127 64 186MB
English Pages 82 Year 1963
ANP "~JS 1$ WHY' YOU'/..~
Off fIRSI.. ... ON £AST!
If you're going to deliver your firepow er where when it's you've gOt to be able to move (mobility) and to communicate. You've got to have-all three in modern war. Your equipment must be ready to shoot, scoot and communicate. If it won't , you're in for a h ot time. That's why Preventive Maintenance is so dog-goned im portant these days. With it, you and the other guys in your outfit ma ke sure the eq uipment you've gOt w ill do what it's supposed to when the balloon goes up. Yo u' ll have no ti me then for any " i f," " maybe"----or "ca n we wait till next week, Sir?" In order for you and you r unit to be ready to fight at any time, your equipment has got to be ready.
Published by the Department of the Army for the rn/ormatlon 0/ orianlzatlonat maintenance and supply peuonnel Dstllbu\Ion IS made through normal Dublcaton channels W,thn I mIls 01 a~allablhty older Issues may be obta ned d reet Irom U $ Almy Marntenance
Board Attn
P$ Magwne Fort Knox Kentucky
1!6 3 Seriu
IN THIS ISSUE Hawk Special Hawk Notebook Flamethrower M2Al. M2AI-7 _ Small Arms M79 Grenade Launcher M14 Rille . . . . . . . . M6D Machine Gun Artillery 106 Recoilless Rifle M60 Tank Gun XM1l 7 Telescope Mount TraCks M60 Tank __ ........ . Wheel Hub l ube l eaks M48 Tank M8S TRV Engines Wheels Battery-Generator Indicator J!.-tonTruck . Electrical Repair Kit (Be ndi~) Helicopters CH-34. UH -IA. UH·IB. OH·13G &. H 38·41,43·45 Cargo Pickup Hand Signals 41 F1~edWjng
O·l,OV- I A
If you're going co del iver your firepowe r w here and when you've gOt to be able to move (m obility) and to com municate. You 've got to have"all th ree in modern war. Your eq uipm e nt mllst be ready to sh oot, scoot and communicate. If it won 't, you' re in for a hot time. T hat 's w hy Preventive Maintenance is so dog -goned impo rtant these days. With it, you and the other g uys in your outfit make su re the equipment you 've gOt wi ll do wha t it's supposed to when t he ba lloon goes up. You' ll have no time t hen for any " i f," " maybe"--{) c "can we wa it till next week, Sir ?"
In order for you and your unit co be ready to fig ht at a ny time, your eq uipment has g ot to be ready. P reventive Mainten ance wi ll get it tha t way.
RadIos RT-540 Receiver-Transmitter lS·166 Loudspeaker ... . .. R·390/URR Receiver Radio Cable Connections Radio Power Feed Kit 24VVibratorTester .. RT-66, RT-70 Dummy Antenna MeIers ... . .. AN/TRC-24 Radio Set Telephones H-144 &. H-81 Handset Headsets RL·39 Reel Assembly
i~j;t~n~e~~sheO~~ri~ka'ge SS-86/P Switchboard . Radar PU-422/U Generator Motion Picture Projecti on Set ,1,5-2(1)
48 48 49 50 51 52 . 53 54
~g COMMUNtCA ltON s 51
56 53 28
Power Units and GeneratOI$ Welding Safety Precaution s Forms OA Form s 2408-7, 2408. 2404
.': __
46 47
58-59 60-61 62·64
Trac::ks M60 Tank. _ .. _. , _, . Wheel Hub lube leaks M48 Tank M88 TRV Engines Wheels 8attery·Generator Indic::ator V.·ton Truc::k
Hellc::opters CH·34, UH-1A, UH-1B, DH·13G & H 38·41,43·45 Cargo Pic::kup Hand Signals 41
Radios RT·540 Rec::eiver·Transmitter lS·166 loudspeaker R·390/URR Receiver . Radio Cable Connec::tions Radio Power Feed Kit 24VVibratorTester, . , . , ... , .. .. .. . RT·66. RT·70 Dummy Antenna Meters AN/TRC·24 Radio Set Teleptlones H·144 & H·81 Handset Headsets Rl·39 Reel Assembly TA·l/PT Telephone Telephone Case Shrinkage SB·86/P Switc::hboard Radar PU·422/U Generator Motion Pic::tllre Projection Set AS·2(l)
!., 48 48
53 28
Power Units and Generators Welding Safety Prec::alltions Forms DA Forms 2408·7, 2408, 2404
58-59 60·61 62·64
That's good advice--'specially when it comes to the gas piston on both the M14 rifle and M60 machine gun. The piston on both of these 7.62-mm weapons is made of special rust-resist· ing metals, and the piston is best left alone unless your M14 or M60 comes up with a short recoil or acts a sluggish. So don't pick up the habit of disassembling and cleaning the gas cylinder every time you're cleaning your piece. learn to leave well enough alone and
If you hear the piston moving back and forth under its own weight, it's dean enough-so hands off. Natch, if you don't hear the piston sliding around, it's a tip off that has arrived.
easiest - way to check your gas cylinder piston action Don't get shook if the piston is a is to swing your litde discolored. It's only a reaction to weaPon through an the heat and doesn't mean a thing. arc (rom the ground Using abrasives to remove it will only to the sky - and throw a mighty close tolerance Out of listen . whack and louse up things-but good.
. . . HERCULES ... EASY Ease off on the muscle juice when you tighten that pan-headed machine screw into the stock yourpower M79 grenade launcher. Too of much and you'll end up with what you see here -a split stock. Just run it up until it's snug ... then give it about l/S of a turn with your combination wrench ... and you're in business.
~~S~~=~~i~~~ '--'="-"~:;;r==--=,
That's good advice-'specially when it comes to the gas piston on both the M14 rifle and M60 machine gun. The piston on both of these 7.62-mm weapons is made of special rust-resisting metals, and the piston is best left alone unless your M 14 or M60 comes up with a short recoil or acts a mite sluggish. So don't pick up the habit of disassembling and cleaning the gas cylinder every time you're cleaning your piece. learn to leave well enough alone and save the wear and tear on your weapon. The fastest-and easiest - way to check your gas cylinder piston action is to swing your weaPon through an arc from the ground to the sky - and listen.
If you hear the piston moving back and forch under its own weight, it's clean enough-so hands off. Natch, if you don't hear the piston sliding around, it's a tip off that has arrived.
get shook if the piston is a little discolored. It's only a reaction to the heat and doesn't mean a thing. Using abrasives to remove it will only throw a mighty close tolerance out of whack and louse up things-but good.
. . . HERCULES ... EASY Ease off on the muscle juice when you tighten that pan-headed machine screw into the stock of your M79 grenade launcher. Too much power and ~~~~=;~~E:::~~ you'l1 end up with what you see here r - a split stock. JUSt run it up until it's
snug ... then give it about 1/8 of a L-=~'::";'jit~;iii~,-""",,~ turn with your combination wrench . .. and you're in business.
••• • •
How are 'ya fixed for plugs? Lost any lately? Like f'rinstance the gas cylinder plug on the M60 machine gun. 'Pears like the original plug, FSN 1005-608-5007, developed the nasty habit of becoming loose during firing -some even gave up the fight and dropped out altogether. Well, rest easy ... the "Loose Plug Caper" has been solved. The wrench surface on the plug turned Out to be the culprit. The foursided head was too small to let you apply enough pressure to tighten the plug so that it would stay put. The solution? The newly-designed six-sided gas
cylinder plug, FSN 1005·690·3675 . This one's got a bigger head-big enough to let you use enough elbow grease to lock-up shop for keeps. The latest one's a stocked item . . . so, if you've gOt plug problems, now 's the time to order a replacement.
II '~~iili7[~~::=:::::::=QZ--t
How are 'ya fixed for plugs? Lost any lately? Like f'rinstance the gas cylinder plug on the M60 machine gun. 'Pears like the original plug, FSN 1005·608·5007, developed the nasty habit of becoming loose during firing
-some even gave up the fight and dropped out altogether.
Well, rest easy ... the " Loose Plug Caper" has been solved. The wrench surface on the plug turned out to be the culprit. The four.