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R esurrection, Immortality, and Eternal Life in Intertestamental Judaism and Early Christianity
| Η~Λ ״R VΛ R il I THEOLOGI CAL ■ s דυ d ! r. s |
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Resurrection, Immortality, and Eternal Life in Intertestamental Judaism and Early Christianity
E x p a n d e d E d it io n
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Resurrection, Immortality, and Eternal Life in Intertestamental Judaism and Early Christianity
E x p a n d e d E d it io n
George W. E. Nickelsburg
Resurrection, Immortality, and Eternal Life in Intertestam ental
i J B R A ^ da1sm and Early Christianity EfVlONT SCHCK jTafyard Theological Studies 56 1325 N. C O L L F 'C : AVE. C1.AREMONT, CA 9 l 7 i 1 - Series Editors: F ran c is Bovon Francis Schiissler Fiorenza Peter B. Machinist © 2006 the President and Fellow s o f Harvard College A ll rights reserved. Except for brief quotations in critical articles or reviews, no part o f this book may be reproduced in any manner without prior written permission from the publisher. For permission use, contact Permissions Department, Harvard Theological Studies, Harvard Divinity School, 45 Francis Avenue, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138.
Managing editor: Margaret Studier Typesetters: Anne Browder, Mark Nussberger, Richard Jude Thompson, John Whitley Proofreaders: Anne Browder, Mark Nussberger Scanning: Taylor Petrey Cover design: HanleylJones Cover art: Ezekiel Cycle, Synagogue of Dura-Europos, Damascus, Syria, circa 256 c . e ., Section B, scenes 1-2. Reproduced with permission of Department of Ancient Art, Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, Connecticut The foreign language fonts (New Jerusalem and Symbol Greekll) and transliteration fonts used in this book are available from Linguist’s Software, Inc., PO Box 580, Ed monds, WA 98020-0580; tel: (425) 775-1130. Website: www.linguistsoftware.com
Nickelsburg, George W. E., 1934— Resurrection, immortality, and eternal life in intertestamental Judaism and early Christianity / George W. E. Nickelsburg. —Expanded ed. p. cm. — (Harvard Theological Studies ; 56) Includes bibliographical references and index. 1. Eschatology—Biblical teaching. 2. Bible. O.T. Apocrypha—Theology. 3. Apocryphal books (Old Testament)—Theology. 4. Bible. N.T. Mark—Theology. I. Title. BS1199.E75N5 2006 296.3’3—dc22 2006029876 This book is printed on acid-free paper.
For Klaus Baltzer and Marinus de Jonge
Table o f Contents
P reface to the E xpanded E dition P reface to the F irst E dition
A bbreviations
I ntroduction to the E xpanded E dition
Part One I ntroduction to the first edition C hapter 1 Religious Persecution—Apocalyptic Texts
A. Daniel 12:1-3 B. Texts Related to Daniel 12:1-3
19 23 23 42
Testament of Moses 10— Jubilees 23:27-31— Testament o f Judah 25
C. The Judgment Scene: Carrier of the Resurrection Tradition Excursus A: The Date and Provenance of the Testament of Moses Excursus B: The Date of Jubilees 23:16-31
55 61 65
C hapter 2 Religious Persecution—The Story of the Persecution and
Exaltation of the Righteous Man A. Parallels to Wisdom 2, 4-5
Genesis 37—45— The Story o f Ahikar— The Book o f Esther— Daniel 3 and 6— The Story o f Susanna
B. The Gattung of the Story in Wisdom
A Story o f Persecution and Exaltation— The Story in Wisdom and the Servant Poems—-The Form o f Wisdom 1-6— The Function of Scene Two
C. Earlier Forms of the Isaianic Tradition of Wisdom 2, 4-5
Wisdom 5 and Daniel 12:3— The Parables o f 1 Enoch— The Tradition Behind Wisdom and 1 Enoch— The Origin o f the Tradition: 2 Maccabees 9; 1 Maccabees 6
D. The Re-Use of This Tradition
Daniel 12 and Testament o f Moses 10— 1 Enoch 104— 2 Bamch 4 9 -5 1 — The Parables of Enoch— 1 Enoch 108— Wisdom of Solomon 1-6— Third Maccabees
Resurrection, Immortality, and Eternal Life
C hapter 3
Religious Persecution—The Story of the Persecution and Vindication of the Righteous A. 2 Maccabees 7
119 119
A Story of Persecution and Vindication in the Tradition o f Daniel 3 and 6— The Function o f Resurrection in 2 Maccabees 7— The Function of the Story— A History o f the Traditions in 2 Maccabees 7: Testament of Moses 9; 1 Maccabees 2:15-28, 4 9 -6 8 — Development of the Tradition— The Sources o f Resurrection Language in 2 Maccabees 7: The Isaianic Exaltation Scene; The Mother and Her Sons
B. Fourth Maccabees
C hapter 4
A. B. C. D. E. F. G.
The Oppression of the Righteous Poor— 1 Enoch 94-104 The Situation Judgment and Resurrection— 102:4-104:8 The Traditional Judgment Scene Reused The Mode and Scope of Resurrection The Function of Resurrection The Form and Function of 102-104: An Apologetic Argument First Maccabees—A Book Written by “the Sinners”
141 141 143 151 154 155 156 162
Resurrection—Unrelated to Persecution, Oppression, Injustice The Psalms of Solomon 1 Enoch 22 Fourth Ezra 7 Sibylline Oracles 4 The Testament of Benjamin 10 Summary
163 163 168 171 174 176 177
C hapter 5
A. B. C. D. E. F.
6 The Qumran Scrolls and Two-Ways Theology A. Previous Discussion and Preliminary Questions B. The Hymn Scroll
179 179 18 !
Persecution as a Setting: x(ii).20-30 and x(ii).31-37l, xv(vii).6-25; xii(iv).5-xiii(v).4; xiii(v).20-xiv(vi)— Summary— Present Participation in Eschatological Life: xi(iii). 19-23; xix(xi).3-14
C. IQS iii.13-iv.26: The Theology of the Two Ways
IQS iv.6-8— The Form and Function of IQS iii.13-iv.26— Other Two-Ways Documents: The Mandates o f Hermas; The Testament o f Asher; Wisdom of
Solomon 1-5— The Time and Mode o f Eternal Life in IQS iii.13-iv.26
D. Conclusions Concerning Qumran E. External Evidence about the Essenes
205 206
C onclusions
211 211
A. The Forms The Story of the Righteous Man— The Judgment Scene— Two-Ways Theology
B. Synthesis: Variations, Tendencies, and Conservative Elements within These Forms
A ppendix — Some Presuppositions of Cullmann’s Essay on
Immortality o f the Soul or Resurrection o f the Dead
Part Two C hapter 7 Resurrection in Early Christianity
227 228
A. Texts and Authors Early Creeds and Hymns— The Document “Q”— The Apostle Paul The Deutero-Pauline Literature— The Gospel According to Mark— The Gospel According to Matthew— Luke-Acts— The Gospel According to John— The Epistle to the Hebrews— The Book o f Revelation
B. Jesus, the Servant of the Lord C. Historical Problems
245 246
C hapter 8 The Genre and Function of the Markan Passion
Narrative A. Stories of Persecution and Vindication in Jewish Literature B. The Story of Persecution and Vindication in the Markan Passion Narrative C. The Markan Passion Narrative as an Account of the Messianic Ordeal D. The Narrative Components about the Temple: Their Relationship to the Messianic Components and Their Function in Mark E. A Possible Pre-Markan Passion Narrative
249 251 259 263
272 277
Resurrection, Immortality, and Eternal Life
C hapter 9 The Son of Man in Judaism and Early Christianity
A. The Hebrew Bible Apart from Daniel 7
281 281
In Poetic Parallelism— Ezekiel
B. Early Jewish Texts
Daniel 7— The Parables of 1 Enoch— Wisdom o f Solomon 1-6— 4 Ezra 11-13— 2 Baruch— Reconstruction o f the Tradition
C. The New Testament
The Document “Q”— The Gospel According to Mark— The Gospel According to Matthew— Luke-Acts— The Fourth Gospel— Paul and the Pauline Tradition— The Book o f Revelation— 2 Peter— Summary of the New Testament Evidence— The Historical Jesus and the Son of Man B ibliography Index of A ncient W ritings I ndex of M odern A uthors
315 333 363
T ables
I. II. III. IV. V.
The Judgment Scene 54 The Wisdom Tale 76-77 The Isaianic Exaltation Tradition 106 The Story of the Sons and Their Father/Mother 128 Generic Components: Stories of Persecution and Vindication 254—55
Preface to the Expanded Edition This expanded reedition of the published form of my doctoral disserta tion (1972) comprises two parts. Part One reproduces the dissertation essentially as it was first published. Part Two includes three later studies that applied some of the findings of the dissertation to texts in the New Testament: “Resurrection in Early Christianity”; “The Genre and Function of the Markan Passion Narrative”; and “The Son of Man” in the Hebrew Bible, Early Judaism, and the New Testament. I am grateful to Professor Frangois Bovon and the editors of Harvard Theo logical Studies for having invited me to present my work once more in their series. I wish also to express my thanks to Margaret Studier, managing editor of the Harvard Theological Review, who oversaw the project with competence, care, and good cheer; to Anne Browder and Mark Nussberger, who provided a very close proofreading; to John Whitley and Mark Nussberger, who transcribed the Hebrew transliterations of the first edition back into (pointed) Aramaic script; and to Richard Thompson, Taylor Petrey, and Tracy Thorpe, who served in other ways as assistants in the production of the book. The scanned digital copy of my original dissertation facilitated my editorial work. Special thanks to Random House publishers for permission to reproduce my Anchor Bible Dictionary articles, to E.J. Brill publishers for permission to scan the version of my Markan Passion Narrative article that they had re-keyboarded for inclu sion in a collection of my articles, and to Yale University Press for permission to use as a cover illustration a rare Jewish depiction of the resurrection of the dead. As always, I am indebted to Marilyn, who thought she had seen the last of this project three decades ago. I dedicated the first volume to the four members of my dissertation com mittee whose training remains an influence on my work. I dedicate this edition to two special friends whose work has influenced my own over the years and for whose Festschriften my administrative work at The University of Iowa prevented me from writing the articles that would have expressed my friend ship and affection and my gratitude for their many kindnesses, as well as my admiration of their scholarship. Issaquah, Washington, September 2006
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Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae Anchor Bible Anchor Bible Dictionary, ed. David Noel Freedman (1992) Anchor Bible Reference Library at the place in a text edition where the present passage is discussed AnBib Analecta Biblica An. Oxon. Anecdota Oxoniensis Add Esth Additions to Esther ALBO Analecta Lovaniensia Biblica et Orientalia Ant. Antiquities, Josephus AOT The Apocryphal Old Testament, ed. H. F. D. Sparks (1984) APOT The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha o f the Old Testament in English, ed. R. H. Charles (1913) Apoc. Mos. Apocalypse of Moses (Greek Life of Adam and Eve) Apost. Const. Apostolic Constitutions Aq. Aquila Arab. Arabic Aram. Aramaic Armenian Arm. Acta Reg. Societatis Humaniorum Litterarum Lundensis ARSHLL Acta Theologica Danica ATDan Biblical Archaeologist BA A Greek-English Lexicon o f the New Testament and Other BAGD Early Christian Literature, 3d ed., Frederick W. Danker, ed. based on earlier editions by Walter Bauer, William F. A. Arndt, and F. Wilbur Gingrich (2000) Baruch Bar Syriac Apocalypse of Baruch 2 Bar. Greek Apocalypse of Baruch 3 Bar. Barnabas Barn. Bulletin o f the American Schools o f Oriental Research BASOR Bonner biblische Beitrage BBB
Resurrection, Immortality, and Eternal Life
Before the Common Era = B.C. Biblica Bulletin o f the John Rylands Library Bibliotheca Orientalis Biblische Zeitschrift Beihefte zur Zeitschrift fur die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft BZNW Beihefte zur Zeitschrift fiir die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft C. Ap. Contra Apionem, Josephus CBQ Catholic Biblical Quarterly CD Damascus Document c. e. Common Era = A.D. CEJL Commentaries on Early Jewish Literature Chr Chronicles ch(s). chapter(s) Col Colossians ConBib Coniectanea Biblica 1, 2 Cor 1, 2 Corinthians CScA Contributi all Scienza dell’ Antichita CSS Cursus Scripturae Sacrae Dan Daniel Deut Deuteronomy Did. Didache ditt. dittography DJD Discoveries in the Judaean Desert EBib Etudes Bibliques Doct. Apost. Doctrina Apostolorum Eccl Ecclesiastes edit. edition ed(s). editor(s); edited by EHAT Exegetisches Handbuch zum Alten Testament 1 Enoch Ethiopic Apocalypse of Enoch 2 Enoch Slavonic Apocalypse of Enoch Eph Ephesians Esth Esther Eth. Ethiopic Exod Exodus b
c .e .
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Ezekiel Forschung zur Bibel Festschrift fragment Galatians Die griechischen christlichen Schriftsteller der ersten (drei) Jahrhunderte Genesis Greek Gospel o f Peter Handbuch zum Alten Testament Harvard Dissertations in Religion Hebrews Hebrew Shepherd of Hermas Handbuch zum Neuen Testament Hippolytus homoioteleuton Hosea Harvard Theological Review Harvard Theological Studies Hebrew Union College Annual International Critical Commentary The Interpreter’s Dictionary o f the Bible, ed. George A. Buttrick (1962) Israel Exploration Journal imperfect tense imperative Isaiah Jewish Apocryphal Literature Journal o f the American Oriental Society Journal o f Biblical Literature Judith Jeremiah Journal o f Jewish Studies Josephus Joshua
xviii Resurrection, Immortality, and Eternal Life
Journal fo r the Study o f Judaism in the Persian, Hellenistic, and Roman Periods JSJSup Journal for the Study of Judaism Supplements JSS Journal o f Semitic Studies Jub. Jubilees Judg Judges J. W. Jewish War, Josephus KEK Kritisch-exegetischer Kommentar iiber das Neue Testament Kgs Kings KJY King James Version LAB Liber Antiquitatum Biblicarum (Pseudo-Philo) LCL Loeb Classical Library Lev Leviticus lxx Greek Jewish Scriptures, so-called Septuagint 1,2,3,4 Macc 1, 2, 3, 4 Maccabees Mai Malachi Mand. Mandates of the Shepherd of Hermas Mem. Memorabilia, Xenophon Mic Micah MSP Monumenta Sacra et Profana m s(s) mt
Nah NKZ NovT NovTSup NRTh NTA NTL NTS NTTS Num Obad ot
OTP OtSt pap.
m a n u s c r ip t(s )
Massoretic Text Nahum Neue kirchliche Zeitschrifl Novum Testamentum Novum Testamentum Supplements Nouvelle revue theologique New Testament Abstracts New Testament Library New Testament Studies New Testament Tools and Studies Numbers Obadiah Old Testament = Hebrew Bible Old Testament Pseudepigrapha, ed. James C. Charlesworth (1983-1985) Oudtestamentische Studien papyrus
1,2 Pet Phil Pr Azar Praep. ev. Prov Ps Ps. Sol.
1, 2 Peter Philippians Prayer of Azariah Praeparatio evangelica, Eusebius Proverbs Psalm(s) Psalms of Solomon “Quelle,” putative source of Jesus’ sayings behind Matthew and Luke Qumran, preceded by the number of the cave of discovery and followed by m s . number (e.g., 4Q520) or by short title, as follows: 4QDib(Ham) “Words of the Luminaries” 1QH Hymn Scroll lQIsa Isaiah Scroll 1QM, 4QM War Scroll lQpHab Habakkuk Commentary IQS Manual of Discipline (Community Rule) lQSa First appendix to Manual of Discipline lQSb Second appendix to Manual of Discipline Revue biblique Refutatio Omnium Haeresium, Hippolytus Revue des etudes grecques Die Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart Romans Revue de Qumran Revue des sciences philosophiques et theologiques Recherches de Science Religieuse Revised Standard Version Sammlung ausgewahlter kirchen- und dogmengeschichtlicher Quellenschriften Samuel Society of Biblical Literature Dissertation Series Society of Biblical Literature Septuagint and Cognate Stud ies Society o f Biblical Literature Seminar Papers
Resurrection, Immortality, and Eternal Life
SBS SBT SD Sem Sib. Or. SIJB Sion Sup Sir SJ SPCK Bibl Mon STDJ SUNT Sus Sym. Syr. TDNT T.
ThA Theodt. 1, 2 Thess 1, 2 Tim Tob Tr. TS TWNT
Stuttgarter Bibelstudien Studies in Biblical Theology Studies and Documents Semitica Sibylline Oracles Schriften des Institutum Judaicum in Berlin Sion Supplements Sirach Scripta Judaica Society for the Promotion of Christian Knowledge Monograph Series Studies on the Texts of the Desert of Judah Studien zur Umwelt des Neuen Testaments Susanna Symmachus Syriac Theological Dictionary o f the New Testament Testament of: Abr. Abraham Asher Asher Benj. Benjamin Dan Dan Iss. Issachar Jos. Joseph Jud. Judah Levi Levi Mos. Moses Napht. Naphtali Zeb. Zebulun Theologische Arbeiten Theodotion 1, 2 Thessalonians 1, 2 Timothy Tobit Translation, translator Texts and Studies Theologisches Worterbuch zum Neuen Testament
TU 7Z v(v). VT VTSup Vulg. Wis (Sol) WM ANT WZKM ZAW Zech ZNW ZTK ZWT
Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur Theologische Zeitschrifl verse(s) Vetus Testamentum Vetus Testamentum Supplements Vulgate Wisdom of Solomon Wissenschaftliche Monographien zum Alten und Neuen Testa ment Wiener Zeitschrift fu r die Kunde des Morgenlandes Zeitschrift fu r die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft Zechariah Zeitschrifl fu r die Neutestamentliche Wissenschaft Zeitschrift fu r Theologie und Kirche Zeitschrift fu r wissenschaftliche Theologie
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