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English Pages [340] Year 2018
Anthony C. Yu
Copyright O 1997 by Princeton University Press Published by Princeton University Press, 41 William Street, Princeton, New Jersey 08540 In the United Kingdom: Princeton University Press, 3 Market Place, Woodstock, Oxfordshire OX20 1SY A l l Rights Reserved Second printing, and first paperback printing, 2001 Paperback ISBN 0-691-09013-0 The Library of Congress has cataloged the cloth edition of this book as follows Yu, Anthony C , 1938Rereading the stone : desire and the making o f fiction in Dream o f the red chamber / Anthony C. Yu. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references (p. ) and index. ISBN 0-691-01561-9 (cl : alk. paper) 1. Ts'ao Hsüeh-ch'in, ca. 1717-1763. Hung lou meng. 2. Chinese fiction—History and criticism. I . Title. PL2727.S2Y6 1997 895'.1348—dc21 97-2207 British Library Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available This book has been composed in Times Roman Printed on acid-free paper.
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For m y students at the University o f Chicago and in
the Dead at Tiananmen Square June 4, 1989
M i avvedevo ora che si possono sognare anche dei libri, e dunque si possono sognare dei sogni... Un sogno è una scrittura, e molte scritture non sono altro che sogni. (Umberto Eco, / / nome della rosa)
Chapter I . Reading Reading Reading Reading
the First Readings as History History, Reading Fiction
3 3 20 26
Chapter I I . Desire
The Definition The Dialectics Ritual and the Pathocentrism
56 66 74 82
of "Qing" of Nature and Disposition Rule of Desire and the Legitimation of Desire
Chapter I I I . Stone The The The The
Stone of Fiction Gate of Emptiness Dream and the Mirror Fiction of Stone
Chapter I V . Literature
110 110 121 137 151 172
Marriage, Learning, Examination Censorship and the Critics
172 186
The Fiction of Desire The Fate of Reading
194 210
Chapter V. Tragedy Choosing the Protagonist The Orphaned Contender The Thwarted Communion Between Delusion and Hope
219 219 226 234 246
NLH Pingyu
PR Qianlong
Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews Chung Wai Literary Monthly (Zhongwai wenxue ^ # f~SC# ) Gudai wenxue lilun yanjiu "ËJ \X ~St S §Ê Wí ^ Historians of China and Japan. Edited b y W . G. Beasley and E. G. Pulleyblank. London: O x f o r d University Press, 1961. Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies Hongloumeng ¡ $ 1 U W . B y Cao X u e q i n and Gao E W S ^ , f o i ? ! . 3 vols. Beijing: Renmin wenxue, 1982. Citations refer only to this edition. Hongloumengjuan fàLWtW^È. C o m p i l e d b y Y i Su - ^ 3 1 . 2 vols. Shanghai: Zhonghua, 1963. Hongloumeng xuekan K 1 1 W # f J Hongloumeng yanjiu jikan ¡ $ 1 U ^ 5Jf ^ JH f fJ Hongloumeng zhuping ¡ $ 1 U . Edited and compiled b y M a o D e b i a o ^ É Ü l M et al. Nanning: Guangxi renmin, 1981. Hu Shi(h) wencun WM^tfë. B y H u Shi(h). 4 vols. Taipei: Yuandong, 1961. Itö Söhei trans. Körömu UMW. 3 vols. I n Chügoku koten bungaku taikei ^ H t ì A ^ ^ P ^ C ^ . Tokyo: Heibonsha, 1969. Journal of the American Academy of Religion Journal of Asian Studies Journal of Chinese Philosophy The Journey to the West. Translated by A n t h o n y C. Y u . 4 vols. Chicago: University o f Chicago Press, 1977-1984. Shitouji S Í . Facsimile edition o f a handwritten manuscript kept i n the Leningrad branch o f the Institute o f Oriental Studies, Soviet Academy o f Sciences. 6 vols. Beijing: Zhonghua, 1986. New Literary History Xinbian Shitouji Zhiyanzhai pingyu jijiao $ f M ï ï S Í H B íM m ! ¥ ! § Í S I $ . Edited b y Chan Hingho (Chen Qinghao) W. Mìa . Revised edition. Taipei: Lianjing, 1986. La rêve dans le pavillon rouge. Translated b y L i Tche-houa and Jacqueline A l é z a ï s . 2 vols. Paris: Gallimard, 1981. Qianlong chaoben bainian hui Hongloumeng gao l e l ü í ^ ^ H t H U f i S ^ Í I . Reprint o f 1963 facsimile edition. Shanghai: Guji, 1984. f
Quan Song ci ^5^M. Edited by Tang Guizhang vols. Beijing: Zhonghua, 1965; Tainan: M i n g l u n , 1975. Quan Tang shi g^f. 12 vols. Beijing: Zhonghua, 1960; Tainan: M i n g l u n , 1974. ¡K I l i
m ge wu fê^ ge zhong ren {§ ^ À gongan A S gongming í f r ^ guan 1 1 guan qi xing shi ÎS ^ f f • guanji H f ® : gui gen I f | ß gui gen yue jing f f I ß 0 f f guige tingwei zhi juan M M ¡E. M
ernü si qing 3i tC fk\n erye H j g fa S fa hu qing, zhi hu li f t ì M l f ' M^ M
fangxin fanli J I M fanxin y i chi > 0 E üc fei qing mo qu, fei jun mo jia
fen nei zhi shi ft ft / ¿ 1 | fenduo feng M / S fengchen M S fenghua M i t fengliu niegui S M §í Ä fengsao yaoyan zhi ju M | |
f i
fengsu renqing M À I f fengying zhi tan fengyue baojian Jit ^ H i f fu M fubi ftH
^ A gS
ge fan qi suo shi ye
erwenming ÏÏU^K ernüqing la^CÍf
fusheng liuj i fuxin M L> fuxue ganqing MHf ganying
f í íÉl A
fan xin
fu hua WM fumu shuang wang, wuyi wukao
dui ou gtfS duiqi tfkW] duo xin ^ V} dushu mingli i l 1 1 3 er 31
fan ben huan yuan
guiqing H f f guisheng guiyuan H ^ g guolairen guti " i H hanlin zhuren Ü # ZË A hao haofeng £PJH hao se £p Ê haowenzhang £p^JJL haofang MM he M heguoren M H A hongxue H # hongxuej ia H # hua ft/Ä huai huan ¿1 huan xing ¿JJf^ huanyu M 5 / %% huanbi ¿J î|E
huang zao y i shi HM Whuangtang Î L / H huangtang y an JTL Hf H —
kanpodi ke chang
huanhua JCHfc huanqing iOff huhua l ü ?E
keyoukewu ö j ^ ö j ^ kong 3? kongyan 3? H kongzhong louge, j i n g h u a shuiyue
hulu g|M huo Ü j i ceng M U
kuxin ^ > L laili 5ßffi
J/jia Ä/fl/iM jiaerbujia fiM^Ffi
le er b u y i n ^ M ^ R Í le j i sheng bei MM^M leiying Ml&
fi íl—X
j ia nie y i ren
j ia y u dongfeng M H J Í Í M j i a zhong y o u zhen f i ^ W M j iaguo dashi ^ H X Ü jian H / I í ^ JianMei jiao jiashi jiaxun
jiayucun fi§§# j iayu cunyan f i fcf
^ H
f § f S tÉL $t¡
j i n g zhong sheng dong
f f ^ jfe
j i n g zhong sheng fannao jingliguozhe j ingqi chiwan jingyi | f ü j i n y u liangyuan jishi gHÍI jiyan gEW jue S jun junzi H^p j u n y u n í e j L lü í $
M Ifi S IH
mei y i zhengyan quanjie
m m ^ _ meiren xiangcao H A 1? ^ meng ^ mi el m i benxing ^ ^ |4 miao W>
minzhixing S ¿ f 4 ming ift / S I W\ mingdayi E ß A ü ming li E^îi minglidiren SMM^SX mingbai BM Ö mingqing^ M'ìn M/mo J | I H? mudu @ B§ mushi wuqing, caomu wuqing 7f
M t f ' ^*mm
naihetian nannüqing H £ f f nannü yinqing H ^ | § f f nei ft ni hao renxin {/[\ £p /g > [> ning ^ nüerbei ^Cfä^fi nüyao pailü í # í $ panni xingge fä M pi ^ ping pingdian I^Mè piyue fttW qi Ä / * qibi J = L $ qierbu^qi í f M ^ * f qijia qiwu qi yan bu rang Ä H IÍ qian wang hou di fff j£ ïi? qianyin houguo M H S qiao Ï5 qiaobupo fît qiao yan qichuan R H U qigui
qin # qinliqijing J 1 M A Í J Í qinzheshu H ï f M qing f f / p qingbuqing fff^ff
qing dong f f fjj qing dong yu zhong f f fjj )f£ ^ qingshen f f ^ qingyun W f f qing zhi dong t f , i f j j qing zhi suo ying ye j f / ¿ #f Ü qing zhi suo yu I f ff{ qing zhi zhi f f , Ì S qingbo zidi M W ï W> qinggen t f f ß qingjiao fjfffc qingjing f f Í Í qingqing f f f f qingren I f A qingwen f f ~% qingxing I f ft qingye f f | t qingyu ffgfc qingyuzhi si f f qingyuan f f | f qingzhong^ I f g qinwen 1 1 M qiqing -fcff qishu quandian H l é quwei Ép7fc ren £2 ren fei cao mu A ^ ^ ^ ren ming bo Aap S ren zhi da lun A ¿ A fit ren zhi qing X¿'Íñ renqing A l f rensheng ru meng A JË $U # rong rouqingsiyi ^ [ f ru $Q ru hexing i&ftfía: ru zui ru chi $[] g? $P san gang wu lun H M 5 fit sangbai se Ê sha {H 1
shanjia shang j i a shangbei
îf L ^Hl ;
shanshu i f U shanzhi i f M shen shen fei m u shi # ^ 7fC Shen Fu ítíl shen qian shen hou shi # fff sheng
shuqing chuantong shuqing d i daotong si si fan , g J l
/ fît
shangxin le shi
^ îï ;S '
Htf shi yuan qing er q i m i
jf# f f f f M
I f » shi yuezhe liaoran buhuo shi(h) shihua
/ è ffjfiS
/ Ä /
shilijie A M Í Í J / f ^ J Í Í J shiren z h i suo y u z h i shi g# A>i5 shishi shixue
Ê=S /
ÄC wenliximi JCMMÇg wenshi J>C Ê wenshi chuanqi fnj fft {H RÍ wenxue J>C^ß wenzhang J>CM wo bu zhi yin ilf wo suoxing bu mingbai liao f%
xin >L xin dong >LSJJ xin fei mu shi > L ^ ÏÏ xin zhong linghui > L ^ H # xinbing >L ^ xing fÉ / ff¿ / IM xing zhi dong 14 / ¿ fjj xingneng f £ t £
wu M/fê wu chaodai nianji ke kao ffi^Uft ¥IH*T# wuji MW ^ wujing E l f wu ke yun zheng M ~ñj 5 M wuqing M'ìfl wu zhen f§ M wu zhong sheng you M ^ jfe W wude E Í H wuhua íféft wuji MW wuming M TO wuqing M'ìfl wuqing di ren ^ f t (ft À wuqing shuo fa ^ I f IS t í wuqing zhe M fìf li wuxing E f l wuyi wukao MÌ&MW* wuzhi E M xian MM xi de wuhua ke shuo | | í# £Ê | §
xingzhe f j # xinli que ye mingbai
xi hua ren fît T E A xi jue . . . ziwei I B S . . . Ì&M xikan |ffl# xiang xiangke xiao tan ^Mtk xiaowo 'bfZ xiaoshuo / h l £ xie M xieshuo ffiM xieyin W£è xiezi íü^p
> L S §P ttt N
xinli zao youxie mingbai liao >L
xinshi xinxing xiong 5£ xiong huai da zhi U fÜ A S xitang saohua xingzhe H ^ f # xiu xiu yan yan yan
ff^ xiao shiren chi f^ ^ f a A H bu jin y i H ^ Ü Ä qi shu yuanshi kongxu huanshe
yan zhi g leí yanfa M t Ä yang |î§ / Ü yang bing § i # f yang qing Ä f f yang shen yanshi
y any i
füg^f Mît
yaodang xingqing
jfêj M f 4 f f
ye H ye xiang bu qi bihui xianyi deng
yeshi S F £ yi yi jia wei zhen J ^ f ü H M y i pian kuxin — ^ > yi qing dai shi ]>X t i rtf Ä yi shi lun wen £1 | | l i ~$t
VX~SCf i ~St
yi wen lun wen y i w e n sheng shi y i w e n y i m shi yiyin
VX~$CiE W-
M í
H / ^ / W / í í
y i n ci
if* ^ fü
zeng, sun
fèt M
zhen er b u zhen zhen er y o u zhen
zhen y o u q i ren, zhen y o u q i shi ÌM
y i q i lai yan fa
—^ H
M ffi
^ 7
you qing
WS?^ ^ A t ì
you sheng y u w u
ilr tffi P
y u xiang man k o u
y u y o u qing, qing y o u j i e
ts ' ft mm
zhu zhuan zi
§ IH ^ S ?r M
zhongzhong xiang zuo MWi
zunxing erjianqing
M /fi yunyong Sffl
z i m o keqing
yunzhong shujin
ÌM 3?
zhuming l a i l i
yu yu I M yuan zai tianbian, j i n zai yanqian
zhizheng zhongliu
zhongshen dashi
ftjff ' £[JÎÏ
zhiqing, z h i q i qing
you quwei
you ren ye
gif ¿ / ^ / i h / M / S
zhi qing
you qing ren
|Ê[ H § #Sf
you g u i z i l i a n you liao x i n
zheng l i zheng si zhexian WffiS^tä
you b u y u shi
MA fi
iE $1 Hr
zhenzhen j iaj ia
¿ jf
yixi yongshi
M 52
zhengj ing shu
y i w u zhi qing
y i zhong ren
yuyan d i x i a n m i n g zaijia zawen
y i zai yan w a i yi zhi
zuozhe zuozhu
S f S l@ # t t M I î ï f
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I n d e x
Adamantina, 125 Aeschylus: Oresteia and Erinyes, 219; Prometheus Bound and Io, 226 allegory and allegoresis, 4, 4-5n, 9, 12n, 1617n, 27n, 50, 93-95, 97, 102-103, 105, 114, 141, 153, 168-169n, 188, 258, 264265 Aristotle, 34, 56, 58, 72, 85n, 95, 221, 226, 251,261 Aroma, 129, 131-132, 143, 148, 154, 203, 214-216, 230, 235-236, 239, 241, 250; as go-between, 216 Asanga, 145 Ate, 221, 251 Augustine, 4n, 7, 51, 207n, 219, 225 Aunty Xue, 239, 247n, 248, 254 Auroras of Autumn, x i Bai Juyi, 205,261-263 Bailiff Wu, 18 Ban Zhao (Niijie or Commandments for Women), 71 Bao Gong (Judge Bao), 246n Bao Zhao, 134 Barthes, Roland, 12n, 24n begonia-tree omen, 250-251 Benveniste, Emile, 51 Bian He, 161n Bible, 43; David, 39; Saul, 39; Yahweh, 39 Blake, William, 43 Bloom, Harold, 259 Bo Ya, 236-37 Bodde, Derk, 111, 150n Bodhidarma, 122 Bohu tong de lun, 67n, 70, 97n Booth, Wayne C , 95, 265 Brother Amor (Passionate Monk), 150, 16970; as reader, 171. See also Vanitas Buddhism. See Buddhist themes; Zen Buddhism Buddhist myth o f stone, 120, 149, 158-159, 162-163 Buddhist themes: chujia (leaving one's family), 122-123, 154, 169; deliverance (jietuo), 137, 149, 164, 222; dream, x i i , 10, 14, 25, 48-49, 115-116, 122, 137ff,
170, 266; enlightenment, 50, 121ff, 125, 136, 141, 143, 147, 156, 162-163, 170, 223, 225, 255, 266; four delusions, 137; huan (illusion, mäyä, mäyopama), 48-49, 66, 121, 125, 137, 140-145, 150, 152, 157-158, 166-170, 210, 255; Mahayana Buddhism, 49, 162, 170; mirror, 48, 115, 121-122, 137, 141, 145ff, 266; monastic vocation, x i i , 156; nirvana, 141, 150, 167; samsara (transmigration), 134, 143, 167; se (form, matter, rüpa), 149-150, 166— 168, 171, 202, 210, 267n; sea o f suffering, 124; supreme (perfect) wisdom, 141, 145, 150, 166-167; upäya (skillful means), 169; Void (emptiness, kong, sunyata), 141, 149, 151, 166-169, 267n; ye (fama), 121, 133-134, 162; you qing (sentiency), 135ff. See also mu shi wu qing cai, 113,119 caizijiaren (scholar and beauty), 192, 213, 216, 242 calendrical systems, 38 Calinescu, Matei, 26 Caltrop, 244 Camus, Albert (A Happy Death), 249 Cao Cao, 17 Cao Fu, l i n , 17 Cao Jie, 45 Cao Tangcun, 6n Cao Xueqin, 5-6n, l l - 1 2 n , 14-16, 26, 4 9 50, 105, 114n, 118, 130, 135n, 136, 141, 143, 145, 149, 168-169, 178-179, 190, 192, 225, 263, 265, 267n; as author o f Hongloumeng, 52, 114n, 168; his family and its relationship with Hongloumeng, 18 (see also Hongloumeng: as autobiog raphy and family history); as " I , " 16; as original text, 16; as two Bao-yus o f the novel, 16 Cao Yin, 11, 17 Cao Zhi, 105 Catastrophe o f Nanjing, 11 Cervantes, Miguel de (Don Quixote de la Mancha), x i , 172 Chan Hing-ho (Chen Qinghao), 5n, 6n, 7, 1 I n
Chang, K'ang-i Sun, xiv, 106n-107n, 23In, 267n Charmante, 7 Chen Dongyuan, 106, 175, 182, 184, 189 Chen Hao, 177 Ch'en, Kenneth, 167 Chen Shiyuan (Mengzhan yizhi), 136n Chen Zizhan, 90-91 Cheng Hao, 72-73 Cheng Weiyuan, xiiin chi qing, 134, 202-203,246 chi ren shuo meng, 142 Child's First Primer of Rhyming Names, 234n Chow Tse-chung, xiiin, 108n Chu Ching-chun, 172 chuanqi: " B u Feiyan," 108; " L i Wa," 108; "The Magistrate o f the Southern Branch" ("Nanke taishou zhuan"), 139; "Miss Ren" ("Renshi zhuan"), 108; as "prose tale" in the Tang, 51, 107, 115; as "southern style" of dramas in the Ming-Qing periods, 115; "The Story o f Oriole" or "Scholar Zhang" ("Yingying zhuan"), 107, 139, 213; as "transmission o f the marvelous" or as "wonder," 114-115, 163; "Yingtao qingyi" ("Cherry and the Blue Robe"), 139; "Zhenzhongji" ("The World inside a Pillow"), 139, 140n Chunqiu Annals, 30, 32, 36-37 Collected Writings on Statecraft of the Ming Dynasty, 19 Collingwood, R. G., 32n, 33 Compendium of the Five Lamps, 155 Conacher, D. J., 252 Confucian myth of jade and stone, 120, 149, 159-161, 163 Confucianism. See Confucius; Mencius; Neo-Confucianism; Xunzi Confucius (the Master), 32, 39, 43, 65n, 72, 76, 83-85, 89, 98, 102, 135, 139, 159161, 202; Analects, 22, 31, 55, 62, 65n, 76, 84, lOOn, 113n, 139, 159-161, 202n, 262; on qing, 55ff Crites, Stephen, 51 Cuckoo, 133, 204, 214, 229 Cui Tu, 208 Dante, 209, 211; Commedia, 209-210; Francesca de Rimini, 209-212; Paolo, 210-212 Danto, Arthur, 51
Dao (Tao), 167; as discourse, 82; as Way, 22, 55, 61, 75, 82 Daoism, 132, 138-139, 170. See also Laozi; Liezi; Zhuangzi de Certeau, Michel, 43 de Man, Paul, 25, 50n Deng, Siyu, 182-183 Derrida, Jacques, 94n Dickens, Charles, 266-267n Dido, 225 Doctrine of the Mean, 73, 204 Dong Yue, 4, 135n; King Little Moon, 4; Xiyoubu (The Tower of Myriad Mirrors), 4, 108, 135n Dong Zhongshu (Chunqiu fanlu), 31, 4 1 , 68-71 Du Fu, 27, 260 Duke o f Ning-guo, 137, 152 Duke o f Rong-guo, 137, 152 Eco, Umberto, v i , 147 Edwards, Louis P., 223, 23 8n, 246 Egan, Ronald C , 29n, 106 Eliot, T. S., 97 Elman, Benjamin A . , 179, 188 Emperor Huizong o f the Song, 46 Emperor Kangxi o f the Qing, 17, 183, 190 Emperor Qianlong o f the Qing, 183 Emperor Renzong o f the Song, 46, 184 Emperor Shenzhong o f the Song, 183 Emperor Shun o f Legendary Antiquity, 39, 73n, 212, 245 Emperor Shunzhi o f the Qing, 190n Emperor Wen o f the Wei (Cao Pei), 84 Epicurus, 61 Ershiwu shi tanci, 45 Euripides, The Trojan Women, 252; Andromache, 252; Astyanax, 252; Cassandra, 252; Hecuba, 252 Faxian, 162 Feng Menglong, 54, 166-167; Qingshi leiliie (The Anatomy of Love), 54, 102 fiction and history, 27-30 filial piety, 123ff, 155, 161, 179, 199, 247n Fisk, Craig, 27, 262n Fivey, 194 Foucault, Michel, 55 Frye, Northrop, 43 Fung Yu-lan, 62n, 150, 217 Furth, Charlotte, 174, 176, 179 Fuxi. See Nüwa
Gao E, xiiin, 113n, 171, 183n Genji Monogatari, 48 Gernet, Jacques, 29, 3 I n , 39n Girard, René, 210-211 Goddess Disenchantment, 9-10, 14n, 116n, 119, 124-125, 137-138, 143-144, 146, 151-152, 159, 162-163, 178n, 198,200203,225,243 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang: Die Leiden des jungen Werthers, 219; Faust, 222 gold-and-jade affinity, 13, 115, 120, 153, 169, 200, 241-243, 245-248, 250ff Golden, 194, 215 Gong Gong, 73n, 112 Graham, A . C , 55n, 56-58, 62n, 63, 65-69, 101-102, 120n, 236n Grand Master o f the Zhou, 88 Grandmother Jia (Lao Tai-tai or the Matriarch), 13, 127, 190, 192-195, 215, 218, 226-229, 236, 245, 248, 250, 253254 Green Sickness Peak, 158, 197 Guan Zhong, 43 Guinevere, 211 Guisso, Richard W., 176 Guoyu, 175n hamartia, 22In, 251 Hamburger, Käte, 51 "Han Ping q i " ("Han Ping and His Wife"), 108 Han Yu: "Jian ying Fo gu biao," 122; "Yuan xin lun," 68n Hanan, Patrick, 108, 164n Hansen, Chad, 55, 57-59, 64n, 65-66n, 75n Hanshu (Ban Gu): "Biography o f Dong Zhongshu," 69n; "Biography o f Y i Feng," 67n, 97; "Yiwenzhi," 28,31 Hawkes, David, xiiin, 5, 9n, 14n, 15, 20, 115n, 128, 157n, 166, 167n, 180n, 201, 209, 235, 243n He Yan, 71 Herodotus (Histories), 30, 39 Hirsch, E. D., 93n his tor, 30-31 historiography, 26ff; and Chinese fiction, 44ff; composition of, 43-44; didactic character of, 39-40, 51-52; its modes o f writing, 51-52; organic naturalism in Chinese, 40-42 (see also wuxing or wude; yin and yang); poetic justice in, 39; principle o f permanence in, 45ff
Homer, 39, 221; Achilles, 75; Hector, 75; Iliad, 75; Odyssey, x i , 253; Patroklus, 75; Priam, 75; on Trojan War, 39 Hongloumeng {Dream of the Red Chamber or The Story of the Stone): allegorical interpretation (suoyin school) of, 16, 19n, 24, 168 (see also allegory and allegoresis); authenticity o f last forty chapters in, x i i i , 12-14, 155, 249n; authorship of, 14-16; as autobiography and family history, x i i , 11, 14-19, 24-25, 28, 49-50, 52, 123, 143, 168, 256, 261, 265; chapter 5 o f (see Buddhist themes: dream; Buddhist themes: illusion; Goddess Disenchantment; Land of Illusion); Cheng-Gao version of, xiiin; critical history of, x i - x i i , 3-5, 10, 12ff, 16-18, 20ff, 24, 28, 219ff; desire in (see qing); double-voiced orientation of, 159160; as Fengyue baojian (A Bejeweled Mirror of Romantic Love), 6, 9, 137, 146— 47; fiction and history in, 19, 20ff, 25, 47ff, 50; fictionality in, x i , 9, 16, 26-28, 48, 50, 170, 266-267; gender ideology in, 17n, 24, 223-224, 226, 240, 246, 253; geography of, 226n; Leningrad manu script of, 20n; material culture of, 18-19, 29n; mythical framework of, 224 (see also gold-and-jade affinity; Jia Bao-yu; L i n Dai-yu; Nüwa; wood-and-stone affinity); "New Hongxue" school of, 24; 1982 edi tion of, 116n, 117; paronomastic rhetoric in, 3-4, 48-49, 52, 54, 61, 114-115, 266; Qianlong (120-chapter) version of, 12, 113n, 116n, 117, 152, 197; as Qingshenglu (The Tale of Brother Amor), 124, 136, 150; reflexivity and self-referentiality of, x i , x i i i , 25-26, 48, 111, 122; religious symbolism in (see Buddhist themes; Daoism); 1754 (jiaxu) manuscript of, 6 7, 9, 15, 21n, 47n, 116n, 117, 171, 197, 256n; 1756 version of, 113n; 1759 (jimao) manuscript of, 9, 15n; 1760 (gengchen) manuscript of, 7-8, 13, 15, 2 I n , 116; "Small Detail" school of, 24; structure of, 122; textual history of, v i i , 5n, 6-7, 116; truth and fiction in, x i i , 3-4, 15ff, 28, 143, 145, 148; use o f dramatic texts in, 195ff Hsia, C. T., xiiin, xiv, 176, 179, 224, 226n, 228,247 Hu Shi(h), 6, 24, 265; for autobiographical criticism, 16; against suoyin school, 16;
urge for investigation o f authorship, con text, and textual history o f Hongloumeng, 16; his view o f punctuation, 21 n HuaMu-lan, 180 Huainanzi, 21, 112, 135 Huan Dou, 73n Huang, Martin, 17n, 22n, 23, 24n, 113 huangtang, 50, 190 Huineng (Sixth Patriarch), 147 Huiyuan, 152 icchantikas, 162, 163, 164n Ichisada Miyazaki, 179, 182-183 Illusory Realm o f the Supreme Void. See Land o f Illusion Iron Threshold, 218 Itö Söhei, 6n Jameson, Fredric, 103n imi jia (fictive), 4, 16, 49, 52, 143, 145-146, 148-149, 157-158, 163 Jia Bao-yu (Second Elder Brother), 3, 8-10, 12-13, 49-50, 53n, 54, 114n, 115, 117, 137, 140-145, 147-148, 151-164, 168171, 174, 178-182, 188, 190, 192-198, 200-205, 208-213, 215-216, 222-225, 227-229, 231, 233-254; his chujia, 123ff; fictive double of, 50, 148, 159, 161, 164 (see also Zhen Bao-yu); his illness, 132, 153-154, 238, 250-252; loss of his jade, 132, 153-154, 238, 250-252; meaning o f his name, 157-160; model of, 17ff, 124-131, 133, 136; as Stone Page (Divine Luminescent Stone-in-Waiting at the Court o f Sunset Glow), 210, 224225, 245; as Wenmiao Zhenjun (Realized Immortal o f Writing Marvelous), 171 Jia Jia Jia Jia Jia Jia Jia
Dai-ru, 146-147, 182, 188 Lan, 180 Lian, 194, 230 Rui, 8, 146-147, 194 Yu-cun, 48-49, 52, 160, 168-169 Yun, 248 Zheng, 168, 174, 179-182, 186, 188, 189, 194, 238, 248 Jian Bozan, 18 Jiang Daqi, 45 Jiaohongji (The Story of Jiaohong), 108 jiaxun ("family instruction" as a genre): ritual prescriptions for women in, 177178; role o f women in, 175-176 Jihusou (Old Tablet), 5, 11
Jilu, 161n Jing Shengtan, 5, 12, 23, 28, 35 Jingangjing (The Diamond ox Vajracchedikäprajnäpäramitä Sütra), 140 Jinpingmei (The Plum in the Golden Vase), 3, 5, 44, 45, 192, 220; Chi Hsiang-erh, 3; and history, 44, 46-47; Hsi-meng Ch'ing (Ximen Qing), 3, 47; originality of, 46; Pu Chih-tao (Don't Know), 3; David Roy on, 46-47; Wen Long's commentary on, 22-23; Wu Tien-en (No Trace o f Benevolence), 3; Zhang Zhupo's com mentary ^Jinpingmei yuyishuo") on, 5, 9, 170n jishi (linguistic transcription o f what had occurred) and jiyan (linguistic transcrip tion o f what had been said), 31 Kang Youwei, 185 Kao, Yu-kung (Gao Yougong), 99n Karlgren, Bernhard, 79n, 88n, 202n Ke-qing (as Disenchantment's sister), 144. See also Qin Ke-qing Kermode, Frank, 24n King M u o f the Zhou, 84 King Wen o f the Zhou, 89 King Zhou o f the Shang, 9 I n , 92, 164n Kong Yingda, 85 kongyan (empty words, vain speeches), 31 Kongzhi jiayu, 113n LaCapra, Dominick, 19 Lady Wang (Taitai), 124, 153-154, 156, 195, 215-216, 228-229, 242, 248, 250 Lady Xing, 248 Lancelot, 211 Land o f Illusion (Taixuhuanjing or Illusory Realm o f the Supreme Void), 3, 10, 12, 119, 121, 124, 143, 145, 151, 157, 198, 201,203 Lankävatära Sütra, 49, 141 Lao Tai-tai. See Grandmother Jia Laozi, 120; Daodejing, 21, 170 Lau, D. C , 59, 62, 123n, 170n //: as principle, 79, 184, 216, 218; as rite or ritual, 64-65, 74, 177; as understanding, 186 L i Ao, 72-73, 75 L i Dongyuan (Lutang shihua), 234n L i He, 240n L i Jilan, 106n L i Jing, 259
L i Ling, 43 L i L i w u (Jinglun), 91-95 L i Shangyin, 240 L i , Wai-yee, xiv, 28n, 55n, 95, 175n, 186n L i Wan, 231, 249 L i Yong, 142 L i Yu: Iron Door, 218n; Lone Peak, 164n; Rouputuan (The Carnal Prayer Mat), 192, 218n, 164n; Vesperus, 218n L i Yu (Emperor o f Late Tang or Southern Tang), 207-208, 228 L i Zhi, 5, 105 Liang Hong, 261 Liang Qichao, 184n Lienüzhuan (by L i u Xiang): Chu Z i , 9 1 ; King o f Chu, 90; Lady X i , 90-91 Liezi (The Book of Lieh-tzu), 62n, 236; "Woodcutter o f Zheng," 139 Liji (The Ritual Classic or The Record of Rites), 57, 62, 67-68n, 79, 80-81, 83n, 86, 103, 175n, 177, 211n Lin Dai-yu (Cousin Lin, Miss Lin), 8, 1213, 17n, 53n, 59, 117, 125-133, 142, 147, 153, 156, 163, 168, 174, 178, 180181, 187-188, 192, 195-196, 200-201, 203-206, 208, 210-214, 216, 223-224, 226-245, 248-252, 254-255, 258-260, 263, 265, 267n; comparison with Trojan Women, 252; her death, 132, 153, 156, 213, 225, 236, 246, 252ff; her dream in chapter 82, 247ff, 254; her illness, 23On, 241, 245, 249, 253; her name as "carrying desire," 112; her poem "Chrysanthemum Dream," 232, 260; her poem "Flower Burial Song," 234; her poem "Question ing the Chrysanthemum," 232; her poem "Tangduoling," 239; her pre-existence as Crimson Pearl Flower (Crimson Plant), 119, 121, 157, 162,210, 223n, 224-225; as tragic protagonist, x i i i - x i v , chap. 5 L i n Ru-hai, 227 Ling Tingkan, 217n Lipking, Lawrence, 105, 107 L i u Bang, 46 L i u Xie (Wenxin diaolong or The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons), 79, 98-100, 102, 134-135, 165n,260 L i u Yiqing: Shih-shuo Hsin-yu, 6n, 104n; Youminglu, 108n L i u Zhiji, 43; Shitong, 37 L u Ji (Lu Chi), 67n, 78, 98-99 L ü K u n , 105
L u Xun, 218 Lu You ("Chaitoufeng"), 105 Luo Guanzhong, 44 Liishi chunqiu, 56, 59n, 60-62, 236 Lute Player, The, 186 Ma, Y. W., 29, 108n, 140n Madhyamika, 167, 171; The Entry into the Middle Way, 171 Mahäy äna-Süträlamkara, 146 "Maifener" ("The Maid Who Sold Mercuric Powder"), 108 Maimonides, 42 Mann, Susan, 175 Mao Yan-shou, 258 Mao Zhonggang, 5-6, 4 1 , 45 Matriarch. See Grandmother Jia meiren xiangcao, 17n Meixi, 11 Mencius (Mencius), 39, 60-62, 65n, 66, 69, 72, 75n, 82, 85, 112n, 113n, 123, 174, 192, 200, 202, 207n, 246n Miller, J. Hillis, 20, 35, 266-267n Miller, Lucien, 47n Minford, John, xiiin, 163, 171 mingbai, 151-152, 154-157, 170 Mingshi, 18 I n Mohism (Mohists), 38, 57n Momigliano, Arnaldo, 3On, 31, 34n, 38n Moonbeam, 194 Mother Ma, 125 M o u Zongsan, 59n Moufu, 84, 86 mu shi wu qing (insentient wood and stone), 133-136, 162. See also Buddhist themes: you qing Musk, 131-132, 153 Nagarjuna, 145, 166-167 Naiad's House, 206, 232 Needham, Joseph, 37-38, 40 Neo-Confucianism, 56ff, 60, 65, 68, 72-73, 174,217n, 258n Nightingale, 236, 244, 250, 253 Nüwa, 47, 100-113, 115, 117, 119, 120121, 157, 224; and Fuxi 111-112; repairing the sky, 113, 163-164 O'Flaherty, Wendy Doniger, 133-134, 144, 150 oracular verses in chapter 4, 5, 9, 10, 13; " A Dream o f Golden Days," 138, 243, 254;
"Dream of the Red Chamber," 218; "Grief Amidst Gladness," 227n; "The Mistaken Marriage" ("Zhongshen wu"), 224n oretic, the, 85n, 94 Ouyang X i u ("Liuyi shihua"), 25n, 87-88, 107, 258-259 Owen, Stephen, 16n, 22, 25n, 27, 79n, 80n, 81n, 90n, 262 Pan Jingruo (Sanjiao kaimi guizheng yanyi), 258n Peirce, Charles Sanders, 25 Phoenix (Wang Xi-feng, Elder Sister Feng), 11, 17n, 146, 180, 193-194, 208, 214, 228-231, 236, 238, 248-250 Phoenix Seeks a Mate, A, 191 Plaks, Andrew, xiv, 16n, 28n, 112-113, 169170, 254 Plato, 72; Cratylus, 267n; Republic, 75 Poetry Classic ({Three Hundred] Odes, Songs), 22, 62, 75n, 87, 94-95, 97, 102, 107, 113n, 161, 189-190, 192, 262; "Airs o f Pei," 89; "Airs o f States," 89-92, 100; "Ballad o f Drooping Corn," 91-92; "Crafty Youth" ("Jiaotong"), 91-94; "Elegentiae," 100; "Great Chariot" ("Daju"), 87-88, 90, 97; "Great Preface" to, 17n, 79-81, 89, 98, 189 (see also shi yan zhi); "Guanju" ("Osprey Ode"), 83, 95-96, 189; "Lesser Preface" to, 88-90, 94; "Luming" ("Calling Deer"), 180-189; "Mao Prefaces" to, 79n; "Odes o f the Shao and the South," 89; "Odes o f Zhou and the South," 89; "Qizhao," 86; Viscount o f Ji, 91 Prince Hen, 181 Prospect Garden (Daguanyuan), 125, 132, 148, 180, 193, 195, 196-197, 203-204, 208, 215, 226n, 230-231, 233, 243, 249, 254; and garden in Mudanting, 204n Pu Songling, 181n qijia (ch'i-chia, regulate the household), 3 4,179n Qian Zhongshu, 31, 243n Qin Bang-ye, 54 Qin Ke-qing (Qin-shi), 11, 14n, 144, 194, 198-199, 201, 203 Qin Shihuang, 42 Qin Zhong, 54, 218n qing (ch'ing): as affect(s), 89, 108, 170n; Confucian formulation of, x i i , 22, 55; as
desire, x i i i , 8, 22, 54-60, 71, 78-79, 111, 117, 121, 194, 217-218; as disposition, x i i i , 8, 58-60, 63-64, 66-69, 72-73, 7 8 79, 81, 96-100, 260-261; as emotion, 65-67, 71-72; as essence, 56, 69, 102; as feeling, 54, 78; as forms o f affective dis crimination, 67n; in general sense, 26, 66, 74, 81, 90, 98-99, 101-102, 104, 109, 119, 135, 260, 266; linguistic com pounds of, 53-54, 56-57, 63, 7 1 ; as making love, 53; as passion(s), 56, 65, 149, 166, 168-169; as "reality feedback," 57, 64; as "response to sensory impact," 57n; as romantic love, 54, 167; as senti ment, 106; as social mores and human relations, 54 qingwen (composition o f sentiment), 97 qiqing and liuyu, 67-68, 73, 102 qisu, 42 Qu Yuan, 98, 100, 102; Lisao, 44; The Story of South, 94, 97, 111 reading theory, 23-26, 48 Red Duster, 259 Redfield, James, 226, 254 ren (benevolence), 65n Ricoeur, Paul, 3, 25n, 29n, 34, 39n, 51, HOn, 221 Robertson, Maureen, 106n, 107n Rolston, David, 4n, 5n, lOn, 12n, 2 I n , 28n Ruan Ji, 104 Said, Edward, 47 Sakyamuni, 123 Sanguozhi yanyi (The Three Kingdoms), 5 6, 28, 41-42, 44-45; Honzhi edition of, 44. See also Luo Guanzhong Sartre, Jean-Paul, 20-23, 25 Saussy, Haun, 54n, 89, 96 Schleiermacher, Friedrich D. E., 33 Schopenhauer, Arthur, 222-223; on tragedy, 220-223, 225; The World as Will and Idea, 220-221 Shakespeare, William: Hamlet, x i ; Juliet, 129; King Lear, 246; Macbeth, 242 Shen Fu: and Chen Yun (his wife), 247n; Fusheng liuji (Six Chapters of a "FloatingLife"), 178, 247n shensi, 99, 260 Shenxiu, 147 Shi Xiang-yun, 200-201, 227, 232-233, 238, 241-242, 248
shi yan zhi {shi yan qing), 83-84, 98, 205 Shuihuzhuan (Outlaws of the Marsh), 5, 28, 35, 44-46; Hong X i n , 46 Shujing (Book of Documents), 3 I n , 32, 36, 62, 73n, 78, 83n, 112n shuqing chuantong, 99n Sima Qian (Grand Historian), 30-31, 34-35, 92, 134; "Biography o f Guan Zhong," 34; "Letter in Reply to Ren A n , " 43-44, 134n; Shiji (Historical Records), 34, 40, 42-43, 79, 237. See also Taishi Sima Xiangru, 237 Sivin, Nathan, 39n, 4 1 , 23On Six Classics, 32, 104 Skybright, 132, 153, 181, 201n, 253 Smith, Barbara, 262-263 Snowgoose, 227 Sophocles: Antigone, 251; Oedipus, 221, 242,254 Stone, 9-10, 47, 110-121, 151-153, 156157, 159, 162, 164-166, 168, 170-171, 197, 201, 256, 264-265; as author, 166; as narrator, 256; as protagonist, 168; symbolism of, 11 I n ; as text, 111, 117118, 156-158, 171 Sun Yunfeng, 267n Ta-hsiieh (The Great Learning), 3, 179n, 204 Taishi (Taishigong, Taishiling), 37. See also Sima Qian Taixuhuanjing. See Land o f Illusion Tan-chun, 174 Tang Junyi, 57, 71 Tang Shun-chih, 172 Tang Xianzu, 107, 167; Bridal Du, 207-208, 212; Handanmeng (The Dream of Handan), 167; L i u Mengmei, 209, 212; Mudanting (The Peony Pavilion), 105, 130, 167, 189, 192, 195, 205, 207n, 209, 211, 251 ; Nankeji (The Record of the Southern Branch), 167 Tang Yin, 199 Tao Qian, 232 Tealeaf, 196, 198-199, 203-204 Three Character Classic, 179 Three Kings, 44, 70, 104; and Five August Ones, 44 Thucydides, 32-33, 36, 39 Tongshubian, 162 transformation text, 143 Twelve Beauties o f Jinling, 13, 124-125, 137,201n
Two-in-one (Jian Mei), 13, 14n, 201 Tze-kung (Zigong), 159, 161, 161n Ulysses, x i van der Loon, P., 37n, 42 van Doren, Mark, 253 van Zoeren, Steven Jay, 86n, 87-89, 95, 189n Vanitas (Kongkong Daoren), 118, 149-150, 165-168, 225; as author-as-reader, 165; as dramatized reader, 170-171, 256, 267 von Chamiso, Adalbert ("Frauenliebe undLeben"), 244 Wang Anshi, 183, 185-186, 258-259; "Wan yan shu" ("Ten Thousand Character Memorial") by, 184 Wang B i , 72, 170 Wang Chi-chen, 253 Wang Chong, 69n Wang Fu, 45 Wang Fuzhi, 57n, 71n Wang Guowei, 123, 156, 219, 220, 222-223, 225, 230; and Schopenhauer, 220 Wang Shim, 196, 212n, 214; Crimson (Hongniang), 213-216; Madam Cui, 214; Oriole (Cui Yingying), 207, 209n, 212, 214; Xixianji (The Story of the Western Wing), 128, 130, 186, 192, 195-196, 204-205, 209, 211, 213, 220, 242 Wang Shou-hsi, 172 Wang Xiaochuan (Liqi), 190 Wang Yuyang, 181 n Wang Zhaojun (Lady Bright), 100, 114n, 136, 258 Wayman, Alex, 145 Wenshushiliwen jing, 123 Wenyuan yinghua, 182 west, 11, l l n White, Hayden, 30, 32n, 33, 34n, 40 wood-and-stone affinity, 13, 115, 120, 246. See also Buddhist themes: mu shi wu qing, you qing writer, role of, 166, 256 wu chaodai nianji ke kao, 50-51 Wu Ching-tzu: Chu Hsien-fu, 173-174; Miss Lu, 172-174; M r . L u , 172-182; Rulin Waishi (The Scholars), \1?>-\14, 178-179, 184; Tsai-ping, 173 Wu Shih-ch'ang, xiiin, 6n, 17n Wu Zetian, 40
Wulun wuxing See ism
(Five Relations), 105 or wude (Five Phases), 40-42, 238. also historiography: organic naturalin Chinese
Xerxes, 39 X i Kang, 104, 134 X i Shi, 59 Xiang X i u (Commentary ofZhuangzi), 104 Xiang Yu, 46 Xiao Huarong, 98, 100, 102 Xiao Shulan, 226 xiaoshuo (small talk), 9, 12n, 23, 28 Xi-chun, 124, 154, 254 Xie Xiao'e, 226 Xie Zhaozhe (Wu Zazu), 140n xin (heart-and-mind), 72, 78, 96, 175, 197, 209, 213, 216, 235; linguistic compounds of, 235-236 xing (hsing), 227n; as motion o f disposition, 59n; as natural or nature, 56, 58, 60-61, 63, 65, 67, 70, 72-73, 82, 97; as shape, form, and body, 61, 80, 82, 118 Xiyouji (Journey to the West), 3, 5, 28, 44; Buddhist cosmology in, 44; Chen Shibin's commentary on, 6; Jia (pun on "unreal"), 3; L i Zhi's commentary on, 5; M o (pun on "nonexisting"), 3; Stone Monkey, 44 X u Fuguan, 14 Xü Shen (Shuowen jiezi), 70, 113n, 202n X u Zhonglin: Fengshen yanyi (Investiture of the Gods), 42, 164n; Great Monad (Taiyi Zhenren), 164n; Lady Rocky Bluff (Shiji Niangniang), 164n Xue Bao-chai, 12-13, 17n, 59, 115, 130132, 137, 146-148, 153-155, 157, 161, 173-174, 176, 178, 186-193, 200, 201n, 205-206, 212, 215-216, 223, 227-229, 23In, 234n, 238-242, 245-248, 250254, 258-259, 264-265 Xue Bao-qin, 240 Xue Ke, 194 Xue Tao, 106n Xue Ying-lian, 48, 168 Xunzi (Hsun-tzû), 56, 58-67, 69, 71, 73-83, 85, 102, 161n; Song Xing, 59; his treatment o f the dead, 76-78; Xunzi, 58-59, 61, 63, 65-67, 73-78, 80, 82-83, 134, 193 yang (to nurse), 74, 74n Yang Gueifei, 135, 200 Yang Shu, 259
Yang Wanli (Chengzhai shihua), 25n Yang Xiong, 69n, 96n, 185 yanyi, 24, 257-258 Yao, 39, 73n Yellow Emperor, 39, 139 y es hi or baishi, 28, 257 yi: as intent, 89, 99; as intention, 95; as meaning, 89; as significance, 89 Yijing (Book of Change), 24, 25n, 39, 70-71, 112n, 238, 258n; Great Commentary (Xici zhuan) of, 22, 39, 112n yin and yang, 40-41, 68-71, 238 yongshi (singing about history), 258 You Er-jie (You Er-gu-niang), 194, 230 You San-jie, 153 You Tong (Butianshi or The Sky-Repairing Stone), 114n yu: as desire, 56ff, 59-66, 68-70, 82, 85, 153, 222; as jade, 111, 117, 153, 159160, 222; as that to which the disposition responds, 58, 67 Yu Ji, 259 Yu, Pauline, 27n, 99n, 262 Yu Pingbo, xiiin, 14, 19n, 24, 28n Y u X u a n j i , 106 Yu Yingshi (Yü Ying-shih), 6n, 19-20, 32n, 36n, 104 Yu Yue, 183n Yuan-chun, 195, 233, 250 Yuan M e i , 189n, 267n Yuan Zhen, 106, 261, 263; "Yingying zhuan" (see chuanqi) Yuanhunzhi, 3; Tieche (Iron Pestle), 3; Tiejiu (Iron Mortar), 3 Yue Fei, 135 Yuefu shiji (Collected Poems of the Music Bureau), 105 Yueji (Record of Music), 62, 79 Yueshu (Treatise on Music), 79 Zen Buddhism, 73, 122, 127, 130, 141, 146148, 232 Zhang Ailing, 15n Zhang Cuo (Zhang Zhen'ao), 102-103n Zhang Xinzhi, 24, 187, 192, 202, 258n Zhang Xuecheng (Chang Hsüeh-ch'eng): "Fuxue" ("Women's Learning"), 17n, 94, 96, 23 I n , 256-257; Wens hi tongyi, 31-32, 34-36, 94n, 23In, 257, 259, 263; "Yu Chen Guanmin gongpu lun shixue," 35n, 257n Zhanran ("Jingangbi" or "The Diamond Stick"), 136n
Zhao Gang, 6, 8n, l i n , 13-14, 18n Zhao Qi, 85 Zhen/zhen (true), 4, 16, 50, 143, 145-146, 148-149, 151, 158, 163, 166-167 Zhen Bao-yu, 54, 148, 159-160, 163-164, 174, 198, 203, Zhen Shi-yin (true-events-concealed), 4, 14, 48-49, 114, 142 zhi: as aim, 95; as aspiration, 85; as impulses, 85; as intent, 78; as " i t , " 6n; and qi, 8 5 86; as reach, 86; as stop, 86; as stuff and substance, 58 zhiguai (the anomalous), 3, 51, 76 Zhishen at the Monastery Gate, 130 Zhiyanzhai (Red Inkstone Studio Scholiast), x i - x i i , 5-15, 17, 44, 53-54, 113n, 115n, 116, 157-158, 162, 181n, 187n 202, 227; Zhiyanzhai congping "Shitouji " (The Story of the Stone, again Annotated by the Studio of the Rouge Inkstone), 1 zhiyin, 236-237
Zhong Rong, 96-101 Zhong Ziqi. See Bo Ya Zhou Ruchang, 11, 18n, 54n, 102, 113n, 114n, 140n, 181n Zhouli (Rituals of the Zhou), 3 I n , 74n, 88 Zhu Daosheng, 162 Zhu X i (Chu Hsi), 22-23, 88-90, 218, 239; "Preface to Shi jizhuan," 89 Zhuangzi (Zhuangzi), 28n, 44, 49, 67, 72, 83, 131-132, 138, 155, 181; butterfly dream of, 138; "Rifling Trunks," 131 Zhuge Liang, 135 Zhuo Tian, 46 Zhuo Wenjun. See Sima Xiangru Zilu, 84-85 Zixia, 86 Zongmi (Commentary on "Yulanpen jing"), 123 Zou Yan (Tsou Yen), 40 Zuo Commentary, 29, 31, 40, 56, 67n, 8 3 84, 86, 118, 175n