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was persistently encouraging me to write and publísh ít. Rebecka, you recognized the
grace in me for thís book to be written.
1 wish to thank those who helped in bringing this
book into this reality and to all who were anticipating for it's release. This is not j.ust my book only, but
belongs to all who tirelessly work along me, as we are growing in this grace. Big 'thank you' to Violeta Pantekoska, Aleksandar
Madzarovski and lvan Babanovski who were patiently
re-reading, edited the text and greatly contributed this book to have its fine layout.
Words aren't enough to express my gratitude to the Holy Spirit and His leadership, to my Lord Jesus
Christ Who constantly amazes me with His goodness and our heavenly Father for His immeasurable love.
In RecogJiz.zJ.ng GmcG, Zoran Spasovski reveals to us
the grace of the Lord ]esus Christ in a genuine way. For
hundreds of years back into history, many generations have neglected this topic entirely. But now it's within
reach, to serve us with tremendous power and freshness. ReadingthisbookwillmakeyourealizetherealityofGod's
kingdom and the essential fact that this very kingdom is not far from us because Jesus completely finished this work for us. As the apostle Paul stated: ``Yet He (God) is
actually not far from each one of us, for in Him we live and move and have our being." This book reminds us
that God is very close, and He shows no partiality and is no respecter of persons. And 1 believe it will stir up the
hope in each reader for believing that there is a victorious
life prepared for us, a life of freedom founded on the revelation of the grace of our Lord |esus Christ. If grace
is for each and every person, then this book is for you! It's really up to us to submerse ourselves in this grace and
Áq peAEs ueeq eAt3U " .poD su!Heos Ái]SeuJt39 ei9M oHM SJ3q|O Áut3u Joj Pue i6qini Ui|Jt3W Joj 6tHt3s 6q] St3M ]i •eJeJginoqeuo!it3ieAei9H]peJinbJEeHi!]untH!Hoiesues enii Áue ept3u gu!Hiou ]eÁ `9es!it3ud PuE LieHJBe] ]E9Js
e st3M ined giisode aqi .iej os paJt3Jqtu3 9ABq 9M S8u!H] ÁUBu,mBeiun,]sntH9M`egt3ideHt3|01S!HIJoj`Put3HJevIO
9q] Uo '|ugtHis3Au! aiq!Ssod is9q gq| Si 39t3J8 S,is!iqD jo
ou|t3q|aj||lnolojulops|Msn9A|gmM|!`agt3Isput3]slopun 9M tl9HM „ip3t|S!U!j S! ||,, :]no PaiiJ 6H ugqM SSoJJ 9qi uo ls!JqDjoHIOMPaHS!u!jgtiiS]uoS3id3i6Jt3iD.]Bq]puoÁ9q
pue giou Jt3j S! i! inq `uaq] Sopnpui 9Jt3J8 `S9Á .Á|i|!qB it3init3uJednss,]i`sJeHioJojíÁOJeuisnís!9Jt3JsetHoSJod
•eJPJS S!H Hsnoiqi uMoqs eAoi S,PO9jouoi|ei9AOJ9q]S]ieMeÁiia8t36q]iqMpiioMs!q]jo ]qg!|3mPUB]|t3S6q|9UO]9q9M||IMU9q|Á|UO.SnPunoIP
piLioM 9tii pue sn pJt3Mo] ssaupoos S,PO9 ]noqp q|nJ1
8|niosqB6qi6asut3J9M|t3q|oS9Jt3i8josgssBi86qiuo]nd ]Snu 9M `9j!i jo PuiH siH] a]sE] o] 3iisap 9Mji .aJut3punqe
u! ejii eAis o] pup q]nii pue eJBJs jo iinj etHt3J Sns9f •eDt3is SIH
josuipuBisJopunuetisnoJH]Á[uosnueH]8ueJ]soiJ9Mod gq|St3qqJiqM`SOAiiinou!PO9jod!qsi6pB3i6ti]6ziu8o]9i
In Jiecogni.zi'ng Grcrce, Zoran Spasovski reveals to us
the grace of the Lord |esus Christ in a genuine way. For
hundreds of years back into history, many generations have neglected this topic entirely. But now it's within
reach, to serve us with tremendous power and freshness. ReadingthisbookwillmakeyourealizetherealityofGod's
kingdom and the essential fact that this very kingdom is not far from us because Jesus completely finished this work for us. As the apostle Paul stated: ``Yet He (God) is
actually not far from each one of us, for in Him we live and move and have our being." This book reminds us
that God is very close, and He shows no partiality and is no respecter of persons. And 1 believe it will stir up the
hope in each reader for believing that there is a victorious life prepared for us, a life of freedom founded on the revelation of the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. If grace
is for each and every person, then this book is for you!
It's really up to us to submerse ourselves in this grace and
Áq p6ApS uooq 9Aeq 9M .POD 8uiH66S Áiis6"t36 9J6M OHM
SJ9qio Áut3u ioj Pue J3U|n| tlI|Jt3W Ioj gtHt3S 9q| SBM || •3Dt3J8 ]noqe uo!ieieAoi etii pei!nb]B eq ii]un ui!q o] 9sugs
enii Áug epgu suiti]ou ]9Á `9es!ieqd pue JeqJt3ei it3eJs e St3M ined 3iisodB 3qi .it3j os paJt3Jqu9 9Apq 9M S8u!tii Áut3u,uit39iun,isnu9M`9Jt3idaHB|oiS!tiiJoj`Put3qJ3HIO
eq| uo .|ueuiseAu! eiq!Ssod ]Soq gqi S! 9Dt3i8 s,]siiqD jo suiput3]si9Pun uV .9Ai8 JO i6]jo i6A6 ut3] uoiip]np3 Joq]O
Ou|euiejiiJnoJojtHops!Msn9A!8mM]!`9Jei8put3isiepun aM u3HM ,,ip9qs!U!i Si ii„ :ino PaiJJ aH uaHM SsoiJ 9qi uo ls!Jt|D jo HJOM P9Hslu!j gti} Siu9S9JdeJ 9Dt3JD .it3qi puoÁeq
Pue gioui iej s! ii inq `uati] sgpnpu! 9Jt3i8 `SOÁ .Á}!iiqe
it3init3uigdns s,]! `sJ9qio Joj íÁJiau isní si aJt3Js auios Jod •eJeJs siH qsnoJqi uMoqs eAoi S,POD jo uoi|ei9AeJ eqi Siit3Me ÁiJe8Ee HJiqM piJOM siq] jo
iqsi[etiipuEiit3sgtiieuioJ3q9MmMueuiÁiuo.snpu"e PiJOM 9ui Pue Sn PJt3Moi Sseupoos S,PoD inoqe qinJi einiosqE eHi ees ut3J 9M ]t3tii oS ©Dt3J8jo sessei8 9Hi uo ind
|Snu 9M `ej!i jo puiH sitii 9]sB] oi 9J!S3P 9Mji -9.ut3punqg
ui ejii eA!8 o] pup ti]nii puB eDeJs jo iinj euiED snsgf
'e,eJs s!H
jo su!put3isJopun uB tisnoiqi Áiuo sn u6tiisu6Jis oi JOMod gq| SEti uD!tiM `SeA!i Jno ui PoD jo d!uSJ9Peei gq] eziusoJeJ 1
]Jva9 9NIZINDO)]ü
grace, and we'll enter heaven by grace. So, while here on earth let us learn how to live by it. I truly rejoice for Spasovski's first book and honestly
you as you read, to have an open mind about it, to soar above the clouds and come into agreement with heaven about your life. Only that way will you be able to see the riches He has prepared for you, for ``from His fullness we
have all received grace upon grace.''
Alexandar Dukovski Christian Center 490, Skopje
Chapter One
"Unmerited divine help given to people for their renewal and sanctification." "Genuine favor, a privilege."
After a great deal of searching for the meaning of life, and afterthehostoftrialsandexperienceslhadfacedasayoung man, in 1995, at the age of twenty-one, I got saved and experienced a dramatic change. A new man was molded in me and was becoming more evident and more obvious to those around me. This change was so unmistakably apparent to those who were part of my daily life and yet was not so easy to explain. Everything around me became alive and all things took on new dimensions of reality. The best thing that could ever happen to a confused and frightened soul is to meet the Savior Jesus Christ. Right in that moment the meaning and the direction of my life were outlined and still are the same to this day - to live formySavioreachandeverydayofmylife.Livingbyfaith and testifting about this tremendous life in Him to those around me has become my reality. Growing in maturity
Pue 3Pni!it3is uDns itisnoJq ]i `ÁJPJ]uoD 9qi uo .eu ui iqnop io sS9upt3s Áu€ 8u!Jq i,up!p p9JJnJDo tp!tiM 98ut3qD 9t|] 1eÁ .1U8!|Iods eqi ui Mou eJ9M uo!sueqgiduoD igd83p Áue inoui!M ÁisnoiA9Jd peJeique pt3q i tp!tiM sj9!i3q gt|I W .P9MO||Oj Á|qt3|!Aeu! sje!igq pue suo!u!do uit3]i9D
jo 98ut3qJ 9tiL .sn spJt3Mo] Ssgupoos s,poD jo sseuiB9Js eu] |noqt3 uo!iJ!Aum Snonu!]uoD put3 d99p jo sse3oid su!o8uo ug s! 9DBi8 8u!pu€]sJgpun jo Á9umoí s!tiL .tiidep s]! pue ,9ot3i8, pioM eiii Ápnis o] dn P9JJ!]S St3M | `e|q!8 9UI
put3]sJepun oi Sn sdieu puE Jetpt3ei iseq eq] S! otiM `]!J!ds Á|OH 9q] jo HJOM 3U| Put3]SJepun o] 8u!ioABepug st3M i SV .eJPJs jo 90U9SS9 3u| Put3isJOpun i,up!P i `8u!q.t3ei PuB su!uJPoid tpmuD eu] 8u!Aies iueds sJt39Á JOHg ueA9 ]Eti] Át3s Áiisguou uED i .i! jo ti]d9P 9U| PuB SU!ug3u eHI
pedsBis Áiinj J9A3u ppu i i9Á `9Jojgq sgui] snoJeunu ]! PJt39t| eAEu i ,,.ti]!t3j tisnoiu] poAt3S u99q 9Aeq noÁ 9oeis Áq,,9SJ3AetiiuiiMJE!i!uBjSt3Mi9Smmjo.9DPJSS,PoDjo uo!ieioA9J e guit3D `ej!i Áu jo iiEd B eJg oHM 9Sotii Joj osig
inq jiosÁu Joj Áiuo iou `ii!M s,poD jo i!nsind eiBuoisst3d E qiiM pgi!Bd gj!i ien]!J!ds oiu! 8u!uoHBMP 9Suelu! S!t|] H]!M i]S!JUD Snsef pJoi etii
qiiM isBoq ii!M i ueti] `ist3oq i ji :Áes mM pue inBd eiisodg gtii ti]!M 3eisE i ueui `9j!i siti] u! 8u!uriuB inoqe ist3oq
ieA9 pi" i j! Áiiseuoq puE `ssgiium 9Je ssuissgiq etii pue s9Duo!Jedxo 9tiL .isiiqD Snsef PJoi gq| u! t|1!Pj gt|I U! 9Jn]t3tu uBD i oS SeAii iietii tii!M peAJes ÁissgiiueieJ pup eu
JojgiduExguei9SoqM9Sou]iit3oiinj3iBJSÁi3suguu!uBi •Sue!is!JqD S9Aiesuetii iit3] otiM
esoti] Joj eq o] ]Hsno i! SP `9u Joj PJeput3is giqt3eJt3ideJJi uE s! ii!is puE st3M - tpJntp gqi - 9uioH it3ni!J!ds Áu u!tiiiM
])VtiD 9NIZIN90]]a
process of getting acquainted with His grace, the reality of who God is to me was never reduced or underestimated nor was it ever neglected. With the revelation of grace, everything became even more intensive and more vivid compared to my previous knowledge and experiences. Certainly, this grace described in the Scriptures as unsearchable will be continuously unveiled and sought, and all of us will grow in the knowledge of its work. The revelation about this concept and my experience in this
process of discovering the power of grace changed my understanding of God's greatness and at the same time changed my life entirely. The closeness 1 experience with the Holy Spirit, the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God the Father now are even deeper. All of this is a result of growing in grace. The truth 1 came to know in a different way, the freedom 1 experienced, increased my gratitude toward God more and more. I only have God to thank for His amazing revelation of His grace which helped me to comprehend righteousness. I realized that Christ's righteousness is irrevocably woven into my being, which thus opened a way for boldness to become a natural part of my everyday life. Joy and peace now are more vivid and more tangible, as if 1 can almost taste them or smell them. The faith in me is now the reality which permeates beyond the reasoning and patterns of this world. God's reality is so compelling that it both immerses and fills every particle of my existence, Simultaneously, with the understanding of this revelation came the desire and the burden to share it, so anyone who would read
|! PUB|SJ3Pun PuB ]S!Jq] Sns3| HsnoJtii Mou 9AioooJ 9M 1
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HO0q S|H] u! i3HIJnj Pt33J noÁ su!q]ÁuV .6Jt3J8 8u!zt3uB s!H
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siqi u! MOJs o] pesugiit3qD pue dn p3JJ!]s gq iiiM ii inoqB
through the Holy Spirit. In the letter to the Ephesians, the apostle Paul says: ''...so that in the coming ages He might show the immeasurable riches of His grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus." (Ephesians 2:7) AstimewentbyGoddisplayedHisgracemoreandmoreso that nowadays we are experiencing a far greater measure of it than it was experienced by previous generations. It's God's decision to meet the need for grace in His various ways. This decision is determined by the depth of our desire in the first place. So His response through His manifested kingdom is equal to our earnest desire to understand Him and His grace for us. When the disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to pray, He gave them the instructions, saying: "Pray then like this: `Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name." (Matthew 6:9)
Jesusgivesthemtheopportunitytolearnhowtopray,and He didn't stop here but throughout the whole chapter of this Gospel, He continued to give spiritual and practical advice to all those who desired to understand His kingdom and how it works. Further, He went on to say: ``But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you." (Matt.6:33) Therefore,accordingtothedesireandthelonginginusto continually taste and experience grace in its unsearchable depths, we'll see the kingdom of God advancing in (the world). In other words, grace will be revealed in our lives correspondingtothedesirewecultivateforitinourselves. In this age, we live having the knowledge and experiences
of the believers who came before us and the discernment of the things written for our edification; we can conclude
oUM PoD u! SesB Joj uepp!H ÁJeisÁu eui jo Ut3id eHi Si
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9JEJss!ui`siu!eso"iejoisBeiÁieAeH]ueiusnounLHOL„ :sut3iseHdEoiJe»eieuiu!9ioJMeHUeHMH1"11t3eJSS!UI
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pupeJt?J88u!]degoBjo4!i!q!ssodeuiUiJojsu!Jqo]S!S!U1 iTBPW„jesp9|MOUHPUBSUO!it3[eAeJ9S9U"SJepuoMeHi
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[[!M"euMeu!8Eu!oiÁj"uP"euout#HBusnf'esBS"i u! Mou puB @Jeu eA!i oi pe]pxe Á[it3eJs uE i `ÁiieuosJed •Áioi8 u! P9]iBX3 S! i3q]t3d aHi POD it3qi oS P6ioidx6
iaH]mj gq o| 9Jt3i8 Joj is!iqD Snsaf PJoi ino jo uoi]u6iu! @u!nueseu]usnoiH]Jeuit3Jinq]!JeuJnoÁqiouS,i!]EHi eiou ez!St?UdtH9 0| ]tlt3M i .]SBd eu] U! PO!Jed |e"PU ÁUB u! st3M ]! uEH] Jedeep pue ieit3eJs it3j s! sÁept3Mou suoiie[eAOJ jo uo!iBJ]UeJuoJ eui it3Hi eAe!ieq oS|e | `9J!I J!euI
u! eoed s,poD jo se!uouii]se] pue seoue!Jedxe pueH-]sJ!] J!eH]UuoJjuegiPuBtHeH]]noqpeJouMouHo]iHsnoeM
PW jeJeM eJeH| esJnoo jo .8u!JUBAPP Uopg" eui uees ],upt3umeJt3JSS,PODMouHi,uP!PoHMist3d9U]u!eidogd ],ueJeM eJeH] it3H] ut3eu i,useop S!Hi `]t3H] P!es su!At3H
•4!UB!]S!" jo Áio]S!H eui u! es[e euoÁue ut3Hi eJoui Jt3j
9A!eoJed puB MouH o] uo!]!Sod iBep! eu] Ui eJe eM ]t3H1
created all things, so that through the church the manifold wisdom of God might now be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly places. This was according to the eternal purpose that he has realized in Christ ]esus our Lord, in whom we have boldness and access with confidence through our faith in him." (Ephesians 3:8-12)
We have since accumulated a vast sum of revelations about heaven and the kingdom, the angelic world, the true nature of ]esus Christ, of God the Father, and of the Holy Spirit. We've been given the weighty opportunity to really advance in our understanding of God's grace. I'm honestly shocked when 1 hear other believers saying: ``Don't be so radical, you don't really need more revelations, God will determine how much it will be revealed to you." It seems that the main source of this statement is the misconception that such knowledge will puff us up. Accordingly, two things come to mind: first, I'm pretty sure this stance is rooted in fear, and second, it reflects a lackofunderstandingofseveralkeyareasofchristianlife: a failure to know God's heart and His plans and purposes for us alongside a failure to understand the Bible and the context of certain of its ideas and concepts. Yes, I agree that knowledge can puff up and sometimes can lead to one's own destruction. Paul wrote concerning this matter: ``Now concerning food offered to idols: we know that all of us possess knowledge. This `knowledge' puffs up, but love builds up." (1 Corinthians 8:1) In this verse, according to the context of the comparison and the purpose of this knowledge, of course love is the paramount! In other instances where knowledge isn't compared to love, it's highlighted and estimated as a goal worth reaching for. In
Sns9| ti8noJHi P6isajiueu 6Jt3J8 S,]SiJqD jo S9tp!J 9q| 9Joidxg o] Moq Sn qgt39i oi s]ut3M iiJids ÁioH ati] 9A6!|9q |
Ul!P] Áq 9^!| eM UJ!UM U! 3dou |n}J3puoM
Pue }u6!Jq e^Eu 3M `|s!Ju] snser u! |Jo]luo] pue }uawa6ejnoJue pue aJEJ6 a^Eq 9M
(7:SF|U|Bsd)„.SIJ84q8!umoÁ9iepapiiBqspuBi6q]oue 0| SHIOM lnoÁ Pu6uuoJ iit3qs uoiit2J9ug8 guo,, :Moiioj |eq| S9uO 3qi ioj 68P!iq atii aq ut3J 9M oS HioM S,POD jo su!put3]Si3pun pue stio!]t3i6A6i giou 9A!9Joi o] s9Aigsmo uo!iisod oi iq8no 9M `S!qi jo iq8!i ui .u6Hi Joj sgsodind
puesut3ids,pogjoSuo!it3i3AOJigd66pu!ssaisoidoiugqi di6q io Át3M i!aq] ui S9PBisqo ]nd Joqii6 ii,6M .Suit36J |tm|!I!ds 3H| UI SSU!t|] 9t|] U90S|P mM UO||816Uag ]X6U 6q| ÁBM 9U| 6U|tma|6P mM P9U!t3|qo 9A,9M 6gp6|MOUH
pue suo!it3ieA9i gtii i[g pit3Moi 9At3u 9M 4!|!q!Suods9J 9Ul
uO!ieJ3uo8 S!tii jo iit3d Sv .ii 8uiMoiioj guo aq] uioJj ioÁ i6]j!p ii!M PuB 9uo sno!A6id aui uioij itioJ3]jip ÁpigiduoJ aq |||M tp|t|M el9 UB O]U! sn lausn mM 6gp3iMouH jo PU!H S|t|L .1!J!ds Á|OH 3q] Áq uaAis uo!it3i6Aai 6q] uodn petis!iqBis3 s! qD!tiM 98pgiMouH P99u 9M .Suo!uido ÁHoi pue saitidosoiiqd ÁipiJOM uo poseq S! qo!uM a8PoiMouH
jo PuiH Áue jo p66u ui i,me 9M `9idood itm]!i!ds sv (8T:S J616d Z) ,,.UauIV .4i"9]9 jo Áep gqi ui PuB Mou Hioq Áioi8 3qi 6q ui!H 0L .]S!JqD Sns3I JO!At3S
pue pJoi Jno jo 98pgiMouH etii ui pue eDt3J8 9H] u! MOJ8 1n8,, :910JM |"3d 9|]SodB 3U| U6qM S!q] inoqp Pt39i 9M •68PaiMoUH it3!|U9!Jodx9 u!e8 oi pa8t3moJua 6.iB aM `]]t3j
]Jvti9 9NIZIN90J]d
Christ. He wants to challenge us to great exploits in areas yet unknown to our minds so we can reach greater depths of His grace. If we truly believe and claim that God is limitless and eternally unsearchable, then the idea of new revelations simply ceasing breaks down and isn't valid. Those revelations were never meant to be a hidden mystery for us; they are in God ready and waiting for us to discover them. It is His will for us to seek them and find them. God intended to be known more and more, He offered His hand of friendship. Jesus said this Himself: ``You did not choose me, but 1 chose you and appointed you" (John 15:16)
We have grace and encouragement and comfort in Jesus Christ, we have bright and wonderful hope in which we live by faith. I am convinced that every human heart's desire is to know God and to dwell within His marvelous wholeness. Grace makes this possible.
Deeper understanding of God's grace Theapostlepaulwrote:"sochristmaydwellinyourhearts through faith-that you being rooted and grounded in love, may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ, that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God." (Ephesians 3:17-19) This is a very promising scripture, and there is such depth in it. If we are really ready to open ourselves
.U9At39q u! s! ]! sB u]Jt39 uo euop
3q mM moÁ `6uog uopsu!H moÁ„ :sÁBs ii 9JoqM oT:9 M9tmew o| 8u!ploDJB I9A9!|eq 9H] jo 9|Á|sgj!| pgpgdxe gt|] s| |! m|s `9|q!ssodu| lo a|qt:]d6]]t3un sugas 9Aoqp
]uaui9]t3]S aqi tisnoq||V .q|Jt39 uo 6i6q P6is6jiuEu i! 99S ut3] 6M os put3q Jno |B S! ]t3tiM Put3]Siopun oi sn ioj s]it3M ueAt3eH .JeÁEJd usnoJu] uMoP i! 8u!Jq Pue ]! Joj ino tpt39J pue e3ut3]!ietiui ug sB eAoqp 9At3U 9M |t3qM Pue|SJepun ut3D 9M os `ÁiiBuoi]u6iui s6AiasJno uoiiisod o] Sn oi dn S,i! MON .9A0qe S8Uiq| aui jo iuaumaJsip aAt2H o] :98ugiieqJ E q]!M Sn H9| Sns9| `6:9 M9UnBW ui elojgq PE9I eM SV
•mM siq pue]si6pun oi 6jiijo uiopsiM si ii (TT:T
sut3is6HdH) „.mM siu jo igsu" 9tii o] 8u!piooDe ssuiqi iie SHioM OHM uiiq jo 3SodJnd gtii oi 8u!PJooJp p6ui]s6p6id ugaq 8uiABq 6JUB]iiaqu! uB p3uit2|qo 3At3q 6M u!q ui„ `ii[M puB 9mst36id s,poo Áq pauit3pio 9Aoqp Ssu!qi gtii jo uo!it3isej!ueui gti] H©es puB ÁJuenb9Jj S,u9Aegu oi u! 9uni oi ut39i isnui 3M .ut3id s,poD ui i,u6JB Áiduis s8uiqi gsoq] 6sm3]aq`ugddeq"Msu!qiouims`si86ÁiojÁBidpueÁt3id
]u8!u 3idoad pw .sn Joj uo!]ua]ui pue 6sodind s,pog ui Punoj |,U6Ie Uau]jo ]SOU asneooq pgmjinjun U!t3U16I mM i6Á Joj suiiit3M aJB 9M tp!tiM ssu!q] J9q]o 9ie 3iati] ]nq `]euM 16neu OU P6||H|nj gq mM ]eHi mM s,poD uiu]!M
S8uiqi 9Jp 3J6tii .ÁiaisÁu siti] ioj uoiit3PAoi su!H39S ÁiinjgsodJnd jo uo!]!sod e suiHt3i se]ouep pzJayaLJdLuoo PJOM 9q| `|X9| |t3U!8!IO 3U| U| „...PU6t|9JduoJ 0] H]8U9J]S 3ABu Át!u noÁ it3q] ...,, :SÁes ]i 3Aoqe 3mid!JJS 6til jo ST
asi6A ui .ssgupoos s,poD jo uo!suaqgiduoD ino MOJS
Pue Sn qsnoJu] M0H iiiM ]! `qi"i S!tii jo iaMod aqi oi dn
]Jvti9 9NIZIN90J]d
The Holy Spirit expects us to adj.ust to the
frequency of heaven
The more we get acquainted with the reality of heaven the more we'll allow it to express itself through us. The Holy Spirit expects us to adjust to the frequency of heaven. And the whole purpose for it is for us to discover and see and tastethethingsabovesowecandisplaythemhere.Let'sbe ready for the promptings of the Spirit. Otherwise we won't be able to testift about the dimensions of His greatness. We cannot bear witness to such things unless they are born in us. We only have the boldness to speak of what is inside of us, otherwise we'11 just retell someone else's experiences. Second hand stories may have influence to
a certain extent, but our personal experience will truly impact those in our vicinity. We need to understand grace in our own genuine way, we ought to perceive how it works, because it's the only way for the culture of heaven to invade the culture of this world.
Deeper ln the Gospel of Luke we read the following verse: ``And when Jesus had finished speaking, he said to Simon, `Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.'"(Luke 5:4) Although this verse is basic and practical advice for Simon as a fisherman, to me personally the word deeper stands out, and 1 want to discuss it further.
`puiui s,9uo ,iinsui, oi ÁDu9Pu9] 9ui St3ti i! Pue JeA9 SMou
lseq 3tii S,ii `SeÁ .eu!8Eu! Jo Huiqi JeA9 pinoD 9uou pue giojeq uges io pJt3eq i,ust3M iEH1 8U!H]9UOS S! 1| t.ÜEAE S:M" LZSE8 et|I S,1! `SMaw POOő gql ]Sní ],uS! igdsoD 9qL •]! P03uo!J9dxe ieÁ iou st3H i! se sMeu poos Áiit3uo!id9Jxo
S!tii idoDDe iouueJ Pu!u gti] `9it3is S!tii ui .]! put3isiepun
],usgop i! esn€J9q p9Mou9J ]OU ugtiM Pu!u uEunq gti| 0| 9suo]jo u€ s! 9Ju9Sse Sii u! igdsoD 9U] |t3U| |98Joj lou S,19| -Su]dop 9q] ti]!M it39p ut3J 9M os su!PueisJ9pun jo sioAoi Meu oi Sn eHE] put3 s9!iiJmgsu! Jno Pup sgssouHt39M Jno u! Sn digu oi giqB iioM S! oHM i!J!ds ÁioH 9ti]jo d!tisJ9ppgi gqi o] pio!Á oi S! SiaA6ii6q sB sn ioj 8u!uit3u9J suHi Áiuo gt|L .SUO!|t3|9A9J S!U |39íeJ oi ioÁ Pue `ssu!tii snoJpuoM seop sÁPMip pue igiigq uMouH 9q oi SeJisep oqM `PoD ui isnii oi ÁJoiJipt3iiuoJ-jios S! ii .it3iiuBisqnsui si suipuEisJ9punjosi9AoiMou8u!JqqD!qMSuo!iei9AOJMoú
jo it3ej `sieAe!igq " .uo!]ipEJ| 0| Sn PU!q qD!t|M |lqeu jo S9JJoj6q|UoljU9q|P|6|qs0|S,|l`8U!t|]9UOS]SU|t38PPU|U Jno PuB |it39ti Jno pit3n8 Áiuiij oi ioA9 aJ,9M ji .uoiiipt3i] io uio]Sm B o] punoq e]9M 3M ji sE ssuiqi op eM 9ieqM puitH jo 9]pis p tiiiM pue ÁigieuniJojun put3 eieHMou sn pE9i uoi]t3idueiuoJ PuE JoiAeH9qjo PU!H SiqL .|! ]Deí9I 9M 9iojeJ3tii pug Jt33j ssuiJq uMouHun S! it3HM .UMOUHun S,]I esneDoq ]i 38pní 3M fsn Áq peuuepuoD s! 8uiput3]sigpun 1
Jno 9Aoqe esie suiHriw .8uiput3isigpun ino o] 8uipiooDe ]9JdJ9iu! 9M 9j!i Jno u! sueddEH ]t3Hi iiE `ind Áidu!S .q]!M Je!iiuit3j 9Je pug MouH Ápt39Jig eM ssu!tii etii Áiuo ÁiddE oi
pugi9M.8uiput3]SJepuninojouiie9Jeuiu!ÁioAisnpx3eii qDitiM suoispgp su!H€u oi guoJd 9Je eM 9tH!i guljo lsou |t3tii 6Ziit2aJ i `iJnpuoJ pue suoiiJe uMo Áu u9A3 pue `6u PunoJEesouijos3Aiieti]puESuo!ipidu9|uoJeq|8uiAJ9Sqo
]]Va9 9NIZINDO]]a
yet it brings salvation for those who humble themselves and accept it wholeheartedly. ``...givingthankstotheFather,whohasqualified
you to share in the inheritance of the saints in light. He has delivered us from the power of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son." (Colossians 1:12-13)
The Gospel isn't just the good r}ew5, it's the BEST NEWS EVER!
We've been privileged to be delivered from the domain and influence of darkness where we couldn't truly see and be transferred to the kingdom of light. And now we not only can have a sense of the shape of things, but we can see them clearly. What's really happening? The Holy Spirit is sharpening our senses so in that way we grow in perceiving spiritually all that is around us. Being saved in the first place is amazing, but if we only remain on this level of experience - just knowing we are saved - we'll miss out on the great wonders of God's kingdom and God's closeness which are now available. Therefore, we must train our spiritual senses and grow in the understanding that the Holy Spirit gives. If we lose our sensitivity to the spiritual world, we'll be in danger becoming obtuse to the leadership ofthe Holy Spirit. We'll know of God's existence but remain ignorant of how to be led by him. What we
perceive in the spiritual world isn't something distant or unknown (or it shouldn't be) because it's already in
•iaAoos]t3tiM uo!snjuoJ su!Jq o] uoiiu6iui ,sns6| iaA9u st3M i! ]t3tn 6Aaiigq i ápuiu u! 9si9 8u!qi3uos pt3u snsaí sdt3tii6d Jo iti! 8u!pu!j Áiitm]Je i9Aou jo 4!i!q!ssod 6qi u|!M inq su!Hees Áiis9uJt39 isní S! uoPsu!H 9qi 8u!H39S jo id9D" Sitii iBqi HU!ti] noÁ oG L]!J!ds ÁioH eqi tisnoJqi S9A!i Jno u! i! MouH oi Sn Joj gi!sep s!H S,i! pug `S9idps!P
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•1S!JqD Snsef lnoqE S! 9J9qi iip Sn tpee] ii!M J9u3t33i ]Seq gt|I S! OuM 1[i!ds ÁioH euL .u!PA u! u9A!8 i,useM `98e eq] jo Pue 9U| |!|Un Sn U]|M eq ii!M eq ]Eq| `9Pgu PJoi Jno snsgf it3qi 3S!uoJd etiL .Sn u! ut38eq eq HJOM Poo8 9Hi uo!i6iduoJ o] 8uiJq oi injqi!Bj S! 9q Pue HioM SiH Si Siql ísn ui S3Aii iii!ds ÁioH 9qi `iie io]jv .Sn do]S aiojaJ6qi puB 6uiii Áue ie Sn ugiti8iJj ]ou Pinoqs P9|B9A9J 8uigq S,|t3HM
inoqe suiput3isigpun suiuit38 pup suo!ieioAoi sum68 :Át3S mM | U!t3ge PUV (7T:S SM9Iq9H) „.||A9 Uolj POOs
qsinsu!]s!P o] eD!iDt3id iut3]sum Áq peu!t3Ji iuguiuoDs!p jo sJ9Mod J!9u] eAt3q otiM esoqi Joj `3Jn]t3u 9Hi Joj S! Pooj
p!ios ing,, :ugn!JM s,i! Se `emieu pue Mois oi s! uioqM9u E ioj it3o8 9tii pue ssu!9q uoqM9u se pez!u8oDei Ápt39iig eJe eM ]iJ!ds gqi jo tHit39J 9tii ui .S8u!eq it3ni!iids 9Jg eM 3JojeJoui Put3 `Sn ui s! uoPsu!H s,PoD -oS P!t3S Sns9| - sn
]]Vd9 9NIZINDO)]a
On the contrary, he wanted his glorious kingdom to be revealed, and at the same time, he stirs up the desire in us to understand how this kingdom works and manifests. Therefore, seeking God's kingdom is an active and progressive function. Jesus exhorts us to seek it in order to find it and ultimately so that we can give it away. The kingdom is not a secret mystery. It was a mystery prior to Jesus' coming on this earth. It's not hidden because it already dwells in us. Concerning this kingdom, we cannot affordlukewarmthinking:``well,ifitcomesthenitcomes, if not, then it's not a big deal." This mentality might be typical for our nation or other nations, but it should be avoided at all costs in the mindset of God's people. When our lord Jesus Christ set this challenge to seek his kingdom, he provided the end result of that pursuit: the kingdom can be found. We must therefore find it within us and to manifest it.
Therefore, seeking God's kingdom is an active and progressive function
The Holy Spirit came because of God's grace, and his intention is to dwell in us and among us. The purpose of his coming is to inspire us to live this life in accordance withhisleadership.IfwesubmitandallowtheHolySpirit and his living word to work in our hearts, he is able to change our life to that extent that we won't be able to recognize ourselves.
eAt3u eidoed UeHM 'PiJOM S!Hi U! 4!it3eJ SH Ssu!ü Pue
gi6qdsou# 6q] s68ut3qJ u!q qi!M Ssau6sop Jno .Sns9Í PJOT 9q| q|!M d!qsMoiigj 9SOP Joj Á]!i!qe 6qi st3q uo!]t3ai] M9U 9q| Á|UO .ioiABti6q Mau Pue S]q8noqi Mou puB st33p!
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auo uaAH .PJOM JBim!iJt3d iBq] oiui gj!i P9H]egiq oqM
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the encounter with God's word and when they face the truth in it, they don't remain the same. And the Holy Spirit will continually confirm his word because he will endorse the pursuit in their heart to know Christ Jesus deeply intimately.
The grace and the truth Without the understanding of this amazing grace, we won't be able to function in life and certainly won't be able to fulfill God's plan for our life. Grace is the foundation of everything we have and are given. Life is a gift, faith is a
gift, strength is a gift and our calling is a gift. All these are gifts from God. Our Christian life is not functional when we lack understanding about grace, nor will it make much sense to us. I personally think the next verse is a mirror reflection of who the Father is and how he sees us: "Every
good and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there's no variation or shadow due to change." (James 1:17)
I don't understand the doctrine where God is portrayed as someone who takes things away. On the contrary, everywhere 1 turn in the Bible, I see a generous God who is the God of grace. ]esus Christ came and displayed openly who the Father is, and all he did was look at what the Father did. With every act of grace and kindness, ]esus revealed the Father's heart. This was the reason why he came full of grace and truth. Jesus came in grace and truth, and we received grace upon grace. But why doesn't
ÁW„ :P!t3S eH UeHM SnseJ uoJj ios eM iuetH98einooue
]t3eJS B ]eHM .Áuoue eui jo eo!oA eHi uo su!smqi eq ],upinous " 'eii 8 S! uiH uoJj S©tHOJ it3u] 8u!H]ÁJ9Ae es"3oeq `eo!oA s!q ti! pe]SeJ9]u! i[e ]B iou uE i ]T3H] Ppe |HM | `atH!1 6U] ||8 H q]|M |t39P Pue Áugu6 6H] jo 9JioA 6q] Jt3aH Á9qi Át3S oqM asoH] Jod .ÁtHouo 6q] jo 9J!oA 6H]
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puB 98epuoq jo 6m# e oi sn ssu!Jq d!qspu6H sH] uoJj ep!spsu!dde»-ui"ieioHMeHiS!jiesuHeu`is!"Snsef Si SpueU SH Sn S[Tt39 PuB Ui"i eioHM eu] Sess@Ssod ouM
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U1"1 euI Peeu eM 'Sn jo |Jt3d e euoJeq Ut3J ]! oS ü u]!M
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s! eJeJ8 9snt3098 áHi"] Joj su!ui gut3S eui ÁBS eJnid!JJS
]Jvtio 9NlzlNDo)]a
sheep hear my voice and 1 know them, and they follow me." (John 10:27)
The truth enforces and sharpens Jesus'voice and silences the voice of the enemy
On the cross Jesus solved all the problems and every
possible circumstance that could have created a chasm between him and us. His cross and his resurrection still havethepowerofwhichtheapostlePaulsaid:"...that1may know him and the power of his resurrection." (Philippians 3: 10) This power is still the same and limitlessly effective. It doesn't lose its effectiveness. Therefore, when we call upon Jesus, the problem has to leave, because the same
power that was released two thousand years ago is still very present and active just as it was back then. Yet, the measure of the manifestation of that power depends and is determined by our willingness to humble ourselves before our |esus. The only reason why people are set free orhealedisbecauseof]esus'/].Jii.shedworkonthecross.As
strange as what I'm about to say may sound, if we believe that Jesus heals in the moment when we are praying for someone, then clearly that would mean that he failed to complete his work on the cross. Let's not be deceived in thinking that God only loved us from the moment Jesus was hanging on the cross. If that were the case, then there would have been no initiative for the cross whatsoever! In other words, the only thing that triggered God's plan for the cross was actually his eternal love for us. His love for
6m puB uit3d aH] pginpug sns3Í .siq] ]98ioj ]ou s,]9i `Áo[
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p9]e6s suigq st3M Áo.f ,snsaf ]pqi uoHO9i 9J6q P6uo!]uau ÁoÍ eui ]noqe sU!PeoJ ueHM SJeA9!|eq etHOS (ZU SMeJqeH)„.PoojoeuoJH]9H]joPut3H]H8!ieulüPeit3es
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3q] 6q i,upinoM aq 6SmJoq u!q u! 4iimgs Jno pi!nq o] 9iqB 3q ],upinoM 6M puB `J9]JeJt3qo s,pog jo ÁJu3]s!suoJ eH]joHt?edsi,upinoJeMUeHi`eiiS!H]ideJoeeMji.poAt3s
"eMuoUMSnPOAoiisJ!jPoo]t3H|uo!ideJuoJsiueH]jo eJt3MP eq S,]eT -jies|! eup eJojeq UeA9 uoiiou tii st3M sn
]esus' standards ln the Gospel of ]ohn is written: ``If you abide in my word,
you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free." (John 8:31-32) Jesus Christ is
the Author of faith and as long as we remain and abide in him, we are abiding in that faith. He also said: ``...for apart from me you can do nothing." (John 15:5) If we desire to see more of God's glory and the manifestation ofhis power, firstly we ought to love ]esus and everything else will take its place. Let's first love Jesus and the rest will flow out of the fellowship with him. He knows exactly what we need because he knows the condition we are in and the need we are facing. Jesus knows exactly how much we need and when to give us what we need and more. Why? Simply
because that's who he is - full of grace and truth. Just because our current condition doesn't correspond with the promised one in the Bible, doesn't mean that ]esus Christ has changed.
Let's first love Jesus and the rest will flow out of the fellowship with him
There are standards of holiness and love and forgiveness and appropriate talking and conduct which Jesus established. When we don't live up to the standard of Christ's deed, then we paint a false picture about what we believe for ourselves and others, and it will disappoint us
9A6iigq i .(9]t3J6qii oi JOMod Áue ssassod iou saop q]nJi P6||t3J OS S|H| Joj) SPJt3Put3]S S,U9U Áq P9]UlB| ]OU - q|"|
3uiu"jSouioJi!j!ÁiuoPiiBAS!4!ioJuisjoÁ}iimb6qu6Á `Á}ii6Du!si!9q]]qnopo]9snt3JÁigmS,9J9q|Pue`t|1"1aHI Ht39ds pue aiaJuis 6Jp Á6ti] u!t3p Áut2N .uo!snjuoJ i!3qi jo uoi]JOHOJ e gq mM ajii ii6qi `4!iBoi ui inq `6Jt3id isi!j aq] ui 9AiiB 9iB Á3qi ÁqM oi isMSue ti|B|J6J P aAt3q |U8|U
Á6q] `6uii gqi 8uoie 9JotiMouos sdt3qJ6d puv `uoisnjuoJ ui s6Aii uosJ6d sitiL .8u!pegq gip Á6qi 6igqM io 6jii ui gsodind Ji6qi MouH Á3q] op Jou `uoij guoJ ÁaHi 6J6qM 3np ou 6At3q Áatii it3tii it3ap S9uioJ9q |i `tH!q 0] 9j!i ii6q|
pgniuiqns iou sBq puE sns6í MouH ],usgop oqM 9uoÁue U]!M 9|!HM e J0j HB9ds o] Ái!un]Joddo ug 9At3q noÁ ji •P99u 9M |t3q| iiB 9Dut3punqE ui eA!8 oi sn poS!uioJd
6upue`9A6iigqoqMSnJojP!P9qieqMjoÁt3idsipgi6iduoJ e st3M snsgf jo ssom gtiL .is!iqD u! Sn SS6iq oi iiiM S!H ol
suipiome p6piJop peq gq `iie ioj PuB 9Juo .sn uioij su!qi poo8 Áue pioqqiiM iou sgop oqM Joqied Snoigu68 e s! 6q pue `99uBpunqB pue ssgu3igiduoJ jo 9JJnos 9q] S! Jat||t3d gq] PO9 .1t3ql 6m U66q laA6U Spq 9H .S! PO9 0qM ]OU SI I
S|qL ioN .q]eJM S|q 6HOAOJd oi ]ou inj6it3. Áigugi]xo 6q o] poou 9M ]eq] puB poou s!q so8upqJ 6H it3tii `S| Sns9| oqMjoast3u!8uoJM9Hi]S9j!ueuii!M6JUBJou8!asnBJaq `]i jo ino i68 o] iopJo u! `9]t3is Jt3im!iJt3d siqi jo 6it3Mp aq oi sn s]ioqx6 6iq!8 9ti] ÁtiM uost39J 9ti] si s!qL .69ut3iou8i
jo ait3is aqi s! siqL .ui!juoo Áigsit3j mM sgu!i66j pué SUo!]Oua u3HOJq ino ]t3q] 6Jn]Jid pgiJo]S!p B 9]e3JJ ut39
sgui!iguios it3M9" jo ss6]oid 6q] ui s! tpiqM puiu ino `Áigit2uniJojun .qinii pue iii!ds u! uiq diqsioM ]snu ui!q d|USIOM0HM9Sot|]]t3q|P!t3S9qÁqMs,it3q]pup`s6nit3Apup SPIBPut3|S UMO S!q St3q Sns9i .S16t||O |U|Oddt3Slp mM PUP
]Jvd9 9NIZIN90J]d
the only way for God's truth to be understood is by the power of grace.
The gloves of grace I've come across preachers who speak the truth and aren't covered by the protection of love. Years back, I was quickened by the Holy Spirit who warned me to use the gloves of grace each time 1 want to speak the truth from God's word. God's word by itself is sharp and might easily injure those who hear and those who use this sword without putting on grace's gloves. For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. (Hebrews 4:12)
I strongly believe the spoken truth must be in an accordance with grace. Without grace truth couldn't come and be expressed. Grace enabled truth to appear and take up its place in us. Through the cross of Christ grace opened the door for us to get acquainted with the truth and believe it and receive the salvation. Without this truth we couldn't reach the level of faith and the revelation of God's intention to save us. And the love of Christ Jesus is our crown. Love was the motive for the cross and is the cornerstone of God's redeeming intervention for the humanity. What does this really mean? Love was the reason and the end goal of ]esus Christ. To have us for himself and present us pure and blameless before God the Father.
9Hi Ánq o] 8u!ÁJi `Á[iueJ9]j!P ]Je eidogd ÁUEw .eJt3is su S! Sn PJt3Mo| Sseuinju]!t3j S!H -Se!tHeue SH eLieM eM UeHM
uoA9 Sn POAoi PoD it3H] ue»!iM S! |i ]i!JotH Uo eit3Jedo
e]EisJou9Ao[Jeui!eN.8u!HritiEpoUJt3eloueAeueMit3U] 8u!puE]sigpun gqi iB 9A!JiB 6M i!]un `aJt3J8 8uDugiigdxo
lnou1[M eAoi eJueLiedxe iouuB9 eM 'pesseJdxg eq o] 9Aoi 11
P9iq" H `autD aJt3J8 ugqM .Snsaí ui Áia]9iduoJ 3Aoi SH Peit3eA©i " -SiJt3eu " u! ino Peinod puE peÁt3idsH eq 0] eAO| S,JeHit3H eHi Joj JOoP 9Ui eJ" uo!iJeJJnseJ HsnoJH] PesegieJ JeMod etii Pue SSoJ9 9Hi uo HJOM eHL •4iuJeieJojP9is!XeSeuPuB`eAoisipoD9snegeqJOAeiqi s]s!xe 9Aoi s,poD ]eÁ `ssoJo eHi si eAoi s,PoD eziusooei eM eJeuM e.t3id lsJ!j euL .STHi iiB HsnoJH] UOAOM S.! egt3JD
C8[:F Uqof T) „-9Aoi
U| P9]J6jl6d U63q |OU St3H Slt39j I9A60qM PUP
iuatuqs!und HiiM oP oi SeH Jt39j Jod .i86j ino S|St2J9AoiiJoji6dinq`3Aoiu!Jt39jous!ai6qi„
sn sa^oi sÁnMP Poo
•9A9!igq oHM esoH] Ioj
HisueJis eui gtHooeq PUB eJBid inj]H8!J Sü eHei i,upinoJ SsoD eHi Uo HJOM eui jo SU!PupisJepun 9H] `eAoi S,PoD jo uo!]t3ioAeJ eui inou" „.©Aoi S! POD,, :eloJM eH UeHM
])Vd9 9NIZINDO]]a
we don't deserve. When we grow in truth and grace, we perfect ourselves in Christ's love.
The presence offear is actually the indicator of the absence of the revelation of grace and its comprehension
Love ought to be the motive for everything we do in life. And love is perfected when we practice it. The presence of fear is actually the indicator of the absence of the revelation of grace and its comprehension. The beauty of God's grace is the freedom in Christ. We are no longer controlled, but led, not imprisoned but free, and free to be obedient to Christ. Not manipulated by someone but led by the Holy Spirit who is the Spirit of grace and who gives freedom so we can live free within God's truth for our lives.
Grace is unselfish lnitsessence,graceisunselfishanditsexpressionisGod's perfect goodness. God is unselfish and so is his grace in its function and manifestation. Grace was given so it can be accepted and received, and further genuinely conveyed through our words and deeds which are inspired by the Holy Spirit. Therefore, grace has the ability to be transferred from one person to another.
9H]oiSotHOJ]!ÁHMuoseeieuis!sm.ej!iJnojo]iedeq o] eAt?U i,us" i! pup `[t?ez ino Áq pe]!u8! ]ou s,]i `sn tio
pugdgp ],usgop ]! puv .eJeJS S! S!HL i.]! " eM " Pue suoi]t3pedxg ino eAoqE Jt3j s! i! Pue eu!8EUT m Hse JeAe pinoJ9MieqMPuoÁ6qsisHL.SnJojSut3idS!Ho]injH]Iej puB sn o] pe]oAOP ÁiioHM-S! eH Á" eH1 1S!JHD MOUH
ÁimiutDeMMoupuv-suo!]t3u!8t3u!pueuo!sueueJduoJ pei!u!i ino jo se!Jepunoq eH] puoÁeq sÁeMie si eH JeAoos!p
9Juguedxe 1
sn jo} p6JEdoJd PPU }S!JU] 1el|M
iiE ii}jo} s6u!jq pue sn punoJP 9JoudsowiE euiS66uEUJ9JeJ6io6u!pupisJapunJno
•J3t|]t3H 9q] POD jo
eH] e"t" S!Ui ios eM .eJuepunqe u! 9j!i Joj iueiJ!]]ns 6]Bisjo9Jnst"BaAE8pogauoÁJOA9PuBqJBaoL.S9A!| inou!pesseJdxeequtD]!osÁEMeHiPui]oipeeuisníeM `Sn0]U6A|gU99qSt3q]|.6S|MamHS|j|9Sungq0]SnguluoE3]
uo!uedtHOJ Hsijiesun Jno s! eJBJs pw 'H]"] Pue eoeJS H]"pgi[!]e[doedsBsneziusooeiiiTMsnpunoHesouios
`Sn Joj POJBdaid pBq ]s!JHD it3HM iie q]ioj ssuiJq Pue sn
PU"B 9J9HdsouH 3H] so8uBu. 99t3J8 jo 8uipuB]sigpun " LHi"] PuB 99t3Jg U]TM Pei|!j `UH eH!| eq 0] ]Hsno seid!Js"pooss!HSeeMuoH]JeHJt39]JnoSi]S!JHDSnseJ
j|(6ZÜSUB!S9qdH),,.JegqoqM6soH]o]9Jt3i89ASÁt3u# ]t3u] `uo!st3JJo eH] s" sB `dn su!pi!nq Joj poos s! se Hons
Áiuo inq `sH]nou JnoÁ uoJj ]no euio] pioM eAi]d"ioo ouieT„:9P"inBdeiisodeeH]`Sut3!SeudEoiJe»e[euiui
certainmeasureasitdoes,forit'snotconditionedbyour deeds.Graceisabsolutewhichmeanswecannotenhance itormakeitmoreefficient.Eachtimewetrytodothings in our own strength and in our time frame, we become potential enemies of God's grace. The best definition I can offer is the following: Humi]ity in our life promises the overflow of grace, still our humility cannot condition
grace to come. Because in that case it would be by merit andnotbygrace.Humilityushersingrace.Asitiswritten: "Buthegivesmoregrace.Thereforeitsays,`Godopposes theproud,butgivesgracetothehumble'."(James4:6)
``ForthegraceofGodappeared'' yhenonedoesn'tsurrenderhislifetoJesuschrist,hewill
inevitably miss out on God's purpose and goal for his life. TheverydiscoveryandacceptanceofGod'sgoaloughtto bethesolefoundationforourpreachingandevangelism. We don't force people to join some organization or to
fol]owsomehumandoctrines,butwhatwepreachtothem willbecomethefoundationfortheirlife.OnlyJesusisable toleadthemintherightdirectionandgivethemmeaning apd .purpose, because opposite sin (which basically is missing the mark) are grace and righteousness. When we encounter grace, we realize Jesus eradicated sin and destroyed our sinful nature once and for all and gave us righteousness and a new divine nature. Opposite sin is righteousness.
sn ioj su!i63qD pue sn su!tp]t3M S! uoAt}9q jo 9ioqM 6qL •sn u! ss6u6HiiisiJti] oi uMt3JP 3JP ÁaqL „.4!ioqine S!q oi
soAigsino 9]euipioqns 6M 6iojai6qi `noÁ u!q]!M siioMp gq PuP is!iqD 9iuos 3M,, :ÁBS Pue is!iqD a6S Á3qi `Sn ie Hooi Á6qi uoHM tsn 9AJas Sig8uP 6ui ÁqM J6puod oi pgddois J3Aa 9M aAt3H .adoq OU S,9I9q| SHU|q| P|JOM at|I U6HM
u6A6 aj!i s,6uo 98ut3uJ O] i9Mod 3ti] Pue agt3i8jo iinj `6AiiB S! 9H ieui inq Áqdosomd e ]ou si is!JqD 99s ut3D eidoed
leql oS `9H!iis!JtiD 6uioJoq oi S! Sn Joj gsodJnd s,poo `SS9UaHi||S!iqDS!6ieisiuBPunqBs!u]joasodindgioqMoqL .HJBq su!HP] ou, `,8u!Piouqi!M
iou, `,uoi|t3]J3dx9 ÁioAa 6AoqB, s6!jiusis a3uDPLmqD pioM 6ti] jo suiut39u it3u!8iio 9tiL t,69ut3punqe u! ajii, pB9]sui
]nq ,9j!i sn 9A!8 o] 9uit3J 6q, 6i!JM isní uqo| 1,UP!P ÁHÁ
taJt3idisiijgqiu!9j!ijopuiHS!qiSnaA!8sns6|pinoMÁtiM (OT:OT uqof)
„.Ái|Ut3Punqe i! aAt3u PuP aj!i 9At3q Át3U Á9q| it3q] 3tut3J i„
'sn ioj snsgf jo gsodJnd eios eq] si s!HL .e3uepunqg pug |U9tu||U|njjo 9j!| 0] Sn Pt36i tp!tiM ssausnoo]ti8ii pup 39t3i8 3JE Sseu it3q] 3]!Soddo puE íssguss3iuiE puE 9]uEiou8i puB uo!snjuoJ 9iB uis jo SOJuanb6suoJ 6Hi ]t3ti] Pa!jllt3P 6MÁisnoiA6Jd.6jiiaLuosa/ovMsue3ui!indÁidu!síÁ}npgq ino jo it3M3uoJ 9H] `8U!iB9q Sut39U q9!qM `iBm|Bu 6qi u!
6j!i itm]!iids 6tii jo uoi]Jau9J 9q| |noqe S,|! 13qlBI lnq `]! jo eDut3punqB etii pug 9]t3]s pess9iq 9Hi ]Sn.Í 4iusis
i,uS9oP tiid3P Sii .3Jueis!xe Jo 3jTi ÁJpu!pJo isní uegúi |,US90P a/J/ PIOM 9U| ]X61 |t3Ul8!JO 6ql U| (ZTnT|:S úqo| T) „.9j|| 9AeH |OU S90P POD jo UOS aqi 6At3q i,usaop JOA6oqM í6j|| SBH UOS 9q] St3q J9A90qM .UOS S|U U! S! 6j|| S|t|] PUB
`6jii it3uigi6 Sn 9At38 Po9 |t3q] :ÁUOU||S9| 6ql S| S!q] PUV„
])va9 9NlzlN9o)]a
with encouragement. They see that Christ is in us and that he is the head of the church we are part of.
And when we gather as a church, we speak of Christ and we preach of him and we sing about him and to him -we live for him. If Christ is among us, then the whole spiritual world is fixed on us with great expectations for the heavenly things to come through us. This flows from grace and righteousness. We are equipped to grow and live in the abundance that comes from Christlikeness ``until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ." (Ephesians 4:13) 1 am convinced that a lifetime here on earth isn't enough to explore this grace, even eternity itself won't suffice
For a short period of time, Jesus stepped out of his eternal glory and came in the flesh to establish a secure and eternal foundation for humanity. He came to bring us back to God and to enforce our primary identity as God's children. The whole heaven was in awe of this outstanding display of his eternal work of love. I'm aware of the limitations we often demonstrate regarding the greatness of Christ's work, which unfortunately constrains God and all he has prepared for us due to our inability to grasp more. Therefore, we mustn't build upon teachings and reasoning based solely on experiences and man's wisdom, because this was the very reason why ]esus opposed man's tradition and teachings. Let's not limit God!
•ssguiinj s]! u! tio!ieAit3s suiouaiigdx9
iesJei eui i!H, Pue ees ÁiJe9P o] Se!i!uniioddo eHi tHetii 9A!8 ii!M ouM isiiq] oi gido9d ]JOJIP9J Oi S! St3q HomqJ 9t|] HSB| 9qL .SaAii ino u! Sno!Aqo ÁJaA 3q ii!M i! 9snpo6q eJt!J8 ,snsoJ oi SseuiTM JBeq i[!M ÁeHL .Ut?!]S!JUD B SU!eq
jo 689i!AiJd gq] 9ist3i ii!M Á}!u!xoid ino ui 3uoo sJ9qm UeuMUeH]Áiuo.|!9A!8Jeuimjut3JeMoseJEi8]ut3punqe S!q Áoíu6 6M 4isoJ3u38 S!H jo 9SnBJ68 .Áiiut3punqe pup Á|93Jj6AB86uHJ!qM9Jt3i8,Sns9|jo]!eJ]JodB6qo]]qsno gj!| lno .|! aJ!1Jt3Jd oqM 9soHi ioj iuopii]3 Ái3A puB ]sBA S! 9Jt3is inoqe iqsnotii ÁJ3A 6HL .9A9!igq oqM Sn PieMoi
]ut2Punqe S! ii .iu8!su! puB suipuBisJopun Jno s3ssedins |i iauoN t9Jt3J8 jo Soinst39u ipu!j 6H] Hs!iqt3]Sa ueJ OqM
u6qL .3J!]jns i,uoM jiosi! 4!"aia uaAa `aJBis SHi 9Joidx9 0|q8nou6],uS!H]JBauO9J9qgtu!]9j!ieiBq]p9.uiAuo.up i .68PaiMouH pue 9Juo!Jodx9 Jno jo i6Aai gqi oi p6Jnp9i 9q |oUUBJ ]! PuB aiqt3qJit3asun S! 9Jt3io .8u!puB]si6pun
P9]!U!| lno o| 8u!PJOJJe pog jo uo!Si9A 8 ]ugs6id ii!M aM `]!J!ds ÁioH 3qi Áq p3i aJe 6M ssgiun .sn qsnoiq] 3ido3d o] ji9StH!u it33A9i 0| PoD MoiiB i,uop 6M ioj iJBd Jno uo
ioJia]t29Jses!ÁiqeHe]siuunqD!qM9Ju6!iadxapupgueij PU|U Jno U!H|!M PO9 ]u9Soid Pue put3]si6pun o] ]ut3M 3M .SSU|q| J9A0 |OJ]UOJ 6At3q 0] 9JOU U6A6 PUB SU!Put3]S
•Japun uit38 o] 6iisap 9M ieq] ]Jej 6qi jo 6it3MB osip tH,i
Chapter two
GRACE AND R] GH"OUSNESS "...but for us also. It (righteousness) will be counted to
us who believe in him who raised from the dead Jesus our Lord, who was delivered up for our trespasses and raised for our justification." Romans 4:24-25
This verse brings great depth from the Holy Spirit, yet 1 am not sure if believers have understood it well. I have witnessed many conversations and debates on the question of why Jesus rose from the dead. The most common answer was that Jesus, through his resurrection, defeated the last enemy of the humanity: death. Surely this statement is true and is recorded in the Bible, but the essence of the answer is deeper. If we only take this
perspective into consideration, that death is defeated, then the encouragement of the verse for Christians here and now becomes merely a vague concept with no power for today. According to this answer, the comfort of this verse is valid only for the future. We live in a world where death and suffering are a tangible reality, and it will be hard to convince ourselves, much less others, that death is really
4UF" HliM .ej![ jo eJJnos eu] S! eu peAOJd puB H]t3ep peuJes!p snsgf .uo!iJeJJnseJ S,]S!JUD usnoJH] PeidnHOJ MouSt3M„tiigiO]pt36P9qiUoJjHJeq9UOJJ6A6St3qOqM„
tio!]senb gui uo pepunoj je!ieq peus!iqeffi ÁisnoiAeJd eHL .Su8!eJ J9guoi ou HieeG .eA!ideJ inos eHi Piou oi i6Mod 9Hi st3q J98uoi ou qJiqM sui# sH jo gpt3]Dods e gpt3u puE H]t3ep Peit39jep SnseJ uo!iJeJJnseJ S!H t|1!M
j4Hlml 9q] S!S,H ]PqM oS •uoiiJ6iins6J 6q] ]noqe qi"} 9qi MouH O] PooS `Snql
í99Jjsn|esii!Mui"ioHliBH]P!essnseJ`UIJt3euoe"Mlns ápeioeHnseJst3MsnseJueHMueddt3UP!PÁiieeJit3HM dgigti] s! uo!]t3m3idxo J9q]o iBHM `S!Hl jo ]U8!| 9UI UI `OS
•PO9 Uolj UO!]t3iBd6S
6qiuoijuoi]BJt3d3Si9"JBSeMuiB6G.uo!]JaJins9i,Sns9f o| Jo!Jd 4!iE6i aq] St}M 9Jugisixg jo uo!]t3ssoJ 3qi pue SS9USU!q|OU SB P9q!IJS9P St3M HJ!qM U|t36P jo 186j S,Ut}N
•Pt39P 6q] uolj asol
SnseJ ueHM peJJnoJo ]t3ti] 4!it3eJ 9u] uo " SS!u Áii" ut3] pue `eout3iou8! u! peddü `uo!]deJep jo PU!H S!H] U! eAiio]8u!nu!]uogjoeiqedt3JeJBeM.u!SjoMOpt3HSeu]U!
]ueseJd9Hiu!peuep"8u!A!i]nquo!]duepeiein"eioj 6doq6uiH]!MÁiuoSn9At39iS!ul6H!isgpn]mv.q]B9PJ9He ÁiopM i36Ms 3q] 6]Se] ut3J Á3q] iBqi os piJOM siq] uoJj am|iedap,J!9qi6it3d!J!iueSioA9!i3qÁueuosÁqMuosB9i 9H] S! S!q| .q|t39P i6HB Jt39dde Áiit3u!j ii!M tp!qM Áio]]!A B `S]!PMe Á"M i!eHi eAe!Teq ÁeH] eJ9HM ein]nj eu] uo ÁiuosmojsJ3Aa!i3qs6Ht3upiJOMJnou!q]t}9Pjo9Ju6s6id |t36I9HL.]t3q]9H!|HOO||,US60P4iit36Jati]u!9Ju!spgie3j6p
we know now that Jesus annulled death's power and now is only the physical passage from here to eternal life, and His triumphant victory over it is the possibility for life without the burden of sin here on earth. The resurrection enabled the salvation Jesus provided to bereleased.Becauseofitspowerwecanmakeaspectacle of the principalities of darkness. It gave us the power for life in Jesus Christ. Because of the resurrection, we are justified in the eyes of God and have the boldness like no one before to approach the throne of grace. The truth stands: now we have the power to live a life filled with themanifestationsoftheKingdom.Nooneandnothingin this world has the power to change the outcome of what
|esushasdone:Herosefromthedeadforourjustification once and for all and declared us righteous,
Christ's righteousness ln the letter to the Hebrews we read: ``For by a single offering,hehasperfectedforalltimethosewhoarebeing sanctified." (Hebrews 10:14) Let me paraphrase the verse like this: if we have received Christ's salvation and
yet we claim we are still sinners, then we are hypocrites and arrogant toward the work of Christ because we have denied the Holy Spirit's declaration. Christ rose for our justification. His perfect sacrifice was enough once and for all to declare us righteous. But if we claim we are still sinTersandthatwecannotbefreefromsinuntilthatDay, basically we are declaring that Jesus didn't rise from the dead. As the apostle Paul stated in one of the letters to
eppgp gidogd ugqM .9jii ,snsgf...9jii Ái!it3nb B eAeq ut3. eM OS 1! P!P eH 4S!UI ||t3 PU!U9q eA[|0U S,POD SeM ietiM PuV
•Ssgusno3}u6!J s!u ewoJeq Áiu!eij3J
e^El| eM uel|| '|S!Ju] u! 3JP 8M lu!ep 9M ]|
[Sn uo SS3usnoo]usiJ siu Mois3q oi :Áiuo esodJnd euo tiiiM SSOJJ 9ti| 0| uiiu P9i SSousno9iu8!J S!H .SJno sB peideDJE eq
]Snui uDiuM SS9usno9iqsiJ S,|S!JqD |d9Jxe ji9Sui!u oi Át3M ieti]out3 puij o] sn Moiip iou iiiM PoD .SS9usnooitisiJ Siq etHOJ9q 4Lf.JZ)]jaJ 9At3q 9M ugq] `]SiJtiD u! 9JE 9M u!Pp 9M JI (TZ:S Sut3!t|IUIJOD Z)„.PO9 jo Sseusno9iu8!J etii guioDoq lu8!U eM tH!U U! 1EUI OS `uis ou M9uH ouM uis gq o] uiiq
9Pt3u gu 9Hes Jno JO],, :uen!JM s,ii sv -9Jni€u 3uiA!p s!H u! 9Ht3|Jt3d Át3u 9M ieui oS - Pe"]inj gq oi gsodJnd iEUJ9ie s,poD Joj Siueu9J!nb9J 9ui iie ]9u SSoJD eqL -ut3id S,PoD jo
]ugum]inj gtii ioj Át2M 9qi pgugdo ssoio ,sns9| .snogiu8!i sijiesui!q gq ioj `s! ]t3tii sseusnogiq8!J -S9SSOSsod gu |t3qM uioij seA!8 ÁisnoJeu98 eH .squimJ uo su!A!AJns jo 98t3is 9U1 1e Ál!Ut3Unu eAEei oi Pepu3iu! JeAeu poD .9Du€punqe
Pue Sseu9iouMjo 9]B|S E ui Sii9Mp 9H .eDut3punqB siq uoij 9A!839i ueD eM os 9Dt3JS Áq sn 9ABs oi Át3M t3 punoj PoD
•8u!Aii sno!Jo]3!A put3 qÉueJis iut3isuoJ jo 3DJnos t3 euioDeq ii!M ]i oS su!Hu!ui Jno jo ]Jed gq Put3 Áiit3nu[iuoD
peqDpeid gq oi ]ti8no pue ti]d9P injJeMod e Seq ti|"| S!tiL (4T:ST Sut3!UIU!JOD T) ,,.Suis JnoÁ u! iiiis gie noÁ pue gi!inj s!tiiiEjmoÁ`pgsiBJueeqiousEtilsiJUDj!PUV„:SUP!UIUIJOD
])Vti9 9NIZIN90]]a
to live outside Christ's righteousness, they lose sight of living in true freedom, and they don't truly live; they just wander and try to survive. When we look around us, we'll notice that people are empty. It's noticeable in their eyes in their actions and in their words. Each and every one is on a quest for life that is meaningful and purposeful. And it all comes down to three things they seek: the meaning of life, peace in their soul and joy in life. They seek the meaning of life, they seek peace, for without these they cannot function properly, and they seek joy to beautift their life. If we correlate these three things with |esus' statement that he came to give us life in abundance, then freely we can say that Jesus came to give us meaning, peaceandjoy,Thisisonlypossiblethroughthefellowship with him, as it is written: ``And this is eternal life that they know you the only true God and Jesus Christ whom you sent." (John 17:3) In what manner does God desire to be known? He desires for us to be convinced that he
sees us differently, that we are not destitute and lost but clothed with Christ's righteousness. God is eternally alive, and what he gives to us possesses life. If we know Tesus Christ, we'll know what love is really about because we'll experience God's love and be thrilled - how wonderful it is to receive God's righteousness and live with the identity of being righteous! In light of this, I would like to add that accepting Jesus' righteousness is the way to find the meaning of life. The true beauty and security of our existence are found only in the justification Jesus Christ himselfprovided.
9SeHi `]ueuigis9L MeN 9Hi ui osiv .ugn!JM S! ÁsgudoJd S!UI UDIHM U! 98tmsuB| 9q| U! ]OOJ 9uit3S 9qi 9APu ao.r3s7i./
Pue SsaL/Snoa7UŐ,JJ qiog .eJ!|Sní t||Joj sUIJq ||!M UD!qM
sS9usnoeitisiJ jo sHEeds ixgi iBu!8iJo eui inq SPJOM 9Sotii
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•suo!}ei)edxo 3iq!ssod
s,euoÁup 6u!p3eJxg ipM pue uo!iei3JdJeiu! pue 6u!pueisjepun s,euoÁUE puoÁeq jei..
(8T-ST:Z€ t|t3It3S|) „.S9Dt3|d 8u!]SOJ ]9!nb u! pue `s8u!iioMp
einoes ui `uoiiEiiqt3q injeJt39d ui ep!qt3 mM 9idoed ÁN
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ssausnoaiu6iJ au} PuD a3ilsn[ au|
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words are synonyms used according the context of the passages. What God has declared over us is righteousness although he knew our fallen nature which we inherited from our progenitor Adam. He declares: ``1 am the God of
justice and 1 will bring forth righteousness that satisfies the requirements of my justice, therefore 1 grant the
people the right to my righteousness because of my Son lesus' righteousness." He also says: "1 am righteous and whoever is in Christ, I declare him righteous." God's
justice was served on the cross when God gave his Son Jesus for the whole world, and he rendered judgment that whoever believes in the finished work of his Son will live in his righteousness and be righteous forever. None can reverse this declaration!
The security of righteousness We witness nowadays that many Christians worldwide are in turmoil carrying burdens which they have thrust upon themselves. I used this word particularly because in their honest effort to live their Christian life, they've put themselves in a state of turmoil, not even aware of the fact that living by the Law is real torture. This lifestyle brings frustrations on daily basis but not inner change. And all this due to ignorance and confusion concerning the questionofwhetherornottheyaretrulyjustifiedonceand for. The reason why many believers raise this question is because they are confused from the whispering voices of the religious spirits. So often they get ensnared and try to
Áie]9iduoo S! iut3uoAOJ S!uL 'Jeuit3H eu| Pue ]S!" SnseJ ueeM]eq euo eui S! it3Hi PUB ]uBueAOJ 9uO Áiuo S,9Jeui `qJlnt|D9q]`SnJod.qJJnqD6q|ioj3L/DuaAOJMauous,9igq]
:6uai]xg punos Át3u ]etii su!ui6uos Át3s o] 3Jt3P iiiM i
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aieÁiddeuoHOoS3MqJ!qMuo!it3i3idJoiu!joSpoqi6upue suos!JEdu" 9uL -esodJnd sÍpoD jo uo!sueHOJduoosiu puB 68BtHi 6sit2j B Sompoid ]! `iugut3]SaL P|O 9q| jo
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U8noJq] ]S!JqD Sns9f ]nq Sn P6At3s 6ABH pinoJ 9u!] Áue ip 6uo oN .Sn isnpqx9 PuB i!Bj ÁiqB]iA6ui iiiM saApsino 9At3s 0| ]du6ne 13t|]O ÁUP PUB `]! MOUH 3M SB Mt3| 9q| jo PU9
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i6pun suiAii Áisno!JsuoJqns `3i" 6uos JO Mt3i 9Hi iiij|nj
untouched by man's deeds. Even the apostle Paul speaks of this in one of his teachings: "Let it be known to you therefore, brothers, that through this man (]esus Christ), forgiveness of sins is proclaimed to you and by him, everyone who believes is justified from everything from which you could not be justified by the Law of Moses." (Actsl3:38-39)Thewordjz#ti/i.Gdisalsousedintheverse: ``who (Christ) was delivered for our trespasses and raised for our justification."(Romans 4:25) In the original Greek text, this word is actually a judicial term which denotes a legal right to stand before a judge with confidence knowing you are freed from any guiltL We are called to have the same position for all of eternity. In his justice, God as a righteous judge rendered judgment in our favor and he finds no guilt in us who are in Christ. The Law had
no power to justify us, but unfortunately many churches still defer to it and are enslaved by it. The apostle Paul warned us about this: ``Beware, therefore, lest what is said in the Prophets should come about: `Look you scoffers, be astounded and perish; for 1 am doing a work in your days, a work that you will not believe, even if one tells it to you."(Acts 13:40141) Sobering words! God the Father
defends the work of his Son so no one would add anything to it. For those who are in Christ, this is irrelevant for they have already accepted God's finished work. Nothing can separate us or take us out of this covenant which is eternal, indomitable, and pure because it's based upon the perfect sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
•J9nt3U S!U| 8U!UI9DUOO P9P!A!Pun SI UOIuldo
S,poD .iou 3Je 9M Jo - SS9Usno9|q8!J S!q 9At3u eM esnt3Jeq
iie ioj puB 69uo auit3tis pue ]i!ns uoij P39ij - Sno3iq8ii 9Je 9M Jotii!9 :ÁiiE9i 3iduis si ii .ui!q u! 9init3u Sno9iq8iJ ino jo ssguo]9iduo3 9qi esoi oi giqissod iou S! ]! U9H| `(9Je 9M Put3) Sn03|q8iJ P6iBp6p 6ie 6M ji .a]ut3punqp u! Ssau9|OUM S|U 0] 8U!PJOJ9e P9SS6iq 6ip 6M u3tii `(6iB aM
tp!uM) pgssgiq 9JP 9M ji -Áiie!iJed Sn Ssoiq i,useop poD
}s!Ju) u! 3Je Ol|M
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jo ]no PuE uinJi puE 9JEJs jo iinj 3tHt2J 9H .SS9usnoeiu8!J S!u u! eAii oi 4!uniJoddo 3tii pep!AOJd is!JqD Sns9f i]D!PJ9A 3U| P9UDt39J POD :Át3S ||!M | Ult38V .SSOJJ 9t|| UO
HJOM S,1S!IUD Ioj PI0M ISB| 9Ui Sgq PoD .j9!iequn s,9idogd ]noqB p3iiJOM Jo Pouiit}ie iou Si PO9 iaÁ .ai6q alt3ioqt3P
i it3tiM isu!t38E 9JE 9uoS .SS9usnoe|tisIJ PJt3Moi Sepn|iug p6uiuiaiap ÁJ6A aAt3H ÁUBN .HioM S,isiJqD tpeoJddB uaA6 3q i3A3u ii!M ]! `8u!q]9uos Hs!iduoDJe oi 9A!J]S Jo ÁJi 9M
j! U9A9 |Bui oS `uÉueJ]S Jno u! Ssuiqi oP iouut3J 9M it3qi Sn S9UJt39| 99t3JD .Sn oi u6Ais is!iqD jo SSousno9iq8!J 9qi ui!t3PoJd oi Si 9Jt3JS S,POD jo ÁiJ6doid iu6uiu99Jd gqL
The reality in God's deeds Once, while in prayer, I asked the following question: Why is it that ]esus came full of grace and truth? I believe the Holy Spirit gave me an answer. At first it sounded like a very simple answer followed by an example. Grace is like a softener. It has that kind of effect. First it softens the
heart, it penetrates through the dirt and then it removes permanently the `stain' called sin. And then the love of the Spirit can be poured out in our hearts and sealed with his truth. It's amazing how God thought of every single detail and crafted an awesome plan from the perspective ofeternity.Wearerighteous,justifiedaccordinghisgrace. Let's clarift something: of course bad decisions will result in bad consequences, but now as righteous people we don't have the same apathetic views of the sins and mistakes we commit. This is the big difference. The fact that we feel uneasy when we make a mistake proves that
grace is purposeful and effective. The righteous nature in us helps us not to be conformed to this world but to be transformed, and therefore we cannot remain apathetic or indifferent toward sin. Before Christ saved us, we were living in sin, but it didn't make any difference to us because we were raised by the standards of our fallen nature so that our indifferent behavior was actually typical for us. But we have believed in Jesus Christ and his work and we have received his righteousness, so now we act according to
•Sn HsnoJui HJOM put3 sn ui
||6MP 0| P9P|]9P j|9SUIH PO9 `S9Ssassod aq |Eq| asI9AIuri
91!" euI U! S9Jt3|d eu| ||e UI0Jj'..|Uouou e Joj ]! inoqB Hu!qLjtss6usno6iq8!iit3q]],uS!-i!i!dsÁioH6qiqsnoJH] Snui8u!iiaMPis!iuD.9m]t3uSno9|t|8!Ijo9JU3SS6Ái6A6Hi gu!j9P |,UOP Siu6uou 6S6Hi inq `9j!i S,auo 0| |uguBUJO inj!]mgq e pue it3!iu6ssa 6ip ioÁt3Jd u! 3u!] 8u!pugds PuB PJOM 9q| 8uipt39J `S6Á .sn u! ss6usnoaiq8!i ati] ioj 9Ju6P!A6 S! S|ti] ]t3H| 8U!HU|q] `Át3Jd 6M 8U0| MOH 10 9|q!8
•u!s pjpMoi iu3Joj]!pu! JO J!|9U|ede
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•Uo!]t3D!j!]Sní J!eH| Joj 9SOJ
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pue snso|jo 39ioA ati] Áq p6iigdu! 9q o] ]q8no 9M ]nq `sn
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],uop 9M .sn ui 9Jn]Bu sno6iq8!i siqjo uoisugqgiduoD ino
The truth about righteousness is the most neglected and the most marginalized truth to the extent that no one ever mentions it in their sermons. It's contradictory really. Something that is essential for us - Christ's righteousness given to us freely - is so neglected by so many believers. But the decision of God the Father stands deüing everything else set against it. It's up to us whether we accept his truth that we are righteous or whether we will keep on dealing with condemnation, which is inevitable when Christ's work is denied. Regardless of our attitude toward his righteousness, Christ Jesus never changes his attitude toward us. If you are still doubting and hesitating whether you are righteous or not, I want to encourage you: if you have believed in the Lord ]esus Christ and you have accepted him, then his righteousness is already part of your reality. I pray that the Holy Spirit will bring you even greater revelation about this truth lest fear and insecurity become your reality.
The righteous shall live by faith "For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and his ears are upon their prayer..." (1 Peter 3:12)
There are many Christians who say: ``1 am praying for years and still nothing happens." The question that rises here is
what is the attitude or the understanding of their heart when they prayi? Are they praying with the attitude of a
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gtHBugq]u!]aqdoJdBS9A!9JoioqMauoaHL„:Sno9]q8!iSn sU!HBUu!S!PooSno!i3SMoqjo6idut3x6ues!9JOH.soA!i Jno u! ses!tHoid s!H ii!jinj o] pgieo!pep Áisno!ies s! PoD
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churches in other countries, people `compete' for who will show more hospitality or pay more regard. Why is that? It's because they understand this principle. They eagerly wait to receive someone and to be with them so they can learn more from them and most of all to receive their reward (although this might sound selfish).
Thiswasthefirstpartoftheverse.Nowlet'sseethesecond part. I always emphasize that it's absolutely beneficial for us to befriend people who understand righteousness. Why? Because it's written in the Bible: one who receives a righteous man in the name of a righteous man, shall receive a righteous man's reward. What does this truly mean? It means that righteousness brings God's presence and influence and with these comes the power to express God's character and deeds through us. A righteous person who is aware of the righteousness within is very bold and opens the door for others to recognize God and his closenesstothem.Thiswillresultwithlivesbeingchanged and souls being saved. God desires for us to possess this kind of boldness will manifest only when we are aware of his righteousness in us.
After reading all these verses, is there any other reason to still believe that we are sinners? Certainly not! God's truth still stands - we are righteous. Both the angelic and the demonic world perceive this truth in the spiritual realms. Therefore the apostle Paul encouraged us: ``But as for you, OmanofGod,fleefromthesethings.Pursuerighteousness, godliness,faith,love,steadfastness,gentleness."(1Timothy 6:11) The apostle's encouragement is directed toward
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pue sseusnoe]u8!i jo inq su!Hu!Jp pup 8u!it3e jo io]ieu € ]ou s! poD jo uoPSU!H 9q] J0d„
Áo[ puD a.Dad `ssausnoa}u6iH
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p3tis!iqpis9 s ,Áq]ou!L o] sgmises pue sseusnoo]ti8!i
because of his presence in us, we have joy. Then this joy will find a way to express itself through our words and deeds.EvenintheoldTestamentiswritten:"Thejoyofthe Lord is our strength." (Nehemiah 8:10) Christian mystics want to speak of great mysteries of Christ, but usually they express them with complex words hardly anyone understands. This doesn't bring freedom nor joy. I am aware this is a consequence of not having understanding about God's secrets which are no longer secrets because they are already revealed in Christ. People just need their spiritual eyes to be enlightened because they are already open. What is the very thing that enlightens the eyes of our mind? The truth! The truth about the hope and the abundant riches which Christ has now revealed to us. This is more than enough reason to continually live in the joy which ]esus Christ has given us. As it's written: ``...having
the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which he has called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints.'' (Ephesians 1:18)
Actually, joy is grace recognized in action in our lives
Whenever Jesus looks at us he rejoices. This fact should encourage us to rejoice with him. I am astonished by God's goodness and amazed by his grace and love. The reason for Christ's strength to endure the cross was the
iein]t3u io eiq!ssod Áiit3eJ ii si .Áuou!isgi Jno siioddns ii .sn punoJB sJ6tiio Joj si injÁO.[ 6q oi UoSB3J J9H|O 9t|L •pt3du! Joit39Js pue J9P!M g ©At3q puE sn punoJg 9Sotii oi
pt39ids gq oi iut3au St3M Sn ui iii!ds ÁioH 6ti] jo ÁOÍ S|qL
•uiq o] inHut3q] eq PuP ÁoÍ ui 9A!i oi sest3iut3Ap€ 9iqissod eqi iit3 9At3q 9M put3 `sn u! iioMP eAO| Put3 `U|it3j `9doH .Sn UI
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s]so88ns 9uo .pt39q mo gpisu! s9DioA oM] eAEq eM sn ioj eiqt3Jt39qunsuigqjoiuiodgtiioid!uSPJt3HBtisnoJUI08©M uetiM `ÁiiugnbeiH .uigti] Áq P9At3isug iou S! i!i!ds ÁioH eql
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pue sn o] pgugddpti Ápe9Jie Seu 8uiqi iseq gtii ln8 .Sn 0] ueddt3H J9Ae upD it3ti] 8uitii is9q eu] S! Sn SOSS3Jdu! it3HM
]t3tii su!HuiHi PesseJdui Ái!Seg eq oi ÁDugpuei gtii 9Aeq 3M .ÁOíjo eDJnos eHi 9Jg siueutisiiduoDDe pue s3ssgoDns lt3t|I HU!til Át3u eM .Ái3iniosqp pup Áiitmu!]uoD `sgtH!] iie ]e sn ti]!M seD!o.[ei eH .piJOM s!ti] oi eABS ÁieeJj gq HDitiM
Sseusno9|U8!J S!U UsnoJui Pe!ji]Sní Sn Mt3S Snso| .i pup noÁ s! JOMsue gtiL áu!q 9Joj6q ias Áoí ,snsa| st3M it3qM Jo ouM seAiesJno P9Hst3 J9A9 9M 3ABH (Z:ZT SMeJqeH) „.POD
jo euoJti] etii jo pueq ]q8!J 9Hi ]e p3]ees s! pue eut3tis gqi su!s!dsgp `ssoJJ 9tii p9Jnpug u!q 9Jojeq i3S St3M |Btii ÁOÍ eui Joj otiM...„ :PepJo" SB u!q eJojgq ]es Áoí ie3J8
]]Va9 DNIZINDO]]ti
to speak of the best news ever with frowning faces?! One doesn't go with the other. So today, we have many spreading the good news as pure information lacking the joyofsalvation.Thesechristianbelieversdon'tbringlifeto their listeners, and yet they wonder why they've not been accepted by others. Therefore, let's take up this challenge and start living what we believe, that way others will see we don't conform to the patterns of this world but live in the joy of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Righteousness and holiness Without understanding righteousness, we won't be able to grow in the holiness to which God has called us. In his letters, the apostle Paul addresses the believers as saints. To him, holiness wasn't an unreachable mystery. He knew well that it is an established position of the believer. The dilemma or his challenge was how to encourage the believers to grow in the manifestation of holiness. Even the apostle Peter sent the same challenging message in one of his letters: ``since it is written, `You shall be holy, for 1 am holy" (1 Peter 1:16) Fear always accompanies sin, but holiness is the best companion to grace. Many are longing to live a holy life, but want to accomplish it according their concept and in their effort and strength. This attitude is due to a lack of understanding of grace. The Law in the Old Testament demanded an animal sacrifice for atonement. This sacrifice was offering only a temporal covering for the sin and only temporal holiness.
•s9AigsJno su!A!039p uo9q 9At3q 3M ueqi `uoiit3AiBs ino u!B]u!t3u o| S|t3]!A 9q] 9Je S6||!A!]9B 16U]O
iie puE e]!Aies Át3puns su!ddHS iou `Smoq Joj giq!8 etil 8uipBeJ Hu!tii eM ji .uo!]JOJJnsoJ S!q PUP |S!JUD jo HJOM
9qi oi 03uo]jo ut3 s! 3pn]!nE s!tiL .poD 0| JOApj 9U| UJn]9J oi su!ÁJi 9Je 9M j! se s,]i .ssgu!iou su!uJt3e jo 3iÁ}sgj!i 3q] u! 9nu!iuo3 Á3tii `Snsgf ui peAe!ieq eAEq gidoed J9HE ueHo Moq eu oi su!iunt3p s! ]i -iie eABS Áidu!s eH .sn jo 9AiiDodsoJii `9SodJnd `SH!8 `SS9u!iou `UO!it3AiES `ejii `ti]it3j
`9doq `9Dt3i8 `eAoi sn 9A!8 o] P9PP9P Peu |S!JqD Snsef lt3t|I
S! sitii jo iiB ui 4mgq 3tiL .s]xgiuoJ iq8!J s]i u! ss3uiioq s]9s sseusnoeiti8!i puB eJEJs jo 8u!put3isJepun eniL
iÁioir}eu} 9m 3^!| UE] eM OS 'Sn Ul,
ss5u!iou S,is!JiD ]o Á|!ie3J 3U| |u6noJq 3JeJD
•ÁJoi8 9ti] iit3 u!q
suiAis pue `uiu oi suiniuqns `si poD oqM 8u!put3]sJ6pun Áiit3]!st3q si ssguiioq jo 9Jugss3 9tiL .s3iisap io suoi]u6iui `spegp ino jo es"3Joq Áioti guioDoq ],uoP eM ieM eJg os `Áioq Si i!iids ÁioH 9tii 9Sm3J98 .]!Jids ÁioH 9qi tisnoJUI Sn
ui Sns9f jo eot3Js eti] jo i!"j itmiDe pup ]jis inji3puoM p si SSou!ioH.Sseusno3iu8!ipuBisJepuneMMoqjouo!ssgidx5 9u!nues Jno oi peei ÁiqBiiAeu! tpiuM suiiDB pue suiHt39ds
`8uiHu!qi jo Át3M e s,ii .pJoi gtii u! isnJi mo 8uimnq pup seAiesino su!iepu9JJns jo Át3M p `9iÁisej!i e S! SseuiioH iÁ|Oq-]Bq| 9HI| 9AI| Ut3J
6M os `sn ui ss6uiioti s,isiJtiD jo 4!iegi gq| |q8noJq 3Jt3ID
]]VaD DNIZIN90)]ti
One thing 1 know for certain: a man deeply convinced in the power of prayer won't force someone else to pray. If we believe in evangelism, we won't ask others or wait on them to do it, we'll go ourselves and herald the best news ever. If we believe in holiness knowing it's a fruit of the Spirit, we won't enforce it on others, rather they will witness it in our own lives.
If 1 can somehow define the reverse state of holiness, then 1 would say it is the absence of the desire to be changed. This means we remain on the same level where holiness had met us through grace, we refuse to get our mind renewed, and therefore we don't mature in our thinking, speaking and acting. We hear and we read how certain things aren't pleasing to God, and yet we keep on living
like that, and then fear enters from the notion that we are sinning. As a result of this fear, many believers distance themselves from the church and other fellow believers. This initiates a process of self-conflict, a battle within our minds that is very difficult to win unless we humble ourselves and ask the Holy Spirit's help.
Justified and holy The process of perfecting or renewal doesn't take place in our spirit, for it is perfect, born out of incorruptible seed, but the part of our being which is subjected to change: our mind. In general, the condition which we call the battle raging in us isn't a battle against demons and evil spirits,
`9U UIolj 1!I!ds Á|OH 6UI Át3ME 9HB1 ],UOG,, :S!ql 9H!| S308
S"OUJ3uo.8unss!TSuiesduoijpoJidsuisuosesgq]inqD ui `Áiiu3nbgid .ii Ssgssod Ápt36iip 6M ioj pgui9]sip 6q o] iqsno]i.suo!iiu!]9PÁqJospioMti]!Mpaqii]sapaq}ouut3] ssgu!ioH .ejii Jno jo ]ipd guoDeq puB sn igdum ii!M ]! SS6u!iou 6qijo aiBMB 9JP 9M U9qM .Áiit3uO!iou3 pass6idx6 9qiouut3Ji!3Jojei9Hi`uo!iougue|oUS!SS9U!|OH.8u!HU!U] ugaq 9Aeq 9M it3tiM jo ino Ht39ds 9M 9SnpJ3q `ii9M se
gj!i iq8noq] ino jo iBM6u6J 6H] 6Pnpu! Á9qL .P9]J9]je 9Je Ht39ds 9M SPJOM eu] Áiuo uJ!uM u! SOSS9JOJd i,u9JP SSoui|Ou Pue |t3M3u3H .9j!i Áiou ioj Sn PaiqEua i! - ]t3q] Áii.t3x3 p!p ssgusnoo]q8!J pue `ssgu!ioq u! 6Aii o] 3iqt3dB]
puB 3itmb6pp gq o] ]qsno 9M .qff}u3i]s uMo ino ui Áioq gq iouut3J 9M .ssgusno9]q8!J PuP 9DeJs jo 8u!put3isJopun Jodo9P u3B9J ut3J 9M qJitiM ui ssgu!ipos pue ssgu!ioq jo 9]t3is e s! uo!]JejJed jo ss9Doid s!q] jo gsodJnd giotiM eHL (OT:Z Sut3IU]U!JOD
T)„.POD jo St|]d9P 9q| U6Aa `gu|qril6A9 S9q]IP9S ]ll|ds gti] Jod .1!Jids 9q| qsnoJui Sn oi Peit39AeJ St3H PoD Ssuiu] 6S9HL„ :U9]1!JM SI ]| SP |Sní Sn oi ii SiBOA6i aq pue ]it3aq
S,pog u! s,it3qM iiB SMouH ]!Jids ÁioH 9qL .S6iia]SÁu S,PO9
jo iugumeJs!p pup espgiMouH `Suoi]Pi9AeJ Siq jo SeHJ[J 9q| UioJj MBJP Ut3D eM `9Ioj9I9HLL .PU!U S!U Sn 9At38 eu
puB iieeu M9u sn eAt38 9q Sn P9At3S IS!JHD U9HM (9T:Z
Sut3iq|U|JO] T) „.|S!it|D jo Pu!u 6qi 6At:q 9M |ns tuI|q
]J"|SU| 0| SB OS PJOT 9q| jo Puiu 6tii poo]sJ6pun st3q OqM Iod„ :U9n!IM S| || .]S|lqD jo PU|U Pue ]It36q M6U 6q| PuesuiHuiHijoÁt3MPioJnou99M]9q|JiUuoJPi6tiit3JSiii
and place your joy in my heart." Is this still relevant for us? Are these the words we should relate to as an expression of worship toward our God? I don't think so! This song written by David was his reaction to the specific situation he was in, facing the consequences of his wrong doings.
Just because it is in the Bible, we cannot take his way of expression to be our foundation for a certain theology about the Holy Spirit. This was an instance in a time when the Holy Spirit wasn't residing in people's hearts the way we enjoy this privilege today.
We ought to be adequate and capable to live in holiness, and righteousness did exactly that -it enabled us for holy life
On the day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit came to dwell
permanently in the heart of everyone who will believe in Jesus Christ. When he came the whole planet came under his `siege.' This is holiness: when we live in the revelation that we are free to enjoy His presence because he delights in us.
``Now if the ministry of death, carved in
letters on stone, came with such glory that the lsraelites could not gaze at Moses' face because of its glory, which was being brought to an end, will not the ministry of the Spirit have even more glory?"(2 Corinthians 3:7, 8)
esut3H9SnopueuieJiesseu]TMii!MnoÁ`eiqeispuBeJnit3u Áiit3ni!J!ds s! oHM euoeuos H]TM etH!i Puods noÁ j! ]n8 •uoseosis!ieHL.noÁeouenuuiiiLMuo!snjuoJ9ui`uosied
pgsnjuooBqi!M9uu!]pugdsnoÁji.8uiHu!q]inoÁ9Jugnuu! ||M H `injaiB] i,u9Je noÁj! Pue `uosi6d aA!ssoJdgp B qi!M 6u!i puads noÁ ji `9idut3xo Jod .pu!u 6q] jo ]!J!ds gqi iit39 ueo 6M qo!tiM aH# 8 si `u!8!io i!9qi 9At3q suo!]]B puB SPJOM " eJ9HM `8u!HU!UI Jno SP[OU UJ!UM eJU9nUU! eH1`SPIOMJ9UüU|.PultHeuISepJ!JU91t3U]Á|!|eeJeulio 9LieudsotH]EeH]ÁiienioEs!pu!tHjoi!J!ds9HLá,pu!uJnoÁ IO ]!I!ds am U! P3M3U9I 3q 0|, Ut36U Á||t36I q S90P |t3qM (FZ `8Z:F Sut3!S9qdE) „.ssgu!ioq pue
sseusnoeiLi8!J enp U! PoD jo SSoueH!i eu] JeUE Pelt3eJO
`jigs Meu eHi uo ]nd o] pue `spu!u JnoÁ jo i!J!ds eH] ui peMeueJ eq oi Puv,, :esJeA |X9U 9H| U! Ue»!IM H1"] et|1 " H00| 8 6Ht3] S,13T # Poau 9M 0P ÁqM S! Uo!is6nb 3Hi inq`ÁJBsseoeus!Pu!ueHijoit3MeueJeHi]eu]uo!SnpuoJ eH] oi euoo eM `Jej oS P!t3S eA,i it3HM Uo su!]t3JoqBiH
•soA!|lnou!]s3j!uBuÁ|qB]!A9u!||!Mssgu!|oq puB sn sesuEHJ egu9SeJd S!H jo SseueJt3Me eHL .1S!JUD
Snseí PJoi " Hi" d!HSMo[Tej Jno u!ui" eJou eJt3Js jo 68P3iMouH6q]u!MOJSo]P33uisní3M`HssassodÁpt39Jip 9M .SI9q" 0] ]U6It3ddB 9Jotu U3A9 9q ||M SS9U!|Oq S!q
ueHi eouesoJd s!H oi inos Jno ]dt3Pe 9M ueuM -i!J!ds m p9!ji]Jut2s PuB poA!AOJ ]iiids ÁioH 9q] as"3J6q Áioq 6pt3u puB po!ji]sn.r uooq 6At3q aM iBqi sn spuiu6I PJOM aqL
in yourself under the influence of their council and wise thoughts.
The spiritually mature believer is aware of the need for humilityandrenewalofthemind.Thiskindofcontinuous discipline of humility will enforce righteousness and holiness as a lifestyle of the believer. And the very expression `the spirit of the mind' shouldn't be odd because we are familiar with the expressions such as: `the spirit of time' or `in the spirit of sport' and etc. It's
a term used to describe the atmosphere of the mindset of a person; thus, we need to be careful whom we allow to influence our life. Without the renewal of our mind, the truth that we are clothed in the new man created by God in true righteousness and holiness would be difficult to accept and take in. The renewal of the mind serves us as a reminder that we are clothed with the new man. This implies letting go of the cultural influences, the old patternsofthinkingthatwehadpreviouslyembracedbut which have shown time and again that they don't yield anyresults.Therenewalofourmindisaprocessthrough which the new man that God created is revealed. No longerarewejust`insomewayslikeJesus'butwebecome exactly as he is in true righteousness and holiness. Who is righteous? Jesus Christ. Who is holy? God. And what does God say? "You shall be holy, for 1 am holy."(1 Peter 1:16) or ``Therefore, you shall be perfect just as your heavenly Father is perfect."(Matthew 5:48) Renewing our mind is a
wonderfulwaytodelvedeeperintoourunderstandingof righteousness and holiness.
•SHU!q| Pue S66S ]S!m Moq jo ]t|8!S ]SO| 6A,Á6q| 6Snp]6q
98ut3UJ Joj 4ii!q!Ssod ou S,9Joq| 8u!HU!q| S6d409J6is gsgq] uo Post3q uiaqi piBMoi sgpni!]ie J!9q] Pi!nq 3ido6d puB `sgin]im io suo!iBu `piioM 9H] ui St39Jp u!t!]i9J ioj s3dÁ}ooJois9Jegigqi`aiduex6Jod.]SiJqDui8uiuu!89q9H| uoij tpns sB pgpu3]u! 9JOM Áaqi iBqi ue6u ],usgop ÁeM uit3iJ6J e iEodde S8uHi guos Mou 9S"3J6q isnf .Áiit3ui8iJo P6PU6]U!616MÁ3q]SPSsult||99SPUP0|SS6JJBU6A|8U69q
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s! 8u!q]9uos JstiiaqM oi se suoisnpuoJ MeJP Sn jo |iv
'Pu!lu eulJO
ieMeueJ pup Ái!i!unu JO] P99u eii}]o ejeMe s! ie^e!ieq eJniEu Áiipni!J!ds eiiL
•Sees ui3H] P3|Pei. OqM 9UO et|| |BqM ees Pug Sno!AqoauiPu!ti6qoso]inq`Mou9JeÁOH|Át3M6qiS8u!qi
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jo su!puBisJ3pun i3it36is p o] 9uioJ 9M `iuguimoJs!p siqi uo Pase8 .i! P3usiu!j ÁiaigiduoJ 3H Pup `8u!q] iut3iJodui ]SotH 3t|] mj|nj 0| 3UIBD ]S|lqD Snsaí ]t3q| P9Ju!AuOJ UP Í
iáguoJq] Áiu3Ae3q 6qi uo p6it36s suiH sno!ioi8 gq] s! 9q |t3t|| MOU |t3q| OP 9q PinoM ÁtiM .Sno!Aqo st3M ]BqM oi jiesui!H pen!tHqns JeAou ]S!JHD Snsef `ti]Jt33 uo ei!UM
According to Him, things were never intended as we perceive them now. The Word clearly speaks of this: may the things here on earth be as they are in heaven. When 1 look all around me, I realize things aren't as they are designed in heaven. Therefore, I don't identify myself with these worldly structures because 1 have made a decision to see things as they are in heaven. To me, preaching the Gospel is receiving righteousness, love, peace, and rest in Jesus Christ.
``Not willing that any should perish" People around us wait for us to truly live in the revelation of righteousness so we can be a blessing to them. God is the God of righteousness. He desires all to come to salvation and know him. God is the one who is not willing that anyone at all should perish, but that all should come to repentance. Yet some believers in their ignorance have already sent half of the population to hell. We have a wonderful God, the God of righteousness. So, when we see people who are evil and cruel in their ways, let'sstoprushingintojudgmentsagainstthemandaskGod to show us what he has prepared for them. I am not saying
we should tolerate sin, but rather that we must discern God's eternal purpose for their life. This way we will be able to `execute' his righteousness or his justice for those
people.Let'sbecarefulnottojudgeothers!Thetemptation for us believers would be to take a stand saying: "God will
punish them one day." There's not even a trace of justice in
S" i íetH pezEtHB it3U] 8U!Higuos P!t3S 9Hs `eAoi ÁiJeep i rTTnTT^^ uOuM
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9jiM r___ Áu qiiM uo!iesJOAuoj t3
•3jn}eu eu!^!p s!u 6u!^Eu pup ss3ugm s!u 6ul -PJOJJP }S!JU) U! 9Peu suo!|EeJJ M9u 3JE 9M
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]it3epÁiinjssoJonspoD-JesuoiousinoS,i!in8.Ut3PVuioJj PelIJeHtl! Á1!Ueunu euI U9!UM eJnit3U Ueiipj eHi sÁoíue Áiit36i guo ou ptie sSousno6iq8ii S,]siiHD 9]St3] 0] ]JB9q ut3uinHÁJeAejoeJ!sepeuiS,i!ieuieAe!ieqi`ÁiiBUoSJed.iTe 4
oi 9Tqe[!t3AB S! it3H] Sseusnoe]u8!J eui Joj Á}SJiH] eJE Á9U}
puB `sso"9piiM itm]ii!ds e 9Juo!J3dxo Áut3w issgm6pi!M eH] u! ueAe sseusnoeiH8!J ui SU8!eJ POD (9T:ZS HB!ES|)
„.PieU inj]!"j eu| U! 9P!qB SsetisnoeiH8!J Pue `SseuepiTM aq| U! ||6MP ||!M 9]!|Sn.r U3qL„ :SÁBS Ut3!BS| ]9t|dold gqL
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]JvdD 9NlzlN9o]]a
my God as the one who is not willing anyone to perish but all to reach repentance and salvation. I want to know him deeply in this!" This mesmerized me and thought to myself: "Wow! Well said Rebecca! I want to know him as such." This is written in God's word: "But he is patient toward you, not willing any should perish, but that all should reach repentance." (2 Peter 3:9) Some believers give up on others so quickly, and in the split second of their frustration and impatience, they `write off' others. Jesus, on the other hand, sees people totally differently. He never gives up on them. In this world, everything has its price and value, but Christ's work on the cross is priceless! Christ himself is priceless! Having this in mind as an immovable fact, we'll begin to see people as priceless. Not because it's an idea that's `in' but because of the reality of God's work through ]esus Christ's grace. He died for our trespasses so he can bring us into his kingdom and
present us as righteous before the Father with great joy and 8lory.
Chapter three
GRACE AND WISDOM ``By wisdom a house is built, and through
understanding it is established." Proverbs 24:3
Weliveinatimeinwhichtheintensityandthespeedofthe events have never been more dramatic. The abundance of informationandeventsisgreaterthaninanyotherperiod in history so far. At the same time, the pressure of making fast and instant decisions is a reality for many people. We can respond to this in two ways: with fear or with faith. We can get intimidated by the circumstances, or we can be assured in a good outcome. Things around us will either intimidate us, or they will open new opportunities for us. We need wise decision-making and judgment as never before. Therefore, I think that wisdom should be visibly present as a pillar and a strong foundation in our lives. I believe that the act of grace reveals to us the power of wisdom in a palpable and real way. In this chapter, I would like to explore the depth and the need for wisdom. First, lets look at the words of the apostle Paul in 2 Timothy 1:7: ``For God did not give us a
uaHO 6At3q i .Sn jo 6it3J 6Ht3i o] uJJnqJ 9ti] ui Poiuioddt3 U99q 9ABU Á9U| 9SnEDeq SiueJt3d itm]!J!ds Jno iit3D 9M ]t3q]
Seuo 9U| JO SJo|St3d `SJept39i Jno jo iesunoJ 9tii jo pit3ijg gq 0| P99U OU S| 9J9ti| `Osiv .Sn Siigi gti JeAoit3tiM io `Sn
sep!n8 9q J9A9J9uM `|!J!ds ÁioH 9t|| jo 9Jut3P!ns eHl jo p!t3ijE eq o] pg9u ou S! Áiit39J 9J3t|| `|SJ!d .tpJnqD 9t|l jo Á|iJotiim etii Pue d!uSJ9Pt39i gq] S! oS `9u!i gut3S 9ti] ie
inq `e3ut3iJodu! iEeJsjo S! ]iJids ÁioH 9qijo 9out3P!n8 9u| Pue 83!oA 9qi oi eJue!pgqo `Áiu!t3]i9D .uo!]nios p o] spegi
83uo!pgqo Áq po!uBdume uops!M ]EH] s! uo!SnpuoD ÁN
uo!inios e o] spe3i e]ue!peqo Áq p5!ueduoJJe iuops!M }eui S! uo!SnpuoJ ÁW
•ii Áiddt3 oi Ápt39i sÁt3Mie
iou 3Je inq eD!Ape Poos iBeH oi iut3M 9ido3d Áut3u it3tii pgz!ig9Ji-P3]o9dx9SeM]t3uMo|ÁieJ]umSt3MeuoD]no3U| ]nq `uiopsiM jo 9Deid € uoJj pgieu!8!Jo puB iueiieJxe sEM poA!3DeJ SEM |Pt|| 9D!APP 9t|| 9JeuM S9St33 Áut3u P9SS9u]iM eAt3H i `PiJOM 9tii ]noqsnoJti] SP iieM Se t3!uoP83eN u! q]oq
`s6qmq. ui suiAigs siBoj( J{ut3u gq] tisnoJqL .|! |98 Ut3J ieMsue ut3 io eJiAPE es!M sp83u otiM 9uoÁup ]eH] Pue eiqt3i!t3Ae sÁt3Mie si uiopsiM ]t3u] eAe!igq i .8u!Jt39U ti]JOM
pue snop3id s! e3!Ape esiM pue `9J!APB 3S!M S! S!HL .t|]Ipj
jo Á]!it3uo!]ei pue i9Mod gui pue 3Aoi u! po]ooi 3q o] `sgop eti i3A9]t3qM ]nq `4!p!ui] jo ]!J!ds 9qi Áq PeDugnuui eq 01 ]ou ui!q sest3inoJue eH .Jt3ej uo P9Spq uo!SP3P Áue 9Ht3u JeA3u oi Áti]ou!L sespJnoJug ined giisode 3qL ,,-eu!idps!p -jigs jo put3 eAoi jo `JeMod jo i!J!ds e inq `Ái!P!u!i jo i!J!ds
]]Va9 9NIZIN90]]a
seen the wonderful outcomes result due to the obedience of a believer to the advice given to him. The very solution or change that occurs in a given situation as a result of the obedience leads us towards gratitude and worship of our Lord Jesus. It is written in the Word of God that the deep worship of God in admiration and awe is the beginning of wisdom. Wisdom is extremely important for us, and therefore it is very difficult for a man to live a fulfilling Christian life without possessing and applying God's wisdom. In the Old Testament, people received wisdom because they asked for it, but the measure of wisdom was distributed only to individuals and only in certain periods, There was only one exception and that was King Solomon who, through a special favor from God, received knowledge and wisdom for his entire reign. In contrast, in the New Testament, people possess God's wisdom because of Christ, who lives in them and because he himself is God's wisdom.
Wisdom builds Without understanding grace, wisdom cannot be fully manifested, because there will be no platform upon which it will be expressed. If we have no understanding of grace in our life, then there will be no good solutions and decisions for us, and our life, instead of going upward, will go downward. Why? Because without understanding grace, we will not understand that God is on our side. And if He is on our side, then He will surely speak to us, He will encourage us and above all, He will guide us into His
S9oP inq `iiJids ÁioH 9tii jo eDut3P!ns etii stm!juoD PoD
jo PioM 9t|L .]!J!ds Á|OH 6qi Áq u6Ais uoiiJaiip 6tii 6Apq
]snui 9M `9Aou oi J9Pio u! inq `Sn jo iuoJj ui punoJs etii sa]Bu!um" Áiuo poo jo PioM 9qL .9j!i jo tiit3d 6tii - tiit3d it3tii uo sn S3P!n8 ]t3qi euo 9U| SI |!I!ds Á|OH 9UL .Suml snoiit3A su!t3ium sÁEMie isouie ]! `ppj u! `9u!i-iq8!eJis ]ou S! qlt3d S!UL .(SOT:6[T .Sd) `„t|lt3d ÁU Joj ]H8ii P PuP io6j
Áu oi dut3i e si pioM moÁ,, :suiiBsd gqi ui ugn!iM s! ii •uoi]t3Punoj 9UI
p!eiÁPp9JieeAt3u33eisS!q]tisnoJqiotiMesouijogiduExe gti] Moiioj 9M iEqi 9JtieiJodu! isouin jo S! ii .peeJDns Pug uoi]Junj uE. ejii Jno u! Ssu!ui ietii oS 9ot3Js jo uo!iBPunoj it3tii P!t3i PoD PuE `eJPJ8 ]notii!M P9SS9Jdx9 9q oi iut3M iou ||!M tHOPS!M .(OT:S .JOD T) UO!|BPunoj S!Ui P!t3i `Ái9S!39Jd
9JOU JO `|i!nq inEd ei]SodB eui q.!t|M q]!M ,,|t3!J9|t3UI„ eul SeM u!u oi uoA!8 sEM it3tii 3Dt3J8 3tiL .uo!]u3ng Át3d oi S3A!i itmi!J!ds J!6u] ui pi!nq oi i3Á aJe oqM iip sesiApe Áiieqos Ái9A pue uo!it3punoj sitii jo Setpt3e] inEd gi]sodp gtiL .uiops!M S,PoD inq `uoPS!M uBunu iou Pug `uiops!M u! Pue usnoJti] iJe o] P39U 9U| Joj `S9Aii Jno Joj
gu|Put3]S16Pun 3A!3]3I Á|gulpIO]]e mM 9M `99B1g qgnolq| s3uoo iEtii su!puEisiepun eti] jo S!Spq eq| UO U9t|] `(Z:S •UOH) Pue]S eM tp!tiM uo uo!]t3punoj eq] s! 9JPJ8 ]t3tii put3isJepun eM ji .9j!i ÁepÁJeAe Jno u! ]!J!ds ÁioH 3ti] jo eDut3P!n8 9qi gziuso3eJ oi uiops!M eui pe3u 3M ÁieJns u3tii `sgsodJnd pue sueid s!H oiu! Sn 9P!ns o] siut3M poo ji (S:9S qof) ,,.S9Sodind s!H u!
ui!j puB `4q8!u s! 9q íugu 3s!dsgp ]ou seop ]nq `Á}u8!u S! PoD„ :qof jo Hooq eHi u! ugn!JM s! ]i .J9]Dt3Jt3uJ s!H pue
©InlBU SH IJ9UeJ ut3J ej!i Jno it3ti] os `sgsodind ]o9ji3d
]Jvti9 9NIZINDOJ]ti
not in itself presume fulfillment of the plan laid out in our life. That is why we need the Holy Spirit to guide us in the understanding of the word of God. The fact is that we will not find all the details in the Bible. For example, such things as who our spouse will be, what career we should choose, what kind of education we should have, these are the details that are of great importance to us, but we do not always see them specified in the Bible. Something similar has been written about Jesus, who did so many miracles, that if all were written down, it would not be possible to record them in all the books in the world. I believe that this is the case so that we can get to know him and have confidence in God sincerely and from the heart, not simply relying on certain biblical principles.
The Holy Spirit, who reveals to us the essence of wisdom, is the One who guides us into certain truths for our lives. He always confirms this and reveals them in us personally so that we can follow them. Perhaps the path on which we should walk is not the path we initially thought would be the correct one or that we ourselves would have chosen, but yet, if it is from the Holy Spirit, it will be the perfect
path for us, In this context, I often think and quote this verse: ``Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails." (Prov. 19:21). Not always are our plans bad or destructive. On the contrary, most of us wish and plan useful and dignified things. This is especially obvious from the position of parents, as we surely want and plan beautiful things for our children. Yet, the wisest option is for God's plan to prevail, which is always the best for us. I would like to remind and point
out the fact that very often we are in a hurry and we want
siqsnoqi ino su!8tmoguo Áq dn sn spiinq uopsiM ugqL •aAoi Sitii jo ino su!A!i gnJ| 9ui ui PuP 08PaiMouH ui Mois
oiMoqsnsgqJt2ai3H.Jongq]!MouHoiia8oisnsdi6qpup sn oi 3Aoi su!Bidx3 pue Sit29A9J |!J!ds ÁioH 6qi .1I ld6JJB
o|q]nJ]S!qiO]P6uoismeiou9JP0qM9Soqiiojiimi]j!p s!i!]t3qiSnpit3MoiPoiJ6J!PÁi6su6iuioSSii!JidsÁioH9qi jo 9AO| 6UL .(S:S .UOH) ,,.Sn oi U6Ais u69q St3q oqM `]!J!ds
ÁioH 9H] tisnoiqi SiJB9q Jno oiui ]no pgmod u99q st3H 6Aoi s,poo 9smJoq `9uit3qs o] sn ]nd ]ou s6op gdoq PuV,, •Sut3eHJnou!SiieMPPueSno]UeA!8ueeqÁpt3eiiEsEueAoi
#%D s!ui es"3Jeq injeJt3ed eq Ut39 eM `|!J!ds ÁioH eH] TTql~^,''_ __ _____ _
qsnoJHiSnoiu!inopeJnodsi9Aoi 1t3UljI Put3 eAoi S! poD ji •e^oi 3Sn pinoiis eM ÁeM eui pup 3Pni!iie eiii sn sguJE9} UuOPS!M `UO!}ej,n}!S au} Je^a}EI|M
•qmqo atii ui pooisJ6Pun Áiiuopujnsu! S! ]!i!ds ÁioH9q]jo3Aoigq]iBq]s!uoi]d6JJadit2uoSJ3dÁN.i!J!ds Á|OH9t|]ÁqPSAO|9S!Mam3IB6M`UOS6q|PUBJaq]t2dgq| Áqp3AoiaLiBaMieq]9Jnse3U9ut3S6t|]H]|M.4!U!JL9H]jo
]iBd itmba ue s! oqM i!i!ds ÁioH 6qi Áq p6Aoi Áiitmbo 9JB 9MietiipuB]sJOpun]ouoPÁut3uinq`SsoiJ6qiuo6AoiSiH
PaMotis ouM `Sns6f Áq Pue igqied 3qi POD Áq p3Aoi aJe 6M ]t3qi aA6!iaq Sut3!is!JqD ]SoW i]Ou Áiginiosw .Sn ]suit38p su!HiouSeu`eot3Jsjoi!J!dsetiiPeiit39osie`i!J!dsÁioHeHi 1
]t3q] 3Jns 9q ut39 9M .i68ut3p Áip86p o]u! sn gp!ns iou sn uit3H oi S]ut3M JOAau oqM ]!J!ds ÁioH 6Hi jo 3J!oA 9i]uo8 9qioiti3]s!iPuPdoiso]Poo8sÁt3MiBs!]i.Áiinqo]]ougsiM s! ]! `in8 .sn oi 8uoiaq Pinoqs Hu!tii 3M s8u!qi `ssu!H] Jho
so that we can make wise decisions and formulate right solutions based on love. The love poured into us is our most precious and valuable weapon. Every weapon is either for defense or for an attack. The apostle John very clearly said that ``perfect love casts out fear", (1 John 4:18). In such a situation, love is a weapon for attack, but in another situation, love can protect someone from danger. Whatever the situation, wisdom teaches us the attitude and the way we should use love. In fact, to love is a decision and an attitude of the heart and the mind. Emotions are an accompanying element, but they are not decisive. Correct decision-making and the knowledge of how to most adequately show love flow directly out of wisdoml
``Build yourselves up in your most holy faith"
"But you, dear friends, build yourselves up in
your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit." (Jude 1:20)
While reading and contemplating this verse, I realized that it does not say that building means reading books, as a primary discipline for growth, nor does it mean visiting lectures or sermons. In this context, it does not even say that we should build ourselves up by reading the Bible, but by praying in the Holy Spirit. Some believe that this
os `dn s9Aiesino pi!nq o] eppgp o] Ái!iiq!suodseJ mo s! ii •SJ9U|O Piinq o] Pue ,,X!j,, oi JOAt39Pue oi u!eA u! S! ]! ugtii
`9j|i ut3!isiiqD atii jo it3o8 9ti] pue iu!od gti] put3]sigpun
]ou op s9Ai3smo 9M ji ágsp euogtHos ugtiisuoJis 3M ut3D Moq `s9Aiasmo dn iiinq iou 6ie 6Mji 9SnBJa8 .Sn ui HJOM ISJ|j ]!J!ds Á|0H 9ql ]9| 01 .0.! `uiMOJS Jno uo pgit3i]uoJuoJ 9q o] pup dn s9AiesJno Pi!nq oi ÁJBSS03eu Si i! it3Hi SÁt3S esieA sitiL .it3!J!jeugq s! 8u!tiiÁJOAe iou inq `8u!qiÁug oP oi POMoiie uiE i `SPJOM JeHio u! `JO |UPM | J9A9|t3tiM OP ueo
| .(%:0[ .I0D T) „`SJati]o jo Poo8 9qi ]nq `poo8 uMo iigqi H99S P|notis 9uo oN„ .3uo snoiAoid eqi oi uo!]ippp 83iu g Sl tpIHM 9SJ9A 8U!Moiioj gq| uoiiueu osie ut3J 9M `ixgiuoD s!tii ui -dn su!Pi!nq Jno o] SigjoJ ]i ]t3ui egs 9M `esJeA Slt|I U| (SZ:OT .ioD T) „.9A!iJniism si 8uitirii6A6 iou inq -,8U!HriuB OP 0| |qg|I 9q| aAt3q |, .|ep|j9U9q S! gu!q|ÁlaA6
iou ]nq-ÁBs noÁ ,`8u!tiu{uB oP o] ]qsiJ 9tii 9ABU i„ •sn punoJt3 esou]jo S9A!| 9t|| P|lnq d|9U Put3
injosn gq ue3 9M iBtii os ej!i ino ui Áit3sso]eu s! uops!M Pue 9.PJs ui su!Piin8 .uieui 9AJes puE ugpJnq etii ÁJJt3. ut3. 9M uopsiM tisnoJqi pue 9Jt3Js ui iBui os `SOAi6Sino iiinq3qo]9At3qÁiit33J9M`S!q]jo9SnBoa8.iu6u68tmoJsip oiu! ugiiEj 9AEq io ti]!Pj J!eq| ui He9M 9ie |t3qi 9Soqi eAJes puE ÁBJd o] Mou MouH upJ 9M iBti] oS `]Jt39u Jno ui JeÁt3Jd 1
eu] uJoj puE sn eJidsu! u!H ]3i o] Pug i!J!ds ÁioH 9t|I Sosegid Ái"i iBtiM MoUH oi S! `SieHio etii ioj Pug gu Joj uioq `9J!S3P ÁM .Ái!iBuoSJed S!H Pue ]!J!ds ÁioH eti] jo
98pgiMou dgap e aAeq isnu 6q `iaÁt3id e tpns J9nn oi tiinou Jo i6uut3qJ 3qi 3q oi uoSJad e Joj i6Pio ui .]Ei!ds ÁioHetiiÁqp9]duoJdJeÁeJdBS!i!J!dsÁioH9tiiu!JeÁt3Jd •|t3U| UBt|] |eAe| J9de9P U9A9 UP 0] Sn S8u!iq gsioA siti]
it3tii Át3s pinoM i ]nq `Sonsuo] ui su!Hegds oi sigjeJ 9sieA
]]Vt]9 DNIZINDO)]a
that we can be strong, not only for our own sake, but also for the sake of others. Even in 1 Corinthians 14:12, where it speaks about prophesying, we see that it serves to build up the church. We see that the man prophesying needs to first build himself up in wisdom in order to be able to serve in building others up in the church.
Gra`ce itself is the basis of our life and everything else originates from it
Grace itself is the basis of our life and everything else originates from it, especially those aspects of spiritual life that we call the gifts. Because of the grace that Jesus christ
brought and through which we are saved, the abundance of gifts is manifested in us and through us, and those gifts can bring the manifestation of God's power and change everywhere and in any circumstance. All manifestations of grace should be normal for us and should be a regular part of our lives. When someone faces a situation that requires healing or a miracle, if that man humbles himself and does not oppose the graceful gifts, then grace will manifest that gift of healing or miracle. Consequently, the same applies to the other gifts that are given, or in other words, that result from grace. This is the principle of all spiritual gifts that are in fact graceful gifts written down in the Word of God. And we call them graceful because they result from grace.
`sgin]im ]ugie]j!p jo sgi4s gti] oi gnG `9j!i u! 9Jniu3A Mou e uo 9He] o] P!BijB iiB ie iou 6ip i6Pio io S3!H!j Jigtii ui aidogd 9JatiM `3miim ati] poJu6nuu! st3q Ápt3aJip PuP Pt39Ids9P!M 9IOU S! |3dsoD 3t|1 9I9UM 9Dt3|d 8 `Vsn gq]
qi!M 6pt3u gq pinoJ uoS!it3duoJ 3idu!S V .a8PaiM0UH PuP UO!|BUIoju! Ioj P39U Át|]|t39qun UB S9|t33I9 SS6Um jo lt39j `3St3J S!U| ui .MaiA PiJOM ino S9dt3tis 9miim Moq 66s ut3D
9M U3iuM tisnoJti] eidut3x3 9uo s! s!HL .sgsouse!p pue sgsB3s!P Joj s3uieu u!]t3i ati] MouH uaA9 9ido3d .9St39Sip uMouH ÁJ9A9 u! 9S!]igdx6 pue suiput3]siapun doop st3q 3uoÁi3A9 ]souiip j! sp stuags ]i `6ido6d oi Hit3i noÁ ugqM
`S!|BqL.t3!uopaJt3WÁJ]u"9uoqÁuuiua6saqu6]jout3] it3Hi,,uouguoueHd„8u!isoJoiu!ueo]J9j9Jii,i`9iBi]snmoL •]| 0| 8U!PJOD3t3 9AI| OHM
3idood 6qi Joj uo!iJ"isgp pue ]u6uiu!oddt2S!P S8u!iq ii `u" 8uoi gqi ui inq `sn oi poos uags Át3u uopsiM qgns `9UI!1 ]Joqs e Iod .(Si:S S6ut3Í) Jiuou6p puB itm]ii!dsun `Á|H|Jt39 S! PUP U9At39q UIolj 6UIOJ ]OU S60P ]t3U] UOPS!M
sB sgqiJJs6p Souit3f tp!qM UoPS!M uM0 Si! S6!iJt3J 6Jniim
HJns `Áp]t3un]iojun .inos gqi pue Ápoq 6qi 8uiAt3isu6 snqi uoSJod e u! ait3is it3n]EJids uMO Si! uJoj ii!M ]i it3qi suoJis oS 3q ut39 6Jniim 6qi jo 9JugnUui gqL .SS9uiinj itm|ii!ds 3]9iduoJ ui 9Aii Pue iJe oi giqt3un Sn SOHPu u9HO ]SOu Ái9|t3unuojun inq Sn uo iJt3dui is6]t36J8 9H] 9At3q Át3u ui 9AE[ 9M 9]n][m gqL .uE 6AT[ aM 3]n][m 6H] ]o ]U6uuo]TAuá
6q] Áq pauioj 98pgiMouH pue uo!]t3uJoju! - }ii!ds ÁioH 6ti| uoJj 6uioJ ]Ou S3oP ]t3q] uo!|t3tmojui ti]iM s6Ai6sino
mj o] 6s!Mun Ái"i si ii .uo!ieJi]!pg pue dn 8uimnq uMo ino 8uiiapuiq s]!idim uieu ati] u9Ho 9ie S9Aiosmo 6M
aJniim sa6uDua uopsiM
])vaD 9NlzlNDo)]a
the possibilities and the enthusiasm brought by the environment, people in the USA do not find it as difficult to believe[ The culture of faith brings to light and creates confidence and a general orientation towards success. The attitude of faith and expectation are on a higher level and people live convinced that there are no obstacles that can stop them. Unfortunately, in some cultures, when someone exceeds the age of fifty, because of the culture of fear, he is almost like a condemned person. The verdict is: ``You are too old; you are not supposed to do that at your age" or ``Your time has passed." Such an attitude almost declares a man useless. Contrary to that, the Holy Spirit
says that between the body and the soul, the body is weak, but the spirit is strong, and if we sow in the Spirit, we will reap in the Spirit. This is a promise and a principle given for everyone who believes, and it always functions. That means that the Spirit will heal the body, he will restore the blood, restore the skin and will give strength to the body throughout our entire life. Regardless of everything, because of that source of strength, we will be ready and equipped with everything to live in vitality and health. The Holy Spirit will guide us into wise decisions about our health and will inspire us for a healthy and long life. Therefore, we, as wise people, put our trust in the Lord
Jesus and we will not let this lie become a part of our lives. Wisdom wants to change the culture around us and the dominant way of thinking so that grace can powerfully act and manifest itself.
There is a spiritual song which says that "in the temple, they all shout glory". The beauty of it is in fact that we can always shout glory in the temple in which the Holy
puoÁeq su!tiiguos op o] sn sest3inoJue i!J!ds ÁioH euI ueHM sn Áeqo ÁPoq Jno ii!M `Hu!Hi noÁ oP ieHM `9j!i Jno
6p!n8 tHaq] ]3i pue sp33u it39!sÁqd ino puB Ápoq gq] uo Á[eJ Áiiut3]suoJ eM ji .9A!i.edsJed it3ni!i!ds e uoij Ápoq ]TTl Pue nTTl.i!i!ds `TT,J,. 3Hi _.__ ueoM]eq ___ _ eq] uo!i39uüoo eu1 1t3 HOoi sn igi
•inos 3ui pue 'Ápoq eui 'i!J!ds 3iii
6uouE a]upiEq }J9]Jad su!eiu!eu uopS!M
•Ái!t3p sn oi P9AJ9S SU|"iun PuE
uo!]t3tmoju!s!p 3qi 38uBqJ puB 4!pou o] 9up!pgu is6q gq] S! UOPS!M .3|qB]iojuoo i66j ]ou saop ]! ugqM uoA9 sn
Á"ii!M]!pu€`eid!9u!Jds!u]oii.eíqnseqosieiT"ÁPoq Jno iEti] SUE" S!HL „.]!J!ds euI U! dt3@J ||!M eM `1!J!ds eul u! Mos 6M j!„ ]t3q] sÁt3s Áiit39p gq qo!qM u! qinii uan!JM e oiu!P9]BisuBJ]pt3Him3dgiisodegq||t3ql8U!qi6uoS`]!i!ds ÁioH eHi uoJj uo!]t3J!dsu! eH] oi 4!Jo!Jd eA!8 sÁt3MiE oi ueei isnu 9M .P[JOM s!Hi u! SeJugnUu! Áut3u eu] jo sseipiBseJ tHops" u! peiduoJd eq ut3J 9M ieHi oS ÁPoq mopuBinosinoq]oqiduoJd`snu!SipMPoHM`1!J!dsÁ|OH
6q] ]3| PUB P98B"" 9q Sn m `6Ioj6I9HL .]lJlds 9ql u! anJi s! i! ]9Á `iue]s!p pue 3iq!sugq6JduoJui punos ]H8iu S!t|1 6tHOS J0j ]BH| MotiH i .Át3P ÁioA6 sn s6qD86] Ápt33iiB
IlJ!ds Á|OH aHL .P6a]UBitms S! 9j!i gu!A!p aqi jo agu6said
aqi gigqM `iiiids ÁioH 6qijo 3idu3] aq] S! ÁPoq " MON •Ápoq"u!`snu!s!i!inq`eJt3idiut3iJodtHiÁiieo!udt3isoe8 `JBim!iJt3d euios iou S! Hiit3E uo SiieMP PoD eJ9HM egt?id aqi Mou `aLiojgioHL .9idui9| SiH 6Je S6ipoq Jno ]t3H] SÁt3S
PIOM 6ql PUV .S||9MP 9q qJ!qM U! Pue P6m9S St3H ]ll|ds
our comfort zone? When we reap fruits that do not bring life and are simply fruits of the body, it will not be the Holy Spirit's fault at all, but the blame is in our wrongly established subordination and the attitude with which we let the body, our flesh, orchestrate our life. As it is written in the Galatians: ``The one who sows to please his sinful
nature, from that nature he will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit he will reap eternal life", (Gal. 6:8).
Certainly, it is wise to maintain a healthy balance in relation to the body and the soul, and we do not have the right to neglect, or even less, to torture our body, because it was created by God. But 1 want to clarift the moment of distinguishing divine and human wisdom. I believe that as spiritual beings, we should approach and judge things in a spiritual way. In addition to our five physical senses, as an equal, yet spiritually superior equivalent, we have five spiritual senses with which we experience and recognize the kingdom of God and everything coming from it. Since God is Spirit, He is first recognized spiritually, and then with the soul and the mind. As it is written in the Letter to the Hebrews: ``But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil." (Heb. 5:14. When we live guided by the Spirit, then the promise of the Word of God will inevitably
come into force and that which has been written will be fulfilled: "1 pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting well." (3 John 1:2)
j|9S|! U|!M S9!He3 eJ!S9P ÁUM s! ]EqL .uo!]!sod J9tiio guios
jo ]no JO uoPS!M S!H jo ino J3q]i6 iJB "M 6M `suois!J3p ino ui ]! jo HJt3i Jo uiopsiM `9SeJ S!tii ui io `9]u6ipaqos!p io 9Du3!p3qo ]no uo su!pued9P |nq `9q Pinous 3M 9JeqM P3PP3P ÁPB6iie St3H Poo tsJaHio 0| S9!|!||qe mo MOuS 01
Áii Áiiut38om oi suio8 gip 6M Jo 9Jt3is ui Mois Áiqunq o] 9i!s3p gti] ui s6Aigsmo io6iip oi suio8 9M 9JV .9ji| ino U! |Ut}M Á|"| 9M S8U!U| 6t|| Joj 6I!S6P 9q| jo 9Z|S 9q] 0| 6it3uoiiiodoid gq ii!M 9uioJino 3qL .6A!iB86u io 3A!]!sod :s6uoJino ]ugia]j!P OJW Joj 4!i!q!Ssod B SJa]jo i! `J6H]t3J
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snsa[ MouH oi aJisap aui PuD uoPS|M
•inos eu] puB `Ápoq eti] `i!J!ds eH]
8uouB 9Jut3it3q ]JojJod su!eiu!t3u uops!M .6Jei8 jo S]JB 6q| U]lM 93JSB 0| SUB9U UOPS!M .sP69p ino jo 6sm3]6q 6q iou PinoM ]t3H] `4iigdsoJd u! 3A!i Pue Huitii pinoM aM ueHM ]t3tii os iiJ3u Áq s! 8uiq]ou it3q] sn oi sit39AeJ eJt3JD
t]i ]d9Joe ]ou pue Áiiuai6]j!p Hu!qi 9M PinoM ÁqM u6qL
•Á]!it39i siq] 33s ÁBu spioM 6soq] 8u!pB9i auoÁioA9 ]t3qi
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p!t3ijB 9q iou pinoqs 3M PW ,,.JadsoJd„ PJOM aHi 6Sn osiB ut3J 6M ,,`noÁ Hi!M ii9M 08,, UO!SS3Jdx9 6qi jo pt36isui
]JvaD 9NlzlNDo)]a
the driving force that can bring us to certain desirable, but also undesirable, states. In 2 Peter 3:18 we read: ``But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ." The original Greek word for knowledge, in fact, indicates experiential knowledge, the knowledge gained first hand. The knowledge that does not come only from something
we have heard or read in books, but from the knowledge of Him. If we truly and personally know ]esus, then we will no longer be the same, and we will not behave and talk in the same way as before. Knowing Jesus Christ brings the reality that guides us into sincere and deep worship and fellowship with Him. Unfortunately, we often meet teachers in churches who want to teach and preach the Word of God, but who have not had any deep spiritual experiences. They possess knowledge, but not that which comes through experience. We can be thrilled by the knowledge that many possess, but deep wisdom must accompany it.
A question may arise if, when we accept the truths that the apostles Paul, Peter, ]ohn or ]ames have written, we should accept them without any objection and put our faith in their statements or if we should expect anything beyond that. Regarding this question, I would say that certainly, I base my faith upon that which they have written. I certainly accept their inspired words as truth, only 1 do not stop there, but at the same time 1 let the Holy Spirit bring me experiences that confirm, explain and prove that truth. I would say that everyday 1 yearn to keep my life based firmly in the truth about the grace
9iE 9M pue `iD9jigd sguoJ9q ]!i!ds ino `u!t38e "oq gie 9M uetiM .is!JtiD Sns9f jo uiops!M 9ui tisnoJti| uo!iT3Aies 9ui eA!iPuei!J!dsÁioH9tiiÁqpgpinsÁi"i9JpotiM9idogd99s oi tis!M i `Á}!it3eJ 9uioDeq e3S o] usiM i su!u] euo SI 9J9tiL
-1!J!ds Á|OH 9UI Áq P9P!ns Pue iuo!peqo gq oi giisgp
p s]Jegq Jno u! ssu!Jq uops!M -Áeqo puE put3isiepun oi Sn S|UPM |!J!ds Á|OH 9U] eJOU uDnu Moq gu!8Eui inq `iu9!pgqoÁiinjpuEsÁPMieiie9JeeMietiiuS!MÁi"ii.Á9qo
ii!M eM igtiigtiM esooqJ put3 ep!Jop oi 83eds PuB uop99Jj sn seA!8 `euiii gut3s gq] ie `inq pupuium e sn S9A!8 Snsof
PJO| 9U| UoqM iueuiou gtii Put3isJ3Pun Áiinj oi iim!]j!P |! PU!j U31jo i .PJt3eq eABu Áeul SSU!U] 3Hl ql!M OP 0] 1t3qM
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ui6uaJis puD `a.uaipaqo `"opsiM
•1!Jlds ÁioH eqijo 9JUEp!n8 9U] U1!M `SSU!ueddeu Ái!ep Put3 sgidut3xg iie `seDueuedx3
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]]Vti9 DNIZINDO]]a
born of imperishable seed. But then the soul needs to be
perfected in the knowledge of what the spirit possesses. Then, as the state of our soul matures, so will our body grow strong and firm. Now all of the information and knowledge that we need are in our spirit, because the Holy Spirit lives in us. The spirit reveals to us two things, one which 1 would call personal, and the other, general. The personal truth is that all of the things that we need for life and godliness have been given to us, and we can draw on them freely. ``His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness." (2 Peter 1:3)
1 wish to see people who are truly guided by the Holy Spirit and live the salvation through the wisdom ofJesus Christ
The Holy Spirit has put in us all the necessary information aboutus,aboutourpersonality,oursoul,abouteverything we need, so that we can express ourselves as unique and creative beings. The other truth that has been put in us is the truth of God's kingdom and heaven. It is a general truth and has already been revealed. Our spirit is like a reservoir created by the Holy Spirit at the moment we are saved. That reservoir is filled and invested all of the information that we, as unique beings, need. Therefore, if we try to copy another Christian, to praise, to behave, to dress or to talk like someone else, then we insult the Holy Spirit and the depth of grace that God's creativity
Áiit3JijiJ6ds 9Jou ut}J 9M `PO9 jo UOP8UIH 9q] jo lJt3d SV •uosi6dp6ABSÁJ9A9Joj989|lA|ld]S3]B9186qH!S!qL(ST:T •|OD) „`S9A0i 6q uoS 6ul jo uiop8U!H 9qi O]u! Sn iqsnoJq
Puess6uHit3pjouoiuiuop9HiuoJjSnPonJSOJSpqaqiod„ :pegi 9M `sue!ssoioD 6Hi oi J6ngi gq] ui .POD jo UOP8U!H 9ti] jo ]it3d guioooq 3M `p6At3S aJP 9M ]Uauou 9q| ]V •P91t39m POD |EtiM |Jeí9J ]ou `9u!] 9ups 6q] iB PuB `HJOM Áoqi Moq 66s pue ssuiq] tisinsui]s!p ut20 6MiBtiioSSnuiS!uoPS!M`9Joj3i6qi.saou6nb3suo.8u!iq `p6it3io!A j! qJiqM `sMt3i itm]!i!ds pue s6idpuiid itmi!iids
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ssa3oid iDn]iJids V
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]t3q] s8u!q] Áq p6p!n8 aq ]ou ]snu 9M .Sn ui iq8noJq seq
]Jvt]D DNIZIN90J]d
be a part of a local church, which is a visible expression of the kingdom, and because of that, we have a spiritual
position in heaven. From this position, that |esus Christ has provided for us and in which he has placed us, there is now a new way of thinking and acting in our lives. Wisdom
gives us an understanding of the position, the function, and the role we possess. For this reason, darkness tries in every way to shake off our position, to weaken our function and reduce our role so that we do not see the task for which we are called. Everything around us, that is not from the Holy Spirit and from the kingdom of God is trying to shake us, or to distract us from that position because that position is of exceptional importance. We are now part of the kingdom of God, therefore part of the Church, and the grace of God opens a door for us to wisely understand these spiritual things.
Wisdom gives us an understanding ofthe position, the function, and the role we possess.
The purpose of wisdom is to direct us toward maturity. TheoriginalwordusedintheNewTestamentformaturity is the same word used for perfection. A perfect man is the one who builds his character and who constantly grows in the maturity to which he was called. We are the product of the finished work of our Lord Jesus Christ. This was His intention even before He created the world. And now we have been given the grace to guide us in wisdom, which in turn, guides us in maturity. In the Christian world,
uoi|t3uiis9P Jno `iuguHsiiqt3]S9 Put3 Áiiiiqt3is suegu `iDej u! `98tmsuBi iugut3]sgL MON it3uisiio etii ui „SsguuJij„ PJOM 9UL .1S!Jt|D U! UI!j PUE|S 9M 9Snt3Joq Sn 9HEtis
iou mM sn punoJt3 sugddt3u JeAeit3uM it3tii os uiH u! sn UotiisuoJis put3 tis!iqBise `sn ui ÁiiJnit3u suiJq uiopsiM Pue 9ot3JD -uiops!M Pueisi9Pun oi 9A!Jis Sn igi `eJoj3JetiL •uoPS!M Si uO!|nios 9tii ut3u| `9j!i 8ulii!jinj Put3 |ut3Punqt3 ut3 9Aii oi iut3M 9Mji .9Hii SHOoi J9A9I|9q P9|eJTP9P P jo 9jl|
9qi u! sueddt3q it3ti] SsoDOJd gqi it3qM s! S!qL .9Duo8ii!P
inoqt3 qDt3ei S]Jt3 ino puE `s]Dt3 seJnpoJd eniJiA `9niJiA
Ssu!Jq Áiiiiqt3is `ÁiiiiqBis Ssu!Jq Ái!Jnit3u `ÁiiJnit3u ssuiiq uopsiM `uiopsiM SpJeMoi sn siDeiip eiou 9Duo eDt3J8
PuV .,,9jii Joj egeJ8„ uo!sseJdx9 9qi jo suipuBisJopun gq] ui Mois ii!M uops!M 9Joidxe Ái!|Jt3eu leql esouL
"opsiM ui 6U|MOJ9
•]!Jlds ÁioH 9qijo J9Mod eqi -s9!poq
ino put3 sn ioj Ásigue jo 9Dmos ]seq eq] oi Siu!od uiopsiM •3unsuo] eM pooj 3ti] uoJj Áigios S9uoD ÁSJ9ue gq| |t3U] eAe!igq o] si9Ae!ieq sE sn ioj es!Mun eq pinoM ]i á,,ÁSJeue pgeu i,, Jo „ÁSJeu3 eui eAEq i,uoP i„ P!t3S eM 3ABu Seui| Áut3U MOH .u|JeH uo eJeq gj!i Joj eiqt3dBD puE 3Ai]3e gq
oi ÁSJ3ue ieqi po9u eM puv .ÁSJeug ej!i st3 MouH eM iEqM sguoD i9Mod ieti] uoJj pue JeMod Sn ueAis Seq PoD .iiJ!ds Á|OH 9U| UOJj S9uoD J9Mod |t3uL .JOMod eA!io"isop put3
eA!soidx3 uE s9!idu! ipq] 8u!tiiguos `PJOM 3ues 9u| Uolj peA!iep sBM ,,eiiut3uÁp„ pJOM eqL -J9Mod St3 9it3isut3Ji 9M qDIUM „`SIut3UÁP,, PJOM ]U9uE]S9L M3N eu] S! SuouJ9S
ui spJOM pgsn Áigp!M isou pue snouej ]sou etii jo euo
]Jvt]9 9NIZINDOJ]ti
or the culmination in our growth in life is to be stable and constant because God is constant and irremovable. God calls us to be like Him. We do not want the short-term and occasional influx of excitement that depends only on our circumstances, but we intend to be constant and stable in Jesus all the days of our life. In this case, the focus is not on whether someone is certain if he is saved or not, but whether he will grow and be constant in that salvation. Whether he will be constant in what he has accepted as a lifestyle so that whatever comes against him, he will not
give up. Let us not be overwhelmed with the short-term expression of enthusiasm, but focus on long-term growth and maintenance of stability. We have been called to live in the stability of the wisdom of Christ.
The wisdom of God and the wisdom of the world The greatest challenge for each of us is to distinguish between the wisdom that this world offers and the wisdom of God.
The philosophers that do not know Jesus constantly ask questions, but the problem is that they have no answer
``We have not received the spirit of the world but the Spirit
who is from God, that we may understand what God has freely given us. This is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit,
etuos 3A9!tpB o] uMo s!H uo su!ÁJ] Ái]ue]suoJ `eu!i siq jo
]!J!ds 9q|jo 9Jugnuu! 9tii J9Pun S! ]!J!ds eti| ]noqi!M ueu gq] |t3H] Pt39J 3M `9AoqB Peionb eM ]Xei eH] uoJj u99]Jnoj gsJOA ui .spioM it3ni!i!ds ti]!M sienBu it3ni!iids sgssgidxg oHM `(9Aoqe 9SJ9A 9tii ui u39s 9Aeq 6M sB) aidoad Áq
iou `iii!ds ÁioH eti] Áq itisnt3i gie 9M -]SiJtiD Snsof ui s! uopgeij ino Joj J9Msug Áiuo 9t|L .POD jo S8U!Ul eul u!t3idx6 oi si iiJ!ds ÁioH 6tii]o 9SodJnd gti] in8 .uo!snjuoJ Jeit39Js uoA9 Ssu!iq puE senssi igi]ugsse oi J9Msue ou St3H ]! `Áiit3Jiseq inq `8u!put3isJ9pun jo ioi E su!Jq o] pup
ppoiq pup d99p ÁioA 9q oi suiegs Áudosoi!qd uBunH •iaMsue ou 9At3q Áoq] it3ti] si ugiqoid 6tii inq `suoiisanb Hse Áiiut3isuoJ Sns9| MouH ]ou oP it3ui Sigqdosoiiqd 3qL
-ej!i jo suoiisgnb |t3!|U9SS9 9H| 0| J3MSUE UE 9A!8 ]Ouut3J S9!t|doso|!Ud PUB
SIU8not|I UBunq ÁqM si iBtiL .uopsiM ueunq pgiieo -oS 9ti] inq `Snsaf iou s! uoiit3AJ6sqo io 6Juo!Js ]t3qi jo
Joiu9J 9q| ugq| `|qsnoqijo Suiit33J PuB S6JuaiJS aqi u6H] qiiM suoie pue `uoiit3igug8 JO 9Jn|im B jo lno H6| S! PO9 u6qM .S9Ju6iJS Ut3Unti gti] 0] P9|t30ipop spi6ij snouBA ui 14
]ut2dut3i sum `uops!M ut3unq Se P9U!j9P U9HO S! qD!UM `uoPS!M J!uou6G .]u3ixo ]t3aJ8 e O] PiioM s!ti] ui gidogd
s83np3s `Áio]t3uniiojun `euo puoD9s gtiL .uiops!M D!uouigp
Pue POD jo uiops!M 6tii s! 6JotiL .uopsiMjo s3dÁi oJw 9Jt3 3J3qi it3tii uo!SnpuoJ 6tii oi 6tHOJ aM `PJOM 9H1 8UIÁpnls •(7T-ZT:Z .JOD T) ,,.pe"eJs!p
Áiitm]!iids 9Je Áoq] 9sneJoq `ugqi put3isJapun ]ouut3J aq puE`uLiiHo]ssguHs!iooj9JPÁetiiJoj`PoDjoi!JidseHiuioJj euoD it3ti] ssu!tii etii idoJDg ]ou S90P ]!J!ds et|| |notiliM ut3u 9HL .spJOM it3n]!J!ds u! sHi"] it3n]!J!ds suisseidxe
]Jvt]9 9NIZINDOJ]ti
kind of rest and fulfillment. But, the system of this world imposes on him and controls him. He is always in a hurry to get married, to have children, to get a good job, and to retire as soon as possible. Nowadays, there are people that even at the age of eighteen think about retirement. Why? Because they think without the Spirit and without wisdom. They are always somehow in a hurry to achieve success in life. They do not receive that which is from the Spirit of God, and they think that when they reach the age of 65 and retire, then they will be able to enjoy life and rest, They do not understand that at the age of 65, after a hard life, there are great chances that they will end up in a hospital and after a few years they will perish. They have tried in vain to reach retirement which they call a rest, which may actually be their end. Why? Because rest is not the goal, rest is the reason for a productive life. Rest in Jesus Christ is the reason we act in this world. In Him, we are already resting because we exist in His rest. Now every blessing is upon us because we have learned how to trust God. We do not put our trust in the system of this world, but we have already received in our heart the things from above, and with our mind, we already think as citizens of heaven. And when we speak, we speak heavenly things that change things around us, here on Earth. Rest is in Christ.
It is extremely dangerous for us to call upon or to stick to the wisdom of this world. I will repeat once more that it is written in the Word that the wisdom of this world is demonic. There are many so-called truths that seem to be true, but since they do not come from the Spirit of Truth, they remain ``truths," and in fact they are lies. There are
iiepniD s! poD jo uiops!M eqi `eJoj3igtiL .8UTHPU -uo!spep iD9jJed Joj tiinJi uo so!i3J sÁEMiE uiopsiM (SZ:9T `AOJd) ,,.Ule9P 01 Spt3e| 1! Pue gui ui inq `ueu E oi }q8!J Sui99S it3ui ÁeM e S! 9J9qL :Pt39i 9M `SqJOAOJd gtii
ui .]ou s! i! `ÁieiEun]iojun inq `9iqeideDDe pue poos uegs ÁEu i! `uo!inios e se íiou S9op i! Pt3j u! inq `PoD uoJj gum o] tH83s Át3u suiq]euos .J98UEP 9|Ot|M 9U] S9|| 9J9U pue `poD jo uops!M etii 98Joj oi ÁJ] sÁEMit3 ii!M suouu9G
•PoD jo su!puEisJepun siq ui MOJs ugu gtii s9Ht3u Put3 inos etii S9usiJnou iEu] Pooj € S! tilnJl euL .eAI]deJ pue punoq s! qinJi gtii u! 8u!A!i ut3u oN .poD jo uops!M 9qi uioJj guioD |OU OP |t3U| 9U!| jo 9Smm 9UI J9AO U1!t3j Ut3!1S!It|D 9U] 0| P9tpe||P 9ul039q 9Aeq ]etii ssu!ti} osit3 9it3 9Jetii inq `so!JniugJ iit3 qsnoJti| PUP ||e Joj P!|€A 9JB |t3UI sjeiieq ut3!isiiqD J!SBq guos 3it3 9J9qi `Á|U!t3|J9D .9UI| jo
poiJ3d suoi e ioj peD!iJEid ueeq 9At3q Á9q] j! uoA9 `siinsgi PooS PigiÁ iou oP uD!tiM SsuitpEei ut3unq oi Pe!i eq oi s9AigsJno Moiie iou oP 9M it3tii injesn PU€ esIM eJojel3U| S|
]i .]!"j pt3q s83npoJd suiqDegi suoJM eui i€tii uoisnpuoD 9tii oi 9U" 9At3ti i `SJ9A3!|9q tii!M put3 sgq3inqD jo si3pt39i tiiiM suoi]ESJeAuoD ÁUEu ui .98ueqD oi 8uiiiiMun pue uJoqqnis ieAeii3q € 9Ht" Sjeiigq iEuiJ]DoP Jo it3D!8oiootii eu1 `UeHO ISOM .je!igqsiu Áiit3niJE S! ii pue „`9mi,, s! Hu!ti}
Á9qi Áiuo ietii „tiinJ]„ e u! eA!i SuEiis!JUD eul0S .ql"] jo llJ!ds 9q| Áq P9Jidsui iou 9JeM Áeqi `poos eq oi pguges ssu!qi 9Soqi qsnoqi ueA9 it3tii S9ziieeJ eH -ui!ti punoiJns
]t3tii suo!u!do iu€u!uiop 9H| Pue gml|m 9Ul jo UlnJ1 3UI oi su!pio]]e Áiuo peA!i gq gsm3D9q gjii siq ui po!igd suoi E Joj ueHt3]siui ugeq st3q eq it3tii ez!it39J Put3 uEiis!JqD Poos t3 eq uEo uEui V .PiJOM Siui jo Stil"| eH| 0] 8U!PJODDP |nq `Áiinjqi"i pue Áiisguoq ©Aii oi ÁJ] it3tii suEiisiJtiD Áut3u
]Jvt]9 9NIZIN90J]d
A person that wants to function in the kingdom of God and to be useful to the church must learn to function in wisdom. Such a person will rely on the knowledge and on the understanding that come from the Holy Spirit, and his life will not be complicated and confused. Wisdom plays a major role in the decisions we make. To possess wisdom means to clearly see things and know how to act. Wisdom and understanding always go together. What benefit do we have if we have knowledge about everything, but we have no wisdom? In that case, we will not know what to do and how to act. We can have many revelations, but what about the practical aspect that needs to be fulfilled? Each day is a potential day for spiritual awakening in our lives. Each day is an opportunity to receive something new from the Lord because what we know about Him is still limited. If we truly want to know God's heart, then we will decide to take an adventure and to get to know Jesus Christ more and more. It all depends on our decision and need to know the Lord Jesus Christ in a way that we have never known Him before.
We may think that what we know at the moment is the peak and that there is nothing more than that, but the Pharisees thought in the same way. The more we think we know, the more we limit our insight of what God is really like and limit what He wants to show us. If we think that the wisdom we possess or we have tasted is the final truth, then we once again limit God. Wisdom originates from God's nature. All the attributes of God we perceive are the product of His unsearchable depth, and ]esus is God's perfect manifestation.
9U|UOeJuep!juoJ9At3U||"9MiEHioSSnsuotHB9ieiduioo gpBu s! eAoi `Át" S!U] uL :Je»ei ]SJ!7 SH u! e]OJM UHof gi]SodB 3qL .Snsaf su!A!i 3H] 9H!i 6A!i O] P6iqt3uo 9JP 3M
]uioddDsip iou saop a^oT
Ssau"BU69qaAt3uiouPinoM|`9UP98u6iit3q]]ouaABq noÁj!`"s!H]euopiou9ABHnoÁj!esnt39eq`euJojs!u] "noÁ|t3H|noÁHut3Uii`PJoi`Jeit3iJt39Áe`Mou]nq`pJt3H sBMH6sneJ9qguiojsuiÁt3iddgaHo]ÁpoqÁioA9pa]uBM PuBPou!BidtHOJigtH!|]Bq]|V.o8Bit3aÁe9UU!]JBS!q|P!P noÁiBqiPJOTnoÁHut3HL,,:Átsii!MiuJiqMioj8u!ti]3uos gu!" [|!M ]! Je|Ei ]t3H] MOuH i inq `Ást3@ tHees ]ou ÁetH
98ut3UO9ui`iueuou]EH]]V'euJoj|njmeq||LM]!1eu1 4U!t!]J9Jq|!MMouHosiBiinq`iuesB9idpuB6iqBiJojuoJ eq iou ii!M # iBui MoUH i `eJue!Jedx9 Áu mid .etH esueTit3HJ[i!M]!J!dsÁioHeu]it3HiSijiesÁuJojJeÁBidÁN
•eqo]snS]uT3MeHeJeHMÁipt3xeeqii"]!`uHMoiiBeMji puB`eJeuMetHosSneHt3]ÁieJnsii!MPuePu"eH![S!eH.Sn epinso]i!J!dsÁioHeHiMoiiBSniei`eJojeJeHL.i!J!dseHI jo PieU eHi u! puB SJ!SÁud U! Hioq Se!iddE 9id!Ju!Jd ]t2HL
-ugddt2H JeAou utD it3H] ]nq `SeA!i Jno u! M" 8uiH]euos
]Jedxe Át" eM `est3J iBH] ui „ás]ins9J ]ueJe]jp iJedxe i6A6 6M pinoM ÁqM `ÁBM 6tHBs 6H] Ui S8U!q| 9Uit3S 6q| oP
sÁBMiEeMji,,:p!t3sueues!MEsv.ssu!H"8u!PuB]sJepun UMO J!euI U!H]" Á|U0 Peu!BtHOJ ÁeHi esnEJoq uo!]t3ieAei PeH0t3i ÁeHL .eui!1 1t3Hl ü SJt3ioHm eH] o] UMouH iou 9JeM |t3H| POJOAOJS!P eJeM PoD Joj seA!iJedsJod M9u `snuiepo" ees!Jt3Hd eHi H1!M P9H[t31 SnseJ UeHM
day of judgment, because in this world we are like him.'' (1 John 4:17) In Him, we are alive, complete, preserved and blameless, not only in the spirit and the soul, but also in the body. This promise is for those that believe, and that live by faith and according to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. For those that live by the culture and spirit of the time, unfortunately, this promise seems invalid. And indeed, it is up to us to decide how are we going to live. Are we going toliveaccordingtotheopinionsthatthisworldpresentsto us, or according to Christ's truth in the midst of all events and imposed circumstances? I realize that the reality of everyday life is true and present. But, at the same time, I give priority to the truth that lives in me. I am aware of reality, I see when a man suffers, I cannot deny the fact that a man has suffered in his life or that he had a hard time. But, it is my obligation to agree with God's truth (which is completely different from the circumstances), and to
bring that reality to the other person so that he can be free from the lie that God is not good. Often, people that suffer have prejudices, and they picture God as a cruel God who at the moment of suffering wants to teach them a lesson. And demons impatiently lurk and seek that moment in man's soul. Demons look for a moment of doubt in which they can stoke disappointment. And that is why it is most difficult to serve and to give counsel to disappointed people. There are people that are disappointed for years, living in disappointment for even two or three decades. Do you know what scares me most about disappointment? It is that the next thing after it is bitterness. And bitterness is a dangerous condition, because when the bitter man falls, he drags others with him. ``See to it that no one misses
i .noÁ puE eu ioj is!iqD snsgf ui iueuiuioddt3sip ou gq Pinotis 9igtii ]Etii S! tiinJi it3uJ9]e etii PuV .iueuiu!oddt3Sip jo 9]eis t3 ui 9JB Áeq] 9sm:Jeq injeit3Js eq iouut3J inos I!9q] `9A!e" Áeu| J9A9]BtiM pue gsnDx3 ue pui] sÁEMiE iiiM 9|do9d 3S9t|L .J9|3t3Jt3UD S,POD UIIM OP 01 8U|U10U
sEti tp!tiM Á]sgpou gsiej e s! ieui ins áii i,uS9oP `iusiJ iit3 9i!nb pu€ itmi!i!ds ÁJ9A spunos ii ,,.p99u u! 9uoguos
Joj su!uieuos itisnoq eAEq PinoJ noÁ `Á9uou ]t3ti| ulIM iH!8 e eu ]tisnoq eA,noÁ .jiesJnoÁ iugds 9At3u i,upinotis noÁ `MOU S!u| Si |EUM `tio„ :Át3S Át3u 9H .sseuinjeit3Jsun
jo spJOM s!u t||!M |! 9|t3uI|s3Jepun mM eq `H!8 9Jlu t3 p9A!9o9J 9ti j! u9A3 `injgieJ8 ]ou si uosJed E uetiM .injeit3J8 9q iouuEo uosJ3d P9iuioddes!P g ]t3u] MOUH P|nous noÁ •inj9]Ei8 9q JeA9u uBD Á9qi PuP su!qiguos H3t3i SÁeMig Á9qL .8u!u!t3iduoD Áiiut3isuoD eJe gidogd pgiuioddes!G
•}ueuiu!oddes!p iuoJ] ÁeME iJeeu Jno sde3i
pue |qnop S|e3^3J uoPS!M |eu} 3^e!Pq |
•9Duenuu! I!3U] Jepun ||t3j eM ]Sei `uoPS!M oi iiuiqns
eq 01 |nq `Ueu| dieq Pue ugtii tiiiM eit3!Josse iou pinotis 9M it3tii is388ns ]ou op i .iueuiu!oddesip iieqi q]!M sgiiig guoD9q iou iiiM 9M it3qi os `pgiu!oddt3s!p 9Je ieqi eidoed HIEM |nj9Jt3D 3q Pinotis 9M `9JojoJetiL .iuguiu!oddesip tii!M sJetiio iJeju! ii!M uoSJ9d Siqi |t3H| Su€9u esJ9A S!U| U! e|!]ep„ PJOM eHL (ST:ZT .qeH) ,,.Áut3u gi!j9P Pug giqnoJi 9SneD oi dn SMOJs iooJ J9uiq ou it3u] Pu€ PoD jo eDt3J8 9ti|
]Jvd9 9NIZIN90J]d
believe that wisdom reveals doubt and keeps our heart away from disappointment.
The state of disappointment Once, during a conversation with a friend of mine, I told himthefollowing:``1knowthatdisappointmentexists,but 1 do not believe in it." He said to me: ``Are you aware what you are saying? You contradict yourself." ``Yes", I told him, ``1 know exactly what 1 am talking about, and 1 will explain
to you why." Disappointment is a state in which one does not have the wisdom to invest in the right place. And what is our investment? Trust. Each person decides how, how much and where he will place his trust. In the Word of God, we find strong expressions of this, such as: ``Cursed is the one who trusts in man". This is a serious warning. But despite this, many people unwisely invest and put their trust in systems, governments, political parties, and they inevitably get disappointed. Usually, it is in this kind of condition that things go wrong. At such moments, it is very easy for a person to think that God has punished him because he did not believe enough or something like that] IdonotbelievethatGodgetsinsulted,orthatHepunishes those He loves very much. On the contrary, I believe that
grace will reveal to us when a believer tries to get out of the path of the guidance of the Holy Spirit and will start to rely on his own plans.
igi -u9At39q u! eJt3 |eu| SSU!t|| 9UI UIJeH UO 13eu9J 01 Sn s]Joqxg snsgf ÁUM s! it3uL áiuguiuioddt3S!P ou Si gigui UeAE9H ui |Bui MouH noÁ P!G .uoispep ]q8!J pup es!M t3
9Ht3u noÁ dieq oi uoPs!M Moiiv .iugu]u!oddt3s!P jo git3is gu] ui u!EueJ oi uEtii esut3tp Jeueq tpnu S! 1| .8U!HU!U1 9Jt3 noÁ Át3M etii 98ueuJ oi eit3i ooi JeAou s! ii `Áuouiisei P St3 iJegu moÁ u! noÁ oi SHBods Mou su!p€3J 9it3 noÁ it3tiMji
•eJeid iu6!J eu} U! }Se^U! 0| luops!M eu} 9^eli |OU S9op
euo ip!uM u! 3ieis e s! iueu}u!oddes!a
•|S!JqD Sns9|jo uosJod gtii
ui isnJi ino ind oi Si uo!S!Jep isesiM 9q] `eJojoJotiL .uiH u! 9doq Put3 isnJ] Jno ind oi puE is!itiD sns9f uE 9Aeiieq o] sn SiJouX9 Put3 Se8t3Jnoou9 `i!J!ds ÁioH eul UsnoJU1 `POD `MOU
9sneD98 áÁtiM .siuguiu!oddt3s!p ÁJt3sse39uun inoui!M 9j!i t3 9A!i ueD 9M `Áiiu3J3]j!p ji9SÁu SseJdx9 0| `JO .]! UI
3A9I|9q |ou oP | |nq ,|ueu|u!oddES!P e S! eJ3u| 9u| 9JeMé ut3 i it3qi PiES i ÁtiM S! iEHL .eA€q iou Pinous i eJt3id t3 ui i!
Peis3Au! 3At3q i ]Bui ieej i .]snJi Áu jo ]ueui]seAui suoiM 9q] jo 9Sm3o9q j[9SÁu u[ pe]uToddBS[P u€ ] ]nq ,uéu ]t3t]] Áq pgiu!oddt3s!p uegq iou eABq i ]Eqi si iu3u]uioddt3s!p jo eDuess3 eq] jo uo!ide3Jed ÁM .iu3uiuioddt3s!p si sMoiioj ]t3HI UOI|!Pum gtiL .uMoP 9u igi ii!M 9q `spJepueis Áu oi suipioDDt3 pue `u!q uoJj P9]J9dx9 Jo P9Hse | |euM m]|nj |OU ||!M Ut" ]t3t|| `19]€| 10 I9UOOS Put3 PunoI8 9SOO|
uo puBis i `ut3u ietiiout3 ui ]SnJi Áu ind i ugtiM .ji9S|i ]ueuiu!oddt3sip `iJEj u! `si ,,`ut3u ui sisnJi otiM euo eti] si P9smD,, SÁES ii ueuM |noqe S9]!JM e|qI8 3U11t3U] 3SJm et|L
the fulfillment of joy, of truth, and of hope stand in our hearts so that we will never be disappointed again. The only thing we need is to believe in the name of Jesus and to trust Him. That is our destiny and that is our wisest decision, because it is written that the righteous man will live by faith. There is nothing else for us than to trust in our wonderful and good Lord Jesus.
Comfiort from disappointment ln my sermons, I often know to point out to the listeners in my church: "It is good that you listen to me, but do not try to put your trust in me. Why? Because 1 will unwillingly and unintentionally disappoint you, but, in fact, it will not be me that disappoints, but your misplaced investment of trust." What we will receive depends on our investment. God cannot be cheated and deceived. Those that sowed in the flesh, will reap according to the flesh, and those that sowed in the spirit, will reap in the spirit.
Comfort is not a feeling; comfort is a condition in which God gives us a way out of the current situation
I must not omit to say that even with the most sincere trust in Christ, we can also trust another believer. Afetr all, we believe that we are brothers and sisters. But a
•sns3f Si
UlnJ1 9UI Put3 `t|1"1 et|I Áq PeiJojuoJ eq sn iei oi uopsiM ie9Js e Si ii .9[dogd iie eAo[ oi enuiiuoo oi sn ]Jotixg pu€ sn iu!oddt3s!p iou S9oP Sns9| ui ]SnJi guL -Sn Joj iJojuoD 9q] sl uo!|t3I9ql| .se!| uolj uoI]t3Joq!| pu!j ut33 9M 9I9t|M uinJ] jo i3A9i eti] uo Sn SH!i 9JOU 9DUO |!J!ds Á|OH 9U1 `Sseupu!H SiH PuB 9sodJnd s,pog ui ]qnop gsnt3J ]Eti] sgii
eti] ui peddt3i] soAigsino pu!] eM euii Ái9AH .q]!t3j qsnoJUI S! Sn S|Jojum ]!iids ÁioH eul Át3M 9Ul iBul 9Aeiieq i `]Dt3j u| •t|Ilt3j Usnolq| Ái39Jj eAii ut3. 3M
]t3qi oS Sn SiJojuoD |!J!ds 9tiL .u3PJnq e 3|t39JD lt3UI Ssult|I
Joj uo!inios e S! ]JojuoD .uo!itmi!S iu9JJn3 9ui jo ino ÁeM t3 Sn seA!8 poD qD!HM u! uoi]!puoD € s! ]iojuioD ísuii99j
E iou S! ]JojuioD .euo peAoi E sgsoi guoguos ueqM Áiuo
iJojum peeu eido3d Hu!tii eM ueHo ÁieA .8uiiqu"8 Jo ]ugu]u!oddt3sip oi Sn iJoux3 JOA9u iiiM eH `JeiJojuoJ iseq 9UI S! 1!Jlds Á|OH et|L .]Jojum SiH S! it3tii puB `uoiinios t3 St3U 1!J!ds Á|OH 9t|11eu13A9I|9q | `9tH!] 9Ut3S 3U11V .]Jnti 01
9unuiuii s! 9uo oN .ui!ej J!etii ui suoJis eJe ]t3ui Suei]S|JtiD 9soqi Joj ueA9 `éuoÁJeA3 ioj siuguou iinJ!]jip Ái[e9J 3it3 9SeqL .Sn SeHt3iJ3Ao Pue sJt39ddt3 iuguiuioddt3s!p
jo suii3ej eu| `Siuguou 9Soui |V .Suo!]t3SnJJt3 9niiun put3 esi€j ui!M Sn isuit38t3 uin] Át3u `esBD isioM eui u! JO .Pes!Uoid Seu gu it3qM m]inj iou puE sn Át3iieq Át3u `uo!iugiui Poos Pue ss3ugiqeuost3ei iiB e]ids3p `ieAoiieq
]Jvd9 9NIZIN90J]ti
Acts in progress Wisdom is the answer to the problems that arise in the life of a believer or a local church. It is inevitable that conflicts and misunderstandings will arise in the kind of mutual communication and coexistence that exists in a church. This is a reality that we cannot always avoid or circumvent. As we cannot choose our parents, so is with our brothers and sisters in church. Suddenly we become a part of a group of believers that may have known each otherforyearsandhaveacertainwayofcommunication. Moreover, we are exposed to a whole new vocabulary, new songs, and the adaptation to this new environment called church can be quite challenging. The reality is that notallbelieversareonthesameleveloratthesamelevel of growth in their faith. It is doubtless that everyone who believes in the finished workofJesusChristisdeclaredrighteousandholy.``Once
you were alienated from God and were enemies in your mind because of your evil behavior. But now he has reconciled you by Christ's physical body through death to present you holy in his sight, without blemish and free from accusation." (Col. 1:21,22) However, that does not mean that everyone will instantly behave as righteous
people.Veryoftentheacceptanceofthatidentity,andthe veryapplicationoftherighteousness,mayrequirea]ong period of time. Many factors will influence the process of the adaptation and manifestation of one's righteous nature, but yet, the truth that man is made righteous throughtheactofJesusChristremainsunchanged.
jo uo!it3]Sojiut3ui etii PuB tiiit3j Jno jo su!in|t" 9tii u! 9Dut3iJodu! it3!iuesse jo Si uopsiM (S:T S9ut3f) ,,.U!q 01 ueA!8 9q iiiM ii pue `iinej su!puij inotiiiM i[e o] Áisnoieuo8 SeAis otiM `PoD HSB pinotis eq `uopsiM sHDt3i noÁjo Áug ji„
:8u!Áes`uopsiMJojpo9uguis9z!S€tiduegti`9SJeAixeuetii UI U9ql PW (S:T S9ut3f) ,,-8u!uiÁut3 8u!HDt3i iou `eieiduoJ
put3 9mit3u gq Áeu noÁ ]t3tii oS HJOM Si! tisiu!j |Snu eDUEi3A3sigd,, :ÁBs oi uo sgos S9ut3f .q]ipj J!9qi jo su!is9i jo sseJoid s!tiijo gsnED9q Áii]Bx3 uops!M ssgssod Ápt39iie Áetii iBui Si 3idood Snoo]qsiJ 3Jni€u S9qs!nsuiisip it3uM
luops!M Áq peuje^o6 s! 3]!i jino ueuM puE Á}!}uep!
Jno MouM 3M u3iiM j3Mod }e3j6 e s! 3jeiii
(€:T S9Ut3f) ,,.eJUEJ9A9sied sdoi9A3p
U1!t3j moÁ jo SU!1S91 etil ]t3qi MouH noÁ„ :Peis9] uegq seq U1!ej gt|l q3IUM U! 9|Á]Sej!i e jo |inseJ eqi s! ii `3st3. s!tii U| .U]|Pj Ul q|MOIs jo SS300Id 3q] P9]€I|Snm Á|lt39P ÁI9A sgut3| 9iisodt3 9tiL .snsgf o] ]uguiou ÁJ9A9 Se|eDTP9P 9U
pu€ `iJt3eti s!q u! 9Jt3ed St3u ut3u ]€ti| inq `eHt3is!U JO ||nej gisu!S e inotii!M puB iD3jJed si ej!i siq ]pti] ut33u o] 9Agq
]ou Seop ii .ui!q u! SHioM ÁiinjJ9Mod iEui HiiBj jo JOMod gql U|!M eDUBpioDDt3 ui su!iDt3 siq puE spe3p poos s!q ui `ql"1 euI U! Á}|mlt3U Ult31J9D e PeuJBeJ St3q ]t3Ul euo 9ul
s! ueu snoeiti8!J 9S!M PuB 9in]t3u V .ueq| ui Á|iJn|t3U jo sseuiinj 3qi eos iou oP iiiis 9M Put3 `UopsiM U! U|MOIS jo sso.oid gq] u! 9ip s3uo puoD9s gti] inq `sno9]q8!J 9Jt3 s3dÁi ti]o8 .einit3uiuii pup eJn]eu :]! u! 9idogd snogiti8!i
jo sgdÁ} oM] eig 9J3tii ]t3tii gziusoJeJ eM jl qJJnuD 9q| u! ÁiiJnit3u puB uiops!M put3]sJ3pun o] sn di3u Át3u ]i
]Jvd9 DNIZIN90J]d
righteousness that has already been given to us through the finished work of Christ.
There is a great power when we know our identity and when our life is governed by wisdom. If we truly grow in our knowledge of Christ, so will His truth grow in us. If we mature in His wisdom and grow in our understanding of grace, then this verse from Psalm 1:3 will be our reality and will be visible for everyone around us: ``He is like a tree planted by streams of water,
which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers."
GRACE AND GENEROS]rTY ``The generous soul will be made rich, and he who
waters will also be watered himself'' Proverbs 11:25
Generosity is one of the most exciting topics that we can
ponder or write about. On the other hand, as intriguing and exciting as it can be, it is also one of the most sensitive subjects for both believers and unbelievers. As a concept, generosity challenges our way of thinking but also our practical living. I am convinced that generosity is deeply connected with joy, and they work together hand in hand. They supplement each other and together bring true dynamics to the life of the Christian believer. The apostle Paul emphasizes this in one of his letters: ``Each one must give as he has decided in his
heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." (2 Corinthians 9:7)
GRACE AND GENEROSITY ``The generous soul will be made rich, and he who
waters will also be watered himself'' Proverbs 11:25
Generosity is one of the most exciting topics that we can
ponder or write about. On the other hand, as intriguing and exciting as it can be, it is also one of the most sensitive subjects for both believers and unbelievers. As a concept, generosity challenges our way of thinking but also our practical living. I am convinced that generosity is deeply connected with joy, and they work together hand in hand. They supplement each other and together bring true dynamics to the life of the Christian believer. The apostle Paul emphasizes this in one of his letters: "Each one must give as he has decided in his
heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." (2 Corinthians 9:7)
]! ]t3qM pue 6Dt3is jo gioJ 9q] 9z!St3qduo 0i ]ut3M i `6J6H
átii"i eui oi JesoiJ sn su!Jq ],up!p i! 9sneogq `it3!]!]9ueq ]oU ÁiitmiJB si 68p6iMouH it3qi jo iip ]eqi Put3]sJopun aM ai6qM ]u!od B qot36i 9M uaqM ugddt3q PinoM ]eqM •ssaigsniipsis]xo]sno!JeAsu!Ápnispup`sgsJnoJsu!qgt39i
`s6ou6igjuo. `sJt3uiuas uoJj 98paiMouH pait3inuimJe sui iiB ]EH] 8u!Ziit29i Áiuoppns Pue Áep auo dn suiHt3M 9ui8t3u! isní .],usaop Áiit3niJe ]nq 8U!q|6uoS SMoUH 9H
lt3H|Peou!AUOJS!euugtiMJ9»t3uiuoJ9]j!PÁigii"ueinq `]Ut3LIOU8!S!UOSJ6d8U6HMSU|H]9UOS,]|.9j||S,9UOU!j|6S||
aout3iou8! uBqi gsJOM si 68p6iMouH jo uO!Sn||| 9q| 1t3ql 6A6iiaq i `8u!put3]sJopun Áu ui .]SiJHD Sns9í jo SS9UP008
9HI Uees leÁ " 9At3U oUM esoui pue sJeAe![eq ÁuetH Áq Pooisiepuns!tH `9St3J ]SIOM eH] U! `JO Jt3epun Ueeq 9A€U
9Ae!ieq i uJ!tiM SHinJi Jeim!iied Moj uo iu8!i euios PeHS Áiq!Ssod PuB iq8!Sui Áu 6A!8 oi iut}M i `igidt3qJ S!q] Ui
•Á]isoJouo8 Jo suiAis 1
jo st3aiB uit3]J9o u! 9iisgp 6M uop66Jj gti| ieq] 3A9!|aq | -(ZSB UHof) „'9eJj noÁ les ||!M U1"L eHI Pue HlmL 9UI MoUH ii!M noÁ,, :SÁt3S eH .ui"i etii UsnoJHi S! uopeeJj gnJi oi Át3M Áiuo 9H] Sn Pio] 9H .4!Jt3p qgns q]!M ss6JOJd su!]t3igq!i 6qi p6u!Bidx9 Snsof PJoi gqL .q]nJi 6q] Si ugqi]Su!t38e6Aeq6Muodt3aM9qiíSsuiq]9Soqiqi!Mit36p ÁiinjsseJJns oi s! Hsei Jno .s!st3q Ái!t3p uo Suo!" it39!8oiH 1
•Á}isoi6uo8 injÁoí qsnoJH] sn ui 9Aoi siq
Motis 6M u6HM Sn qsnoiqi pgit3i]suou6p aip Á]!it3uosigd S!q PUB i6|Jt3it3HJ S,PoD `SPJOM Joqio ui .s6A!]ou 6ind
PuB is6uoq jo ino 9A!8 9M ugqM S]U8!|9P ]Jt36q S,PO9
brings in our lives. The best supporting argument is the truth recorded in the letter to Titus: ``For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people, training us to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in the present age." (Titus 2:11-12). The reason 1 quote this verse is because I personally believe God's grace is willing to teach us to be generous. I strongly support the belief that one of the basic expressions of our understanding of grace is generosity. Without understanding that grace is constantly active in our lives, every effort to force ourselves to be generous will exhaust us and end in failure. Many times, I have witnessed the intention to convince somebody to start
giving or to be generous easily turned into manipulation. So, it is absolutely essential to recognize the need for understanding generosity.
Without understanding that grace is constantly active in our lives, every effort to force ourselves to be generous will exhaust us and end in failure
Having said that, I want to mention here one of my favorite verses which gives very clear understanding of the work of the Word in one's life as a turning point in understanding the nature of grace, This is one of the best and the most adequate verses which gives an explanation for this process. It reads:
inoqB suo!iJ!p9Jd D!]dÁit3Jodg Áq pgpunoJJns 9Jg eM
•quoMlji6s put3 ssguqsijigs - SJo|eu!uiougp uouiuog
aq| 9At3ti usqi jo iie Áiqt3iiAoui inq `P9m|mJ]S i9|]9q io P9Z!iiA!3 eJotH `J9iigq gq }H8!u gtHos `Je]jip ut3J s9Jniim
`9SJ" jo PW .0| P9Sodx6 6Je 6M tpiqM S6JU9nuu! it3Jn|im gtii UOJj Uoii39|oJd S9AioAui pu!u 3qijo it3M9u9J 6qijo ]it3d `]! Put3isigpun i SV .uoSJ6d 3qijo Áiiit3uoi]Junj etii s3u!jgp ui"iDeds iqsnoti] 9HL .]S!JUD jo SIU8nou] eql ioj uiooi osiE s,9ietp 3sJnoJ jo Pue `P9DJoj `P9|t3J||!juI `8UOJM `3Sit}j 6q ut3J ÁotiL .sJno ],u9Jp Soui]9uios qo!qM
Sitisnoqi SJoqJBu Pu!u ino esm3J9q `9SodJnd Uo S7UÖJiow7 JJ]o 9st3Jtid gtii 3Sn i,uop i eJeH .sitisnoti] 9ti] u! 3JP
p9Ai9.uoD s! uo!snjuoD 9J9qM 83eid uouum isou eqL
JDaf sawo3Ja^o ÁiisoJauao
•Ái!soJeuo8 Siq usnoJH1 ]S!IHD
u! pei€eAOJ 9m]pu S,PoD jo io9dsp SiHi ui tiid9P Joit39Js e tpt39i o] sn ioj si 9Jisep ÁN -ipp"D OS S! |! ÁUM PUB snoigues eq oi sut3eu ii it3tiM Sg iieM SP `9DU9J9]j!P eu|
put3isi3pun ut33 9M oS suiJ3i oM] 9s9Hi ]!Uiii9P 0| ÁJ| ||!M i .4!soigu38 pue 8u!Ais u66J\A]6q uoi]Ju!isip 8 aHt3u PuP ]u!odÁu9Heuoi]!8u!snueiinq`pJOMS,PoDjoHJOMeHI
jo]xe]uoJeti]u!ui!MS!9SJeAS!tiijosu!ut3eu9H]`3SJnoJjo (ZT:F SM3Jq9H) ,,.]Jt39q gqijo Suoi]ueiui
puE sitisnoti] eti] 8u!u9Js!p pue `Moiit3u jo pue s]uioíjo `iiiidsjo pup inosjo uo!s!A!p eqi o] 8u!oie!d `pioMs pespo-oMi Áup ut3tii Jedit3HS `3A!]De pue su!Aii s! PoD jo PioM eHI JOH„
the lack of survival resources, so naturally the worries for our closest ones and ourselves can overwhelm us. In circumstances like these, the topic of generosity and our attitude toward it may be neglected. The fear that we'll suffer loss if we give and will lack in the future lurks in every person's heart at some point. One doesn't have to be an expert to discern the source of this condition - fear! It's absolutely crucial to limit these attitudes, thoughts and fears by exposing them to the light of the truth so that freedom can overtake our heart. Basically, our deeds reveal the intentions and purposes of our heart. Once we have established the variation of the thoughts in our mind, the process of recognizing, reducing and renewing our thoughts follows. We ought to allow some thoughts to be eliminated for the purpose of the renewal of our mind according to Christ's mind. We have been called to stand firm in the truth and revelation of who God is, being compelled by his consuming reality which he desires to bring in our lives.
Our absolute need for the renewal of the mind and its molding by God's grace and truth will remain constant. This renewal enables new flows of information, removing the old ways of thinking and making room for the new. ``Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind." (Romans 12:2) Reading this we might think that the process of renewal is very difficult. Not so, since this is the work of the Holy Spirit
who deals with the thoughts which are harmful, creating a new space for new revelations. But when a person is not
ü 9M T|t3HS it?HM, `8U!Át3S `Sno!Xue gq |OU OP `eJojeJeuLL„ :P!eseuUeuM||eMS!HIPeuTt3Idx9Sns9f.ej!iuiHJBijoLit39j
9U| 8U"" `HÜ " 1St3J 0] JeMod 9UI St3U ]!I!ds Á|OH eu] HsnoJH] Sn U9A!8 SBH Mou pue po]t3JisuotHop eu eAoi 6qL .S|H H]!M ]! 99t3|d9I PUB 6init3u ugiit3j gq] 9it39ipei6 `uF tii" it3ep `etHOJ oi :e[oJ ,Snsef St3M SHL .SseuoH!| SH
O|un P6uiiojsuEi] 9ie 9M OS 9in]Bu Snoi6u68 siq it3aA9i 0| 6tut39 Sns6í .iiJ!ds ÁioH 9q] jo suo!]BioAoi 6qi o] Áit3i]uoD SI |eu| UO!|t3Uiioju! U1!M Sn Pegj etH!1 9Ul jo lsouI HJIHM
suo!i!pt3Ji it3m]im puB spit3put3]s ÁipiioM 9ti] Áq u6Aiip 6q o] PJo]je iouut39 6M .8uipuBisiapun Pue 98P9iMOUH jo H]t3i E ]su!t38B uo!int209Jd E s! piJOM s!Hi jo Suo»t3d eui 0| P6tmojuo. 9q 0| |OU SS3USU!mM lno .PaM6U9I ]OU SI
Pufu ]f6H] asnB.3q Poqot39]d S[ qo[qM 68t3SSou gq] ]9á ],uoP Ti!ü PuB esEnsut3i gui 9Z!USo.eJ `SPJOM etii Jt3eH Áeu] esnegeq su!u]ÁUE eA!eJOJ o] 9Me eq ],uoM sieue]s!i 3tHos ]9Á `uopsTM puB uoi]ei6A3J su!Jq Pue |!J!ds ÁioH 9q] jo uo!]t!iidsu! 6qi i6pun qJ83Jd ii!M oqM 6ido6d 6q iiiM 3J3q] `HoinqJ ui .8u!q]Áup su!]mgxg jo giqt3dB9
]ou s! peMoueJ ]ou S! ]t3ui Pu!u eui ]n8 .Pepu9HeJduo0 puB p6z!uso]ai `poSs3Joid sq uB] H os pu!u puB inos sq] oi p6ÁaAuoJ ugq] Pue `]!iids 6qi u! paA!9JUoJ S! H `S9Um 'r`~TT,^ -,,-UO!]t3|3A3J _____ _ _ E uguM i! 9q!J3SOP Ut3D | MOH S! S!HL
|ue|suo) u!pu3j ||!M l||nj| pup 3JPJ6 s,poD Áq 6u!piou s}! pue pu!u el|} }o |pM3u3J 3u| Jo] P93u 9}n|osqE Jno
-9.Bi8 ]noqp uo!]t3igAoi 6A!696I0]U|HIojI9P]t2qS|98]!`PU!US!qMau3I0]8U|mM
or what shall we drink' or `what shall we wear" (Matthew 6:31). Let's not entertain thoughts which used to be part of our old, fallen nature; let's fix our eyes to heaven where we are actually seated. We already have our citizenship in heaven; we have Christ's mind, Christ's ideas, Christ's intentions, and Christ's thoughts. This is why we are different than this world. We can bring change if we allow the Holy Spirit to renew our mind. Again 1 will say, the Gospel is the good news of Christ's grace. He imputed in us His divine nature through which His generosity can be expressed. When ]esus came, He declared He is not
of this world, so the fears of this world mustn't have the last say for us because they aren't part of His nature. Jesus displayed generosity as one of the essential values of God's kingdom. In light of this, we see that the blueprint of a perfect culture is the culture of the Kingdom of heaven. This is the only culture we should accept.
Generosity refreshes Generosity in its nature just confirms the functionality of grace, It cannot be expressed without grace. Jesus was the full expression of the Father's generosity. The Holy Spirit is the perfect Teacher like no other in this world, willing to teach us how to live in this grace and learn to be generous as our heavenly Father is. Being like Christ requires to think as He does. Generosity cannot be expressed without the leadership of the Holy Spirit. 'If we want to be generous, we need His guidance. On the other hand, forcing ourselves to be generous in our strength or out of
•Ssgu!ipos pu€ 9jii o] 8u!uit3]ied su!ti]ÁJOA9
Pap!Aoid |S!JqD Sns9| 9Sm306q `aot3j 6M uoi]!puo] tpt36 ioj uoi]nios B St3q i!iids ÁioH 3q| 6A6!igq i in8 .it36i ÁJ6A PUP
it3tuiou ÁiaiaiduoJ s! qJ!qM u!ui!M uoij amss6id i688iJi uBJÁiisoi6uasjoJido]aqi`os.J9q]ouBJogjiii!6q"i]uiod auo ie s!qi 6m su!qiauos tisnoJHi sgo8 guoÁi6A9 3Aoiiaq i .Á}!m39s it3put3u!j su!pit38ei sgsED u! Áiippgdso `sguo P9AO| J!9U| 8U!"93U03 SUO!S!J9P J!3H| P|OU 0] I9Mod 9U| SBq |i .|9SPU!u J!9qi 6Ju6nuui Áisuoiis ut3J pup gjii Ái!t3p J!aH] S! Á|iim9Su! `iq8!u6Ao u6ddt3q ut3D sasupq] 6igqM sEeip iu3inqJni u! 8u!A!i gido9d Jod .9ui!i eut3S 9H1 ]B |iE sit36j pup `suo!iuaiu! `Suo!iJ!AUOJ lno jo |t30q auI SHJOI ]I 3snB39q eiqBiiojuioJun 9]!nb gq uP3 ]! euI!| eult3S 9U1 1B
|nq `jo Ht3ads uBJ 6M J!doi su!tisaJjgi ]sou gq] pup ]sgq gq] S! S!U1 |t3Ui 9Ae!ieq i .Ái!soJeu98 ]noqg ]ou ]nq suiAi8 ]noqBssu!qDt33}ÁueupJt36q6Aeqi`SJt36ÁaH]]noHsnoJUL
guL .P3t|SeJj3Jun Sn eAt39i |ou ii!M PoD `sJeH]o qseJj3J 6M j| .(SZ:TT SqJ9AOJd) ,,.jpsuI!q P9J3it3M 6q osie ii!M sJ3]EM otiM eH puE `tp!J 9pPu gq ii!M inos SnoJ3uo8 eHL,,
pup 9]!i o} 6u!u!eiJed 6u!uiÁJe^3 pep!^oJd
|S!JID sns3r 5sneJeq '9JE] 3M uo!|!puo] lpe3 Jo] uo!}nios e SEu i!J!ds ÁioH 3ui e^9!|eq |
•ÁoÍ it39Js ssu!Jq Á}isoieue8 `1|I|ds 6ql U!ql|M ln8 .Papnpxa S! ti]!t3j gsm}09q gniBA ou
eAt3H S|JO]j9 9Sotii PuE `9iiinj s! uoisinduoD io ginssgid
There are so many churches worldwide, and each one is led differently and works differently within the concept of generosity. Some churches will choose not to preach on generosity most probably because they don't understand it well or don't accept it. But as we read in the Word, the body has many organs and some organs are more visible than others; that doesn't mean they have different value. They are equal in value, and even the organs which are considered less honorable are valued the same by God. Churches ought to seek to understand the generosity of God as the Holy Spirit leads and reveals to them. As a church and as individuals, we must come to the core of this generosity. Grace is the key. We have the access we need through the Holy Spirit, not based upon our deeds or capability, but solely by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Grace and faith We know it's impossible to live a true Christian life without grace and faith. If we have received salvation by
grace through faith, then we continue in the same manner living our new life in Christ. Love, hope, gifts, and the fruits of the Spirit are the inseparable part of our life given by grace, and we live in them through faith. Grace contains the nature of God's generosity. Jesus came full of grace and truth. The state of completeness denotes abundance where nothing's lacking. It's absolute and perfect. Jesus resides in abundance. Everything God does is out of the abundance of his being. When God displays his love, grace and power, he does it without withholding. This is the
•|!J9tH UMO Jno jo gs"3D9q
Sn PJt3Moi SnoJoues S! poD ]Etii su!Hu!q] oiu! s9Ai3Sino 9Pni9P i,uisntH 9M put3 `sii!M 9q sE sÁt3ids!p Áiuedo puE S9SS9Ssod
•9i!|nj S! uisu9Jis uMo mo u! Áisnoieues aA!i oi iJo]j3 ÁioAH .99t3JS S,POD 3p!S]no ssu!q] op aM u6qM su!8eq Á]!it3uo!]JunjsÁP 3uL .uo!iu9]u! S!q J9A9U SeM S!UL
•(Huiq]sJ3Ae!igq3uossE)snuoijpoo88u!q]Áuppioqqi!M i,uS9oPPoD:Át3SiiiMiu!t38v`Á}!soJ3u38iut3punqpS,PoDjo
ld93U03eu|U1!MiEepoiMotiMouHi,uoP3M.Ái!Jn]puuiSi uo!i!puoD S!tii Joj uose9J euo Jequinu gtiL .dn qJit" ],uop s3tpJnuD 3ti] jo uo!i!PuoD ÁJeiueuou 9H] Pue suiJt3uS 1
uo3q 9At3H i it3uM jo ixe|UoD 9ti] Put3 ti|d9P 9Ui `8U!Ht39ds
9M ]eu|
qD!uM 9u!J|JOP et|] t||!M 3eJse ],UP|not|S 9M `eJoj9J9UL
s!seq Ái!ep uo Ái!
-soJeue6 s!u 6u!^e!pq Áq Ái!ie3j s!ii} 3}sei eM
pue snoj3ue6 Ápiniosqe s! poE)
i9Je 3M .]ou Jo pesseiq eJt3 eM J9uietiM ]qnop ou S,eJ9tiL .Áiie!]Jt3d eDut3punqe Siqi 9J€qs o| uo!]u9|u! SiH J9AOU SeM ]! 9H Put3 `Sii9MP
Áiiugueu6dpoDqJ!qMuiaiB]sesigmpunw.siseqÁi!ep uo Á}isoJeu98 s!q su!Aeiigq Áq ]i eis€i 9M pup snoiguo8 Áiginiosqe Si eH .9Dt3Js s!u jo ÁiisoJoues iEuo!iipuoJun
]Jvd9 9NIZIN90J]d
Love, hope, faith and grace are practical 1 have introduced the practice of advising my children about one particular thing. I always say to them: "If you manage to reach the point where you will learn not to be selfish, stingy and greedy, you'll become the most joyful people in the world." Grace is accepted only to be given away. It cannot and should not only remain in us and for us. If we cannot give it further, we aren't generous and Christ-like. Grace has to flow. ``And remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, `it is more blessed to give than to receive" (Acts 20:35). I don't believe that
|esus annuls the receiving part. The problem is when what we have received stays only in us and for us. It's all about what do we do with the received blessing. This is the momentum where obedience and its effectiveness play a big role. I am fully aware that what am 1 about to say might sound confusing, and there's a slight chance of being misunderstood, yet 1 will say: none of what we have received is for us. The Word encourages us to ask, but not in a selfish way. When we become aware of the grace in our life, we understand it is the expression of God's generosity which in itself is the initial strength to move forward zealously desiring to become more like the One who saved us and
gave us a new and divine nature. Every effort to live beneath this standard is a great danger for us, because it corrupts our image of who God truly is, and we come under false pretenses for ourselves and others. This is a sure path to disappointment and will create a false foundation for others. Just because we have lowered the standard of
Pi" 9H Át3M Áiuo 9ui PuE `Át3M 9nb!un S!q u! i! PoisBi 9H .(8:7 UUO| [) ,,.6Aoi S! PoD,, :a]oiM uHof 3i]Sode 3qL
•]! ]sej!uEui ugtii Pue
]i |daJJe `i6]]0 0| Seq 3H ]t}tiM 86S ut3J 6M os sn s]a6u pup io]DBit3tp `sainq!ine `3m]t3u s!q Sit39A9i aH .uMOUH aq 01
P3P!J9P sBH 3H `i9Á pue `8u!u!8t"! iie puoÁoq pug igit39is lt3j S! PO9 Áiu|B]13D .UI|H jo 38P9|MOUH st|] U| t||d6P
Jeit33JS oi pgiit3D uooq 3AEq eM MouH ]Snu 9M ugqi `u!q ]u9S9Jd9J PuB PoD MouH ouM 9idogd soAigsJno iipJ eMji
a.uDpunqD ui Á]isoJaua9
•PoD ino jo Ái!SoJeu38 9u] 9ist3i oi guoÁJ3A9 Joj J9Át}Jd ui qi!t3j 6At3q oi puE `inos ÁJ6Aa Joj gdoq ti]!M po"j 3q o] `3A!i Ái"] o] sn 3iqt3u6 pue uoiiJt3ai ]tisiJ 9ti] J988iJ]
"M `8u!pueisJopun puoÁ6q snoJ6u68 s! 6q iBti] 8uiMouH `JaiJBJt3qJ s,poD pJeMo] 9pnime iti8iJ 6qi suiAt3H .ÁJsuB ui!H 6Ht3u ]tisiu aM ]t3qi Jegj jo ]Ooi ÁUB s6ieJipt3J3 siqL -S!9jiiSiHSBisní9Jt33diuepunqeuigj!i9Aeqoisnpeiqt3ue aq ípgqs!iqt3is6 6q uBJ 3M tpiHM u! ]uoU98t3JnoJu9 3qi P9St39i9J PoD 4Snsef usnoJui ssu!Hi iiB sn 9Ais ÁisnopeJS Osie |OU eu ii!M Moq ueu] PuE `iiE Sn Joj dn Sns3f 9At38 9u
ji f sn uioij su!qriue pioquiiM ],us6op aH `snoJaug8 si poo •put3]sJepun sn su!dieq Joj 3JB it3tii sHis it3uo!iJunj Pug
ipJii"dÁJ9AOJegdoupueH]ied-e3ueJou8!uoJjseAiesmo ]3eioid puE su!put3isJepun sS9JDe o] sn so8t3JnoDue pJOM
9qL .qinJi Pue ]iJids ui diqsJOM isnu u!q d!qsioM otiM 9SOU] Pit3S 9u íSPJt3PuEis uMo S!q St3H Snsef -PJt3Put3is ino
HI|M 93UPPJ03JB U! S! eu it3Hi ut39u ],useop `Si PoD oqM
])Vd9 DNlzlN9o]]a
have described it was ``God is love[" And God truly is love. In different seasons in life, we'11 come to know God in different ways. Back in 1995, God became my Savior. But
ever since, it seems I'm in a process of constantly learning how to know Him deeper, to surrender myself again to Him, so He can truly be the Lord of my life. I still desire to know Jesus more as King, so He can reign over everything in my life. But at the same time, I want to know my Jesus as the righteous and generous God. 1 want to know my Jesus as the righteous
and generous God
``If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God who gives
generously to all without reproach, and it will be given to him." (]ames 1:5). Although the context of the passage is about wisdom, we need to look at the word gi.ve. The Greek word used here describes a form of generous giving without withholding. It describes the nature of God. Contrary to this image, this is us: often we find ourselves seeing someone in need, and we know right there we have
more than enough to meet their need, but we decide to give only a couple of dollars. And after considering it, we begin to calculate whether we should keep something for ourselves. This is completely opposite to who God is. He gives generously, doesn't withhold, and releases His
generosity in a mighty way. In the context of the passage in the letter of James, God generously gives wisdom. The apostle Paul described this truth like this: ``He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply
jo suiuo3 snoiJois eHi inoqe eioJM uHof U9tiM .9Ae!igq OUM Sn Ui 4uiouM u! uo!ssoJsoJd -uoissgisoid ui sÁt3Mig Pue Ssa|||U!| S| || .UO||96U6J S,PoD S! 6JBio .6iqt3qJJt3asun s! tp!HM e3t3JS S,PoD jo SS9uiseA eui jo SHt3eds ©SJ3A S!HL
(4:Z Sut3isetidH) ,,.]SiJtiD Snsgf u! sn pJPMo]
SseupuiH u! 9Jt3Js siq jo setpii eiqt3JnsEouuii
3qi Moqs iti8!u eq sese su!um eti] u! it3q] oS„
Á]isoiaua6 Jof uoispaa
•(9 `S:S Snl!L) ,,.JO!At3S Jno
`is!JqD Sns9f tisnoJqi ÁiuDiJ sn uo ino poJnod eH uoqM `]!J!ds ÁioH eq| jo it3Me" pue uo!]t3ieuo8ei jo suitist3M 9q] Áq `ÁDJou uMo S!u oi su!pJo3De ]nq `SS9usnogitisiJ ui sn Áq euop sHJOMjo gsnpDoq iou `Sn PeAes eH„ `i!Jids Á|OH
etii jo HJOM etii puetigiduoJ ii!M ÁotiL .ui!H 4iJois iiiM Pue Ssgupoos siH 83s iiiM sn punoJg gsotii `snoJ9u98 9q oi MOJs pue uJt39i eM uetiM .8u!AissHUEti] ui 9Sit3Jd ui!H
J9]jo pue ÁiisoJ3ues Jno tisnoJtii ÁiisoJ9u98 s,poD eist3] oi `sJ9tiio jo gsodJnd gqi Joj Áigios s! siqL -p3sseiq ÁitpiJ eJE
pueuiHu!q]!iÁi]uepunqeoJt39MieqiuHuiiMeoJSEmM 9M `sn Joj suo!]ugiu! SiH Pu€ PoD oi S9Aiosmo su!]iiuqns Áq pioM s!ti] iD9dsei oi s9AiosJno |!UUOD 3M U9UM .(TT `OT:6 SUE!t|]uiJOD Z) ,,.PoD oi suiA!8sHut3q] empoid ii!M Sn UsnoIU| HDitiM `Át3M ÁJeA3 ui snoJou98 9q oi ÁPM Ái3Ae U! P9UD!JU3 9q iiiM noÁ -SS9usnogiti8!J JnoÁ jo isoAiEq
gti] 9st39iou! pue su!Mos ioj pegs moÁ Áid!iinu pug
Jesus, who came full of grace and truth, the Greek word he used for/zj// is also used to describe abundance. So, in light of this, we can conclude that when we understand the abundance of grace in us, we grow simultaneously in progressive generosity. One might mention the story with the widow giving two pennies. ]esus said she was generous because she gave more than others. Why? She gave out of the abundance of her heart, she gave in faith wholeheartedly. Jesus recognized her generosity and exalted this attribute in her.
Grace and generosity are the two truths that will always challenge the human heart] Both deal first with the memories of the fallen nature and further with the progressive renewal of the mind. The memories of our old nature are memories from we were sinners. We all sinned and fell short of His glory, but He found a way to save us. Salvation is when a lost soul comes into the security of God's embrace. The mentioned memories of the old nature bring a state of bondage and fear because now, due to them, we think God has something against us. Again, a reminder! He is not like that at all; He already gave us His nature. The renewal of the mind involves understanding God's grace and is also a vital part in the process of unlearning unselfishness as part of our new nature. Now
grace and generosity work together and complement each other in progression. Thus comes a moment when through the renewed mind, we understand God's will. The more we study the Bible, the more we understand God's generosity and are challenged to deal with our selfishness and start living in His generosity, ready to give.
9Aeu 9M esnt3D9q eA!8 3M igiqig gtii u! MopiM snoigue8 9t|l jo 9Pn]!||t3 eu| |98Joj |0U S,|9ri .Sn u! Á}!SoJ9u38 jo
qiMOJ8 9ti] ui 9DJnos si! Seq suiqiÁJ9A9 it3ui sui"9Dsip jo 9Dut3]iodui gqi gz!st3tidug oi iut3M i .9A!Snpu! iit3 S! 8u!A!D •soDut3ui] 8uiAis inoqt3 ]ou si suiA!D .eA!e" oi ut3tii 9Ais 0| Pesse|q 9JOu Jt3j S,|i .9iE eM pgssgiq Moq gziit39i iiiM eM `seAii s,ietiio ui ]sgjiu€u oi uopsu!x gtii Joj suiHoes 9Je 9M jI |n8 .usijios 9Je 9M uoi]iu!jgp Áq `sn uie]um tp!UM SSU!t|| Áiuo H99S pue `spegu ino `s9Aiesino ti]!M
pgidmDogid gie 9M ji .ssguqs!jigs sesoddo ÁiisoJ9u9D
ss3uiisuies sesoddo Á}!soJeueD
•98ut3uo ou Si eJeui uioqM u! `itisii jo i3tiit3d 3ti] Si
otiM poD jo ÁiisoJeu98 9qi su!ssgidxo `sieqio oi suiss3iq t3 9q ut3D 9M ]t3tii oS Sn uo SMois9q PoD SsuISS9iq esou| 9It3 SH!8 POO8 9ti| ]n8 .Á]iuJ9]9 Su!t3iuoD ej!i it3uJ3]e gsm3Doq
pgu9Hp9M Jou isoi gq iouut3J ]i .]j!8 i.9jJ9d t3 s! `9j!i it3uigie jo Hi8 9tii `sn jo ep!su! ssgssod 9M ij!8 9tiL .j/:JŐ3oa/Jad pue 3J:Jő POOŐ e ue9Migq uo!].uiis!p gti] 99s o] 9iqt3]iAeui s,]! `S!u] 8u!Pt3eH .Á}isoJeu98 s!H jo uo!iDeuoJ g sp ssu!ssgiq
pue sH!8 Mo]seq oi pgppop eq Pue SnoJeu38 S! J9Ult3H 9HL (4T:T S9Ut3f) ,,.98uEqJ oi gnp Mopeqs io uo!|t3!JeA Ou S! 9J9U| UIot|M UIIM `SIUSI| jo
Jetiit3d gti] uioJj uMop su!uoJ `9Aoqt3 uioJj s! H!8 iD9jJod ÁJ9A9 PuB His PoOS Ái9AH„ :9]OJM S9Ut3f `J9]]9| S!U U|
rii6 i.afJad ÁJa^a puD tii6 poo6 Áia^H,, ]JvdD DNIZINDOJ]d
already received, but the sad part is that sometimes we act as if we haven't.
Decision for generosity Generosity is not always connected only with faith. It's tethered closely to the motives, intentions and ways of doingthings.Wecannotlearnimmediatelyhowtobecome
generous. We must adapt to the conditions of it, because generosity is always in progression. It is a vital part of our maturity which we must pursue. The very act of giving is impressive, but personally to me the thing which is impressive is the decision in one's heart to give. I believe in the act of spontaneous giving prompted by the Spirit, but 1 also see sometimes it can be out of the momentary need which involves a lot of emotions. Certainly, we need to have room in our hearts for these moments, but 1 think that there's nothing more powerful than when we decide in our hearts to submit first and give. The time frame between the decision and its realization is not relevant. What's important is the decision itself. The greatest problem Christian believers have concerning giving is not deciding beforehand how much to give. Instead, they decide on the day when the sacrament of giving is happening. For example: if we decide this month to give more than we gave previously, I am sure God `notices' this decision and will bless us with something we didn't have before, because He respects our decision. In that way, when the day of generosity and offerings comes,
Ái9A6qiuioijsi9Hi]ouÁiuit3]J9D.}!S]JoddnsisníPoDPue `de]s ]sJ!j etii eHeu Li9A3 UP3 9M |Pt|| 8U!HU!U| S9A|9Smo 9A!3Dep iou S,igri .MOHÁUE 3iqissod epgu ÁpeeJ|e 9H
q3|UM `9A||t3!|iui Jno jo 3SnBJeq Ái]ut3isuoJ sn 98pinoou9 ||!M 9H .d9|S UDe9 SS9|q iiiM PoD .uit38E eAis uED eM it3ti]
os pgii!j gioM 9M `9ui!|ut3eu 9t|| U! |€q| 9Z||t39J ||IM eM ás!ui su!oP iit3is 9M uguM ugddeu ii!M it3uM MouH noÁ -sn ep!su! 9]Eed 3qi uioJj ]!q gi]]!i P `SS9usnoe|u8!i `ÁOÍ `9dou `9Aoi jo iiq 3iu!i E su!Ai8 `Sdgis iieuis ti]!M ui89q S,igi PuV •Snsgf u! sn jo 3p!su! s! it3tiM 9idoed 9Ais pup siit39q ino ugdoS,igi,,ii!i!dsÁioHeti]joÁoÍ3tiiuiiieMPUt3DnoÁ]Pu]
os `s9A!8 is!m 83t3ed gui puB `3j!i inoÁ Joj esodind eH] pupsuiut39uguiPuijut33noÁospgeunoÁsBqJnuSEeHt3i put3 9uioD .u!q]!M S9Pis9i ÁJoisjo gdoq gtii gs"3Jeq `sn u!
edoHjo ii9M eqi uoij MPJP Pue guoD i|! t||!M P9|i!j eJB 9M iedoq S! 9Jeui S9Á `qo,, :Át3S Pue ]uguigie|S it3tii 9|nj9J ut3J eM `it3J9uo8 u! Áiiunm ino io Á]9!Dos ino u! ssu!q] u!E]igo J0jedououS,9JeqiÁESSnpunoJEesotiiu3qMi9Jut3punqe U! ]! 9At3q 3M -edou 9Aeq 3M `]S!JqD oi suoi3q 9M esm3J98 •P|ioM 9t|] jo S9Á9 9U] u! iBD!PEi SH00i S!tii jo 9Snt3J9q
put3 `3Jut3punqe jo iu!od su!iit3}s e uoij s]Jt3 uosJ3d snoJ3ues v .9At3q PuP 3Je 9M 8u!tiiÁJ9A9 u|iM Áiit3.!SBq •..tiisuei]s `suo!iouig pup `suo!ssgssod `spioM `9ui!] ino tii!M snoJ3u38 eq iiiM 3M `9Dt3id ]SJ!j gu| U! SnoJ9U98 9q 0|
peppgp 9AEq eMji .4!Jnipu Jno 9]t3J!Pu! Pue Peu!MiJ9|U! 9Je u3!tiM sgidpuiJd oM] 9JB Ái!soJou38 pue su!A!D
it|]UOU 3ui inotisnoJti] speeu ino ioj gpiAoid mM puB injqi!t3j s! i!i!ds ÁioH 6qL .6Ais oi aJe 6M iiJiHM ]t3tii Sn u9A!8 Ápt39Jig SBu pue giojgq uoij uo!spep ino pgsseiq spti poD su!MouH `8u!Ais Jno u! ]ugp!jum gie 9M
]Jvd9 DNIZIN90J]ti
beginning of things. He initiates, starts, and helps us to take a step of faith.
Giving and generosity are two principles which are intertwined and indicate our maturity.
Our mind won't always find the leadership of the Holy Spirit logical. This is pointed out well in the following verses: ``Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called and about which you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses." (1 Timothy 6:12). In the original text, the word used for `fight' is cigo/i, which is the root of the word cigo7ij7. When we hear this word usually we give negative connotation to it because it describes suffering caused by outward pressure or our wrong choices. Yes, the word crgony denotes fight and suffering, but the context
provides insight because the reason for the suffering isn't our helplessness, but rather the things that are ahead of us seen through the eyes of faith. This is good agony. It's not of dying, but it's an agony from the pressure we feel because we think things are good and the Holy Spirit assures us there's something better. It is an agony between good and the best. The apostle Paul encourages Timothy to fight the good fight of faith, because it is faith that sees the end result of that fight - our victory. Let's trust the Lord when he beckons us and asks us to give in a way that we are not accustomed to because it's outside our mindset.
Áouou gtii p!t3i pue eut3J St3qt3UJt38 PuV .(dieH 9M UIOHM
sguo gtii jo Áiiu8!p eti] 8uiJep!SuoD ]nouiiM `SHJOMigu
|eposuop3]Sodgq|Snusult|ril9A93I9UM|d3JUODqJlnuJ s,Át3poi giisoddo ÁigieiduoJ s! ÁEM 9ti] Áq tp!tiM) q3JnuD etii uioJj su!tiiÁug su!piotiuiiM iou jo Á|nt39q gtii Mt3S 9H •1|Jlds Á|OH 9UI Áq ]nq `P9eu Áq P9i ],uSPM st3qt3uJt38 .]9ej
sgiisodE eu] iE Á9uou etii pit3i pug pio!j s!q Pios st3qt3uJefl `1eÁ .iie jo Spegu gui su!4S!it3s put3 `spieij Ji3u] 8uiiigs SJ9U|O ]noqe Pt39J 9M .P9!]S!iEs ÁPBeiiE s€M po3u gtii gsneD3q `p99u e Áq Poi i,useM OuM ut" 9UO eAt3U eM eJ9H (4S-ZS:J SIDV) „-199j ,S3||Sodt3 9tii
ip i! P!t3i Pue Á9uou gqi iqsnoJq Pug u!q oi P98uoigq iBtii pio!j t3 pios `s"dÁD jo 9A!ieu e `9iiA9i e `(iuguest3JnoDu3 jo uos supeu tp!tiM) st3qpuJps sgi]sodt3 9qi Áq pgiit3D osit3 SBM OuM `Hdesof snuL .P33u ppti ÁuP SE tp€3 oi p9]nq!Jis!p St3M ]i PuB `igej ,Sei]Sodp 9ui ig ]! pit3i PuB pios St3M it3tiM
jo SP083oJd eui ]tisnoJq pue u3ti] pios sesnou Jo spuBi jo siguMo 3ioM se Áueu st3 Joj `uigtii suout3 uosied Ápeeu t3 ]OU SPM 3J9UL .i|t3 U9q| Uodn SeM 9Dt3is it39JS PuB `Snsoí
PJoi 9Hi jo uo!]DeJms3J 9ui o] Áuou!is3i Jietii suiAi8 3JeM S9i]Sodt3 9ui JOMod it39Js q]!M PuV .uouiuioD ui 8u!tiiÁi3Ae pEq Á3q] inq `uMo Siq St3M ui!u oi P98uoigq
lBUI SSU!t|l euljo Áue it3tii P!t3S 9uo ou puE `inos pup iit39q
euo jo eJeM p9Aeii3q ouM esou| jo Jequlnu ||nj eq| MON„ •P9|t|8!|U8!t| 3Jt3 S9Ai]ou 9J9tiM eiq!g gti] u! 98t3sst3d guo
S,9J9uL .8uiA!8 Jno jo uoi]epunoj 3tii 3JE ÁouL .soAiiou jo 9nss! 9Hi Ss9Jppt3 oi ]ut3M i .8u!A!8 put3 Áiisoieu98
Á]isoiaua6 puD Sa^ilou
at the apostles' feet. This is an interesting image. A man who does a grand deed, yet does it in such humility and with a truly pure motive. In his heart, Barnabas decided to be generous. And in the next chapter of Acts ,we read about Ananias and Sapphira who also sold their field and
planned to perform the same act of generosityL There are many commentaries concerning this particular passage offering insight about what really happened. Some say they weren't Christians, but desired to be saved, others say they weren't sure yet, and so forth. And some of these theories have traces of truth, perhaps these two wanted to inspect what was really going on, the Bible doesn't offer specifics about their motive. I honestly believe that they were inspired by the deeds of other Christian believers. Perhaps they had a dream or heard the Holy Spirit or someone prophesied to them. Something definitely happened that truly inspired them to do this, but as they were on their way, calculating and recalculating, they came to a point of altering their original decision. Probably as they were reminded of Barnabas' deed, they thought that because he sold the field and gave the money away, the church now has more than enough money. They assured themselves that they still did a good deed because they planned to give the bigger amount of their money to
the church anyway, so the rest they felt free to keep for themselves, for `a rainy day,' as some people say. Although it may sound funny, it is quite a serious matter. This is the key moment: recalculation preoccupies our thoughts. Many Christians today go through this very thing.
Si su!AiD .uotiM oi MOuH ii,eM ueHI Umu MOH MOUH 9M
j! Pue `umui Moq u! eJns eq ii,3M u3tii `MOH MOuH 9M j! PUV .Mot| MOUH i|,9M Ueti] `ÁtiM MouH eM ji Joj `seA!]ou ino put3 s9Aiesino guiut3xg o] pgiit3D 9Jt3 9M .ÁiisoJeues ioj 9Aiioui Jno jo 9Jt3Mt3 9q ut33 3M ]t3tii oS `uoiiJeJJOD
puE jooidei ino ioj Jepuiu9J g se P3PJo3eJ S! Áio|S SluL
3]!| jno U! Sns3r]O MJOM
eui]o 6u!PueisJepun Jno SiJeueJ uJ!uM epnl -!}pj6 jno }o uo!ss3jdxe 6u!iJe}s eii} s! 6u!^!D
•tiit3ep 01 tHeuI
pgi ii pue `ueid it!!i!u! J!eui 9Pisino su!ti]euos op oi uigtii giBA!]ou o] Jt3ej p9Moiie Áeq] `iuguiou it3PnJ3 9tii u! inq `]uiod suiiJBis it39Js e P€q PJiuddBS PuP Se!ut3uV .98ugqD
ii!M puiu ino u! pguiuii9]9p Áisno!A9id gi9M ti.!qM sueid 3tii ugtii `iB9j S! uo!SPOP Jno ioj 9Ai]ou 3q] ji infl „.eu ioj ]sgq s! MouH noÁ ietiM op noÁ pug `9dou Áu puE isnJi Áu ind i noÁ u! `sut3id Áu J3puoJins i pJoi„ :8uiÁt3s `u!H Áq pgi gq o] ep!D9p iiiM 9M JO `PoD isnJ| o] P!t3Jje gq ii!M 3M leH|!H .9AO| JO Jegj :9Dut3|Suin3JP u!t3]ie3 t3 9Dt3j 3M 9u!i tpt39 eJ!OHJ t3 eAEt| 9M Snt|L .J9|U9 P|nous t||!t3j jo SU|t33J eui 9P!Sino suiqiÁue ]sei `iJEoq Jno jo ueipit3n8 9ti] pue Jepuejgp eui S! ti]!EH iq]it3j Jno ui!M á]Jt39q Jno do9H eM OP MOH .(SZ:7 Sqi9AOJd) ,,.ejii jo SsuiJds 9ti] Mou ]! u"jioj9Duei!8!Aiieu]iM]JB9tiJnoÁd83H„:SÁESPJOMeHL
]JvdD DNIZIN90J]t]
the starting expression of our gratitude which reflects our understanding of the work of Jesus in our life[
Generosity doesn't offer excuses Giving is just our initial reaction to ]esus' work. We understand that Jesus gave himself up for us, so that we can surrender ourselves to him. He took the first step. "His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness..." (2 Peter 1:3)
Now we don't have any excuse, saying we lack something or we don't have enough for our Christian life and so must reserve something for ourselves. The excuse is always in our mind, but never in the reality of the cross. The cross is the complete expression of God's finished work without any blemish.
The excuse is always in our mind, but never in the reality of the cross.
As 1 said it earlier, giving is just the initial expression. Generosity takes hold of this momentum in our life so that can bring freedom from fear. If love is the solution against fear so is generosity. If one learns to be generous,
he won't be fearful and afraid of anything. When we learn to give everything, surrender everything, all we are left with is the grace and our trust in the Lord, because we are
gti] jo suo!iu9]u! 9tii Pue Sut3id gui ]Joddns 9M tp!uM ti]!M 4!soJ9u98 it3D!iDt3Jd s! s!tiL .uo!i!Sod Pug Á}iJouim
sii gz!uso.9i 9M 9S"3J9q `qJmqJ 9t|| Ioj 9A!8 9M `eu|!| 9M ueuM .iit3 tii!M iiE u! SnoJ9Ue8 9q 0| 98u9|it3uJ 3ti| ti|J0j su!]]nd jo ÁEM ieuiouB ]sní s! 9tii!i eu] ueAH ápoD oi 9Ai8 Áiqissod eM ut3J ]EUM .S9AiesJno 9A!3J9p ]ou S,i3i ,,.POD oi ]! 9A!8 eM `S3u]!i 9A!8 9M ugtiM„ :3Sn 3idood est3Jtid eHi su!uJeJUoD 9Jeus oi 3H!i PinoM i su!u]9uoS S,eJ3ti] `S!ti] oi uo!i!Ppt2 ui -HJOM S,is!JtiD suisp9iMouHJejo iuiod su!iit3is 9U] 1Sní S! 1t3U1 9U 0] `8U!t|]!| |noqp He3ds 9M uguM UeAH •Á}!soigu38 s!q ssgidxg pu€ eAoi Áiooij uP3 9M |t3U| OS 1
:Áiuo esodmd guo ti]!M S!tii P!t3S Sns9| -(ZS:8 Uuof) ,,.99Jj noÁ ]es iit3tis tiinJ] it3u] PuE u]nJi gtil MOUH ||Pt|S noÁ„
-uiop99Jj Pue 9Aoi ÁoÍu9 oi pgit39JJ eJeM eM .Jt33j iut3isuoJ U! 9A!i 0| P3|t39J3 |,U9J9M 9M esm3Doq `ÁiiBeJ `it3ej sÁoíue sn jo 9UON .S9A|9SU9q] jo Á[U0 HU!t|| Á9t|] SI |t3t|] Joj UOSB3J
9tii put3...uiiq MOuH |,uoP Á9ui 9SneD9q ui!u eAoi |,uoP Áeti] pup `(ugq] s9Aoi gq 9A9!igq ],uoP Á9ui `3SioM UeAe Jo) poD eAoi ],uop Á9tii es"3Jeq Jt33j u! 9A!i ÁotiL .3J!]jns
],uoM ii pit3Jje eJe Á9ui 9S"3J3q P99U Á9U] UEt|] 9JOU eHt3| eidoed ueijo ei!nö iMOGHHHE jo iuiod su!put3]S 9tii uioij UO||Dunj Put3 |Dt3 eM Put3 Sn uo P9usiAt3i eJt3 esetiL .eAoi Put3
]t|snou| `S3J!S9P `SuO!|U9]u! S!q uoJj Ái]ut3punqg 3Ai3Dei
oi Ápt3eJ 9Je 9M pue `soA[9Smo pe!iduo 9A€q 9M 9snB39q s!tii Sn ]ueJs ii!M eH .sut3id pue suo!iu9]u! `seJ!sgp `spo9u ino iit3 iooui iiiM 9q MouH 9M 9sm3D9q p!eijt3 i98uoi ou 9Je 9M .Jt39j uoij geJj Sn S]9s jigsi! Áq ]pti] put3 `ut3id s,pioi 3ti] u! isnJi eigidum jo uo!iisod e ui sn sind Ái!SoJeu9D -UIU ti]lM diqsMoiigj esop Jno uitiiiM j(iitmpt3Js isnJ] Jno
Piinq 9M inq `iji8 e Se S9uioo tiiit3d .uiiq isnJI Oi 66ij Ái"1
In the Old Testament, when the people gave, they gave it to the Levites who strictly were in charge of the Tabernacle and later on of God's temple. As it's written in the book of the prophet Malachi: "Will man rob God? Yet you are robbing me. But you say, `How have we robbed you?' In
your tithes and contributions. You are cursed with a curse, for you are robbing me, the whole nation of you. Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. And thereby put me to the test, says the LORD of hosts, if 1 will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you a blessing until there is no more need." (Malachi 3:8-10).
When God speaks in his Word about people who stole from him, he addresses the specific issue of when people refused to give to the priests, who lived only by what was
given to them in the Tabernacle. Levites were the only tribe which had no other occupation than serving in the temple ofGod,andtheironlysourceoflivelihoodwastheofferings from the other tribes. Therefore, no matter how much we try to sidestep the concepts that God has established, the results will be futile, because we are misusing the Bible just so we can find a shortcut. Even tithing "to God" can be an expression of a misdirected motive conceived in fear. We can begin at 10°/o, but this should merely be the
starting point for a greater revelation of the depth of the principle of generosity expressed through giving. As we grow in our depth and understanding of the greatness of Jesus' work, we will realize we cannot be indifferent to generosity. I believe that this revelation about God's generosity is a crucial moment of our growth in maturity
•9A!8 0] 8U!mM S! 9.U9I.SUOD
ino Mou put3 8u!pt33J eti] Put3 `uoi]JIAUOJ 9U] J9A0 euos eAt3q 9M .]! S38t3moJue eH put3 `eDugiJsuoD Jno u! sHeeds ]!J!ds ÁioH etiL .8u!Ais inoqt3 sn oi sHt33ds eJu9PSuoD ino 9Sm3D9q 9A!8 eM .S •Peei 3At3U 9M |t3t|M 0]
]u3ipgqo eq oi eJ!S3P 9M Put3 `eiq!g eu| U! |! ]noqe pt3ei 9M esngD9q 9A!8 o] eppep 9M 98P|S S!q| U| .Z
•eAis oi gppep 9M put3 `uoi]Se88ns J!9q| 9Ht31 9M Lo] sn p38u3iit3qD euoeuos 3Snt3Deq eAIs eM `1SJld .T
•uigtil iE HOoi t3 eHt3| S,]ei
•jiesJnoÁ su!Ai8 Áidu!s...Áouou `sEepi `suo!ioue `eAoi `9uiii 8u!A!8 oi J9j9J i `8uiA!8jo Ht3eds i ugtiM PuV .tisnoJHI
o8 9M qDitiM s98t3is oT 9Je gi3tii `8u!Ai8 8uiu3JuoD (ST:7 Sut3!S9t|dH) ,,.1S!Jt|J OIU! `Pt39U 9UI SI
oHM u!q oiui Át3M ÁJOA9 ui dn MOJS o] 9Jg 9M `9Aoi ui u|nJ| eqi suiHt39ds„ :pgiit3J u99q 9Agq 9M tpitiM o] ÁiiJnieu gtii oiui Sn J9usn oi Áiiiiqt3 9qi Seq ]! :J9Mod S|! S! Siq| PUV •Á]isoJ3ues tii!M s! ii os .JeMod it3eJs eAEq sno9]tisii eti]jo
SI9ÁeJd gu] it3qi ueiiiJM S,ii íJOÁeJd `q]it3j `sseuoAisioj ui JOMod S,eJotiL .S9A!i mo u! JOMod snopugueii seti ]iE9q S,poD jo ]no suiuoD su!qiÁJ9A9 `9Dt3JS S,poD jo esneD9g
iaMod sDu ÁiisoJaua9
•it33j uoij geJj gq 0| poD jo gsodJnd ipuJ9i9 9tii ges ÁiJt39P 9M tp!uM ti8noJti|
4. We give because we begin to believe in its truth.
Now we have the faith that what is written in the Bible is true.
5. We give because we WANT to give. I have been to services where people were running to give. 6. We give because we LOVE to give. There's a slight
difference between wanting and loving. Wanting is the starting point; loving is the final point. We love because God loved us first and gave his Son for us. God could have only said, `1 love them,'
but that is not the final form. We want or like cars, movies, pancakes...etc. But we cannot love something which is dead. We ought to love only what possesses life. Now we love to give because we love whom God loves. Love is the expression of our understanding of how God loves people, and we begin to love them...God is generous, so we become generous.
7. At this stage, we become generous (we surpass the stage of giving), because we understand it is His will. We decide on purpose to be generous, and we cross over from giving to generosity. 8. We are generous because we want to giveL We don't withhold anything. We are aware that a still water becomes a swamp. And we don't want
to be like that, but rather we desire for what we have to flow. What we received from God, we are willing to give away. We understand that we are
o/ooT 9Aoqt3 o8 9M pinotis ÁqM ái! i,us! ugn!iM si i! `9ui!i eA!8 oi P38!iqo 9Je 3M„ :epn]!iig S!u SEM Siq| Pug `J9A9!igq ut3iisiJqD Moiiej guo qiiM 9Hods i `HJt3q SJPOÁ M9j V
auI|I D UDq} aJOU
9ti] 9Dueii3dxe i,uop pug giqissod 3u] jo S|!Uli gq| UEt|1!M Á|UO HJOM J911t3i euL .Su€i]SiJqD ,qiJt3e o} uMop, Jesuoi
ou eJe 9M pue `sn sesut3uD ]iJids ÁioH 3ui `SSOJOJd S!tii ui
•8u!pueisJopun pue suoii3e Jno jo iie pu€ ue]sÁs je!igq gioqM ino s98ueqo ]! `Ái!soJoue8 giniosqe oi uoi]D!AuoD jo 98€]S 9tii uoJj o8 9M U9t|M :Á}ISOJ9U98jo J9Mod gq| S! SIUL
'Sn ul
S[|9MP eq Put3 `|SIJUD ui [ieMp eM ioj sn o] u9Ai8 U99q Pt3U ||V .elnlnj gu| `iues9Jd eti] `ejii -sJno s! 8uitiiÁi9A9 9sne39q `uoisseJdx9 ]Setisiu etii S,]i •Ái!SoJeug8 einiosqt3 S! SitiL .i[e ii P9u!t38 9M `iit3 i!
9At38 3M ugtiM sut39u Áiie9J ii ]t3tiM Put3isJOpun eM .Sn ui S9Aii isiJqD ]nq `9A!i J38uoi oU 9M MON .OT •8u!AIS Áq
Peeu t3 "jinj oi sn suipEei si poD 9J9tiM s9Dt3id Joj Hooi eM .uetp seiiddns puE speeu Jno sMouH eq 9S"3J3q `]SIJUD 9H!||Dt3 Put3Hulq] 01 U!89q 3MMON
SJetiio jo 9Ht3S 9Hi Joj 9A!8 9M Mou pue `snoieuo8
when it's in the Bible? Each month, when 1 get my income, I put aside the money for the monthly costs, and what 1 am left with is exactly 10°/o. So how can 1 give more than a tithe?" Yes, I don't deny the monetary situation, yet, above that current financial reality is the heavenly reality which is not visible to the physical eyes but is available for those who take a step of faith. And this is relevant for anyone who thinks like this. If we state our case before the Lord andhonestlysaytohim:``Lord,youknowmysituation.You see the money and the bills. But because of your promises,
your character and your generosity which 1 want to taste, live and apply in my every day; this month 1 want to give 11°/o." I am convinced that at the end of the month (in the most unimaginative way), we will have enough for the bills and for the 11°/o. If we do this gradually, and with the right motive, I am sure God won't remain `in debt` to us. So let's be encouraged to not be normal givers.
Generosity is the visible quality of those who know the Lord Jesus and live in him
Generosity is the visible quality of those who know the Lord Jesus and live in him. But as long as we think we are sacrificing a great deal, we are actually bound by self-pity and an entitled mentality, which basically is pride. As long as we have this mindset that we are doing something for God, and now it's quid pro quo time, God will turn his `deaf ear' and won't answer. Merit is excluded, because
we can never outgive God. I am not talking about money
•snoJgu98 9q 0|
sn sguot39i eDt3Js puv .eJojeq p€q guou em Á]isoigu98 s!q Pue POD MOuH oi Á}iuniJoddo eti] 9Aeq eM sÁEpt3Mou ]t3tii
p9DuiAuoD uie i -Ái!soigu98 s,poD u! igdgep u9Ae suiMoi8 `snoigu98 pue tis!jigsun sguo3eq gq `]s!JtiD ui suit3ueJ
3uo ugtiM .tisnou9 |,US! 9J9u| it2qi SÁt3S |i ugqM Puiu mo jo uOI|EtHI|S9 9U| ep|S]no ]JP 9M U9qM P9|t39A9J S| 90t3ID •P|JOM S!U|jo S"9]|Bd gt|| 0} UILIojuoJ ],US90P ]t3q| 3|Á]S9j!|
eSS9U|!MiiiMÁ3ui`3j!iJno3AigsqosnPunoJg9Soti]ugqM (TT
-OT:6 Sut3!t|IU!JOD Z) „.POD oi su!A!8SHu€ui gmpoJd iiiM sn
HsnoJHI HD!t|M `Á€M ÁJ9A9 ui Snoi3uo8 9q oi ÁBM Ái9Ae ui
petpiiu9 9q ii!M noÁ .SSousno9iti8!J JnoÁ jo isoAJt3q eqi
gsEoi]ui pue suiMos ioj p99s inoÁ Áid!]inu pue Áiddns iiiM pooj ioj pt39iq put3 JeMos gtii o] p99s S9!iddns oqM eH,, .POD 01 SHut3ti] eAis mM puE suo!i3e pug spioM ino u! ]! 9es ii!M e[doed pue Áiisoieues puB 3]ut3punqg u! uo!iounjii,9Mueti|9Aii9MÁt3Meuiu!eJu€punqBuEs,9Jetii ji .9Aoi jo SPJOM Ht39ds ii,9M `seAii mo u! 9Aoi s,eJeqi ji (6Z:7 Sut3isetidH) .it3eq ouM 9soti] o] eDt3J8 9A!8 Át3u |! ]etii `uO!SeDDo 9H|
sii] sE `dn su!piinq Joj poos s! se uJns Áiuo inq `Suinou JnoÁ jo ]no 3tHOJ Hit3] 8uiidnHOJ ou ]9i,, .9Dt3is jo spJOM Hegds ii,9M `eJt3JS S,eJOHi ji .ss3u]!M Á9tii ]t3tiM uo pgst3q iDe9J ii!M 9ido9d puE `ÁipJBM]no jigsii sseidxe ii!M pit3Mu! 9qL -]Jegt| 9U] jo S9nss! 9u] 8u!ss3JppB JotiiBJ inq `9s J9d
]Jvd9 9NIZIN90J]d
Chapter Five
GRACE AND RESPONSIBILITY ``For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men. It teaches us to say `No' to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age..." (Titus 2..11,12)
I would like to start this last chapter by referring to a criticism that 1 have often heard. It is a remark, most often expressed sarcastically, that preaching about grace leads people to a state of lukewarm indifference, and that it will lead them to the conclusion that it is all right to live in sin. Honestly, I am surprised by these false interpretations and misunderstandings of grace. You know, God's plan to save us by grace was not our idea, nor can we change the words of the Gospel where it says that Jesus was ``full of grace and truth," Nor can we ignore the abundance of verses that speak about grace. In fact, by reading and studying the Bible, we will see that grace is present in each of its pages.
ÁUE uiJojuoJ iou oG,, :sÁt3s i"3d giisodp gtiL .ssu!tp su!3es Pue suiHuiu] jo Spit3PuBis ÁipiioM 3tii p99Jxg sÁt3Mie sgidpu!Jd s,poD .eJugiieJxe seit3Jipui it3tii PioM 9uips 9H| |Dt3j U! S! Á}iJn|Bu Joj Posn pJOM etii iBti] put3isJepun iiiM 9M `88ensut3i 9JJnos Sii ui ]uguit3iseL M9N etii Ápn]S 9M ji `t||"| Slt|| jo UO!|eDIPU! Put3 uo!|t3uJijum t3 sv .9Jugiie.xe •e.i `Ái!in]t3u jo ti]dgp J9it3eJs e oiu! sn ssu!Jq Áiq€i!A9ui
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pe6ueiiJun puE 3iues aii} sn 3^eei iou s3op i! iEii} 6uojis os s! i)ej]e si! ipiii s! 3JeJ6 inoqe U}nJ} eu| •9Dt3IS
jo ]iJids gtii u! 9q isnu su!qot39id `pguoi]ueu iou si 3.t3i8 1
jo pioM 9tii ji ueAH .98t3SS9u Jo uouiJOS Áut3 jo ino Hei gq |ou PinoHS 9Dt3J8 ]Pu| PeDuiAuoD uie i .]Dt3j eiqt3]!A9u!
ut3 Si ut3!isiJUD E jo 3j!i gtii ui 9Dut3iJodui it3!]uess9 sii
Pue PoD jo PJOM etii u! 3DEJs jo eDugsoJd ]ut3punqe eqL
]Jvd9 9NIZIN90J]ti
longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of you mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is - his good, pleasing and perfect will" (Rom.12:2).
Salvation is a privilege lt is good for us to understand that what we think about certain matters is not so important, but whether we believe in what the Holy Spirit does, points to, or says.
After we believed in our Savior Jesus, we experienced the reality of salvation. Salvation is a privilege. A privilege that stands as a helping hand for deliverance and salvation for every human soul. Then, by reading the Word of God, we understand that we are also seated at the right side of God the Father, as it is written in the Letter to the Ephesians: ``And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus." (Eph. 2:6). And now, this position enables us to receive all the promises of God that we couldn't have obtained in any other way. ``His divine power has given us everything we need for life and
godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness." (2 Peter 1:3) The greatest privilege is precisely this unique and irreplaceable position, because God is the One that has given it to us, and He is the One that has called us and wants to fulfill His
purpose for us and through us. While thinking about and exploring the word privilege, I found the following definition: privilege is a right or
SpJ€Moi Áiiuue si piioM s!tii Joj eAoi 3H] ]t3tii SÁt3S PioM
euL.Uoi|isodput3eseiiA!JdmospJ€MoiueAesnuiuoisieAE ue pue Átiiede gieeJo ut3D snDoj s!ui uoij eJniit3dep Áuv 1,
•esodind S!H Pue iJt39H S,PoD Put3isJepun oi Si ÁDuepuei
put3 snDoj ino .]s!JqD Snsef `qi!t3j Jno jo Jotiine 9H] uo snJoj ]ut3isum gti] uoJj epEsg dgis oi 9A9!igq otiM Sn ioj eiqissiupt3ui si ii `eJojeJeqL .uo!iisod puE 989iiA!Jd Jno t||!M oP su!o8 eJt3 eM iEUM ]noqt3 Huitii o] sn s38t3JnoJue Á}ii!q!suodseJ `iDej ui .Á}ii!qisuodseJ ino jo uoii!usom e oi sn pt39i Áiqei!A9u! i|iM |i U9U1 `S|!t31Ue lBul tplt|M
989i!A!Jd gtii pueisigpun 9M j! Pue `is!JtiD ui uo!i!Sod ino pup]sigpun 9M ji `os .Á}ii!q!Suods9J jo |Jed 9UI S! ]euI PUE `SMO||0j |t3U| 98P|S ]X9U eu| 99S Osie Pinotis 9M `Sn oi
ueA!8 e89i!Aiid injiepuoM 9q] pgz!usoJ9J 9At3u 9M eDuo it3tii Sut3eui S!tiL .iBuoii!puoJ s! e83i!Aiid Siqi it3tii pips i
Á3iiiqisuodsaJ suDaw aBaii^iJd
•HIs t3 S€ Sn oi ii u9Ais st3q
snsgf gs"3D9q Áiuo inq `]!J9u uMo Jno Áq iou `uMo Jno st3 98ei!A!id siti] ]dope pue 9Ai9DJed 9M ÁqM S! |eu| PUV .Sn oi eDEJs iBtii su!t3idxg tiiit3j ueu] Pue `Áiuo 3Dt3J8 tisnoJqi pguiEiqo s! e89iiAiJd Jno `isiJqD ui ipoD jo uoPsu!H u! Ái!iiq!ssod tpns ou si eJeui inq `sesei!A!Jd J!9tii Ánq oi ÁJi PiJOM Siqi u! 9ido9d isoM .suo!iipuoD uit3im J3pun iDP o] ]ti8!i Jt2imiiJed e Si ii .iit3D siH oi p3puodsei eM lt3H1 1U9UIOU 9UI U| IS!JUD jo eDeJ8 9U| t|snoJu| P9Ai3DeJ
9At3q inq 3AJesep iou p!p soAi9Smo 9M Pue `eAt3q iou oP
sietiio eq] 8uitiiguos su!A!9D9J sut39u 989iiAiJd .Áoíue iouut3J SJeuio it3qi suitii3uoS jo ]Jt3d 3q oi Ái!unuoddo
]Jvd9 DNlzlNDo]]a
God. Our goal, as believers, should not be to exclude
ourselves from the world or to escape from the reality of the circumstances around us, but we must realize that we truly need Lord Jesus in everything. Any decision contrary to the decision to grow in our understanding of ]esus will inevitably lead us into false decisions and conclusions. The decision to occupy ourselves with the vain standards of this world will very easily and almost insensibly have an even greater impact upon our lives. And then, as a reverse effect, instead of having a lifestyle filled with the manifestation of God's kingdom and Christlikeness, our lifestyle will be filled with vain transient things. Slowly,
compliance with the patterns and ways of this world will occupy parts of our way of valuing life. And under such an unhealthy influence, the consequences can be defeating to the extent that one can call himself a Christian, but not truly know our Savior Jesus. To know Christ means to think about Him, to talk about Him, to sing of Him, and to understand His heart. Otherwise, even though Christ truly lives in us, it will seem as if we do not know Him and as if He is not present in our lives at all.
Much entrusted Whenever 1 think of the abundance of information and knowledge, all that the Holy Spirit has revealed to me, I am convinced that there is a reason for it. It is clear that the more 1 know, the greater my responsibility is. The more we know, the greater our responsibility is to make wise decisions about what we are going to do with the
oi pgiit3J uo9q 9Aeq 9M .sn ioj sut3id pup asodJnd siH puP
PO9 MouH oi 4iuniJoddo 6qi 8uiss!u si 6]ti6ipgqos!p pue Á]iiiqisuodsaJJi Joj Á}iBugd gti} `oN .ÁJuaisisuoJui
io 69ugip6qosip Jno Joj sn qsiund oi 8uiiiBM i6isEuÍ ienJ3 e jo Pu!H etHos Si poD esnt3D9q iou Si eDugnb3suoD
Slt|] `|n8 „.OP Pinoqs aM MouH 6M it3HM OP |0u oP 9M ji sn O] 9oM„ :Át3S pinoM 6M `ÁiiJii]s 6Jou siqi ssgidxg eM ji .sn oi uoAis ugeq St3q ]t3uM Joj giqisuodsoJ 9JB 9M
•pei]edxg u! 9suodsoJ mo `sn oi ueA!8 ueeq spH qJnu |t3q| P6Z!|t36J 6ABq 9M 9JUO .9Suods3I :Á9H 6t|] SU|t3]UOJ ]l
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P9isnJiue eqi u! ez!usoJeJ pinoM 9idogd jo Á}!ioígu g
`Á|eH!|ISoM-PoisnJiugjoideJ-u-o]si `,
HI U01!q t3 J98u!i sn igi
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explore God's depths in order to live them and thus praise Him with our lives.
Knowing the Holy Spirit ln this section 1 would like to explain the moment where we come to an understanding of the responsibility we have. Responsibility intensifies our life in such a way that makes it an adventure. I would say that our responsibility is to get to know the Holy Spirit. For us, who call ourselves Christians, there is no a greater adventure than getting to knowtheHolyspirit.TheHolyspiritisthemostwonderful and unique person that exists and that can best and most precisely reveal ]esus Christ to us. It is a great privilege that we can get to know and experience the presence of the Holy Spirit, especially when we are gathered in church to praise and worship together.
The Holy Spirit is the most wonderful and unique person that exists and that can best and most precisely reveal Jesus Christ to us
If we claim to be newborn Christians, then we must be born of someone. The Pharisee Nicodemus, mentioned in the third chapter of the Gospel of ]ohn, was confronted with this very truth in his encounter with Jesus. We all know this important conversation between Jesus and the Pharisee Nicodemus, who was challenged to go beyond all
•diqsMoiigj jo uJoj iseu8!q etii S! 1euL.9J|OÍ6JU|HS9HBuleqMPueu|HS9Aoii8]eqMMouH oL .]ou seop 9H iEtiM PuE SIut3M 9H lt3t|M MOUH OL .UIIH S9St39|d|BUMMOUH0]S!1!J!dsÁ|OH9t||H|!Md!qsMO||9jjo
uiJoj]S9q8iqgqL.uiHq]!MdiqsMoii6jjouiJoj]saqsiqgq] 10U S! ]lJids ÁioH 9q| jo aJioA aqi oi 8uiu6isii `9Joj6Joq]
PW .i!Jids ino oi 9Jn]eu uMo S!H ueA!8 st3q eH pug `sn ui si eH .ui!H it39q ut3J 9M J9ti|9qM JO |!J|ds Á|OH 9ql MOUH
pinotis 3M igu]9t|M i|E |B EUIule|!P OU 9q P|nous 9J9U| `Sn Jod .1IJ|ds ÁioH eui jo uoSJed 3tii MouH oi sn ioj it3nsnun io e8ueJis gq iou Pinotis ii `9iojeJeHI PUV .t|1"1 9UI S! ]t3qi ]nq `iB9!PBi ooi Spunos Sitii MouH i .]iiids ÁioH 9ti] Se
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oi sn Joj it3Jnit3u si ii eJojoJ3ti] Put3 Seq i!Jids ÁioH 9t|| Se 9Jn|eu etHBS eti| eAt3u eM MON 4iuJoqM9U 9JP 9M |t3q] |Jpj 9U] jo SS9u|e9J8 eti] 9Ziit3eJ eM oG .sn ui Áiiu3]9 sii!isu! PuPiiJ!dsÁioH9tiiti8noJqiiiJ!dsJnouiVNGSEHSindPoD
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PoD jo uopsuiH eti] Jeiue ut3J euo ou `qi"] 9qi noÁ iiei i,
`pgi3Msue sns6| ,iuoq aq oi quioM S,J9q]ou SiH O]Ui 9Uli] puoDos B Jeiug iouuBJ eti Áigms, .p9Hsg snuepoJ!N ,ápio S! 9ti uetiM "oq gq uEtu P ut33 MOH, ,.u!t38e "oq si eq sseiun
poo jo uoPsuiH 9qi 99S ut3D euo ou `qi"] eui noÁ iiei i, :pait:p6p snso| Áidai ui„ :SÁt3S ix9] 9qL .|U9Ult31S9L P|O 6ql
suiÁpnis Áq poJinbDe Áisno!A3Jd Pt3H 9q 98PoiMouH eHljo
The Holy Spirit lives in us Nowadays, many books are written about how to listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit, and we do not realize that this should be something natural and simple. The Spirit lives in us, and it is natural for us to listen to Him. However, beyond that, we can even know Him and know what pleases Him. Here is a simple example to illustrates. My
wife Rebecka, after being married to me for many years, knows me very well. And in that knowledge, for example, she knows what my attitude toward food is, i.e. she knows what food l enjoy, and what food l cannot stand. Therefore, when she cooks, she never cooks me food 1 don't like. Why? Because she knows exactly what 1 really enjoy and what 1 don't want to eat. In a similar manner, we Christians, often do things, which deep inside, we are well aware the Holy Spirit does not like. Let us stop doing things that do not please the Holy Spirit!
Let us stop being afraid of Psalm 51, where David prays to God not the take away the Holy Spirit, and let us approach Him with love and confidence. In the Old Testament, the Holy Spirit did not dwell in people but only came upon them with an inspiration and anointing. But, because of Christ, now the Holy Spirit lives in us. "Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God..." (1 Cor. 6:19)
It should be clear to all of us that God will not take away the Spirit because He has promised us that He will stay with us until the end of the world. ``Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or
persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?
•1IJlds Á|OH euI UIOJj JOu gu ul0Jj J3ui!eu eJg iEui Puiu
Áuoiu!9uoDit3tiiSiHsnotii9J€9J9t||`eJoj9Jet|L.SIUsnot|I Put3 PUIU 9H| jo UI|t39I et|| U! 9It3 |q8!] 9M S9meq 9SU9|U!
isou etii sdt3qJed pue is3it3eJs eHL .Át3P ÁJ9A9 Siqsnoqi jo pt3iiÁu B s3ipueq sn jo euo tpt3H .Sitisnotii jo uJoj gqi 9At3ti ueHo isou put3 `sn jo gp!sui eit3 s9]!oA 9seqi `Áiitmsn
}!J!ds ÁioH eii} ]o eJ!o^ eui -iie ]o
3]!o^ iupsEeid isou pue iueu!iu9 |SOU 3U|
•1!J!ds Á|OH etiijo 9DioA eti]
-iit3 jo 9DioA iut3st39id isou Put3 ]uguiug isou eqi `9SJno3 jo `puE piioM siqi jo eDioA 9qi `9tH!i jo 9D!oA 3tii `Áueue etii jo eJ!oA 9ti] `iJt33q Jno jo 9JioA etii `(Suo!iou9 Jno)
inos ino jo 9DioA eqi `Siusnoqi Jno jo eJioA etiL .Áiiut3isuoD oi P9Sodxo 9Je 9M it3tii seJ!oA jo Áie!Jt3A esJt3i € Si 9JetiL ]Jt39q 9M Soo!oA eqi qsinsu!isip oi si peeu itmi!J!ds Jist3q
v .Sn PunoJe Siu9A9 ieniiJ!ds 9qi ©Z!u8oJeJ oi uiEei oi si ssuigq itmiiiids se 9Aeq eM Á}!i!q!Suods3J 9tii jo ]Jt3d V
1|Jids ÁioH aui fo a.io^ at[i Buiziu6o.aH
•uiH S9St3eid it3tiM uJegi PuE eJioA s!H oi ugisii o] ui89q sn
le| `eJojeJ9Ui íiiJids eq] usnoJqi Sn qiiM ÁiiuEisum Si 9H •poD jo 9Aoi gqi uoJj Sn ait3ied6S ueJ 8uitiiou ietii Pt39J 6M (6S-8€ `SS:8 .UOH) ,,.PJO| Jno Sns9| isiJqD ui Si iBtii poo jo eAoi eHi uioJj Sn 9]pJt3d9S o] 9iqe gq iiiM `uo!it3ei3 iie
ui esie suiqiÁup Jou `u]dgp Jou ]tisigq J9tiiigu `sJOMod Áue iou `6Jninj 6qi Jou ]u6sgid 6tii J3u]igu `Suou3p iou sio8ue J9U|I9U `9j|| JOU q|t3ep ieq|i3u |Etii PeJuiAuoJ ue i JOH
And if we are not able to notice them and recognize them spiritually, those thoughts will remain there and take root. And if they do, they will gain strength with the course of timeandwillstarttomoveustoactinnew,unrecognizable ways because we have deviated from our convictions. Earlier, I explained of the fact that the highest form of intimacy with the Holy Spirit is not only to listen to His voice but to know what pleases Him. However 1 wish that allofuscouldgetusedtohearingtheHolyspiritpurelyand clearly. In fact, I am sure we can, only very often, we do not recognize itL The highest form of intimacy is to recognize the emotions and feelings of the Holy Spirit because he is a person. If He is a person, He brings joy and can rejoice. Did you know that the joy described as the joy of the Lord is now in the Holy Spirit? "For the kingdom of God is not a
matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit." (Rom 14:17) That joy is in the Holy Spirit now, so if we do not know Him, how shall we
know the joy that is in Him?
Knowing the Holy Spirit leads to a deeper knowledge of Jesus Someone might ask: ``Why should we get to know the Holy Spirit? Haven't we been told that we should grow in our knowledge of ]esus?" You know why? Because the Holy Spirit is the One who will teach us more and will reveal
]esus to us. Even the best teacher, apostle or prophet cannot hold a candle to the Holy Spirit, who knows Jesus because He is part of the Trinity. I believe that the
(ZT~OT:Z .JOD Z) „.Sn U6Ai8 Áiagij Seq poD ietiM
put3isJOpunÁt3u9Mit3tiioS`PoDuoJjSioUMIIJ!ds9t|11nq `piioM 9tiijo i!Jids 9ti| iou Si P9Ai9J6J aAeq 6M lt3qM .PO9 jo]|Ilds9U11d9JX9PODjoS]U8noqigqiSMouH3uoouÁt3M
6ut3s 3Hi tii áu9H] uitiiiM i!Jids uMo Jigqi ]d6Jx6 siqsnoui s,uosi6d e sMouH otiM Jod .Poo jo Ssuiqi daop 6qi u6Aa `S8Uiql iie S6qJit36S iiiids aqL .iiJ!ds SiH Áq Sn o] P3it33AOJ
St3UPODSSU!HleuleJe9SetiL„.PoDjosqidgpeiqEtpJEosun gti| uoJj S9uo3 SÁt3S i!i!ds ÁioH eti] it3Hi iiv .eApq ut3D 9M
I98t3Ino.uo |so|t39Ig gq| s| `|!J!ds 6q] `aH .spJOM s,ls!m jo sn pu!tHoi sÁt3MiE ii!M pue soA!i Jno ioj eJt3JS SiH PuP is!JtiD SPJt3Moi Sn ]D9J!P SÁt3Mig ii!M iiJ!ds ÁioH 9qi `SPJOM
Jetiioui„.is!JqDuoijÁPMEnoÁpegiJeAouii!Mi„:8uiMoiioj eqi PJt39ti osiE i `]!Jids ÁioH 9tii uoJj ]eqi 9A9!igq osig i
•u!H MouM oi ie6 pinoiis 9M }eiii s! Ái!i!q!suodseJ Jno pue iJed Jno
•U!H MOuH Oi ig8 Pinoqs aM ]t:H] si 4!iiq!suodsgi
inopue]iBdino.]t3qiinoqeiqnopousi6J3tiipuB`sgtisiM pup Suo!iugiu! `Suo!iouo Jno iie sMouH eH `uoispep ÁioA9 `ej!i ino jo iuguiou ÁJ9A9 SMouH eH `iiB|9P u! Sn MOuH PoD .ÁiiDojJ9d Sn SMouH PoD ieqi Á}u!t3iJOD 9iniosqe ti]iM
MouH i gsnt3.3q `sn suiMouH poD jo Jonpu g iou S! ]! `oS
(6Z:8 UOH) ,,.SJeis!S PuE SJeti]oJq ÁUEu suoug uoqisi!j 9H1 9q lt|8!U eq leui `uoS Siq jo 98€u! 9tii oi pguiJojuoD 9q oi pgu!]sgp9Jd osiB 3q MouHeJoj PO9 9Sot|I Jod ,,,,. POD MouH i Joq]3tiM |nq `3U SMOUH POD it:qi MOuH i J6til6t|M
iou si gnssi gtii„ ]t3qi gu oi P3ZisBtidua 3Juo iiJids ÁioH
]]Vt]D 9NIZINDO]]a
Christ, the secret hidden for centuries, came to be revealed, and the apostles testified that they had seen Him, heard Him and touched Him. Christ is no longer a secret for us but a close friend. And the Holy Spirit can reveal to us what Jesus is really like. Sometimes the facts of history are not enough, but we also need intimacy with the Holy Spirit so that He can reveal to us who Christ is, what is He like, and what He has done for us. And Christ, in turn, leads us into the secrets of God the Father. In fact, He has already brought us there, because He is seated at the right hand of the Father. Jesus reveals to us what the Father is like. There is a perfect humility in the Trinity. In a vision, I had the opportunity to taste and experience that harmony of
perfection. I have seen the perfect love among the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. But, the main insight for me was their mutual humility and respect. This humility is the most amazing one and above all understanding. Only the Spirit can reveal this truth to us. The humility that exists between the Holy spirit and ]esus is something very difficult to explain with ordinary words.
The Holy Spirit is with you The Holy Spirit is God - God on earth today. When Jesus lived on earth, those that followed Him obeyed Him and were ready to do anything for Him if there was a need. At that time, God was present on earth through ]esus. But, after |esus ascended to heaven, the Holy Spirit, who Jesus said is the same as He is, came. In fact, now He is God on
mo s! 6H .uiiH uoJj uJt39i Put2 iiiids ÁioH 9til MOUH 01 9tHODSn|9i`eJojeJeHL.eidogdiiEiE9Jipinotis9MMoqpue `|i9M SI9|Sis PuB SJaqioJq mo it36ii o] Moq `asnods Jno
iDodsoJpueeAoioiMousntpt39imMiiJ!dsÁioH9tiL.Snui sii9MpinqMouÁHsgq"!dn9J9qM9uoS]OusioqM`1!JEds ÁioH 6qi jo 98P9iMouH 9tii oi P9ieduoo gtHt3qs oi ind gq ii!M put3 9iqEies!ui eq ii!M 9jl| Jno U! OP 9M I9Ae|t3UM •1!Jlds Á|OH 9ui MouH oi Áiiiiq!suods9J it39Js g peepu! si ii -sn eA9!is Át3u iEtii ÁEM B u! sn sip9Ji upD `Sn jo gmiJ!d
suoiM E S€u io uo!itmi!s mo jo su!puE]sJepun 3igiduoD e 9Aeq iou Soop uMop deep eiguMeuos `]J9dseJ pup eAoi eM tHoqM spu9|lj lno jo guo uet|M 9m s! 1| .]!J!ds Á|oH 9ti] 9A9!is Át3u 9Aetigq eM Át3M 9ui ]nq `uiiH Áq PeideDJe Áiit3uo!iipuoJun `aidogd snogitisiJ 3ie 9M .6ii]soq sui66s ioiAt3tieq ino seÁ3 siH u! inq `S9iuieu9 S!H 9Je eM lt3t|110N •ei!|SOH SE PoD Áq P9z!Je]Jt3iEqJ s! Jo!At3qeq tpns uetii `SSUIU| J9t||O H39S eM PuB Sn u9Ais Sgu poD 9Aoi eq] ti]iM
Áuoueuu!eA!iiouoPeMueuM`S9AoiPooSsuiqigtiiuEti] ]up]Jodu!eJouseuoDeqpiJOMeHioiiu3uqJBuEpuEeAoi ]t3ql U9qM (ST:Z Uqoí T) ,,.P|IOM 9t|] U! 8U!HriuE 10 P|IOM eti] eAoi ]ou oG„ :p!t3s utiof ei]sode gqi `Jongi ]SJ!] S!u ui •Á|OU S| 9Aoi
S!H ]t3tii Ptit3isJ3Pun |ou oP 9M `9SPD |t3ti| ui .uH S9AeiJ8
i! `Sut3is9udH eui o] Jengi eti] u! uo]i!JM Si i! Sg Jo `ui!H oi
||nsu! ue Si i!Jids ÁioH eqi oi 9Aoi jo uJni9J 3it3!JdoJddt3ui mo .|t3q| S|93j 3H Pue 9Jt3is jo iiJ!ds 6tii oi ]insui up si 9Pnime ue qJns .u!Ese P99u e 9A€q eM ueuM Áiuo guiii ]Xeu eH| U!H ||BD U9q] Put3 `U9ti| 9Aios Oi uiiH ]uEM eM
puE `sugiqoid eApq 9M ugtiM Áiuo uo iit3J 9M 9uoguos iou S! i!Jids ÁioH eqL .Sn suoue 3JuoSOJd S,PoD S! 9H `tiiJt39
teacher, comforter, guide and friend. I am most impressed by the fact that although He knows me, knowing all my weaknesses,Hepersistentlyandconstantlyhasconfidence in me. Knowing all my future false steps or false decisions, unintentional or not, He persistently believes in me and is persistently here with me. And not only is He constantly here with me, but He is also here for me, He supports me, always guides me, encourages me, speaks to me. Even before 1 experienced salvation, I somehow knew that the Holy Spirit is in me. I felt Him, but 1 could not describe Him. I knew there was something around me. Something
very dear, and yet, very powerful, right there beside me. After 1 experienced salvation, I can truly say that God was with me even before 1 met Him. As it is written: "But God demonstrated his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." (Rom. 5:8) God's
love for each one of us is from eternity, even before we or our parents were born. It is hard to imagine, but the Holy Spirit knew me even in my greatest foolishness, in the most stupid things 1 did, when 1 was mean and bad, and when people called me names so terrible, they aren't fit to print. From today's perspective, everything 1 have done seems terrible to me, but the Holy Spirit has been here with me all the time and has always followed me, finding ways to reach my heart. I had felt that even in my greatest aggression, I had simply been aware of it and had felt that there is someone beside me. I am truly amazed by the patience the Holy Spirit has for people. I believe there truly is a track prepared by the Holy Spirit. Best case scenario. The Holy Spirit is the driver and He
.U9UIV .UlnJ1 9t|| Oiui Sn 8uiiq
mM put3 sn ÁJJt3J noÁ it3tii pu3 d!tispueiij inoÁ Joj noÁ Hut3tii 9M ,.Jetiig] ÁiuoApgq Jno jo iJegq 9Ul u! Put3 `isiJtiD Snsef PJoi Jno jo 98P9iMouH 9tii u! `9JeJs jo espgiMouH etii oiui Sn eHEL .noÁ oi suisegid Si it3tii 03t3id etii oi Sn 9Ht3i ísn 9HB1
1!Jlds Á|OH, :Áes Pue H3t3Ji it3qi uo ie8 9M u]!t3j ui •|S!JqD jo 98P9iMOuH iinj gtii jo Si9JJOS etii oiui
sn ppei ii!M otiM 9UO 9qL -q|"| 9U] 0|U! Sn Pt39| ii[M Put3 Sn UJE9| ||[M 0HM 9UO 9qL .J9|Joju03 puB 9pins Jno .Sn ioj ti]t3d iseq gq] SMouH otiM euo 9uL .S9A!i Jno u! UoiiDeJip etii SMoUH |t3tii guo
gq| q||M Spueiij gq oi iut3M 3M .sn Joj p9]uioddt3 9Aeq noÁ Hot3Ji eqi uo io8 eM Jetiieso] puE .sJe]sis PuP SJ9uioJq Áu q]!M Jeti]98oi tiiit3j ui ino dgis Mou i .J9ugq noÁ MouH oi io8 o] pue SpugiJj inoÁ 9q o] sn suii!AUT Joj noÁ Hut3q] `i!J!ds Á|OH,,
•]S!JUJ jo UO!|D9JIP
9ti] o] Sn 9Ht3] uBJ eH Áiuo .9q pinoqs eM 9JotiM Sn 9Ht3] ue3 9H Áiuo esnt3J9q `i!i!ds ÁioH 9tii Hi!M d!qsMoiigj jo H3eJ1
9qi uo ies oi Sn ioj s! 8u!ui iuEiJodui Áiuo 3tii inq `Mou 9H!| 9M 9Ie |euM Put3 9it3 eM it3tiM iou `ejii ino u! euop 9At3u 9M |t3tiM |Ue]Jodui iou S! ]i .9u Put3 noÁ sgiiAui eH PuV .9Aoui gui uo SÁPMit3 Si 9H ísn J9Ht3 9nsJnd SiH ui Sis9i i9AeuiiJidsÁioH9tiL.i!J!dsÁioH9tiljouoisst3detilSilt3uL •euoiE euo8 9Agq i,upinoJ 9q 9Dt3id P 0| Uiq 9He] P|noD II IEql OS HDt3Jl eH] u!oÍ oi euoeuios ioj Si!t3M Áiiuo!it3d
``For as man thinks within himselfi so is he" In the Bible, the word heart is mentioned over eight hundred times. The original Greek word cardia from which the medical expression and the whole medical branch of cardiology are derived, denotes the heart as a physical organ. However, in the Bible, the way in which this word is used never refers to the physical organ, but always speaks of the center of a personality. That is why we say: "For as man thinks within himself, so is he." (Prov. 23:7) The center of our being is our heart. It
is very important that we understand this concept so that we can make a difference and properly understand the way the Holy Spirit deals with us. For me personally, the statement of the apostles about what God has done with our hearts is of crucial importance. This is what they conclude: ``He made no distinction between us and them, for he purified their hearts by faith." (Acts 15:9) Also, the following verse not only complements the previous ones but cements God's purpose for our hearts: ``And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us." (Rom 5:5) The challenge for us is whether Romans 5:5 is something we believe in, because if we do, then we believe in a great truth. We believe that God and His love live in us.
Indeed, the struggle and responsibility we have every day and throughout our life is to be careful what impacts and enters our heart. It is best when the space of the heart is occupied and filled only by the Holy Spirit, because only the Spirit can teach me how to love, the Spirit that has brought God's crgcrpe love in my heart. And there is no one
Áiiiiqisuods9J 9tii Si Hoi su!ui Áiuo 9qi `it3ui i[e eAJ9SeJd oi iupM eM j[ ]nq `99Jj Joj PoD uioJj su!qiÁJ3A9 peAigogi 9At3q eM .Sn ui i!i!ds ÁioH 9ti] jo Sii"j gti] 8uiit39A9J Joj ioop ugdo ue eq iiiM it3ti] ieiJt3JEqD po]sgi pup u9AOJd
uiiM eidoed .JoiDt3it3uD e tiiiM eidoed Spoeu qmqJ eHL •pgi3e]Jod gq iiiM J9iDt3JEqD mo isel eql qsnoJq] 1t3UI SI
s!ti] inoqe su!qi injiinegq eqi inq `pe]S3i gq mM tii!t3j Jno gsm3Doq Ást39 9q sÁt3Mie iou iiiM ietiL .i! 38eut3u ÁiesiM o] put3 sn oi peis"iug uegq SPu ]t3t|M de9H 01 MOU MOUH 9M uetiM :jo s]s!suoD Ái!iiqisuodseJ it3qM Si S!tiL ,,4noÁ u!
ino pemod Mou s! pug MouH o] euioJ eAt3q noÁ 9Aoi gtii tiiiM oP noÁ iiiM ieuM 4Ssessod noÁ Ssu!ti] eui tiiiM oP noÁ ii!M it3tiM `ut3JoZ,, 4uo!is9nb gui S9iJit3J Á}iiiqisuodseH
•SJ9t||o q|IM |! 9Jeus ol Mou uJeo| 9M jI leul oP mM eM put3 `p9AioJ9J 9At3q 9M |t3uM d99H 0| Uee| 01 P9eu 9M
yinJi iiD oiui no^ apinG iiiM au `sawo. `qi"i fo iiJids au} `au UauM .nH,,
•s]iEeq Meu eAt3q Ái"i 9M Mou pup `u!s uioij sn p9Sut39p SBq POD .]! 01 HDIIS Sn igi Put3 tii"] 3tii jo popuiu9J SÁBMie 3q Sn i3ri .PoD Peiu!oddt3S!P Pu€ Peuu!S 9Aeq Á9H| 1t3UI PU!U JI9UI UI ltisnou] t3 eAt3u Áeq] uetiM Áiit3pedsH
•euiuigi!p ÁJt3Ss3J9uun siHi Áq pgiuguJo] eig sJ9A3!igq
ÁuPu it3ui 9Jt3Me ut3 i esneJ9q `sn u! s9A!i Áiiu3ut3uigd
pue ÁigieiduoD ]ii!ds ÁioH 9q| J9qleuM lqnop 9UI Pue e!| 9tii euioJJ9Ao eM ]Pqi qs!M Ái"| i .Sns9f jo SPJOM eul jo
gu puiueJ oi puE `op pinous i iEqM suipJt389i eu tppei 01 `U1"1 9t|l ui gu Pt3ei oi ssuoi otiM put3 ueD oqM igngq
]Jvt]9 DNIZIN90J]t]
that leads us into obedience. Remember that at the beginning of this chapter, I emphasized that we have been given a position and a privilege, but that responsibility will help us to stay in them and to act out of them.
This is what responsibility consists of: when
we know how to keep what has been entrusted to us and to wisely manage it.
I have always been fascinated by this statement from Jesus: ``But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is
yet to come." (John l6:13) Jesus christ said the same thing about Himself, that He does nothing without hearing and seeing it first from His Father. If we take an adventure with the Holy Spirit, then we will be witnesses to things that go beyond our understanding. Things that are beyond our imagination, that we have never imagined, or if we have imagined, we have not been bold enough to ask for or desire. The same applies to the direction of the Holy Spirit, because whatever our thoughts may be, the Holy Spirit can lead us in a direction we did not expect. Much of
the thoughts we have are the fruit of our imagination and of the influence we allow to shape us.
•Uoq| 9Jptis Put3 pt3 pinoqs 9M ietii inq `SeAiesJno Joj Áiuo espgiMouH pup `s9Duguedx9 `Suo!|t3ioAOJ S,PoD deeH ÁsnoiE9í pinotis eM it3tii uEou iou 1
op i `eJt3o Pue uo!ine3 inoqt3 Ht33ds i ugtiM .Sn u!q]iM tiinll jo p99s gtii 9AJ9SOJd .9.i `P9A!3J3J 9At3u eM |t3qM jo eJt3J
9Ht3| oi Ái!iiqisuods9J Jno Mou s! ii -Áiiut3punqe poA!9" 3AEu eM Put3 PeA!eJ9I ÁP€9J|t3 9At3q eM `9Jojgq Plt3S | SV
-eA!8 oi ugtii puE 9AieJoi oi uoi]!sod p ui uit3ugi "M
9M Jotii3qM 9Ppep otiM Souo eti] eJt3 eM .MOJJ0uo| Joj uo!iepunojeÁeieMugui`Áepoii€tiiopeMjiLqiit3jjogmEq etii iqsij o] 9uii e S! iu9SOJd eqL -S!H oi ÁJEiium 3Je iEqi sitisnotiitiiiMS9AiosJno[i!jii!MeMuetii`SiqsnotiiSiHqliM seAiesino mj iou op 9M ji .u!q o] pgsoddo 9Jg it3tii ssu!ui ]noqt3 Hit3i ii!M 9M ueqi `iiJ!ds ÁioH 9q]jo S8uiqi eq] inoqg H|t31 10U OP eM ji 4]noqE HiEi Á9q] PinoM esi3 ]t3qM in8
•Uigti| inoqe suiHit3] deoH puB soJueiigdxe it3init3uigdns
Áut3u os 3Aeq gidoed euios ÁtiM J9puoM eM seuiiiguios •1JejJ9d s! ]i esm3Deq
98ueqo iou sgop i!iids Jno 9iiuM `POMeuoJ 9q oi Spo3u puB esueqJ oi Pgíqns S! 9Jn]t3u S|! U! PU|U ino .9Jn|t3U iugie]jip E 9At3q Ágtii `P9iD9uUoD eJE Á9U] qsnot|I|V -SHU|UI
pu!u Jno se Huitii oi p98!iqo iou S! i!Jids Jno .Siqsnoui mo iDei!pei puE 98Eut3u ut3J 9M `Sn ui S9A!| |!Jlds Á|0H 9t|1 9ou!S `MON .Sn 9Ais oi iut3M 3H it3qM Pu€ oP 0| S|Ut3M 9H
]t3uM `S90P eH ieqM `8u!i3t3 SiH `eJueseid siH puE snsef uo
Sitisnoqi Jno iD9i!P pue SnDoj ut3D eM `iiJids ÁioH jo JeMod gti] tisnoJtiL .8u!ti]9uos 9A9!u3e oi su!eq Jno ui uo!inios©J puE uo!iu9]u! `8u!8uoi `qsiM t3 si uo!i!uijop Áq Sn3od
snsa( uo pasn.od
]Jvd9 9NIZIN90J]d
When have you last experienced something supernatural? For if we put God only in the sphere of our understanding, then we have failed the test to show that God is God, and that we are humans. God has always wanted to manifest His nature and His power. God wants to act in a supernatural way in our lives, to do things that are above our understanding and beyond our possibilities. To be a Christian means to be in Christ, to be like Christ, and to live for Christ.
Merely reading the Bible and going to church do not make us Christians. To be a Christian means to be so lively and active that people will not be able to understand where
we get those strength and energy to do what we are doing. To be a Christian means to be in Christ, to be like Christ, and to live for Christ. In other words, to be a Christian means to be anointed and equipped to perform the task entrusted to us in the same way that God Himself would do. To me, being a Christian is when your own desires, intentions, and ideas slowly die and Christ begins to live. ``1 am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me
and 1 in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." (]ohn 15:5) Without Christ we can do nothing, which means that in Him we can do everything for which He has called us. There are many Christians that would like to do a lot for Christ but to do it without Him. I would say that ten mature men relying on Him and on His strength can do much more for Christ than ten thousand immature men.
puE eJt3J8 `edoq `tiisuoJ}s 9AEq eM ui!H u! it3tii Sn SOJnsse
eH inq `Pesseiddo eJE eM i€q] sMouH eH `snqL .SeA!i Jno u! 8uiugddeq si ]EtiM Ái]Jt3xg iueuou ueA!8 Áup i€ sMouH Put3 Sn jo 9uo uJt33 uiiM Sez!uiBduÁS ouM iseiJd tisiq E se is!JqD Sns3| eAeq eM ]eui SOZ!St3udue PoD jo PioM etiL 'SeA!I
lno u! sl ]t3t|| |Eel puE ]ut3|Iodu! Moq ges mM eM ugq| `|l op iou op puB suitii3uoS op Pinoqs 9M it3q| MOuH 9M ji Jod .HSBu E 9q Áiuo ut3J ii ]Dt3j ui ugtiM `Á}iitm]ii!ds ino jo uoissgidxg jo puiH euios sg u9Uo ooi est3iHd Sitii 9Sn 9M .1SIJt|D UsnoJq] Ssu!qi iiE oP uBJ i„ :ÁBs eM u3uM suTÁt3s
ÁiieniDe eJe 9M it3uM inoqe Hu!tii Áiiseuou oi inq `esidsep Jo uuopum oi iou S! it3o8 Jno .ÁeM Jouio ÁUE eq iouuBJ pue os S! ]i it3u] Át3S eM `9Dugiu9S |t3q] ti|!M eeJse eM `eAt3U
eM suiuu(JeA9 tii!M Pug `Pu!u eioqM Jno tii!M `8ui3q ino iit3 tiiiM it3tii Sut39u it3tii `ueut3 Át3S eM uetiM .9SJ9A S!ti|
oi uguE Át3s oi ist3j ooi eJ€ eM Huitii i ásn pesuoiM seq it3ui euo9uios JequigueJ ÁiiuBisum eMj! Sseu9HiiisiJqD Si 9J9UM .U9t|I J9quI9U" iou Seop eH iEtii sÁEs pu€ suis ino soA!8Joj PoD ietii iot3j gu] uI S! SS9U9HI|IS!IUD 48UIUIÁJ9A9
9Aisioj Áigit3ipguu! ut3D 9M J9u]9t|M Si UOI|S9nb gt|] U9U1 `Ssuitii iie oP ueD 9M it3Hi Á€S 9M ji .J9u|oug oi uo 9AOu i Uet|| Put3 `]i ti|!M it39P i `8uiui € uJt39i i uguM f eidut3xo
ioj íÁ3ugisisum puE JepJo uit3iJOD E sepnpui ssuitii iig jo |X9iuoD 3ui is8uitii iiB ut3eu ÁiitmiDE esJeA Sitii ui ,Ssu!ui ||t3, SPJOM 9UL (ST:7 .|lt|d) ,,.eu SU9U18UeJIS OtiM isiJtiD
tisnoitii ssuitii iie op ut3D i .iut3M ui Jo Á}ueid ui suiAii JotiigtiM `ÁJsunq Jo pej ii9M J9q]9tiM `uoiit3ni!S ÁJOA9
pue ÁUE ui iugium su!9q jo i9J.9S 9U| P9UJt39| 9Aeu |,,
}SIJUD U6noJui SBuiqi iiD op um i
faith so that we can endure and live in this world. This high priest does not condemn anyone when they fall and does not say: ``1 knew he would fall," but He understands and sympathizes with each one of us.
By grace 1 am what 1 am The Apostle Paul spoke of grace with humility, but also with admiration, saying: ``For 1 am the least of the apostles and do not even deserve to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God. But by the grace of God 1 am what 1 am, and his grace to me was not without effect. No, I
worked harder than all of them-yet not 1, but the grace of God that was with me." (1 Cor.15:9110) The Apostle Paul
in another place gives the radical statement that we have just considered, in which he says that he can do all things through Christ, because he relies on God's grace. Grace gave him strength, and faith moved himL Grace is like a catapult for each one who dares to believe. God's grace enables us and equips us to be what we should be. If we are in Christ (and we are!), then we will lack nothing and we will be able to do all things through Him. The Apostle Paul was aware of his weaknesses, but he recognized the most important part -the act of the Holy Spirit because of
grace. Recognizing our weaknesses is not the end, but the beginning of humility. Therefore we should not be afraid when we recognize them, but we should humble ourselves before God who will use our weakness to manifest and show His strength.
euI Put3 Hst31 eul eAEt| MOu 9M (ST:Z .iiqd) ,,.9Sodmd PooS S!u oi suipJme iDE o] Pug ii!M oi noÁ u! SHJOM otiM PoD S! |! Jod„ .S9A!|t3|U9S9Id9J SIH PUB U9JP|lqJ S!H St3 9A!| PUE
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purpose to grow in our understanding of this wonderful, beautiful and huge grace. We now have the responsibility to recognize grace in our own life, and, at the same time, to recognize it in others. Only in this way we will have true hope and faith and we will not easily give up on those who come our way, those that have not yet met Lord Jesus, but are somehow a part of our environment. We now have the exciting task to recognize our destiny and the destiny or those around us. We now have the joy to rejoices with all believers and stipulate their grace and gifts.
We now have the joy to rejoices with all believers and stipulate their grace and gifts.
LetusbelikeApostlesinGalatians2:9whodidadmittingly acknowledge by recognizing the grace over Paul and Barnabas encouraging them to pursue the calling which was given by God..
James, Cephas and John, those esteemed as pillars, gave me and Barnabas the right hand of fellowship when they recognized the grace given to me. They agreed that we should go to the Gentiles, and they to the circumcised. (Galatians 2:9)
Itisandhonorablethingtorecognizethegraceinsomeone else life. It is also an honor and privilege to serve to and with the grace given to someone else. Let us be alert and
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