inna , lo and la mitou , & c ., ir is difficult for a foreigner to know .

There is no general

rule which will apply to every case. The goveruing noun decides which

should be used : thus, manau o le tino ; but amiiga a le tino ; upu o Fagono ; but upu a tuguta . The following hints may serve in some measure to guide as to which some classes of nouns govern : I. O is useil with 1 . Nouns denoting parts of the body : fofoga o lealii, eyes of the chief. So of hands, legs, hair , & c. ; except the beard, which takes a .

2. The mind and its affections: o le toasa o le alii. So of the will, dezire , love, fear, & c.

Samoun Grammar'.

3. Houses , and all their parts ; 'canoes, land , country, trees, plan tations : thus, pou o le fale , posts of the house ; lona funua , lona nuu , & c .

4. People, relations, slaves : o ona tagata , his people ; o le fale tua o le alii, the chief's wife . So also of a son , daughter, father, & c . Exceptions.- Tune, husband ; arā , wife, (of a common man ),

and children , which take a : lana avā ma ana fanau . Except when spoken of as property, riches, things laid up in store, 5 . Garments , & c., if for use : ona ofu .

II. A is used with — 1. Words denoting conduct, custom , & c. : amio ,masani, tů . 2. Language, words, speeches : gugana , upu , fetalaiga , afioga . 3 . Property of every kind . Except garments , & c. for use.

4 . Servants, animals, men killed and carried off in war ; luna ta gaia .

5. Food of every kind. 6. Weapons and implements, as clubs,knives,swords,bows, cups, tatooing instrumens, & c.

Except spears, axes, and “oso (the stick used for planting taro ) , which take o.

7. Work : as lana fale, which he is building for another ; lana galuega . Except faiva , which takes o .

Some words take either a or o : as manatu , taofi.


Mo and ma governing this case , usually signify for : as, Au mai leama a ' u , give that to or for me.

Ma also means, on account of, because : Sau i fule, ma le la , come in , because of the sun .

A peculiar use is, Ou te alu ma aʻu , I will go with me, i.e. I will take it ).

The cause or occasion of a thing is signified by ona o . Accusative. This case mostly follows active verbs.

It is also used in sentences which require the verb to be or to have in translating them : l'a ia te ia le mea , the property [is ] to him , (i.e. he

has it ). Thé prenosition i is often omitted after the verb : as, Lafoai lena mea .

la is used before names of persons : Ona latou fai atu lea ia Sina.

The Vocative sometimes takes the article le : Le alii e ! Le ula e ! butmost commonly It is omitted . The proper place for the yocative is at the commencement of a sentence .

Samoan Grammar.

It is occasionally found (mostly in poetry) in the middle or at the close of the sentence :

“ E , ata tapa fua ia te oe, le Atua e !" - Viiga v . It is often omitted : as, “ Soufuna , Sina, le toma fafine !” When two vocatives are connected by the conjunction ma, it is omitted after the second : " Tui e ma Tui ! ” Sometimes a pronoun is used in such cases : as, “ Alii e, mu outou .”

In poetry, the vocative e is used after verbs and sentences : as, “ Faa tali utu e,” Ablative.

This is governed by mai, nai,ai, from ; “ , into ; e,by (confined mostly to persons), ADJECTIVE .

The adjective follows its noun ; as, O le tagata umi, a tallman.

Numerals. There are different ways of expressing them : thus (besides those already

given ), E tolugafulu i le fu, twenty- four. O le aso lima, the fifth day ; but o le tausuga e fitu , the seventh year. O lona onoya masina lenei, this is her sixth month . Tua and sautua are used to express times, fold : as, O le pa tua lua , a

double wall ; O le ie sautua lasi, a cloth doubled in many folds. . Ta‘i added to the numerals expresses distribution : E taitolu, three to each .


The pronoun before the verb is often emphatic ; and in that case it is repeated after the verb : O i matou nei, o le a ō i matou , we are going ; or, us for us, we are going . When it follows the verb, the 'o of the nom native is usually dropped : Va sese i matou nei, we are in fault . On the contrary , E le toe suu lava

o ia , he will not come again . Euphony seems to direct this usage. The Relative is often understood in Samoan : O le laau lea na aʻu liaiina , that is the plant (which ] I pulled up. In this case the passive termination seems to supply the place of ui. More cominonly it is ex pressed by ai : O le mea lavu lenei nu au manao ui, this is the thing which I wanted .

O le mea lea, therefore , a id Se a le men , wherefore, are always fol lowed by ri after the verb : as, o le mea lea na au sau aia

The Interrogative Pronoun is much used instead of direct negation :


Samoan Grammar .

Ou te alu o le a ? what should I go for ? instead of I will not go. E iloa e ai ? who knows? I don 't. "


E is used of that which remains the same: as, & pule le Atua ; E lelei le. Atua . But, Q : loo soifua le.Atua ,

Imperative.-- Ina is used in positive commands. Ia is precative . Of ten both are omitted .

* For intensity, the verb is repeated , followed by ia : Alu , ina alu ia , Go, begone ! Alu ia , ina alu !

The future tense is also used as an imperative : E te alu lava oe, go you , or you shall go.

The Infinitive sometimes takes i instead of e : Ou te musu i alu . Participles govern the same case as their verbs.

A peculiar use of o loo is, O loo malolo , he is well. Ua malolo , in an swer to an inquiry , would signify, that he had been ill, but was now re covered .

Passive forms have an active signification when the pronoun precedes : Na matou sailia , we sought.

Many verbs become nouns by adding ga , saga, taga i as, savali, sava ; liga ; tutalo , talosaga ; faauma, faaumatuga. The verb to be is used only at Tutuila : as, E isi sau avă ? It is either

understood or expressed by some phrase in the larger islands : as, Pe ai ea sau avā ?

Uu i fale.

O le tuui o le agasalu , o le oti leu .

In some cases, the verb agrees with its object in number: as, Ua ou tutuli ia i latou ; Ua na fufäsi ia i latou .

Particles . Their position in a sentence. The interrogative ea should not be put far on - generally not farther than from the third to the fifth word : “ Uu afio eu Gogo ? ” Foʻi, a conjunctive and also a qualifying particle , about third or fourth .

Adverbs. The adverb is often expressed by a noun joined to the verb by the con junction : as, Na iä tuutula maimu le ita , he talked angrily, (literally , he · talked with , or in, avger:

19 Samoan Grammar. Sometimes the adverb precedes the verb , butmore commonly it follows:

as, Ua vave oti, he is soon dead. Va savali tualise, he walks quickly. Sometimes it is expressed by two verbs: Uu loa onu sau , he came long

ago, (literally, It is long his coming, or since he came). SITION .

The preposition is omitted after the conjunction i as, & pule o ia i le lagi ma le lalolagi. CONJUNCTION .

A adversative is often followed by a nominative absolute : doau , ou te le alu , but as for me, I will not go.

CHIEFS' LANGUAGE. There is a large number of words used to chiefs and strangers ; and to

use any other when addressing such is equivalent to an insult. These words are never used by a chief speaking of himself. Amongst these are words used according to the rank of the person ad . dressed : e. y . tarsami, to eat, - a respectful term to a “ tulafale ; ” tax mafu — to a chief ; taute -- to the highest chief.



The Samoan has many different kinds of poetical compositions. Metre is altogether unknown ; but the best kinds of poetry are in rhyme. They are mostly responsive ; each verse being con:menced by a few persons,

and is called the usu , the remaining half being taken up in chorus, and

with strict attention to time, by all present; it is called the tuli. Popular songs on passing events are , as in other lands, very common , They are sung to the stroke of the paddles when on a journey, or when

engaged on any work requiring united exertion. At the time when religion was beginning to take root, the lovers of darkness thus expressed their regrets at the prospective loss of their plea : sures :

Tini, tinio , tinio ! Maumau o mea faamālama, A tiai e le malo .

II. War Songs, Pe tipa i le lo,

Pe tụli fao. Sua le anefe, Ta le alogo .

E ula i le i'a tuiogo .

ļu . Tke Fagong is partly narratiye, partly sung by one person :---İst,

Sunioren Graminar. O le Fagono. A o Tafitofau la lenei ma Ogafau : Ò Tui ; toe fanau o Tui; toe fanau o Tui; toe fanau o Tui; toe fanau o Tui; toe

Aue! a o fanau la la tama, ona fanau lea o Tui. Toe funau o Tui ; toe fanau

fanau o Tui ; toe fanau o Tui ; ona fanau lea o Siņa. Upu o Fagono ; pe mooi ? Ua leai lava le au uso * ma lo latou tuafafine : ua soona inatutua, ma soona ma nanaia , ma lalelei lo latou tuafafine. Le au uso o lo ua matutua .

Ona fai atu lea lo latou tuafafine, " Tui ě, ma Tuima Tuima Tui, o leniei ua ta tou matutua ; pe ni ā o tatou faiva a fai nei ? E lelei ina ia tatou ta ti'a ." . Ona usitai lea i ai o le nuũ : ona latou ta ti'a lea. Ta le ti'a a Sina ; mua i tai. Ta le ti-a a Sina ; mua i uta . Toe ta le ti'a a Sina ; mua i tai. Ua leai lava le fa fine - ua soona lalelei : ưa u maimata , ưa ni aiga faalălă : u mai le tua, ua oo le malama i Sáuă .t

Ona vaaia lea e Sina o le gogo sina, ua tipatipa mai tai. Ona faapea lea o Sina: is Oi la 'u tane ! o le gogo sina .

Ou te mātramea'i ana tipa.”

Ona fai atu tea o le nuū , “ Semia é, o mai ia, ina tatou sailia le tane a Sina." Ona latou fai atu ai lea ia Sina , “ Sina e, sau ia ; ina e nofo iinei ; a e matou o o saili i lau tane, o le gogo sina , e te mānamea i ana tipa . Sina e, aua e te tau valaau .” Ona latou o ai lea. Ona tauvalaau lea o Sina, “ Tui e;ma Tui m 'a Tui ! " Oaa sau ai lèa o' Tuile

tafu 'e, o le saualii; ona fefe ai lea o sina . Va sau le aitu ; ona moe lea i vae o Sina .

Ona o mai lea le au uso tuagane o Sina,ma lana tane, o le gogo sina ; ona tepat atu lea ua i ai le aitu ia Sina , ona tagi lea .

O Fagono a tagi; a o tagi le tamaloa : " Soufuna Sina , soufuna Sina, Le tama fafine, le feagaiga, Lota tuafáfi'ne, na é taġi i lau tané, o le gogo sina. E te manamea i ana tipa. Ifo vanu , a 'e vanu, āu manu na: A e tă alu ita , ne'i tă paū ; tă lilia e."

A o tagi Sina : “ Sole Tui, sau i fale ; Tui e, sau i fale, i tā gagase . Naʻu valaau , o Tuima Tui!

Oèmai ai te tasi Tui, o Tuitétafue; lệ moe nei, Le tofa i oʻu vae nei: Tui e, sau i fale nei.” Ona tagi lea oʻle aupito ane i ai. E faapea uma lava a latou tagi:

Ona tagi lea o Sina : “ Sole Tuí e, sau i fale ; Sau i fale, i tā gagase .

Na'u valaau , o Tui ma Tui !

Taglite ur :

Oe mai ai le tasi Tui, Tuiletafu 'e'; le moe nei. Tui e, sau i fale nei.” " Soufuna Sina, le tamafafine, Lota tuafafine, le feagaiga, Na e tagi i lau tane, o le gogo sina ; E te manamea i ana tipa . Ifo vanu, a 'c vanu, āu manu na .

A é alu ita nei ; tă paū ; tă lilia e."

Ona alu ai lea o le uii,na tago i le“lauulu o le'aitu ; ua ave le tasi fuafuati laat . i. e. There was none like them in beauty : + A phrase meaning beautiful::

22 Samoan Grammar. ulu ; ua ave, nonoa i lelaan . Toe alu ma le tasi fuafuati lauulu ; ave, nonoa i le niu : ua faapea solo i laạu uma. Ona tago atu lea e le tuagane o Sina, ua tago i le lima o Sina ; ona la sosola lea . Ona oso atu lea le aitu ; oso i sasae, ua pauu umamai laau i sisifo. Ua toe oso sisifo, ona pauu, uma mai lea, o laau i sasae;

ona taomia lea le aitu, oti ai.

2nd , The Vii, the most common of all, is vsed in praise of chiefs. The first half of each verse is sung by some three or four, and then the latter

half is taken up in full chorus. It is accompanied with beating on a mat rolled up, and dancing. o le Vii a Letiutauga. Faatali alu e ; a o tiu i le manu . Faatali atu e , Tagipo ; a o tiu i le manu .

Ua ligoligo le ulufanua ; a ua tau matagi. A sa matou taumatea , pe ni sāsā o papalagi ? Oi, lau tama e ! są faaolioli nei lava i le nuu o manu e le tau .

Oi, le ula ! e moni o le fuai mamao se alii nei, ua gutu i aitu faalevao .

Letiutaugā , ina folau ; po o lelei lava le tagata o le atu toelau. A e le 'ole lea ; ina gase moe, o le faiva o tama tane o tau .

3rd , The Lagisolo , or funeral dirge, is in form much like the preceding.

It is sung slowly, without dancing , in honour ofa deceased chief. One of considerable length , in honour of Tato , of Safune, commences

O le li'a mai; aue, li'a mai, & c. 4th , The Vila, the above, accompanied by clapping of hands, but no

dancing. It has also a commencement of its own : thus, and a chorus, Ua taafili imaugaLupe, lega, lupe ua lupē. ulu iva. O le li'a mai, aue li a mai! - Lupe, lupe ulu iva, & c .

· 5th , The Talalo is sung slowly, with motion of the hands, and beating the mat. The following is a

Talalo i Matautu . Ua tutunoa , tutunoa , Au lē foa, au lē, foa , Tutunoa lenei aso, vale . E le iloa se ata sopovale lo ‘ia e.

Nuu a uma si ata sa tane i le utu tau, Se vaa Tufulele, ma nai lagaali o Masifau . Ua faaee mamu atoa le tuāvao . Afu maile fai matātao , Mataia e . Toli mai sea ulae, tāu mamao , a galo e .

Samoan Grammar .


6th, The Fiti is quite new to Samoans, having been introduced froin hands.

the Fijiis. It is accompanied with beating the mat, and motion of the

7th , The Fatu is sung in honour of a deceased chief, not danced to, nor even used at a dance ; more properly in this respect a funeral dirge than the Lagisolo. Imoa āi manu e i logologo uaấu sau. Nau sailia mai se pupū e logona i vao. Soufuna faufau , & c .

8th, The Solo in praise of chiefs' lands and laumua ; sung by one. Nau tipa ifo, tipa ifo i niu -lega ." Faataulia i tafetafe lou fia inu le 'a .t Fai atu i fale na , le galu teine ma le galu taulele 'a . Sei latou māia ai se "ava o i fale na ; Sei taumafa ane alii, a lailoa i le tuneva.

A tufa lava , ia oʻu mua, o au o Letuuga. Ou te faanau ala i Piu ; Seu ai lota vaa i fanua ; Ou futia se i'a se lautua ;

Faataatia i le taumua.

9th, The Muli-au (including the Mualeva ) is like the Vii, struck up by two or more , and answered in full chorus, accompanied by the beating of an instrument called the faaalii.

O le Mualeva . Aue mauga! mauga o Savaii, E tuu fetāʻi. E tiga mauga , mauga o Savaii, E tuu fetāʻi. E fetaitaima fale, Ma mauga loa ma Vaete, Ma utu a lau fau .

Aue mauga , & c. Se pule a le ā , Ma maluatea , Mamulimauga o Olomea , Ma le vao na o masa tuai. Lopā mai i le Nuanua ,

Ma le Afʻa i mulimauga. Aue mauga , & c.

* A bathing-place at Safai. + A harbour.


Acquiesce, usiusitaš. Acquire, maua.

A , a . se, and sometimes le.

Abandon , tuulafoai. Abash, faama. Abdomen , manāva .

Acrid , 'a'ava. Across, faalava .

Act, fai. Adapt, faatatau.

Add , faaopoopo. Adhere, pipii. Adjourn , tolo. Above, i luga. Admirable , maēu . Abound , v. adj. matuà tele. Adnouish , apoapoaʻi. About, a, (as, a alu , about to go.) Adopt, e fai mõna atalii. About, si'osi'o . Adorn, teteu, teuteu . Abridge, faaitiiti, faasaasaa. Adversity , mala. Abbor, 'ino‘ino. Able, mafai, lavā . Abortion, papā.

Abscess, ma'i e faasua .

Abscond, lafi. Absent, e le i ai. Abundance, taumafa, tele lava. Abuse, faaleaga. Accept, tali.

Access , ala e são ai. Accident, mao. Accompany, o gatási. Accomplish , uma ona fai. According, faatatau . Account, tala. Accumulate, faupuée, faula 'i, aula'i. Accurate , tatau lelei.

Adult, tagata matua: | Adultery, mulilua . Advocate , fautua. Afar, mamao .

Affable, nofo leli. Affectation , faafia , (as of wisdom , faafiapoto). Affection , alofa . Affirm , matuā fai atu . AMict, faatiga .

Affright, faamataʻu . Affront , faaonoono .

Afraid , faamataʻutia . After, mulimuli ane.

Afterbirth , fanua.

Accurse, faafano, fetuu. Accustom , faamasani.

Afternoon , ua i gagaifo le la.

Ache, tiga , gāoi. Acid , 'o'ona.

Against, opposite, feagai.

Again , toe (as comeagain , toe sau).




Ant, loi. Age, tupulaga. Aged, men , toeaina ; women , loo | Anxious, popole . matua . Any, ni, nisi.

Aggressor, o le na tupu ai le misa. Apart, tuuesea. Agitate , lulu .

Apartment, afeafe.

Ago, (us long ago) leva, anamua. Apologize, toese . Apparel, ‘ofu. Agony, tiga tele. Agree, in concord, ua lelei ; yield Apparition , aitu . to , usiusitai ; same mind , loto Appear, aliali. Applaud , vivii. Aground, paʻulia . Appoint, totofi. Aha ! ue ! Approach , faalatalata. gatasi.

Aid , fesoasoani.

Argue, 6nau .

Aim at, faatatau.

Arise, tula 'i.

Air , v . faasavili.

Arm , lima, (chief's) aao . auup

Alas ! oi talofa ! ane ! Alike, tutusa .


ega .

Army, 'au , itu taua .

Alive, ola.

Around , soo, faasi'osi'o.

All, uma.

Arrive , oʻo .

Alleviate, faafilemu , e filemu ai. Arrogance , faasiasia , faamaualuga . Allow , to yield , usiusitai ; to per Arrow , u . Arrowroot, masoā . mit, tuu atu . Artery , ua . Allure , faalatalata. Almost , toe ina , tāli (a tali oti), tāi. | Artifice, togafiti. Alone, toatasi, na o ia .

Also , foʻi. Alternate , auaua‘i.

As, pei, faapei. Ascend , a'e .

Ascent, aʻega.

Ashaned , mā, māsiasi. Although , e ui lava. Always, soo, i aso uma, e le aunoa. Ashes, lefülefu . Ask , ole , faanoi; sili, fèsili. Amass, faaputu. Amazed , segia le mauli. Ambassador , sāvali.

Aslant, faasapasapa .

Ambiguous, faalepupula lona uiga. Ambition , fia sili. Amends, totogi, taui. Amidst, i totonu , i le va, i loto . Amongst, faatasi. Ample , tele.

Assist, fesoasoani. Asthma, sela .

Assemble, faapotópoto . Astonish , ofo, segia mauli. Astray, sesē. Asunder , eseese (as, tuú eseése, to put asunder ).

An , a . se.

Asylum , lafitaga,malu .

Anchor, s. taula , v. tuu taula .

At, i.

And , ma.

Atonement, tog'isala . Atone, faalelei.

Anger, ita, (to chiefs) toasā , toata ma‘i.

Attain , maua .

Animal, manu .

Attempt, taumafai.

Ankle, ponaponāvae.

Attend to , faalogólogo ; on , toaga ( to be with ). Avail, aogā. Avarice, mānumanu ,mátape'ape'a.

Annoy , faasoesa , faalili. Anoint, faau u . Another , se tasi. Answer, tali.

Avoid , ‘alo, igoigo.


Austere, nofogata, matapaū. Await, tali atu.

Awake, fafagu ; of one's own ac cord , ala. Away , ese .

Axe, toʻi; (to chiefs) faasagaese.

BLA Because, ma, ona o, auā. Beckon , negonego .

Become, avea, liu . Becoming, (propriety) ono , ono mea , faanapagofie . Bed , moega.

Bedriddeli, faasugalugalufale. Before, i luma.


Beg, isi, faatoga, ole, aioi. Beget , fauaua.

BABE, tamameamea .

Begini, amata , atua .

Back , tua. Back bile, tuaupua (pass .)

Behind , i tua .

Backbone, ivitu ,

Backside, muli, noloaga. Backwards, tuumuli .

Bad, leaga. Bag , taga. Bait , maunu . Bake , v. tao. Bald , tula .

Bale , s. taʻui. Bale , v . asu , tatā . Bamboo, 'ofe. Band , fusi .

Bandyleg, vaepi'o. Banish , faateva, tuli. , :

Behaviour, amio. Behold , v. vaai; interj. faauta ! Belch , tõtõmamala. Believe, in a promise, faatuatua ; credit, ua manatu e moni.

Belly , manāva ; (of a chief) alo. Beloved , alofaina, pele . Below , i lalo . Belt, fusi, talisela . Bench, nofoa laau. Bend, v. lolo ‘u ; to make crooked, faapi'o. Beneath , i lalo. Beneficial, aogā.

Banner , fu 'a .

Benevolence, loto alofa , agalelei. Bewigh pogia,

Barb , tala .

Beseech , *ai-oi.


Bark , s. paʻu ; v. fisi, fofoe.

Beside, i tafatafa .

Bark , v. ou .

Besiege, vagai.

Barren , animals, pā ; trees, lē fua ; | Best, e sili ona lelei. land , lafulafuā . Barter , faatau .

Bestow , avatu , foaʻi.

Basket , "ato , ete.

Betray , faalata . Betroth , faufautane.

Bat, s. peʻa.

Between , i le va , e va a 'i.

Bathe, v. taele ; (to chiefs ). faamālū , Bewail, tagi aue. bauau .

Battle , taua .

Beach , faga , matāfaga.

Bead , uamea ; string of, lopa.

Bewilder , tememea 'i. Beyond, i tala atu . | Big , lātele . Bigamy, nofo lua.

Beak , gutu .

Billow , peau .

Bear, v. ave; to endure, onosai ; as a tree, fua mai ; animals , fanau. Beard , s. ava ; (of chief's) soesā. Beast , manu . Beat, fasi, ta , sasa . Beautiful, lalelei, matagofie . Becalmed , maninoa .

Bind , fusifusi. Bird, manu . Bite , u . Bitter, koʻona. Black , uliuli. Bladder, tagă mimi..

Blaspheme, fāifai.



Bleed, toto ; to letblood, tuu le lima. | Brain , fai-ai. Branch, la . Bless , faamanuia. Blind , tauaso ; (to chiefs) tauvale. Blink , faasegosego .

Bloody, totolima.

Brandish , ailao . Brave, toa. Breadfruit , ‘ulu . Breadth, lau . Break, gau ; cups, fc. ta ’e .

Blossom , fuga.

Breaker , galu .

Blister , v . manunu.

Blood, toto. Blotch , poʻu .

Breast, moa, fatafata , susu . Blow , v. ula , of the breath ; mata . | Breathe, mājava. gi, of the wind ; or savili, or agi Breeches, ofu vae.

le matagi.

Breed, fanau .

Blue, uli, lanu moana, & c.

Breeze, savili.

Blunder, sesē . Blunderbuss, aps

Bridge, faiā , alaniu :

Blunt, matatupa, tulali.

Briinful, tumu saisai.

Boar, poʻa . Board , laupapa . Boast, mitamita.

Bring, aumai. Brink , auvai. Brittle, taʻe gofie .

Bright, pupula .

Boat, tulula .

Broad , vateatea, lautele.

Body, tino.

Broil, misa .

Boil, v . tunu.

Broil, v. tunu. Brood , v . as chickens, ofaofataʻi. Brood , s. toloa ‘i.

Boil, s. ma'i faafoa. Bold , loto tele, toa. Bone, ivi.

Brother, uso ; of a sister, tuagane:

Brown, ena. Bruise, uno‘o . Brush , v. ta fitafi. liovale. Brush , s. tafi. Book , tusi. Border , of country , tuaoi; garment, Bud , v. togo .

Bonnet, pulou . Bony, iviivia , paee ; of persons, ti tafatafa .

Buffet, tuʻi.

Bore, v . vili. Borrow , nono Bosom , fatafata .

Build , fau , fai ; ati, of a wall. Builder, tufuga ; ( to chiefs )mataisau:

Both , o i laua uma.

Bunch, s. cluster, fuifui, “au, (asi

Bottle, fagu ; for water , vai. Boitom , s. taele . Bough , la (laau ).

Bundle, s. tuai, tāʻūi.

Boundary, tuaoi. Bow , v. ifo. Bow , s. aufana. Bowels, gaau. Bowl, tanoa. Bowstring, fưa:

Bullet , pulu fana.

"aufai). Burden, avega, faafafa , amoga, taûn soa .

Burn , v. susunu , mu.

Burnish , faapupula. Búrst, pa. Bary , tanư ; (to chiefs) fale lauasi: Bushy, felefele.

But, a , peitaʻi. Butterfly, pepe. Boy, tama. Boyish, faatamaititi. Buttock , muli ; of beasts, tula. iu . Brackish, mãi, faasualua, taitainono. Button , faamau . Buy, faatau: Brag , mitamita .

Box, atolaau.


By , e. By, neur , i tafatafa, e lata ane. By and -by, nanej.

Byword, mvagagana.


Cause, v. faatupu. Caution , v. lapataʻi (perfect only ): Cease, uma, iu , mapu, tuu ; soią Caustic, adj. feū. ( imperative ).

Celebrate, v . vivii. Censure, v . aʻoaʻi, CABLE, maea .

Centipede, atualoa.

Cackle , toʻutoʻu .

Centre , totonugalemu. Chain , maea uamea, filifili uameą:

Cadaverous, mata -tagata-oti. Cage, faga, aoa . Cake, faapāpā. Calamity, mala . Calculate, faitau ,

Caldron , 'ulo . Calk , v. monomono. Call, v. valaau , alaga. Call, to visit, afe , asiasi.

Chair , nofoa .

Challenge, v. luội. Chamber, afeafe. Chance, tupu fua.

Change, fesuia 'i. Chant, pese. Chap, māyaevae. Character, amio.

Calm , of ihe wind , malū ; of the Charcoal, malala.

seu, laolao. Calm , quiet, filemu. Calm , v. faalaulelei. Calumniate , faatuaupua . . Camp, togalauapi. Can, v. mafąi. Cave, sugar, lolo ; rattan, lafo. Cannon , fanafanua. Cannot, le mafai, le lavā.

Charge, v. apoapoa'i, fai atu , Charge, a gun, utu . Charge, s. utufaga .

Charity , alofa. Charm , v. fai togafiti faataulaitų , Chase, v. tuliloa . Chasm , mavaevae.

Chastise , aʻoaʻi, sasa .

Cap, pulou ie, Cape, tolotolo .

Cheap , tayyofie , Cheat, pepelo . Cheek , alalau. Cheerful, mata 'ata,

Captive, tagata -o -taua,

Cherish , tausi.

Care, popole .

Chest, box , atolaau ; of the body ,

Canoe, vaa .

Carpenter , tufuga, mataisau.

fatafata . Carry , ave ; on the back , faafuata ; Chestnut, if .

by the aid of a stick, faafafa ; ba- Chew , lamulamu. lanced at its ends, amo ; also a Chicken , tamai moa. post, 8C., between two, tausoa.

Chide, aʻoaʻi.

Carve, wood, togitogi; food , pena. | Chief, alii. Case, faamoega .

Child , tama,

Cast, v. lafo , togi, Castle, ‘olo.

Childish , faatamaitiiti.

Cat, gose. Cataract, afu .

Catch , v. puée.

Catch, v.r . by contagion, pipisi. Catechise , fesili. Cave, ana.

Cavil, v. finauvale ,

Chill, maalili. Chin , auva-alalo .

Chip , v. tipi. Chip, s. malamala , Chirp , tagi. Chisel, tofi. Choice, filihliga. Choke, r. laoa ; titiną (active},



Choose , v. filifili.

Chop, 1 . tipi, soni. Clammy, apulupulu . Clamour, pisao. Clang, tagitagi. Clap, v. the hands, pati lima. Clasp , v. fusi. Class, vasega .

Clatter , paío . Claw , of u bird , vae.

CON Combat, s. taua.

Combine, faatasi, soo. Combustible , mugofie. Come, sau .

Comet, pusaloa. Comfort, v. faamafanafana, faama talaloto . Command, v. poloai, fai atu . Coinmaudment, poloaiga . Commemorate, faainanatu . Conimence, aniata . Commeud , vivii atu .

Clay, omea. Clean , mamā. Cleanse, v . faamamā. Clear, manino.

Commit, tuu atu ſe tausi).

Cleave to , pipii. Cleave, to split, isi, taisi. Clever , poto. Climb, aʻe.

Companion , toalua.

Common), tuu tele. Commotion, s . nunuvale .

Commotion , v. vevesi, ualolo . Company, faapotopotoga . Compare, faatusa. Cling, pipii. Close , v . pupuni, faasoo . Compassion , alofa . Cloth , s. ie ; native, siapo . Compel, faamalosi. Compensate , totogi, taui. Clothe, v . faa‘ofu . Cloud, ao. Complain , muimui, tagi atu . Cloudy, of day,lagilagiā ; of night, Complete , fakatoatoa. Coniplex, v. feletele. lagivalea. Comply , usiusitai. Cloven , magalua.

Club , uatogi. Cluck , v . toʻutoʻu. Clumsy, vasivasi. Cluster , fuifui.

Clutch , «u u . Cobweb , apogaleveleve. Cock , toa . Cockcrowing , vivini o moa. Cockle, pipi.

Counpose , a song, fatu .

Comprehend , lagona. Coinpite, faitau. Comrade, toalua.

Conceal, vana, ufiufi.

Conceited, faafiamea. Conceive , to . Conch , faafoa.

Conciliate, faalelei.

Concise, saasaa. Concourse, faapotopotoga. Coffin , vaa ; (of a chief) alālafaga. Condemn, faasala . Condescend, faamanlalo . Cogitate, mafaufau. Conduct, s. amio. Coil, taai.

Cocoa, niu . Coequal, tutusa.

Cold , maalili ; water, & c. mālūlū .

Conduct, v. taʻitaʻi.

Colic , manāva tutui.

Cunfer, v. tautalatala faatasi, filitili

Collar bone, ivi tau´au .


Collect, men , faapotopoto ; things, Confess, faaali, ta'u . Confirm , faamaoni. faaputu . Conflict, s. taua . Collection , faupuſega , faulaʻiga. Collision , fetoa'i. Confounded , fememeai, Color, lanu . Congregate, faapotopoto . Comb , s. selu . | Conjecture , tàumate.



Connect, faasoo, faatasi.

Corner- stone, tulimanu .

Conquer , manumalo . Conscience, loto fuatiaifo .

Corpse, tagata oti.

Consent, v . usiusitai. Consider , manatunatu . Consign , v . tuu atu .


Corpulent, tutu ‘a, puta. Correct, v. aʻoaʻi. Corrode, 'a'ati.

Corrupt, v. faaleaga. Console , v. faamaise , faamafanafana. Corrupt, adj. leaga. Conspicuous, aliali tele. Costive, mātūtū . Conspire, v. taupulepule. Cotton , laau alāla . Covenant, feagaiga. Constant, tumau . Cover, ufi. Constantly , soo, e le aunoa . Covet, mānumąnu, matape'ape'a , Consternation , segia mauli. Constipation, ma'i mātūtā, mamąu momoʻo . le manava. Cough , tale , (chief's) mălemale. Construct, fau .

Council, le au faipule, le fono.

Consult, filifili.

Count, v . faitau .

Consume, v. faauma.

Countenance, mata ; (chief's) fofo

Consumption , ma'i faaivā . Contagious, pipisi. Contaminate, faaleaga, Contemn, 'io‘ ino . Contemplate, mafaufau . Contend , finau .

ga .

Counteract, faalavelave, faaleaogā . Counterfeit, faatagā. Countless, lē masino, lēmafaitaulia . Country, nuu. Couple , when more than one, such

Coutent, loto mălie .

as, e lua oa ; men and birds, ulu

Contention la Contest !


Contiguous, tuaoi, Continual, soo , e le aunoa . Continue , tumau, Contract, v . shrink, meme-i. Contrivance, togafiti.

Courage, loto tele. Courteous, agamalū , migao. Courtezan , o le fafine tali tạne.

| Cousin , uso .

Coward , pala ‘ai. Cower, lofa .

Controversy, finauga.

Coy, sogisegi.

Contumacy, finauvale.

Crab, pa‘a ; land, mali'o.

Convene, v . faapotopoto .

Crack , ta' e .

Conversation , faatala noaga, tautala . Crackle, gasē ; of fire, talali. Craft, faiva. talaga . Convert, liliu . Cramp, pe, gase. Crave, faatoga. Convey , ave. Crawfish , ula . Coo , us a pigeon, olo. Crawl, totolo. Cook , s, faiumu. Cook , v . futui, tao .

Creak , "ii.

Cool, v. faamālūlū .

Copious, tele,

Create, fai. Creep, totolo.

Copper, 'apa memea.

Crevice, māvae; in the reef, vai

Copulation , moega . Coral, 'amu, lapa, puga.

ania . Crew , auvaa.

Cord , maea tuaitiiti, manoa. Core, fatu . Corner, external, tuli.

Crime, pagotā, Crimson , totototo , mūmū.

Cricket, sē .


22 Samoan Grammar. ulu ; ua ave, nonoa i le laau . Toe alu ma le tasi fuafuati lauulu ; ave, nonoa i le niu : ua faapea solo i laąu uma. Ona tago atu lea e le tuagane o Sina , ua tago i le lima o Sina ; ona la sosola lea . Ona oso atu lea le aitu ; oso i sasae, ua pauu ona taomia lea le aitu , oti aj.

umamai laau i sisifo . Ua toe oso sisifo , ona pauu, uma mai lea , o laau i sasae ;

2nd, The Vii, themost common of all, is vsed in praise of chiefs. The half is taken up in full chorus. It is accompanied with beating on a mat first half of each verse is sung by some three or four, and then the latter rolled up, and dancing . O le Vii o Letiutauga . Faatali atu e ; a o tiu i le manu. Faatali atu e, Tagipo ; a otiu i le manu. Ua ligoligo le ulufanua ; a ua tau matagi.

A sa matou taumatea, pe nisāsā o papalagi ? Oi, lau tama e ! sa faaolioli nei lava i le nuu o manu e le tau . Oi, le ula ! e moni o le fuaimamao se alii nei, ua gutu i aitu faalevao. Letiutaugā, ina folau ; po o lelei lava le tagata o le atu toelau.

A e le 'ole lea ; ina gase moe, o le faiva o tama tane o tau .

3rd, The Lagisolo , or funeral dirge, is in form much like the preceding. It is sung slowly, without dancing , in honour of a deceased chief. One of considerable length , in honour of Tato , of Safune, commences

O le li'a mai ; aue, lifa mai, & c. 4th, The Vila , the above, accompanied by clapping of hands, but no dancing . It has also a commencement of its own : thus, and a chorus, Ua taafili imauga lega, ua lupē. Lupe, lupe ulu iva . O le liʻa mai, aue liʻa mai! Lupe, lupe ulu iva, & c.

· 5th , The Talalo is sung slowly, with motion of the hands, and beating the mat. The following is a Talalo i Matautu . Ua tutunoa, tutunoa , Au lē foa , au lē foa , Tutunoa lenei aso vale . E le iloa se ata sopovale loʻia e. Nuu a uma si ata sa tane i le utu tau, Se vaa Tufulele, ma nai lagaali o Masifau . Ua faaee ma mu atoa le tuāvao. Afu maile fai matātao , Mataia e .

Tolimai sea ula e, tāu mamao , a galo e .

23 Samoan Grammar. 6th , The Fiti is quite new to Samoans, having been introduced froin the Fijiis. It is accompanied with beating the mat, and motion of the


7th , The Fatu is sung in honour of a deceased chief, not danced to, nor even used at a dance ; more properly in this respect a funeral dirge

than the Lagisolo . Imoa āimanu e i logologo ua'u sau . Nau sailia mai se pupū e logona i vao.

Soufuna faufau, & c.

8th, The Solo in praise of chiefs' lands and laumua; sung by one. Nau tipa ifo, tipa ifo i niu -lega.* Faataulia i tafetafe lou fia inu le'a .t Fai atu i fale na , le galu teinema le galu taulele'a . Sei latou māia ai se 'ava o i fale na ; Sei taumafa ane alii, a lailoa i le tuneva . A tufa lava , ia oʻu mua , o au o Letuuga. Vu te faanau ala i Piu ; Seu ai lota vaa i fanua ; Ou futia se i'a se lautua ; Faataatia i le taumua.

9th, The Muli'au (including the Mualeva ) is like the Vii, struck up by

two ormore, and answered in full chorus, accompanied by the beating of an instrument called the faaalii. Ole Mualeva . Aue mauga ! mauga o Savaii, E tuu fetāʻi. E tiga mauga , mauga o Savaii, E tuu fetāʻi. E fetaitai ma fale, Ma mauga loa ma Vaete, Ma utu a lau fau . Aue mauga, & c.

Se pule a le ā , Ma maluatea , Mamulimauga o Olomea , Ma le vao na o masa tuai. Lopā mai i le Nuanya , Ma le Afi'a i mulimauga. Aue mauga, & c.

• A bathing -place at Safai. + A harbour.


Acquiesce, usiusital. Acquire, maua.

A , a. se , and sometimes le. Abandon , tuulafoai.

Abash , faama. Abdomen, manāvà .

Acrid , 'a 'ava . Across, faalava.

Act, fai.

Abbor, 'ino‘ino . Able, mafai, lavā .

Adapt, faatatau . Add, faaopoopo. Adhere, pipii.

Abortion, papā.

Adjourn , tolo .

Above, i luga.

Admirable; maēu. Adnionish , apoapoa'i. Adopt, e fai mõna atalii. Adorn , teteu , teuteu . Adversity, mala . Adult, tagata matua. Adultery, mulilua .

Abound , v. adj. matuă tele .

About, a, (as, a alu , about to go.) About, si'osi' o .

Abridge, faaititi, faasaasaa .

Abscess, ma'i e faasua . Abscond, lafi. Absent,' e le i ai.

Advocate, fautua.

Abundance, taumafa, tele lava.

Afar, mamao .

Abuse, faaleaga. Accept, tali.

Affable, nofo lelei. Affectation , faafia , (as of wisdom ;

Access, ala e são ai. Accident, mao. Accompany, o gatási. Accomplish , uma ona fai. According , faatatau.

faafiapoto ). Affection , alofa .

Affirm , matuā fai atu. Afflict, faatiga. Affright, faamata'u . Affront, faaonoono. Account, tala . Accumulate , faupuốc, faula 'i, aula 'i. Afraid , faamataʻutia . After, mulimuli ane. Accurate, tatau lelei. Afterbirth , fanua. Accurse, faafano , fetuu. Accustom , faamasani. Afternoon, ua i gagaifo le la . Again , toe (as comeagain, toe sau): Ache, tiga , gāði. Acid , 'o‘ona .

Against, opposite, feagai.




Age, tupulaga. | Ant, loi. Aged , men , toeaina ; women , loo · Anxious, popole. matua . Any, ni, nisi. Aggressor, o le na tupu ai le misa . Agitate, lulu . Ago, (as long ago) leva, anamua. Agony, tiga tele . Agree, in concord , ua lelei ; yield

Apart, tuuesea. Apartment, afeafe . Apologize, toese. Apparel, ‘ofu .

Apparition , aitu .

to, usiusitai ; same mind , loto | Appear , aliali. gatasi. Applaud, vivii. Appoint, totofi. Aground , paʻulia. Aha ! ue ! Approach, faalatalata. Aid , fesoasoani. Argue, finau. Aim at, faatatau.

Arise , tula‘i.

Air, v. faasavili .

Arm , lima, ( chief's) aao.

Alas ! oi talofa ! aue !

Arms, auupega.

Alike, tutusa . Alive , ola .

Army, `au , itu taua.

All, uma.

Arrive, oʻo.

Around , soo, faasi'osi'o.

Alleviate, faafilemu, e filemu ai. Arrogance , faasiasia, faamauāluğa. Allow , to yield , usiusitai ; to per- Arrow , u. Arrowroot, masoā .

mit, tuu atu .

Allure , faalatalata.

Artery , ua .

Almost, toe ina, tāli (a tali oti), tāi. Artifice, togafiti . Alone, toatasi, na o ia . As, pei, faapei. Ascend, a'e. Also , foʻi. Alternate , auaua‘i. Although , e ui lava.

Ascent, aʻega.

Ashaned, mā, māsiasi. Always, soo, i aso uma, e le aunoa. Ashes, lefülefu. Amass, faaputu . Ask, ole , faanoi; sili, fesili.

Aslant, faasa pasapa . Assemble , faápotopoto. Ambiguous, faalepupula lona uiga. Assist, fesoasoani. Asthma, sela . Ambition , fia sili. Amends, totogi, taui. Astonish , ofo , segia mauli. Astray, sesē . Amidst, i totonu, i le va, i loto . Amongst, faatasi. Asunder, eseese (as, tuú eseése, to Ample , tele . put asunder). An, a . se. Asylum , lafitaga, malu. Amazed, segia le mauli. Ambassador, sāvali.

Anchor, s. taula , v. tuu taula.

At, i.

And , ma.

Atonement, togisala .

Anger, ita, (to chiefs) toasă , toata

| Atone, faalelei. Attain , maua .

maʻi. Anirnal, manu .

Attempt, taumafai.

Ankle, ponaponāvae. Annoy , faasoesa, faalili.

Attend to , faalogologo ; on, toaga

Another , se tasi.

( to be with ). Avail, aogā . Avarice, mānumanu , mátápe ape'a .

Answer, tali.

Avoid , “alo , igoigo.

Anoint , faauʻu .




Austere, nofogata, matapaū. | Because, ma, ona o, auā . Beckon , negonego . Awake, fafagu ; of one's own ac Become, avea , liu .

Await, tali atu .

cord, ala. Away , ese.

Axe, toʻi; (to chiefs ) faasagaese .

Becoming, (propriety ) ono , ono mea , faanapagofie. Bed , moega.

Bedridderi, faasugalugalufale. Before, i luma. Beg , isi, faatoga, ole, aioi. Beget, fauaua.


BABE, tamameamea .

Back, tua.

Backbile, tuaupua (pass.) Backside, muli, nofoaga.

Backbone, ivitu ,

Backwards, tuumuli.

Bad , leaga .

Begin , amata , afua . Behaviour, amio. Behind, i tua.

Behold , v . vaai; interj. faauta ! Believe, in a promise , faatuatua ;

Belch , tõtāmamala .

credit, ua manatu e moni. Belly, manāva ; (of a chief) alo. Beloved , alofaiva , pele .

Bag , taga .

Bait, maunu . Bake, v. tao. Bald , tula . Bale , s. taʻui.

Below , i lalo . Belt , fusi, talisela . Bench , nofoa laau .

Bale, v. asu , tatā .

Bend, v. loloʻu ; to make crooked ,

Bamboo , 'ofe. Band, fusi. Bandyleg, vaepi'o .

faapi'o . Beneath , i lalo.

Banish , faateva , tuli.


Banner , fu 'a .

Beneficial, aogā . Benevolence, loto alofa , agali lei. Benight, pogia.

Barb , tala .

Beseech , 'ai'oi.

Bark , s . paʻu ; v. fisi, fofoe.

Beside, i tafatafa .

Bark , v. ou .

Besiege, vagai.

Barren , animals, pā; trees, lē fua ; Best, e sili ona lelei. land , lafulafuā. Barter , faatau .

Basket, ‘ato, ete. Bat, s. peʻa .

Bestow , avatu , foaʻi. | Betray, faalata .

Betroth , faufautane.

Belween , i le va, e va a'i. Bathe,v. taele ; (to chiefs) faamālū , Bewail , tagi aue. "auau.

Beach, faga, matāfaga.

Bewilder, fememea'i. Beyond, i tala atu. Big , lātele.

Bead, uamea ; string of, lopa.

Bigamy, nofo lua.

Beak , gutu .

Billow , peau .

Battle , taua .

Bear, v. ave ; to endure, onosai; as Bind , fusifusi. a tree , fua mai ; animals, fanau. | Bird , manu .

Beard , s. ava ; (of chief's) soesā. Beast, manu .

Beat, fasi, ta , sasa .

Beautiful, lalelei, matagofie. Becalmed , maninoa.

Bite, u . Bitter, koʻona.

Black , uliuli. Bladder, tagā mimi..

Blaspheme, fāifāi.

28 BLE BUY Bleed , toto ; to let blood , tuu le lima. Brain , fai-ai. Bless, faamanuia . Branch , la . Blind, tauaso ; (to chiefs ) tauvale. Brandish, ailao. Blink, faasegosego . Brave, toa. Blister, v . manunu .

Breadfruit, ‘ulu .

Blood, toto . Bloody, totolima. Blossom , fuga.

Break , gau ; cups, fc. taóe . Breaker , gału.

Breadth , lau .

Blotch , poʻu.

Breast, moa , fatafata , susu .

Blow , v. ula , of the breath ; mata gi, of the wind ; or savili, or agi le matagi. Blue, uli, lanu moana, & c. Blunder, sesē . Blunderbuss, àpi.

Breathe, mānava . Breeches , ofu vae. Breed , fanau . Breeze, savili.

Blunt, matatupa, tulali.

Boar, poʻa . Board , laupapa .

Bridge, faiā , alaniu : Bright, pupula . Briinful, tumu saisai. Bring, aumai. Brink, auvai.

Boast, mitamita .

Brittle, taʻe gofie.

Boat, tulula .

Broad , vateatea, lautele .

Body, tino.

Broil, misa. Broil, v . tunu . Brood , v . as chickens, ofaofataʻi.

Boil, v . tunu.

Boil, s. ma'i faafoa. Brood, s. toloaʻi. Bold , loto tele, toa. Bone, ivi. Brother, uso ; of a sister, tuagane: Brown , ena. Bonnet, pulou . Bony, iviivia , paee ; of persons, ti- Bruise , uno‘o . novale , Brúsh , v. tafitafi. Brush , s. tafi. Book , tusi. Border, of country, tuaoi; garment, Bud , v . togo . tafatafa .

Buffet, tuʻi.

Borrow , nono.

Build , fau, fai; ati, of a wall. Builder, tufuga ; (to chiefs )mataisau

Bosom , fatafata .

Bullet, pulu fana .

Both , o i laua uma.

Bunch, s. cluster, fuifui, “au, (asi "aufai).

Bore, v . vili.

Bottle, fagu'; for water , vai. Boitom , s. taele. Bough , la (laau:).

Bundle , s. taai, tāʻūí.

Burden , avega, faafafa , amoga, tau soa .

Boundary , tuaoi. Bow , v. ifo.

Burn , v. susunu, mu.

Bow , s . aufana.

Burnish , faapupula. Búrst , pa.

Bowels, gaau. Bowl, tanoa. Bowstring, fua: Box , atolaau. Boy , tama. Boyish , faatamaititi.

Bury, tant ; (to chiefs ) fale lauasi: Bushy, felefele. But, a, peita 'i. Butterfly , pepe.

Buttock, muli ; of beasts, tula ‘iu .. Brackish, māi, faasualua, taitainono. | Button , faamau. Buy, faatau : Brag, mitamita."

BY By, e.

By, neur, i tafatafa , e lata ane.

By and -by, naneį.

Byword , muagagana: CABLE, maea . Cackle , toʻuto - u .

Cadaverous, mata - tagata-oti.

Cage, faga, āoa:

CHO Cause, v. faatupu .

Caustic, adj. feū. Caution , v. lapataʻi (perfect only). Cease, uma, in , mapu , tuu ; soią ( imperative). Celebrate , v . vivii. Censure, v. aʻoaʻi, Centipede, atualoa .

Centre, totonugalemu. Chain , maea uamea , filifli uąmeą . Chair , nofoa.

Calamity, mala . Calculate , faitąu,

Challenge, v. luội. Chamber, afeafe. Chance , tupu fua,

Caldron , 'ulo .

Change, fesuia‘ i. Chant, pese.

Cake, faapāpā. Calk , v. monomono. Call, v . valaau , alaga .

Chap , māyaevae.

Character , amio . Call, to visit , afe, asiasi. Calm , of the wind , malū ; of the Charcoal, malala . sea , laolao. . Charge, v. apoapoa'i, fai atu, Charge, a gun , utu . Calm , quiet, filemu. Charge, s. utufaga . Calm , v. faalaulelei.

Calumniate, faatuaupua .

Charity, alofa.

Camp, togalauapi,

Charm , v. fai togafiti faataulaitų ,

Can , v. mafąi. Cave, sugar, tolo ; rattan, lafo. Cannon , fanafanua. Cannot, le mafai, le lavā. Canoe, vaa.

Chase , v . tililoa .

Chasm , māvaevae. Chastise , aʻoaʻi, sasa. Cheap , tauvofie,

Cheat, pepelo.

Cap, pulou ie ,

Cheek , alatau.

Cape, tolotolo. Captive, tagata -o -taua. Care, popole . Carpenter, tufuga, mataisau. Carry, ave ; on the back , faafuata ; by the aid of a stick, faafafa ; ba -

Cheerful, mata 'ata , Cherish , tausi.

Chest, box , atolaau ; of the body, fatafąta .

Chestnut, if . Chew , lamulamu. lanced at its ends, amo; also a Chicken , tamaimoa. Chide, aʻoaʻi. post, & c., between two, tausoa. Carve, wood , togitogi; food , pena. | Chief, alii. Case, faamoega . Child , tama, Cast, v . lafó , togi, Childish , faatamaitiiti. Chill, maalili. Castle , 'olo. Cat, gose.

Catechise, fesili. Cave , ana.

Chin , auva-alalo . Chip, v. tipi. Chip , s. malamala , Chirp , tagi. | Chisel, tohi. Choice, bilihiliga.

Cavil , v. finauvale,

| Choke , r . laoa ; titiną (active },

Cataract, afu . Catch, v . pure.

Catch , v. n . by contagion , pipisi.

. 30



Choose, v. filifili. Chop , 2 . tipi, soni.

Combat, s. taua . Combine, faatasi, soo .

Clammy, apulupulu .

Combustible , mugofie .

Clamour, pisao .

Come, sau. Comet, pusaloa.

Clang, tagitagi. Clap, v. the hands, pati lima. Clasp , v. fusi. Class, vasega. Clatter , pa o. Claw , of a bird , vae. Clay, omea . Clean, mamā. Cleanse, v. faamamā. Clear, manino. Cleave to, pipii.

Cleave, to split, isi, taisi. Clever, poto. Climb, aʻe.

Comfort, v. faamafanafana , faama talaloto .

Command, v. poloai, fai atu. Commandment, poloaiga . Commemorate , faainanatu . Conimence , aniata . Commeud , vivii atu .

Commit, tuu atu ſe tausi] . Common), tuu tele. Commotion , s. nunuvale. Commotion , v. vevesi, ualolo . Coin panion , toalua .

Company, faapotopotoga .

Cling, pipii.

Compare , faatusa .

Close , v . pupuni, faasoo.

Compassion , alofa .

Cloth , s. ie ; native, sia po .

Compel, faamalosi.

Clothe, v . faa‘ofu .

Compensate, totogi, taui.

Cloud , ao .

Complain , muimui, tagi atu .

Cloudy, of day, lagilagiā ; of night, Complete , fakatoatoa. lagivalea.

Coniplex, v . feletele.

Cloven , magalua .

Comply, usiusitai.

Club , uatogi.

Compose , a song, fatu .

Cluck , v. toʻutoʻu . Clumsy, vasivasi. Cluster, fuifui.

Comprehend, lagona.

Cockcrowing , vivini o moa.

Coinpite, faitau. Comrade, toalua. . Couceal, vana, ufiufi. Conceited, faafiamea . Conceive, to . Conch , faafoa.

Cockle , pipi.

Conciliate, faalelei.

Clutch, «uíu .

Cobweb, apogaleveleve. Cock , toa.

Concise, saasaa. Cocoa, niu . Concourse, faapotopotoga . Coequal, tutusa. Coffin , vaa ; (of a chief ) alálafaga. Condemn, faasala .

Cogitate, mafaufau.

| Condescend, faamanlalo .

Coil, taai.

Conduct, s. amio .

Cold , maalili ; water, & c. mālūlū .

Conduct, v . taʻitaʻi.

Cunfer, v. tautalatala faatasi, filitili faatasi. Collar bone, ivi tau 'au . Collect, men , faapotopoto ; things, Confess, faaali, ta 'u . Colic , manāva tutui.

faaputu . Collection , faupu 'ega, faula'iga. Collision , fetoa'i. Color, lanu. Comb, s. selu .

Confirm , faamaonj. Conflict, s. taua. Confounded , fememeai,

Congregate, faapotopoto . Conjecture, tàumate.


Connect, faasoo, faatasi. Conquer, manumalo. Conscience, loto fuatiaifo . Consent, v. usiusitai.

• CRI | Corner-stone, tulimanu .


Corpse, tagata oti. Corpulent, tutuʻa, puta . Correct, v . a 'oa'i.

Consider , manatunatu .

Corrode, 'a'ati. Corrupt, v . faaleaga . Consign , v. tuu atu . Console , v. faamaise , faamafanafana . Corrupt, adj. leaga. Costive, inatūtā. Conspicuous, aliali tele . Cotton , laau alāla . Conspire, v. taupulepule . Constant tumau , . Constantly, soo , e le aunoą . Consternation , segia manli.

Constipation , ma‘i matūtū, mamąu le manava . Construct, fau .

Covenant, feagaiga.

Cover, ufi .

Covet, mānumanu , matape'ape'a, momoʻo. Cough, tale, (chief 's) mălemale .

Council, le au faipule , le fono,

Consult , Gilifili.

Count, v. faitau .

Consume, v. faauma. Consumption , ma'i faaivā.

Countenance, mata ; (chief's) fofo

Contagious, pipisi. Contaminate, faaleaga, Contemn, 'isoʻino. Contemplate , mafaufau . Contend, înau . Coutent, Contentionloto fimălie. nauga. Contests Contiguous, tuaoi,

Counteract, faalavelave, faaleaogā. Counterfeit, faatagā. Countless, lē masino, lē mafaitaulia .

Continual, soo , e le aunga . Continue , tumau ,

Contract , v. shrink, meme‘i.

Contrivance, togafiti. Controversy, finauga. Contumacy, finauvale . Convene, v. faapotopoto . Conversation , faatalanoaga, tautala talaga . Convert , liliu .

Convey, ave. Coo, as a pigeon, olo .


Country, nuu . Couple , when more than one, such

as, e lua oa ; men and birds, ulu ga.

Courage, loto tele. Courteous, agamalū , migao. Courtezan, o le fafine tali tạne. Cousin , uso .

Coward , pala 'ai. Cower, lofa . Cry, segisegi. Crab , pa'a ; land, mali-o . Crack , ta'e . Crackle , gasē ; of fire, talali. Craft, faiva. Cramp, pe, gase . Crave, faatoga.

Crawfish , ula.

Cook , s. faiumu.

Crawl, totolo .

Cook , o . futui, tao.

Cool, v. faamālūlū .

Creak , ii. Create, fai.

Copious, tele .

Creep, totolo.

Copper, 'apa memea.

Crevice, māvae ; in the reef, vai

Copulation , moega.

ania .

Coral, ‘amu, lapa, puga.

Crew , auvaa .

Cord , maea tuaitüti, manoa.

Cricket, sē . Crime, pagotā ,

Core, fatu .

Corner , external, tulis

1 Crimson , totototo , mūmū.





Cripple , pipili.

Daunt, faamataấu .

Crisp , pa'a 'a .

Dawn , le ţafa o ata . Day, ao ; natural day, aso . Dazzle, sesega ; (pass .) segaia . Dead , oti; to a chief, maliu ; ani mal,mate, pē. Deaf, tutuli.

Crockery , ipu omea or uamea , Crook , v. faąpi'o. Crookback , tuapi' o.

Crossway, ala faalava. Crouch , lofa . Crow , vivini.

Crowd, v. fetuleni. Crown, pale . Cruel, sauā. Crimb, momoimea .

Crumble, v. momomo. Crumple, mānuminumi. Crush , nuti.

Deal, vut, tufatufa. Dear, pele ; in price, tąugata , Dearth , oge. Death , le oti. Debate, finaugą. Debauch , faaleaga. Debilitate , v. faavaivaia . Decapitate , vavae le ulu or uto (ne ver used except in cursing) . Decay , paļa .

Cry , tagi.

Cubit, laui'a .

Cumbºr, faalavelave. Cunning, poto. Cup, іри, ірі.

Decease , oti.

Cure, faanilolo .

Deceit , pepelo. Decent, teu lelei. ' Decide, pule, uma le filifili.

Current, au , tafe . Curse , fetuu.

Deck , v. teuteu . Deck , s. fogā vaa ,

Curve, lolo‘u . Custom , tu , masani.

Decorate , teuteu ; the person , tifitifi,

Cut, v. pena, tipi; down , tuu ; off,

Decoy, mailei, faalata .

Declare , talaʻi, faai'oa. Decrease, maui, faaitiiti. Dedicate , faasa, tapui, taputapu .

vavaeese , Cut, s. nianuſa . Cutlass , pelu .

Deep, loloto, maulalo .

Curly , piipii. D

Defaine, faaleaga, tuaupua. Defeat, v. tulia, lafoia . Defend , leoleo . Defer , tolo , faatuai. Deference, ava,

Daily, aso fai soo , o lea aso ma lea Defiance, lu ‘i. Deficient, le atoa, le lava. aso. Defile , faaleaga . taaloga. , Dalliance, ula Define, tusi tino. Damage , v . faasaunoa . Deform , faamatagā. Damp, mālūlū , Dauce, saa , siva ,

Dare, v. faamalosi. Dare, v. to defy, lu ‘i. Dark , pogisa, pouliuli. Darling, pele.

D .formed , matapuaa, 'auvale. Defraud , pepelo ,

Defy, luội. Degrade, faapaū , fao le igoa. Delay, fiatuai ; faatamala (in a bad

sense). Dart, v. velo , Deliberate , manatunatu , 6lifili . Dash, v. lafotū, palasi. Daughter, a man's, afafine ; of a Delicious, sua mălie .

chief, alofafinę ; of a wuman , ta Delight, fiafia , 'oli'oli. Deliver, tuuatu e alu ; ma teine.

from , laveai.


Deluge, lolo . Demolish , faauma, leppet . Demon , aitu. Denial, faafitiga. Depart, alu ese. Delusion , pepelo.

Depend , faalagolago. Depopulate , faatuufua .

Depose, faapaʻū , fao le igoa. Depth , loloto .

Deprave , faaleaga .



| Die, v. a. faalamu. Die , v. n . animals ,mate ; man , oti ; (chiefs ) maliu. Differ, escese. Difficult, faigatā. Diffident, ma, matarnuli.

Diffuse , faasalalau .

Dig , 'eli. Dilatory , telegese. Dim , faalepupula. Diminish , faaitiiti.

Deputy, sui.

Dip , v. fufui.

Deride, tauemu.

Dire, mata 'utia . Direct, v. faasa ‘o, faasino, faaionu . Dirt, eleele . Disagree, taofi eseese , masesei. Disappear, mou , le iloa.

Descend , ifoifo .

Descendant, fanau, aiga, gafa . Desecrate, soli. Desert, s. vao .

Desert, v . tuulafoai.

Disaster, mala .

Design , manatu .

Discern , faailogaina.

Desire, manao ,moʻomoʻo , naunau, Discharge, s. from a wound, sua loto . vai, alou.

Desist, tuu ; prohibition, soii .

Discharge, v. gun , fc. pa .

Desolate , tuufua.

Disciple , soo.

Despair, ua leai se toe faamoemoe. Disclose, faaali. Discompose, faanuniinumi; mind , faatiga loto . Despicable, faatauvaa . Discord , misa, maseiga. Despise , 'ino‘ino. Despatch , faavaevave.

Despond , vaivai le loto . Destitute, tuulafoajina, mativa.

Discover , faailoa.

Discourse, tautalaga ; lauga.

Detach , tuu ese. Detail, talata! a.

Discourteous, faalemigao. Discriminate, faailogaina. Disdain , 'ino‘ ino, faasiasia .

Detain , taofi.

Disease, maʻi ; (to chiefs), gasega

Destroy, faauma, faatafuna. Detect , mana .

se, & c.

Deternine, uma ona filibili.

Disfigure, faasaunoa.

Detest, 'ino‘ino.

Disgrace, faamā. Disgust, 'ino‘ino. Dish , tanoa. Dishearten , faamataʻu , faavaivai le

Deviate, sesē. Device, togafiti. Devoid , aunoa.

Devote , faasa , faatā , Devour, lotulotu “ai. Dew , sau .

Diadem , pale . Dialect , gagana .

Dialogue, tautalatalaga. Diaphragm , ga‘o punipi.

loto .

Dishevelled, scuseua . Disinter , laga. Disjoin , tuu eseese . Dislike, 'ino‘ino . Dislocated , see [le ivi). Dismiss, tuu atu e alu .

Diarrhoea , manava tata .

Dismount, v.a . lafo .

Dibble, ‘oso , suo . Did , na faia .

Dismount, v, n , alu ifo . Disobedient, vaogata , faalogogata.


Acquiesce, usiusitai. Abandon , tuulafoai.

A , a. se, and sometimes le . Abash, faama.

Acquire, maua. Acrid , 'a'ava. Across , faalava . Act, fai.

Abdomen , manāvà .

Adapt, faatatau. Add, faaopoopo.

Abhor, 'ino‘ino.

Able, mafai, lavā .

Adhere , pipii.

Abortion , papā.

Adjourn , tolo .

Above, i luga. Admirable , maẽu . Abound , v. adj. matuā tele . Admonish , apoapoa'í. About, a, (as, a alu , about to go.) Adopt, e fai mõna atalii. About, si'osi' o .

Adorn , teteu , teuteu .

Abridge, faaitiiti, faasaasaa.

Adversity, mala .

Abscess, ma'i e faasua. Abscond , lafi.

Adult, tagata matua.

Absent, e le i ai.

Adultery, mulilua. Advocate , fautua.

Abundance, taumafa , tele lava.

A far, mamao .

Abuse, faaleaga. Accept, tali. Access, ala e sao ai.

Affable , nofo lelci . Affectation , faafia , (as of wisdom ; faafiapoto ).

Affection , alofa. Affirm , matuā fai atu. Accompany, o gatasi. Afflict , faatiga . Accomplish , uma ona fai. According , faatatau. Affright, faamataʻu . Affront, faaonoono. Account, tala . Accumulate, faupu “e, faula 'i, aula'i. Afraid , faamataʻutia . After, mulimuli ane. Accurate , tatau lelei. Afterbirth , fanua. Accurse , faafano, fetuu . Afternoon , ua i gagaifo le la . Accustom , faamasani. Ache, tiga, gāoi. Again , toe (as comeagain , toe sau ): Against, opposite, feagai. Acid , 'o‘ona .

Accident, mao.




| Ant, loi. Age, tupulaga. Aged , men , toeaina ; women , loo· | Anxious, popole. matua .

Aggressor, o le na tupu ai le misa . Agitate, lulu . Ago, (as long ago) leva, anamua. Agony, tiga tele. Agree, in concord , ua l-lei; yield to , usiusitai ; same mind, loto

Any, ni, nisi. Apart, tuuesea. Apartment, afeafe. Apologize , toese. Apparel, ‘ofu . Apparition , aitu . Appear; aliali.

gatasi. Aground , paʻulia . Aha ! ue ! Aid , fesoasoani.

Applaud , vivii .

Aim at, faatatau.

Arise, tula' i.

Appoint, totofi. Approach , faalatalata .

Alike, tutusa.

Argue, inau. Arm , lima, (chief's) aao. Arms, auupega. Army, `au , itu taua.

Alive, ola . All, uma.

Arrive, oʻo.

Air, v. faasavili. Alas ! oi talofa ! aue !

Alleviate , faafilemu, e filemu ai. Allow , to yield , usiusitai; to per mit, tuu atu . Allure, faalatalata . Almost, toe ina, tāli (a tali oti), tāi. Alone, toatasi, na o ia . Also, foʻi. Alternate, auaua'i.

Around, soo , faasi'osi'o .

Arrogance, faasiasia, faamaualuga. Arrow , u. Arrowroot, masoā .

Artery, ua . Artifice, togafiti.

As, pei, faapei. Ascend , a' e. Ascent, aʻega .

Ashamed , mā, māsiasi. Always, soo , i aso uma, e le aúnoa. Ashes, lefulefu. Amass, faaputu . Ask, ole , faanoi; sili, fèsili. Aslant, faasapasapa. Amazed, segia le mauli. Ambassador, sāvali. Assemble, faapotopoto . Ambiguous, faalepupula lona viga. Assist, fesoasoani.

Although , e ui lava.

Ambition , fia sili. Amends, totogi, taui. Amidst, i totonu , i le va, i loto. Amongst, faatasi.

Ample, tele.

Asthma, sela .

Astonish, ofo, segia mauli. Asunder, eseese (as, tuú eseése, tó

Astray, sesē.

put asunder ).

An, a . se. Anchor, s. taula , v. tuu taula.

Asylum , lafitaga , malu .

And, ma.

Atonement, togisala .

At, i.

Anger, ita , (to chiefs) toasā, toata Atone, faalelei. ma‘i.

Animal, manu. Ankle, ponaponāvae.

Attain , maua . Attempt, taumafai.

Annoy , faasoesa , faalili.

Attend to, faalogologo ; on , toaga (to be with ).

Anoint, faau ' u . Another, se tasi.

Avail, aogā. Avarice, mānumanu , matape'ape'a .

Answer, tali.

Avoid , “alo, igoigo .

AUS Austere, nofogata , matapaū. Await, tali atu.



Because , ma, ona o , auā. Beckon , negonego.

Awake, fafagu ; of one's own ac Become, avea , liu . cord , ala . Away, ese.

Axe, toʻi ; (to chiefs) faasagaese.

Becoming , (propriety ) ono, ono mea , faanapagofie . Bed , moega.

Bedriddeli, faasugalugalufale. Before , i luma.

Beg, isi, faatoga, ole, aioi. BABE , tama meamea .

Back , tua . Backbile, tuaupua (pass.)

Beget, favaua. Begin , amata , afua . Behaviour, amio .

Behind , i tua.

Backbone, ivitu ,

Behold , v . vaai; interj. faauta !

Backside, muli, noloaga.

Belch , tõtõmamala. Believe, in a promise , faatuatua ; credit, ua manatu e moni. Belly , wanāva ; (of a chief ) alo. Beloved, alofaina, pele . Below , i lalo .

Backwards, tuumuli.

Bad , leaga. Bag , taga. Bait, maunu. Bake, v. tao.

Bald , tula . Bale, s . taʻui. Bale , v. asu , tatā .

Bamboo, 'ofe .

Band, fusi. Bandyleg, vaepi'o. Banish , faateva , tuli. . Banner , fu 'a . Barb , tala .

Belt , fusi, talisela . Bench , nofoa laau .

Bend, v . loloʻu ; to make crooked , faapi' o. Beneath , i lalo. Beneficial, aogā.

Benevolence, loto alofa , agalelei. Benight, pogia, Beseech, Sai'oi.

Bark, s. paʻu ; v. fisi, fofoe.

Beside, i tafatafa .

Bark , v . ou . .

Besiege, vagai.

Barren , animals, pā ; trees, lē fua ; Best, e sili ona lelei. land, lafulafuā. Bestow , avatu , foaʻi. Barter, faatau.

Betray , faalata .

Basket , bato, ete . Bat, s. peʻa .

Belween , i le va , e va a 'i.

Betroth , faufautane.

Bathe,v. taele ; (to chiefs). faamālī , Bewail, tagi aue. lauau .

Bewilder , tememea 'i.

Battle, taua .

Beyond, i tala atu .

Beach , faga, matāfaga, Bead , uamea ; string of, lopa. Beak, gutu.

Big , lātele. Bigamy, nofo lua.

Billow , peau . Bear, v. ave; to endure, onosai ; as Bind, fusifusi. a tree, fua mai ; animals, fanau . Bird , manu.

Beard , s. ava ; (of chief's ) soesā

Bite, u .

Beast, manu.

Bitter, 'oʻona .

Beat, fasi, ta , sasa . Beautiful, lalelei, matagofie. Becalmed, maninoa .

Black, uliuli. Bladder, tagā mimi.. Blaspheme, fãifāi.



Bleed , toto ; to let blood , tuu le lima. | Brain , fai ai. Bless, faamanuia . Branch , la .

Blind , tauaso ; ( to chiefs) tauvale. Brandish, ailao. Blink , faasegosego. Blister, v. manunu. Blood , toto. Bloody , totolima.

Brave, toa.

Breadfruit , ‘ulu .

Breadth , lau .

Break, gau ; cups, & c. taʻe . Breaker, galu .

Blossom , fuga. Breast, moa , fatafata , susu . Blotch, poʻu. Blow , v . ula , of the breath ; mata - | Breathe, māliava . gi, of the wind ; or savili, or agi Breeches, ofu vae. Blue, uli, lanu moana, & c .

Breed , fanau . Breeze, savili.

Blunder, sesē.

Bridge, faiä , alaniu.

le matagi.

Blunderbuss , api

Bright, pupula.

Blunt, matatupa, tulali.

Briinful, tumu saisai.

Boar, poʻa .

Bring, aurai. Brink , auvai.

Board , laupapa. Boast, mitamita.

Boat, tulula . Body, tino . Boil, s. ma'i faafoa. Bold , loto tele, toa. Bone, ivi.

Boil, v . tonu .

Bonnet, pulou .

Brittle, ta’e gofie. Broad , vateatea, lautele. Broil, misa . Broil, v . túnu . Brood , v . as chickens, ofaofataʻi. Brood, s. toloa‘i.

Brother, uso ; of a sister, tuagane: Brown , ena .

Bony, iviivia , paee ; of persons, ti Bruise, uno‘ o. liovale ,

Book , tusi.

Brush , v . tafitafi. Brush , s. tali.

Border, of country, tuaoi; garment, Bud , v. togo. tafatafa . Bore , v. vili.

Borrow , nono. Bosom , fatafata . Both , o i laua uma.

Bottle, fagu'; for water , vai. Boitom , s. taele. Bough, la (laau ). Boundary , tuaoi. Bow , v. ifo . Bow , s. aufana. Bowels, gaau. Bowl, tanoa.

Bowstring, fuai Box , atolaau . Boy, tama. Boyish , faatamaititi. Brackish, mãi, faasualua,taitainono. Brag, mitamita ."

Buffet, tuʻi.

Build , fau, fai ; ati, of a wall. Builder, tufuga ; ( to chiefs) mataisau Bullet , pulu fana .

Burich, s. cluster, fuifui, “au, (as Caufai). Bundle, s. tuai, tāʻūī. Burden, avega, faafafa , amoga, tau soa .

Burn , v. susunu , mu.

Burnish , faapupula . Burst, pa.

Bary , tanư ; (tó chiefs) fale lauasi: Bushy, felefele. But, a , peitaʻi. Butterfly , pepe.

Buttock , muli; of beasts, tula 'iu . Button , faamau .

Buy, faatau .




By, e. By , neur, i tafatafa , e lata ane.

Cause , v. faatupu . Caustic, adj. feū.

By and -by, naneį.

Caution , v. la pataʻi (perfect only ). Cease, uma, in , mapu, tuu ; soią

Byword , mvagagana. Cable , maea .

Cackle , toʻutoʻu. Cadaverous, mata -tagata -oti. Cage, faga, āoa. Cake, faapāpā. Calamity, mala . Calculate , faitąu ,

(imperative). Celebrate, v . vivii. Censure, v , aʻoaʻi. Centipede, atualoa . Centre, totonugalemu. Chain , maea uamea , filifili uamea , Chair, nofoa . Challenge, v. luội. Chamber, afeafe . Chance, tupu fua:

Caldron , 'ulo .

Change , fesuia 'i.

Calk , v. monomono.

Chant, pese.

Call, v . valaau, alaga. Call, to visit, afe , asiasi.

Chap , māyaevae.

Character, amio.

Calm , of ihe wind, malū ; of the Charcoal, malala. sea , laolao . Charge, v. apoapoaʻi, fai atu, Calm , quiet, filemu.

Charge, a gun , utu .

Calm , v. faalaulelei.

Charge, s. utufaga.

Calumniate, faatuaupua. Camp, togalauapi.

Charm , v . fai togafiti faataulaitų ,

Can , v. mafąi.

Chase, v . tuliloa .

Cane, sugar, colo ; rattan, lafo. Cannon , fanafanua . Cannot, le mafai, le lavā . Canoe, vaa.

Chastise , aʻoaʻi, sasa .

Cap, pulou ie, Cape, tolotolo . Captive, tagata - o-taua. Care, popole . Carpenter , tufuga, mataisau . Carry , ave ; on the back , faafuata ; by the aid of a stick , faafafa ; ba lanced at its ends, amo; also a post, & c., between two, tausoa. |

Charity , alofa .

Chasm , māvaevae. Cheap, taugofie , Cheat, pepelo . Cheek , alalau.

Cheerful, mata 'ata ,

Cherish , tausi.

box, atolaau ; of the body, Chest, fatafata. Chestnut, if .

Chew , lamulamu.

Chicken , tamaimoa. Chide, aʻoaʻi. Carve, wood , togitogi; food , pena. Chief, alii. Case , faamoega .

Child , tama.

Cast, v. lafo, togi.

Childish , faatamaitiiti. Chill, maalili. Chin , auva-alalo .

Castle , ‘olo . Cat, gose. Cataract, afu .

Chip, v. tipi.

Catch , v . puée.

Chip, s. malamala.

Catch , v. n . by contagion , pipisi.

Chirp , tagi. Chisel, tofi.

Catechise, fesili. Cave , ana. Cavil , v . finauvale.

Choice, filihliga. Choke, r. laoa ; titiną (active ),

* 30



Choose , v. filifili.

Chop, 1. tipi, soni.

Combat, s . taua. Combine, faatasi, soo.

Clammy, apulupulu . Clamour, pisao . Clang, tagitagi. Clap, v. the hands, pati lima. Clasp , v. fusi.

Combustible, mugofie.

Class , vasega . Clatter, paío . Claw , of a bird , vae.

Command, v . poloai, fai atu . Coiniandment, poloaiga. Commemorate, faainanatu . Conimence , aniata .

Come, sau. Comet, pusaloa.

Comfort, v. faamafanafana, faama talaloto .

Clay, omea . Clean , mamā.

Commevd , vivii atu .

Cleanse, v. faamamā.

Commit, tuu atu ſe tausi).

Clear, manjno.

Connon, tuu tele. . Commotion , s. nunuvale. Commotion , v. vevesi, ualolo. Coinpanion , toalua.

Cleave to , pipii.

Cleave, to split, isi, taisi. Clever , poto . Climb , a' e . Cling, pipii.

Company, faapotopotoga.

Close, v. pupuni, faasoo. Cloth , s. ie ; native, siapo.

Compassion , alofa. Compel , faamalosi.

Compare, faatusa.

Clothe, v . faa' ofu .

Compensate , totogi, taui. Complain , muimui, tagiatu . Cloudy, of day, lagilagiā ; of night, Complete , fakatoatoa. Coniplex, v. feletele. lagivalea . Comply , usiusitai. Cloven , magalua. Compose, a song, fatu. Club , uatogi. Cluck , v. toʻutoʻu . Comprehend , lagona. Compute, faitau. Clumsy, vasivasi. Cluster , fuifui. Comrade, toalua. Couceal, vana , ufiufi. Clutch , 'u'u . Conceited, faafiamea. Cobweb , apogaleveleve. Conceive, to. Cock , toa. Cockcrowing , vivini o moa. Conch , faafoa. Conciliate, faalelei. Cockle, pipi. Cloud, ao.

Concise, saasaa. Concourse, faapotopotoga . Coffin , vaa ; (of a chief ) alálafaga. Condemn, faasala. Condescend, faamanlalo. Cogitate, mafaufau . Conduct, s. amio . Coil, taai. Cold , maalili ; water , fc. mālūlū . Conduct, v. taʻitaʻi. Colic , manāva tutui. Cunfer, v . tautalatala faatasi, filitili Collar bone, ivi tau´au . faatasi.

Cocoa, niu . Coequal, tutusa .

Collect, men , faapotopoto ; things, faaputu . Collection , faupuſega , faulaʻiga. Collision, fetoa'i. Color, lanu.

Confess, faaali, taʻu . Confirm , faamaonj. Conflict , s. taua. Confounded , fememeai, Congregate, faapotopoto.

Comb, s. selu .

Conjecture, tàumate.

CON Connect, faasoo , faatasi. Conquer, manumalo . Conscience , loto fuatiaifo. Consent, v. usiusitai. Consider , manatunatu . Consign , v . tuu atu .


31 .

| Corner- stone , tulimanu .

Corpse , tagata oti. Corpulent, tutu'a , puta . Correct, v. a 'oa'i.

Corrode, 'a 'ati. Corrupt, v . faaleaga. Coosole, v . faamaise, faamafanafana . Corrupt, adj. leaga.

Conspicuous, aliali tele.

Costive , mātūtū .

Conspire, v. taupulepule . Constant, tumau . Constantly , soo, e le aunoą.

Covenant, feagaiga .

Cotton , laau alāla . Cover, ufi .

Consternation , segia maulį. Covet, mānumanu , matape'ape'a , Constipation , ma'i matūtū, mamąu momoʻo. le manava . Construct, fau .

Consult , lilifili .

Cough , tale, (chief's) mălemale. Council, le au faipule, le fono, Count, v . faitau .

Consume, v . faauma. Consumption, ma‘i faaivā. Contagious, pipisi. Contaminate , faaleaga,

Counterfeit, faatagā .

Contemn, 'ino ‘ino. Contemplate , mafaufau.

Countless, lē masino , lē mafaitaulia .

Contend , înau.

Couple, when more than one, such as, e lua oa ; men and birds, ulu ga .

Coutent, mălie Contentionloto! fi naug.a. Contest Contiguous, tuaoi, Continual, soo, e le aunoa .

Coutinue, tumau , Contract, v . shrink , memę i. Contrivance , togafiti .

Controversy , finauga . Contumacy , finauvale.

Convene, v . faapotopoto.

Countenance, mata ; (chief's) fofo ga . Counteract, faalavelave, faaleaogā. Country, nuu .

Courage, loto tele .

Courteous, agamalū , migao . Courtezan, o le fafine tali tạne. Cousin , uso . Coward

, pala 'ai. Cower , lofa.

Ccy, segisegi. Crab, pa‘a ; land , mali'o. Crack , ta 'e.

Conversation , faatalanoaga, tautala talaga . Convert, liliu .

Crackle , gasē ; of fire, talalī.

Convey , ave .

Crave, faatoga.

Craft, faiva . Cramp, pe , gase.

Coo , as a pigeon , olo .

Crawfish, ula .

Cook, s, faiumu .

Crawl, totolo.

Cook , v. futui, tao .

Creak , 'i'i.

Cool, v. faamālūlū .

Create , fai.

Copious, tele .

Creep , totolo .

Copper, 'apa memea .

Crevice , māvae ; in the reef, vai

Copulation, moega .

ania . Crew , auvaa .

Coral, 'amu, lapa, puga. Cord, maea tuaitüti, manoa .

Cricket, sē .

Core , fatu . Corner, external, tuli.

Crimson , totototo, mūmū.

Crime, pagotā ,




Cripple, pipili.

Daunt, faamataʻu .

Crisp , pa 'a 'a .

Dawn , le tafa o ata .

Crockery, ipu omea or uamea ,

Day, ao ; natural day, aso.

Crook , v. faapi'o . Crookback , tuapi'o . Crossway, ala faalava. Crouch , lofa . Crow , vivini. Crowd, v. fetuleni. Crown, pale . Cruel, sauā. Crimb, momoi mea. Crumble, v. momomo.

Dazzle , sesega ; ( pass .) segaia. " Dead , oti ; to a chief, maliu ; ani. mal,mate, pē.

Debate, finauga. Debauch , faaleaga.

Crumple , mānuminumi. Crush , nuti.

Debilitate , v. faavaivaia . Decapitate, vavae le ulu or uto (ne

Cry , tagi.

Deaf, tutuli. Deal, out, tufatufa . Dear, pele ; in price , tąugata , Dearth , oge. Death , le oti.

ver used except in cursing).

Cubit, laui'a . Cumbºr, faalavelave.

Decay, pala . Decease, oti.

Cunning, poto .

Deceit, pepelo .

Cup , ipu , ipi. Curve, loloʻu .

Decent, teu lelei. Decide, pule, uma le filifili. Deck , v. teuteu. Deck , s. fogā vaa. Declare , tala 'i, faai'oa.

Custom , tu , masani.

Decorate, teuteu ; theperson , tifitifi,

Cure , faaniālolo . Current, au, tafe. Curse, fetuų.

Cut, v. pena, tipi ; down, tuu ; off, Decoy, mailei, faalata . vavaeese. Cut, s. nianu a .

Decrease, maui, faaitiiti. Dedicate , faasa , tapui, taputapu .

Cutlass , pelu ,

Deep, loloto, maulalo . Defame, faaleaga, tuaupua.

Curly, püipii.

Defeat, v . tulia, lafoia .


Defend , leoleo . Defer , tolo , faatuai. Deference, ava ,

Daily, aso faisoo, o lea aso ma lea aso .

Dalliance, ula, taaloga. Damage , v . faasaunoa .

Damp, mālūlū, Dauce, saa, siva , Dare, v. faamalosi. Dare, v. to defy, luội.

Defiance , lu i.

Deficient, le atoa , le lava. Defile , faaleaga. Define, tusi tino. Deform , faamatagā . D .formed , matapuaa, “auvale . Defraud , pepelo . Defy , lu ‘i.

Dark , pogisa , pouliuli.

Degrade, faapaū , fao le igoa.

Darling, pele. Dart, v. velo ,

Delay, fuatuai ; faatamala (in a bad

Dash , v . lafotū , palasi.

Delib- rate, manatunatu, filifili.


Daughter, a man's, afafine ; of a Delicious, sua mălie. chief, alofafinę ; of a wuman , ta - | Delight, fiafia , ‘ oli-oli. ma teine.

Deliver, tuu atu e alu ; from , laveai.




Deluge, lolo .

Die , v. a. faalanu.

Delusion, pepelo .

Die , v.n . animals,mate; man ,oti; (chiefs) maliu .

Demolish, faauma, le peti. Demon , aitu .

Denial, faafitiga.

Depart, alu ese. Depend , faalagolago.

Depopulate , faatuufua. Depose , faapaʻū , fao le igoa. Deprave, faaleaga. Depth , loloto . Deputy , sui. Deride, tauemu. Descend, ifoifo. Descendant, fanau, aiga, gafa . Desecrate , soli. Desert, s. vao . Desert , v. tuulafoai. Design , manatu .

Differ, escese.

Difficult, faigatā . Diffident, ma, matarnuli. Diffuse, faasalalau . Dig , 'eli.

Dilatory, telegese. Dim , faalepupula . Diminish , faaitiiti.

Dip , v. fufui. Dire, mata “utia. Direct, v. faasa o , faasino , faaionu. Dirt, eleele. Disagree, taofi eseese, masesei. Disappear, mou , le iloa . Disaster , mala . Discern , faailogaina.

Desire, manao, moʻomoʻo, naunau, Discharge, s . from a wound, sua loto. vai, alou. Discharge, v. gun , gc. pa. Desist, tuu ; prohibition, soia . Desolate , tuufua . Disciple, soo.

Despair, ua leai se toe faamoemoe.

Disclose, faaali.

Despatch , faavaevave.

Discompose, faanunsinumi; mind ,

Despicable , faatauvaa .

Despise, 'ino‘ino.

faatiga loto . Discord , misa , maseiga.

Despond , vaivai le loto. Destitute, tuulafoajina, mativa . Destroy , faauma, faatafuna .

Discourse, tautalaga ; lauga.

Detach , tuu ese .

Detail, talatala . Detain , taofi. Detect, mana . Determine, uma ona filibili. Detest, ' ino‘ino .

Deviate, sesē. Device, togafiti. Devoid , aunoa . Devote, faasa , faató .

Devour, lotulotu "ai. Dew , sau. Diadem , pale . Dialect, gagana . Dialogue, tautalatalaga.

Diaphragm , ga‘ o punipi. Diarrhea, manava tata . Dibble , .oso , suo. Did , sia faia .

Discover , faailoa. Discourteous, faalemigao . Discriminate, faailogaina . Disdain, 'ino‘ino, faasiasia .

Disease, ma‘i; (to chiefs), gasega se, & c . Disgrace, faamā.

Disfigure, faasaunoa . Disgust, ' ino‘ino . Dish , tanoa .

Dishearten, faamata' u, faavaivai le loto .

Dishevelled , scuseua . Disinter, laga. Disjoin , tuu eseese . Dislike, 'ino‘ ino. Dislocated, see [le ivi). Dismiss, tuu atu e alu . Dismount, v . a . lafo . Dismount, v , n . alu ifo.

Disobedient, vaogata , faalogogata .

. 34 DIS EAS Disown, faafiti. Draught, fluid drank, inumaga. Disperse, faataape. Dread , mataʻu . Dispirit, faavaivai le loto . Dream , moemiti ; (of a chief) faa Display, faaali, faalialia . lepo . Displease, faaitaita , faatiga le loto , Dregs, ‘alu . Dispossess, fao ; tuli. Dispute , finau . Disregard , lē mapatunatu . Disrespect, lē ava, le taualoa .

Dress, v . faa ‘ofu . Drill, s. faavili.

Drink , v. inu .

Drip , v. sisina.

Dissemble, pepelo .

Drive, tuli.

Dissever , vavae ese. Dissimilar, eseese ,

Drivel, tafe le faua. Drollery, faianaga. Droop, of trees , lāutagitagi.

Dissipate, taapeape. Dissolve , liu suavai.

Dissolute , ulavale. Distant, mamao . Distemper , ma‘ i.

Distend , fefete . Distinguish , faailogaina, filitaa. Distress , atuatuvale. Distribute, tufatufa. District, itu . Disturb , faaatuatuvale , faalavelave. Ditch , utu . Dive , tofu .

Drop , v. sisina, faatulutulu ; down , paū. Dropsy , fula .

Drown, malemo. Drowsy , tulemoe . Drum , logo. Drunk , onā.

Dry, popo,mago ; of herbs, magu magu.

Duck , toloa. Dull, a 'oa'o gatā ; of tools , mata tupa , tulali. Diverse, eseese . Dunib, gūgū . Divide, vavae, pena ; tuu eseese ; Dung , tae, otaota. tufatufa.

Divorce, alei.

Dungy , savasava . Durable , anagata .

Divulge, faaali.

During, prep . a o .

Dizzy, niniva.

Dusk , segisegi.

Do, fai.

Dust, efu .

Docile , aʻoaʻo gofie. Doctor, foma'i. Dog , maile , uli.

Dwell , nofo, inau .

Dolphin , masimasi. Dolt, vale .

Dominiop, malo. Door, faitotoa, pupuni, puipui. Dotage, faavaleniatua. Double, sautualua , Jailua. Doubleminded , faalotolotolua

Dysentery, sana toto . Dyspepsy , tooala .

Dyspnea , sela.

Doom , faasala .

E Each, taʻitasi.

Eager, tu ‘inanau. Ear, taliga.

Dove, manutagi. Down, i lalo.

Early, vave. Earnest , naunau . Earth , eleele ; lalolagi.

Downward , ifo. Drag , toso .

Earthquake, matuie . Earthworm , anufe .

Drake, toloa po‘a .

Ease , filenill.

Doubt, v. masalosalovale .



East, gaga'e, sasa'e. Easy , faigofie .

| Encounter, s . taua.

Eat, ‘ai ; (to chiefs) taumaſa, taute. Eatable, "aina. Eaves , tulutulu. Ebb, maui. Ebullition , pupuna . Echo, s. i'uleo.


Encourage, faamafanafana , faama losi, faamatalaloto .

Encroach , faaaimago . Encumber, faalavelave. End , i'u, gataaga. Endeavour, taumafai.

Endless, le i' u, faavavau .

Eclipse, of the sun, gasetoto ; moon , Endure, onosa‘i. gaseeleele . Edge, mata.

Enemy, le ita mai; the object of hate, lili.

Edible , "aina.

Enfeeble , faavaivai.

Educate, aʻoaʻo. Eel, tuna .

Enforce, faamalosi.

Effeminate , amio faafa fine. Effulgent, pupula . Egg, fua.

Egg , v . a . faaoso. Eight, valu .

Eighteen , e sefulu ma le valu . Eighty, e valu gafulu . Either , po o .

Elate, faafefete, faamąualuga .

Elbow , tulilima.

Elders, toeaina. Eldest, aupito matua. Elect, v. filifili. Elegy, lagisolo. Elephantiasis, feefee, vaetupa. Elevate, sii i luga, faaea.

Engage, in combat, tau. Engrave, togitogi. Enjoin , poloai, fai atu. Enjoy, tiafia. Enkindle, faamu, tŭtủ . Enlarge, faatele . Enlighten , faamalamalama.

Enough, lāva. Ensign, tagāvai.

Enrage, faaitaita, faalili.

Enslave, faapologa. Entangle , faalavelave. Enter, ulu , ulufale. Entice, faalata, 'ole, faa'oleʻole. Entire , atoatoa . Entrails, gaau , tātoga. Entrance, ala.

Eleven , e sefulu ma le tasi.

Entrap, faamailei, sele .

Elude, solasola .

Entreat, ai'oi. Envelop, aui, taai.

Emaciate, faa 'iiva. Emasculate, faalave ; animals, faa . | Enumerate , faitau. poʻa .

Envoy, savali,

Embalm , atualalaina ,

Envy , matāu 'a .

Embassy , sāvali.

Embers, malala ola, malala aasa .

Epidemic , faama'i. Epilepsy, ma'i māliu . Equal, gātusa.

Embrace , fusi.

Equivalent, mea e tusa .

Embellish , teuteu. Emerge , mānu.

Erelong, toe itiiti, e le pine.

Eminence, mauga , mea mautietie . Eunissary , o le lalo . Emmet , loi,

Erect, tu sa' o .

Empty , tuufua ; le'i'o.

Err, sesē, sē. Errand , feau . Eruption , skin , fotuga ; mageso.

Emulate , losilosi.

Escape, sola ,

Encamp, to lauapi.

Escort, v. leoleo , momoli.

Enclose, pupuni, si'osito .

Essay , v . taumafai. .

Encompass, faataamilo .

Establish , faatumau,




Eternal, faavavau . Evade, 'alo. Evasive, feʻalo‘alofa‘i.

Exterior, i tua , i fafo . Exterminate , faauma, tinei.

Even , laugatasi.

Extinct, mate. Extirpate, lia 'i.

Evening, afiani.

Extol, vivii.

Ever, e faavavau. Every, taitąsi umą. Evident, mautinoa, pupula.

Extreme, aupito mamao, tupito, Extremity, i'u : pito .

Evil, leaga .

Extort, fao.

Evil-speaking, faatuaupua.

Extricate, lavea'i. Exuberant, uluola .

Eulogy, viiga .

Exult, ‘oli'oli.

Exact, v . faatauanau . Eye, mata ; ( to chiefs) fofoga ; of your own , lauifi. Exalt, faamąualuga ; praise , vivji. Examine, faamasino, suesue ; ' ilo‘ilo . | Eyeball, ioimata . Example , faaaoao. Eyebrow, fulufulų i mata . Eyelid , laumata , Exasperate , faalili, faaonoono.

Exceed , faasilisili. Excel, aluaļu .

Eyesore, matagā.

Except, prep . tau lava , na o .

Exchange, faatau .


Excite, faaoso. Exclaim , uio , alaga. Excrement, tae.

Excuse , alanı. Execrate , fetuu , tu'i, faafano.

Face, mata ; ( chief"s) fofoga, Face, u, fesaga'i. Fade, wither, mamae. Faint, v . matapogia .

Fair, lalelei.

Execute, fai. Exemplify , faatusa . Exempt, taga (applied to things ta . pui). Exert, taumafai, faạmalosį.

Faith , taofi ; faatuatuą . Faithful, faamaoni.

Exhibit, faaali.

Fallow , faavana .

Exhort, apoapoaʻi.

False, pepelo . Falsehood, tala pepelo . Falter, as the voice, nanu ; faata

Exile, v. faateva, faaāumau . Expand , fofola. Expect, fuatali atu. Expectorate , feanu . Expedient, v . tatau .

Fair , weather , laofie . Fall, paū .


Famed , taʻua.

Family , aiga.

Expedient, s. togafiti.

Famine, oge.

Expedite , faataalise.

Famish , faamatelaina.

Expel, tuli. Expert, poto .

Fan, v . aloalo.

Expiate , togiola .

Far, mamao.

Fan , ili.

Expire, to le mānava,

Farewell, tofā .

Explain , faąmatala .

Farthest, e aupito mamao .

Explode, pa.

Fashion , s. tu .

Expose , faaali. Expound , faamatala .

Fast, v . anapogi.

Fast, udj. mau .

Extend, faaloloa, faalautele .

Fasten , faamau.

Extenuate, faamāmā,

Fasthanded, limavale,


FAS Fastness, 'olo .


Final, toe.

Fat, adj. men , puta ; animals, peti. Find , maua. Fat, s. gaío ,mea lololo. Fine, v. faasala . Father, lamā. Fathom , gafa .

Finger, tamatamai lima.

Fatigue, lailoa. Fault, sesē .

Fire ; s. ati .

Favour, alofa .

Fireshovel, salefu .

Favourite, pele.

Firewood, fafie. Firm , mau, malosi. First, muamua . Firstborn , ulumatua :

Fear, mata ' u , fefe . Feast, tausamiga.

Feather, fulufulu , fulu.

Feeble, võivai. Feed , fafaga. Feel, with thehand , tagotago ; men tally , lagona. Feign, faatagā. Felicity, manuia . Fell, v.a . faapaʻū , tuu i lalo .

Finish , v . faauma, faaiu .

Fire; v: faamu; gun, gc. faapā .

Fish , i'a. Fish , v . fagota .

Fishhook , mātau. Fisherman , tautai. Fissure , māvae. Fit, s. puốega . Fit , adj. tatau .

Fellow , toalua .

Five, e lima.

Female, fafine.

Fix , v. faamau.

Fence, ai.

Flabby, văivăi, venia.

Ferment, fefete .

Flag, v. faaivā. Flame, afi mumū.

Fern, vao tuaniu ; giant fern, nase. Flag , s. fu 'a . Ferocious, fe'ai.

Fertile , lafulemu. Fervent, naunau.

Flank , puimanava . Flannel, ie mamoe .

Fester, faapepē.

Flap , wings, palală .

Fetch , aami, aumai. Fetid , saugā .

Flat, salafalafa .

Feud, maseiga, misa . Fever, ma‘i vevela .

Flavour, manogi.

Few , itüti. Fibre , of cocoanut husk , moia'a.

Flay, fofoʻe le paʻu . . Flea, “utu fiti.

Fickle, fefoʻifoʻia ‘i.

Flee, sola .

Fierce , fe'ai. Fifteen, e sefulu ma le lima.

Fleet, fua.

Fifth, o le lima. Fiftieth , o le lima gafulu .

Flesh , aano .

Flatter , faalupe. Flaw , pona.

Fleet, adj. tele vave: Flexible , vavai.

Fight, v. tau ; with fists, fusu .

Flinch , ne . Fling , togi. Flint, maa -afi.

Figure, tino. File , ili.

Flirt , faateine, taalo . Float, opeope.

Fifty, e lima gafulu . Fig , mati.

Fill, faatumu. Flock , v. lolofi ane ; of children , Fillip , fiti. lupepe. Filth , niea leaga, saya , eleele, ota- | Flog , sasa. ota .

Fin , atuga.

Flood , s. lolo . Flounder, taafili.



FLO Flourish , v . uluola . Flow , v. tafe . Flow , s . fana'e .

FUE Forinerly, anamua. Fornication , faitaaga.

Forsake, tuulafoai.

Flower, fuga.

Fort , Colo .

Fluent, in speech , māu upu .

Fortitude, loto tele, malosi. Fortunate, manuia . Forty, e fa gafulu . Foster, v . tausi. Foul, eleelea, leaga.

Fluid , s . sua. Flute , fagufagu . Fly , v . lele, sola. Fly, s . lago. Foam , of the sea , pia pia ; froin the Foundation , faavae, noʻopa . mouth , fāua .

Foe, lē ita mai. Fog, puao . Foil, v. faiaina (passive only ). Fold , sautua (ustwofold ,sautualua). Follow , v. mulimuli. Follower, soo. Folly, valea . Fond , faapelepele .

Founder, tofatumoanaina . Fountain , vai piina.

Four, e fa , e soani. Fourfold , sautuafa .

Fourfooted , vaefa . Fourteen, e sefulu ma le fa . Fowl, moa .

Fowling piece, fana manu. Fragile, magaugofie, taóegofie.

Food, mea e ‘ai; (to chiefs ) mea e Fragrant, manogi. taumafa . Fool, vale .

Frail, vaivai. Frame, v . fai.

Foot, vae ; (to chiefs) aao.

Frantic, valemalosi.

Footpath , ala .

Forage, faioso .

Fraud , pepelo . Freight, uta [o le vaa ].

Forbear, onosa 'i. Forbid , vavao. Force, faamalosi. Ford , asa . Forefinger, lima tusi.

Frequent, soo. Fresh, not salt,magalo ; new , fou . Fretful, itagofie , tagivale . Friend, uo. Frighten , faamataʻu .

Forefoot, lima. Forego , tuu atu . Forehead , muaulu .

Fright, te‘i.

For, mo, ma, ona o.

Free, sa‘oloto.

Fringe, pau . Frisk , taalo .

Foreign, papālagi; cloth , āpapā Frivolous, faatauvaa. lagi. Foreland , tolotolo .

From , mai, nai, ai.

Foremost, muamua . Forenoon , oauli, aoauli, oatea .

Front, v . fesaga'i.

Foretell , vavalo . Forget, galo .

Frown , faanounou mata .

Front, i luma. Frontier, tuaoi. Forest, vaomatua , vao puanea, & c. | Froth , piapia ; from the mouth , fā úa .

Forgive , not to be angry with, loto Frugal, faatoto mea . niálie ; in reference to punish - Fruit, fua .

ment, faamagalo. Fork , tui. Forked , māgamaga.

Forlorn , ausage. Form , tino .

Fruitlessly, fai fua, noa. Frustrate, faaleaogā .

Fry, s. pine (a swarm ofsmall fish es ).

Fuel, fafie.

FUG Fugh, interj. isa ! Fulfil, taunuu .

Fulgent, pupula . Full, tumu .

Fumble, vāsivasi.

Fun , taaloga. Furbish, faapupula . Furious, faavalemalosi. Furniture, ineā fale. Further, mamao .

Futile , le aogā. Future, atalī, amuli. Fy, isa !



Ginger, “avapui. Gird, fusi. Girl, teine. Give, foai, avatu or aumai. Glad , ‘oli'oli. Glare, pupula.

Glass, tioata . Glisten , pupula. Globular, lapotopoto . Gloom , segisegi. Glorify , vivii. Glow , 'a'asa . Glutton, omomi, ‘ai tele. Gnash , with teeth , lilivau . Goaw , gali.

Go, alu , aga. Gad, v. tafatafao. Gain , v. maua . Galaxy, aniva .

God , Atua ; aitu . Godliness, amio -atua.

Goggleeyed, matasipa.

Gall, v. n . aia . Gambol, taalo . Gaol, fale puipui.

Good , lelei. Gore, s. toto. Gore, v . sua . Gorge, v. ma‘ona a pa . Gossip , talanoa . Govern , pule.

Gape, faamaga le gutu .

Government, malo ; le au faipule .

Gall, s. au Gall, v. a . faatiga loto .

Gargle , v. pūpū.

Grace , alofa fua.

Garment, 'ofu .

Granulate, ea .

Garnish , v. teuteu.

Grapple, fagatua . Grasp, “uʻu.

Garrulous, tautala soo .

Gash, manu“ a. Gasp, ga‘e.

Grass , mutia .

Gateway, faitotoa.

Grave, tuugamau .

Gate, puipui.

Gravestones, loa .

Gather, faaputu, faapotopoto.

Gravel, ‘ilićili. Gravy, súa. Greasy, lălă. Great, tele, latele.

Gaze, pulato‘ a. Geld , faapoʻa.

General, lautele, salalau, le faapito .

Grate , olo.

Generation , tupulaga, augā -tagata. Greedy, faaumuumua. Green, usiusi, lau'ava . Gentle, filemu, agamalū . Greensickness, lopoto .' Gentleman, alii. Genuine, moni. Greet, alofa . Grey-hair , ulusinā . Germinate, tupu ; togo . Get, maua. Grieve, faanoanoa. Grind, olo . Ghost, aitu, agaga. Grindstone, foaga . Giddy, niniva. Gift , mea alofa , mea foai fua . Gripe, v . a . 'uộu . Gripe, v. n . tutui. Gill, pāʻoʻo . Gristle, ua. Gimlet , vili.




Gristly, fefena.

Halt , v . setu .

Groin , õi.

Halve , v . vaeluagalemu.

Gro'n , tega. Grope, tautagotago .

Hamper , v . faalavelave .

Groundless, fua.

Hand , lima ; (chiefs ') aao . Handful, luutaga . Handkerchief, solosolo .

Grow , tupu .

Handle , v. lote .

Growl, gu . Grub, s. anufe. Grudge, v. muimui.

Handle , s. 'au . Handsaw , 'ili.

Ground, eleele.

Grudge, s. faalotoioto .

Handsome, manaia ,“auletei (of men only) ; lalelei.

Gruff, voice, leo pualii.

Hang , v . tautau.

Grumble, v . muimui. Grunt, ' uaʻua . Guard , v . leoleo .

Hank , i'o faa'afaga .

Guess , mate, taumate , taupē.

Hanker, naunau .

Happy, manuia . Harangue, lauga , fetalaiga .

Harbor, 'ava, taulaga. Hard , ma' a'a, málo .

Guest, mālo .

Guide, taʻitaʻja Guilty , nofo sala .

Hardly, faigata .

Gull, s. gogo.

Hark ! sei faalogo atu !

Gullet, ala ai.

Harlot, o le fatine talitane.

Gulp , lotulotuinu.

Harm , v. faatiga.

Gum , pulu . Gums, tainifo.

Harpoon , tao uamea .

Harsh , taste , 'a 'ava ; conduct, sauā.

Gun , fana.

Haste , 0. faataalise , vave.

Gunpowder, one. Gunwale , oa . Gut, gaau, fifi.

Hat, pulou .

Gut, v. faatiau .

Hatchet, mătau, toʻi ; (to chiefs) faasagaese.

Hasty, in temper, itagofie . Hatch , v . fofoa. Hatchet face , isuvaa.

H HABIT, masani. Habitation , fale . Habitual, soo.

Habituate, faamasani.

Hatchet-head , ulu to‘i.

Hate, ‘ino‘ino. Have, maua. Haughty , faasiasia , faamaualuga. Haul, toso . Haunch , nofoaga.

Hack , v . tipi. Haft, s. 'au.

Havock, faatafuna, faauma.

Hair, fulufulu ; human head , lau

He, o ia .

Haze, asuasu .

Head, ulu ; (chiefs') ao. ulu ; (of a chief ) lauao. Headland, tolotolo . Half, vaeluaga, vaeluagalemu. Headlong, titoifo. Headstrong, finauvale. Half- full, osaosa . Heal, faamālolo . Half-way, tuluaga o lie ala . Half-moon , on the increase , matua- | Heap , faupu'ega, faula 'iga. tua ; on the decrease, matofitele . | Hear, faalogologo ; ( to chiefs ) faa fofoga . Hallow , faapaia , faasa. Halo , li'o figota . Hale , malosi.



Heart, fatu ; seat of affections, lo - | Hoarse , fa le leo . Hobble, v. setusetu. to ; (to chiefs ) finagalo . Hearth , ta'igā ah . Heat, vevela . Heathen , faapaupau .

Hog , puaa.

Hoist, sisi i luga . Hold , taofi.

Heave, v . a . sii.

Hold ! interj. saʻua ! soia !

Heave, v.n . polepolevale, sapotu

Hole, pu , lua.


Hollow , oʻo .

Heaven, lagi.

Home, aiga moni. .

Heavy , mamafa .

Honor, v. áva. Hoof, atigivae. Hook, mātau . Hooked , pi'o . Hoop , taai ; piece of, tāivai. Hoop , v . manu, 'u 'uộu.

Heel, mulivae. Height, maualuga. Helm , foeuli. Help , fesoasoani. Helve, “au . Hem , afe. Hemorrhoids, sila -i lalo . Hen , inatua moa . Her, lona , lana . Herd , lafu .

Here , i inei. Hereafter, amuli.

Hope, faamoemoe, faatuatuagą . Horizon , tafatafa i lagi. Horn , nifo . Horrible, mataʻutia. Horrified , mataʻutuia . Horse, solofanua.

Herring, atuli.

Hospitable , talimale , tote . Hot, vevela . Hotheaded, lotoa.

Hew , tuu.

Hover, faapepe.

Hero , toa.

Hiccough , toomauna .

House , fale .

Hide, lafi, nā.

Household , aiga. Householder, matai.

Hide, s. paʻu .

Housewarming , ulufalega, How , faapefea ? However, e ui ina mea . High-water, tumu le tai. Highway, alatele. Howl, uiö , tagi auē. Hug, fusi. Hill, mauga . Hillock , mauti'eti'e, maupu'epuée . Huge, matuā tele. High , maualuga.

Highminded , faamaualuga.

Him , ia te ia .

Hum , gū . Humane, alofa.

Hinder, v. faalavelave.

Humble , faamaulalo . Humid , sū , mālūlū .

Hilt, "au .

Hindermost, aupito i tua. Hinge , faamau. Hint, taấu faatafatafa . Hip , suilapalapa.

Humourous, faianaga .

Humpback , tuapi'o . Hundred, selau.

Hunger, fia 'ai. Hurl, lafo .

Hire, totogi. His, lona , lana ; ona , ana. History , tala .

Hunt, tuli.

Hit, v . a . ta .

Hurricane, afā .

Hit , v . n . Javea .

Hurry , v. faataalise.

Hither and thitlier, í lea meama lea Hurt, v. faatiga. mea .

Hoard , v. faaputu.

Husband , tane.

| Hush , v. a . faanā.

IND . HUS 42 Hush ! interj. soia le pisa ! ſaalolo - | Implore, faatoga, ole ,“aiʻoʻ.

go ! respectfully , aua le toia le va ! Importune, nati, tauanau . Hush -up, tanu , ufiufi.

Impose, as a burden , faaee,

Husk , aputi, paʻu , pulu .

Imposition, pepelo. Impossible, lē mafai. Impotent, lē lavā. . Imprecate, tu'i, fetuu. Improper, lē tatau . Improve, v. n . tauāu ina lelei. Imprudent, faalēmafaufau .

Husk , v . fofoe, meleʻi. Hut, fale 00 .

Huzza, ūóŭ ‘ū .

Hymn, pese, vii. Hypocrisy, pepelo .

Impudent, mata lē mā.

Impunity, lē sala . Impure , leaga. In , i.

I, o a'u . Jagg, faagafoafoa . Jangle , tauaiupu .

Inability , lē lavā .

Jargon, nanu.

places, le masaofia . Inactive, paiē .

Inaccessible, of persons, nofogatā ;

Jaw , ivi auvae. Idiot, vale. Idle, paiē. Jealous, fuā ; matau´a.

Inarticulate, le matala , nanu .

Incapable, lē mafai, lē lavā . Incarnate, tino tagata. Incessant, soo , le aunoa . Incest, faivale. Incision , tuu.

Jeer, tauemu .

Jest, ulaga.

If, afai, a. Ignite , faamu, tặtă. Ignoraut, valea . Jingle, v. faatagitagi. III, bad , leaga ; sick , ma‘i. Image, faatagata . Imagine, fa (as fa te aʻu ).

Inclined , sapa.

Imbolden , faalototele.

Incompatible, lē tutusa .

Imitate, faaaoao. Immature, of fruit, moto .

Incomplete, lē atoatoa .

Immediately, adv. loa.

Incomprehensible, e le mafai ona

Immerse, faagoto ; fufui. Immortal, ola pea, e le āu oti. Immoveable. mafaagaeetia mau

Incongruous, e lē tusa.

Incisor, muānifo . Incite, faaoso .

Include, pupuni. Incomparable , silisili ese, e leai sona tusa .

Incompetent, le mafai.


salī. Immunity, taga.

Immutable , e le āu liua. Impartial, lē faniloga, lē faapito . Impatient, le ma onosa ‘i. Impede, faalavelave.

iloa . - / Inconsiderable, faatauvaa . Inconsistent, lē tatau , lē ono .

Inconsolable, faanoanoa pea lava . Inconstant, faalotolotolua, e le tu mau .

Incorrect , lē tonu . Incorrigible , vaogatā .

Impel, faaoso. Imperfect, le atoatoa. Imperious, faaalii. Impertinent, faasiasia.

Increase , tupu .

Impetuous , osovale, faamalosi . Implant, toto .

Indefatigable , lē au musu , toaga . Indefinite, faaletonu.

Incumber, faasoesa , faalavelave.

Indecent, matagā. Indeed , e moni, lava .

IND Indelible, e le matafi. '

43 INT Innumerable , e le mafaitaulia .

Inquire, fesili. Indelicate, le mā. Insane , vălea . Indemnify, taui. Indetermined , le iloga se mea e fai. Insatiable, e le ma‘ona.

Indicate, faailoa . Indigent, mativa. Indignant, toasa, lili, mateilili. Indignity, faaleagaina. Indirect, faalesaʻo , faatafatafa . Indifferent, faalenaunau .

Insecure, e lemau (of anythingwith fastenings ).

Inseparable , e le mateʻaeseese.

Inside, i totonu, i fale. Insignificant, faatauvaa , Insincere, lē faamaoni.

Indiscreet, faalemafaufau .

Insinuate, faali-a.

Indiscriminate , e le faailogaina. Indisposed, mentally, e le mafai, musu ; bodily, ma‘i. Indistinct, of an objectof sight, faa lepupula ; of sound , faalelagona. Indolent, inusu , paiē . Industrious , gað. Inebriate , onā. Inefficacious, le aogā . Ineloquent, lē mau upu .

Insipid , lē manogi.

Inevitable , e le ma 'alo .

Insist, finau, tausisi. Insnare , selē, mailei.

Insolent, faasiasia . Inspect, iloilo.

Inspire, v . n . mānava . Inspire, v. a . faamatalaloto . Instability , faaletumau. Instantly , loa .

Instead , e sui ai. Instigate, faaoso.

Inexhaustible, e le uma, e le mate . Institute, faatu . Inexpedient, e faaletatau. Instruct, aʻoaʻo . Inexperienced, e le iloa ; e lemasa Instrument, o le mea e fai aʻi, ni. Insufferable, lē maonosa‘i. Inexpert, vasivasi. Insufficient, lē lāva. Insult, v . soli, faaleaga. Infallible, e le masesē. Insupportable, lē maonosaʻi, Infamous, taʻuleagaina . Infant, tama meamea.

Insurrection , fouvale.

Infect, faapipisi.

Intention , manatu .

Inferior, faatauvaa , le tusa .

Inter, tanu.

Infinite , e leai se mea e gata mai ai. / Intercede, pupulu . Intercept, pupuni, sisi'o . Infirm , võivai.

Inform , v. n . taʻu.

Interchange, fesuia 'i.

Infringe , soli.

Interdict , vavao .

Ingratitude, agavale.

Interior, i loto, i totonu.' Intermediate , vajloto . Interminable, le au iu .

Inhabit, mau, nofo .

Inhale , mānava. Inheritance , tofi. Inhuman , sauā. Iniquity , amioletonu .

Injunction , poloaiga, fetalaiga. Injure , faasaunoa. Injustice, amioletatau . Ink, vaitusi. Inland, i uta, gauta .

Internal, i totonu .

Interpose, pripulu . Interpret, faamatala . Interrogate , fesili. Interrupt, faala velave .

Interval, va . Interview , feiloa 'i. Intestine, s. gaau .

Inlander, utafanua.

Inthrall, faapologa.

Inmost , i totonu,

Intimate, fefaauoa' i, faaaumea .



Intimidate , faamataʻu. Into , i, i totonu .

Intolerable , le maonosa ‘i. Intoxication , onā.

Intractable, le mataofia . Intrepid , totoa.

LAS Jug, ipu faaofuofu . Juice, sua . Jumble , soona nunumi. Jump, oso . Just, tonu. Justice, amiotonu.

Intricate, faafelefele , faafelavei.

Justify, faatonu ; taʻuamiotonu.

Intrude, sau fua. Intrust, tuu e tæósi.

Justle , faafeto‘ai.

Invade, oso atu .

Invalid , s. ma'i, vāivai.


Invert, v. faafao .

Investigate , suřesu e, faá'masino. Invidious, e tupu ai le matau'a . Invigorate , faamalosi.

Keel, tă‘ele. Keen , maai.

Invincible, e le mafai ona toilalo.

Keep, taofi ; tausi, leoleo. Keeper, leoleo.

Invisible , e le ma vaaia .

Kernel, a'ano . Kick , aʻa .

Invite , valaau. Inundation , lolo . Invoke, valaqu atu . Inure, faamasani.

Inward, i totonu. Jocose, faianaga . dog , tu'itu 'i.

Join, faasoo, faatasi. Joint, gāugāivi. Joke, ulaga. Jostle, feto ‘ai. Journey, malaga.


Kid , tamaʻi ʻoti. Kidney , fatuga‘o .

Kill, fasi,fasioti ; animals, fasimate . Kin , aiga. Kind, agalelei. Kindle, tútu, faamu. King , tupu. Kinsma'n, aiga. Kiss , sogi. Kitten, tama‘i gosi. Knee, tulivae .

Joy, ‘oli'oli, fiafia .

Kneel, tootuli.

Tre, ita ; (of chiefs) toasa .

Knife , polo , pena.

Irk , musu .

Knock , tu'i, ta . Knot, pona.

Iron , u 'amea. Iron , v . auli. Ironical, faatauemu.

Know , iloa. Knuckle, tuʻelima.

Ironwood , toa. Irrecoverable, e le toe maua . Irrefutable, e le māutali.

Irremediable , leai se togafiti. Irreprehensible, e le aoaiina. Jrreproachable , e lēmataʻuleagaina. Jrresolute, e faalemau le manatu . Irreverent, lē migao, lē ava . Irritate , faalili. Island , nuu tuloto , nuu tutai. Issue, alu atu ; tafe ; iuga. Itch , mageso.


LABOR, galuega mamafa.

Languish , fuavāivai, faaivā. Languor, tino gagase .

Itinerant, maumausolo .

Lap , v. etoeto. Larboard , i ama. Lard , gă'o. Large, latele. Larynx, faai. Lascivious, matāitu.

Judge, v. faamasino, faasala .

Lash , sasa.

LOF 45 Liar, o le tala pepelo, Lass, teine. Liberal, matamau . Last , tupito . Lasting , faavavau , anagata. Liberty , saʻolotoga ; tuu faitalia. Laud , vivii. Libidinous, faamatāitu. Laugh, ‘ataʻata ; (to chiefs) soisoi. License, tuu taitalia. Lick , etoeto . Laundress, ta ofu . LAS

Lead , v. a . taʻitaʻi.

Lid , ufi. Lie, s. tala pepelo . Lie , v . down, taoto . Life, olaga, ola ; (to chiefs) soifua, Lift , sii. Light, s. malamalama.

Lead , v , n . muamua, Leaf, lau.

Light, adj. māmā. · Light, v . tặtu, faamu.

League, feagaiga.

Lighten , v . a . faamāmāsagia . Light-headed, faalemafaufau ; valea, Lightning , uila .

Law , tulafono. Lawless, le țaupulea, Lay , v . tuu . Lazy , paie . Lead , s. pulu .

Leak , mămă

Lean , v. lagolago

Lean , adj. tinovale ; of animals, Like, pei, faapei, tusa. pae'e, iviivia . Like, v. manao . Leap , 'oso . Learn , a 'oa'o .

Least, aupito itiiti, Leather, paʻu .

Leave, s. tuu faitalia . Leave, v. tuu. Leave off ! soia ! Leaven , faafetete . Leavings, toe mea .

Likeness , foliga. Limbo, fafā . Lime, panisina ; bird - lime, pulu . Lime-tree, tipolo . Limit, tuaoi ; le mea e gata mai ai, Limp, v. setusetu. Limpid , manino .

Line, fishing, taa , paala , Lineage, gafa.

Lecherous, faamatāitu.

Linger, faatuai.

Leer, faasi'ula (ona vaai).

Liviment, vaimili.

Lees, \alu . Left (side), tauagavale . Leg, vae ; (of a chief ) aʻao.

Lip, laugutu ; lau. Liquefy, v.n . liu suavai,

Legislator, faipule.

Liquid , faasuavai, Lisp , nanu.

Leisure, paganoa , nofo aunoa.

Listen , faalogologo ; (to chiefs) faa

Leisurely , faifainalie. Lend, avatu e toe aumại.

Little, ititi.


Less, e ititi lenei i leną.

Live, v. ola ; (chiefs') soifua, Liver , ate , finagalo. Lizard , pili, moo. Lo ! faauta !

Lessen , faaitiiti.

Load, amoga ; carried on the back ,

Length , umi.

Lengthen, v. faalevaleva. Lenity , agamalū .

Lest, ina ne'i. Let, allow , tuy . Let, hinder , faalavelave. Letter, mata-i-tusi; tusi. Level, laugatasi.

Levity, talo .

Lewd, faamatāiţu .

avega . Load , v . a gun , utu .

Loaf, põtõi. Loathe, fino ‘ ino.

Lock , of hair, sope. T Lodge, v. a . api. Lofty, maualuga,

DIS -34 Disown, faafiti. Disperse , faataape. Dispirit, faavaivai le loto . Display, faaali, faalialia . Displease, faaitaita, faatiga le loto . Dispossess , fao ; tuli. Dispute, Givau . Disregard , lē manatunatu . Disrespect, le ava, le taualoa . Dissemble, pepelo . Dissever, vavae ese. Dissimilar, eseese .


Draught, fluid drank, inumaga. Dread , mataʻu. Dream , moemiti ; (of a chief ) faa lepo . Dregs, "alu . Dress, v. faa‘ofu .

Drill, s. faavili. Drink , v. inu . Drip , v. sisina .

Drive, tuli.

Drivel, tafe le faua.

Dissolve, liu suavai.

Drollery, faianaga. Droop, of trees, lāutagitagi. Drop , v. sisina, faatulutulu ; down,

Dissolute , ulavale . Distant, mamao .

Dropsy, fula.

Distemper , ma‘i.

Drown , malemo.

Dissipate , taapeape.

pau .

Distend, fefete .

Drowsy , tulemoe .

Distinguish, faailogaina, filitaa.

Drum , logo. Drunk, onā. Dry, popo, mago ; of herbs, magu

Distress, atuatuvale . Distribute, tufatufa .

District, itu . magu . Disturb , faaatuatuvale, faalavelave. Duck , toloa.

Ditch , utu . Dive, tofu .

Dull, aʻoaʻo gatā ; of tools, mata

Diverse , eseese .

Dunib , gūgū .

tupa , tulali.

Divide, vavae , pena ; tuu eseese ; | Dung, tae, otaota . tufatufa . Dungy , savasava . Divorce, alei. Durable, anagatā.

Divulge, faaali.

During , prep. a o.

Dizzy , niniva .

Dusk , segisegi. Dust, efu .

Do, fai. Docile , aʻoaʻo gofie.

Doctor, foma‘i. Dog , maile, uli. Dolphin , masimasi.

Dwell, nofo , rau. Dyspepsy, tooala . Dyspnea, sela.

Dysentery, sana toto.

Dolt, vale. Dominiop , malo . Doom , faasala .


Door, faitotoa, pupuni, puipui. Dotage, faa valeniatua .

Double , sautualua , Jailua.

Doubleminded , faalotolotolua

Doubt, v. masalosalovale . Dove, manutagi.

Each , taʻitasi. Eager, tu‘inanau. Ear, taliga. Early, vave. Earnest, naunau .

Down, i lalo . Downward , ifo . Drag , toso .

Earth , eleele ; lalolagi. Earthquake, matuie.

Drake, toloa po‘a .

Ease , fileniu ,

Earthworm , anufe.




| Encounter, s. taua. East, gaga“e, sasa' e. Encourage , faamafanafana, faama Easy, faigofie. Eat, “ai; (to chiefs ) taumafa , taute. losi, faamatalaloto . Encroach , faaaimago . Eatable , 'aina . Eaves , tulutulu . Encumber, faalavelave. End, i'u , gataaga. Ebb, maui. Ebullition , pupuna .

Endeavour, taumafai. Endless, le i' u , faavavau. Eclipse , of the sun, gasetoto ; moon , Endure, onosa ‘i.

Echo, s. i'uleo.

gaseeleele. Edge, mata. Edible, " aina. Educate , aʻoaʻo . Eel, tuna.

Effeminate , amio faafafine. Effulgent, pupula . Egg, fua. Egg, v . a . faaoso . Eight, valu . Eighteen , e sefulu ma le valu .

Eighty, e valu gafulu . Elate, faafefete, faamaualuga. Either, po o .

Elbow , tulilima. Elders , toeaina. Eldest, aupito matua . Elect, v. filifili.

Enemy, le ita mai; the object of hate, fili.

Enfeeble , faavaivai. Enforce, faamalosi.

Engage, in combat, tau. Engrave, togitogi. Enjoin , poloai, fai atu . Enjoy , tiafia .

Enkindle, faamu, tūtė. Enlarge, faatele. Enlighten , faamalamalama. Enough, lāva . Enrage, faaitaita , faalili. Ensign , tagāvai. Enslave, faapologa. Entangle, faalavelave. Enter, ulu , ulufale . Entice, faalata , ‘ole , faa'oleʻole .

Elegy, lagisolo.

Entire , atoatoa .

Elephantiasis , feefee, vaetupa .

Entrails, gaau, totoga. Entrance, ala. Entrap, faamailei, sele.

Elevate, sii i luga , faaea. Eleven , e sefulu ma le tasi. Elude , solasola . Emaciate , faa 'iiva.

Entreat, “ai-oi.

Envelop , aui, taai. Emasculate, faalave ; animals, faa | Enumerate, faitau . Envoy, sāvali, poʻa. Embalm , atualalaina, Envy, matāu'a .

Embassy , sāvali .

Epidemic, faama‘i.

Embellish , teuteu .

Epilepsy , maʻi māliu .

Embers, malala ola, malala aasa,

Equal, gātusa.

Embrace , fusi.

Equivalent, mea e tusa .

Emerge, mānu.

Erelong, toe itiiti, e le pine.

Eminence, mauga , mea mautietie .

Erect, tu sa' o .

Emissary, o le lalo . Emmet, loi,

Err, sesē, sē. Errand , feau.

Empty, tuufua ; le iso .

Eruption , skin , fotuga ; mageso ,

Emulate , losilosi. Encamp, to lauapi.

Escape, sola ,

Enclose, pupuni, si'osi'o.

Escort, v. leoleo, momoli. Essay, v . taumafai. .

Encompass, faataamilo .

Establish , faatumau ,

ÉTE 36 Eternal, faavavau . Evade, ‘alo. Evasive, fe'alo ‘alofa'i. Even, laugatasi. Evening , afiah.

FAS Exterior, i tua, i fafo. Exterminate, faauma, tinei. Extinct , mate. Extirpate, lia ‘ i.

Extol, vivii. Extort, fao.

Ever, e faavavau . Every, taitąsi uma. Evident, mautinoa, pupula .

Extreme, aupito mamao, tupito,

Evil, leaga .

Extricate, lavea'i.

Evil-speaking , faatuaupua. Eulogy, viiga.

Exuberant, uluola . Exult, foli'oli.

Exact, v . faatauanau .

Eye, mata ; (to chiefs) fofoga ; of

Exalt, faamąualuga ; praise, vivji.

Extremity, i'u : pito.

your own , lauifi .

Examine,faamasino, suesue ; ‘ilo‘ilo. | Eyeball, ioimata. Example, faaaoao . Exasperate , faalili, faaonoono.

Exceed, faasilisili. Excel, aluału . Except, prep. tau lava, na o. Exchange, faatau . Excite , faaoso. Exclaim , uio , alaga. Excrement , tae.

Excuse, alanı. Execrate, fetuu , tu'i, faafano.

Execute , fai. Exemplify, faatusa . Exempt, taga (applied to things ta pui).

Exert, taumafai, faạmalosi. Exhibit, faaali. Exhort , apoapoa'i. Exile, v. faateva , faaāumau . Expand , fofola . Expect, fuatuli atu. Expectorate , feanu .

Expedient, e'. tatau. Espedient, s. togafti. Expedite, faataalise.

Expel, tuli. Expert, poto. Expiate , togiola .

Eyebrow , fulufulų i mata . Eyelid , laumata,

Eyesore, matagā, F

Face, mata ; (chief "s) fofoga, Face, v, fesaga 'i. Fade, wither, mamae. Faint, v . matapogia . Fair , lalelei. Fair, weather , laofie. Faith , taofi ; faatuatuą. Faithful, faamaonį. Fall, paū .

Fallow , faavana .

False , pepelo . Falsehood, tala pepelo . Falter, as the voice, nanu ; faata . petope. Famed , taʻua . Family , aiga. Famine, oge.

Famish , faamatelaina. Fan , ili. Fan, v . aloalo. Far, mamao.

Expire , to le mänava ,

Farewell, tofā.

Explain , faamatala . Explode, pa Expose, faaali. Expound , faamatala . Estend , faalotoa, faalautele . Extenuate, faamama,

Farthest, e aupito mamao .

Fashion , s. tu. Fast, v . anapogi .

Fast , adj. mau . Fasten, faamau. Fasthanded, limavale ,

FAS Fastness , Solo .



Final, toe.

Fat, adj. men , puta ; animals, peti. Find , maua. Fat, s. gaʻo, mea lololo. Father, tamā. Fathom , gafa .

Fine, v . faasala .

Finger, tamatamai lima. Finish , v. faauma, faaiu .

Fatigue, lailoa .

Fire; s. afi.

Fault, sesē.

Fire ; v: faamu ; gun, gc. faapā .

Favour, alofa. Favourite , pele.

Firewood , tafie .

Fear, mata 'u, fefe. Feast, tausamiga .

Fireshovel, salefu .

Firm , mau ,malosi. First, muamua.

Feather, fulufulu , fulu .

Firstborn , ulumatua :

Feeble , vāivai.

Fish , i-a . Fish , v. fagota .

Feed, fafaga. Feel, with thehand , tagotago ; men tally , lagona .

Fishhook , matau . Fisherinan, tautai.

Feign, faatagā.

Fissure, māvae.

Felicity, manuia. Fell, v. a . faapaʻū, tuu i lalo.

Fit, s. puốega .

Fellow , toalua .

Five, e lima.

Female, fafine.

Fix , v . faamall .

Fence , ai.

Flabby , văivăi , venia .

Fit, adj. tatau.

Ferment, fefete .

Flag , v. faaivā.

Fern , vao tuaniu ; giant fern , nase.

Flag , s . fu' a .

Ferocious, fe 'ai.

Flame, afi mumū.

Fertile, lafulemu.

Flank , puimanava .

Fervent , naunau .

Flannel, ie mamoe .

Fester , faapepē. Fetch, aami, aumai. Fetid , saugă. Feud , maseiga, misa. Fever, ma‘i vevela . Few , itïti.

Flap, wings, palalū . Flat, salafalafa. Flatter , faalupe. Flavour, manogi. Flaw , pona .

Flay, fofoʻe le paʻu . .

Fibre, of cocoanut husk , moia ' a .

Flea, “utu fiti.

Fickle , fefoʻifoʻia ‘i.

Flee , sola. Fleet, fua. Fleet, adj. tele vave. Flesh , aano.

Fierce , fe 'ai.

Fifteen, e sefulu ma le lima. Fifth, o le lima. Fiftieth , o le lima gafulu ,

Fifty , e lima gafulu .

Fig , mati. Fight, v. tau ; with fists, fusu . Figure , tino. File, ili.

Fill, faatumu. Fillip , fiti.

Filth , mea leaga, saya , eleele , ota ota .

Ein , atuga.

Flexible, vavai.

Flinch , ne. Fling , togi. Flint, maa-afi. Flirt, faateine, taalo.

Float, opeope.

Flock, v. lolofi ane ; of children , lupepe . sa .

Flood, s. lolo . Flounder , taafili.


Flourish , v. uluola. Flow , v. tafe .

Flow , s. fana“e. Flower , fuga. Fluent, in speech , mau upu.

Fluid , s. sua . Flute , fagufagu . Fly, v . lele, sola .

FUE Formerly, anamua . Fornication , faitaaga . Forsake, tuulafoai. Fort , 'olo . Fortitude, loto tele, malosi. Fortunate, manuia .

Forty , e fa gafulu . Foster, v . tausi. Foul, eleelea, leaga.

Fly , s. lago. Foam , of the sea, piapia ; from the Foundation , faavae , noʻopa . Founder, tofatumoanaina . mouth , faua. Fountain , vai piina . Foe , lē ita mai. Fog , puao . Four, e fa , e soani. Foil, v. faiaina ( passive only ). Fourfold , sautuafa . Fold , sautua (us twofold , sautualua). Fourfooted , vaefa . Follow , v. mulinnuli. Fourteen , e sefulu ma le fa . Follower , soo. Folly, valea .

Fowl, moa. Fowling piece, fana manu .

Fond , faapelepele. Fragile, magaugofie, ta egofie . Food , mea e 'ai; (to chiefs ) mea e Fragrant, manogi. Frail, vāivai. taumafa. Fool, vale . Frame, v . fai. Frantic , valemalosi. Foot, vae ; (to chiefs) aao. Fraud, pepelo. Footpath , ala . Free, sa'oloto. For, mo, nia , ona o. Forage, faioso . Freight, uta [o le vaa ). Forbear, onosa .j. Frequent, soo. Forbid , vavao. Fresh , not salt, magalo ; new , fou . Force , faamalosi. Fretful, itagofie, tagivale. Ford , asa . Friend, uo. Frighten , faamataʻu . Forefinger, lima tusi: Forefoot , lima. Forego , tuu atu .

Fright, te‘i. Fringe, pau .

Frisk , taalo. ; papāla , Foreign cloth, āpapā | Frivolo gi us, faatauvaa . lagi. From , mai, nai, ai. Foreland, tolotolo . Front, i luma. Foremost, muamua . Front, v . fesaga'i. Frontier, tuaoi. Forenoon , oauli, aoauli, oatea. Forehead , muaulu .

Forest, vao matua, vao puanea , & c. Froth , piapia ; from themouth, fã ūa

Foretell, vavalo .

Forget, galo .


Frown , faanounou mata .

Forgive, not to be angry with, loto Frugal, faatoto mea. mălie ; in reference to punish Fruit, fua . ment, faamagalo . Fruitlessly , fai fua, noa. Fork , tui. Frustrate, faaleaogā. Forked , māgamaga. Fry , s. pine (a swarm of small fish Forlorn , ausage . es ). Form , tino . Fuel, fafie .

FUG Fugh, interj. isa !


Fulil, taunuu. Fulgent, pupula .

Ginger , “avapui. Gird , fusi. Girl, teine.

Full, tumu.

Give, foai, avatu or aumai.

Fumble , vāsivasi. Fun , taaloga. Furbish , faapupula .

Glare , pupula . Glass , tioata .

Furious, faavalemalosi.

Furniture , ineā fale. Further, mamao . Futile, le aogā.

Future , atalī, amuli. Fy, isa !

GAD, v . tafatafao. Gain , v . maua .

Galaxy, aniva . Gall, s. au.

Gall, v. a. faatiga loto. Gall, v . n . aia . Gambol, taalo.

Gaol, fale puipui. Gargle, v. pūpū .

Gape, faamaga le gutu . Garment, 'ofu .

Glad , ‘oli'oli.

Glisten , pupula . Globular, lapotopoto . Gloom , segisegi. Glorify , vivii. Glow , “aʻasa. Glutton , omomi, ‘ai tele. Gnash , with teeth, lilivau .

Gnaw , gali. Go, alu , aga. God, Atua ; aitu. Godliness, amio -atua. Goggleeyed, matasipa. Good , lelei. Gore, s. toto. Gore , v . sua . Gorge, v . ma‘ona a pa . Gossip , talanoa . Govern , pule.

Government, malo ; le au faipule. Grace,

alofa fua. Granulate, ea.

Garnish , v. teuteu .

Grapple, fagatua.

Garrulous, tautala soo .

Grasp , 'u ' u .

Cash , manu' a .

Grass, mutia .

Gasp, gaʻe.

Grate , olo .

Gateway, faitotoa. Gate, puipui. Gather, faaputu, faapotopoto . Gaze, pulato ‘ a.

Grave, tuugamau . Gravestones, loa .

Gravel, ‘ili ili. Gravy , súa .

Geld , faapo‘a.

Greasy, lălă.

General, lautele, salalau, le faapito.

Great, tele , latele .

Generation , tupulaga, augā -tagata . Greedy, faaumuumua. Gentle , filemu, agamalū .

Green , usiusi, lau'ava .

Gentleman, alii.

Greensickness, lopoto.”

Genuine, moni.

Greet, alofa . Grey-hair, ulusinā.

Germinate, tupu ; togo . Get, maua. Ghost, aitu , agaga. Giddy, nipiva. Gift, mea alofa, mea foai fua. Gill, pāʻoʻo . Gimlet, vili.

Grieve, faanoanoa . Grind , olo .

Grindstone, foaga. Gripe, v . a . 'u'u . Gripe, v .n . tutui. Gristle , ua .

HEA Halt , r. setu .

Halve , r. vaeluagaleinu , Hamper , r . faalavelave. Hand, lima ; (chiefs') aao. Handful, luutaga. Handkerchief, solosolo . Handle , r. lote . Handle , s. 'au . Handsaw , ii. NNN

Handsome, manaia, ' aulelei (of men only) ; lalelei. Hang , r . tautau . Hank , čo faa'afaga. Hanker , daunau. Happy, manuia . Harangue , lauga , fetalaiga . Harbor, ‘ ava, taulaga . Hard , ma'a'a , măló. Hardlr, faigata. Hark ! sei faalogo atu ! Harlot, o le fa fine talitane. Harm , r . faatiga. Harpoon, tao camea . Harsh , taste ,“ aʻava ; conduct, sauā. Haste , 2. faataalise , vave. Hasty, in temper , itagofie . Hat, pulou. Hatch , r. fofoa.

Hatfachet, mătau , toʻi ; (to chiefs) asag aese .

Hatchet face, isuvaa . Hatcher head, ulu toʻi. Hate, ino‘ino. Have , maua .

Haughty , faasiasia , faamaualuga .

Hair falta human head , lau lus (of a thref ) lanao

Haunch , nofoaga. Havock , faatafuna, faauma. asuasu . Haze o, ja. He,

Head, ulu ; ( chiefs') ao. land otoo.lo . | Headlo titoif ng,, tol Headstrong , finauvale . Half way, tuluaga o le ala. faumal Half moon , on the increase , matua | Heapl,, faa olo . faula'iga. pu'ega, on the decrease , matolitele. Hear, faalogologo ; ( to chiefs) faą . faapaia , faasa. I fofoga figota .

Hall, vaeluaga, vaeluagalemu. Hali All, osaosa



Heart, fatu ; seat of affections, lo - Hoarse, fa le leo. Hobble, v. setusetu. to ; (to chiefs) finagalo . Hearth , taʻigā -ah .

Hog, puaa .

Heat, vevela .

Hoist, sisi i luga.

Heathen , faapaupau .

Hold , taofi.

Heave , v . a . sii.

Hold ! interj. saʻua ! soia !

Heave , v.n . polepolevale, sapotu Hole, pu, lua . Heaven , lagi.

Hollow , ‘o ‘o. Home, aiga moni. .

Heavy, mamafa . Heel, mulivae. Height, maualuga. Helm , foeuli. Help, fesoasoani. Helve, “au.

Hoof, atigivae. Hook , mātau . Hooked , pi'o.

vale .

Hem , afe. Hemorrhoids, sila - i lalo. Hen , inatuā moa . Her , lona, lana .

Herd, lafu . Here, i inei. Hereafter, amulī.

Hero, toa . Herring, atuli. Hew , tuu . Hiccough , toomauna.

Hide, lafi , nā. Hide, s. paʻu . High , maualuga .

Honor , v. áva .

Hoop , taai ; piece of, tāivai. Hoop , v. manu, 'u 'uóu. Hope, faamoemoe, faatuatuaga. Horizon , tafatafa i lagi.

Horn, nifo . Horrible , mataʻutia . Horrified, mataʻutuia . Horse , solofanua. Hospitable , talimale, tote , Hot, vevela. Hotheaded, lotoa. Hover, faapepe. House, fale. Household , aiga. Householder, matai. Housewarming , ulufalega. How , faapefea ? However, e ui ina mea.

Highminded, faamanaluga . High -water, tumu le tai. Highway, alatele . Hill, mauga . Hillock, mauti' eti'e, maupu'epure.

Howl, uio , tagi auē. Hug, fusi.

Hilt , `au . Him , ia te ia .

Hum , gū .

Hinder, v. faalavelave. Hindermost, aupito i tua .

Hinge, faamau.

Hint, taʻu faatafatafa .

Hip, suilapalapa. Hire, totogi. His, lona, lana ; ona , ana. History , tala . Hit, v. a . ta . Hit, v. n . Javea .

Huge, matua tele. Humane, alofa . Humble , faamaulalo .

Humid , sū, mālūlū . Humourous, faianaga. Humpback , tuapi' o. Hundred, selau. Hunger, fia‘ai. Hunt, tuli. Hurl, lafo.

Hurricane, afā . Hurry , v. faataalise. Hither and thitlier, i lea meamalea Hurt, v. faatiga. Husband , tane. mea . Hush , v. a . faanā . Hoard , v. faaputu .




Halt , v. setu .

Gristly, fefena . Groin , oi. Gro 'n , tega.

Halve , v. vaeluagalemu.

Grope, tautagotago.

Hand , lima; (chiefs') aao.

Hamper, v . faalavelave.

Ground , eleele.

Handful, luutaga.

Groundless , fua . Grow , tupu . Growl, gu .

Handkerchief, solosolo .

Handle , s. 'au.

Grub , s. anute :

Handsaw , 'ili.

Grudge, v . muimui. Grudge, s. faalotoioto . Gruff, voice , leo pualii.

Handsome, manaia, “auletei (of men

Handle , v . lote.

Grumble , v. muimui. Grunt, 'uaʻua. Guard , v. leoleo . Guess , mate, taumate, taupē. Guest, mālo .

only ) ; lalelei. Hang , v . tautau. Hank , i'o faa'afaga. Hanker, naunau. Happy , manuia . Harangue, lauga , fetalaiga . Harbor, 'ava , taulaga.

Guide, ta 'ita 'i.

Hard , ma'a'a , mălo .

Guilty , nofo sala .

Hardly, faigata .

Gull , s. gogo.

Hark ! sei faalogo atu !

Gullet, alā ai.

Harlot, o le fatine talitane.

Gulp , lotulotuinu.

Harm ., v. faatiga . Harpoon, tao camea.

Gum , pulu . Gums, tainifo.

Harsh , taste,'a'ava ; conduct, sauā.

Gun , fana. Gunpowder, one.

Haste , Ù. faataalise, vave.

Hasty, in temper, itagofie .

Gunwale , oa.

Hat, pulou .

Gut, gaau , fifi.

Hatch , v. fofoa. Hatchet, mătau , toʻi ; (to chiefs)

Gut, v. faatiau .

faasagaese. Hatchet face, isuvaa .

H HABIT, masani. Habitation , fale . Habitual, soo. Habituate, faamasani. Hack , v . tipi. Haft, s. au .

Hatchet -head , ulu to ‘i. Hate , 'ino‘ ino. Have, maua.

Haughty, faasiasia , faamaualuga. Haul, toso .

Haunch , nofoaga. Havock , faatafuna, faauma. Haze, asuasu .

Hair , fulufulu ; human head , lau - | He, o ia .

ulu ; (of a chief) lauao. Hale, malosi.

Head, ulu ; (chiefs') ao .

Half, vaeluaga, vaeluagalemu.

Headlong , titõifo.

Half-full, osaosa. Half-way, tuluaga o le ala.

Headstrong, finauvale. Heal, faamālölo .

Headland, tolotolo .

Half-moon , on the increase ,matua- | Heap , faupu'ega, faula ‘iga. tua ; on the decrease , matofitele. | Hear , faalogologo ; (to chiefs) faa Hallow , faapaia , faasa .

Halo , li'o figota .


HUS HEA Heart, fatu ; seat of affections, lo - Hoarse , fa le leo. | Hobble , v . setusetu . to ; (to chiefs ) finagalo . Hog , puaa . Hearth , ta'igā ah . Heat, vevela . Hoist, sisi i luga. Heathen , faapaupau . Hold , taofi. Heave , v . a . sii. Hold ! interj . saʻua ! soia ! Heave, v. n . polepolevale, sapotu Hole, pu , lua. vale.

Hollow , \oʻō.

Heavy , mamafa .

Home, aiga moni. . Honor, v . áva.

Heel, mulivae. Height, maualuga.

Hoof, atigivae. Hook, mātau .

Helm , foeuli. Help , fesoasoani. Helve, 'au.

Hooked , pi'o . Hoop, taai ; piece of, täivai. Hoop , v, manu, 'u'uíu .

Hem , afe.

Hope, faamoemoe, faatuatuaga . Horizon , tafatafa i lagi.

Heaven , lagi.

Hemorrhoids, sila -i lalo . Hen , inatua moa .

Horn , nifo .

Her , lona, lana.

Horrible, mataʻutia .

Herd , lafu .

Horrified , mataʻutuia . Horse , solofanua.

Here, i inei. Hereafter , amuli .

Hero, toa .

Herring, atuli. Hew , tuu . Hiccough , toomauna .

Hide, lafi, nā. Hide, s. paʻu . High , maualuga .

Hospitable, talimale , tote. Hot, vevela . Hotheaded, lotoa. Hover , faapepe. House, fale. Household , aiga. Householder, matai. Housewarming , ulufalega.

Highminded, faamaualuga.

How , faapefea ?

High -water , tumu le tai.

However, e ui ina mea .

Highway, alatele. Hill, mauga .

Howl, uio , tagi auē. Hug , fusi.

Hillock , mauti'eti'e, maupu'epu'e. Hindermost, aupito i tua. Hinge , faamau .

Huge, matuā tele. Hum , gū. Humane, alofa. Humble, faamaulalo . Humid , sū, mālūlū . Humourous, faianaga.

Hint, taʻu faatafatafa .

Humpback, tuapi'o.

Hip , suilapalapa.

Hundred , selau .

Hire, totogi. History , tala .

Hunger, ha'ai. Hunt, tuli. Hurl, lafo .

Hit, v . a . ta . Hit , v. n . Javea .

Hurricane, afā . Hurry, v. faataalise.

Hilt, "au. Him , ia te ia .

Hinder, v . faalavelave.

His, lona, lana ; ona, ana.

Hither and thitler , i lea mea malea Hurt, v. faatiga. mea .

Hoard , v. faaputu .

Husband, tane.

| Hush , v. a. faanā.

• IND.


Hush ! interj. soia le pisa ! ſaalolo - | Implore, faatoga, ole, 'ai'or. go ! respectfully , aua le toia le va ! | Importune, nati, tauanau . Impose , as a burden, faaee. Husk , aputi, paʻu , pulu . Imposition , pepelo . Husk , v . fofoe, mele‘i. Impossible, lē mafai. Hush -up, tanu , ufiufi .

Hut, fale oo. Huzza, ūŭ ū . Hymn, pese, vii. Hypocrisy, pepelo .

Impotent, lē lavā. . Imprecate, tu 'i, fetuu .

Improper, lē tatau . Improve , v . n . tauāu ina lelei.

Imprudent, faalēmafaufau .

Impudent, mata lē mā. Impunity , lē sala . 1, o aíu .

Impure, leaga. In , i.

Jagg , faagafoafoa .

Inability, lē lavā.

Jangle , tauaiupu .

Inaccessible, of persons, nofogatā ; places, lē masaofia .

Jargon , nanu. Jaw , ivi auvae. Idiot, vale. Idle, paiē . Jealous, fuā ; matauía . Jeer, tauemu. Jest, ulaga.

If, afai, a . Ignite , faamu, tŭtă. Ignoraut, valea . Jingle , v . faatagitagi. II, bad , leaga ; sick ,ma'i. Image, faatagata . Imagine, fa (as fa te aʻu ). Imbolden , faalototele . Imitate, faaaoao. Immature, of fruit, moto . Immediately, adv . loa. Immerse , faagoto ; fufui.

Immortal, ola pea, e le āu oti.

le ,. Inactive, papaiē Inarticulate, lē matala , nanu . Incapable , lē mafai, lē lavā.

Incarnate, tino tagata . Incessant, soo , le aunoa .

Incest, faivale. Incision , tuu. Incisor, muānifo . Incite , faaoso .

Inclined , sapa. Include, pupuni.

Incomparable, silisili ese, e leai sona tusa . Incompatible , lē tutusa. Incompetent, le mafai. Incomplete, lē atoatoa. Incomprehensible , e le mafai ona iloa .

Incongruous , e lē tusa .

Immoveable , lē mafaagaeetia , mau - 1 Inconsiderable , faatauvaa . salī. Inconsistent, lē tatau, lē ono . Immunity , taga. Inconsolable, faanoanoa pea lava . Immutable, e le āu liua. | Inconstant, faalotolotolua, e le tu mau . Impartial, lē faniloga, le faapito .

Impatient, lē ma onosa ‘i.

Incorrect, le tonu .

Impede, faalavelave. Impel, faaoso . Imperfect , le atoatoa. Imperious, faaalii. . Impertinent, faasiasia . Impetuous, osovale, faamalosi. Implant, toto .

Incorrigible , vaogată . Increase, tupu . Incumber, faasoesa, faalavelave. Indecent, matagā . Indeed , e moni, lava . Indefatigable , lē au musu , toaga . Indefinite, faaletonu .


IND Indelible, e le matafi.

Innumerable , e le mafaitaulia .

Indelicate, le mā.

Inquire, fesili.

Indemnify , taui.

Insane, vălea .


Indetermined, le iloga se mea e fai. Insatiable, e lē ma‘ona. Indicate , faailoa . Insecure, e le mau (of anything with Indifferent, faalenaunau.

fastenings). Inside, i totonu, i fale.

Indigent, mativa. Indignant, toasa , lili, mateilili.

Inseparable, e le mateʻaescese.

Indignity , faaleagaina .

Insignificant, faatauvaa .

Indirect, faalesa‘o , faatafatafa. Indiscreet, faalemafaufau . Indiscriminate , e le faailogaina. Indisposed , mentally, e le mafai, musu ; bodily , ma'i. Indistinct, of an objectof sight, faa lepupula ; of sound, faalelagona. Indolent, musu , paiē . Industrious, gao. Inebriate, onā. Inefficacious, lē aogā. Ineloquent, lē mau upu . Inevitable , e le ma ‘alo . Inexhaustible , e le uma, e le mate.

Insincere, lē faamaoni. Insinuate, faali'a.

Inexpedient, e faaletatau.

Insipid , lē manogi. Insist, finau, tausisi. Insnare, selē, mailei. Insolent, faasiasia . Inspect, iloilo . Inspire, v . n . mānava . Inspire , v . a . faamatalaloto ,

Instability, faaletumau. Instantly, loa. Instead , e sui ai. Instigate, faaoso . Institute , faatu . Instruct, aʻoaʻo .

Inexperienced , e le iloa ; e lemasa - Instrument, o le mea e fai aʻi; ni. Insufferable, lē maonosa‘i. Inexpert, vasivasi. Insufficient, lē lāva. Infallible , e le masesē . Iosult, v. soli, faaleaga. Infamous, taʻuleagaina . Insupportable, lē maonosaʻi, Insurrection , fouvale. Infant, tama meamea . Intention , manatu . Infect, faapipisi. Inter, tanu . Inferior, faatauvaa, le tusa . Infinite, e leai se mea e gata mai ai. Intercede, pupulu . Intirm , vāivai. Intercept, pupuni, sisi'o . Inform , v . n . taʻu . Interchange, fesuia'i. Infringe, soli. Interdict, vavao . Ingratitude, agavale . Inhabit, mau, nofo .

Interior, i loto , i totonu. Intermediate, vajloto.

Inheritance , tofi .

Inhale , mānava. Johuman , sauā.

Internal, i totonu. Interpose, pripulu .

Iniquity, amioletonu.

Interpret , faamatala .

Interminable , le au in .

Injunction, poloaiga, fetalaiga.

Interrogate, fesili.

Injure , faasaunoa .

Interrupt , faalavelave.

Injustice, amioletatau .

Interval, va . Interview , feiloa 'i.

Ink , vaitusi. Inland, i uta , gauta . Inlander , utāfanua. Inmost, i totonu.

Intestine, s. gaau. Inthrall, faapologa . Intimate, fefaanoa'i, faaaumea.




Cripple , pipili.

Daunt, faamataʻu .

Crisp , paʻaʻa .

Dawn, le tafa o ata .

Crockery , ipu omea or uamea ,

Day , ao ; natural day, aso.

Crook , v . faapi'o.

Dazzle , sesega ; (pass.) segaia. Dead, oti; to a chief, maliu ; ani

Crookback , tuapi'o. Crossway, ala faalava .

mal, mate, pe.

Deaf, tutuli. Deal, vut, tufatufa.

Crouch , lofa . Crow , vivini.

Crowd , v. fetuleni.

Dear, pele ; in price, tąugata ,

Crown, pale . Cruel, saua. Crumb, momoimea .

Dearth , oge .

Death , le oti. Debate, finauga.

Crumble , v . momomo. Crumple , mānuminumi.

Debauch , faaleaga .

Crush , nuti.

Debilitate, v. faavaivaia . Decapitate , vavae le ulu or uto (ne

Cry, tagi. Cubit, laui'a .

Decay, paļa .

ver used except in cursing ).

Cumber, faalavelave. Cunning, poto. Cup, ipn, ipi. Cure , faamalolo. Current, au, tafe . Curse , fetuu.

Curve, lolo‘u . Custom , tu , masani.

Decease , oti.

Deceit, pepelo. Decent, teu lelei.

Decide, pule , umą le filifili. Deck , v . teuteu. Deck , s. fogā vaa , Declare, talaʻi, faai'oa .

Decorate , teuteu ; the person , tifitif ,

Cut, v. pena, tipi ; down,tuu ; off, Decoy, mailei, faalata. vavaeese . Cut, s. nianuſa .

Decrease, maui, faaitiiti. Dedicate , faasa, tapui, taputapu.

Cutlass, pelu ,

Derp, loloto , maulalo . Defaine, faaleaga, tuaupua.

Curly , piipii.

Defeat, v . tulia, lafoia .

Defend , leoleo .


Defer, tolo , faatuai. Deference , ava ,

Daily, aso faisoo, o lea aso ma lea Defiance, lu'i. Dalliance, ula , taaloga.

Deficient, le atoa, le lāva. Defile , faaleaga .

Damage, v. faasaunoa, Damp, mālūlū, Dauce, saa, siva , Dare, v. faamalosi.

Deform , faamatagā . -

aso .

Dare , v . to defy , lu‘i. Dark , pogisa , pouliuli. Darling, pele . Dart, v . velo , Dash, v. lafotū , palasi. Daughter, a man's, afafine ; of a

Define, tusi tino .

D .formed, matapuaa, 'auvale, Defraud , pepelo . Defy, luội.

Degrade, faapaū , fao le igoa. Delay, faatuai ; faatamala (in a bad sense). Deliberate , manatunatu, filifili. Delicious, sua mălie . chief, alofafinę ; of a wuman, ta Delight, fiafia, ‘oli'oli.

ma teine,

Deliver, tuu atu e alu ; from , laveai.



Deluge, lolo . Delusion, pepelo . Demolish , faauma, lejeti. Demon , aitu.

Denial, faafitiga . Depart, alu ese . Depend , faalagolago. Depopulate , faatuufua. Depose, faapaʻū, fao le igoa. Deprave, faaleaga. Depth , loloto . Deputy, sui. Deride, tauemu. Descend, ifoifo.

| Die , v. a . faalanu.

Die, v. n. unimuls,mate; man, oti; (chiefs) maliu . Differ, escese. . Difficult , faigatā . Diffident, ma, matarnuli.

Diffuse, faasalalau. | Dig , ‘eli. Dilatory, telegese. Dim , faalepupula . Diminish , faaitiiti. Dip , v. fufui.

Dire, mataʻutia . Direct, v. faasa ‘o, faasino, faaionu.

Descendant, fanau, aiga, gafa.

Dirt, eleele .

Desecrate , soli.

Disagree, taofi eseese, masesei. Disappear, mou , le iloa . Disaster, mala.

Desert , s. vao .

Desert , v. tuulafoai. Design, manatu . Desire , manao, moʻomoʻo , naunau, loto . Desist , tuu ; prohibition, soia . Desolate , tuufua. Despair, ua leai se toe faamoemoe. Despatch , faavaevave. Despicable, faatauvaa.

Discern , faailogaina. Discharge, s. from a wound , sua vai, alou . Discharge, v. gun , & c. pa .

Disciple, soo. Disclose , faaali. Discompose, faanuninumi; mind ,

Despise , 'ino‘ino.

faatiga loto. Discord , misa , maseiga.

Despond , vaivai le loto .

Discover, faailoa.

Destitute , tuulafoajina , mativa .

Discourse, tautalaga ; lauga. Discourteous, faalemigao. Discriminate, faailogaina . Disdain , 'ino‘ino, faasiasia.

Destroy, faauma, faatafuna.

Detach , tuu ese. Detail, talata!a. ' Detain , taofi. Detect , maua . Determine, uma ona filibili.


Disease, maʻi; (to chiefs ), gasega se, & c .

Detest, 'ino‘ino .

Disfigure, faasaunoa . Disgrace , faamā.

Deviate , sesē .

Disgust, ‘ino‘ino,

Device, togafiti. Devoid , aunoa.

Dish , tanoa . Dishearten, faamata'u , faavaivai le loto . Dishevelled, scuseua . Disinter , laga.

Devote, faasa, faato . Devour , lotulotu .ai. Dew , sau .

Diadem , pale . Dialogue , tautalatalaga. Diaphragm , ga‘o punipii. Dialect , gagana .

Disjoin , tuu eseese. Dislike, 'ino‘ino. Dislocated , see [le ivi] . Dismiss, tuu atu e alu.

Diarrhæa, manava tatā .

Dismount, v. a. lafo .

Dibble , .oso , suo.

Dismount, v, n , alu ifo. Disobedient, vaogata , faalogogata .

Did , na faia .




Disown , faafiti.

Draught, fluid drank, inumaga.

Disperse, faataape. Dispirit, faavaivai le loto. Display, faaali, faalialia . Displease , faaitaita, faatiga le loto .

Dread, mataʻu .

Dispossess, fao ; tuli. Dispute , finau.

Disregard , lē manatunatu .

Disrespect, lē ava, le taualoa. Dissemble, pepelo . Dissever, vavae ese. Dissimilar, eseese .

Dişsipate, taapeape. Dissolve, liu suavai. Dissolute, ulavale . Distant, mamao.

Distemper, ma‘i. Distend , fefete . Distinguish, faailogaina, filitaa. Distress , atuatuvale . Distribute, tufatufa .

District, itu .

Dream , moemiti ; (of a chief ) faa lepo . Dregs, alu . Dress, v . faa 'ofų . Drill, s. faavili.

Drink , v. inu . Drip, v. sisina. Drive, tuli. Drivel, tafe le faua. Drollery, faianaga. Droop, of trees, lāutagitagi. Drop, v. sisina, faatulutulu ; down, pau .

Dropsy, fula . Drown, malemo.

Drowsy, tulemoe. Drunk, onā. Drum , logo.

Dry, popo,mago ; of herbs, magu magu .

Disturb , faaatuatuvale , faalavelave . Duck , toloa. Ditch , utu . Dull, aʻoaʻo gatā ; of tools , mata Divę, tofu. tupa, tulali, Diverse, eseese . Dunib, gūgū . Divide , vavae, pena ; tuu eseese ; Dung , tae, otaota. tufatufa . Dungy, savasava . Divorce, alei. Durable , anagatā . During , prep . a o . Divulge, faaali. Dusk , segisegi. Dizzy, niniva. Dust, efu . Do, fai. Docile , aʻoaʻo gofie. Dwell, nofo , mau. Doctor, foma'i.

Dysentery , sana toto .

Dog , maile , ulī .

Dyspepsy, tooala .

Dolphin , masimasi. Doli, vale. Dominiop , malo. Doom , faasala. Door, faitotoa, pupuni, puipui. Dotage, faavaleniatua. Double , sautualua, dailua . Doubleminded, faalotolotolua

Dyspnea, sela.

Doubt, v. masalosalovale.

Early, vave. Earnest, naunau . Earth , eleele ; lalolagi. Earthquake, matuie . Earthworm , anufe. Ease, filemu.

Dove, manutagi.

Down, i lalo . Downward , ifo. Drag , toso .

Drake, toloa po‘a .


Each , taʻitasi. Eager, tu 'inanau . Ear, taliga .


East, gaga“e, sasa'e. Easy, faigofie .

Eat, “ai; (to chiefs ) taumafa , taute. Eatable , faina .

Eaves, tulutulu . Ebb , maui. Ebullition , pupuna . Echo, s. i'uleo.



| Encounter, s . taua . Encourage, faamafanafana, faama

losi, faamatalaloto. Encroach , faaaimago . Encumber , faalavelave . End , ifu , gataaga. Endeavour, taumafai.

Endless, le i'u , faavavau. Eclipse, of the sun, gasetoto ; moon , Endure, onosa 'i. gaseeleele. Enemy, le ita mai; the object of hate , fili. Edge, mata. Edible , faina. Enfeeble, faavaivai. Educate, aʻoaʻo . Enforce, faamalosi. Eel, tuna . Engage, in combat, tau . Effeminate , amio faafafine. Engrave, togitogi. Effulgent, pupula. Enjoin , poloai, fai atu . Enjoy , tiafia. Egg , fua. Enkindle , faamu, tŭtă . Egg , v. a . faaoso.

Eight, valu. Eighteen , e sefulu ma le valu . Eighty, e valu gafulu . Either , po o . Elate, faafefete, faamaualuga. Elbow , tulilima. Elders, toeaina.

Enlarge, faatele. Enlighten , faamalamalama. Enough, lāva. Enrage, faaitaita , faalili. Ensign , tagāvai. Enslave, faapologa .

Entangle , faalavelave.

Eldest, aupito matua . Elect, v. filifili.

Enter, ulu , ulufale. Entice, faalata , 'ole, faa'oleʻole .

Elegy, lagisolo. Elephantiasis, feefee, vaetupa.

Entire , atoatoa .

Elevate , sii i luga , faaea .

Entrance, ala . Entrap , faamailei, sele . Entreat, “ai'oi.

Eleven, e sefulu ma le tasi. Elude, solasola . Emaciate , faaʻiiva. Emasculate , faalave ; animals, faa poʻa. Embalm , atualalaina, Embassy, sāvali. Embellish , teuteu .

Embers, malala ola , malala aasa.

Entrails, gaau, tātoga.

Envelop , aui, taai.

Enumerate, faitau.

Enroy, sāvali, Envy, matāu 'a. Epidemic , faama'i. Epilepsy, ma'i māliu . Equal, gātusa .

Embrace, fusi. Emerge, mānu . Eminence, mauga, mea mautietie. Einissary , o le lalo .

Equivalent, mea e tusa.

Emmet , loi,

Errand , feau.

Empty, tuufua ; le'i' o. Emulate, losilosi. Encamp, to lauapi.

Erelong, toe itiiti, e le pine. Erect, tu sa 'o . Err , sesē, sē .

Eruption, skin, fotuga ; mageso ,

Enclose, pupuni, si'osi'o.

Escape , sola , Escort, v . leoleo, momoli. Essay, v . taumafai. .

Encompass, faataamilo.

Establish , faatumau,



Eternal, faavavau . Evade, 'alo. Evasive, feʻalo ‘alofa'i. Even, laugatasi.

FAS | Exterior, i tua, i fafo . Exterminate, faauma, tinei. Extinct, mate. Extirpate, lia ‘ i.

Evening, afiafi. Ever, e faavavau.

Extol, vivii.

Every, taitąsi umą. Evident, mautinoa, pupula . Evil, leaga.

Extreme, aupito mamao , tupito, Extremity , i'u ; pito .

Evil -speaking , faatuaupua. Eulogy, viiga .

Exact, v. faatauanau . Exalt, faamąualuga ; praise , vivii.

Extort, fao.

Extricate, lavea'i. Exuberant, uluola . Exult, ‘oli'oli. Eye, mata ; (to chiefs) fofoga ; of your own, lauifi.

Examine, faamasino , suesue ; ‘ilo ‘ilo , Eyeball, ioimata . Example , faaaoao . Eyebrow , fulufulų i mata.

Exasperate , faalili, faaonoono. Exceed, faasilisili. Excel, aluaļu .

Eyelid , laumata, Eyesore , matagā,

Except, prep. tau lava , na o.

Exchange , faatau.

Excite, faaoso. Exclaim , uio , alaga. Excrement, tae.

Excuse, alani. Execrate , fetuu , tu'i, faafano. Execute , fai.

Exemplify , faatusa.

Exempt, taga (applied to things ta pui).

Exert, taumafai, faạmalosį. Exhibit, faaali. Exhort, apoapoaʻi. Exile, v. faateva, faạāumau . Expand, fofola . Expect, fuatali atu . Expectorate, feanu . Expedient, v. tatau . Expedient, s. togafiti. Expedite, faataalise .

Face, mata ; (chief's) fofoga, Face, v , fesaga 'i. Fade, wither , mamae. Faint, v . matapogia . Fair , lalelei. Fair, weather, laofie . Faith , taofi ; faatuatuą . Faithful, faamaonį. Fall, paū. Fallow , faavana . False, pepelo . Falsehood, tala pepelo . Falter, as the voice, nanu ; faata petope.

Famed, taʻua . Family, aiga . Famine, oge.

Famish, faamatelaina.

Expel, tuli.

Fan , ili.

Expert, poto.

Fan , v . aloalo. Far, mamao .

Expiate, togiola . Expire, to le mânava , Explain , faamatala . Explode , pa. Expose, faaali. Expound, faamatala . Extend, faaloloa, faalautele,

Extenuate, faatāma.

Farewell, tofā. Farthest, e aupito mamao . Fashion, s. tu .

Fast, v . anapogi. Fast, udj. mau . Fasten , faamau .

| Fasthanded, limąvale ,

: FAS FLO Fastness, 'olo . Final, toe. Fat, adj. men , puta ; animals, peti. Find , maua. Fat, s. ga'o , mea lololo . Fine, v . faasala .

Father, tamā. Fathom , gafa .

Finger, tamatamai lima. Finish, v. faauma, faaiu .

Fatigue, lailoa .

Fire; s. aff.

Fault, sesē. Favour, alofa .

Fire; v : faamu; gun , & c. faapā .

Favourite, pele .

Fireshovel, salefu . Firewood, fafie.

Fear, mataʻu, fefe. Feast, tausamiga.

Firm , mau, malosi.

Feather, fulufulu , fulu . Feeble, vaivai.

Firstborn , ulumatua :

Feed , fafaga. Feel, with thehand, tagotago ; men tally , lagona.

Fish , v. fagota .

Feign, faatagā . Felicity, manuia. Fell, v .a . faapaʻū , tuu i lalo . Fellow , toalua. Female, fafine. Fence , āi.


First, muamua . Fish , i' a .

Fishhook , mātau .

Fisherman , tautai.

Fissure, māvae. Fit, s. pu'ega.

Fit, adj. tatau . Five, e lima. Fix, v. faamau .

Flabby, văivăi, venia .

Ferment, fefete . Flag, v. faaivā. Fern , vao tuaniu ; giant fern , nase. Flag , s . fu 'a .

Ferocious, fe'ai. Fertile , lafulemu.

Flame, afi mumū . Flank , puimanava .

Fervent, naunau . Fester, faapepē. Fetch , aami, aumai. Fetid , saugā. Feud, maseiga, misa.

Flannel, ie mamoe.

Fever, ma‘i vevela.

Flaw , pona .

Few , itïti.

Flay, fofo e le paʻu .

Flap , wings, palalū .

Flat, salafalafa . Flatter , faalupe. Flavour, manogi.

Fibre, of cocoanut husk , moia -a .

Flea, “utu fiti.

Fickle, fefoʻifoʻia'i. Fierce, fe'ai. Fifteen, e sefulu ma le lima.

Flee, solą .

Fleet, fua. Fleet , adj. tele vave :

Fifth , o le lima. Fiftieth , o le lima gafulu .

Flesh , aano.

Fifty , e lima gafulu .

Flinch , ne. Fling , togi. Flint, maa -afi. Flirt, faateine, taalo .

Fig , mati.

Fight, v . tau ; with fists, fusu. Figure, tino . File, ili.

Fill, faatumu. Fillip, fiti.

Flexible, vavai.

Float, opeppe .

Flock , v. lolofi ane ; of children, lupepe.

Filth , mea leaga, sava, eleele, ota Flog, sasa . ota . Flood , s. lolo . Flounder, taafili. Fin , atuga.




Flourish , v . uluola.


Formerly , anamua.

Flow , v. tafe .

Fornication , faitaaga .

Flow , s . fana 'e .

Forsake, tuulafoai.

Flower, fuga.

Fort, ‘olo.

Fluent, in speech, māu upu.

Fortitude , loto tele, malosi.

Fluid , s. sua. Flute, fagufagu .

Fortunate, manuia .

Fly , v. lele , sola .

Foster, v. tausi.

Fly , s. lago .

Foul, eleelea, leaga.

Forty , e fa gafulu .

Foam , of the sea , pia pia ; from the Foundation , faavae, noʻopa. mouth , făua. Foe, lē ita mai.

Founder, tofatumoanaina.

Fog , puao .

Four, e fa , e soani.

Fountain , vai puna. ·

Foil, v. faiaina (passive only ).

Fourfold , sautuafa . Fold , sautua (us twofold,sautualua ). Fourfooted , vaefa. Fourteen , e sefulu ma le fa . Follow , v. muliruli. Follower, soo. Fowl, moa. Folly, valea . Fowling piece, fana manu . Fragile, magaugofie, taʻegofie . Fond, faapelepele.

Food , mea e 'ai; (to chiefs) mea e Fragrant, manogi. taumafa. Fool, vale .

Frail, väivai.

Foot, vae ; (to chiefs ) aao. Footpath , ala .

Frame, v. fai. Frantic, valemalosi. Fraud , pepelo.

For, mo, nia , ona o.

Free, sa 'oloto.

Forage, faioso . Forbear, onosa' i.

Freight, uta [o le vaa ]. Frequent, soo.

Forbid, vavao.

Fresh , not salt, magalo ; new , fou .

Force, faamalosi. Ford , asa. Forefinger, lima tusi:

Fretful, itagofie , tagivale . Friend, uo.

Forefoot, lima.

Fright, te 'i.

Forego, tuu atu .

Fringe , pau.

Forehead , muaulu .

Frisk , taalo .

Frighten , faamataʻu .

Foreign, papālagi ; cloth, āpapā

Frivolous , faatauvaa . lagi. From , mai, nai, ai. Foreland, tolotolo . Front, i luma. Foremost, muamua . Front, v. fesagaʻi. Forenoon , oauli, aoauli, oatea . Frontier, tuaoi. Forest, vaomatua, vao puanea, & c. | Froth , piapia ; from the mouth , fa Foretell, vavalo .

Forget, galo. Forgive, not to be angry with , loto mălie ; in reference to punish ment, faamagalo . Fork , tui. Forked , māgamaga . Forlorn , ausage . Form , tino.

ūa .

Frown, faanounou mata .

Frugal, faatoto mea. Fruit, fua. Fruitlessly , fai fua, noa.

Frustrate, faaleaogā . Fry, s. pine (a swarm of small fish es ). Fuel, fafie.


Fugh , interj. isa ! Fulgent, pupula .

ᏩᏒ | Ginger, “avapui.

Fulfil, taunuu.

Gird , fusi.

Full, tumu.

Girl, teine. Give, foai, avatu or aumai.

Fumble, vāsivasi.

Glad , 'oli-oli.

Fun , taaloga .

Glare , pupula .

Furbish , faapupula .

Glass, tioata .

Furious, faavalemalosi.

Glisten , pupula . Globular, lapotopoto . Gloom , segisegi. Glorify , vivii.

Furniture, meā fale. Further, mamao .

Futile , le aogā .

Future , atalī, amuli.

Glow , aʻasa .

Fy, isa !

Glutton, omomi, 'ai tele.


Gnash , with teeth , lilivau .

Goaw , gali. Go, alu , aga. God, Atua ; aitu .

Gad, v. tafatafao.

Godliness, amio-atua. Good, lelei.

Gain , v . maua . Galaxy , aniva. Gall, s. au.

Goggleeyed, matasipa.

Gall, v. a . faatiga loto. Gall, v. n . aia . Gambol, taalo .

Gore, v . sua . Gorge, v . ma‘ona a pa . Gossip , talanoa .

Gaol, fale puipui.

Govern , pule.

Gape, faamaga le gutų .

Government, malo ; le au faipule ." Grace, alofa fua. Gran

Gargle , v. pūpū. Garment, 'ofu .

Gore, s. toto .

ulate, ea .

Garnish , v . teuteu . Garrulous , tautala soo. Gash , manu“a . Gasp, gaʻe . Gateway , faitotoa.

Grapple , fagatua.

Gate , puipui. Gather, faaputu, faapotopoto .

Gravestones, loa .

Gaze, pulato‘ a. Geld , faapo ‘a .

Greasy, lălă .

Grasp , 'uʻu .

Grass , mutia . Grate, olo . Grave , tuugamau .

Gravel, ‘iličili. Gravy , sua.

General, lautele, salalau , le faapito . Great, tele, latele. Generation , tupulaga, augā-tagata . | Greedy, faaumuumua. Gentle , filemu, agamalū .

Green, usiusi, lau'ava.

Gentleman , alii.

Genuine, moni.

Greensickness , lopoto. " Greet, alofa .

Germinate , tupu ; togo.

Grey hair, ulusinā.

Get, maua.

Grieve, faanoanoa.

Ghost, aitu , agaga.

Grind, olo . Grindstone,

Giddy, nipiva . Gift , mea alofa , mea foai fua .

Gill, pāʻoʻo .

Gimlet , vili.

foaga. Gripe, v . a . 'u'u .

Gripe, v. n . tutui. Gristle, ua .



Gristly , fefena.

HEA Halt, v . setu . Halve, v. vaeluagaleinu .

Groin , oi.

Gron, tega .

Hamper, v. faalavelave.

Grope, tautagotago.

Hand , lima ; (chiefs') aão . Handful, luutaga .

Ground, eleele .

Groundless , fua. Grow , tupu. Growl, gu .

Grub, s. anufe . Grudge, v. muimui. Grudge, s. faalotoloto.

Handkerchief, solosolo . Handle , v. lote. Handle, s. 'au . Handsaw , 'ili. Handsome, manaia , “aulelei (ofmen only ); lalelei.

Gruff, voice, leo pualii. Grumble, v. muimui.

Hang, v . tautau .

Grunt , ' uaʻua .

Hanker, naunau . Happy, manuia.

Guard , o . leoleo .

Guess, mate, taumate, taupē. Guest, mālo. Guide, taʻitaʻia Guilty, nofo sala . Gull , s. gogo . Gullet, alā "ai.

Hank , i'o faa 'afaga.

Harangue, lauga , fetalaiga. Harbor , 'ava, taulaga. Hard , ma‘a'a , mălo . Hardly , faigata .

Hark ! sei faalogo atu ! Harlot , o le fatine talitane.

Gulp , lotulotuinu.

Harm ., v. faatiga .

Gum , pulu . Gums, tainifo .

Harpoon , tao uamea .

Harsh , taste , 'a 'ava ; conduct, sauā . Haste, ú. faataalise, vave.

Gun, fana.

Gunpowder, one.

Hasty , in temper, itagofie .

Gunwale , oa.

Hat, pulou .

Gut, gaau , fifi. Gut, v. faatiau.

Hatch , v. fofoa .

Hatchet, mătau, toʻi ; (to chiefs ). faasagaese. Hatchet-head , ulu to ‘i. Hatchet face, isuvaa .


HABIT, masani.

Hate, 'ino‘ ino. Have, maua .

Habitation , fale.

Haughty , faasiasia , faamaualuga.

Habitual, soo.

Haul, toso . Haunch , nofoaga.

Habituate, faamasani.

Havock, faatafuna, faauma. Hack, v. tipi. Haze, asuasu . Haft, s. 'au . Hair, fulufulu ; human head , lau He, o ia . Head, ulu ; (chiefs') ao. ulu ; (of a chief ) lauao. Headland, tolotolo. Hale, malosi. Half, vaeluaga, vaeluagalemu. Headlong, titoifo . Half- full, osaosa. Headstrong, finauvale. Half-way, tuluaga o le ala . Heal, faamālölo . Half-moon , on the increase, matua Heap, faupu'ega, faula 'iga. tua ; on the decrease, matofitele . | Hear, faalogologo ; ( to chiefs ) faa fofoga . Hallow , faapaia, faasa . Halo , li'o figota.



Heart, fatu ; seat of affections, lo - ; Hoarse, fa le leo. Hobble, v. setusetu. to ; (to chiefs) finagalo . Hearth , taʻigā a6 .

Hog , puaa.

Heat, vevela .

Hoist, sisi i luga. Hold , taofi.

Heathen , faapaupau . Heave , v. a . sii.

Hold ! interj. saʻua ! soia !

Heave, v. n. polepolevale, sapotu . Hole, pu , lua. vale .

Hollow , boʻo .

Heaven , lagi.

Home, aiga moni. .

Heavy, mamafa . Heel, mulivae. Height, maualuga .

Honor, v . áva.

Hoof, atigivae. Hook, mātau .

Helm , foeuli.

Hooked , pi' o .

Help , fesoasoani. Helve, “au. Hem , afe. Hemorrhoids, sila-i lalo . Hen , inatuā moa .

Hoop, taai; piece of, tāivai. Hoop , v . manu, 'u 'u' u . Hope, faamoemoe, faatuatuaga , Horizon , tafatafa i lagi. Horn , nifo.

Her, lona, lana.

Horrible , mataʻutia .

Herd , lafu .

Horrified , mataʻutuia .

Here , i inei.

Horse, solofanua.

Hereafter, amuli. Hero , toa . Herring, atuli.

Hospitable , talimale , tote,

Hew , tuu . Hiccough , toomauna . Hide, lafi , nā. Hide, s. paʻu.

Hot, vevela.

Hotheaded , lotoa. Hover, faapepe. House, fale .

Highway, alatele.

Household , aiga . Householder, matai. Housewarming , ulufalega . How , faapefea ? However , e ui ina mea . Howl, uio, tagi auē.

Hill, mauga .

Hug, fusi.

High , maualuga.

Highminded , faamaualuga. High-water , tumu le tai.

Hillock, mauti' eti'e, maupu'epure. Huge, matuā tele. Hilt , "au .

Hum , gū .

Him , ia te ia . Hinder, v. faalavelave.

Humane, alofa .

Hindermost, aupito i tua .

Hinge, faamau.

Hint, taʻu faatafatafa .

Hip , suilapalapa. Hire, totogi. His , lona , lana ; ona , ana . History , tala . Hit, v. a . ta .

Humble , faamaulalo . Humid , sū , mālūlū . Humourous, faianaga. Humpback, tuapi'o . Hundred , selau. Hunger, fa'ai. Hunt, tuli. Hurl, lafo .

Hurricane, afā . Hurry , v. faataalise. Hit, v. n. Javea. Hither and thitlier, i lea mea malea Hurt, v. faatiga . mea .

Hoard , v . faaputu .

Husband , tane. | Hush , v. a . faanā



. IND .

Hush ! interj. soia le pisa ! ſaalolo- | Implore, faatoga, ole, 'ai'of. go ! respectfully , aua le toia le va ! Hush -up , tanu, ufiufi. Husk, aputi, paʻu , pulu . Husk , v. fofoe, mele ‘i. Hut, fale oo. Huzza , ūóŭóū . Hymn, pese, vii.

Importune, nati, tauanau. Impose, as a burden , faaee. Imposition , pepelo . Impossible , Tē mafai.

Hypocrisy, pepelo.

Improve, v . n . tauāu ina lelei.

Impotent, lē lavā . . Imprecate, tuʻi, fetuu .

Improper, lē tatan . Imprudent, faalēmafaufau . Impudent, mata le mā.

Impunity, le sala .

Impure, leaga. I, o aʻu .

In , i.

Jagg, faagafoafoa .

Inability, lē lavā .

Jangle, tauaiupu.

Inaccessible, of persons, nofogatā ; places, le masaofia . Inactive, paiē . Inarticulate , le matala , nanu . Incapable, lē mafai, lē lavā.

Jargon , nanu .

Jaw , ivi auvae.

Idiot, vale . Idle, paie. Jealous, fua ; matau´a .

Jeer, tauému.

Jest, ulaga. Ignite , faamu, tặtă. Ignorant, valea. Jingle , v. faatagitagi. III, bad , leaga ; sick, ma‘i. Image, faatagata.

If, afai, a.

Imagine, fa (as fa te aʻu ). Imbolden , faalototele . Imitate, faaaoao. Immature, of fruit, moto. Immediately, adv . loa .

Incarnate, tino tagata. Incessant, soo, le aunoa.

Incest, faivale . Incision , tuu . Incisor , muānifo .

Incite, faaoso .

Inclined , sapa. Include, pupuni. Incomparable, silisili ese, e leai sona tusa . Incompatible, lē tutusa. Incompetent, le mafai. Incomplete, lē atoatoa .

Incomprehensible, e le mafai ona iloa. Immerse, faagoto ; fufui. Immortal, ola pea, e le āu oti. Incongruous, e lē tusa. Immoveable, lē mafaagaeetia, mau Inconsiderable , faatauvaa . salī. Inconsistent, lē tatau , lē ono . Immunity , taga. Inconsolable , faanoanoa pea lava. Immutable , e le au liua. Inconstant, faalotolotolua, e le tu Impartial, lē faniloga, lē faapito. mau . Incorrect, le tonu. Impatient, le ma onosa‘i. Incorrigible, vaogată. Impede, faalavelave.

Impel, faaoso .

Increase, tupu .

Imperfect, le atoatoa . Imperious, faaalii. Impertinent, faasiasia . Impetuous, osovale, faamalosi.

Incumber, faasoesa, faalavelave. Indecent, matagā. Indeed , e moni, lava. Indefatigable , lē au musu , toaga .

Implant, toto .

Indefinite , faaletonu.

IND Indelible , e le matafi. '

INT 43 Innumerable, e le mafaitaulia .

Indelicate, le mā. Indemnify, taui.

Inquire, fesili.

Indetermined , le iloga se mea e fai. Indicate , faailoa. Indifferent, faalenaunau . Indigent, mativa . Indignant, toasa, lili, mateilili.

Insatiable, e le ma‘ona.

Insane , vălea .

Insecure, e le mau (of anything with fastenings).

Indignity , faaleagaina. Indirect, faalesa - o , faatafatafa .

Inseparable, e le mate aescese. Inside, i totonu, i fale. Insignificant, faatauvaa . Insincere , lē faamaoni.

Indiscreet, faalemafaufau .

Insinuate, faali'a.

Indiscriminate , e le faailogaina.

Insipid , lē manogi. Indisposed , mentally, e le mafai, Insist, finau, tausisi. Insnare, selē, mailei. musu ; bodily , ma‘i. Indistinct, of an object of sight, faa Insolent, faasiasia . lepupula ; of sound, faalelagona . Inspect, iloilo. Indolent, musu , paiē . Inspire, v . n . mānava. Industrious , gað . Inspire , v . a. faamatalaloto . Instability, faaletumau . Inebriate, onā. Inefficacious, lē aogā. Instantly , loa. Instead, e sui ai. Ineloquent , lē mau upu . Instigate , faaoso . Inevitable, e le ma ‘alo . Inexhaustible, e le uma, e le mate. Institute, faatu . Inexpedient, e faaletatau .

Instruct, aʻoaʻo .

Inexperienced , e le iloa ; e le masa

Instrument, o le mea e fai a' i,


Insufferable , le maonosaʻi.

Insufficient, lē lāva.

Inexpert, vasivasi. Infallible , e le masesē.

Insult, v. soli, faaleaga.

Infamous, taʻuleagaina . Infant, tama meamea . Infect, faapipisi.

Insurrection , fouvale. Intention , manatu.

Insupportable , le maonosa'i,

Inter, tanu. Inferior, faatauvaa , le tusa . Infinite , e leai se mea e gata mai ai. Intercede, pupulu .

Infirm , vaivai. Inform , v. n . taʻu .

Intercept, pupuni, sisi' o.

Inhabit , mau , nofo .

Interchange, fesuia ‘i. Interdict, vavao. Interior, i loto , i totonu . Intermediate, vajloto.

Inhale, manava .

Interminable, le āu iu .

Inheritance , tofi.

Internal, i totonu. Interpose, piipulu .

Infringe, soli. Jogratitude , agavale.

lohuman , sayā.

Iniquity, amioletonu. Injunction , poloaiga, fetalaiga . Injure, faasaunoa . lojustice, amioletatau . Ink , yaitusi.

Inland , i uta , gauta.

Inlander, utāfanua. Inmost, i totonu.

Interpret, faamatala. Interrogate , fesili. Interrupt, faalavelave. Interval, va .

Interview , feiloa'i. Intestine, s. gaau . Inthrall, faapologa. Intimate, fefaanoaʻi, faaaumea .



Intimidate , faamataʻu. Into, i, i totonu.

LAS Jug, ipu faaofuofu. Juice, sua .

Intolerable, le maonosa‘i.

Jumble , soona nunumi.

Intoxication , onā. Intractable , le mataofia .

Jump, oso .

Intrepid , totoa .

Justice, amiotonu .

Intricate , faafelefele , faafelavci.

Justify , faatonu ; taʻuamiotonu . Justle, faafetoʻai.

Intrude, sau fua .

Just, tonu .

Intrust , tuu e taósi. Invade, oso atu .

Invalid , s. maʻi, vāivai.

Invert, v. faatao. Investigate, suíesu'e , faá'masino .

Keel, tă 'ele .

Invidious, e tupu ai le matau'a .

Keen , maai.

Invigorate, faamalosi.

Keep , taofi ; tausi, teoleo .

Invincible , e le mafai ona toilalo . Invisible , e le ma vaaia . Invite, valaau.

Keeper, leoleo.

Inundation , lolo . Invoke, valaąu atu . Inure , faamasani.

Kid , tamaʻi ʻoti.

Kernel, a'ano . Kick, a'a. Kidney, fatuga'o.

Inward , i totonu .

Kill, fasi, fasioti ; animals, fasimate. Kin , aiga.

Jocose, faianaga. Jog, tu 'itu'i.

Kindle, iŭtu , faamu.

Join, faasoo, faatasi.

King, tupu . Kinsman , aiga .

Joint, gaugāivi. Joke, ulaga. Jostle , feto ‘ai. Journey, malaga . Joy, 'oli'oli, fiafia .

Ire, ita ; (of chiefs) toasa. Irk , musų . Iron , uốamea . Iron , v . āuli. Ironical, faatauemu. Ironwood , toa . Irrecoverable , e le toe maua .

Kind , agalelei.

Kiss, sogi. Kitten , tama'i gosi. Knee, tulivae , Kneel, tootuli. Knife , polo , pena. Knock , tu 'i, ta . Knot, pona.

Know , iloa. Knuckle, tu'elima.

Irrefutable, e le māutali.

Irremediable, leai se togafiti. Labor , galuega mamafa . Irreproachable , e lē mataʻuleagaina . Languish , fuavāivai, faaivā . Irresolute , e faalemau le manatu . Languor, tino gagase . Lap , v . etoeto . Irreverent, lē migao, lē ava. Irreprehensible, e le aoaiina.

Irritate , faalili.

Larboard , i ama.

Island , nuu tuloto , nuu tutai. Issue, alu atu ; tafe ; iuga.

Lard , gă'o . Large, latele.

Itch , mageso . Itinerant, maumausolo .

Larynx, faai.

Judge, v. faamasino, faasala .

Lash , sasa .

Lascivious, matāitu .


Lass , teine. Last, tupito. Lasting , faavavau, anagata . Laud , vivii.

Laugh, 'ata 'ata ;.(to chiefs) soisoi. Laundress , tą ofu .

Law , tulafono.

Lawless, le taupulea , Lay, v . tuu .

LOF Liar, o le tala pepelo .


Liberal, matamau .

Liberty, saʻolotoga ; tuu faitalia . Libidinous, faamatāitu. License, tuu taitalia. Lick , etoeto.

Lid , ufi. Lie, s. tala pepelo . Lie , v . down , taoto ,

Lazy , paiē.

Life, olaga, ola ; (to chiefs) soifua,

Lead , s . pulu .

Lift , sii.

Lead , v. a . taʻitaʻi.

Light, s. malamalama.

Lead , v . n . muamua ,

Light, adj. māmā. ·

Leaf, lau .

Light, v. tặtu, faamu. Lighten, v . a. faamāmāsagia . Leak , mămă. Light-headed , faalemafaufau ; valea, Lean , v. lagolagos Lightning, uila. Lean , adj. tinovale ; of animals, Líke, pei, faapei, tusa . League, feagaiga.

pae'e, iviivia , Leap , “oso. Learn , a 'oa'o . Least, aupito itiiti, Leather, paʻu . Leave, s. tuu faitalią . Leave , v. tuu.

Leave off ! soia ! Leaven , faafetete . Leavings, toe mea .

Lecherous, faamatāitu.

Leer, faasiʻula (ona vaai ). Lees , "alu. Left ( side), taụagavale.

Leg , vae; (of a chief) aʻao. Legislator, faipule. Leisure, paganoa , nofo aunoa. Leisurely, faiſaiinalie . Lend, avatu e toe aumai. Length , umi.

Lengthen , v. faalevaleva .

Lenity , agamalū .

Like , v . manao .

Likeness, foliga . Limbo, fafa . Lime, panisina ; bird-lime, pulu. Lime-tree, tipolo . Limit, tuaoi; le mea e gata mai ai, Limp, v . setusetu . Limpid , manino. Line, fishing , taa, paala,

Lineage, gafa . Linger, faatuai. Liniment, vai mili.

Lip , laugutu ; lau. Liquefy, v. n . liu suavai, Liquid , faasuavai, Lisp, nanu.

Listen , faalogologo ; (to chiefs) faa fofoga.

Little , itiiti. Live, v. ola ; (chiefs') soifua, Liver, ate , finagalo. Lizard , pili,moo.

Less, e itïti lenei i leną. Lessen , faaitiiti. Lest, ina ne'i.

Lo ! faauta !

Let, allow , tuy.

Load , v. a gun, utu . Loaf, põtõi. Loathe, 'ino‘ ino. Lock , of hair, sope.

Let , hinder, faalavelave. Letter, mata -i-tusi; tusi. Level, laugatasi. Levity, talö . Lewd , faamataitu .

Load , amoga ; carried on the back, avega.

1 Lodge, v . a . api.

Lofty , maualuga,



Log, ogalaau . Loins, sulugātiti, tauupu . Loiter, tafatafao. Lonely , ausage. Long, umi, loloa; leva. Long , v. naunau , tinoū .

MAT Main , adj. sili. Main , s. vasa .

Maintain , taofi pea ; tausi.

Majority , le toatele. Maize, sana .

Make, fai.

Look, vaai ; to look into, suốesu’ e, Malady, ma‘i. Male, tane. iloilo . Malediction , fetuu, tu 'i. Look ! int. faauta ! Malefactor, pagota . Looking -glass, faaata.

Loose, tatala . Loosen, v. faamatagataga, faaʻoʻo.

Malice, faalotoloto. Man , tagata , tane.

Looseness, (diarrhea )manava tatā . Manage , v . n . pule. Mangle, faasaunoa . Manifest, aliali. Manifold , sautualasi. Mankind , tagata .

Lop, v. ta, sala. Loquacious, tautala soo. Lord , alii. Lose, le iloa. Loud , taalili. Love, alofa. Lounge, faapaiē. Louse , 'utu .

Manner, amio .

Mansion , maota. Manufacture, v . fai. Manumission , tu‘usaʻoloto .

Low , maulalo ; (not loud ) leo ititi. | Many, tele . Lower, v . tuutuu ifo .

Mar , v. faasaunoa.

Lower, v.n . faamalumalu ifo. Lowly, faamaulalo . Lucid , pupula .

Margin , tafatafa ; of a river or wa ter, auvai.

Mare , solofanua fafine.

Lucky, manuia , manū. Luff, mālaga. Lug, toso .

Mark , faailoga.

Lukewarm , faaleogalua.

Marsh , taufusiga. Marvel, le mea e ofo ai, vavega. Mash , or Mesh , matāupega . Massacre, soona fasioti. Mast, fanā . Master, alii ; of a family, matai;

Lull, v. a . faanoe. Lull, wind, moe , Lunatic , s. vale .

Lunatic , adj. valea, Lungs, māmā. Lure , mailei. Lurk , lamalama, lafi. Luxation , sere le ivi.

Luxuriant, uluola , tauluuluola ,

Marriage, faafalealiiga ; the man , faiavā ; the woman , nofo tane.

of a school, aoao ; of a dog , tau la .

Masticate , lamulamu.

Mat, papa ; sleeping mat,fala ; fine mat, ie toga.

Match, v. tutusa .


Matchless, ua tasi lava, e leai sona tusa .

Mad, valea, feʻai, faavalemalosi. Magnify , faatele ; vivii. Magnitude, latele. Maid , tāupou . Maidservant, auauna fafine. Maimed , mutu.

Mate, le toalua ; soāalii. Materials , mea e fai a'i. Matrimony, o le fai avā . Matron , matuā fafine. Matter, of a sore, alou ,

Mature, matua.



Might , malosi. Maybe, atonu . Meagre, tinovale ; animals, paeſe. Mild , filemu, agamalū . Mealy, mapo . Mildew , taetaepalolo . Mean , faatauvaa .

Milk , suāsusu .

Mean , v. manatu .

Milkyway, aniva . Mimic , faaa 'oa 'o .

Measure, fua . Measure , v . gafa . Mediate , pupulu . Mediator, puluvaga , Medicine, vai laau .

Mince, tipi ninii. Mind , atamai, mafaufau . Mind, v . faalogo. Mine, loʻu , la‘u , lota , lata.

Meditate, mafaufau.

Mingle, palu fefiloi.

Meek, agamalū .

Minister , auauna .

Meet, tatau .

Minority , o le toaitiiti.

Mint, mili. Meet, fetaia 'i, feiloa‘i. Meeting , faapotopotoga . Mīnute, adj. la itiiti. Meliorate , faafeoloolo , Mire , palapala . . Mellow , ota . Mirror , faaata . Mellow , v. faaotā . Mirth , 'ataʻata. Melt, fat, usi; metals, liu suāvai. Misapprehend , faalogoese , sesē . Memory, manatu . Misbecome, le tatau, le ono . Menace, faamataʻu . Misbehave, amio leaga, faalevao, Mend, toe teu ; a net, fai masae. Miscarry, păpā.

Mend, v . n . faafeoloolo.

| Mischievous, faasaunoa mea .

Mention , ta 'u .

Mercenary , manumanu , faifetaui. Merchant, le faatau oa .

| Misfortune, mala .

Merciful, alofa mutimutivale.

Merciless, le alofa, sauā. Merely , na ona . Meridian , tutonu o le la.

Merry, "ataʻata . Mesh , matā upega . Mess, v. “aai faatasi. Message, feau .

Miscount, faitau sesē . Misdemeanour, faasoesā . Miserable, malaia. Misgive, masalo.

Misguide, taʻitaʻi sese . .

Mishap , mala .

Misinform , faasesē. Misinterpret, faamatala ese. Mislead , faasesē . Mispend , maumau.

Misrepresent, tala pepelo . . Metal, u'amea . Miss, v . lē iloa , le maua ; sesē ; fer Metaphor, faatusa. Methought, fa te au ( perfect only ), silia ‘i.

always erroneously .

Missionary, faifeau.

Metropolis, laumua,tumua, le pule. | Mist, puao. Mistake, sesē . Midday, tutonu o le la . Midway, le tuluaga o le ala . Mistrust, masalo. Middle, i totonu , i loto, tuloto. Misunderstanding , maseiga. Misuse, faasaunoa. Middleaged , pate. Middling , faafeoloolo , faaleogalua. Mitigate , faamāmā, faafeoloolo , Midnight, tulua o po na ao. Mix, faafefiloi. Moan , oi. Midriff, ga‘o punipu. Midst, i totonu.

Mock , tauemu .

Midwife, le na te faatosaga le fa - Moderate, feoloolo. Dauga.

Modest, matā ma.

38 FLO Flourish , v . uluola . Flow , v. tafe . Flow , s. fana“e . Flower, fuga.

Fluent, in speech, māu upu. Fluid , s . sua . Flute, fagufagu .

Fly, v. lele, sola . Fly , s. lago. Foam , of the sea, pia pia ; from the . mouth , fāua. Foe, lē ita mai. Fog, puao . Foil, v. faiaina ( passive only). Fold , sautua (ustwofold , sautualua ). Follow ,, V . mulirnuli. Follower , soo . Folly , valea .


Formerly , anamua . Fornication, faitaaga. Forsake, tuulafoai. Fort, Solo .

Fortitude, loto tele , malosi. Fortunate, manuia .

Forty , e fa gafulu . Foster, v. tausi. Foul, eleelea, leaga .

Foundation , faavae, noʻopa. Founder, tofatumoanaina . Fountain , vai puna. Four, e fa , e soani.

Fourfold , sautuafa.

Fourfooted , vaefa .

Fourteen , e sefulu ma le fa. Fowl, moa.

Fowling piece , fana manu. .

Fragile, magaugofie, taʻegofie . Fond , faapelepele . Food, mea e 'ai ; (to chiefs) mea e Fragrant, manogi. Frail, võivai. taumafa . Fool, vale . Frame, v. fai.

Foot, vae ; ( to chiefs) aao. Footpath , ala .

Frantic, valemalosi. Fraud, pepelo.

For, mo, mia , ona o . Forage, faioso . Forbear, onosa‘i.

Frequent, soo.

Forbid , vavao.

Fresh , not salt , magalo ; new , four

Force, faamalosi.

Fretful, itagofie, tagivale.

Ford , asa .

Forefinger, lima tusi.

Friend , uo. Frighten , faamataʻu .

Forefoot, lima.

Fright, te‘i.

Forego , tuu atu .

Fringe, pau. Frisk , taalo.

Forehead , muaulu .

Free, sa 'oloto.

Freight, uta [o le vaa).

Foreign , papālagi ; cloth , āpapā - Frivolous, faatauvaa. lagi. Foreland , tolotolo. Foremost, muamua . Forenoon , oauli, aoauli, oatea . Forest, vaomatua, vao puanea, & c. Foretell, vavalo. Forget, galo .

From , mai, nai, ai. Front, i luma. Front, v . fesaga'i.

Frontier, tuaoi.

Froth , piapia ; from the mouth, fã ūa. Frown, faanounou mata .

Forgive, not to be angry with , loto | Frugal, faatoto mea. mălie ; in reference to punish - | Fruit, fua.

ment, faamagalo. Fork, tui. Forked , māgamaga. Forlorn , ausage .

Form , tino.

Fruitlessly , fai fua, noa. Frustrate, faaleaogā.

Fry, s. pine (a swarm of small fish es ). Fuel, fafie.


Fugh , interj. isa !


| Ginger, “avapui.

Fulil, taunuu .

Gird , fusi.

Fulgentumu. t, pupula .

Girl, teine.


Give, foai, avatu or a'umai.

Fumble , vāsivasi.

Glad, oli oli.

Fun , taaloga . Furbish, faapupula .

Glare, pupula . Glass, tioata.

Furious , faavalemalosi.

Glisten, pupula:

Furniture, ineā fale .

Globular, lapotopoto. Gloom , segisegi. Glorify, vivii. Glow , 'a'asa . Glutton , omomi, 'ai tele. Gnash , with teeth , lilivau. Guaw , gali.

Further, mamao .

Futile , le aogā. Future, atalī, amuli.

Fy , isa !


Go, alu , aga .

Gad, v. tafatafao. Galaxy, aniva. Gall, s. au . Gall, v. a . faatiga loto .

Gain , v . maua .

Gall, v. n . aia . Gambol, taalo.

Gaol, fale puipui. Gape, faamaga le gutu . Gargle, v . pūpū. Garment, 'ofu . Garnish , v . teuteu . Garrulous, tautala soo. Gash , manu'a.

Gasp, gaốe. Gateway , faitotoa . Gate , puipui. Gather , faaputu , faapotopoto . Gaze, pulato ‘a. Geld , faapo‘a .

God , Atua ; aitu . Godliness , amio -atua.

Goggleeyed , matasipa. Good , lelei. Gore , s. toto . Gore , v. sua . Gorge , v . ma‘ona a pa . Gossip , talanoa. | Govern , pule .

Government, malo ; le au faipule.“ Grace, alofa fua. Granulate, ea .

Grapple , fagatua . Grasp , “ uʻu .

Grass , mutia . Grate, olo . Grave, tuugamau . Gravestones, loa .

Gravel, 'ili'ili. Gravy, sua.

Greasy, lălă .

General, lautele, salalau, le faapito. Great, tele , latele. Generation , tupulaga, augā-tagata . | Greedy, faaumuumua. Gentle , filemu, agamalū . Green , usiusi, lau 'ava . Gentleman, alii. Greensickness , lopoto .' Genuine , moni. Greet, alofa . Germinate , tupu ; togo. Grey-hair, ulusinā. Get, maua.

Grieve, faanoanoa .

Ghost, aitu, agaga. Giddy, nipiva . Gift, mea alofa , mea foai fua. Gill, pāʻoʻo .

Grind, olo .

Gimlet, vili.

Grindstone, foaga. Gripe, v . a . ' u'u . Gripe, v . n . tutui.' Gristle, ua .




Gristly , fefena.

Halt, v . setu .

Groin , oi. Gron, tega. Grope, tautagotago.

Halve, v. vaeluagalemu. Hamper, v . faalavelave. Hand , lima ; (chiefs ') aao . Handful, luutaga.

Ground , eleele . Groundless , fua .

Handkerchief, solosolo .

Grow , tupu . Growl, gu. Grub , s. anufe .

Grudge, v. muimui. Grudge, s. faalotoioto .

Gruff, voice, leo pualii.

Handle , v. lote. Handle , s. 'au . Handsaw , 'ili. Handsome, manaia, 'aulelei (of men only ) ; lalelei. Hang, v. tautau .

Grumble , v. muimui.

Hank , i'o faa'afaga.

Grunt, 'uaʻua. Guard , v. leoleo . Guess, mate, taumate, taupē .

Hanker, naunau .

Guest, mālo . Guide, taʻitaʻia Guilty , nofo sala.

Gull , s. gogo. Gullet, alā 'ai.

Gulp , lotulotuinu. Gum , pulu . Gums, tainifo . Gun , fana. Gunpowder , one. Gunwale, oa .

Happy, manuia . Harangue, lauga , fetalaiga. Harbor , 'ava, taulaga. Hard , ma' a'a , mălo . Hardly, faigata .

Hark ! sei faalogo atu ! Harlot, o le fatine talitaşe. Harm , v. faatiga. Harpoon, tao uamea. Harsh, taste,'a'ava ; conduct, sauā. Haste, ů. faataalise, vave. | Hasty, in temper , itagofie .

Hat, pulou.

Gut, gaau , fifi.

Hatch , v. fofoa .

Gut, v. faatiau .

Hatchet, mătau, toʻi ; (to chiefs) faasagaese .

Hatchet face, isuvaa.

H HABIT, masani.

Hatchet-head, ulu to‘i. Hate, 'ino‘ ino. Have , maua.

Haughty , faasiasia , faamaualuga . Habitation , fale . Habitual, soo . Haul, toso . Haunch , nofoaga. Habituate, faamasani. Havock, faatafuna , faauma. Hack , v. tipi. Haze , asuasu . Haft , s. cau . Hair , fulufulu ; human head , lau- i He, o ia. Head, ulu ; (chiefs') ao . ulu ; (of a chief ) lauao. Hale, malosi.

Headland, tolotolo .

Half, vaeluaga, vaeluagalemu.

Headlong, titõifo .

Half- full, osaosa .

Headstrong , finauvale .

Heal, faamālolo . Half-way, tuluaga o le ala. tua ; on the decrease , matofitele . | Hear, faalogologo ; (to chiefs) faa fofoga. Hallow , faapaia , faasa .

Half moon , on the increase, matua - | Heap , faupu “ega , faula'iga .

Halo , li'o figota.



Heart, fatu ; seat of affections, lo - | Hoarse, fa le leo . Hobble, v. setusetu. to ; (to chiefs ) finagalo. Hog , puaa. Hearth, ta'igā-ah . Hoist, sisi i luga. Heat, vevela. Heathen , faapaupau .

Hold , taofi.

Heave , v . a . sii.

Hold ! interj. saʻua ! soia !

Heave, v. n . polepolevale, sapotu

Hole, pu , lua. Hollow , ‘oʻō .


Heaven, lagi. Heavy, mamafa .

Heel, mulivae. Height, maualuga. Helm , foeuli. Help , fesoasoani. Helve, 'au . Hem , afe. Hemorrhoids, sila -i lalo .

Home, aiga moni. .

Honor, v. áva. Hoof, atigivae. Hook, mātau .

Hooked, pi o. Hoop , taai ; piece of, tāivai. Hoop , v. manu, 'u'u u. Hope, faamoemoe, faatuatuagą . Horizon , tafatafa i lagi.

Hen, inatuā moa .

Horn , nifo.

Her, lona, lana. Herd , lafu . Here, i inei.

Horrible, mataʻutia . Horrified , mataʻutuia .

Hereafter, amuli.

Hospitable , talimale, tote .

Hero, toa .

Hot, vevela. Hotheaded, lotoa.

Herring, atuli. Hew , tuu. Hiccough , toomauna.

Hide , lafi, nā. Hide, s. paʻu .

Horse , solofanua .

Hover, faapepe. House, fale. Household , aiga .

High , maualuga.

Householder, matai. Housewarming ulufale

Highminded, faamaualuga.

How , faapefea ?

High -water, tumu le tai.

However , e ui ina mea.

Highway, alatele.

Howl, uio , tagi auē.


Hill, mauga.

Hug, fusi. Hillock, mauti'eti'e,maupu'epu'e. Huge, matuā tele. Hilt, 'au .

Hum , gū .

Him , ia te ia .

Humane, alofa .

Hinder , v. faalavelave.

Humble, faamaulalo . Humid , sū, mālūlū .

Hindermost, aupito i tua .

Hinge, faamau .

Humourous, faianaga.

Hint, taʻu faatafatafa .

Humpback, tuapi'o.

Hip,, suilapalapa. totogi. Hire His, lona, lana ; ona, ana. History , tala .

Hundred , selau.

Hit, v. a . ta.

Hurricane, afā .

Hit , v . n . lavea .

Hurry , v . faataalise.

Hunger, ha ai. Hunt, tuli. Hurl, lafo.

Hither and thitler, í leamea ma lea Hurt, v. faatiga. mea .

Hoard, v. faaputu.

Husband , tane.

| Hush , v . a . faanā




Hush ! interj. soia le pisa ! ſaalolo- | Implore, faatoga, ole, “ai'o . go ! respectfully , aua le toia le va ! Importune, nati, tauanau . Impose, as a burden , faaee. Husk, aputi, paʻu, pulu . Imposition , pepelo . Impossible , lē mafai. Husk , v. fofoe, mele‘i. Hut, fale 00 . Impotent, lē lavā . Huzza, ūóú ‘ū. Imprecate, tu 'i, ſetuu . Improper, lē tatan . Hymn, pese, vii. Improve, v . n . tauāu ina lelei . Hypocrisy, pepelo. faufau Hush -up , tanu, ufiufi.

. Imprudent, faalēma Impudent, mata lē mā.

Impunity , lē sala .

Impure, leaga. 1, o aʻu .

In , i.

Jagg, faagafoafoa.

Inability , lē lavā.

Jangle , tauaiupu.

Inaccessible, of persons, nofogatā ; places, lē masaofia . Inactive, paiē.

Jargon , nanu .

Jaw , ivi auvae. Idiot, vale . Idle , paie.

Inarticulate , lē matala, nanu.

Jeer , tauemu.

Incapable, lē mafai, lē lavā . Incarnate, tino tagata. Incessant, soo , le aunoa.

Jest, ulaga .

Incest, faivale .

If, afai, a. Ignite , faamu, tŭtă .

Incision, tuu. Incisor, muānifo. Incite, faaoso. Inclined , sapa . Include, pupuni.

Jealous, fuā ; matau´a.

Ignorant, valea. Jingle, v. faatagitagi. III, bad, leaga ; sick, ma'i. Image, faatagata. Imagine, fa (as fa te aʻu ). Imbolden , faalototele . Imitate, faaaoao.

Incomparable, silisili ese , e leai sona tusa .

Incompatible, lē tutusa. Incompetent, lē mafai. Incomplete , lē atoatoa.

Immature, of fruit, moto . Incomprehensible, e le nafai ona iloa. Immerse, faagoto ; fufui. Immortal, ola pea , e le āu oti. Incongruous, e lē tusa. Immoveable , lē mafaagaeetia , mau Inconsiderable, faatauvaa . . salī. Inconsistent, lē tatau, lē ono . Immunity , taga . Inconsolable, faanoanoa pea lava . Immutable, e le au liua. Inconstant, faalotolotolua, e le tu Immediately , adv. loa.

Impartial, lē faniloga, lē faapito .

mau .

Incorrect, lē tonu .

Impatient, lē ma onosa‘i. Impede, faalavelave.

Incorrigible, vaogată .

Impel, faaoso . Imperfect , le atoatoa . Imperious, faaalii. Impertinent, faasiasia.

Incumber, faasoesa, faalavelave.

Indecent, matagā.

Impetuous, osovale, faamalosi. Implant, toto .

Indefatigable , lē au musu , toaga . Indefinite, faaletonu.

Increase , tupu .

Indeed , e moni, lava .

INT ÍND 43 Indelible, e le matafi. Innumerable, e le mafaitaulia . Indelicate, le mā. Inquire , fesili. Indemnify , taui. Insane, vălea. Indetermined , le iloga se mea e fai. Insatiable, e le ma‘ona. Indicate, faailoa . Insecure, e lemau (of anything with Indifferent, faalenaunau . fastenings). Indigent , mativa . Inseparable, e le mateʻaeseese. Indignant, toasa, lili, mateilili. Inside, i totonu , i fale. Indignity, faaleagaina. Insignificant, faatauvaa, Indirect, faalesa'o, faatafatafa . Insincere, lē faamaoni. Indiscreet, faalemafaufau . Insinuate, faalića. Indiscriminate, e le faailogaina. Insipid , lē manogi. Indisposed , mentally, e le mafai, Insist, finau, tausisi. musu ; bodily , ma‘i. Insnare, selē, mailei. Indistinct, of an objectof sight, faa - | Insolent, faasiasia . lepupula ; of sound , faalelagona . Inspect, iloilo . Indolent, musu , paiē. Inspire, v . n . mānava . Industrious, gao. Inspire, v. a. faamatalaloto . Instability , faaletumau. Inebriate, onā. Instantly , loa . Inefficacious, lē aogā . Ineloquent, le mau upu. Instead , e sui ai. Inevitable , e le ma 'alo . Instigate , faaoso . Inexhaustible, e le uma, e le mate. Institute, faatu . Inexpedient, e faaletatau . Instruct , aʻoaʻo. Inexperienced , e le iloa ; e lemasa Instrument, o le mea e fai aʻi, ni. Insufferable, lē maonosa‘i. Inexpert, vasivasi. Insufficient, lē lāva. Infallible , e le masesē. Insult, v. soli, faaleaga . Infamous, taʻuleagaina. Insupportable , lē maonosa 'i, Infant, tama meamea . Insurrection , fouvale . Iofect, faapipisi. Intention , manatu . Inter, tanu. Inferior, faatauvaa , le tusa . Infinite, e leai se mea e gata mai ai. | Intercede , pupulu . Infirm , vaivai. Intercept, pupuni, sisi'o. Inform , v . n . taʻu . Infringe, soli.

Interchange , fesuia'i. Interdict, vavao .

Ingratitude , agavale.

Interior, i loto, i totonu..

Inhabit, mau , nofo .

Intermediate, vailoto.

Inhale , mānava.

Interminable , le āu iu .

Inheritance , tofi.

Internal, i totonu. Interpose, pupulu . Interpret, faamatala . Interrogate , fesili. Interrupt, faalavelave.

lohuman , sayā. Iniquity , amioletonu . Injunction , poloaiga , fetalaiga. Injure, faasaunoa . Injustice, amioletatau . Ink , vaitusi. Inland , i uta , gauta .

Inlander, utāfanua . Inmost, i totonu .

Interval, va . Interview , feiloa'i.

Intestine, s. gaau . Inthrall, faapologa. Intimate, fefaanoa'i, faaaumea .


INT Intimidate , faamataʻu .

LAS Jug, ipu faaofuofu .

Into , i, i totonu.

Juice, sua .

Intolerable, le maonosa i.

Jumble, soona nunumi.

Intoxication , onā . Intractable , le mataofia .

Intrepid , totoa .

Jump, oso . Just, tonu. Justice , amiotonu .

Intricate, faafelefele, faafelavei.

Justify, faatonu ; taʻuamiotonu .

Intrude, sau fua .

Justle, faafeto‘ai.

Intrust, tuu e taósi. Invade, oso atu .

Invalid , s. ma‘i, vāivai. Invert, v . faafao . Investigate, suřesure, faámasino . Invidious, e tupu ai le matau 'a .

Keel, tă 'ele. Keen, maai.

Invigorate, faamalosi. Invincible, e le mafai ona toilalo.

Keep, taofi ; tausi, leoleo .

Invisible , e le ma vaaia .

Kernel, a'ano.

Invite, valaau .

Kick , aʻa.

Inundation , lolo .

Kid, tamaʻi ʻoti. Kidney, fatuga o. Kill, fasi,fasioti; animals, fasimate. Kin , aīga.

Invoke, valaau atu .

Inure , faamasani. Inward , i totonu.

Jocose, faianaga. Jog , tu'itu 'i. Join , faasoo, faatasi. Joint, gāugāivi.

Keeper, leoleo. .

Kind , agalelei.

Kindle, tútu, faamu. King, tupu. Kinsman , aiga . Kiss, sogi.

Joke, ulaga . Jostle, feto ‘ai. Journey, malaga.

Kitten, tama'i gosi.

Joy, 'oli'oli, fiafia . Tre , ita ; (of chiefs) toasa .

Kneel, tootuli.

Irk , musų .

Knock, tu 'i, ta . Knot, pona, Know , iloa .

Iron , u 'amea .

Iron, v. āuli. Ironical, faataúemu.

Knee, tulivae.

Knife, polo, pena. Knuckle , tu 'elima.

Ironwood, toa. Irrecoverable, e le toe maua . Irrefutable, e le māutali. Irremediable, leai se togafiti.

Irreprehensible , e lē aoaiina. Jrreproachable , e lê mataʻuleagaina. Irresolute, e faalemau le manatu . Irreverent, lē migao, lē ava. Irritate, faalili.

LABOR , galuega mamafa . Languish, faavāivai, faaivā . Languor, tino gagase . Lap , v. etoeto .

Issue, alu atu ; tafe ; iuga .

Larboard , i ama. Lard , gă'o . Large, latele .

Itch , mageso . Itinerant, maumausolo .

Larynx, faai. Lascivious, matäitu .

Judge, v. faamasino, faasala .

Lash , sasa.

Island, nuu tuloto, nuu tutai.


Lass, teine. Last, tupito . Lasting, faavavau, anagata . Laud, vivii. Laugh, ‘ataʻata ; (to chiefs) soisoi.



Liar , o le tala pepelo . Liberal, matamau .

Liberty, sa‘olotoga ; tuu faitalia . Libidinous, faamatāitu. License, tuu taitalia.

Laundress , ta ofu . Law , tulafono.

Lick , etoeto .

Lawless, le taupulea,

Lie, s. tala pepelo .

Lay, v . tuu .

Lie, v . down , taoto .

Lid , ufi.

Lazy, paie .

Life, olaga , ola ; (to chiefs) soifua ,

Lead , s. pulu .

Lift, sii. Light, s. malamalama. Light, adj. māmā . Light, v . tặtu , faamu. Lighten, 2. a . faamāmāsagia .

Lead , v. a . taʻitaʻi.

Lead , v . n . muamua , Leaf, lau .

League, feagaiga. Leak, mămă.

Light-headed , faalemafa ufau ; valea ,

Lightning, uila . Lean , adj. tinovale ; of animals, Like, pei, faapei, tusa .

Lean, v . lagolago

pae'e, iviivia . Leap, 'oso .

Learn , a 'oaʻo.

Least, aupito itiiti, Leather, paʻu .

Leave, s. tuu faitalią .

Like, v . manao.

Likeness , foliga. Limbo, fafā . Lime, panisina ; bird -lime, pulu . Lime- tree, tipolo . Limit , tuaoi; le mea e gata mai ai,

Leave, v. tuu. Leave off ! soia ! Leaven , faafetete. Leavings, toe mea .

Line, fishing, taa , paala ,

Lecherous, faamatāițu . Leer, ſaasiʻula (ona vaai). Lees, 'alu . Left (side), tayagavale.

Liniment, vai mili.

Limp, v. setusetu . Limpid , manino.

Lineage, gafa .

Linger, faatuai. Lip , laugutu ; lau .

Leg, vae ; (of a chief) aʻao.

Liquefy, v. n . liu suavai, Liquid, faasuavai,

Legislator, faipule .

.Lisp, nanu.

Leisure, paganoa, nofo aunoa. Leisurely, faiſaiinalie.

Listen , faalogologo; (tochiefs)faa

Lend , avatu e toe aumại. Length , umi. Lengthen , v . faalevaleva. Lenity, agamalū . Less , e itüiti lenei i leną. Lessen , faaitiiti.

Lest, ina ne'i.

Let, allow , tuu. Let, hinder, faalavelave. Letter, mata-i-tusi ; tusi. Level, laugatasi.

fofoga. Little , ititi. Live, v. ola ; (chiefs') soifua , Liver, ate, finagalo . Lizard , pili, moo . Lo ! faauta !

Load, amoga ; carried on the back , avega. Load , v. a gun, utu . Loaf, põtõi.

Loathe, fino‘ino. Lock , of hair, sope.

Levity, talö .

Lodge, v . a . api.

Lewd, faamatāițu .

Lofty , maualuga,


46 LOG Log , ogalaan . Loins, sulugātiti, tauupu . Loiter, tafatafao. Lonely , ausage . Long , umi, loloa ; leva .

Maize , sana.

Long , v. naunau , tinoū .

Make, fai.

Main , adj. sili. Main , s. vasa . Maintain , taofi pea ; tausi.

Majority , le toatele.

Look , vaai ; to look into, suốesu 'e, Malady , ma‘i. iloilo.

Male , tane.

Look ! int. faauta !

Malediction , fetuu , tuói.

Looking -glass, faaata.

Malefactor , pagotā . Malice, faalotoloto .

Loose, tatala .

Loosen , v. faamatagataga , faaʻoʻo . Looseness, (diarrhæa )manava tatā . Lop , v . ta , sala. Loquacious, tautala sog. Lord , alii.

Lose, le iloa . Loud, taalili. Love, alofa .

Man, tagata, tane. Manage, v. n . pule. Mangle, faasaunoa . Manifest, aliali. Manifold , sautualasi. Mankind , tagata, Manner, amio. Mansion , maota .

Manufacture , v . fai. Lounge, faapaiē . Manumission , tu 'usaʻoloto. Louse, 'utu. Low , maulalo ; (not loud ) leo itiiti. Many, tele. Mar, v. faasaunoa. Lower, v. tuutuu ifo . Lower, v, n . faamalumalu ifo . Mare, solofanua fafine. Lowly, faamaulalo . Margin , tafatafa ; of a river or wa

ter, auvai.

Lucid , pupula . Lucky, manuia ,manū,

Mark, faailoga.

Luff , mālaga .

Marriage, faatalealiiga ; the man ,

Lug , toso .

Lukewarm , faaleogalua. Lull, v. a . faamoe . Lull, wind , moe, Lunatic , s. vale . Lunatic , adj. valea .

Lungs, māmā.

faiavā ; the woman , nofo tane.

Marsh , taufusiga. Marvel, le mea e ofo ai, vavega. Mash , or Mesh , matāupega . Massacre, soona fasioti.

Mast, fanā .

Master , alii ; of a family , matai ;

Lure , mailei.

of a school, aoao ; of a dog, tau

Lurk , lamalama , lafi.

la .

Luxation , se 'e le ivi.

Masticate, lamulamu.

Luxuriant, uluola , tauluuluola ,

papa; sleepingmat, fala ; fine Mat, mat, ie toga. Match , v. tutusa .

M Mad , valea, ferai, faavalemalosi. Magnify, faatele ; vivii.

Magnitude, latele . Maid , tāupou . Maidservant, auauna fafine. Maimed , mutu .

Matchless, ua tasi lava , e leai sona tusa . Mate , le toalua ; soāalii. Materials , mea e fai a 'i. Matrimony, o le fai avā. Matron , matuä fafine. Matter, of a sore, alou . Mature, matua.



Maybe, atonu . Might, malosi. Meagre , tinovale ; animals, pae'e. Mild , filemu, agamalū . Mealy , mapo. Mildew , taetaepalolo . Mean, faatauvaa . Milk , suāsusu . Milkyway , aniva . Mean , v . manatu . Measure , fua . Mimic , faaaʻoaʻo . Measure, v . gafa . Mediate, pupulu . Mediator, puluvaga , Medicine, vai laau . Meditate, mafaufau . Meek , agamalū .

Meet, tatau.

Meet, fetaia 'i, feiloa‘i.

Mince, tipi ninii.

Mind, atamai, mafaufau . Mind, v. faalogo. Mine, loʻu, la ‘u , lota , lata . Mingle , palu fefiloi. Minister, auauna. Minority , o le toaitiiti.

Meeting , faa potopotoga . Meliorate, faafeoloolo ,

Mint, mili. Minute, adj. la ititi. Mire, palapala. .

Mellow , otā .

Mirror , faaata .

Mellow , v. faaotā . Mirth , 'ata'ata. Melt, fat, usi; metals, liu suāvai. Misapprehend , faalogoese , sesē . Memory, manatu . Menace, faamataʻu . Mend , toe teu ; a net, fai masae.

Misbehave, amio leaga , faalevao, Miscarry, păpā.

Mend, v. n . faafeoloolo.

Mischievous, faasaunoa mea.

Mention , ta'li. Mercenary , manumanu , faifetaui. Merchant, le faatau oa. Merciful, alofa mutimutivale . Merciless, le alofa , sauā . Merely , na ona . Meridian , tutonu o le la. . Merry, Wata'ata .

Mesh , matā upega. Mess, v . aai faatasi.

Misbecome, le tatau , le ono.

Miscount, faitau sesē.

Misdemeanour, faasoesā . Miserable, malaia. Misfortune, mala . Misgive, masalo .

Misguide, taʻitaʻi sese. Mishap, mala. Misinform , faasesē. Misinterpret, faamatala ese. Mislead , faasesē .

Metal, u'amea .

Mispend , maumau . Misrepresent, tala pepelo . .

Metaphor, faatusa .

Miss, v. lē iloa, lē maua ; sesē ; fe

Message, feau .

Methought, fa te au (perfect only),


Missionary, faifeau. always erroneously. . Metropolis, laumua, tumua, le pule . | Mist, puao . Midday, tutonu o le la . Mistake, sesē. Midway, le tuluaga o le ala. Mistrust, masalo. Middle, i totonu , i loto , tuloto . | Misunderstanding, maseiga. Middleaged , pate. Misuse, faasaunoa . Middling , faafeoloolo , faaleogalua. Mitigate , faamāmā, faafeoloolo , Midnight, tulua o po nia ao. Mix , faafefiloi. Midriff, ga‘o punipu. Moan , oi. Midst, i totonu. Mock , tauemu. Midwife , le na te faatosaga le fa - Moderate, feoloolo .


| Modest, matā ma.



Moist , mälūlū .

Molest , faalili, faasoesa. Mollify, faamolemole, faalaulelei. Money, tupe . Month , masina . Monument, lua .


Mutelate | Muti , faalolo go, lē gagana. faamutu. ,

Mutiny, fouvalega . Mutter, v. n . muimui.

Moody, ita .

Mutual, fe prefixed, and a'i, i, or ani suffixed , (as fealofani, mutuul

Moon , masina , mauli .

Muzzle, gutu.

Moor , taufusiga .

My, loʻu , laʻu , lota , lata . Myriad, manomānā . Myself , aʻu lava.

Moral, amiolelei.

More, e sili. Morning , taeao. Morning -star, fetuao. Morrow , taeao . Morsel , mama e tasi, momoʻi mea . Moss, limu.


N Nail

lima; fao. Most , e sili ona tele, e aupito tele , Naked, ,atigi telefua , telenoa , le lavalavā . Moth , pepe. Name, igoa ; ( chief's) suafa . Mother , tină . Nape, tua ua.

Mother of-pearl, tifa .

Motherly , fafine fai tama. Motion , gāoioi.

Mould , pologā ; eleele . Moulder, liu efuefu .

Moult, funa, maulu o fulu . Mount , v . a'e ; tietie . Mountain , mauga . Mourn , faanoanoa.

Narrate , taʻu , talatala . Narrative, tala .

Narrow, lau itiiti ; va apiapi. Nation , nuu. Navel, pute. Naughty, leaga, vaogata , ulavale, Nauseate , 'ino‘ino . Nautilus, sesēma.

Nasty, leaga, eleelea .

Mouth , gutu ; (to chiefs) fofoga.

Navy, fua vaa .

Mouthful, mămă. Much , tele.

Nay, e leai.

Mucky, savasava .

Mucous, vavale . Mud , palapala .

Muddy , v. faanenefu , faagaepu.

Neap tide, masa toto . Near, latalata . Nearly , tāi, tāli (as tāli oo), Neat, matagofie , teu lelei. Necessary , ao , tatau .

Mulberry, paper , tutuga. Neck , ua. Multiply , faatupu ; faatele , Neckcloth , fusi ua . Multitude, vao (as o le vao tagata ). Neckerchief, fusi ua.

Mumble, nanu . Munificent, matamau.

Murder, fasioti tagata , fasi fua . Murderous, toto lima. Murmur , muimui.

Muscle , canogase , a 'ano .

Muscle, fish , tofe. Muse , v . mafaufali.

Musket, fana.

Musty , polopologā. Mutable , fefoifoia 'i, faaletumau.

Necklace, asoa. , au . Needle-work , suʻi ofu. Neglect, faatamala. Neighbour, tuaoi. Neighbourly , tuaoi lelei, Nest, ofaga .

Need, mạtiva ; aogā. Needle

Net, upega . Nether, i lalo .

Nettle, ogoga.

NET Nettle, v . faalili.


Now , nei.

Nowadays, nei ona po . Nevertheless, e ui ina mea . Neuter, solitū (applied only to lands Noxious , soesā , faatiga . not joining a war).

Nudity, teletua, le lavalava . .

New , fou .

Nuisance, soesā .

Next, aupito ane.

Nullify, tatąla , faaleaoga.

Niggard, Timavale .

Numb, pē , gase . Number, v. faitau . Numberless, le masino.

Nigh, latalata . Night, po . Nightly, o lea po ma lea po. Nimble, vae vave, Nie, ivą .

Numerous, tele. Nurse, v . tausi. Nut, cocoa, niu.

Ninefold , sautuaiva .

Nutmeg , atone.

Nineteen , e sefulu ma le iva. Ninety , e iva gafulu . Nip, ini. Nipple , matā susu. No, e leai; (prohibitory ) ‘aua. Noble, adj. sili. Nobody, e leai se taşi.

Nutshell, ipi niu . Nutrient, mea e 'ai,

Oar, foe papalagi. Vath , tauto. Noise, of things, paʻō ; of voices, Obdurate , loto maaa , finauvale. pisa Nod , nego .

Noisome, soesā, leaga ; elo.

Obey, usiusitai, anaana, gauai. Object, v. lē mafai, vavao.

Nominate, taʻų. None, e leai.

Obliging, agalelei, alofa .


Obscene, matagā, mạtāitu .

Nonplus, v. fememea'i.

Obscure, pouliuli.

Noon , tutonu o le la . Noose , matāsele. Nor, lē followed by pe or po. North , itu imātū ; wind , mātā .

Observe, vaavaai; faalogo, taust.

Nose , isu ; ( chief 's) fofoga.

Obstruct, pupuni. Obtain , maua . Obtrusive, faasoesā .

Nostril, pogai isy . Not, e leai .

Obstacle, faalavelave. Obstinate, finauvale.

Obstreperous, pisapisao . | Obvious, pupula mai, iloa tine.

Notch, tipi.

Note, vaavaai lelei ; faalogologo. Noted taʻua

, . Nothing , e leai se mea .

Occasion , le mea na tupu ai. Occult, lilo. Occupation , e mau ai; faiva.

Notice, vaavaai; faalogologo ; ma ! Occupy, v . mal . natu . Ocean, vasa . Notify, ta 'u atu . Odd , faisoa (of cocoanuts ). Odious, 'inosia . Notion , manatu . Notorious, lau iloa. Odour, sweet, namu lelei, manogi: bad, namu leaga .

Notwithstanding , e ui lava , Novel, fou . Nought, leai se ipea, Novice, le inasani. Nourish , fafaga .

Nourishnient, na e 'ai.

Of, o , a .

Off, ese (as lele ese, to fly off"). Offence, mea e tausuai ai; agasa 'a. Offend, faatiga le loto , agasala , •

Offer, folafola ; avatu .

OFF 50 Offering, taulaga.

PAD | Overawed , mataʻutuia.

Offspring, fanau. Often , soo.

Ogle, vaai faasiʻulā .

i Overcast, of day,lagilagiā ; ofnight, lagivalea . Overcome, manumālē ; ( passive) faiaina , toilalo .

Oh ! oi !

Overflow , oso. Old , leva, loa ; man, toeaina ; wo Overhang, faamalumalu . man , loomatua . Overhead, i luga. Overlook , vaavaai ifo . Omen , faailoga, sāsā. Oil, uʻu, suāuru.

On, prep . i luga , i. On , adv . i luma.

Overmuch , silisili ese. Overplus, mea ua totoe.

Once , faatasi, atu tasi.

Overpower, faatoilalo . Overrun , v . n . soloa , ufitia , osofia .

One, tasi. Onerous, mamafa . Only, tau , na o. Onward , i luma.

Ooze, v. tafetafe ninii. Opaque, nenefu , le manino.

Overset, fuli. Overshade, faapaolo . Oversleep, moeloa . Overspread, soloa , ufitia.' | Overtake, maua atu or mai.

Open , tatala .

Openhanded , lima įelei, matamau.

Overthrow, fuli ilalo ; tuli ; faatoi lalo.

Opening, avanoa .

Overturn , lafotu , fuli i lalo.

Openly, faaaliali.

Ought, tatau , tusa. Our, (dual) lo or la māua or tāua ; (pl.) inatou , & c.

Ophthalmy, ma'imata .

Opinion , manatu, taofi. Opponent, le finau mai. Opportune, tatau lelei, feagai.

Oppose , tetee , faalavelave, finau . Opposite, feagai, fesagai. Oppress, faasaua. Option , tuu faitalia . Opulence, mauog. Or, po , pe. Orange , moli.

Ourselves, o imatou lava, or tatou , tāua , and māua. Oust, tuli, fao.

Out, i fafo , i tua.

Out of, prep. nai, mai, ai. Outcast , s. taasē, tulia , faatevainą. Outcry, uio. Outdo, faiaina. Outer , i fafo . ,

Qration, lauga ; (chief's) fetalaiga, Outlet, s. avanoa, ala ; pu. afioga

. Orator, failauga . • Ordain , totofi, faatu. Ørder, sauniga , pule , poloaiga, fe-

Outrage, faaleaga.

Outright, loa ; matua. Outroot, lia‘i. Outrun , lo

talaiga ; a rank or class, vasega. Outsail, { (pass.) pa tuuna. Outside, i fafo , le tua.

Order, v . faj atu, pule, poloai. Ordure , tae, oțaota ,

Outward , i faſo .

Orifice , pu .

Owe, le tauia.

Origin , le meą na tupu ai, le ama Own , e õna, e āna, & c. taga.

Owner, le ona, lē āna .

Ornament, teuga ; personal, tihigą. Orphan , mātua oti. Ostentatious, faalialia . Other, le tasi, le isi. Oven , umu.

Over, i lugą.

Pacity , faalaulelei, faamolemole. Paddle , v. taụalo , alo .



Paddle, s. foe.

Passage, ala.

u. Pagan, faapaupau.

Passenger, āuoso, auee. Passing, adj. silisili, matuā .

Page, itu laupepa . Pain , tiga .

Paint, vali.

Fair, e lua ,one pair ; e lua oa, two pairs, & c . (of pigs and nuts ) ; uluga (of men and birds). Pale, sesega . Pale , ai.


Passion , lotoa. Past , mavae atu .

Pastime, faataaloga.

Pat, s. po. Pat, adj. tatau .

Patch , s. fono. Pate, ulu .

Paling, Palliate, faamāmā. Palm , fan -palm , niupiu .

Patience,onosa'i, faatoatca , faapale

Palm , of the hand, alofilima . Palpable , tino.

Patriotism , lotonuu.

Path , ala . pale. Pattern , faaaʻoaʻo .

Palpitate , sapotuvale, polepolevale. Paucity, itiiti. Palsy, supa. Pave, tanu , fofola i maa. Paltry, faatauvaa. Paunch , manāva; (chief's) alo. Pander, soa . Paw , lima. Pang , tiga .

Pant, ga‘ega'e. Pap, matāsysu.

Papaw , esi. Parable, faataoto .

Pay, totogi, taui. Peace ! int. faalologo ! (to chiefs )

Peace, ola le taua ; filemu. aua le toia le va ! Peak , tumutumu.

Parade, faalialia .

Peal, taalili, gogolo.

Paralytic, supa. Paramount, silisili.

Pearl ( in the eye) muālili .

Parcel, taʻui, taʻuióui, afī. Parch , pa'a 'a , faamu.

Peck, togi. Peculiar, adv. faapito , fuatasi.

Pedigree, gafa . Pardon, remitting a punishment, Peel, v. fofo ‘e, fisi. Peel,'s . paʻu . faamagalo . Pardon me, vaeane oe.

Pare, fisi. Parent, mātua .

Parley, fai fetalaiga.

Peep , tilotilo. Peerless, e leai sona tusa . Peevish , itagofie , ' ote 800 .

Pelt, togi, fetogi. Penalty , sala .

Paroxysm , purega . Paroquet , sega . Parsimonious, limavale .

Pendant, tautau .

Part, nisi, se mea e tasi, tufaaga.

Penetrate , ati (when it passes quite

Part, v . tufatufa , tuu eseese .

Part, v. n . faamāvae. Partake, e rnaua se mea, au mea .

through ). Penitence, salamo. Pensive , faanoanoa .

Partial, faapito alofa . Partially , e le soo, e le atoatoa . Participate , āu mea .

Penthouse, faase' e. People, nuu . Peopled, aina ( puss. )

Partition, tufatafaga.

Peradventure , atonu . Perceive, iloa .

Partner , le toalua .

Pending , faaletonu .

Party, é au faatasi. Perch , tula . Pass , v, alu ane ; sopo atu , alu loa. Perchance, atonu .



Perdition , malaia, maumau. Perfect , atoatoa .

Perfidious, faalata. Perforate, ati.

Përforce, faamalosi. Perform , fai. Perfume, s. mea manogi.


| Pipe, ( pandean ) faaili. Pique, faaitaita . Pish ! isa ! Pismire, loi. Pit, lua . Pitchi, pulu .

Pitch, v. puluti.

Perhaps, atonu.

Pith , uso .

Perish , fano.

Pitiful, alofa mulimutivale ; faatau .

Perjury , tauto pepelo.

vaa .

Permanent, tuniau , anagata .

Pitsaw, ili tele.

Permit, tuu.

Pity, alofa mutimutivale .

Perpetual, faavavaụ . Perplex, faalavelave. Perplexedness, fememeai. Persecute, faašauā .

Placable , e faamolemole gofie .

Perseverę , finatinau, tausisi, filigā. Persist, finafinau.

Place, inea , nuu, fasi. Place , v . tuu ; upon , faaee.

Placid , filemu. Plague, faama‘i.

Person , tagata .

Plague, v . faalili, faasoesā . Plain , laugatasi ; pupula .

Perspicuous, malamalama.

Plaint , aue .

Perspire , afu . Persuade, taufofo .

Plan , togafiti; faautauta .

Perturbation , atuatuvale . Perverse , finauvale, faapi'opi-o. Peruse, faitau. Pest, soesā . Pestilence, faama‘i. Pet, animal, lagafao ; men , pele.

Plant, v . toto. Plantation ,' faato‘aga, maumaga, to (as tofaʻi).

Petition , ole , talosaga. Petty, ſaatauvaa .

Phantom , aitu . Physician , foma‘i. Physic, vailaau. " Pick , filifili.

Plait, lalaga . Plane, olo . Plank, laupapa .

Plantain , faʻi, moē , soa 'a .

Plaster, panisina ; vai fusi. Plat, v. lalaga. Plat or plot, se fasi fanua. Plaudit, faaneeneega , tini. Play, taalo . Plaster , v. vali.

Piece, fāsi."

Plead , fautua .

Pierce, tutu ' i.

Pleasant, faa fiafia , malie .

Pig , puaa ; (to chiefs) alou.

Please , faalotolelei, faafiaha.

Pigeon , lupe. Pile , v. faupuée, faula'i.

Plebeian, tagatā nmu , tagata lautele. Plenty, tele, taumafa . Pliant, vavai; faigohe.

Piles, sila -i-lalo . Pilfer , gaoi.

Pill, vai folo . Pill, v. ( peel) fofo ‘e, fisi.

Plot, pulepulega . Pluck , segi, fufuti. Plug , momono.

Pillage, vete .

Plumage, fulufulu .

Pillow , native, ali ; soft, alyga .

Plump, puta ; animals, peti,

Piniple , poʻu .

Plunder , vete .

Pinch , una.

Plunge, v. 01. lolomi.

Pine, v. soloalofa.

Plunge, v . n . oso .

Pine-apple , tala .

· Ply, tausisi, tinafinau .


Pod, atigi.


| Precipice, tofē.

Poet, fatupese.

Precipitate , tito .

Point, mata .

Predict, vavalo . Preeminent, silisili. Prefer, filitaa.

Point, v. n . tusi, faasino .

Poison, v. a. faaonā, onā (puss.) Polish , faapupula . Polite, amio -alii.

Pollute , faaleaga.

Pregnant, to .

Prepare, sauni; for a journey, ta oso.

Polygamy, taunonofo.

Preposterous, sesē , o le ulaga.

Pomp, faalialia .

Presage, iite, vavalo .

Pond, lepa. Ponder , mafaufau .

Presence, i luma; ( to chiefs ) al

Ponderous, mamafa .

Prescribe, pule. afioga.

Present, v . eiai. Poor , mativa ; faatauvaa . Pop , pā . Present, at; nei. Populace, tagatā nuu, tagata lau Present, s. inea alofa , mea foa'i tele .

Popular, manaomia , alofagia . Populous, tagatā . Pork, puaa.

Porpoise , munua . Port, taulaga. Portent, sāsā , faailoga . Portion , food, tufaaga . Pose , v. faafemtemeai.

Possess, maua .

Possible , mafai. Post , pou .

fua .

Present, v. avatu, foai atu . Presently , nanei, nanei nei.

Preserve, faaola , faasao . Preside, pule . Press, oomi; lolomi ; tauanau.

Presume, fa (as fa te ia ).

Pretend, faatagā. Pretty, lalelei, matagofie, manaia . Pretty , adv. feoloolo . Prevail, manumālo . Prevaricate , pepelo.

Posteriors , muli, nofoaga .

Prevent, taofi, faalavelaye, vavao.

Posterity , tupulaga amulī. Postpone , tolo , faatuai, faatamala . Potent, malosi. Poverty , mativa . Pound , v. tu ‘i. Pour, liligi, sasaa .

Previous, muamua , mua 'i.

Pride, faamaualuga . Priest, faitaulaga .

Powder, (gun) one.

Prime, le mea sili.

Power , pule , malosi, mana .

Prince; alii, alo o le tupu .

Powerful, malosi, mamana.

Practice, masani.

Principal, sili. Print,'s. faailoga ; of a foot,tulaga

Practise, v. faamasani. Praise, faaneenee , vivii, faalupe.

Prior; muamua, mua 'i, lua 'i.

Prate, tautala soo .

Pray, tatalo , faatoga , ole, aioi. Prayer, talosaga. Preach, lauga. Precarious, faaletonu. Precede, muamua.

Price, tau , totogi. Prick , tui. Prickly , tuitui, talatala .


Prison, fale puipui. Privilege, tofi. Privy, fale ui, maliuga.

Private, lilo ; toatasi, na ‘o . Probable, ai lava , atonu. Probation , faataʻitaʻi.

Precept, poloaiga .

Probity, faamaoni.

Precious, aogā tele.

Proceed , alu atu.

INT Intimidate, faamataʻu . Into, i, i totonu. Intolerable , le maonosa ‘i. Intoxication , onā . Intractable , le mataofia . Intrepid , totoa. Intricate , faafelefele, faafelavci.



Intrude, sau fua.

Jug, ipu faaofuofu . Juice, sua. Jumble, soona nunumi. Jump, oso. Just, tonu . Justice , amiotonu .

Justify, faatonu ; taʻuamiotonu . Justle , faafeto‘ai.

Intrust, tuu e tæósi.

Invade, oso atu . Invalid , s. ma‘i, vāivai. Invert, v. faafao. Investigate, suřesure, faámasino.

Keel , tă'ele.

Invidious, e tupu ai le matau 'a . Invigorate, faamalosi.

Keep, taofi ; tausi, teoleo .

Invincible , e le mafaiona toilalo . Invisible , e le ma vaaia .

Invite, valaau. Inundation , lolo . Invoke, valaầu atu .

Inure , faamasani. Inward , i totonu. Jocose , faianaga . Jog , tu ' itu 'i.

Join , faasoo, faatasi.

Keen , maai.

Keeper, leoleo. Kernel, a'ano. Kick , a'a .

Kid , tamaʻi ʻoti. Kidney, fatuga'o. Kill, fasi, fasioti; animals, fasimate. Kin , aīga. Kind , agalelei. Kindle, tútu, faamu. King, tupu . Kinsman , aiga. Kiss , sogi. Kitten , tamaʻi gosi.

Joint, gāugāivi. Jostle , fetoʻai. Journey , malaga . Joy, 'oli'oli, fiafia. Ire , ita ; (of chiefs) toasa .

Knife, polo , pena .

Irk , musu .

Knock, tu 'i, ta .

Joke, ulaga .

Knee, tulivae , Kneel, tootuli.

Iron , uʻamea .

Knot, pona,

Iron , v. āuli.

Know , iloa.

Ironical, faatauemu.

Knuckle , tu 'elima.

Ironwood , toa . Irrecoverable, e le toe maua .

Irrefutable, e le māutali. Irremediable, leai se togafiti.

Irreprehensible, e lē aoaiina. Jrreproachable , e lēmataʻuleagaina. Jrresolute, e faalemau le manatu. Irreverent, lē migao , le ava. Irritate , faalili. Island, nuu tuloto , nuu tutai. Issue , alu atu ; tafe ; iuga.

Labor , galuega mamafa . Languish , fuavāivai, faaivā. Languor, tino gagase. Lap , v . etoeto . Larboard, i ama.

Itch , mageso . Itinerant, maumausolo .

Larynx, faai.

Judge, v. faamasino, faasala .

Lard , gă 'o . Large , latele .

Lascivious, matāitu . Lash , sasa.



Lass, teine.

Last, tupito . Lasting, faavavau, anagata . Laud , vivii.

Liar, o le tala pepelo . Liberal, matamau . Liberty, saʻolotoga ; tuu faitalia. Libidinous, faamatāitu .

Laugh, ‘ataʻata ; (to chiefs) soisoi.

License, tuu taitalia .

Laundress, tą ofu .

Lick , etoeto. Lid , ufi. Lie, s. tala pepelo.

Law , tulafono.

Lawless, le taupulea,


Lay, v. tuu. Lazy, paie .

Lie, v. down, taoto .

Lead , s . pulu .

Lift, sii.

Lead , v . a . taʻitaʻi. Lead , v . n . muamua,

Light, s. malamalama.

Life, olaga, ola ; (to chiefs) soifua, Light, adj. māmā. :

Leaf, lau .

Light, v. tặtu , faamu. Lighten, v . a. faamāmāsagia . League, feagaiga. Leak , mămă. Light-headed , faalemafa ufau ; valea, Lightning, uila . Lean , v. lagolago Lean, adj. tinovale ; of animals, Like, pei, faapei, tusa. Like , v . manao . pae'e , iviivia . Leap, 'oso . Likeness, foliga. Learn , a'oa'o . Limbo , fafā. Least, aupito itiiti, Lime, panisina ; bird-lime, pulu . Leather, paʻu . Lime-tree, tipolo . Leave, s. tuu faitalią . Limit, tuaoi; le mea e gata mai ai, Leave, v . tuu. Limp, v. setusetu. Leave off ! soia ! Limpid , manino. Leaven , faafetete.

Leavings, toe mea .

Lecherous, faamatāițu .

Leer, faasi'ula (ona vaai). Lees, 'alu . Left (side), tauagavale . Leg , vae ; (of a chief) aʻao. Legislator, faipule . Leisure , paganoa, nofo aunoa.

Line, fishing, taa, paala, Lineage, gafa.

Linger, faatuai. Lip , laugutu ; lau.

Liviment, vai mili.

Liquefy, v .n . liu suavai, Liquid , faasuavai, 1.Lisp , nanu .

Listen , faalogologo ; (to chiefs) faa

Leisurely , faiſaiinalie . Lend , avatu e toe aumại.

Little, itiiti.

Length , umi.

Live, v. ola ; (chiefs') soifua,

Lengthen , v. faalevaleva. Lenity, agamalū . Less, e ititi lenei i leną. Lessen , faaitijtj.

Lest, ina ne'i. Let, allow , tuy . Let, hinder , faalavelave. Letter, mata- i- tusi ; tusi. Level, laugatasi. Levity, talö .

Lewd, faamatāitu .

fofoga .

Liver, ate, finagalo . | Lizard , pili , moo . Lo ! faauta !

Load , amoga ; carried on the back , avega.

Load , v. a gun , utu. Loaf, põtõi. Loathe, fino‘ino.

Lock, of hair , sope. Lodge, v. a. api. Lofty, maualuga,




Log, ogalaan.

Main , adj. sili.

Loins, sulugātiti, tauupu.

Main , s. vasa. Maintain , taofi pea ; tausi.

Loiter, tatatafao .

Majority, le toatele. Lonely , ausage. Maize, sana. Long, umi, loloa; leva. Make, fai. Long, v. naunau, tingū . Look , vaai; to look into , suéesu 'e, Malady, ma‘i. iloilo .

Look ! int. faauta !

Male, tane. Malediction , fetuu , turi.

Lord , alii.

Malefactor, pagotā . Man, tagata, tane. Manage, v. n . pule. Mangle, faasaunoa. Manifest, aliali. Manifold , sautualasi.

Lose, le iloa .

Mankind , tagata,

Loud , taalili .

Manner, amio .

Looking -glass , faaata . Loosen , v. faamatagataga , faaʻoʻo . Looseness, (diarrhæa) manava tatā.

Loose , tatala .

Lop , v. ta, sala.

Loquacious, tautala soo.

Malice, faalotoloto.

Love, alofa .

Mansion , maota .

Lounge, faapaié. Louse , 'utu .

Manufacture, v . fai. Manumission , tuʻusa 'oloto .

Low , maulalo ; (not loud ) leo itiiti.

Many , tele.

Lower, v. tuutuu ifo .

Mar, v. faasaunoa .

Lower , v.n . faamalumalu ifo .

Mare , solofanua fafine.

Lowly, faamaulalo .

Margin , tafatafa ; of a river orwa. ter , auvai.

Lucid , pupula. Lucky, manuia ,manū, Luff, malaga .

Lug, toso.

Lukewarm , faaleogalua. Lull, v. a . faamoe . Lull, wind ,moe,

Mark, faailoga. Marriage, faafalealiiga ; the man, faiavā ; the woman , nofo tane . Marsh , taufusiga . Marvel, le mea e ofo ai, vavega .

Mash , or Mesh , matā upega .

Lunatic, s. vale . Lunatic , adj. valea ,

Massacre, soona fasioti.

Lungs, māmā. Lure, mailei. Lurk , lamalama, lafi. Luxation, se 'e le ivi.

Master, alii ; of a family , matai;

Luxuriant, uluola , tauluuluola,

Mat, papa ; sleeping mat, fala ; fine

Mast, fanā.

of a school, aoao ; of a dog , tau la .

Masticate, lamulamu. mat, ie toga . Match , v . tutusa .


Matchless, ua tasi lava, e leai sona tusa .

Mad, valea , feʻai, faavalemalosi. Magnify , faatele ; vivii. Magnitude, latele. Maid , tāupou.auauna fafine. Maidservant, Maimed , mutu .

Mate, le toalua ; soāalii. Materials , mea e fai a 'i. Matrimony, o le fai avā . Matron , matuā fafine.

Matter, of a sore, alou ,

Mature, matua.



Maybe, atonu. Might, malosi. Meagre, tinovale ; animals, paeíe. Mild , filemu, agamalū . Mealy , mapo. Mildew , taetaepalolo . Mean , faatauvaa . Milk , suāsusu . Mean , v . manatu . Measure , fua. Measure, v . gafa .

Milkyway , aniva . Mimic , faaaʻoaʻo . Mince , tipi ninii .

Mediate , pupulu .

Mind, atamai, mafaufau .

Mediator, puluvaga,

Mind, v. faalogo.

Medicine, vai laau. Meditate, mafaufau.

Meek, agamalū . Meet, tatau.

Meet, fetaia'i, feiloa'i. Meeting, faapotopotoga ,

Mine, loʻu , laʻu, lota, lata . Mingle, palu fefiloi. Minister, auauna .

Minority, o le toaitiiti. Mint, mili.

Minute, adj. la itiiti. Mire , palapala . Mellow , ota . Mirror, faaata. Mellow , v. faaotā . Mirth , "ataʻata. Melt, fat, usi ; metals, liu suāvai. Misapprehend, faalogoese, sesē. Memory, manatu . Misbecome, le tatau, le ono. Menace, faamata' u . Misbehave, amio leaga, faalevao, Mend, toe teu ; a net, faimasae. Miscarry, păpā. Mend , v. n . faafeoloolo. | Mischievous, faasaunoa mea . Mention , taʻu . Miscount, faitau sesē . Mercenary, manumanu, faifetaui. Misdemeanour, faasoesā. Merchant, lē faatau oa . Miserable, malaia. Misfortune, mala . Merciful, alofa mutimutivale. Merciless , le alofa, sauā. Misgive, masalo. Misguide, taʻitaʻi sese . Merely , na ona. Meridian , tutonu o le la . Mishap , mala. Misinform , faasesē . Merry, "ata 'ata . Mesh , matā upega . Misinterpret, faamatala ese. Mess, v . "aai faatasi. Mislead , faasesē . Message, feau. Mispend , maumau.

Meliorate, faafeoloolo .

Metal, uſamea .

Misrepresent, tala pepelo. .

Metaphor, faatusa .

Miss , v. lē iloa, lē maua ; sesē ; fe

Methought, fa te au (perfect only ),

silia'i. Missionary , faifeau .

always erroneously.

Metropolis, laumua, tumua, le pule.

Mist , puao .

Midday , tutonu o le la .

Mistake, sesē. Mistrust, masalo .

Midway, le tuluaga o le ala . Middle, i totonu, i loto, tuloto. Middleaged , pate. Middling , faafeoloolo, faaleogalua. Midnight, tulua o po ma ao. Midriff, ga‘o punipu.

Misunderstanding , maseiga.

Misuse , faasaunoa. Mitigate, faamāmā, faafeoloolo . Mix, faafefiloi.

Moan , oi. Midwife, le na te faatosaga le fa Moderate , feoloolo . Modest, matā ma. pauga. Midst, i totonu .

Mock , tauemu.

48 MOI Moist, mälūlū .


| Mute , faalologo, lē gagana.

Molest , faalili, faasoesa .

Mutilate , faamutu .

Mollify, faamolemole , faalaulelei.

Mutiny, fouvalega.

Money , tupe. Month , masina.

Mutter, v. n . muimui.

Monument, lua .

Moody, ita . Moon , masina, mauli. Moor, taufusiga .

Moral, amiolelei. More, e sili. Morning , taeao.

Mutual, fe prefixed, and a'i, i, or ani suffixed , (as fealofani, mutuul love.

Muzzle, gutu . My, loʻli, laʻu , lota , lata, Myriad, manomānā. Myself, a 'u lava.

Morning-star, fetuao . Morrow , taeao .


Morsel, mama e tasi, momo‘i mea . Moss , limu.

Nail , atigi lima ; fao.

Most, e sili ona tele, e aupito tele, Naked, telefua, telenoa, le lavalavā . Name, igoa ; (chief"s) suafa . Moth , pepe. Mother, tină .

Nape, tuã ua.

Mother of-pearl, tifa . Motherly, fafine faitama. Motion, gāoioi. Mould, pologā ; eleele .

Narrate , taʻu, talatala . Narrative, tala.

Narrow , lau itiiti ; va apiapi.

Nasty, leaga, eleelea . Nation , nuu.

Moulder, liu tfuefu. Moult , funa, maulu o fulu . Mount, v. a'e ; tietie.

Navel, pute .

Mountain , mauga .

Nauseate, 'ino‘ino .

Mourn , faanoanoa .

Nautilus, sesēma. Navy, fua vaa .

Mouth, gutu ; (to chiefs ) fofoga. Mouthful, mămă.

Much , tele . Mucky, savasava .

Mucous, vavale . Mud , palapala. Muddy, v. faanenefu , faagaepu .

Naughty, leaga, vaogata , ulavale, Nay, e leai. Neap tide, masa toto . Near, latalata . Nearly , tāi, tāli (as tāli oo ), Neat, matagofie , teu lelei. Necessary , ao , tatau.

Neck , ua. Neckcloth , fusi ua. Multiply , faatupu ; faatele, Multitude, vao (as o le vao tagata ). | Neckerchief, fusi ua. Necklace, asoa. Mumble , nanu.

Mulberry, paper, tutuga. Munificent, matamau .

Need, mạtiva ; aogā.

Murder, fasioti tagata , fasi fua.

Needle , au .

Murderous, toto lima.

Needle-work , su 'i ofu .

Murmur , muimui.

Neglect, faatamala . Neighbour, tuaoi. Neighbourly , tuaoi lelei,

Muscle , Canogase , a 'ano .

Muscle, fish , tofe. Muse , v. mafaufall . Musket, fana.

Nest, ofaga .

Musty, polopologā .

Nether, i lalo .

Mutable, fefoifoia 'i, faaletumau.

Nettle, ogogo.

Net , upega .



Nettle, v. faalili. Now , nei. Nowadays, nei ona po. Nevertheless, e ui ina mea . Neuter, solitū (applied only to lands Noxious, soesā , faatiga. not joining a war). Nudity, telefua, le lavalava. Nuisance , soesā . New , fou . Next, aupito ane. Nullify , tatąla , faaleaoga. Niggard , Timavale .

Numb, pē, gase .

Nigh , latalata .

Number, v . faitau .

Night , po .

Numberless, le masino.

Nightly , o lea po ma leá po.

Numerous , tele. Nurse, v . tausi. Nut, cocoa, niu.

Nimble, vae vave.

Nine, iva. Ninefold , sautuaiva . Nineteen, e sefulu ma le iva. Ninety, e iva gafulu .

Nutmeg , atone. Nutshell, ipi niu . Nutriinent, mea e 'ai.

Nip , ini. Nipple, matā susu. No, e leai; (prohibitory) "aua. Noble , adj. sili. Nobody, e leai se taşi .

Nod , nego . Noise, of things , paʻō ; of voices, pisa . Noisome, soesā , leaga ; elo, Nominate, taʻų. None , e leai. Nonplus, v. fernemea' i. Noon , tutonu o le lạ .

Noose , matāsele. Nor, lē followed by pe or po. North , itu i mātū ; wind, mātu. Nose , isu ; ( chief 's) fofoga. Nostril, pogai isu . Not, e leai.

Oar, foe papalagi. Oath , tauto.

Obdurate , loto maaa, finauvale. Object, v. lē mafai, vavao. Obliging , agalelei, alofa . Obscene, matagā, mạtāitu.

| Obey , usiusitai, anaana , gauai.

Obscure, pouliuli.

Observe, vaavaai; faalogo, tausi.

Obstacle , faalavelave. Obstinate, finauvale. Obstreperous, pisapisao . Obstruct, pupuni. Obtain , maua .

Obtrusive, faasoesă. Obvious, pupula mai, iloa tino . Note, vaavaai lelei; faalogologo. 1 Occasion, le mea na tupu ai. Noted , taʻua. Occult, lilo . Notch, tipi.

Nothing, e leai se mea.

Occupation , e mau ai ; faiva . mail.

Notice, vaavaai; faalogologo ; ma- ! Occupy, v. natu .

| Ocean , vasa .

Notify , taʻu atu .

Odd, fāisoa (of cocoanuts).

Notion, manatu, Notorious,

Odious, 'inosia . Odour, sweet, namu lelei, manogi:

Novel, fou . Nought, leai se inea, Novice, le masami. Nourish , fafaga .

Of, o , a .

Off, ese (as lele ese, to fly off ). Offence , mea e tausuai ai ; agasala . Offend, faatiga le loto, agasala .

Nourishment, ma e 'ai.

Offer, folafola ; avati .

lau jloa . Notwithstanding, e ui lava ,

bad , namu leaga.


Offering , taulaga. Offspring , fanau.

PAD | Overawed , mataʻutuia .

Overcast, of day, lagilagiā ;of night,

lagivalea. faiaina , toilalo . Oh ! oi ! Overflow , oso. Oil, u 'u , suāu ' u . Old , leva , loa ; man, toeaina ; wo Overhang, faamalumalu .

Often , soo. Ogle, vaai faasiʻulā.

man , loomatua.

Overcome, manumālo ; ( passive)

Overhead , i luga.

Omen , faailoga , sāsā. On, prep . i luga, i. On , adv. i luma.

Once, faatasi, atu tasi. One, tasi. Onerous, mamafa . Only , tau, na o . Onward , i luma.

Ooze, v. tafetafe nipii. Opaque, nenefu, le manino . tatala. Open , nded,


lima }elei, matamau.

Opening , avanoa . Openly , faaaliali. ". Ophthalmy, ma' imata . Opinion , manatu , taofi . Opponent, le finau mai.

Opportune, tatau lelei, feagai. Oppose, tetee, faalavelave, finau. Opposite, feagai, fesagai.

Oppress , faasaua. Option , tuu faitalia .

Overlook , vaavaai ifo . Overmuch , silisili ese. Overplus , mea ua totoe.

Overpower, faatoilalo . Overrun , v.n. soloa, ufitia , osofia . Overset , fuli. Overshade , faapaolo . Oversleep , moeloa. Overspread , soloa, ufitia .' Overtake, maua atu or mai.

Overthrow , fuli i lalo ; tuli ; faatoi lalo. Overturn , la fotu , fuli i lalo .

Ought, tatau, tusa. Our, (dual) lo or la māua or tāua ; (pl.) matou , & c. Ourselves, oimatou lava , or tatou , tāua, and māua .

Oust, tuli, fao . Out, i fafo , i tua . Out of, prep . nai, mai, ai. Outcast , s. taasē, tulia , faatevainą.

Opulence, mauog .

Outcry, uio .

Or, po, pe.

Outdo, faiaina.

Outer, i fafo. , Oration , lauga ; (chief's) fetalaiga , Outlet, s. avanoa, ala ; pu . Outrage, faaleaga . afioga . Outright, loa ; matuā. Orator, failauga . Outroot, lia 'i. Ordain, totofi, faatu. a fe Outrun , sauniga, poloaig , pule Order, talaiga ; a rank or class, vasega. | Outsail., Lopass ) una. Order, v . fai atu, pule , poloai. Outside , i fafo , le tua.

Orange, moli.

Ordure , tae, oțaota , Orifice, pu .

Outward , i fafo. Owe, le tauia .

Origin , le meą na tupu ai, le ama Owni, e õna, e āna, & c. taga .

Owner, le ona , lē āna.

Ornament, teuga ; personal, tihgą. Orphan , mātua oti.

Ostentatious, faalialia .


Other, le tasi, le isį. Oven , umu.

Over, i luga,

| Pacify, faalaulelei, faamolemole, | Paddle , v . tanalo , alo .



Paddle , s. foe.

Passage, ala.

Pagan , faapaupau. Page, itu laupepa .

Passenger, āuoso , auee.

Pain , tiga.

Passing, adj. silisili, matuā . Passion , lotoa .

Paint, vali.

Past, mavae atu . Pastime, faataaloga.

Fair, e lua , one pair ; e lua oa, two pairs, & c . (of pigs and nuts ) ; uluga (of men and birds). Pale, sesega .

Pale, Pai. Paling, ja Palliate, faamāmā. Palm , fan -palm , niupiu. Palm , of the hand , alofilima . Palpable , tino. Palpitate, sapotuvale, polepolevale. Palsy , supa . Paltry , faatauvaa .

Pander, soa. Pang, tiga. Pant, ga‘ega'e. Pap , matasusu .

Papaw , esi. Parable, faataoto. Parade , faalialia . Paralytic , supa. Paramount, silisili.


Pat, s. po. Pat, adj. tatau. Patch , s. fono . Pate , ulu .

Path, ala.

Patience, onosa 'i, faatoatca,faapale pale. Patriotism , lotonuu . Patterui, faaa'oa ' o .

Paucity, itiiti. Pave, tanu, fofola i maa .

Paunch , manāva ; (chief's) alo . Paw , lima. Pay, totogi, taui. Peace , ola le taua ; filemu.

Peace ! int. faalologo ! (to chiefs) aua le toia le va ! Peak , tumutumu.

Peal, taalili, gogolo. Pearl (in the eye) muālili. Peck , togi.

Parcel, taʻui, ta 'ui'ui, afī. Peculiar, adv. faapito , fuatasi. Pedigree, gafa . Parch , pa aʻa , faamu. Pardon,' remitting a punishment, Peel, v. foto-e, fisi. faamagalo .

Peel, 's. paʻu .

Pardon me, vaeane oe. Pare, fisi.

Peep , tilotilo . Peerless, e leai sona tusa.

Parent, mātua.

Peevish , itagofie , 'ote 800.

Parley, fai fetalaiga. Paroxysm , pu‘ega.

Pelt , togi, fetogi. Penalty, sala . Pendant, tautau.

Paroquet , sega . Parsimonious, limavale.

Pending , faaletonu .

Part, nisi, se mea e tasi, tufaaga.

Penetrate, ati (when it passes quite

Part, v. tufatufa , tuu eseese.

through ). Penitence , salamo.

Part, v . n . faamāvae. Partake , e inaua se mea, au mea .

Partial, faapito alofa . Partially , e le soo, e le atoatoa. Participate, āu mea.

Partition , tufatufaga. Partner, le toalua . Party, ē au faatasi.

Pensive, faanoanoa. Penthouse , faaseʻe .

People , nuu. Peopled, aina (pass.) Peradventure , atonu . Perceive, iloa . Perch , tula .

Pass , v, alu ane ; sopo atu, alu loa. Perchancc, atonu . .

PER 52 Perdition , malaia, maumau. Perfect, atoatoa . Perfidious, faalata .

Perforate, ati. Perforce, faamalosi.

PLY Pipe, (pandean ) faaili. Pique , faaitaita . Pish ! isa !

Pismire, loi.

Perform , fai.

Pit , lua. Pitcli, pulu .

Perfume, s. mea manogi. Perhaps , atonu .

Pitch , v . puluti. Pith , uso.

Perish , fano.

Pitiful, alofa mulimutivale ; faatau,

Perjury, tauto pepelo. Permanent, tuniau, anagata .

vaa .

Pitsaw , ili tele .

Permit, tuu.

Pity , alofa mutimutivale.

Perpetual, faavavaụ.

Placable , e faamolemole gofie .

Perplex , faalavelave .

Place, inea, nuu, fāsi. Place, v . tuu ; upon , faaee. Persecute , faašauā. Placid , filemu. Perseverę, finalinau, tausisi, filigā. Plague, faama'i.

Perplexedness, fememeai. Persist, finafinau .

Plague, v. faalili, faasoesā .

Person , tagata .

Plain, laugatasi; pupula.

Perspicuous, malamalama. Perspire, afu .'

Plaint, auē. Plait, lalaga.

Persuade, taufofo.

Plan , togafiti ; faautauta .

Perturbation , atuatuvale .

Plane, olo .

Perverse, finauvale , faapi'opi'o.

Plank, laupapa.

Peruse , faitall. Pest, soesā .

Plant, v. toto .

Pestilence, faama'i. Pet, animul, fagafao ; men, pele .

Plantain , fa' i, moē, soa'a . Plantation , faato‘aga, maumaga, to (as tofaʻi).

Petition , ole, talosaga . Petty, faatauvaa . Phantom , aitu . Physician, fomaći.

Plaster , v . vali.

Physic, vailaau.

Pick , filifili. Piece , fasi.

Pierce, tutu'i.

Pig , puaa ; (lo chiefs ) aloų . Pigeon, lupę. Pile, v. faupuée, faula 'i. Piles, sila -i-lalo . Pilfer, gaoi. " Pill, vai folo .

Pill, v. (peel) fofoʻe , fisi. Pillage, vete .

Pillow , native, ali ; soft, alyga. Piniple, poʻu. Pinch , una .

Pine, v. soloalofa .

Pine-apple, tala.

Plaster , panisina ; vai fusi. Plat, v. lalaga. Plat or plot, se fāsi fanua. Plaudit, faaneeneega, tini.

Play, taalo . Plead , fautua . Pleasant, faafiafia , malie. Please , faalotolelei, faafiaha. Plebeian , tagatā nuu, tagata lautele . Plenty , tele, taumafa . Pliant, vavai; faigofie. Plot, pulepulega . Pluck , segi, fufuti. Plug, momono . Plumage , fulufulu . Plump, puta ; animals , peti, Plunder , vete. Plunge, v . a. lolomi. Plunge, v. n . oso . · Ply , tausisi, tinalinau .


POD Pod , atigi. Poet, fatupese. Point, mata. Point, v . n . tusi, faasino :

Precipice, tofē . Precipitate , tito .

Poison, v. a. faaonā , onā (puss.)

Predict, vavalo . Preeminent, silisili. Prefer , filitaa.

Polish , faapupula .

Pregnant, to .

Polite, amio -alii. Pollute, faaleaga.

Prepare, sauni; for a journey, ta

Polygamy, taunonofo .

Pomp, faalialia .

Preposterous, sesē , o le ulaga. Presage, iite , vavalo .

Pond, lepa. Ponder , mafaufau .

Prescribe, pule. Presence, i luma; (to chiefs) alala ,

Ponderous , mamafa . Poor, mativa ; faatauvaa .

afioga . Present, v . eiai.

Pop, pā.

Present, at; nei.

oso .

Populace, tagatā nuu, tagata lau Present, s. inea alofa , mea foa'i fua . tele . Popular, manaomia , alofagia . Present, v. avatu , foai atu . Po pulous , tagatā. Pork , puaa.

Porpoise , munua.

Port, taulaga.

Portent, sāsā , faailoga. Portion, food , tufaaga. Pose , v. faafememeai. Possess, maua. · Possible , mafai. Post, pou .

Posteriors , muli, nofoaga. Posterity, tupulaga amulī. Postpone, tolo , faatủai, faatamala. Potent, malosi. Poverty , mativa . Pound, v . tu 'i. Pour, liligi, sasaa .

Presently, nanei , nanei nei .

Preserve, faaola , faasao. Preside, pule . Press, oomi; lolomi ; tauanau . Presume, fa (as fa te ia ). Pretend, faataga .

Pretty , lalelei, matagofie , manaia . Pretty , adv. feoloolo . Prevail, manumālo .

Prevaricate, pepelo . | Prevent, taofi, faalavelave, vavao:

Previous, muamua, mua'i. Price, tau , totogi. Prick , tui. . . Prickly, tuitui, talatala . Pride, faamaualuga.

Powder, (gun) one. Power, pule, malosi, mana.

Priest , faitaulaga . Prime, le mea sili. Prince ; alii, alo o le tupu.

Powerful, malosi, mamana.

Principal, sili.

Practice , masani. Practise , v . faamasani.

Print,'s. faailoga ; of a foot, tulaga vae

Praise, faaneenee, vivii, faalupe .

Prior, muamua , mua 'i, lua'i. Prison , fale puipui. Private, lilo ; toatasi, na ‘o.


Prate , tautala soo . Prayer, talosaga. Preach , lauga. Precarious, faaletonu .

Privilege, tofi. Privy, fale ui, maliuga.

Precede, muamua. Precept, poloaiga .

Probation, faataʻitaʻi. Probity, faamaoni.

Precious, aogā tele .

Proceed , alu atu .

Pray, tatalo, faatoga, ole , aioi.

Probable, ai lava, atonu .

PRO 54 Proclaim , tala'i, folafola .

PUR | Prostitute, fafine talitane. Prostrate, taatia. Protect, ſaamamalu .

Procrastinate, faatamala. Procure, maua.

Protest, faatuʻiese.

Prodigal, faamāumau. Prodigious, silisili, ese .

Protract, faalevaleva . Protrude, tuu mai, oso mai. ' Protuberance, patupatu , fufula , po

Produce, v. faaali ; fanau ; fua . Productive, soil, lafulemu. Profane, soli, faaleaga . Proffer, ofo .


Proficient, poto .

Proud , faamaualuga. Prove, faataʻitaʻi, tofotofo .

Protit, aogā ; mea ua maua ai.

Proverb , muā gagana. Provide, sauni ; for a journey , ta

Profound , loloto.

oso .

Progeny, fanau . .

Prognosticate , iite , vavalo .

Provision, for a journey , oso . Provoke, faalili, faaonoono, faaita 1 ita . Proximity , latalata .

Prohibit , vavao .

Project, s. togafiti. Project, v. faasilisili mai or atu .

Prolific , gaau fanani, fanau tele, tu - Proxy , sui. pu tele ; soil, lafulemu; trees, fua Prudent, fai faautauta. tele . Pshaw ! isa ! Public , faaaliali. Prolix, levaleva nauā. Prolong , faalevaleva . Publish , tala 'i, faailoa. Prominent, faasilisili, tu mai


Pucker , numinumi.

Promiscuous, soona fefiloi, le faa - | Puerile , faatamaitiiti. ilogaina . Puff, of wind , tāʻutaʻu . Puff, v. ula . Promise , folafola , taʻu . Promontory, tolotolo . Pugnacious, tia tau, faamisa . Promote, fesoasoani. Puke, puai; (to chiefs ) tulei. Prompt, loa (as tali loa, a prompt Pull, toso ; down, lepeti, sofai; up , answer.

Prompt, v . faalalo , vainju . Promulgate , lala'i, faailoa .

lia'i. Pulp , aano.

Pulpit, tulaga.

Prone, faano‘unoʻu ; fao ; masani. | Pulse , manavanava o le ua . Pronounce, ta 'u. Pulverize, tuʻi pala , tu'i ia efu . Pungent, feù . Proof, faailoga, mau. Punish , aoa'i, faasala . Prop , te'e. Punishment, sala. Propagate, faatupu tele . Puny, la itiiti. Propel, tūlei, faaoso . Pup , v. fanau. Proper, tatau, tusa. Property , mea (asana mea, his pro | Pupil, soo ; of the eye, io -i-mata . perty ) ; oloa. Prophesy, v. vavalo . Propinquiiy, latalata . Propitiate, faalelei.

Propitious, lelei; agalelei, alofa . Proportion , v. faatatau . Proprietor, lē ana, lē ona. Prosecute, finafinau, tuliloa. Prosperous, manuia .

| Puppy, tama'i ulī, si ulī. Purchase, faatau. Pure, lelei, mamā ; le suia .

Purge, faamamā. Purloin , gaoi.

Purple, pāuli. Purport, uiga, i'u . Purpose , manatu . Pursue, tuliloa.



Purulent, aloua.

Push , tūlei. Pushing , finau .

Pusillanimous, palaai. Pustule , poʻu. Pustulous, poʻupoʻua. Put, tuu ; down, faapaū ; off, faa-

RABBLE, le vao tagata , nuu . Rabid , fe 'ai.

Race, augā tagata ; tausinioga. Raft, fata.

Radiant, pupula .

tuai, faatamala ; on ( as clothes ), Rafter , fatuga. faa‘ofu , (oneself) 'ofu ; out (as Rag , ‘ie‘ ie , le fāsi je , saega je : a light ), tinei, ( to expel) tuli ; Rage, lotoa. to it, fememeai, popole ; up, faa- | Ragged , masaesae. ee, teu ; up with, onosa'i, faapa - | Rail, s. laau faalava o le ai. lepale . Rail, v. upu leaga, faifāi. Raillery, upu faatauemu. Putrefy, pala, elo. Puzzle , fememeai.

Rain , ua, timu ; in the mountains, miti.

QUADRUPED , vaefa.

Quake, tetemū, gātete .

Qualify, faatatau. Quality , uiga. Quantity , tele.

Quarrel, misa .

Rainbow , nuanúa . Raise , sii, faatu . Rally, faamau ; faatauemu. Ramble, evaeva ; sesē . Rancour, faalotoloto. Random , soona fai.

Range, atu (as atu fale, range of houses ) . Rank , tăuluulu ola .

Quarter, s. lona fa, o le vaega e fa . Rankle, fuapepē. Quarter, v. to give quarter, faaola, Ransack , vete , sailiili. Ransom , togisala , togiola . faasao. Rap ; ta, fiti. Quash , nuti. Queasiness , faagagafu . Rapid , vave, faataalise, saosada : Queen , masiofo , tupu fafine. Quell, faataape. Quench , tinei.

Querulous, tagivale. Query, fesili. Quest, saili. Question , fesili. Quick , vave, lise , taalise. Quicklime, panisina faatoa mc. Quiet, filemu. Quiet, v. u . faanā.

Rare, seāseā. Rascal, puaa elo . Rase , lepeti, füli i lalo ; tinei: Rash , s. mageso . Rash , adj. osovale. .

Rasp, ili. Rat, imoa , iole .

Ratan, lafoā. Rather, sili. Ratify, faamau .

Rattle , paʻō .

Ravage, faataumaoi; vete:

Quill, fulu . Quit, tuulafoai ; totogi.

Rave, uio .

Quite, matuā, lava .

Ravel, filibili.

Quittance, totogi, taui.

Ravish , toso . Raw , mata , ota .

Quiver , tete .

Quotation, upu sii.

Raze, lepeti, fuli i lalo, tinei: Razor, tafi. Reach , oo, maua atu :



Read, faitau .

| Refuse, faafiti, le mafai.

Ready, saunia , taalise , loto.

| Refuse , s. mea ua tòtoe, mea ua la foai. Regard , manatu , ava .

Real, moni. Rear , s. muli'au .

Rear, v. tausi, fafaga . Reason , mafaufau ; o le mea lea, that is the reason . Re-, this particle is rendered by " toe ," Reassemble, toe potopotoa Rebel, fouvale. Rebuke, aoai. Recant, faaloese . Receive, tali. Recent, fou ; time, latalata mai. Reciprocal, fe followed by ani, i, or a'i, (as fealofani, reciprocal love.

Recite, ta 'ú .

Reckless, soona fai. Reckon , faitau . Recline, faalagolago, taotó . Recognize, iloa . Recollect, manatu ifo.

Recommend, taʻulelei, vivia. Recompense, taui, totogi. Reconcile, faalelei. Recover, toc malolo ; toe maua .

Recount, tala . Recreate , faafiafia .

Recriminate, fefaaleaga'i. Rectify, faatonu, faasa 'o. Red , mūmū, ulaula, totototo . Redeem , togiola . Redress, faatonu: Reduce , faatoilalo . Redundant, faasili.. Reed , u . Reek , ausa , asu .

Reek , v. pusai Reel, v . tаutevateva . Refer , tuu atu . Reflect, manatunatı ; toe taʻu .

Region, itu, nuu. Regret, s. saafiga, salamo. Regular, tatau, faisoo , e le aunoa . Regulate, sauni. Rehearse , tala. Reject, tetee, lafoai.

Reign , v . pule. Reign , s. nofoaiga . Rein , taofi. Rejoice, fiafia , foli' oli.

Rejoinder, tali.

Relate, taʻu , tala . Relative, āiga . Relax , faavaivai, ſaamāmā.

Release, tatala, tuu atu , tuu sa 'a loto .

Relent, mālulu . Reliance, faalagolago. Relieve, v. a. fesuia 'i, fesoasoani. Relieved, v.n . as of pain , mālū , le oloolo . Religion , lotu ( Tongan ). Relinquish , tuu , tuulafoai. Relish , manogi. Rely , faalagolago. Remain , nofo ; behind , faamuli. Remainder, mea va totoe . Remedy, togafiti. Remember, manatu ifo .

Remind , faamanatu . Renriss, faavaivai. Remission , faamagalo.

Remnant, toe. Remorse, salamo. Remote, mamao .

Remunerate, totogi, taui. Rencounter, feto‘ai, taua . Rend, saei.

Rendezvous, le mea e potopoto ai.

Renounce, faafiti. Reform , toe faafou , toe amata , toe Renowned , ta -ua. fuatai. Repair, v. a . toe teu .

Reflux, maui.

Refractory, finauvale , vaogatà . Refuge, lalitaga, malu .

Refrain , taofi, onosai.

Repair, v .n . alu . Repast, taumafataga. | Repeal, tatala le tulafono, faataga..

ŘEP Repeatedly, soo. Repel, tetee. Repent, salamo. Repine, tagi, faanoanda .

RIV Rest, adj. nisi ; nimea ua totoe. Restore, toe avatu ; to health , toe malolo . Restrain , taofi.

Replete , matūa tumu, tumu saisai. Result, i'u . Reply , tali.

Report, tala , gānagana. Repose , v.a . faalagolago, Repose, v. n . moe , mālolo .

Reprehend , aʻoaʻi. Represent, faaali, faatusa . Repress, faatoilalo .

Reprimand , aʻoaʻi.

Reproach, s. luma, gạo. Reproof, aʻoaʻiga. Reptile , mea totolo .

Repudiate , alei, tuli, lafoai. Repugnance, 'ino‘ino,musu.

Resurrection , toe tů . Retain , taofi. Retaliate, taui ma sui. Retard , faalavelave . Retch , taupuai. Retire, sola, alu ese lemu.

Retreat, solaaga ; lafitaga: Retrieve, toe maua . Retrograde, tuumuli.

Retreat , v . tuumuli.

Return , v . n . toe foʻi. Return , Ö. a . toe avatu . Reveal, faaali.

Repulse, tetee. Reputable, taʻuleleia .

Revenge, taui ma sui.

Reputed , taʻua.

Reverse , faafao .

Revere, ava .

Request, manao.

Review , toe manatu ifo.

Require, fai atu .

Revile , faifāi, upü leaga.

Requisite, tatau , ao.

Revive, toe pupula , toe ola." Revolt, sola . Revolve, mafaufau .

Requite , taui. Rescue, laveai, faaola . Research , s. suřesu 'ega .

Reward , tauí.

Rheumatism , gugu. Resemble , tusa , foliga faatasi. Resent, faalotoloto . Rheumatic , gugua. Resentment, ita ; (to chiefs ) toasā. Rib , ivi ‘aso ‘aso . Reserve , taofi, tuu . Reside, nofo , mau . Residence, fale, mea e mau ai.

Rich , maúoa, mauméa, tamaoaigal Rid , teʻa .

Residue, toe mea.

Ride, tietie . Ridicule , tauemu.

Resign, tuu atu ? Resignation , usiusitaʻi.

Rifle , vete .

Resin , pulu .

Resist, tetee. Resolve, tuu i le loto . Resort , potopotoga: Resound, taalili. Resource, togafiti. Respect, ava. Respire, manava . Respite , mapu .

Right, tatau , tonu , tusa. " Rigid, maaa. Rigour, faamaalili. Rim , tafatafa.

Rind , paʻu . Ring, s. mămă. Ring, v. tagitagi. Ringworm , lafa . Rinse , ta , fufulu . '

Rip , sae. Ripe, otā . Respond , tali . Ripen , v. a . faaota. Rest,v.mālolo ,mapu,moe, filemu; Rise, lulaʻi, alu a'e. Rival, v. va . from work, mānava."

Resplendent, pupula .

58 Rive, isi.



Rust, “ ele.

River, vaitate.

Rustle, gasē .

Road , ala .

Ruthless, le alofa , saua.

Roam , tafao. Roar, tagi. Roast, tunu .

Řob , fao. Robust, malosi.

SABLE, uli.

Rock , papa .

Sabre , pelu .

Rock , v . lūlū . Roe, fua, ami. Roll, taavalevale . Roof, fale. Room , afeafe ; space, vateatea .

Sack, taga. Sack , v . vete .

Sacred, sa, tapu, paia .

Sad, fáanoanoa. Saddle , nofoa o le solofanua .

Roost , moe.

Safe, sao.

Root, pogai; fibres of, 'a 'a.

Sage, adj. poto.

Root up, liaʻi.

Sail, la .

Rope, maea.

v. about, felaulau ; to set, fai . Sail, la .

Rose, aute .

Sake, ona (as ona o ia , for his sake). Rot, pala. Rove, tafatafao . Salary, totogi, faaoloaga. Rough, talatala ; ground, gaosā ; Sale, faatau. weather, matagi ; sea , sou .

Round, lapotopoto. Round, adv. soo . Rouse, fafagu ; faaoso . Routed , lafoia, taaape.

Saline, māi.

Saliva, anu, feanuga . Salivated , sasao .

Sallow , samasama. Sally, oso mai.

Row , s. atu .

Salt, masima (introduced ).

Row , v. alo . Rub, olo ; as trees, femili.

Salvation , olataga. Salute , ofo , feasogi. Same, lea lava .

Rubbish , otaota .

Rudder, foeuli.

Sanctify, faapaia (introduced ).

Rude, faalevao , faalemigao.

Sand, oneone. Sandstone, pugaone.

Rue, salamo.

Ruffian , faasauā . Ruffle , faanunumi; faatupuloto. Rugged , talatala, ponapona. Ruin , v. lepeti. Rule , pule.

Rumble, gogolo. Rumour, tala . Rump, tulaiʻu . Rumple , faanuminumi.

Sap , uso. Sapient, poto . Sarcasm , upu faataŭemu.

Satchel, tagā tusi.

Satiate, ma‘ona ; pasi (of eyes and ears ).

Satisfy, faalaulelei, faalotomalie .

Saturday, aso toʻvna'i. Savage, feʻai.

Run, momoře, (pl.) femo‘ei, taufe. Sauce , isi. tuli ; away, sola ; over , oso i tua ; Sauce , v. ‘ina‘i. after , tuliloa ; out, mămă; us a Save, faaola , faasao. river, tafe ; wild , aivao .

Runt, avilu . Rush , v. oso .

Saviour, faaola . Saunter, tafatafaovale, savali faa tauga .




Savour, manogi.

Scrub , olo .

Saw , hili.

Scruple , masalo . Scrutinize, 'ilo ‘ilo , su “esuốe; faama sino. Scuffle , misa. Sculk , lafi.

Sawdust, ‘iligalaau . Say, fai ; (to chiefs ) fetalai. Scab, faapaʻupaʻu . Scaffold , fatāmanu. Scald , mu; manunu i le vai vevela . Scale, una

Scale, v. a 'e ; fish , unafi. Scalp , le paóu o le ulu .

Scamper, sola tele vave. Scandal, v . faatausuai.

Scant, lauitiiti, faatauvaa. Scar, iliganoa. Scarce, itiiti. Scarcely , toe ina le mafai. Scarcity, oge. Scare, faamnata'u .

Scarlet, mūmū. Scatter, salalau , taape.

Scent, manogi, namu. Scent, v . sõgisogi. Scheme, togafiti. Scholar, soo . School, aʻoga .

Schoolmaster, aʻoaʻo . Scissor, seleulu . , Scoff, tauemu. Scold , ‘ote .

Scoop, sali. Scope, uiga. Scorch , mu.

Scorn, ‘ino‘ino, taʻufaatauvaa.

Scull, ulupoo.

Sculpture, togitogi. Scurril, upu leaga , fāifāi. Sea, tai, sami, vasa . Seacoast, rocky, tai pupū ; sandy, faga oneone. Seasick , puai. Seaside, matāfaga. Seawater, suāsami. Seal, faanau. Seam , soʻo.

Search , suốesu 'e, saili.

Season, tau. Seasoning , 'i'i. Seat , nofoa. Seaward , gatai. Secede, teva , vavae atu . Second, le lua, lona lua. Secret, nā , lilo . Sect, itu aiga. Secular, mea faaletino. Secure, saogalemu. Secure, v . faamau. Sedate , filemu, faatoeaina: Sediment, imea to ‘ a, alu . Seduce, taʻitaʻiese, faasesē . Sedulous, finafinau, gao.

Scour, olo . Scourge, sasa. Scout, asiasi ala . Scowl, matanono, popogi.

See, vaai, iloa . See ! int, faauta !

Scramble, taufao. Scranch , paagugu .

Seem , peiseai ; ataga ; faatagā. Seemly , ono, matagorie , napagofie .

Scrap, momoimea , fāsimea. Scrape, valuvalu .

Seine, upega. Seize, ' u u , puée.

Seed , fatu , fua ; fanau . Seek , saili.

Scratch, fela ‘u, (pass.) osia ; valu . Seldom , seāseā . Select, filifili. Scream , 'i'i. Self, lava (as o aʻu lava , myself) . Screen, puipui. Screen , v. faamamalu . Sell, tau, faatau. Semblance, tusa , tino. Screw , s. fao fana . Scribble , v . soona tusi. Seriptures, tusi paia.

Serofula , pato.

Senate , taupulega. Senator, faipule . Send, au , feau ; for, aami.

SEN Senior, aupito matua ; toeaina .

SHU Shed , o.n . maligi, masaa :

Sensitive plant, laau fefe.

Sheep , mamoe.

Sensual, faaletino. Sentiment, manatu . Sentinel, leoleo.

Sheet, ie afuloto. Shelf, fata ; at sea , aʻau , toʻa .

Seven , fitu . Seventeen , e sefulu ma le fitu . Seventy, e fitu gafulu .

Shipwreck , vaa tuʻia . Shirt, ofutino.

Sever , vavae, tuu eseese .

Shiver, v . a . nutininii.

Several, e tele, eseese. Severe, sauã .

Shoal, mea papaʻu .

Sew , suʻi, tui.

Shoot, fana.

Shade, paolo .

Shoot, v . n . totoga.

Shell, atigi ; pule. Separate, tuu eseese, vávae , alu ese . Shellfish , figota. Shelter, malu , lipoi, lafitaga. Sepulchre , tuugamau , loa . Shelter, v. a . faamamalu . Sequel, itu . Serene, filemu. Shelter, v. n . lalafi. Shelving , tafato . Sermon, lauga . Serpent, gata . Sherd, taóegāipu . Servant, auauna, tautűa, sogá. Shield , v. faamamalu . Serviceable, aogā . Shield , s. talitā . Set, v. a . tuu ; toto ; aside, lafoai; Shift, sui: Shift, s . togafiti. up, faatu . Set, v. n . alu ifo, goto . Shin , tuasivi vae. Settle, v , a . sauni lelei, totofi. Shine, v. pupula . Settle, v . n . toʻa i lalo , mau . Ship , folau, vaa papalagi.

Shade, v. faamalu , fäapaolo. Shadow , atâ . Shaggy-mat, ie sina. Shake, lulu , luelue. Shake, v . n . gatete, tete. Shallow , papaʻu. Shallow , s. fota .

Sham ,adj. faatagă , pepelo. Shame, ma, māsiasi. Shameful, matagā .

Shape, tino.

Shiver, v .n . tetemū. Shoe, seevae.

Shore, matāfaga, faga oncone.

Short, saasaa , puupuu . Shortly, e le.pine. Shortwinded , sela . Shot, pulu fana. Shove, tūlei. Shovel, v . asu .

Shovel , s. suo. Shoulder, taʻu 'au or tau'au .

Shoulder-blade, ivi sa . Shout, uio .

Shard , ta 'egaipu .

Show , v . faaali.

Share , v. tufatufa.

Show , s. faalialia .

Share, s . tufaaga.

| Shower, ūa 'ale ,

Sharer, o lē pule , o le faasoa'mea .

Shred, fāsi [ ie ]: Shriek , iʻī. · Shrill, ii. Shrink , meme'i ; from contact, ne.

Shark, mălie , tănifa . Sharp , ma‘ai. Sharpen , faanata .

Shatter, nulininii. Shave, tafi. She, ia . Sheath , faamoega .

Shrivel, manumioumi. Shudder , tetemū.

Shed , v , a . sasa'a .

Shut, pupuni, puipui.

Shuffle , amio pepelo , fe 'alo ‘alofa 'i.

Shun , igoigo , ‘alo ese .



Shutter , pola . Shy, mā, segisegi. Sick, maʻi ; pua‘i. Side, itu ; of a river, $ c., auvai, Side, v , "au .


Siege, vagaia.

Skivny, paʻu ma ivi, iviivia, Skip , musa. Skipper, aliivaą. Skirmish , taua. Skirt, pito ofu .

Sight, vaai ; maimoa .

Skittish , segisegi, faaulavale . Skreen , faapaolo, faamalu , Skulk , lafi.

Sightly , matayofie .

Skull, atigi ulu, ulupoo,

Sign , faailoga, sāsā .

Sky, lagi. Sky color, lanu moana. Slabber, tafe le fāua. Slack, sarunü .

Sig), māpuitiga,māpusela . Signal, s. faailoga. Signal, adj. sili.


Signity, faailoa. Slacken , faamatagataga. Silence, lē tautala , lē gagana. Silence ! int, faalologo ! aua le toia Slander, tuuaifua , fatufua upų . le va ! Slant, faalifa , faatafatafa. Slap , po . Silly , faavalevalea . Similar , pei, tusa , foliga. Simile, taatusa.

Slate, maa tusi.

Simple , valea.

Slaughter, fasioti. Slay, fasi, fasioti. Sleep, moe ; (of chiefs) tofā , toʻą . Sļender, laitiiti.

Sin , agasala. Since , talu .

Sincere, faamaoni. Sinew , ua. Sing , pese. Singe, mu ; a pig , tolo . Singer, usu pese.

Slave, pologa , soga .

Slide, se 'e . Slight, vaivai: laititi. Slight, v. lē ava. Slim , laitiiti.

Single , tasi, tāutasi, toatasi; un - | Slime, palapala ; pulu. married , taataanoa , fem , nofofua. | Sling , s. maatā . Sling, v . sasau . Singly , taʻitasi. Slink, alu ese lemu, sola lilo. Singular, ese , uiga eşe, tasi. Slip , sepe . Sink, goto.

Sinner, tagata agasalą .

Slipknot, matāsele, noaunu.

Sip , miti,mitimiti. Sir, alii.

Slippery, maseóeseớe. Slit, māsae.

Sister, of a brother, tuafafine; of a Slobber, tafe le faua. sisier, uso .

Site , of a house, 8c., tuląfale.

Slope, s. tafa . Slope, v . faalifa , faatafatafa . Sloppy, palapalā .

Six , ono .

Sloth , paie.

Sixteen , e sefulu ina le ono. Sixth , le ono, le ono aʻi.

Slough , tautusiga .

Sit, noto ; birds, moe.

Sloven , faainaelo .

Sixty , e ono gafulu.

Slow , gesegese , tele“njulu .

Size , latele . Skate , s. fai.

Skilful, poto.

Sluggard , tagata paiē . Slumber, moe ; (of chiefs) tofa. Slut, fafine faainaelo .

Skin , s. paʻu , iliola.

Small, laitiiti.

Skin , v . fofo ‘e.

Smart, v. maini, tiga.

SkinAiut, limavale.

Sinear, v. nini,


SPI Son -in -law , tane a le afafine ; of a

Smell, sogisogi. Smile, ‘ata ; (of chiefs) soisoi.

woman , tane a lana tama.

Song, pese, vii. Sonorous, taalili. Soon , vave, le pine.

Smite , fasi. Smitten , toia .

Smoke, asu .

Sooth , faalaulelei, faamolemole , Soothsay , vavalo . Sooty , tāulia .

Smoke, v. n . ifi. Smoke, v. d . faaasua .

Smooth , lamolemole . Smother, a mole, le mamanava . Smutty, umuumua , tanu uli. Snail, sisi vao .

Sore, s. papala . Sore, v . le atapaia , tiga . Sorrow , faanoanoa , tiga .

Snarl, gu.

Sovereign , tupu . Soul, agaga . Sound , s. logo, pao, taalili, leo. Sound , adj. lē ma‘i.

Snatch , segi.

Sour, loʻona .

Sneer, tauemu. Sneeze , v. maſatua .

Source, le mea e tupu a'i, puna,

Sniff, v. isu miti. Snip, sele motu, Snivel, v. mona.

South , le itu i toga.

Snake, gata. Snap , gau lua .

Snare, sele, mailei.

ala .

Sow , pua'a fafine, aumatua .

Spacious, vateatea, tele , lautele . Spade, suo.

Snore, tagulu . Snot, isu alu .

Span , aga .

Snout, isu .

Spare, faasao.

Snuff, s. matapaʻu .

Spark , aloiafi. Spatter, pisipisi. Spawn, fua o i-a.

Snuff, v. sogisogi. So, pei, faapei. Soap, mõli. Soar, lele i luga.

Soak, faavai.

Speak, gagana , tautala ; (to chiefs) fetalai. Spear, tao.

Sob , masūsū .

Specify , taʻutino, faaalitino. Speckle, ilaila . Sociable, nofogotie. Spectacle, mata 'aga. Soft, målūlū . Spectator, maimoaga. Soil, eleele . Spectre, aitu . Sojourn , aumau . Speech , gagana , tautalaga, fetalai Solace, faamatalaloto . ga. Sole, s. alofi vae. Speed, faataalise, tele vave. Sole, adj. toatasi, tasi, na o . Spell, faatatau . Solicit, 'ai'oi. Spend , faauma,maumau . Solicitude, popole . Spew , pua'i ; (to chiefs) tulei, Solitary , ausage , toatasi. Spider, apogāleveleve. Solve , faamatala . Spill, v. a . sasaa, liligi. Some, nisi. Spill, v. n . masaa, maligi. Somebody, se tasi. Spine, ivitū . Something , se mea . Spinous, talatala. Sometimes , se aso ma se aso ; seā Spirit, agaga. Spiritual, faaleagaga, seā . Spit, feanu . Son, atalii; (of a chief ) alo. 0

Sober, faatoeaina.



Spite , faalili. Spittle, anuga , faua .

Splash, pisi. Splinter, v. nutininii.

Splendid , matagofie silisilí. Splinter , s . malamala laau .

Split, v. a . isi.

Split, v.n . maisi, ta'e. Spoil, s. vete.

Spoil, v. faaleaga .

Start, te 'i, maofa . Starve, faaotilaina, faasalofia ; onea self, faapaʻupa'u. Stave, tu ‘ia ( pass.) Stay , nofo ; faamuli ; tali mai. Steady, mau , lē gaoioi. Steal, gaoi. Steam , ausa .

Stedfast , mausalī. Steep, adj. tt.

Sponge, omomi. Spontaneous, fua.

Stecp , s. tofe .

Sport, faaulaula , taalo . Spot, ila . Sprain , māsui.

Steersman , tautai.

Steer, v . foemuli, uli. Stench , elo.

Sprinkle , luluu , sausau. Sprout, s. moemoe.

Step, laasaga. Steril, pa ; of land , lafulafuā. Stern, adj. countenance, matapaū , Stern, s. taumuli. Stick , s. laau ; tootoo. Stick, v. tutu 'i ; pipii. Stickle , finauvale.

Spurn , “ino‘ino .

Sticky, apulupulu .

Spy , vaavaai, tilotilo ; lamalama. Spyglass, faaatą.

Stiff , ma'a ' a .

Spray, afusigalu . Spread, fofola, sosolo.

Spring, alu a'e, puna, tupu a'e. Springtide, tai susu 'e.

Squabble , misa.

Squalid , eleelea , Squall, uio ; tāʻutaʻu . Squeak, 'i ī.

Squeeze, oomi. Squint, matasipa . Squirt, fana vai. Stab, tutu'i. Stable, mausali. Staff, tootoo . Stagger , tautevateva , Stagnant , lepa . Stain , nini, fai lanu,

Stifle , v. n. mole. Still, adj. lē gagana ; malū ; lē gą . oioi.

Stillborn , fanau ua oti.

Stimulate, faaoso. Sting , uogo. Stingy, limavale. Stink , elo .

Stipulation, feagaiga. Stir , seuseu .

Stomach, taga ‘ai, puta . Stone, maa , fatu .

Stone, v. fetogi.

Stony, gaoā, gaosā, fatufatua ,

Stair, ala faaapefa ‘i. Stale, adj. mafua. Stallion , solofanua poʻą .

Stool, nofoa. Stoop , faanoʻunoʻu , punou ,

Stammer, nanu . Stanched , v. utu . Stanch , adj. tumau .

Stop, v. n . tų . Storm , afā .

Stanchion, toʻai.

Stout, malosi.

Stand , tu, tula ‘i.

Straddle , magai. Straight, sa ‘o .

Standard , tagāvai, Star, fetu. Starboard , matau .

Stare, pulatoʻą.

Stop, v . a . taofi , pupuni.

Story, tala . Strait, apiapi.

Strand , matafaga. Strand , v . paʻulia ,

· STR Strange, ese. Stranger, tagata ese . Strangle , titina. Stratagem , togafiti.



Stray , sē .

Streak , pulepule, tusitusi. Stream , vaitafe.

Such , faapea. Suck , miti ; susu . Sucker , tatupu . Suckle , faasusu .

Sudden , faafuase‘i. Sue , faatoga . Suet , gaʻo .

Strengtlı, malosi, Stretch, fālo . Strew , faataape, faasalalau.

Suffer, onosai ; tuu atli , Suffice, lāva .

Strife , misa, finauga .

Sugarcane, tolo .

Suffocated , v . n . mole.

Strike, v. a . ta .

Suggest, taʻu ; faamanatu,

Strike, v. n . toʻa .

Suicide, toaʻi. Suit, tatau , tusa.

String , manoa .

Strip, faatelefua, Stripling, tama lē ta .

Strive, finau , taumafaj.

Sulky, mata nono, faaūū . Sultry, vevela. Summit, tumutumu.

Stroke, s. ta .

Summon, tala'i, valaau .

Strong , malosi.

Sun , la.

Struggle , s. finaugą.

Sunday, aso sā.

Strumpet, fafine tali tane, taataa i Sunder, vaelua, tuu eseese. le ala . Strut, savali faalialia . Stubborn , finauvale .

Sundries , mea eseese . Sunny, la .

Superabound , taumafa.

Stubby, saasaa, putaputa .

Superfluity, silisili.

Study, aʻoaʻo .

Superior, sili.

Stumble, tausuai.

Supine, faataliaga ; faatitipa. Supper, tālisua. Supple, vavai. Supplicate, “ aiʻoi. Supply, v. a . sui, avane. Support, lagolago, te'e. Suppose, masalo . Suppress, faatoilalo ; na ; lolomi,

Stump, tagutu .

Stunted , avilu . Stupid , valea . Sturdy, ma'a 'a . Stutter , nanu . Subdue, faatoilało. Subject, faatoilalo , faausiusitai. Submerge, faagoto . Submission , usiusitaʻi. Subsequent, mulimuli.

Subserve, fesoasoani. Subside, toʻa . Substitute, sui. Subterfuge, le mea e ‘alo ai. Subtle, togafiti poto , pepelo .

Suppurate, aloua . Supreme, silisili, Sure, mau , faamaoni.

Surmise , masalo . Surpass, muamua , sili. Surplus, mea ua totoe. Surprize, fememea 'i , ofo , te‘i.

Subtract, aveese.

Surrender, tuu atu , ifo . Surround , si'osi'o , vagavagai.

Subvert , fuli i lalo . Succeed , mulimuli ; sui; manuia .

Suspect, masalo . Suspense, faaletonu .

Success, manuia .

Swallow , folo .

Successive, āuaua'i. Succour, fesoasoari.

Swamp, fusi.

Succumb, usiusitaʻi, toilalo.

Sway, pule,

Swap , fesuia 'i.



| Tempest, afa .

Swear, tauto.

Sweat, afu . Sweep, tafitafi. Sweet, suamalie . Swell, fufula , fefete. Swerve, sesē. Swift, tele vave, saosaoa .

Swim , aau ; opeope. Swine , puaa. Swing , v . taopeope ; taupe. Swing , s. taupega .

Swoon , matapogia . Swop , fesuia'i.

Temple, mālumālu . . Temporal, faaleolavei. Tempt, tofotofo .

Ten , sefulu ; men, toasefulu . (See GRAMMAR ). Tenacious, taofi mau , pipii. Tend, leoleo, anaana, faasaga. Tender, adj. lē atapaia . Tendon, ua. Tenth , le sefulu .

Termination , le mea e gata mai ai. Terrible, mataʻutia . Territy, faamataʻu. Terror, fefe , mataʻu .

Sword , pelu .

Symptom , faailoga.

Testify, molimau . Text, matūa o le upu .

TABLE, laʻoʻai, laulau . Taciturnity , faalologo, le gagana.

Thanks, faafetai, faamanū . That, lelā , lenā . Thatch , lau . The, le.

Tack , sua .

Their, lò or la latou ; (dual) lo or


la laua.

Tail, i'u .

Take, ave ; take hold of, tago. Tale , tala .

Talk , tautala .

Talkative, tautala soo . maualuga Tall, umi, Tame, lata .


Them , ia te i latou, or jāua (dual). Then , ona . . . ai lea (as ona sau ai lea ). There, iila , ina . Therefore, o le mea lea .

These , nei.

Tangle, tilifili.

They, o i latou ; (dual) o i lõua.

Tap , tātā malie . Tardy, tele gese, tele mulu .

Thick , mafia fia .

Thief, găoi. Thigh , ogavae. Tarry, faatali ; at home, faamuli ; Thimble , atigi lima.

Taro , talo .

faatamala. Tart, cona.

Thin , manifinifi; laitiiti, tinovale ;

Taste , tofo .

Thing , mea .

Taunt, faaleaga, faaluma. Teach , aʻoaʻo. Tear, s. loimata . Tear, v . a . saei ; (pass .) masae. Teaze, faalili.

animals, pae'e. Think , mānatunatu .

Thirst , fiainu, galala . | Thirteen , sefulu ma le tolu .

Thirty, e tolu gafulu. This, lenei.

Teat, matāsusu .

Thorn , laau talatala or tuitui.

Tedious, faatelegese. Teem , gaau fanau ; fanau palasi. Telescope, faaata . Tell, ta'u .

Thorough, maluā.

Thou , oe. Though, e ui lava.

Temerity , soona fai.

Thought, manātu .

Those , o i latou ia .

Temperance, faatatau (as 'ai faata - | Thousand , afe. ..U tau ).

THR Thraldom , nofo pologa. Thrash , taisi, sasa.



Thread , manoa, filo .

Threat, faamataʻu . Three, tolu , fia . Threefold, atufia , atutolu .

Tolerate, onosa‘i. Tongs, iofi. Tongue, laulaufaiva, alelo ; (chief"8) fofoga . Tools, faatufugaga.

Threshold , faitotoa .

Tooth , nifo ; grinders, gao. Top, tumutumu.

Thrive, tupuolaola .

Torch , sulu .

Throat, ponaua ; (chief 's) ponā fo - | Torment, faalili, faatiga, saunoa.

Throb , sapotuvale ; heud, gāoi.

Torrent, alia. Torrid , mu i le la .

Throng , le vao tagata . Throttle , s . faa'i .

Tortoise, volu . Torture, faasaunoa, faatiga.

Throttle, v. titina.

Toss, lafo, togi.


Throughout, uma lava .

Total, atoa .

Throw , lafo , togi. Thrush , eaea .

Totter, tautevateva. Touch, papa'i, pa'i.

Thrust, tūlei. Thumb, lima matua.

Tough, fefeu, fefena.

Thump, turi. Thunder, faititili.

Tow , toso . Toward , mai. Town, aai.

Thunderstrike, to ‘ia i le faititili. Thus, faapea .

Thwart , faalavelave. Tickle, eneene.

Touchy, itagotie.

Toy, v, faaulaula . Trace, faailoga, tulaga. Tractable, vaogofie .

Tidings, tala . Tidy, teuteu lelei.

Trade , s. faiva .

Tie, nonoa, faamau , faapona.

Tradewind , toelau . Tradition , upu tua. Trail, v. to make, asa.

Tight, fusi mau . Till, seia .

Trade, v. faatau .

Timid , poipoi, fefe .

Train , la ei.

Tin , sheet, ‘apa . Tingle, mainiini.

Traitor, le faalata. Trample , v . soli.

Tinkle , tagitagi.

Tranquil, filemu. .

Tiny, laitiiti.

Transact, fai, sauni.

Tip , tumutumu.

Transcend , faasilisili. Transfer, tuu atu . Transfix, sosoʻa ia ati.

Tipsy , ovā .

Tire, musu, pasi; vaivai, le lavā , lailoa .

Transform , liliu .

Tiresone, faasoesā .

Transgress, solitulafono, sesē . Titter, nene'a . Translate, faamatala . To, i (to nouns) ; jā (to persons Transmit, avatu. Transparent, manino. names). To, (before the infinitive) e. Transplant, sua ma toe toto . Toe, tamatamaivae. | Trap , mailei ; rat's, vaā imoa . Trash , mea faatauvaa , otaota, oloa Together, faatasi. vale . Toil, ù. fai galuega mamafa . Title, ao.

Token , sāsā , faailoga.

Transient, vave mavae.

| Travel, alu malaça.

TRA Traveller, malo.

Treacherous, faalata , pepelo . Tread, soli, tu ai le vae. Treason , faalata . Treasure , oloa ua teu. Treaty, māvaega. Tree , laau . Tremble , tete. Tremendous, matuā mataʻutia . Tremulous, tetetete. Trench , s. utu . Trepidation , gatete.


| Twice, atu lua. Twig , la .

Twilight, segisegi. Twins, masaga . Twine, taataai.

Twinkle, emo. Twirl, lialia‘i. Twist , milo. Twitch , segi. Two, lua.

Twofold , sautualua.

Tyranny, faasauā.

Trespass , solitulafono , sopotapulaa. Trial, tofotofoga ; faamisinoga.

Tribulation, atuatuvale , puapuagā. Trick, togafiti pepelo . Trickle , sisina .

Trifle, s. mea faatauvaa. Trigger, amoti. Trim , teu .

Trip , tausuai. Triple, sautuatolu . Triumph, mitamita. Troop , 'au.

Trouble, atuatuvale. Troublesome, faasoesa . Trough , vai. Trousers, ofuvae.

Ugly, matapuaa , 'auvale, “aupiu . Ulcer, papala .

Umbrella, faamalu , fale . Unable , le mafai, le lavā . Unattended , toatasi. Unawares, faafuasei. Unbecoming , le ono. Unbend, faasa 'o. Unbind, tatala .

Unbounded, e leai se mea e gata mai ai. Uncertain, faaletonu.

Trundle, faataavalevale . Try, faataitai, tofotofo, taumafai.

Uncivil, le tõte. Uncle, paternal, le uso o le tamā ; maternal, le tuagane o le tinā. Unclean , leaga. Unclothe, tatala ofu, faatelefua.

Tuft, of huir, sope.

Uncommon, seaseā iloa .

Tug , toso .

Unconstant, faaletumau .

True, moni, faamaoni.

Trumpet, pu, foafoa.

Trust, faalagolago.

Tumble, paʻū.

Uncover, toese le ufi, susuće .

Tumid , fufula .

Uncourteous, le tõte . Unction , faauu .

Tumult, pisapisao,misa ; nunuvale. Tune, fati. Turbid , nenefu . Turkey , pīpi. Turmeric , lega .

Turmoil, atuatuvale, popole. Turn , liliu . Turtle, laumei. Tush ! isa ! Tusk, nifo .

Twelve, sefulu ma le lua. Twenty, e lira fulu .

Unctuous, lăla .

Unculpable, lē sala . Uncumbered , e leai se faalavelave. Uncurse, pūpū , faamagalo le fetuu.

Undamaged, lē afaina . Undecided , faaletonu . Under , i lalo , i lalo ifo.

Undergo, onosa‘i. Undermost, aupito i lalo . Understand, lagona, iloa.

| Undertake, tago, sii.



Undo, tatala. Undress, tatala ofu .


Uneven , le gatasi, lē tu sa‘o .

Unravel, talatala. Wuripe, moto , lē matua . Uvrol, tatala. Unruly, vaogatā .

Unexpected , faafuase'i.

Unsatisfied, lē mălie, le maõná .

Unexpert, vasivasi. Unfasten , tatala .

Unskilful, lē masani, vasivasi.

Unemployed , nofo paganoa .

Unsiglitly , matagā.

Unfathomed , le fuatia .

Unsuccessful, malaia .

Unfledged, lē fulufulua . Unfold , faamatala . Unfortunate, malaia.

Unsuitable, lē tusa. Unthankful, lē faafetai, agavale . Untie , tatala .

Unfrequent, seāseā .

Until, se‘ia .

Unfrequented , lē uia . Ungoverned, lē taupulea. Unhandsome, "auvale. Unhandy, le masavi. Unhappy, malaia.

Untrue, pepelo. Unusual, seasea .

Unwbolesome, leaga, e tupu aima‘i.

Unintentional, mao .

Unwilling, le mafai. Unwonted , seāstā. Up, i luga, a'e (a particle ). Up ! interj. tula ‘i. Upbraid , faasāói. Uphold, taofi, fesoasoani. Upon , i luga. Uppermost, aupito i luga .

Unintermitted , fai soo .

Uppish , faasiasia , faamaualuga.

Unhonored , le taualoa .

Unhospitable , lē töte.

Unhurt, le afaina . Uniform , gatusa . Uni jured , le afaina .

Uvion , faasoo, faatasiga. Unite, faatasi. Universal, abao. Unjust, lē tusa , lē tatau . Unkind, agavale , lē alofa . Unknown, lē iloa. Unlawful, sā.

Upright, tu sa‘o . Uproar, pisao . | Uproot, Jia'i.

Upside down, fao. Upward , faasaga i luga . Urge, faaoso.

Urilie , miaga .

Unless, vaganā, sei iloga ; (past ) Us, ia i tatou, tāua, matou, māua. ana le se anoa . Uplike , lê tusa , eseese.

Use , aogā , masani. Use , v. faamasani.

Unlikely , e iloga.

Useful, aogā .

Unlock , tatala .

Usual, masani, fai soo.

Unloose, tatala .

Usurp , fao fua.

Unluckv, malaia .

Uterus, manava .

Unmannered, faalevao. Unmarried , man , laataanoá ; Wo

man , nofoļua. Unmeasurable, lē fuatia . Unmerciful, sanā . Unmoveable, mausalī.

Unneighbourly , traoi vale.

Unobserved , lē manatua, le iloa . Unpaid , lē tauia . Unparduned , lē magalo .

Unprofitable, lē aoga.


Vacant, tuufua. Vagabond , faasevasevaloaina . Vain , le aogā . Vainglorious, faalialiavale . Vale , vauu. Valediction , faamavaega . Valiant, toa.



Valley, vanu. Valuable , aogā , tāua,

| Vindicate, faatonu , fansa'o. Vindictive, faalotoloto .

Van, mua “au.

Violate , soli.

Vanish , mou .

Violent, faavalemalosi. Viper, gata . Virgin, taupou. Visit , asiasi. Vixen , fatine ‘ote.

Vanquish , faatoilalo .

Vapour, ausa . Variable, lē tumau , feliuliua ‘i. Variance , maseiga .


Variety , eseese .

Vocation , faiva .

Vast, matuā tele . Vaunt, mitamita vale,

Voice, leo ; (chief's ) siufofoga. Void , lē aina , tuufua , gangao .

Veer, liliu . Volcano, mauga mū. Vegetable, laau ; (pl.) mea e ‘ai; Volume, lautusi. taro, & c.

Voluntarily , fai fua i le loto.

Veil, v . ufiufi.

Vomit, v. pua'i; (chief's) tulei,

Vein , ua . Velocity, tele vave, saosaoa.

Voyage, folauga.

Voracious, lotulotu -ai.

Vend, fáatau. Venerate , ava . Venesection , tuu le lima, Vengeance, tauima sui. Venom , mea oʻona.

Wade , asa.

Venomous, uogo.

Wag , the head , lialia'i.

Verbal, upu i le gutu . Verify, faamaoni. Verse, fuai tau (in poetry ).

Wages, totogi. Wail, auē, tagiauē, tagitu 'i, Waist, sulugatiti. Waistcoat, taofu , Wait, tali, faatali. Wake, ala ; (chief's) malei fua ;

Versed , masani. Vertex , tumutumu.

Vertigo, niniva .

Very, matuā. Vesicle , poʻu . Vessel, ipu ;' vaa papalagi.


matāala .

Vesicate, manunu.

Wake, v. a . fafag . Walk , savali.

Vestige, tulagāvae ; faqiloga. Vex, faalili. Vexatious, soesā .

Wall, pa , aupa .

Vial, fagu laitiiti.

Wane, gase. Want, mativa, manao . Wanton , ulavale , faamatāitu .

Vibrate, tetetete. Vice, ulavale , pagota . Victor, lē ua malo.

Victory, manumalo . Victuals, mea e ‘ai. Vie , losilosi. View , 1). vaavaai.

Vigilant, mataala . Vigorous, malosi. Vile , leaga . Vilify, faaleaga.

Village, faoa aai.

Walking- staff, tootoo. Wallow , taafili. Wander, sesē. War, taua .

War, v . tau le taua .

Warm , mafanafana. Warm , v . faafana . Warn , apoapoaʻi. Warp , ala .

Warp , v . faapi'o ,

Warrior, toa. Wart, tona. |Wash , fufulu , ta ; the body , taele .




Senior, aupito matua ; toeaina.

Shed , o. n . maligi, masaa:

Sensitive plant, laau fefe . Sensual, faaletino.

Sheep , mamoe. Sheet, ie afuloto.

Shelf, fata ; at sea, aʻau , toʻa . Shell, atigi; pule. Sentinel, leoleo. Separate , tuu eseese, vấvae, alu ese. Shellfish , figota. Septiment, manatu .

Serene, filemu.

Shelter , malu , lipoi, lafitaga . Shelter, v . a . faamamalu . Shelter, v. n . lalafi.

Sermon , lauga .

Shelving , tafato .

Serpent, gata .

Sherd , ta 'egāipu. Shield , v. faamamalu .

Sepulchre, tuugamau , loà. Sequel, i'u .

Servant, auauna, tautűa , soga .

Serviceable , aogā. Shield , s. talitā . Set, v. a . tuu ; toto ; aside, lafoai; Shift, sui; up, faatu .

Set, v. n . alu ifo , goto. Settle, v. a. sauni lelei, totofi. Settle , v . n . toʻa i lalo ; mau . Seven , fitu .

Seventeen , e sefulu ma le fitu . Seventy , e fitu gafulu .

Shift, s. togafiti.

Shin , tuasivi vae. Shine, v. pupula. Ship , folau, vaa papalagi. Shipwreck , vaa tuʻia . Shirt, ofutino. Shiver, v. ni tetemū.

Sever, vavae, tuu eseese.

Shiver, v . a . nutininä.

Several, e tele , eseese .

Shoal, mea papaʻu .

Severe , sadā . Sew , suʻi, tui. Shade, paolo.

Shoe, seevae.

Shade, v. faamalu, fåapaolo . Shadow , ata . Shaggy-mat, ie sina. Shake, lulu , luelue.

Shore, matāfaga, faga oncone. Short, saasaa , puupuu . Shortly, e le .pine. Shortwinded , sela .

Shake, vin. gatete, tete. Shallow , papaʻu .

Shallow , s. fota . Shame, ma, māsiasi. Shameful, matagā.

Sham , adj. faatagā , pepelo .

Shape, tino . Shard , ta ' egaipu . Share, v. tufatufa .

Share, s. tufaaga. Sharer, o lē pule, o le faasoa'mea.

Shoot, fana.

Shoot, v. n . totoga .

Shot, pulu fana. Shove, tūlei. Shovel, v . asu . Shovel, s. suo. Shoulder, taʻu'au or tau´au . Shoulder-blade, ivi sa .

Shout, uio . Show , v. faaali. Show , s . faalialia . Shower, Ūa ‘ale .

Shred , fāsi [ ie ]:

Shark , mălie, tănifa.

Shriek , i-ī.

Sharp, ma‘ai.

Shrill, i-ī.

Sharpen , faamata . Shatter, nulininii.

Shave, tafi.

Shrink , meme'i ; from contact, ne. Shrivel, manuminumi. Shudder, tetemū.

She, ia .

Shuffle, amio pepelo , feʻalo‘alofa ‘i.

Sheath , faamoega .

Shun , igoigo, ‘alo ese.

Shed , v . a . sasa'a .

Shut, pupuni, puipui.



Shutter, pola. Shy, mnā, segisegi.

Skinny, paʻu ma ivi, iviivia ,

Sick, naʻi ; pua'i.

Side, itu ; of a river, $ c., auvai.

Skipper, aliivaą. Skirmish , taua .

Side, v. “au . Siege, vagaia . Sigli, māpuitiga, māpusela .

Skirt, pito ofu . Skittish , segisegi, faaulavale . Skreen , faapaolo , faamalu , Skulk , lah .

Sight, vaai ; maimoa.


Skip , musa.

Sightly , matayofie. Sign, faailoga, sāsā.

Skull, atigi ulu, ulupoo,

Simile, taatusa . Simple , valea . Sin , agasala .

Slave, pologa, soga. Slaughter, fasioti. Slay, fasi, fasioti.

Since , talu .

Sleep, moe ; (of chiefs) tofā , toʻą.

Sky, lagi. Sky color, lanu moana . Signal, s. faailoga. Slabber, tafe le fāua. Signal, adj. sili. Signity, taailoa. Slack , saʻunu. Slacken , faamatagataga. Silence , lē tautala , lē gagana. Silence ! int. faalologo ! aụa le toịa Slander, tuuaifua, fatufua upų. le va ! Slant, faalifa , faatafatafa . Slap, po. Silly, faavalevalea. Slate, maa tusi. Similar, pei, tusa , foliga.

Sincere , faamaoni.

Slender, laitiiti.

Sinew , ua .

Slide, se' e.

Sing , pese.

Slight, vaivai: laititi.

Singe, mu; a pig , tolo .

Slight, v. lē ava. Slim , laitiiti.

Singer, usu pese .

Single , tasi, tāutasi, toatasi; un- | Slime, palapala ; pulu. married , taataanoa , fem . nofofua. Sling, s. milatā. Sling , v. sasau.

Singly , taʻitasi. Singular , ese , uiga eşe, tasi. Sink , goto .

Sinner, tagata agasalą. Sip , miti, mitimiti. Sir , alii.

Slink , alu ese lemu, sola lilo . Slip , sepe . Slipknot , matāsele, noaunu. Slippery, maseóese e. Slit , māsae.

Sister, of a brother, tuæfafine; of a Slobber , tafe le faua. sisier, uso .

Sit, noto ; birds, moe. Site, of a house, 8c., tulafale . Six, ono . Sixteen , e sefulu mpa le ono .' Sixth , le ono , le ono aʻi. Sixty , e ono galulu . Size, latele .

Slope, s. tafa .

Slope, v. faalifa , faatafatafa . Sloppy, palapalā . Sloth , paiē . Sloven, faainaelo .

Slough , tautusiga. Slow , gesegese, tele nulu . Sluggard, tagata paiē.

Skate , s. fai. Skilful, poto .

Slumber , moe ; (of chiefs) tofa . Slut, fafine faainaelo .

Skin , s. paʻu , iliola. Skin , v . fofoʻe. Skinfiut, limavale .

Small, laitiiti. Smart, v . maini, tiga . Smear, v . nini,

pi, wo let , 28

SPI Sun - 1 - aw , ane ae affine ; of 9f chaej's Wis .

lu , 1. .

Smasher, a mole, le mamanava.

woman . sane a ana tama ng pese , VIL Sonorous, zalili.

Soon, tave. E pine Sooth , thaianleiei, aamolemole . Soothsav. varala Sooty , taalia . Sore, .. papala Sore, 1. ie atapaia , tiga . Sorrow . fanoanoa , tiga.

Peake , zata. Saarl, go nen , tenemo , soeve , 6 . malatua .

Sorp , vele motu . nivel, . mona . Moore , tagulu .

not, isu alu . Sinout, isu , Anuff , , matapa 'u .

Sovereign, tupu . Soul, agiga. Sound , .. logo. pao , taalili, leo. Sound , adj. le ma'i.. Sour, corona. Source, le mea e tupu a'i, puta, ala . South , le itu i toga. Sow , puaʻa fafine, aumatua. Spacious , vateatea , tele , lautele . ' Spade, suo . Span, aga .

Spare , faasao .

Houfi, v. sogisogi. Ho, pri, faapei.

Spark , aloiafi. Spatter , pisipisi. Spawn, fua o i-a.

Hoak, faavai.

Speak, gagana, tautala ; ( to chiefs)

Soap, moli.


Hoil, eleele .

Spear, tao . Specify , taʻutino, faaalitino. Speckle, ilaila . Spectacle, mata 'aga . Spectator, maimoaga . Spectre, aitu .

Hojourn , aumau .

Speech, gagana, tautalaga, fetalai

Holace, faamatalaloto .

Hole, 8, alofi vae.

ga. Speed , faataalise, tele vave .

Sole, adj. toatasi, tasi, na o . Molicit, 'ai'oi.

Spend, faauma, maumau .

Hoar, lele i luga. Sob , masüsü. Hober, faatocaina. Sociable, nofogotic , Moſt, málūlū .

Holicitude, popole . Holitary, ausage, toatasi. Holve, Inamatala. Home, nisi.

Homebody, ne tasi. Momething, we mea .

Nometimes ,Naso ma se aso ; seā

Hou, wali : (of a chief) alo.

Spell, faatatau. Spew , puaʻi ; (to chiefs) tulei,

Spider, apogāleveleve. Spill, v. u . sasaa, liligi. Spill, v. n . masaa, maligi. Spine, ivitū . Spinous, talatala . Spirit, agaga. Spiritual, faaleagaga,

Spit, feanu .



Spite, faalili. Spittle, anuga, fāua. Splash , pisi. Splendid , matagofie silisilí. Splinter, v. nutininii.

Start, te'i, maofa . Starve , faaotilaina, faasalofia ; one, self, faapaʻupa'u . Stave, tu ‘ia (pass.) Stay, nofo ; faamuli ; tali mai.

Splinter, s. malamala laau. Split, v. a . isi.

Steady, mau, lē gaoioi. Steal, gaoi.

Split , v. n . maisi, ta'e . Spoil, s. vete.

Stedfast , mausalī.

Spoil, v . faaleaga . Sponge, omomi. Spontaneous, fua.

Sport, faaulaula , taalo. Spot, ila . Sprain , māsui.

Steam , ausa .

Steep, adj. tr. Steep, s. tofē . Steer, v. foemuli, uli. Steersman , tautai. Stench , elo .

Spray, afusigalu . Spread , fofola , sosolo .

Step, laasaga. Steril, pa ; of land, lafulafuā. Stern, adj. countenance,matapaū,

Spring, alu a' e, puna, tupu a'e. Springtide, tai susu'e.

Stern , s. taumuli.

Sprinkle, luluu, sausau .

Stick , v. tutu 'i ; pipii. Stickle, finauvale. Sticky, apulupulu .

Sprout, s. moemoe.

Spurn , “ino‘ino. Spy, vaavaai, tilotilo ; lamalama. Spyglass, faaatą. Squabble , misa.

Squalid , eleelea, Squall, uio ; tāʻutaʻu . Squeak, 'ii. Squeeze, oomi. Squint, matasipa . Squirt, fana vai. Stab, tutu'i.

Stick, s. laau ; tootoo. Stiff, ma‘a‘a. Stifle , v . n . mole.

Still, adj. lē gagana ; malū ; lē gą . oioi. Stillborn , fanau ua oti. Stimulate , faaoso. Sting, uogo. Stingy, limavale . Stink, elo .

Stipulation , feagaiga.

Stable, mausali.

Stir , seuseu .

Staff, tootoo. Stagger, tautevateva, Stagnant, lepa . Stain , nini, fai lanu,

Stomach, taga ‘ai, puta. Stone, maa , fatu .

Stair, ala faaapefa' i. Stale, adj. mafua. Stallion , solofanua poʻą. Stammer , nanu. Stanched , v . utu .

Stone, v. fetogi. Stony, gaoā, gaosā , fatufatua , Stool, nofoa. Stoop, faanoʻunoʻu , punou, Stop , v. a . taofi, pupuni. Stop , v . n . tu .

Storm , afā .

Stanch , adj. tumau,

Story , tala .

Stanchion , toʻai.

Stout, malosi.

Stand , tu , tula ‘ i.

Straddle, magai. Straight, saʻo.

Standard , tagāvai,

Star, fetu . Starboard , matau ,

Stare , pulato ‘ą.

Strait, apiapi. Strand, matafaga. Strand , v. paʻulia ,



stratagem , togafiti,

Bach , iaapea . Sack , miti ; sust . Sacker, tatupu. Sackle , fzasusa .

Stray , se

Sudden , Faafuase i.

Stranger, tagata ek .. Streak, palepule , tusitusi

Sae, faatoga.

Stream , vaitale .

Soet, ga 'o .

Strength , malosi.

Saffer, onosai ; tuu ata ,

Stretch , falo . Etrew , faataape , faasalalau.

Suffocated , r. n . mole.

Strife , spisa , finauga .

Strike , v. a . ta . Strike, v . n . toʻa . String, manoa. Strip , faatelefua. Stripling , tama le ta . Strive, finau, taumafai, Stroke, s. ta. Strong , malosi. Struggle , s. finaugą .

Suffice , lara .

· Sugarcane, tolo . Suggest, taʻu ; faamanatu , Suicide , toaʻi.

Suit, tatau, tusa. Sulky, mata nono , faaūū . i Sultry, verela .

Summit, tumutumu. Summon, tala'i, valaau . Sun, la .

Sunday, aso sa . Strumpet, fafine tali tane, taataa i Sunder, vaelua , tuu eseese. le ala .

Sundries, mea eseese .

Sirut, savali faalialia .

Sunny, la .

Stubborn , finauvale.

Superabound , taumafa . Superfluity , silisili.

Stubby, saasaa, putaputa . Study, a 'oa 'o . Stumble, tausuai. Stump , tagutu . Stunted , avilu . Stupid , valea . Sturdy, ma' a 'a . Stutter, nanu .

Subdue, faatoilalo . faagoto , Subierge, on

Superior, sili.

Supine, faataliaga ; faatitipą. Supper, tālisua. Supple, vavai.

Supplicate, “ai'oi. Supply, v . a . sui, avane. Support, lagolago , te'e. Suppose , masalo .

Subject, faatoilalo , faausiusitai.

Suppress, faatoilalo ; na ; lolomj,

Submissi , usiusita' i.

Suppurate , aloua. Supreme, silisili. Sure, mau , faamaoni.

Subscquent, mulimuli. Subserve, fesoaspani. Subside, to‘a . Substitute , sui.

Subterfuge, le mea e ‘alo ai. Subtle , togafiti poto, pepelo . Subtract, aveese. Subvert, fuli i lalo ,

Surmise , masalo . Surpass , mụamua, sili. Surplus, mea ua totoe. Surprize, fememea 'i, ofo, te‘i. Surrender, tuu atu , ifo.

Surround , si'osi'o, vagavagai. Suspect, masalo .

Succeed , mulimuli; sui; manuia . | Suspense, faaletonu . Success, manuia . Swallow , folo .

Successive, iuaua 'i. Succour, fesoasoari.

Swamp, fusi. Swap , fesuia 'i.

Succum , usiusitari, toilalo.

Sway, pule,



Sweat, afu .

Tempest, afa . Temple , mālumālu .

Sweep , tafitafi.

Temporal, faaleolanei.

Swear, tauto. Sweet, suamalie . Swell, fufula, fefete. Swerve, sesē. Swift, tele vave, saosaoa . Swim , aau ; opeope. Swine, puaa .

Swing, v . taopeope ; taupe. Swing , s. tau pega . Swoon , matapogia .

Tempt, tofotofo . Ten , sefulu ; men , toasefulu . ( See GRAMMAR ). Tenacious, taofi mau , pipii. Tend, leoleo , anaana, faasaga. Tender , adj. lē atapaia . Tendon , ua .

Tenth , le sefulu. Termination , le mea e gata mai ai.

Swop , fesuia'i.

Terrible , mataʻutia .

Sword, pelu .

Territy , faamataʻu . Terror, fefe, mataʻu .

Symptom , faailoga.

Testify, molimau . T

Text, matūa o le upu . Thanks, faafetai, faamanū . That, lelā , lenā .

Table, laʻoʻai, laulau .

Thatch , lau .

Taciturnity , faalologo, le gagana. Tack , sua.

Their, lo or la latou ; (dual) lo or

Tail, i'u. Take, ave; take hold of, tago. Tale, tala . Talk , tautala . Talkative , tautala soo .

Tall, umi, maualuga. Tame, lata .

Tangle, filifili.

Tap , tātā malie . Tardy, tele gese, tele mulu . Taro, talo .

Tarry, faatali; at home, faamuli ; faatamala . Tart , cona.

Taste , tofo . Taunt, faaleaga , faaluma. Teach , aʻoaʻo .

Tear, s. loimata . Tear, v . a . saei ; (pass.) masae.

Teaze, faalili. Teat, matāsusu . Tedious, faatelegese .

The, le . la lāua.

Them , ia te i latou, or lāua (dual). Then , ona . . . ai lea (as ona sau ai lea ).

There, iila , ina. Therefore, o le mea lea . These , nei. They, o i latou ; (dual) o i lāua. Thick , mafiafia . Thief, găoi. Thigh , ogavae. Thimble , atigi lima.

Thin , manifinifi; laitiiti, tinovale ; animals, pae'e. Thing , mea . Think , manatunatu .

| Thirst, fiainu , galala .

Thirteen , sefulu ma le tolu . Thirty, e tolu gafulu . This, lenei. Thorn , laau talatala or tuitui. | Thorough , maluā .

Teem , gaau fanau ; fanau palasi. Those, o i latou ia. | Thou , oe. Though, e ui lava. Tell, ta 'u.

Telescope , faaata.

| Thought, manātu . Temerity , soona fai. Temperance, faatatau (as 'ai faata - Thousand, afe. tau ).

THR 66 Thraldom , nofo pologa. Thrash , taisi , sasa .

Thread, manoa, filu . Threat, faamata 'u .

TRA | Tolerate, onosa‘i.

Tongs, iofi.

Tongue, laulaufaiva,alelo ; (chief's) fofoga .

Three , tolu , fra .

Tools, faatufugaga.

Threefold , atufia, atutolu .

Tooth , nifo ; grinders, gao.

Threshold , faitotoa .

Top, tumutumu. Torch , sulu . Torment, faalili, faatiga, saunoa.

Thrive , tupuolaola .

Throat, ponaua ; (chief's) ponā fo foga .

Throb, sapotuvale ; heud , gāoi.

Torrent, alia . Torrid , mu i le la .

Throng , le vao tagata . Throttle , s . faa 'i.

Tortoise , volu . Torture, faasaunoa, faatiga. Toss, lafo, togi.

Throttle, v. titina. Throughout, uma lava . Throw , lafo, togi.

Thrush , eaea. Thrust, tūlei. Thumb , lima matua .

Thump, tu 'i. Thunder , faititili. Thunderstrike, toʻia i le faititili. Thus, faapea . Thwart, faalavelave. Tickle, eneene. Tidings, tala.

Tidy, teuteu lelei.

Total, atoa .

Totter , tautevateva . Touch , papa'i, pa‘i. Touchy, itagotie. Tough , fefeu, fefena. Tow , toso .

Toward , mai. Town, aai. Toy, v. faaulaula . Trace, faailoga, tulaga . Tractable, vaogofie .

Trade, s. faiva .

Tight, fusi mau .

Trade, v . faatau. Tradewind, toelau . Tradition , upu tua .

Till, seia .

Trail, v. to make, asa.

Timid , poipoi, fefe.

Train , la ‘ei. Traitor, le faalata .

Tie, nonoa, faamau, faapona. Tin , sheet , ‘apa . Tingle, mainiini.


Trample, v . soli. Tiny, laitiiti. Transact, fai, sauni. Transcend , faasilisili. Tip , tumutumu. Transfer, tuu atu . Tipsy, onā. Tire , musu , pasi ; vaivai, le lavā, Transfix , sosoʻa ia ati. lailoa . Transform , liliu . Tiresome, faasoesā. Transgress , solitulafono, sesē .

Tinkle , tagitagi.

Tranquil, filemu.

Title , ao . Titter, nene'a .

Transient, vave mavae. Translate , ' faamatala .

To, i (to nouns) ; jā (to persons? Transmit, avatu . names). Transparent, manino . To, (before the infinitive) e. Transplant, sua ma toe toto . Toe, tamatamaivae. Together, faatasi. Toil, v. fai galuega mamafa . Token , sasā , faailoga.

Trap, mailei ; rats, vaā imoa.

Trash , mea faatauvaa, otaota, oloa vale.

| Travel, alu malaça.

TRA Traveller, malo . Treacherous, faalata , pepelo .

UND | Twice, atu lua. Twig , la.

Tread , soli, tu ai le vae. Treason , faalata .

Twilight, segisegi. Twin masa

Treasure, oloa ua teu.

Twine, taataai.



Treaty, māvaega.

Twinkle , emo.

Tree , laau .

Twirl, lialia‘i. Twist, milo . Twitch, segi.

Tremble , tete.

Tremendous, matuā mataʻutia. Tremulous, tetetete.

Two , lua.

Trench, s. utu.

Twofold , sautualua .

Trepidation , gatete . Tyranny, faasauā. Trespass, solitulafono, sopotapulaa. Trial, tofotofoga ; faamasinoga. Tribulation, atuatuvale , puapuagā .

Trick , togafiti pepelo . Trickle, sisina .

Ugly, matapuaa, “auvale, “aupiu .

Trifle , s. mea faatauvaa.

Ulcer, pa pala .

Trigger, amoti.

Umbrella , faamalu, fale .

Trim , teu.

Unable , le mafai, le lavā .

Trip , tausuai.

Unattended , toatasi.

Triple , sautuatolu .

Unawares, faafuasei.

Triumph , mitamita . Troop , 'au . Trouble , atuatuvale.

Unbecoming, le ono .

Troublesome, faasoesa . Trough , vai.

Trousers, ofuvae. True, moni, faamaoni.

Trumpet, pu , foafoa. Trundle, faataavalevale . Trust , faalagolago. Try, faataitai, tofotoſo, taumafai. Tuft, of huir, sope. Tug , toso . Tumble , paʻū . Tumid , fúfula. Tumult, pisa pisao,misa ; nunuvale. Tune, fati.

Turbid , nenefu .

Turkey, pīpi. Turmeric , lega.

Turmoil, atuatuvale , popole. Turn, liliu .

Turtle , laumei. Tush ! isa ! Tusk , nifo .

Twelve, sefulu ma le lua.

Twenty, e lua lulu .

Unbend , faasa' o . Unbind , tatala .

Unbounded , e leai se mea e gata mai ai. Uncertain , faaletonu. Uncivil, le tõte . Uncle, paternal, le uso o le tamā ; maternal, le tuagane o le tinā. Unclean , leaga. Unclothe , tatala ofu , faatelefua . Uncommon, seaseā iloa. Unconstant, faaletumau. Uncover, toese le ufi, susu'e. Uncourteous, le tõte.

Unction , faauu. Unctuous, lăla. Unculpable, lē sala . Uncumbered , e leai se faalavelave. Uncurse, pūpū, faamagalo le fetuu . Undamaged, lē afaina . Undecided , faaletonu. Under, i lalo , i lalo ifo . Undergo, onosa‘i.

Undermost, aupito i lalo. Understand , lagona, iloa. | Undertake, tago, sii.



Undo, tatala . Undress, tatala ofu . Unemployed , nofo paganoa .

VAL | Unravel, talatala . Uuripe , moto, lē matua .

Unrol, tatala . Unruly, vaogatā .

Uneven , lē gatasi, lē tu sa ‘o . Unexpected , faafuase'i.

Unsatisfied , lē mălie , le maðná . Unsiglitly , matagā. Unskilful, lē masani, vasivasi. Unsuccessful, malaia . Unsuitable, lē tusa . Unthankful, lē faafetai, agavale . Untie , tatala . Until, se'ia.

Unexpert , vasivasi. Unfasten , iatala . Unfathomed , le fuatia .

Unfledged , lē fulufulua. Unfold , faamatala . Unfortunate , malaia . Unfrequent, seāstā . Unfrequented , lē uia.

Untrue, pepelo .

Ungoverned , lē taupulea . Unhandsome, "auvale . Unbandy, le masavi. Unhappy, malaia. Unbonored , lē taualoa.

Unusual, seaseā .

Unwbolesome, leaga, e tupu aima‘i. Unwilling, le mafai. Unwonted , seāstā. Up, i luga, a'e (a particle).

Unhospitable, lē töte . Unhurt, le afaina.

Upbraid , faasā‘i.

Uniform , gatusa .

Uphold , taofi, fesoasoani.

Uni jured , le afaina . Unintentional, mao.

Upon, i luga. Uppermost, aupito i luga .

Up ! interj. tula ‘i.

Unintermitted , fai soo .

Uppish, faasiasia , faamaualuga.

Union, faasoo , faatasiga.

Upright, tu sa o . Uproar, pisað.

Unite , faatasi.

Universal, aðao. Unjust, le tusa , lē tatau . Unkind, agavale, le alofa .

Uproot, Jia 'i.

Unknown, lē iloa.

Urge, faaoso . Urine, miaga .

Upside down, fao.

Upward , faasaga i luga.

Unlawful, sā.

Unless, vaganā, sei iloga ; (past) Us, ia i tatou, tāua,matou,māua. ana le se anoa . Use , aogā, masani. Use, v . faamasani. Unlike, lê tusa , eseese. Unlikely , e iloga .

Useful, aogā .

Unlock , tatala. Unlucky, malaia.

Usual, masani, fai soo . Usurp , fao fua.

Unloose , tatala .

Uterus, manava .

Unmannered, faalevao. Unmarried , man , laataanoa ; wo- | man , nofofua . Unmeasurable , le fuatia . Unmerciful, savā .

Unmoveable, mausali. Unneighbourly , traoi vale. Unobserved, lē nanatua, le iloa. Unpaid, lē tauia . Unparduned, le magalo .

Unprofitable , lē aoga.

Vacant, tuufua. l'agabond, faasevasevaloaina. Vain , le aogā . Vainglorious, faalialiavale . Vale , vauú . | Valediction, faamavaega. Valiant, toa .


Valley , vanu.

Valuable, aogā, tāya. Van, mua “au. Vanish , mou .

Vanquish, faatoila !o . Vapour, ausa. Variable , lē tumau , feliuliua 'i.

WAS | Vindicate , faatonu, fansa‘o . Vindictive, faalotoloto . Violate , soli.


Violent, faavalemalosi. Viper, gata . Virgin , taupou . Visit, asiasi.

Variance , maseiga.

Vixen, fatine 'ote .

Variety , eseese .

Vocation , faiva .

Vast, matuā tele.

Voice, leo ; (chief 's) siufofoga.

Void , lē aina, tuufua, gangao . Vegetable, laau ; (pl.) mea e “ai; Volume, lautusi. taro , & c. Voluntarily , fai fua i le loto . Veil, v . ufiufi. Vomit, v . puaʻi ; (chief's) tulei, Vaunt, mitamita vale ,

Veer, liliu .

Volcano, mauga mū .

Vein , ua . Velocity, tele vave , saosaoa .

Voracious, lotulotu 'ai.

Voyage, folauga.

Vend , faatau . Venerate , ava .


Venesection, tuu le lima, Vengeance, taui ma sui. Venom , mea o ‘ona .

Wade , asa.

Venomous, uogo.

Wag , the head, lialia'i.

Verbal, upu i le gutu . Verify , faamaoni.

Wail, auē, tagiauē, tagitu 'i.

Verse, fuai tau ( in poetry ), Versed , masani. Vertex , tumutumu. Vertigo, niniva . Very, matuā . Vesicate, manunų .

Vesicle , poʻu .

Wages, totogi. Waist, sulugatiti. Waistcoat, taofu, Wait , tali, faatali.

Wake, ala ; (chief's) malei fua ; matāala.

Wake, v. a. fafaga . Walk , savali.

Vessel, ipu ;-vaa papalagi. Vestige, tulagāvae ; faailoga. Vex, faalili. Vexatious, soesā.

Walking -staff, tootoo .

Vial, fagu laitiiti.

Wane, gase . Want, mativa , manao . Wanton , ulavale , faamatäitu .

Vibrate , tetetete. Vice , ulavale , pagota .

Wall, pa, aupa . Wallow , taafili .

Wander, sesē.

Victor, lē ua malo .

War, taua.

Victory, manumalo . Victuals , mea e 'ai.

War, v . tau le taua .

Warm , mafanafana.

Vie , losilosi.

Warm , v . faafana .

View , 1. vaavaai.

Vigilant, mataala .

Warn, apoapoa'i. Warp,

Vigorous, malosi.

Warp, v. faapi-o.

Vile , leaga.

Warrior, toa.

Vilify , faaleaga . Village, faoa aai,

Wash, fufulu , ta ; the body, taele .

ala .

Wart, tona.


Wasp, lagomumu. Waste , v . a . faamaumau .

Waste, v. n . faatinovale.

WIN | Whale, tafolā.

What, o le ā ? se ā ? Wheedle , faaoleole.

Watch , v . a . leoleo , lamalama, vaa - | Whelp , tamaʻi uli. vaai.

Watch , v . n. mataala , leoleo. Water, vai, suāvai; (to chiefs) tau . fa . Waterfall, afu . Watery, suāvaia , văivăi. Wattle, faati'a . Wave, peau ; breaker, galu . Wave, v . the hand, fc. tapa. Wax, pulu .

When , pe a ( fut.) ; interrog . ana fea ? ( past) ; afea ? ( fut.)

Whence, maifea ? naifea ? ifea ? Where , o i fea ? o fea ? Wherefore , o le mea lea .

Wherret, nati, faasoesā. Whet, faamata , faamaai. Whether, pe, po . Whetstone , faamata .

Which, o lē ; o le fea ?

Way, ala .

While , 1 āõ; manū (only in expres

Waylay, lamalama.

Whilst ) sions denoting fortunate

We, o i matou or tatou ; (dual) ly, fc. Whip , sása . māua or tāua. Weak , vaivai. Whirl, lialia 'i. Weal, faalavalava o le ta . Whirlpool, vili. Wealth , oloa. Whirlwind, asiosio. Wean , faate' a i le susu . Whisker, vaega ‘ava. Weapon , auupega .

Whisper, v. musumusu .

Wear, ofu ai.

Whistle, mapu ; a bird , valovalo .

Weary , lailoa, lē lavā ,vaivai;vaai) of the White , sinasina, paʻepa’e. . / Whitewash , vali faasinasina. ear or eye, pasi (as pasi i

Weave, lalaga . Web , (as cobweb) apogaleveleve.

Whither, i fea ?

? o ai ? Who, o lē batoa . Wed, of a man, faiavā ; of a wo Whoop , 'u 'uốū . man , nofo tane ; nofo . Whore, fafine talitane, fafine taa i Wedge, tina. le ala , fafine mulilua. Wednesday, aso lulu . Why, ai se ā ? se ā le mea ? Wee , laitiiti, pinii, tii. Weed , vao . Wick , vavae. Weed , v . vele vao, ini. Wicked, ulavale , agasala , leaga. Weep , tagi. Wide, vateatea, lautele.

Weigh, fua.

Widow , fafine ua oti lana tane.

Weighty , mamafa .

Wife , avā ; (chief 's) faletua, masi

Welcome, v. ofo .

Well, s. vaieli. Well, adj. malolo , malosi. Well, adv. lelei, maeu . Wellnigh , toetoe. Wellspring , puna . Welter, taahili . Wen , pătu . Wench , teine ; fafine talitane.

ofo .

| Wild , aivao ; feai; segisegi. Wile , togafiti pepelo . | Will, loto , manao ; (chief's) fina galo .

Willing , mafai, loto .

Win , ua sini, malo , & c. Winc m im

e, ! e | Winch


West, sisifo , gagaifo.

Wind , savili, matagi.

Wet, sū.

Wind , w. taai, taataai.



Windbound, punimatagiina. '

Wreath, fili.

Window , faamalama.

Wrecked, . Wrench , I tuóia mimilo , fa' i.

Wing, apaau. Wink , emo.

Wipe, fufulu , talimālu. Wise, poto . Wish , manao .


Wrestle, fagatua. Wretched

, malaia .

Wring, mimilo .

With , i, ma.

Wrinkle, maanuminumi.

Withdraw , alu ese.

Wrist, tapulima.

Wither, mamae. •Withhold , taoti. Within , i totonu, i fale. Without, i fafo , i tua .


Write, tusi. Writhe, vili. Wrong , sesē.

Wrong , v. agaleaga. Without, conj. sei iloga, vaganā . I Wry , pióo . Withstand , tetee. Witness , molimau .

Wo, aue, le pagā . Woman , fafine. Womb, manāva .

Y Yam , ufi.

Wonder, ofo.

Yawn, māvava .

Wonderful! int. ola ! maeu !

Ye, outou ; (dual) oulua.

Wont, v . masani.

Year, tausaga . Yearly , lea tausaga ma lea tausaga.

Wood , laau ; vao matua .

Woof, fausa .

Wool, fulufulu o mamoe.

Yearn, mutimutivale. Yell, uio .

Word , upu ; (chief"s)fetalaiga,afi

Yellow , samasama.

Yes, ioe, e, oi. Work, v. galue. Yesterday, ananafi. Yet, e ui lava. Work , s. galuega. World , lalolagi; “ all the world,” | Yield , usiusita'i, gaua'i. " salemausau uma lava. . Yonder, i 7. Worldly, faalelalolagi, faasalemau You, ( sing.) oe ; (dual) oulua ; (pl.) sau . outou. Worm , anufe . Young, child , tama ; man , taulea Wormeaten , atiatia . lea ; animal, tree & c., tamaʻi ; Worse, e sili ona leaga. animals and birds, toloa'i, ofaga. Worship, tapuai, ifo. Your, lâu , lou ; (dual) la oulua ; Worst, aupito leaga. (pl.) la outou. Worsted , toilalo , tulia , faiaina . | Youth , taulealea. oga.

Worth, aogā. Wound , manu“a . Wrangle, femisa'i, feupua'i.


Wrap, aui.

Wrath , ita ; (of chiefs) toasa , toa- ZEALOUS, losilosi ; maʻelegā. tama'i.


| A 'a 'a, s. an odoriferous plant used for scenting oil. The first letter of the Samoan alphabet. Aai, s. a town , a village. It has a long and short pronuncia - | Aai, v. ( pt. of (ai), to eat. tion , and, in some few words, it is ' Aao , s. an arm , hand , or leg of a very short, almost like ŭ : as in mate, | chief. maliu , vave, fánafanau.

Aao, a . proud bearing .

A , prep. of, or belonging to.

Aau, s. a reef.

A , adv . when .

‘Aau, v. to swim ; pl. feausi.

A , c. but, if. ‘ A, int. of surprize.

‘Aafia , v. to be taken away (of

'Aau , v. ( pl. of (au), to send.

Ā ,pron . what? (as Se ā lea mea ?) A, a sign of the future tense, when

things) by a relation , without the permission of the owner ; to be

just about to do a thing.

involved with others in trouble.

A, an affix to some verbs, to form ' Aafu , v. (pl of “afu ), to cover up. the passive ; (as ave, uvea ). Aaga, s . a kicking match . A, an affix to nouns,to form adjec- Aala , v. to smart ; intensive , feʻa tives, signifying full of, abounding |


in ; (as niu , a cocoanut : niua , | •Aale , v . to be prompt, to do things with despatch . full of cocoanuts).

A, sign of the dual and plural, in - 'Aalii, s. a species of taro . stead of la , before the pronouns. | Aalo , a . deceitful, avoiding open Aa, s. fibres of a root ; family con- ' ness , covering up. nection.

| Aalo , v. (intensive of 'alo ), to avoid constantly or repeatedly . Aa, v. to kick : pl. feaa ; pass. aa- Aalu , s. dregs; the cocoanut oil sia. | partially formed ; (as 'alu ). “Aa, s. the name of a fish ; the 'Aalu ,v. to be only partially formed, Aa, s. a kick .

fibrous substance which grows (applied to scraped nuts which do round the cocoanut. See also not readily yield oil). Lav ‘AA. “Aamau, s. cocoanuts which fall "Aa, int. an exclamation of disap - ' down and grow of themselves.


| ‘Aami, v. to fetch ; pass. 'amia ;




Strange, ese . Stranger, tagata ese .

Strangle, titina. Stratagem , togafiti. Stray, sē.

Streak , pulepule, tusitusi. Stream , vaitafe . Strengtlı, malosi, Stretch , fālo.

Strew , faataape, faasalalau. . Strife , misa, finauga. Strike, v . a . ta. Strike, v . n . to ‘a . String, manoa .

Strip , faatelefua .

Stripling , tama lē ta .

Strive, finau , taumafai. Stroke, s. ta . Strong , malosi.

SWA Such , faapea. Suck, miti ; susu . Sucker, tatupu . Suckle , faasusu .

Sudden , faafuase‘i. Sue, faatoga .

Suet, gaío . Suffer , onosai ; tuu atu , Suffice, lava .

Suffocated , v . n . mole . Sugarcane, tolo . Suggest, taʻu ; faamanatu ,

Suicide, toa‘i. Suit, tatau , tusa. Sulky, mata nono, faaūū. Sultry, vevela. Summit, tumutumu. Summon , tala'i, valaau . Sun , la .

Sunday, aso sā . Struggle, s . finaugą. Strumpet, fafine tali tane , taataa i Sunder, vaelua, tuu eseese. le ala .

Sundries, mea eseese .

Strut, savali faalialia.

Sunny, la.

Stubborn , finauvale .

Superabound , taumafa . Superfluity, silisili.

Stubby, saasaa , putaputa . Study, aʻoaʻo . Stumble, tausuai. Stump, tagutu . Stunted , avilu . Stupid , valea .

Sturdy, ma'a 'a . Stutter , nanu.

Superior, sili.

Supine, faataliaga; faatitipą. Supper, tālisua. Supple, vavai. Supplicate, “ai'oi. Supply, v. a . sui, avane. Support, lagolago, teře.

Subdue, faatoilalo .

Suppose, masalo .

Subject, faatoilalo , faausiusitai.

Suppress, faatoilalo ; na ; lolomi,

Subinerge, faagoto .

Suppurate, aloua. Supreme, silisili,

Submission , usiusitaʻi. Subsequent, mulimuli. Subserve, fesoaspani.

Subtract, aveese .

Sure, mau, faamaoni. Surmise , masalo . Surpass , muamua, sili. Surplus, mea ua totoe. Surprize, fememeaʻi, ofo , te‘i. Surrender , tuu atu , ifo . Surround , si'osi'o, vagavagai.

Subvert, fuli i lalo . Succeed , mulimuli ; sui; manuia .

Suspense , faaletonu .

Subside, toʻa. Substitute , sui. Subterfuge, le mea e “alo ai. Subtle, togafiti poto , pepelo .

Suspect, masalo .

Success , manuia .

Swallow , folo .

Successive, āuaua'i. Succour, fesoasoari.

Swamp, fusi. Swap, fesuia ' i.

Succumb, usiusitaʻi, toilalo.

Sway, pule,


Swear, tauto . Sweat , afu .

Sweep , tafitafi. Sweet, suamalie .

Swell, fufula, fefete. Swerve , sesē.



Tempest, afā . Temple, mālumālu . Temporal, faaleolanei. Tempt, tofotofo. Ten , sefulu ; men , toasefulu . ( See

Swing, v. taopeope; taupe. Swoon , matapogia . Swop , fesuia 'i.

GRAMMAR). Tenacious, taofi mau , pipii. Tend, leoleo, anaana, faasaga. Tender , adj. lē atapaia . Tendon , ua. Tenth , le sefulu . Termination , le mea e gata mai ai. Terrible, mataʻutia .

Sword , pelu .

Territy , faamataʻu.

Symptom , faailoga.

Terror, fefe , mata'u .

Swift , tele vave, saosaoa .

Swim , aau ; opeope . Swine, puaa . Swing , s. taupega.

Testify , molimau.

Text, matūa o le upu.

Thanks, faafetai, faamanū . That, lelā , lenā.

Table , laʻoʻai, laulau . Taciturnity, faalologo, le gagana. Tack, sua.

Tail, i'u. Take, ave ; take hold of, tago . Tale , tala . Talk , tautala . Talkative, tautala soo . Tall, umi, maualuga . Tame, lata . Tangle, tilifili.

Tap , tātā malie . Tardy, tele gese, telemulu . Taro, talo .

Thatch , lau . The, le .

Their, lo or la latou ; (dual) lo or la lāua.

Them , ia te i latou, or jāua (dual). Then , ona . . . ai lea (as ona sau ai lea ).

There, iila , iina.

Therefore, o le mea lea.

These , nei. They , o i latou ; (dual) o i lāua . Thick , mafiafia .

Thief, găoi. Thigli, ogavae. Tarry , faatali; at home, faamuli ; Thimble , atigi lima. faatamala . Thin , manifinifi ; laitiiti , tinovale ;

Tart, cona.

animals, paeⓇe.

Taste , tofo .

Thing , mea .

Taunt, faaleaga, faaluma. Tear, s. loimata . Tear, v. a . saei ; ( pass.) masae.

Think , mānatunatu . Thirst, fiainu, galala . Thirteen , sefulu ma le tolu . Thirty , e tolu gafulu .

Teaze, faalili.

This , lenei.

Teat, matāsusii. Tedious, faatelegese .

Thorn , laau talatala or tuitui. Thorough , maluā. Those , o i latou ia.

Teach , aʻoaʻo .

Teem , gaau fanau ; fanau palasi.

Telescope, faaata . Temerity , soona fai.

Tell , ta 'u .

Thou , oe.

Though , e ui lava. Thought, manātu .

Temperance, faatatau (as 'ai faata - Thousand , afe. tall).



Thraldom , nofo pologa. Thrash , taisi, sasa . Thread, manoa, filo . Threat, faamataʻu . Three , tolu , fra . Threefold , atufia , atutolu . Threshold , faitotoa .

TRA | Tolerate , onosa ‘i.

Tongs, iofi.

Tongue, laulaufaiva ,alelo ; (chief"s) fof oga .

Tools , faatufugaga. Tooth , nifo ; grinders, gao. Top , tumutumu.

Torch , sulu . Thrive , tupuolaola . Throat, ponaua ; (chief's) ponā fo - | Torment, faalili, faatiga, saunoa. foga. Torrent, alia . Throb, sapotuvale ; heud, gāoi. Torrid , mu i le la . Tortoise , volu . Throng, le vao tagata . Torture, faasaunoa, faatiga . Throttle , s. faa‘i. Toss, lafo, togi. Throttle, v. titina.

Throughout, uma lava. Throw , lafo , togi. Thrush , eaea. Thrust, tūlei. Thumb , lima matua.

Thump, tu'i.

Thunder, faititili. Thunderstrike, toʻia i le faititili.

Thus, faapea. Thwart, faalavelave. Tickle, eneene. Tidings, tala . Tidy, teuteu lelei. Tie , nonoa, faamau, faapona.

Tight, fusimau. Timid , poipoi, fefe.

Till, seia .

Tin , sheet, Wapa . Tingle, mainiini.

Total, atoa. Totter , tautevateva. Touch , papa'i, pa‘i. Touchy, itagofie . Tough , fefeu , fefena . Tow , toso . Toward , mai. Town, aai. Toy, v. faaulaula . Trace, faailoga, tulaga. Tractable, vaogofie. Trade, s. faiva. Trade, v. faatau. Tradewind , toelau . Tradition , upu tuli.

Trail, v . to make, asa .

Train , la ‘ei. Traitor, le faalata.

Trample, v. soli. Tranquil, filemu. Tinkle , tagitagi. Transact , fai, sauni. Tiny, laitiiti. Transcend , faasilisili. Tip , tumutumu. Transfer, tuu atu . Tipsy, onā . Tire, musu , pasi ; vaivai, le lavā, Transfix , sosoʻa ia ati. lailoa . Transform , liliu. Tiresome, faasoesā . Transgress, solitulafono , sesē . Title, ao . Titter, nene'a .

Transient, vave mavae. Translate, faamatala .

To, i (to nouns); iā (to persons? Transmit, avatu. names).

To, (before the infinitive) e. Toe, tamatamaivae. Together, faatasi. Toil, v. fai galuega mamafa . Token , sāsā , faailoga.

Transparent, manino .

Transplant, sua ma toe toto . Trap , mailei ; rat's, vaā imoa .

Trash , mea faatauvaa, otaota, oloa vale .

| Travel, alu malaça.



Traveller, malo . Treacherous, faalata, pepelo . Tread , soli, tu ai le vae. Treason, faalata. Treasure , oloa ua teu .

| Twice, atu lua.

Twig , la. Twilight, segisegi. Twins, masaga . Twine, taataai.

Trtaty , mavaega.

Twinkle , emo.

Tree, laau .

Twirl, lialia “i.

Tremble, tete.

Twist, milo .

Tremendous, matuā mataʻutia .

Twitch , segi. Two, lua. Twofold , sautualua.

Tremulous, tetetete. Trench , s. utu.

Trepidation , gatete . Tyranny, faasauā. Trespass , solitulafono , sopotapulaa. Trial, tofotofoga ; faam : sinoga. Tribulation , atuatuvale , puapuagā . Trick, togafiti pepelo . Trickle , sisina . Ugly, matapuaa , 'auvale , “aupiu . Trifle, s. mea faatauvaa . Ulcer, papala . Trigger, amoti. Trim , teu .

Umbrella, faamalu , fale .

Troop, 'au.

Unable, le mafai, le lavā. Unattended, toatasi. Unawares, faafuasei. Unbecoming, le ono. Unbend , faasa'o.

Trouble, atuatuvale .

Unbind, tatala .

Troublesome, faasoesa .

Unbounded, e leai se mea e gata mai ai. Uncertain , faaletonu. Uncivil, le töte.

Trip , tausuai. Triple, sautuatolu . Triumph , mitamita .

Trough, vai. Trousers , ofuvae. True, moni, faamaoni. Trumpet, pu , foafoa. Trundle , faataavalevale. Trust, faalagolago .

Uncle, paternal, le uso o le tamā; maternal, le tuagane o le tinā. Unclean , leaga .

Try , faataitai, tofotofo , taumafai.

Unclothe, tatala ofu, faatelefua .

Tuft , of huir , sope. Tug , toso . Tumble, paʻū . Tumid , fufula .

Uncommon , seaseā iloa .

Unconstant, faaleturau. Uncover , toese le ufi, susume.

Uncourteous, le tõte .

Tumult, pisa pisao,misa ; nunuvale . Unction , faauu. Tune , fati. Turbid , nenefu . Turkey, pīpi. Turmeric , lega. Turmoil, atuatuvale , popole. Turn , liliu .

Unctuous, lăla .

Unculpable, lē sala . Uncumbered , e leai se faalavelave. Uncurse, pūpū , faamagalo le fetuu. Undamaged, lē afaina .

Turtle , laumei. Tush ! isa !

Undecided , faaletonu . Under , i lalo , i lalo ifo . Undergo, onosaʻi.

Tusk , nifo .

Undermost, aupito i lalo . Understand , lagona, iloa.

Twelve, sefulu ma le lua . Twenty, e luia fulu .

| Undertake, tago, sii.



Undo , tatala . Undress, titala ofu .

Unemployed, nofo paganoa. Uneven , lē gatasi, lē tu sa'o . Unexpected , faafuase'i. Unexpert, vasivasi.

Unfasten, iatala . Unfathomed , lē fuatia . Unfledged , lē fulutulua. Unfold , faamatala . Unfortunate , malaia . Unfrequent, seāseā . Unfrequented, le uia . Ungoverned , le taupulea .

Unhandsome, “auvale.

Unbandy, lē masavi. Unhappy, malaia. Unhonored , lē taualoa . Unhospitable , lē töte .

Unhurt, lē afaina. Uniform , gatusa . Uninjured , lē afaina. Unintentional , mao .

Unintermitted, fai soo .

Union , faasoo, faatasiga. Unite, faatasi.

L'AL Unravel, talatala . Uuripe, moto , lē matua. Unrol, tatala . Unruly , vaogatā . Unsatisfied, le mălie , lē maõna . Unsightly , mataga. Unskilful, lē masani, vasivasi. Unsuccessful, malaia . Unsuitable, lē tusa .

Unthankful, lē faafetai, agavale. Untie, tatala . Until, seria .

Untrue, pepelo . Unusual, seaseā .

Unwbolesome, leaga, e tupu aima‘i. Unwilling, le nafai. Unwonted , seāstā. Up, i luga, a'e (a particle ). Up ! interj. tulaʻi. Upbraid , faasā'i.

Uphold , taofi, fesoasoani. Upon , i luga.

Uppermost, aupito i luga. Uppish , faasiasia , faamaualuga. Upright, tu sa'o.

Unjust, lē tusa, lē tatau .

Uproar, pisao. Uproot, Jia ‘i. Upside down, fao .

Unkind , agavale, le alofa .

Upward, faasaga i luga:

Unknown, lē iloa. Unlawful, sā .

Urge, faaoso .

Universal, aoao .

Urine, miaga.

Unless, vaganā, sei iloga ; (past) Us, ia i tatou, tāua, matou, māua. ana le se anoa . Use, aogā , masani. Unlike, lē tusa, eseese. Unlikely , e iloga. Unlock , tatala.

Use , v. faamasani. Useful, aogā.

Unloose, tatala .

Usual, masani, fai soo . Usurp, fao fua.

Unlucky, malaia.

Uterus, manāva .

Unmannered , faalevao .

Unmarried , man , laataanoa ; wo man , nofoa. Unmeasurable , le fuatia . Unmerciful, sanā .

Vacant, tuufua .

Unmoveable , mausali.

l'agabond , faasevasevaloaina.

Unneighbourly, traoi vale . Unobserved , lē manatua, le iloa.

Vain , le aogā.

Unpaid , le tauia . Unparduned , lē magalo . Unprofitable, lē aoga.

| Vainglorious, faalialiavale . Vale, vauu.

Valediction , faamavaega. Valiant, toa.


WAS | Vindicate, faatonu , fansa'o.

Valley, vanu .


Vindictive , faalotoloto .

Valuable, aogā, tāua. Van, mua au.

Violate , soli. Violent, faavalemalosi.

Vanish , mou. Vanquish, faatoilalo .

Vapour, ausa .

Viper , gata . Virgin , taupou .

Variable, lē tumau , feliuliua‘i. Variance, maseiga. Variety , eseese . Vast, matuā tele. Vaunt, mitamita vale, Veer, liliu.

Vixen, fatine ‘ote. Vocation , faiva. Voice, leo ; (chief's) siufofoga.

Visit , asiasi.

Void , lē aina , tuufua , gaogao . Volcano, mauga mū.

Vegetable, laau ; (pl.) mea e ‘ai ;

Volume, lautusi.

taro , & c. Veil, v. ufiufi . Vein , ua . Velocity , tele vave, saosaoa . Vend , faatau .

Voluntarily , fai fua i le loto .

Vomit, v. puaội ; ( chief's) tulei, Voracious, lotulotu-ai. Voyage, folauga.

Venerate , ava .

Venesection , tuu le lima. Vengeance, taui ma sui. Venom , mea oʻona. Venomous, uogo.

W Wade, asa .

Wag , the head, lialia'i.

Verbal, upu i le gutu .

Wages, totogi.

Verify, faamaoni. Verse , fuai tau (in poetry).

Wail, auē, tagiauē , tagitu'i. Waist sulugatiti.

Versed , masani.

Waistcoat , taofu ,

Vertex , tumutumu. Vertigo , niniva .

Wake, ala ; (chief's) malei fua ;

Very, matuā .


Wait, tali, faatali. matăala.

Vesicate, manunu.

Wake, v. a . fafagi.

Vesicle , poʻu . Vessel, ipu ;' vaa papalagi.

Walk , savali. Walking -staff, tootoo . Wall, pa, aupa .

Vestige, tulagāvae ; faqiloga. Vexatious , soesā , Vial, fagu laitiiti. Vex , faalili.

Wallow , taafili.

Wander , sesē. Wane, gase .

Vice , ulavale , pagota.

Want, mativa, manao. Wanton , ulavale , faamatäitu ,

Victor, lē ua malo . Victory , manumalo .

War, v . tau le taua.

Vibrate , tetetete .

Victuals, mea e ‘ai. Vie , losilosi. View , v. vaavaai.

Vigilant, mataala .

War, taua .

Warm , mafanafana . Warm , v . faafana. Warn , apoapoaʻi. Warp , ala .

Vigorous, malosi.

Warp , v. faapito,

Vile , leaga.

Warrior, toa .

Vilify , faaleaga . Village, faoa aai,

Wart , tona.

| Wash, fufulu , ta ; the body , taele,


WAS Wasp , lagomumu .

Waste , v . a . faamaumau . Waste, v . n . faatinovale .

WIN | Whale, tafolā . What, o le ā ? se ā ?

Wheedle, faaoleole.

Watch , v. a , leoleo, lamalama, vaa Whelp , tama'i uli. vaai.

Watch , v. n. matuala , leoleo.

When, pe a ( fut.); interrog. ana fea ? (past) ; afea ? ( fut.)

Water, vai, suāvai; (to chiefs) tau Whence, maifea ? naifea ? ifea ? fa .

Waterfall, afu. Watery, suāvaia , văivăi. Wattle , faati'a.

Where, o i fea ? o fea ? Wherefore, o le mea lea. Wherret, nati, faasoesā . Whet, faamata , faamaai.

Wave, peau ; breaker, galu .

Whether, pe, po.

Wave, v . the hand , fc. tapa. Wax , pulu .

Whetstone , faamata . Which , o lē ; o le fea ?

Way, ala . Waylay, lamalama.

Whilst ſ sions denoting fortunate

While, 1 āõ ; manū (only in expres We, o i matou or tatou ; (dual) ly , fc. māua or tāua . Whip , sása . Weak , vaivai. Whirl, lialiaʻi. Weal, faalavalava o le ta . Whirlpool, vili. Wealth , oloa. Whirlwind , asiosio . Whisker, vaega ‘ava . Wean, faateʻa i le susu . Whisper, v. musumusu . Weapon, auupega. Wear, ofu ai. Whistle, mapu ; a bird, valovalo . Weary, lailoa, lē lavā, vaivai ; of the White, sinasina, pa'epa'e. ear or eye, pasi (as pasi i vaai). | Whitewash , vali faasinasina. Weave, lalaga. Whither , i fea ? Web , (as cobweb ) apogaleveleve. Who, o lē ? o ai ? Wed, of a man , faiavā ; of a wo- | Whole, atoatoa. Whoop, 'u 'uốū . man , nofo tane ; nofo . Wedge, tina. Whore , fafine talitane, fafine taa i Wednesday, aso lulu . le ala , fafinemulilua.

Wee , laitiiti, vinii, tii.

Why, ai se ā ? se ā le mea ?

Weed, vao.

Wick , vavae. Wicked , ulavale, agasala , leaga .

Weed , v. vele vao, ini. Weep, tagi.

Wide, vateatea, lautele.

Weigh, fua .

Widow , fafine ua oti lana tane.

Weighty , mamafa .

Wife, avā ; (chief's) faletua, masi

Welcome, v . ofo . Well, s. vaieli.

Well, adj. malolo, malosi. Well, adv. lelei, maeu .

Wellnigh, toetoe. Wellspring , puna . Welter, taafili . Wen , pătu .

ofo .

| Wild , aivao ; feai; segisegi. Wile, togafiti pepelo . Will, loto, manao ; (chief' s) fina galo .

Willing, mafai, loto .

Win , ua sini, malo, & c . Wince , I me imeʻi.

Wench, teine ; fafine talitane.

Winch S

West, sisifo , gagaifo . Wet, sū .

Wind , savili, matagi.

Wind , v. taai, taataai.


Windbound , punimatagiina.' Window , faamalama. Wing, apaau . Wink, emo.


Wreath , fili. Wrecked , tuóia mimi. Wr ench , I

lo , fa 'i.

Wish , manao .

Wrest " Wrestle, fagatua. Wretched, malaia. Wring , mimilo .

With , i, ma.

Wrinkle, maanuminumi.

Wipe, fufulu , talimālu . Wise, poto. Withdraw , alu ese. Wither, mamae.

• Withhold , taofi . Within , i totonu, i fale . Without, i fafo , i tua. Without, conj. sei iloga , vaganā. Withstand, tetee.

Wrist, tapulima. Writhe, vili. Wrong , sesē .

Write , tusi.

Wrong , v . agaleaga. Wry, pi'o .

Witness, molimau. Wo, aue, le pagā. Woman , fafine. Womb, manāva. Wonder, ofo.

Y Yam , ufi. Yawn, māvava.

Wonderful! int. ola ! maeu !

Ye, outou ; (dual) oulua.

Wont, v. masani. Wood, laau ; vao matua .

Year, tausaga .

Woof, fausa.


Yearly , lea tausaga ma lea tausaga. Yearn , mutimutivale .

Yell, uio . Wool, fulufulu o mamoe. Word , upu ; (chief's) fetalaiga, afi- Yellow , samasama. oga. Yes, ioe, e, oi. Work, v. galue. Yesterday, ananafi. Work , s . galuega. Yet, e ui lava. World , lalolagi ; “ all the world ,” | Yield , usiusita'i, gaua'i. Yonder, io. salemausau uma lava.

Worldly , faalelalolagi, faasalemau You, (sing.) oe; (dual) oulua; ( pl.) sau .

Worm , anufe.

outou .

Worse, e sili ona leaga.

Young , child , tama; man, taulea lea ; animal, tree & c ., tamaʻi ; animals and birds, toloa'i, ofaga.

Worship, tapuai, ifo.

Your, lāu, lõu ; (dual) la oulua ;

Wormeaten, atiatia .

Worst, aupito leaga. Worsted, toilalo , tulia , faiaina.

(pl.) la outou .

Youth , taulealea .

Worth , aogā .

Wound, manu“a. Wrangle, femisa'i, feupua'i.


Wrap, aui.

Wrath , ita ; (of chiefs ) toasa , toa- | Zealous, losilosi ; ma‘elegā . tama'i.


| A 'a'a, s. an odoriferous plant used for scenting oil. The first letter of the Samoan alphabet. 'Aai, s. a town , a village. It has a long and short pronuncia - | •Aai, v. ( pl. of “ai), to eat. tion , and, in some few words, it is 'Aao , s . an arm , hand, or leg of a very short, almost like ŭ : as in mate, chief. maliu , vave, fánafănau . Aao , a . proud bearing . A , prep. of, or belonging to . Aau , s. a reef. A , adv. when .

‘Aau , v . to swim ; pl. feausi.

A , c. but, if. •A , int. of surprize.

‘Aau, v . (pl. of 'au ), to send . ‘Aafia , v. to be taken away (of Ā , pron. what ? (as Se ā leu mea ?) things) by a relation , without the A , a sign of the future tense, when | permission of the owner ; to be just about to do a thing . A , an affix to some verbs, to form

involved with others in trouble . 'Aafu , v . (pl of “afu ) , to cover up.

the passive ; (as ave, uvea). | Aaga, s. a kicking match . A , an affix to nouns,to form adjec- | 'Aala , v. to smart ; intensive, fe-a tives, signifying full of, abounding | lasi. in ; (as niu , a cocoanut : niua, Aale , v. to be prompt, to do things with despatch . full of cocoanuts). A , sign of the dual and plural, in - | •Aalii, s. a species of taro.

stead of la, before the pronouns.

Aalo , a. deceitful, avoiding open

Aa, s. fibres of a root ; family con -

ness , covering up. Aa, s. a kick . constantly or repeatedly . Aa, v. to kick ; pl. feaa ; pass . aa - | ‘Aalu , s. dregs ; the cocoanut oil sia . partially formed ; (as 'alu ). * Aa, s. the name of a fish ; the Aalu , v. to be only partially formed , fibrous substance which grows (applied to scraped nutswhich do nection .

| ‘Aalo , v . (intensive of 'alo ), to avoid

round the cocoanut. See also | not readily yield oil). Lav‘AA . |'Aamau, s. cocoanuts

*Aa, int. an exclamation of disap probation .

which fall

down and grow of themselves. | ' Aami, v. to fetch ; pass. 'amia ;




'āmiʻami, to fetch one after ano- | Āi, s. a fence , a railing . ther . | Āi, v. to fence in ; pass. āia . Ai, s. a concession made in defer ‘Aami'a, s. the name of a shrub. ‘Aamu, 1. to whisper discontents

with ridicule .

ence to another party . Ai, pr. who , whosoever.

'Aano, s. Aesh ; the kernel ; sub - | Ai, pr. him , her, it, that, which. stantial food . | Ai, adv. there ; probably, very like ‘ Aapa, v. to stretch outthe hand in Lly. order to take hold of something. | Ai, prep. fron , (as nai, mai).

Aapo , v. (pl ofcapo), to nurse . ' Aapu, v . to draw thewind , (applied to a sail).

Ai, the reflective particle, referring back to the nominative, or to the cause , time, place, consequence,

‘Aasa , a. fo v. glowing hot. reason , & c . ' Aasi, v. to scratch ; to scrape tu - | 'Ai, v. to eat; pl.'a'ai; pass .'aina. tuga .

' Aata , v. (pl. of 'ata ), to laugh . (Seldom used ).

‘ Ai, s. a present of raw food , (an introduced word ) ; the stone with

which children play hideand seek ;

a count towards the numberwhich determines the game. gnaw off (as the skin of sugar- A ‘i, a particle denoting the cause , cane) . means, or instrument. ' Aato , a. complete in counting en - | Aia , v. to be galled or chafed . tire tens: (as, e sefulu ‘aato, & c .) | Aiā , v. (mostly preceded by a ne gative ), to have no authority in 'Aava, a . bitter, acrid ; scorching Aatasi, s. a species of cress.

'Aati, v. to eat in , as an ulcer ; to

hot (of the sun ).

Aava, v . to be bitter ; to be scorch ing hot ; pass. 'avasia .

or over.

A'ia 'i, a. true, genuine ; adv. very, truly , really

Ae, int. used in chasing a wounded ‘Ai-aiga, v. incomplete ; partly con bird , or in forbidding a dog run - ' sumed ; applied also to the moon , when either waxing or waning . ning at something. A e, v . to go up ; to ascend, as from 'Ai-aiga, v. to go out to beg food. fishing, from banishment; also “ Aiau, v . (lit. to eat the gall), to be used of the waves.

A ‘e, adv. up. ‘ A ’ e, v. to ascend , as to the top of a house , a tree, or a mountain ; ! pl. feʻaʻeiand tausili ; pass. 'a 'ea,

cowardly ; (also ate-ai). ‘Aialii, v. to supply a chief with food and otherwise to assist him in expectation of getting property

in return. ‘ Aialiitagas . Aea , s . a score . ‘A 'ega, s. a stick used as a ladder. | ‘Aiisi, v. (from ‘ai and isi), to beg A ‘ega, s. an ascent; food prepared | food . Ai'oi, v. to beg, to entreat, to im before going to catch pigeons. to be taken (as a fortress).

Aialiiga , la the office of “ aialii.

plore. * A `egafale, v. to be provoked ; to be Āioge, s. one who removes to ano angry with . ther land on account of a scarcity A 'egāfale, s. a number of houses built at the same time. of food. Aemaise , c . also , together with, (as 'Aiuli, v . to makemuch of by sup

amaise ) ; especially . “Acno, s. a species of land crab .

plying with good things,and giv ing the best of everything to.


AU 75 fern ; a title of dignity given to

Aiuli, s. ostentatious kindness to a 1 chiefs. chief. Āifanua, s. a tenant ; a person cul Ao, a. ten, (used in counting in tivating another 's land . games). Āifoi, s. a shellfish which has re- | Ao, v. impers. it is right, proper, fitting, necessary . cently shed its shell. v. to lay by food for the | Ao, v.a . to collect, to gather toge Aifuna, husband. ther, as stones, & c . Āiga , s. a family ; relations ; mar- | Ao, v . to be perfect, as a house,

riage (as the beginning a family ). | boat, & c. Aiga, s. the act of eating ; a meal. | Ā0, āoao , v . to search , to look for, 'Aigamea , s. a part of some food , especially in the bush . being not a complete joint or por- | 'Ao, a . small made, slender.

tion ; a contemptuous term for a

A 'o, aʻoaʻo, v. to teach .

diseased person .

Āba, s. a fish trap ; a bird cage ; ' Aigaaleafi, s. ashes. the hole of the cuttle fish . Aigofie , s. a club match . Aða, s. the banyan tree. Aigofie, a . pretty (of a village). ‘ Aʻoaʻi, v. to reprove, to correct. 'Āilao, v. to fence or flourish a club. ‘A ’oaʻiga, s. a reproof, a correction. Aile , s. a cocoanut just formed. Aoao, u , excellent, surpassing , su Aimālo , v. to be victorious, (mostly preme. of animals ). Aoao, v . to be supreme. Aimama, v . to eat chewed food ; to A 'oa'o, s. a teacher. See also a 'o . be severely beaten with fists or Aoʻao, s. the armpit ; the sides of clubs.

a canoe.

‘Aimeo , v. to be angry on account Acauli, I s. noon (not so late as 12 of or in connection with food . ' Aina, a . eatable. 'Aina , v . to be inhabited .


o 'clock ) .

Aðatai, s. a large branching sea weed .

Airaga , s. a child given to the gods. | Aoula , s. a day dance. Aisee, v . to beg food at a feast. Aofa 'i, v .n . to collect together, to ‘Aisila, v. to beg fish . come together ; pl. feaofa'i.

Aisola, v. to steal property from re- | Aofaʻiga, s. the sum total. lations ; to steal a wife. Aofaga, s. a collection ; a searching party . Aitia , s. a child 's game. Aitia , v . to dance about in triumph . Aofia , v. to be assembled, to be col Aitu , s. a spirit ; a god ; a feast in lected . honour of a god. Aogā,a. useful, valuable ,profitable. A ‘oga, s. a teaching ; a school. Aitua, v. to be haunted.

‘Aitoto , v. to have a bloody mouth . | Aogalemu, s. broad daylight. Aotele, v. to gather all in one (of Aituo, int. the call in tautapa . Aitutagata , s. a murderer by means things). of the foto. Aotelega, s. a general gathering to Āivao, a . wild , (applied to animals gether in one. which have run into the bush ). Au , s. a sharp thorn on a fish ; ‘ Aivale, v. to eat improper articles of (hence) a needle ; a tatooing in food . strunient; the gall ; the liver ; Ao, s. a cloud ; day ; daylight ; all the heart, as the seat of the af chief's head ; name of a kind of

fections ; i current at sea .



Rive, isi. River, vaitate. Road , ala .

| Rust, "ele.

Rustle, gasē.

Ruthless, le alofa , saua.

Roam , tafao .

Roar, tagi. Roast, tunu . Rob , fao . Robust, malosi. Rock , papa . Rock , v. lūlū . Roe, fua , ami.

Roll, taavalevale .

Roof, fale. Room , afeafe ; space, vateatea . Roost, moe.

Root, pogai ; fibres of, 'a'a. Root up , lia ‘i.

Rope, maea . Rose, aute. Rot, pala . Rove, tafatafao. Rough , talatala ; ground , gaosā ; weather , matagi ; sea , sou.

Round , lapotopoto . Round, adv. soo. Rouse, fafagu ; faaoso . Routed, lafoia , taaape. Row , s. atu . Row , v . alo .

Rub, olo ; as trees, femili. Rubbish , otaota .

Sable , uli.

Sabre , pelu . Sack , taga. Sack , v. vete. Sacred , sa , tapu , paia . Sad, faanoanoa .

Saddle , nofoa o le solofanua . Safe, sao. Sage, adj. poto . Sail, la .

Sail, v. about, felaulau ; to set, fai . la . Sake, ona (as ona o ia, for his sale). Salary, totogi, faaoloaga. Sale, faatau .

Saline, māi.

Saliva, anu, feanuga. Salivated , sasao. Sallow , samasama.

Sally, oso mai.

Salt, masima (introduced ). Salvation, olataga. Salute , ofo , feasogi. Same, lea lava.

Rudder, foeuli.

Sanctify, faapaia (introduced ).

Rude, faalevao , faalemigao .

Sand, oneone. Sandstone, pugaone.

Rue, salamo.

Ruffian, faasauā.

Sap , uso . Sarcasm , upu faatavemu. Satchel, tagā tusi.

Ruffle, faanunumi; faatupuloto .

Sapient, poto .

Rugged , talatala, ponapona. Ruin , v. lepeti. Rule , pule . Rumble , gogolo . Rumour, tala .

Satiate, ma‘ona ; pasi (of eyes and ears). Satisfy, faalaulelei, faalotomalie .

Saturday, aso toʻuna'i. Savage, feʻai. Run, momoʻe , (pl.) femoʻei, taufe Sauce, i'i. tuli ; away , sola ; over , oso i tua ; Sauce, v. 'ina'i. after, tuliloa ; out, mămă; us a Save, faaola, faasao . Saviour, faaola . river , tafe ; wild , aivao. Saunter, tafatafaovale, savali faa Runt, avilu . tāuga . Rush , v. oso. Rump, tulai-u .

Rumple, faanuminumi.

SAV Savour, manogi. Saw , 'ili.

Sawdust, ‘iligalaau . Say, fai ; (to chiefs) fetalai. Scab, faapaʻupa'u .


59 59

Scrub, olo . | Scruple , masalo . Scrutinize, “ilo‘ilo , su 'esu e ; faama sino .

Scuffle, misa . Scaffold , fatāmanu. Sculk , lafi. Scald , mu; manunu i le vai vevela . Scull, ulupoo. Scale, una. Sculpture, togitogi. Scale, v. a'e ; fish, unafi. Scurril, upu leaga , fāifāi. Scalp , le paíu o le ulu . Sea, tai, sami, vasa . Scamper , sola tele vave. Seacoast, rocky, tai pupū ; sandy, Scandal, v . faatausuai. faga oneone. Scant, lauitiiti , faatauvaa.

Scar, iliganoa.

Seasick , puai. Seaside, matāfaga.

Scarce, itiiti.

Seawater, suāsami.

Scarcely, toe jna le mafai. Scarcity, oge.

Seal, faanau . Seam , soʻo. Search , suốesuíe , saili.

Scare, faaınata 'u .

Scarlet, mūmū.

Season , tau .

Scatter , salalau , taape.

Seasoning , 'i'i. Seat, nofoa . Seaward , gatai.

Scent, manogi, namu. Scent, v . sõgisogi.

Scheme, togafiti.

Secede, teva , vavae atu .

Scholar, soo.

Second , le lua, lona lua.

School, a 'oga.

Secret, nā, lilo.

Schoolmaster, aʻoaʻo.

Sect, itu aiga .

Scissor, seleulu. .

Secular, mea faaletino.

Scoff, tauemu.

Secure, saogalemu. Secure, v. faamau .

Scold , 'ote. Scoop , sali. Scope, uiga. Scorch , mu.

Scorn , 'ino‘ ino, taʻufaatauvaa. Scour, olo . Scourge, sasa.

Scout, asiasi ala .

Sedate, filemu, faatoeaina! Sediment, mea toʻa , “alu .

Seduce, taʻitaʻiese, faasesē. Sedulous, finafinau, gao. See, vaai, iloa. See ! int, faauta !

Seed , fatu , fua ; fanau.

Scowl, matanono, popogi.

Seek , saili.

Scramble , taufao.

Seem , peiseai; ataga ; faatagā. Seemly , ono, matagorie , napagofie .

Scranch , paagugu. Scrap, momoi mea, fāsimea .

Seine, upega.

Scrape, valuvalu .

Seize, 'u - u , puée.

Scratch , felaʻu, (pass.) osia ; valu. Seldom , seāseā. Scream , 'i'i.

Select , filifili.

Screen , puipui.

Self, lava (as o a'u lava , myself ).

Screen , v . faamamalu .

Sell, tau, faatau.

Screw , s. fao fana. Scribble, v. soona tusi. Seriptures, tusi paia . Scrofula , pato.

Semblance , tusa , tino .

Senate , taupulega. Senator, faipule .

Send , au , feau ; for, aami.




Senior, aupito matua ; toeaina .

Shed , o. n . maligi, masaa :

Sensitive plant, laau fefe.

Sheep , mamoe.

Sensual, faaletino . Sentiment, manatu .

Shelf, fata ; at sea , aʻau, toʻá .

Sentinel, leoleo.

Shell, atigi; pule.

Sheet, ie afuloto .

Separate, tuu eseese, vávae , alu ese. Shellfish , figota . Sepulchre , tuugamau , loa . Shelter, malu , lipoi, lafitaga. Shelter, v. a . faamanalu . Sequel, i'u. Serene, filemu. Shelter, v. n . lalafi .

Sermon, lauga.

Shelving , tafato . Sherd , taóegāipu . Servant, auauna, taùtűa, soga . Shield , v. faamamalu . Serviceable , aogā . Shield , s. talitā . Set, v. a. tuu ; toto ; aside, lafoai; Shift, sui: up, faatu. Shift, s. togafiti. Set, v. n . alu ifo , goto . Shin , tuasivi vae. Shine, v. pupula . Settle, v . a . sauni lelei, totofi. Settle, v. n . toʻa i lalo ,mau . Ship , folau, vaa papalagi. Shipwreck , vaa tušia . Seven , fitu . Seventeen, e sefulu ma le fitu . Shirt, ofutino . Shiver, v . n . tetemū. Seventy; e fitu gafulu . Sever , vavae, tuu eseese . Shiver, v .a . nutininži. Several, e tele , eseese. Shoal, mea papaʻu. Serpent, gata.

Severe , sauā .

Shoe, seevae.

Sew , suʻi, tui. Shade, paolo . Shade, v. faamalu , fäapaolo . Shadow , atã. Shaggy-mat, ie sina. Shake, lulu, luelue.

Shoot, fana.

Shoot, v. n . totoga . Shore, matāfaga, faga oncone. Short, saasaa , puupuu . Shortly, e le .pine.

Shake, v. n . gatete, tete. Shallow , papa -u .

Shot, pulu fana.

Shallow , s. fota. Sham , adj. faatagă, pepelo .

Shovel, v. asu .

Shame, ma, māsiasi." Shameful, matagā . Shape, tinő. Shard, ta 'egaipu . Share , v. tufatufa.

Shortwinded , sela . Shove, tūlei.

Shovel, s. suo. Shoulder, taʻu 'au or tau´au.

Shoulder-blade, ivi sa . Shout, uio . Show , v . faaali.

Show , s. faalialia .

Share, s . tufaaga.

Shower, ūa ‘ale.

Sharer, o lē pule, o lē faasoa'mea . Shark , mălie, tănifa.

Shred , fāsi [ie ] Shriek , isī. Shrill, i'i. Shrink , meme'i ; from contact,ne.

Sharp, ma‘ai. Sharpen , faamata . Shatter, nutininii. Shave , tafi. She, ia .

Shrivel , manuminumi. Shudder, tetemū.

Sheath , faamoega. Shed , v . a . sasa'a .

Shun , igoigo, ‘alo ese . Shut, pupuni, puipui.

Shuffle , amio pepelo, fc'alo ‘alofaʻi."


Shutter, pola . Shy, mnā, segisegi. Sick , na'i ; puaʻi. Side, itu ; of a river, $ c., auvai. Side , v . 'au . Siege, vagaia . Sigli, māpuitiga, māpusela. Sight, vaai ; maimoa.



Skivny, paíu ma ivi, iviivia , Skip , musa. Skipper , aliivaą. Skirmish , taua. Skirt, pito ofu .

Skittish , segisegi, faaulavale . Skreen , faapaolo, faamalu , Skulk , la fi.

Sightly, matayofie.

Skull, atigi ulu , ulupoo,

Sign, faailoga , sāsā. Signal, s. faailoga.

Sky, lagi. Sky color, lanu moana .

Signal, adj. sili. Slabber, tafe le fāua. Slack , saʻunu . Signiły, taailoa. Silence, lē tautala , lē gagana. Slacken , faamatagataga . Silence ! int. faalologo ! aua le toia Slander, tuuaifua, fatufua upų . le va ! Slant, faalifa, faatafatafa . Slap, po . Silly, faavalevalea . Slate , maa tusi. Similar, pei, tusa, foliga . Simile , faatusa . Slave, pologa, soga. Simple, valea . Slaughter, taşioti. Sin , agasala . Slay, fasi, fasioti. Since , talu . Sleep, moe ; (of chiefs) tofā , toʻą. Sincere, faamaoni. Sļender, laitiiti. Slide, se' e. Sinew , ua . Sing, pese . Slight, vaivai: laititi. Slight, v . lē ava . Singe, mu ; a pig, tolo . Singer, usu pese. Slim , laitiiti. Single , tasi, tāutasi, toatasi; un - | Slime, palapala ; pulu . married, taataanoa, fem . nofofua. Sling, s. maatā . Singly, taʻitasi. Sling , v. sasau . Singular , ese , uiga eşe, tasi. Slink , alu ese lemu, sola lilo . Sink , goto . Slip , sepe . Sinner , tagata agasalą . Slipknot, matāsele, noaunu. Sip, miti, mitimiti. Slippery, maseⓇese'e. Slit , māsae. Sir, alii. Sister, of a brother, tuafafine; of a Slobber, tafe le faua . sisier, uso .

Sit, nofo ; birds, moe.

Site, of a house, 8c., tulafale . Six , ono.

Slope, s. tafa . Slope, v. faalifa , faatafatafa . Sloppy, palapalā. Sloth, paiē .

Skin, s. pa 'u , iliola .

Sloven , faainaelo. Slough , tautusiga. Slow , gesegese, telenjulu . Sluggard , tagata paiē . Slumber, moe ; (of chiefs) tofā . Slut, fatine faainaelo . Small, laitïti.

Skin , v. fofo‘e .

Smart, v. maini, tiga.

Skinfiut, limavale.

Smear, v. nini.

Sixteen , e sefulu ipa le ono. ' Sixth , le ono, le ono aʻi.

Sixty, e ono gafulu . Size , latele . Skate , s. fai. Skilful, poto.

SME Smell, sogisogi. Smile , ‘ata ; (of chiefs) soisoi.


| Son-in -law , tane a le afafine ; of a woman , tane a lana tama.

Smite , fasi.

Song , pese, vii.

Smitten , toia .

Sonorous, taalili.

Smoke , asui.

Soon , vave, lē pine.

Smoke, v . n . ifi. Smoke, v. a . faaasua .

Sooth , faalaulelei, faamolemole , Soothsay, vavalo .

Smooth , lamolemole.

Sooty , tāulia .

Smother, a mole , le mamanava .

Sore, s. papala .

Smutty, umuumua, tanu uli.

Sore, v. le atapaia , tiga.

Snail, sisi vao .

Sorrow , faanoanoa , tiga . Sovereign , tupu.

Snake, gata. Snap , gau lua. Snare, sele, mailei. Snarl, gu .

Soul, agaga. Sound, s. logo, pao, taalili, leo. Sound, adj. lē ma‘i.

Sneer, tauemu .

Snatch, segi. Sneeze , v. maſatua.

Source, le mea e tupu a'i, puna,

Sniff, v. isu miti. Snip, sele motu , Snivel, v . mona.

South , le itu i toga. Sow , puaʻa fafine, aumatua. Spacious, vateatea, tele , lautele.

Sour, 'oʻona. ala .

Snore, tagulu .

Spade, suo.

Snot, isu alu . Snout, isu .

Span , aga .

Snuff, s. matapaʻu . So , pei, faapei.

Spark , aloiafi. Spatter, pisipisi. Spawn , fua o i'a .

Soak , faavai.

Speak, gagana, tautala; (to chiefs)

Snuff, v. sogisogi. Soap , moli.

Soar, lele i luga. Sob , masūsū . Sober, faatoeaina . Sociable, nofogotie , Soft, mălūlū .

Soil, eleele . Sojourn , õumau. Solace, faamatalaloto . Sole , s. alofi vae. Sole , adj. toatasi, tasi, na o . Solicit, 'ai'oi. Solicitude, popole. Solitary , ausage, toatasi.

Solve, faamatala .

Some, nisi. Somebody, se tasi. Something , se mea .

Spare, faasao .


Spear, tao . Specify, taʻutino, faaalitino. Speckle, ilaila. Spectacle, mata 'aga. Spectator, maimoaga . Spectre, aitu .

Speech, gagana, tautalaga, fetalai ga.

Speed, faataalise, tele vave. Spell, faatatau. Spend, faauma, maumau. Spew , pua'i ; (to chiefs ) tulei, Spider, apogāleveleve. Spill, v. a . sasaa , liligi. Spill, v. n . masaa, maligi. Spine, ivitū . Spinous, talatala.

Sometimes, se aso ma se aso ; seā Spirit, agaga . seā .

Son, atalji ; (of a chief) alo .

Spiritual, faaleagaga,

Spit, feanu,


Spite, faalili.


Splinter, v . nutininii. Splinter , s. malamala laau.

Start, te 'i, maofa. Starve, faaotilaina, faasalofia ; one, self , faapaʻupa'u. Stave, tuóia ( pass.) Stay, nofo ; faamuli ; tali mai. Steady, mau, lē gaoioi.

Split, v . a . isi.

Steal, gaoi.

Split, v.n. maisi, ta 'e. Spoil, vete

Stedfast, mausalī.

Spittle, anuga, fāua. Splash , pisi.

Splendid, matagofie silisili.



Spoil, v. faaleaga . Sponge, omomi. Spontaneous, fua.

Steam , ausa .

Steep , adj. tļi. Stecp, s. tofē. Steer, v. foemuli, uli.

Spot, ila .

Steersman , tautai. Stench , elo .

Sprain , māsui.

Step, laasaga.

Spray, afusigalu . Spread , fofola , sosolo . Spring, alu a'e, puna, tupu a'e. Springtide, tai susu 'e. Sprinkle , luluu , sausau.

Steril, pa ; of land, lafulafuā . Stern , adj. countenance, mata paū,

Sport, faaulaula , taalo .

Stern , s. taumuli. Stick , s . laau ; tootoo .

Stick , v . tutu'i ; pipii.

Spurn , ' ino ‘ino .

Stickle , finauvale. Sticky, apulupulu .

Spy, vaavaai, tilotilo ; lamalama. Spyglass, faaatą.

Stiff, ma'a'a. Stifle , v . n . mole.

Squabble, misa .

Still, adj. lē gagana ; malū ; lē ga.

Sprout, s. moemoe.

Squalid , eleelea ,

Squall, uio ; tāʻutaʻu . Squeak, “i'ī. Squeeze, oomi. Squint, matasipa.


Stillborn, fanau ua oti. Stimulate, faaoso. Sting, uogo.

Squirt, fana vai.

Stingy, limavale. Stink , elo.

Stab, tutuói. Stable , mausali.

Stir , seuseu .

Staff, tootoo . Stagger, tautevateva,

Stone, maa , fatu .

Stipulation , feagaiga. Stomach , taga ‘ai, puta.

Stagnant, lepa.

Stone, v. fetogi.

Stain , nini, fai lanu, Stair, ala faaapefa 'i.

Stony, gaoā , gaosā , fatufatua,

Stale, adj. mafua . Stallion , solofanua poʻą.

Stool, nofoa. Stoop , faanoʻunoʻu , punou , Stop , v. a . taofi, pupuni.

Stammer, nanu .

Stop , v , n . tų .

Stanched , v . utu.

Storm , afā .

Stanch , adj. tumau ,

Story , tala .

Stanchion , toʻai.

Stout, malosi.

Stand , tu , tula 'i.

Straddle , magai.

Standard , tagāvai,

Straight, saʻo . Strait, apiapi.

Star, fetu . Starboard , matau,

Strand , matafaga.

Stare, pulato‘ą.

Strand , v. pa 'ulia ,



64 Strange, ese.

Such, faapea.

Stranger, tagata esę. Strangle , titina . Stratagem , togafiti.

Suck , miti ; susu . Sucker, tatupu.

Stray, sē. Streak , pulepule, tusitusi.

Sudden , faafuase‘ i.

Suckle, faasusu.

Sue, faatoga.

Stream , vaitafe.

Suet, gaʻo .

Strengtlı, malosi,

Suffer, onosai ; tuu atų ,

Stretch , falo .

Suffice , lava .

Strew , faataape, faasalalau. . .

Suffocated , v. n . mole .

Strife, misa, finauga . Strike, v. a . ta . Strike , v. n . toʻa. String, manoa .

Sugarcane, tolo . Suggest, taʻu ; faamanatu, Suicide, toa'i. Suit, tatau , tusa .

Strip, faatelefua .

Sulky, mata nono, faaūū .

Stripling , tama lē ta.

Sultry , vevela. Summit , tumutumu .

Strive, finau, taumafai.

Summon , tala'i, valaau . Strong, malosi. Sun, la . Sunday, aso sā . Struggle , s. finaugą. Strumpet, fafine tali tane, taataa ilSunder, vaelua, tuu eseese. Stroke, s. ta .

le ala .

Strut, savali faalialia . Stubborn , finauvale.

Stubby, saasaa, putaputa . Study, aʻoaʻo . Stumble , tausuai.

Stump, tagutu. Stunted , avilu.

Stupid , valea . Sturdy, ma'a 'a . Stutter, nanu . Subdue, faatoilalo . Subject, faatoilalo , faausiusitai. Submerge, faagoto. Submission , usiusitaʻi.

Subsequent, mulimuli. Subserve, fesoasoani. Subside , toʻa . Substitute , sui.

Subterfuge, le mea e ‘alo ai.

Sundries, mea eseese .

Sunny, la. Superabound , taumafa . Superfluity , silisili. Superior, sili.

Supine, faataliaga ; faatitipą. Supper , tālisua. Supple, vavai. Supplicate , 'ai oi. Supply , v. a. sui, avane. Support, lagolago, teře. Suppose, masalo . Suppress, faatoilalo ; na ; lolomj, Suppurate, aloua. Supreme, silisili, Sure , mau, faamaoni. Surmise, masalo . Surpass, muamua , sili. | Surplus, mea ua totoe. Surprize, fememea 'i, ofo , te ‘i.

Subtle, togafiti poto, pepelo .

Surrender, tuu atu , ifo .

Subtract, aveese .

Surround, si'osi'o , vagavagai.

Subvert, fuli i lalo . Succeed , mulimuli ; sui; manuia .

Suspect, masalo . Suspense , faaletonu .

Success, manuia . Successive , āuaua ‘i. Succour, fesoasoari.

Swallow , folo . Swamp, fusi.

Succumbo, usiusitaʻi, toilalo .

Sway, pule,

Swap, fesuia 'i.



Swear, tauto . Sweat, afu .

Tempest, afā . Temple , mālumālu .

Sweep, tafitafi.

Temporal, faaleolavei.

Sweet, suamalie. Swell, fufula , fefete . Swerve , sesē . Swift, tele vave, saosaoa.

Swim , Swine, Swing , Swing,

aau ; opeope. puaa . v . taopeope ; taupe. s . taupega .

Swoon , matapogia . Swop, fesuia'i. Sword , pelu .

Symptom , faailoga. T

Table , laʻoʻai , laulau . Taciturnity , faalologo, le gagana . Tack, sua . Tail , i'u . Take, ave ; take hold of, tago . Tale , tala .

Talk , tautala .


Tempt, tofotofo . TenGR, sefulu ; men, toasefulu . ( See AMMAR ) . Tenacious, taofi mau, pipii. Tend, leoleo , anaana , faasaga. Tender, adj. lē atapaia .

Tendon , ua.

Tenth , le sefulu . Termination , le mea e gata mai ai. Terrible , mataʻutia . Territy, faamataʻu. Terror , fefe, mataʻu . Testify , molimau. Text, matūa o le upu . Thanks , faafetai, faamanū . That, lelā , lenā. Thatch , lau . The, le .

Their, lo or la latou ; (dual) lo or la lāua.

Them , ia te i latou , or jāua (dual). Then , ona . . . ai lea (as ona sau ai lea ).

Talkative, tautala soo .

There , jila , iina. Therefore, o le mea lea . Tame, lata . These , nei. Tangle , tilifili. They, o i latou ; (dual) o i lāua. Tap , tātā malie. Thick , mafiafia . Tardy, tele gese , tele mulu . Thief, găoi. Taro , talo . Thighi , ogavae. Tarry , faatali ; at home, faamuli ; Thimble, atigi lima. Tall, umi, maualuga .

faatamala .

Tart, cona. Taste, tofo . Taunt, faaleaga, faaluma. Teach , a'oaʻo. Tear , s . loimata .

Tear, v. a . saei ; (pass.) masae . Teaze, faalili. Teat , matāsusu .

Tedious , faatelegese . Teem , gaau fanau ; fanau palasi. Telescope , faaata . Tell, ta 'u . Temerity , soona fai.

Thin , manifinifi ; laitiiti, tinovale ;

animals, pae'e. Thing , mea. Think , mānatunatu . Thirst, fiainu , galala . Thirteen , sefulu ma le tolu . Thirty, e tolu gafulu . This, lenei. Thorn , laau talatala or tuitui. Thorough , maluā . Those , o i latou ia .

Thou, oe. Though, e ui lava.

Thought, manātu Temperance, faatatau (as 'ai faata - Thousand, afe. . tau ).

66 THR Thraldom , nofo pologa. Thrash , taisi , sasa. Thread , manoa , filo . Threat, faamataʻu . Three, tolu , fia .

Threefold , atufia , atutolu . Threshold , faitotoa . Thrive, tupuolaola .

Throat, ponaua ; (chief's ) ponā fo foga . Throb, sapotuvale ; heud , gāoi. Throng, le vao tagata . Throttle, s. faa i. Throttle , v . titina . Throughout, uma lava. Throw , lafo , togi. Thrush , eaea .

Thrust, tūlei.

Thumb, lima matua. Thump, tu ‘i. Thunder, faititili.

TRA Tolerate, onosa‘i.

Tongs, iofi. Tongue, laulaufaiva ,alelo ; (chief";) fofoga. Tools , faatufugaga . Tooth , nifo ; grinders, gao.

Top, tumutumu. Torch , sulu . Torment, faalili, faatiga, saunoa . Torrent, alia .

Torrid , mu i le la .

Tortoise, volu . Torture, faasaunoa , faatiga . Toss, lafo, togi. Total, atoa . Totter , tautevateva .

| Touch , papa'i, pa ‘i. Touchy, itagotie . Tough , fefeu, fefena. Tow , toso. Toward , mai.

Thunderstrike, toʻia i le failitili.

Town, aai.

Thus, faapea. Thwart , faalavelave.

Toy, v. faaulaula . Trace , faailoga , tulaga . Tractable , vaogofie.

Tickle, eneene. Tidings, tala . Tidy , teuteu lelei. Tight, fusi mau .

Trade, s. faiva . Trade, v. faatau . Tradewind , toelau. " Tradition , upu tua .

Till, seia .

Trail, v . to make , asa .

Timid , poipoi, fefe. Tin , sheet, ‘apa . Tingle , mainiini.

Traitor, le faalata. Trample , v. soli.

Tie, nonoa, faamau, faapona.

Tinkle , tagitagi.

Tiny, laititi. Tip , tumutumu .

Train , la ‘ei. Tranquil, filemu. Transact, fai, sauni. Transcend , faasilisili. Transfer, tuu atu .

Tipsy, ovā . Tire, musu, pasi; vaivai, le lavā, Transfix , sosoʻa ia ati. Jailoa .

Tiresome, faasoesā.

Transform , liliu . Transgress , solitulafono, sesē .

Title , ao .

Transient, vave mavae.

Titter, nene'a .

Translate, faamatala .

To, i (to nouns) ; jā ( to persons' Transmit, avatu. names). Transparent, manino. To, (before the infinitive) e. Transplant, sua ma toe toto . Toe , tamatamaivae . Trap, mailei ; rat's, vaā imoa. Together, faatasi. Toil, j. fai galuega mamafa .

Token , sāsā, faailoga.

Trash , mea faatauvaa , otaota , oloa sele vale.

| Travel, alu malaça.

TRA Traveller, malo .

Treacherous, faalata , pepelo . Tread , soli, tu ai le vae. Treason, faalata .


Twice, atu lua. Twig , la.

Twilight, segisegi.

Tree , laau.

Twins, masaga. Twine, taataai. Twinkle , emo. Twirl, lialia“i.

Tremble, tete.

Twist, milo.

Treasure , oloa ua teu .

Trtaty, māvaega. Tremendous, matuā mata 'utia .

Twitch, segi.

Tremulous, tetetete .

Two , lua.

Trench , s. utu. Twofold , sautualua . Tyranny, faasaua. Trepidation , gatete . Trespass, solitulafono, sopotapulaa. Trial, tofotofoga ; faamasinoga . Tribulation , atuatuvale, puapuagā . U

Trick , togafiti pepelo. Trickle , sisina . Trifle, s. mea faatauvaa.

Trigger, amoti. Trim , teu .

Ugly, matapuaa,“auvale,“aupiu. Ulcer, papala . Umbrella , faamalu, fale . Unable, le mafai, le lavā.

Triple , sautuatolu .

Unattended , toatasi. Unawares, faafuasei.

Troop , 'au.

Unbecoming, le ono. Unbend, faasa o .

Trip , tausuai. Triumph, mitamita . Trouble, atuatuvale. Troublesome, faasoesa.

Unbind , tatala.

Trough , vai. Trousers , ofuvae.

mai ai. Uncertain , faaletonu .

True, moni, faamaoni.

Uncivil, le tõte.

Trumpet, pu, foafoa ,

Uncle, paternal, le uso o le tamā ; maternal, le tuagane o le tinā. Uncleun , leaga.

Trundle , faataavalevale.

Unbounded , e leai se mea e gata

Trust, faalagolago . Try, faataitai, tofotofo , taumafai. Tuft, of huir , sope.

Unclothe, tatala ofu , faatelefua.

Tug, toso . Tumble, paʻū . Tumid , fufula .

Unconstant, faaletumau. Uncover, toese le ufi, susu 'e .

Uncommon , seaseā iloa .

Uncourteous, le tõte .

Tumult, pisa pisao,misa ; nunuvale. Unction , faauu . Tune, fati. Unctuous, lăla . Unculpable , le sala . Turbid , nenefu . Turkey , pīpī. Uncumbered , e leai se faalavelave. Turmeric , lega . Uncurse, pūpū , faamagalo le fetuu . Undamaged , lē ataina . Turmoil, atuatuvale , popole. Turn, liliu . Turtle, laumei.

Undecided , faaletonu.

Tush ! isa !

Undergo, onosa‘i. Undermost, aupito i lalo.

Tusk , nifo . Twelve, sefulu ma le lua. Twenty, e lia fulu .

Under , i lalo , i lalo ifo . Understand , lagona, iloa .

| Undertake, tago, sii.




Undo, tatala. Undress, tatala ofu . Unemployed, nofo paganoa. Uneven , lē gatasi, lē tu sa 'o. Unexpected , faafuase'i.

| Unravel, talatala . Wuripe, moto , lē matua . Unrol, tatala . Unruly, vaogatā . Unsatisfied, lē mălie , le maõná .

Unexpert, vasivasi. Unfasten , iatala . Unfathomed, lē fuatia .

Unsiglitly , matagā. Unskilful, le masani, vasivasi. Unsuccessful, malaia . Unsuitable, lē tusa. Unthankful, le faafetai, agavale. Untie , tatala . Until, se'ia .

Unfledged, lē fulutulua . Unfold , faamatala . Unfortunate , malaia . Unfrequent , seaseā .

Unfrequented , lē uia .

Untrue, pepeln . Unwbolesome, leaga, e tupu aima‘i. Unwilling, le nafai. Unwonted , seasea . Up, i luga, a'e (a particle). Unusual, seaseā .

Ungoverned, lē taupulea . Unhandsome, “auvale. Unhandy, le masani.

Unhappy, malaia.

Unhonored, le taualoa. Unhospitable, lē tõte. Unhurt, lē afaina. Uniform , gatusa .

Up ! interj. tula 'i. Upbraid , faasā'i.

Uphold , taofi, fesoasoani.

Unjojured , lē afaina.

Upon , i luga.

Unintentional, mao .

Uppermost, aupito i luga. Uppish , faasiasia, faamaualuga.

Unintermitted , fai soo. Uvion, faasoo, faatasiga .

Upright, tu sa‘o.

Unite , faatasi. Universal , abao .

Uproar, pisao . Uproot, lia ‘i. Upside down, fað. Unjust, lē tusa, lē tatau. Upward , faasaga i luga. Unkind, agavale, le alofa . Urge, faaoso. Unknown, le iloa. Unlawful, sā . Urine, miaga. Unless, vaganā, sei iloga ; (past) | Us, ia i tatou , tāua, matou, māua . Use , aogā , masani. ana le se anoa . Use, v. faamasani. Unlike, lē tusa, eseese. Useful, aogā . Unlikely , e iloga . Usual, masani, fai soo . Unlock , tatala . Unloose , tatala .

Usurp , fao fua.

Unlucky, malaia.

Uterus, manava .

Unmannered, faalevao. Unmarried , man , laataanoa ; woman , nofoļua . Unmeasurable , lē fuatia . Unmerciful, sau . . Unmoveable, mausali. Unneighbourly , traoi vale . Unobserved, lē nanatua, le iloa. Unpaid , le tauia . Unparduned , le magalo .

Unprofitable, lē aoga.

i Vacant, tuufua .

l'agabond, faasevasevaloaina . Vain , le aogā. | Vainglorious, faalialiavale. Vale , vauu .

| Valediction , faamavaega. Valiant, toa .

VAL Valley, vanu.

Valuable , aogā, tāua. Van, mua “au. Vanish , mou .

WAS | Vindicate, faatonu , faasaʻo. Vindictive, faalotoloto . Violate, soli. Violent, faavalemalosi.

Vanquish , faatoilalo . Vapour, ausa .

Viper, gata . Virgin , taupou .

Variable, lē tumau , feliuliua‘i.

Visit, asiasi.

Variance , maseiga.

Vixen , fatine ‘ote .

Variety , eseese .

Vocation , taiva .

Vast, matuā tele.

Voice, leo ; (chief's) sinfofoga. Void , lē aina, tuufua, gangao .

Vaunt, mitamita vale , Veer , liliu .


Volcano, mauga mū.

Vegetable, laau ; (pl.) mea e ‘ai; | Volume, lautusi. taro , & c.

Veil, v. ufiufi.

Voluntarily , fai fua i le loto . Vomit, v. pua'i; (chief's) tulei,

yein , ዘዘ . Velocity , tele vave, saosaoa .

Voyage, folauga.

Voracious, lotulotu'ai.

Vend , faatau . Venerate , ava .

Venesection , tuu le lima.


Vengeance, tauima sui. Venom , mea oʻona. Venomous, uogo . Verbal , upu į le gutu .

Verify, faạmaoni. Verse, fuai tau (in poetry ), Versed , masani. Vertex , tumutumu. Vertigo , niniva . Very , matuā . Vesicate , manunu .

Vesicle , poʻu. Vessel, ipu ;' vaa papalagi. Vestige, tulagāvae ; faạiloga .

Wade , asa.

Wag , the head, lialia .i. Wages, totogi. Wail, auē, tagiauē, tagituſi, Waist, sulugatiti. Waistcoat, taofu , Wait, tali, faatali. Wake, ala ; (chief's) malei fua ; a mataal .

Wake, v . a . fafagı . Walk , savali.

Walking -staff, tootoo. Wall , pa, aupa .

Vex , faalili.

Wallow , taaſli.

Vexatious, soeşā .

Wander, sesē.

Vial, fagu laitiiti.

Wane, gase.

Vibrate, tetetete. Vice , ulavale , pagota .

Want, mativa , manao.

Victor, lē ua malo .

Wanton , ulavale , faamatāitu . War, taua .

Victory, manumalo .

Victuals, mea e 'ai.

War, v . tau le taua . Warm , mafanafana .

Vie , losilosi. View , v. vaavaai.

Warn , apoapoaʻi.

Vigilant, mataala . Vigorous, malosi. Vile , leaga . Vilify, faaleaga.

Warp , v . faapi' o, Warrior, toa .

Village, faoa aai.

Wash, fufulu , ta ; thebody, taele.

Warm , v. faafana . Warp , ala .

Wart , tona .

SEN 60 Senior, aupito matua ; toeaina. Sensitive plant, laau fefe.

Sensual, faaletino. Sentiment, manatu .


Shed, 0.n . maligi, masaa: Sheep , mamoe . Sheet, ie afuloto. Shelf, fata ; at sea , aʻau, toʻa .

Shell, atigi ; pule. Sentinel, leoleo. Separate , tuu eseese, vávae, alu ese. Shellfish , figota. Shelter, malu , lipoi, lafitagá. Sepulchre, tuugamau, loa. Sequel, i' u . Shelter, v . a . faamanalu . Shelter, v. n . lalafi. Serene, filemu. Sermon , lauga. Shelving, tafato. | Sherd , taʻegāipu . Serpent, gata. Shield , v. faamamalu . Servant, auauna , tautűa, soga . Serviceable, aoga . Shield , s. talitā . Set, v. a . tuu ; toto ; aside, lafoai ; Shift, sui: up, faatu .

Shift, s. togafiti.

Set, v. n . alu ifo, goto.

Shin , tuasivi vae.

Settle, v . a . sauni lelei, totofi. Settle, v. n . toʻa i lalo, mau . Seven , fitu . Seventeen , e sefulu ma le fitů .

Shine, v. pupula . Ship, fölau, vaa papalagi. Shipwreck, vaa tuʻia .

Seventy, e fitu gafulu. Sever, vavae, tuu eseese . Several, e tele, eseese. Severe, sađã . Sew , suºi, tui. Shade, paolo .

Shoal, mea papa'u.

Shirt, ofutino. Shiver, tetemū. Shiver, v . a . nutininii. Shoe, seevae. Shoot, fana . Shoot, v . n . totoga.

Shaggy-mat, ie sina.

Shore, matāfaga, faga oncone. Short, saasaa, puupuu . Shortly, e le.pine.

Shake, lulu , luelue.

Shortwinded , sela .

v. n . gatete , tete. Shake, Shallow , papa' u . Shallow , s. fota . Sham , adj. faatagā, pepelo . Shame, ma, māsiasi. Shameful, matagā.

Shot, pulu fana. Shove, tūlei.

Shade, v. faamalu, fäapaolo . Shadow , ata .

Shovel, v. asu . Shovel, s. suo .

Shoulder, taʻu'au or tau'au'. Shoulder-blade, ivi sa .

Shape, tino .

Shout, uio.

Shard , ta 'egaipu .

Show , v . faaali.

Share, v. tufatufa .

Show , s. faalialia. Shower, ūa "ale. Shred , fāsi [ ie ]: Shriek, i'i. Shrill, i-ī. Shrink, meme'i ; from contact,ne. Shrivel, manuminumi.

Share, s. tufaaga . Sharer, o lē pule , o le faasoa'mea . Shark , mălie , tănifa .

Sharp , ma‘ai. Sharpen , faamata . Shatter , nutininir. Shave, tafi. She, ia . Sheath , faamoega. Shed , u , a . sasa 'a .

Shudder, tetemū.

Shuffle, amio pepelo , fc'alo ‘alofa‘ i. Shun , igoigo, ‘alo ese.

Shut, pupuni, puipui,



Shutter, pola .

Skinny, paíu ma ivi, iviivia,

Shy, mā, segisegi, Sick , maʻi ; pua'i.

Skip , musa. Skipper, aliivaa. Skirmish , taua. Skirt, pito ofu . Skittish , segisegi, faaulavale . Skreen , faapaolo , faamalu , Skulk , lafi. Skull, atigi ulu , ulupoo, Sky, lagi.

Side, itu ; of a river, $ c., auvai. Side, v. 'au . . Siege, vagaia .

Sighi, māpuitiga,māpusela . Sight, vaai ; maimoa. Sightly , matayofie. Sign , faailoga , sāsā .

Signal, s. faailoga. Signal, adj. sili. Signity, taailoa .

Sky color, lanu moana.

Slabber, tafe le fāua . Slack , saʻunu.

Silence, lē tautala, lē gagana. Slacken , faamatagataga . Silence ! int. faalologo ! aua le toia Slander, tuuaifua, fatufua upų . le va ! Slant, faalifa , faatafatafa. Silly , faavalevalea . Slap, po. Similar, pei, tusa, foliga . Simile, taatusa . Simple, valea.

Sin , agasala. Since , talu . Sincere, faamaoni. Sinew , ua. Sing , pese .

Singe, mu ; a pig, tolo . Singer, usu pese .

Slate, maa tusi.

Slave, pologa , soga .

Slaughter, faşioti. Slay, fasi, fasioti.

Sleep , moe; (of chiefs) tofā , tofą . Slender, laitiiti.

Slide, se 'e .

Slight, vaivai: laitīti. Slight, v . le ava .

Slim , laitiiti.

Single, tasi, tāutasi, toatasi ; un Slime, palapala ; pulu . married , taataanoa, fem , nofofua . Sling , s. maatā .

Singly, taʻitasi. Singular, ese, uiga ese, tasi. Sink , goto. Sinner, tagata agasalą .

Sling, v. sasau .

Sip , miti, mitimiti. Sir, alii.

Slippery , mase' esere. Slit, māsae.

Slink, alu ese lemu, sola lilo .

Slip, sepe . Slipknot, matāsele, noaunu .

Sister, of a brother, tuafafine; of a Slobber, tafe le fāua. sisier , uso . Slope, s. tafa . Sit, nofo ; birds, moe. Slope, v. faalifa , faatafatafa . Sloppy, palapalā . Site, of a house, 8c., tulafale . Six , ono . Sixteen , e sefulu ina le ono . ' Sixth , le ono, le ono aʻi. Sixty, e ono gafulu . Size , latele . Skate , s. fai. Skilful , poto .

Skin , s. paʻu , iliola . Skin , v . fofo ‘ e .

Skinfiut, limavale.

Sloth , paiē . Sloven, faainaelo .

Slough , tautusiga. Sluggard , tagata paiē. Slumber, moe ; (of chiefs ) tofă,

Slow , gesegese, tele niulu . Slut, fafine faainaelo . Small, laitiili. Smart, v. maini, tiga . Smear, v. nini.

SME 62 Smell, sogisogi. Smile , ‘ata ; (of chiefs) soisoi. Smite , fasi.


Smitten , toia.

Son-in -law , tane a le afafine ; of a woman, tane a lana tama. Song , pese, vii. Sonorous, taalili.

Smoke, asu .

Soon , vave, lē pine.

Smoke, v. n . ifi . Smoke, v. d . faaasua . Smooth , lamolemole . Smother, a mole , le mamanava . Smutty, umuumua , tanu uli.

Sooth , faalaulelei, faamolemole . Soothsay, vavalo . Sooty, tāulia . Sore, s. papala. Sore, v. le atapaia , tiga .

Snail, sỉsì vao.

Sorrow , faanoanoa , tiga.

Snake, gata .

Sovereign, tupu .

Snare , sele , mailei .

Snap, gau lua. Snarl, gu.

Sound, s. logo, pao, taalili, leo.

Snatch , zegi.

Sound , adj. le ma‘i. Sour, boʻona.

Sneer, tauemu.

Sneeze, v. maſatua , Sniff , v. isu miti. Snip , sele motu , Snivel, v . mona .

Soul, agaga.

Source, le mea e tupu a'i, puna, ala . South , le itu i toga . Sow , pua'a fafine, aumatua . Spacious, vateatea , tele, lautele.

Snore, tagulu.

Spade, suo.

Snot , isu alu .

Span , aga. Spare, faasao. Spark , aloiafi .

Snout, isu . Snuff, s. matapa 'u .

Snuff, v. sogisogi.

Sociable , nofogotie. Soft, mălūlū .

Spatter , pisipisi. Spawn, fua o i'a. Speak, gagana , tautala ; (to chiefs) fetalai. Spear, tao . Specify , taʻutino, faaalitino. Speckle , ilaila . Spectacle , mata 'aga. Spectator, maimoaga.

Soil, eleele .

Spectre, aitu .

Sojourn , āumay .

Speech, gagana, tautalaga, fetalai ga. Speed , faataalise, tele vave.

So, pei, faapei. Soak , faavai. Soap , mõli. Soar, lele i luga. Sob , masūsū . Sober, faatoeaina .

Solace, faamatalaloto. Sole, s. alofi vae. Sole, adj. toatasi, tasi, na o .

Spell , faatatau.

Solicit, 'ai'oi.

Spend, faauma,maumau. Solicitude, popole. Spew , pua'i; (to chiefs) tulei, Solitary , ausage, toatasi. Spider , apogāleveleve. Solve, faamatala . Spill, v. u . sasaa, liligi. Some, nisi. Spill, v. n . masaa, maligi. Somebody, se tasi. Spine, ivitū. Spinous, talatala. Something, se mea. Sometimes , se aso ma se aso ; seā- Spirit , agaga. sea . Spiritual, faaleagaga,

Son , atalji ; ( of a chief) alo .

Spit, feanu.




Spite, faalili. Spittle , anuga , fāua. Splash , pisi. Splinter , s. malamala laau . Split, v. a . isi.

Start, te'i, maofa. Starve, faaotilaina, faasalofia ; one. self, faapa‘upa'u . Stave, tu ‘ia (pass.) Stay , nofo ; faamuli ; tali mai. Steady, mau, lē gaoioi. Steal, gaoi.

Split, v. n . maisi, ta'e . Spoil, s. vete.

Stedfast, mausalī.

Splendid , matagofie silisili. Splinter, v . nutininii.

Spoil, v. faaleaga . Sponge, omomi. Spontaneous, fua.

Sport, faaulaula , taalo . Spot, ila. Sprain , māsui.

Spray, afusigalu .

Steam , ausa . Steep, adj . tu. Stecp , s. tofē.

Steer, v. foemuli, uli. Steersman , tautai. Stench , elo .

Step , laasaga.

Steril, pa ; of land, lafulafuā.

Spread , fofola, sosolo.

Stern , adj. countenance, mata paū,

Spring, alu a'e, puna, tupu a'e. Springtide, tai susu'e.

Stern , s . taumuli.

Sprout, s. moemoe.

Stick , s. laau ; tootoo. Stick , v. tutu 'i ; pipii. Stickle, finauvale.

Spurn, “ino‘ino.

Sticky, apulupulu .

Sprinkle , luluu , sausau.

Spy , vaavaai, tilotilo ; lamalama . Spyglass, faaatą . Squabble, misa . Squalid , eleelea, Squall, uio ; tā 'utaʻu . Squeak , 'ii.

Stiff , ma'a 'a .

Stifle, v . n . mole .

Still, adj. lē gagana ; malū ; lē gą . oioi.

Stab, tutu'i.

Stillborn , fanau ua oti. Stimulate, faaoso. Sting , uogo . Stingy, limavale. Stink , elo . Stipulation , feagaiga.

Stable , mausali.

Stir , seuseu .

Squeeze, oomi.

Squint, matasipa.

Squirt, fana vai. Staff , tootoo .

Stagger, tautevateva, Stagnant, lepa.

Stomach , taga ‘ai, puta. Stone, v. fetogi.

Stone, maa , fatu .

Stain , nini, fai lanu,

Stony, gaoā, gaosā , fatufatua,

Stair, ala faaapefa 'i.

Stool, nofoa.

Stale , adj. mafua. Stallion , solofanua poʻą .

Stop , v . a . taofi , pupuni.

Stammer, nanu .

Stanched , v. utu .

Stoop , faano‘unoʻu , punou, Stop , v . n . tų . Storm , afa .

Stanch, adj. tumau,

Story, tala.

Stanchion , toʻai.

Stout, malosi .

Stand, tu , tula ‘i.

Straddle , magai.

Standard , tagāvai, Star, fetu . Starboard , matau .

Straight, sa ‘o. Strait, apiapi. Strand, matafaga.

Stare, pulatoʻą .

Strand , v. paʻulia ,

Stranger , tagata ese.

SWA Such, faapea . Suck, miti ; susu .

Strangle, titina .

Sucker, tatupu.

64 : STR Strange, ese.

Stratagem , togafiti.

Suckle , faasusu.

Stray , sē .

Sudden , faafuase- i.

Streak , pulepule, tusitusi.

Sue, faatoga. Suet, gaío .

Stream , vaitafe. Strengtli, malosi, Stretch , fālo .

Suffer , onosai ; tuu atu , Suffice , lāva .

Strew , faataape, faasalaļau. .

Suffocated, v. n . mole.

Strife, misa , finauga .

Sugarcane, tolo .

Strike, v. a . ta .

Suggest, taʻu ; faamanatu,

Strike, v. n . to‘a .

Suicide , toa ‘i. Suit, tatau, tusa .

String , manoa . Strip, faatelefua. Stripling , tama lē ta .

Sulky, mata nono , faaūū.

Strive, finau , taumafai.

Sultry , vevela. Summit , tumutumu .

Stroke, s. ta . Strong , malosi.

Sun , la .

Struggle, s. finaugą .

Sunday, aso sā .

Summon, tala 'i, valaau .

Strumpet , fafine tali tane, taataa i Sunder, vaelua , tuu eseese. le ala . Sundries, mea eseese .

Strut, savali faalialia .

Sunny, la

Stubborn , fipauvale .

Superabound , taumafa .

Stubby, saasaa, putaputa . Stumble , tausuai.

Superfluity, silisili.

Study, aʻoaʻo .

Stump, tagutu .

Stunted , avilu .

Stupid , valea . Sturdy, ma'a 'a . Stutter, nanu. Subdue, faatoilalo . Subject, faatoilalo , faausiusitai. Subierge, faagoto, Submission , usiusitaʻi.

Subsequent, mulimuli. Subserve , fesoaspani.

Subside, toʻa .

Substitute , sui. Subtle, togafiti poto, pepelo .

Subterfuge, le mea e ‘alo ai. Subtract, aveese.

Subvert, fuli i lalo . Succeed , mulimuli ; sui; manuia . Success , manuia. Successive, āuaua'i.

Succour, fesoasoari. Succumlo, usiusitaʻi, toilalo .

Superior , sili. Supine, faataliaga ; faatitipą.

Supper, tālisua. Supplicate, “ai'oi.

Supple, vavai.

Supply , v. a. sui, avane. Support, lagolago, te'e . Suppose, masalo .

Suppress, faatoilalo ; na ; lolomj, Suppurate, aloua. Supreme, silisili. Sure , mau, faamaoni. Surmise, masalo. Surpass, muamua , sili. Surplus, mea ua totoe. Surprize , fememeaʻi , ofo , te‘i. Surrender, tuu atu , ifo.

Surround , si'osi'o, vagavagai. Suspect, masalo . Suspense, faaletonu.

Swallow , folo . Swamp, fusi. Swap , fesuiaći.

Sway, pule.


Swear, tauto . Sweat, afu .

Sweep , tafitaf . Sweet, suamalie.

Swell, fufula , fefete. Swerve , sesē. Swift , tele vave, saosaoa .

Swim , aau ; opeope. Swine, puaa .


| Tempest, afā . Temple, mālumālu. Temporal, faaleolanei. Tempt, tofotofo. Ten , sefulu ; men , toasefulu . ( See GRAMMAR ).

Tenacious, taofi mau , pipii. Tend, leoleo, anaana , faasaga. Tender, adj. lē atapaia .

Swing , s. taupega .

Tendon , ua. Tenth, le sefulu .

Swoon , matapogia .

Termination , le mea e gata mai ai.

Swop, fesuia'i.

Terrible , mataʻutia .

Sword , pelu . Symptom , faailoga.

Territy, faamataʻu . Terror, fefe, mataʻu .

Swing , v. taopeope; taupe.


Testify , molimau. Text, matūa o le upu . Thanks, faafetai, faamanū . That, lelā , lenā. Thatch , lau. The, le .

Table, laʻoʻai, laulau. Taciturnity , faalologo, le gagana. Tack , sua . Tail, i'u.

Their, lo or la latou ; (dual) lo or la lāua .

Take, ave ; take hold of, tago. Tale , tala .

Then, ona . . . ai lea (as ona sau ai

Talk , tautala . Talkative , tautala soo. Tall, umi, maualuga.

Them , ia te i latou , or jāua (dual). lea ). There, iila , iina . Therefore, o le mea lea .

'Tame, lata .

These , nei.

Tangle, tilifili. Tap , tātā malie. Tardy, tele gese , tele mulu. Taro , talo . Tarry , faatali; at home, faamuli ;

They, o i latou ; (dual) o i lāua. Thick , mafiafia . Thief, găoi. Thigh , ogavae. Thimble , atigi lima. Thin , manifinifi ; laitiiti, tinovale ;

faatamala . Tart , cona .

Taste, tofo . Taunt, faaleaga, faaluma. Teach , aʻoaʻo . Tear, s. loimata . Tear, v. a . saei ; (pass.) masae. Teaze , faalili. Teat, matāsusu .

Tedious, faatelegese. Teem , gaau fanau ; fanau palasi. Telescope, faaata . Tell, ta 'u. Temerity , soona fai. Temperance, faatatau (as 'ai faata tau ).

animals , pae'e. Thing , mea.

Think , mānatunatu . Thirst, fiainu, galala . Thirteen , sefulu ma le tolu . Thirty , e tolu gafulu . This, lenei. Thorn , laau talatala or tuitui. Thorough, maluā. Those, o i latou ia . Thou , oe. Though, e ui lava .

Thought, manātu . Thousand, afe.



Thraldom , nofo pologa. Thrash , taisi, sasa. Thread , manoa, filo . Threat, faamataʻu . Three, tolu , fiir. Threefold , atufia , atutolu . Threshold , faitotoa . Thrive, tupuolaola.

TRA | Tolerate, onosa‘i.

Tongs, iofi. Tongue, laulaufaiva,alelo ; (chief"s) fofoga . Tools, faatufugaga . Tooth, nifo ; grinders, gao. Top , tumutumu.

Torch , sulu . Throat, ponaua ; (chief's ) ponā fo - Torment, faalili, faatiga, saunoa. foga.

Throb, sapotuvale ; heud , gāoi. Throng , le vao tagata . Throttle , s. faa'i. Throttle , v . titina.

Throughout, uma lava. Throw , lafo, togi. Thrush , eaea .

Thrust, tūlei. Thumb , lima matua. Thump, tuʻi. Thunder, faititili.

Thunderstrike, toʻia i le faititili. Thus, faapea. Thwart, faalavelave. Tickle, eneene. Tidings, tala . Tidy, teuteu lelei. Tie , nonoa, faamau, faapona. Tight, fusi mau. Till, seia . Timid , poipoi, fefe. Tin , sheet , "apa . Tingle , mainiini.

Tinkle , tagitagi. Tiny, laititi. Tip , tumutumu. Tipsy, ovā . Tire, musu, pasi ; vaivai, le lavā , lailoa . Tiresome, faasoesā.

Torrent, alia .

Torrid , mu i le la. Tortoise, volu. Torture , faasaunoa, faatiga. Toss, lafo , togi. Total, atoa. Totter, tautevateva. Touch , papa'i, pa‘i. Touchy, itagofie. Tough , fefeu, fefena. Tow , toso . Toward , mai.

Town, aai. Toy, v . faaulaula .

Trace, faailoga , tulaga . Tractable , vaogofie. Trade, s. faiva. Trade, v. faatau . Tradewind , toelau. Tradition , upu tun . Trail , v . to make , asa .

Train , la‘ei. Traitor, le faalata.

Trample, v . soli. Tranquil, filemu . Transact, fai, sauni. Transcend, faasilisili. Transfer, tuu atu .

Transfix, sosoʻa ia ati. | Transform , liliu .

Transgress , solitulafono, sesē .

Title, ao .

Transient, vave mavae . Translate, faamatala. To, i (to nouns) ; jā (to persons' | Transmit , avatu . names). Transparent, manino. Titter, neneʻa .

To, (before the infinitive) e.

Transplant, sua ma toe toto .

Toe, tamatamaivae . Together, faatasi. Toil, v. fai galuega mamafa .

Trap , mailei ; rat's , vaā imoa .

Token , sāsā, faailoga .

Trash , mea faatauvaa , otaota , oloa vale.

| Travel, alu malaça.

TRA Traveller , malo . Treacherous, faalata , pepelo . Tread, soli, tu ai le vae. Treason , faalata .

Treasure, oloa ua teu . Trtaty , māvaega. Tree, laau .

Tremble , tete . Tremendous, matuā mataʻutia . Tremulolis , tetetete.


| Twice, atu lua.

Twig , la. Twilight, segisegi. Twins, masaga .

Twine, taataai. Twinkle, emo. Twirl, lialia 'i. Twist , milo . Twitch, segi. Two, lua.

Trench , s. utu . Twofold , sautualua. Trepidation , gatete. Tyranny, faasarā. Trespass , solitulafono, sopotapulaa. Trial, tofotofoga ; faam : sinoga. Tribulation , atuatuvale , puapuagā . Trick , togafiti pepelo. Trickle , sisina . Uoly, matapuaa,“auvale, “aupiu . Trifle, s. mea faatauvaa. Ulcer, papala . Trigger, amoti.

Umbrella , faamalu , fale .

Trim , teu .

Trip , tausuai.

Unable, le mafai, le lavā . Unattended , toatasi.

Triple, sautuatolu .

Unawares, faafuasei. Unbecoming, le ono .

Triumph , mitamita . Troop , 'au .

Unbend , faasa'o .

Trouble, atuatuvale .

Unbind , tatala .

Troublesome, faasoesa . Trough, vai.

Unbounded , e leai se mea e gata

Trousers, ofuvae.

Uncertain, faaletonu .

True, moni, faamaoni. Trumpet, pu, foafoa. Trundle, faataavalevale. Trust, faalagolago. Try , faataitai, tofotofo, taumafai.

Uncivil, le töte.

mai ai.


Uncle, paternal, le uso o le tamā ; muternal, le tuagane o le tinā. Unclean , leaga.

Unclothe , tatala ofu , faatelefua.

Tuft, of huir, sope.

Uncommon , seaseā iloa.

Tug , toso . Tumble, paʻū .

Unconstant, faaleturnau .

Tumid , fufula .

Uncourteous, le tõte.

Uncover , toese le ufi, susu 'e.

Tumult, pisa pisao,misa ; nunuvale. Unction , faauu . Tune , fati.

Turbid , nenefu .

Turkey, pīpī. Turmeric, lega . Turmoil, atuatuvale , popole. Turn , liliu . Turtle , laumei.

Tush ! isa ! Tusk , nifo . Twelve, sefulu ma le lua . Twenty, e lia fulu .

Unctuous, lăla. Unculpable, lē sala . Uncumbered , e leai se faalavelave.

Uncurse, pūpū , faamagalo le fetuu . Undamaged , lē ataina . Undecided , faaletonu . Under, i lalo , i lalo ifo. Undergo, onosa‘ i. Undermost, aupito i lalo .

Understand , lagona, iloa.

| Undertake, tago, sii.



Undo, tatala . Undress, totala ofu . Unemployed , nofo paganoa.

VAL | Unravel, talatala. Uniripe, moto , lē matua .

Unrol, tatala .

Uneven , lē gatasi, lē tu sa ‘o . Unexpected , faafuase'i. Unexpert, vasivasi.

Unruly, vaogatā .

Unfasten, iatala . Unfathomed , lē fuatia . Unfledged , lē fulululua . Unfold , faamatala . Unfortunate , malaia .

Unskilful, le masani, vasivasi.

Unsatisfied, le mălie , le maõna . Unsiglitly , matagā. Unsuccessful, malaia .

Unsuitable, lē tusa . Unthankful, le faafetai, agavale. Untie , tatala . Until, se‘ia. Untrue, pepelo . Unusual, seaseā.

Unfrequent, seäseā. Unfrequented, lē uia . Ungoverned, lē taupulea. Unhandsome, “auvale. Unbandy, le masavi. Unhappy, malaia .

Unwbolesome, leaga, e tupu aima‘i. Unwilling, lemafai. Unwonted , seāstā.

Unhonored, lē iaualoa. Unhospitable, lē tote. Unhurt, le afaina .

Up, i luga , a'e (a particle) . Up ! interj. tulaʻi. Upbraid , faasā'i.

Uphold , taofi, fesoasoani.

Uniform , gatusa . Uninjured , lē afaina .

Upon , i luga. Uppermost, aupito i luga.

Unintentional, mao . Unintermitted , fai soo.

Uppish, faasiasia , faamaualuga. Upright, tu sa 'o.

Uvion , faasoo , faatasiga .

Unite, faatasi.

Uproar, pisao. Uproot, Jia 'i. Unjust, lē tusa , lē tatau . Upside down, fao. Unkind, agavale , le alofa . Upward, faasaga i luga. Urge, faaoso . Unknown, lē iloa. Unlawful, sā . Urine, miaga. Unless, vaganā, sei iloga ; (past) Us, ia i tatou , tāua, matou , māua . Use, aogā , masani. ana le se anoa . Use, v. faamasani. Unlike, lê tusa , eseese. Unlikely , e ilogå . Useful, aogā. | Usual, masani, fai soo . Unlock , tatala. Universal, aoao.

Usurp , fao fua. Uterus, manava .

Unloose , tatala .

Unlucky, malaia.

Unmannered , faalevao. Unmarried , man , laataanoa ; woman , nofofua . Unmeasurable, lē fuatia . Unmerciful, savā . Unmoveable, mausali. Unneighbourly , thaoi vale . Unobserved, lē manatua, le iloa. Unpaid , le tauia . Unparduned , lē magalo .

Unprofitable, lē aoga.


Vacant, tuufua . l'agabond, faasevasevaloaina. Vain , le aogā . Vainglorious, faalialiavale . Vale , vauu.

Valediction , faamavaega .

Valiant, toa .

VAL Valley, vanu . Valuable , aogā , tāua. Van , mua “au.

Vanish , mou. Vanquish, faatoilalo . Vapour, ausa . Variable, lē tumau , feliuliua'i. Variance, maseiga. Variety , eseese . Vast, matua tele .

Vaunt , mitamita vale , Veer, liliu .



| Vindicate , faatonu, fansa 'o. Vindictive, faalotoloto .

Violate , soli. Violent, faavalemalosi. Viper , gata. Virgin , taupou .

Visit, asiasi. Vixen , fatine ‘ote . Vocation , taiva .

Voice , leo ; (chief's ) siufofoga. | Void , lē aina , tuufua , gaogao. Volcano, mauga mū.

Vegetable, laau ; (pl.) mea e “ai; Volume, lautusi. taro , & c .

Veil, v . ufiufi.

Vein , ya . Velocity , tele vave, saosaoa. Vend , faatau .

Voluntarily , fai fua i le loto.

Vomit, v. puaʻi ; ( chief's) tulei, Voracious, lotulotu ‘ai.

Voyage, folauga.

Venerate , ava .

Venesection , tuu le lima,


Vengeance, tauima sui. Venom , mea o‘ona. Venomous , uogo.

WADE, asa .

Verbal, upu i le gutu.

Wag, the head , lialia ‘i. Wages, totogi.

Verify , faamaoni. Verse, fuai tau (in poetry ).

Wail, auē, tagiauē, tagituʻi,

Versed , masani. Vertex , tumutumu.

Vertigo, niniva .

Very, matuā. Vesicate , manunu .

Waist, sulugatiti. Waistcoat, taofu, Wait, tali, faatali.

Wake, ala ; (chief's) malei fua ; matāala .

Vesicle, poʻu. Vessel, ipu ;' vaa papalagi.

Wake, v . a . fafag . Walk , savali. Walking -staff, tootoo.

Vestige, tulagāvae ; faạiloga.

Wall, pa, aupa . Wallow , taahili.

Vex , faalili. Vexatious, soesā .

Wander, sesē .

Vial, fagu laitiiti.

Wane , gase .

Vibrate , tetetete . Vice, ulavale , pagota .

Wanton , ulavale , faamatāitu .

Want, mativa, manao.

Victor, lē ua malo .

War, taua.

Victory, manumalo.

War , v. tau le taua.

Victuals, mea e 'ai.

Warm , mafanafana .

Vie, losilosi.

Warm , v. faafana.

View , v . vaavaai. Vigilant, mataala .

Warn , apoapoaʻi. Warp, ala . Warp, v . faapi'o. Warrior, toa. Wart , tona .

Vigorous, malosi. Vile , leaga.

Vilify , faaleaga.

Village, faoa aai.

| Wash, fufulu , ta ; the body, taele.

WAS 70 Wasp , lagomumu. Waste , v . a . faamaumau.

Waste, v . n . faatinovale .

WIN | Whale, tafolā . What, o le ā ? se ā ? Wheedle, faaoleole .

Watch , v.a , leoleo, lamalama, vaa Whelp , tama‘i uli. vaai. When , pe a ( fut.) ; interrog. ana fea ? (past ) ; afea ? ( fut.) Watch , v. n . mataala , leoleo. Water, vai, suāvai; (to chiefs) tau Whence, maifea ? naifea ? ifea ? fa .

Waterfall, afu . Watery, suāvaia , văivăi. Wattle , faati' a .

Wave, peau ; breaker, galu . Wave, v . the hand , fc. tapa. Wax, pulu .

Where, o i fea ? o fea ? Wherefore, o le mea lea. Wherret, nati, faasoesā . Whet, faamata, faamaai. Whether , pe, po . Whetstone, faamata .

Which , o lē ; o le fea ?

While, 1 āõ ; manū ( only in expres Whilst ſ sions denoting fortunate Waylay, lamalama. We, o i matou or tatou ; (dual) ly , 8c. Whip , sása. māua or tāua. Weak , vaivai. Whirl, lialia ‘i. Weal, faalavalava o le ta . Whirlpool, vili. Wealth , oloa . Whirlwind , asiosio. Whisker, vaega ‘ava. Wean, faateʻa i le susu . Way, ala .

Weapon , auupega.

Whisper, v. musumusu .

Wear, ofu ai.

Whistle , mapu ; a bird , valovalo . Weary , lailoa, lē lavā, vaivai; of the White, sinasina , paʻepa 'e. ear or eye, pasi (as pasi i vaai). | Whitewash , vali faasinasina. Weave , lalaga. Whither, i fea ? Web , (as cobweb) apogaleveleve. Who, o lē ? o ai ? Wed, of a man , faiavā ; of a wo- | Whole , atoatoa . Whoop , 'u 'uʻū . man , nofo tane ; nofo . Whore, fafine talitane, fafine taa i Wedge, tina. Wednesday, aso lulu . le ala , fafine mulilua . Why, ai se ā ? se ā le mea ? Wee, laitiiti, uinii, tii. Wick , vavae. Weed, vao. Weed , v . vele vao, ini. Wicked , ulavale, agasala , leaga. Weep , tagi. . Wide, vateatea , lautele.

Weigh, fua.

Widow , fafine ua oti lana tane.

Weighty, mamafa .

Wife, avā ; (chief's) faletua, masi ofo. Wild , aivao ; feai ; segisegi.

Welcome, v. ofo .

Well, s. vaieli. Well, adj. malolo , malosi. Well, adv. lelei, maeu . Wellnigh , toetoe. Wellspring , puna . Welter, taafili . Wen , pătu . Wench , teine ; fafine talitane.

Wile , togafiti pepelo .

| Will, loto , manao ; (chief's) fina galo .

Willing , mafai, loto .

, ua sini,malo , & c. Win Winc e, meʻimeʻi.


West, sisifo , gagaifo .

Wind , savili, matagi.

Wet, sū .

Wind , w. taai, taataai.



Windbound, punimatagiina.' Window , faamalama. Wing , apaau . Wink , emo.

Wipe, fufulu , talimātu . Wise , poto .

Wish , manao . With , i, ma.

Withdraw , alu ese . Wither, mamae.


Wreath , fili. Wrecked, tuóia. Wrench , mimilo , fa'i. Wrest ! Wrestle , fagatua. Wretched , malaia . Wring , mimilo . Wrinkle , maanuminumi. Wrist, tapulima. Write , tusi. Writhe, vili.

. Withhold , taoti. Within , i totonu , i fale .

Wrong , sesē.

Without, i fafo, i tua.

Wrong , v . agaleaga.

Without, conj. sei iloga, vaganā.

Wry, pi'o.

Withstand , tetee.

Witness, molimau. Wo, aue, le pagā .

Woman , fafine. Womb, manāva. Wonder, ofo.

Yawn, māvava .

Wonderful ! int. ola ! maeu ! Wont, v . masani.

Year, tausaga .

Wood , laau ; vao matua.

Yearly , lea tausaga ma lea tausaga. Yearn , mutimutivale .

Yam , ufi.

Ye, outou ; (dual) oulua.

Woof, fausa . Wool, fulufulu o mamoe.

Yell, uio .

Word , upu ; (chief's) fetalaiga, afi- | Yellow , samasama.

Yes, ioe, e, oi. Yesterday, ananafi. Yet, e ui lava. Work, s. galuega. World , lalolagi; “ all the world ,” | Yield , usiusitaʻi, gaua'i. oga.

Work, v . galue.

salemausau uma lava .


Worldly , faalelalolagi, faasalemau sau.

Worm , anufe .

Wormeaten , atiatia . Worse , e sili ona leaga.

Worship , tapuai, ifo. Worst , aupito leaga. Worsted , toilalo , tulia , faiaina.

Yonder, io.

You, (sing.) oe; (dual) oulua; (pl.) outou . Young, child , tama ; man, taulea lea ; animal, tree & c., tamaʻi ; animals and birds, toloa'i, ofaga. Your, lāu, lõu ; (dual) la oulua ; (pl.) la outou .

Youth, taulealea.

Worth , aogā .

Wound, manu a. Z . Wrangle , femisaʻi, feupua'i. Wrap, aui. Wrath , ita ; (of chiefs) toasa , toa- | Zealous, losilosi ; ma' elegā. tama'i .



A‘a‘a, s. an odoriferous plant used

1 for scenting oil. The first letter ofthe Samoan alphabet. \ 'Aai, s. a town, a village . It has a long and short pronuncia- | •Aai, v . ( pt . of (ai), to eat. tion , and, in some few words, it is 'Aao, s. an arm , hand , or leg of a chief. very short, almost like ŭ : as in mate,

maliu , vave, fánafănuu. A , prep. of, or belonging to . A , adv . when .

'Aao, a. proud bearing. Aau , s. a reef. ‘Aau , v . to swim ; pl. feausi.

A , c. but, if. ‘ A, int, of surprize.

Aau, v . ( pl. of au ), to send. ‘Aafia , v. to be taken away (of

Ā , pron. what ? (as Se ā lea mea ?) A , a sign of the future tense, when just about to do a thing.

things) by a relation , without the permission of the owner ; to be involved with others in trouble .

A , an affix to some verbs, to form 'Aafu , v . (pl of 'afu ), to cover up. the passive ; (as ave, uvea). | Aaga , s. a kicking match . A , an affix to nouns, to form adjec | ' Aala , v. to smart; intensive, fe'a lasi. tives, signifying full of,abounding in ; (as niu , a cocoanut : niua , 'Aale, v. to be prompt, to do things full of cocoanuts ). with despatch. A , sign of the dual and plural, in - | ' Aalii, s. a species of taro . stead of la , before the pronouns. | •Aalo, a . deceitful, avoiding open

ness , covering up. " ‘Aalo, v. (intensive of alo ), to avoid Aa, s. a kick . constantly or repeatedly. Aa, v. to kick ; pl. feaa ; pass. aa - | 'Aalu, s. dregs ; the cocoanut oil sia. partially formed ; (as 'alu ). “Aa, s. the name of a fish ; the Aalu , v. tobe only partially formed, fibrous substance which grows (applied to scraped nuts which do Aa, s. fibres of a root ; family con nection .

round the cocoanut. See also LAU 'AA.

not readily yield oil). Aamau , s. cocoanuts which fall

'Aa, int, an exclamation of disap - ' down and grow of themselves. | ' Aami, v . to fetch ; pass. 'amia ; probation .



'āmi'ami, to fetch one after ano- | Āi, s. a fence, a railing. ther.

‘Aami'a, s. the name of a shrub. Aainu, v. to whisper discontents

with ridicule.

'Aano, s. Aesh ; the kernel; sub stantial food . ' Aapa, v . to stretch outthe hand in order to take hold of something.

| Āi, v . to fence in ; pass. āia.

Ai, s. a concession made in defer ence to another party.

Ai, pr. who, whosoever. Ai, pr. him , her , it, that, which .

Ai, adv. there ; probably, very like ly.


Ai, prep. fron), (as nai, mai).

Ai, the reflective particle, referring ‘Aapo, v. (pl of ‘apo ), to nurse . back to the nominative, or to the ‘Aapu , v. to draw the wind ,(applied to a sail).

cause , time, place , consequence ,

reason, & c. Aasa, a . 8. v. glowing hot. 'Aasi, v. to scratch ; to scrape tu - | 'Ai, v. to eat; pl. 'a'ai; pass. 'aina. tuga .

' Aata, v . (pl. of 'ata ), to laugh . (Seldom used ). Aatasi, s. a species of cress.

Ai, s. a present of raw food, (an introduced word ) ; the stone with which children playhideand seek ; a count towards the number which determines the game.

'Aati, v. to eat in , as an ulcer ; to gnaw off (as the skin of sugar- A 'i, a particle denoting the cause , means, or instrument. cane). ' Aato, a. complete in counting en - | Aia , v. to be galled or chafed . tire tens : (as, e sefulu´aato , fc.) | Aiā , v . (mostly preceded by a ne ' Aava, a. bitter, acrid ; scorching hot (of the sun ).

gative), to have no authority in or over .

“Aava, v. to be bitter ; to be scorch - | A ‘iaʻi, a . true, genuine ; adv. very , truly, really . ing hot ; pass. 'avasia . Ae, int. used in chasing a wounded | ‘Ai-aiga, v. incomplete ; partly con bird , or in forbidding a dog run - | sumed ; applied also to themoon , when either waxing or waning. ning at soinething. A ‘e, v . to go up ; to ascend , as from 'Ai'aiga, v . to go out to beg food. fishing, from banishment ; also ‘Aiau, v. (lit . to eat the gall), to be cowardly ; (also ate-ai). used of the waves.

‘ Aialii, v. to supply a chief with Aře , adv. up . ‘A’e, v. to ascend , as to the top of food and otherwise to assist him a house, a tree , or a mountain ;

in expectation of getting property

pl. feʻa‘ ei and tausili ; pass. 'a'ea ,

in return .

to be taken (as a fortress ).

{ s. the office of‘aialii.

“Aialiitaga “. s. a score. Aea, * A ega , s. a stick used as a ladder. | 'Aiisi, v . (from 'ai and isi) , to beg food . Afega, s. an ascent ; food prepared before going to catch pigeons. | Ai'oi, v. to beg , to entreat, to im * A `egafale, v. to be provoked ; to be plore. Aioge, s . one who removes to ano angry with . ther land on account of a scarcity Afegāfale, s. a number of houses of food. built at the same time. Aemaise, c. also, together with , (as 'Aiuli, v. to make much of by sup plying with good things, and giv amaise); especially · Acno , s. a species of land crab .

ing the best of everything to.


Aiuli, s. ostentatious kindness to a chief.

'Āifanua, s. a tenant ; a person cul



fern ; a title of dignity given to chiefs.

Ao, a. ten, (used in counting in

tivating another's land . games). Āifoi, s. a shellfish which has re- | Ao, v . impers. it is right, proper, cently shed its shell. fitting, necessary . Aifuna, v. to lay by food for the Av, v.a. to collect, to gather toge husband .

ther, as stones, & c.

Āiga, s. a family ; relations ; mar- | Ao, v. to be perfect, as a house, riage (as the beginuing a family ). boat, & c. Aiga, s. the act of eating ; a meal. Ão, ãoao , v. to search , to look for, 'Aigamea , s. a part of some food , especially in the bush . being not a complete joint or por- | 'Ao, a . small made, slender.


tion ; a contemptuous term for a A 'o, aʻoaʻo, v. to teach . diseased person . Āba, s. a fish trap ; a bird cage ; the hole of the cuttle fish . 'Aigaaleafi, s. ashes. | Aða , s. the banyan tree. Aigofie, s. a club match . Aigofie, a . pretty (of a village). | ‘ Aʻoaʻi, v . to reprove, to correct. 'Āilao, v. to fence or flourish a club. | ' A 'oa'iga , s. a reproof, a correction . Aoao, u. excellent, surpassing, su Aile, s. a cocoanut just formed . Aimālo , v. to be victorious, (mostly preme. of animals ). Aoao , v. to be supreme. Aimama, v . to eat chewed food ; to Aʻoaʻo , s. a teacher. See also A ' o .

be severely beaten with fists or ‘Aoʻao, s. the armpit ; the sides of clubs.

a canoe .

Aimeo , v. to be angry on account Aoauli, 7 s . noon (not so late as 12 o 'clock ) . | Aoatea of or in connection with food . ' Aina, a. eatable. Aðatai, s. a large branching sea Aina , v. to be inhabited .

weed .

Airiaga, s. a child given to the gods. | Aoula , s. a day dance . 'Aisee , v. to beg food at a feast. Aofa 'i, v . n . to collect together , to ‘Aisila , v . to beg fish . come together; pl. feaofa 'i. Aisola , v. to steal property from re- Aofa 'iga, s. the sum total. lations ; to steal a wife. Aofaga, s. a collection ; a searching Aitia , s. a child 's game.


Aitia , v. to dance about in triumph . | Aofia , v. to be assembled , to be col Aitu, s. a spirit ; a god ; a feast in 1 lected. honour of a god . Aogā , a . useful, valuable, profitable . Aitua , v. to be haunted . A 'oga, s. a teaching ; a school. 'Aitoto, v. to have a bloody mouth . Aogalemu, s. broad daylight. Aituo, int. the call in tautapa . Aotele, v. to gather all in one (of

Aitutagata , s. a murderer by means of the foto .


Aotelega, s. a general gathering to

Āivao , a: wild , (applied to animals | gether in one. which have run into the bush ). Au, s. a sharp thorn on a fish ; ' Aivale , v. to eat improper articles of (hence) a needle ; a tatooing in food .

Ao , s. a cloud ; day ; daylight ; a chief's head ; name of a kind of

strument; the gall : the liver ; the heart, as the seat of the af fections; il current at sea.

AU AUG 76 Āu , a privative particle prefixed to ' Auala , s. the bier of a dead chief. verbs ; (as, Ele ūu sau , he has “Aualii, s. a tulie keel; a talie tree . pot come at all, or he has never Aualofa , s. a keepsake, something come). to keep in remembrance the ab Aʻu, pron. I ; also tă . sent or dead . Au, s. a stalk of a plant; a handle ; Āualuma, s. a company of single

a bunch (of bananas ) ; a troop ; 1


a class or gang ; a shoal (of fish ). Auamā, s. property of an inferior “ Au, v. to send ; pass. “auina ; au kind, and so causing shame to mai, to bring . those giving it. (The opposite of Āu , āuau , v. to carry away (as the "auʻuumamā). stones of a wall) ; pass. aua. Aua, v . impers. don 't .

Auā, c. because, on account of; just so , to be sure ; used also as a par

| Au ane, v . to take the name of a head of a family who has died , to

succeed another ; (āu ifo , when a son or brother ).

ticle of dissent, as, Why, but.

Auē, int. alas ! oh ! (of wonder). Āu'ee, s. a passenger, one who begs “Auao, s. attendants of the aitu , bea passage in a canoe , (as āuoso ). ing inferior spirits. Auega, s. a crying ofauē. Aūa , s. a young anae.

Auau , v . to pick out (as the bones 'Aueva, s. the shed skin of snakes of a fish ). and shellfish . "Au au , s. the ridgepole of a house. | Aui, v. to wind round ; (auʻaui, to

“ Au au, v. to swim about, ( from | wind round and round . aau); to bathe (to chiefs). Aui, a , ten (bonito ) ; also ţinoaga Āu'au, v. to review troops, to make

a display before going to war.

fulu .

. Au iliili, v . to take all ; to go all.

•Auſaufau , v . to agree together (in Auitaliga , v . (from au , i, taliga ), to I be led away by reports. regard to doing something ). Āuauli, s. a tree whose fruit blisters | ‘Au'o 'a , s. one kind of yam . the skin .

*Auốauloa, v . to pass right on to the

Āuoso , s. one who begs a passage,

(as āuee ).

journey's end without calling in | Auosoga , s. the carriers of a dead chief's bier. on the road . Au´auna , s. ' a servant ( from 'au , | Auʻupega , s . weapons of war. to send ). ‘Aufa'i, s. a bunch of bananas. Au'auna , v . to serve. Āufana, s. a bow .

• Auốaumaile, s. one kind of wild Aufanaua, a . childless (from death yam .

of children ).

SAŭ 'aumamā, a . not causing shame Aufasa, v. to rise (of the moon ) ; (as property of a good quality, i (as fāna'e ). and a troop or travelling party of Aufiti, v. to writhe in pain . Aufono, s. a division of a land, (used good-looking men ).

*Au‘afa , s. fine mats, ( so called as in some places instead of alu ). being tied up with ‘afa). ‘ Auga, v . to look up to, to attend Auagare, s . (from au , aga, and a 'e), | on , to depend on . Āuga, s. a make-shift. a current setting eastward . ‘Auagafulu , a . ten (applied to yams Āugāʻau , s. a review , a display of and bunches of bananas). Avala , s. the roadside.

troops before going to war. | Āugā fatu , s. a removing of the



heaps of stones placed to attract | Aumă, s. a sunken rock . fishes. Aumā ? v . to what purpose ? of what Augamālie, v. to come opportunely, use ? (as taigalemu). Āumau, s. an alien , a stranger. Āumau , v . to sojourn . Augani, v . to swear. Augapiu , a. very ugly , exceedingly Aumafute, s. thewood of the paper bad, (applied to men, houses, & c.) mulberry after the bark is stripped (as aupiu ). ‘Augatā, a. disobedient.

off. | Aumāga, s . the body of young men

Augātagata , 1 s. the succession of

of a land who chew the ‘ava , and

Augātupulaga generations of men . | attend on chiefs. Augavale, a . mortal, perishing. ‘Aumageo, s. one kind of banana or plantain . 'Augotie , a . obedient.

‘Augutuava, s. the sides of an open - | 'Aumalaia , v . to be continually in adversity . Aumalie, s. one kind of banana.

ing through the reef. Aulā , s. the top part of a Samoan sail.

‘ Aumanuia , v. to be continually prosperous. Aumatua, s. a breeding animal. Āula 'i, v. to be heaped up, to be in Āumatnā , s. an orphan .

Aula -alia , v. to be killed in war, and have the head carried off.

abundance ; pl. aulalai; (as fau - | •Aumea , lai).

s. an associate , a

| 'Aumeamamac s friend

Aulaʻigatagata, s. a generation of humoe, v. to sleep away from home; to go out courting ; to sleep in a

men .

Aulaumea , s. fish gills. ' Aulalo , v. to swim off in order to fish .

Aulama, s, dry cocoanut leaves ;


woman's family with a view to making proposals ; pl.'āumomoe. Āumoega, s. the party going to make

proposals to a lady.

dry logs of the ifilele. Aumuli, s. a current setting west . Aulapataʻi, s. the level land at the Aunifoa , u . toothless. foot of a hill ; (also lapataʻi). Aunoa, v. to be without; le aunoa , 'Aulape , s . witnesses or lookers on ' to be unremitting. in the game of tologa , whose bu - | •Aunofo, s. troops in reserve. siness it is to see thatthe tapulaa Āunuʻua , v . to dwell away from

or boundary is not passed by the players. •Aulelei, a . handsome.

home. | Aunwiu , s. the name of a Samoan month answering to our May.

Auleleia, s. to be carried ashore by | Aupā, s . a line of wall.

the current; to get a chieftainship Aupaa, v. to be on a par, (used only or other honor. in reproof). Auli, a. plaio (water) : vai auli. Aupiu, a. ugly , deformed, badly Auli, s. a clothes iron . made, (as augopiu ). Aulia , v. to reach , to arrive ; to be Aupito, u . very, exceedingly . taken in war either dead or alive. Aupito, v . (followed by atu ) , to be Auliuli, a. spacious . farthest off; (followed bymai) to

Ă uliuligia , v. to be far from , to be free from blame.


be nearest.

Aupitoaluga, a. highest.

1 s. the stem from which Aupui, v. to splash .

' Aulesoloso I the cocoanuts have | Ausa, s. steam , vapor ; metaphor. been picked . of anger.

AFI AUS Ausa alo , s. the wooden seat to Afa , s. the name of a tree ; a small


which the cocoanut scraper is fixed .

stick used in making nets . Afā , s. a storm .

'Āusaga, s. a company ofswimmers ; ‘Afa , s. cinet ; the name of a fish.

anything to assist in swimming . | ‘Afa , v . to be proper, to be fit. ber ; to be desolate. ‘Afa'afa, a . strong, robust, (applied ‘ Ausi, I a. good looking, (applied to men ). Auʻausis to men, plantains, & c .) ‘Afa'afai, 1. to wind cinet round the handle of a weapon . Ausia, v. to pass (asthe dart thrown Afai, c. if. in the gameof tagatiʻa ). 'Ausiva, s. the band of singers at a ‘Afa -'i'o, s. a hank of cinet ; (also faa'afaga). night dance. Āusoa , v. to dance by companies at Afaina, v. (from afā ), hurt injured ; a night dance. (used only interrogatively and ne ‘Āutā , s. marks of burns inflicted gatively, as, Uu afuina ea lou on the death of a chief; a drum . ' lima ? E le afaina). stick used to beat the wooden ‘Afauto , s. the rope at the top of a Āusage, v. to be left few in num - | ' Afa'afa, s. name of a fish .

drum or bell.



‘ Autā , s. the agitation of the sea Afafine, s. a daughter. after a breeze. ‘Afaga, s. the bandage for the feet Autafa , v. to take out the bones in in climbing the cocoanut. the side of a fish ; to take the Afaga, s. a small beach .

thorns from the sides of the paogo Afagafaga, a. stiffened (as a limb from disease); tightened (as a rope


‘Autafa, s. the sloping side of a hill. I overstrained ); metaphorically ap Autapu , v. to swear, (as augani). I plied to anger. Aute, s. the Chinese rose, or black - | 'Afataai,:: 2{ s. . . ing plant. ‘Afatagaiss a large roll of cinet.

Autonu, v . to keep things in order Afātia , v. to be in a storm . in a village or a family. Afato , s. a large edible grub found Autū , s. the leader,director, or prin in dry trees ; (also moeeseese). ‘Afāvae, s. the rope at the foot of cipal agent. Autupua, v . to curse, to imprecate the net ; (also fauvae). a curse on . Afe, a . a thousand . Āuva‘a, v . (always used with the Afe , w . to call in at a place, house, negative le , as e le ūuvu' a ), pot

fit, not proper, (applied to work ,

& c . ; pass. afea . Afe , v . to turn up an end or corner ,

(as of a mat, book , & c.) . Afea, adv . when ?

words, and conduct.) 'Auva‘a, s. a crew . Auvae, s. the chin .

Afeafe, s. a room .

‘Auvaealalo , s. the lower jaw .

Afei, v . to line with leaves (as a

basket, or the hole for masi). 'Auvai, s. the brink of a river,well, Afega , s. a person living at another land convenient for his passing or of any water. ‘Auvale, a. ugly (ofmen) ; bad (of townsmen to call on . “Auvaealuga , s. the upper jaw .

bananas ).

| Afetualaina, v . to call on casually ,

Auvalea, v. to be carried away by not having intended to do so on the current ; to lose a chieftain - ! setting out. slup out of a family. | Afi, s. fire.

AFI 79 AGA Afi, s. a bundle , parcel, package. | ‘Afu afu, s. the peritoneum ; the Afi. Ú . to do up in a bundle ; pl. / afifī.

hymen ; a true brother.

Āfulelea, v. (from āfu and lelea ),to Afia , s. the name of a shrub . be completely withered away . Afia , v. puss. (from afi), to be burnt | Afuloto , s. bedclothes used under accidentally .

Afiafi , s. the evening

the tainamu . Āfulu , v . to be overcooked .

Afſagafulu , a, ten afī, or small bun - | Afulugā, v. to be rotten , (applied to taro which has been planted in dles of fish , masi, & c. the stump of a rotten tree ). Afiavao , s. the name of a tree.

Afio , v . (followed by mai), to come; | Afusigalau , s. the spray rising from (with atu ) , to go ; to be present; the waves on the reef. to die ; pl. afifio ; (only used to Āga, s. a span : limasaga, five span ; fitusaga , seven span . high chiefs ). Afioaga, s. a chief's residence ; a | Aga, s. conduct,manner of acting. chief' s seat.

Aga , v . to do, act, go , come: agā

Afioga, s. a word, a speech, the pre -

ga mai; recipr. feāga'i,to go up and down. Agaese, s. an axe,(used in the pre

sence of a high chief. Aftio , v. See Afio.

Aflaau, s. a great burning on ac

sence of chiefs instead of toʻi).

Agai, s. attendants on a chief.

count of the death of a chief.

Afilua , a . twenty bundles of fish , Agaiati, v . to make a burning for a dead chief. masi, & c. Agaiotupu , s . a complimentary name Afinamea , s. the name of a fish ,

for a carpenter or tatooer. Afisi, v. to carry under the arm ; to carry a child on the hip . Agafaafafine, v. to act as a woman , Afisiga, s. an armful ; a load car

to act with mildness. Agafaamanu , ) v. to act without

ried under the arm .

Afilulia , s. about 8 or 9 p .m .,when | Agafaapuaa I thought. most of the lights are out. Agafaavalea, v. to act as a foolish Afo , s. a fishing line.

person .

‘Afo , v . to be seriously wounded in

Agaga , s. a disembodied spirit.


Agaga, v. to devise,, to plan ; to challenge. Āgagafulu , a. ten spans. Agagamca , a. skilful. Agalelei, s. kindness . Agalelei, v . to be kind . Agālii, s. (aga a alii) chieflike con

Āfolau , s. a long house. Āfono, adv . perhaps. See Aronu. ‘Afu, s. a wrapper of siupo used as a sheet. ‘ Afu , v. to wrap up in the 'afu . Afu , s. a waterfall . Āfu, v. to perspire ; to be heated

duct ; well behaved .

(as an oven ); to wither (as an-. Agamafu , y. to be ripe, (only of the nual plants ).



Afua , s. a feast madewhen the wife Agamalū , a. mild . is found to be pregnant. Agamasesei, s. bad conduct . Afua, afuafua, v . to begin . Aganuu , v. to act according to the Afuafu , s. a light shower.

customis of one's own country.

Afuafu , v. to curl over as a wave Agasala , s. sin , (an introduced term ). about to break . Agatele , v . to abuse, to use abusive


AGA ALA Agatonu, v . literally , to go straight; | as one interfering in a quar rel). applied to the people of a village having a chief over them ; to a Alaʻu , v. spoken of anything not head of a family in regard to vi I nearly finished ; always interro gatively or negatively , as,Ua alaʻu sitors by giving them food ; to


one who has never been fined . Agavāivai, a. mild , gentle.


Agavale , y . to be left-handed ; to

ea ? E le alaʻu. Alausu, v . to start the first thing in


come empty -handed ; to be un - Alafa , s . fungus growing on rotten wood , highly phosphorescent. grateful. Agi, Lat Wow of the wind Alāfau, s. the cheek . Agiagi / v . to blow , of the wind.

Alafaga, s. a morning angling .

Agiagi, s. a chief's speech , (used Alāfale , s. land belonging to the aitu only in a jocular way on Savaii). of a village. Agina, v . to be put in motion by the Alafia , v. pass. (from ala ), to be wind ; to blow straight out as a able to head for ; to be able to flag ; metaphor.applied to speech - ' get at (as at a tree in order to cut es notmeant to end in doing any. 1

it down ).

thing ; also applied to the ears of Alafia, v . to be hurt by joining in one running away; redup. agina - | another's quarrel, or through his gina . own wickedness. See ALATAIA .

Agini, v. to tuck up the lavalava Alaga , v. to shout out, to call out ; so as not to obstruct the wearer. pl. alalaga . Agipo, v. to blow at night. Alaga, s. a shoulder or leg of an Ago, s. the turmeric plant. See animal. LEGA . Alagālima, s. the shoulder . Ago, v. to mark with turmeric (as | Alagāmea, s. a small net. the planks of a canoe in fitting | Alagāvaa , s. a sore caused by rub

them ) ; to draw the lines for ta

bing against the canoe in pulling ;

tooing .

the name of an artificial Ay-hook for catching the bonito .

Agoago , v . to devise, to plan . Agosi, v . to be wasted away from

Alāla, v . (alaala , from ala ), to sit up at night ; to sit or dwell, (ap Ala , s. a path, a way, a road , a plied to chiefs) ; a form of even passage : the warp ; a cause or ing salutation . reason . Alalataga, s. a number of people sit sickness.

Ala , v . to spring from . .

Ala , v . to awake. See MALEIFUA. Ala, v . to angle in the morning.

ting together at night; a chief's dwelling ; a chief's coffin . / Alalafutu , s . the name of a fish .

Alā , s. a stone worn smooth by the Alamea, s. a stinging shellfish . action of water.

Ala , v . to scratch ; pl. feala, to

‘Alamisi, s. one kind of land crab .

‘Alamu, v. to go quickly; to go di

rect to. scratch with both hands. Alana'i, s. one who dies with his Ala'afa , s. the mark of cinet tied opponent. round the body. Alana'i, v. to take with ; to carry Ala ‘alo , s. a bye-road . See Alatua. away as plunder ; pass, alana ia . Alai, v. to be forward in speaking Alani, s. an excuse. (as a child before its elders , and | Alasca 'e, s. a bye-road . Ala ‘ a , s. the name of a tree.




Alāsii, s. the row of ends left to fas- / fish, & c.) ; a chief's belly ; a chief's child . ten off a mat. Alātaia , v . to be hurt by joining an - | Ālo , v. to paddle, to pull a canoe ; other's quarrel, or by his own wic to go out bonito fishing ; pass. ālofia ; (also ā 'oalo). kedness. See ALAFIA. Alātua , s. a back road .

Alo , v . to fan ; ăloalo , to continue

to fan . Alava , s . the skin of the flat part of the stem of the cocoavut leaf ; a Alo, v . to conceal, to hide ; to get out of the road ; to elude a blow ; prominent vein ; fibres of the wood and stem of the cocoanut. I to make excuses ; pl. ' a' alo, fe ' Alavaʻula , s. a species of shark . I alo‘alofaʻi ; pass. 'alolia . Alavalavā , v. to be fibrous, to be Aloā , s. a worn out 'asi.

stringy ; to have prominent veins; | Aloalo , s. the space between the reef and the beach . applied to one scolding. Alo‘alo , s. the flower of the gutae. 'Ale , s. a shellfislı. Aleale , s. a cucoanut in which the Aloalofanua, s. the nameof a plant. kernel is just beginning to form ; Aloalovai, s. the name of a plant. a term for a coward . Alo‘ava‘ava , a . hasty, irritable. Alei, v . to drive , to chase ; to di- | Aloi, v. to remove dirt from a bot tle by introducing a stick . vorce ; pass. aleia .

Alelo , s. the tongue, (used only in | Aloiali , s. sparks. cursing ). See LAULAUTAIVA .

Aloiniu , s. the inner sideof the ker

Aleva, s. the name of a bird like a cuckoo . 'Ali, s. the bamboo pillow . Alia, s. a watercourse; the dry bed of a river. Alia , s. a double canoe. *Ali'ao, s. the name of a shellfish . Aliali, v. to appear ; (also āli).

nel of the young nut. Aloipopo, s. the inner side of the kernel of the hard nut. Alou , s. matter, pus ; a pig , (used before chiefs ). Aloua, a . having matter formed (as an abscess). Alofa , s. love, compassion . Ali , s. a chitf. Alofa , v. to love, to compassionate ; Alitaʻi, v. to have as chief over ; to salute ; pl. alolofa ; priss. alo to be subject to a chief. faina , alofagia ; recipr. fealofani. Aliitia , v. tv be inhabited by a chief, Alofa'i, v . (from alo ), to paddle, to to have a chief residing in the pull a canoe. land . ‘Alofa'i, v. (from ‘alo ), to conceal A liga, s. the name of a semi-trans- | (as fuod or property ). Alofaga , s. the expression of love. parent calabash . Aligaliga, a. smooth and shining , 1 Alofaga, s. thedistance which a ca . (applied to an abscess when near / noe has to be pulled from one breaking ) ; thin (as the plank of

a canoe). Alila, int. pshaw !

place to another.

'Alofagā,s. a place foravoiding dan ger.

Alili, s. the name of a shellfish ..

Alofi, s. the circle of chiefs .

Alise, s. a cricket. Alititai, see ILITITAI.

Alofi , v . to sit in a circle .

Alofilima, s. the palm of the hand.

Alitivai, see IlitivAI. Alofivae, s. the sole of the foot. Alivu, a . long ago . See Avilu . Alogalu , s. the sloping side of , Alo , s. the under side (as of cloth , wave.




Alogo , s. the pame of a fish .

| Amo, v . to carry on the shoulders. Alolifa , s. the name of a flat turtle . | Amoga, s. a burden ; the naine of Aloputa , s. the uame of a thick turtle .

a cluster of stars.

Amoti, s. the trigger of a gun .

‘Alovao, s. one who gets out of the Amoti, v. to pull the trigger. way of visitors . | •Amu, s. a branching kind of coral. Alu , v . to go ; pl. o ; redupl. alu | Amu, v. to speak thick (as the voice

alu ; recipr. fealua'i, pl. feoa'i,to

of a dying person ).

go backwards and forwa:ds; (in | Amuia , v . to be blessed , to be hap

someplaces faluma‘i is used ,also py ; (used only in congratula . tion ) . fealualuma‘i and fealualua'i). ‘ Alu, s. dregs, lees. | •Ainu‘ula , s. red coral; a name Alu , v. to arrive opportunely. given to the dolphin .

Alualu , v . to exceed , to excel ; to | Amuli, adv. hereafter. Amutia , v . as amuiu .

drive , to chase.

‘Alu 'alu , s. a species of starfish . *Alu‘alutoto , s. clotted blood .

Ana, s . a cave.

Ana, c. if ; (used only in the past

time). Aluga, s, a soft pillow . Aluga, v. to place the head on a Ana, a particle expressive of past time. pillow ; pl. aluluga. Ama, s. the outrigger of a canoe. / Ana, pr. (pl. of lana ), his, hers . Ama, v. ignorant, unable to do ; 'Ana, s. a soft kind of coral used as

(always used with a negative and puinice stone. applied to one who is handy at “ Ana, ' v . to obey . any kind of work , as, E leui se ‘Ana'ana ". Anaana , a. full of caves. mea e amu ai). ‘Amaʻama, s. a species of crab found ‘Ana 'ăna , s. a small freshwater fish .

Ānaʻana, v. to go into danger .

on the rocks.

Amaise , c. also , together with ,espe- | Anae, s. the mullet. *Anai, v. to rub with 'ann ; "ana cially.

Amana'i, v. to heap up, to exceed ; to keep in mind an injury or a

'anai, to rub repeatedly . Anaoso , s . the nameof a lhorn tree .


Anafea, udv. when ? (of past time).

Amata , v. to begin , to commence. Anāfiafi, adv . this evening , (of past Amataga , s. the commer:cement.



A mea , a phrase used sometimes in Anaga , s. a joke, a jest. answering the question, Why, & c. 'Anagatā , a . durable . “Anagofie, a . perishable. “ It was because," & c . Ameto , s. the nameof a small crab . ‘Analaufa 'i, s. a species of 'ana.

Ami, s. the roe of crabs and shell- Avaleila , adv . to day, (past time). fish ; penis .

‘ Amia , u . pass. of 'aani. Amiogaſ "s. conduct, behaviour. Amiomio , v. to go about in the direction of.

Analēseanoa, c. except, unless, (past time).

Analulú , adv. quite dark. Anamagi, s. the full grown inaga . | Anamua, udv. formerly. Ananafi, adv. yesterday .

Amiga, s. a fetching ; the party who | Anapo, adv. last night. go to fetch another. | Anapofiamaina , adv . recently ; (li . . Amo, s. the stick on which burdens terally, three nights ago ). are carried , a yoke.




Anapogi, v. to fast ; pl. anapopogi. | Anufe, s. a caterpillar ; a worm . ‘Anapuga, s. a species of 'ana .

Anataeao, adv. this morning, (past time).

Anufea , a . having worms, full of worms.

Anume, s. the name of a tree.

Anava, s. tlie club of a great war- | Anusā , v . to treat a superior with

rior handed down as an heirloom . / great disrespect, to insult griev

Ane, a particle used after verbs, de


noting generally indirect a tion , Anusa, adv. notwithstanding. See (as, Ua alu une, he has gone ! Nusa . along ). Anusaga, s . spittle. Ane, s. the white ant. Avusia , v. pass. hated , (literally, to Anea, v. to be eaten by white ants. / be spit upon ). Aneanea, a. of long standing, (ap 'Apa , s. copper ; sheet tin or sheet plied to the malo ) ; large quanti iron . ty , (as property too much to be 'Apaʻulaa ,, 2 s. copper, brass. Apamemea ſº attended to , and hence unen ).

Anei, adv. by-and -bye, (used con

Apaau, s. a wing.

Apaautane, s. a part of the end of

jecturally ).

Anefe, s. name of a small fish .

the roof of a Samoan house ; a

Ane matū,la s. species

people distinguished for prowess.

of the ane. Apa-apa, s. the fin of the shark ; Ane sosolo 'Ani'ani, a. large, (applied to men the name of a small kind of fish, (the young of the filoa ). Apāpālagi, s. foreign cloth . Ano, v . to yield to, to listen to. 'Apatā , v. to clap the wings. Ano, s. the crater of an extinct vol- | Ape, s. a blunderbuss. cano. | 'Ape, v . to pluck out the eyes ; pass. 'apea . See Sali. ‘Ano, a. good , ( seldom used ). Anoano, a . a great quantity. | Ape ane, v . had it been . and beasts). Aniva , s. the milky way .

‘Ano-ano, s. the grub of the lago . Apeape, v. to be scarce. mumu . Apefa'i, s. a ladder. Ānogase, s. the lean part of flesh . Apegatala , s. a species of taumū. Anomalae, s. those living nearest Apele, v . to be full ; pl. apepele. the maloe, being of more conse - | 'Apemagauli, s. a species of taamų.

quence than those on the outskirts Api, s. a lodging house. of the village. Api, v. to lodge ; to be near. Anomanava , s . the discharge in me | Apiapi, a . narrow , strait .

norrhagia and flooding ; a true ‘Api-api, v . to patch a cracked ca brother ; eupho . testes.

noe with bamboo .

Anomate, s. the lean part of flesh ; | Apitau, s. war lodgings. (as Anogase ).

‘Anomoea, a. wide, roomy, (applied to a house ).


Anovale , s. filthy talk .

Apitaga, s. (from api), a temporary hut of boughs. Apitāgalu, s. the place where the waves break along the shore.

Anu, v. to spit ; ānuanu, to spit | Ā pā , v . be quick ! (literally , “ It constantly . will be night." ) See A POULI. Anuilagi, v . to treat a superior with •Apo, v . to nurse ; to take care of

great contempt, to insult griev(as land , & c.) ; pass. 'apoia . ously. See AxUSA. | Apoa, s. the name of a fish .



Apoapo, v. to poise the spear, (as


negative, as, E 'le asino ni mea e fai,there is no knowing what to do.

fuu ).

T 'Asi-tatanu , s. the name of a dis Apoapoa'i, v. to exhort. ease . Apoapoaiga, s. an exhortation . A pouli, v . be quick ! ( literally , “ It | Asitoa, s. the name of a tree. will be dark night.” ). Asivai, s. the name of a tree. A po fia , adv. three nights ago, (as | Aso , s. a day ; o le aso , to - day . ana po fiū ). ‘ Aso, s. the small rods forming the Apogaleveleve, s. a spider ; a cob - ' roof of a house. web . ‘Asoa , s. a necklace. ‘Apu, s. a cup or dish made of a ‘Asoʻaso, s. a species of yam . leaf. Asoaso , adv. (from aso),many days, Apugaleveleve, see APOGALEVELEVE | continually . “Apulautalo, s. a taro leaf cup ; life Asoasoulumoa, s. a species of yam . (as being frail). Asosi, v . to persist in making offers Āpulupulu , a . ( from pułu ), sticky, of marriage after having been re jected ; to persist in a quarrel


Ā pulupulutia , v. pass. to bedaubed with anything sticky.

when overmatched ; and also to persist in a fruitless attempt.

Aputi,s. the husk, the shell ofseeds. Asu, v. to dip out, to bale . Aputi,

1 . to cover up (as the Asu , s. smoke.

Aputiputi | body, or a native oven , Asua, v . pass. smoked ; also asuina . Asuasu , 7 s. haze ; dense atmo or breadfruit). Asa , s. the fin of the bonito . Asuasıısā ) sphere arising from ‘Asa , v . to be without, to be lack - 1 smoke , spray , & c . ing, to be destitute of ; pass. 'asa - | Ata , s. a shadow ; twilight ; a spi

ia , sometimes 'asalia .

Āsa , v. to wade through (as water or grass ).

Asaga , s. a ford .

rit ; the emblem or representative of an aitu . Ala , pron . my. ‘Ata, v. to laugh ; pl. feʻatani ; re

Asamo, v. to beg raw food. dupl.‘ataʻata ; pass . 'atagia, 'ata Asamoga, s. a party beyging food. , “atagia . Asi, s. the name of a tree ; sandal | Ataata , s. the red sky after sunset. wood. Ataata , v . to treat with proper re

*Asi, s. the name of a shellfish ;


the shell of the same used to Ataatai, v . applied to the moon two scrape tutugu ; the shell of the

nights after full.

sele used to scrape breadfruit ; a “Ata'atamamala , s. the name of a , cocoanut shell used to scrape taro

with ; the name of a disease .

fish ; a poisonous shellfish . A taeao , adv, to -morrow .

Asi, v . to visit ; asiasi ; puss. asia . | Atafa , s. the trigate bird .

'Asi'asi, s. the name of a fislı ; one Ataga , s. ( from ata , a shadow ), the kind of clam fish . mere appearance of a thing , not

Asiosio , s. a whirlwind ; a water- what it is in reality). spout. ‘Ataga, s. laughter. Asifa , s. a stratum ofhardened sand Atagia, v. to glisten (as from a re ffected light) ; to become evident under the soil. (as anger). Asilanit , s. the name of a tree. Asino, v. impers.mostly used with a | Atalī, adv. hereafter .




Atalii, s. a son . | ‘Atoa, c. also, together with . Atamai, s. the mind ; servants , or Atoaga, s. property given on occa attendants on a chief. sion of a death .

Atamai, a . clever, intelligent, sen ‘Atoaga , a . joking. Atofa , v . to appoint a time. sible ; pl. atamamai. Atamea, s. a breadfruit tree which Atofa'i, v. to thatch with ; to throw hias been barked ,and bears a large with . crop . Atofaga, s. the act of thatching ; Atapa ‘ia , see LEATAPAʻIA.

the thatchers. the nutmeg tree .

Ate-ai, a. cowardly; (literally ,liver- | Atone, s.

Atonu, v . impers. it is likely, it is probable ; also natonu . Āteatea, a . wide, spacious, (as vā Atu , a particle denoting action from teatea ). the speaker. Ate, s. the liver. See FINAGALO. Atu, s. a row or line of things (as Atepili, s. the spleen . houses,mountains, & c.); the bo nito . Atevae, s. the calf of the leg . Āti, s. a speech in the malae. Atu , a . times, (asatu lua, twice ). Ati, v . to pull up , (applied to 'ava Atu , v . to be distressed , perplexed , and tigupula ) ; to pierce through. troubled ; pass. atua, atugia . eaten ).

Ateate, s. the name of a plant.

Ati, v . to build up (as stones in a Atua, s. God . See Aitu . | Atuao, s. the row of posts round the wall) ; atiati. Ati, v . to eat in , (applied to wood

house ; the stick on which the last

eaten by worms, to cloth , mats, & c., eaten by insects, and to ul- ' cers ) ; pass. 'atia , ‘ati'atia .

thatch rests (in some parts so called ).

| Atuaulia , v. to be overtaken by dis tress.

Atia .i , v . to watch for faults ; to lie

in wait in order to beat another ; Atualo, s. a bonito taken inside the atiatia ‘i. reef. "Ati-ati, s. the inside fibres of the Atualoa , s. the centipede. paogo fruit ; worms in stagnant Ātuapaoa, v . to be frightened. water. | Atuatuvale , v. to be greatly dis Atiu , s. the name of a plant. tressed in mind . *Atiga, s. broken food, pieces of food Atufanua, s. a group of islands ; (as Atunuu, a line of lands). partly eaten . Atigi, s. a nail ; hoof ; shell ; husk . Ātuga , s . distress of mind.

Atigiuln, I s. the skull, (seldom used | Atuga, s. the fin of a fish (except

Atigipoo ) except abusively).

I the shark and bonito ).

Atili , adv. increasingly, more ex - | Atulāulau , s . all lands. | Atule , s. the herring. ceedingly .

Atilo , s. the core of an abscess or Atululuga, s. lands to thewest. See ATUSISIFO .


Atiloto , s. the disease called shin - Atunuu , s. a group of islands. Atusasa ‘e , s lands to the east.


Atusisifo, s. lands to the west.

Atita , int. see Alila .

Ato , v . lo thatch ; to throw a stick . Ava , s. an opening in the reef, a boat passage.

Alo , s. a basket.

*Atoa , a . all, whole , complete, per- | Avā, s. a wife . See FALETUA, MA fect ; atoatoa .






‘Ava , s. the beard ; (see Soesa) ; a Avega, s. a burden .

root ( piper mythisticum ) from Avegalafo , s. a hearth . which an intoxicating drink is Āveloloa , s. one species of bread fruit. made ; food.

‘ Ava ava, s. the name of a small | Avenonua, s. phymosis.

tish ; met. a man who cannot be | Avesaa, s. a species of breadfruit. caught in war ; the oppressive Avesa ‘o, v. to be convalescent; to get a title without being disputed . heat of a hazy day. Avaava, s. a small opening in the Avesega, s . a withered fruit of the breadfruit. reef ; full of openings. ‘Ava avau, v. to speak over loud (ei- Avevalea , a. badly (ofreported . a kind hus ther in quarrelling or public speak - | Avi, a . desirable band ). ig). Ava'avā'aitu , 2 Avii, s. a species of crab.

‘Avaʻavātua ' } s. long pepper. Aviivii, s. the afato in the winged Avaga, v. to marry, (applied only state. A vilu , a . stunted , old . to the woman ). Aviti, s. a great tale teller ; a liar . Avagaga, s. a marriage. Avagālafu , s. a fireplace , a hearth . Aviti,v. to give a falsereport, to tell See TalcaAFI, MAGALAFU. Avagālima, v. to carry something

lies ; recipr. feavitia‘i.

in the hand for the sake of ap

pearance, (as a walking - stick , a present).

Avaleʻa la different kinds of ' ava . The second letter in the Samoan al phabet. Its sound is like a short a, Avalaau jº or like e in obey. Avane, see Ave . Avanoa , s. an open space .

E , pr. thou, (used with verbs).

Avanoa, v. to be open (as a door way). • Avapui, s. ginger. * Avasā , s . a poisonous plant.

E , pr. those.

E , v. to forbid by calling e ! pass. eina. E , the sign of the vocative, coming

‘Avasia , v. (pass. of 'a 'ava ), to be | after the noun. burnt in the sun . E , the sign of the infinitive mood . ‘Ave, v . to take; to give ; to carry ; E , the sign of the present tense , in to become, (in the passive) ; to

dicating that which always is so .

conduct ; to take away. Con - | E , the sign of the future tense.

tracted with the particles into E , adv. yes ; as ioe. avatu and avane. (Pass . 'avea, | , prep . by. aveina ; recipr. feʻaveaʻi). E , int. an affirmative, (used at the

Ave, s. a sunbeam ; the feeler of a beginning of a sentence, mostly in cuttle fish ; red lines proceeding poetry ); expressing desire. from a swelling ' Eʻa , v. to do deliberately . See “Aveʻave, s. one species of the yam . MA‘EʻA. Āvei, s. the cord for tying up the 'Ea, v. to fall away, to waste away . avega ; also avearē.

Ea, v. to rise (as a diver to the sur

Avei, s . sympathetic consequences |

face, as captives to their own

of a complaint (as pain in the

land , & c. ); to granulate (as a

head from earache) ; revenge.

wound or sore ).




'Ea, the sign of a question . 1 chiefs ) ; euphem . for the menses. Eaea, s. the thrush , aphthæ . | Ele'elea , a . dirty. E 'e, v. to ab und (as fruit lying un - Elei, v. to make native cloth ; pl. ( elelei. der the trees ); to be piled up ; to raise on supports (as a canoe ). / ' Elemutu , s. a worm in rotten wood . See E -ENAʻI . Elemutua , a . worm -eaten ; rotten .

' E'e, 'e'c'e'e, v. to pay respect to ; 'Eli, v . to dig. to reverence. Elilua, v. literally , to dig a hole ; to *E*e, v. to be dead, (applied to ani swear (implying the curse, May I mals ) ; to be low tide. be buried if, & c ) * E*ē, 2 . to squeak . Elisopo , v . to dig down to the very

tion ; to be full of; to be tame ( as

end of the yam ; to kill all in the war so as to leave none to increase


again .

'Ereu , v. to ward off in every direc

'E etu , a. (the pl. of "efu ), reddish | Elo , a , reddish brown (as the skin brown . of soine natives). 'Eega, s. anything used as a buoy Elo , v. to stink ; puss. elosia . to support one in the water (as ' Ema, a . shining black (as siapo the outrigger of a canoe, & c.) and marks of tatoo) ; (also e'ema E ela , see ‘ ELA . E ‘ema, see ' EMA.

and 'ema' eina ).

|'Emo, v. to wink ; figurative, to

* E emo, v. (pl. of 'emo), to wink . take a nap ; to flash ; pl. 'e'emo. ' Eřena, a. (pl. of “ena ), yellowish | ‘Emoʻemo, v . (from 'emo), to wink brown. repeatedly ; to flash ; to glitter E -ena'i, v . to abound . See Eře. (as glass in the sunshine). ' E 'enu, int. pshaw ! See ‘ ENU' ENU , | Ena, enaena , a . yellowish brown ; 'I'INO. pl. eena.

Eetaga, s. anything used to bear up | Ena, int. That's it ! (denoting ap a swimmer.

E'eva, v. to be weak in the joints from illness , hunger, or swim ming. Eu, s. the pointor corner of an axe.

probation ). Eneene, v. to tickle . ‘Enu , s. the net for catching atule. ' Enu'enu, int. pshaw ! See ·Eʻenu. Epa , s. native mats and cloth on

'Eu , v . to remove, to take away ; which a dead chief is laid in state. Eureus to snuff a lamp. Epu, 1 v. to stir about, to stir

E ci lava, c. although .

Epuepuſ round (as water, & c.) ;

Eutasi, s. a felling axe. Efu , s. dust. Efu , a . reddish brown. Etu, v . to becoine dust.

‘Ese, “ese ese, a . different, strange.

pass. epua .

* Ese, adv. away from ; differently. Esi, s. the papaw .

Efuefu , s. dust. ‘Ela , a. mattery, (applied to the Esiesi { v.. to drive away; pass. esia . eyes, also to the handsand mouth / ' Ete , s. a basket. after eating baked cocoanut juice); / 'Eti, v. to blow freshly ; 'Eti'eti, a term of reproach to a bastard ,

ulu .elaʻela . •Ele , s. red earth ; rust .


Eto, } v. to lick ; to lap.

Etoeto jº ‘ Etu , 1 v. to limp, to be lame. 'Ele ele , s. earth , dirt ; blood (to •Etu etu See Setu . ' Elea , u . rusty .



Eva, 7 v. to take a walk , especi-


ally by moonlight ; to go


shaggy thrum rug worn by la

dies ).

about ; to walk at liberty. ' le'ie, s. a rag of cloth ; a species Evaga , s. a moonlightwalk or play . of vine used in making fish -traps. *I'ī, v . to give a prolonged squeak . I 'i, s. sauce , or nearer to the Scotch “ kitchen ,” anything as a relish , qualifyherb other The third letter in the Samoan alpha - | lī , ors. toa small . food . i ), full, full grown. continen of li - | o , a . (pl. bet, pronounced as in the tal languages, or as cc in been . " I'ilā , adv. there (at somedistance).

I , v . to take away the breath (as | I‘ila , v. to shine, to glisten or glit from a blow , from anger, or from | ter ; applied to the eyes abusively . crying ).

1, cccasionally used as a sign of the imperative and subjunctive. I, adv. yes.

I'ina, v. (from iʻi), to be for “ kit chen ” or sauce. l'inā, adv . there (close at hand). l'inei, udv . here.

1, prep. in , at, with, to , for, of, on , 'I'ini, v. to do things slowly. See 'INI'INI. on account of, concerning . " J, s . a fly . See Lago. 'I'ino, int. pshaw ! See ' IxoʻINO. lā , prep. before pronouns and names ‘l'ite, v. to predict; pass. 'itea. See of persons, instead of i.


lā, int. used in response to “ toso ! ” | 'I'iva, a. tall, (as vao a iiva); red . ‘iva ‘iva . in pulling any heavy thing. l'ivi, a . (pl. of ivi), bony. Ja, pron . he , she. la , pron . these.

Jo , s. a long strip of fish or flesh.

'Ia , the sign of the subjunctive.

'I' o , a . full (as a well, a bottle) ;

la, before the imperative, as a pre- ! full sized (as a taro or yam ) ; co cative ; and after the imperative

when used imperatively .

la, an affix to some verbs to form

vered (as a bone with meat) ; pl. 'i' io .

l'o, v. to wind (as cinet round the

arm ). I'a, s. a general name for fish , but Io , ioe, adv. yes. the passive .

not applied to bonito or shellfish . 'Io, io‘io , s. the call of a chicken. I‘aafalelo, s. the name of a fish . l'ai, udv. no, not so. lao , s. the name of a bird .

l'ani, s. the name of a fish . l'asina , s. the name of a fish .

lato , s. the bars connecting the outrigger with the canoe .

| lo, ioio , udv. yonder (afar off ). Ioao, see lotua, (used on Upolu ). loalo , s. the strip of fish or flesh from the belly.

loio , s. the flesh by the side of the backbone.

"L'o i'o,v. to coltransversely ; pass. ot

'i' ia . Iatolo , s. boils in the head . lē, v . to shout out. 'I'oʻimata , s. the eyeball. I'e , s. the mallet for making native - lori , s. tongs ; pincers.

cloth . Iole, s. a rat. See Imoa. 'Ie, s. a ine native mat ; cloth . Iotua, s. a strip of fish or flesh from

( The different kinds of the fine

the back .

mat are the lālaga, ie. tāua , ie l'u , s. the tail ; the end , the ex

‘ula, and the ie sina or si'uloa , al tremity .

IU 89 INA l'u, v . to finish , to end ; to fulfil ; | I lalo , prep. under. to come upon . llamutu , s. cousins, the relationship l'uaīna, v. to come to an end , to sustained by the children of an die . aunt to the children ofher brother l'ufono , s. the decision of a council. | after the brother and sister are l'uga , s. ending ; determination or dead ; a father 's sister . See TA МАЗА . decision of a deliberation . | Ili, s. a fan . I'uleo , s. an echo. l'umatagi, s. the end of a storm . | 'li, s. a rasp ; a file ; a saw . I uta . adv. ipland ; ashore. ' Iliasina , a . of a light colored skin. I’utagata , s. the last of a family. lliili, s. gravel. llisili, see LEʻILIʻILI. I fafo , adv. without. lliilifia , v. to be blown about by the I fale, adv . within . I fea, adv. where. wind ; to feel the wind caused by 16 , s. a chesnut tree ; a chesnut. I a passing missile. Ifi, v . to blow snioke through an ifi leaf on to a diseased person ; to

Iliola , s . the outer skin . lliui, s. a dark skin . Ilifia , v . to be thrown down by the

smoke (as tobacco ).

passing of a stone close to a per

a, { s. species of chesnut.

son ; to be blown down by a wind

(as a bottle , & c., standing on the lliganoa , s. a scar.

Ifiʻulu , s. a smooth grained ifilele. Itifatu, s. a hard kind of ifilele.

ground ).

Itītī, s. the nameof a tree .

Ifilele, s. the name of a valuable Ilimaniti , s. a species of the banana . timber tree.

| ' Ilimatu , v . to be partially dry .

'Iliti, v. (from ‘ili ), to be pained by

Inimea , s. one kind of chesnut.

walking over sharp stones.

Ifisogā, is (FIFATU .

Ifo, v . to bow down ; to descend (as Hititai, s. the bed of the sea . from inland to the shore). Ilitivai, s. the bed of a river. llo , s. a worm or maggot in putrid

Ifo, adv . down.

Ifoa, v. to have repeated attacks of

flesh .

a complaint ; to produce largely | Ilo, v . to know . (of nuts ).

| lloa , v . to see ; to know ; to under

Ifoito , v. to descend (as from the

stand . Iloilo, 1. to look at; to examine.

top of a tree or a house ).

Ifoga, s. a bowing down, an act of lloga, v. to be known ; to be deter | mived on , decided on , settled . | lloga , v . impers. it is doubtful. 2 . to run away . 1 I loto , prep . in the midst. * Ifu ifu Igo , igoigo , v . to be wearied with , I 'llu , I a. innumerable ; 100 ,000,

submission .

lfu ,

to be tired of; (nearly as fiu ).

' Ilu 'ilu

(modern use).

| I luga, prep . above. Igoa, s. a name. Igoa , v . to be named , to be called . I luma, prep . before. lla , s. a mother's mark ; a mark in Imoa , s. a rat ; see lole & SUMU ; the skin .

Ilaila , a , marked , spotted .

the name of a fish .

| 'Ina, s. the sea -egg ; the throat, (a

'Ila ‘ila , v . to glisten , to shine, (ap - |

term of abuse ).

plied to the eyes in abuse ; l'ila . “ Ina, v. passive of ii. See PAPAʻlʻILA .

'Ina , c. because that ; whc !).

INA Inā, a particle marking the impera - 1




Ina, a particle affixed to verbs to form the passive .

Ina'ē, v . to be wearied of. Ina ia , c. in order that, that. Ina‘ilau, s. a row of thatch .

to be beaten in wrestling , & c., (only used by the conquering party, as, Ua toe iso uā ?) Isu , s. the nose ; the snout. Isu , int. a term expressive of defi

ance and contempt. Isumene, s. a small nose.

' Inaʻinā , ) v. to contend, to strive ; || Isumiti, s. a sniffing nose. 'Ina 'inau I to be fierce in reproving. | Isupapa , s. a flat nose . Ina ne'i, c . lest that. Isupē, s. mucous from the nose.

Inafo , s. a shoal of bonito ; a great | Isu pū, s. a diseased nose (partly eat. number of people , (mostly applied | en off by ulceration ). to cliefs, as vuo to common peo - | Isuvaa , s. a large nose . ple ). Ita, pron . I, me. Inaga, s. the name of a small fish Ita, s. anger.

having no bones.

"Ini, v. to take hold ofwith the nails;

| Ita , v. to be angry ; pl. feitatani ;

pass. itagia ; recipr. feitagaʻi.

to pinch ; to beat; to kill ; to I tafatafa , prep. by the side. pull up weeds ; intensive, ‘ini'ini; Itagofie, a. irritable. pass. ‘initia. | I tala atu, prep. on that side, be 'Iniʻini, v. to do a thing gradually, yond . (as to bring taro in small quan - | I tala mai, prep. on this side. tities so as to make the plantation | Itiiti, a . little, small; few ; pl. iti ; eke out. toaititi, a few persons. " Iniini, s. an old cocoanut without I totonu, prep. inside. juice .

‘Ino , s. excrements ; (as otaota ).

Itu , s. a side. I tua , prep . behind , at the back .

Inoino, v . to demand ; puss, inofia . | Iluaiga, s. a division or branch of a

Ino‘ino, v . to hate, to abominate ; pass. 'inosia .

Inofi, a. beautiful, good -looking.

family. | Ituaso , s . a part of a day ; an hour.

Itu i mātū, s. the north .

Inu, v. to drink ; pl. feinu ; pass. Itu i toga, s. the south . in umia .

Ituitu , v . to be tired of, to be wea

Inuitino , v. to drench (ofheavyrain ). ried with . Itulā , s. a part of a day ; an hour. Imumaga, s. a draught, a drink. Itumea, s. a division , a portion , (of Inupo, v . to fast till night. Inusami, s. a half-starved pigeon . I food mostly ). Ipi, s. a cup, (ipi niu ); an axe (to | Itupā, s. a part of the night. , a . nine. chiefss.).an edible cocoanut shell. Iva Ipiipi, Ivā , 1 v. to be exhausted , to be Ipo , s . an edible mud worni. Ivaivā languid . Ivaiva , s. the name of the lo when Ipu , s. a cup. Isa, 1 int. get out ! out upon you ! grown large. Isaisas for shame!

'Ivaʻiva , a . tall.

Ivagafulu , a . ninety . Isi, v . to beg , (mostly of food). Ivi, s. a bone; a portion of the back Isi, v . to split; intens. isiisi. 1 of the pig . Iso,v. to acknowledgeoneself unable Ivi, v. to become bone (as the eye). to solve a riddle, (“ I give it up ;" ) | Iviauvae, s. the jawbone.

Isi, a . some.




Iviʻaso ‘aso , s. the ribs. | 'Oaluuluu, s. a mixed payment of Iviivimaaa, a . strong. oloa and toga . Ivifaalā , s. the shin bone, the tibia . Oatea, s. noon. See A BATEA. Ivifoe , ' s the shoulder - blade. Ivisās

| 'Oavale., s. property of small value. See OLOAVALE.

‘Oe, pron. thou , you. See ' E . ‘Oe, adv . yes. See ‘O . Oi, int. alas ! oh ! Õi, v . to groan ; pl. feoi.

lvitā, s. the spine.

Oi, v . to touch ; to cut down ; pass. The fourth letter in the Samoan alpha oia . bet Its sound is the same as a long "Oi, int. oh ! (expressing astonish o in English ; as o in bone. ment) ; intens. 'oi'oi'oi.

‘O , the sign of the nominative ab solute ; also used with a nomina

Oʻī, v . to creak ; to grind the teeth ; intens. Oʻio ‘i.

tive after the form ona . . . . ai Oifea, adv . where ? See ( FEA. leu .

Very rarely used when a

ōʻō , v . to be slack ; to be hollow ;

to be loosely tied ; to be loose or nominative follows the verb. O , the sign of the genitive ; of, be light (as the soil). | Oʻo , s. the spongy substance inside longing to .

0 , a sign of the present participle , in some instances instead of o loo .

of a cocoanut just beginning to

O , before dual and plural pronouns.

O ‘o, v. to arrive at, to reach to ;


0 , v. to go ; (followed by mai) to pass. oʻotia . come; ( the pluralof alu and sau ). "Ooa, s. pl. of 'oa. O , adv . yonder. ‘Ooa, v . to praise one's own deeds, ‘0 , adv. yes, (in answer to a call). to boast. See OE. O ‘ooʻo, u . to visit (as a sick person ). Oa, s. a couple, (commencing with ‘Oofu , v. pl. of‘ofu. the second couple, as e lua oa , e | 'Oola , a . half-cooked . tolugā 01, & c.); the gunwale. Oole, v. to shrink, to shrivel up. Oa , s. lather , soapsuds ; pl. 'ooa , ‘ O ‘a, s. the stick for husking nuts with. See MELEʻl. A tree, the juice beneath its bark is used for marking the native cloth . O ‘a, v . to husk nuts.

Õa,s. property,goods,riches,(com prising all foreign articles, also houses, canoes, & c .)

See Oloa.

"Oolo , a . indistinct utterance, hvarse.

Oomi, v. to squeeze or press in ; pass. 'omia .

| 'Oomo, a . indented , sunk in . See 'Omo. | 'Oona, a . bitter, sour.

‘Oono, v. to be patient, to endure ; to bear down (as a woman in la bor ). See ONOSA ' I.

O ‘ai, v . to mark or paint native | ‘Dopa, a. weak ; of weak speech , cloth .

ignorant in maki.ig a speech ; in

"Oʻaiga, s. a marking of native cloth .

See Elei.

• tens. "opa'opa.

See ‘OPA .

‘Oosi, v. to scratch ; pass. os.a.

Ootaga , s. property taken on occa O ‘ao‘a , s. a stake stuck in to the sion of a chief' s death . sand to secure a canoe to . ‘Oʻoti, see ‘Ori.

Oaoa , s. a scarecrow .

'Ca‘oa, s. delight. See Fiafia . Oauli, s. noon .


| Ootia , v . to be beaten and abused , (applied to travellers).




"Ou, pron . I. ‘Ogāumu, s. the hole in which the Oʻu, pron. (pl. of loʻu ),my, mine. | native oven is made. Ou, pron. (pl. of lou ), your, your's ‘Ogālaau, s. the trunk of a tree ; a Ou , v. to bark . Õu , int. fie ! for shame! "Oʻu , v . to be uneven ; to be shri-

large log .

‘Ogāmanava, s. the side of thebelly above the hips.

velled (as siapo, bark of trees) ; ‘Ogāmatagi, s. a circumscribed gust

intens. “oʻu 'oʻu.

of wind .

Oulua , pron . you two .

‘Ogānuu, s. a land, a village.

Outou, pron . you .

Oge, s. a famine.

Ofa, s. the gravestones of a chief. Ogeluavai, s. a great famine. See Loa. Ofaofa , s. the sea egg .

Ogo, s, a disease of children 's eyes. Ogo , v . to scorch (as the sun ); to

Ofaofalauago , I s. two kinds of ofa

be pained (as with words or by a


disease ) ; pass. ogotia ; intens.


Ofaofataʻi, v . to cover with the ogogo. wings ; to cherish . Ogogo , s. the nettle. Ofaga , s. a nest. See FATANIGA. Ogogosina, s. a herb . Ofe, s . a bamboo . Ogotea, s. species of the disease

Ofea, adv. where ? See O 1 FEA. Ogototo ogo. Ofi, v. to enter ; to cover, (applied Ola, s. life ; a fish-basket. Ola , v . to live . to male animals) ; pass. ofia. Ola, int. wonderful! surprising ! Ofo, s. astonishment, wonder . Ofo , v . n . to be astonished ; to won Olaʻaga, s. life -time. | Ola -aso , v. to threaten to kill when der ; intens. ofoofo . opportunity offers. Ofo , v . to salute on meeting ; to

make an offer of food , services, Olaola, s. the wedge in the handle & c.; to shout before a wrestling of an axe or a hatchet. match . Olaola , y . to flourish , to thrive. Ofo , s. the first speech on present Olaga, s. lifetime. ing food to visitors.

Ofoauē, v . to salute with wailing. Ofu , s. a garment.

Olamea , s. the name of a tree .

| Ola pito , s. the name of a tree. See MATALAFI.

‘Otv , v. to put on a garment; pl. | Olasina, s. the name of a tree. 'oofu .

‘Ofu ‘ofu , v. to envelope in leaves (for cooking). Ofu - fafine, s . a gown. Ofulua , a . twenty leaf-dishes of na tive food . ‘Ofu -tino , s. a shirt. ‘Ofu -vae, s. trowsers.

Olataga , s. a means of deliverance ; salvation ; a saviour

Olavai, s. the name of a species of wild coffee .

| Ole, v. to ask ; to beg . ‘Ole, v . to deceive ; intens. 'oleʻole ;

pass. ‘olegia and ‘oleʻolegia. 'Oli, s. the name of a tree , called ‘Ogā , s. the trunk of anything ; a also fena. division ; a part cut off; a prin- | 'Oli'oli, s. joy. cipal part. (Always used with ‘Oliʻuli, v . to be joyful. another noun, as ogālaau ). ‘Oliui, s. the dark species of 'oli. Ogā, v. to have the snuffles; intens. Olima‘ona, a . good -looking, well proportioned . ogaogā.

‘Olitoto , s. the red species of ‘ oli.




Olo , v. to rub down ; to smooth ; | Oneuli, s. black sand.

to plane ; to destroy , as if every - | Onega, s. a place in which a river thing were brought to a level with |L is lost or terminates without reach the ground ; to coo as a dove. ing the sea. Onepata , s. coarse sand. Olo, s. a plane. 'Olo , s. a fortress. Ono, a. six ; becoming, appropri 'Olo , v. to consider ; to be about to ate. attempt, (in reference to under- 'Ono‘ono, v. to suffer under an in taking anything difficult to per l form ) ; intens. 'oloʻolo .

sult or injury .

Onogaoa, a . six couples (of nuts ,

Oloa, s. property, (as houses, ca : young pigs, & c .) noes, cloth , & c .) ; a chief's tooth . Onogafulu , a . sixty .

Oloamanu, s. the name of a Samo Onomea, a . becoming, proper. See Ono. an month ( June ). Oloataua , s. property (or even a | 'Onosaʻi, s. patience , endurance . wife ) given to a chief to insure ‘Onosaʻi, v. to endure, to be pa his assistance in war.


Oloavale, s. property of small value. | 'Onosi, v. to strain , as in labour, See ()AVALE.

& c.

Oloolo . s. an uninhabited haunted 'Opa, a . weak ; ignorant in making place ; a method of fishing by a speech ; intensive, 'opaʻopa , rubbing down poisonous plants.


'Ologo, s. (from 'olo ), waiting for | Opeope, v. to float ; pass. opea , fair weather to set out on a jour. ореореа. ney . | Opoopo, v. to carry in the arms. | Oponi, v . to strengthen by adding Olotă , s. an old pigeon. Oma, s. a kind of dog's collar. ‘Oma‘i, v . to run in (as a bay or inlet ).

See 'OMOA 'I.

Omo, a. indented ; bent in ; pl. 'oomo ; intens. 'omooino .

‘Omoa'i, see 'OMAʻI. Omomi, s . a sponge ; a glutton . ‘Omotaʻi, see "OMAⓇI.

Ona, pron . his, hers , pl. Ona, conj. because of, on account of ; since ; now that.

another beam , & c., to one da maged .

Osaosa, s. a partly filled measure, bottle , & c . | Osaosa, v . to be partly full.

Osi, v. to make ; to do ; to build ; pass, osia. ‘Osia , v. the passive of 'oosi. ‘Oso , s. a sharp pointed stick used in planting and digging . Osn , s. food for a journey.

Ona, adv. then . (It is always fcl. Oso, v. to jump ; to rise up (as the lowed by lea or ai lea coming | sun ) ; to rush upon ; to throw oneself down ; to overflow . after the verb ). ‘Ona, s. the lower part of the ab - Osofua, v . to go uncalled ; to inter fere without cause . domen . 'Ona, a . bitter ; poisonous. See Osopuna, v. to jump over. Ososua 'i , v. to use bad language. "Oona. 'Onā, v. to be poisoned ; to be in Osovale, as Osorua. toxicated ; pass. ‘onasia . Ota , pron . the plural of lota ; also used in the singular, as, Si ota One, s. gunpowder. Oneone, s. sand. Oneonea, a . sandy.

manao e !

| Ota, a. uncooked ; unripe.




Apoapo, v. to poise the spear, (as

negative, as, Ele asino ni mea e fai,there is no knowing what to do.

fua ).

' Asi- tatanu , s. the name of a dis A poapoaʻi, v. to exhort. ease . Apoapoaiga, s. an exhortation . A pouli, v. be quick ! ( literally, “ It Asitoa, s. the name of a tree. Asivai, s. the name of a tree. will be dark night.” )

A po fiā , adv. three nights ago, (as Aso, s. a day ; o le aso , to -day. una po fiū ).

Apogaleveleve, s. a spider ; a cob


web .

' Apu , s. a cup or dish made of a

‘ Aso , s. the small rods forming the roof of a house. Asoa , s. a necklace. Asoʻaso, s. a species of yam .


Asoaso , adv. (from aso),many days,

Apugaleveleve , see APOGALEVELEVE

continually .

“ Apulautalo, s. a taro leaf cup ; life | Asoasoulumoa , s. a species of yam . (as being frail ). Asosi, v . to persist in making offers Āpulupulu , a. (from pułu ), sticky, of marriage after having been re jected ; to persist in a quarrel resinous.

Āpulupulutia , v. pass. to be daubed

when overmatched ; and also to

persist in a fruitless attempt. with anything sticky. Aputi, s. the husk , the shell ofseeds. | Asu , v. to dip out, to bale.


1 . to cover up (as the Asu , s. smoke.

Aputiputi ) body, or a native oven , Asua, v. pass. smoked; also asuina. or breadfruit). Asa , s . the fin of the bonito .

Asuasu , 1 s. haze ; dense atmo

Asuasuisā )

‘ Asa, v. to be without, to be lack - /

sphere arising from

smoke, spray, & c .

ing , to be destitute of ; pass.“asa- Ata , s. a shadow ; twilight ; a spi ia , sometimes 'asalia . rit ; the emblem orrepresentative Āsa, v. to wade through (as water of an aitu . or grass). Ala , pron . my. Āsaga, s. a ford. ‘Ata , v. to laugh ; pl. feʻatani ; re Asamo, v. to beg raw food . dupl. 'ataʻata ; pass. ‘atagia, 'ata Asamoga, s. a party begging food . 'atagia . Asi, s. the name of a treę ; sandal- | Ataata, s. the red sky after sunset. wood . Ataata, v . to treat with proper re ‘Asi, s. the name of a shellfish ; spect. the shell of the same used to Ataatai, v . applied to the moon two scrape tuluga ; the shell of the nights after full. sele used to scrape breadfruit ; a “Ata 'atamamala , s. the name of a cocoanut shell used to scrape taro

fish ; a poisonous shellfish .

with ; the name of a disease. A taeao, adv. to -morrow . Asi, v . to visit ; asiasi ; puss. asia . Atafa , s. the frigate bird . Asi'asi, s. the name of a fislı ; one Ataga , s. ( frorn atu , a shadow ), the mere appearance of a thing , not kind of clam fish. what it is in reality) . Asiosio , s. a whirlwind ; a water spout . ‘Ataga, s. laughter.

Asifa , s. a stratum ofhardened sand | Atagia, v. to glisten (as from a re under the soil.

Asilauiti, s. the name of a tree.


ffected light) ; to becomeevident

(as anger ). Asino, v . impers. mostly used with a | Atalī, adv. hereafter.

ΑΤΑ Atalii, s. a son .

AVA ‘Atoa, c. also , together with.


Atamai, s. the mind ; servants, or Atoaga, s. property given on occa attendants on a chief. sion of a death .

Atamai, a . clever , intelligent, sen sible ; pl. atamamai.

Atoaga, a . joking. Atofa , v . to appoint a time.

Atamea , s. a breadfruit tree which Atofa'i, v. to thatch with ; to throw

Jeasbeen barked, and bears a large crop . Ata paʻia , see LEATAPAʻIA.

with .

Atofaga, s. the act of thatching ; the thatchers.

Ate -ai,a. cowardly; (literally, liver

Atone, s. the nutmeg tree. eaten ). Atonu, v. impers. it is likely , it is Ateate, s. the name of a plant. probable ; also natonu . Āteatea, a. wide, spacious, (as vā - | Atu , a particle denoting action from teateu ). the speaker. Ate, s. the liver. See FINAGALO. Atu, s. a row or line of things (as Atepili, s. the spleen . houses,mountains, & c.); the bo nito . Atevae, s. the calf of the leg . Āti, s. a speech in the malae. Atu , a . times, (as atu lua , twice). Ati, v . to pull up , (applied to 'ava Atu , v . to be distressed , perplexed , troubled ; pass. atua, atugia . and tigupula ) ; to pierce through . Ati, v. to build up (as stones in a Atua, s. God. See Aitu . wail ) ; atiati.

‘ Ati, v . to eat in , (applied to wood eaten by worms, to cloth , mats, & c., eaten by insects, and to ul cers) ; pass. ‘atia , ‘ati'atia . Atia 'i, v. to watch for faults ; to lie

Atuao, s. the row of posts round the

house ; the stick on which the last

thatch rests (in some parts so Ātuaulia , v. to be overtaken bydis called ). tress.

in wait in order to beat another ; Atualo, s. a bonito taken inside the atiatia ‘i. reef. *Ati-ati, s. the inside fibres of the Atualoa, s. the centipede. paogo fruit ; worms in stagnant | Atuapaoa , v . to be frightened . Atuatuvale , v. to be greatly dis water.

Atiu, s. the name of a plant.

tressed in mind .

•Atiga, s. broken food, pieces of food Atufanua , s. a group of islands ; (as Atunuu, a line of lands). partly eaten . Atigi, s. a nail ; hoof; shell ; husk. Ātuga, s. distress of mind . Atigiului, / s. the skull, (seldom used Atuga, s. the fin of a fish (except Atigipoo ) except abusively ). | the shark and bonito ). Atili , adv. increasingly , more ex- | Atulāulau, s. all lands. ceedingly.

| Atule, s. the herring .

Atilo , s. the core of an abscess or Atululuga, s. lands to thewest. See ATUSISIFO . boil.

Atiloto , s. the disease called shin - Atunuu , s. a group of islands. gles.

Atita , int. see ALILA.

Atusasaʻe, s lands to the east. Atusisifo , s. lands to the west.

Ato, v. to thatch ; to throw a stick. Ava, s. an opening in the reef, a pass

Ato , s. a basket.



*Atoa, a. all, whole , complete , per - | Avā, s. a wife . See FALETUA ,MA fect ; atoatoa .





*Ava, s. the beard ; (see SOESA ) ; a Avega, s. a burden .

root ( piper mythisticum ) from

Avegalafo , s. a hearth .

which an intoxicating drink is Āveloloa , s. one species of bread fruit. made ; food . ‘Ava ava, s. the name of a small Avenonua, s. phymosis.

tish ; met. a man who cannot be Avesaa, s. a species of breadfruit. caught in war ; the oppressive | Avesa ‘o, v. to be convalescent ; to

get a title without being disputed .

heat of a hazy day.

Avaava, s. a small opening in the Avesega, uit. s. a withered fruit of the reef ; full of openings. breadfr *Ava‘avau, v. to speak over loud (ei- Avevalea , a . badly reported . ther in quarrelling or public speak- | Avi, a. desirable ( of a kind hus band ).

Ava‘ avā'aitu , s. long pepper. *Avaʻavātua "

Avii, s. a species of crab .

Aviivii, s. the afuto in the winged

Avaga, v. to marry , (applied only


A vilu , a . stunted, old .

to the woman ).

Aviti, s. a great tale teller ; a liar. Avagālafu , s. a fireplace, a hearth . Aviti, v. to give a false report, to tell

Avagaga, s. a marriage.

lies ; recipr. feavitiaʻi.

See TAIGAAFI, MAGALAFU . Avagālima, v . to carry something

in the hand for the sake of ap pearance, (as a walking -stick , a


present) . " Avaleʻa le different kinds of 'ava . The second letter in the Samoan al phabet. Its sound is like a short a , *Avalaau or like e in obey. Avane, see AVE. Avanoa , s. an open space. E, pr. thou, (used with verbs).

Avanoa, v. to be open (as a door- | E , pr. those. way ). * Avapui, s. ginger.

E ,eina v. to. forbid by calling e ! pass. E , the sign of the vocative, coming

*Avasā , s. a poisonous plant. 'Avasia , v. (pass. of 'aʻava ), to be burnt in the sun . Ave, v . to take; to give ; to carry ; to become, ( in the passive ) ; to

after the noun.

E , the sign of the infinitive mood . E , the sign of the present tense , in . dicating that which always is so .

conduct ; to take away. Con - E , the sign of the future tense . tracted with the particles into E , adv. yes ; as ioe. avatu and avane. (Pass. “avea , E , prep . by.

aveina ; recipr. fe'aveaʻi). E , int. an affirmative, (used at the Ave , s. a sunbeam ; the feeler of a beginning of a sentence,mostly in cuttle - fish ; red lines proceeding poetry ); expressing desire. 'Eʻa , v . to do deliberately. from a swelling.

See Aveʻave , s. one species of the yam . MA‘EʻA . Āvei, s. the cord fur tying up the 'Ea , v . to fall away, to waste away . avega ; also aveavē . Ea, v. to rise (as a diver to the sur Avei, s. sympathetic consequences face, as captives to their own

of a complaint (as pain in the head from earache) ; revenge.

land, & c.) ; to granulate (as a I

wound or sore ).


“Ea, the sign of a question . Eaea, s. the thrush, aphthæ .

87 ETU chiefs ) ; euphein . for the menses. | Eleʻelea , a . dirty.

E 'e, v. to ab und (asfruit lying un - Elei, v. to make vative cloth ; pl. der the trees ); to be piled up ; to


raise on supports (as a canoe ). / ‘ Elemutu , s. a worm in rotten wood. ' Elemutua , a . worm -eateu ; rotten . See EʻENA‘i. Efe, 'e'c'e'e, v. to pay respect to ; / ' Eli, v . to dig . Elilua, v. literally, to dig a hole ; to to reverence.

* E e, v. to be dead, (applied to ani mals ) ; to be low tide. ‘ E ē , . to squeak. ' E 'eu , v . to ward off in every direc tion ; to be full of ; to be tame(as pigs ).

swear (implying the curse, May I Elisopo, v. to dig down to the very be buried if, & c )

end of the yam ; to kill all in the war so as to leave none to increase again .

‘Eetu , a . (the pl. of “efu), reddish | Elo , a . reddish brown (as the skin brown. * Eega, s. anything used as a buoy

of soine natives ).

Elo, v . to stink ; puss. elosia .

to support one in the water (as 'Ema, a. shining black (as siapo the outrigger of a canoe, & c .) " E ela , see ‘ ELA . * E ema, see ·EMA. . ' E 'emo, v. ( pl. of 'emo), to wink .

and marks of tatoo ); (also e ema and ema eina ).

| ‘Emo, v. to wink ; figurative, to take a nap ; to flash ; pl. 'e'emo. ‘ Eʻena, a . (pl. of “ena), yellowish ‘Emoʻemo, v. (from 'emo), to wink brown.

Eʻena'i, v . to abound. See Eʻe . ‘ Eʻenu, int. pshaw ! See ‘ ENU‘ENU,

repeatedly ; to flash ; to glitter (as glass in the sunshine).

Ena, enaena, a. yellowish brown ; pl. eena.

fʻINO .

Eetaga, s. anything used to bear up Ena, int. That's it! (denoting ap a swimmer.

probation ).

' E 'eva, v. to be weak in the joints Eneene, v. to tickle . from illness, hunger, or swim

‘Enu , s. the net for catching utule . 'Enurenu , int. pshaw ! See •Eʻenu. Eu, s. the point or corner of an axe. Epa, s. native mats and cloth on ming .

‘ Eu,

v. to remove, to take away;

Eu 'eus to snuff a lamp. E ci lava , c. although .

Eutasi, s. a felling axe. Efu , s. dust.

which a dead chief is laid in state . v . to stir about, to stir Epuepus round ( as water, & c.);


pass. epua .

‘ Ese, “ese ese, a . different, strange. ‘ Ese, adv. away from ; differently.

Efu , a . reddish brown. Esi, s. the papaw . Etu , v. to become dust. Efuefu , s. dust. ' { "v. to drive away ; pass. esia . ‘ Ela , a . mattery, (applied to the Esiesis eyes, also to the hands and mouth | 'Ete , s. a basket.

after eating baked cocoanut juice); | ‘Eti, v. to blow freshly ; 'Etióeti, a term of reproach to a bastard , ulu 'ela-ela. Ele , s. red earth ; rust. Elea , u . rusty.

' e'eti.

Eto, ļ v. to lick ; to lap. Etoeto

' Etu,

* Eleʻele, s. earth , dirt ; blood (to •Etuéetu

1 v. to limp, to be lame.

See Setu.

Eva ,

EVA 1 v . to take a walk , especi- 1


shaggy thrum rug worn by la

Evaeva ally by moonlight; to go dies). about ; to walk at liberty . | ' le'ie, s. a rag of cloth ; a species Evaga, s. a moonlightwalk or play. ' of vine used in making fish -traps. 'I'ī, v . to give a prolonged squeak. I'i, s . sauce, or nearer to the Scotch “ kitchen ,” anything as a relish, The third letter in the Samoan alpha -

or to qualify orher lī, s. a small herb .

food .

bet, pronounced as in the continen - | 1•i-o , a . (pl. of'i'o ), full, full grown . tal languages, or as ee in been . ' I'ilā , adv. there (at somedistance).

1, v . to take away the breath (as 'I'ila, v . to shine, to glisten or glit from a blow , from anger, or from ter ; applied to the eyes abusively . I'ina, v. (from iʻi), to be for “ kit crying ). 1, occasionally used as a sign of the chen ” or sauce. imperative and subjunctive. " l'inā , adv. there (close at hand). I'inei, udv. here. I, adı. yes.

1, prep. in , at, with , to , for , of, on ,

I'ini, v. to do things slowly. See

'INI'INI. on account of, concerning . " I' ino, int. pshaw ! See 'InoʻINO. ' I, s. a fly. See Lago . lā, prep. before pronouns and names *I·ite , v . to predict ; pass. 'itea. See

of persons, instead of i.


lā, int. used in response to “ toso ! ” . 'I'iva , a . tall, (as vao a iiva) ; red .

in pulling any heavy thing .

‘ivaʻiva .

Ja , pron . he, she.

l'ivi, a. (pl. of ivi), bony.

la , pron . these.

Jo , s. a long strip of fish or flesh . 'I'o , a. full (as a well, a bottle ) ;

‘ la , the sign of the subjunctive.

full sized (as a taro or yam ) ; co la , before the imperative, as a pre vered (as a bone with meat); pl. cative ; and after the imperative ci io . when used imperatively . la , an affix to some verbs to form l'o, v . to wind (as cinet round the the passive . arm ). I'a , s. a general name for fish, but Io, ioe, adv. yes . not applied to bonito or shellfish. 'lo , io ‘io , s. the call of a chicken.

I'aafalelo, s. the name of a tish . l'ai, udv. no, not so . lao, s. the name of a bird . l'ani, ș. the name of a fish . l'asina, s. the name of a fish.

lo , ioio , adv. yonder (afar off ) .

Ioao , see lotua, (used on Upolu ). Toalo , s. the strip of fish or flesh

from the belly .

loio , s. the flesh by the side of the lato , s . the bars connecting the backbone. outrigger with the canoe. "l'oʻi o, v. to co:l transversely ; pass. 'i'otia . Iatolo, s. boils in the head . lē, v. to shout out. 'I'oʻimata , s. the eyeball.

l'e, s. the mallet for making native- | Tofi, s. tongs ; pincers. cloth . Iole, s. a rat. See Imoa. ' Ie , s. a fine native mat ; cloth. lotua, s. a strip of fish or flesh from ( The different kinds of the fine

the back .

mat are the lālaga, ie tāua , ie l'u , s. the tail; the end , the ex ‘ula, and the ie sina or si'uloa , ai tremity .

IU INA l'u, v. to finish , to end ; to fulfil ; I lalo, prep . under.


to come upon . Ilamutu, s. cousins,the relationship l'uaina, v. to come to an end, to sustained by the children of an die. aunt to the children ofher brother l'ufono, s. the decision of a council. after the brother and sister are l'uga, s. ending ; determination or dead ; a father's sister. See Ta MASA . decision of a deliberation. lli, s. a fan . . I‘uleo , s. an echo. l'umatagi, s. the end of a storm . | ' lli, s. a rasp ; a file ; a saw .

I uta . adv. inland ; ashore.

'Iliasina, a . of a light colored skin .

l'utagata , s. the last of a family . I fafo, adv. without. I fale, adv . within .

‘ lli ili, see LEʻILIʻILI.

I fea; adv. where .

16, s. a chesnut tree ; a chesnut. Ifi, v . to blow snioke through an ifi leaf on to a diseased person ; to

smoke (as tobacco).

lliili, s. gravel. llüilifia, v. to be blown about by the wind ; to feel the wind caused by a passing missile.

Iliola , s. the outer skin . lliui, s. a dark skin . Ilifia , v . to be thrown down by the

Ifalava," { s. species of chesnut. ? S. species of chesnut. Ihui

passing of a stone close to a per

Ifrʻulu , s. a smooth grained ifilele.

(as a bottle, & c., standing on the

Itifatu , s. a hard kind of ifilele.

Ititī, s. the name of a tree .

son ; to be blown down by a wind ground ).

lliganoa , s . a scar.

Ihilele, s. the name of a valuable llimaniti , s. a species of the banana. timber tree. 'Ilimatu, v. to be partially dry. Ifimea , s. one kind of chesnut. Iliti, v. (from ‘ili ), to be pained by walking over sbarp stones. Ifisogā, as (FIFATU. Ifo , v. to bow down ; to descend (as 'Hititai, s. the bed of the sea . from inland to the shore ). 'Ilitivai, s. the bed of a river . Ifo , adv. down. llo, s. a worm or maggot in putrid Ifoa , v. to have repeated attacks of flesh . a complaint ; to produce largely Ilo , v . to know . (of nuts ). lloa, v . to see ; to know ; to under Ifoifo, v. to descend (as from the stand . | Iloilo , 1 . to look at ; to examine. top of a tree or a house ). Ifoga, s. a bowing down, an act of lloga , v. to be known ; to be deter

submission .

'Ifu 'ifu { v. to run away.

mined on , decided on , settled .

lloga, v. impers. it is doubtful. · | I loto , prep. in the midst.

Igo, igoigo , v. to be wearied with , l ' Ilu ,

to be tired of; (nearly as fiu ).


I a . innumerable ; 100,000,

(modern use).

Igoa, s. a name. I luga , prep . above. Igoa , v . to be named , to be called . I luma, prep . before . Ila , s. a mother's mark ; a mark in Imoa , s. a rat ; see loLE & SUMU ; the skin .

Ilaila, a. marked, spotted .

the name of a fish .

' Ina, s. the sea-egg ; the throat, (a

'lla -ila , v. to glisten , to shine, (ap term of abuse). plied to the eyes in abuse ; l ila . | 'Ina , v. passive of ii.


' Ina, c. because that ; whe! .




Inā, a particle marking the impera- 1 to be beaten in wrestling, & c., live .

Ina, a particle affixed to verbs to form the passive.

Ina'ē, v. to be wearied of. Ina ia , c. in order that, that. Ina‘ilau , s. a row of thatch .

(only used by the conquering Isu, s. the nose ; the snout. Isu , int, a term expressive of defi ance and contempt. party, as, Ua toe iso uă ?)

Isumene, s. a small nose . "Inaʻinā , ) v . to contend , to strive ; Isumiti, s. a sniffing nose . "Ina'inau to be fierce in reproving. / Isupapa, s. a flat nose. Ina ne' i, c. lest that. Isupē , s. mucous from the nose.

Inafo, s. a shoal of bonito ; a great | Isupū , s. a diseased nose (partly eat

number ofpeople , (mostly applied en off by ulceration ). to cliefs , as vuo to common peo - | Isuvaa, s. a large nose. Ita , pron . I, me. ple ). Inaga, s. the name of a small fish Ita , s. anger.

Ita , v. to be angry ; pl. feitatani ; having no bones. 'Ini, v. to take hold ofwith the nails; pass. itagia ; recipr. feitaga‘i. to pinch ; to beat; to kill ; to I tafatafa, prep . by the side. pull up weeds; intensive, ‘ini'ini; Itagofie , a . irritable. pass. 'initia . I tala atu, prep. on that side, be 'Iniʻini, v. to do a thing gradually, yond . (as to bring taro in small quan - | I tala mai, prep. on this side.

tities so as to make the plantation Itiiti, a . little , small ; few ; pl. iti ; toaititi, a few persons. " Iniini, s. an old cocoanut without I totonu, prep. inside. juice . | Itu , s. a side. "Ino, s. excrements ; (as otaota ). I tua, prep . behind, at the back . eke out.

Inoino, v . to demand ; puss. inofia. Iluaiga , s. a division or branch of a Ino‘ino , v . to hate, to abominate ; family . pass . “ inosia . Ituaso , s. a part of a day ; an hour .

Inofi, a. beautiful, good- looking. Itu i mātū , s. the north . Inu, v. to drink ; pl. feinu ; pass. Itu i toga , s. the south . inumia . Ituitu , v . to be tired of, to be wea Inuitino ,v. to drench (ofheavy rain ). ried with . Inumaga, s. a draught, a drink. Itulā , s. a part of a day ; an hour. Inupo, v . to fast till night. | Itumea, s. a division , a portion , (of lousami, s. a half-starved pigeon. I

food mostly).

Ipi, s. a cup, (ipi niu ); an axe (to | Itupo, s. a part of the night. chiefs). | Iva , a . nine. Ipiipi, s. an edible cocoanut shell. | Ivā , 1 v . to be exhausted , to be

Ipo, s. an edible mud worn .


languid .

Ipu, s. a cup. Ivaiva , s. the name of the lo when Isa , 7 int. get out ! out upon you ! |I grown large.

Isaisa ) for shame !

'Ivaʻiva, a . tall.

Ivagafulu , a. ninety. Ivi, s. a bone ; a portion of the back Isi, v. to split ; intens. isiisi. of the pig. Iso, v. to acknowledgeoneself unable Ivi, v. to become bone (asthe eye).

Isi, a . some.

Isi, v. to beg, (mostly of food ).

to solve a riddle, (“ I give it up;") | Iviauvae, s. the jawbone.


Ivičaso‘aso, s. the ribs. Iviivimaaa, a . strong .


‘Oaluuluu, s. a mixed payment of oloa and toga .

Ivifaalā , s. the shin bone, the tibia. | Oatea, s. noon . See A OATEA. 'Oavale., s. property of small value. Ivifoe , s. the shoulder - blade .


Ivitū , s. the spine.


‘Oe, pron . thou, you . See 'E . 'Oe, adv . yes. See, ‘O . Oi, int. alas ! oh !

Õi, v . to groan ; pl. feði. Oi, v . to touch ; to cutdown ; pass. The fourth letter in the Samoan alpha bet Its sound is the sameas a long

o in English ; as o in bone. ‘O , the sign of the nominative ab solute ; also used with a nomina - |

. ‘Oi,oiaint. oh ! (expressing astonish ment) ; intens. 'oi'oi'oi. Oʻi, v. to creak ; to grind the teeth ; intens. oʻīoʻī.

tive after the form ona . . . . ai | ifea , adv. where ? See OFEA. lea . Very rarely used when a ' o 'o, v . to be slack ; to be hollow ;

nominative follows the verb .

0, the sign of the genitive; of, be longing to .

0 , a sign of the present participle,

to be loosely tied ; to be loose or

light (as the soil). Oʻo, s . the spongy substance inside

of a cocoanut just beginning to

sprout. in some instances instead of o loo. O , before dual and plural pronouns. | Oʻo , v. to arrive at, to reach to ;

pass. oʻotia. 0 , v. to go ; (followed by mai) to come; (the pluralof alu and sau ). "Ooa, s. pl. of 'oa. 0, adv. yonder. ‘Ooa, v. to praise one's own deeds, ‘O , adv. yes, (in answer to a call). to boast. See Oe. O ‘ooʻo, u. to visit (as a sick person ). Oa, s. a couple , (commencing with 'Oofu , v. pl. of 'ofu. the second couple , as e lua oa, e Oola, a. half-cooked . tolugā 02, & c.) ; the gunwale. Oole, v. to shrink , to shrivel up. 'Oa, s. lather, soapsuds ; pl. 'ooa,

'Oolo , a . indistinct utterance, hvarse.

"Oʻa, s. the stick for husking nuts | ‘Oomi, v. to squeeze or press in ; with . See MELEʻI. A tree, the pass . 'omia . juice beneath its bark is used for 'Oomo, a . indented , sunk in . See OMO. marking the native cloth . Oona , a . bitter, sour. "Oʻa, v . to husk nuts . "Oa , s. property , goods, riches, (com - ' 'Oono , v . to be patient, to endure ;

prising all foreign articles, also to bear down (as a woman in la houses, canoes, & c. ) See OLOA . | bor). See OxOSAʻI. 'O ‘ai, v. to mark or paint native 'Oopa, a . weak ; of weak speech, cloth . ignorant in making a speech ; in "Oʻaiga, s. a marking of native- - tens. 'opa'opa . See 'OPA . cloth . See Elei. Oaoa , s. a scarecrow .

| 'Oosi, v . to scratch ; pass. os.a .

Ootaga, s. property taken ou ocea sion of a chiet's death . Oʻaoʻa, s. a stake stuck in to the sand to secure a canoe to . 1 Oʻoti, see 'Ori.

'Ca'oa, s. delight. See FIAFIA. Oauli, s. noon . See AOAULI.

Ootia , v. to be beaten and abused , (applied to travellers).




'Ou, pron. I.

| 'Ogāumu, s. the hole in which the

Oʻu, pron. (pl. of loʻu ), my, mine. / native oven is made. Ou, pron . (pl. of lou), your, your's "Ogālaau, s. the trunk of a tree ; a Ou, v . to bark .

large log . Õu, int. fie ! for shame ! ‘Ogāmanava, s. the sideofthebelly ‘Oʻu , v . to be uneven ; to be shri- | above the hips. velled (as siapo, bark of trees) ; 'Ogāmatagi, s. a circumscribed gust

intens. “oʻuʻoʻu . Oulua , pron . you two. Outou, pron . you.

of wind.

‘Ogānuu , s. a land , a village. Oge, s. a famine. Ofa , s. the gravestones of a chief. Ogeluavai, s. a great famine. See LOA . Ogo, s, a disease of children's eyes. Ofaofa , s. the sea egg. Ogo, v. to scorch (as the sun ) ; to Ofaofalauago, I s. two kinds of ofa be pained (as with words or by a Ofaofasina S ofa . disease); pass. ogotia ; intens. Ofaofataʻi, v. to cover with the wings ; to cherish . Ofaga , s. a nest. See FATANIGA.

ogogo . Ogogo, s. the nettle. Ogogosina , s. a herb .

"Ofe, s. a bamboo.

Ogotea, , s. species of the disease

Ofea, adv. where ? See 0 i tea. Ofi , v . to enter ; to cover, (applied to male animals ) : pass. ofia. Ofo, s. astonishment, wonder. Ofo , v . n . to beastonished ; to won der ; intens. ofoofo. Ofo , v . to salute on meeting ; to

Ogototo ogo. | Ola , s. life ; a fish -basket. Ola , v . to live. Ola, int. wonderful ! surprising ! | Olaʻaga, s. life -time.

Ola- aso, v. to threaten to kill when opportunity offers.

make an offer of food , services, | Olaola, s. the wedge in the handle & c. ; to shout before a wrestling match .

of an axe or a hatchet .

Olaola , v . to flourish , to thrive.

Ofo , s. the first speech on present Olaga, s . lifetime. ing food to visitors. | Olamea , s. the name of a tree . Ofoauē, v. to salute with wailing. | Ola pito , s. the name of a tree . See ‘Ofu , s. a garment.


"Ofw , v . to put on a garment; pl. | Olasina , s . the name of a tree. ' oofu . Olataga, s. a means of deliverance ; ‘Ofu ‘ofu , v. to envelope in leaves salvation ; a saviour. ( for cooking ).

Olavai, s. the name of a species of

Ofu -fatine, s. a gown . wild coffee. "Ofulua , a . twenty leaf-dishes of na- | Ole , v . to ask ; to beg . tive food . ‘Ole, v . to deceive; intens.“oleʻole;

‘Ofu -tino , s. a shirt. 'Ofu - vae , s. trowsers.

pass. 'olegia and ‘oleʻolegia .

‘Oli, s. the name of a tree , called

"Ogā , s. the trunk of anything ; al also fena . division ; a part cut off; a prin - \ 'Oli-oli, s. joy. cipal part. (Always used with

'Oli'uli , v . to be joyful.

‘Oliui, s. the dark species of ‘oli. another noun , as ogālaau ). Ogā, v . to have the snuffles ; intens. Olima‘ona, a . good -looking , well proportioned . ogaogā. | 'Olitoto, s. the red species of 'oli.

OTA Olo, v. to rub down ; to smooth ; | Oneuli, s. black sand. OLO


to plane ; to destroy , as if every- | Onega , s. a place in which a river thing were brought to a level with

is lost or terminates without reach

the ground ; to coo as a dove.

ing the sea. Onepata, s. coarse sand . Ono, a . six ; becoming, appropri ‘Olo, v. to consider ; to be aboutto ate. attempt, (in reference to under 'Ono‘ono , v. to suffer under an in taking anything difficult to per sult or injury . form ) ; intens. 'olo ‘olo. Onogaoa, a. six couples (of nuts , Oloa, s. property, (as houses , ca . young pigs, & c .) noes, cloth , & c.); a chief's tooth . Onogafulu , a. sixty. Oloamanu , s. the name of a Samo- | Onomea, a . becoming , proper. See Olo, s. a plane . 'Olo , s . a fortress.

Ono .

an month (June ).

Oloataua , s. property (or even a 'Onosaʻi, s. patience , endurance . wife ) given to a chief to insure | 'Onosaʻi, v . to endure, to be pa tient. his assistance in war.

Oloavale , s. property of small value . 'Onosi, v. to strain , as in labour , See ( AVALE . Oloolo. s. an uninhabited haunted

place ; a method of fishing byL rubbing down poisonous plants .

& c.

'Opa , a . weak ; ignorant in making


speech ; intensive, Sopaʻopa , 'oopa.

'Ologo, s. (from ' olo ), waiting for Opeope, v. to float ; pass. opea, fair weather to set out on a jour. opeopea . ney . Opoopo, v. to carry in the arms. Olotū, s. an old pigeon .

Oponi, v. to strengthen by adding another beam , & c., to one da ‘Omaʻi, v . to run in (as a bay or maged . inlet ). See 'OMOA 'I. Osaosa, s. a partly filled measure, Omo, a . indented ; bent in ; pl. bottle, & c. 'oomo; intens. 'omooino. Osaosa, v. to be partly full. ‘Omoa'i, see 'OMA‘l. Osi, v. to make ; to do ; to build ; Omomi, s. a sponge ; a glutton . pass, osia . ‘Osia, v. the passive of ‘oosi. ‘Omotaʻi, see ‘OMAʻI. ‘Oso , s. a sharp pointed stick used Ona, pron. his, hers, pl. Ona, conj. because of, on account in planting and digging . of; since ; now that. Oso , s. food for a journey . Ona, adv. then . (It is always fcl. Oso , v. to jump; to rise up (as the lowed by lea or ai lea coming | sun) ; to rush upon ; to throw

Oma, s. a kind of dog's collar.

oneself down ; to overflow . after the verb ). 'Ona , s. the lower part of the ab - Osofua, v. to go uncalled ; to inter

domen .

fere without cause.

‘Ona, a . bitter ; poisonous. See Osopuna, v. to jump over. OONA. Ososua'i, v. to use bad language. ‘Onā, v. to be poisoned ; to be in - Osovale, as Osofua. Ota , pron . the plural of lota ; also toxicated ; pass. ‘onasia . One, s. gunpowder. used in the singular, as, Si ota Oneone, s. sand. manao e ! Oneonea , a . sandy. Ota , a. uncooked ; unripe.



Ota, v. to eat raw food . Otā , a . ripe ; pl. otata . Otaota , s. rubbish ; filth , ordure.

UO | 'U ‘a , s. the name of a shellfish .

Otaotā , a. full of rubbish .

Uaʻale , s. a shower of rain . Uaʻi, v . to turn towards. See U . “ Uaʻua , v. to grunt.

Otai, s. a native dish of food.

Uʻauía, see U ‘ A.

Otaotagase , s. small rubbish .

Uaua, see SOLISOLI.

s. a slight rain ; a lever. Otalala'oa, v. to eat raw fish un - | Vaua, Uauataʻi, v. to raise by a lever.

washed .

‘Ote, v. to scold ; pass. 'otegia . Oti, v. to die (of men ) ; to faint. "Oti, s. a black pig .

Uaga, s. heavy rain .

| Vagalu , see FUATAGALU . Uagani, s. the name of a tree.

‘Oti, v. to cut, to clip (as the hair ); Uagani, v. to divide, or cut off (as pl. 'ooti ; intens. ‘oti'oti.

the end of a post). to have intermissions of pain and to a lazy person ). ‘Olo , v. to pluck leaves ; to speak ease. Ualolo, s, rain with a flood ; crowds appropriately ; dinin . fotooto. of people passing and repassing ; ‘Otopuapua, s. a child's game. pl. feualoloaʻi. ‘Otu ‘otū , a . stiff, hard , (applied to cloth , cocoanut leaves, & c.) U ‘amea, s. iron ; beads ; earthen ‘Ovi, v. to be lumpy : to be uneven , ware ; anything very good. (applied to citrons and to palsied Uamuli , s . those who assistwith food fingers); pl. Soovi ; pass. Sovi on the interchange of property .

Otiola , v. to be dead alive ,(applied Ualā, v. to be rainy with sunshine ;

‘ovia ; intens. 'ovi-ovi.

Uamuli, v. to prompt a speaker. Uasami, s. the spray rising likemist

and carried inland .


Uatea , s. rain with sunshine. Uatogi, s. a war- club . The fifth letter in the Samoan alpha- | Ue, int. ah ! bet. Its sound is that of oo in fool. Ui. a . dark colored . (mostly suffixed

U , s. a reed ; an arrow ; a brother.

to the noun which it qualifies).

U , v. to direct towards. See UAʻl. | Ui, v . to go along, to pass along ; U , v . to roar (as the waves ). to bave young (of animals ) ; to go U , v . to bite ; pass. utia ; recipr . | to stool. feutaʻi.

* U , v. to look angrily towards, to be sulky . Ua, s. rain ; the neck ; sinews; veins. Ua, thesign of the presentand perfect tenses. U ‘a, s. the paper mulberry ; the

“Uʻi, v. to solicit (a woman ).

Uii, s. the youngest, the last born . Uiina, conj. although. Vio, v. to cry out. Uiuiga, s. a chief's canoe. | Uiga ,s. explanation , meaning ; man ner, way of acting. Uīla, s. lightning.

bark of it ; a young breadfruit ; Uilelei, a . to be a good breeder. the temporary fastening used in Uisila, s. the name of a fish . making canoes ; a net made of Vitolu , v . to have three at a birth .

the bark of the breadfruit tree . Uʻa, u'au‘a, a . tough , tenacious, glutinous. U ‘a, v. to envy. See Matavfa.

Uivā , s. the malauli in its stage of growth before becoming ulua . , s. a friend ; a bosom companion .

Uivale , a . to be a bad breeder .


Uoago, s. the name of a fish . Uouo, s. the name of a fish .



ly diffused ; covering extensively . Ufu, s. the name of a fish . 'Uga, s. the soldier crab. Uga, v. to beg (as the use of tools,

Uogo , v . to sting. "Uu, s. the name of a shellfish . Uu, v . to take hold of, to grasp ; l assistance at work , & c.) pass, umia . Ugā, a. rotten , (applied to the teeth ). Uu, s. oil. Uu, v. to oil ; to soap ; to rub with | Ugauga , a . partially grey (of the

leaves as soap ; to besmear the head.

hair ).

“Ugamea, s. one kind of soldier Uū, s. a large land crab which feeds I crab . on cocoanuts .

Ula , s. the crayfish ; a term of re

'U'ū, v. to be rotten ; to weep ; to spect to a woman . smell fousty or sweaty . “Ula , s. a necklace. Učū, int. a shout of triumph . Ula , v. to blow with themouth ; to Uufatu, s. one kind of “uu. smoke (tobacco ); redup. ulaula ; Uufisoa, v . to anoint, soap , or wash pass. ulafia . with fisod . Ula , v. to joke, to sport ; pass. ula "Uumala, s. one kind of 'uu . | gia . “ Ula , ‘Uumi, a. pl. of 'umi. a. red ; joyful. "Uuna 'i, 2 . to take hold of; to urge , •Ulaʻula j ”. to compel. Ulaulāfiti, s. a small shrimp. "Uunu , s. the name of a tree.

Ufa, s. the posteriors ; the rectum .

Ulafa, s. a term of familiarity ap plied to a man .

Ufamea , s. the rectum .

Ulaga, s. a joking, a sporting. Ulala , s. a term of familiarity ap Ufi, s. a lid , a cover. plied to a man . See Ulara . Ufi, 1 v. to cover ; to conceal ; | Ulápo, s. the fuga when full grown. Ufiufi ) pass. ufitia ; (with the in - | Ulāvai, s. a freshwater prawn. Uf, s. the yam .

Ulavale, a . mischievous ; dissolute ; pl. ulavavale.

strumental particle ) ufitaʻi. U6--ula ,* Uh-lei,+

Uli, s. sprouts from the taro .

Uh -masoa ,

Uli, s. a dog .

Uhi poa,

( s. the different kinds Uli,uliuli, a. black ; blue; anydark

Uf -sina , ſ of yams. UG -tau , Ufi- toga , Ufi- vao, * See LOʻALOʻA .

ufilei'ulu ,

Uhilola, s. a yam half cooked,which

color. Uli, v . to steer ; pass. uligia .

Uliulipato‘i, a. deep black. Uliga'i, v. to steer more before the wind.

Ulito , v . to steer right before the

wind ; to persist in anger.

is slippery when skinned ; a strong Ulitu , v . to steer in a standing pos ture. man difficult to be caught.

Ufipula , s. another namefor the soi. 'Ulo, s. a pot ; a cauldron ; a cask .

Ufisasa, a . anything which excels, excellent.

Ufisoi, s. an edible soi.

(Introduced ).

Ulu , s. the head ; a grove or clump of trees ; a jutting point of a

Ufitafagafaga, a. abounding, wide ! sunken rock.

96 ULU Ulu, a. ten , (used in games) . 'Ulu , s. the breadfruit.


| Uluga, s. a couple ; a man and his wife , (ulugā tagata ) ; a couple of There are many kinds, as ‘ulu -ea , birds or fish . bulu -maa, “ulu -manuća , & c. Ululasi, v. to be very numerous. Ulu , v. to enter ; pass. ulufia. | Ululenai, v . to go about with salt Ulu , v . to make double (of a mat); water unwashed from thebody (as pass. ulua , uluina. if the salt had eutered the body); Ulu , v . to re-thatch . to be highly criminal. Ulua, s. the malauli when full | { s. a queer shaped head . grown.

Uluululua ſº

Ulu´aau, s. a jutting pointof a reef. Uluman u, s. a portion of the tatoo ing. Uluaʻi, a . first. Ulu´ao , s . the name of a fish ; a

Ulumatautu , s. a stony point run ning out into the sea . Ulu 'au , s. the leaves of taro ; a na - | Ulumatua , s . the first- born . tive dish of food made of taro | Ulupale , s. the head of a club .

small man with a long head.

Ulupii, s. curly hair. Ulupoo , s. the skull. Ulusinā , a . grey-headed . Ului, 2. to tempt, to urge on , to ex Ulutega, s. the groin , the top part of the thigh . cite . Uluʻia, v. to be overburdened ; to Ulutipi,?: 2{ a. hatchet-headed . be strained (as by a fall, when Uluto i ja the bones are put out of joint). Ulutula , s. a bald head. Uluia , 1. to have a splinter in the | 'Ulutunu, s. a broiled breadfruit ; body. See ULUFIA . the name of a gelatinous fish . Uluitino , v. to enter the body ; to Ulututuga, s. a bundle of scraped leaves. See PALUSAMI.

Ulu´aufui, s. taro leaves cooked with salt water.

possess (as by an aitu ) ; applied

also to great rain . Uluivale , as Ulur.

bark of tutugu .

Uluvao, s. the trees of the bush . “Uma, a . all.

Uluola, 2 . to grow luxuriantly ; to 'Uma, v. to be finished ; “umamui, increase. to be all come. Uluulu, s. foliage; anything spread Uma, s. a wide chest. ing about (as a body of people) ; | Uma, v. to intend, to purpose, the name of one kind of net ; the Umauma (applied to a journey or outer edge of the reef; a method work purposed tɔ be undertaken ). of fishing . Confined in its use to questions Uluulu , v . to remove the stones asked by other parties : Pe uma uma alu afeu lau malaga ? from the cooking place before lighting the oven . | Umauma, s. an unfledgedmanumea. Uluulumatātolau , v. ( from ulu , ma- | Umā-tagata , s. the human trunk ta , and ufolau ), to enter house when dismembered ; a cripple . after house ; to go from heart to | Ume, s. the name of a fish .


Ulufato, v . to go out. Ulufale , v . to enter.

Umealeva, s. the di 'erent kinds of Umelei,o S ume. Umelol

Ulufia , v . to commit adultery , (ap - 'Umete , s. a wooden bowl; thename plied to a chief' s wife ) ; to have

a splinter in the body.

of a disease . | Umete -tatanu, s. a disease,



UMI Umi, v . to desire ; to reseinble. 'Umi, s. ten fathoms.


| Unususu , v . to pine away for want of the breast ; pass. unususua .

‘Umi, a. long ; pl. 'u'umi; intens. Upā, s. the name of an insect.


Upā, a . small, bad -conditioned , (ap “Umi, v. to take food or property to plied to bananas). "umi'umi.

family connections; recipro. fe. | Upega, s. a net. Upeti, s. the frame used in printing Umiūmi, v. to follow after ; to native cloth. . stretch out to . Upolu , pron. I or me; (as Uu le Umu, s. a cooking place ; the food | aga upolu i le la). cooked umia‘i. See Ust.

there. “Upu , s. a word ; a knotin a bamboo. Umuumua, a . dirty, smutty. Upua , a . wordy. Umusā, v. to give property and Upuia , v. to be often reproved , to food on the completion of any work .

Uputoina, v. to be cursed ; to be

Umusaga, s. property and food given devoted to destruction . on the completion of any work. | Uputuu, s. a tradition .

Una, s. the scale of a fish ; tortoise Usaga, s. the proper time; about shell.

the same time; a proper result ;

Una , v . to pinch ; to split off the

a proper portion to give, (as ona

top of the taro ; to fetch out a usaga ia ). person privately ; pass.unafia and Usi, s. the name of a shrub ; one kind of banana.

unatia ; pl. unauna.

Unai-a, s. a fish scale ; a speck in Usi, v. to be green , (applied to the ti leaf before it turns yellow ) ; to

the eye .

Unafi, v. to clean off the scales of a

fish ; to pull up taro irregularly (one here and another there) ; to kill one by one.

Unani, v . to break off piece after

melt (as lard ) ; to make smooth by adzing ; to take food or pro perty to family connections, (as umi); to be ashamed in presence of superiors ; to placate .

piece from food reserved ; to fetch Usi, usiusi, usiusita 'i, v . to defer to ,

taro sparingly, that it may last.

to obey .

Usi-ulu , š. one kind of the usi.


Unavau , s. the name of a poisonous Usiusi, s. the name of a fish . fish . Usiusi, a . sleek , in good condition ; Une, v. to grant a request; pass. green . ‘unea . Usiusita 'i, v. to defer to , to obey ;

Uni, s. the one who begins the game of tayāti'a .


(as usi). Usisē, Usitoga, s. different kinds of usi.

Unoo, s. a bruise. Unoo , v . to stink (as fish ) ; to be Usituaniu ) | Usivao , s . the name of a shrub . pained at heart. Unu, s. the strainer used in making Uso , s. the pith of a tree; the heart oil, & c. of timber ; the root of the 'ava ; a man's brother ; a woman 's sis Unuoi, s. the name of a tree. Unulalo , s. the stick used to tight ter ; brothers and sisters ; coli en the unu. sins, (if two, le uso, if three or Unusi, v. to pick out the full-grown more, le au uso) ; the umbilical taro ; to pick out the chiefs in cord . order to kill.



88 Eva ,


7 v . to take a walk , especi- 1


ally bymoonlight; to go

about ; to walk at liberty ,

Evaga, s. a moonlightwalk or play

shaggy thrum rug worn by la


| 'le'ie, s. a rag of cloth ; a species of vine used in making fish -traps.

'I'i, v. to give a prolonged squeak . I i, s. sauce , or nearer to the Scotch

“ kitchen ,” anything as a relish , or to qualify other food . The third letter in the Samoan alpha - | lī, s . a small herb .

bet, pronounced as in the continen - | 1«i^o, a . (pl. of‘io ), full, full grown. tal languages, or as ee in been . *l'ilā, adv. there (at some distance ). I, v. to take away the breath (as ' I'ila , v . to shine, to glisten or glit from a blow , from anger, or from crying ).

ter ; applied to the eyes abusively . | l'ina, v . (from i' i), to be for “ kit

I, cccasionally used as a sign of the | chen ” or sauce. imperative and subjunctive. J'inā , adv. there (close at hand) . l'inei, udv. here. I, adv. yes. 1, prep . in , at , with , to , for, of, on , 'I'ini, v . to do things slowly . See •INI'INI. on account of, concerning . 'I'ino, int. pshaw ! See 'Ixoʻino. 'I, s. a fly . See Lago. lā , prep. before pronouns and names of persons, instead of i.

l'ite, v. to predict; pass. 'itea. See Vavalo.

lā , int. used in response to “ toso ! ” in pulling any heavy thing . Ja , pron. he, she. la , pron . these . ‘la, the sign of the subjunctive.

| 'I'iva, a. tall, (as vao a iiva ) ; red . ‘ ivaʻiva . l'ivi, a. (pl. of ivi ), bony. lo , s. a long strip of fish or flesh.

"I' o , a. full (as a well, a bottle ) ; full sized (as a taro or yam ) ; co cative ; and after the imperative vered (as a bone with meat); pl. 'i io. when used imperatively.

la, before the imperative, as a pre

la, an affix to some verbs to form Io, v. to wind (as cinet round the the passive.

arm ).

I'a, s. a general name for fish, but Io, ioe, adv. yes. not applied to bonito or shellfish. 'Io, io‘ io , s. the call of a chicken . I'aafalelo, s. the name of a fish . l'ai, udv. no, not so .

lo , ioio , adv. yonder (afar off ). Ioao, see loTUA, (used on Upolu ).

loalo , s. the strip of fish or flesh from the belly. loio , s. the flesh by the side of the backbone. lato , s. the bars connecting the outrigger with the canoe. "L'o'i'o, v. to co:l transversely ; pass.

lao, s. the name of a bird . l'aui, s. the name of a fish . l'asina, s. the name of a fish .

'i'otia . Iatolo , s. boils in the head . lē , v . to shout out. 'I'oʻimata , s. the eyeball. l'e , s. the mallet for making native - / Tofi , s. tongs ; pincers. Iole, s. a rat. See IMOA. cloth .

'Ie, s. a fine native mat; cloth . lotua, s. a strip of fish or flesh from ( The different kinds of the fine the back .

mat are the lālaga, ie. tāua , ie I'u, s. the tail ; the end, the ex ‘ula , and the ie sinu or si'uloa , a

tremity .

TU INA 89 l'u, v . to finish , to end ; to fulfil ; | I lalo, prep. under . to come upon . Ilamutu, s. cousins, the relationship sustained by the children of an l'uaīna, 1. to come to an end, to die. aunt to the children ofher brother l'ufono, s. the decision of a council. after the brother and sister are l'uga, s. ending ; determination or decision of a deliberation .

I'uleo , s. an echo.

l'umatagi, s. the end of a storm . I uta. adv. inland ; ashore .

dead ; a father's sister. See Ta MAJA.

lli, s, a fan . I lli, s, a rasp ; a file ; a saw . Iliasina, a. of a light colored skin . lliili, s. gravel. ' Ili'ili, see Leóiliili.

I‘utagata , s . the last of a family. I fafo , adv. without. I fale , adv . within . lliilifia , v. to be blown about by the wind ; to feel the wind caused by I fea , adv. where . 16 , s. a chesnut tree ; a chesnut. a passing missile. Ifi, v . to blow snioke through an ifi Iliola , s . the outer skin . leaf on to a diseased person ; to liui, s. a dark skin .

smoke (as tobacco). Ifialava , Leon


a, { S.s. species species of chesnut.

Ifʻulu , s. a smooth grained i filele.

llifia , v . to be thrown down by the passing of a stone close to a per

son ; to be blown down by a wind (as a bottle, & c., standing on the ground ).

Itifatu , s. a hard kind of ifilele . Itītī, s. the name of a tree . lliganoa , s. a scar. Ifilele, s. the name of a valuable llimanifi, s. a species of the banana . timber tree. “ Ilimatu , v. to be partially dry.

Ifimea, s. one kind of chesnut. I fisogā , ( s (FIFATU .

' Iliti, v. (from ‘ ili), to be pained by walking over sharp stones.

Ifo, v . to bow down ; to descend (as 'Tititai, s. the bed of the sea . | ' llitivai, s. the bed of a river. from inland to the shore). Ifo , adv. down. llo , s. a worm or maggot in putrid Ifoa , v. to have repeated attacks of flesh . a complaint ; to produce largely Ilo , v. to know . (of nuts) . lloa, v. to see ; to know ; to under Ifoito , v. to descend (as from the stand. top of a tree or a house ).

Iloilo, 1. to look at ; to examine.

Ifoga, s. a bowing down, an act of lloga , v . to be known ; to be deter mined on , decided on , settled . submission . 2 . , v. impers. it is doubtful. · , 'Ifu lloga 'Ifuéifu v. to run away. | I loto , prep. in the midst. Igo, igoigo , v. to be wearied with , l 'Ilu , I a. innumerable ; 100 ,000,

to be tired of ; (nearly as fiu ).

' Ilu ‘ilu

(modern use ).

Igoa, s. a name.

I luga, prep. above. Igoa, v . to be named , to be called . | | luma, prep . before. Ila, s. a mother's mark ; a mark in | Imoa, s. a rat ; see lole & SUMU ; the skin .

the name of a fish .

Ilaila, a . marked, spotted. “Ina, s. the sea-egg ; the throat, (a ‘ lla‘ila , v. to glisten , to shine, (ap- | term of abuse ). plied to the eyes in abuse ; l'ila . 'Ina, v. passive of ii. See PAPAʻlʻILA . | 'Ina, c. because that ; whe!).




Inā, a particle marking the impera- 1 to be beaten in wrestling , & c., tive .

Ina, a particle affixed to verbs to form the passive .

Ina'ē, v . to be wearied of.

(only used by the conquering party , as, Ua toe iso uā ? )

Isu , s. the nose ; the snout.

Isu , int. a term expressive of defi

Ina ia , c. in order that, that.

ance and contempt. Isumene, s. a small nose. Ina‘ ilan , s. a row of thatch . "Inaʻinā , ) v . to contend, to strive ; | Isumiti, s. a sniffing nose.

"Ina inau ) to be fierce in reproving. Isupapa, s. a flat nose. Isupē, s. mucous from the nose. Ina ne'i, c. lest that. Inafo , s. a shoal of bonito ; a great Isupū, s. a diseased nose (partly eat en off by ulceration ). number of people, (mostly applied to chiefs, as vuo to common peo - | Isuvaa, s. a large nose. Ita, pron . I,me. ple ) . Inaga, s. the name of a small fish Ita , s. anger. Ita , v. to be angry ; pl. feitatani ; having no bones. "Ini, v . to take hold ofwith the nails ; 1 pass. itagia ; recipr. feitagaʻi. to pinch ; to beat; to kill ; to I tafatafa , prep. by the side. pull up weeds ; intensive , ‘ ini' ini; Itagofie, a . irritable. I tala atu , prep . on that side, be pass. 'initia . Iniʻini, v. to do a thing gradually, yond. (as to bring taro in small quan - | I tala mai, prep. on this side. tities so as to make the plantation | Itiiti, a . little, small; few ; pl. iti ; toaitiiti, a few persons. eke out. "Inžini, s. an old cocoanut without | I totonu, prep . inside. Itu , s. a side. juice . I tua , prep . behind, at the back . *Ino, s. excrements ; (as otaota ). Inoino, v. to demand ; puss . inofia. Iluaiga, s. a division or branch of a Ino‘ ino , v . to hate , to abominate ; pass. “inosia .

Inofi, a . beautiful, good - looking

family .

Ituaso, s. a part of a day ; an hour. Itu i mātū, s. the north . Ituitu , v. to be tired of, to be wea

Inu, v . to drink ; pl. feinu ; pass. Itu i toga , s. the south . in umia .

ried with . Inuitino, v. to drench (of heavy rain ). | Itula , s. a part of a day ; an hour. Inumaga , s. a draught, a drink .

Itumea, s. a division , a portion , (of Ioupo , v. to fast till night. I food mostly ). Ipi, s. a cup, (ipi niu ); an axe (to | Itupā, s. a part of the night. Inusami, s. a half-starved pigeon .

| lva , a . nine. chiefs). Ipipi, s. an edible cocoanut shell. | Ivā , 7 v . to be exhausted , to be Ivaivā | languid. Ipo, s. an edible mud worn .

Ipu , s. a cup.

Ivaiva , s. the name of the lo when

Isa , 1 int. get out! out upon you ! ! grown large. Isaisaſ for shame !

'Ivaʻiva , a . tall.

Ivagafulu , a. ninety . Ivi, s. a bone ; a portion of the back Isi, v. to beg , (mostly of food). Isi, v . to split ; intens. isiisi. of the pig. Iso , v. to acknowledgeoneselfunable Ivi, v. to become bone (as the eye ) .

Isi, a . some.

to solve a riddle, (“ I give it up ;") | Iviauvae, s. the jawbone.




Ivifasoʻaso, s. the ribs. Oaluuluu, s. a mixed payment of oloa and toga . Tviivimaaa , a . strong . Ivifaalā , s. the shin bone, the tibia. | Oatea , s. noon. See A OATEA .

s } s. the shoulder-blade. lvisās

'Oavale., s. property of small value. See OLOAVALE .

Ivitū, s. the spine.

‘Oe, pron . thou , you . See ' E . 'Oe, adv. yes. See ‘O . Oi, int. alas ! oh ! Õi, v. to groan ; pl. feoi.

The fourth letter in the Samoan alpha bet Its sound is the same as a long

o in English ; as o in bone.

Oi,oiav .. to touch ; to cut down ; pass.

‘Oi, int. oh ! (expressing astonish ment) ; intens. 'oi'oi'oi.

‘O , the sign of the nominative ab

Oʻī, v. to creak ; to grind the teeth ; solute ; also used with a nomina intens. oʻoʻī. tive after the form ona . . . . ai O ifea, adv. where ? See ( fea. lea. Very rarely used when a 'o 'o, v. to be slack ; to be hollow ; nominative follows the verb . to be loosely tied ; to be loose or

0 , the sign of the genitive ; of, be- / light (as the soil) . Oʻo, s. the spongy substance inside longing to . 0, a sign of the present participle , of a cocoanut just beginning to

in some instances instead of o loo. sprout. 0 , v. to go ; (followed by mai) to pass . oʻotia . come; (the pluralof alu and sau ). ‘Ooa , s. pl. of 'oa. Ooa , v . to praise one's own deeds, 0 , adv . yonder . ‘o , adv. yes, (in answer to a call). to boast. See Oe. O ‘ooʻo , v . to visit (as a sick person ). Oa, s. a couple, (commencing with "Oofu, v. pl. of 'ofu . the second couple, as e lua oa, e ‘Oola , a . half-cooked . tolugā 0:1, & c.) ; the gunwale. | Oole , v . to suriuk, to shrivel up . 0 , before dual and plural pronouns. Oʻo , v . to arrive at, to reach to ;

'Ōa, s. lather, soapsuds ; pl. 'ooa , 'Oolo, a . indistinct utterance , hvarse . O ‘a , s. the stick for husking nuts | Oomi, v. to squeeze or press in ; with . See MELEʻI. A tree , the pass. 'omia .

juice beneath its bark is used for ‘Oomo, a . indented , sunk in . See marking the native cloth .


"Oʻa, v . to husk nuts. | 'Oona, a . bitter, sour. 'Ōa, s. property, goods, riches, (com - 'Oono, v. to be patient, to endure ;

to bear down (as a woman in la prising all foreign articles, also houses, canoes, & c.) See Oloa. bor). See Oxosa‘l. ‘O ‘ai, v. to mark or paint native | 'Oopa, a . weak ; of weak speech , iguorant in maki.ig a speech ; in cloth . “O ‘aiga, s. a marking of native- - tens. 'opa'opa. See ‘OPA. cloth . See Elei. ‘Oosi, v. to scratch ; pass. (os.a. Ootaga, s. property taken on occa Oaoa , s. a scarecrow .

O ‘ao‘a, s. a stake stuck in to the sand to secure a canoe to .

'Ca'oa, s. delight. See Fiafia . Oauli, s. noon . See AOAULI.

sion of a chiet's death. Oʻoti, see 'Ori.

Ootia, v . to be beaten and abused , (applied to travellers).




‘Ou, pron . I.

‘Ogāumu, s. the hole in which the

Oʻu, pron . (pl. of loʻu ), my, mine. | native oven is made. Ou, pron . (pl.of lou ), your, your's Ou, v. to bark .


Õu, int. fie ! for shame!

O ‘u, v. to be uneven ; to be shri-

'Ogālaau, s. the trunk of a tree ; a large log. ‘Ogāmanava, s. the side ofthe belly

above the hips.

velled (as siapo, bark of trees) ; 'Oyāmatagi, s. a circumscribed gust of wind . intens. 'oʻu 'oʻu . Oulua , pron . you two. ‘Ogānuu , s. a land, a village. Oge, s. a famine. Outou, pron . you. Ofa , s. the gravestones of a chief. Ogeluavai, s. a great famine. See Loa .

Ogo, s, a disease of children 's eyes.

Ofaofa , s. the sea egg.

Ofaofalauago, I s. two kinds of ofa

Ogo, v. to scorch (as the sun ); to be pained (as with words or by a

Ofaofasina S ofa . disease) ; pass. ogotia ; intens. Ofaofataʻi, v. to cover with the ogogo . wings ; to cherish . Ogogo, s. the nettle. Ofaga , s. a nest. See PATANIGA. | Ogogosina , s. a herb .

"Ofe, s. a bamboo.

Ogotea, , s. species of the disease ogo. Ofi, v . to enter ; to cover, (applied Ola , s. life ; a fish-basket. to male animals ) : pass. ofia. Ola , v . to live. Ofo, s . astonishment, wonder. Ola , int. wonderful! surprising !

Ofea, adv. where ?

See O 1 FEA .

| Ogototo

Ofo , v . n . to be astonished ; to won - Ola‘aga, s. life-time.

der ; intens. ofoofo. Ola -aso , v. to threaten to kill when Ofo, v. to salute on meeting ; to opportunity offers . make an offer of food, services, Olaola , s. the wedge in the handle

& c .; to shout before a wrestling

of an axe or a hatchet.

Olaola, v . to flourish , to thrive . Ofo, s . the first speech on present- Olaga, s. lifetime. Olamea , s. the name of a tree. ing food to visitors. match .

Ofoauē, v. to salute with wailing .

Olapito , s. the name of a tree. See

MatalafI. 'Otv , v . to put on a garment ; pl. | Olasina , s. the name of a tree . ' oofu . Olataga, s. a means of deliverance ; ‘Ofu , s. a garment.

"Ofu‘ofu, v. to envelope in leaves ( for cooking ).

salvation ; a saviour. Olavai, s. the name of a species of wild coffee .

‘Ofu fafine, s. a gown. ‘Ofulua , a. twenty leaf-dishes of na - | Ole , v. to ask ; to beg. tive food .

Ofu -tino , s. a shirt. Ofu - vae, s . trowsers.

‘Ole , v . to deceive ; intens.'oleʻole ; pass. ‘olegia and 'oleʻolegia .

‘Oli, s. the name of a tree , called

‘Ogā , s. the trunk of anything ; a also fena. division ; a part cut off ; a prin - \ 'Oli-oli, s. joy. cipal part. (Always used with ‘Oli'uli, v. to be joyful. another noun, as ogālaau ). ‘Oliui, s. the dark species of 'oli. Ogā, v . to have the snuffles ; intens. Olima‘ona, a . good-looking, well ogaogā .

proportioned. ‘Olitoto, s. the red species of ‘oli.




Olo, v. to rub down ; to smooth ; | Oneuli, s. black sand . to plane ; to destroy, as if every Onega , s. a place in which a river is lost or terminates without reach thing were brought to a level with ing the sea . the ground ; to coo as a dove. Olo , s. a plane. Onepata, s. coarse sand . 'Olo, s. a fortress. Ono, a . six ; becoming , appropri 'Olo, v. to consider ; to be about to ate .

attempt, ( in reference to under- | 'Ono‘ono, v . to suffer under an in taking anything difficult to per. form ) ; intens. 'oloʻolo .

Oloa , s. property , (as houses, ca:

sult or injury.

Onogaoa, a. six couples (of nuts, young pigs, & c.)

noes , cloth , & c.) ; a chief's tooth . | Onogafulu , a . sixty. Oloamanu, s. the name of a Samo- Onomea, a. becoming , proper. See an month (June ).

Oloataua , s. property (or even a


Onosaʻi, s. patience, endurance.

wife ) given to a chief to insure | 'Onosaʻi, v. to endure, to be pa tient. his assistance in war. Oloavale, s. property of small value. 'Onosi, v. to strain , as in labour ,


& c.

Oloolo . s . an uninhabited haunted 'Opa , a . weak ; ignorant in making place ; a method of fishing byL a speech ; intensive , ' opaʻopa ,

rubbing down poisonous plants.

' oopa .

‘Ologo, s. (from 'olo ), waiting for Opeope , v. to float ; pass. opea , fair weather to set out on a jour ореореа . ney.

Olotū, s. an old pigeon .

Opoopo, v . to carry in the arms.

Oponi, v. to strengthen by adding

Oma, s. a kind of dog 's collar.

another beam , & c., to one da

Omaʻi, v , to run in (as a bay or


inlet). See ‘OMOAʻI.

Omo, a . indented ; bent in ; pl. ‘oomo ; intens. ‘omooino .

'Omoaʻi, see ‘OMAⓇI. Omomi, s. a sponge ; a glutton .

Osaosa , s. a partly filled measure, bottle , & c .

Osaosa, v. to be partly full. Osi, v. to make ; to do ; to build ; pass, osia .

Omotaʻi, see ‘OMAʻI. ‘Osia , v. the passive of 'oosi. 'Oso, s. a sharp pointed stick used Ona, pron . his , hers , pl. Ona, conj. because of, on account in planting and digging . of; since ; now that. Osn, s. food for a journey. Ona , adv . then . (It is always fcl. Oso , v. to jump ; to rise up (as the lowed by lea or ai lea coming | sun ) ; to rush upon ; to throw oneself down ; to overflow . after the verb ).

‘Ona, s. the lower part of the ab - Osofua, v. to go uncalled ; to inter domen .

fere without cause .

‘Ona, a. bitter; poisonous. See Osopuna, v. to jump over. OONA. Ososua'i, v. to use bad language. 'Onā, v. to be poisoned ; to be in Osovale, as Osofua. toxicated ; pass. ‘onasia . One, s . gunpowder. Oneone, s. sand.

Oneonea, a . sandy.

Ota , pron . the plural of lota ; also used in the singular, as, Si otą тапао е !

Ota, a . uncooked ; unripe.



Ota , v. to eat raw food . Otā , a . ripe ; pl. otatā . Otaota , s. rubbish ; filth , ordure.

Otaotā, a . full of rubbish . Otai, s. a native dish of food . Otaotagase, s. small rubbish .


| ' U ‘a, s. the name of a shellfish . Ua'ale, s. a shower of rain . Uaʻi, v. to turn towards. See U . “Uaʻua , v. to grunt. U ‘au 'a , see U ‘A .

Uaua, see SolisolI.

Vaua, s. a slight rain ; a lever . Otalala' oa, v. to eat raw fish un - | Uauataʻi, v . to raise by a lever.

washed .

‘Ote, v. to scold ; pass. otegia . Oti, v. to die (of men ) ; to faint. "Oti , s . a black pig .

| Vaga, s. heavy rain .

| Uagalu , see FUATAGALU .

Uagani, s. the name of a tree. ‘Oti, v. to cut, to clip (as the hair ); | Uagani, v . to divide, or cut off (as the end of a post ). pl. 'ooti ; intens. 'oti'oti. Otiola , v. to be dead alive, (applied Ualā , v . to be rainy with sunshine ; to have intermissions of pain and to a lazy person ). ‘0:0,v. to pluck leaves ; to speak ease . appropriately ; dimin . 'olooto . | Ualolo, s. rain with a flood ; crowds I of people passing and repassing ; ‘Otopuapua, s. a child 's game. pl. feualoloaʻi. ‘Otu 'otū , u . stiff, hard , (applied to cloth , cocoanut leaves, & c.) Uʻamea, s. iron ; beads ; earthen 'Ovi, v. to be lumpy: to be uneven , ware ; anything very good . (applied to citrons and to palsied Uamuli, s. those who assist with food fingers); pl. Soovi ; pass. Sovi I on the interchange of property . fovia ; intens. 'ovi'ovi. U

Uamuli, v . to prompt a speaker.

Uasami, s. the spray rising likemist and carried inland. Uatea, s. rain with sunshine.

Uatogi, s. a war-club. The fifth letter in the Samoan alpha - | Ue, int. ah ! bet. Its sound is that of oo in fool. | Ui, a . dark colored , (mostly suffixed

U , s. a reed ; an arrow ; a brother. to the noun which it qualifies). U , v. to direct towards. See UAʻl. | Ui, v. to go along , to pass along ; U , v . to roar (as the waves ).

to have young (of animals ) ; to go

U , v. to bite ; pass. utia ; recipr. to stool. feutaʻi. Uʻi, v . to solicit (a woman ). ‘ U , v. to look angrily towards, to Uii, s. the youngest, the last born . Ui ina, conj. although . be sulky. Ua, s. rain ; the neck ; sinews; Vio , v. to cry out. veins. Uiuiga, s. a chief's canoe. Ua, the sign of the present and per- | Uiga,s. explanation ,meaning ; man fect tenses. ner, way of acting. U ‘a , s. the paper mulberry ; the Uīla , s. lightning . bark of it ; a young breadfruit ; Uilelei, a . to be a good breeder. the temporary fastening used in Uisila , s. the name of a fish . making canoes ; a net made of Vitolu , v. to have three at a birth . Uivā, s. the malauli in its stage of the bark of the breadfruit tree. growth before becoming ulua . U ‘a , u 'au'a , a . tough , tenacious, Uivale , a . to be a bad breeder. glutinous.

U ‘a, v. to envy. See Maravʻa.

Võ, s. a friend ; a bosom companion .




Voago, s. the name of a fish . Uogo, v. to sting .

ly diffused ; covering extensively.

Uu , s. oil.

teeth ).

Uouo, s. the name of a hish .

Ufu , s. the name of a fish . *Uga, s. the soldier crab . ‘Uu, s. the name of a shellfish . Uga , v. to beg (as the use of tools, “Uu, v . to take hold of, to grasp ; assistance at work , & c .) pass. umia. Ugā, a . rotten , (applied to the

Uu, v. to oil ; to soap ; to rub with Ugauga, a . partially grey (of the leaves as soap ; to besınear the


'Ugamea, s. one kind of soldier


Tū, s. a large land crab which feeds


Ula , s. the crayfish ; a term of re spect to a woman. “U ‘ū, v. to be rotten ; to weep ; to “Ula , s. a necklace. smell fousty or sweaty . on cocoanuts.

Učū, int. a shout of triumph .

Ula, v. to blow with the mouth ; to

“Uufatu , s. one kind of ‘uu .

smoke (tobacco ) ; redup. ulaula ; pass. ulafia .

Uufisoa , v. to anoint, soap, or wash 'Cumala , s. one kind of 'uu .

Ulagia, v.. to joke, to sport; pass. ula

“ Uumi, a. pl. of ' umi.

Ula ,

with fisoa .


u . red ; joyful. “Uuna'i,2 . to take hold of; to urge, ‘ Ulaćula Ulaulāfiti, s. a small shrimp. to compel. “Uunu , s. the name of a tree . Ulafa, s. a term of familiarity ap Ufa , s. the posteriors ; the rectum . 1 plied to a man . Ufamea , s. the rectum . Ulaga , s. a joking, a sporting. | Ulala , s. a term of familiarity ap Uf, s. the yam .

Uf, s. a lid , a cover.

plied to a man . See Ulara.

Ufi, 7 v. to cover ; to conceal; Ulápo , s. the fuga when full grown . Ufiufis pass. ufitia ; (with the in - | Ulāvai, s. a freshwater prawn.

strumental particle ) ufitaʻi.

Ulavale , a . mischievous ; dissolute ;

Uf- ula ,* U6 -lei, t Uh-masoa,

pl. ulavavale . Ulī, s. a dog.

Uli, s . sprouts from the taro .

Ufi poa, s. the different kinds Uli,uliuli,a. black ; blue; any dark color. Uf-sina , ſ of yams. U6 -tau , Uli, v. to steer; pass. uligia . U 6 - toga, Uliulipato‘i, a. deep black. Ufi-vao, Uliga'i, v. to steer more before the wind. * See LoʻALOʻA. + Varieties of this are ufilei-ula and Ulima‘o, s, an incomplete rainbow . ufilei-ulu . Ulito , v . to steer right belore the wind ; to persist in anger. Uhlola , s. a yam half cooked, which is slipperywhen skinned ; a strong | Ulitu , v . to steer in a standing pos

man difficult to be caught. I Ufisasa , a. anything which excels,


Ufipula , s. another name for the soi. 'Ulo , s. a pot ; a cauldron ; a cask . excellent.

(Introduced ).

| Ulu , s. the head ; a grove or clump

of trees ; a jutting point of a Ufisoi, s. an edible soi. Ufitafagafaga, a . abounding, wide. I sunken rock .

ULU 96 Ulu, a . ten , (used in games ). “Ulu, s. the breadfruit.


Uluga, s. a couple ; a man and his wife, (ulugā tayata ) ; a couple of birds or fish . There are many kinds, as ‘ulu -ea , "ulu -maa, “ulu -manu'a, gc. Ululasi, v. to be very numerous.

Ulu , v . to enter ; pass. ulufia . Ulu , v . to make double (of a mat) ; pass. ulua , uluina . Ulu , v . to re-thatch .

Ululeniāi, v . to go about with salt water unwashed from thebody (as

if the salt had entered the body) ;

to be highly criminal. Ulua, s. the malauli when full Ululua, i{ s. a queer shaped head. Uluululua grown. Ulu´aau, s. a jutting point of a reef. Ulumanu, s. a portion of the tatoo ing . Uluaʻi, a . first. Ulu‘ao, s. the name of a fish ; a Ulum .atautu , s. a stony point run ning out into the sea . small man with a long head . Ulu´au , s. the leaves of taro ; a na - | Ulumatua, s . the first-born . tive dish of food made of taro Ulupale, s . the head of a club .

leaves. See PALUSAMI. Ulu´aufui, s . taro leaves cooked with salt water.

Ulupii, s. curly hair . Ulupoo, s. the skull. Ulusinā, a . grey -headed .

Ului, 2 . to tempt, to urge on , to ex Ulutega, s. the groin , the top part cite. of the thigh . Uluʻia , v . to be overburdened ; to Ulutipi,2 I a.m hatchet-headed . ." be strained (as by a fall, when Ulutoil ‘ Ulutula , s. a bald head . the bones are put out of joint). Uluia , 1 . to have a splinter in the “Ulutunu, s. a broiled breadfruit ; the name of a gelatinous fish . body. See ULUFIA. Uluitino , v. to enter the body ; to Ulututuga, s. a bundle of scraped possess (as by an aitu ) ; applied bark of tutuga. also to great raili . Uluvao, s. the trees of the bush . Uluivale , as ULUI. “Uma, a. all. Uluola, 2 . to grow luxuriantly ; to 'Uma, v . to be finished ; 'umamui, increase. to be all come. Uluulu , s. foliage ; anything spread Uma, s. a wide chest. ing about (as a body of people ) ; Uma, v. to intend , to purpose , the name of one kind of net ; the Umauma ) (applied to a journey or outer edge of the reef; a method work purposed t be undertaken ). of fishing . Confined in its use to questions asked by other parties: Pe uma from the cooking place before | uma alu afeu lau malaga ?

Uluulu , v . to remove the stones

lighting the oven .

| Umauma, s. an unfledged manumea .

Uluulumatātolau , v . (from ulu , ma- | Umā-tagata , s. the human trunk ta , and afolau ), to enter house when dismembered ; a cripple . after house ; to go from heart to Ume, s. the name of a fish . heart.

umealeva, 1 s. the di 'erent kinds of Umelei, Ulufale, v . to enter. Ulufia , v . to commit adultery , (ap - ' Umete , s. a wooden bowl; the name of a disease . plied to a chief's wife ) ; to have | 'Umete -tatanu, s, a disease . a splinter in the body. Ulufato , v. to go out.

Umelolo lume.


Umi, v. to desire ; to resemble . 'Umi, s. ten fathoms.



Unususu , v. to pine away for want of the breast ; pass. unususua.

'Umi, a . long ; pl. ‘u umi; intens. | Upā , s. the name of an insect . ' Upā , a . small, bad - conditioned , (ap umi'umi. *Umi, v. to take food or property to plied to bananas). family connections ; recipro. fe. Upega , s. a net. umia' i. See Ust. Upeti, s. the frameused in printing

Umiūmi, v. to follow after ; to

native cloth . Upolu , pron . I or me; (as Ua le Umu, s. a cooking place; the food aga upolu i le la ). cooked there. "Upu,s. a word ; a knot in a bamboo. Umuumua , a . dirty, smutty . Upua, a . wordy. Umusā, v . to give property and Upuia, v. to be often reproved , to stretch out to.

food on the completion of any

be found fault with . Uputoina, v . to be cursed ; to be Umusaga, s. property and food given devoted to destruction. work .

on the completion of any work. Uputuu , s. a tradition . Una, s. the scale of a fish ; tortoise Usaga, s. the proper time; about shell . the same time ; a proper result ; Una , v. to pinch ; to split off the a proper portion to give, (as ona top of the taro ; to fetch out a usaga iu ). person privately ; pass. unafia and Usi, s. the name of a shrub ; one kind of banana. unatia ; pl. unauna. Unāi'a, s. a fish scale ; a speck in Usi, v. to be green, (applied to the the eye. ti leaf before it turns yellow ) ; to Unafi, v. to clean off the scales of a melt (as lard ) ; to make smooth fish ; to pull up taro irregularly by adzing ; to take food or pro (one here and another there); to perty to family connections, (as kill one by one. ‘umi); to be ashamed in presence Unani, v. to break off piece after I of superiors ; to placate. piece from food reserved ; to fetch | Usi, usiusi, usiusitaʻi, v . to defer to, taro sparingly, that it may last. to obey. Usi-ulu , s. one kind of the usi . See ‘INI'INI.

Unavau, s. the name of a poisonous Usiusi, s. the name of a fish. fish .

"Une, v. to grant a request ; pass. 'unea .

Upi, s. the one who begins the game of tagāti'a . See SAUNI. Unoo, s. a bruise.

Usiusi, a . sleek , in good condition ; green .

Usiusita 'i, v. to defer to , to obey ; . (as usi). | Usisē ,

Usitoga, s. different kinds of usi. Unoo , v. to stink (as fish ) ; to be Usituaniu ) Usivao , s. the name of a shrub . pained at heart . Unu, s. the strainer used in making | Uso, s. the pith of a tree ; the heart of timber ; the root of the 'ava ; oil, & c . Unuoi, s. the name of a tree. a man 's brother ; a woman's sis Unulalo , s. the stick used to tight ter ; brothers and sisters ; con en the unu. sins, (if two, le uso , if three or Unusi, v. to pick out the full-grown more, le au uso ) ; the umbilical taro ; to pick out the chiefs in cord . order to kill.




Usoitama, s. the children of one fa - | Utēfuiono, s. the inner side of the ther.

Usoitinā , s. the children of one mother .

Usogā:ea, s. the strong love of a

nautilus shell, used as an orna

ment. Utete, s. the name of a humming plaything ; a jewsharp .

wife or brother, leading to die Uto , s. the small spongy substance

with the husband or brother. Usotāūfeagai, s. the children of ei

inside of a fullgrown cocoanut ; the corks on the upper edge of a

ther the same father or the same

net ; the floating bait to catch


fying -fish ; the head , (a term of

Usu , usuusu, v. to start off early in the norning.

abuse ).

Utoʻi, v. to peck as a fowl.

Usu, v. to lead the singing ; pass . Utouto, s. the buoy of a fishing -line; a buoyant canoe. usuina . Usu , v. to go to a fono ; to take 'Uto -uto, s. the name of a tree.

food to visitors ; to make masi ; "Utu , s. the loose ; an insect which pass. usuia

eats the skin of the lands and

Usui, v. to spear with the hands de | feet; a rush. pressed ; to praise undeservedly. | Utu , v . to draw water ; to fill a bot

Usuisui, v. to put a bait into the hole of an eel ; to urge to come; 1

tle, & c.; to load a gun ; pl. fe utufa' i ; pess. utufia . Utu, adv. unceasingly , without in termission ; (compounded with

· to urge on , to entice. Usuitau, s. a year or season . verbs, as ututau ). Usuga, s. those who start off to work early ; food given to a tra- | 'Utuutu , s. rushes ; duckweed .

velling party ; a formal visit to a Utuutu , s. the sea close along the sick chief; the preparing of masi.


Usunoa , s. the first day of the ap . | Utufaga, s. a charge of powder ; a pearing of palolo . pipeful of tobacco .

Usupese, s. a singer, a leader of 'Utafiti, s. a flea . Utupūpū , v . to store up in a bam singing. Usupo, v. to start off before day boo ; to take great care of. light. Ututaia , v. to be continually pained Ususui, see Usuisur.

or afflicted .

Uta, s. ashore; inland ; a load of a Ututau, s. a succession of war: ; a cartridge. canoe, boat, & c. Uta , v . to take heed to ; to look Utuvā, see LEUTUVA .

ahead ; to consider beforehand ; Utuvāmua, s. the month answering redup. utauta . to January. Utāfanua, s. inland ; a person living inland ; an ill-mannered person . Utalilo , v . to be concealed from view ; to be far back from the road (as a plantation ). letter in the Samoan alpha Utatai, v. to go from the plantation Thebet.sixthPronounced as the English . to tish ; to be pained with inces sant work . Fa , s. the stem of the taro leaf, ba Ute, s. the tail part of shellfish ; the | nana leaf, & c.; the name of a best of anything. fish .



99 Faa'ala'ala , v . to refuse to help ; to ANI. Fa, adj. four. See WO Soani. imputemisfortune as a judgment; Fa, a prefix to verbs with the nega tive, notmuch , not quite, as fa to rejoice in the oppressions of a chief who had been brought to the leatoa , not quite complete. See FAA . place against the wishes of the party .

Fa, v. to be hoarse, to lose the voice ; pl. fāfā .

Fa,v. to borrow , (applied only to ). borrowing a boat or canoe

Faaalatā , v . to strike a blow in or

der to commence a club match ; I

to give a speech in order to com

Fa , v. irreg. to suppose erroneously. | mence a fono. See FAALAGATA, Faéi, fa ita, fuíu mai, fu te a' u , Faa'aleale, v . to make a sudden hos I thought ; fa oe and fa te oe.I tile descent on ; to come upon In a question it merely asks an suddenly . opinion, Pe ni ā fu oe ? What is Faa'āleʻale , v . to act heedlessly . Faaali, v. to shew ; pass. faaalia ; your opinion ? Faa, the causative prefix ; with the intens. faaaliali. negative it is used to signify - not | Faaalii, s. a wooden drum . much ,” “ not quite,” see Fa ; as Faaalii, v . to act the chief ; to be

a comparative, (as fuatoeaina , I

provoking .

Jike an old man ) ; sometimes it | Faaalitino , v . to shew distinctly .

seems to be added without alter

ing the sense of theword , (as po topotoga , faapotopotoga).

Faaaale, v. to do things expediti ously .

Faaalo , v. to pay respect to ; intens.

faaaloalo . Faaalo , v . to commence to blow a


Faa'alo, v. to deny having some

thing belonging to another. Faaaasa , v. to make red hot. Faa-ai, s. the forfeit paid by the Faaalofa , v. to resemble the father (of a son ) ; to love falsely , faaalo loser of a game.

Faaaimago , v. to encroach ; to claim

falofa .

as one's own land , & c ., which be- Faaalumaga, s. a portion of food for longs to another ; to cheat.

one person.

Faa'aimatū , v. to have weak eyes Faaanoano, v. to be very much , to from old age. Faaa'oa 'o , v . to imitate. Faaaoaoina, v . to be left alone, to

Faaata , v. (pronounced furāta ), to shade the eyes or to partially close

be shunned . See FAAAGAGANOA

them in order to see clearly. Faaata, s. (from the above), a look


Faaauita, s. a slight squall.

be in large quantities.

ing -glass ; a spyglass.

Faaaumeamamae , v . tomake friends, Faaata, faaataata , v . to treat with to be on terms of intimacy . respect.

Faaafe , v. to cause to turn aside, to Faa'ata , v. to make to laugh . Faaatuatoa , v . to complete. cause to call in . Faaafu , s. the name of a month , Faaatuätautali, v . to be afraid of gods waylaying ; to be distressed (March ). Faaafu , v . to lay the firewood ready or afraid at work , war, & c. Faaavanoa , v . to open . for lighting . Faaagaganoaina , v . to be shunned, Faaaviavi, v. to shew peculiar fa vour to , to show partiality. to be left alone. See FAAAOAO IXA .

Faaea , v. to raise up ; to exalt .




Faaec , v. to place upon ; to place Faa‘ofuagafulu , a. ten (native dishes oneself upon or in a canoe. Faa'eefuvuu , v . to be sulky. Faaeteete

Sv. to take care of.

Faai, s. the larynx. Faaiaveloa , v . to continue a long time. Faaliva , v. to be emaciated . Faai'u , v . to finish . Faaififatu , v. to persevere under dif. ficulties. Faaifo , v. to make a hostile de-

of food cooked in leaves). Faa'ofu ‘ofu , a . deep (as a jug ). Faaola , s. a saviour, a deliverer. Faaola, v. to make alive ; to save , to deliver ; to proclaim peace, ( faaola le taua ).


s. a means of deliver.

Faaolatagal ance ; a deliverer.

Faaoleole, v. to entreat, persuade, induce. Faaʻoleʻole, v. to deceive. Faaolioli, v. to make a display of a scent. young chief or a young lady ; to Faaifoga, s. a pigeon newly caught; quiet a cross child by amusing it. | Faa'oli-oli, v. to make joyful. a captive. Faaoloa, v. to give property ; to Faaigoigo , v. to be wearied of. See pay. Igoigo. Faaoloaga, s. the giving of pay or

Faaigoa , v . to give a name, to name. | Faaili, s. a whistle.

property ; the property given .

Faa`ilimatū, v. to dry in the house Faaoloulo , v. to ask sideways by (as clothes on a wet day ). Faailo , 7 v . to make known ; to


Faaoluolua , v . to be lumpy ; to be uneven . See Ovi.

Faailoa show .' Faa ‘ono ‘ono , v . to provoke. Faailoga , s. a sign , a mark . Faailoga , v . to mark ; to distin . Faaopeope, v. to float ; pass. faa

guish ; pass. faailogaina. ореореа . Faa'inaelo , a . slovenly. Faaopoopo, v. to put to, to add to Faa'inatoa , a . tough (as overgrown gether, to join to . taro and taamu ). Faaoso , s. food for a journey. v . to stir up, to excite, Faainuinu , v. to make off to wind. Faaoso, ward (as a shoal of bonito ). Faaosooso to incite. Faaita, v . to provoke to anger . Faaosooso, v . to tempt. Faaitaita, v . (a diminutive of faa - Faaosoosoga , s. a temptation . ita ), to teaze. Faaotā , v . to ripen , to mellow , Faaitiiti, v. to make smaller, to | Faaotāga, s . bananas ripened in the

abridge ;. pl. faaiti.

earth .

Faaituitu , v. to be wearied of, (as Faaoti, v. to put an end to ; to kill ituitu ).

one already dying. else after a plan has been agreed

Faaivā, 2 . to be worn out, to be Faaotiitua , v. to propose something

wearied , to be exhausted . Faa'oo , v . to loosen a fastening ; to make slack .

on .

Faaotilaina , v . to be starved .

pua , v. to be close toge Faaofi, v. to bring through ; to Faa'otopuatroops, fleets, & c.) cause to enter.

ther (as

Faaoto, v. to give (as a title to a | Faau, v. to insist on , to urge upon ; chief, or food to a village).

to shut in the sides of a house

Faa'ofu , v . to dress another.

with reeds ; to fish at night with the pa .

FAAU FAAF 101 Faáualoa, v. to endure long. See | Faauşuusu , 2. to provoke, to stir FAAFUALOA .

up, to incite ; pass. faausuia . Faausugasega , v . to cause the sego to come from its place ; to com

Faaualolo , v . to run about in con fusion (as parties taking food to a

mit all indecencies after the po . ulu . Faauta, int. behold . Faaui, v. to callout; to disentangle , Faauta, v. to behold , to attend to ; to remove from a hook, nail, & c.; pass . faautagia . to lead through . Faautauta , v. to devise , to plan , to Fa'auʻi , v . to beseech . consider. Faauo , v. to make friends with , to Faautuutumanu, v . to reside in a associate with . family while waiting for native Faquouo, v . to walk with an arm of property . each round the other's neck . Faafa 'i, a. fed onlywith themother 's Faauõvale , v. to be in confusion or milk . disorder (as a concourse ofpeople , Faafao, v . to turn upside down. troops, waves, & c. ) Faafāufau , 2 . to be qualmish , to feel Faauu, v . to avoint. sick . Faaʻūóū , a , angry looking , sulky. Faafāulaʻi, 2 v. to heap up Faaugaʻō, v. to be skinned over (of Faafāupuée a sore ) ; to have mixed rods (uso ) Faatafa , s . a burden carried on the new and old, in a house ; to in . back . dulgeangry feelingswithout shew - Faafafa , a . rakish (as a mast). Faafafine, a . belonging to women ing it. ( as work ). Faaulaula, v. to joke. fono, & c .)

Faauamau, v , to water at the mouth with desire .

Faaulavale, see ULAVALE.

Faafalealiiga , s. games ; also a term

Faauliulito, v . to have inveterate applied to one who is learned in all the ancient lore ; as also to hatred . Faauluulu , v . to cry out, to shoul. | one who excels in games, fight Faaulufalega, s. the induction of al ing , & c . chief; the opening of a chapel. Faafalega, s. the intermarriage of Faanlugogo, v . to beg in a shame.


Faafalemaći, v . torainy be ill constantly. Faafaletimu

faced way.

Faaumiuminoa , v . to lose interest in

, a.


Faafana, v. to warm up food . everything froin grief. Faaumuumuā, v. to eat all alone ; Faafano, v. to curse, to devote to destruction.

to be greedy . Faa 'une, 2 . to grant a request ; to

Faafatāti, v . to be high in the eaves

ask the loan of ; to lend. See

(of a house). Faafatufatu , v. to persevere indefa


tigably .

Faaunususua, v. to pine away for the breast.

Fraʻuputoina, see ‘UPUTOINA. Faausi, s. a native dish of scraped taro or yams.

| Faafeao , v . to accompany as a pro


tector ; to guard , to protect. Faafe‘ia , s . ornamental siupo. Faafeoloolo , see FEOLOOLU .

Faausi, v. to be ashamed ; to adze Faafelavei, faafelevei, v . to inter smooth ; to smooth .

cept ; to interrupt a speaker,

FAAF 102 Faafefete , s. leaven.


| Faafofoga, v. to hear (to chiefs ).

Faafefete , v. to cause to swell ; to Faafogaupolu, s. an easterly wird. MATAUPOLU · be puffed up with pride.



Faafogafoga, v. to listen (to chiefs). Faafetai, v . to thank ; pass. faafe- Faafono, v. to call to . Faafua , v . to rise (as a wave or as a taia . Faafetaia'i, v . to cause to meet ; to ground-swell). Faafua‘ava, v . to do a thing with meet purposely. Faafetaui, v. to knock together ; to out consulting others concerned . jangle. . Faafualoa, see FaAUALOA . Faafete , v . to threaten without do. Faaſuāmanava, v. to be startled . ing ; to make a great show of a | Faafuase'i, đdv. suddenly. little. Faafuata, v. to carry between the Faafetuaoiai, v. to place alternately shoulders.

Faafe: agaʻi, see FESAGA' J.

different kinds of things. Faafuavaa, see FAAFUAʻAVA. Faafetuaoivai, v . to rinse a bottle | Faafulu , v . to be overdone.

with water. Faafutefutea, (l. puffed up, swollen Faafia, a prefix to verbs, signifying (as in sickvess ). See VENIA. Faagaau , s. a strip of cloth worn to pretend to , to assume. Faaha , a . pretending , assuming .

round the loins.

FaaGaalii, v . to assume to be a Faagaee, v. to stir ; to rouse up . chief.

Faagaepu, v . to stir up , to make

Faafiafia , v . to please. muddy (of water). Faafiamalosi, v. to pretend to be Faagaitoilo , a . tall and thin , lank . strong. Faagaoi, v. to steal from family con Faafiamatai, v. to assume to be a nections. matai. Faagaugau, v. to bend down, to Faafiamca , a . presumptuous, as bow down the head . suming . Faagaga , v. to ask permission . Faafiapoto , v . to assumeknowledge. Faafiapule, v . to assure the direc tion or appropriation . Faafiasili, v . to assume to be the chief or best. Faafiuola, v . to be beaten within an

Faagagao , v . to abuse indirectly . Faagagafu , i'. to feel sick .

Faagagalefamoe, v. to be sleepy . for absent friends); pass. faaga laia. inch of life ; to be sick almost to Faagalogalo, v. to forget ; to put | Faagala, v. to desire earnestly (as

death . from ones mind . Faafisi, v. to cause to entwine (as Faagase, v . to sit quiet and silent ; to hide behind anything ; redupl. the vine of a yam on a stick ) ; to faagasegase . add to a person 's words wresting

their meaning

Faagasegase, s. an epidenic, (ap

plied to chiefs). See FAAMA‘I.

Faafiti, v . to deny ; to refuse . Faafitiga , s. a denying . Faatoa , s. a boil.

Faagi, 1 v. to persuade a sick per Faagigis son to eat.

Faafoʻi, v . to cause to return ; to Faagogofala , v. to beg in a low tone bring back ; puss. faafoʻisia . of voice. Faafoʻiita , v. to cause anger to be Faalā , v . to expose to the sun . restrained ; to chiefs, faafoʻitoa - Faalaa , s. a stranger , (used with a tāma 'i.


negative in speaking of quarrels) :

they are not fualau ( strangers ),

FAAL 103 pl. faalalanu ; pass, faalanumia ;

but your own children .

with the instrumental particle ,


faalanuma' i. Faalaa , v . to pass one thing over another (as in twisting a rope with | Faalata , v. to cause to come near ; the hand ) ; to interrupt a speech . I to tame; to betray ; intens. faa Faala ‘ei'au , s. a messenger to call / latalata. out the troops for war. See LA - | Faalava , s. a cross bar ; wood in roof of a house running parallel EI'AU .

Faalai, v. to induce a man to bring with the wall-plate, purlin . food by raising false hopes of giv Faalava , a . across, cross. ing a daughter in marriage to Faalava,u. to place across ; to make him . up a complement ; recipr. faafe lavasa 'i. Faalao , v. to carry things prepara tory to work . Faalavaau, v. to kill (a chief) in war. Faalaolao, v . to finish up any work | Faalavalava , s . a weal, the mark of a stripe. (as weeding , housebuilding, & c. ) Faalā valava, v . to put on the laun Faalau , s. a large siapo.

Faalāua itele, v. to spread abroad a report .

Faalaufao, v. to shut in the sides of a house with thatch . Faalaulelei, v. tomake level; to ap pease anger .

luva ; to give clothes. Faalave, v. to take a turn of a rope, & c . ; to kill a champion ; to cas

trate ; to bring good property, in order to get the best ie in the toga to be divided .

Faalagatā , v. to give a blow in or- Faalavelave, s. a hindrance , an in der to commence a club match ; pediment ; a hinderer. to give the first speech . See FaA - Faalavelave , v. to hinder, to ob struct. ALATA . Faalagi, « . to compliment ; to call | Faaleaoga , v . to make of no value ;

over names and titles . See FaA to treatwith disrespect. Faaleaga , v. to abuse ; to il use. LUPE . Faalagilagi, v. to be angry on ac Faaleila, v . to be disrespectful (a term of abuse ). count of disrespect shown. | Faaleileia , v. to speak with the voice Faalagolago, v. to lean upon . Faalăla , s. scraped taro and cocoa

of an aitu (as when inspired to

deliver an oracle ). Faal eoigalua , 1 a , middling . Faalăla , a . beautiful. Faalalao , v. to laywaste, to destroy. Faaleogalua ) " . Faalalano, v. to bring death upon Faalēono, 1 a. shabby,unbecom . Faalēonomeasing by an ifoga . Faalalo , v. to stir up, to excite ; to Faalele , s. the name of one of the tell of the enemy's movements. circle of houses used in pigeon catching. Faalalo , v. to intercede. See Fau | Faalele , v. to cause to fly. LALO . Faalalolalo , s. self depreciation . | Faalelei, v. to reconcile ; to propiti . nut. See FaAUSI.

Faalaui, v . to cause, to produce (as ate an offended party. a quarrel or disease ). Faaleleo, v. to continue angry .

Faalanu , v. to wash oił salt water ; Faaleleo, adv. secretly. to remit punishment ; to remove | Faalelelelea , v. to allow to fly . offence by undergoing a penalty ; Faalēmigao, r. to be disrespectful.

FAAM Faalotolelei, v. to satisfy, to appease. Faalotoloto , v. to cherish revenge.

FAAL 104 Faalepa, v. to lie too ; to break off a speech for a time; to dam up or stop the course of running wa ter , Faalepo, s. a chief's dream . Faalētaupulea , a . ungoverned, law less . Faalētala, 7 v. to treat with unde Faalētalaēſ served contempt ; re dup. faaletalatalaē. Faalētatau, a. incorrect ; incongru

Faalotolotolua, v. to be in twominds, to be undecided . Faalotomalie, v. to satisfy ;. to ap pease ; as faalotolelei. Faalototoga, v. to be without love ; to be greedy ; to be revengeful. Faaluaʻi, see FAAMUAʻI. Faaluma, v. to stigmatize ; to cause to be reproached . Faaluma, s. a jester.

. ous.

Faaletino, a. relating to the body. | Faalumaga, s. a disgrace, a re

proach . Faalētonu, v. to be undecided . Faalevao, a . boorish , disrespectful. Faalupe, v. to be like a pigeon , (applied to an only child ). Faalevaleva, v. to lengthen (time). Faalevīvi, 1 a . insignificant, of no Faalupe, v. to compliment ; to call

and titles; redup. faa out names account, treated as lupelup Faalevóvol e. useless . Faali'a, v. to insinuate ; redupl. Faalupelupe, v. to be left alone, to be shunned .


Faalialia , v. to make a display. Faamā, v. to put to shame. Faalialiavale, v. to make a display Faamaai, v . to sharpen . causelessly . Faamaauga, v . to bemost excellent. Faaliu , v . to hollow out (as a trough, Faamaala vaina , v. to abuse side ways ; to provoke. & c.)

Faalifa, v. to draw in the abdomen . Faamaalili, v. to be chilly ; to be in the cold stage of fever. ritate , to provoke. Faamae, v. to put by a fish till it Faalili'a , v . to frighten . is mue . Faamaela , v. to laugh scornfully : Faaliliu , v. to turn round . Faalili, v . to teaze, to worry , to ir -

Faaliliu , a . covetous, (of one who

redup. faamaelaela. See FAAMA SUASU .

turns all to himself ).

Faalilo , v. to do secretly ; redupl. Faama‘i, s. an epidemic. faalilolilo. Faamā‘ioi. u. slow , sluggish , not Faalilolilo , adv . secretly . prompt .

Faaloaloa , v. to stretch out; pl. Faamailei, v. to entrap. Faamaise, v. to comfort those weep faaloloa. Faalogo, v. to hear ; to obey ; in - ing. tens, taalogulogo, to listen. | Faamaoʻi, v. to be in earnest ; to Faalogoese, v . to misunderstand.


speak the truth .

Fealoloa, v. to stretch outthe legs; | Faamaofa, v. to startle. plural of faaloaloa .

Faalolo‘i, v. to desire earnestly ; to be dark and lowering . Faalologo, v. to hold one's tongue; to be silent. Faaloloto, a . close- fisted , miserly , stingy.

Faamaoni, see FAAMAOʻI.

Faamau , s. a hinge ; a fastening . Faamau, v . to make fast ; to make a stand in war. Faamaualuga, v . to be proud . Faamaulalo, v. to be humble ; to humble oneself.




Faamaʻulu , v. to slip away quietly; Faamālū , v. to bathe (to chiefs). to steal off unobserved .

Faamalu , s. an umbrella .

Faama‘umaʻu , v. to endure , to bear Faamalu , v. to shade, to protect. with .

Faamāumau, v. to waste. Faamaunu , v . to bait a hook ; to

slacken a fastening ; to leave a saofaiga quietly .

Faamaupao, v. to stop from going on .

Faamalu´aiga, s. a strong stout man . Faamālumalu , v . to overshadow .

Faamāmā, v . to lighten ; to treat lightly ; to extenuate ; pass. faa māmāsagia . | Faamamā, v. to clean ; to lay Waste. Faamamalu , v . to protect.

Faamantū , v. to stand firm . Faamafanafana, v. to hearten, to Faamamanu, v. figured, carved . encourage , to cheer up. Faamamasa, v. to enclose fish at Faamafimali, v. to use threatenings. high water, leaving them to be Faamāfola , v. to spread outthe tin gers.

stranded at low tide ; to starve out.

Faamafolafola , v. to spread out; to Faamanaia , v. to dress up, to adorn ; explain . Faamatua , s. a decoy.

to act the manaia .

Faamanamana, v . to attribute an

Faamafulifuli, v. to waddle from

accident or misfortune to super natural power. See TUUMANA. side to side (as in contempt or Faamanatu , v. to remind , to put in

fatness ; to sway the body from anger ).

Faamaga , v. to open themouth ; to gape ; pl. faamamaga.

mind of.

Faamānava , v . to cause work to


Faamāgalo, v. tu remit a fine ; to Faamanavaīſ, v. to have a swollen forgive .

belly (of children ).

Faan alama, s. fire, a lamp; a win

Faamanū , v. to place a gift on the : dow . head , to thank . Faamālama, s. heathen customs (as Faamanu, v. to call out; pl. faa war , dançes, & c .) An introduced word .

mamanu .

Faamanu, v. to impoverish .

Faamalamalama, v. to cause to burn Faamanuia , v. to bless ; to make

brightly ; to make clear, to ex plain .

Faamalimali, a. disrespectful.

prosperous. Faamanuga , s. one method of fish

ing .

Faamalimali, v . to speak with great | Faamapā , v. to cause to crack ; to familiarity ; to talk disrespectmake a smacking noise. fully to ; pl. faamamali. | Faamapuna , v. to stir up the mud Faamalo , v . to act as a conquering 1 in water, to muddy ; to recall or party.

stir up old grievances.

Faamālofie, s . a chief' s dog ; a ble - Faamasa , see FAAMAMASA . mish in the body caused by an | Faamasani, v . to accustom . aitu .

Faamālofie , v. to make a display, to show off.

Faamasa vai, s. water-bottle emp tiers, (applied to children , as be ing useless in a canoe ).

Faamalosi, v. to strengthen ; to en - Faamäsiasi, v. to put to shame. courage ; to act with the strong

Faamasino, s . a judge ; a consul.

hand ; to act with vigour.

Faamasino, v. to examine ; to judge.

106 FAAM FAAN Faamāsofa , v. to upset ; to break | Fāamoega, s. a feast before war. down . Fāamoemoe , v . to expect, to hope ; Faamāsuisui, v. to begin to be in to prepare for war ; to lay wait for. labor, to have slight pains. Faamata, v. to sharpen ; to have a Fāamoemoega, s. hope. desire for.

Faamolemole , v . to make smooth ;

Faamata, a prefix expressing to look | metaph . to smooth down anger. like, to have the appearance of. Faamomo, v. to break to pieces ; Faamataai , v. to desire to eat fish ; intens. faamomomo . to have no appetite for ordinary food except there be something to

Faamu, v . to kindle , to set fire to . Faamua , s. a joke.

Faamua 'i, v. to forewarn . relish it ; pl. faamata 'a'ai. Faamua 'i, v . to send on a h -ad , pro Faamata 'u, v. to frighten . mising to follow and not doing so ; Faamatagā, v . to make ugly ; to make bad looking. redup. faamuamuaʻi. Faamatagataga , v . to make slack , Faamuamua, v. to send on ahead. to make loose .

Faamuli, v. to remain athomewhile

Faamatala , v. to loosen so as to be

others go ; to shout when a fish

easily untied ; to explain ; redup. 1

faamatalatala . Faamatalaloto , v. to comfort.

or a pigeon is caught. Faamuli-upu , v. to grumble after a

thing is decided on .

Faamatamaʻi, v. to look ill. Faarnumū, v. to cause to burn Faamatatiaiala, v. to gad about | brightly . Faamutu , v . to cut off a part, to sight-seeing .

Faamatavale, v. to be ugly ; to look mutilate . ominous ; to look half asleep . Faanā, v. to quiet a child ; to con Faamatelaina , v. to starve. ceal ; intens. faananā . Faamatū , v. to dry in the air or Faanau , v. to desire, to long for ; sun ; to drain sea eggs.

intens. faanaunau .

Faamatua , s. things prepared against Faanaʻuna'u , a . very great. the death of a parent. Faanaunauga, s. desire. Faamāvae, v . to take leave of, to Faanamusala , v. lit. to make to

bid farewell.

Faamea gotoimoana , v. to bury in oblivion .

Faameo , v. to fret, to chafe.

smell of punishment, (applied to those who had hitherto been un I punished ). Faanamutaua , v. (lit. to cause to

smell of war), to do some liostile MELE. | Faananămoina , v. to be all dead ; Faamemelo, v. to look at angrily . i to be laid waste . Faanyisa , a. quarrel:ome. Faanānāsua , , v . to rejoice in ; to Faamisa, v . to pick a quarrel ; to Faanānāsuaga ) delight to talk Faamele, v. to refuse , to reject ; to

depreciate, to disparage. See L

act to bring on a war.

stir up a quarrel.

about ; to show honor to . See

Faamoe, v. io put to sleep ; to pre-


pare a speech ; redup . faamoe- | Faananinani, v . to speak indistinct moe. ly ; to speak as a child .

Faamoe, v. to make a feast prepa- Faanapagofie, v. to prepare before ratory to war. hand , to be in readiness. Faamoega , s. a case, a sheath .



107 Faanape, v. to tie loosely ; to speak | Faapalalau , v. to put off on others; to be half hearted , in similes. Faanati, v. to be urgent; intens. Faapalapala ,v. to beremiss , to grow faanatinati. weary ; to be discouraged . Faaneenee, v. to“ praise ; to make | Faapale, v. to catch liquid in any much of, to pet. Faaneetaga , s. a praising.

thing .

Faapaleʻaute, s. a fine mat with a Faanefu, v. to make muddy, to stir | red border. up (water ). Faapālega, v. to be exempted from Faanenefu , v. to be indistinct ; to work ; to be made much of. See be dim of the sight and ofwords. FAANEENEE . Faanevaneva , v. to walk about idle ; | Faapalepale, v. to bear patiently .

pl. faaneneva . Faapāpā, s. a fiat cake (ofmasi). Faaniutū, v. to ascend straight (as Faapapafu , v. to be bulky and fat a columnofsmoke) ; to act proud from always sitting in the house Jy. (as a cripple or blind man ) ; to Faanifo , v. to make forked (as the eat all alone (as faaumuumuā ). end of a post). Faapapana, v. ( from pana ), to hin

der, to prevent, to keep under (as

Faanifo‘oti, s. a blubber knife . Faanifonifo, a . toothed , jagged , un even . Faanoanoa , v. to mourn , to grieve. Faanoanoaga , s. grief, mourning Faanoi, y . to ask permission . See FAAPOI.

Faanounou , v. to frown, to scowl. I Faanoʻuno‘u , v. to stoop , to bend the back .


disease, a war, & c. )

Faapapateaina, v. to be all dead . Faapātapata, v. to bully when help is near .

Faapāvaina, v. to talk on one sub

ject only ; to keep on doing one thing, going to one place, & c. Faape, v . to guess. Faapea , adv. thus.

Faanofo, s. a secondary wife intro Faapea, v. to say thus; to do thus. duced by the first ; the slow cry Faapcapea, v. to move off, to move out of the way. of the manutagi. Faanofo , v. to cause to sit up ; di- | Faapei, adv . like. minutive, faanofonofo. Faapefea , adv. how ? Faanogaʻi, v. to cease from , to rest. Faapelepele , v. to take care of, to Faanunu, v. to create a disturbance; make much of. intens. faanurununu . Faapenā, adv. like that. Faanūnū , v. to look displeased. Faapepē, v . to fester. Faapā , v. to cause to explode, to Faapepepepe, v. to hover ; to flut fire oft (as a gun ). ter about (as loose parts of the dress). Faapaʻitaʻu , s. jesting. Faapaolo, v. to shade ; to protect. Faapi'opi'o , v . to make crooked ; to act crookedly . Faupa'u, s . a frying -pan . Faapaʻū, v . to throw oneself down ; | Faapiu , v . to swing. to cause another to fall down. Faapiuga, s. a swing. Faapaʻūtao , v . to prostrate oneself. Faa pili, v . to bring near ; to de. Faapaupau , s. a heathen . coy ; pass. faapilia ; redupl. faa Faapaʻupa'u, v. to be scabbed over pilipili. Faapilia , , v . to place or hang up ( as a sore healing up ). Faapā'upā:u, v. to starve oneself. Faapilitia ) (as on the branch of a




tree ) ; to be caught or entangled ; | Faasauā, v. to be oppressive, to be to strain out (as musoa or soi tyrannical. through a strainer). Faasauaga, s. an act of oppression . Faasaulala , see FAASAVA. Faapito , v. to confine to. Faapo, v. to go out to work till Faasaunoa , v . to ill use , to damage.

night ; to kill ; to bring to a close Faasāusili, a. haughty, affecting superiority . the aigofie. Faapoa, v. to feed young children | Faasautamai, , v . to be imperious ; with fish .

Faapo ‘a , v . to castrate . Faapoi, v . to threaten to strike ; to

raise the hand in a threatening manner.

Faapologa, v . to enslave. ,

Faapolopolo, s. the firstfruits. Faapona , v . to knot. Faapopo , v . to dry . Faapopoa , v. to leave nuts to accu - '

Faasautoga ſ

to be oppressive,

See SAUA .

Faasautā , v . to shake (as a sail in

the wind ) ; applied also to a per son who, attacked on all sides, cannot reply . Faasautā, v . to refuse to acknow ledge lawful authority.

Faasaga, v. to direct to, to point to, to face to ; redupl. faasagasaga.

mulate on a piece of land ; to | Faasaga‘ese, s. a helved axe (to chiefs instead of toʻi). scent the water with fish in order to attract other fish . Faasaga‘ese, v. to go out bonita

Faapotopoto , v. to gather together,

fishing. See ĀLO .

Faasagafulu , v. to be ten nights old Faapotopotoga, s. an assembly . (of the moon ). Faapuā, v. to put a heavy fine on a Faasāgiti, v. to be cold . to assemble.

Faasala , v . to fine, to punish . small offence . Faapuée, v . to heap up . See Fau . | Faasalaē , v . to abuse indirectly ; to address one and mean it for ano PU 'E . ther . Faapuga, v. to crouch down (as from fear); to prepare to spring Faasalalau, v . to scatter. on (as a cat). Faasalasala , y. to be oppressive. Faapupula, v. to make to shine ; to Faasalofia , v. to be starved . explain . Faasamoa, a. according to Samoan Faaputu , v. to gather together custom . (things) ; redupl. faaputuputu . | Faasanisani, v . to entreat the sick Faaputuga, s. a gathering (of to eat ; to urge to make a will. Faasanosano , faasasano , v . to desire. things ). Faaputuputu , a . close together. Faasapasapa, a . aslant. See PUTUPUTU . Faasa pilima, v. to take from a re

Faasā , v . to make sacred ; to con - ' secrate ; to prohibit.

Faasaau , s. a piece of cloth worn as an apron .

lative without permission .

Faasapisapi, v. as fuusapilima; also to provoke ; to be saucy to rela tions.

Faasaei, v . to provoke. Faasāʻi, v. to upbraid .

Faasasa,v . to stand aslant; to speak

Faasao, v . to save, to spare.

Faasasau , v . to blow (the trumpet).

indirectly .

Faasa‘ o , v . to make straight ; to Faasasano , see FAASANOSANO. Faasavala, v . to long after some direct ; to explain . Faasau , 1 . to bedew . particular food .



Faasavili, v. to air ; to cool oneself in the wind.


togoingeat and destroy food before war. to

Faasee, v. to slide on the breakers. | Faasiva , v. to tie hands and feet together crossways, the left to the Faasee , s. a small shed built against the side of a house . right and the right to the left. Faasegao , s, a large mouthful. Fāasoa, v. to apportion , to distri Faasegosego, v. to blink from shortbute , to divide out. sightedness .

Faaselevei, v . to interrupt a speak er. See FAAFELEVEI.

Faasesē , v. to cause to go astray,

Faasoa , v . to seek a wife for ano ther.

Faasoasoa , v. to deliberate about

the distribution of food or pro

perty ; to be prudent. to mislead ; to bring the head of a canoe to the wind so as to leave Faasoata , s . crooked posts used in

the sail ftapping. Faasetoa , v . to express sympathy

building boat sheds and cooking hous es.

by setoa .

Faasoesa , v . to annoy . Faasevasevaloa , v. to be a vaga - | Faasoo , s. a war messenger. bond . Faasoo , v . to join together ; to en .

Faasiasia , a. haughty, contemptu ous.

Faasi-ugutu , v. to talk to a person while looking away from him .

croach on adjoining land. Faasoosoo , v. to deliberate about tlie distribution of food or pro perty. See FAASOASOA.

Faasi-ulā , v . to look askance, to Faasoosoogatā, a. incomparable. Faasola , v . to cause to run away. dart angry glances. Faasifo, v . to bow down, (applied Fāasola , v. to kill. to chiefs instead of ifo ) ; to de- | Faasologū , 2 . to answer indistinctly. vote to destruction ; to embrace Faasolomoo , v. to be slow and di Christianity . latory . Faasigano , v . to leave notches (as | Faasosoagaloto , v . to try means for in cutting a breadfruit in halves) ; 1 satisfaction sake, without much hope of success. to make upeven (as a necklace

with large and small beads) ; to | Faasualua , a . brackish . See Faa TAITAINONO. make dovetail. Faasili, v. to go beyond, to project ; | Faasuapanupanu , v. to make a butt to be superior ; intens. faasilisili. |

of, to continue to jeer at.

Faasili, v. to take off sleepiness by Faasufi, v. to endeavour to draw having a nap .

out a confession of guilt.

Faasiliilemauga, v. to sleep (chiefs). Faasūgalugalufale, v. to be bed Faasilitofo, v . to be relieved for a ridden . time; to have a partial relief in Faasulāmuaina , v . to act or talk sickness .

Faasino, v . to point out, to show ,

saucily or haughtily. See FAA SAPISAPI.

to point to ; pass, faasinomia .

Faasulusulu , v . to desert from illa

Faasisasisa, v . to have a misunder standing .

Faasusu, v. to suckle, to give the

usage (as a wife her husband , & c.)

Faasisila , v. to look on while food breast to . or property is being shared out in | Faata , v. to forbid . order to get a share. Faataa, s. the fibres of the cocoanut Faasisina,v . to cause to drop down ; ! ready twisted for making civet.

FAAT Faataa, v. to adze off the white | Faatāugā, v. to ill-use.



wood from timber. Faataulātu , 1 . to pretend to be a Faataafiti, v . to make restless ; tol taulāitu , to pretend to inspira cause to struggle (as an animal 1 tion . tied up ) ; to struggle . Faatāuma‘oi, v . to ill-use.

Faataali-oli'o, v. to encircle.

Faatāumanufua, v . to be laid on so

Faataalise, v. to make haste .

as just to touch without being

Faataalo , v. to make to sport ; pl. fastened ; to engage in anything , faataaalo . or to dwell at a place, temporari Faataaloga, s. playing , sport. ly ; to pay little attention to ; to Faataalutulutu , v. to shake the lutu ; I have no heart in . to shake against one another (as Faataunuu, v . to bring to pass . things in a basket half full). Faataamilo , v. to go round about ; intens. faataamilonilo .

gin . Faatausuai, v . to cause to stumble ;

to offend . Faataamilosaga, s. a tour. Faataape, v . to scatter ; intens. faa | Faatāutala , v . to ill use ; to bring taapeape. . disgrace upon . Faataataa , v. to let loose , to let go Faatāutonu, v . to keep on with some work just for appearances (of animals ) ; to bark a tree.

Faataatonu, v. to be lucky, to be fortunate .

while the principals are absent. Faatāutupe, v. to take place, (ap

Faataavalevale, v. to roll round and

plied to a war or a marriage ) . | Faatauvaa , a . of small account, of little value, trifling . Faataʻesea , v . to be refused , not to be received ; to be driven away . | Faatafa , s . a chief's illness. Faatai, v . to go to fish while others | Faatafa, v . to step on one side, to round ; pl. faataavavale.

go inland to the plantations ( faa - ' tafa get . out of the road ; pl. faata uta ). Faatai), v. to call out, to shout. Faatāfagafaga, v. to draw up all Faataimua , v . to predict a calamity.

the pola of a house.

Faatāitai, v. to make approaches to Faatafatafa , adv. on one side, indi (of one who formerly keptaway ). Faata 'itaʻi, v . to try, to prove ; to imitate. Faataitainono , u . brackish .

rectly. Faatafatoina , v . to be driven away

by one's people or kindred never to return ; to be disinherited .

Faataoto , s. a parable. faata‘otolia ; pl. faata'ooto.

Faatahti, s. the plaited cocoanut leaf forming the outermost cover ing of the ridge of a house . Faatau, 1 . to buy, to barter ; to Faatafiti, see FAATAAFITI. Faata' oto , v . to lay down ; pass.

Faatafuna, s. a place for rubbish . Faatāfuna , v . to lay waste . Faataga, v. to take off the sa , or Faatau, adv. equally , alike. prohibition ; redupl. faatataga . Faatauanau , 11 to importune. Faatāu'ata , v . to mock . See Tau . | Faatagā, v . to pretend to , to feign . Faatauemuſ EMU. Faatagata, s. an image, a sculpture , spokesman .

a picture . Faatau‘oa , s. a merchant. Faataufutimisa , v. to provoke a Faatagata , v. to dress out, to adorn . quarrel, See FAAMANAIA .




Faatagataotaua, v . to treat like cap - Faateřinoa , v. to call on a per: tives. Faate‘ite‘ivale ) son without hav Faatagataga, v. to put in readiness, ing any particular business. to have at hand . Faatefua, s. a widower ; a single Faatālaóese, v. to refuse saucily ; to man . disobey haughtily. Faatele , v. to enlarge, to increase .

Faatālaʻu‘ula, v. to take unwar- Faateleteleaʻi, v. to make laste , to run quickly ; to be oppressive, 10 rantable freedom ; to present un warrantable requests.

act overbearingly .

Faatalale , 1 . to neglect, to disre - | Faatemutemu, v. to take slighthold

gard , to take no care of. . Faatalanoa,


7 v . to take it easy, Faateva , v. to banislı .


to sit idle.

Faatali, v. to wait for ; redup. faa

Faatiau , v. to disembowel. Faatiu , s. a northerly wind.

talitali. Faataliaga , v . to lay a person on

Faatigā, v. a . to cause pain . Faatigā , v. n . to be in labor.

his back, (applied also to things). Faatigatigā , v. to be pained (as with

Faatamā, v. (literally, to be as a

travelling, work , & c.) Faatilitili, v. to be sparing of, to use sparingly . Faatama‘imaʻi, v . to be small, (ap plied to size , quantity , and men Faatioifu , v. to be cloudy. Faatinifuga , s. persons incapable of tal capacity ). Faatamaititi, v. to act like a little fighting Faatino, v. to grow stout ; to finish child ; to quarrel. plaiting the body of a double Faatamala , v. to procrastinate, to delay, to neglect, to be remiss. basket. Faatamatama, v. to act like a child Faatiti, v. to be dangerously wound ed . in dress and play . Faatano, 1 v. to humble oneself, to Faatitino, v . to be greatly increased Faatanoā ) debase oneself ; redupl. (as pain , drought, famine, & c.) faatanotano. Faatitipa, v. to be careless. fatber ), to wait on a chief.

Faatasi, a . Onice .

Faatito , v. to cast headlong , tu pre

Faatasi, v. to add to ; to join to

cipitate. Faato, v. to give over (as land sold

gether ; to be together.

Faatasi, adv. together. or given ) ; to curse. Faatatau , v. to fit ; to apply ; to Faato‘a , a . new ; first, (used as su imitate . perlative, O le fautoʻa ma'i tele). Faatataga , v . to eat food consecra ted to aitu .

Faateʻa, v. to cast off, to reject; to

Faato ‘a , v. to commence a planta

tion ; to cultivate ground for the

first time.

Faato‘a, adv . for the first tiine. Faate'aga, s. expulsion ; banish- | Faato‘aga , s. a plantation . expel.

Faatoatoa , v. to bear patiently, to endure. cousins who are marked with Faatoeaina , a . sedate, sober.


Faatei, s. younger brethren and their brother.

Faate'i, v. to startle. Faateine, v. to act the girl ; to dress out, to adorn .

Faato‘ese, v. to ask pardon , to apo .

logize, (used when relating the fact). See Toʻese. | Faatoilalo , v. to subdue.

FAAT 112 Faatoga, v . to beg, to entreat. Faatolo‘ulu , v . to find fault after a decision has been come to. See FAAMULIUPU . Faatololī, v. to make a grating noise. Faatonu, v. to direct ; to instruct ; to put right.


ing a sudden noise by calling ou i

tulou !

Faatulolo, a. bowing, inclining (ai a wall about to fall). Faatulu 'ipaepae, v. to be haunted . Faatulutulu , v . to drop.

Faatumau, v. to cause to stand fast. Faatumu, v . to fill.

Faatosaga , v. to act the midwife. Faatupolo , v. to act as a tupolo . Faatotomea , a . frugal, ( contractedFaatupu, v. to cause to grow ; to cause ; to raise ( a post ). from faatotoe mea ) . See PANA PA.

Faatupuloto , v. to provoke, to make

Faatotope, v. to be too rapid , (ap angry. plied to speaking and paddling ) ; Faatusa , s. a comparison . redup . faatopetope.

Faatu , v. to cause to stand up ; to

Faatusa , . to compare ; redup. faa

tusatusa ; pl. faatutusa.

place on end (as a post ) ; to ap - | Faatūtū , v . to ask for a share on

point ; pl. faatutu . FaASALA ( themore general word ).

Faatūā, v. to punish, to fine. See

food taken to visitors ; to ask a larger share of the same; to re

Faatuai, v . to prolong ; to put off ;

in order to quiet it.

to delay ; redupl. faatuatuai. Faatlaupua , v. to backbite. Faatuāma‘o , v. to tell somemessage

after the time for attending it is

fuse ; to walk about with a child

| Faatutue, v. to wait about for more

food after being already supplied . Faatūtūmalu , v . to act the protector

without having the power.

Faavā, v. to cause a rivalry ; redup . faavāvā . Faatuatua , v. to delight in some acquisition ; to hope for some. Faavaaasāga, v . to be treated as a thing promised ; to trust, to rely conquered party . on ; to cherish revenge. . Faavae, s. a foundation. See Noo Faatuatuaga , s. something to rely PA . on . Faavae, v. to lay the foundation . past..

Faatuatuana'i,v. (lit. to put behind Faavaegugu, v. to do a thing slowly and deliberately . the back ), to forget. Faatuiluia , v . to indulge angry feel Faavaevave, v. to hasten, to make haste. ings. Faatuu'ala , v. to refuse angrily ; to | Fāavai, v. to place in water; to soak . upbraid. See FAAʻALAALA. Faavai, v. to cook . Faatuumana, v. to apply an acci- | Faavaitausoa, s. winds at variance dent as being a judgment ; to re- I| causing rain . joice in another 's misfortune. Faavaivai, v. to make soft ; tomake Faatuutuu, v. to yield to ; to be tender ; to make watery. discouraged . Faavāivai, v. to weaken ; to lose Faatufugaga. s. carpenters' tools. I heart. Faatugā, v. (from tuyā ), to give Faavaoa, v. to let lie fallow . trouble (as by calling unexpect- Faavaotula , v. to be destitute of trees, to be desert. edly). Faatu 'i'ese, v. to object, to oppose. Faavaesape, s. a club foot.

Faatulou, v. to apologize for mak- | Faavaovaotoafa, s. a scrubby bush .




Faavauvan, v. to grieve, to nourn . | Fai-ai, v. to get food ; to bring up Faavagavaga , v. to sit all round in 1

by hand.

a circle ; to leave a space where Fāi-ai,s. the brain ; cooked juice of the chief is seated . the cocoanut. Faavāgana , v. to talk without eat. | Faiaina, 1. to be overcome. ing. Faiaga, s. antics, playing the fool; Faavalea , v. to act foolishly ; redup. improper conduct ( generally ). faavalevalea . Faianiuga, v. to comeafter thething Faavalemalosi, a . like a raving inad 1 is finished, to be too late, (always used with a negative). man, outrageous. . Faavalematua , v. to act as one in Faianaga, s. joking. his dotage ; redup. faavalevale- Faiaso , s. a cannibal; an oppressor. Faiaso, v . to be a long time ago. matria. Faavavau , s . a stone connected with Faiavā , v. to marry.

a legend .

Faavavau , v. to be perp.tual, to be

Faiʻili, s. a skate the bone and skin of which are used as a rasp.

lasting .

Faioso , v . to forage ; to s ek food Faavela , v . to burn , to set fire to , in war time. (before chiefs for susunu ). Faiulu , s. the teeth of a shark used Faavēvē, v. to do a thing by halves as scissors. Faiumu, s. a cook . or ineffectually .

to become, to happen. See Faavevela, v. to ripen by burying ; Faifai,v. also PEAPEA . to warm up.

Faavevesi, v. to put in commotion ; Faifai, v. to abuse ; pass. fāia . to create a disturbance ; redup . Faifaifeoloolo , v. to be better, to be faavesivesi. more tolerable.

Faaviivii, see Faaveve . Faifaimālie , v . to do a thing delibe Faavili, s. a drill. rately ; to act with moderation . Faavovosolo, I v. to go about in Faifeau, v. to go on a message. Faavovõtuio / crowds confusedly. Faifeau, s. a missionary , (by cor ruption of the above ). Faeme, s. the name of a fish . Fai, v. to do ; to say, to speak ; to

Failesia , V. an apologetic term used

get, to obtain , to possess ; to be

when dissenting from another : Ta faifes'a !

come, to be fur ; to make sail ;

to commit incest or bestiality ; to Faifelaui, v . to pay for ; to avenge . cohabit with ; pass. faia ; intens. Faʻituai iu . U to pick out an indi: i faifai. dual nodr tu punish .

Fai, s. the skate fish . Faiga, s. aiabusing ; labor pains ; Fa'i, s. the banana or plantain . See canotskeep ng together in rac ny . Mo‘ e . Faiga, s. the getting ; the making ; Fāʻi, see Fa . the doing . Faʻi, v. to break off ; to pluck ; to Faigā, s . diffi ult.

extract; intens. fa 'ifa i; pl fafa'i. Faigāmea, s. any occasion on which

Faiā , s. a bridge ; a matrimonial

property is given or exchanged

connection between two lands.

(asmarriage,hou .ebuilding , & c.);

Fā 'iā, 1 adv . exactly so ; that 's badly made property. Fa'ieaeā it, that 's true. Faigatā , a . difficult. See Faiga. Faiaai, s . a new settlement, a rew Faigofie , a . easy . village. | Failauga, s. a speaker. H

FAI FAU 114 Failāmatāfaga, v . to set sail as each Faʻitoga , s. one kind of banana. canoe is ready withoutwaiting for Faitoto , v . to take blood from the eye.

one another.

Failele , s. a suckling wiman , a wet - Faitoto ‘a , s. a doorway.

Faiva, s. a fishing ; a trade, an oc

nurse .

Failele, v. to suckle, to nurse.

cupation . Faivaāulima, s. an occupation weak

Fāimai, 24. come together, ( a call).

Fāimanu , s. a bird catcher, a sports L ening the arms ; metaph . a speech man . supposed to have given offence. Faimanu, 2 . Faivale, v . to act unbecomingly , to Faipala ſºs. species of the skate. act scurvily ; to commit incest .

Faipesega, v. to accompany music Fao, s. a wooden peg ; a nail ; a with singing. kind of punch used in making ca Faipo , v. to be long ago. See Fai noe's. ASO . Fao, v . to seize, to take violently , Faipule, s . a councillor, a ruler . I to rob ; pass. faoa. Faisoa, s. one who teaches the soa ; | Fao, v . to be upset, to be turned a man who has a large family and | bottom up ; to lie on the face. so exempted from the necessity Fao‘augutu, s. a small open canoe. of working. Fao‘ato, v . to pack in a basket. Faisoa, s. an odd one, (applied to Faofao, s. a long shell formerly used things counted by pairs ). as a punch in making the holes Faisoo, adv. continually : aso faifor lashing together the canoe. Faofao , v. to nail. soo.

Faisua, s. food taken to relations Faofale , v . to bring in , to cause to

when arriving in the neighbour

enter a house. Faofana, s. a screw . Fau , s. the name of a tree ; the

hood .

Faisua, s. the clam fish.


Faita , v. methought. See Fs. Faitaa , v. to commit fornication .

string for tying up the hair ; pe culiar ways of fastening on the

Faitaaga, s. fornication .

hook in bonito fishing ; the cir cular beams in a house.

Faita 'i, conj. but, nevertheless, (sel dom used ).

See Peitaʻl.

| Fau , v. to tie together, to fasten by

Faitau, v. to count; to read ; to get leaves to cover in the oven ; pl. faitau.

Faʻitafa , s. the top row in a bunch of bananas.

tying ; to build ; pass. fausia ; intens. faufau .

Fāua, s. saliva, spittle (as issuing from the mouth ). Fauā, v . to drivel.

Faitala , v. to give news ; to be a Faualii, s. a native custom in con talebearer ; pl. either of persons /

or things ; faitala .

Faitalia , v . as I, you , & c. please .

nection with exchange of pro perty .

Fauepa, v . to prepare the property

Faitama, v. to be motherly ; to take on which a dead chief is laid in state. care of its young. Faitioina , v. to be done under the Faui, s. the name of a tree.

eyes of those watching for faults. Fautaafalega, v . to betroth a child . | Faufau, v . to fasten on , to tie to Faititili, s. thunder. gether ; to feel sick . Faititili , v . to thundir. Faito aga , s. a delive er, a saviour. | Futautane, v. to betroth a daughter .

FAU Faufili, s. thecord used by a woman '

to fasten her burden to her brick . Fauflita , v . to come back empty - /

11.5 FAG taken to a fisherman preparatory to committing a fishing canoe to him ; hoarseness.

handed , (using the faufili to beat Fafai, v . to bring taro froin the off the flies ) . plantation ; to scrape off the outer bark from tutugu, & c. ; to abuse Faufilo , s. perineum (of the man ). Faugatā, a . difficult to be brought (pl. of fāifui). to obey the string by which a pi Fafa 'i, v. pl. of fa'i. Fafao, v . to pack into a basket ; geon is tied ; disobedient. püss, faoa and faoina. Fāula ‘i, v. to be leaped up ; to bound . Fafau, v . to fasten on (as an adze handle , or an outrigger ). Fāula'iga , s. a heap. Faulalo , s. the lowest fuu in a house. Fafaga, 2. to feed ; puss. fagaina . Faulalo , v . to intercede, to advise. Fafaga , s . a woman's burden . See FAUTUA . Fafagu, v . to waken , to rose from Fāulalo , v. to faston on the outrig | sleep ; pass fāgua ; intens.fagu fagu . ger so that the canoe may lie flat in the water ; to demean oneself , Fafano , v. to wash the hands and to humble oneself.

Fa‘u mai, v . impers. It is said .

inouth ; intens fariofano ; to mis carry, to abort.

Faumau , v . to hold firmly , to stick Fafano, a . made small by stretch to an opinion , & c.

ing (as string ).

Faupata , s. the name of a plant Fafasa, a. foolish , mad, crazed. from which white mats, native Fafasi, v . to force open (as the mouth ); to beat, (pl. of fusi). string, & c., are made. Fāupu'e, 1 . to be heaped up ; to Fafati, v . pl. of fati. be abundant. See FAULAI.

Faupuega, s. i heap.

| Fafatu , v . pl. of fatu .

Fafie , s. firewood .

Fausa, s. the woof ; a bundle of Fafine, s. a womail. taume or dry leaves ready for Fafo , prep. outside. Faga, s. a bay ; a Gsh trap ; a very burning Fausaga, s. a fastening.

acrid species of tuamu.

Fausala , v . to fasten on wrong the Faga , see LEFAGA. hook for bopito fishing Fāgai, s. the hiding place of the bird shooter. Fausogā , s. the name of a plant. Fautane, v. to betroth a daughter ; Fāga‘ilupe, s. the time of day about

intens. faufautane.

Tautua, v. to intercede. Sie Fau LALO . Fautuuaina , v

9 o 'clock . Fāgafao , s. an animal fed in the house.

unrestrained , un - | Fāgafaga , s. a small bay ; the uame

checked , (of a child left entirely of one kind of ti. Fagafaga, s. the hair at the tem to take its own way). Fauvae, s. the rope at the foot of ples. the net. See AFAVAE. Fagafagalasi, v. to lave many dit:

Fafa , v. to carry a person on the back .

ferent topics (of a speech ). | Fagaga , s. a herd .

Fafa, s. the S: moan hades. I Fagaloa, s. a deep bay: one species Eāfa , s. taro tops deruded of the of taro leaves and stalks ; cooked food | Fagasā , s. one species of the ti.



Fagatasi, see TOATASI. Fāgatua, v . to wrt.stle .

Făgatuaga, s. a wrestling.

Fägono, s. a tale intermingled with song ; boasting.

FAN | Falefale , s. placenta. See Faxca. Falegase , s. a numerous o spring

all dying ; things taken from a family by their aitu and buried to bring misfortune or death .

Falelavasi, v . to bury, (applied to high chiefs). Fagu, s. a small species of gourd ; | Falema‘o , s. a house made of ma'o.

Fāgota , v. to fish .

Fagotaga , s. å fishing .

the fruit of it used as a bottle ; a bottle .

Fagufagu, see Faragu. Fagufagu . s. a flute.

Faleniu , s . a house in which the

people of the land gather on the death of a chjef.

Faletama, s. the children of a poly

Fala , s. the name of a tree, (the gamist. pandanus); the pine apple; a Fālētele, v. to be not very large. Faletele , s. the large house of a fa sleeping-mat. Fāla, v . to clear the hole in which mily or of a village. | Faleto‘ a , s. a chief's sleeping house. the taro is planted . Fāletolu , v . to unite for any pur. Falafala, s. an old mat. Falafalana 'i, 2 . to lie down, to re p ose (three lands or villages) ; so cline, ( a term of respect) ; also also fālelua , fülefa, & c. Faletū , s . a family without a head . to take things easy . Fālaga, s. the work of clearing out Faletua, s. a small back house ; a the hole in which the taro is

planted . Falagā, s. the name of a tree.

chief's wife .

Falevao, s. a house made of com mon wood.

Falala , u . aslant.

| Falī, s. a species of grass. Fale, s. a house ; an umbrella . | Faliu , v. to turn , (of the sun after Tale, v . to dwell in (as in a house ). noon ).

Fale, prep. within , inside, indoors. Fāliu , v. to turn the head , to look back . Falea, a . full of houses. Faleauto , s. a stranger , an alien , a Falo , y . to stretch out. person residing away from his own Fālute, , v . to gather up evenly , land , ( a term of respect). Fālutelutes (as the ends of the ti Falealo , s. children of a chief by leaf in makinig a titi, a quantity different wives. of cloth , sheets of paper, & c.)

Faleʻese , s. a cooking -house , ( so Fana, s. a gun ; a syringe. called before chiefs). Fale -esea, v. to dwell apart (as a sick person , a husband driven away by his wife ). Faleoo, s. a small back house. Faleola , s. a house built of olumea ; a numerous offsp iig . Faleuli, s. a cooking house. See FALEʻESE . Fale -ulu , s. a breadfruit house.

Fana, v . to shoot.

Fanaʻasa , v . to shoot beside the mark , to miss. Fana e, v. to rise (of the moon ). Fāna'e, v. to rise ; redupl. fānaſe na' e. to commence to rise.

Fäna‘ ega , s. a number of aitu in one person. Fana 'ela , see FANAʻASA . Fana'io , s. the name of a tree .

Faleupolu , s. the body of citizens ; | Fānau, v . to bring forth ; to exude the people , ( a term of respect in gum ( as the mculi) ; pl. fanatisu : stead of wau). intens. fanafanu; pass. Panaua .

FAX Fānau , s. offspring , children .


moandouble canoe; an eminence;

Fanaliga , s. child -bearing ; off- '

a bluff point.

Fatāmanu, s. scaffolding . Fatāniga, s. a nest ; a number of

spring .

Fasauleau, v. to bring forth pre

snakes intertwined .

maturely .

Fanaupalasi, v . to have children in quick succession. Fanauseelā , s. a foot presentation . Fanafana , v . to fire off guns re. peatedly ; to go out shooting . Fanafanaga, s. a shooting . Fanafanua , s . a cannon . Fanamanu , s. a fowling-piece ; In


Fātataiga, s. chiefs and heads of families who compose the coun |


Fati, s. a tune.

Fati, v. to break (as waves) ; to break off (as twigs of trees) ; pl. fafati ; pass. fatia ; redupl. fati fati; recipro . fefatifatia ‘i.

Fatia ‘ina, v. to relapse (as in sick dian shot. Fänase , v . to doctor the eye . ness). Fanavale, v . to shoot beside the Fatiatāma‘i, s. unevennesses in the ground ; abrupt rocks standing mark , to miss. Fano , v . to die , to perish ; to be in the road . made ai end of.

Fātitua, v. to alter plans,to change

themind . Fano, adv. along, passing along . Fanoauluga, v . to die off one after Fatiuli, v. to steal, (a term of ridi another. cule and contempt). Fanofano, see FAFANO. Fatifatiala, v. to benear being born . Fanua, s. land ; the fastening of Fatipā, a. shady, (only used in poe the bonito hook ; placenta .


try ) .

Fanuāmamala , s. the name of a Fatisosoe, s. a thief. See FATIULI. tree .

Fato , 2. to eat, (only used in abuse ). Fatu , s. a stone ; the core or stone Fasa, s. the name of a tree . of fruit ; seeds ; the heart ; the Fasa , a . foolish , mad , crazy ; regizzard ; a song. dup . fatasa . Fatu , a . haid , (applied to wood , as Fasatasa , s. the name of a tree. fau fatu , fu'ufura futu ). Fasi, s. a piece ; a place ; the pri- Fatu , v . to make a titi ; 10 com vate parts, (with o genitive ). mevce plaiting ; to fasten floats Fanuatanu, s. a stone pavement.

Fasi, v . to beat ; to kill ; to split ; to a net ; to compose a song ; to pl. fafasi ; intens. fasifasi ; pass. raise a false report. fasia , pi, fasia . Fātua'i, 2 . to lay up in the memory .

Fasioti, v . to kill ; pass. fasiotia . Fisifasi, y . tu split up in pieces ; to continue beating .

Fasiga, s. a beating. Faia , s. a raised house for storing I

yams in ; a shelf ; a hand bar.

Fatuāua, s. the came of a shellfish . der on which theburden mists. Fatuamoa , v . to have i swollen

Fatuamo, s. the part of the shoul

shoulder froin bearing burdens ;

to be hard worked .

row ; a bier. Fatuʻamu, s. a heap of 'amu ,made to attract fish . Fata, v. to carry in a futa. Fatai, v . to sit crosslegged ; pl. fā - Fatuati, s. a heap of stones and tatai.

coral to attract tish

Fatafata, v . the chest, the breast. Falu'ulu , v . to thatch over old Fatalele, s. a part of the old Sa thatch ; to store up g.ievances.




Fatufala, s. a species of breadfruit. Fe'a!oʻalofa'i, v. to evade, to make Fātufātu , ) v. to fold up ; to lay


Fātufātua'i, { up words; to ponder Fealofa 'i, v . to commit adultery or Fātufātui ) carefully . fornication secretly. Tatufatua, a . stony ; having small | Feālofaʻi, 2 . (pl. of ūlo ), to paddle. stones. Fe'alofi, v . pl. of 'ulo . Fatufua , 1'. to raise a false report ; Fealuaʻi, 1 v . to go about, to go up Fealuma‘is and down , to walk to accuse falsely. Fatuga , s. thi timbers to which the barkwards and forwards ; redup.

puilius of a house are fastened. I fealualua‘i. Fatuga'o, s. the kidneys.

Feanu, v. to spit.

Fatugugu , s. a fatty tumour. Fatulau , s. old thatch .

Feasofa 'i, v. to rush upon ; to run madly about.

Fatumanava, s. the motion of the Feasogi, v. to salute by rubbing heart .


Fatumatau , s. a worn -out hatchet.

Feʻatani, v . (pl. of 'ata ), to laugh.

Fatupese , le s. aa poet. Fatusiva

Feavca 'i, v. to be a talebearer.

Feavitia 'i, v . to tell a tale in differ Fatuto ‘i, s. a worn -out hatchet. ent ways ; to prevaricate. See Aviti. Fatutū , s. a heap of stones in the sea left for a long time without Feāvea'i, v . (recipr. of ave), to take the fish being disturbed ; an in about. dustrious man . Fee, s. the cuttle fish . Fātuvalu , s. a bad siupo. . Feefee, s. elephantiasis. Fe, a prefix to verbs, with i, a' i, Feetietia ‘i, v. to bedriven from post ta 'i, uni, & c. suffixed , for the to pillar ; to be ordered on differ most part denoting reciprocal ac- ' ent messages at the same time. tion , but in some instances only

Feira , s. ornamentally marked na

forming a plural.

tive cloth . Feitaga'i, v. (recipr. of ita ), to hate mutually. Feilatani, v . (pl. of ita ), to hate.

Tea , adv . where ?

Fraʻei, 1. (pl. of a'e ), to climb . Fitai, a . fierce, savage.

Feao, v. to guard , to protect; to Feiteitea 'i, v. to see indistinctly (as keep one company. Feaotaʻi, v . to collect together from

different places. See Ao. Feʻau , s, a message. F'eau , 1 . to send for.


at twilight) ; to be distinguisha ble : as, Ua feiteilea-i uitu ma tagata .

Fe'iietele , s. the moon a little past full.

Feausi, v. (pl. of “aau ), to swim . Feofeo, s. branching coral. Feagai, v . to be opposite each other; ¡ Feoloolo , v . to be moderated , to be to correspond ; to dwell together improved , to be better. (as a chiet with his people ).

F + ū , a . pungent, acrid .

Feagaiga, s. an established relation - | Feū, v. (pl. of u ), to bite. ship b tween different parties (as Fē'uʻua'i, v. to mutually lay hold between brothers and sisters and of. their children , chiefs and tula - Feu-ua'i, / v. to jostle ; to move a fale ); arlopted to mean generally Feuʻuna‘il boundary backwards and forwards. Fe-alasi, v . to smart. See A ' ALA. Feufeu , a . tough . an agreement, a covenant.


Fefe , s. fear.



Fenavunavuaʻina, v. to be beaten

Fefe , v. to be afraid ; to be wrin - 1

about the head with a club.

kled , to be shrivelled ; pl. fefefe. Fenū , v. to make a join in plait ing , & c. Fefeu Fefena, )} a. tough . See Feufeu . Fepanipania'i, v. to ply with blows Fr-filoi, v. to mix . Fefoʻifoʻia'i, v. to be fickle. Fegalegalea 'i, v . to be driven first

one army and then the other.

Feganavai, v. (recipr. and pl. of

or words.

Fesaʻeaina, v. ( from sasa 'e), to be torn to pieces.

Fesaeiaina, v . (from saei). to be

pulled to pieces.

gagana), to speak to one another. Fesaga'i, v . to be opposite each other. Fela , s. ectropion ; the eye (only in abuse ). Fesanui, v . to whisper together. Felaʻu, v. to scratch ; to scratch in . Fesiitaʻi, v. to lift from place to decently .


Felaulau, W . to sail about.

Fesiiti, v. to take in the lap (as a

Felaulaua'i, v . to spread out quick

child ) . Fesili, s. a question . | Fesili, v . to question , to ask a ques against one. Felaʻulaʻuaʻi, v. (from laʻu ), to be tion . | Fesilia -i, v . to pass one another un a tell-tale. ly ; to bring various charges

Felaulautasi, v . to be the alone wittingly . speaker (with whom none con - | Fesoani, v . to accompany another. tends for the privilege of speak | Fesoasoani, v. to help , to assist. Fesusui, v. (pl. of susu ), to suck . ing ).

Felātaʻi, v. (pl. of lata), to be near Fetaaloloa'i, v. to be in confusion together.


(as a crowd moving backward and v. to be intertwined , - forwards).

Felavelavea'is to be intricate , to Fetai, s. the name of a creeping plant. be involved. Felefele, a . bushy ; complicated, Fetaʻi, v. to lead others. involved .

Filotoiaʻi, v. to be intermixed . Feluani, v. (from luu , two ), to go

Fetāʻi, v . ( from ta ), to fight with

clubs ). Fetaia 'i, v . to meet.

two together. Fetaiaigafa , v. to connect by mar . riage. Feluuluu , v. to fill the hands with | Fetaʻitaʻi, v. to take ho 'd of hands. several different things. Femaomaoga'i, v. to do mutually a | Fetaolafa'i, v. to make the fire burn

thing to no purpose. See MAO . I brightly . Femeina'i, v. pl. of meu ; also , to | Fetaoma‘i, s. one kind of banana . Fetaoma'i, v. (pl. of tutao ), to do quickly .

Fememea'i, v . to be confounded . Femili, v . to rub together.


Fetau , s. the name of a tree.

Femo‘ei, v. (pl. of momoʻe ), to run . Fetau , v. to reproach , to upbraid .

Fena, s. the name of a tree. See / Fetaui, v. to clash together (as two "Oli. trees falling ). Fena, s. sleepiness , weariness, ex - Fetaufetulia‘i, v . (recipr. of taufe haustion : as, Da tu le fena . Fewavinavia -i, see FelavELAVEA“ .

tuli), to run about.

Fetaula 'i, v. to meet as two roads) ;

FIL 1:20 FET to have a concurrence of misfor- Fetulia, r. to run after, to give chase tunes.

to .

Fitaulaigā-ala , s. a place where two Fetuliga, s. a chasing. roads meet. Fetutaʻi, v. to join by a knot; pl. Ftiagoh , v. (pl. of tago), to tale hold of.

fetututa 'i. | Fia , a . three. See Tolu .

Fetā la ‘i, v. to confess one to ano. Fia, v. to wish, to desire . ther in order to ascertain forwhose Fia, a particle suffixed to some verbs sake one of the family is ill.

to form the passive.

Fetalai, v. to speak , (used of chiefs ). Fia , adv. how many? Fetalaiga , s. a chief's word ; a chief's Fiainu , s. thirst. Fiaui, s. a dark kind of pigeon . speech .

Fetaniga, see FATANIGA. Fetimaʻi, see FETOMAʻI.

Fiaia , s. joy , delight.

Fiafia , a . joyful.

Ferina'i, v. to be pressed together ; Fiafia , v. to rejoice, to be delighted . | Fiasega , s. one kind of umbrella to be choked for room . plant. Feto , s. the eyes, (only used in | Fiu , v. to be wearied of, to be tired

abuse ).

of. Tetoʻai, v. to clash together, to fall or run one against another. Fili, s. the small intestines. Fetoaʻi, v. to be undecided , to be of Figota , s. the general name for two niinds ; to take what belongs

shelltish , including those of a ge

to another in mistake for your

latinous nature.

own .

Filelei, I a. quiet, easy ; redup. fifi

Fetogi, v. (pl. of toyi), to stone, to Filemu s lemu. throw at. s. one who is hated by ano Fetolofi, 1. (pl.of totolo ), to creep, Fili,ther.

to crawl. Fili, v . to plait ; pl. fifili. Fetomaʻi, v. to mutually encourage. Fili, v . to be entangled , to be in Fetū , s. a star. volved , to be intricate ; to choose,

Fetūao, s. the morning star.

to select ; to deliberate ; intens.

Fetuana'i, v. to convey from one


place to another, (applied to the Filitiliga, s. a deliberation . non combatants in war taken

Filifuea, v . to be entwined and

about for protection ); to sit with choked by the fue. I| Filigā, s. perseverance, diligence. the backs to each other.

persevering. Fetuatuana‘i,v. to sit with thebacks Filigā, a. diligent, be persevering , to to each other ; to be at variance. Filigā , v . to

Fetui, v. to pile the stones of the oven on the firewood . Fetuu, v . tu) curse .



Filiga, s. the quantity of cinet plait ed .

Fetuua'i, v. to accuse falsely one Filigata , s. a number of snakes in tertwined . See EEGA.

after another.

Fetuutuuari, 1 v. to be taken from

Fetuutuupa 'i

Filimoto , s . the name of a tree.

one branch of the Filitaa , v. to prefer, to give the pre

family to another.

Fetūlele , s. a slıooting star. Fetuleni, v . ( from tulei), to press on

one another, to crowd upon .

ference to .

Filo, s. twine ; thread. Filo , v. to mix ; pl. febloi.

Filoa, s. the name of a fish .



121 Foaga, s. the young of wild birds.

Filou 'a , s. envy.

Foagafanua, s. pigeonshatched early Filofiloa, s. the name of a tree. Filotai, s. the name of a shellfish . I in cultivated land.

Fimalie , adv. easily, gently ; intens. Foagamagogo, s. pigeons hatched fitinalie .

at the same time with the gogo.

Finau, v. to strive, to contend ; in- | Foe, s. a paddle. tens. finafinau ; recipr. fefinaua'i. Foeuli, s. a steering paddle ; a rud der ; a steer-oar. Finauga, s. a disputation . Finaumāua' i, v. to persevere till ob - | Foemua , s. the bow paddle. Foemuli, see FOEULI. tained . Finauvale, v. to be obstinate . Fo‘i, v. to return ; pass. foʻisia . Finagalo , s. a chief's will or desire; Foʻi, conj. also ; a diminutive in the liver . qualifying assertions ; as, Sa un foʻi, It did rain , but not much . Finagalo , v. to will, (to chiefs). Fo‘isa 'i, v. to send back . Finagaloa , v . to be angry, Fisaga, s. a gentle north -westerly Foʻisaga , s. the place from which a party returns; the party who re

wind .

turn .

Fisi, v. to peel; to entwine as a vine

Fou , a , new , recent. Fou, v. to rise against; to attempt. Fouvale, v. to rebel. Fofo , v. to doctor. See Fo. Fofo‘a, v. to eat loathesome food ;


Fiso , s. a species of reed ; the flow er of the sugar cane. Fisoa, s. a plant. Fitā , s. a steep place; food brought to visitors : as, Faafetai fita !

Fitā , a. difficult.

a. name courageous. Fitafita, Fiti, s. the of a plant; one


to eat voraciously .

Fofoa , v. to break the shell, to

hatch ; to begin a taro planta tion .

kind of song borrowed from Fiji ; Fofo‘e, v. to skin ; to bark ; pass. foʻea. a somersault ; a game. Fiti, v. to tillip ; to give a portion Fofoga, v. to sing a song . Fofoga, s. a chief's heait, face, eye, mouth, tongue, or ear. Fofola, see FOLA. for war. Fitipuu, s. a short fiti used in the Fofolo, v. to go and look on in or of food ; pl. fitititi.

Fitiā , v. to be restless with desire

der to get food . game of fiti. Fiioi, s. a brother or sister to whom | Fofomomono , see FuAFUAMOMONO . to look for assistance. ( See U ). | Fofono , v. to send on a message one Fitu , a . seven .

who has just come in ; to send to

forbid a party coming on . Fo, s. the name of a fish . Fo , v. to doctor, to apply remedies; | Fofota, v. to have elephantiasis in scroto ; to be always sitting about. redlip . fofo ; puss. foia . Foa, v. to chip (as a hole in a shell); Foga, s. the hair tied up in a knot; to break (as a rock ) ; to break a knot of false hair .

(the head) ; redup . foafoa. Foa, s. a fracture of the head . Foa'i, v. to give ; pass. foaiina and foa ‘ia. Foafoa , s. the trumpet shell.

Foaga, s. a grindstone.

Foga‘ele ele , s. the surface of the earth . Fogaitua , s. the knot of hair tied on the top of the head when about

to tight. | Fogau , s. a setter of broken bones.



Faatoga,v. to beg, to entreat.


! ing a sudden noise by calling ou

Faatoloʻulu , v . to find fault after a tulou ! decision has been come to . See Faatulolo, a . bowing , inclining (ai FAAMULIUPU . a wall about to fall).

Faatololi, v. to make a grating Faatulu ‘ipaepae, v. to be haunted. noise.

Faatonu,v. to direct; to instruct ;

Faatulutulu , v. to drop . Faatumau , v . to cause to stand fast. Faatumu, v. to fill.

to put right. Faatosaga, v. to act the midwife . | Faatupolo, v . to act as a tupolo . Faatotomea , a . frugal, (contracted Faatupu, v . to cause to grow ; to cause ; to raise (a post). from faatotoe mea ). See PANA

Faatupuloto, v. to provoke, to mak


Faatotope, v. to be too rapid , (ap .


plied to speaking and paddling ) ; Faatusa , s. a comparison . redup . faatopetope. Faatusa, v. to compare ; redup. faa Faatu , v. to cause to stand up ; to tusatusa ; pl. faatutusa . place on end (as a post) ; to ap - | Faatūtū , v . to ask for a share on food taken to visitors ; to ask a point ; pl. faatutu .

Faatūā, v. to punish , to fine. See

larger share of the same; to re FAASALA (themore generalword ). fuse ; to walk about with a child Faatuai, v. to prolong ; to put off ; in order to quiet it. to delay ; redupl. faatuatuai. Faatutue , v. to wait about for more Faataupua, v. to backbite. food after being already supplied . Faatuāma‘o , v. to tell somemessage Faatūtūmalu , v. to act the protector

after the time for attending it is without having the power. | Faavā , v . to cause a rivalry; redup. Faatuatua, v. to delight in some 1 faavāvā . past..

acquisition ; to hope for some. Faavaaasāga, v . to be treated as a thing promised ; to trust, to rely conquered party . on ; to cherish revenge. Faavae, s. a foundation . See Noo Faatuatuaga, s. something to rely PA . on . Faavae, v. to lay the foundation .

Faatuatuanaʻi, v. (lit. to put behind Faavaegugu, v. to do a thing slowly the back ), to forget.

and deliberately.

Faatu 'i'ese, v . to object, to oppose. Faavaesape, s . a club foot.

Faatuiluia , v. to indulge angry feel Faavaevave, v. to hasten , to make ings hast .


Faatuu'ala , v. to refuse angrily ; to Fāavai, v. to place in water ; to soak . upbraid . See FAAʻALAALA. Faavai, v. to cook . Faatuumana, v . to apply an acci- Faavaitausoa, s. winds at variance dent as being a judgment ; to re causing rain . joice in another's misfortune.

Faavaivai, v. to make soft ; to make

Faatuutuu , v . to yield to ; to be tender ; to make watery. discouraged . Faavāivai, v . to weaken ; to lose

Faatufugaga. s. carpenters' tools.


Faatugā , v . (from tuyā ) , to give | Faavaoa, v. to let lie fallow . trouble (as by calling unexpect- Faavaotula , v . to be destitute of edly ). trees, to be desert.

Faatulou, v. to apologize for mak. | Faavaovaotoafa, s. a scrubby bush .



Faavauvall , v. to grieve, to niourn. | Fai'ai, v. to get food ; to bring up Faavagavaga , v. to sit all round in by hand.

a circle ; to leave a space where | Fāi'ai, s. thebrain ; cooked juice of the cocoanut. the chief is seated. Faavāgana, v . to talk without eat. | Faiaina, v. to be overcome.

ing .

Faiaga, s. antics, playing the fool;

Faavalea, v . to act foolishly ; redup. improper conduct (generally ). faavalevalea. Faiamuga, v . to comeafter the thing Faavalemalosi, a. like a raving inad - is finished , to betoo late ,(always man , outrageous.

Faavalematua , v. to act as one in

used with a negative). Faianaga, s. joking.

his dotage ; redup . faavalevale- | Faiaso , s. a cannibal; an oppressor. mata.

Faavavau , s. a stone connected with

Fāiaso, v . to be a long time ago. Faiava, v . to marry.

Faiʻili, s. a skate the bone and skin Faavavau, v. to be perp.tual, to be 1 of which are used as a rasp . a legend .


Faavela , v. to burn , to set fire to ,

Faioso , v . to forage ; to sek food

in war time.

(before chiefs for susunu ). Faiulu , s. the teeth of a shark used Faavēvē , v. to do a thing by halves as scissors . or ineffectually .

Faiumu, s. a cook .

Faavevela , v. to ripen by burying ; Faifai, v. to become,to happen . See also PeaPEA. to warm up . Faavevesi, v. to put in commotion ; Faifai, v. to abuse ; pass. faia . to create a disturbance ; redup. Faifaifeoloolo , v . to be better, to be more tolerable . faavesivesi.

Faaviivii, see Faaveve. Faifaimālie , v . to do a thing delibe rately ; to act with moderation . Faavili, s. a drill. Faavovosolo , I v. to go about in Faifeau , v. to go on a message.

Faavovõtuio ) crowds confusedly. Faifeau, s. a missionary , (by cor Faeme, s. the name of a fish . ruption of the above ). Fai, v. to do ; to say , to speak ; to Failesia , v. an apologetic term used get, to obtain , to possess ; to be when dissenting from another : come, to be fur ; to make sail ; | Ta faifes a ! to commit incest or bestiality ; to | Faifeiaui, v. to pay for ; to avenge.

cohabit with ; pass. faia ; intens. Fa'ifuai iu . U to pick outan indi: i faifai. Fai, s. the skate fish .

dual no d r tu punish .

Faiga, s. ai abusing ; labor pains ; Faʻi, s. the bananaor plantain . See ! canoes keep ng together in rac ny . Moʻe.

Fā'i, see Fa.

| Faiga, s. the getting ; the making ; the doing .

Faʻi, v. to break off ; to pluck ; to / Faigā , s . diffi ult .

extract; intens. fa ‘ifaʻi; pl fafa‘i. Faigāmea, s . any occasion on which Fājā , s. a bridge ; a matrimonial property is given or exchanged connection between two lands. (asmarriage, hou ebuilding, & c.); Fa'iā ,

1 adv. exactly so ; that 's

Faʻieaca s it, that's true. Faiaai, s. a new settlement, a rew


badly made property .

Faigatā , a. difficult. See Faiga. Faigofie , a . easy.

| Failauga, s. a speaker.



FAU Failāmatāfaga, v. to set sail as each Faʻitoga, s. one kind of banana. canoe is ready without waiting for | Faitoto , v . to take blood from the one another.

eye .

Failele, s. a suckling wiman , a wet - | Faitotoʻa , s. a doorway. nurse. Failele , v . to suckle, to nurse. Faimai, 2 . come together, ( a call).

Faiva, s. a fishing ; a trade, an oc cupation . Faivaāulima, s. an occupation weak

Faimanu, s. a bird catcher, a sportsl

ening the arms ; metaph. a speech supposed to have given offence. Faimanu , 2 . Faivale, v . to act unbecomingly, to { s. species of the skate. Faipala S . act scurvily ; to commit incest . Faipesega, v . to accompany music Fao, s. a wooden peg ; a nail ; a with singing. kind of punch used in making ca Faipo , v. to be long ago. See Fail nofs. ASO . Fao, v. to seize , to take violently , Faipule, s . a councillor, a ruler . I to rob ; pass. faoa. Faisoa , s. one who teaches the soa ; | Fao, v. to be upset, to be turned a man who has a large family and | bottom up ; to lie on the face. so exempted from the necessity Fao‘augutu, s. a small open canoe . of working, Fao‘ato , v. to pack in a basket. Faisoa, s. an odd one, (applied to Faofao, s. a long shell tormerly used as a punch in making the holes things counted by pairs). Faisoo, adv. continually : aso faifor lashing together the canoe . man .

soo . Faofao , v. to nail. Faisua, s . food taken to relations | Faofale, v . to bring in , to cause to

when arriving in the neighbour hood.

Faisua, s. the clam fish . . Faita, v . methought. See Fa.

enter a house. Faofana, s. a screw .

Fau, s. the name of a tree ; the string for tying up the hair ; pe

Faitaa , v. to commit fornication .

culiar ways of fastening on the

Faitaaga, s. fornication . Faita 'i , conj. but, nevertheless, (sel-

hook in bonito fishing ; the cir cular beams in a house .

dom used ).

See PEITA “).

Faitau, v. to count; to read ; to get leaves to cover in the oven ; pl. faitau.

Fau , v . to tie together, to fasten by tying ; to build ; pass. fausia ; intens. faufau .

Fāua, s. saliva, spittle (as issuing from the mouth ).

Faʻitafa, s. the top row in a bunch of bananas . Fauā, v . to drivel. Faitala , v . to give news ; to be a ' Faualii, s. a native custom in con

talebearer ; pl. either of persons / nection with exchange of pro or things ; faitala .


Faitalia , v . as I, you, & c. please. Fauepa, v . to prepare the property Faitama, v . to bemotherly ; to take on which a dead chief is laid in state . care of its young. Faitioina, v. to be done under the Faui, s. the name of a tree. eyes of those watching for faults . Fāufaafalega, v . to betroth a child . Faititili, s. thunder. Fāufau , v. to fasten on , to tie to Faititili, v. to thundir. gether ; to feel sick . Faito aga , s. a delive er, a saviour. Futautane, v. to betroth a daughter .


FAU Faufili, s. the cord used by a woman

taken to a fisherman preparatory

to fasten her burden to her brick . I Fautilita , 1 . to come back empty -

to committing a fishing canoe to him ; hoarseness.


hauded, (using the faufili to beat Fatai, v. to bring taro from the off the flies ) . plantation ; to scrape off the outer Faufilo , s . perineum (of the man ). I

bark from tutuga , & c . ; to abuse

Faugatā , a . difficult to be brought (pl. of fāifai). to obey the string by which a pi Fafa 'i, v. pl. of fa 'i. Fafao, v . to pack into a basket ; geon is tied ; disobedient. püss. faoa and faoina. Fāula ‘i, v. to be leaped up ; to abound . Fafau, v. to fasten on (as an adze handle , or an outrigger'). Faula'iga , s. a heap. Faulalo , s. the lowest fuu in a house. | Fafaga , 1 . to feed ; puss. fagaina . Faulalo , 2. to intercede, to advise. Fafaga, s. a woman 's burden .

See FAUTUA. Fāulalo , v . to faston on the outrig -

Fafagu, v. to waken , to rouse from sleep ; pass. fāgua ; intens. fagu

fagu . ger so that the canoe may lie flat in the water ; to demean oneself, Fafano, v . to wash the hands and to humble oneself. inouth ; intens farofano ; to mis

Fa'u mai, v .impers. It is said . Faumau, v . to hold firmly , to stick to an opinion , & c.

carry , to abort.

Fafano, a . made small by stretch

ing (as string ). Faupata, s. the name of a plant Fafasa , a . foolish , mad, crazed. from which white mats, native Fafasi, v . to force open (as the

string, & c., are made. mouth ); to beat, (pl. of fusi). Fāupure , 2 . to be heaped up ; to Fafati, v. pl. of fati. be abundant. See Faulal. Fafatu , v. pl. of fatu . Fafie , s. firewood . Faupuega , s. a heap .

Fausa , s . the woof ; a bundle of Fafine, s. a woma .

tuume or dry leaves ready for Fafo , prep. outside. Faga, s. a bay ; a fish trap ; a very

burning .

Fausaga, s. a fastening.

acrid species of thamil .

Fausala , v . to fasten on wrong the Faga , see LEFAGA. hook for bonito fishing . Fāgai, s. the hiding place of tlie

Fausngā , s. the name of a plant. 1 bird shooter. Fautane, v . to betroth a daughter ; | Fagaʻilupe, s. the timeof day about intens. faulautane.

9 o'clock .

Fautua, v. to intercede . Sie Fau . Fāgafao, s. an animal fed in the house. LALO .

Fautuuaina , u unrestrained , un- | Fagafaga , s. a small bay ; the uame checked , (of a child left entirely of one kind of ti. Fagafaga, s. the hair at the tem to take its own way). Fauvae, s. the rope at the foot of ples. Fagafagalasi, v . to lave many dit: the net. See AFAVAE. Fafa , v . to carry a person on the ferent topics (of a speech ). back .

Fafā , s. the Samoan hades .

Fagaga, s. a herd . Fagaloa, s. a deep bay ; one species

Fáfa , s. taro tops denuded of the of taro leaves and stalks ; cooked food Fagasā , s . one species of the ti ,




Fagatasi, see TOATASI.

Falefale , s. placenta. See FANUA.

Fāgatua , v . to wrestle .

Falegase, s . a numerous 09spring

Făgatuaga, s. a wrestling .

Fägono, s. a tale intermingled with song ; boasting. Fagota , v . to fish .

Fagotaga , s. ä fishing.

all dying ; things taken from a

family by their aitu and buried to bring misfortune or death . Falelarasi, v . to bury, (applied to high chiefs).

Fagu, s. a small species of gourd ; | Falema‘o, s. a house made of ma‘o . the fruit of it used as a bottle ; a Faleniu , s. a house in which the bottle. people of the land gather on the Fagufagu, see Faragu. death of a chief. Fagufagu . s . a flute. Faletama, s. the children of a poly Fala, s. the name of a tree, (the gamist. pandanus); the pine apple ; a Fālētele, v . to be not very large. Faletele , s. the large house of a fa sleeping -mat. Fāla , . to clear the hole in which mily or of a village. the taro is planted . Faletoʻa, s. a chief's sleeping house. Falafala , s. an old mat. Fāletolu, v . to unite for any pur Fala falana‘i, 2 . to lie down, to re pose (three lands or villages) ; so cline, (a term of respect ) ; also I also fālelua , fülefa, & c. to take things easy . Faletū, s. a family without a head. Fālaga, s. the work of clearing out Faletua, s. a small back house ; a the hole in which the taro is chief's wife. planted . Falevao, s . a house made of com Falagā, s. the name of a tree. Falala , u . asiant. Fale, s. a house ; an umbrella .

Fale , v. to dwell in (as in a house).

Fale, prep. within , inside, indoors. Falea , a . full of houses. Faleauto , s. a stranger, an alien , a

mon wood.

Falī, s. a species of grass. Faliu , v . to turn , (of the sun after

noon ).

Fāliu , v. to turn the head , to look back .

Falo , v . to stretch out.

person residing away from his own | Fālute , 1 v . to gather up evenly , Fālutelute (as the ends of the ti land, (a term of respect). leaf in making a titi, a quantity Falealo, s. children of a chief by different wives.

of cloth , sheets of paper, & c.)

Fale'ese , s. a cooking-house, (so Fana, s. a gun ; a syringe. called before chiefs ). Fana, v . to shoot.

Fale -esea, v. to dwell apart (as a Fana‘asa, v . to shoot beside the sick person, a husband driven mark , to miss. Fana'e, v. to rise (of the moon ). away by his wife ). Faleoo, s. a small back house. Fāna'e, v . to rise ; redupl. fāna 'e Falcola , s. a house built of olumea ; 1

na'e. to commence to rise.

| Fana 'ega , s. a number of aitu in one person . Faleuli, s. a cooking house. See FALE-ESE. Fana' ela , see FANAʻASA . Fale-ulu , s. a breadfruit bouse. Fana 'io , s . the name of a tree. a numerous oftsp : 11.g .

Faleupolu , s. the body of citizens ; Fānau, v. to bring forth ; 10 exude the people , (a term of respect in -

gum (as the muali); pl. fanaudu ;

stead ofwill ).

intens, fanafanu; pass. fanaua .


FAN Fānau, s. offspring, children .


moan double canoe; an eminence;

Fanavga , s. child -bearing ; off Labluff point. spring . Fatāmanu, s. scaffolding . Fanauleau , v . to bring forth pre- Fatāniga , s. a nest ; a number of maturely. snakes intertwined . Fanaupalasi, v. to have children in Fātataiga , s. chiefs and heads of quick succession. families who compose the coun


Fanauseela , s . a foot presentation . Fanafana , v . to fire off guns re

Fati, s . a tune.

peatedly ; to go out shooting Fanafanaga, s. a shooting.

Fati, v . to break (as waves) ; to break off (as twigs of trees) ; pl.

Fanatanua , s. a cannon .

fafati ; pass . fatia ; redupl. fati Fatia ‘ina, u. to relapse (as in sick

Fanamanu, s. a fowling-piece ; In- | fati ; recipro. tetatiſatia 'i. dian shot.

ness ). Fänase, v . to doctor the eye. Fanavale, v. to shoot beside the Fatiatáma‘i, s. unevennesses in the mark , to miss. ground ; abrupt rocks standing Fano, v . to die , to perish ; to be in the road .

made an end of.

Fātitua, v. to alter plans, to change

Fano, adv. along , passing along . I the mind. Fanoauluga , v . to die off' one after Fatiuli, v. to steal, (a term of ridi cule and contempt). another. Fanofano , see FAFANO. Fatifatiala, v . to be near being born .

Fanua, s. land ; the fastening of Fatipo, a. shady, (only used in poe the bonito hook ; placenta .

try). Fanuámamala, s. the name of a Fatisosoe, s. a thief. See Fatiuli. tree. Fanuatanu , s. a stone pavement. Fasa , s. the name of a tree.

Fasa , a . foolish , mad , crazy ; redup . fatasa .

Fato, 2 . to eat, (only used in abuse ). Fatu , s. a stone ; the core or stone

of fruit ; seeds ; the heart ; the gizzard ; a song. Fatu, a . haid , (applied to wood , as

Fasafasa, s. the name of a tree. fau fatu , fu 'ufu'a futu ). Fāsi, s. a piece ; a place ; the pri- Fatu , v . to make a titi ; 10 com vate parts, (with o genitive ). mence plaiting ; to fasten floats

Fasi, v . to beat ; to kill ; to split ; pl. fafasi ; intens. fasifasi; pass .

to a net ; to compose a song ; to raise a false report. fasia , pl. fasia . Fātua'i, 1'. to lay up in thememory. Fasioti, v. to kill; pass. fasiotia . Fatuāua , s. the same of a shellsish . F .sifasi, v . tu split up in pieces ; to Fatuamo, s. the part of the shoul continue beating . der on which the burden l'ests . Fasigi, s. a beating.

Faia , s. a raised house for storing yams in ; a shelf ; a hand bar row ; a bier . Fata , v . to carry in a futa .

Fátai, v . to sit crosslegged ; pl. fā tatai.

Fatuamoa , v. to have i swollen

shoulder from bearing burdens ; to be hard worked .

Fatu 'amu, s. a heap of “amu,made to attract fish . Faluati, s. a heap of stones and coral to attract tish

Fatafata, v. the chest , the breast.

Falu 'ulu , v . to thatch over old

Fatalele , s. a part of the old Sa-

thatch ; to store up g .ievances.




Fatufala , s. a species of breadfruit. | Feʻa!oʻalofa'i, v. to evade, to make Fātufātu , v . to fold up ; to lay excuses. Fātufātua 'i, up words; to ponder Fealofa'i, v . to commit adultery or fornication secretly . Fātufatui ) carefully.

Tatufatua, a . stony ; having small Feālofa'i, 2. (pl. of ūlo ), to paddle. Feʻalofi, v. pl. of 'ulo .

stones .

Fatufua , p . to raise a false report ; Fealuaʻi, į v. to go about, to go up Fealuma‘it and down, to walk to accuse falsely. Fatuga, s. thi timbers to which the backwards and forwards ; redup . puilins of a house are fastened. I fealualua'i. Feanu, v . to spit. Fatuga'o , s. the kidneys. Fatugugu , s. a fatty tumour. Fatulau , s. old thatch .

Feasofaʻi, v . to rush upon ; to run madly about.

Fatumanava, s. the motion of the Feasogi, v . to salute by rubbing heart.


Fatumatau, s. a worn -out hatchet. Fatupese , I


s. a poet.

Feratani, v . (pl. of 'ata ), to laugh . | Feavea'i, v. to be a talebearer.

Feavitia'i, v . to tell a tale in differ

Patuto ‘i, s. a worn-out hatchet. I ent ways ; to prevaricate. See Fatutū, s. a heap of stones in the Aviti. sea left for a long time without Feāvea‘i, v. (recipr. of ave), to take about. the fish being disturbed ; an in dustrious man . Fee, s. the cuttle fish . Fātuvalu , s. a bad siupo. Feefee, s. elephantiasis. Fe, a prefix to verbs, with i, aʻi, Feetietiaʻi, v . to be driven from post ta 'i, uni, & c. suffixed , for the to pillar ; to be ordered on differ most part denoting reciprocal ac- ! ent messages at the same time. tion , but in some instances only Feiʻa, s. ornamentally marked na tive cloth . forming a plural. Tea , adv . where ? i Feitaga'i, v. (recipr. of ita ), to hate Fraóei, 1 . (pl. of a'e), to climb. mutually . F

ai, a . fierce, savage. Feiratani, v. (pl. of ita ), to hate. Feao , v . to guard , to protect ; to Feiteitea 'i, v . to see indistinctly (as

keep one company .

at twilight) ; to be distinguisha

Feaofaʻi, . to collect together from ble : as, Ua feiteilea-i uitu ma different places. See Ao. ļ tagata . Fe'au , s. a message .

Feau , 1 . to send for.

Feansi, v. (pl. of ‘aau ), to swim .

Fe'iietele, s. the moon a little past full.

Feofeo, s. branching coral.

Feagai, v . to be opposite each other ; : Feoloolo , v . to be moderated , to be to correspond ; to dwell together / improved , to be better. (as a chief with his people ). Frü , a . pungent, acrid .

Feagaiga, s. an established relation - | Feū, r . (pl. of u ), to bite . ship b tween different parties (as Fē'u'ua'i, v . to mutually lay hold between brothers and sisters and /


their children , chiefs and tula - Feuʻua'i, 7 v. to jostle ; to move a fale); arlopted to mean generally Feu'una‘il boundary baci wards an agreement, a covenant. Fe'alasi, v . to smart. See A 'ALA.

and forwards. Feufeu , a . tough.


FEF Fefe , s. fear.


Fenavunavua‘ina, v. to be beaten about the head with a club . Fenū, v . to make a join in plait ing , & c.

Fefe, v. to be afraid ; to be wrin -

kled , to be shrivelled ; pl. fefefe. Fefeu , la tough . See FEU FEU . Fefena tough . We

Fepanipania 'i, v. to ply with blows or words. Fefoʻifoʻia 'i, v. to be fickle. FesaⓇeaina, v . (from sasaʻe ), to be Fegalegalea'i, v. to be driven first torn to pieces. Fesaeiaina, v . (from saei). to be one army and then the other. pulled to pieces. Feganavai, v . (recipr. and pl. of Fefiloi, v. to mix.

gugana ),to speak to one another. Fesaga'i, v. to be opposite each other

Fela , s. ectropion ; the eye (only in abuse ).


Fesanui, v . to whisper together.

Felaʻu, v. to scratch ; to scratch in . Fesiitaʻi, v . to lift from place to decently . Felaulau , W . to sail about. Felaulaua'i, v. to spread out quick - !


Fesiiti, v. to take in the lap (as a child ).

ly ; to bring various charges Fesili, s. a question . against one. Fesili, v . to question , to ask a ques Fela'ulaʻuaʻi, v. (from laću ), to be tion . a tell-tale. Fesilia'i, v. to pass one another un Felaulautasi, v. to be the alone wittingly. speaker (with whom none con - | Fesoani, v . to accompany another .

tends for the privilege of speak - | Fesoasoani, v . to help , to assist. Fesusui, v . (pl. of susu ), to suck . ing ). Felāta 'i, v. (pl. of lata ), to be near Fetaaloloa'i, v. to be in confusion


(as a crowdmoving backward and

Felavei, v. to be intertwined , forwards). Felavelavea 'i į to be intricate , to Fetai, s. the name of a creeping plant.

be involved .

Felefele , a. bushy ; complicated, Fetaʻi, v. to lead others. involved . Folotoia 'i, v . to be intermixed .

| Fetāʻi, v. (from ta ), to fight with !

clubs ).

Feluani, v. (from luu , two), to go Fetaiaʻi, v. to meet.

Fetaiaigafa , v. to connect by mar. riage.

two together.

Feluuluu, v. to fill the hands with several different things. Femaomaogaʻi, v. to do mutually a

| Fetaʻitaʻi, v . to take ho 'd of hands. Fetaolafa' i, v . to make the fire burn

thing to no purpose. See Mao . !

brightly .

Femeina 'i, v . pl. of mou ; also , to Fetaomaʻi, s . one kind of banaira . Fetaoma'i, v . (pl. of tutao), to do quickly .

Fememea'i, v . to be confounded . Femili, v. to rub together. Femo‘ ei, v . (pl. ofmomoʻe), to run. Fena , s. the name of a tree. Sce



Fetau , s. the name of a tree. Fetau, v. to reproach , to upbraid .

Fetaui, v . to clash together (as two

trees falling ). Fena, s. sleepiness , weariness, ex- | Fetaufetulia ‘i, v. (recipr. of taufe I tuli), to run about. haustion : as, Va tu le fena. Oli.

Fenavinavia 'i, see FELAVELAVEA‘ i.

Fetaula 'i, v. to meet as two roads) ;




to have a concurrence of misfor- Fetulia, v. to run after,to give chase to .


Fetaulaigā -ala , s. a place where two Fetuliga, s. a chasing . roads meet. Fetutaʻi, v. to join by a knot ; pl. Fetagofi, v. (pl. of tago), to take fetututa'i. hold of. | Fia, a. three. See Tolu . Fetāla ‘i, v. to confess one to ano. Fia , v. to wish , to desire . ther in order to ascertain for whose Fia , a particle suffixed to someverbs to form the passive . sake one of the family is ill. Fetalai, v. to speak , (used of chiefs). Fia , adv. how many ? Fetalaiga, s. a chief sword ; a chief's Fiainu , s. thirst. speech . Fiaui, s. a dark kind of pigeon . Fiaia , s. joy , delight. Fetaniga, see FATANIGA. Fiafia , a . joyful.

Ferimaʻi, see FETOMA‘l.

Fetina'i, v. to be pressed together ; Fiafia, v. to rejoice, to be delighted. Fiasega , s. one kind of umbrella to be choked for room . plant. Feto, s. the eyes, (only used in abuse ) . Fiu , v. to be wearied of, to be tired Teto ‘ai, v. to clash together, to fall


| Fifi, s. the small intestines. or run one against another. Fetoaʻi, v. to be undecided , to be of Figota , s. the general name for shelltish , including those of a ge two niinds ; to take what belongs latinous nature.

to another in mistake for your own.

Filelei, 1 a. quiet, easy ; redup. fifi

Fetogi, v. (pl. of toyi ), to stone, to | Filemu s lemu.

Fili, s. one who is hated by ano

throw at.

Fetolofi, 1. (pl.of totolo ), to creep , I to crawl.


Fili, v. to plait ; pl. fifili.

Fetomaʻi, v. to mutually encourage. Fili, v. to be entangled , to be in Fetū , s. a star. Fetūao , s. the morning star. Fetuana 'i, v . to convey from one

volved, to be intricate ; to choose , to select ; to deliberate ; intens. filifili.

place to another, (applied to the Filitiliga, s. a deliberation. non combatants in war taken | Filifuea , v. to be entwined and about for protection ) ; to sit with choked by the fue. the backs to each other. Filigā, s. perseverance, diligence. Fetuatuania‘i, v. to sit with the backs Filigā , a . diligent, persevering .

to each other ; to be at variance. Filigā , v. to be persevering, to be Fetni, v . to pile the stones of the

oven on the firewood . Fetuu , v. to curse.


Filiga, s. the quantity of cinet plait ed .

Fetuua'i, v. to accuse falsely one Filigata , s. a number of snakes in after another.

Fetuutuua'i, I v. to be taken from Fetuutuupa'is one branch of the family to anothér. Fetūiele , s. a shooting star. Fetuleni, v. ( from tulei), to press on Olle another, to crowd upon .

tertwined . See Eega.

Filimoto , s. the name of a tree. | Filitaa , v. to prefer, to give the pre ference to .

Filo, s. twine ; thread .

Filo , v. to mix ; pl. febloi. Filoa , s. the name of a fish .



: 121

| Foaga, s. the young of wild birds. Filou-a, s. envy. Filofiloa, s. the name ofa tree. Foagafanua, s. pigeonshatched early Filotai, s. the name of a shellfish . 1 in cultivated land . Fimalie, adv. easily,gently ; intens. Foagamagogo, s. pigeons hatched at the same time with the gogo.


Finau , v. to strive, to contend ; in - Foe, s. a paddle. tens. finafinau ; recipr. fefinaua'i. Foeuli, s. a steering paddle ; a rud der ; a steer-oar. Finauga, s. a disputation . Finaumāua 'i, v . to persevere till ob - | Foemua, s . the bow paddle . tained . Foemuli, see Foeuli.

Finauvale, v. to be obstinate. Finagalo , s. a chief's will or desire ; the liver. Finagalo , v . to will, (to chiefs). to be angry, Finagaloa, Fisaga , s. v.a gentle north -westerly

Foʻi, v. to return ; pass. foʻisia . | Foʻi, conj. also ; a diminutive in qualifying assertions ; as, Sa un foʻi , It did rain , but not much . Fo‘isa'i, v. to send back . Foʻisaga, s. the place from which a party returns ; the party who re

wind .

Fisi, v. to peel ; to entwine as a

turn .

Fou , a. new , recent.


Fiso , s. a species of reed ; the flow . Fou , v. to rise against ; to attempt. Fouvale , v. to rebel. er of the sugar cane. Fofo , v. to doctor. See Fo. Fisoa , s. a plant.

Fitā , s. a steep place; food brought Fofo‘a, v. to eat loathesome food ; to visitors : as, Faafetai fita !

Fitā , a . difficult.


to eat voraciously .

Fofoa, v. to break the shell, to

hatch ; to begin a taro planta kind of song borrowed from Fiji; | Fofo‘e, v. to skin ; to bark ; pass .

Fitafita , a . courageous.

Fiti, s. the name of a plant ; one a somersault ; a game. Fiti, v . to tillip ; to give a portion

tion .

fo‘ea . Fotoga , v . to sing a song .

Fofoga, s. a chiet's heai , face, eye, of food ; pl. fitititi. Fitiā , v. to be restless with desire mouth , tongue, or ear. Fofola , see FOLA. for war. Fitipuu, s. a short fiti used in the Fofolo , v. to go and look on in or. der to get food . game of fiti. Fofomomono, see FUAFUAMOMONO. to look for assistance. (See U ). | Fofono , v. to send on a message one

Fitoi, s. a brother or sister to whom

Fitu , a . seven .

who has just come in ; to send to

Fo, s. the nameof a fish .

forbid a party coming on .

Fo, v. to doctor, to apply remedies; i Fofota, v. to have elephantiasis in scroto ; to be always sitting about. redup. fofo ; puss. foia . Foa , v. to chip (as a hole in a shell ); Foga , s. the hair tied up in a knot : a knot of false hair . to break (as a rock ) ; to break

Fogaʻeleʻele, s. the surface of the (the head ) ; redup. foafoa. earth . Foa , s. a fracture of the head . Foa'i, v. to give ; pass. foaiina and Fogaitua , s. the knot of hair tied foa 'ia .

Foafoa, s. the trumpet shell. Foaga, s. a grindstone.

on the top of the head when about to tight. Fögau , s. a setter of broken bones.


FOG Fogafoga, s. a great talker and liar. | Fogafogaola , v . to look lively (as 122

fonotia ; to eat ; to patch ; toin lay. on recovering from sickness ). Fono, v. to shout, to call out. Foga fogavale , v . to look sickly ; to Fonofono , v. to go and meet on the look frightened (as troops about to run away) .

Fogālele, s. a precipice.

road .

Fonofono , v. to patch . ( See Foxo). Fonoluluu, s. the council held before

Fogānuu , s. a night breeze from off going to the war. shore . Fonomanu , s . a council hastily call.

Fogāseʻi, s . the hair tied in a knot ed by the crier . and the end pulled out so as to be Fonotalaga, s. the council held at firm . the close of a war.

Fogātai, s. the surface of the sea .

Fota , s. the soil deposited by rivers ;

Fogātoafa , s. the bush skirting a a large quantity of anything brought. toafa . Fogāvaa, s. the deck of a vessel. Fotaga, s. a larger deposit of soil Fogāvai, s. the surface of the wa- ! than fota . ter.

Fogi, v. to blow the nose .

Foto , s. the barbed bone in the tail of the skate.

Fogitogi, s. the part between the Fotu , v. to fruit ; to appear, to come in sight; to be stingy. nose and the lip. Fola , 1 . io spread out ; to unfold ; Fotua, s. a large fo . redupl. fofola und folafola ; pass . Fotuapalolo, s. a party seldom go ing a journey . folasia. Folau, v . to apply ointments orother | Fotuga , s. a crop of warts or pim ples ; property given after the external applications to a wound or sore ; to go a voyage ; to die. | death of a chief by people from another village. Folau , 2 s. a voyage ; death ; the

Folauga crew and vessel ; pl. fo - Fua, s. fruit ; seed ; an egg ; a lau . good looking child of a chief ; a fleet ; a measure. Folafola , v . to spread out ; to un fold ; to promise ; to preach .

Fua , a particle suffixed to the units

Folafolaga, s. the proclaiming ; the in counting breadfruits, shellfish , promising & c. ; prefixed in counting tens. Folasi, y. to spread about a report. Fua , v. to produce fruit ; to pro Fole , s. the name of a shellfish . Fole , v . to be sunken (as the eyes ); } to be wasted away.

Foliga, v. to be likė, to resemble.

ceed from ; to begin ; to measure; to collect the leaves of the sugar cane for thatch , & c. ; to poise the spear.

Folo , v . to swallow ; redupl. fofolo ; | Fua , adv . without cause ; without

intens. folofolo ; pass. fologia . l success ; uselessly ; to no pur pose. Folopa'ò , v. to swallow whole , to Fuā, s. jealousy. Fuā, v. to be jealous. swallow without chewing.

Polomaga, s. the morsel swallowed .

| Fu'a , s. a bowstring ; a banner or Foma'i, s. a ductor. Fono, s. a council, a legislative as- | flag.

sembly ; cold food ; a plank of a

Fu 'a , v . to cut the hair.

canoe ; a patch in a garment.

Fua'aga, s. the beginning ; the

Fono, v . to hold a council ; pass.



FUL 123 Fuaiupu, s. a single sentiment in a Fue, s. a creeper, a wild vine ; a i fly whisk . speech .

Fua'ifa 'i, s. a single banana Fue, v. to beat (persons ); pl. fufue ; Fua‘isisila , v. to measure by the pass. fuea . eye . Fu'e, v. to put into a basket ; to uncover an oven of food ; redup. Fuaitau, see FUATU PU. Fua‘ivai, s. a single water bottle . fu 'efu 'e ; pl. fufu'e. Fuão, v . to be excellent ; to be su - Fueuli, s. one kind of fue. Fu'efua, see SAU ATOA. preme.

Fua'o , s. the name of a bird .

Fuefue, v . to drive off Aies.

Fuesa , 1 s. different names of one Fuafua , s. abscesses in the hands or Fueselelā 5 kind of fue. Fuesina, 2 feet ; a young anae. s. names of different fue.

Fuauli, see Uli.

Fuafua, v. to measure ; to weigh ; Fueto


to ponder ; to take aim with a Fui, s. a cluster of nuts . Fuia , s. the name of a bird .


Fu 'afuía , s. the name of a tree.

Fui'ava , v. to eat.

Fuafuaʻini, s. pimples.

Fuiono , s. the nautilus.

Fuafuamomono , v. to doctor a sore Fuifui, v . to dip. See FUFUI. throat. Fuifui, s. a bunch or clusterof fruit ;

Fuafuati, s. a lock of hair . Fuaga, s. a crop ; a children's game 1 with native oranges, & c . See FUATA .

waves. Fuifuioso , s. a succession of leaps

(as of bathers, dancers, fishes).

Fualeva , 2


a flock of birds ; a succession of

to be long since.


Fuāluga, s. blindness ; as,ua mulu fuāluga .

Fuipani, v . to die with the pani.

Fufui, v. to dip ; to bathe; to bake, (before chiefs instead of tao ). Fufula , v. to swell ; redup . fulafula.

Fuāmanāva, v. to be startled. Fufuli, v. plural of fuli. Fu‘apini, s. the nameof a tree. Fufulu , v . to rub ; to wash ; to wipe ; Fuapolo , s. Olie kind of chesnut. redup. fulufulu . Fuasou , s. the jabble produced by Fufuti, v. to haul in the fish live ; the current in an opening in the also pl. of futi ; pass. futia . reef. Fuga, s. flowers, blossom ; the name Fuata, s. a crop of any fruit ; the of a fish . handle of a spear. | Fugafugāmutia , s. grass seed . Fuata'i, v . to begin . Fula , s. dropsy of the belly : food Fuatau‘upu , v. to place the hands

taken to visitors, (a compliment

on the loins (as when quarrelling ).

ary terin used by the visitors in

Fuatautau , s. a species of banana ; I thanking ). Fula , a . stout, (a jocose term ) ; also a pair of scales. Fuataga, s. the quantity of sugar a term applied to the neap tides.

cane leaves collected by one per- | Fulafula, s. swellings on the body. Fulafula , ) the malue. Fufula , Sv, to be swollen . Fuatāgulu , s. a succession of heavy Fulaga‘i ) rollers. Fuli, v . to turn over, to capsize ; Fuatasi, v. to be confined to , to be pl. fufuli ; redup. fulifuli ; pass .

son ; the displaying of property in

peculiar tu .

fulisia .


FAI FAU Failāmatāfaga, v. to set sail as each Faʻitoga , s. one kind of banana. canoe is ready without waiting for Faitoto , v . to take blood from the one another.

eye .

Failele , s. a suckling wi man , a wet- | Faitoto‘a, s. a doorway . nurse .

Faiva, s. a fishing ; a trade, an oc

Failele , v . to suckle, to nurse . cupation . Faimai, 1 . come together , (a call). | Faivaāulima, s. an occupation weak

Fāimanu , s. a bird catcher ,a sports man .

ening the arms ; metaph . a speech supposed to have given offence.

Faimanu, 7 v . to act unbecomingly, to { s. species of the skate. Faivale, Faipala jº act scurvily ; to commit incest. Faipesega, v. to accompany music Fao, s. a wooden peg ; a nail; a with singing. kind of punch used in making ca Faipo , v. to be long ago. See Fail noes. ASO . Fao , v . to seize, to take violently , Faipule , s. a councillor, a ruler . to rob ; pass . faoa. Faisoa, s. one who teaches thesoa ; | Fao, v . to be upset, to be turned a man who has a large family and bottom up ; to lie on the face. so exempted from the necessity | Fao‘augutu , s. a small open canoe . of working. Fao‘ato , v. to pack in a basket. Faisoa, s. an odd one, (applied to Faofao ,s . a long shell formerly used as a punch in making the holes things counted by pairs). Faisoo , adv. continually : aso fai- for lashing together the canoe. soo .

Faofao , v. to nail.

Faisua, s. food taken to relations | Faofale, v . to bring in , to cause to

when arriving in the neighbourhood.

Faisua, s. the clam fish .

Faita , v . methought. See Fa. Faitaa, v. to commit fornication . Faitaaga, s. fornication .

Faita'i, conj. but, nevertheless, (sel-

enter a house . Faofana , s. a screw .

Fau , s. the name of a tree ; string for tying up the hair ; culiar ways of fastening on hook in bonito fishing ; the

the pe the cir

cular beams in a house.

dom used ). See PeiTa ‘l.

Fau, v . to tie together, to fasten by Faitau , v . to count ; to read ; to tying ; to build ; pass. fausia ; get leaves to cover in the oven ; pl. faitau .

Faʻitafa , s. the top row in a bunch of bananas.

intens. faufau .

Fäua, s. saliva, spittle (as issuing

from the mouth ). Fauā , v. to drivel.

Faitala , v. to give news ; to be a ' Faualii, s. a native custom in con talebearer ; pl. either of persons / nertion with exchange of pro perty. or things ; fäitala . Faitalia , v. as I, you , & c. please . Fauepa , v . to prepare the property Faitama, v . to be motherly ; to take on which a dead chief is laid in

care of its young . state. Faitioina , v. to be done under the Faui, s. the name of a tree.

eyes of those watching for faults. Fāufaafalega, v. to betroth a child . Fāufau, v . to fasten on , to tie to gether ; to feel sick . Faito-aga, s. a delive er, a saviour. F . ufautane, v. to betroth a daughter . Fäititili, s. thunder. Faititili, v. to thundr.



Fanfili, s. thecord used by a woman to fasten her burden to her back . Fauhlita , v . to come back empty -


taken to a fisherman preparatory to committing a fishing canoe to him ; hoarseness.

handed, (using the faufili to beat Fafai, v . to bring taro from the plantation ; to scrape off the outer off the flies). Faufilo, s. perineum (of the man ). bark from tutugu , & c. ; 10 abuse Faugatā , a . difficult to be brought (pl. of faifai). to obey the string by which a pi Fafa 'i, v . pl. of fari . geou is tied ; disobedient. Fafao, v . to pack into a basket ; Faula 'i, v . to be leaped up ; to inbound .

Fāula 'iga , s. a heap.

püss , faoa and faoina .

Fafau, v . to fasten on (as an adze handle , or an outrigger').

Faulalo , s. the lowest fuu in a house. Fafaga, 1 . to feed ; puss. fagaina.

Faulalo , v. to intercede, to advise. See FAUTUA .

Fāulalo , v . to faston on the outrig - ! ger so that the canoe may lie flat

Fafaga , s. a woman 's burden . Fafagu, v . to waken , to rouse fiom

sleep ; pass. fāgua ; intens. fagu fagu.

in the water ; to demean oneself, Fafano, v . to wash the hands and to humble oneself.

inouth ; intens farofano ; to mis Faumau , v. to hold firmly , to stick Fafano, a . made small by stretch to an opinion , & c. ing (as string ). Faupata , s. the name of a plant Fafasa , a . foolish, mad , crazed . from which while mats, native Fafasi, v . to force open (as the string, & c ., are made. mouth ); to beat, (pl. of fusi ).

Fa‘u mai, v . impers. It is said .

Fāupure, 2 . to be heaped up ; to be abundant. See FAULAI.

carry, to abort.

Fafati, v . pl. of fati. Fafutu , v . pl. of futu .

Fafie, s. firewood. Fāupuega, s. a heap. taume or dry leaves ready for Fafo, prep . outside .

Fausa, s. the woof ; a bundle of Fafine, s. a womail.

Faga, s. a bay ; a fish trap ; a very burning . Fausaga , s. a fastening . acrid species of trami. Fausala , v . to fasten on wrong the Faga , see LEFAGA. hook for bonito fishing Făgii, s. the hiding place of thie bird shooter. Fausngā , s. the name of a plant.

Fautane, v. to betroth a daughter ; Fāga‘ilupe, s. the time of dayabout intens. fāufautane.

9 o'clock .

Fautua, v . to intercede. Sie Fau - Fāgafao, s. an animal fed in the LALO . Fautuuaina , v

house .

unrestrained , un - | Fagafaga , s. a small bay ; the uame checked , (of a child left entirely of one kind of ti.

to take its own way).

Fagafaga, s. the hair at the tem

Fauvae , s. the rope at the foot of ples. Fagafagalasi, v . to liave many dit : the net. See AFAVAE . Fafa , v. to carry a person on the ferent topics (of a speech ). back .

Fafa, s. the Simoan hades.

Fáfa, s. taro tops deruded of the

Fagaga, s . a herd . Fagaloa, s. a deep bay ; one species


leaves and stalks ; cooked food | Fagasā , s. one species of the ti.


FAG 116 Fagatasi, see TOATASI.

Falefale , s. placenta . See Faxca.

Fagatua, v . to wrestle .

Falegase, s. a numerous o ' spring

Făgatuaga, s. a wrestling .

all dying ; things taken from a

Fägono, s. a tale intermingled with family by their aitu and buried to bring misfortune or death . song ; boasting Falelariasi, v . to bury , (applied to Fāgota , v. to fish . Fagotaga , s. ä fishing. high chiefs ). Fagu, s. a small species of gourd ; | Falema‘o, s. a house made of ma‘o.

the fruit of it used as a bottle ; a Faleniu, s. a house in which the people of the land gather on the death of a chief. Faletama, s. the children of a poly

bottle. Fagufagu , see Faragu . Fagufägu . s. a flute.

Fala , s. the name of a tree, (the


pandanus) ; the pine apple ; a Fālētele , v . to be not very large. sleeping -mat. Faletele , s. the large house of a fa Fāla, v . to clear the hole in which the taro is planted . Falafala , s. an old mat. Fala falanaʻi, 2 . to lie down , to re- l

mily or of a village. Faleto ‘a , s. a chief's sleeping house. Fāletolu , v . to unite for any pur pose (three lands or villages) ; so

cline, (a term of respect) ; also I also fālelua, fülefa , & c. to take things easy. Faletū, s. a family without a head . Falaga , s. the work of clearing out Faletua, s. a small back house ; a the hole in which the taro is

chief' s wife.

planted . Falagā, s. the name of a tree. Falala , u . aslant.

Falevao, s. a house made of com

Fale, s. a house ; an umbrella .

Faliu , v . to turn , (of the sun after

mon wood.

Falī, s. a species of grass.

Tale, v . to dwell in (as in a house). noon ). Fale , prep. within , inside, indoors. Fāliu , v. to turn the head, to look back . Falea, a . full of houses. Faleauto , s. a stranger , an alien , a person residing away from his own land , ( a term of respect)."

Fālo , y . to stretch out. Falute, 7 v . to gather up evenly , Fälutelutes (as the ends of the ti

Falealo , s. children of a chief by leaf in making a titi, a quantity different wives. of cloth , sheets of paper, & c. ) Fale-ese , s. a cooking -house , ( so Fana, s. a gun ; a syringe. called before chiefs).

Fana , v . to shoot.

Fale -esea, v . to dwell apart (as a Fanaʻasa, v. to shoot beside the sick person, a husband driven

mark , to miss. Fanaʻe, v . to rise (of the moon ). Faleoo, s. a small back house. Fāna'e, v. to rise ; redupl. fāna e Faleola , s. a house built of olumea ; na'e. to commence to rise. away by his wife).

a numerous offsp : 1 g .

Fānaʻega, s. a number of aitu in

Faleuli, s. a cooking house. See one person. FALE ESE . Fana'ela , see FANAʻASA. Fale -ulu , s. a breadfruit bouse . Fana'io , s. the name of a tree. Faleupolu , s. the body of citizens ; Fānau , v . to bring forth ; to exude the people , (a term of respect in gum (as themuali) ; pl. fananiu ; stead of well ). intens. fanafanu; pass. fanaua .

FAN Fanau , s. offspring, children princ .;. off off Fanaliga, s. child -bearing spring .



moan double canoe ; an eminence; a bluff point.

Fanauleau , v . to bring forth pre maturely .

Fatāmanu, s. scaffolding. Fatāniga, s. a nest ; a number of snakes intertwined .

Fanaupalasi, v . to have children in

Fatataiga, s. chiefs and heads of

quick succession. families who compose the coun Fanauseela , s. a foot presentation . cil. Fanafana , v . to fire off guns re. | Fati, s. a tune. peatedly ; to go out shooting Fati, v . to break (as waves) ; to Fanafanaga, s. a shooting . Fanatanua , s. a cannon .

break off (as twigs of trees); pl. fafati ; pass . fatia ; redupl. fati

Fanamanu, s. a fowling-piece; In

fati ; recipro. tefatifatia 'i. Fatia‘ina, v. to relapse (as in sick dian shot. Fänase , v . to doctor the eye. ness ). Fanavale, v . to shoot beside the Fatiatāma'i, s. unevennesses in the mark , to miss. ground ; abrupt rocks standing

Fano, v. to die, to perish ; to be in the road. made ai end of. Fātitua, v. to alter plans, to change Fano, udv. along, passing along . the mind. Fanoauluga, v . to die off one after Fatiuli, v. to steal, (a term of ridi another,

Fanofano , see FAFANU.

cule and contempt).

Fatifatiala, v . to be near being born .

Fanua, s. land ; the fastening of Fatipo, a . shady, (only used in poe the bonito hook ; placenta .

try ).

Fanuāmamala , s. the name of a Fatisosoe, s. a thief. See FatiulI. tree .

Fanuatanu , s. a stone pavement.

Fasa, s. the name of a tree.

Fato, 2 . to eat, (only used in abuse). Fatu, s. a stone ; the core or stone

of fruit ; seeds ; the heart ; the

Fasa , a . foolish , mad , crazy ; re - 1 gizzard ; a song. dup . fafasa. Fatu, a . baid, (applied to wood , as Fasatasa , s. the name of a tree. fau fatu , fu 'ufua futu ).

Fäsi, s. a piece ; a place ; the pri- Fatu, v. to make a tito ; lo com vaie parts, (with o genitive). mence plaiting ; to fasten floats

Fasi, v. to beat ; to kill ; to split ; ! to a net; to compose a song ; to pl. fafasi ; intens. fasifasi; pass. raise a false report. fasia , pl. fāsia.

Fasioti, v . to kill ; pass. fasiotia .

Fātua 'i, 2 . to lay up in the memory.

Fatuaua, s. the vame of a shellfish .

Fisifasi, v . tv split up in pieces ; to Fatuamo, s. the part of the shoul continue beating. Fasigi, s. a beating.

Fata , s. a raised house for storing yams in ; a shelf ; a hand bar row ; a bier.

der on which the burden lists.

| Fatuamoa , v . to have a swollen

shoulder froin bearing burdens; to be hard worked .

Fatu ‘amu, s. a heap of 'amu,made

to attract fish . Fata , v. to carry in a futa . Fatai, v . to sit crosslegyed ; pl. fā - Fatuati, s. a heap of stones and tatai.

coral to attract tish

Fata fata , v . the chest, the breast. Fatu 'ulu , v . to thatch over old Fatalele , s a part of the old Sa- ) thatch ; to store up g .ievances.




Fatufala, s. a species of breadfruit. | Feʻalo ‘alofa'i, v. to evade, to make Fātufātu , ) v. to fold up ; to lay Fātufātua 'i ,

excuses. fornication secretly.

up words; to ponder Fealofa 'i, v . to commit adultery or

Fātufātui ) carefully.

. stony ; having small Feālofa‘i, v. (pl. of ūlo ), to paddle. Fatufatua, stones a .

Fe'alofi, v. pl. of 'ulo.

Fatufua , 1 . to raise a false report ; Fealua'i, 1 v . to go about, to go up Fealuma‘is and down , to walk to accuse falsely. Fatuga, s. thi timbers to which the barkwards and forwards ; redup. puilins of a bouse are fastened .

fealualua ‘i.

Fatuga' o , s. th - kidneys. Fatugugu , s. a fatty tumour.

Feanu , 2 . to spit.

Feasofa 'i, v. to rush upon ; to run


Fatulau , s. old thatch .

madly about.

Fatimanava, s. the motion of the Feasogi, v . to salute by rubbing heart . poses. Fatumatau , s. a worn -out hatchet. Feratani, v . (pl. of 'ata ), to laugh . Fatupese , ! s. a poet. Feavea'i, v . to be a talebearer. | Feavitiaʻi, v . to tell a tale in differ Fatusiva Fatuto‘i, s. a worn -out hatchet. I ent ways ; to prevaricate. See Fatutū, s. a heap of stones in the Aviti. sea left for a long time without Feāvea'i, v . (recipr. of ave), to take the fsh being disturbed ; an in about. Fee, s. the cuttle fish. dustrious man. Fātuvalu , s. a bad siupo. Feefee, s. elephantiasis. Fe, a prefix to verbs, with i, a'i, Feetietiaội, v. to be driven from post ta'i, uni, & c. suffixed, for the to pillar ; to be ordered on differ most part denoting reciprocal ac- l

ent messages at the same time.

tion, but in some instances only Fei'a, s. ornamentally marked na forming a plural. tive cloth . Tea , adv. where ? Feitaga'i, v. (recipr.of ita ), to hate mutually . Fraei, " . (pl. of a'e), to climb. Fiai, a . fierce, savage. Feiratani, v. (pl. of ita ), to hate . Feao, v. to guard , to protect ; to Feiteitea 'i, v. to see indistinctly (as

at twilight) ; to be distinguisha keep one company. Feaofa'i, v . to collect together from ' ble : as, Ua feiteitea-i uitu ma tagata different places. See Ao. Feʻau , s. a message.

Feau , 1 . to send for.

Fe'iietele , s. the moon a little past 1


Fealsi, v. (pl. of “aau ), to swim . Feofeo, s. branching coral. Feagai, v . to be opposite each other; Feoloolo, v. to be moderated , to be to correspond ; to dwell together improved , to be better. (as a chief with his people ). F - ü , a . pungent, acrid . Feagaiga , s. an established relation Feū , 1 . (pl. of'u ), to bite. ship b tween different parties (as | Fē'uʻuaʻi, v. to mutually lay hold between brothers and sisters and of. their children , chiefs and tula | Feu-ua'i, 1 v. to jostle ; to move a fale ); arlopted tomean generally Feu'una‘is boundary bacin wards an agreement, a covenant. 1 and forwards. Fe-alasi, v . to smart. See A 'ALA, Feufeu , a . tough .

FET 119 Fenavunavuaʻina, v . to be beaten


Fefe, s. fear. Fefe, v . to be afraid ; to be wrin - |

about the head with a club .

kled , to be shrivelled ; pl. fefefe. Fenū, v . to make a join in ing , & c. Fefeu tough . See Feufeu . Fefena, 1 a. Fepanipania 'i, v. to ply with or words. Fefiloi, v. to mix. Fefoʻifoʻiaʻi, v. to be fickle. Fesaʻeaina, v . (from sasa'e ), Fegalegalea'i, v . to be driven first torn to pieces. one army and then the other. Fesaeiaina, v. (from saei). Feganavai, v . ( recipr. and pl. of I

plait blows to be

to be

pulled to pieces.

gugana ), to speak to one another. Fesaga'i, v. to be opposite each Fela , s. ectropion ; the eye (only in other. Fesanui, v . to whisper together. abuse ). Felaʻu , v. to scratch ; to scratch in . Fesiitaʻi, v. to lift from place to decently.


Fesiiti, v. to take in the lap (as a

Felaulau , W . to sail about. Felaulaua ‘i, v . to spread out quick - !

child ).

ly ; to bring various charges Fesili, s. a question. Fesili, v . to question , to ask a ques against one. Felaʻulaʻuaʻi, v. ( from laʻu ), to be tion . Fesiliaʻi, v . to pass one another un

a tell- tale .

Felaulautasi, v. to be the alone

wittingly .

speaker (with whom none con - | Fesoani, v . to accompany another.

tends for the privilege of speak - || Fesoasoani, v. to help, to assist. Fesusui, v . (pl. of susu ), to suck . ing ).

Felāta 'i, v. (pl. of lata ), to be near Fetaaloloaʻi, v. to be in confusion together. (as a crowd moving backward and Felavei, v. to be intertwined, - forwards). Felavelavea 'i j to be intricate, to Fetai, s. the name of a creeping plant. be involved . Felefele, a . bushy ; complicated , Fetaʻi, v. to lead others. involved . Fetāʻi, v . (from ta ), to fight with clubs). F lotoja 'i, v. to be intermixed.

Feluani, v . (from luu , two ), to go Fetaiaʻi, v. to meet. Fetaiaigafa , v. to connect by mar. two together.

Feluuluu , v. to fill the hands with several different things . Femaomaoga'i, v . to do mutually a thing to no purpose. See Mao. Femeinaʻi, v. pl. of meu ; also , to


Fetaʻitaʻi, v. to take ho'd of hands. . Fetaolafa 'i, v. to make the fire burn ! brightly . | Fetaoma‘i, s. one kind of bananra .

Fetaoma'i, v. (pl. of tutao ), to do quickly . Fememea‘i, v. to be confounded . press. Fetau, s. the name of a tree. Femili, v. to rub together. Femo‘ ei, v. (pl. ofmomoʻe), to run. Fetau , v . to reproach , to upbraid . Fena , s. the name of a tree. Sce | Fetaui, v. to clash together (as two OLI. trees falling ). Fena, s. sleepiness, weariness, ex- | Fetaufetulia 'i, v. (recipr. of taufe haustion : as, Ua tu le fena.


tuli ), to run about.

Feua vinavia 'i, see FeLaVELAVEAól . / Fetaulaʻi, v. to meet as two roads) ;



to have a concurrence of misfor- Fetulia , v. to run after ,to give chase tunes.


to .

Fitaulaigā-ala , s. a place where two Fetuliga, s. a chasing. roads meet. Fetutaʻi, v. to join by a knot ; pl. Felagofi, v. (ol (pl. of of taco tago),), toto takel take fetututaʻi. hold of. Fia , a . three. See Tolu . Fetāla ‘i, v. to confess one to ano Fia , v. to wish , to desire . ther in order to ascertain for whose Fia, a particle suffixed to some verbs to form the passive. sake one of the family is ill. Fetalai, v. to speak , (used ofchiefs). Fia, adv. how many ? Fetalaiga,s. a chief's word ; a chief's Fiainu, s. thirst. speech . Fiaui, s. a dark kind of pigeon . Fetaniga, see FATANIGA. Fiaia , s. joy, delight. Fiafia , a . joyful. Fetima‘i, see FETOMAʻI. Fetina'i, v. to be pressed together ; | Fiapa, v. to rejoice , to be delighted . to be choked for room .

Feto , s. the eyes, (only used in abuse).

T'eto‘ai, v. to clash together , to fall

Fiasega , s. one kind of umbrella

plant. Fiu , v. to be wearied of, to be tired


or run one against another. Fili , s. the small intestines. Fetoaʻi, v . to be undecided , to be of Figota , s. the general name for

two ninds; to take what belongs to another in mistake for your

shelltish , including those of a ge latinous nature.

own . Filelei, ( a. quiet, easy ; redup. fifi Fetogi, v. (pl. of toyi), to stone, to Filemu lemu. Fili, s. one who is hated by ano throw at. Fetolofi, v. ( pl. of totolo), to creep , ther.

Fili, v. to plait ; pl. fifili. to crawl. Fetoma‘i, v. to mutually encourage. Fili, v. to be entangled, to be in volved , to be intricate ; to choose , Fetū, s. a star. Fetūao, s. the morning star. to select ; to deliberate ; intens. Fetuanaʻi, v . to convey from one | filibili.

place to another, (applied to the Filitiliga, s. a deliberation . non combatants in war taken about for protection ) ; to sit with

Filifuea , v . to be entwined and choked by the fue..

the backs to each other. Filigā, s. perseverance, diligence. to each other ; to be at variance. Filigā , v. to be persevering, to be Fetui, v. to pile the stones of the diligent. Fetuatuania 'i, v . to sit with the backs Filigā , a . diligent, persevering .

oven on the firewood . Fetul , v . to curse .

| 1.Filiga, s. the quantity of cinetplait ed .

Fetuua'i, v. to accuse falsely one Filigata , s. a number of snakes in after another.

Fetuutuua 'i, 1 v . to be taken from

tertwined . See Eega. Filimoto ,'s. the name of a tree.

Fetuutuupa'il one branch of the Filitaa, v. to prefer, to give the pre family to another.

ference to .

Fetūlele , s. a shooting star. Filo, s, twine ; thread. Fetuleni, v . ( from tulei), to press on Filo , v . to mix ; pl. febloi. one another , to crowd upon. Filoa, s. the name of a fish .

FIL Filou 'a , s . envy.



Foaga, s. the young of wild birds.

Filofiloa, s. the name of a tree. Foagafanua, s. pigeonshatched early Filotai, s. the name of a shellfish. in cultivated land. Fimalie , adv. easily , gently ; intens. Foagamagogo, s. pigeons hatched fitimalie . at the same time with the gogo. Finau, v. to strive, to contend ; in - | Foe, s. a paddle. tens. finafinau ; recipr. fefinaua'i. Foeuli, s. a steering paddle ; a rud Finauga, s. a disputation .

der ; a steer-oar.

Finaumāua‘i, v. to persevere till ob. Foemua, s. the bow paddle. Foemuli, see Foeuli. tained . Finauvale, v. to be obstinate . Foʻi, v. to return ; pass. foʻisia . Finagalo , s. a chief's will or desire ; Foʻi, conj. also ; a diminutive in qualifying assertions ; as, Sa un the liver . Finagalo , v. to will, ( to chiefs ). foʻi , It did rain , but not much . Finagaloa , v. to be angry, | Fo‘isa 'i, v. to send back Fisaga, s. a gentle north -westerly Fo‘isaga, s. the place from which a wind. party returns ; the party who re Fisi, v. to peel ; to entwine as a turn . Fou, a . new , recent. vine. Fiso, s. a species of reed ; the flow - | Fou , v. to rise against ; to attempt. er of the sugar cane.

Fouvale , v . to rebel.

Fofo , v. to doctor. See Fo. Fitā , s. a steep place; food brought Fofo ‘a , v. to eat loathesome food ; to eat voraciously. to visitors : as, Faafetai fita ! Fisoa , s. a plant.

Fitā , a . difficult. Fitafita, a . courageous.

| Fofoa, v. to break the shell, to hatch ; to begin a taro planta

Fiti, s. the name of a plant; one tion . kind of song borrowed from Fiji ; Fofoʻe, v. to skin ; to bark ; pass. a somersault ; a game.

Fiti , v. to tillip ; to give a portion

fo ‘ ea .

Fofoga , v . to sing a song.

Fofoga, s. a chiet's heai , face, eye, of food ; pl. fitititi. Fitiā , v . to be restless with desire mouth , tongue, or ear. Fofola, see FOLA. for war. Fitipuu, s. a short fiti used in the Fofolo , v. to go and look on in or game of fiti.

der to get food .

Fitoi, s. a brother or sister to whom

Fofomomono, see FUAFUAMOMONO .

to look for assistance. ( See U ).

Fofono , v. to send on a message one who has just come in ; to send to

Fitu , a. seven.

Fo, s. the name of a fish .

forbid a party coming on.

Fo, v. to doctor, to apply remedies ; | Fofota , v. to have elephantiasis in scroto ; to be always sitting about. redtip . fofo ; puss. foia . Foa , v. to chip (as a hole in a shell); Foga , s. the hair tied up in a knot :

to break (as a rock ); to break a knot of false hair. Foga‘ele ele, s. the surface of the (the head ) ; redup. foafoa. earth . Foa, s. a fracture of the head . Foa 'i, v . to give ; pass. foaiina and Fogaitua , s. the knot of hair tied on thetop of the head when about foa‘ia .

Foafoa, s. the trumpet shell. Foaga, s. a grindstone.

to tight.

Fogau , s. a setter of broken bones.




Fogafoga, s. a great talker and liar. ' fonotia ; to eat ; to patch ; to in Fogafogaola , v . to look lively (as on recovering from sickness). Fogafogavale , v . to look sickly ; to look frightened (as troops about to run away). Fogalele , s. a precipice . Fogānuu, s. a nightbreeze from off shore. Fogāseʻi, s. the hair tied in a knot

lay. Fono, v . to shout, to call out. Fonofono, v. to go and meeton the road . Fonofono , v. to patch . ( See Foxo). Fonoluluu, s . the council held before

going to the war. Fonomanu , s. a council hastily call. ed by the crier.

and the end pulled out so as to be Fonotalaga, s. the council held at firm . the close of a war. Fogātai, s. the surface of the sea. Fota, s. the soil deposited by rivers; Fogātoafa, s. the bush skirting al a large quantity of anything toafa. brought. Fogāvaa, s. the deck of a vessel. Fotaga, s. a larger deposit of soil than fota . Fogāvai, s. the surface of the wa ter. Foto, s. the barbed bone in the tail of the skate. Fogi, v. to blow the nose . Fogifogi, s . the part between the | Fotu , v . to fruit ; to appear, to

nose and the lip .

come in sight ; to be stingy.

Fola , v . io spread out ; to unfold : | Fotua , s. a large fo .

redupl. fofola und folafola ; pass. Futuapalolo , s. a party seldom go folasia .

ing a journey.

Folau , v . to apply ointments or other Fotuga , s. a crop of warts or pim ples ; property given after the external applications to a wound death of a chief by people from or sore ; to go a voyage ; to die.

Folau , s. a voyage ; death ; the another village. Folauga ſ crew and vessel ; pl. fo Fua, s. fruit ; seed ; an good looking child of a lau. Folafola , v . to spread out ; to un - fleet ; a measure. fold ; to promise ; to preach . | Fua, a particle Suffixed to Folafolaga, s. the proclaiming ; the 1 in counting breadfruits, promising .

egg ; a chief ; a the units

shellfish , & c. ; prefixed in counting tens.

Folasi, y . to spread about a report . Fua, v. to produce fruit ; to pro Fole, s. the name of a shellfish. ceed from ; to begin ; to measure ;

Fole , v. to be sunken (as the eyes); to be wasted away.

to collect the leaves of the sugar

cane for thatch , & c. ; to poise the

Foliga , v. to be like, to resemble . I spear . Folo , v . to swallow ; redupl. fofolo ; Fua , adv . without cause ; without l success ; uselessly ; to no pur intens. folofolo ; pass. fologia. Folomaga , s. the morsel swallowed . | pose. Folopa' , v. to swallow whole , to Fuā, s. jealousy. swallow without chewing . Fuā, v. to be jealous. Fu'a, s. a bowstring ; a banner or Foma'i, s. a ductor.

Fono , s. a council, a legislative as-

flag . Fua'aga, s. the beginning ; the

sembly ; cold food ; a plank of a Fu‘a , v. to cut the hair. canoe ; a patch in a garment.

Fono, v . to hold a council ; pass.

cause .

123 FUL Fuainpu , s. a single sentiment in a Fue, s. a creeper, a wild vise ; a fly whisk . speech . Fua'ifa ‘i, s. a single banana Fue, v. to beat (persons); pl. fufue ; FUA

Fua'isisila, v . to measure by the eye .

pass. fuea . | Fuře , v. to put into a basket ; to

Fuaitau, see FUATU PU.

Fua'ivai, s. a single water bottle. Fuão, v. to be excellent ; to be su preme.

uncover an oven of food ; redup . fu 'efu 'e ; pl. fufuée . Fueuli, s. one kind of fue. Fu®efua , see SAUATOA.

Fuato , s. the name of a bird . Fuefue, v. to drive off Aies. Fuauli, see Uli. Fuesa, s. differentnames of one Fuafua , s. abscesses in the hands or Fueselelā ) kind of fue. fret ; a young anae. Fuesina, l . Fuafua, v. to measure ; to weigh ; Fueto { s. !names of different fue. to ponder ; to take aim with a Fui, s. a cluster of nuts . spear. Fuia , s. the name of a bird . Fui-ava , v. to eat. Fu'afuía , s. the name of a tree.

Fuafuaʻini, s. pimples.

Fuiono , s. the vautilus.

Fuafuamomono, v . to doctor a sore Fuifui, v . to dip . See FUFUT. throat. Fuifui, s. a bunch or cluster of fruit ;

Fuafuati, s. a lock of hair. Fuaga, s. a crop ; a children 's game

a flock of birds ; a succession of waves. Fuifuioso , s. a succession of leaps (as of bathers, dancers, fishes).

with native oranges, & c. See FUATA . Fuipani, v . to die with the pani. Fualeva Fualoa , L v.. to be long since.

Fufui, v. to dip ; to bathe; to bake,

Fuāluga, s. blindness; as, uumalu fuāluga . Fuāmanāva , v. to be startled .

(before chiefs instead of tao ). Fufula , v. to swell ; redup . fulafula . Futuli, v . plural of fuli.

Fu‘apini, s. the name of a tree.

Fufulu, v. to rub ; to wash ; to wipe ; redup. fulufulu . Fuasou , s. the jabble produced by Fufuti, v. to haul in the fish line ;

Fuapolo , s. One kind of chesnut.

the current in an opening in the

also pl. of futi ; pass. futia .

Fuga, s. flowers , blossom ; the name Fuata, s. a crop of any fruit ; the of a fish . Fugafugāmutia , s. grass seed. handle of a spear. Fuataʻi, v . to begin . Fula , s. dropsy of the belly : food Fuatauʻupu , v. to place the hands taken to visitors, (a compliment reef.

on the loins (aswhen quarrelling ). | ary terin used by the visitors in fuatautau, s. a species of banana ; i a pair of scales.

thanking ). Fula , a . stout, (a jocose term ) ; also

Fuataga, s. the quantity of sugar a term applied to the neap tides. cane leaves collected by one per Fulafula , s. swellings on the body.

son ; the displaying of property in Fulafula , ) themalue.

Fufula , sv, to be swollen .

Fuatāgulu , s. a succession of heavy

Fulaga'i ) Fuli, v. to turn over, to capsize ; Fuatasi, v. to be confined lo, to be pl. fufuli ; redup. fulifuli ; pass. rollers .

peculiar to .

fulisia .



FUL Fulifað, v. to turn upside down.

Fulitaelea , v. to be turned keel up . Fulitua, v . to turn the back to (as in anger or in flight). Fulu , s. a hair ; a feather.

Fului, s, a kind of entropion . Fulufulu , see Fulu. Fulutulua , a . hairy .

Fulufululele, v. to be hasty in quar relling .

Fuluga, s. the rubbing of anything . Funa, s. an epithet in addressing a female .

The seventh letter in the Samoan al

phabet. It has always the nasal

sound, as ng in singing.

Ga, a prefix to some few verbs, as gātusa , yāsolo ,making them neu ter ; also prefixed to someadverbs,

as yafeu ? gutai, gautu , indicat ing only a short distance in such

direction ; it is suffixed to verbs

Funa, v . to moult .

in order to form nouns, as gālue

Funa'i, v . to reside temporarily at a place in order to fish for bonito .

ga , work , from galue to work ; a connective particle in counting

Funafuna, s. the name of a gelati

couples,tens,and hundreds, about gafulu , e lima gulau ; it is used in particular cases in counting units and ten : thus, for bread

nous tish .

Funamia, a . frugal. See PanAPA . Fune, s. the coie of the breadfruit. Fusi, s. a belt, a girdle ; a piece of a swamp; a portion of the tatoo ing.

two of each , as e tolugaoa , e fa

fruit, e limagafuu , five, e fuuya fulu , ten .

Fusi, v. to tie, to bind, to gird ; to Ga, s. the nameof a fish . embrace ; pl. fufusi ; intens. fusi- Gaau , s. entrails. fusi ; pass. fusia . | Gaauafea, v . to be starved . Fusiua, s. a neck handkerchiel, a Gaaufanaua, s. a prolific woman . cravat.

Fusifusi, v . to bind hand and foot ; pass. fuzifusia .

Fusiga , s. a marsh , a swamp.

Fusipriga, v. to tie very tighily. Fusu, v. to box, to fight with fists ;

Ga.,usālo , v . to be starved .


GAAUAFEA. Ga'e, v . to breathe hard ; to be out of breath ; redup. ga'ega'e. Ga'ea'i, v. to set agoing any diffi cult work .

Gaee , v . to move (as a stone by means of a lever ) ; to stir up, to Futamea , a . fat to excess , (applied excite ; to toss about (as a per

pl. fuiusu . Fusuaga, s . a boxing match .

to pigeons and jocularly to men ). son in pain ). Futi, s. the banana. Ga‘ega'e, v. to be out of breath ; to

Futi, v. to pluck feathers or hairs ; redupl. fufuti ; puss. fulia .

be asthmatic . Gāegae, v. to be loose , to shake.

Futia, s. a cinet ring into which the Gaele , a . soft , yielding (asthe body, end us the fishing rod is inserted. muddy soil) ; redupl. gaeleele . Futiatis s. the basin of a waterfall. Gaepu, v . to be stirred up , to be

Futu , the name of a tree. Futu 1 . to be a long time since.

troubled , to be agitated (as wa ter ) ; redup. gaepriepu. Gai, v . to be surprized , to be asto nished . (A jocular word ).

Gai, v. to be pained or injured in ternally.




Gai oi'o, v. to wriggle (as snakes Gāugau, v. to fold up ; plural of and eels); applied to a lanky gau. See GAGAU. man . Gaugātino, s. a joint. Sce GAUGA Gaigai, v. to be exhausted (as by VI. Gāumata , v. to die young ; to die work or exposure to the sun ). Gairo , s. the name of a fish ; a tall

suddenly or by accident.

lanky man .

Gao, s. the double teeth ; a re Gautou, v .to break straight through ; to die young ; to die suddenly or proach . Ga'o , s. lard , fat. by accident. See GALMATA. Gafa , s. a fathom ; ancestors ; de Gāʻō , a . diligent. Gaoā, a. rough , stony; redup. gao scendants. gaoa . Gafatā , s. marriages into another land or family ; also the child or Gaoi, s. a thief. Gaoi, v. to steal ; puss. gaoia. children of such marriages ; pl. Gaoi, v. to throb, to ache . gatatatā .

Gaoia , a. restless, active (as one Gafea , udv . whereabouts ? who is always at work or doing Gafigafi, s. an old siapo used to something ).

wrap up native property in ; a

rich man. Gaoioi, v . to shake. Gaofe , a . bending , yielding , Alexi- Gafoa, v . to be notched (as a knife, ble ; redup . gaofeofe. axe, & c. ) ; to be daybreak . Gāogao, a . empty, deserted. Gafua , v . to be made common ; to Gaogaoina , v . to be reproached . have the prohibition removed . Ga‘oga'ooletai, s. onewho hasmany (Used both of the sa and paia ). methods of catching fish . Gaga'e, v . to spring up, to arise (as Gaolo , v . to rattle ; to crepitate (as a disease , a wish ). broken bones) ; to abound (as Gaga'e, adv. eastward , a little to wards the east. people in a family). Gaga'ē , adv . eastward , at somedis Gaʻopunipū , s. the midriff. tance (as at the next village). Gaosā , a. rough, stony ; redup. gao gaosā . SeeGava. Gagaifo , adv. westward, a little to Gaosā, v . littered , in confusion . wards the west. . Gaosi, v . to make, to prepare. Gagau, u , to break ; to fold up. Gau , s. the name of a gelatinous Gagafa , v. to measure with the arms;

fish ; the name of a disease .

intens. gafagafa.

Gau, v. to break ; to chew sugar | Gagafo, adv. westward , at somedis cane or ti root; to yield ; pl. ga -

tance to the west.

gau und gaugau ; pass. gausia . | Gagalu , v . to be rippled (as by a canoe or tish swimming ) ; redup . Gaui, v . a . to break ; intens. gau gaui; pass.sing. gāuia ; puss. pl. galugalu . găuria .

Gaua'i, v. to yield to , to obey.

Gagana, s. speech , language. Gagana, v. to speak to ; recipr. fe

Gauaugutu , a. raised at both ends,

ganavai. but low in the middle (ofa canoe ). Gālala, v . to have intense thirst, to

Gaualofa, v. to yield from love. Gauolosaa, v . to di: , (applied to sa Tuula ).

Gaugāivi, s. a joint.

be parched with thirst ; to long for. Galegale, s. a young cock not full grown .


GAL Galegaleata, v. to be dawn.

Galepu , v. to be stirred up , to be


Gase, a. palsied, lifeless, languid ; pl. gagase.

troubled , to be agitated (as wa. Gase, v . to be languid , to be lifeless ; ter) ; intens. galepulepu . SeeGA- 1 to die ; to wane as the moon. Gasē, v. to rustle . EPU .

Gali, v. to gnaw ; redup. galigali ; Gaseóele ele, v. to be eclipsed (of intens. gagali ; pass. galia. Gali'o , s. a sea serpent. Galo , s. a full grown usiusi .

the moon ). Gasegase , s. a chief's illness . Gasegasemalū , s. a chief's ulcer.

Gasemoe, v . to die . Galo , u . to pass out of sight. Gasese , a. industrious. Galo , v . to forget ; pl. gagalo . Galu , s. a wave , a breaker ; a num - Gasese, I s. an oven of food being

Gasesega ) prepared , (to chiefs). ber of young persons. Galu , v . to be rough , to break hea- | Gasetoto , v . to be eclipsed (of the vily on the reef, & c.

sun ).

Galue , ? . to work , (particularly of Gāsolo , a. swift (of canoes). cultivating the ground ) ; pl. gā- Gasolo , v. to pass along . lulue.

Gāsoloao, v. to die, (spoken of the

Galue, s. food taken by the whole highest chiefs). town to visitors. Gasū, v. to be wet (of the bush ). Gāluefaafafa , s. food consisting of a Gata , s. a snake. pig and a basket of vegitables Gata , s. a custom of giving proper taken by each head of a family to ty when girls first menstruate. visitors. Gata, v. to finish , to end , to termi

Galuega, s. work (especially lus. bandry ). Gāluelili, s. a small gālue. Gāluetali, see GALUEFA AFAFA.

Galugalu, see GAGALU.


Gatā , suffixed to verbs to express difficulty ; asmaugatā , difficult of attainment.

Gataʻaga, s. the end .

Galulu , v . to shake (as a nut not Gāta 'e , v . to be cracked , to be split.

full of juice ; metuph. of a land Gatae, s. the name of a tree. Gātai, adv. towards the sea. Gālulu , v. to have the headache. Gataʻcla , { s. two kinds of snakes, influenced by a chief) .

Galutaa, s. waves rolling from west Gataulis

| Gatala , s. the name of a fish . to east, or the opposite Galutafi, s. a high wave which takes Gatasi, a. equal; together ; intens. the rubbish from the beach . I gātasitasi. Ganagana , v. to be talked about, Gatasina, s. one kind of snake. to be the subject of conversa | Gatete , 0. n . to shake ; to be trou

bled ; intens. gatetetete . tion . Gānagana, v . to talk , to converse , Gati, s. one kind of song sung by to chat ; pass. gānaia ; recipr. fethree or four. galiavai. Gatilo , v. to grow in greatnumbers, Ganagatā , a . difficult to be per- ' to increase greatly .

suaded , disobedient. Gatogia , s. the bonito season. Ganagofie, a . easily persuaded , obe- Gatu , s. the stick used to rub fire dient.

Gāē, v . to be broken ; pl. gapepē. 1

Gapjā , s. fish taken to relations.

with ; an old siapo used as a wrapper.

Gatu , 0. to make head quarters ;




to come to one point from differ- | Gutu , v. to excel. ent places.

Gutu , v. to eat his own food by

himself alone ; to trespass against oneself. Gege, v. to die (of animals, applied Gutuaitu, s. a man full ofwords; a Gātusa , a . equal, alike ; intens. gā . 1 tusatusa .

to men abusively) ; to be pained

scold .

(as with the sun , cold , & c.) ; to Gutuaopo, a. sore-mouthed. See be very slow .


Gutufagu, s. one kind of breadfruit. Geli, s. a cat. See Gose. Geno, v. to nod, to beckon ; intens. Gutufiloa , a . prominent mouthed . Gutugutu , v . to promise and not genogeno. See Nego. perform . Gese, a . slow ; intens gesegese. Geti, s. a full-grown lomu. Gutulei, s. the name of a bird . Gutumoo , a . small- inouthed . Getigetia , 1. fat. Gutupoto, a . clever in talk . Gigi, v. to obey. Gita , s. the head shaved down the | Gutusega , a . beardless. middle (as practised by virgins). Gutusolosolo, a . sore- inouthed . See Gofie , suffixed to verbs, meaning I GUTUAOPO. easy ; as maugofie, easy of attain Gutusua, a. jesting ; redup . gutu susua. ment. Gogo, s. a seagull. Gutusumu, a. small and prominent Gogofala , s. a bird having a small mouthed . voice ; a child 's whistle. Gogolo, s. a rushing sound. Gogolo , v. to make a rushing sound ; to come in crowds. | The eighth letter in the Samoan alpha Gose, s. a cat. See Geli. bet ; pronounced , for the most part, Goto , v. to sink ; to swamp (as a and by some natives always, as the canoe ); to set (as the sun ) ; in

tens. gotogoto ; pl. gogoto . Gotouga, v. to sink like an uga , to

sink to the bottom .

English l. When preceded by a or o or u , and followed by i, it has, with

most natives, the sound of a soft (not

a rolling ) r . Gu, s. a dark colored artificial fly | La, s. the sun ; a sail ; a branch . fishhook . Gu, v. to growl; to make a mur | La, pron . they two, (abbreviated muring noise (as the voice of men from läua ; used before verbs). at a distance ). La, a particle of emphasis, much Gufee, s. the name of a fish . used in the eastern part of the Gugu, s. rheumatism of the joints. group . It might perhaps be ex pressed by then , at once ; as Suu Gūgū , a . dumb. Gugu, v. to scranch . See Paagu la iu , Come then, or at once. GU.

La, v. to be intensely hot (of the

Gugua, a . rheumatic . sun ) ; puss. laina, to be exposed Gugutu , s. a great talker who dis to the sun . | Laa , v. to step ; to pass over ; re regards truth . Gulu, v. to sleep ; redup. gulugulu . dup. lalaa , laalaa ; pass. laasia . Laai, v. to break over, (the wave (A jocular term ). Gutu, s. the mouth (of men , ani. I rising on the one side of the ca

mals, wells, bottles, & c.)

noe and making a breach clean

LAA over to the other side) ; to pass used as a over ; to join another's quarrel ; ! LAULAU . Laʻoifua, v. recipr. felaaia'i. Laau, s. a tree ; wood, timber ; a health (of 128

club .

Laaualāla, s. the cotton trèe.

Laaufefe, s. the sensitive plant.

Laaulalaga, s. the cotton tree. Laautā , s . a stick for striking the

LAU table ; a table. See to be well, to be in a chief ). In use on

Upolu . Lantin

Laofie, v. to be fair weather , to be I fine. Laolao, a . smooth (as the sea) ; f . nished (as the body of a canoe , a

sea to drive fishes into the net. I bush being cleared , a taro plant. Laautautā, s. a long stick for driv -

ation ).

Lāolão, s. an open space in the ing fowls out of the house . bush free from trees. Laauvavae, s. the cotton tree. See LAAUALALA , LAAULALAGA. Laʻolaío, conj. no wonder that; for Laaga, 1 s. a step ; a stepping that reason. Lau , s. a leaf ; thatch ; a lip ; the Laasaga S over. Laalaa, v. to step over something brim of a cup . Lau , s. breadth . sacred. Lae, s. the space between the cor- Lau, a particle used in counting fish ;

ner of themouth and the chin . I as, I'a e lauagafulu ma iʻa e lua Laea , s. the usiusiwhen grown to a

lau .

Lāu , a particle prefixed to some Laóei, v . to wear a train ; to dress I verbs, indicating uniformity, uni moderate size.

for a review of troops. La‘ei'au , s. a messenger to call to war.

versality, as läufola , lāuiloa . Lāu, pron . thy. La ' u , pron . my.

La‘ei'an , v. to exercise at a re- Laʻu , v. to clear off, to carry away; view ; to have got all ready for

(with mai),to bring ; intens. la -u


la “u .

· Lai, s. the name of a fish . Laʻi, s . a westerly wind .

Laʻu , see LELA ‘U . Lāua, pron . they two.

La‘ia , v. to be blighted by the west Lau´aa, s. the tibrous substance erly wind. which grows round the cocoanut Lailoa, v . to be exhausted, to be | tree, (the stipule). tired, to be pained. Lauaai, s. the town (in opposition Laina, v. to be starved ; to be hun- ' to the bush ). . gry ; also passive of la .

Lauaitu , s. a weeping , a wailing.

La'ita, s. a cocoanut bearing large Lauao , s. a chief's hair. | Lauāutā , s. a plant. See LAUFALE. clusters of small nuts . Laititi, a . small ; pl. laiti. La ‘o , s. the name of a fish .

| Lau'afa, s. the larger cinet fasten

lings. La‘o , v. to be low tide ; to be satis - | Lauafia, s. the name of a tree. fied with food ; to be experienced , Laualo , s. a malauli caught inside accustomed to .

the reef ; the belly of a chief.

Laoa, v. to be choked ; to have

Laualou, s. one kind ofbreadfruit.

something lodged in the throat.

Laualuga, v. to be on the top, to be uppermost. Lauama, s. the Upolu fleet.

Laoa'i, v. to pull in the “ sheet ” of a boat sail.

Laʻoʻai, s. a plaited cocoanut leaf | Lauapi, s. a war lodging house.

LIU . Lauatra , s. the Savaii fcet.'



| Laulau , v. to lay oui foo :l; to war rate ; to abuse indeceitly. Lau‘avi'avi, s. one kind of banana. La'ulaʻu , v. to be rott: 11 ; to be very Lau 'rva , (1. green .

soft (as ulu'au ).

Lau 'ele ele , s. lnud.

Laui-a , s. a fish cooked in a cocoa | Laulaufaiva, s. the longue . put leal'; a measure from above Laulaufau . the name of a fish . the wrist to the tips of the time | Laʻula unoa , see LA' l'14-0 . Laulautu , s. cocoaput-kaf house gers.

Lauiti, s. chestnut leaves ; the eyes I built on occasion of the death of (when speaking of one's own ). Lāuiloa , v to be knowu to all. Lauititi, a . narrow ; p '. lauiti.

a chicf. Laulautū, v. to stand up together ;

pl. laulaututū . Lauoʻo , s. a leaf of a young cocoa- ' Laulagi, s. the hair of the highest chiets . nut. Lau'o'o, s. one kind of the umbrel- Laulala , s. the name of a plant. Laulalo, a . underneath , uisdermost. la plant. Lau‘ofe, s. one stage in the growth : Laulalo, v. to be at the bottom , to be underneath . Laulata, s. a level place on am

of the atule.

Lauolaola , v. to grow luxuriantly . Lauu' a , s. the paper mulberry ; the


tain 's side or at its foot.

bark of it prepared . See TUTUGA, Lauleagă , a . uneven . for which word it has been sub- | Laulelei, u . even , level ; satisfied . stituted on account of supersti- Läulelei, v . to be well, to be reco tions in connection with fishing . vered (of a chief ).

Lauloa , s. one method of catching

Lauulu , s. the hair of the head . Lau‘ulu , s. a breadfruit leaf.

fish .

Lauusiusi, a . shining green (as Lauloto , v . to be between , to be in leaves ). the middle . Laufao , s. the name of a plant. Lauloto , a . middle . Laufata , s. a support for the jaw of Laumaa , s. the name of a tree. See LAUFATU . a dead person.

Laufagutagu, s. the name of a tree. | Laumaile , s. the name of an oduri Laufale , s. branches and leaves used /

ferons creeper.

to cover over ihe fule seu ; the Laumalie, v. to be enough , to be name of a plant. See LAUAUTA . Lautanua , s . the cultivated land. Laufatu , s. the name of a tree. See LALMAA.

| I

complete ; to be in good health , to be well. Laumasamasa , a . narrow (of nets) . Laumanea , v . to be eaten by the

white ant, (spoken of the living Laufola, s. one kind of the umbrella trec ). plant. Lāufola , a . steady , without squalls Laumata , s. an eyelid . Laumea , s. leaves of trees ; a coun (as the wind ). Lauga, s. a speech ; a sermon . try, an island ; a large fish or a La'uga , s. a carrying off. large tree floating out at sea and Laugtasi, a . even , level. attracting fish to it. Laugutu , s. the lips. Laumea, adv. a long time ago. Laulau , s. a temporary cocoanut Laumei, s. the turtle. leaf house. See also LAʻoʻAl. Laumua , s. applied to Sagana as the leading land in the Tuama Lāulau, sce ATULAULAU .

LEO LIA 134 Leopualii, s. a good voice. . | Lenei, adv. now . Leu, v. to knock against accident- Lenei, conj. therefore. ally , to strike accidentally . Lepa , s. a pond , stagnant water. Leuleu , s. an old siapo .

Lepa, v. to be stagnant ; to lie to

mitting . (of a vessel). be uninter V . to be Leutuvā,,v v. unintermitting. to be inseparable from , | Lepeti. s. one kind

Lefaga, .

to follow without fail. Lēfea , pron . which . Lefu , a . uyly .

of breadfruit.

Lepeti, v. to break down ; pass. le petia .

. : | Lepu, v. to be stirred up as water ; Lefu pass. lepua. Lefule, fu Y s. ashes . Lepulepu, v. to stir round. Lega, s. turmeric (prepared ). See Lesolosoloū, v. to haveno remission of pain , to be no better ; to have Ago. Legaoiā , a . quiet, mild , chaste . I no cessation (as in the arrival of Legalega, a . yellowish (as the body visitors). from sickness. See SEGASEGA.

Lētā itai, v. to be not near, to be far

off ; to be wide of the mark . Lelā , adv. that ; there. Lelavalavā , a . naked , (euphem . for Lētaualoa , v. to betreated with dis

respect. telefua ). Lele, v. to fly ; to escape, to run Lētaujā, v. to be disregarded , to be away ; pl. felelei ; pass. lelea ; redup. lelelelea .

treated as of no account. Letaupulea , see FAALETAUPULEA .

Lelea , v. to be carried away by the Letāgatoi, v. to be not near the wind ; to be driven off by a strong

wind (of vessels ).

Lelea'i, v. to be puffed up with pride

mark ; to be not near finished .

Lētalatalaē, v . to despise, to treat

with contempt, to make no ac

on account of sudden promocount of. tion . Letalitalia, 1 v. to be unrestrained ;

cannot be restrained , Leleaga, s. a party driven off by a Letatali checked , or stopped . strong wind. Letioa , v. not to be blamed , not to Lelei, a . good . be found fault with . See Tioa. Lelei, v. to be on good terms, to be reconciled, to be at peace with . Letuli, adv. not only. Leleo , v . pl. of leo .

Lelefu , v. to be burnt to ashes. Lelefua, s. a species of moth . Lelena, v. to spread out. See FoFOLA . Lelovi, a . rude. See LEMIGAO . Lēmafai, v . to be unwilling ; to be unable ; pl. lemafafai ; pass. le mafaia Lemigao, (1. disrespectful, rude. Lēmū, adv. quietly ; privately. Lena, s. the name of a plant of the yain kind .

| Leva, s. the name of a tree.

Leva, a. lolig (oftime); pl. leleva ; redup . levaleva.

Leva , v. to be long since ; redup. levaleva , leleva . Levavao, s. the name of a tree. Li, s. the cinet which secures the

outrigger to the canoe ; the name of a shellfish . Li, v. to set firmly (as the teeth ). Lia, s. a net, a louse's egg . Liʻa, s. a chief's dream . See FAA LEPO .

Lenā , pron . that; adı. there , (near - Lia 'i, v. to root up ; to pull up ; er than lelā ). Lenei, pron . this.

to throw away ; pass. lia- ia and lia' iina .




Lia 'imemea, s. the nameof a child 's game of play. Liʻaga, s.' a giddy height. Lialiaʻi, v. to whirl round ; to shake the head . Lii, s. the name of a cluster of stars. Lii, a . finely plaited (as a basket). Lii, v. to berippled ; to be pimpled ; redup. liilii. Li'o, s. one method of fishing ; the net used in it. Li'ofigota , s. a halo round themoon.

Lilii, a . small. Lili'o , v. to surround ; to circumvent, to hinder. See Sistío . Lilifa , u. sloping (as the side of a mountain ). See LIFA. Liligi, v. to pour ; redupl. ligiligi. Ligiligi, v. to pour gently ; to make water (of children ). Lilivau, see Lili'AU. Lilivu , v. to be long ago. Lilo , a . secret, hidden. Lilo , v. to be hidden, to be con

Li'olio, v. to surrouud ; pl. lili-o.

Liloia, v. to be covered .

Liu , s. the inside bottom of any ves - | Lima, s. the hand ; the arm ; the

sel, box, & c. ; the inside of a pig | foreleg of an animal. Lima, u . five . after it is cleaned . Liu , v. to turn ; to turn over ; to Limaleigoā, s. the fourth finger. turn into , to change ; redup. li- | Limalima, v. to do quickly.

Līmalima, v. to be clever at all work . liu , liuliu . Liua, a . wide (as a canoe of too | Limamălie , s . one expert in catch . great beam ). ing fishes with the hand . Liua, s. a hollow place. See MA- | Limamatua, s. the thumb. LIFALIFA . Limamulu , 4 . greedy, breaking up Liualo, v. to turn the belly to ; to food so as to appropriate it in

regard ; to be favourable to ; re stead of distributing it. dup. liuliualo . Limasaga, a. five span .

Liutofaga, v. to exhume the bones Limasee, s. a quick carpenter. of a dead chief for the purpose of Limasusunu, a . greedy, (burning reinterring in another place. the hand in the haste to seize on Liutua, v. to turn the back upon . food ). Lifa , u . sloping (as some small de- | Limatama, s. the little finger. clivity, applied also to the surf Limatolotolo , s. a thief. before it breaks) ; thin, wasted , Limatusi, s. the forefinger. (of the belly , from disease orhun - Limavale , u . stingy (in regard to ger ).

Ligi, see Liligi.

Ligoe, a. frightened away; redup. ligoligoa .

food ).

Limavela, s. a quick carpenter . Limu, s. seaweed , riverweed ; moss. Limu -aa,

Limu-alaea, Ligoligo , v. to be calm , to be quiet, Limu-fuafua, Limu- lauago, le different kinds of to be undisturbed . Lili, v. to be angry, to be enrag d . | Limu-laumei, º sea seaweed. Lili, v. to be tirinly fastened . Limu-su, Lilia , a . timid , aftrighted . Liinu-taemoa,

Ligoligo , s. a cricket .

Lilića , v. to be timid , to be affright- | Limu-tala , ed .


Liliau, v . to set the teeth fast toge- Limulimu, s. seaweed detached ; ther ; to be enraged . duckweed .



LAT the eyes from not being exposed

persons, calling by the wrong name ; pl. lalali.

Lalo , s. a messenger sent secretly.

1 when diseased ). Lanumoana , n . sky-colored .

Lapa, s. a flat species of coral ; a Lalo, prep. below , downl, under. Laloaoa , v. to be gathering (as flat slab at the root of large trees clouds in the part of the heavens

acting as buttresses to the trunk .

as if under the sun , thence spread Lapa, v. to warn . ing all over ). Lapalapa, s. the stem of the cocoa Lalofale , s. conduct of a family. I nut leaf and banana leat. Laloma'oa , a . overshadowed , (ap | Lapataʻi, s. the level land at the plied to a small plantation , and foot of a hill. Sce AULAPATAʻI. to a specch interrupted by ano. Lapata 'i, v . to warn . See LAPA. Ther).

Lapavale , s. a slip of the tongue, a blunder. the world : as, E le lūu lulolagi. Lapavale, v . to make a slip of the Lalovisa , s. the space between al tongue ,to inispronounce ; to make double canoe ; the space between a blunder in speaking .

Lalolagi, s. the world ; a part of

i canoe and its outrigger ; scro - | Lape , s . a mau wlio sits and wishes

tum , (euphem . for laso). Lama , s. the candlenut.

Lama, 1. to fish with torches ; pl. lalama .

Lawia , l'. to watch for, to lie in wait ; intens. lainalama ; pl. la

lama; puss. lamatia ; recipro. fe lamata 'i. Lamaga, s. a fishing with torches. Lamala , s. a drought.

Lamo‘imoʻi, a . small.

Lamolemole , a. smooth ; good looking

Lamu , v. to chew ; dimin . lamula mu.

Lana, pron . bis, her. Lanimii, u . small.

bad luck in tagitia.

Lape, v. to sit and wish bad luck to

the opposite pariy in tagati'a ; pass. lapea ; redup. lapelape. | Lapea, v . to be visited by a calami ty after warnings rejecttd ; redup. lāpelapea. Lāpo‘a, a . large ; pl. lapopoʻa . | Lapotopoto, a . globular. Lapusa‘i, v. to reproach asthe cause of calamity. | Lase , v. to scrape off (as warts ) ; pl. lalase. Lasi, a . many.

| Laso, s. scrotum . See LALOVASA .

Lata, a . lame, domesticated ; at home in a place .

Lano, s. a lake ; liquor amnii, (also Lāta, pron. my. See LAⓇU . laniu ). Lata, 1. to be near, redup . Iatalata ; to be tame; to feel at home; pl. Lavu , s. color ; liquor amnii, ( so lalata . some). Lanu , v. to wash off salt water ; 10 | Latafanua, , v. to be attached to oil the body all over ; to be free , Latanuu s one's own land . from punishinent after paying the Latavale , a . not afraid of strangers ,

penalty ; pl. lalanu. not shy, easily made friends. Lanuā , s. sore eyes ; pl. lānuā ; Latele , a. large ; pl. latetele . Latou, pron . they. redup. lanulanuā. Lanuaga, s. an early setting sun . | Latulatu, s. the name of a chatter Lanufalea, v. to be dim (of a fly i ng bird ; a man who talks ra

tishhook ); to be obscured (as

pidly .



1 :33

Lava , s. ornaments worn across the Le, art, the. (It is also often used shoulders . where the English would require Lava, adv indeed , very. " the indefinite article ).

Láva ,s. a payment given on catch- Lē, pron . who , that. ing a shark

| Lē, adv. not.

Láva, v. to be enough ; to complete Lea, pron . that. Lea , a particle following the verb the complement. Lavā, v. to be able ; pass. lavātia. 1 wlien it takes ona before it. Lavaau, v. to call, to call out to ; Leʻa, s. one kind of 'uva ; onekind of cocoanut. puss. lavaauia . See VALAAU. Lavai, s. the leaves of the oʻa used Leai, adv. no, not. Leaia , v. to have no say, power, or as stuffing to baked pigs.

Lavanlāpua , a . black in the fore authority in . and hind parts and white in the Leausilia , v. not to be excceded, middle .


not to be surpassed .

Lavalava, s . thewrapper worn round Leaga, a . bad . the loins. Leʻaleʻa , v. to be one nightafter full Lavalara , v . to put on the wrapper ; (of the moon ). to dress. Leatapa‘ia , v. not to biar being touched, to be tender and painful Lavalavao, a . clamorous, noisy. See PISAPISAO.

to the touch.

Lavasi, v. to tie round and round ; Lei, s. whale's teeth ; a necklace of to entwine (as a serpent). whale's teeth . Lāvasi, v. to entwine the hand with Le'i, s. the prominence in the helve a cord so as to form a buxing of an adze against which the end glove, (the cestus). Lavata 'i, see LALATA “l.

Lave, s. a part of a head dress. Lave, v. to steer tree, to keep oefore the wind ; to take a turn of a rope

round a pin , & c. ; to be of great

of it rests.

| Leʻi, adv. not (past time). Le'ileai, ade. no. A diminutive ac knowledging theomission of some thing which should have been done.

service in a family ; to be intri- | Le'ileʻi , s. anything very good (as a cate (as.sub,ects to be discussed , good -looking man , a house ,' uva , see LAVELAVE ).

& c.) ; the name of a tree. choked ; to be removed (as a dis - | Le'ile ia s taulārtu pretending to

Lavea , v . to be struck ; to be l Leileia , 1 v . to be frightened by a ease ).


Laveaʻi, v. to extricate , to deliver. Lavei, s. one kind of taro . Laveitigā , v. to save from pain or trouble . Lavélave, s. a short fishing rod . Lavelave, v. to entangle ; to be in

be inspired . Le‘ili-ili, adv. unbecomingly . Le'imai, adv . long since. Leo, s. the voice; a sound; a guard, a watchman . Leo, v. to watch , to guard ; redup. leoleo ; pl. leleo .

tertwined ; to be intricate (as sub . Leotaamama'i, s. a doleful voice. jects under discussion ) ; puss. la Leoleoā , a . loud talking, clamorous, velavea .

Lavena, s. the name of a fish .


Leoleo , s. a guard , a watchman .

Lavetemutemu, v. to be struck side. Leoleoga, s a watching . ways so as to escape the full force | Leoleosa 'i, v . to watch . of the blow .

LAU 130 saga. ( The lau was the tu pe first thrown ).


bush ; pl. lalafo ; intens. lafolafo.

Lafo, s. property given to tulafule .

Launiu , s. a cocoanut leaf ; a bam - | Lalo: Lafo , L . boo, (so called before chiefs). Lafoā ( s.s. the rattan cane. Laupae, v. to sit together. Lafoaʻi, v. to throw away ; to de Laupapa, s. a board , a plank. sert ; to reject. Laupata, s . the name of a tree.

Lafoga, s. a game played with tupe.

Lausae , s. a portion of the tatooing . Lafolafo, v. to deliberate ; to be Lāusoo , v . to be spread over (aswith jabbly. weeds or men , or as the heavens Lafotū , v . to throw down .

Latu , s. a herd .

with clouds).

Lafu , v. to prohibit the killing of

Lausului, s. dry banana leaves. Lautāgitagi, a . drooping (as leaves of a tree ). Lautaliga, s. toadstool. See MoLOʻAu. Lautalotalo , s. a shrub . Lautele, a , wide ; widely known ; common people ; pl. lautetele. Lautī, s. a ti leaf; a bamboo , (before chiefs, instead of 'ofe). Lautiti, s. a leaf of the titi ; fish caught in numbers ; men killed in numbers in war : Ua motu le lautiti. Lautoi, s. one stage in the growth

pigs. Lafulafu , a . dingy, dusky (as the body for want of oiling ). See LA LAFU . Lafulafuā, a. barren ,unproductive, exhausted (of the soil). Lafulemu, a . rich , productive. Lāfulafu , s. one kind of taro .

Laga, v . to rise to arms; to raise

up ; to rise from sitting ; redup . lagalaga.

Laga‘ali, s. a plant, its flowers used to scent oil.

Lagauta , v. to carry a large load ,

of the atule. (applied to canoes and men ). Lāutolu , s. three lands going toge- Lagalaga, s. a stick used to raise

the flat coral used to keep down

ther on an embassy .

Lautua, s. the name of a malauli

fish traps. Lagalaga, v. to raise up (as a heavy

when found outside the reef.

weight). Lauvao, s. the wild ti plant. Lauvale, a. bad,worthless, (only in Lagalaga, v . to reconnoitre (applied a question and negative sentences: | to a small party sent out before the advanced guard to reconnoi Pe lauvale ea mea a lena taga tu ? ) tre ). Lāuvale , a . thin , a falling away of Lagalagaola , v. to raise the finger the body previous to being ill. I nails from the flesh. Lauvivilu , see VIVILU .

| Lagamuli, v. to gain the victory

Lafa , s. the ringworm .

after having been frequently de

Lafalafa , s. the level top of a moun

feated ; applied also to a speaker Lafasupa , s. an ulcer supposed to afterwards gets the better of his indicate paralysis. opponent. Lah , v. to hide oneself ; pl. lalafi. Lagapaia , v. to be struck accident tain .

Lafitaʻi, v. to hide away ; to con - | ceal.

who after being severely reproved

ally .

Lagapalo , v. to contend with one Lafitaga, s. a hiding place. who has conquered another in a Lafo , i. to throw ; to clear off the club match .

131 LAL Lagomumu, s. the carpenter bee.


Lagapapale, v. to bear with , to en

dure. See FAAPALEPALE. Lagona, v. to understand ; to feel. Lālā , v . to be pierced with a spear Lagavaa, see LAGAPALO . Lagi, s. the sky ; heaven ; customs which remains in the body ; to stand against (as firewood against observed on the death of a great chief. a tree) ; to stand up (as a comb Lagi, s. the head of a chief. ( It in the hair ). has the plural form ). Lālā, s. (pl. of la ), branches . Lagi, v. to sing ; redup. lagilagi. Lăla , u . greasy . Lagi, v. to call out the different por- | Lalā , v. to leap upon (as the male tions of food and the parties for animal). whom intended . Lalaa , see LAʻA. Lagifelo ‘ua'i, 7 v. to marry into an Lala 'oa, v . to have a fishy smell.

Lagifetaopeaři ſ other land or. fa Lalau , v. to be in leaf (of annual plants ). mily (of chiefs ). Lāgilagi, v. to warm anything at Lalau, v. to speak , to make a the fire ; pl. lalagi ; pass. lagia. speech . Lagilagiā , a . cloudy, threatening Lalaf, s. the name of a fish . rain .

| Lalafi, v . pl. of lufi.

Lagilagimua, v. to remind those | Lalafo, v . pl. of lafo.

about to distribute food or pro . Lalafu, a . dingy , dusky. See LA perty of some party having a !


claim , that they might not be Lalaga, v. to weave, to plait. overlooked. Lālaga, s. a finematpartly finished ; a new fine mat. Lagisiva, s. a singer. Lāgisolo , s. a long song, unaccom - Lalagi, v. to broil, (used before chiefs instead of tunu ). panied with dancing. Lagivalea, v. to be obscured by Lalago , s. a chief's bamboo pillow . Lalago , v . to ward off a blow ; also clouds (of the moon ). Lago, s. a fly ; props of a canoe.


pl. of layo ,

Lago , v. to lean against or upon ; | Lalama, v. to be ripe, (applied to chestnuts, bananas, and yams) ; to raise on supports ; to take part with one against another ; pl. la - |

also pl. of lama.

lago ; redupl. lagolago ; pass. la- Lalano, s. the name of a poisonous gomia .


Lagoa, a . cranky (of a canoe ) ; / Lalano, a . deep (of water ). easily displeased (of chiefs ) ; re- Lalanu, v. pl. of lunu . dup. lagolagoā . Lalase, v. (pl. of lase), to clear off;

Lagoia , v . to be covered with flies .

to destroy.

Lagogalemu, a . steady, not cranky, i Lalata , v. pl of lata .

(of a canoe) ; quiet in disposition , Lalato, v. to have the mouth stung by acrid substances. See SALATO . Lagolau, s. neatly plaited cocoanut | Lalatoa, s. the name of a shrub. leaves used to keep the ends of Laleaga, a . bad looking , ugly .

not easily provoked.

the thatch from hanging down.

Lalelei, a. good looking, fine look

Lagolemu, see LAGOGALEMU . ing . Lagomau , v. to be the confidence Lalifali, s. mucous from the mouth .

of, to be the support of, (in war, Lalilali, v. to mistake in naming work, & c.)



Galegaleata, v. to be dawn. Galepu , v. to be stirred up, to be


Gase , a. palsied , lifeless, languid ; pl. gagase.

troubled, to be agitated (as wa. Gase, v. to be languid , to be lifeless; ter ) ; intens. galepulepu . See GA 1 EPU .

to die ; to wane as the moon. Gasē, v . to rustle.

Gali, v. to gnaw ; redup. galigali ; Gaseʻele ele, v. to be eclipsed (of intens. gagali ; pass. galia.

the moon ).

Gali'o , s. a sea serpent.

Gasegase, s. a chief's illness .

Gālo , s. a full grown usiusi. Galo , v. to forget ; pl. gagalo. Galu , s. a wave, a breaker ; a num

Gasegasemalū , s. a chief's ulcer. Gasemoe, v . to die .

Gālo, v. to pass out of sight. ber of young persons.

Gasese, a . industrious.

Gasese, s. an oven of food being Gasesega s prepared , (to chiefs).

Galu , v. to be rongh,to break hea - Gasetoto , v . to be eclipsed (of the sun ). vily on the reef, & c. Galue, ?. to work, (particularly of Gāsolo , a. swift (of canoes).

cultivating the ground) ; pl. gā

Gasolo , v. to pass along .

Gāsoloao, v. to die, ( spoken of the Gālue, s. food taken by the whole highest chiefs). town to visitors. Gasū , v. to be wet (of the bush ). lulue.

Gāluefaafafa , s. food consisting of a Gata , s. a snake. pig and a basket of vegetables Gata , s . a custom of giving proper ty when girls first menstruate. taken by each head of a family to visitors. | Gata , v. to finish , to end , to termi

Galuega, s. work (especially hus . bandry ).

nate .

Gatā , suffixed to verbs to express

Gāluelili, s. a small galue.

difficulty ; asmaugatā , difficult of

Gāluetalī, see GALUEFAAFAFA. Galugalu , see GAGALU .


Gata'aga, s. the end .

Galulu , v . to shake (as a nut not Gāta'e, v . to be cracked, to be split. full of juice ; metuph . of a land Gatae, s. the name of a tree. Gātai, adv. towards the sea. influenced by a chief). Gālulu , v . to have the headache. Galutaa , s. waves rolling from west Gatauli

* s. two kinds of snakes,

Gatala , s. the name of a fish . to east, or the opposite . Galutafi, s. a high wave which takes Gatasi, a . equal ; together ; intens. the rubbish from the beach . gātasitasi. Ganagana, v . to be talked about, Gatasina, s . one kind of snake. to be the subject of conversa Gatete, v. n . to shake ; to be trou i bled ; intens. gatetetete. tion . Gānagana, v . to talk , to converse , Gati, s. one kind of song sung by

to chat; pass. gānaia ; recipr. fe-

three or four.

Gatilo , v. to grow in great numbers, ganavai. Ganagatā , a . difficult to be per- ' to increase greatly. suaded , disobedient. |Gatogia , s. the bonito season .

Ganagofie, a . easily persuaded , obe Gatu, s. the stick used to rub fire with ; an old siapo Used as a dient. Gā ē , v . to be broken ; pl. gā pēpē. / wrapper. Gapia , s. fish taken to relations. Gatu , v. to make head quarters ;

127 LAA GAT to come to one point from differ- / Gutu , v. to excel. | Gutu , v . to eat his own food by ent places. Gātusa , a. equal, alike ; intens. gā - ' himself alone ; to trespass against tusatusa . | oneself. Gege, v. to die (of animals, applied Gutuaitu , s. a man full of words ; a to men abusively ) ; to be pained scold . (as with the sun, cold, & c.) ; to Gutuaopo, a. sore-mouthed . See GUTUSOLOSOLO . be very slow . Geli, s. a cat. See Gose. Gutufagu, s. one kind of breadfruit. Geno , v. to nod, to beckon ; intens. Gutufiloa , a . prominent mouthed . genogeno. See Nego . Gutugutu, v . to promise and not Gese, a . slow ; intens gesegese. perform .

Gutulei, s. the name of a bird . Geti, s. a full-grown lomu. Gutumoo, a . small-mouthed . Getigetia , 1. fat. Gutupoto, a. clever in talk . Gigi, v. to obey. Gita , s. the head shaved down the middle (as practised by virgins). | Gutusolosolo, a . sore- inouthed . See Gofie , suffixed to verbs, meaning | GUTUAOPO . easy ; as maugofie, easy of attain - Gutusua, a. jesting ; redup. gutu ment. susua. Gogo, s. a seagull. Gutusumu, a. small and prominent Gogofala, s. a bird having a small mouthed . voice ; a child 's whistle. Gogolo , s. a rushing sound . Gogolo , v. tomake a rushing sound ; to come in crowds.

Gose, s. a cat. See Geli.

The eighth letter in the Samoan alpha

Goto , v . to sink ; to swamp (as a

bet ; pronounced , for the most part,

canoe); to set (as the sun ) ; in tens. gotugoto ; pl. gogoto . Gotouga, v. to sink like an uga , to sink to the bottom . Gu, s. a dark colored artificial fly

and by somenatives always, as the English l. When preceded by a or

fishhook .

o or u , and followed by i, it has, with

most natives, the sound of a soft (not

a rolling ) r.

| La, s. the sun ; a sail ; a branch .

Gu, v. to growl; to make a mur- | La, pron . they two, (abbreviated from lāua ; used before verbs ). muring noise (as the voice of men La, a particle of emphasis , much at a distance ).

Gutee, s. the name of a fish .

used in the eastern part of the

Gugu, s. rheumatism of the joints. / group. It might perhaps be ex Gūgū, a . dumb.

pressed by then , at once ; as Suu

Gugu, v. to scranch. See PAAGU

la ia , Come then , or at once.

| La, v. to be intensely hot (of the sun ) ; puss . laina, to be exposed Gugua, a. rheumatic . Gugutu , s. a great talker who dis to the sun. Laa, v. to step ; to pass over ; re regards truth . GU.

Gulu , v. to sleep ; redup. gulugulu . / dup. lalaa, laalaa ; pass. laasia . | Laai, v. to break over, ( the wave ( A jocular term ). Gutu , s. the mouth (of men , ani rising on the one side of the ca noe and making a breach clean mals , wells, bottles, & c.)

LAA over to the other side) ; to pass



used as a table ; a table. See

over ; to join another's quarrel ; LAULAU . recipr. felaaia 'i. Laʻoifua , v. to be well, to be in

Laau, s. a tree ; wood , timber ; a club .

Laaualāla, s. the cotton tr - e.

health (of a chief). In use on Upolu .

Laofie, v. to be fair weather, to be

Laaufefe , s. the sensitive plant. I fine. Laolao , a. smooth (as the sea ); 6 Laautā , s. a stick for striking the nished (as the body of a canoe , a

Laaulalaga , s. the cotton tree.

sea to drive fishes into the net. Laautautā , s. a long stick for driv -

ing fowls out of the house. Laauvavae, s. the cotton tree. See LAAUALALA, LAAULALAGA.

Laaga, 1 s. a step ; a stepping Laalaa, v. to step over something sacred . Lae, s. the space between the corLaasagas over.

ner of the mouth and the chin .

Laea , s. the usiusiwhen grown to a moderate size . Laóei, v. to wear a train ; to dress for a review of troops.

bush being cleared , a taro plant . ation ).

Lāolão, s . an open space in the bush free from trees.

Laʻolaío , conj. no wonder that ; for that reason. Lau, s. a leaf; thatch ; a lip ; the brim of a cup. Lau, s. breadth . Lau , a particle used in counting fish ; as, Ita e lauagafulu ma i'a e lua lau . Lāu, a particle prefixed to some verbs, indicating uniformity, uni versality , as lāufola, lāuiloa .

La‘ei'au, s. a messer:ger to call to Lāu , pron . thy. war. Laʻu , prun . my. La ‘ei'an , v. to exercise at a re- | La‘ u , v. to clear off, to carry away ;

vil w ; to have got all ready for (with mai), to bring; intens. laʻu laʻu . · Lai, s. the name of a fish . Laʻu, see LELAʻv. Laʻi, s. a westerly wind. Lāua, pron . they two. Laʻia , v. to be blighted by thewest- Lau´aa, s. the tibrous substance erly wind. which grows round the cocoanut Lailoa , v. to be exhausted , to be tree, (the stipule). tired , to be pained . | Lauaai, s. the town (in opposition Laina , v . to be starved ; to be hun- ' to the bush ). gry ; also passive of la. Lauaitu, s. a weeping, a wailing . La'ita , s. a cocoanut bearing large Lauao , s. a chief's hair . Lauāutā , s. a plant. See LAUFALE . clusters of small nuts. Laitiiti , a . small ; pl. laiti. Lauộafa , s. the larger cinet fasten war.

Laʻo , s . the name of a fish . ingi. La‘o , v . to be low tide ; to be satis - | Lauafia , s . the name of a tree.

fiedwith food ; to be experienced , Laualo, s. a malauli caught inside the reef ; the belly of a chief.

accustomed to .

Laoa, v . to be choked ; to have | Laualou , s. one kind of breadfruit .

something lodged in the throat.

Laualuga, v. to be on the top, to be

uppermost. Laoa 'i, v . to pull in the “ sheet ” of a boat sail. Lauama, s. the Upolu fleet.

Laʻoʻai, s. a plaited cocoanut leaf Lauapi, s. a war lodging house.


Lauatea, s. the Savai ficet .



| Laulau , v . to lay oui fool; to war rate ; to abuse indecently.

Lau 'ava , 1. green .

Lau avi avi, s. one kind of banana. | Laʻulaʻu , v. to berott: 11 ; to be very Lau'ele ele, si land . soft (as ulu 'uu ). Laui'a , s. a fish cooked in a cocoa | Laulautaiva , s. the longue. Dut leaf'; a measure from above Laulautau s. the name of a fish . the wrist to the tips of the fin . | La 'ulaʻunoa , see LATIU . gers. Laulautu , s. cocoanut-kaf house Laviti, s. chestnut leaves ; the eyes I built on occasion of the death of

(when speaking of one's own ).

a chicf.

Laulautū, v. to stand up together ;

Lāuiloa, v to be known to all. Lanitiiti, a . narrow ; pl. lauiti.

pl. laulaututū .

Lauo‘o, s. a leafof a young cocoa- Laulagi, . the hair of the highest nut.



Lauʻoʻo, s. one kind of the umbrel- Laulala , s. the name of a plant. la plant. Lauʻofe, s. one stage in the growth of the atule .

Laulalo , a . underneath , undermost. Laulalo , v . to be at the bottom , to be underneath .

Lauolaola , v. to grow luxuriantly . I laulata , s. a level place on am un Lauuía , s. the paper mulberry ; the tain 's side or at its foot. bark of it prepared . See TUTUGA, Lauleaga, a . uneven . for wbich word it has been sub Laulelei, a . even , level ; satisfied . stituted on accoint of supersti- Läulelei, v. to be well, to be reco tions in connection with fishing . vered (of a chief ). Lauulu, s. the hair of the head. I Lauloa, s. one method of catching fish . Lau-ulu , s. a breadfruit leaf. Launsiusi, a. shining green (as Lauloto, v. 10 be between, to be in leaves ).

Laufao , s. the name of a plant.

the middle .

| Lauloto , a . middle.

Laufata , s. a support for the jaw of Laumaa , s. the name of a tree. See a dead person .


Laufagufrigu, s. the name of a tree. | Laumaile, s. the name of an od ri Laufale, s. branches and leaves used | ferous creeper. to cover over ihe fule seu ; the Laumalie , v . to be enough , to be

name of a plant. See LAUAUTA. Lautanua , s. the cultivated land.

complete ; to be in good health , to be well.

Laufatu , s. the name of a tree. See Laumasamasa, a . narrow (of nets ). LAL'MAA Laumanea , v . to be eaten by the Laufola, s. one kind of the umbrella white ant, (spoken of the living tree ). plant. Läufola , a. steady, without squalls Laumata , s. an eyeld . (as the wind ). Lauga, s. a speech ; a sermon . Laʻuga, s. a carrying off.

Laug, tasi, a . even , level.

Laumea, s. leaves of trees; a coun try, an island ; a large fish or a large tree floating out at sea and attracting fish to it.

Laugulu , s. the lips. Laumea, adv. a long timeago. Laulau, s. a temporary cocoanut . Laumei, s. the turtle.

leaf house. See also Laʻoʻal.

Lāulau, see ATULAULAU.

| Laumua, s. applied to Sagana as the leading land in the Tuama


LIA Leopualii, s. a good voice. ' | Lenei, adv. now . Leu , v. to knock against accident- Lenei, conj. therefore. ally, to strike accidentally . Lepa, s. a pond , stagnant water. Lepa , v. to be stagnant ; to lie to Leuleu, s. an old siapo.


Leutuvā , v. to be unintermitting

(of a vessel).

Lēfaga, v . to be inseparable from , Lepeti. s. one kind of breadfruit. to follow without fail. Lepeti, v. to break down ; pass. le Lēfea, pron . which . petia. Lefu , a . ugly. Lepu , v. to be stirred up as water; ashes Lefu pass. lepua. , fuhe s . as hes.. fule Le Lepulepu, v. to stir round .

Lega, s. turmeric (prepared ). See Lesolosoloū, v. to haveno remission AGO.

of pain , to be no better ; to have

Legaoiā, a. quiet, mild , chaste. I no cessation (as in the arrival of Legalega, a . yellowish (as the body visitors ). from sickness. See SEGASEGA.

Lelā, adv. that; there.

Lētāitai, v . to be not near , to be far off ; to be wide of the mark .

Lelavalavā , a. naked , (euphem . for Lētaualoa, v. to be treated with dis respect. telefua ). Lele , v. to fly ; to escape, to run Lētauia , v. to be disregarded , to be away ; pl. felelei ; pass. lelea ; treated as of no account. Letaupulea , see FAALETAUPULEA . redup. lelelelea. Lelea , v. to be carried away by the Letāgatoi, v. to be not near the wind ; to be driven off by a strong mark ; to be not near finished . wind (of vessels). Lētalatalaē, v. to despise, to treat

Lelea'i, v . to be puffed up with pride | with contempt, to make no ac on account of sudden promo tion .

count of. Letalitalia , 1 v. to be unrestrained ;

Leleaga, s. a party driven off by a Letatali I cannot be restrained , strong wind . checked, or stopped . Letioa, v. not to be blamed, not to Lelei, a . good . Lelei, v . to be on good terms, to be

reconciled , to be at peace with . Leleo , v . pl. of leo .

Lelefu , v. to be burnt to ashes. Lelefua, s. a species of moth .

be found fault with .

See T10A .

Letuli, adv. not only.

| Leva , s. the name of a tree. Leva, a . long (of time); pl. leleva ; redup. levaleva .

Lelena, v. to spread out. See Fo - Leva, v. to be long since ; redup. FOLA . levaleva , leleva . Lēlovi, a . rude. See LEMIGAO. Levavao, s. the name of a tree. Lēmafai, v . to be unwilling ; to be | Li, s. the cinet which secures the

unable ; pl. lemafafai ; pass. le- outrigger to the canoe ; thenanie of a shellfish . Lemigao, al. disrespectful, rude. Li, v. to set firmly (as the teeth ). Lēmū, adv. quietly ; privately. | Lia , s. a net, a louse's egg . . Lena , s. the nameof a plant of the Liʻa, s. a chief's dream . See Faa LEPO . yain kind. mafaia .

Lenā, pron . that; adı,there, (near- Lia'i, v. to root up ; to pull up ; er than lelā ).

Lenei, pron . this .

to throw away ; pass. liaʻia and liaʻiina.




Lia'imemea , s. the nameof a child 's Lilii, a . small. Lili'o, v. to surround ; to circumvent, game of play. I to hinder. See Sisi' o . Liaga, s. a giddy height. Lialiaʻi, v. to whirl round ; to shake Lilifa , a . sloping (as the side of a the head. mountain ). See Lifa . Lii, s. the name of a cluster of Liligi, v. to pour ; redupl. ligiligi. stars. Ligiligi, v. to pour gently ; to make Lii, a . finely plaited (as a basket). water (of children ). Lii, v. to be rippled ; to be pimpled ; Lilivau, see Liliau . redup. liilii. Lilivu , v. to be long ago. Li'o , s. one method of fishing ; the Lilo, a . secret, hidden . net used in it. Lilo , v. to be hidden , to be con Li'ofigota , s. a halo round themoon . cealed .

Li'olio, v . to surround ; pl. lilito . Liloia , v. to be covered . Liu , s. the inside bottom ofany ves Lima, s. the hand ; the arm ; the sel, box , & c. ; the inside of a pig I after it is cleaned .

foreleg of an animal. Lima , a . live.

Liu , v. to turn ; to turn over ; to Limaleigoā, s. the fourth finger. turn into , to change ; redup . li - | Limalima, v . to do quickly . liu , liulia . Līmalima, v. to be clever at allwork . Liua, a . wide (as a canoe of too Limamălie, s. one expert in catch : great beam ). ing fishes with the hand. Liua, s. a hollow place. See MA- Limamatua, s. the thumb. LIFALIFA. Limamulu, u . greedy , breaking up food so as to appropriate it in Liualo , v. to turn the belly to ; to regard ; to be favourable to ; re - l dup. liuliualo .

stead of distributing it. Limasaga , a . five span .

Liutofaga, v. to exhume the bones Limasee, s. a quick carpenter. of a dead chief for the purpose of Limasusunu, a. greedy, (burning reinterring in another place. I the hand in the haste to seize on Liutua, v. to turn the back upon. food ). Lifa , a . sloping (as some small de- | Limatama, s. the little finger. clivity, applied also to the surf | Limatolotolo , s. a thief. before it breaks) ; thin , wasted , Limatusi, s. the furefinger.

(of the belly , from disease orhun Ligi, see Liligi.

Limavale, u . stingy (in regard to food ). Limavela, s. a quick carpenter. Ligoa, a . frightened away ; redup . Limu, s. seaweed , riverweed ; moss. ger).


Ligoligo , s. a cricket.

Ligoligo, v. to be calm , to be quiet, to be undisturbed .

Lili, v. to be angry, to be enrag d.



Limu- alaea , Limu-fuafua ,

Limu -lauago , Is different kinds of Limh-laumei, į seaweed .

Līlī, v. to be firinly fastened .


Lilića , a . timid , aftrighted .

Liinu-taemoa ,

Lilióa , v. to be timid , to be affright- Limu-tala, ed

Limu- too ,

Lili'au , v . to set the teeth fast toge - Limulimu, s. seaweed detached ;

ther ; to be enrag d .

duckweed .




persons, calling by the wrong I when the eyes from not being exposed diseased ).

name ; pl. lalali.

Lalo , s. a mussenger sent secretly . | Lanumoana, n . sky-colored . Lapa, s. a flat species of coral ; a Lalo , prep . below , down , under. Laloaoa, I. to be gathering (as flat slab at the root of large trees clouds in the part of the heavens acting as buttresses to the trunk. as if under the sun ,thence spread - Lāpa, v. to warn . Lapalapa, s. the stem of the cocoa ing all over ). Lalofale, s. conduct of a family . I nut leafand banana leat. Laloma'oa , a . overshadowed , (ap 1 Lapataʻi, s. the level land at the plied to a small plautation , and foot of a hill. Sce AULAPATAʻI.

to a specch interrupted by ano. Lapata 'i, v. to warn. See LAPA. ther ). Lapavale , s. a slip of the tongue, a Lalolagi, s. the worid ; a part of blunder.

the world : as, E le lūu lulolayi. Lapavale, v. to make a slip of the Lalovasa , s. the space between a tongue,to inispronounce ; to make double canoe ; the space betweenL a blunder in speaking à canoe and its outrigger ; scro - | Lape, s. a man wlio sits and wishes tum , (euphem . for luso ). bad luck in taguti-a . Lape, v. to sit and wish bad luck to Lama, s. the candlenut. Lama, '. to fish with torches ; pl. ihe opposite pariy in tayati' a ; lalama .

pass. lapea ; rednp. lapelape.

Lama, v. to watch for, to lie in | Lapea, v. to be visited by a calami

wait ; intens. lamalama ; pl. la-

ty after warningsrejected ; redup.

lama; pass. lamatia ; recipro. fe- '

läpelapea .

lamata 'i.

Lāpoʻa, a. large ; pl. lapopo‘a. Lamaga, s, a fishing with torches. Lapotopoto, a . globular. Lāmala , s. a drought. Lapusa'i, v. to reproach as the cause Lamo‘ imo‘i, a . small. of calamity. Lamoleniole , a . smooth ; good Lase, v. to scrape off (as warts ) ; pl. lalase. looking Lamu, v. to chew ; dimin . lamula - Lasi, a . many. mu.

Lana , pron . bis , her. Laninii, u . small.

Laso , s. scrotum . See LALOVASA . Lata , a . lame, domesticated ; at

home in a place.

Lano, s. a lake; liquor amnii, (also Lāta , pron . my. See Laʻu. Lata , i. to be wear, redup. latalata ; lavu ). to be tame; to feel at home ; pl. Lanu , s. color ; liquor amnii, (so lalata . some). Lanu , v. to wash off salt water ; to | Latafanua, , v . to be attached to oil the body all over ; to be free | Latanuu s one's own land. from punishment after paying the

penalty ; pl. lalanu .

Latavale , a . not afraid of strangers ,

not shy , easily made friends.

Lanuā, s. sore eyes ; pl. lānuā ; Latele , a. large ; pl. latetele. Latou , pron . they. redup. lanulanuā. Lanuaga, s. an early setting sun . | Latulatu , s. the name of a chatter Lanufalea , v. to be dim (of a fly i ng bird ; a man who talks ra

fishhook ); to be obscured (as





Lava, s. ornaments worn across the Le, art. the. (It is also often used shoulders. where the English would require the indefinite article ). Lava, adv indeed, very. ' Láva, s. a payment given on catch - | Lē, pron . who, that. ing a shark .

Lē , adv . not.

Láva , v. to be enough ; to complete Lea, pron . that. the complement. Lea, a particle following the verb Lavā ,v. to be able ; pass. lavātia . | wlien it takes ona before it. Lavaau, v. to call, to call out to ; | Leʻa , s. one kind of 'uva ; onekind puss. lavaauia . See VALAAU . of cocoanut. Lavai, s. the leaves of the oʻa used | Leai, adv. no, not. as stuffing to baked pigs. | Leaia , v. to have no say, power, or

Lavanlāpua, a . black in the fore

authority in .

and hind parts and white in the Leausilia , v. not to be excceded , middle. - not to be surpassed . Lavalava , s. the wrapper worü round Leaga, a . bad. the loins. Le-ale-a , v. to beonenightafter full

Lavalava, v. to put on the wrapper ; to dress.

Lavalavao , a . clamorous, noisy. See PISAPISAO .

(of the moon ). touched , to be tenderand painful

Leata paʻia, v. 10t to b:ar being to the touch .

Lavasi, v. to tie round and round ; Lei, s. whale's teeth ; a necklace of to entwine (as a serpent). whale's teeth . Lavasi, v. to entwine the hand with Le'i, s. the prominence in thehelve a cord so as to form a buxing of an adze against which the end of it rests. glove, (the cestus). Lavata 'i, see LAL'ATA “I.

Lave, s. a part of a head dress.

| Leʻi, adv. not (past time). Le‘ileai, dr. no. A diminutive ac

Lave, v. to steer tree, to keep before

knowledging theomission ofsome

the wiud ; to take a turn of a rope

thing which should have been

round a pin , & c .; to be of great done. service in a tanuly ; to be intri- | Le‘ile 'i, s. anything very good (as a cate (as.sub,ects to be di:cussed , good-looking man , a house,‘uva , see LAVELAVE ).

& c.) ; thename of a tree.

Lavea, v. to be struck ; to be Leileia , 1 v. to be frightened by a choked ; to be removed (as a dis- Le' ile ia s taulāitu pretending to ease ).


Laveaʻi, v. to extricate, to deliver.

be inspired. Le‘iliʻili, adv. unbecomingly.

Lavei, s. one kind of taro. Le‘ imai, adv. long since. Laveitiyā , v . to save from pain or Leo , s. the voice ; a sound ; a guard , trouble .

Lavelave , s. a short fishing rod . Lavelave, i. to entangle ; to be in tertwined ; to be intricate (as sub

a watch 'nan.

Leo, v. to watch , to guard ; redup. leoleo ; pl. leleo. Leotaamama'i, s. a doletul voice .

jects under discussion ) ; puss. la Leoleoā, a . loud talking, clamorous, velavea . nuisy . Lavena, s. the name of a fish . Leoleo, s. a guard, a watchman . Lavetemutemu, v. to be struck side - / Leoleoga, s a watching. ways so as to escape the full force | Leoleosa ' i, v . to watch . of the blow .




saga. (The lau was the tupe first thrown).

bush ; pl. lalafo; intens. lafolafo . Lafo , s. property given to tulafale.

Launiu , s. a cocoanut leaf ; a bam - | Lafo,

boo, ( so called before chiefs).

s. the rattan cane.

Laupae, v. to sit together.

Lafoaʻi, v. to throw away ; to de

Laupapa , s. a board, a plank. Laupata, s. the name of a tree.

Lafoga, s . a gameplayed with tupe.

sert ; to reject.

Lausae, s. a portion of the tatooing. Lafolafo, v. to deliberate ; to be Lāusoo , v . to be spread over (as with

jabbly .

weeds or men , or as the heavens Lafotū , v. to throw down. with clouds).

Lausului, s. dry banana leaves.

Lautāgitagi, a . drooping (as leaves

Latu , s. a herd .

Lafu, v. to prohibit the killing of pigs.

Lāfulafu , s. one kind of taro. of a tree ). Lautaliga, s. toadstool. See Mo- | Lafulafu , a . dingy, dusky (as the LOʻAu . body for want of oiling ). See LA Lautalotalo , s. a shrub. LAFU . Lautele, a . wide ; widely known ; Lafulafuā , a . barren , unproductive, common people ; pl. lautetele. exhausted (of the soil). Lautī, s. a ti leaf; a bamboo, (be- Lafulemu, a . rich , productive. fore chiefs, instead of 'ofe).

Lautiti, s. a leaf of the titi ; fish

Laga, v. to rise to arms; to raise

up ; to rise from sitting ; redup .

lagalaga . caught in numbers ; men killed in numbers in war : Ua motu le Lagaʻali, s. a plant, its flowers used lautiti. to scent oil.

Lautoi, s. one stage in the growth Lagauta , v. to carry a large load, of the atule . (applied to canoes and men ). Lāutolu , s. three lands going toge- Lagalaga, s. a stick used to raise ther on an embassy .

Lautua, s. the name of a malauli

when found outside the reef. Lauvao, s. the wild ti plant.

the flat coral used to keep down fish traps.

Lagalaga, v. to raise up ( as a heavy weight ).

Lauvale, a . bad ,worthless , (only in Lagalaga , v. to reconnoitre (applied a question and negative sentences :

to a small party sent out before

Pe lauvale ea mea a lena taga-

the advanced guard to reconnoi

tu ?)

tre ).

Lāuvale , a. thin, a falling away of Lagalagaola , v. to raise the finger the body previous to being ill.

nails from the flesh .

Lauvivilu , see Vivilu .

Lagamuli, v . to gain the victory Lafa , s. the ringworm . after having been frequently de Lafalafa , s. the level top of a moun feated ; applied also to a speaker tain . who after being severely reproved Lafasupa , s. an ulcer supposed to afterwards gets the better of his indicate paralysis.

Lah , v. to hide oneself ; pl. lalafi. Lafitaʻi, v. to hide away ; to con ceal.

Lafitaga, s. a hiding place. Lafo, v. to throw ; to clear off the


Lagapaia , v. to be struck accident ally . Lagapalo, v. to contend with one who has conquered another in a club match .


Lagapapale, v. to bear with , to en dure. See FAAPALEPALE .

LAL 131 Lagomumu, s. the carpenter bee. | Lagona , v. to understand ; to feel.

Lālā , v. to be pierced with a spear which remains in the body ; to stand against (as firewood against chief. a tree) ; to stand up (as a comb Lagi, s. the head of a chief. (It 1 in the hair ). has the plural form ). Lālā , s. (pl. of la ), branches. Lagavaa, see LAGAPALO.

Lagi, s. the sky ; heaven ; customs observed on the death of a great

Lagi, v. to sing ; redup. lagilagi. Lăla , u . greasy . Lagi, v. to call out the different por Lalā , v. to leap upon (as the male tions of food and the parties for | animal). | Lalaa , see La‘ A. whom intended . Lagifelo ‘ua'i, 7 v. to marry into an Lala 'oa, v. to have a fishy smell.

Lagifetaopea'i j other land or fa - Lalau, v. to be in leaf (of annual plants ). mily (of chiefs). Lāgilagi, v . to warm anything at Lalau , v. to speak , to make a the fire ; pl. lalagi; pass. lagia . 1 speech . Lagilagiā , a. cloudy, threatening | Lalafi, s. the name of a fish. raill . Lalafi, v. pl. of lufi. Lagilagimua, v. to remind those Lalafo , v. pl. of lafo . about to distribute food or pro. Lalafu , a. dingy, dusky. See La FULAFU . perty of some party having a claim , that they might not be | Lalaga , v . to weave , to plait.

overlooked .

Lālaga, s. a fine mat partly finished ;

a new fine mat. Lagisiva, s. a singer. Lāgisolo , s. a long song, unaccom - | Lalagi, v . to broil, (used before chiefs instead of tunu ). panied with dancing . Lagivalea, v. to be obscured by Lalago, s. a chief's bamboo pillow . clouds (of the moon ). Lalago, v. to ward off a blow ; also Lago, s. a fly ; props of a canoe. I pl. of layo , Lago , v . to lean against or upon ; Lalama, v. to be ripe, (applied to chestnuts, bananas, and yams) ; to raise on supports ; to take part with one against another ; pl. la - |

also pl. of lama.

lago ; redupl. lagolago ; pass. la | Lalano, s. the name of a poisonous plant . gomia . Lagoa , a . cranky (of a canoe ) ; Lalano, a . deep (of water ).

easily displeased (of chiefs) ; re Lalanu, v. pl. of lunu . Lalase, v. (pl. of lase), to clear off;

dup. lagolagoā.

Lagoia , v . to be covered with flies. to destroy. Lagogalemu, a , steady, not cranky, | Lalata , v . pl of lata .

(of a canoe) ; quiet in disposition , Lalato, v. to have the mouth stung not easily provoked. by acrid substances. See SALATO. Lagolau, s. neatly plaited cocoanut Lalatoa , s. the name of a shrub. leaves used to keep the ends of Laleaga , a . bad looking, ugly .

the thatch from hanging down .

Lalelei, a. good looking , fine look

ing . Lagolemu, see LAGOGALEMU. Lagomau , v. to be the confidence Lalifall, s. mucous from the mouth . of, to be the support of, (in war, Lalilali, v . to mistake in naming work , & c.)




Lipiolahar ".

to die sudden!y.


| Lou , a. to turn round ; to steer a I

canoe .

Lipoi, s. a sheltir, a place of refuge Louā, a. troublesome, offensive ; from a storm .

Lipoi, s. a leaf-ful of ufato. . Lise, adv. quickly.

intens. Jouloua .

Loulouā, v. to be very ill (of a chief). See MALOMALOA.

Lisega , s. a miracle. See VAVEGA. | Lofa , v . to cower down, to crouch . Livalilu , s, the ciicular plate of a Lofataʻiina, v. to cause to crouch . drill. Lofia , v. passive of lolo . LO, s. the name of a fish ; thename | Lofitūina , i. to be overwhelmed by

of the month answering to April. waves. Lo, the possessive prefix to the Logatā , 2. to be offensive. See SUESA . dual and plural of pronouns when the roun is singular : as, lo latou Logo, s. a report, a sound ; a wood vaa .

eu drum .

Loa , s. gravestones ; a grave built Logo , v. to hear ; to feel.

over with stones,

Logo , v . a . to report ; pl. lologo ;

Loa, a . long ; pl. loloa ; redup. ! redup. logologo ; pass. logoina. loaloa. Loa , 1 . to be long since .

Loa, adv. directly , instantly . Lo‘alo‘a, s. a purple yam . See UFI. ' ULA .

Loaloāıale , s. the middle finger. Loata , s. a large venemous ant. Loi, s. the ant.

Logouli, s. the name given to the

maomao when it changes color preparatory to beconiing a pa la 'za . Logologoā , a . famed, renowned . Logologosa'i, v. to report. See Logo .

Logona , 1. to hear.

Loʻi, s. a shed built on to the side Logonoa , v. to be deaf. | Logosa ‘rina, v. to listen to , to obcy . o ' a house ; a pigsty . Loia , s. full of ants, | Logotio, v. to rejoice b cause of Loia , 1. to be surfeited with rich success in fishing, shooting, & c. food .

Logovale, v. to report erroneously.

Loiuli , s. one kind of ant. Lola , a . hard , strong ; raw . Loiuluan , s. a native dish of cocoa - Lolalola , 1 . au judecent term used by a woman in repelling a man nut juice . inipoituning her. Loimatii, s. a tear Loisutüina, 2 to be shut up (as | Lole, v. to rub smooth (as bread

pigs in a sty, or men in a fort ). 1

fruit in making taufi.lo ): to beat

Loo , the sign of the present parti. I

and press dowu a fallen fue ; pass.

ciple .

lolea .

Loolale , 1 v. to speak first, to give | Loli, s. the sea slug.

Loofono / the opening at a Lolo , s. a flood. ( ouncil. Lolo, v. to overflow ; pass. lofia . Lromata, s. an old woman ; pl. Lolo , s. the cocoanut prepared for loimailtua. making scei ted oil.

Luu, s . a long pole with a crook at Lolo , v. to be wet (of clothes ).

thi and used in gathering bread | Loloa, s. the name of a fish . Loloa , a . pl. of lon . Lou , pron . Thine , thy . See Lav. Loloi, s. a native dish of taro and Le'll, 7. on . mine, my. See Lafu. 1 cocoanut juice .

LUA 137 LOL Loloi, r. to bind on another stick Lotoalii, ( . nobleminded . when the outrigger is too small Lotooti, v . to be courageous. by itselt. Lototale , s. the inside of a house . Loloʻu. v. to bend, to bend down, Lotomaulalo , s. deep holes within the reef. to bend round . Lolouta , s. a flood coming down Lotomaulalo , a . rofound , thought from inland .

ful; humble .

Lolofi, v. to crowd to, to flock to- Lotomasaga, v. to love as twins. wards.

Lotomonotu , a . unkind, neglecting

the family . Lolomi, v. to press down ; to knead ; Lotoniu , s, love of country . to shampoo ; to print; redup. lo - Lotopa, s. the inside of an enclosure . miloini ; pass. lomia . Lototāia 'e, s. (from loto , luitai, and a-e), shallow holes within the Lolotai, s. a flood from the sea . reer. Loloto , a . deep .

Lologo, v . pl. of logn.

Lomaloma, v. to be quiet, to cease, Lototāia'e, a . shallow -brained , of to intermit (as the wind, a war, small understanding .

Lototele , v. to be of good cheer, to & c.) Lomea , s . ( from lo and memen ), the be courageous. general name for a class of small | Lototoga, u . ungrateful, ungenerous, fishes , including the lo, the anefe, stingy. Lotovii, s. self-praise , love of praise. and the loloa . Lomi, v . to knead gently ; to press Lotu , s. religion ; religious persua on the sprit of a canoe in order to

sion ; a religious service . ( A term

introduced froin Tonga ). Lomu, s. the name of a gelatinous Lotu , v . to turn over froin heathen ism . tish ; a coward . Lotu , v. to make a hollow sound in Lona , pron . his, her's. Lona , v. to be pained in swallowing the water with the hand ; intens. lotulotu, to do so continually. a hard unmasticated substance. Lotuaga , s. the name of a month Lopa, s . ad necklace. See Asca . Loputo , s, amenorrhæa. corresponding with October .

adjust it properly.

Losi, s. en;ulation ; redup. losilosi.

Lotulotu, v. to do avything hastily .

Losi, v. to emulate ; to be jealous

to make haste ; to be urgent.

of, to envy. Lovi, v. to be respectful. Losivale, v . to be jealous of, to be Lu , s. a native dishi of taro leaves. | Lua , s. a hole ; a pit. envious. Lua , a . two. Lota, pron . my. See Loʻv .

Lote', 1. to handle, to pull about ; Lua, pron . you two. See OULUA . Luai, v. to spit out. redup . lotelote ; puss. lotea . Loto , s. the heart as the seat of the Lua'i, s. the hole in which taro or affi ctions; the desire, the will. l other vegetable is planted, or has Loto, s, a deep place in the sea in - been planted ; the hole in which side the reef ; the interior (as of masi is made. Luaʻi, a . first. a house , lotofale ). Lolo , v. to regard with affection ; | Luaʻi, v. to give the taro its la t weeding ; to incite to anything to preler ; to desire ; to will. Lotoa, s. an enclosure.

Lotou, s, anger , passion .

(as a quarrel, & c.)

Lua'iga, s the first weeding of taro .

MAU Mautali, v . to have an answer, to be able to answer (asan accusation ). I



extensive, to be wide ; to be plain , to be perspicuous.

Māfu , s. the fat of a pigeon ; the pieces of faausi. Mauti'eti'e , s. a rising ground. See Mafu , a . stale, musty , (applied to

a, sv.". to know certainly Mautinoa

MAUPUʻEPUʻE. Mautofu , s. the name of a shrub .

cooked food ). Mafu, v. to leal up .

Mautofutai, s. the name of a weed . | Māfu , v. to burn ; to emit a sweet Mafa , s. the brow of table land. I smell, and of cooked food. Mafa , v. to be disproportionately Mafua , s. the young fishes which large in quantity or number (as | serve as food to the larger, and food , ormany houses and few peo ple ).

used as bait for them ; the ripe seeds of trees attracting pigeons,

Mafai, v . to be willing ; to be able ; pl. maſafai. Māfa' ifa i, v. to be broken out, to

the combatants, and thus tempt

be extracted , to be wrenched out.

ing others to be killed in the at

Mafalā , a. wide spreading , umbra geous.

and thus making them easy to catch ; a dead man lying between

tempt to carry him off. Māfua, v. to cause, to originate. Mafui'e, s. an earthquake.

Mäfamafa , a . somewhat heavy. Māfana, s. a married person who is Māfufi, v. to langh suppressedly . not allowed to marry again ; a Mafuli, v. to be turned over, to be husband who gets plenty of pro 1

upset ; to have the heart set on .

perty through hiswives ; a species Māfulifuli, v . to be cranky (of a of crab .

Māfanafana, v. to be warm .

Mafati, v. to be easily broken off (as branches) ; redup. mafatifati. Mafatia , s. the distribution of pro . perty at the death of a head of a

boat) ; to be uuwieldy ( from fat ).

Mafulu, a . disagreeable (of con duct ); bright (of tatooing lately finished ); very fat. Mafuna, a . rugged , not having a smooth surface ; redup. mafuna

funa. family . Mafatia , v. weighed down, burden - | Mafupa , v . to peel off as the skin .

ed , oppressed . Māfatua , v . to sneeze.

Mafuta , s . communion , association , dwelling together.

Mafega-ala , s. the place where a Māfuta , v. to dweil together; to be branch road joins the main one. I roused from sleep . Măfia , a . thick ; redup. māfiafia . | Māfutamoeafiafi , v . to go to sleep

Matiuga, s. the origin , the cause . early in the evening . Mafine, s. a woman , (a term of re- | Maga, s. a branch (as of a tree, a spect).

road , a stream , or anything hav

ing a branch , or forked ) ; the Māfiti, a . blustering , quarrelsome. curved or hook part of the artifi Măfiti, v. to spring out (as a spark from the fire ) ; to spring up (as a cial Ay -hook . splinter of wood ). Māga, s. a mouthful of'ava chewed for mixing . Maloa, s. the name of a tree. See MA ALI.

Māfo ‘ e, v. n . to be skinned ; redup . mafoʻefo ‘e.

Māgaegae, v. to be loose , to be

moveable (as a stone, a tooth ). Māgai, v. to sit astride.

Māfola , v. to be spread out ; to be Magaugau, v. to be broken .

MAL 143 Magaugau, a . brittle (of wood ). I full of ridges (as a road and the Magauli, s. the nameof one kind of aloalo).



Magu , a . dried up (as grass in the

Magaulipute , I s. different kinds sun , or as blood on a wound ; re dup. magumagu . Magaulitalāmoli of magauli. Magugu, v . to be scranched ; to be Magagalo , v . pl. of magalo. Magālafu , s. the hearth. See Ava scranchable ; to be cracked or broken (as a bone) ; to make a GALAFU . noise as in walking over gravel. Māgalo, s. one kind of taro . Māgalo, a . fresh , sweet, (not acid , | Mala , s. a calamity. as the vi, & c .) Mala ,a. soft,as fuu mala , fuʻafu 'u Māgalo , v. to be fresh (not salt) ; mala .

to be sweet (not sour); to be ex- |Māla , s. a new plantation . piated , to be atoned for ; to be Malae, s. the open space where

forgiven . Magalogalo , a . partly fresh . Magalua, a . having two branches. Māgamaga, a . branching, forked . Magamagālima, s. the divisions be

| public meetings are held . Mala‘i, v. to do a thing in the | morning (mostly used in reproach to an idle person ). | Mala'ī, s. the name of a fish .

Mālaia, s. a calamity . tween the fingers. Magamagāvae, s. the divisions be Mālaia , a. unhappy'; unfortunate ; miserable. tween the toes. Magasiva , s. a branching kind of Mālaia, v. to be unfortunate ; to be dead .

taro .

Magavaai, v. to see double, to be Malaise , s. the block for beating cinet on . (A new term for sāga ). failing in sight. Mageo , s. the name of a shellfish ; | Malau , the shell of the sameused to scrape Malauatu , the tutuga.

Magele , s. the name of a tree. Mageso, s. the nettle -rash, prickly heat ; the itch .

Malauo , Malauʻulu ,

Malauli, Malauloa, (as

Mageso , a . anything which irritates the skin .

Magi, s. a hero ; a fearless man ; a

s. names of fishes.

malauatu )

Malaumatapuaa Malautala,


hard -working man .

Magi, a . courageous ; redup.magi- | Malaulau , a . new , fresh (as food cooked the first time); applied magi.

Magiagia , v. to be set on edge (of ! also to a young man. the teeth ). Mago, s. a small eel. Mago , a . dry ; pl. mamago .


Malauvai, s. the name of a fresh water fish . Malafatu , s. one kind of banana .

Magomagoa, a. persisting in (as Malaga, s. a journey ; a travelling party . work , war, & c.) Mālaga, v . to cause, to originate ; Māgoto . v. sunken low (as a deep | to luff (in sailing ).

Magoni, see ManoGI.

canoe ) ; to have the property of Malagaʻauseuga, s. a party going a

sinking ; redup. māgotogoto. I Māgotogoto , v . to be uneven , to be

journey begging implements for the seuga .




Nai, prep . from .

| Maise , v . to quiet, to com o .t one

weeping . Mai, a . brackish . Mai, v. to be brackish . Māisi, v. to be split, to be cracked. Ma'i, s. sickness, disease, illness. See GATA 'F , which is usually sub Ma'i, v. to be ill. stituted for this word . Ma'i, udv. very : as maʻi ulavale ! Maisu , s. the name of a gelatinous

how very mischievous ! (as if it were a disease ).

Maia , v. passive of măma.

fish . Ma'itaga, s. a lying in , a confine ment.

Maʻialeala, s. a disease that admits Maitolama, s. the name of a fish . of a remedy.

Ma'ialii, s. paralysis. See Supa.

Mao , s. a lull in thewind, or waves, or rain .

Maʻiti, v. to be slow in doing any. Mao, s. an accident. thing ; redup. ma'i'ii'i. Mao , v. to come or go fruitlessly ; Maio , s. a small piece of pork. See to do a thing accidentally or in Jo . , ignorance . Maioa, v . expressive of negation, Mao, udv. accidentally ; to no pur

to be without ; very variously ap plied . Māʻioi, a . slow .

pore ; by misiake ; it also inten sifies a prohibition ; as, Ne'i muo sau , don 't come by any means.

Maioio , a. distinct, clear (of the Mao, v. to be far off, (compounded voice in speaking ). with other words). See Mamao . Mai-u - u , s. the finger nail. See | Maʻo , s . the name of a tree. Maoa , v . to make a chopping or Matı“uéu . hamniering noise. Maifea , adv. whence ? Ma'iga , s. an epidemie . Maoā, v. to scold .

Maile , s. a chiet's dog .

Maoama, v. to steer towards the

Mailei, s. a trap .

ama ; to speak so as to give of. fence. Maili, v. to commence to blow , to Ma‘oi, s. particular kinds of food spring up as a breeze breeze :; dimin dimin . 1| demanded from the conquered Mailei, v. to entrap . mailili.

party .

Mailo , 1 s. a basket in which faausi Mã'oi, v. to act contrarily . is served up ; a spittoon Maʻoʻu , v . to be uneven , to be shri Na'ilo velled (as siupo, bark of a tree, or spitting dish for a sick person . & c. ) Mā'ima'i, v . to have elephantiasis in Ma'oui, s . one kind of ma‘o . the leg.

Ma'imai:( 0 , v. to be often ill. Ma'imaliu , s. epilepsy.

Maofa , v. to be startled . Maomao, s. the name of a young

Ma'invalū , s. ar ulcer. See PAPALA. I paluia . Maimoa , v. to look at, to view as Ma'oma‘o, s. the name of a bird .

an object of curiosity.

Maona, v. to subside, (applied to a

wave, and hence to anger ). Maimoaga , s. a party of sight seers. Ma'ona, v . to be satisfied (with Maina , v. to shine ( of Gre ).

Ma'ina, r'. to be ashamed , (always with ihe negative le).

food); to be overloaded (of a gun ) ; pl. maʻoʻona.

Maʻini, v . to tingle, to smart; re- Maono , s. the name of a fishi. . dup. ma‘ipi'ini.

Ma'ionoto , s. Paralysisof the legs.

| Māopo , s. the name of one kind of




Maopoopo, a. compact, close in tex -


a form of salutation used at Va

ture ; retentive iu memory. nu 'a . Ma' osi'osi, v . pained with scratches ; Ma'u ' u , s. grass and weeds used to

obtained with pain and difficulty, cover round the roots of the taro . (applied to food, especially of food | Mau -upu , v. have a command of in war time). language, to excel in speaking. Ma'osina , s. one kind of ma' o. | Mă'u 'uloga , s. the name of a weed . Maota , s. the name of a tree. Mauga , s. a hill, a mountain ; a

residing at a place (from mau ). Maūga, s. the draining off or run ning away (as of water) ; the re Ma'oti, v. separated (as a branch ' sult. (Chiefly used in the verbal from a tree); metiph. expressive form ). Maota , s. the premises of a chief. Maotamea , s. the name of a tree. Ma‘otea, s. the name of a tree.

of oneness of ipind and purpose. | Maugatā , a . obtained with diffi Maotua , a . far back , (applied to a culty .

cave, also to past time, and also | Vaugofie, a. obtained easily. to a man of understanding ). Mau, s. a testimony.

| Maulalo , a . low ; deep ; pl.maula lalo .

Mau, v . to be firm , to be fast ; to Māuli, s. themoon . have plenty of food ; and by add- | Mauli, s. the heart (in the expres

ing mea, olo ', toga, & c., to pos I

sion segia mauli). sess plenty of such articles ; to Maulu , v. to creep under, to creep

dwell ; to be decided , to be un. I

through ; to swim under water.

Maʻulu , v. to sprinkle with rain ; to wavering . Maū, v. to run off ,to drain through shed feathers ; to fall through ;

(as water through sand ); to sink to drop (as dew ) ;‘ulu down (as earth ) ; to depart, to ‘ulu . disperse (as large numbers of Ma'ulu'nlu , 7 v. to be very weak ; people ; to result, to terminate (as Maʻuluola to be very fatigued , a fono ).

as if about to drop to pieces.

Maua , v . to get, to obtain , to ac . Maumau, v . to break one's own

quire ; to reach , to get to ; to 1 bead (with a stone) ; to abuse. overtake ; to catch ; pl. māua.

Maumau , v . to waste, to lose.

Māúa, pron. we two (excluding the | Maumauaga, v. to practise buffoon person addressed ). ery, to play tricks. See MAUAGA. Mau'a 'a , v. to get roots, to take Maumausolo , v. to move from place root ; to have connections in a to place, to be unsettled . land , and through whom a right Māumaga, s. a plantation of taro . to dwell there. Maunu, s. a pigeon long tame ; Mauaga , s. joking , sporting, dalli- ! young tutuga plants. Māūnu , s. a bait . ance ; intens. maumauaga. Maualalo , a. luw ; depressed ; deep . Maūnu, v. tu bait. See MAULALO . Mäupipii, v. to remain , to continue. Maualuga, a. high ; elevated ; tall ; Māupu'epuće , s. a rising ground. pl. inaualuluga. Mausa, s. an emblem of a chief or Maui, v . to ebb (of the tide); to land ; ironically applied to con duct ; as, O lonamusa le quoi. subside (as a swelling, or war) ; to fall down (as a cluster of nuts) ; | Mausali , v. to be hirinly fixed , to be

to excel in the game of tuyāti- a ; | immovable .

MA LUA Luʻau , s. a native dish of cooked Lumanaʻi, v. to have in front.


taro leaves ; raw taro leaves. See Lumane, s. the nameof a gelatinous ULUAU .

fish .

Luagi1, s. the small purlins of the Lunā , v. to cause a return of swell roof ot' a house .


Luafaatau, s. at hole from which Lupe, s. a pigeon ; the name of a

fishes are easily obtained . disease of the skin . Lualoto, s. a deep hole ; the fufā . Lupea, a . full of pigeons.

Lualua, a . two or three, a few (as Lupefaamuli, v . to shout or to blow words).

Lualuā , a . full of holes. Luamātau, see LUAFAATAU.

a trumpet as a sign of having

caught pigeons. Lupelupe, a . very aged .

Luātagatā , s. the name oftwo stars. Lupepe, v. to crowd to, to crowd al Lue, v . to shake ; intens. luelue.

ter .

Luói, v. to challenge ; redup. luội- Lupo, s. the name of a small fish . - lu 'i ; pass. lu ‘ia .

Luo, v. to be in consternation ; tu

Lupoa 'e , v. to come in shoals (of


be ready to run away ; to be Lupolago, s. a small lupo. rough (of the sea ) ; to be rainy. | Lupolupo , s. a small lupo ; the name given to the uluu when the fish

Luuluu , s. one kind of crab . Luutaga, s. a handful.

erman wishes to conceal his suc

cess . Lufa, s. a large black siapo. Lufilufi, v. to divide out the food Luposeuseu, s. the nameof the lupo

according to orders given, (ap -

when one stage from becoming a

plied to the young men who wait


on the fuipule).

Lupota , s. a large lupo.

Lufiluri, s. a bamboo knife (so called Lutaluta , v. to begin to blow hard . before chiefs ). See LAUNIŲ . Luti, v. to be pained ; to urge to Luga, prep. upon , above.

be expeditious ; redup. lutiluti ;

Lugaluga 'i, v. to increase in violence pl. luluti ; pass. lutia . after a partial cessation (as war, Lutitau, v. to urge on a battle . wind , disease ).

Luli, s. the screeching of the vam pire bat.

Lulu , s. the owl. Lūlū , v. to shake more violently

Lutu , s. a rattle shaken to attract sharks.

Lutu , v . to make a hollow sound with the hand in the water ; re

dup. lutulutu. See LoTU .

than lue. Luluu , v. to take up a handful ; to


sprinkle with juice of the niui any thing used by an alii paiu so that

it may be made common ; so also The ninth letter in the Samoan alpha of a new net, canoe, & c. bet. Pronounced as the English . Lululu , s. fat cheeks. Lulutai, s. the name of a sea -bird . | Ma, s. shame.

Ma, a, clean ,pure (asarterial blood ). Luluti, v. to be in great pain . I See TOTO MA, ulso PAEPAE MA . Luma, prep. in front of, in presence Mā, v. to be ashamed ; all destroyed , (applied to a great slaughter, as of, before. Luma, s. a disgrace , a reproach .

Luma‘ava,s. a public morning meal.




Ma,pron . we two. See Maua .

• 139

| Maave, s. a good head of hair ; a

Ma, a prefix to active verbs, mak - 1

large branching seaweed .

ing thein neuter : as, liligi, to Maʻave-ave, s. the stalk and cluster pour,maligi, to be spilt ; a pre of leaves forming a smallerbranch fix to denote ability : as, fui, to of the breadfruit tree. do,mafui, to be able. Maave‘eseíese , s. a family springing Ma, prep . to, for, with , from ; on from one father, but having dif account of, because of. Ma, conj. and .

ferent mothers ; redup. maave 'ave'ese'ese.

Maa , s. a stone.

Mae, v. to be stale (of fish); dimin .

Maaa, a . hard ; strong . Ma'aaf , s. a flint, a gunflint.

Maea, s. a rope.


Maaafisunu'i, s. a percussion cap. Maʻeća, a. complete, well done ; Maaafu , s. a hot stone of the oven .

Maai, a . sharp ; redup . maamaai.

slow ; redup. ma'e'a eʻa . Ma' e'agalemu, v . to be all finished

Maau, v. to stretch out theneck (as

up and put to rights (as work , deliberations , & c ) in looking eagerlyafter); to stretch out the hand in order to take hold Mā'e'e , v. to shiver, to quake ; to of, (a complimentary term for ta -

go) ; redup .maamaau. Maaū , s. a poisonous stone found in

shrink (as wood ).

Ma'e'e, v. to be envious ; pass. ma “ e-etia .

See MATAU ' A.

the sea , the touch of which causes Maʻeu , v. to exceed , to be superla pain .

tive , (either good or bad ).

Maafala , s. one kind of breadfruit. Ma eu, interj. excellent ! Maalaelae, s. those who do not en - Maefuln , v . to be careful of his long

gage in the seuya .

Ma'ale-ale , a. brittle (as some kinds

feather in the tail (of the tavae) ;

to be careful of any property.

of wood , glass , & c.) ; tender (as Ma‘ēgalemu, v. to be appeased. of pork ). Mā‘elegā, s. zeal. Maali, s. the name of a tree. Mā'elegā , v. to be zealous, to be Maalili, a . cold ; pl. maalilili.

earnestly desirous for ; intens.

Maamaa , 1. to moderate (of rain ). | ma‘ ele elegā. See MASELE . Mă'eli, v. to be rooted up ; to be Maamaā , a. stony, full of small dug in holes (as ground which has stones. been dug up for wild yams, or Maamaan , see Maau . been grubbed up by pigs); redup. Maamaanoa , a. strong , hardy.

I maʻeli-eli.

Maamulumulu , v. to be rubbed , to Marema‘ e, a . courageous ; strong to

be frayed , to be fretted . Maanao, u . gravelly , rough with

work ; having resources through connexions.

small stones.

Maʻemaʻeā, s. anger (of highchiefs). Maanumi, a. wrinkled , puckered , Maemea , v . to be careful of, to take crimpled ; redup. maanuminu- ! care of. mi. Maene, s. the stones tied to the foot Maanunu, s. a gelatinous fish . of a net.

Maape, a. spacious extensive, (ap Maeva, v. to walk about ; to be at plied to plantations ). Maatā , s. a sling .

Maatusi, s. a slate .

work (to chiefs). See Eva . Mai, a particle denoting action to wards the speaker.




Malagafaga, s. a party journeying Malelelele, (1. overhanging . Malemale , v. to have a cough (of a to beg fishing implements. chicf ).

Malala , s. charcoal.

Malala - la , s. live coals. Malemo, v . to be under water (of Malali, a . smooth , slippery (applied I things) ; to be drowned ; pl.mā to a road , a lock , a noseless face , lelemo. a canoe without any places to tie Malena, a . swelled out (as a basket shells to ) ; redup. malalilali. crammed full) ; redup. malenale Malaliaa , s. the name of a fish . na . See MaLONA. Mālama, s. the moon ; a light, a Malepe , v. to be broken , to come

to pieces, (applied toihings which


Màlama, s. the ninth month of preg

are put together,asboats ,houses, boxes, & c .)


Malama, 1. to be light (as at day- Mālepelepe, v. to be partially bro ken , to be ricketty . dawn or from a fire ). Malamala, s. chips ; small pieces of | Maliaʻi, see Mali. fish .

Malie , s . a shark .

Mālamala, v. to have a bad taste in Malie, v. to be satisfied with drink ; the mouth from eating poisonous to thank : as, Mulie maimoa ! food. thanks for the sight ! to fty high Malamalama, s. light. (of tame pigeons). Malamalama, v. to be light ; to be Malie, s. a good message : Pe ni aware of evil and not forbid it , milie , pe ni tamu'i. hence to be guilty by implication ; Mālie , a . well, agreeable . Mālie, v. to be right, to be proper, pass. malamalamagia. to be agreeable. Malamalātoa, a . ( lit. chips of iron wood), hard ,(applied to taro and Mālie , adv. slowly , agreeably. taamu ). Mali-o, s. a land crab . Malasina, s. refuse of turmeric ; a Mali'olaşi, s. one kind of land crab dish of food made from the refuse which breaks off its own leg when of turmeric and scraped cocoa- | polluted with filth . nut .

Mali'olagi, v . to abominate exceed .

Malatoimea , s. a calamity coming ingly. on things. Maliu , v . (with atu ) to go ; (with

Mālava, s. a large kind of lo .

mai) to come; to die , (of chiefs );

Sale , s. a chief's congh ; redup.

pl. māliliu ; recipr. femaliua‘i. Māliuga, s. a privy . Maliuliu , v , to be able to turn .

malemale .

Male, s. a native game. Māleifua, v. to awake (to chiefs ). ! Malifalifa, s. a hollow , a sunken

Malefu , v to disperse, to break up place in the ground . (of an assembly). Maligaliga, s. the temples. See Mālele , s. one kind of the veía . | MANIFINIFT. Malele , v. to say something in a Maligi, v. n. to spill, to be poured dowo. public speech in order to satisfy the public without intending to Maligi, a . pouring (of rain ). Malila, s. the name of a plant ;

carry it out.

Malele , v. to let fly (as a spear).


common people.

Malelega, s. a flight of a tame pi- Malili, v. to drop from a tree , (ap geon ,

plied to fruit and to persons ) .

MAL Malili, s. the name of a tree. Maliliu , v. pl. of maliu .

MAM 145 | Mālū , a . cool ; redup. mālülū ;

eased (of pain ).

Maliinali , see MAMALI.

Mālua, s. a hole in the reef. Malivao, s. an insect that burrows Māluauli, v. to return safe from in timber .

war .

Malo , s. a narrow girdle worn in Mālualii, a. stout, large-bodied ; war. dignified . Malo , v. to hang down the tail (as Māluapapa, s. a sheltering rock .

a dog when afraid ).

Maluia , v . passive of mamalu .

Malo, s . the conquering party ; vi- Malufanua, v . to be hidden under sitors.

Malo, v. to be victors in games or in war.

Malo , a. hard ; redup. malūlo . Mālva, v . to have visitors.

the shadow of the land (as seen from the sea ). Mālūlū, v. to be cool; to inipart a

feeling of cold ; puss. malugia , malulugia.

Maloā , v. to he out of season (of | Malūlū , a . soft. See MalU .

the bonito ) ; to be free from visi. Malūlū , v. to be shakeable. tors. Malumnalu , a . overcast, cloudy.

Malofie , s. moonlight sports ; a Mālumalu , s. the residence of a deity whether a house or tree, & c.) ; a chief being tatooed. temple . Mălolo , v . to be subdued , to be conquered . Malumoea, v. to be overshadowed , Mālolo, s. the flying -fish. so as to hinder growth (trees). Mălolo , a. hard. See Malo. Mālupo , s. the shades of evening.

Malolo , v. to rest ; to be recovered ; Mama, s. a ring ; a leak ; a mouth to be well : as, Ua malolo ea ? is ! ful. he recovered ? O malolo ea ? is Mama, v . to chew ; pass. maia .

he in health ?

Mama, v. n . to leak .

Malologa, s . a resting place. Mamā, a . clean ; free from weeds. Malomaloā , v. to be in pain (of a Mamā, v . to be clean ; also plural


ofma, to be ashamed .

Malona, v. to be filled out, to be Māmā, s. the lungs.

swelled out (as a basket); redup. Māmā, a . light, not heavy ; trifling . malonalona .


Mālosi, a. strong ; pl. malolosi.

| Mamā, v . to be light ; intens. mā

māsagia .

Malosi, v. to be strong ; Mamaa, v. to be trodden down (as lo - ilosi; pl.malolosi. • grass, from people walking over Malósi, v. to smart, to tingle (of a it). See Asa . Mamae, s. one kind of banana . sore ).

Mālosigutu , v. to be strongerin talk | Mamae, v. to wither, to fade (as a than at work .

Malosilosi, a . a little strong ; begin -

ning to regain strength .

leaf) ; to be unwilling to lend or give.

Mamaeʻula , s. one variety of the

Malu , v. to be sheltered , to be tight, mamae. to be impervious ; to be shaded ; Mama'i, v. plural of ma‘i. to be protected . Mamao, v. to be far off, to be dis tant. Malū , a soft ; redup. malūlū . Malā , v. calm , lulled (of the wind ). / Mamao, adv. far off, distant.

MAN Maman , v. to be fast, to be firm ; ; Mamapu, see MAPU. (see Mau) ; to be costive. | Mamasa, see MASA . Mamafa , s. weight. Māmāsagia , 2. (intens. of māmā), to be light, to be very light; to Mamafa , a . beavy ; bad (applied to be made light of. words). 146


Mamafa, 2. to be heavy ; Mamasi, a. smarting, tingling. See MALOS I. fatia , to be burdened . Mamata , see MATAMATA. Mamali, v. to be honored . Mamagi, s. a creeping plant; (see Mamate , v. plural of mate. MAMALUPE) ; the name of a dis - Māmātia, v. to be easily settled , to eae. be a light matter , to treat as a Mamago , 1 plural ofmago. light matter.

Mamala , s. the name of a tree ; (see Mamo, s . the name of a sh .

FANLAMLAMALA ); food , ( so called Mamoe, s. a sheep.

by malo in returning thanks). Mamulu , v. to slip through , to slip Mamala ,a . disease producing ,( spo off. ken of a liusband or wife who is Vana, s. supernatural power. See MAMANA.

supposed to communicate disease

to the partner, and of a nurse or Mana, v. to exert supernatural pow er.

mother ).

Mamala , 1 . to have a bad taste in Māna, pron . with the prep. ma ana , the mouth after eating poisonous for him , for her. food .

Manaia, s. a man havingmore than

Mamala , int. well done ! capital ! Māmālava , s . the name of a tree .

one wife . Manaia , a . fine - looking , handsome.

Mamali, v. to be disrespectful to ; Mana‘o, v. to desire , to wis! ; pass . redup. malimali.

mana'omia .

Mamalu , s. glory ; influence. Manaʻomia , a . desirable, coveted . Mamalu, a . overshadowing ; influa Māna‘ona‘o, v . to desire continually . ential.

Mana ‘onaʻoga, s. earnest desire.

Mamalu , 1. to overshadow ; to pro - Manaui, s. the name of a tree. tect ; pass . inaluia . Manafa , a . industrious ; having Mamálupe, s. the name of a plant ; chickens : as, tinā manafa .

( see MAMAGI) ; food prepared for Managatā , s. a pig (before chiefs ). the pigeon -catching matches.

| Mānagofie, a . casily settled (as a

Mamana, s. supernatural power.

quarrel confined to one family or Mamana , 1 . to desire, to love (of the Manamana, v . to bear constantly in one village ).


busband and wife ).

See MANA- |

MEA ). Mamauu , s. the name of a fish . Mamanu, s . figured work in cloth ,

in the ne mind , to treasure mory : as, manamana į loto ; be it far from : as, Nerimunamuna toe suu, never never return .

clubs, cinet, & c . Manamanailoto, v . to remember an Mamapo , v. “ shut your mouth ,”' (al injury, to cherish revenge.

word of recrimination used to a Manamanaloloa , v. to hold in the reprover who is himself faulty ) ; breath (as in diving ). to abuse a reprover. Manāmatua , s. supernatural power Mamapo , v . to show off, to put on of a parent bringing a curse on a airs.

disobedient child .

MAN MAN 147 Manamea, a to desire, (of limited Mano, a . a myriad, a great number. application ). Mananū, v . to talk together in a

(This was the utmost bounds of counting ).

low voice ; redup. manamananā. Mānoa, s. thread, string. Manapau , s the name of a tree.

Manoatuina, i. to be hild back or

interrupted in making a speech . Manatu , s. a thought. Manatu , v . to think ; to remember ; Manoo , s. the name of a fish . pl. niānatı ; redup .mānatunatu ; | Manogi, 4. odoriferous, sweet- sm - 11

ing ; by euphem . applied to a dead pass. manatua . Manava , s. the belly ; the womb ; ' body beginning to be offensive. the anterior fontanelle of children . Manoginogi, a . one whose oppres sive acis are borne with because Manava, 2. to throb ; to exist on

(as a sick man on water alone).

of his former character .

Manava , 2 . to breathe ; to rest from

Manomano, a . innumerable.

work : to palpitate, to pulsate . Manavaaloſa, v . to love , to compas-

sionate, to be benevolent. Manavalil'ga , a. perseveri g .

Manu, s. a bird , (the generalname for) ; a bast.

Manu , v. to be poor, (applied to a

lamily). Bla ravaga, s. a company returning |Mapū , s. luck , good fortune. from work .

Janavanava , s. arterial action . Manavasē , u . fearful. Mane, s. a custom , a habit ; one

kind of white ant. Manea, s. the name of an insect.

Manū,adv.whilst, (always in a good sense). Manū, v. impers. it was as if, all but, methought : as, Na manu au oti.

Mānu, v . to rise above (as a rock out of the water, or a tree above Manee , v. to begin to rise (as the the rest ) ; to float high (as a ca Manee, v. to walk prondly .

tide, or a person sitting down). Manega , s . a custom , a habit. See

noe ) ; to become well known ; to

show itself through the disguise


attempted ; redup. mānuanu. Manemane , s . an eating away of the Manu 'a , s. a cut, a wound , a bruise , skin of the palos of the hand and

a scar.

the soles of the feet. | Manu -a , s. a wounded person . Vanemanea , a . worm - eaten . Manuía , v. to bewounded ; pl.mā Manene, v. to be slow in walking, nunu' a .

to loiter; to fall slowly (as from a |Manuao, s. the name of a bird which whistles at daybreak ; a song in Minuniu , s. a plant; a gristly sub praise of a chief sung while walk blow in the club matches ).

ing along the road. stance in a pig 's head . Manifi, a . thin ; redup. mānifinifi. | Māru‘aga, s. a party of wounded Manifi, s. the name of a fish . men .

Manifinifi, s. the temples. See MA- Manualii, s. the name of a bird, LIGJLIGA .

(manu a Lii).

Manivi, s. the nameof a fish . Manuena, s. a white sentinel gull. Manino , a . clear, not distarbed (of Manui, a . figured (as cloth , clubs, liquids). posts of the house, & c.) ; redup. Vanino , s. peace. manumanu, mamanu . Ma iino, v. to be calm , to be quiet; | Maquia, a . happy, fortunate , lucky, puss. māpinoa ; red .maninonino. I prosperous.

MIN 118 MAS Manu ‘ia , v. to call out to stop a Mapuitiga , v. to sigh. thief, & c . Mapugatāma‘i, v . to breathe hard, Mānuo , v. to proclaim aloud. especially from anger. Manu nta , s. birds which breed in . Măpumăpu , v. to whistle repeat land .


ulesle , s. the general name for Mapumapu , v. to grumble , to be Manbird . discontented .

Manulua , s. names of birds. Manuma

Măpuna, v. to sprain , (applied to the back ).

Manumălie , v. to have in abun - Mapuna, v. to spring from , to arise. dance .

| Mapuni, v. to be shut.

Manumálo , v. to be victorious.

Mapusaga , s. a resting place.

Măriumănu, s . the tooth -ache ; the Mapusela , v . to breaihe hard from face- ache. fatigue, pain , or anger.

Manumanu , a . covetous. See also Masa, v. to be low tide ; to be sour ; MANUI. to have an offensive smell ; redup. Manumarua, v. to have the tootli- mamasa. Masaa , v. to be spilt.


Manumea, s. the name of a bird Māsae, v. to be torn ; intens. ma now almost extinct. Mānunu , s . the name of a tree .

saesae, to be torn to rags . Masa 'i-i, v . to be dead low tide.

Manunu , a . blistered .

Masau, a . very large, exceeding great; pl. māsasau. Manutaele, s. the part of the belly Masaga, s. twins. under the pavel. Māsagālei, s. twins, one of each Maoutai, s. a sea -bird . gender. Manutagi, s. the name of a bird. Masagātama, s. twins, both boys, Manutasi, 1., of one mark (as cloth Masagāteine, s. twins, both girls. of one pattern ). Măsagi, a . light (as a burden ) ; Manuti, a friable, brittle (as dried nimble ; high (as the eaves of a

Manusa , see MANUALII.


house ).

Mapā, v. to snap, to make a crack - Masalo , s. suspicion , doubt. Masalo, 1 . to suspect, to donbt; re

ing noise.

Mapelu , v. to bend , to stoop , to bow down ; redup . napelupelu . Mapeva , v. to twist the foot.

dur. masalosalo .

Māsalosalovale, v . to be suspicious without cause.


Masamasa , 2°. to be falling (as the


Mapo, a. realy ; pl. mamapo.


Mapomalū , a. mealy and soft.



Masame, s. the name of a tree.

Mapomapo, v . to make pretensions, Māsani, s. a custom , a habit. to talk largely, to exaggerate ; Māsani, v. to be accustomed to , to applied also to one who is urgent be in the habit of. that his opinion be adopted in Māsato , v. to be very low tide ; re preference to one thought better. dup . masatoto. See MasarıʻI. Mapu, v. to whistle ; to rest ; pl. Masee, s. the name of one kind of mamapu ; redup. mapumapu.



Mapuée, s. a rise , a hillock. Maseesee , a . slippery. Mapuea, v. to breathe hard , to be Masei, s. a misunderstanding , a out of breath .

mistake ; applied in a verbal form

149 MAT MAS to something that las resulted Māsofa , v. to be broken down ; to badly , although donewith a good disperse suddenly ; redup . maso intention ; as, Ua musei ia te ia . fasofa . Masei, a, ungrateful, improper (con- | Māsoli, s. one kind of banana. duct).

| Masoli-ula , , s. different kinds of

Măsei, v . to be uncovered , to be Masolisina . S māsoli .

exposed (of the body ) ; to act Masologa, s. a walking about in shamefully (as marrying a rela I company. tiou ); to use words giving of Māsomaso , s. the tail of the uga . fence .

Mast-iau, s. slaughter,murder (of a chie ).

| Māsū , s. the sound produced by the waves forcing the air through cre vices in the rock ; the hard breath

Maseiga, s . misunderstanding ; re- l ing of a dying person . dup. maseseiga . See MASESEI. Masua , v. to run over, to spill from

Maseu, v. see Masei; also to be being full ; to be poured out (as anger) ; redup . masuasua. able to steer. Masele , s. a temporary moderating Māsua, v . (derived from the above), to run over with bad words ; to of rain . Masele, a. sharp, cutting ; redup. praise oneself ; to promise and maselesele. not perform . See also MATELE. Masepu, s. a fault, an error in word Masuasu , v. to laugh scornfully. or conduct.

Masesei, v. to beat variance, to have

| Masuře, v. 10 be forced up, to be

raised up ; to be turned up ; to

break up as clouds ; redup . ma a misunderstanding . suéesu 'e. Masi, s. fermented breadfruit. Masiasi, v. to be ashamed . Māsui, v. to act perversely . Masii, v. to be raised , to be lifted Māsui, v. to be put out of joint ; up ; to be off on a journey or a war.

redup .māsuisui. Masūsū , v . to sob .

Masiiti, s. masi made of chestnuts . Mata, s. the eye ; the face, the countenance (in the plural) ; the point of anything ; the edge ; the a queen . boundary (in compound words, asmutāvao). Masila 'i, s. masi made of bananas. Mata , a. raw ; unripe ; used in Masinia , s. salt. counting taru , as e toluga mata . Masimasi, s. the dolphin . Masimasi, s. the pain of a wound or Mata , u. luoking ; as, mula feui, fierce-looking bruise . Masina, s. the moon ; a month . | Māta , v. to look at, (compounded instead of breadtruit.

Masiofo , s, the wife of a high chief,

Masino , v . to be countable ; to be with nouns, as mātu foluu ). compreliensible ; redup . masi..o - Malaa , v . to be separated (as the sinó.

shell from thenu .) ; to be raised ,

Masisi, v. to be broken obliquely . I to be louse and separated (as the Masisi, s. the piece ofwood used in skin ) ; red p. mitaataa. operating for tufuo ; a term of Mataaʻāiga, a . h .Iping the family. reproach .

Masitalo, s. musi made from taro. Masoā , s. ar owroot.

Masoā, a. filthy (of words).

Mata‘ai, v . to desire to eat bish , & c .

as ina 'i.

Mata-aiga, v. to eat deliberatel ;. See SASALU .

MAT MAT Mataafi, s. a large fire to clear up | Mātau, s. a fishhook . Matall, s. an axe ; the right-hand the wood in a plantation. Mattaga , s. an observatory ; a side, the starboard . watch tower ; lookers-ou . Mataʻū, v. to look cross. Maiaala , v. to be wakeful, to watch . Mata-u , s. fear. Mataali, s. a blighted fallen cocoa Mataʻu, v. to fear, to be afraid ; pl. 150


matataóu ; puss. mata “utia .

Mataali, v. to fall before mature (as | Matau‘a, a . jealous, envious ; pl. nuts and laves) . matatau 'a . Mata 'ata , s. a smiling countenance . | Matāna, s . a drop of rain . Mataeaea , s . the name of a shell - Mataulī , a . dug -faced , ugly . fsh .

Matāup ga , s. the meshes of a net.

Mataeaea , v . to look inclined to Mataupolu , s , an easter! y wind . See heal (of ulcers ). FAAFOGAUPOLU.

Mata 'ele ele , s. the name of a fish . Mataupu, s. a subject of discourse ; See TASUTANU'. a chapter . Moia 'ema, s. a chestnut left in store | Matautu , s. a point of land running till it separates from the skin . out into the sea. Matai, s. a head of a family . Maiaʻutuia , v. to be terrified , to be Natai'a , s. one kren to see fish ; I greatly frightened . one portion of a hsh . |Matafa , s. boils on the face. Mataioloa, s.the best article amongst Matālai, s. the side of the planta a lot of goods.

tion from which the taro is being

Mataipu , s . the top half of a nut- pulled up ; old people likely to shell. die first. Mātaisau , s. a carpenter (a respect Matā faga , s. thebeach ,the seaside. Matāfanua, s. the windward end of ful term ). See TUFUGA. Mataitagata , s. a good lookingman . an island. Mataitega, s. the best toga spread Matafatu , a. hard , unimpressible (as out the last of the lot. one struck by a club and yet not Matailu , s . (matu , a , uitu ), lascivi ous looks.

falling ); not ashamed (as one cast

off by his wife and yet remaining Mataʻitusi, s. a letter of the alpha in her lamily ). bet. Matafi, v. to be swept or blown Mataola, a. lively looking (as unex away as clouds; to be well, to be bausted by work or war ) ; re. in good health (of chiefs ); redup . vived after sickness ; lascivious

mata hitafi.

looking ; redup. mataolaola . Mātagā, a . bad looking . Mata‘omo, s. à sunken eye ; pl. Mataga, s. one kind of dragon - fly . mata 'o omo. Mataga , v . to be loosened ; redup. mātagataga . Mataone, s. the name of a gelatin ous fish . Matagaoi, v. to have a thief's look. Mat one, 11. soft (of a native grind Mātagataga, 1 . easy of disposition, stone ). as loto mātugataya . Matāntao . 2°. to be pressed down as Matagi, s. the wind. by a weight.

Matagi, v. to blow , to be windy ;

Mataota ), a . spear pointed .

puss. matagia . Matau , 2. to consider, to mark at- Matagiʻolo , s. bastions defending tentively ; puss mitsulid .

the entrance of a fort.

151 MAT MAT Matagofie , a . pleasant to the eye, | Matāmosomoso , s. the name of a plant. beaut la ,iful v . .to be open ; to be un - Matāmua, s. the title-page, the first Mata page. folded ; to be untied ; to make mua brazen - faced , not atala p laste lati,; redu nanie of .a tree ; s. the. matal Mata


, a.

ashamed ; redup. matamuamua .

wedges for tightening the cinet | Matamuli, a . shame-faced ; pl. mā

- tamumuli. nings faste lasi, various, to be Matanana , a . boastful. be es. v . ofto cario Mata

Matanei, a . incestuous.

icate complve, v. dto. be intricate looking . Matāniu , s. the eye end of a half Matala Matalēmauu'a, s. two kinds of ta ro . Matalemanusa Matalepola -easterly wind. ,s. a north FAATIU poʻulu. , I s. two kinds of MataSeelēpo etaliga Staro. Matallii, s. the name of a cluster of Mala s starmai . , v. to look towards (as a Mata

man desirous of joining a family ,


Matanonou , a . surly -looking.

Matapā, s, a fence. Matapaʻu , s. the snuff of a torch or lamp.

Matapaū , a . of a forbidding aspect. Matapalapala , a . prosperous (uf a fisherwan and a man who gets

plenty of property through his wives ).

or as property coming in to a fa - Matape'ape'a , a . covetous. Matapisu , s. one kind of shellfish . mily). mau , v. to be unyielding ; to | Matapo, a , blind . Mata have the appearance of plenty ; to Matapo , v . to look at a night- dance .

be liberal ; to be stingy (on Sa- | Matapoo , s. sunken eyes ; pl. ma tapopoo . dauntedly (as one about to en - Matapogia , v. to faini. pona , a . good -looking . h ). se called Mata gage malainlia, club-matc Matapoto , s. the naine of a shell s. the disea Mata fish .

au .about un - |Matapogi, a . forbidding: looking . amam vaii) ; pl.mat e , v. to mala look Mata

lupus. , s. the edges of a Matapoto, a . sharp -sighted to avoid Matamanuốa

a spear. wouud . , v. to look at, to view ; | Matapuaa , a , ugly. Matamata Matapula , s. the name of a fish . mamata pl.mata Mala , s. . a large afuto. Matasā , s. a blind pigeon ; a blind Mat.mata , a . having large meshes . man ( in contempt ). Miatamaraupega , s . a large cobweb . Matasāsā , s. the name of a shell Matamalagi s. the wind s eye , the fish .

quarter from which the wind Matásele, s. a noose. Matasepa, a . synimi-eyed ; pl. ma blows. tasesepa . of crab . kind Maiemea, Matamemeas., one s. the name of a star. | Matasuauua , s. sore eyes.

Matāsusu, s. a teat. Matamoe, moe , s.a . asleepy. picket, an outpost for Matatā , s. the edge or line of ent Natā ting , (applicd to the line of bush h athnight. ing, v.watc keep noe , to keep guard | along which trees have been cut). to watc Mata

Matatai, s . a clever firman .

during night.




Matatau,a . having fighting looks. |Matila , s. a short fishing rod. Matini, s. an offering of branches of

Matataʻu , v. pluralofmutu-u . Matātāga , see MATATA .

certain trees to induce uitu to

Matātalo, s. the eye or upper end

pass over without calling in at the place where these are hung up.

of the taro .

Matatiaiala , v. to go gadding about

after sights. Mātipitipi, a . having an edge. Mātatili , v . to sprout, to germinate Mativa , a . poor ; pl. matitiva .

(as yams, & c.,left above ground ); Mativao, s. one kind of themati. to be horrified . See TULEMOGE. | Mato , s. a steep place, a precipice .

Matātuai, s. a nut scraper. Matatu‘ ii'ai, a . greedy.

Mato , a. precipitous ; redup. ma toto .

Matatuna, s. one of the divisions of Matou , pron . we (excluding the a cocoanut husk .

Matatupa , a . blunt. See TULALI.

Matā vai, s. a spring , a fountain .

person addressed ). I tered (as the moon in the last Mātofi , v. to be split ; to be quar

Matāvao , s. the edge of the bush quarter) ; redup, mātofitoti. towards which the plantation is Matolitoli, a . scranchable (applied


to things less hard than to paa

Matavao , s. a reconnoitering party . gugu , as gristle , cocoanut, & c.) ; Matavao, v. to die in war. tender (of pork , & c.) Matavale, a . dull sighted in avoid - Matolutolu , ū . thick (only of pork ). Matosi, a. scratched , marked with ing a spear. Matavale, v. to look like a coward ; scratches ; shreded ; redup . ma tositosi. pl. matamatavale . Matavalea, a. ignorant-looking. | Mātū, s. a northerly gale. Mātū , v. to be dry, (a compliment Matāvana , s. nails. Mate, v. to die ; to be extinct (as ary word to those returning from

bathing ). (of canoes) ; to be benumbed , to Matu , s. the name of a fish .

animals trees, fire ) ; to be upset

be cramped ; pl.mamate. Mati ilili, v. to be enraged .

Mate, v . to guess ; pass. matea.

Matele, v . to run swiftly ; to be

pulled swiftly .

Mátele, v. expressive of intensity ei.

Matua, s. a parent; pl.mātua ; a game.

Matua, a . elder ; mature ; pl. ma tutua .

Matua, v. to frequent, to make a

home of: as, E mutua mai iinei.

ther of thought or action ; to ex . | Matuā , a . very , altogether, quite , cced , to go beyond (as in abus- | (used to mark the superlative de gree ). i ing ) ; redup. mateletele.

Matemate, s. a means, a plan , a Matua alii, s. an aged chief. contrivance .

Matua'i, u. very exceedingly.

Matevalea , a . very ignorant.

Mātuaisu , s. an old pigeon . Mātuaoti, s. an orphan . Mati, s. a species of fig . Mati, u. stale (as water long drawn , | Matuāfafine, s. a matron , an elderly or nuts picked some days).

woman .

Mati-u -u , s. the finger nails. See Matuāmoa , s . a hen . MAIUⓇU . Mātuatua , a . diminutive of matua. Mauifanua , s. one kind of the Matuu , s. a crane. mati. Matūlau , s. the name of a fish .




Mātūtū , v. to be dry ; to be costive. |Memea, s. the name of a fish . Mavae , v . to pass by ; to be at an Memee , v. to boast ; redup. mee end . mee . Māvae, s . a parting . | Meme'i, see MEʻI. Māvae, v . to be split, to be cracked Memu, v. to move the lips as if speaking. open, to be chapped ; intens. mavaevae. Menemene, a . small (of thebreasts). Mavaeifiuimaihmea , v . to commence Miaga , s. urine. the development of the kernel in the chestnut.

Māvaega, s. a parting command, engagement, or promise.

Mavava , v. to express wonder . Māvava, v . to yawn. Maveu , v . to be in confusion , to be

Mio , v . to wander about, to go round about ; to act strangely ,

to be cool towards (as a husband

and wife) ; redup. mīmio, mio mio .

Migao, v. to show respect to , to reverence .

unsettled ; redup . mavenveu . Migi, a . curly ; redup. migimigi. Maveve, a . dry and clotty (as the Migimigi, s. dry cocoanut husks. earth , arrowroot, & c . Mili, v . to rub ; to rub in (as an Maveve, v. to have a thick head of ointment); pl.mimili, fumili; in tens. milimili. long hair ; to be thick with fea thers (as an ornament of red fea - Milo , s . the name of a tree .

thers). Mea , s. a thing ; a place ; an ani-

Milo , v. to twist ; pl. mimilo ; pass. milosia ; redup. milomilo .

mal; the private parts when used Milosi, v. to be twisted ; to be cross with lou , lona, & c. grained ; to be perverse ; redup.

Mea, v. to do, to prepare. Meaaaitu , ļ v. It was our luck . Meaam anūs

milomilosi .

Mimi, v . to make water. | Mimio , v . to be perverse. See Mio .

Meai, v. to tapui nuts on the death Mimili, v. to rub together. See Mili. of a chief, by adzing the trees. Meāfale , s. furniture , household Minilo , v. to be perverse . gcods.

| Misa, s. a quarrel.

Meafono, s. food taken to a fono ; | Misa , v. to quarrel ; to make a cold food.

noise , us Pisa ; recipr. femisaři.

Meamea, a. young (of infants ).

| Misaaga , s . a quarrel on a smaller Meavale , s . the populace, common scale than misu .

people ; anything vile and bad . dur . meme'i, me‘ime‘i.


Mei, v to shrink , to shrivel ; re - | Misialofa

Tv. to make a kissing noise with the lips as a

token of affection

Mec , v. to be sulky ; pl. memeo ; | Mitamita , v . to boast ; miinita . redup. meomeo . Miti, s. the name of a small bird ; a Mele, v. to refuse , to reject. dream ; rain or mist on the moun tains. Mele 'i, s. the stick used to husk

nuts with . Miti, v. to suck ; to sip ; to kiss ; to snuff up, to sniff ; to make a Meleʻi, v. to husk a cocoanut . See O ‘A .

Melomelo, a . red ; pl. memelo . Memea , a . yellowish brown ; sear

(as leaves).

kissing noise with the lips. Mitimiti , v. to call to by making a kissing noise ; to suck out a bone.



Mo, prep. for. Moa, s. a fowl; the end of a bunch of bananas ; the fleshy part of the alili ; the epigastric region ; a child 's top ; themiddle (as of a road or river). Moaga, s. the oame of a fish .

Moalili, s. the cap of the alili ; a

MOL Moemoegatāma‘i, v. to be unpre pared . Moemoetonu, v. to be prepared over night. Moenoa, a . inconsiderate , thought less ; redup, moemoenoa . Mo‘etaʻi, v. to run with a thing , to

convey speedily .

speck in the eye. Moetāu, v. to dream of business in hand . Moamoa, s. the name of a fish . Mo‘amo‘a , a. slack , not stretched Moʻi, a. true. See Moni. out (as a net, & c .) Moia , v. It is enough ; leave off. Moamoalega , s . one kind of bread - 1 fruit,

Moana, s. the deap sea . Moana, a . sea blue .

See Soia .

Moi'aa , s. fibres of the cocoanut husk . See MoreAA. Moimoi, s. the name of a large fish ;

I the small fish left in the net atter Moanauli, s. the deep blue sea. the large ones are taken . Moanasāusau , s. the great ocean . Moanavalevalē, a . far out to sea. | Mo‘imoʻi, a . small.

Moe, v. to sleep ; to be congealed ; | Moo, s. a lizard ; the name of a to sit us a hen ) ; pl. momoe ; pass, moea .

fish .

Moo , v. to be surprised .

Moe, adv. to no purpose , uselessly . Moo, interj. of surprise and admi See Mao . ration . Mo‘ē, s. a general name for the ba- | Moomoo , s. a cocoanut either with nana . See FAʻi.

Moeātu , v. to sleep in fear. Moeāpuaa, v. to sleep soundly.

out rice or withoutmuch kernel; a lase.

Möomöv, see Momoo .

Moe'ese'ese , s. the afato, (so called Moomooga, s. covetous desires. Mou, 1 . to vanish . before chiefs ). Moeiini, v. to shut the eyes forci. Mou, a . many ; (used in a grum bly. bling way , as when having done Moei'ula , v. to delightin, to rejoice. some unnecessary work , Se mou Moeivai, v. to go to sleep hungry. I linu ). Moeu 'u , v . to be restless from pain . | Mogamoga , s. a roach ; a beetle.

Moefiti, v. to be restless in sleep . | Moge, s. horripilation .

Morga , s. a sleeping place, a bed . | Mogea , a . shiiveiled from cold or fright, also of bad taro ; redup. Moega , s. a cohabiting Moegaʻi, v. to convey over night ; | mogemogea . to convey so as to be in readiness | Mola 'i, v. to convey, to take back . (applied to a prestnt taken by the over night. person , and also to the convey Moegase, v. to sleep soundly. Moemaletila , v . to put in the tila ! ance by which he is taken ).

over night; to get ready over | Molaga , s. property taken with a wman on her ri turn to her hus night. band 's family. Moemoe, s. a sprout, a shoot. Mol-, s. a soft oily matter between Motmoe, v . to sleep lightly .

Moemoegamalie , v. to be prepared over night.

the spongy and the hard kernel of an old cocoanut.




Mole, v. to be faint, to be exhaust- Momoleʻa, s. the name ofbrittle a tree the ; a ed (as with hunger, thirst, or pain ) ; to be suffocated ; to die ;

wood of which is very weak man .

Momoli, v . to carry, to bring ; to report a person's e nduct, to ac MOLE . cuse ; redup. molimoli ; pass . Moli, s. the orange ; soap ; one molia, molimolia . kind of song. Momomo, v. to break in pieces ; pass. momoia and momomoina . Moli, s. oil. See Suavu. Moliamolia , v. to be disappointed or | Mõmõna, a . fat, rich (as pigeons, fisti, & c .) deceived , (as to be proinised aid and then to be left unsupported ; Momono, v. to cork ; tu plug ; re dup , movomono . to have plenty followed by a | Momose, a . beautiful, handsome, dearth ). pl. momole.

Molemole, a. smooth . See Mo-

Molioo , v . to carry or convey all the way.

Moliga, s. the sending, the convey

pretty ; redup.mosemose. Momoto , a . plural of moto .

Momotu, v. plural ofmotu .

Mona , v. to burst forth (as fuiai from the leaf dish ) ; to have a Molimau , v . to bear witness. motion while seated (as a child ) ; Molimoli, v. to accompany a part of to snivel, to run at the nose ; to the way ; to carry about to dif- ! muddy the feet ; to excel in ta gatiu ; to work with all themight ferent families (as portions of ing .

Molimau , s. a witness.

food ).

(as one wishing to disprove the

charge of laziness : Ua ita le mo Molimua, v. to send off a party while the sender stops himself. na ). Molimuaina, see MOLIAMOLIA. Moni, a . true. Molitasi, v. to report as the words Monoi, v. to come in quick succes of one person the sayings of a sion (as troubles, aíllictions, & c.) whole company. | Monotaga , s. the portion of food Molitino, v. to tell plainly . prepared by an individual to take Molo -all, s. a toad tool. with all the rest of the village to Moloiufi, s. a young yam ; redup . a party of visitors . molomoloju . Monoti, v. to cork , to plug. See

Moloi-ulu , s. the blossom of the breadtruit.


Mosemose , see MOMOSE..

Mono‘a, (l. much , abounding ; in - | Mosi, s. a you g crayoish . tense (as pain ). Miomoe , v. (pl. of moe), to sleep .

| Mosimosi, s. a young freshwater prawn ; a small fish seen the day

Miomo-e, v. to run ; pl. femo'ei, i before the palolo . - taufetuli. Mosooi, s. the name of a tree bear Momoi, s. crumbs, as momoi ufi, ing most fragrant flowers. crubs of yam . Moscoitai, s. the name of a para Miomi o , v. to express covetous de sitical plant. sires ; to loug for ; to express Mosomoso , s. the name of a bird .


Mori, v. to burn the arm on account

Momole, a. smooth . See Mole of the dead . MULE. Moti' a' a, s. the fibre of the cocoa Mlomole, i'. plural ofmole. nut husk . See Mor'an.




Moto , a. unripe, not mature ; pl. Mua'i, see FAAMUAʻI. Mo‘aifi, s. the young leaves of the ifi. motoia . Muāulu , s. the forehead . Motomoto , s. a part of the insideof Muāfofuga , s. the lips ; speech . a turtle . Muāgagana , s. a proverb ; a pro Motososo ‘ a , s. a straight blow with verbial expression . the fist. Muāgutu , see MUAFOFOGA. Moti), v. to be broken off ; to be Mualeva, s. the name of one kind momoto .

Moto , v . to strike with the fist ; pass .

snapt asunder, to be severed ; pl. /

of song.

momotu ; redup.motumotu ; pass. Muamalaga, s. those who go on ahead in a travelling party. motusia .

Motu , s. an islet ; a district or vil- Muamua, a . first. See Mua. lage ; the people of a place ; a Muamua , v. to go before. multitude.

Motufau , u . childless, having none to succeed to .

Mu'amuốa , a . green ; immature ; easily corrupting (as the dead body of a young person ) .

Motufau , v. to get loose from a Muāvifo , s. the front tieth. string (as a pigeon ) ; to be set Muāvae, s, the projection under the free from ; to be quite discon

nected with .

foot at the root of the toes. Muimui, v . to murmur ; pass.muia ,

Motumea, v. to cross the place where nuimuia . they are catching pigeons ; to Mule, s. the scraped nut collecting

cross through the house where chiefs are sitting Motumotu , s. a firebrand.

in a lump in the tuuaga , and so

the juice not expressed . Muli, s. the end ; the rump.

Motumotu , v. to be broken or torn Muli, u. young (as men , women , in several places. and trees in their prime).

Motumotuga, s. a ragged cloth or Mulia 'i, adv. last. fine mat.

Motusi, v. to break off, to tear.

Motusia , v. to come in small and detached quantities, (applied to

Muliaʻitaʻiga, v. to follow on in the rear. Muli'au , s. the rear of an army ;

the name of one kind of song:

the pulolo, on the first day of ap - | Muli'auloa , v. to follow in great numbers (as men , fish , or ani pearing ). Motusaga, s. the first day of pulolo. mals ).

Mu, s. the name of a fishi. Mu, v. to burn ; to glow .

Muliafe , v. to commit adultery re peatedly .

Mua, a . first ; redup .muamua.

Muliatea , s. the rump of the turtle .

Mu'a , s. a cocoanut with the ker- | Muliava , s. the end of an opening

nel laif formed .

through the reef which is on the

Mu'a , a . tender, young ,green , (ap outside of the reef. plied to the new growth of vege- / Mulipu, s . thebottom half of a nut

tation , as boughs, young trees,


& c.) ;'amu'a. Muli'olo , s. the hind part of a fort Mua‘au , s. the van of an army. ress on the inside. Muaava , s. tlje part of an opening Muliologa, s . the ends of taro left in the reef towards the shore. after making fuuusi. Sce Muli Muaʻi , a . fist.



NA Mulione, s. the nameof a gelatinous | Mumutu , a . plural of mutu . fish .

Muliulı , s. the back of the head .


Muna , v. to grumble ; redup . mu namuna.

Mulifā , s. the name of a month , Munua , s. the porpoise . ( September ). Musa , v. to skip , to hop ; redup. musamusa . Mulifanua, s. the lee end of an is land . Musu , v. to be indisposed, to be Mulilua, v. to commit adultery ; pl. unwilling. Mosu ,Line mulilulua . indolence Mulimauga , s. the hind part of a Musua s.8. mdol e ,unwillingness . mountain . Musuia , v . to be doomed to be killed Mulimafu , see MULIOLOGA. or otherwise punished . Mulimafua, s. the trees whose fruits Musumusu , v. to whisper. are last eaten by the pigeon . Musuvā , v. to whisper together. Molimalo , s. an ornament worn like Muta , v . to be finished , (a chief's a tail ; a bunch of red feathers. word for umamai, gata mai).

Molimatagi, s. the place where the Mutia, s. the general namefor grass. wind ends at. Mutiamoa, , į s. different kinds of

Mulimuli, v. to follow after , to come Mutiat ai Motiatoga after.

grass. ti s imu ard li Mut , v . to yearn over . Mulimu ane, adı , afterw . Mulimulia , v . to dirt about from Mutimutialofa , v. to commiserate , to place to place (as young children compassionate, to love fondly. do).

Mulisua, v. to prompt. See Val

Mutimutivale, v. to be distressed in mind .

Mutitini, I v. to be fiercely hot (of Mulitau , v . to commit adultery . See Mutoto aſ the sun ). NIU .


Mulitataga, a . obedient. Mulivae, s. the heel.

Mutu , s. the name of a fish .

Mutu, v . cut off, defective, incom plete ; puss, mutuia .

Mulivai, s. the mouth of a river or Mutuia , v . to be forbidden ; to be stream . cut short in a speech . Mulo , s. a young yam . Mulu , v . to be slow ; to grumble ;

to singe a pig, (in Atua) ; to


sleep .

Muluia , v. to be rubbed off (as the une | The tenth letter in

the Samoan alpha bet Pronounced as in English . Mulumea , v. to handle covetously. Mulumulu , v . to rub ; to wash ; to | Na, a particle used before verbs to skin ).

warm oneself by the fire ; pass . | mark the imperfect tense . muluja : mumuluina ; pl. mu- | Na, pron . he, she ; (used before mulu . verbs ; as, Na te sau ). Mumū, v. to burn brightly , to glow . Na, pron. this, that, these , those ; (ìt always brings the accent from Mūmū, a . red . Múmů, v. to be in swarms (as flies I the penultima to the last syllable : O ile nuū na ). or small fish ). Mumulu , v . plural ofmulumulu . Na , v . to quiet, to hush (as a cry

Mumusu, v. plural of musu .

ing child ).




Na, v . to conceal, to duny ; redup . | Namua, v. to be full of musquitoes . nana and nānā ; pass. natia . Namulega, s. the name of a tree. Naa , s. tie pole to which the net Nana , s. a swarm of soldier crabs.

for pigron catching is fixed . Nai, a. some ; an endearing dimi. Tutive . Nai, prep. from . See MAI. Nainfi, s. the name of a fish .

Nānā ,

Nainai, v . to fix on), to select before hand.

Nanasu , v. to grow rankly (as weeds

Nana , v. to urge a request, to per

sist in asking ; to boast. Nanā

see Na .

Nanamu. v. to be fragrant, to give a sweet smell.

Nainai, adv. no wonder, that is the on a good soil) ; to abound (as reason : as, Nainai soania le fe- the dry sugarcane leaf used as tuar . See So.1s0a . thatch ). Naito , s. the name of a tree. Nanea , v. to be sufficient. Nairolama, s. the name of a fish ; | Nanei, adv. by and-bye, presently. Naneinei ane, adv. presently, very (more properly muitolama). Na 'o , ido, only .


Naonao, s. the name of one kind of Nani, v. to talk indistinctly (as a ant. child ) ; redup . naninani. Naonao, v . to feel for (as for fishes Nanu , v. to stammer, to pronounce in holes ). wrongly ; recip . fenanui. Naonaofaga, s. the fishes caught by Nanue, s. the name of a fish . naonao . Nānnga, v. to talk nonsense (as a

Naul, s. the name of a creeping plani.

delirious person ). Nānugāına itiga, v. to ask for pro

Nau, v. to desire earnestly , to long

perty as a sick man talks, (applied for ; redup. naunau ; pass. nau to themselves by those who go to tia . beg help io vative property). Na'uā, adv. very, exceedingly . Nāpagofie, v. to prepare before Naumati, a . dry, destitute ofwater hand . (as a country or district). Napr, v. to be entangled ; redup . Naunau , v. redup. of nuu ; to be napenape. Nase, s. the giant fern . very great ; to exceed . Nausosolo , s. the name of a creep . | Nase , a. bad flavoured , unsavory ing plant. (as the flesh of wild pig :). Nafa, s. a native drum . | Nasu , s. the grass, leaves, & c ., used Nafa , v. to appoint (as an opponent to nasu with . in seuga, or in a clubbing match , Nasu , v. to cover the earth round

or to appoint with whom to lodge the taro with leares, & c. | Nati, v . to tease, to be importunate ; in some great festival). Nafanafataʻi, v. to bear in mind, to pl. nanati; redup. natinati. lay up in memory . Nāga , s. the place where the net is

Nativale , v. to be unduly importu nate.

Navu, s. lime. hidden (na) to take the fish . Namo, s. a lagoon or small bay Navu, v. to dress the hair with

abounding in fish . Namu, s. the musquito .

Namu, s. a smell, an odour. Namu , 1. to have a bad smell.


Navua, v. to break the head . Ne, v. to draw back from a disgust

i ing or injurious object ; to keep

NEE back (asoffensive words); to withs 1

NOO 159 niui; to make common ; to par

draw from shame.

don .

Nee, v. to bear up, to lift up (as a Niufetepolu , s. a coceanut with boat by the water) ; to inflate , to much husk and a small nut. puff up (as with pride) ; redup . Niulea, Niumeaps. " menee , neenee ; pass. neetia ,

two kinds of cocoanut.

Neetaga , v . praises, fiattering atten | Niupiu , s. the fan palm . tions. Niusami, s. the cocoannt in the last

Nei pron. this ; (pl.of lenei), these. stage before becoming popo. . Niutetea, s . a pale leafed cocoanut. Ne'i, adv. lest ; not. Niuvao, s. the name of a plant. Nefu , 2 . to be stirred np, to be tur Nifo , s. a too:h ; a horn ; a tusk . bid , to be mudly ; redup.neneſu ; Nifoa, a . having teeth . dimin , liefunefu. Nimo, 2. to be out of sight ; to be unknown ; redup . uinimo, nimo Nego , . to beckon ; redup. nego Nei, adı. now .

nego .


Nene, s. the name of a game of Ninā, v. to converse together (as friends about to part ). play. Neneća, v. to laugh heartily,to con Nini, v. to dauly, to smear. tinue to laugh . Nini ane, 1 . to be far off, (in re Nenee, 2 . to act the manaia . See Nini Ō ference to something FAAMANAIA . which at last comes upon a per

Nenefu , v. to be dim , to be indis tinct .

Neva, a . friendless, destitute of fa mily connections ; (a term of re proach ). Ni, a . some, any.

son ).

Ninii, a . small.

Ninifi, v. to adorn . See Tiriti. Ninimo, see Nimo . Niniva, v. to be giddy. Nisi, n . some, any.

Nivaga, s. a giddy height. Niau, 2. to desire , to long for. Niinii, a . small, minute. See Ni No, v. to borrow ; redup . nono ; NII. puss. nogia .

Nio, s. the rope of the old Samoan | Noa, v . to strangle oneself ; to com sailing canoe mit suicide. Nio, v. to catch backhanded ; to Noa, udv. without object, without cover up a bad word uttered ; to cause. See Fua. say something, and t : en try to Noaunu, s. a slip knot.

deny the meaning attarlind to it ; Noanoa, a . calm , quiet , hushed (of to make excuses ; to fairn aside the wind ). and take things belonging to an - Noanoa, v . to tie hand and font. other rather than your own, or Noanoaga, s. bonds, fastenings. Noataga, s. a tie ; a place to tie to ; other than you ought, & c . a law ; redup. noanoataca. Niu, s. the cocoanut tree, also the fruit.

| Noati, v . (pl. of nonoa ), to tie up

Niuaimoa, s. the name of a plant. Į animals . Niu 'afa, s. a cocoanut from which | Noi, v . to ask permission . See Faa cinet is made . NOI. Niualava , s. two kinds of cocoa - Noo , s . the hips. Snut. Nini | Nooia , v. to be pressed down ; to

Niui, 1. to sprinkle with the juice of

be bent in (as the edge of a hat

NUN NOO chet ) ; to be pained at heart ; to Nofotane, v. to be married (of the be forbidden (as to continue al woman ). Nofu , s. the name of a stinging speech ). fish . Noopa, s. a foundation. See Fas 160



v. to be quiet, to be easy

Noʻunoʻu , v. to bend down , to Nogata 'iſ (as from pain ); to leave stoop . off'; to leave ; redup. nonoga , no

Noʻutua, v. to bend down the back


(as in eating, paddling a canoe, Nono, s. the nameof the white ant & c .)

Nofo, v. to sit ; to dwell ; to re

when being winged it swarms;

the cord used to wind round a

main ; pl. nonofo ; redup. nofo

canoe ; the string attached to a

nofo ; pass. nofoia .

stone taken down by a diver.

Nofoa , s . a seat.

Nofoaʻi, v. to live in virginity ; to sit and talk over news.

Nono, v . to make a pause in a

speech waiting for the prompters . Nono, v. to borrow .

See No.

Nofoaiga, s. a reign ; the time dur Nonoa, v. to tie , to bind ; redup. ing which a man bears the family name.

Nofoao , v. to be a titled clief.

noanoa ; pass. noatia ; pl. noati. Nonou, a . cross, surly looking. Nonu , s. the name of a tree .

Nofoafā , v. to have four pullers in Nonuʻulu , s. a large kind of the nonu. a canoe. ( The same also with any other number, as nofoūlua , Nonufi'afi'a , s. a fruit tree . & c .)

Nonuvao , s. the wild nonu.

Nofoafono, s. a seat in the council Nuaga, s. a grating down (as of ar rowroot , turmeric , & c .) held in the malue. Nofoaga, s. the posteriors; the place Nuanua , s. the rainbow. in which one sits. Nu'annéa , s. the name of a plant. Nofoaseu , s. the seat used in pigeon catching .

Nui, v . to be great, to increase (as

the wind, pain). Nuu, s. a district or town ; a coun Nofoatau, s. the war stool. Nofoi, v. to be in a sitting posture. try ; people. . Nofofua, v. to be single, to be un Nunpo, adv. formerly , in olden Nuutuſ times. married . Nofogata, a . inaccessible, of a re- | Nuutumatāfaga , s . a maritime place . Nuututai, s. an islet near the main served and distant temper.

Nofogofie, a . accessible , of an easy


Numi, v . to be involved , to be in disposition . tricate ; to be jabbled (as the sea ); Nofolua , s. a bigamist. (In the pl. nunumi; pass. numia ; redup. same way with the other numbers,

as nofotolu , & c.)


Nofonofonoa, v. to be unprepared ; | Nūnū , v. to be angry, (applied to chiefs and the gods). to be doing nothing . Nofonofotonu , v. to be prepared, to Nunu , s. a gathering, a concourse of people gathered in one village. be waiting for. Nofonofovale, see NofonofonOA. Nunu, v. to crowd together ; to grate down. Nofopologa, v. to be a slave. Nofosala , v. to be under condemn- | Nunumi, v. plural of numi. ation . Nunuti, v. plural of nuti.




Nunuvale, v. to be in confusion (as | Paapaa, s. small crabs. troops, & c .)

| Paatea, s. a poisonous crab .

Nupani, s, warts. See Tona.

Nusā , conj. even although, notwith standing. See ANUSA .

Pa-atu , s. a large fly fishhook for bonito .

Pae, s. a seat erected in the open

Nuti, v . to crush in the land ; tol air ; a house built on poles. break in pieces ; pl, nunuti; re- | Pa'e , a . white ; redup . pa 'epa ' e.

dup . nutinuti ; pass. nutiia .

Paea, a . friendless, poor.

Nutimomomo, v . to crush to atoms. Paea' e , v. to sit together.

Nutininii, v. to break up very small. Pa'e'e , a . lean, skinny (as animals ); Nutipala , v. to crush to dust.

poor, having no relations (a term of contempt) ; pl. pa' e' e 'e .

Paega, s. a supper held with a sick chief or in honor of a dead one, or a ball.

Pa'epa e , a. white .

v. to heap up, to pile up ; The eleventh letter in the Samoan al Paepae, to go to a supper prepared for a phabet. It is sounded as in English . sick chief ; to sit down together. Pa, s. a wall ; a fly- fishhook ; an | Pāepae, s. a pavement. indentation in a tree. | Päepae, v . to lay stones (as in mak ing a road , pavement, & c.) Pa, v. to explode (as thunder, a gun, & c. ) ; to burst (as an ab- | Paetau, v. to be in battle array, to scess) ; pl. pāpā ; to burst forth be ranged for battle.

into lamentations: Ua pa le luu - | Pai, s. somebody, such -a -one. aitu ; to be barren ; to turn (as Paʻi, v . to touch ; redup . papaʻi,

the tide at full : Ua pu le fogā . paʻipaʻi; pass. pa ‘ia . tai). Pāói, v. to reach to ; to arrive at ; Paa , s. the general name for crabs. | redup . papaʻi; puss. pāóia . Paa, v. to be scarce (as of food). Paʻi, s. masi made from refuse food ; Paaa, a . crisp, dry , making a crac anything of little value. kling noise when trodden on (as | Pa‘ia , a . sacred ; (a term applied to titled chiefs). dry leaves) ; oppressive ; bully ing Pačiau, v. to be heart stricken , lo Pă au , v. to come down upon the be greatly grieved . enemy (as in making a hostile de- Pa'i'au , see Paau. scent from inland).

Paiē, a. lazy.

Parau'au , v . to be full of water (as Pašiću , v. to dart the ti'a so that the water holes, from rain or high only the end of it shall touch the tide); to be swollen (as the belly ); ground ; to engage in battle . Pa'ifailelea , v . to die in childbed . to be surfeited. Paipai, s. one kind of crab . Paaga, s. a titi dyed black . Paagatagotino, l s. a black titi ; | Pa‘ipa i, s. the name of a fish. Paagatotino

S true relations (as Paʻipaʻi, see Paga !

children, or a brother's children ). Paagugu , v. to scranch as bones. See PagUGU. Paala , s. a small fly - fishhook .

Paalimago, s. a large sea crab.

Paʻisa , v . to abound . Paitaʻu , 1 s. a jesting . Paʻitaʻu a

Paito, si a cooking house. See UMU ,




Paʻivao, v. to work quickly in clear. | Paʻu, s. the skin ; the bark of trees; ing the bush ; redup. pa‘ipa‘ivao. the rind . Pa‘ivalea, v. to be struck accident- Paʻū , v. to fall, to fall down ; pl. ally ; to be set on fire by acci. 1 paʻuốū ; pass. paʻūtia ; recipr. fe dent. paʻūti. Pao , s. a fringe. Pauội, v. to attend to the duties of

Pao, v. to stop, to check (as a flyingLafamily . pigeon by a string to its foot); to | Pāóū‘ū , s. a footfall, the sound of a correct, to chastise. Pā ' , s. one kind of chestnut.

footstep .

Pautu, si one kind of chestnut.

Pāʻo, v . to make a chopping or Pāuli, a . purple . hammering noise.

Pa‘o, s. the butt end of the cocoa nut tree. Paoa , v . to be overawed .

Paʻoʻa , v. to use too much oʻa in coloring the siupo .

Pāʻulia , v . passive of papa ' u .

Paʻunātū, s. a place left dry by the water.

Paʻupaogo , a . beautiful. Paʻupaʻu , s. a scab ; a shallow ; a dry titi.

Paʻōʻō , s. the bony covering of a Pāga, s. a plaited cocoanut leaf used fish 's gills.

Paofu , s. the name of a fresh -water

as a boundary in the game of la

foga tupe ; the hard earth after

fish .

the sand is cleared away for the game of tagāti'a . Paoga, s. the tree fern. . Paoga , a . tall, running up high and Pagā , s. trouble, distress. slender (as the cocoanut at the Pagā , interj . How annoying ! how unfortunate ! how sad ! alas ! re top of its growth ). Paogatā, u . disobedient ; redup. dup. pagapagā ! Pagai, v. to strike on both sides ; paopaogatā ; pl. paogatatā . to give a double blow ; recipr. fe Paogo, s. the name of a tree from the leaves ofwhich the house mat pagaia ‘ina. Pāgalemu, l v. to arrive opportune is made, (the pandanus). Paogofie, a . obedient; redup. pao Pagamalie ſ ly . paogofie. Paganoa, v. to be atleisure . Pagātia , v. to be in distress, to be Paolo , s. shade ; protection . in difficulty . Paolo , v . to be shady ; to be pro Pāgāti'a , s. the ground cleared for tected ; pass . paologia . Paolosauni, v. to connect by mar


riage ; pl. paolofesaunia‘i. See Pago, v. to forbid (from envy) ; to GAFATATA. given to others Paopao, s. a small canoe.

forbid things being in hopes of getting them himself ;

Paopao , v. to forbid ; pass. paosia . /

redup. papago .

Paopaoitua, I v. to keep in the rear; Pago, v. to lave a command of lan guage and a knowledge of titles, Paopaoniuli ) to proceed with cau tion (as in speaking ). Pau , s. the name of a tree from

which clubs are made. Pau , v . to be as far as, to reach to ,

& c., in speaking . Pagoa , a . stony, rugged .

Pagoa, s. the well of the old Sa moan sailing canoe.

to be bounded by. See also Ga- Pagoagoa , v . to persist in (as scold TA .

Paū , u . dreaded.

ing, quarrelling, eating) ; redup . pagopagoa.




Pāgopagoa, v. to work alone. Payotā , s. a transgressor, an offen der, a criminal ; pl. pagotatā .

Palavao, v. to be rotten from being left in the ground too long (as

Pagovivilu , a . grasping .

Pālavale, s. dry ti leaves.

taro ) .

Pagugu , v . to scranch as bones. Pālavale, v. to liquify only (as nuts See PAAGL'GU .

scraped for oil).

Pala , s. a muddy deposit in the sea ; | Pale, s. a head dress, a frontlet ; a a black mud from the swamp used | crown. to dye with .

Pale , v. to put on the frontlet ; to

Pala , v. to rot; to be rotten ; pl. show anger (as if it were on the pa pala ; pass. palagia . forehead). Palaai, d. cowardly ; pl. pālaai,pa- Pale , v. to catch water (as in a leaf, laaai. & c.) ; to catch a pigeon missed Pāla ‘aia , v . to be surfeited , to eat to by another ; to decline to the satiety . See Palasia .

west (of the moon ).

Palai, s. a hard kind of yam ; a Pale, v . to row , to paddle ; redup . trowel. palepale ; ( a complimentary term Palaʻia , s. the name of a fish . on meeting a canoe : Ua pale Palaufau , v . to be full of water (as


river beds, & c., reaching to the Pale , v. to be over the shoal of bo fau leaves). nito ; pl. papale . Palagi, s. the name of a fish . Pālefogatai, v. to be on the ebb . Palalau , v. to drift on to , to drift Paleni, v. to line a basket with along (as by thewind or current); leaves so as to keep the contents from falling through. to lean upon others ; püss. pala laua. Palepale , s. sticks orbamboos fixed Pālalau, s . the name of one of the to the posts of a house, which houses in which they sit to catch serve for a shelf. pigeons.

Pālalū, s. the noise made by the

| Palepale, v. to hold up . See Tali


Palepaletao, s. a place over the out wings in flying. Palana'i, see TALANAʻI. rigger of a canoe on which the spears were placed . Palapala , s. mud . Palapalā , a . muddy . Pālepo, v. to start on a journey by Palapalaū, s. itch between the toes sea during night. caused by mud . Pālepoi, l s. a plaited cocoanut leaf Palapalana'i, v . to lean upon others, Paleta I stood up against the posts around the house . to be guided by others . Palāpu , v. to smoke, to send forth | Pāletua, s. a stick for the steersman smoke ; to light the oven ; (used to lean against. Paletua , v. to lean upon . before chiefs instead of pusa ). Pālasi, v. to drop down (as overripe Pāletualapalapa, v. to lean upon a weak support ; (a depreciatory fruit ) ; to fall down (as a person from a tree) ; to fall down with term used by a land to those seek violence (as a house); pl. pălasi. ing their aid ). Pălasi, v. to dash to the ground (as Pali, s. pubes. a child ). Palo , s. a defeat in war or in games. Pālasia , v. to be surfeited, to eat to Palolo , s. a small sea worm found satiety. See PALAʻAIA.

floating in some openings of the


PAP reef for a few hours only twice a | Papa, a . plain , level, flat ; redup .


year .


Palolomua, s. the name of a month Pāpā , s. a generalword for the titles (July). of high chiefs ; one method of

Palolomuli, s. the name of a month


Pāpā, see Pa. Palopalo , v. to be beaten ; to be Papā , v . to miscarry, to abort. Papaaegata , v. to cease from evil. overawed . Papae, v . to take supper with visi Palu , s. the name of a fish. ( August ).

Palu , v. to mix , to stir together with

tors or a sick cliief.

the hands; redup.palupalu ; pass.

Papai, s . one kind of necklace. palua. Papa'i, v. to reach to, to touch . See Palui, v . to depreciate another ; to PAʻI. try to imitate . Papa' iilu , s, a bare rock .

Palumātūina, v. to kill a person af- Papaʻoʻa , s. a siapo hardened by too much ' oʻa . ter the war is over. Palusami, s. taro leaves cooked with | Papaofo , s, a rock showing through

the expressed juice of the old co - ! the soil. coanut.

Papaone, s. a sandstone; redup .

Pālutu , s. the name of a shellfish . I papaoneone. Palutu , v . to beat ; pl. pālutu . See Pāpaono, s. the name of a tree. PATUTU . | Papa'u, v. to be shallow ; pass.

Pana, a. stunted , slow of growth . 1 paʻulia , to be left aground by the Pana'i, v. to heap up (as deprecia

tide. Papafu , a . fat, bulky from sitting

tory words of the speaker, or in

abuse, or things to be cooked in in the house (as a blind man or a the oven). cripple). Panapa, a . frugal. See FAATOTO- Papafu , v. to remain silent (as the MEA. veía ). Panea, s. the name of a shellfish. Papaga, s. a neighbor; the hole of Pānepanea , a. ripe, fullgrown (as

the sea eel.

Papāgatā , a . difficult to be brought Pani, s. the name of a tree. to perch dowii, (applied to pige Pani, 1. to go to stool in the road ons, also to fish difficultto catch ) ; disregardful of reproof. (as a child ) ; redup . panipani. Pani, 2. to smear the head with Papagi, a . palsied in the fingers and taro ).

mud .


Pāniloa, s. a pig with a white spot Papala , s.' a sore , an ulcer . on the forehead . | Papala , v. to have an ulcer, to be Panisina , s . lime; mortar.


ulcerated .

Pano‘i, v. to heap one thing on to Papālagi, s. a foreigner. another ; redup. panopano‘i. Papālagi, a. foreign . Panuu , v. to touch or call at on a | Papale , v. to go to the aid of, to journey by sea . lend assistance (as a younger bro Pānupanu , v. to be smeared over, ther to the elder one, or children to be bedaubed (as a mat with to their father ) ; to go to be chief filth or food ). or speaker to a land which had Papa, s. a rock ; a floor mat ; a none ; also plural of pale . Papalilii, s. a fine house-mat. board ; one kind of banana.




Papalu , v. to plant land which has | Pāta , a . blustering, bullying when been laid waste or left desolate ;

help is near ; redup . pātapata.

to seize the testes in quarrelling , Pātamemea , s. red gum ; patches (see Deut. xxv. 11). Pātamūnū 1 of red in the skin of infants. Papani, s, the cross poles of a scaf


Pātato , v. to make a hammering or

Papavu, v. to be bedaubed (as with chopping noise. See Pao . mud ); to be overdone with cinet; | Pātatū, v. to resound (as the beat

to be daubed on thickly (as paint,

ing of the mat at a night dance ). Patē, s. a small wooden drum . Papapapa, u . even, level (as a rock ). Pate, a . aged (but still strong ); pl. coloring on cloth , & c.)

Papasi, v . to be accustomed to one papate. another (as a husband and wife). | Patealomea , a . middle-aged .

Papata , s. a shellfish ; anything Pati, v . to clap hands ; to smite the done quickly : Ua se papata. hands together as a sign of grief Papata , a. largepatterned ; of coarse on receiving bad news ; redup . texture. patipati ; pl. papati. Papate, a . plural of pate. Patilima, v. to clap hands. Papatetele , s. a coarse house mat ; | Patino, v. to deliver a inessage to a woman who has committed for the person himself for whom it is nication while professing to be a intended . virgin .

Pato , s . a duck .

Pato , s. scrofula in the neck . Papati, v . plural of pati. Pāpatoa, s. a bare rock . See Pa Patu , s. a fatty tumor. PAIILA .

Patua , a . having a patu .

Papatū , s. a standing rock that can . Patumimi, s. a kind of phymosis not be moved ; a hard-working occasioned by the operation of man ; a courageous man. tafao . Pāpātū , v. to crack while standing Patupatu , a . lumpy. (as a tree about to fall) ; to get | Patupatu , s. a shellfish .

reports beforehand of something Patutu , v. to beat. See Palutu . about to happen . Pava, s. the name of a tree. Pāpātua, v. to clap the wings on Pavā, v. to speak evil, to use bad language. first flying (as a pigeon ). Papeva, v. to stumble ; to make a Pe, a restrictive particle in count ing : as tasi pe, only one. mistake in speaking . Pasapasa'i,v . to spread abroad what | Pe, s. thematterof an abscess ; rot. was secret. ' ten breadfruit. Pasi, v. to be wearied , (applied to / Pe, v. to be dead (as animals and the eyes and ears ); redup. pasi- 1 trees) ; to be extinguished (as pasi, pa pasi. fire) ; lo be dead low (as the Pasu, a. large ; pl. papasu ; redup . tide); to be dried up (as water). Pe, conj. or, whether. See Po. pasupasu . Pea , adv. still ; continually ; yet . Pata , s. one kind of banana. Pe ā , adv . when (future ). Pata, a. coarse (as sand).

Pata , v . to be swollen , to be lumpy, | Pe'a , s. the vampire bat ; a Samoan of the skin in some eruptive com title of mobility . plaints. Peau , s. a wave. Peaua, a . rough , boisterous.

PET PEA Peapea , v. to act thus ; to continue | Penā, adv. about this time. thus : as, Anei peapea pogia . Penapena , v. to soap the head , (to Peapea ane, v. to move away, to | chiefs instead of u -u ).


stand aside.

Pe'ape'a, s. the swallow ; a child 's toy .

Peapeafua, v . to scold causelessly .

Penei, adv. like this ; about this time. Penu , s. scraped cocoanut.

Penu, u. old, soft from wear (as

Peʻapeavai, s. a very small bat ; (so

siapo ) ; redup . penupenu . called at Manu' a , in other parts Penupenu, s . the name of a fish .

called apauuvai). Pepe, s. a butterfly ; the corners of Peepee , s. a number of ufilei grow - l the tula or round end of a native

ing together ; the expressed juice


of the cocoanut used as a sauce . | Pepe, v . to flutter about ; redup. Pei, v. to be broken (as a cup ) ; to pepepepe. be broken in halves (as a cocoa - | Pepeʻava , s . one kind of butterfly .

nut) ; to be divided (as themalo); Pepee, a . cripple from tona on the pass. peia . soles of the feet. Pei, adv. like.

Peī, udv. like as if, as though. See PEISEAT.

Peiga, s. the division ofthe malo .

Pepeigalemu, v. to be broken in halves (as a nut). Pepe'u , a . decrepit. See PEPELU . Pepe'u , v. to be disgusted (as with

Peisa 'i, conj. but. See Peitaʻl. il filth or with abusive language ) ; Peiseaī, adv. like as if, as though. I to walk with difficulty . Peitaʻi, conj. but. Pepefui, s. one kind of butterfly . Pefea , adv. how about ? A peculiar Pepelo , s. a lie . use of this word is, Ne'i ai se pe- Pepelo , v. to lie , to deceive ; pass. fea , lest anything should happen pelogia ; redup. pelopelo . to some of us. Pepelu , a. decrepit. See PEPEʻu . Pefu , s. salt water crystallised on

Pepena, v. plural of pena.

the body ; small weeds hanging Pepenu , a . dry (as the core of a vi, about the net. sugarcane, & c.) Pefupefua, a . covered with salt ; Pepepe ape a, ( s. names of butter Pepesama, (on Tutuila ) dusty.

flies. Pela, s. the name of a fish. See Pepesina, Filoa . Pepetoga Pelā , adv. as if, as though . Pepeti, a. plural of peti.

Pele, a. dear, beloved, petted ; re Pese, s. a song , a ballad , a hymn. dup. pelepele. Pese, v. to sing ; pl. pepese. Pelē, v. to serenade, to sing in front | Pēsega , s. singing accompanied by of a house in order to get food . I music. Peleue, s. a coat. Pesi, v. to beat upon , to come with Pelu , s . a sword .

force (as a storm , an epidemic ) ;

Pelu ‘i, s. a billhook .

to dash down (as something beat

Pelupelu , s. one kind of yam ; the against the ground ) ; to come in nameof a fish sometimes fatally large quantities (as a crop of poisonous. breadfruit ). Pena , s. a knife ; a snare, a noose. Peti, a . fat, good conditioned (as Pena, v . to cut up ; to 3nare ; re. animals and bananas) ; pl. pe dup. penapena . peti.




Petogi, v. to throw at, to stone. ' cling to ; pass. piitia ; recip. fe See FETOGI. piilaội. Peva, s. the name of a gelatinous | Pipili, s. a cripple.

fish ; a weak man .

Pipili, v. pluralofpilipili.

Piapia , s. froth ; scum .

Pipimalosi, s. an advanced stage in Piapio , s. an outcry, a shouting. the growth of the chestnut. See PISAPISAO . Pipine, s. the name of a fish . Piasua , s. arrowroot cooked with Pipine, see PINĖ. expressed juice of the cocoanut. Pipisi, v . to be infectious, to be con (Pia, the old name for arrowroot). tagious; to be influenced by ex

Pii, s. a throwing by entangling the feet in wrestling .

ample ; pass . pisia ..

Pipivāivai, s. a less advanced stage

Pii, v . to draw up (as the pola of a in the growth of the chestnut than house ) ; to cling to ; to fold (as pipimalosi. the arms) ; to climb. Pisa , s. a noise, a confusion of Piilima, v. to fold the arms, (a sign voices. of distress ). Pisao, s. an outcry, a shouting ; Pisatalau ) redup. pisapisaõ . Piimau , v. to cling firmly . Piipii, a . curly . Pisi, v . to splash with water ; re dup. pisipisi. Piitaga, s. a person through whom others are connected with a fa - | Pisi, v. to fall. mily .

Pisu , v. to be spread abroad (as a Piituli, v. to pursue closely. report). Piivaa, v. to stick to the canoe (as Pito, s. the end of anything,as pito laau. a good steering paddle , thusmak Pitopito , s . anus. ing it easy to steer).

Pio, a. crooked ; wrong, in a moral Po, s, night ; redup. popo. sense ; pl. pipi'o ; redup. pi'o - Po, v. to be night ; pass. pogia , to pi'o . be benighted. Pi'oi, v . to make crooked ; to be | Po, v . to slap ; to seize, to catch as perverse . a cat or an owl does ; pass. po‘ia . Pili, s. the lizard . Po, adv. by night: as, Va sau po.

Pilia , v. to be caught, to be lodged Po, conj. whether, or. in, to be entangled (as one tree Poa, s. one kind of yam . falling against another , & c.) Po‘a, s. a male animal. Pilipili, v. to be near, to approach ; Poapoā , a . fishy-smelling. pl. pipili. Poʻe, a . awkward at work ; redup. Piliti, s. the namegiven to the fresh poʻepoʻe. See Vasi ASI. water prawn by some chiefs whose Poi, s. the nameof a small fish . | Poi, v. to venerate, to pay deference emblem it is. Pilo, v. peditum pedere ; pl. pipilo ; to ; to stand in awe of ; redup . popoi, poipoi. redup. pilopilo . Pine, s. fry, a shoal of small fishes. Poʻi, v. to kill Alies by slapping. Pine, v. to be long ; redup. pipine ; Po‘ia , v . passive of po. (always negatively : E le pine). Poipoi, s. a shoal of poi.

Pipi, s. the cockle ; the name of a tree . Pipi, s. the turkey. Pipii, v. to stick to, to adhere to , to

| Po‘itau, v. to be a long time, to be L of long standing . Poo ifea , adv. where ? also Poo fea . | Pou , s. a post, a pillar.




food leaving the bulk to be di Poʻu, s. a pimple. vided out. Poula , s. a night dance. Pouliuli, s. darkness ; ignorance. Poiepolevale , v. to palpitate (as the Pouliuli, v . to be dark ; ignorant, heart). (in a good sense implying inno - Polili, s. the second crop of taro . cence : as, “ Ua pouliuli alii o Polili, v. to have a second crop of le au maile ; ” as now used sim | taro ; to strike a second blow ; to repeat a bad word . ply , ignorance) ; puss. pouligia , Polo, s. Chili pepper; a knife . (a salutation at night). Poumuli, s . the name of a tree .

Poʻupoʻua, a. covered with pimples. Poupou 'i, v. to put posts into a house ; to support, to bear up (as | a sick person ).

Poloa 'i , v. to send a message to , to command a person at a distance ;

to leave commands (as on going

a journey or when dying ); redup. polopoloaʻi.

Pogai, s. the root and stump of a | Poloaʻiga , s. amessage or command tree .

to one at a distance.

Pogaimata, s. the eye of the cocoa - | Pologa, s. a slave.

nut, taro , & c.; applied abusively Pologā, a. mouldy ; redup. polo to the human eye. See loi MATA. Pogaiisu , s. the nostrils. Pogapogā , v. to be alone.

pologā. Polovao , s. the name of a tree. Pona, s. a knot ; a lump ; a fault . Ponā, a . faulty.

Pogati, s. flat slabs of wood rising | Ponaata , 1 s. the throat, that part from the ground to the trunk of Ponaua called Adam 's apple . Ponaivi, s. the projecting bones (as some trees.

Pogi, a . harsh , sour, severe. Pogia , v. passive of po.

Pogipogi, s. twilight. Pogisā , s. darkness.

Pogisā , v. to be quite dark .

the elbow , & c.) Ponauli, s. the budding of the fruit of breadfruit.

Ponaulia , a. mildewed, (only ap plied to nets).

Pola , s. a plaited cocoanut leaf used Ponapona, a . knotty ; lumpy. to shut in the house. Ponaponāvae, s. the ankle .

Polani, v. to carry on a pola (as a Pone, s. the name of a fish . pig ). Ponoi, v. to do a thing frequently, Polapola , s . a double pola used to carry food to chiefs .

to keep on doing (as eating , send

ing messages, asking for property ,'

Polata , s. a layer of the trunk of & c.) the banana peeled off ; firewood, Popo, s. a cocoąnut fully ripe. (used to chiefs instead of fafie ). | Popo , a . dry ; pl. popopo . Polataufafo, s. the outside pola of a i Popo, v . to be dry ; pl. popopo .

house ; metaph. strangers having Popo, s. one method of tishiog. no connection with the family , or | Popā, v. to pat gently (as a child in order to quiet it to sleep ). knowledge of their doings. Polataufale , s. the inner pola . Popā , see Po. Polāvaa, s. plaited cocoanut leaves Popoa, a . abounding in popo; fishy used to cover a canoe. smelling (of the sea ). Polepole , s. the portion of food for Popo ‘a , a . large. a favourite child . Popoaʻi, v. to be many nights (in a

Polepole , v. to eat a part of some

place ); to be a long time gone.




Popoʻę, a . timid , frightened ; weak / (Always with lana ; when lona is used it means anus or vagina ). of body. Popoga, a . angry -looking Pu, v. to have a hole in . Popogi, v. to scowl; to be dizzy ; to Pua , s. the name of a tree ; the begin to be blind. name of a fish ; the mouth of the fish trap . Popole, v. to be in trepidation, to be anxious, to be flurried ; redup . Puʻa, s. the name of a tree ; the

polepole ; puss. polegia .

iris .

Popole, see POLEPOLE. Puā , s. a shoalof bonito. See Ina Põpāmālo , v. to beg the malo to FO . keep quiet. Puā , v . to be bad - flavored (as wa Popona, a. filling out (as thebreasts ter in a water-bottle from which of a young woman ) ; bulging out the nut is not cleared properly ). (as the point of a spear passing Puaa , s . a pig ; pork ; an animal.

through the body, and raising the Pua'i, v. to be sick , to vomit. skin on the other side) . Puaʻiina, v. to be emitted ; to be Popopopo, I a. very dry (as wood | diffused as an odour. Popoteā

s inclining to rot).

Puaʻiga , s. vomit .

Popoto , a . round (as the trunk of a Puao, s. a mist. tree) ; well shaped (as a well- Puaoa, a. misty (as the eyes ). formed man ) ; (from potopoto ). Pualii, a . sonorous, deep -sounding (as the voice). Popoto, a . plural of poto . Popotu , v. to be swollen (as the Puālulu , s. the nameof a tree. belly ). Puanea, a. dense, uncultivated (as Popua, s. a blow -hole in the cliff the bush ). through which the waves send a Pu'anivai, s. a species of the bana na. íountain of spray. Fosē, v. to catch crickets. Puapua, s. the name of a tree. Pota , s. cooked taro leaves. Puapuagā, s. pain , distress, tor Poto , s, a hard -working man ; wisdom .

ment of mind or body.

Puapuagā, a. painful, tormenting .

Puapuagā,v. to be tormented ; puss. Poto, s. a short-legged avii. Poto, a . wise ; pl. popoto . puapuagātia. Poto, v. to be wise ; pl. popoto. Puée , s. the hillock or mound in Potoi, s. a cake, a loaf. which the taro or yam is planted . Potoiagafulu , a . ten cakes ; pötoi- | Pu'e, v. to seize , to catch hold of; lua, twenty, and so on .

pl. pupu ' e ; pass. pu ‘ ea .

Potopoto , s. a small portion of fish Pu'eia , s. a fit of the elephantiasis , or pork .

a fit of ague.

Potopoto , v. to assemble , to gather | Pu'ega, s. a catching ; a fit of a together.

disease .

Potopotoga, s. a gathering , an as- Puia'i, s. a place sheltered from the sembly.


Potu, s. the siapo screen from be- Pui'aiga, s. the family living under hind which the aitu spoke ; the the same roof. white border ofa siapo ; a room , Puii, s. a small pig . ( from the Tongan ).

Povalea, a. conquered ; dead.

Puimanava , s. the hypogastric re gion .

Pu , s. a hole ; a trumpet shell. Puipui, s. a door ; a partition .

NUN NOO 160 chet ) ; to be pained at heart ; to | Nofotane, v. to be married (of the woman ). be forbidden (as to continue a speech ). Nofu , s. the name of a stinging fish . Noopa, s. a foundation . See FAA VAE.


v. to be quiet, to be easy

Noʻunoʻu , v. to bend down, to | Nogataʻi S (as from pain ); to leave off ; to leave; redup . nonoga, no stoop. Noʻutua , v. to bend down the back | (as in eating , paddling a canoe, Nono, s. the name of the white ant when being winged it swarms; & c.) the cord used to wind round a Nofo, v. to sit ; to dwell; to re canoe ; the string attached to a maia ; pl. nonofo ; redup. nofo nofo ; pass. nofoia . Nofoa, s. a seat.

stone taken down by a diver .

Nono, v. to make a pause in a speech waiting for the prompters. Nofoaʻi, v. to live in virginity ; to sit and talk over news. Nono, v. to borrow . See No. Nofoaiga, s. a reign ; the time dur- | Nonoa, v. to tie, to bind ; redup . noanoa ; pass. noatia ; pl. noati. ing which a man bears the family name. Nonou , a. cross , surly looking. Nonu, s. the name of a tree. Nofoao, v. to be a titled chief. Nofoafā , v. to have four pullers in Nonuʻulu , s. a large kind of the a canoe. ( The same also with


any other number, as nofoūlua, / Nonufi'afi'a, s. a fruit tree. & c .)

Nonuvao, s. the wild nonu.

Nofoafono , s. a seat in the council | Nuaga , s. a grating down (as of ar rowroot, turmeric, & c .) held in the malue. Nofoaga, s. the posteriors ; the place Nuanua , s. the rainbow . in which one sits.

Nu'apuía, s. the name of a plant.

Nofoaseu , s. the seat used in pigeon Nui, v. to be great, to increase (as the wind, pain ). catching .

Nofoatau, s. the war stool. Nuu, s, a district or town ; a coun Nofoi, v. to be in a sitting posture. try ; people. . Nofofua, v. to be single , to be un- | Numpo, l adv. formerly , in olden married . Nuutu ſ times. Nofogata, a. inaccessible, of a re Nuutumatāfaga, s. a maritime place . served and distant temper. Nuututai, s. an islet near the main

Nofogofie , a. accessible, of an easy disposition .

land .

Numi, v. to be involved , to be in

iabbled (as be jabbled Nofolua, s. a bigamist. (In the | tricate; (as the sea ); tricate ; toto be same waywith the othernumbers, | pl. nunumi; pass. numia ; redup . numinumi. as nofotolu , & c.) Nofonofonoa, v. to be unprepared ; | Nūnū , v. to be angry, (applied to chiefs and the gods). to be doing nothing. Nofonofotonu , v . to be prepared , to Nunu, s. a gathering, a concourse of people gathered in one village . be waiting for. Nofonofovale , see NOFONOFONOA . | Nunu, v. to crowd together ; to grate down. Nofopologa, v. to be a slave.

Nofosala , v. to be under condemn- | Nunumi, v. plural of numi. ation .

Nunuti, v. plural of nuti.

161 NUN PAI Nunuvale , v. to be in confusion (as | Paapaa , s. small crabs. troops, & c.) Paatea, s. a poisonous crab . Nupani, s. warts. See Tona. | Pa -atu , s. a large fly - fish hook for bonito . Nusā , conj. even although, notwith standing . See ANUSA. Pae, s. a seat erected in the open Nuưi, v. to crush in the hand ; to air ; a house built on poles. break in pieces ; pl. nuputi ; re- | Pa'e, a . white ; redup . pa 'epa 'e .

dup . nutinuti ; pass. nutiia .

Paea, a . friendless, poor.

Nutimomomo, v . to crush to atoms. Paea' e, v . to sit together. Nutinigii, v . to break up very small. Pa' e'e, a . lean , skinny (as animals ) ;

Nutipala , v. to crush to dust.

poor, having no relations ( a term of contempt) ; pl. pa' e'e 'e .

Paega, s. a supper held with a sick chief or in honor of a dead one, or a ball.

Pa'epa‘e, a . white . | Paepae, v. to heap up , to pile up ; The eleventh letter in the Samoan al to go to a supper prepared for a

phabet. It is sounded as in English . I sick chief; to sit down together. PA, s. a wall ; a fly -fishhook ; an | Paepae, s. a pavement. indentation in a tree. Pāepae, v. to lay stones (as in mak

Pa , v. to explode (as thunder, a gun , & c. ) ; to burst (as an ab - | Paetau, v . to be in battle array, to

scess) ; pl. pāpā ; to burst forth

be ranged for battle.

into lamentations : Ua pa le luu | Pai, s. somebody, such - a-one. aitu ; to be barren ; to turn (as | Pa‘i, v. to touch ; redup. papa'i, the tide at full: Va pu le foyā. paʻipaʻi ; pass. pa‘ia . tai). Pāʻi, v. to reach to ; to arrive at ;

Paa , s. the general name for crabs.

redup. papaʻi; puss. pā‘ia .

Paa, v. to be scarce (as of food). Pa'i, s. masi made from refuse food ; Paaa , a , crisp , dry, making a crac anything of little value. kling noise when trodden on (as Pa‘ia , u. sacred ; (a term applied dry leaves ); oppressive ; bully to titled chiefs). ing : Pa‘iau , v. to be heart stricken , to Pă'au , v. to come down upon the be greatly grieved. enemy (as in making a hostile de- Pa'i'au, see Paau . scent from inland ). Paiē , a . lazy . Paʻau au , v . to be full of water (as Pa'ióu , v . to dart the ti' a so that

the water holes, from rain orhigh tide); to be swollen (as the belly); ! to be surfeited .

only the end of it shall touch the ground ; to engage in battle. Paʻifailelea , v . to die in childbed .

Paipai, s. one kind of crab. Paaga, s. a titi dyed black . Paagatagotino, I s. a black titi; | Pa‘ipa'i, s. the name of a fish . Paagatotino

S true relations (as

Paʻipaʻi, see Paga !

children , or a brother 's children ). Pa‘isa , v . to abound . Paagugu, v. to scranch as bones. | Paitaʻuis ,l. Paʻitaʻua. a jesting. See PAGUGU. Paala , s. a small fly - fishhook. Paito, s. a cooking house. See

Paalimago, s. a large sea crab.


PAG PAI 162 Pa‘ivao, v. to work quickly in clear- | Pa'u, s. the skin ; the bark of trees; ing the bush ; redup. pa ‘ipa-ivao . the rind. Pa‘ivalea , v. to be struck accident- Paʻū, v. to fall, to fall down ; pl. ally ; to be set on fire by acci. I paʻuốū ; pass. paʻūtia ; recipr. fe paʻūti. dent. Pau'i, v. to attend to the duties of Pao, s. a fringe. Pao, v. to stop ,to check (as a flyingL a family.

pigeon by a string to its foot); to correct, to chastise.

Pā‘ ū ‘ū , s. a footfall, the sound of a footstep.

Pautu, s. one kind of chestnut. Pā ' , s. one kind of chestnut. Pāʻo, v . to make a chopping or Pauli, a . purple. Pāʻulia, v. passive of papa'u . hammering noise. Pa'ő, s. the butt end of the cocoa nut tree.

Paoa , v. to be overawed .

Paʻumātū , s. a place lett dry by the water.

Paʻupaogo , a. beautiful.

Paʻoʻa, v. to use too much oʻa in Paʻupa'u , s. a scab ; a shallow ; a dry titi. coloring the siupo . Paʻōʻō, s. the bony covering of a Pāga, s. a plaited cocoanut leafused as a boundary in the game of la fish 's gills. Paofu , s. the name of a fresh -water foga tupe ; the hard earth after the sand is cleared away for the fish . gameof tagāti'a . Paoga, s. the tree fern . . Paoga, a. tall, running up high and | Pagā , s. trouble, distress . slender (as the cocoanut at the Pagā , interj . How annoying ! how unfortunate ! how sad ! alas ! re top of its growth ).

Paogatā, a. disobedient; redup.

paopaogatā ; pl. paogatatā .

dup. pagapagā ! Pagai, v. to strike on both sides ;

Paogo , s. the name of a tree from to give a double blow ; recipr . fes pagaia ‘ina . the leaves ofwhich the house mat Pāgalemu, l v. to arrive opportune is made, (the pandanus).

Paogofie , a. obedient ; redup. pao paogofie.

Paolo , s. shade ; protection .

Paolo, v. to be shady ; to be pro

Pāgamalie į ly. Paganoa , v. to be at leisure . Pagātia , v. to be in distress, to be in difficulty. Pāgāti'a, s. the ground cleared for

tected ; pass. paologia . tugāti'a. riage ; pl. paolofesaunia'i. See | Pago, v. to forbid (from envy ) ; to

Paolosauni, v. to connect by mar GAFATATA .

Paopao, s. a small canoe . Paopao, v. to forbid ; pass. paosia.

forbid ihings being given to others in hopes of getting them himself ; redup. papago .

Paopaoitua , 7 v . to keep in the rear ; | Pago, v. to liave a command of lan

Paopaonulis to proceed with cau - | guage and a knowledge of titles , tion (as in speaking). & c., in speaking . Pau . s. the name of a tree from | Pagoa , a . stony, rugged .

which clubs are made.

Pau, v. to be as far as, to reach to,

Pagoa, s. the well of the old Sa moan sailing canoe.

to be bounded by. See also GA- | Pagoagoa , v . to persist in (as scold TA .

Paū , u . dreaded.

ing, quarrelling, eating ); redup . pagopagoa.

PAG Pagotā , s. a transgressor, an offen

PAL 163 Palavao , v . to be rotten from being left in the ground too long (as

der, a criminal ; pl. pagotatā . Pagovivilu , a . grasping.

Pālavale, s. dry ti leaves .

Pāgopagoa , v. to work alone.

taro ).

Pagugu, v. to scranch as bones. Pālavale, v . to liquify only (as nuts See PAAGUGU. scraped for oil). Pala, s. a muddy deposit in thesea; Pale , s. a head dress, a frontlet ; a a black mud from the swamp used 1


to dye with . Pale, v. to put on the frontlet ; to Pala , v . to rot ; to be rotten ; pl. show anger (as if it were on the forehead ). papala ; pass. palagia.

Palaai, u . cowardly ; pl. pālaai, pa - Pale, v. to catch water (as in a leaf, laaai. & c.); to catch a pigeon missed Pāla ‘aia , v . to be surfeited , to eat to by another ; to decline to the satiety. See PALASIA . west (of the moon ). Palai, s. a hard kind of yam ; a Pale, v. to row , to paddle ; redup. trowel. palepale ; (a complimentary term on meeting a canoe : Ua pale Pala ia , s. the name of a fish. Palaufau , v . to be full of water (as


river beds, & c., reaching to the Pale, v. to be over the shoal of bo fau leaves ). nito ; pl. papale . Pālefogatai, v . to be on the ebb . Palagi, s. the name of a fish. Palalau, v. to drift on to, to drift Paleni, v. to line a basket with along (as by the wind or current); leaves so as to keep the contents to lean upon others ; pass. pala from falling through. laua . Palepale, s. sticks or bamboos fixed Palalau , s. the name of one of the to the posts of a house, which houses in which they sit to catch serve for a shelf. Palepale, v. to hold up . See Tali pigeons. Pālalū , s. the noise made by the TALI. wings in flying. Palepaletao, s. a placeover the out Palana'i, see TALANAʻI. rigger of a canoe on which the spears were placed . Palapala, s. mud. Palapalā , a . muddy. Pālepo, v. to start on a journey by Palapalaū , s. itch between the toes sea during night. Pālepoi, 2 s. a plaited cocoanut leaf caused by mud . Palapalana'i, v. to lean upon others, Paleta ſ stood up against the to be guided by others.

posts around the house .

Palāpu, v. to smoke, to send forth | Pāletua, s. a stick for the steersman smoke; to light the oven ; (used to lean against. before chiefs instead of pusa ). I Paletua, v. to lean upon. Pālasi, v . to drop down (as overripe Pāletualapalapa, v . to lean upon a fruit) ; to fall down (as a person weak support ; (a depreciatory from a tree) ; to fall down with term used by a land to those seek ing their aid ). violence (as a house) ; pl. pălasi. Pălasi, v . to dash to the ground (as | Pali, s. pubes.

a child ).

Palo , s . a defeat in war or in games.

Palasia, v. to be surfeited , to eat to Palolo , s. a small sea worm found satiety. Sce PALAʻAIA . floating in some openings of the




reef for a few hours only twice a | Papa, a. plain, level, flat ; redup. year.

papapapa .

Palolomua, s. the name of a month Pāpā, s. a generalword for the titles of high chiefs ; one method of (July ). fishing . Palolomuli, s. the name of a month Pāpā , see Pa .


Palopalo, v. to be beaten ; to be overawed . Palu , s. the name of a fish . Palu , v. to mix , to stir together with thehands; redup. palupalu ; pass.

Papā, v. to miscarry, to abort. Papaaegata, v. to cease from evil. Papae , v. to take supper with visi

tors or a sick clief. Papai, s. one kind ofnecklace.

palua . Papa'i, v . to reach to , to touch . See Palui, v. to depreciate another ; to Paʻi. Pāpa iila , s. a bare rock. try to imitate . Palumātūina, v. to kill a person af- Papaʻoʻa, s. a siapo hardened by too much ' oʻa . ter the war is over. Palusami, s. taro leaves cooked with Papaofo , s. a rock showing through

the expressed juice of the old co -

the soil. Papaone, s. a sandstone ; redup .


Palutu , s. the name of a shellfish . I


Palutu , v. to beat ; pl. pālutu . See Pāpaono, s. the name of a tree. PATUTU .

| Papa ' u , v . to be shallow ; pass.

Pana, a. stunted, slow of growth . I paʻulia , to be left aground by the Panaội, v. to heap up (as deprecia- tide. tory words of the speaker, or in Papafu , a . fat, bulky from sitting abuse , or things to be cooked in

in the house (as a blind man or a

the oven ). cripple). Panapa, a . frugal. See FAATOTO - Papafu , v. to remain silent (as the MEA.

Panea , s. the name of a shellfish. Pānepanea, a . ripe, fullgrown (as

ve' a ).

Papaga, s. a neighbor ; the hole of the sea eel.

taro ).

Papāgatā, a. difficult to bebrought Pani, s. the name of a tree. to perch dowli, (applied to pige Pani, v. to go to stool in the road ons, also to fish difficult to catch ) ; (as a child ) ; redup. panipani. disregardful of reproof.

Pani, 1. to smear the head with Papagi, a . palsied in the fingers and mud .


Pāniloa, s. a pig with a white spot Papala , s. a sore , an ulcer. on the forehead . Papala , v. to have an ulcer, to be ulcerated . Panisina , s. lime; mortar. Pano‘i, v. to heap one thing on to Papālagi, s. a foreigner.

another ; redup. panopano ‘i. Papālagi, a . foreign . Panuu , v. to touch or call at on a Papale , v . to go to the aid of, to journey by sea . lend assistance (as a younger bro Panupavu , v . to be smeared over, ther to the elder one, or children to be bedaubed (as a mat with to their father ) ; to go to be chief

filth or food). Papa , s. a rock ; a floor mat ; a '

board ; one kind of banana .

or speaker to a land which had none ; also plural of pale . "

Papalilii, s, a fine house-mat .


165 PEA Papalu , v.'to plant land which has | Pāta , a. blustering, bullying when been laid waste or left desolate ; I help is near ; redup. pātapata . to seize the testes in quarrelling, Pātamemea , 1 s . red gum ; patches (see Deut. xxv. 11) . Pātamūnūs of red in the skin of

Papani, s. the cross poles of a scaf folding.


Pātato , v. to make a hammering or

Papanu, v. to be bedaubed (as with

chopping noise. See Pao . mud ); to be overdonewith cinet; Pātatū, v . to resound (as the beat to be daubed on thickly (as paint, ing of the mat at a night dance). coloring on cloth , & c.) Patē , s. a small wooden drum .

Papapapa, u. even , level (as a rock ). Pate, a . aged (but still strong ); pl. Papasi, v . to be accustomed to one papate . another (as a husband and wife ). Patealomea , a. middle -aged . Papata, s. a shellfish ; anything | Pati, v. to clap hands ; to smite the done quickly : Ua se papata . hands together as a sign of grief Papata,a . large patterned ; of coarse I on receiving bad news; redup. texture . patipati; pl. papati. Papate, a , plural of pate. Patilima, v . to clap hands. Papatetele, s. a coarse house mat ; Patino, v. to deliver a inessage to a woman who has committed for- | the person himself for whom it is nication while professing to be a intended . virgin . Pato , s. a duck . | Pato , s. scrofula in the neck . Papati, v . plural of pati.

Pāpatoa, s. a bare rock. See P' - Patu , s. a fatty tumor. PAIILA . Patua, u. having a patu . Papatū , s. a standing rock that can | Patumimi, s. a kind of phymosis not be moved ; a hard-working occasioned by the operation of man ; a courageousman . tafao. Papātū , v . to crack while standing Patupatu, a . lumpy. (as a tree about to fall ) ; to get | Patupatu, s. a shellfish . reports beforehand of something | Patutu , v. to beat.

See PalUTU .

Pava, s. the name of a tree. about to happen . Pāpātua , v. to clap the wings on Pavā , v. to speak evil, to use bad first flying (as a pigeon ). language.

Papeva, v. to stumble ; to make a Pe, a restrictive particle in count mistake in speaking. ing : as tasi pe, only one. Pasapasa'i, v. to spread abroad what Pe, s. thematterof an abscess; rot was secret.

ten breadfruit.

Pasi , v . to be wearied, (applied to / Pe, v . to be dead (as animals and the eyes and ears) ; redup. pasi- 1 trees) ; to be extinguished (as fire ) ; to be dead low (as the pasi, papasi. tide) ; to be dried up (as water). Pasu , a , large ; pl. papasu ; redup. Pe, conj. or, whether. See Po . pasupasu . Pea, adv. still ; continually ; yet . Pata , s. one kind of banana . Pe ā , adv. when (future ). Pata , a . coarse (as sand ). Pata , v. to be swollen , to be lumpy, Pe'a , s. the vampire bat; a Samoan of the skin in some eruptive com plaints,

title of nobility . Peau , s. a wave. Peaua, a . rough , boisterous.

PEA PET 166 Peapea , v. to act thus ; to continue | Penā, adv. about this time. thus : as, Anei peapea pogia . Penapena, v. to soap the head , (to Peapea ane, v. to move away, to

c hiefs instead of u - u ).

Penei, adv. like this ; about this Pe'ape' a, s. the swallow ; a child's time. Penu, s. scraped cocoanut. toy . stand aside.

Peapeafua, v. to scold causelessly . Penu, u . old , soft from wear (as Pe'ape'avai, s. a very smallbat ; (so

siapo ) ; redup. penupenu.

called atManu 'a , in other parts Penupenu, s. the name of a fish . called apauuvai). | Pepe, s. a butterfly ; the corners of Peepee, s. a number ofufilei grow the tula or round end of a native house. ing together ; the expressed juice of the cocoanut used as a sauce . Pepe , v . to flutter about ; redup.

Pei, v. to be broken (as a cup ) ; to


be broken in halves (as a cocoa-

Pepe'ava , s. one kind of butterfly . nut) ; to be divided (as themalo ); Pepee, a . cripple from tona on the

pass . peia .

soles of the feet. Pepeigalemu, v . to be broken in halves (as a nut). Peī, adv. like as if, as though . See

Pei, udv . like.

PEISEAI. Pepe'u, a . decrepit. See PEPELU . Peiga, s. the division of the malo . Pepe'u , v . to be disgusted (as with Peisa 'i, conj. but. See PEITAʻI. . ' filth or with abusive language) ; Peiseaī, adv. like as if, as though . I to walk with difficulty . Pepefui, s. one kind of butterfly . Peitaʻi, conj. but. Pefea , adv. how about ? A peculiar Pepelo , s. a lie. use of this word is, Ne'i ai se pe Pepelo, v. to lie , to deceive ; pass. fea , lest anything should happen pelogia ; redup. pelopelo . to some of us. Pepelu , a. decrepit. See Pepeʻu . Pefu , s. salt water crystallised on Pepena, v. plural of pena .

the body ; small weeds hanging Pepenu, a. dry (as the core of a vi, about the net. sugarcane, & c.) Pefupefua, a. covered with salt ; Pepepeʻape'a, (on Tutuila ) dusty. Pepesama, ( s. names of butter Pela , s. the name of a fish. See Pepesina, Filoa.

Pelā , adv. as if, as though .



Pepeti, a . plural of peti.

Pele, a. dear, beloved, petted ; re- Pese , s. a song, a ballad , a hymn. Pese, v. to sing ; pl. pepese. dup. pelepele. Pelē , v. to serenade, to sing in front | Pēsega , s. singing accompanied by of a house in order to get food. I music. Peleue, s. a coat. Pesi, v. to beat upon , to come with Pelu , s. a sword .

Peluʻi, s. a billhook . Pelupelu , s. one kind of yam ; the name of a fish sometimes fatally poisonous.

force (as a storm , an epidemic ) ; to dash down (as something beat

against the ground) ; to come in large quantities (as a crop of breadfruit).

Pena, s. a knife ; a snare , a noose. Peti, a. fat, good conditioned (as Pena, v. to cut up ; to 3nare ; re dup . pena pena .

animals and bananas) ; pl. pe peti.




Petogi, v. to throw at, to stone. I cling to ; pass. piitia ; recip . fe piila 'i. See Ferogi. Peva, s. the name of a gelatinous Pipili,s. a cripple. fish ; a weak man .

Piapia , s. froth ; scum .

Piapio, s. an outcry , a shouting. See PISAPISAO .

Pipili, v. plural of pilipili. Pipimalosi, s. an advanced stage in the growth of the chestnut. Pipine, s. the nameof a fish .

Piasua , s. arrowroot cooked with Pipine, see Pine.

expressed juice of the cocoanut. Pipisi, v. to be infectious,to be con (Pia , the old name for arrowroot).

Pii, s. a throwing by entangling the

tagious ; to be influenced by ex

ample ; pass. pisia .

Pipivāivai, s. a less advanced stage feet in wrestling : Pii, v. to draw up (as the pola of a in the growth of the chestnut than pipimalosi. house ) ; to cling to ; to fold (as , s. a noise, a confusion of Pisa the arms) ; to climb.

Piilima, v. to fold the arms, (a sign of distress).

Piimau , v . to cling firmly . Piipii, a. curly . Piitaga , s. a person through whom


s. an outcry , a shouting ; Pisao, Pisatalau ) redup. pisapisaõ. Pisi, v . to splash with water ; re dup. pisipisi.

others are connected with a fa - | Pisi, v . to fall.

Pisu, v. to be spread abroad (as a report) . Piituli, v. to pursue closely. Piivaa , v. to stick to the canoe (as Pito , s. the end of anything ,aspito mily .

a good steering paddle , thusmak ing it easy to steer ) .

lauú. Pitopito , s. anus.

Piro , a . crooked ; wrong , in a moral | Po, s. night; redup. popo.

sense ; pl. pipi'o ; redup. pi'o . Po, v. to be night; pass. pogia , to be benighted . Pi'oi, v . to make crooked ; to be Po, v . to slap ; to seize, to catch as pi'o .


Pili, s. the lizard .

a cat or an owl does ; pass. poʻia. | Po , adv. by night: as, Ua sau po.

Pilia , v. to be caught, to be lodged | Po, conj. whether, or. in , to be entangled (as one tree Poa , s . one kind of yam .

falling against another, & c.)

Po‘a, s. a male animal.

Pilipili, v. to be near, to approach ; | Poapoā, a. fishy-smelling. Poʻe, a . awkward at work ; redup. pl. pipili. Piliti, s. the name given to the fresh - ' poʻepoʻe. See Vasivasi. water prawn by some chiefs whose Poi, s. the name of a small fish . Poi, v . to venerate, to pay deference emblem it is. Pilo, v. peditum pedere ; pl. pipilo ; | to ; to stand in awe of ; redup. popoi, poipoi. redup. pilopilo . Pine, s. fry , a shoal of small fishes. Poʻi, v. to kill flies by slapping .

Pine, v . to be long ; redup. pipine ; | Po‘ia , v. passive ofpo. (always negatively : E le pine). Poipoi, s. a shoal of poi. Pipi, s. the cockle ; the name of a Po‘itau, v. to be a long time, to be . tree.

of long standing .

Poo ifea , adv. where ? also Poo fea. Pipi, s. the turkey. Pipii, v. to stick to , to adhere to , to Pou, s. a post, a pillar.




food leaving the bulk to be di vided out. Poula , s. a night dance. Pouliuli, s. darkness ; ignorance. I Poiepolevale , v. to palpitate (as the Pouliuli, v . to be dark ; ignorant, heart). (in a good sense implying inno- Polili, s . the second crop of taro. cence : as, “ Ua pouliuli alii o Polili, v . to have a second crop of

Poʻu , s. a pimple .

le au maile ;” as now used sim

taro ; to strike a second blow ; to repeat a bad word . ply, ignorance ) ; puss. pouligia , Polo , s. Chili pepper; a knife. (a salutation at night).

Poumuli, s. the name of a tree. Poloaʻi, v. to send a message to , to Poʻupoʻua, a . covered with pimples. command a person at a distance ; to leave commands (as on going Poupou'i, v. to put posts into a house ; to support, to bear up (as a sick person ).

a journey or when dying ) ; redup . polopoloaʻi. Poloa 'iga , s. a message or command

Pogai, s. the root and stump of a tree .


to one at a distance.

Pogaimata, s. the eye of the cocoa - Pologa, s. a slave. nut, taro, & c . ; applied abusively Pologā, a . mouldy ; redup. polo to the human eye. MATA.

See loi

pologā. Polovao, s. the name of a tree .

Pona, s. a knot; a lump ; a fault . Pogaiisu, s. the nostrils. Ponā, a . faulty . Pogati, s. flat slabs of wood rising Ponaata, I s. the throat, that part

Pogapogā, v. to be alone.

from the ground to the trunk of Ponaua ) called Adam 's apple. some trees. Ponaivi, s. the projecting bones (as the elbow , & c .) Pogi, a . harsh , sour, severe. Ponauli, s. the budding of the fiuit Pogia , v. passive of po. of breadfruit. Pogipogi, s. twilight. Pogisā , s. darkness. Ponaulia , a. mildewed, (only ap Pogisā , v . to be quite dark . plied to nets). Pola , s. a plaited cocoanut leaf used Põnapona, a. knotty ; lumpy. to shut in the house . Ponaponāvae, s. the ankle.

Polani, v. to carry on a pola (as a Pone, s. the name of a fish .

Ponoi, v. to do a thing frequently, to keep on doing (as eating , send ing messages,asking for property ,' Polata , s. a layer of the trunk of & c.) pig ).

Polapola , s. a double pola used to carry food to chiefs.

the banana peeled off ; firewood, Popo, s. a cocoąnut fully ripe. (used to chiefs instead of fafie ). | Popo, a . dry ; pl. popopo. Polataufafo , s . the outside pola of a , Popo, v . to be dry ; pl. popopo. house ; metaph. strangers having | Popo, s. one method of tishiog.

no connection with the family, or Popā, v. to pat gently (as a child knowledge of their doings. in order to quiet it to sleep ). Polataufale , s. the inner pola . Popā, see Po. Polāvaa, s. plaited cocoanut leaves Popoa, a. abounding in popo ; fishy used to cover a cavoe . smelling (of the sea). Polepole , s . the portion of food for Popo‘a, a . large. a favourite child . Popoaʻi, v. to bemany nights (in a Polepole, v. to eat a part of some place) ; to be a long time gone.

PUI 169 POP Popoʻe, a . timid, frightened ; weak ' (Always with lana ; when lona of body. Popoga, a . angry- looking .

is used it means anus or vagina ). Pu , v . to have a hole in .

Popogi, v. to scowl; to be dizzy; to Pua, s. the name of a tree ; the name of a fish ; the mouth of the begin to be blind. Popole, v. to be in trepidation , to fish trap . be anxious, to be flurried ; redup . Pu'a, s. the name of a tree ; the iris. polepole ; puss. polegia . Puā, s. a shoal of bonito. See Ina fo . Popāmālo , v . to beg the malo to

Popole , see POLEPOLE .

Puā , v. to be bad - flavored (as wa of a young woman ); bulging out the nut is not cleared properly ). (as the point of a spear passing Puaa, s. a pig ; pork ; an animal. through the body, and raising the Pua'i, v. to be sick , to vomit.

keep quiet.

Popona, a. filling out(as thebreasts 1 ter in a water-bottle from which skin on the other side).

Popopopo, I a. very dry (as wood

Pua'iina , v . to be emitted ; to be

diffused as an odour.

Popotea I inclining to rot). Puaʻiga, s . vomit. Popoto , a . round (as the trunk of a Puao , s . a mist.

tree ) ; well shaped (as a well- | Puaoa , a . misty (as the eyes). formed man ) ; ( from potopoto ). Pualii, a . sonorous, deep -sounding (as the voice ). Popoto, a. plural of poto. Popotu , v. to be swollen (as the Puālulu , s. the name of a tree. belly ) . | Puanea, a . dense, uncultivated (as Popua, s. a blow -hole in the cliff the bush ). tlucough which the waves send a

fountain of spray. Fosē , v . to catch crickets .

Pu'anivai, s. a species of the bana na .

Pota, s. cooked taro leaves.

Puapua, s. the name of a tree. Puapuagā, s. pain , distress, tor

Poto , s. a hard -working man ; wisdom .

Puapuagā, a. painful, tormenting .

Poto, s. a short-legged avii. Poto , a . wise ; pl. popoto.

ment of mind or body.

Puapuagā, v. to be tormented ; puss. puapuagātia. Puée , s. the hillock or mound in

Poto , v. to be wise ; pl. popoto. Potoi, s. a cake, a loaf. which the taro or yam is planted . Potoiagafulu , a . ten cakes ; pötoi Pu'e, v. to seize, to catch hold of ; | pl. pupuée ; pass. pu-ea . lua, twenty, and so on .

Potopoto , s. a small portion of fish Pu'eia , s. a fit of the elephantiasis , or pork . a fit of ague. Potopoto , v. to assemble, to gather | Pu'ega, s. a catching ; a fit of a disease . together. Potopotoga, s. a gathering, an as- Puia'i, s. a place sheltered from the sembly .

wind .

Potu, s. the siapo screen from be- Puiʻaiga, s. the family living under hind which the aitu spoke; the Į

the same roof.

white border of a siapo ; a room , Puii, s. a small pig .

( from the Tongan ).

Povalea , a. conquered ; dead.

Puimanava , s. the hypogastric re gion gion .

Pu, s. a hole ; a trumpet shell. Puipui, s. a door ; a partition.




Puipui, v. to shut ; to shut off ; to | shut up ; pass . puipuia . Puou, s. a species of the breadfruit.

shining appearance at the bottom of the sea , on the outside of the

reef, in placeswhere it is not blue

Puoso, s. the part of a canoe under deep ; a slice of yam cut for the convenience of cooking the half-deck . Puupuri, a . short ; pl. pupuu. | Pūlapula , v. to shine a little . Pufao, s. a shell used as a gouge in Pulasina , s. one kind of pula . Pulato‘a , v. to stare at, to look fix building canoes.

Pufatu,'s. a shell used as a trumpet. edly . Puga, s. the general name for the Pulavale , v. to stare (as from fear, larger kinds of coral; the groin ; anger, & c .) a disease .

Pugā,a. mouldy , (applied only to

Pule , s. a command, an order ; a decision ; authority ; certain lands

on Savaiiwhich have the direction masi). , s. a species Puga-alā of puga. in councils, and to whom it per tains to divide out food ; a shell Pugai, see Pogai. Pugaone, s. a kind of sandstone. fish having a white shell used to Pugaū, s. a stinging kind of coral. adorn canoes, & c. ; the general name for shells. Pugaufi, s. a species of puga. Pugapuga, s. small pieces of coral, Pule, v. to order, to command ; to decide ; dimin . pulepule . gravel. Puke, interj. Catch you ! (a word Pulea, v. to be decreed (as thedeath of a person ). used to startle another). It and the following compound are the | Puleaoao, v . to be supreme.

only instances in which the k is Pulei, v. to be mixed alternately (as new and old aso in a house, or

used .

Puketā , interj. an exclamation of triumph in the game of tagati' a . l

different colored beads in a neck lace ).

Pula , v. to shine (as fruit yellow Pule oto , s. the name of a shellfish . Pulega, s. a determination , a deci. ripe). Pula , s. a general name for onespe- ! sion (as to kill a party) ; the par ty who carry out the decision . cies of taro . Pulā , s. the eyes, (a term of abuse). Pulega , v. to determine on (as a Pulā , interj. the answer of the per war ).

son sneezing to the exclamation Pulepule, s. small shellfish . Pulepule, v. to decide secretly. Pūlepule, a. spotted ; striped with various colors. Pulaū , s. a species of wild taro, Puletaʻifee, s. the name of a shell fish . rotten taro . Puli, s. a species of banana. Pulauli, ls, varieties of pula . Pulou, s. a covering for the head ; Pulafela " Pulafui, s. a species of wild taro. a hat ; a bonnet. Soifua ! Pulaa, s. a species of wild taro. Pulaʻau, s. one kind of pula .

Pulamayu‘a , s. varieties of the pu - Pulou , v. to cover the head , to put


į la .

Pulapo, v. to shine at night (as the glowworm , & c.) Pulapula, s. the root of a tree ; a

on a hat or bonnet; to cover over with leaves (as the native oven ) ; to be overhead (as the sun at

noon : ua pulou tonu le la ).

PUL Pulotu , s. the native drum ; (see | Faaalll) ; the residence of the


171 down ; pl. punonou ; redup . pu nopunou .

Punuamanu,"s. a young bird , espe gods under the sea. cially the tavu 'e ; a fat, child ; a Pulu , s. glue, gum , resin ; shot ; lead ; the husk of the cocoanut ; white head of hair. Punupunu , s. a cluster of parasiti a species of banana .

Pulufana, s. a bullet .

cal plants.

Pulunaunau, v. to be urgent with , Pupa, v . to shut the mouth, to hold the tongue, (a term of abuse). to persuade, to constrain . Pulupulu , s. a large cloth to wrap | Pupu, s. a clump of trees, as pupu vao. round the person .

Pulupulu, v. to cover the body with Pupu, v. to be distressed, to be per a cloth, & c .

plexed , to be agitated .

Pulupului, s. a number of cocoanuts Pupū , s. a cliff, a bold coast. Pupū, v. to give out the heat (as tied together . Pulupulusi, s. a chief's sickness . from an aperture in the oven , Pulutai, s . the name of a weed .

Puluti, v. to glue, to pitch ; to ap ply pulu to anything . Pulutia , v . passive of pupulu . Puluvao, s. the name of a tree.

leaving the food uncooked ) ; to shew forth anger ending in no thing when the time for action comes.

Püpū, s. a sheath ; a case. Pūpū , v . to gargle ; to rinse outthe Puluvaga, s. a mediator. mouth . Pumala , s . a species of the trumpet shell. Pupua, see Popua. | Pupuée , v. to have a fit of any com . Puna, s. a spring. Puna, v. to spring up ; to boil up, plaint which affects two parts of to bubble ; to rebound , to fly up ; the body, as the leeth , & c. ; the plural of pure. to leap ; redup. pupuna. Punefu ,'s. an old man who is look Pupuiono, s. the name of a shrub . ed up to as an able councillor. I Pupuu , see PUUPUU. Punefu, a . strong smelling (as fish | Pupuga, s. a person diseased in the often warmed , old siapo, & c.) groin . Punefu . v. to be disordered and | Pūpūga , s. the removal of a curse dirty (as an uninhabited house ). I by spirting cocoanut juice from the mouth over the party . Punialo , s. pubes.

Punifaga, v. to be nearly full (as the | Pupula , s. to shine ; pl. fepulafi : moon ).

redup. pulapula .

Punimatagi, v. to be windbound ; | Pupulu , v . to interpose,to mediate : pass. punimatagia .

puss. pulutia .

Pūnimatagi, s. trees planted to screen | Pupuna, v. to boil, to bubble up. houses . Pupuni, v. to shut, to inclose ; pass. punitia ; redup. punipuni. Punipū, see GAⓇOPUNIPU . Punipuni, v. to shut in , to close in | Pūpūsolo , a . full of holes.

(as many apertures ) ; to cover Puputa , s. a species of banana. over (as holes in tutuga). Puputa, a . plural of puta . Puputamaʻi, v. to be enraged , to be Punivaia'i, s. a large crop of chest- angry (to chiefs ).

Punitaʻi, v . to stop with .

Pupuvao , s. a clump of bush . nuts. Panou, v. to bow the head , to bend Pusa, v. to send up a smoke, (also

PUS 172 SAO applied to spray , dust, and heat); Saafi, v . to regret, to grieve for ; re to light an oven ; pass. pusagia . I dup. saafiafi. Pusaloa , s. a comet. Saafiga, s. regret, grief for a loss.

Pusi, s. a sea etl. Saaga, s. the branch of the pigeon 's perch . Pusi-ula, Pusiuli, ( s. species of the sea Saalo , see AUSAALO . Saaluu v . to shake. Pusigatala , eel. Pusisina

Saasaa , a . sbort ; pl. sasaa .

Puso, s. the head of a fish or a pig ; Sāasāa, see SAA. applied figuratively to bead quar Saati, v. (pl. of sasaa ), to pour out. ters, seat of authority , chief divi. Saatula , s. the name of a shellfish .

sion of a land , & c. Sae, v. to tear off the bark or skin ; Puta, s. the stomach . redup. sasae. Pita, a . fat ; pl. puputa ; dimin. Sa' e, v. n . to upset (as a canoe ) ; to elevate one leg (as in the act of putaputa , rather fat. Putagaele, a . shaking with fat. falling in a club match ). | Sa‘ ē, s. a naked dance. Pute , s. the navel.

Puto , s. the purse of a pigeon net. Saei, v. to tear ; recipr. fesaeia‘ina, Putu , s . a feast.

Putu , v. to make a feast.

to be torn to pieces.

Putuga , see Putu .

Saele, v. to swing the arms (as in walking ).

Putunonofo , v. to live joyously ..

Saesae, udv. brightly, brilliantly (as

Putuputu, a . close together. Puvăva, v . to talk , (used only in abuse ).

Puvaavaa, s. ribbon , (Tahitian ).

a fire ).

Saʻesare, s. a species of crab. Saʻesare, v . to carry between two in the hands. Sai, s . So-and-so, Such -a -one ; as, Paima Sai.

Sai, s. a pigsty ; a tightly -bound bundle (as of tobacco , & c.) Saʻili, v. to seek ; pass . sailia ; re The twelfth letter in the Samoan alpha dup. sailiili ; pl. saili. bet. Pronounced as in English .

Sa'iliga, s. a seeking , a search. Sa, a . forbidden, prohibited ; redup. Saʻina, v. to throw down (as a bur

den of food brought as a present). sāsā . ( This word was formerly used to mean sacred, and is still Saisai, a . full to overflowing , full so much used in that sense, as aso | as to require to be bound up . Saisai, v. to bind round , to tie toge sa , fale sa , & c.)

Sa, v. to be blind (of a pigeon ); a

ther ; pass. saisaitia .

Saisaigālaufa'i, s. filthy conversa term of abuse to man . Sa , a distributive particle used be- ' tion . fore pronouns, either, one of ; as, Saisaitaga, s. a binding up ; the su lutou mea , one article of their's. bindings or fastenings. Sa, a particle used to mark the im - Sao, s. the appointed portion of perfect and aorist tenses. property or food brought by each

Sa, a particle used before names of

individual preparatory to present

persons, signifying the family of. | ing . Sa'a , v. to dance ; redup . saasaa . Sao, a. unblameable , without fault Saa, see Puu .

or blemish .


173 SAU Sao , v. to enter as where there was Saualii, s. a god , (the respectful difficulty ; to escape ; pl. sāsao ; term for an aitu ). pass. savfia . Sāu'atoa, s. a canoe hollowed out Sao , v. to collect together food or of one tree. properly preparatory to present Sāufono, v. to cut the planks for a ing ; pl. sasao. canoe. Sao, v. to sit in a circle ; redup . Sāufua, v. to utter cries rapidly (as saosao .

Saʻo, s . a term applied to a head of

the manutugi) ; to make a speech without calling over names and

a family ; the principal chief or titles; to do anything hastily. Sāugā , a. strong smelling, pungent. chieftainess of a village. Saʻo, a . straight ; correct, right ; | Saugafono, s. a cutting of plauks. long , tall. Saʻulā , s. the name of a fish . Saʻoaualuma, see SAⓇOTAMAITAI. Saulala, a . oppressive, cruel. See Saua . Sa'calii, s. a principal chief, with whom it is to determine what is Saulalo , v. to prepare the material for making mats ; to prepare the proper (suʻo ) to be done. Saofa 'i, v . to sit round in a circle ; | materials before building. redup . saosaofa 'i. Sauleia , u. withered, blighted (as Saogalemu, v. to enter safely ; to taro ). be in safety ; to escape dangers ; Saʻumi, s. a species of the banana . redup. saosaogalemu. "

Saʻoloto , v. to be at liberty, to have freedom .

Saosao, s. the name of a fish .

Sauni, s. he who begins the game

of taguti-a . Sāuni, v. to prepare, to get ready ; puss. saunia ; redup . sauniuni.

Saosao , v. to collect food from house Sauniga, s. preparation . to house for a travelling party ar- Sāunoa , v. to damage, to injure, to rived late in the day. maltreat ; to beat the wooden Saosaoa , a . swift.

drum ; to make a rattling noise

Saosao‘o, s. one kind of fishing.

to please a child ; to be engaged

Saʻotamaita 'i, s. a chieftaioness who

has the direction .

in games ; redup . saunoanoa. Saunoaga , s. games ; war ; conver

Sa'otulafale, s. a tulafale as above. sation (of chiefs). Sau , s. the dew . Saʻunu, a . wrinkled ; puckered ; slack ; redup. saʻunuʻunu . Sau, v. to come; pl. o mai. Sau , v. to fall as the dew ; pass. | Sausau , s. the name of a fish . Sausau , v. to sprinkle ; to build up sautia ; redup. sasau . a part of a wall that had fallen Sāu , v. to angle. down . Sau, pron . thy, your. Sa ' u , pron . my. Sāusau , s. themallet used in tatoo Sāua , v. to have a return of sick ing . ness ; to be ill of an epidemic . Sāusau , v. to flutter the wings as Sauā , a. cruel, oppressive, despotic. when about to fly; to throw the Saʻūa, interj. Stop ! wait a little. fishhook . Sauauli, s. a place where pigs are | Sautia, v. (pass. of sau ), bedewed. allowed to range .

Sauafa , v. to fasten with cinct. Sauā s. oppre ga,


| Sāutualasi, a . manifoid , many thick nesses.

ssive conduct, ill- | Sāutualua, a . twofold, double ; (so of any other number).


SAM Safea , v. to be struck ; to be re Salato, s. a stinging tree. moved (as a disease); to be Salato , see LALATO. 174

choked . Sālefeē, s. the land of aitu , the Sa moan hades. Safole, s. the name of a fish . Salefu , s. an ashpan , used to carry Safue, v. to beat. the hot ashes to the roots of trees Saga, s. the dowry, property given by thewoman's familyather mar to destroy them .


Saga, adv. continuedly ; redup. sa

Salefuga, s. the third day of palolo .

Salemausan, s. all the world , a great

concourse of people ; (derived from a tradition of Mausau ). Sali, v. to scoop out; pl. sasali ; banana. pass . salia. Sagatonu, v. to be in a straight di gasaga .

Sāgasagatea, s. one species of the

Sali, s. the name of a fish . rection, to face towards. called before chiefs for titi). ly causeless). Sagini, v. to talk of work and not Salisali, s. a thin layer of the flesh help at it ; to forbid a thing and of the young cocoanut adhering

Sāgiga, s. rejoicing, boasting (most Sāliga , s. a girdle of leaves ; (so do it himself.

Sagisagi, a. light (as a burden ); nimble.

Sago, v. to boast of a quantity of food or property received ; to move

to the shell after the bulk of the kernel has been removed . Sālo , v . to tell a thing over and over

again ; to tell all the particulars;

to grumble , to complain of ; pass . the lips as in eating or talking ; saloa . ( a term of abuse) ; redup. sasago | Saloa , interj. thanks ! thank you ! Salofia, v. to be starved ; pl. salo and sagosago. lofa . Sagole, v. to ransack , to pull about; redup . sagolegole . See Tagole . Salulu , v . to shake. Sālulu, s. a chief's anger. Sala , s. a fine, a punishment. Sala , a. incorrect ,wrong (as a hook Salusalu , v. to prepare the keel of a canoe . fastened wrong, or a word in a Salusalu , v. to rejoice in prospect speech ) .

of some good ; to hope. Sala , v. to cut off, to lop ; redup. Sama, v . to stain yellow (as the skin sasala, salasala . Sala , adv. continuedly . See Saga.

with turmeric , the Samoan rouge ).

Salaamu, s. the nameof one growth Sama'aga, s. the application of tur of the atule.

meric .

Salajavala , v. ( sala ia Vala ), to be Sāmaivao, s. a pigeon caught from

punished on account of the head the bush having one eye blind . Samaola , v . to look yellow while . Salafalafa , u. flat ; pl. salalafa . alive; (a reference to the practice of the family .

Salalau, v . to be scattered, to be 1 spread about.

Salāma, v. (sala ama), to cut off

of applying turmeric after death ). Samani, s. the end of the suati of a


the outrigger ofa canoe ; to leave Sāmanu , s. a chief's anger. Samasama, a . yellow . off the morning fishing . Sami, s. the sea ; salt water ; a co Salamo, v. to repent.

Salani, s. gravel, broken pieces of coral.

coanut in the stagebefore becom ing popo.




to a canoe ; redup . saposapo ; pl. Sami, a . strong tasted as if brack sasapo. ish , as, o le niu sami. Samialaina, v. to be reddened by Sapotuvale , 1 v . to palpitate, to flut exposure to the sun on the salt Sapupuvale ter (as the heart ). Sasa, s. a scourge, a rod , a whip . Samilolo , s. a native dish of food . Sasa , v. to beat ; to reprove in a speech ; pass. saia . Samoamoa, a . dried up ; become a skeleton (as fish dried up from Sāsā , s. a sign , a portent. being cooked often , or a skeleton Sāsā , a . forbidden . from which the flesh has dried Sasaa, a . plural of saasau . Sasaa, v . to pour out ; to show the up ). Samusamu, v. to pick up crumbs cause of anger in order to making friends; the plural of sua, 10 and fragments, to eat the remains dance . of food . water .

Sana, s. Indian corn , maize . Sana, pron . his , hers.

Sasae , v. to tear, to rend ; pass. saea .

Sapa, v . to spirt out (as blood from Sasa ‘e , s. the east ; the stick for spreading out the hot stones of a vein ) ; to make water (as into a the oven . bamboo ) ; to shoot, to dart (as

pain from one part to another ) ; Sasa 'e, v. to capsize, to upset ; to redup. sasana.

move a house ; pass. sa'ena .

| Sasao, v. to terminate on somepart Sanatoto, s. dysentery. Sani, s. a law , by which all pigs (as an internal complaint break found in the plantations were kill. ing out into a rash, & c.); to be ed and eaten by the finders, or to salivated ; pluralofsao, to collect

punish any infringing on things prohibited ; as, Ua tu le sani. Sano, v . to long for, to be intent upon ; to abound (as property, speeches, & c .) Sanoola , v . to earnestly desire to live. Sanuu , v . to be loose (as a rope not tightened ) ; to be wrinkled, to be puckered. See SAUNU. Sapa, v . to be unequal (as a paddle

together food or property. Sasa‘o , a. plural of sa ' o. Sāsao, v . (pl. of sao) , to enter. Sasau, s. heavy dew . Sasau , a . mischievous, unrestrain

able (as animals breaking into Sasau, v. to fall (of the dew ). Sasau , v. to sling a stone ; to swing the arm (as in giving a blow ) ; to plantations ) .

blow the trumpet shell.

larger on one side than the other, Sasau, s. one kind of cuttle fish

the sun more to the west than the having long teelers ; a long legged east ; the night more than half crayfish . Sasauli, s. a species of taro. past : Ua sapa i ao ). Sapasapai, v . to take in the arms; | Sasaga, s. a bottle rack . to take hold of (as any one's Sasagi, v . to boast of, to rejoice in , (mostly used when causeless). words) ; pass . sapaia . Sapatū , s. the name of a fish . Sasala , v. to be diffused (as a per fume) ; to be spread abroad (as a Sape, a. club -footed . report ); plural of sala, to cut off. Sapi, a. quarrelsome, snarlish . Sapo, v . to catch anything thrown ; Sasali, v. plural of sali. to catch up a word and answer Sasalu, v. to eat or work very deli it; to put in a new plank or keel | berately ; to make a thorough

176 SEU SAS clearance of anything ; to long | Se ā, pron . what ?

for ; to rejoice in prospect of any | Sea 'e, a. back ; as, ala sea 'e, a good .

back road .

Sasami, a. (pl. of sami), strong Seaca, s. a score of nuts. tasted as if brackish, (applied to Sēasēa, s. the nameof a tree and its cocoanuts ). Sasana , see SANA.

fruit ; a child 's penis . Seāseā, adv. seldom .

Sasapo, v . to catch in the mouth (as Seasiasi, s. one species of the sē. Seatua , interj. an expression of as a dog) ; plural of sapo. Sasave, s. a cocoanut having no tonishment on escaping from dan stem to the fruit.

ger : It was by the power ofGod ;

Sasi, v. to make a slip of the tongue

as, Seatua ma i matou . in speaking ; to talk nonsense (as See, s. a method of catching fish . in delirium ) ; redup . sasisasi. See, v. to slip , to slide, to glide Satane, s. handsomemen . along ; to be dislocated ; to beg Satia , v. to be eaten ; to be torn (as food (-ai see) ; redup. sesee, see

by dogs, & c .; applied to pigeons, food , fine mats).

Satula, s. the name of a shellfish. I

Sava, s. filth, ordure.

see .

Seea , a . weak (as the hair , lauulu seea ).

Seega, s. the party gliding on the waves.

Sāva ‘i, s. one species of the seaegg. Savala , v. to desire to eatrich things. | Seesee , s . one kind of taro . Sāvali, s . an ambassador. Seesee, v. to drag oneself along sit

Savali, v. to walk ; pl. sāvali and ting on the ground. savavali. Seeti, s. a sandyplain at the mouth Savaliga, s. a girdle of leaves. See of a river ; a contrivance for bring Titi. Sāvaliga, s. a walk ; the distance to be walked .

ing a canoe more on a level by

wedges driven under the iato. Seevae, s. a shoe .

Sāvalivali, v. to walk on , to keep Sei, s. a flower put into the hair or moving. Savasava , a . bemired with filth . Saveu , Savelu , ( see SA‘EU . Saveve

behind the ear.

Sei, v . to put a flower into the hair

or behind the ear ; redup. seisei. Se‘i, v. to jerk ; pass. se'ia ; redup . se‘ iseʻi.

Savili, s . a breeze.

Se'i, a sign of the imperative mood , Savili, v . to blow ,to be windy ; pass. used precatively. • saviligia . Se‘ia , conj. ( seʻi ia ), until, till. Seilala , s. the name of a tree. Savilivili, v. to blow gently. Se‘imai, see LEʻIMAI. Sē , s. Friend ! (a call to a man). Seisei, v. to adorn the head with Sē, s. the general name for the flowers . See Ser. grasshopper. Se‘ise i, v. to jerk repeatedly (as a Sē, a. afraid , as manava sē. rope in order to disentangle it ).

Se, art. a , an .

Sē, v. to wander ; to mistake ; re - Seu, s. the inethod of catching mul dup. sesē ; recipr. fesea‘ i. let. Se anoa ana , conj. if I had . Seu , v. to stir round ; to turn the Sea , s. the name of a tree ; the in- | side of the lomu .

head of the canoe, to steer to ; to catch in a net (as pigeons or mul

SEU SEM let) ; to ward off a blow ; to in - | Segisegi, s. twilight. terrupt a speech ; to prevent (as Segisegi, see SEGI.


a fight between lands) ; pl. seseu ; | Sela , s. asthma. dimin . seuseu . Sela, v. to be out of breath ; to be

, s. the name of a seabird . See SeʻuSEʻUTAPEAU

asthmatic .

. Selau , a. a hundred . Se'u , v . to move up and down the Selauselau, a . very many.

feathers of the tail (as a manualië | Sele, s. a snare ; the name of a shell

when frightened and about to fly

fish .

away ) ; applied figuratively to a Sele, v. to cut (as the hair ); to snare. coward : Ua se'u le fulu .

Seuga, s. the method of catching | Sēle, s. the nameof a sharp-cutting .: weed .

pigeons with a net.

Seuga'i, adv. to no purpose, use- Selea, v. to be cut ; redup. sele lessly .

selea .

Seuga‘imiti, s. a youth , not a full Selei, v. to cut, to slash. grown man ; (a term of contempt). Seleulu , s. scissors. Selefatu , s. the shell used to scrape

Sēʻulu , s. one kind of sē.


Seuseu, s. leafless branches.

Sensen, v . to stir round repeatedly . Selesele, s. an evenly cut head of Sefuse-u, v. to be matted together hair ; a cloud bringing a squall of wind and rain . (as hair from wet or dirt ). Se utapeau, s. the name of a sea - | Selesele , v. to cut into several pieces; bi: d . to shear. Seleseleafo, v. to be in commotion Sefa , s. the name of a weed .

Sefea , adv. whence ?

(as the sea is by a fish dragged through the water at the end of

Sefulu , a . ten.

the line, orwhen rippled by a ris ing breeze).

Sēfea , pron . which ?

Sega, s. the general name for the

parroquet ; the tail of the fly - fish - | Sēlogologo , s. a name given to some kinds of sē when they come into

hook . Segaʻula ,

the house . Selu . s. a comb ; the feathers on a

s. two kinds of sega .

Segasamoa sº Segasega, s. the name of a fish . Segasega , a . yellowish (as the body

from disease). See LEGALEGA.

Segasegamaʻuíu , s. one kind of se ga .


cock 's head which are erected when he is beaten : Ua tu le selu .

Selu , v. to comb; to praise; redup . seselu , seluselu ; pass. selua . Seluga , s. praises.

Segavale , v . to stare from fear ; to Semā, s. Friends ! (a call for atten shine dimly (as the sun through a ' tion ). Sēma, s . a red siapo . mist ). Segi, a . wild, shy, not tame ; pl. Sēma, v. to agree with another to be his antagonist at a club -match ; sesegi ; redup. segisegi. Segi, v. to snatch , to catch away ; to sop up the scented oil as it is produced . pass. segia . Segi, v . to burn a scar as a beauty Semanū , adv. hardly, it was as if. Sēmata pia, s. one kind of sē . spot. Segiamauli, v . (literally , to have Semu, v. to cut off what is above or beyond the rest (as a post too the heart snatched away), to be N startled .

SIU SEN long, a lock of hair, & c.); to cut Sia , s. the stick used in making a off one in advance of the troop. | net. Sena, s. father ! mother ! also used Si'a, 2. to eat bre by rubbing one


in addressing any aged person . I stick on another. Sióaga , s. the larger stationary stick Senā , pron . that. used in getting a fire. Senei, pron . this . Sepa , a . squinting ; pl. sesepa . Si-aloa , s. the name of a shrub from Sepo, s. thename of an aitu , named the bark ofwhich the shaggy white

in cursing children . Sēpute , s. a species of sē. Sesē , s. a mistake.

Sēsē, a . nearly blind .

mats are made. Siapo , s. native cloth . Siapoatua, s. the name of a shrub. Siasi, pron that (pear at hard ).

Sesee, v. to slide along sitting ; to Sii, v. to lift ; to levy a fine ; to take the war into a country ; to glide on the waves. Sese'i, s. the stick used to extend take oneself off in a grudge : as, the musquito screen . Un sii le teva ; pl. sisii ; pass. Seseu, v . plural of seu . siitia ; dimin . siisii ; recipr. fesii Sese-u, a. having a bad taste : na ta'i. mu sese'u . Siiloto , v. to be in the midst (as a Sese' u, v. to make a smell, (euphem . taro plantation in the midst of the for pilo ) ; to be disagreeable in | bush ) ; to begin in themiddle (as conduct. a tale ). Sosefaga, s. a species of banana . Sjisii, s. a method of taking fish . Siisiiloto , v . to seek a disproportion See SAGASAGATEA . Sesega, v. to be dim , to be ob ate marriage (as an old man seek scured ; pos. segaia . ing a young girl ). S FI" plural of sei. Siisiitama, s. property given on oc

Fin !', 8. the name of a fresh water

casion of a woman 's first confine ment.

Susele , 2 . to cut off (as a strip of Siisiitolela , see SISIILOTO . sino, & C.) Siitā , v . to raise the arms to strike a Seselu , 2 . in comb the hair with the blow in club matches ; to lift all hand . together ; to bring property all

Sesera, " the Portuguese man -of together. W !l. Siita 'i, v. to make larger than ne Seses ?, ? il ofsepu . cessary ; to exaggerate. . ut species of se. Siitaga, s. a lifting ; the party lift Sēte'. j ing. Se:0 , a ver Oik ir m ! CUCpl.


rathy to those ! Siro , v. to surround ; pass. siʻomia ;

*5 : as, Uu setoa

redun . si'osi'o . Sioiaita , a salutation . See Talofa .

Setu, v. io limp ; redup , setusetu . Siów , s. the name of a fish . Sevaa, s. one kind of sē . Si'u , s . the extremity, the end , the Seve, s. such a one : as, Pai ma corner (as of the eye, mouth , a Lajai ma Tui ma Seve. wave, & c .) ; the refuse of turme ric . Si, o . little ; (a diminutive particle

often expressing endearment; as,

S 'uaau, s. an extremity of the reef.

Si ana ii ma ) .

Si'uava , s. one point or outer extre

Sia , pron . ilis.

mity of an opening in the reef.

SIU Situfofoga, s. a chief 's voice.

179 SIS Silo , s. the entrails of the shark.

Sirugalit , s. the extremity ofa wave. Sina , art. a , (a diminutive ). Si'ugutu , s . a corner of the mouth . Sina , s. a gourd . Si'umanunu , s. the name of a fish . See MALAIMITAFUAA .

Sina, a . some.

Sina, a . white ; pl. sisina ; redup . Si'umata, s. the outer corner of the sinasina. eye . Sinā, a . grey (of the head ). Si umuti , s. the name of the lalafi | Sinā 'aiuga , u . greyheaded from eat when full grown. ing the uga . Si'usi“u, s. the point (as of a knile , Sinasi, pron . that (of a more distant sword , & c . ; the extremity (as of object than siasi). Sinei, pron . this. is tail, leaf, bambo' , & c.) Si-utea , s. one kind of the ii plant. Sini, s. the goal in racing, and in a Sigano, s. ihe fruit of the fula . game. Sinio , v . to race. Sigo, see AUSGO. Sia, 3. an extr mity of a rainbow . Sinioga, s. a race .

Silt, v. to be ashamed : Ua silu le Sinoi, v. to find fault with another's conduct while doing the same o i len tugada . Sililagi, s. ali iskeer in the back .

Sila 'ilalo , s. piles.

himself. | Sipa , s. the name of a fish .

Si'afaga , s. a chief's viewing , or Sipa , v. to be awry, to incline to siglit. one side ; to make a mistake in speaking. Silalia, v. passive of sisilu . Silaritaifale , v . to view the wind Sisi, s. the freshwater wiokle : a

and weather of the place.

fissure or hole from which water

Silata 'imatagi, s. the sila which trickles ; streams in the sand at brings wind ; a chief who causes low water ; the two hard eyes in war. the cocoanut. Sili, a , principal, best, highest. Sisi, pron . that. Sili, v. to lodge in , to stick in (as Sisi, v. a. to hoist up , to draw up. anything behind the ear). Sisi, v . to trickle down. Sili, v. to inquire, to ask ; pass. si Sisī, v. to make a hissing noise (as lia . green wood in the fire ). Sisii, v. to lift ; to make great, to Sili , udv. exceedingly . Silia , v. to let pass , to pass over ; make oneself great ; as, A sisii, in answer to a person comparing (mostly used with a negative). a small thing to a large ; to be Silifa 'i, v . a . to go beyond (as troops

making a detour and thusturning proud without cause ; to use abu sive language in a haughty man the flank of the enemy). Sīliga, s. the place to stick in the ! ner. Sisii, v . to make a fringe; also the fly fishhook .

Siliga , v. to have got beyond the

plural of si .

proper or expected time ; to be Sisi'o , 1 . to circumvent. Sisifo, s. west. 100 late , past, gone by.

Siligā fanaua, v. to be too old to Sisila, v. to look (of chiefs) ; pass. 1 silafia ; redup. silasila ; recipr. te bear children .

Silitonu , v. to ascertain correctly.

silafa 'i.

Silivale , v. to grumble ; to rebel. Sisila, s. the fixing of the eye in See also TIGIVALE . death : Uu tu le siiibu .


Puipui, v. to shut ; to shut off; to shut up ; pass. puipuia. Puou , s. a species of the breadfruit.

PUL shining appearance at the bottom of the sea, on the outside of the reef, in places where it isnot blue

Puoso, s. the part of a canoe under

deep ; a slice of yam cut for the


the half-deck .

convenience of cooking .

Puupun , a. short ; p . pupuu . | Pūlapula , v. to shine a little. Pufao, s. a shell used as a gouge in Pulasina, s. one kind of pula . building canoes. Pulato 'a , v. to stare at, to look fix Pufatu, s. a shell used as a trumpet. edly. Puga , s. the general name for the Pulavale, v. to stare (as from fear, larger kinds of coral; the groin ;L anger, & c.) Pule, s. a command, an order ; a a disease. Pugā, a. mouldy, (applied only to decision ; authority ; certain lands masi ). on Savaii which havethe direction

Puga-alā , s. a species of puga.

iv councils , and to whom it per

Pugai, see Pogal.

tains to divide out food ; a shell fish having a white shell used to adorn canoes, & c . ; the general name for shells.

Pugaone, s. a kind of sandstone. Pugaū , s. a stinging kind of coral. Pugaufi, s. a species of puga.

Pugapuga , s. small pieces of coral, Pule , v. to order, to command ; to decide ; dimin . pulepule . gravel.

Puke, interj. Catch you ! (a word Pulea, v. to be decreed (asthe death used to startle another). It and of a person). the following compound are the Puleaoao, v. to be supreme. only instances in which the k is Pulei, v. to be mixed alternately (as used . new and old aso in a house , or Puketā , interj. an exclamation of different colored beads in a neck . triumph in the game of tagati'a . | lace). Pula, v. to shine (as fruit yellow Puleʻoto , s. the name of a shell6sh . Pulega , s. a determination, a deci ripe ). Pula, s. a general name for one spe- sion (as to kill a party ) ; the par cies of taro . ty who carry out the decision. Pulā , s. the eyes, ( a term of abuse). | Pulega, v . to determine on (as a Pulā , interj. the answer of the per war ).

son sneezing to the exclamation | Pulepule , s. small shellfish . Pulepule, v. to decide secretly . Soifua ! Pulaa, s. a species of wild taro . | Pūlepule , a. spotted ; striped with various colors. Pula 'au , s. one kind of pula . Pulaū , s. a species of wild taro , Puleta ‘ifee, s. the name of a shell fish . rotten taro.

Pulauli, 1 s. varieties of pula. Pulafela sº

Pulafui, s. a species ofwild taro.

Puli, s. a species of banana . Pulou , s. a covering for the head ; a hat ; a bonnet.

Pulamavu'a , 1 s. varieties of the pu - Pulou , v. to cover the head , to put on a hat or bonnet; to cover over Pulanefu la .

Pulapo , v. to shine at night (as the glowworm , & c.)

Pulapula, s. the root of a tree ; a

with leaves (as the native oven ) ;

to be overhead (as the sun at

noon : ua pulou tonu le la ).


PUL Pulotu , s. the native drum ; (see Faaalll) ; the residence of the


down ; pl. punonou ; redup : pu nopunou . Punuamanu,"s. a young bird , espe gods under the sea . cially the tavu 'e ; a fat, child ; a Pulu , s. glue, gum , resin ; shot ; lead ; the husk of the cocoanut ; white head of hair . Punupunu, s. a cluster of parasiti a species of banana.

Pulufana , s. a bullet.

cal plants.

Pulunaunau , v. to be urgent with , | Pupa , v. to shut the mouth , to hold to persuade, to constrain . the tongue, (a term of abuse ). Pulupulu , s. a large cloth to wrap Pupu , s. a clump of trees, as pupu round the person .


Pulupulu , v. to cover the body with | Pupu , v . to be distressed, to be per plexed , to be agitated. a cloth, & c . Pulupului, s. a number of cocoanuts Pupū , s. a cliff, a bold coast. Pupū , v . to give out the heat (as tied together . from an aperture in the oven , Pulupulusi, s. a chief's sickness . leaving the food uncooked ) ; to Pulutai, s. the name of a weed . shew forth anger ending in no Puluti, v. to glue, to pitch ; to ap thing when the time for action ply pulu to anything . comes. Pulutia , v. passive of pupulu. Puluvao, s. the name of a tree. Pūpū , s. a sheath ; a case. Puluvaga, s. a mediator. Pūpū , v . to gargle ; to rinse out the Pumala , s. a species of the trumpet mouth . Pupua, see Popua. shell. Pupuée, v. to have a fit of any com Puna, s. a spring . Puna, v. to spring up ; to boil up, plaint which affects two parts of to bubble ; to rebound , to fly up ; The body, as the leeth , & c .; the to leap ; redup. pupuna .

plural of puée.

Punefu , s. an old man who is look - / Pupuiono, s. the name of a shrub . ed up to as an able councillor. / Pupuu , see PUUPUU. Punefu , a . strong smelling (as fish Pupuga, s . a person diseased in the often warmed , old siapo, & c.) groin . Punefu , v. to be disordered and | Pūpūga , s. the removal of a curse dirty (as an uninhabited house ). | by spirting cocoanut juice from the mouth over the party . Punialo , s. pubes.

Punifaga , v. to be nearly full (as the Pupula, s. to shine ; pl. fepulafi ; moon ). redup. pulapula . Punimatagi, v. to be windbound ; | Pupulu , v . to interpose , to i pass. punimatagia . puss. pulutia . Pūnimatagi,s. trees planted to screen Pupuna, v. to boil, to bubble up.

houses .

Punipū, see GAⓇOPUNIPU .

Pupuni, v . to shut, to inclose ; pass.

punitia ; redup. punipuni.

Punipuni, v. to shut in , to close in | Pupūsolo , a . full of holes. (as many apertures) ; to cover Puputa, s. a species ofbanana.

over (as holes in tutuga ). Punitaʻi, v . to stop with . Punivaia 'i, s. a large crop of chest

Puputa , a . plural of puta . Puputama'i, v. to be enraged , to be angry (to chiefs).

nuts. Pupuvao , s. a clump of bush . Punou, v. to bow the head, to bend | Pusa, v. to send up a smoke, (also

SAO PUS 172 applied to spray,dust, and heat); Saafi, v. to regret, to grieve for; re to light an oven ; puss. pusagia . dup. saafiafi. Saatiga, s. regret, grief for a loss. Pusaloa , s. a comet. Pusi, s. a sea ell. Saaga, s. the branch of the pigeon's Pusi-ula , perch . Pusiuli, ( s. species of the sea Saalo , see AusaALO. Saaluu v. to shake. Pusigatala , eel. Pusisina

Saasaa, a . short ; pl. sasaa .

Puso, s. the head of a fish or a pig ; Sāasāa, see SAA.

applied figuratively to bead quar

Saati, v. (pl. of sasaa ), to pour out.

ters , seat of authority , chief divi. Saatula , s. the name of a shellfish . sion of a land , & c. Sae, v. to tear off the bark or skin ; Puta , s . the stomach . redup . sasae.

Puta , a . fat ; pl. puputa ; dimin . Sa'e, v. n . to upset (as a canoe ) ; putaputa , rather fat. Putagaele, a . shaking with fat. Pute, s. the navel. Puto, s. the purse of a pigeon net. Putu , s. a feast. Putu , v. to make a feast.

to elevate one leg (as in the act of

falling in a club match ). Sa‘ ē, s. a naked dance.

Saei, v. to tear ; recipr. fesaeiaʻina, to be torn to pieces.

Saele , v. to swing the arms (as in walking ). Putunonofo , v. to live joyously . Saesae, udv. brightly, brilliantly (as Putuputu, a . close together. a fire ). Puvăva , v. to talk, (used only in Saʻesa'e, s. a species of crab . abuse ). | Saʻesa 'e, v . to carry between two in Puvaavaa, s. ribbon , ( Tahitian ). the hands. Sai, s. So-and- so, Such -a-one ; as, Paima Sai. Sai, s. a pigsty ; a tightly -bound

Putuga , see Putu .

bundle (as of tobacco , & c. ) The twelfth letter in the Samoan alpha Saʻili, v . to seek ; pass. sailia ; re

dup. sailiili ; pl. säili. bet. Pronounced as in English. | Saʻiliga , s. a seeking , a search . SA , a . forbidden , prohibited ; redup. Saʻina, v. to throw down (as a bur sāsā. ( This word was formerly den of food brought as a present ). used to mean sacred , and is still Saisai, a. full to overflowing , full so much used in that sense , as aso

as to require to be bound up .

Saisai, v. to bind round, to tie toge Sa, v. to be blind ( of a pigeon ); a ther ; pass. saisaitia . term of abuse to man . Saisaigālaufaʻi, s. filthy conversa Sa , a distributive particle used be- tion . fore pronouns, either , one of; as, Saisaitaga, s. a binding up ; the sa , fale sa , & c.)

su lutou mea ,onearticle of their's.

bindings or fastenings.

Sa, a particle used to mark the im - | Sao, s. the appointed portion of perfect and aorist tenses. property or food brought by each

Sa, a particle used before names of persons, siguifying the family of.

Sa'a, v. to dance ; redup. saasaa. Saa , see Puu .

individual preparatory to present ing .

Sao, a . unblameable , without fault or blemish .




Sao , v. to enter as where there was Saualii, s. a god , (the respectful difficulty ; to escape ; pl. sāsao ; term for an aitu ). pass. saofia . Sāu'atoa, s. a canoe hollowed out Sao , v . to collect together food or of one tree.

properly preparatory to present Sāufono, v. to cut the planks for a canoe. ing ; pl. sasao. Sao, v. to sit in a circle ; redup . Sāufua, v . to utter cries rapidly (as saosao. the manutagi) ; to make a speech Saʻo , s. a term applied to a head of without calling over names and a family ; the principal chief or titles ; to do anything hastily . chieftainess of a village. Saugā , a. strong smelling , pungent. Saʻo, a. straight ; correct, right ; Sāugafono, s. a cutting of planks. long , tall.

Sa'ulā , s. the name of a fish .

Saʻoaualuma, see SAʻOTAMAITAI.

Saulala , a . oppressive, cruel. See Sa'calii, s. a principal chief, with SAUA. whom it is to determine what is Saulalo , v . to prepare the material

proper (suío ) to be done.

Saofa'i, v. to sit round in a circle ;

for making mats ; to prepare the materials before building.

redup. saosaofa ‘i. Sauleia , a. withered , blighted (as Sogalemu, v. to enter safely ; to taro ). be in safety ; to escape dangers ; | Saʻumi, s. a species of the banana. redup . saosaogalemu.

Sauni, s. he who begins the game

Saʻoloto, v . to be at liberty , to have

of taguti'a . Sāuni, v . to prepare, to get ready ; Saosao, s. the name of a fish. pass. saunia ; redup. sauniuni. Saosao, v. to collect food from house Sauniga, s. preparation . to house for a travelling party ar Sāunoa , v. to damage, to injure, to freedom .

rived late in the day. Saosaoa, a . swift. Saosao‘ o, s. one kind of fishing. Sa‘otamaita 'i, s. a chieftaioness who

maltreat ; to beat the wooden

drum ; to make a rattling noise to please a child ; to be engaged

in games ; redup . saunoanoa. Sāunoaga , s. games ; war ; conver has the direction. Sa'otulafale, s. a tulafale as above. sation (of chiefs). Saʻunu , a . wrinkled ; puckered ; Sau, s. the dew . slack ; redup . saʻunuʻunu. Sau , v. to come; pl. o mai. Sau , v. to fall as the dew ; pass . Sausau, s. the name of a fish . sautia ; redup . sasau .

Sāu, v. to angle. Sāu, pron . thy, your. Sa 'u , pron . my.

Sāua , v. to have a return of sick |

Sausau , v . to sprinkle ; to build up

a part of a wall that had fallen down .

Sāusau, s. the mallet used in tatoo ing .

ness ; to be ill of an epidemic . l Sāusau, v. to flutter the wings as when about to fly ; to throw the Sauā , a . cruel, oppressive, despotic . fishhook . Saʻūa, interj. Stop ! wait a little. Sauauli, s. a place where pigs are Sautia, v. (pass , of sau ), bedewed .

allowed to range.

Sāutualasi, a , manifold ,manythick

nesses. Sauafa , v. to fasten with cinet. Sauāga , s. oppressive conduct, ill- Sāutualua , a . twofold, double ; ( so treating . of any other number).


SAM Safea , v. to be struck ; to be re Salato , s, a stinging tree. moved (as a disease ); to be Salato, see LALATO . choked . Sālefeē , s. the land of aitu , the Sa moan hades. Safole, s. the name of a fish. Salefu, s. an ashpan , used to carry Safue, v . to beat. Saga, s. the dowry, property given the hot ashes to the roots of trees by thewoman 's family at her mar to destroy them . Salefuga, s. the third day of palolo. riage. Saga, adv. continuedly ; redup. sa Salemausau, s. all theworld , a great gasaga . concourse of people ; (derived from a tradition of Mausau ). Sāgasagatea, s. one species of the Sali, v. to scoop out; pl. sasali ; banana . Sagatonu, v. to be in a straight di pass. salia . SAF

rection , to face towards. '

Salī, s. the name of a fish .

Sāgiga, s. rejoicing, boasting (most Sāliga, s. a girdle of leaves ; (so ly causeless ).

called before chiefs for titi).

Sagini, v. to talk of work and not Salisali, s. a thin layer of the flesh help at it ; to forbid a thing and of the young cocoanut adhering do it himself. to the shell after the bulk of the

Sagisagi, a. light (as a burden ); nimble .

Sago, v . to boast of a quantity of food or property received ; to move

kernel has been removed .

Sālo , v, to tell a thing over and over

again ; to tell all the particulars ;

to grumble, to complain of ; pass. saloa . the lips as in eating or talking ; (a term of abuse) ; redup. sasago | Saloa , interj. thanks ! thank you ! Salofia, v. to be starved ; pl. salo and sagosago. Sagole, v. to ransack, to pull about; / lofia.

redup. sagolegole. See Tabole. Salulu , v. to shake. Sala , s. a fine, a punishment. | Sālulu , s. a chief's anger. Sala , a. incorrect,wrong (as a hook Salusalu , v. to prepare the keel of a canoe. fastened wrong, or a word in a Salusalu , v . to rejoice in prospect speech ). Sala, v. to cut off, to lop ; redup. I of some good ; to hope.

sasala, salasala . Sama, v. to stain yellow (as the skin Sala , adv. continuedly . See Saga. | with turmeric , the Samoan rouge).

Salaamu, s. the nameof onegrowth Samaʻaga, s. the application of tur of the atule .

meric .

Salajavala , v. (sala ia Vala ), to be Sāmaivao, s. a pigeon caught from punished on account of the head the bush having one eye blind . | Samaola , v . to look yellow while of the family . . Salafalafa , u. flat ; pl. salalafa . alive; (a reference to the practice Salalau, v. to be scattered , to be I of applying turmeric after death ). spread about. Samani, s. the end of the suati of a Salāma, v. (sala ama), to cut off canoe. the outrigger of a canoe ; to leave Sāmanu , s. a chief's anger. Samasama, a . yellow . off the morning fishing.

Salamo, v. to repent.

Salani, s. gravel, broken pieces of coral.

Sami, s. the sea ; salt water ; a co

coanut in the stage before becom _ _in : pen ).

175 SAS SAM Sami, a . strong tasted as if brack : 1 to a canoe ; redup. saposapo ; pl. ish , as, o le niu sami. sasapo . Samialaina , v. to be reddered by Sapotuvale, 1 v. to palpitate ,to flut exposure to the sun on the salt Sapupuvale water .

ter (as the heart).

Sasa, s. a scourge, a rod , a whip .

Samilolo, s. a native dish of food . Sasa , v. to beat; to reprove in a speech ; pass. sāia . skeleton (as fish dried up from | Sāsā, s. a sign , a portent.

Samoamoa , a. dried up ; become a being cooked often , or a skeleton

Sāsā, a . forbidden .

from which the flesh has dried Sasaa , a . plural of saasaa. Sasaa , v . to pour out ; to show the up ). Samusamu, v. to pick up crumbs cause of anger in order to making

and fragments, to eat the remains |

friends ; the plural of sun , 10

of food .

dance .

Sana, s. Indian corn , maize . Sana, pron . his , hers.

Sasae, v. to tear, to rend ; pass. saea .

Sapa, v. to spirt out (as blood from Sasa‘e, s. the east ; the stick for a vein ) ; to make water (as into a | spreading out the hot stones of bamboo ) ; to shoot, to dart (as Į the oven .

pain from one part to another) ; Sasa'e, v. to capsize, to upset ; to move a house ; pass. sa 'ena. redup. sasana. Sasao , v . to terminate on somepart , dysentery. s. Sanatoto Sani, s. a law , by which all pigs (as an internal complaint break

found in the plantationswere kill. ed and eaten by the finders, or to

ing out into a rash , & c .) ; to be salivated ; plural of sao, to collect

punish any infringing on things together food or property. Sasa ‘o , a . plural of sa'o. prohibited ; as, Ua tu le sani.

Sano, v. to long for, to be intent Sāsao, v. (pl. of sao ), to enter . upon ; to abound (as property, Sasau, s. heavy dew . Sasau, a . mischievous, unrestrain speeches, & c.) Sanoola, v. to earnestly desire to able (as animals breaking into plantations). live. Sanuu, v. to be loose (as a ropenot | Sasau, v. to fall (of the dew ). tightened ); to be wrinkled, to be Sasau , v. to sling a stone ; to swing puckered . See SAUNU. Sapa, v. to be unequal (as a paddle |

the arm (as in giving a blow ) ; to blow the trumpet shell.

larger on one side than the other, Sasau, s. one kind of cuttle fish the sun more to the west than the

having long teelers ; a long legged

east; the night more than half 1

crayfish .

Sasauli, s. a species of taro . past : Ua sapa i ao ) . Sapasapai, v. to take in the arms; Sasaga, s , a bottle rack . to take hold of (as any one's Sasagi, v. to boast of, to rejoice in , (mostly used when causeless ). Sasala, v. to be diffused (as a per Sapatū , s. the name of a fish . fume) ; to be spread abroad (as a Sape, a . club -footed . report) ; plural of sala , to cutoff. Sapi, a . quarrelsome, snarlish . words) ; pass. sapaia .

Sapo, v. to catch anything thrown ; Sasali, v . plural of sali. to catch up a word and answer | Sasalu , v. to eat or work very deli it ; to put in a new plank or keel I berately ; to make a thorough




clearance of anything ; to long Se ā, pron. what? for ; to rejoice in prospect of any Sea-e, a . back ; as, ala sea'e, a back road . Sasami, a. (pl. of sami), strong Seaca, s. a score of nuts. tasted as if brackish , (applied to Seasēa, s. the name of a tree and its cocoanuts). fruit ; a child 's penis. good .

Seāsea, adv. seldom . Sasana, see SANA. Sasapo , v. to catch in the mouth (as Seasiasi, s. one species of the sē. a dog ) ; plural of sapo . Seatua, interj. an expression of as Sasave, s. a cocoanut having no ! tonishment on escaping from dan ger : It was by the power of God ; stem to the fruit.

Sasi, v. to make a slip of the tongue

as, Seatua ma i matou.

in speaking ; to talk nonsense (as | See, s. a method of catching fish . See, v. to slip, to slide, to glide in delirium ) ; redup. sasisasi.

Satane, s. handsomemen . Satia , v. to be eaten ; to be torn (as

by dogs, & c.; applied to pigeons,

along ; to be dislocated ; to beg food ('ai see ) ; redup . sesee, see see.

food , fine mats).

Seea, a. weak (as the hair, lauulu seea ). Sava , s. filth , ordure . Seega, s. the party gliding on the Sāva'i, s. one species of the seaegg . waves .

Satula, s. the name of a shellfish .

Savala , v . to desire to eatrich things. Seesee, s. one kind oftaro. Seesee , v. to drag oneself along sit Savali, s. an ambassador .

Savali, v. to walk ; pl. sāvali and savavali.

Savaliga, s. a girdle of leaves. See Titi.

Sāvaliga, s. a walk ; the distance to be walked .

ting on the ground .

Seeti, s. a sandy plain at the mouth of a river; a contrivance for bring ing a canoe more on a level by

wedges driven under the iato. Seevae, s. a shoe .

Sāvalivali, v . to walk on, to keep Sei, s. a flower put into the hair or behind the ear. moving . Savasava, a . bemired with filth . Sei, v. to put a flower into the hair Saveu, ) or behind the ear; redup. seisei. Savelu , see Sa‘ EU . Se'i, v. to jerk ; pass. se'ia ; redup. Saveve ) se‘iseʻi.

Se'i, a sign of the imperative mood , Savili, v. to blow ,to bewindy; pass. I used precatively • saviligia . Seʻia , conj. (se'i ia ), until, till. Seilala , s. the name of a tree. Savilivili, v. to blow gently.

Savili, s . a breeze .

Se, art. a , an .

Se'imai, see LEʻIMAI.

Sē, s. Friend ! (a call to a man). Seisei, v . to adorn the head with Sē, s. the general name for the flowers. See Ser. grasshopper. Se‘ise'i, v. to jerk repeatedly (as a rope in order to disentangle it ). Sē, a . afraid , as manava sē. Sē , v . to wander ; to mistake ; re- Seu , s. the inethod of catching mul

dup. sesē ; recipr. fesea'i.


Seu , v. to stir round ; to turn the Se auoa ana, conj. if I had . Sea , s. the name of a tree ; the in head of the canoe, to steer to ; to catch in a net (as pigeons ormul side of the lomu.


SEM 177 let) ; to ward off a blow ; to in - | Segisegi, s. twilight. terrupt a speech ; to prevent (as Segisegi, see SEGI. a fight between lands); pl. seseu ; Sela , s. asthma. dimin . seuseu . Sela, v. to be out of breath ; to be Seru , s. the nameof a seabird. See asthmatic. SEʻUTAPEAU . Selau , a . a hundred . Se'u , v. to move up and down the Selauselau, a . very many . feathers of the tail (as a manüalii | Sele, s. a snare ; the name of a shell

when frightened and about to fly fish . away ) ; applied figuratively to a Sele , v . to cut (as the hair); to coward : Ua seếu le fulu .

snare .

Seuga, s. the method of catching | Sele, s. the nameof a sharp -cutting pigeons with a net.

weed .

Seuga'i, udv. to no purpose, use Selea , v. to be cut ; redup. sele lessly . selea. Seuga ‘imiti, s. a yonth , not a full- Selei, v . to cut, to slash . grown man ; ( a term of contempt). Seleulu , s. scissors .

Selefatu , s. the shell used to scrape

Sē-ulu , s. one kind of sē. Seuseu , s. leafless branches.


Seusen , v. to stir round repeatedly . Selesele, s. an evenly cut head of Se'use-u, 2. to be matted together / hair ; a cloud bringing a squall of wind and rain .

(as hair from wet or dirt).

Seóutapeau , s. the name of a sea - Sēlesele ,v. to cut into several pieces; bird. to shear. Seleseleafo , v. to be in commotion Sefa, s. the name of a weed . (as the sea is by a fish dragged

Sēfea, pron . which ? Sefea, adv. whence ?

through the water at the end of

Sefulu , a. ten . Sega, s. the general name for the

the line, orwhen rippled by a ris ing breeze).

parroquet; the tail of the fly - fish - Sēlogologo , s. a name given to some kinds of sē when they come into hook. Sega 'ula , Is two kinds of sega . the house. comb the feathers on a Selu

Segasamoa sº

Segasega , s. the name of a fish . I Segasega, a . yellowish (as the body from disease). See LEGALEGA.

Segasegamaʻuíu , s. one kind of se ga .

; . s. a cock 's head which are erected

when he is beaten : Ua tu le selu . Selu , v. to comb ; to praise ; redup .

seselu , seluselu ; pass. selua . | Seluga, s. praises.

Segavale , v. to stare from fear ; to Semā, s. Friends ! (a call for atten shine dimly (as the sun through a ' tion ). | Sēma, s. a red siapo.


Segi, a . wild , shy, not tame; pl. Sēma, v. to agree with another to be his antagonist at a club -match ; sesegi; redup . segisegi. Segi, v. to snatch , to catch away ; to sop up the scented oil as it is produced . pass, segia . Segi, v. to burn a scar as a beauty Semanū, adv. hardly, it was as if. Sēmatapia , s. one kind of sē . spot. Segiamauli, v . (literally , to have Semu, v. to cut off what is above the heart snatched away), to be ' or beyond the rest (as a post too startled .

SIU SEN long, a lock of hair , & c.); to cut Siʻa , s. the stick used in making a


off one in advance of the troop . Sena, s. father ! mother ! also used

in addressing any aged person .

net Si'a , v . to crot Gre by rubbing one

stick on another.

Senā , pron . that. Senei, pron . this .

Sióaga, s. the larger stationary stick

Sepa , a . squinting ; pl. sesepa .

Si-aloa, s. the name of a shrub from

used in getting a fire .

Sepo, s. the name ofan aitu , named

in cursing children .

Sēpute, s. a species of sē. Sesē, $. a mistake. Sēsē, a. nearly blind . Sesee, v. to slide along sitting ; to glide on the waves.

the bark ofwliich the shaggywhite mats are made.

Siapo, s. native cloth . Sianoatua , s. the name of a

shrub .

Siasi, prou that (near at hard ). Sii, v . to liſt ; to levy a fine ; to take the war into a country ; to

take oneself off in a grudge : as, Un sii le tera ; pl. sisii ; pass. siitia ; dimin . siisii ; recipr. fesii Siiloto, v. to be in the midst (as a mu sese'u . Sese*u, v. to make a smell,(euphem . | taro plantation in the midst of the for pilo ) ; to be disagreeable in bush ) ; to begin in themiddle (as conduct, a tale). Sosefaga, s. a species of banana. Siisii, s. a method of taking fish .

Sese'i, s. the stick used to extend

the musquito screen . Seseu, v. plural of seu . Sese-u, a. having a bad taste : na


Sesega, v. to be dim , to be ob scuied ; puis, segaia .

Siisiiloto, v. to seek a disproportion ate marriage (as an old man seek

ing a young girl) .

S pri " . plural of seji. Siisiitama, s. property given on oc fic . , s. the name of a fresti.water casion of a woman 's first confine ment.

Susele , e . to cut off (as a strip of Siisiitolela , see SusIILOTO . Siitā , v . to raise the arms to strike a sinpo, & c.) Seselu, 2. in combthe hair with the blow in club matches ; to lift all band . together ; to bring property all together. Sestra, the Portuguese man-of Wir:


Sitaʻi, v. to make larger than ne cessary ; to exaggerate. s. a lifting ; the party lift o ut species of sē. LiSiitaga, ng .

, of sepa .

Setc , s Seo ?, 21,Cuadro ici Ora

p athy to those ' Si o , v . to surround : pass. si omia : redun . si'osi'o . : as, Uu setoa

| mi C? * C . Sioiaita , a salutation. See Talofa . Setu , v. io limp) ; redup. setusetu . Si'u , s. the name of a fish . Sevaa, s. one kind ofsē. Si'u , s. the extremity, the end, the Seve, s. such a one : as, Pai ma corner ( as of the eye , mouth , a Lajai muu Tui ma Seve. wave , & c.) ; the refuse of turme Si, a . litile ; (a diminuiive particle ric .

often espressing endearment; as, Si'uaau , s. an extremity of the reef. Si ana ii ma). Si'uava , s. one point or outer extre Sia , pron . this mity of an opening in the reef.



Si'ufofoga , s. a chief 's voice.


Silo, s. the entrails of the shark .

Singalit, s. the extremity of a wave. Sina, art. a, (a diminutive).

Si-ugutu , s. a corner of the mouth .

Sina, s . a gourd .

Si'umanunu , s. the name of a fish . Sina, a . some. See MALAIMATAPUAA . Sina , a . white ; pl. sisina ; redup . Si'umata , s. the outer corner of the I sinasina . Sipā, a . grey (of the head ). eye.

Si'umuti, s. the name of the lalafi Sinā'aiuga, a . greyheaded from eat ing the uga . when full grown. Si'usi“u , s. the point (as of a knife, Sinasi, pron . that (of a more distant sword , & c ); the extremity (as of

it tail, leaf,bambo' , & c.) Si-utea , s. one kind of ihe ii plant. Sigano, s. the fruit of the fulu . Sigo , see AusIGO . Sia, s . an eitr mity of a rainbow . Sila , v. to be ashained : Ua silu le non į len tuyala .

object than siasi). Sinei, pron . this.

Sini, s. the goal in racing, and in a game. Sinio , v . to race. Sinioga , s. a race.

Sinoi, v. to find fault with another's conduct while doing the same

Sililagi, s. ai ulcer in the back. I himself. | Sipa, s. the name of a fish . • Sila-ilalo , s. piles. Si'afaga, s. a chief's viewing , or Sipa, v . to be awry, to incline to sight.

Silala , v . passive of sisilu .

one side ; to make a mistake in speaking.

Silagataifale , v. to view the wind Sisi, s. the freshwater winkle ; a fissure or hole from which water and weather of the place. Silata 'imatagi, s. the sila which trickles ; streams in the sand at brings wind ; a chief who causes

low water ; the two liard eyes in

war .

the cocoaput.

Sili, d. principal,best, highest. Sisi, pron . that. Sili, v. to lodge in , to stick in (as Sisi, v. u . to hoist up, to draw up. anything behind the ear ).

Sili, v. to inquire , to ask ; pass. si lia .

Sisi, v . to trickle down.

Sisī, v. to make a hissing noise (as green wood in the fire ).

Sili, udv. exceedingly .

Sisii , v . to lift ; to make great, to Silia , v. to let pass, to pass over ; make oneself great : as, A sisii, (mostly used with a negative ). I in answer to a person comparing

Silitaʻi, v. a. to go beyond (astroops making a detour and thusturning the flank of the enemy).

Siliga, s. the place to stick in the

a small thing to a large ; to be proud without cause ; to use abu sive language in a haughty man


Sisii, v. to make a fringe ; also the fly fishhook . Siliga , v. to have got beyond the plural of säi. proper or expected time ; to be Sisi'o , v. to circumvent. Sisifo , s. west. too late, past, gone by.

Siligrāfanaua, v. to be too old to Sisila , v. to look (of chiefs) ; pass. bear children . silafia ; redup. silasila ; recipr. te Silitonu , v. to ascertain correctly. I

silafa 'i.

Silivale, v. to grumble ; to rebel. Sisila , s. the fixing of the eye in Ste also TSGIVALE .

death : Ua tu le siiilu .

SIS SOG 180 Sisili, s. a turmeric maker . Soesoe, s. young taro shoots. Sisili, v . to be spread abroad (as the Soi, s. a species of yam . water from a watercourse ) ; to Soʻi, v. to swarm (as mice , men , shoot, to dart (as pain from one & c. ) ; redup. soʻiso ‘i.

part of the body to another).

Soia , interj. enough ! desist ! let it

Sisiloaloa, s. a species of the sisi. be ! Sisina, v. to drop down, to run ; Soi-ula, s. one kind of soi. pass. sinaia ; redup. sinasina. Soifua , s. life (of chiefs). Sis

itanoa , 1 s. species of sisi. Soifua, v. to live (of chiefs). Soifua, interj. bless you ! may you Sisitui S. spec live ! an ejaculation to one sucez Sisivao , s. a snail. Siva , s. a song . ing . Siva, v. to dance ; redup. sivasiva. ! Soisina, s. one kind of soi. Sivā 'ofe, s. a bamboo flute. Soʻiso‘i, see Soʻl.

So , a. either, one of, so latou, any Soisoi, { v.. to laugh ( to a chief). one of them . Soisoitua s Soa , s. a companion , a second ; one | Sao , a . any : as, soo se luuu. who procures a wife for another ; | Soo , v . to encircle , to surround ; to a dance with song .

Soʻa,s. a method of fishing by night; the brace of a house ; a gun . Soaa, s. the mountain plantain .

Soa‘ai, v. to steal food to eat. Soaa-ululu,, 2{ s. . varieties varieties of the soaa. Soaasē

º varieties o

So‘ai, v. to brace the liouse. Soaigoa, s. names of young chiefs by wbich they are praised .

join ; püss. sootia ; intens. Sous soo. Soo, adv. frequently , continuedly , without intermission .

Soo, v. to be pained ,to be troubled : as, soo ma au , & c.

Sooga, s. property given to the fa mily of the wife on fetching her

home after a separation ; perineum muliebre .

So‘aitū , v. to speak without show - Soona, adv. at random , any how ; ing respect. very. Soāfafine, s. the female servant of a Soʻosoʻo , v . to be joined in many lady. places ; to be close together.

Soāmoemoe, s. the leaf just un- Sou , a. rough , foaming ; redup. folded .

Soani, a. four, (used on Savaii).

Soania , v. (from soa ), to be compa nioned , to have a second or com

panion . Sofaso ‘a , v . to spear fish .

Soasoā , see NAINAI. Soata , s. a stovy tract of land . made from from Soatau , s. a large canoe made one tree .

Soātau, s. an armour-bearer ; a com panion in arms.

Soāvaa, s. two or three canoes go ing together.

Soesā , a . disagreeable , offensive, annoying ; redup. soesoesā .


Sou , pron . thy (so ou ). Soʻu , pron . my (so oʻlk ). Soʻu , v. let me (for seʻi oʻu ). Soua , a . laboring in a cross sea ; beset with tongues, scolded on all sides. Soufuna, s. a call to a woman . See FUNA .

Sofai, v. to break down ; to break through (as troops ); pass. sofaia . Soga , s. a shaver, a servant or at tendant peculiar to certain chiefs .

| Sogā, s. a plant from the bark of which nets and red shaggymats are made.




Sogasogā ,a. persevering (as in work ,

war for a time ; to forbid , as a travelling party,troops, & c.,from Sogi, v. to rub noses, to salute ; pl. proceeding . feasogi. Solo , s. a land slip. Sogisogi, v. to smeli ; pass. sogitia . Solo, v. to slide away, to fall down Sogo, s. the fleshy end of the sula (as a wall ); to pass along (as a number of people in the road). dier crab ; a child 's penis. Sola , v. to run away, to escape, to Solo , adv. along , from place to place. fly away ; pl. sosola ; pass. sola tia ; redup. solasola. Solo , s. a song in praise of a chiet's Sola'aga, s. a flight; the party run lands, & c. ; a towel. ning awi!y ; pl. sosolaaga. Solo , u . swiſt. Solano , v. to run away home (as a Soloa, passive of sosolo . anger, & c .)

woman running from her hus- | Soloaʻi, v . to go along to a place (as troops to the seatofwar); to suc


Solasūlusūlu, v. to flee far away.

ceed to a title or possession .

Solata ' i, v. to abscond wiih , to carry Soloalofa, v. to pine aftor (as a child for its absent parent). off. Solataga, s . a company of persons Soloatoa , v. to be all in a piece , to fleeing . I have no break or join .

Solatia, s. a species of crab. See Soloi, s. a towel. PAALAUIFI.

Solatia , v. to be avoided , to be de serted.

Soloi, v . to wipe ; pass. soloia . Soloi, v . to throw down (as a wall) ;

to slide down (as a wall or a pile

Sole, s. friend ! (a call to a man ). of stones) ; puss, soloia . Soloiluma, v . to improve. See SE. Soli, v. to tread upon , to trample Soloitua , v. to getworse, to deterio rate. on ; pass. solia ; redup. sosoli, solisoli. Solofa , v. to slip down,to runowil, Soli aau , v. to beg seu implements to fall down .

of a village employed in seuga .

Soli aitu, s. large gatherings of peo ple for wrestling and games on

Solotanua , s. a horse. Sololclei, v. to pass alony happily and without accident.

removing a prohibition from places Solomua , v. to go ahead , to take

the lead ; to be beforehand (as a made sacred to the gods. crop of breadfruit). Soliga, s. native cloth given as pre | Solomuli, v. to back the paddles, to sents by a virgin . Soliga-aau, s. a begging party seek pull backwards ; to be belind mig seuga implements . hand (as a crop of breadfruit); to Solilemogamoga , v . to have a house i walk backwards; to go back . Solosolo , s. the name of a fish , ( see warming by a poula . Solisoli, s. prostration ; putting the Usiusi) ; a bandkerchief. soles of the chief's feet against Solosolo , v . 10 slip away (as the earth

the palmıs of the hands and the l on the side of a hill).

Solosoluū , see LESOLOSOLOU . cheeks. Solisoli, v . to tramp, to tread . | Solovī, s. a word shouted out on Solisoli, v . to commence a taro plan getting the victory . tation. See UAUA.

Solovi, 1°. to slide down .

Sulitu , i . to remain away from the ' Soma, see SEMA.


SIA SOM Somo, s. the gun my secretion on So-ogo, i. to smell of urine. diieased eyes in the morning .

! So :oli, v . to tread on ; to eat things

Son oa , 1 . to have the eyes aggluti-

which were representatives of the


nated .

· Somosomo, s. a small sprout. | Sosolo , v. to rui, to spread (as li Sona, pron . his , her’s (so ona ). quids, as fat when melting , or as Soni, v. to chop ; redup. sonisoni. I creeping plants); to act couardly ; Soni, s. a water bottle. pass. soloa. Sope , s. a lock of hair left longer Sosoni, s. a cutting blow io ä club match . than the rest.

Sopo, v. to step over ; to pass over; ! Sosoni,v . to chop ; to notch . pl. sosopo ; redup. soposopo ; rc- Su , a . wet ; waxy (as taro ) ; pl. susū ; dinin . sūsū . cipr. fesopoaʻi.

Sua , v. to plough up , to grub up

Sopoaga , s. a stip . Sopolagi, 2. to pass over the hea vens, (applied to the morning star

(as the soil ) ; to toss as a buil ; puss. suatia .

when seen in the evening ; and Sua, s. cooked food (especially as looked upon as a sign of death to prepared for the sick ) ; juice or

the family of Pea).


liquid of any kind , as suū susu ,

Sopoliu , v. to transgressthe laws of milk . bonito 'fishing by steppi!ig over Sua, v. to contain liquid (as a bot the canoe. tle ); to discharge matier (as an Soposopo , v . to pass over; to transgress; to raise the feet in walking

abscess ) ; to tack (of a boat or il ship ) ; pl. susua .

so as to leave but a small trail; | Stia , v. to jest, to joke; pl. susua , to marry or approach to a rela - Suaalana'i, v . for one chief or his tion . followers to speak against another

Soposopololoa , v. to take long steps; chief to the lady to whom he is to make long stages in a journey. I paying addresses. Sopotofaga, s. adultery with a chief's : Suāuu, s. oil. wife . Suafa , s. the name (of chiefs). Sopovale, 2 . to pass over unceremo- | Suaga , s. the tackilig of a ship ; the niously ; to use bad words to ai

rooting of a pig ; jesting .


| Suage , s. a male friend of a woman Sosia, s. riches or property spread (with the idea of illicet inter course ). out to view .

Soso , v . to move alorg ; to draw Sualua , n . brackish . near (with mui) ; to move of Suainalie , a . sweet. Suamua , v. to be first in speaking , (with atu ). Soso, v. to decay before growing ! fighting, & c. ; redup. suasuamua . Suamuli, v. to be last in speaking , again (as bulbous roots. Siso, v. to turn from sideto side, to I fighting, & c.; redup . suasua be restless (as in a fever ) ; redup . muli. sosososo . Suasua, v. to root up, to turn up the ground (as a piy does ). Sosoa , v. to dance accompanied by siuging . Suasuai, 1 v. to work hard forothers Soso‘a, v. 10 spear; to husk nuts. Suasuo ſ (as a man in the wife ' s Sosco , v . to jom together, to wite

together ; to reconcile.

family , or vice versa ) . | Suāsusil, s. muilk .




Suataga , s. a tack of the ship ; the rooting of a piy . Suati, s. an outrigger on the right

shall furnisha pigs for a travelling party) ; to scold on account of a small contribution ; p . susufi ; side of a ca::oe, to keep thie ma pass. sufia ; redup. sufisufi. from being submerged when sail Sugale, s. a species of taro ; the ing. name of a fishi.

Suati, v . to spit ont ; to throw out Sugaleʻula ,

rubbish ; lo use bad language


s. the different

(kindsofthe fish Suavai, s. water ; food (so called Sugalemata paogo , Called woole before chiefs ). Sugalepаgotā Sue, s. a fish , (sometimes poisoi - Sugalu , s. taro left till over ripe ; an old pigeon ; the fishing by seu ,

ous ).

Sue, v. to project (as the belly of a

(a term of respect ) ; an old per

pig or a fat person ) ; redup. sue.

son who is still good -looking ; an applied also to some other things old arrow taken great care of ;


Su'e, v. to search , to examine ;

which are old and good.

pass. suíta ; redup . suéesu ' e.

Sue, v. to renew the cinct fasten - Sugaluaualuma, s. the refusal of ings of a canve. proposals ofmarriage. Su'esu e , see scSU 'E .

Suéesureaga , v. to search diligently. Sui, v. 10 dilute ; to add fresh in - ! gredients to a batch of oil ; re- | dup . suisui. Sui, s. a substitute.

Sui, v . 10 substitute ; to be a sub

stitute ; recipr. fesuia 'i, to ex change. Su'i, s. a young cocoanut, having only water aud 10 hernel.

Sugalufaiva , s. a term of respect for all fuiva , as pigeon-catching, to loya , & c . Sugaluvai, s. the ififi found in the water ; a good looking man .

| Sula , v. to praise on account of riches, b _auty, & c. ; redup . sula sula .

Sula'ese , v. for others to praise us and not one 's own self or imme diate relations ; pass. sula ‘esea .

Su 'i, v. to do needlework ; to thread Sulali, s. the name of a shellish . on a string (as beads, & c .) ; to Sulasula, s. one species of the ba twist the sugarcane leaf on to a nama. | Suli, s. a young banana ; the true cane (as in making thatch ). son of a chief. Suilapalapa , s. the hips.

Suilu , v. to exchange standing (as | Sulisuli, s. a species of starfish .

the girdle of leaves); to exchange Sulu , s. a torch ; dry leaves of puo go ; fiyur. the eye ; ihe true son

a rotteu post in a house ; to take

a substitute oft hand ; to take the father's place. Suo , s . a spade .

of a chief, (used on Savali instead of suli) ; a south -westerly wind ; a yellowish fiv - fishhook .

Suo, v. to fall with the head boring Sulu , v. to light by a ; pass. suluia ; pl susu 'u . into the ground. Suvgea, 2. lo beg food after having Sulu , 1. to ihrusi into ; to fasted on alteady got abundance .

(as the native wrapper); to plunge in the Welt si;

Suosuo, see SUASU. .

into (as a little

Sufi, s. the name of one kind of

to take refuge in ; to ich pred piriy to the family ofa dead chiet;

song .

Suti, i. to choose, to select (as who

pl. susulu .


SUL 184 Sului, see LAUSULUI,

indicate that thewar is to be con Sulufa'i, 1. to take refuge with . fined to themselves. Sunuga, s. a burning. Sulufa'iga , s. a refuge. Suluga , s. property given after a Sunusunu, s. the burnt bush where chief s death by those of his con a plantation is made . nections living at a distance. See | Supa , s. paralysis . FOTUGA .

Supa, v. to be palsied ; pl. susupa.

Sulugātiti, s. the place where the | Susu , s. the breast ; thedug or teat of animals. titi is fastened ; the loins.

Suluma‘i, v. to thrust or push Susu, v. to suck the breast ; pl. fe through .


Suluma‘ia, v. applied to a boat or Sosū, a. plural of su . canoe whose bow is buried in the Susū , v. to come (with mai) ; to go waves or surf, also to a person ' (with atu ) ; (only used to titled

carried headlong into a cave, & c.


by the surf, and one who falls Sūsū , u . a little wet ; a little waxy

head foremost into a hole ; to die

(as of taro ).

having previously been healthy- Sūsū , v. to be pierced so nearly through that the point of the looking Sulumua , s. the pieces of tortoise- 1 spear shows on the opposite side. shell near the head of the tortoise. Susua , a . plural of suu . Sulumuli, s. the pieces of tortoise- Susua, v. plural of sua . shell near the tail. Susuće , v . to lift up, to open , to un Sulusulu , v. take about a torch to cover. .. look for something ; to persevere Susu 'e, v. to be spring tide, (so in . called because it lifts up the vines Sulusulua , a . ripe, full grown (as | on the beach ). taro ). Susuối, v. to fasten on the taualuga ;

Sumu, s. the name of a fish ; a

to pierce a hole in a young cocoa

mut ; the plural of su -i. cluster of stars ; an ambassador from the camp of the enemy pro - Susuʻia , v . to tingle, to smart (as the heel) ; supposed to be a sign voking to war.

Sumu, v. to tie on as the ridgepole ; to enter (as a spear into the body ),

Suni, s. the name of a tree from

that some one is speaking ill of the person .

Susuga, s. the speech of a titled chief.

which garlands are made ; the Susugā , a . having little milk . piece of tutuga used as a sponge Susului, v . to shine (as the moon ,

to take up the scented oil as it !

fire, & c.) ; to be handsome ; to


plunge under (as a canoe in the

Suni, v. to polish the ti'a ; redup. waves ); to be good-looking but a sunisuni. . cripple ; pass. suluia ; also the Sunisuni, s. the name of a shellfish . | plural of sulu . Sunu‘i, v . to thrust in (as a stick | Susunu , v. to burn up ; pass. sunua and susunuina. into the ground ). leaf into the boundary on each | Sūtulia, v. to be frightened by being side of two contending partius, to constantly beaten .

Sunu‘ilauniu , v. to insert a cocoanut | Sūsūtau , a . strong for war.




Taaſua, s. a detached clam fish ; also called tuanoa . Tāʻaga , s . a shoal ; a herd . The thirteenth letter in the Samoan al phabet. It is pronounced as in En glish . TA , s. a stroke , a blow . Tă, pron . 1 .

Ta, pron. wetwo, (abbreviated from taun).

Ta, v. to strike ; to reprove ; to cut down (as a tree) ; to tatoo ; to

Taalaelae, s. a wide or bald fore head beardless

; a chin ; spec. pudend. muliebre de pile. Taalaelae, a. open (as the country without trees).

Taalao, v. to finish up (as any job of work ). Taale , s. The soft insideof thetop of a cocoanut tree ; thehead , (a term of abuse ).

open a vein ; to beat time to a Taaligoliyoa , a. quiet, still. night dance ; to jump a somer- | Taalili, a . resounding, sonorous.

Taalili, v. to resound ; to come in sault. Ta, a prefix to verbs expressing re crowds. peated action, astatu 'u , & c.; also | Taalise, adv. quickly . applied to the plurality of things. Taalise, v. to be quick ; pl. taalilise . Ta e, s. child ! (a call to a child).

Taalo , v. to play, to sport ; to dally

Taā , s. a small fishing line for paula. I with ; pl. ta a alo . Taa , s. the party who go to a wo Taaloga, s . play, sport ; dalliance. man's family to carry proposals of Taalolo, s. the taking of food to vi

marriage from their chief'; the

sitors by several villages at once.

food taken on such occasions as a Taalolo , v. to go in crowds. Taaloto, s. a small inclosure for pigs. present. Taa , v. to go at large, as animals Taaloto, v. to put piys into au in and fish ; pl. tataa ; redup . taa closure . Taamala , , v. to go about with a taa . Taamalaia ſ malu impending . Taa, v . to commit fornication . Taai, v. to wind round ; redup. taa . Taamanuia , v . to go about attended taai.

by prosperity .

| Taamilo, v . to go round about ; re Taai, see ‘AFATAAI. Taaʻina, v. to be gathered together dup . taamilomilo. (as the gravel by the waves ); to Taamu,s. thenameof a plant,(arum be drawn in , to be induced ; to costatum ). Taaneva , s. the name of a fish ; a stagger under a heavy load. man wandering about friendless. Taaivai, s. iron hoop ; (corrupted Taani'o, v. to go round about in into tāivai).

Ta‘au , v. to strike the handle of the

speaking .

paddle against the gunwale in | Tāanoa , s. an animal that is weaned .

pulling .

Taalalu , see TUATAATALU .

Taanoa, s. a detached clamtish ; a man or woman whose husband or

Ta'afi, s. rags of siupo ; redup. ta - / wife is dead or gone away. Taanoa , v. to be at liberty (as an ali'afi. unmarried man orwoman ); redup , Taafili, v. to roll; to wallow ; to taataanoa. struggle with ; pl. taalibli.

Tuafiti, v. to struggle about, to be Taanuu, v. to wander from land to restless ; redup. taatitinti.

land .

SEU SAS 176 clearance of anything ; to long | Se ā, pron. what ? for ; to rejoice in prospect of any Sea'e, a. back ; as, ala seaře, a good .

back road.

Sasami, a . (pl. of sami), strong - Seaca , s. a score of nuts.

tasted as if brackish , (applied to Seasēa , s. the name of a tree and its cocoanuts ). fruit ; a child 's penis . Sasana, see SANA.

Seāseā, adv. seldom . Sasapo, v. to catch in the mouth (as Seasiasi, s. one species of the sē. Seatua, interj. an expression of as a dog ) ; plural of sapo.

Sasave, s . a cocoanut having no !

stem to the fruit. Sasi, v . to make a slip of the tongue

tonishment on escaping from dan ger : It was by the power of God ; as, Seatua ma i matou .

in speaking ; to talk nonsense (as See, s. a method of catching fish . in delirium ) ; redup. sasisasi.

Satane, s. handsomemen . Satia , v. to be eaten ; to be torn (as by dogs, & c .; applied to pigeons, food , tine mats ).

Satula , s. the name of a shellfish . Sava , s. filth , ordure . Savaʻi, s. one species of the seaegg .

See, v . to slip , to slide, to glide along ; to be dislocated ; to beg

food ('aisee ); redup. sesee, see see.

Seea , a . weak (as the hair , lauulu seea ).

Seega, s. the party gliding on the waves.

Savala , v . to desire to eat rich things. Seesee, s. one kind of taro. Sāvali, s. an ambassador .

Seesee, v. to drag oneself along sit ting on the ground. savavali. Seeti, s. a saudy plain at the mouth Savaliga, s . a girdle of leaves. See of a river ; a contrivance for bring ing a canoe more on a level by Titi. Sāvaliga , s. a walk ; the distance to wedges driven under the iato. be walked . Seevae, s. a shoe . Sāvalivali, v. to walk on , to keep Sei, s, a flower put into the hair or behind the ear. moving . Sei, v. to put a flower into the hair Savasava, a. bemired with filth . or behind the ear ; redup . seisei. Saveu, ) Se‘i, v. to jerk ; pass. se'ia ; redup. Savelu , see Saʻeu .

Savali, v. to walk ; pl. sāvali and

se‘ise ‘i. Saveve ) Savili , s. a breeze. Se'i, a sign of the imperative mood , Savili, v. to blow , to be windy ; pass. used precatively.

• saviligia.

Se‘ia , conj. (se'i ia), until, till.

Savilivili, v. to blow gently. Se, art. a , an . Sē, s. Friend ! (a call to a man).

Seilala , s. the name of a tree .

Sē, s. the general name for the grasshopper. Sē, a . afraid , as manava sē .

Se'imai, see LEʻIMAI. Seisei, v. to adorn the head with

flowers. See Sei. Se‘ise i, v . to jerk repeatedly (as a rope in order to disentangle it).

Sē, v. to wander ; to mistake ; re - Seu, s. themethod of catching mul let . dup. sesē ; recipr. fesea 'i. Se anoa ana, conj. if I had. Seu , v. to stir round ; to turn the Sea , s. the name of a tree ; the in side of the lomu.

head of the canoe, to steer to ; to

catch in a net (as pigeons ormul

SEU SEM let ) ; to ward off a blow ; to in - 1 Segisegi, s. twilight. terrupt a speech ; to prevent (as / Segisegi, see SEGI.


a fight between lands) ; pl. seseu ; Sela , s. asthma. dimin . seuseu . Sela, v. to be out of breath ; to be Seʻu, s. the name of a seabird . See asthmatic. SEʻUTAPEAU . Selau , a. a hundred . Se'u , v . to move up and down the Selauselau, a . very many . feathers of the tail (as a manualii | Sele, s. a snare ; the nameof a shell

when frightened and about to fly fish . away ) ; applied figuratively to a Sele , v. to cut (as the hair ) ; to coward : Ua se'u le fulu .


Seaga, s. the method of catching Sēle, s. the nameof a sharp- cutting : weed . pigeons with a net . Seuga'i, udv. to no purpose, use Selea , v. lessly .

to be cut; redup. sele

selea .

Seuga‘imiti, s. a youth , not a full

Selei, v. to cut, to slash . grown man ; (a term of contempt). Seleulu , s. scissors . Selefatu , s. the shell used to scrape Sē'ulu , s. one kind of sē. breadfruit. Seuseu, s. leafless branches. Senseu , v. to stir round repeatedly . Selesele, s . an evenly cut head of Se usefu , 1 . to be matted together hair ; a cloud bringing a squall of (as hair from wet or dirt).

Se utapeau, s. the name of a sea

wind and rain .

Sēlesele ,v. to cut into several pieces; to shear.

bird .

Sefa, s. the name of a weed .

Seleseleafo , v . to be in commotion

Sēfea , pron . which ?

(as the sea is by a fish dragged

Sefea , adv. whence ? Sefulu , a . ten .

through the water at the end of the line, or when rippled by a ris ing breeze).

Sega, s. the general name for the

parroquet ; the tail of the fly-fish - Sēlogologo, s. a name given to some hook. Segaʻula , ls, two kinds of sega .

kinds of sē when they come into the house.

comb ;; the the feathers te 1. Sel Seluu ,, s.s. aa comb on a Segasamoa . cock 's head which are erected Segasega, a. yellowish (as the body when he isbeaten : Ua tu le selu.

Segasega, s. the name of a fish . from disease ).


Selu , v . to comb ; to praise ; redup .

Segasegama'u'u , s. one kind of se- ! seselu , seluselu ; pass. selua. Seluga, s. praises . - ga . Segavale , v. to stare from fear ; to | Semā, s. Friends ! (a call for atten shine dimly (as the sun through a mist).

tion ). ano . Sēma, s. a red si siapo.

Segi, a . wild , shy, not tame; pl. Sēma, v. to agree with another to be his antagonist at a club -match ; sesegi; redup. segisegi. to sop up the scented oil as it is Segi, v. to snatch , to catch away ; produced . segia. pass. Segi, v. to burn a scar as a beauty | Semanū , adv. hardly, it was as if. spot.

Sēmatapia, s . one kind of sē.

Segiamauli, v. ( literally , to have Semu, v . to cut off what is above or beyond the rest (as a post too the heart snatched away), to be startled .

SIU SEN 178 long , a lock of hair, & c.) ; to cut Si'a , s. the stick used in making a off one in advance of the troop . Sena , s. father ! mother ! also used

net Sita 7. to et Gre by rubbing one

in addressing any aged person .

stick on another. Sióaga , s. the larger stationary stick used in getting a fire .

Senā, pron . that. Senei, pron , this .

Sepa, a . squinting ; pl. sesepa. Si'aloa, s. the nameof a shrub from Sepo, s. the nameofan aitu , named the bark ofwhich the shaggy white mats are made. in cursing children. Siapo, s. native cloth . Sēpute, s. a species of sē. oatua shrub. , s. the name of a Siap Siasi, pron that ( pear at haud ).

Sesē , s. a mistake. Sese, a . nearly blind .

Sesee, v. to slide along sitting ; to Sii , v. to lift ; to levy a fine ; to glide on the waves. take the war into a country ; to

Sese'i, s. the stick used to extend

take oneself off in a grudge : a ,

the musquito screen . Seseu , v. plural of seu . Sese' u , a . having a bad taste : na - | mu sese'u .

Un sii le teva ; pl. sisii ; pass. siitia ; dimin . siisii ; recipr . fesii taʻi .

Siiloto , v. to be in the midst (as a

for pilo ) ; to be disagreeable in

taro plantation in themidst of the bush ) ; to begin in the middle (as


a tale).

Sese-u , v. to make a smell, (euphem .

Sēzēfaga, s. a species of banana. Siisii , s. a method of taking fish .


Siisiiloto , v . to seek a disproportion

Sesega , v. to be dim , to be ob Į ate marriage (as an old man seek

scued ; pers. segaia . S

E Ti

ing a young girl).

" plural of seni. Siisiitama , s. property given on oc s . the name oi a fresti.water casion of a woman 's first confine ment.

Susele , ?. to cut off (as a strip of Siisiitolela , see SusiloTO . sinpo , & C.) Sescu . v . to comb the hair with the haud .

Sesema, .. t'ir Portuguese man -of W !r.

Seseptd, ". }. nlof sepu. Sētc

ir ..

Seio ?, a city

sut species of sê.

Siitā , v . to raise the arms to strike a blow in club matches ; to lift all together ; to bring property all together.

Siitaʻi, v. to make larger than ne cessary ; to exaggerate . Siitaga, s. a lifting ; the party lift ing . redup . si'osi'o .

pathy to those ! Sio, v. to surround ; pass . si'omia ;

ir pair Oil : as, Uu setoa mu Catcm . Setu , v . io limp ; redup , setusetu .

Sioiaita , a salutation . See Talofa .

Sevaa, s. one kind of sē.

Si'u , s. the extremity, the end , the

Si-u , s. the name of a fish .

Seve, s. such-a one : as, Pai ma

corner (as of the eve , mouth , a

Lajai min Tuima Seve. Si, o . litle ; (a diminutive particle

wave , & c .) ; the refuse of turme ric .

often cspressing endearment; as, Siruaau , s. an extremity of the reef. Si ana ííma ). Sifuava , s. one point or outer extre

Sia , pron . ibis.

į mity of an opening in the reef.




Siufofoga, s. a chief's voice. Silo, s. the entrails of the shark . Si-uşalır, s. the extremity of a wave. Sina, art. a , (a diminutive ). Si-ugutu , s. a corner of the mouth . Sina, s. a gourd . Si'umanunu, s. the name of a fish . Sina , a . some. See MALAMATAFUAA . Sina, a . white ; pl. sisina ; Si'umata , s. the outer corner of the sinasina . Sipa, a . grey (of the head ). eye.


Si'umuti, s. the name of the lalafi | Sinā'aiuga, ul. greyheaded from eat ing the uga . when full grown . Sifusióli, s. the point (as of a knile, Sinasi, pron. that (of a more distant sword , & c.); the extremity (as of object than siasi ). Sinei, pron . this. ital, leat, bambo' , & c.) Si-utea , s. one kind of the ii plant. Sini, s. the goal in racing, and in a game. Sigano , s. ibe fruit of the fulu . Sinio , v . to race. Sigo, see AusIGO.

Sia, s. an extr mity of a rainbow . Sila , v . to be ashained : Ua silu le leii tugalu .

Sila -ilagi, s. an ulcer in the back .

Sila 'ilalo , s. piles.

Sinioga , s. a race. Sinoi, v . to find fault with another's I conduct while doing the same I himself.


Sipa , s. the name of a fish .

Si'afaga, s. a chief's viewing , or | Sipa , v . to be awry , to incline to sight. one side ; to make a mistake in Silala, v. passive of sisilu . I speaking .

Silagitaifale , v . to view the wind Sisi, s. the freshwater winkle ; a fissure or hole from which water

and weather of the price. Silata 'imatagi, s. the sila which

trickles ; streams in the sand at

brings wind ; a chief who causes

low water ; the two liard eyes in


the cocoanut.

Sili, a . principal, best, highest .

Sisi, pron. that. Sili, v. to lodge in , to stick in (as Sisi, v. u . to hoist up, to draw up . Sisi, v . to trickle down . anything behind the ear). Sili, v. to inquire, to ask ; pass. si Sisī, v. to make a hissing noise (as lia . green wood in the fire ). Sisii, v. to lift ; to make great, to Sili, udv. exceedingly . Silia , v . to let pass , to pass over ; make oneself great : as, A sisii, (mostly used with a negative ). in answer to a person comparing Silifa 'i, v . a . to go beyond (as troops

a small thing to a large ; to be

making a detourand thusturning

proud without cause ; to use abu sive language in a haughty man

the flank of the enemy). . Siliga, s. the place to stick in the


Sisii, v . to make a fringe; also the

fly fishhook .

Siliga, v. to have got beyond the

plural of sii.

proper or expected time ; to be Sisi'o , 1 . to circumvent.

Sisifo , s. west. 100 late, past, gone by. Siligātanaua, v. to be too old to Sisila , v . to look (of chiefs ); pass. sila fia ; redup. silasila ; recipr. fe

bear children .

Silitonu, v . to ascertain correctly. I


Silivale, v. to grumble ; to rebel. Sisila , s. the fixing of the eye in See also TAGIVALE.


death : Ua tu le sisilu .




Sisili, s. a turmeric maker.

Soesoe, s. young taro shoots.

Sisili, v . to be spread abroad (as the Soi, s. a species of yam . water from a watercourse ) ; to Soʻi, v . to swarm (as mice , men ,

shoot, to dart (as pain from one & c. ); redup. so‘iso ‘i. | Soia , interj. enough ! desist ! let it Sisiloaloa , s. a species of the sisi. Į be ! part of the body to another ).

Sisina, v. to drop down, to run ; Soiʻula , s. one kind of soi. pass. sinaia ; redup . sinasina. Soifua , s. life (of chiefs). Sisitanoa , 1 s. species of sisi . Soifua, v. to live (of chiefs ). Sisitui S. SP Soifua, interj . bless you ! may yoti Sisivao , s. a snail. Siva , s. a song.

live ! an ejaculation to one suez ing .

Siva, v. to dance ; redup. sivasiva. Soisina, s. one kid of soi. Siva ' ofe , s. a bamboo flute .

Soʻiso ‘i, see Soʻl.

So, a. either, one of, so latou, any Soisoi, ( v. to laugh (to a chief). one of them . Soisoitua Soa , s . a companion , a second ; one Sao , a . any : as, soo se luuu.

who procures a wife for another ; Soo , v . to encircle , to surround ; to a dance with song .

So‘a,s. a method of fishing by night;

join ; púss. sootia ; intens. S01


the brace of a house ; a gun . Soo, adv. frequently, continuedly , Soaa, s. themountain plantain . without intermission. Soa‘ai, v. to steal food to eat. Soo, v. to be pained , to be troubled : Soaaʻulu , 2 . varieties as, soo ma uu , & c. } s. of the soaa. | Sooga , s . property given to the fa Soaasē ' sº

So‘ai, v . to brace the house .

mily of the wife on fetching her

Soaigoa, s. names of young chiefs by which they are praised .

homeafter a separation ; perineum muliebre.

So‘aitū , v. to speak without show Soona, udv. at random , any how ; ing respect. very. Soāfafine, s. the female servant of a So‘osoʻo , v. to be joined in many lady.

places ; to be close together.

Soāmoemoe, s. the leaf just un - Sou , a. rough, foaming ; redup. folded .

Soani, a . four, (used on Savaii).

sousou .

Sou , pron. thy ( so ou ).

Soania , 1 . (from soa) , to be compa - Soóu , pron . my (so 0 -16 ) . nioned , to have a second or com - Soʻu , v. let me ( for seʻi oʻu ). panion . Soua, a. laboring in a cross sea ; Soʻaso ‘ a , v. to spear fish . beset with tongues , scolded on all Soasoa , see NAIXAI.

Suata , s . a stony tract of land . Soatau , s. a large canoe made from one tree.


Soufuna , s, a call to a woman . See FUNA .

Sofai, v. to break down ; to break

through (as troops); pass. sofaia . Soga , s. a shaver, a servant or at Soavaa, s . two or three canoes go- ! tendant peculiar to certain chiefs.

Soātau , s. an armour-bearer; a com 1 panion in arms.

Sogā , s. a plant from the bark of ing together. which nets and red shaggy mats Soesā , a. disagreeable , offensive,

annoying ; redup, soºsoesā .

are made.


Sogasogā,a .persevering (asin work ,



war for a time ; to forbid , as a

travelling party, troops, & c.,from Sogi, v. to rub noses , to salute ; pl. proceeding feasogi. Solo , s. a land slip . Sogisogi, v . to smell ; pass. sogitia . Solo , v. to slide away, to fall down Sogo, s. the fleshy end of the sil (as a wall); to pass along (as a dier crab ; a child 's penis. number of people in the road ). Sola , 1*. to run away, to escape, to Solo , adv. along , from place to fly away ; pl. sosola ; pass. sola- 1 place. tia ; redup. solasola . Solo , s. a song in praise of a chiet's Sola 'aga, s. a flight ; the party run lands, & c. ; a towel. ning away ; pl. sosolaaga. Solo , l. swiſt. Solaou , v. to run away home (as a | Soloa , passive of sosolo . woman running from her hus- | Soloa'i, v. to go along to a place (as anger, & c. )


troops to the seat ofwar ); to suc

ceed to a title or possession . Solasūlusūlu, v . to flee far away. Solataʻi, v. to abscond with , to carry Soloalofa , v. to pine after (as a child for its absent parent ). off. Solataga , s. a company of persons Soloatoa , v . to be all in a piece , to fleeing . have no break or join .

Solatia, s. a species of crab . See Soloi, s . a towel. PAALAUIFI.

Soloi, v. to wipe ; pass. soloia .

Solatia, v. to be avoided, to be de. Soloi, v. to throw down (as a wall); serted. to slide down (as a wall or a pile Sole, s. friend ! (a call to a man ). of stones) ; pass. soloia . Soloiluma, v. to improve. See SE. Soli, v. to tread upon , to trample Soloitua , v . to get worse, to deterio on ; pass. solia ; redup. sosoli, solisoli.

Soli aau , v. to beg seu implements

rate. Solofa, v. to slip down, to run downl,

to fall down.

of a village employed in seuga . Solofanua, s. a horse . Soli aitu , s. large gatherings of peo - Sololelei, v. to pass alony happily and without accident. ple for wrestling and games on removing a prohibition from places Solomua, v. to go ahead , to take the lead ; to be beforehand (as a made sacred to the gods. Soliga, s. native cloth given as pre :

sents by a virgin . Soliga -aau , s. a begging party seek

crop of breadfruit ).

Solomuli, v. to back the paddles, to pull backwards ; to be behind

irig scuga implements .

hand (as a crop of breadfruit ) ; to Solilemogamoga , v. to have a house i walk backwards; 10 go back . Solosolo , s. the name of a fish , (see warming by a poula . Solisoli, s. prostration ; putting the

USTUSI) ; a bandkerchiet.

soles of the chief's feet against Solosolo , v . to slip away (as the earth the palms of the hands and the


Solisoli, v. to tramp, to tread. Solisoli, v . to commence a taro plan - |

on the side of a hill).

Solosoloū , see LESOLOSOLOU . Solovī, s. a word shouted out on getting the victory.

Solovi, v . to slide down. tation . See LALA . Sulitī, r. to remain away from the ' Soma, see STMA.




Somo , s. the gun my secretion on I So ogo , 7 . to smell of urine.

diieased eyes in the morning .

So: oli, v. to triad 011 ; to eat ubings

Son oa, v. to have the eyes aggluti

which were representatives of the


pated .

· Somosomo, s. a small sprout. Sosolo, v. to runi, to spread (as li Sona, pron . his , her 's (so ona ). quids, as fat wlien melting , or as Soni, v. to chop ; redup. sonisoni. creepingplants); to act cowardly ; pass. soloa . Soni, s. a water bottle . Sope, s. a lock of hair left longer Sosoni, s. a cutting blow jo à club match. than the rest.

Sopo, v. to step over ; to pass over; Sosoni, v. to chop ; to notch.

pl. sosopo ; redup.soposopo ; re- Su, a . wet ; waxy (as taro); pl. susū ; dimin. sūsū .

cipr. fesopoa 'i. Sopoaga, s. a stip .

Sua, v. to plough up , to grub up

Sopolagi, v. to pass over the hea

(as the soil) ; to toss as a buil ;

vens, (applied to the morning star

pass. suatia .

when seen in the evening ; and Sua, s. cooked food (especially as . looked upon as a sign of death to prepared for the sick ): juice or liquid of any kind, as suū susu , the family of Pera ). Sopoliu , v . to trausgress the laws of

milk .

bonito 'fishing by stepping over Sua, v. to contain liquid (as a bot 1 the canoe. Soposopo, v. to pass over ; to trans. i gress ; to raise the feet in walking

tle ) ; to discharge matier (as an abscess) ; to tack (of a boat or it ship ) ; pl. susua .

so as to leave but a small trail ; ! Sua, v. to jest, to joke ; pl. susua , to marry or approach to a rela - Suaalanaʻi, v. for one chief or his tion . followers to speak against another Soposopololoa ,v . to take long steps ; chief to the lady to whom he is to male long stages in a journey . I paying addresses. Sootofaga, s. adultery with a chief's . Suauu , s . oil. wife. Suala, s. the pane (of chiefs).

Sopovale , 2. to pass over unceremo Suaga, s. the lacking of a ship ; the rooting of a pig ; jesting :

n 'ousiy ; to use bad words to a

Suage, s. a male friend of a woman


Sosia , s. riches or property spread (with the idea of illicet inter out to view . course ). Soso, v . to move along ; to draw Sualua , n . brackish . near (with mui) ; to move ofi Suamalie , a ,' sweet. Suamua, v. to be first (with atu ).

in speaking,

fighting, & c. ; redup . suasuamua . Suamuli, v. to be last in speiking , again (as bulbous roots. Siso, v. to turn from side to side , to fighting , & c. ; redup. suasua Soso, v. to decay before growing i

be restless (as in a fever ) ; redup. sosososo .

Sosoa, v. to dance accompanied by siuging

Soso‘a, v. to spear ; to husk nuts. Sosco , v . to join together, to write

together ; to reconcile .


Suasua, v. to root up, to turn up

the ground (as a pig does ). Suasuai, I v. to work hard for others Suasuo į (as a man in the wife's family , or vice versa ). | Suāsusi , s. mülk .


Suataga, s. a tack of the ship ; the

183 SUL shall furnislı pigs for a travelling

paity ); to scold on account of a rooting of a pig Suati, s. an outrigger on the right small contribution ; pl. susufi ; side of a ca: oe, to keep the ma pass. sufia ; redup. sufisufi. from being submerged whev sail Sugale, s. a species of taro ; the ing.

name of a hisi .

Suati, v. to spit out ; to throw out ! Sugaleónia , Sugalegasufi , rubbish ; lo use bad language

s. the diff-rent

the fish Slāvai, s. water ; food (so called Sugalemata paogo, kindsof called sugale . before chiefs ). Sugalepagota Sue, s. a fish, (sometimes poiscin Sugalu , s. taro left till over ripe ; ous). an old pigeon ; the fishing by seu , Sue, v. to project (as the belly of a ( a term of respect ) ; an old per pig or a fat person ) ; redup. sue son who is still good -looking ; an od arrow taken great care of ; applied also to some other things pass. suéta ; redup. suresuře . which are old and good. Su'e, v. to renew the cin «t fasten - Sugaluaualuma, s. the refusal of sue.

· Sure, v . to search , to examine ;

proposals of marriage. Sugalufaiva, s. a term of respect for Su'esu 'enga , v. to search diligently. all faiva , as pigeon -catching , to lugs of a canoe.

Su'esure , see suSU ' E .

Sui, v. 10 dilute ; to add fresh in - ' logå, & c. gredients to a batch of oil ; re- | Sugaluvai, s. the ififi found in the water ; a good looking man . Sui, s. a substitute. Sula , v. to praise on account of dup, suisui.

Sui, v . 10 substitute ; to be a sub stitute ; recipr. fesuia 'i, to ex change.

Su'i, s. a young cocoanut, having

riches , buauty , & c . ; redup. sula sula.

Sula 'ese , v. for others to praise us and not one's own self or imme

oniy water and 110 kernel.

diate relatious ; pass. sula 'esea . Su'i, v. to do needlework ; to thread Sulali, s. the name of a shellfish .

on a string (as beads, & c. ); to Sulasula , s. one species of the ba nana . twist the sugarcane leaf on to a cane (as in making thatch ). Suli, s. a young banana ; the true son of a chief. Suilapalapa, s. the hips. Suilu , v . to exchange standing (as Sulisuli, s. a species of starfish . the girdle of leaves ); to exchange Sulu , s. a torchi ; dry leaves of puo

a roitew post in a house ; to take

yo ; fiyur, the tye ; the true son

a substitute off hand ; to take the

of a chief, (used ou Savali instead

of suli ) ; a south -westerly wind ; father 's place. a yellowish fly- fishhook . Suo, v. to fall with the lead boring Sulu , 1. to light by a to .ch ; pass. into the ground . suluia ; pl susu 'u . Suogea , v. to beg food aſter having Sulu , 1. to ihrust into ; to fasten on (as the native wrpper); to plunge alieady got abundance. Suo, s. a spade .

Suosuo , see SUASCAT.

into (as à l'article in the Wales ;

Sufi, s. the name of one kind of

to take refuge in ; to tan peja priy to the family of a dead chiif;

song :

Sufi, i to choose , to select (as who : pl. susulu .




Sului, see LAUSULUI, Sulufa‘i, . to take refuge with .

indicate that thewar is to be con fined to themselves.

Sunuga , s. a burning . Sulufa'iga , s. a refuge . Suluga , s. property given after a Sunusunu , s. the burnt bush where chief s death by those of his con - ' a plantation is made.

nections living at a distance. See FOTUGA. Sulugātiti, s. the place where the titi is fastened ; the loins. Suluma‘i, v. to thrust or push through . Suluma ia, v . applied to a boat or

Supa, s. paralysis. Supa, v. to be palsied ; pl. susupa. Susu, s. the breast ; the dug or teat of animals . Susu, v. to suck the breast ; pl. fe susui. Susū, a . plural of su .

canoe whose bow is buried in the Susū , v. to come (with mai) ; to go

waves or surf, also to a person (with atu ); (only used to titled carried headlong into a cave, & c. 1 chiefs). by the surf, and one who falls Sūsū , u . a little wet ; a little waxy head foremost into a hole ; to die (as of taro ). having previously been healthy- Sūsū , v. to be pierced so nearly through that the point of the looking Sulumua , s . the pieces of tortoise - |

spear shows on the opposite side.

shell near the head of the tortoise. Susua , a . plural of suu . Sulumuli, s. the pieces of tortoise- | Susua , v . plural of sua .

shell near the tail.

Susuře, v . to lift up , to open , to un cover. look for something ; to persevere Susu'e, v. to be spring tide, ( so in . called because it lifts up the vines Sulusulua, a . ripe, full grown (as on the beach ). taro ). Susuối, v . to fasten on the taualuga ; Sumu, s. the name of a fish ; al to pierce a hole in a young cocoa

Sulusulu , v. take about a torch to

cluster of stars ; an ambassador

nut ; the plural of su 'i.

from the camp of the enemy pro - Susuʻia, v. to tingle, to smart (as the heel) ; supposed to be a sign voking to war. Sumu, v. to tie on as the ridgepole ; that some one is speaking ill of to enter (as a spear into the body ),

the person .

Susuga, s. the speech of a titled

Suni, s. the name of a tree from 1 chief. which garlands are made ; the | Susugā , a . having little milk . piece of tutuga used as a sponge Susulu , v . to shine (as the moon , to take up the scented oil as it fire, & c .) ; to be handsome; to forms. plunge under (as a canoe in the

Suni, v. to polish the tita ; redup. I waves) ; to be good-looking but a sunisuni. cripple ; pass. suluia ; also the Sunisuni, s. thename of a shellfish . plural of sulu. Sunuri, v. to thrust in (as a stick | Susunu, v. to burn up ; pass. sunua into the ground ).

and susunuina.

Sunuřilauniu , v . to insert a cocoanut Sūsūtau, a . strong for war.

leaf into the boundary on each Sūtulia , v. to be frightened by being side of two contending parti .s, to constantly beaten .




Taafua, s. a detached clanıfish ; also called tuuinoa .

Tā‘aga, s. a shoal ; a herd . Taalaelae, s. a wide or bald fore The thirteenth letter in the Samoan al head ; a beardless chin ; spec. phabet. It is pronounced as in En glish .

TA, s. a stroke, a blow . Tă , pron . 1.

Ta, pron. wetwo, (abbreviated from tāuz).

Ta, v . to strike ; to reprove ; to cut down (as a tree) ; to tatoo ; to

pudend. muliebre depile.

Taalaelae, a . open (as the country without trees). Taalao, v. to finish up (as any job

of work). Taale , s. ihe soft inside of thetop of a cocoanut tree ; the head, (a term of abuse).

open a vein ; to beat time to a Taaligoliyoa, a. quiet, still. Taalili, a . resounding, sonorous. sault . Taalili, v. to resound ; to come in crowds. Ta , a prefix to verbs expressing re night dance ; to jump a somer

peated action , as tatu 'u , & c .; also | Taalise , adv. quickly . applied to the plurality of things. Taalise , v. to be quick ; pl. taalilise .

Ta e, s. child ! (a call to a child ). Taalo , v. to play, to sport ; to dally Taā, s. a small fishing line for paula . Taa , s. the party who go to a wo- | Taaloga , s. play, sport ; dalliance. man's family to carry proposals of Taalolo , s. the taking of food to vi marriage from their chief ; the sitors by several villages at once. food taken on such occasions as a present.

Taalolo , v . to go in crowds. Taaloto , s. a small inclosure for pigs.

Taa, v. to go at large, as animals | Taaloto , v. to put pigs into an in and fish ; pl. tataa ; redup. taa closure. taa. Taamala , , v. to go about with a Taa, v. to commit fornication .

Taamalaia ſ mala impending .

Taai, v. to wird round ; redup . taa . | Taamanuia , v. to go about attended taai. by prosperity. Taai, see ‘AFATAAI. Taamilo , v. to go round about; re

Taa‘ina, v. to be gathered together dup . taamilomilo . (as the gravel by the waves) ; to Taamu, s. the nameof a plant,(arum be drawn in , to be induced ; to costatum ). Taaneva , s. the name of a fish ; a stagger under a heavy load . man wandering about friendless. Taaivai, s. iron hoop ; (corrupted | Taani' o , v. to go round about in into tāirai). Ta ‘au , v . to strike the handle of the speaking. paddle against the gunwale in Tainoa , s . an animal that is weaned . | Taanoa , s. a detached clamtish ; a pulling.

Taalalu , see TUATAAFALU.

Ta‘afi, s. rags of siapo ; redup. ta 'ali'afi. Taafili, v. to roll ; to wallow ; to struggle with ; pl. taa fi6li.

man or woman whose husband or

wife is dead or gone away. | Taanoa , v. to be at liberty (as an

unmarried man orwoman); redup , taataanoa .

Taafiti, v. to struggle about, to be Taanuu , 2. to wander from land to

restless ; redup . taa fitinti.


TAI TAA Taape, 1. to be dispeised , to be Taea, i. to be reached , to reach to . 136

scattered ; redup. Lap ape. Tai capopara, t. ti be dad , (ap .

plied to some bigli chiets ). Taasë, s. a wanderer , an alien , (a term of reproach ):

: Taeao S. the morning ; tomorrow . Ta‘ei, v . to break to pieces.

Taei'a, s. the rich part of the fa uusi.

Taasē, i. to wander from home.

Ta 'eililii, v . to break up small. Ta 'zina , v . to be forbidden , to be

Taasi, v . to cut sandalwood. Taataa, s. a species of grass . Taataa , a . strong .

Tā'eu , v. to scratch the ground (as

Taatuaaleala , u . well known ; com mon , ordinary

Taataaaleala , v. to be a prostitute.

driven away.

a fowl); to rake away (as rub b 'sh ) .

Ta‘egaipu, s. a sherd . Ta'ele , s. tle keel ; the bottom of

Tàataanoa, see TAANOA.

a box, pail, & c., & c. ; a red

Taataatoatasi, v. to go about alone.

shaggy mat.

Taitasi, s, a pig belonging to the Ta‘ele, v. to bathe; to open a dead whole village. body ; pl. ta 'e 'ele ; pass. taʻelea . Taatia , v. to be prostrate , to be ly Tāelelă , interj . how hot is the suu ! | Ta'eleto , u . deep keeled . ing down ; pl taatitia.

Taatiu, v. to die (applied only to Ta‘eletoto , v . to be bathed in blood (as from wounds). chiefs styled Tagaloa ). Taatua , v . to sit apart from the Ta‘elepolapola , a . flat-boitomed . chiefs ; to be confined to a few | Taemanu , s. a species of breadfruit ; (as a tale not generally kuown ). a species of banana . Taatuuimalae , s. food given in the Tăemo, v . to wink repeatedly .

mulae as an offer of marriage.

Taatū uo , v. to be about to separate

Taena'i, v. to gather together (as fish , food , property ).

(as friends who have been sitting Ta‘enu'enu, see TA‘INOʻINO. together in the dusk ) Taepu , v. pedere.

Ta‘ esea, v. to be blown off by the wind . Taavao, v. to wander in the bush ; | Tāetaen see TAE. Ta-eta e, see Ta‘E . to take to the bush . Taavaoga, s. a wandering in the Taetaepalolo , s. mildew . bush . Taetaepaloloa, v. to be mildewed. Taatulalo , v. to rumble (as thun der ).

Taavale , v. to roll ; pl. taavavale ; | Taetafe, s. rubbish brought down by redup. taavalevale .


Taavula , a . very fat (as men and Ta‘ctu , v. to limp ; redup. ta 'etu 'etu . pigs).

Taavulavula , a. fat (as children and | Taetuli, s. a species of glowworm . young pigs ). Tae', s. excrement, fæces.

Tãe, v. to gather up rubbish ; pl. tatae ; redup . taetae .

Tai, s. the sea ; the tide ; pl. tai ; a number : as, se tai liinu, (only

in expressing inability or unwil lingness to do anything').

Ta'e, v. to be cracked ; to be bro | Tai, s. the heart ofa tree. hen ; pl. lata 'e und taóei; rudup . Tai, adı, nearly. See Tali. ta 'eta 'e . Ta'i, s. themotler yaw . Ta'e', s. the top of a cocoanut bro - | Ta‘i, a distributive particle prefixed hen for drinking

to numerals ,meaning each .

TAI Ta'i, v. to attend to the fire , to keep up the flame; to lead a troop .



Tailo , v . I don't know , (from ta te le iloa ).

Taia , v. to be mature , to be fit to Taimalie , s. a piece of good fortune. be cut (as trees ) ; to be it to be Taimalie, 2. to come opportunely . See TAIGALEMU , tatooed ; also passive of ta.

Taia'e, v. to be shallow Ta 'i-au , v. to lead a troop .

Talafiati, s, an evening low tide.

Ta'imua , s. a leader, one who goes a little ahead to lead the way. Ta‘ina, see TAAʻINA.

Tainamu , v . a musquito curtain . Taiala , see TƯUIAL ). Taiatulu , s. the part of the timber Tainito , s. the gums.

between the white and red . Ta‘ino ‘ino, interj . I hate ! Tā'i'i, s. the elephantiasis of an old i Ta'ipisa, v. to walk along singing person .

and shouting.

Tā iʻia , v. to have elephantiasis ; to Taipupū , s. an ironbound coast. be abused . Taisi, v. to smite , to beat ; to break Tailela , v. to fish while the sun is up (as firewood )

high .

s. lochia . Tai'itama, Ta‘ióo, s. the name of a sea bird .

Tā 'isi, s . vegetables cooked in leaves.

Taisina , s. the white heart of wood . Taisusu “ e, s . spring tide. Taitaeao, s. a morning low tide.

Taicauli, s. a noon low tide. Taiulu , s. a yam top, kept for plant | Taʻitaʻi, s. anything carried in the ing .

hand .

Taifa ‘i, s. a row of a bunch of ba- Ta itaʻi, v. to lead . nanas . | Taitai, see LETAITAI. Ta 'ifau , s. a dog, (so called before Taitajipo !!PO ,, { "s.. the name of a tree. chiets ). See MAILE . Taitajipu Taitairono, a . brackish . Taifeite, s. flood-tide. Ta 'igāati , s. the hearth , the fire- Taitafola , v. to have a smooth sandy place. See AVAGALAFO . 1 bottom inside the reef.

Taigalemu, 1 v. to be just in time, ' Ta‘itasi, ir. each . Taiganalie

to come opportunely. Taitetele , s. flood tide. Taiietele , s. large gatherings ofpeo ple ; applied also to personis weil Tailela , see TallLELA . See PAGAMALIE .

Tailclagi, v. to be exalted (as the children of a niean parent through

known as being brave , or hand

some, or as guod speakers able to

answer a seech at a great fono : the superior rank of the other pa ås, O le tugutu o le täiietele. rent). Tailelei, v . to bave deep water with : | Taitna , s. a backhandi d blow . Täitua, v. to be degraded (as the in the reel.

Taileleia , v. to be prosperous, to be well ted on a journey.

children of a chief or lady who has married beneath his or her

Tailelua, v. to be sick , to vomit. stat on ). Taili, v . to fan (as a tire ) ; to blow Taivai, sce TAAVAI. (as the wind ); to send about a Taiiale , s. a shallow place within chuld continually on messages ; the reet; a fulling or low tide.

redup. tailili.

Taivaled, v. 10 beuprosperous ; to

Ta‘ili, u . siony , gravelly (especially be not well fod on a journey . when coming to tony soil in dig . Tao , 2 . to bake ; pl. tittao ; puss.

ging ) ; redup ta 'ili ili.

taod iind luoma.




ma ia ; (only used in tlie second and third persons).

Tao, s. a spear.

Tao'ave, s. a cocoanut tree very

Tau , a prefix to verbs, denoting in

productive .

Tao‘ofu , s. a waistcoat ; a shawl.

tensity , or continued action ; and

Taofi, v. to retain ; to hold to (as

sometimes united with fui, form

an opinion ) ; to hold on ; pass. ing the plural, as taufuitnyi. | Tau, a prefix deroting that which taofia ; redup, taofiofi. Taofono, v. to cook food the day belongs to , or has respect to : as, before wanted . tala tuualii, reports concerning chiefs. " Ta‘oti , v . to wash clothes .

Taogasea , v. speared by accident. Tau , adv. only . Taoleoleo,.s. a lance, a spear not | Tāu , v. to press out (as juice) : as, tāu susu , to milk ; redup. tatau .

thrown .

Taoma'i, v. to press down with . Taomaga, s. things pressed .

| Ta‘u , v. to tell, to mention ; pl. ta taʻu ; ta'ua and taʻuina ; redup .

Taomea, s. food , & c. taken in order

taʻutaʻu. Taua , s. a war, a fight.

to beg a pig .

Taomi, v. to press down by weight Ta‘ua, a . talked about,well known, famed . or by force ; redup . taotao. Taona'i, v. to bake food the day be- | Tāua, a . precious, valuable .

fore giving it. Ta'osi, v. to scratch . Taoso, v. to prepare for a journey.

Taūa , pron . we two.

Tauaʻi, v. to be wounded slightly , vot in a dangerous part .

Taosoga, s. the preparing for a jour- Tauaʻi'upu, v. to fight with words, to quarrel with abusive language .

ney .

Taotao, s. the name of a fish . | Tauaʻifusu, v. to box, to fight with Taotao, v. to press down (as by U fists. weights ).

| Taua‘imisa , v. to quarrel.

Taotaoama, s. the name of a fish .

Taua‘iveeveen , see Pisao . Ta'u 'au S. the shoulder.

. Ta‘oto, v. to lie down ; pl. taʻoʻoto ; Tau'an , 2 s.

diinin . taʻotoʻoto . Tau , s . leaves used to cover in the Tau 'aʻu , s . the tapui which impre

native oven of food ; a year ; a

cates death by the 'a 'u .

season ; a price ; something to Tauāu, v. to tend towards, to be on sell. the decline, to be on the increase . Tau, a sign of the plural, applied to Tauaga, s. a press, a strainer. birds, le tau manu. Tauagafau , s. mild conduct ; kind Tau, a. fixed (as coloring in cloth ). ness. See AGAMALU.

Tau , v. to fight; pl. tatau ; pass. / Tauagavale, a . the leít. taulia . | Tauala , v. to luff; to watch by the Tau , v. to arrive at, to end at ; to

fit in ; to hit or strike against ; to be anchored ; to buy ; to pluck ! fruit with the hand ; to be swol-

sick at night.

Tau ‘alalia , v. to make attempts ; to attempt to go ; to feign as though about to strike.

len uniformly (as in confirmed Tauālo , v. to row or paddle , to con tinue to paddle . elephantiasis). Tau, i expressive of sympathy with Taualoa, 1. to be treated with re another's pain or trouble: as, tau spect,




Taualoga, s. the paddling of a boat | Tau'ave, v. to bear about. or canoe.

Tauemu, v. to mock , to ridicule, to

Taualuga, s. the covering of the

jeer. ridge of a house ; a cock 's comb. | Tauemuga, s. mocking , ridicule . Taualuga, v . to raise the hands in Tauene, 2 . to stretch up the hand

holding the club ; to be victori ous. Tāwaluga, s. a flag, a pennant. Taualasa , v. to desire earnestly , es- |

and not to be able to reach ; to long for, to desire and not beable to obtain .

Taui, s. a reward , a payment. Taui, v. to reward , to repay, to re

pecially in regard to the sexes.

venge. Ta ‘ū ‘i, v . to entreat for assistance ; Tauamo, v . to carry about a dead to entreat (as a woman to con chief; to find fault with an absent sent to be his wife). person, as if they were carrying | Ta ‘ui, s . a burdle. hiin about dead . Taujā , see LETAUIA .

Tauama, s . the name of ove rope of a canoe.

Tauamoga , s. the carrying about of Ta‘ui'ui, s. a small parcel. Tauiao , s . confusion (as from all

a dead chief ; the bearers of the hier.

talking together).

Tau‘amu, v. to chop or adze off the | Tauiama, s. the nameof one rope of end of a beam when a little too the sailing canoe. long ; redup. tau´amu'amu. Tauiama, v. to be on the left side of Tauānau , v. to be urgent, to be im a canoe (as a tishlook ). Taui ma sui, v . to revenge .


Tauănau, v. to use provoking words Tauitua, see TaiTUA. after being worsted . . Tauivi, v . to work with all the Tauanave, s. the name of a tree.


strength ; to wrestle ; pl. tāuivi.

Tauapaʻi, v. to be involved with an - Ta‘uo , s. the name of a fish .

other in some foolish act. Tau-uía, s. a temporary fastening used in building . Tau-apatotolo, v. to begin to try to crawl. Tauufi, s. a yam plantation . Tauape, v . to endeavour to raise the Tauʻulu , s. a method of tishing. skin over an abscess so as to let | Tau - upega , s. the owuer of a net out the matter ; to aim at casting | under the care of a fisherman . the spear so as to liſt and loosen | Tau upu , s. the waist, the loins. the tausulu in the game of to - | Tau-uta , s. a landsman .

Tau uta , v. to take a canoe load of loga . Tau“apoʻapo, v. to adjust a bad / taro. wrapper so as to cover the body. Tau utaga , s. a carrying of taro in Tauaso, s. a blind man.

Tāuaso , v. to be blind .

Tau‘aso, v. to put up the aso of a house .

a canoe.

Tau -uto , v. to gather up a net by

taking hold of the uto. Taufa , s. water (to chiefs) .

Tauatuatugia ,a. to beof no import | Taufaalalo , v . intensive of faalalo . Taufaasala , v . to endeavour to bring ance. Tauava, s. pilots through a boat under punishment or fine without opening .

Tau'ava , 1. to strain the ‘ava. Tauāvale , see TAUAPAʻI.

cause ; to accuse falsely.

Taufaasua , v. to beat to wind ward . Taufai, a prefix to some verbs to




form an intensive plural : as, tou | Taufoloniu , s. taufolo made with Cocoanut. fritayi, to cry. Tanfaititili, s. the rapui imprecating Taufolosami, s. taufoló made with salt water. death by thunder. Taulao , v . to scramole for, to take Taufota , see Fota. from one another by force . Taufau , v. to lash together ; to ex -

Tāufua , v . to return from fishing without any fish .


Taufuifui, v. to bear fruit in clusters. Tantala , v . to push apart so as to | Taufulufulu , a . bairy . widen ( as the bushes growing over | Taufusi, swamp. a road , orthe interstices of a basket | Taufusiga / s.s. aa swamp. so as to be able to abstract some- | Taufutifuti, v. to beg continually ;

to continue to be troublesome af ter the other party has given up

tning ).

Tanfāla 'oina, ( . having water at the root as a vam ) .

and apologized .

Tantale , s. th entrails (to chiefs).

Tang , s. the basket of provisions

Täufale, v. for one to sit with the

reserved for the vext meal ; food

carpenters while at work on his

taken to a female as proposals


either of marriage or concubin age .

Taufäluga, s. a branch of a tree

hanging over a plantation ; gene- Tāugā, v. to do as he likes, to act rally a branch . Taufanua, v . to be from off the land (as a wind ).

perversely ; to waste , to neglect : as, Ua tăugū le malü .

Taugā , v . to be speared in a mortal part ; to be pained with words. mountains inland , and gradually Tauga, s. a fighting, as taugā moa .

Taufānuu , s. clouds rising from the

spreading towards the sea, during | Tāugaitu , v. to be independent, to the middle of the day. act independently. Taufatu , v. to tie on a stone as a Taugauli, a . dirty, black, unwashed . weight to the fishhook . Taugalatulatu, s. the chattering of


s. stones collected to-

latulatu ; the noise ofmany talk

Taufatuati gether inside the reef ing all together. to form a harbor for fish . | Taugalemu, see PAGAMALIE. Taufetuli, v. pl. to run . Taugaloloa, s. a long girdle ofleaves ; Taufi , v. to cover in the native oven a burthen hanging low . with leaves.

Taugamalie , see PAGAMALIE.

Taufiloga, s. the making of twine | Taugatā , a . high-priced , difficult to buy . for nets. Taufoe , s. the fastening of the steer - | Taugatā , a . difficult to deal with ; striking hard bargains. ing paddle . Taufoe, v. to tie the end of the pi | Taugatāma‘i, v. to come inoppor

geon 's string to the seu house ; to Taugavale . tunely . Taugavale, see TAITUA . Taufoegatā, a . disobedient. Taugofie , a. easily purchased ; low Taufofő , . to persuade, to entreat, ' priced . warn , to exhort.

(with particular reference to a Tāugofie , a , easy to deal with . quarrel or when one is angry ). Taula , s. an anchor. Tautolo , s . a native dish of bread . ; Tāula , s. the keeper or feeder of a fruit and cocoannt.


clief's dog.

TAUM TAUL 191 Taula , v. to be brought to abun | Tauleʻale'a , s. a young man ; pl. dantly (as food and property con į taulele'a . tinually brought to a chief). . Ta‘uleagaina , n . of bad report. Taulā, s. a sailing canoe. Ta'uleia , s. ihename of a fish ; (the Taula ‘i, v. to anchor with ; to an - l emblem of Safostulatai). chor to ; to hang up with ; to Ta‘uleleia, al of good report. hang on to (as anger, hope, & c .)

Taulait! , s, a priest of the aitu ; a doctor .

Taulaga, s. a sacred offering ; an

Tauli, . dirty , unscraped (as taro

baked with the skin on ).

Tāulia, 2. to be dirty ; to be found fault with .

| Taulia , v . (passive of tau ) , to be anchorage. Taulaga , s. the roost of the vampire ! fought (as a battle ) ; to be en gaged (as troops in a fight); to bat ; a place where fishes congre contend for the privilege of speak gate . Taulaga , v. to endeavor to raise (as ing ; to be lodged in (as a spear a swamped canoe, or a conquered in the body) ; to be interrupted (as a fono ) ; to be bought. party ). Tailagāi'a, s. a place frequented by | Taulo ‘li, s. the name of a plant. fish . | Tauloto , v . to desire . Taulagape'a, s. a tree frequented by Tanloʻoaʻiga, / s. the middle , the Tauotoga the vampire bat. half way. Taulu , v. to be in great pain . Taulagi, see TAILELAGI.

Taulagi, v . to sing a song adapted | Taulua, s. a couple growing toge to the dancing ; to make an ap - ' ther in a cluster (as fruit ); a cou

ple hung together (as water bot tles ). Taulagilagi, v. to put in mind (as | Taulua, s. a pair (as two children those dividing out food , of some equally praised , or two canoes visitors present, or a speaker of anchored together, or two dogs fed by one man ). something to be said ). Taulalo , s. a crouching action in Tauluuluola , a . umbrageous, flou rishing ; abounding (as in peo dancing ; a pig 's cheek ; a low place in a rock or hill; a promp ple ). ter to a speaker, or to one distri- Taululautī, s. a top of the ti plant used as an emblem of a message buting lva . propriate speech .

Taulagi, s. a chief's blindness.

Taulalo , v . to let the hands drop down in a club match ; to be con | quered ; to intercede. Taulalo , v . to hang low ( as fruit ). I Taulaloese , v . to taulalo out of time į in dancing ; to speak against. | Taulani, s . a small canoe taken in

of peace . Taumaa , see TAUFATU . Taumau , v. to continue, to remain firm , to persist in . Taumaūnu, v . to bait ; to entice. Taumafa , a . plenty, abundance . many .

a large sailing canoe, or going in | Taumafa , v. to eat ; to drink (of

company with it to distant fishing chiefs) ; pl. taumamafa ; pass. taumafatia . Tāulata , v. to bang near the body Taumafai, v. to strive, to endea of the tree (as fruit ) ; to be near, vour. Taumafamua, s. the nameof a month to be at hand . (November). grounds.




Taumafataga, s. a meal. Tāupou, s. a virgin. Taumālaga , 2. to put a vessel more Taupola, see TAPOLA .

before the wind ; to endeavour to Taupua'i, v. to retch. raise (as a war, & c .)

Taupuga, s. a piece of coral hung to a tree as a tapui, imprecating

Taumālolo , v. to quiet down ; to

disease on a thief ; a large block of coral.

subside (as anger ).

Taumamao , v. to keep off, to keep

Tāupule , v. to be ornamented with

away from .

Tāumamao , v . to hang on an outshells . Taupulea , see FAALETAUPULEA. most bough ; to be far off.

Taumasina, s. the attendants on Taupuleʻcsea, v. to be privily con demned to death . Malietoa, whose duty it was 10 keep up the fire while he slept. Taupulega , s. the rulers of a land . Taumasuasua, a . full to overflowing. Taupulepule, v . to consult together. Toumata , s. a shade for the eyes. Taumatau , a . the right side .

Tausaga, s. a season ; a year. (It only embraces six months in a

native's counting ).

Taumatau, v. to avgle, to fish with

Tausala , s. a titled lady, a chief tainness ; the spear planted high in the cocoanut butt in the game

a hook.

Taumātau, v. to buy fishhooks. Taumate , v. to guess. Taume, s. the cover or sheath of the

of tologa .

cocoavut blossoms, used as a Tāusala , v. to go ahead of the troop. torch , Taumoa, s. a lever.

Tausama, v . to make a marriage feast. .

Taumua , s. the fore part of a canoe. | Tausamaaga, s. a marriage feast. Tausami, v . to eat, (a respectful Taumuli, s. the stern .

Taumuliā , v. to be baffling and un - / term ). certain (as the wind) . Tausamiga, s. a feast. Taumuliga , s. taro lately planted , Tausani, v . to sing ; to crow ; to

whistle (as birds in themorning).

(the opposite to matafai).

Taunonofo , v. to be a polygamist.

Tausea , see Taufoe . Tāunuu, v. to reach to , to arrive at; | Tauseagatā , a . disobedient. Tausi, v . to take care of ; to nurse ;

to come to pass.

Taupā, adv. seldom .

to observe, to keep (as a com

Taupao, v. to forbid .

mand ) ; redup. tausiusi ; puss.

Taupaū, v . to stumble as if falling. I tausia . Taupau, v. to count out in equal | Tāusi'usi“u , s. the top branches. Tāusióusióu , v . to hang on the top shares.

Taupaletuolelā , s. about nine in the

branches. Tāusi'usi“uga, s. the extremity of a


Taupanau , v . to persevere.

Taupati, v: to strive, to persevere. Taupe, v. to swing. Taupega, s. a swing . Taupi, v. to engage in certain games on the death of a chief. Taupiga , s. games and jesting on the death of a chief. Taupā, s. a night attack .

land ; the end of a speech . Tausili, v. to climb. Tausinio , v . to race . Tausinioga, s . a race .

| Tausisi, v. to strive after , to perse vere in ; to follow up, to hold on to (as a report, & c.) i Tausoa, s. a burden carried on a 1

stick by two.




Tausoa, v. to carry a burden be- Tāutatau, s. one who sits with the tatoo tween two.



Tausia , v. to joke, co jeer ; 10 en : | Taute , v. to eat, (only used to the deavor to raise (as by a lever). I highest chiefs). Tausuai, v. to stumble forward : Tautefatera , I also of the niind , lo be stumbled. Tautavateva ". Lo sta Tavsuavale , v . to jest using bad Tautī, v . to hang the water bottles

language. on to trees in order to catch raii.. water. Tautā , s. a long stick for driving Tāutima, v. to exhort . animals or fowls from the house . Tautinaʻava , L ., Tautā, v . to fish with a large net , Tautinatoa sºsee Tinatoa driving the fish into it by striking Tāutino, v. to hang near the body the water ; to keep back, to hold of the tree (as fruit). Taūta , s. a lardsman .

back by persuasion .

Ta‘utino, v. to declare plainly.

Tauta: iniu , s. a tapui imprecating Tautā , v . to take an oath , to swear. disease . | Tauto‘ai, v . to run against (as a Tautai, s . a seaman ; a fisherman ; 1 blind man does). Tautoo , v. to urge on a canoe with a steersman .

Tautau , v . to hang up ; pass . tau - 1 a pole ; to cut up dreadfruit for masi. tauina and tautaulia . Ta'uta 'u , s a squall. Tāutootoo, v . to walk with a stick Ta ‘utaʻu , v. to mention , to tell

(as a sick person ).

Tautaulaga , s. a hook to hang things | Tautoga, s. an oath . | Tautoma, see FETOMAʻI. | Tautomua, v . to come first. Taūtaga , s. a canoe carrying a load | Tautomuli, v . to come last. of taro . Tautonu , v. to come right, to come

on .

Tautafa , see Ta‘UTAʻu .

Tautagata , s. the people of an aitu ,

direct to a party .

(applied to a family). See Ai. Tautū, s. a large block of coral NAGA.

Tautagata , v . to count people in order to apportion out food .

in the sea ; the stick into which the pigeon 's perch is thrust ; the joining at the end ofthe planks of

Tāutagata , v . to find people athome; a canoe . to fall in with (as troops in war). | Tautu, s. the name of a fish . Tautala, v. to talk ; redup tautala Tautā, v. to attempt to stand ; to tala ; recipr. fetautalatala 'i ; pass.

tautalagia .

Tautalaga, s. the speech of a tula fale.

stand straight out (as aso which do not bend to the shape of the house ).

Tāutu , s. a method of fishing .

Tautalagia , v. to be spoken against. Tāutā, v. to keep themusquito cur tain hanging up ; to repeat the

Tautali, v. to follow after. Tautama, a. concerning chiefs.

same thing over and over again .

Tautapa , v. to shout the praises of Tautua , s. a servant ; the basket for

a chief and his bride. keeping fly-hshhooks in . Tautasi, v. to hang one alone (as a Tautua, v. to serve, to take care of. single nut); to be one alone (as Tautuao, v . to rise and pass over the egg or young pigeon , or an (as clouds). | Tautuataliya, v. to turn away the only child).

TAUT TAF 194 ear from hearing, to refuse to Tafailautolo , s. the edge of the su listen . garcane leaf ; a calm in themorn Tāutuʻi, v. to insinuate an impreca ing succeeded by wind. tion . Tafao, s. the fetid flower of the teve . Tautuu , v. to carry off , to clear off | Tafao , v. to walk about, to take a

(as a quantity of things taken in different lots).

Tautufala , s. the name of a fish .

walk ; pl. tafafao ; redup. tafa tafao . | Tafao , v. to perform an operation

Tautuluaga , s. the half, midway . Tāutupe, v . to take place.

I similar to circumcision , (euphem . for tefi) ; to hammer or strike the Taututa , v. to rebound (as an axe fao . . or spear from hard wood ). Tafaoata, s. the dawn. Tāuvaa , v . to sit with the carpenters Tafaoga, s. a walking about, a walk . who are building a canoe. Tafafā , a . four- sided .

Tāuvaa, s. the owner of a canoe un - | Tafāga , s. a bonito fishing canoe. der the care of a fisherman . | Tafaga, v. to be clear of trees ; to Tauvae , s. anklets.

smell of pork .

Tāuvae, v. to hang on to the feet Tāfagafaga, a . thrown open (as a house with all the pola drawn up) ; (as nuts picked by stealth , so as to prevent the noise of their fall - !

oven , clear (as a place in the bush


without trees); smelling of pork .

Tāuvai, s. the conductor over a tor- Tafagaloa , a . open , clear of trees ;

rentor to an inland lake . redup . tāfagaloloa. Tāuvao, s. hewho directs the seuga; | Tăfale, v. to go from house to house one who is accustomed to the on any business ; to commence bush . building after the wood has been Tauvale, v . to come inopportunely. I prepared in the bush , (of canoes Tāuvale , a. blind,(a respectful term ). / and houses). Ta‘uvalea, v. to be badly reported ; | Tafani, s. the name of a portion of the tatooing . to be wrongfully reported . Tauveve , s. an oven maker, a cook , | Tafani, v. to divide off pieces of food so as to leave the original (a term of reproach ).

Tafa , s. a gash , an incision ; the

joint 3mall.

Tafano, v. to make short stages on Tafa , v . to cut, to gash , to scarify ; ) a journey. Tafasi, v. to split open ; to break redup. tafatafa. side of a hill.

Tafa, v. to dawn ; pl. tatafa.

off (as branches); to lance (as the

Tafā , s. a battle field .


Tafā 'i, s. those privileged to sit on Tafatafa , s. the side. the right and left hand of a titled Tafatata , v. to cut in many places , chief. 1 to make many incisions in the Tafa‘ ia , v. to get before another in flesh. swimming in the surf ; to circum - Tafatafa 'ilagi, s. the horizon. vent another by getting his wife. | Tafata fao, see Tarao . Tafaifasia, , v. a word of apology Tafatafālauniu, s. a species of locust Tafaifesia when about to disagree found on cocoanuts. with a former speaker ; also when | Tafatasi, a , one-sided , united in one (as a title held by one) ; applied about to administer reproof. also to the heart, the government. Tafailautalo , see PusIGATALA .




Tafatö , s. a perpendicular steep, (as | Tāfitonunu, s. the chiefs at the head seen from above).

Tafatolu , s. the name of a weed . Tafatolu , a . three-sided .

of a nunu .

v. to break the edge (as ofa | Tafoa, tool).

Tafatū , s. a perpendicular steep | Tafoe, v. to cut paddles. Tafoʻi, v. to return . place, (as seen from below ). Tafatua, s. the back portion of a Tafola, v. to be shoal, to have a sandbank . fish . Tafatua-ese-ese , v . to be divided in | Tafolā , s. the whale . Tāfolo , s. a preparation of bread opinion).

Tafatuafaatasi, v. to be of onemind . Tafe, v. to flow , to run down ; pl.

fruit pounded ; (so called on Tu tuila instead of taufolo ).

tatafe ; pass. tafea ; dimin . tate- | Tafu , v. to make up the fire. tafe . Tafu, s. the god of fortune; fortune, Tafea , v. to be carried away (as by luck : as, o le tufu le mea . a flood ) ; to be banished . Tăfua , v . to beat a mat rolled up as Tafeaga , s . exiles in war. a drum preparatory to commenc

Tafefe, interj. I fear ! I am afraid !

ing the dance.

Tälega , s. a fresh , a flow of a river. Taſua, s. a common man , (an abu Tafelalomaa , v. to have a small sive term ). flow . Tafua , v. to cut timber without ask Tafetinoivai, v . to flow in the river ing permission . Tafue, s. a skipping rope. bed . Tafi, v . to brush , to sweep ; to | Tafue , v . to beat.

shave ; to pluck cocoanuts by Tafu 'e, s. the part of the tree just jerking or sweeping them off ; to

drive away .

above the ground .

Tafuefue, v. to be shaken by the

wind (as leaves of trees). Tatio , s. certain timbers of a large | Tafula ‘i, s. a large fire to burn rub . canoe ; the bones of a strong bish . man . Tafuli, v . to turn over (as a stone, Tafili, v. to fly the pigeon ; to go & c.) ; redup . tafulifuli.

Tafi, s . a razor.

about on many errands.

Tafulu , v . to work quickly .

Tafilitāimai, v. to keep near at Tafuna , s. a rocky place in the sea . hand.

Tafitafi, v. to sweep, to brush.

Tăfuna, v . to strike accidentally (as

in throwing a stone).

Tafitafituaniu , v. to brush up clean ; | Tafunaʻi, v. to gather together as to clear a piece of land . clouds to leeward . Tafiti, v. to be restive, to struggle , Tafunaʻiga, s. a gathering of clouds to twist about ; redup. tafitifiti. I to leeward ; hard words heaped See Taafiti. up . Tafuti, s. the name of a fish . Tāfiti, v. to somersault. Tafito , s. the end of a tree or post Taga, s. the shark's stomach ; a bag .

pearest the ground ; the penis, Taga, v. to have the restriction re moved from things that had been the part nearest the body. Tafitoipou, s. the end of a postnear prohibited to be used . est the ground. Tāga, s . a cutting or felling ofwood; Taftoʻulu , s. theroot end ofa bread a marking of the tatoo ; the mo fruit tree, tion of the hands in dancing .

TAI TAA 186 Taape, 4 . to be shispersed , to be Taea, i. to be reached , to reach to.

scattered ; redup .Taptape.

Tapao s. the morning ; to morrow .

Ta peapepa,ia, 2. ii be dad, (ap . Ta‘ei, v. to break to pieces. plied to some high chiets ). Taei'a , s. the rich part of the fa Taasë , s. a wanderer, an alien , (a uusi. Ta'eililii, v. to break up small. term ofreproach ). Taasē , v . to wander from home. Ta ‘zina, v . to be forbidden , to be Taasi, v. to cut sandalwood . driven away. Taataa, s . a species of grass. Tā'eu , v . to scratch the ground (as Taataa , a . strong. a fowl); to rake away (as rub b 'sh ). Taatuaaleala , u . well known ; com mon , ordinary . Ta ‘egaipu , s. a sherd . Taataaaleala, v . to be a prostitute . Tarele , s . tle keel ; the bottom of

Taataana, see TAANOJ. a box, pail, & c., & c. ; a red Taataatoatasi, v. to go about alone. shaggy mat. Taitasi, s. a pig belonging to the Tā'ele, v. to bathe; to open a dead whole village. body ; pl. taʻeóele ; priss. ia-elea. Taatia , v. to be prostrate, to be ly . Tāelelā , interj. how hot is the sun ! ing downl; pl taatitia . | Ta‘eleto, u . deep keeled . Taatiu, v. to die (applied only to Ta‘eletoto, v. to be bathed in blood (as from wounds). chiefs styled Tagaloa ). Taatua, v. to sit apart from the Ta‘elepolapola, a. flat-boitomed . chiefs ; to be confined to a few Taemanu, s. a species of breadfruit ; (as a tale not generally known ). l a species of banana. Taatuuimalae , s. food given in the

Taemo, v. to wink repeatedly.

Taeva'i, v. to gather together (as malue as an offer ofmarriage. fish , food , property ). Taatū uo, v. to be aboutto separate (as friends who have been sitting

Ta‘enu'enu, see Ta‘INOʻINO.

together in the dusk )

Taepu , v. pedere.

Taatulalo, v. to rumble (as thun der).

Ta‘esea , v. to be blown off by the wind .

Taavao, v. to wander in the bush ; | Tāetaey see Tae. Ta'eta 'e , see Ta‘ E . to take to the bush .

Taavaoga, s. a wandering in the Taetaepalolo , s. mildew . bush . Taetaepaloloa, v. to be mildewed . Taavale , v. to roll ; pl. taavavale ; Taetafe, s. rubbish broughtdown by rivers. redup . taavalevale. Taavula , a. very fat (as men and Ta‘ctu, v. to limp; redup. taʻetu 'etu . pigs). Taavulavula , a. fat (as children and i Taetuli, s . a species of glowworm ). young pigs). Tat', s . excrement, fæces.

Tāe, v. to gather up rubbish ; pl.

Tai, s. the sea ; the tide ; pl. tai ; a number : as, se tai liina , (only

in expressing inability or unwil lingness to do anything'). tatae ; redup . taetae. Ta'e, v. to be cracked ; to be bro | Tai, s. the heart of a tree. hen ; pl. tata'e and ta'ei; ridup. Tai, adv. nearly. See Tali. taʻitaʻe. Ta ‘i, s. the mother yaw . Ta'e', s. the top of a cocoanut bro . Ta'i, a distributive particle prefixed hen for dinuking I to numerals ,meaning euch .

137 ТАЮ Ta'i, v. to attend to the fire , to keep Tailo , v. I don't know , (from ta te TAI

up the flame; to lead a troop .


le iloa ).

Taia , v . to be mature , to be fit to Taimalie , s, a piece of good fortune . be cut (as trees ) ; to be fit to be i Taimalie , v. to come opportunely .

tatooed ; also passive ofta . Ta‘‘au, v. to lead a troop.

Taia ' e, v . to be shallow .

Taiatiati, s. an evening low tide. Taiala , see TuUIALI.

See TAIGALEMU, Ta‘imua, s . a leader , one who goes a little ahead to lead the way. Ta‘ ina, see TaaʻinA. Tainamu, v. a busquito curtain .

Taiafulu , s. the part of the timber Tainito , s. the gums. between the white and red . Ta‘ino ‘ino, interj. I hate ! Tā‘i-i, s. the elephantiasis of an old | Ta'ipisa, v. to walk along singing and shouting. person .

Ta'i'ia , v. to have elephantiasis ; to Taipupū, s. an ironbound coast . Taisi, v. to smite , to beat ; lo break be abused. Taiilela , v. to fish while the sun is up (as firewood ) high,

Tai-itama, s. lochia . Ta 'i' o , s. the name of a sea bird .

Taicauli, s. a noon low tide.

Taiulu , s. a yam top, kept for plant ing . Taifa 'i, s, a row of a bunch of bananas. Ta'ifau , s. a dog, (so called before chiets ). See MAILE. Taifeite, s. flood tide.

Tā‘isi,s. vegetables cooked in leaves. Taisina, s. the white heart of wood. Taisusu 'e , s. spring tide. Taitacao , s. a morning low tide.

Taʻitaʻi, s. anything carried in the hand.

Ta'ita 'i, v. to lead. Taitai, see LeraiTAI. Taitaiipo, L . name of a the bar Taitajipu ' { "s.. the Taitamono, a . brackish .


Taivaali . s. the hearth , the fire - Taitafo 'a , v. to have a smooth sandy buitom inside the reef. place. Sce VAGALAFO . Taigalemu, 1 v. to be just in time, Taʻitasi, (t. each .

Taiganalieſ to come opportunely. | Taitetele, s. flood vide. Toiietele , s . large gatherings of peo ple ; applied also to persons weil Tailelagi, v. to be exalted (as the known as being brave, or hand some, or as guod speakers able to children of a niean parent through answer a seech at a great fono : the superior rank of ihe other pid See PAGAMALIE.

Tailela , see TalLELA .


Tailelei, v. to have deep water with in the reel.

Taileleia , v. to be prosperous, to be weil led on a journey. Tailelua , v . to be sick , to vomit.

as, o le iagutu o le täiietele.

Taitua, s. a backhand -d blow . Taitua , v. to be degraded (as the children of a chiet or lady who has married beneath his or her

stat on ).

Taili, 1. to fan (as a tire ); to blow Taivai, see TAALVAT. (as the wind ); to send about a | Tai ale, s . a shallow place within

chuld continually on messages ;

the reet ; a falling or low tide. Taivalet, 2. 10 be unprosperous ; to redup. tailili. Ta‘ili, û. siony, gravelly ( especially be not well fed on a journey. when coming 10 tony soil in dig . Tao, 2. to bake ; pl. titao ; pass.

ging ) ; redup ta'ili-ili.

taod lind wolna .



Tao , s. a spear. Taorave , s. a coconut tree very productive .


ma ia ; (only used in the second and third persons ).

Tan , a prefix to verbs, denoting in

Tao‘ ofu, s. a waistcoat ; a shawl. tensity , or continued action ; and Taofi, v . to retain ; to hold to (as sometimes united with fui, form an opinion) ; to hold on ; pass. ing the plural, as taufuitnyi. taofia ; redup, taofiofi. Tau, a prefix devoting that which Taofono , v. to cook food the day belongs to , or bas respect to : as, before wanted . tala tuuulii, reports concerning chiefs. . Ta‘ofu , v. to wash clothes.

Taogasea, v. speared by accident. | Tau , adv. only . Taoleoleo , s. a lance, a spear not Tāu , v. to press out (as juice) : as, thrown .

Taomaʻi, v . to press down with . Taomaga , s. things pressed .

tāu susu , to milk ; redup . tatau . Ta‘u , v . to tell, to mention ; pl. ta

taʻu ; ta'ua and taʻuina ; redup .

Taomea , s. food , & c . taken in order I taʻuta 'u . to beg a pig .

Taua , s. a war, a fight.

Taomi, v. to press down by weight | Ta‘ua, a . talked about, well known, famed. or by force ; redup. taotao. Taona'i, v. to bake food theday be Tāua, a. precious, valuable . Taūa , pron . we two. fore giving it. Ta‘osi, v. to scratch . Tauari, v. to be wounded slightly , Taoso , v. to prepare for a journey . I

Taosoga, s. the preparing for a jour ney . Taotao, s. the name of a fish . Taotao, v. to press down (as by weiglits). Taotaoama, s. the nameof a fish . Ta‘oto, v. to lie down ; pl. taʻoʻoto ;

not in a dangerous part.

Tauaʻi'upu , v. to fight with words, to quarrel with abusive language. Tauaʻifusu, v. to box , to fight witin fists. Taua‘imisa , v . to quarrel.

Taua‘iveeveeõ, see Pisao. Tau'an, Is the shoulder .

Ta‘u'au diinin . taʻotoʻoto . Tau , s. leaves used to cover in the Tauʻaʻu , s. the tapui which impre native oven of food ; a year ; a cates death by the 'a'u . season ; a price ; something to Tauāu, v. to tend towards, to be on sell.

the decline, to be on the incrcase .

Tau , a sign of the plural, applied to Tauaga, s. a press, a strainer. birds, le tau manu . Tauagafau , s. mild conduct ; kind Tau , a . fixed (as coloring in cloth ). ness. See AGAMALU. Tau, v. to fight ; pl. tatau ; pass. / Tauagavale, a. the left. | Tauala , v. to luff ; to watch by the taulia . sick at night. Tau , v. to arrive at, to end at ; to

fit in ; to hit or strike against ; to Tau-alalia , v. to make attempts ; to be anchored ; to buy ; to pluck | fruit with the hand ; to be swol-

attempt to go ; to feign as though about to strike.

len uniformly (as in confirmed Taualo , v. to row or paddle , to con tinue to paddle. elej hantiasis ). Tau , i expressive of sympathy with Taualoa , 2. to be treated with re another's pain or trouble : as, tuul spect.


189 TAUF Taualoga, s. the paddling of a boat | Tau 'ave, v. to bear about. or canoe. Tauemu, v. to mock , to ridicule, to Taualuga, s. the covering of the jeer. ' ridge of a house ; a cock 's comb. Tauemuga, s. mocking , ridicule. Taualuga , v. to raise the hands in Tauene, 16. to stretch up the hand and not to be able to reach ; to holding the club ; to be victori


long for, to desire and not be able

to obtain . Tānaluga, s. a flag, a pennant. Taualasa , v . to desire earnestly, es- | Taui, s. a reward , a payment. pecially in regard to the sexes. Taui, v. to reward , to repay, to re Tagama, s. the name of one rope of venge.

Ta ‘ū ‘i, v . to entreat for assistance ; a canoe. Tauamo, v . to carry about a dead | to entreat (as a woman to con

chief; to find fault with an absent

sent to be his wife ).

person , as if they were carrying Ta‘ui, s. a bui:dle. him about dead . Taujā , see LETAUIA . Tauamoga , s. the carrying about of Ta'ui'ui, s. a small parcel.

a dead chief; the bearers of the Tauiao, s. confusion (as from all hier.

talking together).

Tau“amu, v. to chop or adze off the Tauiama, s. the nameof one rope of end of a beam when a little too the sailing canoe. Tauiama, v. to be on the left side of long ; redup . tau´amu'anu. Tauanau , v. to be urgent, to be im - 1 a canoe (as a tishhook ). Taui ma sui, v . to revenge. portunate.

Tauănau, v. to use provoking words | Tauitua , see TaiTUA . after being worsted . . Tauivi, v. to work with all the

strength ; to wrestle ; pl. tāuivi. Tauanave , s. the name of a tree. Tauäpa 'i, v . to be involved with an - | Ta ‘uo, s. the name of a fish .

other in some foolish act. Tau“apatotolo , v. to begin to try to crawl.

Tau-u'a, s. a temporary fastening used in building. Tauufi, s. a yam plantation .

Tauape , v. to endeavour to raise the Tauʻulu , s . a method of fishing. skin over an abscess so as to let | Tau -upega, s. the owner of a net out the matter ; to aim at casting under the care of a fisherman . the spear so as to liſt and loosen

Tauʻupu , s. the waist, the loins.

the tausulu in the game of to - Tau uta, s. a landsman. logu . | Tau uta , v. to take a canoe load of

Tau´apo‘apo, v. to adjust a bad 1 taro . . wrapper so as to cover the body. Tau utaga, s. a carrying of taro in Tauaso , s. a blind man . Tāuaso , v . to be blind . Tau -aso , v . to put up the aso of a house.

a cauoe.

Tāuava, s. pilots through a boat

under punishment or fine without

Tau -uto , v. to gather up a net by taking hold of the uto. Taufa , s. water (to chiefs). Tauatuatugia , a . to be of no import- | Taufaalalo , v. intensive of faalalo. Taufaasala , v. to endeavour to bring ance . opening .

Taučava, i. to strain the ‘ava . Tauävale , see TAUAPAʻI.

cause ; to accuse falsely. Taufaasua , v . to beat to windward . Taufai, a prefix to some verbs to

TAUF form an intensive plural: as, tau . fritayi, to cry. Tanfaititili, s. the tapui imprecating death by thunder. Tautao, v. to scramole for, to take from one another by force. Taufau , v. to lash together ; to exhoit. Tanfāla , v . to push apart so as to widen (as the bushes growing over | a road , or the intersticesofa basket 190


Taufoloniu , s. taufolo made with cocoanut. Taufolosami, s. taufoló made with salt water . Taufota , see FOTA. Tánfua, v. to return from fishing without any fish . Taufuifui, v. to bear fruit in clusters . Taufulufulu , a. bairy . Taufusi, 2 Taufusiga si

so as to be able to abstract some- Taufutifuti, v. to beg continually ; to continue to be troublesome af

thing ) .

ter the other party has given up

Tantala'oina, . having water at the

and apologized .

root as a vium ).

Tangi, s. the basket of provisions

Tantale , s. the entrails (to chiefs).

reserved for the nextmcal ; food taken to a female as proposals either of marriage or concubin

Taufale , v. for one to sit with the

carpenters while at work on his house.

Taufäluga, s. a branch of a tree l


hanging over a plantation ; gene Tāugā , v. to do as he likes, to act rally a branch . perversely ; to waste, to neglect : Taufanua , v. to be from off the land | as, Ua tāugū le malū . (as a wind ).

Tauyā, v. to be speared in a mortal part ; to be pained with words. mountains inland, and gradually | Tauga, s. a fighting , as taugā moa. spreading towards the sea , during Tāugaitu , v. to be independent, to the middle of the day. act independently .

Taufānuu , s. clouds rising from the

Taufatu , v. to tie on a stone as a Taugauli,a . dirty , black ,unwashed . weight to the fishhook .

Taugalatulatu, s. the chattering of latulatu ; the noise of many talk ing all together. to form a harbor for fish . Taugalemu, see PAGAMALIE. Taufetuli, v . pl. to run . Taugaloloa, s. a long girdle ofleaves ; Taufi , v. to cover in the native ovenLaburthen hanging low . | Taugamalie, see PAGAMALIE . with leaves. Taufatu, I s. stones collected toTaulatuati gether inside the reef

Taufiloga, s. the making of twine Taugatā, a. liigh-priced,difficult to buy .

for nets.

Taufoe , s. the fastening of the steer- | Tāugatā , a . difficult to deal with ; | striking hard bargains. ing paddle . Taufoe, v. to tie the end of the pi- | Taugatāma‘i, 1 v. to come inoppor geon 's string to the seu louse ; to Taugavale s tunely. warn , to exhort. Taugavale, see TaiTUA. Taufoegatā , a . disobedient. Taugofie, a . easily purchased ; low Taufofo, 2. to persuade, to entreat, priced . (with particular reference to a | Taugofie, a, pasy to deal with . quarrel or when one is angry ). | Taula , s. an anchor. Taufolo , s. a native dish of read . ; Tāula , s. the keeper or foeder of a fruit and cocoanut.


clief's log.

TAUM TAUL 191 Tāula , v. to be brought to abun ! Taule -ale 'a , s. a young man ; pl. dantly (as food and property con i taulele'a :

tinually brought to a chief). Tanlā , s. a sailing canoe. Taula 'i, v. to anchor with ; to an chor to ; to hang up with ; to

Ta‘uleagaina , n . of bad report. Ta 'uleia , s. ihe name of a fishi : (the ' emblem of Saforulafai). Ta‘uleleia , al. of good report.

hang on to (as anger, hope, & c.)

Tauli, u . dirty , unscraped (as taro baked with the skin on ).

Taulaitu , s, a priest of the aitu ; a


| Tāulia , 2. to be dirty ; to be found

Taulaga , s. a sacred offering ; an anchorage.

fault with .. Taulia , v . (passive of tau ), to be

Taulaga, s. the roost of the vampire !

fought (as a battle) ; to be en

bat ; a place wliere fishes congre gate .

gaged (as troops in a fight); to contend for the privilege of speak

Taulaga, v . to endeavor to raise (as

ing ; to be lidged in (as a spear

a swamped canoe, or a conquered

in the body) ; to be interrupted (as a fono ) ; to be bought.

party). fish .

Talagāi-a, s. a place frequented by Tauloʻli, s. the name of a plant. Tauloto , v . to desire.

Taulagāpe'a, s. a tree frequented by Tauloʻoaʻiga, / s. the middle , the Taulotoga Shalf way. the vampire bat. Taulu , v. to be in great pain . Taulagi, see TaiLELAGI. Taulagi, v . to sing a song adapted | Taulua , s. a couple growing toge to the dancing ; to make an ap -

ther in a cluster (as fruit ); a cou

propriate speech .

ple hung together (as water bot tles ). Tāulagi, s. a chief's blindness. Taulagiligi, v. to put in mind (as | Taulua , s. a pair (as two children those dividing out food , of some equally praised , or two canoes anchored together, or two dogs visitors present, or a speaker of something to be said ).

fed by one man ).

Taulalo , s. a crouching action in Tauluuluola, a. umbrageous, flou rishing ; abounding (as in peo dancing ; a pig's cheek ; a low place in a rock or hill ; a promp ple ). ter to a speaker, or to one distri-

buting 'riva .

Taulalo , 1. to let the hands crop

Taululauti, s. a top of the ti plant

used as an emblem of a message of peace .

down in a club match ; to be con- | Taumaa , see TAUFATU . quered ; to intercede.

Taulalo, v. to hang low (as fruit ).

Taumau , v . to continue, to remain

firm , to persist in .

Taulaloese , v . to taulalo out of time į Taumaūnu, v . to bait ; to entice.

in dancing ; to speak against .

Taumafa, a . plenty , abundance,

Taulani, s. a small canoe taken in I many. a large sailing canoe, or going in Tāumafa, v. to eat ; to drink (of companywith it to distant fishing chiefs) ; pl. taumamafa ; pass. grounds.

taumafatia .

Tāulata , v . to hang near the body | Taumafai, v. to strive, to endea

of the tree (as fruit ); to be near, to be at land.


Taumafamua, s. the nameof a month (November).




Taumafataga , s. a meal.

Tāupou, s. a virgin . before the wind ; to endeavour to Taupua‘i, v. to retch . raise (as a war, & c .) Taupuga, s. a piece of coral hung to Taumālolo , v. to quiet down ; to a tree as a tapui, imprecating Taumālaga , 2. to put a vessel more i Taupola , see TAPOLA.

'subside (as anger ).

Taumamao , v. to keep off, to keep away from .

Tāumamao, v. to hang on an out

disease on a thief ; a large block

of coral.

Tāupule, v. to be ornamented with shells.

most bouglı ; to be far off. | Taupulea , see FAALETAUPULEA . Taumasina, s. the attendants on | Taupuleʻesea, v. to be privily con Malietoa , whose duty it was lo keep up the fire while he slept.

demned to death . Taupulega , s . the rulers of a land.

Taumasuasua , a . full to overflowing. Taupulepule, v . to consult together. Toumata , s. a shade for the eyes. Taumatau , u . the right side.

Taumatau, v . to apgle, to fish with a hook .

Tausaga, s. a season ; a year. ( It only embraces six months in a

native's counting ).

Tausala , s. a titled lady, a chief Taumātau , v. to buy fishhooks. tainness ; the spear planted high Taumate , v. to guess. in the cocoanut butt in the game Taume, s. the cover or sheath of the of tologa. cocoavut blossoms, used as a Tāusala , v. to go ahead of the troop . torch .

Taumoa , s . a lever.

Tausama, v. to make a marriage feast. .

Taumua, s. the fore part of a canoe. Taumuli, s. the stern. Taumuliā , v. to be baffling and un - | certain (as the wind ).

Tausami, v. to eat, ( a respectful

Tausamaaga, s. a marriage feast. term ). Tausamiga , s. a feast.

Taumuliga , s . taro lately planted , Tausani, v . to sing ; to crow ; to

whistle (as birds in the morning). (the opposite to matafai). Taunonofo , v. to be a polygamist. Tausea, see Taufoe. Tāunuu , v. to reach to, to arrive at; | Tauseagatā , a . disobedient. Tausi, v. to take care of; to nurse ; to come to pass. Taupā, adv. seldom . to observe, to keep (as a com Taupao , v . to forbid . mand ); redup. tausiusi ; pass . tausia . Taupaū , v. to stumble as if falling. Taupau , v. to count out in equal | Tausi'usi'u , s. the top branches. shares. Tāusiʻusi'u , v. to hang on the top

Taupaletuolelā , s. about nine in the morning .

Taupanau , v. to persevere.

branches . Tāusi'usi'uga, s. the extremity of a land ; the end of a speech .

Taupati, v : to strive , to persevere. | Tausili, v . to climb .

Taupe, v. to swing.

Tausinio , v. to race.

Taupega , s. a swing .

Tausinioga , s. a race .

Taupi, v. to engage in certain games Tausisi, v. to strive after , to perse on the death of a chief. vere in ; to follow up, to hold on Taupīga , s. games and jesting on to (as a report, & c.) . the death of a chief. Tausoa, s. a burden carried on a Taupā, s. a night attack . stick by two.




Tausoa, v. to carry a burden be- Tautatau, s. one who sits with the tween two.

tatooer .

Tausia, v. to joke, to jeer ; 10 en : | Taute , v . to eat, (only used to the deavor to raise (as by a lever). I highest chiefs).

Tausuai, v. to stumble forward : Tautefateſa , Yv. La also of the mind, to be stumbled. Tautevateva ". "to stagger. Tavsuavale, v. to jest using bad language. Taūta, s. a lardsman . Tautā , s. a long stick for driving animals or fowls from the house. Tautā , v . to fish with a large net, driving the fish into it by striking the water ; to keep back , to hold back by persuasion . Tautaainin , s. a tapui imprecating

Tautī, v. to hang the water bottles on to trees in order to cutch raii. . water.

Tāutima, v. to exhort. Tautina‘ava ,lai Tautinatoa { see Tinatoa. Tāutino, v. to hang near the body of the tree (as fruit). Ta‘utino, v. to declare plainly.

Tautā , v. to take an oath , to swear.

1 Tauto‘ai, v . to run against (as a blind man does). Tautai, s. a seaman ; a fisherman ; 1 Tautoo , v . to urge on a canoe with a steersman .

disease .

Tautau , v. to hang up ; pass. tau 1 a pole ; to cut up breadtruit for tauina and tautaulia . Ta uta “u , s a squall. Ta‘utaʻu , v . to mention , to tell,


Tāutootoo, v . to walk with a stick (as a sick person ).

Tautaulaga, s. a hook to hang things Tautoga, s. an oath . on .

| Tautoma, see FETOMA‘I.

Tautomua, v. to come first . Tautafa , see Ta‘utaʻu. Taūtaga, s. a canoe carrying a load Tautomuli, v. to come last. of taro .

Tautonu, v. to come right, to come

Tautagata , si the people of an aitu , direct to a party. (applied to a family). See Ai. Tautū , s. a large block of coral NAGA. in the sea ; the stick into which the pigeon's perch is thrust ; the Tautagata , v . to count people in joining at the end of theplanksof order to apportion out food . a canoe. Tautagata, v. to find people athome; to fall in with (as troops in war). Tautu , s. the name of a fish . Tautala , v . to talk ; redup tautala-

Tautū , v . to attempt to stand ; to

tala ; recipr. fetautalatalari; pass. stand straight out (as aso which do not bend to the shape of the tautalagia. Tautalaga, s. the speech of a tula - | house ). Tāutu , s. a method of fishing. fale. Tāutalagia , v . to be spoken against. Tāutā , v. to keep themusquito cur tain hanging up ; to repeat the Tautali, v . to follow after. I same thing over and over again . Tautama, a . concerning chiefs. Tautapa, v. to shout the praises of | Tautua, s. a servant ; the basket for a chief and his bride.

keeping fly -hishhooks in.

Tāutasi, v . to hang one alone (as a | Tautua, v . to serve, to take care of. single nut) ; to be one alone (as | Tautuao, v. to rise and pass over the egg or young pigeon , or an (as clouds). only child ). | Tautuataliya, v. to turn away the

TAF TAUT ear from hearing, to refuse to Tafailautolo , s. the edge of the su


listen .

garcane leaf ; a calm in the morn

Tāutu‘i, v. to insinuate an impreca

ing succeeded by wind. Tafao, s. the fetid flower of the teve . Tautuu, v. to carry off, to clear off | Tafao, v. to walk about, to take a (as a quantity of things taken in walk ; pl. tafafao ; redup. tafa different lots ). tafao. Tautufala, s. the name of a fish . Tafao, v. to perform an operation similar to circumcision , (euphem . Tautuluaga, s. the half,midway. Tāutupe, v. to take place. for tefi) ; to hammer or strike the Taututa , v . to rebound (as an axe fao. or spear from hard wood ). Tafaoata, s. the dawn. Tāuvaa, v. to sitwith the carpenters | Tafaoga, s. a walking about, a walk . who are building a canoe. Tafafā , a . four- sided. Tāuvaa, s. the owner of a canoe un | Tafāga , s. a bonito fishing canoe. l Tafaga, der the care of a fisherman . v . to be clear of trees ; to a tion .

Tauvae, s. anklets.

smell of pork .

Tāuvae, v. to hang on to the feet Tāfagafaga, a . thrown open (as a (as nuts picked by stealth , so as house with allthe pola drawn up ) ; to prevent the noise of their fallopen , clear (as a place in thebush without trees) ; smelling of pork .

ing ).

Tāuvai, s. the conductor over a tor- Tafagaloa , a. open , clear of trees ; rent or to an inland lake.

redup . tāfagaloloa.

Tāuvao , s. he who directs the seuga; | Tăfale , v. to go from house to house one who is accustomed to the bush .

on any business ; to commence

building after the wood has been

prepared in the bush, (of canoes Tauvale , v. to come inopportunely . Tāuvale, a. blind ,(a respectfulterm ). I and houses ). Ta‘uvalea , v. to be badly reported ; | Tafani, s. the name of a portion of to be wrongfully reported .

the tatooing .

Tauveve, s. an oven maker, a cook, Tafani, v. to divide off pieces of (a term of reproach ). Tafa, s. a gash , an incision ; the side of a hill.

Tafa , v. to cut, to gash , to scarify ; redup , tafatafa .

Tafa , v . to dawn ; pl. tatafa . Tafā , s . a battle field .

food so as to leave the original

joint small. Tafano , v. to make short stages on

a journey. Tafasi, v. to split open ; to break

off (as branches); to lance (as the gums).

Tafā'i, s. those privileged to sit on Tafatafa , s. the side. the right and left hand of a titled | Tafatafa , v. to cut in many places ,

| to make many incisions in the chief. Tafa‘ ia , v. to get before another in flesh .

swimming in the surf ; to circum - Tafatafa 'ilagi, s. the horizon. vent another by getting his wife. Tafatafao, see Tarao . Tafaifasia, 1 v. a word of apology | Tafatafālauniu , s. a species of locust Tafaifesia

when about to disagree

found on cocoanuts.

with a former speaker ; also when | Tafatasi, a , one-sided , united in one (as a title held by one) ; applied about to administer reproof.

Tafailautalo , see PusiGATALA.

also to the heart, the government .




Tafato, s. a perpendicular steep ,(as | Tāfitonunu, s. the chiefs atthe head of a nunu . seen from above ). Tafatolu , s . the name of a weed . Tafoa , v. to break the edge (as of a Tafatolu , a . three -sided . tool). Tafatū , s. a perpendicular steep | Tafoe, v . to cut paddles. | Tafoʻi, v. to return . place, (as seen from below ) . Tafatua , s. the back portion of a / Tafola , v. to be shoal, to have a fish . sandbank.

Tafatua'eseóese, v . to be divided in | Tafolā , s. the whale. opinion . Tāfolo , s. a preparation of bread Tafatuafaatasi, v . to be of one mind . fruit pounded ; (so called on Tu Tafe , v. to flow , to run down ; pl. tuila instead oftaufoto ). tatafe ; pass. tafea ; dimin . tate- Tafu , v . to make up the fire . Tafu , s. the god of fortune; fortune, tafe . Tafea, v. to be carried away (as by luck : as, O le tafu le mea . a flood ) ; to be banished. Tăfua, v. to beat a mat rolled up as a drum preparatory to commenc Tafraga, s. exiles in war: Tafefe, interj. I fear ! I am afraid ! | ing the dance. Tälega, s. a fresh , a flow of a river. Taſua, s. a common man, (an abu Tafelalomaa , v . to have a small i sive term ). flow . | Tafua, v. to cut timber withoutask

Tafetinoivai, v. to flow in the river bed .

ing permission .

Tafue, s. a skipping rope. Tafue, v . to beat.

Tafi, v. to brush , to sweep ; to shave ; to pluck cocoanuts by Tafu' e, s. the part of the tree just

jerking or sweeping them off ; to

above the ground .

drive away . Tafi, s. a razor.

Tafuefue, v. to be shaken by the wind (as leaves of trees). Tatio , s. certain timbers of a large Tafulaʻi, s. a large fire to burn rub . canoe ; the bones of a strong

bish .

Tafuli, v . to turn over (as a stone, Tafili, v. to fly the pigeon ; to go 1 & c.) ; redup. tafulifuli. . man .

about on many errands.

Tafulu, v. to work quickly

Tafilitāimai, v. to keep near at Tafuna, s. a rocky place in the sea . hand.

Tăfuna, v. to strike accidentally (as

in throwing a stone). Tafitafi, v. to sweep , to brush . Tafitafituaniu , v. to brush up clean ; Tafunaʻi, v. to gather together as

clouds to leeward . to clear a piece of land . Tafiti, v . to be restive, to struggle, Tafuna'iga, s. a gathering of clouds to twist about ; redup. tafitifiti. I to leeward ; hard words heaped See Taafiti.

up .

Tafuti, s. the name of a fish . Tāfiti, v. to somersault . Tafito, s. the end of a tree or post Taga , s. the shark 's stomach ; a bag. nearest the ground ; the penis, Taga , v. to have the restriction re moved from things that had been the part nearest the body .

Tafitoipou, s. the end of a post near est the ground.

Tafitoʻulu , s. the rootend ofa bread fruit tree .

prohibited to be used. Tāga, s . a cutting or felling ofwood;

a marking of the tatoo ; themo tion of the hands in dancing .


TAG Taya-ai, s. the crop of a bird ; the 1 stomach (by way of reproof). 1

Tagai, see Taal. by wearing it ; to light the even . ing fire. Tagaisā , v. to be privileged to use things forbidden to others . |

Tagaʻi, v. to shew off a new dress

TAL mily after family (as on receiving news ofmany slain ). Tagisa'i, v . to complain of a person as having caused the death of an other.

Tagisaga, s. prayers ; imprecations. Tāgita , sce TUUTAGITA.

Tagitau , v. to call for war.

Tagitagi,s. a young parroquet ; a

Tagau , s. the name of a fish .

Tagau, v. to suck the breast; to


break the ti'a ofthe one who loses Tagitātūtūvae, v. to cry and stamp with the feet. the game in tagāti-a . Tagafa, v. to have numerous off- Tāgitofu, v. to bleed from the nose

and cars after diving ; poss. tagi

spring and family connections

toiua . widely spread about. Tagāiniini, s. the bladder . Tagituri, v . to cry and beat the body. Tagitului, v. to ask for additional Tagata, s. man , mankind . pay or a larger share of food . Tāgatai, v. to warn . See LAPATAʻI. Tagivale , v. to cry without cause , Tagataola , s. a prosperous man .

to be fretful; to beg for more

Tagataotaua , s. a captive .

Tagataga, s. a net to hold the trum . ! than he has a right to. pet shell or water bottles ; the | Tago, v . to take hold of, to feel :

buoy of the bait for flying fish . Tagatagaʻi, v. to look out, to look

out for ; to look about after dis


pl. fetagofi ; redup. tatago ; pass . tagotia ; dimin . tagotago .

Tago‘au , see TagoraUA .

ease of the eyes, (a respectful Tagogātaua , s. the seeking of troops; term ). | the party coming to seek troops. Tagatagan , see TAGAU.

Tagatāfanua , s. men of the place, residents.

Tagatānuu, s. a common man .

Tagāti'a , s. the name of a game.

Tagole, v. to ransack , to pull about and pry into the property of ano ther ; redup. tagolegole. See SA GOLE.

Tāgolima, v. to have plenty . Tāgosumu, s. a method of fishing .

Tāgatoi , see LeragATOI. Tagāvai, s. an emblem in war, a Tāgosusu , s. the chicken - pox . war device used by certain privi- | Tāgoiaua , v . to seek assistance in

leged persons. Tagege, a . tough.

Tagi, v. to cry ; to chirp ; to bel


Tagotago , v. to take hold of lightly . Tāgotago, v. to grope the way.

low ; to complain ; to sing (the | Tagulu , v . to resound (as a blow or fayono) ; pl. fetagisi ; pass. ta - l a falling tree). gisia . Tāgulu , v. to snore .

Tagi'a'a , s. the name of a shellfish . Tagutu , s. a stump of a tree or a tooth ; a short jabbly wave ; re dup. tāgutugutu . one who has gone).

Tagi-a‘au, v. to cry after (as some Tagiaue, v . to wail.

Tagifale, v . to weep with closed houses .

Tagilaue, v. to wail (of many).

Tala , s. a tale, a narration ; news ;

a thorn ; the barb of a spear; the round end of a house ; a species

of gull.

Tagilauloa, v. to cry all along , fa Tala , v. to tell, to relate ; to untie .


Talā , v. passive of tatala.

TAL 197 | Talali, v. to blaze, to crackle .

Talae, s. the name of a fish . Talalo, s. a song with clapping of Talai, v. to adze. hands. Talaʻi, v . to narrate ; redup. talata - Talaloa, v . to whistle as they Aly la.i.

along (as birds) ; to talk as they

Tālaʻi, s. the name of one kind of net.

walk along (as a company of wo men ).

Tāla 'i, v. to proclaim . Tālalva, adj. long and loose (as a Talaia , v. (a pass. of tatala ), to be garment). relieved of sickness.

Tālaia , v. to be pricked ; redup. ta latalaia .

Talamau, v. to hold firmly , to stick to an opinion.

Talāmoli, s. a thorn of the orange

tree. Tala‘iutuutu , v . to take a canoe along by the beach . Tălamu, v. to chew ; to eat, in Talaoso, v. to be in a hurry to tell abuse ). without knowing correctly . Talanaʻi, v . to leave a canoe half Talau, a . ten score, (in counting drawn up on the beach ; to take nuts ).

Talau , v. to grow luxuriantly after a

the luggage , & c ., from the canoe

into somehouse just for a time.

drought; to make a noise (as a | Talanoa, v . to chat ; to talk non sense ; redup . talatalanoa . number talking together ). Tala ‘ u 'ula , v . to make unwarranted | Talanoa , v . to boast, to brag . requests ; to make vain boasts, Talanoaga , s. chatting , conversa tion . ( chiefly applied in answer to a Talapepelo , s. a lie. person so doing ).

Talaulau, adv. luxuriantly , greatly , increasingly, & c. Talausui, v. to makemuch out of a little , to exaggerate . Talauto , v . to lay down the uto for flying fish .

| Talāsa, s. the remains of a crop or breadfruit .

Talasamusamu, s. one kind of gull.

Tälasua , v. to tell a secret jeeringly . Talatanalii, s. bad news concerning a chief. Talatala , s. a disease of the head .

Talafa , s. a hairy face. Talafaaoti, v. to tell everything (oti, Talatala, v. to converse ; to relate. all, as in Tonga) against a per Talatala , v . (from tutala ) , to untie, son.

Talafaatupua, s. traditionary tales.

to unloose ; to increase beyond the bounds (as a town ).

Tālatala , u . prickly ; rough . Talafātai, s. the seacoast, the land | Talatalaʻi, v . to tell what was hid

Tala falu , s. the name of a tree. near the sea.

den .

Tālatili, v. to lalk against, to mur- | Talatalað, v. to cackle (as a hen ) ; to scold . mur against. Talafii, s. the cooking place in a Talatalāmoa , s. one species of the large canoe. ifi. Talaga, s. the undoing ; a relating ; | Talatalanoa, v. to relate ; to take it also see Fono . | easy , to be living at ease. Talaleu , v. to act against the rules Talatalatasi, v. to relate each parti cular. of seuya ; to commit any wrong. Talalefaiaai, v. to reinstate a people Tālato, v. to undo and let go (as in their own land .

the sheet of a sail, a fishing line,




& c .) ; to relate everything against , Taligape'a , s. a stage in the growth a person so as to cause him to of the ifi next to taliga‘ imou . leave. Talinnalo , v. to receive guests . Tālatū, v. to boast of power, & c., | Talimātu , v. to wipe dry (as dishes). and not have it. Talatuu , see UPUTUU . Talatupua, see TALAFAATUPUA. Tālavale, v . to tell tales of not being

Talisela , s. a belt worn to prevent

fed , or of being badly treated . Talavalu, s. one kind of war club .

Talitā , 2 . to shield off blows.

gettin ? oui of breath . Tālisua , . Lo have supper. Talitā , :. Che club used as a shield .

Talitali, s . 1' o jabble from the re

Tale, s. a cough . Tālefiti, v. to throw a somersault.

bound cle waves on the iron bound slice ; the shelf or frame

Tălele, v . to break a cocoanut, re

on which the sleeping mats are

jecting the liquid for the sake of

placed by lay. Tālitalia , see LETALITALIA.

the kernel ; to escape swiftly (as | Talitalia , see LETALITALIA .

the bonito ). Tālepapa , v . to bury the dead .

Tali, s. an answer ; food given to

Talitaliuli, s. the pilot fish ; one who follows in the train of another.

visitors. Tali , v . to answer ; to wait for ; to

Talitalinoa , v. to wait uselessly .

Talitaliuli, see Taliuli.

receive; to receive (as food in the Talitalitū, v. to wait for. stomach ); pass . talia and talitalia ; Talitane, s. a harlot. Tālito ‘ai, v . to be nearly come. recipr. fetalia .i. Talito‘ai, ! v . to answer saucily. Tāli, adv. nearly. See Tai. Talito ‘asis Taliaga, v. to lie on the back . Talitua, v. to have the back to , to Talialaina , v . to lie in wait for. be gore Tālialoga , s. a chief 's meal. Taliava, v. to stand at an opening | Talo , s. an edible root, (taro , arum in the reef in order to assist a ca- ! esculentum ). noe entering . Tālo , v. to beckon , to make signs to Talie , s. the nameof a tree (a spe go on ; to wave a piece of tutuya over the dead, begging him to cies of almond). Tālieulā , s. a kind of talie from take calamities and diseases with which necklaces are made. him ; to fan . Taliefoagia , s. a species of talie the Tăloa, s. the garboard streak of a canoe. fruit ofwhich is eaten . Taliofo , s. the one who answers the Talou , v. to pluck fruit with the lou . ofo . | Talouli, v. to put a small taro on to

Taliuli, v. to steer without assisting

the end of a spear, to indicate the

to pull ; redup . talitaliuli. wish to wound the enemy. Taliuta , s. those who wait for the Talofa , interj . my love ! or I love ! (a form of salutation ) ; an expres landing of a canoe. sion of sympathy , pity, or sor Tālifiti, v . to wait for presents. row ; also a denunciation ; as, Oi Taliga, s. the ear ; a receiving . talofu ! Tāliga, s. a species of taro ; food

taken to visitors by the young | Taloloa,

s. a plantation held in

Taloloaga ) common . Taliga'imoa, s. a stage in the growth | Talosaga, s. a praying . of the ifi ; a species of toadstool. | Talosia , v. passive of tatalo . people.


Talotalo , see Tatalo. Talotaloga, s. prayer.

TAN 199 Tamasā, s. the children of a sister.

See TamAFAFINE . Talotasi, s. one taro and one fish | Tamatama‘ilima, s. fingers. taken by each woman to visitors. Tamatama' imata , s. the pupil of the

Talu , adv. since.

eye .

Tālu , prep , on account of, through ; | Tamatamaʻivae, s. toes. redup. talutalu . Tamatane, s. a boy ; the son of a Talusā, v. to bring evil on others . woman . Talutalu , s. the young trees grown Tămate, v. to kill, (as trees and up where there had been a plant animals ). Tamoře , v . to run . ation . Tamole, s. the name of a weed . Tālutalu , see Talu .

Tama, s. a child ; a boy ; a woo | Tanā, v . to shameanother by telling

man 's offspring of either sex and

any age ; a chief. Tamā, s. a father.

his faults ; to say or do what will cause oneself shame.

Tanaʻi, v. to overload ; to put too Tama-a -aiga, s. a person of large much in an oven ; to go to excess in quarrelling . See Pana' ). family connections. Tama-a-le -eleele ,s. a chiefwho rules | Tanafa , v . to beat the drum ; to supremeover his land . talk incessantly.

Tama-alii, s. a chief's son ; a chief. / Tanana, v. to make a beating noise Tamaʻi, s. the young of animals or (as a number of soldier crabs) ; plants ; bad news, a message of to talk incessantly . ill tidings.

Tāma'i , s. luck ; good fortune ; as,

O lo matou tāmaʻi ua matou mau atu , & c.

Tane, s. a disease of the skin ; the stain of 'uva .

Tāne, s. a njan , a male .

Tanea , v. to be stained with 'uva . Tamaʻi, v . to beat, to abuse ; pass . Tanea , v . to be full of handsome men ; to have known a man car tama‘ia . Tama‘ima'i, v . to be ill ; to have a nally .

scarcity ; to be small in quantity | Taneuli , )I s.. the different kinds of Tanemoo , | the disease called tune. Tanesupa Tanetane, s. the name of a shrub . opposite to taʻino‘ino ). Tamaʻitaʻi, s. a lady; an abscess in Tanetanea , v. to be full grown (as the 'ava plant). the armpit. . in , (the or adeficient 'ima'i, toquality Tam delight

Tamaoaiga , v . to be rich , to have Taniu , v . to cut down cocoanuts for spears or for timber. abundance.

Tamafafine, s. a daughter of a wo- | Tăniu , s. a bad ti-a . man ; the children of a sister. Tamala , s. the name of a fish .

Tamala, v. tomoderate (asthe wind

Tanifa , s. a large species of shark . Tanifatea, s. a variety of the tanifa ;

a licentious woman.

and waves, sickness, anger, & c. ); Tano, v . to have a disgust at food : redup. tamalamala .

Tamalā, v. to burn dimly .

to be distasteful (as one kind of food eaten constantly ).

Tamāloa , s. a man , (a term of fa - | Tano , v . to call over names and ti tles ; to leave a speech unanswer miliarity ) . ed and introduce another subject; Tamanu, s. the name of a tree.

Tamanu, v. to make the pigeon flut- ! pass . tanoa. ter.




Tānoa, s. the ‘ava bowl; a dish , a Tapatele , v. to ask for what one has no right; to ask forwhat is diffi plate. Tanu, v. to bury ; pl. tatanu ; pass . 1 cult to grant, and to which one tanua and tanumia . has no claim . Tanuuli, a . covered with smut ; Tapati, v. to clap the hands.

blackened ; unscraped (as taro Tāpena, v. to carry off load by load ; baked with the skin on ). Tanuga, s. a burying . Tanuma'i, v. to cover up with ; to

to stow away. See Laʻu, Tal' TUU.

Tapepe, see TOPEPE .

cover up closely (as a person in a Tapi, v. to wipe, to wipe up ; spec . shivering fit ); to bury in oblivion, demuliebr. pudend. ; redup.tapi to conceal ; redup . tanutanuma‘i.


Tanumaga, s. the part buried (as of | Tapii, v. to close the eyes, (a jesting a post).

term ).

Tanutanu , s. the name of a fish.

Tapigaʻese , v . to actdifferently from

Tapa, s. an agreement to exchange

others ; to act independently. Tapili, s. a fan to blow thefire with ;


Tapa, v. to beckon with the palm of

bellows. the hand inclining towards the Tapili, v . to fan the fire.

body, signifying to come. Tapaau, s. cocoanut leaf mats ; a chief (so called because he sits on a tapauu at a fono).

Tapisa, v. pl. to laugh . Tapo , see Sapo . Tapo , s. the name of a net.

Tapo, v. to fish at night with the

Tapai, interj: oh that ! had it only been .

Tapau , v. to cut to the exact length .

Tapou , v. to put in the posts of a house.

Tāpafua, v . to call to , to address, Tāpola , s. a white crab. See Tau POLA . ( in speaking to a high chief). Tăpala , v. to dye the titi in the Tāpolaipu , I s. varieties of the tā Tāpolasina pola. swamp ; to be rotted . Tapalaoa, s. a native remedy for Tapona, v. to strike the loser in ta . choking. gati'a a certain number of blows; Tapale , adv. constantly ; as, Ua ʻai | to reprove. tapale. . Taponaga, s. the beating after the Tăpale, v. to play at tapalega ; to game of tayati-a . break up firewood with quickly Tapoto, v. to sirike cleverly with the repeated blows ; to strike on every

side, to knock about.

club ; to make a telling speech . Tapu, v. to make sacred ; redup.

Tăpalega, s. a game played in the taputapu . water, similar to hocky and shinty | Tapua, s. the long entrance of a on land. cage or fish trap. Tapapa , v. to cover or shut in with Tapua'i,v. to abstain from work and planks. to sit waiting for success or pro tertion (as during war or the pro Tapasu, v. to strike a heavy blow .

Tapatapa, v. to oil the body exces gress of a dangerous disease, & c.); sively ; to have a disease , a kind adopted to signify to worship ; of leucorrhæa. redup. taputapua'i. Tapatapalalā , v. as the above ; re- Tapua'iga, s. lands which did not dup. tapatapalalala . engage in war, but served as a




refuge to those who fled ; adopt- | Tasi, adv. very. ed to signify Christian worship . Tāsina , s. a striped siapo. Tapualagana'i, s. the fish called la - Tasisi, v. to draw up (as the pola of lafi in its third stage of growth . a house ) ; to drive away. Tāpuamili, s. one kind of banana. | Tasoni, v. to chop . Tapuée, v. to heap up earth (as | Tata, s. the figurehead of a canoe ; around the vam ) ; to catch . a siapo rubber . Tapui, s . anything hung up to de- Tata, v. to jerk off, to pluck with violence . note trees made sacred.

Tapui, v. to prohibit from picking Tatā , s. the wooden baler of a ca the fruit by hanging the tapui to I noe. the tree. Tapuitea, s. the evening star.

Tatā, v. to bale out ; to be relaxed

(as the bowels ) ; to speak rapidly ; to cover up with leaves in order Tapuituaina , v. to be dead. Tapu - u , s. a short ti'u . to keep dry. Tapulaa, s. the boundary in the Tātā , s. sweat. game of tologa ; laws and cove Tātā , v. to flap the wings. Tataa , v . (pl. of tau ), to go at large. nants ; the name of a shellhsh . Tapulima, s. the wrist, the hand Tatae, v . to gather up rubbish by all the families. from the wrist . Tapulu , s. the part of the tatooing | Tata 'e, v. to be cracked . Tataʻi, v . to lead (as a sick man ) ; made all black . Tāpulu , v. to get gum from trees by to drag along (as the lauloa ); to incision .

lead a quarrel to others, to in

Tapumiti, s. the name of a shell volve. fish. Tatao , v. to press , to squeeze ; to put under a weight ; to lie in Tapuna, s. a parasitic plant. ambush . Tapuni, v . to shut. Tapupu , v. to talk quickly ; to

breathe quickly ; to do anything

Tātao, s. a stick to strike down spears with .


Tātao, v . to cut spears ; to ward off

Taputapu , v . to make sacred .

Tāputapugagana, v. to be forbidden to speak .


Tatau, s. a pennant, a flag to a ca noe ; tatooing .

Taputu, v . to speak rapidly; recipr. Tatau , . alike ; right, proper ; fit. tetaputua'i ; redup. taputuputu . Tatau, v. to fight two together, to Tapuvae, s. the foot from the ankle . fight a duel. Tapuvaefanua , v. to walk briskly

from being accustomed to the

Tatau , v . to strain out, to wring

out ; to milk . See TĀu.

Tataʻu , v. pluralof taʻu . Tapuvaetasi, s. roads meeting in Tatatā , s. the net for catching fa . Tatafa , v. (pl. of tafa ), to dawn. one . road .

Tasele , v. to strike in the belly with Tatafe, v. plural of tafe). a club ; to strike the mat drum Tatafi, v. to clear and weed a piece with rapid strokes ; to turn the of land ; to wash the hands (of chiefs). skipping rope quickly . . Tataga, see TagA. Tasele, see FauriLO . Tātāgase, s. perspiration , sweat, Tasetu , see Ta‘eru . Tasi, u . one. (used chiefly of that caused by a

TEE TAT paroxysm of pain , or of one near | Tava, s. the name of a tree.


death ).

Tavaa , v . to cut out a canoe .

Tatagi, s. the call or note of the Tavae, v. to strike the feet. Tava'e , s. the name of a bird . manutagi.

Tatagi, v. to tinkle ; to ring ; to Tavai, s. the name of a tree . sound as a wooden drum . Tātāgia , s. the name of a tree. Tatago , v. to seize, to lay hold of.

Tavao , v. to cut timber for building and leave it in the bush .

Tavaū , s. a species of leech .

Tatala , v. to untie, to unloose ; re - | Tavale, v . to cut a tree on the boundary ; to cut wood without dup. talatala .

Tatali, v. to wait for.

measuring it ; to speak without

Tatalo, v. to pray ; pass. talosia ;

thought. Tavani, see TAFANI. Tatama, v. to have chickens in (as | Tavasa, v. to play the game of ta redup . talotalo .

gati'a between two villages. Tavasaga, s. a match of tagati'a Tatapa, v. plural of tapa ; also see between two villages. eggs).

Tatanu, v. plural of tanu .

Tavatava , s. the name of a fish . Tavatavāmavu, s. the name of a Tātapuvae, s. a long robe reaching I shrub. TAPATAPALALALA.

Tatapi, v. plural of tapi. to the ankles.

Tătăsia , s. the name of a tree. Tātatau , v. to mark the tatooing. Tātātia , see TATAGASE. Tatatino, see Tatino .

Tavava, s. an opening between the planks of a canoe or timbers of a house not fitting properly ; the wide opening between the thighs of a thin person .

Tātātuli, v. to tap the knee ; to cau - Tavave, v . to strike quickly . Tavio , v. to send forth a bad odour. tion ; to intercede. Tatea , a . strewed about on the Tavinavina, see Vina.

ground from abundance (as fruit). Tavoi, v. to do a thing anyhow . Tăiele, v. to apply a speech to all ; Te, a particle used before verbs in

to fish for palolo on the great day the future , and oblique cases of the pronouns. of it. Tătelega, s. the great day (2nd) of Te, v. to besplit open (as chestnuts , pałolo.

Tatino , see Ta‘utino. Tatipi, v . to cut, to slash .

& c., and beginning to grow , or cooked banana bursting from its

skin ) ; redup. tētē.

Tátó . a . light, giddy (of the con - | Te'a , s. the name of a game. duct ).

Teʻa , v. to be away from ; to be

Tatū , v. to cut long ‘aso of a house ; clear of, to be rid of; to be wean to stamp with the feet. ed ; pl. teteʻa . Tatuu, v. to cut down (as a tree ) ; | Teane, conj. although , even al to let down (as the cocoanut

though. . Teatea, s. the name of a fish . Tātula ‘i, v. to cut down young trees Teatcavale , v. to be pale (as from leaving the stumps standing . sickness or fear. screens of a house).

Tātupu, s. a shoot or sprout of a | Tee , s. a prop . tree ; a sucker. Tee , v. to prop up ; redup. teetee.

Tātūtū , v. to stamp, to kick with Teelā , s. a pole to keep out the sail impatience. when running before the wind.




Teena, v. to refuse ; to reject; to | Tenininini, a word used only in fa I gono, its meaning unknown . | Tepa , v . to look towards ; pl. te Tei, s. a younger brother or sister. | tepa.

oppose. Te'ena 'i, v . to refuse ; to reject.

Te'i, v. to startle ; pl. tēteʻi; redup. | Tete, v. to shake, to quake (as with fear, cold , & c.)


Tetea, s. a white -skinned native, an Teisi, adv. in a short time, for a lit- albino.

Teive, s. a girl.

Tetea, a . light colored : as, le niu tetea . Teu , v. to adorn ; to put in order ; | Tetee, v. to refuse ; to reject ; to tle space ; somewhat. Teu, s. adornings.

to put away ; pl. teteu ; pass.

teua ; redup. teuteu .

Teu'ese , s. false hair.

oppose ; pass. teena. Tete' i, see Seseʻl.

Teteʻi, v. to distend the musquito

curtain with sticks. Teuga, see Teu . Tefa, v. to stumble sideways ; pl. Tēteři, v. plural of te‘i. Teteu, see Teu . tetefa ; redup. tefatefa . Tefi, v. to perform an operation on Tetega, v. to be pained in the arm or leg ; to be angry with. lads similar to circumcision . See TAFA0.

Tetele, a . plural of tele.

Tega, s. the thigh ; the upper part Tetele, v. to shave ; to clear (as a cocoanut of fruit, dry leaves, & c., of the arm . Tegālima, s. the upper part of the or a breadfruit tree of young and useless branches) ; to rub quickly arm . (as when the wood is about to ig Tegāvae, s. the thigh. nite ).

Tege, v. 10 swell up , to puff up (as

arrowroot when mixed , as a fat Tetemu, v. to tremble , to quake . man , or a dead body ; redup. te - | Teteva , s. a blighted banana , stunted and small. tege, tegetege. Telatelā , å. bad tempered ; (used | Tēteva , v. plural of teva.

on Upolu ). Tele , s. a plane.

Teva , v . to depart in displeasure ; to die ; pl. teteva ; redup . tevateva .

Tele, a . great ; many ; plentiful ; | Tevateva , v. to be constantly leav large ; pl. tetele ; intens. teletele. ing in anger. Teve, s. the name of an acrid plant Tele , v . to plane. the rootofwhich culprits are made Teleaʻi, v. to run quickly. .

to bite as a punishment.

Teletua , a . stark naked .

Telegese, s. the name of a star.

| Tevemanu'a , s. a species of teve.

Ti, s. the plant from the leaves of

Telegese, ' a . very slow . Telemulus "

which girdles are made (dræcena terminalis). Teletele, v . to be quick , to step out. Tia, s. the space cleared for pigeon catching . Temeteme, s. the stock, & c . of the

Telenoa, see TELEFUA. drill.

Teave . Tenane, see Teane. Tene, s . a species of banana.

| Ti'a , s . the stick used in tagati' a ; the head of a pig after the cheeks

Tene , v. to move the hands about |

(as in dancing ); pl. tetene ; re dur. tenetene.

and ears are removed ; a man's head (in abuse ).

Tia 'i, v . to throw away . Tiale, s. a sow that has left off

TIN TIA breeding ; the fruit of thc pua . TiliolaTa ,, 2 v.. to run for life .


Tiapula , s. the head of the taro for Tilitou ) ” replanting . See TIGAPULA .

Tilivaagoto, v. to have the canoe sinking with fish , and yet refuse

Tiātuli, s. the name of a plant.

Ti'e, s. a species of crab which bur- ' rowing throws up the earth in al

to give one to less fortunate fish ers ; to be without love .

mound, one species of the avii. Tilo, s. the innermost sprout of the Ti'eti'e, v. to sit upon , to be seated taro .

on something above the ground. Tilomalae, v. to receive a blow in a Tio , s. the name of a shell- tish ; one kind of Ay- fish hook .

Tio , a . sharp -looking (as the eyes); lively, animated ; pl. titio . Tio, v . to find fault with , to blame; pl. titio ; pass. tioina , tioa ; re dup. tiotio .

Ti'o, v. to defecate, to go to stool; pl. titi'o. Tioa , see LETIOA .

club match which causes to stag ger and look down to the ground .

Tilopa, s. a species of ti. Tilotilo , a . straight (as a tree) .

| Tilotilo , v. to peep, to spy ; pass. · tilofia .

Tilotilo , v. to adorn , to set off the

person as young people do. Timanu-a, s. species of the ti. Timatagi " sper

Timatimaloloa, v. to be lazy and sluggish in one's movements. Tiu , v. to go on a fishing voyage ; Timu, v. to rain .

Tioata , s. glass. Ti'otala , s. the name of a bird . to place a rat trap .


s. rain . Tina, s. a wedge.

Ti-ufi, s. a species of ti .

Timuga sº

Tiuga, s. a fishing voyage. Ti-ulu { "s. species of ti.

Tinā, s . a mother.

Tifa, s. mother-of-pearl.

Tina-'au , s. the main body of the

Tifaga, s. jugglery .

Tina, v. to split (as with a wedge). army.

Tifanua, s. a species of ti. Tina'ava , s. a strong wedge ; one Tifi, v. to adorn ; redup. titifi and who causes divisions in a family. tifititi.

Titiga, s. adornings. Tifititi, s. the name of a fish . Tigā , s. pain .

Tinaelega , s. the name of a fish . Tinai, see Tiner.

Tināmailo‘i, s. a fat sucking pig . Tinatoa, see TINAʻAVA .

Tigā, v. to be in pain ; to be near Tinei, v. to extinguish (as a fire); death ; pass. tigaina. to kill ; pass. tineia . Tiga pula, see TIAPULA. Tini, s. shouts of praise on themar Tila, s. the yard of a Samoan sail. riage of a high chief to a virgin Tilaumaniti, s . a species of ti.

Tilālalo, s. the sprit of a Samoan

lady. Tinifu , I s. those unable to fight

sail. Tinifuga ) (the women , children , Tili, s. a message sent in haste . aged, and sick ). Tili, v. to be quick in order to get Tinitinio , s. a shout of victory in in time; to go a message of life games , boat-racing, and fighting. and death ; redup . tilitili. Tinitinio , v. moving from place to Tili, s. a method of fishing by a place (as a person constantly go

small net.

Tili, v . to cast the net.

ing on malaga); changing from


TIN one to another (as a woman from


Titoa , 2

{ s. species of the ti.

one husband to another ). Tino , s. the body (as of a man , | To, s. the strainer of the 'ava ; a hole in the earth . beast, tree, canoe, & c.) Tino, v. to be bodily present; to be To, v . to plant ; to build ; to open ; certain . Tino, an affix to some verbsmaking them intensive in signification , as

to fall (as rain or dew ) ; to come

Tinoifili, s. those peculiarly hated .

ground (as a canoe) ; pl. toto ‘a.

upon (as a calamity ) ; to give ; to give over (as land ) ; to take down , as to ifo ; to remove, as taʻutino, fauulitino, & c. Tinoā, a . thin (as the body) ; redup. to 'ese ; to be with child , to be with young ; to separate ; to take tinotinoa. an oath . Tinoagafulu, a. ten (in counting bo Toa , s. the nameof a tree ; a war nito . rior ; a cock . Tino‘ese, a . tall ; pl. tino‘eóese . Tinoiaiga, s. a true family connec - | Toa , a . courageous ; pl. totoa . To‘a, v . to strike on a rock , to tion . Tinoimatagi, s. a strong breeze ; | To‘ a, v . to subside, to settle down :

to get hard (as cocoanut oil from great anger. the cold ; to sleep (of chiefs) ; Tinou , v . to desire intensely. pl. toto‘a. Tinogagase , v . to be languid . | To‘ a , a prefix to the numerals in thin, toskinny. Tinovale , a. glide, counting persons, fly or swim on Tipa, v. to the side with a gliding motion ; | Toʻai, s. the timbers of a canoe. To‘ai, v. to go direct to ; to head redup. tipatipa and titipa. Tipatipa , s. the name of a shellfish .

towards (as a canoe ); to arrive at. Toaʻi , v . to commit suicide ; to do a thing from constraint.

axe.; to cutup ; to hack ; s. an Tipi, Tipi, v. to cut Toaʻina, s. an old man . See Toea redup. tipitipi, titipi. INA . Tipolo , s. a lime. Toafa , s. a tract of land destitute of Tipunaʻi, 1 s. species ofthe ti. trees and covered with fern . Tipunaoa Tiputa, s.sºa woman 's upper gar- | Toʻatā, a. four (persons). Toatia, a . three (persons). ment, ( Tahitian ). Tita 'e, v. to break open a cocoanut. | Toʻafia , adv . how many ? (persons). Titafua, s. a species of the ti. TÖ'aga , s. a planting ; a building (of houses). Titi, s. a girdle of leaves. Titi'e, s. to swell (as the belly) ; to | To ‘aga , v. to be in earnest in doing

be angry. Titio , v . plural of tio .

Titi'o , v. plural of ti'o. Titiu , see Tiu . Titifi , see TiFi.


To‘aga, v. (from toʻa ), to be with ; to be in (as birds frequenting a certain tree) ; to remain with ; to settle down with .

Titina , v . to strangle , to choke.

To‘agalauapi, s. a war camp.

Titipa, a . careless , negligent.

To‘agāmāfana, s. a chief's sleeping

place. Titipaola , a. very careless. To‘alauama, a . many persons. Tito, s. tbe name of a fish . Tito, v. to fall headlong ; to preci- | To‘alemu, a . satisfied ; quiet ; at pitate.





Toālii, s. the timewhen the sun be- / ted a crime and are awaiting the gins to shine on the tops of the punishment). cocoanuts , being the time when Toialefala , v. to pass evacuations chiefs left off work .

unconsciously .

To‘āpaipai, s . a malo which is at To‘ialiu , s. the first bonito caught peace . in a new canoe. Toʻasā , s. a chief's anger. To‘ialo , v. to pass safely to the in To ‘asefulu , a . ten ( persons ).

side of the reef.

Toio , v. to divide a fish into four. To‘ifale, s. a bastard.

To‘atāma‘ i, see Toasa. To‘atinoagafulu , a . ten (persons).

To‘ato‘a, v. to be begrimed ; to Toʻifale , v. to be with child in her father's family while unmarried . smell of (as of pork ) . To‘ilalo , v. to be conquered , to be Toe, s. the last ; a remnant. subdued .

Toe, v . to remain over ; redup . to

To‘ito‘ iave'a, s. thenameof a creep ing plant . To‘itua, v. to pass safely to the out

toe .

Toe, adv. again . Toʻe, s. the sea eel. See Pusi.

Tocaina, s. an old man ; an old

side of the reef.

To'o, s. a pole with which to urge

dog .

Toeʻaiga, s. the remains of a meal.

on a canoe in the shallow ; a

Toeuluvā , s. the name of a month

stick in which is fixed the perch

of the pigeon .

( February ).

Toʻegatala , see PusIGATALA.

Tooā, s. a railing along the top of

Toʻelau, s. the trade wind. Toʻele , v . to reach to the ground, to be down to the ground.

a wall to keep out pigs. Tooala, s. diseases of the stomach . Tooalo , s. one kind of club ; the

Toʻele' ele, v. to fall on the ground ;

part of the reef on which canoes

( a word used in self abasement

are thrown when swamped .

when a favor is conferred , as the Toomaa, s. an abscess in the foot.

pardon of a criminal, & c.: Uu Toomaunu, s. hiccough. Toona'i, s. food prepared before toʻele'ele lau pule). hand ; Saturday : o le aso too Toepalolo, s. the name of a month (August ). naʻi.

Toʻese, v. to commit a fault ; to Toona'i, v. to prepare large quanti beg pardon , to apologize, to con ties of food for cooking ; to eat together the food prepared ; re

fess to being wrong. Toese, v . to remove, to take off.

Toetāumafa , s. the nameof a month (December). Toetoe, s. a small crab . Toetoe, adv. almost, nearly. Toi, s. the name of a tree. To‘i, s . a hatchet ; an adze.

To‘ia , v. to be struck (as by a falling


dup, tootoona 'i.

Toona'i, v. to lean upon a staff ; to

lean on anything for support; re dup. tõotoonaʻi.

Tootoo, s. a staff, a walking stick . Tootoo, s. a method of fishing .

Tootoo, v. to pull with a slow and steady struke (as a canoe).

tree, lightning, & c.) Tootū , s. a branching stick stood Toʻjaileulia , 7 v. to have a presage up to hang baskets on .

Toʻzailesū s of death (as by a li- | Tootuli, v . to kneel. zard falling on a person it is Toʻu, v. to scold ; redup. totoʻu ; used by those who have commit- |




as a verbal noun , o le 'ai toʻu , a Tofi, ls. an appointment; an in scold . Tofiga heritance, a patrimony. Tou , s. the nameof a tree, the wood Tofilofilo , s. the second night of the of which is used for cork , and the appearance of the land crab. berries for paste. Tofo , s. a tempting. Tou , pron. you, (used before verbs | Tofo , v. to taste ; to try ; to tempt;

in the future and the imperative | redup. tofotofo . instead of outou ). Tofoga, s. offerings to the priest to Tou , v. to paste siapo with tou ; ascertain the cause of some sick ness. pass. toua ; redup. totou . To ‘ū , s. an adze. Tofono, v. to be in time for a meal which is being eaten . Toʻulu, v. to fall (as a leaf, & c.); to fall through (as through a hole in Tofotofo , v . to try ; to tempt. a basket) ; to beat the mat drum (as in the night dance). Toulu , v . to have a blow on the

Tofototofoga, s. a temptation . Tofu, v. to dive ; pl. fetofui; redup. tofutofu .

head (as in a club match ).

Tofu , v. to be distributed to each , Toutou, a , having thick substantial to have each a portion , to be all fat (as pork ). | supplied ; puss. tofusia . Toʻutoʻu, v . to cluck , to chuckle (as | Tofua, s. a mat made with unpre a hen ).

pared leaves.

Tofā , s. determination , intention, Tofutofu , v. to dip under repeatedly | (as the head in bathing). something agreed upon. Tofā, v. farewell ! a parting saluta - Toga, s. native property consisting tion .

of fine mats and siapo.

Tofā , v. to sleep (of chiefs ); pl. to Toga, s. the south wind. fafā . Toga, s. a grove, a plantation (as of Tofāga s. the sleeping -place (as of any plant or tree, as togāʻulu ; a chief or a pigeon ).

it differs from ulu , which refers to

Töfale, v. to build houses. the umbrageous tops, while this Tofaleauga, v. (literally , to build refers to the ground). houses all around ), to desire for Togai, s. the name of a tree.

a wife (as when many are paying Togāfau , v. to deliberate on . addresses to a lady); to have ma- Togafiti, s . a scheme, device, ineans, ny wives. remedy. Tofatumoanaina, v . to founder ; to Togālauapi, see ToʻAGALAUAPI. come to an end (as a family ). Togānofo , v. to sit and devise mis Tofe, s. the name of a shellfish . chief privily. Tofē, s. a precipitous place. | Togapulau , s. a handsomeman . Tofeʻula , s. one kind of tofe. . Togāvao, s. a grove of trees. Tofelanifi, s. a large tofe. Togi, v. to carve ; pass . togia ; re Tofetofe , s . small tofe. dup. togitogi. Tofetofea, a . rough (as the body Togi, v. to throw , to cast (as a stone); with dirt, or a canoe covered with pl. fetogi. seaweed ).

Togia , v. passive of toyiand totogi.

Tofi, v. to split up ; to divide ; to Togiola , s. a price for one's life, a give an inheritance ; pass. tofia , redemption . Togimamanu, v. to be carved ; re tofitofia ; redup , tofitofi. Tofi, s, a chisel. dup. togimānumanu.




& c.) ; to relate everything against , Taligape'a, s. a stage in the growth a person so as to cause him to l of the ifi next to taligaʻimou . leave. | Talimalo , v. to receive guests .

Talatū , v. to boast of power, & c., | Talimātū , v . to wipe dry (as dishes). Talisela , s. a belt worn to prevent gettin oui of breath .

and not have it . Talatuu , see UPUTUU . Talatupua, see TaLAFAATUPUA.

| Talisua , * . Lo have supper.

Tālavale, v . to tell tales of not being Talitā , 2. the club used as a shield . fed , or of being badly treated . Talitā , v. to shield off blows.

Talavalu , s. one kind of war club. Tale, s. a cough. Tālefiti , v . to throw a somersault . I Tălele, v . to break a cocoanut, re

jecting the liquid for the sake of

Talitali, a to jabble from the re bound Hewaves on the iron bound shcre ; the shelf or frame on which the sleeping mats are

placed by day.

the kernel ; to escape swiftly (as Talitalia , see LETALITALIA .

the bonito ). Tālepapa , v. to bury the dead.

Tālitalia , see LETALITALIA .

Talitaliuli, s. the pilot fish ; onewho Tali, s. an answer ; food given to follows in the train of another. visitors. Talitaliuli, see Taliuli. Tali, v. to answer ; to wait for ; to Talitalinoa, v . to wait uselessly . receive ; to receive (as food in the Talitalitū, v. to wait for. stomach ) ; pass. talia and talitalia ; Talitane, s . a harlot.

nearly come.

Tāli, adv. nearly. See Tai.

Tālito ‘ai, v. to be Talito‘ai, ? , to answer saucily.

Taliaga, v. to lie on the back . Talialaina , v. to lie in wait for.

Talitua, v. to have the back to, to

recipr. fetalia ‘i.

Talitoʻasi sa

be gore Tālialoga , s. a chief 's meal. Taliava , v . to stand at an opening | Talo , s. an edible root, (taro , arum esculentum ). in the reef in order to assist a ca noe entering . Tālo , v. to beckon , to make signs to Talie , s. the name of a tree (a spe- l

go on ; to wave a piece of tutuya

over the dead , begging him to take calamities and diseases with which necklaces are made. him ; to fan. Taliefoagia , s. a species of talie the Tăloa, s. the garboard streak of a cies of almond).

Tālieulā , s. a kind of talie from fruit of which is eaten .

canoe .

Taliofo , s. the one who answers the Tălou, v. to pluck fruit with the lou . ofo . Talouli, v . to put a small taro on to Taliuli, v . to steer without assisting to pull ; redup . talitaliuli.

the end of a spear, to indicate the wish to wound the enemy.

Taliuta, s. those who wait for the | Talofa, interj . my love ! or I love ! (a form of salutation ) ; an expres landing of a canoe. sion of sympathy, pity, or sor Tālifiti, v. to wait for presents. row ; also a denunciation ; as, Oi Taliga , s. the ear ; a receiving . Taliga , s. a species of taro ; food

talofu !

taken to visitors by the young Taloloa, 1 s. a plantation held in | Taloloagas common . people. Taliga 'imoa , s. a stage in the growth | Talosaga, s. a praying .

of the ifi; a species of toadstool. | Talosia , v. passive of tatalo.



Talotalo , see Tatalo .


| Tamasā, s. the children of a sister

Talotaloga , s. prayer. See TamaFAFINE . Talotasi, s . one taro and one fish | Tamatama‘ ilima, s. fingers.

taken by each woman to visitors. Tamatama‘imata, s. the pupil of the Talu , adv . siuce.


Tālu , prep, on account of, through ; Tamatama‘ivae, s. toes. Tamatane, s. a boy ; the son of a redup. talutalu . woman. Talusā , v . to bring evil on others. Talutalu , s. the young trees grown | Tămate, v . to kill, (as trees and animals). up where there had been a plant Tamoře, v. to run . ation . Tamole, s. the name of a weed . Tālutalu , see Talu . Tama, s. a child ; a boy ; a wo- | Tanā, v. to shameanother by telling

man's offspring of either sex and | his faults ; to say or do what will any age ; a chief. cause oneself shame. | Tanaʻi, v. to overload ; to put too Tamā, s. a father. Tama-a-aiga, s. a person of large much in an oven ; to go to excess in quarrelling. See Panaʻl. family connections. Tama-a-le-eleele ,s. a chiefwho rules Tanafa , v. to beat the drum ; to talk incessantly . supreme over his land . Tama -alii, s. a chief's son ; a chief. Tanana, v . to make a beating noise

(as a number of soldier crabs) ;

Tama‘i, s. the young of animals or

plants ; bad news, a message of to talk incessantly . | Tane, s. a disease of the skin ; the ill tidings. Tāma'i, s. luck ; good fortune ; as, stain of 'uva . O lo matou tāmaʻiuamatou mau Tāne, s. a man, a male. Tanea, v . to be stained with 'uva . atu , & c. Tāmaʻi, v. to beat, to abuse ; pass. | Tānea , v. to be full of handsome men ; to have known a man car tama‘ia. Tama‘ima'i, v. to be ill ; to have a 1 nally. scarcity ; to be small in quantity Taneuli, I s. the different kinds of Tanemoo , or deficient in quality . in the disease called tune.

Tama‘ima‘i, v. to delight in , (the Tanesupa )

opposite to taʻino ‘ino ). Tanetane, s. the name ofa shrub . Tamaʻitaʻi, s. a lady ; an abscess in Tanetanea , v. to be full grown (as the ‘ava plant). the armpit. Tamaoaiga, v. to be rich, to have Tāniu , v, to cut down cocoanuts for abundance .

spears or for timber.

Tamafafine, s. a daughter of a wo- | Tăniu, s. a bad ti-a. man : the children of a sister.

| Tanifa , s. a large species of shark .

Tamala, s. the name of a fish . Tamala , v . to moderate (as the wind

Tanifatea , s. a variety of the tanifa; a licentious wornan .

and waves, sickness,anger, & c.); | Tanio , v. to have a disgust at food ; redup. tamalamala . to be distasteful (as one kind of food eaten constantly). Tamalá , v. to burn dimly. Tamāloa . s. a man , ( a term of fa - | Tano, v . to call over names and ti miliarity ).

tles ; to leave a speech unanswer

Tamanu, s. the name of a tree.

ed and introduce another subject;

Tamanu, v . to make the pigeon flut- !

pass, tanoa .

ter .

TAP TAN Tānoa, s. the ‘ava bowl; a dish , a | Tapatele, v. to ask for what onehas



no right ; to ask for what is diffi

Tanu , v. to bury ; pl. tatanu ; pass. | cult to grant, and to which one tanua and tanumia . has no claim . T'anuuli, a . covered with smut ; | Tapati, v. to clap the hands. blackened ; unscraped (as taro | Tapena, v. to carry off load by load ; baked with the skin on ). io stow away. See LA-u, Tau TUU . Tanuga, s. a burying . Tanuma'i, v. to cover up with ; to Tapepe, see TOPEPE. cover up closely (as a person in a Tapi, v. to wipe, to wipe up ; spec. shivering fit); to bury in oblivion , demuliebr. pudend. ; redup.tapi to conceal; redup. tanutanuma‘i. |


Tanumaga, s. the part buried (as of Tapii, v. to close the eyes, (a jesting a post). Tanutanu , s. the name of a fish.

term ). Tapigaʻese , v . to actdifferently from

Tapa, s. an agreement to exchange

others ; to act independently . Tapili, s. a fan to blow the fire with ; Tapa, v . to beckon with the palm of bellows. the hand inclining towards the Tapili, v. to fan the fire. Tapisa, v. pl. to laugh. body, signifying to come. titi.

Tapaau, s . cocoanut leaf mats ; a

Tapo , see Sapo.

chief ( so called because he sits on

Tapo, s . the name of a net.

a tapauu at a fono).

Tapo, v. to fish at night with the

Tapai, interj: oh that ! had it only tapo. been . Tapou, v. to put in the posts of a Tapau, v. to cut to the exact length. house . Tāpafua, v. to call to , to address , Tāpola , s. a white crab . See Tau (in speaking to a high chief). POLA . Tăpala, v. to dve the titi in the Tāpolaipu , I s. varieties of the tā Tā polasina pola . swamp ; to be rotted. Tapa'aoa, s. a native remedy for Tapona, v. to strike the loser in ta . gati' a a certain number of blows ; choking. Tapale , adv. constantly ; as, Ua 'ai to reprove. tapale. Taponaga, s. the beating after the Tăpale, v. to play at tapalega ; to | game of tayati-u. break up firewood with quickly Tapoto , v. to sirike cleverly with the

repeated blows; to strike on every |

club ; to make a telling speech .

side, to knock about. Tapu, v. to make sacred ; redup . Tăpalega, s. a game played in the taputapu. water, similar to hocky and shinty / Tapua, s. the long entrance of a cage or fish trap . on land.

Tapapa, v. to cover or shut in with Tapua'i, v. to abstain from work and planks. Tapasu , v. to strike a heavy blow . I

to sit waiting for success or pro tection (as during war or the pro

Tapatapa, v. to oil the body exces

gress of a dangerous disease, & c .) ;

sively ; to have a disease, a kind of leucorrhæa.

adopted to signify to worship ; redup. taputapua' i.

Tapata palalā , v. as the above ; re- Tapua'iga, s. lands which did not

dup. tapatapalalala.

engage in war, but served as a

TAP TAT 201 refuge to those who fled ; adopt- | Tasi, adv. very. ed to signify Christian worship . Tāsina, s. a striped siapo. Tapualagana'i, s. the fish called la Tasisi, v . to draw up (as the pola of lafi in its third stage of growth. a house ) ; to drive away. Tāpuamili, s. one kind of banana. Tasoni, v. to chop. Tapuée, v. to heap up earth (as Tata, s. the figurehead of a canoe ; around the yam ) ; to catch . a siapo rubber.

Tapui, s. anything hung up to de Tata , v. to jerk off, to pluck with violence. note trees made sacred . Tapui, v . to prohibit from picking Tatā, s. the wooden baler of a ca the fruit by hanging the tapui to noe . Tatā, v. to bale out ; to be relaxed

the tree .

Tapuitea, s. the evening star. Tapuituaina, v. to be dead .

(as the bowels); to speak rapidly ; to cover up with leaves in order to keep dry.

Tapu-u , s. a short ti-a .

Tapulaa , s. the boundary in the game of tologa ; laws and cove nants ; the name of a shellish . Tapulima, s. the wrist, the hand | from the wrist. Tapulu , s. the part of the tatooing | made all black .

Tāpulu , v. to get gum from trees by incision .

Tapumiti, s. the name of a shell fish .

Tātā , s. sweat. Tātā , v . to flap the wings.

Tataa , v. (pl. of tau ), to go at large. Tatae, v. to gather up rubbish by all the families.

Tataʻe, v. to be cracked.

Tataʻi, v. to lead (as a sick man ) ; to drag along (as the lauloa ); to lead a quarrel to others, to in volve.

| Tatao , v . to press, to squeeze ; to

Tapuna, s. a parasitic plant.

put under a weight; to lie in

Tāpuni, v . to shut.

ambush .

Tapupu, v. to talk quickly ; to Tātao, s. a stick to strike down breathe quickly ; to do anything I spears with . Tātao, v . to cut spears ; to ward off quickly . Taputapu, v. to make sacred. spears. Tāputapugagana, v. to be forbidden Tatau , s. a pennant, a flag to a ca noe ; tatooing. to speak . Taputu, v . to speak rapidly ; recipr. | Tatau , Q. alike ; right, proper ; fit. tetaputuaʻi; redup. taputuputu . Tatau , v . to fight two together, to Tapuvae, s. the foot from the ankle. fight a duel. Tapuvaefanua, v. to walk briskly Tatau , v. to strain out, to wring from being accustomed to the out ; to milk . See TĀu. road. Tataʻu , v. plural of taʻu . Tapuvaetasi, s. roads meeting in Tatatā , s. the net for catching fa . one. Tatafa, v. (pl. of tafa), to dawn. Tasele , v. to strike in the belly with Tatafe , v. plural of tafe). a club ; to strike the mat drum Tatai, v. to clear and weed a piece with rapid strokes ; to turn the of land ; to wash the hands (of chiefs ). skipping rope quickly .

Tasele, see FAUFILO.

Tasetu , see Ta‘ETU . Tasi, u , one.

Tataga, see TagA. Tātāgase, s. perspiration , sweat,

(used chiefly of that caused by a




paroxysm of pain , or of one near | Tava, s. the name of a tree . Tavaa, v. to cut out a canoe. Tatagi, s. the call or note of the Tavae, v. to strike the feet. death ).


Tava'e, s. the name of a bird .

Tatagi, v. to tinkle ; to ring ; to Tavai, s. the name of a tree. sound as a wooden drum . Tātāgia , s. the name of a tree.

Tavao , v . to cut timber for building and leave it in the bush .

Tatago , v . to seize , to lay hold of. | Tavaū, s. a species of leech . Tatala , v . to untie , to unloose ; re- | Tavale, v. to cut a tree on the

dup. talatala . Tatali, v . to wait for. Tatalo, v. to pray ; pass. talosia ; I

boundary ; to cut wood without measuring it ; to speak without thought.

redup . talotalo . Tavani, see TAFANI. Tatama, v. to have chickens in (as | Tavasa, v. to play the game of ta gati'a between two villages. eggs). Tatanu, v. plural of tanu . Tavasaga, s. a match of tagati'a between two villages. Tatapa , v. plural of tapa ; also see TAPATAPALALALA. Tavatava, s. the name of a fish . Tavatavāmavu, s. the name of a Tatapi, v. plural of tapi. shrub. Tātapuvae, s. a long robe reaching to the ankles. Tavava , s. an opening between the

Tătăsia , s. the name of a tree. Tātatau, v . to mark the tatooing . Tātātia , see TataGASE. Tatatino , see TATINO .

planks of a canoe or timbers of a house not fitting properly ; the wide opening between the thighs

of a thin person .

Tātātuli, v . to tap the knee ; to cau - | Tavave, v. to strike quickly . tion ; to intercede.

Tavio , v. to send forth a bad odour.

Tatea , a. strewed about on the | Tavinavina , see Vina . ground from abundance (as fruit ). | Tavoi, v. to do a thing anyhow .

Tăiele , v. to apply a speech to all ; | Te, a particle used before verbs in the future, and oblique cases of the pronouns. Tătelega, s. the great day (2nd ) of Te, v . to be split open (as chestnuts , parolo . & c., and beginning to grow , or Tatino, see TA'UTINO . cooked banana bursting from its skin ) ; redup. tētē. Tatipi, v . to cut, to slash . Tātó , a . light, giddy (of the con - | Te'a, s. the name of a game. Te'a , v. to be away from ; to be duct). clear of, to be rid of; to be wean Tatū , v. to cut long ‘aso of a house ; to fish for palolo on the great day of it .

to stamp with the feet.

ed ; pl. teteʻa .

Tatuu , v . to cut down (as a tree) ; | Teane, conj. although , even al to let down (as the cocoanut I though . + screens of a house). Teatea, s. the name of a fish . Tātulaʻi, v . to cut down young trees Teatcavale , v . to be pale (as from sickness or fear. leaving the stumps standing . Tātupu, s. a shootor sprout of a tree ; a sucker.

Tātūtū , v. to stamp, to kick with impatience .

Tee, s . a prop .

Tee , v. to prop up ; redup. teetee. Teela,, s.s.^.a pole to keep out the sail Teelā when running before the wind .




Teena, v. to refuse ; to reject ; to | Tenininini, a word used only in fa oppose.

Te'ena'i, v. to refuse ; to reject.

I gono, its meaning unknown. Tepa , v. to look towards ; pl. te

Tei, s. a younger brother or sister.


Te'i, v. to startle ; pl. tēteʻi; redup . | Tete , v. to shake, to quake (as with fear, cold , & c.) te'ite‘i. Tetea , s. a white - skinned native, an Teine, s. a girl.

Teisi, adv. in a short time, for a lit- | albino. Tetea, a. light colored : as, le niu tle space ; somewhat. Teu , s. adornings.

tetea .

Teu, v. to adorn ; to put in order ; Tetee, v . to refuse ; to reject ; to to put away ; pl. teteu ; pass. teua ; redup. teuteu .

Teu “ese , s. false hair .

oppose ; pass. teena .

Teteʻi, see Seseʻi.

Tete'i, v. to distend the musquito

curtain with sticks. sideways ; pl. Tete'i, v . plural of te‘i. Teteu , see Teu . tetefa ; redup. tefatefa . Tefi, v. to perform an operation on Tetega , v. to be pained in the arm lads similar to circumcision . See or leg ; to be angry with . Tetele, a . plural of tele . Tafao. Tega, s. the thigh ; the upper part Tetele, v. to shave ; to clear (as a cocoanut of fruit, dry leaves, & c., of the arm .

, see Teu. Teuga Tefa , v. to stumble

Tegālima, s. the upper part of the arm .

Tegāvae, s. the thigh.

or a breadfruit tree of young and useless branches ) ; to rub quickly (as when the wood is about to ig

nite ). Tege, v. 10 swell up , to puff up (as arrowroot when mixed , as a fat | Tetemu, v. to tremble , to quake. man , or a dead body ; redup. te- | Teteva, s. a blighted banana, stunted and small. tege, tegetege. Telatelā , a . bad tempered ; (used Tēteva, v. plural of teva .

on Upolu ).

Teva, v . to depart in displeasure : to

die ; pl. teteva ; redup . tevateva. Tele , s. a plane. Tele, a. great ; many ; plentiful ; | Tevateva, v. to be constantly leav large ; pl. tetele ; intens.teletele. | ing in anger. Teve, s. the name of an acrid plant Tele , v. to plane.

Teleaʻi, v. to run quickly . .

Telefua, a. stark naked. Telegese, s. the name of a star. Telegese, lemulú La Te , a. very very slow slow .. Telenoa , see TELEFUA.

theroot ofwhich culprits aremade to bite as a punishment.

Tevemanu“ a, s. a species of teve. Ti, s. the plant from the leaves of which girdles are made (dræcena


Teletele , v . to be quick, to step out. Tia, s. the space cleared for pigeon

Temeteme, s. the stock, & c. of the drill.

Tenane, see TEANE. Tene, s. a species of banana . Tene, v. to move the hands about

catching. Ti'a, s. the stick used in tagati'a ; the head of a pig after the cheeks and ears are removed ; a man 's head (in abuse ).

(as in dancing ) ; pl. tetene ; re- | Tia'i, v. to throw away. Tiale, s. a sow that has left off dup. tenetene.

TIA TIN 204 breeding ; the fruit of the pua . Tiliola hola ,,L v." t. to run for life. Tiapula , s. the head of the taro for | Tilitou replanting. See TIGAPULA . | Tilivaagoto, v. to have the canoe Tiātuli, s. the name of a plant.

sinking with fish , and yet refuse

Ti'e, s. a species of crab which bur- ' to give one to less fortunate fish rowing throws up the earth in a ers ; to be without love. mound , one species of the avii. | Tilo , s. the innermost sprout of the Ti' eti'e, v. to sit upon, to be seated taro. on something above the ground . | Tilomalae, v. to receive a blow in a club match which causes to stag Tio , s. the name of a shell- tish ; one kind of fly- fish hook . ger and look down to the ground. Tio , a. sharp-looking (as the eyes); Tilopa , s. a species of ti.

lively , animated ; pl. titio . Tilotilo , a . straight (as a tree). Tio , v. to find fault with , to blame; | Tilotilo , v . to peep, to spy ; pass. pl. titio ; pass. tioina, tioa ; redup. tiotio .

tilofia .

Tīlotilo , v. to adorn , to set off the Ti'o, v. to defecate, to go to stool; person as young people do . pl. titi'o .

Tioa, see LETIOA.

Timanu 'a ,


s. species of the ti. sos

Tioata , s. glass.

Timatimaloloa, v . to be lazy and Ti'otala , s. the name of a bird . sluggish in one's movements . Tiu , v . to go on a fishing voyage ; Timu, v . to rain. to place a rat trap .

Ti-ufi, s. a species of ti.

Tiuga, s. a fishing voyage.


s. rain . Tina , s . a wedge . Tinā , s . a mother.

Timuga S

of ti. Tina, v. to split (as with a wedge ). Tina -'au , s. the main body of the Tifa , s. mother-of-pearl. army. Tifaga, s. jugglery . Tifanua , s. a species of ti . Tina'ava, s. a strong wedge ; one Tifi, v. to adorn ; redup. titifi and who causes divisions in a family . s. species Tiʻulu {ºf

Tinaelega, s. the name of a fish . Tināmailo‘i, s. a fat sucking pig . Tinatoa, see Tina AvA. Tigā, s. pain . Tigā, v. to be in pain ; to be near Tinei, v . to extinguish (as a fire) ; tifititi .

Tifiga , s. adornings. Tifitili, s. the name of a fish . death ; pass. tigaina .

Tigapula, see TIAPULA.

Tinai, see Tiner.

to kill ; pass. tineia .

Tini, s. shouts of praise on themar

Tila , s. the yard of a Samoan sail. riage of a high chief to a virgin lady. Tilālalo , s. the sprit of a Samoan Tinifu, 1 s. those unable to fight Tilaumaniti, s. a species of ti. sail .

Tinifuga ) (the women, children ,

Tili, s. a message sent in haste. aged , and sick ). Tili, v . to be quick in order to get Tinitinio , s. a shout of victory in in time ; to go a message of life games, boat-racing , and fighting . and death ; redup . tilitili. Tinitinio , v. moving from place to

Tili, s. a method of fishing by a small net.

Tili, v. to cast the net.

place (as a person constantly go ing on malaga) ; changing from




Titoa, one to another (as a woman from | Tiv ai ' 2} s.. species of the ti. one husband to another ). Tino , s. the body (as of a man, To, s. the strainer of the 'ava ; a beast , tree , canoe , & c.)

hole in the earth.

Tino, v . to be bodily present; to be To, v . to plant ; to build ; to open ;

certain . Tino, an affix to someverbsmaking them intensive in signification, as taʻutino , fauulitino, & c. Tinoā, a . thin (as the body); redup. tinotinoā .

Tinoagafulu, a. ten (in counting bo nito .

Tino‘ese, a . tall ; pl. tino‘e ese . Tinoiaiga, s. a true family connec tion .

to fall (as rain or dew ) ; to come upon (as a calamity ) ; to give ; to give over ( as land ) ; to take down , as to ifo ; to remove, as to 'ese ; to be with child , to be with young ; to separate ; to take

an oath .

Toa, s. the name of a tree ; a war rior ; a cock .

Toa , a . courageous ; pl. totoa. To‘a , v. to strike on a rock , to

Tinoiſili, s. those peculiarly hated . ground (as a canoe) ; pl. toto‘a. Tinoimatagi, s. a strong breeze ; To‘a, v. to subside, to settle down ; great anger .

Tinou , v. to desire intensely . Tinogagase , v. to be languid .

to get hard (as cocoanut oil from

the cold ; to sleep (of chiefs) ; pl. toto ‘a. Toʻa, a prefix to the numerals in

Tinovale , a . thin , skinny. counting persons, the side with a gliding motion ; To‘ai, s. the timbers of a canoe. To‘ai, v. to go direct to ; to head redup. tipatipa and titipa. Tipatipa, s. the name of a shellfish. towards (as a canoe); to arrive at. Tipa , v . to glide, to fly or swim on

Tipi, s. an axe.

Toaʻi, v . to commit suicide ; to do

Tipi, v . to cut; to cut up; lo hack ;

a thing from constraint. Toaʻina, s. an old man . See Toea

redup. tipitipi, titipi. Tipolo , s. a lime. Tipunaʻi, le spe of the ti. {) "s. species Tipunaoa Tiputa , s. a woman 's upper gar


Toafa, s. a tract of land destitute of trees and covered with fern . Toʻatā , a. four (persons). Toatia, a . three (persons). ment, (Tahitian ). Tita 'e , v . to break open a cocoanut. | To‘afia, udv. how many? (persons). Titafua , s. a species of the ti. To‘aga , s. a planting ; a building Titi, s. a girdle of leaves. (of houses). Titi'e, s. to swell (as the belly ); to Tõ'aga, v. to be in earnest in doing be angry .

Titio , v . plural of tio .

Titi'o , v . plural of ti'o . Titiu , see Tiv .

Titifi, see Tiri.

Titina,v. to strangle, to choke. Titipa, a . careless, negligent.


Toʻaga, v. (from toʻa ), to be with ; to be in (as birds frequenting a

certain tree) ; to remain with ; to settle down with . To‘agalauapi, s. a war camp. To‘ agāmāfana, s. a chief' s sleeping

place. Tito , v. to fall headlong ; to preci- To‘alemu, a. satisfied ; quiet ; at Titipaola , a . very careless.

Tito , s. tbe name of a fish . pitate.

To‘alauama, a . many persons. rest.




Toālii, s. the timewhen the sun be- / gins to shine on the tops of the cocoanuts, being the time when chiefs left off work . Toʻāpaipai, s. a malo which is at

ted a crime and are awaiting the punishment). Toialefala , v. to pass evacuations . unconsciously . To‘ialiu , s. the first bonito caught in a new canoe.


Toʻasā , s. a chief's anger. To‘asefulu , a . ten (persons). To‘atāma‘i, see Toasa.

| To‘ialo , v. to pass safely to the in side of the reef.

Toio , v. to divide a fish into four.

To‘atinoagafulu , a . ten (persons). To‘ato ‘a , v. to be begrimed ; to

Toʻifale , s. a bastard . To‘ifale , v. to be with child in her father's family while unmarried .

smell of (as of pork ).

Toe, s. the last ; a remnant.

To‘ilalo, v. to be conquered, to be

Toe, v. to remain over ; redup. to -

subdued. Toʻito‘iave'a, s. the name of a creep ing plant. Toitua, v. to pass safely to the out


Toe, adv. again . To'e, s. the sea eel. See Pusi. Tocaina, s. an old man ; an old

side of the reef. Toʻo, s. a pole with which to urge

dog .

Toeʻaiga, s. the remains of a meal. Toeuluvā, s. the name of a month

on a canoe in the shallow ; a

stick in which is fixed the perch

(February). Toʻegatala , see PusiGATALA. Toʻelau, s. the trade wind . To‘ele, v. to reach to the ground , to be down to the ground .

of the pigeon .

Tooā, s. a railing along the top of a wall to keep out pigs.

Tooala , s. diseases of the stomach .

To‘ele'ele, v. to fall on the ground ; 1 ( a word used in self abasement

Tooalo , s. one kind of club ; the part of the reef on which canoes are thrown when swamped.

when a favor is conferred , as the Toomaa , s. an abscess in the foot. pardon of a criminal, & c . : Uu | Toomaunu, s. hiccough .

toʻeleʻele lau pule ). Toepalolo, s. the name of a month

Toona'i, s. food prepared before hand ; Saturday : ole aso too

naʻi. (August). To‘ese, v. to commit a fault ; to Toona'i, v. to prepare large quanti .

beg pardon , to apologize, to con fess to being wrong .

ties of food for cooking ; to eat together the food prepared ; re I dup . tootoona 'i.

Tõese , v. to remove , to take off. Toetāumafa, s. the name of a month Toona'i, v. to lean upon a staff ; to (December ). lean on anything for support ; re Toetoe, s. a small crab. Toetoe, adv. almost, nearly.

dup . tõotoona‘i. Tootoo , s. a staff , a walking stick .

Toi, s. the name of a tree. Tootoo, s. a method of fishing . Toʻi, s. a hatchet; an adze. Tootoo , v . to pull with a slow and To‘ia , v. to be struck (as by a falling | steady struke (as a canoe). tree, lightning, & c.)

Tootū, s. a branching stick stood

Toʻjaileulia , 1 v. to have a presage up to hang baskets on. To‘lailesū ſ of death (as by a li- | Tootuli, v . to kneel. zard falling on a person it is Toʻu , v. to scold ; redup. totoʻu ; used by those who have commit



as a verbal noun , o le 'ai toʻu , a Tofi, scold .

Tou , s. the nameof a tree, the wood | of which is used for cork , and the I berries for paste. Tou, pron. you, (used before verbs | in the future and the imperative instead of outou ).

Tou, v. to paste siapo with tou ; pass. toua ; redup . totou . To‘ ū , s . an adze.

Toʻulu , v . to fall (as a leaf, & c.); to


s. an appoiutment ; an in

Tofiga heritance, a patrimony. Tofilofilo, s. the second nightof the appearance of the land crab . Tofo , s. a tempting. Tofo , v . to taste ; to try ; to tempt; redup . tofotofo .

Tofoga, s. offerings to the priest to ascertain the cause of soine sick ness .

Tofono, v. to be in time for a meal

which is being eaten .

fall through (as through a hole in

Tofotofo , v. to try ; to tempt.

a basket) ; to beat the mat drum

Tofototofoga, s . a temptation .

(as in the night dance).

Tofu , v. to dive ; pl. fetofui ; redup .

Toulu , v. to have a blow on the

tofutofu .

head (as in a club match ).

Tofu, v. to be distributed to each , Toutou, a. having thick substantial to have each a portion , to be all fat (as pork ).

supplied ; puss. tofusia .

Toʻutoʻu, v . to cluck , to chuckle (as Tofua, s. a mat made with unpre pared leaves. a hen ).

Tofā, s. determination, intention , Tofutofu , v . to dip under repeatedly something agreed upon .

Tofā, v . farewell ! a parting saluta tion . Tofā , v. to sleep (of chiefs ); pl. to

(as the head in bathing ).

Toga, s. native property consisting of fine mats and siapo ,

Toga, s . the south wind. fafā . Toga, s. a grove, a plantation (as of Tofāga s. the sleeping -place (as of any plant or tree, as togāʻulu ;

it differs from ulu, which refers to the umbrageous tops, while this Tofaleauga , v . (literally , to build refers to the ground). houses all around ), to desire for Togai, s. the name of a tree. a wife (as when many are paying Togāfau , v. to deliberate on. addresses to a lady); to havema Togafiti, s. a scheme, device ,means,

a chief or a pigeon ).

Töfale , v. to build houses .

ny wives.


Tofatumoanaina, v . to founder ; to | Togālauapi, see ToʻAGALAUAPI. come to an end (as a family ). Togānofo , v. to sit and devise mis Tofe, s. the nameof a shellfish . chief privily . Tofē, s. a precipitous place. | Togapulau, s. a handsome man . Tofeʻula , s. one kind of tofe. .. Tofelauifi, s . a large tofe.

Togāvao, s. a grove of trees. Togi, v. to carve ; pass . togia ; re

dup. togitogi. Tofetofe , s . small tofe. Tofetofea , a . rough (as the body Togi, v. to tlırow , to cast (as a stone ); with dirt, or a canoe covered with pl. fetogi. seaweed ). Togia , v. passive of toyi and totogi. Tofi, v. to split up ; to divide ; to Togiola , s. a price for one's life , a give an inheritance ; pass. tofia , redemption . Togimamanu, v. to be carved ; re tofitofia ; redup, tofitofi. Toti, s. a chisel. dup. togimānumanu.

TOG TOL 208 Togiinanua'e , s. the chestnut when Tolo‘aano , v . to mix stiff (as arrow grown large enough to throw at root, & c .) birds. Tolosa 'i, v . to collect, to gather to Togisala , s. the payment of a fine ;


the one who appoints the fine. Töloaʻi, s, a brood ; a litter. Tögitogi, v. to carve a stick ; to Toloagulugulu , s. a fat pig ; a fat mark a part of the tatoo ; to mea

man . sure off, (because the part mea - | Toloi, v . to have a smoky taste .

sured was marked with the adze); Toloia , v. to be scratched (as by being thrown on the reef). to throw lightly . Tõgitū, v. to appoint another with - Toloipalai, s . the crooked body of out previous consultation . the palai runding along under Togo, s. the name of a tree. ground. Togotozo , s. one species of ii.

| Tolo ‘ula , s. one kind of sugarcane.

Tozovao, s. the name of a tree. Tolouli, s. a blight in taro and yams. Tolai, s. the wame of a bird . Tölaulau , v. to build temporary co - | Toloulia, v. to be blighted . coa . ut- leaf houses on occasion of Tolofia , v . passive of totolo.

tatooing, the death ofa chief, & c. Tolofiso , s. one species ofsugarcane. Tolela , v. to do anything in a bad , | Tolofualau , s. the kind of sugarcane slovenly manner. the leaf of which is used for

Toli, v. to gather (as fruit from high

thatch .

Töloga, s . the game of throwing


Tolii, á. close and small(asthe‘aso

spears at a mark .

of a house ; a basket neatly made ; Tologa , a . enduring ; long -lived . cinet fastenings laid on evenly ). Tologa , v. to send forth an odour.

Toliu , v. to open internally (as an Tololi, v. to make a scraping noise.

abscess); to recede (as elephan - Tolomati'e, v. to appear above tiasis to the bowels).


ground (as the top of the palai).

Tolifili, v . to choose what to gather | Tolomiti, s. a small bad conditioned (as fruit) . pig . Tolo , s. the sugarcane; the stick | Tolopa, v. to put off, to defer. to stir round the hot stones in the | Tolopaā , v. to give way, to step

arrowroot; the name of a fish. backward in a club match , & c. Tolo , s. a point, a promontary ; the Tolopau , lospecies of sugarcane. crooked body of a yam . | Tolotea pe Tolo , v. to keep back, to put off, Toloto , v. to get between (as the to adjourn ; to push forward (as enemy's troops ; to get into the a net with the feet) ; to stir round | midst (as of a party of chiefs, & c.) the hot stones in the arrowroot ; Tolotolo , see Tolo . to dart the spear in the game of Tolotolofa'i, v. to creep or crawl tologa ; redup. tolotolo . along.

Tolo , v. to singe, to burn off the Tolotovae, v. to stand between the hairs (as of a pig ); pass. toloa . I feet of an opponent, by which he Tolo , v . to kindle a fire by rubbing | gets the advantage. | Tolotui, s . the name of a fish . sticks ; pl. totolo .

Toloa, s. a wild duck ; the nameof Tolovae, v. to push on the net with a cluster of stars.

the feet.

209 TOL TOT Tulovai, v. to mix thie (as arrow . Topisi, v . to fall rotten rip ?. rort ). | Topo'a , v. to bear a child in old Tolovale , s. the first night of the age. | Topurepu ' e, v . to come in puffs (as appearance of the land crab. squallis of wind ); to seize in lits

Tolu , a . three.

Tora, v . to curse. or paroxysms (as an illness). Toma , v . to give directions ; to ex- | Tusaga, see FANTOSAGA. Tosi, v . to tear in strips, though not hort ; redup . tomatoma.

Tomaaga, s. a hegging of native

separated (as the ti leat in makiig

property . Tomai, s. promotion .

a girdle ) ; to be drawn out, 10 be

formed (as the limbs of the fætus ). Tosina , v. (passive of tuso ), to be

Tómall, s. land not requiring to lie

drawn ; to be drawn in , to be in fluenced .

fallow .

Tomasaga , 1 . 10 be both pregnant

together (as two wives of oneman , Toso , v. to drag ; to carry off by or two women in one family ).


force (as a woman ) ; to commit a

Tomataaga , v . to be acimired for his

rape; pl. tāso , to on,ani fetoso ;

looks but us. less. Tomatoma, v. to boy property ; to

pass , tosoa and tosina ; diinin . tosotoso .

give directions. Tomo, v . to sink in (as the foot in a

Tosoga, s. the dragging. Tosomanu , )

hole ); to drop through ; pl. to- | Tosott le , { s. names of a game. tomo. Tomna , 1. to be first. Tomuli, v. to be last. Tomumu , v . to grumble at. Tona, s. a wart ; the yaws.

Tosotelega )

Tosotoso, v. to drag away (as food or property abstracted by a favo

Tona, v . to leave the yaws.

rite child ) ; to drag gently (as in tliieving ). Totaʻuta'u, v. to be squally ,to blow

Tonāulu , s. the side of the head. Tonāmuli, s. the posteriors. Tonatonāfee , s. a wait, a fungus.

Totatau, v. to upbraid as being the cause of calamity .

Tona , s. the name of a weed .

Tote , v. to receive hospitably ; rc

in sudden gusts .

Tonoa, v . to fall down (as birds, dup . totetote . Toto, s. blood ; the name of a fish . al-o chiefs).

Tonu , a. right, straight, correct ; Totototoa , v. to bleed ; pl.fetotoi; pass . . pl. totonu .

Tonii, v . I suspect, I imagine. See. Toto , see To. ATONU , ulso NATONU . Totoa , 11. plural of ton. Tonuga, v. to be ascertained ; to be | Totoʻa , a . quiet; peaceful ; easy (as pain ) ; gentle , slow . decided . Topala , v. to fall rotten ripe. Totoʻ , s. a doorway. See Faito Topalega, v. to eat its own dung (as To ' a . Totoā, s. a thief. the seyre). Tope , v. to be rapid so as to be in - Tötoaʻi, v. to imprecate sudden death distinct (as in speaking ) ; to be

on oneself.

rapid so as to be irregular in pad - Tolne, v. plural of toe. diing ; pl. totope ; redup. tope- Totoe, » , to laugh (as a greatun bor in company). tope, topepe. Totoo , v. 10 lean upon is a staff'). Topelau , ice Tore.

TOT 210 Totou , see Tou. Toto uli, s. venous blood.

TUA upon (as the consequences of one 's own conduct : Uu tuu ia te oe

Totofi, v . to split up, to divide (as luu amio ). | Tua , prep. behind , at the back . taro, & c.) ; to appoint. Totoga, s. the inside , the entrails.

| Tua 'ā , s. a brother's brother ; a sis

Totogi, s. the payment of a fine ;

ter's sister; a father who has pre

now used generally for a payment

ceded in name or office, but is

dead . for labor or produce, & c. Totogi, v , to appoint or decree the Tuaefu , s. a bad -looking pigeon ; amount of fine, or the quantity of ugly men .

food to be taken to a travelling | Tuai, v . to be a long time.

party ; to drive off (as a hen does Tuā'ie , v. to be torn slightly (as a her chickens) ; to peck , to nibble


(as fish at a bait) ; to give a pay- Tuaoi, s. a boundary. ment. Tuani, r. to be a neighbor. Totogo, v. to spring up (as herbs ).

Tuaoivale, a . unneighborly Tuāolo , s. the back of a fort. Totolo , v. to crawl, to creep ; puss. | Tuaoloa , s. a south easterly wind . tolotia ; redup . tolotolo ; pl. feto- | Tuāua, s. the pape of the neck . lofi. Tuāupua, v . to backbite.

Totolima, a . bloody, murderous.

Totoma, v . to beg native property ; Tuafaline, s. a brother's sister ; pl. tuafa fine. redup. tomatoma. Tuāfanua, s. land at the back or Toto mā, s. arterial blood . beyond the wall of a village. Totõmainala, v. to belch . Totonoa , a . strong and quick at | Tuʻaga, s. the root, the cause , the work .

Totonu, a . plural of tonu . Tutonu , prep. in the midst, within . Tolonugalemu, s . the exact iniddle.

Totoso, v. plural of toso. Totototo, a . bloody; red .

origin .

Tuagane, s. a sister's brotlier. Tualā , s. the prime portion from the back of a pig .

Tuālā , v. to put a canoe more before the wind.

Tovale , v. to give away recklessly ; Tuālagi, s. beyond the skies , hea to finish improvidently (as the taro ven . plantation );redup. totovale ; puss. Tualiali, v. to make clear, to tell totovalea .

plainly . Tu , s. a custom , a habit ; a disease Tuālimafulufulua , s. an old hard Tövale , see To ‘ ESE .

of the eye (pterygium ) ; a ground

Tuälima, s. the back of the land .

working man.

pigt on ; a large piece of coral in ' Tualoa , s. ove kind of crab. I | Tualus, s. a black titi. See PaaGÀ . deep water inside the reef. Tualua, a. double, of two thick Tu , v . 10 stand ; pl, tutū . Tua , s . the back ; the next in order


(especially of children , the next to Tualuuluu , s. a species of crab ; one the eldest ) ; a thickness, as tua - | kind of fiy- fishliook ; an ugly man who gets a wife . valu , eightfold . Tua, v. to take behind ; to remove Tuamafa , s. a chief of pigeons. 10 a place of safety (as the women Tuāmata , s. the eyelid . and children in war) ; to trust in Tuamāti'e , v . 10 rise from the sit

the protection of; to return back

ting posture while part of tl. e



211 the fist ; to devote to destruction ;

troops are fighting ; a comparison

with the ti- e ; the sign of cowar- / pass. tuʻia ; redup . tuʻituʻi. dice. Tu'i, s. the purse of the lauloa

Tuana'i, v. to be behind, to be pass Tui, so'a high chief, a king : the ed by.

name of a shellfish .

Tuania , v . to be left out, to be pass- Tui, v . to prick ; pass. tuia . ed over (as in appointing to some Turia, v. to be wrecked .

work or message) on account of a Tūʻia , v. to strike the foot against a plea ofan urgent pre -engagement: stone ; to be pierced as by a spear as, Ou te le alu ; e tuatuunia au . / or the 'au fish . Tuāniu , s . the rib of the cocoanut Tu ‘ifana, s. a ramrod . leaflet ; bonnet wire. Tuiga, s. a head dress of brown

Tuāpā , prep . behind , outside (of a hair. wall ). Tuigaʻula , s. a head dress of red Trapapa, s. the back of a rock ; the feathers. sea along an iron bound coast. Tuapi-o, a . humpbacked . Tuapión , s. a humpback .

| Tuigā lauulu , see Tuiga .

Tuigālama, s. a torch made of can dlenuts .

Tuapipi, s. the second growth of Tuřigāmata , s. the part immediately the paper mulberry .

linder the eye, (so called because

Tuasivi, s. the backbone ; a ridge I beaten as a sign of griet ). Tuilā , v. to sew sails . of mountains. Trasivivae, s. the shin . Tu'ilealelo , v . to eat, (a term of Tuātaafalu , s. the upper part of a chief's back .

abuse ).

Tuřimomomo, v . to beat to pieces.

Tuatua, a . thick (as string , rope, Tu'inanau, v. to desire intensely . Tu'ipē, v. to beat severely. & c .) , v . to beat to a mummy Tuatua, s. the skin on the kernel of | Tuʻipala ipesi the cocoanut.

Tuatua, see FaATUATUA.


Tuisė, s. the flower of the grass, & c .

Tuatuai, v. to be somewhat long ; (vaofali). Tu 'itamaʻi, s. a deliverer. to delay : Tuatuania, see Tuanta . Tuʻitama‘i, v. to deliver from being Tuavaava, s. a method of fishing by | killed (as a warrior who keepsthe placing the net across the small

pursuers at bay while his own

openings of the reef.

party make their escape); to save

· Tuavalu , a. eightfold , (applied to the heavens, a thick wall, & c.)

a piece of land from being left uninhabited .

Tue, s. a species of wild yam . Tuʻitigā, v. see TUʻITAMAʻr; also Tuře, s. the body of a crab or cray applied to a young chief raised up fish after the legs are broken off. over a land in danger of being Tu'eagafulu , a . ten (of crayfish ). left without a chief. Tuóeliina, s. the knuckle. Tuitui, a. prickly, thorny. Tu 'elua , a . twenty (of crayfish ). Tūitui, see Ina. Fuřetuře, v . to be stript of its leaves Tuitui, s. thebeam running through (as a taro with its leaves eaten off,Lalong house . or taro tops with the stalks rotted Tu'itu'i, s . the small sticks between off !.

Tu'i, v. to thump ; to strike with

the outrigger and into ; a bundle of bamboos round which the mat




is rolled to makethe drum for the Tuuga, s. a portion of food for a night dance ; the stick on which l village or land. vegttables are rested while being Tuuga'ofe, s. a cutting of bamboos. scraped . . Taugalemu, see TUIGAMALIE . . Tu' itu 'i, v. to bruise , to pound ; to Tuugaman , s. a grave. thrimp gently (as a part of the Tungamalie, v . to have plenty of body in pain ). 1 persons in a family to help at . Tū 'itū‘i, v. to forbid the doing of a work . thing ; to forbid a payment ; to Tungata , v . to leavemore unfinished ; to be un remit a debt. Tuiveve, s. leaves sewn together to 1

cover in the native oven .

be unable to do

; to

able to do better. Tuulafoa'i, v. to reject; 10 abandon .

Tuu , v. to place : to appoint ; to Tuulalo , v. to whisper. permit ; to set free , to let go ; to Tu -uli, s. one method of fishing . put aside ; to pass by ; to desert; | Tu -ulu , v . to cut off the end of the to leave ; to deliver over ; to cut down ; to desist, to cease ; pass.

lupalapu in order to make a club . Tūuniana , v . to attribite a calamity

tuua and tuuina .

to some supernatural power ; to curse ; 10 rejoice in another's

Tuua, v. to be left ; to be dismissed.

misfortunes. Tuua 'i, v. to accuse falsely . Tuu'au , s. the wooden end of the Tuumavaega , s. covenant breaking.

Tuumuli, v. to walk backward , to

fishing rod .

yield ; to backslide; redup. tuu Tuuốau, v. to disband troops. Tuuautapu, v . to swear. turmuli. Tuvaga , a . having the fringe left (as Tuuna, v. to be left behind , to be outstripped .

a white mat).

Tuu -ala , v. to imprecate a misfor- Tunpalasi, v. to throw down vio lently (as a hiavy burthen ). Tuupea , v . to leave alone.


Tuu‘ali, v. to beg for ‘ali.

Tuusaoloto, vi to leave at liberty. Tuniala , a. of the wayside (as words Tuusaunoa

Tuuava , v . to pay respect to .

or reports picked up).

| Tūusua, see TAUSUÀ .

Tn ‘ ū 'u , s . the naine of a small fish . | Tuutaula , v. to avchor.

Tuufaalele , v 10 let go by the run (as a sail); to leave the attack in

Tuutagita , v. to leave the sides of the head unshaved.

a body so as not to be cut off by Tuutalo , v . to beg for raw taro (by



Tuufall , v. to be left to itself (as a

à whole village). Tuutele, v . to be in common .

pigeon left to go thewhole length Tuutigapula , v. to b g for taro tops (by a whole village ). children ) ; to be uncared for. Tuutuu, v. to pass a'org ; to pass

of its line ) ; to be incorrected (as I

Tuufala, 2 . to leave inside of the sleeping mats (as the curtains).

p ; to let down . Tuutuuluma, v . to make easy ; to

Tuufatu , v. to place stoves (as in

act gently ; to be easily led . | Tuutuuifo , v . to lower, to let down. Tuuleaugani, v . to swear, to takean Tuutuusina , v . to pass on food to the elders when not enough for oath .

marking a boundary).

Tuutua, a. deserted, uninhabited . I all.

TUU Tuuvaa, v. to set sail, to depart from a port.

TUI Tugagi, a . dull, blunt.


Tugalemu, 1 a . well-placed , well-si

Tufa , v. to divide, to share out, to | Tugamalies tuated . distribute ; recipr. fetufanaʻi ; re. | Tugia , v . passive of tutu . : Tula, s. a bald -headed person . dup. tufatufa .

Tufaaga , s. a division , a portion, a Tula , a , bald ; destitute of trees. share of food .

Tufa 'i, v. to divide out in portions.

Tūla , s , a perch ; the stones at the entrance of fish enclosures.

Tufaga, s. the division , the divid

Tula 'i, v . to rise up, to stand up

ing .

Tufale, v. to remain at home (as a

redup . tutula ‘i.

Tula‘ iu , s the loin of pork .

pigeon unfit for the seúga, or a | Tulaumu, s. a place to build a cook

ing house on . chief too old for war). Tufanua, s. a common man ; a boor- Tulatale , s. a ruler of the land , a isl fellow . counsellor ; a place on which a house stands. Tufaso , s, a dry maotu tree. Tufena, s. the company of water- Tulāfanā , see TUGAFANA.

drawers ; the water itself. Tufi, v. to pick up (as fruits fallen , shells, & c.) Tufilaupapa, v. to be broken up (as a wrecked vessel).

Tulatono , s. a law . . Tulaga, s. a place to stand on ; a footmark ; a pulpit. Tulagāvae, s. a footprint. Tulāgogo , s. the dorsal tin of the

Tufu , s. a spring below highwater

shark . mark in the sand ; the name of a | Tulali, see TUGAGI. fish .

Tufue, a. first ( especially of a wife ).

Tulāma'i, s. the cause of a sick . ness.

Tufue, v . to be first. Tulavae, s. the portion of a net to Tufuga, s. a carpenter ; a tatoo be made by each person . Tulāvelo , see TulalóU . marker. Tufumea , s . menorrhagia . Tūlei, v. to shove, to push . Tuga, s. a maggot. Tugā , a . maggotty .

Tulei, v. to speak ; to be sick, (only applied to high chiets ).

Tugā, v . to be late in the evening

Tulete, s. the name of a shrub . Tulefena, 1 v . to be sleepy.. . Tugā , v. ( for tugatū ), coming inop - | Tulemoe S " portunely ; standing in the way Tulenioge, v. to be horrified, to be territied . (as a rock in the middle of the road ; an abscess forming in an Tulesisila , v . to have the eye fixed (as in dying). awkward place where it cannot be lanced ). Tulesoli, v . to trample on , to ill use Tūga, s. a portion or appointed (as a conquered party). (about 9 o 'clock ).

share of food or property ; the Tuli, s. the name of a bird ; an out acquisition of all the great titles : side corner. Tuli, u . deaf ; pl. tutuli. as, Ua oo i tūga . Tugaee, v. to be unsettled . | Tuli, v . to drive ; to chase ; to pur Tuga'i, v. to light up a tire on the sue ; to follow up ; pl. tutuli ; beach . puss. tulia . Tugāfanā, s. the step of a mast.

Tuli, see LETULI.

Tuyage, s. the name of a shellfish . Tūli, see Tü-uli.




Tulia -ina, v. to follow up, to persist Tuluvao, s. the drops from the trees after rain . in . Tuliau , v. to be very deaf. Tuma, v. to strike with the kouc Tuliol va u , s. a species of the tuli. kles ; to be extensively weeded . Tuliulu, s. the side of the head . Tumau , v. to stand fast. Tuliga , s. a driviig ; a hunting, Tumatafaga , a . maritime, as nuu Tulilima, s. the elbow . tumatafuga . Tulilo , v . to stand concealed (as a Tumu, s. a hollow place in a tree where water lodges. pigeon among the leaves). Tuliloa , v . to give chase to . Tumu, v. to be full ; pl. tutumu. Tuliloaga , s. a chasing, a pursuit.

Tumua , s . the name of two of the

Tulimanava, s. the side of the belly. | Tulimanı , s. the corner (as of a

directing or leading lands on Upo lu ; (used as pule on Savaii ). Tumua'i, s. the crown of the bead . Tumutumu, s. the top , the summit. Tuna, s. the freshwater eel.

mat, pavement, & c .)

Tuliinataʻi, v. to look stedfastly. Tulitā, s . diseases of the bladder.

Tulitautā , v . to pursue and continue Tunale -a , s. a short thick kind of eel. to strike.

Tulitatao , v. to pursue closely . Tunasi, s. the branches of the 'ava Tulitulisega, v. to follow up, to per. root. sist in (as the bonito follows up Tuveva, v. to go and sit in the

the sega ).

house where the single ladies re

Tulivae, s. the knee. side, (applied to men ). Tulivalaau , v. to run and call after . Tunoa , s. ove method of fishing ; Tulou, v. an apologetic word usedL a cooking -house, (a polite name). on entering the house of a god , Tunoa, a . free (as love ). or when about to make a sudden | Tunoa , v. to stand idle ; to have no

noise , as on throwing down a log of woud , or on cummepcing a

standing place, (applied to those

speech .

to go ).

fishing where they have no right

Tūlouā , v. to stand in the way, to Tunu, v. to roast, to toast, to broil, be a nuisance .

to fry , to boil.

i, v. to roast done up in Tulolo, v. to bend down (as a tree , Turiuaf leaves. & c .)

Tuloto , v. to be in the midst. Tulua , v. to divide in halves. Tuluaopā , s. midnight.

Tunuu , see Taunuu . Tunuma, s. the case for tatooing instruments .

Tului, v. to drop into (as the eye, Tunupa'u, v. to broil in its own nose, & c .) skin ; pl. tunupapa'u . | Tupa , s. a species of crab with large Tulu 'i, a. long , lasting. Tuluóīga, s. the end (as of a road , claws ; hence the name vae tupa & c .) for elephantiasis. Tuluʻipae, s. the front row of stones Tūpā , s . one method of fishing . in a pavement.

Tuluʻitanu, s. the end of the pave ment. Tulula , s. a basket to keep oil bottles in ; a boat.

Tulu : ulu , s. the eaves of a house.

Tupa'ia , s. an insect of the beetle kind which makes an incessant rapping with its feet ; an active

industrious man . | Tupapa, s. food given for fish . Tupe, s. a sort of die made from a

TUT 215 TUP cocoanut shell, used to play a | Tusala , s. the spear planted highest game like pitch -penny ; a large

in the game of tologa .

bean , the fruit of a vine ; the cap Tusala , v. to stand in the wrong of a winkie ; money . place in tologa ; to stand in the

Tupea, a. friendless, destitute of fa- |

front of the troops in battle. Tusani, v. to divide equally . .

! Tupito , a. last, at the end . Tusapau, v. to be exactly equal or Tupoupou, v. to stand erect, to alike ; pl. tusa papau . stand straight up, (a disrespectful | Tusi, s. a letter, a book . attitude ); pl. tutupoupou . Tusi, v. to mark siapo ; to write ; , Tupolo , s. a stranger, one residing to point out. in a family to which he does not Tusiliina, s. hand-writing . belong . Tusitusi, u , striped . inily connections.

Tupoto, s. the moxa , ( Tongan ). I Tūta , v. to arrive at (as a canoe) ; Tupu , s. a chief of the highest rank. ) to reach the beach . Tupu , s. the units in counting above

Tutai, see NUUTUTAI.

tens and hundreds: as, e sefulu | Tutaʻi, s. the leader in a dance ; a broad net . ma ona tupu e fitu , seventeen .

Tupu, v. to grow , to increase ; to Tūtaga , s. a landing place; the cut spring up ; to arise from , to cause ; | ting off of a part of a tree. pl. tutupu ; redup. tuputupu .

Tutataga, see TugaeE.

Tupua, s. 'a stone supposed to have Tute, s. elephantiasis on the inside been a man petrified ; an image ; of the thigh ; redup. tutute. a riddle ; a fine mat when torn "; | Tutia , v . to be cut off ; especially to

certain privileges in seuga and alafaga .

cut off a part of the army from the rest.

Tupua, v. to be over ten, or over a Tutogi, v. to chop the bark all round . hundred . Tupu´aga , s. ancestors . Tutu , v. to set fire to, to light ; to Tupuolaola , v. to grow luxuriantly ; beat cloth. to increase. Tutū, s. the whale . See Tarola. | Tutū , v . to divide off, to cut off ; to Tupuga, see TUPUʻAGA .

Tupula 'i, v . to grow greatly ; to in

fell ; also plural of tu . Tŭtū , v . to reach to the end (as‘aso Tupulaga, s. a growth ; those ofone laid on to the house reaching the age ; a generation . eaves ) . Tupulua, v. to grow two together. Tūtū , s. a large crab . Tupulupulu , v. to continue to cover Tūlū , v . to wipe the feet ; to shake crease .

up the body ; to be low in the eaves (as a house ).

Tuputāma'i, v. to be angry (of a chief).

Tuputupula‘ina, v. to begin to grow , | to increase. I Tusa, v . to be like, to be equal. Tusaga, s. see USAGA ; also (at Tu - |

tuila ) the appointed portion of food or property brought by a party .

out of a bottle. Tutua, s. the wooden block to beat cloth on . Tutu a , a . short and thick , (applied to men ). Tutui, v. to seize with the claws (as cats and owls do); to be griped . Tutu 'i, v. to pierce, to drive in any.

thing sharp Turuu, v. to race (on foot or in ca nves) ; to have the bowels moved

· TUT VAI (as from medicines, or after being laatū'itu'i, s. a kind of raft for sail. constipated ). ing about on . Tutuulagī, v. to cut a chief's hair. Vaavaa, s. the breastbone of birds. Tutuga, s. the paper mulberry ; the Vaavaalautī, s. a child 's canoemade prepared bark of it; the lighting with a ti-leaf sail. Tae, s. a leg of an animal, stool, of a fire. Tūtīga, s. the appointed portion or & c. | Vaeane, v. an apologetic term when share of anything. about to say what might be offen Tutula ‘i, see T'ULAʻl. Tutule , s. the name of a shellfish : 1 sive : as, Vueane luu ufiogu , the conclusion of the night dance. “ saving your presence.” Tituli, u . (pl. of tuli), deaf. l'aeoso, a. ready, prompt (as to go Tutuli, v. (pl. of tuli), to drive. on a message). Tutulu, v. 10 leak (as a house ) ; to Vaela , s. a piy , (before chiefs ). werp (of chiefs). Vaefua, v. to separate without either Tūtūrvalu , see FSATUTUMALU . party being worsted.


Tutuna , s. the nameof a shrub .

Varga , s. a division .

Tutuna, 16. high above the rest ; Vargalemu, s. the half.

high , as a chief. Tūtunoa, udv. us:lessly , causelessly, unexpectedly. Tulupu , v. to sprout. See Tupu. Tuiusa, 2. plural of tusa. Tuiulutu , a. speckled. Tuvaa, v. to grow bent to the shape

laeluagaleniu , I v. to divide evenly Vaeluagamalie j in halves. Varmatua, s. the big toe. Vaesala , v. to be very quick ; to be foremost (as in war ). Vaetā, s. the name of a land crab before full grown). Vaetupa, s. elephantiasis in the leg . Vaetusa, v. to divide evenly .

of a canoe (as a tree).

Vaevae, v . to divide in parts, to cut up.

Vaevaeula , s. a species of the sugar |

The fourteenth letter in the Samoan alса phabet. It is pronounced as in En- | Vaevaegalelei, ) glish . Vaevaegatasi { see V'AETUSA . VA, s . a space between ; a noise. Vaevave, 'u . quick , Va, v. to rival. Vai, s. water; a water bottle.

Vaa , s. a canoe ; the priest of an uitu .

Vaī, s. the name of a bird . Vaiania, s. a fissure in the reef.

Va a -alo , s. a bonito fishing canoe. Vāiaso , s. a part of the day. Vaai, v . to look at ; to see ; pass.

vaaia ; recipr. fevaaiaʻi ; redup . /

Vaiati, s. after speeches, given when

each land has had its turn .

vaavaai; pl. vāai. Vāioa, s. a fissure in a rock . Văai, s. the handle ofthe gouge. Vaiola , s. water not drying up ; Vaaiga, s. a prospect ; a look -out ; I fabled miraculouswater giving lite to any who bathe in it. · spectacles. Vaifanua, s. land. Vaaimoa, s. a rat- trap . Vaafadtau, s. the minister who con . | Vaifolo, s. a pill. veyed the message of the uitu ; a l'aifusi, s. a plaster. media : or. Vaiga, s. water standing on the Va apiapi, a . narrow .

ground .

VAL 217 - VAI Vao , s. a bush ; a tree (not edible); Vailaau, s. medicine. a plant ; a weed ; the bush , as Vailau , v. to lie . Va ili, r. to take out (as something | distinguished froin the villages

and cultivated lands.

froni out of a basket ).

Vailogoua, s. a water hole supplied | Vao, a sign of the plural to some by the rain . few nouns : as, “ Lena vao taga - . Vailolo , s. cocoanut juice poured ta vale.” over the lolo after the oil is press Va‘o, v. to eat; redup. vava‘o, va‘o ed out ; cocoanuts (to chiefs ). va'o (only used in abuse). Vaoa , u . overgrown with weeds.

Vailoto , v. to be between , to be in the midst. ·Vaimasima, s. Epsom salts.

Vaoa'jiva, s. a forest. Vaogatā , a . disobedient.

Vaimasina, s. the space of timebe- Vaogofie, d. obedient. tween the old and new moon ; the Vaolo , s. a poisonous crab ; a dis night on which there is nomoon . obedient troublesome child. Vau, v . to rub down (as arrowroot);

Vaimili, s. liniment.

Vainiu , v. to prompt (as a speaker ).| to mix (as mortar ); to be grieved at heart ; pl. vavau ; pass. vaua .

Vainuu , s. the space between two

islands; a north -easterly wind . 1 Vaipā, v. to strike the body or the

( It differs from palu ,which is al ways with the hand).

house with a strip of the banana Vāuliuli, a . wide, spacious. stalk after attending on the body | Vagai, v. to face each other (as ar of a dead chief,by which the ta mies).

Vagaia , v.d to be besieged , to be sur rounde . Vaipulu ,s. oneof the small divisions Vāgana, s. the speech of a tulafale boo was removed .

Vaipalolo , s. the wet sea on .

(at Sagana). Vaganā, conj. except, unless.

of the husk of a cocoanut. Vaipuna, s. a fountain .

Vaisā , s. the preparatory wash used | Vagana, a . loud sounding (aswaves, a waterfall, & c. )

to fix the dye.

Vaisū, s. a native preparation of Vāgatai, s. a quarrel at sea . fish and nut. Vagātootvo , s. a quarrel between Vaitā , s. an intermission (as in the speakers . time ofmusic and in pain ).

Vāgavao, s. a quarrel in the bush about boundaries.

Vaitaʻi, s. a gutter, a channel to

Vagavaga , s. one kind of net.

lead off water.

Väitausaga, s. the time between the Vagavagai, v. to surround ; pass. vagaia .

· two seasons.

Vaito ‘elau , s. the dry season . Vaitusi, s . ink .

Vagivagi, v. to talk constantly with 1 hes and jests (a jocular term ).

Vaivae, s. euphem . for faufilo .

Valaau, v . to call to ; to invite (as

Vaivai, a . loose (as a rope ) ; watery; |

persous passing by to comein and

weak, easily broken (as a stick of

partake of food ) ; pass. valaauina

wood ). Vaivai, a . weak (as the body) .

and valaauia ; recipr. fevalaaua'i. Valasi, see SaʻOTAMAITAI.

Vaivaiatai, v. to be weak ashore but Valavala , a . wide apart. able to fish . Vale, s. a fool ; an idiot.

Vaivao, s. the space of bush be | Vale, a. worthless ; unproductive ; tween two villages.

needless ; inactive ; also suffixed




to some wordsadding intensity to Vane, v . to sharpen tatooing instru ments ; to sharpen the fly- fish their meaning , as atuatuvale.

Valea , a. ignorant; pl. vālea and

book . . Vanevane, v. to cry as the parro

valelea .

Vale-aiʻafa , s. one who eats cinet ;

quet ; to talk (in abuse ) .

Vānimonimo, s. the distant sky, the a great fool. Valeosi, v. to govern badly (as a heavens. family , a country). | Vanu, s. a valley, a ravine, a chasm . Valegase, s. boxing matches and Vanutato, a . deep down (as a val ley ).

other garnes on the occasion of

the death of a chief. Vanuvanu, 9. full of vanu. Valeteu , 1 v . to take no care of; Vasa , s. the ocean , (especially of the space between two starting Valetuulima to neglect. Vālevale , a. young (as a child ) ; points, as along an ironbound childish (of the aged and dying ) . coast, or between two islands).

Valevalematua, v . to be in one's do - Vasa 'i, v . to alternate, to intervené. Vasāmasina , see VAIMASINA, . tage. Valevalenoa, d. beautiful (as a pro- | Vasavasa , s. the name of a bird . See LATULATU . spect). Vali, s. paint. Vase , v. to rule lines ; pass. vasea . Vali, v. to paint (as under the arms Vase , s. a species of taro. with turmeric); to paint(as wood ); to whitewash ; pass. valia . Vali, a . plastered , whitewashed : as, o le füle vali. Valo, s. a very delicious sort of cray -

Vaseuli, s. one species of the vase. Vasega , s. a class. Vasesina, s. one species of the vase.

Vasevase, v. to poise the spear pre paratory to throwing :

fish .

Vasivasi, v . to be unaccustomed , to

Valo , see Vaʻo . Valo ‘a, s. a sort of jelly fish .

be not well acquainted (as with

some work ). Vātau, v. to be at variance, to be

Valoaga , s. a prediction . Valo ‘i, v. to express covetous desires ; redup , valovalo ‘i.

at war with .

Vāteatea , a. wide, spacious. Vatele, a . wide. Vatia , s. a native dish of food made

Valovalo , v. to whistle (as birds).

Valu , a . eight. Valu , v. to scrape out nuts ; to

scratch ; pl. vālu .

of cocoanut and arrowroot. | Vativati, s. the name of a bird . See

Vālu , v. to scrape (as taro, & c.); | LATULATU. pl. vavalu ; pass. vālua . Vatu 'e, s. a species of the sea-egg, Valuāpo, s. night, dark night. Vavae, v . to divide ; to cut off ; Valufau, s. the nameof a shell fish . I

pass. vaea ; redup. vaevae.

Vālusaga, s. scrapings (as of taro , Vavae, s. the cotton tree ; a lamp & c. )

wick .

Valuvalu , s. a native preparation of Vavai, a . flexible . food . Vavao, v . to forbid ; pass. vaoia. Vana, s. a sea -egg ; a spike of the Vāvāo, s. a confused noise. sea egg used to point the drill ; Vava' o , see VA‘O .

a sail needle, used for the same Vavau, s. ancient times. Vavau, a . lasting , perpetual.

purpose. Vane, s . the cry of the parroquet.

Vavau, see Vau.




Vavala , v. to be streaked (as the Vete , v. to spoil, to seize as booty ; puss. vetea ; redup. vetevete. sky with the dawn ). Vāvālalata , a . near together. Vetiveti, s. the nameof one kind of Vavale , s. snail slime ; slime from the fau tree. Vavale, a. slimy.

yain . Veve, s. leaves covered over the oven of food to keep in the heat.

Vavalo , v . to bubble up (as a spring ); Veve, v. to be numerous, (applied to to predict ; to express covetous men and animals ) . Veveia, v. to be hot ; puss. velasia. desires ; puss. valoia . Vāvāloloa, s. the wide ocean . Vāvāmamao, a . far apart.

Veveli, v. to long for ; to shew af. fection on meeting with friends.

Vave, a . quick ; pl. vavave.

Veveni, v. to have the veni ; puss.

Vave, v. to be quick ; redup. vave vave ; pl. vavave .

venia and venivenia.

Vevesi, v. to be disturbed , to be in

confusion , to be in disorder. Vaveao, s. the early morning . Vavega, s. a wonder, a miracle . Vevete, v. to undo (as a parcel) ; pass. vetea . Ve'a, s. the name of a bird. Veu, v. to grow in great numbers, Vi, s. the name of a tree and its to increase greatly (asmen or ani mals ).

Vela , v. done, well cooked, (the op posite to matu , raw ). Velasia, v. passive of vevela . Velavela, v. to be very severe (as a famine or epidemic ). Vele, v. to weed ; pl. vevele; redup. velevele. Veliveli, v. to be eager for ; to be disgusted with ; to long after the absent or the dead ; pass. veli velia .


Viavia , see VAGIVAGI. Vii, v . to praise ; pass. viia ; redup.

vivii ; dimin . viivii.

Vii, s. a song in praise of a Viiga chief. Viigase, v. to praise after death . Vi'o , v. to curl the hair . Vila, s. a song with motion of the hands.

Vili, s. a gimblet ; a whirlpool; the name of a game of hazard ; the

name of a tree.

Velo , s. the cover of the stern of a Vili, v. to bore a hole ; to writhe (as canioe ; the horns of a crayfish. I in pain ) ; to desire earnestly ; pl. vivili ; redup. vilivili. Viligase, see Fitigase. Veloaʻi, s. the oldest of a litter of Viliyia, v. to dry in the wind ; to air ; to cool in the wind . pigs. Velo , v. to dart ; to cast a dart ; 1 pass. velosia .

Velovelo, s. a point of land jutting Vilipā, s. the sail needle used to away beyond the straight line into point the drill. another piece of land . Vilitaʻi, v. to desire earnestly ; to Velovelo , v. to spear (as fish ). persevere ; redup . vilivilita'i. Veni, a . bloated and puffed up from Vilivili, s. a small imperfectly formed breadfruit . disease. Venia , v. to be bloated with veni; Vina, v. to urge on those already at work ; redup. vinavina. redup. venivenia . Vetā, v. to peel off (as the skin of a Vi-vao, s. a wild vi. young child ). Vīvī, a . prolific (as trees). Vete, s. the name of a fish . Vivii, v. to praise, to extol ; puss. Vete , s. booty, prey.

viia .




Totou, see Tou .

upon (as the consequences ofone's own conduct : Uu tua ia te oe luu amio). Tua , prep. behind , at the back .

Toto uli, s. venous blood . Totofi, v . to split up , to divide (as taro , & c.) ; to appoint. Totoga, s. the inside , the entrails.

Tua 'ā , s. a brother's brother ; a sis ter's sister ; a father who has pre

Totogi, s. the payment of a fine ; now used generally for a payment for labor or produce , & c.

ceded in name or office, but is dead .

Totogi, v . to appoint or decree the Tuaefu , s. a bad -looking pigeon ; amount of fine , or the quantity of ugly men . food to be taken to a travelling | Tuai, v. to be a long time.

party ; to drive off (as a hen does Tuā' ie , v. to be torn slightly (as a her chickens) ; to peck , to nibble (as fish at a bait) ; to give a pay- | Tuaoi, s . a boundary. ment. Tuani, r. to be a neighbor.

Totogo, v. to spring up (as herbs). | Tuaoivale , a . unneighborly Totolima, a . bloody, murderous. Tuāolo , s. the back of a fort. Totolo , o. to crawl, to creep ; puss. Tuaoloa, s. a south easterly wind.

tolotia ; redup. tolotolo ; pl. fetoTotoma, v. to beg native property ; redup. tomatorna. Toto mā, s. arterial blood.

Tuāua, s. the pape of the neck . Tuāupua, v. to backbite . Tuafaline, s. a brother's sister ; pl. tuafāfine. Tuāfanua, s. land at the back or

lofi .

Totõmainala , v. to belch .

beyond the wall of a village.

Totonoa, a. strong and quick at Tu‘aga, s. the root, the cause, the origin , Tuagane , s. a sister's brotlier.

work .

Totonu, a . plural of tonu .

Totonu, prep. in the midst, within . Tualā , s. the prime portion from the Tolonugalemu, s. the exact iniddle. 1 back of a pig . Totoso, v . plural of loso . Tuālā , v. to put a canoemore before

the wind .

Totototo, a . bloody ; red .

Tovale, v. to give away recklessly ; Tuālagi, s. beyond the skies, hea to finish improvidently (as the taro ven.

plantation ); redup. tõiövale ; puss. Tualiali, v. to make clear, to tell totovalea. plainly . Tovale, see ToʻESE. Tuālima, s. the back of the hand . Tu, s. a custom , a habit ; a disease Tuālimafulufulua, s. an old hard

of the eye (pterygium ) ; a ground

working man .

pigeon ; a large piece of coral iu

deep water inside the reef.

Tualoa , s. ove kind of crab .

| Tualus, s. a black titi. Sée PAAGA.

| Tualua ; a . double , of two thick Tu , v . 10 stand ; pl. tutū. nesses. Tua, s. the back ; the next in order (especially of children ,the next to Tualuuluu , s. a species of crab ; one the eldest ) ; a thickness , as tua - 1

kind of fly - fishliook ; an ugly man

valu , eightfold .

who gets a wife.

Tua, v. to take behind ; to remove Tuamafa , s. a chief of pigeons. 10 a place of safety (as the women Tuāmata, s. the eyelid . and children in war) ; to trust in | Tuamāti'e, v . 10 rise from the sit

the protection of ; to return back

ting posture while part of tl.e




troops are fighting ; a comparison

the fist : to devote to destruction ;

with the ti'e ; the sign of cowar-

pass. tuʻia ; redup. tuʻituʻi. Tu 'i, s. the purse of the lauloa

dice .

Tuana'i, v. to bebehind , to be pass

Tui, s.'a high chief, a king : the

ed by .

name of a shellfish .

Tuania , v. to be left out, to be pass . | Tui, v. to prick ; pass. tuia .

ed over (as in appointing to some | Turia , v. to be wrecked . work or message) on account of a Tūéia , v. to strike the foot against a plea ofan urgent pre -engagement: stone ; to be pierced as by a spear as, Ou te le alu ; e tuatuunia au. / or the 'a 'u fish . Tuāniu , s. the rib of the cocoanut Tu 'ifana , s. a ramrod . leaflet ; bonnet wire. Tuiga, s. a head dress of brown

Tuāpā , prep. behind, outside (of a

hair. Tuiga'ula , s . a head dress of red


Tuapapa, s. the back of a rock ; the

feathers. Tuigālauulu , see TUIGA.

sea along an iron bound coast.

Tuigālama, s. a torch made of can dlenuts . Tuapipi, s. the second growth of Tu 'igāmata , s. the part immediately Tuapi'o , a . humpbacked .

Tuapi'o, $. a humpback .

| under the eye, (so called because

the paper mulberry .

Tuasivi, s. the backbone ; a ridge

beaten as a sign of griet). Tuila , v. to sew sails .

of mountains. Tnasivivae, s. the shin .

Tu'ilealelo , v . to eat, (a term of Tuātaafalu , s. the upper part of a abuse ). chief's back . Tuřimomomo, v . to beat to pieces. Tuatua, a. thick (as string , rope, Tu'inanau , v . to desire intensely. & c.) Tu'ipē, v. to beat severely.

Tuatua, s. the skin on the kernel of Tuʻipala, Sv. to beat to a mummy. the cocoanut. Tu'ipesi

Tuisē , s. the flower of the grass , & c.

Tuatua , see FAATUATUA.

Tuatuai, v. to be somewhat long ;


to delay.

Tuʻitamaʻi, s . a deliverer.

Tuatuania, see Tuania. Tuavaava , s . a method of fishing by

placing the net across the small

openings of the reef. Tuavalu , a . eightfold , (applied to the heavens, a thick wall, & c. )


Tuʻitama‘i, v. to deliver from being killed (as a warrior who keeps the pursuers at bay while his own party make their escape); to save a piece of land from being left uninhabited . Tuʻitigā, v . see TuʻitaMAʻI ; also applied to a young chief raised up

Tue, s. a species of wild yam . I Tuře, s. the body of a crab or cray: I fish after the legs are broken off. over a land in danger of being Tureagafulu , a . ten (of crayfish ). left without a chief. Tuitui, a . prickly , thorny. Tučeliina, s. the knuckle.

Tu'elua, a . twenty (of crayfish ).

Tūitui, see Ina.

Fuʻeture, v . to be striptof its leaves Tuitui, s. the beam running through (as a taro with its leaves eaten off , a long house . or taro tops with the stalks rotted | Tu 'itu 'i, s. the small sticks between off . the outrigger and iato ; a bundle

Tu'i, v. to thump ; to strike with

of bamboos round which the mat




is rolled to make the drum for the Tuuga, s. a portion of food for a night dance ; the stick on which / village or land. vegttables are rested while being Tuuga‘ofe, s. a cutting of bamboos. scraped . Tuugalemu, see TUI'GAMALIE. . Tuituri, v. to bruise , to pound ; to Tuugaman, s. a grave.

thump gently (as a part of the Tuugamalie, v. to have plenty of persons in a family to help at Tū'itūʻi, v. to forbid the doing of a work . body in pain ).

thing ; to forbid a payment ; to Tungata , v . to leave mnfinished ; to be unable to do more ; to be un remit a debt. able to do belter. Tuiveve, s. leaves sewn together to

Tuulafoa'i, v. to reject; 10 abandon .

cover in the native oven .

Tuu , v. to place: to appoint; to Tuulalo , v. to whisper. perinit ; to set free , to let go ; to

Tu -uli, s. one method of fishing :

put aside ; to pass by ; to desert; | Tu -ulu , v. to cut off the end of the to leave ; to deliver over ; to cut lupalapa in order to make a club . down ; to desist, to cease ; pass. | Tūunana , v. to attribute a calamity tuua and tuuina. to some supernatural power ; to

Tuun , v. to be left ; to be dismissed . Tuua'i, v. to accuse falsely.

curse ; 10 rejoice in another's misfortunes .

Tuu´au , s. the wooden end of the Tuumavaega , s. covenant breakii.g . fishing rod . Tuumuli, v. to walk backward , to

Tuu'au , v. to disband troops.

yield ; to backslide ; redup. tuu

Tuuautapu, v . to swear.


Tuuaga , a . having the fringe left (as Tuuna, v. to be left behind , to be a white mat).

outstripped .

Tuu-ala , v. to imprecate a misfor- Tumpalasi, v. to throw down vio . tune. lently (as a hiavy hurthen ). Tuupea , v. to leave alone. Tuu‘ali, v. to beg for 'ali. Tuusaoloto , vi to leave at liberty. Tuvava , v . to pay respect to . Tuuiala , a . of the wayside (aswords Tuusaunoa | Tūusua , see TAUSUA. or reports picked up). To ‘ū' 11, s. the name of a small fish . | Tuutaula , v. to anchor. Tuufaalele , v to let go by the run Tuutagita , v. to leave the sides of the head unshaved . (as a sail) ; to leave the attack in a body so as not to be cut off by Tuutalo , v. to beg for raw taro (by a whole village ).


Tufan, v. to be left to itself (as a

Tuutele , v. to be in common .

pigeon left to go the whole length Tuutigapula , v. to b g for taro tops of its line) ; to be uncorrected (asl (by a whole village). children ) ; to be uncared for. | Tuutuu , v . to pass alorg ; to pass Tuufala , v . to leave inside of the up ; to let down. sleeping mats (as the curtains). | Tuutuu : luma, v. to make easy ; to

Tuutatu, v . to place stones (as in | act gently ; to be easily led . marking a boundary).


Tuuleaugani, v . to swear, to take an oath .

Tuutuuifo , v . to lower, to let down . Tuutuusina, v. to pass on food to the elders when not enough for

Tuufun, a, deserted, uninhabited . i all.

TUL 213 TUU Tuuvaa, v. to set sail, to depart from Tugagi, a. dull, blunt. a port. Tugalemu, 1 a. well-placed ,well-si Tufa , v. to divide, to share. out, to Tugamalie tuated . distribute ; recipr. fetufanaʻi ; re- | Tugia , v . passive of tutu .

dup. tutatufa .


Tula, s. a bald -headed person .

Tufaaga, s. a division, a portion , a Tula , a . bald ; destitute of trees. share of food.

Tufa'i, v. to divide out in portions. I Tufaga , s. the division , the divid ing .

Tūla, s, a perch ; the stones at the entrance of fish enclosures. Tula i, v. to rise up , to stand up redup . tutula‘i.

Tufale, v. to remain at home (as a Tula ‘ iu , s the loin of pork . pigeon unfit for the seúga , or a | Tulaumu, s. a place to build a cook chief too old for war). ing house on . Tufanua, s. a common man ; a boor- Tulatale , s. a ruler of the land, a

isl fellow . Tufaso , s . a dry maotu tree.

counsellor ; a place on which a

house stands . Tufena, s. the company of water- Tulāfanā , see TUGAFANA. Tulafono, s. a law . drawers ; the water itself. * Tufi, v. to pick up (as fruits fallen , Tulaga, s. a place to stand on ; a shells, & c,)

footmark ; a pulpit.

Tufilaupapa, v. to be broken up (as | Tulagāvae, s. a footprint.

a wrecked vessel). Tulāgogo, s. the dorsal fin of the shark . Tufu , s. a spring below highwater mark in the sand ; the name of a

Tulali, see TUGAGI.

fish .

Tulāma‘i, s. the cause of a sick . Tufue, a. first ( especially of a wife). ness. Tufue, v. to be first. Tulavae, s. the portion of a net to be made by each person . Tufuga, s. a carpenter ; a tatoo marker .

Tufumea , s. menorrhagia . Tuga , s, a maggot . Tuga, a . maggotty.

Tulāvelo, see TULAI'U .

Tūlei, v . to shove, to push .

Tulei, v. to speak ; to be sick, (only

applied to high chiefs). Tugā , v . to be late in the evening Tulete, s. the name of a shrub . Tulefena, v . to be sleepy. (about 9 o'clock ). Tugā, v. (for tugatū ), coming inop Tulemoe ” portunely ; standing in the way Tulenioge, v. to be horrified , to be (as a rock in the middle of the terrified .

road ; an abscess forming in an Tulesisila , v. to have the eye fixed awkward place where it cannot be (as in dying ). lanced ). Tulesoli, v. to trample on , to ill use Tūga, s. a portion or appointed | (as a conquered party ). share of food or property ; the Tuli, s. the name of a bird ; an out acquisition of all the greal titles : side corner. Tuli, a . deaf ; pl. tutuli. as, Ua oo i tuga . Tugaee, v. to be unsettled . Tuli, v. to drive; to chase ; to pur Tuga'i, v. to light up a tire on the sue ; to follow up ; pl. lutuli ; beach. puss. tulia . Tugāfanā, s. the step of a mast. Tuli, see LETULI.

Tugage, s. the name of a shellfish. Iūli, see Tü-uli.


TUP Tulia 'ina, v. to follow up, to persist Tuluvao, s. the drops from the trees


after rain .

in . Tuliau , v . to be very deaf.

Tuma, v. to strike with the kpuc Tulioleva u , s. a species of the tuli. kles ; to be extensively weeded .

Tuliulu, s. the side of the head . Tuliga, s. a driving ; a hunting,

Tumau , v. to stand fast.

Tumata faga, a . maritime, as nuu tumatafuga . Tulilima, s. the elbow . Tulilo , v . to stand concealed (as a Tumu, s. a hollow place in a tree pigeon among the leaves). where water lodges. Tuliloa , v. to give chase to . | Tumu, v. to be full ; pl. tutumu. Tuliloaga , s. a chasing , a pursuit. Tumua , s. the name of two of them Tulimanava, s. the side of the belly. directing or leading landson Upo

Tulimanu , s. the corner (as of aL mat, pavement, & c.) Tulimataʻi, v. to look stedfastly .

lu ; (used as pule on Savaii). | Tumua 'i, s . the crown of the head . | Tumutumu , s. the top , the summit.

Tulitā, s. diseases of the bladder.

Tana, s. the freshwater eel.

Tulitautā , v. to pursue and continue Tunale'a, s. a short thick kind of eel.

to strike.

Tunasi, s. the branches of the 'ava

Tulitatao , v. to pursue closely.

Tulitulisega, v. to follow up, to per root. sist in (as the bonito follows up Tuveva , v . to go and sit in the the sega ). house where the single ladies re Tulivae, s. the knee. side, (applied to men ). Tulivalaau, v . to run and call after. Tunoa, s. ove method of fishing ;

Tulou , v. an apologetic word used

a cooking -house, (a polite name).

on entering the house of a god , Tunoa , a. free (as love). or when about to make a sudden

Tunoa, v . to stand idle ; to have no

standing place, (applied to those fishing where they have no right speech. to go ). Tūlouā, v . to stand in the way, to Tunu, v. to roast, to toast, to broil, be a nuisance. to fry , to boil. noise, as on throwing down a log of wovd , or on cummepcing a 1

Tulolo , v. to bend down (as a tree, Tuniuafī, v. to roast done up in leaves. & c .) Tunuu, see TAUNUU . Tuloto, v. to be in the midst. Tunuma, s. the case for tatooing Tulua , v. to divide in halves. instruments. Tuluaopo , s. midnight.

Tului, v. to drop into (as the eye, Tunupa'u, v. to broil in its own nose, & c.) I skin ; pl. tunupapa'u . | Tupa , s. a species ofcrab with large Tulu 'i, u . long, lasting. Tulu'īga, s. the end (as of a road , | claws; hence the name vae tupa & c.) for elephantiasis. Tuluʻipae, s. the front row of stones Tūpā , s. one method of fishing . | Tupa‘ia , s . an insect of the beetle in a pavement.

Tulu 'itanu, s. the end of the pavement.

Tulula , s. a basket to keep oil bot tles in ; a boat.

Tulu :ulu , s. the eaves of a house.

kind which makes an incessant

rapping with its feet ; an active industrious man. | Tupapa, s. food given for fish .

Tupe, s. a sort of die made from a



215 cocoanut shell, used to play a | Tusala, s. the spear planted highest game like pitch -penny ; a large

in the game of tologa .

bean, the fruit of a vine ; the cap Tusala, v. to stand in the wrong of a winkie ; money . place in tologa ; to stand in the

Tupea, a . friendless, destitute of fa front of the troops in battle. mily connections. Tusani, v. to divide equally. Tusapau, v. to be exacily equal or Tupito , a . last, at the end . Tupoupou, v . to stand erect, to | alike ; pl. tusa papau . stand straight up , (a disrespectful | Tusi, s. a letter , a book . attitude) ; pl. tutupoupou. Tusi, v. to mark siupo ; to write ; , Tupolo , s. a stranger, one residing to point out. in a family to which he does not Tusiliina, s. hand -writing. belong. Tusitusi, a. striped. Tupoto, s. the moxa, (Tongan ).

I Tūta, v. to arrive at (as a canoe ) ;

Tupu , s. a chief of the highest rank . ) to reach the beach . Tupu , s. the units in counting above | Tutai, see NUUTUTAI. tens and hundreds : as , e sefulu Tutaʻi, s. the leader in a dance ; a

broad net. ma ona tupu e fitu , seventeen. Tupu, v . to grow , to increase ; to Tūtaga, s. a landing place; the cut spring up ; to arise from , to cause; 1 ting off of a part of a tree. Tutataga , see Tugaee . pl. tutupu ; redup. tuputupu .

Tupua, s. a stone supposed to have Tute, s. elephantiasis on the inside been a man petrified ; an image; of the thigh ; redup. tutute. a'riddle ; a fine mat when torn ; Tutia , v. to be cut off ; especially to certain privileges in seuga and cut off a part of the army from the rest. alufaga. Tupua, v . to be over ten , or over a Tutogi, v. to chop the bark all hundred . round . Tutu , v. to set fire to , to light ; to Tupuốaga, s. ancestors . Tupuolaola , v. to grow luxuriantly ; beat cloth . Tutū, s. the whale. See TAFOLA . to increase.

Tupuga , see TUPUʻAGA. Tupulaʻi, v. to grow greatly ; to in - ! crease .

Tutū , v. to divide off, to cut off ; to fell ; also plural of tu .

Tŭtū , v. to reach to the end (as ‘aso

laid on to the house reaching the Tupulua, v. to grow two together. Tūtū , s. a large crab. Tupulupulu , v. to continue to cover Tūlū , v. to wipe the feet ; to shake up the body ; to be low in the out of a bottle. eaves (as a house ). Tutua, s. the wooden block to beat Tuputāma'i, v. to be angry (of a cloth on . Tupulaga, s. a growth ; those ofone age ; a generation .


Tuputupula‘ina, v. to begin to grow , I to increase.

Tusa , v. to be like, to be equal.

eaves ) .

Tututo 'a, a. short and thick , (applied men ).

Tutui, v. to seize with the claws (as

cats and owls do); to be griped .

Tusaga, s. see USAGA ; also (at Tu - | Tutu'i, v . to pierce, to drive in any

tuila ) the appointed portion of

thing sharp.

food or property brought by a | Tuluu, v. to race (on foot or in ca nves) ; to havethe bowels moved party.

VAI · TUT (as from wedicines, or after being laatū'itu'i, s. a kind of raft for sail


constipated ) .

ing about on .

'Tutuulagī, v . to cut a chief's hair. Vaavaa, s. the breastbone of birds. Tutuga, s. the paper mulberry ; the Vaavaalautī, s. a child 's canoemade prepared bark of it ; the lighting with a ti-leaf sail. of a fire. lae, s. a leg of an animal, stool,

Tūtīga, s. the appointed portion or share of anything .

Tutula 'i, see Tula'l.

& c. Vaeane, v . an apologetic term when about to say what might be offen

Tutule , s. the name of a shellfish ; || sive : as, Vueane luu ufiogu ,

the conclusion of the night dance.

Tituli, a . (pl. of tuli), deaf. Tutuli, v . (pl. of tuli), to drive .

Tutulu , v . 10 leak (as a house ) ; to werp (of chiefs). Tūtūrvalu , see FAATUTUMALU.

Tutuna , s. the name of a shrub.

Tutuva, 1 . high above the rest ; high , as a chief. Tūtudoa, udv. us:lessly, causelessly, unexpectedly . Turupu , v. to sprout. See Tupu. Tuiusa , v. plural of tusa . Tuiuiutu, a . speckled . Tuvaa, v. to grow bent to the shape of a canoe (as a tree ).

“ saving your presence.” on a message ). Vaela , s. a piv , (before chiefs ). Vaefua, v. to separate without either party being worsted. Vaega , s. a division . Vargalemu, s. the half. laeluagaleniu , I v. to divide evenly Vaeluagamalie ſ in halves. Vaematua , s. the big toe. Vaesala , v. to be very quick ; to be foremost (as in war). Vaetā, s. the name of a land crab before full growi). Vaetupa, s. elephantiasis in the leg. Vaetusa, v. to divide evenly .

| Vaeoso, u . ready, prompt (as to go

Vaevae, v. to divide in parts , to cut .



Vaevaeula , s. a species of thesugar The fourteenth letter in the Samoan al

0 .

phabet. It is pronounced as in En Vaevaegalelei, see VAETUSA . glish . Vaevaegatasi VA, s. a space between ; a noise . Vaevave , 'u , quick .

Va, v. to rival.

Vai, s. water ; a water bottle. uitu . Vaiania , s. a fissure in the reef. Va'a -alo, s. a bonito fishing canoe. Vaiaso, s. a part of the day .

Vaa, s. a canoe ; the priest of an Vaī, s. the name of a bird .

Vaai, v . to look at ; to see ; pass. Vaiati, s. after speeches, given when vaaia ; recipr. fevaaia 'i ; redup . / each land has had its turn .

vaavaai; pl. vāai.

Vāioa, s. a fissure in a rock .

Vaiola , s. water not drying up ; Vaaiga , s. a prospect ; a look -out ; / fabled miraculous water giving life spectacles. to any who bathe in it. Vaaimoa , s. a rat-trap. Vaifanua, s. land . Văai, s. the handle of the gouge.

Vaafaalau , s. the minister who con . Vaifolo, s. a pill. veyed the message of the aitu ; a

Vaifusi, s . a plaster.

media or.

Vaiga, s. water standing on the

Va apiapi, a . narrow .

ground .


Vailaau , s. medicine.

Vailau, v. to lie . Va'ili, v. to take out (as something froni out of a basket).

VAL 217 Vao , s. a bush ; a tree (not edible ); a plant ; a weed ; the bush , as distinguished froin the villages

and cultivated lands.

Vailogoua, s. a water hole supplied | Vao, a sign of the plural to some by the rain . few nouns : as, “ Lenu vao taga -. Vailolo , s. cocoanut juice poured ta vale .” over the lolo after the oil is press- | Va'o , v . to eat ; redup. vava'o , va 'o

ed out ; cocoanuts ( to chiefs). Vailoto , v. to be between , to be in the midst.

·Vaimasima, s. Epsom salts .

vaʻo (only used in abuse ). Vaoa'iiva, s. a forest. Vaogatā , a . disobedient.

Vaoa , u . overgrown with weeds.

Vaimasina, s. the space of time be- | Vaogofie , u . obedient. tween the old and new moon ; the Vaolo , s . a poisonous crab ; a dis night on which there is no moon . / obedient troublesome child . Vaimili, s. liniment. Vau , v . to rub down (as arrowroot);

Vaiviu , v . to prompt (as a speaker ). Tainuu, s. the space between two islands; a north -easterly wind.

at heart ; pl. vavau ; pass. vaua .

Vaipā , v. to strike the body or the

ways with the hand).

to mix (as mortar); to be grieved (It differs from palu , which is al

house with a strip of the banana Vāuliuli, a . wide , spacious. stalk after attending on the body Vāgai, v. to face each other (as ar..

of a dead chief, by which the ta boo was removed .

mies ).

Vagaia , v. to be besieged ,to besur

rounded . Vaipalolo , s. the wet sea on . Vaipulu , s. one of the small divisions Vāgana, s. the speech of a tulafale (at Sagana). of the husk of a cocoanut. Vaipuna , s. a fountain . Vaganā, conj. except, unless. Vaisā , s. the preparatory wash used | Vagana, a . loud sounding (as waves, a waterfall, & c .) to fix the dye.

Vaisū , s. a native preparation of Vāgatai, s. a quarrel at sea . Vagātootvo , s. a quarrel between fish and nut.

Vaitā , s. an intermission (as in the speakers. time ofmusic and in pain ). Vāgavao , s. a quarrel in the bush Vaita 'i, s. a gutter, a channel to about boundaries. Vagavaga , s. one kind of net. lead off water. Vaitausaga, s. the time between the Vagavagai, v. to surround ; pass . · two seasons.

vagaia .

Vaito‘elau, s. the dry season . Vagivagi, v. to talk constantly with lies and jests ( a jocular term ). Vaitusi, s. ink . Vaivae, s. euphem . for faufilo . Valaau, v . to call to ; to invite (as Vaivai, a . loose (as a rope ) ; watery; persons passing by to comein and weak , easily broken (as a stick of partake of food ) ; pass. valaauina wood ).

Vaivai, a . weak (as the body ).

and valaauia ; recipr. fevalaaua 'i.

Valasi, see SA‘OTAMAITAI.

Vaivalatai, v . to be weak ashore but Valavala , a . wide apart. Vale, s. a fool; au idiot. able to fish .

Vaivao, s. the space of bush be- | Vale, a. worthless ; unproductive ; tween two villages.

needless ; inactive ; also suffixed




to some words adding intensity to their meaning , as atuatuvale.

Vane, v . to sharpen tatooing instru I

ments ; to sharpen the fly - fish

hook .

Valea , a. ignorant ; pl. vālea and


Vanevane, v . to cry as the parro valelea. Vale-aiʻafa, s. one who eats cinet ; quet ; to talk ( in abuse ). a great fool. Vānimonimo, s. the distant sky, the

Valeosi, v. to govern badly (as a family, a country). Valegase, s. boxing matches and other games on the occasion of the death of a chief. v . to take no care of; Valeteu , Valetuulima ļ to neglect.

heavens. Vanu, s. a valley, a ravine, a chaśm . Vanutato , a . deep down (as a val ley ). 14 Vanuvanu , 2 . full of vanu. Vasa, s. the ocean , (especially of the space between two starting

points, as along an ironbound childish (of the aged and dying ). coast, or between two islands). Valevalematua , v. to be in one's do Vasa'i, v. to alternate , to intervené.

Vālevale , a . young (as a child ) ; / tage.

Vasāmasina, see VAIMASINA . ,

Valevalenoa , Q . beautiful (as a pro- | Vasavasa , s. the name of a bird. See LATULATU . spect). Vali, s. paint . Vase, v. to rule lines ; pass . vasea . Vali, v. to paint (as under the arms Vase, s. a species of taro. . with turmeric ); to paint (aswood ); Vaseuli, s. one species of the vase . to whitewash ; pass. valia . Vasega, s. a: class. Vali, a. plastered , whitewashed : as, Vasesina, s. one species of the vase. Vasevase, v. to poise the spear pre o le fule vali . Valo , s. a very delicious sortof cray paratory to throwing : fish . Vāsivasi, v . to be unaccustomed , to Valo , see VA ‘o. be not well acquainted (as with Valo‘ a, s. a sort of jelly fish . some work ).

Valoaga , s. a prediction .

| Vātau , v. to be at variance, to be

Valo‘i, v. to express covetous de- ! at war with . | Vāteatea , a . wide, spacious. sires ; redup , valovalo i.

Valovalo , v. to whistle (as birds).

Vatele , a. wide.

Valu , a . eight. Valu , v . to scrape out nuts ; to scratch ; pl. valu .

Vatia , s. a native dish of food made of cocoanut and arrowroot.

Vativati, s. the name of a bird . See Vālu , v. to scrape (as taro, & c.); LATULATU.

Vatu'e, s. a species of the sea-egg. Valufau, s. the nameof a shell fish . I pass. vaea ; redup. vaevae. Vālusaga, s. scrapings (as of taro , Vavae, s. the cotton tree ; a lamp. pl. vavalu ; pass. vālua. Valuāpo, s . night, dark night. & c .)

| Vavae, v . to divide ; to cut off ; wick .

Valuvalu , s. a native preparation of Vavai, a'. flexible . food .

Vavao, v. to forbid ; pass. vaoia .

Vana, s. a sea - egg ; a spike of the Vāvāo, s . a confused noise .

sea egg used to point the drill ; Vavaćo, see Va‘o .

a sail needle, used for the same Vavau, s. ancient times. Vavau, a, lasting , perpetual. purpose . Vane, s. the cry of the parroquet. Vavau, see Vau .




Vavala , v. to be streaked (as the Vete,v. to spoil, to seize as booty ; sky with the dawn). puss. vetea ; redup . vetevete. Vetiveti, s. the name of one kind of yain . Vavale, s. snail slime ; slime from Veve, s. leaves covered over the the fau tree. oven of food to keep in the heat. Vavale , a . slimy. Vavalo, v. to bubble up (as a spring ); Veve, v. to be numerous, (applied to to predict ; to express covetous men and animals). Vāvālalata, a . near together .

desires ; puss. valoia . Vāvāloloa , s . the wide ocean .

Veveia, v. to be hot ; puss. velasia . Veveli, v. to long for ; to shew af.

Vāvāmamao, a, far apart. Vave, a . quick ; pl. vavave.

Veveni, v. to have the veni ; pass.

Vave , v . to be quick ; redup . vave

vave ; pl. vavave. Vaveao, s. the early morning .

fection on meeting with friends. venia and venivenia . Vevesi, v . to be disturbed , to be in confusion, to be in disorder.

Vavega, s. a wonder, a miracle . Vevete , v . to undo (as a parcel) ; pass. vetea . Veʻa, s. the nameof a bird. Veu, v. to grow in great numbers, Vi, s. the name of a tree and its fruit. to increase greatly (asmen or ani mals). Viavia, see VAGIVAGI.

Vela , v. done, well cooked, (the op- Vii, v. to praise ; pass. viia ; redup. posite to matu , raw ).

vivii ; dimin . viivii.

Vii, s. a song in praise of a Viiga | chief. Viigase, v. to praise after death . Vele, v. to weed ; pl. vevele ; redup. | Vito , v . to curl the hair .

Velasia , v. passive of vevela. Velavela , v. to be very severe (as a famine or epidemic ). velevele .

Vila , s. a song with motion of the

Veliveli, v . to be eager for ; to be | hands. disgusted with ; to long after the Vili, s. a gimblet; a whirlpool ; the absent or the dead ; pass. veli name of a game of hazard ; the velia .

name of a tree.

Velo, s. the cover of the stern of a Vili, v. to bore a hole ; to writhe (as canioe ; the horns of a crayfish . I in pain ) ; to desire earnestly ; pl. Velo , v. to dart ; to cast a dart ; vivili ; redup. vilivili. pass. velosia . Viligase, see Firigase. Veloaʻi, s. the oldest of a litter of Viliyia, v. to dry in the wind ; to pigs. air ; to cool in the wind . Velovelo, s. a point of land jutting Vilipā , s. the sail needle used to away beyond the straight line into another piece of land .

Velovelo , v. to spear (as fish ). Veni, a . bloated and puffed up from disease.

point the drill.

Vilita'i, v. to desire earnestly ; to persevere ; redup . vilivilita'i. Vilivili, s. a small imperfectly formed breadfruit.

Venia , v . to be bloated with veni ; Vina, v . to urge on those alreadyat redup . venivenia .

work ; redup. vinavina .

Vetā , v. to peel off (as the skin of a Vi-vao, s. a wild vi. young child ). Vete , s. the name of a fish . Vete , s. booty, prey.

Vīvī, a. prolific (as trees).

Vivii, v. to praise , to extol ; puss . viia .




Viviga, s. iisé, worth : as, Se u le , Voʻivoʻi, 0°l; I a. disobedient. vivigu a toe au mai ai lena mea . | Voʻuvoʻus " Vivili, v. plural of vili.

| Volu , s . a tortoise, a turpin .

Vivilu , v. to begin to understand Voluvolua, a. pimpled .

· and talk (as a child ) ; to be for- | Vovo, v. to be able to be powerful: ward in asking for food or pro as, E vovo oe, e te mafuia. Ua vovo le alii , ua seu le tuua . perty, or in quarrelling. Vivini, v . to crow .

| Vovoga, see Viviga .






heb . signifies such word was derived from the Hebrew ; gr. from the Greek ; eng . English ; lat. Latin ; tah . Tahitian ; toy. Tongan . ་ངན་

AETO , gr. an eagle . Aila , heb. a hart. Aokuso , eng. August. Āuri, tah. a clothes iron . Auro, lat. gold . Afatalā , eng. half-dollar. Agelu , gr. angel.

Akarava, heb . scorpion . Alope, gr. fox. Amiotonu , righteousness . Aniani, eng. onion . 'Apa, eng. copper, brass, tin . A perila, eng. April. A positulo , gr. apostle. Arasi, heb . cedar. Areto , gr. bread . Ario , lut. silver. Asini, lut. ass. Asipi, eny . asp.

Julai, eng. July. luni, eng . June.

lupeli, heb. Jubilee. OKETOPA , eng. October. '

Oti, eng . goat.

Uaina, eng. wine. Vati, eng. watch, click. Ulaone, American axe.

Ulo , tog. a caldron , pot. FanipoIPO , rarotongan , to marry

with a religious service.

Faaipoipoga, the marriage service . Faatuatua, faith ; (a Samoan word , but with a new application ).

Falaile', eng. Friday. Falaipani, eng. frying -pan .

Asolulu , tuh . Wednesday, (son c, Falaoa , eng. flour. Asomanu ).

EKALESIA, gr. church . Elefane, eng. elephani. Epikopo , gr. bishop.

Evagelia , gr. gospel.

Farane, french , a franc. Faresaio , yr. pharisee. Fepuari, eny. February. KALINA, eng. calendar.

Kaleni, eng. gallon . kamela, eng. came!.

Tilak , ing . January .

Kariota , en ; a war chariot.

VAI · TUT (as from wedicines, or after being laatū'itu 'i, s. a kind of raft for sail


constipated ). Tutuulagī, v. to cut a chief's hair.

ing about on .

Vaavaa , s. the breastbone of birds.

Tutuga, s. the paper mulberry ; the Vaavaalautī, s. a child 's canoemade prepared bark of it ; the lighting with a ti- leaf sail. of a fire. lae, s. a leg of an animal, stool, Tūtuga, s. the appointed portion or & c. share ofanything . Tutula‘i, see TULA ‘l.

Vaeane, v . an apologetic term when

about to say whatmight be offen

sive : as, Vueane luu afiogu ,

Tutule , s. the name of a shellfish ;

the conclusion of the night dance. " saving your presence.” Tutuli, u . (pl. of tuli), deaf. Vaeoso, u. ready, prompt (as to go

Tutuli, v. (pl. of tuli), to drive. I on a message). Tutulu , v . io leak (as a house) ; to Vaefa , s. a piy , (before chiefs ). werp (of chiefs ). Vaefua, v. to separate without either Tūtūrvalu , see FAATUTUMALU . party being worsted . Tutuna, s. the name of a shrub . Vaiga, s. a division . Tutuna , 1 . high above the rest ; high , as a chief. Tūtunoa, udv. us. lessly, causelessly, unexpactedly. Tulupu , v . to sprout. See Tupu . Tuiusa, v. plural of tusa .

| Vargalemu, s. the half.

Tuulutu , a. speckled .

l'aeluagalen:u , 1 v. to divide evenly Vaeluagamalie s in halves. Vaematua , s. the big toe.

Vaesala , v . to be very quick ; to be foremost (as in war).

Vaetā, s. the name of a land crab

Tuvaa, v . to grow bent to the shape before full grown). of a canoe (as a tree). Vaetupa, s. elephantiasis in the leg . Vaetusa , v . to divide evenly.

Vaevae, v. to divide in parts, to cut V


Vaevaeula , s. a species of thesugar The fourteenth letter in the Samoan al phabet. It is pronounced as in En


VA, s. a space between ; a noise.

Vaevaegalelei,Los Vaevaegatasi { see V'AETUSA . Vaevave,'u . quick .

Va, v. to rival.

Vai, s. water ; a water bottle.

glish .

Vaa, s. a canoe ; the priest of an | Vaī, s. the name of a bird . uitu .

Vaiania , s. a fissure in the reef.

la-a -alo , s. a bonito fishing canoe. Vaiaso , s. a part of the day. Vaai, v . to look at ; to see ; pass. Vāiati, s. atter speeches, given when

vaaia ; recipr. fevaaiaʻi ; redup. / vaavaai ; pl. vaai.

Văai, s. the handle of the gouge.

each land has had its turn . Vaioa, s. a fissure in a rock .

Vaiola , s. water not drying up ;

Vaaiga, s. a prospect ; a look -out; |

fabled miraculous water giving life to any who bathe in it. Vaifanua , s. land . Vaataalau , s . the minister who con . Vaifolo , s . a pill. veyed the message of the uitu ; a Vaifusi, s. a plaster. media: or. Vaiga, s. water standing on the

· spectacles. Vaaimoa , s. a rat-trap .

Va apiapi, a. narrow .

ground .

VAL · 'AI 217 Vailaau, s. medicine. | Vao, s. a bush ; a tree (notedible ); a plant ; a weed ; the bush , as Vailau, v. to lie. Va'ili, v. to take out (as something distinguished from the villages from out of a basket). 1 and cultivated lands. Vailogoua , s. a water hole supplied Vao , a sign of the plural to some few nouns : as, “ Lenu vao tuga - . by the rain . Vailolo , s. cocoanut juice poured / ta vale.”

over the lolo after the oil is press- Va‘o, v. to eat; redup. vava‘o , varo ed out ; cocoanuts (to chiefs ). va 'o (only used in abuse ).

Vailoto, v. to be between, to be in Vaoa , u. overgrown with weeds. Vaoa 'iiva , s. a forest.

the midst.

· Vaimasima, s. Epsom salts .

Vaogatā , a. disobedient.

Vaogofie , a . obedient. tween the old and new moon ; the Vaolo , s. a poisonous crab ; a dis

Vaimasina , s. the space of time be

vight on which there is nomoon . obedient troublesome child . Vau , v. to rub down (as arrowroot) ; Vaimili, s. liniment. Vainiu , v . to prompt (as a speaker). to mix (as mortar ); to be grieved at heart ; pl. vavau ; pass. vaua.

Vainuu , s. the space between two islands ; a north -easterly wind .


(lt differs from palu , which is al

ways with the hand ). house with a strip of the banana Vāuliuli , a , wide, spacious. stalk after attending on the body | Vāgai, v. to face each other (as ar..

Vaipā, v. to strike the body or the of a dead chief, by which the ta -


boo was removed.

Vagaiande , v. to be besieged , to be sur rou d . Vaipalolo, s. the wet sea :on . Vaipulu ,s. one of the small divisions Vāgana , s. the speech of a tulafale of the husk of a cocoanut. (at Sagana). Vaipuna , s. a fountain . Vaganā, conj. except, unless. Vaisā , s. the preparatory wash used Vagana, a . loud sounding (aswaves, a waterfall, & c.) to fix the dye. Vaisū , s. a native preparation of Vāgatai, s. a quarrel at sea . fish and nut. Vagātootvo , s. a quarrel between Väitā , s. an intermission (as in the speakers. time ofmusic and in pain ). Vagavao, s. a quarrel in the bush Vaita'i, s. a gutter, a channel to about boundaries, lead off water. Vagavaga , s. one kind of net. Vaitausaga , s. the time between the Vagavagai, v. to surround ; pass. vagaia . two seasons.

Vaito ‘elau, s. the dry season . | Vagivagi, v. to talk constantly with Vaitusi, s. ink . lies and jests (a jocular term ). Vaivae, s. euphem . for faufilo. Valaau, v. to call to ; to invite (as Vaivai, a . loose (as a rope); watery; persons passing by to comein and partake of food ) ; pass. valaauina weak , easily broken (as a stick of wood ). and valaauia ; recipr. fevalaaua.i. Vaivai, a . weak (as the body). Välasi, see SA‘OTAMAITAI.

Vaivaistai, v. to be weak ashore but | Valavala , a. wide apart. Vale , s. a fool ; an idiot. able to fish. Vaivao, s. the space of bush be- | Vale, a. worthless ; unproductive ; tween two villages.

I needless ; inactive ; also suffixed

VAL VAV to somewordsadding intensity to Vane, v. to sharpen tatooing instru their meaning, as atuatuvale. ments ; to sharpen the fly -fish Valea, a. ignorant ; pl. vālea and hook. : : 218

Vanevane, v . to cry as the parro quet ; to talk (in abúse). Vānimionimo, s. the distant sky, the a great fool. Valeosi, v . to govern badly (as a heavens. Vanu, s. a valley , a ravine, a chaśm . family, a country ). valelea .

Vale'ai'afa , s. one who eats cinet ;

down (as a val Valegase, s. boxing matches casionand of Vanutato ley ). , a . deep other games on the occasion of

Vanuvanu, 2. full of vanu. " the death of a chief. Valeteu , v. to take no care of; Vasa , s. the ocean , ( especially of Valetuulima to neglect. the space between two starting

Vālevale , a. young (as a child ); childish (ofthe aged and dying ).

points, as along an ironbound

coast , or between two islands). Valevalematua, v. to be in one'sdo | Vasa'i, v . to alternate , to intervené. tage.

Vasāmasina, see VAIMASINA. .

Valevalenoa , al. beautiful (as a pro- | Vasavasa , s. the name of a bird . See spect).


Vase, v. to rule lines ; pass. vasea . Vali, s. paint. Vali, v. to paint (as under the arms Vase, s. a species of taro. . ., with turmeric );to paint (as wood ); | Vaseuli, s. one species of the vase.

to whitewash ; pass. valia.

Vasega , s . a class .

Vali, a. plastered ,whitewashed : as, Vasesina, s. one species of the vase . o le fule vali.

Vasevase, v. to poise the spear pre

Valo, s. a very delicious sort of cray- | paratory to throwing . fish . Vāsivasi, v. to be unaccustomed , to

Valo, see Va'o . Valo‘ a, s. a sort ofjelly fish .

Valoaga, s. a prediction.

be not well acquainted (as with some work ). | Vātau, v. to be at variance, to be

Valo‘i, v. to express covetous de | at war with sires ; redup. valovalo‘ i. Vāteatea, a . wide, spacious. Valovalo , v. to whistle (as birds). Vatele , a . wide. Valu , a . eight. Vatia , s. a native dish of food made Valu , v. to scrape out nuts ; to of cocoanut and arrowroot. scratch ; pl. vālu . | Vativati, s. the name of a bird. See Vālu, v. to scrape (as taro, & c.) LATULATU. pl. vavalu ; pass. vālua .

| Vatuře , s. a species of the sea - egg .

Valuāpo, s. night, dark night. Valufau , s. the name of a shell fish . i

Vavae; v. to divide ; to cut off; pass. vaea ; redup. vaevae .

Vālusaga, s. scrapings (as of taro , Vavae; s. the cotton tree ; a lamp & c .)

wick .

Valuvalu , s. a native preparation of Vavai, a. flexible . food .

Vavao, v. to forbid ; pass. vaoia .

Vana, s. a sea -egg ; a spike of the Vāvāo, s. a confused noise .

sea egg used to point the drill ; Vavaćo, see Va'o . a sail needle, used for the same | Vavau , s. ancient times.


Vane, s. the cry of the parroquet.

Vavau , a . lasting , perpetual.

Vavau , see Vau .




Vavala , v. to be streaked (as the Vete , v. to spoil, to seize as booty ; sky with the dawn ).

puss. vetea ; redup . vetevete.

Vāvālalata , a . near together. | Vetiveti, s. the name of one kind of Vavale , s. snail slime ; slime from yain . the fau tree .

Veve, s. leaves covered over the

oven of food to keep in the heat. Vavale, a. slimy. Vavalo , v. to bubble up (as a spring); Veve, v. to be numerous, (applied to to predict ; to express covetous men and animals ). desires ; puss. valoia . Veveia , v . to be hot ; puss. velasia . Vāvāloloa, s. the wide ocean . Veveli, v. to long for ; to shew af. Vāvāmamao , a . far apart.

Vave, a . quick ; pl. vavave.

fection on meeting with friends.

Veveni, v. to have the veni ; puss.

Vave, v . to be quick ; redup. vave | venia and venivenia. vave ; pl. vavave. Vevesi, v . to be disturbed , to be in confusion , to be in disorder . Vaveao, s. the early morning . Vevete, v . to undo (as a parcel) ; Vavega, s. a wonder, a miracle. Ve'a, s. the name of a bird .

pass. vetea .

Veu, v. to grow in great numbers, Vi, s. the name of a tree and its to increase greatly (asmen orani mals).


Viavia, see VAGIVAGI.

Vela, v. done, well cooked , ( the op - | Vii, v. to praise ; pass. viia ; redup . vivii ; dimin . viivii. posite to matu , raw ). Velasia , v. passive of vevela . Vii, s. a song in praise of a Velavela , v. to be very severe (as a Viiga chief. Viigase, v. to praise after death . famine or epidemic ). Vele , v. to weed ; pl. vevele ; redup. Vito, v. to curl the hair . velevele.

Vila , s. a song with motion of the

Veliveli, v. to be eager for ; to be hands. disgusted with ; to long after the Vili, s. a gimblet ; a whirlpool ; the

absent or the dead ; pass. veli

name of a game of hazard ; the

velia .

name of a tree .

Velo , s. the cover of the stern of a Vili, v. to bore a hole ; to writhe (as canoe ; the horns of a crayfish . in pain ) ; to desire earnestly ; pl. Velo , v. to dart ; to cast a dart ; ! vivili ; redup. vilivili. Viligase, see FitigaSE. pass. velosia . Veloaʻi, s. the oldest of a litter of Viliyia, v. to dry in the wind ; to air ; to cool in the wind . pigs. Velovelo , s. a point of land jutting | Vilipā , s. the sail needle used to away beyond the straight line into | point the drill. another piece of land . | Vilita 'i, v. to desire earnestly ; to persevere ; redup. vilivilitaʻi. Velovelo , v. to spear (as fish ). Veni, a . bloated and puffed up from Vilivili, s. a small imperfectly formed breadfruit . disease .

Venia , v. to be bloated with veni; Vina, v. to urge on those already at redup . venivenia . work ; redup. vinavina. Vetā , v . to peel off (as the skin of a Vi-vao, s. a wild vi. young child ). Vete, s. the name of a fish . Vete , s. booty, prey.

| Vivi, a. prolific (as trees).

Vivii, v . to praise , to extol ; puss. viia .

VIV VOV é worth : as , Se a le Voʻivoʻl, . disobedient. vivigu a toe au mai ai lena mea . | Voʻuvoʻus “


Vivili, v. plural of vili.

Volu, s., a tortoise , a turpin . Vivilu , v . to begin to understand | Voluvolua , a. pimpled . · and talk (as a child) ; to be for- | Vovo , v. to be able to be powerful: ward in asking for food or pro. as, E vovo oe , e le mafuia . Ua vovo le alii, ua seu le tuua . perty, or in quarrelling .

Vivini, v . to crow .

| Vovoga , see VIVIGA .



heb. signifies such word was derived from the Hebrew ; gr. from the Greek ; eng. English ; lat. Latin ; tah . Tahitian ; toy . Tongan .

AETo, gr. an eagle. Aila , heb. a hart. Aokuso , eng. August.

Ilulai, eng. July luni, eng. June.

Tupelī, heb. Jubilee.

Āuri, tah . a clothes iron . Auro, lat. gold .

Afatalā , eng. half-dollar. Agelu , yr. angel. Akarava, heb. scorpion . Alope, gr. fox. Amiotonu , righteousness. Aniani, eng. onion .

'Apa, eny, copper, brass, tin . Aperila , eng. April. Apostolo , gr. apostle. Arasi, heb . cedar.

Areto , gr. bread. Ario , lat. silver .

OKETOPA , eng . October. ' 'Oti , eny . goat.

UAINA, eny. wine. Uati, eng. watch , ck ck. Ulaone, American axe .

· Ulo, tog. a caldron, pot. FAAIPOIPO, rurotongan , to marry with a religious service .

Faaipoipoya , themarriage service. Faatuatua, faith ; (a Samoan word , but with a new application ).

Asini, lut. ass.

Falaile', eng. Friday.

Asipi, eny . asp .

Falaipani, eng. frying -pan .

Asolulu , tuh. Wednesday, (sone, Falaoa , eng. flour. Asomanu ).

Farape , french , a franc.

Faresaio, yr. pharisee. EKALESIA , gr. church .

Fepuari, eny. February.

Elefane, eny , elephani.

Epikupo, gr. bishop. Evagelia , gr. gospel.

KALENA, ony. calendar.

Islar , ing. January .

Kariota , en ,, a war chariut.

kaleni, eng . gallon . kamela , eng. camel.



Karite , gr. barley. Kena, heb. hell. Kerupi, heb. cherub.

Peritome, gr. circumcision . Perofeta , eny. prophet.

Ki, eng. key, lock ; to lock .

Pesini, eng. basin .

Koale, eng. coal.

Pini, eng . bean, pin . Polo , a knife. Potui, tog . a room .

Kiona, gr. snow .

Kupita , eng. cubit.

Peleue, tah . a coat.

Povi, lat. cattle . LAMEPA , eng. lamp.

Pulu , shot, lead ; (a Samoan word Lepela , eng. leper. with the introduced new mean Leona, eny. lion . ings ). Lino, lat. linen . Puni, eng. spoon . Lotu , tog. Christianity , religious Pusi, eng. cat. worship . Puvaavaa, tah. ribbon.

Luko, gr. wolf.

Mamoe , sheep. Manai, heb. manna . Manuao , eng . man -of-war.

Masima, tog. salt. Mati, eng. March . Me, eng. May. Meleni, eng. melon .

Meli, gr. honey. Moli, tuh . oil. Mili, eng. mint.

Saito, gr. wheat, corn . Salāmo, gr. psalm . Sapati, eng. sabbatlı. Satauro , gr. cross.

Satani, eng. Satan .

Satukaio , gr. Sadducee. Seoli, heb. hell. Seleni, eng. shilling. Seni, cent.

Setema, eng. September. Sila , eng . steel. Silika, eng. silk .

Naifs, eng . knife. Nila , eng. needle .

Sinapi, gr. mustard .

Novema, eng. November.

Sisipeni, eng . sixpence. Solofanua , tuh. horse .

Parlo , eng. barrel.

Sunako , gr. synagogue.

Suka, cng. sugar.

Paia, á Samoan word adopted to mean holy. Taimi, eng . dime. Paina , eng. pine. Taivai, iron -hoop. Paipa, eng. pipe. Taofe , eng. coffee. Pauva, eng. a pound. Tabē, a shawl. Pakete , eng. bucket . Talā , eng. dollar. Palake, gr. concubine. Pāma, eng . palm tree. Pāmu, eng . to pump.

Pani , eng. pan. Papatiso , gr. baptize .

Paseka, gr. passover. Peni, eng. a pen ; penny.

Penimaa , eny. a slate pencil. Pepina, heb . a peari.

Penilala , eng. a lead -pencil.

Pepa , eng. paper.

Taleni, eng. talent. Tapaa, eng. tobacco. Tapasā , eng. compass.

Tapuai, worship ; ( a Samoan word with an introduced meaning ).

Tarako, eng. dragon, Telo , yr. tribute. Teio , gr . sulphur.

Telona, gr. tax-gatherer, “ publi can .' Temoni, eng. demon.


Tesema, eng. December.

Toʻu, an adze.

Tiakono, gr. deacon . Tiapolo, gr. devil. Tioata, glass.

Vase, to rule lines.


Vine, eng. the vine. Vineta , eng. vinegar.

Titata , eng. teakettle.


AUAI, v . to agree with , to take part | Faamafiti, v. to turn anything inside

with, to unite with , to have an in - 1 out (as a dress ). terest in . Faa pau , v . to bring to a stand , to Auaga, I v. to cast the skin or shell cause to stop. (of shell-fish , & c .) ; to Faasaolo , v. to destroy. Aueva become young again (ofmen, only Faatolopine, v. to be quick , to do with auaga seemingly ) .

quickly .

Agafoua, a. practicable . Faatolosisi, v. to be urgent, to be ' Apa , v. to have to do with , to have importunate. a right in , (used only negatively : Fetaena'i, v. to come or gather to as, E te le toe 'apa i ai).


co Atelalamu ļ s. a ward .

gether ; applied also to the heal ing of a sore. Lafetona , s. a wart .

' Ja , a particle at the commence- Lave , see Laveaʻl. ment of a sentence, used in speak - Limataotia , s. a woman nursing . ing, chiefly to call attention. Isumu, s . à rat. See Imoa und Paʻusisi, s. the sides of a house un : lole.

der the eaves.



VAV to somewordsadding intensity to Vane, v. to sharpen tatooing instru their meaning, as atuatuvale . ments ; to sharpen the fly- fish Valea, a. ignorant ; pl. vālea and hook. . valelea. | Vanevane, v. to cry as the parro Vale-ai-afa , s. one who eats cinet ; quet; to talk ( in abuse). a great fool. Vānimonimo, s. the distant sky, the Valeosi, v . to govern badly (as a heavens. family , a country ). Vanu , s. a valley, a ravine,a chasm . Valegase, s. boxing matches and Vanutato, a . deep down (as a val other games on the occasion of ley). the death of a chief. . Vanuvanu , 2. full of vanu. 7 Valeteu, v . to take no care of; Vasa , s. the ocean , (especially of Valetuulimaſ to neglect. the space between two starting Vālevale, a young (as a child ) ; points , as along an ironbound childish (of the aged and dying ). coast, or between two islands). Valevalematua, v. to be in one's do Vasa 'i, v. to alternate , to intervené. VAL

tage. Valevalenoa, a . beautiful (as a pro spect). Vali, s. paint. Vali, v. to paint (as under the arms with turmeric); to paint (as wood ); to whitewash ; pass. valia . Vali, a. plastered , whitewashed : as,

Vasāmasina, see VAIMASINA . .

Vasavasa, s. the nameofa bird . See LATULATU .

Vase, v . to rule lines ; pass. vasea .

Vase, s. a species of taro. Vaseuli, s. one species of the vase . Vasega , s . a class.

Vasesina, s. one species of the vase .

Vasevase , v. to poise the spear pré Valo, s. a very delicious sort of cray paratory to throwing : fish . Vāsivasi, v. to be unaccustomed , to be not well acquainted (as with Valo , see Va‘o. some work ). Valo ‘a, s. a sort of jelly fish .

o le füle vali.

Vātau , v . to be at variance, to be Valoaga , s. a prediction. Valo ‘i, v. to express covetous de- ! at war with . | Väteatea , a . wide, spacious. sires ; redup. valovalo ‘i. Valovalo, v. to whistle (as birds). | Vatele, a . wide. Valu , a . eight.

Vatia , s. a native dish of food made Valu , v. to scrape out nuts ; to , of cocoanut and arrowroot. | Vativati, s. the name of a bird . See scratch ; pl. vālu . Vālu , v. to scrape (as taro , & c.) ; LATULATU. pl. vavalu ; pass. vālua . Vatu 'e, s. a species of the sea . egg : Valuāpo , s. night, dark night. | Vavae, v. to divide ; to cut off ; Valufau , s. the name of a shell fish . I

pass. vaea ; redup. vaevae.

Vālusaga, s. scrapings (as of taro , Vavae, s. the cotton tree ; a lamp wick . & c .) Valuvalu , s. a native preparation of Vavai, a. flexible. food . Vavao, v. to forbid ; pass, vadia. Vana, s. a sea -egg ; a spike of the Vāvão, s, a confused noise. sea egg used to point the drill ; Vava‘o, see Va'o . a sail needle, used for the same Vavau, s. ancient times. purpose. Vavau , a. lasting, perpetual. Vane, s. the ery of the parroquet.

Vavau , see Vau .




Vavala , v. to be streaked (as the | Vete, v. to spoil, to seize as booty ; sky with the dawn ).

puss. vetea ; redup . vetevete.

Vetiveti, s. the name of one kind of

Vāvālalata , a . near together. Vavale, s. snail slime; slime from the fau tree.

yain .

Veve, s. leaves covered over the

oven of food to keep in the heat. Vavale, a . slimy. Vavalo , v . to bubble up (as a spring ); Veve, v. to be numerous, (applied to

to predict ; to express covetous men and animals ). desires ; puss. valoia. Veveia, v. to be hot ; puss. velasia . Vāvāloloa , s. the wide ocean . | Veveli, v . to long for ; to shew af. Vāvāmamao , a . far apart.

fection on meeting with friends.

Vave, a. quick ; pl. vavave. Veveni, v. to have the veni ; pass. Vave, v. to be quick ; redup. vavevenia and venivenia . Vevesi, v . to be disturbed , to be in vave ; pl. vavave. confusion, to be in disorder . Vaveao, s. the early morning. Vavega, s. a wonder, a miracle. Vevete, v . to undo (as a parcel); pass. vetea. Veʻa , s. the name of a bird . Veu , v. to grow in great numbers, Vi, s. the name of a tree and its to increase greatly (asmen or ani fruit.

Viavia , see VAGIVAGI. Vii, v. to praise ; pass. viia ; redup. vivii; dimin. viivii. Vii, 1 s. a song in praise of a Velavela , v . to be very severe (as a Viiga chief. famine or epidemic ). Viigase, v. to praise after death. Vele , v. to weed ; pl. vevele ; redup. Vito, v. to curl the hair. mals).

Vela , v. done, well cooked , (theop posite to matu , raw ). Velasia , v. passive of vevela .

| Vila , s. a song with motion of the hands. disgusted with ; to long after the Vili, s . a gimblet ; a whirlpool : the


Veliveli, v. to be eager for ; to be absent or the dead ; pass. veli

name of a game of hazard ; the

velia . name of a tree . Velo, s. the cover of the stern of a Vili, v. to bore a hole ; to writhe (as canoe ; the horns of a crayfish . I in pain ) ; to desire earnestly ; pl. Velo , v. to dart ; to cast a dart ; ! vivili ; redup. vilivili. pass. velosia . Viligase, see FitigaSE .

Veloaʻi, s. the oldest of a litter of Viligia, v. to dry in the wind ; to pigs.

Velovelo , s. a point of land jutting away beyond the straight line into another piece of land . Velovelo , v. to spear (as fish ). Veni, a . bloated and puffed up from disease.

| air ; to cool in the wind . |

Vilipā , s. the sail needle used to point the drill.

| Vilitaʻi, v. to desire earnestly ; to persevere ; redup . vilivilita'i. Vilivili, s. a small imperfectly formed breadfruit.

Venia , v. to be bloated with veni; Vina, v. to urge on those already at redup. venivenia .

work ; redup . vinavina.

Vetā , v. to peel off (as the skin of a Vi-vao, s. a wild vi. young child ). | Vīvī, a . prolific (as trees ). Vete, s. the name of a fish . Vivii, v. to praise , to extol ; puss. Vete , s. booty, prey.





Viviga, s. usé, worth : as, Se a le | Voʻivo‘i,l; } a. disobedient. vivigu a toe au mai ai lena mea. | Voʻuvo‘u S " Volu, s.. a tortoise, a turpin . Vivili, v. plural of vili. Vivilu , v . to begin to understand Voluvolua, a . pimpled . · and talk (as a child ) ; to be for- | Vovo , v. to be able, to be powerful: ward in asking for food or pro as, E vovo oe, e te mafuia . Ua vovo le alii, ua seu le tuua. perty , or in quarrelling . Vivini, v . to crow . Vovoga , see VIVIGA.






· heb . signifies such word was derived from the Hebrew ; gr. from the Greek ;

eng. English ; lat. Latin ; tah . Tahitian ; toy . Tongan .

AETo, gr. an eagle.

Julai, eng. July.

Aila , heb, a hart.

luni, eng. June. lupeli, heb . Jubilee.

Aokuso, eng. August. Āuri, tah . a clothes iron .

Auro, lat. gold .

Afatalā , eng. half-dollar. Agelu , gr. angel. Akarava , heb . scorpion .

OKETOPA , eng . October. · ‘Oti, eng. goat. UAINA, eng . wine.

Alope, gr. fox.

Vati, eng. watch, click.

Amiotonu, righteousness.

Ulaone, American axe.

Aniani, eng . onion .

• Olo , toy. a caldron , pot.

‘ A pa , eny. copper, brass, tin . A perila , eng . April. Apostolo , gr. apostle. Arasi, heb . cedar.

Areto , gr. bread. Ario , lat. silver. Asini, lut. ass.

Asipi, eny. asp .

FAAIPOIPO, rurotongan, to marry with a religious service. Faaipoipoga , the marriage service. Faatuatua, faith ; (a Samoan word , but with a new application ).

Falaile , eng. Friday. Falaipani, eny. frying -pan.

Asolulu , tuh . Wednesday, ( sonc, Falaoa, eng. flour. Farane, french , a franc . Asomanu ) . Faresaio , yr. pharisee. Fepuari, eny . February . EKALESIA , gr. church . Elefane, eng. elephani. Epikopo , gr. bishop .

KALENA , eng. calendar.

Evagelia, gr. gospel.

kaleni, eng. gallon. Kamela , eng . camel. Kariota , ( 1 ;. d war chariot.

lirlar , ing. January .



Kupita , eng. cubit.

Puleue, tah . a coat. Peritoie, gr. circumcision , Perofeta , eny. prophet. Pesini, eny . basin . Pini, eng . bean, piu . Polo , a knife. Potu , tog. a room .

LAMEPA , eng. lamp.

Povi, lat. cattle . Pulu , shot, lead ; (a Samoan word

Karite, gr. barley. Kena, heb. hell. Kerupi, heb. cherub . Ki, eng. key, lock ; to lock . Koale, eng . coal. Kiona, gr . snow .

Lepela , eng. leper.

with the introduced new mean

Leona, eny. lion .

ings). Lotu , tog. Christianity, religious Pusi, eng. cat. worship . Puvaavaa , tah. ribbon. Luko, gr. wolf. Saito , gr. wheat, corn . Mamoe, sheep . Salamo, gr. psalm . Manai, heb. manna. Sapati, eng. sabbatlı. Manuao , eng . man -of-war. Satauro , gr . cross. Lino , lut. linen .

Punii, eng. spoon .

Masina, tog. salt . Mati, eng. March .

Satani, eng. Satan . Satukaio , gr. Sadducee.

Me, eng. May. Meleni, eng . melon .

Seoli, heb. hell. Seleni, eng. shilling .

Meli, gr. honey . Mili, eng. mint.

Setema, eng. September.

Moli, tuh . oil.

Sila , eng. steel.

Naifs, eng. knife.

Silika , eng. silk . Sinapi, gr. mustard .

Nila , eng. needle. Novema, eng. November.

Seni, cent.

Sisipeni, eng. sixpence. Solofanua , tuh. horse. Suka , cng . sugar.

Sunako, gr. synagogue. Parlo , eng. barrel. Paia , a Samoan word adopted to mean holy. Paina, eng. pine.

Taimi, eng. dime.

Paipa, eng. pipe. Pauna, eng. a pound .

Taofe , eng. coffee . Tabē, a shawl.

Pakete, eng. bucket.

Palake, gr. concubine.

Talā , eng. dollar. Taleni, eng. talent.

Pāma, eng. palm tree.

Tapaa , eng. tobacco . Tapasā , eng. compass.

Pāmu, eng . to pump.

Tāivai, iron-hoop .

Pani, eng. pan . Papatiso , gr. baptize.

Tapuai, worship ; (a Samoan word

Paseka, gr. passover. Peni, eng. a pen ; penny.

Tarako, eng. dragon . Teio , gr. sulphur.

Penimaa , eny . a slate pencil. Penina, heb . a peari.

Telo, yr. tribute . Telona, gr. tax-gatherer , “ publi can ." Temovi, eng. demon .

Penirala , eng. a lead -pencil. Pepa, eng . paper.

with an introduced meaning ).



| Toʻu , an adze . Vase, to rule lines. Vine, eng. the vine.

Tesema, eng . December. Tiakono, gr. deacon .

Tiapolo , gr. devil. Tioata , glass .

Vineta, eng. vinegar.

Titata , eng . teakettle.


AUAI, v. to agree with , to take part | Faamafiti, v. to turn anything inside

with , to unite with , to have an in - 1 out (as a dress ). terest in . Faapau, v . to bring to a stand, to Auaga, l v . to cast the skin or shell

cause to stop .

Auevas (of shell-fish , & c.) ; to Faasaolo , v . to destroy .

become young again (ofmen , only Faatolopine, v. to be quick , to do with auaga seemingly). quickly . Agafoua, a . practicable . Faatolosisi, v. to be urgent, to be ‘Apa, v. to have to do with , to have importunate . a right in , (used only negatively : Fetaena'i, v. to come or gather to as, E te le toe 'apa i ai). Atesū ,

ls, a coward .

gether ; applied also to the heal ing of a sore .


Lafetona, s. a wart.

'Ja, a particle at the commence- Lave, see Laveaʻi. ment of a sentence, used in speak - Limataotia , s. a woman nursing .

ing , chiefly to call attention. Isumu, s. a rat. See Imoa und Paʻusisi, s. the sides of a house unë IOLE.

der the eaves.


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