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Resurrecting Eve The Minoan Legacy
By J. F. Cowgill
Resurrecting Eve
Front Cover: Statue of Liberty (Liberty Enlightening the World), 1886, New York City, Dominique James. CC BY 2.0, https://www.flickr.com/photos/dominiquejames/4621961395/ (Modified by jfc)
Cover border, front and back: Minoan rolling wave design with a flower of life at the center of each (Knossos, Crete). These symbols illustrate the Minoans ability and knowledge of geometry and dividers. Picture by Olaf Tausch / CC BY (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0), Olaf Tausch - Own work, (Cropped out everything except rolling wave and flower of life symbols-jfc)
“.…whatever befalls you, do not fall out with one another.” Canassatego (Iroquois leader) Pennsylvania, 1744
Resurrecting Eve Citations: All work by others in this book was obtained via the internet. Unless noted otherwise, the entire body of this work, including the theories presented, is my own work. If the source for a picture couldn’t be located, I used what information I could find. If specific pictures are interesting, I encourage you to see the originals on the internet. The majority of information about Crete and Knossos came from several volumes of The Palace of Minos at Knossos, by Sir Arthur Evans (1921-1936), McMillan and Co. Ltd., St. Martin’s St., London, and the two volumes of The Prehistoric Tombs of Crete, By Sir Arthur Evans (1906), J. B. Nichols and Sons, Westminster, England. The book Architecture of Minoan Crete, by John C. McEnroe (2010), University of Texas Press was helpful establishing the occupancy timeline on Crete by the Minoans. For Cadmus the Phoenician, I recommend the book Kadmos the Phoenician, by Ruth B. Edwards (1979), Adolf M Hakkert Publisher, Amsterdam. A bibliography will not be included other than what citation information is placed with the actual text or pictures. The amount of information I consumed for this chronicle is just too vast; half the book would end up in bibliography. Some of the material I used as sources came from essays available via the internet from scholars and amateurs who were intrigued by the Minoans in specific areas, adding their research and conclusions to the growing body of material on the Minoan people and their civilization. I thank all those named and unnamed whose information has helped me find answers and reach my conclusions about the legacy of the Minoans.
Acknowledgements: ContributorsS. Cowgill; advice D. Greenough; advice J. T. Cowgill; advice W. Rawson; advice
The following museums were instrumental enabling me to see the artifactsThe Heraklion Museum, Crete, Greece The excavation site at Knossos, Crete, Greece The Athens Museum, Athens, Greece The Cultural Museum of Santorini, Santorini, Greece The Museum of Prehistoric Thira, Santorini, Greece The excavation site at Akrotiri, Santorini, Greece The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City, USA The British Museum, London, England Additionally the following videos were helpful“Sinking Atlantis,” Secrets of the Dead, PBS “Mystery of the Minoans,” Ancient Apocalypse (Episode 2), BBC “Volcano,” Santorini, National Geographic “Mystery of the Minoans,” Searching for Lost Worlds (Episode 4), BBC “Zeus,” Clash of the Gods (Episode 1), History Channel “Atlantis the Evidence,” Time Watch 2010, BBC “Island of Minos,” Secrets of Archaeology (Episode 22), Vision Films “The Phoenicians,” Secrets of Archaeology (Episode 15), Vision Films “Carthage’s Lost Warriors,” Secrets of the Dead, PBS “Britons,” What the Ancients Did For Us (Episode 9), BBC “The Mysterious Etruscans” (Dr. Steve L Tuck), The Great Courses “Death of the Mega Beasts,” Nova, PBS “Building Pharaoh’s Ship,” Nova, PBS
This Chronicle was created using MS Word, and Adobe Acrobat Pro.
Resurrecting Eve -The Minoan LegacyA chronicle of the ancient Minoan civilization, creation of worldwide civilization, and a path to our future.
By J. F. Cowgill 12/1/2020
Resurrecting Eve
Preface: What you are about to read here is my research and conclusions about the Minoan civilization, including some new theories that seem evident to me based on the evidence I’ve found. I don’t know why no one else has stumbled on to what I have discovered about the Minoans, which at first caused me a great deal of discern. Who am I? I am not a writer nor want to be further than this book. I am not an academic, though I’ve had more education than most. I spent the early portion of my life as a carpenter, going to college whenever a recession would stall the housing market. Eventually I requested full time admittance to a school of architecture, and was accepted. Over my lifetime, I ended up spending twelve years in college, getting a vast education. I also mastered the craft of carpentry, and spent most of my working life in construction and design. You could say I am a jack of many things and a master of nothing. Sometimes someone like me can better see how research from many academic fields of study is connected rather than scholars specializing in a singular field of study. I believe that’s what happened that led me to the discoveries I am presenting here, connecting the dots from many sources. When I started researching the Minoans, I had no intention of anything other than a Sunday drive so to speak. But as I entered their world, I became enthralled, hooked. I kept discovering more and more which got me to where I am now, concluding I must get it written down so others can see what I found about our origins, and the incredible history of a matrilineal civilization who basically ruled the world for more than 3500 years. I believe the Minoan story will astound you as it has me. The Minoan world, as the nexus of civilization, once allowed to enter your realm of probabilities, will open up a new world you’ve never seen before, one that left its legacy right before our eyes.
Resurrecting Eve
CONTENTS Introduction: .……………………………….……………………………………………………………………………………………………11 Chapter One: In the Beginning………………………………………………………………………………………………………….17 Origin of Civilization (13,000-4000 BC)
Chapter Two: A Mercantile System………………………………………………………………………………………………….29 Worldwide Expeditions (4000-2500 BC)
Chapter Three: Masters of the World………………………………………………………………………………………………63 Technical Achievements and Cities (2500-1628 BC)
Chapter Four: Minoan Life…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………87 Art and Artifacts (2500-1628 BC)
Chapter Five: 1628 BC……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..107 Catastrophe Myths (Eve, Zeus, and Atlantis)
Chapter Six: Aftermath……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………123 Egypt, Phoenicia, Cadmus the Phoenician, Greece, Troy, Ugarit, the Sea People (1628-1200 BC)
Chapter Seven: Empires………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….133 Free Stone Masons, Phoenicia, Israel, Babylon, Etruscans, Rome, Carthage, Baghdad, Spain, The Order of Knights Templar, the Rosicrucian’s, and Freemasons (1000 BC- 1000 AD)
Chapter Eight: The Legacy……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….143 Freemasons, Iroquois Confederacy, and the USA (1000 AD-Present Day)
Appendix A: Minoan Cross…................................................................................................................155 Appendix B: Cups………………………….……………………………………………………………………………………….157 Appendix C: Origin of Dalmatian Dogs…………………………………………………………………………………………..165 Appendix D: Math……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………167 Appendix E: Celestial Devices and Navigation………………………………………………………………………………169 Appendix F: Theories……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….173 Appendix G: Ships……………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………175
Resurrecting Eve
“When something goes missing you can always recreate it by the hole it left.” Steven Moffat
Introduction: Much of what we’ve been taught, what we think we know about ancient history, and the origins of civilization is wrong. You may think you know the history of the world, but you do not. I too thought I knew, but was also misinformed. We’ve based our knowledge mostly from the viewpoints of Hebrews, Greeks, Egyptians, Mesopotamians, and archaeological sites that focus on these civilizations. But there are a great many blanks making what we think we know quite speculative. Confusing the accuracy of our historical knowledge more is how it was originally recorded. For thousands of years, important information was passed down orally in the form of a story as the way of recording events, sometimes carved into stone or scratched onto clay tablets. Enlightening as these records are, quite often those doing the recording were on the perimeter with a very limited somewhat ignorant point of view, overshadowing accuracy, adding to the confusion. Until recently, records from the past have generally been from ancient Egypt, Greek myths, Hebrew texts, and Mesopotamian cuneiform tablets. Now, new archaeological surveys and data from many scientific and scholarly disciplines have zeroed in on a new player, the Minoans, who seemed to have influenced civilization more than anyone. Though knowledge about the Minoans is scarce, we can glean much about them by studying their descendants who are better known through time, and whose linage can be tracked by their civilizations cultural and technological similarities with the Minoans (e.g. Etruscans, Trojans, Phoenicians, Sardinians, and Carthaginians). We can also learn about them from their ancestors who most likely came from the place called Anatolia (Turkey). In Anatolia, recent evidence indicates this is the area where the beginning of civilization may have started. From there, civilization branched out into the west (Aegean Islands), south (Middle East), and east (Sumer and W. India). The area we call the Aegean Sea was more land than sea in the early days, becoming a region of islands as sea levels rose. Regarding this region, it’s logical to assume that when the people living in the Aegean (the Minoan’s ancestors), witnessed the various stages of the sea slowly rising over hundreds of years, they figured out how to build water craft more suitable for their new waterworld than the reed or animal skin boat technology their ancestors previously used. As sea levels rose worldwide (global warming), the people populating the Aegean region found this area gave them major advantages for success. Island hopping eventually led to the development of bigger, better boats capable of operating in deep water. This gave the Aegean people access to many more resources around the region now accessible with their boats, rather than trekking through potentially hostile lands on foot seeking resources. Just as important if not perhaps the most important aspect of living in this area was that the population was safe from the hostilities of others who didn’t have advanced boat making knowledge. Unlike their cousins in Mesopotamia, the Minoans didn’t get taken over by neighboring populations which effectively ended development in those regions much beyond what had already been achieved. The people in the Aegean area flourished over the centuries with an unbroken line of advancement due to the security their islands allowed, and because they had boats enabling them to gain more resources, including adopting singular advancements (discoveries) achieved by the various 11
Resurrecting Eve populations they encountered. Through the years while many other civilizations came and went, the Minoans continued their unbroken line of advancement becoming very knowledgeable, prosperous, and sometimes envied by others who wanted what they had. To many less advanced people with whom they interacted, the Minoans seemed mysterious. Some populations may have even felt the Minoans were arrogant, over confident in themselves, and their relationship with God by travelling the world with impunity. When catastrophe visited the Minoans destroying most of everything they had achieved, it was human nature for others to shelter by deriding their memory, finding solace in the belief that the Minoan’s arrogance had offended God and caused their downfall. Fear of association with the Minoans, and the mysteriousness they themselves fostered, made it easier to be forgotten. Around 1900 AD, 3400 years later, an amateur archaeologist, Arthur Evans, bought some land on the island of Crete in the Aegean Sea that looked promising for an archaeological dig. He hired a professional archaeologist, Duncan Mackenzie, and they began excavating, discovering the ancient lost city Knossos and the world of the Minoans. In 1967 more of this ancient civilization was uncovered on the island of Santorini Greece, and since then scientists from many disciplines have added data which has turned an ancient legend into a reality that far exceeds previous intelligence. For a long time after Evans discovered the Minoans, scientists didn’t believe a natural catastrophe could have wiped out the Minoan civilization, or how big had been the Minoan’s reach and importance. As I go on I will elaborate more on this because what I have to say may answer many questions about regional trade in the Mediterranean. What’s important to know at this point is that scientists today, basing their conclusions on cores excavated from the sea floors of the Aegean and Mediterranean seas, have found that the Minoan catastrophe started with the eruption of the volcanic island Santorini; the biggest eruption in the last 10,000 years with a Volcanic Eruption Index of 7 (VEI). The Yellowstone volcano is classed at a VEI of 8, the highest rating. Both are considered super volcanoes. (Note: ratings are similar to earthquake ratings; every numerical increase is by a factor of 10.) It is estimated that more than 80% of the Minoan Civilization perished due to this eruption and the subsequent 100 foot tsunamis’ that hit the north side of the island of Crete, roughly 75 miles directly south of Santorini. The tsunamis’ swept over a large portion of Crete ripping away the top soil from an island that had been described as an Eden by a visiting Egyptian. The land was now scarred, saturated with salt, worthless. Though most people forgot the Minoans ever existed, this was a major catastrophe as big as the Biblical flood story. It must have had myths or stories associated with it. No major event in earth’s history while Homo sapiens were present has gone unnoticed, chipped into rock, a verbal story, the creation of a myth, or a religion. Therefore the Minoan catastrophe must be in the cultural records and stories of the people from around that region (the Aegean and eastern Mediterranean); we just never knew to look.
There is much to tell and still much more waiting to be discovered. The Minoans may have created the world’s greatest civilization, stretching from the New World east to Dwarka India, southern Asia, and the Polynesian Islands of the Pacific. All were part of their mercantile system created by an advanced civilization who sought to bring the people of the world together through commerce. An examination of civilizations around the world shows that many had a sudden unexplained florescence of technological advancement resulting in a major uplift to their quality of living. It also seems to be that very few of these civilizations were able to continue the advancement much beyond their initial florescence. If you consider that the florescence of advancement was due to another more advanced civilization interacting with these people, showing them advancements in farming and building techniques, and afterwards when the teachers went away if these types of innovation had not been ingrained in the indigenous culture, the people would not advance very far past the initial intelligence given to them by the teachers. Time erodes what is not recorded and primitive people had limited means of recording. There are theories that many things in the ancient world are due to visitation by ancient astronauts/aliens. While it is true that mathematics and physics support the probability that we’re not alone, ancient visitors from space were not responsible for all that people who believe in ancient visitations want others to believe. There are mysteries that may lead to off planet visitation; I can’t rule that out. But the rapid advancement of cultures in the New World was not the result of visitation from outer space. There were advanced people who visited the New World noted in the myths of the indigenous people of the Americas, and remembered as those who came from the east, out of the clouds, or from the eastern sea. I believe these stories describe Minoan ships in sail landing on the shores of the Americas. Primitive people might describe something they’ve never seen before like ships in sail as Gods visiting them from the clouds (sails were thought to be clouds), and there is evidence indicating the Minoans and/or their representatives did interact with people of the New World as far back as 4000 BC (possibly earlier), doing so over time on a regular basis. As this chronicle continues, I will provide evidence and show that it is more likely than not that the Minoans were responsible for most if not all the florescence in human development over much of the world. Something else of importance is that there seems to be a difference in dating between Aegean pottery methods and dating methods used by Egyptologists. This is currently being debated. But presently there may be 100-200 years difference between the dating systems making the establishment of an accurate timeline difficult if not impossible. Because knowledge of the ancient world in the Bronze Age between 5000-1200 BC is limited, to find out who the Minoans really were, I’ve had to seek them and their influence within other cultures that succeeded them. Very little was left of their original civilization, most of which was buried by the eruption of Santorini or washed away by tsunamis’. Though what daily life among them will probably never be fully known, there is enough that can be pieced together to know some of their story. To aid my research, the list on the following page is what I created based on my knowledge of their civilizations achievements, and what their successors inherited.
Resurrecting Eve Criteria for Tracking Minoan Influence/Legacy Worldwide: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28.
Matrilineal society (high reverence for women) Great Mother reverence and mythological powerful females (Isis, Danu, Athena, Fraw Holt, etc.) Bull horns and/or reverence for the bull as a symbol of the Great Father Culture of wearing a feather headdress, unique to the Minoans in their era Sudden florescence/rapid advancement of hunter-gatherers (agriculture, stone building) Early establishment of the Rule of law Belief in one God (aspects of the Law of One) Semitic heritage (religion, culture, language) Common symbols (tree, snakes, griffin, X, labyrinth designs, equal-leg cross, flower of life) Celestial calendars to locate the solstices (e.g. Egypt, Germany, England, Mesoamerica) DNA comparative analysis (graves on Crete, Britain, and Scandinavia from 3000 BC) Interweave snake-like design (Celtic weave) Master ship builders/sailors and superior navigation ability Traders rather than conquerors or colonists (establishment of trading networks) Grape production (Mediterranean region) Olive production (Mediterranean region) Archaeological evidence of Murex snail and dye production (royal purple, sacred blue) Advanced metallurgical knowledge (various bronze alloys) Very ancient mining production (gold, silver, copper, tin, lead) Sheepskin (Ox-hide) copper ingots/molds (shipwrecks, Egyptian carvings, archaeological sites) Advanced building technology (earthquake designs, large block stone construction) The chariot, horse, recurved bow, and advanced fortification techniques High quality pottery (delicate dishware, massive storage containers, sub-system piping) Major hydrologic works (canals, fresh water systems, and sewage disposal) Advanced agriculture and irrigation Early writing script Early glass making Early establishment of commerce and banking (including currency)
There’s lots of evidence indicating the Minoan civilization was far greater than previously thought. More than half of this book is intended to show their worldwide influence. The impact on the world when the Minoan civilization was destroyed was so great, major stories were created to account for the disaster, becoming essential parts of our history going forward. Evidence also indicates that this was a civilization orchestrated by women, a matriarchal society, who came up with many of the good ideas we practice today. This book also addresses what happened after the demise of the Minoans; their ideas/concepts travelled through time and place with those who would not let them die. Like threads stitched through history, Minoan concepts such as rule of law and peace through commerce have influenced the development of many civilizations continuing to this day.
Resurrecting Eve
“To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.” Audrey Hepburn
Chapter One: In the beginning…. 13,000 BC One day in the Middle East a group of hunter-gatherer humans found wild wheat. This find of an abundant valuable food source came about towards the end of the last major ice age as the glaciers began to melt. These people’s behavior began to change when they made permanent settlements where the wild wheat grew. But the people in other regions of the world remained hunter-gatherers, moving from place to place in search of meat and perennial plant resources. “Hunting and gathering was humanity's first and most successful adaptation, occupying at least 90 percent of human history. Following the invention of agriculture, hunter-gatherers who did not change have been displaced or conquered by farming or pastoralist groups in most parts of the world.” Lee, Richard B., Daly, Richard Heywood (1999), ‘Cambridge Encyclopedia of Hunters and Gatherers,’ Cambridge University Press
At approximately 12,900 BC, a meteor struck the Earth in the eastern portion of North America, possibly on the ice sheet somewhere around the border of Quebec and Maine. The evidence is a ground stratum called the Black Mat that contains nanodiamonds of the type only found in meteors. This stratum in the Earth is similar to an earlier one we now connect to the destruction of the dinosaurs. Some scientists believe that if a meteor hit the ice sheet in North America, a massive fresh water melt would have occurred flooding east into the Atlantic Ocean, possibly the origin of the St. Lawrence Seaway. Current theories suggest this massive infusion of fresh water into the Atlantic Ocean blocked the warm water currents coming up from the Equator resulting in a new ice age that we call the Younger Dryas.
Black Mat stratum in N. American dirt layers
“The research is focused on one particular geological marker horizon that was deposited at the start of the Younger Dryas. Already known to be present at over fifty sites across North America, it is an unusual layer of dark grey to black carbonaceous silty clay (containing up to 8% carbon}: it is referred to as the ‘black mat.’ In some cases, such as at Murray Springs in Arizona, it directly overlays Clovis remains including hearths, tools and butchered mammoth bones.” ‘Catching up with the Younger Dryas: do mass-extinctions always need impacts?’ Posted by John Mason (March 2012), http://www.skepticalscience.com/print.php?n=1345,
(Note: the black mat stratum overlaying Clovis remains coincides with the mass extinction in N. America of the Mega beasts, and the human population known as the Clovis People, who appear to have been migrants from the Solutrean Culture, southern Spain, around 18,000 BC.)-jfc
Resurrecting Eve During the Younger Dryas Ice Age, Archaeologist’s find that some humans discovered they could plant wild wheat from seeds. These people took their best seeds to warmer climates where they planted them and continued advancing as an agrarian/settlement type culture.
10,000 BC The Younger Dryas didn’t last long, about a thousand years, a temporary delay in the continuing warming of the Earth. It is believed that the sun continued to increase in temperature during this period despite the effects on earth of the meteor’s impact (a nuclear-like-winter climate). When the ice sheets started melting again, they melted more rapidly than before, resulting in massive flooding of sea water from the Atlantic into the Mediterranean Basin, displacing the indigenous people living there.
Eurasia Iberian Peninsula
“One of many hypotheses of how the Mediterranean basin would have been during an Ice Age (the last one of which ‘ended’ about 10,000 years ago). The Gibraltar area (off the left of the image) was high and dry, and annual inflow from European and African rivers was outpaced by annual surface evaporation. Large areas of seabed were exposed including what are now the Adriatic and Aegean Seas. Early hominins clearly would not have had to swim or row to get from Africa to Europe.” “Stone Age: The first 600,000 years, more or less” (9/4/2019), http://www.mmdtkw.org/GR-Unit1--StoneAge.html
Alps Black Sea Lake
Aegean Sea Area Crete
Egypt https://i.pinimg.com/originals/d7/73/a1/d773a10f40b320be9495a8485e00883f.jpg
The picture above illustrates the Mediterranean Sea after the first Melt Water Pulse (20m sea level rise); the Aegean area filled towards the end of the sea water influxes.
Some of the displaced people from the Aegean area moved to the NE, settling around a large fresh water lake which is now the Black Sea. Portions of the people on the north shore of this lake were the ancestors of the Celts who also occupied Central Asia, and eventually migrated into Europe. DNA experts have found that in the region occupied by the Celts the genes that produce red hair, lighter skin, and blue eyes originated. Current analysis indicates red hair and lighter skin entered our genome much earlier than blue eyes, about 40,000 years ago, through interbreeding with Neanderthals.
“The mutations responsible for blue eye color most likely originate from the north-west part of the Black Sea region, where the great agricultural migration of the northern part of Europe took place in the Neolithic periods about 6,000 to 10,000 years ago.” University of Copenhagen, “.Journal of Human Genetics” (Jan 31, 2008) Other settlements created in the area after the displacement from of the Mediterranean basin were in southern Europe, the Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal), the Middle East, and the Sahara region of North Africa where the people clustered around numerous large fresh water inland lakes.
For the most part, these other populations remained basically hunter-gatherers even though some settlement culture began to develop. But a group who settled in the region of Turkey (Anatolia) advanced rapidly. This group in Turkey built an astonishing complex of circular structures on a hilltop called Gobekli Tepe (9600-8800 BC). Mysteriously, it was intentionally buried and abandoned by about 8000 BC. The purpose of the site at this point in the archaeological excavation is not at all clear, how it was used, or why. More is continuously being discovered.
The picture above left is a map of the Middle East and SE Turkey showing the location of Gobekli Tepe. The center picture is an artist’s conception of what the huge complex looks like, keeping in mind only a portion has been excavated. The right hand picture above is showing some of the column layout (close-ups of the column carvings are on the next page). http://blog.world-mysteries.com/strange-artifacts/gobekli-tepe-6000-years-older-than-stone.. (9/26/2014) & http://www.philipcoppens.com/gobekli.html
Archaeological work at the site started in approximately 1994. Thus far only an eighth or so has been excavated. It’s uncertain if the main columns supported something like a roof, though it’s possible. The complexes carvings and building development indicate this could be where advanced civilization started. “For such an old structure, the quality of stonework and abstract artistic skill just seems like it should not exist,” (‘MEGALITHIC ORIGINS: Ancient connections between Gobekli Tepe and Peru’ (2014), Hugh Newman, grahamhancock.com/newmanh2/).
Resurrecting Eve
The pictures above show some of the details on the columns at Gobekli Tepe. http://www.philipcoppens.com/gobekli.html, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G%C3%B6bekli_Tepe, & https://grahamhancock.com/newmanh2/
8000 BC The Middle Eastern city of Jericho was established around 9000 BC, as well as several other advancing settlements/cities in the area soon thereafter. By 8000 BC, a settlement in southern Turkey west of Gobekli Tepe, called Catal Huyuk, was built. It is this population that is primary to this chronicle because here can be seen evidence that supports my theory that the people we call the Minoans came from this population. Several aspects of the culture of the people of Catal Huyuk support this conclusion such as their building development, their art, and their religion which appears to support God’s earth representatives, the Great Mother (a pregnant woman) and the Great Father (the Aurochs bull). The people in the entire region of the Middle East, Mesopotamia, and the Aegean islands are all originally from the same source with similar religious beliefs and customs. These people in this region are those who began civilization, mankind’s emergence from wandering hunter-gatherer cultures to more advanced agrarian populations.
Gobekli Tepe
Map of Mesopotamia around 8000 BC https://media.buzzle.com/media/images-en/gallery/maps/1200-112706582-egypt-map.jpg
Wall mural at Catal Huyuk showing a transformation labrys (See Appendix E)
Artist’s conception of Catal Huyuk http://classconnection.s3.amazonaws.com/333/flashcards/3744333/jpg /cardimage_7455279_1911145961379029414466.jpg
Great Mother flanked by 2 lions
By Roweromaniak, CC BY-SA 2.5, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=28290340
Great Mother Clay seals, similar to Minoan designs (seals suggest a higher level of society) Great Father (Aurochs Bull)
Illustration by Grace Huxtable-Typical dwelling at Catal Huyuk with advanced construction-multi floor levels
Stone knife with coiled snake handle design (similar to later celtic designs) Catal Huyuk images from James Mellaart, A Neolithic Town in Anatolia (1967), Thames and Hudson Ltd., McGraw-Hill, N.Y.
………………………………………………….. Towards the end of this age a massive flood occurred within the Black Sea region due to oceans worldwide continuously rising. The Black Sea Deluge Theory suggests an approximate date around 6000 BC for the event. Data from Greenland ice cores from this period show global temperature quickly rose 4 degrees centigrade causing a rapid rise in sea levels. Extensive modern research has revealed that worldwide rising sea levels eventually filled the Aegean and Mediterranean Seas to a height that forced sea water over the land area that connected Eurasia with Turkey. The water carved out the Bosphorus Strait like water forcefully overflowing a dam. Breaking the land up where it was weakest, the sea water poured into the low lands on the other side where the Black Sea now sits. Hundreds of different people lived around a large fresh water lake in this land. The deluge was doomsday for them. The bountiful fresh water lake, a focal point for the people in the region, was now destroyed. This was a big event that had to have been recorded by humans in the area.
Resurrecting Eve The massive glacial sheets in the Northern Hemisphere continued to melt adding more and more to the height of the oceans. The Black Sea flood continued, burying all the settlements resulting in another major migration by those who survived. Some of the population who were Celts moved to the north into Central Asia where smaller new fresh water glacial lakes had formed; some moved west and northwest into Europe. Other people moved into the highlands of Turkey, some may have migrated to the Middle East. Many scholars believe the Epic of Gilgamesh and the story of Noah’s Ark are associated with the Black Sea deluge. It’s probable some of the displaced population from that region eventually moved into the area of Mesopotamia where the Babylonians later picked up the story (The Epic of Gilgamesh originates in Mesopotamia 4-5 millennium before the Babylonians.). Some scholars believe that when the Hebrew people were captured by the Babylonians, they may have adopted the story of the flood (Noah’s Ark) from the Epic of Gilgamesh. The Epic of Gilgamesh could be the original story, but Middle Easterners may have had their own firsthand witnesses of the event as well, we don’t know. In this chronicle arguments about whose version was first aren’t relevant. However, the stories mention a deluge with rain and the Black Sea flood by itself may not have had a major rain event associated with it. But around 6400 BC, a volcano erupted on Russia's Kamchatka Peninsula with a VEl of 7. This means that this huge climate altering event probably generated large amounts of rain in the Northern Hemisphere, and maybe even a larger amount of melt water from the northern ice sheets, escalating a very rapid sea level rise, resulting in the deluge of the stories. The two events could be connected because all the estimated dates of these events are close to one another. However the primary importance here is that both stories of Gilgamesh and Noah basically agree there was a huge ancient flood; major events are remembered with stories.
6000 BC Meanwhile, aside from the doom of the deluge, significant progress continued in other areas of the world although most populations were still hunter-gatherer cultures. The populations in northern Africa continued to enjoy harvests from the bountiful fresh water lakes in the region, remaining quasihunter-gatherers culturally. There was advanced settlement activity in northern China by 6600 BC that included a symbol script. Copper was discovered in Mesopotamia around 6000 BC and by 5000 BC the people there were busy molding it into useful objects. The Sumerian, Ubaid, and a few other civilizations that eventually made up Mesopotamia from the Persian Gulf to the Middle East significantly advanced their progress, particularly in the southern portion by the sea. The evidence of advancements in building technology speaks volumes about this cultures success. Their discovery/invention of the wheel is a milestone in human history (approximately 4500 BC). However beliefs were still very primitive. The Mesopotamians had a cult sect called the Lizardmen. The Lizardmen appear to have believed man transformed from a lizard (?). (Note: on page 48 of this chronicle are some petro glyphs from a place called Painted Rocks in Arizona, USA. On one of the top rocks is an image that appears to be the transformation of a lizard to a man. This may be associated with Mesopotamian origin stories via the Minoans, more about this later).
Regional Map of Mesopotamia, (Modified-jfc) https://firstyearlmd.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/mesopotamia_map.gif Below left is a picture of a Mesopotamian seal showing the Great Mother and Great Father (with horns), the Tree of Life (God), and two snakes representing death and rebirth.
The Biblical city of UR; this map shows the higher sea level in this era, placing the Ubald civilization on the sea, making trading via the sea feasible.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubaid_period, (Modified-jfc)
Person (for scale)
Model of Ubaid Civic Building
By Zunkir - This file was derived from: Eridu mound4c.8.pngAuthor CushChanges: cropped, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org /w/index.php?curid=65220801, (Modified-jfc)
Urn from Ubaid
Female Figurines from Ubaid
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubaid_period 4700-4200 BC. Louvre Museum AO15327
Like the Ubaid culture, other civilizations were also making discoveries and advancing. The Minoans benefited the most during this era because by 5000 BC they were travelling the world’s water ways trading, and in the process learned new advancements made by the others. The Minoans were everywhere they could sail, advancing themselves by the discoveries of others, becoming more and more intelligent, century after century. The megalithic temples of Malta were built towards the end of this period by unknown builders (Minoans). In east Asia settlements begin to occur along the Yellow River, grain is being grown, and there is evidence that they were brewing beer at about the same time (5000 BC). The European Danube area showed signs of advanced settlement activity with the development of the Vinca script (around 5300 BC), and a celestial calendar structure at Goseck Germany (around 4900 BC). Minoans being prodigious river explorers also went up the river systems of Europe and Eurasia. 23
Resurrecting Eve The creation of Goseck is evidence of exposure to the Minoans, as well as early petro glyphs of ships in Denmark (later, pictographs around Norway and Sweden). The significance of this indicates that the Minoans travelled and traded all over. If world commerce concepts were anything like today, the Minoans gained immeasurably from the knowledge gleaned from each civilization. The cities of Athens, Argos, Troy, and Byblos are established by 5000 BC, all part of the Minoan Confederacy. Byblos is historically interesting because it is the origin of the word for book (Bible). It’s also attributed with the design of some Phoenician (Minoan) ships called Byblos ships. Sometime around 5500 BC, Northern Africa started to become a desert, displacing the population settlements to wetter areas as their previously bountiful resources dwindled. Some moved to the Upper Nile River area. Soon thereafter, evidence of permanent settlements occurs all along the Nile River, along with more advanced pottery, and the beginning of organized irrigation and agriculture (more on this later).
Population/Settlement Locations on the Nile River, Egypt (left to right, 8500 BC to 3500 BC) https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/c_scale,f_auto,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/18rui3eo57tfojpg.jpg (Cropped-jfc)
Egyptian (?) Urn with Sailing Ship Photo of the pre-dynastic Naqada II vase. Reprinted with permission from the British Museum
The oldest knowledge of boat sails dates to 5000 BC from evidence found in the Kuwait area. Egypt also has early evidence from around the same date, an urn found near Luxor by the Nile River with an image of a sail boat on it resembling a Minoan ship. Though woven cloth was developed in Mesopotamia by 6500 BC, the loom didn’t come to Egypt until around 5000 BC, which is when sails for Minoan ships start being mass produced. Early Minoan activity in Egypt is seen on petro glyphs around the same date at Nabta Playa in southern Egypt. The images scratched onto the rock surfaces in this area are Minoan ships with Minoans in them as big as Gods, which is how primitive people sometimes showcased more advanced people. I say primitive because if they resorted to scratching images of things they saw onto rocks, they were far from the intelligence of the boat builders/occupants depicted on the rocks. What’s important to realize here is that images (petro glyphs and pictographs) on rock surfaces of ships by indigenous populations, show up very early in many places around the world indicating where the Minoans travelled looking for resources.
Petro glyphs of Minoan ships. In the left ship, note the man with arms over his head in a circle, and the ship on the right has a mast for a sail, Pic from http://www.marine-antique.net/The-engravings-of-Wadi-Hammamat Nabta Playa, southern Egypt (between 5000-4000 BC)
Minoans w/Feather Headdress Peace Posture Man lassoing an animal
Side fencing to protect cargo from being swept overboard on the open seas
Man on a horse
This drawing (above) from a petro glyph in southern Egypt is intriguing. The scene seems to depict men catching a horned animal like an antelope, seen on the right side where there is a depiction of a man connected by a rope to one of the animals. The big guy in the boat in the same area with his hands over his head is a Minoan showing what I believe is some kind of peace gesture/posture. You can barely make out a feather on the big guys head, a Minoan custom. The two big guys to the left by the boat show their feathers better. Pic from 'Boat Petro glyphs in Egypt's Central Eastern Desert,' Francis Lankester, http://www.academia.edu/2083902/Boat_Petroglyphs_in_Egypts_Centra..., (Modified-jfc)
The event shown in the picture above appears to represent domestic horses in Egypt. Domestication of the horse originated in the Ukraine area between 5000-4500 BC. These petro glyphs are of similar age, but the indigenous people (Egyptians) didn’t have horses until the Hyksos brought them from Turkey around 1800 BC, during Egypt’s Middle Kingdom. Prior to this, the Egyptians only had the donkey, domesticated at approximately 3500 BC. This drawing of a petro glyph is evidence showing an early Minoan presence in the Egyptian area. Interestingly, archaeologists describe these petro glyphs as an Egyptian hunting party. It looks like a hunting party, but they were Minoans. It’s possible the Minoans were capturing animals to populate their nature park on Santorini Island. The Festival of Boats fresco found at the Minoan city Akrotiri shows several imported animals (see page 80).
The pictures above are screen shots from the PBS television video “First Civilizations” showing petro glyphs in southern Egypt and a Stonehenge like celestial calendar. The stones used here are small in comparison to the English Stonehenge, which was built about 2000 years later; the tallest rock is about 8 feet high. But scholars believe they functioned adequately as an astronomical instrument to mark the sun’s position, especially the solstices and passage of the seasons. The Minoans instructed cultures worldwide about how to build astronomical time pieces, varying from culture to culture depending on their resources and level of development (see Appendix E).
Resurrecting Eve
Map of Egypt illustrating where petro glyphs were found with approximate dates when they were made. Prehistoric Rock Art Research in the Western Desert of Egypt, Heiko Riemer, University of Cologne, Germany
Peace Posture Above picture, one of many petro glyphs at Painted Rocks, Arizona, USA, showing what appears to be a Minoan boat with mast and sail (more on this later).
Above left, early petro glyph of Minoan ship (Denmark). Above right, later pictographs of Minoan ships in Sweden and Norway. ‘Did Crete have prehistoric connections with Norway in the Bronze Age?’ Agios Nikolaos (June 26, 2011), Minoan History and culture
Images of Minoan ships are found in many places around the world. This indicates it was the Minoans who did the travelling, exploring, and trading; meeting the Minoans was significant enough to get recorded on rocks. The presence of a primitive Stonehenge in Egypt is also worth noting because it predates the more famous one in Britain. Later I will show the Minoans also had a strong presence from about 4000 BC onward in the British Isles. Like in Egypt and Goseck Germany, they helped the indigenous population build their celestial calendars, an advancement that enabled the local people better control over agricultural production, as well as letting the local population have some idea when the Minoans would return to pick up local products, dropping off other items in exchange. These times would probably be celebrated visits.
Resurrecting Eve
“It is generally conceded that mercantile capitalism preceded and prepared the ground for modern industrial capitalism.” Roll, Eric, Baron Roll of Ipsden
Chapter Two: A Mercantile System 4000 BC Not many people in the various settlements where the Minoans traded knew a lot about them. One of the reasons for this was because the Minoan’s lived on the islands in the Aegean Sea which was an effective barrier. Like the Egyptian civilization that had the deserts flanking much of their territory providing protection from hostiles envying their wealth with a have/have-not mindset, they benefited from this geographical isolation. Despite the fact that other civilizations had boats satisfactory for river use and some that were used for short coastal trips (e.g. the Celts had small rib-frame skin covered boats), the Minoans were the only civilization who had discovered how to make large ships suitable for deep water travel. One discovery was that a tension member was needed above the deck level of the ship to keep the hull from breaking up in stormy seas when the vessel is lifted up on large waves, crashing back down again and again. A ship without this technological advancement would break apart. The best record of this design feature is on an Egyptian stone relief done at the time of the Pharaoh Hatshepsut around 1500 BC, about 130 years after the demise of the Minoan civilization. Minoan ships were built like one would put together separate pieces to make a bowl. Each piece of cedar was about 10-12 inches thick, carved and shaped specifically for each location in the bowl to form the ship’s hull. Each piece was marked on the ends to locate where it would be installed, joined to each other piece with mortise and tenon. The joints were probably caulked with strips of linen and bee’s wax. Modern hull design/construction using cross ribs overlaid with planking to form the hull, had yet to be invented. Hatshepsut is an interesting Pharaoh. Some scholars believe she was of Minoan descent which would explain a lot about her, including how she managed to have Minoan (Byblos) ships built, and that she was a female pharaoh, (more on Hatshepsut later).
Rope Tension Member The figure 8 coil of rope at the mast was used to keep the rope tight.
Detail of one of Queen Hatshepsut's ships from the stone reliefs at Deir-elbahri showing the rope tension member (Note: the Egyptians eliminated the side fencing used in open seas, adding more oars on their version of the Byblos ship.)-jfc Pic from http://www.crystalinks.com/egyptscience.html
Despite claims from others, I never found any records indicating anyone other than the Minoans (and their Phoenician cousins) had the ability and courage to sail the open ocean. Usually if a civilization needed ships they looked to the Minoans, and later to the Phoenicians. People in most civilizations during the Bronze Age were afraid of venturing into the ocean, much like many are today. Also for most populations in this age, ventures into the open ocean resulted in disaster. They didn’t have the technical shipbuilding ability, the experience reading the sea, or the navigation skills that the Minoans had acquired. 29
Resurrecting Eve The Egyptians called the Mediterranean Sea the Great Green, referring to the color of the sea they saw which is greenish close to shore. Deep water off shore is blue which is why those who sail the open ocean are called blue water sailors. This indicates the Egyptians didn’t venture very far into the sea. Why would they when the Minoans were supplying everything they needed, and more? Giant Storage Jar
Open Sea Fencing Drawing from an Egyptian stone wall carving depicting Phoenicians delivering cargo to Egypt at Thebes http://phoenicia.org/trade.html
Copper Ingot
Copper Ingot
“Keftiu delivering products to the Governor of Thebes, reign of Thutmose III (the tomb of Rekhmire).” The Egyptian painted stone wall carvings above show Minoans delivering products to the Egyptians. Notice the variety of products being delivered, especially the sheepskin (ox hide) shaped copper ingots the men in the panels are carrying. (Note: these wall carvings were created after the demise of the Minoan civilization.)-jfc 1. https://egyptianhistorypodcastdotcom.files.wordpress.com/2016/12/69-keftiu-in-tomb-rekhmire.jpg?w=1000, 2. https://images.metmuseum.org/CRDImages/eg/original/DT10883.jpg, 3. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_eFESZhWXX-A/SSsjsb8f9HI/AAAAAAAAAaA/0iBOGBTIJRY/s400/Keftiu.jpg
“Keftiu delivering gifts, Tomb of Rekhmire” (Artist of this rendering not found, original by A. R. Burns) The drawing above is from an Egyptian stone wall carving showing an Egyptian scribe recording a large Minoan delivery. A defensive looking guard stands ready with a spear, apprehensive about the mysterious Minoans.
Most populations in antiquity were land dwellers concerned with indigenous affairs. The Egyptian culture was centered on Nile River activity, and making preparations for the afterlife. Because of that, Egyptian culture was very intrinsic, but they had a huge capacity for exporting agricultural resources such as wheat and flax fabric (linen). Before there was an Egypt, around the time of the petro glyphs found at Nabta Playa, the Minoans taught the indigenous people along the Nile River agriculture and irrigation. They did this to help the Egyptians advance, but also to take advantage of the areas potential to grow grain. The Minoans saw that grain would be excellent for trade around the region. But the Minoans didn’t like managing land populations, choosing to stay aloof while others did the work for them. This worked very much to their benefit. They had none of the hassles involved in land politics or wars; nor for the most part did they meddle in religious affairs. Thus they were able to bring many civilizations like the Egyptians aboard their budding mercantile system (more on this later).
The Minoans worldwide maritime ability probably came about because their ancestors had been occupying the Aegean area as the sea levels rose and were forced to island hop. Perhaps they didn’t fear the sea because the sea level changed gradually over hundreds of years allowing them to successfully adapt their technology, as well as learn how to read the sea currents and storms in their new waterworld. No one really knows when or how the Minoans discovered advanced ship building and navigation. It’s known from Catal Huyuk that their ancestors used reed boats possibly as far back as 8000 BC. But it’s not logical they would have been able to conceive of larger more powerful vessels until they had contact with larger bodies of water. Large ships made of reeds might have first been created by the Mesopotamians in the Persian Gulf. But I think it is more probable that the Minoans were the first to build real seaworthy ships after they were introduced to cedar wood from Lebanon, perhaps during a trading venture. The Lebanon area is well known in history for its large cedar trees. The locals may have already discovered the buoyancy of cedar wood. After the Minoans were introduced to cedar, ship building/design advanced rapidly. Discovery can happen to anyone anytime. When I was a boy, my brother found a large cedar log split length wise by some force, floating near the shore (Puget Sound, USA). It just seemed natural to jump on it and paddle. It was a very buoyant primitive paddle board. To the ancients living on islands in the Aegean, when the seas are up from a storm, a boat made of a durable buoyant material, like cedar wood, is a huge improvement, one they couldn’t miss. This opportunity would have given them greater ability to explore and exploit remote lands, eventually leading to their vast maritime civilization. How this technological jump occurred isn’t known, nor how the ancients discovered geometry and celestial navigation. Scholars speculate that celestial navigation might have been discovered by Mesopotamian travelers, such as Abraham who brought his people back from the Sumerian city of Ur to rejoin his Semitic cousins in the lands of the Eastern Mediterranean (see page 23). This entire region is the oldest known civilized area on Earth. We don’t know how the ancients discovered these things but they did, and to make sense of our history, the Minoans need to be placed at the nexus. It was the Minoans who had sailing ships exporting their culture of peace through commerce around the world, and to them we owe many of our origins. They were the unknown traders creating cultural connections throughout the world.
…………………………………………Knossos…………………………………………… Some of the clay storage jars found at Knossos on Crete and Akrotiri on Santorini, Greece (there were over 400 found in one room at Akrotiri alone). This is just a small sample of what was found and probably only a pittance of the containers they originally had. The amount of containers is indicative of the massive amount of products being shipped from here. Many containers were used for wine and olive oil; olive oil was used prodigiously in lamps for light during the night. Notice the size of the containers and multiple lifting handles. The Minoans must have had some kind of lifting technology, a machine device like a crane or something else to lift and move these heavy containers. 1. & 2. The palace of Minos , Evans, Arthur, (1921) Sir, 1851-1941 Evans, Joan, 1893-1977, London : Macmillan and Co. (Cornell University Library. 3. https://i.pinimg.com/originals/3f/ff/fe/3ffffe776bc577e4a0a1d09cf1587c06.jpg
Resurrecting Eve
1. http://markcujakblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Iraklion-Knossos-Pottery-1024x768.jpg. 2. http://cdn.c.photoshelter.com/img-get/I0000fdSo2ALyPSs/s/750/750/01GRE-08-16bath-tubs-pithoi-jars-Akrotiri.jpg. 3. Screen shot from the video Atlantis.
Another thing to say about Minoan ships is that whenever the Minoans discovered that cedar wood stayed buoyant, even after setting in water for a long time, they added another huge advantage to their arsenal of ways to succeed. However in their travels they found that wood strong enough to build ships and buoyant, such as cedar from Lebanon, is somewhat rare; it’s found only in specific environments. But this new material allowed them to build bigger boats capable of handling more cargo. So it was added to their list of precious resources to be located anywhere in the world they could travel to by boat. Olive oil was a very important resource, far more valuable than today. The ancients used it for lots of purposes. But I think the biggest use was in lamps to light up the dark night. For everyone this discovery was a boon because it allowed people to extend their day for work or play. It was a huge product. Researching olive oil led me to Lebanon again where it seems olive trees originated. The Minoans figured out where new trees could grow in other regions. If the indigenous people could be taught how to grow the trees, this new group would be added to their system. In return the indigenous people got the tech needed to manage the resources they supplied, and more important, they got wheat from Egypt. Wheat has a long shelf life if kept dry, a valued hearty staple food. Thus the Minoans would pick up olive oil at their various stops, dropping off products like wheat in trade.
Map of land regions that produce olives and olive oil (shown in dark green) https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/ab/Olive_niche.jpg/350px-Olive_niche
The Minoans did the same with grapes for making wine, which also requires a specific environment. The soil in Egypt was not suitable for growing these resources. But as I have said, Egypt had a prodigious supply of grain. They also had flax fabric that the Minoans needed for sails. Plus they had lots of gold obtained from the Nubians to the south. Receiving gold for their products was always a Minoan goal, but the system could only prosper when everyone profited. The Minoans supplied the Egyptians with all kinds of products including exotic animals from Africa, personal items, and the products the priests needed for embalming. Thanks to the Nile Rivers bounty and Egypt’s growing population, the country was rich, capable of purchasing a vast array of Minoan trade items.
Map of regions acceptable for growing grapes for wine shown in royal purple color https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/cb/a0/e6/cba0e61f6e9a18f2565be232c1317ad8.jpg
Historians believe Egypt became a united nation by 3100 BC. They have a Goddess, Maat, whose origin is unknown, but predates this landmark. Maat became synonymous with truth, justice, and law. Interestingly, she wore a feather in her hair like a Minoan woman, and the feather was her symbol of authority. Maat was actually a Minoan priestess who helped set up Egypt’s civilization. After a thousand years or more her status morphed, elevated to that of Goddess (more on this later). Egypt’s new Pharaohs, who became God’s representatives on earth, took on the duty to uphold the principles of Maat as their sovereign task, always providing for the people keeping them organized, working, and healthy. What this meant for the Minoans was that this huge population was going to produce a lot of product. The Minoans couldn’t ask for a better potential trading partner than Egypt which is why they invested in Egypt’s future. This was the way they did things in their mercantile system. Egypt provided what the Minoans needed for their system to be profitable, a large well off population desiring foreign products with a supply of wheat for export, and sail cloth for Minoan ships, which if the Minoans didn’t have would have made them less successful.
Resurrecting Eve
Minoan Script Monkeys from India on a fresco at Akrotiri, Santorini
Examples of exotic animals possibly captured for the Egyptian market.
African Rhino
Above, a stamped clay impression
Above, part of a fresco from Akrotiri
1. PD, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=539882. 2. Joanbanjo / CC BY-SA (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0), Own work
The English Empire tried a mercantile system for a century or so around 1700 AD that ended with the American Revolutionary War and a rampant slave trade. The Minoan mercantile system ran for millennia and kept growing. Their system worked because they were spreading a system of free trade around the world where everyone benefited, a socio-capitalist mercantile system. However even their system had inequities; the Minoans profited handsomely as middlemen, investors, and transporters. A very important major Minoan product was dyes for textiles. Like many things Minoan, they kept the formulas for making these dyes secret for several thousand years if you include the era of the Phoenicians, who were the later recipients of the Minoan’s intellectual property. The Minoan/Phoenician connection is fairly well accepted by most historians as well as that the Carthaginians later inherited some of the secrets from the Phoenicians. (Note: the name Phoenicia is derived from the Greek word for purple.)
Above left is a piece of cloth dyed Tyrian (Royal) Purple and the Sacred Blue dye next to a Murex snail shell. The Minoans could make many hues of red, blue, and green dyes. This was a very valuable product for them; the secret of how to make it they kept to themselves. 1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tyrian_purple. 2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hexaplex_trunculus
“Muricid sea snail species: the Biblical blue, tekhelet, and the Priestly purple, argaman. These two sacred molluskan dyes, together with the reddish scale-insect dye–Sacral scarlet, shani–are first mentioned in the Bible soon after the narrative that depicts the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt (Exodus 25.4).” Koren Z.C. (2005), ‘The First Optimal All-Murex All-Natural Purple Dyeing in the Eastern Mediterranean in a Millennium and a Half, ’ Dyes in History and Archaeology (Archetype Publications, London).
(Note: I found the reference about the dyes at Exodus 26.31 in The New English Bible (1972). This Exodus reference indicates the Hebrews and Minoans may have left Egypt at the same time and were travelling together because these dyes were proprietary property of the Minoans.)-jfc
The map above and archaeological evidence of Murex snail production helped with my search for the Minoans. The Murex snail has a tiny gland that the Minoans extracted to make the beautiful purple dye, later called Tyrian purple, and the Holy Blue dye used by the Hebrews. They also made varying hues of green, blue, and red. This helped my research because wherever the Minoans were raising these snails, it was done as a large production. Apparently when the snails are raised in mass, they get packed together and start cannibalizing. The winner bores a hole in another Murexes shell to eat it, which leaves an empty shell with a small hole in it. When archaeologists find these sites where this has happened they know the snails have been raised in mass, which now equates to the Minoans. The map above of murex archaeological sites shows me where the Minoans had settlements. Researching Murex production sites also suggests other places the Minoans went, such as evidence of Murex snail production in Dwarka India, Boeotia Greece, South America (Peru), and Central America. South and Central American Murex production evidence is inconclusive; it appears the production process may have been started and abandoned using a species similar to the Mediterranean Murex. Evidence here indicates later dyes were incomplete and smelled fishy, perhaps because the makers didn’t know the entire process. After the Minoans were gone, the local people may have tried making it themselves without knowing the entire process (more on America later). I found an interesting story while researching this dye about an enterprising Egyptian who watched the dye being made day after day in Phoenicia. Sure he had seen the entire process, he still couldn’t make it come out right; more Minoan mystery. But a chemist interested in this dye recently managed to figure it out. I’ve seen video of the dye being made and it is indeed intriguing. Besides the Murex snail component, various vegetable extracts and some other ingredients are added to get the 35
Resurrecting Eve specific color desired, and stabilize it. But the coolest part is that the dye must be mixed in the dark to get one color and exposed to sunlight to get another; just simple chemistry that the ingredients in the dye are reactive to sunlight. In this age, Bronze had been discovered, a metal alloy of mostly copper with a bit of tin (10%). When the formula became known to the Minoans, like many other things, they also kept how to make it secret, and where to get the raw materials. Smelting copper, the process of purifying copper ore had been discovered in Mesopotamia about a thousand years before the discovery of bronze. With the discovery of Bronze came some major advantages over copper. Bronze is considerably harder than copper thus making it more useful for tools and weapons. Now people could make a mold of anything they could imagine. It may have also been the advent of the myth of The Sword in the Stone; now you could make a sword from stone. This material was in such demand that the Minoans were willing to go anywhere to find the ores needed to make it. It was a huge technological leap forward, perhaps like micro chips and 3D printing are for us today.
* *
* Cedar Trees
Sources of copper
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tin_sources_and_trade_in_ancient_times, (Sources of copper and cedar placed by JFC, based on available modern data bases)
The top picture is a map of resource distribution around the world. Above left, a Minoan sheepskin copper ingot. Above right, an ancient bronze ships prow made of 1000 pounds of copper; there were at least 3000 of these made. That’s 3,000,000 pounds of copper for just ship prows, plus more copper/bronze for tools, weapons, et cetera, distributed around the region, equaling an immense amount of copper. 1. By Chris 73 / Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=190648. 2. https://s.yimg.com/pv/static/img/image-pc-framepage-sprite201305072346.png&sigt=RWbfEaWEnOnh&sign=RWbfEaWEnOnh&.crumb=tPcvhG.zcvJ&fr=yhs-symantec-ext_onb&hsimp=yhs-ext_onb&hspart=Symantec.
Like the mystery surrounding much of their culture, we don’t know much about the Minoan’s personal lives, or even how they referred to themselves as a people. One accepted term for the Minoans is Kaphtor or Caphtor, used mostly by Middle Easterners. But I also found several similar references in Egyptian records, though the Egyptians seem to have preferred the name Keftiu. The Hebrews called them Caphtorans from Caphtor, which apparently meant capital or pillar. They also associated the Keftiu with the Philistines (more on the Philistines later). The Etruscans called them Kanasi, associating “they bring libations” with the name. Interestingly, the Etruscan’s were part of the Minoan’s confederacy set up for the purpose of cultivating vineyards and making wine for export. Paleoglot (Jan. 2, 2010), “The Minoan name for Minoans,” paleoglot.blogspot.com/2010/01/minoan-name-for-minoa.html
The name Keftiu was used by the Egyptians the most. They also associated that name with the fabled civilization we call Atlantis. “Plato (400 BC) may have originated the term ‘Atlantis,’ though there are antecedents to this legend of a drowned civilization. There is an Egyptian legend, which Solon (a Greek historian, 600 BC) probably heard while travelling in Egypt that was passed down to Plato years later. It concerns the island nation of Keftiu, home to one of the four pillars that held up the sky. It was said to be a glorious advanced civilization, which was destroyed and sank beneath the ocean. Plato is known for embellishing stories to suit his needs. He changed Solon's account from ‘the land of the four pillars that held up the sky,’ into ‘the land of the Titan, Atlas, who held up the sky’.” Keftiu Archives (June 9 2010), “Atlantipedia,” atlantipedia.ie/samples/tag/keftiu/, (Italic content added-jfc)
Mari Tablet (Syria) “A location called Kaptar is mentioned in several texts of the Mari Tablets and is understood to be reference to Caphtor. An inscription dating to c. 1780-1760 BCE mentions a man from Caphtor (a-na Kap-ta-ra-i-im) who received tin from Mari. Another Mari text from the same period mentions a Caphtorite weapon (kakku Kap-ta-ru-u). Another records a Caphtorite object (ka-ta-pu-um Kap-ta-ru-u) which had been sent by King Zimrilim of the same period, to King Shariya of Razama. A text in connection with Hammurabi mentions Caphtorite (k[a-a}p-ta-ri-tum) fabric that was sent to Mesopotamia via Mari. An inventory thought to be from the same era as the previous texts mentions a Caphtorite vessel (GAL kap-ta-ri-tum) (probably a large jug or jar).” Strange, J. (1980), “Caphtor/Keftiu: A New Investigation,” Leiden: Brill
Ras Shamra Text “An Akkadian text from the archives of Ugarit (modern Ras Shamra, Syria) contains a possible reference to Caphtor: it mentions a ship that is exempt from duty when arriving from a place whose name is written with the Akkadian cuneiform signs KUR.DUGUD.RI. KUR is a determinative indicating a country while one possible reading of the sign DUGUD is Kabtu whence the name of the place would be Kabturi which resembles Caphtor. (Akkadian did not distinguish between b and p.)” Edward Wells (1809), “An historical geography of the Old and New Testament,” Clarendon Press
The Minoans may have been called Caphtorans or Keftiuans, or something else. However in this chronicle I have decided to continue referring to them as Minoans, paying homage to the man who found and named them, Sir Arthur Evans, after being lost for 3500 years. What’s important about the descriptions of people described above is that they are Minoans and they are described as seafaring traders with all kinds of products, even mentioning they are transporting items for kings. This again emphasizes the theory that it was the Minoan mercantile system which was responsible for the network of trade occurring during the Bronze Age, and it was their network with its major advantages that made the Minoans so successful and fabulously wealthy. Notice the thread here connecting the Minoans with the Atlantis myth, a connection which many historians believe is accurate (more on this later). 37
Resurrecting Eve
Mt. Ida
Lasithi Plateau
The above image is a map of the Aegean Sea showing Crete (the Minoan homeland) and Santorini (their main shipping hub) https://antiquatedantiquarian.blogspot.com/2015/04/the-minoans-international-trade.html (Info added-jfc)
………Frescos from Akrotiri and Knossos of Minoans……… (Note: Minoan women’s clothing typically exposed their breasts; their art depicts women with white skin, men are reddish tan.) Minoan woman with feather hairpiece
Minoan woman with bare breasts (typ.)
Prince of Lilies with feather headdress
1. https://image.jimcdn.com/app/cms/image/transf/none/path/s7dcc5fbe1e70ca34/image/i8e6041d979efab7c/version/1391465564/image.jpg 2. https://tse4.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.wOC4JKQK0cLrThk3bFPu3gHaJ4&pid=Api&P=0&w=300&h=300 , 3. (By Photo prise par Harrieta171 - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=614342)
Historians are now learning the Minoans weren’t just sailors, adventurers, traders, and settlers. They were scholars, teachers, inventors, craftsman, artisans, builders, and more; respected, awed, and sometimes feared because of their mystique, world prowess, and advanced knowledge. But their society was different from most in history because they had a female organized society (matrilineal), rather than a male dominated society (patriarchal), like most cultures today. Their religion was
somewhat different, though it appears they believed in one God which they may have referred to as the Law of One. As mentioned before, they believed God’s earth representatives were the Great Father and Great Mother. Scholars studying Etruscan culture say that originally God had no image, but was everywhere (similar to early Hebrew beliefs). The Etruscan/Minoan connection suggests the Minoans had similar beliefs. It was later in Etruscan culture long after the demise of the Minoan home world when the Etruscans changed, merging their ideas and culture with the Romans. Though the Minoans were a matrilineal culture, their society was still similar to modern Western Civilization because they believed in rule of law, democracy, equality, liberty, and fair commerce. Of course they lived in the Bronze Age barely a thousand years out of the Stone Age, so they had far less scientific knowledge then we do, relying on religion to fill in the gaps of what they didn’t know. Even so, through commerce and peaceful interaction, they created a mercantile system known across half the world. Only in the last few hundred years or less can we say our modern patriarchal world has achieved a similar level of success. The Minoan’s achievements in pottery, metallurgy, and building technology are evidence of their advanced intellect. But in order to truly appreciate this fact, you have to place your mind back 6000 plus years when technological advancement was about discovering things like metallurgy, navigation, mathematics, water management, waste management, writing, glassmaking, chemistry, finance/monetary policy, and even the art of pottery as new things. Understand that when you look at some of the pictures coming up in later chapters that these items have been buried for 4000 years, and long before the Romans, Greeks, or the Egypt of Ramses II and Tutankhamun, the Minoans had private baths in their homes and many of the comforts we enjoy today. Imagine that 4000 years ago some sophisticated lady invited friends over and they sipped tea from the thin delicate cups known as Kamare ware (see Appendix B). Imagine these people and only these people sailing the seas of the world collecting new ways of doing things, helping various indigenous hunter-gatherer people they met to advance their standard of living out of the Stone Age. But before I sound too utopian, the Minoan’s goal was to increase the capacity of the people not only to help them, but to help the Minoans too by providing products valuable in their mercantile system. By modern standards, though the Minoan civilization was similar to western society, their world was very different. It appears they may have sanctioned sexual activities involving temple prostitutes who served society by providing men and women with sexual satisfaction, under the guardianship of the temple priestesses. They also had some strange transformation rituals that involved the temple priestesses in a ritual accompanied by the symbol of transformation, the double axe or as they called it, the labrys. This transformation seems to be about man’s transformation from animal to human. There is a possible cultural link here with the Lizardmen cult from Mesopotamia, who may have had similar beliefs. In the Minoan world the Great Mother’s temples might have acted as a type of judiciary that handled male/female quarrels by setting standards and rulings, perhaps something like how Catholic Priests interpret Biblical scripture to guide modern families. Some population settlements adopted aspects of Minoan culture when the Minoans were long term residents/guests, like when they taught agriculture and irrigation, or when large mining projects were on going. For example, the Iroquois Indians of North America were one such group who appear to have adopted Minoan matrilineal culture and their Constitution or set of laws (more on this later).
Resurrecting Eve Others who were entrenched in their own way of thinking were treated with a type of noninterference principle, something like the science fiction story Star Trek and the Prime Directive. “The Prime Directive applies particularly to civilizations which are below a certain threshold of technological, scientific, and cultural development,” (Peltz, Richard J. (2003), U. of Arkansas, Little Rock Law Review). This attitude rather than one that demanded sovereign loyalty and dominance by a conqueror, typical of patriarchal cultures, served the Minoans well, especially with cultures like the Egyptians who were firmly rooted to their beliefs and rituals regarding the afterlife. But even here, long time interaction between these cultures produced an inter-exchange of beliefs. For example, the Egyptian Goddess Isis didn’t appear in Egyptian history until after the Minoans controlled the Lower Delta area for hundreds of years. Isis is Egypt’s Great Mother Goddess. The Minoans adopted some aspects of Egyptian culture as well, sometimes being mistaken for Egyptians, especially in their appearance and mode of dress. The Greek story of Kadmos (Cadmus) the Phoenician is an example of someone historians say had cultural aspects of an Egyptian and a Middle Easterner (more on this later). ………………………………………………… Because all the evidence indicates the Minoans were a matrilineal culture, I researched the Iroquois Indians of North America who are matrilineal to see how this type of culture worked, perhaps gleaning some insight into my research about Minoan life. “In the Iroquois community, women were the keepers of the culture. They were responsible for defining the political, social, spiritual, and economic norms of the tribe,’ (Iroquois Democracy). Warner (1925) states, ‘In the Iroquoian political system, women possessed an unusual amount of power. All the male delegates to the ruling of councils of the Iroquois nation were designated by senior women in the clan or tribe. Clan mothers, the leaders of the clan, select the council members or chiefs, and have veto power over the men’s decisions,’ (Carnegie Museums). ‘The Iroquois were an agricultural people and it was the women who owned the land and tended the crops,’ (Iroquois Democracy). ‘Dualism was applied to labor with each gender taking a clearly defined role that complemented the work of the other.” Gender Roles among the Iroquois’, By Katsithawi Ashley Thomas
Iroquois women make the major decisions for their civilization and set the tone of the culture, the rules, and ethics. They also appoint the men to do the governance of business. Aside from that their society is like most patriarchal ones where the women have certain tasks and the men have their tasks, much like our dual society today, except the women are given more credence (respect). Another note about the Iroquois, the women mention that in the modern world they are losing control over their culture as the men assimilate American-European culture and assume more dominance. I believe something similar happened in the hundreds of years following the demise of the Minoan civilization. Matrilineal communities slowly merged with indigenous patriarchal cultures or were taken over by force because there wasn’t a strong central temple culture anymore that supported the matrilineal concepts. The surviving populations converted to patriarchal control, the norm for the last 3500 years. However today in western civilization there is an intriguing change occurring towards gender equality along with trade and commerce concepts similar to those of the Minoans, slowly changing cultures worldwide.
Tlinjit Iroquois
Navajo Nation
Bribri & Kuna Huaorani Jivaro
Bijagos, Serer, Akan, & Bamenda Ovambo
Locations of Matrilineal Cultures around the World (size of red dot indicates relative size of the population). (Standard world map with locations of matrilineal populations plotted by jfc, based on matrilineal culture data.)
I had an idea that since the Minoans were such prolific explorers and at times did stay in country if the production of the resources required their presence, they could have been the originators of most if not all matrilineal cultures worldwide. To see if there was anything interesting with this idea, I took the world map above and located the matrilineal cultures on it. I noticed a pattern immediately that said yes, the Minoans were there. The charted locations did indeed look like they occurred where the Minoans would have found valuable resources or had other interests (see page 36), though one location stumped me for awhile. What were the Minoans doing up in Tlinjit country in western Canada? I thought the Minoans may have crossed the Pacific from Asia to do more exploring. But that crossing is three times greater than the Atlantic. My matrilineal map indicates the Minoans may have ventured eastward as far as Polynesia and perhaps a ways up the coast of China. The northern Pacific current could have carried a ship to the location where the Tlinjit lived (see map-page 44). But the trip would have been too long, dangerous, and costly to be part of their mercantile system. A more efficient route would have been to cross over Central America (see page 59). As to why they went and stayed with the Tlinjit long enough for the local people to absorb their matrilineal culture, they found cedar! Unfortunately I have no evidence that exportation of cedar ever occurred from this area. But this rare resource was their prime ship building material. Because of the value of cedar to the Minoans, it’s more likely than not that the Minoans indeed were logging with the Tlinjit, and for a long time, possibly for hundreds of years, though physical evidence would have long since disappeared. The NW area of North America thrives with giant old growth cedar, thus how the Tlinjit came to be matrilineal. Looking at my global resource map, it’s obvious that cedar suitable for ship construction only grows in a few places in the world. The NW area of N. America was a gold mine for this resource. Over the centuries thousands of cedar logs must have been shipped back to the Old World (more on this later). What’s important at this point in this chronicle is that my matrilineal map seems to be another tool to find where the Minoans travelled and traded.
Resurrecting Eve
The picture on the right shows some Tlinjit familystory art/symbols on traditional hats and rain shawls. Their artistic style resembles the art of a few other indigenous cultures in the America’s, also considered advanced, and likely also visited by the Minoans as they searched the globe for valuable resources. https://i.pinimg.com/originals/11/d7/f6/11d7f691a65ba2e7bf268e7a0753a7b7.jpg
………………………………….. The Minoans were able to sail across the Atlantic Ocean because they had strong unsinkable boats, were skilled navigators, and knew how to read sea currents. They also may have had what we call the Viking Sun Stone, a piece of clear calcite used to find the suns location for navigation during overcast skies. The Minoans had a similar type of stone and did have extensive interaction with the ancestors of the Vikings (Danes). The Minoans were aware of many natural aspects of navigation. We know this because they understood and respected the navigational ability of birds, especially geese. Geese, and snakes, are symbolically used in many of their artifacts.
Minoan Goose bowl carved out of quartz, a stone possibly used to find the sun during overcast skies, like the Viking Sun Stone. The goose is symbolic for navigation. Pic from https://ancient-greece.org/images/museums/athens mycenaean/pages/athens-mus-mycenaean028.html
Minoan gold medallion of a deity, two geese, three falcons with spread wings, four snakes, and five hanging pendants (1, 2, 3, 4, 5), 1700 BC. Pic by Bkwillwm (Own work), CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=10371717
“Those who have the goose as their animal totem are kind, loyal, and brave-hearted. Those with the goose totem are the clear communicators, true-blue defenders and compassionate keepers of the community. Geese are incredibly gifted navigators, and they never leave one of their own behind.“ Dare to Discern, "Animal Symbolism: Meaning of the Goose,” 2005-2017
“The snake is connected with welfare of the Minoan house, rebirth, resurrection, renewal of the life, and the underworld, one of the aspects of the Great Mother. In Greek mythology, the snake had a protective and beneficial role on the shield of Athena, it represented the chthonic power connected with the Goddess of Earth, it was the attribute of Asklepios, probably due to its knowledge about the herb of rebirth, resurrection and eternal youth and generally it was the symbol of superhuman power of Minoan Snake Goddess" (2000), www.pantheon.org/articles/m/minoan_snake_goddess.html the god.”
MINOAN and *
*The Minoans also traveled and traded the navigable rivers of Europe and Central Asia (jfc).
These are Minoan trade routes in the Bronze Age (5000-1628 BC), later inherited by the Phoenicians (1628-300 BC). https://tse2.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.rvJ77LF4sYR1p3xukpTrlQHaEh&pid=Api&P=0&w=300&h=300, (*Modified with added text)
Log Raft Sea Fence
Clay tablet image of a Phoenician ship (similar to Minoan vessels) Elie plus at English Wikipedia / CC BY-SA (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)
Artist conception of a Phoenician ship and cargo stowage https://phoenicianresearch.weebly.com/uploads/1/7/3/5/17357749/8122590.jpg?875
Even though the Minoans could sail, read sea currents, and knew how to navigate, how did they know they could sail across the Atlantic? In the beginning they probably didn’t know for sure. We know they travelled north to Britain for tin, gold, and other resources. In their travels near northern France and the British Isles they must have noticed the winds and ocean currents coming from the west across the Atlantic. They also traded with Africans all over the coastal areas of that continent and must have noticed the westward ocean current when they explored around the Canary Islands. Birds use these currents or rather the accompanying Trade Winds; they must have seen birds flying out to sea in these areas. At some point they decided to enter this current which in about 3 weeks deposited them at the northern coast of Brazil. People setting world records for small boats crossing the Atlantic using this current say once you get into it, you’re swept along until you reach South America. 43
Resurrecting Eve Apparently the trip isn’t that hard. Columbus tried it but got too high in latitude missing the main flow, getting stuck in the Doldrums making the voyage longer, and ended up in the Caribbean. Great Lakes
Tlinjit Painted Rocks (USA)
Skara Brae (Orkney Islands)
Crete Egypt
Dwarka (India)
Lake Titicaca (Peru)
Map of worldwide ocean currents. The X’s and dashed lines indicate the routes the Minoans used to cross the Atlantic Ocean. http://cimss.ssec.wisc.edu/sage/oceanography/lesson3/images/ocean_currents2.jpg, (Modified with added text)
Eventually Minoan expeditions would take them north to locate the current that would carry them east back to the Old World. But first they would have seen the effluence coming from the Amazon River and explored it. In the hundreds of years that followed, they also explored Central America and up the great rivers of North America, the Colorado, Gila, the Mississippi, and more. Locating the eastward current and getting into it would have placed them back in northern Europe or the British Isles, areas of familiarity where they could reprovision, trade, and head back home to the Mediterranean area. There is perhaps some evidence of these voyages found in a place on the Orkney Islands off the northern coast of Scotland called Skara Brae. This settlement used similar building technology as the indigenous people; stone is the only building material and the locals had devised good ways to build strong wind proof dwellings with it. However Skara Brae is very different from the other dwellings with an advanced sewage system. It was built on a refuse or garbage dump of old sea shells called a midden, where the local people had shucked some kind of shell food over countless years. This may indicate the people building the structures at Skara Brae (see page 56) could have been Johnny come lately’s, building where space was available. (Note: the Minoans would have also known the shells were a potential resource to make lime plaster .) The fascinating thing about Skara Brae is that the builders constructed the settlement so that rain water was directed to a central hole in the ground, down which it drained. The hole is actually the entrance to a manmade tunnel lined on the bottom with clay to keep water from seeping below it. The tunnel was designed to flow under each dwelling. Each dwelling had a small anti-chamber with a hole in the floor that opened down to the tunnel. The tunnel was built with a slight incline that facilitated flushing the collected rain water out to sea, carrying away whatever wastes were in it. The Minoans were excellent hydrological engineers. No one else would have thought of such a system. The only evidence the Minoans were actually shipwrecked on the Orkney’s, other than the advanced sewer system found there, is that their shipping routes would have put them on a course which during a storm
forced them too far north, where they shipwrecked on a treeless island. How else could there be such an advanced system here in 3100 BC if not the Minoans? There isn’t anyone else and we have evidence of the Minoan’s hydrological engineering ability on Crete, Egypt, and later in Rome (via the Etruscans). ………………………………………… Using my map of matrilineal cultures I researched what resources different areas might have had that were of major importance to the Minoans requiring a long term presence necessary for a matrilineal cultural exchange, could the Minoans get there, and was there a sudden florescence of technical advancement in the indigenous culture. South America was the first area the Minoans would have seen after crossing the Atlantic, and the Amazon would have been attractive to them. Even though their ships had sails, they also had some oars and had shallow draft hulls that enabled them to navigate most water ways, landing almost anywhere. To see if the Minoans could get to the tin deposits in Bolivia that my resource map indicates are there, I researched the tributaries of the Amazon River finding the Madeira. Exploring the Madeira, either the Minoans found tin ore themselves or the indigenous people had tin ore as a trinket/ornament. It’s called Cassiterite in its native form and is one of the few metal ores that can be found in riverbeds. Tin was one of the rarer resources the Minoans sought. They got some from Britain and other locations (Asia), but not enough to supply a world gone mad for bronze. So a large supply of tin could be priceless to them, worth trekking into the mountains of Bolivia to find the tin’s source, and there are ancient mines in Bolivia. Once high up in the mountains of Bolivia it seems likely the indigenous people would tell them of the large lake to the west (Lake Titicaca), and the ocean beyond. We can assume something like this to be true because the Minoans were in the area long enough to create a cross culture exchange of matrilineal concepts with some of the indigenous people. Also, the Minoans were an industrious people, always exploring, constantly looking for new ventures and enterprises. Eventually, it appears the Minoans may have decided to build permanent structures in the Lake Titicaca area, but suddenly abandoned the site/area. There are some interesting carved stone blocks at a placed called Puma Punku that may be evidence. This is one of the florescent moments I mentioned, because it’s more probable than not that the Minoans taught the people in this area of South America stone carving skills. When the Minoans left, they took their bronze stone working tools with them. But this didn’t stop the indigenous people from carving with primitive stone tools after the Minoans left. All the later structures built by the indigenous people were imbued with their own cultural motifs. Minoan Bronze Chisel,
MET_DP20412.jpg., CCO
There was a major volcanic eruption at Cerro Blanco, Argentina around 2400 BC with a VEI of 7. This would have severely altered the climate, possibly the reason Puma Punku was abandoned and why the Minoans left the area. The entire region may have also experienced major land movements, possibly the reason for a large displacement of Lake Titicaca volume. Puma Punku was once much closer to the Lakes shoreline, and there’s evidence of a flood. Cerro Blanco’s eruption could have also affected climates south of the Equator worldwide, possibly the catalyst for the famines in Egypt at the end of the Old Kingdom that occurred around the same time (see page 83). 45
Resurrecting Eve
Lake Titicaca, Peru (Fuentes Bowl)
-See Carthage
Bakairi Indians -See the Sea People Bakairi Indians
Extensive Ancient Earthworks
Tiwanacu & Puma Punku, Bolivia
1. http://otlibrary.com/wp-content/gallery/giant-river-otter/Amazonrivermap.png, 2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Madeira_River, (Both maps modified with added text-jfc)
Down in the jungles of Brazil slightly east of the mountains of Peru and Bolivia, recent advanced aerial photographic methods have indicated the existence of several humongous ancient earth mound complexes, eroded by rains back to flat jungle ground, but visible in the photographs. Now that farming has removed more forest/jungle by the Brazilian city of Porto Velho, massive earthworks stretching into Bolivia can be seen, indicating there must have been a large city there of perhaps sixty thousand people or more. This was probably a complex that the Minoans used to grow food, and a staging area to collect the tin ore, smelt it, and load it onto their ships. There’s very few rocks in the area, everything quickly either rots or erodes away. So beyond the aerial photographs proof is limited. A bronze Celtic axe head was found in the Amazon by a native, but because there was no verifiable provenance, the axe head has limited value. An ancient bowl was found by Lake Titicaca that’s very interesting because it appears to date to 4000 BC, and has Sumerian cuneiform writing on it. It also has an image on it of the Great Mother with two snakes around the rim such as would be found in Sumerian and Minoan culture. If the Minoans didn’t bring the bowl, who could have, unless it was planted? The bowl itself appears to be legitimate. It seems unlikely that someone in modern times could find a genuine 6000 year old artifact from Sumeria and bury that valuable artifact in the ground where it could get damaged. The Fuentes Bowl may be good evidence of Minoans in South America.
The Fuentes Bowl apparently dates to 4000 BC, and is of Sumerian design, inscribed with cuneiform writing (images at bottom of previous page and below left). The bowl is also decorated inside with a Great Mother symbol with two snakes along the rim. The Great Mother symbol on the bowl resembles the design on a ceremonial half axe originating around Denmark over 2000 years later. This Danish half axe (below right) is decorated with the snake coil design seen in many Celtic designs sometimes called a Celtic weave. The Great Mother symbol goes back to the Catal Huyuk civilization where it was found in their dwellings placed prominently above the hearth (see page 21).
1. http://www.faculty.ucr.edu/legneref/archeol/fuentema.htm. 2. By Berig - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=4307108.
Above left is a picture of the ancient bronze Celtic axe head found in the Amazon, South America. Above right is an artist’s conception of a female cult heroine called Fraw Holt; “an international myth of the old Goddess stretched from the Slavic east to the Celtic west and from Italy to Scandanavia,” (“The Witches’ Goddess,” Max Dashu, 2014).
1. Screen shot from Secrets of the Dead: Carthages Lost Warriors. 2. https://www.quora.corn/Why-is-the-goose-Junos-sacred-anirnal-What-does-it-represent, (Frau Holt by Nigel Jackson)
Historians believe the Phoenicians picked up Celts from the area around Spain to man their ships. Much earlier the Minoans did the same which would account for a Celtic artifact in S. America. The Great Mother concept was very strong with the Celts; they shared many beliefs with the Minoans in this area, like their regard for the abilities of geese. Fraw Holt is part of early European cultural history as the Great Mother, depicted as a female flying through the sky upon a goose. (Note: Fraw Holt is the predescessor of Mother Goose.)-jfc
…………………………………………… To date, evidence of a Minoan presence in North America is easier to find than in S. America. Again using my matrilineal map, working on the theory that the Minoans are the originators of this culture type, I searched areas where the indigenous people are matrilineal to see if the Minoans could get to the areas in question, and what resources were there to be developed that would cause them to stay for long periods of time that created a major cultural exchange towards matrilineal concepts. Earlier I mentioned the Minoans might have transported their ships across Central America to the Pacific Ocean where they encountered the Tlinjit Indians. Because I found evidence at several sites in the SW area of the USA indicating a Minoan presence, I’m sure the Minoans crossed overland with their ships from the Atlantic to the Pacific. The most likely way they reached inland into SW N. America would have been to go up the Colorado and Gila Rivers, accessable by boat from the Pacific Ocean. Six
Resurrecting Eve thousand years ago, the Colorado River could have been navigable from the Gulf of California all the way up into the San Juan River, accessing the areas of southern Utah and northern New Mexico. The Gila River branches into the Colorado relatively close to that rivers mouth, and extends into the heartland of North America as far as southern New Mexico. The higher water levels back then also made the Gila navigatable for much of its length. In the southern part of Arizona by the Gila and in the southern part of Utah by the San Juan River, I found petro glyphs that indicate a Minoan presence. Painted Rocks near Gila Arizona and Sand Island near Bluff Utah have petro glyphs with labrys images, some looking like they have a symbolic connection to man’s tranformation from animal (lizard) to human. Some of the images resemble boats that look Minoan in style (see page 26), and the Minoan man with arms above his head in a circular form, like in Egypt, is present at Painted Rocks in several locations. There are rectilineal mazes and circular ones, and a very interesting mysterious petro glyph, unique in design, occupying a special place of reverance by itself in an area where space on rocks is limited, indicating the image is important (more on this later).
Minoan Script Man with Sword Lassoing an Animal Man displaying Peace Posture Maze
MinoanSun Maze & Field Plot
Sun & Field Plot
Cosmos Peace Posture
Labrys and Man
Man with Sword
Man with Sword
Transformation (Labrys) Lizard to Man Transformation (Labrys) Lizard to Man
Man with Sword (?), Snake, and the Sun
Man Roping Animal (Sword Sheathed)
Minoan Script (?)
Labrys and Man with Feather Headdress
Petro glyphs at Painted Rocks in SW Arizona, USA (jfc)
These petro glyph images from Painted Rocks, Arizona, USA are evidence that the Minoans were in this area very early. The symbol of a man with his arms above his head in a circular posture is the same image found on glyphs from Egypt that date between 5000-4000 BC. The images of men who appear to have three legs are actually depicting a Minoan with a sheathed long sword. For comparison there are other pertro glyphs of a man with two legs and something in his hand that appears to be a sword. (Note: the rocks at Painted Rocks have a black coating on them which makes them good for recording things using petro glyphs. Archaeologists call this coating desert varnish. It consists of hundreds of years of wind blown liquids from vegetabe matter and other stuff deposited on the rocks, eventually forming a black coating.)
The Minoans were in the Americas in the era the archaeologists call the Archaic Period. The Archaic Period petro glyphs at Painted Rocks are different than the more recent ones that are more primitive. The earliar ones have images that use rectalineal lines forming grids and something the archaeologists call a rake. These immediately reminded me of land plots and irrigation system diagrams. Perhaps the glyphs were pecked onto the rocks at the direction of more knowledgeable people such as the Minoans to remind future indigenous generations about the agricultural principles which the Minoans taught. The purpose may have been to transform the region into a bountiful bread basket similar to the results enjoyed in Egypt. In the past, the area was wetter and cooler than today with a long growing season. The Minoans had copper mining interests in the Michigan area and logging in western Canada. They may have needed a food source for the people involved in those operations. Unfortunately, like elsewhere in the world, with the demise of the Minoan homeworld, a so called dark ages occurred; what had been the Minoan Plan, was no more. The Minoans exploring North America, just like South America, came across native people who wanted to show them interesting areas and significant things. A very significant place very close to the Sand Island petro glyph location in southern Utah USA is a BLM National Monument site called Valley of the Gods. The rock structures in this place are awesome. If I didn’t know better, I would think they had been created by very ancient powerful Gods. People might have believed this until recent scientific developments explained how erosion over time can create the Grand Canyon and carve fantastic sculptures such as found in the Valley of the Gods. When the Minoans were here a long time ago, around 4000 BC if the Fuentes Bowl is any good as a guide, the indigenous people probably took them to the Valley of the Gods. It’s possible that some of the early explorers saw the pyramids in the Valley and took the idea of creating them back to Egypt. This was a perfect project for the Pharaoh as a powerful symbol of Egypt’s significance, and a perfect project to fulfill oblitations to Maat, growing food in the dry season, building a monument during the wet season. The Minoans would have helped Egypt engineer such a project for that reason and because of the sense of pride that would be instilled in the people having created a monument replicating those left by the Gods. It would have made the people happy, believing in the prosperity to come. The limited non-religious dedication markings in or on early Egyptain pyramids may be indicative that a matrilineal culture, the Minoans, had a large management role in their construction. Later, after the Minoans, Egyptian structures aggrandized Pharaoh’s achievements, as did most partiarchal civilizations. Also, mathematics/geometry advanced enough for the Egyptians to build their pyramids wasn’t known to them until the 17th Century BC. So if the pyramids were built about a thousand years before the date of advanced math in Egypt, how did they build the pyramids with such accuracy unless they had help from some outside source, the Minoans, who due to their cultural concepts (matrilineal lack of personal aggrandizement), preferred to remain somewhat annonymous (see pages 68 and Appendix D). 49
Resurrecting Eve Because the rock sculptures in the Valley of the Gods resemble later Egyptian man made structures, it begs the question, “did these natural sculptures influence Egypt to replicate artifacts from the Gods?” The explorers, some who could have been Egyptian crewmen (see page 58), must have speculated as to the origin of the rock formations/sculptures and concluded they had to be the work of ancient Gods. The pyramid (or pyramid mound) is also connected with Egypt’s origin stories which would make this find significant. However when attempting to build pyramids back in Egypt, they found they didn’t know how nor had they done any precise measurements. Efforts in Egypt to recreate these wonders was trial and error resulting in several attempts to build replicas. But the effort to recreate them was intense because these were seen as artifacts from the Gods themselves; to create such structures was to be that much closer to them. There are other natural pyramids in the world, but nothing like in the Valley of the Gods, Utah. The pictures below are from the Valley of the Gods, Utah.
One of Many Pyramids in the Valley (from 4 miles away)
Pharaoh Kneeling to the Queens
The Hand of God
One of many Temple Pylons in the Valley
(Note: there is also a natural sculpture in the Valley that looks like a phalis; Egyptian Oblisks represent a phalis.)-jfc
The picture on the right is the place I noted as special. The petro glyph here needs to be examined by experts, especially geologists who can varify whether the image is old or new and when the niche was made. Then studied by anthropologists and others to see if the content of the image makes sense and tells a story. Basically what is it? Feather Headpiece
There are no other petro glyphs in this space which seems unusal, indicating it may have had special significance. The image apears to be a person, maybe with a feather headdress with one arm extended to a Minoan cross (see Appendix A) that connects with one of the rays of an image of the sun. Four of the L shaped rays of the sun are angled to the left or counterclockwise. Two of the rays including the one connecting to the cross are angled to the right or clockwise. Two large dots, one in the center of the sun, and another in the ray closest to the person, basically complete the image. (Note: what looks like a third leg is the man’s sheathed sword.)
Sheathed Sword
Minoan Cross
Because many people have visited this site over time, including in our time, I have no idea if this is a fake. If it isn’t, it’s very interesting and may provide valuable insight into the past. Interestingly the sun symbol may be connected with the labrys seen on the Catal Huyuk mural. (See Appendix E)
Map of SW USA Showing the Colorado and Gila River Locations and Sites Mentioned https://secretmuseum.net/colorado-river-drainage-basin-map/ (Modified-jfc)
Valley of the Gods
Casa Grande Ruins Sand Island Petro Glyphs
Land of the Navajo Nation
Painted Rocks Petro Glyphs
Resurrecting Eve In this same area near the Gila River in Arizona is an indigenous Indian settlement called Casa Grande where there were some pictographs which are significant. It seems that a symbol known to the indigenous people as an ancient game is almost the same symbol found on Minoan coins (Currency was used amongst the Minoans very early but not outside their homeland.). “….this symbol was first observed by an eighteenth century Spaniard scratched in the sand by a Pima Indian….” “The Pimas, he said, call the figure Tcuhuki, the house of Tcuhu, a cultus hero sometimes identified with Montezuma.” (See page 139) Dr. J. Walter Fewkes (1907), “American Anthropologist,” Vol. IX, p. 511.
“….the diagram in slightly modified form appears scratched on the adobe wall of the Casa Grande ruin among obviously Indian pictographs.” Harold Sellers Colton (June 29, 1917), “Is the House of Tcuhu the Minoan Labyrinth,” University of Pennsylvania, Science, N. S. Vol, XLV, No 1174
The two Minoan maze coins at left are almost identical to the image reported by Fewkes (1907) drawn by a Pima Indian. Mazes and labyrinths; a general account of their history and developments, Matthews, William Henry, 1922- London, New York, etc. Longmans, Green
“The symbol for the Labyrinth has been found associated with 'sacred' places for thousands of years from all around the ancient world. More recently, especially from the Middle Ages onward, it has been used as a tool for pilgrimage, representing our metaphorical path through life.” ‘Sacred Geometry’ (2019), www.ancient-wisdom.com/sacredgeometry
(Note: the Labrys or double axe shape is a metaphorical symbol for the transformation of life and death, while the labyrinth or maze is a metaphorical symbol of one’s path on the journey of life.)-jfc
Evidence of ancient Minoan activity in the Americas is continually being found. One significant area in North America is up the Mississippi River. When the Minoans explored the Gulf coast, just as they would have recognized the effluence of other big rivers into the ocean, they would have seen the effluence from the Mississippi. Like exploring the Amazon they may have come across the indigenous people wearing personal ornaments of copper ore; there are ancient copper mines in Michigan close to the Mississippi where vast amounts of almost pure copper ore have been mined. Some copper ingots from ancient ship wrecks in the Mediterranean have been found with the same high level of purity as copper from Michigan (99.5% pure).
At left is a copy of a bronze Minoan pendant reported to have been found in Ohio. One side appears to be an image of the Prince of Lilies. The other side appears to be a labrys. https://windtogo.wordpress.com/2014/03/02/motorcycling-with-the-minoans/
“The Newberry Tablet was discovered just north of Newberry Michigan in November 1896. It was photographed and the photo was sent to the Smithsonian Institute. They stated they did not know what it was. It has since been discovered that it is written in an ancient script known as a Cypriot Minoan Syllabary. To find this ancient syllabary in Michigan when it disappeared from the Mediterranean in about 500 BC is just like finding a finger print of the Ancient Mines,’ http://www.jewellhistories.com/ancient_mines.htm (Nov. 2014) Minoan Traders.”
A reseacher (J. Hutton Pulitzer) found and posted on the internet some black and white photos taken during the US TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority) projects in the 1930’s and 40’s where excavators uncovered some ancient sites. Archaeologists classified them as Native American ceremonial sites. I immediately recognized the photos as molds for Minoan copper ingots and did my own search to the University of Tennessee archives where I found similar pictures of ancient Minoan sheepskin copper ingot molds, some of which are shown below, indisputable evidence the Minoans were in N. America.
49FA11 (photo number), 15FA11 (site number), Fayette County, Kentucky, Drake Mound Site, Copper Reel, FA11, The William S. Webb Museum (1939-1940), WPAAVA Photograph Archive ('MN\04138)
17-623 Charles Lea Farm Site 4AN17, Anderson County, Tennessee (1939), Archaeology Southern States, Archaeological museums and collections, University of Tennessee, Tennessee Antiquities, Frank H. McClung Museum
Keftiu ingots from Egypt (Keftiu is Egyptian for Minoan)
https://classconnection.s3.amazonaws.com/973/flashcards/819973/jpg/copper _ingit1335833238032-thumb400.jpg
Copper Ingot from Middle East Shipwreck https://tse2.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.v02l_SP5TAA5nlsIyCRNlAHaGn&pid =Api&P=0&w=178&h=160
(Note: the shape of the ox-hide ingots may have been derived from the need to carry them overland from the Ohio to the St. Lawrence Seaway. The shape lends itself well to being carried on the backs of humans, perhaps loaded several at a time for the stronger carriers.)-jfc
The value of copper and tin in the Bronze Age can’t be understated. The almost pure copper found in Michigan adjacent to Lake Superior in todays dollars would be worth billions. Along with harvesting cedar from the forests in NW North America, the Minoans were busy in North America for a long time! My research suggests the Minoans may have involved the Ojibwe Native Americans of the Algonquin Nation to do the task of mining the Michigan copper ore, shipping via the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers to Tennessee and Kentucky where the Cherokee smelted the ore into the sheepskin (oxhide) shaped ingots seen above. The Minoans may have split these two tasks between the Ojibwe and Cherokee because the climate further south was better and hardwood needed to smelt was plentiful. But it’s just as likely that they kept their secrets never allowing others to know too much. The smelted ore was then carried overland by the Iroquis’ to the St. Lawrence River and shipped to the Old World. “The Ojibwe (also Ojibwa) or Chippewa are a large group of Native Americans and First Nations in North America. Although the Ojibwe people and the Iroquois are classified as Eastern Woodland Indians, they did not have as an ‘advanced’ culture as the Iroquois.” Ojibwe (March 2015), “Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia,” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ojibwe
Resurrecting Eve Interestingly, the Ojibwe are not matrilineal. The Minoans didn’t force their lifestyle on anyone. You could say their primary mode was commerce. Like with other cultures the Minoans met such as the Egyptians and Celts, their interests were how could this population help them acquire valuable resources and what can they do for the indigenous people to accomplish this goal. In a sense they traded a countries resources and capacity for help advancing the populations standard of living, quite often just by teaching aggricultual and irrigation principles. But deaths of Ojibwe men mining copper ore may have caused them to doubt the Minoans, which is why they remained a hunter-gatherer patriarchal culture. They have an interesting origin story of seven miigis, who were probably Minoans. “According to the oral history, seven great miigis (radiant/iridescent beings) appeared to the peoples in the Waabanakiing (Land of the Dawn, i.e. Eastern Land) to teach them the way of life. One of the seven great miigis beings was too spiritually powerful and killed the peoples in the Waabanakiing when they were in its presence. The six great miigis beings remained to teach, while the one returned into the ocean. The six great miigis beings established doodem (clans) for the peoples in the east, symbolized by animal, fish or bird species. The five original Anishinaabe doodem were the Wawaazisii (Bullhead), Baswenaazhi (Echo-maker, i.e., Crane), Aan'aawenh (Pintail Duck), Nooke (Tender, i.e., Bear) and Moozoonsii (Little Moose), then these six miigis beings returned into the ocean as well. If the seventh miigis being stayed, it would have established the Thunderbird doodem.” Ojibwe (March 2015), “Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia,” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ojibwe
“Recent research in the Genome Project and other DNA studies have shown a marker gene that is in the Algonquian speaking people but not in Asia. This new marker is however, found in the eastern Mediterranean, Spain and western Europe. This implies some contact from these areas thousands of Ancient Mines” (Nov. 2014), http://www.jewellhistories.com/ancient_mines.htm years ago.” (Note: further analysis indicates the genes pressence might be earlier than the Minoans, perhaps from the Clovis people, see page 17.)-jfc The Ojibwe originally lived along the St. Lawrence Seaway closer to the east coast until they moved to the Lake Superior area after receiving a prophecy in a vision from one of the original miigis saying they had to move west to make way for the pale-skinned people. So the Ojibwe moved to the Lake Superior area of the USA and Canada. “Cherokee Indians although having distant connections with the Algonquin, spoke a form of Iroquoian language. Like the Ojibwe, they also migrated from the Northeast but settled in the Tennesse and Kentucky areas. But they were a matrilineal culture and almost identical to the Iroquois regarding matrilinal linage, and social and political structure.” “Family Patterns/Cherokeee,” https://Cherokeeehazel.wordpress.com/family-patterns/
Unfortunately the Cherokee Nation was badly treated by European settlers invading their homeland during the last three centuries. Fractured and pushed from one area to another, they did not have the same opportunities as their Iroquois cousins further north. Possibly the most significant indigenous population in this area are the Iroquois who are the most advanced of these tribes in terms of government and law, indicating the Minoans had more contact with them. Eventually the Minoans found the St. Lawrence Seaway which gave them a better northern access inland than going up and down the Mississippi, placing them in Iroquois Territory. Because the Iroquois territory was probably used as their shipping center, this put the Iroquois more directly in contact with the Minoans for a longer period of time.
“The Iroquois (/ˈɪrəkwɔɪ/ or /ˈɪrəkwɑː/), who prefer to be known as the Haudenosaunee /ˈhoʊdənɵˈʃoʊni/, are a historically powerful and important northeast Native American confederacy.The League is governed by a Grand Council, an assembly of fifty chiefs or sachems, each representing one of the clans of one of the nations. The Iroquois League has also been known as the ‘Iroquois Confederacy.’ Modern scholars distinguish between the League and the Confederacy. According to this interpretation of the scholars, the Iroquois League refers to the ceremonial and cultural institution embodied in the Grand Council, while the Iroquois Confederacy is the decentralized political and diplomatic entity that emerged in response to European colonization.” “The Iroquois and most Iroquoian peoples have a matrilineal kinship system; with descent and inheritance passing through the maternal lines, children are considered born into their mother's clan and take their social status from her family. The clan mothers, the elder women of each clan, are highly respected. The women elders nominate the chief for Iroquois (November 2015), Wikipedia life from the clan, and own the symbols of his office.” The picture on the left is the Ojibwe symbol of the Anishinaabe people (notice the white-black X). The picture on the right is an Iroquois feather headpiece. The different clans of the Iroquois each had a distinct way of wearing their feather(s). Some were worn down, others up, others on one side or the other; some clans wore two or three feathers. It’s possible the Minoans orginated the Native American feather headdress culture. . 1.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ojibwe2. ttps://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/d/db/Iroquois_gustoweh_headdress.png/220px-Iroquois_gustoweh_headdress.png
Ojibwe Territory
St. Lawrence Seaway Iroquois Territory
Mississippi River Ohio River Cherokee Territory
Map of the Eastern USA (Modified-jfc)
We may never know exactly how things were done, and for this chronicle it isn’t important. What’s important to remember at this point is that the Iroquois have a very advanced constitution and many in that Nation today claim the United States Constitution is based on their Constitutional system. When I’ve gone through a few thousand more years, I will re-visit their claim and shed light on this issue. From the St. Lawrence Seaway, the Minoans shipped out the copper ingots along with other resources on ships arriving from other places in the Americas on their way back home. I have no idea of all the places they may have stopped and loaded or unloaded cargo. But their path would eventually place them on the east coast of North America where they could locate the current that would carry them eastward back across the Atlantic Ocean. Again, birds flying out to sea would help identify the right place. Their landmark destination would be the west coast of France or the British Isles where they could load and unload cargo at specific locations per their mercantile system. 55
Resurrecting Eve
3000 BC Generally the voyage eastward would have been fairly swift and uneventful if one followed the currents. Sometimes navigation went awry when unseasonable storms occurred which is probably what happened at Skara Brae, Scotland. If you review the ocean current map (page 44), you can see how following the eastward current from North America could take a ship too far north if a storm came on suddenly making navigation impossible.
The picture on the left is an overview of the Skara Brae complex. The tops of the dwellings were blown away during a severe storm around 1850. The site was unknown until then. The picture above right is inside one of the dwellings. The small opening seen at the back to the left of the counter is a niche that is the toilet space with a hole down to a tunnel that empties into the ocean (see page 44). 1.http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-jm8Gp8iz_cU/T_AkL5bdDaI/AAAAAAAACHI/I4outF27lXM/s1600/Skara_Brae_kap_KB_01.jpg. 2.https://www.orkney.com/site/assets/files/7210/skara_brae1_a.jpg
The Minoans history with the British Isles is very long. I believe that they helped the Britons build Woodhenge and later Stonehenge as they probably did with all indigenous civilizations with whom they traded in order to keep track of schedules for agriculture as well as arrivals and departures of shipping. I don’t think a mercantile system could succeed if products were not received and delivered on some kind of schedule. Over time, eventually, these astronomical devices became sacred to the indigenous people, magical by the way they could predict the rising of the sun and the changing seasons, valuable advancements to their civilization. The Minoans and Phoenicians traded with the Britons for thousands of years exporting tin and gold. The Britons dug mines for tin but some of the gold was extracted from rivers and streams using a sheep skin placed in a river that caught and held gold swept along with the water. The same process was used in ancient Colchis (Republic of Georgia), the probable destination of “Jason and the Argonauts” from Greek myth about the search for the Golden Fleece. Like elsewhere in the Minoan system, helping Britons achieve a better standard of living was part of their plan. As they did with Egypt and the people in the Americas, advancing the populations of hunter-gatherers was accomplished by teaching agriculture and irrigation methods. But first the indigenous people needed to be organized into a framework acceptable to them and to the Minoans. The Iroquois Indians Sachems, Celtic Clans, and Egyptian Nomes are examples. Organization was absolutely necessary to run an efficient business enterprise and it also empowered the people with a sense of identity, enhancing capacity and strength. This was a typical practice employed by the Minoans (still used today in community development). The Minoans and the peoples of the British Isles also share belief in the Great Mother. She is everywhere in their early culture and generally in the early culture of the people in Central Europe. The
so called Celtic weave design pattern is an example of another shared Minoan symbol (entwined snakes). This design is all over artifacts from Briton and is also in Danish artifacts, such as the half axe artifact found in Denmark, shown earlier with the Fuentes Bowl (see page 47). More early evidence of Minoans in ancient Briton was found in DNA analysis done on 5000 year old bones from portal graves in Britain with genetic markers matching bones in graves on Crete found in caves on the Lasithi Plateau from the same time period (see page 38). “Archaeology has recently acquired new tools, some of them inherited from Medicine, such as radar and laser scanning of archaeological sites and reading molecular DNA of up to 5,000 yr old bones. In February 2007, the prestigious Stanford Research Institute issued a report on behalf of the Archaeological society of the USA. The survey used the new technique of molecular DNA analysis on bones collected from excavations in various countries in the Mediterranean. The DNA patterns were then compared with bones from Minoan tombs. The result concludes that the origin of the Minoan civilization is most likely to be the countries east of Turkey, somewhere between Iran and Iraq. Sufficient DNA evidence has also been found in Sweden, northwest Germany and in the British isles.” Agios Nikolaos and Johan Jarnaes, ‘Prehistoric connections Crete’ / Norway, June 26, 2011, Minoan History and culture, no.wordpress.com/tag/minoan-hichronicle-and-culture/
I should note that there were probably many more ships travelling back and forth from other parts of the world using the sea route along the west coast of Europe than ships coming across the Atlantic Ocean from the Americas. This is simply because there were more people and product in these other regions. Also, the distance and time needed to travel to the Americas limited those excursions, probably only worthwhile if there was immense profit in the venture, such as that gained by procuring 99.5 % copper and cedar logs. Still, excursions would be strongly governed by the weather and seasons. The Minoans also had major interests in the regions known as Portugal and Spain (Iberian Peninsula) and the off shore islands in the Mediterranean such as Sardinia, Sicily, and Malta. In their era, the indigenous people in these areas were Celts or culturally similar. The Minoans had cultural connections with the Celts dating back to the days when the Black Sea was a fresh water lake. This area was a major provisioning area for Minoan ships entering or coming back from the Atlantic. Spain was also a huge source for silver which was mined for thousands of years. Additionally, the Basque area of NW Spain was another source of tin. The indigenous Basque people also have DNA links to the Britons, specifically the Irish and Scots. Some scholars believe the key to deciphering the Minoan’s script, called Linear A may lie in the Basque language. “Carved spirals on large stone blocks (altars?) in the Tarxien temple, Malta (ca 3100 BC).” Episode 12: From India to Ireland, starting with a lot of Bull. mmtaylor.net/Holiday2000/Legends/Ancient_Hichronicle/Episode.12.html
These are typical Minoan symbols similar to designs found in art at Knossos, Crete.
The Minoans also traded with the peoples of North Africa where a matrilineal society exists around the area of Tunisia. The area has good agricultural land and is the eventual location of Carthage. They traveled and traded down the coast of W. Africa too, obtaining gold and copper ore as well as 57
Resurrecting Eve exotic items of interest to their richer clients, like the Egyptians (e.g. strange animals, rare herbs, etc). There are matrilineal cultures in Senegal adjacent to where the Minoans would have embarked to cross the Atlantic and a larger matrilineal society inland near the border of Nambia and Botswana close to ancient copper mines, all of which indicate the Minoans had long time interests in these areas. When the Minoans traded at various settlements/ports, I suspect that along the way they picked up local men who sought adventure to man their ships before sailing across the Atlantic and elsewhere. I don’t think the Minoan male population would have been large enough to man all the worldwide shipping in which they were engaged and therefore must have used non Minoans for the menial tasks requiring sailors while as usual keeping their secrets about navigation and destinations to themselves. Though most people other than the Minoans feared the ocean, the Celts generally didn’t. The Celtic bronze axe head found in the Amazon may be evidence of these non Minoan sailors. Along with Celts and Egyptians, it’s probable that Africans also made sea voyages with the Minoans. In fact the presence of large stone heads in Central America with African facial features may be an off shoot of visits by these sailors, some of whom decided to stay in the Americas where they were eventually deified and immortalized in stone. After the demise of the Minoans, the Phoenicians and Carthaginians also made voyages to America. However when iron became common (1200 BC), voyages probably subsided. Copper and bronze weren’t as valuable, and iron was locally available. The large Olmec stone heads in the pics below date to 1500-1000 BC, though Archaeologists aren’t sure because the heads have been moved around and there isn’t much they can use as reference to date them. The average weight of one of the heads is around 20 tons! All of them wear distinctive head gear (helmets). The Olmecs were the first advanced civilization in Mesoamerica. Their territory included SE Mexico to Guatemala on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico.
1. https://tse2.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.c86BCehmJ7h_5gxx4yIUGAAAAA&pid=Api&P=0&w=300&h=300. 2. https://www.ancient-origins.net/sites/default/files/styles/large/public/10-ColossalHeads_0.jpg?itok=xSiYzoIi. 3. https://www.historicmysteries.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/800px-Olmec_Heartland_Overview_v2.svg_-1024x730.png. 4.OgHGrBJMZvQ/WYt3Edf1RlI/AAAAAAAAD0k/FPAB3l8N82w_BZvH6rgiRXbbasmWohYBQCEwYBhgL/s1600/Olmec-Colossal-Head-La-Venta.jpg. 5.https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/81/Olmec_colossal_head_5_.gif/943px-Olmec_colossal_head_5_.gif. 6. http://img.auctiva.com/imgdata/1/7/3/7/5/8/7/webimg/645650404_o.jpg. 7. http://abagond.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/san_lorenzo_monument_4_crop.jpg
1.https://tse2.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.ly6G3jvNXkI96T1tAZX-5gHaDI&pid=Api&P=0&w=406&h=173. 2. https://tse3.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.8Kfknb9Bz6u8Dk4ZHuSbjwHaEZ&pid =Api&P=0&w=308&h=184 (cropped). 3. https://tse3.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.TeqKRgJ-2JzUdcCG0IgPTgAAAA&pid=Api&P=0&w=164&h=165,
The pictures above show some of the 300 mysterious ancient stone spheres (balls) found in Costa Rica, some weighing as much as 16 tons. They’re scattered all over the west coast of Costa Rica from the south to the north, including some on an offshore island. They’re thought to have been carved by the indigenous people in the southern area. A Minoan connection and their ships would explain the wide dispersal of the spheres. This is where the logging in Tlinjit country comes into the picture. The Minoans probably floated log rafts of giant cedar logs cut from the Tlinjit area down the west coast of N. America to Central America where they were loaded onto the stone balls. The log rafts were rolled north on the stone balls, by-passing the mountains to Lake Nicaragua, floated down the San Juan River, and then towed across the ocean. If Thor Heyerdahl could float a raft from S. America to Polynesia, the Minoans who were superior mariners and rope technicians, could tow buoyant cedar logs across the Atlantic (see page 43). This species of wood was prized enough to make these ventures feasible. (Note: the Minoans had several types of ships, probably using their larger ships to tow the log rafts across the Atlantic.)-jfc
The wheel had only recently been invented (around 4500 BC). Using stone balls to move large objects like marbles under a platform isn’t much different than the theory the Egyptians used logs to move stone blocks over much flatter terrain. Over rough terrain the balls may have functioned well with the smaller ones used to adjust to changes in ground level (see Appendix F*). Hundreds of years later the connection between the stones and the Gods (the Minoans) embellished the stones importance with succeeding generations who used them for prestige. …………………………………………. Though I have concentrated on the Minoans in the New World, the Minoans were also very active across a large portion of the globe. We know the Phoenicians inherited Minoan knowledge of sea routes, and that the Phoenician’s had trading deals with west coast Africans for gold. There are also records indicating that the Phoenicians could sail around Africa from the Mediterranean to the Red Sea. In that area they traded with the Ethiopians for many items including the herbs and other materials Egyptian priests needed in their preparations for the dead. During the height of the Minoan civilization, it’s probable that ships in the eastern oceans were permanently stationed there, trading between the Red Sea and Indonesia. The Minoans eastern route to Indonesia would have had ports of call such as the Ubaid cities in Mesopotamia, and Dwarka India. There is a large matrilineal society in western India on the coast near where the island nation of Dwarka used to be. Dwarka was originally the home of Krishna who was also from the advanced culture that came out of Turkey, migrating to Mesopotamia and eventually the Indus
Resurrecting Eve Valley. More study is needed here, but what is known is that sometime around 2000 BC the city of Dwarka was overwhelmed by the sea. Archaeologists are now finding building remnants of this forgotten city/state 100 feet below the ocean’s surface and more is being discovered. Further east there are several matrilineal cultures in Indonesia and more up into south central East Asia. Many of these locations have known tin deposits. China also has an interesting early origin story indicating they got some of their philosophical roots from the Minoans. For example, the Tai Chi symbol known as yin-yang, seems to be related to the Minoan concept of Oneness with male and female aspects (Great Father and Great Mother). Once again like in Egypt with the story of Maat, a wise powerful female comes forth to organize the people and lay down laws. Like Egypt’s origin story of Maat, she comes with a male counterpart to enforce the law. Both of these Chinese deities have normal torsos but their lower extremities are two entwined snakes. Both are holding one of the Minoan’s sacred geometric devices, the square and divider (more on this later).
Tai Chi symbols (Ying-Yang) “Many Chinese minority cultures were full of religion, witchcraft, prayer, oracle, medicine, recording history and offering sacrifices to gods. One old manuscript documented the drawings of the Yin Yang Symbol in double snakes (not shown-jfc). This probably is related to Nu-Wa in Chinese ancient mythology. Nu-Wa is a female and the creator of the humans. She molded humans from clay after trying 70 times. Fu-Xi, the creator of the I-Ching, is her brother. Fu-Xi and Nu-Wa are also husband and wife. Fu-Xi was in charge of the decoration on the ground. Nu-Wa was in charge of the painting on the sky. Both of them are half-snake and half-humans. The snakes in the Tai Chi diagram represent the two of them (2000 BC).” The Origin of Chinese Yin Yang Symbol, https://www.chinesefortunecalendar.com/yinyang.htm
On the left is a picture of a painting of Nu-wa and Fu-xi (1000 AD) unearthed in Xinjiang, holding the sacred Minoan tools of creation, the dividers and square. Fu-Xi and his sister Nuwa are considered the founders or first rulers of China. Fu-Xi is most often given credit for laying down the laws of humanity and bringing moral standards to the country. http://www.templestudy.com, (2008-09-17), Nuwa and Fuxi in Chinese mythology; the compass and square
………………………………………….. To connect their eastern market with the west, Minoan ships probably loaded/unloaded products at the northern end of the Red Sea, using the land route north through Petra to inland cities in the Middle East and connections beyond. However there are records indicating they may have created a canal linking the Red Sea to the Mediterranean. Except for a few products dropped off on the shores of Egypt, they didn’t take the shorter land route through Egypt to the Nile. This would have made Egypt privy to more of their business interests than the secretive Minoans liked. (Note: much later, surviving Minoans expanded Petra as a trading center. Their influence is notable at Petra in the masterful stone carving and building expertise, the ingenious hydrological engineering including fitted clay water distribution pipes, and the multi-ethnic architecture stemming from the worldwide Minoan/Phoenician trade network.)-jfc
Back in the Mediterranean area the Minoans also travelled and traded in the areas around the Black Sea and up any river they could navigate deep into the heartland of Eurasia. Travelling up the inland rivers that flowed into the Mediterranean and Black Seas they traded with the indigenous people always watchful for valuable resources, new discoveries, and inventions. The early Hallstatt culture received a jumpstart from Minoan tutelage as well as many other cultures along the inland waterways.
Map of European Rivers https://www.worldatlas.com/webimage/countrys/euriv.gif
Rivers Used by the Vikings to Travel Inland https://i.pinimg.com/originals/1f/8c/68/1f8c68f9ebba75beb4f53c2ebf85ab2d.jpgsettlemants
Because later Viking excursions from Denmark into the heartland of Europe followed the major rivers, it is believed the Minoans navigated north into the mainland similarly. So I’m including a map of Viking routes to illustrate how much territory should be included in the Minoan’s trading network. Another area that needs mentioning is the Greek mainland. This was a place avoided by the Minoans because the indigenous people were barbaric and aggressive. They had only limited association with these people until later in history. However, the Minoans did have a long time relationship with the Athenians who occupied the Acropolis, a secure area for trading. Over the millennia there have been many ship wrecks in the Mediterranean Sea, some containing ancient Minoan products. Below are pictures of a shipwreck with some of its contents. Notice the resemblance of the copper ingots with the molds found in Tennessee (see page 53). All the ingots are marked with symbols. The markings on the ox-hide shaped ingots probably denote shipping information, indicating how well the Minoan network was organized (like Spanish shipments from the Americas carrying gold and silver bullion back to the Old World in the 16th century AD).
Copper ingots
Tin ingots
A ship’s cargo from the ocean floor, J. Hutton Pulitzer (1995), “The Minoan Mystery – Minoans in America,” ExpeditionHistory.org, (Modified by jfc)
“While the resemblance is still noticeable and the exact reason behind this shape is currently unknown, it is now generally believed that the ox-hide shape of these ingots was actually developed over time to facilitate transport (Bass 1967:69).’ ‘Some authors speculate that the trident symbols and others with a nautical nature may represent the maritime location of their origins or destinations, but this has yet to be proven (Pulak 1998:194-196).’ ‘The X or Cross symbol is possibly the most common mark on the ingots, and so bares no significant observable pattern. It appears as both incised and impressed, although it is more often impressed. Trident is an arbitrary term given to several marks that resemble tridents or pitchforks. There are four or five variations of this shape that occur on Type 2 ingots on Sardinia at Nuragus, and on Type 1 ingots on Crete at Hagia Triada.” ‘Copper Oxhide Ingot Marks: A Database and Comparative Analysis,’ Alaina M. Kaiser (May 2013), Master of Archaeology Thesis, Cornell University, (Italics added-jfc)
Resurrecting Eve
“Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.” T. S. Eliot
Chapter Three: Masters of the World 2500 BC Minoan and Mesopotamian societies were the first to establish corporate style business organizations with accompanying accounting procedures. The Minoan accounting procedures probably included marking products with place of origin and destination such as researchers are finding on the copper ingots from ancient ship wrecks. For example, the X could be the symbol for the island of Crete; the various pitch fork symbols used might indicate various islands such as Sardinia, Santorini, et cetera. The Minoan’s corporate enterprise mindset also involved the indigenous people of SW N. America (the Navajo Nation) to grow food for the miners in Michigan, and loggers in Canada. The Minoans would have had to provide food for these workers. Likewise, the Order of Knights Templar did something similar thousands of years later; they established farms in Europe to grow crops and livestock to support the Crusaders in the Middle East. The Templar’s operation was second to none until modern businesses set up similar systems supporting their enterprises to streamline operations and increase profits (more on the Templars later). Bullet Shaped Ornament
The image on the left is a one inch diameter seal ring impression found at the city/palace of Malia on Crete. Notice the multi-storied building structures that are not seen in other civilizations in this era, nor for hundreds of years after the demise of the Minoans. Pic by Le plombier du désert - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=52428563
The main business hub for the Minoans was a city on an island inside Santorini’s volcanic crater, possibly called Poseidia (Cayce). Plato mentions there was a huge statue of Poseidon there. The figure with a staff standing on top of a building shown to the left, might be Poseidon, and the city he described. Notice the bullet shape ornaments on top of the buildings. (See the Delphi Stone on page 119).
The genius and innovative talent of the Minoans matched anything we have today. Generally the population wasn’t that dissimilar than modern people. There were smart people, regular people, and those not so smart. The big difference is women controlled the wealth and tone of the culture, which included stemming male aggression. Their culture appears to have found ways to control what they believed was man’s animal behavior. To that end, state sanctioned prostitution was adopted and large athletic events were held, possibly the origin of the Olympic Games. With all the other tasks men had, such as in shipping and exploring the world, they were pacified. Considering the duration and success of the Minoan civilization, men must have also been happy. The Minoans had accumulated very little scientific knowledge though they seem to be learning fast, including the development of many machines, possibly even ones that flew. With all the sail cloth lying around, it doesn’t strike me as unbelievable that at some time sail cloth got laid over a thermal vent (fumarole) on volcanic Santorini, perhaps to dry, and hot air ballooning was discovered; other more 63
Resurrecting Eve buoyant gases such as hydrogen may have also been used. There are several references to flying machines in antiquity that may be describing lighter-than-air balloons. But these machines weren’t like machines today made of metal and other modern components. They were made of canvas, wood, rope, bronze, and similar materials which is what this time period had available. You have to imagine these people were very innovative, constantly inventing and discovering new things. “It’s almost as though once the Minoans realized what humans could do, they became addicted to creating,” (Historian Bettany Hughes, ‘Ancient Worlds,’ BBC).
Rama with flying Vimana (aircraft)
Krishna and the ancient city of Dwarka were part of the Minoan mercantile system as were the ancient cities of Mesopotamia. All these civilizations originated from the same source. However most, except for the Minoans, were eventually taken over by neighboring populations. Future generations lost connections with the ancient knowledge or simply were never privy to more advanced secrets. In the below exerts Krishna is mentioned originating Dwarka. Flying machines like a chariot resembling a bright cloud in the sky are also mentioned. This might be a description of a balloon made of white sail cloth attached to a chariot lifted into the sky. (Note: the Hindu Triad also mentions forces in the universe are just manifestations of the One, such as the Minoan’s belief in the Law of One.) “Lord Krishna came here to Kushthali with his whole Yadav clan to make a new world for his clan (Dwarka: Ancient name for this area was Kushsthali, then Dwarvati, then Usha mandal, and then Okha http://jamnagar.org/dwarka.htm mandal.).” “In the Ramayana, the pushpaka (‘flowery’) vimana of Ravana is described as follows: ‘The Pushpaka Vimana that resembles the Sun and belongs to my brother was brought by the powerful Ravana; that aerial and excellent Vimana going everywhere at will ... that chariot resembling a bright cloud in the sky ... and the King [Rama] got in, and the excellent chariot at the command of the Raghira, rose up into the higher atmosphere’.” “The predecessors of the flying vimanas of the Sanskrit epics are the flying chariots employed by various gods in the Vedas: the Sun and Indra and several other Vedic deities are transported by flying wheeled chariots.” “The existing Rigveda versions do not mention Vimanas, but verses RV 1.164.47-48 have been taken as Vimana – Wikipedia 1/9/2020, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vimana, (italics added-jfc) evidence for the idea of ‘mechanical birds’."
“Rama and Krishna are the seventh and eighth avatars of Lord Vishnu. According to Hindu Mythology, Lord Brahma is known as the creator, Lord Vishnu-the preserver, Lord Mahesh-the destroyer, and together they created the world. It is believed that whenever humanity faces any evil, Vishnu incarnates as different avatars to restore righteousness. Dashavatara represents ten avatars of Vishnu. Each Vishnu Avatar was in a different form and for a specific purpose.” “The Trimurti at Ellora: Particularly in Vaishnavism, the so-called 'Hindu Triad' (or 'Great Trinity,' Trimurti) represents the three fundamental forces (gunas) through which the universe is created, maintained, and destroyed in cyclic succession. Each of these forces is represented by a Hindu deity: Brahma: Represents Rajas (passion, creation) Vishnu: Represents Sattva (goodness, preservation) Shiva: Represents Tamas (darkness, destruction) All have the same meaning of three in One; different manifestations of One, the Supreme Being.” Dashavatars of Vishnu – Rama and Krishna Avatars of Lord Vishnu, (2019) Tentaran.com, https://www.tentaran.com/vishnu-dashavatars-rama-and-krishnaavatars-of-lord-vishnu/, (Bold added-jfc)
It’s possible lighter-than-air balloons lifted chariot-like things into the air in the ancient past. However I haven’t any proof. Potential proof was blown to smithereens when Santorini and Crete were destroyed. But Santorini and Dwarka had access to volcanic out-gases, and the Minoans were smart. Plus they had hundreds of years to make this discovery. So I can’t rule lighter-than-air ballooning out. But to see if this was even possibly, I did some research about balloon lifting capabilities. The Vimana appears to have four birds to carry it aloft; four seven foot diameter hydrogen balloons could do the same (see Appendix D). Unfortunately we will probably never know what really happened that long ago. ………………………………………. Much has been said about ancient people building celestial calendars around the world. This came about due to the Minoan’s worldwide enterprises. Interestingly, the labrys or double axe symbol, one of the Minoans main symbols, appears to be a celestial device used at Catal Huyuk as early as 8000 BC to mark the seasons (see Appendix E). It’s possibly this is the oldest device used to locate the solstices. Along with the transformation of the seasons, the labrys appears to also represent the transformation of animal to human (man), and the transformation cycle of death and rebirth. Labrys:
Wall mural from Catal Huyuk with transformation labrys (8000 BC) James Mellaart, A Neolithic Town in Anatolia (1967), Thames and Hudson Ltd., McGraw-Hill, N.Y
Coping stone with labrys, Royal Tomb at Isopata, Crete (3000 BC) The Prehistoric Tombs of Knossos, Arthur J. Evans Esq., Litt. D. F.R.S.F.S.A.(1906), Printed by J. B. Nichols and Sons, Parliament Mansions, Victoria St., Westminster
“Gobekli Tepe - 6000 years older than Stonehenge” (April 2, 2012), World Mysteries, http://blog.world-mysteries.com/strange-artifacts/gobekli-tepe-6000-years-older-than-stone...
Resurrecting Eve
Labrys Overlay (jfc)
This sun symbol petro glyph is on one of the highest rocks at Painted Rocks Arizona, USA, facing south illuminating a grid and possibly a land plot. The sun symbol is the same as the one in the special place shown to the right.
The sun symbol in the special place could be a petro glyph marked to show how to locate the solstices with a labrys; the vertices seem to line up (see Appendix E).
As the Minoans continued to discover new things they also increased their technology, such as advancements in navigation, helping them spread their concepts of civilization worldwide. “Determining latitude can be accomplished relatively easily using celestial navigation. In the Northern Hemisphere, mariners could determine the latitude by measuring the altitude of the North Star above the horizon. The angle in degrees was the latitude of the ship. The first Western civilization known to have developed the art of navigation at sea was the Phoenicians, about 4,000 years ago (2000 BC). Phoenician sailors accomplished navigation by using primitive charts and observations of the Sun and stars to determine directions. It would take many centuries before global navigation at sea became possible. Until the fifteenth century AD, mariners were essentially coastal navigators. Sailing on the open sea was limited to regions of predictable winds and currents, or where there was a wide continental shelf to follow. Farther ventures were enabled by the development of scientifically and mathematically based methods and tools.” ‘Navigation at Sea, History of’ (2019), Amy J. Bratcher, www.waterencyclopedia.com/Mi-Oc/Navigation-at-Sea-Hichronicle-of.html, (Bold added-jfc).
North (Polaris)
Nebra Sky Disk
http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ imagenes_arqueo/sky_di7.jpg (Modified-jfc)
Labrys South (Sun)Labrys Handle
“The Nebra sky disk is a bronze disk of around 30 centimeters in diameter, weighing 2.2 kilograms (4.9 lb), having a blue-green patina inlaid with gold symbols. These symbols are interpreted generally as the sun or full moon, a lunar crescent, and stars (including a cluster of seven interpreted as the Pleiades). Two golden arcs along the sides, interpreted to mark the angle between the solstices, were added later. A final addition was another arc at the bottom surrounded with multiple strokes. The disk is attributed to a site in present day Germany near Nebra, Saxony-Anhalt, dated by the Archaeological Association to 1600 BC. Researchers suggest the disk is an artifact of the Bronze Age Unetice culture. The style in which the disk is executed was unlike any artistic style then known from the period, with the result that the object was initially suspected of being a forgery, but is now widely accepted as authentic. The Nebra sky disk features the oldest concrete depiction of the cosmos yet known from anywhere in the world. In June 2013 it was included in the UNESCO Memory of the World Register and termed one of the most important archaeological finds of the twentieth century. A more recent analysis found that the gold used in the first phase was from the river Carnon in Cornwall, United Kingdom. The tin present in Nebra sky disk – Wikipedia (9/18/2019), https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nebra_sky_disk the bronze was also of Cornish origin.” Plug the Minoans into history at the nexus and you have the origin of the mysterious navigational object called the Nebra Sky Disk (a style unknown and materials from a distant region with advanced celestial knowledge). The Nebra Disk would have been a very special item, perhaps owned by a ship’s master. The Minoans would have guarded or kept this information secret from others. However they had no other choice than to merge with the indigenous people where they found themselves after their homeland and the world they used to know was gone. The Minoans left their mark far and wide from the Americas to China. The Tai Chi symbol, yinyang, embodies some of their celestial knowledge as well as their concepts of oneness (see page 60). “The Yin Yang symbol is a Chinese representation of the entire celestial phenomenon. It contains the cycle of Sun, four seasons, 24-Segment Chi, the foundation of the I-Ching and the Chinese calendar.”
Minoan tray with snakes forming the Yin-Yang symbol (2000 BC); snakes represent resurrection from the earth to heaven (transformation). https://www.veniceclayartists.com/wp-content/uploads /2013/09/2669630579_5b11d7d41e.jpg
“The Ecliptic is the Sun's apparent path around the Earth. It's tilted relative to the Earth's equator. The value of obliquity of the Ecliptic is around 23 26' 19'' in year 2000. Positioning the Winter Solstice at the bottom, it will look like this . The light color area which indicates more sunlight is called Yang (Sun). The dark color area has less sunlight (more moonlight) and is called Yin (Moon). Yang is like man. Yin is like woman. Yang wouldn't grow without Yin. Yin couldn't give birth without Yang. Yin is born (begins) at Summer Solstice and Yang 67
Resurrecting Eve is born (begins) at Winter Solstice. Therefore one little circle Yin is marked on the Summer Solstice position. Another little circle Yang is marked on the Winter Solstice position. These two little circles look Chinese Fortune Calendar’ (2019), Allen Tsai like two fish eyes.” Some of the Minoan’s technological magic had to do with the discovery of the dividers and the square. Much has been written about these sacred items. I’ve shown that these objects are associated with the founders of the Chinese civilization, suggesting exposure to Minoan teachers. There are also some Egyptian stone wall carvings in tombs showing Egyptians with these items. The Egyptian depictions date to the end of the Middle Kingdom, a hundred years or so after the demise of the Minoans. As with the Nebra sky disk found in Europe, the surviving Minoans in Egypt merged with the local population disseminating a lot of their knowledge to the local inhabitants. This was the era when the mystic schools in Egypt such as the Rosicrucian’s originated (more on them later). Around the time of the destruction of the Minoan civilization, mathematics was also unveiled to Egypt. The earlist mention of mathematics (and geometry) in Egypt is from papyrus scrolls dated to the late Middle Kingdom. The Rhind Mathematical Papyrus (1650 BCE) is 18 feet long and 13 inches wide. It is also called the Ahmes Papyrus after the scribe that last copied it. The Moscow Mathematical Papyrus (1700 BC) is 15 ft long and 3 inches wide. These dates are so close to the date of the destruction of the Minoan civilization, it’s probable Egypt got mathematics from the surviving Minoans. Because Egypt did not have mathematics and geometry until the 17th century BC, they could not have engineered the pyramids constructed in the 26th century BC without help from the Minoans (see Appendix D). There’s an interesting gold seal ring found at Tiryns Greece that dates to at least 1500 BC. Archaeologists call this population Mycenaeans, but they were Minoans. When this area was excavated the Minoan civilization hadn’t been discovered. Now it’s easy to see the art is typical in style and content with the Minoans. So I’m combining Mycenaean artifacts with those from Akrotiri Santorini, Knossos, Malia, and Phaitos on Crete, and Avaris in Egypt. To keep things straight, I’m dividing the category of Mycenaeans into Mycenaean Minoans, and Mycenaean Greeks who represent Agamemanon, Ulysses, et cetera, and their predessessors. The Mycenaean Minoan seal ring shown below is interesting because behind the chair of the Queen there appears to be a square, dividers, and a ball that could be string, everything needed along with some knowledge of sacred geometry to build advanced structures. A falcon, symbol of far sight, watches the Queen’s back as griffins, symbol of divinity, wealth, and power, bring a copious supply of wine. Some of the symbols at the top represent wheat, a valuable commodity for the Minoans. The woman on this seal ring seems to be powerful and important; she could be Hera (see page 113).
The picture at left is a gold seal ring from Tiryns Greece, about 1500 BC (?). Notice the pillar in front of the Queen. Pillar symbols are synominous with Minoans. At the top is a Sun symbol, possibly overlaid with a transformation labrys, and the cressant symbol for Venus. Below the chair there’s an unknown symbol carved in the same style as the Queens hair. The half round details at the bottom are the same as found at Avaris in Egypt on the bull leaping fresco (page 81). http://antiquatedantiquarian.blogspot.com/2015/04/the-minoans-religion...
With the discovery of the sacred dividers came sacred geometry showing the ancients they could replicate designs in nature, analyze shapes, and recreate them in a controlled manner, order versus chaos. Thus was born the science that began to unlock the secrets of nature’s designs. To the ancients the discovery of geometry meant God. It confirmed God’s existence and thus was divine. One of the designs the Minoans made with dividers is what’s called the sacred flower of God, the flower of life, or the seed of life. Typically the flower had 6 petals, often created with an outer 12 petal flower. An eight petal design (rosette) was also used by the Minoans (8 references the lunar periods in the Minoan calendar). In one form or another it’s all over the ancient world even showing up later as wrist bands in Babylonian stone reliefs of the ancient mystic beings called Anunnaki. Wherever this symbol and variations of it show up, it’s indicative there was a Minoan connection.
The Flower of Life (Added Star of David, jfc) 1. 2. 3. 4.
Minoan Platter (Variation of the Flower of Life)
Minoan Fresco (Variation of the Flower of Life)
http://cdn.instructables.com/F77/7EQ7/HP4LUXA2/F777EQ7HP4LUXA2.LARGE.gif https:// www.geometrycode.com/free/seed-of-life-pattern-construction-using-compass/ 8/28/2017 By Zde - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=52401063 (modified) By Zde - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=61782109, Ancient-prehistoric/pages/thera-prehistoric-52.html (modified)
“The Flower of Life is the modern name given to a geometrical figure composed of multiple evenly-spaced, overlapping circles. They are arranged to form a flower-like pattern with a six-fold symmetry, similar to a hexagon. The centre of each circle is on the circumference of six surrounding circles of the same diameter.” ‘How to graphically make the "Seed of Life" pattern using a compass’ (2017), The Geometry Code, www.geometrycode.com/free/seed-of-life-pattern-construction-using-compass/
“These geometric patterns and designs (many referred to as Sacred Geometry in recent years) occur abundantly in nature, in countless masterpieces of art and architecture over many millennia, and have captured the imagination of luminaries such as Leonardo da Vinci, Pythagoras, Plato, Kepler, Einstein, my colleagues and fellow authors and countless others. We’re all fascinated by what seems at first (to the uninitiated) to be an arcane mathematical study, but later reveals itself to be an inquiry into the simple unity of all life, expressed in an infinite variety of forms representing the principle of interconnectedness.” “The vesica piscis shape is made with each new added circle; the square root of 3 (approx. 1.732) is the proportion of this shape which is also the ratio of the diagonal of a cube to one of its edges. Built well over three thousand years ago (about 1300 BC), the temple of the Osirion at Abydos, Egypt contains huge monolithic rectangular columns unlike those found anywhere else in Egypt; the columns are arranged within a rectangular plan which is derived from a mirrored pentagon/double circumscribed circle pattern. Indelibly etched, high on one of these monolithic columns are patterns that have come to be known as the Seed of Life and Flower of Life patterns. These patterns contain a vast system of information about life itself, including templates for the five Platonic Solids, which in turn, contain the Pi, square root of 2, square root of 3, Phi proportions and much more.” Bruce Rawles, ‘Genesis Lifestyle Theme,’ Studio Press, www.geometrycode.com/free/seed-of-life-pattern-construction-using-compass/
Resurrecting Eve (Note: the temple of Osirion was built after the Minoan’s demise. The Egyptians experienced a second florescence in advancement at that time due to some of the surviving Minoans merging with unified Egypt.)-jfc
Flower of Life
https://www.crystalinks.com/Anunnaki, (Bold text added-jfc)
The Sumerian stone wall relief above depicts an Anunnaki, mystical being. These Anunnaki deities in later Mesopotamian cultures (e. g. Assyria and Babylon) are ancient Minoans morphed to God status hundreds of years after the Minoans are gone. The Anunnaki are sometimes shown with the head of a bird such as seen on Minoan griffins. The name allegedly means those of royal blood or princely offspring. Notice the flower of life wrist bands the Anunnaki is wearing. The flower of life is prevalent in this period, much later also showing up in the symbolism of the Persian Empire. I also found similar symbols in Mayan imagery and on a sketch of an Iroquois woman done in 1851 (see page 145). The Aztecs appear to have also had very advanced knowledge of sacred geometry.
Maze Rolling Wave Variations of the Flower of Life Labrys
Minoan Pottery
1. Archäologisches_Museum_Thira_Amphore_10.jpg. 2. www.veniceclayartists.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Labrys-pithos-with-the-imag.jpg
In their era, I’ve shown that the Minoans were far more advanced in every possible way than their neighbors in other lands. By today’ standards most Minoans were just ordinary people dealing with everyday problems, raising kids, working, and enjoying the fruits of their comfortable civilization. They could pass for modern humans if not for the limits of the day in scientific knowledge. Like all societies, there were also those who had genius ideas. They were though, a people recently out of the Stone Age who were newly discovering the secrets of making items out of stone ore that could be melted and mixed with other stone ore to make new metal alloys for tools and anything else they set their minds to create. Like the Sword in the Stone, the science of metallurgy was mystical, except to the people who knew the science. This was a very long time ago. But there are enough good sources about these people that show their intelligence, advanced culture, and engineering prowess. Yet there seems to be a huge hole in studies of the Bronze Age always referred to as it’s a mystery and no one is certain how these things happened. For example, Athens Greece had a special relationship with the Minoans. Because of this interaction no other ancient city/state in Greece can claim such major accomplishments advancing human development than Athens (excluding early Greek Thebes). Regardless of the horrendous tale of the Minotaur, the Athenians owed their advanced culture to the Minoans. When the Minoan Civilization is mapped with a full understanding of their world influence, many mysteries are answered. Athens has always been a Greek city/state, but they were also a member of the Minoan’s mercantile system facilitating trade on the Greek mainland, a land otherwise hostile to outsiders. Advanced as the Minoans were, it was only within the confines of the available technology and the collected knowledge of the time. Yet they made huge advancements in engineering, hydraulics, sanitation, pottery, textiles, the alphabet, weights and measures, rule of law, commerce, and ship design/construction. No other civilization in their era built structures more than one story. The Minoans built up to four stories high (floor levels). Their buildings had double walls to conceal terracotta plumbing pipes. Many of the homes across the island of Crete had their own bathtub. Unlike the later Greeks and Romans who bathed in potentially infectious communal bathing facilities, they bathed in their own hygienic private bath. They were the only people who knew how to make Royal Purple dye (Tyrian purple). Their expertise in textiles and dyes was the best available. They experimented with all kinds of bronze alloy castings and sheet metal fabrications. They knew how to navigate by the stars, the sun’s position, and the sun’s shadows, so that open water sailing was possible. They were also experts reading ocean currents and winds. They knew how to find God’s paths through the oceans and where the paths went. Their ships were in the hundreds, maybe even thousands, sailing the seas creating the trade between the early nation states of the Bronze Age. They were traders who recognized the benefits to themselves and others of peaceful commerce, and a worldwide trading network. To facilitate their network, the Minoans created the first commercial network based on their loose confederation of satellite city/states using standardized weights and measures, and rule of law to guarantee fair trading. If the Minoans didn’t invent the principles of business, they certainly made use of something akin to it. They never pushed their culture or way of life on any other civilization and actually adopted many indigenous customs when they lived amongst the locals. But as Minoans they brought with them advanced concepts and new technology. It was to their benefit to share some of this with the indigenous people. Like an offered carrot, they used some of their advancements to entice people, enabling better trading attitudes.
Resurrecting Eve If I make their culture sound utopian we all know no such thing has or possibly will ever exist. They weren’t utopian, just very well off and comfortable. They probably had social problems like we do today. But in general they had a peaceful prosperous society. In the Minoan’s homeland, the island of Crete, the Great Mother was supreme; religious beliefs carried with them from their origins in southern Turkey. They were a spectacularly advanced people in many ways yet still didn’t know why lightening, storms, or earthquakes occurred. Like the people before them, they believed God’s storm deity was responsible for all these things. The Aurochs bull symbolically represented the storm deity like with their cousins in Turkey and early Mesopotamia. Later Zeus and Poseidon took over this role in Classical Greece. Many of the gods and goddesses in Greek myths are connected with the Minoans, created to help answer questions about all the ancient mysteries in the world, including the Minoans themselves. In my research I found very few references to foreigners visiting the Minoan’s homeland, Crete. You couldn’t walk there. You had to go by boat and that mode appears to have been sparsely given. Thus their homeland always had an aura of secrecy about it. According to Greek myth, Crete was the place where Zeus grew up, hidden there in a cave by his mother to protect him from his father who wanted to eat him like he ate (swallowed) Zeus’ siblings. Most of what’s known about the Minoans until recently are these types of crazy myths created from verbal stories by very primitive people long after the demise of the Minoan civilization. Unlike the primitive cultures of the time, the religious concepts practiced by the Minoans seem to be similar to the basis of Judeo-Christian-Islamic principles, the idea of one God, which they may have called The Law of One. The Great Mother and Father are just aspects of God or The One. This was a time when women weren’t treated as second class citizens or lesser members of society. In our far distant past, it is believed by most scholars that women were held in high esteem by many societies for several reasons. First, they gave birth which was mysterious and powerful and as such respected like the Great Mother who was responsible for life. Second, they studied plants and kept a running knowledge of medicinal properties of plant extracts that protected the tribe from many ailments; they were chemists and healers. Women had roles and men had roles, both respecting the offerings of each other as equally necessary for the tribe or society’s success. In a world where everyone relied on everyone to do their part, it would have been ludicrous not to respect the contributions of women; being second class citizens is more of a man-made concept then the natural order of human society. Aside from many of their primitive beliefs, their society did have similar aspects to modern society, though they lacked our hundreds of years of scientific development. Being a very early civilization, their lives were still ruled by beliefs and superstition rather than much scientific reason, though scientific reason was beginning to occur. They lived in the Bronze Age barely a thousand years out of the Stone Age but were the most advanced civilization of the time. This matrilineal civilization achieved much during its several thousand years’ dominance of the world, much that was of great importance to our future. Like us they networked with other people, trading, while also gathering the best innovations and discoveries from all they met, fashioning their discoveries into new inventions and worthwhile products.
Minoan art, architecture, and engineering are far more advanced than other civilization in this era. What follows are pictures of several Minoan cities that partially survived by virtue of being buried and thus lay somewhat undisturbed until archaeologists unearthed them, sometimes rebuilding the structures as in the case of Sir Arthur Evans at Knossos. Though many Minoan sites across Crete have been found, most were swept relatively clean of artifacts and building components by the tsunamis that engulfed the island where the majority of Minoans lived.
The regional map below shows the location of the following cities important in this chronicle: Knossos on the island of Crete Akrotiri on the island of Santorini (Thera) Avaris in the Egyptian Nile Delta (These are only a fraction of the Minoan city-complexes that existed.)
Akrotiri, Santorini (Thera)
Avaris https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.eXXr05EDTWu16-5VJXNS5gHaE5&pid=Api&P=0&w=266&h=177 (Modified-jfc)
Resurrecting Eve
The City of Knossos, Crete, GreeceIt has been estimated the population was 80,000 by 2700 BC. Wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_ancient_history
This is probably the first paved road in civilization, called the Royal Road. There were palatial houses on both sides. Screen shot from ‘Secrets of the Dead,’ PBS
Athletics and Bull Leaping Court Bull Horn Carving (Reference)
Bull Stone Relief (Reference) Central Plaza with Shops and Cafes Light Well
Rendering of what Knossos may have looked like around 2500 BC. Notice the modern look to the complex and multi-storied buildings. This level of building technology was far above anything other civilizations could build in this era. Even the roofs of their buildings were designed to capture and channel water for future use. https://classconnection.s3.amazonaws.com/581/flashcards/761581/jpg/knossos_21317096418417.jpg (Modified-jfc)
This is what Knossos looks like today after Evans unearthed it at the beginning of the 20 century, rebuilding what he could.
Bull Stone Relief
Bull Horn carving
1. By © Jose Mario Pires, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/indexphp? curid=34038824. 2. ‘Secrets of the Island of Minos,’ Secrets of Archaeology 22/27
The picture above left is a side view of Knossos with a prominent bull horn sculpture. The flower of life symbol frequently occurs in Minoan art, seen in the picture above right. Notice the massive, wide, cedar beam (lintel) used over the door opening. When Evans rebuilt some of the buildings, he used reinforced concrete, a new building product, instead of the original expensive cedar lintels. It has been said that without this new structural material, he would not have been able to put any of the site back together. Today archaeologists are reluctant to reconstruct anything. But Evans owned the site which enabled him to recreate this piece of history so everyone can visualize it better. 75
Resurrecting Eve Stone relief carving of a Aurochs Bull
Above is the Aurochs Bull stone relief. Apparently, when it was excavated, the workers cried out in terror because at first they thought the bright red bull with horns was the devil (B. Hughes). Researchers say the original stone blocks cut from local white gypsum most likely gleamed in the sunlight. Pic by VasiliosGavrilis - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=73165517, (Modified-jfc)
Huge Cedar Beams
Walls: Cedar Beams, Infill Masonry, Lime Plaster, and Bright Primary Color Painted Decorations. 1. https://ssl.c.photoshelter.com/img-get/I0000xZRMsmSWgrk/s/1200/I0000xZRMsmSWgrk.jpg. 2. Source?
The Minoans used lots of huge cedar timbers built into the stone structure as structural lintels and tension members that enabled wall movement without failure during earthquakes. This also allowed for larger wall openings letting in more light, similar to modern architecture. There is some evidence that the Minoans were familiar with the arch as well, though little exists to prove this other than engravings on a seal ring. However, the origin of the arch can be attributed to the Etruscans who were part of the Minoan confederacy in Tuscany. Historical records indicate the Etruscans taught the Romans engineering and hydrology; the first Roman Emperors were Etruscans. Unfortunately all this has been forgotten by most of us. The Greeks and later the Romans wiped out most historical connections to the Minoans. Both the Greeks and Romans felt cultures like the Minoans, Etruscans, and others who championed female equality, threatened their male dominant societies; civilizations proposing these concepts had to be eradicated.
Most city complexes on Crete were destroyed by tsunamis’. Knossos is on a higher grade just above the destruction. It still got destroyed and buried over time, but the site has given us much of our knowledge about the Cretan Minoans. Their genius and sophistication is all over the artifacts that have been found, especially their architecture. Besides window walls, they created light wells to bring natural light into interior rooms. Window walls and light wells are design and construction elements unknown to the rest of the ancient world. Light wells also provided air circulation. Engineered with drainage systems at the ground level, they contained gardens, fountains, and pools to create a pleasant space.
Unlandscaped Light Wells
1. Source ? 2. By Rolf Dietrich Brecher from Germany - Knossos, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=63622072 (Modified-jfc)
The room above right has been dubbed the throne room (notice the light well court). The room has stone benches all around except for one major stone chair/throne, a copy of which is in The Hague World Court. A stone fire pit is in the center of the room; griffins, symbols of wealth, divinity, and power are displayed on the wall frescos. Though Evans believed this was King Midas’ throne, some scholars believe the seat is carved out more for the shape of a woman’s body, which makes sense.
Minoan bath tubs; some of the world’s first. By Zde - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org /w/index.php?curid=53065549
Excavations on Crete indicate that the bath tub was common in Minoan households. The Minoans also invented the flush latrine. The picture at left is thought to be the lounge in the Queens bathroom.
Light Well Court
By Rolf Dietrich Brecher from Germany - Minoan Room, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=63622062
The Minoans manufactured large subsystem pipes out of clay to bring in fresh water and dispose of sewage. This technology developed around 3000 BC was at a high level which didn’t exist elsewhere without the Minoans. The ability needed to produce large amounts of perfect clay pipe sections was beyond the capability of other civilizations in the Bronze Age let alone knowledge of civil engineering (system design, pipe sizes, and flow rates). Compared to other places on earth, Minoan cities must have been paradise with many modern comforts. No wonder a visitor from Egypt is reported to have commented that the place was an Eden (Eden means delight, finery, and luxury.). 77
Resurrecting Eve
The pictures at left and right are examples of subsystem clay piping found at Knossos. Notice the quality of the tapered/fitted water pipes in the picture on the right. 1. The palace of Minos, Evans, Arthur, Sir (1921), Evans, Joan, 1893-1977, London : Macmillan and Co. (Cornell University Library). 2. https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/70/ 9b/65/709b657a33734129664a6a98dd4e85ef.jpg.
Huge Cedar Beams
Bottom Socket for a Column Cedar Beams 1. https://i.pinimg.com/originals/1d/f7/30/1df73034d909363a9dcf093183a8f345.jpg. 2. https://tse3.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.8jxJt24Rnou6oJaFE31xUQHaEo&pid=Api&P=0&w=300&h=300
Knossos is in a major earthquake region. Notice the advanced engineering regarding the columns in the above pictures. The tapered bottom portions of the columns fit into carved seats in their mounting blocks. This allows the columns to move around a bit during an earthquake but secure in their sockets thus maintaining structural stability. Thousands of years later in earthquake prone Japan, the Japanese did something similar with poles supporting their buildings, bearing on a rock at the bottom of a pocket in the ground. The top of the column is also engineered. They are broad at the top with plenty of space to support upper wall movement. No other civilization in this time period could build multistoried buildings and had so much intelligence and ingenuity.
Light Well
1. https://www.grieksegids.nl/fotos/eiland-kreta/fotos-thumb/kreta-fotos/knossos-kreta-021.jpg 2. Rolf Dietrich Brecher from Germany / CC BY-SA (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0), Rolf Dietrich Brecher from Germany
The City of Akrotiri, Santorini (Thera), GreeceMuch of the island of Santorini today is covered in 100-500 feet of ash and other volcanic debris. Archaeological evidence of the Minoans here is limited due to the fact that the island exploded, obliterating most of what had existed there. On the south side of the island one of its ancient city/towns called Akrotiri did survive. It was found when the local people were harvesting ash and just happened to be digging on top of the city buried below. Archaeological excavation at the site started around 1967 by Spyridon Marinatos. Though the top of Akrotiri’s buildings were gone and there was a great deal of earthquake damage, the city/town was somewhat preserved. There are masses of large earthenware jugs or containers at the site which makes scholars believe Akrotiri was a major shipping port. My research leads me to believe that although Akrotiri did some shipping and receiving, it was not the main shipping hub for the island. The main hub was a large city on an island inside Santorini’s crater. Without the Akrotiri site we would never have known this city existed. Thankfully Marinatos found a fresco at Akrotiri of a cermonial procession to the big island, Crete (the Festival of Boats), showing this island city. Though some scholars disagree, I believe the fresco depicts Santorini’s central island city which used to exist. I will provide evidence as I continue with this chronicle. A new island emerged in the center of Santorini’s inland sea sometime during the 1700’s AD. It has continued to get bigger though only half the size of the island which was once there. It’s a geologically active island with on going mini eruptions and venting of volcanic gases (fumaroles). It will explode again in the far future. If people have forgotten the past, a new city might be built on top of it someday. The geo thermal gases would be a boon to their economy, free heat, hot water, possibly geo thermally generated electricity, and perhaps harvesting some of the volcanic gases like hydrogen and methane. What I am trying to point out is that the ingenius people we call the Minoans would have had many thoughts similar to the ones I just expressed only limited to the extent of their scientific and technical capability. We would be happy and prosperous on our island as they probably were as long as we didn’t know that we were sitting on a volcano ready to blow up. There are some references that mention the Minoans found the Santorini crater before it had a large outlet to the sea. They enlarged the original west opening allowing more sea water to enter the crater; later they cut another opening to the north. At this time the sea bottom inside the crater was shallow which along with the protection from ocean storms provided by the surrounding crater walls, created a bountiful area for fish and other resources. The center island would have also allowed for a large amount of boats to dock or be pulled ashore to load or unload. Years later the Carthageneans built a circular docking facility similar to what is thought to have existed at this central island (see page 137). The central island was like a modern day shipping hub for the Minoans (e.g. FedEx). The markings on copper ingots found at ship wrecks indicate the Minoans had advanced shipping and accounting procedures. It makes good business sense that they would utilize the unique benefits of Santorini’s inland sea to its maximum, creating a huge central shipping complex with all the necessary components including warehouses and dry docks for repairs. Two thirds of all lead weight measuring disks so far found in the Aegean area have been found on Santorini at Akrotiri. This is only one example of the amount of business operations that were occuring at Santorini and in the Minoan world.
Resurrecting Eve
Fresco of a ship procession from bronze age excavation at Akrotiri, on the greece island Santorini, Part 2, pano by smial; modified by Luxo –
The picture above is the fresco found in one of the houses unearthed at Akrotiri (the Festival of Boats). Santorini is on the far left; a portion of Crete and one of its cities is on the far right. Studying the fresco in detail I noticed that the figures shown at the island city in the buildings seem to be mostly men, while at the city/palace on Crete there are many women. This would make sense if Santorini was a business hub run predominately by men and Crete was the motherland. Artificial Nature Park
North Outlet
Inland Sea
Central Island City
Akrotiri Minoan town.jpg, made by Uploader for the de-Bilderwerkstatt
The picture above is a close up of the left hand side of the fresco. You can see the water around the inner island and a back channel of water, lending credence to the story about the Minoans cutting in a second channel. There also appears to be land bridges on each side of the island to the mainland where there are more buildings. At the top of the fresco are deer (antelope) with a lion chasing them.
Buttress Screen shot from “Secrets of the Island of Minos,” Secrets of Archaeology 22/27
NAMA, 191145.jpg.
Above left is a picture of a street at the Akrotiri excavation site. Notice the multi-storied buildings and the buttresses (thickened wall areas) used to stabilize the walls. Similar buttress construction shows up later on the temple pylons at Karnak, Egypt. Above right is a bronze scale with lead measuring weights (Mycenaean Minoan).
1. Screen shot, “Secrets of the Island of Minos,” Secrets of Archaeology 22/27. 2. antiquatedantiquarian.blogspot.com/2015/04/the-minoans-international-trade.html (2016)
The fresco of the Festival of Boats was found above a window wall such as seen in the left hand illustration above. The left illustration depicts a second story room in a building like those in the artist’s conception of Akrotiri above right. The floor was created by laying smaller branches interwoven similar to the wattle and daub method used for exterior walls in early British round house construction. The layer of smaller branches spanned over a beam structure supporting the overall mass. This was covered in a few inches of packed clay and probably a layer of lime plaster. The underside or ceiling was also mudded in with clay, and then plastered, providing a smooth finish surface that could be painted. Scientists studying the wall and ceiling surfaces find evidence of many bright colors indicating that the Minoans painted the inside surfaces bright, bold primary colors; the Egyptians did the same with their temples (e.g. Karnak in the New Kingdom period).
The City of Avaris, Nile Delta, EgyptThere is even less information about Avaris than Santorini. Nevertheless it’s an important city because this is where the capital of Lower Egypt was located for almost 500 years. Even though many historians believe Avaris was the Hyksos’ capital, it was a Minoan city built by them when they had permanent quarters in Egypt to facilitate trade. Archaeologists found some fragments there of a Minoan fresco depicting their bull leaping ritual/sport. To this date, Minoan wall frescos are found in only four places in the world, Crete, Santorini, Sicily, and Egypt. The bull leaping scene would only be in Avaris if there was a large contingent of Minoan residents there. The fresco includes a Minoan maze design and the half circle design seen on the gold seal ring found at Tiryns Greece (see page 68). Many variations of the Minoan maze design show up later, especially in Greek and Roman civilizations.
By Martin Dürrschnabel - Own work by Martin Dürrschnabel, de:Benutzer:Martin-D1,, CC BY-SA 2.5, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=1436490
Resurrecting Eve
Notice the Celtic weave (sacred knot) on the cherub bracelet above, found at Avaris, evidence of comingling Minoan/Egyptian cultures. https://users.stlcc.edu/mfuller/egypt2007/elephantineMus33hyksosScarabssm.jpg
Avaris in hieroglyphs, known as site Tel el Da’ba (Located on an eastern tributary of the Nile)
Earlier I said the Minoans were guiding/teaching the Egyptians. Egyptologists will say there isn’t any proof. I would reply this is because the Minoans didn’t make grand edifices to themselves and what records did exist were destroyed either by natural catastrophe or succeeding empires. For example, after the demise of the Minoans and their later expulsion from Egypt, Ramses II razed Avaris to the ground to build his city called Pi Ramses on top of it! We know there are petro glyphs of Minoans in the region of Egypt that date to around 5000 BC, and that there are legends in other cultures of teachers who established their civilization. I have suggested that these teachers were the Minoans because they were in those areas at a very early date. Therefore it’s logical that my premise about the Minoans teaching the Egyptians is more likely than not. It was the first but not the last florescence of the Egyptian civilization, courtesy of the Minoans. The Egyptian gods Maat and Isis are evidence of multi-cultural exchange between the Minoans and Egyptians (the Minoan-Egyptian teacher/student relationship). These two Egyptian deities are too close to Minoan culture regarding their teachings and what they represent for their presence in Egyptian culture to be just a coincidence. After Maat (the teacher) became part of Egyptian culture, the Pharaoh followed her guidance keeping the people working year long, balancing employment between massive civic works and agriculture based on the seasonal flooding of the Nile. The Egyptian’s had a pretty good system and a wonderful place to live. To their east and west was desert acting as a buffer providing some security between them and their nearest neighbor. Their northern border was the Mediterranean Sea, equal to any desert as a security buffer. To the south was Nubia, true Africa according to the Egyptians. The Nubian area was loaded with gold. The Egyptians conquered Nubia for their gold and for a buffer country to secure their southern border. With some of the gold from Nubia the Egyptians smelted an alloy of gold and silver called Electrum. The rest of their gold enabled the Pharaohs to purchase what they wanted, and the people to have the ability to acquire possessions as well. Egypt’s lust for foreign items made trade between them and the Minoans a large enterprise, hence the need for the Minoans to have their own place to dwell in Egypt close to trading and shipping. They built the city named Avaris, located on an eastern tributary of the Nile in the Delta to satisfy this necessity. Maat’s ambition for the people is similar to what the Minoans taught worldwide. The similarity between Maat and a Minoan priestess wearing a feather head piece is also too coincidental not to be connected. Maat was the goddess of harmony, justice, and truth, represented by a young Woman wearing an ostrich feather head piece. Later she is sometimes depicted with wings on each arm (now morphed into a deity), or holding an ostrich feather; the god Shu who is supposedly Maat's brother, also wears a feather head piece, a custom unique to Minoans in this era.
Isis originates from Lower Egypt when the region was occupied by the Minoans during the Middle Kingdom. She has the same attributes as the Great Mother. Because Isis and Maat both originate from the Minoans, the implication is that the Minoans were extremely influential to Egyptian development. The world just never knew because the Minoans didn’t celebrate their laurels with grand statements carved in stone. The similarities of Maat and Isis with Minoan women and their concepts is more evidence of the powerful influence of the Minoans.
Stone relief carving of Maat with feather headdress (created several centuries after the demise of the Minoans). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maat (Cropped-jfc)
Two images of Isis with similar head piece as Maat
Maat and Isis
Isis leading Nefertiti
1. https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/c8/3c/82/c83c8275892d769dc376de9cd94ade6f.jpg (Cropped-jfc) 2. https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1lkCmLVXXXXXKXXXXq6xXFXXXo/Wall-Art-Decor-Egyptian-Papyrus-Goddess-Maat-and-Isis-Hand-Painted-on-100-Authentic-PapyrusPaper.jpg_640x640.jpg 3. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Tomb_of_Nefertari#/wiki/Category:Tomb_of_Nefertari# /media/File:Queen_Nefertari_being_led_by_Isis_MET_DP167142.jpg (Cropped-jfc)
After Egypt absorbed the remnants of Minoan culture from the survivors in the Delta, Isis was adorned with a headpiece of a sun disk between bull horns (during the New Kingdom period). Interestingly, Pharaoh Hatshepsut and Queen Nefertiti are thought by some scholars to be of Minoan descent. Women of Minoan heritage were often sought by kings and pharaohs as consorts/queens because of their superior wit and intelligence. Nefertiti’s ancestry is unknown. The occupation of Lower Egypt by the Minoans, particularly the Nile Delta, did not come about by warfare. Sometime around 2200 BC a climate anomaly occurred which resulted in less rainfall in the mountains of Ethiopia, creating a drought in the Lower Nile area that lasted for several generations (see page 45). It was so bad; there was famine, plague, and cannibalism. An inscription on the tomb of Ankhtifi, a Nomarch (provincial governor) during Egypt’s early First Intermediate Period, describes the pitiful state of the country when famine stalked the land. The dead and dying became so overwhelming, Pharaoh abandoned Lower Egypt along with the people living there, choosing to save his empire by 83
Resurrecting Eve moving the capital upstream to Thebes (present day Luxor), where there was sufficient water. The First Intermediate Period is often described as a dark period in ancient Egyptian history (towards the end of the Old Kingdom, 2181 BC to 2055 BC). Now, Egypt was governed by two power bases, the Minoan group in Lower Egypt with Delta Egyptians, and the Pharaoh in Upper Egypt with his Egyptians. We don’t know how willingly Egypt seeded over control of Lower Egypt. But it appears that initially they were happy to have someone else deal with the problems in the Nile Delta if it was the Minoans. But when the Hyksos were brought into the region as the Minoans proxies, this started to cause strife with the Egyptians, both locally and in Upper Egypt. Records show that they didn’t like the Hyksos, viewing them as foreign occupiers. Because Egypt was the Minoans biggest trading partner, they needed the population healthy and productive to provide their sail cloth and the wheat they used as trading stock with other populations in their mercantile system. Therefore they were anxious to get the population in the Nile Delta region re-established into some kind of order to resume business. Since the Minoans were not a land occupying society they did not want the daily task of running a large production land operation. For awhile they divided up land areas and tasks amongst governors selected from the indigenous Delta Egyptians (Nomes and Nomarchs). But some Nomarchs sought too much control, naming themselves Pharaoh or King, creating strife that lead to conflict with the others, also not good for business. Some scholars believe it was during this time when many of the earlier temples and burial sites were pillaged, probably by some of the new Nomarchs seeking riches to support their power base. So around 1800 BC (possibly as early as 2000 BC) the Minoans brought people to Egypt from their original homeland in Turkey (Anatolia) and Syria, land oriented people they trusted who could take control of the area. These people were called the Hyksos by the Egyptians. This is probably when Joseph of the Old Testament came to Egypt as did many Hebrews and other Canaanites. For almost 500 years, Lower Egypt and the Delta were managed by Minoans via the Hyksos and local Egyptians. Egypt received many things from the Minoans and Hyksos in these days such as advanced metallurgical techniques, advanced fortification and hydrologic engineering, and powerful short recurved bows. The Hyksos also brought horses and chariots to Egypt, all of which eventually made Egypt great as a military force (cattle and donkeys had been Egypt’s only draft animals). During these times the Avaris Minoans merged with the Egyptians in several ways except religion (other than aspects of Maat and Isis). Many Minoans wore Egyptian style clothing; foreigners often mistook Minoans for Egyptians. For example, later when the Minoans left Egypt there are accounts regarding Cadmus the Phoenician indicating he was thought to have been an Egyptian. He was actually a Minoan who was attempting to make Egypt his new home until Egypt expelled all the foreigners (more on Cadmus later). ……………………………………………….. Meanwhile, after the Hyksos went to Egypt, the Hittites took advantage of the smaller population now in Anatolia invading the Minoans’ ancestral homeland from the northeast. There wasn’t much the Minoans could do if they were to save their interests in Egypt. The Hittites absorbed most of the more advanced culture of the people they invaded, the Hattians, including their script and rule of law, making Hatti culture their own, thus becoming known as the people of the land of Hatti (Hittites).
Resurrecting Eve
“…the potentiality of growing rich beyond the dreams of avarice." Samuel Johnson
Chapter Four: Minoan Life Most Minoan art and artifacts have sustained considerable damage over thousands of years. Nevertheless, looking at their art and artifacts is as close as we can get to see their world through Minoan eyes. Their art provides a window showing their originality, artistic style, and creativity. For example, the frescos below were created about four millennia ago, way before the fresco technique was rediscovered in Europe. The fresco below left of a man holding strings of fish show the copious bounty the people got from the sea, indicative of the overall prosperity they enjoyed.
The Picture at left is called the Fisherman. At center is a Minoan bronze fish hook. At left is a man and boy engaged in something to do with textiles, perhaps dyeing. These pictures of frescos are from Akrotiri, Santorini. (Note: clothing appears to be optional.) The picture below is a fresco from Akrotiri of women (priestesses?) harvesting saffron, one of the most expensive spices; possibly shown to illustrate the Minoans great wealth.
1. By Unknown author - No source, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=3613298 (Modified-jfc). 2. Bronze fish hook MET_DP113072.jpg., CCO 3. http://realhistoryww.com/world_history/ancient/Images_Minoan/Akrotiri_Frescoe_6.jpg (Cropped-jfc) 4. http://realhistoryww.com/world_history/ancient/Minoan_Greece_2.htm
Resurrecting Eve
The women in the three frescos above, also from Akrotiri, might be priestesses (toplessness appears common). 1. https://image.jimcdn.com/app/cms/image/transf/none/path/s7dcc5fbe1e70ca34/image/i5afb2f362f6562db/version/1391465564/image.jpg, 2. Olaf Tausch / CC BY (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0) cropped, Own work. 3. Ad Meskens© Ad Meskens Wikimedia Commons (revised)
The fresco above shows homage given to a Minoan woman of high prominance. In the fresco below, most of the women are painted a darker color perhaps indicating they aren’t Minoan. The decorations on their dresses is also different (Greek, Athenians?). The first two frescos on the following page are probably ladies of court (Note: Women In Blue is a recreation from fragments.), followed by a portion of a fresco of a priestess or goddess with a griffin (Note: the rest of this fresco shows a woman and a primate, bowing in homage.).
Screen shot from “Secrets of the Island of Minos,” Secrets of Archaeology 22/27
…………………………..Frescos from Knossos ………………………………..
……………… and Akrotiri ………………
1. By cavorite - https://www.flickr.com/photos/cavorite/98591365/in/set-1011009/, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=1350752. 2. By Zde - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=52380644 (Cropped and modified-jfc). 3. https://image.jimcdn.com/app/cms/image/transf/none/path/seaf7c468f61db2b4/image/if9c5ed6a2cd31c68/version/1391478022/image.jpg (Cropped-jfc)
Below left are scenes from the Harvester Vase. It’s carved from stone with images of happy men. The faces are all unique with some men singing. The vessel below right supposedly shows King Midas, but there isn’t any proof for this theory other than that the stature of the figure on the right seems to have an aura of royalty or importance. The figure on the left may be a soldier, though I’ve never come across anything relating to the Minoans having a standing army. It’s more likely he’s a ship’s captain or something of that sort. Notice he has a very long sword, and is wearing a helmet with a feather, a decorative custom unique to the Minoans in this era.
Scenes from the Harvester Vase https://ancient-greece.org/museum/muse-iraclion.html
https://ancient-greece.org/museum/muse-iraclion.html [(By ArchaiOptix - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=86296358 (Modified-jfc)
Screen shot from “Sinking Atlantis,” Secrets of the Dead, PBS
………………………………………….. The Minoans technological advancements also included ventures into medicine. The following pictures indicate they had some medical knowledge, and some medical instruments/devices.
Resurrecting Eve
Lenses of clear quartz, Crete, Neo Palatal, 1600 BC (?), Archaeological Museum of Heraklion Zde - Own work, Zde / CC BY-SA (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0)
1. Minoan Bronze tweezers, Prahistorisches Museum Thira Bronzewerkzeup ,01.jpg 2. Minoan Bronze needle,
MET_DP20411.jpg., CCO
Drawing from a clay tablet found at Knossos, Crete, 1600 BC (?),
https://wellcomecollection.org/works/skzvpw7x CC-BY-4.0, CC BY 4.0,
Celebration of life, even at funerals, separated the Minoans from most of their neighbors. They celebrated life and the transformation of the soul (death and rebirth). Funerals may have had some similarities with an Irish wake. Interestingly, there is a story that connects the Irish with descendants of Minoans who migrated out of the Mediterranean region via Spain (?). Many Minoan burials involve a unique practice of folding the legs of the deceased up onto the chest. This practice may have originated as a way to minimize space for the dead during sea voyages. In other burials on Crete, the deceased are laid out horizontally. These differences could reflect whether a person died on land (home) or at sea (?). Later in history a similar burial practice occurs in a few other groups, suggesting possible Minoan connections. A population in Peru, South America also folds the bones of their deceased up onto the chest. Some members of the Order of Knights Templar similarly practiced this method of burial. (Note: the Skull and Crossbones derive from this burial practice, the Templar’s symbol after being purged from France, more on this later.)
Typical Minoan burial with the legs folded up onto the chest (Skull and Cross-bones) Agon S. Buchholz (asb) / CC BY-SA (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/)
The Agia Triadha sarcophagus (reconstruction by Gillieron, 1910) http://antiquatedantiquarian.blogspot.com/2015/04/the-minoans-religion...
By Olaf Tausch - Own work, CC BY 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=58471691 (modified-jfc)
We don’t know a lot about the Minoan’s religion because their homeland was destroyed, and they have always been shrouded in mystery. But many of the beliefs of the early Etruscans are known and are probably similar to those of the Minoans. Scholars have noted that the early Etruscans believed in one God who was in everything, having no form; essentially God was everywhere. Later Etruscans gave form and gender to God, probably due to cross cultural sharing with the neighboring dominant 91
Resurrecting Eve cultures of the times, the Greeks and Romans, who were male oriented. The Minoans appear to have believed God had two sub-deities or helpers so to speak, who directly managed the earth and life on earth. As already mentioned, the Minoans believed these to be the Great Mother represented by a pregnant woman and the Great Father represented by the Aurochs bull. Much has been negatively inferred about the presence of snakes in Minoan culture, especially regarding the so called Snake Goddess figurines. But snakes did not have a negative connotation for people in this era. Many civilizations kept non venomous snakes in their homes to provide the same service as do cats today, controlling rodents. Also, in their religion snakes were thought to have powers of transformation, perhaps because they shed their skin. Regardless of why, ancient people believed in the transformation concept of death and rebirth, symbolized by two snakes. The Minoans used many symbols of religious relevance which seems normal considering how much of their life was defined by spiritual beliefs. The labrys symbol shows up alot on seal rings in what appears to be religious ceremonies among women. One gold seal ring appears to depict the transformation of man, from animal to human, which might have been a big topic for people in the Bronze Age. People probably wondered from where they came and what connections they had with lower animals. (Note: there may be a connection here with the Lizardmen cult in Mesopotamia.) The miniature gold labrys at left, is called a votive double axe from about 2000 BC, found in a burial cave on Crete. Although the labrys is referred to as a double blade axe, it’s not an axe. The ancients had single blade axes like a modern splitting maul. Double blade axes that look like a labrys came into use much later. Many other miniature, gold, votive double axes were found in the Arkalochori Cave. The votive axes were placed in graves as offerings. This was because the axe or labrys symbolizes transformation, such as the transformation of death and rebirth, the cycle of life. Labrys appear to have been extremely significant in Minoan religious practices. Labrys appear many times referencing the Great Mother who is responsible for life and rebirth. Interestingly, the labrys may also be a celestial tool to keep track of seasonal transformations (see Appendix E). Jebulon - Own work, CC0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=38660157
Gold seal ring from Tiryns, Greece, 1500 BC (?). Tiryns was a citadel near Argos SE of Mycenae. Abandoned, it later become a place of worship to Hera (Note: the woman seated might be Hera.). Pic from ’Minoan seal rings,’ by Vivianne Strataki
Above are various Minoan labrys. Notice how the symbol morphs from an axe to almost the form of an angel. In that form it’s similar to the Egyptian Ankh, a stylized Great Mother symbol. Notice it also morphs into a cross like the Celtic and Templar eight point crosses. 1.-5. The Palace of Minos at Knossos, Sir Arthur Evans MacMillan and Co. Ltd., St Martins’s St., London. 6. Donated to Wikimedia Commons as part of a project by the Metropolitan Museum of Art, CC0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=60417188
Transformation was also involved in how the Minoans marked time. Here transformation involved the different manifestations of the celestial bodies seen in the ancient skies. As stated earlier, a calendar or method of marking time was essential for the Minoan’s mercantile system, but also for rituals that supported the transformations of the sun, planets, and stars which were used to create their calendar. Not yet understanding the science of astronomy, these rituals were as important to them as is the science we use to define what we believe. The three brightest objects in the sky in order of brilliance are the sun, moon, and the planet Venus (known as the Morning and Evening Star). Our civilization bases our calendar on one complete cycle of the earth around the sun, 365.25 days. I’m not sure if any of the ancients knew the earth rotated around the sun, but they could count the days between the solstices, roughly 365 days. However the sun was not the most important object in the sky for the ancients. True, the sun gave life energy, and structures were built worldwide for indigenous people to determine days between seasons for agricultural purposes. But for the Minoans the moon was the most significant celestial body. At various times of the year, the moon was so close that when full, appeared large enough to almost swallow the earth. Also, the earth and all living things upon it seemed to manifest elements of change during the cycles of the moon. During the full moon people and animals were affected, the earth (soil) swelled, and the ocean tidal swings increased. The Minoans and other civilized populations could easily see the power of the moon. So it was the cycles of the moon that they used as their calendar or more accurately, 8 lunar year cycles reconciled with the other main celestial bodies by observation and (Note: Minoan records indicate their math was sufficiently advanced to include fractions.) mathematics. 5 times 1 Venus cycle (584 solar days) equals 2920 solar days 8 times 1 solstice to solstice cycle (365 solar days) equals 2920 solar days 2920 solar days divided by 29.5 solar days in a lunar month equals 99 lunar cycles 99 lunar cycles, divided by 8 lunar years (12 lunar months each) plus 3 additional lunar months (88 days) equals 2920 days
Reconciling the celestial bodies to create an accurate calendar is called intercalation. Because the solar year is actually longer than 365 days, and 12 months divided into 365 equals 30.4 days per month, intercalation is used with our modern calendar, adding an extra day every other year (Leap Year) and adjusting the days in a month between 30 and 31. Thirty-three month lunar calendars that use intercalation, such as the traditional Islamic, Hebrew, and Myanmar Buddhist calendars, add additional months at the end of the second or third periods. Lunar calendar – Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lunar_calendar The Minoans calendar of eight lunar years plus 88 days [(8 x 12 x 29.5) + 88 = 2920] reconciles with the Sun and Venus (shown above). They accurately tracked time by converting this period into 99 lunar months, subdivided into three units of 33, as shown on the circular stone in the picture below.
At left, an altar stone (Kernos) with 33 similar cups, a third of the Minoan’s nd rd 99 month lunar calendar, plus 2 bigger cups marking the 2 and 3 33 lunar month periods of their 8-year calendar. (Note: the fresco of three 8’s found at Knossos on Crete may have greater significance than previously thought. It might represent their calendar, 8 lunar years and 88 days, 888, see page 102.) Kernos, Minoan Crete, Palace of Malia http://www.minoancrete.com/malia02.htm
Resurrecting Eve “During its 584-day synodic period, Venus appears as a morning star for 263 days, disappears for 50 days, appears as an evening star for another 263 days, and disappears for 8 days (during which it is in front of the sun). This period was important for many ancient peoples, including the Babylonians and the Maya.” Ancient Observatories: Chichén Itzá, https://www.exploratorium.edu/ancientobs/chichen/HTML/caracol3.html, (See Appendix E) It’s plausible the Babylonians and Maya like the Egyptians, got advancements such as mathematics from the surviving Minoans after the demise of the Minoan homeland. If the Minoans knew about the flower of life, they no doubt knew much more. The numbers 3, 5, and 8, part of the Fibonacci sequence and the Golden Ratio, were sacred in Minoan culture. The Golden Ratio and the Fibonacci sequence are found in art, music composition, proportions of the human body, and elsewhere in natural forms. All this knowledge would acknowledge God’s order versus chaos. ………………………………………………..
At left, a figurine of a Minoan woman. “In the Sufi religion, swirling dervishes wear Minoan style hats and strive to achieve ‘Oneness’ in their ritual dance with each other and the audience.” George Glasgow, The Minoans, 1923, Jonathan Cape, Eleven Gower Street, London
At right, a Snake Goddess figurine By Olaf Tausch-Own work, CC BY 3.0, https://commons. wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=23362443
The two figurines of women above could possibly be different aspects of the Great Mother or perhaps priestesses. They’re made out of clay depicting typical Minoan dresses including open top coats baring their breasts. The so called snake goddess looks fearsome. But recall that snakes meant transformation not death. Life and transformation were in the realm of the Great Mother (living things); good mothers are not feared. The Minoans’ only fear was the potential destructive powers of Earth’s forces, dangers in stormy seas and from earthquakes. These things were in the realm of the Great Father represented in the form of the now extinct Aurochs bull that apparently had hoofs as large as a man’s head. The enormous Aurochs bull roared and snorted, pounding the earth with its huge hoofs. This reminded the Minoans of the sound and feel of the earth trembling during earthquakes with steam venting from the earth. They thought the bull was from the Great Father who ruled the earth, sky, and sea (non living things). Though the people were guided by and respected God’s representatives, over time, the Minoans achieved a level of expertise sailing the world that gave them the idea that they had gained some sort of mystic communion with the Great Father. They created a sport involving the Aurochs bull where athletes would attempt to leap over a charging bull’s back. Perhaps like a surfer who becomes one with nature riding an ocean wave, they became one with the Great Father. According to legend, this arrogance would eventually result in the Minoans downfall (more on this later).
By anonymous, CC0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=38660778
The Minoan wall fresco above found at Knossos shows a bull leaping event. In Minoan and Egyptian art, men are depicted in a reddish-brown color and women are white. This fresco appears to show two women assisting and taking part in the bull leaping event. In a society that practiced equality, it wouldn’t be unusual to see women competing in sports just like the men. The Portuguese have an interesting history with the Minoans, including bull leaping (shown in the pictures below). But the bulls used today are half the size of the extinct Aurochs bulls used by the Minoans. In the Minoan’s bull leaping sport, a leaper would grab the Aurochs’ horns just as the bull threw up its head, tossing the leaper into the air. Then, doing some kind of gymnastic somersault they catapulted off the bulls back, hopefully completing their leap landing on their feet behind the bull.
The pictures below are only a fraction of the artifacts by the Minoans of bulls and bull leaping. The left hand picture is a gold seal ring showing an Aurochs bull and a leaper. The center picture is an Aurochs bull head carved out of steatite with gilded horns, eyes made of red jasper, and marble around the nostrils. The bronze on the right from Minoan Crete is typical of ones found in Anatolia (Turkey), the Levant (Middle East), Bactria (the Afghanistan area), and the Indus Valley (India), indicating the pressence of the Minoans and their culture.
1. Minoan seal rings by Vivianne Strataki. 2. http:/Iantiquatedantiquarian.blogspot.corn/2015/04/the-minoans-religion..., 3. Photograph by Mike Peel (www.mikepeel.net). / CC BY-SA (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0), (Cropped-jfc)
Resurrecting Eve
The athletic endeavor of leaping seems to have been very popular, practiced by Minoan men and women. The picture above left is a small ivory figure of a leaper found at Knossos. The picture above right is an ivory figurine also from Knossos, Crete (1900 BC), named the Lady of Sports. She may represent a goddess (?). 1. By Chris 73 / Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=190666.(Modified-jfc). 2. Toronto Museum.
Carving on a steatite vase of leapers or acrobats http://www.veniceclayartists.com/wp-content/uploads/ 2013/09/AcrobatsAshmolean-MuseumOXf1.jpg
Fresco of a female leaper
The Palace of Minos at Knossos, Sir Arthur Evans (1930), MacMillan and Co. Ltd., St Martin’s St., London
Similar to modern people, the Minoans played board games. Above is one of their games found at Knossos (reproduction) http://antiquatedantiquarian.blogspot.com/2015/04/the-minoans-religion…
Gold seal ring, chariot hunt using bow and arrows https://tse2.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.jeDCJDQcCFS71OUgfK c0rwHaE5&pid=Api&P=0&w=231&h=153
Frescos from Akrotiri of two young men boxing, found next to two antelopes play fighting. The Antelopes have received attention because of the advanced artistic ability they show in the use of line weights, some say resembling Picasso. Akrotiri frescos in the National Archaeological Museum of Athens, Ricardo André Frantz (User:Tetraktys)/CC BY-SA
Gold seal ring of an unknown battle https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-shYCfKzemDU/WhqkyzbcURI/AAAAAA /8JZe5pQzDio2tKGq3JOisj6_t2TaOXRBACKgBGAs/s1600/i_016.jpg
The wooden mounting of the hilt for the sword in this grave was secured on each side by five large gold plated studs (rosettes). A minute but very fine decoration consisting of double rows of connected spirals in relief decorated the sides (rolling waves).
Gold seal ring with a female ruler giving a sword to a man Source?
The Prehistoric Tombs of Knossos, Arthur J. Evans Esq., Litt. D., F.R.S., F.S.A.(1906), Nichols and Sons, Parliament Mansions, Victoria St., Westminster
The Minoans didn’t engage in warfare but they did have weapons as shown in the above pictures. Weapons were still necessary to defend against random attacks from hostile humans and dangerous animals. The long sword shown in the grave items above is a technological advancement. The Minoans were able to make longer swords due to the raised center ridge down the length of the blade which strengthened it. Notice the grave contains both short and long swords. The same sword design has been found in Greece (dated later) attributed to the Mycenaean Greeks. ………………………………………….. The Minoans are known to have had a written script very early that Sir Arthur Evans named Linear A. Additionally they had an earlier symbol script found on a two sided round clay disk called the Phaitos Disk. The Phaitos Disk is unique because it was printed not inscribed. The symbols on the disk are pressed into the clay of the disk with individual molds for each symbol, each indicating a syllable, word, or idea (?). The message is read starting from the outside reading counterclockwise towards the center; then turning it over and doing the same on the other side. Some claim to have deciphered it saying it refers to shipments from the New World, but there hasn’t been any verification. 97
Resurrecting Eve Another script used later is what Evans called Linear B. It seems to have been used mostly in business operations outside of the Minoans’ homeland, especially by the later Minoan Mycenaean’s and others around the Aegean. This script was deciphered in the mid 20th century and found to be an ancient form of Greek (see Cadmus the Phoenician, pages 125-26).
Linear A https://c1.staticflickr.com/5/4068/4659742426_8e153559cf _b.jpg
Linear B https://historytellerpodcast.files.wordpress. com/2018/01/the-linear-b-script.jpg?w=563&h=422
Minoan Script (Linear B) http://www.crystalinks.com/linearb.gif
A Phaitos Disk (stamped images, early printed script) CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=391073
The Phaitos disk (above right) was found in the religious city of Phaitos on the south coast of Crete. It may be the earliest form of Minoan script (possibly read: A to B to C and D). Like Linear A, it has not been deciphered. ………………………………………… The following pictures of art, sculptures, metal work, jewelry, frescos, and pottery illustrate the sophistication of the Minoan people, more advanced than any other civilization of their era. Minoan art shows their high level of advancement in aesthetics/design and craftsmanship.
The mythical griffin first appears depicted in many stylized forms on Minoan artifacts (later, on Mycenaean Minoan artifacts), indicating tremendous power and wealth. “The griffin is a legendary creature with the body of a lion and the head and wings of an eagle. As the lion was traditionally considered the king of the beasts and the eagle was the king of the birds, the griffin was thought to be an especially powerful and majestic creature. Griffins are known for guarding treasure and priceless possessions. In antiquity it was a symbol of divine power and a guardian of the divine. The griffin had many purposes, including but not limited to ‘the vigilant guardian of treasure and of kings; it has been called the Hound of Zeus.’" http://www.crystalinks.com/griffins.html.
Mycenae, 1500 BC
“Minoan seal rings,” by Vivianne Strataki
Griffins at Knossos leashed to symbolic pillars
Olaf Tausch / CC, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0, Own work
Griffins pulling a chariot driven by Mycenaean Minoans
Griffins decorate the walls in the Throne Room, Knossos
Zde, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=52373686, (Modified-jfc)
CC BY-SA 3.0, ttps://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=179033
Above left is a gold seal ring with two griffins (2000 BC). Above right is a stone seal ring with two griffins flanking the Great Mother, who is holding up two snakes encircling the sacred labrys. The griffins on this ring may be associated with divinity instead of wealth because of the connection with the Great Mother, labrys, and snakes, symbols of transformation. 1. https://i.pinimg.com/originals/15/65/4b/15654b6bdf5619a1f4cf700f078bdb78.jpg 2. Minoan seal rings by Vivianne Strataki
Resurrecting Eve
The two images above are from a small figurine carved in ivory that archaeologists found broken and in two different places at a Villa site on Crete. They felt that the figure was smashed in anger and then part of it was tossed into the burning Villa. Though it is badly damaged, what’s left shows remarkable carving skill. Like Renaissance sculpturing, veins, muscles, toe cuticles, et cetera, all look life like. Screen shots from “Sinking Atlantis,” Secrets of the Dead, PBS
1. https://i.pinimg.com/originals/a0/aa/a3/a0aaa37667186dbc1b0467b0a02e2e32.jpg (Modified-jfc). 2 -3. Minoan Pottery (9-25-2913), https://www.veniceclayartists.com/wpcontent/uploads/2013/09/2669630579_5b11d7d41e.jpg
The very Greek looking Minoan urn, above left, is dated to over a thousand years before the Greeks. It’s carved out of stone as are the bowl and pitcher to the right (all carved out of marble). These artifacts are more examples of Minoan workmanship as well as their advancement in aesthetic form already well developed before of the second millennium BC.
To the left is a bronze casting of a female with a wry smile (2000 BC). The angry lion above is a tiny gold ornament. The two cups on the right are from Mycenae, one displaying the Minoan rolling wave design, the other a scene of bulls. Both cups are made of thin sheet gold.
1. Minoan Pottery (9-25-2913), https://www.veniceclayartists.com/wpcontent/uploads/2013/09/2669630579_5b11d7d41e.jpg 2.https://i2.wp.com/www.historywiz.com/images/greece/liongoldenjewelmino an1700-1450bc.jpg. 3-4.Mycenaean Collections in the National Archaeological Museum of Athens, Zde, CC BY-SA 3
A few examples of Minoan gold seal rings; most of the meanings of the imagery on the rings are unknown. The rings show offerings made to the Great Mother, lots of engravings of building structures, labrys, trees of life, boats, and many other symbols. 1. http://rolfgross.dreamhosters.com/Greece-Web/AthensMuseums/AthensMuseums.htm 2. https://1.bp.blogspot.com/Kip_XX8P_ow/XfwMAN9lFnI/AAAAAAABLwE/4ltn20JGABw34fQFpBE5vYfKjUgj__fWwCLcBGAsYHQ/s1600/Pylos-Greece-Bird-Females-Mirror-Ring%2B%25281%2529.jpg 3. https://araenil.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/fminoansignetring9903100102.jpg
The medallion (?), above left, shows two dogs facing each other standing on the heads of two monkeys (?), facing away. The middle picture is a gold earring from Malia, 1 ½ inches wide, showing two wasps carrying their sacred royal jelly (1700-1600 BC). The right hand picture is a small bee decorated with tiny beads and may have had gemstone eyes. The honey bee is special in Minoan culture as in many other cultures that follow. The hexagon shape used by honey bees for their honey comb is one of the most efficient geometric shapes in nature. 1. https://www.flickr.com/photos/unforth/ - https://www.flickr.com/photos/unforth/2686640049/in/set-72157606287040933/, CC BY-SA 2.0 2. https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=5014413 3. By rolfgross.dreamhosters.com/Greece-Web/AthensMuseums/AthensMuseums.htm
Above left, a gold ornament showing Minoan icons such as large-block building stones at the base, pillars, and concentric half circles (arcs) on a box with bull horns on top, flanked by two falcons (?). Above middle, an amethyst stone with a small hole drilled in it on each side for mounting or stringing, possibly to use as a necklace. Above right, a small green jasper stone; the meaning of the symbols are unknown, but may have a medical connection because of the pestle, knowing eye, X, and mystique of the cat, 1800 BC (?). 1. http://antiquatedantiquarian.blogspot.com/2015/04/the-minoans-religion...2.Minoan Pottery (9-25-2913), https://www.veniceclayartists.com/wpcontent/uploads/2013/09/2669630579_5b11d7d41e.jpg 3. By Ingo Pini - Own work, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=10387185
Resurrecting Eve
The Dolphin fresco above is from the Queens bathroom lounge shown earlier in the pictures of Knossos (see page 77). Dolphins indicate the Minoans familiarity with the open ocean. http://www.ancient-wisdom.com/Images/countries/Greek%20pics/KnossosDolphins.jpg
1. https://images.fineartamerica.com/images-medium-large-5/flying-fish-no-3-study-no-1-steve-bogdanoff.jpg 2. http://images.fineartamerica.com/images-medium-large-5/octopus-study-no-1-steve-bogdanoff.jpg
The pictures above are from Crete, a flying fish fresco, and an octopus adorning the bottom of a pool at a Villa. The two wall frescos below are reproductions. The left hand picture is from Tiryns, Greece. The 8 in the right hand fresco (from Knossos) is a symbol some scholars believe is a shield, although the Minoans weren’t warlike. The 8 traditionally represents harmony and balance. In the Bible it means creation and order. In Sanskrit the 8 symbolizes wealth and abundance. The 8 may have also been celebrated due to its connection with the Minoan calendar (8 lunar years plus 88 days, see page 93).
1. https://i.pinimg.com/736x/80/da/8a/80da8ac2ee573ef7b2720f9211dde8e9--mycenaean-minoan.jpg. 2. Reproduction of the "Shield frieze" fresco, Metropolitan Museum of Art / CC0
The vase in the center of the picture above left is called the Harvester Vase (see page 89). It’s carved from a stone called Steatite (browngreenish soapstone). Archaeologists believe its low relief carving was covered with gold leaf. The carved imagery depicts a group of joyous harvesters returning from their work in an olive grove (found at Agia Triada near Phaitos). The picture above right is a large urn carved out of stone. The main symbols on the urn are several griffins indicating great wealth and divinity, perhaps suggesting the contents (?). 1. Minoan Pottery (9-25-2913), https://www.veniceclayartists.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/2669630579_5b11d7d41e.jpg. 2. https://ancient-greece.org/museum/muse-iraclion.html.
1-2. Minoan Pottery (9-25-2913), https://www.veniceclayartists.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/2669630579_5b11d7d41e.jpg. 3. Heraklion Archaeological Museum / CC0, Jebulon.
The picture above left is a stand for the pointed bottom pottery used by the Minoans. No one knows why they created them this way. It’s been suggested that this shape was better for stacking the containers aboard ship, possibly embedded in sand used as ballast. Or perhaps it’s an earthquake remedy to keep the wine jugs stable in the type of stand pictured above. The rest of the pottery shown here illustrates the Minoan’s unique artistic style and decoration, more modern than ancient.
1. Old palatial period (2100-1700 B.C.) Wolfgang Sauber / CC BY-SA (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0) Wolfgang Sauber - Own work. 2-3. Minoan Pottery (9-25-2913), https://www.veniceclayartists.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/2669630579_5b11d7d41e.jpg
Resurrecting Eve
Minoan Pottery (9-25-2913), https://www.veniceclayartists.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/2669630579_5b11d7d41e.jpg
In the picture above left, the top center jug is decorated in reed design. Notice the piece in the right foreground that is whimsically made to look like a bag, decorated with multiple labrys. Above right is a Kamare crater banquet vessel that retains some of its decorative flowers (Phaitos, Crete, 1800 BC).
Minoan Pottery (9-25-2913), https://www.veniceclayartists.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/2669630579_5b11d7d41e.jpg
The pictures above and below are examples of more unique Minoan pottery. Above left is a serving dish from Phaitos, Crete. The center piece is a teapot with rolling wave designs. Above right is a ceremonial cup with stylized labrys (axe) designs on it, and eyes at the spout.
Left, terricotta chalice with murex snail decorations. Middle and right, egg-shell Kamare ware, Crete (1800 BC); it was said in Egypt that the Kamare ware exported to Egypt was from a beautiful peaceful island somewhere in the sea (see Appendix B). “Secrets of the Island of Minos,” Secrets of Archaeology (22/29) 1. (Mycenaean) - Walters Art Museum: Home page Info about artwork, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=18838358 2-4. Images, see Appendix C.
The chalice above left with very artistic lines is possibly for wine. The two tea cups in the center called Kamare ware are extremely thin and light. The term Kamare ware comes from the site where many were found (a cave on Crete). Archaeologists believe it was pottery that may have been reserved for the elite. The best examples date to 2100-1700 BC. The cup on the right is just one of several styles of well crafted everyday mugs such as one might use today for their coffee.
The Prehistoric Tombs of Knossos, by Arthur J. Evans Esq., Litt. D., F.R.S., F.S.A.(1906), Printed by J. B. Nichols and Sons, Parliament Mansions, Victoria St., Westminster
Most of the household items in the picture above are made of thin sheet bronze, using a type of rivet to attach the sections. The technology/craftsmanship involved to pound out the bronze to an exact thickness rivals what can be done today. These items were in a grave on Crete indicating their importance to the deceased. They also show the sophistication of the Minoans culinary ability by the amount and types of cookware they were using in the second millennia BC. The pictures of Minoan artifacts I’ve shown in this chronicle are only a small sample of the artifacts that have been found. What has survived is also only a small amount relative to what the Minoans created. However, the amounts of artifacts that have survived still provide lots of knowledge about the Minoans. For example, the numerous amount of creature comforts found at Minoan sites indicates that they were a lot like people in modern western civilization.
So far in this chronicle, I’ve revealed the worldwide reach of the Minoans, and their importance to civilization not only as the purveyors of trade items, but also for the establishment of a civilized world community. I’m ending this segment hoping you have gleaned some level of insight into the Minoan’s creativity and love of life. What comes next will be different. The Minoans planted the seeds of Western Civilization; then they were gone.
Resurrecting Eve
“In her eyes there were tears, and in my heart.” Edgar Rice Burroughs
Chapter Five: 1628 BC Half the island of Santorini is a volcanic crater with a deep water sea and another island. In ancient times there existed a shallow sea instead with a huge island at its center covered with multistoried buildings and beautiful parks. The island was very active due to the large amount of vessels docking 24/7, sometimes sheltering from a storm, more often bringing in or shipping out products collected or made by the Minoans from all over the world. This island was very modern with advanced civil engineering systems, major waterworks including plumbing, canals, and fountains, and a park-like forest at the center of the island (Plato). The Minoans didn’t have the wealth of scientific and technical knowledge that we enjoy today. But they had a comfortable lifestyle and by all accounts were a happy healthy prosperous people. Legend says the island was beyond beautiful. The fact that they built one of their major cities atop an active volcano was unknown to them.
Akrotiri Minoan town.jpg, made by Uploader for the de-Bilderwerkstatt
The picture above left is from a fresco found at Akrotiri showing the original central island at Santorini, the Minoans shipping hub before the eruption. The picture above right is of the new island that has been emerging from the sea since the 1700’s AD (The small freighter in the foreground provides scale.). It’s only a fraction of the original island, but it’s still growing. The picture to the left is a diagram showing the outlines of the original island in darker solid lines overlaid on the outline of Santorini as it exists today, shown in lighter lines.
The fresco image (above left) is what was once seen from the south shore near the city/town of Akrotiri. I believe the artist may have done their sketch from the place marked with a red X. The heavy black dotted lines indicate landmarks, and the water way I mentioned the Minoans may have cut to provide an additional outlet to the sea. This cut could be why the volcanoes eruption opened up this side of the crater, weakened by the cut.
https://www.minoanatlantis.com/pix/Santorini_Paleo_Models_Druitt91.jpg (Modified with dotted lines, arrows, and a red X, jfc)
“Wood charcoal from stratified layers at Akrotiri is helping to map the ecology of the island of Santorini before the eruption in the second millennium BC which brought the Bronze Age to an end.”
Resurrecting Eve “Far from being treeless like today, the island had a relatively moist and cool climate with diverse vegetation including open oak woodland.” Antiquity/Vol. 77/Issue 297, Antiquity Publications Ltd., E. Asouti, Institute of Archaeology, Univ. College, London
In the summer of 1628 BC, the volcanic island of Santorini blew up with an explosive force equivalent to a multitude of atomic bombs. Volcanic gas and ash exploded miles into earth’s upper atmosphere. The eruption blasted most of the central island into oblivion. What was left collapsed into the sea as the magma and gasses beneath it were emptied. A crater eight miles in diameter remained that immediately flooded with sea water resulting in more explosions as cold sea water reacted with the hot volcanic gases. At the end of the eruption, a pyroclastic flow resulting from the descending ash plume swept across the surrounding sea. Anyone trying to escape the devastation by boat within a radius of 35 miles would have died, drowned or burned alive by the super-heated ash cloud. Santorini volcano (Thera to the ancient Greeks) spewed ash 20-25 miles up into the atmosphere. Most of the ash was swept eastward by the prevailing wind, but acid rain, sulfur dioxide (SO₂), laden with ash, fell all over the region. The intense thermal activity created its own weather with intense lightning bolts shooting up into the sky. Giant killer waves swept over the Aegean islands. This event is probably the origin of the Greek myth about the battle between Zeus and the Titans. (See page 117) Left and Right, screen shots from the film “Volcano, Santorini,” National Geographic, used as illustrations of the Santorini eruption (modified-jfc).
According to data from ice core studies taken from Greenland, and analysis of tree rings from ancient trees found in Irish bogs (Dendrochronology), a massive geological event occurred with corresponding drastic climatic conditions, resulting in a catastrophe the likes of which we’ve never experienced. This worldwide climatic changing event happened in the summer of 1628 BC. The following exert is evidence of the magnitude of the Santorini eruption. “Journal of the Geological Society (jgs.lyellcollection.org), June 9, 2014, Revised estimates for the volume of the Late Bronze Age Minoan eruption, Santorini, Greece E. N. Johnston, R. S. J. Sparks, J. C. Phillips and S. Carey (Scientific editing by Tyrone Rooney)” “Abstract The late Bronze Age Minoan eruption of Santorini, Greece occurred from within an existing caldera. Low-temperature pyroclastic flow emplacement on shallow slopes outside the caldera can only be consistent with the caldera being filled with eruption products that are not preserved. Field observations and seismic reflection surveys suggest that this missing material has been down-faulted. The volume of the caldera infill is estimated as 18-26 km3 dense rock equivalent (DRE), increasing the total of the Minoan eruption deposits to 78-86 km3 DRE and making it the largest known Holocene eruption. This study highlights a general mechanism whereby caldera eruption volumes could be Received Sept. 23, 2013, accepted Mar. 1, 2014, Geological Society of London. (Bold-jfc) significantly underestimated. “
The Santorini eruption had a VEI rating of 7 (Robert Ballard, Nat’l Geo. Society). Examples of some infamous volcano eruptions in the past are Mt. St. Helens-VEI 3 (Washington State USA, 1980), VesuviusVEI 5 (Italy, 79 AD), and Kracotoa-VEI 6 (Indonesia, 1883 AD). Santorini’s eruption was ten times greater than Kracotoa which was heard 2000 miles away and created years without a summer. Due to Santorini’s eruption the earth’s temperature probably decreased 1-2 degrees (Volcanologist Floyd McCoy, U of Hawaii), drastically reducing crop yield in the entire region. When what remained of Santorini’s center island sank beneath the sea, the downward force displaced a large volume of water creating tsunamis’ over 100 feet high. Additionally, massive landslides into the sea on the south face of Santorini created more tsunamis’. The tsunamis’ swept across the sea wiping out everything in their path. They hit Crete 75 miles to the south. In the northern Aegean Sea they ping ponged around and across most of the islands reaching mainland Greece and western Turkey. Most of the people who escaped Santorini thinking they would be safe on Crete or the islands in the Aegean would have been swept away by the sea, drowned. The tsunamis were so powerful they extended to the shores of the Middle East and Egypt. Huge rafts of pumice which the ancients thought was floating mud, choked the Nile Delta (Plato), deposited there by the force of the tsunamis’. The Minoan’s fleets of wooden ships were turned into a mass of wreckage. Boat wreckage has been found high up on the slopes of Mount Ida, a snow capped mountain on Crete (see page 38). This is pretty convincing about how powerful the tsunamis’ were that hit Crete. Not one, but at least three tsunamis’ hit Crete at approximately 30-40 minute intervals. The first wave would have killed most of the people on the island because most of the people lived on the north shore. Those who survived the first strike probably went to the devastated area to help, only to be killed by the second or third waves (K. Sinolakis). The tsunamis’ wiped out the warehouses and crops on Crete pushing inland up all the valleys. In one area near Mt. Ida they swept across a huge swath of the island almost to the southern shore of Crete. I researched what happens to growing capacity (agriculture) after the soil is swamped with salty seawater; it’s a bleak outcome for many years. You can’t grow food crops in salt laden soil.
CRETE Above left is a screen shot from the PBS film “Sinking Atlantis” showing a computer model of a massive tsunamis’ radiating out from Santorini (K. Sinolakis). The picture above right is an artist’s conception of a 100 foot tsunami striking a Mediterranean town. www.express.co.uk/news/weather/601116/Mediterranean-tsunami-threatens-millions-lar...
The following exert provides evidence of the extent of the tsunamis from Santorini’s eruption. “Geology v. 37 no. 10 p. 943-946 (geology.gsapubs.org), Tsunami waves generated by the Santorini eruption reached Eastern Mediterranean shores, Beverly N. Goodman-Tchernov, Hendrik W. Dey, Eduard G. Reinhardt, Floyd McCoy and Yossi Mart”
Resurrecting Eve “Abstract A sedimentary deposit on the continental shelf off Caesarea Maritima, Israel, is identified, dated, and attributed to tsunami waves produced during the Late Bronze Age (ca. 1630-1550 B.C.E.) eruption of Santorini, Greece. The sheet-like deposit was found as a layer as much as 40 cm thick in four cores collected from 10 to 20 m water depths. Particle-size distribution, planar bedding, shell taphoecoensis, dating (radiocarbon, optically stimulated luminescence, and pottery), and comparison of the horizon to more recent tsunamigenic layers distinguish it from normal storm and typical marine conditions across a wide (>1 km) lateral area. The presence of this deposit is evidence that tsunami waves from the Santorini eruption radiated throughout the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, affecting the coastal people living there. Dates for the tsunami deposit bracket both the so-called ‘high’ and ‘low’ chronology for the Received 25 November 2008, Revision received 27 May 2009. Accepted 27 May 2009. (Bold-jfc) Santorini eruption. “
The picture above left shows the suspected path the tsunamis’ took across Crete. Above right is a picture of the soil on the north shore of Crete today, showing the mixed content. Notice the jumbled mixture of building materials, pottery, and cattle bones (?) in the soil. Archaeologist Sandy McGillivray from Crete, soil specialist Hendrik Bruins from Ben-Gurion Univ. Israel, and tsunami expert Kostos Sinolakis from Univ. of S. Cal, examined the north shore of Crete for tsunami evidence. They found tsunami debris fields easily observable at a road cut more than ½ mile from the sea shore, 31.46 meters above sea level (“Sinking Atlantis,” Secrets of the Dead, PBS). 1. https://emsnews.wordpress.com/2009/12/07/giant-tsunami-destroyed-ancient-minoan-athens/ 2. Screen shot from “Sinking Atlantis,” Secrets of the Dead, PBS
The above pictures are showing the east shore of the 2004 Sri Lanka tsunami as it struck the coast, and the aftermath. Dr. Kostas Sinolakis who visited this site after the disaster said two things stood out to him besides the devastation. First, when they went looking for boats to survey the area, they couldn’t find any intact. Second, some of the people were denouncing their faith in God or were questioning their beliefs for allowing this devastation to happen. (Note: this is probably similar to what happened in the Minoan world.)-jfc Above left pic, screen shot from “Sinking Atlantis,” Secrets of the Dead, PBS, 2. https://emsnews.wordpress.com/2009/12/07/giant-tsunami-destroyed-ancient-minoan-athens/
The 1628 BC devastation didn’t last long, a few days, but the Minoan civilization was basically gone; hundreds of thousands died. Their ability to trade was gone. Their commercial hub was gone. Their cultural homeland on Crete was washed away. Their farmland was contaminated by salt laden sand, and deep sea creatures ripped up from the depths of the ocean by the tsunamis’ lay everywhere. The massive ejection of volcanic ash into the atmosphere created violent rain and lightning storms over Santorini. That island was now buried under ash and other volcanic debris. Sulfuric acid rain created by the eruption, and ash, began to fall, destroying crops over the entire region. Initially survivors on Crete starved; a few resorted to human sacrifice, and cannibalism. The days that followed must have been unbearable for them with all the destruction and loss of life, like it would be for us if such a situation occurred today; but there would be no International Red Cross to help. Survivors, who could get away, perhaps on the south shore, most likely never went back because they believed the land was cursed. God had decreed punishment on them. Many probably believed their homeland was now a graveyard for the dead and dying. An entire society that had been the driving force of civilization for thousands of years was no more. Their settlements and operations scattered throughout most of the globe were left to their own means. Even though their overall federation was huge, they simply could not sustain their civilization as it was nor rebuild without their homeland and their ships. These people didn’t have a hope in the world or any understanding, other than superstition, why this had happened to them. Everyone in the region knew something terrible had occurred. They could feel the winds of destruction. But initially they didn’t know the extent the impact would have on their own lives. Earth scientists speculate based on data collected from all over the region that the earth probably shook violently over many days. Deafening noise from the explosions at Santorini must have been frightening to the people in the region. Ash rained from the blackened sky, covering the sea, coating the crops, blocking the sun’s life energy. When it was over, the world of advanced commerce was gone for it had had its center in the middle of the destruction. The Minoan’s whole way of life, their society, was ruined, shattered irretrievably. This region wide catastrophe reshaped the geo-political world and the path of human development for the next three thousand years. Everything slipped back to a more primitive state. The Minoans were the main matrilineal society in the world, most others were patriarchal. Patriarchal societies are more prone to war than networking. So along with the loss of many Minoan secrets, our long history of war rather than peaceful advancement through commerce was initiated. In the following years according to climate studies, data from ice cores and tree rings confirm that the people in the entire Mediterranean region had a climate like a nuclear-winter for possibly ten years. Climate scientists have discovered by analysis of the air trapped in ice cored from glaciers in Greenland that sulfur dioxide rain, known as acid rain, was often in the weather forecast. This means there would be massive crop failures, frogs fleeing poisoned rivers and lakes, lots of dead fish, dead land animals, and no doubt swarms of insects feeding on the rotting carcasses. Because the description fits, this catastrophe was probably the origin of the plagues in Exodus from the Old Testament. How different things might have been if the Minoans hadn’t been wiped out. Would there have been a Classical Greek period? Would there have been a Roman Empire? Would Christ have been crucified? The possible historical changes are mind boggling. Would we have settled the America’s thousands of years earlier respecting the ways of the native people? What would the world have been 111
Resurrecting Eve like if the Minoan’s and their society had survived? The Phoenicians survived this destruction. They knew many of the secrets of the Minoans. But they were beaten down over time by larger civilizations that filled the gap left by the demise of the Minoans. The world the Minoans created, and had planned was lost. It takes hundreds of years, thousands, to move the flow of humanity in a specific direction. It only takes a day for a major catastrophe to change everything. Interestingly (psychologically), immediately in the years following the disaster, one of the first things the people who survived on Crete did was replace broken pottery in an attempt to regain order. The survivors created some of their best work during these days, but in a new style that archaeologists call the Marine style. As the two examples below show, the Minoans were now obsessed with deep sea marine creatures that had been cast up on land by the tsunamis.
1. content/uploads/2013/09/minoanpitcherccTemplar 130ya.jpg, http://www.veniceclayartists.com/wp2. http:/Iantiquatedantiquarian.blogspot.corn/ 2015/04/the-minoans-religion...
At Knossos the historian Bettany Hughes found some graffiti scratched into a large stone building block (shown below). The scratched marks are a labrys stabbed with a trident. The future would have huge ramifications regarding beliefs in God’s female representative, the Great Mother, who was suppose to protect the living. People in the region believed she was cast down by God. They began to believe the Minoans had brought on the destruction as a result of their arrogance, abusing God’s gifts, sanctioned by the Great Mother. Without any other logical explanation, the people blamed her and the Minoans for all the death and devastation. Because the Great Mother was in disrepute, the people now turned for protection to the Great Father as God’s only representative. The trident (male symbol) stabbed into a labrys (female symbol) illustrates the people’s feelings.
Above pics from screen shots taken from “Atlantis, the Evidence,” Timewatch 2010, BBC
The Story of Adam and Eve’s Expulsion from EdenThe Minoan disaster had to have been recorded by the foreigners living in Egypt’s Nile Delta and the people in the Middle East too. The signs of devastation were everywhere, and continued as acid rain fell, crops failed, and more people died. The foreigners in the Delta consisted of a large group of Minoans along with a population from the Middle East of Hyksos, Canaanites, and Hebrews. The concept of the Mother Earth Goddess had been strong in their cultures, but died in the hearts and minds of many at that time as the people began to lament that the ideas the Minoans had championed were cursed. The importance of religious beliefs back then can’t be understated. To the ancients these beliefs explained the unknown, giving them peace of mind regarding the mysteries of the world. When the horrendous devastation of the Minoan homeland occurred, many shrunk away in fear of anything Minoan, a fear so great it shook humanity to its core, altering the path of development. The Minoans and much of the region had shared aspects of the Great Mother (Mother Earth) in their religion. But that would now change. The Great Mother was cast down. The role of women in society would change too; they were guilty by association. This was the beginning of the diminution of the Great Mother and the creation of Eve. Civilization would take a different direction for the next few thousand years. Researching the origin of Eve, she doesn’t exist before the Minoan catastrophe in 1628 BC. Her origination in historical records right after the Minoan disaster is more than coincidence. "’Eve’ in Hebrew is ‘Ḥawwāh’ and is most commonly believed to mean ‘living one’ or ‘source of life’ as it is phonetically similar to ‘ḥāyâ’, ‘to live’, from the Semitic root ḥyw.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eve
The symbols associated with Eve are also those associated with the Great Mother (snakes and the tree of life). Eve means life as does the Great Mother. The tree is the symbol of life (God’s essence), and snakes represent the cycle of death and rebirth. But as Eve, the Great Mother was now stripped of her positive symbols. She was responsible for God’s wrath, having the Great Father destroy the Minoan world. The logic of the times was that the destruction of the Minoan Civilization (Eden) was because the Great Mother was disrespectful and disobedient to God for allowing the Minoans to become too prideful, thinking they were on par with God. Snakes which had been positive symbols of the Great Mother’s were now considered evil, cast down like the Great Mother. The Minoan catastrophe was so calamitous, many people in the region began to feel their religious beliefs must be wrong, especially those proposed by the Minoans. The gravity of the people’s fear was so great it spread quickly throughout the Middle East and the surrounding lands. The people knew something major had occurred and the rumors were rampant. They believed God had cast down the Great Mother, punishing the people who believed in her by reigning petulance upon the survivors and their lands so the lessons of respect and obedience to God wouldn’t be forgotten. The Great Mother and the Minoans were vilified, not to be mentioned. The story of Eve was conceived to explain the catastrophe, establishing the position of women in society for the next 3500 years. This is why the Minoans were purposefully forgotten. The symbols used by the ancients to denote the Great Mother are the same symbols later used in the story of Eve’s crime and expulsion from Eden. This is too coincidental for there not to be a strong connection between the two stories. The tree of life, the snake, everything about Eve screams she is the denounced Great Mother 113
Resurrecting Eve
The picture on the left is an artist’s conception of the Biblical Garden of Eden. The pictures below are frescos found at Akrotiri. They show what I believe was the original Garden of Eden, essentially a man-made nature park created by the Minoans for their pleasure. The animals and some of the plant stock were most likely imported, creating their unique utopian garden. (See hunting party petro glyph-page 25).
1-2. By Unknown author - Thera Foundation, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=45096128, 3. https://media.kasperskydaily.com/wpcontent/uploads/sites/92/2016/06/06022042/akrotiri-fresco-2.jpg, 4. https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/fa/b8/6c/fab86cc3583cc0256771cd19e9b73bb6.jpg, 5. https://classconnection.s3.amazonaws.com/888/flashcards/1961888/jpg/36h_115751_blue-monkey-fresco_-palace-of-knossos_-minoan_-c-1500-bc1348540855639-thumb400.jpg, 6. https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/68/e7/45/68e74585dd33022ff299254e2f058d27.jpg.
1. https://i.pinimg.com/236x/bd/e6/33/bde633825ceb1d8b78c1e9fd2d799b0b--bible-art-book-art.jpg. 2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adam_and_Eve
The two paintings above illustrate the spread of the story regarding the Great Mother’s fall from grace, replaced as Eve. Adam is now favored by God, placed over Eve so she can no longer cause trouble for the world. The picture above left is Adam and Eve from Abreha wa Atsbeha Church, Ethiopia (Judaism arrived in Ethiopia about 720 BC.). The picture above right is Adam and Eve from a painting called Manafi al-Hayawan (Useful Animals), Maragheh Iran (1294–99 AD). “The earth, snakes, and trees are associated with goddesses as symbols of fertility and life-giving power (‘mother earth’). In Eden, we have all of these goddess associations but no goddess. But there is a goddess whose name appears throughout the Bible, often as part of the official worship of Israel’s god—although the biblical authors don’t approve. She is Asherah, an important figure in Canaanite mythology and Yahweh’s consort in iconography and inscriptions from biblical Israel. Drawings found with one such inscription also feature a tree of life—a common symbol for goddesses in general and for Asherah in particular. The name Eve (Hebrew, hawah) to a root meaning ‘life,’ stating she was ‘the mother of all living.’ The elements of Eden suggest a connection between the figure of Eve and a mother-goddess; but here Eve has been demoted, the ‘mother’ created last as her procreative abilities are usurped by God. The positive association of goddess and women with motherhood is reversed, and tree of life, woman, and serpent are firmly separated for eternity. The serpent is cursed and demoted to the status of lowest animal. The earth is cursed, its fertility diminished, and the man will now till the soil with difficulty. The future relationship between men and ‘mother-earth,’ in all of her manifestations, will be a strained one.” Shawna Dolansky, Associate Professor, Carleton University, http://www.bibleodyssey.org/people/related-articles/goddess-in-the-garden.aspx “There is evidence for a time, in many places, when there were no power divisions by gender, when men and women cooperated together in public and private life. Some of these societies appear to have been matrilineal; that is, land and other property was passed from generation to generation through the mother’s line; a man’s primary place was not as head of a family which included his wife and children, but as an integral part of his mother’s family. His primary responsibility was not for his own children, who belonged to another family, but for the children of his sisters. For these same reasons, then, these cultures would have been matrifocal, centering on the mothers. However, there is no evidence that they were matriarchal in the sense that societies are patriarchal. Women did not dominate men, and both sexes shared the power, responsibilities, and respect of their society. There is evidence of such cultures from places like Catal Huyuk in present-day Turkey, and in Minoan Crete, but one place is unique, in that written records show us not only the egalitarian period, but also the shift in 115
Resurrecting Eve power over the ensuing two thousand or so years until patriarchy had taken hold. This documented cultural shift took place in Sumer in the part of the world classically called Mesopotamia, present day Iraq. Early records indicate a society that was egalitarian, at least with regard to gender. All evidence points to the probability that in early Sumer, women and men were in a relation of equality and that in fact, gender was not very important in determining social roles.” “For example, job titles in the Sumerian language do not have special forms for male or female holders of the title, even though both sexes filled them. For example, the word for priest, ‘en,’ is the same for male and female. We find it necessary, in our gender obsessed society to distinguish many roles according to gender (for example, priest and priestess). This did not seem important to the Sumerians. There are records of women artisans, merchants, and business people. One of the most fascinating indicators of women’s status was the goddess Inanna. She was the most beloved deity of all Sumer and I believe one of the last pre-patriarchal goddesses, and as such one of the last truly autonomous goddesses. She was not known in relationship to some male god; she was powerful and celebrated on her own. She took her power, her freedom, and her right to make decisions for granted, but she was not considered petulant or dangerous for doing so as were for instance, the Greek goddesses of later times if they took too much authority. She was loved, respected, adored, by both women and men. One of the major instigators of the change from a gender equal society to one dominated by men was the influx of foreign peoples into the land of Sumer. Some came peacefully and settled, causing population pressures. Others came in war, seeking to invade and gain power over the cities of the land.” “In times of war, when men depart from the city to fight, leaving the women behind with the children and belongings of the city, roles begin to change. Suddenly the women become part of the property that the men are fighting to protect. And further, women become part of the spoils when a city is defeated. Women change from being active participants in the culture, to being, more and more, part of the goods of a culture, valuable, but now acted upon like other goods either protected by the victors or taken as spoils by the enemy.” “There have been cultures, for example certain Native American societies like the Iroquois, in which women participated in warfare by choosing the chiefs and making decisions that directed the warriors’ actions. This custom protected the women’s authority in the society, which was also bolstered by the fact that the women owned the property. However, it appears that in Sumer, without such checks and balances of gender power, a couple thousand years of constant warfare, carried out by the expendable males of the society, changed women from active and autonomous citizens to property to be won and lost in battle, and contracted for and controlled in men’s households. The story of Eve is in part the story of the displacing of the mother goddess by the father god. Eve’s name Hawwah and Yahweh’s are taken from a form of the Hebrew verb ‘to be’, pointing to a common derivation. The meaning of her name is then ‘Life’ or ‘She who gives Life’, as Adam’s subsequent naming of her as the ‘Mother of All Living’ registers.” “However Eve becomes the opposite of what she was, not a giver of life but a cause of death. In so far as she was formerly also creation or nature herself, this demythologizing process extends to the whole of nature, which becomes, like her, fallen and cursed. Consequently, death, once a phase in the totality of being wherein the dead return to the womb of the Mother Goddess for rebirth, is now a final and absolute punishment that she, or her reduced earthly counterpart, brought upon the world.” Ellie Wilson (10-8-2013), https://heartwellproductions.wordpress.com/2013/10/08/development-of-patriarchy-in-sumer/
Modern literature and other media are full of evil women tyrants and witches that have a strange attraction for us. Yet this view of women does not appear to be the case in antiquity before the story of Eve. It’s all part of cultural mythology, the Eve Syndrome. The current definition is something like women being mentally dominated by sex and similar evil thoughts, which they use to their advantage, confusing and deceiving men to get what they want. In reality this is only a portion of what the definition should be. The definition should be holistically everything that male culture has devised/created to keep women in their place, including derogatory mythologies to keep up an image of female deception and deceit. The Romans did something similar to the Carthaginians, perpetuating lies about them to negatively diminish Carthage’s heritage; they even made up horror stories to scare their children into behaving better. American white people have done something similar by creating negative mythology about Black Americans and black people by association, propagating false ideas that all black people are lazy, untrustworthy, etc. In the origins of myths created in history, there are answers about how these stories came to be. Once we know our true history, what needs to be eradicated in order to create a positive world-view will become possible. Then we can free ourselves from the false mythologies and the negative mindsets that have dominated our perceptions.
The Myth of Zeus and the TitansAcross the Aegean Sea from the Nile Delta and the Middle East, the Minoan disaster was recorded by the indigenous people of Greece in the myth of Zeus’ battle with his father Cronus and the Titans. Some Minoans in the Aegean survived the catastrophe, possibly on the islands of Delos or Ayla Irini. Delos is sacred in Greek mythology as the birth place of Zeus’ son Apollo. Ayla Irini had an established population of Minoans. Both islands may have been protected from the tsunamis, blocked by other islands (see page 38). Regardless of where they came from, after the disaster these Minoans managed to get to the Greek mainland, near what remained of Argos. Because most of Greece’s indigenous population was aggressive and barbaric, much coarser and retrograde by comparison with the Minoans, an area had to be secured. For protection they built two citadels, Mycenae for Zeus and Tiryns for Hera (see map-page 126). The evidence is that these citadels were built right after the Minoan disaster. The method of their construction is Minoan. The pillar above the Gate of Agamemnon is Minoan, including the X’s holding up the pillar and the flower of life rosettes at the top. Minoan artifacts start showing up in excavations from this time period, and generations after Tiryns was no longer occupied and fell into disrepair, the ruins became a place of worship to Hera. Tiryns was where the gold seal ring shown earlier was found with the important woman being served copious amounts of wine by griffins (see page 68). Also, legend says these citadels were built by the Cyclops, probably the locals name for the Minoan crane used to build them. It’s very feasible that this group of Minoans was lead by two members of their elite who were actually called Zeus and Hera. It’s also feasible that because the Minoans were so far above the indigenous population, they became Gods to them. There are too many holes in Greek mythology exposing the so called Gods as having all too human qualities for them to be anything other than human.
Resurrecting Eve
Cyclops Minoan Pillar
Above left is a picture of the Gate of Agamemnon at Mycenae, Greece. But Agamemnon didn’t build Mycenae. The symbol above the doorway, a pillar, is Minoan. Greek legend says the Cyclops built Mycenae and Tiryns. Above right shows a Medieval construction project with a machine-crane-device they called the Cyclops due its giant drive wheel. 1. https://classconnection.s3.amazonaws.com/446/flashcards/4907446/jpg/m08-citadel_at_mycenae2_-_lion_gate-14456FE5497725F73F8.jpg 2. https://tse2.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.2TFM5spcCrYRgo9Xe_crTwAAAA&pid=Api&P=0&w=300&h=300
During the destruction of Santorini, the primitive people on the Greek mainland must have cowered when they witnessed the eruptions with lightning crackling through the sky, ear shattering booming sounds, earthquakes, and the tsunamis’. They didn’t have a clue why this was happening. They probably thought it was the end of the world! Then a group of Minoans showed up and built two magnificent citadels. The indigenous people (Mycenaean Greeks) were awed believing they were Gods who came to restore peace and order to chaos. Zeus may have even told the indigenous people that he had tamed the fires and shaking of the earth himself as a control method to gain a more powerful position over them. By using lightning as his symbol he further enhanced his position. Zeus played God, but he was a Minoan. He had lived in a society where casual sex was acceptable and loved to frolic with women. But the women who came with Zeus’ party weren’t enough for him. He had to go into the primitive indigenous population and play around. Hera was a cultural leader, much like women were in the Minoan world, and tried to rein in Zeus. However this didn’t work and Hercules was born from a union between Zeus and a mortal. Hera couldn’t stop Zeus. So she set out to make every potential mother of Zeus’ children think twice, setting almost impossible tasks that Hercules had to accomplish, dangerous tasks that no mother would wish upon her child. From what I’ve read, Zeus never said he could bring anyone back from the dead, or alter their destiny. That is what fate was all about. According to Greek mythology, Zeus couldn’t alter fate, nor could anyone for that matter.
Above left is the Death Mask of Agamemnon
Above right is an artist’s impression of Zeus
1. https://www.ancient-origins.net/artifacts-other-artifacts/questioning-mycenaean-death-mask-agamemnon-003435 [By Mathesis at Italian Wikipedia, CC BY 3.0, 2. https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=28281195 (Modified-jfc)
The Death Mask of Agamemnon was found in a grave at Mycenae by Heinrich Schliemann in the later part of the 19th century. But recent science indicates the mask is from a period 300 years earlier than Agamemnon. This places the date of the death mask in the period when Zeus lived at Mycenae. This mask may be Zeus’ Death Mask! The picture on the previous page, bottom right, is an artist’s conception of a giant statue of Zeus which was in a later temple dedicated to him. After Zeus’ death, the indigenous people were probably told that Zeus had retired to Mt. Olympus. Lightning bolts above the mountain would confirm to the local people that this was Zeus’ new home. According to Greek legend, Zeus was born and raised on Crete hiding from his father Cronus. Cronus thought he had swallowed Zeus when he was a baby. But Zeus’ mother Rhea tricked Cronus giving him a stone wrapped in a blanket. Cronus coughed up the stone at the beginning of Zeus’ clash with his father and the Titans. According to the indigenous people, the stone landed in Delphi, Greece (picture at left). Given my theory that the explosion was from Santorini’s eruption, this stone could be a building component or ornament from one of the buildings on the center island that was blown up into the sky (see page 63, seal ring, top of buildings). Delphi was a special place for the Greeks, supposedly founded by Apollo as a sanctuary for female priestesses and a female oracle. Perhaps something similar was how the temples on Crete functioned. Generations after Apollo, the male dominant society which succeeded the Mycenaean Minoans, replaced the female oracle with a male soothsayer. Screen shot from the video “Clash of the Gods,” Zeus, Episode 1
The Legend of AtlantisThe Minoan disaster was also recorded by the Egyptians. The mysterious people they called the Keftiu who lived to the northwest somewhere in the Great Green (the Mediterranean Sea), angered the Gods with their arrogance and thus were destroyed by fire and water. The story of Atlantis is the destruction of Santorini, Crete, and the Minoan world. Unfortunately most of what is common knowledge about Atlantis is fiction from over imaginative individuals. Some of the misinformation may stem from misinterpreting the séance records of the renowned psychic Edgar Cayce, who under trance claimed to be an ancient Egyptian physician. The Edgar Cayce foundation in Virginia Beach, USA, houses the transcripts of these séances. However, the only verifiable information about Atlantis comes from a Greek historian by the name of Solon (638– 558 BC), who lived at the beginning of the Greek Classic Age. His story of Atlantis was used by Plato 200 years later as a back story for essays on morality (now third hand information). Apparently Plato had little regard for historical accuracy. His focus was on moral issues. So he sometimes embellished stories to suit his needs, like the one about Atlantis. Records indicate that after Solon was exiled from Athens he lived in Sais, Egypt, where he got the Atlantis story. The fact that Solon was there for a long time and that Plato’s description of the destruction of the land destroyed is similar to the destruction of the Minoan civilization, implies the story is true and did come from Egypt, though there isn’t any recorded evidence that exists today in Egypt. Beyond Solon’s story, neither Plato nor anyone else had any idea who the Atlanteans were or where they had lived. The islands once occupied by the Minoan civilization were nothing like they had been, having been utterly destroyed by the volcano and the tsunamis’. No one then knew much if 119
Resurrecting Eve anything about the Minoans other than scant information from the ancient past, vaguely remembered if at all. The Greeks at the time when Plato wrote still feared the open sea and had little knowledge of the world beyond their immediate sphere. Historians agree that the Greeks placed everything mysterious in a mythical place beyond the Pillars of Hercules (Rock of Gibraltar) they called the Atlantic, named after the mysterious legend of the lost civilization from Solon’s story. The word Atlantis seems to have originated in Egypt, adding credibility to Solon’s account. An examination of the word Atlantis in Egyptian root words reveals the following. “Atlantis appears to be a compound of ATL and ANTI, or ATLANTI (with a Greek ‘S’ ending added), meaning ‘a division of land bounded by water.’ We know that Plato described Atlantis in his Timaeus as a land in the midst of the ocean. So, the word Atl-anti(s) may have an Egyptian connection after all.” https://atlantisquestscience.wordpress.com/culture/writings-of-the-egyptians/
As mentioned before, no major event goes unnoticed, so Egypt had to have recorded something about the Minoan’s destruction. Given the records available, I’m inclined to accept that Solon did obtain the legend from a priest at Sais, Egypt, while living there during his exile from Greece. “At some point in his life, Solon met a priest in Egypt who told him the story of Atlantis. Intrigued, Solon looked to find any record of the sunken continent when he returned to Greece. He would be directed to the Scrolls of Aziz*, a collection of writings his people christened when they found them many years or possibly centuries ago. In studying the Scrolls, Solon realized that the scholars before him were incorrect in believing the Scrolls to have been written in the dead dialect of Mesopotamia. He deduced that it was actually written in the Atlanteans language itself. It is unknown if he had ever fully translated *(Note: the real scrolls no longer exist.)-jfc the Scrolls if at all.” http:/Iatlantisthelostempire.wikia.com/wiki/Solon (italics by jfc) “Sonchis of Saïs (594 BC) was an Egyptian priest who is mentioned in Greek writings as relating the account of Atlantis to Solon. His status as a historical figure is a matter of debate.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sonchis_of_Sais
1. https://tse2.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.864EZO3URbvvihBrc9etmgHaEc&pid=Api&P=0&w=252&h=152. 2 https://www.nationalgeographic.com.au/videos/atlantis-rising/is-santorini-akrotiri-the-lost-city-of-atlantis-4941.aspx
The picture above left is an artist’s impression of what Atlantis looked like based on Plato’s description. The picture on the right is another impression of the circular city Plato described, placed inside the caldera of Santorini as the artist believed it may have looked before the eruption.
The historian Bettany Hughes in the video “Atlantis, the Evidence,” visited Santorini with a copy of Plato’s works and noted the strong similarity between Plato’s description of Atlantis and Santorini. She said the rocks are the same combination of reds, blacks, and white, and the island’s geography, circular as it is with an inland sea and central island, also fits. Some of what Plato wrote seems accurate; some of the rest he made up. For example, as mentioned earlier, there was never any mention of the
Titan Atlas holding up the sky as Plato’s wrote. In fact the story actually implied Atlantis’ was one of the pillars that held up the sky. Now that I’ve told the story of the Minoans, it seems more likely than not that the Minoans are the people called Atlanteans. Notice that once again the pillar, a symbol associated with the Minoan civilization, is present. “Plutarch says, ‘Solon attempted in verse a large description, or rather fabulous account of the Atlantic Island, which he had learned from the wise men of Sais.’ But he was apprehensive the work would be too much for him, and therefore did not go through with it (per Plato). There is no improbability in the statement that he commenced in verse a history and description of Atlantis, which he left unfinished at his death; and it requires no great stretch of the imagination to believe that this manuscript reached the https://ascendingpassage.com/plato-atlantis-critias.htm hands of his successor and descendant, Plato.” “Modern knowledge of Solon is limited by the fact that his works only survive in fragments and appear to feature interpolations by later authors and by the general paucity of documentary and archaeological evidence covering Athens in the early 6th century BC. Ancient authors such as Herodotus and Plutarch are the main source of information, yet they wrote about Solon long after his death, at a time when https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solon history was by no means an academic discipline.” The date of Atlantis has been said by some to be as old as 10,000 BC. But civilization was just getting started in 10,000 BC. Any advanced civilization back then would have left a discernible mark of their existence, but there is nothing. Egypt’s ability to record anything meaningful that was passed down couldn’t have been earlier than about 5000 BC. Most of Egypt’s documentation about the Minoans was done after their demise, and is therefore suspect regarding details and dating. Because Atlantis has such a huge reputation, no one thought the Minoan’s could have possibly filled the Atlanteans’ shoes. But with all the recent evidence of the Minoans, I think it is clear that they were the basis for the legend of Atlantis (see page 37). In my research, I got the impression that the term Atlantis only refers to Santorini. However it’s possible Atlantis was inclusive of the Minoans other settlements/complexes, including those in the New World. But it makes sense there is only a description of Santorini because very few outsiders ever visited the Minoan world and those who did probably went to Santorini, their main shipping complex. Very few people other than Minoans probably knew anything about Crete. Other complexes may have also been pillars. However “one of four pillars that held up the sky” (Solon), could have been just pillar that held up the sky, meaning only the island of Santorini. We may never know what Solon really meant. There aren’t any records from the Minoans about this event, just like we don’t have many records in general about the Minoans. Unlike so many patriarchal civilizations in the ancient world, including Egypt, the Minoans did not create monuments to themselves. They were a loose federation of city/states based on trade, religious tolerance, and the rule of law. That was their objective, not to make a mark on the world that would draw attention to themselves rather than to their initiative, creating a profitable trading network. As mentioned before, this was probably due to the fact that the Minoans were a matrilineal society, a civilization governed by women who did not aggrandize their achievements. In general it seems that men are the ones who thump their chests and brag about accomplishments. Women don’t seem to have as much of this particular egotistical characteristic.
Resurrecting Eve
“Memories of our lives, of our works and our deeds will continue in others” Rosa Parks
Chapter Six: Aftermath 1600 BC As I have said, Minoan society did not erect large memorials to themselves like the Egyptians and others. Patriarchal (male dominated) societies tend to aggrandize their achievements; matrilineal female societies for the most part don’t. So it seems logical that we don’t have monuments as evidence to support how great their civilization was. It was after the Minoans were gone, when many male rulers came to prominence and built monuments to themselves, or temples to acknowledge fealty to whatever God they felt protected them. A new order now prevailed due to the effect the catastrophe had in the various regions. The surviving Minoans were scattered around and probably mentally drained trying to seek answers about what had just happened. Their luxurious homeland, their power base, and their temples were gone. Their religious beliefs were challenged and there was chaos afoot. Their trading ability no longer existed in the various regions where they had supplied needed goods; this lack of presence added to the people’s misery, increasing the rumors about what had happened.
Egypt, PhoeniciaPerhaps if the Minoan world had not collapsed, Lower Egypt may have totally given in to Minoan culture because there was a lot of inter-cultural sharing in the Delta. Inter-cultural sharing seems to have been part of the Minoan mindset in general, a way to gain access to commerce with foreign people, share ideas, and accelerate civilizations. I’ve shown the Minoans were a strong presence in the development of Egypt’s civilization. The creation of Maat and Isis are examples. In the beginning, the interaction was strong between them, even though Egyptians retained most of their original beliefs. Egyptians did briefly attempt to change their religion during the reign of Pharaoh Akhenaton who supported the concept of One God, which he believed was the Sun, giver of life. Nefertiti, Akhenaton’s queen, may have had something to do with the Pharaoh’s change in religion. Many historians believe powerful men, like the Pharaohs for example, took women as wives who were descendants of Minoans. If Nefertiti was a Minoan descendant, she probably had been exposed to Minoan culture and championed the One God concept of her ancestors. But the Egyptian culture, supported by the priesthood, preferred their old ideas; Akhenaton’s new religion failed. Among the surviving Minoans in the Nile Delta of Lower Egypt several interesting groups arose which were called the Mystic Schools. Most of these schools came about as a means of protecting Minoan secrets, thus why they were called Mystic Schools. One of these groups important to this chronicle is the Rosicrucian’s, who according to the United States organization (AMORC), originated in Egypt after 1600 BC. So far many new things are happening in Egypt now the Minoan survivors have realized their world is gone and they have to make the best out of survival, including sharing some of their knowledge with outsiders. Even though the indigenous Egyptian population did not take up Minoan religious concepts, they got many advancements from the Minoans that later enabled them to be dominant among the 123
Resurrecting Eve civilizations that followed. For example, it wasn’t until after the demise of the Minoans that high level mathematics, including geometry and trigonometry surface in Egyptian records. The Minoans and Hyksos also brought with them advances in building and hydrological engineering, the recurved bow, horses, and chariots. These advancements with their huge population made Egypt very formidable. Soon after the demise of the Minoans, the Egyptians took what they wanted from the Minoan Delta survivors, expelling most of them and other foreigners, uniting Upper and Lower Egypt. These foreigners, Minoans, Hyksos, Canaanites, and Hebrews, sought refuge in the Middle East (Canaan and Phoenicia) and Turkey where many had originated. For awhile the Minoans settled in the Phoenician city/states Byblos, Sidon, and Tyre. But the Minoan’s mercantile confederation was no more. What was left would now be broken up into regional powers such as the Phoenician city/states, the Etruscans, and eventually the Carthaginians. The Phoenicians built a few ships and continued in a minimal way to provide what the populations around the Mediterranean area needed. Their seafaring capabilities were still required as in the past, so initially they had little worry that anyone would take their place. However due to the loss of the Minoan’s huge fleet of ships, shipping capacity was now severely diminished, which meant many areas where the Minoans use to trade had to be abandoned. Travelling to and from the New World possibly came to an end after iron became common (1400-1200 BC). Iron had the potential to be better than bronze in many ways, and was somewhat abundant in Europe and the Middle East. Bronze, a copper-tin alloy, wasn’t the ultimate in technology anymore, nor as profitable. Trading and shipping in the eastern oceans also subsided. The major Mesopotamia cities that had been accessed from the sea had become inaccessible by that route. Land caravans would now be used to trade with these eastern areas. The Dwarka civilization had been decimated, and now that bronze wasn’t needed as much, the tin sources in Asia weren’t important. All this contributed to the abandonment of eastern ocean shipping and trading, which also meant trading between Egypt and Punt ceased. The Egyptians had most of what they needed provided by the Nile. They conquered the Nubian’s in the south for their gold, trading it along with other commodities to the Minoans for what they needed such as various foreign foods and spices, especially the oils and herbs required for embalming. Egyptians generally were quite happy with a decent lifestyle as long as they got the items they needed to attend to their rituals and preparations for the dead. But after the Minoan disaster, imports dwindled, which is why Pharaoh Hatshepsut (about 1500 BC) located a Byblos ship, and had several new ones built so that Egypt could get the necessities it needed. She was a female ruler, Queen/Pharaoh, acting as regent for her stepson Thutmose III. But because she was a female, the priesthood challenged her authority. To get the priests on her side she undertook the task of building ships, sailing to the land of Punt (Ethiopia), and procuring the items the priests needed for their embalming rituals. They called the ships they built Byblos ships after the Phoenician town Byblos in the Middle East. Phoenicians possibly helped them build these ships, and since the Egyptians didn’t know navigation, some Phoenicians may have gone along with them as guides on their journey. The Egyptians were advanced in their own way but they were not seafarers, nor did they want to be. In this era, the Egyptians made very few sea voyages most of which had been done by contracting with the Minoans or Phoenicians for ships and crew. Eventually the Phoenicians resumed some shipping and trading in the Black Sea region, and up the coast of Europe to Britain, as well as modest trading ventures in the eastern oceans, including
supplying what Egypt needed from Punt. The Phoenicians other clients were the new main powers in the area, the Hittites, Assyrians, and Babylonians, followed later by the Persians. These civilizations for the most part, time after time, subjugated or destroyed all other societies around them leaving the Phoenician city/states alone, save for tribute taxes. This was because of the respect they had for the abilities of the Phoenicians as sailors, their engineering/building knowledge, and their stone masonry craftsmanship. Most of the Minoans who went to Phoenicia didn’t stay there long, probably desiring to reestablish their own country. Shortly after being forced out of Egypt, a large contingent of Minoans left the Phoenician area, sailing to Greece, where they established a new city/state they named Thebes. Establishing a new city/state named after Egypt’s capital Thebes may have been conceived as a slight to the Egyptians. Perhaps the Minoans hoped their new city would eclipse Egypt’s Thebes someday due to Minoan superiority, thus putting Egypt in its place. The origin of Greece’s Thebes is told in the Greek myth of Cadmus (Kadmos) the Phoenician.
Cadmus the Phoenician, GreeceThe story of Cadmus like many Greek myths starts with Zeus disguised as a bull (a symbolic Minoan link), luring Europa, Cadmus’ sister, away from Phoenicia to parts unknown. Cadmus in his search for her, lands on the shores of Greece, north of Athens. Here he decides to stay becoming the creator of the city/state of Greek Thebes. He built this city inland, perhaps due to the recent shock of the tsunamis’ wiping out the coastal population settlements around the region. I’m not sure why he didn’t join with Zeus and Hera at Mycenae and Tiryns. But I suspect that the Mycenaean Minoans were somewhat culturally different from the Egyptian Minoans. It may have also been because Cadmus was instrumental in helping and advancing the indigenous people, such as Minoans before him, and didn’t approve of Zeus’ deity role. Another possible reason may have been because the location was near Delphi where the artifact blown from Santorini was found. This is where a priestess enclave would be established to commemorate a singular artifact from their civilization that was no more (see page 119). Regardless of how or exactly when, Cadmus brought Minoan culture and advanced technology to Greece. This included an alphabet to which later Greeks would add vowels (Hebrew, Minoan, and Phoenician alphabets only use consonants). The city he built was in pastoral lands flanked on two sides by the sea. Archaeological evidence of industrial production of Murex snails has been found in both of these seas. Only the Minoans and later the Phoenicians cultivated the production of Murex snails. How to make the dye, still a proprietary secret of the Minoans and their descendants, was one of many secrets they did not share with others. For awhile, until the Mycenaean Greeks conquered it, Thebes was the most advanced city/state in Greece. Studies of Cadmus say that he was thought to be of both Egyptian and Middle Eastern heritage, which makes sense because he was a Minoan genetically linked with the Middle Eastern population, but he and his people had been living in the Nile Delta with Egyptians for generations. Greek legend says that Hercules lived in Thebes which is another interesting link between Zeus in the south and his son who chose to live in the north with men, away from his God-like relatives, though according to Greek legend, the Gods took him to Olympus after he died. Another famous Theban was Sophocles who wrote the Oedipus plays about fate, and our inability to avoid it.
Resurrecting Eve
The Stone Murex Shells
Murex Shells
Tiryns Argos
1. http://www.theartistontheroad.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/greece-mainland-map.jpg.
Cadmus Fighting the Dragon The map at left of Greece shows Mycenae, Athens, Thebes, and Delphi (Tiryns and Argos are in the same area as Mycenae). Above right is a scene on Greek pottery of Cadmus slaying the Dragon before he could create his settlement at Thebes (similar to “Jason and the Argonauts,” including Dragon’s Teeth Warriors). 2. http://gnosticwarrior.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/Camdus-fighting-dragon.jpg
(Modified by jfc)
Terracotta figurine of Europa (Athens, 480 BC)
Europa and the bull by Jean-Franois de Troy (1716 AD)
1. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b1/Terracotta_Europa_bull_Staatliche_Antikensammlungen.jpg/1200pxTerracotta_Europa_bull_Staatliche_Antikensammlungen.jpg. 2. https://i.ytimg.com/vi/P9_4--JyTCo/maxresdefault.jpg
Below is a picture of a Greek coin found around Thebes with Minoan symbols. The shield on the coin is a vertical labrys, symbol of the Great Mother. There is evidence that this form of shield was also used by the Trojans. The labrys is probably the origin of the letter X which becomes part of the Greek alphabet around this time.
Boeotian Silver Coin from Greece (Thebes), 500-400 BC Exekias / CC BY (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0).
Troy, GreeceThe mainland Mycenaean Greeks south of Athens eventually managed to overcome the occupying Mycenaean Minoans, perhaps a few generations after Zeus retired to Olympus, making Mycenae their capital. Eventually they built some ships and sailed to the island of Crete to check it out and insure they had conquered all the Minoans (around 1450 BC). For awhile they occupied Knossos destroying much of what referenced the greatness of the Minoans. A century or so later, they did something similar to the city/state of Troy.
Troy, which was originally a Minoan settlement, was not a particular favorite of the Greeks who had been under the mantle of the Mycenaean Minoans for years. Nevertheless, when the Trojans, Paris and company, stopped at Mycenaean Greece during a sea voyage, they were met with hospitality. Helen was from Sparta south of Mycenae, a region where women had more respect than in Agamemnon’s barbaric court. She heard of the different lifestyle at Troy which was one of the reasons she fled with Paris to Troy, and one of the reasons the Trojans wouldn’t give her up; she sought sanctuary at Troy. Agamemnon used the incident to rally his forces against something the Greeks hated more than Helen’s abduction, though Helen’s abduction was the rallying cry. Throughout this period in time there was a concerted effort by several male dominant (patriarchal) cultures to exterminate all matrilineal cultures. In the Age of Heroes, the Greeks used Helen’s abduction as an excuse to wipe out Troy, one of the last cities in the area that had strong cultural connections with the Minoans, and were proponents of gender equality, an idea the Greeks, and later the Romans, found abhorrent. An interesting piece of history involves a female group called the Amazons. They lived somewhere in the region of Turkey relatively close to Troy, and came to fight with the Trojans against the Greeks. As a female dominant society, they probably would not have done this if they hadn’t respected the culture of Troy. This group is the only known example in history thought to have been matriarchal, a totally female dominated society. According to Homer in the Iliad (Classical Greek poet/author, 800 BC), this group of women warriors was captured by the Greeks. After the war was over, the captive Amazon women were shipped back to Greece as trophies, because they were thought to be physically superior examples of women. Greek pottery depicts the Amazon women somehow managed to overcome the sailors on their ship. Instead of sailing to Greece, they sailed into the Black Sea region where they and their male captors escaped into Central Asia. Recent archaeological work has uncovered several graves in that area of women buried with weapons of war and their horse. There is also DNA evidence that backs up this story.
Ugarit (Syria)Ugarit was very active during the period after 1600 BC as one of the surviving Minoan trading cities servicing areas inland from the Middle East. Their civilization has records of a major climate change around 1200 BC. Pollen studies also verify there was a severe drought in the region with drastic environmental changes during this era. Climatic change, including the devastation of the Greek Mainland by the Sea People, created the period later known as the Greek Dark Ages. Climate change affected all aspects of society including instigating war, migration of populations, annihilation of some populations, and opened the doors for new players to come into this region. The Greek Dark Ages lasted for about four hundred years until the advent of the period known as Classical Greece, when the interesting Greek myths about the Minoans were written, including the works by Homer.
1200 BC The Sea PeopleThe period known as the Greek Dark Ages is also known as the 1177 BC Civilization Collapse. This was a systems collapse much greater than can be attributed to just climate change. The reasons for the collapse must also include the invasion of a group called the Sea People.
Resurrecting Eve About four centuries after the fall of the Minoan civilization, and several decades after Agamemnon and company sacked Troy, a group of people who came in boats from the west arrived in the Eastern Mediterranean in several waves from the mid 1200’s BC to the late 1100’s BC. There are several scholarly articles about them, mostly using Egyptian stone reliefs as source material, which go into great detail about Egypt’s battles with the Sea People. What’s most striking to me is that historians don’t seem to understand why these people from different settlements in the west formed a confederacy between them, and all of a sudden sought conquest in the Eastern Mediterranean. Again at the nexus if they were Minoan descendants coming back into the area to claim their inheritance and perhaps avenge the Trojans, the Sea People’s arrival at this time makes sense. Also, who else were seafarers back then other than descendants of the Minoans? To back up my theory that the Sea People were Minoan descendants from the west, when they arrived back in the Aegean, they were apparently seeking revenge because they systematically wiped out the Mycenaean Greek city/states, but not Athens, which they probably remembered was part of the Minoan confederacy. It isn’t surprising that when the Minoan descendents in the west gained strength, they took revenge on the Mycenaean Greeks whom they may have even blamed for the demise of their homeland, not knowing what had actually happened. They only knew the Mycenaean Greeks now occupied Crete, the home of their ancestors. They also blamed the Hittites who conquered the Minoan’s ancestral homeland in Turkey, and the Egyptians who banished their ancestors from the Nile Delta region, territory ruled by the Minoans for five hundred years. After conquering Mycenaean Greece, the Sea People moved on conquering the Hittites in Anatolia (Turkey). Then they moved down the coast of the Levant (the Middle East), but didn’t attack the people living there, which is telling. This is possible evidence that the Sea People were related to the Middle Eastern population of Phoenicians. Next they attacked Egypt, again and again, over a period of several years; but were defeated every time by the now enhanced Egyptian army. Historians are divided about why they were defeated, though the evidence is clear. Studying Egyptian stone carvings done to commemorate the defeat of the Sea People, it seems the Egyptian river boats had far more oars for maneuvering than the sailing ships used by the Sea People with minimal oars. The Egyptians also appear to be killing a lot of Sea People with bows and arrows, weapons the Sea People didn’t possess. Hence the battles were constantly won by Egyptians. Querying why the Sea People didn’t have bows and arrows, the most logical reason is that being from the west, they hadn’t been recipients of this new weapon that came to the Minoans via the Hyksos from the east; these weapons hadn’t made it to the western settlements by the time the Minoan civilization was destroyed. The Sea People only had swords and lances. With the defeat of the Sea People by the Egyptians many were taken prisoner. Stone wall carvings created by the Egyptians show some interesting historical facts. For example, the Egyptian wall carvings show the different head gear of the various people who fought against the Egyptians. Some of the faces of the people who have feathered headdress headgear look like South American Indians. Due to the fact that the climate change noted in the Ugarit records probably also affected the Minoans New World settlements, some of the ancestors of the people from areas the Minoans colonized may have left the New World seeking refuge with their relatives in the Mediterranean. The efforts of the Sea People waging war in the region may have been an attempt to take their territory back from those who had moved in after the fall of their ancestors. For all they knew, the Egyptians, Mycenaean Greeks, and or
the Hittites may have been responsible for the demise of their homeland. Revenge would have been a common reaction to what they found now in the eastern Mediterranean. Sardinian (?) w/Horned Helmet, notice the Sea People’s ships have a different hull form than the Egyptian boats.
Peleset w/ feather headdress, notice the Sea People don’t have bows and arrows.
Egyptian w/typical hair style, notice the Egyptian boats have more oars.
Egyptian Bowman https://www.ancient-origins.net/sites/default/files/Egyptian-navy-fighting-the-Sea-Peoples.jpg
Detail of one of the battles between the Sea People and Egypt with the heiroglyph Keftiu, at Ramses II's temple at Abydos.
The Egyptians were very meticulous about recording those they captured. Their records show that the Sea People were a broad mix of people who lived in different countries in the west including North Africa, Spain, Malta, Sardinia, Sicily, and Tuscany. This group included people called the Peleset who wore a feathered headdress. I suspect the Peleset may be Minoan-Aboriginal descendants from the New World. After the battles were over, Egyptian records say the Pharaoh settled the Peleset prisoners in the area known today as Palestine. Historically, they became known as the Philistines. No one knows why the Pharaoh did this other than perhaps because his armies had been weakened, so he needed them to buffer his eastern flank in the Middle East, harassing the Israelis (Hebrews) to keep them from being a threat. The defeated Peleset people obeyed because they had no home in the area. Also, if they were of mixed Minoan-South American heritage, they had minimal historical connections or allegiances with the Hebrews. The Peleset had a distinguishing headdress made of feathers that is unique. I searched the internet to see if I could find any other people using similar headdresses and found the Bakairi Indians, who coincidently live in the Amazon region (see page 46). Their homeland is very close to the area in S. America used by the Minoans for agriculture, smelting tin, and shipments to the Mediterranean. Look at the pictures of the Sea People carved by the Egyptians and compare them with the picture of modern Bakairi Indians with their ceremonial headdress. They are almost identical, possibly more evidence tying the Minoans to the New World (see page 130).
Resurrecting Eve
A Sardinian warrior wearing a horned bronze helmet, armed with a long sword (see page 97). What appears to be his rib cage is his torso armor (page 131).
A Peleset warrior with a distinct feather headdress similar to the Bakairi Indians of S. America, (see picture below). http://www.realhistoryww.com/world_history/ancient/Misc/Common/Foreigners/sea_battle2.jpg
In the lower left corner of the stone relief carving above, is a man who looks like a Bakairi Indian from the Amazon. The warriors with the horned helmets are from another colony of Sea People, possibly Sardinian-Minoan. In the Festival of Ships fresco found at Akroteri, one of the boats transporting people from Santorini to Crete has a horned helmet hanging on a rack. Horned helmets are rare in history because they weren’t practical. Here they represent the horns of a bull, an animal important in Minoan society. After the defeat of the Sea People, many of the horned helmet warriors became part of the Pharaoh’s personal guard, but with a sun disk added between the horns, like Isis.
Notice the back neck protection
Bakairi Indians in Brazil today
Egyptian carving of the Sea People
1. https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.8T9FyHAu5FMjY6-mFjt-1wHaE8&pid=Api&P=0&w=229&h=154 (Cropped-jfc) 2. https://luwianstudies.org/app/uploads/2017/09/Sea-People-Medinet-e1506798883602.jpg (Cropped-jfc)
Even though history records a people called the Philistines, there isn’t any record of who the Philistines were, or from where they originated before the Sea People’s invasion. Nor did they last long as a civilization thereafter. They simply appeared and vanished from history.
Lobster style or ribbon cuirass-corselets used by the Sea Peoples
1. http://s632.photobucket.com/user/jontrinh123/media/Bronze%20Age%20Mod/SeaPeople...(12/18/2015). 2.-5. http://www.salimbeti.com/micenei/sea.htm
If there were Minoan descendants who returned from South America, this may have been the catalyst for some of the invasions of the Sea People. The Egyptian stone reliefs of these Sea People do resemble Amazonian Indians, but it’s a part of history that may never be resolved. (Note: the designs on the corselets shown above are similar to designs seen on the dresses of Minoan women, except pointing up, possibly denoting males versus down for females, see page 88.)-jfc
The following is one of the Egyptian records of captured Sea People listing their various identities and the unusual method the Pharaoh used to count heads. He had the hands cut off some of the Sea People’s dead and the phalli (penises) off others. The list of prisoners also mentions men who are circumcised. This indicates circumcision was not just Israel’s covenant with God. It appears to have been practiced by Minoans, and their descendents. THE SEA PEOPLE AND THEIR MIGRATION BY SHELL PECZYNSKI, RUTGERS UNIVERSITY, MARCH 2009 [Children of the chief of Libya whose] uncircumcised phalli [were carried off] 6 men Children of chiefs, and brothers of the chief of Libya, slain, whose [uncircumcised phalli were carried off-----Libyans, slain, whose uncircumcised phalli were carried off 6,359 --[Sher]den (--dy-n), Shekelesh (S-k-rw-s), Ekwesh (-k-y-w-s) of the countries of the sea, who had no fore-skins: Shekelesh ( S-k-rw-s) 222 men Making 250 men Teresh (Tw-rw-s) 742 men Making 790 hands Sherden (S-r’-d-n-n’) -[Ek]wesh (--‘-y-w’-s’) who had no foreskins, slain, whose hands were carried off, (for) they had no [foreskins] Making uncircumcised phalli 6,111 men --whose hands [were cut off] 2,370 men Shekelesh (S’-k’-rw-s’) and Teresh (Tw-rw-s’) who came as enemies of Libya – --Kehek, and Libyans, carried off as living prisoners 218 men Women of the fallen chief of Libya, whom he brought with him, being alive, 12 Libyan women; Total carried off -----9,376 people.
Resurrecting Eve
“All the God’s, all the Heavens, all the Hells are within You.” Joseph Campbell
Chapter Seven: Empires 1000 BC The reasons why most societies turned patriarchal after the demise of the Minoans may be numerous. One reason was that the majority of the world believed the Great Mother had fallen from God’s grace. To the ancients this obviously meant that they should follow the Great Father. Other factors may have been that in the far Minoan settlements most Minoans were men who were there managing business operations and shipping. Without the homeland to provide direction, these men continued to manage their settlement population. Also, populations from Central Asia were far less oriented towards the Great Mother concept. They were male dominated societies who when opportunities came to invade and migrate, brought with them male dominant cultures. One might think that if Minoan concepts had been so prolific and widespread, why isn’t there more evidence of the Great Mother (sometimes called the Earth Mother Goddess). There is evidence in the matrilineal cultures I’ve noted that exist around the world, and also in the culture of the Celts whose religion included the Earth Mother Goddess Danu shown on the right below. Notice the Minoan rolling wave design (spirals) on the platter held by Danu and the snake at her feet.
1. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/1a/Athena_Giustiniani.jpg/220px-Athena_Giustiniani.jpg. 2. http://celticjackalope.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/Danuresin1.jpg
Above left is a statue of Athena, Goddess of Wisdom. She represents the Great Mother carried forward in time and history. Plutarch said that the shrine of Athena, which he identifies with Isis in Sais, carried the inscription "I am all that hath been, and is, and shall be; and my veil no mortal has hitherto raised." en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sais,Egypt Above right is an artist’s conception of the Celtic Great Mother, Danu. “Danu Means ‘the Flowing One.’ She is shrouded in mystery; she is very popular but little is known of her. We do know she was considered the most ancient of all the Celtic deities. She is the great mother of the gods of Ireland and the divine creator who birthed all things into being. She is also an earth goddess. She is connected to the Fairy Hills and has associations with Dolmens also known as a portal tomb, or portal graves. In the Rig Veda, the earliest of the four Hindu Scriptures, Danu is mention as the Goddess of the seas according to Michelle Skye's book Goddess Alive!. Danu also gave her name to the Danube River which runs through Europe. Danu is everywhere, she is in every living thing, and like a good mother, she stands firm, giving of her love and support She allows us our mistakes and never forces decisions or actions. Yet when we are in our greatest need, she comes to us and offers comfort. She brings bounty and fertility, knowledge, wisdom and inspiration. She is the goddess of the land and of the waters of life.” Danu, The Great Goddess of the Tuatha De Danann, By StormPhoenix, November 2010, thegoddesstree.corn/GoddessGallery/Danu.htrnl
Resurrecting Eve Although the Romans and Greeks tried to squash the idea of gender equality by hiding Minoan concepts of the Great Mother, Athena is their facsimile of the Great Mother. Scholars believe Athena is the Greek version of Isis, and as I’ve already pointed out, Isis was Egypt’s version of the Great Mother.
Free Stone MasonsAs I researched the Minoan civilization, I wanted to know what happened to all their people who survived. If indeed they were the world’s dominant civilization, where did all the survivors go? Some became involved with the group known as Free Stone Masons. They were called free because they virtually had a free pass to travel uninhibited to and through any country. This was because the art of stone carving and building with stone was considered a special trade that was in demand everywhere. Because the Minoans dominated stone carving techniques in the early days, many Minoans became part of this group, even if they weren’t stone masons. I suspect that the secret handshake used by Free Stone Masons was more than just to let the job master know who had what level of skill. It was also to inform each other who amongst them had knowledge that may have been more than just about stone carving; secrets of the Minoans via the Rosicrucian’s. Regarding why the Minoans in the beginning had such dominance in stone carving and stone construction, one of the reasons was because they discovered geometry. Using dividers they could lay out intricate designs to carve, such as column fluting, abilities unknown to others. Dividers were also used to match one stone surface to another. As a modern carpenter, a pair of dividers is always in my tool box, which I use to scribe one irregular surface against another for a perfect fit, like the ancient stone masons. They also had bronze alloy tools that included chisels, drills, and saws that other groups didn’t know how to make or even how to use. Their secrecy and freedom of travel gave members of this organization the ability to hide people and was a good place to find safety for Minoans who sought ambiguity after different cultures took over running the world, deciding who would live and die. This group, although related to the later Freemasons were not entirely the same entity. The latter group became less of a trades group and more of a secret intellectual group intent on a future task they were destined to fulfill.
Phoenicia, Israel, Babylon As mentioned before, most historians agree that Minoans=Phoenicians=Carthaginians. This linage can easily be shown by culture and technology. Advanced ship building and navigation at the time was high technology. This was not something a civilization all of a sudden develops without a track record. So when history records the people who came after the Minoans as having advanced technologies in this area as well as in other areas such as hydrology, sanitation methods, glass making, rule of law, the alphabet, standardized weights and measures, and more, you can bet most of these advancements originally came from the Minoans. Phoenicia inherited the most, but was destined to pass this information later to Carthage. It is highly probable that they maintained their dominance in these areas for hundreds of years until the advancements made by other nations in the area allowed them to take what the Phoenicians had, starting with the Greeks. This is similar to the earlier have, have-not mindset the advanced nations in Mesopotamia had to deal with which resulted in warfare and their eventual demise. The same fate would be there for the Phoenicians. In general, the Phoenicians were struggling to just hold on at this point in time. The emerging Greek civilization was dominating the Aegean Sea, encroaching on their trade routes, and accusing them
of piracy. In fact they did occasionally kidnap important Greeks whom they held for ransom. This was a form of retaliatory posturing where-by the Phoenicians were able to extract riches from those profiting using their trade routes. After all, the whole concept and network of trade in the world had been theirs and the Minoans for thousands of years. They would not readily accept someone else taking their trade without extracting something from them when they could, such as an occasional act of piracy with gains from ransom, though they probably called it retribution. Since the invasions of the Sea People, the Hittites were gone, and the Egyptians had been badly weakened during the conflicts. Neither empire dominated the Middle East. For a time during this era (around 1000 BC), the Israelis Kingdom of David and Solomon became the dominate civilization. Because the Minoans and their successors were revered as stone masons/builders, the Israelis King Solomon asked for help from Tyre (the Free Stone Masons), to build his temple in Jerusalem. The following passages from the Bible are an acknowledgement from King Solomon of the expertise and craftsmanship of these Minoan/Phoenician artisans. “[Tyre] One of the two great cities of Phoenicia celebrated for its commerce, its mechanical skill, and its wealth. When the Israelites entered Canaan, it was already noted for its strength (Joshua 19:29). Phoenician so closely resembles Hebrew, that it must have been readily intelligible to the Israelites. “ Bible Hub commentaries
“2 Samuel 5:11; Then Hiram king of Tyre sent messengers to David with cedar trees and carpenters and stonemasons; and they built a house for David. 1 Kings 5:11; Solomon then gave Hiram 20,000 kors of wheat as food for his household, and twenty kors of beaten oil; thus Solomon would give Hiram year by year. 5:13; King Solomon conscripted work crews from throughout Israel, 30,000 men in all. 5:14; He sent them to Lebanon in shifts of 10,000 men per month. They worked in Lebanon for one month, and then spent two months at home. 5:15; Solomon also had 70,000 common laborers and 80,000 stonecutters in the hills (5:16), besides 3,300 officials who supervised the workers. 5:17; By royal order they supplied large valuable stones in order to build the temple’s foundation with chiseled stone. 5:18; Solomon’s and Hiram’s construction workers, along with men from Byblos, did the chiseling and 2017 Bible.org, (Bold by jfc) prepared the wood and stones for the building of the temple.” Eventually the Israelis’ were overrun by the Babylonians and taken prisoner to Babylon (around 600 BC). Historians believe this is when and where the Hebrew forefathers committed their cultures’ stories to paper (or papyrus), henceforth right or wrong, documented for all time. This may have also been the time when the legends of both cultures merged into the Bibles account of Adam and Eve, and the story of the Garden of Eden. A Garden of Eden story is also documented in Babylonian culture. When writing Genesis, the Hebrew’s chose the area around Babylon which appeared to them to have once been Eden, instead of remembering 1000 years earlier the real Eden somewhere in the sea off the coast of Egypt. The reason why scholars looking for Eden always end up placing Eden in Mesopotamia is because the Babylonian location is what got into the Bible. The Hebrews eventually returned to the Middle East after the Persians came to power and defeated the Babylonians. These new empires didn’t sack the Phoenician city/states of Byblos, Sidon, and Tyre, again owing to their importance in shipping and trade. But Phoenicia existed at the whims of the new empires, and as such had to provide shipping when required for the armies of these new nations. One such venture was with the Persians who attacked Greece and were defeated. Certain members of Greek society never forgot that the Phoenicians had helped their enemies. When 135
Resurrecting Eve Alexander the Great came to the forefront of history, he demanded tribute from the three Phoenician city/states as payment for their transgression against the Greeks. But Tyre was too proud and defied him. Enraged, Alexander had his men haul dirt dumping it into the sea slowly building a causeway out to the island city/state of Tyre. He eventually took the city, but only after most of the residents had escaped seaward to their new location, Carthage.
600 BC Etruscans, RomeThe Etruscans were also descendants from the Minoans and were apparently responsible for the founding of the city of Rome, complete with advanced water and sewer systems. The Romans like the Egyptians before them gained much from their association with the Minoan/Etruscan confederacy. The first water canals from the mountains to Rome were built by Rome’s first emperors who were Etruscan. Their engineered systems are still operating today supplying water to some of Rome’s main fountains. One thing the Romans did not adopt from the Etruscans was gender equality. The fact that the Etruscans treated men and women as equals sets them apart from others in the ancient world, and again is one of the clues to trace Minoan connections. The Etruscans gave Rome a great amount of the knowledge that helped them rule the world. But giving equal status to women was unacceptable to them. When the Romans were through with the Etruscans, they wiped them out, burying their existence. The picture to the left is from Tuscany illustrating that women had equal status in this civilization, indicated by a woman and a man co-occupying this sarcophagus, something impossible in Greece or Rome. (Note: the Etruscans are documented in Egyptian records as having participated in some of the raids by the Sea People.)-jfc At left, the Sarcophagus of the Spouses (520 BC), Etruscan, painted terracotta, found in the Banditaccia Necropolis, Cerveteri (Museo Nazionale di Villa Giulia in Rome). https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Sarcofago_degli_Sposi#/media/File:Sarcofago_ degli_sposi,_produzione_etrusca_di_influenza_ionica,_530-20_ac_ca.,_dalla_banditaccia_01.jpg
Carthage, RomeThe Romans eventually took the Minoan silver mines in Spain from the Phoenicians, and later took over the tin mines in Britain. But Carthage controlled the western sea routes and trade in the western Mediterranean. The Romans took over the piece of the trading network claimed by the Etruscans and then set out to take over what was claimed by the Carthaginians. However Carthage had a far superior navy then the Romans who were losing that fight until they got lucky. The Romans found a Carthaginian ship washed up on the shores of land they controlled. They were able to take the ship apart and reverse engineer the construction which then enabled them to build ships like those of the Carthaginians (but without cedar). The Minoans, Phoenicians, and Carthaginians labeled the ends of each piece that made up the ship’s hull enabling them to mass produce ship components and assemble them quickly to increase the size of their navy. After the Romans knew this and copied the components,
they were able to produce a large quantity of cheap disposable ships rivaling the Carthaginian numbers. They beat the Carthaginians and demanded thereafter that the Carthaginians would limit the amount of ships they would be allowed to have (like a modern arms control treaty). Being ingenious, the Carthaginians circumvented Rome’s dictate by constructing a maritime ship docking facility where they could hide the amount of ships they actually had. In the artist’s rendering of the port of Carthage, note the circular docking structure which may have been similar to what existed on the central island at Santorini before the devastation (see page 120).
Public Docking Area Private/Out of Sight Docking Area for warships The picture on the left is an Artist’s conception of the port at Carthage. https://i.pinimg.com/736x/65/e2/25/65e2251f0be4b c35af2d735acf8dbee0.jpg
“It should be remembered that Carthage was originally founded by a Tyrian Princess and her countrymen.” The History of Ancient America, Anterior to the Time of Columbus, The Tyrian Era (1843), by George Jones, Longman, Brown, and Green, London
The Romans eventually caught on to what they were doing and war ensued again with the Carthaginians this time being wiped out by the Romans in what history records as the world’s first Holocaust (around 140 BC). The Romans spent a year after wiping out Carthage just tearing the city down to its foundation, as well as spinning negative tales about the Carthaginians which exist to this day. Then, they built a new city on top of Carthage that became second only to Rome in its splendor. A theory has been introduced by Hans Giffhorn (Univ. of Gottingen/Hildesheim), suggesting there is sufficient evidence indicating some Carthaginians survived the Holocaust. We may never know how many survived or where they all went, but this theory suggests a group sailed from Spain (perhaps the off-shore islands) using local sailors, crossing the Atlantic to South America in an effort to escape Roman aggression. These survivors were terrified, and sought some place far away from the Romans where they might be safe. In the New World they went up a different tributary of the Amazon than the one previously used to collect tin from Bolivia. A northern tributary took them to the foot of the Peruvian Andes. High up in the mountains where they felt safe from invaders, they built a citadel that has been attributed to the Chatapoa Indians (see page 46). However there is evidence that the citadel was really the new home of some of the people who escaped from Carthage. Supporting this theory are Mediterranean DNA markers amongst the indigenous people. The stone work of the citadel has similar techniques used by the Minoans, and the circular stone houses are similar to ones found around Spain. Additionally, the people from the offshore islands south of Spain were known for using a type of boa they tied around their forehead when not in use. The local Chatapoa people do something similar. Also, their ancient method of burial is similar to the way Minoans buried their dead, bending them over to fit into smaller sarcophagi. 137
Resurrecting Eve
1. http://www.amren.com/news/2013/09/how-did-blonde-whites-arrive-in-peru-before-colu...2. http://www.explorebyyourself.com/en/peru/about_the_country/kuelap_and_chachapoya/
Above left is a picture of a Chatapoa native boy, one of several natives who have red hair genetics, prevalent in the genomes of the Mediterranean Celtic people (see page 18). Above right is a picture of some burial sarcophagi located on a high cliff face, adorned with what looks like full beards, something not akin to the local people. The sarcophagi are also painted with wings such as how one might depict Gods, and are wearing Phoenician style Fez hats. (Note: the timeline of the Carthaginian’s exodus to the New World also coincides with the florescence of the Maya.) Rome continued to dominate the world for many centuries, and for a time their aggression successfully stalled any advancement of Minoan ideals. The birth of Jesus Christ and Rome’s eventual collapse finally opened the doors for other cultures in the area to advance.
500 AD Islam, Baghdad, SpainFor awhile people in the Islamic world, specifically the region of Iraq had a florescence in their civilization that extended eventually throughout the region into N. Africa and Spain. For several hundred years they led the world in advancements. While medieval Europe was in intellectual darkness, the highly advanced Islamic civilization preserved a large body of the mystical teachings through texts translated directly from the great libraries of the ancient world (e.g. Alexandria). Philosophy, medicine, mathematics, and alchemy (chemistry and metallurgy) were all important subjects preserved in these libraries and later transmitted to Europe through Spain by Islamic scholars. Unfortunately, Catholic leaders wanting to make all Europe Christian drove the Muslims out of Spain pushing them into the arms of their more conservative brothers in North Africa, effectively ending their florescence. But for awhile Islamic Spain was mankind’s hope for the future, a world of tolerance and prosperity. “The Islamic Golden Age was a period of cultural, economic and scientific flourishing in the history of Islam, traditionally dated from the 8th century to the 14th century. This period is traditionally understood to have begun during the reign of the Abbasid caliph Harun al-Rashid (786 to 809) with the inauguration of the House of Wisdom in Baghdad, where scholars from various parts of the world with different cultural backgrounds were mandated to gather and translate all of the world's classical knowledge into the Arabic language. Ibn Mu'ādh al-Jayyānī is one of several Islamic mathematicians to whom the ‘law of sines’ (trigonometry) is attributed; he wrote his The Book of Unknown Arcs of a Sphere in the 11th century. This formula relates the lengths of the sides of any triangle, rather than only right triangles, to the sines of its angles. Alhazen discovered the sum formula for the fourth power, using a method that could be generally used to determine the sum for any integral power (calculus).” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamic_Golden_Age
1000 AD Rosicrucian’s, Free Stone Masons, Templar’s, and FreemasonsThe Order of Knights Templar has an interesting history. It’s intriguing how they managed to become the wealthiest organization on earth in their day. When I examined what they did, I found behind the scenes of their most famous aspects (Knights guarding Christian pilgrims), they created an organization in Europe that looks very much like a modern corporate entity. They bought huge tracks of land in Europe where they had workers growing vegetables and raising animals used for food and wool for clothing, some of which they sold for cash. This organization had multitudes of such sites from which most of what the Templar’s needed during the Crusades was supplied. This florescence in their knowledge must have come from information they received from Rosicrucian’s amongst the Free Stone Masons they encountered in the Middle East. This is the thread that I believe has been stitched through time to keep alive Minoan concepts, such as rule of law, and peace through fair commerce (more on this later). Creating a corporate business style was one of the Minoan’s specialties. Again, advanced techniques don’t happen overnight. This was something the Templar’s were taught. The Templar’s also learned the concepts of stone masonry and building/fortification design while in the Middle East. Before the Crusades, contrary to common knowledge, there were no castles in Europe (except in the south), just a moat and Keep (a circular trench and barricade with a tower in the center). The Templar’s built many fortifications (castles) in the Middle East during their occupation which brought them into close contact with the Free Stone Masons and Rosicrucian’s (and Minoan concepts). Returning Templars brought castle building and the Free Stone Masons Guild with them, initiating a period of advanced building construction, including the Great Cathedrals (e.g. Notre Dame). It’s not a coincidence that there was a florescence of stone carving and building in France at that time, which subsided, moving to Britain, when the Templars and their Free Stone Masons left. Towards the end of the Crusades, the Templar’s enterprises had made them so wealthy that Kings borrowed money from them. However this was to be their downfall. Apparently they loaned a large amount of money to the King of France who was unable to pay it back. The King managed to convince the Pope to allow him to arrest/terminate the Templar’s and seize their treasure. The Templar’s connection with the Rosicrucian’s may have been why the Pope turned against them. On Friday the 13th, 1307, French soldiers ambushed and massacred the Templar’s defending their castles. As their brothers held off the attackers, many Templars escaped in their ships moored nearby, taking whatever portable treasure they had with them. Tomar, Portugal is the probable location where they went next. (Note: the Pope later retracted his warrant for the Templar’s, after he confiscated their agricultural properties.) There’s lots of evidence in Tomar of a Templar presence. But eventually the Templars left Portugal. There is a tale that some of them took the vast treasure they supposedly had to North America. It’s probable the Templars knew about the New World and how to get there because of their time with the Rosicrucian’s in the Middle East, via the Free Stone Masons. Interestingly, the period when the Templars were supposedly in the New World coincides with the florescence of the Aztec Empire (?). The sudden emergence of the Aztecs with advanced building and hydrological engineering, as well as their knowledge of sacred geometry, is a mystery. After crossing the Atlantic from Africa, the currents would have taken the Templars along the coast of Central America where some of them, along with some Free Stone Masons and Rosicrucian’s, may have gotten involved with the early Aztecs. The 139
Resurrecting Eve Minoan maze coin supposedly drawn by a N. American Pima Indian and associated with the Aztec Emperor Montezuma (see page 52), may be evidence of this connection. The Templars knowledge of the ancient Minoan journeys to the New World would eventually direct them up the coast of N. America where they would locate the east winds and currents that would carry them back to Europe or Britain. The researcher Scott Wolter has identified several Templar carvings found on rocks in the New England area, as well as an eight sided astronomical tower they may have erected, dating to the 14th century AD, which is the correct time period. Some evidence indicates other Templars sailed north to Scotland where they established a new safe haven. The now famous Rosslyn Chapel is part of this legend. The wide range in imagery of the carvings inside that Chapel may be due to the many ethnic origins of the Free Stone Masons who travelled with the Templars. A few of these carvings are of American corn (maize), predating Columbus’ voyage to America, perhaps evidence that some Templars did sail to the New World, returning to Rosslyn after the voyage. (Note: there is also evidence that some Templars sought refuge in Goa, India.) The following exerts give a brief history of the Rosicrucian’s in Europe as well as their connections with the Freemasons and Templar’s. Modern Freemasons most likely morphed from the original Free Stone Mason’s guild. It was the Free Stone Masons who travelled with the Templars, and were giving refuge to the Rosicrucian’s, one of the Egyptian Mystic schools. Because the Rosicrucian’s knew many of the Minoans secrets, they were in jeopardy, which is why they traveled incognito with the Free Stone Masons. The Rosicrucian connection ties everything back to ancient Egypt (the thread) after the demise of the Minoan civilization. “The Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis is the Latin form of the organization’s name (Rosicrucian’s), which literally translates into the Ancient Mystical Order of the Rose Cross. There is no religious connotation associated with this symbol; the Rose Cross symbol predates Christianity. The cross symbolically represents the human body with the rose representing the individual’s unfolding consciousness.” (Note: the cross and rose represent the labrys and the labyrinth.)-jfc “It was in the time of Charlemagne (742-814 AD) that the French philosopher Arnaud introduced the mystical teachings into France, and from there they spread to much of Western Europe.” “As the old saying goes, ‘the truth shall make you free.’ But those who sought truth and attempted to expound it to their fellow humans became the objects of persecution by tyrannical rulers or narrow minded religious systems. For several centuries, due to the lack of freedom of thought, the Order had to conceal itself under various names. However, in all times and places the Order never ceased its activities, perpetuating its ideals and its teachings, participating directly or indirectly in the advancement of the arts, sciences, and civilization in general, and always emphasizing the equality of men and women and the true solidarity of all humanity.” “As the Renaissance burst upon Europe with a flash of new interest in the arts and sciences, a mysterious publication printed in 17th-century Germany, called the Fama Fraternitatis heralded a renewed interest in Rosicrucianism throughout Europe.” “As part of this great renewal, the renowned Sir Francis Bacon (1561-1626), English philosopher, essayist, and statesman, directed the Rosicrucian Order and its activities both in England and on the continent.” “In the late seventeenth century, following a plan originally proposed by Francis Bacon in The New Atlantis, a colony of Rosicrucian leaders was organized to establish the Rosicrucian arts and sciences in
America. In 1694 Rosicrucian settlers made the perilous journey across the Atlantic Ocean in a specially chartered vessel, and settled in Pennsylvania. These Rosicrucian communities made valuable contributions to the newly emerging American culture in the fields of printing, philosophy, the sciences and arts. Later such eminent Americans as Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and Thomas Paine were intimately connected with the Rosicrucian community. Many Rosicrucian’s played an important role in the great social process leading to the founding of a new nation.” “From the beginning, both men and women have played an equal role in the Rosicrucian Order, without www.rosicrucian.org/history regard to religion or race.” “The Knights Templar is a fraternal order affiliated with Freemasonry. Despite Freemasonry's general disclaimer that no one Masonic organization claims a direct heritage to the medieval Knights Templar, certain degrees and orders are obviously patterned after the medieval Order. These are best described as commemorative orders or degrees. Nevertheless, in spite of the fraternity's official disclaimers, some Masons, non-Masons and even anti-Masons insist that certain Masonic rites or degrees originally had en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knights Templar, 2019 direct Templar influence.”
Resurrecting Eve
“Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.” Winston Churchill
Chapter Eight: The Legacy Many Minoan concepts have been secretly carried forth until the present day to be exposed now that freedom of thought is possible. This is the thread that has been stitched forward through time carrying the best of Minoan culture, rule of law, gender equality, fair commerce, and religious tolerance. At the end of the thread is something which could only have been orchestrated by a power much greater than the sum of all men and women, a power for which time isn’t as important as getting humanity on the right path. Today in western society we can openly discuss any form of government, religion, or philosophy. But for thousands of years we could not, and many ideas were suppressed. If something different than sanctioned religious doctrine came up, it was stomped down in one way or another as well as those foolish enough to espouse it further. The idea that has been suppressed more than any other for thousands of years is gender equality. The thread through time that I believe started after 1628 BC, reached its end around 1776 AD with the American Revolution and the establishment of the Constitution of the United States of America (USA). Many people believe the USA was founded on Christian principles. However this is far from the truth, though basic Judeo-Christian-Muslim philosophies such as those in the Ten Commandments are included as universal truths. The basis for our modern society actually comes from the Minoans. Some of the better achievements of later civilizations are included. But usually past civilizations like the Greeks didn’t evolve very far. Much that we attribute to the Greeks actually came from Minoan tutelage, such as the Athens-Minoan connection, and from Cadmus the Phoenician’s people. They never achieved true democracy, and subjugated women. Even in so called progressive civilizations that followed the Greeks, women have been second class citizens with only a few avenues open for them to gain anything like equality. Some of those avenues have been deception and sexual manipulation, playing perfectly to the negative connotation of the Eve Syndrome stereotype. This was common in most societies until the creation of the USA and the US (United States) Constitution which created the first path for women to truly become part of a nation, of, for, and by the people. Even so it has taken the USA scores of years to accomplish even modest goals of equality. It may be scores more before everyone truly enjoys the peace that equality can bring. After WWI a recognizable trend towards similar goals started in many other western countries. As the USA progresses on this path to create total equality, eventually much of the world will follow because you can’t stop good ideas.
1776 AD Lots of people don’t believe in fate. However studying the history of the American Revolution and how the Constitution came about could make people change their mind. Something different occurred around the year 1776. Something happened that ordinarily should not have happened unless it was truly fate. Historians discuss the unlikely success that the USA had becoming an independent nation, and the unbelievable foresight of the founding fathers creating the US Constitution. The US Constitution protects the rights of all humans based on rule of law, rights that one day will truly include all citizens regardless of race, gender, gender identity, or religion. Like a beacon upon a hill spotlighting these 143
Resurrecting Eve concepts and similar freedoms, the foundation of a new world order is slowly happening in the US and spreading across the globe. Through peaceful commerce and tolerance for all people, no matter what religion guides a person’s life, together we can achieve world peace. Whatever we think are insurmountable religious differences, there is only one God no matter what name we choose to use. The same God is in the science of Biology, Geology, Physics, and the Cosmos that encompasses our world. Individual arguments about religious differences should be moot. There is evil about, but more often than not it is from the minds of men and women. It’s something that can be eliminated someday, perhaps when greed is replaced by holistic thinking instead of egocentric individualism. What we choose as we move forward for cultural guidance will help build a better world. Fate does seem real; overall, society has never been able to ignore the possibility of fate controlling human destiny. What happened in 1776, the birth of a new nation and Constitution guaranteeing equality for all, was nothing short of a miracle. It was inconceivable that a fledgling group of colonists could overthrow a great power such as England and have the wisdom to create a founding set of rules which could eventually make all people free. The creation of the USA may have indeed been ordained. The concepts written in the US Constitution went against the grain of the last 3500 years of history. But it happened, and when it did, it opened the doors for similar doctrines to be written in other countries that started their own march toward freedom and equality. In these new movements the idea of women having to suffer under the yoke of man’s dominance due to implied sin is seriously questioned, rebelled against. No more suffering due to inequality and implied sin. Friends of mine strongly believe the USA was created along Christian principles, that all our institutions are based on Christian doctrines, and that the USA as a nation should continue along this line of thought pursuing Christian doctrines over all others. Research of US history clearly shows that the colonists were of many different minds about why they came to America, one of which was religious freedom. But by far, the reasoning most often to come to America was commercial opportunity, freedom from past ideologies, and freedom in general. It may shock many that in the early days of the USA, Freemasonry was hugely popular. They had lodges throughout the founding colonies, far more than churches. The reality is that most of the colonies were founded as business ventures with only a few being solely founded for religious reasons, mostly in the NE. The popularity of the Freemasons was due in part to several founding fathers of the US being active members of Freemasonry, such as George Washington, even wearing his Freemason apron while laying the corner stone for the Capital building. Masonic Lodges were excellent places to have business or civic meetings. Though most 17th and 18th century Freemasons were probably unaware of this milestone, I believe the final task at the end of the thread I mentioned was to establish the USA. The knowledge the thread contained no longer needed to be secret. Today the Minoan constitutional concepts of rule of law are pretty much becoming the law of the land in many places. Religious tolerance is starting to become a reality. The idea of free trade and societal development based on commerce and democracy is spreading worldwide. The establishment of the United Nations has initiated a new phase in mankind’s development. The only concept left to be explored is the role of women in society.
Freemasons, Iroquois, United States of America“To say that Freemasonry was born from the Egyptian Mystery Schools and their initiation rituals is true in part. Nobody can claim to know the full history of Freemasonry and the origin of each of its symbols. The Egyptian Mystery Schools played a part in its development.” Michael Schiavello https://www.gaia.com/article/ancient-egypt-and-freemasonry
“In 1757 Franklin had traveled to London to represent Pennsylvania in a dispute, and while there he was initiated as a Rosicrucian. He stayed in England from 1764 to 1775 and was introduced to English Baconian Freemasonry’s ‘Secret Doctrine’ to creat a ‘philosophical Atlantis’ in America, a Masonic blueprint Bacon had concealed in his New Atlantis.” At left, a Masonic portrait of Benjamin Franklin by Kurz and Allison (1896), courtesy of the Scottish Rite Masonic Museum and Library. Franklin is wearing a ceremonial Masons apron. Notice the pedestal with dividers at the base with a square and a ruler on the floor by the table leg, strong Minoan symbols from the past. The gavel used in US courts is also a Freemason symbol https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/31/Franklin _at_freemasonry_uniform.jpg Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=1733960
At right, a sketch of an Iroquois woman done in 1851. Her clothing is decorated with four flower of life symbols. League of the Ho-dé-no-sau-nee, or Iroquois (1851), : Morgan, Lewis Henry, 1818-1881, University of Pittsburgh Library System, PD
There was another group involved who were as important as the Rosicrucians and Freemasons in order for fate to have its way. As early as the mid 1600’s AD, American colonists became aware of the governmental system in place being used successfully by the Iroquois Nation. This was the remnants of the Constitution (rule of law) left with the Iroquois by the Minoans thousands of years before. Though the Freemasons knew the concepts they wanted to prevail, they did not have a structure upon which these concepts and the individual colonies could be united. Under a format similar to that of the Iroquois Confederacy they could accomplish their task. In fact without the help of the Iroquois adding the missing components, the American experiment probably would have failed.
“Four Iroquois chiefs traveled to London in 1710 to meet with Queen Anne in an effort to seal an alliance with the British. Queen Anne was so impressed by her visitors that she commissioned their portraits by court painter John Verelst. The portraits are believed to be the earliest surviving oil portraits of Aboriginal peoples taken from life.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iroquois
Resurrecting Eve “In 1744, envoys from Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Virginia met in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, with delegates, or sachems, of the Six Nations of the Iroquois Indians. During the discussions, the Iroquois leader Canassatego advocated the federal union of the American colonies, exhorting the colonists: Our wise forefathers established a union and amity between the [original] Five Nations. This has made us formidable. This has given us great weight and authority with our neighboring Nations. We are a powerful Confederacy and by your observing the same methods our wise forefathers have taken you will acquire much strength and power; therefore, whatever befalls you, do not fall out with one another. When an Indian interpreter and old friend of Benjamin Franklin's brought him the official transcript of the proceedings, Franklin immediately published the account.” “Under the Iroquois Constitution, known as the Great Binding Law or Great Law of Peace, each nation elected delegates, or sachems, who dealt with internal affairs. The Confederacy's Grand Council met to discuss matters of common concern, such as war, peace, and treaty-making. Though the Council could not interfere with the internal affairs of each tribe, unity for mutual defense was a central concept. The oral tradition of the Great Law uses the imagery of a bundle of five arrows tied together to symbolize the complete union of the nations and the unbroken strength that such unity imparts.” “Today many historians believe that Iroquoian ideas of unity, federalism, and balance of power directly influenced the United States' system of government.” “Among the founding fathers, Franklin may best illustrate the influence the Iroquois had on Americans. Franklin, who had a thriving printing business in Philadelphia, started printing small books containing proceedings of Indian treaty councils in 1736. They were the first distinctive forms of indigenous American literature and sold quite well; he continued publishing such accounts until 1762.” “Franklin carried the Iroquois concept of unity to Albany in 1754, where he presented his plan of union loosely patterned after the Iroquois Confederation. Several Iroquois leaders attended the Congress, convened at an Albany courthouse, to cement an alliance with the Iroquois against the French and to devise a plan for a union of the colonies. An aging Mohawk sachem called Hendrick received a special invitation from the acting governor of New York, James de Lancey, to attend the Congress and to provide information on the structure of the Iroquois government. After Hendrick spoke, DeLancey responded, ‘I hope that by this present Union, we shall grow up to a great height and be as powerful and famous as you were of old.” “During the debates over the plan for union, Franklin pointed to the strength of the Iroquois Confederacy and stressed the fact that the individual nations of the Confederacy maintained internal sovereignty, managing their own internal affairs, without interference from the Grand Council. When Franklin published his ‘Short hints toward a scheme for uniting the northern colonies,’ his Albany Plan proposed that each colony could govern its internal affairs and that a Grand Council consisting of a different number of representatives from each colony would provide for mutual defense. This proposed council closely resembled the Grand Council of the Iroquois nations.” “In 1775, treaty commissioners from the Continental Congress met with the chiefs of the Six Nations ‘to inform you of the advice that was given about thirty years ago, by your wise forefathers.’ While independence was debated by the Continental Congress, the visiting Iroquois chiefs were formally invited to attend.” “In 1787, John Rutledge, a member of the Constitutional Convention and chair of the drafting committee, used the structure of the Iroquois Confederacy as support for the proposition that political power comes from ‘we, the people,’ an idea later expressed in the preamble to the Constitution.
Numerous scholars believe that the Albany Plan was a landmark on the road that led to the Continental Congresses, the Articles of Confederation, and the United States Constitution.” “In 1988, the 100th U.S. Congress passed a concurrent resolution acknowledging the contribution of the Six Nations of the Iroquois Confederacy to the development of the U.S. government.” “Franklin and the Iroquois Foundations of the Constitution,” By Cynthia Feathers and Susan Feathers (2007), The Pennsylvania Gazette, www.upenn.edu/gazette/0107/gaz09.html, (Bold-jfc)
“There would be a single ‘Grand Council’ with 48 members drawn from the 11 colonies similar to the Iroquois Great Council. In 1976, the Sovereign Grand Commander of the 33rd Degree of Scottish Rite Freemasonry, Henry C. Clausen, published a little book called Masons Who Helped Shape Our Nation. On page 82, he writes: Though free, we were not yet united [1783]. The loose Articles of Confederation did not provide a strong national government, common currency or consistent judicial system. Men of vision realized that another step must be taken if the weak Confederation of American States was to become a strong, unified nation. Again Freemasonry set the pattern in ideology and form. Since the Masonic federal system of organization was the only pattern for effective organization operating in each of the original Thirteen Colonies, it was natural that patriotic Brethren should turn to the organizational base of the Craft for a model. Regardless of the other forces that affected the formation of the Constitution during the Constitutional Convention in 1787, the fact remains that the federalism created is identical to the federalism of the Grand Lodge system of Masonic government created in Anderson's From J B Campbell, www.rense.com/general50/ccons.htm, 10/26/2017 Constitutions of 1723." A bundle of sticks tied together symbolized the Iroquois Confederacy’s union and the strength that such unity creates. The icon of a bundle of sticks became part of the symbols of the United States too. It’s all over the USA. In the Capital building it’s carved into the cabinetry of the House podium, and in many other places. It also appears in the symbols of several countries (e.g. England and France). However, even though this idea was originally proposed to the American colonists by the Iroquios, western civilization chose instead to honor the Romans with the origin of the concept. The Etruscans who gave the concept of the bundled sticks to the Romans (called fasces by the Romans). The Etruscans got the idea from the Minoans as a symbol of the strength of the Confederacy, which is how it also surfaces in N. America with the Iroquois. The half axe present in some of these symbols might represent a broken labrys, indicating the demise of the Minoan civilization (?). The Minoan labrys doesn’t exist in history after the destruction of the Minoan world. (Note: the labrys morphed into the equal-leg cross, see pages 92 and Appendix A.)
Bundle of sticks symbols are present all over the USA; the picture above left is over the entrance to Chicago’s City Hall; next to it is the symbol of the National Guard, the seal of the US Senate, and the seal of the United States court on the far right. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fasces
Resurrecting Eve
The Romans adopted the symbol of sticks bundled together from the Etruscans who were part of the Minoan Condederacy. To the Etrucans, a bundle of sticks like the ones shown to the right, signified the Minoan-Etruscan city/state confederacy. The Romans probably didn’t know its origin other than it came from the Etruscans.
A portrait located in the Capital Building at Washington DC (shown below) symbolizes the founding of the USA. Notice Lady Liberty in the clouds carrying a bundle of sticks with a Minoan shaped half-axe head, apparently showing George Washington the Word. On the ground Lady Liberty is depicted again, this time giving the information to Benjamin Franklin while others are busy creating and inventing. Notice the iconography includes the symbol of the sacred dividers. Interestingly, Lady Liberty is depicted looking very much like Athena, the Greek and Roman Isis, Egypt’s version of the Great Mother.
Unfortunately though some European Americans sought amity with Native Americans, when the Old World met the New World again, the huge differences in cultures made a peaceful merger impossible. There was a major lack of understanding; the people from the Old World had moved too far away from spiritual connections with nature. For better or worse, the advancements in the east had routed the Old World populations along a different path. However, most people today are glad to have
Native American Indian spirituality back in our culture, re-educating many of us about our history and the importance of our connections with Mother Earth. The picture on the left is the only authentic Masonic portrait of George Washington from his own lifetime. He was a known Freemason as his apron and sash show. He used his Masonic Bible for the dedication setting the corner stone of the Capital Building. The portrait on the right is the French nobleman Lafayette. As a kid while studying American history, I wondered why Lafayette would come to America to help fight for its freedom. He too was a Freemason who believed in the establishment of the USA, and the new order. 1. http://www.livingstonlodge32.org/Famous%20Masons/IMG_0002.jpg 2. http://i.pinimg.com/originals/24/22/b6/2422b6d595e49d2d4b35ef70f39b5177.jpg
Today we’re revisiting our history and cultural basis, perhaps looking to redefine our way of life and beliefs. We live with a Constitution that protects this freedom. This is what should give us pride that we can challenge who we are with impunity. This is what we must protect because it’s what makes America great. We also need to remember that with freedom comes responsibility. We have the right to be free and so do our neighbors who may think differently. It’s everyone’s responsibility to guard the rights of all people to non-destructive self determination, as importantly as our own. So far the US experiment seems to be working, although no one ever said democracy was easy or squeaky clean. What’s good so far about America is that even though we’re not all the same, we get along because we believe and have faith in our system. We follow a basic rule of law and maintain a moderately civil society. The USA is full of different ethnicities, regional and cultural differences, and all kinds of individualism. Yet for the most part we all get along; this is what America is all about. This is what the Constitution is all about. This is the greatness of the United States of America. In the process of finding our way, we often must disrobe past ideologies like opening a curtain, though I wish it was that simple. Disrobing past ideologies often allows better ways to go forth with new insight; history has proven this to be true. But with all new things, there is fear that our familiar world, our security, will be in jeopardy; why open the curtain? Unfortunately it isn’t until the curtain is opened that we learn the answers. So open the curtain, carefully, but deliberately. Security will be assured as long as we have one foot comfortably rooted in the present while stepping into the future. We will have many discussions and arguments about creating the best path forward. This must always be done with respect for each other, because we are all one; progression with adequate forethought is necessary for societies to advance. Without respect for one another we can’t engage in civil discussion. Respect should not have to be earned; initially it should be freely given. With discussion will come criticism, but it should be constructive criticism, sharing and showing you care enough by offering possibilities for consideration. Right or wrong, ideas are food for thought to be sampled, even if you can’t consume them all. As a nation the USA is on the verge of racial equality. Gender equality is the United States’ next big initiative. However at present, gender roles are confused. Many men and women are floundering trying to find a harmonious path to appreciate the attributes of each other. Past rules are becoming ambiguous, and that’s part of the problem; what are the rules? Until society resolves this confusion we will continue to be a bit lost, fumbling along. Correcting our history to include the accomplishments of women, such as those of the matrilineal Minoan civilization is a step forward. 149
Resurrecting Eve Unfortunately, the gender equality revolution spreading throughout the world is feared by very traditional people whose religious or cultural beliefs include male dominance. In Middle Eastern countries this change is a major threat to their beliefs, though I think it’s more cultural than fundamentally religious. However, I’ve read that some Middle Eastern women like gender separation in their society. Christian doctrine also supports male dominance as the status quo. Some women like certain aspects of male dominance and wouldn’t want huge changes. In the US, the question we should ask is who should decide what is the correct way to live, or should we all decide individually what’s best, within reason, under our Constitution. The answer is that the US Constitution grants everyone that choice to make for themselves, without hindrance. Presently, many people are re-examining our current society, based on male totalitarianism. It may not seem like that, but change is upon us. The US is leading the fight for gender equality, but it’s still going to be a long ordeal before we get where we should be. Right now societal rules are confusing. Eventually the guidelines will develop naturally if we’re patient, persistent, and tolerant. In our new society we’re all growing, but these changes will be more difficult for many women because as far back as most of us can imagine, men have dominated. Historically, some women have accepted who they are based on thousands of years of subservience. My concern is that women might try to move women’s rights forward using male tactics and ideas of dominance. I don’t have all the answers. Perhaps knowing the accomplishments of the matrilineal Minoans will give women confidence that they don’t need to resort to male concepts of control. They achieved greatness and respect in the past just being themselves and can do it again. Harmony between the sexes can be achieved without a power struggle if both men and women accept the accomplishments of each other. “We’re in the middle of a cultural revolution and we don’t know what the rules are.” Andrea Mitchell (12-8-2017), ‘Washington Week’
4000 years ago in Minoan society, women had control over our cultural governance and there was peace in the world. Humankind/civilization was progressing, but slowly. Then men took over the world and there was constant fighting and wars as each man or country defended their castle. With these wars came rapid technical advancement as opposing factions hastened to get one up on the other guy. In writing this chronicle, I began to wonder that if fate is real, perhaps there is a reason men needed to take control, such as the need for rapid advancements in technology. Events in the future might test civilization sufficiently making our hard won advances viable (?). Regardless, we still have much to learn, especially about who we are as gender equal individuals. In the last 3500 years the idea of defining gender roles was irrelevant; the rules were simple, me Tarzan, you Jane. Now we have a mind boggling variety of gender roles created by an ever enterprising population. Still, many have chosen to subjugate new ideas to maintain a male dominated society using all kinds of excuses and trumped up laws to keep the status quo. In male dominated societies, there have been, and currently are men who treat women as their personal slave so to speak; just get married and you’ll have a body servant, house cleaner, cook, and general laborer, as well as sexual pleasures if so inclined. Generally this has been the status for women during the last 3500 years. Control was maintained by males in familiar tried and proven ways. Give the oppressed (women) something once in awhile to make them happy and they’ll be quiet. Many women believe their man is different from the rest with a good heart, and some men are decent. But the reality
for most women has been that they are second class citizens who in an instant can become victims. Men have fashioned society to protect this culture. In the Victorian era, women were placed on a pedestal to some degree, but still subservient. Some women have upped their status through marriage and/or artfully using religious doctrine. But men are still in control. Christianity would have us believe we live in a more utopian world with a mindset such as in the verse “No Man Is an Island” by John Donne (1572-1631). But the reality is that in our society every man grabs his piece of the rock as he interprets his needs for survival, ingrained upon his instincts to provide. Don’t fool yourself with the disguises society has used to camouflage this type of culture. It has initiated numerous wars because for the last 3500 years men have indeed been islands unto themselves as they individually seek power and wealth for security. What if women controlled a family’s wealth relieving men of that burden? Would women do a better job managing wealth/security if they were in charge? Would it take the tension out of our society if men just did what they liked to do, build things, hobbies, business, sports, et cetera, without worrying all the time about achieving wealth and security? Unfortunately women lost this role thousands of years ago, now subjugated to follow men’s rules of the game to survive. It is after all a man’s world, supported even at the level of our faith with most Judeo-Christian-Muslim religions. These religions are supposedly enacting words from God, making women subservient to man, repentance for having been the cause of humanity being cast out of Eden; Eve’s shame became the shame of all women. Being subservient and damned, a woman’s basic instinct has been to just survive anyway she can; it’s subliminal. Women will generally follow and even take up the cause of a dominant male to please, making survival for themselves and their children better. Thus handicapped women have still accomplished much over the eons, though success has been long in coming, and many evil things have been wreaked upon them by men hell bent on maintaining domination. There have always been women who fought for freedom, some for their personal rights and others for the rights of women in general. Unfortunately history is quiet in most instances about praising women. Many wonderful women have had their discoveries taken away by male colleagues. Some intelligent women have been burned as witches for simply being knowledgeable about medicines. This was all to benefit the concept of male domination at the expense of acknowledging women as equals, starting with the story of Adam and Eve and the concept that women have evil satanic impulses vulnerable to the Devil. Society is ripe with references on this concept. Natural differences between men and women have been turned against women using the Eve Syndrome as a hammer to keep women beaten down, protecting mankind from evil. This should never have happened, but fear propelled these concepts. Fear is extremely powerful and our past history is full of fearful events. The fear of gender equality started with the horrific destruction of the Minoan civilization and repercussions worldwide. The same fear is present today though long past time it should have been eradicated. Societies have perpetuated the mindset of Eve’s disreputable character too long. Eve was never guilty of anything; neither was the Great Mother. Nevertheless, some women will remain confident and comfortable in their old ways. These women probably have good men and see nothing wrong with their roles. In a just society and one that is free, men and women have every right to their views just as those who seek other ideas are free to be themselves. In the US and other western countries this type of freedom is becoming our new societal order. Unfortunately there are still many who find this a threat and cast negativism on any change to keep the status quo alive. But progressive thinking won’t stop, because the founding fathers of the US 151
Resurrecting Eve meant it to be so when they created a living document granting equality to all, not just in the law, but also in the hearts and minds of all the people. Judeo-Christian-Muslim practitioners often closely follow all aspects of their religion, even though much that was written might be only cultural concepts of the times, entwined with the good philosophies for life. People get so intent on what they think they must believe that sometimes this takes over all other thoughts because it just feels better not to question anything. It somehow sooths the soul and makes us feel more comfortable, empowered because we think we are in the right. But just because we’re used to thinking or viewing something in a certain way doesn’t mean it’s the correct way. If things start making sense by looking at them from different points of view, then one should look into the matter further; this is true for individuals, religions, and nations. People need to realize that we are all programmed in some way from birth including our religious and cultural beliefs, definitions of gender roles, and rights such as equality. Many of these ideas are not set in stone by themselves but when ingrained into an individual from birth they appear to be so. We pass on our beliefs to our children as our right not understanding the harm that this sometimes does to society in general. As a population, we should keep traditions alive because they give us links to our history. But they should not dominate progressive thinking by asserting old ideas that aren’t germane to a modern society, and are in fact holding civilized development back from the ultimate goal, a harmonious unified world. What if all the past cultural programming about women was removed? Would women be the same as they are today? Would they define themselves and their role in society differently, especially relative to men? All of us have been programmed by our family and society to think and perform in a specific manner. Unfortunately this has created a false reality that will always keep us from advancing our culture beyond past prejudices and erroneous conclusions unless many old ideas are challenged. The trajectory towards male dominance may have been ordained necessary for our future; achieving more technology and science may not have occurred without so much warfare. But today, many are re-examining our roots, and the importance of the feminine point of view for the health of our society. This will not be a return to a matrilineal society such as existed in the Minoan world. Instead we should take the best from the past; merging the two routes our history has taken to create a gender equal, respectful, tolerant society. Since much of the world is still controlled by men and most of the major religions support male dominance, there is still a long ways to go until we know whether we are destined to become such a society. In the last three millennia, the role of women has been defined by Eve’s fall from grace, and male reasoning to keep women in their place. All this is centered on the Biblical story of Eve who was the cause of mankind’s difficulty after being cast out of Eden. Women have had to endure this burden until the last few hundred years when some have begun to question the whole story. What happened to the benevolent loving concept of the Great Mother before Eve? Thousands of years ago people didn’t know why the destruction of the Minoan civilization occurred. They didn’t know the science so they sought answers by conjecturing about God’s will. The Great Mother was responsible for life and the Great Father had destroyed life, which wouldn’t have happened without God’s blessing. The Great Mother couldn’t be forgotten, but she could be badly chastised by the people who blamed her for their sorrow.
After the devastation of the Minoan world with the terrible aftermath ingrained in the people’s minds, it was difficult to continue worshipping the Great Mother. Some of those living in Egypt’s Delta morphed the Great Mother into Eve, stripped of power as the protector of life. But neither the Great Mother nor Eve was guilty of the horrible situation associated with the destruction of the Minoans. It was simply a natural act that without science, the people back then couldn’t know. Perhaps now, considering the evidence, Eve should be resurrected back to the benevolent Great Mother, and women absolved of Original Sin. Love of life is what kept Minoan society thriving. This should also apply to us going forward. It’s a good attitude to have and good for a progressive civilization. Dog-Eat-Dog, taking what one wants because you can, an egocentric trait, is not an advanced concept. Yet Dog-Eat-Dog has been civilization’s main premise for the last 3500 years. All over the world throughout most of man’s dominance, this type of mindset has been followed. It’s time we change it for something better; the aggressive mindset of Dog-Eat-Dog doesn’t work if we want to live in peace and harmony. Our modern world is one of commerce. We meet, have conversations, trade, share ideas, and sometimes get enlightened. For the most part it’s a peaceful energetic advanced world. We still have wars, mostly over religion and land rights, as well as too many old grievances and vendettas unforgiven. With commerce came the necessity to work grievances out peacefully for the mutual benefit of all parties. We created rules and declarations of human rights and are gaining in ways to enforce mutual civic interests without the use of coercive force. But the whole notion of a peaceful worldwide commercial network is a work in process. It’s taken us thousands of years to get here and not something to lose again. There’s still much to be understood. But a world linked together through peaceful commerce is our best scenario for a successful future. Through leadership we have to create the capacity for more tolerance of each other’s ways, rather than generating anger because we think our lifestyle is threatened. We need not fear or think of threats to ourselves. Instead we must acknowledge that others can choose how to live their life without impacting our beliefs. Our differences are very small compared to what we have in common. I hope after reading about the accomplishments of the Minoans, their demise, and how their ideas were kept alive through so many cultures, you will agree that this is everyone’s history. All of us are the foundations of humanity, whether a rock or a stone, we are one.
Resurrecting Eve
Appendix A: Minoan Cross
nd Above picture, a Minoan marble cross found in the Snake Goddess Sanctuary (mid 2 millennia BC), Knossos, Crete
http://antiquatedantiquarian.blogspot.com/2015/04/the-minoans-labyrinth... (rotated and colored-jfc)
In modified forms, the equal legged cross is called the Celtic and Templar cross (see morphed labrys symbols-page 92). It’s also the cross of the Rosicrucian’s (1600 BC) symbolizing the body. After the demise of the Minoans, many male dominant societies, such as the Germans, adopted this cross as a link to what they believed was their heritage. The swastika was also adopted. The swastika was, until the Nazi’s nd usurped the icon, a feminine good luck symbol, found on a few pieces of Minoan Crete pottery from the 2 millennium BC. The German link came from the Minoans being the originators of the civilization which eventually spawned the Habsburg Empire in Central Europe (the Hallstatt Culture). Unfortunately in the 3500 years following the demise of the Minoans, the correct origin and significance of these symbols was lost. Male dominated egocentric cultures attempted to show their ties to antiquity using them, but this was a misinformed connection. The swastika originally symbolized the Minoan labyrinth (maze), the metaphorical symbol of one’s path.
The equal legged cross is “…indicative of the human desire to know and experience the unfolding mystery of life. Primarily, the cross embodies the concept of unification between ethereal and material. In ancient Greece, the cross was an emblem of the four elements. To the Hopi it is referred to as the ‘cosmic cross’ with the four bars representing north, south, east & west. In the ancient Middle East the symbol also represents the four directions (north, south, east, and west).” https://www.symbolic-meanings.com/2007/11/02/symbolism-of-the-equa...
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Appendix B: Cups Even though an estimated 80% of the Minoan civilization was blown up or washed into the sea, lots of cups survived indicating a vast consumer market. Additionally the variety of cup shapes, handles, and decorations illustrate the creativity and production ability of the Minoans. The following pictures are only a sample of the cups the Minoans used in daily life 4000 years ago. They give us a glimpse into that life. This is also more evidence indicating the advanced development of these people. The Egyptians for example, didn’t have anything as good as Minoan pottery. In fact there is clear evidence that the Egyptian elite imported lots of Minoan pottery which no doubt they wouldn’t have done if Egypt was as great as people tend to believe. Again, Egypt did not become great until after the demise of the Minoans when they became privy to many Minoan secrets and advancements. The evidence is there in the archaeological record, plain to see if one can ignore prevalent historical bias. Please enjoy this sample of surviving Minoan cups. Which one would you pick for your next beverage?
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Picture citations/credits for Cups 1. Minoan or Greek; Cup (terri-cotta), one-handled; Vases, Metropolitan Museum of Art / CC0 2. Mycenaean Collections in the National Archaeological Museum of Athens, Sailko / CC BY (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0), 3. Late Mycenaean pottery, Paleopolis, Andros, 1200 BC. Archaeological Museum of Andros (Chora) C 50. Zde / CC BY-SA (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0), Zde - Own work 4. Terracotta carinated cup (1900 B.C.), CC0, https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/248531 5. Olaf Tausch / CC BY (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0)Olaf Tausch - Own work 6. Part of Aegina treasure. This golden cup has a diameter of 9.7 cm. It is ornamented within by a rosette with 16 petals and four connected spirals. A handle was once fixed by rivets but is missing. British Museum Catalogue Jewellery #768. Description after Higgins: The Aegina Treasure, 1979, Einsamer Schütze / CC BY-SA (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0), Einsamer Schütze - Own work 7. Terracotta hemispherical cup (1600 B.C.), CC0, https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/248865 8. Terracotta hemispherical cup (1525 B.C.), CC0, https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/248864 9. Terracotta one-handled cup (2200 B.C.), CC0, https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/248863 10. Terracotta straight-sided cup (1950 B.C.), CC0, https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/248510 11. Terracotta straight-sided cup (), CC0, https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/ea/Terracotta_straightsided_cup_MET_DP114344.jpg/1024px-Terracotta_straight-sided_cup_MET_DP114344.jpg 12. Terracotta straight-sided cup (1800 B.C.), CC0, https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/248529 13. Terracotta miniature one-handled cup (1600 B.C.), CC0, https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/254651 14. Terracotta tankard (1400 B.C.), CC0, https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/247646 15. Minoan small stone vessel. Palace of Malia, quartier M, 1800 BC. Archaeological Museum of Agios Nikolaos. Zde - Own work, Zde / CC BY-SA (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0) 16. Becher mit Vogelfries (1370 BC), aus Roussolakkos (Block Γ, Raum 9, siehe Excavations at Palaikastro II, S. 318), Archäologisches Museum von Iraklio, Kreta, Griechenland, https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Oltau, Olaf Tausch-Own work. CC BY-SA-3 17. Clay cups, with white and polychrome decoration. Palaikastro, Crete, 2100 BC. Archaeological Museum of Heraklion. Zde, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Zde 18. Miniature alabaster cups. Paistos, 1800 BC. Archaeological Museum of Heraklion. Zde, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Zde 19. Thin-walled mug with spirals (waves?) (Thera, 1700 BC), Mature LC I, Prehistoric Museum of Thira 408. Zde, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Zde 20. Thin-walled mug with double axes, mature LC I, 1700 BC. Prehistoric Museum of Thira. Zde, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Zde 21. Minoan cup with morphed labrys symbol, Schuppi - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=74910183(Mycenaea) 22. Gold cup with relief: Bull defeated man. Vafio (Vapheio) at Sparta, Peloponnese. Late Bronze Age, 1500 BC. National Archaeological Museum of Athens N 1758. Zde, CC BY-SA 3, https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Zde 23. Mycenaean pottery, birds and fishes, British Museum. Zde, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Zde 24. Cups decorated with white and polychrome Kamares ware motif. Phaistos, 1800-1700 BC. Archaeological Museum of Heraklion. Zde, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Zde 25. By Olaf Tausch - Own work, CC BY 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=74973597 (Gournia Crete, 1800 BC), CC BY-SA 26. By Zde - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=52401540 27. Kamares Ware vessels from Knossos, 1800-1700 BC. Archaeological Museum of Heraklion. Zde - Own work, Zde / CC BY-SA (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0) 28. Schuppi - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=74910183(Mycenaea) 29. Zde / CC BY-SA (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0)
Resurrecting Eve Minoan pottery from burial rock-shelters at Kyparissi, Crete, 2600-1900 BC. Archaeological Museum of Heraklion. 30. Minoan pottery. Palace of Malia, room M, 1800-1700 BC. Archaeological Museum of Agios Nikolaos. Zde - Own work, Zde / CC BY-SA (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0), (cropped big time) 31. Thin-walled mug with double axes, mature LC I, 1700 BC. Prehistoric Museum of Thira. Zde - Own work, Zde / CC BY-SA (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0), 32. Minoan pottery, Crete, 2600 BC. Archaeological Museum of Heraklion. Zde - Own work, Zde / CC BY-SA (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0), 33. Minoan clay cups with spiral decoration. Myrtoy-Pyrgos, Crete, 1500 BC. Archaeological Museum of Heraklion. Zde - Own work, Zde / CC BY-SA (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0) 34. Minoan pottery. Palace of Malia, room M, 1800 BC. Archaeological Museum of Agios Nikolaos. Zde - Own work, Zde / CC BY-SA (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0), (cropped big time) 35. Kamaes ware vessel, found at the palace of Phaistos, 1800 BC. Archaeological Museum of Heraklion. Zde - Own work, Zde / CC BY-SA (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0) 36. Thin-walled mug with spirals (waves?), Mature LC I, 1700 BC. Prehistoric Museum of Thira 408. Zde - Own work, Zde / CC BY-SA (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0), 37. Kamaes ware vessel, found at the palace of Phaistos, 1800 BC. Archaeological Museum of Heraklion. Zde - Own work, CC BY-SA (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0) 38. Kamares Ware vessels from Knossos, 1800 BC. Archaeological Museum of Heraklion. Zde - Own work, Zde / CC BY-SA (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0) 39. Kamares Ware vessels from Knossos, 1800 BC. Archaeological Museum of Heraklion. Zde - Own work, Zde / CC BY-SA (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0) 40. Kamares Ware vessels from Knossos, 1800 BC. Archaeological Museum of Heraklion. Zde - Own work, Zde / CC BY-SA (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0) 41. Kamaes ware vessel, found at the palace of Phaistos, 1800 BC. Archaeological Museum of Heraklion. Zde - Own work, CC BY-SA (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0) 42. Kamaes ware vessel, found at the palace of Phaistos, 1800 BC. Archaeological Museum of Heraklion. Zde - Own work, CC BY-SA (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0) 43. Kamaes ware vessel, found at the palace of Phaistos, 1800 BC. Archaeological Museum of Heraklion. Zde - Own work, CC BY-SA (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0) 44. Kamaes ware vessel, found at the palace of Phaistos, 1800 BC. Archaeological Museum of Heraklion. Zde - Own work, CC BY-SA (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0) 45. Kamaes ware vessel, found at the palace of Phaistos, 1800 BC. Archaeological Museum of Heraklion. Zde - Own work, CC BY-SA (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0) 46. Kamaes ware vessel, found at the palace of Phaistos, 1800 BC. Archaeological Museum of Heraklion. Zde - Own work, CC BY-SA (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0) 47. Kamaes ware vessel, found at the palace of Phaistos, 1800 BC. Archaeological Museum of Heraklion. Zde - Own work, CC BY-SA (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0) 48. Kamaes ware vessel, found at the palace of Phaistos, 1800 BC. Archaeological Museum of Heraklion. Zde - Own work, CC BY-SA (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0) 49. Kamaes ware vessel, found at the palace of Phaistos, 1800 BC. Archaeological Museum of Heraklion. Zde - Own work, CC BY-SA (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0) 50. Kamaes ware vessel, found at the palace of Phaistos, 1800 BC. Archaeological Museum of Heraklion. Zde - Own work, CC BY-SA (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0)
Zde /
Zde / Zde / Zde / Zde / Zde / Zde / Zde / Zde / Zde / Zde /
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Appendix C: Origin of Dalmatian Dogs One day not specifically significant in my life, I started doing research about the origin of Dalmatian dogs. I had several Dal’s as pets over the years and had already learned a bit about them. They always interested me as a breed because of their gregariousness, and mysterious origin. Initially I knew Dalmatians were introduced to western society mostly due to English patronage. I discovered that Dalmatians had been circulated throughout Europe by a displaced people known as Gypsies (Romani). I also learned there once was a city/state in antiquity, noted by the Romans, called Dalmatia, which had thrived on the coast of Croatia for hundreds of years before the Romans. The people were described as Indo-Egyptian ethnically. Supposedly, this is where Dalmatians originated. I looked at this region to see if there was an abundance of Dalmatians which might confirm a place of origin. But there aren’t very many Dalmatians in Croatia today if any. If the Roman stories were true, where did all the Dalmatians go? This didn’t make much sense until I thought about the history of human migration in the region. I realized that the people of Dalmatia may have been displaced by people migrating/invading from Central Asia. The people known as Gypsies could have been the descendents of Dalmatia; Gypsy may be short for Egyptian. If Gypsies were Egyptian ethnically, Dalmatian dogs might show up somewhere in Egyptian history. I had a new lead, Egypt. I did some research on Egypt and found nothing indicating Dalmatian origins. But I did get another lead, a stone relief carving in an Egyptian tomb appears to show some spotted dogs, gifts from a people the Egyptians called the Keftiu. I learned these people were the Minoans. Following up on this new lead took me to the history of the Greek islands of Crete and Santorini, and the story of the Minoans. At first I wasn’t finding evidence of Dalmatians. But then I found two frescos, one that dates to at least 1628 BC. Below are the frescos I found, one from the Akrotiri excavation on Santorini, Greece; the other on the Greek mainland dated to 1500 BC. The two frescos are almost identical depictions of three Dalmatians, two liver colored and one black, chasing an animal that looks like a boar. Liver color spotted Dalmatians used to be more popular until the British got hold of the breed and selected more for the black spotted dogs. So, seeing more liver spotted dogs in the ancient frescos makes sense.
Akrotiri Santorini, Greece, 1628 BC
Tiryns, Greece, 1500 BC (?)
1.By Carole Raddato, Frankfurt, Germany, National Archaeological Museum of Athens, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=37881423 (Modified-jfc) 2. By Tkoletsis - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=6241658 (Modified-jfc)
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Appendix D: Math To make a perfect square base, such as for a pyramid, the simple Right triangle, also known as the 3-4-5 triangle will do the job. It’s used all the time in construction to lay out foundations. Basically, any units or multitudes of units can be used for large or small squares as long as the same numbers of units are applied to each side in the proportions specified (3, 4, and 5). For example, 3X, 4X, 5X, where X equals the common multiple. The Egyptians didn’t know this math until the 17th century BC. Thus, someone else (Minoans) helped engineer the construction of the pyramids. The dotted lines represent equal measurements from the lines laid out by the triangle to get the other parallel sides of the square for the base of a pyramid.
-Square Base4 units
5 units 900 Triangle 3 units
…………………………………………………. To calculate balloon lifting capacity, the formula for the volume of a sphere is: V= (4/3) x Pi x r3, therefore using a 40 ft. balloon (r=20 ft.) as an example, 4/3 x 3.14 x 203 =33,493 ft3. Using Hot AirAccording to balloon info, lifting 1000 pounds requires a balloon with a volume of 65,000 ft3, which would be 50 feet in diameter, or several smaller balloons of equal or greater volume. The problem is that if the balloon moves away from the source of hot air, it would lose its lift. Using hydrogenHydrogen is 8% more buoyant than helium. Because hydrogen isn’t used in balloons anymore, calculations are based on helium’s lifting capacity, a close proximity to hydrogen. 1.02 kg/m3 of helium (0.064 lb/ft3); therefore a 5000 pound block of stone would require a balloon with a volume of 78,125 ft3. Using the sphere formula above, and the 8% reduction for helium, the diameter would be 49 ft, [78125 / (4/3 x 3.14) = 18601.2 = r3, r = 26.5 ft, 2r = 53 ft, 92% x 53 = 49 ft]. So, lifting very heavy loads with a hydrogen balloon is feasible. This amount of hydrogen could have been captured from volcanic out-gassing in smaller volumes and transported to where it was needed. A 28 ft. diameter balloon, or four balloons of 7 ft in diameter, could lift about 1000 pounds, which may have been enough to lift the chariots (Vimana) mentioned in the Rigveda, shown with four birds that the ancients used to depict what lifted the Vimana (see page 65). Hydrogen is available from volcanic out-gassing and could have been captured in balloons, perhaps made of sail cloth, a process the Minoans may have discovered through experimentation over hundreds of years exposure to volcanic out-gassing on Santorini’s central island (also true for Dwarka). 167
Resurrecting Eve
Appendix E: Celestial Devices and Navigation-
Summer Solstice Sunset
Summer Solstice Sunrise
820 820
North Star
820 0
The labrys is a transformation device to determine the solstices, as well as transformation from animal to man, death and rebirth. On the images above, I overlaid a labrys (X), and got the lines for the seasonal solstices with the correct angle of 820 between them. The picture above left is the Goseck Circle, Neolithic site, Germany, 4900 BC. The yellow lines indicate the sunrise and sunset seen on the day of the seasonal solstices. 1. By de:Benutzer:Rainer Zenz - Own drawing based on plans from Instituts für Prähistorische Archäologie Martin-Luther -Universität Halle-Wittenberg [Link? book/page?], Public Domain, https://commons. wikimedia.org/w/I, (Modified-jfc). 2. Votive labrys from a grave on Crete. 3. Petro glyph from Painted Rocks, Arizona in the special place (see pages 51 and 66).
The image on the right is from the wall mural found at Catal Huyuk, Turkey (8000 BC). The handle corresponds 0 to the north-south axis. The angle of the axe-head is 82 , same as the degrees between winter and summer solstice. The labrys at Catal Huyuk may be the oldest solstice device by more than 3000 years. (S. M. Cowgill and J. F. Cowgill, 2019)
Winter Solstice Sunset
Summer Solstice Sunset
North Star
820 820
Summer Solstice Sunrise
Winter Solstice Sunrise
Evening and morning stars (Venus)“Whereas the Earth moves through 3600 in 365.25 days, Venus completes its orbit in 225 days. For this reason Venus gains 0.60 per day on the Earth.” “From the diagram it will be seen that, after Venus has overtaken the Earth (that is after it has passed the point V) it becomes a morning star. It increases its angular distance to the right of the Sun until it reaches 440 at point X. After passing X, the angular distance to the right of the Sun decreases until it reaches point Z, which is behind the Sun. After passing Z, it makes its appearance to the left of the Sun and is now an evening star. As it approaches Y, its angular distance left of the Sun increases until it reaches 440, point Y.”
Resurrecting Eve “After passing Y on its way to V, its angular distance left of the Sun decreases until at V; it is zero when it will pass either slightly above or below the Sun. On extremely rare occasions, it crosses in front of the Sun and this is known as a 'transit of the planet'. Venus usually appears much higher in the sky than Mercury and is far brighter; in fact, Venus is the third brightest object in the sky after the Sun and the Moon.” (See pages 93-94)
North Star
http://astronavigationdemystified.com/venus-evening-star-or-morning-star/ (12/19/2015)
Navigation by the North Star (image at right) “The handle of the Little Dipper ends at Polaris, or the North Star.” “Polaris is the brightest star in Ursa Minor. It is called the North Star because it is located roughly above Earth’s North Pole. It seems to stand still as the other stars in the night sky appear to circle around it, once every 24 hours. Sailors and other people traveling at night have long used Polaris to tell which way is https://kids.britannica.com/kids/article/Ursa-Minor/477569, (Modified-jfc) north.” The Nebra Sky Disk, below, overlaid with the labrys X at 82 , could also be used to locate the solstices (see page 66). (North-South line)-jfc 0
South Index.php?curid=1295969http://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-qj44oN3-Jwo/Ve_HztVlDII/AAAAAAABGqQ/YjailVckx-s/nebra-sky-disk-3%25255B6%25255D.jpg?imgmax=800
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Appendix F: Theories 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28.
The Minoans were the only people capable of sailing the world during most of the Bronze Age. Sudden advancements in primitive cultures worldwide are due to involvement with the Minoans. The Minoans were instrumental establishing Egypt’s civilization. The Egyptian God Maat was a Minoan priestess who gave law and order to the Egyptians. The Minoans also gave law and order to the Chinese civilization. Many American Indian nations owe early advancements in civilization to the Minoans. The American Indian culture of wearing a feather headdress originated with the Minoans. The Stone Balls of Costa Rica were used to move cedar log rafts from the Pacific to Atlantic.* Matrilineal cultures worldwide were instigated by the Minoans. The Indus Valley and Dwarka were part of the Minoan mercantile system. The Polynesian people learned their ocean navigational skills from the Minoans. The Minoans were the master builders of the ancient world during most of the Bronze Age. The Minoans were instrumental helping the Egyptians engineer the pyramids. The concept for the Egyptian pyramids may have come from the Valley of the Gods, Utah, USA. The Minoans were instrumental helping primitive cultures build celestial solstice devices. The Catal Huyuk labrys is the oldest solstice device, 8000 BC. The stories of Zeus, Eve, and Atlantis originated from the destruction of the Minoan world. Zeus and Hera were Minoans who survived their civilizations catastrophe. The Mask of Agamemnon may be the Death mask of Zeus. The surviving Minoans in the Nile Delta were responsible for initiating Egypt’s mystic schools. Cadmus the Phoenician was Minoan, part of the group expelled from Egypt’s Nile Delta. The Minoans were responsible for Egypt becoming a great nation after 1600 BC. Minoan secrets were carried through time by the Rosicrucian’s, Templars, and Freemasons. The creation of the United States of America was due to Minoan influence. The Sea People were remnants from Minoan settlements as far away as S. America. Circumcision was practiced by Minoan descendants (Sea People) as well as the Hebrews. The Sea People from S. American Minoan settlements became the Philistines. The Templars and Free Stone Masons initiated the Age of Great Cathedral building in France.
* I did an experiment using ¼ inch ball bearings and a stack of twelve pencils fastened to look like a raft with a somewhat flat bottom. My pencil raft was held together by a single rubber band wrapped around the pencils three times at the middle location. I placed the bearings on a memory foam mattress in a double row, a little less wide than the raft, and then placed the pencil-raft on top of the bearings. The pencils pushed easily over the bearings (even the rubber band). I found it didn’t matter how exact the ball bearings were spaced in width. The bearings or raft moved where it needed to be. The rows of ball bearings didn’t have to be continuous either. The raft moved more easily when there was a gap between each group of bearings (i.e. 2” groups with a 2” gap between each group using 8“pencils). The gap actually helped minimize the amount of bearings (balls) needed, and made it easier to get the next group set up. Then I tried pushing the pencil-raft on the mattress without the bearings; way too much static friction. I realize this experiment has ample flaws, but I think it shows that using the stone balls found at Costa Rica to transport logs across the land to Lake Nicaragua is feasible (see pages 59). 173
Resurrecting Eve
Appendix G: Ships
Above image: replica of Queen/Pharaoh Hatshepsut’s Byblos Ship Min_sailing_full_sail_4.jpg by STEPHANE BEGOIN; 12-25-08, (Modified-jfc) (Note: the construction of the Min of the Desert was orchestrated by Dr. Cheryl Ward, a maritime archaeologist, and her team.) The ship above is a type known as a Byblos ship (1500 BC). Notice the rope running from bow to stern of the Hatshepsut replica above. This is a tension rope tied to the hull at both ends to keep the hull from breaking up (see page 29). The sum of the two members, rope and hull together, creates a strong composite structural member (the ship). This type of ship was just one of many types and sizes of ships in the Minoan fleet. Larger ships with more sails were probably used on trips to the Americas. They could hold more products, and could have more easily towed heavy cedar log rafts across the N. Atlantic (see pages 43 and 59). The pics below are Minoan seal rings/impressions of their ships (2000 BC). Notice the forked bow sprit; they may have had another sail attached at the bow, something like a flying jib.
1. Source ? 2. https://i.pinimg.com/originals/30/80/18/308018523ad6a82dc58c339f996c0c80.png 3. https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT2SK9uPm2sExIfHj8l0YvueF2yAUpeQPkOXg&usqp=CAU
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The picture at left is a reproduction of another Byblos style ship. It shows the bronze top mast piece used to secure the rigging to the mast, depicted in several Egyptian stone wall carvings. This ship appears to be Phoenician with a long straight bow sprit. A similar bow sprit shows up in Egyptian stone wall carvings of the ships used by the Sea People, around 1200 BC (see page 129). The picture below is an artist’s impression of a Phoenician Byblos Ship. It shows the upright long bow sprit on both ends, similar to the Egyptian depictions of the Sea Peoples ships. But here the artist has made the bow sprits into a horse head and a tail. There is evidence that some of the Sea People’s ships did have horse head bow sprits, and evidence the Phoenicians did the same (see page 43). Notice the open ocean fencing which was used to keep cargo and sailors from going overboard in stormy seas. It’s likely the sailors lived on deck; limited dry space below was probably reserved for cargo stowage and food. The same type of fencing is depicted on boats in the petro glyphs found in Egypt, 5000 BC, and on Egyptian stone wall carvings of Phoenician ships, 1600 BC (see pages 25 and 30). More oars are shown in this depiction than would generally be used on Minoan or Phoenician sailing ships. Lots of oars are also shown on Hatshepsut’s Byblos ship’s (see page 29). Obviously, oars would get in the way when under sail. But ships frequently going up rivers, such as the Nile, would benefit from having lots of oars, as well as sails. https://www.uw360.asia/2020/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Uluburun_ship-960x640.jpg (cropped-jfc)
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ISBN: 978-1-7365010-2-3