127 61 162MB
English Pages 79 Year 1959
WHO'S IN CHARGE That can be a real ticklish question under certain conditions. Real embarrassing land dangerous} . . . if the situation 's not right. W hen it com es to Preventive Maintenance, tho, there 's no if, w hy or but. AR 750-5, para 9, pins PM down so yo u don 't have to guess about who's in charge. Here 's what it says:
r---------------------7 Command responsibil ity. Commanders are required to insure that all equipment issued or assigned to their command 1s maintained in a serviceable condi ticn and is properly cared for and used , and that personnel under their command comply with technical instructions .
'Course, that one hits your CO. But, everybody's not a commander . . . how about you? The next paragraph pulls no punches:
I 1
b. Direct responsibility . Direct responsibility is defined as responsibility of individual s for equipment entrus t ed t o t hem for their individual use or for use by subordinates.
That takes care of everybody . .. whether you're an individual soldier issued equipment to take care of and use right, or a man like your sergeant who has to see that his men take care of the ir equipment. So, it's all pinned downYou are in charge when it comes to Preventive Maintenance.
WNO'S IN CNARGE NERE? That can be a real ticklish question under certain conditions. Real embarrassing land dangerous) .. . if the situation 's not right. When it com es to Preventive Maintenance, tho, there 's no if, why or but. AR 750-5, para 9, pins PM down so you don 't have to guess about who 's in charge. Here 's what it says : r-----------------~ a. Command responsibil ity . Commanders are required to insure that all equipmen t issued or assigned to their command is maintained in a serviceable condi tion and is properly cared for and used, and that personnel under their command comply with technical instructions .
'Course, that one hits your co. But, everybody's not a commander . .. how about you? The next paragraph pulls no punches:
~il III •• No. 75
1959 Se,I ••
pnUsbe. II til, D'partm'nt tIIo Amy til, h,'emati•• e'o!pal",U...1maiDle........ Sap. ply ptfSllRfL Distribution is made through normal publication channels. Within limits of availability, older issues may be obtained direct from Preventive Maintenance Agency, Raritan Arsenal, Metuchen, New Jersey.
IN THIS ISSUE Cold Weather Operation 2 Nike·Ajax Tools 13 16 l06--MM Rifle Tools Radios, PRC 8, 9, 10 20 Spiral 4 Connectors 24 28,38 Tracked V.hides Wheeled Vehicles 25-28, 39, 56, 62-64 26 G744 Carburetors ENG Equipment Inventory 40 51 How to Read Pubs 54 Smoke Generators M3A2 Decons 55 Stopping On Ice 56
I ' J
b. Direct responsibilit y. Direct responsibil1 ty is defined as responsibility of individuals for equipment entrus t ed t o t hem for their individual use or for use by subordinates.
That takes care of everybody . . . whether an individual soldier issued equipment to toke core and use right, or a ma n like your sergeant who has see that his men take care of the ir equipment. So, it's all pinned downYou are in charge when Maintenance.
ConnieRodd Question and Answ.r Contributions Connie Briefs
25 37 62
PS wants your ideas and contributions, and is glad to answer your questions. Just write to: Stt Half. Mast, P5, RuIIa" Ar""~ MaIlcUl, ... J"",. Names and addresses are kept in confidence.
MERE? Islue No. 75
1959 S.,i ••
P,bn.hed by the Department of 1118 Amly for 111.
information of olJlniutional maintellance and salt' ply persann.!. Distribution is made through nonnal publication channels. Within limits of availability, older issues may be obtained direct from Preventive Maintenance Agency, Raritan Arsenal, Metuchen,
New Jersey.
IN THIS ISSUE Cold Weather Operation Nike-Ajox Tools l06-MM Rifle Tools
Radios, PRe 8, 9, 10 Spiral 4 Connectors Tracked Vehicles Wheeled Vehicles
2 13 16
20 24 28, 38 25-28, 39, 56, 62-64 26 G744 Carburetors ENG Equipment Inventory 40 How to Read Pubs 51 Smoke Generators 54 M3A2 Decons 55 Stopping On Ice 56
DEPARTMENTS ConnieRodd Question and Answer Contributions Connie Briefs
25 37
62 65
PS wants your ideas and contributions, and is glad
to answer your questions. Just write to: Stt HIH· Mast, PS, R.ritln Ar.... I, M.IICI... New limy.
Names and addresses are kept in confidence.
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Batteries need special care when the mercury's low, 'cause you and the cold weather put extra strain on 'em. You'll be usin' 'em a lot more for starting and for accessories, like personnel heaters, lights, etc.
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Batteries need special care when the mercury's low, 'cause you and the cold weather put extra strain on 'em. You'll be usin' 'em a lot more "for starting and for accessories, like personnel heaters, lights, etc.
! is going to be charged immediately, 'couse the won't get mixed with the baHery odd-it'll just freeze. (Unless you warm a storage baHery to 35° F first, it won't receive an adeqUflte charge from the generator.):
H,you ton avoid , it.,~on'l : r~ve, the battery 'from 'your tanktn store it inside, DVlmiiybt( '(a~~ extra ,han dling.me. May (23 -and TCSMC-FAD put Out an interpretatio n of AR 750-1500-4 for the benefit of everybody. But look once at the problems: to fix it Happens you've got a ship crippled up and waiting for TSMC to decide and or to salvage it. Meantime you've gOt another ship AOCP for a generator, off the can't get one. So ic's real easy to slip over and swipe che good generator , __ "': _ _ _ crash, and fl y: pood ship'r;;;:-;;;:;-;~'-;:;~--""r-_o-
and so on. Nexcguy along gets a carburetor. Another man needs an aileron, Nobodfs caking So what? All chese parcs are going onto government aircraft, yes? 'em home for personal use so what's che harm? submicced We-e-e-l-l- the harm comes in when the TSMC goes by the reporcs y repairable. right after che crash, and decides chat che hangar-quee n is economicall smashed wing. Maybe che reports only described a bent fuselage, or perhaps jusc a 58
So they send the ship to be fixed. And all of a sudden it turns out that half the engine accessories and a couple of control surfaces are gone. Wug! The cost of replacing 'em goes up over the limit, and an otherwise repairable aircraft has to be salvaged. So Uncle comes up shy one sky buggy, and much money. Cease·and-desist is the word for it. Now, ·here's another thing. Cannibalizing parts now, in peace time, will louse up the parts requirement records from here to breakfast. And it's these records that are used to determine stockages and supply coverage. So you're really hurting your chances of finding what you need waiting for you when you need it. Of course, comes shooting and you go to a forward area, all betS are off and you'll use anything you can get your hands on. But in peacetime, "Keep your grimy meathooks offa them now crashed aircraft."
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Gentlemen, we got~a prorJ~: There's been a ne~type, of flexible hose put inco the supply sy~terrt!whidl,sh~)Uld give unLirrllted "'ser.vicel ife. It's a stainless steel braided 9-utfit whic;h conc~ins a flexible Itner goq;g by tbe trade name of "Teflon." It's being' used ,to +make up fuel and oirhos