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English Pages 81 Year 1962
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The Edi tor PS Mag azin e l Ra r itan Ars ena J erae y Met uch en, New s to aU ofu s--a DS agr ea\ deal y nten ance mea ders of mil itar P reve ntiv e Mai lcaor as com man Uity , oom mun r s Or offi cers ie mob sold ing al tion to func indi vidu has tbe add ed it Is the key e~lpment unit s--b eca use car e of med ical It at som e pow er . Our may hav e for tiOIlB and fire l nee d we all ona pers the of sign ific anc e ent. "rlt lcal mom d al this ease lypl vice are blgh s, y Med ical Ser hnic al Ser vice We of the Arm the otbe r Tec ally part icip ate with Is enth usia stic tion lica pub opp ortu nity to you r now the way ,.",k . s ause bec p unit use d by the troo rece ived and Indi vidu al, I for and by the s on mai nzlne is writ ten and pro blem Sinc e PSM aga ute his idea s e. trib con to r of PS Mag azin \die to the Edi tor urg e eve ryso ent ipm equ ical s In PS. tena nce of med Item tips on med ical ng seei to forw ard We are look ing a Jitra Be ld like to add wou I l, e eri ipm ent- mat rld' s Bes t Equ es to med ical Have the Wo When \1 com mot to: "We wn kno ely wid to you r
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HEATON LEONARD D. eral Lieu tena nt Gen Gen eral The Sur geo n
Issue No. 110 1981 Series Publish" by tnt Oepartment If til, Army "f the informati'll of ofluiutloftal maintinanu u d supply peutnnel. Dis· tribulionismadethr'lughnormalpubHcationchannels.Within limits of availability, o.lder issues may be obtained dire~1 from PS Magazine, Rantan Arsenal, Metuchen, New Jersey.
The EdItor
~;:=e~~S:~ Jersey
Feature1l Emergency Medical Treatment Phase I . • 2·3 6·9 Bogies: Put on 10 Markings • . , .. .• 10·25 Army Aircraft Org. Main!. Toot Kil$ . . Packard Electrical Connectors . { . 42-45 SB·86/P Switchboard: . 52-55 Be Your Own Inspector . . . ." Road Grader: Be Your Own Insp&tor . • . 57·64 Armement M73 Machine Gun: Gun Electrical Terminals . MOO Machine Gun: Feed Cover Latch . Buffer Retaining Yoke. Communications Equipment Mountinss: l ock the Handles . . . . ......• Antenna Connector J·307: Gently, Please .• • • Perk·6 Decals: Make 'Em Stick .. .... . Comm Shelter: Securing on Trucks ...... Plu g Connectors; Screw 'Em Right .
47 51 51 49 50
Wheeled Vehicles 26 M172 Trailer OEM . Trailer Towing: Two 110's Required 27 G742 8. 744·series Trucks: Hood Safety Catches . . . . ..........•. 28 G·742·series Gas Tankers .......... 38·39 General Ml00 Panoramic Telescope.. . ...... ... . Slaving Tactical Vehicles: See the Movie . . . . . 105 & 155·MM Howiuers: Fonow IROAN Ordnance Salely Manual: Getting It . . New Pubtications ... .•. . .. . • M2A l Porta ole Flame Thru .... er . . . . . Electric Arc Welding: Ptay It Safe .. .
26 27 37 39 41 56 56
DEPARTMENTS Connie Rodd . . 26 . Joe's Dope . . ....•. '. 29 Question and Answer . . .. 37 Connie Rodd 's Briefs •........... Inside Back Cover
PS wants YOllr ide" . nd contrililtiollS,.n~ is .,111 to tnwer ynr qllestions. H.mes and address" are kept in culidenu.
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I ss ue Nt . 110
1981 Series
l'ubli,ktf "th,D,partlllutofthIArmyforth. 'nlarm. Ueno." rpnizational m.hlt' n. nu.nd supplypersonnll,Dis· tributlOn IS made thr()ugh normal publicaUon channels, Within limits of availability, older issues may be obtained direct from PS Magaline, Raritan Arsenal; Metuchen, New Jersey.
p, ..
Emergency Medical Treatment Phase I . 2·3 6·9 Bogies: Put on 10 Markings, . . . . . . Army Aircraft Org. Maint. Tool Kits 10·25 Packard Electrical Connectors . 42·45 SB·86/ P Switchboard: Be Your Own Inspector ... 52·55 Road Grader: Be Your Own Inspeetor . . 57·64 Armoment M73 Machine Gun: Gun Electrical Terminals .. M60 Machine Gun: Feed Cover latch .. Buffer Retaining Yo ke . CommunlCl tions Equipment Mountings: lad the Handles .,. . ...•. Antenna Connector J·307: Gently. Please . . Perk·6 Decals; Make 'Em Stick ..... •, Comm Shelter: Securing on Trucks . . .. Plug Conneetors: Screw 'Em Rillht ..
47 51 51 49 50
Wheeled Vehicles M172 Trailer OEM . 26 Trailer Towinll: Two 110's Required . 27 G742 & 744·series Trucks: Hood Safety Catches . , • . ....... 28 . .38·39 G·742·serles Gas Tankers .
Generol Ml00 Panoramic Telescope Slaving Tactical Vehicles: See the Movie .... lOS & 155·MM Howit~ers: Follow IROAN . ,. ,. Ordnance Safety Manual: Getting I!. . New Publications ........ , . . . • . .. M2Al Portaole Flame Thr(J",er . . Eleetrlc Arc We1dinll: Play ItSafe .. ,
26 27 37 39 41 56 56
DEPARTMENTS Connie Rood . 26 • Joe' s Dope 29 Question and Answer . . .......... , 37 Connie Rodd ' s Briefs . . Inside Back Cover
PSw. nls yollr ldeu.ndcontribuliens, lnd il , 'adta answ. r ,Ollf lIuutions. Hamu .IUI oUrlun orl kept i. C, nflllllllCl. JISI writl 10:
EMTU Phase I ring any bells? Maybe nor, bur ir could set off four-alarm gongs, and you'll get to know it as well as your name, rank and serial number. It stands for-
EMERGENCY MEDICAL TREATMENT UNIT PHASE I. And it's a special super First Aid kit of medical supplies to be used for selfaid and buddy-aid-following a nuclear attack or other mass casualty situation such as fires, flood or hurricane. It's for your use before the medics get there. EMTU Phase I contains a 72-hour supply of drugs and equipment for treatment of casualties among 100 guys. It comes in a 320-1b. cardboard box that's being issued on a basis of one per 100 troops. ~--:-= Here's what the unit looks like.
The Emergency in EMTU Phase I means JU St that. It 's scricdy for the immediate use of troops who have come under nuclear attack or for casualties resulting from a major disaster.
EMTU Phase I ring any bells? Maybe not, but it could set off four-alarm gongs, and you' ll get to know it as well as your name, rank and seria l number. It stands for-
And it's a special super First Aid kit of medical supplies to be used ~or s~lf aid and buddy-aid-following a nuclear attack or other mass casualty situatIon such as fires, flood or hurricane. It's for your use before the medics get there. EMTU Phase I contains a 72-hour supply of drugs and equipment for treatment of casualties among 100 guys. It comes in a 320-1b. cardboard box that's being issued on a basis of one per 100 troops. Here's what the unit looks like.
The Emergency in EMTU Phase I means JUSt that. It's strictly for the immediate use of troops who have come under nuclear attack or for casualties resu lting from a ma jor disaster.
So follow the rule of KYCPHOIKEEP YOUR COTTON PICKING HANDS OFF IT-and make sure it's enforced. Keeping your hands off the kit is no chicken regulation that'll get you a tour of KP duty if you break it - this one's for keeps. Foul up the kit and you and your buddy may pay for it with something of real value-like your life. EMW Phase I hits your outfit sealed and stays that way except for two setups .. . and twO only: First, and most important, when it's for real and you need what's in it for First Aid in mass casualty situations. And second , under a regular inspection program, where qualified medics will check to make sure things are shipshape and then reseal the carton. EMW Phase I is to be stored in your unit area where you can getat it real easy. It's real life insurance, so treat it
anything that can save your life. 'Nuff said? JUSt in case you've gOt some guys who thinks the box contains a hush-hush secret weapon, here's what's in the Phase I Kit: It contains four wound, two master, one fracture and twO burn packsall king-sized-ready to go to work if and when your outfit needs it. EMTU Phase I is just the first step in the Army's Emergency Medical Care Program but it's the critical step and the one figured to take over when you can expect li ttle or no direct medical help. It's your stopgap protection. What you lea rn and remember from your First Aid courses given under Training Circular Sol-together with how you take care of your Emergency Medical Treatment Unit-may someday go a long, long way in keeping you
So follow (he rule of KYCPHOIKEEP YOUR COTTON PICKING HANDS OFF IT-and make sure it's enforced. Keeping your hands off the kit is no chicken regulation that'll get you a tour of KP duty if you break it - this one 's for keeps. Foul up the kit and you and your buddy moy pay for it with something of real value-like your life. EMTU Phase J hits your outfit sealed and stays that way except for two set· ups ... and twO on ly: First, and most important, when it's for real and you need what's in it for First Aid in mass casualty situatiolUi. And second, under a regular inspection program, where qualified medics wi ll check to make sure things are shipshape and then resea l the carton. EMTIJ Phase I is to be stored in your unitareawhereyoucangetatitrealeasy. It's real life insurance, so treat it with tender loving care. In other words treat it like you would
any thing that can save your life. 'Nuff said? JUSt in case you've gOt some guys who thinks the box contains a hush.hush secret weapon, here's what's in (he Phase 1 Kit: It contai ns four wo und, two mas· ter, one fr actu re and two burn packsall king-sized-ready to go to work if and when your outfit needs it. EMTU Phase I is just the first step in the Army's Emergency Medical Care Program but it's the critical step and the one figured to take over when you can expect little or no direct medical help. I t's your stopgap protection. What you learn and remember from your First Aid courses given under Training Circular 8·1-together with how you take care of your Emergency Medical Treatment Unit-may someday go a long, long way in keeping yo u alive.
A pair of females, at times, can spell real tro uble. Right? 'Specially when rhey'n.: electrical termin als, supposed to get together to do a job-but, as usual , :lCC lost without a male. Like f'cinsta nce on some early mod · els of the M73 machin e g un mo unted on the M60 tank .. . w hen you go to hook up t he MG 's switch firin g h a rness to the solenoid , FSN 1005·770·3437, and find yourself staring at two female termina ls. Spare your uieer, man , 'cau se cuss-
ing's nO{ going to get 'el11 cogether. What yo u need is a parch cord w ith a pai r of male terminal s ro so lve {he problem. In this case it's solenoid cable assemTHI~ [NO TO ~Ol£NOID THIS (NO TO HARN[SS bly, FSN 1005·778·62 19. It was sup· THEY MATE LIKE THIS , posed to come with your machine g un p ackage, but juSt in case it 's lost, sto lcn or strayed, buzz supply for o ne and you'll be in business. Like quick , that is. AT HARNESS The handy patchcord's not needed on the la test solenoid, FSN 1005-60 3-4836, since the connenor's des ig ned to take the ha rness witho ut je.
GUNNER-LOOK OUT The feed cover on your M60 machine gun isn't supposed to swing open a ll the way when you [urn the latch. So p lease take it easy-don't go forcing the latch,
latch spring, and then. the cover won't stay sh ut when you start firing. On the M60 all it takes to open the feed covcr is a firm turn (back) on the latch. The lacch will let go completely and the cover wi ll raise up a good
crack. Then it's up to you to lift the cover the rest of the way to its fully opened position. It's that simple. So pass the word: Never force the latch, go easy on the
latch spring, and the feed cover wi ll stay closed during f i r i n g . . And, guess you know, when the cover is in need of repair or replacement parts, your M60 goes to Ordnance for the chores.
CUTTING CORNERS So you've been having trouble with the yoke. Your support unit can do the same the buffer retaining yoke on your M60 thing for you with the M60's you have machine gun. like f'rinstance ... the yoke has a by fo llowing these dimensionshabit of popping out of the receiver fiLE AWAY when you open the machine gun cover. SHAIIP EDGES The problem's being solved with the weapons that're coming off the production line by first making a small change in the yoke. The change is right simp le-just getting rid of the sharp corners on top of 5
~1t:!?~t~DLAM I~ . ~
Or the Case of the Crazy Mixed-up Bogies. Even Perry Mason and his sidekick, Paul Drake, have thrown in the cowel
'far as trying to solve the tangled mess of bogies in storage or float pools. The problem ... unmarked bogies. Seems that many Nike sites, after setting vans up on blocks, have turned in bogies without identifying them as to which trailer or van they came frommaking for a fouled up situation. Put together bogies from seven vehicles used at your site, mix well with six bogies from each of four other sites using the same scorage area, stir, making sure 50 percent arc not identified, and you'll get a slight idea of the pot of poc-
~' _~
ridge brewing in the storage pool.
TRAILER N8meru:I~tur.