134 10 150MB
English Pages 81 Year 1958
picture's better'n 10,000 words, but
if you've got no picture, or even if you have, words are your next best way to get your point across. Next time you sit down and fill out a UER or requisition-or write a report-or make a suggestion about your equipment, make sure you put down the right facts, all the focts, all the time. If you remember that you are the only
one who know~ the whole story. you are the only one who can supply all the focts
for others to make decisions on, the n you'll know you've got to be rea l ca re-
ful-and complete. When you're talking about a piece of equipment, cram in all the description you possibly can. Things like-name, seria l number, engine number, stock number, part number, manufacturer
and date of issue. When you're talking about what happened to your equipment, make sure you've got all the why's, how's and when's down. And while you're at it, don't hesitate to add any of your own
PuIUsb•• loy tile D.parlll"t " tile Ana, It, .... I",,,,till " '1I111Z1ti...1.Il........ 114 ..,. '" IIIl'SCIlul Distribution is made through normal publication channels. Within limits of availability, older issues may be obtained direct from Preventive Maintenance Agency, Raritan Arsenal, Metuchen, New Jersey.
IN THIS ISSUE Publications and Forms 2, 12, 63 Wheeled Vehicles 16,17,21,37,60 Tracked Vehicles 17, 18,23,40,61,64 Tent Stoves 19 Wood Palleh 19 Communication hems 37,46 Drums and Storage Cans 38, 39 Missiles 41-45,60 Fla.......Throwers 48 Clothing SO Refrigerator Units SO Anny Aircraft 52-55 Engineer MWO Kits 56 _ 58,59
picture's better'" 10,000 words, but if you've got no picture, or even if you have, words are your next best wa y to get your point across. Next time yo u sit down a nd fill out a UER or requisition-or write a report-or
make a suggestion about your equip. ment, make sure you put down the rig ht
facts, a ll the facts, a ll the ti me. If you re me mber that you a re the on ly one who knows the who le story, you are the on ly o ne who ca n supp ly a ll the facts
fo r others to make decisions on, th en
you' ll know you've got to be rea l carefu l-a nd comp lete. W he n you're tal kin g about a piece of equipment, cra m in a ll the descriptio n you possib ly ca n. Thing s li ke- na me, se rial nu m b e r, e ngine numb e r, st o ck numb er, p art num be r, manufa ctur e r
and da te of issue. W hen you're talking about wha t happe ned to yo ur eq uip ment, ma ke sure yo u've go t a ll the why's, how's and whe n's down. And whil e you' re at it, d o n't hesitate to add any of you r own
ideas on how it can be fixed or how the situation can be corrected ... that is if you have worked out any . That way, you 'll be helping the people who can help you. So, just the facts ... all the facts, Mon .
fRONT (OVER The soldier who does his Pre,enti,e Mointenance rightper his equipment's Technical Manual-won't hove any birds' nests, real or otherwise.
Connl. Rodd Question and Answer Department Contributions Connie Briefs
16 37 60 65
PS wants you, ideas and cOIlrributions, and is glad to answer your questions. Just write to: SCI HaHMast, PS, brlte. h ..l, Now J,ISIf. Names and addresses are kept in confidence.
Published by the Department .f the Army for tho
information of ollanizational maintenance and sapply personnel. Distribution is made through normal publication channels. Within limits of availability, older issues may be obtained direct from Preventive Maintenance Agency, Raritan Arsenal, Metuchen, New Jersey.
IN THIS ISSUE Publications and Forms 2, 12,63 Wheeled Vehicles 16,17,21,37,60 Tracked Vehicles 17, 18,23,40,61,64 Tent Stoves 19 Wood Pallets 19 37,46 Communication Items Drums and Storage Cans 38, 39 Missiles 41-45,60 Flame-Throwers 48 Clothing 50 Refrigerator Units 50 Army Aircraft 52-55 Engineer MWO Kits 56 Generaton 58, 59
ideas on how it can be fixed or how the situation can be corrected . . . that is if you have worked out any. That way, you'll be helping the people who can help you. So, just the fa cts .. . all the facts, Man. FRONT (OVER
The ~oldier who does his Preventive Maintenance rightper hj~ equipment's Technicol Monuol-won't have any birds' nests, reol or otherwise.
DEPARTMENTS Connie Rodd Question and Answer Department Contributions Connie Briefs
16 37 60 65
PS wants your ideas and contributions, and is glad to answer your questions. Just write to: stt NaH·
Mall, PS, Hariu. Arsenal, Metuchen, No. J.rs.y. Names and addresses are kept in confidence.
future it'll make it easier for you to the publications YOU~ 5Ee I need. As you know, most _ / item of supply's been put lOto a group and class.
YOII •••
So in order to carry [he Federal Supply Classification to [he publication number, they've taken on a new look and have added the group and class. Then too, you'll have to have a number so you can tell one publication from another in the group and class. And it would help if you could tell from the number just which echelon of maintenance the publication applies-it's there. Now you know the why'S of the new number, hcrc's how it works. Say you've run into a TM number that looks like this: TM 9-2350-206-10. You know that ie's a technical manual, and you know that it belongs to Ordnance, but the rest is all Greek to you. Well, step right up for a translation.
it'll make it easier for you to . the publications YOU~SEE! I need. As you know, most _ / item of supply's been put lOCO a group and class.
ma *66
-2350-206-10 Now let's see what happens when it's broken down number by number. You know you'll always have TM. which stands for Technical Manual. The parts lists will also be called TM's-number will be exactly the same followed by letter P. (More about that on page 9.)
Then when it had the equipment in groups, it broke the groups down into classes-something like putting all the same size marbles in one group and then separating them by color within chat group. Take 2350 for example: The group number 23 is for Motor Vehicles, Trailers and Cycles. And the class number 50 is for Tanks and Self-Propelled Weapons
In case there's a question in your mind as to why an was put into a group and class, SB 708-301 gives the nomenclature, groups and classes approved for use in preparing item identification in the Federal Catalog System.
1M 9·2350·
- TM 9-2350-206-
T E L L. YOt.J
-12-0Sf & 2nd echelon) Operator or crew and organizational mainte-13-l1s1 tfIru lrd echelon) Operator or crew, organizational and direct support field maintenance -14-1151 thru 4th echelon) Operator or crew and organizational Ihru both echelons of field maintenonc:e -15-(1 sl thru 51h echelon) Operator or crew and all echelons thru 5th echelon or depot maintenance -20-12nd echelon) Organizotional maintenance ~
-3D-13rd echelon) Direct support field maintenance -34-13rd & 4th echelons) Both ethelons of field maintenance -3S-AlI echelons of maintenance above organi10tional
-40-4th echelon only -SO-5th echelon only or depot maintenance TM'S OF AGENERAL NATURE WIU GO ASERIES NUMBER ISUCH AS ATECH, NICAL SERVICE I PLUS ANUMBER FROM 200 THROUGH 999,
- TM 9·2350·206·
-n4E I.A$I"'TWO Dl6ITS
OF ,..'" [ ELI.. YOU