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English Pages [130] Year 2020
THE RED BOOK OF MAGIC A COMPLETE GUIDE TO RUNE AND SPIRIT MAGIC BY JEFF RICHARD, GREG STAFFORD, STEVE PERRIN, AND SANDY PETERSEN WITH NICK BROOKE, REID HOFFMAN, JENNELL JAQUAYS, KEN KAUFER, RUDY KRAFT, CLAUDIA LOROFF, STEVE MARSH, DANIEL MCCLUSKEY, JOHN NATZE, MICHAEL O’BRIEN, KEN ROLSTON, DAVID SCOTT, SEAN SUMMERS, ANDERS SWENSON, AND LYNN WILLIS COVER ARTIST: Mark Smylie EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Jeff Richard RUNEQUEST CREATIVE DIRECTOR: Jason Durall COPYEDITING & PROOFREADING: Ed Bolme, Chris Harris ART DIRECTION: Jaye Kovach & Aron Tarbuck DESIGN & LAYOUT: Simeon Cogswell ADDITIONAL DESIGN & LAYOUT: Rick Meints ARTISTS: Hazem Ameen, Ben Bauchau, Thomas Haller Buchanan, Joshua Cairós, Dimitrina Angelska, Antonia Doncheva, Nick Grey, Chris Huth, Kalin Kadiev, Roman Kisyov, Jennifer S. Lange, Jeff Laubenstein, Anh Le, Rhonda Libbey, Michelle Lockamy, Daniel Macaluso, Lionel Marty, John McCambridge, Evelyne Park, Eleonor Piteira, Jan Pospíšil, Riley Spalding, Gábor Szügyi, Cory Trego-Erdner, Meagan Trott, Katie Wakelin SPECIAL THANKS TO: Ryan Badham, Andrew Bean, Simon Bray, Daniel Ferranti, Pam Carlson, David Dunham, Todd Gardinier, Christopher Gidlow, David Hall, Michael Hagen, Kalin Kadiev, Robin Laws, David Larkins, Mike Mason, Scott Martin, Rick Meints, Andrew Logan Montgomery, and Neil Robinson As always, a special thank you and credit goes to Greg Stafford, architect, dreamer, and pioneer, without whom none of us would be reading this or playing games in Glorantha.
Babeester Gor hunt down any who would steal or reveal the secrets of this book. Remove their genitals, their fingers, their toes, their eyes, their tongue, and their nose. Leave them on the crossroads, where wolves, hawks, and trolls might tear at their remains. Let their soul be prey to the Wild Hunter and pursued forever.
“Accordingly, so long as men look on their incarnate gods as beings akin to themselves and not raised to an unapproachable height above them, they believe it to be possible for those of their own number who surpass their fellows to attain to the divine rank after death or even in life. Incarnate human deities of this latter sort may be said to halt midway between the age of magic and the age of religion. If they bear the names and display the pomp of deities, the powers which they are supposed to wield are commonly those of their predecessor the magician. —George Frazer, The Golden Bough
Magick is the Science of understanding oneself and one’s conditions. It is the Art of applying that understanding in action. —Aleister Crowley, Magick, Liber ABA, Book 4
RUNEQUEST A Chaosium Game RuneQuest © copyright 1978–2020 Moon Design Publications LLC. All rights reserved. RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha is published by Chaosium Inc. Chaosium Inc. and the Chaosium logo are registered trademarks of Chaosium Inc. RuneQuest and Glorantha are registered trademarks of Moon Design Publications LLC. The Red Book of Magic © copyright 2020 Moon Design Publications LLC. All rights reserved. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Reproduction of this work by any means without written permission from the publisher, except for the use of short excerpts for the purpose of reviews and the copying of character sheets and handouts for in-game use, is expressly prohibited. Address questions and comments by mail to: Chaosium Inc. 3450 Wooddale Court Ann Arbor, MI 48104 www.chaosium.com
Chaosium Publication 4034
ISBN 978-1-56882-523-6
First Printing December 2020 Printed in Lithuania
Contents Introduction.. .............................................................................. 2 What is in this Book?. . .................................................................. 2 What is Magic? . . ............................................................................ 2 Hepherones' Statement of Magic...................................................... 4 Spell Terminolog y . . ....................................................................... 5 Increasing the Chance of Success................................................. 6 Rune Spells.. ................................................................................ 8 What is Rune Magic?.. ................................................................... 8 How Does Rune Magic Appear, Sound, and Feel?......................... 8 Characteristics of Rune Spells. . .................................................... 8 Common Rune Magic . . ...................................................................... 8 Stackable Rune Magic. . .................................................................9 One-use Rune Spells. . ...................................................................9 Devising New Rune Spells . . ............................................................... 9 Rune Spell Descriptions . . ............................................................ 10 Rune Metals.....................................................................................47 Heal Wound—Powerful and Common............................................. 56 Illusions .......................................................................................... 59 Healing Plants................................................................................. 72 Ancestral Spirits............................................................................. 88 Spirit Magic............................................................................. 105 How Does Spirit Magic Appear, Sound, and Feel?.....................105 Learning Spirit Magic . . .............................................................105 Limits to Spirit Spell Holding . . ................................................. 107 T he Focus ................................................................................ 107 Spellcasting Abilit y . . ................................................................. 107 Resistance Roll......................................................................... 108 Spell Strike R ank ..................................................................... 108 Spell Limits.. ............................................................................. 108 R ange........................................................................................ 108 Duration................................................................................... 108 Spirit Magic Descriptions......................................................... 108 Index........................................................................................ 123
Introduction zabur the Sorcerer Supreme was the Perfect Thought that emanated from the primal being called Malkion. Zzabur applied logical philosophy to understand and shape the world. The magical writings of Zzabur are among the most ancient texts in Glorantha. Within these texts, Zzabur described the origins of the cosmos and the Runes, the genealogies of the gods, and the events of the Gods War. The books were named for their color, as each used parchment made from the skins of Vadeli. Thus, there is a Brown Book, a Red Book, and a Blue Book. What each book contained was a source of debate and dispute between the various sects of Malkioni and Knowledge Temples. In the Second Age, the enigmatic God Learners discovered a fragment of Zzabur‘s Red Book. The book detailed the origins of the cosmos and the Runes of Acos, beginning with Chaos and the emergence of the Powers and Elements. From that fragment, the God Learners began to categorize magic associated with gods and spirits as part of the Mythical Synthesis Movement. In 850 ST, the Revised Red Book was presented by the God Learners Collective to Bralak, Emperor of the Land and Sea. The Revised Red Book is thought to be the first text that differentiated Rune magic from spirit magic. It also synthesized different spells with near-identical effects into a common spell with a descriptive name. Under this rubric, the label Bladesharp comprised a thousand different spirit techniques for enhancing the deadliness of a bladed weapon and the protective blessings of dozens of different cults all became known as Shield. The original Revised Red Book was lost in the disasters that ended the Second Age, but enough fragments survived to enable the authors to reconstruct much, if not all, of that wondrous tome, now simply called The Red Book of Magic.
What is in this Book? This book contains every Rune and spirit magic spell known at the time of publication, including many otherwise unpublished spells. However, this collection is not thought to be comprehensive across all Glorantha. New spells may be discovered, particularly in far-off lands such as Kralorela, Pamaltela, and the East Isles, or in the possession of strange and exotic cults. All references to RuneQuest herein refer to the RuneQuest core rulebook. Many of these spells are specific to a single cult and access to them is available through that cult. Refer to Cults of Glorantha for specifics.
What is Magic? Magic is the interplay between mortals existing in the temporal Mundane World and the eternal God Time. In the God Time, there was no division between the worlds of men and gods, between life and death, or body and spirit. The Gods War introduced the power of Death, which separated all with violence, death, and entropy. War entered the world, and the endless beauty and harmony of the universe was destroyed. Reality was fractured. The eternal gods themselves would have ceased to exist but for the Cosmic Compromise, whereby the gods that still existed abdicated their free will within the temporal world, rather than lose their All into the void of nonexistence. The gods remained eternal, at the cost of being restricted henceforth to only the deeds they had performed during the God Time, which are now fixed and unchanging in the world of Time. If the gods were ever to transgress their fixed and allocated positions in the cosmos, they would enter the shifting world of Time and would be destroyed by Death and entropy. Mortals exist within Time. The necessity of Death in the world of Time is another result of the Cosmic Compromise.
H eph eron e s'
Statem ent of Mag ic
This document was written by the Carmanian mystic Hepherones of Ganbarri in the early Third Age, circa 1200. The insights are a synthesis of Carmanian dualism, humanism, and central Genertela pantheism. To have a practical working knowledge of magic, one must understand what it is built upon. The essential system of Gloranthan energy exchanges lies in the duality inherent in the spiritual and physical fabric of the cosmos. Before Time began, there existed the world of endless bounty, life, and love. There was no end to existence and Power, and the entire world flourished in boundless creation and intelligence. The Gods War sought to end that bright fury with violence, death, and entropy. War entered the cosmos, and the endless beauty and harmony of the universe was devoured by its negative half. The Age of Time, during which we live, is that of the Compromise, wherein the Gods That Were did voluntarily abdicate their Free Will within the existing world, and accepted a limited Fate rather than lose their All into the maws of nonexistence. Thus, did those creatures and beings of great Power save themselves, in both spiritual and physical form, but at the cost of losing all self-change and growth. By their choice, they also accepted the duality of Being and Notbeing. The belief and reality, of notbeing was the source of the potential death and entropy of the Immortals. Their demise could never occur if they upheld their static part in the cosmos. Yet, if they were ever to transgress from their fixed portions of the universe, they would enter the Mortal World where death and decay would rob and destroy them. Humans are among those creatures that occupy the Mortal World, and within whose daily existence Death is a known and inevitable part. The necessity of Death in this realm is the result of the Great Compromise, wherein the Powers of the world created the Mortal World as a compromise between the powers of Entropy and Immortality. Humans, and other mortal races, share in the common gift of Free Will, which is denied to those embedded within the structure of Immortality. It is this gift that allows mortals the ability to grow, change, and exert their individual will upon the world around them. The dualistic realms of Immortal Destiny against Mortal Free Will are the basic polarities of the cosmos. From these poles of position comes all known reality:
the eternally living and dying cosmos. The frictions caused by the co-existence of these opposing principles form the very energies that support both worlds. These energies are commonly called magic. Magic is the interaction of the Mortal and God Worlds, and/or of conscious beings against destiny. Although the two polarities are mutually exclusive, there exists a common ground between them which is the place of energy exchanges, and this exchange of energies from divine to mortal or from mortal to divine is known as magic. The exchanges of energy from mortal to divine are most commonly those of sacrifice. This may be sacrifice of physical goods or Power, of time and effort, or of services and vow. The forms of sacrifice are multiple and vary widely according to local practice. They are all generalized in that they are a freely willed gift to the recipient divinity which can never be recalled, and whose purpose is maintenance of the deity’s stature in the Gods World. The exchange of energy from divine to mortal are special gifts, curses, overgenerous returns for ordinary deeds, or specific aid in certain circumstances. The recipients may be whole peoples, as a general cult function, or to individuals as with powerful spells or heroquesting gifts. The heroquester may gain importance and ability in the Gods World by establishing a base of power. This begins in the Mortal World, by extending oneself to the limits of mortal abilities and inclinations, to thereby fully know the mortal self. This allows for the development of higher senses and abilities which can then carry the magician into the Gods World. Study and meditation upon the world of myth will familiarize the heroquester with that world’s abilities, forms, and parameters. Successful and aggressive heroquesters are able to manipulate the mythical forms according to the methods learned in the physical world. This manipulation and meeting of forces is the operation of magic. Successful use of magic will allow an individual to grow within the mortal and divine realms, expanding in both will and consciousness to compete with the very Immortals in power. Advancement of the individual Being is the purpose of existence for all within the Mortal World. The entire cosmos has been bereft of the unification of Immortal Growth with Universal Will ever since the beginning of Time. The progression of the Many back towards the One is, and shall be, the vehicle for future progress and advancement within both worlds.
Introduction Mortals are separated from the gods, are subject to both Life and Death, and upon death their spirits are separated from their physical bodies. The dualistic worlds of eternal God Time and mortal Time are the basic polarities of Glorantha. From these opposing poles comes all known reality. Magic is the result of the interaction of these two worlds; drawing upon the timeless and eternal God Time to affect the mortal world of Time. Rune magic involves the sacrifice by worshipers to a specific god, allowing those worshipers to participate in the mythological deeds of the god. Through Rune magic, the worshiper can wield some fraction of the god’s Rune power. Spirit magic involves communication with the spirits that reside in the natural energy currents of the world. Powerful spirit magicians can travel into the Spirit World to interact directly with spirits. There are other forms of magic as well, such as sorcery and draconic magic, but those are beyond the scope of this book.
Spell Terminology This book uses the following terms throughout: Intensity: A measure of the strength of a spell. Each .
spell description details the minimum effect that a spell can have and the minimum number of magic points that the caster must provide to achieve that effect. When comparing the strength of a spirit magic spell with a Rune spell, each Rune point used with the Rune spell is equivalent to 2 points of spirit magic. Ritual: A framework of motion, invocation, and power expenditure created by an adventurer to establish the conditions necessary for summoning, enchanting, or enhancing the skill with which spells are cast. Rituals are notably time-consuming and/or power-consuming to enact. Note that rituals are separate from augments, though a ritual may involve the use of an augment. Spell: Casting a spell combines the use of arcane sounds and phrases, subtle gestures, and the expenditure of magic points to change the adventurer’s environment by other than mundane means. Each magic system requires slightly different procedures for casting spells. Total Magic Points: A term describing the full number of magic points that the caster of a spell must provide to fulfill the caster’s statement of intent.
Whenever a spell’s title includes a parenthesed term, such as ‘Detect (substance)’, the subject of that spell is inevitably based on the cult it is provided by and should be defined when listed, such as ‘Detect Gold.’
Types of Spells The spell type describes various parameters for each spell: Active Spell: Active spells require the caster’s .
concentration to remain in effect for their full duration. If they cast another spell, enter spirit combat, take damage, or something similar happens, the caster must make a concentration roll (INT×3) or the active spell’s effects cease. Those maintaining an active spell are limited to MOV 4 per melee round and cannot fight. Enchantment: These spells create a permanent magical effect, usually in exchange for points of POW. Passive Spell: Most spells are passive. Once such a spell takes effect on a target, the caster need not concentrate on it further, and may perform other actions, including casting other spells. Ritual Spell: These spells can only be cast during a ritual. These spells direct and define the ritual, and vice versa. The description of a ritual spell specifies the type of ritual with which the spell must be used, and a specific spell does not work with in any other type of ritual. Ritual spells are learned in the same manner as other spells. Stackable/Nonstackable Spell: All Rune magic spells have an initial Rune point cost. If a spell is stackable, then the caster can expend more Rune points to create greater effects. Some spells have limits to their stacking, given in the spell description. If a spell is nonstackable then additional Rune points cannot be spent. Summoning: These spells summon a specific type of entity. Usually the summoner uses a symbolic depiction of the creature to be summoned. A small statuette, a sand painting, or a magic circle are the most common. For creatures such as elementals, appropriate and sufficient matter to inhabit must be present. Summoning spells are often rituals as well. Variable/Nonvariable Spell: Variable spells can be learned and cast at several intensities. If there is a limit to the spell’s strength, that limit is included in its description. An adventurer can learn a low-intensity spell (Protection 1, for example) and later learn more powerful versions of the spell (Protection 2 or 3) but must learn them in this order. Variable spells do not layer upon each other; one cannot cast Protection 1 after casting Protection 2 and get Protection 3 as a result; to get Protection 3 they must cast Protection 3. Similarly, an adventurer with Protection 3 could cast Protection 1 and Protection 2 instead of Protection 3, as they have learned these lesser versions of the spell. Nonvariable spells have a specific, unchanging magic point cost. They cannot be learned or cast at an intensity other than that given in the spell description.
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Runic Association
Spell Durations
Rune spells are associated with one or more Runes. This indicates which Rune affinity (or affinities) may be used to cast the spell.
The effects of a spell last for a specific amount of time. Durations fall into two categories:
Spell Effects Spells are always cast at an area or thing. Part of each spell’s description details its target area—the boundary of the area affected when the spell casting is completed. Anything within this area is affected by the spell’s effects. Some spells affect single individuals only, as stated in the description. Spells almost always have some sort of sensory effect. The sensory effects of a spell (what it looks, sounds, smells, and even feels like) depend on the type of magic used and the power of the spell.
Boosting a Spell A caster may always use additional magic points to boost a spell, regardless of type, though some Rune spells require Rune points for boosting. This is typically done to overcome a Countermagic or Shield spell, or other magical defenses.
Spell Range and Area of Effect Each spell description contains the spell’s range, which is the distance from the caster within which the effects of the spell may occur. All target(s) of the spell must be within this area or the spell does not affect them. Some spell descriptions also have both: a range and an area of effect. The area of effect must lie wholly within the casting range of the spell. Touch Spell: These spells only affect the person or .
thing that is physically touched by the caster of the spell. Touch spells require that the caster touch the target or specific location to be affected. This does not require skin-to-skin contact, for the energies of the magic pass through the fabric and metal of clothes and armor, but it must be close enough to affect the target directly. The caster of the spell must be in this physical contact with the target for the entire duration of the casting. Some Touch spells are defined as “self ”, which indicates the caster alone is affected. A spellcaster is always in physical contact with their own self, regardless of whether they can move. Ranged Spell: Ranged spells have a maximum casting distance, defined in meters. These spells may target any point within this distance that the caster can physically or magically perceive. Each magic system describes a standard range for its spells, although some spells in each are exceptions, as noted in the spells’ descriptions. The normal range for a spirit magic spell is 50 meters; for a Rune spell it is 160 meters.
Instant Spell: Instant spells take effect the moment .
they are cast. The spirit magic spell Heal is of this type. Once the Heal spell has taken effect, the results cannot be dispelled. Temporal Spell: Temporal spells are effective for a definite span of time given in their descriptions, after which they dissipate. Temporal spirit magic spells are effective for two minutes; temporal Rune magic spells are effective for 15 minutes.
Resistance Rolls Some spells require a successful resistance roll to take effect, overcoming the target’s POW with the caster’s POW on the resistance table (RuneQuest, page 147). If either party lacks characteristic POW, use that party’s current magic point total instead. A target lacking POW or magic points cannot resist a spell being cast upon them unless the spell specifies otherwise.
Increasing the Chance of Success
An adventurer can increase the chance of casting a magical spell or their chance of success with the magical resistance roll through any of the following: Meditation . Ritual practices . Augmentation with Dance, Sing, speaking a magical . language, or other appropriate skill
Meditation Any magician can increase the chance of casting a nonritual spell or using a Rune by using the Meditate skill successfully. This enables the caster to focus their psychic energy on the spell, effectively trading time for an increased chance of success. Meditation Modifier Length of Meditation One melee round Two melee rounds Five melee rounds (one minute) 25 melee rounds (five minutes) 50 melee rounds (ten minutes)
Bonus to Casting % +5% bonus +10% bonus +15% bonus +20% bonus +25% bonus
Introduction Ritual Preparation
Meditation can supply a maximum bonus of +25%. Only one Meditate skill roll must be made. Meditation cannot be combined with rituals—ritual practice assumes the adventurer is already meditating as part of the ritual. While Meditating, the adventurer can take no other action, not even parrying or dodging. If the adventurer takes damage while attempting to Meditate, they must make a roll of INT×3; if they fail, their concentration is broken. They must start over to get the bonus.
Time Spent in Ritual Half an hour One hour Five hours Ten hours One day Two days One week Two weeks Four weeks One season One year Two years Five years Ten years 20 years
Ritual Practices An adventurer can increase their chance to cast any spell successfully (including ritual spells), use a Rune, or perform a Magic skill (such as Worship) through a ritual practice. These take many forms in Glorantha, including ascetic meditation, chanting of mantras, creating mandalas or other geometric patterns, carving of Runes, etc. All these practices allow the caster to focus their psychic energies for potentially great lengths of time, which can greatly increase the chance of success. Although the adventurer can eat and sleep during the ritual practices, they can do little else. If they take time away from their ritual practices to do something else (adventure, get sick, give birth, etc.), deduct that time from the actual time spent in ritual. Once you have the final time spent, consult the appropriate line on the Ritual Preparation table (rounding down).
Bonus +30% +35% +40% +45% +50% +55% +60% +65% +70% +75% +80% +85% +90% +95% +100%
Roll for the spell or magic skill the adventurer wishes to use at the completion of the ritual, when any magic points or Rune points used in the spell are expended. If the roll succeeds, the spell is cast, or the skill is performed.
Augmenting with Skills An adventurer can augment their own or another adventurer’s chance of casting a spell or success in a magical resistance roll by using a skill such as Dance or Sing, speaking a magical language such as Spiritspeech, Stormspeech, Firespeech, or Earthtongue, or another skill determined by the gamemaster. Augmenting is described in RuneQuest, pages 163–164. It takes time to augment a spell or magical resistance roll with a skill: If the adventurer spends only one melee round .
performing the augmenting skill prior to casting the spell or its equivalent, the chance of success with the augmenting skill is halved. If the adventurer spends two melee rounds performing the augmenting skill prior to casting the spell, the chance of success for the augment is unmodified. For each additional round spent performing the augmenting skill prior to casting, the chance of success increases by +5%. The chance of success for the augmenting skill can never be increased above double its normal chance.
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An adventurer trying to augment their chances of success through use of a skill can take no other action, not even parrying or dodging. If the adventurer takes damage, they must make a roll of INT×3. If they fail, their concentration is broken, and they must start over to get the augment.
Rune Spells W h at is Rune Magic? Rune magic is power granted by a god to a worshiper to act on the deity’s behalf. When one casts Rune magic, the caster wields some fraction of the deity’s power and acts as the deity in the Mundane World. In this way, the deity can act within the confines of Time. The more the Rune magic used in the world, the more the deity manifests.
How Does Rune Magic Appear, Sound, and Feel?
Casting a Rune spell literally channels part of the power of a god into the world. The caster takes on the aspect of the deity and becomes somehow “greater.” The god is manifest in the world, if only for an instant. As a result, there are almost always sensory manifestations with Rune magic. The caster might appear to grow larger (their actual SIZ is unaffected) and resemble the image of the deity, glow with a light that casts no shadows, crackle lightning from their fingertips, etc. These manifestations range across the senses—sight, sound, smell, touch, taste, and even nonhuman senses such as Darksense or Earthsense. These manifestations do not have mechanical implications beyond what is in the spell description. If the Invisibility spell is cast, the goddess Annilla is manifest, but she remains unnoticed. When Lie is cast, the god Eurmal is present, but that fact does not allow the targets of the spell to disbelieve the lie. In this way, gods routinely show up in Glorantha, and people either acquiesce, summon their own gods, or flee. Sometimes gods contest each other, and people carefully watch for a victor. The specific manifestations of a Rune spell vary by cult. An Orlanthi casting Shield may take on a blueish tinge and
Common Rune Magic All adventurers and cult members gain access to all common Rune spells known by their cult upon joining that cult as an initiate. All common Rune spells use the Rune (the Magic Rune). Any Rune of the cult providing the spell may be used to cast a spell indicated with the Rune. However, not all spells indicated with the Rune are common Rune spells. The following is the complete list of common Rune spells:
Common Rune Spells Spell Rune Point Cost Command (cult spirit) 2 points Dismiss Magic 1 point Divination 1 point Extension 1 point Find Enemy 1 point Heal Wound 1 point Multispell 1 point Sanctify 1 point Soul Sight 1 point Spirit Block 1 point Summon (cult spirit) 1–3 points Warding 1 point
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glow with the Hero light, while a Babeester Gor cultist casting the same spell may take on a blackish hue. The gamemaster and players are encouraged to develop the specific manifestations of any Rune spell cast.
Ch ar act er ist ics of Rune Spells
Unless defined otherwise, all Rune spells are passive, with a duration of 15 minutes and a range of 160 meters.
Rune Spells A Rune magic spell is always twice as strong as a spirit magic spell of the same point cost. Thus, it takes 2 points of Dispel Magic to dispel a 1-point Rune magic spell. Most Rune magic spells are cast on strike rank 1. Ritual spells generally take one hour or longer to cast. However, the gamemaster may be flexible about this, as ritual spells are almost always cast outside of combat and may be combined with ritual preparation and other means of increasing the chance of successfully casting the spell. If a spell has a different casting time, it is noted within the spell’s description.
Stackable Rune Magic All Rune magic spells have an initial Rune point cost that allows one casting of the spell. The caster can combine several castings into one if the spell is described as ‘stackable.’ This provides a more powerful effect when the spell is cast. There may be a ceiling to the maximum levels of the spell allowed to be cast together. All the stacked Rune spells are cast at one target in a single melee round and take effect at strike rank 1, unless additional magic points are added to the spell, in which case the spell takes effect on strike rank 1 plus 1 strike rank for each magic point added.
One-use Rune Spells The Rune points used to cast spells designated as ‘one-use’ in either the Rune spell descriptions or in the cult descriptions cannot be replenished. Reduce the total Rune points on the adventurer sheet by the cost of the spell. These points are not restored by Worship or other ceremonies and must be regained through POW expenditure. When a one-use Rune spell is cast: If the roll is a success, the spell is cast successfully .
(a resistance roll may apply) and the Rune point(s) cost is spent. If the roll fails, the Rune points are not lost, and the spell is not cast. If the roll is a fumble, the Rune points invested in the spell are lost and must be replaced before the one-use spell can be cast. The spell itself is not lost and can be re-attempted once the required Rune points are sacrificed. If the roll is a critical success, the caster retains both the Rune points that would have been spent on the casting and the one-use Rune spell, and may cast it again later, if desired.
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Devising New Rune Spells Rune magic is the result of the generosity of a god, allowing a mortal to wield a fraction of the god’s attributes on the material plane. Often such spells create results such as death, which even a Divine Intervention cannot normally accomplish, for that would involve the god directly with the material world and possibly precipitate direct godly participation in the affairs of mortals. This could lead to a new Gods War. Lending Rune magic to mortals is like a major country giving a smaller country arms and supplies with which to fight a war, rather than sending their own troops into battle. This fine line is hugely important to the gods of Glorantha. With this idea in mind, the gamemaster should consider what sort of spells to create for any new cult with which to enliven the campaign, using these guidelines: A 1-point Rune spell is about four times as powerful . as a 1-point spirit magic spell. should be appropriate to the god. Humakt is con. Spells cerned with Death and fighting; Kyger Litor with people
and Darkness; Orlanth with Air and Movement; etc. The emphases of a cult are found in the Runes describing it, and it is a good idea first to check which combination of Runes the cult has, and only then determine the spell’s characteristics. Recall that certain Powers (Life and Death, for instance) are diametrically opposed, and usually only a Chaotic and tradition-shattering cult like the Red Moon can combine them. Always check the proposed magic against the premier god in that area (they have two copies of the Rune in their writeup). Humakt, the premier Death god, has the spell Sever Spirit available for 3 Rune points. Therefore, no Death or War god can offer Sever Spirit with a 2- or 3-point Rune spell. In fact, Humakt is the only Death god able to give his worshipers this as a reusable spell. Any other Death god provides this as a single-use spell. As a second example, note that Yelm, the Sun God, is the premier Fire/Sky Rune god. His priests get the 3-point Rune spell Sunspear. No other god should have the ability to do the same amount of fire damage at the 3-point level; they should either do less damage or have the spell as single-use. Finally, consider that Chalana Arroy, the foremost healing deity in the world, is capable of resurrection, but at the cost of a 3-point Rune spell and a round of spirit combat. Only the Lunars have reproduced this knowledge, and no other form of raising dead is as easy or as foolproof. The gods of Glorantha are very unlikely to create materials out of thin air. They prefer to work with energy, preferably magical energy. Any spell should affect only one person, or at most a small area. No spell should cover more area than the influence of an elemental of similar sacrifice can cover, and it should cover less area and/or cost more Rune points to use if it does more damage than an elemental. Finally, few spells cause large or permanent change, except for the immediate damage. No Rune spells should cost more than 3 points. The gods are as bound by Time as any mortal; they can neither change history nor reliably predict the future.
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Rune Spell Descriptions Each spell indicates the Rune affinity or affinities that may be used to cast the spell. Spells identified with the Rune (the Magic Rune) can be cast using any Rune affinity. Spells are listed in alphabetical order by their most common name.
1 Point Ranged, Temporal, Stackable This defensive spell screens out the effects of incoming enemy spells. It also converts those spells into magic points and makes those points available to the caster. Absorption must be cast beforehand; it has no effect on enemy spells that are already in effect. Each point of Absorption soaks up 1 point of Rune magic, or any 2 points of sorcery or spirit magic spells. Each 1 point of absorbed Rune magic is converted into 2 magic points. The Absorption spell cannot soak up part of a spell; if the incoming spell has more total magic points than can be Absorbed, then the spell takes effect normally. The magic points gained by Absorption first replenish any magic points already expended. Excess points remain suspended within the caster’s aura, usable as they wish. When the spell expires or is dispelled, any magic points in excess of the user’s current POW dissipate. Absorption can be cast on others, but the caster of the spell gets the absorbed magic points. This spell can protect anything, including inanimate objects.
Accelerate Growth
1 Point Ranged, Temporal, Stackable This active spell matures a plant by one year in 15 minutes. Each additional point stacked adds one year of maturity. It won’t enlarge, strengthen, or make more fruitful any plant beyond its natural potential. The spell effect is permanent. Each point affects either one tree, a one-meter square area of bush or ground, or one seed, causing it to bloom and flourish.
Affix Darkness
1 Point Ranged, Duration (special), Stackable This spell must be cast at night, at a chosen area with a volume of 10×10×10 meters (or 1,000 cubic meters). That volume’s darkness becomes fixed in place, and remains present even after sunrise, persisting all day as a little piece of night, until the next sunset. The affixed darkness remains exactly as dark as the area was when the spell was cast. A torch or other light source carried into the darkened area illuminates it just as at nighttime. The darkened area has fuzzy, indistinct edges, but is clearly visible in daylight. Extension does not affect this spell. Each additional point stacked increases the volume affected by another 10×10×10 meters (1,000 cubic meters).
3 Points Ranged, Temporal, Nonstackable The caster targets a single victim and must overcome their POW on the resistance table. If the caster succeeds, both the target and the caster immediately fall to the ground, writhing in pain, incapable of doing anything else, including defending themselves. The target also suffers 1D6 damage to total hit points.
Alter Creature
2 Points Ranged, Permanent, Nonstackable, One-use When the priest casts this spell on a creature, and makes a successful resistance roll of POW vs. POW, the role of the creature as determined by the Survival Covenant (an ancient agreement negotiated by the god Waha) is reversed. Herd-things become people and people become herd-things. Alter Creature is binding only on those Praxians who agreed to the Survival Covenant: men, herd men, morokanths, impalas, sables, bisons, llamas, and rhinoceri. This spell takes one full round to work its transmutation, from strike rank 1 when the spell is cast to strike rank 12 of the same round. If Dismiss Magic (page 44), Dispel Magic (page 112), or Neutralize Magic or Neutralize (Rune) (RuneQuest, page 397) breaks the spell during this time, this Rune spell has no effect. Once the spell has completed, the spell’s effects are permanent. Only Divine Intervention
Rune Spells or another Alter Creature can return the victim to their original state. A beast that is awakened gains 2D6+6 INT and 3D6 CHA. It becomes omnivorous, requiring the same quality of food that humans eat. This new person can still have fertile offspring with their former kind, but all such offspring are unintelligent herd beasts. The new person has the same attack skills, plus or minus any improvement to the skill category bonus for INT. They speak Praxian with an initial skill equal to their INT. This new person can improve skills and learn new skills and spells in the usual way. Their outlook on life is still that of a beast, until taught otherwise. A person (human or otherwise) who becomes a beast loses INT and CHA. It becomes herbivorous, able to live off the plains. It can no longer have intelligent offspring with its former kind. The beast retains any non-weapon attack skills. Alter its skill modifiers for its lost INT. It forgets any weapon and other skills and all spells (though it remembers these when it is restored). It cannot understand language, except for simple commands. Such beasts can improve skills only by being trained by an animal trainer. Any bound spirits are freed. An allied spirit remains allied, but it is now linked to a creature that cannot understand language.
Alter Spirit of Disease
1 Point Touch, Permanent, Stackable, One-use Before using this spell, the caster must make a potion for the disease that they desire the spirit of disease to carry, and then bind the spirit to the potion container. This spell makes the spirit loses the old disease and begins to carry the new one. Stacking this spell increases the number of diseases that the spirit carries (assuming the proper potions are all present). There is no limit to the number of diseases that a spirit can carry, though there is no gain for using the same disease twice.
Analyze Magic
1 Point Touch, Instant, Stackable This spell gives a true statement about at least one function of a single magical item, entity, or substance. Each stacked point reveals one additional truth. If the spells are not cast simultaneously, the same truths may be repeated.
Animate War Tree
1 Point Ranged, Duration (special), Nonstackable The War Tree is a special type of tree, created using the Create War Tree spell (page 37). This spell causes one War Tree to awaken and become capable of motion and combat for the next six hours. This spell only affects a War Tree that has already been enchanted by the caster’s Create War
War Tree STR
4D6+12 2D10+30
26 Attacks Weapon Branch
% DEX×5
Hit Locations
Damage 1D6+3D6
SR 6
Location D20 Points Trunk 01–10 5D6 Branches* 01–20 3D6 each
Quality Hit Points Move
* Divide the 11–20 among the War Tree’s 1D6+4 branches.
Strike Rank Magic Points
Value Special 9 3 10–11
Tree spell. It has no effect on any other type of tree, or on a War Tree created by a different caster. The War Tree can attack with its thick branches with a skill equal to its DEX×5, doing damage equal to 1D6 + damage bonus (usually 3D6). It cannot parry or dodge. It can only use one branch at a time but has extra branches to use if any should break. The War Tree’s hit points are treated like those of weapons. It dies if its trunk is reduced to 0 hit points. Between activations, the War Tree roots itself in the ground. If the spell ends while the War Tree is on an inappropriate surface (such as solid stone), the War Tree begins to die.
1 Point Self, Temporal, Nonstackable The caster grows large antlers from their head, up to a meter long. They gain an extra Gore attack, with a base chance equal to DEX×3 (plus Manipulation bonus), doing 1D10 damage (plus damage bonus). The caster can Gore each round, as well as attack and parry or dodge, though the Gore must take place 3 strike ranks apart from any other attack they make.
Rune Spells
Appease Earth
1 Point Ritual This ritual is used to perform sacrifices to the Bloody Tusk. It can take three forms. Grain or other food is given to the Tusk (usually by feeding it to tuskers) to feed and strengthen the Earth, thus strengthening the cult. Blood sacrifice (preferably human sacrifice) appeases the Earth, protecting the cult from her wrath and causing the giant boars to remain tame and under the riders’ control. When magic items, other treasures of great worth, or more than a half-dozen prisoners are sacrificed with this spell, the Earth is pleased, and the tusker mount of the sacrifice’s provider has one of its characteristic points raised permanently by +1 (chosen by the rider). No characteristic may be increased beyond the normal maximum by this means.
Arouse Passion
1 Point Ranged, Temporal, Stackable This spell adds +20% to one of the target’s Passions as chosen by the caster, or, if desired, temporarily creates a new Passion beginning at 20%. Each additional point stacked with the spell adds another +20% to the aroused Passion. If the target successfully rolls on that passion, they get an experience mark.
While entranced, the caster can cast only bow-related magic (Multimissile, Speedart, etc.). They cannot cast healing except to heal their elf bow. If the battle ends before the spell expires, the caster stands at rest and waits for new targets. This is not a Berserker spell; the caster knows their friends and enemies. However, they are in a trance and cannot drink, eat, sleep, or indeed do anything except focus on their bow and their targets.
Asrelia’s Cavern
3 Points Touch, Temporal, Stackable This spell creates an invisible barrier cube three meters per side, centered on the point of casting. Wind cannot blow through the barrier, rain and snow cannot penetrate it, and it blocks flames. Even a flood washes up against the barrier harmlessly. Spells can be cast through the invisible boundary and creatures can cross it freely. Only non-living natural forces are barred. Each additional Rune point stacked with this spell increases the radius of the protective barrier by three meters.
Attack Soul
1 Point Ranged, Instant, Nonstackable This spell does 1D6 damage to the general hit points of an opponent whose POW is overcome by the caster. Armor does not protect against the damage.
1 Point Ranged, Temporal, Nonstackable This spell enables the caster to engage a single chosen target in spirit combat without being discorporate. Just as in spirit combat, the target can resist and attack back, reducing the caster’s magic points. Unless one of the participants is discorporate or capable of discorporating, neither can possess the other’s body. The target cannot resist this spell’s effects, though Countermagic (page 111) or similar magic blocks it. Spells such as Spirit Block (page 83) or Spirit Screen (page 121) work normally. Unlike spirit combat, the caster can break off or resume this attack at any time during the spell’s duration.
Arrow Trance
Attract Attention
1 Point Self, Temporal, Nonstackable This spell merges the caster’s consciousness with their bow, entering a trance in which the only things that exist are bow and targets. This doubles the caster’s bow attack skill, though they can use no other weapon and cannot parry nor use the bow as a club. The user moves only to get a clear shot or find another target. Even if engaged in melee, the user only shoots arrows.
3 Points Ranged, Duration (special), Nonstackable When this spell is cast, the caster makes a single resistance roll using POW. Everyone whose POW is overcome must look at the caster for one melee round. For example, if someone with a POW of 18 cast this spell and rolled a 65, then everyone with a POW of 15 or less would be affected. This spell does not affect initiates or more advanced worshipers of
Arrow of Light
RuneQuest Xiola Umbar. The practical effects are that affected enemies must direct all attacks toward the caster that round, and that the caster’s affected friends cannot attack anyone. If the caster is inaccessible to attack by a particular foe, the foe cannot attack at all that round, though they may still parry.
1 Point Self, Temporal, Stackable This spell causes the caster to glow with a clear pale light, shining over an area 10 meters in diameter. All enemies of the caster that enter the area of effect must immediately resist with their POW vs. the caster’s POW or lose 1 magic point. Each enemy checks again every melee round that they remain in the area. Each extra point stacked in this spell increases either the diameter by 10 meters or the magic point loss by a point. Countermagic (page 111), Shield (page 78), and similar defensive spells block the effects of this spell, if such are cast before entering the aurora. If the spell’s user dies, the spell immediately ends.
Awaken Loon
5 Points Ritual, Duration (Permanent), Nonstackable, One-use This spell can be cast only upon a specially prepared reed boat. These boats vary in size from small canoe size to up
Giant L oon STR
4D10+40 2D10+30 4D10+50
26 Attacks Weapon Peck
% 45
Hit Locations
Damage 2D6+7D6
SR 7
Location Right Leg
D20 AP/HP 01–04 10/19
Quality Hit Points
Left Leg
Strike Rank
Magic Points
Right Wing Left Wing Neck Head
13–14 15–16 17–18 19-20
10/17 10/17 10/19 10/19
Value 56 12 (Fly or Swim) 4 (Land
Note: If the loon is encountered in the water, roll 1D10+10 to determine the hit location struck.
to 30 meters long and are ornately decorated with many types of feathers. When cast, this spell permanently transforms one of these boats into a huge living loon. The spell allows the caster to direct the loon telepathically, and the loon obeys to the best of its abilities. It can carry passengers on its back just like a boat of the same size. The description below is for a loon 20 meters long.
Axe Trance
1 Point Self, Temporal, Nonstackable This spell merges the caster’s consciousness with their axe. The spell must be boosted with 1 or more magic points. Each magic point expended increases the caster’s 1H or 2H Axe skill by +10% for the spell’s duration. This spell may be combined with other weapon-enhancing spells. It does not combine effects with Berserker or Fanaticism. While entranced, the caster can cast only weaponenhancing spells such as Bladesharp (page 110), etc.). They cannot cast other magic, including healing (though they can repair their axe if it is damaged). If the battle ends before the spell expires, the caster stands at rest and waits for new enemies. This is not a Berserker spell; the caster knows their friends and enemies. However, they are in a trance and cannot drink, eat, sleep, or indeed do anything except focus on their axe and their enemies.
Axis Mundi
1 Point Ritual, Stackable This creates a holy sanctuary ten meters in radius, which functions as follows: It enhances the transition of ancestral spirits to the .
Mundane World. Ancestral spirits can appear within the sanctuary without using a Visibility spell. It acts as a beacon (akin to a lighthouse) that enhances a spirit’s chances of finding their way to the caster and this sacred portal. It protects the caster who created the sanctuary. When an Incarnate Ancestor spell (page 59) is cast within this sanctuary, the sanctuary acts as a protective circle when the summoned ancestor arrives. Any ancestor summoned within an Axis Mundi is disoriented for 1D6 rounds and cannot take any hostile actions until this effect wears off.
. .
Rune Spells When created by a shaman in preparation for .
initiating an assistant shaman, it acts as the locus for the transition to full shaman. It attracts spirits aligned with the traditions of the cult and allows their active participation in Holy Day celebrations.
This spell lasts for 15 minutes, but it can be boosted with magic points. Each additional magic point adds 15 minutes to the spell’s duration.
Bear Fruit
1 Point Ritual, Stackable This spell causes a single tree or a three-meter square area of bush or ground cover to immediately yield its fruits, no matter the season. A full day is needed for the ritual to activate the spell and appease the plant’s spirit. This spell can kill the plant. This chance is determined by the season it is cast in: Season Sea Fire Earth Dark Storm
1 or 3 Points Ritual, Nonstackable This hour-long ritual can only be cast by a Chief Priest or High Priest of a cult. A version of this spell is known by most cults. It forbids its target from being able to participate in worship at any temple that is subject to the authority of the caster. For the purposes of those specific temples, the target is no longer even a lay member of the cult and cannot rejoin those temples for the duration of the spell. The target cannot regain Rune points or sacrifice for new spells at the caster’s temples. Many cults require formal proceedings and/or approval by the members of the temple before this spell can be cast. Depending on the cult, this may also result in outlawry from a clan or tribe. The caster (or their successor in the office) can lift the effects of this spell at any time. The 1-point version of Ban has a duration of three years. The 3-point version of Ban lasts until the target is dead.
Bat Wings
1 Point Touch, Temporal, Nonstackable This spell works only on Initiates and Rune Masters of the cult of the Crimson Bat. It causes a pair of large crimson bat wings to grow out of the back of its subject, which grant their possessor flight at a movement rate of 12. The wings are, for all purposes, part of their possessor’s body. They have 3-point armor skin and hit points equal to their possessor’s arms. Use the Wind Children hit location table (Glorantha Bestiary, page 84). Although physical damage can disable the wings, damage they sustain does not reduce the possessor’s total hit points.
Chance of Death 30% 15% 10% 70% 50%
If cast during Sacred Time, the plant always survives.
Bear’s Skin
3 Points Touch, Temporal, Nonstackable This spell can only be cast on initiates or Rune Masters of Odayla. It causes the target to sprout a coat of thick brown fur and to gain +6 SIZ. It adds 4 points of skin armor to all hit locations (this cannot be layered with existing armor, unless that armor is built to accommodate the additional SIZ).
Bear’s Strength
2 Points Touch, Temporal, Nonstackable This spell can only be cast on initiates or Rune Masters of Odayla. It swells the target’s sinews and muscles, doubling the target’s natural STR, which also boosts its damage bonus (RuneQuest, page 56) and Agility and Manipulation skill bonuses. This does not double the effects of other STRenhancing magic spells such as Strength.
2 Points Ranged, Temporal, Stackable This spell may be cast upon any unintelligent animal. If it fails to resist, then it moves as the caster directs for the
RuneQuest duration of the spell, though it refuses to leap off cliffs or go to other obvious deaths. It will not fight for the caster and will not otherwise serve them. It will not attack the caster. Once controlled, it remains controlled even if it moves out of the 160-meter range. This is an active spell, and if the caster is disturbed or loses concentration (failing an INT×3 roll), the animals are freed. Each Rune point stacked with Beastmaster allows an additional beast to be controlled. It works on riding beasts.
Become Hawk
4 Points Self, Temporal, Nonstackable This spell transforms the caster into a great vrok hawk (Glorantha Bestiary, page 161).
Become (other shape)
3 Points Self, Temporal, Nonstackable This spell comes in many forms. Each variant turns the caster into a single other shape. The shapes vary tremendously. The spell most commonly turns the user into an animal (e.g., a fox, mouse, or raven), but some spells turn them into another human, including a tree, a rock, a dirty shirt, or even a pile of dung. The caster retains all their characteristics and skills, except for SIZ, which the caster chooses. The new SIZ cannot be larger but can be smaller (to a minimum of 1). The user gains all the abilities (or lack of same) of the new shape, to be defined by the gamemaster. If the shape has gender, the caster can choose which one to become.
Become Other
3 Points Self, Duration (special), Nonstackable This spell transforms a non-troll caster into a dark troll, or a troll caster into a human, until the next sunrise or sunset. A human that casts the spell gains +6 STR and +6 SIZ. They also gain the Darksense Scan and Search skills, starting at a base of 25% (see the Glorantha Bestiary, page 72). Like a troll, they gain 1 point natural armor in every location. They also gain a troll’s vulnerability to iron. A troll that casts this spell becomes human in appearance, losing 6 points each from STR and SIZ, as well as its
Darksense ability, all for the duration of the spell. They do not have a troll’s vulnerability to iron during that time.
2 Points Self, Temporal, Nonstackable This spell allows the caster to regenerate magic points extremely quickly. Its exact benefit varies with the phase of the moon. Lunar Phase Dead/Dying Crescents Half Moons Full Moon
Effect Regain 1 magic point per five minutes. Regain 1 magic point per minute. Regain 1 magic point per melee round. Regain 1D6 magic points per melee round.
The caster’s magic points cannot be raised higher than their POW by means of this spell.
2 Points Ranged, Temporal, Nonstackable This spell sends the target into a murderous, berserk fury. Personal safety and all but the strongest loyalties are forgotten in the rage to destroy, but the stamina and the combat skills of the berserker are greatly enhanced and the subject gains magical protection. Until the spell expires: The berserker increases each of their attack skills . by half again. The . berserker increases their CON by half again. This can increase their CON above species maximum. The berserker gains Countermagic 2 (page 111). . Against Chaotic creatures, the spell is twice . as effective: the berserker’s attack skills double (instead of being increased by half again), and against these creatures the berserker is protected by Countermagic 4. A berserker is preserved from incapacitation, shock, unconsciousness, or exhaustion while the spell is in effect. If the berserker would be subject to these effects when the spell ends, these conditions take effect. All CON rolls made by the berserker have a 95% chance of success. However, the berserker cannot cast magic, parry, or dodge.
. . .
Rune Spells The berserker is completely incapacitated when the spell expires. Anyone affected by the spell cannot normally attempt to shake off its effects before the normal duration of 15 minutes expires. If the gamemaster determines that there are extenuating circumstances, the berserker may attempt to snap out of the battle rage by rolling INT×1 or with a successful use of the Meditate skill (pick one), otherwise the rage continues. Initiates and healers of the Chalana Arroy cult can bring someone out of a Storm Bull Berserker rage if they succeed with a roll of the Chalana Arroy initiate’s CHA×5. This ability does not extend to the Berserker spell granted by other cults. If Berserker is cast upon a target under the effects of Fanaticism (page 114), this spell takes precedence. They do not combine effects.
Bind Wind
1 Point Ritual, Enchantment, Stackable, One-use This spell enchants a leather bag or rope to be capable of holding a wind. For each Rune point used, an air elemental or wind can be captured in the bag. Match the caster’s POW against the STR of the air elemental or wind: success means that it has been captured in the bag and can be released later. Each extra Rune point stacked with the spell reduces the wind’s STR by 20 for purposes of capturing it. The elemental remains captured until released or dismissed by the possessor of the bag.
Binding Enchantment
1 Point Ritual, Enchantment, Stackable A binding enchantment is a magical item that can hold a spirit or similar otherworld creature. The item to serve as the binding enchantment must be enchanted with a sacrifice of 1 point of permanent POW per characteristic type possessed by the creature.
Bind Ghost
1 Point Ritual, Nonstackable Binds the spirit of a dying person into an area as a ghost. The caster must engage in a successful round of spirit combat if the spell is to work. In some versions of the spell
(such as that known by the Humakt cult), the spirit must be a volunteer from the caster’s cult. In other versions, there is no such requirement.
1 Point Touch, Duration (special), Stackable When cast on a pregnant creature, this spell allows safe and painless pregnancy and delivery of a healthy child. It can be stacked with the Bless Pregnancy and Pregnancy spells (pages 18 and 69).
Black Breath
2 Points Ranged, Temportal, Nonstackable The target gains a poisonous breath which has a POT of 1 for each magic point spent when the spell is cast. Any being (friend or foe) within two meters of the target must hold their breath (per the asphyxiation rules, RuneQuest, page 156) or inhale the poison. This poison does not affect any person under the influence of the Black Breath spell. The breath is clearly visible as a dank cloud around the target.
Blast Earth
1 Point Ranged, Instant, Stackable This spell is cast on an area of land geometrically proportionate to the number of Rune points expended, with each point doubling the prior step. One Rune point affects one square meter, 2 Rune points affects two square meters, 3 Rune points affects four square meters, 4 Rune points affects eight square meters, etc. No plants within the blasted area can flower or bear fruit for a full year.
Bless Animals
1 Point Touch, Instant, Nonstackable This fertility spell increases the calving potential for each beast so blessed. Each birth produces a healthy calf or, rarely, twins. Nine out of ten calves born to a beast influenced by this spell are female.
RuneQuest Bless Animals can only be cast on the High Holy Day of the year and affects only the following year’s calving. It may be cast on male or female beasts; herders typically use it with their finest stud bulls for maximum benefit.
Bless Champion
and magic points are all 1 point higher than usual. The enchantment ends if ever the family hearth is shattered.
Bless Pregnancy
2 Points Ritual, Touch, Duration (special), Stackable This spell blesses a worshiper of one of Ernalda‘s husbandprotectors. The target must be willing and participate in a ritual with the caster that takes at least 30 minutes. If the target does not already have a Love (caster) Passion of 60% or higher, they must take that Passion for the spell to work. Bless Champion lasts for 24 hours. Each Rune point stacked adds one additional day to its duration. After the ritual, any defensive spirit or Rune magic spell that the caster casts on the target has its effects extended to last one full day or until the effects of Bless Champion end.
2 Points Ritual, Stackable This ritual blesses a woman; it must be cast during the first season of her pregnancy. For the duration of her pregnancy, she does not suffer any of the pains and sicknesses of her condition. The mother adds +50 to the result of her Sacred Time childbirth roll (RuneQuest, page 426). During childbirth, she suffers only mild pangs and can control the timing of the birth. This spell can only be cast once per pregnancy, although for each additional Rune point stacked with the ritual, the child gets +1 to a characteristic of the caster’s choosing (although no characteristic may be above species maximum). The caster of the spell may choose the sex of the child.
Bless Crops
Bless Thunderstone
1 Point Ritual, Stackable This ritual affects one hide of land. It adds +20% to the owner’s occupational skill rating for that hide in the following Sacred Time (RuneQuest, page 420). For each point stacked in the spell, the caster adds either an additional hide to the area affected or an additional +20 to the Income roll in Sacred Time (RuneQuest, page 422).
Bless Grave
1 Point Ritual, Nonstackable This ritual summons an invisible aspect of Ty Kora Tek to escort the soul of a dead believer; a successful ritual ensures that the soul does not return as a bad ghost.
Bless Home
1 Point Ritual, Enchantment, Nonstackable This ritual is performed over a home and affects it and the family who dwells therein. Whenever a family member is within the walls of the blessed home, their hit points
1 Point Ritual, Enchantment, Stackable This spell can only be cast by a full Storm Voice of Orlanth, only on the High Holy Day of Orlanth, and only upon a properly prepared flintstone. Before use, the thunderstone must be activated by spending 1 magic point while touching it, whereupon the stone begins to spark and crackle. The bearer may then throw the stone, sling it, or strike with it like as if it were a melee weapon (using Fist attack). Once the stone damages a target, or one melee round has passed since activation, it shatters and becomes useless. For each point of Bless Thunderstone stacked in the casting, the stone does 1D6 hit point damage and drains 1D6 magic points from its target. Armor protects against the hit point damage. The magic point drain can be stopped by protective spells: each 1D6 drain acts as 1 point of Rune magic for purposes of blocking. Thus, if a 5-point thunderstone struck a target with Countermagic 8 (page 111) or Shield 4 (page 78), the target would lose only 1D6 magic points. Once a stone is enchanted, additional castings of Bless Thunderstone on it have no added effect.
Rune Spells
Bless Woad
1 Point Ritual, Enchantment, Stackable This spell can only be cast by a Wind Lord of Orlanth during the High Holy Day of Orlanth upon a properly prepared pot of woad (a blue dye derived from the woad plant), and thus can only be cast once a year. For use, the woad must be smeared over the naked body of its user. A casting of the spell enchants enough woad to coat one person. For each point of Bless Woad stacked in the casting, the woad gives 1 point of armor and 1 point of Rune-level magical protection. These points can be divided among several pots of woad. For example, a Wind Lord with 15 Rune points might make three pots of 5-point woad, or one pot of 15-point woad, etc. Any hostile spell affecting the wearer must contain more magic points than the wearer is covered in points of woad. Each day that the woad is worn, it declines in potency by 1 point. If the wearer ever puts on armor or clothing, the woad immediately loses all its magic power. Once a pot of woad is enchanted, additional castings of Bless Woad do not enhance its enchantment. If its pot is kept sealed, blessed woad never spoils.
Bless Worshipers
1 Point Ritual, Stackable When cast upon a group of worshipers, this spell lets all of those it is cast upon share the effects of another Rune spell simultaneously cast upon them. This spell can only be cast on initiates of Yelm or his associated deities. Only those who voluntarily accept the spell are affected. For each Rune point stacked in Bless Worshipers, the associated Rune spell affects one additional person. The Rune points from the stacked spell are lost permanently and cannot be replenished. For example, if Shield 2 were cast stacked with a Bless Worshipers 5, up to five extra individuals would get the protection of the Shield spell. The caster would permanently lose 2 Rune points.
1 Point Ranged, Temporal, Stackable If the caster succeeds in a POW resistance roll, this spell blinds the target. The chance of a blinded target hitting or parrying with a weapon is reduced by –75%, and visually targeted spells cannot be cast (spells such as Heal or Second Sight, pages 115 and 118, can still be cast). Each additional point stacked with this spell adds +5 to the caster’s effective POW during casting. Thus, if the caster had a POW of 18 and used 2 points of Blinding, the target would resist as if the caster had a POW of 23. Creatures that can function without eyesight or light, such as trolls, dwarfs, and gorps, are not hampered by this spell.
Blood Feast
1 Point Ritual, One-use To cast this spell, the priest must cook up a meat stew in a large kettle, including up to eight different body organs. Vegetables and spices may be added to taste, but do not affect the spell’s outcome. When the stew is finished, the priest and his followers devour it, after which a specter—a living being composed completely of illusion—appears. The specter’s appearance is a composite of the individuals whose body organs made up the stew. For example, if a trollkin and four dogs were
RuneQuest used for a Blood Feast spell, the spectre would be basically canine, with some trollkin features. It may have a half-trollkin/ half-dog face, hand-like paws, or anything else the gamemaster deems appropriate. Each of the eight organs included in the magic stew provide several points of a specific Illusion spell, to help make up the specter. Each of the organs must come from a different individual, and only one organ of each type may be included. Organ Blood Brain Face/Snout Heart Legs Skin Tongue
Illusion Spell Illusory Substance Free will (“illusory INT”) Illusory Sight Illusory Sound Illusory Motion Illusory Odor Illusory Taste
An organ from an animal provides 1D6 points of the specter’s illusion spell. An organ from an intelligent creature with a POW of 9 or less provides 2D6 points of illusion. An organ from an intelligent being with a POW of 10+ provides 3D6 points of illusion. If the brain from an intelligent creature with a POW of 10+ is added to the stew, the specter receives INT; otherwise, the spirit is non-sentient. An intelligent spectre receives an INT of 1D6 for every 20 points of illusion it possesses, rounding up (e.g., 21 points of illusion grants 2D6 INT). When the spell is cast, the priest must sacrifice 1 point of either POW or Red POW (see the Blood Red spell following for an explanation of Red POW) for each organ in the stew. They may also spend magic points. For each magic point, the specter remains under the priest’s control for one full hour. After that time, an intelligent specter is free to depart and do as it pleases. An unintelligent specter dissolves. These living illusions are permanent and do not fade with time. However, they can be dispelled.
Blood Red
1 Point Ritual, One-use In this spell, the caster takes a sacrifice of blood from a willing initiate of the Black Sun, which causes a permanent drop in STR. For each STR point drained, the caster gains 1 point of Red POW kept in a special reserve on the Spirit Plane. This POW can only be used to fuel the Blood Feast ritual spell above.
Boar’s Hide
1 Point Touch, Temporal, Nonstackable The target gains thick 4-point hide in every location.
Boar’s Strength
3 Points Touch, Temporal, Nonstackable This spell swells the target’s sinews and muscles, giving great strength and fury to smite the enemy. The target’s STR doubles and their chance of hitting with any weapon increases by half again. Thus, if the target normally had a 60% chance to hit with a spear, it increases to 90%. The Attack skill category bonuses are not recalculated for the basis of the weapon skill increase, but the Manipulation skill category modifier can be adjusted for those skills while the spell is in effect, if relevant. The target cannot dodge while this spell is in effect, and their parrying ability is halved.
Boar’s Tusks
2 Points Touch, Temporal, Nonstackable This spell turns the head of the target into that of a boar, complete with fierce tusks. This grants Gore as an extra attack, with a base chance to hit equal to the target’s DEX×3 (plus Manipulation bonus), doing 2D6 damage plus damage bonus. The target can gore each round, in addition to their normal attack and parry or Dodge, though the gore must take place 3 strike ranks apart from any other attack.
1 Point Touch, Instant, Nonstackable When cast upon a quantity of fruits, grains, and/or vegetables this spell increases the quantity of food by 1 ENC for every full 10 ENC of food present.
Rune Spells
Breathe Air/Water
2 Points Ranged, Temporal, Stackable When cast on an air-breather or water-breather, this spell allows the target to breathe as if it were in its own element while inhabiting the other. For each Rune point stacked with the spell, an additional target can receive the benefit of the spell.
Breathe Life into Art
1 Point Ritual, Stackable, One-use This ritual is performed as an artist creates a piece of art out of appropriate materials. The artist must roll a special success (or better) with a Craft (Painting, Pottery, Sculpture, Stonemasonry, etc.) skill roll (or its equivalent) to be able to cast the spell. The spell awakens a spirit within the statue, having a CHA and POW of 1D6 per Rune point stacked with the spell. Both characteristics become available to the subject of the sculpture (normally a cult), similar to an allied spirit or wyter.
1 Point Ritual, Stackable This ritual is performed in conjunction with the brewing process. It is cast upon a quantity of beverage equivalent to an amphora (40 liters) in volume. When cast, this spell increases the results of the brewed beverage one degree of quality (e.g., from Poor to Average, Average to Good, Good to Excellent, Excellent to Superb). For each Rune point stacked with the spell, increase the results one additional degree of quality.
3 Points Touch, Temporal, Nonstackable This spell grows long, colorful wings (like those of a moth or butterfly) from the target’s back, allowing flight at a MOV of 8. The target can carry up to double their normal ENC with them. Each point of ENC above double reduces flight speed by 1 MOV.
Call Founder
6 Points Ranged, Temporal, Nonstackable, One-use This spell can only be cast by the legitimate khan of an entire tribe and summons the original founder of that tribe. It takes all day to prepare. The being so summoned is of awesome power, far beyond the normal scope of play, appearing as a human with the appropriate herd animal’s head, and with a STR and SIZ equal to ten times that of the summoning khan. The being’s POW varies between 40 and 110, depending on the tribe. It is called only for tribal emergencies.
Call Monster
1 Point Ritual, Summons, Nonstackable This spell summons a deep-sea creature or group of creatures. A group of worshipers, led by a priest, casts the spell, all in the same melee round and calling for the same creature. Each person who successfully casts Call Monster may then spend as many magic points as desired toward calling the monster(s). If the number of magic points spent exceeds the total value of the creature’s STR, CON, SIZ, INT, POW, and DEX, the summons succeeds. If several creatures were called, the magic points expended must exceed the sum of all the summoned creatures’ relevant characteristics. Determine the characteristics of the creatures after the spell is cast. This spell calls a creature that is native to the plane. It can call a pack of sharks, a plesiosaur, a sea serpent, a whale, a giant octopus, or some other more exotic monster. The creature is compelled to swim to the summoning location before it can undertake actions of its own volition (aside from overcoming obvious opposition to its movement). The creature summoned takes 2D100 hours to arrive. The creature(s) do not arrive under the control of the summoners; they must either cast a Command spell, or some agreement must be reached between the Priest and the monster. Often the spell is used to call powerful tribal Ancestors or intelligent moveable Whirlpools and Waterspouts (per the spells, page 103). Example: A small mer-clan, troubled by human pirates, resorts to Magasta to solve their problem. The
Rune Spells mer-king commands all adult tribal members to join Magasta’s cult and learn Call Monster. All 200 do so. Each participant casts the spell successfully and sacrifices 10 magic points for a total of 2,000 magic points. The creatures called are sea serpents, which have an average stat value of 185, so the priest calls for 10 serpents (the actual rolled characteristic total turns out to be 1921). The serpents arrive in 2D100 hours and are kept penned in large submarine cages until the five clan priests each cast two Command Sea Serpent spells, whereupon the creatures accompany the clan warriors to the attack.
Calm Waters
1 Point Range (special), Temporal, Stackable This spell makes the affected waters as smooth as a mirror, eliminating all waves, chop, etc. It only affects waters of the Mirrorsea Bay and its islands. The spell’s effects radiate from the caster and move as the caster moves, affecting all waters in a radius based on the number of stacked Rune points. Calm Water Points of Spell 1 point 2 points 3 points 4 points 5 points 6 points Each additional point
Call on Stars
1 Point Ranged, Temporal, Stackable (up to 4 pts.) This ritual spell requires the caster first succeed with a Celestial Lore skill roll to work properly. If the Celestial Lore roll succeeds, the caster may cast any common spirit magic spell. The maximum point value of the spirit magic spell cannot exceed 2 per Rune point stacked with the spell. Thus, a caster who used 4 points of Call on Stars could cast up to Bladesharp 8 (page 110), for example. The caster of the spell does not need to supply the magic points to cast the spirit magic spell, though additional magic points can be used to overcome defensive magic, as normal. Temporal spells cast using Call on Stars last 15 minutes, and ranged spells can be cast within 100 meters.
Call Shanasse
1 Point Ranged, Temporal, Stackable This spell calls a sky warrior to earth, who falls like a meteor and lands in fire before the summoner. The sky warrior has a MOV of 12, and 1D6 in all characteristics for each Rune point expended in his summoning. They have combat skills equal to DEX×5 and fight with a two-handed spear and composite bow made of sky-stuff, which acts like earthly bronze. The weapons evaporate on the sky warrior’s death, with the corpse. They cast no spells, but accepts all appropriate spells cast upon them. They have no natural armor. The sky warrior is not under the control of the spellcaster and can make their own decisions.
Radius 160 meters 320 meters 640 meters 1,280 meters 2.5 kilometers Five kilometers ×2
Cancel Light
1 Point Ranged, Temporal, Stackable When cast upon an object or creature, this spell creates a hazy zone ten meters in diameter and centered on the target. The zone moves with the target. Within the zone, the effects of any light-producing spells are canceled if the Cancel Light spell has more points than the light spell. As always, each Rune point counts as 2 magic points each. For example, a 1-point Cancel Light would eliminate a Light spell (page 117), but it would take a 3-point Cancel Light to eliminate a Lightwall (a 4-point spirit magic spell, page 117).
Captain Souls
1 Point Ranged, Temporal, Stackable This spell is cast upon one other person per point, who must voluntarily accept the spell. The spell allows the one-way transmission of conscious thoughts, magic points, and spell knowledge from the caster to the targets. In addition, touch spells can be cast at range by the caster on any of the targets. INT- or morale-affecting spells cast against one individual have no effect on someone linked by a Captain Souls spell.
Carapace (Bagog variant)
2 Points Touch, Temporal, Nonstackable This spell increases the toughness of the exoskeleton of a scorpion man by 12 points, adding to their natural armor. This spell is incompatible with Absorption (page 10), Reflection (page 71), Shield (page 78), and Spirit Block (page 83).
Carapace (Gorakiki variant)
2 Points Touch, Temporal, Nonstackable This spell turns the target’s skin into black, shiny armor. It adds 8 points of armor to the target’s natural armor on their abdomen and chest. This spell is incompatible with Absorption (page 10), Reflection (page 71), Shield (page 78), and Spirit Block (page 83).
Carry (disease)
2 Points Ritual, Nonstackable, One-use This ritual carves Runes into the flesh of the beneficiary, granting the target permanent immunity to the effects of one specified disease. It simultaneously makes the target a carrier of that disease, exposing everyone they contact to the disease.
1 Point Touch, Duration (special), Nonstackable For 12 hours, this spell allows the user’s eyes to see in any amount of available light. If there is a complete absence of light, they cannot see; if but a single dim spark exists, they see normally. Eyes under this spell reflect light like a cat’s.
Cause (disease)
1 Point Ranged, Instant, Stackable (up to 4 pts.) If the caster overcomes the target’s POW, the target contracts the mild form of the specified disease, and the severity of the disease may increase normally (see Disease,
RuneQuest, page 154). With 2 stacked Rune points, the target starts at the acute degree of the disease (which may increase), with 3 points they begin at the serious degree, and 4 points at the terminal stage of the disease.
Cause Plague
3 Points Variable, Self, Nonstackable, One-use The caster will die from the effect of this spell. The plague is highly contagious, with severity from chronic to terminal; there is no mild form. Plague attacks the CON and STR. Resisting the disease requires the exposed individual to roll equal to or below their STR+CON on 1D100. Failure means that the character loses 1D3 from both STR and CON for each attack. Only successful Divine Intervention, Cure Disease, or Mallia Initiation will halt the plague.
2 Points Self, Temporal, Nonstackable The caster blends into the background, permitting use of their Hide skill even while moving. If the user remains still, their Hide skill is automatically 100%, even in the open. If the caster engages a foe in melee, the foe must succeed in a Scan roll each round to attack, parry, or Dodge the caster.
Chaos Feature
3 Points Ritual, Nonstackable, One-use At the instant that the caster sacrifices Rune points for this spell, they are marked with the Touch of Chaos, gaining a permanent Chaotic feature and the Chaos Rune at 60% (+20%). A successful cast means that the target gains a Chaotic feature. Roll any die: on an odd number, roll on the standard Chaotic Features table (page 25); on an even roll, use the Curse of Thed table (page 26). Each additional Chaotic feature taken results in a cumulative 10% chance that the caster permanently changes into a broo. This transformation cannot be resisted or altered. Roll for the transformation immediately upon the assumption of another Chaotic feature. Note: Some effects on the Curse of Thed table are marked with a *. The victim may attempt to resist (on the
Chaotic Features D100 01–03 04–05 06 07–08 09 10–11 12 13–14 15 16–17 18 19–20 21–22 23 24–26 27–28 29 30 31–32 33–35 36–37 38–39 40–42 43–44 45 46–48 49–50 51 52–54 55–56 57–58 59–65 66–67 68–69 70 71–72 73–74 75–76 77–86 87–88 91–92 93–94 95 96–00
Chaotic Feature +1D6 POW +2D6 POW +3D6 POW +2D6 DEX +4D6 DEX +2D6 STR +4D6 STR +2D6 CON +4D6 CON +2D6 SIZ +4D6 SIZ Spits acid of 2D10 POT 1D6 times per day with six-meter range. Breathes 3D10 fire 1D6 times per day; single target, three-meter range. Highly flammable; if ignited, bums all within a three-meter radius. Extra sensory organs. Appearance confusing—subtract –20% from all attacks directed at it. Appearance very confusing—subtract –30% from all attacks directed at it. Appearance extremely confusing—subtract –40% from all attacks directed at it. Poison touch, 2D10 POT; must penetrate armor to work. +6-point skin (treat as armor) +9-point skin (treat as armor) +12-point skin (treat as armor) Absorbs spells up to 2 magic points, adding magic points absorbed to self. Absorbs spells up to 4 magic points, adding magic points absorbed to self. Absorbs spells up to 2D6 magic points, adding magic points absorbed to self. Reflects spells up to 2 magic points back at caster, without harm to itself. Reflects spells up to 4 magic points back at caster without harm to itself. Reflects spells up to 2D6 magic points back at caster without harm to itself. Its spirit attacks the adventurer that killed it in spirit combat after it is dead. If it possesses its killer, it will take them over. +2D6 meters MOV per strike rank. Explodes upon death, doing 1–6D6 (roll 1D6 to determine how many D6s to roll) damage to all within three meters. Armor helps against this damage. Regenerates 2D6–5 hit points per round (minimum of 1 point) in each injured hit location until dead. Utters agonizing screams when moving. Valuable gem or metal (worth 1D10×100 L) visible on body; this could also be a valuable hide, metal teeth, etc. Valuable gem or metal (worth 1D6×1,000 L) hidden within body; could also be internal organ of some precious metal or an enchanted item of some sort. Overpowering stench; those nearby must make CON×5 or less on D100 or lose consciousness. Hideous; those seeing it make POW×5 or less on 1D100 or be demoralized (per the Demoralize spell, page 112). Automatically Befuddles one opponent per round (per the Befuddle spell, page 110) in addition to other attacks (the user still must overcome the target’s magic points). Functional extra appendage or body part. Modify hit locations accordingly. Double power of creature’s normal Chaos ability (e.g., a gorp could have 16-point acid, or a jack o’bear be able to Harmonize twice per round). Capable of leaping up to DEX in meters. Hypnotic appearance; roll INT×5 or less on D100 or stand spellbound until it eats the target or leaves its presence. Appears to be a harmless creature or object until engaged in melee. Roll from the Curse of Thed table (page 26).
Curse of Thed D100 01–03 04–05 06 07–09 10–11 12 13–14 15 16–17 18 19–20 21–22 23–24 25–26 27–28 29–30 31–32 33–35 36–37 38–40 41–42 43–45 46 47–48 49–50 51–52 53–54 55–56 57–58 59–60 61–62 63–65 66–67 68–70 71–72 73–74 75–76 77 78–80 81–82 83–84 85 86–87 88–90 91–92 93–94 95–96 97–98 99 00
Effect Lose 1D6 POW Lose 2D6 POW Lose 3D6 POW Lose 1D6 DEX Lose 2D6 DEX Lose 3D6 DEX Lose 2D6 STR Lose 4D6 STR Lose 2D6 CON Lose 4D6 CON +3 to victim’s strike rank for duration of spell. May not resist any 1-point spells cast at the victim. Drenched in acid, 2D10 potency (one round only). Engulfed in flame, 3D10 damage (one round only). Attracts magic: all 1-point attack spells cast in a 20-meter radius automatically targets against the victim. Victim becomes immune to fire damage for duration of spell. Roll equal to or below INT×5 on D100 or stand stupefied for 15 minutes. All foes have +20% chance to hit victim.* One valuable gem, magic item, or weapon in the victim’s possession is eaten by Chaos and disappears forever. Takes 1 point of damage in random location each melee round until spell expires.* Victim befuddled for spell duration. Non-Rune metals do double damage to victim. Victim is rendered incapable of physically attacking.* All foes have +30% chance to hit victim.* Attacked by poison, 2010 potency (one round only). Takes 3 points of damage in random location each melee round until spell expires.* Add +3 to damage of all weapons hitting the victim.* Victim bound as in Binding spell (page 110). Victim cannot resist 1- or 2-point spells. A spirit of 3D6 POW engages the victim in spirit combat. Explosion, 3D6 damage to the victim and all within three meters (one round only). Victim becomes physically indistinguishable from caster of spell. Victim becomes silent when moving; adds +25% permanently to Move Silent skill. Target becomes magic attractant for 1- and 2-point spells: all spirit magic spells cast at anyone, beneficial or harmful, within three meters of the target instead strike target. Add +4 points to all weapon damage against the victim.* As above but add +5 points.* As above but add +6 points.* Victim cannot cast offensive magic.* Victim takes 10D6 points of damage in random location each round until spell expires.* Victim immobilized. Victim goes berserk (per the Fanaticism spell, page 114). Foes have +40% chance to hit victim. All objects on victim’s body are devoured by Chaos, and victim stands naked and weaponless. Victim can make no vocal sounds, including spell casting. Roll CON×5 or lose consciousness for spell duration. Victim becomes magic attractant for all spells (see entry 68–70). Victim Demoralized for spell duration (per the Demoralize spell, page 112). Lose 2D6 SIZ. Roll twice, rolling again if this result is rolled once more. Victim joins caster’s side for duration of spell.
Rune Spells resistance table) the initial casting of this effect. If successful, the spell has no further effect on the victim. If the victim fails, they may not resist any subsequent effect of that curse. If a victim’s characteristic is reduced to 0 or less by this spell, treat it as a 1. The effects that cause damage in a random location may not bring the victim’s hit points below 0 in any one area. This spell can be cast as a one-use spell on beings of Chaos, in which case the effects of the spell (if they have a duration) are permanent.
Chaos Gift
2 Points Self, Duration (special), Nonstackable The caster adopts a random Chaos feature from the Chaos Features table (page 25). If a successful Divine Intervention is used as this spell is cast, the caster can choose which Chaotic feature to obtain. This spell is subject to the Lunar cycle: Dark/Dying Moon: Spell cannot be cast. . Crescent Moon: Feature lasts two minutes. . Half Moon: Feature lasts 15 minutes. . Full . Moon: Feature lasts for four hours. Increase the subject’s Chaos Rune by +20%, including from 0%. Once this spell has been used, the caster always appears as Chaos-tainted by appropriate detection magics, abilities, or spirits.
Chaos Spawn
2 Points Summon, Ranged (special), Temporal, Nonstackable This spell summons a wailing, moaning void in midair within ten meters of the caster. Anything flung into or entering this void is irrevocably lost. The void is a popular way to sacrifice to Thed. After 1D4 minutes, the void vomits out a Chaos creature (see the Chaos Spawn table, below) and vanishes. These creatures appear in the Glorantha Bestiary and have average attributes and skills. Chaos Spawn D10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Result Broo Scorpion man Ghoul 1D3 disease spirits Jack o’bear Gorp Walktapus Dragonsnail Swarm of bullstitches Nothing
This spell does not create a creature from thin air; Thed sends it in reply to the summons. When the spell expires, the wailing void reappears for 1D4 rounds, envelops the summoned creature, then vanishes for good. A Thed priest that casts a successful divine intervention as the void coalesces may choose which creature they wish to appear.
1 Point Ranged, Temporal, Nonstackable This spell doubles the CHA of the target for the duration. The target must possess CHA to be affected. This spell likely results in changes to the target’s Communication skills category modifier and spirit combat damage value. This briefly increases the target’s limit of spirit magic spell holding, but the spell’s duration makes this of limited use. Any bonuses or benefits from the increased CHA disappear when the spell expires.
1 Point Ranged, Duration (special), Stackable If the caster overcomes the target’s POW, the target immediately feels freezing pangs penetrating their bones for 1D10 melee rounds. Each point of Chill causes the target to lose 1 general hit point per round of the spell’s duration. Each additional point of Chill also extends the spell’s duration by 1D10 rounds.
2 Points Ranged (special), Temporal, Nonstackable This spell gives the caster the ability to observe what is happening in an area within the spell’s range, and which they have previously studied for at least 15 minutes. The caster can see and hear as if they were in the area. While the spell is active, the caster is in a trance, completely insensible to their surroundings. However, they can terminate the spell at any time.
2 Points Touch, Temporal, Nonstackable The target’s hands become clawed, doing 1D6 damage plus damage bonus. The claws use the target’s Fist attack skill, and the target can attack with both claws in one round, 5 strike ranks apart. The target gets a +50% bonus to Climb. This spell can only be cast on initiates and Rune Masters of an appropriate god, such as Odayla, Rathor, or Yinkin.
Claws (Bagog variant)
1 Point Touch, Temporal, Stackable Each Rune point stacked (up to 4), grants the target +10% skill and +1D6 damage to their bite attack. The target’s teeth grow longer and sharper, and the chomper can impale, even if it could not do so previously. This spell is often used in conjunction with Venom Bite (page 102).
1 Point Touch, Temporal, Nonstackable Like the Jabbers spell (page 62), this turns one arm into a large, crab-like claw. The claw has a strike rank of 4 and does 2D6 damage (plus bonus). The target’s Claw skill equals their DEX×5, and a special hit does crushing damage. The claw has 6-point skin and hit points equal to twice the arm’s normal hit point total.
City Harmony
Clear Sight
1 Point Self, Temporal, Stackable This spell affects everyone within three meters of the caster. It dispels Demoralise and Fanaticism and acts to keep anyone from getting too excited. Each Rune point stacked with the spell adds three meters to its radius of effect. The caster makes a single opposed POW roll against all potential targets. All those overcome are affected. Countermagic (page 111) and Shield (page 78) protect against this spell as normal.
2 Points Self, Temporal, Nonstackable This spell permits the caster to see any illusion for what it is, and to see through cloaking spells such as Invisibility. The caster’s visual Scan and Search skills increase by +30% each. This spell only functions on objects in direct sunlight. Thus, the spell is useless at night, or when the sky is completely covered with clouds.
Rune Spells
Clever Tongue
1 Point Ranged, Temporal, Nonstackable This spell doubles the target’s skill with Fast Talk and Orate.
Cloud Call
1 Point Range (special), Temporal, Stackable This spell causes clouds to cover the area of sky that can be seen from the ground by the caster. Each point of the spell increases the cloud cover by +20% and increases the chance of rain by a corresponding amount. After the spell’s duration expires, the weather returns to normal in 1D6×10 minutes.
Cloud Clear
1 Point Ranged (special), Temporal, Stackable This spell decreases cloud density. Each point of the spell decreases the cloud cover by –20% and decreases the chance of rain by a corresponding amount. The area of sky that can be seen from the ground by the caster is affected. After the spell’s duration expires, the weather returns to normal in 1D6x10 minutes.
Coin Wheel
1 Point Touch, Instant, Nonstackable This spell must be cast upon a block of gold, causing a coin to separate from the rest of the mass. It turns 160 L worth of gold into ten minted coins, each commonly called a wheel in common parlance. Wheels are commonly worth a quarter more than their weight of raw metal, being worth 20 L each in lands where their legality is recognized.
Comfort Song
1 Point Ranged (special), Temporal (special), Nonstackable This allows the target to sing a Song of Power that keeps all listeners from feeling pain, effectively anesthetizing the body while remaining conscious for as long as the song
lasts. It is often used during childbirth and after battles. Adventurers who would normally be incapacitated are able to act unimpaired, though damage is unhealed and disabled limbs remain disabled.
Command (cult spirit)
2 Points Ranged, Temporal, Nonstackable This Common Rune spell permits the caster to command cult spirits, such as elementals, petty deities, guardians, and other such entities. To force compliance, the caster must overcome the spirit’s POW in a resistance roll. The spell may be cast simultaneously with an appropriate Summon spell (page 89). If successful, the caster may command the cult spirit until the spell expires. If unsuccessful, the cult spirit acts in accordance with its nature. This spell is most commonly used to command elementals. It is, however, effective with any cult spirit of the caster’s cult.
Command Ghost
2 Points Ranged, Temporal, Nonstackable This spell allows the caster to command a ghost. To force compliance, the caster must overcome the ghost’s POW in a resistance roll. If successful, the ghost becomes subject to the will of the caster until the spell expires. If questioned, the ghost provides answers that are within its knowledge— it cannot lie. The ghost can be ordered to enter or exit spirit combat, etc. A ghost cannot be commanded to do something that is not within its power, such as leave its area of binding.
Command Priests
3 Points Ranged, Duration (special), Nonstackable This spell affects all Rune Masters of any cult that belong to the caster’s tribe. Those affected cannot use any Rune magic without the express consent of the caster for one day.
Rune Spells
Command (species) Rune depends on cult 2 Points Ranged, Temporal, Nonstackable This spell allows the caster to control the actions and will of a creature. The caster must see (or be able to sense distinctly) the beast to cast the spell on it and must overcome its POW in a resistance roll. If successful, the creature enters a special line-of-sight, telepathic communication with the caster. The caster must form a mental image of the actions they wish the creature to perform. Commanding a creature requires the caster to concentrate for a full melee round. Rune cults have Command spells for animals connected to their mythology and culture. For example, Ernalda has Command Snake and Command Swine, both using the Earth Rune. Yelmalio worshipers use Command Hawk, using the Fire/Sky Rune, and certain troll cults have Command Giant Beetle, using Darkness.
Command Worshipers
2 Points Ritual, Nonstackable This spell requires an hour-long ritual to cast and only affects members of the caster’s tribe. This spell signals all affilliated Orlanthi within five kilometers to finish their immediate business quickly, gather any equipment, and report to the summoner within two days of the spell’s casting. During this time, the caster must remain in the same spot or the spell disperses and releases the worshipers from their compulsion to report for duty. This spell is a privilege and must not be abused. It is used only for emergencies or joyous celebrations.
3 Points Ranged, Temporal, Nonstackable When cast upon members of a community, this spell guarantees rapid and easy communication of ideas, and facilitates the sharing of new or troubling thoughts. It does not aid in spell teaching, mind reading, or other mind-affecting effects. The spell affects every individual within range. All Communication skill rolls are automatically successful (but roll the dice to check for a special or critical success) when made to other individuals under the effect of the spell. While under the spell’s effects, an adventurer only earns an experience roll for a Communication skill with a special or critical success.
Conquer Beast
2 Points Temporal, Ranged, Nonstackable This spell increases the caster’s effective POW by 50% for purposes of offensive and defensive spirit combat and spell resistance, and only against four-footed mammals and beastspirits, including riding animals, wolves, etc. Nonhumans such as trolls, centaurs, or elves are not considered beasts, though baboons and morokanth are. If a shaman casts this spell, only his own POW gains the bonus; his fetch’s POW does not.
1 Point Ranged, Duration (special), Stackable If the caster overcomes the target’s POW, this spell does 1D3 damage to a random hit location, ignoring all physical armor. During the bookkeeping phase of subsequent rounds, the target must roll their POW×5 or less on a D100. If they fail, they take another 1D3 damage to the same location. This continues until the hit location is completely destroyed (and turned into gray slime) or the victim succeeds in their POW×5 roll. Countermagic (page 111) and similar spells work against the initial casting of the spell but do not block damage after the first melee round. Dispel Magic (page 112), Dismiss Magic (page 44), or similar spells can cancel the process. Damage can be healed normally. This spell only affects a single hit location per casting. Each additional Rune point stacked decreases the target’s POW×5 roll by 25 percentiles (to a minimum 5% chance
of success). For example, if a victim had 18 POW and was afflicted by Consume 2, they would have to roll 65 or less to stop the spell’s effect. Additional stacked points do not affect the initial POW vs. POW roll.
Consume Mind
3 Points Ritual, Nonstackable This is a most dangerous spell. It drains the totality of the victim’s memory, transferring it to the caster’s mind and leaving the victim a mental vegetable. It can only be cast during a holy day and takes the entire week to perform. Each time it is cast, the caster takes 3D6 general hit point damage, which can be healed normally. The caster must overcome the target’s POW with their own. If they fail, the entire ritual fails. If the caster fumbles, they collapse into a catatonic trance for 1D6 weeks, leaving them at the mercy of ambitious opponents. If the spell succeeds, the caster may learn any or all the target’s spirit magic, sorcery, or Rune spells, and obtains the target’s Rune points. All such Rune points cannot be replenished if the caster is not a member of the victim’s cult. The caster can also gain Knowledge and Magic skills that the victim has at at a level higher than the caster’s own ability. For each such skill, the caster attempts a series of rolls as if learning by experience (even if the skill cannot normally be improved by experience). Once the experience gain roll is missed for a given skill, the priest can gain no further expertise in that skill from that victim. The skill values are considered ‘as-is’ without needing to determine the skill category modifiers. The caster may also learn skills other than Knowledge or Magic category skills, but these permit a single experience roll each. These skills cannot go higher than the caster’s INT×5 or the victim’ skill, whichever is lower. This spell has no effect on priests of Lhankor Mhy. If accidentally cast on such a victim, the caster must still roll in case they fumble.
Control Flood
3 Points Ritual, Stackable This spell takes an hour to cast. The spell contains the water on a 20-meter stretch of a river within its banks, requiring about a minute to take effect. For each additional Rune point stacked with the spell (up to 4), double the area of effect.
Rune Spells
Conversion of Chaos
3 Points Touch, Duration (special), Nonstackable This spell must be cast on a non-Chaotic creature, who can choose not to accept it, with no resistance roll needed (if the spell is cast on an Illuminate or a creature tainted with Chaos in any way, it automatically fails). It gifts the target with a beneficial Chaotic feature without automatically tainting them with Chaos. However, by accepting the aid of Chaos, the target has a chance that they become Chaotic. When the spell is cast, the target receives a random Chaotic feature (page 25) that lasts for one day. The target does not detect as Chaotic to any spell, skill, or ability. The Chaotic feature is always beneficial and causes no mutation or abnormal physical effects. The gamemaster should determine whether a particular feature is beneficial and can pick or re-roll if needed. However, the target must roll a D100 when the spell is cast. If the target rolls under a 5%, they become tainted with Chaos. Roll 1D6 on the following table, applying the result immediately: Conversion of Chaos Side Effects D6 1 2 3 4 5 6
Result Target gains 3D6 Chaotic features that last for 1D6 days. Gain 60% with Chaos Rune. Target gains 20% with Chaos Rune but does not gain a Chaotic feature (page 25). Target turns into a broo. Gain 60% with Chaos Rune. Target undergoes the effect of the Corruption spell (see below). Target gets a permanent detrimental Chaotic feature and gains 60% with Chaos Rune. Target gets a permanent detrimental Chaotic feature (see the Curse of Thed table, page 26) and an obvious physical mutation. Gain 60% with Chaos Rune.
4 Point Ritual, Nonstackable, One-use If the caster overcomes the target’s POW in a resistance roll, this spell completely transforms the target. Over the next 1D10 rounds, the target is warped and transformed into a gruesome Chaotic horror. Roll 2D6 for each characteristic. If the result is odd, subtract it from the characteristic; if even, add it. The 2D6 roll is always subtracted from CHA. If any characteristic is reduced to 0 or less, the being becomes incapable of survival, and dies immediately. The target’s
Chaos Rune starts at 60% or increases by 20 percentiles, whichever is higher. Only Divine Intervention can halt the transformation process once it has begun, and it prevents the target from being tainted by Chaos if performed before the process has been completed.
Counter Chaos
2 Points Ranged, Temporal, Nonstackable This spell must be cast on a Chaos monster of some sort, and the caster must overcome its POW. This spell cancels all Chaotic Features that the creature possesses. When the spell’s duration expires, the features return. Thus, if a Chaotic creature had a feature increasing its POW by 3D6, its POW would decrease by 3D6 (to a minimum of 1) for the duration of the spell. A Chaos creature that has an extra arm (by rolling 77–86 on the Chaotic Features table, page 25) would reabsorb that arm for the duration of the spell. This spell also affects baneful Chaos features inflicted by the Curse of Thed (page 26), as well as temporary Chaos features received through magic, as with the Chaos Gift Rune spell (page 27). This spell does not affect Chaos abilities that are natural to the monster, only those received from the random table. For example, a jack o’bear’s Harmonize ability would remain intact, despite this spell. A cave troll could still regenerate from wounds, and a two-headed dragonsnail would keep both heads.
2 Points Touch, Duration (special), Nonstackable Xiola Umbar uses this spell for midwifery. When cast upon a pregnant female, it affects the father of her unborn child. All the pains and sicknesses of pregnancy affect him instead of her, effectively shielding the child from harm. At childbirth, the woman suffers only minimal pangs, but the husband is prostrate. The pains cause the father no lasting injury, and the spell ensures the safety of both mother and child. Both father and mother must consent to be included in this spell, and the pregnant female must be present at the spell’s casting. It must be cast within the first season of pregnancy. This spell is especially important for trolls, as they have much difficulty in childbearing, especially with the large great troll births and with trollkin. This spell does not, unfortunately, prevent the mother from birthing trollkin, but they are born alive and healthy.
2 Points Ranged, Instant, Stackable This spell must be cast at a non-living, non-magical object, likely a piece of armor, a weapon, or a shield. If successful, it breaks the item into pieces. If stacked, more than one item on the prospective victim may be shattered at once. If a spirit lives in the item, the caster’s POW must overcome the POW of the spirit to let the spell work. The spell has no effect on spell matrices, crystals, or on elf bows of magical nature. Temporal spirit magic, Rune magic or sorcery does not make the item proof against the spell, the caster may boost with magic points to overcome the magic at 2 points per Rune point, 1 point per point of spirit magic or 1 point per sorcery strength. The caster may also boost with magic points to help penetrate Shield (page 78), Countermagic (page 111) or similar defensive spells. A Repair spell (page 118) will fix a broken object.
Create Bonfire
1 Point Ranged, Instant, Stackable When cast on a fire, each point increases the fire’s diameter by one meter, although the fire’s intensity does not increase. If no substance is available for the increased fire to burn, it rapidly dwindles back to its former status. This spell has no effect on a Fireblade (page 114) or similar spells. If cast on a Fire elemental, it increases the elemental’s size by one cubic meter per point of spell but does not change the elemental’s hit points or damage.
Create Bridge
1 Point Ranged, Temporal, Stackable This spell creates a shimmering band of crystal that is ten meters long, one meter wide, and about a centimeter thick. Each end of the platform must rest on earth or stone, but the rest of the band may arc through the air. The band is hard and nearly indestructible, strong enough to support wagons, horses, and even stonework. Each Rune point stacked with the spell makes the band one meter wider or ten meters longer. Several people can cast the spell simultaneously to increase the bridge’s size. The spell is often combined with Extension to create an expedient framework for bridge construction.
Create Fissure
1 Point Ranged, Instant, Stackable This spell opens a chasm five meters long, one meter wide, and five meters deep for each point in the spell. If the fissure is created to undermine a wall or similar structure, the structure loses 1D6 armor points per point of the spell. If the wall is reduced to 0 armor points, it collapses where it was undermined. If a chasm is formed underneath a target, the target must roll DEX×3 or fall into it, taking 1D6 falling damage per three-meter depth of the chasm.
Create Flippers
3 Points Touch, Temporal, Nonstackable This spell turns the target’s arms and legs into armored flippers, tripling their swim skill. Their swimming MOV becomes 8 and their MOV on land becomes 3. Their skin
Rune Spells becomes leathery everywhere, providing 3 points of armor in all hit locations. This is added to any armor received from Transform Head (Turtle) (page 99) or Plastron (page 68). The f lippers are incapable of performing any Manipulation skill.
Create Foe-curser
2 Points Ritual, Enchantment, Nonstackable, One-use This spell must be cast on a log set upright near a troll village with a skull placed on top. When the spell is cast, the caster fills it with one or more magic points. The foe-curser’s magic points cannot be replenished later. When the skull’s magic points are all used up, it crumbles to pieces. With a troll skull, the log acts as a Detect Enemies matrix (page 112); when a foe passes within 50 meters, the skull spends 1 magic point to emit a subsonic howl (audible to trolls, but not most other races), to alert the village. Other types of skulls can be used, including fish skulls, amphibians, reptiles, hoofed mammals, and carnivorous mammals. These other skull types throw unique curses upon those who pass within 50 meters of the pole. When someone passes within 50 meters, the skull spends 1 magic point per victim and rolls to overcome the target’s POW with its magic points (including the one just spent). If successful, the curse takes effect and remains in effect until dispelled or until next Sacred Time. These curses penetrate Countermagic (page 111) and similar spells as a 2-point Rune spell. Amphibian: The victim cannot use more than one . magic point per melee round. Bird: The victim becomes night-blind: if the sun is . not visible, they are as blind as if in pitch darkness. Fish: . Reduce the victim’s land MOV rate by half (rounding up). Mammal, Carnivorous: The victim loses one hit .
point every five minutes within range. Most living beings will exit the range if able. Mammal, Hooved: The victim is Demoralized (page 112). Reptile: The victim suffers –20% to all physical skills.
. .
Create Ghost
1 Point Ranged, Instant, Nonstackable This binds the spirit of a sacrificed victim into an area as a ghost (Glorantha Bestiary, page 170). The priest must
successfully engage in one round of spirit combat to create this binding. The victim need not volunteer.
Create Great Market
1 Point Ritual, Nonstackable This spell is available only to elected High Priests of the Issaries cult. This day-long ritual allows all priests of the cult to combine their Create Market spells (page 36) together to make one gigantic, protected marketplace. Thus, if six Create Market spells are present, anyone with ill intent entering the zone defined by those spells takes 6D3 damage.
Create Head
3 Points Ritual, Enchantment, Nonstackable The Thanatar cult is truly infamous for this disgusting power. This spell must be cast on a Thanatar holy day and requires a lengthy ceremony in which the head of the victim is removed with a silver garrote. The ceremony requires eight hours a day for an entire week to prepare the victim and the priest. This spell creates a permanent living head that lasts until it is destroyed. The head has a mental connection with the enchanter, and its magic points become available to the caster. All spirit magic, Rune magic, and sorcery spells the victim knows are usable by the head’s creator. Rune points expended by the head cannot be replenished unless the head’s creator is also a member of the victim’s cult. The head’s creator can also use all the head’s Knowledge and Magic skills up to the creator’s INT×5 or the victim’s skill level, whichever is lower. If the head is ever destroyed or goes mad, the caster loses all spells and skills gained from it. The spirit remains trapped in the destroyed head and becomes a mad head ghost. Even heads that are not destroyed eventually go mad, forming mad head ghosts, although this can take years, or even centuries, depending on the personality and strength of will of the victim. If the creator drains the last magic point from the head, the head’s spirit is destroyed; the caster loses all spells and skills gained from it, but no mad head ghost forms. The creation of the living heads violates the tendencies of the natural world enough that the universe itself may try to repel the vile creature performing such an act. The first-time user of this spell has a 5% chance of gaining a
RuneQuest Chaotic feature, increased by +5% each time this spell is cast. Only one feature can be so acquired each time. The Chaotic feature is not necessarily favorable. To determine the feature, roll D100) and consult the following table. Create Head Chaotic Features Roll 01–25 26–49 50–00
Result Standard Chaotic Feature (page 25) Standard Chaotic Feature (page 25) plus Curse of Thed feature (page 26) Curse of Thed feature (page 26)
Roll D100 on the appropriate table(s) to see which feature is gained. Once a Chaotic feature has been gained, there is a noncumulative 3% chance per use of the spell that a further Curse of Thed feature is gained. Gaining a favorable Chaotic Feature may be a blessing to a creature of Chaos, but it may not be so to a human. Most humans object to neighbors who are marked with Chaos, viewing them much as they would a broo, jack o’bear, or gorp. This causes the cultist to lose popularity, and probably his life. Anti-Chaos cults feel obliged to remove such tainted people from the face of the earth, even if any Thanatari connection is unknown.
Create Market (Create Neutral Ground)
3 Points Ritual, Stackable This day-long ritual creates an invisible protected zone that can be detected only by magical means. Four staves, made of any material and carved with likenesses of Issaries, define the boundaries of the zone. They must be placed to enclose a maximum area of 100 square meters (10×10 meters). The spell extends into the air for three meters above the wands, and underground to the depth of the staves. When physical or incorporeal enemies of the caster cross the barrier, or when any spell is cast across the barrier from the outside, the spell emits a loud noise (keening, whistling, booming, etc.) to alert everyone. This klaxon can be suppressed at will by the caster. Each point of Create Market counts as 1 point of Countermagic (page 111) against spells cast across the barrier, 2 points of Spirit Screen (page 121) against outside spirits, and does 1D3 points of damage, ignoring armor, to one hit location of any corporeal enemy unwise enough to cross the boundary. Instead of providing additional Countermagic or Spirit Screen, any added points of Create Market can be
Rune Spells used to increase the area protected: each additional point covers another 100 square meters (becoming an area 10×20 square meters in size, 10×30 square meters, 20×20 square meters, etc.). The spell remains in effect until the staves are removed. Anyone but the caster that attempts to touch the staves is affected by the spell. But after suffering the spell’s effect, the sufferer can then remove the staves. The staves need not be visible to work. Unlike Warding (page 102), Create Market only activates when it detects someone entering the area with a hostile intent. It makes no distinction between “friendly” fighters and “hostile” fighters; anyone attempting to enter the zone with intentions of harming someone in the market alerts it.
Create Revenant
3 Points Ritual, Nonstackable This ritual binds the soul of a departed Zorak Zoran Death Lord back into their specially prepared body, creating a revenant (Glorantha Bestiary, page 123). The ritual for creating a revenant requires the sacrifice of a point of POW from the both the caster and the Death Lord. If the Death Lord does not consent, the spell fails.
Create Shadow
1 Point Ranged, Temporal, Stackable This spell creates a region of shadow. Its dimensions equal 9×6×6 meters or any other shape with the same volume. The shadow has 1D6 hit points per point in the spell and a POW equal to that of the caster when the spell was cast. It cannot damage anything or be damaged by physical weapons, as it is too immaterial, but Disruption spells (page 113) and the like affect it. The caster can move it as desired, with MOV 12. When additional points of this spell are cast, the volume covered does not change, but the darkness becomes deeper within the shadow. One point of the spell is enough to permit casting of the Dark Walk spell (page 40) and to create an effect of a haze in sunlight. Two points of this spell are enough to cancel the effects of sunlight on cave trolls and trollkin. Three points of this spell make a shadow equivalent to a moonlit night. Four points of the spell make an area that is pitch black—requiring Darksense to see within. Within the area affected by the shadow, fire or other illumination is visible, but illuminates nothing.
Create Skeleton
1 Point Ranged, Instant, Nonstackable Using the bones of a victim, the priest animates the skeleton at the victim’s old skill levels (with a limit of DEX×5) as described on page 124 of the Glorantha Bestiary. Skeletons are mindless animated constructs.
Create War Tree
1 Point Ritual, Nonstackable, One-use This ritual awakens a spirit within a special type of tree specially grown for the use of this spell. This tree can now be affected by an Animate War Tree (page 12) spell cast by the War Tree’s creator (and only them). The spell has no effect on any other type of tree, and other casters cannot animate a War Tree that they did not create. However, several different individuals can each cast Create War Tree on a single tree, if desired.
Create Whirlvish
1 Point Ritual, Nonstackable, One-use This ritual creates a whirlvish from the spirit of a person slain by the caster. The ritual must be performed under the desert sky. It takes all night to finish and culminates with the murder of the person to be so cursed.
Create Wildfire
1 Point Ranged, Instant, Stackable This must be cast on a fire. Each point increases its intensity (RuneQuest, page 157) by one level, adding 1D6 to the damage it produces, and increasing the fire’s heat output. It also, naturally, causes the fire to burn itself out much sooner. This spell works on Fireblade (page 114), but the affected weapon takes 1D6 points of damage per point of the spell. This spell increases the damage done by a salamander by increasing the intensity of its flames, but the elemental also takes 1D6 general hit point damage per point of the spell.
Create Zombie
2 Points Ranged, Instant, Nonstackable This spell creates a zombie (Glorantha Bestiary, page 129) out of a newly slain victim. The spell preserves some flesh and applies the equivalent of Strength and Vigor spells (pages 121 and 122). Zombies do not have the spirit of the original owner bound to them; instead, they are mindless magical constructs, like animated skeletons.
Cremate Dead
Cure Chaos Wound
1 Point Touch, Instant, Stackable This spell is of no use by itself, but it can be cast simultaneously with any spell used to cure a wound or other affliction, including diseases, received from a Chaotic creature. This spell provides all the magic points needed to work the other spell. It is most helpful with the Heal Wound spell (page 56) or the Heal spirit magic spell (page 115). For example, when stacked with a Heal 6 spell, the combination cures 6 points of damage and cost the user 0 magic points.
Cure Iron Burn
1 Point Ritual, Nonstackable This spell allows an official (usually a priest) to destroy the bodily remains of one person after their death. The affected corpse must be from the same clan as the presiding official. The spell guarantees that the ghost does not return to haunt the family. It also burns all goods sent along with the corpse, allowing the deceased to carry some weapons and other supplies into the Land of the Dead. It can be used on a still-animated skeleton, zombie, or even the vampiric form of a former clansman, though the caster must overcome the target’s POW.
1 Point Ranged, Instant, Stackable This spell is of no use by itself, but it can be cast simultaneously with any spell used to cure a wound or other affliction received from an iron weapon. This spell supplies all the magic points needed to work the healing spell. It is most helpful with the Heal Wound spell (page 56) or the Heal spirit magic spell (page 115). For example, when stacked with a Heal 4 spell, the combination cures 4 points of damage and costs the caster 0 magic points.
Cure Poison
1 Point Ranged, Temporal, Stackable When cast on a blunt weapon, each point of this spell adds +10% to the wielder’s chance of hitting and adds +1D4 damage. Weapons affected by the spell take on a black sheen.
Cure All Disease
2 Points Touch, Instant, Nonstackable This spell cures any disease and stops its effects immediately. It does not restore any lost characteristic points (that requires Restore Health, page 75).
1 Point Ranged, Instant, Nonstackable This spell immediately stops the effects of any poison. The damage resulting from that poison must be healed by other magic (see Restore Health, page 75, to restore characteristic points).
Curse of Thed
2 Points Ranged, Temporal, Nonstackable When cast, the caster must overcome the target’s POW in a resistance roll. If the victim fails to resist, they roll on the Curse of Thed Random Effects table (page 39) and suffer the effects, which they cannot resist (unless noted). The target’s characteristics cannot be reduced below 1 by this spell. Likewise, effects that cause damage in a random hit location cannot bring the victim’s hit points below 0 in any one area.
Curse of Thed Random Effects D100 01–03 04–05 06 07–09 10–11 12 13–14 15 16–17 18 19–20 21–22 23–24 25–26 27–28 29–30 31–32 33–35 36–37 38–40 41–42 43–45 46 47–48 49–50 51–52 53–54 55–56 57–58 59–60 61–62 63–65 66–67 68–70 71–72 73–74 75–76 77 78–80 81–82 83–84 85 86–87 88–90 91–92 93–94 95–96 97–98 99 00
Effect Lose 1D6 POW Lose 2D6 POW Lose 3D6 POW Lose 1D6 DEX Lose 2D6 DEX Lose 3D6 DEX Lose 2D6 STR Lose 4D6 STR Lose 2D6 CON Lose 4D6 CON +3 to victim’s strike rank. Target cannot resist any 1-point spells. Drenched in acid, 2D10 potency (one round only). Engulfed in flame, 3D10 damage (one round only). Attracts magic: all 1-point attack spells cast in a 20-meter radius automatically targets against the victim. Target becomes immune to fire damage for duration of spell. Roll equal to or below INT×5 on D100 or stand stupefied for 15 minutes. All foes have +20% chance to hit victim. One valuable gem, magic item, or weapon in the victim’s possession is eaten by Chaos and disappears forever. Takes 1 point of damage in random location each melee round until the spell expires. Befuddled (page 110) for spell duration. Bronze weapons do double damage to the target. Tagret cannot physically attack anyone. All foes have +30% chance to hit the target. Attacked by poison, 2D10 potency (one round only). Takes 3 points of damage in random location each melee round until spell expires. Add +3 to damage of all weapons hitting the victim. Target bound as in Binding spell (page 110). Target may not resist 1- or 2-point spells. A spirit of 3D6 POW engages in spirit combat with the target. Explosion, 3D6 damage to all within three meters, as well as to target (one round only). Target becomes physically indistinguishable from caster of spell. Target becomes silent when moving; adds +25% permanently to Move Silently skill. Target becomes magic attractant for 1- and 2-point spells: all spirit magic spells cast at anyone, beneficial or harmful, within three meters of the target instead strike target. Add +4 points to all weapon damage against the target. Add +5 points to all weapon damage against the target. Add +6 points to all weapon damage against the target. Target cannot use offensive magic. Target takes 10D6 points of damage in random location each round until spell expires. Target immobilized. Target goes berserk per the Fanaticism spell (page 114). Foes have +40% chance to hit the target. All objects on the target’s body are devoured by Chaos, and victim stands naked and weaponless. Target can make no vocal sounds, including spell casting. Roll CON×5 or lose consciousness for spell duration. Target becomes magic attractant for all spells: all spirit magic spells cast at anyone, beneficial or harmful, within three meters of the target instead strike target. Target Demoralized for spell duration (per the Demoralize spell, page 112). Lose 2D6 SIZ. Roll twice, rolling again if this result is rolled once more. Target joins the caster’s side.
RuneQuest This spell can also be cast as a one-use spell. In this case, it can only be cast upon a creature tainted with Chaos. If the target fails to resist, the spell’s effects (unless instant) are permanent. Example: Glypto the Thed initiate casts this spell nonreusably at a broo and rolls a 90: that broo is struck mute permanently. However, if Glypto had rolled a 36, the effect would be the same as if the spell had been cast reusably. Glypto would have wasted his spell for nothing.
Cyclical (Characteristic)
Variable Self, Duration (special), Stackable This spell ties one of the caster’s characteristics to the Lunar cycle. Each characteristic has a different spell. The spell costs 2 Rune points to affect STR, CON, SIZ, or DEX. It costs 3 pts to affect CHA, INT, or POW. On the day of the Full Moon the characteristic is increased by 50%, ignoring species maximums. On Half Moon days, the characteristic is unaffected. On Crescent Moon days, the characteristic is at 75% of its normal rating, and on Dying and Black Moon days, the characteristic is only 50% of its normal rating. Each point stacked with the spell doubles its duration. Example: Maculus the Monitor has an INT of 18. He casts Cyclical INT, which raises his INT to 27 on the day of the Full Moon but reduces it to 9 on the Dying and Black Moon days.
1 Point Touch, Permanent, Nonstackable This spell creates the cult light of Thanatar. The spell can be cast on any item that burns non-magically to give nonmagical light: torches, lamps, lanterns, braziers, campfires, etc. The light that springs thereof is invisible to non-cult eyes. Laity who possess the special cult talismans, initiates, and Rune-levels all see a purple light. A fire so treated gives off heat and burns normal fuel. As long as the fueled flame remains within the one-meter-cube magicked area, only Darklight is emitted, but any flame that crosses the boundary
burns normally and can be seen normally. The duration of Darklight therefore depends upon the availability of fuel and keeping the flame within the magicked area. Fire/Sky cults view this spell as a grievous perversion and seek to extinguish all such flames. It is particularly their goal to smother the eternal flame flickering in each temple’s worship hall; the flames are reputed to be scions of the first Darklight spell cast in God Time.
Dark Walk
1 Point Ranged, Temporal, Nonstackable This spell makes the target totally invisible and soundless while in darkness or shadow to anyone within range, including those with Darksee (page 40) or Earthsense. Blend-in is total.
1 Point Ranged, Duration (special), Nonstackable Allows creatures that see best in full daylight to see in the dark, for six hours, as if it were full daylight. Creatures which are primarily nocturnal can see in full daylight as if it were the dark to which they are accustomed (thus negating the effects of sunlight on trollkin and cave trolls). Finally, it negates Blinding (page 19).
Daughter’s Road
1 Point Ranged, Temporal, Stackable The caster must be on one of the Daughter’s Roads to cast this spell, and the spell remains in effect while both the caster and the target remain on the road. Each point of the spell gives the target 2 points of spirit armor and 2 points of Countermagic (page 111). The effects of the spell are cumulative with Spirit Screen (page 121), Countermagic, and Shield (page 78). The target also gets the effect of Mobility (page 117), although this effect does not increase with stacking.
Dead Place Ferry
1 Point Touch, Duration (special), One-use Allows the target to travel through a Dead Place for one day without suffering the usual ill effects.
Rune Spells
Death Binding
1 Point Ritual When this ritual is successfully combined with the Bloody Cut skill, 1 point of POW must be sacrificed. The victim’s spirit is trapped and bound within its tail (or hand, if humanoid). The spellcaster can use the victim’s magic points to cast spells and can cast the victim’s spirit magic spells, if any. This magic is not available to anyone except the Tusk Rider that trapped the spirit and is broken if a proper burial ceremony (such as the use of the Peaceful Cut or Prepare Corpse skills) is intoned over the tail or hand, or if it is destroyed.
Death Strike
3 Points Ranged, Instant, Nonstackable, One-use This one-use variant of Sever Spirit (page 77) strikes the bond between the body and spirit of the target. If the caster overcomes the target’s POW, both the target and the caster die. Otherwise, both take 1D6 damage to their general hit points.
Decrease Temperature
1 Point Self, Temporal, Stackable This spell decreases the temperature by 1D6° C for a radius of ten meters around the caster. Each stacked point either intensifies the cold by an additional 1D6° C or doubles the radius of the spell.
Destroy Clouds
1 Point Self, Instant, Stackable This spell clears a circle of clouds centering directly over the caster. The spell has an effective diameter of 100 meters per point of the spell. Thus a 10-point spell clears a circle one kilometer across. Of course, the ever-changing winds and sky may soon distort or obliterate the cleared circle.
Detect Honor
1 Point Self, Instant, Stackable This spell informs the caster whether the target is an honorable individual—according to the Orlanthi understanding of what that means, such as when the target has the Honor Passion at 60% or higher, or as otherwise determined by the gamemaster, based on their behavior. The spell is highly subjective, and an individual might register as honorable one week, and dishonorable the next. An oath breaker always detects as dishonorable.
Detect Truth
1 Point Ranged, Temporal, Nonstackable This spell tells the caster whether anyone within a fivemeter radius of the spell’s target is lying (that is, deliberately speaking falsehood, based on their own knowledge). Anyone who speaks a lie emits a dark, smoky glow, that is visible only to Swords and initiates of Humakt.
Detection Blank
1 Point Ranged, Temporal, Stackable This specialized spell is designed to block detection. It screens any one object, spell, or person from magical detection. It stops detection based spells, but unlike Countermagic (page 111), Shield (page 78), or similar spells, it does not let the detection spell’s caster know that the spell was blocked. Otherwise each point of Detection Blank functions as two points of Countermagic. Penetration of Detection Blank by a boosted detection spell does not dispel Detection Blank, even though the target is detected. Future detection spells must still be boosted to penetrate the Blank. This spell does not block spells such as Second Sight (page 118) or Soul Sight (page 80), nor any skill.
Devour Book
1 Point Touch, Instant, Nonstackable With this spell, the caster consumes all knowledge within a book or scroll, absorbing it into their mind. The caster
takes 1D6 general hit points damage when the spell is cast and must roll below or equal to INT×5. If the caster fails, they go into shock for 1D6 turns. On a fumble, 1D3 of their Knowledge skills, selected randomly, are reduced by –1D10×5%. A book so absorbed is left with completely blank pages. Devour Book also can absorb one page (approximate length) of information that is chiseled in stone or carved in wood.
Devour Foe
1 Point Ritual, Nonstackable This ritual is performed over the corpse of an enemy, who must have been of the same species as the caster. The caster eats one or more parts of the enemy’s corpse, expends one or more magic points, and sacrifices one or more POW simultaneously. More than one caster can perform this ritual over a single corpse, but each must devour different parts. Benefits vary with the part(s) eaten: Bowels: The caster gains 1D3 CON per 6 full points . of CON the victim possessed in life. Brain: . The caster gains 1D3 INT per 6 full points of INT the victim possessed in life. Gonads: The caster gains 1D3 CHA per 6 full points . of CHA the victim possessed in life. Hands: . The caster gains 1D3 DEX per 6 full points of DEX the victim possessed in life. Heart: The caster gains 1D3 STR per 6 full points of . STR the victim possessed in life.
Multiply the magic points expended by the POW sacrificed by the caster. The result is the number of days these benefits last. For example, if a cannibal cultist sacrificed 15 magic points and 2 points of POW, the increased characteristics would remain for 30 days (15×2). The caster gains no benefit if the ritual is performed over the body of a friend, innocent neutral, or a being of a different species. Hence, the cannibal cultists must cultivate powerful personal enemies.
1 Point Ritual, Stackable This brings the Dew Maid in person to the site. After 15 minutes, she departs, leaving a well-moistened area in a 100-meter radius around the summoning site. Glistening
Rune Spells droplets of dew hang heavily on all bits of gear and shoots of vegetation. This dew can be sucked or licked off the grass to provide water for man or beast alike. Each additional point of Dew increases the radius of effect by 100 meters.
Diamond Edge
2 Points Temporal, Touch, Nonstackable When cast on stonecutting tools, this spell adds +40% to the skill of the wielder for stone-carving and excavating. When cast on an obsidian axe or other stone weapon for use in battle, it adds +40% to the wielder’s skill as well as +8 damage. If the wielder fumbles, in addition to the normal effects of the fumble, the enchanted weapon shatters.
Discern Magic
1 Point Ranged, Instant, Nonstackable This spell must be cast at a single individual within sight of the caster. The target cannot resist the spell. The caster separately comprehends the number of points of spirit magic the target (and his fetch, if any) has memorized; the number
of sorcery spells the target has in mind; and how many points of divine magic the target knows. It also gives the caster knowledge of the exact POW of the target (and their fetch, if any). Discern Magic does not inform the caster of spells known by allied or bound spirits, familiars, or magic items, unless it is cast at the spirit, familiar, or item itself.
1 Point Ritual, Stackable This hour-long ritual, known to a few secret societies and mysterious subcults, acts like the shamanic ability. It allows the caster to temporarily detach their spirit from their body and reunite them at will, or after 15 minutes, whichever comes first. The body remains comatose until the spirit returns. When the time limit is reached, the spirit reunites with the body immediately. Casting Discorporation requires a successful Meditate roll in addition to the spellcasting roll and Rune point expenditure. The difficulty of maintaining the separation is directly proportional to the distance between spirit and body, costing 1 further Rune point per five kilometers of distance. Thus, the caster must stack 2 Rune points to be able to travel more than five kilometers from their body. These additional points must be spent when Discorporation is cast. While in spirit form, the caster can cast spells and travel to anywhere the adventurer can maintain the separation. A discorporate adventurer is treated in all respects like a standard spirit. A discorporate adventurer can initiate spirit combat against another spirit or against a corporeal entity. If a discorporate adventurer loses a spirit combat to a shaman or other corporeal entity, their discorporate spirit can be bound just like any other spirit (RuneQuest, page 366). A discorporate adventurer can be forced back into their body by a properly powerful Dispel Magic spell (page 112), assuming the user of Dispel Magic can find the discorporate adventurer by means of the Detect Spirit spell (page 112), or finds the body. While discorporate, an adventurer who fumbles while trying to overcome an opponent’s POW in a resistance roll for a spirit magic spell immediately returns to their body. While discorporate, the adventurer can sense other spirits and sources of POW at a range of roughly ten meters per point of POW possessed by the adventurer. The adventurer cannot see non-magical mundane objects that do not have POW or magic points (such as ordinary walls, armor, weapons, furniture, scrolls, coins, etc.). Within a range of one meter per point of POW, the adventurer can sense the POW of entities and estimate that POW to within 5 points
RuneQuest above or below their own. At that range, the adventurer can also sense Runic affinities over 50%. The adventurer can use magical languages such as Spiritspeech or Stormspeech (RuneQuest, pages 174–175), but cannot communicate using mundane tongues. In direct contact with another entity, the adventurer can sense exact POW, INT, and CHA. The adventurer can also sense cult affiliations. Contact is also the range of spirit combat. While an adventurer is discorporate, their body is still vulnerable to all damage-causing spells, weapons, diseases, etc. It is also vulnerable to being possessed by hostile spirits unless protected by magic or an allied spirit. If the body dies, the adventurer becomes a ghost (Glorantha Bestiary, page 170). Discorporation can be combined with Extension (page 49) to increase the duration of the Discorporation.
Dismiss (type) Elemental Rune varies depending on elemental being dismissed 1–3 Points (depending on elemental size) Ranged, Instant, Stackable This spell dismisses an elemental of the type listed if the caster overcomes the POW of the elemental. With 1 Rune point, the caster can dismiss a small elemental. With 2 Rune points, the caster can dismiss a medium or small elemental. With 3 Rune points, the caster can dismiss a large, medium, or small elemental. Most cults are limited as to the size of elemental that they can dismiss.
An elemental cannot be dismissed until it is fully formed. When dismissed, the elemental disappears at the end of the melee round, thus it gets to attack during that round.
Dismiss Magic
1 Point Ranged, Instant, Stackable This spell eliminates magic from its target. Each point of Dismiss Magic cancels 2 points of spirit magic or sorcery, or 1 point of Rune magic. Only the spell strength of sorcerous spells (RuneQuest, page 385) must be overcome. When cast without specifying a particular effect or spell to destroy, Dismiss Magic always destroys defensive spells first, beginning with the most powerful spell that it can affect. It can be cast against a specific spell if the caster can magically discern or can otherwise guess that spell.
Divert Fire
2 Points Ranged, Temporal, Stackable This spell may only be used to protect one’s homes and fields. This spell will protect one building or field from wildfire or flowing magma by diverting the fire around the protected item. Each point stacked with the spell places another home or field under the spell’s protection.
Rune Spells
1 Point Ritual, Stackable This ritual must be performed in a holy place of the caster’s deity, such as a temple or an area blessed by Sanctify (page 76). This requires one hour per point of Divination used. If the caster remains undisturbed for the duration of the ritual, they can communicate with their deity. For each point of the spell, the caster can ask a simple question. They receive either an answer of up to ten words or a ten-second vision of the answer. The gamemaster should privately roll D100 whenever a player asks a question using Divination. If the roll is greater than the caster’s POW×5, then the caster failed to interpret the answer or dream properly, and the gamemaster makes up a misleading or puzzling answer.
Divination Block
1 Point Range (special), Duration (special), Stackable, One-use Divination Block obscures the history of the activities of up to 12 individuals associated with one definable material object for an activity period of up to 12 hours. Alternatively, it keeps the history of one object from being revealed by Divination (above) or Knowledge (page 62) for a period of time in the object’s history up to twelve hours in length. The existence of a Divination Block is revealed to an inquiring priest only on a critical success when making the POW×5 roll for the Divination. Otherwise, the diviner only learns that nothing interesting happened. Each extra point stacked adds 12 hours to the amount of time blocked.
Draw Beast
1 Point Ranged, Temporal, Stackable If the caster overcomes the POW of an unintelligent animal of any type, this spell causes that animal to move towards the caster at normal speed. The caster can halt this motion, stopping the beast in its tracks, and begin it again at will for the duration of the spell. For each additional point stacked, an additional beast can be targeted.
Drive Out Spirit
2 Points Ritual (special), Duration (special), Nonstackable This spell frees the target from any spirit possession (disease spirit, ghost, etc.) without the need to overcome the spirit’s POW. As part of the ritual, the target must sleep overnight within the outlines of the Chalk Man.
1 Point Ranged, Temporal, Nonstackable This spell only affects air-breathing targets, and only if the caster overcomes the target’s POW. The target’s lungs fill with water, doing 1D8 points of damage to their chest hit location. Breathe Air/Water (page 21) renders the user immune to Drown, but does not heal any damage already taken.
Earth Shield
3 Points Touch, Temporal, Nonstackable Also called Shield of Arran, this spell gives a shield an infinite number of hit points for the spell’s duration. Knockback attacks still affect the bearer of the shield.
3 Points Self, Instant, Stackable The caster draws upon the strength of the earth to save them in a time of mortal or existential peril. If either the caster’s magic points or POW falls to 0, Earthpower enables them to draw both 1 point of POW and 1D8 magic points directly from the earth, preventing unconsciousness or destruction of their soul. They must be in physical contact with the earth for this effect to happen. This spell is unique in that it can be cast out of normal strike rank occurrence, as an instantaneous reaction the moment the caster’s POW or magic points drop to 0, even if the caster had already acted in that combat round, but eliminates any actions remaining for the remainder of that round.
RuneQuest Each stacked Rune point returns an additional 1 POW and 1D8 magic points. The POW disappears at the end of the spell’s duration. Magic points beyond the caster’s normal magic point limit are lost when spent, and do not regenerate.
2 Points Touch, Temporal, Nonstackable This spell lets the caster read the exact STR, CON, SIZ, INT, POW, DEX, and CHA of any entity touched. It also informs the user of the target’s current hit points and magic points. The spell can be boosted to sense through Countermagic (page 111) or Shield (page 78).
1 Point Range (special), Duration (special), Stackable Causes an area of soil or rock up to 50 meters radius (and ten centimeters deep) to be warmed by 10° C for 12 hours, regardless of the original temperature of the soil or the surrounding air. When performed at an Earth or Fire temple, it affects a one-kilometer radius for one week. Primarily used to protect fields against frosts, it is also useful for travelers in frigid climes when no other means of warmth will suffice. Each additional point either increases the radius by 50 meters (or one kilometer at a temple) or raises the temperature by +5° C.
2 Points Touch, Temporal, Nonstackable The target’s lower body becomes that of an upright, twolegged elk. This doubles the target’s MOV rate and modifes their strike rank by –1. The target is also able to jump up to three meters horizontally from a standing position and 1.5 meters vertically.
Elk Strength
3 Points Touch, Temporal, Nonstackable This spell swells the target’s sinews and muscles, doubling their current STR and granting 2-point armor to every location.
Enchant Ice
1 Point Ritual, Stackable This spell must be cast upon a distinct piece of ice, no more than 1/8 cubic meter per point of spell stacked. The caster must expend one point of POW to the enchantment. The ice so enchanted will not melt for as long as the enchantment is in effect, regardless of the temperature of any surrounding air or water. The Runes for the enchantment must be carved into the ice. and any spell which causes damage may destroy these Runes, thus ending the enchantment. Normal fire, no matter how intense, will not melt or damage the enchanted ice.
Enchant Instrument
3 Points Touch, Permanent, Nonstackable This spell enchants a pair of lyres to mutual harmony. Each instrument must play at least a full octave of notes, with sharps and flats, and each must have a gem-quality diamond of at least one-quarter carat set in it, worth roughly 100 L in value. A separate spell must be cast for every separate linkage. Only one linkage can be used at a time; switching to a different linkage requires an hour-long ceremony to change tuning.
Enchant (metal) Rune varies depending on metal 1 Point Ritual, Enchantment, Nonstackable This ritual has separate versions for each Rune metal (see Rune Metals, page 47). One point of POW must be sacrificed for each 10 ENC (or fraction thereof) of the metal enchanted. The metal always gains hit points or armor points equal to those of bronze (except in the case of iron, which are half again as many as bronze), and may gain other special abilities, depending on the metal. The metal must be crafted (with the relevant Craft skill roll such as Redsmithing, Silversmithing, Goldsmithing, etc.) into the desired form before this spell is cast, for re-crafting enchanted metal always destroys the enchantment. If an enchanted item is broken, it may be fixed with the Repair spell (page 118), or re-crafted. In either case the enchantment is lost, and the item must be reenchanted.
Rune Spells
Rune Metals All metal is from the bones of gods, some dead and some (like the Earth Mother) still living. Bronze is the most common metal, mined right from the Earth in many places, which is why most of Glorantha lives in a Bronze Age. Glorantha is not Earth, and the metals named in print as “bronze,” “iron,” “gold,” and so forth are analogues, not duplicates, of Earthly metals. through to the wielder. Enchanted copper armor can be Game Rules for Enchanted Metals hammered very thin and still retain some solidity. This All metals in Glorantha can be enchanted, giving them special reduces the armor’s defensive value by 1 point, but halves magic properties. All exceptional metals are often titled Rune its ENC. Thus, a full suit of plate armor would have 5 metals, to distinguish them from ordinary bronze. Many cults armor points and weigh 6 ENC. know the common divine spell of Enchant (Metal) (page 46). Gold ( ) has twice the ENC of bronze. When enchanted, The exact metal(s) enchanted vary from cult to cult. it glows softly in the dark and doubles the effectiveness Some enchanted Rune metal weapons work against magical of light-producing spells cast on it. Thus, a Light spell cast creatures, and thus would harm physical things that are immune on golden armor would fill an area 20 meters in diameter. to normal metals (were-creatures, for example). Silver, bronze, Since gold is so heavy and costly, most people wishing to and iron do this. make use of gold’s special properties find it preferable to gild bronze armor. Average Values for Raw (unenchanted) Metals Iron ( ) has supernatural properties even when left Metal Price Per Point of ENC unenchanted. When enchanted, iron weapons are temAluminum 40 L pered into steel. They have half again the armor points Bronze 7L of bronze. For example, a bronze broadsword has 12 hit points, but a tempered iron broadsword 18 hit points. Copper 5L Iron armor also has half again the protection of bronze Gold 600 L armor, rounding fractions down, so that a 6-point full Iron 700 L helm is worth 9 points of protection at no increase in Lead 1L ENC. Unenchanted iron has the same physical qualities as bronze. However, it also affects magic. Untempered iron Quicksilver 40 L reduces the chance of both casting and being affected by Silver 50 L a spell by 5% per point of ENC. Thus, a person wearing a Tin 15 L complete suit of unenchanted iron (12 ENC) would have a 60% chance of being unaffected by a spell cast at them Prices given for the various metals are only a rough approxas well as a –60% penalty to any spells they cast. Certain imation for Glorantha and differ greatly from place to place. of the elder races are additionally vulnerable to iron. Any Seshnela, for example, historically has had the world’s greatest damage from an iron weapon to an elf or troll (and some concentration of iron, and this wonderful metal is less expensive of their kindred races) that penetrates armor is doubled. there. On the other hand, the barbaric inhabitants of the Wastes Unenchanted iron is also good against creatures such as do not even smelt bronze; iron to them is unbelievably rare and werewolves that are immune to normal weapons, but costly, so everything is costlier. subject to magical weapons. Lead ( ) has half-again the ENC of bronze. Even in its Magic Properties of Gloranthan Metals unenchanted form, this soft, dull metal neither clanks or reflects, so lead armor never detracts from the user’s Aluminum ( ) (see Quicksilver, below) Stealth-based skills. Lead formed into crushing weapons Bronze ( ) is the most important metal of Glorantha. (only) does +2 damage. Thus, a light mace made of It can be mined on its own but is more commonly made enchanted lead would do 1D10+4 damage. A war maul by alloying copper and tin. No Enchant rituals for it would do 2D8+2. are common, but normal non-magical forging makes Quicksilver and aluminum ( ) are the same metal in perfectly serviceable weapons, tools, and armor. two forms. A successful Craft (Quicksilver) skill roll can Copper ( ) has the same ENC as normal bronze. When transform either form into the other. When enchanted, mixed with a bit of tin, Gloranthan bronze is created. this metal gains the property that it does not sink in Unenchanted copper armor and weapons are made water. The Swim skill of an individual wearing quicksilver sometimes. Raw copper armor has equal armor points to armor is not decreased at all. The metal’s ENC is equal to bronze, but loses an armor point each time it is penebronze; its affinity for water is supernatural. trated. Raw copper weapons have equal armor points to Silver ( ), enchanted or unenchanted, has the special bronze but cannot damage bronze weapons. Enchanted property that it can damage creatures normally affected copper armor and weapons are especially solid, and such only by magic, such as werewolves and wraiths. Unenweapons only lose armor points damage in combat when chanted silver is quite soft, and as a weapon it is only penetrated for over twice their armor point value. For suitable for bludgeons or sling pellets. example, over 24 points of damage would be needed Tin ( ) is rarely enchanted. When a small quantity of tin before an enchanted copper broadsword would lose any is alloyed with copper, Gloranthan bronze is produced. hit points. However, all damage over 12 points would go Most tin is used for this purpose.
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Rune Spells
1 Point Range (special), Temporal, Stackable To use this spell, the targets must be able to hear and understand the caster’s voice and the caster must simultaneously succeed in an Orate skill roll. With an Orate success, the caster makes a single resistance roll using their POW. Everyone whose POW is overcome is hypnotized and sits back to be entertained at the expense of all else. The caster must succeed in another Orate skill roll every five minutes after the spell’s normal duration to keep the spell active. The spell only ends if the targets are physically or magically attacked or the caster stops speaking for more than a minute.
1 Point Ranged, Duration (special), Nonstackable This spell is purely defensive. The caster must make a successful Sing roll while casting the spell. If the caster also overcomes the target’s POW, the target is unable to attack the caster in any manner. The spell lasts as long as the caster continues to Sing. The gamemaster may decide that each five minutes after the first skill roll, the caster must make another Sing roll.
Erotocomatose Lucidity
3 Points Touch, Duration (special), Nonstackable This spell’s target must agree to accept this spell and to cooperate with the caster. Both the target and the caster experience the ecstatic Oneness during the moment of sexual climax. The experience (and climax) lasts one minute per magic point expended, during which time the participants can do nothing else. After the spell expires, both participants are completely incapacitated until they have time to rest and recover. The target of the spell now possesses a Love (caster) Passion at 60% and for one day may act as if inspired by this Passion equivalent to a critical success on issues relating to the caster. At the gamemaster’s discretion, this spell can count as ritual preparation or Meditation for the purpose of casting Uleria cult spells.
1 Point Ranged, Temporal, Nonstackable The target of this spell benefits from a rush of selfconfidence, adding +25% to their Fast Talk, Listen and Search skills for the duration. They automatically succeed at any CON-based rolls to avoid incapacitation, and their DEX strike rank is reduced by 1 (minimum of 0).
Exchange Skin
2 Points Ranged, Temporal, Nonstackable This spell permits a Wolf-Warrior to exchange souls and minds with their Wolfbrother. The Wolfbrother inhabits the body of the Wolf-Warrior, with the INT, CHA, and POW of the wolf. It possesses only those skills the Wolfbrother has; it likely cannot speak any human languages and knows few human customs. The Wolf-Warrior inhabits the body of the Wolfbrother, with the INT, CHA, and POW of the human. It can speak human languages, cast spells known by the human, etc.
Exchange Spells
1 Point Ritual, Nonstackable, One-use This ritual allows the caster to trade possession of one spirit magic spell. It cannot be used with Rune spells or sorcery. The participants agree upon the spells they will attempt to trade; each may pick only one spell. The spells to be exchanged need not be of equal value; they can trade a Heal 6 for a Protection 1. If the Exchange spell succeeds, each participant loses the spell they chose and gains the spell the other chose. If the spell fails, no spells are transferred or lost. All points of a variable spell must be passed together. If the spell passed gives target more points of spirit magic than points of CHA, the transfer is an automatic failure.
1 Point Range (per spell), Temporal (special), Stackable This common Rune spell extends the duration of any Rune spell that has a normal duration of 15 minutes. The Extension spell and the spell to be extended must be cast by
RuneQuest the same person in the same melee round, and for all game functions are cast simultaneously. This is an exception to the rule that only one Rune spell can be cast per melee round. Extension affects a spell’s duration as follows: Extension Duration Extension 1 2 3 4 5
Spell Duration One hour One day One week One season One year
The gamemaster should adjust the period of Extension for spells longer or shorter than the normal duration, as desired. Rune points stacked in Extension and the extended spell cannot be regained until the spell expires.
Face Chaos
1 Point Ranged, Temporal, Stackable This spell cannot be resisted and can be cast only on nonChaotic targets. When cast upon a single fighter, that person stands their ground and fights any Chaotic foe they face, even if they would otherwise flee. Each additional point stacked adds one additional target. This spell does not render its target immune to the effects of such spells as Demoralize (page 112) or Panic (page 67), though the target still does not flee. A Demoralized fighter continues fighting, though at half attack chances; a Panicked fighter cannot fight at all, but does not flee; etc.
False Form
1 Point Self, Duration (special), Nonstackable This spell gives an ogre caster the semblance of a normal human to all senses, including nonhuman senses such as Darksense, for a duration of eight weeks. The spell also hides the Cacodaemon cult mark. It is used by members of the cult to pass as humans. Extension (page 49) does not work with False Form, nor does it block the Sense Chaos ability.
Fang of Wachaza
5 Points Ranged, Temporal, Nonstackable This spell must be cast upon a spear, javelin, dart, or trident. The weapon’s point(s) take on the appearance of old ivory. Anyone struck by the weapon must resist using their CON against the damage taken (after penetrating armor). If they successfully resist, they take normal damage. If they fail, they die.
1 Point Touch, Temporal, Nonstackable This spell works only on initiates and Rune Masters of the Crimson Bat. It causes huge red fangs to grow from the mouth of the target. The target has a base chance of 50% (plus their attack bonus) to hit, and the fangs do 2D6 damage (plus their damage bonus). Furthermore, the fangs secrete an acid with POT equal to the target’s CON (the target is, of course, immune).
Rune Spells
Feed Ghosts
1 Point Ranged, Instant, Nonstackable This spell causes intense, incapacitating fear to well up within the target. The caster must overcome the POW of the target. The degree of success on that roll determines the exact effect of this spell. The effects of Fear cannot be dispelled. Fear Effects Result Critical Special Success Success Failure Fumble
Effect Victim dies of fear. Victim collapses for 20 minus CON full turns and must make a CON×5 roll or die as above. Victim is Demoralized (page 112) for 20 minus CON melee rounds. Intelligent beings are unaffected. Unintelligent creatures, including animals, are Demoralized (page 112) for 20 minus CON melee rounds. Victim is unaffected.
2 Points Ranged, Temporal, Nonstackable This spell provides immunity to fear, including magically caused fear such as Demoralize, Fear, or Madness (pages 112, 51, and 63); or to the typical fear resulting from battle, Chaos, or terrors (see the Glorantha Bestiary). The subject can still choose to flee from such things regardless of the spell.
2 Points Touch, Temporal, Nonstackable This spell causes long, dense, feathery clouds of scales to coat the user’s body. These increase the user’s armor on all hit locations by 2 points. Also, the scales are loose and come off easily: whenever the character is hit by a weapon, that weapon becomes gummed up with scales and becomes blunted and padded. Such weapons do half damage until cleaned off. An adventurer must take an entire melee round to clean off a weapon, doing nothing else, and succeeds with a roll of DEX×1.
1 Point Ritual, Stackable, One-use To cast this spell, the caster must sacrifice a member of his own species. Thus, a broo must sacrifice a broo, a human must sacrifice a human, and so forth. As the individual is sacrificed, all the ghosts and wraiths within 100 meters are drawn to feast upon his soul. Each additional point in the spell increases the radius of effect by 100 more meters. The sacrifice takes one hour per spell point to perform. When finished, all the ghosts drawn to the site are satiated and must return to the spirit plane for one day per point of POW the sacrificed individual possessed. This spell only attracts ghosts and wraiths of the same species as the caster and the victim. To rid an area of hungry ghosts of a different species, one must find a caster and sacrificial victim of that species.
1 Point Ritual, Nonstackable This 12-hour ritual restores to the soil all the necessary mineral and organic vitality to support plant life, increasing the crop-bearing potential of an area. It also neutralizes salt and other poisons. Actual yields depend on the original fertility of the soil and the skill and care of those who farm it. The soil’s condition deteriorates normally after this spell is cast.
Fight Disease
1 Point Touch, Instant, Nonstackable This spell doubles the target’s effective CON for their next disease resistance roll (RuneQuest, page 154). When in spirit combat with a disease spirit, it adds +25% to their Spirit Combat skill for the duration of the spirit combat.
Find Enemy
1 Point Ranged, Temporal, Nonstackable This spell alerts the caster to danger. The caster psychically knows of anyone within the spell’s range who intends to harm them, whether the lurker can be seen or not. The
RuneQuest caster may also designate another person to receive the spell’s protection; in this case, both the caster and the target sense the target’s enemies. Three or more meters of any solid substance between the caster and an enemy blocks the effects of this spell.
Find (substance) Rune varies depending on substance 1 Point Ranged, Temporal, Nonstackable This spell informs the caster of the presence of the substance sought by giving it a slight identifying glow (or similar effect for non-visual senses) that is visible only to the caster. This spell can detect hidden objects of the desired substance unless they are behind three or more meters of stone, soil, or metal.
2 Points Touch, Temporal, Nonstackable This spell alters the metabolism of the target to be able to withstand volcanic heat. For the duration of the spell, no non-magical heat or flame can harm them. Additionally, the target can see clearly through smoke or fumes, and can withstand any natural noxious vapor. On the other hand, the target feels uncomfortably chilled at normal room temperatures and takes double damage from cold. Each time the spell is used on a given target it has a cumulative 1% chance of being permanent. Only divine intervention by a Heat cult can undo this.
1 Point Touch, Temporal, Stackable This spell heats one cubic meter of stone to 85° C. The stone gives off a moderate red light. Each additional point of the spell adds +10° C to the heat and brightens the light, until at 4 points the light is as bright as daylight.
2 Points Ranged, Temporal, Stackable This spell reduces the damage of all fire-related attacks upon the target by half (rounding down), after the effects of armor and protective magic have been deducted.
1 Point Touch, Temporal, Stackable This causes the point of a spear to burst into flame. Replace the normal weapon damage with 3D6 plus the wielder’s damage bonus. The weapon is not burned by this magical fire. This spell is incompatible with Fireblade (page 114), Bladesharp (page 110), and Truespear (page 100). Each additional point of Firespear increases damage by +1D6.
1 Point Touch, Temporal, Nonstackable Cast on any edged weapon or spear, this spell changes the weapon’s damage to 3D6, replacing the normal damage done by the weapon. The wielder of the weapon still applies their damage bonus when they strike. This damage cannot be magically resisted because it is real physical damage from the heat of the fire, however armor does protect against it. The weapon is unharmed by this magical fire. This spell is incompatible with Bladesharp (page 110), Fireblade (page 114), or True (weapon) (page 100).
Flash Flood
3 Points Ranged, Ritual, Temporal, Stackable (up to 4 pts.) This ritual must be performed at the edge of a seasonal waterway. It summons a large water elemental that acts as a 40-meter long, four-meter wide, and half-meter high flash flood. It has a MOV of 12 and can only flow downhill, following the course of the seasonal waterway. Once they reach the bottom of their run, they continue onto dry land or on to another river if possible. The flood front has a STR of 3D6+18 and will knock down anything in its path. Flash Flood attacks on land by knocking down foes. Characters caught within it must make a roll of their DEX×5 or suffer 2D6 points of damage from the debris it contains each melee round they are caught within. Characters that succeed on the DEX roll can scramble past the edge of the Flash Flood. Each additional Rune point stacked with the spell increases the size of the Flash Flood by ten meters long, one meter wide, and 0.1 meters high and reduces the DEX roll by one multiple, thus stacking with 2 points results in a flash flood 60 meters long, six meters wide, and 0.7 meters high, and requiring a DEX×3 roll to escape.
Rune Spells
Flood (Heler variant)
1 Point Ranged, Temporal, Stackable The caster can transport one object up to SIZ 6 through the air at a MOV of 12 for the duration of the spell. Each extra point of Flight increases the capacity by 6 SIZ, thus an adult human would need 2 or 3 points of Flight to leave the ground. To pick up something fastened, the caster must overcome the STR of the fastening with their POW. The caster must overcome the POW of an unwilling target.
2 Points Ritual, Stackable This spell takes an hour to cast. Unlike the version used by the river gods, it must be cast while it is raining or must be stacked with Rain (page 71). The spell raises the water level on a 20-meter stretch of a river by one meter, requiring about a minute to take effect. Each additional point stacked with the spell (up to 4) doubles the area affected or eases the water level by a half-meter. The water begins to recede naturally after 15 minutes.
1 Point Ranged, Temporal, Nonstackable This spell doubles the target’s basic MOV. Thus, a normal human could move at a rate of 16. It can only be cast upon an initiate of Pamalt or one of Pamalt’s associate cults.
1 Point Ranged, Temporal, Stackable Each point of this spell lifts 16 SIZ to just below the surface of the water. Heavier objects do not float, though they sink more slowly than they would if the spell had not been cast. Lighter objects rise halfway out of the water, bobbing about.
Flood (River God variant)
3 Points Ritual, Stackable This spell takes an hour to cast. The spell raises the water level on a 20-meter stretch of The Creek by one meter, requiring about a minute to take effect. Each additional point stacked with the spell (up to 4) doubles the area affected or raises the water level by a half-meter. The water begins to recede naturally after 15 minutes.
1 Point Touch, Temporal, Nonstackable When the caster touches any surface and expends a magic point, a pretty flower or spray of leaves unfurls on the spot. If the site is suitable for a small plant’s continued growth, it takes root. If the site is not suitable (such as behind someone’s ear or a tile floor), only the flower or leaves and a bit of stem appears, not connected to the surface. The caster can continue thus creating flowers until they run out of magic points or the spell expires.
Free Ghost
1 Point Ranged, Instant, Stackable This spell must be cast upon the ghost of a deceased mortal. The caster must overcome the POW of the ghost, even if the ghost is cooperative and open to being freed. If successful, the ghost is unbound from its haunting and returns to the Land of the Dead.
1 Point Range, Instant, Nonstackable This spell must be stacked with one or more magic points. It is cast upon an area of land geometrically proportional to the number of magic points expended. One magic point affects one square meter. Two magic points affects four square meters, and so on. The area affected by the spell is covered in a heavy frost until the ground or air temperature rises above 10° C.
RuneQuest Depending on the temperature, time of year, and type of vegetation, this frost may kill some or all the plants in the affected area.
Gnome to Gargoyle
1 Point Ranged, Duration (special), Stackable If the caster overcomes the target’s POW, the target rolls on the Fumble table (RuneQuest, page 205). Each point stacked causes the target to roll on the Fumble table for one more consecutive round. For example, a 3-point spell causes the target to fumble for three consecutive melee rounds.
1 Point Ranged, Temporal, Stackable, One-use This spell turns an Earth elemental of any size into a humanoid monster. The monster has the STR and POW of the original elemental. Its hit points remain the same and also becomes the gargoyle’s SIZ (or its orignal SIZ, whichever is higher). It gets a DEX of 3D6. The monster attacks with its fist at 35% and does 1D6 plus its damage bonus (if any). It has 6 points of armor in each location from its stony hide. When the spell expires, the monster turns back into earth.
Furnace Fire
Golden Fleece
2 Points Ranged, Duration (special), Nonstackable When cast on a fire in a furnace or kiln, the fire emits enough heat to work bronze or to fire pottery without the need for additional fuel for the next 12 hours.
Ghost Dart
2 Points Touch, Permanent, One-use This spell must be cast on a sheep. The spell turns the wool of its target into a fleece of gold, worth approximately 600 L if sheared when the coat is at its thickest. Once sheared, normal wool grows out to replace the gold. If the sheep is not sheared, it will shed the golden fleece over the subsequent year.
Great Leap
1 Point Ranged, Temporal This spell allows the target to harm spirits with their missile weapons. For the duration of the spell, the target may strike any visible spirit with its missile weapons. The missile weapon does its normal damage directly to the spirit’s magic points.
3 Points Self, Duration (special), Stackable, One-use This spell allows the caster to travel up to 40 kilometers in a leaping arc to any destination desired. For each Rune point stacked, the caster can carry one follower and their ENC in equipment. The landing place must be known to the caster. The entire trip never takes more than a few minutes. This is a one-way trip: a return requires another spell.
Group Dance
3 Points Ranged, Temporal, Nonstackable This spell causes the target to act as a Glowspot with a radius of 20 meters. Inside that area all Lunar magic functions as it does on the day of the full moon. For this effect to work on targeted spells, both the caster and target must be within the radius of this or another Glowspot.
3 Points Ranged, Special, Nonstackable To cast this spell, the caster must make a successful Dance, Play Instrument, or Sing roll to begin the dance. Each person witnessing the dance must make an opposed POW roll against the caster or they too begin dancing without heed to their surroundings. The spell lasts while the caster continues to dance, sing, or play their instrument. For each hour of such exertion, the caster and all subject to the spell must make a CON×5 roll or fall unconscious.
Rune Spells
Group Defense
3 Points Self, Duration (special), Stackable This spell creates a veil-like barrier that encloses an area of 9×9×3 meters. The caster is always at the center of the enclosure. All members of Xiola Umbar, whether lay, initiate, or Rune level, must sacrifice 1 point of permanent POW into this barrier when it forms. The spell is active and must be maintained by the casting priestess. Any creature attempting to pass the barrier automatically takes damage to a random hit location equal to the POW spent for the barrier. Countermagic (page 111) or Shield (page 78) cancel out the effect of the appropriate number of points in the barrier. Example: A barrier has nine cultists inside, and hence has a strength of 9 points. It does 9 damage to a random hit location to every intruder. If a foe had 3 points of Countermagic on them and went through the barrier, they would only take 6 points of damage. For each point stacked with this spell, each person within must spend one more POW, making the damaging effect greater.
Group Laughter
1 Point Self, Temporal, Stackable This spell ensures that everyone within ten meters of the caster sees the point of every joke told and is even capable of enjoying practical jokes played on themselves. Even old jokes that everyone knows seem funny when told to those affected by this spell. Additional points stacked with this spell increase the radius of effect by ten meters. This spell’s effects cannot be resisted. The caster can boost it with magic points to help penetrate Countermagic (page 111) or similar defensive spells.
Guided Teleportation
3 Points Self, Instant, Nonstackable This spell sends the caster and all their carried gear to a specific spot previously made sacred to Orlanth through a complicated week-long ritual. This spell has no range limitation.
1 Point Self, Temporal, Stackable Each point of this spell acts as 12 points of any Illusion or combination of Illusions including motion, odor, sight, sound, substance, or taste. The hallucination is perceived only by the spell’s caster (and any in a magical mental link with the caster) and is completely undetectable to anyone else. A Second Sight spell (page 118) shows that the magic affects only the caster. See the Illusions sidebar on page 59 for more information.
4 Points Ranged, Instant, Stackable This spell causes a cluster of stones to fall from the sky, doing 2D6 general hit point damage per round to everything in a five-meter radius of the target. Only the victim’s weakest armor (total by hit location) protects against damage. Each additional Rune point stacked increases the radius by two meters.
1 Point Ranged, Temporal, Stackable If the caster overcomes the target’s POW (or if the target is a willing target), the target mimics the caster’s movements exactly. It works only on beings with the same hit location table as the caster, for reasons that are evident if one envisions a human trying to Harmonize with a horse. The target of the spell attempts to do whatever action the caster does as much as possible. If, for instance, the victim walks into a pit, they continue to attempt to walk but cannot make much progress. If a Harmonized target is injured, the user feels pain (and must make a concentration roll of INT×3 if in the process of casting a spell), and if a Harmonized target is slain, the user takes 1D6 general hit point damage. Stacking this spell allows the caster to affect multiple targets. One common use of the spell is to perfectly coordinate a chorus line or dance group.
1 Point Self, Temporal, Stackable This stackable spell affects anyone within three meters of the caster and keeps them from getting violent. It counteracts emotion-affecting spells (such as Fanaticism and Demoralize, pages 114 and 112) that are weaker than the Harmony spell. Each Rune point stacked adds three meters to the radius of effect. Harmony can be boosted with magic points to overcome more powerful emotion-affecting spells (such as Berserker, page 16) and to blast through Countermagic (page 111) and other defensive spells. The caster makes a single roll on the resistance table. All others whose POW would be overcome are affected. Example: Fildarus has POW 14 and rolls a 42. Everyone within range with a POW of 12 or less is affected.
1 Point Ranged, Temporal, Stackable This spell affects an area three meters in diameter for every Rune point stacked with it. No living being can initiate any hostile action within this zone—they cannot cast attack spells, use attack skills, or even speak harsh or cruel words to another. All feel peaceful and content. Those within the zone cannot resist its effects, but they can move outside the area affected. The spell can be boosted to overcome angercausing spells such as Fanaticism or Berserker (pages 16 and 114). This does not affect undead, Otherworld entities, the dead, or magical or mechanical constructs.
Heal Body
3 Points Touch, Instant, Nonstackable This spell cures the total damage done to a body, regardless of hit location or source. The target heals all damage from total hit points and hit location hit points. Any severed limbs reattach if available, or regenerate if not.
Healing Trance
1 Point Touch, Duration (special), Nonstackable The target of this spell falls into a deep trance, during which the natural healing rate speeds up to eight times normal. Thus, an adventurer that normally heals 2 hit points per hit location in a week instead heals 16 hit points to each location. The caster and the target both remain in an unwakeable trance until all healing is complete. They must be fed and cared for as they are effectively catatonic during this period.
Heal Wound
1 Point Touch, Instant, Nonstackable This spell heals damage done to a living creature. It works equally well on any living thing, provided it has hit points. When cast, the caster must simultaneously spend magic points equal to the hit points to be healed. This spell cures the damage in the locations touched, as well as total hit points.
Heal Wound—Powerful and Common Heal Wound is the most powerful healing magic available to most adventurers. For 1 Rune point, an adventurer can heal as many hit points of damage as they spend magic points. Each cult’s version of Heal Wound is subtly different. For example, Humakt‘s Heal Wound uses Death or Truth to mortify the wounded flesh so that the injury can be denied or ignored. It always leaves painful scarring. Ernalda‘s Heal Wound uses Fertility or Harmony to knit the wounded flesh back together without scarring or pain. Orlanth‘s Heal Wound uses Air to bring enough breath to the victim that it simply overpowers the wound.
Hearth Fire
1 Point Ranged, Duration (special), Nonstackable This spell must be cast on a fire within a brick or stone-lined fireplace. The fire continues burning hot enough to cook food or boil water without the need for additional fuel for the next 12 hours.
Rune Spells
Heat Blast
3 Points Range (special), Instant, Nonstackable This spell can only be used on earth previously warmed by Earthwarm (page 46) or naturally warmed to at least 40° C (this is the temperature near an active volcano). The caster must be able to see the ground. It causes a blast of heat to erupt from the ground doing 3D6 to the target’s CON. This spell can be stacked with Divine Intervention to add one target per point.
1 Point Ritual, Duration (one season), Nonstackable The target of this spell enters a deep sleep, and their metabolism slows down tremendously. While hibernating, the target does not need to eat, drink, urinate, or defecate, and is not damaged by cold or heat. While in this state, the target cannot die from loss of hit points (although the target will die from wounds or spells that cause instant death) and recovers hit points at the normal healing rate. Once the spell has expired, the target awakens and suffers the effects of any damage that has not been healed.
Hide Wealth
1 Point Touch, Duration (special), Stackable When cast upon an inanimate bundle of goods the size of an amphora, the bundle becomes invisible for one day to everyone except the caster and those watching as the spell is cast. Each stacked point affects one additional bundle. Magic items hidden with this spell cannot be sensed, even with magical spells, but the presence of the Hide Wealth spell itself could be detected. If any of the hidden goods are moved, the spell dissipates. Each point of Extension stacked with Hide Wealth doubles the duration of the spell.
Hie Wagon
1 Point Ranged, Temporal, Stackable This spell must be cast on a moving wheeled vehicle, such as a cart, wagon, or chariot. Each point of the spell increases the MOV of the entire vehicle including the draft animals by 1D10, rolled after the spell is cast. Animals drawing the vehicle return to normal speed if cut loose.
Hide Fire
2 Points Ranged, Temporal, Stackable This spell is cast upon a container of any type or size, including a human hand, a burlap sack, or a pail. It permits the container to hold an appropriately sized fire without burning or putting the fire out. Thus, an adventurer could pick a candle flame off its wick and hold it in their palm for the duration of the spell. The adventurer could also close their fist and hide the flame—when they open the fist, the fire is still there. For each Rune point stacked with the spell, the intensity of fire that can be held increases by 1. Generally, each point of intensity is equal to 1D6 points of damage (RuneQuest, page 157).
1 Point Touch, Temporal, Stackable Immediately upon casting, the recipient becomes filled with a certainty that nothing will matter at the end of Time and all fears and doubts about their actions will be lifted. The recipient chuckles or laughs throughout the duration of the spell, as this realization is both liberating and joyous. Their attack percentage is raised by half, as with Fanaticism (page 114), but without any effects on parrying or defensive actions. The user must seek out enemies to fight for the spell’s duration; but will not attack known friends or allies. Each Rune point stacked in this spell extends its duration as per the Extension spell (page 49). This spell’s effects cannot be combined with those of Axe Trance (page 14), Berserker (page 16), Fanaticism (page 114). or another combat inspiration spell that modifies the attack chance.
Hunter-prey Link
2 Points Ranged, Duration (six hours), Stackable This spell must be cast on a target (which could be the caster) that is being actively pursued by a pursuer. If more than one hunter pursues the target, the caster must specify which hunter is to be affected; otherwise the first hunter who sees the target is the one affected by the spell. Each additional Rune point stacked allows another hunter to be affected. For the duration of the spell, the target will not be caught by the pursuer(s). Regardless of how fast the hunter moves, or how the clever they are at tracking or setting traps, the target of the spell will always be able to avoid capture. If the target is skilled enough, it may be able to lose the pursuer completely.
1 Point Ranged, Temporal, Stackable For the duration of the spell, all objects thrown by the caster have their range multiplied by ×5. Thus, a thrown javelin’s normal range of 20 meters becomes 100 meters and its maximum range 250 meters when hurled by someone affected by this spell. Each point stacked increases the range multiplier by ×5. Thus, a 2-point Hurling spell multiplies the caster’s range
by ×10, and a 3-point spell multiplies range by ×15. The spell does not increase range for bows and crossbows, but has a partial effect on blowguns and slings, multiplying their range by ×2 for each point of Hurling.
Identify Scent
1 Point Ranged, Temporal, Stackable This spell enables the target to perfectly identify the nature of any scent encountered while under the spell’s influence. If the scent is of a substance or entity that the target has never encountered or seen, the target only knows that an unknown scent has been encountered. The target’s sense of smell is dramatically increased under the influence of this spell to approximately twenty times that of a normal human. The target gains a Scent skill of 25% plus their Perception skill category modifier. This skill can improve with experience.
Illusory Motion
1 Point Ranged, Temporal, Stackable This active spell animates and moves illusions as desired by the caster. Each additional point of the spell allows the illusion to move at up to three meters per melee round (equal to a MOV 1). The caster has a chance of manipulating the illusion equal to their DEX×3.
Illusory Odor
1 Point Ranged, Temporal, Stackable This spell reproduces a single scent from the caster’s memory and is clear enough to fool creatures other than the caster’s own species. Four points or more of this spell forces anyone encountering the odor to make a CON×2 roll or be overcome by nausea. Those affected can make a new roll each round until they succeed. A creature unable to smell is not fooled by this spell.
Rune Spells
Illusory Sight
1 Point Ranged, Temporal, Stackable This spell creates a visual illusion that registers on lightsensitive organs. The image has 3 SIZ per point of the spell, thus one casting completely covers a volume the size of a small child. If 1 point were used to create the illusion of armor on an adult, only the adult’s legs (for example) would appear to be covered by armor.
Illusory Sound
1 Point Ranged, Temporal, Stackable When casting this spell, the caster must specify the nature, duration, and intent. The gamemaster should rely upon the player’s stated intent rather than the specified noises. If the adventurer wishes to change the sound, they must cast the spell anew.
Illusions Illusion spells are magical constructions that create effects resembling reality. Once an illusion has been magically created it is, in fact, real, however temporarily. As such, illusions cannot be disbelieved. An illusion with substance can do damage and can be damaged. The six spells below can be combined in any manner desired by the caster to create simple or complex illusions as desired, remembering that all uses of illusion are subject to the guidance of the gamemaster. If any of these rolls fail, the illusion lacks that aspect. If an illusion is cast upon an already-moving object, the illusion moves with the object. A sound illusion cast upon a noisy target masks contradicting noises, and the same is true with contradicting tastes, smells, sights, etc. The following table suggests some standards for sense-related illusions:
Illusion Intensity Intensity Odor 1 Rose 2 Smoke 3 Scented Oils 4 Burning Pitch
Taste Water Pear Lemon Vinegar
Sound Whisper Conversation Shout Avalanche
Illusion spells are an exception to the rule that only one Rune spell can be cast during a melee round.
Illusory Substance
1 Point Ranged, Temporal, Stackable Each point of this spell creates 1 SIZ (5 kilograms) of solid matter. This matter is temporary physical reality. The caster might create a sword, a fire, a rock, a pile of gold, etc. For purposes of combat, 1 SIZ point of solid matter equals 1 hit point. For an illusion with substance to do damage the target must either strike themselves with the illusion (such as walking into an illusionary fire), be hit with the illusion (such as being hit with an illusory sword), or Illusory Motion must be combined with the substance to give the caster fine control. The illusion does damage equivalent to the item (and size) of the subject of the illusion.
Illusory Taste
1 Point Ranged, Temporal, Stackable This illusion creates a single taste covering about 1 SIZ of material. The taste created must be somewhat familiar to the caster, though the target reacts to the taste as its own experience dictates. Illusory Taste can conjure up tasty dishes
but may also be used to create tastes so foul as to be perceived as poisonous. Each point of the spell can create a POT of 1D6. A creature that cannot taste is not affected by this illusion.
Impede Chaos
1 Point Ranged, Temporal, Stackable The target of this spell becomes difficult for Chaos creatures to hit. For each point stacked in the spell, subtract –20% from the attack skill of any Chaos creature attacking the target. Impede Chaos ha s no ef fect aga inst nonChaotic opponents.
Incarnate Ancestor
3 Points Ranged, Temporal, Nonstackable This spell brings the spirit of an ancestor to occupy the body of one of its descendants. The family member must be willing, and the caster is typically the host body. The summoned spirit knows all spells, knowledge, and skills it knew while it lived. The host spirit is suspended temporarily in the Spirit World and returns when the spell expires,
RuneQuest unless the caster fumbled while casting the spell, or the spell is extended longer than one day. In either case, the ancestor permanently possesses the body, and the previous host spirit goes to the Land of the Dead. This spell can be cast without naming the specific ancestor desired, in which case a random ancestor comes. This is dangerous unless an Axis Mundi spell (page 14) has been prepared beforehand.
Increase Temperature
1 Point Self, Temporal, Stackable This spell increases the temperature for ten meters around the caster by 1D6° C. Each additional point used either intensifies the warmth by an additional 1D6° C or doubles the radius of effect.
Increase/Decrease Wind
1 Point Self, Temporal, Stackable This spell increases or decreases the average wind STR by 1D6 for 100 meters around the caster. Each additional point
either adjusts the wind STR by another 1D6 or increases the radius of effect by another 100 meters. Refer to the Weather section (RuneQuest, page 159) to determine the penalties on movement, missile fire, and visibility. This spell has no effect upon temperature or wind direction.
Induce Uzdo
1 Point Ritual, Stackable This spell is used when a female troll wishes to give birth to a great troll. It summons one of Karrg’s followers, a darkness spirit with a POW of 12D6. The troll steps forward and the spirit envelops her in its form, automatically inflicting a Fearshock attack upon her equivalent to that made by a Darkness elemental (Glorantha Bestiary, page 179). If she survives, she suffers no more ill effects, and merges with the spirit’s darkness. Several hours later, she emerges, and the spirit returns to the Underworld. The troll is now pregnant and, one year later, gives birth to an infant great troll.
Rune Spells
Insect Song
2 Points Touch, Temporal, Nonstackable The target grows two small stubby wings from their back, which can create a loud creaking noise. The noise is neardeafening at close range and is clearly audible for up to five kilometers. This can be used to transmit messages to all Gorakiki-locust initiates within earshot. The message is incomprehensible to anyone else.
1 Point Touch, Temporal, Stackable This spell adds +20% to one of the following skills, chosen at the time of casting: Celestial Lore, Cult Lore (caster’s cult), Dance, Play Instrument, or Sing. Each point stacked (up to 4) either boosts one additional skill or increases the boost by 20%. For example, if the spell is stacked with 3 additional Rune points, the caster could add +60% to two skills.
Inspire Love
1 Point Ranged, Temporal, Stackable This spell adds +20% to one of the target’s Love Passions (chosen by the caster) or temporarily creates a new Love Passion at 20%. The target can resist normally. Each additional point stacked (up to 4) with the spell adds another +20% to the aroused Passion. The target can earn an experience roll for a new Passion (which will almost certainly succeed).
1 Point Touch, Instant, Nonstackable This spell completely revitalizes and refreshes the target, even if they are exhausted to the point of collapse. It does not restore any lost hit points or attribute damage but restores any CON that has been temporarily lost through some condition such as hunger, thirst, or exhaustion.
1 Point Self, Temporal, Stackable This spell affects any member of Ernalda or any associated cult within three meters of the caster. It acts to keep anyone from getting excited or violent. It counteracts emotionaffecting spells such as Demoralize, Fanaticism, or Fear (pages 112, 114, and 51) that are weaker than the Inviolable spell. Inviolable can be boosted with magic points to overcome more powerful emotion-affecting spells such as Arouse Passion, Berserker, or Madness (pages 13, 16, and 63) and to blast through Countermagic (page 111) and other defensive spells. To work, the caster must roll D100 and compare the results on the resistance table to their own POW, as if the caster were the passive characteristic, following the results until a value higher than the roll is reached. All targets whose POW would be overcome are affected. Example: Yanioth casts Inviolable before entering a potentially dangerous situation. Her POW is 15. She rolls a 42 on D100. Consulting the resistance table as if she were engaging in a POW vs. POW struggle with herself as the passive force, Yanioth’s result puts her above 40 (POW 13) but lower than 45 (POW 14). This means that the spell affects anyone in range with POW 13 or lower.
3 Points Ranged, Temporal, Nonstackable This spell makes the target invisible by diverting attention from the target to a spot other than where the spell target is. The subject of the spell remains unnoticed unless they wish to draw attention to themselves or are detected by magic. If the subject makes a noise, an enemy can try to strike by sound alone, at a –50% modifier to their chance of success. If the adventurer protected by the spell attacks with a missile or melee weapon, or with magic, they become visible in the strike rank when they attack and disappear again after the last strike rank of that round, unless engaged in melee. If the adventurer disengages from melee, they disappear again at the end of the round.
1 Point Touch, Temporal, Nonstackable Cast on a scorpion man, this turns one of its arms into a jabber: a long, boney point used for fighting. They have a base strike rank of 2, are used somewhat like spears, can impale, and do 1D8+1 damage plus any bonus. The target’s Jabber skill equals their DEX×5. The jabbers have twice the arm’s hit points and are covered with 6-point bone armor.
3 Points Touch, Temporal, Nonstackable Both the target’s hands become lion paws, which can be used to attack with an attack skill equal to the user’s DEX×6, doing 1D8 damage plus any damage bonus. The target can attack with both claws on the same strike rank (as well as bite 3 strike ranks later, if they also have Transform Head cast on them). The claws are clumsy and cannot hold human weapons.
Know Lineage
1 Point Ranged, Instant, Nonstackable This spell may be cast upon any descended from Kero Fin or her children (e.g., Orlanth, Yinkin, Inora, various Oreads, etc.). The caster receives the exact lineage, family, and tribe (if any) of the target.
2 Points Touch, Temporal, Nonstackable This spell allows the user to read the history of the item touched. Any information that cannot be assimilated fully within the 15 minutes of the spell is missed. If the item has a long history, the spell starts at the beginning, unless the caster dictates a specific time at which to start.
Know Lineage
1 Point Ranged, Instant, Nonstackable This spell can only be cast upon an initiate of Pamalt or one of Pamalt’s associate cults. The caster receives the exact lineage, family, and tribe (if any) of the target.
Lava Spear
3 Points Ranged, Temporal, Nonstackable When cast upon a spear, this spell permits the user to fire wads of molten rock from the tip of the spear by expending magic points. For every 2 magic points spent, the lava does 1D6 damage on impact (armor protects against this damage). The lava has a range of 100 meters and has a 25% chance to hit (plus the caster’s Attack skill category modifier). This attack skill can be increased through experience.
1 Point Ranged, Temporal, Stackable This spell allows a fully encumbered person to make a jump up to six meters high or six meters long. Each point stacked adds six meters to the jump range or allows the user to lift 6 additional SIZ while jumping.
Leaping Legs
3 Points Self, Temporal, Nonstackable This spell turns the hind legs of the caster into limbs resembling those of a grasshopper—enormous, jointed, and powerful. The caster can leap up to 50 meters horizontally or vertically. The caster can be fully encumbered, but must subtract five meters from the maximum leap for each point of excess ENC.
Rune Spells
2 Points Self, Instant, Nonstackable This spell can be cast undetectably right as a trickster tells a lie. It cannot be resisted. Anyone hearing the lie automatically believes it to be true, no matter how outrageous it is. They continue to believe it until they have incontrovertible evidence of its falsehood, or for at least one full melee round in any case. For example, if a trickster used this spell to tell a Yelm priest that the Sun wasn’t going to rise tomorrow, it would cause a great deal of panic until the next morning, or until the priest performed Divination and asked their deity what had happened, or until the end of the full melee round after the spell was cast. Those who hear the lie secondhand are not forced to believe it and can try to talk the original hearers out of their misguided belief.
1 Point Ritual, Stackable This spell may be cast on a door, chest lid, bag, etc. It is a more potent version of the Glue spell (page 115), with a strength equal to the magic points used to strengthen the spell when it was cast. Only the caster can open the container and as often as desired. If the container is closed during the duration of the spell, the Lock seals it again. The spell lasts eight weeks. It cannot be removed by Dispel Magic or Dismiss Magic (pages 112 and 44), or the sorcery spells Neutralize Magic or Neutralize (Rune) (RuneQuest, page 397). If the Locked item’s STR is overcome by force and later closed again, the Lock still works, unlike Glue. This spell can be stacked with Passage (page 67).
1 Point Ranged, Instant, Stackable A blast of crackling energy projects from the caster. If the caster overcomes the target’s POW, each point of Lightning cast causes 1D6 points of damage to a single hit location. Armor does not protect against this damage, but spells that defend against physical attacks are effective. The Lightning discharge is very bright, very loud, and sets dry, flammable materials on fire.
2 Points Ranged, Instant, Nonstackable If the caster of this spell overcomes the POW of the target, the target suffers the effects given on the Madness Effect table, following. The severity of the result depends on the degree of success of the caster’s attack. Once the spell has been cast its effects cannot be dispelled.
RuneQuest Madness Effect Roll Critical Special Success Failure Fumble
Result Insane: Lose 1D4 INT permanently. Roll on the Insanity table; those results last 30 minus the victim’s POW days. Rage: Victim attacks nearest person as if fanatic (see spirit spell Fanaticism, page 114) for 30 minus the victim’s POW minutes. Catatonia: Victim collapses and cannot be awakened for 30 minus their POW minutes. Confusion: No effect on intelligent beings; unintelligent creatures including animals are confused for 30 minus their POW minutes. Unaffected: Victim is unaffected.
When an adventurer experiences insanity, their madness is all-encompassing, either incapacitating them or rendering them a danger to themselves and others. Even after the insanity has receded, the adventurer retains traces of it. The gamemaster can chose to give the victim new negative Passions as appropriate. To determine these effects, roll 1D6 and consult the Insanity table, following: Insanity D6 1
Insanity Amnesia: The victim is bereft of select memories. They remember their gods and spells, but not the names and knowledge of friends, family, and enemies. Elemental Fear: The victim picks their lowest rated Elemental Rune (except the Moon Rune) and gains an all-consuming fear and paranoia of that element and seeks magical and mundane allies against the forces of that element. Pantophobia: The victim fears everything. Each noise, every action of friends (not to mention enemies) throws the victim into paroxysms of fright. When not cowering in a corner, they are running for cover. Paranoia: The victim is positive that everyone is an enemy. Every comment or gesture is a threat. The victim might not utter this belief but develop elaborate secret schemes of protection and revenge instead. Stupefaction: The victim stands with no will or interest and takes no independent action They do not talk or communicate in any rational way. They can be led or forced to walk, eat, stand, or sit, etc. Unlimited Semiosis: The victim is mentally lost, and perceives that everything proves everything, that everything is everything, and we are all us. While suffering from this disorder, the adventurer is incapable of taking practical action such as attacking, parrying, spellcasting, etc.
Magic Point Enchantment
1 Point Ritual, Enchantment, Stackable Each point of POW sacrificed to this spell allows the enchanted item to store 1D10 magic points, determined when the spell is complete. The ritual takes one hour per
point of POW sacrificed. These stored magic points can power or boost spells by anyone who can use the item. Magic points stored in enchanted items do not regenerate on their own (they have no characteristic POW), but the user of the item can refill the magic point storage capacity by expending their own magic points. It takes one melee round to store 1 magic point in an enchanted item. An enchanted item cannot hold more magic points than it has capacity.
Magnify Command
2 Points Ranged, Duration (special), Nonstackable This spell must be stacked with a Command (specific sea creature) spell and boosted with magic points. The magic points do not need to come from the caster. The duration of the stacked spell is increased by 1 hour per magic point spent after other effects. This is in addition to Extension (page 49). If a Magnify Command containing 20 magic points were stacked with an Extension 2 (duration 24 hours) and a Command Water Elemental (page 30) spell, the water elemental would remain under the caster’s control for 44 hours.
Matrix Creation
1 Point Ritual, Enchantment, Stackable This spell is used to store the potentiality of a spirit magic or Rune spell in an item. Anyone who can use the item gains the ability to use the spell whenever they are in physical contact with the item, though they lose the potentiality of the spell as soon as they lose that contact. To create the matrix, the caster must be able to cast that spell, and must sacrifice POW points equal to the magic points or Rune points needed to cast the spell. For example, to imbue a spear with a Thunderbolt matrix requires 3 points of POW. Similarly, a Strength matrix requires the sacrifice of 2 points of POW. The caster does not have to sacrifice all the POW for the matrix at once. The POW requirements of a matrix can be built up over the course of several weeks or even seasons, however the matrix is not complete until the entire sacrifice is made. Each addition of POW requires a separate casting of the spell. The caster can also strengthen a completed spell matrix with later sacrifices of POW, effectively creating a matrix for a stacked spell (this adjustment requires an additonal casting of Matrix Creation, page 64).
Rune Spells The user of a Rune spell matrix has a chance of casting that spell equal to their POW×5. Casting a Rune spell from a matrix does not ordinarily require the expenditure of magic points or Rune points, unless specified in the spell’s description. If the casting fails, the user can try again the next melee round. Once used, the user must take the item back to the proper temple to be recharged with a successful Worship ceremony. The user of a spirit magic spell matrix has a chance of casting that spell equal to their POW×5. If this roll is successful, the user also needs to spend 1 magic point per point of the spirit magic spell.
Meld Form
Example: Percippus the Priest casts Mindblast at an enemy Tailed Priest. The dragonewt’s POW is 19, and Percippus has a 15 POW, but he rolls a 22 and the spell overcomes the dragonewt’s resistance. The Tailed Priest immediately stands stupefied, dumbstruck, and incapable of doing anything of its own volition. One half of Percippus’ POW is 8, so the dragonewt effectively loses all INT for eight days.
1 Point Self, Temporal, Stackable This spell allows mind-to-mind transmission of conscious thoughts between two people as long as the target is no farther from the caster than 1,000 meters per point of the spell. More than two people cannot be linked by this spell, and any target can end their participation at any time. Should anyone else attempt to cast this spell with someone already in Mindbridge, the receiver may pick which caster they will communicate with, the other instance of the spell ending. Magic points and spell knowledge cannot be traded or used by other participants; the spell provides communication only.
1 Point Ritual, Enchantment This ritual must be undergone whenever a cultist sacrifices for the Proteus spell (page 70). A living creature of the type desired by the supplicant must be provided. The ritual takes six hours to complete. At the ritual’s end, a magic fog, opaque to all senses including such spells as Second Sight (page 118), envelopes both supplicant and creature. The fog lasts for a half hour, and neither the supplicant nor the creature may leave it, or the spell fails. When the fog completely dissipates, the creature has vanished completely, and the supplicant has gained the ability to turn into that creature by use of the Proteus spell. Thus, the ritual effectively requires the sacrifice of a living creature for each point. The creature’s soul returns to the Other Side when its body vanishes. Any living creature can be used for this ritual, except for creatures lacking POW or permanent SIZ. Thus, a vampire, nymph, or ghost could not be used for the Meld Form ritual.
2 Points Ranged, Temporal, Nonstackable If the caster overcomes the POW of the target, this active spell gives the caster the ability to read the conscious thoughts of the target without their consent, though the target can tell there is an intruder in their mind.
Mist Cloud
2 Points Ranged, Instant, Nonstackable If the caster overcomes the POW of the target, this spell temporarily reduces the INT of the victim to zero for days equal to half the caster’s POW, placing them in a vegetative state for that period. The effects of the spell cannot be dispelled. If the caster achieves a special success when overcoming the target’s POW, the attack also causes 1D6+2 points of damage to the target’s head. Armor does not protect against this damage, though magical protection does.
Mind Read
y g
1 Point Ranged, Temporal, Stackable This spell creates a bubble of natural-looking mist with a diameter of two meters for every Rune point stacked. Visibility within or through the mist is limited to one meter. The cloud can be formed to encircle and thus blind an opponent.
Mold Rock
1 Point Self, Temporal, Nonstackable This spell allows the caster to use their hands like hammers, chisels, and files, to shape rock into appropriate shapes. These hand-tools can even shape properly prepared Truestone or adamant, but a successful Divine Intervention must be cast at the same time.
2 Points Ritual, Nonstackable This emotion-affecting spell requires an hour-long ritual with the caster and the regiment. The spell affects the target and their entire regiment, preventing the regiment from routing in battle and increasing each affected warrior’s chance to hit by half again, round up. For example, a warrior with a 41% chance to hit would see that increased to 62% (41÷2=21, 42+21=63). It lasts until either sunrise or sunset, whichever comes first.
1 Point Touch, Instant, Stackable, One-use This spell causes a mushroom, mildew, mold, smut, rust, slime, or other fungus to infest a suitable object. The spell can afflict a single animal or tree with fungus disease, or a one-meter-square area of grasses, ground cover, stone, or cloth. Stacking this spell increases the number of targets or the area affected.
Mountain Leap
2 Points Temporal, Self, Stackable, One-use This spell summons a mountain wind (often in the form of a giant ram) that will carry the caster to the top of a sacred mountain. The caster must have a clear idea which mountain peak is to be traveled to, or the mountain wind will carry the caster to a random high mountain, possibly in another land. The entire trip never takes more than a few minutes. For each Rune Point stacked with the spell, an additional person may accompany the caster. This is a one-way trip.
1 Point Self, Temporal, Stackable This spell allows the caster to cast two spirit magic spells at once. These are resolved as separate attacks. The only exception to this is the Disruption spell, which can be combined with itself and resolved as one attack doing 2D3 damage to one hit location. This spell affects all spells cast by the caster over the duration. Thus, every melee round the caster can throw two spirit magic spells. The spells may be different each round. Multispell can be used to cast two different spells at the same time, and/or to cast spells at two different targets at the same time. This spell does not decrease the cost in magic points of the spells, so the caster must spend the amount required to cast them each separately. Multispell does not override the usual limitations on how much of a variable spell can be used. Also, it cannot be used to cast incompatible spells on the same target. Thus, Multispell cannot
Rune Spells be used to create a single arrow with Speedart 2 on it or put Countermagic and Protection on the same adventurer. An attack using Multispell takes effect at the highest strike rank of any spell included in the combined attack. For example, if Joshfar tried to Demoralize one enemy and cast Disruption on another, both at the minimum cost to cast, the spells would take effect at his Demoralize strike rank of 2, not his Disruption strike rank of 1. For each point stacked with Multispell, one additional spirit magic spell can be combined. Thus Multispell 2 allows three spirit magic spells to be combined and thrown at once at up to three targets.
Pain Tooth
2 Points Ranged, Temporal, Nonstackable Cast upon a weapon, this spell causes any hit that penetrates armor to incapacitate the location struck in addition to normal damage. Each melee round the victim can roll their CON×2 to recover from this incapacitation. If the target has been affected in several locations by Pain Tooth, only make a single CON×2 roll; a success frees them from all incapacitating effects.
1 Point Ranged, Special, Nonstackable This spell must be cast on a sleeping, unconscious, or meditating target. If the caster overcomes the target’s POW, the target experiences a horrific nightmare determined by the gamemaster. When the target awakens, they suffer from Despair (RuneQuest, page 236) and are –10% with all abilities until the next time they go to sleep, fall unconscious, or meditate.
2 Points Ritual, Stackable The Oath spell binds two (or more) people into a pact. Anyone that breaks the oath receives an attack of Sever Spirit (page 77) with magic points equal to the total magic points placed into the Oath spell when it was cast. The greater the Oath sworn, the more magic points are committed to the swearing. For example, if two Humakti each placed 15 magic points into an Oath Rune spell and one later broke the oath, 30 magic points would be matched against the oathbreaker’s POW. If overcome, the oathbreaker would die. Each point stacked into the Oath adds an additional participant. The participants need not be Humakti—the spell can be cast by a nonparticipating cult member.
2 Points Ranged, Temporal, Nonstackable If the caster overcomes the target’s POW, the target is seized with an overpowering terror. They cannot cast any spells or attack in melee, though they can parry or dodge normally. Usually, they run away.
1 Point Ritual, Stackable This spell opens any locked, barred, or magically sealed aperture. When cast, the person(s) getting Passage must also be present, laying their hands on the opening while the spell is intoned. Each point of Passage allows one person to pass through or open the magically affected aperture, aside from the caster. This spell lasts eight weeks. It is often used with Lock (page 63), enabling the caster to allow specific individuals other than the caster to pass through the Lock.
Path Watch
2 Points Self, Duration (special), Nonstackable This spell is used when traveling through dangerous or questionable territory. It must be cast upon a known path or visible road on which the caster is traveling. The spell alerts the user to the direction and number, though not type, of all enemies and traps within a 100-meter radius. The spell lasts until the caster falls asleep or the path ends.
Plant Spy
1 Point Ranged, Temporal, Stackable This spell allows the user to determine the direction of the nearest oasis. If 2 Rune points are used, then the caster knows the closest and second closest oases, with each additional point increasing the number of oases known. There is no limit to stacking Rune points, but the spell tells only direction and relative distance (closest, next closest, etc.), not the actual distance.
1 Point Ranged, Temporal, Nonstackable This spell converts a plant into a remote spy by making its leaves transmit sound and touch to the caster. Other than detecting as magic, the plant looks perfectly normal. Cut or uprooted plant spies die and cease sending information. The spell user can only receive information from a single plant spy at a time, though they may cast the spell upon multiple plants at the same time.
3 Points Ranged, Temporal, Nonstackable, One-use This spell causes all persons not of Rune Master status within a one-kilometer radius to put away their weapons and forget all violence and war. For the duration of the spell, they prefer rather to listen to the wonders of peace and love that the spirits send ringing through their minds, and can do no harm to others (at the gamemaster’s discretion as to what constitutes harm).
2 Points Touch, Temporal, Nonstackable This spell gives the target’s body a carapace or shell over their chest and abdomen. The spell must be boosted with magic points. The shell has 1 armor point per magic point placed into the spell.
Rune Spells
1 Point Touch, Duration (special), Nonstackable This spell bolsters the caster and any draft animal(s) pulling a plow for one day, making them able to plow normal or rocky land at quadruple the normal rate, or about four acres in one day. The plow is unharmed at the end of the day. In extremely rocky soil that is not normally tillable, this spell allows the plow to move at normal speed, but at the cost of 1D6 damage to the plow. Solid stone, should the farmer find it useful or necessary to plow such land, can be broken by the magical plow team to become extremely rocky soil, but only ¼ acre of land can be plowed per day, or a single line of about 500 meters. Use on solid stone causes 3D6 damage to the plow by day’s end, likely breaking it.
Power Drain
2 Points Ranged, Temporal, Nonstackable The target of this spell gains the ability to drain magic points by touch. They must touch a victim with their bare hand, though the spell works through clothes or armor. The target must also overcome the victim’s POW with each touch successful attack. If the victim is overcome, they lose 1D6 magic points and the target gains them. The spell receipient can make one draining touch attack each melee round. When the spell ends, the target lsoes any magical points in excess of their normal capacity.
Power Drain (Crimson Bat variant)
2 Point Touch, Temporal, Nonstackable This spell acts exactly like Power Drain (above), except the target does not keep the drained magic points; they flow directly to the Crimson Bat.
Predict Weather
2 Points Self, Instant, Nonstackable When cast, the user knows approximately what the natural weather will be like for the next 24 hours. This spell cannot account for the direct actions of storm gods or the use of weather-affecting spells.
3 Points Ritual, Nonstackable This spell enables the subject to bear a child to term even if that would not normally be physically possible. The spell can be combined with Bless Pregnancy (page 18).
Preserve Food
1 Point Ranged, Permanent, Stackable (up to 5 pts.) This spell affects one ENC of rations, keeping it from spoiling, ever, though it could still be eaten by insects or mice. Each point stacked in the spell (up to 5) doubles the quantity of rations affected, so a 2-point spell protects 2 ENC, a 3-point spell protects 4 ENC, etc. As noted (RuneQuest, page 56), a single point of ENC is roughly equivalent to something that can be easily held in one hand, in this case an item such as a loaf of bread, a squash, a leg of lamb, etc.
Preserve Wealth
1 Point Ritual, Stackable (up to 5 pts.) This spell must be cast upon a 40-liter storage container, such as an amphora. Foodstuffs, liquids, and other organic substances are placed within the container, which is then sealed as part of the ritual. The contents remain unspoiled until the container is opened, after which the spell ends. Each point stacked with the spell (up to 5), doubles the maximum size of the storage container.
Produce Light
1 Point Self, Temporal, Stackable This spell produces a circle of light as bright as a clear summer day at noon. The circle has a diameter of 100 meters per point in the spell, thus a 10-point spell illuminates a circle one kilometer across.
Project Music
1 Point Self, Temporal, Stackable This spell increases the audible distance of the caster’s voice or instrument by +50%. Additional points (up to 4) add the caster’s instrument to their voice or vice versa, and increase the affect by another +50%, so a 3-point spell increases the distance by +150%.
3 Points Touch, Instant, Nonstackable This spell must be cast upon a fertile living thing. On that being’s next successful reproduction, it produces 1D6 times as many offspring as usual. Thus, a pregnant woman would have 1D6 children instead of just one. A dog would have 7D6 puppies instead of 6–8. An apple tree that normally sprouts a few hundred fruit would produce a thousand. This abundance is not without cost. The product of the Proliferate spell is smaller and usually inferior. Thus, a dog’s multiplied puppies would all be runts. A Proliferated apple crop would include many culls and puny apples.
1 Point Self, Temporal, Stackable This user must undergo a Meld Form ritual (page 63) to use the Proteus spell. This spell allows the caster to change their shape into that of another living being that has been established through the Meld Form ritual. The user’s INT, CHA, and POW do not change, but all other characteristics become identical to those of the creature used in the Meld Form ritual. The user can also use any special innate powers of the creature he has become. For the duration of the spell, the user can transform back and forth between his usual shape and the chosen creature’s. Each transformation takes one melee round, during which the caster can do nothing else. If the caster casts more than one point of the spell, he can alternate between a quantity of shapes equal to the number of Rune points used. Example: Loronaga has performed the Meld Form ritual three times and can turn into a cat, a bison, and a sea serpent. If she casts 3 points of Proteus, she can
switch back and forth between her own shape, the cat’s, the pig’s, and the sea serpent’s. Thus, she could become a cat, then a bison, then herself, then a sea serpent, then a cat again, if she wished.
Purification Ritual
1 Point Ritual, Nonstackable This ritual cleanses female trolls who have birthed a litter of trollkin. Normally a female troll who gives birth to trollkin gives birth to trollkin in all future pregnancies. A female who undergoes this ritual and avoids pregnancy for a full year following the ritual is cleansed and can once again give birth to dark troll children (though there is no guarantee that she will do so).
Purify Water
1 Point Ranged, Instant, Stackable This spell causes all particulate matter in a 3×9×9 meter volume of water to settle. It does not work on living tissue nor on material dissolved into the water (such as salt). This spell can also create cult holy water by casting it upon a small volume (one liter or less) of specially prepared sea water.
Rune Spells
1 Point Self, Temporal, Stackable This spell causes rain to fall within a 100-meter radius around the caster. If it is not currently raining, the spell creates rainfall per the Cloud Cover table, as appropriate. If it is currently raining, the spell increases in rainfall as if there were one category more cloud cover on the table. Cloud Cover % Cover 0–10 11–20 21–30 31–40 41–50 51–65 66–80 81–00
Description None Scant clouds Scattered clouds Slightly overcast Moderately overcast Mostly overcast Completely overcast Dense clouds, little light
Rainfall (within duration) 0–10 mm 11–20 mm 21–30 mm 31–40 mm 41–50 mm 51–65 mm 66–80 mm 81–100 mm
This spell requires visible cloud cover to be effective; clouds could be summoned using the Cloud Call Rune spell (page 30). Each Rune point stacked either increases the amount of rain as if the cloud cover were increased by +10% or increases the radius another 100 meters.
1 Point Ranged, Temporal, Nonstackable The target of this spell must resist POW vs. POW or become hypnotised, almost comatose, barely breathing, and enraptured. Touched by the presence of the divine, they experience incoherent, scarcely remembered dreams of visitations by spirits and elementals, seeing angels in the architecture. The effects normally last until the spell expires but are broken instantly if the victim is attacked or endangered, leaving only a lingering feeling of sadness and solitude.
Rebirth of Chaos
3 Points Ranged (special), Permanent, Nonstackable, One-use Cast upon lay members and initiates of Thed, this spell has the same effect as the natural rebirth of Chaos that all Rune Masters undergo, and in addition gives the member a Chaotic feature (page 24). It increases their Chaos Rune to 60% or by 20%, whichever is greater. There is a danger in this. The target has a percentage chance of dying equaling 5%, +5% per Chaotic feature already possessed. A broo with two Chaos features stands a 15% chance of death when this spell is cast upon it. Only Rune Priests of the Thed cult can learn this spell. It has a range of ten meters.
3 Points Ranged, Temporal, Nonstackable This spell causes any time sequence from the past to replay for the caster’s senses, for as long as they are in the immediate area where it occurred. The events play back in real time, up to the spell’s duration. The user is in a trance state and no one else can sense what they sense. The user must specify the time and date for the vision to begin.
Refine Medicine
1 Point Touch, Instant, Nonstackable This spell allows the caster to alter either the potency or usefulness of a plant on the “Other” category of the healing plants list (see page 72). Subsequent castings can further refine the medicine. The caster must also spend magic points to make the change. Each magic point creates either a one-column shift on the Seasonal Potency table, or a one-row shift on the Usefulness list.
1 Point Ranged, Temporal, Stackable This spell reflects spells that fail to overcome the POW of the protected target. The reflected spell(s) attack their caster(s) on the next strike rank. The POW of the reflected attack spell is equal to the caster’s POW when the spell was originally cast.
Healing Plants Plant Lore can be used to find healing plants and how to use them. An adventurer that can find a plant will by definition also know how to use it. The procedures are extensive:
1. Determine terrain type.
The search terrain determines how many searches can be made in each four-hour period. Nothing else, including looking out for ambushes, traps, etc., can be done during this time.
Terrain Type Terrain Woods Riverbank Fields Cultivated land, oasis Marsh, chaparral Tundra, above timber Snow, desert
# of Searches 5 4 3 2 1 1/2 0
2. Roll for adventurer’s ability once per search to see if any plants were found. One successful roll means one plant found.
3. Roll 1D10 to determine usefulness.
This roll tells what problem the plant will heal. A plant useful against Brain Fever will not help wounds at all. See RuneQuest, pages 154–155 and 159, for descriptions of diseases and poisons. Use this chart for the results:
Usefulness D10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8–10
Useful Against… Soul Waste Shakes Brain Fever Wasting Disease Creeping Chills Systemic Poison Blade Venom Wounds
4. Roll 1D6 to find the seasonal potency.
Potency is based on the portion of the plant which is actually useful at the time the plant is found.
Seasonal Potency D6 1 2 3 4 5 6
Part Flower Leaf Stem Root Seed Other
Sea D10 D8 D6 D6 D6 *
Fire D8 D10 D8 — — *
Earth Darkness Storm D6 — D4 — D4 D6 D10 — D4 D4 D12 — D8 D4 D10 * * *
Note: Categories marked with * denote a special type of plant whose healing abilities may be adjusted by a healer who knows the Refine Medicine spell. If the healer does not have such a spell, then the plant is useless. If the healer does have the spell, then they have found one of the more useful plants in Glorantha. First roll again on the seasonal potency table, ignoring a result of 6. Having determined which part of the plant is found, the healer may use Refine Medicine to alter the plant abilities. Each casting allows the healer to change either the potency or the usefulness of the plant. Magic points must be used to make the change, too, cast at the same time as the Rune spell. One point is needed for each column shift on the chart above, and one point is necessary for each place shift on the usefulness chart (in step three of these instructions). After finding the part of the plant with a 1D6 roll, cross-index the plant part against the season. The result indicates the die to roll to find the number of points which may be healed from wounds of either type of poison. Diseases, however, require a D100 roll to see if they will cure the illness. For the disease-cure plants (first column), correlate this: D4=25%, D6=50%, D8=75%, D10=95%. The exact potency cannot be discovered until after the plant has been applied, whereupon the die is rolled. Example: Muricane Ninefinger is a healer with Plant Lore 90%. She has spent four hours searching for plants to heal her friend, the duck adventurer Alexander Yellowbelly, who is ill with the Shakes after having fought broos. She is at an oasis in Prax, which (since it has relatively few types of plants, though many of them) counts as only two searches per four hours. She does find two plants. It is Earth Season. For the first herb, her player rolls 5 on 1D10, a plant useful against the Creeping Chills, but not the Shakes. She lays it aside to Preserve later if she can spare the magic points, then looks closely at the second plant. She rolls a 6, an “other.” Alexander has a chance! The healer rolls 1D6 and 1D10, getting 4 (roots, potency 1D4 in the autumn) and 6 (useful fighting systemic poison). She spends 1 Rune point to cast a Refine Medicine spell. First, she wants to make it useful against the Shakes rather than Systemic Poison. This requires 3 magic points. Then she wants to raise the potency since she feels a 25% chance of cure is not enough. She is lucky, for she knows that a second casting with one more Rune point will make the roots as good as if they were found in Dark Season, potency 1D10. She uses a second Rune point to cast Refine Medicine, then rushes to save Alexander. She does, rolling a lucky 10, and Alexander is up and quacking in no time. Different herbs can be combined only if they are useful against the same type of problem. They may be of different parts and potency. However, they must all be used at once, not applied separately, unless each application is made at least one full day apart. The magical potency of these herbs decreases rapidly. One day after plucking they are good for only one-half their normal potency; seven days after picking they are useless. Thus, without application of a Preserve Herbs spell, no medicines of this type will last more than a week.
Rune Spells It is compared to the POW of the caster (after the spell was cast) in a resistance roll. If the spell overcomes the caster’s POW, the caster suffers the spell’s effects. For each point stacked, this spell reflects 2 points of spirit magic or sorcery, or 1 point of Rune magic. Reflection does not work if the incoming spell is too powerful, but the Reflection spell stays in place.
Regrow Limb
2 Points Touch, Permanent, Nonstackable This spell regrows a severed or mangled limb. Whenever a limb is lost, the gamemaster should determine what percentage of the limb was lost. The gamemaster can roll D100 or simply decide. The result shows how much needs to be regrown. The recovery rate is 10% of the limb per game week if the spell is applied within ten minutes of damage, increasing to 20% per season thereafter.
Release Undead
2 Points Touch, Temporal, Nonstackable This spell can only be cast on a sword. It allows the sword to cut through whatever enchantments created an undead entity, and release its soul, if any, from its unnatural binding.
The soul is released if the undead entity’s total hit points are reduced to 0, or damage to its head, chest, or abdomen equals or exceeds double the hit location’s hit points. In addition, a critical hit releases the undead entity’s soul automatically, and on a special success whatever location is hit is also destroyed (treat as if the location loses triple its hit points). A released undead cannot be reanimated.
Remove (Body Part)
2 Points Self, Temporal, Nonstackable This spell allows the caster to pull off the specified limb or organ without damage or pain. The detached limb can be moved by the caster and they receive all normal sensory input from it as if it were still attached, though with the additional freedom of movement. A caster with Remove Hand can take off their hand and send it crawling away. Even if the caster cannot see their limb, they can still control it and feel what it feels, although they may not be able to tell where or how far away it is. If the separated limb is damaged, all normal rules ensue as if it were not detached—the owner can become incapacitated, take general hit point damage, or even be poisoned! The caster cannot grow a new equivalent part with a Regrow Limb (page 73) or its equivalent until the old part is destroyed.
RuneQuest The caster can reattach the detached part if they bring it back within the spell’s duration. If the spell ends before it is restored, the part remains separated until they cast the spell again. This does not result in the death of the caster, even if the detached part of the body is the head!
2 Points Touch, Instant, Nonstackable Cast upon a single living thing of any sort, this spell permits it to recreate itself through natural processes. The being’s next attempt at procreation succeeds to the greatest degree possible. If a corn shoot were blessed, the full-grown plant would be heavily laden with ears, and all kernels in each ear would be large, fertile, and capable of growing a new plant. A human would give birth to a healthy baby, possibly even twins or triplets (in such case, the gamemaster may want to roll 1D3 to determine how many babies). However, if reproduction is normally impossible, this spell does not render it possible.
Require Truth
1 Point Ranged, Instant, Stackable If the caster overcomes the target’s POW, this spell forces the target to answer the caster’s questions truthfully. Each point in the spell forces them to answer a single question. They must answer aloud, and their answers must be what they believe to be true, but only the letter of the question, not its spirit, need be answered. If the interrogator were to ask, “Do you know where the secret hideout is?”, the target need only answer, “Yes.” The spell user need not ask the questions consecutively. They could even ask only part of the questions and return days or weeks (or years) later for more questions, and the target will still be compelled to answer truthfully, up to the limit of the spell.
Resist Pain
1 Point Ranged, Temporal, Nonstackable This target of this spell becomes immune to pain. Although the target is not healed from any damage as a result of this spell, they do not suffer unconsciousness or shock as
Rune Spells a result of damage. Limbs can still be incapacitated by taking double the location’s hit points, but the target may continue to act, even if the head or chest is reduced below 0 hit points. The target still dies if their total hit points are reduced to 0 or they take triple or more damage in the head, chest, or abdomen. The target also endures hardships and tortures that would normally be unbearable and can unflinchingly accept personal pain and injury.
Restore Magic
1 Point Ritual, Stackable, One-use This spell affects only the caster, or a member of their cult. For each Restore Magic cast, the target replenishes 1D6 Rune points even if they are not at a temple. If more points are regained than the user has used, ignore the excess. As with all one-use spells, only one instance of this spell may be known at any given time.
Restore Vision
1 Point Touch, Instant, Nonstackable This spell restores normal sight to the target, whether it was lost permanently or temporarily through a spell such as Blinding (page 19). If the eyes themselves were damaged or destroyed, a Heal Wound spell (page 56) must be cast on each eye as well.
3 Points Ritual, Nonstackable This ritual restores an adventurer to life. First, the body must be healed to at least 3 hit points. If the body is dead from disease, the disease must be eliminated before casting. This spell summons the deceased spirit to approach its former body. The caster of the spell or their allied spirit must engage in spirit combat with the deceased. If the caster succeeds in causing the deceased to lose magic points, the spirit is forced back into the body and returns to full life. If the caster fails by ending the spirit combat early or being defeated, the soul returns to the Courts of Silence. Each day after the first that the dead adventurer remains dead permanently reduces their STR, CON and DEX characteristics by 1D3 points each. When any characteristic
is reduced to 0 or less, that adventurer is irrevocably lost. Thus, death from characteristic loss means that the adventurer is not resurrectable unless the characteristic is first restored (see Restore Health, below). Finally, anyone dead longer than seven days cannot be resurrected with this spell. They can only be brought back through successful heroquesting.
Restore Health
1 Point Touch, Instant, Stackable This spell restores characteristic points that have been lost to disease, sorcery, Tapping spells, or other causes. This spell does not cure any disease that may be present. It does not restore characteristics lost due to death or resurrection. Each Rune point of Restore Health restores 1 point of a specified characteristic. Use of this spell can restore characteristic points only up to their prior value.
Restore Mind
1 Point Touch, Instant This spell calms and restores a target’s sanity. It alleviates the effects of being despondent or despairing, whatever the source of those conditions. It cancels the effects of such spells as Befuddle (page 110), Madness (page 63), and Mindblast (page 63), of Fearshock (Glorantha Bestiary, page 179), and other madness-inducing magic. It has no effect on Illumination.
Ride River Horse
2 Points Self, Temporal, Nonstackable, One-use This spell, which can only be only cast at a headwater, summons a river horse, a spirit with a horse’s forebody and the hindquarters of a fish. It can be mounted and ridden on its trip from one headwater to another. The River Priest must have a clear idea which headwater to travel to; if not, the river horse takes its rider to a random headwater, possibly in another land. The entire trip never takes more than a few minutes. Anyone can ride the river horse, but there is a limit of ten passengers per spell point. This is a one-way trip; a return requires another spell.
2 Points Touch, Duration (special), Nonstackable This spell is cast upon a container or opening to bar unwanted passage. The caster must boost the spell with one or more magic points (typically the caster uses as many as possible). For the next eight weeks, when anyone other than the caster tries to open a container or cross an opening secured with this spell, roll the spell’s magic points against the tresspasser’s POW. If the spell succeeds, the trespasser takes 1D6 points of general hit point damage and is forced back. If the trespasser’s POW is not overcome, the spell is broken and ends. An intruder can try to force their way past the spell again and again until they succeed, give up, or die.
1 Point Ritual, Duration (special) Stackable This blesses the volume of a ten-meter-radius area, usually a sphere (though Earth-cult holy ground always takes on a cubic shape). Cast on level ground, one hemisphere is roughly in the air, and the other within the earth. While the Sanctified area is not detectable by touch or trolls’ Darksense, the boundaries shimmer slightly in full daylight. Cult members can perform ceremonies within a Sanctified area as if it were a temple, such as replenishing Rune points. When the ceremonies cease, the spell effects expire. Anyone within any portion of the sanctified area is considered completely within it. If non-initiates, spells, or spirits cross the boundary, the caster is immediately alerted to their presence. Additional Rune points of Sanctify increase the area of protection by half again. Thus, 2 points of Sanctify protects a 15-meter radius, 3 points protects a 22.5-meter radius, and so on.
1 Point Self, Temporal, Stackable This spell increases the target’s MOV. The target’s enhanced MOV is their regular MOV multipled by number of points
in the spell +1. Thus, for humans, a 1-point spell increases MOV to 16 (10+5+1), a 2-point spell increases it to 24, and a 3-point spell increases it to 32, etc. This increased speed reduces the target’s ability to react. For each point in the spell, reduce the target’s Agility and Manipulation skills by –20%.
1 Point Ranged, Duration (special), Stackable This spell can only be cast on a still body of water that contains living plants. It causes a three-meter square area of the water surface to be completely covered with algal growth. The algae grows to completely cover the chosen area in 15 minutes. Additional points of the spell multiply the area affected by three meters per point.
2 Points Touch, Temporal, Nonstackable This spell doubles the target’s base STR, with no restrictions on maximum. The target must be in contact with sea water when the spell is cast.
Seal Soul
3 Points Ritual, Nonstackable, One-use This is a limited resurrection spell, which is typically used only on cult members, though occasionally sold to outsiders for outrageous prices. The body must have been slain, not dead from disease or old age. The body must be fully healed, or it dies again when its soul returns. After casting the spell, the caster engages in spirit combat with the spirit of the deceased. If the caster is successful in overcoming the spirit during the first round of combat, then the body and spirit are rejoined, thereby bringing the target to life. After casting the spell and engaging the spirit, the caster loses 1D3 of CON from such strenuous activity. Each day that the person has been dead permanently reduces their STR, CON, and DEX characteristics by 1D3 points each. When any characteristic is reduced to 0 or less, then that adventurer is irrevocably lost. Finally, anyone dead longer than seven days cannot have their body and soul reunited with this spell. They can only be brought back through successful heroquesting.
Rune Spells
Seal Tongue
4 Points Ritual, Enchantment, Nonstackable This four-hour long ritual must be performed over a willing target, who must sacrifice 2 points of POW in the process. Magic points must be stacked with the spell. The target adds the magic points stacked with the ritual to his own POW to resist anyone attempting to interrogate them with a truth-detecting or truth-enforcing spell of any nature. If the target successfully resists, the spell has no effect on them; if they fail to resist, they die.
Seal Wound
2 Points Ranged, Temporal, Nonstackable This spell causes a weapon to deal damage that cannot regenerate or heal magically but must be healed normally over time. Heal 2 (page 115) stops the bleeding from such a wound, but not heal hit points. Likewise, Heal 6 reattaches a severed limb but does not mend it.
Second Mouth
1 Point Self, Temporal, Nonstackable This spell can only be cast by a woman. It enables her to take immediate vengeance upon any unwelcome sexual contact and renders her immune to progenitive powers for the duration of the spell. The details of this spell are best left to the gamemaster to define, if desired and appropriate.
Seek Omen
2 Points Ritual, Nonstackable This ritual must be performed over a single chosen individual and cannot be cast more than once on any person per week. When it is performed, roll 2D6, labeling one of the dice as the “good” die, and the other as the “bad” die. Subtract the smaller die’s score from the larger. If the two dice roll the same number, then Seek Omen has no result. For every point the “good” die exceeds the “bad,” the target has one significant skill roll (chosen by the gamemaster) changed into a critical success at some
time in the upcoming week. For every point the “bad” die exceeds the “good” die, the target has one significant skill roll (chosen by the gamemaster) changed into a fumble at some time in the upcoming week. The caster knows whether the chosen target is going to be subject to good or bad luck and has some idea how much. Whether the caster passes that information on to the target is another matter.
Sever Spirit
3 Points Ranged, Instant, Nonstackable This spirit acts as a sword to cut the bond between the body and spirit of the target. If the caster overcomes the target’s POW, the target dies. If unsuccessful, the target takes 1D6 damage to their general hit points.
Shadows Dance
4 Points Ritual, Duration (special), Nonstackable When cast upon a group of dancing trolls, all trolls in the dance receive a special benefit: for the duration of the spell, whenever the troll overcomes an enemy in spirit combat, it does 1 point of additional damage. The spell’s duration is nominally 15 minutes. If the target troll succeeded in a Dance roll when the spell was cast, it lasts for one hour. If the troll received a special success in Dance, the spell lasts six hours; for a critical success, the spell lasts a week.
Shake Earth
1 Point Ranged, Temporal, Stackable The caster must expend magic points when casting this spell. The magic points determine the size of the area affected, and the stacked Rune points determine the severity of the result. The spell affects an area geometrically proportionate to the number of magic points expended. One magic point covers one square meter, 2 magic points covers four square meters, and so on. Everyone within the affected area modifies all Agility and Manipulation skills and DEX rolls by –5% for each Rune point stacked. Each round, anyone standing up must roll DEX×5 or fall prone (this roll is modified by the above penalty).
RuneQuest Other results of the quake, such as toppling trees, avalanches, etc., are left to the gamemaster to determine. An earthquake can range from a light tremor that causes little damage to a catastrophic, city-killing event, at the gamemaster’s discretion.
Shape Metal
1 Point Self, Temporal, Nonstackable This spell allows the caster to use their hands like hammers, tongs, forms, and drills to shape metal into needed forms. It is equally usable with any metal, including Rune metals and iron. Even if the metal is at its melting point, the user takes no damage.
l Point Ranged, Instant, Nonstackable If the caster overcomes the targt’s POW, the target takes 4D3 damage to one hit location.
Shield Rune varies depending on cult 1 Point Ranged, Temporal, Stackable This spell protects the target from damage. Each point of Shield gives the wearer 2 points of magical armor and 2 points of Countermagic (page 111). The effects of this spell are cumulative with both Protection (page 118) or Countermagic. To get past a Shield spell, a spell must be at least 1 point stronger than the defense of the shield. This spell does not dissipate when breached. It remains in effect for the full duration, or until it is destroyed with Dispel Magic (page 112), Dismiss Magic (page 44), or Neutralize Magic or Neutralize (Rune) (both in RuneQuest, page 397). If such a spell is cast on a person protected by both Countermagic and Shield, the Countermagic spell gets destroyed before the Shield spell, if possible.
Shield of Darkness
1 Point Ranged, Temporal, Stackable (up to 4 pts.) Each point of this spell (up to 4) gives the target 2 points of armor all over and modifies the weapon skill of anyone attacking the target by –10% per point. It also creates a Darkwall (page 111). It is stackable with any spirit magic spell, but not with Absorption (page 10), Reflection (page 71), Shield (page 78), or Spirit Block (page 83).
Shooting Star
1 Point Touch, Instant, Stackable When an arrow enhanced by this spell is fired, the arrow splits into two fiery missiles that leave glowing trails behind them. Each of the fiery arrows does 3D6 damage and can ignite flammable materials. Since this is real fire, armor protects against this damage but magical resistance does not apply. These missiles cannot impale, but they can critically hit. Each additional point stacked onto the first adds two more missiles. All missiles must target the same opponent.
Rune Spells
Silence Sphere
1 Point Ranged, Temporal, Nonstackable This creates a barrier to sound three meters in radius and centered on the target. No sound can pass through this barrier. Characters inside the barrier can hear each other but can hear nothing from outside, and vice versa. It is normally used to allow the target to slip silently through the woods and elude the detection of enemy guards. If the spell is cast at an unwilling or unknowing enemy, the caster must overcome the target’s POW.
Silver Track
1 Point Self, Duration (special), Nonstackable This gives the ability to track magically for the next eight hours. The tracker’s MOV while tracking is 12 on clear nights, 8 if at least one star is visible, and 0 if no stars are visible. The tracker sees the trail glowing with a silvery glitter; this doubles their Track skill. It must be cast upon a specific trail, and only that trail shines.
Sky Sight
2 Points Ranged, Temporal, Stackable (up to 4 pts.) This spell gives the target a remote viewpoint in the sky. This viewpoint can be up to 250 meters away from the target, and hovers 50 meters above the place the target wishes to view. The sky must be clear of clouds and other obstructions. The spell can be combined with other sightenhancing spells such as Farsee or Star Sight. While using Sky Sight, the character cannot use their own eyes, however they can switch back and forth between the spell’s viewpoint and their own from one melee round to the next. Each point stacked (up to 4) increases the distance or elevation of the viewpoint: 1 Point: Range is 500 meters, or the height is 100 . meters above the target. 2 . Points: Range is one kilometer, or the height is 250 meters above the target. 3 Points: Range is two kilometers, or the height is . 500 meters above the target. 4 . Points: Range is five kilometers, or the height is one
1 Point Touch, Temporal, Stackable This spell must be cast upon a one- or two-handed axe. Each point of Slash increases the damage done by +1D6. It cannot be combined with True (weapon) (page 100).
Smoldering Rebellion
1 Point Ritual, Summon, Nonstackable, One-use This is a secret, long-term spell that has a life of its own. When a priest has been offended by his land’s ruler beyond recourse, they can perform this ritual. Once POW has been put into the spell, and the miscreant ruler named, the spell dwells on the spirit plane. If the ruler continues in his wicked ways, other priests and acolytes are inspired to sacrifice to this spell, which thus feeds and grows. Naturally, with every crime the ruler commits, more priests are inspired to put POW into this spell. As the spell gets stronger and stronger, each point adds to the final effect, which requires hundreds of POW points to have any chance of acting at all. No one knows just how many points of POW are needed, and different rulers may require different sizes of spell. However, once initiated, it cannot be dispelled. It waits and grows until the ruler permanently retires or dies, or the spell activates. No one knows exactly what sets off the spell’s effects, but “when the grey dog rises, the black cock crows thrice at midnight, and the invisible bell tolls, all men march off to revenge.” When the spell takes effect, the whole land’s peasant population rises in revolt. The spell was last cast in 1460 (Lunar time 4/51) when Darjiin and the Lunar Heartlands rose against Sheng Seleris. Since then the Red Emperor has always been careful to respect the rights and privileges of the common people.
Smoke Cloud
1 Point Ranged, Temporal, Stackable This spell creates a thick cloud of smoke two meters in diameter for every Rune point expended with the spell. Visibility within or through the mist is limited to one meter. The cloud can be formed to encircle and thus blind an opponent.
kilometer above the target.
Soul Sight
1 Point Self, Temporal, Stackable This spell causes snow to fall within a 100-meter radius of the caster for the spell’s duration. If it is not currently raining or snowing, the spell creates snow as shown in the Cloud Cover table, for the duration of the spell. If it is currently raining or snowing, the spell increases the snowfall by one category downward. Cloud Cover % Cover 0–10 11–20 21–30 31–40 41–50 51–65 66–80 81–00
Description None Scant clouds Scattered clouds Slightly overcast Moderately overcast Mostly overcast Completely overcast Dense clouds, little light
Snowfall 0–10 cm 11–20 cm 21–30 cm 31–40 cm 41–50 cm 51–65 cm 66–80 cm 81–100 cm
Each additional point increases the radius of effect by 100 meters.
1 Point Ranged, Temporal, Nonstackable This allows the target both to see the POW aura of the living and to magically know the current magic points of other things and creatures, including the amount devoted to currently in-effect spells (such as defensive spells). The target can also tell if a person is an initiate or better; and if so, whether the initiate is in good standing or not. This spell does not differentiate between an initiate and a Rune Master, merely noting that they have been initiated into a cult.
2 Points Ranged, Temporal, Nonstackable This spell must be cast upon a spear. The spear’s head burns with a weird translucent black flame. When the spear strikes an opponent and does at least one point of damage, that opponent also loses 1D6 magic points.
Rune Spells
Spawn Crawling Hand
1 Point Ritual, Nonstackable This ritual must be performed on a corpse. It detaches and animates one of the victim’s hands. The crawling hand is unintelligent, with a fanged mouth at the wrist. It can survive indefinitely if provided with food, usually gorp and other Spawn. Once it dies, the hand withers and decays rapidly. While animate, the hand serves its creator. It responds to spoken commands from its creator, but with its small size and lack of leverage, it rarely has a STR of more than 3. It has the SIZ and hit points it possessed in life, rarely more than 2 each. It has a MOV of 2 and can leap up to its STR in meters.
chosen hit location) into a budmass that matures into a tiny Chaotic humanoid creature called a manling. In seven days the budmass matures and separates from the caster’s body as an independent manling.
Speak with Birds
1 Point Ranged (voice), Temporal, Nonstackable The target can talk with any type of bird. The spell cannot be used to speak with familiars or birds inhabited by non-avian souls. If the person desires to convince the bird, they must use a Communication skill such as Fast Talk, Intimidate, or Orate.
Speak with Herd Beasts
Spawn Gorp
1 Point Touch, Instant, Stackable This spell takes 1D6 minutes to cast. It transforms a portion of the ground into a living gorp with a SIZ equal to the number of Rune points in the spell. Other characteristics are determined randomly.
l Point Ranged (voice), Temporal, Nonstackable The target can talk with any type of herd beast. If the person desires to convince the beast, they must use a Communication skill such as Fast Talk, Intimidate, or Orate. The spell does not instill any intelligence into the creature, so it can only speak from its natural awareness.
Spawn Manling
Speak with Horse
1 Point Ritual, Nonstackable This ritual is performed upon the body of the caster itself. It transforms a portion of the caster’s flesh (a randomly
M anling STR 3
Attacks Weapon Bite
% 50
Hit Locations Location Right Leg Left Leg Abdomen Chest Right Arm Left Arm Head
D20 01–04 05–08 09–11 12 13–15 16–18 19–20
Damage 2 points acid
SR 12
Attributes AP/HP 0/2 0/2 0/2 0/2 0/2 0/2 0/2
Quality Hit Points Move
Value 3 1
l Point Ranged (voice), Temporal, Nonstackable This spell allows the person on whom it is cast to talk a horse for the length of the spell. Orate and Fast Talk can be used if the creature needs convincing. The spell does not instill any intelligence into the creature, so it can only speak from its natural awareness.
Speak with Insects
1 Point Ranged (voice), Temporal, Nonstackable The target can converse with any type of insect. If the person desires to convince the insect, skill rolls apply. This spell can be used to speak to very small insects, but their INT is negligible and they might not be able to provide very coherent ideas.
Speak with Scorpion
1 Point Ranged (voice), Temporal, Nonstackable The target can converse with any type of scorpions. If the person desires to convince the scorpion, they must use a Communication skill such as Fast Talk, Intimidate, or Orate. Scorpions are very tiny, and they might not be able to present very coherent ideas.
Speak with Small Animals
1 Point Ranged (voice), Temporal, Nonstackable The target can talk to any small harmless animal. The creature cannot answer but understands what is being said. This spell does not instill any intelligence to the creature, so it can comprehend only with its natural awareness.
Spell Trading
2 Points Touch, Instant, Nonstackable This spell allows the caster to trade one use of any Rune spell (except this one) in exchange for one use of any Rune spell known by another Rune master of any cult. The trade must be voluntary. Each participant must spend Rune points equal to the cost of the traded spell. The spell only works if the caster follows this special procedure: The trade must be done in an Issaries Market. This .
protects the caster from persons with ill intent, so that a thief who intends to “accidentally” cast a Mindblast at the Issaries cultist is detected by the market spell. Traded items must be stated. Exact prices are negotiable, but Issaries insists on a negotiated clear profit for his priest in one form or another. Both parties must exchange a token that represents the spell being traded. Thus, a Shield spell could use a shield, a Humakti spell a knife, or a Summon Air Elemental (small) a bag of air. This is in addition to any traded items. Roll a D100 for each party. If 1–95 is rolled by both, the spell is traded successfully, but a 96–00 result by either means that the spell is activated against the other party, and immediately takes effect! For example, if a Sunspear is being traded, the intended target is
. . .
struck by the blast. Even if one party fails to trade the spell properly, they still receive the spell from the other party. The Rune points used to trade a Rune spell can be replenished in the regular fashion. To cast the received spell, no Rune points need to be used and the caster uses the relevant Rune rating of the person who provided the spell, even if it is lower than their own. The Rune points used to trade a one-use Rune spell are lost by the spell’s owner, as if the spell were cast with a normal success. The original “owners” of the spells can still cast them after trading them, provided that the spell was not a one-use spell and that all other requirements for the spell (Rune points, cult status, etc.) are still met.
. . .
No cult trades special cult magic lightly; other cults treat these transactions in various ways. All Lightbringers, for example, deal with their associate god of Issaries, but the Earth goddesses allow spell trades only if the High Priestess of the temple approves. The nomad gods (Storm Bull and Waha) require the High Priest to be present to negotiate. The nonhuman deities are even more reluctant. A spell acquired through trade can be traded again to another by use of this spell. Example: The Issaries priest Biturian Varosh has let it be known at Pimper’s Block that he is willing to trade Rune magic. He offers any Issaries Rune spell in trade, and a Lhankor Mhy priestess named Jorgera tells him she would like to trade a Truespeak for a Path Watch. Biturian agrees and they negotiate terms. They are in a Market. Biturian announces he is trading a Path Watch spell, Jorjera announces she is trading a Truespeak and one-half of a bison. Biturian then casts his Spell Trading spell (and spends 2 Rune points). He hands her a polished stone, painted like an eye. She gives him a clay disk with a mouth in the center and painted with Truth Runes. Both cast their spells and spend the Rune points for them (2 Rune points in each case). Biturian rolls a 55, well under his Movement Rune of 92%, but Jorjera rolls a 97! Suddenly Biturian finds himself glowing dimly from the spell but realizes he does not know how to cast Truespeak. Jorjera, on the other hand, now has one use of Path Watch at 92% (the same as Biturian’s Movement Rune). Biturian does not know the spell, but at least he made some food from the trade in the form of half a bison, profit enough for a hungry man!
Rune Spells
Spider’s Head
Spirit Block
1 Point Touch, Temporal, Nonstackable This spell gives a spider’s bite attack the ability to impale (but the jaws never stick in the wound) and doubles the spider’s venom POT. When cast on non-spiders, this spell turns the target’s head into that of a giant spider. The target gains 2 points of head armor, and a Bite attack of 50% plus their Weapons skill category modifier. It does 1D6 damage plus any damage bonus, and injects spider venom (RuneQuest, page 159) with a POT equal to the caster’s CON. The Bite attack can be raised by experience.
1 Point Ranged, Temporal, Stackable This common Rune spell helps protect the target from attack by spirits. Each point of this spell acts as spiritual armor that absorbs 2 points of magic point damage in spirit combat.
If the current magic points of the attacking spirit fall below the value of the Spirit Block, it is unable to continue spirit combat with the protected target, and the spirit combat ends.
3 Points Touch, Temporal, Nonstackable When cast on a spider, its MOV doubles, its Climb skill triples, and it becomes immune to webbing, glue, grappling, and entangling attacks. When cast on a non-spider, the target sprouts four extra limbs from their sides. Two legs double the user’s MOV and Climb skill, plus render the target immune to natural and magical webbing. The other two arms can hold additional weapons. While in effect, the user receives one free attack and parry per round, in addition to all other combat actions. The free attack occurs at the same strike rank as their primary attack, and the free parry is not subject to the penalty for multiple parries in a round and does not count towards that modifier for subsequent parries.
Spirit Armor Enchantment
1 Point Ritual, Enchantment, Stackable This enchantment creates spiritual armor that absorbs magic point damage in spirit combat. It requires an hour-long ritual, after which the caster sacrifices 1 or more points of POW. Each point of POW sacrificed to the enchantment imbues the object with the equivalent of 1D3 points of spiritual armor.
Example: Sorala, protected by Spirit Block 2, has 8 current magic points and is engaged in spirit combat. She loses this round against the spirit, which does 5 points of spirit combat damage to Sorala. Her Spirit Block protects her for 4 points, so only 1 point of damage gets through. She now has 7 current magic points.
Spirit Guardian
1 Point Ranged, Duration (special), Stackable This spell must be cast upon a friendly ancestral spirit. It sets up a mental connection, identical to that with an allied spirit (RuneQuest, page 277), between the spirit and the target. Each point stacked with this spell adds a day’s duration. The target can only have one Spirit Guardian at a time.
Spirit Melding
2 Points Touch, Temporal, Nonstackable This spell must be cast upon a friendly ancestral spirit enveloping the caster. For the spell’s duration, add the spirit’s POW to the caster’s when the caster is resisting spirit combat and spells. If the spirit leaves the caster, the spell ends.
2 Points Ritual, Nonstackable This spell causes a seed to immediately quicken and send forth roots. Over the course of 15 minutes, the infant plant grows and expands until its tiny shoot unfurls true leaves. This spell affects any whole seed, even if cooked, cracked,
Sprout Legs
1 Point Touch, Temporal, Stackable (up to 4 pts.) This spell causes one or more additional legs to sprout from the thorax of the scorpion man. This leg is a normal appendage and has the same hit points as the other legs. One leg is created for each stacked point, up to a maximum of four.
Sprout Wings
3 Points Touch, Temporal, Nonstackable Membranous wings grow from the caster’s back, granting flight at MOV 12 and enabling them to carry their full normal ENC. Each 3 points of ENC past their maximum ENC subtracts 1 from their MOV.
or diseased, actually bringing the seed back to life. If more than half the seed is missing, whether eaten by insects or riddled with fungus, the spell has no effect.
Sprout Arms
3 Points Touch, Temporal, Nonstackable This spell causes two additional arms to sprout from the user’s sides. These auxiliary arms have the same skill percentages as attacks made with the user’s real arms. A character using this spell could carry a weapon in each right arm and a shield in each left arm, attacking twice per round, and parrying two different opponents. Someone using a weapon in each hand normally could potentially attack with all four arms each round. While in effect, the user receives one free attack and parry per round, in addition to all other combat actions. The free attack occurs at the same strike rank as their primary attack, and the free parry is not subject to the penalty for multiple parries in a round and does not count towards that modifier for subsequent parries.
4 Points Ranged, Temporal, Nonstackable This spell gives the target 24 strike ranks per round, numbered 1, 1a, 2, 2a, and so forth. If another being has this spell cast upon them in a combat, use 1b, 2b, etc. Each strike rank is treated normally for the user, who can use the extra strike ranks to move or take additional actions as permitted by the rules. For example, a user that normally acts at strike rank 7 instead acts at strike rank 3a. The target’s MOV is also doubled for the duration of the spell. The target is still limited to two times its normal melee actions per round, though they obviously take place much earlier in the round, giving the spell’s target a chance to run away in the latter part of the round, perhaps before their foe can strike.
2 Points Ranged, Temporal, Nonstackable This spell puts a circle of soft, silvery light with a 30-meter radius around the target of the spell. If a living target is unwilling, the caster must overcome its POW. This light is as strong as the brightest starlit night. Anyone attacking a Light Rune cult initiate even partially within its radius suffers a –10% to their attack skill. It also
Rune Spells Demoralizes trollkin and cave trolls within the area per the spell (page 112). A Darkness elemental within the Starbright area takes 1D3 damage per round. If successfully cast directly on a Darkness elemental, and a successful POW vs. POW roll is made, the spell dissolves the elemental, although the spell ends as well.
Star Sight
1 Point Touch, Duration (special), Stackable This permits the user to see in starlight (only) as if it were full daylight for 30 minutes. This spell can be stacked with Farsee, which then has a duration equal to the Star Sight spell (page 85).
Star Walk
3 Points Ranged, Duration (special), Nonstackable This is a very specialized variation of Extension (page 49). It only works on military units that are part of a Polaris temple, and only if cast after sunset. Each member of the unit (up to 12, including the caster of Star Walk) must first cast Mobility (page 117) on themselves or their horse; the caster then casts Star Walk, affecting the entire squad. The Star Walk spell gives the unit the equivalent of Mobility and Star Sight (above) until the next dawn.
Star Wards
1 Point Ritual, Special, Stackable This ritual creates an area of safety for those inside. Six smooth discs of silver arranged in a rough circle define the area’s boundary. These must be placed to enclose a maximum area of up to 100 square meters. The spell extends into the air for three meters above the discs, and underground to the depth of the discs. The discs need not be visible to work; some casters bury them completely. The spell connects these discs invisibly to form a barrier detectable only by magical means. The protection effects activate when physical or spirit enemies of the caster cross the barrier, or when a spell is cast across the barrier from the outside. When this happens, a loud noise (a keening, whistling, booming, etc.) begins, which can be suppressed by the casting priest.
Each point of Star Wards (up to 4) counts as 1 point of Countermagic (page 111) against spells cast across the barrier, 2 points of Spirit Screen (page 121) against outside spirits, gives anyone using missile fire across the boundary –5% to their attack skill, and upon a successful resistance roll of the caster’s POW, does 1D3 damage (ignoring armor) to one hit location of any corporeal enemy unwise enough to cross the boundary. Each stacked point of Star Wards increases the area protected by another 100 square meters, increases the penalty for firing missiles across the boundary by another –5%, and adds 1D3 to the damage done to the same location when crossing. The Star Wards spell remains in effect until one of the discs is removed. Anyone but the caster that attempts to touch the discs is affected by the Star Wards, but after suffering the effect, the person can then remove the discs.
2 Points Touch, Temporal, Nonstackable This spell transforms the lower half of the user’s body into that of a giant bee, complete with stinger. The target can attack with the stinger with a skill equal to their DEX×5 (which can improve with experience), doing 1D10 damage plus bonus, and injecting poison with POT equal to the caster’s POW. The target’s abdomen and legs also gain 3 points of armor.
1 Point Touch, Temporal, Stackable This spell is used only by troll initiates against dwarfs. Each point (up to 4) increases the target’s Bite skill by +10% and adds 1D6 damage.
Stones to Kill Chaos
1 Point Ritual, Nonstackable, One-use This enchants a rock with a single magical ability, which can be used once. The stone is thrown at its target and takes effect if it hits. The stones need not penetrate armor, and the target cannot resist the effect. Each stone’s effect and color depends on how it was made. Kyger Litor forbids killing trolls for making any of these these stones but does
RuneQuest not forbid making them from trolls who died from other causes or were killed for other reasons. Black stones negate a Chaos feature of the target .
for 1D6 hours. If the target has more than one Chaos feature, it chooses which one is negated. The enchanter must eat the heart of a dead troll who, in life, had a POW of 10 or more. Blue stones drain magic points from the target. The enchanter must eat a dead being who had an INT of 12 or more in life. Beings that had 12–14 INT produce stones that drain 1D10 magic points. If the being had 15–17 INT, the stone produced drains 2D10 magic points. If the being had an INT of 18 or more, the stone drains 3D10 magic points. Green stones, uniquely, are thrown at friends and heal damage caused by any Chaos attack. Hit point damage per location is healed first (target’s choice), then general hit point damage, then damage to characteristics such as STR or CON (again, target’s choice). The enchanter must eat an Earth cultist, preferably a priestess or god-talker. For every 3 Rune points the Earth cultist had in life, the stone heals 1D6 damage when used.
Yellow stones do 1D10 hit point damage, bypassing .
any armor. Yellow stones are ineffective if thrown by a troll or any other darkness creature, and usually trolls blackmail or otherwise force humans to use them on the trolls’ behalf. To enchant the stone, the caster must eat an entire Fire elemental with a POW 6+. This means that he must destroy the elemental using only their Bite attack (no other weapons or magic attacks are permitted, but magical enhancements are allowed). The Fire elemental fights back vigorously as it is being destroyed, so the caster is likely to take quite a bit of damage. If the Fire elemental had a POW of 12 or more, the stone does 2D10 damage. If the salamander’s POW was 18 or more, it does 3D10 damage, and so forth, increasing the damage done by 1D10 for every full 6 points of POW the Fire elemental possessed. Brown stones are the most powerful and spectacular. They break any Chaos monster struck into 1D4 pieces. This kills the monster unless the attack roll was a 1, or the target is a gorp. To enchant the stone, the caster must eat a being of any sort that has been killed by lightning.
Rune Spells
Stop Resurrection
2 Points Ranged, Instant, Nonstackable, One-use This spell must be cast by a Sword of Humakt on a corpse. It prevents any resurrection ritual from affecting the corpse, including those that form vampires or zombies. Divine intervention is not stopped by this spell.
Strength of Basmol
2 Points Touch, Temporal, Nonstackable This spell swells the target’s sinews and muscles, giving them great strength and fury to smite their foes. Double the target’s current STR and increase their chance of hitting with any weapon by +50%. For example, if the target normally has a 60% chance to hit with a spear, it increases to 90%. The target cannot dodge while this spell is in effect, and their chance to parry is halved.
1 Point Touch, Temporal (special), Nonstackable This spell is cast upon a weapon. The next blow by that weapon ignores all armor. It may be parried or dodged as usual. When the weapon has successfully struck a target, the spell’s duration ends.
1 Point Ranged, Temporal, Nonstackable This spell makes a sword or dagger unbreakable. No matter how much damage the weapon parries, its hit points do not decrease.
2 Points Ranged, Temporal, Nonstackable This spell makes a net unbreakable by any means, including fire and divine intervention. A trapped victim can only escape by unwrapping itself, tearing the net from the grip of its captor, or squeezing between the weave.
Styx’s Shore
1 Point Ritual, Nonstackable This ritual must be performed on the shore of the River Styx in the Underworld. It summons Jeset the Ferryman and his boat to the shore to deliver the summoner and their companions to the far side. For this, Jeset charges a small fee of one copper clack, or else a small magic item of varying worth to the living who wish to use his services.
1 Point Ranged, Temporal, Stackable Each point of this spell cancels out the buoyancy of one cubic meter of any floating object, causing it to sink. Large objects require more points of Submerge to pull down. Objects already sinking sink more swiftly. One point of Submerge is enough to sink a human swimmer beneath the surface. Each point of Submerge cancels 2 points of the Float spell (page 53).
Summon Ancestor
1 Point Ritual, Summon, Nonstackable This summons a random spirit from among the caster’s ancestors in the Land of the Dead. The same spirit is rarely summoned twice. The spirit’s characteristics are as indicated on the Ancestral Summons table (page 88), and it appears within the spell’s range. If the spirit is friendly, the summoner can give it commands. The spirit can engage in spirit combat (RuneQuest, page 366) against a foe. The spirit can also cast any spells it knows, but this depletes their magic points as normal. In either case, if the spirit’s magic points are reduced to 11 or fewer, the spirit disappears immediately (even if engaged in spirit combat) and returns to the Land of the Dead. If the summoned spirit has fewer than 11 magic points to start with, it disappears once it loses any magic points. After giving commands to the spirit (providing it is friendly) the summoner must roll a D100. On a fumble the spirit misunderstands the command and turns on the summoner. The spirit cannot be used to memorize spells, supply magic points, or to teach the summoner. The spirit can speak Spiritspeech and its native language from its former life.
Ancestral Spirits Ancestral spirits usually behave like ghosts. They cannot normally provide their CHA or magic points for another’s use but can cast spells and engage in spirit combat. Only malign ancestral spirits ever retain permanent possession of a mortal after spirit combat ends. All ancestors roll INT and CHA based on their original species. In any case, a spirit cannot have more spirit spells than allowed by its CHA—if a spirit’s rolled CHA is 10, but the roll on the Ancestral Summons table indicates that it knows 12 points of spirit magic, decrease the spells known to 10.
Ancestral Summons D100 1 2–4 5–9 10–16 17–25 26–28 29–34 35–43 44–55 56–70 71–80 81–88 89–94 95–98 99–00
Type Friendly Friendly Friendly Friendly Friendly Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Malign Malign Malign Malign Malign
POW 5D6+6 4D6+6 3D6+6 2D6+6 1D6+6 5D6+6 4D6+6 3D6+6 2D6+6 1D6+6 1D6+6 2D6+6 3D6+6 4D6+6 5D6+6
Spirit Spells 4D3 3D3 2D3 1D3 1 3D3 2D3 1D3 1 0 0 0 1D3 2D3 3D3
Rune Points 3D6 2D6 1D6 0 0 2D6 1D6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1D6
Friendly: Spirit does as the summoner desires. . Neutral: Spirit does as the summoner desires, but only . if the summoner gives it 1 magic point for every point
of POW the spirit possesses. This payment must be expended immediately, and the summoned spirit cannot use those points. Malign: These spirits always try to attack and possess the summoner. Spirit Spells: To determine the precise spells known by the spirit, roll on the Ancestor Random Spirit Spell table. Spirits know 2D6–5 points of a variable spell (minimum of 1 point). Rune Points: This indicates the number of Rune points the spirit has.
. .
Ancestor Random Spirit Spell D100 1–3 4–6 7–8 9 10–15 16 17–20 21 22–24 25 26 27–29 30–35 36–37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46–47 48 49 50 51 52–54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63–65 66–75 76–77 78–83 84 85–90 91–00
Spell Befuddle Binding Enchantment Bladesharp Bludgeon Control (Spirit Type) Coordination Countermagic Darkwall Demoralize Detect Enemies Detect Magic Detect (Substance) Dispel Magic Disruption Dullblade Extinguish Fanaticism Farsee Firearrow Fireblade Glamour Glue Heal Ignite Ironhand Light Lightwall Magic Point Enchantment Mobility Multimissile Protection Repair Second Sight Shimmer Slow Speedart Spell Matrix Enchantment Spirit Screen Strength Summon (Entity) Vigor Visibility Other (gamemaster’s choice, or roll again)
Rune Spells
Summon (cult spirit)
targeted being presently resides within Ty Kora Tek’s vast Caverns of the Dead, their ghost rises from the earth at the end of the summoning.
Rune varies depending on cult spirit 1–3 Points (depending on cult spirit) Summon, Ranged, Temporal, Stackable This spell lets the caster ask their deity to send a cult spirit to their aid. The size of the spirit depends on the number of Rune points stacked for the spell. As a rule, greater deities have more sizes and types of cult spirits. The summoned entity arrives at the end of the round, on strike rank 12. This spell may be cast simultaneously with Command (cult spirit) (page 30). Summon Elemental is a specific example of this spell, but many other variants exist. Chalana Arroy cultists use this spell to summon a healing spirit, and Engizi cultists use this spell to summon a naiad of the Creekstream River. See the Glorantha Bestiary, pages 169–182, for examples of cult spirits.
1–3 Points (depending on size) Summon, Ranged, Temporal, Stackable With this spell, the caster asks Shargash to send a demon from the Underworld. The size of the demon depends on the number of Rune points stacked with the spell. Once summoned, the demon seeks destruction and mayhem, and immediately attacks the nearest target unless the summoner also succeeds with a Command (cult spirit) spell (page 30). If successful, the demon serves the summoner until the spell expires or it is physically destroyed.
Summon Dead
Summon Dolphin
2 Points Ritual, Summon, Nonstackable This ritual must be performed over the corpse, grave or other remains of the individual being summoned, and the summoner must know the dead individual’s name. If the
Summon Demon
1 Point Summon, Ranged, Temporal, Stackable This spell summons a dolphin to the sea waters nearest the caster. The dolphin is friendly towards worshipers of Choralinthor and inclined to help them.
Rune Spells
Summon Elemental (type) Rune varies depending on elemental being summoned 1–3 Points (depending on size) Summon, Ranged, Temporal, Stackable With this spell, the caster asks their deity to send an elemental. The size of the elemental depends on the Rune points stacked with the spell (and is limited by the maximum size available to the cult). Elementals come in three sizes: small, medium, and large. See the Glorantha Bestiary, pages 176–182, for more details. A small elemental is one cubic meter in size (1×1×1). Two Rune points summon a medium elemental, which fills three cubic meters (1×3×1). Three Rune points summons a large elemental, which is ten cubic meters (2×5×1). Most cults are limited as to how large an elemental they can summon. Once summoned, an elemental acts according to its nature and cult affiliation. An uncontrolled elemental may playfully destroy things around it, wander away, or even attack those hostile to its god, all at the gamemaster’s discretion. If the summoner casts an appropriate Command (cult spirit) spell (page 30) and overcomes the elemental’s POW, the elemental serves the summoner until it is physically destroyed or the spell ends. If the caster fails to overcome the elemental’s POW, it becomes hostile to the caster. The caster can try again to cast Command (cult spirit) and overcome the elemental’s POW, but it is likely to be more difficult while being attacked. Any number of elementals may be summoned and controlled by the same adventurer. An elemental cannot be summoned without at least some reasonable amount of that element present. It need not be anywhere near the volume of the elemental, but if an adventurer is out of water in the desert, they cannot summon a water elemental! Having once successfully summoned an elemental, the deity sends the same elemental every time the adventurer summons an elemental of that size and type. If the caster summons more than one elemental of that size, they can choose which one they summon in the future. Example: Yanioth asks Ernalda to send her a large Earth elemental to aid her fight against the broo in Snakepipe Hollow. She spends 3 Rune points to summon the elemental and then another 2 Rune points to cast Command (Earth Elemental) on it. Yanioth’s current POW is 18; the elemental’s POW is 20. Yanioth has a 40% chance of commanding her Earth elemental. Her player rolls a 38—a success! If Yanioth failed to overcome the elemental’s POW, she could spend another 2 Rune points and try again the following round. Yanioth thinks that perhaps she needs to bind her elemental into a Binding Enchantment.
Summon Fish
1 Point Summon, Ranged, Temporal, Stackable This spell summons a small school of fish native to the local waters to appear magically in the waters where the summons was performed, on the melee round after the summons was completed. The size of the school depends on the species of fish summoned. The fish are not under the command of the summoner. Each point stacked increases the size of the school of fish.
Summon Ghost
2 Points Ritual, Summon, Nonstackable This ritual must be performed over the corpse, grave or other remains of the individual being summoned. The name of the individual must also be known. If the person being contacted presently resides within the Fourth Hell, their ghost rises from the earth at the end of the summoning. It lasts for 15 minutes.
Summon Guardian
1 Point Ritual, Summon, Nonstackable This ritual summons a spirit with 2D6+6 POW and 3D6 CHA to protect treasures stored within the earth or in a structure dedicated to Asrelia (such as a granary). The spirit manifests as a large snake or large dog, and the spell ends if it is killed. The guardian spirit knows 1D3 points of cult spirit magic (typically Heal or Demoralize). The spirit is bound to the structure’s precincts and must receive regular worship from the owner and/or their companions. The caster can draw upon the guardian spirit’s magic points while within the precincts of the structure.
Summon Guardian of Thanatar
1 Point Ritual, Summon, Nonstackable This spell summons the spirit of a departed cult member from the Place of Waiting. The spirit uses spirit combat to attack a specially prepared victim. If it overcomes the victim in spirit combat, it takes over the body. If the body is later killed, the spirit returns to the Place of Waiting. Roll 2D6+6
RuneQuest for the guardian’s INT, and 3D6 for its POW. Its STR, CON, SIZ, DEX, and CHA are those of the victim. It knows 2D6 points of cult spirit magic and has 2D6-5 Rune points with an aspect chosen by the gamemaster.
Summon Healing Spirit
1 Point Ritual, Summon, Nonstackable This spell summons a healing spirit as described in the Glorantha Bestiary, page 169. Unless subject to a Command (cult spirit) spell, the healing spirit acts as follows in order of precedence: Attack the most powerful Spirit of Disease present in . spirit combat. Rid . an infected person of disease as described in the Glorantha Bestiary (page 169). Heal the person most near death. The spirit can heal .
as many points of damage as it has magic points. It can only heal a given being once in a 24-hour period and the healing process takes an hour, but it prevents death even for a victim with negative hit points (assuming the spirit has enough magic points to bring the victim to positive hit points).
Determine the POW and CHA of the healing spirit on the following table: Healing Spirits D100 01–10 11–20 21–35 36–75 76–90 91–95 96 97 98 99 00
POW 1D6 2D6 3D6 3D6+6 4D6+6 5D6+6 6D6+6 7D6+6 8D6+6 9D6+6 10D6+6
CHA 1D3 1D6 2D6 3D6 3D6+3 3D6+6 3D6+6 3D6+6 3D6+6 4D6+6 4D6+6
Summon Hollri
2 Points Ritual, Summon, Nonstackable This spell summons a hollri (an ice demon described in the Glorantha Bestiary, page 184). The summoner needs to have access to ice or snow for the hollri to manifest.
Summon Household Guardian
1 Point Ritual, Summon, Nonstackable This ritual summons a spirit with 2D6+6 POW and 3D6 CHA to protect a household and its members. The spirit manifests as a large snake, and the spell ends if it is killed. The household spirit knows 1D3 points of cult spirit magic (typically Heal or Demoralize, pages 115 and 112). The spirit is bound to the household precincts and must receive regular worship from the household. The caster can draw upon the household spirit’s magic points while within the precincts of the household.
Summon Ice Nymph
2 Points Ritual, Ranged, Nonstackable This spell summons an ice nymph, a local goddess of mountain snow. The ritual must be performed on a mountain and the summoner needs to have access to sufficient ice or snow for the ice nymph to manifest. The ice nymph is not under the command of the summoner but acts as she deems appropriate.
Rune Spells
Summon Insect Swarm
Summon Ludoch
1 Point Summon, Ranged, Temporal, Stackable This spell summons a swarm of normal-sized insects. These need no characteristics, merely a description of effects. The type of insect summoned depends on the caster’s subcult. For each Rune point stacked, consult the Insect Swarm table: Insect Swarm Rune Points 1 2 3 4 5
Swarm Size (and equivalent) Very small (small wasp nest) Small (large wasp nest, small beehive) Large (average beehive) Very large (large beehive) Huge (fire ant colony)
Damage per Round 1D6 2D6 3D6 4D6 5D6
Armor works differently against an insect swarm. First, armor points reduce each D6 rolled from the damage per round. Second, the protection is different: normal armor subtracts only 1 per D6 of damage per round (even a bronze cuirass protects only 1 point per D6), heavy clothing protects 2 points per D6, and natural armor (such as thick hide) and magical spells protect their full amount per D6. Damage is done to general hit points, not per hit location, but when determining armor protection, use the hit location with the lowest armor protection. Example: Harmast wears a bronze plate cuirass, vambraces, greaves, a heavy scaled skirt, and an open helm. Even the weakest locations (head or skirt, 5 points) count as battle armor. He is targeted by a Summon Insect Swarm spell backed with 3 Rune points: a large swarm doing 3D6 damage per round. The gamemaster rolls 3D6 for damage, treating each D6 separately, with results of 2, 1, and 5. His armor reduces each die roll to 1, 0, and 4, inflicting 5 hit points damage in all.
Summon Lodril
1 Point Ritual, Stackable This spell must be cast on the lip of an active volcano. Each Rune point in the spell gives a 1% chance to start an eruption. Several casters can stack their spells together to increase the total chance for success. The actual explosion is delayed for several hours after the first rumblings begin, so summoning groups have time to escape the volcano’s fury.
2 Points Ritual, Summon, Nonstackable, One-use This hour-long ritual signals all Ludoch of the Chorolinthor tribe within five kilometers to finish their immediate business quickly, gather any equipment and swim to the summoner within two days of the spell’s casting. During this time, the caster must remain in the same spot or else the spell disperses and releases the tribe from their compusion to report. The spell must be cast from within or on the shores of the Mirrorsea Bay. The spell is a privilege and must not be abused.
Summon Luxite
3 Points Summon, Nonstackable This spell summons one of the Sky People to scream down out of the Sky to the earth and fight for the summoner. The same Luxite answers each summons. The spear of the Luxite is a shaft of solidified light. The Light Blast is a beam from the Luxite’s eyes that does 1D6 damage directly to the target’s general hit points if the target’s POW is overcome. Armor does not protect against the Light Beam.
Luxite STR SIZ CON 3D6+3 3D6+3 2D6+6 13–14 13–14 10–11
DEX 3D6 13
INT 2D6+6 13
POW 4D6 14
CHA 3D6 10–11
Attacks Weapon 2H Spear Light Blast
% 75 Auto
Damage 1D8+1+damage bonus 1D6 to general hit points
Hit Locations Location Right Leg Left Leg Abdomen Chest Right Wing Left Wing Right Arm Left Arm Head
D20 AP/HP 01–03 6/4 04–06 6/4 07–09 6/4 10 6/5 11–12 6/3 13–14 6/3 15–16 6/3 17–18 6/3 19–20 6/4
SR 4 1
HP 25 —
Attributes Quality Hit Points Move Strike Rank Magic Points
Value 12 8/12 4 14
Armor: Armor of light Skills: Fly 90%
Summon Nereid
2 Points Ritual, Summon, Nonstackable This spell summons a nereid, a petty goddess of the sea and a type of naiad as described in the Glorantha Bestiary, page 171. She can only manifest in waters within one kilometer of the the sea. If there are no such waters available within the range of the spell, the spell fails. The nereid is friendly towards worshipers of Choralinthor and inclined to help them.
Summon Oread
2 Points Ritual, Nonstackable This spell summons an oread, a petty goddess of the mountain and a type of nymph described in the Glorantha Bestiary, page 171. She must manifest within sight of her parent mountain. The oread is friendly towards worshipers of the deity and inclined to help them.
Summon Salmon
1 Point Ritual, Summon, Stackable This spell must be cast within a range of a river system that connects to the sea. It summons a run of salmon that arrives the following season, adding +10% to the occupational skill rating for fishers along that stretch of river when making the Income roll in Sacred Time (RuneQuest, page 420). For each point stacked, add an additional +10%.
Summon Snake Daughter
4 Points Ritual, Summon, Nonstackable This spell must be cast over at least three cubic meters of earth. It summons a Snake Daughter (Glorantha Bestiary, page 175) that rises from the earth. The Snake Daughter is not under the command of the spellcaster, unless Command (cult spirit) is cast, but defends the caster and fellow cultists against any enemies. When the spell is over, the Snake Daughter submerges back into the earth. If cast within an Earth Temple, the spell is permanent, and the Snake Daughter remains to inhabit in the temple.
Rune Spells
Summon Specific Ancestor
1 Point Self, Instant, Nonstackable This spell must be stacked with a Summon Ancestor spell (page 87). It lets the caster call a specific ancestor spirit that they already know.
Summon Spirit of Law
1 Point Summon, Ranged, Temporal, Nonstackable This spell summons a weak spirit (POW 2D6+6 and CHA 2D6) for a spirit combat attack on a Chaotic target. The spirit has a spirit combat skill equal to its POW×5 and no spells. If the spirit appears and does not detect a Chaotic spirit or soul, the Spirit of Law departs without making any attack.
Summon Spirit Teacher
2 Points Summon, Instant, Nonstackable This must be stacked with the 1-point Summon Ancestor spell (page 87). The spirit so summoned can teach spells, give information, or act as a shaman’s fetch for the length of the spell. It allows rapid teaching of spells, to be learned in one day. It may be stacked with Summon Specific Ancestor (page 95).
Summon Tidal Wave
1 Point Ritual, Stackable This spell must be cast at sea. Each point stacked with the spell gives a 1% chance of summoning Tidal Wave, a huge water elemental too powerful to be subject to a Command spell. When summoned, Tidal Wave charges toward land in a direction specified by the caster(s). It moves with incredible speed until it approaches shore. Then it rises as a huge wall of water that may travel several kilometers inland until it finally recedes.
Summons of Evil
3 Points Ritual, Summon, Nonstackable This spell is typically performed at the start of a Worship Orlanth ritual. It requires making an effigy of an enemy of the caster (which may be an individual, a deity, a species, etc.). The effigy is typically made of wicker or wood. When cast, the spell animates the effigy with a malevolent spirit associated with that enemy. It also summons the most powerful representative of that enemy it can during the duration of the ritual. The spirit summoned typically has a POW between 4D6+6 and 5D6+6, but more powerful spirits are not unknown. The spirit remains trapped within the effigy and its boundaries until the end of the ritual, when the participants must destroy it. During this time, it fights back with any abilities it possesses, whether magic or otherwise. The spirit has hit points and a STR equal to its POW and always has one or more spirit powers (Glorantha Bestiary, page 165). If the effigy is destroyed, the participants gain a +20% bonus in overcoming the magic resistance of or defending against spells cast by the enemy represented by the effigy for the duration of the ceremony. They also get a +50% on their Worship roll for that ceremony (as a result, the Rune points cast on the spell are usually regained at the end of the ceremony). While the effigy is present, the spell summons the most powerful representative of the enemy within the range of the spell. The enemy does not realize that they have been summoned, but rather feels an urgent need to go to the place where the ritual is being performed. This compulsion makes rational and emotional sense to the subject—the subject may “recognize” that this is a rare opportunity to destroy a hated enemy, or perhaps that a preemptive strike is needed to prevent the caster from performing a more dangerous ritual. The enemy hastily takes enough time to gather companions, followers, and allies and then sets out by whatever means would be normal for the enemy to travel. For example, an army leader might march out with his regiment (or at least his bodyguards and favored officers), but a wyvern-riding hero might fly far more rapidly. The range is determined by amount of time the ritual is maintained until the effigy is destroyed. The longer the ceremony is maintained, the greater the range. For example, during a typical one-day Worship ceremony, the spell summons an enemy from within a day’s travel (typically between 8–16 kilometers). If the ceremony is maintained for the entire 14 days of Sacred Time, an enemy as far as 200 kilometers away
RuneQuest might be summoned. If the caster has a heroquesting enemy, the spell always tries to summon that being, in addition to the enemy initially summoned by the effigy. Once the effigy is destroyed, the enemy is no longer compelled to travel, but might come anyway, especially if companions, allies, and followers have already begun traveling.
2 Points Ranged, Temporal, Nonstackable This spell creates a 60-meter radius circle of light around the target of the spell. If the target is unwilling, the caster must overcome their POW. This light gives the effect of full daylight, and so affects creatures such as cave trolls. It demoralizes vampires, ghouls, and other intelligent undead (per the Demoralize spell, page 112). Anyone who attacks the target suffers –10% to their attack skill. A Darkness elemental takes 1D3 points of damage each round it remains within the influence of a Sunbright spell. If a Sunbright spell is cast directly upon a Darkness elemental and overcomes its POW, the elemental dissolves. The spell then ends because it has no target.
1 Point Touch, Duration (special), Stackable This spell must be cast on the first day of the year after Sacred Time. It allows the newly awakened plant life within ten meters of the caster to draw upon the sun’s powers to grow without mold, rust, or disease. The sun helps it resist insects and parasites and ripen to its richest. Each extra point increases the radius of effect by ten meters.
3 Points Ranged, Instant, Nonstackable This spell works only in direct sunlight. When cast, a shaft of sunfire strikes a single designated target. The target must be visible to the caster and cannot resist. The target and every living thing within one meter of the target receives 4D6 damage to their total hit points. The target only receives armor protection equal to their lowest value on all hit locations; magical protection is ineffective
against it. The spell does half damage at the moments of dawn and dusk. At the gamemaster’s discretion, this spell may set flammable material on fire, or melt non-flammable items, depending on the damage rolled and the circumstances.
1 Point Ranged, Duration (special), Stackable (up to 4 pts.) This spell holds up any section of wall, irrigation ditch, or canal for one day. It supports a volume of 54 cubic meters or less per Rune point, so that work can be done on it.
Suppress Lodril
3 Points Ranged, Temporal, Stackable This spell creates a sphere three meters in radius, centered on any specified spot within range. If centered on an unwilling target, the caster must overcome their POW. Inside the area is shadowy haze equivalent to a Summon Small Elemental (Shadow) spell (page 91). Any Light, Heat, or Sky Rune initiate that crosses the boundary of the spell takes 2D6 damage directly to a random body location, ignoring all armor, with no chance to resist. The sphere’s boundary also acts as 4-point Countermagic (page 111) against spells cast by initiates or Rune Masters of Light, Heat, or Sky Rune-based cults. This spell may be cast to encircle a member of such a cult, and thus restrict their movements. Each additional Rune point used in this spell increases the damage done by 1D6 and the Countermagic effect by 2 points.
Suppress Oakfed
1 Point Ranged, Instant, Stackable This must be cast on a fire. Each point decreases the fire’s diameter by one meter. If the size is reduced to nothing, a candle-sized flame remains. One point of this spell reduces the damage done by a Fireblade or Firespear by 1D6 (pages 114 and 52), or decreases the damage done by a Fire elemental by 1D6. The Fire elemental can resist the spell’s effect.
Rune Spells
1 Point Ranged, Temporal, Nonstackable This spell is cast upon a missile weapon. Unless the adventurer’s player rolls a 96–00, the adventurer’s next missile attack automatically hits, regardless of movement, range (within maximum range, of course), concealment, etc. The chances for a critical, special, or fumble result are still based on the adventurer’s missile skill. Successful hits made using Sureshot do not qualify for experience checks. This spell is compatible with Speedart or Firearrow (pages 119 and 114). It can be combined with Multimissile (page 117), but it only affects the real missile.
1 Point Self, Instant, Stackable Each point of this spell allows the user to instantaneously swallow an entire SIZ point of any substance. Thus, a 4-point spell allows the user to swallow an average dog whole. The intended target can attempt to dodge or evade but cannot attack once the spell has taken effect. Any living being swallowed by the caster dies immediately. The swallowed item or substance is destroyed and vanishes
entirely once the spell’s duration is over. The caster remains unharmed even if swallowing actively dangerous substances such as fire, acid, or poison. Furthermore, the caster does not suffer any effects from using this spell, such as increased SIZ due to the amount swallowed. The gamemaster should determine if any swallowed items are recoverable after the spell has been cast.
Sweat Acid
2 Points Touch, Temporal, Nonstackable This causes the target’s skin to secrete an acid with POT equal to the caster’s POW. The target and the items they carry or wear are not affected by the acid, but beings or foreign items that touch the target suffer the effect of the acid.
Switch Places
2 Points Ranged, Instant, Nonstackable This spell must be cast at an apparition created through the Illusory Sight Rune spell (page 59) that the caster can see. The caster trades places with the apparition. A common tactic is for the caster to create an apparition of themselves, allow it to be revealed as an illusion (and thus of no further interest), and then cast Switch Places.
Sword Trance
1 Point Self, Temporal, Nonstackable This spell merges the caster’s consciousness with their sword. The spell must be boosted with 1 or more magic points. Each magic point increases the caster’s desired sword skill by +10%. This spell may be combined with other weaponenhancing spells. This spell does not combine effects with Berserker (page 16) or Fanaticism (page 114). While entranced, the user may cast only weaponenhancing spells such as Bladesharp, Repair, etc. (pages 110 and 118) to the exclusion of all other magic, including healing. If the battle ends before the spell expires, the user stands at rest and waits for new enemies. This is not a Berserker spell; the user knows who their friends and enemies are. However, the user is in a trance and cannot drink, eat, sleep, or indeed do anything except focus on their sword and their enemies. When they cease focusing on using their sword in battle, the spell ends.
2 Points Range (special), Duration (special), Nonstackable This spell must be cast upon a group of dancers, up to an entire tribe. The caster of the spell must play a drum and permanently sacrifice one or more points from one or more of their characteristics (STR, SIZ, POW, etc.). All participants in the dance that succeed at their Dance skill at least once add those points to their attributes for the spell’s duration. Thus, if the drummer sacrificed 3 of their INT, all successful dancers would have their INT raised by 3 for the spell’s duration. The duration and power of the spell depends upon the drummer, who must roll their Play Drums skill once per hour. Each time they fail, the gain to each boosted characteristic drops by 1 point. Once there is no characteristic boost left, the spell ends and the drummer collapses. Other people are often assigned to care for them. Frequently, several drummers gather to cast this spell, thus spreading out the characteristic loss, and increasing the distance the sound carries. If a person benefiting from this spell moves out of earshot of all the drums, they lose 1 point from each boosted characterstic, but suffer no other ill effect. If the person moves back into earshot and the drumming is continuing, their characteristics are increased again.
1 Point Ranged, Instant, Nonstackable This spell requires seeds so special and rare that usually only 1D6 seeds are available per year to any one shaman or Gardener. The seeds keep indefinitely. When the spell is cast and the seeds thrown onto arable ground, each seed grows into a three-meter cube of impenetrable thicket. The thicket takes 15 minutes to reach maturity. If the caster uses Accelerate Growth (page 10) as well, the thicket matures in seven melee rounds. Cutting the thicket damages the cutting weapon by 9 points per round as if it parried an attack doing that much damage. Burning each 3-meter cube produces a six-meter-radius sphere of poison gas of POT 9. To cut through the thicket, each one-meter cube section of thicket has 10 hit points. The thicket dies in one day unless maintained with 1 magic point per seed per day.
Tame Bull
1 Point Ranged, Temporal, Nonstackable If the caster overcomes the target bull’s POW, this spell calms the bull enough for the caster to castrate it, hitch it to a plow, or even ride it. The spell works on all male cattle (including all male Praxian herd beasts), castrated cattle (oxen), or sky bulls. It also calms Storm Bull cultists and puts them in a peaceful mood.
3 Points Self (and Touch), Instant, Nonstackable The caster can teleport to any spot that can be seen, either directly or through the eyes of an allied spirit. Each additional point lets the caster teleport one extra living thing at the same time, provided they are touching the caster. The intended destination must be an actual location capable of accommodating the target and cannot be something vague like “into the sky.” The spell can be used to teleport someone else, but the caster must be in physical contact with the target and overcome their POW.
Terrify Horse
1 Point Ranged, Temporal, Stackable This spell only affects horses. It causes the affected horse to panic with no chance to resist: it immediately rears, turns, and flees the caster at an uncontrollable gallop for the spell’s duration. The horse attempts to leap or dodge obstacles, forcing a rider to make a Ride roll or fall off. If the horse is trapped so it cannot flee, it collapses, trembling, for the spell’s duration.
3 Points Ranged, Instant, Stackable The sky must have visible cloud cover for this spell to be effective, though clouds could be summoned using the Cloud Call (page 30). This spell draws a bolt of divine energy from storm clouds and directs it at a specified target, accompanied with a deafening peal of thunder.
Rune Spells This spell does 3D6 points of damage directly to total hit points with no chance to resist. Neither armor nor spells that protect against physical damage are effective, though Countermagic (page 111) works. Each stacked point adds another target.
2 Points Self, Temporal, Nonstackable This spell turns the target’s tongue into a weapon with a reach of three meters, and a base attack chance of the target’s DEX×5. With each successful attack, the target must overcome the victim’s POW. If successful, the tongue deals 4D3 damage. Armor protects against this damage.
Transfer Pregnancy
1 Point Touch, Instant, Stackable This spell transfers a pregnancy between willing females of the same species. The caster can stack extra point for each of the following modifiers: the targets are different species, either participant is non-sentient, any participant is not a biological female.
Transform Head (Bee)
with a chance to hit of DEX×5 (which can be improved by experience), with a strike rank cost of 3. The target’s head also gains 6-point armor.
Transform Head (Lion)
1 Point Touch, Temporal, Nonstackable This spell turns the head of the target into that of a lion. He gains an extra Bite attack with base attack skill equal to his DEX×3 (which can be improved by experience) that does 1D10 damage plus damage bonus. The target may bite each round (as well as attack and parry or Dodge), though the bite must take place 3 strike ranks apart from any other attack the target makes. The target also can see in any level of light as if it were daylight (per the Catseye spell, page 24).
Transform Head (Locust)
1 Point Touch, Temporal, Nonstackable This turns the target’s head into that of a giant grasshopper. This adds 3 points of natural armor to the head and grants a bite attack with a skill of 25% (which can be improved by experience) that does 2D6 damage. The target can also devour anything at will, as long as it is not actually poisonous or actively harmful, such as glowing hot metal.
Transform Head (Moth)
1 Point Touch, Temporal, Nonstackable This spell turns the target’s head into the head of a giant bee. This grants the abilities of storing liquid food internally and of drinking from flowers. The target can drink liquids (including beer, honey, water, etc.) and store them internally without harming the liquid in the least, though if more than one liquid is drunk, it will be mixed with the others. The target can disgorge the liquid later and it is still perfectly drinkable. This liquid can be safely stored past the duration of the spell, but new liquid can not be drunk.
1 Point Touch, Temporal, Nonstackable The target’s head becomes that of a large furry moth. The target gains long feathery antennae that can track certain specific objects quite well; when the spell is cast, the target may specify a certain animal or plant species to be sensitive to. The target has a 100% chance to Track that type of being, a 100% chance to detect that species and pinpoint its location if it is within 160 meters.
Transform Head (Beetle)
Transform Head (Turtle)
1 Point Touch, Temporal, Nonstackable This spell turns the head of the target into that of a giant beetle, with large spined mandibles. They gain an extra bite attack doing a base damage of 2D6 (plus damage bonus)
1 Point Touch, Temporal, Nonstackable This spell gives the target the head of a great turtle. The target can hold their breath for 15 minutes, and their head gains 3 points of armor. The target loses the power of speech.
Transform Self
2 Points Touch, Duration (special), Nonstackable This spell must be stacked with the cult’s three specialty shapechanging spells. For example, an Odayla cultist uses Bear’s Skin, Bear’s Strength, and Claws (pages 15 and 28). When these spells are combined with Transform Self, the user bodily transforms into a magical, semi-divine version of the god’s animal. All the spells have full effect and last for one full hour. All the normal abilities of the animal become usable by the target for the spell’s duration.
1 Point Touch, Temporal, Nonstackable This spell translates all words touched by the target’s index finger at normal reading speed (about 3,000 written words in 15 minutes), leaving an impression of the meaning afterwards, in a manner that aids in translations of the same language or script. Untranslatable words are not translated, though the target receives an idea of the word’s meaning.
Tree chopping Song
2 Points Ritual, Nonstackable This ritual is performed as a group song that influences every Kyger Litor cult member (including laity) that participates. The caster and all participants must beat on logs with their mauls or maces as part of the ritual. The effects last for one battle or one day, whichever ends first. All those influenced can use any type of axe against Aldryami of any type as if those weapons were mauls or maces. No other weapons types convert. In any battle between elves and trolls, the evening before the battle is marked by several gatherings of trolls beating on logs and singing their guttural song.
2 Points Ranged, Temporal, Nonstackable This spell compels the victim to speak nothing but the truth for the duration, answering all questions in a literal manner. The user must overcome the target’s POW for each question. The target can refuse to speak at all, but if they do
speak and their POW is overcome, they must tell the truth. Combined with Mind Read (page 65), this spell makes the Lhankor Mhy sage a potent inquisitor.
1 Point Touch, Temporal, Nonstackable This spell must be cast upon a stringed musical instrument, which glows from the spell’s effects. Double the skill of anyone attempting to play that instrument.
True (weapon)
1 Point Touch, Temporal, Nonstackable Cast on a specified melee weapon, this spell doubles the weapon’s normal damage. When the wielder hits, roll the weapon damage dice twice and add the results. The wielder’s damage bonus is not doubled. The Humakti version of this spell is called True Sword, but some other cults have versions for their own weapons.
Turn Blow
3 Points Self, Duration (special), Nonstackable For the next 12 strike ranks, this spell reflects all damage done to the caster back onto the attacker. If the caster is struck by a melee or missile attack, any damage that penetrates armor damages the attacker as well. The attacker’s armor does not help against the damage reflected to the attacker. Poison and blade venom are not reflected, but damage from weapon-enhancing spells like Bladesharp (page 110) is. Shield (page 78) does protect against the effects of this spell. Hit locations remain constant, so that if the caster is hit in the head, the reflected damage goes to the attacker’s head (if there is no direct equivalent, use the same hit location die roll). Example: Ramba the priestess casts this spell in a fight against an elf. The spell takes effect on strike rank 3 and the elf hits with a long spear on strike rank 3 as well, simultaneously. The elf rolls an impale and also adds in his Bladesharp spell for a total of 18 points of damage. Ramba has 4 points of armor on her abdomen (the hit location rolled), so 14 penetrate. 14 also goes directly to
Rune Spells
the abdomen of the elf, whose 6 point armor plus 4 point Protection spell do not count, and he dies. This spell is compatible with Attract Attention (page 13).
Turn Undead
1 Point Ranged, Instant, Stackable Each point of this spell affects one undead creature (skeleton, zombie, mummy, ghoul, vampire, etc.). The caster must overcome each target’s magic points (undead do not have POW) with their own POW; roll separately for each target. If successful, roll on the Turn Undead Results table: Turn Undead Results Result Critical Special Success Failure Fumble
Effects Undead destroyed, released, or appropriately ended. Undead paralyzed and immobile for 20 melee rounds minus the creature’s INT (those without INT are affected for 20 rounds), with a minimum of one round. The undead turns and flees, if possible. If not, use the effects of special success, above. The undead is befuddled (per the Befuddle spell, page 110). No effect.
1 Point Range (special), Duration (special), Stackable The caster must sit upon the ground, in front of a fire with a specially enchanted instrument. Upon casting the spell, the instrument resonates with the other instrument with which it is paired. The caster can then communicate back and forth musically over 15 kilometers per stacked point. Communication is carried out with the melodies played.
3 Points Temporal, Stackable (up to 4 pts.) This spell generates a Love (other) Passion between two people, starting at 60%. For each additional Rune point stacked with the spell add +10% to the starting value of the passion, to a maximum of 100%, or one additional person can be added. When the spell expires, the magical passion diminishes into a distantly recalled longing for something absent.
Venom Bite
2 Points Touch, Temporal, Nonstackable With a successful bite attack that does damage, the target of this spell injects a poison of potency equal to the caster’s POW. The target is immune to the poison’s effects for the duration of the spell.
Venom Boosting
Touch, Temporal, Stackable (up to 4 pts.) Each point of this spell (up to 4) cast upon a scorpion man increases the POT of its sting venom by 1D6. The increase is rolled separately for each stinger attack that penetrates armor.
1 Point Self, Temporal, Stackable This spell causes the caster to glow with a dull, bloody red color. This glow covers an area ten meters in diameter. The caster and their allies add +5% to their effective skills in spirit combat and spellcasting while they are within the glow. Each additional point either increases the diameter by ten meters or adds another +5% to the bonus.
2 Points Ranged, Temporal, Nonstackable This spell gives a viewpoint up to 160 meters away from the spirit of the target of the spell. Looking from this viewpoint is approximately like looking through the caster’s eyes, but it gives a 180° view. The viewpoint can be turned up to 180° in a melee round. The viewpoint cannot move. While using Vision, the caster cannot use their own eyes. However, they can switch back and forth between the spell’s viewpoint and their own from one melee round to the next. The viewpoint is visible as a semi-transparent sphere about four centimeters in diameter. Attack spells cast at the viewpoint affect the caster of the Vision spell.
Vomit Acid
3 Points Self, Instant, Nonstackable This horrifying spell must be boosted with one or more magic points. The user immediately vomits forth a quantity of steaming acid with POT equal to the magic points spent. The caster and their gear are not affected by the acid, but everything else is. The magical acid produced is enough to cover much of a human-sized target, affecting any three contiguous hit locations on such a target (fewer if the target is larger than human size, at the ruling of the gamemaster). The acid automatically hits any target to the front of the caster and is in normal melee range, striking attacks as if it were a special success. The target can dodge the acid with a special Dodge roll. A successful parry means the parrying shield (or weapon) and the parrying limb are two of the three locations hit. Special or critical parries have no effect on the damage from the acid. The acid deals its POT in damage separately to each location hit. Armor and protection spells reduce damage from the acid, but Countermagic (page 111) has no effect. The acid destroys armor and weapons.
1 Point Ritual, Stackable This ritual creates an area of safety for those inside. Four wands arranged in a rough rectangle define the area’s boundary. These can be made of any material and must be placed to enclose a maximum area of up to 100 square meters (typically 10×10meters). The spell extends into the air for three meters above the wands, and underground to the depth of the wands. The stakes need not be visible to work; some casters bury them completely. The spell connects these wands invisibly to form a barrier detectable only by magical means. The protection effects activate when physical or spirit enemies of the caster cross the barrier, or when a spell is cast across the barrier from the outside. When this happens, a loud noise (a keening, whistling, booming, etc.) begins, which can be suppressed by the casting priest. Each point of Warding (up to 4) counts as 1 point of Countermagic (page 111) against spells cast across the barrier, 2 points of Spirit Screen (page 121) against outside spirits, and
Rune Spells does 1D3 damage, ignoring armor, to one hit location of any corporeal enemy unwise enough to cross the boundary. Each stacked point of Warding increases the area protected by another 100 square meters. The Warding spell remains in effect until one of the wands is removed. Anyone but the caster that attempts to touch the stakes is affected by the Warding, but after suffering the effect, the person can then remove the stakes.
Warrior of Stone
2 Points Touch, Temporal, Stackable This spell animates a prepared statue of stone and metal by putting an Earth elemental spirit into it. One point permits a small earth elemental to inhabit the statue, two permits a medium earth elemental, and three permits a large. The statue can be no more than SIZ 20 and must be perfectly formed (usually with Shape Metal (page 78) or Mold Rock (page 66). The statue has a DEX of 1D6, and a STR equal to that of the inhabiting earth elemental. The statue’s CON equals the earth elemental’s hit points, and the statue’s armor equals the statue’s SIZ. The statue has the INT and POW of the earth elemental, and acts like a typical elemental unless compelled by Command (cult spirit) (page 30). It has a base chance to hit of 5% (plus its attack bonus), and does damage equal to its damage bonus (if it lacks a damage bonus, it does no damage, but can still move, etc.). The statue’s MOV is 3.
Waste Loins
3 Points Ranged, Instant, Nonstackable If the caster overcomes the target’s POW, the target becomes forever impotent and sterile or barren: they can never again produce any children.
1 Point Ranged, Temporal, Stackable This spell creates a waterspout. For each point stacked, it has a height of three meters and a diameter of one meter. Targets more than a meter below the water surface are safe from the spout. Anything caught in the spout takes 1D6 general hit points damage per stacked point. The target’s thinnest armor protects against the damage.
If the spout hits a ship, apply damage that exceeds the ship’s hull quality directly to the ship’s structual points each round. RuneQuest Weapons & Equipment contains more information on ships and naval combat. If combined with a Whirlpool (below), a target can be trapped and kept from leaving the area of the Waterspout, thereby forcing it to take damage each round.
2 Points Ranged, Temporal, Nonstackable This spell allows the target to move upon the surface of the water as if it were solid ground (or vice versa, if cast upon a fish).
2 Points Ranged, Instant, Nonstackable This spell hurls a mass of silvery strands onto a specified area three meters square. Those within the targeted zone may Dodge to leap out of the way. Anyone hit by the strands is helpless until they overcome the web’s STR of 40 with their own STR. If multiple victims are caught, they combine their STR and make a single escape roll for everyone. Anyone walking over the web has their feet held fast with a STR of 20.
1 Point Ranged, Temporal, Stackable This spell creates a whirlpool one meter in diameter and three meters deep, with a STR of 1D6. Each additional point adds one meter to the diameter, three meters to the depth, and 1D6 STR. Creatures flying above the water’s surface are immune to the whirlpool’s effects. Anything caught in the whirlpool must overcome the whirlpool’s STR with its own or be sucked under. A victim caught in the whirlpool cannot take any actions except to try to escape. Non-aquatic beings caught in the pool must succeed in a Swim roll before being allowed to overcome the whirlpool’s STR. The captain of a ship caught in the whirlpool must roll their Shiphandling skill. If successful, the captain can match the ship’s seaworthiness vs. the whirlpool’s STR. With a success, the ship escapes the pool. Each round of failure does 1D6 damage to the ship’s seaworthiness. Ships and their qualities are discussed in RuneQuest Weapons & Equipment.
Wolf’s Head
3 Points Touch, Temporal, Nonstackable This spell permits the target to walk on the air as though it were solid ground and is commonly cast on riding animals. The speed through the air is equal to normal walking or riding speed, plus 1 MOV for every 4 points of wind strength if the target is moving with the wind (or minus 1 MOV for every 4 points if moving against the wind). The target can climb or dive at 1/3 normal speed.
1 Point Touch, Temporal, Nonstackable This spell can only be cast upon a Telmor initiate. It turns the head of the target into that of a great wolf. The subject gains the extra attack of Bite, with a skill of DEX×5 (which can be improved by experience) and doing 1D8 damage plus damage bonus. The target can Bite each round, as well as attack and parry or Dodge, though the Bite must take place 3 strike ranks apart from any other attack.
Wolf Hide
3 Points Ranged, Instant, Stackable If the caster overcomes the target’s POW, roll a hit location. That location withers, becoming permanently deformed and useless. The location hit points become 0, but this does not affect the target’s total hit points. If a vital area such as the head, chest, or abdomen is affected, the target dies. A withered limb cannot be healed but could be amputated; Regrow Limb (page 73) or other similar spells could then restore it.
3 Points Touch, Temporal, Nonstackable This spell can only be cast upon a Telmor initiate. The target sprouts fur and a tail. Only magic, fire, iron, or pure Rune metals can penetrate the target’s fur. If an ordinary bronze sword with Bladesharp 3 (page 110) strikes the spell’s target, only the Bladesharp effects can penetrate the fur. If the whole blade were enchanted—such as with a Truesword (page 100) or Fireblade (page 114)—the entire damage rolled (except for any damage bonus) counts. Poison still affects the target if the skin is penetrated. The target still needs oxygen and can be asphyxiated or drowned. This spell cannot be cast on Waterday or Clayday.
Wind Warp
1 Point Self, Temporal, Stackable This spell changes the wind direction by 30° in the direction of the caster’s choice, over a 100-meter radius around the caster. Each additional point either adds 30° more or increases the radius of effect by another 100 meters. This spell doubles the effect of wind on missile weapons. When the spell ends, the wind hesitates, motionless, for one melee round, then abruptly returns to its former direction. Small whirlwinds may form at the spell’s boundaries, where the wind is forced to clash with itself.
Wind Words
1 Point Ranged, Temporal, Nonstackable The caster causes the wind to bring conversations to their ears, as if they were standing next to the speaker. The caster can choose which conversations they wish to hear within range.
2 Points Touch, Temporal, Nonstackable This spell can only be cast upon a Telmor initiate. It turns the target’s arms and legs into the limbs of a wolf, permitting them to run on all fours. Increases the target’s Move Quietly and Agility skills (including Dodge) by +40%. Their MOV becomes 12. The wolf-limbs prevent the user from holding weapons and halves all Manipulation skills. This spell cannot be cast on Waterday or Clayday.
Spirit Magic pirit magic is the most basic and common magic found in Glorantha and is practiced in one form or another by nearly every Gloranthan culture and religion. To cast a spirit magic spell, the caster concentrates upon specific spirits they have made a connection with (this is easier with a focus) and temporarily alters the spiritual energy currents to create an effect. This is done through the temporary expenditure of one’s POW, expressed as magic points. For this reason, spirit magic spells are of short duration—usually two minutes—and drain a good deal of energy from the user. However strong mortals may be, they lack the POW to make long-lasting changes in the basic structure of the universe. Rune magic is performed with the aid of a god and does not have that limitation. An adventurer’s POW is the measure of their ability to affect the universe by force of will. The amount of magic points an adventurer can expend is equal to their POW. Of course, with no knowledge of spells, this POW can only be used to resist other forces; POW cannot cause a magical effect in and of itself.
Learning Spirit Magic The spirit magic spells in this book can be learned from Rune cults and from shamans.
From a Cult Rune cults can teach any spirit magic spell known to their Rune Masters. The cult descriptions indicate the spells that every temple of the cult knows, although some temples can teach more than just the cult spirit magic listed. Rune cults teach spirit magic to any lay member or initiate who pays the temple. Rune cults typically offer cult spirit magic to their initiates at a discount (usually at half the price demanded of mere lay members) and may even teach certain spells for free. They may also forbid their followers from learning or using certain spirit magic. The standard cost of each spell is listed on the Spirit Magic Spells table (page 109). Rune cults often teach spirit magic in return for service to a specific temple.
How Does Spirit Magic Appear, Sound, and Feel?
Spirit magic is the work of spirits and usually has a lesser sensory effect than Rune magic. Even so, it is noticeable when spirit magic has been cast. For example, a sword with Bladesharp cast upon it might have a supernatural sheen, or a person with Protection cast might glow dully. A mace with Bludgeon might be surrounded with tendrils of dark mist, and a person with Shimmer cast might seemingly move in unnatural bursts and pauses. There are often other effects as well. Many describe a sound like pins dropping when spirit magic is cast or feel a sensation like the hairs on one’s neck and arms standing on end.
Spirit Magic Certain spirit magic may be offered to initiates as part of the ceremonies on cult holy days. Otherwise, learning a new spell takes one week of work. Nothing else in the way of learning may be done during this week.
Special Cult Spirit Magic Some cults possess special spirit magic spells that are restricted to cult members. These spells are not taught to non-initiates and are closely held secrets. Shamans can, of course, wander the Spirit World to find the spells. A partial list of such spells and the cult it is associated with includes: Comprehension: Pamalt . Conceal Item: Lanbril . Face of Lanbril: Lanbril . Forget: Lanbril . Hotfoot: Eurmal . Jumping: Gerak Kag hero cult of Kyger Litor . Lantern: Yelmalio . Meteor Swarm: Red Goddess . Pamalt’s Touch: Pamalt . Preserve Herbs: Aldrya . Seek Sun Dome Temple: Togtuvai hero . cult of Yelmalio Sleep: Chalana Arroy . Sneeze: Mallia .
From a Shaman As the specialists in communicating with the Spirit World, shamans can teach any common spirit magic spell (those costing 250 L or less, see page 109). The standard cost of each spell is listed on the Spirit Magic Spells table (page 109).
Limits to Spir it Spell Holding
There is a limit to how many points of spirit magic an adventurer can have. The total points of spirit magic possessed cannot exceed their CHA. An adventurer can voluntarily give up possession of a spirit magic spell to make room for a different spell. If they wish to re-learn the old spell, they must do so as if it were new to them. For example, Vasana, with a CHA of 19, can hold 19 points of spirit magic. Her spells are Mobility 1, Demoralize 2, Heal 3, Bladesharp 4, Countermagic 3, Protection 4, and Strength 2.
T he Focus To be cast effectively, spirit magic spells require a focus. The focus serves as a reminder and token of the spell. Contact with the focus, whether visual, tactile, or through another sense, triggers the release and formation of the individual’s magical energies and helps the spell work. Foci may come from many sources, depending more on the local custom than a game rule. Common foci include: Tattoos . Ritual scarification . A . magic item Rattle made from animal horn . Feathers tied to an object or clothing . Beaded or knotted string . Carved piece of rock . Piece . of jewelry Symbol or design carved on a tool, . weapons, or jewelry Animal . figure Stone, ceramic, or metal figure of the deity . Painted reed filled with seeds. . A focus is often called a “fetish” and its owner always treats the focus with great respect. However, a focus is not magical itself and does not respond to the Detect Magic spell (unless the object is otherwise magical). It is possible to cast any spirit magic spell without a focus, but it takes two melee rounds to do so. The first round is spent carefully visualizing the focal symbol necessary for the spell. Foci may even be carved into the tool that is the intended target of the magic. A focus for a Bladesharp spell, for instance, is often engraved right on the sword to be sharpened. The owner can cast the spell on another weapon simply by clutching the pommel of the focus sword with one hand and touching the other weapon with the other hand while casting the spell.
Spellcast ing A bilit y An adventurer has a chance of successfully casting each of their spirit magic spells equal to their POW×5. This cannot be improved by experience; only by increasing one’s POW. If the caster is unsuccessful, no magic points are expended, and they may try again in the next melee round. Every spell costs a certain number of magic points to cast. Spells cannot be combined to make them more effective.
R esista nce Roll Involuntary targets resist spells cast at them, and the caster must overcome their will (POW vs. POW) with a resistance roll, referring to the resistance table for the chance of success (RuneQuest, page 146). An adventurer can augment their chance of success with the resistance roll by using an appropriate ability or through use of the Meditate skill (see Increasing the Chance of Success, page 6).
Spell St r ike R a nk To determine the strike rank at which a spell is cast, total the spellcaster’s DEX strike rank plus the magic points of the spell, plus any boosting magic points. The sum equals the strike rank of the spell. DEX strike rank + magic points of spell + boosting magic points = spell’s strike rank If the spellcaster’s concentration is broken in any sudden and unexpected way (for example, taking damage) before they have finished casting a spell, they cannot cast the spell and must try again. However, no magic points are lost in the attempt. Note that spirit magic spells can only be cast in a single melee round if you have an appropriate focus; otherwise they take two melee rounds. Page 107 discusses foci.
Spell Limits Most spirit magic spells are either instant or passive. Once cast, the caster need pay no further attention to these spells, and the spells continue to work. Thus, when an adventurer has Demoralized an opponent, they can fight, run, cast another spell, or cast the same spell again. The Demoralized target remains Demoralized for the duration of the spell. Even if the caster is hurt or killed, the Demoralization continues, unless Dispelled or neutralized with Fanaticism. A few spells, such as Control, Darkwall, Fireblade, Lightwall, and Summon, are active and require some concentration and attention by the caster to continue functioning as desired. In these cases, a concentration roll (INT×3) may be required.
R a nge The range of a spirit magic spell is given in the spell description. It defines the maximum distance from the caster at which the spell’s effects can occur. Spirit magic has two nominal maximum ranges: touch (the caster must
physically touch the target) and ranged (50 meters). For touch spells, touching the clothing or armor of the target is sufficient unless the spell description declares otherwise.
Dur at ion The duration given in the spell description defines the length of time that the effects of the spell last, as measured from the strike rank on which the spell’s casting was completed. All temporal spirit magic spells last two minutes (ten melee rounds). Instant spells cause effects only on the strike rank on which they were cast. Certain spells—such as Disruption, Extinguish, Ignite, and Repair—have permanent effects. That is not to say the damage from a Disruption spell cannot be healed or an Extinguished fire cannot be relit. However, the damage does not go away on its own and the fire does not rekindle itself later.
Spirit Magic Descriptions Each spell is summarized in the same way.
Spell Name Magic Point Cost Casting Range, Duration, Spell Type The spell description, including the area of effect. Some of the spell descriptions include a qualifier in parentheses. Qualifiers specify a substance, species, sense, or characteristic that the spell affects. One qualifier must be specified when the spell is learned. For example, Detect Gold is a different spell from Detect Iron. Although the spells work in the same manner, both must be learned separately. Species qualifiers indicate that a specific species of animal is affected by the spell. Substance qualifiers indicate naturally found substances that are affected by the spell. Common substances include gold, silver, copper, sapphire, iron, coal, tin, emerald, fire, diamond, earth, air, wood, leather, stone, cotton, brick, bronze, water, bone, glass, quartz, and darkness. Of course, many other substances exist and can be added if the gamemaster allows those spells into the campaign. Substances do not include living material. This section lists and describes the commonly available spirit magic spells in alphabetical order. Spells of 250 L or less are considered common spells and can be easily taught by a shaman. Spells with a cost greater than that are uncommon and are typically secrets of a specific cult. To teach an uncommon spell, a shaman must first undergo a quest in the Spirit World to find that spirit.
Spirit Magic
Spirit Magic Spells Spell Name Befuddle Binding Enchantment Bladesharp Bludgeon Comprehension Conceal Item Control (entity) Cool Coordination Countermagic Darkwall Demoralize Detect Enemies Detect Life Detect Magic Detect Spirit Detect (substance) Detect Trap Detect Undead Dispel Magic Disruption Distraction Dullblade Extinguish Face of Lanbril False Healing Fanaticism Farsee Firearrow Fireblade Food Song Forget Glamour Glue
Points 2 points 3 points Variable Variable Variable 1 point 1 point Variable 2 points Variable 2 points 2 points 1 point 1 point 1 point 1 point 1 point 2 points 1 point Variable 1 point 1 point Variable Variable 2 points 2 points 1 point Variable 2 points 4 points 1 point 3 points 2 points Variable
Cost 250 L 30 L 50 L per point 50 L per point 100 L per point 400 L 50–150 L 50 L per point 125 L 50 L per point 200 L 150 L 30 L 30 L 30 L 30 L 30 L 30 L 30 L 50 L per point 50 L 75 L 50 L per point 50 L per point 300 L 250 L 100 L 50 L per point 250 L 400 L 30 L 400 L 100 L 50 L per point
Spell Name Heal Heat Metal Hotfoot Ignite Ironhand Jumping Lantern Light Lightwall Magic Point Enchantment Mobility Multimissile Pamalt’s Touch Parry Preserve Herbs Protection Repair Rivereyes Second Sight Seek Sun Dome Temple Shimmer Silence Sleep Slow Sneeze Solace Speedart Spell Matrix Enchantment Spirit Binding Spirit Screen Strength Summon (entity) Vigor Visibility
Points Variable Variable 1 point 1 point Variable Variable 1 point 1 point 4 points 1 point 1 point Variable Variable Variable 1 point Variable Variable 1 point 3 points 3 points Variable 1 point 3 points 1 point 2 points 3 points 1 point 1 point 1 point Variable 2 points Variable 2 points 2 points
Cost 50 L per point 50 L per point 50 L 50 L 50 L per point 50 L per point 30 L 50 L 300 L 30 L 50 L 100 L per point 50 L per point 50 L per point 30 L 50 L per point 50 L per point 30 L 100 L 300 L 75 L per point 50 L 300 L 50 L 100 L 100 L 75 L 30 L 150 L 50 L per point 100 L Variable 100 L 100 L
Befuddle 2 Points Ranged, Temporal, Passive If the caster overcomes the target’s power, this spell confuses the victim. It does not change their beliefs or perceptions, but it does muddy them up. A victim of Befuddle cannot attack, cast an offensive spell, sound the alarm, and so on. However, if attacked, they parry and defend at full value. Beginning the next melee round, the spell’s victim assumes that whatever being attacked it is their enemy and extends that deduction to the attacker’s obvious allies. Thus, with deceit or clever misdirection, a Befuddled opponent might end up attacking their own party for as long as the spell is in effect. The victim can spend a full melee round to attempt to shake off their confusion. That is all the victim can do in that melee round. The victim must either roll higher than their INT×5 (due to the confusion of thought processes, where smarter targets are led into dizzying mental labyrinths while dull-witted ones can simply act) or succeed with the Meditate skill. Only one of these two approaches can be attempted per melee round. If either tactic is successful, then the Befuddle spell ends, and the adventurer can act normally the following melee round. If the INT×5 roll results in a special or critical success, the Befuddled adventurer mistakes friends for enemies (and vice versa) and acts accordingly.
Binding Enchantment 1 Point Ritual, Enchantment This spell creates a magical item that can hold a spirit or other otherworld creature. The item to serve as the binding vessel must be enchanted with the sacrifice of 1 point of POW per type of characteristic possessed by the creature. Once the binding vessel is created, someone holding the vessel can use Spirit Binding (page 121) to trap a spirit inside it (RuneQuest, page 249).
Bladesharp Variable Touch, Temporal, Passive This spell works on any cutting, stabbing, or hacking weapon. Each point increases the chance to hit by +5% and adds +1 to its damage. The spell is incompatible with Fireblade (page 114). If Dullblade (page 113) is also cast on the weapon, the improved chance to hit
from Bladesharp is not affected, but the weapon’s additional damage is reduced by the second spell. The bonus magical damage can hurt creatures otherwise invulnerable to normal weapons. Telmori Wolfbrothers, for instance, are not hurt by the weapon’s normal damage roll, but are vulnerable to the magical damage bonus.
Bludgeon Variable Touch, Temporal, Passive This spell works on any smashing or crushing weapon. Each point increases the chance to hit by +5% and adds 1 damage. This spell is incompatible with Fireblade (page 114). The bonus magical damage can hurt creatures otherwise invulnerable to normal weapons. Telmori Wolfbrothers, for instance, are not hurt by the weapon’s normal damage roll, but are vulnerable to the magical damage bonus.
Spirit Magic
Comprehension Variable Touch, Temporal, Passive This spell increases the target’s mental agility, though their INT remains constant. Each point of Comprehension adds +5% to all the target’s Knowledge skills (skills at 00% remain unaffected).
Conceal Item 1 Point Touch, Temporal, Passive This spell conceals a single item of 2 ENC points or smaller. A satchel or backpack that is being worn could be concealed with this spell. If the concealed object is a weapon, it becomes visible as soon as it is used to attack or parry. The item is concealed by misdirection and is not invisible.
Control (entity) 1 Point Ranged, Temporal, Active (until the entity is instructed) then Passive This spell comes in many variants, such as discorporate spirits; nymphs; specific types of elementals; as well as mundane animals such as hawks, dogs, mammoths, shadowcats, etc. This spell subjects the indicated entity to the caster’s will. To use a Control spell, the caster must first reduce the magic points of their target to 0 in spirit combat, so these spells are typically used by shamans. The next melee round the user casts their Control spell; the target cannot resist and must obey all commands issued by the caster. The compulsion to obey ends with the spell, even if not all commands have been completed. The controlled entity is in a special form of telepathic communication with the caster. This mental communication is limited to line of sight. To instruct a Controlled entity, the caster must form a mental image of the actions that they wish the entity to perform. Commanding an entity takes one full melee round before the entity can act.
Cool Variable Touch, Duration (4 hours), Passive This spell must be cast on a point, like Light (page 117). It causes the point to radiate an area of coolness within three meters. Each point of spell cast causes the temperature within the radius to be 5° C cooler than the surrounding air. This spell will never reduce the temperature to or below the freezing point (0° C).
Coordination 2 Points Touch, Temporal, Passive This spell increases the target’s DEX by +3. This decreases the target’s strike rank by –1 and increases all Agility, Manipulation (including weapon), and Stealth skills by +5%.
Countermagic Variable Ranged, Temporal, Passive This defensive spell protects the target against every other incoming spell, including those such as Detect spells, Protection (page 118), and even Heal (page 115). However, it does not interfere with previously enchanted objects, such as a sword with Bladesharp (page 110) on it. It does not work against spirits but may work against spells cast by those spirits. It does not prevent spells the target casts. If the incoming spell is 2 or more points weaker than the Countermagic, that spell is eliminated and the Countermagic remains. If the incoming spell is equal or is one point above or below the points of Countermagic, both spells disappear. If the attacking spell is 2+ points stronger than the Countermagic, it eliminates the Countermagic and strikes the target as normal. Rune magic operates at double effectiveness against Countermagic. Hence, 5 points of Countermagic is the minimum needed to protect against a 3-point Sever Spirit spell (page 77). This spell is incompatible with Protection, Shimmer, and Spirit Screen (pages 118 and 121).
Darkwall 2 Points Ranged, Temporal, Passive (Active to move the wall) This spell creates a wall of darkness ten square meters in area and ten centimeters thick. If the caster takes no other actions, they can move the center of the darkwall three meters per melee round. The wall moves on the same strike rank that the caster originally cast the spell. Light sources within the darkness give no light nor can any sighted being see through it. Other senses, such as hearing, sonar, scent, etc., are unaffected by this wall. A darkwall can be shaped into the height or width desired, so long as the total area is ten square meters. The thickness always remains ten centimeters, and the wall always reshapes around its center. When a Lightwall (page 117) is cast in the same space as a Darkwall, they neutralize each other while in the same space.
Detect Spirit
2 Points Ranged, Temporal, Passive If the caster overcomes the target’s POW, the victim loses faith in their side’s ability to win a fight, find treasure, bring honor to their clan, or achieve any appropriate goal. Victims can still defend themselves fully, but attack at half their normal skill. They can only use defensive and healing spells. If Demoralize takes effect before combat starts, the victim does not initiate an attack. Faced with superior odds, the victim either runs or surrenders. A Fanaticism spell (page 114) cancels Demoralize, and vice versa. A victim aware of the spell can spend an entire melee round to use the Meditate skill to remove the effects of this spell.
1 Point Ranged, Instant Detects the existence of spirits and gives the direction and distance from the caster. The spell discerns between spirits of roughly mortal class (POW 3–21), and larger spirits (POW 19+). Spirits with 2 POW or less do not register. The detection is stopped by one or more meters of a dense substance such as stone, metal, or earth.
Detect Enemies 1 Point Ranged, Instant This spell gives the approximate direction and distance from the caster of any being intending to harm them, or it detects and locates a specific individual on whom the caster concentrates. The effects of the spell cannot be resisted. The sensing effect is stopped by one or more meters of a dense substance such as stone, metal, or earth.
Detect Life 1 Point Ranged, Instant Detects the existence of life and gives the direction and distance from the caster. The spell discerns between life of human size (SIZ 3–21), and life of large size (SIZ 22+). Life of SIZ 2 or smaller does not register. The detection is stopped by one or more meters of a dense substance such as stone, metal, or earth.
Detect Magic 1 Point Ranged, Instant This spell gives the approximate direction and distance from the caster of all enchantments and similar magically potent objects. It does not detect spirits. Detected objects glow visibly to everyone within sight of the object, possibly warning enemies. The spell does not distinguish between magical objects or enchantments, nor reveal what or how powerful the detected items are. The sensing effect is stopped by one or more meters of a dense substance such as stone, metal, or earth.
Detect (substance) 1 Point Ranged, Instant This spell gives the approximate direction and distance from the caster of the substance indicated. The detected substance glows visibly to everyone within range of sight, possibly warning enemies. The spell does not assess the substance’s quantity or value, as these are subjective. The sensing effect is stopped by one or more meters of a dense substance such as stone, metal, or earth.
Detect Trap 2 Points Ranged, Instant This spell detects the intent to trap. Thus, it would detect an ambush, magical trap, or physical trap. It would not detect a naturally occurring pit, a potential avalanche, or poison, which are not in themselves traps. Likwsie, it does not detect defensive spells such as Warding (page 102). The spell illuminates a three-meter diameter circle around the trap, visible to all. It does not give the exact location or type of the trap within that space, however. It is stopped by one or more meters of stone, metal, or earth.
Detect Undead 1 Point Ranged, Instant Detects the existence of undead creatures such as zombies, mummies, and vampires, and gives the direction and distance from the caster. The spell discerns between undead of human size (SIZ 3–21), and those of large size (SIZ 22+). Undead creatures of SIZ 2 or smaller do not register. It does not tell what type of undead is being detected. The detection is stopped by one or more meters of a dense substance such as stone, metal, or earth.
Dispel Magic Variable Ranged, Instant This spell eliminates magic. 1 point removes 1 magic point of spirit magic or intensity of sorcery spells; 2 points removes 1
Spirit Magic point of Rune magic spells. The total points of the spell must be eliminated to destroy the spell. Thus, to dispel a Befuddle spell requires 2 points of Dispel Magic, to dispel a 1-point Shield spell requires 2 points, and to dispel a Conflagration spell with 4 magic points would require 4 points of Dispel Magic. One cannot Dispel only part of a spell. When cast against a target without specifying any specific effect or target, this first destroys defensive spells, beginning with the most powerful spell that it can affect. However, it may be cast against a specific spell if the caster can discern the spell.
Disruption 1 Point Ranged, Instant This spell damages the target’s body. If the caster overcomes the target’s POW, the target takes 1D3 damage to a random hit location. Physical and magical armor do not protect against this damage.
Distraction 1 Point Ranged, Instant This spell pulls an opponent’s attention to the caster as a more opportune target for attack. When cast on a spirit engaged in spirit combat, automatically drawing the spirit away. It ceases attacking
its current target and attacks the caster instead. The spirit combat against the caster begins on the next strike rank the spirit is eligible to attack. It attacks the caster until the caster is unconscious or the spirit is defeated and returns to the Spirit World. Only one spirit can be targeted at a time. When cast on a corporeal enemy, the enemy ceases attacking their current target and begins attacking the caster as soon as possible by whatever means the target considers most effective and expedient.
Dullblade Variable Ranged, Temporal, Passive Despite the spell’s name, this spell reduces the damage done by any melee or missile weapon, sharp or dull. To work properly, it must be cast on the weapon, and will then reduce the wielder’s chance to hit by –5% and damage by –1 point per point of Dullblade. If a second Dullblade is cast at a single weapon, only the higher point spell will take effect. Dullblade reduces damage from weapons with spirits in them, etc. This spell specifically does not work on natural weapons like claws, teeth, etc.
Extinguish Variable Ranged, Instant This spell puts out fires and flames and cools hot materials to the ambient temperature. One point of Extinguish puts out a candle, small torch, or lantern; 2 points puts out a small campfire; 3 points eliminates a bonfire, etc. Extinguished fires stay out and must be relit.
Face of Lanbril 2 Points Self, Temporal, Passive This disguise spell causes the user’s face and clothing to become exceedingly ordinary and forgettable, so that one wearing this spell is likely to pass unnoticed and forgotten, especially in a crowd. No two uses of this spell give exactly the same face. A Search roll allows an observer to see that the caster has better (or worse) clothing concealed under their visible attire. The spell cannot change the caster’s sex or race. If a female troll casts it, she looks like a very ordinary female troll, but a female troll still stands out in many places.
False Healing
2 Points Ranged, Temporal, Passive This spell immediately but temporarily heals all damage to one hit location of the caster’s choice. When the spell expires (or is dispelled), the damage reappears. This spell is most often used to keep a comrade alive until they can get a permanent healing, but clever practitioners sometimes use it to prevent an enemy from healing a wound at an opportune time.
Variable Ranged, Temporal, Passive This spell provides telescopic sight. Each point of this spell halves the apparent distance from the caster to the surrounding world. The effect also foreshortens the field of vision. The caster can switch the effect on and off for the duration of the spell. This has no effect on a weapon’s usable range, as it does not affect a weapon, just the caster’s perception of the target.
1 Point Ranged, Temporal, Passive When cast upon a being with an INT characteristic, this spell increases their chance to hit by half again (round up fractions). For example, an adventurer with Rapier 33% effectively has Rapier 50% while under the effects of Fanaticism (33÷2=17, 33+17=50%). While affected by Fanaticism, the adventurer cannot parry with a weapon or shield, or cast magic other than attack spells (Disruption, Mindblast, etc.). Additionally, the spell halves the target’s Dodge. If the target does not wish the spell to be cast upon them, then the caster must overcome their target’s POW with a resistance roll. A successful Demoralize spell (page 112) cancels the effects of a Fanaticism spell, leaving the target with normal morale.
2 Points Touch, Instant, Passive The spell must be cast on an ordinary arrow, rock, or dart, which bursts into flame and is consumed as the missile leaves the caster’s hand (bow, atlatl, sling, etc.). This missile of fire does 3D6 damage if it hits, replacing the missile’s normal damage. The caster’s damage bonus still applies for thrown weapons, halved as normal. A Firearrow cannot impale but can (and does) ignite flammable material. Armor helps protect the target. This damage cannot be magically resisted because it is real physical damage, caused by the heat of the fire. This spell is incompatible with Multimissile (page 117) and Speedart (page 119).
Fireblade 4 Points Touch, Temporal, Active Cast on any edged weapon or spear, this spell changes the weapon’s damage to be 3D6. This replaces the normal damage done by the weapon. The wielder of the weapon still applies their damage bonus when they strike. This damage cannot be magically resisted because it is real physical damage from the heat of the fire, however armor does protect against it. The weapon is unharmed by this magical fire. This spell is incompatible with Bladesharp (page 110).
Food Song 1 Point Touch, Instant This spell allows the singer to pick any plant needed for eating (all Aldryami are vegetarian cannibals), shelter, weapons, etc. It ensures that the plant so used is not hurt or offended and, if killed, returns in peace to Aldrya’s bosom.
Spirit Magic
Forget 3 Points Ranged, Temporal, Passive This causes the subject to forget events from those that took place ten melee rounds before the round of casting up to ten melee rounds after the casting. This requires a successful POW vs. POW resistance roll. The memory loss does not take place immediately but begins to affect the target about five minutes after the spell is cast. If a guard chases some thieves who successfully hit him with this spell, the guard will not remember the encounter later. This is a good spell to throw on a victim who is already Befuddled.
Heal Variable Touch, Instant This spell repairs damage done to hit points. The caster must touch the part of the body being healed. Each point of Heal immediately repairs 1 hit point in that location. If the location is not fully restored, Heal can be used again in subsequent melee rounds. Heal cannot raise an adventurer from the dead. However, 2 points of Heal stops the bleeding of any wound or severed limb, and 6 points of Heal restores a severed limb to the body if all parts are available.
Heat Metal
2 Points Touch, Temporal, Passive This spell increases the target’s CHA by +8. This increases spirit combat damage by one step on the Spirit Combat Damage table (e.g., from +1D6 to +1D6+3, RuneQuest, page 56), increases all Communication skills by +10%, and increases all Magic skills as follows:
Variable Touch, Temporal, Passive This spell causes one ENC of metal to heat up and become malleable. It takes about a minute for the metal to become red hot; if the metal is worn or held, it does 1D6 damage per round to that location. Each point of the spell increases the intensity of heat by one level:
Glamour Modifiers CHA Prior to Spell 1–4 5–8 9–12 13+
Magic Skills Increase +5% — +5% +10%
Glue Variable Touch, Temporal, Passive Each point of this spell creates a five-centimeter-square glob of magical glue. The STR of the glue equals the magic points powering the spell, multiplied by 10. Glue can be overcome by using the adventurer’s STR on the resistance table. If successful, then the spell is broken, and the patch is no longer sticky. Glue never sticks to any living tissue or living organic material, but works on things like a door frame, clothing, a wooden leg, a sword in a scabbard, boots, etc. However, to Glue two objects together, they must be at relative rest to one another.
1 Point: Too hot to hold. . 2 Points: Tin melts. . 3 Points: Lead becomes soft. . 4 Points: Lead melts. . 5 Points: Copper, gold, silver, aluminum, bronze, and . iron become soft for hammering and smithing. 6 Points: Copper, gold, silver, aluminum, bronze, . and iron melt.
Hotfoot 1 Point Ranged, Instant If the caster overcomes the target’s POW, the target receives a burning pain in one foot (chosen by the caster) and cannot stand on that foot for the rest of the melee round. If a bipedal target succeeds in a DEX×5 roll, it can hop around on the other foot until the heat dies down. Otherwise, the target falls prone.
1 Point Ranged, Instant This spell ignites anything normally flammable. It creates a small fire that can set such things alight such as a torch, a thatched roof, or a dry backpack. Skin cannot be ignited. Hair or fur can be, but only if the caster overcomes the target’s POW.
Variable Ranged, Temporal, Passive This allows a fully encumbered person to jump up to three meters high or three meters away for the spell’s duration. Every additional point of the spell adds three meters to the range of a jump or allows the users to lift 3 additional SIZ points or 15 ENC points. If the target fails a successful Jump roll, they fall upon landing, though the full distance is still jumped.
Ironhand Variable Touch, Temporal, Passive This spell enhances natural weapons and unarmed combat. Though the name implies it works only on hands, the spell affects the whole body, including maneuvers like headbutting and kicking. Various nonhuman creatures have Ironclaw, Ironbeak, Ironhoof spells, etc., which all work in the same fashion. Each point increases the chance to hit by +5% and adds +1 damage. The bonus magical damage can hurt creatures otherwise invulnerable to normal fisticuffs. Telmori Wolf brothers, for instance, are not hurt by a natural weapon’s normal damage roll but are vulnerable to the magical damage bonus.
Lantern 1 Point Ranged, Temporal, Passive This must be cast on a flat surface (usually the front of a shield). It illuminates a 12-meter radius for 180° in front of the surface, giving off a glow like a torch, good enough to read by, though not as full as daylight. This spell is not affected by Extinguish.
Spirit Magic
Meteor Swarm
1 Point Ranged, Temporal, Passive This spell must be cast on some physical object like a wand, fingertip, or wall. It lights everything within a ten-meter radius from that point with a radiance good enough to read by, though not as full as daylight. This spell is not affected by Extinguish.
6 Points Ranged, Temporal, Passive This can only be cast by initiates of the Crater Makers cult. It causes stones to fall from the sky. If the casting is a special success, the stone hits its target. On a normal success, the stone lands randomly within 1D6 meters (and may hit another individual). Damage done by the meteor swarm is affected as cyclic magic by the phase of the Red Moon:
Lightwall 4 Points Ranged, Temporal, Passive (Active to move the wall) This spell creates a wall of light ten square meters in area and ten centimeters thick. If the caster takes no other actions, they can move the center of the lightwall three meters per melee round. The wall moves on the same strike rank that the caster originally cast the spell. It presents a bright glare on one side that is visually impenetrable, while from the caster’s side it is completely transparent. Furthermore, the glow illuminates ten meters on all sides (except the rear) for ten meters, covering 270° of arc. This light is good enough to read by, though not as full as daylight. Other senses, such as hearing, sonar, scent, etc., are unaffected by this wall. A darkwall can be shaped into the height or width desired, so long as the total area is ten square meters. The thickness always remains ten centimeters, and the wall always reshapes around its center. This spell is not affected by Extinguish. When a Lightwall is cast in the same space as a Darkwall, they neutralize each other while in the same space.
Magic Point Enchantment 1 Point Ritual, Enchantment This spell imbues an object with the ability to store 1D10 magic points per point of POW sacrificed. The ritual takes one hour per POW sacrificed. Stored magic points can power or boost spells cast by anyone who can use the item. Magic points stored in enchanted items do not regenerate on their own (they have no characteristic POW), but the user of the item can refill the storage capacity by expending their own magic points. It takes one melee round to store 1 magic point in an enchanted item. An enchanted item cannot hold more magic points than it has capacity.
Red Moon Phase Phase Black or Dying Crescent Half Full
Damage 1D6 3D6 7D6 12D6
Meteors summoned by the cult are moon rocks, available for summoning Lunes. 1/10 ENC worth of moon rocks fall for every 1D6 damage done on a casting. The Lunar magical skill of Amplify permits one additional meteor to fall for every 3 points used.
Mobility 1 Point Ranged, Temporal, Passive This spell doubles the MOV of the target and reduces their strike rank by 1. Like Slow (page 119), it is used by intelligent hunters, on themselves or their animals. It is also cast on elite cavalry units in battle, giving them increased shock value.
Multimissile Variable Touch, Temporal, Passive Each point of this spell cast upon a missile (arrow, bolt, stone, javelin, etc.) creates a magical missile at the instant the original is launched or fired, doing the same damage as the original missile. Each missile attack is rolled separately. The first roll is for the original, the only one that can impale or crush. However, magical missiles can still do critical damage. Larger missiles require several points to create a single missile. An arbalest, for example, requires 2 points of spell per missile. As a rule of thumb, each 2D6 (or fraction) of weapon damage requires 1 point. This spell can be cast onto a missile: the spell works (once only) if the missile is used any time within the spell’s duration. If cast and the missile is not loosed (a fumble like a dropped weapon, broken bowstring, etc.) the spell fails. This spell is incompatible with Speedart (page 119) or Firearrow (page 114).
Pamalt’s Touch Variable Touch, Temporal, Passive This spell increases the target’s chance of success in casting spirit magic by +5% per point.
Rivereyes 1 Point Self, Temporal, Passive This spell allows the user to see through water as if looking through air and vice versa. It eliminates all reflections and refractions. However, if the water is murky, or the air is foggy or smoky, it does not render the medium transparent.
Parry Variable Ranged, Temporal, Passive This spell works on any shield. Each point increases the wielder’s chance to parry with that shield by +5%.
Preserve Herbs 1 Point Touch, Duration (special) This spell allows the caster to preserve one day’s find of healing plants for one person. This allows the plants to maintain their POT for the rest of the season. After that they are useless.
Protection Variable Ranged, Temporal, Passive Each point of this spell adds 1 point of armor protection to the whole body or object. It acts in every way like normal armor. This spell is incompatible with Countermagic (page 111), Shimmer (page 118), and Spirit Screen (page 121).
Repair Variable Touch, Instant This spell repairs broken objects. All the parts must be present. Thus, a sword can be fixed, shield renewed, or armor repaired. Each point of the spell fixes 1D10 points of damage if the item has hit points. If it does not, the item is simply repaired. The object repaired shows a scar, and permanently loses 1 hit point from its maximum hit point value. When used on magic items, Repair does not return any broken enchantments or released spirits.
Second Sight 3 Points Ranged, Temporal, Passive This spell allows a person to view the POW aura of a living being and to gauge its relative strength. This spell does not allow the user to view the Spirit World. Shamans naturally have this ability and do not need to expend magic points to use it, whereas assistant shamans use this spell. The auras of all creatures within the spell’s range glow, visible to the caster only. If many creatures are within range, it is difficult for the caster to determine the POW of each. Undead things do not glow, for they have no characteristic POW. The POW auras of enchanted items are also visible, though magic points invested into spells are not. The gamemaster should tell the player whether the POW auras of the viewed creatures are much lower than the POW of the caster, within 5 points, or much higher than the user’s POW. For a shaman, the gamemaster should include the fetch’s POW when determining this. An adventurer can use Second Sight to target spells and blows against enemies in the dark, so long as they possess POW, however the caster cannot use it to attempt to Dodge or parry, as the spell provides little detail. Any heavy opaque surface—a thick woolen blanket, a wooden wall, etc.—blocks Second Sight.
Seek Sun Dome Temple 3 Points Self, Instant This spell causes a gleam of golden light to flash on the horizon in the exact direction of the nearest Sun Dome temple. The gleam is visible only to the caster.
Shimmer Variable Ranged, Temporal, Passive This spell blurs and distorts the target’s visual image, making them harder to hit. Each point subtracts –5% from the combat skill of any enemy attempting to hit the affected target. It has no effect on attacks that automatically hit (e.g.,
Spirit Magic Disruption, page 113), nor does it make it harder to cast spells or overcome the target’s POW. This spell is incompatible with Countermagic (page 111), Protection (page 118), and Spirit Screen (page 121).
Silence 1 Point Touch, Temporal, Passive This suppresses noise created by the movements of a living being or mechanical object. Thus, it suppresses the clank of plate armor while its wearer tries to hide in shadows. It does not stop deliberately created or inadvertently loud noises such as someone casting a spell, issuing commands, stepping on a branch causing a loud snap, knocking over a vase and having it shatter, or similar sounds as may be caused by a fumbled Move Quietly roll.
Sleep 3 Points Ranged, Temporal, Passive If the caster overcomes the target’s POW, the target falls into a deep sleep for the duration of the spell. The target only awakens if injured or if a hostile spell is targeted on them. Once the spell expires, the target moves into a light sleep, and awakens easily.
Slow 1 Point Ranged, Temporal, Passive If the caster overcomes the target’s POW, this spell halves their MOV (round down) and adds +1 to their strike rank. It can reduce the MOV of a creature to 0. This spell is often carried by huntsmen, the city watch, and intelligent beasts of prey such as baboons.
Sneeze 2 Points Ranged, Instant, Passive If the caster overcomes the POW of the target, the victim begins sneezing on the next strike rank and continues sneezing for 1D10 strike ranks. While sneezing, the victim is nearly incapacitated: they can only dodge or parry, and only at half normal effectiveness. If casting a spell, the victim must make a concentration roll of INT×3 each strike rank that he is sneezing while attempting the spell; a single failure ruins the spell.
Solace 3 Points Ranged, Duration (special), Passive This spell acts upon the mental distress of the target, whether from grief over the loss of a loved one, or from fear of death, or whatever. For 24 hours, this spell relieves stress on the victim, and enables them to go about their life. It does not relieve pain from wounds, nor does it reduce the probability of death or maiming if the victim is seriously injured or diseased, though it enables them to face the prospect of death bravely.
Speedart 1 Point Ranged, Temporal, Passive When cast upon any missile, this spell adds +15% to the wielder’s attack chance and +3 points of damage when it is fired. This spell can be cast onto a missile, and the spell works once (only) if the missile is used before the spell expires. The magical damage can hurt magical creatures otherwise invulnerable to normal weapons. Telmori Wolfbrothers, for
Spirit Magic instance, are not hurt by the missile’s normal damage, but can be hurt by the magical damage bonus. Speedart is incompatible with Firearrow (page 114) and Multimissile (page 117).
Spell Matrix Enchantment 1 Point Ritual, Enchantment By creating a spell matrix, the caster can store the potentiality of a spirit magic spell in an item. Anyone who can use the item gains the ability to use the spell whenever they are in physical contact with the item, though they lose the potentiality of the spell as soon as they lose that contact. The caster cannot make a matrix for a spell they do not have access to. The caster must sacrifice POW equal to the magic points needed to cast the spell to create the spell matrix. Thus, to give a sword a Bladesharp 1 matrix requires 1 POW. Making a Bladesharp 3 matrix takes 3 points of POW. The strength of a matrix can be built up over time. Thus a 2-point Bladesharp matrix could be built up into a 4-point matrix by later sacrifices of POW. This can be done over the course of several weeks or even seasons. Of course, the matrix does not have the spell until the entire sacrifice is made. The user of a matrix has a chance of casting that spell equal to their POW×5. The user also needs to spend 1 magic point per point of spell. Possession of an item with a spell matrix does not count against the owner’s CHA limit for spell knowledge.
Spirit Binding 1 Point Ranged, Instant This spell is used to bind spirits into familiars or magical objects: see the Binding Enchantment spell (RuneQuest, page 249) and Binding Spirits into Animals (RuneQuest, page 250) for more information. Binding spirits into familiars demands the use of special cult-bred animals. Magical objects for holding spirits can be made using the Binding Enchantment ritual (page 110), others can be obtained from a temple or while adventuring. The death of the binder frees the spirit, even if the binder is immediately revived through divine intervention or other methods.
Spirit Screen Variable Ranged, Temporal, Passive This spell acts as spiritual armor to absorb damage in spirit combat. Each point of the spell absorbs 1 point of
spiritual damage. The target remains protected for the spell’s duration. Spirit Screen is incompatible with Countermagic (page 111), Protection (page 118), and Shimmer (page 118). Example: While on a vision quest in the Sleeping City Hills, Vishi Dunn is attacked by a ghost with Spirit Combat 76%. This is not his first encounter in the last few hours, and Vishi currently has only 8 magic points, down from his normal 19. He is, however, protected by 3 points of Spirit Screen, and his Spirit Combat is 95%. Vishi attempts a Spirit Combat roll to defend himself but fails with an unlucky roll of 97. To damage Vishi, the ghost must inflict 4+ points of damage, because of Vishi’s Spirit Screen 3, which works regardless of whether his Spirit Combat defense roll was successful or not.
Strength 2 Points Touch, Temporal, Passive This spell adds +8 points of STR to the target for the spell’s duration. If the target’s STR+SIZ is 40 or less, this increases melee combat damage by one step on the Damage Bonus table (e.g., from +1D4 to +1D6, RuneQuest, page 56), increases all Agility and Manipulation skills (including weapon skills) as follows: Strength Modifier STR Prior to Spell 1–4 5–8 9–12 13+
Agility & Manipulation Skills Increase +5% — +5% +10%
It also enables the target to lift or carry heavier weights. Strength is incompatible with Vigor (page 122).
Summon (entity) Variable Ritual 1 Point Ritual, Active To cast this spell, the caster must inform the gamemaster of the Summon (entity) spell being used. Shamans and adventurers normally summon only spirit entities. The summoner states how many magic points they are using, including the 1 magic point cost and cannot use more magic points than are available. The ritual requires one hour per magic point spent in attempting the summons. If the number of magic points used is less than the magic points possessed by the specific entity being summoned (as generated by the gamemaster), then the ritual automatically
RuneQuest fails. The magic points powering the Summon spell are expended whether it succeeds or not. If successful, a random specimen of the desired entity type magically appears at the spot where the summons was performed, one melee round after the summons was completed. The entity is not under the control of the summoner (unless an appropriate control spell is then cast). It may be friendly, neutral, malign, or evil to the summoner, as determined by the gamemaster, with the following guidelines: A friendly spirit does as the summoner desires. . A neutral spirit does not necessarily do what the .
summoner desires but does not attack the summoner unless attacked. A malign spirit attacks the summoner, trying to possess them. A hostile spirit attacks the summoner, trying to destroy them.
. .
Vigor 2 Points Touch, Temporal, Passive Each point of this spell adds +3 points to the CON of the target. This increases the target’s hit points by +3 and adds +1 hit point to each hit location. Vigor also increases the target’s maximum ENC. Vigor is incompatible with Strength (page 121).
Visibility 2 Points Ranged, Temporal, Passive This spell can be cast only on creatures in the Spirit World. It transports a creature from the Spirit World to the Middle World, giving it a translucent form in the shape the invisible being had while alive. The target spirit can still cast spells and otherwise interact with the Mundane World and is subject to spells. Normal weapons do not affect such creatures, regardless of whether they have magic cast upon them. This spell is not subject to the normal rules for Dispel Magic (page 112), Neutralize Magic (RuneQuest, page 397), or Dismiss Magic (page 44).
Index A
Absorption 10 Accelerate Growth 10 Active Spell 5 Affix Darkness 10 Alter Creature 10 Alter Spirit of Disease 11 Analyze Magic 11 Ancestor Random Spirit Spell 88 Ancestral Spirits 88 Ancestral Summons 88 Animate War Tree 12 Antlers 12 Appease Earth 13 Area of Effect 6 Arouse Passion 13 Arrow of Light 13 Arrow Trance 13 Attack Soul 13 Attract Attention 13 Augmenting with Skills 7 Aurora 14 Awaken Loon 14 Axe Trance 14 Axis Mundi 14
Ban 15 Bat Wings 15 Bear Fruit 15 Bear’s Skin 15 Bear’s Strength 15 Beastmaster 15 Become Hawk 16 Become (other shape) 16 Befuddle 110 Benison 16 Berserker 16 Bind Ghost 17 Binding Enchantment 17, 110 Bind Wind 17 Birthing 17 Black Breath 17 Bladesharp 110 Blast Earth 17 Bless Animals 17 Bless Champion 18 Bless Crops 18 Bless Grave 18 Bless Pregnancy 18 Bless Thunderstone 18 Bless Woad 19 Blinding 19 Blood Feast 19 Blood Red 20 Bloody Tusk 13 Bludgeon 110 Boar’s Hide 20
Boar’s Strength 20 Boar’s Tusks 20 boost 6 Bounty 20 Breathe Air/Water 21 Breathe Life into Art 21 Butterflight 21
Call Founder 21 Calm Waters 23 Cancel Light 23 Carapace (Gorakiki variant) 24 Carry (disease) 24 Catseye 24 Cause (disease) 24 Cause Plague 24 Chameleon 24 Chaos Gift 27 Chaos Spawn 27 Chaos Spawn table 27 Chaotic Features 25 Chaotic Features table 24 Charisma 28 Chill 28 City Harmony 28 Clairvoyance 28 Claws 28 Clever Tongue 30 Cloud Call 30 Cloud Clear 30 Cloud Cover 71, 80 Comfort Song 30 Command (cult spirit) 30 Command Ghost 30 Command Priests 30 Command (species) 31 Command Worshipers 31 Common Rune Magic 8 Community 32 Comprehension 111 Conceal Item 111 Conquer Beast 32 Consume 32 Consume Mind 32 Control (entity) 111 Control Flood 32 Conversion of Chaos 33 Conversion of Chaos Side Effects 33 Cool 111 Coordination 111 Corruption 33 Cosmic Compromise 2 Counter Chaos 33 Countermagic 111 Couvade 33 Crack 34 Create Bonfire 34
Create Bridge 34 Create Fissure 34 Create Flippers 34 Create Foe-curser 35 Create Ghost 35 Create Great Market 35 Create Head 35 Create Head Chaotic Features 36 Create Market (Create Neutral Ground) 36 Create Revenant 37 Create Shadow 37 Create Skeleton 37 Create War Tree 37 Create Whirlvish 37 Create Wildfire 37 Create Zombie 38 Cremate Dead 38 Crush 38 Cure All Disease 38 Cure Chaos Wound 38 Cure Iron Burn 38 Cure Poison 38 Curse of Thed 26, 38 Curse of Thed Random Effects table 24, 39
Darklight 40 Darksee 40 Dark Walk 40 Darkwall 111 Daughter’s Road 40 Dead Place Ferry 40 Death Binding 41 Death Strike 41 Decrease Temperature 41 Demoralize 112 Destroy Clouds 41 Detect Enemies 112 Detect Honor 42 Detection Blank 42 Detect Life 112 Detect Magic 112 Detect Spirit 112 Detect (substance) 112 Detect Trap 112 Detect Truth 42 Detect Undead 112 Devour Book 42 Devour Foe 42 Dew 42 Diamond Edge 43 Discern Magic 43 Discorporation 43 Dismiss Magic 44 Dismiss (type) Elemental 44 Dispel Magic 112 Disruption 113
Distraction 113 Divert Fire 44 Divination 45 Divination Block 45 Draw Beast 45 Drive Out Spirit 45 Drown 45 Dullblade 113 Duration 108
Earthpower 45 Earth Shield 45 Earthtouch 46 Earthwarm 46 Elklegs 46 Elk Strength 46 Enchant Ice 46 Enchant Instrument 46 Enchantment 5 Enchant (metal) 46 Enthrall 49 Entrance 49 Erotocomatose Lucidity 49 Euphoria 49 Exchange Skin 49 Exchange Spells 49 Extension 49 Extinguish 113
Face Chaos 50 Face of Lanbril 113 False Form 50 False Healing 114 Fanaticism 114 Fang of Wachaza 50 Fangs 50 Farsee 114 Fear 51 Fear Effects 51 Fearless 51 Featherscales 51 Feed Ghosts 51 Fertilize 51 Fetish 107 Fight Disease 51 Find Enemy 51 Find (substance) 52 Firearrow 114 Fireblade 114 Firedwell 52 Firelight 52 Fireshield 52 Firespear 52 Flamesword 52 Flash Flood 52 Fleetfoot 53 Flight 53 Float 53 Flood (Heler variant) 53 Flood (River God variant) 53 Flowers 53 Food Song 114
Forget 115 Free Ghost 53 Frost 53 Fumble 54 Furnace Fire 54
Ghost Dart 54 Glamour 115 Glamour Modifiers 115 Glowspot 54 Glue 115 Gnome to Gargoyle 54 God Learners 2 Gods War 2, 4, 9 Golden Fleece 54 Great Leap 54 Group Dance 54 Group Defense 55 Group Laughter 55 Guided Teleportation 55
Hailstones 55 Hallucinate 55 Harmonium 56 Harmonize 55 Harmony 56 Heal 115 Heal Body 56 Healing Plants 72 Healing Spirits 92 Healing Trance 56 Heal Wound 56 Hearth Fire 56 Heat Blast 57 Heat Metal 115 Hepherones of Ganbarri 4 Hibernate 57 Hide Fire 57 Hide Wealth 57 Hie Wagon 57 Hotfoot 115 Humor 58 Hunter-prey Link 58 Hurling 58
Identify Scent 58 Ignite 116 Illusion Intensity 59 Illusions 59 Illusory Motion 58 Illusory Odor 58 Illusory Sight 59 Illusory Sound 59 Illusory Substance 59 Illusory Taste 59 Impede Chaos 59 Incarnate Ancestor 59 Increase/Decrease Wind 60 Increase Temperature 60 Induce Uzdo 60 Insanity 64
Insect Song 61 Insect Swarm 93 Inspiration 61 Inspire Love 61 Instant Spell 6 Intensity 5 Invigorate 61 Inviolable 61 Invisibility 61 Ironhand 116
Jabbers 62 Jumping 116
Keenclaw 62 Knowledge 62 Know Lineage 62
Lantern 116 Lava Spear 62 Leap 62 Leaping Legs 62 Learning Spirit Magic 105 Lie 63 Light 117 Lightning 63 Lightwall 117 Limits to Spirit Spell Holding 107 Lock 63
Madness 63 Madness Effect 64 Magic Point Enchantment 64, 117 Magnify Command 64 Malkion 2 Matrix Creation 64 Meditation 6 Meld Form 65 Meteor Swarm 117 Mindblast 65 Mindbridge 65 Mind Read 65 Mist Cloud 65 Mobility 117 Mold Rock 66 Morale 66 Moulder 66 Mountain Leap 66 Multimissile 117 Multispell 66 Mythical Synthesis Movement 2
Nightmare 67
Oath 67 One-use 9
Pain Tooth 67 Pamalt’s Touch 118 Panic 67 Parry 118 Passage 67 Passive Spell 5 Path Watch 67 Pathway 68 Peace 68 Plant Spy 68 Plastron 68 Plow 69 Power Drain 69 Power Drain (Crimson Bat variant) 69 Predict Weather 69 Pregnancy 69 Preserve Food 69 Preserve Herbs 118 Preserve Wealth 69 Produce Light 69 Project Music 70 Proliferate 70 Protection 118 Proteus 70 Purification Ritual 70 Purify Water 70
Rain 71 Range 108 Ranged Spell 6 Rapture 71 Rebirth of Chaos 71 Reconstruction 71 Red Moon Phase 117 Refine Medicine 71 Reflection 71 Regrow Limb 73 Release Undead 73 Remove (Body Part) 73 Repair 118 Reproduce 74 Require Truth 74 Resistance Roll 108 Resistance Rolls 6 Resist Pain 74 Restore Health 75 Restore Magic 75 Restore Mind 75 Restore Vision 75 Resurrect 75 Ride River Horse 75 Ritual 5 Ritual Practices 7 Ritual Preparation table 7 Ritual Spell 5 Rivereyes 118 Rune Metals 47 Runes of Acos 2
Safe 76 Sanctify 76 Scram 76 Scum 76 Seal Soul 76 Seal Tongue 77 Seal Wound 77 Seastrength 76 Second Mouth 77 Second Sight 118 Seek Omen 77 Seek Sun Dome Temple 118 Sever Spirit 77 Shadows Dance 77 Shake Earth 77 Shape Metal 78 Shattering 78 Shield 78 Shield of Arran 45 Shield of Darkness 78 Shimmer 118 Shooting Star 78 Silence 119 Silence Sphere 79 Silver Track 79 Sky Sight 79 Slash 79 Sleep 119 Slow 119 Smoke Cloud 79 Smoldering Rebellion 79 Sneeze 119 Snow 80 Solace 119 Soul Sight 80 Soulspear 80 Spawn Crawling Hand 81 Spawn Gorp 81 Spawn Manling 81 Speak with Birds 81 Speak with Herd Beasts 81 Speak with Horse 81 Speak with Insects 81 Speak with Scorpion 82 Speak with Small Animals 82 Special Cult Spirit Magic 107 Speedart 119 Spellcasting Ability 107 Spell Durations 6 Spell Limits 108 Spell Matrix Enchantment 121 Spell Range 6 Spell Strike Rank 108 Spell Trading 82 Spiderlimbs 83 Spider’s Head 83 Spirit Armor Enchantment 83 Spirit Binding 121 Spirit Block 83 Spirit Guardian 83 Spirit Melding 83 Spirit Screen 121
Sprout 83 Sprout Arms 84 Sprout Legs 84 Sprout Wings 84 Spryness 84 Stackable 9 Stackable/Nonstackable Spell 5 Starbright 84 Star Sight 85 Star Walk 85 Star Wards 85 Stinger 85 Stone-biting 85 Stones to Kill Chaos 85 Stop Resurrection 87 Strength 121 Strength of Basmol 87 Strike 87 Strongblade 87 Strongnet 87 Styx’s Shore 87 Submerge 87 Summon Ancestor 87 Summon (cult spirit) 89 Summon Dead 89 Summon Demon 89 Summon Dolphin 89 Summon Elemental (type) 91 Summon (entity) 121 Summon Fish 91 Summon Ghost 91 Summon Guardian 91 Summon Guardian of Thanatar 91 Summon Healing Spirit 92 Summon Hollri 92 Summon Household Guardian 92 Summon Ice Nymph 92 Summoning 5 Summon Insect Swarm 93 Summon Lodril 93 Summon Ludoch 93 Summon Luxite 93 Summon Nereid 94 Summon Salmon 94 Summon Snake Daughter 94 Summons of Evil 95 Summon Specific Ancestor 95 Summon Spirit of Law 95 Summon Spirit Teacher 95 Summon Tidal Wave 95 Sunbright 96 Sunripen 96 Sunspear 96 Support 96 Suppress Lodril 96 Suppress Oakfed 96 Sureshot 97 Survival Covenant 10 Swallow 97 Sweat Acid 97 Switch Places 97 Sword Trance 97
Tambour 98 Tame Bull 98 Tanglethicket 98 Teleportation 98 Temporal Spell 6 Terrify Horse 98 The Focus 107 Thunderbolt 98 Tongue 99 Total Magic Points 5 Touch Spell 6 Transfer Pregnancy 99 Transform Head (Bee) 99 Transform Head (Beetle) 99 Transform Head (Lion) 99 Transform Head (Locust) 99 Transform Head (Moth) 99 Transform Head (Turtle) 99 Transform Self 100 Translate 100 Tree chopping Song 100 Truespeak 100 Truetune 100 True (weapon) 100 Turn Blow 100 Turn Undead 101 Turn Undead Results 101
Unisonance 101 Unity 101
Variable/Nonvariable Spell 5 Venom Bite 102 Venom Boosting 102 Vesper 102 Vigor 122 Visibility 122 Vision 102 Vomit Acid 102
Warding 102 Warrior of Stone 103 Waste Loins 103 Waterspout 103 Waterwalk 103 Webbing 103 Whirlpool 103 Windwalking 104 Wind Warp 104 Wind Words 104 Wither 104 Wolf Hide 104 Wolfrunning 104 Wolf ’s Head 104
Xiola Umbar 14, 33
Zzabur the Sorcerer Supreme 2