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English Pages 64 Year 1955
Dear Half-Mast, The way I've got it figgered is like this: When YOllrOrdnance or Engineer equipment won't work or goes to pOI, it's ten-ta-one that most of the trouble comes from guys who don't do their maintenance. You see, when the going gets rough, the guy I want next to me is the one who keeps his stuff in top-notch operating shape. I'm with him all the way. I figger that the Joe who lets his maintenance slide is just driving nails in his own coffin-mine, too. He's the gu-y whose rifle jams whetl the showdown comes,. or the one whose truck won't run when you've got to move stuff to the front-fast,. or the guy whose tank stalls or his guns won', work when the stuff starts to fiy. If 1 could-tell these characters how dangerous they are-to their buddies alld themselves-maybe they'd wake up and get 011 the batt. How about tettillg 'em for me?
Dear Sergeant H.M.G.,
PS MAGAZINE Published by the Oepartmenlof the Army for the information of orgaOlzallOnal maintenance and supply personneL Distribution is made through normal publication channels. Wllhln limitations of avallability,older issues may be obtained direct from Preventive Maintenance Agency.Raritan Arsenal,Metuchen,New Jersey
Dear H alf·Mast, The way I've got it fi ggered is like this: lVhen yottr Ordnance or Engineer equipment won't work or goes to pot, it's ten-t a-one that most of the trouble comes from gu ys who don't do their maintenance. Y ou see, whetl the going gets rough, the gfty I want next to me is the one who keeps his st uD in top-notch operating shape. I'm with him all the way. 1 fi gger that the Joe who lets his maintenance slide is jtlSt driving nails in his own coffin- mine, too. He 's the gfty whose rifle fams when the showdown comes,' or the one whose truck won't run when you've got to move stuff t o the front -fast; or the guy whose tank stalls or his gum won't work when t he stuff starls to fly. If I coutd- /ell these characters how dangerous t hey are-to t heir buddies and themselves-maybe they'd wake up and get on the ball. How about tellin_g 'em for me?
Dea.r Sergeant H.M. G.,
Blak e s + En g ine for Mou nta in Dri v ing To rq uing Procedur e Testing Torque Wr e nches Ta nk Rubb e r Trac k Clean lubes M48Tank Review : Air Cleane r Clean-up Wh ee l-Beo ring Adjustme nt Torsion-Bar Pointe rs Balooko Cortoon Air Cleaning Cortoon Tonk Fire po we r Fire Control Troi ler Juic e Cote rpillar Track Adjustme nt (Enginee r)
2 4 8 14
1. 17 19 20 21 26 34 38 44
DEPARTMENTS Connie Radd Half·Mo st Armame nt Supply & Directi ves Publications Scoo p (Ordnance) Enginee rs Publica tion s Ro u nd -up (Enginee rs) Contributions Conn ie Rodd ' s Briets
10 29 33 40 41 42 46 47 49
PS Magazine wants your ideas and contll bullOns, ar.d is glad to answer your questions. Just write to: SIt Half·Mast, PS Malazine, RuitanArsenal, Melucllen, New leruy. Names and addresses are kepi in' confidence ' 1M fWinring oil'! 1Iogo1l.... ' IM mV!~ Tl V! IlA IMHN.llI(E IIOII ll!lf,.~ __ ,04 br I'IM[Ii,,,'«. l u, ... uoli'IM IUI!i., (( A.. ll), 0001 kdi, OA!II, Ie. OA(I) .... pl !ng III); Ik