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English Pages 567 [551] Year 2021
Intelligent Systems Reference Library 196
Anthony Lewis Brooks · Sheryl Brahman · Bill Kapralos · Amy Nakajima · Jane Tyerman · Lakhmi C. Jain Editors
Recent Advances in Technologies for Inclusive Well-Being Virtual Patients, Gamification and Simulation
Intelligent Systems Reference Library Volume 196
Series Editors Janusz Kacprzyk, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland Lakhmi C. Jain, KES International, Shoreham-by-Sea, UK
The aim of this series is to publish a Reference Library, including novel advances and developments in all aspects of Intelligent Systems in an easily accessible and well structured form. The series includes reference works, handbooks, compendia, textbooks, well-structured monographs, dictionaries, and encyclopedias. It contains well integrated knowledge and current information in the field of Intelligent Systems. The series covers the theory, applications, and design methods of Intelligent Systems. Virtually all disciplines such as engineering, computer science, avionics, business, e-commerce, environment, healthcare, physics and life science are included. The list of topics spans all the areas of modern intelligent systems such as: Ambient intelligence, Computational intelligence, Social intelligence, Computational neuroscience, Artificial life, Virtual society, Cognitive systems, DNA and immunity-based systems, e-Learning and teaching, Human-centred computing and Machine ethics, Intelligent control, Intelligent data analysis, Knowledge-based paradigms, Knowledge management, Intelligent agents, Intelligent decision making, Intelligent network security, Interactive entertainment, Learning paradigms, Recommender systems, Robotics and Mechatronics including human-machine teaming, Self-organizing and adaptive systems, Soft computing including Neural systems, Fuzzy systems, Evolutionary computing and the Fusion of these paradigms, Perception and Vision, Web intelligence and Multimedia. Indexed by SCOPUS, DBLP, zbMATH, SCImago. All books published in the series are submitted for consideration in Web of Science.
More information about this series at http://www.springer.com/series/8578
Anthony Lewis Brooks Sheryl Brahman Bill Kapralos Amy Nakajima Jane Tyerman Lakhmi C. Jain •
Recent Advances in Technologies for Inclusive Well-Being Virtual Patients, Gamification and Simulation
Editors Anthony Lewis Brooks Aalborg University Esbjerg, Denmark Bill Kapralos maxSIMhealth Ontario Tech University Oshawa, ON, Canada Jane Tyerman Trent/Fleming School of Nursing Trent University Peterborough, ON, Canada
Sheryl Brahman Computer Information Systems Missouri State University Spring Filed, MO, USA Amy Nakajima SIM Advancement & Innovation Simulation Canada Toronto, ON, Canada Lakhmi C. Jain KES International Shoreham-by-Sea, UK University of Technology Sydney Sydney, Australia
ISSN 1868-4394 ISSN 1868-4408 (electronic) Intelligent Systems Reference Library ISBN 978-3-030-59607-1 ISBN 978-3-030-59608-8 (eBook) https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-59608-8 © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved by the Publisher, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission or information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed. The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use. The publisher, the authors and the editors are safe to assume that the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication. Neither the publisher nor the authors or the editors give a warranty, expressed or implied, with respect to the material contained herein or for any errors or omissions that may have been made. The publisher remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. This Springer imprint is published by the registered company Springer Nature Switzerland AG The registered company address is: Gewerbestrasse 11, 6330 Cham, Switzerland
As co-editors, we welcome you as readers of this volume, in anticipation that you will enjoy the contents and hopefully inform other potential readers of the scope of knowledge across fields associated to ‘Technologies for Inclusive Well-Being’ that are offered herein. We, the co-editors, are located at different corners of the globe, from Canada, Australia, UK, USA, and even little Denmark—now waving the flag for the European Union contribution after Brexit! While we work in different specific disciplines and industries, we have a common ground in being involved in education, research, and practices associated with health care and technologies targeting human ‘Well-Being’. Thus, aligned, we believe a richness of knowledge differences alongside motivational inspirations reside within the works presented in (and between) the pages you have in front of you that we anticipate can inform and inspire, stimulate and even surprise—and we are together, proud to be a part of producing this contribution to the field. This book on ‘Technologies for Inclusive Well-Being’ follows on from associated publications, i.e. the 2014 [1] and 2017 [2] volumes, also edited by members of our current editing team. The decision to edit another volume came about through amassed positive responses attributed to the earlier publications as indicated by the near 30,000 downloads at the time of writing (Spring 2020), and we anticipate similar numbers of this volume. Inclusive well-being would seem a hot and growing topic. Associated technologies to well-being continue to advance alongside adoptions in applied practices; as reflected by international conferences around the world, it was clear the demand to expand should include topics as per title herein. In line with this, in this edition, the co-editors team has grown to six, and we are pleased to welcome Dr. Jane Tyerman and Dr. Amy Nakajima, both from Ottawa, Canada (please see the ‘About the Editors’ material for more details). This Preface follows the 2017 volume in being titled Recent Advances in Technologies for Inclusive Well-Being. The 2020 sub-title informs on wider subjects of virtual patients, gamification, modelling, and simulation, thus building upon the earlier foci of ‘Wearables, Virtual Interactive Spaces (VIS)/Virtual Reality, Authoring tools, and Games (Serious/Gamification)’ in the 2017 volume that, in v
turn, built upon the 2014 foci of Serious Games, Alternative Realities, and Play Therapy. The vision behind realising incremental volumes was to ongoingly achieve a meaningful contribution for wide readerships across scholars and students; practitioners, administrators, and leaders; across industries and disciplines associated with digital wellness aligned to the evolution in health industry [3]. In achieving such publications, it is acknowledged how it would not have been possible without those authors whose contributions have been shared to the best of our abilities as editors. This, of course, means that behind the scenes, there are many people involved beyond those mentioned herein—from Springer staff who have supported and made tangible this and the other volumes, to the numerous international scholar peer reviewers who gave time to read, reflect, and critique submissions over a long period offering their wise comments to support optimising each text. This publication covers wide ground, as introduced in the first chapter. Authors covering a gamut of disciplines come together under the inclusive well-being theme, and it is anticipated that there is something for everyone, be they academics, students, or an otherwise interested party. The main aim of the book is to disseminate this growing field through a combined effort to inform, educate, evoke— or even provoke, at least in thought—responses and discussions. While not the sole purpose, the editors, along with the authors, believe it important to bring such work presented out from behind the walls of establishments into the public sphere, so as to impact from a societal level. The challenge of bringing together a collection of seminal work relating to technology is that it is subject to encroachment—things move fast. We have been aware of this challenge and need to publish a contemporary volume within a schedule, considering the prerequisite for up-to-date(ness) of presented research. The initial timeline had to be extended due to counterbalancing to the editors’ different time zones, work and family commitments, and busy lives and distractions of the real world—for this delay, we apologise to authors. However, in stating this, we believe that the extension has resulted in an even stronger contribution, realised in a form to credit all involved. Acknowledgements are given to all authors for their submitted works and patience and understanding in the editorial team’s challenges to realise what is anticipated to be an impactful volume. We thank Springer’s publishing team for their input to realise the volume. The editors thank their own families whose tolerance in supporting us in tackling such endeavours to publish is often tested; we are indebted for their support. The last acknowledgement is given to you, the reader, whom we thank for coming onboard from your specific individual perspective; in thanking you for the interest in the work, we anticipate your curiosity being stimulated by individual texts so as to read, not only chapters labelled in line with your position but also to stray and explore chapters not aligned to your discipline. In line with this latter statement, we offer no suggestions about how to read the book. It is apt to mention at this time that this volume took longer than expected because of various delaying issues beyond our control, and accordingly, we apologise to the early submitting authors who have been patient in their wait to see the
realised publication. Also, the final stages of the volume completion happened at an unprecedented time in the world—after devastating fires in the Australian region, a wider invisible global threat to life and daily activities as we knew it rose out of China in the form of the COVID-19 pandemic. The authors of the contents of this volume mostly contributed prior to the pandemic. Few, upon hearing of the initial incursions in Asia, could have forecast its rampant impact that has devastated societies, communities, and families across nations globally, with much loss of life, traumatic experiences, and irreparable damage to infrastructures and economies. Our hearts and thoughts go out to those affected in whatever situation they find themselves, and we wish the very best to all. Many people at this time are comparing, wonderingly, their life before the onset of COVID-19, and their life as lived experience during this pandemic, and they are asking themselves and others what the world will be like, following the cessations of restrictions after effective vaccines and medicines are invented as they must be. The future is in balance as latest news channels suggest the coming of a second wave, as deaths and cases again rise in some countries. Trepidation and anxiety are pervasive, as healthcare workers and those caring for the aged—doctors, nurses, carers, staff, and all others involved— engage daily at the front-line, battling on behalf of the human race and each individual affected. These heroes should never be forgotten! We extend our thanks to all who are involved in Well-Being issues in this regard and alongside others. Humbly, the co-editors ask: What will human Well-Being entail following the pandemic? How will future societies govern for Well-Being? In what form will future ‘Advances in Technologies for Inclusive Well-Being’ take? … and more. For now, we pray that to minimise impact, we all respect physical distancing, as advised by experts, we all maintain the highest level of hygiene, and if any signs are suspected, to self-quarantine. In so doing, we all give respect and love and support to others through this challenge for humankind. And … future generations ahead, there should be stories passed down of the heroes in health services worldwide that battled through this pandemic and continue to fight saving lives and caring for others. Their sacrifices should not be forgotten in how they promoted inclusive Well-Being in whatever form and shape that may have taken. In finally closing we, the editors, extend our warmest regards and encourage you to explore the texts herein, whetting your appetite, and to then dive further into the body of work, and possibly being stimulated to even visit the earlier volume— enjoy! From us all, we wish you optimal well-being, stay safe and keep healthy. Esbjerg, Denmark Springfield, USA Oshawa, Canada Toronto, Canada Peterborough, Canada Sydney, Australia
Anthony Lewis Brooks Sheryl Brahman Bill Kapralos Amy Nakajima Jane Tyerman Lakhmi C. Jain
References 1. Brooks, A.L., Brahnam, S., Jain, L.C. (eds.): Technologies of Inclusive Well-Being: Serious Games, Alternative Realities, and Play Therapy. Studies in Computational Intelligence. Springer https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783642454318 (2014) 2. Brooks, A.L., Brahnam, S., Kapralos, B., Jain, L.C. (eds.): Recent Advances in Technologies for Inclusive Well-Being: From Worn to Off-body Sensing, Virtual Worlds, and Games for Serious Applications. Intelligent Systems Reference Library. Springer https://www.springer. com/gp/book/9783319498775 (2017) 3. Health 5.0: the emergence of digital wellness. https://medium.com/qut-cde/health-5-0-theemergence-of-digital-wellness-b21fdff635b9
Re – Reflecting on Recent Advances in Technologies of Inclusive Well-Being . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Anthony Lewis Brooks 1.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 The Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2.1 Editors and Concept Background in This Field . . . 1.2.2 Current Volume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2.3 Contributions in This Book—See Table of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2.4 Technology Adoption for Well-Being Intervention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2.5 Future Advancements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Gaming, VR, and Immersive Technologies for Education/Training
Gaming, VR, and Immersive Technologies for Education/Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Anthony Lewis Brooks 2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1.1 Experiential Training of Hand Hygiene Using Virtual Reality [1] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1.2 Useful, Usable and Used? Challenges and Opportunities for Virtual Reality Surgical Trainers [7] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1.3 Four-Component Instructional Design Applied to a Game for Emergency Medicine [8] . . . . . . . 2.1.4 Enhanced Reality for Healthcare Simulation [15]
MaxSIMhealth: An Interconnected Collective of Manufacturing, Design, and Simulation Labs to Advance Medical Simulation Training [16] . . . . 2.1.6 Serious Games and Multiple Intelligences for Customized Learning: A Discussion [17] . . . . . . . . 2.1.7 Mobile Application for Convulsive and Automated External Defibrillator Practices [19] . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1.8 Lessons Learned from Building a Virtual Patient Platform [21] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Experiential Training of Hand Hygiene Using Virtual Reality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lauren Clack, Christian Hirt, Andreas Kunz, and Hugo Sax 3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 Hand Hygiene—Related Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3 Virtual Reality for Experiential Training . . . . . . . . . 3.3.1 Experiential Learning Theory . . . . . . . . . . 3.4 Summary and Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Useful, Usable and Used? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chantal M. J. Trudel 4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1.1 Improving Healthcare Delivery, Patient Outcomes and Training Opportunities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 Design Drivers in Developing VR Surgical Trainers . . . . . 4.2.1 Is It Useful, Usable and Used? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2.2 Establishing System Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2.3 Factors Influencing Usefulness, Usability and Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Four-Component Instructional Design Applied to a Game for Emergency Medicine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tjitske J. E. Faber, Mary E. W. Dankbaar, and Jeroen J. G. van Merriënboer 5.1 Background and Significance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2 Game-Based Learning and Four-Component Instructional Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2.1 Learning in a Game Environment . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2.2 Four Component Instructional Design . . . . . . . .
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5.2.3 4C/ID in Educational Games . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2.4 4C/ID in Medical Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3 Redesigning a Game for Emergency Care Using 4C/ID . 5.3.1 Learning Tasks and Task Classes . . . . . . . . . . 5.3.2 Support and Guidance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3.3 Supportive Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3.4 Procedural Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3.5 Part-Task Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3.6 Design Process and Challenges . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3.7 Plans for Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.4 Discussion and Lessons Learned . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.5 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
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A Review of Virtual Reality-Based Eye Examination Simulators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Michael Chan, Alvaro Uribe-Quevedo, Bill Kapralos, Michael Jenkin, Kamen Kanev, and Norman Jaimes 6.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2 Ophthalmoscopy Examination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2.1 The Ophthalmoscope and Eye Fundus Examination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2.2 Ophthalmoscope Alternatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.3 Simulation and Medical Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.3.1 Standardised Patients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.3.2 Computer-Based Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.3.3 Virtual/Augmented/Mixed Reality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.3.4 Simulation in Ophthalmology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.4 Direct Ophthalmoscopy Simulators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.5 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Enhanced Reality for Healthcare Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fernando Salvetti, Roxane Gardner, Rebecca D. Minehart, and Barbara Bertagni 7.1 Enhanced Reality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.2 Enhanced Hybrid Simulation in a Mixed Reality Setting, Both Face-to-Face and in Telepresence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.3 e-REAL as a CAVE-Like Environment Enhanced by Augmented Reality and Interaction Tools . . . . . . . . . . 7.4 The Simulation’s Phases Enhanced by e-REAL and the Main Tools Made Available by the System . . . . . 7.5 Visual Storytelling and Contextual Intelligence, Cognitive Aids, Apps and Tools to Enhance the Education Process in a Simulation Lab or In Situ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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The Epistemological Pillars Supporting e-REAL . . . . . . . Case-Study: Teamwork and Crisis Resource Management for Labor and Delivery Clinicians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.8 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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maxSIMhealth: An Interconnected Collective of Manufacturing, Design, and Simulation Labs to Advance Medical Simulation Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . maxSIMhealth Group 8.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.1.1 Immersive Technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.2 maxSIMhealth Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.2.1 Immersive Technology-Based Solutions . . . . . . . . . 8.2.2 Gamification- (and Serious Gaming-) Based Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.2.3 The Gamified Educational Network (GEN) . . . . . . 8.2.4 3D Printing-Based Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.3 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.4 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Serious Games and Multiple Intelligences for Customized Learning: A Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Enilda Zea, Marco Valez-Balderas, and Alvaro Uribe-Quevedo 9.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.2 Multiple Intelligences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.3 Challenges to Educators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.4 Technology Opportunities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.5 Serious Games . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.6 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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10 A Virtual Patient Mobile Application for Convulsive and Automated External Defibrillator Practices . . . . . . . . . . . Engie Ruge Vera, Mario Vargas Orjuela, Alvaro Uribe-Quevedo, Byron Perez-Gutierrez, and Norman Jaimes 10.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.2 Background Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.2.1 Early Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.2.2 Modern Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.3 Mobile Application Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.3.1 Automatic External Defibrillation . . . . . . . . . . . 10.3.2 Convulsive Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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10.3.3 Design and Development . . . . . . 10.3.4 Game/Learning Mechanics . . . . . 10.4 Preliminary Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.4.1 Participants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.4.2 Pre and Post-test . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.4.3 System Usability Scale . . . . . . . . 10.4.4 Game Engagement Questionnaire 10.5 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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11 Lessons Learned from Building a Virtual Patient Platform Olivia Monton, Allister Smith, and Amy Nakajima 11.1 Introduction: Simulation and Virtual Patients . . . . . . . 11.2 Virtual Patient Platform Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.3 Obstacles and Challenges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.4 Lessons Learned . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.5 A Way Forward . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Engaging Learners in Presimulation Preparation Through Virtual Simulation Games . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marian Luctkar-Flude, Jane Tyerman, Lily Chumbley, Laurie Peachey, Michelle Lalonde, and Deborah Tregunno 12.1 Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.1.1 Presimulation Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.1.2 Virtual Simulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.1.3 Virtual Simulation Games . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.1.4 Presimulation Preparation Using Virtual Simulation Games . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.2 Virtual Simulation Game Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.2.1 Rationale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.2.2 Objective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.2.3 Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.2.4 Scenario Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.2.5 Description of the Innovation . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.2.6 Usability Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.2.7 Cost Utility and Learning Outcomes . . . . . . . 12.3 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.4 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.4.1 Strengths and Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.5 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Part II
VR/Technologies for Rehabilitation
13 VR/Technologies for Rehabilitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Anthony Lewis Brooks 13.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.1.1 Game-Based (Re)habilitation via Movement Tracking [2] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.1.2 Case Studies of Users with Neurodevelopmental Disabilities: Showcasing Their Roles in Early Stages of VR Training Development [3] . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.1.3 AquAbilitation: ‘Virtual Interactive Space’ (VIS) with Buoyancy Therapeutic Movement Training [4] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.1.4 Interactive Multisensory VibroAcoustic Therapeutic Intervention (iMVATi) [5] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.2 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Game-Based (Re)Habilitation via Movement Tracking Anthony Lewis Brooks and Eva Brooks 14.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.1.1 Presence and Aesthetic Resonance: As a ‘Sense State’ Continuum . . . . . . . . 14.1.2 Play . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.1.3 Under Used Resource for Therapy . . . . 14.2 Gameplaying and Mastery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.3 Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.3.1 Description of Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.3.2 Description of Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . 14.3.3 Description of the Set up . . . . . . . . . . . 14.3.4 Description of Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.4 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.4.1 Tempo Spatial Movements . . . . . . . . . . 14.4.2 Interface and Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.4.3 Resource for Therapy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.5 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.6 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Appendix 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Appendix 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Appendix 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Appendix 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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15 Case Studies of Users with Neurodevelopmental Disabilities: Showcasing Their Roles in Early Stages of VR Training Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yurgos Politis, Nigel Newbutt, Nigel Robb, Bryan Boyle, Hung Jen Kuo, and Connie Sung 15.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.2 Neurodiversity and Participatory Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.3 Ethical Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.4 Case Study Presentations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.5 Case Study 1: Engaging Users in the Potential of Virtual Reality Opportunities for Learning in Schools . . . . . . . . . . . 15.5.1 Brief Overview/introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.5.2 Aims and Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.5.3 Context/Setting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.5.4 Case Study Group/Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.5.5 Findings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.6 Case Study 2: Participatory Design Approach to Co-Create Training Materials on a Daily Living Task for Young Adults with Intellectual Disabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.6.1 Brief Overview/introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.6.2 Aims and Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.6.3 Context/Setting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.6.4 Case Study Group/Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.6.5 Findings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.7 Overall Discussion and Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.8 Implications for Practice and Further Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 AquAbilitation: ‘Virtual Interactive Space’ (VIS) with Buoyancy Therapeutic Movement Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Anthony Lewis Brooks 16.1 Preamble/Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16.1.1 Simulation and Targeted End-Users/participants . . . 16.1.2 PoC—Design Justification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16.1.3 Technology and End-Users . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16.2 Technologies and Terminology: From Virtual Reality (VR) to Virtual Interactive Space (VIS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16.3 Background and Concept—Fieldwork and Theoretical Framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16.4 Fieldwork . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16.5 Hydrotherapy (with Innate Multimedia-Driven Causal Cycles of Action-Interactions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16.6 Aquatic and Virtual ‘Immersion’ (Pun Intended) . . . . . . . . . 16.7 Set-Up of PoC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Software Examples for Non-Aquatic Movement Tracking-Environments (Typically Dance) . . . . . . . . . 16.9 Techniques—for Example with EyesWeb and EyeCon Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16.10 Lighting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16.11 Projected Image Versus HMD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16.12 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16.13 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16.14 Further Challenges, Critique, and Reflections Toward Future Research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16.15 Closing Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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17 Interactive Multisensory VibroAcoustic Therapeutic Intervention (iMVATi) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Anthony Lewis Brooks 17.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.2 Biofeedback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.3 Multisensory Stimulus: Sound, Sound Therapy, Music Therapy, Vibroacoustic Intervention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.4 Soundbeam and Sound Therapy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.5 Multisensory Stimulus: Visuals—Case Studies 1 and 2 . . 17.6 Multisensory Stimulus: Tactile/Haptic = Vibroacoustic Therapeutic Intervention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.7 VIBRAC and Review of the Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.8 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.9 Future Research in Interactive Vibroacoustic Therapeutic Intervention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.10 Postscript . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Part III
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. . . . 325 . . . . 325 . . . . 326 . . . . 328 . . . . 329 . . . . 332 . . . . 333 . . . . 336 . . . . 337 . . . . 337 . . . . 338 . . . . 339
Health and Well-Being
18 Health and Well-Being . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Anthony Lewis Brooks 18.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18.1.1 Current Trends in Technology and Wellness for People with Disabilities: An Analysis of Benefit and Risk [1] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18.1.2 Electrorganic Technology for Inclusive Well-being in Music Therapy [2] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18.1.3 Interactive Multimedia: A Take on Traditional Day of the Dead Altars [3] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18.1.4 Implementing Co-design Practices for the Development of a Museum Interface for Autistic Children [4] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Combining Cinematic Virtual Reality and Sonic Interaction Design in Exposure Therapy for Children with Autism [10] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351 18.2 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352 19 Current Trends in Technology and Wellness for People with Disabilities: An Analysis of Benefit and Risk . . . . . . . . . Hung Jen Kuo, Connie Sung, Nigel Newbutt, Yurgos Politis, and Nigel Robb 19.1 Introduction: Technology as Daily Routine . . . . . . . . . . . 19.2 Benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.2.1 Technology for Mainstreaming Assistive Device 19.2.2 Technology for Education and Employment . . . . 19.2.3 Technology for Service Delivery . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.2.4 Technology for Social Interaction and Recreation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.3 Risk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.3.1 Assistive Technology Being Abandoned . . . . . . 19.3.2 Technology as Ethical Concerns . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.3.3 Technology as Social Disincentive . . . . . . . . . . 19.4 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Electrorganic Technology for Inclusive Well-being in Music Therapy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Anthony Lewis Brooks and Carl Boland 20.1 Introduction and Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.2 Music and Music Therapy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.3 Technology Empowered Musical Expression in Therapeutic Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.4 Alternative Musical Instruments and the aFrame in Music Therapy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.5 Musicality and Nuances of Expression . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.6 ATV Electrorganic aFrame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.7 Adaptive Timbre Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.8 The Electrorganic aFrame in Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.9 European Music Therapy Conference (EMTC), Aalborg Denmark 2019 (See Brooks [3]) . . . . . . . . . . . 20.10 Proof of Concept and Feasibility Trials in Practice . . . . 20.10.1 Next Steps—A Speculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.11 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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21 Interactive Multimedia: A Take on Traditional Day of the Dead Altars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ramón Iván Barraza Castillo, Alejandra Lucía De la Torre Rodríguez, Rogelio Baquier Orozco, Gloria Olivia Rodríguez Garay, Silvia Husted Ramos, and Martha Patricia Álvarez Chávez 21.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.2 Day of the Dead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.3 Literature Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.3.1 Technology-Enhanced Exhibitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.3.2 Exhibitions, Interventions, and Mental Well-being . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.4 Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.4.1 Traditional Altars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.4.2 Narrative Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.4.3 Interactivity and User Experience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.4.4 Altar Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.5 Exhibition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.6 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Implementing Co-Design Practices for the Development of a Museum Interface for Autistic Children . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dimitra Magkafa, Nigel Newbutt, and Mark Palmer 22.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22.2 Literature Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22.2.1 The Emergence of Interactive Technologies for Children with Autism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22.2.2 Research on Co-Design Technology for Autistic 22.3 Study Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22.3.1 Design and Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22.3.2 Stage 1 Discovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22.3.3 Stage 2 Concept Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22.3.4 Stage 3 User-Testing- Evaluating the Interface . . 22.3.5 Stage 4 Re-Design the Platform . . . . . . . . . . . . 22.4 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22.4.1 Engagement and children’s Input Based on Their Abilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22.4.2 Building Rapport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22.4.3 Individuals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22.4.4 Suitable Environments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22.4.5 Creativity Potentials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22.4.6 Teacher’s Involvement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22.5 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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23 Combining Cinematic Virtual Reality and Sonic Interaction Design in Exposure Therapy for Children with Autism . . . . . . . Lars Andersen, Nicklas Andersen, Ali Adjorlu, and Stefania Serafin 23.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23.2 State of the Art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23.3 Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23.3.1 Space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23.3.2 Multiplayer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23.4 Recording Session . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23.5 Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23.5.1 Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23.5.2 Target Group and Sampling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23.5.3 Evaluating the Children . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23.5.4 Evaluating the Guardians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23.5.5 Microsoft Desirability Toolkit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23.6 Ethical Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23.7 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Part IV
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Design and Development
24 Design and Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Anthony Lewis Brooks 24.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24.1.1 Participatory Technology Design for Autism and Cognitive Disabilities: A Narrative Overview of Issues and Techniques [1] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24.1.2 Exploring Current Board Games’ Accessibility Efforts for Persons with Visual Impairment [6] . . . 24.1.3 An Extensible Cloud-Based Avatar: Implementation and Evaluation [7] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24.1.4 Frontiers of Immersive Gaming Technology: A Survey of Novel Game Interaction Design and Serious Games for Cognition [8] . . . . . . . . . . 24.2 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Participatory Technology Design for Autism and Cognitive Disabilities: A Narrative Overview of Issues and Techniques Nigel Robb, Bryan Boyle, Yurgos Politis, Nigel Newbutt, Hung Jen Kuo, and Connie Sung 25.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.1.1 Participatory Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.1.2 Participatory Design and Neurodevelopmental Disabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Transfer of Tacit Knowledge: Communicating the Lived Experience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.3 Active Co-creation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.4 Making Ideas Tangible: Prototyping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.4.1 Prototyping Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.5 Empowerment Through Decision-Making . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.6 The Importance of Setting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.7 Use of Proxies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.8 Ownership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.9 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
26 Exploring Current Board Games’ Accessibility Efforts for Persons with Visual Impairment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Frederico Da Rocha Tomé Filho, Bill Kapralos, and Pejman Mirza-Babaei 26.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26.2 Selection Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26.3 Accessible Digital Games . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26.4 Accessible Board Games: Community and Industry Efforts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26.5 Game Accessibility Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26.6 Immersive Technologies (VR and AR) and Related 26.7 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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27 An Extensible Cloud Based Avatar: Implementation and Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Enas Altarawneh, Michael Jenkin, and I. Scott MacKenzie 27.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27.2 Previous Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27.3 Building the Avatar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27.3.1 Lip-Syncing Spoken Words . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27.3.2 Building a Realistic Utterance State Transition . 27.4 Rendering the Avatar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27.4.1 Distributed Rendering in the Cloud . . . . . . . . . 27.5 User Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27.5.1 Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27.5.2 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27.5.3 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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28 Frontiers of Immersive Gaming Technology: A Survey of Novel Game Interaction Design and Serious Games for Cognition . . . . Samantha N. Stahlke, Josh D. Bellyk, Owen R. Meier, Pejman Mirza-Babaei, and Bill Kapralos 28.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28.1.1 Review Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28.2 Novel Game Interaction Using EEG and Eye-Tracking . . . . 28.2.1 Brain-Computer Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28.2.2 EEG in Games . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28.2.3 Eye-Tracking Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28.3 Limitations and Design Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28.3.1 Design Considerations for BCI and Eye Tracking in Games . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28.4 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Glossary and Acronyms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 537
About the Editors
Dr. Anthony Lewis Brooks is Associate Professor at Aalborg University, Denmark, where he was director/ founder of the ‘SensoramaLab’ a complex investigating human behaviour, interactivity, interfaces, and technologies for inclusive well-being. He was a founding team member of the original Medialogy education, section leader, lecturer, coordinator, supervisor, and study board member. Originating from Wales, prior to academia in the 1980/90s, he created the concept Virtual Interactive Space (VIS) a flexible/modular/ tailorable/adaptable—sensor-based conglomerate system for optimising patient experiences via unencumbered gesture control of media to stimulate interactions. Through this, and resulting afferent efferent neural feedback human loop closure, thus, motivating and optimising human performance potentials in (re)habilitation training engagement and treatment programme compliance—a concept adopted widely in health care. He has international and national awards alongside approximately twenty plenary keynote credits at major international conferences. Brooks is Danish representative for UNESCO’s International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) Technical committee (WG14) He achieved his Ph.D. under the University of Sunderland, Great Britain.
About the Editors
Dr. Sheryl Brahman is the Director/Founder of Missouri State University’s infant COPE (Classification Of Pain Expressions) project. Her interests focus on face recognition, face synthesis, medical decision support systems, embodied conversational agents, computer abuse, and artificial intelligence. Dr. Brahman has published articles related to medicine and culture in such journals as Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, Expert Systems with Applications, Journal of Theoretical Biology, Amino Acids, AI & Society, Bioinformatics, Pattern Recognition, Human Computer Interaction, Neural Computing and Applications, and Decision Support Systems. Dr. Bill Kapralos is an Associate Professor at Ontario Tech University. He is also an Honourable Guest Professor at Shizuoka University (Hamamatsu, Japan), and the Technical Lead of the Collaborative Human Immersive Interaction Laboratory (CHISIL), Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre. His current research interests include immersive technologies, serious gaming, multi-modal virtual environments/ simulation/reality, the perception of auditory events, and 3D (spatial) sound generation. He has led several large interdisciplinary and international medical-based virtual simulation/serious gaming research projects with funding from a variety of government and industry sources. He was recently awarded a Greek Diaspora Fellowship (sponsored by the Stavros Niarchos Foundation), to conduct research in Greece. He is a past recipient of an Australian Government 2018 Endeavour Executive Fellowship to conduct research in Australia, a past recipient of a Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) and Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Fellowship to conduct research in Japan, a past recipient of an IBM CAS Faculty Award, and a past co-recipient of a Google Faculty Award.
About the Editors
Dr. Amy Nakajima is an active clinician-teacher and Assistant Professor at the University of Ottawa, in the Faculty of Medicine, providing both didactic and simulation-based teaching at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. She completed her residency training at the University of Saskatchewan and received her Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC) certification in Obstetrics and Gynecology in 2000, and more recently, a M.Sc. in Human Factors and Systems Safety at Lund University, Sweden. Her clinical focus involves working with patients who are traditionally considered vulnerable and marginalised. Dr. Nakajima is the Director, SIM Advancement & Innovation, Simulation Canada, and has developed and delivered Simulation Canada curricula, including their online Briefing, Debriefing and Facilitating Simulation: Practical Applications of Educational Frameworks course. She regularly provides faculty development, both locally at the University of Ottawa and nationally, through Simulation Canada, and at simulation and medical education conferences, including SIM Expo. Dr. Nakajima also contributes to patient safety and quality improvement teaching at the undergraduate, postgraduate, and faculty development levels. One of her interests is the teaching and assessment of patient safety competencies using simulation modalities. She has contributed to the development of national patient safety resources, including the Canadian Patient Safety Institute’s Patient Safety and Incident Management Toolkit, their Canadian Disclosure Guidelines: Being Open with patients and families and their Canadian Framework for Teamwork and Communication, and the RCPSC’s Handover Toolkit: a resource to help teach, assess and implement a handover improvement programme.
About the Editors
Dr. Jane Tyerman is an Assistant Professor at the University of Ottawa, School of Nursing—Faculty of Health Sciences. She comes to the programme with over 25 years of nursing experience in critical care, medical-surgical, and psychiatric clinical practice. Additionally, she has over 15 years’ experience involving clinical simulation design, facilitation, evaluation, and virtual simulation game development. Dr. Tyerman is a leader in nursing simulation. She co-founded the Canadian Alliance of Nurse Educators Using Simulation (CAN-Sim), which connects nurse educators and allied health partners from across Canada and internationally to share knowledge, resources and expertise in areas of simulation research and education. She has developed and teaches various specialty simulation course for the Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing (CASN), the Canadian Alliance of Nurse Educators Using Simulation (CAN-Sim), International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning (INACSL), and the Ontario Simulation Alliance (OSA). Dr. Tyerman is the 2019 recipient of the CASN Award for Excellence in Nursing Education based on her innovative use of simulation. Dr. Lakhmi C. Jain Ph.D., ME, BE (Hons), Fellow (Engineers Australia) is with the University of Technology Sydney, Australia, and Liverpool Hope University, UK. Professor Jain founded the KES International for providing a professional community the opportunities for publications, knowledge exchange, cooperation, and teaming. Involving around 5000 researchers drawn from universities and companies worldwide, KES facilitates international cooperation and generateS synergy in teaching and research. KES regularly provides networking opportunities for professional community through one of the largest conferences of its kind in the area of KES (http://www.kesinternational.org/organisation.php). His interests focus on the artificial intelligence paradigms and their applications in complex systems, security, e-education, e-healthcare, unmanned air vehicles and intelligent agents.
Chapter 1
Re – Reflecting on Recent Advances in Technologies of Inclusive Well-Being Anthony Lewis Brooks
Abstract This chapter reflects on ‘Technologies of Inclusive Well-Being’ related to the evolution of the health sector. The editorial team’s three volumes realized to date are overviewed aligned with contemporary related literatures in the field. A reflection on Covid-19 precedes a closing section consideration on the future ‘Technologies of Inclusive Well-Being’ and digital wellness impact in healthcare. Keywords Virtual patients · Health 5.0 · Digital wellness · Transforming healthcare
1.1 Introduction Contextually, an opening chapter of a book on Recent Advancements of Technologies of Inclusive Well-Being typically has foci upon: - offering an introduction to the field, the editors, and reason behind their collaborative effort in realising the book. Then readers are informed on what lies ahead in the volume’s pages; and then closing by a summary to lead into the subsequent opening section. However, in this case of writing an opening chapter of a third volume targeting introducing the field, presenting a position, and informing upon work in the field ‘Technologies of Inclusive Well-Being’, an artistic license is evoked to expand beyond the typical to reflect on what potentials may (speculatively) lie ahead beyond the abyss of the current global crises across health, economy, climate, poverty, and life itself. Thus, instead of following wholly a traditional route in the structure of this chapter a sharing on ‘Future Advances in Technologies of Inclusive Well-Being’ sums up to promote and provoke readership debate and discussion beyond the covers of this contribution relative to transforming of healthcare.
A. L. Brooks (B) Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark e-mail: [email protected] © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 A. L. Brooks et al. (eds.), Recent Advances in Technologies for Inclusive Well-Being, Intelligent Systems Reference Library 196, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-59608-8_1
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1.2 The Field The field of Technologies of Inclusive Well-Being is posited as running parallel to demographic trends. This is put forward as these are trends of our time that point to increased pressures and demands on healthcare service industry providers addressing growing needs. Health spending by powers that be has, in some countries, correspondingly increased significantly reflecting ageing populations, an epidemic of chronic disease, advances in biomedical knowledge, increased digital healthcare innovations and higher public expectations that place additional demands on services. Over the last decade advances include from Stem cell banking1 ; Robotic surgery2 ; 3D bio-printing of muscle tissues to complete organs for transplant 3 ; through to Early cancer detection4 …and more including Rehabilitation Robots. Many advances utilise mobile computing aligned to wearable sensors for personal monitoring of health condition (e.g. ECG, SpO2 , blood pressure, respiration, blood sugar/glucose, and temperature …) and other body management aspects to amass human data for fast and remote diagnostics. Business models are built upon collection of DNA/genome data that can be analysed to predict future healthcare needs—targeting prevention rather than cure for individuals subscribing to the service. However, the current focus on advancement—at time of writing (June 2020)—relates to an immediate need in respect of the Covid-19/Corona virus pandemic that has had an unprecedented impact and has promoted large corporates to work together with a focus on creating as soon as possible a safe vaccine. The bigger picture however is even more challenging than ever when one considers availability of healthcare outside of developed countries when even the ‘most’ developed struggle to contain the contagion. This unprecedented unforeseen enemy Covid19 is ‘invisibly’ challenging an already pressured industry and society itself whereby in the immediate there is need for a survival strategy—where urgent medical treatment is needed for those affected to not succumb as a result. Alongside this latter issue for survivors resides a longer-term situation where needed extended rehabilitation, both physical and mental, is forecast as further pressuring those in such healthcare provision. Our series of publications on how such service providers may take advantage of Technologies of Inclusive Well-Being is thus timely though not directly aligned to the recent outbreak. The next section exemplifies a stuttering technology adoption in the healthcare sector that possibly may have been consolidated to a position where healthcare authorities may have been, if not better prepared, able to respond swifter to the Covid-19.
1 https://futurehealthbiobank.com/. 2 https://www.intuitive.com/en-us. 3 https://organovo.com/. 4 https://grail.com/.
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1.2.1 Editors and Concept Background in This Field For readers to comprehend the story behind this work a first stop is suggested to visit the profile of each editor where their backgrounds are shared (see TOC for section). From there a visit to the earlier volumes should indicate the commitment and dedication to the field of enquiry that is core of this work as exemplified in the following. The first volume [3] emphasised how digital technologies play an increasing role in supplementing intervention practices and methods. Substantiating this claim is the rising awareness illustrated by major research funding activities directed at such entities throughout developed countries. These activities have the mission of contributing to knowledge and of realizing emerging enterprise and industrial developments in the area, as well as of encouraging and of informing new educational programs involving technology that proactively look to contribute to a societal “wealth through health” regime. The 2014 volume was the first single volume that was titled and having focus upon ‘Technologies of Inclusive Well-Being’. It brought together the topics of serious games, alternative realities, and play therapy. The focus was on the use of digital media for the therapeutic benefit and well-being of a wide range of people—spanning those with special needs to the elderly to entire urban neighbourhoods. Further it brought together these topics to demonstrate the increasing trans/inter/multi-disciplinary initiatives apparent at that time in science, medicine, and academic research—interdisciplinary initiatives that had already profoundly impacted society. The content shared latest research on emerging intelligent paradigms in the field of serious games, alternative realities, and play therapy. It introduced and described intelligent technologies offering therapy, rehabilitation, and more general well-being care, as written by leading experts in the fields. The second volume [4] presented innovative, alternative and creative approaches that challenged traditional mechanisms in and across disciplines and industries targeting societal impact associated to ‘Recent Advances in Technologies for Inclusive Well-Being’—the title of the contribution. The title sub-heading suggested the content focus by listing ‘From Worn to Off-body Sensing, Virtual Worlds, and Games for Serious Applications’. A common thread throughout the book was human-centred, uni- and multi-modal strategies across the range of human technologies, including sensing and stimuli, extended virtual and augmented worlds; accessibility; digitalethics and more. A determined focus was on engaging, meaningful, and motivating activities that at the same time offered systemic information on human condition, performance and progress. The goal of the second book was to introduce and to describe some of the latest technologies offering therapy, rehabilitation, and more general well-being care. Included along with the work of researchers from the serious games, alternative realities (incorporating artificial reality, virtual reality (VR), augmented reality, mixed reality, etc.), and play therapy disciplines were the writings of digital artists who are increasing working alongside researchers and therapists to create playful and
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creative environments that were considered safe and adaptive by offering tailored interventions via apparatus, methods and emergent models. The chapters in the second book illustrated how complementary overlapping between topics had increasingly become an accepted norm. Such acceptance contributed to a readdressing and a questioning of associated values resulting in new themes and topics. Topics were selected to be wide in scope to offer academics opportunities to reflect on intersections in their work. For example, these were anticipated as being specific to the concepts of serious games, alternative reality, and play therapy, or to any number of related topics. The book contents highlighted how, unlike entertainment systems, the goals of alternative realities therapy and serious play demand the addition of sophisticated feedback systems that monitor user progress. These systems must encourage progress and intelligently and progressively adapt to users’ individual needs within an environment that is challenging, engaging, and user friendly for patients and health care professionals. Such systems were presented by authors who kindly shared their researches in illustrating how the field requires the evolution of new paradigms in test battery creation that take advantage of the controllable digital framework, embodied data feedback, and other opportunities uniquely offered by virtual interactive spaces. Such invention and adaption of measuring in research practices in this field is anticipated as ongoing towards such interventions as presented elsewhere in this volume. The earlier books reportedly impacted by both presenting how play therapy (and therapeutic play) typically focused on interactions between a professional therapist and children where the use of toys and other objects, i.e., physical artefacts, are expressive channels for communicating and interpreting a person’s condition. In the second volume, additional related opportunities to supplement such traditional practices via the use of digital media were posited. Further highlighted was how serious games linked to games (and gameplay) are used toward a ‘serious outcome’ to solve a defined problem: In other words, chapters informed on how games can be used ‘seriously’ in alternative realities, i.e., in computer generated environments that are interactive through embedded virtual artefacts. These computer-generated alternative realities are commonly referred to as extended (covering mixed, virtual, augmented, or artificial reality). Virtual reality in therapy and rehabilitation is not a new subject: many papers reporting research advancing the field with transfer to activities of daily living have appeared over the last decades. The second book contributed to the field by acknowledging the impact of digital media such as extended reality and by questioning potentials offered in traditionally ‘non-digitized’ more traditional practices. For example, using digital media in therapy with aggressive participants, for instance, may reduce destruction, breakages, and damages to physical artefacts. Instead, computer graphic environments are safe, adaptive, and interactive, providing a world where things can be “virtually broken” any number of times and repaired, offering to clinicians both qualitative and quantitative aspects of evaluation alongside a flexibility for creating new tools for developing the clinical outcomes required by therapy and other medical and educational interventions. An example of this in contemporary technologies is how using
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virtual reality interactive environments enables a tailoring of content based upon a patient’s experience (see [2]). This can be with or without HMD use where human data can be collected and correlated to activities and iteratively content and interface designs can reflect user experiences. In practice, a patient Virtual Reality experience can be designed such that during therapeutic intervention what a patient looks at and their response to what they see is available (via physiological data, e.g. eye pupil dilation, galvanic skin response, breathing, face colour, heartbeat etc.). Depending on such patient experience responses, changes can be made for a subsequent session that reflects content and interface aligned to the targeted therapeutic outcomes. This ‘tailoring and adaption technique’ implemented correctly and creatively when using technologies for inclusive well-being can personalise and optimise experience of a patient in rehabilitation and other therapeutic intervention within a medical treatment program [2]. Such a bottom-up strategy, targeting optimal patient experience, can be thought to align with ‘Health 4.0’ and ‘Health 5.0’ keywords of ‘Digitisation’ and ‘Personalisation’ respectively—as introduced in the contemporary stages in the evolution of the healthcare sector (see Fig. 1.1). However, the ‘Digitisation’ and ‘Personalisation’ discussed in Kowalkiewicz’s [9] text are wider in range and meaning with a top-down perspective that involves relation to how the largest corporates who are designing the future of the healthcare sector such that the term Technologies for Inclusive WellBeing in future needs elaboration and segmentation to specifics aligning to digital wellness as suggested later in this chapter: Thus, Fig. 1.1 is included to evoke reader discussions.
Fig. 1.1 ‘Five stages of evolution of the health sector’ (used with permission—cf. Kowalkiewicz [9, 10] ©)
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1.2.2 Current Volume This third volume builds upon the earlier publications by expanding with content in the healthcare simulations area and more with cutting edge research reported by luminaries in their respective fields. As the titles of each volume might suggest there was a defined focus of topics when calling for chapters and often these, once collected, offer a slightly different trajectory to follow because of what has been received. The books, and coining of the common term Technologies of Inclusive Well-Being, were conceived to be a catalyst for debate on interactive computer technology, associated apparatus, and methods used in a manner whereby, for instance, creative industries, health care, human computer interaction, and technology sectors are encouraged to communicate with each other, to use different lenses in seeing challenges, and further to stimulate thinking about application design and intervention practices that are needed to supplement and to satisfy the societal demographic service needs of the future. Already posited in this chapter is the need for inter/trans-disciplinary education initiatives to support healthcare sector physiotherapists to get the most out of using such technologies: Stated here with respect as beyond word processors and printers used for administration and also beyond traditional therapy apparatus used in practices—and aligned to exploring through educating with emergent models to optimise motivated use. By offering a wider perspective, each volume targets to address the need for a series of core texts that can evoke and provoke, engage and demand, and stimulate and satisfy. Debate and discussion alongside uptake and adoption is targeted and communication is promoted should any researchers or students wish. By presenting recent advances in technologies for inclusive well-being, state-ofthe-art research on emerging intelligent paradigms, and the application of intelligent paradigms in well-being, the field of Technologies of Inclusive Well-Being is considered well-presented through various practical applications and case studies. Thankfully, reviewers of the earlier volumes tend to agree (cf Springer sites): This book is a sophisticated study of how games, based on a trilogy of multi-disciplinary technologies, are used to benefit the ‘well-being’ of an extremely diverse population, including at-risk elderly, the disabled, autistic and other problematic children, surgical procedures education, and urban design and architecture projects. … the concepts described can benefit anyone interested in how serious games may be used for learning and change, regardless of application. (Glenn, Computing Reviews, August 2014 [6]). The content of this book lies at the intersection of three specialties: medicine, virtual world technology, and research. … This book would be of interest to the general reader who wants to see how these emerging virtual world technologies are being employed in therapeutic applications. It would also be of interest to experts in these technologies who wish to move beyond entertainment, therapists who wish to explore uses of these new technologies …. (Artz, Computing Reviews, May 2014 [1]).
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1.2.3 Contributions in This Book—See Table of Contents The chapters in this book are divided into four parts that reflect major themes currently at the intersection of the field. The titles of each theme are: Part 1: Gaming, VR, and immersive technologies for education/training—Part 2: VR/technologies for rehabilitation—Part 3: Health and well-being, and Part 4: Design and development.
1.2.4 Technology Adoption for Well-Being Intervention In the next paragraphs, a delimited focus is on therapists (occupational but suggested beyond as earlier in this chapter), which exemplifies how identifying the need for technology adoption was clearly stated three decades ago. Technology uptake by those in power as leaders of educations and healthcare service providers is presumed to have been initiated during these decades with reflections and constructive critique of approach to how technology use was embedded and integrated into therapist’s metaphoric toolboxes. Thus, new treatment methods, and technologies have emerged over this period to improve both diagnosis and therapy practices. Such advancements and adoption are ongoing thus align to this series of volumes. Aligned to technological developments in healthcare and well-being, Rehabilitation Robots are likely in 2020 one of the biggest talking points nowadays whereby their increased use is predicted especially as a result of the Covid-19 situation and pressure on elderly care home residents and staff who come face-to-face with those having the virus. How many ‘front-line health/care workers’ may have been saved if robotics had been adopted into the industry prior to the 2019 breakout. Other technologies seem to be appearing every day such as apps that can act as an interactive therapy training system alongside use of Extended (Virtual, Augmented, Mixed) Reality for immersive experiences (with or without Head Mounted Displays) for example when training, or gameplay to alleviate physical and mental conditions—again reportedly impactful from Covid-19. Increased long-term rehabilitation is predicted for survivors, which again burdens the already stretched healthcare providers. Such recent developments have pushed the industry in new directions and led (some) therapists to update their applied in-practice approaches in a variety of ways as evidence suggests potentials in healthcare and well-being. Alongside stating this however, it can be questioned if this technological uptake should, or could, have been much earlier and even led from within the industry. Behind this questioning we can reflect on three decades ago where the message was made clear of the need by Hammel and Smith [7] who opened their paper titled ‘The Development of Technology Competencies and Training Guidelines for Occupational Therapists’ with the sentence “The ability to use technology has become a survival skill in our society” where they state:
A. L. Brooks Occupational therapists have been using and will continue to use technology as part of their functional approach to treatment [11]. Due to the lack of education in this area, however, many occupational therapists are not skilled in or aware of the role they can play in the application of technology, especially within an interdisciplinary service provision team. Additionally, other service providers are rapidly implementing technologies in their practices without an awareness of the potential roles for occupational therapists in this area. These trends demonstrate the pervasive influence of technology in society and the need for occupational therapists and all rehabilitation professionals to be knowledgeable in its application. Access to technology has become as critical a need for persons with disabilities as is access to the physical environment. Therapists must be aware of and competent in the evaluation, prescription, operation, and adaptation of these technologies in order to meet the changing need of persons with disabilities. (7, p. 971).
In reflecting on technology training efforts, Hammel and Smith [7] further explained with examples how several rehabilitation professions were developing technology training guidelines and certification competencies. They point out how The American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) stressed the development of technology competence among its members. In the 1989–1991 Strategic Plans (AOTA, 1989–1991), technology training and dissemination were identified as primary goals. However, what actual technologies were being discussed, trained and disseminated must be asked? Those being trained in their disciplines would also likely argue that they didn’t have time allocated in their employment to learn new technology and to implement into practices. The author’s experiences (see also [2]) from this period in the early 1990s highlights a distinct lack of knowledge in many (re)habilitation therapist practices about any technologies besides computers for administration (and recreation breaks playing games). Ever present from the institution employees were—(1) worries about technology replacing their jobs instead of supplementing; (2) the costs associated to the institution healthcare provider/economy; and (3) the associated learning curves associated to the adoption of technology and their need to develop aligned knowledge, skills, and competences. Acknowledged is that in the author’s case, there were not many that understood the technology anyhow as it entailed introducing (circa early-mid 1990s) of bespoke invisible sensor-based interfaces that were mapped to give digital auditory (later expanding to include multimedia as visuals [VR], games and robotics) feedback responses to movement as a supplement to traditional “nontechnology” intervention. This so a person, for example with acquired brain injury (ABI), could be trained to sense their proprioception beyond learnt kinesthetics via alternative channels of stimuli. A challenge was also that the author was not a healthcare professional to have vocabulary fitting uptake/adoption contexts, and neither being a salesperson with economic profile and related vocabulary. In other words the concept may have been too complex as it was cored on that if a patient had damaged or lost a means to sense—for example in acquired brain injury where sense of balance can be influenced—then he/she could instead ‘hear’ their various torso, limb and associated balance positions and that this auditory channelling would, internal-to-the-human through afferent efferent neural feedback loop closure, ‘train’ the damaged proprioception and/or kinaesthetic mechanisms— linked to the brain plasticity to adapt and learn.
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Suffice to say that at the start of the second decade of the twenty-first century, many therapists are much more open to such technology supplementing their practices. However, with affordable and availability of pervasive and ubiquitous digital technologies the challenge today is to determine what digital technologies are meaningful to adopt… this including issues such as company relationship, trust, etc. Alongside deciding how to ensure the finest training for optimum use of the technologies. To this end emergent models for optimising intervention and evaluation have developed from practices that still need to be widely adopted in order to constructively critique to put in place an optimum structured and systematic training model within therapeutic intervention education regards optimal use of technologies—such as Brooks’ [2] SoundScapes Emergent Model titled ‘Zone of Optimised Motivation’ (ZOOM). Notably (and associated to this position), is that ‘The World Confederation for Physical Therapy’ (WCPT—which represents more than 625,000 physical therapists in 121 member organisations), which is planned to be hosted in Dubai, in April 2021, has announced twelve confirmed focused symposia, featuring 55 speakers from around the world. One focused symposium event is titled “Technology in physiotherapy education: Technology enhanced physiotherapy education—Global Perspectives”: this suggesting that contemporary technology for inclusive well-being uptake and its education for therapists is still in need. This despite the author presenting his research Virtual Interactive Space (VIS) and the need for such educational frameworks at WCPT over two decades ago, prior to the millennium5 whereby transdisciplinary disciplines (e.g. those who create and those that use) would collaborate to optimise.
1.2.5 Future Advancements In the process of finalising this book the global pandemic around Covid-19 happened. The editing of a volume titled Recent Advancements of Technologies of Inclusive Well-Being promoted thought processes aligned to the pandemic and a questioning of healthcare and meaning of well-being in and post-crisis. In focusing on this volume’s topic there is no intention to diminish other crises that are prevalent in the world at time of writing, such as the climate/global warming; poverty; imbalances of global economies; homeland safety; sustainability; and more. The goal of this section is to share knowledge and insight of what may be ahead as well as to provoke readers to consider and discuss similarly. We are informed how each search Online, each storage in the cloud, and each e-mail exchange and social media posting use energy resources. This analogizing aligns to Lorenz’s butterfly effect where a seemingly irrelevant flap of a tiny wing can have huge and staggering life changing unprecedented consequences the other side of the world. One can reflect this story to a Chinese wet market (Wuhan) where, if reports are to be believed, such a butterfly effect (or rather a bat wing effect) took 5 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/257536704.
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place as a zoonotic disease instance around the cusp between 2019 and 2020 leading to the current COVID-19 pandemic where, at time of writing, there are no known vaccines nor specific antiviral treatments: This stated with trepidation due to reports that U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has said there is “enormous evidence” that the virus originated in a lab in Wuhan—thus not from nature.6 It can be questioned will we ever know for sure about anything with fake news and propaganda a way of contemporary life? Online activities are tracked with data collected and farmed to inform corporates of one’s profile, likes and dislikes, interests and disinterests—we are then bombarded with adverts to fit the profile—marketing to buy this, informing we need this, etc. We surf the World Wide Web (with a smile also considered as a ‘wet market’ given the surfing pun) with cookies and data packets being placed on the computers that we use—cookies that we need to agree to if we wish to continue to surf and access where we wish….more data collected. We were informed of safety and secure privacy of information collection after the Facebook–Cambridge Analytica (https://en.wikipe dia.org/wiki/Cambridge_Analytica) data scandal, yet after bankruptcy and closure related firms (notably Emerdata) still exist with the same staff and rumours suggest involvement in political elections and such societal changing actions as the United Kingdom – European Union split referred to as Brexit: Data collection is big business. Cybercrime we are informed is rising with people losing savings and more through data loss, one can see how one strategy fits with the other here: More data collection— more cybercrime. In the old days one had to be careful in what one threw in the garbage in case some identifying information on paper was retrievable by someone with intent to cheat another human—these days it would seem an industry based upon key presses! Returning to Covid-19 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coronavirus_disease_ 2019) to give a more positive perspective on technology for well-being; in February 2020, a Chinese mobile application (app) was launched where individuals need to enter their name and national identification number. In-built surveillance data to the app can distinguish others in nearby proximity to flag potential risk of infection, recommend self-isolation/quarantine, whilst also alerting health authorities. Elsewhere in Asia and Israel, other data such as used on mobile phones for facial recognition, tracking, and artificial intelligence, are collected and analysed to track those likely infected through similar human–human contact. One would speculate that this is a way to use such profile data collection and analysing technologies towards a positive goal aligned to well-being (see also later in this chapter) rather than to sell or steal from another human-being or otherwise for large corporates to insistently market to an Online user’s profile to sell products. At the other end of the spectrum we have large corporations using ‘technology’ of different scale and magnitude to destroy the planet from resourcing fossil fuels to eradicating rain forests and polluting seas that are rising in level due to global warming and climate changes that has knock on effects including terminating coral 6 https://www.voanews.com/covid-19-pandemic/who-expert-believes-wuhan-wet-market-played-
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reefs. Could Covid-19 be nature’s way of getting back at the human race and greedy governments that allow this to take place for money. Closer to the topic herein the corporations of Amazon, Apple, Google, Microsoft, and others are reportedly, via their subsidiaries (and ‘skunkworks’ initiatives) in healthcare (and more), including increasing their already huge computer arrays to collect and analyse genome data associated to an individual’s DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid). In doing this they target to predict a person’s likelihood of contracting a disease and offering a personal subscription medical service based upon the genome-based prediction towards improved future well-being. Prof. Ernst Hafen from Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH) Zürich informs how precision medicine based upon such personal data collection can impact since an individual’s genes influence the way he or she may react to drugs. In his text titled “The key lies in the genes” he shares on how such data collection can inform medical doctors on drugs and dosage: By identifying the right drug, in the right dose, at the right time for each patient, precision medicine has the potential to make the healthcare system more efficient and to treat patients more effectively. Essentially, precision medicine combines a patient’s genetic data with clinical, environmental and lifestyle information to guide decisions for the optimal prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of conditions. Pharmacogenomics deals with the influence of a patient’s individual genome on the effect of drugs. Using appropriate tests, physicians are able to determine in advance for patients individually which drugs are likely to work for them. The tests analyse key genes in our body involved in metabolism, transport, and elimination of the drug. Since genetics doesn’t change over time, a pharmacogenomics report listing all the drugs likely to work for us is valid for our entire lifetime.
Associated, is how Amazon, with impressive business insight and a market valuation of close to $1 trillion,7 is now licensed (as Amazon Pharmacy), through its acquisition of mail-order online PillPack (and others), to distribute prescription drugs. Aligned with the aforementioned-initiatives and -activities in predictive healthcare requirement subscriptions (e.g. genome DNA analysis) some experts predict disruptive advancements in future technologies and strategies associated to inclusive wellbeing and consumer-centric healthcare. This where at the end of 2019 the global online pharmacy industry alone was predicted to reflect a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 14.26% to reach $107.53 billion by 2025.8 There is no doubt that the tremendous advances in intelligent paradigms and cheap and easy availability of computing power have generated enough interests among researchers to develop new tools in virtually every discipline including healthcare. A sample of research reported in the books in 2001 and 2006 [8, 12], mentions the applications of intelligent systems for visually and hearing impaired, use of Virtual Reality, Digital Talking Books, Gait Training System for Computer-aided Rehabilitation and so on. In nearly more than a couple of decades, several technological advances have taken place in the area of well-being. Some of these include cognitive assistants [5] such as DayGuide, Active@Home, CoME,DALIA, iGenda, M3W, 7 https://healthcareweekly.com/amazon-pharmacy/. 8 https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2019/06/18/1870266/0/en/.
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MyGuardian, PersonAAL, and so on. Online communication technologies will play a greater role in many areas such as business, education, healthcare and so on. We are already witnessing a greater use of Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google hangout and so on in this Covid-19 pandemic. Further innovations in gaming technologies and Virtual and Augmented Reality in well-being are appearing at a rate which was not imagined two decades ago. It is true that one cannot predict the future fully, but we believe that technologists can create and predict future to a certain extent. Closure of this chapter are a sharing of current- and a prediction of future- advances in technologies for inclusive well-being where increasingly we are using Online services for data sharing, collecting, analysis, and delivery of predictions, treatment requirements, and medicine. As mentioned earlier, there are many products illustrating the growth and scope of contemporary health and wellness technologies that enable self-monitoring of own health. These products can be as wearables in many forms that collect health, sleep and exercise activities related data. For example: wrist bands such as Apple Watch, Omron HeartGuide, FitBit … Self-adhesive wireless lightweight patches such as Philips Biosensor for monitoring vital signs and critical data; The FreeStyle Libre patch and reader/app by Abbott Diabetes Care that measures glucose levels in the interstitial fluid between the cells right under the skin; Pain relieving devices such as Omron’s transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) technology that uses self-adhesive heat application apparatus offering varying intensities and modes for different body parts to help to block pain messages, trigger the release of endorphins and to improve blood circulation. Other wearable devices are available that communicate wirelessly to apps such as blood pressure arm sleeve monitors by QardioArm; and the Complete™ Evolv® , 3, 5, 7 and 10 Series® [and more (https://omronhealthcare.com/blood-pressure/)] all by Omron. Other non-wearable personalised home apparatus includes Omron nebulisers to dispense medicine in pressurised air for respiratory treatment. There is a long list: Some of these systems/apparatus/devices link to apps and/or specific API, some are clinically tested and approved (e.g. FDA in USA) and many utilise cloud-based data collection and/or transfer, including via such communication smart-home devices as the Amazon Alexa. The UN World Health Organization defines health in its constitution as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Health is much more than just a biomedical condition. The Swiss Cause of Health Cohort (Swiss COHCOH), where this clip of text is resourced (https://causeofhealth.ch), consist of a team of scientists from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETHZ) and from the University of Zurich (UZH). At their site the team state the fact that little is known about health because medical research mainly focuses on curing disease. The COHCOH initiative focuses on “the premise that an individual’s health is determined by the Health Triangle, a complex interplay between a unique individual (genome), the environment, and the individual’s behaviour in the environment”. The team further state how standardized longitudinal sets of health data from millions of people are needed to form the basis of “precision health or P4 (personalized, predictive, preventive and participatory) health.” (https://cause-of-health.citizenscience.ch/en/cause-of-health)
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The products, approaches and strategies in this opening chapter arguably align with Health 5.0 and how future well-being will become increasingly personal and digital (including own monitoring of data via devices). It should also be more affordable and even free of charge due to the corporate digital giants needing us to stay healthy and productive such that they will invest in us to ensure we are feeling well and making enough money to spend on products and services offered and advertised by them. Kowalkiewicz’s [9] translation of ‘digital wellness’ is elaborated as “efforts made to increase, maintain or restore physical, mental, or emotional wellbeing, delivered at a global scale through the use of digital technologies, rather than by individuals working directly with patients.” The final statement on Future Advances in Technologies for Inclusive Well-Being is thus given to Kowalkiewicz [9, 10] who, in his insightful publication related to ‘digital wellness’ and the evolution of the healthcare sector (Fig. 1.1 herein), makes explicit: … the titans of the technology industry are focussing on health as the next industry to transform. And if you’re not sure what this may mean, just think how it was to be a customer of some other industries before they were transformed. Remember travel and hospitality (trying to book that room in Iceland in 1998)? How about news and media (newspapers were updated only once every 24 h)? Photography changed as well (24 or 36 frames in your camera and “express” development in just one hour). The health industry is about to receive a significant innovation push. It will progress toward the fifth stage of the sector: Health 5.0. Kowalkiewicz [9].
References 1. Artz, J.M.: Computing reviews ACM digtal library. https://dl.acm.org/doi/book/10.5555/259 1771#sec-reviews (2014) 2. Brooks, A.L.: SoundScapes: the evolution of a concept, apparatus and method where ludic engagement in virtual interactive space is a supplemental tool for therapeutic motivation. https:// vbn.aau.dk/files/55871718/PhD.pdf (2011) 3. Brooks, A.L., Brahnam, S., Jain L.: Technologies for Inclusive Well-Being. Springer (2014) 4. Brooks, A.L., Brahnam, S., Kapralos, B., Jain, L.: Recent Advances in Technologies for Inclusive Well-Being. Springer (2017) 5. Costa, A., Julian, V., Novais, P. (eds.): Personal Assistants: Emerging Computational Technologies. Springer (2018) 6. Glenn, B.T.: Computing reviews ACM digtal library. https://dl.acm.org/doi/book/10.5555/259 1771#sec-reviews (2014) 7. Hammel, J.M., Smith, R.O.: The development of technology competencies and training guidelines for occupational therapists. Am. J. Occup. Ther. 47, 970–979. https://doi.org/10.5014/ ajot.47.11.970 (1993) 8. Ichalkaranje, N., Ichalkaranje, A., Jain, L.C. (eds.): Intelligent Paradigms for Assistive and Preventive Healthcare. Springer (2006) 9. Kowalkiewicz, M.: Health 5.0: the emergence of digital wellness. https://medium.com/qut-cde/ health-5-0-the-emergence-of-digital-wellness-b21fdff635b9 (2017a) 10. Kowalkiewicz, M.: The transformational difference between digitisation and digitalisation. https://medium.com/qut-cde/digitise-or-digitalise-584c953e2d8 (2017b)
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11. Pedretti et al. 1992 in Hammel and Smith.: The development of technology competencies and training guidelines for occupational therapists. Am J Occup. Ther. 47, 970–979. https://doi. org/10.5014/ajot.47.11.970 (1993) 12. Teodorescu, H.N., Jain, L.C.: (eds.): Intelligent Systems and Technologies in Rehabilitation Engineering, CRC Press (2001)
Part I
Gaming, VR, and Immersive Technologies for Education/Training
Chapter 2
Gaming, VR, and Immersive Technologies for Education/Training Anthony Lewis Brooks
Abstract Future digital lives are predicted to extend beyond mobile smart phones with devices appearing as standard eyeglasses having settings for Extended Reality (XR). This will be so that what one really experiences and what is computer-generated will be so tightly mixed together that a person will not be able to distinguish between what is real and what is an illusion. Rather than sliding a finger across a touch screen on a smart phone, it will be possible to make things happen by moving our eyes or by brainwaves. Talking with someone or playing an online game will involve seeing that person in the same room and being able to touch and feel him/her via tactile technology. XR will be used in a variety of education situations with head mounted displays (HMDs) in classrooms for all children and also in home environments where those being educated have their own headset and system; medical students and surgeons will be educated in practical skills by using virtual humans rather than cadavers; oilrig and wind-farm workers will understand how to handle maintenance, repairs, and emergencies, before they ever leave the home office (Abridged from original call for chapters for this book). This chapter reviews texts selected for this volume on Gaming, VR, and immersive technologies for education and in training. It begins with a brief introduction text speculating impact related to well-being. Keywords Gaming · Virtual reality · Immersive technologies · Education · Training
2.1 Introduction This chapter introduces the first part of the third volume in the Technologies of Inclusive Well-Being series. Authors from around the globe submitted text from their work for inclusion that necessitated multiple peer reviews of amassed submitted works— it was a long and arduous task that has resulted in a select few that reside between the covers of this book. Ten chapters are selected for this opening part that includes A. L. Brooks (B) Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark e-mail: [email protected] © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 A. L. Brooks et al. (eds.), Recent Advances in Technologies for Inclusive Well-Being, Intelligent Systems Reference Library 196, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-59608-8_2
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over thirty-five contributing authors. The book contents overall are segmented into four parts with chapters being selected to each. Specifically, Part 1: Gaming, VR, and Immersive Technologies for Education/Training; Part 2: VR/Technologies for Rehabilitation; Part 3: Health and Well-Being; and Part 4: Design and Development. This chapter represents a focused, and sometimes extended, ‘miniscule-review of the field’ by introducing the chapters for readers. Source texts are cited and referenced to acknowledge use in creating these review snippets from the chapter authors to overview, introduce and inform readership of their contribution in the volume. In closing this introduction, a brief text shares possible questioning of healthcare systems where additional reader focus may be directed as and when appropriate. This in considering associated infrastructures where doctors are financially benefiting to promote drug company products whilst also financially benefitting as representational speakers. This questioning, which herein is considered related to technologies for inclusive well-being, begins at the World Health Organization (WHO). Sharing the following is inspired from reading the first chapter ([1] in this opening part of the book and relating to the current Covid-19 pandemic where so much is yet unknown. Instructions to reduce Covid-19 pandemic transmissions are primarily recommendations to:—socially isolate by a distance (e.g. 1–2 m; no large gatherings); wash hands regularly and thoroughly; and don’t touch face area without washing hands. The WHO text may enlighten readers on specific aspects of an issue that could arguably link to the virus situation and imposed recommendations. The topic is health care-associated infection (HAI)—also called “nosocomial” or “hospital” infection. According to The World Health Organization, HAI refers to: …an infection occurring in a patient during the process of care in a hospital or other health care facility which was not present or incubating at the time of admission. HAI can affect patients in any type of setting where they receive care and can also appear after discharge. Furthermore, they include occupational infections among staff. HAI represents the most frequent adverse event during care delivery and no institution or country can claim to have solved the problem yet. Based on data from a number of countries, it can be estimated that each year, hundreds of millions of patients around the world are affected by HAI. The burden of HAI is several fold higher in low- and middle-income countries than in high-income ones. There is also now a worldwide consensus that urgent action is needed to prevent and control the spread of antibiotic resistant organisms and in health care effective infection prevention and control (IPC) is one solution. (WHO—https://www.who.int/gpsc/country_work/burden_hcai/en/).
A prior WHO review and meta-analysis [2] found that “The burden of health-careassociated infection in developing countries is high. Our findings indicate a need to improve surveillance and infection-control practices.” The first chapter “Experiential Training of Hand Hygiene Using Virtual Reality”, which reports on a technology (Virtual Reality) training initiative action is long overdue given the 2011 and 2017 WHO reports/call for actions [3, 4] (see Chap. 6 cited works) that associates to the 2010 document (ibid). For example, how to thoroughly wash hands within such health environments in order to prevent or minimize transmissions. However, to be clear this author is not an expert on such issues and only brings attention to position
2 Gaming, VR, and Immersive Technologies for Education/Training
the first chapter with its focus on hand hygiene in context of current global pandemic situation and the rules the public has been given, i.e. social distancing and regular washing of the hands, and content of this volume. Considered beyond the opening chapter, aligned is an article by Sipherd [5] informing on how “more than 250,000 people in the U.S. die every year from medical errors. Other reports claim the numbers to be as high as 440,000. Medical errors are the third-leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer.” Again, this relates to the content of this book where simulation and technologies such as virtual reality are employed towards improvement of education and training. Also, potentially related is an article at a website called ‘Dollars for Docs’ informing how drug companies get doctors through cash payments, to “promote” (subscribe) their product1 —which seems frightening when taken in context of the previous ‘medical errors’ report. Thus, it seems on one side we are indebted to healthcare staff for their ‘frontline’ efforts, especially in current times in respect of Covid-19. Yet, on the other side, should we not question if the healthcare facilities (hospitals, etc. including aged care institutions), where nurses, doctors and other medical staff are working within and wherein patients are treated, are appropriately modern, clean and sanitized with staff training of the highest level (even in hand cleaning)? This questioned attention towards as much as possible, preventing transmissions via HAI and to optimize survival and recovery alongside best conditions for staff health to not contract disease/infection. This, alongside other issues in healthcare such as the medical errors through potential lack of training (as related by chapters in this volume where contemporary technologies are used to improve educations and training), and a system that supports where doctors are benefiting via payments from drug companies beg questioning? It is thus pertinent to comment that if this book series can contribute to questioning such healthcare issues related to technologies for inclusive well-being, then as editors we can feel we have in some small way contributed alongside those precious authors presented herein towards increasing reflections by readers on such important issues.
2.1.1 Experiential Training of Hand Hygiene Using Virtual Reality [1] The first chapter in Part One is titled Experiential Training of Hand Hygiene Using Virtual Reality by authors Lauren Clack, Christian Hirt, Andreas Kunz, and Hugo Sax. The chapter is authored by two authors from the Human Factors Lab (humanlabz) that is under the Infectious Diseases and Hospital Epidemiology, University Hospital Zurich, alongside two authors from The Innovation Center Virtual Reality, under The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), both in Zürich, Switzerland. This contribution is timely given the current Covid-19 pandemic and recommendations for social distancing and (possibly more importantly) regular handwashing 1 https://www.propublica.org/article/profiles-of-the-top-earners-in-dollar-for-docs.
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ensuring a high quality of hygiene. Worrying is how the cited works inform that “Healthcare-associated infections (HAI) acquired during the course of treatment are the most frequent adverse events in healthcare delivery, affecting billions of patients worldwide” [3]. A call for action was subsequently announced titled “Global infection prevention and control priorities 2018–22: a call for action” [4]. There is no mention whether the call was actioned and then in 2019 Covid-19 (Corona Virus) pandemic started its global journey—however, this is also not subject of this text, rather a personal reflection given the widespread devastating impact in health, related economics, and society itself. The text informs how the authors target use of experiential learning theory to guide the development of a virtual reality hand hygiene trainer to impact healthcareassociated infections (HAI) acquired during treatment. The virtual reality immersive trainer environment gave visual feedback about microorganism transmission and infectious outcomes. The goal of the work was to enhance experiential learning and increase intrinsic motivation to perform hand hygiene. In line with this work, the mission statement of the humanlabz includes to understand and to optimize the interactions between healthcare providers and their working environments in order to facilitate safer behaviours and to ultimately impact patient safety [6]. Towards this endeavour, the lab team consider the physical, built environment, as well as the cognitive and social environments. Taking a systems perspective to quality improvement, the lab personnel state how they recognize that modifications in any area of the work domain will have repercussions in other areas as they research to introduce evidencebased practice in order to effectively inform future quality improvement efforts. The Innovation Center Virtual Reality (ICVR) team research and implement VRSystems focusing upon the human user, in this case the healthcare worker. One can imagine, given the current pandemic Covid-19 situation and need for improved hand hygiene, how this system could disseminate publicly. For more see the chapter text and the lab website (http://www.en.infektiologie.usz.ch/research/research_groups/ pages/hugo-sax.aspx) and center website (https://www.iwf.mavt.ethz.ch/research/vir tual_reality/index_EN).
2.1.2 Useful, Usable and Used? Challenges and Opportunities for Virtual Reality Surgical Trainers [7] The title of the second chapter in this part is Useful, Usable and Used? Challenges and opportunities for virtual reality surgical trainers by Chantal Trudel at the School of Industrial Design under the Faculty of Engineering and Design, Carleton University in Canada. The text discusses design considerations in the development of virtual reality surgical training simulators in reference to a variety of case studies. Improved healthcare delivery, patient outcomes and training opportunities from use of virtual
2 Gaming, VR, and Immersive Technologies for Education/Training
reality are introduced including presenting how educational resources are challenged through simulator issues such as scarcity of cadavers for practicing and conducting repetitive tasks and the high costs associated with these models. Other challenges are associated in the text. The chapter presents a preliminary framework outlining research priorities and areas that have been suggested by previous researchers to help focus the design development of virtual reality applications. Elements of this framework are discussed in reference to the case studies.
2.1.3 Four-Component Instructional Design Applied to a Game for Emergency Medicine [8] The third chapter in Part One is authored by a trio from The Netherlands, namely Tjitske Faber and Mary Dankbaar from the University Medical Center Rotterdam, Institute for Medical Education Research Rotterdam, and Jeroen van Merriënboer from the School of Health Professions Education, Maastricht University, Maastricht. This text informs of the original design and redesign of the abcdeSIM game that was developed in a close collaboration between medical practitioners, game designers, and educationalists (see [9]). The game is typically used as a preparation for courses on the ABCDE method that is used internationally to treat seriously ill patients as a guideline for performing the complex skill of resuscitation that is commonly trained in face-to-face-courses. In the game, players treat patients in a virtual emergency department. The trio used the van Merriënboer and Kirschner [10] Four-Component Instructional Design theory (4C/ID) to redesign the existing game. In this chapter, they explain why the game was redesigned and how the components of this instructional design theory can be applied to designing a serious game for medical education. Interestingly Paul Gee’s ‘System Thinking’ and ‘Cycles of Expertise’ [11] are discussed alongside Hirumi et al.’s [12] concept of cycles of learning and mastery [13] to justify the game redesign. Conclusions report that despite challenges, mainly visual screen space to display the reminders and tool information, several theoretically sound support options were achieved from the redesign.
A Review of Virtual Reality-Based Eye Examination Simulators [12]
The fourth chapter in this first part of the book is a truly international group of authors with the first three Michael Chan, Alvaro Uribe-Quevedo, and Bill Kapralos affiliated to Ontario Tech University in Canada; with Michael Jenkin affiliated to York University, Toronto, Canada; with Kamen Kanev affiliated under Shizuoka University in
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Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Japan; and Norman Jaimes being affiliated under the Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, Bogota, Colombia. The text informs on a review of direct ophthalmoscopy simulation models for medical training where the co-authors highlight the characteristics, limitations, and advantages presented by modern simulation devices for eye examination. The history and challenges in the field of eye examinations are introduced, with simulators in the field described. The authors’ reasoning behind the limited adoption of simulators was due to the cost associated with the software and hardware. As society advances technologically, simulated clinical experiences become more functional and affordable, providing students with a wide variety of opportunities to learn new skills, practice team communication, and refine clinical competencies [14]. Such trends in medical training include SPs, models and part-task trainers, computer-based simulation, and virtual reality-based systems. This chapter closes by reviewing the remarkable advances that have occurred in the development of training and simulator systems. Relatedly, in browsing Online it is informing (for this author at least) to explore and identify the complexity of such environments via e.g. a product titled ‘EyeSim—Ophthalmology VR’—see https:// eonreality.com/portfolio/online-medical-training/ and the challenges that exist such as when traditional 2D training tools are representation of 3D problems relating complex subject matter, such as Visual Pathways, that are poorly represented in standard teaching material and the time to master these subjects could be shortened. Another challenge is the ‘hands-on’ training and online medical training such that students currently practice on real patients (actors) or dissect a cadaver. Both are suboptimal, as a cadaver does not function like a live subject and practicing on real patients can potentially compromise the safety of the patient. This limits the amount of practice students receive while in the classroom. A further challenge is the limited number of dysfunctions that are in such simulators whereby instructors are limited in how dysfunctions and diseases are demonstrated in classroom settings. These examples are often presented as case studies with limited hands on exploration.
2.1.4 Enhanced Reality for Healthcare Simulation [15] The fifth chapter is titled Enhanced Reality for Healthcare Simulation links Italy, Switzerland, and North America. Authors Fernando Salvetti and Barbara Bertagni have a double affiliation between Centro Studi Logos, Turin, Italy, and Logosnet, Lugano, Switzerland, and Houston, TX, USA. Author Roxane Gardner is multiaffiliated under The Center for Medical Simulation in Boston, and The Brigham and Women’s Hospital/Children’s Hospital/Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA. Rebecca Minehart is affiliated to The Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, and The Center for Medical Simulation, all in Boston, USA. The multiple image chapter informs of enhanced reality for immersive simulation (e-REAL® ) that is the merging of real and virtual worlds: a mixed reality environment for hybrid simulation where physical and digital objects co-exist and interact in real time, in a real place and not within a headset. The
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first part of this chapter discusses e-REAL: an advanced simulation within a multisensory scenario, based on challenging situations developed by visual storytelling techniques. The e-REAL immersive setting is fully interactive with both 2D and 3D visualizations, avatars, electronically writable surfaces and more: people can take notes, cluster key-concepts or fill questionnaires directly on the projected surfaces. The second part of this chapter summarizes an experiential coursework focused on learning and improving teamwork and event management during simulated obstetrical cases. Effective team management during a crisis is a core element of expert practice: for this purpose, e-REAL reproduces a variety of different emergent situations, enabling learners to interact with multimedia scenarios and practice using a mnemonic called Name-Claim-Aim. Learners rapidly cycle between deliberate practice and direct feedback within a simulation scenario until mastery is achieved. Early findings show that interactive immersive visualization allows for better neural processes related to learning and behaviour change. An enhanced hybrid simulation in a mixed reality setting, both face-to-face and in telepresence is shared. e-REAL is a futuristic solution based upon a mixed reality set up at the Center for Medical Simulation in Boston, designed to be “global”, “liquid”, “networked” and “polycentric”, as well as virtually augmented, mixed, digitalized and hyperrealistic. The key-words that are summarizing the main drivers that guided the design of this solution, and that are leading the further developments, are presented as: Digital mindset; Visual thinking; Computer vision; Advanced simulation; Multimedia communication; Immersive and interactive learning; Augmented and virtual reality; Human and artificial intelligence cooperation; Cognitive psychology and neurosciences; Anthropology and sociology of culture; Hermeneutics; Narratology; Design thinking applied to andragogy and pedagogy; and Epistemology.
2.1.5 MaxSIMhealth: An Interconnected Collective of Manufacturing, Design, and Simulation Labs to Advance Medical Simulation Training [16] The sixth chapter in Part One is a product from the maxSIMhealth laboratory under Ontario Tech University, Canada. At the time of writing this chapter, the maxSIMhealth (www.maxSIMhealth.com) group consisted of (in alphabetical order): Artur Arutiunian, Krystina M. Clarke, Quinn Daggett, Adam Dubrowski, Thomas (Tom) Gaudi, Brianna L. Grant, Bill Kapralos, Priya Kartick, Shawn Mathews, Pamela T. Mutombo, Guoxuan (Kurtis) Ning, Argyrios Perivolaris, Jackson Rushing, Robert Savaglio, Mohtasim Siddiqui, Andrei B. B. Torres, Samira Wahab, Zhujiang Wang, and Timothy Weber. maxSIMhealth is a multidisciplinary collaborative manufacturing, design, and simulation laboratory at Ontario Tech University in Oshawa, Canada combining
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expertise in Health Sciences, Computer Science, Engineering, Business, and Information Technology, aiming at building community partnerships to advance simulation training. The team focus is on existing simulation gaps, while providing innovative solutions that can change the status quo, thus leading to improved healthcare outcomes comprised of cutting-edge training opportunities. maxSIMhealth utilizes disruptive technologies (e.g., 3D printing, gaming, and emerging technologies such as extended reality) as innovative solutions that deliver cost-effective, portable, and realistic simulation catering the high variability of users and technologies, which is currently lacking. maxSIMhealth is a novel collaborative innovation with aims to develop future cohorts of scholars with strong interdisciplinary competencies to collaborate in new environments and to communicate professionally for successful medical-tech problem solving. The work being conducted within maxSIMhealth is predicted to transform the current health professional education landscape by providing novel, flexible, and inexpensive simulation experiences. In this chapter, a description of maxSIMhealth is provided along with an overview of several ongoing projects.
2.1.6 Serious Games and Multiple Intelligences for Customized Learning: A Discussion [17] Authors of the seventh chapter in Part One are:- Enilda Zea from Universidad de Carabobo, Carabobo, Venezuela; Marco Valez-Balderas from Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada; and finally, Alvaro Uribe-Quevedo affiliated to Ontario Tech University, Oshawa, Ontario, Canada. Titled as ‘Serious games and multiple intelligences for customized learning: A discussion’, this text states how teaching strategies need to swiftly respond to abrupt changes in delivery modes that provide engaging and effective experiences for learners. The introduction to this piece states “Life in the twenty-first century requires radical changes in teaching models that correspond to current learners’ behaviours due to the ubiquitous nature of current digital media” [18]. The current Covid-19 pandemic has made it evident the lack of readiness of several academic sectors when moving from face-to-face to online learning. While research into understanding the use of technologies have been gaining momentum when innovative tools are introduced, it is important to devise strategies that lead to effective teaching tools. Recently, user experience (UX) has been influencing content development as it considers the uniqueness of users to avoid enforcing one-size-fits-all solutions. In this chapter, the authors discuss multiple intelligences in conjunction with serious games and technology to explore how a synergy between them can provide a solution capable of capturing qualitative and quantitative data to design engaging and effective experiences.
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2.1.7 Mobile Application for Convulsive and Automated External Defibrillator Practices [19] This contribution as the eighth chapter in Part One has a strong representation from the Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, in Bogota, Colombia, with authors Engie Ruge Vera, Mario Vargas Orjuela, Byron Perez-Gutierrez and Norman Jaimes. Author Alvaro Uribe-Quevedo is affiliated under the Ontario Tech University, in Oshawa, Ontario, Canada. The text ‘Mobile game for convulsive and automated external defibrillator practices’ informs that adoption of simulation in medical training aims at improving health care delivery as in the US alone, more than 400,000 deaths are caused each year by medical errors. This number being the third cause of death followed by cardiovascular diseases and cancer [20]. The chapter informs how simulation has proven effective in reducing deaths caused by some medical errors and in different scenarios towards realizing best practices. A timeline of manikins used in simulation training across different situations is presented alongside argument for how interdisciplinary teams further improve the training platforms and trainee educations. Extended (Virtual, Augmented, Mixed…) Reality technologies offers simulation developers new opportunities to improve simulation trainings. In this chapter, the authors present the development of two virtual manikin mobile applications, one for resuscitation employing a virtual automated external defibrillator and another for convulsive training treatment. The authors’ goal is to provide a mobile virtual approach to facilitate complementary practices via handheld devices by reproducing the tasks involved in each situation through a touch screen and motion-based interactions. To increase user engagement, the authors have added game elements that add realism to the simulation training by incorporating goals and metrics taken to assess performance and decision making. To evaluate engagement and usability, they have employed the System Usability Scale and the Game Engagement Questionnaire. A preliminary study shows that both apps are usable, engaging, and may help refreshing information about the procedures.
2.1.8 Lessons Learned from Building a Virtual Patient Platform [21] The ninth chapter presents insightful reflections on ‘Lessons Learned from Building a Virtual Patient Platform’. The authors, Olivia Monton and Allister Smith are affiliated to McGill University in Montréal, and Amy Nakajima is affiliated to Simulation Canada, in Toronto, as well as the Bruyère Continuing Care, The Ottawa Hospital, Wabano Centre for Aboriginal Health and University of Ottawa, in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. In this work, Virtual Patients (VPs) and Simulation-based medical education (SBME) are introduced alongside the resulting company realized from the team’s initiative. These are acknowledged as an effective way to educate trainees at the
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provider, team, and systems-level, addressing different learning needs and fulfilling a variety of functions [6, 22]. The authors inform how simulation at the individuallevel promotes knowledge acquisition and skill-development of a healthcare provider, whereas systems-level simulation takes a broader view, exploring issues related to the components of healthcare, a complex, socio-technical system consisting of multiple and multiply interacting components, including the environment, the organization, the work itself, and persons, which include providers, patients and families. The text shares the journey to create the VP software platform, Affinity Learning, and a content-based VP company titled as ‘VPConnect’. The authors discuss experiences from partnering, as medical students, with members of academia, research, clinicians and industry to create a VP platform. Their insightful reflections are shared that specifically highlight—(a) The virtual environment as an effective, safe, and costefficient way to educate medical trainees; (b) The requirements behind a successful VP platform; (c) The obstacles and challenges faced in medical education innovation; and (d) future work.
Engaging Learners in Pre-simulation Preparation Through Virtual Simulation Games [23]
The final and tenth contribution in Part One is a chapter titled ‘Engaging learners in pre-simulation preparation through virtual simulation games.’ The authors are all based in Ontario, Canada, they are namely, Marian Luctkar-Flude and Deborah Tregunno, who are affiliated to Queen’s University, School of Nursing, in Kingston; Jane Tyerman and Michelle Lalonde, who are affiliated to the University of Ottawa, School of Nursing, in Ottawa; Lily Chumbley, who is affiliated to Trent University, in Peterborough; and Laurie Peachey, who is affiliated to Nipissing University, School of Nursing, in North Bay. The text informs on the use of technology in the form of VSGs (virtual simulation games) in nurses’ education where educators must carefully assess learning outcomes associated with various components of clinical simulation. Pre-simulation preparation, the authors inform, is a critical aspect of simulation education that has not been well-studied and that traditionally preparation activities include readings, lectures, and quizzes and non-traditional activities include video lectures, online modules, and self-assessments. However, in the authors’ experiences, learners may fail to adequately prepare for simulation such that there is a need for innovative approaches to optimize learning during the simulation. Whilst medical and nursing educations have seen increased use of virtual simulation and gaming this is not the case in pre-simulation preparation activities for clinical simulation. The chapter informs how over 30 validated clinical simulation scenarios have previously been developed by nurse educators from across Ontario for senior nursing students to enhance their transition to clinical practice. Each scenario is implemented with selfregulated pre-simulation preparation guided by a scenario-specific learning outcomes assessment rubric. The development of a series of VSGs aims to further enhance pre-simulation preparation for undergraduate nursing students participating in these scenarios. The authors propose that VSGs used for pre-simulation preparation will
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prove to be more engaging to learners, resulting in better preparation and improved performance during live simulations with the result that the use of virtual simulation for pre-simulation preparation may translate to improved performance in real clinical settings with a positive impact on patient safety and well-being. Conclusions in the text point to how virtual simulation games are considered as an innovative pre-simulation preparation strategy that engages learners providing them with immediate feedback on their clinical decision-making. By the authors creating their own VSGs they were able to provide content aligned with intended learning outcomes and levelled to the learner experience level in order to better prepare trainees to participate in a live simulation where they could demonstrate their competence within a given clinical scenario. The authors note their anticipation of the advantages to using VSGs for pre-simulation preparation as they could include the promotion of self-regulated learning, enhanced knowledge, decreased anxiety, and enhanced preparation and performance during a live simulation scenario. Additionally, they anticipate that standardized pre-simulation preparation will reduce faculty preparation time and student assessment time and may decrease instructional time in the simulation laboratory. Collaboration and sharing of VSGs across nursing schools they predict will mediate the development costs and result in cost savings in the long-term. In closing they state how further research is needed to demonstrate the impact of VSGs on learning outcomes and transfer to practice.
2.2 Conclusions In concluding this first part of the book that has presented a brief introduction review for readers to get an idea of each chapter and its author(s) positioning—this reviewing has been via extracting as direct quotation or paraphrasing from the original works— as cited. ‘Gaming, VR, and immersive technologies for education/training’ (especially simulation use) are presented and disclaimer to this ‘topic categorization’ is stated as being conducted to the best of the editor’s abilities in order to segment the volume. It is anticipated that scholars and students will be inspired and motivated by these contributions to the field of Technologies of Inclusive Well-Being towards inquiring more on the topics and where appropriate to cite in their own research and studies. Whilst the opening statement informed how education/training and medical errors (plus potentially greed) impact well-being of society, there are also ongoing major advances in how to train staff and treat people and how to target optimal patient experiences and outcomes across situation that include in hospital, private practices and homes. The second part of this book follows the ten chapters—it is themed ‘VR/technologies for rehabilitation’—enjoy. Acknowledgements Acknowledgements are to the authors of these chapters in this opening part of the book. Their contribution is cited in each review snippet and also in the reference list to support reader cross-reference to the cited work. However, the references are without page numbers as they
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are not known at this time of writing. Further infor-mation will be available at the Springer site for the book/chapter [24].
References 1. Clack, L., Hirt, C., Kunz, A., Sax, H.: Experiential training of hand hygiene using virtual reality. In Brooks, A.L., Brahnam, S., Kapralos, B., Nakajima, A., Tyerman, J., Jain, L.C. (Eds.) Recent Advances in Technologies for Inclusive Well-Being: Virtual Patients, Gamification and Simulation. Springer Intelligent Systems Reference Library 196 (2021) 2. Allegranzi, B., Bagheri Nejad, S., Combescure, C., Graafmans, W., Attar, H., Donaldson, L., Pittet, D.: Burden of endemic health-care-associated infection in developing countries: systematic review and meta-analysis. Elsevier (2010). https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(10)614 58-4 3. WHO (World Health Organization).: Report on the burden of endemic health care-associated infection worldwide (2011). https://www.who.int/infection-prevention/publications/burden_ hcai/en/ 4. WHO (2017). World Health Organization: Global infection prevention and control priorities 2018–22: a call for action. https://doi.org/10.1016/S2214-109X(17)30427-8 5. Sipherd, R.: The third-leading cause of death in US most doctors don’t want you to know about (2018). https://www.cnbc.com/2018/02/22/medical-errors-third-leading-cause-ofdeath-in-america.html 6. Auerbach, M., Stone, K.P., Patterson, M.D.: The role of simulation in improving patient safety. In: Grant, V.J., Cheng, A. (Eds.) Comprehensive Healthcare Simulation. Pediatrics, Springer (2016) 7. Trudel, C. (2020). Useful, usable and used? Challenges and opportunities for virtual reality surgical trainers. In Brooks, A.L., Brahnam, S., Kapralos, B., Nakajima, A., Tyerman, J., Jain, L.C. (Eds.) Recent Advances in Technologies for Inclusive Well-Being: Virtual patients, gamification and simulation. Springer Intelligent Systems Reference Library 196 8. Faber, T.J.E., Dankbaar, M., van Merriënboer, J.J.G.: Four-Component Instructional Design applied to a game for emergency medicine. In Brooks, A.L., Brahnam, S., Kapralos, B., Nakajima, A., Tyerman, J., Jain, L.C. (Eds.) Recent Advances in Technologies for Inclusive WellBeing: Virtual patients, gamification and simulation. Springer Intelligent Systems Reference Library 196 (2021) 9. Erasmus MC/VirtualMedSchool (2012). https://virtualmedschool.com/abcdesim 10. Merriënboer, J.J.G. van, & Kirschner, P.A.: Ten steps to complex learning: a systematic approach to four-component instructional design, 3rd ed. Routledge (2017) 11. Gee, J.P.: Learning by Design: Good Video Games as Learning Machines. E-Learning Digit Media 2, 5–16 (2005) 12. Hirumi, A., Appelman, B., Rieber, L., Eck, R.V.: Preparing Instructional Designers for GameBased Learning: Part 1. TechTrends 54, 27–37 (2010) 13. Ryan, R.M., Deci, E.L.: Self-Determination Theory and the Facilitation of Intrinsic Motivation, Social Development, and Well-Being Self-Determination Theory. Am Psyc 55, 68–78 (2000) 14. So, H.Y., Chen, P.P., Wong, G.K.C., Chan, T.T.N.: Simulation in medical education. Journal of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh 49(1), 52–57 (2019) 15. Salvetti, F., Gardner, R., Minehart, R., Bertagni, B.: Enhanced Reality for Healthcare Simulation. In Brooks, A.L., Brahnam, S., Kapralos, B., Nakajima, A., Tyerman, J., Jain, L.C. (Eds.) Recent Advances in Technologies for Inclusive Well-Being: Virtual patients, gamification and simulation. Springer Intelligent Systems Reference Library 196 (2021) 16. maxSIMhealth.com - (Lab/group submission) maxSIMhealth: An interconnected collective of manufacturing, design, and simulation labs to advance medical simulation training. In Brooks,
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Chapter 3
Experiential Training of Hand Hygiene Using Virtual Reality Lauren Clack, Christian Hirt, Andreas Kunz, and Hugo Sax
Abstract Hand hygiene is widely recognized as an important measure to prevent the transmission of microorganisms that may be involved in healthcare-associated infections. Yet correct hand hygiene remains challenging and healthcare providers struggle to improve adherence. While seemingly straightforward, performing hand hygiene at the right indication using the right technique becomes difficult within the context of complex work processes. We believe that an important barrier to hand hygiene is the invisible nature of microorganisms and delayed expression of healthcare associated infections. This delayed or missing feedback makes it difficult to associate unsafe behaviors with their negative consequences. In this chapter, we describe an application of experiential learning theory to guide the development of a virtual reality hand hygiene trainer in which visual feedback about microorganism transmission and infectious outcomes are introduced in the virtual environment. With this immersive trainer, our aim is to enhance experiential learning and increase intrinsic motivation to perform hand hygiene. Keywords Healthcare · Infection prevention · Hand hygiene · Training · Experiential learning · Virtual reality · Simulation
L. Clack (B) · H. Sax Infectious Diseases and Hospital Epidemiology, University Hospital Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland e-mail: [email protected] H. Sax e-mail: [email protected] C. Hirt · A. Kunz Innovation Center Virtual Reality, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland e-mail: [email protected] A. Kunz e-mail: [email protected] © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 A. L. Brooks et al. (eds.), Recent Advances in Technologies for Inclusive Well-Being, Intelligent Systems Reference Library 196, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-59608-8_3
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3.1 Introduction Healthcare-associated infections (HAI) acquired during the course of treatment are the most frequent adverse events in healthcare delivery, affecting billions of patients worldwide [35]. In the European Union, the burden of HAI has been estimated at 4.5 million infections, 37,000 attributable fatalities, and 16 million additional days of hospital stay annually [38]. Importantly, multiple systematic reviews and metaanalyses have demonstrated that a significant proportion in the range of 35–55% of these infections are preventable through the application of evidence-based infection prevention measures [9, 31, 33]. Hand hygiene, for example, is widely recognized as the single most important measure to limit transmission of microorganisms and prevent HAI [1]. Despite its proven efficacy, studies repeatedly report low healthcare provider (HCP) adherence to hand hygiene, often in the range of 40% [8]. Improving HCP adherence to hand hygiene is therefore an important priority to avoid preventable infections. Previous interventions to increase HCP adherence to hand hygiene through education and guideline dissemination have been limited in their success and sustainability [15]. Whereas traditional educational interventions seek to improve adherence by improving knowledge, research increasingly suggests that—rather than limited knowledge—low adherence is more likely due to challenging working conditions that make performing hand hygiene difficult. These conditions include high-workload [22], frequent hand-to-surface contacts [5], lack of visual feedback about contamination [28], missing or poorly located hand hygiene resources [20], and delayed or non-existent feedback about the consequences of missed hand hygiene [28]. To be successful, interventions to improve hand hygiene compliance should be designed to target the actual barriers and support enablers of hand hygiene while considering the context in which hand hygiene occurs [17]. Where such interventions involve training and education, these should be designed based on evidence and theory from education research and social and cognitive sciences to increase their chances of success. The work presented in this chapter addresses two important challenges to hand hygiene adherence. The first challenge is that microorganisms are invisible. The invisible nature of microorganisms makes it impossible for HCPs to observe transmission dynamics or to know whether transfer of potentially harmful microorganisms to the patient has occurred as a result of missed hand hygiene opportunities. The second challenge is that the negative patient outcomes resulting from missed hand hygiene (i.e. patient colonization or infection) occur only much later in time, and these are impossible to trace back to a single individual yet alone a single behavior. Both, the invisible nature of microorganisms and delayed presentation of patient outcomes, prevent HCPs from associating negative patient outcomes with missed hand hygiene opportunities. These factors prevent the associative learning that would be necessary to increase motivation to perform hand hygiene. Based on these challenges, we believe that a promising approach to increase hand hygiene adherence is to focus on increasing individual motivation through
3 Experiential Training of Hand Hygiene Using Virtual Reality
experiential learning [21]. We define motivation as the processes that energize and direct behavior, to include both unconscious and automatic processes as well as conscious choices and intentions [18]. Experiential learning has been defined as the process whereby knowledge is created through the transformation of experience [12]. We propose that by reintroducing vivid visual and emotional feedback, that is, by making microorganisms visible and providing immediate feedback about infectious patient outcomes, we can foster experiential learning and support the non-volitional processes that drive habitual infection prevention behavior. In the following sections, we begin by reviewing previous works within the field of hand hygiene promotion and discussing the value of virtual reality for healthcare training in general, and hand hygiene specifically. We then present specific design considerations to promote effectiveness of hand hygiene training in a virtual environment (VE), using an adapted experiential learning theory exploratory learning model as a guiding framework [7]. Finally, we demonstrate an application of these design considerations to the development of our experiential hand hygiene trainer.
3.2 Hand Hygiene—Related Work The improvement of HCP adherence to hand hygiene has been established as a global priority and continuous efforts are being made to improve hand hygiene across the world. Traditionally, many of these efforts involve HCP education about when and how hand hygiene should be conducted according to established rules such as the World Health Organization’s (WHO) My Five Moments for Hand Hygiene [27]. Such educational interventions have traditionally taken the form of guideline dissemination, bedside education, and hands-on training. With some notable exceptions, these have often failed to achieve significant or sustained improvement in hand hygiene behaviors, likely because such rule-based interventions fail to elicit the motivation necessary to reliably change HCP behavior [17]. Rather than such rule-based approaches, motivation can be improved through associative learning that elicits strong feelings and supports habit formation. Initial applications using serious gaming [29] and virtual reality [2, 3] for hand hygiene education have also been reported. For example, Sax and Longtin [29] developed a serious game, in which HCPs viewed filmed sequences of a physician caring for a patient, then the gaming HCP decided whether hand hygiene was necessary. Similarly, Bertrand et al. [3] reported a virtual agent-based simulation trainer in which participating HCPs are first taught the rules (i.e. WHO indications for hand hygiene [27]), then participants assess hand hygiene performance of a virtual HCP as a percentage of correctly performed hand hygiene opportunities. While an innovation in the field of infection prevention, these efforts have the same limitation as traditional forms of hand hygiene education in that they use a rule-based approach to increase HCP knowledge about when and where to perform hand hygiene, rather than an experiential approach in which new mental models about best practices are formed on the basis of vivid experience.
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In a parallel stream of research, Lane et al. have employed and patented electronic sensors to automatically measure and prompt hand hygiene behaviors [13]. For example, such sensors can detect whether hand hygiene has been performed upon entering or exiting a patient room and provide alerts to remind hand hygiene [10, 16]. A major benefit of such systems is that they provide real-time behavior-shaping feedback. However, they are currently limited in their ability to detect actual behaviors, and therefore cannot provide feedback on all clinically relevant indications for hand hygiene (e.g. before aseptic tasks). In the current project, we build on the strengths and overcome the limitations of existing interventions by creating a VE in which HCP behavior can be observed and trained. Specifically, the VE we propose goes beyond previous interventions by providing vivid visual feedback about microorganism transmission and infectious outcomes to encourage experiential learning.
3.3 Virtual Reality for Experiential Training Virtual reality has been increasingly recognized as a promising technology for healthcare training by allowing users to experience and train for situations that would otherwise be difficult to produce in the real world [11, 30]. Virtual reality provides a unique opportunity to train both technical and non-technical skills in a realistic, risk-free learning environment. Virtual learning environments can also overcome geographical limitations as training can be conducted outside the confines of a lab or classroom, for example using web-based platforms. Avatars representing colleagues and patients can be introduced to increase realism and practice meaningful interactions. The appearance and behavior of these avatars as well as the overall VE can also be modified in a controlled manner that would be difficult or impossible to achieve in real life settings. A major benefit of virtual reality for healthcare training is that it offers an immersive learning environment where rich experiential learning can occur [7]. For our purposes, virtual reality has the specific advantage of allowing users to experience visual feedback that would be impossible in reality. Given that a VE for experiential hand hygiene training has—to the best of our knowledge—yet to be established, several technical and behavioral research questions emerge. A multidisciplinary approach, bringing together expertise from infectious diseases and hospital epidemiology, psychology, and virtual reality, is indispensable.
3.3.1 Experiential Learning Theory An ‘exploratory learning model’ that stems from Kolb’s experiential learning model has been proposed to guide the development of experiential training using 3D applications [7, 12]. Both of these models are descriptive rather than analytical, as they
3 Experiential Training of Hand Hygiene Using Virtual Reality
Fig. 3.1 Stages of the exploratory learning cycle in immersive environments [7]
describe an iterative process rather than causal links. Kolb’s experiential learning model is composed of four stages that occur cyclically, including: novel experience, reflection, forming abstract concepts and active experimentation in new situations [12]. The exploratory learning model builds on Kolb’s experiential learning model in that it takes into consideration the exploratory processes that occur within 3D and virtual training environments, thereby adding an ‘exploration’ stage to the model (Fig. 3.1). Central to both of these models is that the learner plays an active rather than passive role in the dynamic learning process and that one should experience all stages of the cycle for effective learning to occur. To increase the chances that training in the VE will be effective in fostering experiential learning and sustainably changing HCP hand hygiene behaviors, we employ the exploratory learning model [7] as a guiding framework to inform the development of our virtual reality hand hygiene trainer. In the following sections, we describe how the design and functionalities of our trainer are intended to support each stage of the experiential learning cycle. In the following sections, we refer to HCPs who participate in hand hygiene training as ‘learners’. The work presented here is based on an advanced experimental prototype that is currently undergoing further refinement [4, 6].
Novel Experience Stage
The experience stage of the learning cycle begins when a new experience is encountered. The learner is exposed to a novel situation with unfamiliar stimuli, in either
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the real world or a virtual context, of which they must make sense. Given that the VE can be modified in ways that would not be possible in the real world, there exist a multitude of opportunities to introduce new experiences. For our hand hygiene trainer, we have introduced two specific functionalities that are intended to expose HCP learners to novel experiences: microorganism visualization and time-warping. • Microorganism visualization: Due to the invisible nature of microorganisms in the real world, HCPs are largely unaware of the contamination status of objects in the healthcare environment and they don’t receive feedback about how their own manipulations may result in propagation of harmful microorganisms. In our hand hygiene trainer, we make virtual microorganisms visible in the VE so that HCPs can experience the transmission of microorganisms first-hand. Technically, this is achieved by tracking the physical location of the controllers and producing a colored overlay when they come into contact with objects and surfaces in the VE (Fig. 3.2). • Time-warping: In the real world, healthcare-associated patient infections or colonization with multidrug-resistant microorganisms can only be clinically detected with a significant delay and it is nearly impossible to trace these infectious outcomes back to a specific individual or behavior. For this reason, HCPs are rarely informed about the direct consequences of missed hand hygiene opportunities. In our hand hygiene trainer, we employ time-warping—that is making time in the VE move faster than in reality—to allow HCPs to immediately experience the down-the-line consequences of missed hand hygiene opportunities (Fig. 3.2). • Behavior and appearance of avatars: Many healthcare tasks are performed by teams or dyads (e.g. fully-trained HCP and trainee) caring for a patient. The social interactions that occur, both among HCPs and between HCPs and patients, play an important role in forming experiences in real and virtual contexts. For example, the presence of a senior physician performing hand hygiene or the belief that hand hygiene is important to your colleagues may increase the likelihood of performing hand hygiene [23]. Further, behavior of the patient, who could remind HCPs to do hand hygiene or react negatively to missed hand hygiene opportunities, is increasingly recognized for the potential to influence HCP hand hygiene behaviors [32]. This is important for our virtual hand hygiene trainer, where we can modify behavior and appearance of avatars representing colleagues and patients to influence the HCPs learning experience.
Exploration Stage
Within VEs, the learner is empowered to explore and push the boundaries of what they know while engaging with the environment [7]. The extent to which the training environment allows the learner to explore, as opposed to following a fixed script, is therefore an important design consideration. For our hand hygiene trainer, we have developed multiple care scenarios that serve as storylines to guide the training sessions. The participating HCPs are given a care task to complete that guides their
3 Experiential Training of Hand Hygiene Using Virtual Reality
Fig. 3.2 Left: Microorganism visualization on patient bed rail. Right: Visual portrayal of timewarping
activity within the VE. Within the bounds of the care task, HCPs are free to explore and to complete the task as they see fit. To facilitate this exploration, our trainer is designed to allow for real walking within the VE. • Real walking: Multiple researchers have shown that real walking, as opposed to teleportation using handheld controllers, for navigating VEs improves the user’s cognitive map and thus helps understanding the context of the training scenario [14, 25, 34]. Real walking is possible in our current hand hygiene trainer when the physical training space is larger than the VE, otherwise teleporting must be used for navigation (Fig. 3.3). Real walking becomes challenging, however, when the virtual world outsizes the available physical space. Here, a compression of the VE becomes necessary, for example using redirected walking [24] by introducing an unnoticeable mismatch between a user’s movement in the real and the VE. Future iterations of our trainer building on our previous work [4, 6, 19, 36, 37] may include redirected walking to improve the immersion for the learners.
Reflection Stage
During the reflection stage of the experiential learning cycle, any inconsistencies between the new experience and previous understanding are reflected upon [12]. Reflection is of particular importance for virtual training activities to facilitate the transfer between virtual and lived experiences [7]. Some have argued that the experience itself must be interrupted to initiate a phase of reflection [12]. To foster such reflection, our virtual hand hygiene training is embedded within a process that includes periods of debriefing. • Debriefing: The debriefing process, whereby individuals reflect on their own practice, is already well established within medical training, for example, following medical simulation [26]. Debriefing after a training scenario offers HCPs an opportunity to reflect on their performance and develop insights that can inform later
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actions [26]. In the current project [4, 6], debriefing takes the form of a live, post-training session in which the HCP learner has an opportunity to reflect on the virtual training experience. During debriefing, the learner may review videoexcerpts from their training exercise and view descriptive data about the extent of contamination that was established as a result of missed hand hygiene opportunities in the VE. The goal of this debriefing is to help learners to understand, analyze, and synthesize how their behaviour influences microorganism transmission and infectious patient outcomes in order to improve future hand hygiene performance.
Forming Abstract Concepts or Mental Models
The process of reflecting on new experiences inevitably gives rise to new ideas or leads to modification of one’s existing ‘mental models’ or ‘frames’ [26, 28]. Mental models can be defined as internal mental images gathered through experience and observation that lead to abstract concepts and representations of how an individual understands the world around her [28]. These abstract concepts or ‘models’ are then projected onto future experiences and shape future behaviors. Mental models are particularly important in the field of infection prevention, where individual understanding about microorganism transmission and the consequences of preventative measures like hand hygiene will influence the way they behave to prevent infections.
Active Experimentation in Different Situations
During the active experimentation stage, also referred to as ‘testing in different situations’, the newly acquired reflections and mental models are tested as the learner
Fig. 3.3 Navigating the virtual environment with teleporting
3 Experiential Training of Hand Hygiene Using Virtual Reality
is exposed to different situations. For our hand hygiene trainer, this means reentering the virtual training environment after having reflected and formed new mental models about transmission dynamics and the protective role of hand hygiene. Equipped with these new models, participating HCPs reenter the VE with heightened awareness about transmission dynamics. The ultimate assessment of our hand hygiene trainer and subject of future work is to evaluate the extent to which training in the VE translates to improved real life hand hygiene behaviors. We hypothesize that the reflections and mental models developed during virtual trainings and refined during debriefings will translate into an augmented awareness that will remain with HCPs once they return to their daily work, supporting improved hand hygiene performance in the real world.
3.4 Summary and Future Work The exploratory learning model based on Kolb’s experiential learning theory was useful for guiding the development of our virtual reality hand hygiene trainer [7, 12]. While using the virtual hand hygiene trainer, HCPs should pass through all stages of the learning cycle: (1) experiencing first hand the visual transmission of microorganism and receiving immediate feedback about infectious patient outcomes together with social feedback from virtual patients and colleagues; (2) exploring the virtual environment through real walking within the bounds of the given task scenario; (3) reflecting on the experience during debriefing; (4) forming new mental models and abstract concepts (e.g. about how HCP behaviors may lead to transmission of microorganisms and the protective role of hand hygiene in preventing infectious patient outcomes); and (5) testing these new mental models through further experiences in new situations. It is worth noting that, while it is important for learners to pass through all stages of the experiential learning cycle, these phases must not necessarily occur sequentially and the learner must not necessarily be consciously aware of the learning process that is occurring. The formation of new mental models, for example, is a largely unconscious process that occurs in everyday life each time a new situation is encountered. We expect that the vivid experience of seeing microorganism transmission and infectious patient outcomes as a result of missed hand hygiene will itself have a strong impact on the learner’s internal mental images. By introducing debriefing to the training process, we aim to bring this typically unconscious mental activity to conscious awareness and thereby strengthen the learning process. The experiential learning approach described in this chapter is consistent with previous research by Nicol et al. [21], who found that vivid vicarious experience, such as personal exposure to an infectious outbreak or caring for a patient affected by healthcare-associated infection, was of greater importance than formal education in explaining HCP hand hygiene behaviors [21]. They highlighted that the emotional impact of having been personally involved in such a situation heightened HCP awareness and resulted in sustained improvements in hand hygiene [21]. With our
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virtual trainer, we aim to elicit the same heightened emotional reaction in a risk-free environment. An added value of training in virtual reality is that the behaviors and resulting transmission pathways of HCPs participating in training in the VE can be automatically captured and analyzed. This produces a rich data set about HCP behaviors without the need for costly and time-consuming direct observations. The virtual healthcare setting therefore represents a powerful tool for both training and studying HCP infection prevention behaviors. This paper describes an innovative approach to improve HCP hand hygiene performance through vivid virtual reality training embedded within an experiential learning process. This trainer aims to improve hand hygiene by reintroducing the otherwise missing feedback about the consequences of unsafe behavior and therefore increase HCP motivation to perform hand hygiene. We believe this hand hygiene trainer has the potential to improve HCP hand hygiene performance in the real world, which will be the focus of future evaluation. Once validated, this system could be adapted for use in other clinical settings (e.g. surgical, ambulatory care) and extended to integrate hand hygiene training into a wide range of clinical processes. Acknowledgements This project has been generously supported by a donation from Dr. HansPeter Wild to the University Hospital Zurich Foundation. We would further like to acknowledge Dirk Saleschus, project manager, and Marcel Wenger, innovation manager, for their contributions to this work.
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Chapter 4
Useful, Usable and Used? Challenges and Opportunities for Virtual Reality Surgical Trainers Chantal M. J. Trudel Abstract This chapter discusses design considerations in the development of virtual reality surgical training simulators in reference to a variety of case studies. The chapter presents a preliminary framework outlining research priorities and areas that have been suggested by previous researchers to help focus the design development of virtual reality applications. Elements of this framework are discussed in reference to the case studies. Keywords Virtual reality · Medicine · Surgical simulators · Surgical pedagogy · Surgical performance · Human factors · Design · Interaction design · Human–computer interaction · Design process · Usability · Presence · Teamwork
4.1 Introduction Over the past two decades, virtual reality (VR) systems (also referred to as virtual environments or VEs) have become increasingly sophisticated and widely researched and adopted in healthcare education, training and services. For example, in 2003 Riva found 951 papers referencing ‘virtual reality’ in MEDLINE (PubMed) and 708 results in PsycINFO [1], whereas a keyword search for the same term in January 2020 returned more than 10,000 results in PubMed and more than 12,000 results in PsycINFO, representing continued investment in VR research and development for healthcare. Considering the attention VR simulators have garnered in surgical applications and the high costs typically associated with such applications, it would seem reasonable to assume that significant advancements have been made in terms of the usefulness, usability and the actual use or acceptance of such systems. However, a review of some early and more current surgical applications suggests that the medical field is focused almost solely on the proposed usefulness or effectiveness of these systems to support patient outcomes, which is understandable. But what appears C. M. J. Trudel (B) Faculty of Engineering and Design, School of Industrial Design, Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By Dr, Ottawa, ON K1S 5B6, Canada e-mail: [email protected] © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 A. L. Brooks et al. (eds.), Recent Advances in Technologies for Inclusive Well-Being, Intelligent Systems Reference Library 196, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-59608-8_4
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to be missing, or at least not emphasized, is a focus on usability issues as well as techniques to study factors related to the acceptance or actual use of such systems, factors which may not be readily obvious but may in fact help maximize usefulness. A review of several case studies suggests that researchers and clinicians working with virtual reality applications in surgery could be missing an opportunity to improve patient outcomes by studying and improving not just the effectiveness or usefulness of surgical VR applications, but also studying the usability, measures for acceptance and actual sustained use (or lack thereof) of such systems.
4.1.1 Improving Healthcare Delivery, Patient Outcomes and Training Opportunities Virtual reality applications in healthcare are driven by a number of objectives which include: reducing the rate of error in patient care [2, 3]; increasing virtual training opportunities to supplement reductions in clinical practice time [2] specifically, limited access to training inside operating rooms (ORs) [4]; and providing safer, controlled environments to facilitate training without compromising patient safety [1, 5, 6]. In surgery, the use of VR is facilitating the practice of basic and complex procedures both in the field and through simulated training in lab environments. Simulators using these technologies can address resource issues in training such as scarcity of cadavers for practicing and conducting repetitive tasks and the high costs associated with these models [6]. VR simulations have been used to address errors or inefficiencies related to: distractions and interruptions in surgical workflow [7]; poor equipment design, layout and/or malfunctions; poor communication and decisionmaking among multidisciplinary team members; infrequent exposure to unexpected scenarios such as surgical emergencies; and changes in hospital policies that may influence clinical practice [3, 8]. In order to properly address these deficiencies and pedagogical objectives, conceptual frameworks or taxonomies are required to match appropriate VR applications to specific types of surgery and contexts-of-use, levels of surgical skill desired and factors related to supporting optimal surgical performance [8, 9]. Windsor has cautioned such frameworks “should be driven by educational imperatives and not by technological innovation”. This requires evidence that the technology has a valuable contribution to learning and assessment and other proposed systemic advantages but is also cost-effective to ensure the system’s long-term viability and ability to sustain actual use [9]. In line with this view, Milburn and colleagues highlight the evidence supporting the equivalence of low-and high-fidelity simulation in teaching basic skills [8]. Based on this information, this group cautions against the adoption of more resource intensive and costly high-fidelity simulations such as VR applications, over more cost-effective lower-fidelity models that may suit the specified educational objectives and requirements.
4 Useful, Usable and Used?
Virtual reality simulations are becoming increasingly sophisticated and able to provide several types and levels of simulation which can occur in a variety of locations including educational facilities, specialized simulation centres, on-line within a trainee’s own home, or within the operating room environment itself [8]. The potential to access simulations in a variety of settings, and in some cases on-demand, also allows for varied and repeated exposure to specialized training. This offers a very different approach from traditional surgical training models based predominantly on apprenticeship in operating theatres or working in laboratories with animal specimens, models which pose challenges for human and site resources, consistency in instruction [10], reduced residency hours to participate in training and risks to patient safety in OR settings [11]. Simulations using VR technologies have the potential to create a more level playing field in surgical training by increasing access to more standardized educational opportunities in a variety of controlled environments and scenarios. VR simulations may also offer students with different learning strengths and abilities a more equitable opportunity to access resources when needed, and repeatedly if available, to improve their knowledge and refine their skills [10]. If appropriately integrated into medical curricula, surgical VR simulators can lead to reductions in technical learning curves preparing surgical trainees and surgeons for practice in the field and the potential to improve patient safety, outcomes and efficiencies in healthcare delivery [8]. Further, studies have demonstrated that simulationbased mastery learning which goes beyond demonstrating baseline competencies, can significantly improve the skills of all participants with evidence of skills retainment levels up to one year after training [12]. But despite the enthusiasm for implementing VR simulation training within medical programs to support such initiatives, some experts are concerned that this type of training, in reality, occurs perhaps once or infrequently [10]. This situation suggests VR applications need to include ‘access’ considerations in design development to support repetition within the context of different and increasingly difficult learning challenges [10]. This is particularly important considering the reality of OR environments and the stressful conditions surgical teams may experience. VR simulators should be able to train people in completing tasks safely, while immersed in stressful situations and conditions. This approach is supported by situational learning models [13] which advocate that learning is best achieved by actually engaging in a process in its proper social context [7]. The issues of limited access to the reality of complex and stressful OR scenarios may be further compounded by factors such as the “interface familiarization curve” which refers to a steep learning curve that people may experience in VR simulators, thus requiring repeated exposure to learn the nuances of the system itself before the educational content can be properly absorbed. Difficulties in learning and using an interface may result from poor design and learners may need time to overcome system limitations and master control and feedback before acquiring surgical competence that can be measured and predict performance in the field [14]. Systems should be intuitive and easy to use, not requiring long time commitments to simply learn the system in order to begin practicing the required skills, especially by students or trainees who commonly experience high workloads [5].
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Issues with access, learnability and usability undermine the movement towards ‘outcomes-based medical education,’ which is focused on improving the performance of learners, facilitating practice of specialized skills and achieving mastery of the required competencies [10]. In this model of education, the goal is for students to achieve mastery in learning not just competence, with consistency across learners. Fundamental to achieving this level of mastery are the time and appropriate resources [15] to acquire knowledge and practice such skills, recognizing that the time and resources needed to achieve mastery may vary between individuals based on their characteristics and abilities [16]. Differences between learners, where some may require more or less training than others to achieve certain educational outcomes over others [16], is a factor that has been recognized by organizations studying the availability and role of simulation in surgical education and training. For example, Milburn et al. argue that maximizing the educational benefit of simulation requires a sensitivity towards equity by improving accessibility to these applications, awareness of these systems and the standards of facilities to permit trainees and trainers to fully use these resources [8]. With this pedagogical context in mind, this review of early and more current research studies in VR surgical trainers discusses the concepts of usefulness and usability as well as considerations to support actual use and acceptance of such systems. Although these cases vary in terms of surgical specialization, what they have in common is a primary focus on performance or effectiveness, with less emphasis placed on usability considerations and other factors related to adoption or actual use. This may be due to the high level of complexity involved in designing such studies and scoping research objectives. What they demonstrate is the utility of developing a framework to assist in defining a scope of work and strategy that helps better position or map study objectives to factors that support usefulness, usability, acceptance, and actual or viable use. Such a framework could support research objectives that better serve stakeholder needs and requirements in achieving specific educational goals.
4.2 Design Drivers in Developing VR Surgical Trainers 4.2.1 Is It Useful, Usable and Used? In discussing VR simulators in surgical applications, there are three basic domains differentiated in interaction design that can help frame our understanding of where the development and analysis of such systems are perhaps focused or situated. When we ask whether a product, environment, service or system is useful, usable or used, are we talking about similar concepts or are we in effect asking very different things? Some researchers and practitioners in interaction design have discussed the importance in differentiating between usefulness, usability and actual use in discussing the value of design [17, 18] or similarly the importance of not reducing a design’s assessed value to just usability constructs and measures [17, 19].
4 Useful, Usable and Used?
Before discussing such differences, some basic definitions from three reputable dictionary sources may be helpful. Useful is defined as “capable of being put to use” or “serviceable for an end or purpose” [20]; “effective; helping you to do or achieve something” [21]; or “[a]ble to be used for a practical purpose or in several ways” or “[v]ery able or competent in a particular area” [22]. The definition of usable differs slightly and is defined as “capable of being used” or “convenient and practicable for use” [23]; “that can be used” or “able to be used for a purpose” [24]; and finally “[a]ble or fit to be used” [25]. Used is defined as “that has already been put to the purpose it was intended for; not new” or “accustomed, habituated” [26]; “employed in accomplishing something” or “that has endured use” [27]; and finally, “[h]aving already been used” [28]. In looking at these definitions, useful implies the provision of some level of effectiveness that allows people to do something or achieve a purpose (implied by the words “capable of being put”, and “serviceable”). But it does not necessarily imply that this level of effectiveness is necessarily ‘convenient’ or is a ‘good fit’ (with a person’s capabilities) as the word usable implies more directly. The term used as described above is perhaps the most interesting and different from the other terms in that, when we say something is used versus usable or useful, we are confirming it is serving its intended purpose—the thing in question has been vetted effectively by virtue of being used and therefore met the objectives it was designed to meet and succeeded in its development. Based on the surgical educational objectives discussed earlier, one word seems missing in this review and appropriate to discuss here, which is the term accepted defined as “regarded favorably”, “given approval or acceptance” or “generally approved or used” [29]; “generally agreed to be satisfactory or right” [30]; and lastly, “[g]enerally believed or recognized to be valid or correct” [31]. Studying acceptance in design is important, since the literature has long acknowledged that what designers and engineers perceive to be advances in the performance of systems have often been derailed by people’s unwillingness to accept and use the proposed systems [32, 33]. The Interaction Design Foundation discusses these terms within the context of various examples, noting that there may be a subjective quality to what one thinks is useful that may not have usability involved in the evaluation. For example, I find a work of art useful in supporting my mood, but it is not usable; or products, such as a door which may be useful to enter and exit an environment, but not necessarily usable perhaps due to poor decisions made in the execution of the design or lack of consideration for differences in people’s characteristics and abilities [18]. In turn, the usability of a product may impact its perceived level of usefulness or utility, and if a design is not perceived to be useful, is it unlikely to be accepted by individuals? Perhaps the most important thing the organization notes in its discussion of these terms, is that evaluating whether a design is used or will be used (accepted) is critical to its proposal and development since “[i]f a design is not used, it doesn’t matter how useful and usable it is” [18]. This message has been longstanding in the field of interaction design with Davis noting in 1989 [32] the importance of predicting and explaining the actual use of systems and calling for better measures that move beyond theoretical use and usability studies to study actual use in order to bring better
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value to both individuals using the product and organizational stakeholders such as manufacturers and vendors. Other researchers see the value in focusing on better defined subdimensions of user experience such as efficiency, ease of use, satisfaction, and enjoyment to more fully understand the relations between such constructs relative to individual characteristics, contextual factors (e.g., tasks, culture), impact or results (e.g., attitudes, behavior) and design features [19].
4.2.2 Establishing System Requirements Establishing project goals, analyzing individual and stakeholder requirements and an iterative evaluation process are essential to guiding the design of interactive technologies [17] and particularly with complex systems such as VR applications [34]. Methodologies that can help define issues and opportunities, and better understand and develop individual and organizational requirements will depend on a variety of factors (e.g., the problem identified and related factors, the specific research question, available sample size, contextual constraints in studying the issue, budget constraints, etc.). Techniques to study VR systems may include rating scales, interviews, questionnaires, field or lab observation, focus groups, task analysis, to name just a few common methods [17, 35, 36]. In addition to these traditional research techniques, low-fidelity and high-fidelity prototyping and simulations of designs in lab or field settings are essential to evaluation [17]. But applying this evaluative process does not guarantee that a project will capture all the requirements necessary to make a design useful, usable, and accepted by individuals being introduced to the system, or later, actually used in a real-world context.
4.2.3 Factors Influencing Usefulness, Usability and Use The objectives driving VR development vary, with some studies focused on demonstrating the usefulness of a system (how a system might meet current gaps and needs), where others may focus more on usability (how easy it is to actually use a system), the latter of which may help optimize the usefulness of a system as discussed earlier. Acceptance and the actual use of such systems are other facets to consider in the successful development of VR systems. Early work by Sharples and colleagues suggested key research areas that may help further advance the field of VR development which touch on these concepts, including studying the effects of use, the effectiveness of the VR system, usability, presence, collaboration and the impact of technology developments (Fig. 4.1), areas which are often interdependent [37]. With regards to the interdependence of factors, it would be reasonable, for example, to hypothesize that the success of a collaborative technology could depend on its ability to seamlessly integrate a variety of technologies and enhance presence to help facilitate the completion of a group task. Similarly, a VR system’s ability to support
4 Useful, Usable and Used?
Fig. 4.1 Human factors priorities for VR development. Adapted from Sharples et al. [37]
individuals in completing a task or facilitating collaboration could be undermined by awkward body postures or other factors which may lead to physical discomfort. Physical and psychological effects from use have been studied (Fig. 4.2) by Nichols et al. and Cobb et al. [38, 39] and summarized in Sharples et al. [37]. Although the VR surgical studies presented in this review have focused primarily on the effectiveness of the applications, descriptions and photos from some of the studies suggest complex physical arrangements and demands. Depending on the amount of time the applications are used or the repetition of tasks and/or cognitive effort required of tasks, physical or psychological impacts may be experienced by
Fig. 4.2 Physical and psychological effects of VR use Adapted from Cobb et al. [60], Nichols et al. [61] and Sharples et al. [37]
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Fig. 4.3 Factors that may influence one’s sense of presence. Adapted from Slater [40, 42, 44]
individuals using these systems (e.g., awkward posture demands, discomfort due to equipment design, etc.). Such factors may warrant more detailed evaluation. Presence is another consideration in the design of VR applications and there are a number of factors that may affect one’s sense of immersion in the experience (Fig. 4.3). Presence has been defined by Slater as having the ‘sense of being there’ [40]. It has also been described as a change in one’s situation awareness towards the VR environment or the extent to which a person loses cognizance of their immediate, real environment and becomes convinced of their presence in the VR application [41]. Deficiencies in certain factors (e.g., seeing pixels due to resolution limits, bumping into walls in virtual environment systems) may ‘break’ one’s sense of presence [40, 42]. Witmer and Singer have identified the importance of providing a seamless experience capable of responding to our expectations in a meaningful way, stating that “presence depends on the ability to focus on one meaningful, coherent VE stimulus set” which “enables the focusing of attention” [43]. But how is this sense of cohesion achieved? Does it require realism or improved performance? Slater argued that a greater sense of realism does not necessarily result in a greater sense of presence as variables within the application will have different marginal effects [44]. He also argues that good performance does not equate to stronger presence. An individual performing poorly in VR may perform poorly on the same task in real life, which may in fact enhance their sense of presence or being there since they experience comparable phenomena in real life [44]. Draper et al. [41] share a similar view, cautioning against the view in the engineering literature that asserts that presence improves human performance in VR applications.
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Fig. 4.4 Interaction design principles relevant to VR. Adapted from Rogers et al. [17]
The surgical VR examples discussed in this review are relevant here as they touch upon where realism may be important or unnecessary. But what is consistent in every example is their ability to measure performance. Aside from factors related to supporting immersion or presence, Rogers, Sharp & Preece summarize basic principles in interaction design (see Fig. 4.4) that may influence physical or psychological comfort, the effectiveness of interactive systems, usability of the interface and instrumentation, collaboration, and technology selection and development [17].
VR Examples in Surgical Education and Training
Surgical simulators are used for pre-operative planning and to train students and practitioners in complex procedures where there is little opportunity for hands-on practice [1, 5]. This review of studies on surgical simulators reveals a tendency of the researchers to focus on measuring performance and task outcomes. But due to the complex nature of human-virtual environment interactions, measures are required to assess multiple criteria which may inadvertently influence human performance. Some common factors contributing to human performance in VR applications include navigational qualities, the degree of presence provided by the application, and feedback on individual performance from standardized tests [45]. Surgical simulators present various usability challenges that may make use difficult or unpleasant, and in turn, unintentionally influence the system’s effectiveness. This might include experiences such as inaccurate or awkward haptic feedback from using long-stemmed
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instruments, reduced depth perception due to loss of stereopsis, or poor hand–eye coordination resulting from limited degrees of freedom in motion for instrumentation [46]. One early VR simulation that focused on providing effective surgical training is the Limb Trauma Simulator, a system that was used in training for emergency combat care [47]. The system consisted of a computer model displayed on a monitor synchronized to stereo glasses, and an input device to simulate instrument control in a 3D software model of an anatomically correct healthy limb with simulated bullet wounds [47]. The simulator allowed trainees to see a 3D visual representation of the wound, as well as interact with controlled bleeding, debridement and hemostasis using input devices such as scalpels and forceps that provided force feedback [5]. Some of the challenges with such early technologies was that the richness of the interactive properties (computational load) reduced the visual fidelity of the image resulting in a low-resolution image [5]. Restrictions on the degrees of freedom to control the instruments and force feedback in use reduced a trainee’s ability to feel the range of reaction torques that one would actually experience in the field [47], limitations which may have undermined the trainee’s sense of presence. Kaber and Zhang [48] have noted the importance of including multi-modal experience in VR trainers since the ability to transfer the multi-modal aspects of such skills in the field will impact actual performance and patient safety. The characteristics of complex tasks may rely on multiple interacting modalities such as a person’s perception of information through a variety of senses, as well as temporal relations between motor control and visual perception. Studies comparing early laparoscopic simulators such as the MIST-VR (consisting of a computer, monitor, and laparoscopic tools without haptic feedback) and the ProMIS (consisting of a computer-enhanced videoscopic system, physical laparoscopic simulator, a full-scale model of an upper torso, computer, monitor, laparoscopic tools and interactive haptic feedback) have shown that preliminary development on these systems were able to train novice surgical trainees in complex laparoscopic skills [46, 49]. Kanmuri et al. [49] found that trainees performed similarly on these different systems provided the training was objectives-based and several opportunities were given to achieve the training objectives. In weighing the benefits of each system, the authors stressed the importance of easy access to automated performance metrics, which they noted was a feature of the MIST-VR but not the ProMIS [49]. Satava and Jones [5] support the need for usable performance metrics in order to objectively measure technical skills and provide meaningful analysis of performance outcomes. The authors of the laparoscopic study also highlighted the potential influence of factors external to the simulator design on one’s perception of system effectiveness. For example, they found that performance outcomes were influenced more by the quality of training and the clinical assessment methodology, than by features of the simulator [49]. The Kanmuri et al. [49] study focused primarily on the ability to complete task objectives and measure performance, but how did possible presence-enhancing features such as haptic feedback fare in the comparison? The authors found the nonhaptic user interface of the MIST-VR resulted in very similar training results to
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that achieved with the ProMIS system, which allowed for interaction with real physical objects. At the time, the haptic feature of the ProMIS may have been lacking in technological maturity, and therefore perceived value, with the authors noting that further development was required to achieve a cost-effective system to support the sensation of authentic force feedback [49]. The lack of haptic believability suggests that it did not contribute, and may have in fact, detracted from a sense of presence. Other studies have shown that haptic feedback is of more value to skilled participants, which reinforces the importance of defining who the audience for the product will be and their specific requirements [17]. For example, a study by Panait et al. [50] showed haptics contributing to greater precision, fewer errors and faster task completion in more advanced surgical tasks whereas the performance of more basic tasks did not benefit from haptic-enhanced simulation. However, for some procedures such as hysteroscopic surgery, haptics may be a critical component for any skill level in reducing learning curves and improving performance. A study by Neis et al. [4] used the HystSim™ VR trainer by VirtaMed to assess the effectiveness of the tool to improve psychomotor skills used in hysteroscopic surgery. The study focused on evaluating the performance of inexperienced and experienced participants following a standardized HystSim™-VRT program, which involved three rounds of polyp and myoma resection. The authors highlight specific challenges involved in the design and implementation of operative hysteroscopy VR trainers compared to laparoscopy trainers. Hysteroscopy VR trainers require simulated fluid use, and the ability to guide a cauterizing instrument into the endometrial cavity and resect an object representing different pathologies—levels of technological complexity and integration that manufacturers are attempting to incorporate. The participants in this study were divided into a basic group with minimal to moderate experience in diagnostic and operative hysteroscopy, while the advanced group had moderate to high experience. Participants were introduced to the system, handled the instruments for 5 min before using their dominant hand to use the rectoscope and left hand for fluid handling using inlet and outlet valves. Participants were asked to do three rounds of an easy task, which involved removing a polyp in a simulated uterus and a moderately difficult task resecting a type 1 myoma in the simulated uterus [4]. The authors selected and evaluated specific measures needed to support two key learning objectives: supporting patient safety and optimizing OR costs, an objectives/requirements-based approach critical to successfully designing complex interactives [17, 34]. This involved evaluating the amount of movement occurring in instrument use (a measure of ergonomic performance), fluid use (measure of patient safety) and the amount of time to resect the pathologies (measure of cost effectiveness). The study demonstrated the system’s potential value with regards to access to complex surgical training and repeated practice. Over the three rounds of evaluation, there was a significant increase in the median performance score for both groups, a significant decrease in time needed to perform the task, less movement occurring in instrument use with each session, and the use of fluid also reduced. Yet despite this evidence of the system’s usefulness and effectiveness, the authors felt haptic feedback could create a greater sense of presence by giving people the ability to
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feel a simulation of the uterine cavity and cervix. This would improve learning by helping clinicians develop a tactile/proprioceptive understanding of these anatomies [4]. Bajka et al. [51] have also discussed safety–critical limitations that haptics may help mitigate, such as not being able to distinguish between critical and non-critical contact with the uterine cavity wall. Other possible advantages of haptic feedback include the ability to distinguish the resistance of different pathologies. Currently, this type of training is occurring with plastic and animal models with some novel pelvic models recently introduced by VirtaMed [4]. Supporting the learning of such unique surgical instrumentation and the integration and assessment of such instrumentation can pose challenges for comprehensive design development and assessment. Studies on virtual reality haptic (VRH) trainers for endonasal surgery have described the usefulness and possible effectiveness of using such technology [6]. Some of the proposed benefits include ergonomic training on unique instrumentation and methods to help visualize procedures to improve performance as well as allowing time to practice and learn from errors without impacting patient safety [52–54]. But the evaluation of such trainers is sparse, making the necessary design work, iterations and refinement needed to create a successful application difficult to achieve. Thawani et al. [6] conducted the first study evaluating the effectiveness of such simulators using NeuroTouch’s VRH simulator in training endoscopic endonasal surgery [55–57]. During this procedure, the surgeon is looking at a screen, which shows a visual of the endoscopic procedure that must be coordinated or mapped to the tactile and proprioceptive feedback being received through endoscopic and drill tools manipulated by the surgeon’s hands, as well as foot pedals for irrigation and drilling. The study [6] compared the performance of an experimental and control group who were designated to each group based on their scores from a visual-analog scale (VAS) assessment. Participants with the lowest 3 VAS scores were assigned to the experimental group and would experience simulator training, while participants with the highest 3 VAS scores were assigned to the control group with no simulator training, the hypothesis being that training should demonstrate improvement in the experimental group and performance should remain the same with the untrained group. The authors [6] did not use the program’s software to evaluate improvements (e.g., to assess time, completion of tasks, tactile forces and excess force used) due to observed inconsistencies in the performance metrics. Although resource intensive, this deficiency was addressed by having performance evaluated by an expert in 2 simulated sessions (before and after training) and intra-operatively using the VAS scale based on six independent measures. As anticipated, the study found reliable improvement in the simulated performance in the trained group, but not in the performance of the untrained group [6]. Participants were given the task of using the endoscope to identify the right sphenoid ostium, withdrawing the tool from the nasal passage. They were then required to insert the drill and the endoscope in the passage to create an opening in the sphenoid sinus followed by the final task of inserting the endoscope into the sphenoid sinus. Participants received instruction on how to position the pedals; how to hold, orient and maneuver the instruments; and introduce instruments simultaneously into
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the nasal passage. During the task, the individual holds the endoscope in their left hand and the drill in the right hand [6]. The screen used to view the procedure is described as adjustable, but in photos of the experiment appears to be positioned outside the acceptable ergonomic visual display zone of 45° from horizontal line of sight [58]. Although participants were allowed to practice in the session, they were not permitted to practice at other times and two to three simulation training sessions were required to achieve the minimum expected performance score. The authors noted that although the built-in performance metrics were not reliable and that the study could have benefited from having more than one expert evaluator, they emphasized that the alternatives in training are sparse and that the system was useful for practice in holding, moving instruments, and positioning [6]. What’s interesting about this study is the description of the task they were assigned to perform and what appears to be a level of difficulty with performing the task in and of itself. The authors [6] do not comment on the fidelity of the simulator compared to the real procedure, which would have been interesting and important to note to better understand whether the complexity in use is specific to the procedure in-and-of-itself and the simulator design accurately reflected the complexity of the procedure, or whether the complexity was a result of poor simulator design, or a combination of these scenarios. As Slater [44] noted in discussing presence, it’s important to understand whether the simulator captures the fidelity of the procedure in the specific context-of-use to assess whether performance is based on the simulator’s design or what can be expected in performing the actual procedure. As the trained participants improved in an interoperative assessment, one could assume that the apparent lack of ease of use and learning required to work around the condition in the simulator (due to suboptimal equipment design and organization of the equipment) may reflect the reality of the procedure. This poses interesting challenges from a design perspective, as one might have to design a not-so-user-friendly, or less than optimal, VR experience to create a sense of presence and effectively capture the reality of the experience. The VR surgical simulators discussed thus far offered training and assessment of performance on specific tasks but lacked assessment of contextual factors. Contextual factors may include errors resulting from: interactions with poorly designed equipment; poor communication and decision-making among surgical team members; or changes resulting from organizational policies or practice, factors that may inadvertently affect surgical performance and patient outcomes [3]. Scerbo et al.’s early experiments with virtual environment systems like the CAVE (Cave Automatic Virtual Environment) integrated with task-specific simulators focused on the possible influence of contextual factors in performance by exposing trainees to work scenarios occurring with teams under stressful conditions [3]. Within the ‘Virtual Operating Room’ participants interacted with humans and avatars in a rendered CAVE environment, using real and virtual instruments and medical simulators to perform a procedure [3]. The process involved filming a real procedure, performing a cognitive task analysis on the procedure, and developing a step-by-step script for each actor to play in the scenario [3]. The personalities of the avatars were modeled using McCrae and Costa’s Five Factor Model combined with
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the Abridged Big-Five Circumplex model to define unique characters that could influence team dynamics and explore educational goals that depend on effective collaboration. Communication took place through wireless headsets designed to recognize speech commands and activate steps in the interactions. Performance was assessed by comparing deviations from the task timeline in the virtual event to those of the original script. The results showed the actors did exhibit some divergence from the timeline, which meant some of the simulation transitions had to be triggered manually, pointing to the need for flexible speech interactions to facilitate the desired workflow and ease-of-use. Speech recognition was used to cue interactions, which the author claims provided a more intuitive interface [3]. Such design features may support critical requirements such as quick and intuitive system uptake and reduced learning curves [5]. Similar to Scerbo’s study [3], Sankaranarayanan et al. [7] were interested in studying the influence of inadvertent contextual factors such as distraction and interruptions on surgical performance, and the use of VR to train surgeons under such conditions. The authors describe the need to move beyond what they refer to as ‘Gen 1’ simulators which are focused primarily on the development of psychomotor skills (e.g. hand–eye coordination) as well as fine and gross motor skills for manipulating instruments, cutting, suturing to simulators that incorporate training in perhaps the less obvious, less tangible, cognitive skills required for surgical excellence. Trainers should also address cognitive skills related to factors such as planning, communication, problem-solving, decision-making and mental workload within a context of excessive noise, equipment access issues or malfunctions, staff changes in position, phone and pager disruptions, to name just a few examples [7, 59]. The authors [7] also criticized the fidelity of ‘Gen 1’ simulators used in laboratory settings, which fail to capture the complex conditions experienced in ORs. However, Huber and colleagues [15] have pointed to the presence-related limitations of the HMD and VE used in this study, with the HMD being limited by a 45° field of view and the virtual scenario consisting of a plain computer-generated room. Using the Gen1-VR and Gen2-VR systems, participants conducted a peg-transfer task which has been demonstrated to replicate the fundamentals of laparoscopic surgery on a Virtual Basic Laparoscopic Skill Trainer-peg transfer (VBLaST-PT©). In this experiment, participants were purposefully exposed to distractions and interruptions during one of the conditions to evaluate the effects of environmental factors on performance. The participants all experienced 3 randomized conditions: (1) using the original Gen1 VR system where the participant interacts with a virtual patient and OR on a 2D monitor; (2) using the Gen2-VR© where the participant interacts in the same scenario but using a head-mounted display (HMD) without exposure to distractions or interruptions; and (3) using the Gen2-VR© in the same scenario using the HMD and exposed to distractions and interruptions [7]. Performance during each condition was automatically calculated by the simulator and additional information on the possible influence of distractions and interruptions was collected through a 5point Likert scale questionnaire to assess the realism of the task, sense of immersion and the influence of distraction and interruptions. The distraction stimulus consisted of presenting intermittent music that was least rated for preference by participants.
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Interruption was achieved by fogging the camera lens for a short period and randomly disabling the opening and closing of the left and right instrument tips. The study showed that performance on the peg-transfer task decreased with the introduction of distractions and interruptions. Feedback from the participants revealed they were not significantly affected by the introduction of music, but that equipment malfunctions significantly hindered their performance. These external factors represent a greater level of fidelity or presence to what might be experienced in a real procedure, and performance under such conditions may be more indicative of actual performance [7]. Using da Vinci® OR surgical laboratory trainers and robotic assistive systems, Hoogenes and colleagues [11] studied how well the skills obtained using such trainers transferred to performing a Urethrovesical Anastomosis (UVA) procedure on a novel 3D printed bladder model. The dV-Trainer (dV-T) from Mimic Technologies and the da Vinci Surgical System (dVSSS) from Intuitive Surgical help train robotic skills, assess surgical performance and provide assessment feedback to the trainees. The dVT can be set up in a lab or any other convenient environment as it consists of a portable desktop simulator with foot pedals and handheld controls, controls which are similar to the console design on the dVSSS. The dVSSS system is used to perform robotic assisted surgery in ORs. A simulator software package is integrated into the dVSSS console, which includes a 3D display. Both systems use Mimic Technologies’ VR software and scoring for performance. The 3D printed bladder model was developed through an iterative design process to try to achieve a high level of fidelity to a real human bladder. Unique polymers similar to the human bladder and urethra were used, which could more accurately represent the processes of cutting, incising, needle insertion and suturing. To further augment the experience, a realistic silicone torso was developed to simulate a human pelvis and allow for the accurate representation of docking instruments relative to the body and comparable site lines in a real OR setting. But the authors are clear to note the limits of fidelity, namely that the model could not represent the multiple physiological factors occurring in a real UVA procedure and that the bodily working space did not entirely represent the constraints posed by a real pelvis [11]. Two groups were studied: medical students, junior trainees and residents were assigned to a basic group; and experienced trainees, senior residents and fellows to an advanced group. Participants conducted a number of tasks on each simulator and results differed depending on the task being performed. The performance benefits of training with the higher fidelity dVSSS system were only significant for the basic group with no significant difference for the advanced group, suggesting that higher fidelity simulators might be of greater benefit to junior trainees. Participants’ perception of the VR trainers was also assessed through a questionnaire, which revealed that both simulators were considered useful to build familiarity with the da Vinci robot controls, basic robotic skills and associated UVA tasks. But participants found the dVSSS provided a greater realistic representation of using the da Vinci robot. But the realism of the dVSSS preferred by participants comes with compromises. Since the system requires the use of the actual robotics console that is located in the OR, this may limit access to the system [11]. The study also commented on the
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systems’ potential usefulness, as the time needed to complete the UVA task was 2.5 h, evidence to support the feasible integration of such training within a surgical curriculum which can be subject to time and resource constraints [9–11]. The final case discussed here focused on developing a proof-of-concept for the technical feasibility of creating a highly immersive virtual reality operating suite. Huber and colleagues were concerned about focus on supporting psychomotor skills in surgical VR trainers (e.g. hand–eye coordination, spatial orientation, tool use relative to fulcrum effect) to the exclusion of VR simulation that could represent and enhance the realism of a more wholistic surgical experience [15]. The authors argued that realism and increasing a person’s sense of presence in the experience is only possible in team training sessions, which requires extensive resources such as time, infrastructure and human capital. The researchers combined a VR laparoscopy simulator (LapSim), a VR-HMD, VR game components and 360° video of a standard laparoscopy scenario taken from their department’s OR to create a ‘user-friendly’, familiar and highly immersive OR scenario [15]. The system consists of a VR laparoscopy simulator without haptic feedback (LapSim) which includes a monitor, keyboard, mouse, computer, Simball™ 4D Joysticks, and a double-foot switch. The components were mounted to a height adjustable open chassis system to support access to components. Instrumentation consisted of left- and right-handed grasper instruments and a camera instrument located in the centre (which was not used in the experiment). Software from the manufacturer facilitated the performance of peg transfer tasks, pattern cutting, cholecystectomy and appendectomy tasks and recorded task-specific performance measures to monitor improvement and provide evaluative feedback. A custom VR HMD was developed using the HTC Vive to combine head tracking and stereoscopic depth effects and better approximate human vision over LapSim’s 2D monitor display. Low latency in the HMD OLED display helped reduce simulator sickness and the HTC Vive’s 110° field of view and 4.6 by 4.6 m tracking area supported an experience at room-scale (approximately the size of a minor operating theatre). The virtual surroundings were created using Unity™ where the virtual monitor was controlled using the joysticks and performance was optimized by downsampling the texture prior to rendering the environment [15]. These design decisions were driven by continuous clinical feedback during the development process to improve usability and enhance fidelity to the real environment. For example, clinicians placed equipment, people and other artifacts to accurately represent the conditions and constraints and identified that the joysticks should be visible in the HMD so they could be located to interact physically in the environment. Similarly, the foot pedal was not visualized in the HMD but was not an issue according to clinicians as they noted it’s often not visible in a real procedure due to sightlines and the use of surgical covers. The design was also driven by advancements in technology as early version HMDs posed issues for latency effects and ensuing motion sickness, as well as limited field of view, factors which were improved on in this study [15]. Clinical feedback on the design included the technical ease of use with regards to set-up and mobility. The movement of virtual instruments was also considered
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very accurate. However, concerns were noted on the limited display resolution in the HMD for precise tasks such as fine dissection where blood vessels need to be differentiated. With regards to physical anthropometrics, the 500 g weight of the HMD became uncomfortable with extended use and this discomfort may have undermined immersion. What’s interesting to recognize here, is that ten years after the study by Scerbo et al. [3], Huber and his colleagues [15] note similar concerns with usability, presence and collaboration highlighting the need to focus on supporting interactions using speech recognition to help trigger scenarios, improving immersion using multiple 360° videos, introducing authentic OR sounds and simulating stress to better support teamwork and situated learning [13].
4.3 Conclusion There are numerous studies in virtual reality applications for healthcare and this review has touched upon just a few examples from early and more current surgical applications, applications which demonstrate a wide variety of use contexts but all with the objective of improving and measuring performance in healthcare delivery. The effectiveness of the systems seem to be the baseline for adoption and future research and effectiveness is measured primarily by accuracy and/or the transferability and comparability of outcomes to field applications. If a medical student or surgical trainee performs well on a simulator, there is evidence to suggest they will perform well in reality. If a system is deemed to be accurate in the field to meet regulated standards of performance and patient outcomes, then it will be considered for adoption. But what’s hinted at in these studies is the need to study other relevant factors such as improved usability, and where deemed relevant, the desire to enhance a sense of presence, or introduce features that can help capture complex individual and team experiences in the OR. Features that are capable of enhancing presence were shown to improve the effectiveness of the system for some groups, as the studies on haptic feedback in laparoscopic simulators demonstrated, for example. This review also revealed that questions of pedagogical value and strategies related to ‘accessing’ such technologies did not appear to be central to these studies. The concept of equity and access to VR systems in surgical curricula should not be underestimated in design development, if we are to support a consistent organizational approach to improving patient outcomes. For example, a 2012 national surgical trainee survey of 1130 respondents conducted by the UK’s Association of Surgeons in Training found that “only 41.2% had access to skills simulator facilities”. Furthermore, for those individuals with access, only 16.3% were available outside of scheduled working hours, and only 54.0% had access in their current work place [8]. Therefore, as design teams continue to develop such systems, measures which can help foster the ‘accessibility’ of such systems, whether it be at an individual or organizational level should be considered critical project drivers.
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In order to study these layers of factors and their interdependence in surgical VR development, a comprehensive framework could assist researchers to better position their study objectives, while providing clarity on what value is being studied, and what remains to be studied in order to add value. Such a framework would assist researchers to strategize and better communicate where their system sits with regards to factors that support usefulness, usability, as well as actual use and sustainability within surgical curricula. A preliminary framework has been proposed here based on the work of human factors specialists, interaction and VR researchers and the studies discussed in this review touch on the priorities proposed in this framework to a lesser or greater degree. Studies may have focused on exploring the basic physiological or psychological effects of the system, basic effectiveness assessed through performance metrics, the usability of the system, how the application enhances presence, the system’s contribution to collaboration in the OR and/or the contribution of recent technology developments to support OR experience and education. Other novel factors that may contribute to pedagogical goals and associated user experience have yet to be identified and their value assessed in the development of surgical VR trainers. Some important factors that have been identified in the pedagogical literature on surgical VR trainers include features which support their viable inclusion in surgical training programs and improved access to the technology. Other factors that should be explored in the development of such frameworks include ethical considerations and other complex phenomena such as interactions related to infection prevention and control. The development of VR applications in healthcare is thriving as evidenced by the volume of literature being produced. But researchers caution that using virtual reality surgical trainers “is not a substitute for experience” and that this experience “can only be achieved by real-life surgery” [4]. Without a thorough analysis of factors that may enhance the usefulness, usability and acceptance of VR surgical trainers— factors which include user experience, physical and psychological effects, teamwork requirements and systems integration—such systems will continue to be limited in their potential.
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Chapter 5
Four-Component Instructional Design Applied to a Game for Emergency Medicine Tjitske J. E. Faber, Mary E. W. Dankbaar, and Jeroen J. G. van Merriënboer Abstract The ABCDE method, used internationally to treat seriously ill patients, is a guideline for performing the complex skill of resuscitation that is commonly trained in face-to-face-courses. In the abcdeSIM game, used as a preparation for these courses, players treat patients in a virtual emergency department. We used the Four-Component Instructional Design theory (4C/ID) to redesign the existing game. In this chapter, we explain why the game was redesigned and how the components of this instructional design theory can be applied to designing a serious game for medical education.
5.1 Background and Significance Caring for acutely ill patients is a demanding task in which doctors have to combine medical knowledge with procedural skills, problem-solving skills, and communication skills. Proficiency in these skills is often directly related to patient safety. For the young doctor or medical student, the endeavor can be daunting when not sufficiently trained. The ABCDE method is used internationally to assess and treat acutely ill patients. By applying the principles of ‘treat first what kills first’ the health practitioner can structure the approach to the acutely or seriously ill patient using a simple mnemonic: Airway, Breathing, Circulation, Disability, Exposure (ABCDE). The ABCDE mnemonic is taught to medical students, physicians, and nurses in emergency medicine courses across different contexts, among others including trauma, medicine, obstetrics, and pediatrics. Although such face-to-face courses are generally effective, there is room for improvement. Costs are high, due to a high facultyto-student ratio and being several days away from the hospital to ensure sufficient T. J. E. Faber (B) · M. E. W. Dankbaar Erasmus MC, University Medical Center Rotterdam, Institute of Medical Education Research Rotterdam, Rotterdam, The Netherlands e-mail: [email protected] J. J. G. van Merriënboer School of Health Professions Education, Maastricht University, Maastricht, The Netherlands © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 A. L. Brooks et al. (eds.), Recent Advances in Technologies for Inclusive Well-Being, Intelligent Systems Reference Library 196, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-59608-8_5
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practice in simulation training. Another issue with training in a one-day course is that there is less opportunity for distributed practice [4]. E-learning may be used to supplement courses and potentially decrease costs because once developed, elearning is very cost-effective for teaching large groups. However, when comparing a one-day course supplemented with e-learning with a conventional two-day course in ALS (Advanced Life Support) training, the e-learning group scored lower pass rates on cardiac arrest simulation tests [25]. Results on other skill and knowledge tests were similar. This suggests that the blended course was non-inferior for knowledge and technical skills, but less suitable for teaching how to integrate knowledge, procedural and communication skills in a cardiac arrest simulation test. Games can be used in combination with face-to-face training and have the potential to teach complex cognitive skills in an engaging, flexible and patient-safe way [15]. The abcdeSIM (Erasmus MC/VirtualMedSchool 2012; more detailed description at https://virtualmedschool.com/abcdesim) is an educational simulation game developed to prepare residents for face-to-face emergency care training. The game was developed in a close collaboration between medical practitioners, game designers, and educationalists. The player takes on the role of a physician presented with an acutely ill patient in a virtual emergency department. The virtual nurse provides a brief handover containing information on the patients’ condition. All the tools and information available in a real-life emergency department are available to the player. The player can perform a physical examination, start treatments (e.g. insert an IV cannula, start high flow oxygen), administer medication and order additional diagnostic tests (e.g. laboratory testing or a chest X-ray). In fifteen minutes, the player must complete a full ABCDE assessment of the patient and start the necessary treatments. Several patient cases are available with different medical conditions and levels of sickness. Vital parameters and the condition of the patient are generated by a complex physiological model that is influenced by the players’ actions. This results in a realistic feel of the scenario. After completing the assessment and starting treatment, the player can decide to move on to ‘secondary survey’. Players are then provided with feedback on their actions and a game score, as well as a narrative on how the patient fared after their care. The game score depends on the number of acceptable decisions made according to the ABCDE approach. Unnecessary interventions subtract points from the final score. Completing a case faster rewards additional credit. An image of the game interface can be found in Fig. 5.1. Family practice residents who played the abcdeSIM game before face-to-face training spent more time on self-study and showed improved clinical performance [7, 8]. However, fourth-year medical students playing the game did not perform better than students who studied the same cases in a text-based format without game elements. The students playing the game showed higher motivation and experienced higher cognitive load, but did not perform better on assessment of their ABCDE skills [7, 8]. Why do more experienced residents (in acute care) show improved performance after using the game, and students fail to benefit from the game, although they are very motivated to play? An explanation can be found in the difference in prior knowledge between both groups. Learners who have little prior knowledge will learn less and require more instruction and support. Another explanation
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Fig. 5.1 In abcdeSIM, the learner is presented with a virtual patient in an emergency department. All tools and options available in the real-life situation are represented in the virtual environment
could be the expertise reversal effect [16]: designs and techniques that are effective for low-knowledge individuals can lose their effectiveness and even have negative consequences for more proficient learners. The abcdeSIM is an open learning environment with little support, which makes it more challenging for novices to learn from the game when compared with experts. Maybe the students playing abcdeSIM experience too little support and guidance in the game, not knowing where to start improving their skills. How can we offer more support and guidance in an educational game, without depreciating the game experience? Instructional design theories aim to help develop more effective instruction. The Four-Component Instructional Design (4C/ID) model is a whole task learning approach based on cognitive psychology. It provides a framework for developing educational or training programs, aimed at the acquisition of complex cognitive skills, or complex learning. Complex learning is “the integration of knowledge, skills, and attitudes; coordinating qualitatively different constituent skills; and transferring what was learned to daily life and work” [24]. The treatment of an acutely ill patient is an example of a complex skill. 4C/ID has been recommended for designing medical education [35] and for designing educational games [14], but we found no records of educational games for medical education based on 4C/ID. We set out to redesign abcdeSIM, using current insights from instructional design and game design. In this chapter, we will describe the elements of 4C/ID and their theoretical and current applications in educational games and medical education. Next, we will show how we redesigned the existing abcdeSIM game according to
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4C/ID, and present an outline for the evaluation process for the redesigned game. Finally, we will review recommendations for applying 4C/ID to similar projects.
5.2 Game-Based Learning and Four-Component Instructional Design 5.2.1 Learning in a Game Environment Commercial games, even when created to primarily entertain, are commonly designed to be very effective instructional media; the goal of the instruction for the majority of commercially available games is ‘to learn to play the game’ (e.g. to navigate the environment, equip and use weaponry, outwit opponents and solve puzzles). They are usually immensely effective in reaching this goal, within the game context, without recourse to direct instruction outside the game [12, 13]. Teachers and instructional designers attempt to harness the power of games to achieve external learning goals. They do this either by creating games for learning, sometimes referred to as serious, educational or instructional games, or by applying gamification, which is the use of game elements in non-game settings [18], to conventional teaching programs. A detailed discussion of the mechanisms behind game-based learning and a thorough overview of these mechanisms and relevant design elements can be found elsewhere [1, 11–13]. In the following paragraphs, we will highlight a number of mechanisms used in games to enhance learning in relation to the 4C/ID model.
5.2.2 Four Component Instructional Design The four components of instructional design as described by van Merriënboer and Kirschner [24] consist of learning tasks grouped in complexity levels, supportive information, procedural information and part-task practice. We will provide a brief overview of each component in turn, and highlight its applicability and relevance to the game context.
Learning Tasks and Task Classes
Learning tasks engage the learner in whole-task practice, confronting the learner with all or most of the constituent skills important for performing the complex skill, including their associated knowledge and attitudes. Learning tasks are authentic whole-task experiences based on real-life tasks. These experiences can include case studies, projects, problems, scenarios and so forth. The learning tasks stimulate learners to construct cognitive schemata, specifically mental models that allow for
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reasoning within the domain, and cognitive strategies that guide problem-solving in the domain [24]. By focusing on whole tasks, transfer of the skills, learned in the educational setting, to clinical practice is facilitated. A similar mechanism is used in computer and video games, which James Paul Gee refers to as System Thinking [12]. Each element of a game fits into the overall system. This allows players to get a feel for the “rules of the game” – what works and what doesn’t, in other words, to construct a mental model. For educational games, this means that if the rules and the game tasks are aligned clearly with the instructional goals, getting a learner to learn the rules of the game will support them in reaching the learning objectives. However, if a task presented at the start of training is too complex, it results in cognitive overload for the learner, which impairs learning and performance. By grouping learning tasks into task class levels, the student starts with less complex tasks and progresses toward more complex tasks [24]. Task class levels reflect the concept of cycles of learning [13] or cycles of expertise [12] that are used to, on the one hand, engage players through the principle of mastery [28], and on the other hand force the player to practice a skill set to an automatic level of mastery. The use of levels to gradually expose the player to increasingly complex tasks or environments is ubiquitous in entertainment games. Within a task class, support and guidance is offered at a high level initially and decreased in subsequent tasks. After mastering one task class, the learner moves to the next task class, again starting with a high level of support and guidance. Task support focuses on providing the learner with assistance with the products involved in the training (product-oriented). This may include asking the learner to study a worked-out example or case study or completing an intermediate solution [31]. Solution-process guidance focuses on assisting learners with the processes inherent to solving the learning task (process-oriented), this may include a modeling example, which is an example of an expert performing the task with a simultaneous explanation of why the task is being performed as it is performed. While solving unfamiliar problems, experts use Systematic Approaches to Problem Solving (SAPs), that is, a general prescriptive plan that specifies the goals and sub goals that must be reached when solving problems in a particular domain. The ABCDE approach is an example of an SAP used to solve the problem of assessing and stabilizing a critically ill patient. This concept of first confronting a learner with less complex whole task experiences and gradually increasing complexity aligns with the concept of fish tanks in games [12]. A fish tank can be described as a simplified ecosystem that clearly displays some critical variables and their interactions that might otherwise remain obscured in the highly complex real-world ecosystem. Fish tanks are often offered to players either as tutorials or in early levels. In these scaled-down versions of a game, key elements and relationships are rendered salient, allowing the learner to take the first steps towards understanding the game as a whole system. Another relevant analogy is found in Lloyd Rieber’s microworlds [27]. A microworld presents the learner with a simple case of the domain and must match the learner’s cognitive and affective state. In fact, a learner should require little or no training to begin using a microworld, much like a child does not require training to use a sandbox.
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Supportive Information
Supportive information is domain-general information and is not task-specific, but task-class specific. The information explains to the learners how a learning domain is organized and how to approach problems in that domain. It supports the learner in developing general schemas and problem-solving approaches. Typically, supportive information is presented before learners work on a new task class and kept available for reference during their work on a new task class. Supportive information is important for learning non-recurrent constituent skills, which are skills that cannot be automated but can be performed based on cognitive schemata, such as problem-solving or reasoning. Huang and Johnson [14] recommend carefully designing supportive information and determining the amount of supportive information available by analyzing learners’ performance on prior tasks. They caution that providing all supportive information without performance analysis may reduce the level of challenge perceived by learners. They suggest using supportive information to provide cognitive feedback, that is, the return of some measure of the output of the learner’s cognitive processes. This feedback assists learners in reflecting on the quality of their problem-solving processes and solutions. This allows them to construct more effective cognitive schemas to improve future performance. Also, if the game takes place in an unrealistic context, supportive information may provide additional support for learners to be able to operate effectively in the fantasy world [14]. An example of supportive information available to players in commercial games can be found in online user communities, where players share information with each other.
Procedural Information
Procedural information is information that supports the learner in performing recurrent aspects of a skill, that is, aspects that are always performed in the same way and that can become routines. This information, intended to support rule automation, should be presented in a just-in-time (JIT) manner. In making the information available during task performance it can easily be embedded in cognitive rules via rule formation [24]. Well-designed games also provide procedural information “just in time” and “on demand” in a game, so that the user can start playing the game without referring to a manual. During gameplay, procedural information can, for example, be provided by the system (a new tool is highlighted when it becomes available for use), a nonplayable character (an NPC tells you where a valuable item may be found), or objects in the game (you push a door and it does not open) [13]. Quickly after obtaining new information, the player should be provided an opportunity to use it [12].
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Part-Task Practice
Finally, part-task practice can be necessary for recurrent aspects of a task for which a high level of automaticity is required after the training. It is typically applied for recurrent constituent skills that are critical in terms of safety (e.g. recognizing an obstructed airway), skills that enable the performance of other skills (e.g. measuring blood pressure), or skills that have to be performed simultaneously with other skills (e.g. being able to work under sterile conditions). Part-task practice can only begin after the aspects of the task have been introduced in a meaningful learning task [24]. Huang and Johnson [14] suggest part-task practice can help achieve rule automation in games. Gee [12] emphasizes that practicing skills in games is most effective and appealing to players when the skill is part of accomplishing things they need and want to accomplish. He states that in well-designed games, skills are posited as a strategy for accomplishing a goal, and only secondarily as a set of discrete skills. This aligns with the well-established notion of deliberate practice: when the value of automating a skill is clear, the learner can choose to engage in focused, repetitive practice of a well-defined task at an appropriate level of difficulty, while meticulously monitoring their performance through feedback from educational sources [22]. These four components are the building blocks for training programs designed according to the 4C/ID model.
5.2.3 4C/ID in Educational Games Huang and Johnson [14] have proposed an educational game design framework based on 4C/ID and cognitive load theory to enhance learner experience and the development of transferable cognitive schemata. They state the 4C/ID model is suitable for designing and researching educational games due to its characteristics, including affordability to design complex learning environments; flexibility to be applied for nonlinear and compact design sequences; scalability for design projects in various groups; validity and reliability of measuring learning outcomes; and emphasis on performance transfer. Subsequently, 4C/ID has been used in designing games for learning in several fields. For a vocational mechatronics training programme, Lukosch et al. [20, 21] designed a 4C/ID based educational game, combining a simulated workplace containing assignments with a sandbox environment in which students could freely experiment and display their skills. They argue that the clear structure provided by 4C/ID, with recognizable tasks, steps, and actions, should lead to fast acceptance of a game amongst teachers, even those unfamiliar with educational gaming. Enfield [10] used 4C/ID to redesign the Diffusion Simulation Game, a game for teaching application of strategies for diffusion of an innovation, in a curriculum related to change management. In six iterative cycles, they redesigned an existing game found ineffective in meeting its intended learning objectives. The redesign involved educationalists as well as instructional design experts, and the content was
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validated by subject matter experts. The designers intended to reduce cognitive load and increase learning. Post-test scores provided evidence that learners who played the redesigned game successfully met most learning objectives. The authors found that 4C/ID, while providing guidance on when to present information, did not provide specific guidance on how to provide information within a digital environment. They also experienced a lack of guidance related to concepts which learners find difficult to accept. Players were unwilling to use strategies that did not align with their own beliefs. Both issues were identified and solved in consecutive design cycles. The authors conclude that using 4C/ID within an interactive system design process provides fundamental guidance in redesigning an educational game. They suggest providing an initial learning task prior to any supportive information. This learning task may serve to familiarize the learner with the gameplay, increase the appeal of the game, and provide an experience to reflect back on when supporting information is introduced. For research methods and statistics, the CHERMUG (Continuing Higher Education in Research Methods Using Games) project aimed to develop a game to support students in developing an understanding of research methods and statistics [33, 34]. The authors performed a cognitive task analysis and used their findings in the design of a set of mini-games applying 4C/ID. They found the 4C/ID method was a welcome addition to assist in the design of the games, but caution that more research is required to be able to decide to what extent 4C/ID is suitable for various kinds of educational games, including more complex games.
5.2.4 4C/ID in Medical Education For medical education, a systematic review of simulation-based interventions looking at instructional design features identified the following best practices: range of difficulty, repetitive practice, distributed practice, cognitive interactivity, multiple learning strategies, individualized learning, mastery learning, feedback, longer time spent learning, and clinical variation [4]. These features are all present in a 4C/ID based instructional format and align with the principles of game-based learning as discussed above. Using the principles of 4C/ID to develop whole-task centered medical education is recommended to increase transfer from the curriculum to the workplace, and to meet the call for the more explicit use of evidence-based principles in the practice of medical education [35]. 4C/ID has been investigated in medical education research in various contexts, including clinical reasoning for undergraduate dental students [26], evidence-based medicine in classroom and clinical setting [23], communication skills for nursing students [29], and case presentation for medical students [6]. Tjiam et al. [30, 32] provide a description of designing non-game simulator-based skills training, using a cognitive task analysis integrated with 4C/ID, analogous to the blueprint suggested for educational games by Huang and Johnson described above. Pertaining to emergency care, a training format for post-partum hemorrhage simulation training
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based on 4C/ID increased the speed and number of executed tasks when compared with the best practice training format [9]. To our knowledge, no educational games for medical education or emergency care have been designed according to 4C/ID. Thus, we seek to answer the following research question: How can 4C/ID theory be applied to redesign an existing educational game for training complex skills in emergency care? We hypothesize that to apply the 4C/ID model to an existing game while preserving the game experience, we will require input from various perspectives including game designers. Not all elements may be as easily translated to the game context.
5.3 Redesigning a Game for Emergency Care Using 4C/ID To improve the instructional value in abcdeSIM using 4C/ID, we investigated and redesigned the game, looking closely at each component in turn.
5.3.1 Learning Tasks and Task Classes The original abcdeSIM game contains five scenarios featuring six different patient cases. The patients were presented in a fixed order that was, true to the nature of an emergency department, not organized according to complexity or disease. Players could only access the next case after completing the previous case. The fifth scenario involved two patients and was intended to stress the importance of a quick assessment to see which patients require the most urgent care. To improve the learning tasks, a content expert classified the available patient cases into three complexity levels based on the level of physiological disturbance and the interventions required to successfully complete the case. Two additional cases were added to ensure adequate distribution of cases across the complexity levels. Table 8.1 outlines the cases and complexity levels.
5.3.2 Support and Guidance While solving unfamiliar problems, experts use Systematic Approaches to Problem Solving (SAPs), that is, a general prescriptive plan that specifies the goals and sub goals that must be reached when solving problems in a particular domain. The ABCDE approach is an example of an SAP used to solve the problem of assessing and stabilizing a critically ill patient. We created time-based reminders on essential case-specific interventions to help the learner stay on track and follow the ABCDE
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Table 8.1 An overview of cases in the redesigned abcdeSIM game Case description
Physiological disturbance
Phases requiring intervention
Complexity level
46-year-old female Deep venous presenting with a thrombosis painful swollen leg
56-year-old male Acute presenting with exacerbation of severe shortness of COPD breath
56-year-old male, returning after several weeks with fever and shortness of breath
56-year-old female Acute myocardial Moderate presenting with infarction upper abdominal pain
B, C
32-year-old male presenting with hematemesis (vomiting blood) and dizziness
B, C
35-year-old male Pneumosepsis presenting with fever and shortness of breath
B, C
46-year-old female Subarachnoid presenting with hemorrhage seizures and a partially obstructed airway
A, D
39-year-old female Anaphylactic presenting with shock shortness of breath after being stung by a wasp
A, B, C
Acute exacerbation of COPD triggered by bacterial pneumonia
Hemorrhagic shock due to gastrointestinal bleeding
approach. An example is shown in Fig. 5.2. Learners start the game by completing a click-through tutorial, to familiarize themselves with the controls. Next, they watch a modeling example: a screencast of an expert performing the in-game assessment of a low complex case with a simultaneous explanation. They then play the low complex cases, each case decreasing in number of reminders. The final case in a task class is played without reminders.
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Fig. 5.2 Time-based reminders (top right) help the learner stay on track. The reminder is displayed only when the learner has failed to perform the required invention at the specified time
5.3.3 Supportive Information Supportive information is offered in two ways. An e-module explaining detailed information on the ABCDE method was already provided alongside the game tutorial and could be accessed in between cases. To provide the opportunity to use the supportive information available in the e-module during play, we created a pause button, in order to prevent the patient from deteriorating (as would normally happen in the absence of game interventions). This button may also serve as a way for the learner to deal with cognitive overload, or draw on other types of help, such as peer or faculty support, depending on the setting in which the game is embedded in the curriculum. As additional support for schema construction, we added a transfer form to the cases, prompting the learner to describe the patients’ condition according to the ABCDE structure. The transfer form is shown in Fig. 8.3.
5.3.4 Procedural Information Some procedural information was already embedded in abcdeSIM. For example, the virtual nurse provided immediate corrective feedback if the player supplied too little oxygen for the chosen oxygenation device, or when they would select inappropriate invasive treatments such as a chest tube or neck brace. We designed three additional procedural supports. First, when selecting a tool, just-in-time information about using
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Fig. 5.3 A transfer form prompts the learner to describe the patients’ condition according to the ABCDE structure
the tool appears, to enable automation of routine aspects of the task (Fig. 5.4). Second, to facilitate tool use, we enabled hit areas to be shown when selecting an instrument (Fig. 5.5). Finally, on-demand feedback during the case from a virtual supervisor enables the learner to see where they can improve their performance (Fig. 5.6).
5.3.5 Part-Task Practice We did not identify opportunities for part-task practice within the game. However, the ABCDE approach as a whole contains several skills that will benefit from parttask practice, such as placing an IV cannula or intraosseous needle, performing a physical examination, or interpreting vital signs. This practice could be implemented in addition to the game, in a blended (online and offline) design curriculum.
5.3.6 Design Process and Challenges All support options were designed in a collaborative effort between game developers, content experts, and educationalists. For example, when designing procedural support, the educationalist observed that students would select tools, but were unable to quickly apply the tool in the correct way. The game developer looked for technical
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Fig. 5.4 When selecting a tool, just-in-time information about using the tool appears. The learner can check a box to prevent the information from appearing the next time the tool is selected
Fig. 5.5 When a tool is selected, in this case a non-rebreathing mask, the hit area appears to facilitate application of the tool
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Fig. 5.6 On-demand feedback during the case from a virtual supervisor enables the learner to see where they can improve their performance
options to provide more information to the students within the existing software and came up with several options. In a group discussion, the tool information pop-up windows were selected. The content expert then wrote the tool descriptions. We implemented all support to allow any combination of support options at a time. This way, the support a player receives can decrease in the course of his or her gameplay. We designed a standard game flow according to 4C/ID principles, where players start with the low complexity tasks and high levels of support, working towards low complexity without support, then continuing with moderate complexity levels and high support, et cetera. During the redesign process, we encountered some issues. Working in an existing game implied there were limited technical options for adding functionality within the game. A specific challenge was the amount of available visual space. The original game was designed to use almost all visual space in the game screen. This meant that additional information provided in-game would stack with visuals that were necessary for the primary gameplay. We solved this by creating pop-up information windows for the transfer form, tool information, and supervisor feedback. While the pop-up window is visible, the simulation keeps running in the background and sounds keep playing. For the reminders, we felt this was not an appropriate interface design since these messages come from the system, instead of being requested (more or less consciously) by the learner. Therefore, the reminders appear in the top right corner, partly obscuring the crash cart. To remove a reminder, the learner must click an ‘X’ in the top right corner (see Fig. 5.2. We believed that this will increase the chance that
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they notice the message. However, this display mechanism may lead to frustration in the case when one wants to take something out of the crash cart quickly and is first confronted with a message from the system. Another option is to use audio messages. These messages would have to be short and clear, for example, “IV fluids have run out.” User testing will be necessary to evaluate if the mechanisms we created support the learner as intended. Second, increasing the number of patient cases proved challenging. There was limited display space available for adding patient information, so the cases could not be infinitely complex. Furthermore, as the virtual patients in abcdeSIM consist of over 200 separate photographs, adding a single patient requires creating a whole new stack. We solved this in two ways: by using cases from another version of abcdeSIM, negating the need for new images, but requiring a substantial amount of visual design work to make the images fit with the emergency department environment; and by allowing one patient to occur twice with a different condition. For new games, the use of 3D graphics instead of photographs could be suggested to increase flexibility in the design, with a cautionary note that this will decrease visual fidelity.
5.3.7 Plans for Evaluation To assess the effect of the various support options and the viability of the chosen game flow, medical students will be invited to test the redesigned game in a mixedmethod study. In the first phase of evaluation, we will combine cued retrospective interviewing with direct observation of gameplay, to explore which support options are subjectively experienced as helpful and which cause frustration. We will triangulate this data using the System Usability Scale (SUS) [2] and Questionnaire for User Interaction Satisfaction (QUIS) [3] to measure user experience, and a ten-item cognitive load measurement questionnaire [19] to quantify cognitive load. Findings will be consolidated into points for further improvement and implemented. This will be the first assessment phase in a process of iterative improvements. In the second phase, we will investigate the learning curve by measuring performance improvements over time using trace data, that is, a log of all actions performed in the game by the user. We expect that this will provide insight on how to implement which support options, to eventually improve the learning effect of the game.
5.4 Discussion and Lessons Learned In this project, we developed several support options for a serious game for emergency care skills in harmony with the 4C/ID model. Potential issues remain regarding the impact of these changes on the learning and especially the gaming experience. First, lowering the complexity for the initial levels may result in decreasing challenge. Motivation for playing often arises from experiencing a state of flow, when an optimal
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balance exists between challenge and required skill [5]. To maintain motivation, it is important to augment the perceived value of the task. This might be achieved by first exposing the student to a case without support as suggested by Enfield [10], however, too much challenge in relation to the players’ abilities will decrease motivation. For optimal gameplay, a delicate balance must be sought between challenge and support. We will pursue this balance through rigorous testing. A second concern is the added cognitive load resulting from the support mechanisms themselves. The increased load may be considered germane to the learning task, but if the support does not match the players’ needs it may instead increase extraneous load, that is, the cognitive load caused by processes that do not contribute to learning but instead burden available working memory [17]. Offering ‘just enough’ support for a particular learner is challenging, as there are few indications of learning needs during play. Finally, the need for support can be different for each player. Very specific supports, such as the time-based and intervention-based reminders, may not align with the players’ needs. They may arrive too soon or too late, causing cognitive overload or frustration. By adapting the support to the actions and achievements in previous cases, it may be possible to tailor the support to the level of the player. This adaptivity could further increase effective learning in the game context. In summary, this study demonstrates applying the Four-Component Instructional Design Model to a serious game for emergency care. Input from various perspectives, including educationalists, game designers, and content experts was essential in implementing additional support and improving the learning tasks. The FourComponent Instructional Design model provided a structured approach for improving the instructional design of a serious game for emergency care medicine.
5.5 Conclusion The Four-Component Instructional Design model provides a structured approach for design choices in a serious game. Working in an existing game, we encountered some challenges, such as scarce available visual space to display the reminders and tool information. Still, by following the 4C/ID principles and closely collaborating with a team of educationalists, content experts, and game designers, we were able to create several theoretically sound support options. Acknowledgements We wish to acknowledge IJsfontein, game design company in Amsterdam, the Netherlands for providing input on suitable ways to implement support and making the required technical adjustments to the game.
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Chapter 6
A Review of Virtual Reality-Based Eye Examination Simulators Michael Chan, Alvaro Uribe-Quevedo, Bill Kapralos, Michael Jenkin, Kamen Kanev, and Norman Jaimes
Abstract Eye fundus examination requires extensive practice to enable the adequate interpretation of the anatomy observed as a flat image seen through the ophthalmoscope, which is a handheld device that allows for the non-invasive examination of the back of the eye. Mastering eye examination with an ophthalmoscope is difficult due to the intricate volumetric anatomy of the eye when seen as a two-dimensional image when examined through the lens of an1 ophthalmoscope. The lack of eye examination skills in medical practitioners is a cause of concern in today’s medical practise as misdiagnosis can result in improper or prompt treatment of life-threatening conditions such as glaucoma, high blood pressure, or diabetes amongst others. Past and current solutions to the problem of ophthalmoscope education have seen the use of pictures, illustrations, videos, cadavers, patients, and volunteers. More recently, simulation has provided a higher-end instrument to expose trainees to otherwise impossible conditions for learning purposes safely. However, simulation costs associated with purchasing and maintaining modern simulators has lead to complications related to their acquisition and availability. These shortcomings in eye examination M. Chan · A. Uribe-Quevedo (B) Ontario Tech University, 2000 Simcoe St N, Oshawa, ON L1H 7K4, Canada e-mail: [email protected] M. Chan e-mail: [email protected] B. Kapralos maxSIMhealth, Ontario Tech University, Oshawa, ON, Canada e-mail: [email protected] M. Jenkin York University, 4700 Keele St, Toronto, ON M3J 1P3, Canada e-mail: [email protected] K. Kanev Shizuoka University, 3 Chome-5-1 Johoku, Naka Ward, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka 432-8011, Japan e-mail: [email protected] N. Jaimes Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, Cra11N101-80, Bogota, Colombia e-mail: [email protected] © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 A. L. Brooks et al. (eds.), Recent Advances in Technologies for Inclusive Well-Being, Intelligent Systems Reference Library 196, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-59608-8_6
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simulation have led to research focusing on cost-effective tools using a breadth of solutions involving physical and digital simulators ranging from mobile applications to virtual and augmented reality, to makerspace and practical eye models. In this chapter, we review direct ophthalmoscopy simulation models for medical training. We highlight the characteristics, limitations, and advantages presented by modern simulation devices. Keywords Eye examination · Simulation · Virtual reality · Augmented reality
6.1 Introduction Despite doctors possessing reasonably sound knowledge of medicine, a number of studies, including the work of Fischer et al., have found doctors to be deficient in regards to clinical skill performance, problem-solving, and the application of knowledge to patient care [1]. These deficiencies are generally found across all aspects of medicine and have led to renewed interest in the way in which doctors are regulated, and in the mechanisms used to train them. Of particular interest here is that the increased demand for patient safety has driven the adoption of simulation as a mechanism to reduce medical error which is estimated to be the third leading cause of death in the United States [2]. The history of simulation in training and educations spans many centuries and is widespread throughout various fields of human endeavour. Games such as chess represent perhaps the earliest attempts at wargaming, and the sport of jousting enabled knights to practice and hone their skills. The oldest description of simulation in health care education can be found in the Sushruta Samhita, a collection of medical texts written in approximately 500 CE. These writings describe 1100 illnesses, including their management, and approximately 300 surgical procedures. This collection also contains sections dedicated to the production and use of simulators. The simulators described in these passages are primarily comprised of natural materials, such as holes in moth-eaten wood to represent wounds for probing. A majority of these simulators would be categorised as part-task trainers today, although, a whole-body patient simulator for skills practice is also described [3]. Signs of simulation-use in medical and medical-related education have also been noted in ancient China, where the practise of acupuncture was taught through the use of life-sized wax-coated bronze figures filled with water, invented by Wang Weiye, the court physician of Emperor Song in 1023 CE [4]. The skills of the user were evaluated based on whether or not water leaked from the acupuncture point after needling. Alongside the simulators, a manual was printed and distributed by the central government health bureaucracy for students to use as a reference. However, the acupuncture channels described in Wang’s manual were not aligned to any body structure because the study of anatomy was non-existent, and dissection was forbidden [5]. Although simulation has been a prevalent component of medical education throughout human history, the systematic and sustained use of simulation in health
6 A Review of Virtual Reality-Based Eye Examination Simulators
care education is more recent, dating to the start of the 18th century [6]. It was during this time period that the Chamberlen family, responsible for the invention of the obstetric forceps, lost their monopoly on instrumental deliveries, and more men (later known as men-midwives) had expressed interest in attending births. Simulators were used to educate midwives and men-midwives on baby delivery, and how to manage more complicated births. The use of simulation increased throughout the following two hundred years, along with the recognition that appropriate education and training would lead to applications in other fields as technology advanced. In order to help allay issues related to medical performance deficiency, medical education has shifted towards a system-based core curriculum that allows for the development of skills targeting patient safety [7]. One of the primary goals of simulation-based medical education (SBME) is a focus on the learners obtaining and honing clinical psychomotor skills within the cognitive domain, in addition to developing skills within the affective domain (such as communication training with simulated patients) [2]. Although simulation does not guarantee learning, when used in the proper environment, it can prove to be instrumental in the education and training of adult learners through experiential learning [2]. Photographs are a crucial training aid in ophthalmoscope training. They present a number of advantages over the direct eye fundus examination. They allow the instructor and the trainee to visualise the same image, which allows better guidance and assessment in comparison with an ophthalmoscope, where the trainee obtains descriptions and directions, and reports orally on these while having the sole view of the fundus [8]. In a retention study, Kelly et al. [8] found that trainees prefer digital fundus photographs over direct ophthalmoscopy, with 20% of the trainees citing discouragement by clinical preceptors as a primary reason for not performing the full examination during training exercises. Trainee enthusiasm for the clinical usage of ocular fundus photography, suggests that more widespread availability of non-mydriatic fundus photography could allow for more frequent and accurate examinations within the clinical setting [9]. Student preference for images led Kelly et al. to conclude that trainees preferred them because of their higher resolution, larger size, and lack of both patient and ophthalmoscope interactions that can increase the examination assessment. Building on photography-based training, multimedia tools often include interactive mechanics that allow the instructor and student to share the same view of the eye fundus with the objective of providing better guidance, feedback, and a full examination training experience [10]. In this chapter, we present a review of direct ophthalmoscopy (DO) simulators. The direct ophthalmoscopy (fundoscopy) examination procedure involves interpreting the intricate anatomy of the eye, when viewed through the lens of an ophthalmoscope. DO is a difficult procedure to master as it requires extensive practice to properly interpret the intricate anatomy of the eye [11]. van Velden et al. [12] proposed a series of three factors for ophthalmoscopy training; formal instruction, adequate practice time, and refresher training. Benbassat et al. [13] suggested that although different medical associations have varying expectations concerning what medical trainees should know, all students should be able to identify the red reflex, optic disk, and recognise signs of clinical emergencies and retinopathies. Our focus on DO
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stems from our research in developing an eye examination training tool employing emerging technologies. The goal of this review is to highlight advances and trends in the field of eye examination as current consumer-level technologies and makerspace are becoming disruptive in terms of advances in the availability of learning and training tools. Moreover, an eye examination is a routine procedure that it is still relevant today [14].
6.2 Ophthalmoscopy Examination Traditionally, education in the eye fundus examination begins with an introduction to the concepts associated with the semiology of the eye and the various pathologies related to the visual apparatus. Following this knowledge acquisition phase, a practical component takes place, where trainees learn and apply their knowledge towards identifying various fundus conditions by way of practice with classmates, or through the use of digital photographs [15]. Digital photographs are regarded as a standard method of fundus examination practice, as trainees are able to analyse a variety of common and rare physical afflictions otherwise challenging to observe in real-life practice as a result of patient availability [16]. Photographs also enable the trainee and instructor to confirm specific aspects of the ophthalmoscope view as both can visualise the same structures. In addition, students are expected to utilise direct ophthalmoscopes in real-life examination practice [10]. Yusuf et al. [11] identify limited practice as a concern regarding the ophthalmoscope training. The inadequate levels of competency and proficiency in ophthalmoscope operation have been identified resulting from the limited time dedicated to eye examination training, which, when coupled with the inherent complexity of interpreting 2D eye fundus images and patient interactions, can lead to a challenging training experience [17]. Moreover, the deficiencies in examiner aptitude are not limited to just novice trainees; it also encompasses experienced doctors in the field of ophthalmology as well [18].
6.2.1 The Ophthalmoscope and Eye Fundus Examination Direct ophthalmoscopy devices produce an upright, or un-reversed image of approximately 15 times magnification which is reviewed by the medical practitioner. The procedure involves ensuring that the patient is comfortable (in order to limit involuntary head movement); the room lights should be dimmed, and the doctor has support to maintain a proper viewing angle while approaching the patient. Pupil dilation may vary depending on the patient’s age. It is worth noting that a combination of direct and indirect viewing techniques may take place to obtain a better view of the eye fundus [19].
6 A Review of Virtual Reality-Based Eye Examination Simulators
In order to operate the ophthalmoscope, the medical practitioner is required to adjust the ophthalmoscope diopter and the size of the incident light beam to approximate the size of the targeted pupil (light reflection causing glare and dazzle can result if the light beam is larger than the pupil), along with its intensity (the maximum intensity can also be discomforting to the patient). Once the eye fundus can be visualised, the main landmark within the eye is the optic disk since it is situated in the same location for every person and it is easily identified. After the optic disk is located, it is easier to adjust the ophthalmoscope and look for other eye structures [19]. Ophthalmoscope examination requires the medical practitioner to direct the light at the pupil at an angle of 15 to 20 degrees and 25 cm from the patient’s line of sight. As the practitioner moves closer to the patient, a red reflex (i.e., the red-orange reflection of light from the back of the eye) should appear in normal conditions; this provides a guide to continue approaching until the light, and the ophthalmoscope is 2 cm away from the eye. It is worth noting that only practice can yield the necessary expertise when finding the proper angle and distance approach to the patient. Other challenges when performing the examination include avoiding prolonged examination (more than 15 s with a 10-s break when needed), as prolonged examination can lead to fatigue and discomfort to the patient [19].
6.2.2 Ophthalmoscope Alternatives New methods are continually being developed to enhance eye fundus teaching and practice. For example, the Arclight Ophthalmoscope is a solar-powered, multipurpose ophthalmic device for retinal examination and otoscopy (examination of the ear) that has been compared to traditional handheld ophthalmoscopes in terms of effectiveness and ease of use, finding no significant differences between the two [20]. Furthermore, the Arclight device has been gaining momentum due to its low cost, providing a more affordable examination device that can help improve training by increasing access to it [21]. Commodity display and computational platforms have also been applied to this problem. Mobile computing advances have produced digital cameras with higher resolutions that can be added to smartphones. For example, the D-EYE mobile phone add-on allows placing the magnifying device on top of the camera and then through an application, enables the examiner to point and photograph the eye fundus. A study conducted to compare performance versus a direct ophthalmoscope revealed that those using the D-EYE provided more accurate diagnosis [22].
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6.3 Simulation and Medical Education In the context of medical education and training, simulation is defined as the artificial, yet faithful imitation and representation of clinical situations through the use of suitably analogous and digital apparatuses [7]. Simulation has been established as a training tool that can be used standalone or complementary to training as learners are able to practice delicate procedures, and equipment handling without exposure to hazardous conditions and life-threatening repercussions [23]. This method of learning also facilitates the transition from traditional motto of medical education, “See one, do one, teach one”, into the more contemporary and successful, “See one, practice many, do one” [24]. By way of simulation-based training, learners are provided with the opportunity to practice using cognitive, psychomotor, executive, and interpersonal functions [7]. Prior to the use of computer-based simulators in modern-day training, physical models were used as educational tools regarding anatomy and disease, along with literature and theatre representations of various medical signs and symptoms [25]. In addition to these techniques, cadavers, live practice with students and patients have been used to help further develop cognitive and psychomotor skills in future doctors [26]. Medical education has evolved considerably since the 1900’s from the apprenticeship model of learning where students see, learn, and do, to demanding precise objectives to measure competency in medical knowledge, skills, and behaviours [27]. The apprenticeship model, long a cornerstone of medical training, has limitations associated with variability and reproducible of conditions required to train competent health professionals, quantitative assessment in terms of the training received, and feedback on the efficacy of the training [28]. A simulation is typically comprised of two components: (1) the scenario, and (2) the simulator. The scenario describes the simulation and includes the goals, objectives, feedback or debriefing points, narrative description of the clinical simulation, staff requirements, simulation room set up, simulators, props, simulator operation, and instructions for SPs [29]. Simulators can include manikins, cadavers, animals, devices, technologies, computer programs and virtual spaces, scenarios, SPs, and a host of other methods of imitating real-world systems [29]. Debriefing sessions following such simulation-based training enables learners to reflect on their actions and make connections to real events, which further facilitates learning, abstraction, and conceptualisation [30]. Technological advancements have led to the resurgence and development of more sophisticated simulators in medical training, particularly in ophthalmoscopic training [31]. One example of a more modern sophisticated medical simulator is the ResusciAnne, a simulation manikin developed for practising ventilation during cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) in the 1960s by Norwegian toy manufacturer Asmund Laerdal [32]. Although the model lacked any computer components, it presented an airway capable of obstruction where trainees were able to realistically hyper-extend the neck, and tilt the chin to open the airway for sufficient inflation [33]. An even more advanced simulator named Sim One was developed in 1967, by Dr. Abrahamson, an engineer, and Dr. Judson, a physician, both from the University of Southern
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California School of Medicine [34, 35]. Documented as the first computer-controlled manikin capable of visible chest rising and falling during breathing, Sim One included a synchronised heartbeat, blood pressure, coordinated temporal and carotid pulses, and a movable jaw and eyes. Sim One was used to teaching anaesthesia residents endotracheal intubation in a safe environment, and could also provide physiological responses to four intravenously-administered drugs, and two gases through a mask or intubation tube. An analytic comparison was conducted between five medical residents using the simulator, and a control group consisting of another five medical residents. The medical residents who used the simulator yielded better performance ratings and required fewer trials to reach success in time than those in the control group [34]. Despite the effectiveness of the simulator, adoption was limited due to the cost associated with the software and hardware. As society advances technologically, simulated clinical experiences become more functional and affordable, providing students with a wide variety of opportunities to learn new skills, practice team communication, and hone clinical competencies [31]. Such trends in medical training include SPs, models and part-task trainers, computer-based simulation, and virtual reality-based systems. These advances are reviewed below.
6.3.1 Standardised Patients The concept of SPs originated in 1963 by a neurologist from the University of Southern California and revolved around using real people acting as a patient as a method of training. These ‘patients’ are carefully trained actors who are taught to utilise specific verbal and physical triggers to portray various patient conditions accurately. As such, these actors are also knowledgeable in the context of the simulation [36]. SPs are used to realistically imitate healthcare environments in order to engage medical education learners and to enhance the suspension of disbelief [25]. Although the first experience was formally reported in 1964, the method of training was not very popular initially as it was regarded to be too expensive and unscientific [27]. SPs can be considered to be a desirable alternative to medical education with real patients for a number of reasons. The first advantage of SPs lies in the readiness and availability of the simulator, as students are able to practice procedures at times and locations suitable for the specific training, instead of relying on real patients at a hospital or clinic [31]. Students are also able to experience multiple scenarios with SPs, rather than a single encounter with a live patient. SPs are also able to modify their behaviour to replicate patient behaviour during the period of consultation and treatment. This allows learners to be familiarised with continuous care within a reasonable amount of time. Lastly, SPs are considered to be more ethical as a method of medical education as they are not real patients with real medical conditions or emergency scenarios [37]. The use of SPs also presents a few disadvantages. The overall reliability of the SP to consistently recreate the same simulation experience for all learners has been called into question [36], and the amount of time required
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for adequate training is limited. Nonetheless, Barrows argues that SPs are not meant to replace traditional methods of training, rather they are meant to act as supplements to enrich the overall learning experience, and to provide more practice for learners while working with live patients [31].
6.3.2 Computer-Based Simulation Computer-based simulators in medical training began with the introduction of mathematical models for physiological and pharmacologic anaesthetic drug effect simulation [38]. Simulators such as SLEEPER and the Anesthesia Simulator Recorder were developed for anaesthesia training, allowing trainees to practice the procedure through repetition and feedback, and have been praised for their realism and affordability [39]. Despite their convenience, computer-based models may lack key experiential and kinesthetic elements provided by higher fidelity training mechanisms (i.e., realism) that are critical for the development of psychomotor proficiency and dexterity used in clinical skills [31]. A comparison study conducted by Beal et al. concluded that although higher-fidelity simulation was more effective than lowfidelity ones, in terms of skills acquisition, there were no significant differences with other teaching approaches [31].
6.3.3 Virtual/Augmented/Mixed Reality Virtual reality (VR) is defined as the replication of an environment that simulates the physical presence of places in the real or virtual world, allowing users to interact in that world [40]. Through the use of specialised hardware and software, environmental replication is achieved by stimulating a number of the human senses such as sight, hearing, and touch [41]. For instance, tactile and kinesthetic perception can be replicated through the use of haptic systems such as controllers with vibration feedback sensors. In addition, visual and audio cues can be provided through appropriate computer displays and speaker systems. A common concern with virtual reality systems is that their goal is to completely replace the normal perceptual cues with those from some alternate (virtual) reality [42]. Virtual environments are typically isolating, requiring other team members and instructors to be simulated in the environment as well, if they are required, as medical tasks typically require social skills [43]. Augmented reality (AR) can be defined as a technology that projects virtual elements, such as menus and objects, into the real world [44]. AR was first introduced as a method of training for airline and Air Force pilots in the 1990s and is widely used as a tool for education in the present day. Similarly to VR, AR initially required expensive hardware and sophisticated equipment to use, although augmented reality programs can now be developed for more consumer-friendly devices such as mobile
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phones and computers. As a result, augmented reality can be used within classrooms from kindergarten to university [45]. AR has been shown to be a beneficial learning tool in education [46]. For example, AR allows students to engage in authentic explorations of the real world. By overlaying virtual elements such as menus, over real-world objects, users are able to make more detailed observations that would otherwise be overlooked to the naked eye [44]. In 2009, Dunleavy, Dede, and Mitchell observed that AR’s greatest advantage lay in its unique ability to create immersive hybrid learning environments that combine digital and physical objects, thereby facilitating the development of processing skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving and communicating through interdependent collaborative exercises [47].
6.3.4 Simulation in Ophthalmology With respect to simulation in ophthalmology, the need to improve eye training has led to the development of various simulators, from those employing interchangeable images (e.g., printed or digital pictures) examined through sockets simulating the eye in a manikin head [48]. From the earliest days of ophthalmoscope training, educational resources included the use of imagery (sketches, photographs) to guide students through the training process. Pictures, illustrations, multimedia, 3D models, cadavers, videos, lectures, and live demonstrations provided complementary media to enable learners further to explore content.
6.4 Direct Ophthalmoscopy Simulators Direct Ophthalmoscope (DO) simulators development has focused on overcoming the limitations of traditional ophthalmology training by enhancing different aspects of the simulation task. This section reviews low- to high-end eye fundus examination simulators, including both physical and computer-simulated tools. Ophthalmoscopy training can be conducted using different didactic tools (e.g., pictures, illustrations, multimedia, 3D models, cadavers, videos, lectures, and live demonstrations). The procedure follows appropriate steps and techniques that are generally taught for a successful examination [49]. The Plastic Canister Model, described by Chung and Watzke in 2004, is a training model for direct ophthalmoscopes that simulates a mydriatic pupil. Through the use of a plastic canister with an 8-mm hole in the centre of one end, users are able to view a 37-mm photograph of a normal retina through the use of a traditional direct ophthalmoscope as shown in Fig. 6.1 [50]. Results with this simulator have been mixed. A review by Ricci and Ferraz [51], highlighted common problems with the device including low photograph quality, intense light reflection and a loss of spatial perception by the examiners. A study performed by Kelly et al. [52] aimed
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Fig. 6.1 Depiction of the eye examination plastic canister. Interchangeable circular eye fundus photographs are placed at the back of the canister and then covered with the lid that has a hole mimicking the pupil aperture. Image created based on the plastic canister description found in [50]
at examining first-year medical student preferences for eye examination learning to assess accuracy used three different modalities; human volunteers, the plastic canister model simulator, and photos of the ocular fundus [10]. Post-test results showed that 71% of students preferred human volunteers to simulators with regards to learning how to use the direct ophthalmoscope. Furthermore, 77% of the students preferred utilising fundus photographs over simulators for ocular anatomy education. The students were also more accurate at identifying ocular fundus features through the use of fundus photographs over simulators, with 70% preferring to use photographs over direct ophthalmoscopy. Despite this, Ricci and Ferraz describe how enhancements to the model, such as the use of high-quality photos, matte printing paper, and an indication of where the patient’s nose would be, yielded a more favourable outcome regarding student efficiency for the initial practice of ophthalmoscopy [48]. One problem with the use of a plastic canister to provide a simulated display is its lack of a simulation of the patient’s head. This limits training of the approach to the patient and proper alignment of the ophthalmoscope with the eye itself. In 2007 the Human Eye Learning Model Assistant (THELMA) addressed this issue by including a Styrofoam head in their system. THELMA employed two different types of equipment to simulate the ocular fundus; the Slide Method, and the Plug Method [48]. The Slide Method consists of fundus photographs projected into a device similar to the Plastic Canister Model, and the Plug Method utilises an apparatus that is similar to an eyeball, with a diameter of 17 mm to allow for a field of view of 60◦ when viewed with a direct ophthalmoscope. Real-sized photographs of the fundus are placed within the device to increase realism. However, the amount of light required to view the photos depends on the ophthalmoscope, as well as the quality of the printing paper. In the following years, The EYE Exam Simulator (developed by Kyoto Kagaku Co.,
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Kyoto, Japan), and the Eye Retinopathy Trainer (developed by Adam Rouilly Co., Sittingbourne, UK were released, building upon THELMA’s core features [53]. McCarthy in 2009 [54] made use of a modified EYE Exam Simulator to assess its feasibility as an assessment of fundoscopic skills. During the test, a group of 11 ophthalmology students and 467 emergency medicine (EM) residents were instructed to make visual contact with the ocular fundus using a handheld ophthalmoscope. Participants drew everything that could be visualised, and recorded any pathology seen. The drawing analysis at the end of the participant’s use of the ophthalmoscope revealed that many participants failed to create any visual representation, and if there was one, it was usually of low quality. Feedback from the simulator provided by the participants was regarded as “neutral”, with no indication of support for training with the model, although the EM residents did express interest in future simulation training. Some explanations regarding as to why the test yielded unfavourable results include the small group size of participants, the use of dark pictures with low illumination, and the eccentric placement of visual markers. Despite the results of McCarthy’s test in 2009, a similar study was conducted in 2014 by Larsen et al. [55] regarding the use of the simulator but with an instructor present during training to assist students. At the end of each session, the students were asked to identify what was seen in the simulation with a photograph. The study concluded that even a high-quality simulation had a lesser impact on students without guidance [55]. VRmagic, a company based in Mannheim, Germany, developed the EYEsi Direct Ophthalmoscope Simulator (EYEsi DOS) to offer a more realistic training experience for students. Ricci and Ferraz described the simulator as a complex and highly sophisticated piece of equipment, featuring a touch-screen interface attached to an artificial human face, allowing for an evaluation of a normal pathological fundus with a handheld ophthalmoscope [48]. As an enhancement to the teaching of the diagnostic skills required for direct ophthalmoscopes, the simulator’s ability to provide feedback based on the user’s view, and control of technical and physiological elements (e.g., light, blood vessel colour, and pathological spots), provides a distinct advantage over other traditional simulators [50]. Its biggest drawbacks are its cost, the need for trained staff, and the lack of comparative studies to prove its efficacy [51]. In 2017 a virtual reality ophthalmoscope trainer was developed at Birmingham City University [56]. This device was designed to engage students in learning complex ophthalmoscopic skills by combining VR and gamification techniques (i.e., the use of game mechanics in routine activities for increasing engagement, adhesion and participation). This VR-based learning application contained five sections; an interaction tutorial, red reflex and retinal navigation, pathology identification, and a final quiz. Within the tutorial level, users were taught how to use the application, including the head-based movement for locating objects and utilising the VR headset’s triggers to interact with them. The red reflex, a component of the application was focused on teaching the user how to locate the red reflex of the eye by shining the virtual ophthalmoscope into the patient’s eye at a certain angle and zooming in and out with the lens settings. After the red reflex tutorial is completed, users are provided with background information on retinal examinations before being guided
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through a series of procedure steps to help navigate the anatomic landmarks of the virtual eye. Users are then instructed on how to follow the four main blood vessels out from the optic disc, and then to navigate the four quadrants of the retina through the use of audio-visual commentary and feedback. Upon completion of each section, users are presented with a set of eight different images of the eye and are tasked with identifying the conditions of the eye utilising the skills they obtained previously. The application applies standard gamifaction strategies and makes use of virtual rewards, such as badges, that are given to users as a method of recognising task progress. Rewards and reward tiers are granted based on metrics such as accuracy and task completion time, and this is done to indicate the user’s level of achievement when learning ophthalmology skills with the simulator. The application was tested with a group of fifteen undergraduate medical students to evaluate its efficacy as a learning tool for ophthalmoscopes [56]. Students were asked if the application improved their understanding of the processes undertaken with the examination procedure. They were also asked whether or not they were able to recognise the anatomic landmarks of the eye and any physical abnormalities. Questions that assessed ease of control with the application, user confidence, and the effectiveness of the teaching method were included with the evaluation. Students reported an increase in their overall understanding of eye anatomy, their ability to identify anatomic landmarks, and physical abnormalities within the eye. An increase in confidence with the ophthalmic examination was also noted amongst participants, and they felt that the application was easy and enjoyable to use [56]. Given the nature of the ophthalmoscope examination and the ophthalmoscope itself, it can be difficult to provide training in a group setting. Tangible user interfaces can provide an effective approach to overcome this problem. Codd-Downey et al. [57] describe an AR-based approach that utilizes a tangible user interface to enable multiple trainees to interact with a common eye simulation. Figure 6.2 shows the tabletop structure used in their system with AR markers positioned at its corners. Individual users can use their own AR device—a tablet-based interface is shown in the figure—to provide personalized per-user overlays to the common shared training experience. The integration of both technologies presents an active learning experience that could be used to engage all learners in a common educational experience. The system described in [57] leverages commodity cell phone and tablet devices to provide tracked visual displays to each user. The exploitation of such commodity hardware provides a cost-effective mechanism for integrating intangible devices into ophthalmoscope training. Soto et al. [58] describe a cellphone-powered VR-based system that combines a mobile VR headset with interpupillary adjustable lenses in conjunction with a Bluetooth game controller. Figure 6.3 presents the stereoscopic visualisation of the eye fundus and the external eye anatomy available with this system. The process requires trainees to locate the red reflex while rotating the eyeball. Once located, the scenario changes to an internal view of the eye where the optic nerve, macula and diverse blood vessels can be identified. User interactions to navigate the examination are based on a first-person shooter setting, where the left joystick allowed moving the camera towards the eye, while the right joystick allowed rotating the camera, and actions were confirmed with a button. A user study revealed
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Fig. 6.2 Multiple users interact with an intangible display (the tabletop) while being presented with personalized AR views through commodity hardware (here through an Android tablet) [57]
that although stereoscopy was well received by participants, interactions employing a game controller were challenging because of the unfamiliarity with such device as participants expressed that they were not experienced in playing video games [58]. A later refinement by Acosta et al. [49] of the eye fundus examination trainer focused on overcoming the challenges identified when using a game controller as a user input device. AR was employed as the underlying technology and interactions were modelled employing touch gestures, as shown in Fig. 6.4. In this iteration, the learner employs a printed marker that serves as a reference for rendering the virtual head to perform the eye examination. The marker can be placed on any flat surface. Figure 6.4 shows the application flow from start to examination. Here, the interactions were more natural due to the familiarity with touch screens, but the model visualisation was challenging due to the limitations of the AR technology used. For example, lighting, the quality of the marker, and how the markers are held can negatively affect the experience. One of the main challenges associated with the AR interactions shown in Fig. 6.4 is pointing the mobile device to the target, and holding the target so that the information is properly visualised. Holding the marker and device can lead to arm strain if used for prolonged periods. To remove this interaction problem and facilitate the interactions and marker manipulation, a Styrofoam head was added to the system as a tangible reference for the user, as shown in Fig. 6.5 [49]. The use of the head and
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Fig. 6.3 Mobile VR eye fundus examination. Upper panel shows the user wearing the HMD and interacting with the simulation using a wireless Bluetooth control. Lower panels show simulated stereo imagery presented to the user. The lower left panel shows the external eye view while the lower right shows the simulated ophthalmoscope display [58]
the marker attached in the position of the eye required learners to employ both hands to operate the virtual ophthalmoscope within the mobile application and the Styrofoam at the same time. As a consequence, the interactions were difficult to master as the smartphone required to be kept as still as possible to ensure good tracking and AR rendering. A further refinement to this work saw the inclusion of a 3D printed ophthalmoscope replica to use in conjunction with AR [49]. The objective was to improve the interactions and facilitate the virtual examination while using a device mimicking the basic operations of a real ophthalmoscope. This approach provides both a physical cue to its location as more accurately modeling its input controls. The device includes an Arduino Micro, a Bluetooth module, and a potentiometer for operating the magnification of the lens. A flat surface attached to the simulated ophthalmoscope handle provides a surface for placing a tracking target. When the marker is within the field of view of the smartphone camera, the virtual eye is rendered for examination, as shown in Fig. 6.5. The previously described AR and VR approaches provide only a localized simulation of some virtual environments. More sophisticated and large scale simulations have also been developed. Nguyen et al. [23] describes a VR ophthalmoscope simulation for replicating the direct ophthalmoscopy procedure on a simulated patient Fig. 6.6. The virtual ophthalmoscope controls are mapped to an HTC Vive controller and allow for users to adjust lens zoom and light intensity. The system includes a number of visual aids within the virtual environment for aiding the user in conducting the procedure, as well as the instructor to evaluate trainee progress. For instance, a separate window appears on the wall behind the virtual patient allowing both the
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Fig. 6.4 AR eye fundus examination flow. The numbering indicates a sample order, (a) is the main menu where users can start the examination or view their history. (b) Provides a list of scenarios for practising. (c) Shows information about a chosen condition and it allows the user to start the examination. (d) Informs the user to point the phone at the maker to start the training. (e) Shows the virtual patient head overlaid on top of the marker. Finally, (f) shows the touch controllers for light intensity and lens magnification [49]
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Fig. 6.5 Two mobile augmented reality modes are presented. On the left, a Styrofoam head with an eye-shaped printed markers overlays a virtual head for conducting the fundus examination. On the right, a mobile VR headset is used in conjunction with a 3D printed ophthalmoscope replica holding a printed marker where the eye fundus is projected for examination [49]
Fig. 6.6 User employing the HTC Vive VR headset and an HTC Vive controller to perform an eye fundus examination on a virtual patient. The image on the left shows the virtual patient and a view taken from the headset showing the virtual ophthalmoscope [23]
instructor and the user share the examination. Other visual aids include a heads-up display that contains anatomic landmark information to aid trainees in diagnosing the patient’s physical condition. The virtual simulation features two navigation modes; one for training, and the other for evaluation. While both modes enable the user to conduct a full ophthalmoscopic examination, the training mode includes the visual aids, as well as a set of tasks that are meant to debrief the user following patient diagnosis. After completion of the training mode, users can begin the evaluation mode, where the full examination is conducted with metric evaluation. Users are assigned scores for both modes, where cognitive tasks are evaluated in questionnaire form, and skills are evaluated based on the user’s performance during the examination. Factors that are considered during the skills evaluation process include maintaining fundus visibility, keeping
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the examination duration to 35 s or less, identification of the anatomic landmarks, and the proper procedure approach and patient treatment. Formal testing was conducted to gauge the efficacy of the simulator, which involved nine medical students who possessed a basic understanding of human eye anatomy [23]. The participants were tasked with approaching the virtual patient, adjusting the lens and light settings of the ophthalmoscope, and establishing a visualisation of the fundus. Although each person completed the tasks within a five-minute time frame, four of the participants were not able to see the fundus correctly as a result of not moving close enough to the virtual patient. All participants reported difficulty in operating the HTC Vive controller, and it is hypothesised that this is a result of the controller having a different button and dial layouts than a real-life ophthalmoscope. However, the participants expressed interest in seeing similar software developed for other medical procedures.
6.5 Discussion The DO eye fundus examination is a procedure that allows medical practitioners to observe the back of the eye as a method of diagnosing patient physical health. Although fundus examinations are regarded as a critical component for full-body diagnosis, the skills necessary to perform the examination are regarded as difficult to teach and require a considerable amount of time to practice and master. From perhaps the earliest days of DO, training has adopted a range of training tools and simulators to enhance the training received by direct examination of patients and patient stand-ins. Unlike any medical procedures, the use of an ophthalmoscope has, until very recently, been restricted to the operator of the device. This makes training extremely challenging as it is difficult for the student and the instructor to exist within a common representation of the task. One can easily imagine the teacher asking the student if they see a particular feature, and the student, not wishing to appear foolish, answering, “Of course”, even though they do not. Beyond the unique nature of the DO in restricting the shared experience of the instructor and the pupil, the use of patients is not an ideal solution for training. Patients may present many wonderful examples of normal conditions, but on-schedule presentation of disease/damage can not be guaranteed. Simulation, even as simple as the use of photographs, helps to provide the trainee with a broader range of disease/damage that is likely to be available in a trainee. Given the difficulties associated with direct ophthalmoscopes, alternative methods of practice have been implemented as supplements to traditional forms of exercise such as peer-to-peer practice with an ophthalmoscope. Through the use of simulation, students and trainees are able to practice medical procedures that would otherwise require limited allotted time and supervision. Although there are a number of techniques that have been used for instruction, many modern-day training methods cannot still be used as easily accessible forms of practice, and lack an accurate manner of user progress evaluation. This chapter has reviewed the remarkable advances that
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have occurred in the development of training and simulator systems for DO. Even relatively low-cost technology now exists that can provide high quality simulation for DO training. These devices, when coupled with proper supervision and training, can provide a highly effective training regime for medical professionals. One can only hope that advances in simulation systems for other medical procedures and tests will advance as well. As technology continues to evolve, simulated clinical experiences allow for delicate procedures to be practiced with greater accuracy and variety than traditional learning methods.
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Chapter 7
Enhanced Reality for Healthcare Simulation Fernando Salvetti, Roxane Gardner, Rebecca D. Minehart, and Barbara Bertagni
Abstract Enhanced reality for immersive simulation (e-REAL®) is the merging of real and virtual worlds: a mixed reality environment for hybrid simulation where physical and digital objects co-exist and interact in real time, in a real place and not within a headset. The first part of this chapter discusses e-REAL: an advanced simulation within a multisensory scenario, based on challenging situations developed by visual storytelling techniques. The e-REAL immersive setting is fully interactive with both 2D and 3D visualizations, avatars, electronically writable surfaces and more: people can take notes, cluster key-concepts or fill questionnaires directly on the projected surfaces. The second part of this chapter summarizes an experiential coursework focused on learning and improving teamwork and event management during simulated obstetrical cases. Effective team management during a crisis is a core element of expert practice: for this purpose, e-REAL reproduces a variety of F. Salvetti (B) · B. Bertagni Centro Studi Logos, Turin, Italy e-mail: [email protected] B. Bertagni e-mail: [email protected] Logosnet, Lugano, Switzerland Logosnet, Houston, TX, USA R. Gardner · R. D. Minehart Center for Medical Simulation, Boston, MA, USA e-mail: [email protected] R. D. Minehart e-mail: [email protected] R. Gardner Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA, USA Children’s Hospital, Boston, MA, USA R. Gardner · R. D. Minehart Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 A. L. Brooks et al. (eds.), Recent Advances in Technologies for Inclusive Well-Being, Intelligent Systems Reference Library 196, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-59608-8_7
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different emergent situations, enabling learners to interact with multimedia scenarios and practice using a mnemonic called Name-Claim-Aim. Learners rapidly cycle between deliberate practice and direct feedback within a simulation scenario until mastery is achieved. Early findings show that interactive immersive visualization allows for better neural processes related to learning and behavior change. Keywords Enhanced reality · Virtual · Augmented and mixed reality · Virtual worlds · Hybrid simulation · Teamwork · Mnemonics · Name-Claim-Aim
7.1 Enhanced Reality Enhanced reality for immersive simulation (e-REAL®) is the merging of real and virtual worlds: a mixed reality (MR) environment for hybrid simulation where physical and digital objects (VR) co-exist and are available for tactile interaction, in a real learning setting—and not within a headset [67, 69]. e-REAL integrates tools and objects from the real world onto one or more walls, embedded with proximity sensors enabling tactile or vocal interaction with the virtual objects. Examples of physical objects include: • Ultrasound and sonography simulators • Pulmonary ventilators • Defibrillators. Examples of digital objects include: • Realistic avatars and medical imagery (Fig. 7.1) • Human organs and systems (Figs. 7.2 and 7.3) • Overlay of electronic information and images onto projected surfaces (Figs. 7.3, 7.4 and 7.5). Figure 7.1 illustrates a real medical tool operated on a patient simulator by learners who are in a dialogue with an avatar (that is, the virtualized colleague displayed on the wall), with medical imagery displayed both on a monitor and the walls. Figures 7.2, 7.3 and 7.4 illustrate 2D, 2.5D and 3D images visible without special glasses, which can be manipulated by the hands without special joysticks (active pens). Learners are able through hand gestures to virtually take notes, highlight, erase, zoom inside/outside or rotate virtual organs and other displayed objects 360°, to cluster concepts by grouping them within boxes or by uploading additional medical imagery to gain a better understanding about what they are analyzing, to take screenshots and share them, to complete questionnaires, etc. Figure 7.5 exemplifies the mirroring of a perioperative environment which can be overlaid with digital computer-generated information pertaining to a simulated patient, ultrasound images, ECG tracks, outputs from medical exams. The overlay of information is to enhance the user experience.
7 Enhanced Reality for Healthcare Simulation
Fig. 7.1 Courtesy of the Red Cross Simulation Center “Gusmeroli” and Accurate Solutions S.r.l., Bologna (Italy): learning medical procedures by a skill trainer during a hybrid simulation within an e-REAL environment, with interactive medical imagery displayed on both the two walls and a monitor; a highly realistic avatar (left wall) looking at and verbally interacting with them
In a nutshell, the e-REAL system enables a multilayer vision: the many levels of the situation are made available simultaneously, by overlaying multisource info—e.g. words, numbers, images, etc.—as within an augmented reality display, but without needing to wear special glasses. By visualizing relations between topics, contextual factors, cognitive maps and dynamic cognitive aids, e-REAL improves the learners’ cognitive retention [29, 30, 33, 63, 65].
7.2 Enhanced Hybrid Simulation in a Mixed Reality Setting, Both Face-to-Face and in Telepresence e-REAL is a synthesis of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) within a real setting, a one of a kind mixed reality (MR) solution based on immersive interaction. In a nutshell, AR alters one’s ongoing perception of a real-world environment, whereas VR replaces (usually in a complete way) the user’s real-world environment with a simulated one.
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Fig. 7.2 Courtesy of the Environmental Design and Multisensory Experience Lab at the Polytechnic School of Milan (Italy): learners within an e-REAL lab are facing 2D, 2.5D and 3D images (left wall) and a beating heart (right wall) that can be 360° rotated and analyzed also internally with a multilayer approach (by a zoom), with an overlay of digital information on both walls
VR is a communication medium that makes virtual experiences feel highly realistic. The term ‘virtual reality’ has been widely used and often creatively exaggerated by Hollywood producers and science-fiction writers for decades. Consequently, there are many misconceptions and expectations about the nature of the technology [5]. We define ‘virtual reality’ as synthetic sensory information that leads to the perception of environments and their content as if they were not synthetic [11]. Since the 1960s, VR has been used by the military and medicine for training and simulations, but it has also become fertile ground to evaluate social and psychological dynamics in academic settings [4]. For example, journalists use virtual reality to situate their readers within stories, educators use virtual technologies for experiential learning, and psychiatrists leverage virtual reality to mitigate the negative effects of psychological traumas [46]. AR is a general term applied to a variety of display technologies capable of overlaying or combining alphanumeric, symbolic, or graphical information with a user’s view of the real world [4]. We define ‘AR’ as an interactive experience of a real-world environment where the objects that reside in the real-world are augmented by computer-generated perceptual information—sometimes across multiple sensory modalities, including visual, auditory, haptic, somatosensory, and olfactory. Overlaid sensory information can be constructive (i.e. additive to the natural environment) or destructive (i.e. masking of the natural environment) and is seamlessly interwoven
7 Enhanced Reality for Healthcare Simulation
Fig. 7.3 Courtesy of the Red Cross Simulation Center “Gusmeroli” and the University of Bologna (Italy): a learner facing an e-REAL wall and manipulating a 2D image showing a brain cancer, divided in 8 pieces, during an experiment aimed at determining whether cognitive retention improves when visualization is broken into multiple smaller fragments first and then recomposed to form the big picture
with the physical world such that it is perceived as an immersive aspect of the real environment [61]. MR takes place not only in the physical world or in the virtual world, but is a mix of the real and the virtual [23, 49]. We define ‘mixed reality’, as a hybrid reality, in other words the merging of real and virtual worlds to produce new environments and visualizations where physical and digital objects co-exist and interact in real time. There are many mixed-reality applications to help students learn through the interaction with virtual objects. For example, teachers can instruct students remotely by using 3D projections within a head-mounted display. In e-REAL digital and physical objects co-exist in the real world, not within a headset, making e-REAL currently unique. e-REAL, as a MR environment for hybrid simulation, can be a stand-alone solution or even networked between multiple places, linked by a special videoconferencing system optimized to process operations with minimal delay (technically: low latency). This connectivity allows not only virtual objects sharing (like medical imagery, infographics, etc.) in real time, but also remote cooperation by co-sketching and co-writing (Fig. 7.6).
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Fig. 7.4 Courtesy of the Center for Medical Simulation in Boston (MA, USA): overlay of information manually added on the e-REAL wall using a tracking system that allows for electronic writing, due to proximity sensors tracking the nails of the writer
e-REAL is a futuristic solution, designed to be “glocal” [64], “liquid” [7], “networked” [16] and “polycentric” [80], as well as virtually augmented, mixed, digitalized and hyper-realistic [67]. The key-words characterizing the main drivers that guided the design of this solution, and that are leading the further developments, include: • Digital mindset, that is not merely the ability to use technology but is a set of attitudes and behaviors that enable people and organizations to foresee possibilities related to social media, big data, mobility, cloud, artificial intelligence, and robotics. • Visual thinking, that according to Rudolph Arnheim implies that all thinking— not just thinking related to art—is basically perceptual in nature, and that the dichotomy between seeing and thinking, or perceiving and reasoning, is misleading. • Computer vision, an interdisciplinary scientific field that deals with how computers can gain high-level understanding from digital images or videos; from the perspective of engineering, it seeks to understand and automate tasks completed by the human visual system. • Advanced simulation that is a highly realistic imitation of a real-world object, process or system. • Multimedia communication that is a system of relaying information or entertainment that includes many different forms of communication: for example, it might include video, audio clips, and still photographs.
7 Enhanced Reality for Healthcare Simulation
Fig. 7.5 Courtesy of the Centre de Simulation Médicale CARE at the University of Liège (Belgium): mirroring of a perioperative environment expected to be overlaid with e-REAL digital computer-generated information regarding a simulated patient—such as ultrasound images, ECG tracks, outputs from medical exams—for the purpose of enhancing the user experience, a deep and multisource understanding of the situation
• Immersive and interactive learning, that encourages students to learn by doing and allows learners to cross conceptual and theoretical boundaries with the help of simulation or game based tools. It is one of the most promising methods in the history of learning by immersing the students or professionals in an interactive learning environment in order to teach them a particular skill or technique [3, 67]. • Augmented and virtual reality within a hybrid environment, that allows learners to experience abstract concepts in three-dimensional space, transforming the passive learning into technology-assisted immersive learning. • Human and artificial intelligence cooperation, that does not require sheer computational power, but relies on intuition, and pre-evolved dispositions toward cooperation, common-sense mechanisms which are very challenging to encode in machines. • Cognitive psychology and neurosciences, that are different domains overlapping in the area of the neural substrates of mental processes and their behavioral manifestations.
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Fig. 7.6 e-REAL Multimedia Design Labs at Fondazione Piazza dei Mestieri in Turin (Italy): Interactive teleconferencing system enhanced with the speech analysis app developed by Centro Studi Logos jointly with the Tiny Bull Studios and the Polytechnic School of Turin (Italy)
• Anthropology and sociology of culture, whose viewpoints are inspired by observing cross-cultural differences in social institutions, cultural beliefs and communication styles. • Hermeneutics that refers to the interpretation of a given text, speech, or symbolic expression such as art. It also fosters a multi-layer approached by opening the meta-level related to the conditions under which such interpretation is possible. Consequently, hermeneutics foster learners’ metacognition by activating thinking about thinking and knowing about knowing, which contributes to higher-order thinking skills. • Narratology that is the study of narrative strategies and structures as well as the ways that these affect human perception. • Design thinking applied to andragogy and pedagogy that revolves around a deep interest in developing an understanding of the learners for whom educational content is designed—for example, questioning and re-framing problems in learner-centric ways, questioning assumptions and implications, helping to develop empathy with the target users. • Epistemology that is the study of knowledge, justification and the rationality of belief which addresses such questions as: What makes beliefs justified? What does it mean to say that we know something? And fundamentally: How do we know that we know?
7 Enhanced Reality for Healthcare Simulation
All these domains in our opinion must be related with a systemic and interdisciplinary approach: the one that is at the core of the research guidelines developed by Centro Studi Logos in Turin (Italy) since 1996.
7.3 e-REAL as a CAVE-Like Environment Enhanced by Augmented Reality and Interaction Tools e-REAL uses ultra-short throw projectors and touch-tracking cameras to turn blank walls and empty spaces into immersive and interactive environments. It is designed as an easy, user-centered and cost-effective solution to the old CAVE environments, which are too rigid, difficult to be managed, and expensive. CAVE—computer-assisted virtual environment—is an immersive VR and AR environment where projectors are directed to between three and six of the walls of a room-sized cube; usually the image projections change as the user walks around and moves his or her head. The name is also a reference to the allegory of the Cave in Plato’s Republic, in which a philosopher contemplates perception, reality and illusion [4, 20]. As shown in Fig. 7.7, these systems come in a variety of geometries and sizes, including rear-projection or flat panel-based displays, single and multiprojector hemispherical surfaces, each typically displaying field sequential stereo imagery. Most are designed to accommodate multiple users, each of whom wear LCD shutter glasses controlled by a timing signal that alternately blocks left- and right-eye views in synchronization with the display’s refresh rate. Most systems incorporate some method of tracking the position and orientation of the lead user’s head to account for movement and to adjust the viewpoints accordingly. In such multi user scenarios, all other participants experience the simulations in 3D, but passively. There are a number of critical reasons to develop e-REAL as an alternative to the CAVE for immersive simulation in education and training. Allowing users to work
Fig. 7.7 Courtesy of Centro Studi Logos, Turin (Italy): representative CAVE environments
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Fig. 7.8 Courtesy of the University of Eastern Piedmont, Simnova Center, Novara (Italy): e-REAL portable pop-up designed as an immersive and interactive setting for the “SimCup” of Italy
without special glasses is an important reason. Avoiding joysticks or other devices (usually haptic gloves) in order to interact with the visual content is another reason. Other reasons include a higher degree of realism and the opportunity to have all the users, and not only one person at a time, interact with the content. e-REAL is an innovative solution, it is very easy to use and 10–12 times less expensive than a CAVE. With both permanent or portable fixtures, it is so simple that two buttons are enough to manage it all—from a control room or remotely by the Team Viewer™ software, without the need for 3D glasses or joy-sticks to interact with the virtual objects (see Figs. 7.8 and 7.9). e-REAL offers a unique user experience, a combination of visual communication and direct interaction with the content—by gesture or spoken commands— immersing people in an entirely interactive ecosystem. Figures 7.10, 7.11, 7.12, 7.13, 7.14, 7.15, 7.16, 7.17, 7.18 and 7.19 provide a visual explanation about the main features of the system. Each e-REAL lab comes packed with a starter kit that enables countless activities using simple gesture and spoken commands. A number of apps and contents are available off-the-shelf, and many others can be quickly tailored. Each e-REAL can be customized with a number of multimedia contents and MR tools: • • • • •
Multimedia libraries; Interactive tutorials; Holographic visualizations; Real-time and live holograms; Podcasts and apps;
7 Enhanced Reality for Healthcare Simulation
Fig. 7.9 Courtesy of Centro Studi Logos, Turin (Italy), Logos Knowledge Network, Lugano (Switzerland), LKN, Berlin (Germany), Logosnet (Houston, TX, USA). Representative e-REAL permanent installation: (1) a regular control room, (2) a briefing and debriefing room with an entire common wall transformed into a large electronic and interactive whiteboard, which allows avoiding a regular projection or a standardized electronic whiteboard, (3) the immersive and interactive room for both the simulation and a first rapid onsite debriefing—enriched by the contextual factors displayed on the walls. This setting is also very useful for simulations that can be enhanced by pausing and adding further visualizations and notes
• Task (or skill) trainers, healthcare tools, wearable devices such as glasses, headsets, watches and gloves. Summarizing, the main technical features are: • VR and AR that happens in the real world (MR for hybrid simulation) using 2D-2.5D-3D projections on the walls, not within special glasses; • Visualization is interactive, immersive and often augmented; • Speech recognition may be part of the adventure as well; • Users do not require special glasses, gloves, head-mounted displays, etc.; • It is very easy to use: only two buttons are needed (one to start and stop the server, and another from a remote controller, to switch on and off the projectors); • A number of pre-loaded scenarios are available; • It is easy to import and show existing content (images, videos); • It is easy to create and edit new content, with tailored multimedia editors; • Both permanent and portable fixtures are available. The following link provides a more detailed description of the settings and the available tools:
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Fig. 7.10 Courtesy of the Red Cross of Italy in Bologna (Italy). e-REAL representative setting based on a multimedia animated visual storytelling made interactive by touch sensors tracking fingers or by vocal commands. Ultra-short throw projectors are working on common walls (level 4 or 5 finish) transformed into a maxi and touchable screen by the proximity sensors
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZn3fdZNp3w&feature=youtu.be (courtesy of the Center for Medical Simulation in Boston, MA, USA, and the Polytechnic School of Milan, Italy).
7.4 The Simulation’s Phases Enhanced by e-REAL and the Main Tools Made Available by the System 1. Briefing and debriefing phases Briefing and debriefing phases are strongly enhanced by e-REAL, by facilitation of cooperative learning and systems thinking fostered by dynamic visualization—an approach aimed at building a shared understanding of the non-linear behavior of complex systems (e.g. communication within a working team, car crashes, internal feedback loops or flows), based on representations that go beyond traditional static forms such as sketches, animations, or real time graphics [1, 9, 37, 42, 43, 53, 58]. Systems thinking focuses on the way that a system’s constituent parts interrelate and
7 Enhanced Reality for Healthcare Simulation
Fig. 7.11 Courtesy of Logos Knowledge Network, Lugano (Switzerland). e-REAL setting with medical imagery on the side walls, a 3D beating heart on the top-right corner of the main screen which can be rotated 360° and can be overlaid with annotations and visualization of medical exams on the top-left corner of the same central wall
Fig. 7.12 Courtesy of the Red Cross of Italy in Bologna (Italy). e-REAL setting with a perioperative environment mirrored on a wall displaying interactive procedural guidelines. A second small surface (right), made by a simple curtain, is used to project visual mnemonics and check-lists that can be commanded vocally or by the flick of the hands
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Fig. 7.13 Courtesy of the Red Cross of Italy in Bologna (Italy). e-REAL setting designed for crisis resource management enhanced by visualization of the available therapeutic alternatives, with a tracking system to keep track of all the decisions taken. By clicking a virtual button, learners may directly pop-up medical imagery to achieve a deeper understanding of the situation they are dealing with
Fig. 7.14 Courtesy of the Red Cross of Italy in Bologna (Italy). Simulation’s closing phase designed to allow the instructors to provide a rapid first debriefing regarding both the therapeutic decisions taken by the learners and the verbal communication with the patient. Guidelines are available for a rapid search on the side curtain (right)
7 Enhanced Reality for Healthcare Simulation
Fig. 7.15 Courtesy of the Red Cross of Italy in Bologna (Italy). Wall mirroring with personal tablets and smartphones within an e-REAL setting
Fig. 7.16 Courtesy of Logosnet, Houston (TX, USA). In situ simulation setting for residents and interns, enhanced with an e-REAL system displaying interactive check-lists and mnemonics, 2-3D images and videos on two common walls
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Fig. 7.17 Courtesy of Logosnet, Houston (TX, USA). Setting for in situ simulation enhanced with an e-REAL system displaying 2-3D images and videos on a common wall
how systems work over time and within the context of larger systems—contrasting with traditional analysis, which studies systems by breaking them down into their separate elements. With e-REAL, briefing and debriefing phases are performed by: • Representing or summarizing a case with visual storytelling. • Showing a video during which you can write relevant key-words, highlight details, and add related multimedia content to the screen to enrich the cognitive map. • Clustering relevant concepts and key-words on an electronic whiteboard. • Moving content from one wall to another. 2. Use of the interactive wall with the smart interactive whiteboard tool for briefing and debriefing phases The e-REAL touch-walls (or e-Walls) work both as virtualized electronic whiteboards and as interactive scenarios. This is a virtualized model, developed without the limitations of the electronic whiteboards. The e-REAL system is commonly operated using simple gesture or spoken commands. The system is an interactive surface designed to: (1) enhance briefing and debriefing sessions; (2) dynamically visualize on a large surface; (3) cluster
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Fig. 7.18 Overlaying of notes on a brain cancer displayed on the CMS-e-REAL wall. Courtesy of the Center for Medical Simulation in Boston (CMS-MA, USA) and—from the left to the right—of Robert Simon (Principal Consultant at CMS), Roxane Gardner (Senior Director Clinical Programs and Director of the Visiting Scholars and Fellowship Program at CMS), Sarah Janssens (Director of Clinical Simulation at Mater Education in Brisbane, AUS), David Gaba (Associate Dean for Immersive and Simulation-based Learning and Director of the Center for Immersive and Simulationbased Learning at Stanford University School of Medicine, CA), Stephanie Barwick (Head of Partnerships, Programs and Innovation at Mater Education in Brisbane, AUS)
Fig. 7.19 Courtesy of the Center for Medical Simulation in Boston (MA, USA). Use of behavioral and cognitive key performance indicators during a debriefing: the e-REAL features allow writing and annotation, highlighting, erasing, moving, clustering, packing within the boxes or unpacking again two or more tags
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concepts and notes; (4) to physically touch and grasp ideas and multiple perspectives; (5) make the intangible, tangible; (6) facilitate cooperative learning; and (7) encourage systems thinking. • A number of writing and annotation functions make it possible to write, draw, highlight, color pick, erase and delete on any background (e.g., movie, scenario, written text). • A snapshot function allows users to save a screenshot (in PNG format) into a user’s predefined folder securing all the annotations. If mailing lists are available, screenshots may be directly sent. • A multimedia gallery is available to store content that can be uploaded (videos, audios, images, PDF files) by the instructor and projected on the wall simply by tapping on them, to facilitate the instructor’s ease to undertake briefings and debriefings. • Another tool allows users to move, rotate and scale content. It is also possible to create a group in order to cluster concepts and elements (words, images, etc.) that can be packed in boxes and unpacked, moved, rotated and scaled all together. • Puzzles can be created and played on the wall as a multi-perspective exercise. Puzzle pieces can be moved and rotated. When a piece fits, it is “magnetically” stitched to the other(s), when the puzzle is complete, it is converted to an Image Widget (so that it can be moved, rotated, etc.). 3. Simulation phase The simulation phase is strongly enhanced by the e-REAL system, through the multisensory scenarios embedding virtual and augmented reality elements and tools. Digital content can coexist with tools from the real world, such as a patient simulator and/or a medical trolley that can be on-stage during a briefing or a debriefing phase or a simulation phase within a virtualized environment. Learners usually work on and around one or more patient simulators—i.e. mannequins with lifelike features and, usually, with responsive physiology—or simulated patients like actors or avatars, or in a disaster scenario. They are asked to make critical decisions, complete physical exams, recognize a situation requiring rapid intervention, practice technical skills, communicate with a patient, and the health care team, interpret test results. Learners are also trained to manage unforeseen events between parallel processing (that is, more than one task at a time) or performing one task at time in a sequence—taking into consideration critical contextual factors such as a lack of time, scarcity of resources and tools, and previous impacting factors. Similar to being immersed within a videogame, learners are challenged by facing cases within multifaceted medical scenarios that present a “more than real” wealth of information. This is augmented reality in a hybrid environment—which contributes to individual cognitive maps by enabling a multilayer view and making the invisible, visible, the anatomy under the skin of the patient simulator can be enlarged, turned or rotated to appreciate how structures are interrelated.
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4. Virtual patients and other avatars, real or virtual tools and devices Within the e-REAL simulation setting, medical tools and devices can be real or virtual. When they are virtual, usually they are high fidelity models. It is also possible to replace physical simulation mannequins with custom-made 3D virtual patients (avatars). Whether obese, pregnant, young, old, vomiting, missing limbs, bleeding, or expressing any number of other physical signs and symptoms, e-REAL enables reproduction of patients (in a number of places, such as the Simnova Center for Medical Simulation from the University of Eastern Piedmont in Novara, Italy). 5. Augmented reality (AR) displays AR displays can be easily embedded within the e-REAL setting. Using AR, for example, a procedure can be performed partly in the real world and partly in the AR environment, or an entire procedure can be performed via “telemedicine” by an operator wearing special glasses and guided by an expert, who is tracking and keeping record of the info captioned by the AR displays. AR allows knowledge sharing and cooperation among persons and teams. Learners can cooperate by sharing a virtualized common scenario, displayed on the eREAL wall, even when they are performing in different physical environments. They can talk to each other and look at their own avatars acting in the same virtualized scenario because of special sensors capturing the body’s dynamics. 6. Holograms Holograms may be part of the e-REAL setting, utilizing wearable augments such as special glasses: Microsoft Hololens™, Epson Moverio™, etc. https://youtu.be/nrz dKzvKbIw (courtesy of the Polytechnic School of Turin, the University of Eastern Piedmont, Simnova Center in Novara, and Centro Studi Logos, Turin, Italy). Also human-sized holograms can be reproduced within the e-REAL setting. Those holograms may be pre-recorded or may even be live, talking and interacting dialogically with the learners. https://youtu.be/E2awcWvfgNA (courtesy of Logosnet, Houston, TX, USA). 7. Speech analysis as a further option for the debriefing phase Speech analysis is a powerful training tool to track—individually—both the tone of voice and spoken words of the learners, providing a semantic and pragmatic overview of interpersonal communication. According to the Polytechnic School of Turin and to ISTI-CNR (a branch from the Italian Research Council), the fidelity of a speech recording and transcription is approximately 94%. An operator, such as a simulation engineer, may be able to amend and modify the transcript so that the fidelity of the transcript achieves 100% semantic accuracy [19, 38]. Functions and visual outputs include the following:
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An integral transcript or a dialogue which can be visualized. Audio clips, automatically divided phrase by phrase, are also available. A word counter shows the number of spoken words per minute. An internal search engine enables keyword search, highlighting the words in the transcript. • A word cloud tool visually summarizes the most spoken words. • A Voice Analysis tool is available in order to measure and visualize waveform (Decibel), perceived loudness (Hertz) and pitch. Some of these features are visible in Fig. 7.6. A video introduction is available via the following URL: https://youtu.be/3-hOd SYOmwg (courtesy of Centro Studi Logos, Turin, Italy).
7.5 Visual Storytelling and Contextual Intelligence, Cognitive Aids, Apps and Tools to Enhance the Education Process in a Simulation Lab or In Situ Visual storytelling techniques are part of the simulation scene, to represent a realistic context where learners are proactively involved to analyze scenarios and events, to face technical issues, to solve problems. The most effective learning occurs when being immersed in a context: realistic experience is lived and perceived as a focal point and as a crossroad [33]. Effective visualization is the key to help untangle complexity: the visualization of information enables learners to gain insight and understanding quickly and efficiently [24, 78, 79]. Examples of such visual formats include sketches, diagrams, images, objects, interactive visualizations, information visualization applications and imaginary visualizations, such as in stories and as shown in Figs. 7.20 and 7.21. Visualizations within e-REAL show relationships between topics, activate involvement, generate questions that learners didn’t think of before, and facilitate memory retention. Visualizations act as concept maps to help organize and represent knowledge on a subject in an effective way [17, 24, 78, 79]. Half of the human brain is devoted directly or indirectly to vision, and images are able to easily capture our attention [81]. Human beings process images very quickly: average people process visuals 60,000 times faster than text [56]. Humans are confronted with an immense amount of images and visual representations every day: digital screens, advertisements, messages, information charts, maps, signs, video, progress bars, diagrams, illustrations, etc. [1, 18, 26, 27, 31, 34, 59, 66, 78, 79, 85]. The use of symbols and images are extremely effective to warn people, as they communicate faster than words and can be understood by audiences of different ages, cultures and languages [35]. Images are powerful: people tend to remember about 10% of what they hear, about 20% of what they read and about 80% of what they see and do [39].
7 Enhanced Reality for Healthcare Simulation
Fig. 7.20 Courtesy of Centro Studi Logos, Turin, Quadrifor, Rome, and the Polytechnic School of Milan (Italy): e-REAL simulation lab to deliver the training program “Big Data for Beginners” (designed and taught by Fernando Salvetti) aimed at growing a digital mindset and skills related to big data visualization
Fig. 7.21 Courtesy of Centro Studi Logos, Turin, and Simnova, Novara (Italy): e-REAL simulation lab at the Simnova Center from the University of Eastern Piedmont in Novara (Italy) held during the SimCup of Italy 2019, open to all the Italian medical and nursing schools students and attended by hundreds of learners cooperating in teams comprised of 4 members each
Contextual factors are key to learning [33]. In e-REAL, learners practice handling realistic situations, rather than learning facts or techniques out of context. Context refers to the circumstances that form the setting for an event, statement, or idea. Context related factors can be influential and even disruptive: for example, a loud background noise within a virtually recreated operating room in e-REAL impacts
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negatively on the surgical team’s ability to communicate and may consequently contribute to their committing an error. The most effective learning occurs through being immersed in context, requiring the ability to understand the limits of our knowledge and action, and to adapt that knowledge to an environment different from the one in which it was developed [33, 36]. A context related experience within an e-REAL setting is similar to being immersed within a videogame with our entire bodies. Characteristics of games that facilitate immersion can be grouped into two general categories: those that create a rich mental model of the game environment and those that create consistency between the things in that environment [12, 83, 84]. The richness of the mental model relates to the completeness of multiple channels of sensory information, meaning the more those senses work in alignment, the better. The richness also depends on having a cognitively demanding environment and a strong and interesting narrative. A bird flying overhead is good. Hearing it screech is better. Cognitively demanding environments in which players must focus on what’s going on in the game will occupy mental resources. The richness of the mental model is good for immersion, because if brain power is allocated to understanding or navigating the world, it’s not free to notice all of its problems or shortcomings that would otherwise remind them that they’re playing a game. Finally, good stories—with interesting narratives, credible because intrinsically congruent as much as possible [6, 13, 22, 32, 45, 54]—attract attention to the game and make the world seem more believable. They also tie up those mental resources [84]. Turning to game traits related to consistency, believable scenarios and behaviors in the game world means that virtual characters, objects, and other creatures in the game world behave in the way in which learners expect [12, 84]. Usually game developers strive for congruence among all the elements. Learners are challenged both cognitively and behaviorally in a fully-immersive and multitasking learning environment, within interactive scenarios that usually present also a wealth of information. The many levels of the situation are made available simultaneously, by overlaying multisource—words, numbers, images, etc.—within an environment designed by AR techniques [4] (Fig. 7.22). e-REAL submerges learners in an immersive reality where the challenge at hand is created by sophisticated, interactive computer animation. Importantly, the system includes live and real time interaction with peers, instructors, tutors, facilitators and mentors. Thus, it adds a very important social component that enhances learning outputs, skills, cognitive and metacognitive processes. The process of learning by doing within an immersive setting, based on knowledge visualization using interactive surfaces, leaves the learners with a memorable experience [70] (Fig. 7.23). From an educational perspective, learners are not assumed to be passive recipients and repeaters of information but individuals who take responsibility for their own learning. The trainer functions, not as the sole source of wisdom and knowledge, but more as a coach or mentor, whose task is to help them acquire the desired knowledge and skills.
7 Enhanced Reality for Healthcare Simulation
Fig. 7.22 Courtesy of Logos Knowledge Network, Lugano, Prof. Martin Eppler and the Institute for Media and Communication Management from the St. Gall University (Switzerland): overlaying of multisource info within the e-REAL classroom at the Red Cross Training Center “Gusmeroli” in Bologna (Italy)
Fig. 7.23 Courtesy of the Red Cross Training Center “Gusmeroli” and Accurate Solutions Srl in Bologna, Prof. Michele La Rosa and CIDOSPEL from the University of Bologna, Centro Studi Logos, Turin (Italy). Overlay of digital information from different sources within the e-REAL classroom at the Red Cross Training Center
A significant trend in education in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries was standardization. In contrast, in the twenty-first century, visualization, interaction, customization, gamification and flipped learning are relevant trends [63]. In a regular flipped learning process, students are exposed to video lectures, collaborate in online discussions, or carry out research on their own time, while engaging in concepts in the classroom with the guidance of a mentor. Critics argue that the flipped learning model
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has some drawbacks for both learners and trainers [63]. A number of criticisms have been discussed with a focus on the circumstance that flipped learning is based mainly on video-lectures that may facilitate a passive and uncritical attitude towards learning, in a similar way to didactic face-to-face lectures, without encouraging dialogue and questioning—within a traditional classroom [8, 48, 72, 74, 76, 77]. The e-REAL setting is a further evolution of a flipped classroom, based on a constructivist approach. Constructivism is not a specific pedagogy, but rather a psychological paradigm that suggests that humans construct knowledge and meaning from their experiences. From our constructivist point of view, knowledge is mainly the product of personal and interpersonal exchange [10, 41, 52, 55, 60, 63, 64]. Knowledge is constructed within the context of a person’s actions, so it is “situated” [52]: it develops in dialogic and interpersonal terms, through forms of collaboration and social negotiation. Significant knowledge—and know-how—is the result of the link between abstraction and concrete behaviors. Knowledge and action can be considered as one: facts, information, descriptions, skills, know-how and competence—acquired through experience, education and training [10, 60]. Knowledge is a multifaceted asset: implicit, explicit, informal, systematic, practical, theoretical, theory-laden, partial, situated, scientific, based on experience and experiments, personal, shared, repeatable, adaptable, compliant with socio-professional and epistemic principles, observable, metaphorical, linguistically mediated [52]. Knowledge is a fluid notion and a dynamic process, involving complex cognitive and emotional elements for both its acquisition and use: perception, communication, association and reasoning. In the end, knowledge derives from minds at work. Knowledge is socially constructed, so learning is a process of social action and engagement involving ways of thinking, doing and communicating [67, 68, 82]. Compared to a traditional learning approach incorporating didactic lessons, learner performance gain was found to be 43%, in terms of increased speed and ease of learning, as reported by students, and 88% of learners also reported increased engagement and enjoyment as demonstrated in the tests performed by the applied research team at the Environmental Design and Multisensory Experience Lab from the Polytechnic School of Milan (Italy). These results have been accepted for presentation at ICELW 2020 (Columbia University, New York), and briefly discussed within a research paper [15]. Moreover, due to the decreased cost of the e-REAL immersive room compared to CAVE-like environments, the e-REAL’s added value is even more evident. The e-REAL environment, to be experienced in a natural way without special glasses, is supposed to reduce the extensive use of the brain’s working memory that is overloaded by traditional lectures [21, 47, 73], and during conversion of a 2D to a 3D representation as what usually happens with common images used during traditional teaching [66]. Tests and experiments are in progress at the Polytechnic School of Milan and at the Center for Medical Simulation in Boston, to explore educational outputs related to cognitive aids, displayed as VR objects usually on a wall and sometimes within AR glasses or by indoor micro-projection mapping directly on the mannequins or on the other tools available as skill trainers [15].
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Throughout the simulation process (briefing, performance, debriefing) both within a simulation lab or in situ, learners can interact with the content using spoken commands or natural gestures without the constraint of wearing glasses, gloves or headsets, nor joysticks (when they wish, they can use active pens instead of their fingers). No screens are needed: e-REAL sensors turn any surface into a touch screen.
7.6 The Epistemological Pillars Supporting e-REAL The e-REAL learning approach is designed to have the learner working on tasks that simulate an aspect of expert reasoning and problem-solving, while receiving timely and specific feedback from fellow students and the trainer. These elements of deliberate practice [25] and feedback are general requirements for developing expertise at all levels and disciplines and are absent in lectures [44, 62, 71]. During an e-REAL session, both clinical and behavioral aspects of performance are addressed. A number of skills and competencies both technical and non-technical (behavioral, cognitive and meta-cognitive) are challenged: on one side technical knowledge and know-how, and, on the other side, behavioral, cognitive and metacognitive skills, leadership and followership, team-work facilitation, team spirit and effectiveness, knowledge circulation, effective communication, relationships and power distance, fixation error management and metacognitive flexibility. Feedback is provided throughout sessions with a focus on key performance indicators. The e-REAL system allows trainers to feedback about key aspects of performance, using different tracking options. The system also allows multi-source feedback during the simulation-based session, combining self-assessment, feedback from the other participants and the trainer. This activity improves the learners’ awareness of their own competencies. Summarizing, we can say that e-REAL is a set of innovative solutions aimed at enhancing learning with a systemic, multilayer and multi-perspective approach. Tools such as speech analysis, visual communication and conceptual clustering are part of the solution. Integrating—and enhancing—technical skills with these related to the behavioral, cognitive and metacognitive domains is a major aim. Innovations based on visual thinking and immersive learning, (such as e-REAL, other augmented reality tools, advances in tablet technology and mobile applications, wearable devices and multimedia libraries), are successful because they upgrade people’s knowledge, skills and abilities. The main goal within e-REAL is allowing a multi-perspective mindset during a simulation session. Visualizing the “invisible” by overlaying information that focuses on both technical and behavioral aspects of a performance, and merges the virtual and the real, creates a multilayer and therefore augmented, multi-perspective, and systemic simulation that contributes to a better understanding. Nothing is revolutionary within a simple VR headset, but if VR content and scenarios are “actualized” [40]—or enhanced—within a real simulation setting, the
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merging of the real and virtual world adds value to the learning process. In such a way, e-REAL becomes more than real!
7.7 Case-Study: Teamwork and Crisis Resource Management for Labor and Delivery Clinicians 1. The program and a key cognitive aid: Name-Claim-Aim Teamwork and Crisis Resource Management for Labor and Delivery Clinicians (Introductory and Advanced Levels) is experiential coursework focused on learning and improving teamwork and event management during simulated obstetrical cases. It is an interprofessional program based on advanced simulation, delivered many times per year in Boston (MA, USA) at the Center for Medical Simulation (CMS) in a realistic clinical setting [51, 69]. Each case is immediately followed by a facilitated debriefing led by experienced instructors and faculty members of CMS. Participants include obstetricians, obstetrical nurses, midwives and obstetrical anesthesiologists. e-REAL is integrated into this program and used to deepen learning and to enhance cognitive retention of the main mnemonic used during the program [14]. Effective team management during a crisis is a core element of expert practice. Medical simulation can contribute enormously to enhance teamwork during a crisis [28], fostering situational awareness and contextual intelligence [36] which refers to the abilities to apply knowledge to real world scenarios and situations, as well as cognitive retention of essential steps and procedures to be performed during an ongoing crisis. A crisis management organizational approach using a mnemonic called NameClaim-Aim is being used in order to facilitate crisis management and decision making: knowledge and skills are essential components of the decision-making and the actions performed during crises, but they are not sufficient to manage the entire situation which includes the environment, the equipment and the patient care team. After several decades worth of dedicated simulation education for anesthesiologists and labor and delivery teams, teamwork experts at the CMS have found that these teams still struggle to routinely organize themselves in crises during simulation courses, let alone in the clinical environment [50, 51]. Stories from course participants of all professions indicate that there exists a real challenge to both focus on the clinical picture and apply organizational principles to the team, and more often than not, the organization within the team is under-prioritized. Part of this may be due to the intense cognitive load experienced by those who are managing a stressful clinical crisis. It can be difficult to also remember the eleven crisis resource management (CRM) principles introduced by Gaba et al. [28] and apply them routinely while actively managing a resuscitation (Fig. 7.24). Appreciating the impact of stress on high level thinking [2], faculty at CMS collapsed these 11 key points into 5 key CRM concepts of role clarity, effective
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Fig. 7.24 Crisis resource management (CRM) key points
communication, effective use of personnel, effective management of resources and global assessment (Fig. 7.25). The role of “Event Manager,” rather than “Team Leader,” is expressly promoted at CMS to facilitate distributed leadership in crises. This distinction has proven to be effective in teams of expert practitioners because it deliberately seeks to flatten hierarchies which may inhibit speaking-up behavior from team members, which may successfully counteract failures of perception [57]. The Event Manager coordinates the communication and the team’s efforts, overseeing the organization and application of CRM principles, in addition to actively soliciting input and decision-making regarding medical care, if necessary. Moreover, the Event Manager acts to facilitate role designation, orchestrate and coordinate team function. Based on these challenges, the mnemonic “Name-Claim-Aim” was developed at CMS to incorporate 10 of the 11 CRM principles in an easy-to-remember, and easily applied, framework (Fig. 7.26). Cognitive aids were developed to help facilitate learning of this mnemonic and an “Event Manager Checklist” was created to facilitate effective role designation. Participants have been given this cognitive aid, designed as an ID badge-sized card, to easily access during their simulation course. In addition, the “Name-Claim-Aim” and “Event Manager Checklist” have been adopted by the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) (Boston, MA, USA) for inclusion in the latest version of their Emergency Manuals (Figs. 7.27 and 7.28).
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Fig. 7.25 Courtesy of the Center for Medical Simulation (CMS), Boston, MA. Five key crisis resource management (CRM) concepts by the CMS ©
Fig. 7.26 Courtesy of the Center for Medical Simulation (CMS), Boston, MA. Application of Name-Claim-Aim ©
2. Interactive videos and rapid debriefing Rapid Cycle Deliberate Practice (RCDP) is a novel simulation-based education model that is currently attracting interest, being implemented, explored and researched. In RCDP, learners rapidly cycle between deliberate practice and directed feedback within the simulation scenario until mastery is achieved [75]. Common RCDP implementation strategies include: splitting simulation cases into segments,
7 Enhanced Reality for Healthcare Simulation
Fig. 7.27 Courtesy of the Center for Medical Simulation (CMS), (Boston, MA). Name-Claim-Aim mnemonic aid ©
Fig. 7.28 Courtesy of the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) (Boston, MA): Name-ClaimAim in their Emergency Manuals ©
micro-debriefing in the form of “pause, debrief, rewind and try again” and providing progressively more challenging scenarios. During the Labor and Delivery program, clinicians are shown short dynamic videos: they are challenged to recognize a situation requiring rapid intervention, communication, knowledge sharing, decisionmaking and management of unforeseen event—while taking into consideration critical contextual factors such as a lack of time, scarcity of resources and tools, and a multitude of additional impactful factors. e-REAL is being used, enabling learners to interact with multimedia scenarios recreating very different situations [69]. Learners are requested to be compliant with the Name-Claim-Aim mnemonic to manage the
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crisis by coordinating the team roles and efforts. The interactive videos feature unexpected clinical or non-clinical, emergent scenarios, including extreme, dangerous environmental threats (Figs. 7.29, 7.30 and 7.31).
Fig. 7.29 Courtesy of the Center for Medical Simulation (CMS) (Boston, MA), the Polytechnic School of Milan (Italy) and Logosnet (Houston, TX): Interactive e-REAL wall with a number of tailored multimedia content ©
Fig. 7.30 Courtesy of the Center for Medical Simulation (CMS) (Boston, MA), the Polytechnic School of Milan (Italy), and Logosnet (Houston, TX): Alpine environment with photorealistic avatars expected to occur a sport traumatism ©
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Fig. 7.31 Courtesy of the Center for Medical Simulation (CMS) (Boston, MA), the Polytechnic School of Milan (Italy), and Logosnet (Houston, TX): Fire accident in a final stage of execution, already overlaid by the mnemonic Name-Claim-Aim ©
3. Multilayer vision for an enhanced use of neural processes: key questions The e-REAL system enables a multilayer vision: the many levels of the situation are made available simultaneously, by overlaying multisource info—e.g. words, numbers, images, etc. Visualizations show relationships between topics, activate involvement, generate questions that learners didn’t think of before and facilitate memory retention. Visualizations function as concept maps to help organize and represent knowledge on a subject in an effective way. By visualizing relations between topics, contextual factors, cognitive maps and dynamic cognitive aids [27], e-REAL allows more effective learning and storing of information into memories based on experiences and practice. At the same time, eREAL helps instructors to immediately identify errors and difficulties of the trainees, facilitating an effective debriefing (Figs. 7.32, 7.33 and 7.34).
7.8 Conclusion As Pierre Lévy was used to say, reality in the digital age is becoming more and more virtual [40]. In healthcare simulation, the dematerialization of the learning environment is allowed by new technologies that offer options to improve the usability of traditional e-learning methods. Sharing and mixing up the latest trends from digitalization and virtualization, neurosciences, artificial intelligence, and advanced simulation allows us to establish a new paradigm for education and training. So far, the ongoing exploratory projects within the e-REAL set up at the Center for Medical Simulation in Boston are:
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Fig. 7.32 Courtesy of the Center for Medical Simulation (CMS) (Boston, MA), Logosnet (Houston, TX) and Demian Szyld, Senior Director Institute for Medical Simulation and Faculty Development Program at CMS: Car accident overlaid by a decision tree designed to foster clinical observation and inquiry, verbal communication skills and active listening
1. The further use of the e-REAL visualizations in Labor and Delivery programs and in Anesthesia programs. 2. The design of distance-based simulations to take care of COVID-19 related situations: logistics, team safety, relationship with patients and families. 3. The introduction of online learning modules where different types of virtual objects are co-existing: artificial but realistic avatars and real actors performing as standardized patients or family members or colleagues, photorealistic 3D tools, indoor or outdoor scenarios. 4. The development of self-learning solutions to improve results related to critical conversations, debriefing sessions, video-interviews and video-conferences. 5. The use of AR head-mounted displays to provide guidance during remote on-site simulations. 6. The visualization of check-lists and mnemonics (virtualized and displayed on screens or walls) to foster team performance.
7 Enhanced Reality for Healthcare Simulation
Fig. 7.33 Courtesy of the George Washington University School of Nursing (Ashburn, VA), and Logosnet (Houston, TX): Outdoor scenario designed to allow learners to visually detect difficulties and risks related to an emergency situation
Fig. 7.34 Courtesy of the George Washington University School of Nursing (Ashburn, VA), and Logosnet (Houston, TX): A detail from an outdoor scenario designed to allow learners to visually detect difficulties and risks related to an emergency situation
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Acknowledgements The authors wish to thank Ms. Starly Santos, Research Analyst at Logosnet (Switzerland and USA) and Student at the Columbia University in New York (NY–USA): Her cooperation was of the greatest value. A great thank-you also to Prof. Bill Kapralos, Ontario Tech University (Oshawa, CA) and to Dr. Amy Nakajima, University of Ottawa (CA), who read the first release of this chapter and made a great number of valuable corrections and suggestions.
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Fernando Salvetti (J.D., P.P.E., M.Phil., Ph.D.—[email protected]), Founder of Centro Studi Logos in Turin and Logosnet in Lugano, Berlin and Houston, is an epistemologist, an anthropologist and a lawyer who co-designed e-REAL, the enhanced reality lab where virtual and real worlds are merging within an advanced simulation environment. He is committed to exploring virtual and augmented reality, cognitive aids by artificial intelligence, visual thinking, interactive and immersive learning, emerging scenarios and trends, and cross-cultural intelligence.
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Roxane Gardner (M.D., M.H.P.E., M.P.H., Ph.D.—[email protected]), Senior Director for Clinical Programs and Director of the Visiting Scholars and Fellowship Program at the Center for Medical Simulation in Boston (CMS), has been a principle faculty member of CMS since 2002 and Co-Director of its Labor and Delivery Teamwork and Crisis Management program since its inception in 2003. In addition to her roles at CMS, Dr. Gardner is an Assistant Professor of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Biology at the Harvard Medical School and holds appointments in Boston at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston Children’s Hospital, and Massachusetts General Hospital. Rebecca D. Minehart (M.D., M.S.H.P.Ed.—[email protected]), Director for Anesthesia Clinical Courses at the Center for Medical Simulation in Boston (CMS), is an obstetric anesthesiologist at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), an Assistant Professor of Anesthesia at Harvard Medical School, and the Program Director for the MGH Obstetric Anesthesia Fellowship Program. She is an ardent education and patient safety advocate who has been involved in international efforts to both research and promote best teamwork and communication practices, especially involving speaking up and giving feedback. She is a recognized expert in educational techniques utilizing simulation and is a core teaching faculty member at both CMS and the MGH Learning Laboratory, where she serves as the Operating Room Simulation Officer. Barbara Bertagni (B.Sc., B.A., M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., Clin.Psy.D.—[email protected]), Founder of Centro Studi Logos in Turin and Logosnet in Lugano, Berlin and Houston, as well as eREAL co-designer, is a clinical psychologist, an anthropologist and a practical philosopher particularly involved with personal and professional development, coaching and mentoring, immersive learning and advanced simulation. She works as a sparring partner, a coach and a mentor advising people and organizations across the globe.
Chapter 8
maxSIMhealth: An Interconnected Collective of Manufacturing, Design, and Simulation Labs to Advance Medical Simulation Training maxSIMhealth Group Abstract maxSIMhealth is a multidisciplinary collaborative manufacturing, design, and simulation laboratory at Ontario Tech University in Oshawa, Canada combining expertise in Health Sciences, Computer Science, Engineering, Business and Information Technology, aiming at building community partnerships to advance simulation training. It focuses on existing simulation gaps, while providing innovative solutions that can change the status quo, thus leading to improved healthcare outcomes comprised of cutting-edge training opportunities. maxSIMhealth utilizes disruptive technologies (e.g., 3D printing, gaming, and emerging technologies such as extended reality) as innovative solutions that deliver cost-effective, portable, and realistic simulation catering the high variability of users and technologies, which is currently lacking. maxSIMhealth is a novel collaborative innovation with aims to develop future cohorts of scholars with strong interdisciplinary competencies to collaborate in new environments and to communicate professionally for successful medical-tech problem solving. The work being conducted within maxSIMhealth will transform the current health professional education landscape by providing novel, flexible, and inexpensive simulation experiences. In this chapter, a description of maxSIMhealth is provided along with an overview of several ongoing projects. Keywords Medical simulation · 3D printing · Immersive technologies · Serious gaming · Gamification
8.1 Introduction Simulation “allow[s] persons to experience a representation of a real event for the purpose of practice, learning, evaluation, testing, or to gain an understanding of systems or human actions, [57].” Simulation has been positively disrupting the traditional education model in healthcare. Evidence in support of this change is solid for maxSIMhealth Group (B) Ontario Tech University, L1H 7K4 2000 Simcoe St N, Oshawa, ON, Canada e-mail: [email protected] © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 A. L. Brooks et al. (eds.), Recent Advances in Technologies for Inclusive Well-Being, Intelligent Systems Reference Library 196, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-59608-8_8
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learning outcomes, patient outcomes, and safety [13]. Simulation provides a viable alternative to practice with actual patients, providing medical trainees the opportunity to train until they reach a specific competency level. One of the prevailing arguments for using simulation in the learning process of trainees is the ability to engage the trainee in the active accumulation of knowledge by doing with deliberate practice, while it also allows for careful matching of the complexity of the learning encounter to the trainees’ current level of advancement [41]. Further, there are several studies indicating that ‘hybrid’ clinical placement curricula—whereby part of the time is spent in simulation and part in the clinical setting following a preceptorship model—are as effective as traditional clinical placement curricula, while reducing the resource strain on clinical placement sites (see, for example [1]). However, despite these proven advantages, simulation faces limitation within several training programs for allied health professionals, or in rural and remote settings due to commercial unavailability, high development costs [19, 17] , and the inability to address many of competencies requiring specialized facilities. We believe that disruptive technologies will help us create and establish novel simulation solutions that will provide an alternative model to better train future cohorts of health care professionals [7], and to equip practicing professionals with the tools and knowledge required to function within their complex and rapidly changing work environments [6]. To this end, we have recently established maxSIMhealth, a synergistic multidisciplinary collaborative (laboratory) whereby multiple professions work together to address simulation challenges in training and education. This is made possible given that maxSIMhealth is an academic-public-for-profit collaborative based at Ontario Tech University where access to several different manufacturing, design, and simulation labs is leveraged. A blended funding model supports maxSIMhealth with institutional support for labs and infrastructure, Canadian Foundation for Innovation, Canada Research Chair in HealthCare Simulation (through the Canadian Institute for Health Research), Natural Sciences and Engineering, and Social Sciences and Humanities Research Councils (NSERC, and SSHRC respectively). maxSIMhealth combines expertise in faculties across the university, including Health Sciences, Business and Information Technology (computer science, game development, etc.), Engineering and Applied Sciences, Education, and Social Sciences. Furthermore, the collaborative builds upon existing and new community partnerships: Lakeridge Health Hospital, Durham Region Department of Health, Canadian Society for Medical Laboratory Sciences, Collaborative Human Immersive Interaction Laboratory (CHISIL), and Simulation Canada. In addition, maxSIMhealth actively seeks and establishes research partnerships with not-forprofit and for-profit organizations as commercial channel partners and stakeholders in order to advance simulation training globally. Finally, maxSIMhealth acts as an idea-seeding mechanism for local startup incubator and experiential learning hub, Brilliant Catalyst. This multi-sectoral collaborative allows for the connection and cross-pollination of multiple professions and areas of expertise for discovering existing simulation gaps, providing innovative solutions that change systems that lead to improved
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healthcare outcomes. Specifically, maxSIMhealth utilizes disruptive technologies including, but not limited to, 3D printing, gamification (including serious gaming), and emerging technologies including extended reality (XR), as innovative solutions that allow for cost-effective, portable, and realistic simulation. Thus, it provides health professionals with innovative, consumer-level, flexible, and highly adaptable simulation solutions that will work in tandem with, and augment the preceptorship model (this is currently lacking in medical-based simulation education), while equipping each member of the healthcare team in every point of care setting. With its increasing popularity and effectiveness of simulation, it is now imperative to integrate simulation throughout entire curriculums (e.g., nursing, surgery) [22]. Programs can no longer rely on this ‘add-on’ notion since simulation opts as a replacement for traditional, and often rare, clinical experiences, and allows learners to develop skills, clinical reasoning, and care competency [26]. With its foundation in technology, sciences, and professional practice, maxSIMhealth thrives on this growing acceptance and enthusiasm of simulation in medical professions education. In doing this, it is able to fulfill its vision of advancing the discovery and application of knowledge that revolutionizes health by providing innovative solutions for simulation training and clinical application. In the following section (Sect. 11.2), we provide a brief overview of several ongoing maxSIMhealth research projects aimed at solving specific medical education needs and problems. In Sect. 11.3 a discussion regarding the “Ideate. Create. Disseminate” approach we follow in maxSIMhealth is provided while concluding remarks are provided in Sect. 11.4.
8.1.1 Immersive Technologies The technologies of video games, virtual worlds and social networks have become collectively known as immersive technologies because of their ability to engage users of all ages, driving massive investment into technologies to attract, capture and retain our attention [94]. The continuous increase in computational processing power and accompanying decrease in the size of electronic components has led to the decreasing cost and rising availability of consumer-level immersive technologies have helped advance the adoption of virtual simulation in recent years. A definition of various immersive technologies follows below. • Virtual reality: An interactive computer simulation, which senses the user’s state and operation and replaces or augments sensory feedback information to one or more senses in a way that the user obtains a sense of being immersed in the simulation (virtual environment). • Augmented reality: The addition of computer-generated objects to the real physical space to augment the elements comprising it. • Mixed reality: The integration of computer-generated graphics and real objects seamlessly.
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• Extended reality: A term referring to the synergy of virtual, augmented, and mixed reality technologies, in conjunction with motion capture, user data acquisition, and maker space has been gaining momentum thanks to recent technological advances in electronics miniaturization, image processing, and motion capture system [24]. • Serious games: Video games whose primary purpose is education, training, advertising, simulation, or education as opposed to entertainment. • Gamification: The application of “game-based elements, aesthetics, and game thinking to engage learners, motivate action, promote learning, and solve problems” [50].
8.2 maxSIMhealth Projects In this section, an overview of several research projects and initiatives currently underway (or will begin shortly), within the maxSIMhealth lab is provided. All of the projects are interdisciplinary, at the very least, consist of at least one content expert (medical/health sciences professional and/or trainee), at least one technology expert (engineer/computer scientist and/or trainee), and access to experts in medical education. The experts may be academics or practicing professionals from the various maxSIMhealth partner institutions. Our current work is focused on projects whose solutions fall broadly within three major areas: (i) immersive technologies, (ii) gamification and serious gaming, and (iii) 3D printing. Within the immersive technologies domain, a large focus includes the development, testing, and implementation of a novel MLT professional development tool, in the form of a Game-Based Education Multi Technology Platform (GEM-Tech Platform), supported by a combination of serious games coupled with virtual, augmented, and mixed realities (VR, AR, and MR respectively), and physical simulators. We envision the GEM-Tech Platform being used in a number of training applications including several which are described below.
8.2.1 Immersive Technology-Based Solutions In this subsection, we provide a description of projects whose solutions focus on immersive technologies and virtual reality in particular.
Phlebo Sim: A Novel Virtual Simulation for Teaching Professional Medical Laboratory Technologist Skills
Medical laboratory technologists (MLT’s) perform a range of services in the patient sample-testing environment. For example, MTLs are responsible for performing
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phlebotomy procedures which consist of taking blood from patients and organizing the samples into proper containers for testing. However, there is a health human resource shortage in the profession, due to higher rates of retiring MTLs compared to MTLs entering the workforce [16]. Although the issue was raised in 2010, there has not been an increase in new MLT graduates to offset the shortage [16]. This shortage is further complicated by the lack of available teachers (who are often working in the field concurrently), to mentor students to a position of confidence [16]. Professional standards have been developed to establish a minimum level of competency for a new entry-level MLT, yet pre-analytical errors still account for up to 75% of laboratory errors [44]. These analytical errors, such as lost or incorrect sample request forms, occur before the sample is tested [44]. These errors are costly and contribute to over one million injuries and approximately 4,400–98,000 deaths in the United States annually [40], making medical errors the eighth leading cause of death in North America, ahead of AIDS, motor vehicle accidents, and breast cancer [40]. One solution previously identified is to increase the efficiency of training and increase MLT’s proficiency, is simulation [44]. While recent studies have shown the potential of simulation, it has yet to be fully integrated into MLT training programs [10]. To further contribute to this work in MLT simulation, an interdisciplinary collaboration between experts in medicine/health sciences, computer science/engineering, and medical education at Ontario Tech University has resulted in the development of a novel, interactive, and engaging virtual phlebotomy (blood-drawing) simulation prototype (known as “Phlebo Sim”), in an attempt to increase the efficiency of MLT training. Currently, Phlebo Sim focuses on the cognitive aspects of MLT training, following guidelines set out by the World Health Organization [93], and the profession’s accrediting body. Sample screenshots are provided in Fig. 8.1. According to Canadian Society for Medical Laboratory Science, the credentialing body for MLTs, the graduating MLT student must achieve 95 competences [17]. The current version of the simulation (i.e., Phlebo sim) addresses 12/95 competencies
Fig. 8.1 Phlebo Sim sample screenshots a the player prepping required materials into a tray, and b dialogue to guide the player through the procedure
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Fig. 8.2 Required competencies that will be addressed in a future version of Phlebo Sim
expected of an entry-level MLT, although Phlebo Sim could cover as many as 93/95 competencies with further development. We are porting Phlebo Sim to the GEM-Tech while expanding the scope of Phlebo sim to address 93/95 competencies set out by the Canadian Society for Medical Laboratory Science (see Fig. 8.2). This will be achieved through the synergy between researchers and research laboratories at Ontario Tech University including the Gamer Lab, HealthTech Lab, Materials Research Laboratory, undergraduate level MLT teaching laboratories, and our Lakeridge Hospital TechEd Living Lab, which together form the maxSIMhealth collaborative. In addition, we will leverage the expertise of our community, and more specifically, the Canadian Society for Medical Laboratory Sciences and Simulation Canada, amongst others. We anticipate that our updated GEM-Tech Platform-based Phlebo Sim will fulfill at least 98% of the competencies expected from a practicing MLT; serve as a training tool for any new competencies or shifts in the scope of practice; and, consequently, improve the supply of MLT professionals by strengthening education and training pathways, and promote efficient and effective learning. We anticipate that our updated Phlebo Sim will improve the quality and accuracy of laboratory tests and further our understanding of implemented simulation interventions into MLT training.
The Anesthesia Crisis Scenario Builder (ACSB): Development of an Anesthesia Crisis Scenario Builder for Virtual Reality Training
An anesthesiologist is a medical professional who practices within the anesthesia field. The job includes perioperative care, developing anesthetic plans, pain-relieving medication during surgical procedures and monitoring the patient’s vitals [47]. Anesthesiologists go through multiple training and education programs to obtain the required knowledge and psychomotor skills to be an anesthesiologist. They are
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required to maintain appropriate knowledge of complications during operation by attending lectures or passively learning from journals or textbooks with no feedback [86]. Although knowledge is best retained by actively doing rather than passively learning [4], there is a lack of active methods that are easily accessible to anesthesia trainees [62]. Here, we describe the anesthesia crisis scenario builder (ACSB), developed in an interdisciplinary collaboration between anesthesiologists, computer scientists, engineers, and game developers, and followed an iterative development cycle where a prototype was developed, evaluated, and modified accordingly. The ACSB allows for the creation of multiple anesthesia crisis scenarios and modification of existing scenarios based on the Anesthetic Crisis Manual (ACM) [12]. The manual covers 22 life-threatening crises and provides concise, clear and simple systematic instructions that can be used by any health professional who is leading or assisting in an anesthesia crisis management situation [12]. The ACM has been referenced in recent papers revolving around the evaluation of resident competencies in anesthesia crisis management simulation [25]. The ACM lists each step for the life-threatening crises which have been turned into individual modules. These modules can then be used to create these life-threatening crisis scenarios. The goal of the ACSB is to take these systematic instructions and turn them into modules, allowing medical educators to create their own custom scenarios within each module where trainees can then practice them freely within a safe environment. Currently, the ACSB is in the prototyping phase and does not include all the scenarios found within the ACM. The scenarios are created within the scenario builder portion of the project is shown in Fig. 8.3. The scenario builder can add modules, save and load scenarios, and further customize modules that contain multiple options. Each of the modules contain a description of the task and an overall idea of what needs to be done to achieve the task.
Fig. 8.3 The scenario builder interface
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Fig. 8.4 Virtual operating room modeled after an actual operating room at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre in Toronto, Canada
The trainee is “placed into” a virtual operating room (modeled after an actual operating room at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre in Toronto, Canada) to immerse user into a real operating room (see Fig. 8.4). Once in virtual reality they can go through the modules that the medical educator or the user has selected. Each module has a different” type”, corresponding to the type of interaction the trainee will have to perform to complete the task. For example, the “Call Help” module requires the trainee to inform the nurse to call for help and the surgeon to stop the operation. This is accomplished using a dialogue wheel (see Fig. 8.5) that requires the user to have the nurse within view to trigger the nurse to call for help and surgeon to stop the operation. Currently one module has been implemented (the anaphylaxis module was chosen as it is the most common cause of complications during anesthesia [85]), although the goal is to develop modules for each life threating crises described in the ACM. The final goal is to allow medical educators the ability to create rare anesthesia scenarios that can be created with low levels of technological literacy and be used on multiple hardware devices for accessibility at a low cost. This will allow trainees and current anesthesiologists to actively train for common and rare scenarios.
Development of a Simulation-Based Solution to Related Musculoskeletal Disorders (WRMSDs) Amongst Canadian Sonographers
Sonography, “the statiscope of the future,” is a diagnostic ultrasound that noninvasively and effectively allows for patient diagnoses through the creation of bodily structure images using high-frequency sound waves [59]. The field of ergonomics suggests that any multi-joint movement requiring awkward body positions, and
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Fig. 8.5 Interactions are accomplished using a dialogue wheel
application of forces (common in sonography), may result in work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WRMSDs). Therefore, it is not surprising that recent studies found 84% of respondent sonographers suffer from pain associated with their ultrasound practice, and that one in five workers in the province of Quebec, experienced a nontraumatic WRMSD in at least one body region over a one year period [2]. Another recent study validates this issue where, out of 567 sonographers, 99.3% of them reported WRMSD symptoms within the last year [96]. Statistics predict that in just nine years, 18,000 additional diagnostic medical sonographers will be needed in the U.S. alone, exceeding the average growth of all occupations [88]. However, it will be challenging to meet this demand while maintaining skill within the workforce with these exceptionally high injury rates. Due to their chronic nature, individuals can live with painful and debilitating WRMSDs for years, which will require rehabilitation and mitigation efforts. These disorders along with their resulting physical inactivity pose as risks for developing other ill-nesses and for increasing long-term
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health issues [49]. Not only is the health of most sonographers compromised, but also the costs of these WRMSDs are increasingly high as injuries arise. WRMSDs are estimated to cost the Canadian economy $15 billion per year, in addition to the $22 billion cost it faces from musculoskeletal diseases alone [49]. The Ontario Workplace Safety and Insurance Board receives reports of WRMSDs as their number one type of lost-time work injury (in the province of Ontario). In addition to direct physical costs of pain and suffering and economic costs of absence and lack of productivity, there are also indirect costs that should be noted. When an employee suffers from a WRMSD, their employer also faces many economic burdens including overtime or replacement wages, workstation and equipment alterations, administration, employee replacement training, lost productivity, and lowered quality [68]. The expected increase in the prevalence of WRMSDs will bring a high expense to the Canadian economy as well as a reduction in Canadians’ overall quality of life. The most significant causative factors of WRMSDs in sonographers include force, repetition, sustained, awkward, or poor positioning, grip and pressure, stress, and workload [96]. A study conducted by Zhang and Huang [96] demonstrated the percentage of musculoskeletal symptoms over four different times in 15 body regions. The most concerning regions include the neck, right shoulder, right hand, and back. Most recommendations and solutions that exist today to reduce risks of these WRMSDs involve: 1. Guidelines: Following posture guidelines and ergonomic techniques. 2. Improved equipment: Despite significant improvements, not all worksites are equipped with state-of-the-art equipment since more exams are being done at the patient’s bedside [65]. 3. Workload: workforce shortages caused by WRMSDs lead to less coverage and insufficient break periods; an essential risk-reducing strategy that allows muscles and tendons time to re-cover [45, 65]. 4. Assistive devices: recent developments involve alterations or re-imaginations of the ultrasound machinery itself since most scanning environments do not promote proper ergonomic techniques. The three main approaches to this challenge include: (i) autonomous robotic imaging that does not use a human operator, (ii) remotely operated sonography, or telesonography, and (iii) human-robot cooperation with a human physically present [82]. However, a study conducted by Al-Rammah et al. [2] revealed that amongst a group of 100 sonographers, there were low levels of awareness regarding best practices and safety measures. Thus, despite guidelines and preventive measures, WRMSDs are still occurring and affecting a vast majority of sonographers. In summary, there are several causes for WRMSDs in sonographers, and several solutions have been proposed. Unfortunately, the problem persists despite these solutions. The field of simulation-based education may provide another effective method of decreasing the risks of WRMSDs in sonographers. The short-term goal of this research is to examine the WRMSDs in sonographers through a “simulationbased education” lens. Specifically, risks will be evaluated with the goal of using
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simulation-based education as an adjunct solution to other currently deployed solutions. To achieve this, several observational (in a clinical setting), think-out-loud (in a simulated setting), and ergonomic (in a laboratory) investigations and evaluations will be utilized to determine the preventable causes of these injuries. The long-term goal of this work is to develop and test solutions that utilize simulation to drastically reduce incidences of WRMSDs in sonographers in Canada. It is anticipated that the completion of this WRMSD study in sonographers will reveal: • • • •
The underlying causes of WRMSDs amongst sonographers. Sonographers’ awareness of faulty/risky posture and movements, if any. The reasoning(s) for failing to follow strict guidelines. A reduction of WRMSD incidence amongst sonographers through utilization and implementation of simulation.
Cultural Competency Training for Long-Term Care Professionals
Currently, Canada’s population is reported at 37.6 million people (as of July 1, 2019) [81], with an expected growth to 52.6 million by 2061 [80]. However, Canada has an aging population; in 2019, the population of Canadian’s seniors (aged 65 and over), was 6,592,611 (approximately 18%). More locally, the Durham Region in Ontario (where the proposed work/study will take place), is reported to be one of the fastest growing regions in the world [33]. In 2016, Durham’s population was 673,000, and in 2018 it reached a population of 683,600 [27] (immigration is a significant factor for this population increase). As the baby boomer generation ages, the seniors’ population is estimated to be 100,976 (approximately 15% of the total Durham Region population) [27]. The city of Oshawa is the biggest municipality in Durham Region, with a total population of 169,509, 16.7% (or 28,385 people), of which are seniors (age 65 and older). The growing number of seniors live in their community, assisted living, or group homes. As their abilities to care for themselves independently deteriorate, and home care services become insufficient to meet their needs in their own homes, seniors move into Long Term Care (LTC) homes. The LTC homes, also known as nursing homes, are defined by the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care, as a place where adults live, receive all aspects of personal care, nursing supervision, and assistance with activities of daily living [20]. LTC settings operate following a “24/7” schedule and LTC homes are considered the residents’ space and home. In 2014, Ontario had 627 LTC homes across the province, for 78,000 beds in total. Yet, there were 26,495 seniors on a waitlist to enter a home [67]. Accordingly, the demand for LTC beds surpasses the supply [66]. In 2018, the government of Ontario allocated 5000 new LTC beds across the province with 270 beds allocated to the Durham Region [32]. This was part of the Ontario government’s initiative to build 15,000 new beds and redevelop 15,000 existing beds over five year [20]. However, additional beds will require similar growth of trained professionals to ensure that seniors are well taken care of, yet there is a pre-existing shortage of healthcare
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professionals nurses and personal support workers (PSWs) in LTC. This is further compounded by the fact that our current training of healthcare professionals does not meet the growing demands. Two solutions may address this gap as follows: (a) training of qualified immigrants, and (b) accelerated retraining of workers from other lines of work. Objective: Given the increasing senior population, the increasing ethnical diversity in the Durham Region; and the fact that the healthcare system is moving towards a person-centered model of care, it is critical that seniors receive appropriate and cultural-centered care and service, that better meets their needs and increases their satisfaction and health outcomes. In other words, developing and enhancing cultural competencies in LTC workers is urgent to meet the cultural care needs of a growing diverse population. Although retraining programs for both internationally trained professionals, and local individuals who require retraining exist, we aim provide extended teaching and learning opportunities to develop or enhance cultural competencies in LTC workers. Adapted from the CanMEDS framework, the cultural competencies will include communication, collaboration, professionalism, and health advocacy. Purpose: We propose a solution, where the newly retrained LTC workers will develop cultural competencies using serious gaming, and more specifically, using our proposed Senior’s Cultural Competency Game (SCCG). Research: Once implemented and incorporated into professional practice, the SCCG will allow providers to be culturally competent when providing care to seniors. The training will be computer-based, freely available, and available at any given time for all healthcare providers’ access. Using a previously developed cultural competency game framework [51], we propose to build the SCCG for LTC workers. Initially, the SCCG will be part of the orientation process for new staff, and staff returning from an extended leave of absence. Furthermore, the SCCG will be added to the yearly mandatory education for all staff in the facility. Once implemented as part of the orientation process, in the next phases, the SCCG will be augmented to include remediation and education modules where providers who failed the competency threshold will have a chance to acquire these competencies in a safe and flexible learning environment. The research and development process will be completed in five phases: • Phase 1 (Scenario Development): Four scenarios will be developed by a content expert to address four cultural competencies: communication, collaboration, professionalism, and health advocacy. • Phase 2 (Face and Content Validity): Using expert consensus building methods (e.g., the Delphi method), experts will assess the face (realism) and content (appropriateness) of the SCCG. • Phase 3 (Imbedding the Scenarios into the Game Framework): this will be completed by computer scientists and serious game developers.
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• Phase 4 (Implementation): An initial installment of the game during an orientation session for new staff at a single institution (Sunnycrest Nursing Home in Durham Region, Canada). • Phase 5 (Evaluation): Novice and experienced staff at the Sunnycrest Nursing Home will be asked to participate in a study to examine the usability and effectiveness of the SCCG. It is expected that the experienced staff will have higher scores than the novices (construct validity evidence). At the same time, the user experiences will be assessed using previously validated metrics.
Integrating Immersive Technology and Neurophysiological Techniques to Evaluate Optimal Learning Environments in Medical Simulation Training
Medical errors are the third leading cause of death in the United States, following cardiovascular disease and cancer [58]. Although there is no single solution to fix this problem, simulation is one approach [9]. Educators generally favor more realistic simulations, based on the assumption that they are more representative of the real world, and therefore more effective in training. High-fidelity simulators are expensive, and research suggests these simulations are not more effective than lowfidelity options [64]. Additionally, evidence suggests that it is not only the realism of the simulator, but also the level of immersion within the environment that leads to improved learning outcomes and skill development [15, 29, 64, 91]. In VR, a form of simulation, one way to enhance the perception of immersion is to provide multiple sensory cues (such as vision, audition, and haptic sensations). Currently, the field of healthcare simulation has not addressed what immersion means from the neurophysiological point of view, the impact of immersion on learning, and how multiple sensory inputs influence the level of immersion. With the use of blended research paradigms from neurophysiology [36] and behavioural sciences [14], this work aims to understand if more realistic simulators are more immersive and more effective, compared to lower-fidelity training environments. More specifically, how different forms of sound and touch feedback can influence a trainee’s perception of a drilling task, and whether these sensations promote motor learning and skill transfer. By integrating neurophysiological techniques, such as electroencephalography (EEG), we will examine brain activity during a drilling task with progressive levels of immersion. Using frequency analysis and source localization, we will also seek evidence of a neural signature of optimal immersion in a training environment. Utilizing other physiological measures, including surface electromyography (sEMG) and heart rate variables, we will assess trainee responses to different immersive stimuli, and potentially identify physiological differences in top- and bottom-performers. Our prior work has established that low-fidelity haptic force-feedback combined with realistic audio input can enhance subjective realism and accuracy in a simulated drilling task, compared to audio alone [39]. We will continue this work by examining how auditory and haptic sensations affect motor learning, skill transfer, and associated
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brain activity during a simulated task. We will have separate groups of volunteers participate in the simulated drilling task with either (a) no audio or haptic sensations, (b) audio sensations, (c) haptic sensations, or (d) audio-haptic sensations, and a transfer session 24 hours later. With a between-group design, we can hypothesize that the participants in the audio-haptic group will learn the drilling task more efficiently, and perform better during the transfer test, as compared to the other groups.
Customization of Pick and Place Tool for Cardiac Auscultation Tasks in Virtual Reality Employing User Ergonomics
Virtual reality (VR) applications in medical training allow for the reproduction of realistic scenarios depicting procedures for developing cognitive and psycho-motor skills, performed in seated, standing, and room-scale settings [79]. However, given the recent widespread application of commodity VR, on-size-fits-all solutions lack support for the variability of users in terms of their ergonomics (e.g., height, reach, mobility), which can lead to usability issues [60]. For example, VR sensitivity can be affected by speed and height changes within the scene mismatching their own [90]. In this section we present the development of a tool for customizing pick and place tasks within a virtual cardiac auscultation scenario employing user ergonomics. Cardiac auscultation is a routine examination that allows diagnosing heart conditions to determine proper care and treatment if needed [8]. With respect to cardiac auscultation training, practices are moving away from using the cost-effective stethoscope toward employing multimedia resources, manikins, and various diagnostics tools such as the echocardiography [8]. Although simulation has proven gained more popularity it is leading to concern regarding the loss of cardiac auscultation skills using the stethoscope [8]. This scenario in conjunction with current consumer-level virtual simulation is leading to the development of complementary training tools for addressing this problem [69]. The VR-based auscultation training tool is being developed using the Unity game engine, and SteamVR. The tool combines tracking scripts attached to all in-game objects that record the user’s actions in order to obtain ergonomic measures. This allows us to define the best placement and scene scale with the goal of overcoming the limitations of one-size-fits-all default interactions in VR software development kits. Before examining the virtual patient, the user is required to pick and place tasks by interacting with objects on a table to obtain the user’s ergonomics (see Fig. 8.6a). Once completed, the user can examine the patient by placing the virtual stethoscope on the mitral, tricuspid, aortic, and pulmonic areas. To provide quantifiable feedback to the trainee, metrics from the interactions include completion time, number of attempts, and motion paths are gathered during the virtual examination and displayed at the end of the simulation. In addition, the framework allows instructors to review the sessions within the scene to evaluate performance and identify areas where the trainee had trouble (e.g., auscultation areas, completion time, examination responses, and gaze areas). The recorded data can be reproduced to conduct debriefing sessions with the trainees to discuss their decision-making. The framework also provides
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Fig. 8.6 Auscultation scenario view. a User calibration. b Virtual cardiac auscultation
an additional view on a monitor for instructors and other trainees to spectate the examination being performed with the HMD. Data obtained from a preliminary testing of the Vive controller and the Vive Tracker over 30 examinations, allowed us to observe that the trackers can be easily occluded by the trainee’s body during the interactions, resulting in 25 faulty interactions between the stethoscope and the auscultated area, affecting the examination and the metrics being recorded. Figure 11.6b shows the virtual examination with the Vive Tracker, the spectator’s view, and auscultation with the Vive controller. In this Section, we have briefly presented our ongoing work that is seeing the development of a VR framework that adapts the scene based on anthropometric measures captured within the virtual examination for cardiac auscultation. The preliminary assessment of its use across numerous examinations allowed us to identify problems with the Vive Trackers and their reliability for the developed training tool. Moreover, during the development of this project, a SteamVR up-date introduced inconsistency to our system provoking continuous tracking dis-connection. A problem later solved with an update by the developer. Future work will study the effects of ergonomics measures on usability, presence and performance within the virtual auscultation.
Guiding User Vision in Virtual Reality Environments
With the increase in demand for graphical fidelity, as well as the increase in display resolution and refresh rate, graphics performance is once again a concern for developers. This problem is most apparent in the field of Virtual Reality (VR) where framerates and response times must be kept high to avoid motion sickness and other unwanted effects such as delay when using techniques like foveated rendering [3]. This is made worse by the nature of current virtual reality hardware which requires rendering a display for each eye, doubling the graphics compute cost of VR games. The current trend in VR hardware is also leaning towards standalone systems, with reduced Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) compute capability compared to their
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desktop counterparts. Many methodologies and techniques have been developed for optimizing rendering performance in VR, such as Multiview outputs and foveation. Many of these are also relevant to the traditional rendering pipeline (where the vertex stream is rasterized to a single display), especially when combined with newer technology like high-performance eye tracking. One of the current leading areas of research in this field is perception-based rendering, where the GPU compute resources are allocated to areas that have a higher impact on user perception, such as areas of high contrast or in the foveal region (the area of highest visual acuity in the human eye) when eye-tracking hardware is used. Perception-Based Rendering: Perception-based rendering has been a goal of graphics researchers for many years due to its ability to efficiently allocate rendering resources [70]. It refers to a set of methodologies and techniques that aim to reduce the computational cost of rendering by leveraging the limitations of the human visual system [37]. This field of research borrows heavily from research into the psychophysical aspects of the human visual system, with some simplifications and generalizations made, such as using discrete foveal regions based on averages of human foveal regions. The human eye visual field spatial resolution can be categorized into three main regions: the foveal, inter-foveal and peripheral regions [89]. The foveal region has a high density of color-receiving cones, and a lower number of rods (contrast sensitive photoreceptors), which leads to the fovea excelling at visual acuity and color accuracy. The inter-foveal region is marked by a sharp decrease in cone density, with a large increase in rod density. These two regions constitute ‘central vision’ and are responsible for the majority of visual acuity. Beyond these regions there are no cones, and rod density falls off steeply and this is referred to as the peripheral region [89]. It is also worth noting that the periphery shows no decrease in ability to detect motion, which may have applications when attempting to guide user attention. Perception-based rendering aims to leverage these attributes and limitations of the human visual system to provide shortcuts for rendering techniques. The most promising of these fields is foveation, where rendering resources are allocated mainly in the foveal region, but there have been some promising results using contrast to guide rendering to higher-contrast areas [30]. Driving User Attention: Our area of research is in leveraging the findings of perception-based rendering research to drive user attention in a way that does not impact immersion. Foveation uses gaze information to guide rendering resources to the user’s area of focus, but there is little research done on reversing this, and having the simulation guide the user’s attention. Work has been done on guiding user vision in VR and Augmented Reality (AR) using more traditional approaches, such as arrows, object highlighting, and halos [72]. Our research will focus on whether it is possible to leverage contrast, movement, and aliasing in a way that guides user vision without impacting immersion in the virtual scene. Our current approach will be to artificially introduce aliasing or contrasting the inter-foveal region to induce a saccade response and move the artificially salient region until the user’s gaze aligns with the point of interest.
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Fig. 8.7 Sample screenshot of our current cardiac auscultation application and timeline of the different objects where the user focused
Current Applications: This could provide guidance to the user in high-complexity virtual environments in video games and training simulations and may have a positive effect on immersion. Our current research involves guiding user vision in a full-immersion VR environment for cardiac auscultation training, as well as guiding vision on a more traditional display in reminiscence therapy for patients with dementia (see Fig. 8.7 for a sample screenshot of our current application). We also plan to examine how guiding vision impacts skill transfer to non-guided and real-world tasks.
Force Feedback for Precision Tool Grasping
Although virtual simulation is being applied across a wide range of medical training applications, currently the majority of these applications focus on the cognitive aspects of a procedure only typically ignoring the technical components given the complexities associated with generating the haptic cues required to simulate them. The aim of this project is to improve the medical training simulation by providing haptic feedback in virtual medical skills training. We are focusing on simulating the grasping and manipulating of precision tools (e.g., a scalpel, etc.) similar to commonly available haptic gloves (see Fig. 8.8). We determined the force required to lift an object at rest with a known mass based on Newton’s law of gravity. Grasping and manipulating precision tools such as a scalpel involves the thumb and the index finger. According to Nataraj [54], the difference between the magnitude of the forces applied by the thumb and index finger is negligible. Taking this into consideration, we distributed the forces equally between the thumb and the index finger. The haptic device then goes through a series of conversions of these forces to provide equal and opposing force. The user must then overcome this force in order to lift the virtual object. The motion of the object
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Fig. 8.8 Haptic device for precision tools grasping. Note some of the components used in the figure were adapted from [38]
is detected using a Leap motion sensor connected to a Unity application connected to an Arduino Uno as microcontroller communicating with the driver board.
8.2.2 Gamification- (and Serious Gaming-) Based Solutions In this subsection, we provide a description of projects whose solutions focus on gamification and serious gaming.
8.2.3 The Gamified Educational Network (GEN) Interacting online daily using social networks has become ubiquitous while “educational networking” (the use of social networking technologies for educational purposes [46, 71]), has also gained popularity. A prominent strategy is the adoption of gamification concepts to motivate, engage, and enhance the participant’s experience, thus positively impacting its academic achievement and social connectivity [95]. Gamification refers to the process of applying game elements (such as levels or points) to non-game contexts to stimulate learners to engage in collaboration, friendly competition with peers, and achieving the positive learning outcomes [95]. Online educational platforms, including massive online open courses (MOOCs), have applied gamification to entice participation and engagement by exploring the learners’ intrinsic motivation (e.g., socializers want to interact with others, killers
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are engaged by competition and challenges with others) [61]. Within this context, the Gamified Educational Network (GEN) was born, to explore the application of gamification concepts to an educational network by using game elements as intrinsic motivators and aiming to engage and motivate learners and to promote a collaborative learning process. The GEN builds upon the Observational Practice and Educational Network (OPEN) that was initially designed to support health professions education by allowing a community of trainees to access educational and instructional content, communicate with peers and subject-matter experts, and provide/receive feedback asynchronously [76]. OPEN was previously used to study the role of Internet-based learning in clinical skill acquisition and medical-based cultural competence training for novice health professional trainees [21, 52]. More specifically, medical trainees were video-recorded practicing suturing and knot tying techniques [21] and interacting with a virtual simulation of an elder patient that does not feel comfortable with her doctor [52]. The resulting videos were uploaded to OPEN, where other users (e.g., peers or experts) provided constructive feedback by commenting on these videos. Furthermore, Khan et al. [52] demonstrated that the use of an Internet-based educational platform could encourage trainees to prepare for learning sessions, and video-based activities provided a fun and engaging experience. GEN aims to offset the low engagement identified in OPEN by applying gaming elements, and it has been designed from the beginning to be used by any field of study, not only health education. The game elements employed in the GEN were determined after a series of formal focus group sessions that were conducted with an equal mix of 15 participants (game developers, game designers, and medical trainees), recruited from the Game Development and Entrepreneurship at Ontario Tech University and from the faculty of Medicine of the University of Toronto, who interacted with the original OPEN platform [75]. That work identified three game elements that were implemented in the GEN and, with badges, are the most used in education [95]: • Point-based system: implemented in a manner similar to the “Reddit” entertainment, social networking, and news website which supports peer-based assessment where-by peers rate the quality of other comments or interactions. • Leaderboard: this social comparative feedback component provides learners with information regarding how well they are doing with respect to their peers. Such comparative information is provided both individually and in a general context by showing the learner position on a private individual leaderboard (e.g., ‘Forum likes: #2’) ensuring that the learners do not have access to the scores of their peers, avoiding comparisons that could be a detriment to motivation. Learners also get access to how many points they received in each course section through an individual scoreboard. • Module division: implemented as a segmented progress bar that allows learners to track their progress in each course and each course component. A preliminary between-subjects study with 10 participants was conducted using the QUIS (Questionnaire for User Interaction Satisfaction), and the SUS (System
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Usability Scale) questionnaires and four open-ended questions requesting general feedback to examine the usability and satisfaction perception of the GEN in two versions: with and without gamification elements [84]. Both versions achieved a SUS score above 80, which indicates a highly usable system, and the QUIS questionnaire also implies that the GEN interface is extremely easy to use, although not very stimulating. Concerning the open-ended questions, users provided constructive feedback regarding both versions of GEN. Here are a couple of answers when asked about the gamified version “Do you feel that GEN fosters a collaborative experience?” • “GEN has the potential for user collaboration, but I think areas like the comments section could use more functionality (i.e., up-voting, direct replies, etc.).” (Anonymous participant). • “I think it is possible, I noticed a couple social motivators on the comments for example, however I am unsure if collaboration can be better encouraged by the system somehow or if it falls primarily on a course instructor to direct.” (Anonymous participant). Furthermore, given the preliminary nature of the data, definitive conclusions cannot be drawn regarding the superiority of one version over the other. For future work, based on open-ended questions feedback, we will improve the comments functionality, quiz collaboration, integration with social media to allow users to share their accomplishments, and also study more methods to improve peerto-peer interaction. Additional testing will also be conducted to examine the engagement and motivation of both versions, in addition to their educational effectiveness (knowledge transfer and retention).
Assisting Medical Lab Technicians Using a Modified Objective Structured Assessments of Technical Skills (OSATS) Tool to Test Content Validity on the Microtomy Procedure
Histological techniques are a highly valued skill in the medical laboratory sciences (MLSc) program because it is the basis for all microscopic examination of tissues under the microscope [83]. A microtome is a tool that is used to cut paraffin wax blocks to create tissue samples. It involves the use of a sharp knife for tissue cutting and several safety precautions that students must be aware of. The most commonly used microtomes in histology are the rotary microtomes (see Fig. 8.9). The device has a rotary motion that is actually part of the cutting process. The blade is usually fixed in a horizontal position and the tissue section is placed above the blade. In many microtomes, the rotary wheel can be operated manually, but they are generally automated or semi-automated. Automated instruments reduce repetitive movements, which can minimize the risk of developing musculoskeletal disorders. There are a series of steps that must be completed in sequential order along with cautious safety features when handling the instrument. Rolls [77] states ten general examples of what is and is not appropriate during tissue processing and fixation.
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Fig. 8.9 A semi-manual rotary microtome that is used for cutting tissue blocks
Although the literature illustrates the microtomy procedure using several steps, there is still a lack of tool that defines the most essential steps of the procedure. The Objective Structured Assessment of Technical Skills (OSATS) is a tool that will be used to validate the microtomy procedure. It was initially used by the University of Toronto in the 1990s to examine surgical residents’ skill competence. The checklist identifies tasks that must be performed correctly. The global rating scale consists of seven general competencies and the examiner rates the level of each competency on a five-point Likert Scale that is anchored with a behavioural description [5]. The OSATS tool has been implemented in evaluating surgical skills of residents and the reliability and validity of the assessment. The assessment identifies residents who may need additional training and provides a mechanism to ensure the competency of surgical skills. Thus, OSATS is a reliable and valid tool for assessing technical skills such as the microtomy procedure. The current learning methods consist of students following a stepwise procedure from a lab manual or a procedure written by the professor. These manuals all have variations between the sequence of steps, along with what steps are included in the procedure [77]. The biggest issue is when students aren’t aware of all the safety features, it can lead to accidents such as cutting themselves. The lack of adequate amount of time prevents students to confidently develop the technical skills of the microtomy procedure. Simulation provides an alternative method for health care professionals such as medical laboratory technicians, and future health care professionals such as students to develop their skills until they reach a specific competency level [28]. Therefore, a game-based simulation will be designed to improve the learning outcome of the medical lab students because it will allow for students to practice the technical skills outside of the lab.
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Purpose: use a modified version of the OSATS tool to (a) develop the stepwise procedure, (b) provide evidence of content and construct validity of the microtomy procedure. Research: The research questions we will be examining include (i) Can we break down the skills of microtomy into component skills using task decomposition methods and expert opinions. (ii) Does the modified OSATS tool show evidence of content and construct validity for the 10-step microtomy procedure? For both phases outlined below we will use a modified Delphi method as outlined in [42], by generating an initial concept document. Experts are recruited and consensus will be built from separate rounds. Each expert will complete the questionnaire and provide comments on each topic. At the end, a consensus will be made using the data provided by the experts. This is different from a full Delphi method, which starts with preparing the concept with an expert. We have selected to follow the modified version because we have access to a local expert who can prepare the initial concept document. Phase 1, “Development of the instrument”, will consist of the use of the OSATS tool to validate the content of the 10 key steps for successful microtomy completion. Data collection will be obtained using expert consensus methods (e.g., the Snowballing method), and experts will assess the stepwise procedure to provide content validation. Phase 2, “Assessment of content validity”, will require the MLSc content experts to complete a questionnaire regarding the OSATS tool and provide feedback on each of the dimensions. Phase 3, “Imbedding Safety Module into the Gamified Education Network”, which consists of an online safety module that students must complete prior to the simulation-game starting the microtomy procedure. Students must pass the module to demonstrate an understanding of the safety component of the microtomy procedure. The long-term objectives are to enhance the learning outcomes of MLSc students with microtomy techniques using simulation. The key deliverable will include a working simulation-game (beta version) that will consist of a virtual microtome, pre-game safety module, pre-game description of the skill, in-game information and feedback, in-game scoring, post-game feedback to the learners about their performance, and the game will balance educational and fun practices. The collaboration between experts in health sciences and computer science/engineering at Ontario Tech University will allow for the development of the simulation-game. We anticipate that this game will: • • • •
Improve the knowledge of all safety components of the microtome. Improve MLT confidence. Increase safe practices to ensure individuals are not cutting themselves. Improve sample slide tissues for more accurate microscopic examination.
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The Autism Serious Game Framework (ASGF)
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has a variety of causes, and its clinical expression is generally associated with substantial disability throughout the lifespan of the affected individual. It is characterized by impaired social communication and interaction, and by restricted, repetitive interests and behaviors [97]. Mentalizing, which involves the ability of a person to attribute beliefs, thoughts, feelings, plans, and intentions to themselves and others, can be a struggle for those with ASD [73]. The mean clinical age of diagnosis is 4–5 years, despite advances in knowledge regarding early signs of the disorder [97]. Serious games (SGs) are games that do not have entertainment, enjoyment, or fun as their primary purpose [23]. Serious games are often designed and developed to address one specific problem/scenario that cannot be easily modified. Changes to scenarios require the serious game’s source code to be modified, which is a difficult and time-consuming process. Within the scope of this project, working collaboratively with ASD experts, we developed an Autism Serious Game Framework (ASGF) that allow therapists with limited, if any programming experience, to create new (or modify existing), serious games intended to assist children with autism (we are targeting children between 3 and 7 years of age). The ASGF provides a more usable, flexible structure than traditional gaming engines, as it allows a non-programmer to develop serious games and modify their parameters while overcoming the single scenario problem inherent. The ASGF includes a graphical user interface (GUI) that follows a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) approach whereby users (therapists) are able to drag and drop (and assemble) components associated with each game. The framework allows users to import 2D, 3D graphical assets (with or without animations), and sound assets to configure the different types of games. We are in the process of conducting a series of experiments to test the effectiveness of the ASGF and several games developed with it. However, preliminary testing with childhood autism experts are promising and indicate that the ASGF will allow for the simple development of autism-based serious games and assist and help children with autism to develop skills and obtain functional gains, such as recognizing faces.
COVID-19 Serious Game
Coronavirus disease 2019, colloquially known as COVID-19, is an affliction that was first reported back in early January of 2020, and as of March 2020 has been classified as a pandemic [92]. According to the World Health Organization [92], COVID-19 affects different people in different ways, and most infected people will develop mild to moderate illness and recover without hospitalization. The most common symptoms include fever, dry cough, and tiredness while less common symptoms include aches and pains, sore throat, diarrhea, conjunctivitis, headache, loss of taste or smell, a rash on skin, or discoloration of fingers or toes [92]. It is commonly spread by close contact between humans, and as such health professionals around the world have
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recommended maintaining at least two meters of social distancing, isolation and the use of face masks by those experiencing flu-like symptoms. With many workplaces and businesses having to shut down in order to limit the spread of COVID-19, schools and workplaces alike have become more reliant on technology to ensure work and learning can proceed. Those who work on a computer have shifted their work and meeting environment from the office to their home, and educators have had to work diligently to adapt their lessons to be delivered online (see Grant [39] for a discussion on the use of virtual reality to host meetings). While most post-secondary programs have been able to adapt to electronic content delivery, students training to be medical practitioners and other professions that require handson experience have suffered from a lack of hi-fidelity simulations in lieu of being in the operating room or other learning environment. Virtual reality in the form of virtual learning environments including virtual simulations, and serious games, can help fill in some of this gap. The use of such tools hasn’t only been seen in professional and academic fields, when dealing with a pandemic the general population requires access to reliable information in an engaging and easy to digest format. In response to this demand, we have begun developing a COVID-19 serious game to be deployed to mobile platforms where the player will step into the shoes of an essential worker, and must go about their day while making the right choices to keep not only themselves and their family safe, but everyone around them to minimize the spread of the disease.
8.2.4 3D Printing-Based Solutions In this subsection, we provide a description of projects whose solutions focus on 3D printing.
Low-Cost 3D Printed Craniotomy Simulator: Developing an Instrument Examining Contextual Factors that Matter in the Implementation of Three-Dimensional Printing and Virtual Reality Simulation in Nursing and Medical
A craniotomy for traumatic intracranial hemorrhage is a common procedure in a neurosurgery residency training program [56]. When a patient suffers a traumatic head injury (THI), such as an expanding epidural hematoma (EDH), or subdural hematoma (SDH), usually, a neurosurgeon will take an urgent operative intervention to relieve pressure on the brain and control hemorrhaging [56, 74]. When this happens in rural and remote areas where neurosurgeons may not be readily available, surgical intervention by community general surgeons (CGS) may be required to prevent progressive neurological impairment or possible death of the patient [34, 78, 87]. Even with the remote assistance by a skilled neurosurgeon through video call, the stress of an emergency and a CGS’s rare hands-on experience may increase the risk of surgical complications [56]. In this case, a CGS is confronted with a difficult decision:
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operate in undesirable circumstances with remote assistant from a neurosurgeon, or transfer the patient to a tertiary care center with the potential for adverse consequences due to delay of care [11]. To date, medical simulation has become an excellent addition to healthcare education, as it promotes skill acquisition and maintenance through hands-on experience [74]. Simulation-based training may provide a good training platform to CGSs to “master the critical skills before performing their first craniotomy on a patient” [56]. However, the cost of similar commercially available high-fidelity simulators are magnitudes more expansive, making them potentially prohibitive outside large, well-funded neurosurgical training programs [11]. We have proposed a solution, 3D printing affordable simulators for rural and remote healthcare centers [11]. A three-dimensional (3D)-printed EBHC simulator (see Fig. 8.10) was designed and printed with the purpose of being incorporated into a simulation-based medical education (SBME) curriculum developed collaboratively by neurosurgeons and CGSs, specifically delivered in rural and remote areas. The direct cost for each EBHC simulator is approximately $12 although this cost can be further reduced if we recycle the 3D printed material. We have tested the EBHC simulators at hands-on workshop of the 26th Annual Rural and Remote Medicine Conference in St. John’s, NL, Canada. This conference,
Fig. 8.10 a The first stage of the simulator construction (base, brain, skull, and skin). b The final stage of the simulation construction (the skin was draped over the skull and secured using the clamps on the base and additional hardware). c Emergent burr hole/craniotomy simulator after a 15 min demonstration by an educator
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Fig. 8.11 The improved EBHC simulator according to the feedbacks collected at the workshop of the 26th Annual Rural and Remote Medicine Conference in St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada
hosted by the Society of Rural Physicians of Canada, targeted healthcare professionals who are currently practicing, or those who look to practice, in rural and remote areas of Canada. 16 individuals attended the workshop, all of whom indicated that they were rural general practitioners (GP), with two individuals indicating they additionally completed enhanced surgical skills. Future work will examine the integration of the low-cost EBHC simulator (see Fig. 8.11) into a neurosurgical training program. Future work will also involve further improvements to the design of the EBHC simulator.
Developing an Instrument Examining Contextual Factors that Matter in the Implementation of Three-Dimensional Printing and Virtual Reality Simulation in Nursing and Medical Laboratory Sciences Education
There is a rapidly growing body of literature that examines how simulation can be best used in healthcare education [63]. However, a gap has been identified in the area of simulation-based medical education, and more specifically, program directors are struggling with how to successfully implement simulation programs, given a lack of clear guidelines on the matter [53]. Implementation science is a rigorous study of methods that allow for a systematic uptake of research findings and other evidencebased practices [31]. It is intended to guide the implementation of evidence-based programs in various contexts; however, it has not yet been integrated into simulationbased education [31]. This research study aims to use implementation science to
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develop an instrument to assess the effectiveness of disruptive technologies in nursing and MLS education. Commercial simulators are expensive and have limited customizability, therefore restricting educational opportunities in fields such as nursing and MLS. In contrast, innovative 3D printing and VR simulators are cost effective and customizable. Our goal is to implement 3D printing and VR as adjunct options for academic institutions to develop simulators that are low-cost, good quality, and customizable. However, implementation science shows that only a minority of innovations are adopted without proper implementation planning and consideration of the context. This project uses an implementation framework to assess the feasibility and need for developing an instrument examining contextual factors that matter in the implementation of 3D printing and VR simulation in nursing and MLS education. What are the constructs that make up an effective instrument to evaluate readiness and fit for implementation of disruptive technologies to enhance the use of simulation in nursing and medical laboratory sciences education? The Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR) was used to inform the development of the instrument. The CFIR includes 37 constructs that influence implementation, which are within five major domains: (i) inner setting, (ii) outer setting, (iii) intervention characteristics, (iv) characteristics of individuals, and (v) the process of implementation [35]. An online questionnaire will be administered to participants and completed anonymously, and the data collected will aim to reduce the number of constructs to those that are most applicable to simulation in nursing and MLS education. Participants will include thirty experts who are teaching faculty from the Nursing and Medical Laboratory Science (MLS) programs within the Faculty of Health Sciences, at Ontario Tech University in Oshawa, Canada. Each participant will rate the importance of each construct in regard to their specific educational program on a scale of 1–10; 1 signifying the construct is ‘not important’ and 10 signifying the construct is ‘very important’. The data will be analyzed and filtered based on expert ratings. Using the Delphi methodology, the constructs will be narrowed down based on the ratings. Further refinement of the constructs will take place until a feasible implementation instrument to evaluate the effectiveness of disruptive technologies in Nursing and MLS education is formed. Using 3D printing and VR to fulfill simulation requires careful implementation. Implementation frameworks inform this process, but they require adaptation to fit the context. To optimize the success of adoption of 3D printing and VR simulation, the implementation process should focus on the constructs that the experts deem important. With the pool of faculty members from both the Nursing and MLS programs, the Delphi methodology will be used to build consensus among these experts. The process of narrowing the constructs to create a feasible implementation instrument will help evaluate the effectiveness of disruptive technologies in Nursing and MLS education, and may have the potential to be further adapted to other educational contexts.
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Is the “Floss Dance” Really Enough to Make You Floss?
Approximately 2.2 million Canadians aged 20–64 have lost all of their natural teeth, while 96% of Canadians have or had dental cavities throughout their lifetime [18]. A simple oral hygiene routine could have largely prevented this. Educating the public on proper oral hygiene practices is one of the preventative measures against tooth decay, gum disease, and other common oral health problems. The program dedicated to improving brushing techniques in children resulted in significantly better brushing skills and more frequent brushing [55]. The Oral Health Division of the Durham Region Health Department (DRHD) is interested in acquiring a physical model of teeth and adjacent structures to demonstrate proper dental hygiene techniques to their patients. The model can also be used to explain the symptoms a patient experiences and the underlying oral health problems, as well as, educate children and youth during school screenings. Low-cost 3D printed dental models were previously evaluated on the face (realism) and content (usefulness) validity by dental students and maxillofacial surgeons and were rated as good or excellent [48]. Within the scope of this project, will create an electronic 3D model from 3D scans of subject volunteers. These will include patients with decaying teeth, deteriorating gum lines, abfraction, and brushing abrasion as a demonstration of these common problems resulting from poor oral hygiene. To further the realism of the model, CT scans of the upper and lower jaw can be used to accurately show the bone structure. We will use 3D printing and a silicone coating to construct a realistic model of the upper and lower jaw including teeth and gums. The teeth, maxilla, and mandible will be 3D-printed in various bone-like plastic materials. We will model gums and oral mucosa by direct application of dyed semi-liquid silicone onto 3D-printed “bone”. Alternatively, both the bony and soft tissue parts will be 3D printed simultaneously using a dual-filament 3D printer: jaws and teeth will be printed with PLA (for example) and gums will be printed with TPU (Ninjaflex or other). The advantage of the second method is the absence of any post-printing modifications and the possibility of adding periodontal ligament and the innervation commonly used in dental anesthesia. Working with the Oral Health Division of the DRHD, we will collect feedback from practicing dentists and oral health experts. We also plan to test the resulting product with Ontario Tech University dental club during their educational visit to local elementary school. The created 3D files will be a useful future asset for serious gaming simulations in maxSIMHealth labs as they could be easily incorporated into VR simulations.
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8.3 Discussion Ideate. Create. Disseminate. This sums up how maxSIMhealth operates. Through this collaborative, we can take ideas, transform them into existence, and disseminate the final product via partnerships which results in solutions that matter. maxSIMhealth’s work spans a broad spectrum of scholarship from mapping existing gaps, to changing education systems, to improving learning and performance outcomes. In order to achieve this, the maxSIMhealth map is followed using five simple steps when starting new projects (see Fig. 8.12). Step 1—Gap Analysis/SKA Selection: Regards selecting skill, knowledge and/or attitudes (SKA) to focus on and improve through collaboration with content and medical experts at our partners. A key component of this first step involves the utilization of maxSIMhealth’s unique range of established research partnerships with hospitals, professional societies, governing bodies, and the simulation industry. This step follows a methodology adopted from implementation sciences and described in our earlier report [31]. In brief, this step constitutes the formation of core ideas through collaborating with diverse groups of stakeholders outlined above. A needs assessment is a fundamental stage in the educational process, which will lead to
Fig. 8.12 Five steps taken when starting a project within maxSIMhealth
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changes in practice and therefore, it is the starting point for designing a formalized educational program. The stakeholders’ contextually appropriate ideas are assessed for their ‘fit’ in the program. The needs assessment identifies gaps which must be addressed by looking at the current position of the stakeholders, current curriculum, and comparing it to the desired level of simulation learning. We employ diverse methods for conducting a gap analysis: individual interviews, focus groups, surveys, questionnaires, self-assessments, and observations. Next, this information is translated into a detailed implementation plan. The implementation plan addresses the ‘what, who and when’ of the implementation, which identifies activities to be performed, schedules, and people involved. Resources are gathered from internal and external talent to build a functional team, and risks and potential roadblocks are identified. Step 2—Technology Matching: This step is designed to determine the best possible and most feasible disruptive technological solution for the selected SKA. Similar to Step 1, this step focuses on involving stakeholders and employs diverse methods for conducting a gap analysis: individual interviews, focus groups, surveys, questionnaires, self-assessments, and observations. The step culminates with the formation of development teams including several students, faculty members and partners. Typical team composition has two students—one technology oriented and one with expertise in health sciences, two faculty advisors, and at least one partner lead. Step 3—Piloting and Validity: Piloting the concept, developing prototypes (where applicable), and conducting preliminary studies occurs to determine its face and content validity. Step 4—Efficacy and Effectiveness Testing: In this step, we aim to determine whether or not the concept works and, if so, how well it works. In steps 3 and 4 we follow an adapted Medical Research Council Framework [43]. This work typically constitutes graduate level scholarship, and therefore it adheres to our funding model emphasizing highly qualified personnel (HQP) training that needs to be imbedded in all activities. Step 5—Knowledge Dissemination and Implementation: This step involves knowledge dissemination of the products once they are shown to be effective as well as implementation into health and/or education systems. To ensure timely and meaningful knowledge translation, maxSIMhealth has also established an institutional channel called Archives of Scholarship in Simulation and Educational Techniques (ASSETS) with the open-access Cureus Journal of Medical Science through which our work is freely disseminated as peer-reviewed, PubMed-indexed publications. maxSIMhealth works with our research partners to distribute the solutions for free, at cost or at an affordable price point. To accomplish this, we are encouraging institutions to become members with maxSIMhealth and participate in further implementation and iterative improvement research. With this five-step map (see Fig. 8.12), students/trainees and experts within the collaborative work together and easily follow a set of guidelines to facilitate the
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development and implementation of meaningful and economic simulation solutions that improve healthcare outcomes.
8.4 Conclusions maxSIMhealth is a novel collaborative innovation at Ontario Tech University in Oshawa, Canada, straddling many professions and settings. Keeping the goals of public health in mind, we collectively aim to develop future cohorts of scholars who will have strong competencies, ranging from technology application, to working with others in new interdisciplinary environments, to communicating professionally and problem-solving. Here, we have provided an overview of several current and planned (future work) maxSIMhealth projects, all of whom are interdisciplinary, bringing together experts, trainees, and various stakeholders from a wide range of disciplines to solve pressing problems. It is anticipated that our work will successfully transform current health professional education landscape by providing novel, flexible, and inexpensive simulation experiences. Authors’ Contributions At the time of writing this chapter, the maxSIMhealth (www.maxSIMhealth.com) group consisted of (in alphabetical order): Artur Arutiunian, Krystina M. Clarke, Quinn Daggett, Adam Dubrowski, Thomas (Tom) Gaudi, Brianna L. Grant, Bill Kapralos, Priya Kartick, Shawn Mathews, Pamela T. Mutombo, Guoxuan (Kurtis) Ning, Argyrios Perivolaris, Jackson Rushing, Robert Savaglio, Mohtasim Siddiqui, Andrei B. B. Torres, Samira Wahab, Zhujiang Wang, and Timothy Weber. Acknowledgements The financial support of the Canada Research Chairs Program (in Health Care Simulation to A. Dubrowski), the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), is gratefully acknowledged. The support of the Brilliant Catalyst at Ontario Tech University is also acknowledged and we also appreciate the help and support from Dr. Norman Jaimes (School of Medicine, Mil. Nueva Granada University, Bogota, Colombia) with respect to the VR-based cardiac auscultation project, and Dr. Fahad Alam from Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre in Toronto, Canada for his help with the ACSB project.
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Chapter 9
Serious Games and Multiple Intelligences for Customized Learning: A Discussion Enilda Zea, Marco Valez-Balderas, and Alvaro Uribe-Quevedo
Abstract Teaching strategies need to swiftly respond to abrupt changes in delivery modes that provide engaging and effective experiences for learners. The current pandemic has made it evident the lack of readiness of several academic sectors when moving from face-to-face to online learning. While research into understanding the use of technologies have been gaining momentum when innovative tools are introduced, it is important to devise strategies that lead to effective teaching tools. Recently, user experience has been influencing content development as it takes into account the uniqueness of users to avoid enforcing one-size-fits-all solutions. In this chapter, we discuss multiple intelligences in conjunction with serious games and technology to explore how a synergy between them can provide a solution capable of capturing qualitative and quantitative data to design engaging and effective experiences.
9.1 Introduction Life in the 21st century requires radical changes in teaching models that correspond to current learners’ behaviors due to the ubiquitous nature of current digital media [39]. The rapid adoption and evolution of digital media has led to an increased use of neuroscience and cognitive science principles to examine the neural underpinnings of learning [35]. Scientists have begun to focus their attention on these areas to determine how they can transform learning and instruction. Furthermore, the exploration E. Zea Universidad de Carabobo, Naguanagua, Carabobo, Venezuela e-mail: [email protected] M. Valez-Balderas Laurier University, Waterloo, ON, Canada e-mail: [email protected] A. Uribe-Quevedo (B) Ontario Tech University, Oshawa, ON, Canada e-mail: [email protected] © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 A. L. Brooks et al. (eds.), Recent Advances in Technologies for Inclusive Well-Being, Intelligent Systems Reference Library 196, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-59608-8_9
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of intrinsic motivation coupled with digital games, has been gaining momentum to empower learners to further engage with content by enhancing engagement leading to improved conceptual understanding [30]. Currently, the fourth industrial revolution is changing who people live and work, ultimately affecting the development of competencies and transferable skills from education to labour environments [51]. For example, the use of automation, artificial intelligence, Internet of things, makerspace, and virtual/augmented reality are requiring industries to respond to these rapid changes adequately [5]. As a result, education and business leaders must be aware of the nature, functioning, potentials and limitations of the human mind to face the disruption to job and skills. Moreover, such plans need to account for innovation and productivity, lower inequality, improve agile governance, and fuse technologies ethically [36]. These contributions must be used to service the educational system, education and, most importantly, at the service of the student, to achieve their full psychological, social, moral and ethical development [16]. Technological advances have required research on neuroscience concepts to enhance the educational and teaching capabilities. Such an approach aims to improve the instructor-student interactions by analyzing concepts including: (i) general insights regarding memory and the ways to enhance learning, (ii) working memory and its role in education, (iii) memory storage and retrieving stored information, (iv) attention and memory, (v) prior knowledge as a basis for acquiring new information and learning, (vi) repetition of newly introduced information as a method for internalizing, and priming, (vii) increasing the efficacy of teaching by extending class teaching over a wider time span, (viii) emotions and their relation to learning, memory and social behavior, (ix) motivation and learning, and finally, (x) the Daily cycle of wakefulness and sleep (the Circadian Circle) [51]. Moreover, as COVID-19 physical distancing and isolating measures taking place during 2020 have pushed to the implementation of e-learning tools, the cognitive neuroscience of learning and memory plays an important role in such scenario as it has established how to optimize learning in traditional learning settings [40]. While technology developments continue introducing systems and tools that are changing learning, training, and work-related skills [51], engagement and motivation remain a challenge as learners struggle to balance the overwhelming attention demanded by digital connectedness [14]. A solution attempting to make the most out of digital technologies, while boosting knowledge uptake and retention is serious games [49]. Serious games are games whose primary focus is not entertainment, but the development of skill, including cognitive or psychomotor. Serious games have been studied to develop an understanding their effects on learning better. For example, a review conducted in [25] analyzed 1390 research articles between 1970 and 2015, leading to the identification of diverse assessments focusing on behaviour, affect and cognition obtained from interviews, questionnaires, physiological approaches, in-game metrics, and time and performance on a task. However, while serious games present opportunities for engagement and learning, the context, age, and technologies may play a significant role in learning success [26].
9 Serious Games and Multiple Intelligences …
In this chapter, we discuss the potential application of serious games and immersive technologies to personalized learning through metrics that could enhance learning. One of the significant challenges in education is one-size-fits-all approaches that fail to account for the learners’ variability and uniqueness. Currently, digital learning has taken a more prominent role as COVID-19 measures required students across all education levels to stay at home and take online classes. Our discussion leverages qualitative and quantitative approaches to balance the role of technology and learning. The chapter is organized as follows. Section 9.2 presents a review of works associated with focusing on neuroscience and cognitive science. Section 9.3 introduces the challenges faced by educators. Section 9.4 discusses some technology opportunities. Section 9.5 describes how serious games can help to address educational challenges. Finally, Sect. 9.6 presents the concluding remarks and takeaways.
9.2 Multiple Intelligences Howard Gardner, a psychologist, researcher and professor at Harvard University, specialized in the analysis of cognitive abilities and contributed to the field this theory on Multiple Intelligences (MIs) [20]. This theory has led to the development of a more productive and more complete educational curriculum through the proposed intelligences presented in Table 9.1. The theory of MIs focuses on the human being and its diversity, aiming at developing all the potentialities of the body and mind. The theory also states that there is no single and uniform way to learn that we all have MIs (having some standing out more than others), which are combined and used in different ways. Regarding e-learning, the benefits of acknowledging MIs have sparkled discussion on its adoption in higher education as the students’ prior experiences, and current perceptions can lead to the best use of digital technology. For example, a mixed-methods study employing video-assisted environments for e-learning, found that students were higher on Intrapersonal intelligence and lower
Table 9.1 Multiple intelligences [20] Intelligences Linguistic Logical-mathematical Spatial Bodily-kinesthetic Musical Interpersonal Intrapersonal Naturalist
Example Words Numbers or logic Pictures A physical experience Music A social experience Self-reflection An experience in the natural world
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in Existential intelligence, in addition to bodily-Kinesthetic and Verbal-Linguistic intelligences [22]. In this case it was concluded that the videos could address students’ various intelligence types and abilities. Changes to teaching strategies should be carefully crafted to account for the variability amongst students in order to maximize their potential intellectual [31]. From this point of view, and considering the focus of MIs, learning environments that value diversity can be possible [32]. Since there are diverse and varied forms of knowledge intake, it is important to account for strategies that lead to successful learning outcomes, rather than continue propagating learning styles as directives for teaching that have lacked objective support [29]. MIs build on top of various types of intelligences needed to conduct daily activities sets of different specific capacities altogether working as a network of autonomous sets related to each other. Thus, multiple intelligences refer to a thought process that suggests the existence of a set of capacities and abilities, which can be developed by people based on biological, personal, and social factors. The Theory of Multiple Intelligences encapsulates multiple different learning methods. These methods of learning are developed in layers and strategies so that individuals can identify problems and provide solution [13]. The solutions seek to empower individuals and enable them to increase their understanding of other individuals and themselves, as well as connect with the environment that surrounds them through language, logicalmathematical analysis, spatial representation, musical thought and the use of their bodies [47]. Consequently, teaching and learning must become a continuous process articulated with learning styles [43]. Although the MIs theory has been broadly adopted as a foundation for customizing education, it has lacked experimental validity, remaining purely theoretical. Shearer [44] conducted a review of neuroscientific works examining neural correlates for skill units within seven intelligences. The review provided evidence of a neural activation patterns relationship with skill units within its designated intelligence.
9.3 Challenges to Educators The challenge to educators is to produce changes and thus create an educational system that responds to the ultimate meaning of education, which is to help students formulate and carry out their life project in a sustainable manner [34]. The greatest challenge in current education is re-purposing personalized learning through lessons learned from the creation and use of modules, mastery-based grading, immediate feedback and consistent data use, and the re-imagining of the school schedule [10]. Part of the challenge then becomes how to incorporate the re-purposed strategies into essential elements in the teaching and learning process. Gardner presented two fundamental proposals that support this approach [20]: 1. The minds of unique individuals present notable differences. It is never true that all students who start a school year in a given grade are placed in the grade
9 Serious Games and Multiple Intelligences …
they are placed in because of the specific learning outcomes of that grade. The school must fulfil the educational function; they must guarantee that each person maximizes their intellectual potential. 2. The claim that each subject is capable of mastering all the knowledge produced historically in the world or at least a significant part of it is not a realistic goal. This is not possible even in a specialized area of knowledge, even less so across the entire range of disciplines and competencies. Based on these proposals, Gardner defines intelligence as the set of capabilities that allows us to solve problems or develop valuable products in our culture. Gardner defines eight great types of capacities or intelligences, according to the production context (see Table 9.1) [20]. Failure to adequately respond to the current understanding of learning and technological changes can lead to perpetuating a system that does not provide the most effective learning tool to help skills development towards successful career paths. If instead, these differences are accounted for, each learner will be able to develop their intellectual and social potential more fully. To this end, technology can provide quantitative means to gather learner’s performance that can be used to customize learning outcomes [21].
9.4 Technology Opportunities The role of technology in education has become more relevant than before as many educational institutions work to devise best education delivery strategies during the COVID-19 pandemic. The spike on remote technology use, has exploded into a digital revolution led by companies, developers, enthusiasts, and researchers to provide adequate learning tools. Technology-driven efforts have resulted in the exploration of telemedicine [24], as a solution to prioritize convenient and inexpensive care. Moreover, re-thinking education requires to acknowledge the current constraints and find a solution to successfully deliver and engage students in achieving their learning outcomes despite the practical and logistical difficulties associated with physical distancing [41]. In particular, academic programs relying on hands-on skills development, face logistical hardships as these may require the operation of specialized equipment, under specific conditions, within proximity to others [1] while immediate solutions have seen the adoption of online replacements that may only account for cognitive development [41]. Such a shift towards online learning has sparked research towards defining the best strategies and tools. For example, Bao [7] proposed focusing on the following online learning best practices based on a study conducted during the pandemic outbreak in China: (i) high relevance between online instructional design and student learning, (ii) effective delivery on online instructional information, (iii) adequate support provided by faculty and teaching assistants to students; (iv) high-
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quality participation to improve the breadth and depth of student’s learning, and (v) contingency plan to deal with unexpected incidents of online education platforms. Technology can help gather metrics that can provide insights between MIs, teaching strategies, and learning outcomes [38]. Analytics focused on student performance prediction and intervention, have been used by educational institutions to tailor educational strategies [53]. Moreover, using academic analytics can help predict and improve students’ achievement: A proposed proactive, intelligent intervention [9]. By identifying the learning metrics, relationships can be established towards achieving a personalized learning environment [33]. The following subsections present technologies that can assist the gathering of learners’ metrics towards customizable learning experience.
9.5 Serious Games Video games have become the largest entertainment industry that has spawned interest across multiple areas where engagement boosts skills development, and analytics drive content and user experience improvements [18]. Adding game elements to a learning scenario can result in the development of different complementary learning solutions. Discussion and research about the use and application of game components in learning scenarios has resulted in different forms of games such as serious games (i.e., games designed for skills development purposes) and gamification (i.e., take routine activities and convert them to games to engage users to break monotony). These forms of games have led to the development of pervasive games (e.g., games for advertising referred to as advergames, or games for physical activity known as exergames), alternate reality games, or playful design [50]. Serious games present an interesting field of application of MIs as games are designed to engage players through customizable experiences employing rewards, adaptive difficulty, and pathways depending on the learner’s performance [42]. Furthermore, the employment of games in learning environments presents inclusivedesign opportunities for helping those with learning disabilities excel at the acquisition of reading, writing, vocabulary and mathematics, as well as improvement of executive functioning and behavioural control skills [19]. The design process must account for the student’s motivation when there is none so that the game experience provides an engaging environment to boost intrinsic motivation resulting in higher learning autonomy [48]. Although extrinsic motivation is the most common in the form of rewards provided to the learner, it is often identified, introduced, and relies on external outcomes [8], such as grades or awards. On the other hand, intrinsic motivation’s reward is the satisfaction it causes to perform the activity [8], for example, when highly autonomous students engage with activities not because of a grade, but, because of their growth. Since motivation plays an important role in learning, serious game mechanics can be mapped to learning mechanics that can help boost MIs across the board [3]. Table 9.2 summarizes the relationships between motivation, serious game and learn-
9 Serious Games and Multiple Intelligences …
Table 9.2 Motivation, serious game mechanics, learning mechanics, Bloom’s taxonomy relations based on [3] Game mechanics Learning mechanics External Introduced motivation motivation
Game mechanics Learning mechanics Integrated Intrinsic motivation motivation
Bloom’s taxonomy
Consequences Assessment Rewards/penalties Feedback
Strategy/planning Collaboration Discovery Experiment Competition Progression Cooperation Role-play Deliberate practice
Create Evaluate Analyze
Accountability Assessment Scores Shadowing
Progression Imitation Cascading information Tutorial Story Instruction Interaction
Ownership Collaboration Reflect/discuss
Apply Action Participation Discover
Understand Remember
Do and repetition
ing mechanics with Blooms’ Taxonomy based on [3]. From Table 9.2 it is important to highlight the proximity of serious gaming elements with learning strategies and how they can be mapped to create engaging experiences that can lead to high motivation and autonomy. To properly design serious games mechanics, [32] proposed defining the following six facets: (i) the pedagogical objectives, (ii) the simulation domain on how to respond consistently and coherently to the correct or erroneous actions of the game players within a specific, unambiguous context, (iii) the interactions with the simulation on how to engage the players with the simulator, (iv) the problems and progression to determine which problems to give the players and the order, (v) the decorum to choose the engaging elements that will foster the motivation, and (vi) the conditions of use that set the rules for how, where, when, and with whom the game is played. Simulation has proven to be a useful tool for developing and maintaining cognitive and psychomotor skills in numerous areas where exposure to realistic controlled scenarios is critical for effective responses and adequate decision making in the professional life [46]. Simulation guarantees that the phenomenon presented through digital media adheres as closely as possible to real-life representations, as the cognitive and psychomotor skills should be transferred to the professional practice domain [15]. While simulation has been traditionally associated with high-end equipment employed in specialized scenarios such as medical training [27], where costs can become an entry-barrier and limit the availability of simulators for training [52]. Interestingly, given the high costs associated with simulation, educators, researchers, enthusiasts, and industry, have started looking at developing cost-effective solution to
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increase access to a larger number of students, focusing on guaranteeing the achievement of the learning and skills outcomes [23]. Some of the technology trends helping with the development of consumer-level solutions include the recent availability of VR and AR (immersive) technologies are blurring the line between the physical world and the simulated or digital world [11]. Additionally, 3D printing and open electronics are empowering content developers and learners to customize further learning tools previously exclusive to research and industry [54]. A current problem associated with immersive technologies is related to the assessment of user interfaces and usability for developing effective experiences that correlate to learning outcomes [12]. The development of engaging experiences focuses on reproducing real-life scenarios in an interactive, immersive and engaging manner, often presenting different levels of fidelity depending on the available hardware, or learning goals [17]. For example, virtual prototyping addressing product development where tool operation was reported to be affected by the user interface [4], and a room-scale VR advanced cardiovascular life support procedure for training [45]. As a result of current technological advances, inclusive design with the user has become more relevant, and through makerspace and open electronics, developers are continuously exploring solutions to create consumer-level add-ons and affordable technology to enable capturing user metrics in virtual environments and serious games that can lead to effective learning outcomes. Figure 9.1 presents a system architecture depicting any user providing inputs through different human interface devices that will allow capturing physiological, physical, and cognitive metrics through the user’s interactions. The system’s reactions are recorded and processed to customize the experience back to the user depending on the virtual activity. For example, [28] developed a system that factors user’s ergonomics to facilitate reaching virtual objects, [2] employed a smartwatch to capture leg’s movement for virtual walking, and custom-made user interfaces employing 3D printing to capture feet movement [6], or facilitating practice with medical equipment at home [37].
9.6 Conclusion In this book chapter, we have presented a discussion on how serious games and immersive technologies can be used to personalize learning by gathering metrics that could enhance teaching by factoring the learner’s performance. We started our discussion with the theory of multiple intelligences to highlight research on acknowledging the differences amongst learners. However, it is worth noting that this is an area of active research with researchers arguing for and against MIs. Regardless of the different research streams, the goal centers around the need for effective learning materials, that ultimately relies on how we can measure the achievement of the learn-
9 Serious Games and Multiple Intelligences …
Fig. 9.1 System architecture for gathering user data and providing custom interactions based on user metrics
ing outcomes. A major challenge in education associate do the different materials and techniques is motivation and how learners respond. By adding serious games to the learning ecosystem, a set of opportunities become available to facilitate the engagement with the educational contents. By leveraging game elements, active learning can be boost by having learners become more participative with their education. This is highlighted by the articulation of gaming and learning mechanics and the various levels of motivation and autonomy that different educational strategies provide. These can be articulated with Blooms’s Taxonomy to facilitate the development of skills for life and not just for the moment or a grade. Ideally, the student should be intrinsically motivated and highly autonomous, and to achieve this goal, analytics have started playing a critical role for gathering and processing data from user interactions to help educators and policymakers design better strategies to enhance learning. In the current connected world, analytics has become a powerful tool to help design user experiences. Education is no different, and the employment of digital tools including web, virtual/augmented reality, makerspace, and even social media, provide valuable data to understand the relationship between the learner and the content. As a result of current technological advances, digital tools have become intrusive, by collecting a number of metrics from keystrokes to the unique body, eye, and brain signals that define our engagement with content. This has become ever
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more important given the current COVID-19 pandemic, and has seen a shift from a face-to-face education model to a remote/online education model. It is our belief that further articulating education and technology research can help better understand and design inclusive solutions that bring learners altogether regardless of their location, hardware, language, or disability condition. This is of particular importance for swift and adequate responses to changing delivery methods in cases where face-to-face teaching is not possible, and online teaching can affect the quality of education by having students disengage with low motivation. Future work will focus on conducting a set of studies to assess how the capture of user metrics is perceived by students when presenting content tailored to different MIs and elucidate on any significant differences that can lead to proposing innovative approaches to create customizable learning experiences through serious games. Acknowledgements The authors acknowledge the support of Universidad de Carabobo, Venezuela, and the financial support of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) in the form of a Discovery grant RGPIN-2018-05917.
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Chapter 10
A Virtual Patient Mobile Application for Convulsive and Automated External Defibrillator Practices Engie Ruge Vera, Mario Vargas Orjuela, Alvaro Uribe-Quevedo, Byron Perez-Gutierrez, and Norman Jaimes Abstract Simulation has proven to be a useful tool for developing and maintaining cognitive and psychomotor skills in numerous areas, as exposure to realistic controlled scenarios is critical for effective responses and adequate decision making in real life. In the medical field, the implementation of simulation technologies has brought together interdisciplinary teams focused on developing training platforms, which allow training and practicing different procedures for improving health interventions and care. Recent advances in electronics, computing, and hardware have provided tools to develop simulators with various degrees of fidelity including manikins that mimic several patient conditions, computer graphics simulation of inner organs and body parts, and virtual interactions with haptic devices and computer imagery. However, high-end simulators are only available in laboratories given their requirements for specialized infrastructure, a fact that can limit access and availability to trainees, due to the inherent simulation costs associated to their acquisition, maintenance, and training. However, the recent spike on virtual reality commodity technology is providing simulation developers with an additional layer for developing immerse and interactive environments through computer-generated content that can be used with mobile devices in conjunction or independently of traditional simulation tools. The adoption of virtual reality and the availability of consumer-level systems is presenting opportunities for improving educational and E. Ruge Vera · M. Vargas Orjuela · B. Perez-Gutierrez Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, Cra11N101-80, Bogota, Colombia e-mail: [email protected] M. Vargas Orjuela e-mail: [email protected] B. Perez-Gutierrez e-mail: [email protected] A. Uribe-Quevedo (B) University of Ontario Institute of Technology, 2000 Simcoe St N, Oshawa, ON L1H 7K4, Canada e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] N. Jaimes Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, Cra11N101-80, Bogota, Colombia e-mail: [email protected] © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 A. L. Brooks et al. (eds.), Recent Advances in Technologies for Inclusive Well-Being, Intelligent Systems Reference Library 196, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-59608-8_10
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experiential content delivery realistically regardless of the location and available facilities. In this chapter, we present the development of two virtual manikin mobile applications, one for resuscitation employing a virtual automated external defibrillator and another for convulsive training treatment. Our goal is to provide a mobile virtual approach to facilitate complementary practices via handheld devices by reproducing the tasks involved in each situation through a touch screen and motion-based interactions. To increase user engagement, we have added game elements that add realism to the simulation training by incorporating goals and metrics taken to assess performance and decision making. To evaluate engagement and usability, we have employed the System Usability Scale and the Game Engagement Questionnaire. A preliminary study shows that both apps are usable, engaging, and may help refreshing information about the procedures.
10.1 Introduction In the context of medical education, simulation can be defined as a technique that allows interactive and immerse activities by recreating all or part of a clinical experience without exposing the users to any real-life associated risks, including equipment and hazardous manipulation, patient interactions, and life-threatening situations amongst others [1]. Medical simulation has become a standard in training as it allows developing, fine-tuning, and maintaining cognitive and psychomotor skills for various procedures [2], while replicating real conditions otherwise impossible to reproduce in learning environments [3]. In contrast to traditional techniques (e.g., the apprenticeship model) for developing medical skills, simulation allows trainees to engage in deliberate practices where repetition and failure contribute to skills improvement [4]. Moreover, current mobile trends are presenting opportunities for developing content that extends practices outside the classroom [5]. One of the main reasons behind the adoption of simulation is related to the goal of improving health care delivery as in the US alone, more than 400,000 deaths are caused each year by medical errors, being the third cause of death followed by cardiovascular diseases and cancer [6]. Simulation has proven effective in reducing deaths caused by medical errors associated with overdoses, decision making, procedure execution, and equipment failure handling amongst others [7]. Most importantly, simulation helps trainees better react to the unexpected scenarios and improve through a debriefing to identify errors and best practices [8, 9]. The level of realism or fidelity varies significantly across all simulation tools and plays an essential role in conjunction with audio, visual, and haptic feedback when developing effective simulated experiences [10]. The study of fidelity has provided insights into its role during medical training. The level of fidelity can be tailored to a specific set of skills as pointed out by Chen, Grierson and Norman, who conducted a study that examined whether first-year medical students would benefit from lower fidelity simulations, and last-year ones from higher, given the differences between the complexity of the procedures practiced [11]. The study concluded that
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highly contextualized learning environments may not necessarily lead to effective learning as low-fidelity participants scored comparable or superior performance to those practicing with the high-fidelity scenario. Multimodality on its own can provide relevant cues that help triggering responses during the training similar to real-life procedures where sight, hearing and touch drive several medical procedures [10]. However, given the current limitations in hardware, haptics feedback, for example, is still a relatively young field still producing new approaches and equipment, including those that are looking at compensating the lack of realism in one modality using enhancements in other modalities. For example, the employment of audio cues within a scene may increase the fidelity perception of a haptic task, which leads to more immerse and effective training experiences [12]. Fidelity and multimodality also affect the costs associated to the simulation system, as high fidelity sight, hearing, and haptic feedback requires high definition screens, headphones, and tactile interfaces that can reproduce the real world as accurate as possible, requiring complex hardware and software that is expensive [13]. Although many educational institutions have adopted such high-end systems, the costs also increase because of the need for specialized facilities, training, curricula integration and maintenance [14]. Due to the current prices of medical simulation, there is an increasing interest in the use of consumer-level solutions to complement both, traditional and simulated practices [15]. In this chapter, we present two mobile applications presenting virtual patients as complementary tools to enlarge the training opportunities offered by a medical simulation laboratory. One application focuses on treating a convulsive patient, and the other on the procedure of cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) while employing an automatic external defibrillator. To better understand the potential of our solutions, we conducted a preliminary study of usability employing the System Usability Scale Questionnaire [16], an analysis of engagement with the Game Engagement Questionnaire [17], while monitoring the participant’s performance before and after using the mobile applications employing pre- and post-testing.
10.2 Background Review Traditional medical training tools have relied on cadavers, patients, practices amongst students, printed materials, and most recently multimedia contents. Although cadaverbased training used to be preferred, it required the acquisition of the deceased body and the compliance with safety policies to guarantee proper systems to preserve and dispose the waste caused by the decomposing materials and chemicals used for conservation [18]. Although the cadaver provided hands-on experiences, its use presented some challenges associated to handling as trainees could damage (unrepairable) it or suffer from allergies to the preserving chemicals employed [19]. Furthermore, cadaver training added another layer of difficulty as the lack of blood circulation changes the coloration of organs, thus changing their appearance and mechanical properties [20]. Such limitation from cadavers were compensated by
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approaches including the practice on patients or between students to add realism. However, relying on cadavers and live subjects presented yet another challenge associated to the variability of health conditions provided by those serving as patients or the existing conditions on the cadaver. The content limitation was overcame whilst employing printed media in the form of illustrations and pictures, that allowed depicting a number of cases otherwise impossible to visualize with the previous approaches [21]. Most recently, multimedia have led to the development of interactive content that mostly include re-adaptations of traditional materials enhanced by hyperlinks, videos, animations, and interactive readings, which are currently being re-tailored to virtual and augmented reality experiences that can provide more immersion and interactions meaningful to the medical training [22]. As the medical field grew, traditional learning tools became insufficient, as inanimate objects and animals presented limitations of their own regarding the procedures that could be practiced with them. The need for training numerous students with safe patient replicas gave birth to simulation as an alternative to present a representation of a real-life scenario which can be augmented using technology to provide a meaningful experience, which could be assessed quantitatively [6]. Early approaches at simulation included the fabrication of clay and stone models for representing certain medical conditions, but with the evolution of medicine and technology, in the 18th century, the Phantom obstetrical manikin comprised of a human pelvis and a newborn cadaver was developed and allowed teaching delivery techniques that helped reduce the maternal and mortality rates at the time of its creation.
10.2.1 Early Simulation Since its birth, simulation has focused on providing safe environments that would expose trainees to conditions designed to test their skills while observing and gathering performance metrics. Over the years, the advances in technology provided the necessary tools to develop more effective scenarios with numerous forms of feedback and realism. Resusci Anne was the first manikin for cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training that allows trainees to practice hyperextension of the neck and the chin lift technique to treat airway obstruction. Posterior versions of Resusci Anne included a spring-based mechanism for performing chest compression during CPR. Resusci Anne was the cornerstone for further development in simulation, and currently, modern versions are still being used and studied to determine their reliability and improvements on medical training [23, 24]. Following the success of Resusci Anne, in 1968 the Harvey manikin was introduced, and it allowed trainees to practice cardiac examination. Harvey reproduced various cardiac diseases through the variation of blood pressure, heart sounds and murmurs, pulses, and breathing [25]. Since its creation, there have been numerous iterations aiming at producing more realistic versions of Harvey. It is important to note that even though manikin simulators can provide suitable tools to train multiple medical scenarios, they still lack realistic human behavior characteristics that does
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not alter training outcomes [26]. A common alternative that adds realism is found in the form of standardized patients represented by actors that were first explored in 1964, proving to evaluate the interactions and performance of trainees when facing a real person [6].
10.2.2 Modern Simulation Currently, simulation manikins are employed in many areas of medical education. For example, with respect to cardiac auscultation, simulation manikins (e.g., Laerdal’s SimMan 3G, 3B Scientific SAM 3G) allow examining numerous heart conditions to help trainees develop, fine tune, and maintain auscultation skills essential in bedside care and routine examinations [27]. With respect to eye examination training, simulation efforts have resulted in the development of multimedia applications, manikin simulators [28], eye models [29], virtual reality (VR) [30], augmented reality [31], and mobile-based applications [32], whose purpose is to assist trainees into better diagnosing abnormalities in the eye. Furthermore, modern approaches of the medical simulation are seeing an integration of multiple technologies arising from consumerlevel driven industries in the fields of mobile, gaming and VR that are leading to the development of simulation tools with various levels realism [33]. The development of interactive content in the form of multimedia or computer generated worlds has led to the study of the learning effects, with a consensus supporting the use of enriched material, videos, 3D interactive models, animation, and general multimedia [34]. Recently, VR and games have become favorite tools amongst educators given their potential to engage learners in deliberate and meaningful practices [35]. Additionally, the popularity of games and their engaging effects have resulted in the further examination of the benefits of intertwining learning and game mechanics. For example, an overview in [36] highlights the growing use of games developed to assist in medical education aimed at delivering affordable, accessible, and usable interactive virtual worlds, supporting applications in training and education [37]. In addition to recreating a medical procedure, virtual simulation allows creating virtual patients that can provide realistic medical interactions with the purpose of educating, training and assessing trainees performance, cultural competence, and decision making [38]. Currently there are several types of simulators where virtual patients are used such as theVpsim [39], the Decisionsimulation [40], and the MedSims [41]). Although the previous systems present advanced solutions, mobile efforts are focusing on applications for emergency information in first responders procedures [42], specialized clinical content, and team response during medical training [43].
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10.3 Mobile Application Development From the background review, we observed a clear trend in employing games and simulation as a complement to traditional and manikin-based simulation training scenarios. Although the study of effectiveness and retention in virtual and physical simulators is essential to testing the efficacy of such tools, there are other relevant aspects of studying related to usability and engagement that can affect their usage outcome. The development of the AED and Convulsive Treatment mobile applications comprises an analysis and characterization of both procedures followed up by the system design, development, and implementation.
10.3.1 Automatic External Defibrillation Ischemic heart diseases are among the leading global diseases [44], accounting for approximately 31% of the worldwide deaths including cardiac arrest, arrhythmia and coronary failure among many others [45]. Proper and prompt care including CPR can make the difference between life and death. However, CPR requires the application of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) and passive ventilation of the lungs synchronously with chest compression and decompression [46]. CPR is mastered through extensive practice conducted with manikins offering various levels of fidelity that can measure and provide data to determine how well the technique is being performed [47]. Complementary to the manikin-based training, there have been a number of approaches employing mobile devices, videos, and foam dummies to help teach and train the basics of chest compression and decompression with promising results that show the importance of having consumer-level training tools that provide deliberate practices, given that CPR is a skill that can be used by anyone [48]. Defibrillators have evolved from the complex machines employed in health care centers to portable and friendlier devices that can be used by anyone in emergencies. Automated external defibrillators (AED) are widely spreaded in locations where large crowds of people are concentrated, to address heart emergencies while paramedics arrive [49]. Employing an AED does not require an extensive comprehension of the device, techniques, or medical knowledge since the invention walks the user through all steps. AEDs are taught as part various curriculum in medical school, first responders training, open courses offered by the Red Cross [50], or by occupational health offices with the goal of increasing its use. However, there are still barriers in the general public associate with the use of AEDs as there is a misconception about their use, leading to concerns regarding hurting the person in distress or legal consequences as many are unaware of the implications of applying an electrical shock to the human body to save a patient’s life [51]. Hands-on practice of CPR can involve the use of high an low fidelity simulators, along with dummy AEDs that do not deliver any electric shock. However, their
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cost still creates an entry barrier for mass adoption and impact, leaving the general public with multimedia, printed guides, and most recently smartphone applications where basic information is provided. In this field, VR and games are providing interactive and engaging scenarios to help trainees and the general public obtain hands-on experience in the employment of AEDs. Boada et al., developed a serious game to complement and refresh CPR skills, and tested it by comparing 109 nursing undergraduate students performance with respect to a traditional method employing a simulation manikin, finding that those who engaged with the game performed better [52]. To identify the needed interactions for our mobile application, first, we determined the following necessary steps to use the AED properly: (i) verify if the person is conscious, (ii) dial the emergency number for your area, and (iii) apply CPR. However, in case the person is unresponsive, an AED can be used, and it will require the user to: (i) verify if the person is conscious, (ii) dial the emergency number for your area if it has not done before, (iii) turn on the AED, (iv) remove the protective cover on the electrodes, (v) place the electrodes in the correct places, and finally, (vi) follow the AED instructions (cardiac rhythm analysis, charging, do not touch the patient and stand clear, deliver shock, initiate CPR). More specifically, for this mobile application, we chose the ventricular fibrillation and ventricular tachycardia without a pulse as the conditions present in the virtual patient, and it was chosen by a medical simulation expert who based the choice considering the number of yearly reported cases of these two conditions that all AEDs are able to respond to [53].
10.3.2 Convulsive Treatment For the convulsive scenario, we chose the status epilepticus (SE), a neurological emergency that occurs in 12–30% of patients with epilepsy, presenting a mortality rate of 8% in children and 30% in adults [54]. SE is a neurological emergency that requires immediate attention, and if left unattended, it can pose a risk to life. As a result, the intrinsic mortality of SE has been between 1 and 7%, although the overall mortality can reach 20% and in cases of refractory SE up to 50%. Factors associated with the prognosis of SE include age, episode duration, aetiology and response to treatment. As a result, treatments focus on prompt medication administration that can help reduce the occurrence of the convulsion, and if occurring, it helps reducing the duration of the episodes before it becomes life-threatening. A patient with an episode of SE may present irregular breathing, sweating, pupil dilation, different vocal noises, and tremors amongst many others [55]. Such conditions can be simulated with current manikin simulators to an extent through electromechanical components. However, some symptoms, such as body tremors are challenging to reproduce throughout the manikin body as the addition of actuators to match all the body muscles would increase the manikin’s complexity and difficult its operation. Current manikins provide limited face movements with voice interactions or vocal sounds being reproduced from audio recordings or performers via a micro-
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phone [56]. Drug administration is also possible in some manikins, thus allowing to monitor the procedure application, drug selection, and dosage, altering the manikin’s behavior [41]. The SE standard procedure involves reading the patient’s clinical chart, checking the airways, monitoring the vital signs, performing a venous access if required, and administering the appropriate medication [54]. Since we chose SE, there are six different medications including Lorazepan, Diazepan, Midazolan, Carbamazepine, Benzodiazepine, and Vigabatrin, that can be administered to a patient via a syringe.
10.3.3 Design and Development Based on the AED and SE procedures, we designed our system architecture in a flexible manner that allows expanding on their functionality if needed. The first design parameter focused on the deployment platform, we chose mobile devices using an Android operating system given their large user installed base.1 Having defined the target development platform, next we chose the development tool. Given the requirements for the mobile applications, we decided to employ the Unity game engine as it provides cross-platform and rapid prototyping tools that suit the scope of the project supporting the following: (i) touch and motion-based user interactions to conduct both procedures, and (ii) visual and audio feedback obtained from the App and driven by the game/learning mechanics.
The AED mobile application is designed to respond to touch inputs; a swapping gesture is required to remove the electrode protectors, remove the shirt from the virtual patient and place the electrodes over the chest. Similarly, when the patient requires chest compression and decompression, the user can decide to proceed in two distinctive manners, the first by tapping the chest of the patient within the appropriate rhythm, and the second, by holding the mobile device while intertwining the fingers and performing the compression and decompression motion in the air, towards a pillow, or soft object to mimic CPR. In the latter case, the movement is tracked by accessing the information from a mobile device’s accelerometer sensor. Moreover, the CPR motion parameters were adjusted by conducting chest compression over a simulation manikin. Motion tracking allowed determining the appropriate movement and thresholds of force required to treat the virtual patient. Figure 10.1 presents the gestures performed while using a tablet.
1 Global
mobile OS market share in sales to end users from 1st quarter 2009 to 2nd quarter 2017, Statista, https://www.statista.com/statistics/266136/global-market-share-held-bysmartphone-operating-systems/, Accessed on January 27, 2018.
10 A Virtual Patient Mobile Application for Convulsive …
Fig. 10.1 AED touch and accelerometer-based interactive gestures for CPR performed on a tablet
The SE condition requires the user to perform the treatment through touch-based interactions by reviewing the patient chart, choosing and applying the medication with the proper dosage, and pupil examination. Swapping and pinching gestures were implemented to provide natural interactions for dose selection, and pupil examination respectively to mimic life-like interactions. SE interactions for vital signs, dosage, patient chart, and pupil examination are presented in Fig. 10.2.
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Fig. 10.2 SE touch-based gestures for vital signs, dosage, patient chart, and pupil examination
10.3.4 Game/Learning Mechanics The development of both mobile applications followed the Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation (ADDIE) methodology, since it focuses on the development of applications for teaching and learning, through phases of study based on the instructional objectives and final product [57]. The design process followed all the procedures involved in both scenarios with the addition of decision-making and meaningful choices to enhance the interactions with the virtual patients based on their conditions and random behaviours prompting for proper and rapid response. To encourage trainees to explore the mobile applications, we included learning, practice, and evaluation module. In the learning module, trainees can read about the concepts, procedures and best practices in both scenarios. The information is presented in a multimedia format with images, videos, and interactions to ensure the content is compelling to the user. The practice mode presents randomized scenarios for the trainee to practice without worrying about the outcomes. The primary goal for the practical module is to provide the user with an opportunity to apply the information from the learning module. Finally, the evaluation module lets the trainee test the skills on each procedure by introducing the users to a life-like scenario. Here, the decisions affect the outcome as all the conditions driving the situations are random
10 A Virtual Patient Mobile Application for Convulsive …
Fig. 10.3 Learning, practice, and evaluation modules in both mobile applications
requiring different approaches from the users. In the evaluation module, both mobile applications record metrics associated with the user interactions with the objective of providing feedback that can help the user improved. To increase realism, the virtual patient can be saved or if treated improperly they can reach life-threatening state. Figure 10.3 presents a screen capture of all the modules in both mobile applications. While performing both procedures, the trainees receive feedback based on the following game elements: (i) a score associated to each procedure where points are awarded or taken based on the decisions made during each required interaction, (ii) completion time is monitored to inform decision-making times when responding to the simulated life-threatening scenarios, (iii) deteriorating patient conditions over time, and (iv) different audio-visual cues providing hints associated with the performed actions. For example, the heart rate beeping will change depending on the
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Fig. 10.4 Scenarios and summary of outcomes for both Apps
treatment, or the stuttering of the patient during convulsion will worsen if incorrectly treated. At the end of the evaluation, a summary of the metrics is presented to the user to let them know how they performed as presented in Fig. 10.4.
10.4 Preliminary Study We designed a preliminary study to gauge usability and engagement perceptions along with a basic understanding of the procedures after employing both mobile applications. For the study, we had participants join a session where a facilitator introduced both mobile applications. Then, participants answered a pre-test quiz and engaged in all modules for 10 min. Afterwards, participants were asked to complete the system usability scale questionnaire (SUS) [16], the game engagement questionnaire (GEQ) [17], and a post-test quiz.
10 A Virtual Patient Mobile Application for Convulsive … Table 10.1 EAD pre and post-test questions Question Do you have to remove upper body clothing when using an AED? Must chest compression be gently applied to avoid harming a person in possible cardiac arrest? Should you apply CPR if an AED is available? Only high qualified personnel can use an AED
Table 10.2 SE pre and post-test questions Question Option 1 Option 2 What steps should be performed before administering medication to a convulsive patient? Should you introduce a foreign object into the mouth of the patient during convulsion to avoid choke? Should you hold and secure a patient while convulsing? Should you avoid controlling the airways of a patient during convulsion?
Answer 1
Answer 2
True True
False False
Option 3
Option 4
Check airways and vital signs
Check the clinical Check the clinical Check vital signs chart, airways, chart and secure the and secure the patient patient
The pre-test and post-test questions the EAD and ES mobile applications are presented in Tables 10.1 ant 10.2 respectively.
10.4.1 Participants As the skills associated with both scenarios are acquired within the first year of medical school, we invited first-year medical students from The Universidad Militar Nueva Granada in Bogota, Colombia to use both mobile applications. Five partici-
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Fig. 10.5 Mobile application use
pants in total were recruited, from which three were females, and two were males with ages between 18 and 20 years old. All participants were familiar with both procedures, and only the male participants indicated that they were gamers. Participants used the mobile applications by holding a tablet with one hand, and performing the interactions with the other as presented in Fig. 10.5.
10.4.2 Pre and Post-test AED and SE mobile application results from the Pre- and Post-Test are presented in Table 10.3. By comparing the results, it can be observed that the session helped participants revisit the procedures with an overall improvement for the use of an AED of 30 and 25% for the SE scenario.
10 A Virtual Patient Mobile Application for Convulsive … Table 10.3 Pre and post-tests Test P1a (%) P2 (%) Pre-tests AED Post-tests DEA Pre-tests SE Post-tests SE aP
P3 (%)
P4 (%)
P5 (%)
Mean (%)
75 100
50 75
100 100
25 100
100 100
70 95
denotes a participant
10.4.3 System Usability Scale The System Usability Scale (SUS) is a usability tool employed to study a variety of aspects related to system usability, including the need for support, training, and complexity. The SUS is comprised of ten questions, and the responses are based on a 5-point Likert scale and a single score ranging from 0 to 100, representing the composite measure of the overall usability of the system being studied [16]. Based on research, a SUS score above a 68 is considered usable, and anything below it is not. Although a higher score indicates more usability, the individual values provide information on which aspects require improvements. The obtained SUS results indicate that both mobile applications were found usable by the participants. The AED App obtained a SUS score of 90/100, while the SE obtained a 91.5/100. The participants responses allowed us to identify usability improvement associated with complexity, assistance, and difficulty to use.
10.4.4 Game Engagement Questionnaire The Game Engagement Questionnaire (GEQ) summarizes user perception regarding immersion (the experience of becoming engaged in the game-playing experience while retaining some awareness of one’s surroundings), presence (being in a normal state of consciousness while immersed in a VR or game environment), flow (the feelings of enjoyment that occur when a balance between skill and challenge is achieved), and absorption (total engagement in the present experience) [17]. The GEQ is comprised of 19 questions that measure the game playing experience with different levels of engagement. The GEQ score is calculated by assigning each possible response a numerical value: (i) No = −1, (ii) Maybe = 0, and (iii) Yes = 1. Higher GEQ scores indicate higher engagement and lower scores indicate lower engagement. The GEQ participant responses for each of the 19 questions are presented in Fig. 10.6. Additionally, the GEQ engagement results for presence, absorption, flow, and immersion are presented in Table 10.4. The results show that participants were overall
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Fig. 10.6 GEQ participant responses Table 10.4 GEQ results GEQ parameter Presence Absorption Flow Inmersion
Mean AED
Mean SE
0.25 −0.04 0.06 0.8
0.5 0 0.17 0.8
engaged concerning presence, flow, and immersion. However, their perception of absorption received the lowest rating, meaning that the participants did not achieve full engagement in the presented scenarios.
10.5 Conclusion Here we have presented two mobile applications for practicing treatment to a patient in need of an automatic external defibrillator and a convulsive patient. The choice of Unity as the game engine platform for the development provided a rapid prototyping environment that can be ported to other operating systems including immersive virtual reality. Although we did not present the mobile applications running on IOS devices, we did compile a version on this system to verify that the core functionality was maintained when ported. Portability is very important as it provides us with further testing scenarios that can help us enlarge the number of participants in future
10 A Virtual Patient Mobile Application for Convulsive …
tests, along with opportunities to study how each targeted system may affect the user experience and outcomes. A preliminary Pre- and a Post-test study was conducted allowing us to highlight that participants fine-tuned their knowledge of EAD and SE procedures as their Posttest results improved from the Pre-test. From a usability point of view, both mobile applications were found usable with average SUS score above 90/100. Moreover, although usable, after analyzing the individual SUS for both mobile applications the following improvements were identified: (i) ease of use as current interactions required familiarization with the touch gestures, (ii) navigation through the graphical user interfaces and (iii) mapping of real-life interactions to touch-based interactions. From an engagement point of view, GEQ results, show that the level absorption presented the lowest perception. We believed this is associated with the disconnection between the virtual and real tasks caused by treating patients through the screen of a handheld device with interactions taking place within the screen size. An interesting behavior to note from the participants is how actively they explored the scenario and expressed interest in having more time to use the mobile applications. Additionally, after finishing the session, the participants expressed gratitude and praised both simulations as they found them friendly and easy to use. Participants suggested that we review and redesign the accelerometer interactions for the chest compression as those were difficult to reproduce during the sessions leading to mismatching interactions and improper system responses causing frustration that led them to employ the touch interface instead. We believe that the inn-effectiveness of the accelerometer interactions was the result of the lack of haptic feedback when holding the mobile device in the air. We can conclude from this preliminary study, that both mobile applications hold the potential to impact practices within the AED and SE scenarios positively. We can also add to this remark that there is a gap to be bridge between high-end medical simulation and complementary tools that allow access to simulated practices on commodity devices that can enlarge the amount of deliberate practice. Future work will focus on addressing usability and engagement by designing interaction mechanics that better mimic the real procedures, adding more examination scenarios, and conducting more robust statistical analysis by increasing the number of participants and also accounting for retention related to the procedures. Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank the support of Universidad Militar Nueva Granada under grants INO1640 and INO1641, its Virtual Reality Center and Medical Simulation Laboratory.
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Chapter 11
Lessons Learned from Building a Virtual Patient Platform Olivia Monton, Allister Smith, and Amy Nakajima
Abstract Virtual Patients (VPs) were a mandatory component of the surgical rotation at McGill University for medical students and focused specifically on the teaching of trauma. These cases, written by clinicians and clinical researchers with research experience in VPs, enabled students not only to acquire core knowledge in the identification and management of trauma, but also provided an opportunity to practise skills, such as clinical decision-making and communicating in emotionally challenging situations (e.g., approaching a family member to discuss organ donation). Both faculty and learners appreciate the significant advantage of using VPs: it is a teaching modality which provides meaningful educational opportunities to learners, without risk of harm to patients (Cook et al. in Acad Med 85(10):1589–1602, [7]; Voelker in J Am Med Assoc 290(13):1700–1701, [26]). The authors were inspired by their experiences with these VP cases and began to consider how they might be able to contribute to this field. They became convinced that they could expand on the service offerings that were available at that time, by developing a platform for medical learners. This chapter focuses on this journey. The authors (AS, OM), with another colleague, a software developer, approached faculty at McGill whose expertise was in developing and researching VP cases. This collaboration has led to the creation of the VP software platform, Affinity Learning, and a content-based VP company, VPConnect. In this chapter, we will discuss our experience partnering, as medical students, with members of academia, research, clinicians and industry to create a VP platform, specifically highlighting: O. Monton (B) · A. Smith McGill University, Montréal, QC, Canada e-mail: [email protected] A. Smith e-mail: [email protected] A. Nakajima Simulation Canada, Toronto, ON, Canada e-mail: [email protected] Bruyère Continuing Care/The Ottawa Hospital/Wabano Centre for Aboriginal Health and University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 A. L. Brooks et al. (eds.), Recent Advances in Technologies for Inclusive Well-Being, Intelligent Systems Reference Library 196, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-59608-8_11
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1. The virtual environment as an effective, safe, and cost-efficient way to educate medical trainees; 2. The requirements behind a successful VP platform; 3. The obstacles and challenges we faced in developing a medical education innovation; and 4. Our thoughts on charting a way forward. Keywords Virtual patients · Virtual reality · Medical education
11.1 Introduction: Simulation and Virtual Patients Simulation-based medical education (SBME) has long been recognized as an effective way to educate trainees at the provider-, team-, and systems-level, addressing different learning needs and fulfilling a variety of functions [1, 19]. Simulation at the individual-level promotes knowledge acquisition and skill-development of a healthcare provider, whereas systems-level simulation takes a broader view, exploring issues related to the components of healthcare, a complex, socio-technical system consisting of multiple and multiply interacting components, including the environment, the organization, the work itself, and persons, which include providers, patients and families [11, 16, 24]. One form of simulation that has traditionally addressed individual learning gaps is screen-based simulation (SBS). SBS is a form of simulation in which the clinical scenario is displayed on a digital screen and functions as an alternative to inperson simulation [9]. SBS facilitates experiential learning through the use of digital scenarios, emphasizing the key role that experience has in the learning process [9, 17]. SBS includes the following simulation modalities: VPs; virtual worlds; screenbased haptic trainers; and resource management simulators [9]. Interest in digital simulation, including SBS, has been growing, reflecting the shift towards online learning [22]. VPs is a form of SBS that has been associated with positive learning outcomes. They are interactive computer-based clinical scenarios that replicate the physician– patient encounter [7–9]. VPs provide opportunities for medical trainees to engage with a seemingly real patient, in order to practise data gathering, diagnostic, clinical reasoning, and clinical decision-making skills. They have proven to be an effective tool in healthcare professions education [8]. There are several advantages to VPs as a simulation modality, including their accessibility, portability, customizability, scalability, and sustainability [9, 10]. Furthermore, VPs allow for standardization and robust data collection [9]. One significant advantage of using VPs, as with other forms of simulation, is the preclusion of potential harm to patients, which is an inherent risk associated with providers acquiring competencies in the clinical environment [28]. This is especially true for surgical specialties, in which learning curves representing the acquisition of surgical and procedural skills over time, can have tremendous implications for
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patients [15]. Additionally, utilizing VPs also eliminates potential harm to simulated patients, such as anxiety and fatigue; for example, in scenarios involving emotionally challenging themes, such as sexual abuse or domestic violence [20]. VPs provide an opportunity for trainees to gain knowledge in areas with limited clinical exposure and address common knowledge gaps in a patient-safe environment [12, 25]. While scheduling of rotations and electives are decided upon at the levels of the various departments and the programs, the learners’ actual exposure to patients and clinical conditions is opportunistic and cannot be perfectly anticipated nor ensured. Macro-level societal, economic, ecological and policy factors also influence clinical exposure [16]. For instance, falling birth rates in Canada may challenge the Obstetrics and Gynecology residency programs to provide sufficient clinical exposure to their trainees, and also challenge pediatric Surgery programs to provide adequate surgical volumes to trainees and staff [2, 23]. VPs may help address learning gaps due to a lack of clinical exposure. As a form of online virtual simulation, VPs are a cost-effective simulation modality [14]. Though the development of a VP platform is associated with up-front financial and labour costs, these costs are relatively low when compared to the costs associated with the building, maintenance, and human resources required to operate a simulation center [18]. A recent study with nursing students, compared learning outcomes and cost-utility analyses for mannequin-based simulation and virtual simulation, and found no difference between the two simulation modalities in terms of learning or performance [14]. Furthermore, virtual simulation was found in a 2018 study, to be more favourable in terms of cost, with cost-utility ratios of $1.08 USD for virtual simulation, compared to $3.62 USD for mannequin-based simulation [14]. Leaders in medical education have advocated for an increase in the allocation of resources to support the use of instructional technologies, in addition to enhancing electronic infrastructure, through funding and leadership [22]. VPs can be used at all levels of medical education, including continuing professional development (CPD), in addition to undergraduate and postgraduate medical education. As a form of online education, VPs have the potential to fulfill multiple information needs, such as learning something new, expanding on existing knowledge, applying knowledge, and problem-solving [10, 13]. Additionally, by complementing in-person experiences, they present an opportunity for self-directed and blended learning [10]. At the undergraduate level, VPs may facilitate the development of clinical reasoning skills, and can be used to prepare trainees for simulation-based activities or clinical rotations [8]. Residents are motivated to use online resources and identify the delivery of safe and effective patient care as their motivation for engaging in online content [10]. With the current transition to competency-based medical education (CBME), VPs have been used in the development of entrustedprofessional activities (EPAs) [21]. Physicians are receptive to using educational technologies to keep abreast of the latest advances and developments in their respective fields, thereby also fulfilling requirements for continuing medical education and professional development [6, 10]. In fact, one study found that physicians desire more online learning materials and simulation-based activities for continuing medical
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education credits [6]. As such, VPs appear to be an effective learning modality for CPD. In summary, VPs are a subset of SBS that have been used in medical education at all levels. Advantages of using them include patient safety, customizability, and cost-effectiveness.
11.2 Virtual Patient Platform Requirements Recognizing the advantages of VPs to learners and educators, it is important that VPs be part of an environment to provide content generation and delivery. VPs cannot exist in a vacuum and require an ecosystem for learner engagement, case authoring development, and assessment of learner performance. To this end, the authors sought to create a VP platform that could lead to widespread distribution, opting to present the platform as a commercial product to best achieve this goal. The platform seeks to create an incentive for clinicians to publish VPs relevant to their disciplines, and in response to changing guidelines or observed clinical knowledge gaps, while providing learners an avenue to build on their clinical knowledge and reasoning. Learners range from healthcare students to seasoned clinicians looking to maintain their competency in specific domains. Both educators and learners benefit from using a medium with the potential to provide content which is current and can be easily updated to reflect new information, as research expands on what is known and understood about a given topic [10]. With these goals in mind, we found through trial and error, that for a VP platform to be successful, it must be able to achieve the following: • • • • •
Reduce learner barriers to access, Provide clinician authors with the ability to story tell, Enable author responsibility for updating content, Increase learner immersion and connection to the patient, and Integrate and scale new technologies.
a. Reduce learner barriers to access To reduce the friction between the learner and the application, the goal was to ensure that the VP platform is usable on any modern device and not require the installation of proprietary or ancillary software. Designing the application as a ‘mobile-first’ platform, wherein learners could use whatever device they choose (phone, tablet, desktop), ensured a uniform experience on all devices, and enabled flexibility, as learners could use the platform where and when they wanted. We discovered that learners tended to start and resume VP cases not just in scheduled blocks, but while on the go, such as during taking public transit. As part of standard software design, we prioritized the incorporation of intuitive interfaces to drive an innate understanding of the application. This minimized the need for training materials or a learning period to understand how to navigate the
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software. The intuitive interfaces also enable learners to focus on the case material at hand, allowing learned functionality of common applications to serve as the only requirement. To complement existing learning approaches, VPs allow a seamless embedding of didactic information, such as online lectures or screen recordings, into a clinical case. Incorporating different learning modalities, such as multiple-choice questions, text response entries, and case branching to allow exploration on different topics, encourages active learning and a personalized learning strategy. b. Provide clinician authors with the ability to story tell The use of narrative, whether incorporated into a lecture, a podcast, or an in-person simulation, is a powerful technique to immerse learners into a clinical scenario. The use of stories presents opportunities for learning, both about clinical conditions and about patient-centered care [5], and offers a medium for clinician authors to draw upon personal experiences. VPs facilitate learner engagement, by transforming clinical narratives into cases, and allowing learners to chart their own course through different learning modalities and elements. Our experience has shown that as clinician authors became more familiar with the variety of possible adjuncts that could be added to the clinical narrative, the more authentic the cases became. c. Increase learner immersion and connection to the patient In addition to narrative, other immersive features can help place the learner into the clinical context presented in the case. For example, in the setting of managing a patient in a motor vehicle collision, the inclusion of a dynamic Vital Signs panel, which is responsive to user actions in real time, elevates the learners’ awareness that the actions and choices they make within the scenario result in physiologic consequences sustained by the simulated patient. Clinical decision-making, such as whether to insert a chest tube, becomes less theoretical and more realistic, and entails responsibility for the VP’s well-being. The very real challenges of medicine in the real world become explicit and visible for learners using this medium. While VP cases are generally useful to address individuals’ learning gaps, checkpoints can be designed and inserted by authors to deliberately prompt learner reflection and to provide a more faithful representation of how clinical problems unfold in the real world. The authors’ experience of cases written by the McGill Faculty members included difficult discussions with family members regarding organ donation. Even in the virtual environment, participating in such an emotionally fraught discussion, which students had not yet experienced in a real clinical setting, generated a very real emotional connection between the students and the simulated patient and family. d. Include author responsibility for updating content The ability to update online content also entails a responsibility to maintain that content, that is, to ensure that the content is kept current. This was most pertinent for the authors in developing COVID-19 VPs created for different specialties. The ever-changing landscape of a pandemic, in real-time, necessitated continual revisions
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of published VPs to best represent practices and guidelines, which themselves were being continually revised. VP cases that highlighted topics refreshed at more regular intervals, such as changes to specialty guidelines or updates in best practices, also require accountability and agreement on the content and the learning principles presented. When VPs are integrated as part of an institution’s curriculum, a review process must be developed and adopted to confirm that the content is reviewed and accurate, and to ensure that the stated learning objectives are appropriate, and that not only the material presented, but also the assessment metrics, correspond to those articulated objectives. e. Integrate and scale new technologies New technologies, whether augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), or natural language processing (NLP) can provide new avenues to drive educational uptake. In building out each aspect of the VP platform infrastructure, the authors are provided with the flexibility to integrate new features into the platform as they become more widely adopted and feasible for widespread use. NLP is already showing promise in other studies focused on medical education [3] and is an active area of investigation for the authors.
11.3 Obstacles and Challenges Innovation in medical education faces a variety of obstacles, including the need for collaboration of expertise from a variety of disciplines such as education, engineering, human factors and behavioural sciences [9]. When designing an educational tool for commercial use, an additional challenge is to fulfil the requirement to make the platform attractive for commercial sale. Within this section, we will outline some of the challenges we encountered in the partnering of industry with academia to develop a commoditized product for medical education. The team, composed of members from academia and industry, as well as clinicians, was unified in our aim to improve existing VP cases by adopting an increasingly immersive and engaging environment. However, transforming an ideal vision to a sustainable financial reality was faced with multiple challenges. The team identified several differences in perspectives, which required resolution in order to achieve our goals: a. Defining product specifications The industry approach of engineers and entrepreneurs is user-centric, focusing on the needs of users and catering to their requirements. Academia looks inward, toward proven, evidence-based publications to serve as a roadmap. These two approaches may not always be in alignment; when our team was initially starting out, we discovered that developing a unified roadmap was a challenge.
11 Lessons Learned from Building a Virtual Patient Platform
b. Speed of release Academic pursuits necessitate careful configuration of control and intervention groups, and this approach can bleed into the approach to innovation. Academia and entrepreneurs ultimately can have different ideas surrounding risk. c. Exploration of new technology Similar to the speed of releases, experimentation in new, unfamiliar technologies can lead to differences of opinion between academia and industry innovators. d. Financial independence Perhaps the most crucial disconnect encountered by our team was divergent prioritization amongst the members regarding the need to generate a cash flow to sustain design and development. While being self-funded and using a bootstrapped approach to development, all members of the team understood costs would be carried internally prior to landing funding or sales. For the industry members, this created a pressing need to secure grant funding or to release a product for external sale, to provide a return on the investment of time and computing costs. Both clinicians and researchers, on the other hand, have primary income from their other research and clinical pursuits, and have research projects that reside in longer funding cycles. e. Transitioning to sales The divergent priorities regarding financial independence directly led to a difference of perspectives on marketing a sellable product. Academia and industry may agree on the requirement of partner organizations to beta test products; however, market analysis, competitor research, and ensuring a robust business model are not native to an academia perspective. It became increasingly clear that resolving competing objectives would become more challenging. Academia is incentivized to make a product in accordance to their perceptions of the requirements, as viewed through their research lens. Software developers and entrepreneurs value commoditization to make a financially successful endeavour, focusing on both market demand and user input to identify what is important to the innovation. To compensate for these differences in perspectives, it was ultimately decided to restructure the original team into two separate entities. The McGill Faculty members will continue to engage with clinician stakeholders using their evidencebased approach to VP cases and years of research experience in the domain. The authors (OM, AS), contributing to the product Affinity Learning, will continue to innovate and integrate new technologies to the VP platform and allow organizations from different spheres, within and beyond medicine, to access the platform and create their own use cases for the platform. We believe this allows parallel development to innovate VPs and will actually be more successful than proceeding with the single, originally proposed, entity.
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11.4 Lessons Learned We offer the following suggestions, engendered from our lived experience, to those planning on collaborating with a multidisciplinary team to develop a medical innovation: a. Establish clear roles As for any team-based endeavour, clear roles must be established and domains of expertise need to be respected and acknowledged. Perspectives from academia and industry are both valuable and need to be shared, but agreement on the principal decisions regarding the direction of the project and the product itself must be reached, in order to successfully scale up for widespread dissemination. b. Start with seed money Screen-based simulation is known to have “substantial up-front financial and labor costs” associated with its development [9]. While our venture was successful in being self-funded, which allowed us to control all aspects of ownership, this situation also concurrently created pressure to move from design and development to sales generation. c. Front load intellectual property agreements Akin to setting up authorship roles in a research publication, clearly identifying who and defining how they will contribute to an innovation should be established early in the development process. d. Start with a partner organization Our experience with screen-based simulation highlighted the importance of working with a partner organization. Besides being fertile ground for understanding the needs and actions of users, partner organizations can help validate the business approach. e. Include financial expertise While it is well known that a team composed of “programmers, designers, clinical subject matter experts, and experts in education” [9] is imperative for developing screen-based learning, we discovered that financial and marketing expertise are also necessary components of the skill set for launching an innovation product.
11.5 A Way Forward In 2011, Robin et al. advocated for a shift towards, and the uptake of, the use of instructional technologies in medical education. They encouraged the adoption and use of technology as a means to enhance learner experiences and called for funding
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and leadership support for establishing necessary infrastructure and the appropriate use of such technologies [22]. Changes in the technology landscape has now provided us the necessary tools to meet these objectives. Our vision for the future extends beyond VPs. We envision a broad-based electronic learning platform, which could be applied to a variety of medical specialties and subdomains, and usable for all levels of training. This type of platform would be especially appropriate for facilitating the teaching and training of interprofessional competencies, such as collaborative teamwork [4, 27]. Our goal is to integrate new technology as it becomes available and accessible. We endeavour to continue expanding our natural language processing features, incorporate virtual reality, and other real-time features, such as heart rate monitors. To facilitate collaboration and connecting around online learning, we hope to integrate chat rooms associated with particular cases. Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank Sean Doyle for co-founding and developing the Affinity Learning platform, as well as acknowledge Drs. David Fleiszer and Nancy Posel, for their contributions as case authors and owners of VPConnect.
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Chapter 12
Engaging Learners in Presimulation Preparation Through Virtual Simulation Games Marian Luctkar-Flude, Jane Tyerman, Lily Chumbley, Laurie Peachey, Michelle Lalonde, and Deborah Tregunno Abstract Background: With increased emphasis on technology, nurse educators must carefully assess learning outcomes associated with various components of clinical simulation. Presimulation preparation is a critical aspect of simulation education that has not been well-studied. Traditional presimulation activities include readings, lectures, and quizzes. Non-traditional activities include video lectures, online modules, and self-assessments. However, in our experience, learners may fail to adequately prepare for simulation when given traditional presimulation preparation activities. Research suggests that alternate presimulation activities improve learning outcomes. Thus, there is a need for innovative approaches to optimize learning during the simulation. Recently there has been an increase in the use of virtual simulation and gaming in medical and nursing education. To date we have not encountered the use of virtual simulation games (VSGs) as a presimulation preparation activity for clinical simulation. Over 30 validated clinical simulation scenarios have previously been developed by nurse educators from across Ontario for senior nursing students to enhance their transition to clinical practice. Each scenario is implemented with selfregulated pre-simulation preparation guided by a scenario-specific learning outcomes assessment rubric. The development of a series of VSGs aims to further enhance presimulation preparation for undergraduate nursing students participating in these scenarios. We propose that VSGs used for presimulation preparation will prove to be more engaging to learners, resulting in better preparation and improved performance M. Luctkar-Flude (B) · D. Tregunno School of Nursing, Queen’s University, 92 Barrie St., Kingston, ON K7L 3N6, Canada e-mail: [email protected] J. Tyerman · M. Lalonde School of Nursing, University of Ottawa, 451 Smyth Rd., Ottawa, ON K18M5, Canada e-mail: [email protected] L. Chumbley Trent University, 1600 West Bank Dr., Peterborough, ON K9L 0G2, Canada e-mail: [email protected] L. Peachey School of Nursing, Nipissing University, 100 College Dr., North Bay, ON P1B 8L7, Canada e-mail: [email protected] © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 A. L. Brooks et al. (eds.), Recent Advances in Technologies for Inclusive Well-Being, Intelligent Systems Reference Library 196, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-59608-8_12
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during live simulations. Ultimately the use of virtual simulation for presimulation preparation may translate to improved performance in real clinical settings with a positive impact on patient safety and well-being. Objective: To describe the development and implementation of VSGs used to prepare nursing students prior to their experience in live simulation scenarios. Description of the Innovation: To further enhance learner preparation to participate effectively in live simulations, a virtual simulation game was developed for each of four live scenarios. Each game incorporated five decision points designed to promote critical thinking. The learning outcomes assessment rubric was also incorporated into the game as a pre/post assessment allowing learners to gauge their own readiness to participate in the live simulation scenario. The virtual games consisted of video clips filmed from the perspective of the nurse interacting with the patient. At regular intervals, learners were required to select the best of three nursing actions in response to the situation. Learners were provided with immediate feedback following selection of an incorrect response and are directed back to select another response. Following selection of the correct response, learners were also provided with the rationale before the game proceeds to the next decision point. Feasibility Testing: Following usability testing, each virtual simulation game was implemented in two of four participating Ontario schools of nursing. Successful implementation of the games demonstrated the feasibility of using VSGs for presimulation preparation. Preliminary learner and faculty perceptions of the usefulness of the game to prepare learners to participate in live simulation have been very positive. Learners reported that the game was easy to use, interactive, relevant, and engaging, and preferable to completing assigned readings prior to simulation. Learners appreciated that the rationale for each decision was provided as immediate feedback, which supported their learning, and reported that playing the game helped them to feel more prepared and less anxious to participate in the simulation lab. Faculty anticipated that learners would be more likely to complete presimulation preparation when it was presented in this interactive format. Conclusion: We anticipate the virtual simulation game will be an engaging presimulation preparation activity. The advantages to using virtual games for presimulation preparation could include the promotion of self-regulated learning, enhanced knowledge, decreased anxiety, and enhanced preparation and performance during a live simulation scenario. Additionally, we anticipate that standardized pre-simulation preparation will reduce faculty preparation time and student assessment time and may decrease instructional time in the simulation laboratory. Collaboration and sharing of VSGs across nursing schools will mediate the development costs and result in cost savings in the long-term. Funding: ECampus Ontario Research and Innovation Grant. Keywords Remote virtual simulation · Virtual simulation games · Presimulation preparation · Clinical simulation · Nursing education
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12.1 Background Clinical simulation has been widely incorporated into health professional education as an adjunct or replacement for traditional learning experiences in clinical settings [1, 2]. Clinical simulations provide learners with realistic clinical learning environments in which to increase their knowledge and self-confidence, and decrease their anxiety prior to entering clinical practice settings [3]. Simulation-based experiences provide learners with the opportunity to apply knowledge and skills, and practice clinical decision-making in an environment where they can learn from their mistakes without fear of harming a real patient. However, when learners are ill-prepared to participate in live simulations, their learning may be hampered, and anxiety may be increased. Additionally the current generation of millennial learners (born from 1981 to 2004) prefer a variety of creative and experiential learning opportunities [4], including self-directed learning using digital resources such as blogs, videos, podcasts, social media and other online activities to traditional didactic educational practices [5]. Virtual simulation games (VSGs) are proposed as a presimulation preparation activity that may be more engaging to millennial learners, leading to better preparation and subsequently better performance during clinical simulations.
12.1.1 Presimulation Preparation A simulation-based experience consists of three distinct phases: (1) presimulation phase, (2) participation phase, and (3) debriefing phase [6]. The presimulation phase can further be partitioned into preparation and briefing, or prebriefing [7, 8]. During presimulation preparation, learners are provided with specific educational materials and activities to be completed in advance of the briefing and participation in the clinical simulation [7, 9]. The purpose of these materials and activities is to provide learners with the clinical content (knowledge and skills) required to participate successfully in the simulated clinical experience [6, 10]. Faculty help learners prepare for simulation through activities such as assigned readings, worksheets, video lectures or by providing learners with a brief history of the patient to be encountered during the session [7, 11]. Providing adequate preparation may help to decrease learner anxiety and enhance performance during the simulation [12, 13]. In 2010, an international and multidisciplinary group of simulation experts gathered in Copenhagen, Denmark, for a Utstein style meeting, in order to identify the state of the art of education simulation-based research as well as future research directions, including methods [14]. A key research question that emerged from the dialogue was: “What kind of learner preparation is necessary or required to optimize simulation-based learning?” [14]. Traditional presimulation activities include readings, lectures, nursing care plans, and quizzes. Non-traditional activities include video lectures, online modules, and self-assessments. However, in our experience, learners may fail to adequately prepare
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for simulation when given traditional pre-simulation preparation activities. A review of studies evaluating presimulation preparation activities suggests that alternate presimulation activities improve learning outcomes [8]. Thus, there is a need for innovative presimulation preparation approaches to optimize learning during the simulation. One novel approach to preparation is that of online video-based observational learning to prepare learners for simulation-based procedural skills. During observational learning, the desired skill performance is modelled for the learner who then uses this information to modify their own performance during live simulated practice [15]. Additionally, observational learning that includes observation of errors during a video-based demonstration can improve skill performance of learners as long as they are aware of when they are viewing a flawed performance [16]. Recently there has been an increase in the use of virtual simulation and gaming in the education of nurses and other healthcare professionals [17–20]. To date we have not encountered the use of virtual simulations or games as a presimulation preparation activity for clinical simulation.
12.1.2 Virtual Simulations Virtual simulations are “clinical simulations offered on a computer, the internet, or in a digital learning environment including single or multiuser platforms” [21]. Generally these involve animated or video-based portrayals of clinical situations that can be accessed on a computer. Other terms that have been used interchangeably with virtual simulation include online simulation, web-based simulation, esimulation, virtual clinical simulation, virtual patient simulation, computerized simulation, computerized virtual patients, simulation-based e-learning, and cybergogy [17, 22]. Educational benefits of virtual simulation are achieved through integration of virtual and general simulation strategies to promote learner engagement: general simulation characteristics include a theoretical framework, teaching method, feedback, debriefing, purpose of simulation, scenario, and outcome, whereas the virtual-specific characteristics include instructor competency, mode of representation, participant role, interaction, type of platform, virtual framework, and virtual ethics [23]. Virtual simulation delivery platforms include avatar-based simulations in 3D environments, virtual reality, and augmented reality, complex digital environments, virtual worlds, game-based platforms and mobile apps [18, 24]. Specific virtual platforms or communities include The Neighborhood, Second Life, Web-SP, and Blue Mars [25, 26]. Virtual simulation incorporates aspects of experiential learning, problem-based learning, self-directed learning, and adult learning theory [22]. Research suggests that learning with well-designed computer-based simulations results in higher achievements in students than occurs with traditional lecture-based learning [27–29]. Additionally, several studies have demonstrated that online simulations are at least as good as mannequin-based simulations in teaching clinical knowledge and reasoning
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[30–32]. Healthcare educators may use virtual simulations to enhance their lecture or web-based courses, to replace a portion of traditional simulations or clinical hours, to replicate high-risk or low-frequency clinical experiences, or for formative or summative assessments [18]. Results of an integrative review showed that web-based simulation is highly acceptable to nursing students, augments face-to-face teaching, provides increased accessibility and repeatability, allows learners to learn at their own pace, and promotes learning gains that align with other simulation approaches [17]. A meta-analysis of quantitative studies of web-based learning across the health professions concluded that interactivity, practice exercises, repetition and feedback were associated with improved learning outcomes in comparison to non-computer-based instruction [33]. Results of a systematic review and meta-analysis suggested that computer-based simulation was the most effective strategy on nurses’ knowledge when compared to other simulation strategies [34]. One randomized controlled trial demonstrated no statistically significant differences in nursing student knowledge and self-confidence between face-to-face and virtual clinical simulations; however, anxiety scores were higher for students in the virtual clinical simulation and learners’ self-reported preference was face-to-face citing the similarities to practicing in a ‘real’ situation and the immediate debrief [3]. Virtual simulations also provide an opportunity for deliberate practice and selfreflection prior to clinical practice [27]. Well-designed online simulations can also improve nursing students’ clinical reasoning. In one study, clinical reasoning gains were significantly higher for online simulations designed with a Simple-to-Complex (S2C) approach than simulations designed with Productive Failure (PF) approach; the S2C approach involved a detailed step-by-step instruction that increases in complexity as learners’ skills and abilities grow. By contrast, learners in the PF approach explored complex challenges beyond their current skills and abilities and were allowed to struggle and even fail before guidance was provided [35]. As use of web-based simulation in nursing curricula grows, further research is necessary to objectively evaluate learner outcomes and to justify its use [17]. Additionally economic analyses need to be conducted to support the use of virtual simulation as an adjunct to or as replacement for traditional clinical simulations [36, 37].
12.1.3 Virtual Simulation Games Virtual simulation may be enhanced by use of various gaming design principles or facets. Educational gaming strategies include delivering small chunks of information with interactive trial-and-error activities that allow risk-taking in a safe environment [38]. New technologies allow games to be applied through various devices including computers, tablets, smart phones, and virtual reality headsets. One engaging facet of gaming is the “make-believe” which allows participants to explore roles and situations; in healthcare education, credible VSGs allow learners to develop empathy and
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professionalism by “walking in someone else’s shoes” [39]. Simulation games have been reported to decrease learner fear of the unexpected and increase readiness for clinical practice [40]. Virtual simulation games are considered “serious games” that offer learning tasks in a realistic and engaging online environment where learners experience the consequences of their decision-making [41]. Few high-quality open access VSGs are available for nursing education. Two sites that host VSGs created in Canada are the Canadian Alliance of Nurse Educators using Simulation (CANSim) at www.can-sim.ca and the Virtual Simulation Community of Learning (VSCOL) at www.sim-one.ca/community/vscol. Well-designed VSGs have the potential to enhance learning to the same degree as live clinical simulations, but at a fraction of the cost when delivered to large groups of learners [42]. Pedagogical elements of VSGs may include clinical cases, multiple modalities, and scaffolding of learning; gaming elements many include competition and multiple levels; and simulation elements may include representations of situations or objects, user interaction and immediate feedback [41]. Additional advantages of VSGs versus face-to-face simulations include that they are accessible any time or place with internet access and they are repeatable. VSGs also promote psychological safety as learners can play the games independently without risk of judgment by their peers or their instructors [43]. Deliberate practice in simulation is known to improve performance and contribute to mastery learning of defined objectives [44]. Evidence suggests that mastery learning using technology-enhanced simulation is superior to nonmastery learning [45], and translates to improved patient care practices and outcomes [46]. Although both entertainment games and educational games must engage their players, the goal of an entertainment game is to keep the player engaged in the game environment for as long as possible, whereas, the goal of an educational game is to prepare players for the real world [24]. In health professional education, a good educational game reinforces previously learned didactic content and prepares learners for additional experiential learning during traditional clinical simulations and clinical practice rotations [24]. The use of VSGs may also entice the learner to explore the consequences of poor coordination of care by having the possibility of going back into the game and selecting the incorrect answers to learn what would occur in patient care. Hence, the learner explores concepts of patient safety in a near-miss aspect since the incident reviewed in the game does not reach the patient [47]. Computer-based simulations are designed to provide feedback without requiring the educator to invest additional time and resources to create the feedback [48]. However, debriefing is considered to be a critical component of the experience that contributes to learning, and thus educators may need to provide additional selfreflection activities or facilitate a synchronous online or in-person debrief with learners who have completed a VSG [49]. VSGs may also provide opportunities for both formative and summative assessments, as scoring systems can be embedded within the games; however, as with traditional simulations, for high-stakes testing the educator must ensure the participant has had multiple previous exposures to the simulation-based experience and evaluations [9].
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12.1.4 Presimulation Preparation Using Virtual Simulation Games One of the challenges in preparing learners to participate in live simulations is the lack of motivation and commitment of students who fail to complete assigned presimulation preparation activities such as readings [8]. When learners are not adequately prepared to participate in a simulation learning may be hindered. As there are considerable costs associated with live simulations, it is important that learners come fully prepared to demonstrate competency during the scenarios. Virtual simulation games combine the features of online observational learning, deliberate practice, and gamification to provide an accessible, repeatable, immersive, and engaging learning activity. Thus, we propose their use as presimulation preparation prior to participation in a live clinical scenario. The application of gamification has the potential for adding the element of fun to improve engagement in training activities and subsequently improve learner motivation and performance [50]. Online games align well with adult learning theory that assumes adult learners are intrinsically motivated to learn when educational activities are flexible and convenient to complete at their own pace [51]. Additionally, gamification through the use of points and badges has been found to enhance engagement with online educational programs [52]. Gamification is recognized as a strategy to increase knowledge retention and provides the opportunity for experimentation by the learner in a nonthreatening environment [51]. Thus, the application of gamification to virtual simulation could enhance the learner experience, improving learner adherence to and completion of a learning activity. Emotions and feelings generated through immersion in an educational activity also impact learner engagement, motivation and learning [53–55]. Both positive and negative emotional arousal levels have been found to be higher in learners involved in active participant roles compared with observer roles in live clinical simulations [56]. Active participants have also been found to learn significantly better than observers [57, 58]. During VSGs, all learners are involved in the participant role and are required to make decisions throughout the game. Through immediate feedback learner understanding of the rationale and consequences of their clinical decision-making is enhanced. Virtual simulation games combine the features of online observational learning, deliberate practice, and gamification to provide an accessible, repeatable, immersive, and engaging learning activity. Thus, we proposed that shorter VSGs could be used to enhance and standardize presimulation preparation and promote self-regulated learning. Ultimately this may translate to improved performance in real clinical settings with a positive impact on patient safety and well-being.
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12.2 Virtual Simulation Game Project 12.2.1 Rationale We proposed that VSGs used for presimulation preparation will be more engaging to learners, resulting in better preparation and improved performance during live simulations. Ultimately this may translate to improved performance in real clinical settings with a positive impact on patient safety and well-being.
12.2.2 Objective To describe development and implementation of VSGs to prepare nursing students to participate in live simulation scenarios.
12.2.3 Methods This project was funded through an eCampus Ontario Research and Innovation Grant to develop, implement, and evaluate four VSGs to prepare undergraduate nursing students to participate in live simulation scenarios. The funding allowed us to contract an eLearning specialist to guide us through the development process. Together we reviewed eLearning platforms that could support sharing of educational resources across the province. Options included using free platforms such as YouTube and H5P, or licensed software such as Articulate Storyline. We also reviewed existing VSGs that could be found freely on the internet. Additional commercial virtual simulation products were not reviewed due to the associated costs. Several of the VSGs featured in the Virtual Simulation Community of Learning were created in Ontario using institutional and grant funding and a collaboration between faculty, instructional designers, web developers and media specialists at an estimated cost of $35,000 CAD per game over a period of six to nine months each [59]. Other virtual simulation design and production costs have been estimated to range between $10,000 and $50,000 USD [60]. However, we wanted to create a VSG design process that would be sustainable beyond the funding period of our grant such that we could continue to create more VSGs on our own. Thus, we opted to film our VSGs using a Go-Pro camera and selected the Articulate Storyline 2 software to create our VSG template [8, 61].
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12.2.4 Scenario Selection With previous funding from the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (MOHLTC) over 30 validated clinical simulation scenarios were developed by nurse educators from across Ontario for senior nursing students to enhance their transition to clinical practice. Each scenario is implemented with self-regulated presimulation preparation guided by a scenario-specific learning outcomes assessment rubric. Senior nursing students (n = 83) at one site preferred this method of presimulation preparation to traditional presimulation preparation with a lecture and assigned readings, and reported high satisfaction with the assessment rubric, increased competence related to the learning outcomes, and valued the opportunity to identify their own learning needs related to the required competencies for the scenario [62].
12.2.5 Description of the Innovation To further enhance learner preparation to participate effectively in live simulations, a virtual simulation game was developed for each of four live scenarios. Each game incorporated five decision points aligned with the learning outcomes for the clinical simulation and designed to promote critical thinking. A learning outcomes assessment rubric was also incorporated into the game as a pre/post assessment allowing learners to gauge their own readiness to participate in the live simulation scenario. The virtual games consist of video clips filmed from the perspective of the nurse interacting with the patient. At regular intervals, learners must select the best of three nursing actions in response to the situation. Learners are provided with immediate feedback following selection of an incorrect response and are directed back to select another response. Following selection of the correct response, learners are also provided with the rationale prior to advancing to the next decision point, as it is possible for learners to select the correct response for the wrong reason; providing the rationale will clarify their understanding of the appropriateness of various actions in a given clinical situation.
12.2.6 Usability Testing Usability testing of each game was conducted by the game developers at each site. For example, the respiratory distress VSG was developed at Queen’s University and thus the usability testing was conducted there. Following initial review by the research team, the respiratory distress VSG was reviewed by a sample of 3 nursing students and 3 instructors [63]. Participants completed a usability survey based on the Technology Acceptance Model [64] which was revised to evaluate VSGs [65], and the ClassRoom Instructional Support Perception (CRISP-VSG) scale which is
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a revision of the Classroom Response System Perceptions (CRiSP) Questionnaire, a quantitative measure of learner perceptions of technology in the classroom, in this case the VSG [66, 67].
12.2.7 Cost Utility and Learning Outcomes The primary purpose of the research component of our project was to determine the cost utility of using VSGs as presimulation in comparison to a traditional preparation activity, in our case, a case study with decision points that were identical to those of the VSGs. The focus was on the costs of creating, delivering, and maintaining these educational tools. We propose that the cost for the VSGs will remain the same regardless of the number of students using them, thus the cost per student will decrease as the number of students increases. Our research project was also designed to compare the impact of the two types of presimulation preparation on nursing students’ ability to achieve the intended learning outcomes as measured by a clinical knowledge test and the learning outcomes assessment rubric for each VSG and clinical simulation. And additionally, we measured the impact of the VSG on learner anxiety and self-confidence prior to participating in the live simulation.
12.3 Results Over a one-year period we scripted, filmed, assembled, implemented, and evaluated four new VSGs used as presimulation preparation. Two VSGs were implemented at each of the four university sites, and data was collected on the cost-utility learning impact of using VSGs for presimulation preparation in comparison to traditional preparation using a paper-based case study. We also measured learner knowledge and performance, anxiety, and self-confidence. Some preliminary results using single site data have been presented at simulation education conferences which suggested that the VSGs resulted in similar outcomes to presimulation preparation with a case study; however, learners rated the VSGs higher [63]. Learners reported that the game was easy to use, interactive, relevant and engaging, and preferable to completing assigned readings prior to simulation. Learners appreciated that the rationale for each decision was provided as immediate feedback, which supported their learning, and reported that playing the game helped them to feel more prepared and less anxious to participate in the simulation lab. Faculty anticipated that learners would be more likely to complete presimulation preparation when it was presented in this interactive format. Results of the final analysis of the multi-site data are pending publication. Since completing the original eCampus-funded project we have refined the scripting and filming process to create a two-day workshop to teach other educators how to create their own VSGs. The product of each workshop is one or two
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VSGs that will be able to be shared with other educators across Canada through the Canadian Alliance of Nurse Educators using Simulation (CAN-Sim). We also have graduate students who are developing and evaluating VSGs for their own research studies [61].
12.4 Discussion Our project demonstrated the feasibility of nurse educators developing their own VSGs at relatively low cost compared to other virtual simulation modalities such as virtual reality. Three presimulation preparation VSGs and their associated clinical simulation scenarios are now available freely on the CAN-Sim website at https:// can-sim.ca/virtual-game-preview/. Additional resources such as learner preparation packages and learning outcomes assessment rubrics are included with each VSG. Preliminary results of our VSG implementation and evaluation studies are promising in suggesting that VSGs will be a cost-effective method to prepare learners to participate in clinical simulations [63]. Further research is needed to confirm these results and explore the potential for VSGs to supplement and/or replace a proportion of clinical simulations to offset their higher delivery costs without sacrificing learning. As a result of our project, we have developed the 2-day CAN-Sim Virtual Simulation Game Design Workshop. This fully interactive workshop walks all participants through the steps of simulation game design, filming, and assembly, and has been delivered to faculty from across Canada, and one site in the U.S. New games continue to be created and added to the repository. We encourage all users to implement the games within a research study to assess different aspects of learning using VSGs. Subsequent to creating our VSGs for presimulation preparation, a graduate student created a new VSG depicting optimal care for patients in cardiac arrest secondary to ventricular fibrillation, employing our user-friendly VSG design process [61]. The student has conducted a randomised controlled trial to empirically evaluate the impact of the game on senior-level nursing students’ cardiac resuscitation skills, results of which are pending publication. Rigorous studies that focus specifically on presimulation activities are needed to inform best practice recommendations for different groups and levels of learners [8].
12.4.1 Strengths and Limitations This work benefited from a collaboration of nurse educators from across the province of Ontario to develop a user-friendly approach to VSG development that can be replicated easily by other educators interested in creating their own VSGs for presimulation preparation or potentially as a replacement for some traditional clinical simulations which are resource intensive to deliver to large groups of learners. The
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lessons learned through the creation of each game informed the design and filming of the next game and so on. One limitation of the project was the tight timeline to complete all components of the development, implementation and evaluation phases; however, we were able to demonstrate the feasibility of a quick turnover from designing to filming and assembly of VSGs using our process, using a Go-Pro camera and the Articulate Storyline 2 software. Lessons learned have proven to be invaluable as we move forward with this area of innovation and research. Another limitation is that we did not explore different methods of debriefing the VSG to determine the best approach. Recent research has begun to evaluate debriefing methods for virtual simulation. These approaches include self-debriefing, virtual debriefing, and in-person debriefing [49]. However, research is needed to determine how to best debrief VSGs when they are used as presimulation preparation activities. We chose to use the learning outcomes assessment rubrics, which were created to accompany each VSG/clinical simulation pair, to guide the debriefing prior to and following participation in clinical simulations i.e. the VSGs were actually debriefed during the prebriefing for the live simulations. Further in-depth debriefing occurred following the live simulation. This is an area that we would like to explore further in the future. Overall, the work we have done to date highlights the value of collaboration in the development, implementation, and evaluation of innovative uses of technology in nursing education.
12.5 Conclusions Virtual simulation games are an innovative presimulation preparation strategy that engage learners and provide them with immediate feedback on their clinical decisionmaking. By creating our own VSGs we were able to provide VSGs that aligned directly with our intended learning outcomes, levelled to the learner experience level, to better prepare them to participate in a live simulation where they could demonstrate their competence within a given clinical scenario. We anticipate the advantages to using virtual games for presimulation preparation could include the promotion of self-regulated learning, enhanced knowledge, decreased anxiety, and enhanced preparation and performance during a live simulation scenario. Additionally, we anticipate that standardized pre-simulation preparation will reduce faculty preparation time and student assessment time and may decrease instructional time in the simulation laboratory. Collaboration and sharing of VSGs across nursing schools will mediate the development costs and result in cost savings in the long-term. Further research is needed to demonstrate the impact of VSGs on learning outcomes and transfer to practice.
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Part II
VR/Technologies for Rehabilitation
Chapter 13
VR/Technologies for Rehabilitation Anthony Lewis Brooks
Abstract Early on, Virtual Reality (VR) was linked to communication—even as ‘a combination of the television and telephone wrapped delicately around the senses’ [1]. VR Technologies are increasingly being adopted in the areas of (re)habilitation and therapeutic intervention healthcare treatments. VR applications that supplement traditional intervention are in human physical, cognitive, and psychological functioning medical treatment programs. Extended Reality (XR), incorporating applications beyond solely VR, with Augmented Reality (AR) and Mixed Reality (MR) applications are also being introduced. This chapter introduces via micro-review, four chapters under the theme VR/technologies for rehabilitation. It follows on from the previous and opening part of this book where ten chapters were introduced and micro-reviewed under the theme Gaming, VR, and immersive technologies for education/training. Specifically, the chapters are titled:—‘Game-based (re)habilitation via movement tracking’ [2]; ‘Case studies of users with neurodevelopmental disabilities: Showcasing their roles in early stages of VR training development’ [3]; ‘AquAbilitation: ‘Virtual interactive space’ (VIS) with buoyancy therapeutic movement training’ [4]; and finally, ‘Interactive Multisensory VibroAcoustic therapeutic intervention (iMVATi)’ [5]. Keywords Virtual reality · Rehabilitation · Technologies · Autism · Participatory design · Games · Health
13.1 Introduction We See Things not as They Are, but as We are—that is, We See the World not as It is, but as Molded by the Individual Peculiarities of Our Minds. —G. T. W. Patrick (1890)
A. L. Brooks (B) Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark e-mail: [email protected] © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 A. L. Brooks et al. (eds.), Recent Advances in Technologies for Inclusive Well-Being, Intelligent Systems Reference Library 196, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-59608-8_13
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Virtual Reality (VR) technologies are increasingly being adopted in the areas of (re)habilitation and therapeutic intervention healthcare treatments. VR applications that supplement traditional intervention are in human physical, cognitive, and psychological functioning medical treatment programs. Extended Reality (XR), incorporating applications beyond solely VR, with Augmented Reality (AR) and Mixed Reality (MR) applications, are also being introduced. This chapter introduces four chapters under the theme ‘VR/technologies for rehabilitation’. It introduces by offering an opening cross-focused, and sometimes extended, ‘miniscule-review of the field’ by introducing these chapters that have been contributed by an international array of authors concerned about sharing their research to a wider audience across disciplines. Each paper’s author(s) acknowledgement citation and cross-reference herein align to use of their source text to create these snippets to overview and to introduce readership. Specifically, the chapters are titled:—‘Game-based (re)habilitation via movement tracking’ [2]; ‘Case studies of users with neurodevelopmental disabilities: Showcasing their roles in early stages of VR training development’ [3]; ‘AquAbilitation: ‘Virtual interactive space’ (VIS) with buoyancy therapeutic movement training’ [4]; and finally, ‘Interactive Multisensory VibroAcoustic therapeutic intervention (iMVATi)’ [5]. Virtual Reality as a theme is interpreted to include across the spectrum from head mounted display (HMD) systems to non-HMD systems where computer-generated projections onto screens create the ‘virtual’ environment that is interacted with and experienced by participants. This second part, being themed as ‘VR/technologies for rehabilitation’, aligns with how the book contents are overall segmented into four parts with chapters being selected to each. Specifically, Part 1: Gaming, VR, and Immersive Technologies for Education/Training; Part 2: VR/Technologies for Rehabilitation; Part 3: Health and Well-Being; and Part 4: Design and Development. What’s reality anyway? Just a collective hunch!—Jane Wagner/Lily Tomlin (Hamit 1993).
13.1.1 Game-Based (Re)habilitation via Movement Tracking [2] The co-authors of this chapter are from Aalborg University in Denmark. The subjects in the studies of the chapter titled ‘Game-based (re)habilitation via movement tracking’ were 18 children (10 females and 8 males) between the ages of 5 and 12 years, mean age 7.66 years, in 20 gameplaying sessions conducted at two large Scandinavian hospitals: One being the regional hospital for south Denmark located in the city of Esbjerg (Denmark’s 5th largest city), and the other being the Swedish regional Halland hospital located in Halmstad (Sweden’s 19th largest municipality). The hospital staff who were co-researchers in the project and leading the actual sessions selected both subjects and control group participants. The facilitators involved at the hospitals were two play therapists and three doctors. The equipment set-up consisted of a motion-detecting camera interfaced to a popular game-playing entertainment platform with a selected game. The goal was to study
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the potential of the set-up to motivate/promote the children’s’ movements and to distract them from any medical procedures they were subject to. Results highlighted how the gameplay offered potentials in a healthcare setting that align to the larger body of research the study was conducted within [6, 7]. The authors state that their hypothesis is that game playing using embodied user interaction has evaluand potentials in therapy and thus significance in quality of life research for the special needs community. Aligned to the cited work above, the setup can be studied as a Virtual Interactive Space (VIS) where actions (free gesture game-playing) are analysed and evaluated aligned with investigation goals. The state of Presence commonly associated to virtual reality immersive experience of ‘being there’ was questioned as a ‘sense state’ continuum aligned to the concept of ‘Aesthetic Resonance’. It can be argued that head mounted display’s (HMDs) used with virtual reality optimise the experience of ‘presence’. However, in this research (see also [8–11]) no HMDs were used, yet the participants could not have been more engaged with the presented stimulus and interactions by the games and interactive environments. Thus, this research targeted a participant experience that differed from what is commonly referred to as ‘presence’. Instead targeting (and achieving) an experience more aligned with Loomis [12] who referred to it as “distal attribution” as an experience in which the user experiences “being in touch with” the simulated or remote environment while fully cognizant of being in the real environment in which the display is situated. Loomis [12] further states that “True presence would occur when the observer has neither prior knowledge nor sensory information signifying that he/she is using a virtual or teleoperator display; when these conditions of cognitive and sensory equivalence fail to be met, distal attribution is the more likely result” (p. 593). The authors herein state how meeting such conditions aligned to Loomis [12] are likely never or rarely possible and also that ‘fully cognizant’ is questionable achievable whereby cognizant linkages tend to be fleeting in temporal variants - thus, Aesthetic Resonance is attributed and argued [6–8]. Resulting in this work is an hybrid emergent model titled ‘Zone of optimized motivation’ (ZOOM—see [6, 7, 13]). The authors present how subjective presence has predominantly been investigated in respect of optimal user state in environments and has been suggested as being increased when interaction techniques are employed that permit the user to engage in whole-body movement. Situated presence is also presented in this chapter as real users in a real place vs a controlled laboratory. The goal being exploratory is thus implemented in a pilot study so as to define problem areas to achieve preliminary data on potential of video games in therapy. This chapter illustrates how tools such as the motion camera used herein have potentials to decrease the physical and cognitive load in a daily physical training regime where interactive games are adopted for use to supplement taditional therapeuti interventions. Not all people can use traditional controllers, especially those with certain dysfunction. However, it can be reflected that only recently have major game platform corporates come forward to impact this field. This exemplified by Microsoft and their Adaptive Controller, and Logitech with their switch kit to accompany the controller—both companies aparently having departments with specific
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focus on peripherals and games that can be accessible. Additionally, these companies are active in working closely with end-users and partners who have a mission statement to make games accessible and understand the potentials in the resultant healthcare and quality of life aspects that are alongside the feelgood factor of achievements and successes for a game player be be considered included. For example the video informing behind the adaptive controller and kit illustrates1 —and as the closing statement by ‘Logitech G’ (https://www.logitechg.com) vice president for gaming Ujesh Desai makes clear “we should have been doing this already”. This aligning to the author’s proposal for ‘inclusive gaming’ declined by major gaming platform contacts under guidance of the then secretary-general of The Interactive Software Federation of Europe (ISFE) around turn of the millennium.
13.1.2 Case Studies of Users with Neurodevelopmental Disabilities: Showcasing Their Roles in Early Stages of VR Training Development [3] The authors of this next chapter are truly an international team:- Yurgos Politis, who is affiliated to Michigan State University and University College Dublin, in Dublin, Ireland; Nigel Newbutt, who is affiliated to The University of the West of England, located in Bristol, United Kingdom; Nigel Robb, who is affiliated to The University of Tokyo, Japan; Bryan Boyle, who is affiliated to The University College of Cork, in Ireland; Hug-Jen Kuo, who is affiliated to The California State University, in Los Angeles, USA; and Connie Sung, who is affiliated to Michigan State University, in Michigan, USA. In this chapter the multi-national group of co-authors reflected on two projects (as case studies) that enabled disabled groups to be involved in designing and influencing technology used by them. Reflections are also on the process, limitations, barriers and actual involvement of the user groups. Keywords of these case studies include: Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR)/Mixed Reality; User Experience Design; Participatory Design; Case studies; Accessibility; Game design and development. The chapter opens with a clear statement of intent aligned with how user involvement in the design/creation of products and services has become more participatory in nature and the role of the users has evolved from being influencers of just the final outcome (testing a prototype) to influencers of the development and design process; from being tasked with the standardization of products/outcomes to being actively involved in their customization to meet individuals’ needs and preferences; and from being mere participants to having a relationship with the designers/developers. There has therefore been a shift to products being “designed by” the customers where they are actively involved in all phases of the development process of their product (cf). This aligns with this group’s other chapter in this volume where specifically individuals with autism are involved in PD design 1 see
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for a wall-mounted museum interface: This being a recommended read alongside this chapter to get an idea of the groups positioning in the field. The authors state how development and design process of products or services should enable specific user groups to achieve certain goals with effectiveness and productivity (ISO/IEC 25,010:2011; standardization of software products and software-intensive computer systems). They add by stating how the process can benefit from user involvement because users can offer a different point of view: In other words, to do some ‘out of the box’ thinking of their own that may provide inspiration for the future of development/design. However, as they then state and exemplify with related literature, there are inherent challenges in such participation that needs to be meaningful. The authors challenge the typical top-down design approach by their position on participants contributing to the design, and they introduce a recent initiative to impact Participatory Design with neurodiverse populations (mainly ASD and dyslexia) that has emerged based on the Diversity for Design (D4D) Framework [14]. This framework they inform advocates for design approaches that focus on the strengths of the participants, rather than overcoming weaknesses: Emphasising that the D4D framework is a blueprint for technology designers on how to engage with neurodiverse populations through a PD approach. The authors summarise and present the two main headings of the framework. In this chapter they state how, as far as they are aware, there exists a D4D Framework applied to the development of PD features for ASD and Dyslexic populations, however, there isn’t one developed for people with intellectual disabilities. Thus, the chapter presents two case studies addressing the practicalities of working with people with autism/ID (intellectual disability) in the early stages of Virtual Reality (VR) development. The first case study looks at users’ preferences regarding VR hardware, while the second considers user-involvement in designing the training content for carrying out a task of their choosing. The two case studies in combination examine how users with neurodevelopmental disabilities can influence decisions in the early stages of VR training development. The first reported case study was focused on engaging users in the potential of virtual reality opportunities for learning in schools having the goals to (a) learn about device preference (VR HMD) for young autistic people; (b) understand issues related to sensory and physical reactions, as well as levels of comfort and enjoyment of using VR HMDs; and (c) learn from the co-researchers ways that VR could be used in schools. Forty three participants took part between the ages of six and sixteen years-of-age with a mean age of twelve, with a male to female ratio being twenty eight to fifteen. Full details of the first case study is presented in the chapter by the co-authors. The second case study focused upon investigating a participatory design approach to co-create training materials on a daily living task for young adults with Intellectual Disabilities. In this study, a group of young adults with Intellectual Disabilities (IDs) led the creation of training guidelines on how to carry out a daily living task. The study was of (a) obstacles faced during the Participatory Design process; (b) barriers that the participants and researcher had to overcome in order to create guidelines that are effective; and (c) reflective account (by the researcher) that reflects on the whole process; developing a list of recommendations for best practice. The authors
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state that the long-term objective is to enable the participants in enhancing their lives, by being able to live independently and being able to secure lasting and meaningful employment. The participants in the second case study were attending a programme at an Irish Higher Education Institute (HEI) in Dublin. Ireland that was organised in partnership with a Service Provider for people with IDs. The authors decided that a focus group methodology was most appropriate. Six participants were involved with four being male and two female having an age range between early twenties and early forties having a variety of diagnoses of Kabuki syndrome, Williams syndrome, Downs Syndrome and general intellectual disability. Full details of the second case study is also presented in the chapter by the co-authors. The authors [3] conclude that the two case studies considered two neurodiverse populations (autistic people and people with ID) and they summarise with identifying the Guidelines for Best PD Practice with these populations that has emerged resulting from their research that they posit should be tested further to inform on inclusive design that can impact inclusive well-being to advance the field aligned to the title of this volume.
13.1.3 AquAbilitation: ‘Virtual Interactive Space’ (VIS) with Buoyancy Therapeutic Movement Training [4] The title of the next chapter is ‘AquAbilitation: ‘Virtual interactive space’ (VIS) with buoyancy therapeutic movement training’. The author is Anthony Lewis Brooks who is affiliated under Aalborg University, Denmark. The author makes clear that buoyancy aided movement-training is not new, however, he believes that buoyancy aided movement-training with direct audiovisual virtual reality feedback is novel. The background to the concept is that it was inspired from the author’s studies during the early 1990s that investigated his concept of ‘Antigrav’ (extended as ‘Anti Gravity’) aligned to concepts associated to weight and weightlessness, this under his larger body of research titled SoundScapes [7]. An inspiration to this work was from a meeting in Conférences CYPRES, Mouvement et Comportement, Ecole d’Art d’Aix en Provence (trans: ‘Movement and Behavior, Aix en Provence Art School, France’) in March 1995, with French dance choreographer and producer Kitsou Dubois. The author was presenting on the hypothetical potentials of weight and weightless art for individuals and groups who were considered as being handicapped across all ages and including balance training and gesture control for aged and disabled. The concept being to inquire how physical handicapped may use forces and counter-forces to express themselves creatively whilst exploring their own bodies—thus, to have a sense of their bodily ownership toward a freedom of movement to the best of a person’s ability. Dubois presented examples of her dance and movement experiments based upon her concept ‘microgravity’—https://vimeo. com/132641050—The following is from Kitsou Dubois, Gravité Zéro, 1994 from ‘Compagnie Ki’ Productions site-
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Gravité Zéro: Artistic Description (cf https://www.kitsoudubois.com/wordpress/?page_id= 211#anglais). The unique experience of dancing in weightlessness resulted in a first show: “Gravity Zero” visualises how it feels to fly. The fear of falling ingrained in the memory of the body is overcome by the freedom apparent in the floating movement and by the release of a body no longer weighed down. The dream of flight has come true! A poetic space has come into being in “Gravity Zero”, and it conveys to the spectator the way it feels to fly. The video is unobtrusively present; it is both the trace and the memory of our dream come true. The first part of the performance is based on phenomena of unsteadiness which make us realise how fragile our earthly verticality is. Our references to up and down are muddled by the use of the inclined plane where some of the dancers appear upside-down. In the second part, we have the mirror effects combined with the body movements resulting from zero gravity: fluidity which makes it hard to notice the supports, continuous motion and no feeling of falling or sudden stops. The dancers are gliding and dancing on the floor and the audience sees them flying through space!
This led to the author’s explorations in Contact Improvisation Dance is a form of improvised dancing that has been developing internationally since 1972. It involves the exploration of one’s body in relationship to others by using the fundamentals of sharing weight, touch, and movement awareness. In 1996 ten art performances with international contact improvisation mixed ability dance companies at Arken Museum for Modern Art (MoMA) under The European Culture Capital Copenhagen Kulturby, and performances at the Cultural Paralympics in the Rialto Theatre Atlanta exposed the author to top movement performers including bungee dancers that challenged gravity. Such exposures left a lasting impression on the author and his research. Within facilities available to disabled communities in Scandinavia are special pools. It was in one of these pools at the Lund University Hospital, in Lund, Sweden that the proof-of-concept reported in the chapter was initiated when the author was based there under a European project based upon his research. The chapter overviews the AquAbilitation research concept and how it associated to creation of a Virtual Reality, games, and human behaviour interaction complex titled SensoramaLab. Socialcultural perspectives of the research are shared alongside the fieldwork that informed the practical aspects of the research. Testing was done with the goal of learning from users and therapists what could be an optimal solution. The aquatic Virtual Interactive Space built upon the author’s earlier work presented at the World Congress for Physical Therapy (WCPT) in Yokohama [8]. However, the research targets a participant experience that differs from ‘Presence’ or ‘Telepresence’—a state that many researchers of Virtual Reality target, i.e. experiencing “being in” the computer-generated virtual environment (i.e. the qualia of having a sensation of being in a real place—[15]). Loomis [12] proposed instead of Presence this engagement being as “distal attribution”, in which the user experiences “being in touch with” the simulated or remote environment while fully cognizant of being in the real environment in which the display is situated. Loomis, from a psychological perspective, states that “True presence would occur when the observer has neither prior knowledge nor sensory information signifying that he/she is using a virtual or teleoperator display; when these conditions of cognitive and sensory equivalence fail
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to be met, distal attribution is the more likely result” (p. 593). This chapter’s author suggests that such a situation, where prior knowledge nor sensory information signifying that he/she is using a virtual or teleoperator display, is arguably not achievable. Aligned, it is reflected that user engagement and experiences of being in touch (via interacting) with elements of the non-HMD simulated environment while partialy cognizant of being in the real environment led to targeted outcome behaviour in the immersive environment—that in a way aligns with Slater’s definition of presence as ‘virtual place illusion and plausibility that lead to realistic behaviour in the immersive environment’. However, given an acquatic environment safety issue considerations are prevalent for future instances of the research where HMDs are planned to be introduced. A hypothesis of such an environment is that an engaged state would be achieved, sufficient to realise the targeted outcomes but with participants still partialy cognizant of being in the real environment necessitated through the safety to prevent drowning or related accidents. It is anticipated that such engaging experiences maybe more intense that non-HMD. However, additionally considered are the safety and well-being of participants that are improved through non-HMD (issues that include eye damage, nausea and dizziness through HMD use as well as other blue-light screen use2 ). Biocca and Levy [1], p. 130 inform how HMDs can potentially spread bacterial infections or head lice among users and take some time to put on and adjust to the individual. Covid-19 pandemic disinfecting of a HMD between-users is similarly relevant! To conclude, as stated, water-based treatment for wellness is not new and buoyancy aided movement-training is introduced in this chapter in the form of the history of Hydrotherapy to lay foundation to the titled concept ‘AquAbilitation’. The author informs on use of technology to create the setup and to analyse participant interactions. The concept emerged from reflecting from the author’s field work where it was clear, that following immersion in water, individuals with profound and severe dysfunctions were different in sessions where gesture-based motion sensors were mapped to auditory feedback (later including visuals and robotic devices) that stimulated their movements. Thus, the author’s non-aquatic environments positively supplemented traditional therapeutic intervention in sessions within a treatment program. To combine water immersion with multimedia feedback (including Virtual Reality) that gives direct feedback to a participant was an obvious next step. The design of the ideal setup is shared where different technologies are proposed to advance the field and this is targeted as future research if a sponsor was to be realised. Images of known pools with projection facilities are also shared to exemplify what could be an ideal setting to further the research towards significant societal impact.
2 https://laserfitlens.com/vision-risk-from-long-term-exposure-to-screens-of-electronic-devices/.
13 VR/Technologies for Rehabilitation
13.1.4 Interactive Multisensory VibroAcoustic Therapeutic Intervention (iMVATi) [5] The final chapter in this part is titled ‘Interactive Multisensory VibroAcoustic Therapeutic Intervention’ by the same author as the previous chapter, namely Anthony Lewis Brooks from Aalborg University, Denmark. In this case, stimulus is in the form of haptic/tactile vibrations (alongside auditory and visuals, thus multimedia) as direct feedback instead of water against the participant’s body and direct auditory and visual feedback. In this was the holistic body of research SoundScapes includes auditory, visuals, robotics, water against body stimulus, bouyancy stimulus, as well as haptic/tactile feedback. SoundScapes thus advances towards an array of selectable interfaces as well as an array of selectable content stimulus such that flexible modular tailorable adaptable interactive environments are able to be personalised to a participant profile and targeted outcome from the participant experience. The participant experience was targeted to be entertaining, fun and playful and optimally beneficial such that therapeutic targeted goals were approached under a strategy to supplement traditional intervention. This chapter discusses and describes the setup, including the use of a vibroacoustic chamber containing low frequency speakers that were receiving filtered auditory signals from a sonic amplifier. The sounds that are amplified originated from a sound synthesizer with each tone triggered via human movement within a sensing zone. The sensed moving by the participant is directly manipulating sonic feedback that communicate where the movement was made—useful in the case of handicapped as sense of proprioception can be dysfunctional. Thus, a form of communication with the self is established, a causal feedback loop of cause and effect. Further, this is referred to by the author as ‘closing the afferent efferent neural feedback loop’ as what is subsequently sensed as sonic feedback by the brain (afferently), resulting from an initial motion, leads to a firing of synapses from the brain to efferent motoric pathways to initiate following motion with the sensing space. In line with Within the SoundScapes body of research that this chapter is under, communication is thus between a participant and a represented projected self, not necessarily as a replicant humanoid but rather as an interacting ‘form’ of data assemblage that can be referred to as multimedia—to stimulate in a multi-sensory fashion: This a given due to the selectable options available to manipulate sourced forward-input-to-system sensed human data (feed-forward) routed into computer-based contemporary mapping and scaling software. Biocca’s Cyborg’s Dilema text (1997) that followed his keynote of the same title at the International Cognitive Technology Conference in August, 1997 in Aizu, Japan, is considered aligning to this representation of the self as a communication form. The participant lies upon the vibroacoustic chamber to be able to feel the vibration and differences in frequencies that they themselves trigger via movements within three 3-dimensional volumetric space infrared sensors with data configuration rings as an onion in cross-section. The research also used linear ultrasound and planar CCD and CMOS sensors so that pros and cons of each sensor profile can be fitted to
A. L. Brooks
therapist’s desired movement for the patient to target optimal benefit and progression in training and optimal patient experience for the patient as they creatively express through triggering the multimedia by motion. Studies were conducted at an institute for children and adolescence having special needs being diagnosed with profound dysfunction. Biofeedback relative to the research is introduced in the chapter as well as the methodology, which were typically case studies aligned to a mixed methods approach using both qualitative and quantitative analysis (e.g. [16]). The chapter further informs on the author’s emergent model for intervention titled Zone of Optimised Motivation (ZOOM [6, 7, 13])—a methodology to optimise a patient experience and a strategy for improved facilitator intervention using technology in a session and including assessment and evaluation post session towards next-session redesign under an iterative progressive treatment program. The chapter informs how the design of the Virtual Interactive Space (VIS), i.e. the environment, where the VibroAcoustic Therapeutic (VAT) setup was establised at the Swedish school (Emaljskolan in Landskrona) built upon related work designing sensor-based multimedia interactive spaces [17, 18]. Close working and social relationship with the teachers led to an optimal situation for the research to be conducted in-situ—that is where the children and adolescence were comfortable and attended daily with staff that they knew who introduced the researcher and tasks. Content was selected to stimulate each individual knowing the various interfaces and the preferences of the children and adolescence—as informed by staff: For example low frequency oscillator synthesiser sounds from a Moog Taurus 3 foot pedalboard matched the vibroacoustic chamber. Such a pedalboard could also be physically pressed by such participants and this is an aspect presented for future inquiry in this field where foot pedals (such as the Moog was intended to be used by its designers) to change the multimedia (primarily the sounds and images) could be an expansion of the research in this chapter. Further, the chapter explains an intended direction where larger VAT platforms are envisaged for use to intensify vibrations and aligned to test differences between valve amplifiers and solid-state amplifiers in the process chain (testing envisaged by deaf and blind who may be more sensitive to haptic feedback stimulus). The work in progress is however limited to space requirement of a designated room for the research to flourish and advance the associated fields including the questioning of (alternative) communication potentials via creative expression as a channel that can potentially stimulate other pathways of stimuli that may be dysfunctional following damage e.g., in brain injury such as stroke. In this way a stroke patient could hear, see and/or feel their movements of a limb in space to train that limb despite their sense of that limb is diminished. Similarly, in such training, a stroke patient can hear, see and/or feel where their torso is in relation to their sensing of balance that is dysfunctional via the feedback that can be selected to match the patient and the sensing of data fine tuned to the individual needs and therapist goal from intervention. The chapter informs how feed-forward and feedback data can be manipulated to realise an optimised patient experience of (re)habilitation.
13 VR/Technologies for Rehabilitation
13.2 Conclusions In concluding this second part of the book, that has presented a brief introduction review of each chapter and its author(s) positioning, VR technologies for rehabilitation content chapters are presented. It is anticipated that scholars and students will be inspired and motivated by these contributions to the field of Technologies of Inclusive Well-Being towards inquiring more on the topics. The third part of this book follows the four chapters herein this second part—it is themed ‘Health and well-being’—enjoy. Acknowledgements Acknowledgements are to the authors of these chapters in this part of the book. Their contribution is cited in each review snippet and also in the reference list to support reader cross-reference. However, the references are without page numbers as they are not known at this time of writing. Further information will be available at the Springer site for the book/chapter.
References 1. Biocca, F., Levy, M.R.: Communication Applications of Virtual Reality. Erlbaum (1995) 2. Brooks, A.L. & Brooks, E.I.: Game-based (re)habilitation via movement tracking. In Brooks et al. (eds) Recent Advances in Technologies for Inclusive Well-Being. Intelligent Systems Reference Library 196, (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-59608-83 3. Politis, Y., Newbutt, N., Robb, N., Boyle, B., Kuo, H.J., Sung, C.: Case studies of users with neurodevelopmental disabilities: Showcasing their roles in early stages of VR training development. In Brooks et al. (eds) Recent Advances in Technologies for Inclusive WellBeing. Intelligent Systems Reference Library 196, (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-03059608-83 4. Brooks, A.L.: AquAbilitation: ‘Virtual interactive space’ (VIS) with buoyancy therapeutic movement training. In Brooks et al. (eds) Recent Advances in Technologies for Inclusive WellBeing. Intelligent Systems Reference Library 196, (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-03059608-83 5. Brooks, A.L.: Interactive Multisensory VibroAcoustic therapeutic intervention (iMVATi). In Brooks et al. (eds) Recent Advances in Technologies for Inclusive Well-Being. Intelligent Systems Reference Library 196, (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-59608-83 6. Brooks, A.L.: Intelligent Decision-Support in Virtual Reality Healthcare & Rehabilitation. Studies in Comput. Intell. 326, 143–169 (2011). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-16095-0 7. Brooks, A.L.: SoundScapes: the evolution of a concept, apparatus and method where ludic engagement in virtual interactive space is a supplemental tool for therapeutic motivation (2011). https://vbn.aau.dk/files/55871718 8. Brooks, A.L.: Virtual interactive space (V.I.S.) as a movement capture interface tool giving multimedia feedback for treatment and analysis. In: Proceeding of World Confederation for Physical Therapy (1999) 9. Brooks, A.L.: Ao Alcance de Todos Música: Tecnologia e Necessidades Especiais., Casa da Musica. Proc. 7th ICDVRAT with ArtAbilitation, Maia, Portugal, 2008. Reading University, UK (2008). https://vbn.aau.dk/ws/portalfiles/portal/41580679/Porto_Workshop_2008_paper. pdf 10. Brooks, A.L., Hasselblad, S.: Creating aesthetically resonant environments for the handi434 capped, elderly and rehabilitation: Sweden. In: Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality and Associated Technologies, pp. 191–198 (2004)
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11. Brooks, A.L., Hasselblad, S., Camurri, A., Canagarajah, N.: Interactionwith shapes and sounds as a therapy for special needs and rehabilitation. In: Proceedings of 4th InternationalConference on Disability, Virtual Reality, and Associated Technologies, pp. 205–212. Veszprém, Hungary (2002) 12. Loomis, J.M.: Presence and Distal Attribution: Phenomenology, determinants, and assessment. In: Proc. SPIE 1666 Human Vision. Visual Processing and Digital Display III, 590–594 (1992) 13. Brooks, A., Petersson, E.: Recursive reflection and learning in raw data video analysis of interactive ‘play’ environments for special needs health care. Healthcom (2005b). IEEE https:// ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/1500399 14. Benton, L., Vasalou, A., Khaled, R., Johnson, H., Gooch, D.: Diversity for design: a framework for involving neurodiverse children in the technology design process. In: Proceedings of CHI (2014) 15. Slater, M.: Place illusion and plausibility can lead to realistic behaviour in immersive virtual environments. Philos. Trans. Royal Soc. 364, 3549–3557 (2009). https://doi.org/10.1098/rstb. 2009.0138 16. Yin, R.K.: Case Study Research and Applications: Design and Methods (6th edn.) Sage (2017) 17. Brooks, A.L., Petersson, E.: Play therapy utilizing the Sony EyeToy®. In: Slater, M. (ed.) Annual International Workshop on Presence (8th) pp. 303–314 (2005) 18. Brooks, A.L., Sorensen, C.: Communication Method and Apparatus. Patent US 6(893), 407 (2005)
Chapter 14
Game-Based (Re)Habilitation via Movement Tracking Anthony Lewis Brooks and Eva Brooks
Abstract An international collaborative explorative pilot study is detailed between hospitals in Denmark and Sweden involving rehabilitation medical staff and children where the affordable, popular and commercially available Sony PlayStation 2 EyeToy® is used to investigate our goal in enquiring to the potentials of games utilizing mirrored user embodiment in therapy. Results highlight the positive aspects of gameplay and the evacuant potential in the field. Conclusions suggest a continuum where presence state is a significant interim mode toward a higher order aesthetic resonance state that we claim inherent to our interpretation of play therapy. Whilst this research is a few years ago the findings are still relevant and align to contemporary studies and in context of this book where cross-reference is made from another publication. Keywords Flow · Therapy · Training · Play
14.1 Introduction Our hypothesis is that game playing using embodied user interaction has evaluand potentials in therapy and thus significance in quality of life research for the special needs community. A state of presence is inherent where stimulation of fantasy and imagination involves engagement and subsequent interaction with a virtual environment (VE). Once this engagement is achieved and sustained we propose that a higher order state is achievable through empowered activity toward a zone of optimized motivation (ZOOM) [1]. This is possible by using an interface to the VE that is empowering without the need for any wearable technology that is deemed encumbering or limiting for the participant. The interface data—participant motion—is mapped to control immediate feedback that has real world physical traits of response interesting, enjoyable, and fun for the participant experience and engagement is further enhanced. A. L. Brooks (B) · E. Brooks Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark e-mail: [email protected] © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 A. L. Brooks et al. (eds.), Recent Advances in Technologies for Inclusive Well-Being, Intelligent Systems Reference Library 196, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-59608-8_14
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Subjective presence has predominantly investigated in respect of optimal user state in environments and has been suggested as being increased when interaction techniques are employed that permit the user to engage in whole-body movement [2]. Our findings to date indicate at the motivational potential from an enhanced state of presence achieved from game environments where the body is used as the interactive unencumbered interface [3–7].
14.1.1 Presence and Aesthetic Resonance: As a ‘Sense State’ Continuum We are interested in observed behaviour aspects of presence where there is evidence of only a limited body of research. Accordingly, the case is made for a continuum beyond presence that satisfies our requirement of a play therapy scenario where, from within what is termed a state of aesthetic resonance, we enquire to the potential from game systems with mirrored user embodiment by using the EyeToy® . As a result of this initial pilot enquiry we intend to reach a point from where to launch a fuller investigation with a more optimized environment, method, and analysis design. Aesthetic Resonance (AR) is when the response to intent is so immediate and aesthetically pleasing as to make one forget the physical movement (and often effort) involved in the conveying of the intention and is in line with [4, 8]. Within targeted aesthetic resonance our strategy is to approach the same immersive engagement that occurs between a child and a computer video game that is often subject to negativity and reverse the polarity of attitude so that it is positively used to empower activities beyond the usual limits of the special needs participant through encouraging an immersed ‘play’ mindset rather than a ‘therapy’ mindset which our prior research has shown as optimal [9]. Within this set up the same information that is used as control data to the interactive feedback content is available for simultaneously performance progress monitoring. System tailoring as a result of observations of user performance—both physiological and psychological—is opportune with related testing that supplements traditional forms of performance measurement. This is in line with our earlier approach to interaction in virtual environments with acquired brain damage patients [4, 5, 9, 10] and is related to a study concerning brain neuroplasticity and associated locomotor recovery of stroke patients that reports on users interacting with games and perceiving the activity not as exercise or therapy, but as play [11].
14 Game-Based (Re)Habilitation via Movement Tracking
14.1.2 Play Most play research informs about its relationship to children’s cognitive development, and focuses on solitary play [12]. However, this research does not account for the totality of what is going on between children in situations of interactive play therapy. Our play therapy approach is activity driven and the targeted aesthetic resonant state of the user we suggest is beyond the often-used all-encompassing term of presence. Significantly, others have approached presence as an activity including video games [13]—but conducted in a laboratory which we question due to the situated effect of the environment on the participants. In previous studies [1] we state that activities always are situated, which underline a complex relationship between the individual, the activity, and the environment as mutually constitutive [14]. Thus, a relationship to situated presence is implied as we base our enquiry at locales of predicted use with real users. The goal being exploratory is thus implemented in a pilot study so as to define problem areas to achieve preliminary data on potentials of video games in therapy.
14.1.3 Under Used Resource for Therapy With the advancement in computer vision techniques and camera advancements, we claim that systems such as the EyeToy® , which focus on the body as the interface, are an under resourced opportunity for therapists to include into training as unlike traditional biofeedback systems, specific licensing is not required as there are no attachments to the patient. The system also achieves an essential aspect of children’s engagement in virtual or real worlds as within our situated interactive therapy space they are ‘placed’ in the midst of the experience, as in a flow state [15]. We hypothesize that tools such as the EyeToy® have potentials to decrease the physical and cognitive load in a daily physical training regime, and this is central to our concept as the child experiences a proactive multimodal state of presence that encourages an unconscious ‘pushing of their limits’ that they otherwise would not approach outside of the interactive framework. This supports the statement of iterative human afferent efferent neural loop closure as a result of the motivational feedback and feed-forward interaction. This process is valuable for the child’s physical demands in everyday life as the pushing intensifies the child’s experience of movements in practice [16].
A. L. Brooks and E. Brooks
14.2 Gameplaying and Mastery The investigation presented in this chapter addresses the promotion of motivational feedback within empowered gameplaying activities whilst attempting at understanding motivational mechanisms. This is by analysing the gameplaying as an action where the child’s increased skills in using the video game is viewed as a process of emerged mastery [17] of their ‘doings’ in a form relating to cycles of action-reactioninteraction. The material of the child’s action within this study is the movement as the child masters the computer game by moving the body. In Laban’s [16] terminology this is described as an ‘effort’ and he furthermore underline the importance of offering the child opportunities to express him- or herself through non-human directed efforts in order to keep and increase the child’s immediate spontaneity in the situation (e.g. reactive content that promotes subsequent interaction from the child). For environments to be supportive in this sense, they must engage the child in challenging ways. Even though environments provide children a sense of challenge, they have to feel that their skills meet the challenges. If there is an imbalance between the challenges and the child’s skills the child will become stressed or bored. Play and exploration encourage a sense of flow (immersion in enjoyable activities) that “provides a sense of discovery, a creative feeling of transporting the person into a new reality. It pushed the person to higher levels of performance, and led to previously undreamed-of states of consciousness” [15, p. 74]. Optimal experience is also described as “a sense that one’s skills are adequate to cope with the challenges at hand, in a goal-directed, rule-bound action system that provides clear clues as to how well one is performing” [15, p. 71]. These activities are intrinsically rewarding and the enjoyment derives from the gameplaying activity in itself, which is related to the notion of the Zone of Proximal Development in learning situations [18]. In an explorative manner the child’s cycle of movements can be shown to be fluent and intense or segmented without connection. Laban [16] defines such changes in movements as important as they indicate whether there is a presence or absence of flow from one action and state of mind to another. As such the ZOOM [1] is important in its encouragement of the child’s unintentional and/or intentional explorations, without immediate goals as in play, or curious discovery, and as a foundation of evoked interest [19]. This kind of interest indicates that the state of aesthetic resonance facilitates a foundation of creative achievements. The motivational feedback loop described in this paper is also influenced by Leont’ev [20] description of the formation of an internal plane. We have chosen to use the term of mastery to describe such processes where emphasis is on how the child’s use of the game features leads to development of certain skills rather than on internalization [18], or more generalized abilities. Thus, gameplaying actions do not need to be conscious, as at a certain level they can be unconscious skills, which, supported by playful aspects of the game, proactively push the child’s limits towards new levels of movements.
14 Game-Based (Re)Habilitation via Movement Tracking
As a preliminary investigation, we attempt to understand movements according to a semiotic interplay between the child’s inner and outer world [21] and relate the understanding to presence, through which spontaneous movement engagement and intensity is assigned [16]. We compare this to Wenger’s [22] and Vygotsky’s [18] description of emergent development processes. Bigün et al. [23] characterize such processes as non-formal, where exploration and curiosity are central conditions, rather than traditional formal training conditions. The movement cycle of the gameplaying child includes a construal of rhythm. The movement cycle is concentrated on the game’s external achievement and by moving the body to achieve the external goal the child relates the inner world to the outer. However, it is not so that every movement unifies the inner and outer worlds, there has to be a “reciprocal stimulation of the inward and outward flow of movement, pervading and animating the whole of the body” [16, p. 110] in order to enhance a sense of aesthetic resonance. In this way there is a range of flow through presence, from excitement to stillness, which increases and decreases the child’s participation in the gameplaying activity. This range embraces an orchestration of expanding bodily action in space, or, in terms of Laban [16], includes different trace forms of movements that demands continuity of gestures and it is these gestures that we analyse.
14.3 Method In consequence with our interpretation of the referenced theories and to fulfil the goals of the investigation we used a triangulation of qualitative methodologies to qualitatively analyse the combined materials from the two hospitals: – – – –
Video observations of children playing with the Keep Up EyeToy® game; Interviews with children and facilitators; Questionnaires to the facilitators involved; Diaries/field notes from the facilitators involved.
The subjects in the studies were 18 children (10 females and 8 males) between the ages of 5 and 12 years, mean age 7.66 years, in 20 gameplaying sessions. The children were selected by the hospitals and were well functioning. The control group was similar children from the hospitals not in sessions [5, 9, 10]. The facilitators involved at the hospital were two play therapists and three doctors.
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14.3.1 Description of Material In 2003 Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. released the EyeToy® as a new video game series for its market leading PlayStation® 2 (PS2) platform which is based upon using the player’s body movements as the interface to the game. This controller is unique in concept as all interactions to the game are through the video window rather than through the more common handheld gamepad or joystick device. The system is thus ideal for our enquiry. The EyeToy® game chosen for this study was called ‘Keep Up’ due to its immediate action content, built in scoring, and cross gender qualities. A monitoring system based on multiple cameras supplemented so that post session analysis was available.
14.3.2 Description of Procedure EyeToy® games have ‘tasks’ for the participants to accomplish. The task within this game is to keep a virtual football—with animated real-world physical properties— ‘up’ within a virtual environment. One game sequence is limited to three balls and three minutes. After three balls, or alternatively three minutes, the game agent turns up and gives the player negative or positive feedback related to the scores of the game. The player can increase or decrease the scores by hitting monkeys and other animated characters with the ball as the game progresses. At both hospitals the studied activities took place in rooms that also were used for other purposes, such as staff meetings and parent information. The children were not normally playing in this room and the system had to be set up around positional markers on floor and tables. Parents were approached about the project, informed of the goals, and were asked to give their permission on behalf of their children beforehand. Following the parents signing their permission the children were also asked to sign their permission to participate. The process started with positioning the child in the calibration upper torso outline on the screen and after an introduction the game was started. The gameplaying activity was observed and video recorded by the play therapists and doctors. After the ending of the session the children were immediately asked follow up questions concerning their experiences of the gameplaying activity. After the end of all sessions the play therapists and doctors were asked to fill in a questionnaire concerning their own experiences. A final interview with the play therapists and doctors was also carried out to conclude the field materials.
14 Game-Based (Re)Habilitation via Movement Tracking
Fig. 14.1 Set-up of equipment: a EyeToy® camera plus front monitoring camera to capture face and body expression. b VHS tape recorder c screen d PS2 e projector f the user space g rear camera to capture scene and screen h tape recorder #2
14.3.3 Description of the Set up In previous research on camera capture as game interface [6, 11] standard TV monitors were apparently used. Our approach uses a LSD projector for large image projections approaching a 1:1 size ratio of the child (mirroring). This strategy is built upon our prior research investigations [1, 3–5, 8, 9, 10, 24] to optimize the experience. A related study is reported in the case of presence and screen size [25]. Traditional use of mirroring is used in therapy training at institutes for people with disabilities and thus our design is ‘fit appropriate’ to this context. Figure 14.1 demonstrates the set-up of the gameplay. The components included in the set up was: (a) EyeToy® camera plus front monitoring camera to capture face and body expression (b) VHS tape recorder (c) screen (d) PS2 (e) projector (f) the user space (g) rear camera to capture scene and screen (h) tape recorder #2.
14.3.4 Description of Analysis The video recordings underwent numerous tempo spatial analyses [26] where the units of analysis were the qualitatively different expressions of movement. The material attained from the sessions consisted of 36 × 1 (one) hour mini digital videos (rear and front views)—and corresponding additional backup video recordings—of the 240 video games that were played by the children (n = 18) in 20 sessions at the
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two hospitals. Each video was digitized for the subsequent analysis; similarly, all video interviews, written notes, memos and written interviews were transcribed and transferred onto a computer workstation.
Manual Analysis
Annotation was conducted by two coders. An initial series of four manual annotations of the video materials were conducted. These accounted for observed expressive gesture of the children (facial & body) (see Fig. 14.2, and Appendix 4: Table 14.3). In addition, each video archive game and pause duration was time logged and the first, last, and best performance extracted for later analysis (example charts of three children in Appendix 1: Fig. 14.3). Annotation of parameters of the games and pauses (between) before/after best and worst performance were also subject of closer analysis. An extra annotation was carried out on same child multiple sessions (n = 2) including t element task scores (ball 1, 2, 3). The temporal specifics concern rhythm as a periodic repetition and include dynamic kinetic change as well as structural patterns. Examples of temporal events are the qualities that are in play when the child affects the ball from one spot to another by swinging the body/hands or arms to and fro, which is often a challenge for those with functionality problems. The repetition of a movement develops a sense of enjoyment and engagement of the activity, which, in turn, motivates the child to continue to experience the movement. Laban [16] states that the repetition creates a memory of the experience, which is needed for new inspiration and insight to develop. More specifically the temporal data was classified into discrete units for
Fig. 14.2 Fully engrossed in the interaction—left images in Denmark hospital—right images in Swedish hospital
14 Game-Based (Re)Habilitation via Movement Tracking
analysis by applying the specifics of speed, intensity, and fluency of movements [16, and Efron in 26]. The spatial specifics concern where the body moves through extended movements towards another situation in the spatial environment. Example of spatial events are the qualities that are in play when the child seeks another situation in the spatial environment, e.g. moving like jumping or leaning the body from one side of the screen to the other whereby the central area of the child’s body is transported to a new position when keeping the virtual game ball up in the air. The spatial data was classified into discrete units for analysis by applying the specifics of range and intentionality of movements [16, and Efron in 26]. Alongside with these tempo spatial qualities children’s face expressions and utterances were analysed. Thus, a detailed manual multimodal analysis of the videos was realized so that: (a) each video was watched twice before the detailed analysis began; (b) the analysis of the first eight videos was realised twice each and the following eight videos once each; (c) each minute of video was systematically analysed and transcribed into an excel flowchart in relation to the categories described above. The categories analysed represented high or low degrees of the specific movement trait. This flowchart also included analysis of a facial expression, a description of what happened on the screen (Appendix 4: Table 14.3); (d) every category (n = 8) was analysed separately, which means that the first eight videos were watched in total 18 times each, and the remaining being watched 10 times each. Additionally, the multi-sessions were annotated further four times.
Computer Analysis
Toward a goal to amass indicators of the overall motion attributes of each child an automated low-level movement analysis was computed on the videos utilising software modules from the ‘EyesWeb Gesture Processing Library’ specific to the quantity and contraction aspects of the movement.1 The data was then exported to a spread sheet for further analysis. Our strategy for the automated computer video analysis was to supplement the manual annotations toward our overall goal in development of the methodology by (a) following a background subtraction on the source video to segment the body silhouette a Silhouette Motion Image (SMI) algorithm that is capable of detection of overall quantity, velocity and force of movement is used. Extraction of measures related to the ‘temporal dynamics of movement’ is computed and a threshold value slider can be adjusted according to each child’s functional ability so that he or she is considered to be moving if the area of the motion image is greater than the related (to threshold) percentage of the total area [27]. The adjustment of the threshold value is achieved in real-time annotation of the videos (Appendix 2: Fig. 14.4); (b) a contraction index (CI with range 0–1) algorithm is used with a bounding rectangle that surrounds the 2D silhouette representation of the child within the minimal possible 1 www.bris.ac.uk/carehere
and www.eyesweb.org.
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rectangle. The CI is lower if the child has outstretched limbs compared to an image showing the limbs held close to the body where the CI approaches 1 (Appendix 2: Fig. 14.5). Problems were apparent with the child encroaching towards the camera, and background noise. A correcting normalisation algorithm was unsuccessful in correcting the problem and thus refinement is needed [27].
14.4 Results Our explorative question concerned the potential of video games in therapy and requirements toward a meaningful and optimized full investigation. Our findings present the facts that: (1) more care in the set-up of the room background is needed— some videos had curtains blown with wind and people walking behind the child, (2) attire of children should contrast background—if light background and light shirt, then camera software problems occur with differentiating between child and background, (3) lighting of child/room should be optimised, (4) the system is developed for upper torso single person play but many of the children used all of their bodies, especially in kicking when the ball was lower in the screen (5) facilitators should not talk or be in line of sight. Our instructions were also interpreted differently by each hospital in so much that (1) in Sweden a time limit of 10 min was established for each session, (2) a long practise period was included within the Swedish ten-minute period, (3) in Denmark one of the doctors also included practice periods for his children, (4) in Sweden multiple sessions were held in the same day whilst in Denmark single session per day.
14.4.1 Tempo Spatial Movements In annotating the games Start—Middle—End segmented zones were interpreted in respect of game and pause data. As expected the best performance was achieved in the end segments on an 8:15:17 ratio (even accounting for extended play boredom through no level change). The shortest game ratio was 18:13:9; the longest pause ratio 16:12:12; and the shortest pause ratio 8:14.18. These figures indicate that the virtual environment interaction with the EyeToy® met with predicted balance of performance and learning curve. Of interest within the figures was the fact that in most cases the best performance was preceded by the child’s shortest pause and that following the best game it was often the case that the next two games declined in performance drastically. This matches the manual annotation where the activity (play) peaks and in most cases the emotional expression from face and body gesture before and after relates. A general result was the faces of the children giving a defined statement of their presence (and aesthetic resonance) in the interaction with the content of the game, which was mostly pleasing and a challenge for their skills.
14 Game-Based (Re)Habilitation via Movement Tracking
The detailed analysis showed a connection between tempo spatial movements and aesthetic resonance through a correlation between the categories of intensity and intentionality. When there was a high, medium, or low degree of movement intensity, the same degree was always appearing in the category of intentionality of movements. Furthermore, there was a higher degree of aesthetic resonance related to spatial movements than to temporal as the categories of range, intentionality, and shifts had high or medium degree of movements. The categories of speed and fluency, on the other hand, had low or medium degrees of movements, while the degree of intensity in temporal movements was high (Appendix 3, Table 14.2). The computed data analysis supported the manual analysis so as to indicate higher or lower degrees of quantity of movements (QOM) and through the threshold of motion and non-motion segmentation (Appendix 2: Fig. 14.4). Our findings in the multi-sessions were limited to two children. The standard deviation in scores between the sessions is significantly reduced with the girl [duration] 46% [between] 30% [1st ball duration] 79% [2nd ball duration] 1% [3rd ball duration] 49%—the boy, who notably in the first session had an intravenous attachment, showed insignificant change in total. Overall, consistent to our single sessions were reduced ‘between’ times for both the girl (12%) and the boy (9%) which we claim as a possible indicator of motivation, which we relate to the enjoyment and fun in playing the game. This involves emergent learning of navigation modes and is an attribute to aesthetic resonance through its inherent presence factor. In the multi-sessions we conducted a preliminary computer analysis for duration of last pause and motion phases (Appendix 2: Fig. 14.4). Our findings were that both the girl and the boy had increased standard deviation and average of duration of last pause phase combined with a reduced duration of motion phase from the first to second session. This may indicate that over a number of sessions less motion is required to achieve similar tasks, thus more effective movement is learnt as the child gets acquainted with the game. Further investigation in relating such findings to presence would seem in order. To sum up, aesthetic resonance was indicated partly through the high degree of intensity and intentionality in movements. Intensity and intentionality were shown through the children’s concentration and also through their force and passion when playing the game. Aesthetic resonance was indicated by the degree of movements of range and shifts in the children’s movements. The categories of speed and fluency did not have any influence on aesthetic resonance as they did not influence the intensity, intentionality, range, or shifts in movements.
14.4.2 Interface and Activities In interviews with children concerning their positive and negative experiences of the EyeToy® game the main part of the children expressed positive experiences. 61.1% (n = 11) of the children thought the EyeToy® game was fun, while 22.2% (n = 4)
264 Table 14.1 Attributes
A. L. Brooks and E. Brooks Positive? Interface
Body used
22.2% (4)
22.2% (4)
To move
11.1% (2)
16.6% (3)
5.5% (1)
16.6% (3)
5.5% (1)
61.1% (11)
38.8% (7)
5.5% (1)
38.3% (7)
5.5% (1)
5.5% (1)
16.6% (3)
38.3% (7)
said that they liked it. One (1) child said that the EyeToy® game was difficult, but he also said that the gameplaying was fun. Concerning positive and negative specifics of the gameplay 38.8% (n = 7) of the children answered on the interface attributes and 61.1% (n = 11) on the activity attributes of the game (Table 14.1). The children’s negative experiences of the game only concerned activity attributes regards the content of the game. Two children answered that they enjoyed the whole EyeToy® game. Six children referred to movements—using the body and to move—when they were asked about the positive attributes of the game. Four children said that the ball-play attribute was the best, while seven children stated that the ball-play attribute was the most difficult. These facts indicate that the ball-play attribute in itself was a challenging activity, as three of the children also confirmed. The game agents were the main attributes when the children referred to negative aspects of the EyeToy® game experiences as it repeatedly gave negative feedback to the children. The monkeys were stated as difficult by one child, but were also considered as fun by three of the children. In summary, the children’s experiences of the EyeToy® game indicated that the interface supported the gameplaying activity in a challenging way and aesthetic resonance was achieved through this challenge.
14.4.3 Resource for Therapy In interviews and the field notes from the play therapists and the doctors positive, negative, and practical aspects of the children’s gameplay with the EyeToy® game was started. They also gave indications on potential with the EyeToy® game in therapy.
14 Game-Based (Re)Habilitation via Movement Tracking
Positive aspects: The EyeToy® game was great fun for the children who were concentrated on the tasks in the game. Negative aspects: The children quickly became bored as it was either too hard or too easy to play; three balls were too few; the game ended quickly limiting the challenge; the game agent mostly gave negative feedback, which many of the children commented upon. Practical aspects: A room allocated for the test is necessary for future research; the camera set-up was too complicated to handle; the camera set-up limited some of the children’s movements; both hospitals wish to continue with future EyeToy® research. Potentials with EyeToy® in therapy: The game activity is fun and the training aspect simultaneously involved, becomes fun as well; the game activity brings in movements to the therapy, which make sense and benefits the children’s rehabilitation; playing the EyeToy® game becomes physiotherapy; if there was more of challenge and action in the games, the potentials for therapy would increase as the fun and motivation for moving probably would increase.
To sum up, the results from field notes and interviews with the play therapists and doctors underlined the potential with the EyeToy® system in therapy emphasizing flow and fun aspects of the gameplaying as beneficial for the therapy training.
14.5 Discussion The purpose of the study was to qualify the initial use of the system for children in rehabilitation in a hospital scenario with a consideration of the inherent logistics and practicalities. We restricted our unit of analysis to different expressions of tempo spatial movements in process as indicators of a possible presence state related to behaviour and situation within play therapy. Through our exploratory investigation our findings indicate that aesthetic resonance through intensity and intentionality is related to flow and conscious reactions when a child interacts with the EyeToy® game. Furthermore, presence enhanced aesthetic resonance through range and shift related to movement increments. As far as we can ascertain, the limited computed data supports the manual annotations and our claim where observation of activity mediated within a human afferent efferent neural loop closure as a result of interaction to content of a virtual environment. The field-experiments we consider as a start toward understanding the mechanisms of motivation promoted by multimodal immersion, and the triangulations of actions becoming reactions resulting in interaction in play activities.
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14.6 Conclusions Our approach relates to the heuristic evaluation strategy of Nielsen [28] where natural engagement and interaction to a virtual environment having ‘real-world’ physical traits and being compatible with user’s task and domain is such that expression of natural action and representation to effect responsive artefacts of interesting content feedback encourages a sense of presence. Beyond presence we seek a sense state continuum that stimulates intrinsic motivated activity, and from prior research we have termed this aesthetic resonance. To engage an actor in aesthetic resonance we implement a strategy toward creating enjoyment and fun as the user perceived level of interaction where emotional expression of body is the control data of the feedback. In this way an afferent efferent neural feedback loop is established. The data that is controlling the feedback content is available for therapeutic analysis where progression can be monitored and system design adapted to specifics of the task centred training. The user experience however is targeted at being solely play based. In this document we report on our pilot study which is the first phase of an extended full-scale research investigation based on our hypothesis that the positive attributes in utilizing digital interactive games that embody the actor in VE therapy will relegate the negativity tagged to video games and offer new opportunities to supplement traditional therapy training and testing. Our prior research informs that intrinsic motivation is a potential strength of game interaction where the user becomes aware only of the task and in an autotelic manner extends otherwise limiting physical attributes beyond what may otherwise be possible to achieve, and this supports our hypothesis. This study discovered that problems to overcome are the video recording system, the interpretation of instruction, and the room availability. A new single button system for optimizing the video recording system has been designed and budget planned to improve the next phase of the project. Similarly, the hospitals promise a designated space in future. The children’s quantity, dynamic, and range of movements when immersed in the gameplaying activity were over and above their usual range of movements. Their facial expression and emotional outbursts further substantiated our claim that an initial state of presence was achieved. Acknowledgements Hospitals, Staff, & children: Länssjukhuset in Halmstad, Sweden; Sydvestjysk Sygehus in Esbjerg, Denmark. SCEE, Egmont/Nordisk Film, Scandinavia. Sony Denmark. This study was part financed by cooperation between Sony Computer Entertainment Europe; Egmont Interactive, Scandinavia; Sony Denmark, SoundScapes ApS, Denmark, and the authors. “PlayStation” is a registered trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. “EyeToy” is a registered trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment Europe. Algorithms adapted from those created with partial support from IST Project CARE HERE where the first author was researcher [27]. A considerable part of this paper is based on a paper presented at the Presence 2005 event in London without DOI (http://matthewlombard.com/welcome.html or https://astro.temple.edu/~lom bard/ISPR/Proceedings/2005/Brooks%20and%20Petersson.pdf).
14 Game-Based (Re)Habilitation via Movement Tracking
Fig. 14.3 Three examples showing game play results: (top graph) Esbjerg 9 (male 7 years of age) where successes are inconsistent and possibly due to unstable presence. Game 13 is where a higher level was attempted shown by his ‘between time’ high. Esbjerg 13 (girl of 8 years of age—middle graph) achieved completion of the full game (8th game) resulting in an affirmative comment from the game agent. Esbjerg 14 (female 10 years of age—low graph) had most problems (game duration average 24/56.6) this reflective of her functional condition (brain tumor), however she achieved the most number of games (32) whilst continuously pushing her limitations and at conclusion interview described the “great fun” despite her difficulties
Appendix 1 See Fig. 14.3.
Appendix 2 See Figs. 14.4 and 14.5.
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Fig. 14.4 Quantity and segmentation of movement. Threshold/buffer/motion phase indicators (upper right). Buffer image, SMI and source windows (upper left), Halmstad hospital, Sweden. Algorithm for QOM, pause and motion phase duration available from authors
Appendix 3 See Table 14.2.
14 Game-Based (Re)Habilitation via Movement Tracking
Fig. 14.5 Contraction Index (CI) analysis. Upper right shows silhouette bounding rectangle initially set on buffer image, Esbjerg hospital, Denmark. Algorithm is made available from the authors
Appendix 4 See Table 14.3.
2 3
5 6
Shortest g#
Longest g#
Shortest g#
Longest g#
High degree (%)
Total games
Category of movement trait
Medium degree (%)
Table 14.2 Session overview: upper = sessions/games (g)/pauses (p). lower = movement analysis
Low degree (%)
270 A. L. Brooks and E. Brooks
Spatial Range
Time min.
Table 14.3 Tempo spatial analysis: an example of one annotated session video file
Monkeys/game over/character/wave (continued)
Character/wave/ball/monkeys (shortly)
Character/wave/ball/game over
Ball/monkeys/game over
Monkeys/game over/character/wave
Wave/ball/monkeys/game over
Ball/monkeys/game over/character/wave
Monkeys/game over/character/wave
Ball/monkeys/game over/character/wave
Character/wave/ball/game over
Wave/ball/game over
Start screen/character
14 Game-Based (Re)Habilitation via Movement Tracking 271
Spatial Range
Time min.
Table 14.3 (continued)
Ball/monkeys/game over
Ball/monkeys/game over/character
Game over/character/wave
Wave/ball/monkeys/game over
Ball/monkeys/game over/character/wave
Monkeys/game over/character/wave/ball
Ball/monkeys/game over/character/wave
272 A. L. Brooks and E. Brooks
14 Game-Based (Re)Habilitation via Movement Tracking
References 1. Brooks, A., Petersson, E.: Recursive reflection and learning in raw data video analysis of interactive ‘play’ environments for special needs health care. In: Healthcom 2005, 7th International Workshop on Enterprise Networking and Computing in Healthcare Industry, pp. 83–87 (2005) 2. Slater, M., Steed, A., McCarthy, J., Maringelli, F.: The influence of body movement on subjective presence in virtual environments. Hum. Factors 40(3), 469–477 (1998) 3. Brooks, A.: Enhanced gesture capture in virtual interactive space. Dig. Creat. 16(1), 43–53 (2005) 4. Brooks, A., Hasselblad, S.: CAREHERE—creating aesthetically resonant environments for the handicapped, elderly and rehabilitation: Sweden. In: Sharkey, P., McCrindle, R., Brown, D. (eds.) 5th International Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality, and Associated Technologies, pp. 191–198 (2004) 5. Brooks, A., Petersson, E.: Humanics 2: human computer interaction in acquired brain injury rehabilitation. In: Proceedings of HCI International 2005, Las Vegas, USA. CD Rom (2005) 6. Rand, D., Kizony, R., Weiss, P.L.: Virtual reality rehabilitation for all: Vivid GX versus Sony PlayStation II EyeToy. In: Sharkey, P., McCrindle, R., Brown, D. (eds.) 5th International Conference On Disability, Virtual Environments and Association Technologies, pp. 87–94 (2004) 7. Kizony, R., Katz, N., Weingarden, H., Weiss, P.L.: Immersion without encumbrance: adapting a virtual reality system for the rehabilitation of individuals with stroke and spinal cord injury. In: Sharkey, P., Sik Lányi, C., Standen, P. (eds.) 4th International Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality and Association Technologies, pp. 55–62 (2002) 8. Brooks, A., Hasselblad, S., Camurri, A., Canagarajah, N.: Interaction with shapes and sounds as a therapy for special needs and rehabilitation. In: Sharkey, P., Sik Lányi, C., Standen, P. (eds.) 4th International Conference On Disability, Virtual Reality, and Associated Technologies, pp. 205–212 (2002) 9. Brooks, A.: Virtual interactive space (V.I.S.) as a movement capture interface tool giving multimedia feedback for treatment and analysis. In: 13th International Congress of The World Confederation for Physical Therapy, pp. 66 (1999) 10. Brooks, A.: Humanics 1: a study to create a home based telehealth product to supplement acquired brain injury therapy. In: Sharkey, P., McCrindle, R., Brown, D. (eds.) 5th International Conference On Disability, Virtual Environments and Associated Technologies, pp. 43–50 (2004) 11. You, S.H., Jang, S.H., Kim, Y.H., Hallett, M., Ahn, S.H., Kwon, Y.H., Kim, J.H., Lee. M.Y.: Virtual Reality-Induced Cortical Reorganization and Associated Locomotor Recovery in Chronic Stroke. Retrieved 28/7/2005 www.hamptonu.edu/News_Publications/ 12. Rogoff, B.: Apprenticeship in Thinking. Cognitive Development in Social Context. Oxford University, NY (1990) 13. Retaux, X.: Presence in the environment: theories, methodologies and applications to video games. Psychol. J. 1(3), 283–309 (2003) 14. Lave, J., Wenger, E.: Situated Learning. Legitimate Peripheral Participation. Cambridge University, NY (1991) 15. Csikszentmihalyi, M.: Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience. Natur och Kultur, Stockholm (1992) 16. Laban, R.: Modern Educational Dance, 3rd edn. MacDonald and Evans, Bungay Suffolk (1963) 17. Wertsch, J.V.: Mind As Action. Oxford University Press, New York Oxford (1998) 18. Vygotsky, L.S.: Mind in Society: The Development of Higher Psychological Processes. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA (1978) 19. Berg, L-E.: Den lekande människan. Lund (1992) 20. Leont’ev, A.N.: The problem of activity in psychology. In: Wertsch, J.V. (ed.) The Concept of Activity in Soviet Psychology, pp. 37–71. Armonk, NY (1981) 21. Leont’ev, A.N.: Activity, Consciousness and Personality. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ (1981)
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22. Wenger, E.: Communities of Practice. Learning, Meaning, and Identity. Cambridge University Press, NY (1998) 23. Bigün, J., Petersson, E., Dahiya, R.: Multimodal interfaces designing digital artifacts together with children. In: 7th International Conference on Learning and Educational Media, Slovakia (2003) 24. Brooks, A.: SoundScapes—a concept and methodology of “being there”. In: Proceedings 6th Annual International Workshop on Presence. [Abstract], pp. 67 (2003) 25. Lee, K.M., Peng, W.: Effects of screen size on physical presence, self presence, mood, and attitude toward virtual characters in computer/video game playing. In: Proceedings 6th Annual International Workshop on Presence. [Abstract], pp. 23 (2003) 26. Ruesch, J., Kees, W.: Nonverbal Communication: Notes on the Visual Perception of Human Relations, pp. 76. UCLA (1970) 27. Camurri, A., Mazzarino, B., Volpe, G.: A Tool for Analysis of Expressive Gestures: The EyesWeb Expressive Gesture Processing Library. Ret. 18/2/2005 www.megaproject.org 28. Nielsen, J.: Usability engineering. Academic, NY (1993)
Chapter 15
Case Studies of Users with Neurodevelopmental Disabilities: Showcasing Their Roles in Early Stages of VR Training Development Yurgos Politis, Nigel Newbutt, Nigel Robb, Bryan Boyle, Hung Jen Kuo, and Connie Sung Abstract In this chapter we will reflect on two projects that have enabled disabled groups to be involved in designing and influencing technology that will be used by them. In addition, we will reflect on the process, limitations, barriers and actual involvement of the user groups. The case studies will be illustrative and provide a rich and meaningful account of what we did. Lessons and implications will be discussed as will future ways to engage a range of users in technology-based outcomes. Keywords Virtual reality (VR) · Augmented Reality (AR)/Mixed reality · User experience design · Participatory design · Case studies · Accessibility · Game design and development
Y. Politis Technological University Dublin, Dublin, Ireland e-mail: [email protected] N. Newbutt (B) University of Florida, Gainesville, USA e-mail: [email protected] N. Robb University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan e-mail: [email protected] B. Boyle University College Cork, Cork, Ireland e-mail: [email protected] H. J. Kuo · C. Sung Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA e-mail: [email protected] C. Sung e-mail: [email protected] © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 A. L. Brooks et al. (eds.), Recent Advances in Technologies for Inclusive Well-Being, Intelligent Systems Reference Library 196, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-59608-8_15
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15.1 Introduction Steve Jobs once famously said that people do not know what they want until the innovators and pioneers show it to them (Business Week, 25th May 1998), implying that user involvement can stifle creativity and limit the potential for ‘out of the box’ thinking. However, 10 years later in an interview to CBS (60 min, 2008) he suggests that great things in business are never done by one person, they’re done by a team of people. Societies have embraced a shift to a ‘participatory culture’ where consumers create, share and respond to media [1]. A diverse group of people with varied roles in the process are coordinated towards a shared goal and can have a successful outcome [2]. User involvement in the design/creation of products and services, has become more participatory in nature and the role of the users has evolved from being influencers of just the final outcome (testing a prototype) to influencers of the development and design process; from being tasked with the standardization of products/outcomes to being actively involved in their customization to meet individuals’ needs and preferences; and from being mere participants to having a relationship with the designers/developers. There has therefore been a shift to products being “designed by” the customers where they are actively involved in all phases of the development process of their product. The development and design process of products or services should enable specific user groups to achieve certain goals with effectiveness and productivity (ISO/IEC 25010:2011; standardization of software products and software-intensive computer systems). Moreover, the process can benefit from user involvement [3], because users can offer a different point of view, do some ‘out of the box’ thinking of their own that may provide inspiration for the future of development/design. However, the more complex a product is - in terms of requiring specialist skills (e.g., coding, programming), requiring subject knowledge and demanding significant resources (time and finances)—the more challenging user involvement becomes. Thus, even though participatory design methods (with varied techniques) have been successfully applied to the development of new technologies [4], users should be involved only when deemed that they can contribute meaningfully [5]. Adopting user involvement as a methodological approach is not straightforward and seems to require a new mindset; there would be a need to use varied methods to get the users input and show a degree of flexibility to ensure that they find the approach enjoyable and useful [6]. This would partly explain the resistance to employing it more frequently. Another explanation could be that user involvement has not always been more effective than an approach producing the same output without user involvement. In some instances of users being co-designers, they were less effective in changing behaviour than when the users were only testers, while in other instances, user involvement showed less effectiveness in increasing the participants’ self-efficacy [7]. When users engaged in participatory design of educational games they were more interested in design aspects rather than the educational content [8].
15 Case Studies of Users with Neurodevelopmental Disabilities …
Should everyone be involved in design? Technology giants claim, “their greatest products came from needs people hadn’t yet articulated” [9; April 8th 2018]. On the other hand, there is an emerging belief that in a user involvement approach, not every member must contribute, but all must “believe their contribution matter” and that what they contribute will be appropriately valued [1, p. 7]. The implication is that the approach is effective under specific conditions. The effectiveness of the approach would be enhanced if the users were sufficiently acquainted with the subject matter or had a certain level of design knowledge to identify the relevant information to their task and address the educational goals [8, 10, 11]; another option is to offer them training to gain the necessary knowledge [10, 12]. Another aspect is the knowledge deficit of the developers/designers in relation to user involvement design approaches, which would allow them to provide users with clear instructions and positive reinforcement [13, 14], allow them to clearly describe the process and techniques used [14] and ask good, probing questions [9]. When it comes to the field of disability and technology, historically the designing with and for user groups is an area that is often neglected [3, 16]. Designing technology for special needs groups tends to happen in a top-down framework, which means that decisions related to the design and development are generally influenced by designers rather than end-users. User involvement has been implemented since the 1970s and its benefits have been proven in several studies and settings (e.g., special educational needs; [3]) since then, yet there are those who believe it has been underutilized as an approach [17].
15.2 Neurodiversity and Participatory Design There have been few studies conducted using user involvement in the special education needs field. Early attempts were not that inclusive, because the users were limited to being either testers or informants, according to Druin’s [10] levels of child involvement in the design process (users, testers, informants, or design partner). Users, play with technology that is fully designed and developed with limited scope for revisions; testers play with an earlier version of the technology and the designers gather information from them by observing them and can make some changes; informants have a more active role, where they are brought in earlier in the process to help solve a problem; design partners are actively involved in all phases of the process, by attending design sessions, brainstorming ideas and also as testers of the product that has been co-designed. For instance, children with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) were involved in a participatory design as testers [18, 19], or testers and informants in designing, for example, facial expression recognition software [20]. However, more recently, that has changed, and projects have involved children with disabilities as design partners. For instance, Frauenberger et al. [21] co-designed a learning environment for social skills development, while Millen et al. [5] have developed a participatory design method for the design of collaborative virtual environments. Even though
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offering children with special needs significant control over the design process can be liberating for them [21], user involvement has not been adopted broadly [17], which raises the question: Why not? This approach does not reserve the title of “expert” for just a handful of people, but rather professes that everyone can bring their own expertise to the table, be creative and good listeners [17]. Others though would argue that it wastes valuable resources (money and time), which is seen as a luxury [22]. However, the biggest drawback may be that it is difficult to assess its effectiveness since identifying the controlling factors of an experimental design with and without user involvement may only be possible during the co-creation process [15]. When the users are people with disabilities, a host of new challenges and obstacles arise. There are challenges with regards to ethics, where the involvement of clinicians and/or families may also be necessary [23] and with regards to informed consent (difficulty in obtaining it). There are obstacles when it comes to recruitment of users that are representative of the population, due to the large variety of conditions and levels of severity [24]. Obstacles related to users with intellectual disabilities, are difficulty in expressing themselves and articulating their views due to lack of communication skills, lack of imagination and difficulty in understanding the concept of perspective – someone else’s point of view [5, 25]. In more recent years, a new approach to Participatory Design with neurodiverse populations (mainly ASD and dyslexia) has emerged that is based on the Diversity for Design (D4D) Framework [26]. This Framework advocates for design approaches that focus on the strengths of the participants, rather than overcoming weaknesses. The D4D Framework is a blueprint for technology designers on how to engage with neurodiverse populations through a PD approach. It can be summarized under the following two main headings (with associated subheadings): 1. Structuring environment Understanding culture. Tailor to individual. 2. Additional supports Understanding culture. Tailor to individual. While Benton et al. [26] have a D4D Framework applied to the development of PD features for ASD and Dyslexic populations, there isn’t one developed—to the best of our knowledge—for people with Intellectual Disabilities. The authors will be presenting here two case studies that address the practicalities of working with people with autism/ID (Intellectual Disability) in the early stages of Virtual Reality (VR) development. The first looks at user’s preferences regarding VR hardware, while the second considers user-involvement in designing the training content for carrying out a task of their choosing. The two case studies in combination examine how users with neurodevelopmental disabilities can influence decisions in the early stages of VR training development.
15 Case Studies of Users with Neurodevelopmental Disabilities …
15.3 Ethical Considerations Both studies applied for, and were approved, by their respective Ethical Standards Committees before engaging with their respective cohorts. As part of this approval, and following guidelines set out by both institutions, the data reported here is anonymized and names of participants/co-researchers are pseudonyms or not used. Every participant/co-researcher provided their full consent (and consent of their parent/guardian where necessary). In addition to this, the schools, centres and HEI (Higher Education Institution) we worked in are not named or identifiable. All authors report no conflict of interest in the work we engaged and neither do the participants or the schools/centre/HEI. The researchers reiterated that the participants’ involvement was voluntary and that they could cease their involvement at any point without any consequences.
15.4 Case Study Presentations In this chapter we will reflect on two projects that have enabled disabled groups to influence early stage VR technology development. In addition, we will reflect on the process, limitations, barriers and actual involvement of these user groups. The case studies will be illustrative and provide a rich and meaningful account of what we did [27]. Lessons and implications will be discussed as will future ways to engage a range of users in technology-based outcomes. The first case study involved autistic children in the UK (and non-autistic groups) while the second case study involved young adults with Intellectual Disabilities in Ireland. In the following section, we will explain the purpose of the studies, describe the population and the process adopted to carry out the study, list the barriers and obstacles faced during the process and then put it all into context and deliver a set of recommendations that could serve as best practice for conducting this type of study with a neurodiverse population. The first case study will describe the process of engaging with an autistic group in testing and developing future directions for the use and role of virtual reality in educational-based settings (i.e. school). The second case study will describe how a researcher engaged with a group of young adults with Intellectual Disabilities in order to co-create with them a set of guidelines to help them carry out a daily living task of their choice. The following sections will provide an overview of the case studies, the aims and objectives, case study context, characteristics and findings. While we have not followed the complete steps recommended by Thomas [27], we have sought to provide a rich and descriptive (and illustrative) case study, having accepted the stance that case study research involves gaining a rich picture and analytical insights into a subject. Following of the steps suggested by Thomas [27], we describe the four frames that will define our studies.
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15.5 Case Study 1: Engaging Users in the Potential of Virtual Reality Opportunities for Learning in Schools 15.5.1 Brief Overview/introduction This first case study sought feedback from end users of virtual reality (VR) head mounted-displays (HMDs) in a classroom; working with participants as coresearchers to inform considerations for practice as this field moves forward. Here we use the term ‘co-researchers’ as a way to describe active and meaningful engagement in research of participants; researching with, rather than for, autistic groups. We agree with the perspectives of Heron and Reason [28, p. 145] who suggest that “co-researchers come together to explore an agreed area of human activity” and as such describe our participants as co-researchers in this case study as we seek to explore their views and their agendas. The feedback that we sought was in the form of device preference (in this case a HMD) and insights to the possible uses of VR applied to their learning [29]. While this case study has not led (yet) to technology development, we reflect on the potential the case study data provide for future technology development in this arena. The case study groups were drawn from a range of schools, with a specific emphasis on autistic children. While this area of research (i.e. VR and HMDs) has recently tended to focus on adult populations (18 years+) (see Newbutt et al. [30] for an overview), the current case study sought views and perspectives of co-researchers (otherwise known as participants) on preferences and potential of VR used in classrooms. As part of working in participatory ways, the teachers were also considered co-researchers in this context. Therefore, their views and data are also reported. Figures 15.1 and 15.2 provide examples of the VR HMDs being used in situ by the co-researchers.
15.5.2 Aims and Objectives Aims of this case study was to: 1. Learn about device preference (VR HMD) for young autistic people; 2. Understand issues related to sensory and physical reactions, as well as levels of comfort and enjoyment of using VR HMDs; 3. Learn from the co-researchers ways that VR could be used in schools. In doing so, and only by asking such questions in a participatory manner, can we start to develop suitable, usable and appropriate technology that could be taken up, and used in schools (i.e. working from the ground up, not top down). This is the starting point of technology design and development for autistic groups, as we see
15 Case Studies of Users with Neurodevelopmental Disabilities …
Fig. 15.1 An example of children using a VR HMD in their classroom (school A)
Fig. 15.2 An example of children using a VR HMD in their classroom with their teacher; in this example collaborating with another student (school A)
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Table 15.1 School demographics for Case Study 1 School A
School B
School C
School D
School status
Special educational needs
Special educational needs
School type
Free school—Special
Independent school
Academy—Converter mainstream
Voluntary aided school
Education phase
Primary, secondary and 16–18
Secondary and 16–18
Age range
Number of pupils in whole school
Ofsted rating
School type
Free school eligibilitya
n = 28 (33%)
Not known
n = 13 (2.4%)
Not known
a In the UK, free school meal eligibility is one way to understand the social-economic area in which
the school is based. In primary schools, 14.1% of pupils are known to be eligible for free school meals, whereas in secondary schools, the figure is 12.9% [31]
it, and we hope the findings from this work will inform further design consideration for VR and autistic groups.
15.5.3 Context/Setting This case study was situated in the United Kingdom (UK) in both special needs schools and mainstream schools. We worked with four schools in the South East and South West part of the UK. An overview of the school characteristics is listed in Table 15.1. The researcher worked with key stakeholders and children in the schools in collecting data. These data, in part, are reported here and inform the findings through a co-design model; involving users/participants as co-researchers.
15.5.4 Case Study Group/Characteristics We worked with 43 pupils in total ranging from 6–16 years old. The mean age was 12 and the male to female ratio was 28:15. Seventy-three percent of the co-researchers we worked with were autistic with the remaining 27% described as typically-developing (non-autistic). The schools we worked with included both mainstream and specialist
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provision (special needs schools). We worked with two of each. In the mainstream setting we worked with close to 50% autistic children along with children without autism. Figures 15.3 and 15.4 provide a sense of the classrooms and settings in which we worked. We worked with all the groups in a very similar manner. We worked to ensure that the technology was appropriately introduced to the individuals and cohorts. This was done in a staged way; working with teachers to offer the opportunity for the co-researchers to become familiar with the technology they were going to be using. We wanted to be especially careful to address any potential sensory concerns faced by autistic individuals when wearing a HMD [29]. With that in mind we worked carefully and consulted with teachers and in some cases with the parents. Once we established who wanted to be involved in the study, consent was gained, and we ran
Fig. 15.3 Example of the classroom layout and space provided in one of the autistic specialist schools (school A)
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Fig. 15.4 Example of the classroom space in a mainstream setting (school C)
a range of virtual environments on three different HMDs. Table 15.2 provides an overview of the technology used, while Fig. 15.5 illustrates what these looked like. Each session involved the co-researcher using and testing each of the devices. They all started with the cardboard followed by the Class VR headset and concluded their experience using the HTC Vive. They were then asked a series of questions reporting their experiences and preferences, from the VR HMDs demonstrations. Each user spent about 5–10 min immersed in each HMD. Post experience the coresearchers were asked to complete a short questionnaire. Figure 15.6 provides the flow of the sessions, highlighting the ethical approaches taken to ensure the safety of the participants. Questionnaires concluded the process with follow up checks on the children.
15.5.5 Findings This case study placed the users (co-researchers) at the core of this endeavor. By doing so we’ve been able to gain some interesting insights. Firstly, we learned from the co-researchers that the most preferred HMD and experiences therein were with the HTC Vive. There was an overwhelming preference for this device with ninety-seven percent reporting this as their preferred device. The
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Table 15.2 Properties of the VR HMDs used in Case Study 1 Equipment
Additional information
HTC Vive HMD and gaming computer (HP Omen)
Head can be turned 360° and tilted in all directions. Hand controllers being held by the user
The HTC Vive is considered a ‘high-end’ HMD and uses graphics and images that are of a high quality. Fully immersive; users can walk, bend down and jump to modify their environment. Users can also control elements and interact moving their hands (when holding a controller). Extensive use of cables and need for power outlets
Class VR (stand alone device)
Head can be turned 360° to view material. This HMD also features augmented reality (AV), but was not used for this project. Limited input or control over the VR environments
Class VR provides a mainly 360° video experience. One that enables users to view a ‘scene’ that is captured using 360° cameras. Images are photorealistic. There are also 360° video scenes. Considered mid-range experiences and device Wireless and no need for cables, when being used
Google Cardboard (stand alone device; with a smart phone)
Similar to the above (Class VR) experiences. Cardboard relies on using a smart phone (in this case study an iPhone 7) to deploy content. 360 video or still scenes. Input is available using a small button on the top right of the headset
Similar to the above description. Content can be loaded onto a smartphone and viewed via the cardboard HMD. Content tends to be 360 video or still images. Some 360 games also available Wireless and no need for cables, when being used
remaining 3% reported the cardboard as preferential. The least preferred was reported as the Class VR device followed by the cardboard (53% and 48% respectively). This data was taken from across the entire case study group (i.e. autistic and non-autistic). The views of the autistic children had great similarities across the various groups and schools. All of the autistic children selected the HTC Vive as their preferred VR device. Data related to the least preferred device was similar: 52% for the Class VR device and 48% for cardboard. Teachers felt a little differently. They reported a similar preference in the HTC Vive, but by only 60% of those surveyed (n = 5). The other 40% (n = 2) reported the Class VR and Cardboard as preferred options. In capturing the qualitative views of teachers, the reason for the difference in preference type might be due to the cabling of the HMDs. Table 15.2 highlights the wired and wireless options. One teacher suggested that: “If it needs to be plugged in it might become more difficult and kids
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Fig. 15.5 Equipment used in the case study, from top: HTC Vive, bottom left: Class VR, and bottom right: Google Cardboard
in the classroom might become distracted by it [the HMD]” (Teacher 1). In addition, other teachers suggested that: “appropriate space in classrooms” (Teacher 2) and “class sizes and previous experience” (Teacher 3) would need careful consideration. This is perhaps in relation to the space required for the HTC Vive (which needs a 5 m square space) to be appropriately used and maximised. This tends to indicate that more investigation is required in relation to the types of devices in addition to looking in more detail at the various experiences within VR and how these can be linked to the curriculum. This might help inform the selection and deployment of VR in schools. But listening to the user groups (in this case the co-researchers) we need to be sure that decisions are not be taken without their voice or input; as doing so might mean the uptake of technology could be limited within school-based settings. With regards to sensory concerns and potential physical discomfort, this study found overall, and by working closely with the co-researchers and valuing their views, that there were no negative effects reported and high levels of enjoyment. Questionnaires were administered after the experiences (all three) as Fig. 15.6 highlights. These were meant to capture three factors (or themes) and comprised 8 questions in total. Each question asked the co-researcher to rate on a scale of one to four
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Fig. 15.6 Process of involving co-researchers in the development of VR HMDs in schools (and the ethical/safety implications therein)
(1 = low/not very much to 4 = high/very much). Factor 2 brought together questions related to the physical experiences (wearing the device, side-effect, comfort, etc.). The whole co-researcher population reported a mean score of 3.69 (standard deviation = 0.11) related to factor 2 with the autistic only co-researchers reporting a mean score of 3.71 (the non-autistic co-researchers reported a mean score of 3.67). Moreover, all co-researchers reported liking the HMD VR experience as it relaxed them and made them feel calm, especially the autistic users. These data start to shed some light on how end users (co-researchers in this case) reported feeling, in a physical sense, wearing and using (interacting within) a VR HMD. The self-reported mean scores are very close to the high/agreement end of the scale and suggest that further engagement with stakeholders is required, and necessary, in the co-design of teaching materials for autistic groups in schools. They are also positive insofar as users in this case study did not feel negatively towards the use of a HMD in their school. Finally, in relation to ascertaining how VR and HMDs could be used in schools— indeed if VR should be used in schools - data (similar one to four scale as above) reports that a mean score of 3.86 (SD = 0.10) was recorded for all the co-researchers
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across all schools when asked about using VR HMDs again. This was the final factor (factor 3), with questions related to using the equipment again and seeing potential for using it in their school being drawn together. For the autistic groups a mean score of 3.86 was reported with 3.85 for the non-autistic co-researchers. Teachers also reported some potential for using VR in schools. One teacher suggested that the VR HMD “encourages good communication with playing games with another player” (Teacher 2) with another suggesting the use of VR could: “engage students in their work and make lessons more interesting” (Teacher 4). There were comments about the potential fit with curriculum with a teacher proposing that VR could be used “in subjects like history you would be able to experience the places that might be talked about in order for children to relate more” (Teacher 5). Both suggestions (i.e. curriculum and engaging students though VR) were born out in another suggestion by a teacher, who suggested that “Interactive experiences, tours of visits before the real visit happens, immersive and interactive social stories” (Teacher 1). Taken together, the aim of involving co-researchers and teachers in the study of VR HMDs used in schools revealed that: (1) device preference was mainly reported as being the HTC Vive; (2) physical experiences and sensory concerns did not impact these groups we worked with (the co-researchers felt comfortable and reported as much); and (3) that the appetite for using VR again, and developing further content, was seen as a positive next step. We suggest this is an urgent next step and should be done in a collaborative way. There are good reasons to be positive about the role of VR in schools and as one teacher put it: “this is the technology pupils have a grasp of and get excited about. We have a duty to include this into their learning experiences” (Teacher 6). In relation to the process and participatory nature of this case study we offer the following insights. The case study sought the views, perspectives and insights of users to inform the future direction of virtual reality used in their classrooms. We reported thus far data that addressed the preferences of VR HMDs and the possible application for educational contexts, however we also engaged our co-researchers in the process throughout. Here we refer to engaging autistic opinions and voices in the design of the project from the outset; helping to inform the research questions and manner in which the project was carried out (especially the safety of the co-researchers). The second author of this chapter engaged with school teachers, parents of potential co-researchers, in addition to working with a research mentor. The mentorship was kindly provided by an autistic adult who was able to inform the research design and manner in which the project was planned; providing clear and insightful information from an autistic point of view. Once the project was formed, the set up, questionnaires, ethical processes and research questions were all co-designed with stakeholders. The project in the data collection phase also took on the views of the co-researchers to inform the work and of course were the centre of the data collection. By involving, in a participatory and exploratory manner, co-researchers, the project developed into one whereby the users were leading the choice of software to be used (based on a selection they could choose from; of a total of 6 interfaces). The co-researchers also informed the process as it developed. This was achieved through meetings with co-researchers
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(at various points) to best gauge what they wanted to explore incrementally in terms of VR content and hardware. These were meetings that also enabled teachers to provide input and fruitful links with content and curriculum (work they were doing in class). By collaborating with the co-researchers and placing their views at the centre of the case study we enabled/helped to shape best practice in the use of VR in their schools. While this is not reported here, the best practice guidelines (framework) and ways to approach VR in classrooms for autistic children, will be reported separately. However, practice related to: (1) what software is best suited for autistic groups using VR emerged, as did (2) the manner in which to introduce VR to autistic children and (3) how to set classrooms up accordingly to enable safe use of VR HMDs. These are some of the practice guidelines that came about as a result of this case study.
15.6 Case Study 2: Participatory Design Approach to Co-Create Training Materials on a Daily Living Task for Young Adults with Intellectual Disabilities 15.6.1 Brief Overview/introduction The second case study tried to understand the dynamics involved in the co-creation of training materials with individuals with Intellectual Disabilities (IDs), with regards to barriers faced and lessons learnt during the process. A significant body of research work exists with people with autism, however that is not the case for the ID population. The researcher wants to address that gap with this case study, which was carried out with six young adults with ID who are attending a 2-year HEI (Higher Education Institution) programme in Ireland. The participants were allowed to be in the driving seat of the Participatory Design process, with respect to choosing the daily living task they wanted to learn how to do, creating the training material (based on their understanding and using their preferred vocabulary) and offering feedback after testing the training. The participants were thus empowered to make decisions that could affect their lives and provide them with the opportunity of having more independence in carrying out certain daily living activities.
15.6.2 Aims and Objectives The aim of this case study was to have a group of young adults with Intellectual Disabilities (IDs) lead the creation of training guidelines on how to carry out a daily living task. This case study sought to report: 1. Obstacles faced during the Participatory Design process;
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2. Barriers that the participants and researcher had to overcome in order to create guidelines that are effective; 3. A reflective account (by the researcher) that reflects on the whole process; developing a list of recommendations for best practice. The long-term objective is to enable the participants in enhancing their lives, by being able to live independently and being able to secure lasting and meaningful employment. To this end, there is going to be a follow-up study with a similar population, where an assistive technology such as Virtual Reality (VR) will be used as the platform for the training delivery, i.e. the co-created guidelines. Participatory Design will be adopted once more and a host of new challenges are envisaged with regards to lack of experience and knowledge of such technologies.
15.6.3 Context/Setting The participants of the case study are attending a programme at an Irish HEI in the Dublin area in partnership with a Service Provider for people with IDs. The learners attend college full time (5 days a week 10am-3 pm), for two years and have tutorials with the main body of students. The tutorials cover areas such as Creative Studies, Drama, Art, Music, Sports Coaching and Personal Training. The sessions that required a group discussion took place in the break room, where the participants and researcher joined together in forming a circle. The other sessions took place in the computer room, where each participant could log in and try the tasks individually.
15.6.4 Case Study Group/Characteristics The Methodology deemed most appropriate for this project was a focus group, so that the participant felt more comfortable being among their peers but at the same time, everyone had a chance to contribute in a meaningful way. The case study consisted of four 90-min sessions, with a 15 min break for a drink and snack. The group consisted of 6 participants: • 4 male/2 female • Age range early 20 s-early 40 s • Conditions included Kabuki syndrome, Williams syndrome, Downs Syndrome and general intellectual disability. The researcher met with the group prior to the commencement of the PD sessions to discuss with them possible daily living activities that they would have an interest in learning more about, bearing in mind that the training would eventually be delivered through a Virtual World (someone mentioned ironing, which would be more difficult to present in Virtual Reality than for instance steps necessary to get on a bus or use
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an ATM card). One of the participants mentioned online shopping which seemed to resonate with almost all the participants, which would also involve being able to use a credit card. Thus, these were the daily living tasks chosen by them. Session 1 involved showing on a projector 2 examples of websites that were chosen by the participants (a supermarket chain and a department store). The researcher showed them in detail the steps they need to follow to make an order (except for entering the credit card details). In session 2 the researcher explained to the participants that they would go through the steps of buying something online (one by one) and that he wanted them to write down, in their own words, how they would describe them. When that part of the study was completed, the researcher’s role became more active. He got the participants in a circle and asked every participant in turn to describe each step and then he tried to gauge which words and expressions were commonly used and choose them in the guidelines. When the group was split between two words, he tried to come up with a consensus choice (Fig. 15.7). During session 3 the participants had the opportunity to test the guidelines; they were asked to follow the guidelines and add an item from the website they had practiced in the previous session into their basket. The researcher applied the same methodology in session 4 as in session 2, with the objective this time being to create guidelines on how to proceed to the checkout and input credit cards details (Fig. 15.8). For this purpose, they were all given a fake credit card (Fig. 15.9) with all the necessary information (Name, credit card type, number, expiry date and CCV number at the back, along with a fake email address, fake mobile number and address.
15.6.5 Findings With regards to overall impressions from the whole process, conversations with the participants revealed that sharing ownership of the process was important to them in order to have a vested interest in the outcome. Moreover, learning something new that could enhance their daily living was an attractive proposition. The group had no issues comprehending the researcher’s accent, which could have proved an obstacle. The group said during the de-briefing that the language used by the researcher was understandable most of the time but could not offer any further explanations. Depending on the severity of the participants’ conditions, spending time with them and ascertaining their language competency would be a critical first step before repeating a project like this, because it would be a serious barrier to full participation in the process. The participants did ask for help from the researcher and the programme coordinator who was present in all sessions, but that seemed to be more about finding a button on their screen or a key on the keyboard, rather than not understanding the instruction. Reflecting on the process, it would have been helpful to have spent a few days with them prior to starting the sessions, in order to allow them to create a rapport with
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Fig. 15.7 The guidelines created in order to browse an online store and select items
the researcher, so that they immediately felt comfortable carrying out the research work. Having said that, the fact that the researcher spent coffee and lunch breaks with them, had that desired effect by session 2. Using a focus group was an appropriate methodology, firstly because they collectively attended the same programme (they seemed to have a bond with each other) and secondly because all participants were given a platform to contribute to the discussions. Some participants had more of a leadership role, but that can be attributed to slight lack of confidence by other members of the group. Spelling words was a significant barrier in the process. In most cases, it was possible to navigate the websites by clicking on categories, sub-categories, themes, drop-down menus etc., which would not have required any spelling. However, the group chose to navigate the websites by using the search boxes. Was that due to a lack of accessibility of the websites or because the participants’ reading skills were
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Fig. 15.8 The guidelines created for paying during online shopping with a credit card
Fig. 15.9 A sample of a “fake” credit card used in Session 4
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not strong enough for the task? A new iteration of the PD process should try to use accessible websites that offer online shopping to mitigate any potential unease or confusion. Another rather minor obstacle was typing, but that would improve over time. The researcher utilized two methods to gather from the participants the steps necessary to do the task. The first method, used in session 2, involved the researcher taking them through step by step and getting them to write on a notepad how they would describe each step; in the end, the researcher and group had a discussion and came to a consensus on the wording of each step. In session 4, the researcher took the group through each step and instantly had a discussion with them and they all agreed on the most appropriate wording. This seemed to be a more efficient way of completing the process, due to mainly the difficulties some participants had with spelling and vocabulary limitations. The participants had a diagnosis of a varied type of conditions, and their computer literacy skills varied as well, therefore the fact that some participants described the process in a more exhaustive manner than other was to be expected. Personalizing the training material will probably be the greatest obstacle for the success of the PD process. With that in mind, the first method mentioned above may not have been the most efficient, however it offered the opportunity for participants to personalize the steps. In session 4, the use of props (fake credit cards) made the task slightly more realistic and gave them a sense of what they would physically need to do in the payment phase of online shopping. Simulating a real-life situation would make the participants appreciate the usefulness of and necessity for learning about the task.
15.7 Overall Discussion and Conclusions The two case studies presented and discussed above considered two neurodiverse populations (autistic people and people with ID). We will next compare, contrast and synthesize the experiences and lessons through a Participatory Design context. We hope this will demonstrate the ways in which we sought to focus on the strengths of participants, while identifying commonalities in our work that proved successful with the two groups with whom we worked. When examining the two case studies, we found a number of overlapping themes and approaches with regards to the sub-headings of the D4D Framework, which are highlighted in bold (through the following text). With regards to “Structuring Environment”, both case studies were carried out in familiar spaces to the participants (school classroom and a Higher Education Institution [HEI] breakroom/computer room), helping them to feel comfortable and safe. In order to have routine and structure, the sessions took place on same days and times each day (case study 1) and week (case study 2). The theme/topic of both case studies met the interests of the participants, either because they were asked to pick the task for the PD from a list of topics (ID population) or after being
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introduced to the VR HMDs they could decide whether to take further part in the study (autistic population). In both studies we took steps to ensure that participants found the content appropriate to their ability, by seeking input from the facilitator or programme co-ordinator in providing guidelines with regards to suitable curriculum (for the autistic group) and tasks that they are capable of performing on their own (ID group). The authors used multiple modes to gain the participants’ views, including written feedback, oral feedback and choosing emojis to express their satisfaction levels. Lastly, we were conscious and careful to deliver the sessions in a similar manner, thus keeping a consistent session structure (explaining at the beginning of the session what was going to happen, trying to keep the process as uniform as possible). The “Additional support” aspect of the D4D Framework initially addresses the PD process. The first interaction with a group—autistic or ID—started with a team building exercise, where the researcher introduced himself and the project, explained their role in this process, clarified that their facilitator/teacher/coordinator would be present in every session and made sure they understood their rights (voluntary participation, ability to cease participation at any point without repercussions). The interactions happened in a staged manner, whether that involved the introduction to the VR headsets for the autistic group or breaking down the training material co-creation into steps. There was ample adult support to the neuroiverse people of the studies in terms of engagement by the facilitator/teacher/co-ordinator and additionally to the researchers by either the autistic mentor or the co-ordinator and other supporting staff (within school or service provider). The participants were involved with visual activities; navigating in a Virtual World in the case of the ASD population and navigating online shopping websites in the case of the ID population. Lastly, the interactions built on existing knowledge/skills, whether that involved computer skills that the ID population had developed in their HEI programme or linking to school content/curriculum with the autistic children. There were some other observations from the sessions that applied to just one of the case studies. In relation to the ID population, there was adult support (collaboration/sensitivities) by the co-ordinator in advising the researcher of the group dynamics (who are seen as leaders), about certain behaviours exhibited (boredom or lack of confidence) when a certain participant lost interest and how to keep that participant engaged (having at the break her favourite drink). Also, these participants saw the Role-playing aspect of the PD sessions (i.e., props such as fake credit cards and a fake persona including fake email and physical address as well as phone number) made the task appear real. On the other hand, the autistic population was heavily involved in shaping the research itself by informing the research questions and having input on the delivery of the project. We also had to contend with dealing with health and safety issues when it came to wearing the VR HMDs, especially in the early stages of the study. Lastly, the study design and planning were informed by the life experiences of the mentor that was consulted.
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15.8 Implications for Practice and Further Work Upon reflection of the points made in the above general discussion, we have developed a list of guidelines of how others might design and deliver a PD approach for a neurodiverse population in a way that will maximize its effectiveness and potentially produce better outcomes and deliverables. The two case studies demonstrated that a key to success for a PD approach with neurodiverse populations was that participants are keen to acquire new knowledge, skills or competences, especially if these help them in their pursuit for independent living, education or other skills development. Taking some control over learning means that autistic and ID groups could have a vested interest in the success of the process and will be excited to be involved. With regards to the process, meeting the potential participants in advance (even more than once) proved to be very beneficial. It helped the researcher to get to know them personally, make them feel safer and enabled them to have greater confidence in taking part. It also allowed us to liaise with teachers, practitioners, other professionals and self-advocates, so that the we were better prepared and informed. Expanding on that point, a PD approach ensures that neurodiverse voices will be heard, they will be treated as valued partners and will be able to affect the product or service they will co-create. Focus groups work will generally be the most appropriate methodology adopted, because it allows for collaborative learning. However, in order to meet individual needs and preferences, there is a need to combine focus groups with direct interactions with a participant to personalizing the training material. Consequently, the interactions need to be pitched at an appropriate level for the individuals, which will be assisted from earlier ground work at the relationship building phase of the process. It would also be of great benefit to the participants if the sessions were more practical in nature; including simulations of real-life situations (e.g., use of props, role-playing) would make the participants understand the need for their participation and value the learning experience more. Lastly, it would be remiss of us not to highlight a caveat from the introductory section that the neurodiverse population is a key piece of the PD approach, however, they are partners in the process. This means that the researchers’ and other facilitators’ combined knowledge, expertise and training should be welcomed and valued. A relationship of mutual respect among equal partners will yield the best results. In conclusion, a brief summary of the Guidelines for Best PD Practice with neurodiverse populations we have identified, through these two case studies, consist of: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Ownership of Learning Building Relationships Influencing Design Meeting Needs and Expectations Understanding Boundaries.
There is an urgent and timely need for research with different neurodiverse populations (especially the diverse Intellectual Disabilities cohort) in order to test these
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guidelines, and strengthen the case that designers, developers, researchers, technologists, academics, practitioners and other relevant professionals should adopt a PD approach in creating products and services. We hope these case studies and synthesis of findings/lessons in this chapter will help to inform future discussions, working practices and ideas in relation to PD approaches when working with neurodiverse populations.
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17. Plumley, E., Bertini, P.: Co-Creation: Designing with the User, For the User. Retrieved 20 Mar 2017 from https://www.uxbooth.com/articles/co-creation-designing-with-the-user-forthe-user/ (2014) 18. Keay-Bright, W.: The reactive colours project: demonstrating participatory and collaborative design methods for the creation of software for autistic children. Des. Principles Pract. 1(2), 7–15 (2007) 19. Van Rijn, H., Stappers, P.J.: Expressions of ownership: motivating users in a co-design process. In: Proceedings of PDC’08. ACM, New York, NY (2008) 20. Madsen, M., el Kaliouby, R., Eckhardt, M., Hoque, M.E., Goodwin, M.S., Picard, R.: Lessons from participatory design with adolescents on the autism spectrum. In Proceedings of CHI EA’09. ACM Press, New York, NY (2009) 21. Frauenberger, C., Good, J., Keay-Bright, W.: Designing technology for children with special needs: bridging perspectives through participatory design. CoDesign 7(1), 1–28 (2011) 22. Grudin, J.: Obstacles to user involvement in software development, with implications for CSCW. Int. J. Man Mach. Stud. 34, 435–452 (1991) 23. Alm, N.: Ethical issues in AAC research. In: Proceedings of 3rd ISAAC Research Symposium. ISAAC, Toronto, Canada (1994) 24. Newell, A.F., Gregor, P., Morgan, M., Pullin, G., Macaulay, C.: User-Sensitive Inclusive Design. Univ. Access Inf. Soc. 10, 235 (2011) 25. Lewis, A., Porter, J.: Research and pupil voice. In: Florian, L. (ed.) The Sage Handbook of Special Education, pp. 222–232. Sage Publications, London, UK (2007) 26. Benton, L., Vasalou, A., Khaled, R., Johnson, H., Gooch, D.: Diversity for design: a framework for involving neurodiverse children in the technology design process. In: Proceedings of CHI 2014. ACM, New York, NY (2012) 27. Thomas, G.: How to Do Your Case Study: A Guide for Students and Researchers. Sage, London, UK (2011) 28. Heron, J., Reason, P.: The practice of co-operative inquiry: research ‘with’ rather than ‘on’ people. In: Handbook of Action Research, vol. 2, pp. 144–154 (2006) 29. Bradley, R., Newbutt, N.: Autism and virtual reality head-mounted displays: a state of the art systematic review. J. Enabling Technol. (in press) 30. Newbutt, N., Sung, C., Kuo, H.J., Leahy, M.J., Lin, C.C., Tong, B.: Brief report: a pilot study of the use of a virtual reality headset in autism populations. J. Autism Dev. Disord. 46(9), 3166–3176 (2016) 31. Department of Education, UK.: Schools, pupils and their characteristics. https://assets. publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/650547/ SFR28_2017_Main_Text.pdf. Accessed 10 May 2010 (2017)
Chapter 16
AquAbilitation: ‘Virtual Interactive Space’ (VIS) with Buoyancy Therapeutic Movement Training Anthony Lewis Brooks
Abstract Therapeutic (re)habilitation intervention within aquatic environments to advantage buoyancy aided movement-training using ‘Virtual Reality’ technologies indicated potentials and next-level challenges through Proof-of-Concept (PoC) ‘beyond-simulation model’ testing. Beyond the buoyancy aspect is a concept built on evidence from field work where profoundly disabled participants after a pool visit exhibited greater awakeness and engagement within intervention. The study builds upon the author’s prior research to empower, motivate and engage interactions to supplement traditional (re)habilitation approaches. Testing took place in a contextspecific location with a human subject. Therapists and special pool staff attended and evaluated positively to potentials. This chapter shares the concept, set-up and workin-progress toward realising next-level research funded consortia to question and address challenges found to date with a goal of advancing the field of (re)habilitation through AquAbilitation. Keywords Hydrotherapy · Virtual Reality · Healthcare · Aquatic Rehabilitation · Disabled · Movement-training · Virtual Interactive Space (VIS)
16.1 Preamble/Introduction In context of the call for chapter contribution for this volume in the series on technologies for inclusive well-being, this text shares testing of a work-in-progress considered as a “simulation beyond conceptual model”—herein introduced as a realized Proof-of-Concept (PoC). The explorative study relates to patented ‘Communication method and apparatus” (see e.g. United States patent US6893407 [38]) aligned to realization of
A. L. Brooks (B) Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark e-mail: [email protected] © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 A. L. Brooks et al. (eds.), Recent Advances in Technologies for Inclusive Well-Being, Intelligent Systems Reference Library 196, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-59608-8_16
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a process developed within the author’s larger body of research targeting apparatus and methods to supplement traditional (re)habilitation training and therapeutic motivation—publications available at university profile.1 The text is shared herein to represent a gap in the literature/field in alternative (re)habilitation training proposed within aquatic environments to advantage buoyancy aiding movement training using technologies associated to the field of Virtual Reality (VR) and Virtual Interactive Space (VIS—see [4]. An explorative aim was toward testing initial design alongside motivating concept adoption and further exploration by peer researchers in the field alongside gaining interest from interested project funders toward realizing next-level research. As of writing, funding applications to realise next levels beyond PoC are ongoing. Thus, this text represents an ongoing work-in-progress toward next level research.
16.1.1 Simulation and Targeted End-Users/participants In line with the call for chapters for this volume (i.e. simulations) and the claim that there a strong culture of networking, building relationships, and communities around the topic of technologies for inclusive well-being—this text reports towards realising interest in this alternative approach of an aquatic environment with multimedia feedback to supplement traditional approaches. Simulation is defined aligned to literature i.e. as: • “imitation of a situation or process”—“the production of a computer model of something, especially for the purpose of study”2 • “A simulation is an approximate imitation of the operation of a process or system; that represents its operation over time. Simulation is used in many contexts, such as simulation of technology for performance tuning or optimizing, safety engineering, testing, training, education, and video games.”3 • “Simulation can be used to show the eventual real effects of alternative conditions and courses of action. Simulation is also used when the real system cannot be engaged, because it may not be accessible, or it may be dangerous or unacceptable to engage, or it is being designed but not yet built, or it may simply not exist”[32, p. 6]). This contribution reports on design and implementation realised as PoC-beyondsimulation…and toward next phase implementation for research iterations towards realising a new tool for therapeutic (re)habilitation to supplement traditional approaches.
1 https://vbn.aau.dk/en/persons/103302. 2 https://www.lexico.com/en/definition/simulation. 3 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simulation.
16 AquAbilitation: ‘Virtual Interactive Space’ (VIS) with Buoyancy …
16.1.2 PoC—Design Justification This PoC, presented herein, is thus beyond simulation where prior research provided the foundational model upon which to build a design to take advantage of buoyancy with an environment where use-hypothesis relate to motivated interactions to engage participants4 such that as a supplement for therapeutic intervention increase range and dynamics of movement may result. Additionally, the concept targets use of the aquatic environment to stimulate post pool session therapeutic activities based upon prior-research (fieldwork) considering awakeness and awareness resulting in increased engagement and compliance. The design associated to use is considered applicable across a range of movement dysfunctional diagnosis—from Profound and Multiple Learning Disabled (PMLD), Cerebral Palsy (CP), Acquired Brain Injured (ABI) and others. This is aligned with the author’s overarching research body of work, which, over decades, has investigated these and other conditions associated to movement dysfunction where empowerment through Virtual Interactive Space (VIS) has been found evidently impactful from professional expert evaluations. Focus of the research over the years, in respect of diagnosis/condition, has been where funding has provided opportunities for investigating specific dysfunctional conditions researching with expert healthcare professionals.
16.1.3 Technology and End-Users The call-for-chapters text of this volume further stated how technology itself has limitations and it is of vital importance that both the technical team but more importantly those that will employ the technology knows these limitations beforehand. This is considered an important statement as over the years of research it has been found (respectfully) that the “bottleneck” has been the facilitator or therapist who typically has limited time to learn the opportunities presented by being able to adapt and tailor the system to the participants profiles i.e. preferences, needs, desires etc. Thus, this work targets to explore selected technologies to determine constraints and limitations from both the technical team perspective and from the position of those who are proposed to apply the technologies in their (re)habilitation practices i.e. therapists, in order to support towards optimal usage. Future phases of the research targets to achieve funding so that healthcare professionals have substitute workers in place to enable their focused time in learning the systems. The next section introduces the technologies that are involved in this explorative work-in-progress, first with an attempted defining of terminology and subsequently presenting the specific set-up and research design. 4 Literature in this field denote using various terms, thus participant can relate to patients, end-users,
subjects etc.
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16.2 Technologies and Terminology: From Virtual Reality (VR) to Virtual Interactive Space (VIS) Confusion has existed over the defining of the oxymoron term ‘Virtual Reality’ due to the apparent contradiction between the adjective Virtual and the noun Reality [33]. Technologies associated to the term Virtual Reality has witnessed radical transformation over the last three decades. The term itself has likewise undergone various definitions and interpretations and there are many literatures Online and in academic libraries that inform as such. Much has been written about Virtual Reality, the early days and the peaks and troughs—thus, in this contribution, a brief and selected focus is on use in healthcare as related to this body of work. An early keynote address titled “Virtual Reality and Persons with Disabilities” was given by Jaron Lanier5 at California State University Northridge for the Center On Disabilities Virtual Reality Conference 1992. The proceedings are still Online6 as of writing this chapter and the resource (even beyond Lanier’s keynote) is considered insightful on state-of-the-art in respect of Virtual Reality and healthcare and related thinking at the time. Notable from attendance was that Lanier in his keynote posited what Virtual Reality is and isn’t, in doing so he linked multimodality of sensing to motoric abilities and interactions and introduces head-mounted displays (HMDs). He emphasised that the community of people developing for persons with disability was the same as developing Virtual Reality—this a point rarely discussed elsewhere. HMDs have been around for many years and in work associated to Virtual Reality, general acknowledgement is of Ivan Sutherland [36] and his student Bob Sproull as originators from around mid-to late 1960s of the first working virtual reality HMD. Lanier’s keynote presentation in California a quarter-of-a-century after Sutherland is a few years after the claim as ‘industry leader’ by GestureTek© from Canada on their multi-patented video gesture control technology (VGC) that users—academics and non-academics—have referred to over a number of years as Virtual Reality. At the company’s website, it states that their products allow users to engage with multimedia content, access information, manipulate special effects, and even immerse themselves in interactive 3D virtual worlds—simply by moving their hands or body. The company’s product line includes GestureXtreme©—marketed as a virtual world gaming experience that transports a participant’s image into a computer-generated landscape so one can view oneself onscreen where body gestures manoeuvre game simulations or interactions with onscreen characters and objects in real time resulting in an unencumbered full-body immersive experience. Another product is GestureTek Health© that is marketed as touch-free, gesture-controlled solutions for virtual reality therapy, multisensory stimulation and immersive play offering engaging experiences resulting in marked improvements of physical and cognitive conditions—regardless of age, ability, or stage of recovery—as state-of-the-art systems having unique patient 5 Jaron Zepel Lanier is an American computer scientist and a pioneer in the field of VR. He was the
co-founder of VPL Research, Inc., which was one of the first companies selling VR technology. 6 https://www.csun.edu/~hfdss006/conf/1992/proceedings/vr92.htm.
16 AquAbilitation: ‘Virtual Interactive Space’ (VIS) with Buoyancy …
and clinical benefits that have been proven in numerous studies over the last 20 years.7 A search at the GestureTek© website for the term Virtual Reality returns fifty-four items matched including academic publications.8 Healthcare professional publications reviewing the field such as those titled “The GestureTek virtual reality system in rehabilitation: a scoping review” [18], and “Does intervention using virtual reality improve upper limb function in children with neurological impairment: A systematic review of the evidence” [17], … use the term Virtual Reality (VR) in respect of projected/monitored visualisations such as GestureTek© with the second text referring additionally to the commercial Sony EyeToy© as Virtual Reality. However, on examination the systems are seemingly not using HMD, stereo glasses (active shutter glasses or passive polarised to stereo) nor any head tracking. Thus, use of the term is confounding. The reason for such terminology use, could be that healthcare authors such as cited and at the GestureTek© site are not aware of the contemporary redefinition aligned with Brooks as stated in the following. Notable was that this confusion of terminologies was even evident in establishing the International Society for Virtual Rehabilitation (ISVR) where much debate in title of the society by founders was around the terming of Virtual Rehabilitation—see https://isvr.org. For the sake of brevity and to summarise and not draw out the terminology debate this section closes by positing how Frederick Philip Brooks Junior defined VR in the following, (which is typically accepted in contemporary researches)—“Virtual Reality (VR) requires three real features: (i) real-time rendering with viewpoint changes as head moves, (ii) real space, i.e., either concrete or abstract 3D virtual environments, and (iii) real interaction, i.e., possible direct manipulation of virtual objects” (in [33], viii). In closing this section, it is pertinent to share that, in the history of the larger body of work associated to this explorative study, lengthy research was conducted at the end of the 1990s at the Center for Advanced Visualisation and Interactivity (CAVI9 ) Aarhus University, Denmark, when first artist-in-residence. The research was with Barco VR projector systems (a 3D panoramic ‘cinema’) and a Holobench10 that both required active stereo shuttered glasses for 3D/stereo. Subsequently, an ‘underground’ multi-room Virtual Reality Human Behaviour complex titled “SensoramaLab” was appropriated, designed, and funded by the author’s efforts built around 2004 at Aalborg University Esbjerg campus in Denmark that focused upon a 5-m by 2-m special stereo screen by Stewart (United States of America) and a rear Cyviz (Norwegian) multi-projector (4) wall—see Fig. 16.1—to present content to participants wearing passive stereo glasses (135/45-degree polarisation). This decision as opposed to active glasses and HMD was because of the earlier research with active stereo shutter glasses (a hardware with a typically ‘one-size-fits-all’ concept)
7 Abridged
from text at https://gesturetek.com/index.php.
8 https://www.gesturetekhealth.com/search/site/Virtual%20Reality. 9 https://cavi.au.dk. 10 See
Virtual Reality in Denmark https://apps.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/a454907.pdf Sect. 2.1.2.
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Fig. 16.1 SensoramaLab Cyviz rear projection wall system for passive stereo 3D VR with Steward screen ©Cyviz with permission
finding discomfort for users and thus the plastic passive stereo glasses were experienced by users (many being profoundly disabled) as ‘normal’ sunglasses that a participant would typically use in the summer sun. This was especially important for those participants who were profoundly disabled or otherwise weak in strength. Head tracking (for reactional image change to head position) and camera tracking of body for interactions were incorporated via separate bespoke apparatus and software. Notable to mention is that head position tracking technique when using a VR projection screen differs to that experienced in a 360-degree visualisation contemporary HMD. In this AquAbilitation design a VR projection screen and associated head tracking is impractical. Thus, the two considered conditions, as presented herein as targeted, for explorations of AquAbilitation, are justified. Thus, for clarity, this PoC used projected/monitored image—as illustrated in Fig. 16.5 without claim of it being Virtual Reality: rather it is referred to as Virtual Interactive Space (VIS) in line with [4]. However, as stated herein, future plans for this AquAbilitation design is to test use of a waterproof HMD with smartphone alongside addressing the three items in Brooks’ list (in [33], viii) so as to question AquAbilitation VR possibilities beyond AquAbilitation VIS.
16 AquAbilitation: ‘Virtual Interactive Space’ (VIS) with Buoyancy …
16.3 Background and Concept—Fieldwork and Theoretical Framework This PoC was considered as constructivist in nature placed within the author’s larger body of work considered relating to contemporary conceptual art, established and realised in early forms near the end of the twentieth century and explored and studied through the early decades of the twenty-first century up to current-day, across and within both the fields of contemporary interactive multimedia art forms (e.g. targeting empowered creative expression) and health/rehabilitation (within which creative expression was found empowering and motivational for end-users). The avant-garde research was found informing in both directions across fields. It is also considered as ‘experiential’ with individuals and audiences experiencing the concept as a ‘happening’ event, thus temporal (live/real-time) and non-repeatable. Some viewers may concern that it is more experiential/conceptual art due to aesthetic concern being the human body and how it gives rise to living experience, however, the author’s position on aesthetics aligns with practising artist Ben Shahn who stated “Aesthetics is to the artist as ornithology is to the bird”—explained as how the practising artist may regard the creative process as inexplicable and may dismiss all attempts by psychologists and philosophers to explain it as a waste of time (“for the birds”) [20, p. 53]. The body in art is well documented and, in this work, learning about bodily interactions with technology from the arts transcends into (re)habilitation to design systems to supplement and advance the field. The larger body of work referred to (see footnote 1) has for a number of decades been active in targeting compendia of adaptive and tailorable technology-enhanced interactive environments that offer opportunities for participants to communicate through self-expression and to approach a state of flow [14, 15]. Target for such environments is in and across the disciplines of (re)habilitation, performance art, and entertainment such that similar environments are used. In the former case, such features of the created environments provide appropriate opportunities for the participant to achieve mastery and to increase inter-subjective interactions—for example with a therapist or session facilitator as “more knowledgeable other” (MKO)—a social factor contributing to development [39, 40]. Participant conscious awareness level of the activity within the created environment is considered as play(full) rather than being considered as formal therapy—the facilitator’s role as MKO includes to promote this play aspect of the interactions whilst also being aware that it is therapeutic outcomes that are targeted as goal from the activity. The facilitator is of decisive importance for the development of the play [1, 28, 39]. This aligns with activity theory (e.g. [24, 39]) where communication is an important aspect of the play. This approach contrasts communication theorists (e.g. [1, 28]), who primarily look at such play as communication. The position taken herein aligns with Lisina [25] in considering this view as limited as such play also, beside the communication, contains a content, human and social functions, which are communicated through the play and, accordingly, have to be considered as innate to targeted empowerment [5, 19].
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Petersson and Bengtsson [29] regard empowerment as a dynamic concept that concerns individuals’ possibilities and resources associated with growth and development in everyday interactions. Aligned, this work, presented herein, considers a holistic and process-directed view on empowerment instead of it being a mental state where the play in the interactive environment serves as a means to enhance a participant’s communication through the causal feedback loop. Philosophically, it can be said that this view enables experiences supporting outcomes of a more positive selfperception and belief in one’s own ability and capacity [29]—aligned with efficacy attained from self-expression. Other associated attributes related to this research, such as ‘agency’ and ‘autotelic’ are discussed elsewhere in the authors publications (see previous footnote). Research studies of empowerment include movement data sourced within invisible sensing spaces that is mapped to multimedia feedback that act as stimulus/stimuli to motivate subsequent movement. In this way afferent efferent neural feedback loop closure is targeted and achieved through optimally matching a user to the tailored created system attributes and feedback content. Emergent model for intervention in-action and on-action has resulted from the research (for more see [6, 7]). Within created environments, multisensory feedback can be selected typically as auditory, visual, haptic. A user’s movement within the sensing environment can thus create music, digital painting, robotic control and more—basically control of multimedia content is based upon routing, scaling and otherwise manipulation of sourced data to responsive data via algorithm patch programming. The bespoke system has been used within the author’s interactive exhibitions at leading Museums for Modern Art (MoMA); stage performances; and more. The same system has been used within healthcare—mostly (re)habilitation training. In such settings with participants/patients with motor dysfunction numerous positive evaluations have been stated from healthcare professionals. The research has developed an emergent model for intervention and evaluation under an iterative session strategy in treatment programmes. Outcomes also point to how an alternative feedback stimulus channel can impact a different sensory channel to positive effect—by this an example is in use with acquired brain injured patients where different auditory feedback increments gave users a feedback sense to affect their proprioceptive related balance. Tangible outcomes from intervention, such as in producing own-created digital paintings (printed screen shots of the monitored screen where a user’s in control of own image generation and colour control through threshold dynamics of motion) has been positively received. Such studies resulted in exhibitions, for example where ‘paintings’ were created from within workshops, and mounted on a wall. Two results related to efficacy were identified (1) the sense of pride, self-value and achievement immediately after creating the artefact (see Fig. 16.5, upper right—workshop participant showing of created artefact and exhibition behind), and (2) ownership. In the case of ownership, the author, as workshop leader, met an institution leader (whose clients—intellectually challenged elderly—had attended the workshop) four months after the workshops. The leader informed how on return to the workshop site (a cultural figurehead in Oporto, Portugal, namely Casa da Música) to collect their
16 AquAbilitation: ‘Virtual Interactive Space’ (VIS) with Buoyancy …
‘paintings’ from the exhibition wall, even though abstract and ‘blobby’ representations, all knew their own created artefact. As a result, this specific institute arranged a show and tell session for families and friends where the ‘painter’ shared their creation and their story in creating that was filled with joy. The leaders informed how they were astounded by the stories they heard as whilst they suspected a positive experience from the recognition of own ‘paintings’ they had not expected the embodiment effect of the creative process that they heard from their clients. It was reported as an emotion-filled evening of presentations by the intellectually challenged elders. Digital tools that can empower such creative expression are also impactful for supporting staff, for example, as shown (in Fig. 16.2) where an image of a profoundly dysfunctional individual wears a headset assemblage apparatus to paint with a traditional brush, paint and canvas. As can be seen a protective apron is worn and underneath the wheelchair where he is seated the floor is covered to help ease cleaning. Digital painting via movement, while acknowledged as differing, offers new opportunities for end users—in this case, including those creating the painting, as well as attending care staff.
Fig. 16.2 Traditional painting for profoundly disabled participant at an institute—illustrating potential benefits for digital painting within such situations to prevent spillages and participant discomfort when compared to digital—see Fig. 16.5 i.e. upper inserted Pictures-in-Picture (PiP) © Martins with permission
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16.4 Fieldwork Throughout the second half of the 1990s the author’s field work studied potentials in rehabilitation using his bespoke interactive system with invisible sensing technologies mapped to direct and immediate feedbacks, selectable from auditory, visuals and robotic apparatus. A consistent clear outcome from sessions was differences in users’ level of participation, mood, and engagement to comply with session tasks when they had earlier been to the local water facility: Awareness was heightened alongside improved awakeness. Reflecting on these outcomes, the concept of incorporating water—its feel against flesh alongside buoyancy attributes—into the research interventions with responsive multimedia was conceived. The following is a brief hypothesis on related stimulus. The somatosensory system, as an aspect of the human sensory nervous system, includes human epidermis—the outer layer of skin, which, in context of this study, when submerged in water is stimulated to typically result in a feel-good factor experience. Contact with water in the aquatic environment activates sensor receptors associated to the epidermis that subsequently send signals along connected sensory nerves to the spinal cord where neural processing takes place with further processing taking place after being relayed to the brain. This water-contact stimulus typically includes temperature change (via thermoreceptors—though in pools for specialneeds participants use the temperature is controlled higher than in public pools) and corresponding mechanoreceptors. In this research, such somatosensory transduction resulting from aquatic environment is thus related to afferent efferent neural feedback loop closure towards meaningful interactions for participants where causal cycles of action-interactions are hydro-motivated.
16.5 Hydrotherapy (with Innate Multimedia-Driven Causal Cycles of Action-Interactions) Austrian Vincenz Priessnitz is acknowledged by some as inventor of water-cure or hydrotherapy (formerly known as hydropathy—see [34, p. 3586]) or hydrotherapeutics [27, p. 153]—see also [31]. The term “spa” translates from the Latin phrase Salude Per Aqua meaning “healing through water". Uses of aquatic environments is typically considered as a part of alternative medicine (particularly naturopathy), occupational therapy, and physiotherapy, involving the use of water for pain relief and treatment. A broad range of approaches and methods take advantage of the physical properties of water, such as temperature and pressure, for therapeutic purposes, to stimulate blood circulation and treat the symptoms of certain diseases11 (see
11 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydrotherapy.
16 AquAbilitation: ‘Virtual Interactive Space’ (VIS) with Buoyancy …
also “Hydrotherapy—What is it and why aren’t we doing it?” International SPA Association. Kansas. October 2009).12
16.6 Aquatic and Virtual ‘Immersion’ (Pun Intended) In closing this introduction to the design concept and before sharing the design set up used in the PoC and plans for next phases—a consideration is to mention the common term or immersion from aquatic and Virtual Reality perspectives by citing [22] whose definition would seem to strike common ground between the two concepts highlighted in this text: Yet immersion viewed from a human standpoint is achieved once our physiological, creative, intuitive, intellectual, and imaginative functions are engaged and transcend basic disruptions and distractions. This immersion is not the escape offered by cinema or by the CAVE environment for 3D computer graphics, but is a multifaceted and active human experience of connection and communication that involves both internal and external dimensions. Kozel [22, p. 145].
Reflecting upon this, the human (participant) experience of connection and communication is posited relating to the proposed (re)habilitation motivated interaction cycles that are hypothesised achieved from the multimedia stimuli in this design. Immersion herein refers to the submerged torso of the participant into the water where stimulus to skin is experienced. Once a design has achieved afferent efferent neural feedback according to the larger body of work (readers are suggested to refer to the authors publications as listed in footnote 1) i.e. where a matching of sourcing of data and mapping to selected content is optimised such that the participant is immersed into the experience of interactions—a state where conscious intent of motion is transcended such that feedback responding to motion input drives the subsequent input that sequentially drives corresponding feedback as cycles of action-interaction. However, beyond this situation challenges of technique still are apparent. One of these was an outcome from the PoC in that when a limb in inside the silhouette that is established in the camera sensed planar FOV it loses the interaction definition—for example as in tracking occlusion problems. In a non-aquatic environment, contemporary solutions have used depth-of-field cameras to be able to source data from the Z-axis of depth. This where a tracked limb may be in front-of the body being tracked (silhouette) unlike occlusion where it is behind. However, such issues are proposed to be addressed in next phase of AquAbilitation researches.
12 https://experienceispa.com/ispamedia/news/item/hydrotherapy-what-is-it-and-why-aren-t-we-
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16.7 Set-Up of PoC The PoC was realized within a real-life location (not-simulated) of a special pool facility affiliated to Lund University Hospital, in Lund, Sweden. The pool was used by a crosssection of end-users diagnosed as ‘handicapped’ (a term accepted in Scandinavia) handicapped in the region. The principle and goals behind the PoC case study were presented to pool staff and networked therapists prior to the testing in order to have permission to use the pool for the testing and to invite attendance. Ethical approvals were also in place. A goal was to demonstrate feasibility of the idea with an in-situ preliminary test of the work-in-progress with a single case study example and to receive input from attending therapists and pool staff. In the PoC, a non-waterproof camera was used necessitating use of an open top container for wired connection and weights to submerge and make static. This has now been updated with a waterproof camera and a bespoke metal tripod with hooks where diving lead weights can be attached to enable placement on the pool floor. Further testing is needed to establish if the same camera can service both the computer software algorithms and programmed content (bespoke content i.e. body painting, music-making and games) as well as commercial game platform content (as used in related works with acquired brain injured and others). Wired connection is still deemed necessary. The next section introduces the software used in the case study PoC.
16.8 Software Examples for Non-Aquatic Movement Tracking-Environments (Typically Dance) The EyesWeb project was conceived to develop a modular system for the real-time analysis of body movement and gesture being built for interactive dance and music [11, 12]. The software targeted different environments, such as dancers on stage, actors in theatre, or visitors to an art museum. The author visited the EyesWeb team in University of Genoa at the turn of the century to introduce his research investigating use of movement tracking to empower people with handicap—primarily motoric dysfunction. A European project titled CAREHERE13 was developed and funded. The research around the modular system considers aspects of movement, intention, and effort (e.g. [23]). Whilst these theories primarily were conceived related to dance choreography, the examining of characteristics of movement, intention, and effort within observed human movement without focusing on a particular kind of movement or expression was interpreted by the author as applicable to persons having motoric dysfunction and the related training by therapists. Thus, the modular 13 CARE
HERE European Project IST-20001–32,729: Creating Aesthetically Resonant Environments for the Handicapped, Elderly and Rehabilitation—https://www.bristol.ac.uk/car ehere/Postprojectreflections.html.
16 AquAbilitation: ‘Virtual Interactive Space’ (VIS) with Buoyancy …
Fig. 16.3 Eyesweb algorithm image with bounding box (upper right surrounding silhouette responding to dynamics) and motion cues (contraction index (CI); Quantity of Movement [QOM] through the threshold of motion and non-motion segmentation, and Kinematics cues) extracted from Brooks and Petersson [8, 9]: for more see EyesWeb project documentation and [12]
system seemed suitable to adopt alongside other software being used at the time— primarily Cycling74 Max modular system for MIDI14 sensing. In EyesWeb camera sensing is a main input (Fig. 16.3). Within an aquatic environment traditionally used sensor apparatus will not work submerged—i.e. infrared and ultrasound sensing technologies, as implemented in earlier researches in the larger body of work.1 Thus, camera sourcing of participant movement was tested in the PoC (Fig. 16.5).
16.9 Techniques—for Example with EyesWeb and EyeCon Software Camera-sourcing techniques involved in tracking of a participant’s movement for interactions will be as tested outside of an aquatic environment in the associated holistic larger body of work. In the PoC test was in using the EyesWeb start-frame buffer background extraction—see also Brooks and Petersson 8, 9 where Fig. 16.3 herein is extracted from. The reader can get an additional and improved detail on the technique by reference to the [12] text and viewing cited Figure 2 ‘tendency to movement’ and ‘equilibrium’ images and accompanying text.
= Musical Instrument Digital Interface = an industry standard music technology protocol that connects products.
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Fig. 16.4 EyeCon control showing drawn dynamic ‘Field’ (green box around background dancer) and a series of ‘Touchlines’ around foremost dancer’s body. Various mapping of data triggers is available in sub-windows e.g. field and lines upper left, mapped to sounds—upper right showing pixel threshold adjustment and sensitivity control © Weiss with permission
Another software based upon camera-tracking as used in the holistic larger body of work is EyeCon15 by Frieder Weiss16 under the dance company Palindrome. Within this software a video signal is fed into the computer, the image appears in the main window of the program (see Fig. 16.4). As illustrated, lines, fields or other elements can be drawn as a layer over the source video image. If a participant in the camera field of view (FOV) then moves and touches one of the drawn elements then an event is triggered which can be selectively mapped to multimedia feedback. The software can also measure amount of movement that happens within a field. In such computer-vision software a common need is to differentiate the participant from the background to enable focus on tracking a participant. Typical is that an initial snapshot picture of the empty space is used to inform the software that this is the reference such that differences (i.e. the person moving) activates/triggers events. 15 https://eyecon.palindrome.de. 16 Frieder Weiss author of EyeCon and Kalypso, video motion sensing programs especially designed
for use with dance, music and computer art.
16 AquAbilitation: ‘Virtual Interactive Space’ (VIS) with Buoyancy …
In EyesWeb, background subtraction is achieved via a first-frame buffer extraction of background. In EyeCon, a manual image is captured via a button in the control window—see Fig. 16.4. For more on the background subtraction technique via the brightness/chromaticity distortion method i.e. without green/blue chroma coloured background—see e.g. Horprasert et al. [21].
16.10 Lighting Being camera-based/computer-vision software means that lighting is important. The technique of pixel thresholding compares a video picture (live feed in this case) with the stored reference initial background picture. The software looks at the brightness values of each individual pixel in the foreground live feed and calculates the brightness differences between those pixels and the same pixels in the background. If the difference on any of the (e.g. lines) pixels is higher than ‘pixel threshold’ than the software assumes that the touchline is triggered. Touchlines and a field are shown in the EyeCon control window—Fig. 16.4. Only EyesWeb was tested in the PoC. Both software have programmable adjustments for all aspects and beyond EyesWeb, EyeCon (though at time of writing a dated software) or similar software is planned to be introduced for second level testing. Notable was that in the PoC testing the participant had to move out of the camera FOV in order to create an empty scene for snapshot image as the reference buffer image (see background extraction notes in this text). There were also issues with noise in the FOV when water surface movements were detected. Such issues are noted towards next-level researches. Whilst the buoyancy can offer support in making movements that may otherwise be more challenging for the participant, it can also be the case that to establish a state of stability (aligned with [23] description) certain of the participants may need to ‘work’ harder (increase effort—aligned with [23] description) to maintain posture. This aligns with tasks of stillness—i.e. areas (zones, lines or fields) drawn around the body (e.g. [10] and such as illustrated by Touchlines in Fig. 16.4) such that the handicapped participant’s task in not to trigger—but rather to control posture ‘stillness’ so as to keep the feedback multimedia silent. Numerous tasks for participant incremental challenges can be established by a creative intervention session-facilitator in this way.
16.11 Projected Image Versus HMD Figure 16.5 illustrates an AquAbilitation environment where, simplistically, a participant is in a pool (as in Fig. 16.6—pictures from PoC case study); a camera sources
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Fig. 16.5 Illustration of set-up with participant in water up to chest (can be with additional buoyancy aids or harness support [not illustrated]—see Fig. 16.2): Various computer software techniques are tested to enable monitored “body painting”—see also Fig. 16.6 showing PoC testing and harness for pool access and training (as proposed for next phases of this research)
Fig. 16.6 (Left) PoC testing with end-user and buoyancy aids—camera set up shown in lower left image (open top container weighed). (Right) Harness support [with electric rail assembly over] to aid participants into pool and support intervention
16 AquAbilitation: ‘Virtual Interactive Space’ (VIS) with Buoyancy …
submerged body; the images are processed by computer software to selected audiovisual stimuli, which is presented to the participant (in almost no-delay real-time) as direct and immediate feedback to feed-forward input. HMD use is not illustrated as this is planned for subsequent testing. However, a 3D printed (thus waterproof) HMD has been proposed to mount a smartphone capable of Virtual Reality stereoscopic display and capable of transmitting head motions back to the computer for ‘tracking’ of the Virtual Reality content. A hypothesis aligned to this plan is that wearing a HMD in an aquatic environment may be challenging for some participants. This is especially important as the concept targets motivating through experiences associated to such VR topics as presence, flow and engagement – thus, it is essential that the participant can relax into the experience without concern for safety, well-being, and comfort – these being a given of what should be in place at the start of any testing. Therefore, the testing in PoC and next phase will be constrained at the projected visualisation level as illustrated with HMD incorporated at a later date.
16.12 Conclusions In conclusion it is posited how this contribution addresses the call for chapters by reporting design and PoC testing beyond simulation of an alternative setup to supplement traditional interventions in (re)habilitation where a focus is on patient/participant experience, treatments, and therapies. Technologies for inclusive well-being are implemented such as to realise new opportunities in the field. Aligned with related literature, e.g. [30] the PoC testing plans for two systems in therapeutic settings. Rand et al. (ibid) tested a projected system (GestureTek©) and another based upon a head mounted display (HMD). As in the Rand exploration with non-handicapped testers, similar was tested in this PoC. In this explorative research a difference is made between a projected system as a Virtual Interactive Space (VIS— [4]) and Virtual Reality (the planned waterproof HMD and smartphone explorative research in an aquatic environment. This environment is considered offering opportunities for benefit in (re)habilitation where a person is supported to be safe and secure depending on profile and needs. The concept targets for participants to experience the feel of water against naked flesh alongside buoyancy attributes to stimulate and aid movement that would otherwise be constrained through dysfunction. The concept was considered a positive enhancement and next-step in the goal of creating compendia to supplement traditional intervention tools that grew from non-aquatic intervention sessions i.e. the larger body of work referred to herein. Research indicates that too few institutional water facilities for handicapped (a term used in this text due to the research is based in Denmark where this is the used term—despite its questionable political correctness internationally) exist and let alone incorporate a harness device as shown in this text (Fig. 16.6—lower right). Such a harness can not only aid staff in ease of supporting an end-user into an aquatic environment such as a heated pool for (re)habilitation, but it can also support an end-user in an upright
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position where he/she feel safe enough to explore an interactive environment: In this case where a submerged camera set up captures the user’s underwater motions and through computer software manipulates to directly present an audio-visual feedback aligned to the sourced movements (Fig. 16.5 illustration). The concept aligns with non-aquatic environment harness use in Virtual Reality rehabilitation—typically in gait training as shown in [3] [See in cited publication “Figure 1. The −VE Mobility Simulator: (a) general view”].
16.13 Summary In this research the audio-visuals are presented on a poolside large projection screen or monitor and sound-system such that a user can see and hear interactions and is motivated to further move and interact sequentially in response to the stimuli. In this way afferent efferent neural feedback loop closure is attained within an environment that is buoyant to aid restricted/delimited motions and a stimulant for the body through contact with the water e.g. somatosensory system stimulation. In presenting this exploratory research in its initial stages (albeit the proof-ofconcept to feasibility was conducted originally in the first years of the twenty-first century with further phases remaining in need of external funding to realise) it is pertinent to state that by considering a form of non-formal creative expression and play in (re)habilitation as a supplement to traditional intervention, it is not the target to claim robustness of investigation neither any statistically relevant findings. The target of the research is to ongoingly create solutions to explore that can make a difference for people with challenges in functional physical ability. In this body or work these people are typically ranging from the most profoundly handicapped along a continuum including those more able. Research designs are observational and built upon prior experiences and are generally case study based using mixed methods analysis though primarily qualitative due to differences of end-users and specific profiles. The term ‘case study’ is used herein lightly without relating the typical depth of inquiry associated to the term. In presenting media such as visual stimulus as direct and immediate real-time feedback for motivating participant moving within a created environment, the author posits how his position aligns with the mature Cézanne who “had no designs on the field of vision except to uncover the designs he saw in it”. In other words, the created environments, offers an observation of innate human designs and intentions that act as a conduit from the participant, through the invisible space into the responsive media, and back into the participant in ever evolving cycles of causal action-interactions. Thus, in this way the afferent efferent neural human feedback loop closure is achieved toward technological tools for next-generation therapists who target inclusive wellbeing. Relatedly, [40] reflected how play is considered important to a child’s development. When a child is playing, a potential developmental zone is created—referred to as Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD), which is defined as distance between actual
16 AquAbilitation: ‘Virtual Interactive Space’ (VIS) with Buoyancy …
level of development—determined through a child’s own way of solving problems— and the potential level of development—defined through supplemental guidance of an adult [39]. In context of the research presented herein, where both children and adults are targeted to be participants, and where typically profoundly disabled adults may have a mental age of a child, the design of the interactive environment having feedback stimuli possibilities that respond directly and immediately to participant input offers an interactive play space where one can make music or create/manipulate visuals through movement that is buoyantly supported whilst feeling good with water surrounding the body—the head is immersed in the creating/playing interactions— the body is immersed in the water. Alongside, a facilitating ‘More Knowledgeable Other’ (MKO [39]) promotes the creating and playing through interactions with the participant and using the interactive multimedia as a vehicle for the activities e.g. challenging specific tasks of participant feed-forward motion input to stimuli feedback. This activity targets creating a development opportunity for nuance of progress under the (re)habilitation targeted outcomes. Further, [2] refers to interactions, such as predicted afforded by this design and PoC test, as instrumental exploration, motivated and learned by the cause and effect, and surprise exploration awakened by pure and simple novelty. This instrumental exploration links to surprise exploration achieved from the interactive environment empowerment offering relations as forms of motivation due to the novelty [2]. Such novelty can often be frowned upon in research evaluations, however in context of this design, PoC, and larger body of work, novelty is a targeted ongoing aspect that aligns with an emergent model titled Zone of Optimised Motivation (ZOOM) of incremental task challenges within intervention to ongoing create novel experiences from the interactions—in other words a balancing that matches to the participant’s profile [7].
16.14 Further Challenges, Critique, and Reflections Toward Future Research Besides attaining the funding to research the concept further there are challenges to address. In observations of pool use in (re)habilitation it is evident that many handicapped participants enjoy to float horizontal on the surface of the water with buoyancy aids rather than being supported in an upright position. In such a supported upright position there may be a need for diving weights for lower limbs—however, these were not required by the PoC test participant in the pool. It can also be a consideration to include an overhead camera for tracking of movement whilst floating on one’s back with corresponding ceiling projection or means to monitor in place to show feedback. In context on the PoC it should be noted that assessments and evaluations by attending therapists and pool staff was of concept potentials, whereas evaluations in the holistic body of work consider movement action potentials and related human
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linkages as a foundational unit of analysis. Thus, PoC evaluations as cited should be regarded accordingly as relating to a non-formal exploration. This PoC test did not have opportunity to implement a Head Mounted Display (HMD) instead of the used monitoring apparatus. Increased immersion with the feedback is a distinct possibility with HMD use—and thus could be a hypothesis of future research explorations. However, under such a hypothesis, such use would likely be needed restricted to short-term due to discomfort of wearing. This reflection is especially in respect of the early explorations in the holistic larger body of work where around 1999 Barco active shutter glasses were considered by handicapped participants to be uncomfortable such that they shook their heads to not wear preferring instead to experience the visualisations in mono. Such glasses at the time were heavy, and one-size-fits-all (which they did not). Linked to such exploration, details of participant optical health to use HMD to be able to experience stereo visualizations is important to include in pre-session preparation to ascertain if fitting to participant. Discussions with optometrists suggest this is apparently rarely undertaken. There is also a potential that wearing a HMD may socially-isolate a session facilitator (the MKO, [39]) and hinder observational interpretations of emotional well-being of the participant in session activities. As presented in this text, towards establishing answers to these questions, use of a waterproof HMD to test has been discussed as a 3D-printed device17 to mount a waterproof mobile smartphone capable of stereo VR. It is a hypothesis that a system with Virtual Reality Head Mounted Display (HMD) may be too claustrophobic for some participants or otherwise not optimal and projected VR preferred. Due to these fields of technologies (HMDs and smartphones) advancing at rapid pace (e.g. see [33]) it is a plan that when funding is realised an optimal set up of HMD and smartphone will be researched according to budget and fit to need. A final challenge to mention is that not all facilities have such pool plus projection screen/monitor space as an inbuilt facility with what can be reflected an optimal environment where air movement can be regulated to prevent any damaging effects of the aquatic environment such as corrosion to motorised or other equipment18 e.g. see Hotell Tylösand spa and pool with projection screen lowered (Fig. 16.7). It is a vision of this research to explore toward realising and increasing adoption/creation of such facilities that can be of benefit to such targeted communities of users in (re)habilitation- or rather AquAbilitation, a term coined and originated in this work. A related design is how such designs for creating and playing (aligned to entertainment and learning) can be used as benefit beyond the (re) habilitation posited herein. In other words installed in exclusive villas where they are used as exercise and party pool enabling owners and guests to self-create real-time projected paintings from their submerged body motion and as well to archive prints of created images
17 E.g.
https://www.aniwaa.com/blog/best-3d-printed-vr-headset-for-smartphones/. @Pool Water Treatment Advisory Group https://www.pwtag.org/pool-temperatures-dec ember-2010/. 18 See
16 AquAbilitation: ‘Virtual Interactive Space’ (VIS) with Buoyancy …
Fig. 16.7 a+ b Hotell Tylösand, Halmstad, Sweden—showing retractable projection screen as an ideal setting for AquAbilitation in physical training or with audience entertainment mode a ©Kicki Norman b ©Pamela.se—[both with permission]
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for their art collection: This being contemporary visual art realized from movement training. Figure 16.7 illustrates an ideal set-up of a hotel facility with a projection screen of significant size to offer suitable visual feedback for a participant undertaking AquAbilitation. Currently the research has available a heavy sixty-inch monitor (prior use as a video conferencing screen) with HDMI input; a 3-m × 2-m Altuglas screen and projector; and a sound system. This optimal pool and spa facility at Hotell Tylösand, Halmstad, Sweden has been visited to view possibilities and, due to the hotel’s positioning with an art gallery, a contact has been made towards partnering in a future funded project. A later iteration of the research design and further elaboration of the system is the positioning of additional video cameras around the participant to record from both sides and back of the body to be able to monitor and measure movements. Later still, into the future, a bespoke pool facility with in-built cameras, wireless signal transmittal, optimal multimedia monitoring means, harness participant support, etc., is envisaged as an accessible and inclusive research resource to advance the field of technologies for inclusive well-being.
16.15 Closing Summary In summary it can be shared that there are many challenges involved in such a design herein posited as AquAbilitation with VIS/VR stimulus. Such challenges align with numerous assessments and evaluations of the holistic body of work that has developed and evolved over the last decades toward realising compendia of interactive systems for supplementing traditional (re)habilitation. Additionally, it is complex to decipher immediate impact (let alone impact transcending to actual daily living [ADL], which is always a challenge in this work); also aligned to any generalising of theoretical frames relating emotion and bodily responses due to the participant idiosyncratic differences. For example, it can be questioned which theoretical framework any outcomes may be pertinent to discuss as innate to the research. For example, the James-Lang Theory (emotions evoked following receiving a bodily response to a stimulus—e.g. [13]), the Cannon-Bard Theory (a bodily response and an emotion occur at the same time following a stimulus—e.g. [16]), or even the SchachterSinger Two-Factor Theory (where an emotion is the result of an interpretative label applied to a bodily response to a stimulus—[35]) may be applicable or whether, as posited herein, that a participant has an innate embedded pre-emotion related to preawareness of interaction potentials associated to motion-cues, that are acted upon to activate initial bodily input within a sensing zone, which sequentially activates a selected multimedia response (e.g. in the form of a visual or auditory feedback) that when sensed and perceived as a direct and immediate result of the participant’s input evokes a sense of self-agency related to self-efficacy that stimulate the emotional human psych. This basic human linkage relative to causality seemingly happens without the need for any so-called Emotional Intelligence (EI) to link reasoning into
16 AquAbilitation: ‘Virtual Interactive Space’ (VIS) with Buoyancy …
the equation (see e.g. [26]) to suggest that the closure of the afferent efferent neural feedback loop is redundant of cognitive engaged need—but rather operating at an unconscious or sub-conscious level of interactions with baseline cognition unifying emotion directly with sensing/perception but not directly with conscious thought: thus positing an action-to-perception-to-action causal cycle potential without cognitive input. Thus, the claim in this body of work for optimised matched systems to end-users as participants that achieve closure of their afferent efferent neural feedback loop. This is posited misaligned with contemporary psychology literature. For example, [37] suggests “growing evidence that emotion is represented at multiple levels of our sensory systems and infuses perception, attention, learning, and memory” positing thought as innate to emotional representations …primary function of emotional representations is to produce unified emotion, perception, and thought (e.g., “That is a good thing”) rather than discrete and isolated psychological events (e.g., “That is a thing. I feel good”). The emergent view suggests ways in which emotion operates as a fundamental feature of cognition, by design ensuring that emotional outcomes are the central object of perception, thought, and action. Todd et al. [37]
Whilst the author is not a psychologist nor a therapist the argument put forward is based upon decades of experiences from creation and use of interactive systems within (re)habilitation where cognitive functioning attributes of participants can be questioned with regard to ability to engage thought into such human afferent efferent neural loop closures as achieved. It is a closing point to offer such environments, as this posited PoC AquAbilitation environment or others created to date to further investigate with such expert research partners. In such therapeutic well-being programmes, it is herein posited as a future research hypothesis on how an AquAbilitation session that immediately precedes an intervention session would result in maximum benefit for both end-users. This is considering one end-user as participant—in respect of stimulated motivation and engagement (predicted to be higher than without the AquAbilitation session)—and as well for the second end-user as session facilitator—due to the higher arousal awakeness state of the participant (from the AquAbilitation session) in order to reach higher goals within intervention towards realising advances in nuance of progress (microdevelopment). A case of “watch this space”…
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Chapter 17
Interactive Multisensory VibroAcoustic Therapeutic Intervention (iMVATi) Anthony Lewis Brooks
Abstract This chapter introduces two case studies that exemplify how interactive visualisations were introduced to supplement an interactive vibroacoustic therapeutic intervention setup for adolescents diagnosed as profoundly disabled each having individual dysfunctional conditions. The hypothesis behind the research of multisensory stimuli intervention aligns with how humans can differ in needs, desires, and preferences and it is posited toward optimising selectable feedback stimuli within intervention targeting inclusive well-being. The studies were associated to a European funded research project (https://www.bristol.ac.uk/carehere) (with end-users overall being handicapped and/or elderly and/or undertaking rehabilitation) where the author coordinated Sweden partner research and user studies due to his research being catalyst and responsible for gaining the project. Both case studies took place in a school for special needs in Landskrona municipality, Sweden—they were conducted applied as a part of the day-to-day activities of the school rather than being laboratory-based. Keywords Vibroacoustic therapy · Multimodal stimuli · Modes of therapeutic interaction · Virtual interactive space (VIS) · Profound and multiple learning disabled (PMLD)
17.1 Introduction This chapter contributes with overviewing two case studies illustrating various technologies for inclusive well-being where a focus was on establishing a ‘treatment’ intervention environment concept that was modular and flexible to offer adaptable and tailored multisensory stimuli feedback responding to participant input. Participants are both teenagers diagnosed as profound and multiple learning disabled (PMLD).
A. L. Brooks (B) Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark e-mail: [email protected] © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 A. L. Brooks et al. (eds.), Recent Advances in Technologies for Inclusive Well-Being, Intelligent Systems Reference Library 196, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-59608-8_17
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Interactive feedback stimuli are selectable multimedia that responds to a person’s input (feedforward) movement sensed within what is coined as Virtual Interactive Space (VIS—Brooks 1999). These stimuli typically include interactive auditory and/or visual environments, for example (Serious) Games, Virtual Reality, Music making (typically improvisation as real-time composition), Digital Painting (abstract), Visual manipulation of geometric patterns, and more. In these case studies a vibroacoustic setup has been incorporated toward realising vibroacoustic therapeutic intervention as an interactive form (i.e. where the participants generate their own audio-visual plus vibratory stimulus, within VIS environments. Related literature cited includes a body of work titled ‘Sound Therapy’, elaborated by Swingler [59] and Ellis (1995–2004) wherein the approach to intervention aligns with this authors experiences, beliefs and positioned argument. The setup incorporated interactive multisensory vibroacoustic therapeutic intervention according to the staff decisions from knowledge of each participant and with comprehension of their likely response to the additional stimulus of visuals. This meaning that a participant’s feedback incorporated auditory and visual stimuli that was synchronous with vibratory haptic/tactile stimulus, all empowered for selftriggering/self-manipulation/self-control toward promoting a sense of achievement, self-agency, and efficacy. This research was catalyst to national and international (European) funded projects within rehabilitation with end-user participants across ranges of age and diagnosis including handicapped, elderly, and/or undertaking rehabilitation, and situation 1 .
17.2 Biofeedback A point of departure for this chapter is biofeedback. Historically positioned within the holistic body of work that led to the European project mentioned in the opening of this chapter includes research of biofeedback systems. These are systems that typically use electrodes positioned on parts of a human body to generate signals indicating bodily function and change. As well as informing via data on bodily function that correspondingly offer indications of the participant’s experience and related emotion (e.g. heartbeat, brainwaves, galvanic skin response…), the same sensed data are able to be mapped to generate direct stimuli as feedback, for example in response of an aroused state to keep a participant aroused or to de-stress. This research has been referred to as a form of biofeedback in that under a mixed methods approach both qualitative and quantitative analysis can be implemented: Data that is sensed from a human body can be mapped to trigger and effect feedback stimuli that in turn can affect the participant: The affected participant reacts to the stimuli by subsequently generating data to again trigger and effect. This causality is referred to as the human afferent efferent neural feedback loop closure, and is seen 1 https://www.bristol.ac.uk/carehere.
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as a powerful motivator within (re)habilitation and situations associated to wellbeing. An emergent model on optimised motivation from the research is reported in Brooks and Petersson [11]. Aligned to the emergent model is that correlations between sensed data can indicate differences in reactions to specific stimuli to aid setup design and pre-sets. A contemporary example of biofeedback is where miniature cameras can be positioned inside a Head Mounted Display (HMD) to generate videos of what aspect of a created visualisation is being looked at and at the same time what is the emotional reaction of the person to what is being looked at.2 Within the headset this can be via additional miniature cameras that capture pupil dilation and additionally other signals can be sourced such as mentioned above (heartbeat, galvanic skin response, brainwaves…). With such a setup, a designer of an experience (virtual/augmented) can research human responses to a media creation and adjust accordingly. Thus, subsequent designs being informed from a user’s specific experience. In this chapter, HMDs were not used with the two PMLD participants so that full facial reactions were observable to indicate emotions associated to the experience of the multisensory stimuli. In line with inclusive well-being, participants in the applied research to date span across ages (children, adults, aged) and across ranges of (dys)functional ability and diagnosis. Thus, a catalyst of the body of work is as a supplement for traditional intervention targeting impact in (re)habilitation. The work has also researched outside of (re)habilitation where the VIS multisensory environments, including biofeedback setup, have been used in context of installation and performance art. From these contexts learnings have been impactful for the (re)habilitation and inclusive well-being aspects as well as the multisensory multimodality aspects. In a similar fashion, the healthcare activities inform the art context. This chapter, alongside presenting the two case studies with participant end-users, additionally comments on the thinking behind ‘VIS-based multisensory interactive vibroacoustic therapeutic intervention’ and related practical implementations of such empowering technologies to realise meaningful experiences for end-users as found in this research. Input from noteworthy luminaries in the field are extensive for clarity of association to this work and to position in the field. ‘End-users’ as a term used in this field to include beyond the participant/patient/client, who in this research is considered central. The term is used to additionally refer to session facilitators who may be therapists, individual carers of participants, or other healthcare professionals: Family members and friends can also be referred to as end-users in context of the participant’s shared systemic experience, for example where co-playing a game such that social interactions are targeted. In other words, the term is encompassing of all those who are using the system at a given time. The next section introduces the multisensory setup.
2 https://pupil-labs.com/products/vr-ar/.
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17.3 Multisensory Stimulus: Sound, Sound Therapy, Music Therapy, Vibroacoustic Intervention Raghu [51] informs how: Sound is a form of energy produced by vibrations caused by movement of particles. Sound can travel through solids (such as metal, wood, membranes), liquids (water) and gases (air). The sound vibrations that reach our ear are produced by the movement of particles in the air surrounding the source of sound. The movement or vibration of particles produces waves of sound. Sound waves are longitudinal and travel in the direction of propagation of vibrations. The pitch of sound is related directly to its frequency, which is given by the number of vibrations or cycles per second. The higher the pitch of sound, the higher is its frequency, and the lower the pitch, the lower is its frequency. Human ear can hear sounds of frequencies ranging from 20 – 20,000 cycles per second (or Hertz – Hz). Sound waves can be visually seen and studied using ‘Chladni’ plates… // Sound is everywhere. There is perpetual movement and action in the world around us, and this produces a variety of sounds, such as those coming from Nature, from animals, those generated by humans in the form of speech or music, those that are generated by vehicles, machines, gadgets that are used for comfort, leisure and convenience. What is interesting or important about Sound? Sound is an integral part of our lives. Whether we like it or not, the vibrations of these sounds reach us, not only through the hearing sense, but also by coming into contact with the physical body. The sound vibrations can affect us either positively or negatively, entering into our being, via the physical, mental and emotional realms, thereby affecting our consciousness as a whole. Therefore, while it is important, it would also be interesting, to know more about the nature of sound, how it affects us, and in what way we can harness it positively and try to reduce its negative impact on us. Raghu [51, p. 75].
There is abundant literature on using sonic/audio (and/or visual) responsive feedback in (re)habilitation including the author’s archive covering publications, projects and activities spanning multiple decades—accessible at https://vbn.aau.dk/da/per sons/103302. These responsive feedback stimuli are established within a created modular environment that can be tailored to an individual profile. The conceptual environment is referred to as Virtual Interactive Space (VIS) and was first published in 1999 at the World Congress for Physical Therapy (WCPT) in Yokohama, Japan. There is also much literature on vibroacoustic therapeutic intervention (see next section) where various terms are used—such as Vibroacoustic Therapy (VAT) e.g. [50], Vibroacoustic Music (VAM) e.g. [64], and Vibroacoustic Sound Therapy (VAST) by Ellis (2004). The two case studies presented herein are cautiously positioned in relation to this literature above. This is stated as VAT and VAM both use specific low frequency auditory impulses (30–120 Hz or musically approximately B0 –B2 ), either as stand-alone or mixed within music: Both are reported within context of ‘Music Therapy’ discipline. Aligned, [43] offers in-depth reflections on emotional music therapy relation across pre-recorded music and musical improvisation. Ellis’ (2004) VAST study, and related research, does not argue position in music therapy literature—rather arguing against such inclusion.
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This is potentially why Ellis’ (2004) study does not state specific what is used in the vibroacoustic sound therapy cases apart from a Soundbeam™, a chair built with audio speakers inside, and a music recording (but no detail to the content of either MIDI or recording being focused upon low frequencies). The two case studies presented herein, as well as the author’s holistic work overall, are positioned aligned more with Sound Therapy [20, 25, 59] (Ellis 1995) than Music Therapy approaches to Vibroacoustics e.g. [50, 64]. This is because in the case studies there was no focus on restricting the tonal range of audio to 120 Hz and below using solely sine wave tones (both participants enjoyed range of sounds and effects) and no melodic or harmonic form was targeted. Also, the author is aware of the Sound Therapy’s work with visual stimuli aligned to Soundbeam triggering of audio—thus the ‘thinking’ on multisensory stimuli aligns with Ellis and the Soundbeam personnel. In the next section [20–25, 27, 28, 59] are sourced extensively in elaborating on the Soundbeam and the Sound Therapy approach.
17.4 Soundbeam and Sound Therapy Soundbeam3 is a linear ultrasound sensing of movement device that triggers MIDI notes (which is typically wide span of frequencies depending on MIDI patch selected and range of notes programmed). It has been a leading product in the field for approximately thirty years with units sold globally and a network of therapist users. Ellis in his research [20, 25] (1995, 2004) primarily used Soundbeam with MIDI whole tone scale sounds in his reported research. Thus, he doesn’t classify his research specifically as music therapy: see [59], who explains Ellis’ approach and Music/Sound Therapy eloquently: In traditional music therapy, the less the child is able to say something with sound because of a physical or cognitive disability, the heavier becomes the therapist’s responsibility for empathy and interpretation. The main focus and engine for the mood and meaning of the music which is happening is on the therapist, and this creative and interpretative role is increasingly shifted away from the child with more profound levels of disability. Consequently, as the liberating potential of musical expression increases, it becomes correspondingly less achievable. This allocation of creative ‘power’ may have no clinical or therapeutic rationale, it may simply result from what is physically possible. Swingler [59, np].
In justifying use of the Soundbeam he adds: The experience of initiation is central to the success of Soundbeam, especially for individuals with profound disabilities. If ones overall experience of life is essentially passive, it may be difficult to develop any concept of ‘selfhood’, any idea of oneself as a separate individual. What Soundbeam offers, perhaps for the first time and regardless of the individual’s degree of immobility, is the power to make something happen. This is the vital experience of “that 3 https://www.soundbeam.co.uk.
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was me!”, which can function as the foundation stone for further learning and interaction. This use of sound as the source of motivation is an extremely simple but crucially important application of the technology; it is impossible to overstate its value. Swingler [59, np].
Swingler [59] elaborates on how [20, 25], Ellis (1995) one of the most prominent Soundbeam researchers, established a systematic long-term evaluation of Soundbeam’s potential for children and adults with disabilities. In sharing the technique of use he states that the Soundbeam device (the sensing ultrasonic beam) “is positioned so that as soon as the child begins to move an interesting sound is triggered, motivating further movement and, eventually, radically enhanced posture, balance and trunk control.” Due to individual differences and handicap profiles quantitative measures are rarely implemented—though given contemporary computer vision technologies and related software it is possible to measure using an automatic extraction of motion cues—what Camurri et al. (2011) relates as QoM of Quantity of Motion including contraction and expansion (CI), Kinematic cues and more (–see pp. 25–27, also [11]. Also relative to the author’s research is how Swingler [59] states—“All of this is accomplished in parallel with a strong sense of fun and achievement. For the child, the therapeutic dimension of what is happening is irrelevant”. Importantly, relating to this chapter author’s research is the term “For the child” as the therapeutic intervention being targeted is considered a facilitator layer of knowledge that is not needing to be conveyed as it could demotivate if targeted formal ‘clinical’ goals in a session were not achieved. Swingler [59] further posits how in Ellis’ use of Soundbeam: ….Sound itself is the medium of interchange… This approach contrasts with traditional models of music therapy, with its emphasis on ‘treatment’, direct intervention and imposition of external stimuli determined by an outside agent. Even where a music therapist may claim to be ‘responding’ to a patient’s music, this is a personal response on the part of the therapist. Often the therapist uses, or moves towards, a traditionally based musical language comprised of melody, harmony and rhythm, so limiting the soundscape and genre of ‘musical’ discourse. The ‘patient’ or ‘client’ is viewed in a clinical way, with a condition which needs to be treated or ameliorated. There are clearly defined goals with these treatments, with success measured according to how effective the treatment has been in terms of the clinical or medical condition. The modus operandi of these approaches is essentially from the outside -in, with an emphasis on clinical intervention rather than independent learning. Swingler [59, np].
In considering the composition of the human body4 and that approximately sixty percent is water related, it is not a surprise that sonic frequencies have an effect on its inner structures movement. As composition structures, such as cells, atoms and molecules, are agitated by the sonic waves, increased interactions and communications take place as a result of deep cellular stimulation that some claim results in harmonious and healthy resonances that are restored to the body. 5 Raghu [51] informs on tone relationships: 4 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Composition_of_the_human_body. 5 https://www.vitalhealthcare207.com/index.php?p=504881.
17 Interactive Multisensory VibroAcoustic Therapeutic Intervention (iMVATi)
Sound vibrations can come in contact physically through the body and have an effect on our consciousness at the mental, emotional and spiritual levels. Sounds that are musical can be categorized as consonant sounds that are pleasant, and dissonant sounds that are unpleasant or not so pleasant. Musical sounds are comprised of notes in increasing or decreasing order of pitch (frequency). The interval between notes can give rise to consonance and dissonance. Example, an interval of an octave -a range of seven notes - is said to be consonant, whereas an interval between adjacent notes can be dissonant. These are studied by experimenting with musical notes and intervals, their visual patterns and their effect on consciousness. While consonant intervals can cause happiness, joy, courage or calmness, dissonant intervals can cause tension, anger, fear or sadness, thereby affecting the emotional aspect of consciousness. Raghu [51, p. 75].
Here we can look at Ellis’ decision to use whole tone scale intervals and issues such as beats, resonance and entrainment. Raghu [51] informed on the topic of ‘beats’ that: When two (or more) sounds are produced having a frequency difference of less than about 20 or 30 Hz, you will hear “beats.” The frequency of the beats will be at the difference frequency. If the frequency difference is larger than about 20 or 30 Hz, a tone is usually perceived rather than distinct beats. Raghu [51, p. 78].
On the topic of ‘resonance’ [51] posited how: A musical instrument can be forced into vibrating at one of its harmonics (with one of its standing wave patterns) if another interconnected object pushes it with one of those frequencies. This is known as resonance - when one object vibrating at the same natural frequency of a second object forces that second object into vibrational motion. The word resonance comes from Latin and means to “resound” - to sound out together with a loud sound. Resonance is a common phenomenon of sound production in musical instruments. Raghu [51, p. 78].
On the subject of ‘entrainment’ [51] shares how: This involves changing the natural vibrational frequencies of an object and replacing them with different vibrational frequencies of another object, thereby actively changing the vibrations of one object to that of another object. Entrainment is considered as an active method, whereas resonance is considered as a passive method. (Healing Sounds, n.d.). Raghu [51, p. 78].
Sound qualities such ‘beat’ ‘resonance’ and ‘entrainment’—as pointed out by [51] align to the author’s holistic body of work titled SoundScapes [8] and the positioning behind the topic of Aesthetic Resonant Environments (see also [10, 14, 21–28, 35,…]) where variations of the term is elaborated by different authors but with an aligned red thread of meaning. Acknowledged by Raghu [51] regarding musical/bichordal intervals and effect is that: One of the reasons why listening to music is so healing for us, is due to the power of musical intervals. A musical interval is created when one note is played with another note. The interval can be created by playing two notes together, or one after the other. When two notes are played together the interval has a stronger effect on us. The frequencies of the two notes
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of the interval create a mathematical ratio that affects the body in different ways. When we listen to all the intervals in the musical scale it is profoundly healing for our body and our mind. Pythagoras discovered that the ratios of the musical intervals were found in nature, the planets and constellations. (Simon, H., n.d). Raghu [51, p. 78].
Ellis’ research [20, 25] (1995) tended to use whole tone scales that may align with how the notion that each musical interval has a unique psychological effect has not been fully determined (e.g. [44, p. 309]) and affect may differ cross-culturally and situation [45]. Further, [16] offer findings from a factor analysis groupings analysis of bichords and music focused upon three aspects (1) emotional evaluation, (2) activity, and (3) potency, where factors 1 and 2, proved to be most significant related to interval discrimination (p. 4). This [16] study (and linked in text) points to gender differences aligned with different emotional affect intensity—something not discussed in the two case studies in this chapter where one was male and one was female. This section has focused on the auditory stimulus—the next section introduces the selected visuals.
17.5 Multisensory Stimulus: Visuals—Case Studies 1 and 2 In the case studies presented, two forms of interactive visualisations were predominantly used. The first interactive visual system used MIDI messages controlling a software synthesiser having three oscillators. Each oscillator could be selectively mapped to control channels on [a] an additive colour wheel i.e. (1) Red, (2) Green, and (3) Blue, where 0.00; 0.00; 0.00 values equate to black and 1.00; 1.00; 1.00 equate to white: or [b] an alternative colour wheel controlling channels of (1) Hue, (2) Saturation, and (3) Value (or intensity or brightness) where white and black are added to the colour to adjust. Patterns were programmed into the synthesiser so that geometric shapes are generated that are then ‘painted’ by adjustments to three MIDI continuous controllers (CC) where each is assigned to control one oscillator (1, or 2, or 3). A continuous controller is a specific MIDI message capable of transmitting a range of values, usually 0–127—images as fully illustrated in Fig. 17.1 (on left wall) and Fig. 17.2. A video illustrating hand gestures of a choir conductor creating the images with three infrared sensors is available at https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=65gAT_RAfvU. The second interactive visualisation system used camera capture of participant where the image was processed in a software algorithm (Eyesweb6 ) to reflect a selectable threshold of movement quantity and quality that generated a form of ‘blobby’ ‘abstract’ digital painting. The participant could select which Soundbeam (ultrasound beam) he moved within to generate selected sounds and where the same 6 https://www.infomus.org/eyesweb_ita.php.
17 Interactive Multisensory VibroAcoustic Therapeutic Intervention (iMVATi)
Fig. 17.1 Author (right) setting up a multisensory Interactive Vibroacoustic Therapeutic Intervention system for female participant M who is lying on a vibroacoustic Soundbox™. This has embedded speakers that produce tactile stimulus for her experience of auditory feedback responding to movement that M activates by her motions within three volumetric infrared sensing spaces. Attending mother (next to open door) looks on, with one staff member arranging video camera and another positioned prepared to observe. Visualizations (geometric shapes in this case) that M triggers through her movement can be seen projected onto left wall facing M. A Microphone is directed to M to capture session utterances that are processed in an effect unit. Computer workstation is at the rear of the room where all data/stimuli is sourced and mapped to visual synthesiser software with output to projector
motions generated the digital painting image Fig. 17.3. Examples of images from this research is shown in Fig. 17.4.
17.6 Multisensory Stimulus: Tactile/Haptic = Vibroacoustic Therapeutic Intervention Vibroacoustic therapeutic intervention has been practiced under different titles by an array of people for many years in different forms and in differing settings for a variety of patient profiles and conditions e.g. physical, emotional, mental. Music therapy has been conducted primarily by musicians such that “the dominant approach to the field has been subjective and founded in artistic and literary traditions” [64, p. 14]. Punkanen and Ala-Ruona [50], in their article abstract in the journal Music and Medicine, state how:
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Fig. 17.2 Movement by end-users (participants with handicap) within three infrared sensor zones that are mapped to different MIDI CC channels controlling colours that ‘paint’ the different generated geometric images. Purposefully, the participant is positioned ‘inside’ the image (if possible) for a heightened sense of immersion (see [10])
Fig. 17.3 (Left) Male participant R seated upon Soundbox with original camera image upper right on screen; first stage of processing in Eyesweb algorithm—lower right on screen; Digital painting (upper left): (Right) Soundbox with desk and a variety of switches. Behind desk are two Soundbeams and central video camera. Altuglas Black and White projection screen behind [36]
17 Interactive Multisensory VibroAcoustic Therapeutic Intervention (iMVATi)
Fig. 17.4 Examples of ‘digital painting’ through movement in this research (see [7])
Vibroacoustic therapy (VAT), traditionally considered to be a physical and receptive type of music therapy intervention, uses pulsed, sinusoidal, low-frequency sound on a specially designed bed or chair. Today VAT is viewed as a multimodal approach, whereby the therapist works with the client’s physiological and psychological experiences, incorporating a mind– body approach. Punkanen and Ala-Ruona [50, p. 128].
Credit for the VAT concept is acknowledged to Olav Skille and Juliette Alvin from 1968 in relation to development of a music therapy model. Evolution of the model is again credited (ibid.) to Skille from his 1982 definition of VAT as being: …the use of sinusoidal, low-frequency (30–120 Hz), rhythmical sound–pressure waves mixed with music for therapeutic purposes/considering/ “low-frequency sound massage” would assist in the reduction of pain and other stress-related symptoms. Punkanen and Ala-Ruona [50, p. 128].
A range of literature point to favourable outcomes from vibroacoustic therapeutic intervention, for example with patients having fibromyalgia [47],children with profound and multiple learning difficulties and the elderly in long-term residential care (Ellis 2004); spasticity and motor function in children and adults with Cerebral Palsy [40], and more. Whilst Skille is reported to have initially focused VAT on using a single amplitude modulated sinusoidal sound, and later incorporating music—at around the same time, a research professor from Aalborg University Denmark, Tony Wigram, mixed music and low-frequency sound, which he named “vibroacoustic music” (VAM)—(see [64]). However, these definitions would seem to overlap and confuse as both VAT and VAM apparently use similar content i.e. single amplitude modulated sinusoidal sound plus music. Subsequently, Ellis (2004) coined the term Vibroacoustic sound therapy from use of whole tone scales of sounds routed to a vibroacoustic chamber or chair—thus there was no melody, harmony and structure as one would relate to musical form (see elsewhere in this chapter for more on Ellis’ ‘Sound Therapy’). Whilst literature points to benefits from vibrations impacting the human body (see elsewhere in this chapter), however, care is needed when using vibroacoustic systems
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as whole-body vibration can cause weariness, digestive troubles, headache, imbalance and tremor shortly after or during exposure. Special Interest Groups (SIGs) such as VIBRAC, the Skille-Lehikoinen Centre for Vibroacoustic Therapy and Research which was founded in 2012 and is managed by The Eino Roiha Foundation under the University of Jyväskylä, Finland instruct on best practice. Unfortunately, the VIBRAC site’s last update is seemingly 2016 as of writing, suggesting a lack of activity. However, this comment may be premature, as there is apparently a renewed activity and networking being initiated (2019–2020) following the author’s contact to the leadership but the Covid-19 situation prevented the VIBRAC SIG meeting at a conference in Boston USA—it is anticipated that this group will reinvigorate the field and collaborate with this author to advise best practice, tools, and to explore the interactive vibroacoustic therapeutic intervention as posited herein. The next section introduces VIBRAC and the field.
17.7 VIBRAC and Review of the Field A dedicated Vibroacoustic Therapy facility was established in 2012 in Jyväskylä, Finland, namely VIBRAC Skille-Lehikoinen Centre for Vibroacoustic Therapy and Research, under the Eino Roiha Foundation. The centre is recognised as a development, training, and research centre for Vibroacoustic Therapy (VAT). In reported research at the site it is stated how “effects and benefits of VAT have been originally linked to high muscle tone and reduction in spasticity.”7 The site informs on an array of conditions where positive treatments have been reported—however it also makes clear that: The typical shortcomings in most studies relates to design, small sample sizes, and poorly described interventions which are not based on best clinical practices, as well as the inability to find applicable and sufficiently sensitive measurement tools. Future research should focus more on improving the practices and reporting of VAT, and studying the effects of the most relevant clinical interventions and procedures for the clinical groups which seem to benefit most from this particular intervention. Special attention should also be given to the measurement tools used in VAT studies. https://www.vibrac.fi
In line with this statement, it can be considered how the research presented herein—the two case studies—aligns with such shortcomings, however, the goal of this work was not to treat or measure clinically. Rather it was to study potentials to supplement auditory with additional stimuli from a position argued aligned with individual differences, preferences, needs and desires. This a position argued in line with Ellis [20, 59] (1995, 1995, 2004) contributions as quoted elsewhere in this chapter.
7 https://www.vibrac.fi/content/research-vibroacoustic-therapy.
17 Interactive Multisensory VibroAcoustic Therapeutic Intervention (iMVATi)
17.8 Conclusion Two case studies are presented to exemplify the concept of multisensory interactive vibroacoustic intervention in a VIS environment. Teenagers of similar age and similar condition with one being male and one being female were the participants. Invisible sensors using ultrasonic and infrared technologies were used to capture participant movements that were mapped to auditory, visual and tactile feedbacks— all experienced as synchronous. Evaluations were highly positive by involved staff and family. Sound boxes such as used in these case studies offer opportunities to stimulate participants with severe dysfunction to have rewarding and enjoyable experiences that whilst being fun can also lead to formal therapeutic outputs. In this work reports of less spasming, increased contact to staff, happier disposition and more beneficial outcomes are reported (e.g. see [8, 20–26, 59] Ellis (2004). These two case studies did not use specific low-frequency content as in VAT or VAM. Audio content was rather across the whole range of frequencies and typically the chromatic scale was used (as opposed to Ellis’ use of the whole tone scale). Justifying this choice is that the chromatic scale offered a higher sensitivity/resolution (more notes in the invisible sensing space) to challenge smaller motion triggering to challenge increased precision of gestural control. The use of interactive environments where tones are composed through gesture relates to Stokowski who in 1932 predicted “a time when musicians would be able to compose directly into TONE, not on paper. In other words, we would be working directly with sound itself rather than with the symbols used to represent the results of imagined combinations of sound” [59].
17.9 Future Research in Interactive Vibroacoustic Therapeutic Intervention The author anticipates gaining additional knowledge of best practice in this field alongside developing skills and competences associated to tools and practice toward increased research in this field to test against VAT and further music therapy interventions (e.g. [43]). This means specific research on content feedback stimuli to ascertain differences aligned with literature cited herein—so for example use of a specific range of frequencies and mapping to sensors. A stumbling block over years has been that the research has not received funding specific to the vibratory research— and this has meant it has been almost stagnant for a number of years. However, once funding is in place, next plans (after discussion with experts at VIBRAC SIG to best practice, health and ethics) involve to add to the modularity aspect to test different sound boxes (vibroacoustic chambers) with larger speakers to increase amplitude of vibrations. This plan involves using specialist bass frequency speakers in different combinations, primarily testing from 10-, 12-, 15- and 18-inch units, in combinations of 2, 4, 6, 8 and 12 speakers. The speakers will be positioned on their backs
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in a bespoke assembly with a support board resting on the top for participant to lie on. Combinations are planned to be fed from different amplifiers in order to explore digital vs valve (tube) based amplification of sound. Testing is planned for this aspect to include blind and deaf to study any differences in tactile stimulus felt between the analogue and digital amplifications and to test if outcomes impact PMLD tests. The systems are planned to test additional devices to trigger and manipulate the auditory stimulus. These include music floor pedals to further empower and enhance self-control over the sound ([6], figure 9). These pedals include specifically the Moog Taurus III Foot Pedal Apparatus, an analogue monophonic synthesizer that has 13 large velocity-sensitive wooden church organ style pedals, which due to size, thus can be played by appendage beyond the feet. The Moog Taurus III sounds are generated by two sawtooth oscillators, a multiwaveform low-frequency oscillator, and has a 24 dB/oct resonant low-pass filter to emphasize low frequencies in the selected patches for increased tactile feedback in active vibroacoustic situations. The Moog also has an arpeggiator that can play back patterns of sounds from a pedal press. Guitar/Bass effect pedals are also planned to be incorporated to additionally enable a participant to ‘effect’ parameters of the sound that is experienced. This can also be a second participant so that sounds are ‘manipulated’ together. For example, these will range from subtle compression, chorus, reverberation, and echo to more distinct changes such as distortion, envelope follower, octave splitter, and more. Additional interfaces such as ultrasound sensor grids; touch strips; cross-hair tracking; and rubber electronic drum pads are also planned to be tested attached to sound boxes. With so many interfaces available, alongside software to manipulate content there is a wide gamut to research under this subject that deserves increased attention.
17.10 Postscript In closing it is pertinent to reflect on an experience from April 2008 from a workshop that the author conducted at ‘Casa da Música’ (CDM), Oporto, Portugal [7]. The workshop was in the form of an interactive installation/environment built in the location in the concert house rehearsal room for the national symphony orchestra— approximate dimension, 238 m2 floor area, 20 m high (where there was notably a wooden sprung floor for players to feel the music through their feet). A large ‘multiroom’ interactive multisensory setup was designed by the author and built with the technical crew. Large sub-woofer speakers were distributed around the room— this to impact the sprung floor with maximum vibrations from music generated by motions in the spaces. The workshop was titled “Ao Alcance de Todos Música” (Within Everyone’s Reach). Attendees were from regional special needs institutes, schools and hospitals, as invited by the CDM education department who organised and arranged the annual event. Attendees were across ages and handicap. Workshop attendance groups were of about twenty persons. One group attended from a local institute for the deaf. All attendees were asked to remove their shoes at the entrance.
17 Interactive Multisensory VibroAcoustic Therapeutic Intervention (iMVATi)
The memorable experience was where a young boy about eight years-of-age who couldn’t hear found the “hot-spot” of sensors such that he was controlling audio and visuals with miniscule movements. Other attendees stopped to watch him as he started shaking emotionally in a positive fashion exploring what he had found. The author instructed all to lie on the floor and to watch the boy. The experience was enlightening and illustrated potentials of interactive vibroacoustics in therapeutic contexts with multisensory stimuli options. Such modular system setups allow mixing and matching of components to an individual participant’s profile (e.g. his/her preferences, needs and desires to enjoy and have a fun entertaining episode) aligned to the therapeutic output (therapist/facilitator targeted formal outcome for the participant) to thus enable a tailorable biofeedback experience of the self for the participant having developmental potential. Acknowledgements Stefan Hasselblad, Special Teacher/Carer; Children, Parents and Staff at Emaljskolan, Emaljgatan 1C, Landskrona 26143, Sweden: Casa da Música’, Oporto, Portugal staff and attending workshop participants 2006–2008 inclusive: Soundbeam personnel, Bristol UK: Eyesweb Project personnel, Genoa, Italy: VIBRAC Skille-Lehikoinen Centre for Vibroacoustic Therapy and Research, Finland. Professor Phil Ellis and Dr Lieselotte van Leeuwen whose work resulted in a Centre of Excellence in Teaching and Learning, resulting in a regional Sound Therapy Centre at Sunderland, UK. Professor Rolf Gehlhaar. Professor Jens Arnspang. Finally, thanks to the authors I have taken liberty in extensively quoting in this chapter’s citations; it is done with good intention so as not to change meanings in the original texts through my paraphrasing. Credits accompany each cited quote to acknowledge your contribution—here I say thank you again.
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Part III
Health and Well-Being
Chapter 18
Health and Well-Being Anthony Lewis Brooks
Abstract Third part of this volume is titled Health and Well-Being. It covers topics ranging from disabled and technology, through to a new technology referred to as Electrorganic and use in music therapy. Autism is in focus of two chapters. It also includes creative work from Mexico where an exhibition reflects on death. The final chapter reports on Cinematic Virtual Reality and sonic interaction design. Keywords Disabled and technology · Electrorganic · Music therapy · Autism · Death · Exhibition · Installation · Cinematic virtual reality · Sonic interaction design
18.1 Introduction The book contents are segmented into four parts with chapters being selected to each. Specifically, Part 1: Gaming, VR, and Immersive Technologies for Education/Training; Part 2: VR/Technologies for Rehabilitation; Part 3: Health and Well-Being; and Part 4: Design and Development. This third part is themed Health and well-being and includes chapters on (1) Current trends in technology and wellness for people with disabilities: An analysis of benefit and risk, (2) Electrorganic technology for inclusive well-being in music therapy, (3) Interactive multimedia: A take on traditional Day of the Dead altars, (4) Designing an accessible interface with and for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, and (5) Combining cinematic virtual reality and sonic interaction design in exposure therapy for children with autism. This chapter represents a focused, and sometimes extended, ‘miniscule-review of the field’ by introducing the chapters in the opening part of this volume on ‘Gaming, VR, and immersive technologies for education/training’. Each paper’s
A. L. Brooks (B) Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark e-mail: [email protected] © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 A. L. Brooks et al. (eds.), Recent Advances in Technologies for Inclusive Well-Being, Intelligent Systems Reference Library 196, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-59608-8_18
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author(s) acknowledgement aligns to using their source text to create these snippets to overview and to introduce readership. The following sections introduce the chapters and authors.
18.1.1 Current Trends in Technology and Wellness for People with Disabilities: An Analysis of Benefit and Risk [1] In their chapter titled ‘Current trends in technology and wellness for people with disabilities: An analysis of benefit and risk’,—Hung Jen Kuo, affiliated under California State University, Los Angeles; Connie Sung, affiliated under Michigan State University; Nigel Newbutt, affiliated under University of the West of England; Yurgos Politis, affiliated under the University College Dublin; and Nigel Robb, affiliated under the University of Tokyo, cover across a gamut of technology application areas. Taking inspiration from Director Robert Zemeckis’ “Back to the Future” film, and its technology focus—the chapter introduces sections on ‘Technology as Daily Routine’; ‘Technology for Mainstreaming Assistive Device’; ‘Technology for Education and Employment’; ‘Technology for Service Delivery’; ‘Technology for Social Interaction and Recreation’; ‘Assistive Technology Being Abandoned’; ‘Technology as Ethical Concerns’; ‘Technology as Social Disincentive’. Conclusions in the chapter are how the authors relate to service industries needing to catch up to the technologies where they posit that:Technology bears tremendous potentials in enhancing people’s quality of life. The advancement of technology has made the impossible possible for many. Particularly, assistive technology has made education and employment more accessible to persons with disabilities. However, whereas its positive impact is apparent, technology has its own challenges as well. These challenges may not directly involve the functionalities of technology. For example, users’ preferences and potential threats to confidentiality social isolation are not necessarily considered by these device designers. As such, while celebrating the technology advancement, it is also critical to think beyond just the devices and their functions. After all, it is the users’ experiences that are the most important.
18.1.2 Electrorganic Technology for Inclusive Well-being in Music Therapy [2] Inclusive well-being in the field of music therapy is questioned regarding the potentials of a new technology referred to as Electrorganic is central in the next chapter authored by Anthony Lewis Brooks, affiliated under Aalborg University; and Carl Boland who works for ATV in Japan. This chapter presents a contemporary and original musical instrument proposed for use in music therapy—the instrument is namely ATV Corporation’s electrorganic aFrame. This chapter reports on initial aFrame intervention testing by music therapists as a part of the second phase of
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research. This follows over six-months of proof-of-concept trials questioning reactions across a range of contemporary musical instruments and their potential use in music therapy, wherein the aFrame was the preferred device by testers. As the name suggests, the aFrame is modelled on a traditional frame drum, and appears to be aimed at skilled hand percussionists, with the appeal of applying natural playing techniques to an electronic instrument. What makes the aFrame unique is the sensor array and electronic sound module combination that generates a richly expressive palette of sounds beyond the scope of other electronic percussion instruments. The posited hypotheses are concerned with the applied potentials of the aFrame in the field of music therapy. This chapter technically elaborates on the aFrame alongside an explanation of the electrorganic concept behind the realisation of the instrument. Initial critique and reflections from secondary tests are informed by two Danish music therapists. This chapter details on the basic technical aspects and music-making affordances of the aFrame electrorganic musical instrument. It informs on the background of the realisation of the device and suggests the engineering complexity behind what can be played as a simple musical instrument. Highlighted is how the aFrame experience aligns to that of a traditional acoustic musical instrument—a frame drum. Through this, a hypothesis originating in this research is of how it can contribute to a discipline focused upon music therapeutic intervention. This chapter builds incrementally upon reported trials throughout 2019 that focused on hands-on testing by professionals and possible end-users across profiles of function and age (-as reported in Brooks 2020). It builds upon what was an earlier short article that briefly introduced the first author’s concept behind the explorative study having a focus upon sharing of music therapists’ first reactions from hands-on experience of both MIDI controllers and the electrorganic aFrame. This chapter details the aFrame, which was found to be preferred by music therapists, musicians, and teachers, as reported earlier (ibid). Expert input by the second author elaborates on the history and detail of the aFrame. Literature on the use of the aFrame, or any other similarly conceived electrorganic musical instruments (if they exist), in music therapy was not discovered because, to the authors’ knowledge, electroacoustic instruments such as the aFrame have never been used in music therapy anywhere in the world. There is no literature that can be cited to argue such use and thus this work in progress is seen as avant-garde in advancing the field to explore such new opportunities for therapists. The authors predict that there will be numerous experiments and explorations within the testing phase of the studies with the electrorganic aFrame so as to determine best-fit scenarios, while working towards developing an implementation and training protocol to support music therapists in practice. This is envisaged to begin in Denmark and from there to collaborate internationally with interested researchers and practitioners. The team behind this work-in-progress report on the initial phases of the study and is looking positively towards producing future reports on the proof of concept and feasibility that are anticipating as potentially disrupting the field in a positive manner. Subsequent publications will thus report on use in the field and the development of use-methods as applicable.
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The chapter states how it is worthy of mention that in instances where end-users may not be optimally stimulated via the auditory channel, the audio signals output from the aFrame can be routed and processed by a visual synthesiser to generate audio-visual correspondences that may stimulate an end-user’s visual channel. The rich soundscapes generated by the aFrame lends the instrument to an exciting potential pairing with a visual synthesizer. The chapter closes with the authors positing that future work will include analysis built upon the first phases of therapist-based (practice-evaluation) input as reported herein. Accordingly, the authors will seek to evolve their research objectives with the aim of maximizing benefits to end-users in ways that are inclusive of their various creative endeavours, whether it be it performing and/or composing music, or just finding a way to relax. As reflected in this chapter’s related research, evidence is reported in the literature of how non-formal enjoyable and fun recreational and leisure activities can have under-layers that target formal therapeutic benefit. It is clear that technological solutions can enable more tailoring and adaption to specific individual needs, requirements and preferences in order to motivate activities. Additionally, such solutions are predicted to contribute to increasing accessibility and improvement of inclusion whilst offering ‘measurable’ outcomes if that is the targeted outcome associated to end-user benefit.
18.1.3 Interactive Multimedia: A Take on Traditional Day of the Dead Altars [3] The next chapter is by a team of co-authors/creators from the Architecture, Design and Art Institute, Ciudad Juárez Autonomous University, Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, México—they are namely Ramón Iván Barraza Castillo; Alejandra de la Torre Rodríguez; Rogelio Baquier Orozco; Gloria Olivia Rodríguez Garay; Silvia Husted Ramos, and Martha Patricia Álvarez Chávez. This chapter opens with an introduction statement positioning their creative work—they state—‘Society’s perception of death varies depending on the culture, context, and traditions. For many countries it is a taboo topic, something that should not be talked about. For the people of México death has a different connotation, it is still a tragic event and one that entails grieving for the loss.’ In this text, the authors presents the creation of a traditional and technologically enhanced Mexican Day of the Dead altar. The authors offer a detailed view of the entire process, from the conception of the idea, identification and classification of narrative elements, construction of the offering based on an interactive multimedia user experience model, the inner workings as well as the construction, installation, and exhibition. The altar was presented and evaluated during a mass public event in the Mexican town of Juárez, during a celebration of the Day of the Dead. The idea behind this project is to enhance this century-old tradition with a non-invasive approach to technology to infuse a non-linear narrative experience that connects with the user and promotes spiritual well-being. The focus of this work was to re-tell the
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life story of the deceased through the offering’s items, without losing the value and essence of a traditional altar. With the use of different capacitive materials, it was possible for the co-creators to craft unobtrusive sensors, that passed as regular items found on an offering. The authors inform how the inherent mysticism that surrounds the festivity, combined with the atmospheric sound and lighting effects, aromas of the food, and burning copal, all orchestrated by the hardware and software setup, made for an interesting experience that was enjoyed by hundreds. The authors reflect how there are several implications to their approach, with the first one being that the spectator is no longer just that, he or she becomes part of the experience, as he/she was given a level of control where they can decide when and how the information was presented, thus breaking with the linearity of the narration. Second, the elements on the offering, loaded with special meanings, can now properly convey the story behind them and not pass inadvertently. Third, the authors report how participants were invested in the experience, they felt the connection with the person to whom the altar was dedicated because they know their history, their experience, and legacy, it is not left to interpretation or how well they knew the person. To conclude the authors describe that Day of the Dead is a tradition-filled with syncretism, it embodies the feel of a nation towards life and death. Mexican people truly believe and find comfort in knowing that at least for one night a year, their deceased family and friends can come back and rejoice with them. That is why so much effort and care goes into building the altars and offerings to welcome and honor them. This connection with death brings peace of mind, resignation, and wellness to the bereaved. Though the authors collected information about the end-user experience, it was not in the interest of the study to apply a Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) validation. The survey was aimed at answering the question of whether the reading and narrative of the altar was changed. The authors state how the data showed that the message was not altered by the inclusion of technology and interaction, but rather how it was delivered. In stating their future iterations of the exhibit, the authors hint at the inclusion of Augmented and or Virtual Reality that might lead to an in-depth TAM analysis.
18.1.4 Implementing Co-design Practices for the Development of a Museum Interface for Autistic Children [4] The three authors, namely Dimitra Magkafa, Nigel Newbutt, Mark Palmer are all affiliated at The University of the West of England, in Bristol, United Kingdom. This chapter opens with a definition and prevalence figures of autism via citations from the American Psychiatric Association [5, 6], Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [7], and the UK Department of Health [8]. This chapter posits how technology-based programs can improve the lives of autistic people. A reflection on the literature suggests that over the last two decades an emergence of interactive technologies
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for children with autism has increased with goals of improving the lives of autistic people and to teach important skills. The authors state that to design accessible programs that address target groups’ needs, participatory design (PD) approaches are of core importance. This chapter focuses on technology co-design with three groups of autistic pupils within the context of participatory design often alongside traditionally-developed pupils. Research was on the process rather than outcomes from the co-design. This approach helped to gain insights into participants’ experiences, to support the ideation and inform the design of a museum-based application. The aim was to develop an accessible interface that allowed the users to have an engaging experience in a museum environment. The stages of the design cycle of an interface are described. In this study, the authors consider the value of co-design with autistic participants as it contributes positively to acquiring knowledge. The design activities (to design and develop a touchscreen-based application to support autistic children mounted on the museum walls) enabled active participation of the autistic groups and gave them a voice to express themselves resulted in strengthening their action in the process. The authors report how conclusions point out that the analysis of the co-design sessions and the perspectives of teachers provided insights into the factors that influenced the outcome of the co-design practices. These included building rapport, creativity, suitable environments and the use of visual means. This process resulted in the development of a framework to help the researchers coordinate the co-design sessions. The work illustrates that the children’s involvement at various stages appeared to be valuable to facilitate the design process as well as to refine the interface. The children felt empowered to uncover their creativity and contribute through idea generation. The authors inform that one way to accomplish these is by incorporating continuous support appropriate for the target group and structuring the environment and the activities according to the children’s needs. Usability of the platform was also been tested whereby the authors suggest the use of a child-centred approach is important to enable the users to have their own say. The authors’ question to what extent can autistic children’s role be considered valuable in the user-centred process? It also entails re-thinking on in the roles in the final decision-making. The research results, inform the authors, suggest several directions for future research and these are elaborated. A reflection was how Frauenberger et al. [9] highlights that a narrative story and sensory exploration through different techniques contributed to effective participation, which aligns to other work in the field internationally. With their approach, an extended understanding of the needs of autistic pupils was obtained by the researchers/authors while ensuring their active involvement in the design process. Finally, this work reports some invaluable insights and can serve as a guidance for future research in co-developing technology for autistic users.
18 Health and Well-Being
18.1.5 Combining Cinematic Virtual Reality and Sonic Interaction Design in Exposure Therapy for Children with Autism [10] The authors of the next chapter are Lars Andersen, Nicklas Andersen, Ali Adjorlu, and Stefania Serafin, who are all from the Copenhagen campus of Aalborg University in Denmark. The title of the chapter is ‘Combining cinematic virtual reality and sonic interaction design in exposure therapy for children with autism’. This chapter presents a preliminary study whose goal was to investigate the benefits of cinematic virtual reality combined with sonic interaction design in exposure therapy for autistic children. In the work, a setup was built with two players, one child and one guardian, which together could virtually interact during a children’s concert. Results of an evaluation test in a school for children with special needs shows the potential of VR for exposure therapy. The prototype used interactive instruments in combination with the social possibility of having both a child and its guardian inside the same VR, to enhance a virtual concert scenario. A qualitative approach was conducted and evaluated. The study provided insight on children’s motivation with novel technology, though with the necessity for a readiness phase to provide the children with enough space to become comfortable with a new experience. The interactive objects caught too much focus from the children, as they were not optimized well-enough. However, observations showed that the interactive objects provided the participants with a fun and playful experience, which provides a motivation and readiness with the children. This chapter, alongside others in this book, illustrates potentials from researching technologies for inclusive well-being—such as virtual reality, and the potenti