142 33 137MB
English Pages 61 Year 1957
When it comes to maintenance and supply...
When it comes to maintenance and supply...
TOE (Table of Organization and Equipment)
R ight as rain . And rwice as true. . Your unit's TOE is youe outfit's birth certificate ... p lus its bank account. A few q uiet moments spent studying your TOE' ll make you a wiser man. T he better you know your TOE the better you'll understand your unit's mission " .. and its equipmenc. Also how you and everyone else ... from the commander on down ... fit into the unit's structure. , Any maintenance or supply man worth his rations and ammo knows his TOE backwards, forwards and upside.down. The TOE tells, for example, your outfit's ,job (responsibi lity) , the kind and amount of equipment authorized, w hat technical service furnishes which items, and the kind and number of men who' ll belong to the outfit. You can do a be~ter job if you know what you 've got, what you're supposed to do with it and who' ll be helping you do it. Chew over your unit's TOE today. * It'll help you do a better job. *AllTOE's get listed in DA Pamphelt 310·7
1957 S.rI • •
Ptrbllsb.d by IIoe OIp"r1III.at of IIoe Army lor tilt llIform,tlt. of ...._ "" ..aI.II.......d sup. plf _ ,L Distribution is made througll normal publication cnannels. Within limits of availability, older issues may be obtained direct from Preventive Maintenance Agency, Raritan Arsenal, Metuchen, New Jersey.
IN THIS ISSUE FEATURE ARTleW Trailer Towing V.hid. Braking Cleaning .30-Cal Machine Gun Bearings Artillery Bogie Wheels Doily Ob patchlng RecOrd
2 12 14 16 21
DEPARTMENTS Connie Rodd 18 Half-Mast 29 Armament 33 Missile Notes 36 Engineer 38 Chemical 42 Quartermaster 44 Contributions 46 Connie Rodd's Briefs 49 PS wants your ideas and contributions, and is glad to answer your questions. Just write to: Stt HalfMast ps, Raritan Arsenal, Metuch. n, New Jersey_ Names and addresses are kept in confidence. De ,riItiIItf.s,.MicltinAI .... .".....'Y"'.kuttrtf .. .... " "' ....1 tn a,rtI 5I}. DISTlIIITlGII: Actm AnIY' DC$P[R;lCSIJDCSOPS; DtSl.D';ICSIC;CoUl';~WRIJTt;
COff; CIIlfD; TIl, flAil; eU; CMII; CIIU;tlfSPWU, TtcSf!:.1A; Mall , Ttc Sf!: If; '" COtiUC; os *j os lise c..; IfOW;Anliu;CerJs, . ";8rit;brtl,,;IIt:Ct!ltrJ; ftl Cf; hi , Ir tn SCIII; 1..1 Sell; s,.daIlst Set; PlIST $I IiIIIIb; PllSTJrIl....ts,PlISTlliIScllII'IIits, .... hJIts:a.,.ts; Off n ..... CIMt AI; IS a..y Till kI. SatdiI 1Iw, MS",; POE (IS); frau T_iuI CIM; .,., TnIta"; os s., Aplties; PC; m.aIi; CItLWTUM; I I ; EtIJ MIiIIt CIt: Cnit 11111 5ta; 1hr.;lIsIbp.IIII,Sbtl Al s,edlllUlt.ISAI:lliliIbt s,.dII Ud. Ftr~If""""" ... SlJ2I.5I.l.
Right as rain. And twice as true. Your unit's TOE is your outfit's birth certificate . . . plus its bank account. A few quiet moments spent studying your TOE' ll make you a wiser man. The better you know your TOE the better you'll understand your unit's mission " .. and its equipment. Also how you and everyone else ... from the commander on down ... fit into the unit's structure. Any maintenance or supply man worth his rations and ammo knows his TOE backwards, forwards and upside-down. The TOE tells, for example, your outfit's .i ob (responsibi lity), the kind and amount of equipment authorized, what technical service furnishes which items, and the kind and number of men who'll belong to the; outfit. You can do a better job if you know what you've got, what you're supposed to do with it and who'll be helping you do it. Chew over your unit's TOE today.* It'll help you do a better job.
I._No. 57 '
"957 Serl••
I'=:~~ :lo:=~~.::.:~::r:
Dislrlbution is made throogl1 normai publication channels. Within limits of availability,
ply PlrsoJII1a1.
older issu.s may be obtained direct from Preventive Maintenance Agency, Raritan Arsenal, Metuchen,
New Jer~y.
IN THIS ISSUE FEATURE ARTICW Trailer Towing Vehicle Broklng Cleaning .3()..Caf Machine Gun Bearings
2 12 14 16 21
Half,.Most Armament
Missile Notes Engineer Chemical Quartermaster Contributions Connie Rocidts Briefs
36 38 42 44 46 49
PS wants your ide3s and conlrlbutions, and is glad to answer your questions. Just write to; stt Half· Mas~ PS, Raritan Arsenal, Metuchen, New l".. y. Names and addresses are keRt in confidence. "Be ,mt\JIItt *is ....Icati.. us .... """,",,"'Oinetor II .ellfhl"'IH ....t.I21A,r1151},D I$rtlBUTIOIt(kti'lil"",: .CSPER: ACSI; DCSerS; DCSUlC; teste, Ultl8, eu, eAltGU; elff; elllFDt 118; TJAC; eu. CJaIt em.: I:Of$PWU: Tn- Sw, fi; ...., Tec$Kti; "COIlUt; us lIaj C., as lase c.; III.W; AnIia; CIrp; DII; llil; 11ItI1,; h; c.lBtrJ; ft , c,: ... , If' S" Set; ltIiIt Set; s,edalbt sw,·PIIST Sf Ii¥ lllia; PltSl If lit hill; 'IST 11111 Scl IfI 1IaitI; ,.. oa,tts; ....bl
Off n .... eM; ill! lIS "'" fir CeI; s.... ·an., oVSWf't I'll (8SJ; trill TtnIiuI C-d; ArII, IIfl1ita1t; us 1p1CiH; PlirAnllalstCltlWllT_lII;fi,laittCtI:Ctllt llailSta; IitEqrIDislbtr. NCi:stattAli$feclalUlllISII:.1Ist
SptdlllIsl. '.~If~"""_Sl:Jtl.5t.l.
Lots of good competent drivers shy off towing trailers. The way they dodge a nd squirm, you'd think it was KP or extra duty. And then when someone pins 'em down to it, they start off scared, and mebbyso tear up the trailer. or louse up the load. H onest, pulling a trailed load is no sweat. J ust a little ca re a nd common sense when you're loading and hooking up, and you'll have no trouble at all.
Basic principles of good truck loading apply to your t railers, too.
1 When possible, you wont to be sure put eno~ You want tile loa4 well distributed in the bed, withi ? cargo into the fmiler to milt, and so prevent your the h~iest items,!" tfte bottom, of course. lood shifting.
Th. only diff""". when Jnnding a trailer, yJ must pay more attention to the fore-and·oft bal· once. Your trailer sbould always balance so that if has some weight down on the hitch. This should bel approximately ten to twenty percent of your toto ~ ~_-,-'-"'_II!:.._~_ __ "'-_~ ,
load. (50
100 pounds
~ ~ : the 1/ 4·lon
Never attempt to pull a trailer that is balanced so it pulls up on the hitch.
Lots of good competent drivers shy off towing trailers. The way they dodge and squirm, you'd think it was KP or extra duty. And then when someone pins 'em down to it, they start off scared, and mebbyso tear up the trailer, or louse up the load. Honest, puWng a trailed load is no sweat. Just a little care and common sense when you're loading and hooking up, and you' ll have no trouble at all.
Basic principles of good truck loading apply to your trailers, too.
only dHf'renthat' ll slow it down are: fatigue, mental attitude and physical illness. Remember that when you're tired, mad or sick. Although it's good to be able ' to stop on a dime, the guy who is always burning rubber is as bad a driver as [he one who can't find the brake pedal. Quick. Stops can . cause rear.e1 d collisions, injured passengers and shifted loads. So, try to avoid 'em. 13
YOU'VE GOTA STAKE (In cleaning your .30- cal
light machine gun front-barrel - bearing I
Just because FM 23-55 tells you to clean the front-barrel-bearing on your .30-cal light machine gun, but doesn't tell you how [0 remove t he bearing, that's no reason for noc cleaning it. No, sir ... not when you can get all the dope right here First off .. . you're not supposed to clean the bearing on your own hook. To clean and replace the bearing you've gotta unstake and stake it-with your squad leader or company armorer keeping a? eye on the job you're doing.
loasen the beoring with tool you hove on hand that'll do tfJe tride:. Remove it the rest of the way by hond, There', ",ually no .... " fOf remoYiRg the band. If you want it off, """. it off w~h ..mething like a