Table of contents : LIST OF FIGURES LIST OF TABLES SUMMARY RESI.JMEN ACKNOWLEDGMENTS CHAPTER l. QUESTIONS, OBJECTIVES CONTRIBUTIONS AND FRAMEWORK Research Questions Advances in Maya Subsistence Research The Archaeological Site of Calakmul The Importance of Landscape The Aims of this Work General Objective Specific Objectives The Contributions of this Study Why Archaeological Landscapes? What is a Landscape? Studying Landscapes Landscape Archaeology Landscape Researchers Landscape Archaeology in the Maya Area The Way of Approaching Landscape in this Study CHAPTER 2. THE MAYA KINGDOM OF CALAKMUL Mesoamerica Maya Area Mesoamerica and Maya People Through Time The Kingdom of Calakmul The Name of the Site Site Exploration Phases of Calakmul Calakmul Inhabitants Calakmul Rulers Description of the Site The Extension of Calakmul and its Catchment Area CHAPTER 3. THE PHYSICAL SETTING OF CALAKMUL Location of Calakmul Physical Characteristics Climate Physiography Geology Soils Hydrology Vegetation Fauna Calakmul Archaeological Reconnaissance Methodology for Studying Landscape Calakmul Landscape Units Structural Plateau of Karstic Development Strong and Moderate Hillside Slopes Eroded Relief Karstic Depression The Boundaries of Calakmul Hydrology of Calakmul Bajo Aguadas and Sinkholes Corriental Non-Permanent Streams Chultuno'ob Sartenejas Limestone Quarries The Channel System of Calakmul Corriental Water Reservoirs Circular Feature Lowering the Water Flux CHAPTER 4. THE VEGETATION OF CALAKMUL The Vegetation of Calakmul and Periphery Studies of Past Vegetation CHAPTER 5. SOILS AND LAND EVALUATION OF CALAKMUL The Importance of Soils What is a Soil? Soil Research in Yucatan Peninsula Soil Research in Calakmul Area The Purpose of the Soil Survey in the Context of this Study Procedures for Soil Survey Surface Properties Physiographic Position Slope Micro-Relief Erosion Superficial Drainage Physical Properties Color Effective Depth Density and Porosity Permeability Texture Stoniness Structure Humidity Chemical Properties Organic matter pH Calcium Carbonates Soluble Salts Phosphorous Cation Exchange Fertility The Soils of Calakmul Lithosols (I), Lithic Leptosol (Lpq) or Tsek'el Rendzinas (E), Rendsic Leptosol (Lpk) or Pus lu'um Calcaric Vertisols (Vc), Calcic Vertisol (Vk) or Ya ax horn Vertic Gleysols (GLv) or Ak'alche The Soil Map of Calakmul Land Evaluation Procedures for Land Evaluation in Calakmul Suitability Classes in Calakmul Rainfed Milpa Agriculture with Two Crops per Year Rainfed Milpa Agriculture with One Crop per Year Calakmul Swidden System Yield CH MTER 6. THE ANCIENT AGRICULTI JRAL LANDSCAPE OF CALAKMUL Climate and Landscape in the Maya Area Climate and Landscape in Calakmul Agriculture Agriculture in Mesoamerica Ancient Maya Agriculture REFERENCES Myths Concerning Ancient Maya Agriculture The Milpa Wetland Agriculture Wetland Agriculture at Calakmul Rainforest Management Rain Harvesting in Calakmul Forest City Occupation Ceramics Lithic s The Population of Calakmul The Agricultural Landscape of Calakmul Work Still to do at Calakmul The Contribution of This Study APPENDIX 1. PROCEDURES FOR PREPARING AND ANALYZING SOILS Collecting and Preparing Soil Sampling Color Protocol Soil pH Protocol Soil Conductivity Protocol Soil Texture Protocol Organic Matter Protocol Hanna Mehlich Extraction Procedure and Phosphorus Test for Soil APPENDIX 2. FORMS FOR ENVIRONMENT AND SOIL PROFILE DESCRIPTION Description of the Environment of the Soil Profile Horizon Description APPENDIX 3. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL ANALYSES OF CALAKMUL SOILS Physical Analyses of Calakmul Soil Profiles Chemical Analyses of Calakmul Soil Profiles Soil Pits Profiles APPENDIX 4. CERAMICS AND LITHICS OF EDAPHOLOGICAL PITS Ceramics of Edaphological Pits of Calakmul Lithics of Edaphological Pits of Calakmul