Prospects in Topology (AM-138), Volume 138: Proceedings of a Conference in Honor of William Browder. (AM-138) 9781400882588

This collection brings together influential papers by mathematicians exploring the research frontiers of topology, one o

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Table of contents :
Program of the Conference
Mathematical descendants of William Browder
The mod 2 cohomology rings of rank 3 simple groups are Cohen-Macaulay
Algebraic geometric invariants for homotopy actions
Algebraic K-theory of local number fields: the unramified case
The mapping cone and cylinder of a stratified map
Replacement of fixed sets and of their normal representations in transformation groups of manifolds
Finite K(π, 1)s for Artin groups
Double point manifolds of immersions of spheres in Euclidean space
Controlled linear algebra
Non-linear similarity revisited
On the Vietoris-Rips complexes and a cohomology theory for metric spaces
Every proper smooth action of a Lie group is equivalent to a real analytic action: a contribution to Hilbert’s fifth problem
Formal deformations of equivariant genera, fixed point formula and universal symmetry blocks
Stable prime decompositions of four-manifolds
Smooth correspondences
Simply connected 6-dimensional manifolds with little symmetry and algebras with small tangent space
Speculations on Gromov convergence of stratified sets, and Riemannian volume collapse
Bordism of automorphisms of manifolds from the algebraic L-theory point of view
Exterior d, the local degree, and smoothability
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Prospects in Topology (AM-138), Volume 138: Proceedings of a Conference in Honor of William Browder. (AM-138)

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Annals of Mathematics Studies

Number 138


edited by

Frank Quinn




C o p y rig h t © 1995 b y P rin ceton U n iv e rs ity P re ss A L L R IG H T S R E S E R V E D T h e A n n a ls o f M a th e m a tic s S tu d ies a re edited by L u is A . C a ffa re lli, Joh n N . M a th e r, a n d E lia s M . Stein P rin c eton U n iv e rs ity P re s s books a re p rin te d on acid -free p a p e r a n d m eet the g u id e lin e s for p erm an en c e a n d d u ra b ility o f the C om m ittee on P ro d u ction G u id e lin e s for B o ok L o n ge v ity o f the C oun cil on L ib r a r y R esources

P rin te d in th e U n ite d S ta te s o f A m e ric a by P rin ceton A c a d e m ic P re ss 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data P ro sp e cts in topology : p roceed in gs o f a conference in h on or o f W illia m B r o w d e r / E d ite d b y F r a n k Q u in n . p.

cm. — (A n n a ls o f m a th em atics stud ies ; no. 138)

C on fe re n c e h eld M a r . 1994, at Prin ceton U n iv e rs ity . In clu d e s b ib lio g ra p h ic a l references. I S B N 0-691-02729-3 (a lk . p ap e r). — I S B N 0-691-02728-5 (p b k . : alk. p a p e r) 1. T o p o lo gy — C o n gresse s. .

I. B ro w d e r, W illia m .

II. Q u in n , F. (F r a n k ), 1 9 4 6 -

III. Series.

Q A 6 1 1 .A 1 P 7 6 514— dc20



T h e p u b lis h e r w o u ld like to ack n o w le d ge the editor o f th is v olu m e for p ro v id in g the c a m e ra -re a d y copy from w h ich this book w a s p rin te d

PRO SPECTS IN TOPOLOGY F r a n k Q u in n , E d it o r

Proceedings of a conference in honor of William Browder Princeton, March 1994

Contents Foreword..........................................................................................................vii Program of the conference ................................................................................ix Mathematical descendants of William Brow d er...............................................xi A. Adem and R. J. Milgram, The mod 2 cohomology rings of rank 3 simple groups are Cohen-Macaulay........................................................................3 A. H. Assadi, Algebraic geometric invariants fo r homotopy actions...............13 M. Bokstedt and I. Madsen, Algebraic K-theory of local number fields: the un­ ramified case.............................................................................................. 28 S. E. Cappell and J. L. Shaneson, The mapping cone and cylinder of a stratified map .......................................................................................................... 58 S. Cappell and S. Weinberger, Replacement of fixed sets and of their normal representations in transformation groups of manifolds.............................67 R. Charney and M. W. Davis, Finite K ( n , l ) s fo r Artin groups................... 110 P. J. Eccles, Double point manifolds of immersions of spheres in Euclidean space ................................................................................................................ 125 M. H. Freedman and Z. Wang, Controlled linear algebra.............................. 138 I. Hambleton and E. K. Pedersen, Non-linear similarity revisited................ 157 J.-C. Hausmann, On the Vietoris-Rips complexes and a cohomology theory fo r metric spaces........................................................................................... 175 S. Illman, Every proper smooth action of a Lie group is equivalent to a real analytic action: a contribution to Hilbert’s fifth problem....................... 189 G. Katz, Formal deformations of equivariant genera, fixed point formula and universal symmetry blocks....................................................................... 221 M. Kreck, W. Liick, and P. Teichner, Stable prime decompositions of fourmanifolds ............................................................................................. 251 J. Morava, Smooth correspondences............................................................... 270 V. Puppe, Simply connected 6 -dimensional manifolds with little symmetry and algebras with small tangent space............................................................283




Quinn, Speculations on Gromov convergence of stratified sets, and Riemannian volume collapse............................................................................... 303

A. Ranicki, Bordism of automorphisms of manifolds from the algebraic L-theory point of view............................................................................................ 314 D. Sullivan, Exterior d, the local degree, and smoothability........................... 328 Contributors...................................................................................................339


To the great benefit of Mathematics, William Browder was born in New York City on January 6, 1934. Sixty years later a conference was convened in Princeton to celebrate this event. This volume is the proceedings of that conference. In these sixty years Bill has made remarkable contributions to Mathematics. He has written over n books and research papers. He has made fundamental contributions to three areas: homotopy theory, transformation groups, and the topology of manifolds. He has served as President of the American Mathematical Society, chair of the department at Princeton, editor of the Annals of Mathe­ matics, and on many influential committees for the Mathematical Society and the National Academy of Sciences. But as remarkable as these achievements are, there is is another which may be even more profound: his influence on younger mathematicians. He has had 28 PhD students, who have in their turn contributed greatly to mathematics. And beyond that he has served as mentor and role model for hundreds of students and young faculty at Princeton and institutions he has visited, and at the Institute for Advanced Study. His pene­ trating insight, good humor, and evident love of mathematics have inspired an entire generation of mathematicians.

Program of the Conference S c ie n t if ic P


C o m m i t e e . Sylvain Cappell, Wu-Chung Hsiang, Frank

Quinn (chair), Dennis Sullivan L ocal A

rrangem ents

C o m m i t t e e . Tony Bahri (chair), Natasha Brunswick,

Joe Kohn, Scott Kenney P

r o c e e d in g s .



Frank Quinn, editor; Sarah Jaffe, file and copy editor.

Frank Quinn: Welcome, and low-dimensional quantum invariants John Morgan: Applications of Gauge Theory to four-manifold topology Sylvain Cappell: Singularities of analytic functions and counting of lattice points William Pardon: Hodge structure on the L 2-cohomology of an algebraic surface lb Madsen: On the K-theory of complete local rings Shmuel Weinberger: Large Scale Topology and Geometry Soren Illman: Every proper smooth action of a Lie group is equivalent to a real analytic action: A contribution to Hilbert’s fifth problem Andrew Casson: Speculations on the geometrization conjecture Edward Witten: Quantum Gauge Theories In Two And Four Dimensions Amir Assadi: Invariants fo r Finite Group Actions Julius Shaneson: An Euler-MacLaurin expansion fo r lattice sums in dimensions above one Dennis Sullivan: A local chart formula fo r characteristic classes which is alge­ braic in the * - operator Serguei Novikov: Some applications of hamiltonian foliations of surfaces Andrew Ranicki: Overview of Browder’s work on surgery Alejandro Adem: Overview of Browder’s work on group actions Martin Bendersky: Overview of Browder’s work on homotopy theory Alejandro Adem: Topological K-theory of Arithmetic Groups Louis Kauffman: Knot Theory — What Next? Michael Freedman: Applied Topology The organizers would like to express their gratitude to the National Science Foundation and the Departments of Mathematics at Princeton University, the University of Wisconsin, and Virginia Tech for partial financial support of the conference.

M athem atical descendants of W illiam Browder Alejandro Adem Daniel Juan-Pineda Amir Assadi Mingli Chen, Joseph Dolinak II Hamid Egbalnia Semra Ozturk Ergun Yalcin Sylvan Cappell Oliver Attie Ricardo Cruz Am y Davidow William Homer David Miller Washington Mio Stanley Ocken Faiz al-Rubaii Justin Smith Yixin Zhang Rachel Sturm Shmuel Weinberger Steven Curran Min Yan Daniel Chess George Cooke Ken Dahlberg Roy DeMeo Stefano DeMichelis Lanh Dhang Michael Freedman Thomas Kwok Keung Au Stephen H. Brindle Michael Patrick Casey Slava Krushkal Zheng-Xu He Hickling, Fred Huang, Wei Xiao-Song Lin


Mathematical Descendants o f William Browder

(Michael Freedman, cont.) Feng Luo Ping-Zen Ong Zhenghan Wang Shu Yan Paul Green Soren Illman Osmo-Jukka Kanerva Marja Kankaanrinta Vesa Pollanen Jussi Talsi Louis Kaufmann Steven Winker Randall Weiss Norman Levitt Regina Mladineo Santiago Lopez de Medrano George Lusztig R. Bedard C. De Concini I. Grojnowski J. Kelly O. K. Kwon. G. Lawton P. Lees N. O ’Brien J. Smelt N. Spaltenstein, James Maiorana Stavros Papastavridis William Pardon Fernando Fernandez-Carmena David Massey Les Reid Gerald J. Porter Curtis Murley Albert Shar Frank Quinn Ivelina Bobtcheva Masayuki Yamasaki Neal Stoltzfus

Mathematical Descendants o f William Browder

David Stone Dennis Sullivan Elmar Winkelnkemper Edward Hendricks R. Bruce Williams George Kennedy Thomas Zukowski Nancy Cardim Damjan Kobal Curt McMullen Kevin Pilgrim Jeremy Kahn Yunpin Jiang Waldek Paluba Edson deFaria Adam Epstein Andre Carvalho Jun Hu Jim Gendron John Wagoner Gene Raymond Hall Laurence Robert Taylor Constance Elko Emanouil Magiroupoulos Zarko Bizaca Sandor Howard Strauss Henry Churchill King L. Christine Kinsey Ross Evon Staffeldt Karen Lee Vogtmann Martin Bridson Thomas Brady Randolph Stacey Tuler Robert William Dussault Deirdre Wynne Dobbs Paul Frank Zizza Jeffey Lawrence Mclver Lars Kadison William Geller Leslie Badoian Elmar Winkelnkemper Yuen Fat Wong Alexander Zabrodsky


Prospects in Topology

The M od 2 Cohomology Rings of Rank 3 Simple Groups are Cohen—Macaulay

Alejandro Adem R. James M ilgram Introduction In recent years we have been studying the cohomology rings of the sporadic simple groups and their relations with problems in algebra and homotopy theory. This work was motivated in part by results of D. Quillen [Q3] and J. Carlson [C], connecting H * ( G ; K ) (K a field of characteristic p) with the structure of modular representations of G, and also by the connection of finite group theory with stable homotopy theory through the identification ~ Q (S ° ). The rank (or 2-rank) of a finite group G is the dimension of the largest 2elementary subgroup (Z/2)m contained in G, and this provides, at least in low rank, a convenient method for organizing the simple groups. The only simple group of rank 1 is Z/2. For the simple groups of rank two the classification is given by the following theorem due to Alperin, Brauer, Gorenstein, Lyons, and Walter. T h e o re m . The simple groups of rank 2 are P S L 2 {¥q) , q odd and q > 5, P S L 3 (F q), P S U 3 (F q) fo r q odd, PSUzfF/f), the alternating group A 7 , and the Mathieu group, M\\. For the simple groups of rank 3 the classification is given by O ’Nan and Stroth. T h e o re m . The simple groups of rank 3 are G 2 (q), 3 D^(q), fo r q odd, 2G 2(3n) ; n odd, n > 3, P S L 2( F8), S z ( S) , P S U 3(F8), J x, M 12, O 'N . (W e review these classification results in §1.) In this list, the mod(2) cohomology of the groups of Lie type when the characteristic q is odd are closely tied to the cohomology of the classifying space B g , where G is the associated complex group, at least when the resulting graph automorphism allows a twisting over C; this happens to be the case for P S U 3 but not for the other twisted groups in the list above (see [Q l], [Q2]). However, the cohomology of the triality twisted groups ^ D ^ q ) is determined B o th auth ors were p artia lly su pp o rted by gran ts from the N a tio n a l Science F oun dation an d by the E T H -Z u r ic h ; the first auth or w a s also su pp o rted by an N S F Y o u n g Investigator A w a rd .


Alejandro Adem and R. James Milgram

in [FM], and, since Syl 2 ( 2G 2 { 3 n)) is elementary abelian # * ( 2G!2( 3n) ; F 2) = H * ( S y l 2 ( 2G 2 ( 3 n));W 2) N where N = Z/7 x r Z/3 is the Weyl group of (Z/2)3 in 2G 2(3n). Note that this is also isomorphic to iJ * (J i;F 2) (see [W ]). The mod 2 cohomology of A 7 is quite easy since Syl 2 ( A 7 ) = D%, the dihedral group; the result is given in several sources (see [A M I]). i? * (M ii; F2) was orig­ inally determined by Webb [W] and Benson and Carlson [BC], though a much simpler derivation is given in [A M I]. Similarly, JT*(M i2;F 2) was determined in [AM M ], and recently we determined H * ( O fN\ F2) ([AM4] and [M]). Thus, the complete determination of the cohomology rings i? * (G ;F 2) for all simple groups of 2-rank < 3 reduces to the study of the groups P S U s ( ¥ 2« ) and S z ( 2n). Since we are working here at the characteristic we cannot take advantage of the etale techniques which were so successful previously. However, it turns out that the Sylow 2-subgroups in these cases are sufficiently simple that we can study their cohomology rings anyway. Although we are specifically concerned with P S U s (F4), P S U s(¥s) and 5z(8), we provide an analysis for the general situation. The cohomology ring of a finite group is often quite complicated, which makes it exceedingly hard to obtain general structural results. Perhaps the nicest property one could hope for is that H * (G , Fp) satisfy the Cohen-Macaulay condition: that is to say, it is free and finitely generated over a polynomial subalgebra of finite rank. In fact we will prove the following result. Theorem . I f G is a finite simple group and its 2-rank is at most three, then H * (G , F 2) is Cohen-Macaulay. The theorem above is a corollary of the general result that is the culmination of the arguments in sections 2 and 3: Theorem . I f G is one of the simple groups of Lie type, S z( 22n+1) or PS U ^(¥ 2^), then H * (G ; F2) is Cohen-Macaulay. In turn, this follows from the determination, in §2, of the structure of Syl 2 (G ) for G as above as a central extension, with center an elementary 2-group, and showing that for these Syl 2 {G ), any element of order two is contained in the center. In §3 we study the cohomology rings of finite 2-groups with the property above and prove that H * (G ; F 2) is always Cohen-Macaulay, thus proving our result. We would like to point out that after this paper was written we learned that J. Clark [Cl] in his Oxford Ph. D. thesis has explicitly computed the mod 2 cohomology of PSUsfF^) and Sz( 8). Hence the mod 2 cohomology of practically all low rank simple groups has been explicitly calculated. In the final section we describe how this result breaks down for groups of rank 4, as illustrated for example by the Mathieu group M 22 or PSL$(F/f). Work in progress indicates that a better grasp of the rank 4 situation will soon be available, but it will be of far greater complexity than what we present here. This paper is dedicated to Bill Browder in celebration of his sixtieth birthday. In addition to his well-known geometric insight, he has had a long-standing

M od 2 Cohomology Rings o f Rank 3 Simple Groups


interest in the cohomology of finite groups, which was a source of motivation for both authors. We owe him a debt of gratitude for his advice and encouragement.

1 Low rank simple groups In this section we will recall a few basic facts about simple groups. The main reference for them are Gorenstein’s book [G l] and the Atlas [Co]. Let p be a prime dividing the order of a finite group G; the p-rank of G is by definition the maximal rank of a p-elementary abelian subgroup in G. As we will be dealing exclusively with the case p — 2, we will simply call this the rank of G, and abbreviate it by r(G ). Note that as a consequence of the FeitThompson Theorem, all simple groups are of even order, and hence r (G ) > 0 if G is simple. To begin, we first observe that there are no simple groups of rank one except Z/2. In this situation a 2-Sylow subgroup of G is either cyclic or generalized quaternion. In the first case, Burnside’s transfer theorem implies that G has a normal 2-complement and hence is solvable, whereas in the other case, the Brauer-Suzuki theorem shows that G has a unique, hence central, involution. For the rank two case, a theorem of J. Alperin implies that Syl 2 ( G ) is either dihedral, quasi-dihedral, wreathed, or isomorphic to Syl 2 { P S U 3 (¥ 4 ). This was used as a basis for the classification of simple groups of rank 2, which we now describe. T h e o r e m 1.1 (Gorenstein-Walter). I f G is a finite simple group with a di­ hedral 2 -Sylow subgroup, then it is isomorphic to one of the following groups: P S L 2 (¥ q), q > 3 odd or A?. Next we have T h e o r e m 1.2 (Alperin-Brauer-Gorenstein). I f G is a finite simple group with a quasi-dihedral or wreathed 2 -Sylow subgroup, then it is isomorphic to one of the following groups: P S L 3(¥ q), P S U 3(¥ q), q odd or M\\, the first Mathieu group. Finally, we have the result from Lyons’ thesis T h e o r e m 1.3 (Lyons). I f G is a simple group with Syl 2 {G) = Syl 2 ( P S U 3 (¥ 4 )), then G ^ P S U 3 (F4). Combining these results, we obtain the following

(1 .4 ) C lassification o f rank 2 sim p le groups. If G is a simple group of rank 2, then G ** P S L 2{¥q), ( q odd, q > 5), P S L 3{¥q) or P S U 3(¥ q) (q odd), P S U 3( F4), A 7 or M n . For the rank 3 case there is a similar result, proved by O ’Nan and Stroth


Alejandro Adem and R. James Milgram

(1 .5 ) C lassification o f rank 3 sim p le groups. If G is a simple group of rank 3, then G = G 2 {q) or zD^{q) (triality twisted) for q odd, 2G 2(3n), ^ odd, n > 1, P S L 2( F8), S z ( 8), P S U 3{F8), Ji, M 12 or O'iV. Note that in the list above, the last three are sporadic groups, the rest are finite Chevalley groups, or twisted versions of them. Now we briefly review the preceding classification results from the point of view of group cohomology. First we recall that the cohomology ring H * ( G , ¥ 2) is said to be Cohen-Macaulay (abbreviated from now on as C M ) if there ex­ ists a polynomial subalgebra 71 C H * (G , F 2) over which the ring is free and finitely generated. It follows from the finite generation in group cohomology that if H * (S y l 2 (G ), F2) is C M , then so is H * (G , F 2). Also note that if K is an extension of F2, then H * ( G , K ) = H * ( G , F2) (g) K, so that the C M property over K is equivalent to having it over the ground field. We begin our analysis by first pointing out that the cohomology of the dihedral groups and of the “wreathed groups” (Z/2n) I Z /2 is well-known (see [A M I], Chapters III and IV ) and easily verified to be C M . Next we observe that the groups P S L s ( ¥ q) and P S U 3(¥ q) (q odd) are quotients of S L 3 (¥ q) and S U 3(¥ q) (respectively) by subgroups of odd order, and hence have the same mod 2 cohomology. They are, consequently, C M . (W e can also check this from the explicit calculations in [Ql], [FP].) Since Syl 2 ( A j ) = Dg, it too is C M . The ring -ff*(S?/Z2(M ii); F2) is not C M . However, jff* (M n ;F 2) is explicitly determined in [A M I] and is C M . We conclude that in the rank two case, the only possible group not having a C M cohomology ring is P S U 3 (¥ 4 ). We defer this case for the moment and turn to the rank 3 case: first note that the groups 2G 2(3n), n > 1 odd, P S L 2 {Fg) and J\ have (Z/2) 3 as their 2-Sylow subgroup. Hence they have C M cohomology rings. The Chevalley groups of finite type have been extensively studied using etale are well as other methods; in particular the explicit calculations in [Q2], [K] and [FM] show that G 2 (q) and *D ±(q) ( q odd) have C M cohomology rings. In [AMM] it was shown that H * {M \ 2, F 2) is C M , and very recently we verified by an explicit calculation [AM4] that the same is true for the O ’Nan group O ’N. Hence we conclude that the only two possible rank 3 simple groups with cohomology not satisfying C M are P S U 3 (F8) and S z ( 8).

2 The 2—Sylow subgroups of PSUsfan) and Sz{22n+1) In this section we study the structure of the groups Syl 2 (G ) when G = P S U 3 (¥ 2ri) or S z ( 22n+1). Our main objective will be to prove that in each case every element of order two in the Sylow subgroup is contained in its center.

M od 2 Cohomology Rings o f Rank 3 Simple Groups


The groups PS,[/3(F2n) Consider the non-singular Hermitian form over F 22n

H =

Us(F 2n) is the subgroup of G L 3 {F22ri) consisting of matrices A so that A H A 1 = fa 0 0\ H , where ( A t ) ij = ( A j ^ ) 2™. Then, for A diagonal, A = I 0 b 0 I , we see \0 0 c j that A £ U 3 (F 2r>) if and only if cc = 1, and b = a~l . Now, suppose that A is central so a = b = c. Then a2™= a-1 so a2™"*"1 = 1, and conversely, if a2 +1 = 1 then the diagonal matrix with a ’s along the diagonal is contained in £/3(F 2n). On the other hand, if we concentrate on SU 3 (W2* ), we must also have a3 = 1, so a is a third root of unity, and, since a2 = a for a £ F 2n we must have n odd in order that S U 3 {F2n) contain a non-trivial center. Hence the simple group TDCTT (w ^_ 3(^ 2- )


/ *SfC/3(F 2- ) | F2«)/ (Z / 3 )

if n is even, if n is odd.

Now we construct the Sylow 2-subgroup of P S U 3 (F 2n) and its normalizer explicitly, as this is needed to understand its cohomology. For 0,7 £ F 22n, define the element Qen £ S L 3 {F 22n) as the matrix

Ge, 7 =

Note that

G e „ H G l„

so 6 qj7 £ S U 3(F 22n) if and only if 7 + 7 + 66 = 0. However, given any 6 £ F22n there is at least one 7 so that t r ( 7) = N ( 0 ) £ F 2n. Any two such 7 ’s differ by an element in F2™, so, in fact, there are exactly 2n suitable choices for 7 . We also have r 1

p\ 0 I =

/l ( 0

7 + t + 0/x /i + 0 N 1 0 p T 0 1


Alejandro Adem and R. James Milgram

so QQaQ^T = £6>+/x,7+r+^ . It follows that K = {Qe^ | 7 -f 7 + 00 = 0} is a subgroup of SU^(¥ 2^). Define Z C K to be the subgroup of Z = {0 o ,7 I 7 £ IFV }. Then Z is central in K with quotient isomorphic to F^r,. Moreover, Z = F jn , and we have that \K\ — 23n, and K is given as a central extension of the form 1


K —^ ¥^2n— >1-


The extension data for this extension is given by £0,7




and gives K as an explicit central extension. Moreover, from the expression for the order of P S U n(¥ q) given in [Co], page x, we see that K = Syl 2 {PSU%(¥ 2* )). We can make the extension data more explicit. Let p G F 22n. be a primitive ( 2n -f l ) st root of unity. Then pp = 1 and, if A = p + p we have that x 2 + Ax + 1 is irreducible over F 2^ with roots p and p. Moreover, A cannot lie in any proper subfield of ¥ 2i C F 2™ since, if it did, then (2n + 1) would have to divide 221 — 1, and since I divides n this is impossible. It follows that a basis for F2™over F2 is { l , A , A 2) . . . , A n- 1}, and this completes to a basis for F 22n over F 2 of the form (1)

A, A2,

, A "-1 , p, Xp, \ 2p, . . . , A "- V } .

Specializing the relations above to this basis we have [ G ^ P '- i G Ai,-]


Go,\i+i + 1

[G\ip,-,G\jp, - ]





while {Gr A‘, - ) 2






which gives an explicit presentation of K . As a direct consequence we have L e m m a 2.2. Z C K is the unique maximal elementary 2-subgroup of K . In particular, every element of order two in K is contained in Z . We now turn our attention to the remaining case, the Suzuki groups.

M od 2 Cohomology Rings o f Rank 3 Simple Groups


The group Syl2(Sz(22n+1)) From [G2], p. 153, we see that Syl 2 ( S z ( 2 2n+1)) is the subgroup of GrL 3(F 22n+i) with generators j i ° °\ \ae 1 0 \b a 1/ where a, b G F 22n+i, and 6 = 2s with 22s = 2 mod (22n+1 — 1). Thus 6 = 4 for 22n+i = 8, the case of most interest to us, but more generally, 6 can be taken to be 2n+1. Consequently |S'yi2(Srz (22n+1)| = 24n+2, and it is given as a central extension 1— ^F+„+1- ^ 5 !/Z2(5 z (2 2n+1) - ^ F + „ + 1—


Here, the extension data is {a } 2



[{a }, { 6}]


aeb + ab9

( 1

0 0\ / I 0 0\ 1 0 J, while 6 = 1 0 1 0 give explicit representatives \0 a I ) \b 0 0 ) for the two parts of the central extension. In particular, the squaring relation above shows that once more we have only one maximal elementary 2-subgroup in Syl 2 {S z ( 2 2n+ 1)), since, if m — (22n+1 — 1,1 + 2n+1), then m divides both 22n+1 - 1 and 22n+2 - 1, so m divides 22n+2 - 22n~ 1 = 2 2n~ x and m is 1. We have proved

where { a } =

L e m m a 2.3. The center of Syl 2 ( S z ( 2 2n+1)) is an elementary 2-group, 22n+1,

and every element of order two in Syl 2 (S z ( 2 2n+ 1)) is contained in the center.

3 The cohomology calculations We consider a finite 2-group G with center Z, and suppose that Z is 2-elementary for simplicity in what follows. Specifically, assume Z — 2 n. Multiplication induces a homomorphism Z x G -— and there is a finite I > 1 so that, for each x G H * ( Z ; F2), x 2,1 G res §(iJ *(G ; F 2)). In particular, the polynomial algebra V = F2[x2 , x\ , . . . , x 2 ] is in the image of restriction from H * (G ; F 2), and it follows that there is a polynomial subalgebra V C H * (G ; F 2) which injects isomorphically to V under restriction. Lem m a 3.1. Under the assumptions above, H * (G ; F2) is free as a module over V.


Alejandro Adem and R. James Milgram

P r o o f. The composition of homomorphisms i2 M G — >Z x G — is the identity, where 22 is injection to the second factor. Thus H*{G\ F2) is a direct summand of H * ( Z x G ;F 2) as a P-module. Moreover, H * ( Z x G ;F 2) is free over V on generators

Thus i/*(G ; F 2) is projective over V, but an easy induction on dimension then shows it is free as well. □ C o r o lla ry 3.2. For each n > 1, the rings H * (S y l 2 ( P S U 3 (F 2~)y,F2),

H * (S y l 2 (S z ( 22n+1) ) ; F 2)

are C M . Consequently, the rings I P ( P S U s ( ¥ 2^ ) ; ¥ 2 ) and H * ( S z ( 22n+1) ; F 2) are C M as well P r o o f. Let G be one of the Sylow subgroups above. It suffices to show that if* (G ; F 2) is C M . We know that H * (G ; F2) is finitely generated, and from the facts that an element is nilpotent if it does not restrict non-trivially to H * ( Z ', F 2 ), and the restriction of x 2 is in the polynomial algebra V, we see that at most a finite number of the generators and their products are needed to describe H * (G ; F2) as a module over V. □ R e m a rk 3.3. In the three cases of most interest to us here, P S U ^ (F 4), P S U s (Fs), and S z (8), it is possible to make the calculations explicit and from this obtain, at least in the case of S z ( 8 ), the actual cohomology rings (see [Cl]). R e m a r k 3.4. The results in this section are actually a special case of a general theorem proved by J. Duflot [D]: i f E C G is a maximal p-elementary abelian subgroup o f G , then H * ( C g { E ) , Fp) is Cohen-Macaulay.

4 Conclusions and final remarks Combining the results in the previous three sections, we deduce the following T h e o r e m 4.1. The mod 2 cohomology ring of every simple group of rank < 3 is Cohen-Macaulay. This result would seem to indicate to the casual reader that perhaps simple groups have cohomology rings which are particularly nice. Unfortunately, this naive suggestion collapses at the next rank. Note that for H * ( G , ¥ 2) to be C M it is necessary that its maximal elementary abelian subgroups (at p = 2) be of the same rank. This fails to be true for M 22, the next Mathieu group; it has

M od 2 Cohomology Rings o f Rank 3 Simple Groups


maximal elementaries of ranks three and four. The cohomology of this group is quite complicated, but nevertheless computable (see [A M 2]). On the other hand, P S L s ( ¥ 4 ) is a simple group with maximal elementaries all of rank four, but its cohomology is not C M , as can be verified from the explicit calculation in [AM3]. The main result in this paper shows that low rank simple groups are partic­ ularly accessible, and from a topological point of view their classifying spaces can often be modelled (2-locally) using fibrations F — ►B G — ►X where the cohomology of X embeds as a polynomial subalgebra realizing the C M property and F has the homotopy type of a finite complex. Examples of this can be found in [AM], page 279-80 and in [BW]. In contrast, the situation at rank four and beyond is a lot more complex, and we are only starting to obtain some idea (based on very recent calculations or work in progress) as to how involved the cohomology of simple groups can truly be.

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Alejandro Adem and R. James Milgram

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J. Clark, Oxford Ph.D. Thesis 1992. J. Conway et a ,i Atlas of Finite Groups, Oxford University Press (1985). J. Duflot, “Depth and Equivariant Cohomology,” Comment. Math. Helv., 56 (1981), 627-637. [Gl] D. Gorenstein, The Classification of Finite Simple Groups, Univ. Series in Mathematics, Plenum Press 1983. [G2] D. Gorenstein, Finite Simple Groups, Univ. Series in Mathematics, Plenum Press 1982. [FM] P. Fong and R. J. Milgram, “On the Geometry and Cohomology of the Simple Groups G 2 {q) and preprint, Stanford University (1990). [FP] S. Fiedorowicz and S. Priddy, Homology of Classical Groups over Fi­ nite Fields and their Associated Infinite Loop Spaces, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 674 , Springer-Verlag, 1978. [K] S. N. Kleinerman, The Cohomology of Chevalley Groups of Exceptional Lie Type, AMS Memoir 1982. [M] R. J. Milgram, “The Cohomology of Sy^iO'N) and Some Associated Groups,” Preprint: U. of New Mexico, (1994). [Ql] D. Quillen, “On the Cohomology and K-theory of the General Linear Groups over a Finite Field,” Annals of Mathematics 96 (1972), 552­ 586. [Q2] D. Quillen, “Cohomology of Groups,” ICM Proceedings, Nice 1970, Gauthier Villars (1971), Vol. II, 47-51. [Q3] D.Quillen, “The Spectrum of an Equivariant Cohomology Ring I & II,” Annals of Mathematics 94 (1971), 549-602. [W] P. Webb, “A Local Method in Group Cohomology,” Comm. Math. Helv. 62 (1987), 135-167.

Algebraic Geometric Invariants for Homotopy Actions

Amir H. Assadi 1 Introduction Let X be a paracompact topological space, and let H ( X ) denote the monoid of self-homotopy equivalences of X . The homotopy equivalences which are ho­ motopy equivalent to the identity map of X form a submonoid H \ ( X ). The quotient £ { X ) = 'H ( X ) / H i { X ) is a group, called the group of self-equivalences of X . Subgroups of £ ( X ) represent “homotopy symmetries” of X , or symme­ tries of the homotopy type of X in the homotopy category. More generally, any group homomorphism p : G —» £ ( X ) leads to a homotopy action of G on X by choosing representatives g G H ( X ) for p(g) G £ ( X ) for each g G G, and considering g : X —►X acting on X . If (p : G x X —» X is a topological action, then ip induces a homotopy action. Conversely, given a homotopy action a : G —►£ (X ), one is interested in finding a topological action ^ : G x X f —> X ' and a homotopy equivalence / : X ' —►X which is equivariant up to homotopy, i.e. f o g and g o f are homotopic (using the above-mentioned notation). If such an ( X ' ,'ip) exists, then is called a topological replacement (following George Cooke [10]) or a topological realization for a. According to [10], the homotopy action (X , a ) is equivalent to a topological G-action if and only if the map B a : B q —► B g (x ) lifts to B n ( x ) in the fibration B ^ x ) ~ > In practice, lifting problems of [10] are difficult to study via obstruction theory. In general, the intermediate obstructions to a lift may not have any useful geometric or algebraic interpretation beyond the first stage. An alternative approach is to study the existence of topological replacements via constructing global invariants that encapsulate geometric characteristics of the potential G-actions replacing (X , a). In this paper, such invariants are constructed from certain coherent algebraic sheaves associated to H * ( X ) , and their geometric interpretations are in terms of fixed point sets and stability subgroups when (X , a ) is equivalent to a finite dimensional topological G-action. While homotopy actions and topological actions of a group G on a space X are geometrically very different, they share some common algebraic features. T h e a u th or is g ratefu l to Pro fessor A b d u s S a lam and Pro fessor Friedrich H irzebruch for th eir kind invitations to visit I C T P (Trieste, Ita ly ) and M a x -P la n c k -In s titu te fur M ath e m atik (B o n n , G e rm a n y ) d u rin g this research. T h is research is p artia lly funded by a grant from T h e N a tio n a l Science F oun d ation w hose su p p o rt is g ratefu lly acknowledged.


A m ir H. Assadi

Namely, if J7 is a homotopy functor from spaces to abelian groups, then Jr ( X ) affords a G-representation in both cases. When Jr( X ) admits a richer algebraic structure, the G-representation Jr( X ) carries more sophisticated information. In the case of topological G-actions, the RG-modules H * ( X ; R ) and H * ( X ; R ) are called homology representations of X . The problems of characterizing the homology representations of a group G acting on a Moore space (e.g. as in a problem of Steenrod [26]) and topological replacements for homotopy actions are closely related. (Observe that any i2-free RG-module gives rise to a homo­ topy G-action on a suitable bouquet of n-spheres and vice versa.) Homology representations arise naturally in group theory, algebraic geometry, number the­ ory and transformation groups. Cf. [1] [5] [15] [26] [27] for a sample of examples in this context. The concept of a homotopy-action and its first applications to algebraic topology appear in the 1978 paper of George Cooke [10]. Further generalization of Cooke’s work (via an obstruction theoretic approach to finding a topological replacement for homotopy actions) and its applications to homotopy theory are due to Alex Zabrodsky [29] [30]. Bill Browder and the author were led to homotopy actions as a tool to study and construct finite group actions on simplyconnected manifolds [3] [6]. These efforts motivated [4] [5] and the author’s present paper. There are related research articles by Frank Quinn [20] [21] , Justin Smith [25], Peter Kahn [15] and Schwanzl-Vogt [22]. B ackgrou n d. The earliest applications of commutative algebra and algebraic geometry to fixed point theory in topological transformation groups are due to Borel, Wu Y i Hsiang and Quillen through localization in equivariant cohomolgy [14] [19]. In the geometric direction, Quillen [19] proved that the closed points of the spectrum of the (Borel) equivariant cohomology ring of a finite dimen­ sional G-space X (G compact Lie) is stratified by similar spaces corresponding to the induced actions of elementary abelian p-subgroups of G on X . As a result, the dimension of the spectrum is the same as the largest rank of the collection of elementary abelian p-subgroups of G with a fixed point. When X is one point, Quillen’s theorem shows that the Krull dimension of the coho­ molgy ring of G (mod p) and the p-rank of G (the rank of a maximal elementary abelian p-subgroup) coincide, proving a conjecture of Atiyah and Swan. On the other hand, the Krull dimension of the cohomology ring of G is the same as its (polynomial) growth rate, which is known to coincide with growth rate of any finitely generated resolution that computes the cohomology. Quillen’s di­ mension theorem inspired a number of “local-to-global” results in topology and algebra, in particular modular representation theory. Among such developments in topology, Jean Duflot, Peter Landweber and Bob Stong [16] investigated fur­ ther properties of the equivariant cohomolgy ring of a G-space as a commuta­ tive ring. Among homological applications of Quillen’s stratification theorem, Chouinard’s theorem (to the effect that the G-projectivity of G-modules can be detected by restriction to the family of elementary abelian subgroups of G)

Algebraic Geometric Invariants for Homotopy Actions


influenced a far-reaching sequence of applications of cohomology in modular rep­ resentation theory of finite groups, algebraic groups and resricted Lie algebras, cf. [1][7] and Proc. Sympos. Pure Math. 47 (1986) for survey articles. On the algebraic side, Alperin [1] [2] introduced the notion of complexity of modules over a finite group as the growth rate of their minimal projective reso­ lution. Alperin and Evens [2] proved that the complexity of a G-module is the same as the maximum complexity of the module restricted to the elementary abelian p-subgroups of G, thus generalizing Quillen’s dimension theorem to the cohomology of G with coefficients in a G-module. Since projective modules are exactly those with complexity zero, the Alperin-Evens theorem generalizes Chouinard’s theorem as well. The Alperin-Evens complexity theorem was fur­ ther strengthened by Avrunin-Scott [7], who described the stratification of the support of the cohomolgy of G with coefficients in a G-module (as a Zariski subspace of M a x H * ( B G ) ) in terms of similar spaces arising from the coho­ molgy of elementary abelian p-subgroups of G. Avrunin-Scott’s stratification theorem provides a purely algebraic approach to Quillen’s stratification theorem (for twisted coefficients) via Green’s theory of vertices and sources and Carlson’s rank varieties [8]. A generalization of Quillen’s argument to the case of coho­ mology with twisted coefficients is also obtained by Stefan Jackowsky, giving a topological proof of Avrunin-Scott’s theorem. Note that the Alperin complexity of G-modules and the dimension of the support of their cohomology coincide, giving different interpretations and generalizations of Quillen’s theorem. The rank variety is defined for a module over an elementary abelian p-group in terms of the action of a family of well-behaved cyclic subgroups of the group algebra that were discovered earlier by E. Dade [7]. It is an affine algebraic variety with dimension equal to the Alperin complexity of the G-module [8]. These numeri­ cal invariants and their (isomorphic) geometric counterparts, namely rank and support varieties do not distinguish any properties of G-modules when their complexity is maximal, i.e. equal to the rank of the group. Equivalently, the support variety of all G-modules with cohomology containing a non-torsion el­ ement is M a x H * ( B G ) . The author’s papers [4] [5] adapt and extend the above-mentioned results to transformation groups. Invariants from modular representation theory in con­ junction with affine algebraic geometry were introduced for homotopy actions [4]. The purpose of the invariants in [4] [5] was to propose an extension of the notion of inertia groups and isotropy groups to the category of spaces (or homo­ topy types) with homotopy actions and possibly infinite-dimensional G-spaces. As in the case of G-modules, our invariants coincide for all G-actions with Gfixed points or their analogues in the extended categories, including homotopy actions O u tlin e. The present paper proposes a new approach to both the algebraic and geometric theories mentioned above. In Section Two, we outline the construc­ tion of new invariants for some categories of (algebraic or geometric) objects


A m ir H. Assadi

with symmetries. The new invariants are defined via coherent algebraic sheaves on certain projective schemes. They encode all the above-mentioned geometric and numerical invariants via (essentially forgetful) functors to the category of affine algebraic varieties. The case of homotopy actions relies on the stabiliza­ tion methods introduced in [4], and it is treated in Section Four. In Section Three, we prove that the sheaves arising from homolgy representations satisfy strong restrictions (e.g. a splitting theorem) that could be used to impose new necessary conditions for topological realizability of homotopy actions. Such applications are discussed in Section Four. Besides applications to homotopy actions and topological transformation groups, our approach produces new in­ variants in algebra. In the case of modular representations, these invariants differentiate representations with maximal complexity, while the support and rank varieties do not. For example, all Heller shifts of the trivial kG-module k have the same support and rank varieties, hence the same complexity. In contrast, our invariants for different Heller shifts correspond to non-isomorphic line bundles that can be distinguished by their class in the appropriate Picard group (or their degrees in the sense of algebraic geometry). Similar refinements of the previous invariants follow for other categories. Based on the rich theory developed for coherent algebraic sheaves, we are able to associate other useful invariants to modular representations, e.g. characteristic classes and moduli schemes. More details and applications of these ideas will appear elsewhere.

2 Algebraic geometric invariants Let C be any of the following categories: (i) T = category of paracompact topological spaces and continuous maps; (ii) T h = the homotopy category cor­ responding to T; (iii) M = the category of i?-modules (finitely generated) and i^-homomorphisms; (iv) C = the category of .R-chain complexes and chain ho­ momorphism. Let G be a finite group. The G-equivariant category correspond­ ing to C is denoted by C q • Thus objects of Cq are endowed with a G-action and the morphisms are G-equivariant (homotopy-actions and homotopy-equivariant maps for T h). Given objects X and Y in Cq and a G-morphism / : X —> Y , we wish to attach invariants for the G-actions on X and Y and establish a relationship between them via /. First, consider T ^ , where the fixed point set X G, X h ( H C G), the isotropy subgroups G x for x € X , the orbit space X/G, the Borel-construction X q = E g * g X (the fibre bundle associated to the universal principal E g —* B G ) and their many algebraic-topological invariants are defined as usual. When d im X < oo, X G and its topological invariants are useful invariants of the G-action on X . The isotropy groups are rather weak invariants when one deals with homological properties of the G-action as op­ posed to more subtle geometric circumstances (such as G-manifolds). A better substitute is the set A ( X ) = { A C G | H * ( X A , X A' ; Z p) ^ 0, where A and

Algebraic Geometric Invariants for Homotopy Actions


A! are elementary abelian p-subgroups and A! ^ A } which we call the set of essential stabilizers. When only one prime p | \G\ must be considered, we use the notation A P( X ) . Among the algebraic topological invariants in T g , the Borel equivariant cohomology H q ( X ', R ) = H * ( X g \R) is one of the most use­ ful and common invariants. Many of the invariants of G-actions on X and Y are obtained from the functor E g * g ( —) : T g —> T and the usual algebraictopological invariants of T . Note that H q ( —; R ) yields a graded module over t f* (£ G ; R ) and /£ = R ) is H * ( B G ; R)-linear. In the following, we wish to construct analogues of the above-mentioned invariants of T g for the remaining categories. The concepts corresponding to E g x g ( —) and H q ( - ) for M and C were introduced and studied in homological algebra in the same period. The set-theoretic notion “G-fixed points” when applied to an RG-module M , with the same definition as X G, leads to group cohomology with twisted coefficients if * (G ; M ) . Let Q* be an R G -free acyclic complex. Q * ® g M in M g is analogous to the Borel construction in T g Thus, H ( Q * ® g M ) = H * ( G ; M ) is a good candidate to imitate H q ( X ) . This construction carries over to C g , and leads to the notion of group-cohomology with coefficients in a chain complex, originally called hypercohomology. For an R G -chain complex G *, the cohomology of the total complex of the double com­ plex Q* ® G* is denoted by H *(G ; G *). If G* is the singular cochain complex of a paracompact G-space X , then H *(G ;G *) agrees with H q ( X ; R ) , confirming the expected requirements. Moreover, if G° = M and C l = 0 for all i > 0, then H * (G ;G * ) = H * ( G ; M ) . Thus, constructions in C g yield generalizations for both T g and M g - The case of homotopy actions T ^ is not clear as readily, even if we ask for the analogue of the Borel equivariant cohomology H q ( - ) . It is worth mentioning that the direct generalization of fixed point set X G to the algebraic set-up yields an algebraic object only. The question of finding a geometric generalization still remains to be explored. For example, consider a finite dimensional G-space X and its singular cochain complex G * (X ;R ). The derived functors of ( —) G in C g give back H q ( X ; R ) and not H * ( X G; R ). Thus, analogues of fixed point sets and essential stabilizer subgroups from a geometric point of view remain to be formulated for M g and C g besides T ^ . In the sequel, we will assume that all RG-modules, including total homolo­ gies of G-spaces and G-chain complexes, are finitely generated. This ensures that the necessary finiteness conditions in algebraic geometry are satisfied as in the following: 2.1. Proposition[2][19]. Let R be a commutative ring , let G be a finite group and M a finitely generated RG-module. Then H * (G \ R ) is a (gradedcommutative) noetherian R-algebra and H * ( G \ M ) is a finitely generated H*(G\R)-module. Similarly, assume that H * ( X ; R ) a n d H * (C * \ R ) are finitely generated R-modules where X is a G-space and G* is a G-complex. Then H q (X\ R ) and H *(G ; C *) are finitely generated as i?*(G ; R)-modules. We shall restrict attention to the graded .R-algebra H g defined to be


A m ir H. Assadi

® i H 2l (G ',R ) whenever R is not a ring of characteristic 2. There are two main reasons for this restriction. First, the ring H * ( G ; R ) is not strictly commuta­ tive in general. One may consider the Z 2-graded R -algebra corresponding to H g and 0 i i I 22+ 1(G; R ) as a super-ring, and apply constructions from superalgebraic geometry. There are many important technical differences between the commutative and the Z 2-graded theories. We shall study the super-algebraic geometric invariants analogous to the invariants of H g elsewhere. The second reason is the more satisfactory geometric situation that arises for the case of elementary abelian p-groups when we consider the polynomial subalgebra of H *(G ;R ). Consider the projective scheme (S, O s ) over Spec(R), where S = P ro j( H g ) = the projective scheme consisting of all proper homogeneous prime ideals of H g • A finitely generated graded H g - module F * gives rise to a coherent algebraic sheaf T of modules over (S , O s ) , also called an O^-module for short. Let us recall briefly this construction due to Serre and Grothendieck [12] [23]. A sub-basis for the Zariski topology on P ro j(iJ c ) consists of open sets of the form Spec( ( H g ) ^ ) ) which are denoted by S f . Here, (iJ c)(/ ) is the homoge­ neous localization of H g with respect to the homogeneous element / E H g and it consists of all (equivalence classes of) elements -pr with a E H g ho­ mogeneous, deg(a) = deg(/n) and n > 0.

Given F * , let F ( S f ) =

{- p


b E F * is homogeneous, degb = deg/n and n > 0 } define the presheaf associated to T . Given a coherent G^-module T , define the following ex­ act sequence: 0 —* T r —> T —> —* 0 . The subsheaf T r is defined via T r ( S j ) = torsion ( H c ) (f y -submodule of F ( S f ) , and is the quotient sheaf T j T r . T r is called the torsion subsheaf of T and is the largest torsion-free quotient of T . The support of T r is defined to be supp(^>) = {s E S |T s ^ 0}. It defines a closed subscheme of (5, O s ) whose underlying topological space is supp(^>). D efin itio n . Let W be any of the following: (i) a topological space with an action G x X —> X\ (ii) an i2-free R G -chain complex C*; (iii) an R G -module M . Let F * be the H g - vhodule in each case, respectively: (i) H q ( X ; R ); (ii) H * (G ;C * ); (iii) H * ( G ; M ) . Let T be the C^-module corresponding to F *. T is called the characteristic sheaf of W . F T and are called respectively the characteristic torsion and the characteristic torsion-free sheaves of W . The characteristic sheaves of a finite dimensional G-space are related to its more familiar geometric invariants. Let A; be a field of characteristic p and A = (Z p) n+1, n > 0. It turns out that the set of essential stabilizers A P( X ) and the corresponding dimk H * ( X A ;k ) for each A E A P( X ) can be recovered from the characteristic sheaves associated to the G-action on A . To see this, we need to look at the case G = (Z p) n+1. For simplicity of notation, we shall consider the case p = 2. For p = odd prime, one has the same statements by replacing H g and P ro j(# G ) in the following with the reduced k-algebra

Algebraic Geometric Invariants for Homotopy Actions


H g /?&dical and the corresponding reduced scheme. By considering the odd and even degrees separately, one can obtain more detailed information, such as Euler characteristics of the fixed point sets. Cf. [5] for related results. 2.2. T h e o re m . Let G — (Z 2)n+1 and k be afield of characteristic 2. Let X be a finite-dimensional G-space with characteristic sheaf T . Then: (a) T r determine A 2 { X ) = set of essential stabilizers of X , and conversely A 2 ( X ) determines supp(^v). (b) dim/c H * ( X g ; k) = rank T^ = rank T .

P r o o f. First consider the case X G = 0. Then H q ( X ) (^-coefficients under­ stood) is a torsion H q - module by Borel-Quillen-Hsiang localization theorem (cf. [19] [14], for example). Hence T ^ — 0 and T r = T . Since H q = k[to, ... , t n\ is a polynomial ring, P roj(H c') = F n(k) = P n(F 2) x s pec F2Spec k. The linear subspaces of Pn(F 2) are seen to be in one-to-one correspondence with subgroups of G, while points of P n(F 2) correspond to cyclic subgroups of G. The defining ideal for the linear subspace corresponding to the subgroup A ^ G is given by the kernel of the induced homomorphism H * (G ; F2) —> H * ( A ; F 2 )- The formulation of the localization theorem in equivariant cohomology by Hsiang [14] implies that A ^ G is an essential stabilizer if and only if there exists u G H g { X ; F 2 ) such that ann(u) = K e r (H * (G ; F2) —►J ? *(A ;F 2)). Hence, cor­ responding to each A G A 2 ( X ) , there exists a subsheaf of T t whose support is the F 2-rational linear subspace of P n(£;) defined by the homogeneous prime ideal I a — Ker ( H * ( G ; k ) —> H * ( A ; k ) ) . Further, Ia occurs as the annihilat­ ing ideal for a global section u G H ° ( F n( k ) , T r (d)) for a sufficiently large d. Therefore, A 2 { X ) determines supp(^>). Conversely, for any homogeneous ele­ ment u G H q,(X ; k), the annihilating ideal ann(u) C H g is seen to be invariant under the action of the Steenrod algebra, i.e. invariant under the substitution ti h + tf for all polynomials generators of H g • According to Serre [24], the variety defined by such an ideal is the union of the F 2-rational linear subspaces of F n (k). Consider an element v G H ° ( F n( k ) ] T T(d)) (for a sufficiently high d) whose annihilating ideal is a homogeneous prime I C H q • Accordingly, I deter­ mines a subgroup A C G via, I = I a = Ker(FT*(G; k) —> H * ( A ; fc)). Therefore, there is a one-one correspondence between A 2 { X ) and the homogeneous prime ideals of H q which occur as annihilating ideals for some u G H ° ( F n(k), T ( d ) ) for a sufficiently large d. (b) rank T ^ is equal to the dimension of the ( T ^ x at the generic point x of P n(A;) as a vector space over K (the quotient field of H q )- By the local­ ization theorem, H q ( X ) ® h g K — H q { X g ) ® h g K — H * ( X G) 0 ^ K . Hence dimjb H * ( X g ) = rank T^ — rank T . □


A m ir H. Assadi

3 Invariants for hom otopy actions In this section, we extend the construction of the previous section to homotopy actions. This uses an appropriate stabilization procedure from [4] which we briefly recall for reader’s convenience. P re lim in a ries . Let M* be FG-modules and P and Pi be projective R G modules, i = 1, 2. M i are called (projectively) stably equivalent if for suit­ able choices of P i , M\ 0 P\ = M 2 0 P 2. Define the operation u on the stable equivalence classes of FG-modules (well-defined up to projective equivalence by Schanuel’s Lemma ) via the short exact sequence 0 —> u ( M ) —►P —> M —> 0 applied to a representative of the class. Denote stable equivalence class of M by (M ) and u ( ( M ) ) by (c j(M )). We can define the operation u ' 1 for R -free R G modules via u ~ 1 ( M ) = Horn# (a; (Horn# (M , R ) ), R ). Inductively, a;n+1( M ) = uj(ujn ( M ) ) , n e Z. In general, co ~l ( M ) can be defined as u ~ 2 ( u ( M ) ) , using the I?-free R G -module u ( M ) . Two FG-modules M i and M 2 are called o;-stably equivalent if (ojr ( M i ) ) = (lus( M 2)) for some r, s E Z. We need the graded version of o;-stability also. Given a graded finitely generated R G -module M * = 0 *>oM*, choose N E Z sufficiently large so that M l = 0 for i > N .

Define a sequence M % as follows: M ° = cuN M ° and the

sequence 0 —> M %— M ^+1 —> u N ~^'l+ l\ M ' L+l) —> 0 is exact. Thus, up to ljstability, M


is a composite extension with composition factors u>

cj-stable class of M


( M l ). The

is well-defined and it is called an a?-composite extension of




M V The u-stable class of M is denoted by f i{ M * ). Note that M depends on the choices of extensions. Hence, there are many possibilities for / i(M *) in general. There are two closely-related notions of stability for G-spaces and G-complexes. Namely, two G-spaces X i, (i = 1, 2) are called freely equivalent, if there exists a G-space Y containing X\ and X 2 as G-subspaces, and Y / X i are compact G-spaces with free G-actions away from their base points corresponding to X i. The corresponding notion for R -free R G -chain complexes are defined similarly: G* and C ' are freely equivalent if there is an i^G-complex D * containing both as i^G-subcomplexes and such that D^/G* and D */G ' are finitely generated and free over RG. Free equivalence is an equivalence relation. N o ta tio n . For a homotopy action a : G —> £ ( X ) , define r?(X, a ) = the set of a;-stable classes of (^-composite extensions for H * ( X ] R ) . r ) (X , a ) incorpo­ rates all possible u;-stable classes which may arise from all possible topologically equivalent G-actions. Next, we measure the effect of ^-stability of [4] on characteristic sheaves of Section Two above. D efin itio n . Let A* be a graded .R-algebra, and let F * be a graded A*-module. Let S = P ro j(A *) and T be the coherent G^-module corresponding to F *. The

Algebraic Geometric Invariants for Homotopy Actions


shift of grading by d yields the A*-module F * (d ) defined by F * ( d ) 1 — F dJrl. The corresponding sheaf is denoted by F ( d ). It follows that F ( d ) = T os ®s{d). O s { 1) is called the Serre twisting sheaf, and F ( d ) is called a Serre twist of F . Tw o C?s-modules F and F ' are called Serre-twist equivalent if F ( d ) = F ' ( d ' ) for some d, d' G Z. 3.1. Proposition. Let F be an Os-'module, and let F r and F^ be its torsion subsheaf and torsion-free quotient Then: (a) F ( d ) T = F r (d). Hence supp(.F) is invariant under Serre twists. (b) F ( d ) (p = F F T - ^ F ^ > F y ^ t ) with Os{d) over Os, and using the definitions. Definition. Let a : G —> £ ( X ) be a homotopy action. The set S UJ( X , a ) = Serre-twist equivalence classes of characteristic sheaves F corresponding to one representative from each unstable class in rj(X ,a ). 3.2. Proposition. S UJ( X , a ) is well-defined. In particular, the set supp(X, a) = {su pp(^>) |F r is a characteristic sheaf corresponding to a representative from an element o f r j ( X , a ) } an dFlx(X,ot) — {Serre-twist equivalence classes of char­ acteristic torsion-free sheaves corresponding to a representative from an element o f r ] ( X , a ) } are well-defined. Proof. W ith a slight abuse of notation, apply cohomology H * ( G , —) to the exact sequence 0 —> uo(M) —►P —» M —> 0. It follows that H l ( G ] M ) = H lJtl( G \ u ( M ) ) — H * ( G ] u j ( M ) ) ( i y . Hence, the characteristic sheaves of ustably equivalent R G -modules differ only by Serre twists. Note that two graded modules which are eventually isomorphic (i.e. isomorphic in all sufficiently large degrees) give rise to isomorphic sheaves upon Serre-Grothendieck construction. The conclusion follows from Proposition 3.2. □ Rem ark. Supp(X, a) and F ix (X , a ) incorporate the extensions in the (^-com­ posite extension constructions on H *(X \ R ). They depend on R and the graded R G - represent at ion H * ( X ; R ) . Otherwise, most other topological properties of X are weakened in the stability process. 3.3. Proposition. (a) Suppose X and Y are freely equivalent G-spaces. Then their characteristic sheaves are isomorphic. (b) Assume further that Y G 0 and Y is a Moore space with H n{Y \R ) — M f o r some n > 0 and some RG-module M . Then the characteristic sheaves of X and M are Serre-twist equivalent. Similar statements hold fo r R G complexes.


A m ir H. Assadi

P r o o f. It suffices to consider the case where Y contains X as a G-subspace, and Y — X is a finite dimensional free G-space. Thus, H G( Y , X ) vanishes in all degrees greater than d im (y — X ) . The inclusion j : X —* Y induces an eventual isomorphism j * : H q ( Y ) —» H q ( X ) , hence an isomorphism after Serre-Grothendieck construction. To see (b), observe that H n( Y ; R ) is an lucomposite extension of ® i H %( X ; R ) . Letyo G Y g . Then H*G( X ) = H*G(Y,yo) = M ) in all sufficiently high degrees and after a possible degree shift. Hence the characteristic sheaves differ at most by a Serre-twist. Similar comments ap­ ply to RG-complexes. □

R em a rk . The condition Y G ^ 0 is not necessary if one is willing to replace G-spaces by suitable i^G-chain complexes (e.g. the cellular chain complex if X and Y are G -C W complexes). Up to free equivalence, any R G - chain complex is equivalent to one with precisely one cohomology group M , which is a ucomposite extension of ® i H l ( X ,mR ) . In this situation, the statement of 2.4 remains true again.

4 Obstructions for topological replacem ents and applications Throughout this section, we assume that G = ( Z p ) n+1 and A; is a field of char­ acteristic p. Homology and cohomology groups have coefficients k. 4.1. T h e o re m . Let (X , a ) be a homotopy G-action on a connected C W complex X . Let ( S , O s ) be The projective scheme Proj(iJcr). Let r j ( X , a ) be the set of u-stable classes of u-composite extensions and S u){ X , a ) = the set of Serre-twist equivalence classes of characteristic sheaves obtained from SerreGrothendieck construction on representatives o f r } ( X , a ) . I f (X , a) is equivalent to a topological G-action, then there exists an [£] G S UJ( X , a ) such that: (a) Zip is locally-free, and it splits into a direct sum of invertible Os-modules. (b) supp[£r ] is a union of ¥p-rational linear subspaces of S. O u tlin e o f P r o o f: Suppose ip : G x Y —> T i s a topological G-action replacing (X , a). Let [Z\ G S u ( X , a ) be the Serre twist equivalence class of the charac­ teristic sheaf of (Y,rp) corresponding to H G( Y ; k ) . As indicated before, we set ( S , O s ) be P y o }(H g /Radical), so that S = Pn(k) and £ is an O^-module. If d im F < oo, then Theorem 2.5 implies that the support of £r consists of the es­ sential stabilizers of the G-action on Y which are proper subgroups of G. Hence (b) follows in this case. Moreover, proof of 2.5 shows that [£^] is the Serre twist equivalence class of the sheaf obtained from the graded #G-UK)dule H G{ X G\k). The splitting of H ^ { X G) = H * { G ) ® H * ( X ; k ) = t f* (G ) (8) (0 M % —> M *+1 —►a;iV_^+ 1^(M z+1) —> 0 as in the definition and notation of Section 3. Here P * ( X ; k) — M * and i > 1 in these extensions. The extensions are determined by an appropriate E x t^ M * , M i+1) after dimension shifting, hence by a class in P * (G , H om (M , M 2+1)). On the other hand, a wellknown result of Dade (called Dade’s Lemma [7] [8]) and an argument similar to Mackey’s formula can be used to show that ( K G ®K(m) K ) ® ( K G ®K{uj) K ) is a free i f G-module if i ^ j. This type of argument and induction proves that the cu-composite extension corresponding to M \, . . . , M m is isomorphic to 0™ i ujdjn~di( M l ) = M (. First, consider the case M m+\ = 0. Then, S u ( X , a ) has only one element [£], and £ = £r . It follows that supp[£r ] = { P i >• • • >Pm } C P 71(k) satisfies the hypothesis of Corollary 4.2. Hence (X , a ) does not have a topological realization. Next, if M m+i ^ 0, S U)( X 1a ) can have more than one element. However, one can compute that for all [£] G S u;( X , a ) , supp[£r ] C { P i , . . . , P m}. I f we take m > dim iJ m+1(X;A;), then supp[^T] is seen to be non-empty. Hence (X , a ) is not equivalent to a topological action in this case either. Note that the approach through support and rank varieties in [4] will not detect these phenomena when M m+i ^ 0. E x a m p le 2. In this example, let P i be as above, and construct M i as be­ fore. Let M 2 = u j(M i), and construct a homotopy action (X , a ) as before with reduced homology H d (X ) = M i and Hd+ i ( X ) = M 2. Again, we may consider reduced homology. In this case, then «SW(X , a ) has only two classes. One corresponding to the case £r = 0 and = Os and another in which = Os and £r is a sky-scraper sheaf with support { P i } and iP ( S ;£ r ) = k 2 for all sufficiently large i. In the first case, [£] is represented by the charac­ teristic sheaf of ^ : G x 7 —►Y , where Y is obtained as the mapping cone of f : G + A ( S d) r -> G+ A (5 d) r . Such /, in homology realizes the homomorphism d in the sequence 0 —> u 2 ( M i ) —►(Z G )r -^>(ZG)s M i —»• 0. Thus, this de­ composite extension corresponds to a semifree G-action on a finite dimensional space with a contractible fixed point set. In the second case, there is no topo­ logical action whose characteristic sheaf be equivalent to £. Hence this £ does not correspond to a topological action. E x a m p le 3. Let X be a closed-simply-connected topological 4-manifold, and let /i be its intersection form. Let A u t (P 2(X ), jj l ) denote the set of isometries of H 2 ( X ) with respect to the non-degenerate symmetric bilinear form fi. It is isomorphic to an arithmetic group of orthogonal type. According to Mike Freed­ man, every such orthogonal form // on Z n corresponds to A u t( H 2 ( X ) , ( i ) for an

Algebraic Geometric Invariants for Homotopy Actions


appropriate simply-connected closed 4-manifold X as above, and at most there are two such X up to homeomorphism for each isomorphism class of p. On the other hand, there is a surjection £ ( X ) —►A u t( H 2 ( X ) , p ) with kernel isomor­ phic to (Z 2) 7". Thus, a homotopy G-action G —> £ ( X ) gives rise to a torsion-free orthogonal ZG-module. Conversely, the results of Freedman-Quinn [11] imply that any homomorphism G —> A u t(iJ 2(X ), p) lifts to £ { X ) . Consequently, ev­ ery torsion-free orthogonal ZG-module corresponds to a homotopy G-action on a simply-connected closed 4-manifold (well-defined up to homotopy). In this case, the homotopy equivalences corresponding to action of g E G can be taken to be homeomorphisms. However, the group law in G is preserved only up to homotopy, so this homotopy action is still far from a topological G-action. Orthogonal versions of the above-mentioned examples can be constructed, show­ ing that the characteristic torsion sheaves for these homotopy actions can detect new obstructions for topological realizability of “generic” homotopy actions on 4-manifolds. On the other hand, it is more interesting to treat these characteris­ tic invariants for homotopy actions as substitutes for fixed point sets and inertia groups in order to study more flexible notions of symmetry that are dominant in this case.

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[10] G. Cooke, Replacing homotopy actions by topological actions, Trans. A M S 237 (1978), 391-406. [11] M. Freedman and F. Quinn, The Topology of 4 -Manifolds, Annals of Math. Studies, Princeton University Press, 1990. [12] A. Grothendieck and J. Dieudonne, Elements de la Geometric Algebrique /, Springer-Verlag, Berlin/New York, 1971. [13] A. Heller, Homological resolutions of complexes with operators, Ann. Math. 60 (1954), 283-303. [14] W . Y . Hsiang, Cohomological of Topological Transformation Groups, Ergeb. Math., Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1975. [15] P. Kahn, Steenrod’s Problem and k-invariants of certain classifying spaces, Alg. K-theory, Proc. Oberwolfach (1980), Springer LN M 967 (1982). [16] P. Landweber and R. Stong, The depth of rings of invariants over fi­ nite fields, Proceedings of Number Theory Conference, Columbia Univ., Springer-Verlag, 1985. [17] J. Lannes, Sur la cohomologie modulo p des groupes abelian elementaires, Proc. of Durham, Symposium in Homotopy Theory 1985, Cambridge Uni­ versity Press (1987), 97-116. [18] J. Lannes, Sur les espaces fonctionelles dont la source est la classifiant d’un p-groupe abelien elementaire, (preprint) 1990. [19] D. Quillen, The spectrum of an equivariant cohomology ring I and II, Ann. of Math. 94 (1971), 549-572 and 573-602. [20] F. Quinn, Actions of finite abelian groups, Proceedings Conf. Homotopy Theory, LN M 658, Springer-Verlag, Berlin/New York, 1977. [21] F. Quinn, Homotopy of modules and chain complexes over Z[Z/p], (preprint 1976). [22] R. Schwanzl and R. Vogt, Coherence in homotopy group actions, L N M 1217, Springer-Verlag (1986), 364-390. [23] J. -P. Serre, Sur la dimension cohomologique des groupes profinis, Topology 3 (1965), 413-420. [24] J. -P. Serre, Faiseaux algebrigue coherents, Annals of Math. 61 (1955), 197-278.

Algebraic Geometric Invariants for Homotopy Actions


[25] J. Smith, Topological realization of chain complexes. I. The general theory, Topology Appl. 22 (1986), 301-313. [26] R. Swan, Invariant rational functions and a problem of Steenrod, Inven. Math. 7 (1969), 148-158. [27] R Vogel, On Steenrod’s problem for non-abelian finite groups, Proc. Alg. Top. Conf, Aarhus 1982, Springer LN M 1051 (1984). [28] P. Vogel, A solution of the Steenrod problem for G-Moore spaces, K-Theory, No. 4 (1987), 325-335. [29] A. Zabrodsky, On G. Cooke’s theory of homotopy actions, Proc. Topology Conf. London, Ontario 1981, in New Trends in Algebraic Topology. [30] A. Zabrodsky, Homotopy actions of nilpotent groups, Proc. Topology Conf. Mexico 1981, Contemporary Math. 1984.

Algebraic K-Theory of Local Number Fields: The Unramified Case

M. Bokstedt I. M adsen 1 Introduction For any unital ring A the cyclotomic trace of [BHM] gives a map, in the category of spectra, trc: K ( A ) ^ T C ( A ) from Quillen’s K-theory spectrum to the topological cyclic homology spectrum. The latter spectrum was introduced in [BHM], but we refer the reader to [HM2], for a detailed account of the construction. I f A is a finite dimensional algebra over the W itt vectors W ( k ) of a perfect field k of characteristic p / 0, then the cyclotomic trace becomes a homotopy equivalence in non-negative degrees after completion at p, or equivalently, trc*: 7T i(K (A ); Z p) = 7r*(T C (A ); Z p),

i > 0

( 1.1)

by one of the main results from [HM2] , based in part on a relative theorem due to R. McCarthy. In this paper we evaluate the homotopy type of T C (A ) for certain discrete valuation rings, namely those which have characteristic zero, finite residue fields, and are absolutely unramified (A/pA is the residue field). These rings can be displayed as the Witt-vectors of finite fields with ps elements, or equivalently as the ring of integers in local number fields which are unramified extensions of Qp, the field of p-adic numbers, cf. [Ser]. Let K denote the topological periodic K-theory spectrum whose 2n’th space is B U x Z, and let h F { 9 9) be the homotopy fiber of — 1, h F ( 9 9) - * K -+ K , i.e. the “homotopy fixed point spectrum” of the Adams operation g e Z. This is a very well understood spectrum. In particular its homotopy groups are given by ( Z/ (gn — 1) if i = 2n — 1 TTihF( T with 7Ti(fn) an isomorphism for i > n and 7rnT[n, oo) = 0 for i < n. Quillen proved in [Ql] that h F { ^ 9) is intimately related to the algebraic iG theory of the finite field F5 when g = la is a prime power: K ( V g)$


h F ( * g)$[ 0, oo),

K(Wg) f



p + l.


Here ( —) p indicates p-adic completion and H Z i denotes the Eilenberg-Maclane spectrum with txqH Z i = Zj, the /-adic integers, and ttiH Z i = 0 for i 7^ 0. Let us now fix a prime p and write A s — W (F pS) for the Witt-vectors of the finite field with ps elements. Our main result can be stated as follows. Choose an integer g which generates the units (Z /p2) x in the ring Z/p 2 (or equivalently a topological generator of Z * ). Theorem . For an odd prime p, there is a homotopy equivalence of p-adic spec­ tra, K ( A s)p ~

®)£[0,00] V E (/ iF (* 9 )£ [0 ,00)) S—1 V £ (t fpA[2 ,o o ))V \/


where E (—) denotes the suspension of the listed spectrum. It is customary in topology to write Jp = h F ( ^ 9)p and we shall adopt this notation in the rest of the paper. Since p is fixed throughout, we shall often drop the subscript p on J, J = Jp. For readers which are not so familiar with the notion of spectra, let us rewrite the theorem above on the level of spaces as s—1 (.B G L ( A S)+ x Z )A ~ J[0, 00) x B (J[0 , oo)) x SU£ x J ] C7A


where ( ) + is Quillen’s plus construction, and B { —) denotes the classifying space, f l B X ~ X , and where S U resp. U are the infinite special unitary group, resp. unitary group. In particular, (1.4) implies the following results about the higher K -groups of A s: for i > 0, s—1 K i ( A s; Z p) = ( 7i i ( J ) ® 7Ti(BJ) ® 7Ti(SU) ® @ 7 r *(£/)) 0 Z P. Concretely,

ttq(J )


= Z p, 7T2n(J ) = 0 for n > 0 and x(J ) = / Zj/pv^ n^ (0

if n = 0 (mod p — 1) otherwise




Bokstedt and I. Madsen

where vp( —) denotes the p-adic valuation, and fTT\ fZ K i(U ) = \ 10

for i odd . for %even

while 7Ti(SU) = 7Ti(U) for i ^ 0 and tti( S U ) = 0. Finally, iTi(BJ) — 7r*_i(J). The left-hand side of (1.5) are the higher K-groups with p-adic coefficients, i.e. K i ( A s; Z p) = lim 7ri (R G L (A s)+ x Z;Z/pn). The first two

terms of (1.5) are p-torsion groups except for i = 0 ,1.Rationally, dim(.K2i-i(A > ; Z p) ® Zp Qp) = s

for i > 2.

( 1.6)

This is in agreement with an old result of Wagoner [W], since one knows from [P] that K i ( A s-,Zp) = \\mKi{As/pk\Z p). Suppose I is a prime different from p. Then K i ( A s ; Z/)

Z/) = ^ ( F ps) (8) Z/

(1 -7 )

by a result of Suslin, cf. [Sus], Theorem 2.8, and these groups we listedin (1.2), (1.3). Hence, in total, one now knows all higher if-groups of A s with finite or adic coefficients. What is missing is the knowledge of the uniquely divisible part of K i ( A s)\ this is an entirely different story. Let F s be the quotient field. By localization, [Q2], there is a cofibration of spectra K { A a) - + K { F a) - + X K ( W p.) where the cofiber is known by (1.3). Moreover, the homotopy exact sequence breaks up into short exact sequences 0 —> K i ( A s\Zp) —> K i ( F s; Zp) —> K i - i ( ¥ ps) Z/ —►0 cf. [Sou], so the above also calculates K i ( F s; Z i ) for all I. In the theorem we excluded p = 2. The expected result for p = 2, currently evolving, is similar but not identical to the case of odd primes. We refer the reader to sect. 6 below, where we also discuss the relations of our results to etale K-theory, and a possible attack on the ramified case. In the rest of the paper p will denote an odd prime unless otherwise specified. T a b le o f contents. §1 Introduction §2 Topological cyclic homology §3 Spectral sequences §4 The map R\ T F (Z P) —►T F (Z P) §5 The homotopy types §6 Concluding remarks

Algebraic K -T h e o ry o f Local Number Fields: The Unramified Case


This paper is intimately related to [BM], and consequently there are many cross references to that paper. We have strived, however to make the presentation relatively selfcontained. Finally it is a pleasure to acknowledge valuable conver­ sations with L. Hesselholt; he pointed out a mistake in our initial formulation of the results.

2 Topological cyclic homology Let A be a unital ring and let T ( A ) denote the spectrum whose O’th space is the topological Hochschild homology, T H H (A ). It is a connected equivariant S 1- spectrum, and moreover, a cyclotomic spectrum in the notion of [HM2]. In particular, there are maps F , R : T { A ) C” —> T ( A ) Cm of the fixed sets under the cyclic groups of order n and m, provided m divides n. The topological cyclic homology is defined to be TC(^4) = h o lim T (A )c " F,R

cf. [HM2], sect. 3. We are in this paper only interested in its p-adic completion, where by [HM2], Theorem 3.1 one can simplify the construction by only using fixed sets under the groups Cpn. c S 1 of order pn. Let us define T F (A ) = h o lim r (A )c ^ ,

T R (A ) = h o lim T ^ )^ ” .




W e n ote th at

7T0T ( A ) C-” = W n+ 1 (A ), the W itt vectors of length n + 1, and that ttqF , 7ToR are the Frobenius and restriction maps of W itt vectors by [HM2], Theorem 2.3. One defines T C (A ,p ) = T F { A ) hR = T R ( A ) hF.


Here hR and h F indicates homotopy fixed sets, i.e. T F ^ ) ' 1* — ►T F (A )

T F (A )

is a cofibration of spectra. One has T C (^ ~ T C (^ p )^ .


Let T be a discrete group, and A£?r the free loop space of its classifying space. Then T ( A [ T ] ) ~ T ( A ) A A f? r+



Bokstedt and I. Madsen

(in the category of spectra), and the maps R and F can be calculated as follows (on the level of prespectra) ^ [ r ] = - R A A p 1,

F a[g] = F A incl


as maps from T ( A ) c ’,n AA-Br+''" to T ( A ) C^ - ' A A S r J ’" -1 . Here/Ap: A B T c> - 1 —> A B T c pn is the homeomorphism which maps a loop A(z) intothe loop A(zp). This follows from [HM2], Theorem 6.1 upon identifying the realization of the cyclic nerve iVcy( r ) with A B r , cf. [BHM], Proposition 2.6. Suppose now that T is a finite group whose order is prime to p. Then (A B T)p ~

tt0A B T

= T/conjugacy


and A p becomes A p(y) = 7P, [BHM], lemma 7.11. We decompose T/conjugacy into its orbits under A p, say T/conjugacy = ] J r “ . Since the Cpn-action comes from a circle action T ( A { r ] ) c "" = \ j T ( A ) c '-n A T “ ,

a and hence



\J tf(j4 ) a r “



\/(TF(A) A r^ )ftfl.

Suppose T a has cardinality s(a ). Then

(TF(A) A


( T F ( A ) hRHa)

A r “ ).

The rest of the R - action amounts to an action of the cyclic group C 5(a), which acts freely on r a , by definition. Thus

TC(;4,p) = \/ ( T F ( A ) hRS(a) A r “ ) 'lC’’ (o) =

\ f T F ( A ) hRS(a\

( 2.6)


We shall use ( 2.6) for T = with (p, /) = 1 and A = Z p. In this case the splitting (2.6) is analogous to the decomposition

r{d) z ptc '/ ]= n


® z [c d\= n n




with r(d ) the index of the local Galois group Gd = {pl | i € Z } in the global Galois group Z /dx of Q(Cd)/Q* Recall from the introduction the notation A s =


Algebraic K -T h e o ry o f Local Number Fields: The Unramified Case

W'(Fps), the ring of integers in the unramified extension of Qp of degree s. Then A s = Zp[£/] for suitable / (For given /, s is the minimal number with ps = 1 (m od / )). Theorem 2.8. There is a cofibration T C {A ,)$ —

T F (Z p)p ^ T F ( Z P)£.

Proof. Pick / so that A s = Zp[£/]. We claim that T F (Z p®Z[£/])p is homotopy equivalent to the cofiber of

y TF(Zp[Cd])p —>TF(ZP[C/])

(* )

where the wedge runs over all divisors d of / with d < f . This follows for example from general induction theory: 7t* (T F (Z pC /); Z p) is a Mackey functor, hence a module over the Burnside ring A ( C f ) ® Z p. The localization at the prime ideal q ( C f ) C A ( C f ) ® Z P, given by the C f - sets X with ca rd (X C/) = 0 (m odp), is on the one hand equal to 7t * (T F (Z p ® Z [£/]); Z p) by [HaM], Proposition 6.17 and on the other hand 7t* ( T F ( Z

p [ C f ] ) ; 1 i p ) q( c f ) ~ p) — ker(Res:7r*(T F (Z pC / );Z p) —> ^

7r «(T F (Z pC'd) ; Z p))

= c o k e r ( l n d : ^ 7T »(T F (Z pC'd) ; Z p) -> 7r * (T F (Z pC/); Z d)) The cofiber of (* ) is T F (Z P)£ A (Z / / )x and thus Hf) T C (Z P Z[//])p Since Z p ® Z[£/] =

V (t

f ( z p)

hRs \A

^p[C/] fhe result follows.

More generally, let E C F be an unramified extension of local fields of degree s, and let B C A be the corresponding extension of the integers in E and F . Then T C (A )£ -h. T F (B )p R- ^ T F (B )P (2.9) is a cofibration where p is the residue characteristic. The general scheme for calculation, presented in the next three sections when A = A s and B = Z p, is to calculate 7r * (T F (£ ); Zp) by comparing fixed sets to homotopy fixed sets. More precisely there is a cofibration diagram (cf. [HM2], Proposition 4.1) T ( B ) hCv


T (B )



(2.10) T ( B ) hCv„

T ( B ) c ’-n

---------- *

T ( B ) C> - 1



Bokstedt and I. Madsen

for each n. The upper sequence is the norm cofibration, valid for any equivariant spectrum. The lower sequence is the fundamental cofibration of cyclotomic spectra. One may take limits over n and observe that holim r ( B ) hC>

~ p T ( B ) hSl

holim T ( B ) hCpn ~ p T T ( B ) hSi


holimH(Cpn; T (B )) ~ p H { S 1, T ( B ) ) where the notation is as follows: for any compact Lie group G, and any Gspectrum T T hG = T A G E G + ,

T hG = Map( E G + , T ) ,

H(G, T ) = ( E G A Map (E G + , T ) f with E G the free contractible G-space, E G = £ (£ G ); the smash products are taken in the category of G-spectra. The first equivalence in ( 2.11) is an easy consequence of the fact that the homotopy direct limit of B C pn is equivalent to B S 1 after p-adic completion. The second equivalence is proved in [BHM], lemma 5.15 when T ( B ) has finite p-type, but is true in general. The third equivalence follows from the two first and the norm cofibration displayed in the upper line of (2.12). The homotopy limit of diagram (2.10) then becomes the p-completion of T T { B ) hS i

— — — > T { B ) hsl

— > H (5 1, T ( S ) )



--- -— > TF (B)


--- -— ►


TF (B)

Finally one has the following conjecture similar to the affirmed Segal conjecture for the sphere spectrum: C o n je c tu re 2.13. I f B is the ring of integers in a local field with residue field of characteristic p then the p-completion o f T andT in ( 2 . 12 ) defines homotopy equivalences onto the connected covers T ( B ) hS [0,oo) and IH^S1, T (B ))[0 , oo). By a result of S. Tsalidis, explained in the next section, the conjecture follows from the statement that fi:T (S ) -

H (G p, T ( B ) ) [ 0,oo)


be ap-adic homotopy equivalence; (2.14) in turn was proved in [BM] for B = Z p, p > 2.

Algebraic K -T h e o ry o f Local Number Fields: The Unramified Case


3 Spectral sequences In [BM] the skeleton spectral sequences ([GM], [BM], sect. 2) with abutments 'ir*(T(lip)hCrn ] F P) and Tr*(M(Cpn+ i , T (Z P)); Fp) were studied for odd primes p. The spectral sequences are of homology type, and E l q(Cpn) = H - P ( C pn]7rq( T ( Z p)-,Wp) ) =* ^

p( T ( Z p) hC^ ;F P)

E l q{Cpn) = H ~ P ( C pn-,nq( T ( Z py,¥p)) => 7r,_p(H (C pn ,T (Z p)) ; F p) where H denotes Tate cohomology. The £ 2-terms are £ 2 * ( C » = E { u n} S { t } ® E { e } ® S { f } E l * ( C pn) = E { u n} S{t, t ~ 1} E { e } 0 S { f } with E { —} and S { —} denoting the exterior and symmetric algebras, respec­ tively. The bi-degrees of the listed generators are d eg un — ( —1, 0), degt = ( —2, 0), dege = (0, 2p - 1), deg/ = ( 0, 2p). Both spectral sequences are spectral sequences of algebras, that is, the differ­ entials dr are derivations. It was conjectured in [BM], (4.3) that the non-zero differentials are generated from the following statements: (i) (ii) (iii)

d2p(k+ 1\ t pk) = AfctPfc+P(*+1) e/P(*) d2p(n)+1(un) =

^ (n - D + i

for k < n, with Xk E F * with ^


(3 1 )

dr ( t f ) = 0, dr (te) = 0, dr ( 1) = 0 for all r where p(/c) = p(pk — 1)/{p — 1) with p{0) = 1.

Since the differentials are derivations, (i), (iii) imply that d2pik)(tpkt) = i\ k^

kl+^ k+l)e p {h)

for all i (i E Z for K?fJ*^(n)), and it is equivalent to give the differential structure for E : ^ C pn) and ^ ( C pn). In [BM], sect. 5 we showed Lem m a 3.2 ([B M ]). Conjecture 3.1 is true fo r n = 1, and 3.1 ( i i i ) is true fo r all n. We shall not repeat the argument here. It is based upon a comparison with the corresponding spectral sequences for the sphere spectrum, ( S ° ) hsl -> T ( Z p) hSl -> T ( Z p) hC’,n M {S \ S °) -

M ( S \ T { Z P)) -

M (C pn, T ( Z p)),



M. Bokstedt and I. Madsen

the known structure in low degrees of the spectral sequence for ( S ° ) hs l, and upon the fact that 5° is a so called split spectrum so that (S ° ) hsl - Map(BS\.,S°). The obvious map from S° to M ap(B S + , S ° ) composed with the first map in (3.3) has the property that it takes the non-trivial elements « i e 7r2p-2 (5 0;Fp),


= P i ( v i ) € 7r2p_3(S°; Fp)

into t f and £e, respectively. For n > 1, conjecture 3.1 was derived from the assertion that there exists a factorization (S °)hsl

T { Z p) hS'


which we could not prove. The differentials in 3.1 (i), (ii) correspond to the hS^ differentials for J[0,oo) upon substituting te, t f for aq, v\. L e m m a 3.4 ([B M ]). The map f n T (Z P) £ ^ H(C7P, T (Z p))[0, oo) is a homotopy equivalence. Given (3.1) it is routine to evaluate the F^-term s, and observe that ■Ki(T(Zp) hCvn; Fp) S* 7ri (HI(Cp„+i,T (Z p ));F p ) for i > 0. In fact we proved in [BM], that the following are homotopy equiva­ lences T ( Z p) hC”" [0, oo)

T (Z p )c "" ^

M (Cp-+i, T ( Z p) )[0, oo)

In his 1994 thesis [T], S. Tsalidis proved by independent methods T h e o r e m 3.5 (Tsalidis). equivalence then so are

fo r all n.

I f I V T ( Z p) Cj> —> T ( Z p) hCj,[0,oo) is a homotopy

r n


T ( Z p) C’,n

T ( Z p) hC’’,l[0 ,oo)

f n+i


T ( Z p) Cpn —+ H ( C 'p n + i , T (Z p )) [ 0 , oo)

Algebraic K -T h e o ry o f Local Number Fields: The Unramified Case


Tsalidis’ proof is modelled upon the corresponding statement for the sphere spectrum— known as (part of) the Segal conjecture. It does not however follow from the existing literature on the Segal conjecture, e.g. [C], [AHJM], [CMP], since T ( Z P) is not a split Cpn-spectrum, but Tsalidis overcomes this difficulty. The start of the induction is provided by lemma 3.4 upon using diagram (2.10). In [BM], (4.13) it was remarked (without proof) that the differentials listed in (3.1) above were the first non-zero differentials. More precisely: Proposition 3.6. Suppose the differentials (3.1), ( i) and (3.1), ( ii) are true fo r E *,*(C pr>.) and E l ^ { C pn), then the differentials fo r E l ^ ( C pn+\) and E f ^ ( C pn+1) are as listed, except that \n and jin+\ might be zero. I f \n is non-zero, so is Tn+ 1 Based on this proposition Tsalidis proves that Theorem 3.5 implies (3.1) for all n. We owe a proof of Proposition 3.6; it did not seem that important at the time of writing [BM] as we had no way of proving that An and //n+ i were non-zero. See also remark 3.11 below. The inductive proof is based upon comparison with the spectral sequences for T ( Z p) hs and M ( S l , T ( Z p)), and the obvious restriction maps F :H ’ . ( S 1, T ( Z p ) )

—> H (Cpn,T(Zp)).

The skeleton spectral sequence for

T (Z P)); Fp) has £’2-term

E ^ i S 1) = S f o r 1} ® E { e } ® S { f } . It is an upper half plane convergent spectral sequence, cf. [HM1]. We shall also make use of the transfer map Vn:M (C pr , , T ( Z p)) - * M ( C pn+i , T ( Z p)) which works for all equivariant spectra, and in particular for the S^/Cp-spectrum M (C P, T (Z P)), cf. [HM2], Proposition 2.2. P r o o f o f Proposition 3.6. Suppose inductively that 3.1 (i) and 3.1 (ii) hold for E l * (C pn). The restriction map F induces a map of spectral sequences, which on the J^2-term is the obvious injection. The terms te and t f in E 2 ^(S *) are permanent cycles by lemma 3.2. It follows from the injectivity of F on E 2 * = E*(* that d2p(t) = tpJrle in E 2^ ( S 1), and hence that d2p( f l+ j/J) = i t t+p+j e f i for i e Z and j > 0. Thus E ^ + ' i S 1) = FP{ t * + * P I i e Z, j > 0 } © F p{ t * +*ef* \i e Z, j > 0} where Fp{- • •} is the Fp vector space generated by the listed elements. Similarly we calculate £ ^ + 1(C pn). Since d2p(un) = 0 we get E 2y , \ C pn) = E { u n} © E i y ^ S 1)



Bokstedt and I. Madsen

and F is injective on E 2p+l.

By our induction hypothesis, E t ^ l {Cpn) =

E*^* 2\ c pn) when n > 1, and (j2p{2)^pi+jfj) _ ^pi+j+p(2)ep + p ( l ) which makes it possible to calculate

(S 1) and to check it injects into

E * ^ +1 (C pn) provided n > 2. In this fashion we obtain

£ ?J n)+1(S'1) = Fp{ ^ ” i+V j I * e Z, j > 0} © F p{ t pni+je f j I i e Z, j > 0 } © n—1


Fp{iP‘ 7T«(H(Cpn+i, T’(Z p ));F p) are given by (3.1). Proof. The case n — 0 and 3.1 (iii) is covered in lemma 3.2. By Proposition 3.6 it suffices to establish that An ± 0 and /in+ i 7^ 0. Tsalidis proceeds by

Algebraic K -T h e o ry o f Local Number Fields: The Unramified Case


induction. Given the statement for n — 1, the argument of Proposition 3.6 or [BM], (4.4) shows that dimFp n2pn _ x (T (Z p) h C p n ; Fp) = n (generated by e f pn 1~ \ t pe f pn 1, t p^ e f pn 1+p^\ ... ,tp^n _1^e/pTl 1+p(n-2)). By Theorem 3.5, dimFp 7T2p™-i(IHI (C pn, T (Z P)); Fp) = n. Given Proposition 3.6, £,2p„(n+1) (C V +,) = FP{u n ( + 1tp" i + j f j |i g Z, j > 0, c = 0, 1} ® Fp{ u n e + 1tp 1+ 3 e f j |i G Z, j > 0, e = 0 ,1 } © 71—1


Fp {un+i*pfct+Je/J I up(*) < n - k , p(k - 1) < j < p(k), e = 0, 1}.

k= 1

In total degree 2pn — 1 we have the classes y ( k ) = {P (‘ ) - p " e/ P ( H ) i

k = 1 , . . . ,n

which must all survive to ^ ^ (C p u + i), since they are infinite cycles and have fiber degree less that 2p(n -f 1) — 1. The class y(n + 1) - tp(ri+1 )- P " e/p(n) € £ * p*(n+1) has precisely fiber degree 2p(n + 1) — 1. It is an infinite cycle (cf. the proof of Proposition 3.6), and d2p(n+l ) {t- P r' ) = Xny(n + l). If An = 0 then y(n + 1) will survive to E ^ ( C pn+1) and would violate that dimFp H (C ,pn+iJT (Z p )) = n. Tsalidis’ argument for d2p^n+1^+ 1(un+i) ^ 0 is a similar counting argument, but in fact our proof of Proposition 3.6 already shows this. □ C orollary 3.13. The spectral sequences E l *(*S'1) and 7r * ( T ( Z p) hsl

^(S 1) converging to

;Fp) and ^ (H ^ S 1, T (Z P)); Fp) has E°°-terms oo

£7“ ( 5 1) = E { e } ® S { t f } ®

Fv{ t le f 3 \p (*) < i < p(k + 1), vp(i - j ) > k} k= 0 oo

£7“ (S 1) = E { e } ® S { t f } ® JJ Fp{ t pk^ i+ 3 e f 3 \i e Z, p(k) < j < p(k + 1) } . k=0

Proof. The restriction homomorphisms induce isomorphisms Tr. ( T ( Z p) hS' ; Fp) ^ lira tt* ( T ( Z p) hC”" ; Fp) 7r* (M ( S 1, T ( Z P)); Fp) ^ lira tt. (H (C pn, T ( Z P)); Fp)



Bokstedt and I. Madsen

and using the above theorem we find that the differentials in the spectral se­ quences are determined from (3.1), (i) and (3.1), (iii). A routine calculation calculates the E°°-terms. □ In even degrees we have only the powers of t f , and the unit S°

- » T ( Z p) hsl


maps the periodicity element v\ e ^ 2p - 2 (S°] Fp) into t f . In odd degrees 2r — 1, one can conveniently list the generators as follows. Write ( r ~ p)/(p ~ 1) = do + aip + a 2p2 + • • •


with 0 < ao < p and 0 < a* < p for i > 0. We call it the p-expansion of (r — p)/(p — 1). Define X2r- 1 ( k ) = t a» + - + a“ r ke f {r- p+ao+- +akpk)/p e

( S 1)

X2r - i ( k ) = tp- r+^ p+ - + akpk+le f an+ aip+ - + akpk € £ “ ( S 1).


Then in total degree 2r — 1, oo

E°°ir 2r - l ( T ( Z p) hSl-,Wp) = k= 1 oo

£ ° ° 7r2r_ 1(]H[(S1, T (Z p) ); F p) =

Fp{ i 2r_ i(fc )}.


k= 1

In (3.14) we let I = /(r) be the minimal number so that a& = ajt+i for k > /, i.e.

i ( r - p)/(p - i ) = ^ 2 akpk + aocpl+1 / (I - p) € Z p



with ai ^ 0:


00 7 T 2 r - i ( T ( Z p ) h c ^

; F p) =

/ J p { * [

2r —


i j n- i ) } ,

F p { X 2r - l ( 0 ) , . . . , X 2 r - l ( n ) } ,



«p (r)

TF(zp) In this section we shall use the diagram



T { Z„) h s l



T F (Z p )

T F (Z p )

and the calculations of sect. 3 to study the endomorphism induced by R on m odp homotopy. It follows from Theorem 3.5 that T and T define homotopy equiv­ alences, onto the connective covers T ( Z p) hS [0, oo) and H ^ 1, T (Z p))[0, oo), respectively. Our main result is the following theorem where T F * (Z P;F P) = 7r * (T F (Z p);F p). W ith the notation of (3.17) we have T heorem 4.2. (i) There are classes f2 r - i(0 £ T F 2r_ i ( Z p; Fp) so that T F 2r_ i (Z p;Fp) = n ^ o ^ p {^ 2 r -i(0 } and such that R (€ 2r - i ( i ) ) — ^2r—l (i — 1)

fo r i > I, with I = l ( r ) defined in (3.17)

R { & r - i { l ~ 1)) = ^2r - i ( l — 1) R ( b r - 1( « ) ) = 6 r - i ( i - l )

if r > 1 and r = 1 (m odp —1)

i f r = p + p K+I' +1 + ( p - l)a

with p(k) < a < p(k 4-1) and v > 0 R (& r-i(i)) — 0

in nil other cases.

(ii) T F 2r (Z p;Fp) = ^P{vi^P~ 1} i f r = 0 (m odp — 1) and is zero otherwise, and R is the identity in even degrees. The proof of this result will occupy the main part of the section, but first let us derive the structure of the homotopy fiber h F ( R s) in h F ( R s)

T F (Z p ) ^

TF (Z p ).

This gives the exact sequences of Fp vector spaces 0 —> T F 2r (Z p; Fp) 0 —►cok(i7s — 1) 2 r - l

7T2r - i ( h a*

F ( R s)] Fp) —> ker( R s - l ) 2r_ i —> 0

► iT2r - 2 ( h F ( R s)] Fp) —> T F 2r_ 2(Z p; Fp) —» 0


upon taking into considerations that R s = 1 on T F 2* (Z P; Fp). Since i?(£2r_ i(Z )) = 0 we have the exact diagram n

7=1 M f c r - l W } ' Rs—

■ T F 2r _ i ( Z „ ; F „ )



Algebraic K -T h e o ry o f Local Number Fields: The Unramified Case


The right-hand vertical arrow has kernel and cokernel Fp{^ 2r - i ( l ~ 1 )} when r = 1 (m odp — 1) and r > 1. (If r = 1 then I — 0 and n != o = ^)? and is otherwise an isomorphism by Theorem 4.2 (i). The left hand vertical map is surjective, and its kernel is an 5-dimensional vector space with generators d r -1 = lim {6 r - i (0 I i = k (m ods), i > 1} =

^ 6 r - i(i), i=k (mods)

Indeed, R s^2r - i { i ) = £27—1(^ — s) for z > / -f We have proved


k = l,...,s .

(4.4) and R s£2r - i ( i ) = 0 if i < I + 5 .

C orollary 4.5. 7Ti(hF(Rs) ; ¥ p) = 0 fo r i < —I and



7T2r„ 2( h F ( R s) ; F p) =

7r2r- i ( h F ( R s) ; F p)

f Fp ® Fp Fp I0 jp®(s+l) p < F®(*+1) p p

if r = 1 (modp — i)> r > 1 if r = 1 otherwise if r = 1 (modp — i). r > 1 ifr = 1 if r = 0 (modp — i), r > 0 if r — 0 otherwise, r > 0.

In short there is an (abstract) isomorphism 7 T *(/ iF (i? s ) ; F p ) = 7 T * _ i ( J ; F p) © 7 r * ( J ; F p ) © 7 T * (S t/ x U ^ - , ¥ p)

fo r * > 0, where J is the connective image of J space. We are now ready to begin the proof of Theorem 4.2. Let us first introduce a filtration on the homotopy groups of T ( Z p) hs l, HI(S'1,T (Z p )) and T F (Z P) by setting W : +l = ker(7r * (T (Z p)'l5l ;F p) -

i t * ( T ( Z p) hC”n ; Fp))

W*"+1 = ker(7r*(H(S1, T (Z p));F p) -> tt*(H (C pn+1, T (Z P) ) ; F p)) (4.6) K ” +1 = ker(7r,(TF(Zp);F p) -

7r.(T(Zp) cp” ;Fp))

where the maps are induced from the restriction maps F which includes S 1 fixed sets into the Cpn or Cpn+i fixed set in the first two cases, and the restriction map holim T(Zp) c'^n —> T ( Z p) c ^n in the last case. By convention, W* , W® and V? are the entire homotopy group in each of the three cases. Since there are p-adic homotopy equivalences (cf. (2.11)): T { Z p) hS' -> hohm T ( Z p) hCv" U ( S \ T ( Z P)) -> holim H (C p™ +i;T(Zp))



Bokstedt and I. Madsen

we get from Theorem 3.5 filtered isomorphisms 7 r ,(i(S \ T (Z P)); Fp) £

tt* (T F (Z p);

Fp)tt* (T (Z p)'iS1 ; Fp).


The isomorphic filtration quotients in odd degrees W l - J W l +_\ - V l _ J V l +_\ = W ^ J W ^ _ \


are easily calculated from (3.12) and (3.21) to be =

( « )

and the Fp is generated by X2r- i { k —1) if k > vp{r) and by X2r - i { k ) if fc < vp(r ). We point out that the filtrations and W 2T— 1 (f° r k ^ vp(r )) simply amounts to a renumbering of the skeleton filtrations associated to the spectral sequences which converges to 7T2r-i{T(Zp) hs ;F P) and 7r2r_i(lH I(51; T ( Z P)); Fp). The precise renumbering however depends on r or more precisely on the pexpansion of (r — l) / ( p — 1) in (3.14). Let J5°TF2r- i ( Z p; Fp) denote the associ­ ated graded vector space in the ^-filtration. Then (4.1), (4.8), (4.9) and (3.19) calculates E °R : E ° T F 2r_ 1(Z p;F p) - F ° T F 2r_ 1(Z p;F p) to be ' X 2 r-l{k — 1) X2r - i ( k ) E ° R (x 2r - i ( k ) ) — < X2r - i ( l — 1)

if k > I if fc = Z — 1 and r = 1 (m odp — 1) , r > 1 if fc = /c and r = p + pK+ u+ l -f a(p —1) with p(/s) < a < p ( k -h 1), v > 1 1 one needs to exhibit - 1) which is invariant under R. I f we can solve these two points then the rest follows algebraically. The first problem of lifting elements in the kernel of E ° R to elements in the kernel of R was treated in [BM], Theorem 2.15. It is based on the pleasant fact that the structure of the norm cofibration in homotopy E T (Z p) hSr ^ T ( Z p) hS' ^ H ( S \ T ( Z P)) is intimately related to the structure of the spectral sequence E$ ^ (S 1) which converges to HI(51, T (Z P)). Indeed, the usual spectral skeleton spectral sequence for T (Z p)^5i is contained in E l ^ ( S l )\ E l j { T { Z v) h si) = E l+2j { S 1),

i > 0.

Algebraic K -T h e o ry o f Local Number Fields: The Unramified Case


The differentials in E l j ( S 1) inside the range i > 2 corresponds to differentials in E l ^ ( T ( Z p)hs1)- The differentials ( T i E ^ i S 1)

j + r - i ( S 1)

with i > 2 and i < r o n the other hand detects the norm map N h: 7r*(ST(Zp)/ls i ; Fp) -> 7t*(H(S 1, T (% „ ));¥ p). See sect. 2 of [BM] for more details. In our case the classes X2r -\ {k ) G which are annihilated by E ° ° R h are the classes which are killed by differentials in E l ^ ( S l ). Concretely, let us write k

with 6 = 0 or vp{b) = 0. From remark 3.18 and a minor computation we see that k < l ( r ) and r > 0 implies that b > 0. It is easy to see that b = 0 if and only if X2r-\ (k ) belongs to case 3.19 (ii), and that X2r- i ( k ) belongs to case 3.19 (iii) if and only if b — 1 and s > k -f 3. Thus E ° R (x 2r - i { k ) ) = 0 implies that either b > 2 or b = 1 and s < k + 2. In both these cases a + ps~ 1b > P ( s - 1) and hence (r —p + a)/p > p(s — 1). But this means that there exists a class u = ta -p{s)f(r-p+a )/p-p(s-l) g E 2(M (S 1, T ( Z p))-,¥p) and using that vp(b) = 0 we have d2v(s)U = \x2r - l { k ) ,

A e Fp .

In this situation there is a representative for X2r - i (k) which lies in the image of N h namely N h applied to a class in 7r^(TlT ( Z p) hS ;F P) represented by u. Since R h o N h is trivial, this ensures a representative y2r-\ {k ) for X2r- i ( k ) which is annihilated by R h, and we can use ^2r - i { k ) — r ~ l (i/2r - i { k ) ) G T F 2r-i(Z p ; Fp). This represents x 2r- i (k) and lies in the kernel of R. The second problem to find a representative for x 2r_i(Z — 1) invariant under R was solved in sect. 7, and in the appendix, of [BM]. It is based on the diagram of spectra K ( Z P)

> T C (Z p )






T F (Z p )

1---- ► T ( Z p) hS'

and the fact that in dimension 2p — 1, tr: K 2p-i(1 p -,¥ p)

7r2p _i(T (Z p );F p )



Bokstedt and I. Madsen

is surjective. Let tr(e ^ ) = e. Since K * (Z p;F p) is a the element

Fp) module, we have

£ K 2r_ i ( Z p;Fp) and it maps to e(t f ) ( r -P )/ (r-D e E °°n 2r- 1( T ( Z p) hSl-,Wp).

But this is precisely X2r -\{1 — 1)- Thus we set 6 , - i ( i - l ) = 5 o 'IV c (e fc^ - p)/(p- 1)). Since ( R — id)S is null homotopic, — 1) is invariant under R. Finally, since EPR -.V k+ } jV & _ 1 - V&._JV%r_\ is an isomorphism when k > I we can always find representatives ^2r - i ( k ) f° r k > I with the wanted property, and also a representative ^2r - i ( ^ ) with R ^ 2 r-i(^ ) = ^2r-i(^ — 1) in the exceptional case r = 2 (m odp — 1). □

5 The hom otopy types In this section we examine the homotopy type of the fiber h F (R s) in the cofi­ bration h F (R s) — ►T F (Z P) ^ 1T F (Z P). Every spectrum is a module over the sphere spectrum, so v\ E ^ 2P- 2 (S ° ;F P) acts on the modp homotopy groups, and in particular on 7 r*(hF (R s); Fp). We shall examine this action and begin by the action on oo

£ ’°7r»(TF(Zp); Fp) = JJ V k/V k+1 k= 0 where V® 2 K 1 3 K 2 T • • is the filtration introduced in (4.6). We recall from (4.8) and (4.9) that V^r-i/V^r-i is zero for k = vp(r ) and otherwise is a single copy of Fp, generated by X2r - i ( k —1) resp. a?2r - i (k ) when k > vp(r ) resp. k < vp(r). Let (doj^i, • • •) be the coefficients which appears in the p-expansion (3.14) of (r —p)/(p — 1). Lem m a 5.1. In E°Tr2r- i ( T F ( Z p); F p), f x 2s- i (k ) vx ■X2r- 1 (k ) = < I 2a-1 (k + 1) v0 in the


if ( o o , a i, . . . , a k) < (p - l , p , . . . , p ) if (a0, a i , .. ., a k,a k+ 1) = ( p - l , p, ■■■,p, p) otherwise

lexicographic ordering;

s = r + p — 1.

Proof. We apply T and calculate instead in E °7 r*(T (Z p) h s l; Fp) = E ^ ( S 1) where by (3.15), X 2 r-l(k ) = t^ ) ef/v{r-p+a(k))^

= ^ + ^

+ ... +

A lgebraic K -T h e o ry o f Local N um ber Fields: The Unramified Case


and where v\ 'X2 r- i ( k ) = t f x 2 r-i{k)- This is non-zero if t a(k)+1ef 1/p(r- 1+a(k)+1) ^ 0, i.e. if a(k) + 1 appears as a partial sum in the p-expansion of (s —1)/p —1. This easily gives the claimed result. □ E x a m p le 5.2. Consider r = p + pn+2. The p-expansion of (r - p )/(p — 1) has coefficients (0,p, (p - 1 ) , .. ., (p - 1), (p - 2), (p - 2 ) ,...) with n entries (p - 1), and £ 27—1 (0 ) = e f pJ,+1. It follows th at ^f(n+ 2 ) - i x 2 r _ i( 0 ) ^ 0 and vjj^n+2^£2r—1 ( 0 ) = 0 (in F°7r*(TF(Zp); Fp)). From (the graded version of) Theorem 4.2, R {x 2r- 1 (0)) = X2r - l ( i - 1) = Vi + e / pT'

and hence i2(vj£2r- i( 0 )) =

+ +° e / pT'


which is non-zero for a < p(n). Now, in the notation of (4.2), V^x2r- i ( 0) = £ 2 t-i(« ),

t = p + pn+2 + a(p - 1),

and (*) is precisely the (exceptional) formula R x 2t - \ { ^ ) = X2 t -i { l — 1) in (3.19) (hi). P r o p o sitio n 5.3. For every s > 1 and i > 0 , vi:7Ti(hF(Rs); ¥p) -> 7r*+2p_ 2(/iF (F s);F p) is injective. It is an isomorphism for i 7 ^ 1. P ro o f. This follows from the exact sequences (4.3) and lemma 5.1. Indeed, the action of v\ in T F 2r(Zp;F p) is an isomorphism because T F 2*(ZP;F P) = F jr i} , so we must check how v\ acts on k er(F s — l ) 2r_i and on cok(F s — l ) 2r_ i. We have already calculated these two modules in the course of proving corollary 4.5, e.g.

otherwise. The generators are ^2 r-i(^ —l) ~ eK ' v i

with e # € AT2p-i(2p; Fp) and

C2 r - i = lim {C2 r-i(* ) I i = k (m ods), i > I}. (k) (k) We must check th a t v \ Q r_i — C2 r+ 2 p - 3 * This is a consequence of lemma 5.1 as follows: In the p-expansion l

(r - p )/ (p - 1) =

akPk + a°°Pl+1 + aoopl+2 H----k=0



Bokstedt and I. Madsen

the constant terms aoo < p — 1 by remark 3.18. Thus (a0, . • • ,a») < (p ~ 1,p, •. • ,p ,p ) when i > l + 1 and hence that v\ • £ 2 r-iW = #2r+2p-3(0- Since & r - i { l + 1) corresponds to X 2 r-i{l + 1) modulo higher filtration, it follows that ^1^2r-l(0 = ^2r+2p-3(0 € E°7T* (T F (Z p) ; F) for large i.

Thus viC2r - i = ^2r+2p-3 m E 07 r*(T F(Zp); Fp) and v\ maps the

s-dimensional vector space spanned by the C2r - i isomorphically to the s-dimensional vector space spanned by the C2r+2p -3- Hence ui:ker(R s - l ) 2r- i -► ker(R s - l ) 2r+2p-3 is an isomorphism. For the cokernel, cok(R ‘ - l ) 2r—i = I Fp 10

if r = 1 {m° dP ~ 1}’ r > 1 otherwise

the generator of Fp is eKVi~P^P~ l and these generators are visibly stable under multiplication by v\. □ Before we continue it is in order to remind the reader about L \-localization ( = localization at p-local topological AT-theory, p a fixed odd prime), cf. [Bou], [Rav]. The Li-localization of the sphere spectrum fits into a cofibration L i( S ° ) —> J —> E -1 ijTQ, where J is the p-local periodic J spectrum as in sect. 1. spectrum jF, L \ (E ) ~ E A L i( S ° ).

Moreover for any

In particular, if E has finite type then L i ( E ) p ~ E A Jp . Let E/p be the cofiber of p:E-^>E, so that S°/p is the Moore spectrum. The el­ ement v\ € 7T2p-2(S°/p) = 7T2P-2 (S °; Fp) factors to define a map v\ \E 2p~ 2(S°/p) —> 5°/p, [A l] and we let Sp/p[l/v\] be the homotopy colimit of the desuspended iterates of v\. It is a fundamental fact of homotopy theory that S °/ p [l/ «1] ~ . L 1(S 0)/J>, and hence more generally that E / p [l/ v i] = L\(E )/p, [Mi]. Thus multiplication by v\ defines an isomorphism on 7 r*(L i(£ ); Fp), and moreover:

Algebraic K -T h e o ry o f Local Number Fields: The Unramified Case


Lem m a 5.4. Let E be any spectrum ( o f finite type) such that v\: 7Ti ( E; ¥p) —» 7iq+2p_2(.E; ¥ p) is an isomorphi sm f o r i > N . Then the connected covers E [ N , o o ) and L i ( E ) [ N , o o ) agree after completion at p. □ In particular, this applies to h F ( R s) to give h F ( R s) [ 2,


L i(h F ( i r ) ) [ 2 , oo).


Let bu = K [ 2, oo) be the spectrum with O’th space B U , and spectrum struc­ ture induced from Bott periodicity. Theorem 2.8 and the following proves the theorem of the introduction. T heorem 5.6. There is a p- adi c homot opy equivalence

s —1 h F ( R s)[ 0,


J[0, oo) V EJ[0, oo) V E bu V \J E -1 6u,

in agreement with the abstract i s omorphism o f homot opy groups f r o m corollary 4. 5 .

Proof. Let us first comment on the case 5 = 1 which was treated in [BM], Theorem 9.17, where h F ( R ) ~ T C ( Z P) ~ K { Z P). Denote by /: S ° ^ TC (Z p ),


E (S °) ^ T C (Z p)

the unit map and the map which represents 1 — p E 7 i i K { Z p) — Z p . If S : h F ( R ) —> T F (Z p ) is the inclusion of the fiber, then keeping the notation of (4.4) ( S f U v 1) = v l e (S g U


T F 2p_2(Zp;Fp)

Eiq) = V1C [ 1) e T F 2p^ ( Z p; ¥ p).

= Cap~\ siRce fhis is true modulo filtration and since the

elements lie in the /^-invariant part of T F 2p _ i(Z p; Fp), generated by e and C^p-i* We claim that the modp Bockstein operator is non-trivial on f * { v \ ) and g * ( v 1). This is proved in [BM], lemma 9.8. We shall not repeat the proof here, but just mention that it uses comparison with topological cyclic homology in the Waldhausen setting where T C splits off the spectrum S ° V E (5 °). In the notation of the previous section, and with aq = (d\V\ (5 / ),(a 0 = C g b .

5. ( S a i ) = 9,(e )

cf. (4.3), (4.4). It is a consequence of (5.5) that / V g factors as S°

V E5°

h F (jq


J[0,oo) V S J [0 ,00)


h F(R )



Bokstedt and I. Madsen

Now 7r*(J[0, oo); Fp) = E { a i } 0 S { v i } and since -C^p-i = C2p+2(p-i)fc-i ^ 0 and v^e ^ 0, 7r*(/;Fp) and 7r*(^;Fp) are both injective. (The higher Bockstein n

n __-j

structure: [3n (v\ ) = v\ a\ shows that the same is the case on Z p-integral homotopy groups). We can use the diagram h F (R )

T F (Z p )



(R‘ - 1 ) / ( R - 1 )


T F (Z p )

h F (R s)

T F (Z p )

R s-


T F (Z p )

to conclude that i o { f V g ) is also injective on homotopy groups; indeed i*(C 2r-i) — ^Zk= l C2r - i ^ ^be definition of the classes. We now look in the cofiber J[0, oo) V E J[0, oo) -► h F (R s) -> h F (R s). The m odp homotopy groups of h F (R s) are concentrated in odd degrees, and by corollary 4.5 abstractly given by s—1

TTt (h F (R s); ¥ p) =7r,(E 6u V \ f T,~1bu;Fp). Moreover,

___ ___ v i:n 2 r - i{ h F (R s)-,Fp) —►TT2r+2P-3 (h F (R s) - Fp)

is an isomorphism for r / 1, and injective for r = 1. It follows from [Rogl] that h F (R s) ~ p

S— 1 V \ f T,~1bu

giving the cofibration s—1

J[0, oo) V £ J[0, oo) -► h F (R s) -> E&u V \/ £ _1&u.

(* )

By [MST], [Rogl] or [A2], this cofibration is necessarily split: [bu, J[0, oo)p] = [&u,E2J[0,«d)£] = 0, and the homomorphisms [bu, EJ[0, oo)p] —> Hom(7r+(6up), 7r*(EJ[0, oo)^)) [bu, E3J[0, oo)p] -> Hom(7r5te(6Up),7r3lc(E3J[0, oo)p )) are injective. Since the exact homotopy sequence of (* ) is short exact, (* ) must split. □

Algebraic K -T h e o ry o f Local Number Fields: The Unramified Case


6 Concluding remarks One would like of course to extend the results of this paper to cover the dis­ crete valuation rings which are ramified. Let us discuss the most obvious case, namely the ring Z p[(p]. There are at least two ways to attack the calculation of T C (Z P[CP]). One could follow the general scheme explained at the end of sect. 2, and begin by calculating T (Z P[£P]), then its homotopy fixed sets and Tate theory for Cprr and S'1, and verify (2.14). This would give 7r*(TF(Zp[Cp]); Fp) and a calculation of n *R would then lead to T C * (Z P[£P]). An alternative approach, which we find promising, is to compare Z p[£p] with Z p[Cp] and use the general decomposition of T ( Z p[G\). This leads to the following cofibration, cf. [M ]: p

T C (Z p )

A B C P+

-> TC(Zp[Cp]) -


\/ £ (T (Z p)


p * ( B C p) + )


where p * ( B C p) denotes B C P with a free S^-action (i.e. p * ( E S l /Cp) with p: S 1 —> S 1/Cp the p ’th root isomorphism). One knows the homotopy groups of the lefthand term by our main theorem and standard facts from algebraic topology, and it is not so hard to work out entirely the homotopy groups of the right-hand wedge terms. The real difficulty is in the comparison of the group ring with its maximal order, i.e. the calculation of the relative term in T C (Z P[CP] -

M p) -

T C (Z p[Cp\) -> T C (A 4 P)

where A4p = Z p x Z p[(p\. Let us compare with the localization theorem in algebraic if-theory which imply the cofibrations K ( Z P[CP] -+ Q P[CP}) K ( Fp) x K ( Fp)

K ( Z P[CP}) -> K ( Q P[CP})

K ( M P) -> K ( Q P[CP})

since the relative AT-theory of the integers in a local field is equivalent to the AT-theory of the residue field. Moreover, as AT(Fp) p ~ H Z P the equality of T C and K for orders give T C (Z P[CP] -> M p) p ^ K { Z P[CP\

Q P[CP])$ ^ H Z P V H Z P.


It is a standard conjecture in algebraic A"-theory that AT(A)p is essentially equal to the completion of its Li-localization for integers in (local) fields, i.e. that K (A )$ -

L l K (A )^


is injective on homotopy, and induces a homotopy equivalence of 1-connected covers: K (A )p [2 , oo) ~ L \ K {A )^ [2, oo). This statement is sometimes called the (local) Lichtenbaum-Quillen conjecture.



Bokstedt and I. Madsen

Let us compare with (6.1). The right-hand term in (6.1) has trivial L\localization after completion since this is the case for T ( Z P), and since localiza­ tion commutes with smash products. The localization of the left-hand term in (6.1) can be determined from our main result to be

p ( j v z j v \ / y ,k ) a b c p + .

Using these results one may work out that


L xTC(Zp[Cp])£

is not injective on homotopy groups, not even in high dimensions. Thus K ( Z p[Cp])p is not “Li-local” . This however in itself does not contradict (6.3). Indeed one expects K ( Z P[CP\ —> M .p) p to be related to K ( ¥ p[Cp] ) p which has trivial Fi-localization; it seems a good working hypothesis that

L 1(2r(Zp[Cp] ) - . M I>) £ = 0 and (6.3) would then be equivalent to the statement that

TC(Zp[Cy -

M p)Zl 2,oo)

- T C (Z p[C'p])p [2, oo) - L 1T C (Z 2[Cp])P[2, oo)

(6.4) be a cofibration. We plan to return to these questions in a future paper. For any local number field F , that is finite extension F of Q p, Dwyer and Mitchell has in [DH], Theorem 13.3 evaluated L \ K {F )^ . W ith our notions the result is r

r = \F : Q p|


where q is a topological generator of a certain subgroup F p C Z p . To describe T F , let F q = F [ ( p\ have degree dp over F and let be the maximal a such that Fo contains pa’th roots of one. Then Fp Q %p is the subgroup generated by 1 H- pap Z p C Z^ and the d ^ ’th roots of one. If F is unramified over Q p then dp = p — 1 and ap = 1, so (6.5) is in agreement with our theorem since L \ K ( F ) p ~ L \ K (A ) p , where A is the integers in F , and since L \ K [n ,o o )p ~ K p for all n. Given (6.1) it seems somewhat surprising that the result only depends on the degree and T^, in particular when one, as we do, believes in (6.3). But it is not impossible as far as we can judge at present. In the proof of (6.5), Dwyer and Mitchell uses that L \ K (F )p [2 , oo) ~ K et(F )p [2 , oo)


where the right-hand side is the etale FT-theory of F. By definition, etale K theory has the homotopy limit property: K et( F ) G ~ K et( F ) hG



Algebraic K -T h e o ry o f Local Number Fields: The Unramified Case

for any subgroup G of the Galois group of F/Q p. The same equation then holds on connective covers. Returning to the unramified case one then gets K ( A sf[2 ,< x > }; ~ K ( A s) hG[2,); and one wonders what the Galois action might be on the right-hand side of r —1

K { A S)

J [ 0, oo) x £ J[0, oo) x E( K[ 2, oo)) x Y [ £ ~ 1{ K ( 2 , oo)).

The first guess that it be trivial on the J-factors cannot be true since J hG = Map (B G + ,J ) is more than a single copy of J when (p, |G|) ^ 0. Let us finally comment on p = 2 which was excluded in our theorem. Rognes has in [Rog2] calculated H (C 2, T i X f ) ) and has verified (2.14), hence conjecture (2.13). It appears that one can use the argument of sect. 3 to evaluate the spectral sequences ££ (CV*) and E$ ( S 1) at 2, and that one obtains an answer very similar to the answer for odd primes. In particular multiplication by the 8-dimensional Adams periodicity operator at 2 is injective on mod 2 homotopy group. In the basic case of K(7Lf) = T C (Z 2) it seems entirely likely that there are cofibrations £ J[0 ,00) -> K { Z 2)£ -> X S U £ - + X ^ J[0,oo)


where as above J is the complex image of J space, and not its real analogue. In contrast to our results at odd primes, we do not think that both cofibrations in (6.8) are split.

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Bokstedt and I. Madsen


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Algebraic K -T h e o ry o f Local Number Fields: The Unramified Case



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J. Wagoner, Algebraic K-theory, Evanston, LN M 551, Springer (1976), 241-248.

The Mapping Cone and Cylinder of a Stratified M ap

Sylvain E. Cappell Julius L. Shaneson In previous papers we studied the behavior of invariants and characteristic classes of stratified spaces in general and algebraic varieties in particular un­ der maps

The main applications up to now have involved trying to use the existence and properties of the map to understand something about the spaces, for example to compute the Todd classes of toric varieties as in [CS3] or the L - classes of hypersurfaces [CS1]. In this paper we will show that the mapping cone and cylinder of a stratified map are manifold homotopy stratified spaces as defined by Quinn. Hopefully this result will be useful in applying results from the theory of stratified spaces to the study of local and global properties of maps. Let X and Z be Whitney stratified subsets of smooth manifolds M and TV, respectively. Then a stratified map

is by definition a proper map that is the restriction of a smooth map from M to N and that has the property that for each stratum IT of Z, the inverse image f ~ 1(W ) is a union of strata of X , each of which is mapped submersively onto IT (see [GM]). The mapping cone and cylinder constructions of algebraic topology provide standard methods for converting problems about a map / to problems about a space. By definition, the cone C ( f ) is obtained from the disjoint union of the cone c X = ( X x [0,1])/X x {1 } and Z by identifying x G X = X x {0 } C c X with f ( x ) G Z . Alternatively, C ( f ) is obtained from the mapping cylinder

M ( f ) _ Xx|0,l]u Z {(x ,0 ) ~ f ( x ) } by collapsing X x {1 } to a point. For d im X = dim Z , let C ( f ) = C ( f ) Uz C (Z) be obtained by attaching the cone on Z to Z C C ( f ) . d im X > d im Z and C ( f ) for d im X = dim Z.

Let £ (/ ) = C ( f ) for

The Mapping Cone and Cylinder o f a Stratified Map


The natural choice for the set of strata of a stratification of (£(/) seems clear: the cone point (or points), V x (0,1) C c X for V a stratum of X , W C Z C £ (/ ), for W a stratum of Z, and, in the equidimensional case, W x (0,1) C cZ. The reader can modify this appropriately for M ( f ) as a stratified space with boundary, and these collections will be called the natural strata for (£(/) and M{f). Under the extra assumption that / satisfies Thom regularity, it is not difficult to show that U x cL x that is the identity on C7, such that the compositions ipxip and where defined, are stratum preserving homotopic relative U to the inclusions. The present notion is apparently more restrictive than that of [Q l ,2] in that the same structure is imposed on the links. This may be useful in applying the methods of the theory of stratified spaces and calculations inductively.


Sylvain E. Cappell and Julius L. Shaneson

T h e o re m . Let f be a stratified map of Whitney stratified subsets of smooth manifolds. Then £ (/ ) is a manifold homotopy link-stratified space, and M ( f ) a manifold homotopy stratified space with boundary, both with the natural strata. As mentioned above, if / satisfies Thom regularity, then £ (/ ) is actually a stratified space. Hence, if f : M — >N is a topologically structurally stable smooth map, then (£(/) will be homeomorphic (but not with the natural strata) to a stratified space. It would be interesting to study the precise relation between the topological type of / and the obstructions to imposing a stratified structure on £(/)• More generally, given the powerful methods available for the study and classification of strati­ fied spaces [W ], it seems natural to ask how much information about the local or global topological type of / is captured by the local or global homeomorphism type of the mapping cone or cylinder. It is not even entirely clear if the cone or cylinder can always be stratified, with non-natural strata. The proof of the theorem will also provide a description of the links. For example, for £ (/ ) we have: C o r o lla ry ( O f th e p r o o f). Assume above the hypotheses. Let {T w ,n w ,P w } be a system of “control data” fo r the strata o f Z with [0,e] = image pw (see [G i] [G M ] [V ] [M a ]). For W a singular stratum of Z ,w E W , and 6 E (0, e), let Sw,s = Z n ( ttwi p w )_1(^ , 8) and let D w,s = Z D (7rw? P w )~ 1 ( { ^ } x [0,6]) = cSw,8 • (Thus D wj is the fiber of a locally trivial cone-bundle neighborhood o f W Let 9w,6 ‘ f be the restriction of f . definition,


in Z .)


Then, fo r dim A > dim Z , we may take, in 3. in the

L w = M (g Wls)



where f ~ 1Swj is identified with f ~ 1Swj x { 1} in the mapping cylinder. For dim X = dim Z , L)W(5

6 M (g w ^


L)w,8 •

For W the non-singular stratum of Z , L w = f ~ 1(w) ,

dim X > d im Z ,

and L w = f ~ 1{w) U { p t } is the union of f _1(w) with a disjoint point fo r d im X = dim Z .

The Mapping Cone and Cylinder o f a Stratified Map


This result implies that the stratum preserving homotopy type of L w is independent of the choices and, within a component of IT, of w. If / is assumed to satisfy Thom regularity, then the topological type of L w is independent of the choices and of w. We now turn to the proof of the Theorem, concentrating on the mapping cone and leaving the mapping cylinder to the reader. We will first show that Y = (£(/) is a manifold weakly stratified set in the sense of [Q l]. (In [Q2] the terminology “manifold homotopy stratified set” is used.) It clearly suffices to verify this in the neighborhood of Y . From the statement labeled “C O NV ERSE” on page 240 of [Ql], it is clearly more than sufficient to show that for each pair consisting of a stratum W of Y and a higher dimensional stratum T of Z whose closure in Z meets IT, the subspace T U W is a stratified space, with strata T and IT, and links that are not assumed to be compact. I f T is itself a stratum of Z, this follows immediately from the fact that Z is stratified. The case (for dim Z = d im X ) in which T is a stratum of the interior of c Y is also easy and is left to the reader. It remains to consider the case T = V x (0,1), where W ' is a stratum of Z containing W in its closure and V is a stratum of W with V C Suppose first that W ' = W . Then the smooth submersion f \ V : V — > IT will be a smooth fiber bundle, and T U W will be its mapping cylinder. Hence, locally near a point x G T, ( T U IT, IT ) is homeomorphic to U x (cF, { c } ) , U a neighborhood of x in IT and F the fibre of f\V. Thus T U IT is a stratified pseudomanifold in this case. Note that the first isotopy lemma of Thom actually implies that the entire mapping cylinder of the restriction f \ r l w - . r 'w is a stratified space near IT. In particular, Y is a stratified space near the non-singular stratum of Z, with link of the fibre of /. Finally, suppose IT ' ^ IT. Then, as part of the “control data” for Z (see [Gi] [GM] [V] [Ma]) IT has a tubular neighborhood T V in N , together with a tubular projection 7T\y • T V


and a tubular distance function pw • Tw — > [0,e] , with IT — p^/(0), such that (n w ip w )\ W f n T w : IT ' n T V — ►W x (0,e) is a smooth submersion. By the second isotopy lemma of Thom, the smooth submersion f\ V n r

l {T w ) : 1/n r \ T w ) — ►W n T w


Sylvain E. Cappell and Julius L. Shaneson

is locally trivial over (nw , pw ) IW ' fl Tw : W /D Tw — ►W x (0, e) . It follows that each point of W has a neighborhood U such that, near [/, T U W ' U W is stratum preserving homeomorphic the “open” mapping cylin­ der of the composite U x (0, e) x G

U x (0, e) x F C U x c ° F ,

where F is a fiber of ( 7Tw,pw) \W fl Tw , G = f ~ 1(F ), c °F = F x [0,e )/ F x {0 } is the open cone, and ip is the product of the identity of U x (0,1) and the smooth submersion of manifolds f\ G .G -^ F . Here the strata of the open mapping cylinder U x ( 0 , e ) x G x ( 0 , l ] U / 7 x c°F { (u ,t,g ,

0) ~

(u ,t,f(g ))}

are U x (0, e) x G x (0, 1), U x (0, e) x F , and U = U x {c }. We leave to the reader the (easy) exercise to show that this mapping cylinder is a stratified space. For example, in the neighborhood of U it looks like U x c (M ° (f \ G )), M ° (f\ G ) the open mapping cylinder of f\G. Thus T U W 'U W , and hence T U W , is a stratified space. This completes the proof that Y is a manifold weakly stratified set in the sense of [Ql]. Hence, by Theorem 2 of [Ql] (see also the footnote on page 445 of [Q2]), given w G W , W a stratum of Y , there exist a neighborhood U of w in W , a homotopy stratified set K w, and a map U x c.Kw — > Z that is a stratum preserving homotopy equivalence near U. More precisely, let hs(Y, W ) be the stratified homotopy link of W in Z . By definition [Q l], this is the space of paths 6 : [ 0, 1] — ►Z with { 0} = 9~1(W ) and with 0(0, 1) contained in a single stratum. It has the structure of a homotopy stratified set with strata the homotopy links h (T U W ,W ) = hs( T U W, W ). Let p : h3(Y, W ) — > W be evaluation p(9) = 9(0). Then the methods of [Q l], as modified in [Q2], lead to the following conclusions:

The Mapping Cone and Cylinder o f a Stratified Map


(i) The map evaluation (6, t) •—> 9(t) induces a map M (p )

Z ,

M (p ) the mapping cylinder of p, that is a stratum preserving homotopy equivalence near W . (ii) p restricts to a fibration on each stratum and there exist homotopy control data on hs(Y, W ) (i.e., compatible nearly stratum preserving deformation retractions of neighborhoods of strata) that are fiberwise with respect to p. In particular, p is locally stratum preserving homotopy equivalent to a trivial fibration. Thus, it remains to show that K w = p ~ l (w) is stratum preserving homotopy equivalent to a compact manifold homotopy link-stratified space. (Remark on (ii): In [Q2] it is shown that manifold homotopically stratified spaces are isotopically homogeneous along components of strata not incident to any stratum of dimension below six.) We consider the case dim X > dim Y and leave it to the reader to make the necessary modifications for the equivimensional case. Fix 6 < e, and let T s = Y n p „ 1[0,6] and let fg be the stratified map f6 = f \ r 1{ T s ) : f - 1T s ^ T 6 . The mapping cylinder

M {h) ~

{(x ,o ) - / ( * ) >

c c W x ( 0, e) that the inclusion L w = d M ( f Wt6) c M ( f WtS) - { w } is a homotopy equivalence on each stratum. In fact, the strata of M ( f w,s) —{w } are homeomorphic to the products of the strata of the boundary with (0, 8}. By the Corollary on p. 494 of [Q2] and neglecting low dimensional difficulties (e.g. if there are no strata of dimension less than five), there is a stratum preserving homeomorphism M ( f Wts) ~ W = L w x (0 ,8} . Hence there is a stratum preserving homeomorphism ( M ( f Wi6) , { w } ) = (c L w , { c } ) . The cone structure provides an obvious stratum preserving homotopy equiva­ lence of hs (M ( f w,s) 5{ ^ } ) and L w; hence K w is stratum preserving homotopy equivalent to the homotopy stratified pseudomanifold L w. To handle the low dimensional difficulties, one notes that the proof of the Corollary in [Q2] produces a stratum preserving proper homotopy equivalence M ( f Wi6) - { w } ~ L w x (0 ,8} ; the low dimensional difficulties are the usual ones in imposing an actual product structure. Clearly a proper homotopy equivalence will suffice in the present situation. Alternatively, cross with a Euclidean space and apply a proper version of the Corollary. This completes the proof.


Sylvain E. Cappell and Julius L. Shaneson

References [CS1] S.E. Cappell and J.L. Shaneson, Singular spaces, characteristic classes, and intersection homology, Annals of Math. 134 (1991), 274-325. [CS2] S.E. Cappell and J.L. Shaneson, Stratifiable maps and topological invari­ ants, J. Amer. Math. Soc. 4 (1991), 521-551. [CS3] S.E. Cappell, Genera of algebraic varieties and counting of lattice points, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 30 (1994), 62-69. [Gi]

C.G. Gobson, K. Wirthmuller, A.A. duPlessis, and E.J.N. Looijenga, Topological Stability of Smooth Mappings, Springer Lecture Notes in Mathematics 552, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1976.

[GM] M. Goresky and R. MacPherson, Stratified Morse Theory, Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grengebiete, Vol. 14, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1988. [Ma]

J. Mather, Stratifications and mappings, in: Dynamical Systems (M .M . Peixota, ed.), Academic Press, New York, 1973.


F. Quinn, Homotopically stratified spaces, J. of the Amer. Math. Soc. 1 (1988), 441-499.


F. Quinn, Intrinsic skeleta and intersection homology of weakly stratified sets, Lecture Notes in Pure and Appl. Math. 105, Marcel Dekker, New York, 1987, 233-249.


J.L. Shaneson, Characteristic classes, lattice points, and Euler-MacLaurin formulae, to appear in: Proceedings IC M 1994.

[T l]

R. Thom, La stabilite des applications polynom ials, L ’Enseignement Mathematique I I 8 (1962), 24-33.


R. Thom, Ensembles et morphismes stratifiees, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 75 (1969), 240-284.


A. Verona, Stratified Mappings — Structure and Transversality, Lecture Notes in 1102, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1984.


S. Weinberger, Classifications of Stratified Spaces, University of Chicago Press, 1994.

Replacement of Fixed Sets and of their Normal Representations in Transformation Groups of Manifolds Sylvain Cappell Shmuel Weinberger

Abstract T h i s p a p e r g iv e s g e n e r a l r e s u lts o n tw o p r o b le m s in t r a n s f o r m a t io n T h e first is: W h e n c a n a c o m p o n e n t o f th e fix e d s e t be re p la ce d by a g iv e n (s im p le ) h o m o to p y e q u iv a le n t m a n ifo ld as a c o r r e s p o n d in g c o m p o n e n t o f th e fix e d s e t o f a n a c tio n o f th e s a m e g ro u p o n th e s a m e m a n ifo ld ? T h e m a in re s u lts s h o w t h a t th is c a n u s u a lly b e g r o u p s a c t in g o n m a n ifo ld s .

a c h ie v e d fo r P L lo c a lly lin e a r a c tio n s o f o d d o r d e r g r o u p s w it h o u t c h a n g ­ in g th e o t h e r c o m p o n e n t s o f fix e d p o in ts . H o w e v e r , fo r e v e n o r d e r g r o u p s a n d c o m p a c t L ie g r o u p s th e re a r e o b s t r u c t io n s to r e p la c e m e n t o f fix e d p o in ts ; th e s e a re s t u d ie d a n d s o m e g e o m e t r ic a l c o n s e q u e n c e s a re d r a w n . is: W h e n c a n w e c h a n g e a P L lo ca lly lin e a r g ro u p a c tio n o n a m a n ifo ld to p ro d u c e a n e w P L lo ca lly lin e a r a c tio n o f th e s a m e g ro u p o n th e s a m e m a n ifo ld w ith th e s a m e fix e d p o in ts b u t w ith th e n o r m a l lin e a r r e p r e s e n ta tio n to o n e c o m p o n e n t o f th e fix e d p o in ts re p la c e d by a n ­ o th e r in e q u a liv a le n t r e p r e s e n ta tio n w ith o u t c h a n g in g th e a c tio n n e a r th e o th e r c o m p o n e n ts o f th e fix e d p o in ts ? C la s s ic a l r ig id it y r e s u lts o f A t i y a h -

T h e s e c o n d p r o b le m

B o t t , B r e d o n , S a n c h e z , etc. a n d th e A t iy a h - S in g e r G -s ig n a t u r e th e o re m p la c e se v e re re s tr ic t io n s o n su ch re su lts , p a r t ic u la r ly fo r o d d p r im e p o w e r ord e r grou p s.

H o w e v e r , th e n e w p h e n o m e n a c o n s t r u c t e d h e re s h o w t h a t

su c h n o r m a l re p r e s e n t a t io n r e p la c e m e n t d o e s o c c u r, e v e n fo r (f r e e ) r e p r e ­ s e n ta t io n s o f b o t h o d d a n d e v e n p r im e -p o w e r o r d e r c y c lic g r o u p s , w h e n th e c o m p o n e n t o f th e fix e d p o in ts is s im p ly c o n n e c t e d a n d

n o t a p o in t.

A l l th e s e re p la c e m e n t re s u lts fo r fix e d p o in t s (r e s p e c t iv e ly : n o r m a l r e p r e ­ s e n t a t io n s ) u se a n in v e s tig a t io n , p re s e n te d h e re , o f th e

c h a n g e p r o b le m f o r fib r a tio n s .

base (re sp : fib e r )

T h e g e o m e t r ic a l re s u lts u se a p p lic a t io n s o f

th is to th e s t r a t ifie d fib r a t io n fo r m e d b y a n e w c o n s tru c tio n , th e “b u b b l e q u o t ie n t ” o f a g r o u p a c tio n .

B o th auth ors are su p p o rte d by N S F grants.


Sylvain Cappell and Shmuel Weinberger

Dedication A distinguishing feature of Bill Browder’s research contributions is that they are so often based more on creative new ideas and perspectives than on computation or technique. They have entered into the foundational structure and language in which Topology is expressed. Some of those contributions and results that grew out of them are drawn upon in the present effort, e.g., simply-connected surgery and his embedding theorems and use of Poincare embeddings, his early work with Levine on fibering over a circle, the Browder-Quinn development of a “transverse isovariant” surgery theory (applied here to non-transverse con­ structions), Browder’s unpublished work on the relation between equivariant and isovariant surgery under the large gap condition, etc. We offer this work in tribute to him upon his sixtieth birthday.

Table of Contents Introduction 1. The Block Fibration, Base Change and Fiber Change Problems 1.1. Block fibration and trivializing bundles of surgery spectra 1.2. The base change problem for fibrations 1.3. The fiber change problem for fibrations 2.


Bubble Quotients and Transformation Groups 2.1.

Fixed set replacement


Normal representation replacement

Computations for Examples 3.1.

Fixed points and Whitehead torsion


Normal representation replacement for p-groups

Introduction It is obvious that equivariantly (simple) homotopy equivalent group actions have (simple) homotopy equivalent fixed sets; the restriction of the given map and its inverse to the respective fixed sets produces the desired homotopy equivalence. The converse, when a manifold homotopically equivalent to the fixed points of a (locally linear) group action on a manifold arises as the fixed points of another (locally linear) action of the same group on the same, or a homotopy equivalent, manifold is a classical question in transformation groups. Deep re­ sults on this problem have previously been obtained largely in the context of

Replacement in Transformation Groups


smooth actions on particular smooth manifolds, where, moreover, such replace­ ment of fixed points is often highly obstructed; see the surveys of [DPS] [CS4]. In this paper we study this converse for P L locally linear (or, equivalently, lo­ cally smoothable) actions where the methods developed here are quite different and results apply to all groups and have a general character: These general results on this replacement problem for fixed points of group actions of all odd order groups are presented in Theorem 0.1 of this Introduction. The results on fixed point replacement for actions of even order groups are less general and involve a characteristic class obstruction; they are given for semifree actions in Theorem 0.2 of this Introduction. Both results are proved in Section 2.1. We then present below results on the problem of changing the normal linear representation to one component of the fixed points of a P L locally linear group action without changing the group, the manifold, the fixed points, and the action near the other components of fixed points, and thus, in particular, the other normal representations. These results on normal linear representation replacement around a single component of the fixed points display some new phenomena even for odd prime power cyclic transformations with fixed points of dimension greater than zero. This contrasts with the classical rigidity results of Atiyah-Bott [AB] associated to isolated fixed points. Those results used the Atiyah Singer G-signature theorem [AS] to relate the representations around different fixed points. In contrast, here we show that for certain pairs of linear representations, normal linear representation replacement is possible around a simply connected component of fixed points F if and only if F is not a point. For certain other pairs of representations, the normal replacement is possible only when the Euler characteristic of F is even. We give a general result in in Theorem 0.4 and exhibit examples for Zpr in Theorem 0.5 of this Introduction and prove them in Sections 2.2. and 3.2. T h e o r e m 0.1. Suppose that G is an odd order group acting P L locally linearly on a closed manifold M , and smoothly on a neighborhood of a 1-skeleton of the fixed point sets, with no codimension two gaps in the dimensions of fixed point sets o f subgroups. Then any compact boundary-less P L manifold simple homotopy equivalent to the fixed set is the fixed set of another P L locally linear G action on M that is equivariantly simple homotopy equivalent to the initial action. Moreover, this can be achieved with the normal linear representation of G to the fixed points unchanged. A d d e n d u m . The theorem remains valid fo r G odd abelian even if the smooth­ ness assumption on the 1-skeleton is dropped. This assumption can also be dropped fo r arbitrary odd order G if the normal representation to the fixed points satisfies the “large gap hypothesis” f It is conceivable that the smoothness assumption on the 1-skeleton can al1E a rlie r uses o f the “large g a p h ypothesis” condition in other problem s in tran sform atio n g rou p s are review ed in [D P S ].


Sylvain Cappell and Shmuel Weinberger

ways be dropped for odd order groups. The present hypothesis on the absence of codimension two gaps (i.e., that dimM H fl M K ) ^ dim( M H ) — 2 for all pairs of components of fixed sets of subgroups of G ) is, however, required for the theorem to be true. Codimension two gaps lead to rigidity statements for submanifolds consisting of fixed points of locally linear actions.2 We study, in addition the parallel question for even order groups, and have some, though less complete, results. Here the results are more complicated, and the replacement of the fixed set is not always possible. To proceed we need a definition. D efin itio n . A strong replacement by F f of the fixed set F of a G action on M consists of another G-action on M with the following: 1) an isovariant simple homotopy equivalence to the original action, 2) the restriction of (j) to the complement of an equivariant regular neigh­ borhood of the fixed set, an isovariant homeomorphism, and the restriction of maps this regular neighborhood of the fixed set to an equivariant regular neighborhood of F . 3) a (unequivariant) homotopy, relative to this decomposition of the Gmanifolds and the identification of complements, of this 0 to a homeomorphism, and 4) the new action has fixed set F '. One can specify the simple homotopy equivalence F f —> F and insist that f restrict to this map. In Theorem 0.1 it is moreover the case, and this is what we will prove, that the fixed set can, in fact, be changed by strong replacements with the normal linear representation of G to the fixed points unchanged as w e ll .

For even order groups we present the following partial result on locally linear semifree (that is, free on the complement of the fixed points) actions, as a contrast: T h e o r e m 0 .2. I f G is even order and acts semifreely P L locally linearly on a closed P L manifold with a component of the fixed points of codimension greater than two and simply connected, then it is possible to strongly replace this compo­ nent of the fixed set by a given ( simple) homotopy equivalent closed P L manifold iff the Kervaire classes of the homotopy equivalence vanish. Moreover, when this happens, the strong replacement can be done without changing the normal linear representation of G to the fixed points. Recall that in Sullivan’s reformulation of Browder-Novikov surgery theory, a homotopy equivalence between closed P L manifolds F f —►F gives rise to a classifying map F —> F / P L , called a normal invariant; here F / P L is the classifying space for P L block bundles equipped with a homotopy trivialization. Sullivan’s analysis [Su], see [MM], of this space includes the construction of 2H ow ever, codim ension tw o fixed point set replacem ent m ay occur frequently for n on locally linear actions w h ere the codim ension tw o fixed sets are not even d em a n d e d to b e locally flat (cf. [C S 3 ]).

Replacement in Transformation Groups


characteristic classes k4l+2 e i742+ 2(F / P L ; Z 2) which detect certain Kervaire invariants and are called Kervaire classes. The condition of Theorem 0.2 for the strong replacement of F , a component of the fixed points, by F ' is that the pullbacks of these Kervaire classes to F is trivial. For more general actions of groups of even order we do not have even a conjectured analogue to Theorem 0.1. It seems likely that for semifree actions but with F not simply connected but with tti{F ) satisfying a form of the Borel conjecture, there is an extension of Theorem 0.2 with the given Kervaire class condition replaced by the vanishing of generalized characteristic classes lying in je r4z+2( JB7r i (F ), F ; Z 2). We conjecture that even for actions of even order groups which are not semifree, when F is simply connected the vanishing condition on the Kervaire classes still suffices for replacement, but this seems difficult at present. In addition, we shall also study the case of G = S 1 or 517(2), but there replacement is much rarer. Indeed, in some situations, a strong replacement F f —> F is never possible for any F ' ^ F (see the rigidity Theorem 2.4 below). For many applications to classical examples, e.g. linear actions on lens spaces, one needs a replacement result analogous to Theorem 0.1 generalized to homotopy equivalences F ' —> F that are not necessarily simple. For this extension, there is, in general, a further obstruction, the image of Whitehead torsion in a usually finite quotient group of the Whitehead group whose compu­ tation involves subtle number theory, see Theorem 3.1 of Section 3. Fortunately, in many cases of interest this quotient group, or at least the relevant element in it, can be seen to vanish as in 3.2 and, for involutions, 3.3. For example, for applications to (linear) actions on lens spaces, we have: C o r o lla r y 0.3. Suppose given a cyclic group Z n acting P L locally linearly on a manifold M without codimension two gaps and with a connected component of the fixed points a homotopy lens space F of order m ( — \it i (F )\ ) prime to n. I f F ' is a P L manifold homotopy equivalent to F and if ( i) n — 2 or ( ii) n is prime to a (m ) or (iii) F semifree,3

and F f are linear lens spaces, and if n is even the action is

then there is another P L locally linear isovariantly homotopy equivalent action of Z n on M with F ' replacing F in the fixed points set. Moreover, this can be achieved with the normal linear representation to the fixed points unchanged. In (ii), cr(ra) is the order of the finite quotient of W h (Z m) by the “subgroup of the cyclotomic units” , i.e., the subgroup of Whitehead torsions of homotopy equivalences of lens spaces; of course these torsions can be read off from the quotients of their Reidemeister torsions. Thus, for m prime crm = /i+ , the 3T h is sem ifree hypothesis for


even could, w ith m ore work, b e d rop p ed.


Sylvain Cappell and Shmuel Weinberger

second factor of the class number h of the cyclotomic field of m-th roots of unity. Each of these three criteria in Corollary 0.3, and others in § 3, do yield exam­ ples of semifree homotopy linear P L locally linear actions of prime order cyclic groups on (linear) lens spaces with (linear) lens space fixed points whose fixed points violate relations on Reidemeister torsions that hold for linear actions. On the other hand, there are examples of linear lens spaces F and homotopy equiv­ alent smooth nonlinear lens spaces F ' for which these conditions don’t hold and, in fact, for which computations involving their Reidemeister torsions show that, in some situations, replacement is not possible (even for semifree linear actions and 7T i(F ) and G being cyclic groups of relatively prime odd prime order). It is possible to study weaker forms of the above replacement questions. For instance, one might not insist that the new action realizing F r as fixed points be on the same manifold but just on an equivariantly homotopy equivalent manifold. For G even, this weaker replacement is more often possible, and, we shall see that there is no obstruction to this for certain orientation preserving involutions, although for other group actions there is the same Kervaire type obstruction. Similar phenomena also occur for certain circle and S U ( 2) actions; see Theorem 2.5. This will be further analyzed in a future paper by the present authors together with Min Yan using more techniques in the theory of stratified spaces. One could study as well the question of obtaining the action on M , but with the complements of the fixed sets not necessarily equivariantly P L homeomorphic. As far as we could tell, the solution to this problem is not uniform, and can best be analyzed by comparing the present strong replacement obstructions with the surgery theory of the complement. After treating the problem of replacing fixed points in locally linear P L actions, we turn to the problem of replacing the linear normal representation about a component of the fixed points by different linear representation. For a P L locally linear G action on M , cognate to the notion of strong replacement of fixed points above, we will formulate and study when we can “h-strongly normally replace” the normal linear representation 7 of G around a component F of the fixed points by another linear representation 7' of G. This notion of h-strong normal replacement, made precise in section 2.2, will produce a new P L locally linear action of G on the same manifold M without changing the fixed points, the action outside a regular neighborhood of F and the isovariant (and, a fortiori, the equivariant) homotopy type of the action. Problems of changing normal representations have been studied previously only in rather special contexts, particularly for M a sphere and F a point in the context of the Smith conjecture; see e.g. [CS1], [Pe]. As we shall see, that case does not display all the characteristic features of the present general problem. Indeed, using the following result of § 2.2, we construct examples of pairs of free linear representations of a group G for which normal representations replacement will occcur for all simply connected components of fixed points F except F a point.

Replacement in Transformation Groups


T h e o r e m 0.4. Suppose that G is a finite group acting by a P L locally linear semifree action on M and that F is a simply connected component of the fixed points and let 7 denote the normal linear representation of G at points of F . Let 7' be another linear representation of G and let S (7), S (7') denote the unit spheres of the representation spaces. Then there is a P L locally linear G action on M with 7 h-strongly replaced by 7' if and only if (i) F is not a point, (ii) the action of G on S fa ') is free and there is a homotopy equivalence h: S (Y )/ G -

S (7 )/G,

(iii) the extended normal invariant of h, ( S ( 7 )/G ) U edim^

—> F / P L , vanishes

(iv) the Euler characteristic x (F ) is even, or x { F ) °dd and the Whitehead torsion of h represents 0 in W h (G )). These conditions are readily turned into computations and verified in many cases of interest. Condition (ii) on homotopy equivalence of quotients of free actions on spheres is classical and is equivalent to the equality of the easily calculated associated fc-invariants in (Z/|G|)X; see, for example [M], [Co]. The extended normal invariant of (iii) and methods of computing it are discussed in detail in sections 2.2 and 3.2; it suffices here to remark that it depends only upon the restriction of the G action on the representation spheres S (7) and S (7') to the Sylow subgroups; for example, it trivially vanishes when 7 and 7' agree on the Sylow subgroups. Condition (iv) is, of course, always satisfied for x ( F ) even; in any case, when S K \ (G ) — 0, e.g. when G is cyclic, the Whitehead torsion of h is given by the quotients of the Reidemeister torsions, (t ( S ( j ) / G ) / t ( S ( Y ) / G )) and H * ( 7 j2 ;W h (G )) = W h (G )/(2 W h (G )). Indeed, when y ( F ) is odd and G cyclic, the condition (iv) follows from divisibility of (7 —7') by a suitable power of 2 in the representation theory of G. Examples of nontrivial normal linear representation replacement about fixed points obtained using Theorem 0.4 for some G of composite order for all sim­ ply connected F , F not a point, are given in section 2.2. W ith some further number theoretic computations, we obtain in Section 3.2 the following examples of nontrivial normal representation replacement for P L locally linear actions of Z m, for both m = 2r , r > 3 and for m = pr , p an odd prime and r > 2. Let t k denote the underlying real 2-dimensional representation of Z n of the complex 1dimensional representation sending the obvious generator to (e27r2fc/n); the real representations t k and t k are thus equivalent if and only if k = ±fc;(mod pr ). T h e o r e m 0.5. Let Z m, m = pr , p prime, act by a P L locally linear action on the closed P L manifold M and let F be one component of the fixed points of the action. Let 7 = 2p (tk),k prime to p , denote the normal linear representa­ tion of Z m to F and let 7' = 2ptk be another linear representation of Z m with k = k'(m od pr ~ l ) . Then if F is simply connected and not a point, there exists


Sylvain Cappell and Shmuel Weinberger

another (isovariantly homotopy equivalent) P L locally linear action o f Z m on the same manifold M with the same fixed points and with the action unchanged on M — F (so that, in particular, the normal linear representations to all components of the fixed points other than F are unchanged) but with 7' now being the normal linear representation to F . In this proposition, from the description of 7 and 7' the actions are readily seen to be semifree near F and this replacement of 7 by 7' is contructed in Section 3.2 to be h-strong. On the other hand, we show that for p — 2, r > 3, F simply connected, 7 = 6tk, k odd, and 7' = 6tk+2T , 7' can h-strong normally replace 7 if and only if the Euler characteristic x ( ^ ) ls even. Many of the results on normal representation replacement, including The­ orems 0.4 and 0.5, have extensions when 7Ti( F ) is of odd order with F not a point; this can be applied, for example, to linear actions on lens spaces to change normal representations. On the other hand, for F a K {ir, l)-manifold, by em­ ploying some results related to the Novikov conjecture [FRW], [F W 1, 2] the present methods can often be used to show that nontrivial normal replacement does not occur for odd order groups; see the example at the end of Section 2.2. Even for actions that are not semifree the methods of section 2.2 do reduce the normal representation replacement problems to calculations. In the most general case these are, however, difficult at this time as they would require more understanding, to begin with, of the isovariant homotopy theory of linear group actions on spheres. We do compute, for certain nonfree representations, around which connected components F of the fixed point sets normal replacement is possible; see section 3.2. In particular, the work of Cappell and Shaneson which gave counterexamples to one of the Smith conjectures for G even [CS1] can be used to yield some examples where the unit spheres of the representations are equivariantly P L fi-cobordant but not free and, correspondingly, /i-strong normal replacement is possible for these non-semifree actions for any F . This contrasts with the results on semifree actions, where, as noted above, normal replacement is not possible for F a point or for many K ( tt, 1); see Section 3.2. Later papers will combine the present methods with [CW2,3, W e2] to deal with the replacement problems of equivariant maps that are only unequivariant homotopy equivalences. As the present results on fixed point replacement involve, in particular, the solution of certain embedding problems, one might hope to approach them with the conventional paradigm; e.g., first do work on equivariant bundle theory, to provide candidate neighborhoods for the putative fixed point set and then trying to apply manifold surgery theory to glue the boundary of this neigh­ borhood onto the boundary of the complement, and then study whether one has obtained the original manifold. Indeed, this is the method used classically for proving the unequivariant embedding theorem of Browder-Casson-HaefligerSullivan-Wall [Wal], that under the assumptions that F P L embeds in M in codimension at least three, so does any P L manifold F ' homotopy equivalent

Replacement in Transformation Groups


to F ] it has been used as well for many theorems in the theory of transforma­ tion groups. However, for the topological problems considered here the precise integral information that would be required is quite difficult to get, and the equivariant bundle theory that would be necessary is unstable. Moreover, we do not know how to deal with the glueing problem for the neighborhood of the fixed points to the complement by this head on approach. Instead, the present results are obtained by an integrated geometrical analysis of neighborhoods and blocked surgery; classifying spaces for bundles never enter4, and the glueing issue is directly visible and resolved using an associated stratified space, the “bubble quotient” of a group action, introduced in section 2. For applications to the present results on group actions, we will consider in § 1.1 the general obstruction to deforming a map W —» B to a block bundle or a block fibration. This theory was first developed by Casson [Ca] for the case where B is a sphere and fibers are manifolds, and for general B by Quinn [Q]. The book [BLR] gives a careful exposition of Quinn’s ideas in a special case. Here, using in addition the work of Browder and Quinn [BQ] on transverse iso­ variant surgery, we describe the solution of the general block fibration problem, needed below, when the fiber is not necessarily a manifold. We present a useful reformulation of the theory and develop some methods of calculation, new even for the case of manifold fibers. These results are applied in § 1.2 in studying the base change problem in fibrations, that is, when can the base of a block fibra­ tion be replaced by a homotopy equivalent manifold without changing the total space or fiber. Our analysis yields in 1.7 a result applicable to many fibrations with trivial monodromy. f T h e o r e m 0 .6 . Given a block fibration W ^ B which is fiber homotopically trivial over the 1-skeleton of the P L manifold B, with a compatible splitting of


, and with the manifold fiber (algebraic5) Poincare nullcobordant over its fundamental group. I f B ' is a P L manifold and B '^ B is a simple homotopy equivalence, then the composite map g ~ l o /: W —> B ' is homotopic to a block fibration with the same fiber as f . Such results on the problem of when the base of a fibration can be changed, for nonmanifold fibers, are applied in Section 2.1 to “bubble quotient fibrations” in obtaining results on replacement of fixed points of group actions. Similarly, results are obtained in § 1.3 on the fiber-change problem, when can we change the (possibly nonmanifold) fiber of a fibration, without changing the base or total space. These results are applied in § 2.2 to “bubble quo­ tient fibrations” in obtaining results on the normal replacement of the linear representations about a component of the fixed points of a group action on a manifold. 4H o w eve r one should be able to o btain som e results on (u n s ta b le ) equivariant b u n d le classifying spaces as a consequence o f the result proven here. 5E .g., the R an icki-M isch en ko sym m etric sign ature ([Ft]) vanishes.


Sylvain Cappell and Shmuel Weinberger

A future paper will discuss the question of analogues of the present results on P L locally linear actions for P L semilinear, topological locally linear and topological semilinear actions. While all of this work on fixed point replacement and on normal representa­ tion replacement is previously unpublished, some of these results on fixed point replacement were obtained by us a number of years ago in the case of simply connected manifolds; the first author lectured on these in his 1987 Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences lectures at Virginia Polytechnic University. In the intervening years, we had increased the range of applicability one class of fundamental groups at a time, by calculation. Moreover, some of the ideas contained herein helped motivate some of our intervening and current works on other problems, e.g. [CW4, CSW, W ei]. Finally, we decided to systemize and write down our tentative results and, in so doing, discovered a geometrical method (see the proof of Theorem 1.7) that at once radically simplifies the ar­ gument, eliminates extensive computations and removes all fundamental group hypotheses from Theorem 0.1 on fixed point replacement. We should remark that this method is a descendant of one of the ideas in Edwards’s shrinking theorem [Da], and a variant is also used in [BFMW] for a very different appli­ cation.

1 1.1

The block fibration, base charge and fiber charge problems Block fibration and trivializing bundles of surgery spec­ tra

Recall that a block bundle over a triangulated base space consists of a total space W which is decomposed into pieces that correspond to the simplices of the base. Over vertices we have copies of the fiber F . Over 1-simplices we have s-cobordisms that are isomorphic to F x I. Over n-simplices A we have a space isomorphic to A x F . All of the face relations of the base are to be mimicked in the total space. There is also a variant of the notion of a block bundle in which all of the blocks are only supposed homotopy equivalent to the model A x F . These have a similar theory. One reason for the utility of block bundles is that the regular neighborhood of one P L manifold M locally flatly embedded in another has the structure of block bundle over M with fiber a ball (D ,d D ) ([RS]). The following is proved in identical fashion: P r o p o s itio n 1.1. An equivariant regular neighborhood of the fixed set of a P L locally linear G action has the structure of an equivariant block bundle, that is all the blocks have G action preserving all face relations, and all of the structure

Replacement in Transformation Groups

equivalences to A x (D , d D ) are equivariant


The solution to the block fibering problem requires the introduction of surgery spaces or surgery spectra as homotopy functors of a space A . These are A-sets (see [Q]) defined by a variant of chapter 9 of [Wa] as surgery prob­ lems equipped with maps to X . D e fin itio n o f L n( A ). O-simplices are n-dimensional objects in the sense of [W al, Chapter 9]. That is, we have an n-dimensional Poincare complex with boundary mapping into A , and a degree one normal invariant, relative to the boundary, of this Poincare space. 1-simplices are cobordisms between such ob­ jects. Observe that the boundary is not fixed during the course of a cobordism, but that if it varies, it does so in the same homotopical fashion in domain and range of the cobordism. Higher simplices are defined similarly. R em ark s. 1) There are variant notions of L-spectra according to whether or not one assumes that these homotopy equivalence maps on the boundaries are simple; these spectra are decorated according to the usual corresponding convention for L-groups. 2) The surgery obstruction induces an obvious map 7iy(Ln( A ) ) —> L n+ i ( X ) . A generalization of the argument from [W al, Chapter 9] shows that it is an isomorphism. 3) This obvious map is a special case of a more general assembly map: Maps[M : L n(A )] -

L n+m( A x M ) .

Here, m is the dimension of M . Yet more generally, if W —» M , is a block fibration with fiber F , then there is an associated fibration over M , F ( L n(F ) j M ) —> Af, with fiber L n(F ), and then a further assembly map defined on the space of sections of this associated fibration, Sect[M: E ( L n( F ) j M )}

L n+m(W ) .

4. Finally, all of these spaces and maps are infinite loop spaces and maps. This is because x C P 2 induces a periodicity homotopy equivalence L n —> L n+4, and this map commutes with all of these constructions. We will find it very convenient to have an extension of this formalism to stratified spaces; we will use the setting of Browder and Quinn [BQ]. D efin itio n s. A is a strongly stratified space if it is given a stratification A = A n D A jv - i D A n_2 D • • O Ao D A _ i = 0, such that each stratum is closed, the differences between consecutive strata are open manifolds (called open or pure strata), and there are block bundle neighborhoods around neighborhoods around the pure strata in the higher strata. A map between stratified spaces is said to be stratified if it preserves pure strata. (Browder and Quinn use the word isovariant for stratified, but we reserve isovariant for maps between G-spaces.)


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It is transverse if it furthermore pulls pack these block bundles from the range to the structure block bundles in the domain. Browder and Quinn developed a surgery theory for transverse stratified clas­ sification [BQ]. (Some of our classification results for stratified spaces without transversality restrictions were given in Cappell’s 1987 CBMS lectures on trans­ formation groups and in [CW4]. The second author removed the transversality condition in a general stratified surgery theory [W ei].) The idea is as follows. By [W al, Chap. 9] the key point that one must establish to have a surgery theory is the so-called n — 7r theorem on the triviality of surgery obstructions in the appropriate relative situation. For strongly stratified spaces, one proves the 7T-7T theorem inductively; for the bottom stratum, it holds by the result for manifolds. Then one uses the bundle structure for a neighborhood and the transversality to give a solution in a neighborhood of the bottom stratum. On removing this neighborhood one has a relative problem on a space with few strata that is still (stratified) 7r-7r. Now, as we have seen, these considerations from Chapter 9 of [Wal] are also all that is necessary to define L-spaces and spectra. We therefore can define L b Q (X ) for a stratified space X . Then the analogues of all of the remarks made above hold here as well. For example, its homotopy groups are the BrowderQuinn obstruction groups to transverse stratified surgery. It is interesting to observe that while the Browder-Quinn transverse isovari­ ant surgery theory is adequate for the blocked surgery problems encountered in the present paper, the group actions constructed by our fixed set repalcement results and normal representation replacement results are not transverse isovariantly modeled on the original actions. One may also note that the techniques developed in this section for studying the fibration, base change and fiber change problems, e.g. the results on and consequences of our trivialization of L-space bundles, should be applicable to other settings for surgery theories besides that of [BQ]. To have any hope of deforming a map between manifolds to the projection of a block bundle, a necessary condition is that the homotopy fiber be given the structure of a simple Poincare complex, and that the space is simple homotopy equivalent to the total space of the associated fibration. There is an entirely analogous, but more elaborate, condition that can be formulated to apply to stratified spaces. On the bottom stratum it is this condition, and then one uses the bundle structures to require that the remaining strata are simple stratified Poincare objects of a one lower sort. We call this condition on a (stratified) map that it be a (stratified) homotopy bundle. Given this data, we can describe the obstruction to blocking a map (see [Q], [BLR]): B lo ck in g T h e o r e m 1.2. Let p : V —> M be a map from a stratified space into a manifold. Suppose that p is a stratified homotopy bundle with fiber Q. Suppose, in addition, that all strata of Q have dimension at least five. Then one can associate to p an element of the set of components of the homotopy fiber of

Replacement in Transformation Groups


the map: Sect[M : E ( L b q {Q ) j M ))

L BQ( V )

which vanishes iff the map p can be homotoped to a blocked fibration.

R em arks. 1. This map is an assembly map as above. 2. To produce the section, one makes p transverse to a triangulation of M , and associates to each simplex of the simplex of L B®(Q s) that lies over it, where Qs is a copy of Q lying over the barycenter U, so that associated to p is an element of the fiber. 3. Blocked (stratified) su rges establishes the theorem. In fact, it shows that homotopy fibrations modulo block bundles are naturally homotopy equivalent to this homotopy fiber. 4. O f course, the necessity of the vanishing condition of ( 1.2) is valid without the dimension condition on strata of Q. For sufficiency, one can sometimes remove by ad hoc arguments the condition on the dimension of the fiber. For instance, the classical surgery exact sequence corresponds to deforming a simple homotopy equivalence to a homeomorphism. Here the fiber is zero dimensional. It is precisely in the ad hoc low dimensional surgery that Rochlin’s theorem enters, and one obtains that the genuine P L obstruction involves F / P L as opposed to L (e ) = F/Top x Z. We will sometimes need to do similar low dimensional arguments when we deal with submanifolds of low codimension. 5. As a sample application of this theorem we point out a simple proof of the theorem of Browder, Casson, Haefliger, Sullivan, and Wall on the existence of a unique P L embedding in codimension three corresponding to a Poincare embedding. Using the elementary n-7r case of codimension one splitting [Wal] one obtains a putative regular neighborhood of the potential submanifold. The obstruction to making this into a block bundle over the submanifold lies in the homotopy fiber of two contractible spaces! The sections are into an L (D ,d D )~ bundle, where D is the normal disk, which is contractible by the 7r — n theorem ( 7r = e) and one maps into the global L-space of this neighborhood, which also vanishes by 7r-7r. Having made the neighborhood into a block bundle over M , it is a simple matter to embed M into it using Zeeman unknotting in codimension greater than 2. Note that this argument works exactly as stated if the codimension is at least six, but that it is not that difficult to resolve by hand the problems that must be solved to get the result through codimension three. In general it is not as easy to get information about the homotopy fiber in Theorem 1.2. As is customary with assembly fibrations in surgery theory, we can give a two-part treatment here by viewing the section piece as the primary obstruction to fiberring, and the remaining L-piece as the secondary obstruc­ tion. Since the primary obstruction lies in a space of sections of a bundle, it is important to know when this bundle is trivial; when it is trivial, we will be able


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to replace the space of sections by an easier to analyze space of maps. Our next goal is to give criteria for this: P r o p o s itio n 1.3. Let p : V —►M be a manifold homotopy fibration over M with fiber Q. Then the associated fibration o / L -spectra is trivial if the homotopy sequence of the fibration ends in a split exact sequence: 0 —►71iQ —> TTiV —> 7Ti M —►0 . For the stratified situation we do not have as pleasant a criterion. However, we do have the following, more special result: P ro p o s itio n 1.4. Let p : V —> M be a stratified homotopy fibration over M . Then the associated fibration of L-spectra is trivial if the inclusion of the stratified homotopy fiber induces an isomorphism on the fundamental group of every stratum of the fiber to the corresponding stratum of V. Notice that the hypothesis of 1.4 on fundamental groups is satisfied if M is 2-connected. A similar result which can often be applied when M is not simply connected is: P r o p o s itio n 1.5. Let p: V —►M be a stratified homotopy fibration over M . Assume that there are splittings of the induced maps of fundamental groups of each stratum o f V to M and that these splittings are compatible with a homotopy trivialization of p over a 1-skeleton of M . Then the associated fibration of L spectrum over M is trivial. P r o o f o f 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5. In each case, letting Qs denote the fibre over a point 6 of the base, there is a natural map from L (Q $ ) to L(something) which is an isomorphism, and therefore trivializes the L-fibration. In the first case one uses the map to V and then use the projection to L{n\Q ) provided by the hypothesis. In the second case L B® (V ) itself is isomorphic to an iterated loop space of L a n d we make use of this. (More precisely, we have labelled Browder-Quinn L spectra by the stratified space, while we have labelled ordinary L-spectra by the dimension of the manifolds used in defining the 0-simplices. If we should label Browder-Quinn spectra by the dimensions of the lowest stratum manifold used for the 0-simplices, instead of using the dimension given by the target space, then there would be none of these confusing loops.) In the last case, using the trivialization over the 1-skeleton of M , regarded as a bouquet of circles, to attach to V copies of D 2x fiber to each circle x fiber in V to obtain a space Y , we can proceed as before to trivialize the fibration using L (Q s ) -> L { V ) -► L { Y ). □ R e m a rk . Analogous to all these results on trivialization of bundles of Lspectra, there are much easier corresponding results on trivialization of bundles of “Whitehead spaces” . These spaces classify block bundles of /i-cobordisms of stratified spaces; their homotopy groups are the Whitehead groups of such

Replacement in Transformation Groups


spaces. (They are quite distinct from the Whitehead spaces that arise in pseudoisotopy theory.) These are easy because, using the P L structure to remove tubular neighborhoods of strata, the Whitehead spaces in the Browder-Quinn theory can be decomposed into standard Whitehead spaces, which “spacify” classical Whitehead groups.


The base change problem for fibrations

We now use the present results on these L-spectra bundles in an analysis of the problem of base change. These will be used in Sections 2 and 3 in obtaining results on replacement of fixed points. D e fin itio n . The base change problem is the problem of deciding for a block bundle projection W —►M and a simple homotopy equivalence of manifolds M ' —* M , whether or not the obvious map W M ' is homotopic to a block bundle projection. Having provided conditions for when the corresponding fibration of L-spectra trivializes, we now are in better shape for killing the obstruction. What follows are two analyses: the first applies to the primary obstruction when the fiber is a manifold. It is based on well known results on L-spectra. The second analysis involves some new geometrical constructions and methods. It is more useful for Theorem 0.1 as it deals with both obstructions (i.e., the total obstruction of Theorem 1.2) simultaneously. However, the first analysis is used in determining the obstruction to fixed point replacement for G of even order in Theorem 0.2. P r o p o s itio n 1.6. Let p : W —> M be a manifold block bundle over M with the fundamental group situation split as in Proposition 1.3. I f the action of the fundamental group on the homotopy of the fiber is trivial, with the trivialization compatible with the splitting o f ttiW —►n \ M , then the primary obstruction to base change can be identified with the map induced by crossing with the fiber Q : [M : L (e )] -

[M; L (F )] .

T h e o r e m 1.7 (M o n o d ro m y -S ig n a tu re C r ite r io n fo r B ase C h a n g e ). I f the block fibration W —> M with stratified fiber Q is stratified fiber homotopi­ cally trivial over the 1-skeleton of the manifold base M , with the trivialization compatible with a splitting of the map from 7Ti of each stratum of the total space to 7ri o f the base, then the obstruction to base change using the simple homo­ topy equivalence M f —> M can be identified with the product by Q of the total obstruction to homotopy of M f —> M to a PL-homeomorphism. In particular, if the fiber Q is a manifold which is (algebraic) Poincare nullcobordant (see [R]^ over its fundamental group then the total obstruction to base change vanishes. Moreover, in this case the base change is achieved without changing the fiber. R em ark s. Here the algebraic Poincare cobordism class of the fibre is its (Miscenko-Ranicki) symmetric signature. There are situations somewhat more


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general than vanishing of the symmetric signature for which the conclusion of Theorem 1.7 holds. Indeed, it will be necessary to employ its proof in Sections 2.1 and 3.1. One important point is that there are many Q of interest in trans­ formation groups (such as R p 4k+ 3) for which, while the symmetric signature is nonzero, yet all products with it yield vanishing quadratic surgery obstructions (see [W Y 2]). In the applications of (1.7) in § 2 below, the needed splitting of fundamental groups follows easily on each stratum using the group action and covering space theory. P r o o f o f T h e o r e m 1.6. From the point of view of the theory above, one sees directly that the obstruction to base change is associated to the transfer that maps: F ib e r([M ;L (e )] -

L (M )] -

Fiber(Sect[M: E ( L n(Q ) I M)\ -

L n+ m{ W ) )

In light of the remark, we will concentrate on the primary obstruction. We will see that many transfers can be described purely in terms of their monodromy, so that not only is this space of sections turned into a function space, but the transfer map into it can be computed by taking a product. A ll of the spectra involved are modules over the Thom spectrum MSO and even over the natural symmetric signature spectrum L * (Z ), where 7r * (L *(Z )) = L l (Z ) is Ranicki’s group of symmetric (W itt) forms; this is seen simply by cross­ ing defining manifold problems by oriented closed algebraic Poincare complexes. (Strictly speaking, for this last module structure to make sense, one needs alge­ braic analogues of the definitions of the geometric L-spectra. Ranicki has done this, but only in unpublished work; however, it follows easily from the formality of the process, as described above, and the main theorem of [R] describing L groups as bordism of algebraic Poincare complexes.) Now, L*(Z)-modules spectra have remarkable properties (see [Su, T W ].). Their homotopy types are functors of their homotopy groups, and maps between them (respecting the L*(Z)-m odule structure) are determined by their induced maps on homotopy with coefficients 7r * ( ; Z n). Geometrically, the way one can recognize an induced map on 7r * ( ; Z n) for such modules is by mapping in Z n-manifolds and computing the surgery-withcoefficient obstruction for these singular manifolds. (See [MS] for a more elab­ orate discussion.) As a consequence, to prove the result regarding the identifi­ cation of the surgery transfers needed for the primary obstruction, it suffices to prove the following lemma: L e m m a 1.8 (tra n sfers as p ro d u c ts ). I f p : E —►B is a block bundle over a (L n~) manifold with fiber Q and which is trivial as a fibration over the 1skeleton, with this trivialization compatible with a splitting n iQ x ttiB —> 7Ti E , then the transfer of a surgery problem fo r B is identified with the product with the symmetric signature of Q.

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In light of this lemma, the theorem is proven. This lemma can be proven geometrically as follows. Since the fibration is trivial around the one skeleton, with a trivialization compatible with the given splitting of fundamental groups, we can do surgery on circles representing the relations in the fundamental group to produce a new fibration, with a new base, but that has the property that there is an embedded 2-complex on which the fibration is trivial, and which has isomorphic fundamental group. Using the n-n theorem one can perform surgeries on the normal invariant of this base, to make the map an equivalence outside this neighborhood of the 2 complex, so that the transfer is now seen to be simply product with Q. □ Rem ark. This lemma was independently proven by W. Luck and E. Pederson. P r o o f o f Theorem 1.7. We shall use some ideas similar to the proof of the lemma on transfers. The use of L *(Z ) module structure is replaced by an explicit use of geometric periodicity, namely x C P 2, taking products with this complex projective space. We will first give the argument assuming that the fibration is trivial on the 2-skeleton. The obstruction to base change is (up to sign) a transfer. We can cross with C P 2, without changing the obstruction. Now consider a fixed fine triangulation of M x C P 2 —> M . We can surger the structure of M to be a blocked (over M ) homotopy equivalence outside a neighborhood of the 2-skeleton of M x C P 2 by using repeated application of the n-n theorem. A t the end of the surgery one has a homotopy equivalence V —►M x C P 2 which is blocked over M outside a regular neighborhood of the 2-skeleton of the target. Over this neighborhood, we have a trivialization of the Q bundle, so the transfer is product with the symmetric signature, which by assumption vanishes. Now for the general case. To simplify discussion we introduce a couple of terms: A 3/2 skeleton for a space X is a 2-complex K —> X which is an isomorphism on ix\. The second term, homotopy equivalence exchange is the following process: I f we have a normal invariant to (W ; A, P ), with A and B codimension 0 submanifolds (or stratified spaces) intersecting along their mutual boundary, and everything is 7r-7r, and the map is already a homotopy equivalence to A , then one can normally cobord (rel other boundary components) so that instead the map is a homotopy equivalence to B. (This follows immediately from the 7r-7r theorem as in Chapter 11 of [W al].) Rem arks. In a sense, homotopy equivalence exchange is a red herring as one does not need the condition on A to achieve the homotopy equivalence on P ; we are emphasizing in this terminology that one loses what one has on A to obtain the equivalence on B. We take the map to M x C P 2 produced above and make it, in addition, blocked split to a regular neighborhood of the 1-skeleton. This is possible by the 7T-7r case of codimension one splitting. Thus, all of the nontriviality is now


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taking place in a region between a regular neighborhood of the 1-skeleton and the 2-skeleton. We can even arrange this to be a blocked homeomorphism in this region, if we wished, because structure spaces of thickened 1-complexes are trivial, but, in any case, we do not need this. Inside the 1-neighborhood we have a trivialization of the Q-fibration com­ patible with the given splittings of fundamental groups. We now can form in the obvious way a 3/2 skeleton for the block and attach it back onto this one skeleton. The 3/2 skeleton is just obtained by attaching cells to kill the addi­ tional fundamental group; we extend the Q bundle trivially to the new cells. This produces a 3/2 skeleton within the region bounded by the boundary of the regular neighborhood of the original 2-skeleton. Now perform a homotopy equivalence exchange (blockwise), to obtain the equivalence to be blocked homotopy outside the 3/2-neighborhood. In addition, the global assembly of the blocked exchanges can be made into a homotopy equivalence, by the 7r-7r theorem, if you like. Now on this 3/2 skeleton the bundle is trivial, so the argument finishes as before: the transfer is simply a product, which vanishes when we assume that the fiber Q bounds in a suitable sense. This completes the argument to achieve the needed block fibration. We could moreover have arranged to keep the fiber unchanged by dealing with the base change problem relative to a solution over fixed discs in M ' and M for which M ' —> M restricts to a homotopy equivalence of ( M f-disc) to (M -disc). □


The fiber change problem for fibrations

Now we consider the cognate problem of changing the fiber of a block fibration. This is technically easier in that it does not involve the two stage difficulties of the base change problem of the previous section. These results are applied in sections 2.2 and 3.2 to solve problems in transformation groups concerning change of normal representations to fixed points. The main technical result is: T h e o r e m 1.9. Let f : V —►B be a P L block fibration of the P L stratified space V over a P L manifold base B. Assume that this fibration is trivial over the 1skeleton of B and that there are compatable splittings of the fundamental group of each stratum of V to the fundamental group of the corresponding stratum of the stratified fiber Q. Then if the dimension of each stratum of the fiber is > 5, a stratified P L space Q f is the fiber of a map /': V —> B homotopic to f if and only if: (i) there is a transverse stratified homotopy equivalence g: Q f —* Q fo r which the transverse stratified normal invariant v{g) E [Q; F / P L ] is zero; and (ii) the Whitehead torsion r (g ) of g satisfies r (g ) x x { B ) = 0 in W h(Q ), fo r x { B ) denoting the Euler characteristic of B ; and

Replacement in Transformation Groups


(iii) letting a G L ^ ^ ( Q ) denote the surgery obstruction of a normal cobordism of g to the identity of Q, evaluated in the surgery obstruction group in which Whitehead torsions are evaluated in W h (Q )/ x (B ) * W h {Q ), (a x cr*(F?)) G ( Im A q) in L * + i(Q x B ) . Here 5, a stratified P L space Q f is the fiber of a block fibration /': V B homotopic to f if and only i f conditions ( i) and (ii) o f Theorem 1.9 are satisfied. E xam p les, i) As a consequence of Corollary 1.10, fiber change by a normally cobordant space is often feasible over a simply connected base. On the other extreme, if B is a K ( 7r, 1) space, generalizations of the Novikov conjecture assert the injectivity of the map A: [.B ; L ( Q ) ] - > ! , , ( £ x Q) away from the prime 2, and even integrally when the relevant algebraic K theoretic groups of Q vanish. When this is true, even when Q ' ►Q is a transverse simple homotopy equivalence condition (iii) will imply that Q ' — Q and so nontrivial fiber change is not possible. This injectivity hypothesis on A is satisfied for B a torus, when the L groups and spaces are decorated by the appropriate algebraic JT-theory symbols (s, h, etc.) using the methods of [Sh] and more generally, as noted in [We4], it also follows for a class of fundamental groups considered in [Ca] using methods similar to that paper. Moreover, from these considerations, other cases in which the Novikov conjecture has been veri­ fied, e.g. [F W 1], [F W 2], yield similar examples in which nontrivial fiber change is impossible. (On the other hand, note that when Q f is /i-cobordant to Q , even if Q r ^ Q (whence, in particular W h (Q ) ^ 0), S'1 x Q does fiber over S 1 with fiber Q '.) ii) An example of interest in group actions is when B is a (homotopy) lens space with 7T\ of odd order. In that case x (B ) — 0 and also cr*(B) = 0, as it


Sylvain Cappell and Shmuel Weinberger

is in the image of “reduced” bordism of Z n in L odd( Z 0dd) which, as it agrees with L 0dd away from 2, is 2-torsion. Thus in this base a lens space case, a fiber can be changed to precisely the stratified transverse normally cobordant homotopy equivalent spaces. In Section 3.2 this is applied to changing normal representations around (homotopy) lens spaces. R em ark s. 1) The condition of triviality over the 1-skeleton could be weakened to stratified homotopy triviality over the 1-skeleton, or equivalently, homotopy triviality of the stratified monodromy. 2) In fact, we could just view the surgery obstruction a of a normal cobordism of Q to Q f as lying in L\ (Q ) for x (B ) °dd and in L ^ \ F ) for x { B ) = 2a • b, b odd. Similarly B, and using standard additivity for Whitehead torsions over a triangulation of B, we get that x (B ) x r ( g ) ) represents r(identity of V ) = 0 in W h(V') = W h (F x 7Ti(J5)). But as x (B ) x r (s0 represents an element of W h (V ’), which maps split injectively

Replacement in Transformation Groups


to W h(V'), we conclude that

X ( B ) x r (g ) = 0


W h (Q )

To see the necessity of condition (iii), let h: V x I —> B be a homotopy of f : V = V x O —> B t o f f: V = V x l —> B. Let p G R, so that we make the identifications F = / _ 1(p), F ! = /' (p). We may assume that h is transverse to p so that h ~ l (p) is a transverse isovariant normal cobordism of I f , the identity o f F to a homotopy equivalence g: Q f —* Q. As noted above, this normal cobordism represents an element a of L ^ B\ q ) = 7 T o (L *^ (Q ))- Using the trivialization in § 1.1 of the bundle E (L (Q ) j B ) as B x L (Q ), we can construct a normal cobordism blocked over B , representing B —> {a p o i n t } - ^ L * ^ ( F ) where the image of a lies in the component corresponding to ( —a), yielding a cobordism Y of /': V —> B to a blocked map V7 —> R. In fact, if we do this construction of a blocked over B normal cobordism of V with some further care, by constructing it inductively over simplices of B , beginning over 0-simplices with the given normal cobordism of Q to Q', so that the torsion of the given homotopy equivalence over each simplex of B from the inverse image in V ' to that in V is constantly r(g : Q f —» Q), we would get that the given blocked map /": V ' —> B is a blocked fibration with fiber Q'. (In a less geometrical and more abstract language, this could be rephrased as doing a cobordism construction representing a map from B to the fiber over the component corresponding to r (Q ' Q ) ° f the “spacified” version of the Rothenberg map [Sh], L * (Q ) —> H * (Z 2; W h (Q )) . O f course, this fiber could be identified with the usual description of the fiber over the connected component of the identity, L * (Q ), the simple surgery spec­ trum.) Consider now the blocked cobordism over W = V x I U y x i Y B. Re­ garded as a normal cobordism from V —►V to V ' —» V , this has surgery obstruc­ tion given by, letting s denote surgery obstructions, s (W ) = s(U x I ) + s (Y ) = 0 -f cr*{B) x ( —a ) = —a * (B ) x a. Moreover, from the construction, the inverse image of p in W is a blocked normal cobordism representing a -h ( —a ) = 0. Thus, W can be viewed as representing an element of [R, (Li( 0, to F / T O P satisfy [R, F / T O P ] = [B — D n, F / T O P ] x [D n rel d, F / T O P ]; this is obtained using the map induced from the pinch map B —> Sn (or by using L * (Z ) orientations) to split the surgery obstruction assembly map. The same methods readily yield the generalization that [JB,L(Q)] = [B — D n, L (Q)} x [D n rel B , where V ' is ( transverse) stratified h-cobordant to V and /' is homotopic to the composite map V ' —> V —►B if and only if (i) there is a transverse stratified homoptopy equivalence g: Q ' —> Q fo r which the transverse stratified normal invariant v (g ) e [Q ; F /P L ] is zero; (ii) letting a G L ^ (Q ) denote the h-surgery obstruction of a normal cobordism of g to the identity of Q , a x a *{B ) e Im (A%) in L^+1{Q x B ) . Here cr*(B ) denotes the Ranicki (o r Ranicki-Weiss) symmetric signature o f B and A h is the composite

[B, (L (Q ))0] 4 l . ( Q x B ) ^ L * ( Q x B) Rem arks. 1) We emphasize that here undecorated L-groups or spaces continue to denote the obstruction groups or spaces to simple homotopy equivalence. 2) Note that condition (ii) implies that for x {B ) ^ 0 (mod 2) r (g ) represents 0 in H * { 1j 2 ', W h (Q )). This is because r (g ) x x {B ) represents the image of (a x cr*(B )) under the map in the Rothenberg exact sequence map L* (Q x B ) —> # * ( Z 2; W h (Q x B )) The proof of Theorem 1.11 and its Corollary 1.12 are similar to those of 1.9 and 1.10 and so are omitted. □

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C o r o lla ry 1.12. Let f : V -+ B be a P L block fibration of the P L stratified space V over a 2 -connected PL-m anifold base B , and B is not a point. Then i f the dimension of each stratum of the fiber Q is > 5, a stratified P L space Q ' is the fiber of a block fibration V f —» B where V ; is (transverse) stratified h-cobordant to V and f is homotopic to the composite V f —> V —> B if and only if (i) there is a transverse stratified homotopy equivalence g: Q f —> Q fo r which the transverse stratified normal invariant v (g ) G [Q; F / P L ] is zero; and (ii) x (B ) is even, or x (B ) is odd and r (g ) represents zero in H * ( Z 2; W h (F )). The remarks 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6 after Corollary 1.10 apply to Theorem 1.11 and Corollary 1.12 as well. □ R e m a rk . The simplifications of the conditions of Theorems 1.9 and 1.11 for a simply connected base B in Corollaries 1.10 and 1.12 also apply when 7T i(B ) is of odd order and the actions of tt\ (B ) on the fiber is stratified homotopically trivial. The proof is similar to that of the corollaries using that a * (B ) lies in the image of L * ( 0); this is because, as in Example (ii) after 1.10, its image in the reduced L*-group, which has no odd torsion for finite 7Ti, is in the image of a reduced bordism group of 7Ti (B ) and so is of odd order.

2 Bubble quotients and transform ation groups 2.1

Fixed set replacement

A basic idea for proving the results mentioned in the introduction, and the others to be found below, is to view the boundary of a neighborhood of the fixed set of a given action as an equivariant block sphere bundle over the fixed set. Then to replace the fixed set we might try to use results of Section 1.2 to change the base of the block fibration to the new candidate for submanifold of fixed points. I f we can do this, we will achieve at least a weak replacement, that is a homotopy equivalent manifold with the desired submanifold as fixed set of an equivariantly homotopy equivalent action on it. In order to also control the P L homeomorphism type of this manifold we will perform a change of base to a more subtle block bundle: the “bubble quotient” neighborhood. D efin itio n s. The bubble quotient of a G action on M consists of the space M/ where m ~ m f iff either m = m f or m and vn! both lie on the same G orbit which does not pass within a small regular neighborhood of the fixed set. The picture for the nontrivial involution on R 1 explains the name: it looks like the usual quotient except for a “bubble” near the image of the fixed set. The bubble quotient neighborhood is the image of the chosen small invariant regular


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neighborhood in the bubble quotient. For instance if the fixed set F has codi­ mension c for a locally linear involution, then the bubble quotient neighborhood has the structure of an R P C block bundle over F In fact, the bubble quotient is naturally a stratified space with three strata (in the semifree case). The smallest stratum is the quotient of the boundary of the regular neighborhood. Attached to it are two other strata — the quotient of the complement of this neighborhood, and the neighborhood itself. Restricting to the bubble quotient neighborhood, we see that it has a natural stratification as a space with two strata. In the example for an involution, this would be a block fibration over the fixed points with fiber the pair (R P C, R P C_1). P r o p o s itio n 2.1. A necessary and sufficient condition fo r performing a strong replacement fo r a component of the fixed point set of an action is to be able to perform the corresponding base change on the bubble quotient neighborhood block fibration. The proof is almost by definition. The definition of strong replacement gives a homeomorphism of the complements, and in particular, asserts that the boundary of a regular neighborhood of F block fibers over F '. The statement that unequivariantly the result of glueing in the associated disk block bundle over F ' is homeomorphic to the result of glueing in the one over F is precisely the extension of this over the “bubble” . The converse is a similar disentangling of the definitions. □ In view of this, to obtain results on replacement of fixed points, we will use the results of Section 1.2 on the base change problem. These are applicable by the following: P r o p o s itio n 2 .2. Let G be a finite group acting P L and locally linearly on a P L manifold G, and smoothable in a neighborhood of a 1-skeleton of a component F of the fixed point set. Then the associated bubble quotient bundle over F satisfies the hypothesis of Proposition 1.5. Hence, the associated bundle of L-spectra over F is trivial. P r o o f. If the action is smooth near the 1-skeleton, then the monodromy is readily seen to be trivial. This is because the structure group for such equivari­ ant bundles is a product of unstable unitary groups, and hence, connected — see e.g. [LR]. □ R e m a rk . Note that, in particular, from this assumption of smoothness near the 1-skeleton of the fixed points and G odd, the monodromy transformation of the equivariant normal disc around a loop in the fixed points must be orientationpreserving. Moreover, this conclusion remains valid under the hypotheses of the Addendum to Theorem 0.1 and of Theorem 0.2. This follows, for example, from the fact that nontrivial linear fixed point free spheres for odd order groups or general free actions cannot have equivariant orientation reversing homeomorphisms; indeed, the p-invariants of cyclic odd or free linear actions are non-trivial but reverse sign under change of orientation.

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Now we can prove the theorems on replacing fixed points asserted in the introduction. P r o o f o f T h e o re m s 0.1 and 0.2. Let us first concentrate on the semifree case. In that case the bundles have fiber the local bubble pair B = ( K U D , K ) where K is a spaceform covered by the sphere d D and D is a disk, and where we glue K to the boundary via the covering map of the sphere to the space form. The Browder-Quinn L space for this situation is the fiber of the transfer map L (G ) —» L (e ). This induces a homotopy exact sequence: L C(G )

L c(e) -+ L (B ) -

L C^ { G ) -

V i(e)

(where c denotes the codimension of the fixed set, and is assumed at least three). We note the following features: L e m m a 2.3. For G of odd order, L (B ) is torsion free, and detected by the G-signature of the singular set, as a split summand o / L c_ i(G ). For G of even order there is always a split surjection L C(B ) —> Z 2 , which is given either by the Kervaire invariant of the singular set, or when G = Z 2, and c is even, the Kervaire invariant of the forgetful map of the singular structure. The map for G = Z 2 forgetting the singular structure is simply the map that recalls that in this case the bubble fiber is a genuine manifold, namely R P °. This theorem follows immediately from the calculations in [Wa2] and the exact sequence above. □ A first step in proving the replacement theorems for fixed points is then to compute the primary obstructions to base change in the associated bubble quotient neighborhood bundle. As seen in Section 1.2 above, this primary ob­ struction is given by composing a normal invariant with a map of L-spectra given by taking products with B. As in the discussion of maps of L spectra there, we have to compute the result of forming a product with Z n-manifolds, i.e. compute the product x B : L i( e ; Z n)

L i+ b( B ; Z n) ,


dim B .

Now, L-theory with coefficients satisfies a Bockstein long exact sequence. Thus for G of odd order, it is easy to see that either the domain or range is trivial except in the case Ls(e; Z n) —> L 3+ b(L?;Zn), n even. Here the domain is detected by the Bockstein, but the range is detected by restricting to the bubble singularity, i.e. the map is detected by £ 3(6; Z n) —> Z/3+ c(AT; Z n) under the map of crossing by K . Now this map is zero because K has vanishing symmetric signature. This vanishing can be seen by first combining the results of [R] on the difference between quadratic and symmetric L-theory being 2-torsion


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and the computations of [Wa2] that for a finite group the torsion subgroup of the quadratic L group has only 2-torsion to yield the same conclusion for a symmetric L group. Now, compare this with the fact that a space form with odd order fundamental group is odd torsion even in the geometric bordism group. For G of even order, the calculation is somewhat different; the Kervaire elements do not vanish after crossing with B , as in the calculation for real projective space in [Wal]. The product of B with terms like L o (e ;Z n) vanish by the calculations in [St]. To deal with the secondary obstructions to this base change problem, we use the following trick: We puncture F ' and replace for the punctured action on M. Doing this changes the situation from a closed problem to a tt- tt (e-e) problem, so that there is no secondary obstruction at all. It remains to fill in this remaining puncture with a locally linear action on a disc; the difficulty is to see linearity on the boundary sphere. However, one can certainly cone the boundary to obtain a group action with locally flat fixed set but the resulting action is not necessarily locally linear at the cone point. The remaining obstruction to concording this to a locally linear action was analyzed completely in [CW3] and lies, in this case, in the Tate cohomology of W h (G ). However, since the construction is performed here with simple homotopy equiv­ alences, this obstruction vanishes. Theorem 0.2 and the simply connected case of Theorem 0.1 are now proven in the semifree case. Our original approach to Theorem 0.1 continued along similar lines using the stratified theory. The propositions of the previous sec­ tion still apply to trivialize the bundle of L-spectra. Thus, we are reduced to analyzing similar product formulae for the more seriously singular spaces that arise, and more precisely to demonstrating the same vanishing theorem for all these products. Now we will apply the above monodromy-signature criterion to prove the theorem. Thus, we would only have to check that the symmetric signature vanishes. However, explication of this vanishing of signature is a little prob­ lematic because there is no available treatment of stratified (or equivariant) symmetric L-theory in the literature. The natural possibility of using Weiss’s visible L-theory [Ws] (which has a transfer and can be therefore amplified into a stratified symmetric analogue of Browder-Quinn theory, see [W ei]) makes sense; however, it would not be directly applicable to the present problem, as in this theory the symmetric signature of the quotient of a representation on a sphere is a nontrivial element. Instead, we observe that the transverse isovariant 7T-7T theorem in quadratic L-theory gives a canonical reason why finding G-manifolds (bubbled) whose boundary is the given representation (bubbled) will trivialize products. Thus it will suffice to find such “coboundaries” for our representations. Away from the prime 2 it is quite straightforward to use symmetric sig­ natures to kill the products (see e.g. [CSW] and [LM II]), so we localize at 2. The argument in [LM II] shows that an odd multiple of the representation

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bounds in (essentially) a 7T-7T fashion using that M U (G ) is odd torsion in odd dimensions. Moreover, this argument easily extends to bubble quotients; this is seen by regarding them as representing elements in the fiber of the transfer or “forgetful” map M U (G ) — ►M U ( point), which is split surjective at (1/|G|). This completes the proof of Theorem 0.1. To prove the addendum, one observes further that assuming the gap hypoth­ esis, isovariant monodromy can be computed from the equivariant monodromy (from Browder’s theorem comparing isovariant and equivariant classifications under gap hypothesis, see [Do] for a similar result), and the latter vanishes be­ cause of the orientability of all fixed point sets and the above proof. If G is odd order abelian, even without the smoothness on the 1-skeleton the normal repre­ sentation to the fixed points is complex and some multiple W is a “periodicity representation” in the sense of Yan [Y] by the main result of [WY1]. Then there is a map S g ( M ) -> Sg ( M x D {W ) rel d) , which is an isomorphism, and which commutes with the forgetful map to be unequivariantly the Siebenmann periodicity [KS], [CW1] and also restricts to commute with Siebenmann periodicity on the fixed sets. Using this we stabi­ lize, strongly replace, and then invert the periodicity to replace on the original manifold. □ R em a rk s. 1) Using the present methods and the thesis [Y] one can show that for arbitrary odd order groups, there are representations at the fixed set that enable replacement. For instance, if all possible isotropy occurs near the fixed set then one can cross with 4kx regular representation and repeat the same argument. 2) An argument similar to our proof above using a “multiply bubbled quo­ tient” space (constructed by the device of glueing on many more bubbles; one for each conjugacy class of subgroup of isotropy; that is, for each fixed sphere S H , we attach a disk of the relevant dimension) actually guarantees that all of the fixed sets of all subgroups, other than the fixed set of the whole group, are unchanged by the replacement. 3) By working relative to fixed discs in F f and F , one can readily arrange that the normal representations of G to F and F ' are the same. As promised in the Introduction, we also describe some variants and exten­ sions. First, we have the following result for circle actions: T h e o r e m 2.4. A simple homotopy equivalence in dimension not 3 or 4 can be strongly replaced fo r a P L semifree circle (o r S U (2 )) action iff it is homotopic to a P L homeomorphism. A d d e n d u m . This is also valid for dimension 3 or 4 fixed points of codimension not 2 with the P L homeomorphism condition replaced by stable (after x C P 2) P L homeomorphism.


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P r o o f. The exact same analysis performed above applies here, except that now the bubble fiber always contains an even dimensional complex (or quaternionic) projective space either as the singular set or as the nonsingular total space. O f course, multiplication by such a projective space induces the periodicity isomorphism. □ R em ark s. This result is closely related to our geometrical interpretation of Siebenmann periodicity phenomena, see [CW1]. More precise information can be obtained using the results of [CW4]. For even order groups we will use a weak replacement construction to pro­ duce group actions in some cases that we have shown do not satisfy strong replacement. To achieve weak replacement, consider a variant application of our base change method; we simply forget the bubble quotient and consider instead just the easier base change problem for the block fibration with total space the quotient of the equivariant normal sphere bundle to the component of the fixed points and base this component of the fixed points. We will illustrate how the obstructions decrease for weak replacement in the case of semifree actions. Recall that a group acting semifreely on a manifold has either cyclic or quaternionic 2-Sylow subgroup; this is because the normal representation to the fixed points is then free, i.e., the action on its unit sphere is free. T h e o r e m 2.5. I f the 2-Sylow subgroup of G is cyclic then fo r any orientation preserving free representation, one can weakly replace. I f the 2-Sylow subgroup is Quaternionic, then the vanishing of the Kervaire classes condition is still necessary. I f G = S 1 acts semifreely with the codimension of the fixed point component to be replaced divisible by 4, then one can weakly replace. The proof is exactly the same as described for strong replacement, except the calculations work out a little differently. In the case of the circle, one observes that all of those representations extend to representations of SU(2); one can hence use the associated Hopf fibrations to still make the representation spheres equivariant n -ir boundaries. □ R em ark s. In [C W Y] we will show that for arbitrary locally linear actions of abelian groups it possible to perform weak replacement of fixed sets whose normal representations are twice a complex representation. For G — S l the condition on a normal representation that it extend to S U (2) will be relaxed to just it being twice a complex representation.


Normal representation replacement

In this section we study the problem of changing the normal representation to one component F of the fixed points of a P L locally linear G action on a manifold M . The methods developed will achieve this, for certain reprsentations and certain F , without changing G, M , F , the isovariant homotopy type of the action

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and the group action outside a closed neighborhood of F . Just as the results on replacing fixed points of section 3.1 uses the results on the base change problem in fibration of section 1.2 applied to the “bubble quotients” of group actions introduced above, the present results on replacing normal representations will use the results on the fiber change problem of Section 1.3 applied to these bubble quotients. Analogous to our formulation in the Introduction of the notion of strong replacement for fixed points, we formulate a cognate notion of strong normal replacement for the normal linear representations to fixed points. For technical reasons, related to Whitehead torsion, it will also be convenient to have available a slightly weaker notion of Fstrong normal replacement. D e fin itio n . A strong normal replacement of the normal linear representation 7 to a component F of the fixed points of a locally linear P L action of a group G on M , by a linear representation y ' of G is another P L locally linear action of G on M with the following: 1) an isovariant homotopy equivalence 0 to the original action and 0 restricts to a P L homeomorphism on 0 _ 1(F ) —> F; 2) the restriction of 0 to the complement of an equivariant regular neigh­ borhood of 0 _ 1(F ) an isovariant homeomorphism, and the restriction of 0 maps this regular neighborhood of 0 _ 1(F ) to an equivariant regular neighborhood of F; 3) an unequivariant homotopy, relative to this decomposition of the G-manifolds and the identification of complements, of this 0 to a homeomorphism; and 4) the new action has normal representation y ' to the fixed set instead of y. An h-strong normal replacement of y to y' is defined just as a strong normal replacement, except that in condition 2, the condition on an “equivariant regular neighborhood” is slightly weakened to a “G-invariant regular neighborhood.” An example that illustrates the difference between G-invariant and equiv­ ariant regular neighborhoods is given by the following. Let G act linearly on a disc D , with the action free on the boundary sphere S, and we let W be a nontrivial equivariant h-cobordism with boundary S U S'; then in D Us W both D and D Us W are G-invariant regular neighborhoods of the fixed point at the origin, but only the former is an equivariant regular neighborhood. Thus, as an /i-strong normal replacement also does not alter G, M , the component F of the fixed point set, the isovariant homotopy type of the action and the action outside a G-invariant regular neighborhood of F , but does change the normal linear representation from y to y', it is powerful enough to construct the new G-actions on M we will need. For y a linear representation, we let the bubble quotient of y denote the bubble quotient of a disc neighborhood of the origin; that is the bubble quo­ tient of the orthogonal representation y of G is the stratified quotient space


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of the unit disc D of the representation space D / { x ~ g x \ g € G , x € S, the boundary of D }. This bubble quotient, for a nontrivial representation, is never a manifold. Cognate to Proposition 2.1 and with analogous proof is then the following result: P r o p o s itio n 2.6 . A necessary and sufficient condition fo r performing a strong normal replacement fo r the normal linear representation at a component of the fixed points of an action is to be able to perform the corresponding fiber change on the bubble quotient neighborhood block fibration with fibers the corresponding bubble quotients of linear representations. □ R e m a rk . There is an analogous result for h-strong normal replacement in which the corresponding fiber change can be achieved on a space /i-cobordant to the bubble quotient neighborhood, where the torsion of the fi-cobordism transfers trivially to the Whitehead group of the base; this condition on W hite­ head torsion can be reformulated by requiring the image of this element under Wh(bubble quotient) —> W h (7Ti (fixed points)) vanishing. Here the map on the P L Whitehead group is the split surjection given by restricting to the comple­ ment of a regular open neighborhood of the singular set, which is the quotient of the sphere bundle in the bubble quotient. Combining this with Theorem 1.9 yields the following result: C o r o lla ry 2.7. Let G act by a P L locally linear action on a P L manifold M with F a component of the fixed points and 7 the normal G-representation to F with the action smoothable near a 1 -skeleton of F . Assume that the quotient of the unit sphere of the representation space 5 (7) /G has no strata of dimension 3 or 4’ Then the representation 7 can be strongly normally replaced by 7' if and only if (i) there is a transverse stratified homotopy equivalence of the unit spheres of the representation spaces g: 5 (7')/G —» S (^ )/ G determining the trivial normal invariant B ( 7) —►F / P L , fo r B ( 7) the bubble quotient 0/ 7 . (ii) The Euler characteristic of the fixed points, x (H ) = 0. (iii) is the same condition on surgery obstructions as (iii) of Theorem 1.9. R em ark s. Notice that B ( 7) = ( 5 (7 )/G ) U edim^7^ so that the normal invariant of condition (i) is that of 5 (7 ) /G extended to one more cell. This was called the extended normal invariant in Theorem 0.4. P r o o f. This follows from Theorem 1.9 and Proposition 2.6 with the following simplifications. Using the radial direction, g: S (^ ')/ G —►S (a )/ G induces a map of bubble quotients g: B ( 7') —> # ( 7); if g is a transverse stratified homotopy equivalence, so is g. The condition x ( F ) x r (S) — 0 implies that x (H ) = 0 as the Whitehead torsion of a homotopy equivalence of unequivalent linear actions

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on spheres is not a torsion element. This is classical for lens spaces and follows in general as a linear representation is determined by its restriction to cyclic groups. □ When the fixed points do not have Euler characteristic zero, it is more con­ venient to change normal representations to fixed points by using instead the following: C o r o lla ry 2.8 . Let G act by a P L locally linear action on a P L manifold M with F a component of the fixed points and 7 the normal representation to F and with the action smoothable near a 1 -skeleton of F . Assume that the quotient of the unit sphere of the representation space S (^ )/ G has no strata o f dimension 3 or 4- Then the representation 7 can be h-strongly normally replaced by 7' if and only if (i) is as condition ( i) on vanishing o f extended normal invariants o f Corol­ lary 2.7; and (ii) is the same condition on surgery obstructions as (iii) of Corollary 2.1 (i.e., o f Theorem 1.9). P r o o f. Similarly to the proof of Corollary 2.7 above, the proof follows by combining Proposition 2.6 and Corollary 1.11. Here there is the simplification that the Whitehead group of the disc is 0. □ For many fixed points, particularly for simply connected spaces not a point, the condition on surgery obstructions in (ii) of Corollary 2.8 can be radically simplified. C o r o lla ry 2.9. Let G act by a P L locally linear action on a manifold M with F a component of the fixed points and F simply connected but not a point. Assume that the quotient of the unit sphere of the representation 5 (7) /G has no strata of dimension 3 or 4- Then the representation 7 can be h-strongly normally replaced by 7' if and only if (i) is as condition (i) on vanishing of extended normal invariants of Corol­ lary 2 . 1; and (ii) x(JT) is even or r (g ) represents 0 in H * (Z 2; W h(S( 7 )/G ) ) . A d d e n d u m . There are similar results when the condition on F being connected is generalized to n i ( F ) of odd order and the action is smoothable near a 1 skeleton o f F . P r o o f. Combine the above results with Corollary 1.12. O f course, Corol­ lary 1.12 used a stronger 2-connected hypothesis on F , but the condition on 7T2 was only used in the proof to obtain a computation of tt\ of the total space of fi­ brations; this is easily obtained directly for the quotients of strata of equivariant sphere bundles. □



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R em ark s. 1) Note that for G cyclic, r(S ('y f)/G —> S (j)/ G ) can be readily com­ puted from the difference of the Reidemeister torsions of S ( j f)/g and S{^)/G . This is, of course, classical; see the exposition in [M], [Co]. 2) I f the G action is semifree, so that the action on S (7) is free, the condition in (i) of the above corollaries on the quotients of the spheres being transverse isovariantly homotopy equivalent just reduces to their quotients being homotopy equivalent. Moreover, this is classically equivalent to the associated and easily computed ^-invariants in (Z/|G|)X of these space-forms being equal; see [M], [Co]. Verification of the conditions on extended normal invariants of this section is facilitated by the following two propositions, which can often be effectively used together. P r o p o s itio n 2.10. Let 7 and 7' be linear repesentations of a finite group G fo r which the associated unit spheres are transverse isovariantly homotopy equivalent. Then the corresponding extended normal invariant of the bubble quotient, B —> F / P L , is trivial if and only if this is true fo r the bubble quotients fo r the Sylow subgroups of G. Moreover, we note that for cyclic groups, the determination of when these extended normal invariants of bubble quotients of group representations vanish can be turned into a more conventional problem concerning the vanishing of the usual normal invariant of a quotient of a stabilization of the spheres of the representations. P r o p o s itio n 2.11. Let 7 and 7' be representations of the cyclic group G = Z m and with S (y )/ G and S (y f)/G transverse isovariant homotopy equivalent; let 8 be a free representation o fG . Then the extended normal invariant o f the bubble quotients B ( 7) vanishes if and only if the normal invariant S('y(&8 )/G —►F / P L , determined by the homotopy equivalence S (y ' 0 8 )/G —> S (y 0 8 ) /G, vanishes through dimension dim(y) 4- 1. There is also an analogous principle for any group G equipped with a free representation 8 . For G cyclic, this result is most easily applied by taking 8 to be a 1-dimensional free complex representation. In that case, as 7T2/c+i(F/PL) = 0, the criteria reduces to just the vanishing of the normal invariant 5 (7 0 8 )/G —> F/PL. P r o o f o f P r o p o s itio n 2.10. It is a standard (and easy) fact from homotopy theory that a normal invariant, that is a map to F / P L , vanishes if and only if all its localizations do. Moreover, letting G p denote the p-Sylow subgroup of G, the map of bubble quotients B(y\Gp) —> B {y ) is a p-local homotopy equivalence. Combining these two facts, the result follows. □ P r o o f o f P r o p o s itio n 2.11. In fact, we can identify B with the skeleton of 5 (7 0(5) and thus identify the normal invariants. □

Replacement in Transformation Groups


In view of Corollary 2.9, when F is simply connected, not a point, and with x { F ) °dd, construction of normal replacement requires some Whitehead torsion, modulo 2x Whitehead group, calculations. This can often be readily seen to vanish. For example, we have the following result, applicable to doubles o f representations: P r o p o s itio n 2.12. Let 7 and 7' be linear representations of the same di­ mensions of the cyclic group G which are free actions on the unit spheres with 7 — 7' = 2(a — (3) in the representation theory o f G where a and (5 hvae equal k-invariants in (Z/|G|)X. Then, letting g: S{^()/G —> 5 (7' ) /G be the homotopy equivalence, its Whitehead torsion r (g ) represents 0 in H * (Z 2; W h (G )) . P r o o f. Under the hypothesis on r — r ' being a double, g is obtained as an equivariant join of the form g = / * h * h, where / is an identity map ona linear lens space. To see that the difference of the Whitehead torsions of g and of / is then twice that of h, we use the standard decomposition of joins and the addition and multiplication formulae for Whitehead torsions of unions and products. □ E x a m p le , (i): Let G = Z pq, a cyclic group, where p and q are relatively prime integers, p,q > 5. Pick a, b prime to p, 1 < a < b < p/2 , and pick c, d prime to q, 1 < c < d < q/2 . Let Si, $2, S3, 54 be the integers modulo (pq) given by si = S3 = a(mod p) , S2 = £4 = 6(mod p) and Si ee S4 =E c(mod q) , S2 = S3 = d(mod q). Then letting denote the complex 1-dimensional representation of G sending the generator to e27™(^M) 5the real representations 2(£Sl ® £S2) and 2(t S3 ® t S4) can (/i-strongly) normally replace each other around a simply connected fixed point component F if and only if F is not a point. (ii) On the other hand, the argument in example (i) following Corollary 1.10 above can be used to show that for G of odd order normal replacement is never possible when the fixed point component is K ( 7r, 1) space for n satisfying a sufficiently strong form of the Novikov conjecture, e.g. for F a torus and the other examples discussed above. O f course, this is related to the dichotomy in normal representation replacement between a point and all other simplyconnected fixed point components.

3 Com putations for examples 3.1

Fixed points and Whitehead torsion

So far in our treatment of fixed point replacement in Section 2.1, we have only considered the question of replacing by simple homotopy equivalent submani­ folds. In some of the natural examples, e.g. for linear group actions on lens


Sylvain Cappell and Shmuel Weinberger

spaces with fixed points sub-lens spaces, the homotopy equivalences of inter­ est are often not simple. We describe briefly the modifications in the theory necessary to analyze fixed point replacement by homotopy equivalence. The analysis for this case is somewhat similar to that of § 1.2 and § 2.1, but relies on the notion of round-L-theory to define the relevant transfers. (See [R3].) (We still strive for equivariant homeomorphisms of complements.) However, the bubble now gives some new difficulty because the Euler characteristic of a disk is 1 and thus contributes Whitehead torsions in transfers. The strong replacement method of § 2.1 then yields an equivariantly homo­ topy equivalent action (equivariantly homeomorphic outside regular neighbor­ hoods of fixed sets) on manifolds whose torsions are the same as the original torsions between the fixed sets, i.e. for i: F —> M the given inclusion of fixed points, t (M


M ) = n r ( F ' -> F ) .

A t this point one can apply one’s favorite equivariant surgery theory to study to what extent one can change the complement to get rid of this torsion. For instance, let tr : ker( Sym ( W h G( M - N ( F ) ) ) - ^ L ? ' G( M ) ) — > W h (M ) be given by the “forget equivariance” transfer map on the given subgroup of the symmetric elements in the equivariant Whitehead group of the complement of an open neighborhood N ( F ) of F , and r the map of an equivariant Rothenberg sequence. One then obtains: T h e o r e m 3.1. Let G be an odd order group acting P L locally linearly on M with fixed set F , satisfying the no codmension two gap hypothesis and smooth­ ness on the 1 -skeleton or abelian (o r large gap) hypotheses of the Introduction and F ’ —> F a homotopy equivalence of P L manifolds. Then there is an equivari­ antly homotopy equivalent P L locally linear action on M with fixed set F f i f the image of the Whitehead torsion, z * r (F ' —> F ) satisfies i * r ( F ' —> F ) E Im (tr ). Moreover, in that case the action on M with fixed set F ' can be constructed to have the same normal representation of G as F . □ A d d e n d u m . Similarly, there is an analogue of Theorem 0.2 of the introduction fo r semifree actions of even order groups when t t i(F ) is of odd order and F f —> F a homotopy equivalence (that is not necessarily simple), in terms of the vanishing condition on the Kervaire classes of 0.2 and the extra torsion obstruction as in Theorem 3.1. Here the Rothenberg map is the map in the Rothenberg exact sequence [Sh] from Tate cohomology of Whitehead groups to L-groups. The addendum uses also the Remark at the end of § 1. □ As an example, consider the case when tt\( F ) = Z 9 is cyclic and G = Z n, a prime to q, has a semifree action on M with F a component of the fixed points. Using standard calculations with the L-theory of cyclic groups and the relations to torsions, we see that this Whitehead torsion obstruction to replacing fixed

Replacement in Transformation Groups


points vanishes in even dimensions and in odd dimensions is the image of r ( F ' —> F ) in the cokernel of the transfer homomorphism W h ( Z n x Z q) —> W h (Z g); transfer is the same as forgetting equivariance. This transfer for G = Z n, n prime to q is, of course, closely related to the norm map for units in cyclotomic fields. Now let B q = the subgroup of “cyclo­ tomic units” in W h (Z g). Geometrically, this can be described as the subgroup generated by Whitehead torsions of homotopy equivalent linear lens spaces with fundamental group Z q; these are given by the quotients of their Reidemeister torsions. Algebraically, B q has the same rank as the group W h (Z 9). Indeed, the finite cokernel A q — W h (Z q)/ B q is closely related to class number consid­ erations; let a (q) denote its order. Now, it is easy to see geometrically that the transfer homomorphism, for n prime to q, from B nXq to B q is onto. Hence in studying such replacement for spaces with fundamental group Z q, we can perform our transfer and torsion calculations in A q, yielding: P r o p o s itio n 3.2. Under the hypotheses of 3.1 and its addendum fo r n i ( F ) = Z q and G = Z n, n prime to q, the torsion obstruction to fixed point set replace­ ment o f F by a homotopy equivalent manifold F ' , (i) fo r dim F even, vanishes (ii) fo r dim F odd, is the image of r ( F f —> F ) in the cokernel of the map of finite groups A nq —> A q (or, equivalently, in Coker(Anq® Z n —> A q® Z n) ) .

Another case for which the torsion obstruction always vanishes is given by: P r o p o s itio n 3.3. Suppose that F is a component of the fixed set o f a P L locally linear involution on a manifold M with F of codimension greater than 2 and with tti( F ) finite of odd order. Then fo r any homotopy equivalence F ' —> F with vanishing Kervaire classes, there is an equivariantly homotopy equivalent P L locally linear involution on M with fixed points set in which F ' replaces F . Here the vanishing of the Kervaire classes is actually a necessary and suffi­ cient condition for replacement with the appropriate modification of condition 2 in the definition of strong replacement. Combining 2.5 and 3.3, for an involu­ tion with 7T i(F ) of odd order there is no obstruction for weak replacement by a homotopy equivalence. Proposition 3.3 follows from the above considerations and the following easy fact which we believe is previously known but which we include for the reader’s convenience: L e m m a 3.4. For G of odd order, the transfer map induced from the inclusion G -> Z 2 xG , Wh(Z 2 x G ) is surjective.

W h(G) ,


Sylvain Cappell and Shmuel Weinberger

P r o o f. Clearly this is true for W h (G ) localized away from 2. We now check it for localization at 2 as well by using the pullback diagram of rings: Z [Z 2 x G] 1 Z[G]

—► Z[G] ->

i Z 2[G]

Now, as Z 2[G] is a product of matrix rings over 2-fields, whose units are of odd order, its K\ is here irrelevant. Hence, it suffices just to check that the diagonal inclusion of Z[G] in Z[G] x Z[G] induces under the transfer a surjection. But this transfer is easily seen to send the element (Ai, A2) E W h (Z [G ]) x W h (Z [G ]) to AiA2. n For the study of replacement in (linear) lens spaces with a (linear) lens space of fixed points, we can use Corollary 0.3 of the introduction to yield examples where the Reidemeister torsions are not related as in the linear actions. P r o o f o f C o r o lla ry 0.3. Note that quite generally for a homotopy equivalence of even order linear lens spaces, by passing to the real projective covering spaces, the Kervaire classes are seen to vanish. In any case, for case (iii) the torsion of F ' —* F in this case clearly lies in B q and so we can apply Theorem 3.1 or its addendum. For case (ii), note further that the transfer map transfer: W h(Zg x Z n) —> W h(Zq) —> A q certainly has, using the inclusion W h (Z Q) C W h (Z g x Z n), image including n • A q. For case (i), use Proposition 3.3. □ In view of this reduction in 3.2 ii to an algebraic calculation in A q 0 Z n, it is often quite a delicate number theoretic calculation to determine from the Reidemeister torsions when one lens space can replace another as the fixed set of a homotopy linear action on a lens space. However, it is obvious that for any relatively prime q and n, taking repeated equivariant joins of the lens spaces produces many homotopy equivalences whose torsions vanish in A q (F / P L ) (g) Z[l/2]. Hence, the normal cobordism issue is reduced, at least at odd primes, to more familiar cobordism issues. In the smooth cate­ gory, these are classically computed from characteristic numbers of maps; such smooth invariants are not always well defined in the P L category, but they cer­ tainly would yield sufficient conditions. (On the other hand, for the present application to prime-power order lens spaces, for all primes above some number determined by the dimension, the PL and smooth conditions coincide, making this characteristic class condition also necessary in these cases.) We will now prove Theorem 0.5 of the Introduction, which gave examples of nontrivial h-strong replacement of normal representations for G = Z pr, p odd and r > 2, or p — 2 and r > 3. P r o o f o f T h e o r e m 0.5. We first consider the case p odd. The case p even is dealt with in the example following the statement of Theorem 3.5 below. In view of Corollary 2.9 and Proposition 2.11, the key point is to check the vanishing of the normal invariant (and even of the extended normal invariant discussed above) of the homotopy equivalence of the lens spaces L and V cor­ responding to the quotients of the unit spheres of the representations 7 and 7' by G = Z pr. Indeed, the extended normal invariant has already been identi­ fied with the usual normal invariant of the homotopy equivalence of L + and L + , where these are associated to the representations 7 0 t 1 and 7' © f 1. O f course, this normal invariant is detected by its localization at p and from the results of [W al, Chapter 14E] on odd lens spaces, vanishes if and only if the difference of p-invariants (i.e., signature defects) of L+ and is integral, lo­ calized at p. To simplify notation, we may take, for example, 7 = 2p tl and 7' = 2ptk, k = 1 (mod pr 1

kd = l(m od pr )

and so p(L/+ ) — p (L + )

1 + xA {

1 ~b

1 — x'

1 —


in the ring Z[l/p][rr]/(l -f x -f x 2 ... -fi x v _1). This ring decomposes into a product of number rings and the given difference vanishes in all factors other than Z[l/p](£), £ a primitive pr-th root of unity. Factoring, we must then check


Sylvain Cappell and Shmuel Weinberger

the integrality of 'pr-1

b=0 where


Now each Vf,, and hence their product, is easily seen to be integral, but we need the stronger fact that this product is divisible by (1 — £). This can be checked by showing that at least one vanishes in Z[f]/(1 —£) = Z p. For this, we note that the differences,

(Vb- v0) = (Sb-



( i + £ + £2 + --. + £6-1) ( i + 0 26 in Z*p v.

Hence, for some choice of 6, Vj, is indeed divisible by (1 — £), as needed. Lastly, when x ( F ) ls °dd we must check the Reidemeister torsion condition of the remark to Corollary 2.9, which is easily verified using Proposition 2.12.D R em ark s,


The above result for Z pr, p odd, on normal representation

replacement can be generalized to 7 = 2ptk + 7 7 , 7 ' = 2p tk + 7 7 , k and k! as before but with 77 any free representation below some dimension depending on pr . On the other hand, characteristic class computations, as suggested near the beginning of Section 3.2, will show that such /i-strong normal replacement will not exist if 77 is of sufficiently high dimension. (ii) It is possible to relax the condition that F is simply connected to just that 7r1( F ) is of odd order and its monodromy action on F is isovariantly homo­ topically trivial; this last condition follows from smoothness of the action near a 1-skeleton of F . See the Example (ii) after Corollary 1.10. In particular, with the above calculations, this can be applied to achieve normal representation replacement to the fixed points of some linear actions of Z pr on lens spaces. (iii) It is possible to write down examples of h-strong normal replacement for Z p, p an odd prime, when F is simply connected and x ( F ) is even. To determine if there are examples when x ( F ) °dd, but F is not a point, would require further number theoretic calculations which we have not done. Next we consider normal representation replacement for semifree actions of G = Z 2r. In this case, it is possible to give, at least for a simply connected component of the fixed points, a complete reduction to numerical calculations of when normal replacement is possible by combining the above discussion with the “undertrick” method of computing P L normal invariants of lens spaces at the prime 2 of Cappell and Shaneson in [CS1] recalled below. T h e o r e m 3.5. Let G = Z 2r act by a semifree P L locally linear action on a manifold M . Denote by F a component of the fixed point set and let a denote the


Replacement in Transformation Groups

normal representation of G to F . Assume F is simply connected, let (5 denote another free representation of G. Then (3 can h-strongly normally replace a if writing a = Y^a t la > P ~ ^2b

>c ~

M — dim F = dim a = dim (3.

(i) ITzc* = II ib(mod 2 r ), (ii) n ( i = i l x 2 ) + ( i + x 2 ) ^ v - l ( m l ~ m a 2) = n ( i + 22x 2) m Z 2r+3[x]/(xc/2+1) ; (iii) Z i l + n i l = Z i l + U i l (mod 2fc+ 4), and (iv) X( F ) is even, o r y ( F ) is odd and F is not a point and a —(3 = 2 •J2dm dtl(l where = 1(mod 2r ). E x a m p le . Let G = Z 2r , r > 3. Then in a semifree G action with F a simply connected component of the fixed points, 4t k and 4 t^ +2T ) can h-strongly normally replace each other if (and only if) F is not a point. However, 6 t k and 6t ^ +2T \ k odd, can h-strongly normally replace each other for F simply connected if (and only if) x (E ) is even. P r o o f o f T h e o r e m 3.5. The proof is just a computation of the conditions of Corollary 2.9 and we briefly indicate how this is done. O f course, condi­ tion (i) is just a rewriting of the usual (oriented) homotopy equivalence con­ dition for the associated lens spaces. Conditions (ii) and (iii) can be seen to be equivalent to the triviality of the extended normal invariant. But, a nor­ mal invariant is described at the prime 2 by the Morgan-Sullivan C class and the Kervaire class [MS]. Now, Kervaire classes here are seen to be trivial, as in the proof of Corollary 0.3, by restricting to Z 2. The 8 x C class can be com­ puted from theL-class and to remove this factor of 8 we use the “undertrick” of [CS1, 3]; that is, we write down a homotopy equivalence of lens spaces with 7Ti = Z m, m = 8 x 2r = 2r+3, which the given homotopy equivalence cov­ ers and then compute the £-class from the L-class of these new lens spaces. To carry this out, we use the lens spaces associated to the representations ( E a **“) +



(E b '

t% 1’) +


nb =

n *6 -

na= m a ,

of Z 2r+3. Using the standard formulae for the Pontrjagen classes of lens spaces and applying the L-polynomials to these to calculate the L-classes then yields necessary and sufficient numerical conditions for such normal cobordisms. To obtain some simpler sufficient conditions, as the L-classes have odd denomina­ tors, we could work instead just with the easier to use total Pontrjagen classes.6 But this is computed for these lens spaces in conditions (ii) and (iii), where (iii) is a refinement of the condition on the class in dimension 4 as we are working in 6W e are grateful to Ian H am bleton for b rin gin g to our attention that, as pointed out in the 1995 M .Sc. thesis o f C arm en Y o u n g at M c M a s te r U niversity w ritten un der his supervision, because o f the presence o f som e powers o f 2 in the num erators o f the L -p o ly n o m ials, this later condition on the P o n trja g en classes of Z 2* lens spaces is not alw ays necessary for the above condition on L -classes to hold.


Sylvain Cappell and Shmuel Weinberger

F / P L rather than F/Top. Condition (iv), when x { F ) is °dd, is the Reidemeister torsion condition. It is easy to see, using the oddness of the class number of 2r , that the relevant quotient of Reidemeister torsions must be of the form u2, when a — (3 is divisible by 2. Then, using the usual Rim diagram, Z [Z 2r]


Z [Z 2r]/ (l + X + * * * + X2T'~ 1)

i Z


i Z 2T'

we see that the condition II i™d = 1 (mod 2r ) just says that u is in the image of the units, (Z [Z 2r ])x —> (Z [Z 2r]/ (l + ! + ••• x T _1) ) x . □ Last, we point out that for certain groups of order divisible by 4 there are ex­ amples of pairs of linear representations, though not for semifree actions, where h-strong normal replacement is possible even for a fixed point component which is just an isolated point. This was done in the construction of counterexamples to the Smith conjecture in [CS1]. Moreover, in the present context by applying Corollary 2.8 to the computations of normal invariants and surgery obstructions of [CS1] (or, by directly using the equivariant P L /i-cobordism constructed here) we obtain the following: E x a m p le. Let G = Z 4m, m > 1, act by a PL locally linear action on a manifold M with F a component of the fixed points with normal representation 6 + 4t k where 6 is the nontrivial 1-dimensional representation and with the action smoothable near a 1-skeleton of F, k prime to 4m. (The action is thus orientation reversing and not semifree.) Then this representation can be hstrongly normally repalced by 6 + 4t2m+/c; in particular, there is another P L locally linear action of G on M which is the same outside a regular neighborhood of F but with normal representation 6 + 4t 2m+k.

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Finite K ( n , l)s for Artin Groups

Ruth Charney M ichael W . Davis Introduction It is not so widely known that there is a beautiful and simple description of a certain finite CW-complex Z which is a K ( i r, 1) for the braid group on n + 1 strands. The complex Z is obtained by identifying certain faces of an ndimensional convex polytope called a “permutohedron” . The resulting C W complex has exactly one A;-cell for each k-element subset of { 1, . . . , n }. We are not sure who first discovered this complex, but we first heard it described by C. Squirer in the mid 1980’s and later by K. Tatsuoka [T ]. It has also been known to J. Milgram for some time (a closely related construction appears already in [Mi]). Other references include [FSV], [P], and [SI]. The purpose of this paper is to give the details of the construction of this complex and its generalizations to other Artin groups. It is a well-known fact that an Eilenberg-MacLane space for the pure braid group on n + 1 strands is the set of points in Cn+1 with all coordinates dis­ tinct. This space is the complement of an arrangement of hyper planes in C n+1 associated to the action of the symmetric group on n + 1 letters. In [S], Salvetti showed how any hyperplane complement, obtained by com­ plexifying a real arrangement, was homotopy equivalent to a certain cell com­ plex. In the case at hand, this complex is a union of n-dimensional permutahedra. The symmetric group acts naturally and freely on it. Taking the quotient by the symmetric group, we obtain the complex Z. There are two ingredients in the above program. The first is the fact that the hyperplane complement in Cn+1 is a The second is Salvetti’s identification of the hyperplane complement with a certain cell complex. Suppose that W is a Coxeter group with fundamental generating set S. In the same way as the braid groups on n 4- 1 strands is associated to the symmetric group o n n + 1 letters, one can associate to (W, S) an “Artin group” (or “generalized braid group” ) Ay/. We would like to carry out a similar program to obtain a nice K ( tt, l)-complex for AwAs in [V] one can always find a representation of W as a linear reflection group on a real vector space V so that W acts properly on a certain nonempty, W-stable, convex, open set I (the interior of the “Tits cone” ). When W is finite, I — V . Inside V ® C one has the domain V + i i . Consider the hyperplane B o th auth ors were p artia lly su pp o rted by N S F G ra n t D M S 9208071.

Finite K ( tt,


for A rtin Groups


complement M = [(V + i i ) — U reflection hyper planes]/ W . As for the first ingredient in the program, it is known that 7T i(M ) = Aw (see [CD1; Corollary 3.2.4] or [L]). In the case where W is finite, Deligne proved in [D] that M is a K ( A w , 1). In [CD1] the authors proved that the same result holds for many infinite Coxeter groups. (A precise statement can be found in §1.4, below.) Thus, this paper is a continuation of [CD1]. As explained in §1 and §2, the second ingredient (Salvetti’s complex) works for all W . Specifically, we show in Theorem 1.4.1 and Corollary 2.2.3, below, that M is homotopy equivalent to a certain finite CW-complex Zw- The com­ plex Z w has one cell of dimension k for each /c-element subset T of S such that the subgroup generated by T is finite. From this it is easy to compute the cohomological dimension of Aw (Corollary 1.4.2) and its Euler characteristic (Corollary 2.2.5) at least in the cases where M is known to be a K (ir, l)-space. In §3, we consider the case where W is “right-angled” , that is, the product of any two generators has order either 2 or oo. The first ingredient holds in this case. In Theorem 3.1.1, we show that Z w with its natural piecewise Euclidean metric is nonpositively curved. Thus, in the right-angled case, Aw is a “semihyperbolic group” in the sense of [AB]. (This was previously proved by Hermiller and Meier in [HM] using combinatorial methods.) In this case, it is an easy matter to calculate the cohomology ring of Aw and we do so in Theorem 3.2.4. After completing this paper we learned of Salvetti’s recent paper [S2], essen­ tially on the same topic as this paper, at least in the case where W is finite.

1 Basic Definitions and Constructions 1.1

Coxeter groups and Artin groups

A Coxeter matrix on a finite set S' is an S' by S' symmetric matrix ( m ssf) such that each entry is a positive integer or oo and such that m ss> = 1 if s = s' and m ss/ > 2 if s ^ s'. Associated to (m ss>) there is a group W defined by the presentation: W = (S |(ss ')m" ' = 1) . The natural map S —> W is an injection ([B,Ch. V, §4.3, Prop. 4]) and hence­ forth, we identify S with its image in W. The pair (W, S ) is a Coxeter system and IT is a Coxeter group. If T is any subset of S then the subgroup W t , gener­ ated by T, is called a special subgroup. It is known ([B; ch. IV, §1.8, Theoreme 2(i)]) that ( W t , T ) is the Coxeter system associated to the restriction of the Coxeter matrix to T. For each s G S introduce a symbol x s and let X — { x s} sEis. Associated to a Coxeter matrix (m ssf) there is also an Artin group, denoted Aw , and defined


Ruth Charney and Michael W. Davis

by the presentation A w = ( X | prod (x a,a v , m aa/) = prod ( x 3>, x s\m ss>)) where prod ( x , y ; m ) denotes the word x y x ... of length m. We say that A w is of finite type if W is a finite group. If W is the symmetric group on n letters, then A w is the braid groups on n strands. Thus, Artin groups are sometimes called “generalized braid groups” .


Posets and simplicial complexes associated to a Coxeter system

Let (W, S) be a Coxeter system. Associated to (W, S) there are the following three posets: Sf = { T C S \ W


is finite}

W S f = {w W T \w e W , T e S f } , W xSf . The sets S f and W S * are partially ordered by inclusion. The partial order on W S f is given explicitly as follows. If w W t and w 'W t ' are elements of W S * , then w W t < w 'W t ' if and only if the following two conditions hold: (1) T < T ', ( 2) w~l wf e W t >• The partial ordering on W x S? is defined as follows. If (w , T ) and (w ', T ') are elements of W x «S^, then ( w , T ) < (w ', T f) if and only if conditions ( 1), (2) and the following hold: (3) for all t £ T, £(w~ 1w') < £(tw~ 1w'). (Here £ denotes word length with respect to the generating set S.) The geometric meaning of (3) will be given in §1. The natural map W x S f —> W S ? defined by (rc,T ) —> w W t is obviously order-preserving. The posets S * and W S * appear in [CD1]. The poset W x S * is one of the main objects of study in this paper. For the moment, suppose that V is an arbitrary poset. Given p E V , define a sub-poset, V > p = { x £ V \ x > p). The sub-posets V p and V

W S f restricts to an isomorphism (W


S f ) < {w,T) = ( W S f ) < wWT .

Hence, E w also has a cellulation by Coxeter cells which projects to the cellulation on E w described in the previous paragraph. We state this as the following lemma. L e m m a 2.2.1. E w is cellulated by Coxeter cells: there is one cell f o r each element o f W x ^ . R e m a r k 2.2.2. This cellulation of E does not give it the structure of a convex cell complex in the strictest sense: the intersection of two cells need not be a common face of both, rather it is a union of such faces. For example, if W = Z/2, then E is a circle, cellulated into two intervals. Since the W-action on E w is obviously cellular, we get the following corol­ lary, which can be considered the main result of this paper. C o r o lla ry 2.2.3. Zw has the structure of a CW-complex: there is one cell of dimension Card (T ) fo r each T G S ? . C o r o lla ry 2.2.4. The Euler characteristic, x { Z w ) is given by the formula:

x(Zw) =

£ ( - i ) c“ dlT> resf


l- x (tfo ).

(Here K$ is as in §T^.* it is the geometric realization of the simplicial complex S ir) P r o o f. The first equation is immediate from the previous corollary. To see the second, note that the dimension of the simplex of K$ corresponding to T G ^ 0 is C a rd (T ) — 1. Hence

x { K 0) = -

Y , ( - i ) Card(T).


Finite K ( tt, )s for A rtin Groups


C o r o lla ry 2.2.5. I f the Main Conjecture holds fo r (W, S), then the Euler characteristic of the Artin group A w is given by the same formula: X.(Aw) = 1 — x (K o ) •

L e m m a 2.2.6. Suppose that (W, S ) is the direct product of two Coxeter systems: ( W , S ) = ( W x x W 2,S iU S 2). Then (i) Aw = x (ii) Ew = E Wl x 5^2 ^ (iii) Eiy = x E w 2> (iv) x Zw 2P r o o f. Clear. C o r o lla ry 2.2.7. Suppose W = (Z/2)n. Then (i) A w * Z n, (ii) Ew ( = P w ) is an n-cube, (iii) Ew is an n torus (cellulated by 2 n n-cubes), and (iv) Z w is an n-torus (formed by identifying opposite faces of a single n-cube in the standard fashion).



We have just explained how the space E is cellulated by Coxeter cells. The barycentric subdivision of this cell structure gives E its natural simplicial struc­ ture discussed in §1. Let (w ,T ) e W x S f . Then (w, T ) corresponds to a vertex v in the sim­ plicial structure on E. This vertex is the barycenter of a unique Coxeter cell a (o f dimension C a rd (T )). Any top-dimensional simplex in the barycentric subdivision of a has v as its maximal vertex. The link of such a simplex in the simplicial structure on E is the geometric realization of the derived complex of (W x This can also be thought of as the barycentric subdivision of the link of a in E which we denote L k (a ,E ). The underlying poset of cells in Lk{a,Y.) is ( W x (ll,iT). Each Coxeter cell is a “simple” polytope. This means that for each pair ( 2. Then the link pictured above has cycles consisting of two edges. Thus, there is no way to assign lengths in (0 ,7r) to these edges so that this link is large (that is, so it does not contain cycles of length < 2ir). It follows from this that any piecewise Euclidean structure on E ^ which is compatible with the given cell structure and with the VE-action cannot satisfy C A T (0) (see [G] for the definition of the “ C A T ” inequalities). On the other hand, if m = 2, then E is a flat 2-torus.

Finite K ( n ,


1)s for A rtin



The right-angled case

A Coxeter system (W , S ) is right-angled if given any two distinct elements s and s ' of 5, the order of s s ' is either 2 or oo (i.e., if each off-diagonal entry of the Coxeter matrix is either 2 or oo). Artin groups associated to right-angled Coxeter groups are known as graph g ro u p s ; they are “graph products” of groups where each vertex groups is infinite cyclic. (See [C], [HM].) We will say that a simplicial cell complex is a flag c o m p le x if it is a genuine simplicial complex and if given any set of vertices which are pairwise joined by edges, then this set actually spans a simplex. If W is right-angled, then it follows immediately from the definitions that the geometric realization Kq of is a flag complex. Hence, as explained in §1.4, the Main Conjecture holds in this case.


Nonpositive curvature

If W is finite and right-angled, then W = (Z/2)n for some n and the Coxeter cell Pw can be taken to be isometric to a regular Euclidean n-cube. It then follows from §2.2 that if W is an arbitrary right-angled Coxeter group, then both the Salvetti complex T,w and its quotient Z w naturally have the structure of piecewise Euclidean complexes in which each cell is a regular Euclidean cube. Such a piecewise Euclidean complex is no n p o sitiv e ly curved if, locally, all geodesic triangles satisfy Gromov’s C A T (O)-inequalities (cf. [G, p. 119]). More­ over, if each cell in the complex is a regular cube, then nonpositive curvature is equivalent to the condition that the link of each vertex is a flag complex (cf. [G, p. 122] and [M]). The main result of this subsection is the following. T h e o r e m 3.1.1. S u p p o s e W is right-angled. T h e n Z w with its na tu ral p iecewise E u c li d e a n , cubica l s tru ctu re is n o n p o sitiv e ly curved.

R e m a r k 3.1.2. Any nonpositively curved, piecewise Euclidean, finite complex is an Eilenberg-MacLane space ([G, p. 119]). Hence, in the case where W is right-angled, the above theorem gives an alternate proof of the main result of [CD1]. The fact that Z w is aspherical is claimed as Theorem 10 in [KR]; the proof given there is incorrect as it is based on a false lemma ([K R , Lemma 9]). However, there is a simple and direct argument for this along the lines indicated in the remark following Lemma 4.3.7 of [CD1]. According to the remarks preceding the theorem, the statement that Z w is nonpositively curved is equivalent to the statement thatj;he link of its 0-cell is a flag complex. Equivalently, we can consider a 0-cell in E w Thus, the theorem is an immediate consequence of the following.


Ruth Charney and Michael W. Davis


L e m m a 3.1.3. Su p p o s e W is right-angled a n d th at v is the O-cell o /E v v c o r­ r espo nd in g to ( , ) G W x S * . T h e n L k ( v , Y , w ) is a fla g com plex.

P ro o f. We first show that L k ( v , E w ) is a simplicial complex. For this, we must


show that ( W x (1?0) is isomorphic to the poset of simplices in a simplicial complex.


Given ( w , T ) e ( W x (i,0), let ( W x ( 1 , ), w e W t . Let t i , . . . , t n be the elements of

T . Since W t = (Z /2 )n, any w e W t can be put in the form u> = t j 1 . . . t '"


where each £* is either 0 or 1. Then ( w ' , T f) < ( w , T ) if and only if T f < T and


the expression for w f is obtained from (*) by deleting those ti which lie in T — T ' .


In other words, given ( w , T ) and V

with ( , ) < ( w , T ) , and T ' < T , there is

a unique element w' such that ( , ) < ( w ' , T f) < ( w , T ) . Thus, ( W x (i?0) is an abstract simplicial complex as claimed.


T h e vertices of L k ( v ,Y > w ) correspond to those elements { w , T ) in ( W x

* >(i,0) such that T is a singleton. Hence, a vertex corresponds to an element

(w, {£}) where w = t or w =


Suppose { ( w q , {^o})7• • •, {w k->

})} corre­

sponds to a set of distinct vertices which are pairwise joined by edges.


T = {to, • • •, t/c}. The condition that (u^, {£*}) is joined by an edge to (W j , { t j } ) means that trfj has order 2 and hence, that W t = (Z /2 )/c+ 1 . Thus, T e S f l Let w =

. . . Wk E Wr« B y the discussion above, ( w , T ) is a /c-simplex of

( W x «S^)>(i)0) whose vertices are (wo, { t o} ) , . . . , (wk, {£/c})- Thus, L k { v , E w ) is a flag complex.



P ro p o s itio n 3.2.1. Su p p o s e W is right-angled. “p e r f e c t ” i n the s e n s e o f M o r s e theory.

The C W

s tru ctu re o n Z w


T h a t is to say, in the c e llu la r c h a in

com plex, C * ( Z w ) , all bo undary m a p s are 0.

P ro o f. A s pointed out in [KR, p. 180] the space Z w can be identified w ith a subcom plex of the torus (S l ) s with its standard cubical cell structure: Z w = { ( x s ) s e s £ (*^1)‘S I if s and t do not commute, then either x s = 1 or x t = 1}. In other words, the i-cell corresponding to T , T C S and Card (T) = i, belongs to Z w if and only if T G S f l

It follows that the cellular chain complex for

Z w injects into that of the torus. In the cellular chain complex of a torus, all boundary maps are 0; hence, the same is true in Z w -

C o ro lla r y 3.2.2. S u p p o s e W is right-angled.

Then H k (A w )

D (— H k { Z w ) ) is

fr ee abelian. Its rank is the n u m b e r o f e le m e n ts T i n S f s u c h th at Card ( T ) = k.

Finite K( i r,

1)s for A rtin



R e m a r k 3.2.3 The homology of Z w was calculated by Kim and Roush in [KR,

Cor. 11]. Still supposing W is right-angled, we turn now to the calculation of the ring structure of H * ( A w )• The &;-cells of Zw are in one-to-one correspondence with those subsets T of S such that T E S? and Card (T ) = k. Order the elements of S, s i , . . . , s n. Let ei denote the 1-cell corresponding to {s * }. Choose an orientation for e*. If T — { s ^ , ... , S i k }, with i\ < • • • < i^, is an element of S then the oriented k-cell e r corresponding to T is the Cartesian product: er — x • • • x e*fc. The group of cellular 1-chains C\{Zw ) is the free abelian group on { e i , . . . , enj. Let z\,. . . , zn be the dual basis for C 1 ( Z w ), the 1cochains. By Proposition 3.2.1 all boundary maps and coboundary maps are zero; hence we can safely blur the distinctions between cochains, cocycles and cohomology classes. If T = , . . . , Sik}, then put zT =


U ... U zik .

Then z t { o t ) — 1 and z t { c t ' ) = 0 if T ' ^ T. Thus, { e r } and { z t } , T E S * , Card (T ) = /c, are dual bases for C ^{Zw ) and C k( Z w )• From the above remarks we can easily deduce the following theorem. Suppose (IT, S') is right-angled. Let n = Card (S ) and let A[?/i,. . . , yn\ be the exterior algebra (over Z ) on indeterminates y\,. . . , yn - Let I be the ideal generated by all products yiyj such that SiSj has infinite or­ der in W . Then the map yi —> Z{ defines an isomorphism of graded rings ip \ A [y i,...,y n] / I - ^ H * ( Z w ). Thus, T h e o re m 3.2.4.

H * ( A w ) * A [ y i , . . . , y n]/ I .

References [AB]

J. Alonzo and M. Bridson, Semihyperbolic groups, Proc. London Math. Soc. (3) 70 (1995), 56-114.


N. Bourbaki, Groupes et Algebres de Lie, Masson, Paris (1981), Chapters IV -V I.


E. Brieskorn, Sur les groupes des tresses Seminaire Bourkai 401 (1971).

[CD1] R. Charney and M. Davis, The K ( tt, l)-problem for hyperplane comple­ ments associated to infinite reflection groups J. Amer. Math. Soc., to appear. [CD2] R. Charney and M. Davis, Euler characteristic of a nonpositively curved, piecewise Euclidean manifold, Pac. J. Math., to appear.


Ruth Charney and Michael W. Davis


I. M. Chiswell, The Euler characteristic of graph products and of Cox­ eter groups in: Discrete Groups and Geometry, W. J. Harvey and C. Machachlan (eds.), London Math. Soc. Lecture Note Series 173 (1992), 36-46.


P. Deligne, Les immeubles des groupes de tresses generalises Invent. Math. 17 (1972), 273-302.

[FSV] Z. Fiedorowicz, R. Schwanzl and R. Vogt, Iterated moniodal categories, preprint. [G]

M. Gromov, Hyperbolic groups in: Essays in Group Theory, S. M. Gersten (ed.), M.S.R.I. Publ. 8 Springer-Verlag: New York (1987), 75-264.

[HM] S. Hermiller and J. Meier, Algorithms and geometry for graph products of groups Journal of Algebra, to appear. [KR] K. H. Kim and F. W. Roush, Homology of certain algebras defined by graphs Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 17 (1980), 179-186. [L]

H. van der Lek, The homotopy type of complex hyperplane complements, Ph.D. Thesis, Univeristy of Nijmegan, 1983.


R. J. Milgram, Iterated loop spaces Ann. of Math. 84 (1966), 386-403.


G. Moussong, Hyperbolic Coxeter groups, Ph.D. thesis, The Ohio State University, 1988.


L. Paris, Universal cover of Salvetti’s complex and topology of simplicial arrangements of hyperplanes Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 340 (1993), 149178.


M. Salvetti, Topology of the complement of real hyperplanes in C n In­ vent. Math .88 (1987), 603-618.


M. Salvetti, The homotopy type of Artin groups Math. Res. Lett. 1 (1994), 565-577.


K. Tatsuoka, A finite K ( 7r, 1) for Artin groups of finite type, preprint.


E. B. Vinberg, Discrete linear groups generated by reflection Math. USSR Izvestija 5 (1971), 1083-1119.

Double Point Manifolds of Immersions of Spheres in Euclidean Space Peter J. Eccles Abstract Anyone who has been intrigued by the relationship between homo­ topy theory and differential topology will have been inspired by the work of Bill Browder. This note contains an example of the power of these interconnections. We prove that, in the metastable range, the double point manifold of a self-transverse immersion Sn R n+fc is either a boundary or bordant to the real projective space R P n_fc. The values of n and k for which non-trivial double point manifolds arise are determined.



Given a self-transverse immersion f : S n CH R n+fc, the r-fold intersection set I r ( f ) is defined as follows: I r ( f ) = { f ( x l) = f ( x 2) = • • • = f & r ) I X iE S n, i ^ j => Xj £ Xj }. The self-transversality of / implies that this subset of R n+fc is itself the image of an immersion (not necessarily self-transverse) 6>r ( / ) : L " “ 'c(r_1) CG R n+k of a manifold L of dimension n —k(r — 1) called the r-fold intersection manifold of f . It is natural to ask for a given manifold L whether it can arise as an intersection manifold of an immersed sphere and if so for which dimensions. Alternatively we can consider simply the bordism class of L. In the stable range n < k the map / is necessarily an embedding as I r ( f ) is empty for r ^ 2. In this note we consider immersions in the metastable range, n < 2k. In these cases the intersection manifolds are empty for r ^ 3 and so the double point manifold is embedded by 62 ( f ) T h e o r e m 1.1 In the metastable range, k ^ n < 2k, (a) i f n —k is odd then the double point manifold of a self-transverse immersion Sn R n+/c is a boundary; T h is w ork be ga n d u rin g a visit to the D ep artm en ts o f A n a ly sis and o f G eo m etry o f E o tv o s U niversity, B u d a p est. T h e a uth or is grateful to these d epartm ents and A n d ra s Szucs for their in vitation and hospitality, and to the B ritish C oun cil for su pp o rt w ith travel costs.





(b) i f n — k is even then the double point manifold of a self-transverse im­ mersion Sn T* R n+/c is either a boundary or bordant to the real projective space R P n_fc. It should be recalled that odd dimensional real projective spaces are bound­ aries.

T h e o r e m 1.2 In the metastable range, 0 ^ 4 p < n, there exists an immersion Sn ^ ]R2n~ 2P with double point manifold bordant to R P 2p if and only if n = 2q —l mod 2q, where q — p ifp = 0 or 3 mod 4 and q — p+ 1 ifp = 1 or 2 mod 4. In fact, it is known ([IT]) that for p ^ 5 there is an immersion with double point manifold homeomeorphic to R P 2p in the dimensions given by this theo­ rem. I am grateful to Andras Szucs for drawing this reference to my attention. In addition, it was my efforts to understand his result that there exists an im­ mersion M n R 2n_2 with double point manifold bordant to the projective plane if and only if n = 3 mod 4 ([14]) which led to the present work. Theo­ rem 1.2 shows that in this result the manifold M can always be taken to be a sphere. The proof of these theorems is an application of the general method intro­ duced in [3]. It may be summarized as follows.

S tep 1. Write RP£° for the truncated real projective space R P ° ° / R P fc-1. Then to an element a G 7rnRP£° we can associate an immersion i a: S n R n+/c well-defined up to regular homotopy. In the metastable range every regular homotopy class of such immersions arises in this way.

S tep 2. Let M O ( k ) be the Thom space of the universal 0(fc)-bundle so that each element of 7rnM O ( k ) represents a bordism class of (n — A;)-dimensional manifolds. Then there is a map M k r]:R P£ ° —> M O ( k ) of Thom complexes, induced by the bundle krj over R P °°, the Whitney sum of k copies of the Hopf line bundle. The element (M k rj)*a G irnM O ( k ) represents the bordism class of the double point manifold of the immersion i a.

S tep 3. Since the bordism classes of a manifold is determined by its StiefelW hitney numbers we apply the Hurewicz map in Z/2-homology to the class of the double point manifold. The following diagram commutes by naturality.

Double Point Manifolds o f Immersions o f Spheres in Euclidean Space


(.M krj)* 7TnRP£°

lM O (k )





H n( M O ( k ) - Z/2)

Results about the S'-reducability of truncated projective spaces ([1]) imply that, for k ^ n < 2/c, the left hand Hurewicz homomorphism is zero if and only if k < n -f 1 — p(n + 1). Here p(n + 1) is the Hurwitz-Radon-Eckmann number which has the property that p(n + 1) — 1 is the maximum number of linearly independent tangent vector fields on S n. Thus, in this case, the double point manifold is a boundary. The complete solution is obtained by evaluating the map (M krj)* in homology. This paper is organized as follows. In §2 we discuss the generalized Jhomomorphism which leads to the first step of the above proof. In §3 we con­ sider the relationship between this homomorphism and the Hopf invariant. The relationship between the Hopf invariant and the double point manifold described in §4 then leads to the second step. The calculations required for the third step are described in 85.


The generalized J-homomorphism

Let G ( m ) be a closed subgroup of the orthogonal group 0 ( m ) with inclusion map i : G ( m ) —> 0 ( m ) . Then, if £ is an m-dimensional vector bundle on S n represented by £ £ 7TnB O ( m ), a G(ra)-structure on £ is a choice of element £ £ 7rnB G ( m ) such that = £. The normal bundle v of the standard embedding S n R n+m is trivial and so each element of iinO (m ) / G ( m ) determines a G(m)-structure on v. W ith this structure, the embedded sphere represents an element of 7rn+mM G ( m ) by the Pontrjagin-Thom construction. This process defines the generalized J homomorphism J : 7TnO ( m )/ G (m ) -> 7rn+mM G (ra ) introduced by Bruno Harris ([4]). The image of this map J consists of those elements which may be repre­ sented by the standard embedding of Sn in R n+m with some G(ra)-structure. When G (m ) is the trivial group, this reduces to the classical J-homomorphism 7Tn O ( m ) -> 7Tn+mS m. We now consider the case of G ( m ) = O(fc), for k ^ m, embedded in the standard way. In this case 0 ( m ) / 0 (k) is the real Stiefel manifold Vm- k ( R m) and M G ( r n ) is the suspension Tirn~ k M O ( k ) so that we have the following map: J:7rnVm. k( R m) -

7r„+mEm~ kM O ( k ) .


Peter J. Eccles

As an aside, we now describe a map of spaces inducing this J-homomorphism which will be needed later. Recall that, as the classifying space B O ( k ), we can take the infinite Grassmannian G k(R °°) of A;-dimensional linear subspaces of R°° (see for example [9]). In this case, the total space E O ( k ) of the universal bundle is given by E O {k ) = { (u, U ) |u g U, U e G k(R°° }. Now, let v = (u i,... ,um_fc) G Vrrn_^(Mm) be an orthogonal (m — fc)-frame. Write U = (z q ,. . . , vrn-k)~L Q C R°°, the subspace of R m orthogonal to each Vi. Then a point of R m may be written uniquely as u + -f .... -f tm-k^m -k where ^ G R and u G U. So we may define a continuous map J (u ):R m —► £ 0 (fc ) x R m_/c by J(u) (tt T

+ . . . -f- tm—kVm—k) ~ ((^? ^")) ^15• •• ?tm —k) •

This induces a map J(u): 5 m —> M O ( k ) A S m~k, i.e. J(u) G TtrnE m~kM O ( k ) . Checking the definitions carefully gives the following result. P r o p o s itio n 2.1 The continuous map J :V m_/c(R m) —> Slm£ m kM O ( k ) in­ duces the generalized J-homomorphism J: nnVm- k( R m) -

7rnf i mE m~ kM O ( k ) 5* ttn+mS m- fcM O (fc).

Returning to the differential topology, recall ([16]) that the bordism group of immersed manifolds M n R n+ k is isomorphic to the stable homotopy group 7r^MO(fc). An n-manifold embedded in R n+m with an 0(fc)-structure, as above, has (m — A;) linearly independent normal vector fields and by [5] these lead to a regular homotopy of the embedding to an immersion in R n+fc C R n+m. This process corresponds to the stabilization map 7rn+mE m~kM O ( k ) -> TT^+kM O ( k ) . Composing this with J gives a stable J-homomorphism J S:TrnVm- k( R m) -> 7c*+kM O ( k ) whose image consists of classes represented by immersed spheres, and all such classes if m > n since then the stabilization map is an epimorphism. Recall the classical result of Stephen Smale ([10]) that for m > n + 1 the homotopy group 7rnVrm_/e(R m) represents regular homotopy classes of immersed spheres S n T* R n+/c; the stable J-homomorphism maps regular homotopy classes to bordism classes. Finally, recall that hyperplane reflection defines a (2k — Inequivalence —> Fm_/c(R m). The composition J s OA*: 7rnR P ™ ~ 1 -> 7T^kM O ( k ) provides the map a »—> [ia: S n T* R n+/c] claimed in Step 1 of the introduction. From the above discussion, all bordism classes represented by immersed spheres lie in the image of this map if m > n and 2 k > n.

Double Point Manifolds o f Immersions o f Spheres in Euclidean Space


3 The H opf invariant and the J-hom om orphism In this section we demonstrate that the multiple suspension Hopf invariant is closely related to the generalized J-homomorphism described in the previous section. To describe this invariant we need a preliminary definition. T he quadratic

construction on a pointed space X is defined to be D 2X = X f\ X x z/2 5°° = X A X x z/2

x z/2 5°°,

where the non-trivial element of the group Z /2 acts on X A X by permuting the coordinates and on the infinite sphere S°° by the antipodal action.


space has a natural filtration given by D 2X — X A X xi^/2 S'1. The following homeomorphisms m ay be obtained directly from this definition.

P r o p o s itio n 3.1 For a pointed space X , (a) D ° X = X A X ; (b) f o r i ^ 1, D 2 l X/D2 l ~ l X ^ E *(X A X ) ; (c) f o r i , j > 1, D & P X = ^ { D ^ X / D ^ X ) ;

(d) in particular, fo r i , j Js 1, D f S 3 = EJE P j+J. We can now describe the basic properties of the multiple suspension JamesHopf invariants h2. Write Q X for the direct limit ffc°°E °°X = lim ftnE nX . For a connected space X and i ^ 0, there is a natural transformation (see [11])

h\ = / ^ (X ):fT +1E m X


In the case i = 0 this is simply the stabilization of the classical James-Hopf invariant: Q E X -> f2 E (X A X ) —» Q ( X A X ). T h e main property of these maps is a generalization of the classical E H P sequence.

T h e o r e m 3.2 ([8]) Let X be a (k — l)-connected space where k ^ 1. Then, in the metastable range j < 3k, there is an exact sequence as follows:



7Tjni+1Ei+1A' - ? » 7T j Q D iX — ►n j - i X .

Using adjointness and stability we can rewrite this as follows:


lln irl+J + 1T;l+1X -2 * 7TjD\X

> 7T j - i X.


Peter J. Eccles

We also need to record the relationships between these invariants for different values of i. These follow directly from their definitions. P r o p o s itio n 3.3 (a) F o r each i ^ 0 the fo llo w in g diagram is co m m u ta tiv e . hn Q D \X

/4+1 QD2 l+1X

fT + 2£*+2X (b)

F o r each i , j > 0, the fo llo w in g diagram is c o m m u ta tiv e .

hi+ j ( x ) Q i+ j+ iS i+ j+ ijf

Q D i+ jX

Q iQ D Z & X

niQ,i+ 1Y,i+ 1Y,iX


Q {D l^ X !D \ ~ l X )

The first part of this proposition means that the invariants h\ combine to form the stable J a m e s - H o p f in v a r ia n t h ^ ' Q X —» Q D 2 X . We can now state the main result relating the Hopf invariant and the Jhomomorphism. T h e o r e m 3.4 F o r 1 ^ k < m , the fo llo w in g diagram is co m m u ta tiv e . m—1


Tr / m. m\ 7rnK „ _ fc(R m)


7rn+mE m- fcM O (fc)

irn + k Q rn~ k Y,m ~ k M O ( k )



P ™ -1



j y m —k—l 2


* Z + k D ? - k ~ 1M O ( k )

Double Point Manifolds o f Immersions o f Spheres in Euclidean Space


Here the isomorphism in the bottom row comes from the homeomorphism of Proposition 3.1(d) and the map i is induced by the map S k —> M O ( k ) arising from the inclusion of a fibre in the universal bundle. This result may be proved by making use of the map inducing the Jhomomorphism introduced in the previous section beginning with a lemma which corresponds to the k = 0 version of the theorem. L e m m a 3.5 For m ^ 2 , the following diagram is homotopy commutative.


--------------- ^-------------- ► . O(m) j n h ^ i s 1)


P r o o f. The proof is by induction on m. For m = 2, the result is a formulation of the statement that the Hopf map S 3 —> S 2 has Hopf invariant 1. The inductive step is based on the following commutative diagram.





(m + 1)

n ms n n mh°2 { s m)

A m —1



In this diagram, A is commutative by Proposition 3.3(a), B is commutative by Proposition 3.3(b) and C is commutative by [6]. Adjointing the vertical maps in the diagram gives the following diagram of stable maps.


Peter J. Eccles

771—1 ^m—1

RPm The inductive hypothesis is that 0m_ i — 1. Since the rows are cofibre sequences this implies that the stable map ~ 1 as required to complete the inductive step. □ P r o o f o f T h e o re m 3.4. Consider the following commutative diagram.







n msr'

Vrn-k( R m )

ah,^ ~ 2(s1) QRP"

nms Tri' fcMO(fc)

nkn nkh” ~k- 1(Sk) VLkQD™~k~l Sk


QkQDT^ '~ k~ 1MO(k)

In this case, adjointing the vertical maps and using D™ k 1 obtain the following commutative diagram of stable maps. s fcR pfc-i

E fcR p m - l



Y,kR P k~

kto pm—1

s fcR p m - l


m—k—1 M O (k )

Here the stable map ^ exists by the basic properties of cofibre sequences. By the lemma, 7rf+ kD 2 M O ( k ) in the following sense. If the self-transverse immersion /: M n R n+k represents the element a G 7rf+/cM O (fc), then the double point manifold 62 ( f ) : L n~k T* R n+k respresents the element /if (a:)- This has been proved independently by Pierre Vogel ([15]), by Andras Szucs ([12], [13]), and by Ulrich Koschorke and Brian Sanderson ([7]). Notice that 62 ( f ) represents an element in the stable homotopy of D 2MO(A;) because the immersion of the double point manifold automatically acquires some additional structure on its normal bundle, namely that at each point f ( x 1) = f ( x 2), the normal 2/c-dimensional space may be decomposed as the direct sum of the two (unordered) /^-dimensional normal spaces of / at the points x\ and X2 - The universal bundle for this structure is E O (k ) x E O ( k ) x z/2 5°° -> B O ( k ) x B O (k ) x z/2 S'00 which has the Thom complex £)2M O(fc). In the case of immersed spheres in the metastable range, Theorem 3.4 shows that the double point manifold has a more refined structure corresponding to the restriction of the above universal bundle to { * } x { * } x Z/2 S°°: R k x R k x z/2 S°° ^ R P ° ° . As before, the involution on R k x R fe is obtained by interchanging coordinates, but in this case by a change of basis it can be written as (x, y) 1 —> ( —x, y). This demonstrates that this bundle is simply the Whitney sum ky 0 k where 77 is the Hopf bundle. This is another way of proving that the Thom complex D 2 S k is homeomorphic to the suspended truncated real projective space S fel P ^ ° (using [2])In fact we are here not interested in this additional structure but merely in the unoriented bordism class of the double point manifold. Forgetting the ad­ ditional structure induces a map of Thom complexes (: D 2 M O ( k ) —> M O ( 2 k). The bordism class of the double point manifold is then given by the composition n * +kD 2M O ( k ) ^ ^ + k M O ( 2 k) -

ttn_ fcM O

where the final stabilization map to the homotopy of the MO-spectrum corre­ sponds to forgetting the immersion. The above identification of the restricted universal bundle imples that the composition (*i*: P£° = TT^+kD 2 S k —> nn+kD 2M O ( k ) —> n ^ kM O ( 2 k) is given by E k(Mkr])*. We can sum this up in the following result.


Peter J. Eccles

T h e o r e m 4.1 Let 62 ’ ^ kM O ( k ) —> nn- k M O be the map defined geometri­ cally by the double point manifold of a self-transverse immersion. Then the following diagram is commutative. hn 7Tn S+kM O { k )

n + k D 2S k ■

tt n s +kD 2M O ( k )

T^n+k £ feR P£°

c* (MkTj), ■Kn- k M O

+n+kM O (2 k )

4 M O (k )



Some geometric comments It is easy to see directly that the double point manifold of an immersed sphere has the refined structure discussed above. Let L be the double cover of the double point manifold L so that there is the following commutative diagram.

r n —k

r n —k

B O ( n + k)

02 ( f )



Then v\Ln~k is trivial since n — k < n . A choice of trivialization induces a Z/2structure on the normal bundle of L n~ k corresponding to the universal bundle discussed above with Thom complex D 2S k = E kRP£°. Notice that this construction applies to any immersion of a sphere and sug­ gests that a stable retraction of onto R P ™ ~ 1 can be included in the diagram of Theorem 3.4. This ought to lead to an extension of the results of this paper beyond the metastable range to the general case.

5 Determ ining the double point manifold In this section we prove Theorems 1.1 and 1.2. The calculation is based upon the following immediate corollary of Theorems 3.4 and 4.1.

P r o p o s itio n 5.1 For k ^ n < 2 k, the following diagram is commutative.

Double Point Manifolds o f Immersions o f Spheres in Euclidean Space



'OO k


(M krj)* 7xnM O { k )

J s o A* 'Rn—k M O

< +kM O ( k )

Thus, given a G 7rnR P ™ _1 , if i a : Sn T* E n+/e is a self-transverse immersion representing J s o A* (a ) £/zen the bordism class of the double point manifold of i a is represented by (M k r})* i* (a ) G ttnM O ( k ) . For m > n + 1 the above map z* is an isomorphism. We may complete the proof by applying the Hurewicz homomorphism in Z/2-homology to M k p because this Hurewicz homomorphism for M O is a monomorphism ([9]). (.M k p )*




'OO k

7xnM O ( k )

nn- kM O

H nM O ( k )

H n_ kM O


Here and from now on we write H nX for H n( X ; Z/2). It is well-known ([1]) that, for k ^ n < 2 k, the left hand Hurewicz ho­ momorphism is zero if and only if A: < n -h i — p(n + 1). So in this case a o { M k r f )* = 0: 7TnRPj)° —> irn- kM O and the double point manifold is a bound­ ary. P r o p o s itio n 5.2 For k ^ n < 2k, i f k ^ n + l — p(n + 1), let a G 7rnMP£° be such that h (a ) ^ 0. Let L n~k be the double point manifold of a corresponding immersion i a: S n T* Mn+/c. Then the (normal) Stiefel-Whitney numbers of L are given by W! [L

n —k l

k)fk\ (k

i \ ) V2/ ’ ’ ’ \Hs

f o r partitions I = {i\, Z2, • • •, it) such that i\ + Z2 + ... + it

n — k.

P r o o f. The Thom complex M O ( k ) is homotopy equivalent to the quotient space B O (k ) / B O ( k — 1) so that H * M O ( k ) = wkZ/2[w i, ... ,wk\ with the Thom iso­ morphism H hJtlM O ( k ) = H l B O (k ) given by wjwk wj. Hence the StiefelW hitney number wj[L\


( h (M k r j)* (a ),w iw k)


(h (a ),w i(k r])a k)

by the Thom isomorphism

by naturality





where a G ^T1E P °° is the generator so that ak G H kRP^° is the Thom class. Now the total Stiefel-Whitney class w(kr]) = (1 + a )k G H * R P ° ° so that Wi(kri) = (^)a\ The result follows. □ To complete the calculation we confirm that these are the normal StiefelWhitney numbers of R P n~k. Proposition 5.3 I f k ^ n + 1 — p(n + 1), then the (normal) Stiefel-Whitney numbers o f R P n~k are given by

Proof. Put n + 1 = (2a + l ) 2 b. It is clear from the definition of p that p(n -f 1) ^ 2 b so that k ^ n 0 1 — p(n 0 1) => n — k ^ p(n 0 1) — 1 < 2 b. The total tangent Stiefel-Whitney class of R P n~k is given by (1 0 a) n-/c+1 since r 0 1 = (n —k 0 1 ) 77. Hence the total normal class is given by w ( R P n k) = -n -l+ k \ i (1 0 a )~ n~ 1+k G H * R P n~k. Hence, for i ^ n - fc, W i(R P n~k) = ( -n ~ 1+/c)a* = (^ )a 2 since, by the above, i ^ n — k => i < 2b and n + 1 is a multiple of 2b. The □ result follows. This completes the proof of Theorem 1.1. To complete the proof of Theorem 1.2 we simply examine the definition of the function p. We have proved that in the case of even n — fc, say 2p, there exists an immersion S n Mn+/c with double point manifold bordant to R P n~ k if and only if k ^ n + 1 — p(n 0 1), i.e. p(n + 1) ^ 2p T 1. Recall that, for n T 1 = (2a 0 1)26 where b = c -f Ad for 0 ^ c ^ 3 and d ^ 0, the value of p is given by p(n -f 1) = 2C+ 8 d. It follows that the least value of b for which p(n + 1) ^ 2p + 1 is given by for for for for

p p p p

= = = =

mod 1 mod 2 mod 3 mod


4:c 4:c 4:c 4:c

= = = =

0 and 2 and 3 and 3 and

8d 8d 8d 8d

= 2p, i.e. b = p; = 2(p — 1), i.e. b = p + 1; = 2(p — 2), i.e. b = p + 1; = 2(p — 3), i.e. b = p.

This completes the proof of Theorem 1.2. September 1994

References [1]

J.F. Adams, Vector fields on spheres, Ann. of Math. 75 (1962) 603-632.


M.F. Atiyah, Thom complexes, Proc. London Math. Soc. (3) 11 (1961) 291-310.

Double Point Manifolds o f Immersions o f Spheres in Euclidean Space



P. J. Eccles, Characteristic numbers of immersions and self-intersection manifolds, to appear in the Proceedings of the Colloquium in Topology, Szekszard, Hungary, August 1993.


B. Harris, J-homomorphisms and cobordism groups, Inv. Math. 7 (1969) 313-320.


M.W. Hirsch, Immersions of manifolds, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 93 (1959) 242-276.


M. Kervaire, An interpretation of G. Whitehead’s generalization of H. H o p f’s invariant, Ann. of Math. (2) 69 (1959) 345-365.


U. Koschorke and B. Sanderson, Self intersections and higher Hopf in­ variants, Topology 17 (1978) 283-290.


R.J. Milgram, Unstable homotopy from the stable point of view, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 368 (Springer, 1974).


J.W. Milnor and J.D. Stasheff, Characteristic classes, Ann. of Math. Studies 76 (Princeton University Press, 1974).


S. Smale, The classification of immersions of spheres in Euclidean space, Ann. of Math. (2) 69 (1959) 327-344.


V.P. Snaith, A stable decomposition o f f l nS nX , J. London Math. Soc. (2) 7 (1974) 577-583.


A. Szucs, Gruppy kobordizmov l-pogruzenii I, Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hungar. 27 (1976) 343-358,


A. Szucs, Gruppy kobordizmov l-pogruzenii II, Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hungar. 28 (1976) 93-102.


A. Szucs, Double point surfaces of smooth immersions M n —» M2n-2, Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 113 (1993) 601-613.


P. Vogel, Cobordisme d’immersions, Ann. Sci. Ecole Norm. Sup. (4) 7 (1974), 317-358.


R. Wells, Cobordism groups of immersions, Topology 5 (1966) 281-294.


R. Wells, Double covers and metastable immersions of spheres, Can. J. Math. 26 (1974) 145-176.

Controlled Linear Algebra

Michael H. Freedman Zhenghan Wang 1 Introduction These notes derive from lectures given at UCSD in 1990. The purpose of those lectures was to elucidate the two main theorems of controlled linear algebra: the vanishing theorem for Whitehead and PTo-type obstructions when only “simply connected directions” are left uncontrolled and the squeezing principle—that once a threshold level of geometric control is obtained any finer amount of control is also available. These notes present in detail ( and with perhaps some new estimates on the optimal relations between e, 6 and dimension ) the vanishing theorem of Frank Quinn’s Section 8 [Ql] in the context of Whitehead torsion. Quinn’s Section 8 is brilliant and difficult. In our efforts to understand the details we developed—with copious advice from Frank—the argument presented here. We have neglected all the important applications to savor the intricacy of the central argument. The idea that controlled linear algebra might exist and be useful to topology goes back to Connell and Hollingsworth [CH] in the late 1960s. By 1977, Ferry [FI] and Chapman [Cl] had obtained by geometric arguments theorems which strongly suggested the algebraic unification reached in Quinn’s papers [Q l] [Q2] . These effectively realized Connell and Hollingsworth’s program. Since that time controlled algebraic topology and its cousin bounded algebraic topology have thrived (see e.g. [FP],[RY] and [FHP]). The theorem of Bryant-Ferry-MioWeinberger [BFMW] on the existence of “non-euclidean manifolds” —perhaps the most striking result at the wild end of topology in a decade—is evidence of the subject’s vigor. Controlled linear algebra also has found applications out­ side of topology. The interested reader may consult [FrP] for an application to signal processing. Although these notes do not cover the squeezing principle, the basic tech­ niques of pulling back modules and truncating “flanges” by running the “stan­ dard deformation” of A 0 A ' 1 to id can be applied there as well. The reader who wishes to follow the approach of these notes to reach the squeezing princi­ ple may appreciate a hint: given any constant c > 1, the identity map on any manifold control space is homotopic to a composition f c of folding maps which stretch all sufficiently small distances by a factor > c. For e sufficiently small, the maps f c can be used (in the place of handle-wise torus tricks) to deform an e-isomorphism to an arbitrarily small e'-isomorphism ( 0 < e' < e). M ic h a el F reedm an w a s su pp o rted in p art by N S F grant D M S-8901412.

Controlled Linear Algebra


Acknowledgem ent: The authors would like to thank Steve Ferry, Bruce Hughes, Andrew Ranicki and Richard Stong for their valuable suggestions on the presentation of this material.

2 Controlled linear algebra Suppose A is a Riemannian manifold with the metric d, and 7r is a fixed group. Let Z[ir] be the group ring of 7r. A controlled module M over X is defined to be a free Z[7r]-module with a preferred basis S m = and a proper map of the basis p : S m — ►A . We require that S m is countable and endowed with the discrete topology. X is called the control space of M and

A is a 8 -homomorphism for 8 : A — > (0, oo) if the spread of a is less than 8 . If there is also a 6-homomorphism f3 : N — > M such that a/3 = id, (3a = id, then a is called a 8 -isomorphism. A geometric map from M to A is defined to be the map induced by a bijection of the bases of M and A. Given two positive functions 6i, 82 on A , the nonabelian composition 82 061 of 61 and 82 is defined by: 82

o Z [ n ] f Q ) N by sending e to / and the other basis elements the same as a .


To extend the control maps, choose

any two points Pi,P2 in X with distance < N \stabiiized which has the same spread of a .

If M — N , then in m atrix notation A ( a ) is

stabilized to I ^ A ( a ) .

T y p e II. R o w O peration s.

A map f3 : M

— >M

is called an e l e m e n ta r y m ap

if it satisfies the following: suppose P { e i) = ^ P i j ej , then a) P a € tt or —p a G ir for all i and b) P i j — 0 for all pairs ( i , j ) with i ^ j except possibly one pair. G iven a homomorphism a : M

— > iV, an elementary row operation of a is the

composition of a from left with an elementary map. Algebraically, the matrix A { a ) is multiplied from left by the following matrix: /

Pi 1


P22 a% j



for some nonnegative integer n, where P i j G



or —P i j G 7r, and a^- G Z[n\. A

row o p e ra tio n is a locally finite composition of such elementary row operations. Locally finite means that each basis element can be only involved in finitely many elementary row operations.

Definition 2.2 Given a homomorphism a : (M , A , p ) — > (A , X , p ) . A defor­ m ation H of a is a locally finite composable string of possibly infinitely many elementary operations. A deformation H can always be written as a composi­ tion of a stabilization H \ followed by a row operation H2 of the stabilized map &



H\ '


So H2 — ’ ' ’ P2 ' P i '■M


y X \stabilized,

operation of a \stabilized, where Pi is an elementary row operation.


IS a


Given an

6 : X — ►( , 00), H is an e-deformation if the following relation R between the


Michael H. Freedman and Zhenghan Wang

\stabilized and itself has spread less than e: for each e* G S fM , — { e j |Cj G • • • /?2 * or Cj G (5 f l • • • • (e*)}. Here the composition

basis S'M of M R (ei)

makes sense because of the local finiteness. If K C l , then the spread of H restricted to K is the spread of the relation

G if,

R \k , where R |k is the relation between S |k — {^i I

GSM f } and

itself defined by R |k (^i) = R ( e i ) fl*^ Ik-


A s exercises, if H \ is a

8 \-deformation

and H2 is a ^-deform ation, then

H2 • H \ is a 62 °< i-deformation. If we write i? i, H2 as matrices A \ and A 2 , then the spread of the composition of H 1 followed by H2 is > the spread of A 2 • A \ in general.

Definition 2.3 Let G be a controlled module over R 171 and h : G — > G be an isomorphism of G. Let B ri (0) and B r 2 ( 0 ) be balls of radii r\ and V2 with centers


0, 0 < ri < V2- A n isomorphism h! : G — ►G is called a truncation the ball B

r2 (

of h to

) if

(i). O n G |nri(o)» h ' ls ^he same as h up to stabilization. (ii). On G |RTn\B r2 (o), h ' is the identity.

3 0

A fter a truncation, h ' may be viewed as a map of the finite module G ' obtained from G by discarding the basis elements outside the ball J r2( ). W h ite h e a d group is well studied in K-theory. for convenience.

Identify each M

T he definition is recalled

G G L ( t i , Z [ k ] ) with



1, Z[tt]), then G L { 1, Z[tt}) = U {Z[tt}) C G L { 2 , Z [n ]) C • • •. T h e union G L ( Z [ t t } ) is called the in fin ite genera l lin ear group.

A m atrix is elementary if it is the

same as the identity matrix except for one off-diagonal entry. Let E(Z[7t]) be the subgroup generated by elementary matrices, then E ( Z [ t t ] ) is a normal sub­ group of G L ( Z [ tt]).

Define -Ki(Z[tt]) = G L ( Z [ k } ) / E ( Z [ k } ) and K ^ (Z [tt} ) =

K i ( Z [ t t ] ) / { ± I } , note that 7r C G L ( 1 , Z[tt]), the W h ite h e a d group of 7r is de­

fined to be K i ( Z [ 7r ] ) / i m a g e ( 7r). From the definition, it is clear that to deform a ^-isomorphism to the identity is the controlled analogue of the isomorphism being zero in the W hitehead group.

3 Marriage theorem Given two sets G and B with a relation R between them, say, G is a set of girls and B is a set of boys. We say a girl g G G knows a boy b G B if g has the relation R with b. A m a rria g e from G to B is an injective map which preserves the relation. So every girl marries a boy that she knew.

Theorem 3.1 G iv e n a fi n i te set G o f girls a nd a s e t B o f boys with a r e la tio n R between them . L e t P be a su bset o f B , boys in P will be called h a n d s o m e boys. A s s u m e every su b s et o f girls know at least th at m a n y boys a n d every s u b s e t o f

Controlled Linear Algebra


handsome boys are known by at least that many girls. Then there is a marriage from G to B such that every handsome boy gets married. P roof.

T h e set of girls G is forced if there is a subset S of G knowing exactly

that m any boys or if there is a subset T of P known by exactly that many girls.

S and T are called forced subsets of G and P , respectively. Otherwise, G is unforced. Theorem 3.1 will be proved by induction on the number of girls in G. If G has only one girl, it is obvious. Suppose the theorem is true for | G |< n, either G is forced or unforced. Then for | G |= n, there are two cases: (i) G is unforced. Pick a handsome boy b in P and a girl g knowing him. Consider G r = G — {g } and B f — B — {6 }, then the hypothesis of the theorem is satisfied for G r and B f. B y the inductive hypothesis, there is a marriage from G f to B ' . Let g marry 6, we get a marriage from G to B. (ii ) G is forced. Let S' be a forced subset of G with the smallest number of girls, and T be a forced subset of P with the smallest number of boys, and let k — min{\S\, |T|}. Subcase a): k < n. If there is a subset S of girls knowing exactly k = l^l boys, consider G ' = G — S and B f = B — R S , where R S is the subset of all boys known by at least one girl in S . For any subset Q of G ', since Q U S know at least \Q\ + \S\ boys in B and R S have only \S\ boys, therefore, Q know at least |Q| boys in B ' . For any subset of P — R S , they are known by girls that none is in S. B y the inductive hypothesis, there is a marriage from G ' to B f. It is easy to check that the inductive hypothesis holds for S and RS. Combine the marriage from G f to B ' with one from S to R S , we get a marriage from G to B . If it happens there is a subset T of P known by exactly k — \T\ girls R ~ l T. Consider G — R ~ 1T and B — T. A n y subset of G — R ~ 1T know none in T , so they know enough boys, and for any subset of P — T , none is known by a girl in R ~ l T . A s before, we have a marriage from G to B by combining two marriages. Subcase b): k = n, then the n girls know exactly n handsome boys and any proper subset is unforced.

T he argument is similar to the unforced


4 M ain theorem In Section 8 [Ql], Quinn proved the e-6 cancellation theorem. In this section, we prove the following version of the e-S cancellation theorem which makes explicit the relation between e and S.

Theorem 4.1 Given a Riemannian manifold X of dimension n, and a group 7r. Suppose fo r each i, 0 < i < n, Wh(n x Z'l) —0 . Then there exists an e : X — y (0, oo) such that if e : X — > (0, oo) and 6 : X — > (0, oo) satisfy e < e and y/fi' 6 n +1 -6 < e, then fo r any 6 -isomorphism a of controlled modules M and over X , there exists an e-deformation H of a such that H a : M stau u Zed — ► N stabilized is a geometric map. N


Michael H. Freedman and Zhenghan Wang

T h e geometry of the control space determines the threshold e, but for e small, the asym ptotic relation between e and


does not depend on the geometry of

G is a (5-homomorphism, it follows from the following

factorization that ^ ^

^ is a (5-deformation of any map from G ® G to


0 "hn V ’ which is G-equivariant. If V, V ' are topologically similar, but not linearly isomorphic, then such a homeomorphism is called a non-linear similarity. The topological classification of G-representations was first studied by de Rham [18]. He proved that if a topological similarity h : V —» V ' of orthogonal representations preserves the unit spheres and restricts to a diffeomorphism between S ( V ) and S ( V ' ) , then V and V ' are linearly isomorphic. In 1973, Kuiper and Robbin [11] obtained positive results on the general problem and conjectured that topological equivalence implies linear equivalence for all finite groups G. However, in 1981 Cappell and Shaneson [1] constructed the first examples of non-linear similarities. The simplest occurs for G = Z/8, but they also constructed a large class of examples for cyclic groups of the form G = Z/4q. Further results can be found in [2], [3], [4], and [13]. On the other hand, Hsiang and Pardon [10] and Madsen and Rothenberg [12] independently proved the conjecture for all odd-order groups. In addition, the main theorem of [10] ruled out some non-linear similarities for even-order groups G. The purpose of this paper is to give new restrictions on the existence of non-linear similarities using techniques from bounded topology. T h e o r e m A Let V, V ' be real orthogonal G-representations, where G is a finite cyclic group. Suppose that Resn V = Resn V ' fo r each proper subgroup H C G, and that V H = V G when [G : H] = 2 . Then V V ' if and only if V = V ' . This result gives information about topological similarities for non-cyclic groups as well, since linear equivalence of representations is detected by character val­ ues. The formulation is also well-adapted to inductive arguments, and we get a new proof for the results of [10], [12]. C o r o lla ry B Let G be a finite group and V , V ' be real orthogonal G-representations. Suppose that fo r each cyclic subgroup C C G of 2-power order, the Ian H a m bleton w as p artia lly su pp o rted by N S E R C grant A4000. E rik Pedersen w as p artia lly su pp o rted by N S F D M S 9104026.


Ian Hambleton and Erik K. Pedersen

elements of C act either trivially on W , or freely away from 0 G W , fo r every irreducible C-submodule W C Resc V. Then V ~ t V ' if and only i f V = V ' . A ll previously contructed topological similarities of cyclic groups G con­ tain the non-trivial 1-dimensional representation (i.e. the representation with isotropy group H C G of index 2), or are induced from such examples. For example, suppose that G = Z/4g, q = 2r_2, r > 4. Now let V\ = tl 4- V and V2 = t z+2q + t f +2q, with i = lm o d 4 and j = ± i mod 8. Here t denotes a faithful 2-dimensional representation of G. Let e (resp. 6 ) denote the 1dimensional trivial (resp. non-trivial) representation of G. Then P + t f + 6 + e £1+ 2q + p + 2q -f by [4, Thm. 1, Cor. (iii)]. But Resn V\ — Resn V2 for every proper subgroup H C G, so our result says that V\ 0 W is not topologically similar to V2 ® W unless 6 is a summand of W . More generally, C o r o lla ry C Suppose that V\ 0 W ~ t V2 ® W is a non-linear similarity fo r a cyclic group G. Then fo r some subgroup H C G, R e s n iV 1 ® W ) R e s n (V 2 ® W ) is also a non-linear similarity and the non-trivial 1 -dimensional H-representation is a summand of R e s fjW . Our techniques also give information about the existence and classification of non-linear similarities. We recently noticed that [4, Thm l(i)] is incorrect as stated. For example for G = Z/12, there are no 6-dimensional non-linear similarities. The problem is that the natural epimorphism 7r : Z/4g —►Z/2r where q = 2r_2s, s odd, does not induce an isomorphism 7r*:L p( Z [ Z /4q]~) —> L p( Z[Z/2r] “ ) as claimed in [4, p. 732 1. -8]. These topics will be discussed elsewhere [9]. A ck n o w le d g em e n t. Both authors would like to thank the M ittag-Leffler In­ stitute for its hospitality in May, 1994 when this work was completed.



Suppose that V ~ t V f with Resn V = Resn V f for each proper subgroup H C G, and that V H = V G whenever [G : H ] = 2. The result for free representations was proved in [11] or [1, 8.1], and we assume by induction that Theorem A is proved for all groups of smaller order than G. Therefore, we may further assume

( . ):

2 1 that V, V ' are topologically similar G-representations whose restrictions to every if-fixed set are linearly equivalent as G / H -representations, for each non-trivial subgroup 1 ^ H C G (2 .2 ): that V, V ' are neither free nor quotient G-representations, i.e. for each g G G there exists v G V such that gv ^ u, and there exists O / d g F such that gv — v for some 1 7^ g G G.


Non-Linear Similarity Revisited

L e m m a 2.3 I f V V ' = V2 0 W , where summands.

V ' satisfies the conditions above, then V = V\ 0 W and V2 are free G-representations and W ^ {0 } has no free

P r o o f. For each subgroup K C G, let V ( K ) denote the direct sum of all irreducible subrepresentations of V with kernel K . The G-subspaces V (K ) are preserved by G-linear isomorphisms. We let W be the direct sum of all the V ( K ) for K yl 1. From (2.2) it follows that V H / { 0 } for some subgroup l ^ H c G s o W j t {0 }. Write V = V\ 0 W where V\ is a free representation. By assumption (2.1), V H = ( V ' ) H as G-representations for each H 1. Then for the fixed sets we have v

(k )h = f v W



H - K



This gives V H = 0 { 1 U K ) : H C K } ^ ( V ' ) H = 0 { V ,(A ') : H C K } . Therefore V ( K ) = V ' { K ) for each subgroup K ^ 1 and we can decompose V f = V2 0 W with V2 a free representation. □


Bounded em bedding theorem s

For the reader’s convenience we will include some material from [9]. First we will need a bounded version of results due to Browder and Wall on smoothing Poincare embeddings in codimension > 3. Statements for compact smooth or P L manifolds are given in [20, 11.3], and the extension to topological manifolds is sketched on [20, p.245]. The published reference to Rourke and Sanderson’s theorem, that the stabilization map Fr /Topr -> F /Top is a homotopy equivalence for r > 3 is [19, Thm 2.4]. Here F r denotes the space of homotopy self-equivalences of the (r — l)-sphere, and F — lim F r . To state a bounded version, we need to define a finite bounded Poincare embedding. Let X be a metric space on which a finite group G acts by (quasi)isometries. Let Y C X be a closed G-invariant subspace, and let M m —> Y , V rnJrq —> X be finite free bounded G - C W Poincare complexes [5, Def 2.7]. Then a finite bounded Poincare embedding of M in V consists of (i) a (q — 1)spherical G-fibration £, with projection p: E —►M , (ii) a finite free bounded G - C W Poincare pair ( C , E ) —> (X , Y ), and (iii) a bounded G-homotopy equiv­ alence h: G U M ( p ) —» V, bounded over X , where M ( p ) is the mapping cylinder of p and G 0 M ( p ) = E. Such a Poincare embedding is “induced” by a locally flat topological embedding if the normal block bundle and complement to the


Ian Hambleton and Erik K. Pedersen

embedding give data which are G-h-cobordant to those of the given Poincare embedding. T heorem 3.1 Suppose given topological manifolds M rn, V Tn+ q with free G-actions, and reference maps M m —» Y , V m+q —►X giving finite free bounded G C W Poincare complexes. I f m + q > 5 andq > 3, then a finite bounded Poincare embedding of M in V is induced by a locally flat topological G-embedding of M -+ V . Proof. The proof given in [20, §11] generalizes using bounded surgery [6], and there is a relative version as given on [20, p. 119] when m -f q > 6. □ Next we need a “completion” theorem for bounded embeddings (compare [6, §16]. Suppose that Z is an open topological manifold, equipped with areference map to an open cone 0 ( K ), so that p: Z —> 0 ( K ) is a boundedC W complex [5, Def. 1.5]. The if-com pletion of Z is the disjoint union Z k — Z ] _ \ K with a basis for the topology given by (i) open sets in Z, and (ii) sets of the form p ~ l ( U x (£, oo)) JJ U, where t > 0 and U C K is open. We will be interested in comparing the local properties of this completion, when Z is replaced by a manifold Z ', bounded homotopy equivalent to Z over O ( K ) . The main ingredient is the following Lem m a 3.2 Let X C S n be a finite simplicial subcomplex, where n > 5. Then / Sn —X \ the bounded structure set I [ I has only one element.

Vo(x) J

Proof. Let D X denote the Spanier-Whitehead dual of X in S n. We use the bounded surgery exact sequence [6] ... -

[S (M + ),F / Top] - » L n+ 1(Co i x ) m Sn - X \ |

I —> [D X , F /Top] —> ...

0( X) J If X = * both the normal invariant and the L-group-term are trivial. If X = S k for some k < n —2 then crossing with R induces an isomorphism on the simplyconnected L-groups and at the normal space level from the sequence for S k to the sequence for S k+1. So starting with S ~ l = 0 and the fact that the structure set of the sphere has only one element we get the result for S k, k < n — 2. For k — n —2 it is enough (for our later applications) to assume that the embedding of X — Sn~2 in S n is unknotted. Then the effective fundamental group is 7Ti(5n — X ) = Z so the term behind the structure set is 7r2(F/Top) -

L n+1(CR» - i(Z [Z ])) ^ L 2(Z [Z ]).


Non-Linear Similarity Revisited

But since Z,2(Z [Z ]) = £ 2^ ) this assembly map is an isomorphism and we are done. Finally for k = n — 1 we get 2 copies of R n, and we use connectedness of F /Top and L n+i(C (E n)) = 0. For the general case, we write X = Y U D k and assume that the result is true for Y. We compare the assembly maps for Y to X , where the third term involves “germs away from y ” , and reduces to the case of S k handled above [8, 3.11]. Indeed, on structure sets we have the bijections: /Sn - X \ sb

/ Sn - S k \


\ ° m


/ >o(y>

Sb [

/ Sn - S k\



V 0 (S *) ) >OM



\ 0 (S *) j

where the last step follows by an Eilenberg swindle, showing that L *(C q (*)(Z )) = 0 for all i > 0. We now consider the maps of long exact sequences [D Y ,F /Top]

L n (C 0{Y )( 1) )

-------- ► [ D X , F / Top]

-------- ► [ D Y / D X , F / Top]

-------- > L n (C o ( x ) m

-------- ►

Ln( C l f g \ z ) )

The T-assembly map is an isomorphism by induction, and the assembly map “away from y ” is an isomorphism by the preliminary case above. A similar re­ sult holds for the map [£ (D X ), F j Top] —> L n+i(C o (x )(Z )) and so the structure set is trivial. □ When (Z, d Z ) is a topological manifold with boundary, we can also consider a relative (K , L ) completion in which p: Z —> O ( K ) is a bounded C W complex and dp: d Z —> O ( L ) is a bounded C W complex with respect to a subcomplex L C K . I f (F , d F ): ( Z ' , d Z f) —►( Z , d Z ) is a bounded homotopy equivalence of pairs over (p ,d p ):(Z ,d Z ) ^ ( 0 ( K ) , 0 ( L ) ) then (F, d F ) extends to a homotopy equivalence (F ,d F ):(Z 'K ,d Z L f ) - > ( Z K ,d Z L) of pairs by taking the identity on K and L. D e fin itio n 3.3 The completed map F-.Z'k —> Z k is homotopic to a local homeomorphism (relative to L ) near K , extending the identity on K , if there exists a neighbourhood U C Z k of x £ K such that F restricted to F —1(U — U n K ) is boundedly homotopic over O ( K ) to a homeomorphism. When x e L we further require that d F be a local homeomorphism near L, and that d F be fixed under the bounded homotopy. In our applications there is a free G-action on Z, Z ', and a G-action on K so that and p: Z —> 0 ( K ) is G-equivariant. If F is a bounded G-homotopy


Ian Hambleton and Erik K. Pedersen

equivalence so that Z is a finite free bounded G -C W complex then F is a G homotopy equivalence extending the identity on the G-invariant subset K of both domain and range. T h e o r e m 3.4 Let F: Z ' —> Z be a bounded homotopy equivalence of (open) topological (m 4- q)-manifolds, bounded over the open cone O ( K ) , where K is a finite complex of dimension m. Suppose that the K-com pletion Z k is a topo­ logical (m + q)-manifold with m -F q > 5. Then the K-com pletion Z'K is also a topological (m -f q) -manifold. Moreover, F is homotopy equivalent to a local homeomorphism near K extending the identity on K . This result also has a relative version. T h e o r e m 3.5 Let F: ( Z r, d Z ') —> ( Z , d Z ) be a bounded homotopy equivalence of topological (m + q)-manifolds with boundary, bounded over ( 0 { K ) , 0 { L )) where L C K a finite subcomplex with dim L < m. Suppose that the (K , L ) ~ completion ( Z k ^ Z l ) is a topological (m + q)-manifold with boundary and m + # > 6- I f d F is a local homeomorphism near L extending the identity on L, then F is homotopy equivalent to a local homeomorphism (relative to L ) near K , extending the identity on K . P r o o f. We will prove the first result and leave the relative version to the reader. Let x G K and choose an open disk D m+q C Z k around x. Let L = c ls {D m+q n K ) and X = L/dL. Since

>o(*) the result follows from the computation of the local structure sets in Lemma 3.2. □


Bounded surgery

In this section, the existence of a non-linear similarity V\ 0 W V2 ® W will be related to the kernel of a bounded transfer map introduced in [8, §3]. For background on bounded surgery we refer to [6]. We begin with an observation from [10, 1.7]: if V\ ® W V2 ® W , then our inductive assumptions imply that there is a G-homeomorphism h: Vi © W -> V2 ® W such that h\ |J W H H*1 is the identity. One easy consequence (see [1]) is


Non-Linear Similarity Revisited

L em m a 4.1 There exists a G-homotopy equivalence 5(V^) —►S (V i). P roof. I f we 1-point compactify h we obtain a G-homeomorphism h+: S ( V i © f F © R ) -> 5 (V 2 © W © R ) . After an isotopy, the image of the free G-sphere S'(Vi) may be assumed to lie in the complement S (V 2 © W © R ) - S ( W © R ) of S ( W © R ) which is G-homotopy equivalent to S (V 2). □ Let /: S{V2)/G —> S (V i)/ G denote the induced homotopy equivalence of the quotient lens spaces. Since for dim S(V*) = 1 it is clear that G-homotopy equiv­ alence implies V\ = V2, we may assume that dimV^ > 4. Another consequence is L e m m a 4.2 There exists an isovariant G-h-cobordism between f * 1:S(V2 ® IF ) —> 5 (V i © W ) and the identity on S(V i © W ) , which is a product on all the singular strata S ( W H) fo r H ^ 1. Proof. This uses a special case of [4, 1.1]. After radial re-scaling, we may assume that h(D(V\ © W ) ) C int D (V 2 © VF), and the region Z = D ( V 2 © W ) - int h ( D ( V 1 © IF )) is then an isovariant G-h-cobordism from some isovariant G-homotopy equiv­ alence g :S ( V 2 © W ) —> 5(V i © W ) to the identity. Since h was the identity on all singular strata, it is not hard to check that g and / * 1 are isovariantly G-homotopy equivalent, so we may assume that g = / * 1. Moreover, the cobor­ dism Z is a product S ( W H) x I along the H -fixed sets for all H ^ 1 and a bounded free G-h-cobordism on the complement. □ C orollary 4.3 The kernel of the bounded transfer map


S fc( S ( V i ) / G ) - > s M

( s (V i) XG W \ I





contains the element [f] E S h(S (V i)/ G ). P roof. If the whole sphere S ( W ) is singular (i.e. contains no free orbits), then the vanishing of the bounded transfer tr fw( [ f } ) follows immediately from Lemma 4.2 by removing S ( W ) x I from domain and range of the G-h-cobordism. This implies for example that in the present argument we may assume dim W > 2, andso dim(I^ © W ) > 6, since dim W = 1 implies that W = R. Later we will see in Corollary 4.6 that trf^([/]) ^ 0 and sonon-linear similarities do not occur for dim(F* © IT ) < 5.


Ian Hambleton and Erik K. Pedersen

In general the problem is that the given G-h-cobordism may not restrict to a G-h-cobordism of S ( W ) x I. Let F : (Z , (5 (V i © IT ) x I, 5 (V i 0 VP) x 0 ,5 (V i 0 W ) x 1) be the G-homotopy equivalence of triads given by (4.2) such

thatF\d z = id

and F\d+Z = / * 1:

0 W ) - * S (V X 0 W ).

In addition, we can assume that for each 1 / H C G f


is a homeomorphism whose restriction to S ( W ) H x d l is the identity. Let x =

U S (W ) H I^HCG

denote the singular set of S(Vi 0 VP), and U = Z — F ~ 1( X x I ) denote the complementary free stratum. submanifold gives F: (U ,d -U ,d + U )

The restriction of F to this open

(S (V i 0 W ) x I - X x

I^ iV x ^ W )

xO - X x 0, S (V i 0 W ) x 1 - X x 1) which is a free bounded G-h-cobordism, bounded over the open cone 0 ( X x I ) . Since dim Vi > 4 we can regard the bounded G-homotopy equivalence F as a bounded codim > 3 Poincare embedding of ( S ( W ) — X ) x I in £7, relative to the given embedding on d±U. By Theorem 3.1, there exists a free topolog­ ical G-embedding inducing the given Poincare embedding, and extending the embeddings already fixed on d±U. By homotopy extension, we can assume that F restricted to this embedding of ( S ( W ) — X ) x I C U is a bounded G-h-cobordism, relative to the identity on d±U, and F is a bounded G-homotopy equivalence over 0 ( X x I ) . Now we apply the “completion” construction of Section 2 to adjoin X x I to both domain and range. By Theorem 3.5 the result is a (new) compact G-h-cobordism F ': ( Z ;, 9 _ Z ', 9+ Z ') -> (S (V i 0 W ) x /, S (V i 0 ^ ) x O , S (V X ® W ) x l ) between / * 1: 5 (V2 0 W ) —> 5 (V i 0 W ) and the identity on S(V\ 0 W ), with the additional property that the restriction of F ' to F f~ 1( S ( W ) x I ) gives a G-h-cobordism with range ( S ( W ) x I , S ( W ) x 0 , S ( W ) x 1).

Non-Linear Similarity Revisited


Now the complement Z f =^Z f ~ F f~ 1{ S ( W ) x I ) is a free bounded G-h-cobordism between / x l : ^ ^ ) x W —> S'(Vi) x W and the identity on S'(Vi) x VF, bounded with respect to the second factor projection to W — 0 ( S ( W ) ) . By the definition of the bounded structure set, this means that t r fw { [ f ] ) — 0 as required. □ By comparing the ordinary and bounded surgery exact sequences [8, 3.16], and noting that the bounded transfer induces the identity on the normal invari­ ant term, we can assume that / has normal invariant zero. Therefore, under the natural map Ln h ( Z G ) -+ 5 fc(5 (V i)/ G ), where n = dim Vi, the element [/] is the image of a ( f ) G T ^ (Z G ), obtained as the surgery obstruction (relative to the boundary) of a normal cobordism from / to the identity. The element Ln h( Z G ) ) . L e m m a 4.5 For any choice of normal cobordism between f and the identity, the surgery obstruction a ( f ) is a nonzero element of infinite order in L ^ (Z G ). P r o o f. Since G is cyclic and V\ is a free representation, the quotient X = S (V i)/ G is a classical lens space of odd dimension n — 1. An element in the surgery obstruction group L ^ Z G ) is determined by its discriminant D and multi-signature a: the odd order case is [20, 13A.5] and the even order case is similar, based on the fact that L^ffiZG) is torsion-free. If X , X f differ by a normal cobordism, then [20, 14E.8] gives the relations A ( X ') = D A ( X ) and p ( X ' ) — a y p ( X ) , where A ( X ) is the Reidemeister torsion p { X ) is the pinvariant [20, 14E.7]. Both A and p are multiplicative on joins. If a ( f ) € L n h {Z G ) were a torsion element, then the relations above would show that a suitable join of copies of X = S (V i)/ G is h-cobordant to the corresponding join of copies of X f = S (V 2 )/G. But this would imply that V\ 0 ... 0 V\ ~ t y2 0 ... 0 V2 and since these are free representations, that Vi ^ V2. □

C o r o lla ry 4.6 Under the natural map L ^ (Z G ) —> L v n ( Z G ) , the image of a ( f ) is nonzero. P r o o f. The kernel of the map T ^ (Z G ) —> T ^ (Z G ) is the image of H n( Z/2, K q( Z G ) ) which is a torsion group. □



Ian Hambleton and Erik K. Pedersen

The transfer map

We will now study the transfer map trfw in (4.3). Since localizing or completing at p \ 2|G| gives an injection on the free part (see [20, §13A]): LnC^G) —►L ^ (Z G ) Z (p), and we intend to show that trfw (cr(/ )) ^ 0 is ap-local injection for G-represen­ tations W , with W G = W H when [G : H ] = 2. Thus we will lose no information about elements of infinite order by p-localizing all our L-groups. This will be assumed from now on, without changing notation. Following [7, §6], [14, §1 lb ], (see also [8, §4] for previous applications in bounded topology) we denote the top component of our bounded surgery ob­ struction group by Lh n (Cw,G( m m ) where m = |G|. The top component of a p-local Mackey functor (p \ m ) is the intersection of the kernels of all the restriction maps to proper subgroups of G. It turns out to be a natural direct summand of the L-group, associated to an idempotent in the p-local Burnside ring. Moreover the top component has the property that the images of maps induced on L-theory by the inclusion of proper subgroups, project trivially into the top component. In particular, after passing to the top component the indeterminacy in cr(f) is zero. Then Theorem A is implied by T h e o r e m 5.1 For any G-representation W , with W G = W H when [G : H ] = 2, and any p \ 2\G\, the transfer

txiw , L n h {ZG){m) -> L h n+k{Cw,G{Z))(m ) is a p-local injection, where k = dim W . To begin the proof, we will assume that W = 0 W* is a direct sum of irreducible 2-dimensional quotient representations. Each Wi has kernel Hi ^ 1 which is a proper subgroup of G. I f W = W\ 0 W 2 there is another inclusion map,

c(W u W ) * : L h n(CWuGm


L*(C Wl@Wa,G &))

induced by the subspace inclusion W\ C W. L e m m a 5.2 I f ( W 2 ) G = { 0} then the subspace inclusion W\ C W i ^ W 2 induces an isomorphism

L n(CwuG(%))(m) —> Ln(CWl®w2,G(Z))(m) on the top component for all n. P r o o f. The subspace inclusion sits in the exact sequence given in [8, 3.12], and the result is a special case of [8, 4.5]. □


Non-Linear Similarity Revisited

C o r o lla ry 5.3 I f W G = {0 } then the ucone point” inclusion induces an iso­ morphism c *.L n h {Z G ){ m ) - L ^ C w,a ( Z ) ) ( m ) on the top component fo r all n. P r o o f. This is just the special case W\ = {0 } and [8, 3.10].

We can now reduce to the case where W is irreducible. L e m m a 5.4 Suppose that W G — 0 and W = W\ trfv^, fo r i — 1,2 induces a monomorphism

0 W 2 where dim Wi

= 2/*. I f

t i f Wi: L * ( Z G ) ( m ) -> L h n+2li(Cm ,G( Z ))(m ) on the top component fo r any n, then so does trfw P r o o f. First note that

trfiv!®w2:L^(ZG) -> L\+2h+ii2{cwl®w2,a{'^)) is the composite of

trfn/j: Z^(ZG) —>

( C W i ,g ( Z ) )


tviw2:Lh n+2h(CwuG m )


The first map is a monomorphism on the top component by assumption, and the second can be studied by the commutative diagram L£+2/i(Z G )

-^ 2 -

Ln h +2li+2h(CW2,G( Z ))


c . j

L n + 2 h (CW u G (% )


n + 2 h + 2 l2 (C W i® W 2,G C ^))

The horizontal maps are transfers trfw 2, and the vertical maps are induced by subspace inclusions. Since the subspace inclusions induce isomorphisms on the top component and the upper horizontal map is a monomorphism by assump­ tion, we are done. □ We now assume that W is an irreducible 2-dimensional G-represention, with kernel 1 / H ^ G. The G-equivariant projection S(V\) x S ( W ) —> S ( V 1) gives a circle bundle with fibre S ( W ) = S 1. L e m m a 5.5 The group T h ~ t t i ^ V i )


S ( W ) ) is isomorphic to Z x H .


Ian Hambleton and Erik K. Pedersen

P r o o f. By pulling-back the circle bundle to the covering S(V\)/H —►S{V\)/G we obtain a commutative diagram 1


---------- ► Z x H

-------- >H

i 1

-------- > Z

---------- ►


----------- > 1

1 -------- * G


where the upper row is split exact. The result follows by the classification of extensions since E xt1(G, Z ) = H 2(G, Z ) = Z/m and the distinct elements are given by the extensions



- (fc,1)- > Z x Z/d


> Z/m -> 1

where m = dk. This extension is the unique one which splits when restricted to Z jd C Z/m. □ In order to compute t r f ^ we will use the following diagram

i n+2(CVV,G(Z))


trf w

L * (Z G ) To construct this diagram we combine maps from three other surgery se­ quences with those for our bounded surgery groups. (5 .8 ): The first is just the exact sequence of the pair T # —* G, corresponding geometrically to the inclusion of the circle bundle defined above into the total space of its disk bundle S (V i) X q D ( W ) : ...

Lh n+2( Z T H) -> L n h+2( Z G ) -> L n h+2( Z T H -


Let j*: i n+2(Z G ) - f L^+2{ Z T H denote the relativization map.

ZG )

L * +1( Z T H) ^



Non-Linear Similarity Revisited

(5 .9 ): The second sequence arises from the theory of codimension two embed­ dings in [20, 11.6]: ... L S n($ ) -> L h n(Z G ) ^

Ln h+2{ Z T H -> Z G ) -

L S n_i( T h is induced by the inclusion z: S ( W ) —> 5 (V i) X q S ( W ) of the fibre. More explicitly, choose generators a e G ^ b ~ a k ^ H and t £ T h generating the infinite cyclic factor of VH = Z x H in the exact sequence (5.6). Then u = tkb £ T # . L e m m a 5.10 I f H C G is a non-trivial subgroup with [G : H] > 2, then the image of L S n(&) —> L k( Z G ) is zero on the top component. P r o o f. After applying the isomorphism L S n($>) = L k( Z [Z x H],/3,tkb), we must compute the map Ln h {Z[Z x H ] , P , t kb){m) -► L n h { Z G ){m ) where the components for Z I"h are given by the preimages of proper subgroups of G under the projection T h —> G. There are two cases, depending on whether k = [G : H ] is even or odd. Note that we only need to discuss the case n even, since the p-localization of the odd L-groups of 7LG is zero. First suppose that k = 21 is even. Then by “scaling” the anti-structure we can assume that the unit u = b and by [17, §16] there is a natural direct sum splitting Ln h ( Z [ Z X H ],0 ,b ) * L h n (ZH,(3,b) Since n is even, it is enough to compute the map induced by the inclusion l £ ( Z F , 0, b) -

Lh n (Z G , 0, b) * L n h (Z G ).

However, since [G : H] = k > 2 there is a subgroup H ' = (c) with b = c2, H C H ' C G and [H 1 : H] = 2. Therefore our induction map factors through Ln h { Z H ' , /?, c2) —> L k(Z G , (5, c2) which is scale equivalent to the ordinary induc­ tion map (whose image has zero projection into the top component). Next suppose that k is odd. Since H is a proper subgroup of G, with quotient G / H = Z/fc, the pullback of H C G in T h is

r'H = z x h


»z x h = r


from the description in Lemma 5.5. By scaling, (Z [Z x H],/3,tkb) ~ (Z [Z x H \, /3, £6) so the induced anti-structures are the same on both T h and this proper


Ian Hambleton and Erik K. Pedersen

subgroup T'H . But since k is prime to p, the Mackey double coset formula shows that the induced restriction map on L-groups is a p-local injection. But since the L-groups are isomorphic and finitely generated by (5.9), and the inclusion map integrally has at most 2-primary torsion in its cokernel, we conclude that L S n{ $ ) ( m ) “ l£ (Z [Z x H } , p , t kb)(m ) = 0 and p* is an isomorphism on the top component (compare [20, p.252] for a direct calculation in a special case). □ (5 .1 1 ): The third sequence comes from the “proper” surgery theory of MaumaryTaylor, resulting in surgery obstruction groups L ^ open( K ) where K is a locally finite C W complex. We will apply this to K = S (V i ) X q W and use the Maumary exact sequence [15, 7.1] Un h( K ) ^

Ln h( Z G ) ® U n h( K ) - » L h n'° * ™ (K ) -

The terms

Un p ( K ) -+ L ? ( Z G ) ® n £ _ i ( * 0


n l ( K ) = ' [ [ L U * 1( K i )), i= 1

q = h,p

where K\ D D K% D ... is a sequence of neighbourhoods of infinity in K so that each K i is cocompact and = 0. In our case K i can be taken to be the product S (V i ) X q { w e W |||u;|| > i} so the fundamental groups are all isomorphic to T h There are several natural maps relating the groups just introduced. We will need the following ones. (5 .1 2 ): The compact relative surgery groups map into the proper groups: a relative problem can be modeled on the disk, sphere bundle pair S (V i ) x q (.D ( W ), S ( W ) ) and we can complete to the model S (V i ) X q W by adding a ray [1, oo) at each point of S (W ). This gives r x: L n h+2{ Z T h -

ZG) —

Lh n' ^ en( S ( V i) x G W ).

(5 .1 3 ): There is a “cone point” inclusion

c; : ^ + 2 ( z g ) -




induced by the map S(V\)/G x {0 } C S (V i) X q W . This map appears already in the Maumary exact sequence above. L e m m a 5.14 The ucone point” inclusion in (5.13) equals the composite Ln h+2( Z G )

Ln h+2{ Z T H


Ln h °p 2en( S ( V x) x G W ).


Non-Linear Similarity Revisited

(5 .1 5 ): There is a “forget some control” map q . : L * +2(Cw,G( Z ) ) -

L ^ n( S ( V i) x G W )

defined by regarding a bounded surgery problem as a proper surgery problem. L e m m a 5.16 The ucone point” inclusion in (5.13) equals the composite Ln h+2( Z G ) ^

Ln h+2( C w M Z ))

Ln h' ° r ( S ( V i ) x G W ) .

where c* is the “cone point” inclusion from (5.3). P r o p o s itio n 5.17 The outer square in diagram (5.7) Ln h( Z G )

L n+2 (Cw,G(Z)) q*

H Ln h+2{Z V H -> Z G )

^ + 2 ™ (S{Vl)

XG W )

is commutative. The maps r* and q* induce an isomorphism on the top compo­ nent, and the map p* induces a monomorphism on the top component. Hence t r fw is monic on the top component. P r o o f. The commutativity of the diagram is easy to verify from the definitions of the maps given above. We will complete the proof below by checking the isomorphisms for q* , r* and the monomorphism for p *, implying the result for trf w For p* we apply the top component idempotent to the exact sequence in (5.9). The idempotent comes from the family of proper subgroups of G, which gives by pull-back under the projection F h —> G, a family of proper subgroups of T//. Now the results of [14, §1 lb] produce a long exact sequence on the top components. But since k is prime to p and [G : H] ^ 2, Lemma 5.10 shows that p* is monic on the top component. For q* we will use the Maumary exact sequence from (5.11). In our situation oo

n l ( K ) = l [ L i ( z r H),

g = h,p


and a similar argument shows that the top component of this group is zero. Therefore the map c* in (5.13) is an isomorphism on the top component. Now by Corollary 5.3 and Lemma 5.16 the map q* is also an isomorphism on the top component. For r* we use Lemma 5.14 to see that r* = c* o j* where c* is the “cone point” inclusion from (5.13), which we have already checked is an isomorphism on the top component. But j* sits in the exact sequence of (5.8) with the third term being L ^ (Z r ^ ). Once again, this L-group is zero in the top component and so both j* and finally r* induce top component isomorphisms. □


Ian Hambleton and Erik K. Pedersen

We now complete the proof of Theorem 5.1 by considering the bounded transfer map for representations which contain trivial subrepresentations (i.e. summands R k on which G acts trivially). In this case we again prove that trf induces a p-local monomorphism for p \ 2\G\. L e m m a 5.18 Suppose that trfvy: L ^ (Z G ) —> L^+dim^w ^(Cw ,g ( ^ ) ) is a p-local monomorphism on the top component, fo r all n. Then trfw©R is also a p-local monomorphism on the top component, fo r all n. P r o o f. The transfer trfw©R can be identified with the natural “change of iG theory” map L n+dim(W){CW,G{Z))

L n+dim(W)(CW>G(% ))


by means of the isomorphism L n + d im (W ) + l ( C W m , G ( % ) )



+ d im (lV ) ( C W , g ( % ) )

given in [17, §15]. But the kernel and cokernel of (5.19) are 2-torsion groups, since the change of AT-theory map sits in a long exact sequence whose third term i s f f* (Z / 2 ,t f0(Cw>G(Z )). □ C o r o lla ry 5.20 For any G-representation W , with W G = W H when [G : H ] = 2, the image tr fw ( & ( f ) ) under the bounded transfer is non-zero in the top com­ ponent. P r o o f. By Lemma 4.5 the element cr(f) has infinite order. We can write any G-representation as a direct sum of irreducible 2-dimensional and trivial subrepresentations. By (5.2) and (5.17) the bounded transfer for the sum of the 2-dimensional factors is a p-local monomorphism on the top component., and the further transfer by a trivial representation R k is a p-local monomorphism by (5.18). □ R e m a rk 5.21 The change of AT-theory map L jj(Z G ) —> (Z G ) is not an inte­ gral monomorphism in general for G cyclic. If we had only odd index isotropy groups in our irreducible 2-dimensional representations W , then trfw would induce an isomorphism on the 2-local top components. P r o o f o f C o ro lla ry B . We may assume that G is cyclic. If G has odd order, then the result follows by induction from Theorem A. If G has order 2m, where m is odd then the odd order theorem determines half the characters of V, V f by restriction to the fixed set of the element of order 2, and the other half by restriction to the subgroup of index 2. If G has order 2lm, where m odd and I > 2 and V V f then by induction on |G| we can assume that Resu V — Resn V ' for all proper subgroups H C G. Since the elements of order 2l > 4 act trivially or freely in each irreducible subrepresentation of V, the fixed set V H = V G for the subgroup H C G of index 2. Now Theorem A gives the result. □

Non-Linear Similarity Revisited


References [1] S. E. Cappell and J. L. Shaneson, N o n -lin e a r s im ila r ity , Ann. of Math. 113 (1981), 315-355. [2] _______, T h e topological ra tio n a lity o f lin e a r r e p r e se n ta tio n s , Publ. Math. I. H. E. S. 56 (1983), 309-336. [3] S. E. Cappell, J. L. Shaneson, M. Steinberger, S. Weinberger, and J. West, T h e c la ss ific a tio n o f n o n -lin e a r s im ila r itie s o v er Z/2r , Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 22 (1990), 51-57. [4] S. E. Cappell, J. L. Shaneson, M. Steinberger, and J. West, N o n -lin e a r s im ila r ity begins in d im e n s io n s ix , Amer. J. Math. I l l (1989), 717-752. [5] S. C. Ferry, I. Hambleton, and E. K. Pedersen, A su rv ey o f bound ed surgery th eo ry a n d a p p lica tio n s , Algebraic Topology and Applications, Proceedings of MSRI conference 1990 (New York), Springer-Verlag, 1994, pp. 105-126. [6] S. C. Ferry and E. K. Pedersen, E p s ilo n surgery , Proceedings of Oberwolfach conference on the Novikov conjecture (S. C. Ferry, J. Rosenberg, and A. A. Ranicki, eds.), 1994, (To appear). [7] I. Hambleton and I. Madsen, A c tio n s o f fin ite groups on R n+k w ith fix e d s e t R k, Canad. J. Math. X X X V III N o 4 (1986), 781-860. [8] I. Hambleton and E. K. Pedersen, B o u n d e d surgery a nd dihedral group a c tio n s o n sp h e r e s , J. Amer. Math. Soc. 4 (1991), 105-126. [9]


T o p o lo g ic a l e q u iv a le n c e o f lin e a r r e p r e s e n t a t i o n s , To appear.

[10] W-C. Hsiang and W. Pardon, W h en are topologically eq u iv a len t re p re se n ­ ta tio n s lin ea rly e q u iv a len t , Invent. Math. 68 (1982), 275-316. [11] N. Kuiper and J. W. Robbin, T op ological cla ss ific a tio n o f lin e a r en d o m o rp h is m s , Invent. Math. 19 (1973), 83-106. [12] I. Madsen and M. Rothenberg, O n the cla ss ifica tio n o f G -s p h e r e s I: equiv­ a ria n t tra n sv e rsa lity , Acta Math. 160 (1988), 65-104. [13] W. Mio, N o n lin e a rly eq u iv a len t r e p re se n ta tio n s o f q u a te r n io n ic 2 -g ro u p s , Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 315 (1989), 305-321. [14] R. Oliver, W h ite h ea d G ro u p s o f F in ite G ro u p s , LMS Lecture Notes Series, vol. 132, Cambridge U. Press, Cambridge, 1988. [15] E. K. Pedersen and A. A. Ranicki, P r o je c tiv e surgery th eo ry , Topology 19 (1980), 239-254.


Ian Hambleton and Erik K. Pedersen

[16] A. A. Ranicki, Exact Sequences in the Algebraic Theory of Surgery, Math. Notes, vol. 26, Princeton University Press, Princeton N. J., 1981. [17] _______, Lower K - and L-theory, Lond. Math. Soc. Lect. Notes, vol. 178, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1992. [18] G. de Rham, Reidemeister’s torsion invariant and rotations of S n, Diff. Analysis (Oxford), Oxford University Press, 1964, pp. 27-36. [191 C. Rourke and D. Sanderson, On topological neighborhoods, Comp. Math. 22 (1970), 387-424. [20]

C. T. C. Wall, Surgery on Compact Manifolds, Academic Press, 1971.

On the Vietoris—Rips Complexes and a Cohomology Theory for Metric Spaces Jean-Claude Hausmann 1


Let X be a pseudo-metric space with pseudo-distance d (i.e. d satisfies the axioms of a distance except that d (x ,y ) = 0 does not imply that x = y). Let £ be a positive real number. We denote by X £ the abstract simplicial complex defined as follows: the vertices of X £ are the points of X and a g-simplex of X £ is a subset {x o , . . . , x q} of X such that D ia m ({x o ,... , x q} ) < e. Recall that if P C X , the diameter D ia m P of P is the least upper bound of d (x ,y) for all x ,y G P. Exam ples. 1. Let X := { e 1^ | k — 0 , 1 , . . . , n }, the set of nth roots of 1 with the geodesic distance on the circle S l . If £ < 2?r/n, then X £ is a discrete set with n points. If 27r/n < £ < 47r/n and n > 4, X £ is a polygon with n sides. One checks easily that if 47r/n < £ < 67r/n and n > 6 then X £ is a combinatorial surface (with boundary if n > 7). By computing the Euler characteristic and the number of connected components of the boundary, one sees that this surface is - the sphere S 2 (an octaedron) if n = 6 - the band P 1 x [0,1] if n > 8 is even and - the Mobius band if n > 7 is odd. The first case generalizes as follows: if n = 2 m and (m — l)7 r / r a < £ < 7 r then X £ is a triangulation of the sphere 5 m_1. 2. Let X be the set of vertices of a cube of edge 1 in M3. If y/2 < £ < y/3, then X £ is a triangulation of the sphere S 3. The complex X £ was once called the V ie to r is co m p le x ( [Le], p. 271). Since its reintroduction by E. Rips for studying hyperbolic groups, it has been popularized under the name of R ip s co m p le x ([Gr], § 1.7 and 2.2 or [G-H], p. 68). This paper is devoted to the study of X £, principally when £ is small (in con­ trast with the framework of Rips). In § 2, we establish a few general properties of the complexes X £, the most interesting being that \X£\ is homotopy equivalent


Jean-Claude Hausmann

\X£\ X


to if is the metric completion or In § 3, we prove theorems concern­ ing the e-complex of a Riemannian manifold (or of a geodesic space). The main consequence of these results is that for a compact Riemannian manifold and small enough, the geometric realization of is homotopy equivalent to In §4, we introduce the of a pseudo-metric space in a coefficient ring The group is defined as the inductive limit of the simplicial cohomology when —►0. We show that this produces a cohomology theory for the category of pseudo-metric spaces and uniformly continuous maps (with a ’’ metric version” of the excision axiom and Mayer-Vietoris sequences). In § 5, a short direct proof is given that if is a compact metric space, then is canonically isomorphic to the Cech cohomology We finish by other properties of the metric cohomology which are quite different than those of previously known cohomology theories: for instance, the metric cohomology of is isomorphic to that of its metric completion. Also, a contractible metric space might not be acyclic for the metric cohomology. The corresponding construction for homology being the projective limit of = was the one originally considered by L. Vietoris [Vi] (for compact metric spaces) as one of the first attempt to define homology groups for spaces which were not triangulated. Thus, “Vietoris cohomology” could have been an appropriate denomination for our cohomology. We think however that “metric cohomology” is less confusing, since the definition of Vietoris homology has been subsequently modified in the literature ([Be] and [Do]) in such a way to become the homology counterpart of the Alexander-Spanier cohomology (which is not isomorphic to the metric cohomology; see § 5). In general, little is known about the e-complex of a metric space, even for simple spaces like the spheres. Interesting questions seem to arise from the re­ sults and techniques of this paper (see, for instance, § 3). We would be happy if these techniques may be of some use in problems involving metrics or pseudo­ metrics (approximation by discrete or finite subsets, controlled topology, frac­ tals, image analysis, etc). I was helped by M. San Millan who worked out some details of § 4 and 5 in her “memoire de diplome” . I wish also to thank R Y . Gaillard, J. Roe and H. Munkholm for useful remarks.


Me metric cohomology H*(X; 1Z) 1Z. H*(X] IV) H*(X£;1Z) e




H*(X] 71).





2 Some properties of X £ Let K be a finite pseudo-metric space. Let e > 0. Then there exists 6> 0 such that id k induces a simplicial isomorphism from K £_26 Ke • (2 .1 ) L em m a .

P r o o f.


x{d(x,y) \ x,y e K

m = ma



< e}.

Vietoris-Rips Complexes o f M etric Spaces


As K is finite, there exist 6 > 0 such that m < £ —26. The simplicial complexes K €-26 and K £ have thus the same 1- skeleton. But for any pseudo-metric space X , the complex X e is determined by its 1- skeleton ({x o 5• • • ->x q} is a ^-simplex of X e if and only if are 1-simplexes of X £). □ Definition. Let X be a pseudo-metric spaces and A a subspace of X . continuous map F : X x [0,1] — > X satisfying a) F ( x , 1) = x , F ( x , 0)


F(a , t) = a if a



b) d ( F ( x , t f), F ( y , t ' ) ) < d ( F ( x , t ) , F ( y , t ) ) whenever t' < t is called a crushing from X onto A. We call a pseudo-metric space X crushable if there is a crushing from X onto one of its point. Rem arks. 1) A crushing is a retraction by deformation and crushable spaces are contractible. The converse is not true, as will be seen in § 3. 2) Let V be a real normed vector space. Then the map (x, t) i—>• t • x is a crushing of V onto { 0}. Trees (metric or real, see Chapter 2 of [G-H] for definitions) are also crushable. In the statement below, if P is a simplicial complex, we denote as usual by |P| its geometric realization. (2.2) Proposition. Let X be a pseudo-metric space admitting a crushing onto a subspace A C X . Then, fo r any e > 0, the map \Ae\ — ►\X£\ induced by the inclusion is a homotopy equivalence. Proof. Let g : (|K\, \L\) — > (|AT£|, \Ae\) be a continuous map, where K is a finite simplicial complex and L a subcomplex of A". To prove Proposition (2.2), it is enough to show that such a map g is homotopic (rel |L|) to a map sending \K\ into \Ae\. By simplicial approximation we may, after replacing K and L by one of their barycentric subdivisions, suppose that g = \h\ for a simplicial map h : ( K , L ) — > ( X £, A £). The sets K := h ( K ° ) and L := h (L ° ) are finite subsets of X and A and h factors through the pair ( K £, L £). By (2.1), there is 6 > 0 such that ( K £_ 26, L £^ 2s) = { X £, L £). Therefore, one has a factorization ( K , L ) - G ( K £_ 26, L e - 2 s ) - i * ( X £ , A £ ) Let F : X x [0, 1] — > X be a crushing of X onto A. Chose an integer p so that for all x GK — L and all 0 < k < p one has

d(F(x,-),F(x,^l)—> F ( x , ^ - ) induces then a simplicial map f k : K £_ 2S —


Jean-Claude Hausmann

such that f p\L£-2 6 = j and f ° ( L £- 26) C A e. One has Diam ( { x o , . . . , x q}) < e — 26 = > Diam ( { f k(x 0) , f

k( x q), f k+1( x 0), ■■■, f k+1( x q) } ) < s

which shows f k and /fc+1 are contiguous (see [Sp], Chapter 3 §5). Therefore, f p — j and f ° are in the same contiguity class (r e lL £_ 2 0, the map \Ye\ — ►\X£\ induced by the inclusion is a homotopy equivalence. P r o o f. As in the proof of ( 2.2), let us consider a continuous map g:(\K\, \L\) — > (l-Xel, |T£|), where A" is a finite simplicial complex and L a subcomplex of K and try to prove that g is homotopic (rel \L\) to a map sending \K\ into \Ye\. As in the proof of ( 2.2), we reduce to the case where g is induced by a simplicial map h : (K , L ) — ►( X £,Y£) with a factorization (K ,L )

( K £_ 2S, L £-2 s)

( X e,Ye)

where K := h ( K ° ) and L := h (L ° ) are finite subsets of X and Y and 0 < 26 < £. For each u E K chose u' E Y such that d(u, u') < 6 and u' = u if u G Y . The correspondance u i—> u' gives a simplicial map j ' : K e- 26 — > Ye C X £ which is contiguous (re\L£- 26) to j . Therefore, g = \h\ = |j|o|/i| is homotopic (rel|L|) to the map |j|o|/i| which sends \K\ into \Y\£. □ (2 .5 ) C o ro lla ry . Let j : X — ►X be the inclusion of a metric space into a metric complection X of X . Then, fo r any £ > 0, the map \j\ : \X£\ — ►\X£\ is a homotopy equivalence.

3 The e-complex of a Riemannian manifold Let M be a Riemannian manifold. We consider M as equipped with the distance d (x ,y ) = inf {le n g t h ^ )}, where 7 runs among all smooth curves joining x to y. Define r ( M ) G R>o as the least upper bound of the set of real numbers r satisfying the following three conditions: a) for all x ,y G M such that d(x, y) < 2r there is a unique shortest geodesic joining x to y. Its length is d(x,y).


Vietoris-Rips Complexes o f M etric Spaces

b) let x , y , z , u with d (x ,y) < r, d (u ,x ) < r, d{u,y) < r and z be a point on the shortest geodesic joining x to y. Then d(u, z) < m ax{d (u ,x), d{u, y)}. c) if 7 and 7' are arc-length parametrized geodesics such that 7 (0) = 7' ( 0) and if 0 < s,s' < r and 0 < t < 1, then d ( j ( t s ) ^ ' ( t s ' ) ) < d( 0 if M admits a strictly positive injectivity radius and an upper bound on its sectional curvature. In particular, a compact Riemannian manifold M has r ( M ) > 0. For example, the sphere S n of radius 1 has r ( S n) = 7t/2. 2) Conditions a), b) and c) above make sense for a geodesic space (see [GH], p. 16) and all the theorems of this section which are stated for Riemannian manifolds with r ( M ) > 0 are true for a geodesic space X with r ( X ) > 0. Chose a total ordering on the points of M . From now on, whenever we describe a finite subset of M by {x o , . . . , x q}, we suppose that xo < x\ < ... < x q. Suppose that r { M ) > 0 and let £ < r ( M ) . we shall associate to each qsimplex c f := { x o , . . . , x q} of M e a singular ^-simplex Ta : A q — > M . Here, A q denotes the standard euclidean q-simplex:

A " :=

|U e [0,1] and

= 1



where eo ,. . . , eq are the standard basis vectors of M9+1. The map T a is defined inductively as follows: set T (eo) = xo. Suppose that T a(z) is defined for y = XXzQ1 Ti ei-

z ::=


= 1, we pose Ta(z) = x p. Otherwise, let

We define T a(z) as the point on the shortest geodesic joining x to x p with d {x ,T a{z)) = tp • d (x ,x p) (the shortest geodesic exists by Condition b) above). To sum up, T a is defined inductively on A p for p < q as the “geodesic join” of X ^ A ^ -1 ) with x p. I f o ' is a face of o of dimension p we form the euclidean sub-p-simplex A ' of A q formed by the points Yli=o^iei ^ ^ Q with U — 0 if x^ ^ o'. One checks by induction on dimer' that T a> = X^ |A '


(3.3) Proposition. Let M be a Riemannian manifold with r ( M ) > 0. Let 0 < e' < £ < r ( M ) . Then the inclusion M e> C M e induces an isomorphism on homology. Proof. Let o = { x q , . . . , x 9} be a simplex of M e and let I a — Image {Ta). If o ' is a face of o then I a> C I G by (3.2) and thus ( l a ' ) 6 is a subcomplex of


Jean-Claude Hausmann

(Ia)s f ° r ah 8 > 0- On the other hand, (/ into M e. Then, Qe's' is an acyclic carrier for both z/o/i* and the identity of C * ( M e f). By theorem of acyclic carrier again, these two maps are chain homotopic and thus z/o/i* induces the identity on The same argument shows that /i*oz/ induces the identity on H * ( M e) (using the acyclic carrier 4>££). □ We will now compare the simplicial homology of M e with the singular ho­ mology of M . Formula (3.2) shows that the correspondence a T a gives rise to a chain map T r . C * ( M £) ^

S C *(M )

where S C * ( M ) denotes the singular chain complex of M . (3 .4 ) P ro p o s itio n . I f 0 < £ < r ( M ) the chain map T* induces an isomorphism on homology. P r o o f. We shall need a few accessory chain complexes. For 6 > 0, denote by S C *(M \ 8 ) the sub-chain complexe of S C * ( M ) based on singular simplexes r such that there exists x E M with Im a g e(r) is contained in the ball B (x ,6 ). Recall that the inclusion SC*{M\8) — ►S C * ( M ) induces an isomorphism on homology ([Mu], Theorem 31.5). We shall also use the ordered chain complex C ° (M s ): the group C ° ( M s ) is free abelian on (q + l)-uples (xq, . . . , x q) such that {x o } U ... U { x q} is a simplex of M s . On can see C * (M s ) as a sub-chain complex of C£(M s) by associating to a g-simplex { x o , ... ,x g} of M e (with our convention that xo < X\ < ... < x q for the well ordering on M ) the (q + l)-uple (x o ,.. • , x q). It is also classical that this inclusion is a homology isomorphism ([Mu], Theorem 13.6). Observe that the construction cr i—> Ta does not required that the vertices of a are all distincts. One can then define T a for a basis element of C q {M s) (if 8 < r ( M ) ) and ^ thus extends to a chain map — T ^ 6 : C ° ( M s ) — ►S C * ( M ; 8 ) (the image of T (X o ) being contained in B ( x q,8)). If 0 < e < r (M ), one then has a commutative diagram

Vietoris-Rips Complexes o f M etric Spaces




S C , ( M - e / 2)

S C ,(M ;e )

Let r : A q — > M be a singular simplex whose image is contained in some ball of radius e/2. The ( q + l)-uple (r (e o ),... ,T (e q)) is element of C ° ( M £). This correspondence gives rise to a chain map R £ : S C , (M ; e/2) — ►C*°(M£) The composition i?£o T ^,£/2 is equal to the inclusion C ° ( M £/2) C C ° ( M £) which induces a homology isomorphsim by (3.3). Let us now understand the compo­ sition T ^ £o R £. Let r : A q — ►M be a singular simplex such that r ( A q) C B (y ,e / 2) for some y G M . Therefore, r ' := T 11,£oJR£(r ) also satisfies r ' ( A q) C B (y ,e / 2) by Condition b). Hence, r and r ' are cannonically homotopic (follow­ ing, for each s e A q, the shortest geodesic joining r (s ) to r '(s )). As in the proof of the homotopy axiom for singular homology ([Mu], §30), these homotopies provide a chain homotopy between T ^ £o R £ and the inclusion S C , ( M ; e / 2) C S C , ( M ; e ) . As said before, this inclusion is known to induce a homology iso­ morphism. Therefore, T ^ £o R £ induces an isomorphism on homology. We have shown that both R £o T ^ £/2 and T ^ £o R £ induce homology isomor­ phisms. Therefore, T ^ £ induces a homology isomorphism. □ We are now in position to state our final theorem. By (3.2) the correspon­ dence g i—> T a gives rise to a continuous map T : \M£\— > M where \Me\ denotes the geometric realization of M e. (3 .5 ) Theorem . Let M be a Riemannian manifold with r ( M ) > 0. Let 0 < e < r (M ). Then the map T : \M£\— > M is a homotopy equivalence. P roof. The proof goes in several steps. (3 .6 ) We first show that T induces an isomorphism on the fundamental groups. Let 7 : [0,1] — ►M represent an element of tti( M ) . Let p G N such that 1/p is a Lebesgue number for the covering { /y~1(B (x , s /2)} x^m • The path 7 |[k/p,(k -I- 1)/p) is then canonically homotopic to a parameterisation of the shortest geodesic joining 7 (k/p) to 7 ((fc + l)/p). This shows that 7 is homotopic to a composition 7'o f geodesics in balls of radius e/2. Such a path 7' represents


Jean-Claude Hausmann

the image by T of an element of 7Ti(|M£|), the later being identifiend with the edge-path group of the simplicial complex M e ( [Sp], pp. 134-138). This proves that 7TiT : tti(\M£\) — > 7Ti( M ) is surjective. A similar argument using, as usual, a small triangulation of [0, 1] x [0, 1] shows the injectivity of 7TiT. (3.7) Let M be the universal covering of M endowed with the Riemannian metric so that the covering projection is a local isometry. We leave to the reader to check that r ( M ) > r (M ). By Proposition (3.4), the map T : \ (M )e\ — > M is a homology isomorphism. By (3.6), 7T i((M )e) ~ t t i ( M ) — {1 }. Therefore, T is a homotopy equivalence. (3.8) Let p£ : \Me\ — > M £ be the universal covering projection over M e. By (3.6), the following commutative diagram


Im £

(3.9) |M £


is a pull-back diagram. Therefore, the map T : \(M )£\ — >• M factors as T = T o f where \(M )e\



(all these maps are unique once choice of base points havebeen



shall see in (3.10) that the map T is a homeomorphism. Since the map T is a homotopy equivalence by (3.7), the maps T (and then T ) will be homotopy equivalences and Theorem (3.5) will be proven. (3.10)

Let L be the simplicial complex defined as follows:

- the vertex set

of L is I/O) := {p£ 1(V) |v is a vertex of M e

- \Me\ such that fa (v i) = ViIt is known that the collection {/^ |a g L } produces a homeomorphism / : \L\

\Me\([Sp], pp. 144-145; in other words, (L, /) is a triangulation

of |A4|). Using the pull-back diagram (3.9), one gets a bijection M (M )i°^ = M one obtains a bijection t : ( M ) ^



L ^ \ It is easy to check that

t extends to a simplicial isomorphism t : ( M ) e ——> L and \t\ = T. Therefore, T is a homeomorphism. As said in (0.51), this finishes the proof of Theorem (3.5). □

Vietoris-Rips Complexes o f M etric Spaces


Problem s. (3.11) Given a compact Riemannian manifold M , does there exists a finite set F C M and an 0 < e < r ( M ) such that the restriction of the map T to \F£\ gives a homotpopy equivalence \F£\ M ? Suppose that F is a subset of M which is F such that d(x, h ( x )) < 6 for all x E M . Let 0 < 77 < r ( M ) —26 and let £ — 26 + 77. Then, the composed simplicial map M V — >F£ — M e is contiguous to the inclusion M v C M e. By (3.5), this shows that \F£\ is a domination.


(3.12) How does M e change when e grows bigger ? I expected M e to become more and more connected till e — D ia m M where M e is contractible (this is suggested by the examples of the introduction).

4 The m etric cohomology Let TL be a commutative ring. Let X be a pseudo-metric space. One denotes by H * ( X e; TL) the simplicial cohomology with coefficient in TL of the £-complex X e o i X . One defines H * (X ;T L ) := lira H * ( X e;TL) £—>0 Here, one uses the fact that if s' < £, then X £> is a subcomplex of X e, giving rise to a homomorphism H * ( X e; TV) — ►iJ * (X £/; 1Z). The graded structure of H * (X ] 7 Z ) passes to the inductive limit and makes H * ( X ; 7 l ) a graded ring. In the same way, let us consider a pair of pseudo-metric spaces (X , Y ) . This means that Y is a subspace of X endowed with the induced pseudo-distance. Then Y£ is a subcomplex of X £ for all £ > 0. The simplicial cohomology of the pair ( X e,Y e) is then defined and one sets H * ( X , Y ; n ) := lim H * ( X £,Y£\1l) £—► 0 We shall consider the following category A4: - an object of A I is a pair (X , Y ) of pseudo-metric spaces. - a morphism from / from (X , Y ) to (X ', Y f) is a uniformlycontinuousmap / : X — ►X ' such that f ( Y ) C Y '. - If X is a pseudo-metric space, the space X x [0,1] is understoodto be endowed with the product pseudo-distance d((x, t), (x', t ') ) = d (x , x ') + 1t - t > \


Jean-Claude Hausmann

The category M is an admissible category for a homology theory ([Mu], p. 146). This section is devoted to the proof of (4 .1 ) T h e o re m . The correspondance ( X , Y ) t—► Tt*(X , Y;TV) satisfies the Eilenberg-Steenrod axioms of an ordinary cohomology theory f o r the category M , with a ’’metric version” of the excision axiom (see (0,2) below). P r o o f. Let first establish the functoriality. Let / : ( X , Y ) — > (X ' , Y ') be a uniformly continuous map. For e > 0, there is 6 > 0 such that d ( f ( u ) , f ( v ) ) < e if d (u ,v) < 6. Therfore one has a simplicial map fs,£ : (Xs,Ys) — > ( X £,Y/). If s' < £, one can find 8f < 8 so that the following diagram

( X 6' , Y 6>)

(X'£, , Y ' f)

( x s, y s)

(x ' , y ; )

commutes. The induced homomorphisms e : H * ( X ' , y/ ; 7Z) — >iJ *(X $ ,Ys;7l) give, passing to the inductive limit, a well defined homomorphism

/* : H * ( X ' , Y ' ] K ) — > H * ( X , y ;^ ) The functorial properties of /* are easy to check. Now, for each e > 0 one has the long exact sequence of the pair ( X £,Y £). The exactness being preserved by passing to inductive limits, one gets the long exact sequence ••• — > n i+1( X , Y )

T V iY ) — > W i X ) — ►W ( X , Y )

— > •••

One easily checks that this exact sequence is functorial. The dimension axiom is obvious since { p t } e is a point for all e > 0. For the homotopy axiom, let F : X x [0,1] — ►Z be a uniformly continuous map. Let e > 0. Choose 6 > 0 so that d ( F ( ( x , t )), F ( ( x ' , t ' ) ) ) < e/3 when d((x, £), (x', t ') ) < 6. Chose an integer m such that 1/m < 6/2. Define fk/m : A — ►Z by fk/m{x ) := F (x ,k / m ). W ith these choices, fk/m induces a simplicial map fk/m : Xs/2 — * and if {^ o ,.. • , x q} is a q-simplex of X$/2 then { / a ( x 0), • • • » / £ ( X q ),


( x 0) , • • • , / ± ± i ( x , ) }

Vietoris-Rips Complexes o f M etric Spaces


span a simplex of Z £. The simplicial maps fk/m aRd f(k+i)/m are thus contigu­ ous and then induce the same homomorphism from H * ( Z £;LZ) — >H * ( X 6/2;LZ). This argument can be made for each e in a coherent enough way and this proves the equality /q = f l as homomorphisms from H * (Z ;L Z ) — > TL*(X\LV). The proof for pairs of spaces is similar. We turn now our attention to the excision axiom or rather its metric version. Its precise statement is as follows (4 .2 ) P ro p o s itio n (M e t r ic Excision A x io m ). Let ( X , Y ) be a pair of pseudo-metric spaces. Let U C Y such that d (U , X — Y ) > 0. Then the ho­ momorphism H * ( X , Y ; 7Z) — > L i * ( X — U , Y — U; LZ) induced by inclusion is an isomorphism. P ro o f. Let p := d (U , X — Y ) . As soon as e < p, one has

X £ = (X —U )£U 7e


(X - U ) £ n y £ = ( Y - U ) £

and therefore the homomorphism i T (X £,

K) —

H * ( { X - U)e, ( Y - U)e; LI)

induced by inclusion is an isomorphism.

□ o R e m a rk . The usual condition for the excision axiom is U C Y which is equiv­ alent to U fl X — Y = 0. The hypothesis for the metric version is equivalent to d ( U , X — Y ) > 0 . The classical version is false for the theory H* as seen by the following example: take X = M — {0 } and U = Y = M n k+1{ X ; 7 l ) — > •••

P r o o f. If the covering X — U U V admits a Lebesgue number, then if e is small

enough, one has

x £= u£uv£


u£nv£ = (un v)£

Thus one has the Mayer-Vietoris for simplicial cohomology which, by passing to the inductive limit, gives the corresponding exact for the metric cohomology.


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5 Properties of the m etric cohom ology Between compact space, uniform continuity is equivalent to continuity and the metric excision axiom (4.2) is equivalent to the usual excision property. There­ fore Tt* can be seen as a ordinary cohomology theory for the admissible category of pairs of compact metric (or even metrizable) spaces. (5 .1 ) T h e o re m . For the category of compact metric pairs, the metric coho­ mology 7i* and the Cech cohomology H * in a ring 7Z are canonically isomorphic cohomology theories. P r o o f. Let X be a compact metric space. We denote by N e( X ) the nerve of Be( X ) := { B ( x , e ) } xex , the covering of X by all balls of radius e. We label the vertices of N £{ X ) by the points of X , identifying x with B ( x ,e ). If a — {x o , . . . , x q} is a q-simplex of X £, then a C B ( x o, e) 0 ... fi B ( x q, e) which shows that cr is a q-simplex of J\f£( X ) . This provides us a simplicial map g£ : X £ — > J\f£( X ) . On the other hand, if r = { 2/0, . . . , % } is a q-simplex of Af£( X ) , then d (x i ,X j ) < 2e and thus r is a q-simplex of X 2£. This gives rise to a simplicial map h£ : J\f£( X ) — > X 2e. It is clear that the composition h £og£ is equal to the inclusion X £ c X 2e and that g2eoh£ is the canonical simplicial injection N £( X ) — ►Af2e( X ) . Passing to the inductive limits, one gets isomorphisms

g* : lim H *(Afe( X ) ; K ) - ^ 7 Y * ( X ; f t ) , h* : H * { X - K )

lim H* (J\f£( X ); TV) £—>-0

which are inverses one of another. As X is compact, the coverings { B ( x , e ) } x^x form, by the Lebesgue number, a cofinal system in the projective system of all the coverings. Therefore, one has an isomorphism lim H*(A f£( X ) ; l l ) ^ £—>0

H *{X \ K )

and thus 7Y*(X;7^) is isomorphic to H * (X ;7 Z ). The same kind of argument holds for pairs of compact spaces and one checks easily that one gets this way an isomorphism od cohomology theories. □ (5 .2 ) R e m a rk . It is known, but not easy to prove in general, that the Cech cohomology is isomorphic to the Alexander-Spanier cohomology H . (see, for instance, [Do], Theorem 2). This shows, using Theorem (5.1) that the met­ ric cohomology H* and the Alexander-Spanier cohomology are isomorphic for compact metric spaces. In addition, explicit isomorphisms (without choices) are easily obtainable in both directions: let X be a compact metric space. Recall that one of the definition of if* (X ;7 £ ) is the inductive limit of H * ( X ( U ) ] 7 Z ) where U is an open covering of X and X (

X be the inclusion of a metric space into a

metric complection X of X . Then j* : H * (X ]1 Z ) — > H * (X ;7 Z ) is an isomor­ phism. (5 .6 ) E x a m p le . Let X


S n — {p t }. By the above results, one has

H * ( X ; Z ) -=-> H * { S n; Z ) -=-> H * ( S n; Z) Therefore, though that X is contractible, TC{X\1L) qk W *(p t;Z ). This shows that X is not crushable.

References [Be]

Begle, E.G., The Vietoris mapping theorem for bicompact spaces, Annals of Math. 51 (1950), 534-543.


Dowker, C.H., Homology groups of relations, Annals of Math. 56 (1952), 84-95.

[G-H] Ghys. E. - De la Harpe, P., Sur les groupes hyperboliques d ’apres M. Gromov, Birkhauser, 1990.


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Gromov, M., Hyperbolic groups, in Essays in group theory, S.M. Gersten (ed.), MSRI Publ. 8 (1987), 75-263.


Lefschetz, S., Algebraic Topology, A M S Coll. Publ. 27 (1942).

[Mu] Munkres, J. Elements of algebraic topology, Addison-Wesley, 1984. [Sp]

Spanier, E., Algebraic Topology, McGraw-Hill, 1966.


Vietoris, L., Uber die hoheren Zusammenhang kompakter Raume und eine Klasse von zusammenhangstreuen Abbildungen, Math. Annalen 97 (1927), 454-472.

Every Proper Smooth Action of a Lie Group is Equivalent to a Real Analytic Action: A Contribution to Hilbert’s Fifth Problem

Soren Illman In this paper we prove that if a Lie group G acts on a smooth manifold M by a proper and smooth action, then there exists a real analytic structure /3 on M , compatible with the given smooth structure on M , such that the action of G on Mp is real analytic. In fact we prove a slightly more general result, namely the following. T h e o r e m A . Let G be a Lie group and M a Cartan smooth G-manifold. Then there exists a real analytic structure (3 on M , compatible with the given smooth structure on M , such that the action of G on M p is real analytic. We recall that an action of a Lie group G on a locally compact space X is said to be proper if Gpq = {g G G \gA n A / 0} is a compact subset of G for every compact subset A of X , and we say in this case that X is a proper G-space. (An equivalent condition is that the map G x X —> X x X , (g, x) (gx, x), is proper, in the sense that the inverse image of any compact set is compact.) This notion of a proper G-space is due to A. Borel. Observe that an action of a compact Lie group is always proper. We say that X is a Cartan G-space, and that the action of G on X is Cartan, if each point in X has a compact neighborhood A such that Gpq is compact. The term Cartan G-space was introduced by Palais in [29]. There exist smooth actions of Lie groups that are Cartan but not proper, see Section 1. Thus Theorem A actually proves a more general result than the one given in the title of the paper, but since proper actions play a very central role we have chosen to emphasize them. When G is a discrete group the notion of a proper action coincides with the classical notion of a properly discontinuous action. (The reader should however note that in the literature the meaning of the term “properly discontinuous” varies. There are also cases where this term is used for what we call a Cartan G-space. On the other hand some authors use the term “properly discontinuous” for a much more restricted class of actions, since they require in addition that a “properly discontinuous” action is a free action.) We use the notion of a Lie group in the same sense as in Chevalley [6] and Helgason [11], i.e., a Lie group is a group G which is also a real analytic manifold and both the multiplication and the map taking an element to its inverse are real analytic maps. A Lie group G is always paracompact. In general we do


Soren Illman

not require a manifold M to be second countable, i.e., to have a countable base for its topology, or even to be paracompact. However, we wish to stress that this is not an essential point. The main interest of Theorem A lies of course in the case when the smooth manifold M is a “very ordinary” second countable smooth manifold. See Section 0 for a further discussion of these matters. By smooth we in this paper mean C °°, but we could as well consider the C r case, r > 1, and the main result still holds by essentially the same proof. If G is compact (and M is second countable) the result in Theorem A is known before, see Palais [30] and Matumoto-Shiota [23]. However, the technique of proof used in these papers does not apply when G is non-compact. The importance of Theorem A lies in the fact that real analyticity is a more rigid notion than smooth, and Theorem A thus shows that there is more rigidity present in proper smooth actions of Lie groups than is evident at first hand. The earlier known case of Theorem A, where G is a compact Lie group, is for example used in Hambleton and Lee [10, Section 2]. Here the starting point is a smooth action of a finite group 7r on a 4-manifold X 4, and the fact that X 4 carries a real analytic structure invariantunder the group action playes a crucial role for the ensuing arguments in that paper. Our result opens theway for similar applications in the case of proper, or Cartan, actions of non-compact Lie groups, and thus in particular in the case of properly discontinuous actions of discrete non-finite groups. We also mention here the general result in [14], which says that each proper real analytic paracompact G-manifold, where G is an arbitrary Lie group, has a decomposition into equivariant simplexes, i.e., into pieces that are simple basic objects. Moreover this can be done in such a way that the decomposition is subanalytic. By Theorem A the result in [14] now extends to hold also for proper smooth actions of Lie groups. This was in fact our own original motivation for establishing Theorem A. However, there is also a historic perspective to Theorem A, namely Hilbert’s fifth problem [12]. We quote from the discussion in Montgomery-Zippin [26, Section 2.15, p. 70]. “Let us now consider the following questions, the second and third of which are asked by Hilbert: If a locally compact group G acts effectively on a manifold M (locally-euclidean space) then 1) is G necessarily locally euclidean, 2) if the group G is locally euclidean, is it a Lie group in some appropriate coordinates. 3) If G is a Lie group, can coordinates be chosen in G and M so that the transforming functions are analytic?” Although question 1) is not asked by Hilbert, the affirmative answer to 1) is usually known as the Hilbert-Smith conjecture. As far as I know no complete solution of 1) has appeared in print.

Proper Smooth Actions are Analytic


Question 2) constitutes the part of Hilbert’s fifth problem that deals with the group itself. The answer here is yes, and this answer was given by the contents of two papers, one by Gleason [8] and the other by Montgomery and Zippin [24]. Question 3) is then the part of Hilbert’s fifth problem that deals with trans­ formation groups. The question here is whether, given an action of G on M , one can find real analytic structures on G and M such that the action G x M —> M is real analytic. Since the real analytic structure on a Lie group G is unique, i.e., there exists exactly one real analytic structure on G which makes G into a Lie group (see e.g. [11, Theorem II.2.6]), the question here is reduced to finding a real analytic structure on M such that the action G x M —> M is real analytic. It is to this problem that we address ourselves in this paper. As we shall see below the answer to question 3) is in general no, and Theorem A shows when the answer to 3) is yes. Concerning 3) Montgomery and Zippin [26, p. 70] write. “The answer to 3) is no. For example a group of reals can act on R 2 by having fixed x 2 + y2 < 1 and slowly rotating the rest of R 2. This can not be analytic since if it were the existence of an open set of fixed points would imply that all points were fixed. The answer to 3) is no even if G is compact as was first shown by Bing [2] by an example of the cyclic group of order two acting on R 3 in a way which could not be differentiable.” In Montgomery-Zippin [25] the example of Bing is modified to give an example of an action of S 1 on R 4, which cannot be equivalent to a smooth action. In both these examples [2] and [25], the action of the group Z 2 and S'1, respectively, is not locally smooth, in the sense of [5, IV. 1]. It is interesting to note the remarkable fact that there exists a compact smoothable manifold M 12 which admits a locally smooth effective action of S 1, but which admits no non-trivial smooth action of S 1 in any differentiable struc­ ture, see Bredon [5, Corollary V I.9.6]. For the proof of this fact one can use the powerful theorem of Atiyah and Hirzebruch [1], which says that if a compact connected oriented smooth manifold M , of dimension 4m and with w R 2, (t , r e l(p) t—►re*Mr)t+^) jg a smooth action of the group of reals R on R 2 that cannot be analytic. Note that this action is not a proper, or even a Cartan, action. Montgomery and Zippin [26, p. 71] conclude their discussion of 3) by, “As mentioned, 3) is true in some cases and it remains to find out when it is true or in general whether the truth resembles the differentiable case in some way” . The present paper


Soren Illman

does exactly this. By Theorem A every Cartan smooth action is equivalent to a real analytic action, and the example above shows that there exist non-Cartan smooth actions which are not equivalent to real analytic actions. Thus we have a complete answer to question 3), and this settles the remaining open part of Hilbert’s fifth problem concerning Lie groups of transformations. We shall now review some earlier results that are relevant to our work. As is well known Whitney proved in [32, Theorem 1] that every second countable, m-dimensional, smooth manifold M is smoothly diffeomorphic to a real ana­ lytic manifold, by proving that M is smoothly diffeomorphic to a real analytic submanifold of R 2m+1. It is also known that if two second countable real ana­ lytic manifolds are smoothly diffeomorphic then they are also real analytically isomorphic. The proof of this fact requires the use of the Grauert-Morrey imbed­ ding theorem [9] and [27], which says that every second countable real analytic manifold has a real analytic imbedding in some euclidean space. (Morrey [27] proved this for compact manifolds, and Grauert [9] in the general case.) In fact it is known that if M and N are second countable real analytic manifolds then C ^ M , IV) is dense in N ) , see e.g. [13, Section 2.5]. (Here the function spaces C ° ° ( M , N ) and C ^ M , iV) have the strong topology, i.e., the Whitney topology.) The fact that all smooth manifolds, also the ones that are not second count­ able, can be given a compatible real analytic structure was proved by W. Koch and D. Puppe [19, Theorem 1]. The global part of their proof consists of a maximality argument using Zorn’s lemma. (This technique of proof is then also used e.g. in the book [13] by M.W. Hirsch.) We will use a similar maximality argument involving the use of Zorn’s lemma in the global part of the proof of Theorem A, but in our case we are led to such a proof for a completely dif­ ferent reason than the one here, see below for a discussion of this matter. A forerunner to the maximality argument introduced by W. Koch and D. Puppe in [19] can be found in H. Kneser [17], where transfinite induction is used to prove that the Alexandroff long line L has a real analytic structure. There exist non-isomorphic real analytic structures on the Alexandroff long line L, which are smoothly diffeomorphic, see H. Kneser and M. Kneser [18]. In the case of smooth manifolds with symmetries, i.e., with group actions, there are earlier known results about raising the differentiability only in the case when the group of symmetries is a compact Lie group. Palais proves in [30, Theorem B] that if K is a compact Lie group, then every compact C r AT-manifold, 1 < r < oo, is AT-equivariantly C r diffeomorphic to a C°° K manifold. His technique of proof is an equivariant extension of the basic method of Whitney. Matumoto and Shiota [23] use essentially the same method as Palais and their Theorem 1.3 gives the result that if K is a compact Lie group, then every second countable C r iG-manifold, 1 < r < oo, is iWequivariantly C r diffeomorphic to a real analytic if-m anifold. Matumoto and Shiota also prove that if M and N are two second countable real analytic iWmanifolds, where AT is a compact Lie group, and the number of AMsotropy types occurring in

Proper Smooth Actions are Analytic


M and N is finite, then M and N are if-equivariantly and real analytically isomorphic if they are if-equivariantly G 1 diffeomorphic, see [23, Theorem 1.2]. The following question is an open problem. Let G be a Lie group, and sup­ pose that M and N are proper real analytic, second countable, G-manifolds which are smoothly equivalent, i.e., there exists a G-equivariant smooth diffeomorphism f : M —+ N . Does there then exist a G-equivariant real analytic isomorphism h : M —> TV ? As we noted above the answer is yes if G is compact and one in addition assumes that the number of isotropy types in M is finite [23], but the technique used in [23] cannot be used when G is non-compact, and the question seems to be a very intriguing one for non-compact Lie groups. We prove in [15] that if M and N are proper real analytic second countable G manifolds, and there exists a G-equivariant smooth diffeomorphism / : M —►N , then there exists a G-equivariant subanalytic isomorphism h : M —> N . Already this uniqueness result has interesting applications. For example, it implies that also the uniquenss part of the equivariant triangulation result in [14] extends to hold in the case of proper smooth actions of Lie groups. Concerning the proof of Theorem A we remark the following. Suppose that M is a Cartan, or let us even say a proper, smooth G-manifold, and also assume that M is second countable. Then one cannot in general imbed M as a G-invariant subset in some finite-dimensional linear representation space for G. This is because the Lie group G need not be a linear group. As is well known every compact Lie group is a linear group. (The first example of a connected Lie group that is not a linear group was given by Birkhoff [3] in 1936, up to then it had been a conjecture that every connected Lie group is isomorphic to a group of matrices.) Thus it is not possible to use an equivariant form of W hitney’s method for the proof of Theorem A. We use a maximality argument involving the use of Zorn’s lemma, for the global part of the proof of Theorem A. This argument is then analogous to the one used by W. Koch and D. Puppe [19], in a non-equivariant situation. For the actual technical main arguments in proof of Theorem A the following three facts are crucial. First, the result that in a paracompact Cartan smooth G-manifold there exists a smooth slice at each point. This result is due to Palais [29, Proposition 2.2.2], a related weaker result is due to Koszul [20, p. 139], see Section 5. Secondly, a key result on approximations of smooth slices, which we prove in Section 6. Thirdly, the result of T. Matumoto and M. Shiota [23, Theorem 1.2], which says that if K is a compact Lie group and M and N are real analytic if-manifolds, such that the number of if-isotrop y types occurring in N is finite, then every if-equivariant smooth map / : M —> N can be approximated arbitrarily well, in the Whitney topology, by a if-equivariant real analytic map h : M —> N . A quick review of the contents of this paper is as follows. Section 0 is con­ cerned with preliminaries, and here we fix our terminology and notation. In Section 1 we consider proper G-spaces and Cartan G-spaces. Here we also prove that in a Cartan G-manifold M , which is not assumed to be paracom­ pact, each point has a paracompact G-invariant open neighborhood. This then


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shows that locally we are reduced to a situation where, for example, the smooth slice theorem is known to hold. Sections 2-5 give background information and preliminary results needed for the proof of Theorem A. Section 2 is concerned with some results involving the Whitney topology, of these Lemma 2.2 plays an important role in the proof of Lemma 6.1, which is the key result on approxi­ mations of smooth slices mentioned before. In Section 3 we consider equivariant real analytic local cross sections in homogenous spaces. In Section 4 we discuss smoothness and real analyticity in twisted products. Section 5 treats slices and near slices and their relation. Here we also define the notion of a if-invariant product neighborhood of a smooth if-slice ( K denotes a compact Lie group), which is used in Lemma 6.1. Section 6 is devoted entirely to the proof of Lemma 6.1, and the actual proof of Theorem A is carried out in Section 7. We announced Theorem A in the preprint “Every smooth properly discon­ tinuous action is equivalent to a real analytic one” [Mathematical Sciences Re­ search Institute, Berkeley, Preprint Nr. 090-92, August 1992], where we also gave a proof in the case of properly discontinuous actions of discrete groups. A preliminary version of the present paper appeared as Preprint, M ax-PlankInstitute fur Mathematik, Bonn, Nr. 93-3. Some further work on the paper was carried out during my visit to the Forschungsinstitut fur Mathematik at E T H in Zurich, in 1993. I wish to thank these research institutes for their kind support.

0 Preliminaries, notation and term inology By an ra-dimensional manifold we mean a Hausdorff topological space M such that each point in M has an open neighborhood which is homeomorphic to an open subset of R m. We recall here the well-known fact that a manifold M is paracompact if and only if every connected component of M is second countable, i.e., has a countable base for its topology, and this is also equivalent to the condition that every connected component of M is a countable union of compact sets, see Dieudonne [7, Theoreme 3 and Corollaire] and Bourbaki [4, Theorem 5 in Chapter I, §9, no. 10]. As we already mentioned in the introduction we use the term smooth to mean C°° differentiable. A real analytic [smooth] structure on M is, by definition, a maximal real analytic [smooth] atlas on M . A real analytic [smooth] manifold is then a manifold M together with a real analytic [smooth] structure /?, i.e., a pair (M , /?), for which we also often use the notation Mp. If /?' is a real analytic [smooth] atlas on M , we denote by ((3')a [(P')s\ the maximal real analytic [smooth] atlas, i.e., the real analytic [smooth] structure, on M determined by /3f. Observe that if (3 is a real analytic structure on M , then (3 is in particular a smooth atlas on M and a — ((3)s is the the smooth structure, on M determined by p. We say that a real analytic atlas (3f on M is compatible with a smooth structure a on M if (3f C a. If this is the case, then also (3 C a, where (3 = ((3')a denotes the real analytic structure on M determined by /?'. Note that a real

Proper Smooth Actions are Analytic


analytic structure (3 is compatible with a smooth structure a on M if and only if ( P ) s = a. Suppose M is a manifold and let f : M —> iV7 be a homeomorphism, where N y is a real analytic manifold with real analytic structure 7 = {(V*, Then /*7 = where £/, = f ^ 1(Vi) and = ipi o (f\Ui), i e A, is a real analytic structure on M . We call (3 = /*7 the real analytic structure induced from N 1 through /. The map / : Mp —> iV7 is then a real analytic isomorphism, and the real analytic structure (3 on M is completely determined by this fact. If M is a smooth manifold and / is a smooth diffeomorphism, then it follows that the induced real analytic structure (3 = f *7 is compatible with the given smooth structure on M . We also say that a smooth manifold M = M a is equivalent to a real analytic manifold if there exists a real analytic manifold TV = TV7 and a smooth diffeomorphism f : M —> N . If this is the case, then (3 = f * 7 is a real analytic structure on M and (3 is compatible with the given smooth structure a on M . On the other hand if /?' is a real analytic structure on M , which is compatible with the given smooth structure a on M , then id : M a —> Mp> is a smooth diffeomorphism, and hence the smooth manifold M = M a is equivalent to a real analytic manifold. Thus we see that for a given smooth manifold M = M a the problem of showing that M is equivalent to a real analytic manifold and the problem of finding a real analytic strucutre on M , which is compatible with the given smooth structure, are the same problems. The above defined notion of equivalent arises in the method of Whitney [32], whereas the notion of a compatible real analytic structure is naturally connected with the method of W. Koch and D. Puppe [19]. A Lie group is a topological group G which at the same time is a real analytic manifold such that the multiplication G x G —> G, ( G, g 1 —►0-1 , are real analytic, see Helgason [11]. This definition is also equivalent to the one in Chevalley [6]. Some authors define a Lie group by requiring that the multiplication and the map t : G —> G are smooth. As is well known this definition is equivalent to the one we have given above, see e.g. Pontryagin [31, Chapter 10]. A Lie group G is always paracompact; a standard argument shows that the connected component Go of G containing the identity element e G G is a second countable manifold, see e.g. Helgason [11, p. 88]. By a G-space X we mean a locally compact space X together with a con­ tinuous action of G on I . If X and Y are two G-spaces we say that a map / : X —> Y is G-equivariant if f ( g x ) = g f ( x ), for all g G G and x G X . By a 67isotropy type [H] we mean the conjugancy class in G of a closed subgroup H of G. In this paper we only use this notion in the case when H is compact subgroup of G. We say that a G-isotropy type [H ] occurs in X if there exists x G X such that [Gx] = [H], where G x denotes the isotropy subgroup of G at x. A smooth [real analytic] G-manifold M is a smooth [real analytic] manifold M together with a smooth [real analytic] action ip : G x M —►M , (g ,x ) •—> g x , of G on M . We say that a smooth G-manifold M is equivalent to a real analytic G-manifold if there exists a real analytic G-manifold N and a G-equivariant smooth dif-


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feomorphism f : M —> N . In complete analogy with the non-equivariant case discussed above we then have that a smooth G-manifold M is equivalent to a real analytic G-manifold if and only if there exists a real analytic structure (3 on M , compatible with the smooth structure on M , such that the action of G on Mp is real analytic. In this terminology our main result, Theorem A, says that every Cartan smooth G-manifold is equivalent to a real analytic G-manifold. Let K be a compact Lie group and p : K —> G L(n, R ) a linear representation of K , i.e., a continuous homomorphism from K into the general linear group G L(n, R). By R n(p) we denote the corresponding linear representation space for K . That is R n(p) denotes euclidean space R n on which K acts by kx = p(k)x, all k G K and x G R n. Observe that this action of K on R n(p) is real analytic. This follows since, by a fundamental theorem for Lie groups (see e.g. [11, Theorem II.2.6]), p : K —> G L (n ,R ) is real analytic and hence the action K x R n(p) —> R n(p), (k ,x ) i—> p ( k )x , is real analytic. Since every linear representation of a compact Lie group K is equivalent to an orthogonal representation, we may as well assume that p : K —> O (n). It is a well-known, and easily proved, fact that the number of isotropy types occurring in any linear representation space R n(p) is finite.

1 Cartan and proper G—spaces Let G be a Lie group acting on a locally compact space X . action is said to be proper if the set

Recall that the

G[ a ] = {g £ A |gA n A / 0 } is a compact subset of G for every compact subset A of X . This is also equivalent to the fact that the map G x I - > X x I , (g, x) »—> (g x , x), is proper. In case G is discrete the notion of a proper action is the same thing as the classical notion of a properly discontinuous action. A slightly more general notion than the notion of a proper G-space is the notion of a Cartan G-space. We say that a locally compact space X on which G acts is a Cartan G-space if each point x in X has a compact neighborhood A such that Gpq is a compact subset of G. If X is a Cartan G-space it follows in particular that each isotropy subgroup G x, x G X , is a compact subgroup of G. Furthermore each orbit Gx is a closed subset of X and the map a : G j G x —> Gx, g G x g x , is a homeomorphism, see [29, Propositions 1.1.4 and 1.1.5]. Every point x in a Cartan G-space X is contained in a G-invariant open neighborhood W which is a proper G-space. In fact if U is an open neighborhood of x in X such that A — U is compact and Gpq is a compact subset of G, then the action of G on W — G U is proper, see [29, Proposition 1.2.4]. The precise relation between proper G-spaces and Cartan G-spaces is given by the following.

Proper Smooth Actions are Analytic

P r o p o s itio n 1.1. equivalent.


I f X is a locally compact G-space then the following are

1. X is a Cartan G-space and X / G is Hausdorff. 2. X is a proper G-space. P r o o f. See Palais [29, Theorem 1.2.9].

A good example of a Cartan G-space X , which is not a proper G-space is the following one, cf. Koszul [21, Section 1.1]. E x a m p le . Define an action of R on M2 — {0 } by, (£, ( x , y ) ) ^ (etx^ e~ty), for all t G R and (x ,y ) G M2 — {0 }. This action is Cartan but not proper. The orbit space of this action is not Hausdorff, for example the orbits of the points ( 1, 0) and (0, 1) are two different points in the orbit space which do not have disjoint neighborhoods. If one restricts this action to the integers Z one obtains an action of Z on R 2 — {0 }, which is Cartan but not proper. Let A be a closed subgroup of G. Then the homogeneous space G/AT, with the natural action of G given by G x G / K —> G/AT, (gf, g K ) > g ' g K , is a proper G-space if and only K is compact. In fact we have that if B C G / K , then G\b ) =


where 7r : G —►G / K denotes the natural projection. It is straightforward to verify ( 1). The isotropy subgroup at e K equals AT, so in order for G / K to be a proper G-space, or even a Cartan G-space, it is necessary that K is compact. Now assume that K is compact and let B be a compact subset of G /K . Then is compact and hence it follows by ( 1) that G[#j is compact. We also note that if A C G, and we let G act on G by multiplication from the left, then one obtains directly that

G\a ] — A A



One can then also observe that (1) follows from (2) by applying Lemma 1.2 below to the natural projection 7r : G —> G/A", which is a G-equivariant map. L e m m a 1.2. Let X and Y be G-spaces and f : X —> Y a surjective G-map. I f B C Y we have that G \B] =

P r o o f. Direct verification.

We shall prove in Proposition 1.3 that in a Cartan G-manifold M every point has a paracompact G-invariant open neighborhood, and thus locally M is a paracompact Cartan G-manifold. (In fact M is locally a paracompact proper


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G-manifold, see the comment after the proof of Proposition 1.3.) Let us first introduce a notation and make a couple of observations. If A and B are subsets of a G-space X , we denote G [AtB] = { g e G \ g A n B ? Q } . Thus G[,4] = G[ a ,a ]• Let J be a subset of G, then we have by direct verification that G[ a ,j b ] — J G [ a ,b ]-


I f A and B are connected, then the set BUGM

A = 5U




9€G[a ,b] is connected since B is connected and each gA is connected, and gA D B


for all g G G[A,b ]-

P r o p o s itio n 1.3. Let G be a Lie group and M a Cartan G-manifold, and let x G M . Then there exists a paracompact G-invariant open neighborhood W of x in M . P r o o f. We let U be an open neighborhood of x in M such that U is homeomorphic to R n and A — U is compact, and G[ a ] ls a compact subset of G. Then U is in particular connected and second countable. We claim that W = G U is paracompact. It is enough to prove that each connected component of W is second countable, cf. Section 0. Let V be the connected component of W which contains U. It is easy to see that each component of W is of the form gV, for some g G G. Hence we only need to prove that V is second countable. Let us denote J = G^j] • We claim that the sets J nU , n > 0


are connected, where J° = {e }. By repeated use of (3) we have that jn + i _ G [u ,j” U]i

f° r all n > 0 .

Assume by induction that J nU is connected. Since e G J it follows that J nU C J n+1£/, and hence r + l U = J nU U J n+1£/ = J nU U G ^ j r ^ U , which is connected by (4). This proves that the sets in (5) are connected, and thus Y = 1J J nU n> 0 is on open andconnected subset of W. We claim that V f is closed in W — GU. Let x GW P\Vf. Then x — gu, where g G G and u G U. Since gU is an open

Proper Smooth Actions are Analytic


neighborhood of x in W we have that gU D V ' ^ 0. Thus gU D J nU ^ 0, for some n > 0, and hence g G G p iJnu] = J n+1. Therefore x G gU C J n + l U C V7, and we have showed that V ' is closed in W . Since V ' is an open and closed connected set in W it follows that V ’ is a connected component of W . Since U C V ', it follows that V = V'. We can now deduce that V is second countable in the following way. Since G[u] C G[,4] and G ^ j is compact it follows that J = G[t/j lies in a subset Po of G which is a finite union of components of G. It then follows that J* — (J J n n> 0 lies in a subset P of G which is the union of at most a countable number of components of G, and hence P is second countable. We have that V — V ’ — J * U C P U . The map G x U G U = W, (g, u) >-> gu, is an open map onto W and hence P x U —> PE/, (g, it) >gu, is an open map onto PE/. Since P and U are second countable spaces it follows that P U is second countable, and since V C P U it follows that F is second countable. □ Since the open neighborhood U of x in M is such that A — U is compact and G[^j is a compact subset of G it follows, as we already remarked in the beginning of this section, that the action of G on W — G U is proper. In connection with Proposition 1.3 we may add the following two remarks. R e m a r k 1. Suppose that X is a second-countable Cartan G-space. We claim that G can have at most a countable number of connected components, i.e., that G is second-countable. This is seen as follows. Let x G X , then a : G /Gx —> Gx, g G x i—> gx, is a homeomorphism as we already noted in the beginning of this section. Since X is second-countable it follows that Gx is second-countable and hence G/Gx is second-countable. Thus G/Gx has at most a countable number of connected components, and since G x is compact it follows from this that G has at most a countable number of connected components. R e m a r k 2. Suppose that M is a paracompact Cartan G-manifold, and let M\ be a connected component of M . Then M\ is a second-countable manifold. Let us denote G\ = {g G G | gM\ = M i}. Then G i is a subgroup of G and Go C G i, where Go denotes the connected component of G containing the identity element e G G, and moreover G i is a union of connected components of G. It follows by Remark 1 that G i has at most a countable number of connected components. Furthermore the action of G on GM\ is completely determined by the action of G i on M i, and the set of components of G M i is in a natural one-to-one correspondence with G/G\.

2 W hitney topology In this section all manifolds, with or without boundary, are assumed to be second countable.


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Let M and N be smooth manifolds, with or without boundary. By N) we denote the set of all smooth maps from M to N , and we give C ° ° { M , N ) the strong topology, i.e., the Whitney topology, see Mather [22, Section 2] and Hirsch [13, Sections 2.1 and 2.4]. The definition of the Whitney topology in [13, Section 2.1] is via charts on M and N , and in [22, Section 2] and [13, Section 2.4] the Whitney topology is defined using the notion of jets, and as noted in [13, Section 2.4] these definitions are equivalent. In this paper C ° ° ( M , N ) and other related mapping spaces will always be assumed to carry the Whitney topology. If M and N are real analytic manifolds, then C W(M , N ) denotes the set of all real analytic maps from M to N , and C^i^M .N ) has the induced topology, i.e., the relative topology from C °°(M , N ) . Let I f be a Lie group, and suppose that M and N are smooth [real an­ alytic] if-m anifolds, with or without boundary. We should here point out that we will need the results given in the section only in the case when i f is a compact Lie group (a compact subgroup of the Lie group G ), but most of the results below hold equally well when i f is a Lie group, and we present these results in this generality. We denote by C ^ ( M , N ) [Cj£(M, N)\ the set of all if-equivariant smooth [real analytic] maps from M to N , and we give C k ( M , N ) [C k ( M , N ) ] the induced topology, i.e., the relative topol­ ogy from ) [CU(M ,N )\ . We also note here that if h : N —> P is a if-equivariant smooth map, where P is a smooth if-m anifold, then the in­ duced map h* : C ^ { M , N ) —> Cj-p(M, P ), / h o /, is continuous. This follows directly from the fact that the corresponding statement holds in the non-equivariant case, see Mather [22, Proposition 2 in §2]. As we already mentioned in the introduction, it is a well-known and deep result that if M and N are real analytic manifolds then C U( M , N ) is dense in TV), see e.g. [13, Theorem 2.5.1]. We shall use the following equivariant version, due to T. Matumoto and M. Shiota [23, Theorem 1.2], of this result. T h e o r e m 2.1. Let K be a compact Lie group and let M and N be real analytic K-manifolds, and assume that the number of K-isotropy types occurring in N is finite. Then C ^ ( M , N ) is dense in C ^ ( M , N ) . In the remaining part of this section, i.e., in the results 2.2.-2.5., K denotes a Lie group, but as we already remarked above we will later in the paper use these results only in the case when i f is a compact Lie group. L e m m a 2.2. Let M and N be smooth K-manifolds and let D be a compact smooth K -m anifold possibly with boundary. Then the map X :C % (M ,N )^ C % (D x M ,D x N ),

f^ id x f,

is continuous. P r o o f. First of all we note that it is enough to prove our claim in the case when i f = { e }. Furthermore it is known that the natural bijection i : C °°(D x M, D x N )

C °°(D x M , D ) x C°°{D x M, N ),

h ^ ( q i oh, q2oh),

Proper Smooth Actions are Analytic


is a homeomorphism, see Mather [22, Proposition 3 of §2]. (Here q y . D x N —> D and q2: D x N —> N denote the projections onto the first and second factor, respectively). Therefore we only need to prove that the maps C °°(M , N ) -

C ° ° ( D x M , D ),

f ^ q i o (id x /)




and C °°(M , N ) -+ C ° ° ( D x M , IV),

g2 o (id x /)

are continuous. The first one equals the constant map from C ° ° ( M , N ) onto the element p\ G C ° ° ( D x M , J9), where pi : D x M —> D denotes the projection, and hence (1) is continuous. Observe that q2 o (id x /) = / o p 2, where p2 : Z) x M —> M denotes the projection. Therefore the map in (2) equals the map P2 : N ) —* C ° ° ( D x M , IV), / ^ / o p 2, which is continuous since Z) is compact, see Mather [22, Proposition 1 of §2]. □ L e m m a 2.3. Let M and N be smooth K-manifolds and let f : M —> N be a K-equivariant smooth map. Let V be a K -invariant open subset of M and let P be a K-in variant smooth submanifold of N such that f ( V ) C P . Then there exists an open neighborhood J\f of f\V in C f ^ ( V , P ) such that the following holds: I f h G J\f, and we let E {h ) : M —> N be the extension of h : V —►P C N defined by f h(x). E (h )(x ) = < I / (* ),

x GV x e M -V ,

then E ( h ) is a K-equivariant smooth map. Furthermore the map E : Af

Cft* (M , N ) , h »-> E (h )

is continuous. P r o o f. First we note that it is enough to prove the lemma in the case when K — {e}. This observation follows from the fact that the formula defining E (h ) is such that if h is a ZV-equivariant map then E (h ) is also a ZV-equivariant map. More precisely; let us assume that Lemma 2.3 holds in the non-equivariant case and let AZ* be a neighborhood of f\ : V —> P in C ° ° ( V , P ) such that if h G Af* then E ( h ) is a smooth map and E : AZ* —> C OQ( M 1N ) is continuous. Then Af = AZ* fi C % (V , P ) is an open neighborhood of f\ : V —> P in Cj^(V, P ) and if /i G AZ then E (h ) is a Z^-equivariant and smooth map, and furthermore E : AZ —►C f t ( M , N ) is continuous since C j^(V ^P ), by definition, has the relative topology from C ° ° ( V , P ) . Now we claim that the non-equivariant version of Lemma 2.3 expresses a well-known fact. One can for example, by W hitney’s imbedding theorem, imbed N smoothly into some euclidean space M9, and thus we see that it is enough to prove the case where AT is a euclidean space R 9 and P is a smooth submanifold of R 9. A proof of the non-equivariant version of Lemma 2.3 in this case is given in [13, Lemma 2.2.8]. □


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T h e o r e m 2.4. Let M and N be smooth K-manifolds possibly with boundary. Then the set Im b ^ (M , N ) of K-equivariant smooth imbeddings of M into N is open in N ). P r o o f. It is well-known that the set Im b°°(M , N ) of smooth imbeddings of M into N is open in C ° ° ( M , N ) , see e.g. [13, Theorem 2.1.4]. Hence Im b ^ (M , N ) = Im b°°(M , N ) n C % { M , N ) is open in N ). □ T h e o r e m 2.5. Let N be a smooth K-manifold, without boundary. Then the set D iff^ (iV , N ) of K-equivariant diffeomorphisms from N to N is open in C f? (N ,N ). P r o o f. It is well-known that the set Diff°°(iV, N ) of diffeomorphisms from N to N is open in C ° ° ( N , N ) , see e.g. [13, Theorem 2.1.6]. Thus D i S ^ ( N , N ) = D iff00(V , N ) fl C f? (N , N ) is open in C % ( N , N ). □

3 Homogeneous spaces Let G be a Lie group and K a closed subgroup of G. Then the homogeneous space G / K of left cosets is a real analytic manifold. In fact there is a unique real analytic structure on G / K for which the natural action of G on G / If, i.e., the action G x G / K —> G/K, (gf, g K ) g ' g K , is real analytic, see [11, Theorem II.4.2]. We will always consider G / K as a real analytic manifold with this real analytic structure. The natural projection 7r : G —> G / K is a real analytic map. Furthermore each point g K in G / K has an open neighborhood U such that there exists a real analytic cross section cr : U —►G over U of the projection 7r : G —►G / K , see e.g. [6, §V in Chapter IV] or [11, Lemma II.4.1]. Now assume that K is a compact subgroup of G. First we note that in this case there exist arbitrarily small K - invariant open neighborhoods of e K in G / K . For if U q is an open neighborhood of e K in G / K , then A = G / K — U q is closed in G / K and since K is compact it follows that K A is closed in G / K , cf. [5, Corollary 1.1.3]. Thus U = ( G / K ) —K A is a if-invariant open neighborhood of e K in G /K , and U c U 0. Furthermore the fact that K is a compact subgroup of G implies that we can find a K - invariant open neighborhood U of e K in G / K and a real analytic cross section v.U^G,



which is a K - e quivariant map in the sense that cr(ku) = kcr(u)k~l , for every k € K

and u E U,


and moreover a ( e K ) = e. Condition (2) means that cr is a iC-equivariant map when the action of K on G is given by conjugation, i.e., by K x G —> G, (k, g) «—> kgk~ l .

Proper Smooth Actions are Analytic


It is a well-known fact that such a If-equivariant real analytic cross section and the existence of cr can be deduced in the following way. The natural projection n : G —> G / K is a real analytic submersion and 7r is a If-equivariant map, where K acts on G by conjugation and on G / K by the action induced from the natural action of G on G/K. Observe that e G G and e K G G / K are fixed points of K . Hence the tangent spaces T e( G ) and Tex { G / K ) a te G G and e K G G / K , respectively, are finite-dimensional linear representation spaces for K and we may assume that they are orthogonal representation spaces since K is compact. The differential dire : Te( G ) —> T ex ( G / K ) , of 7r at e G G, is a If-equivariant surjective linear map. The tangent space T e( K ) to K at e G K is a K -invariant linear subspace of Te(G ). Let L be the orthogonal complement to T e( K ) in T e(G ). Then L is a If-invariant linear subspace of Te(G ) and T e(G ) = T e( K ) 0 L. Furthermore dim L — q — dim G — dim K = dim G / K , and dire\ : L —> Te( G / K ) is a If-equivariant linear isomorphism. Using the exponential map at e G G one constructs a ^-dimensional If-invariant real analytic submanifold V * of G, such that e G V* and Te(U *) = L . Then 7r| : V* —> G / K is a If-equivariant real analytic map and the differential d(7r|Vr* )e : Te( V * ) —> T e( G / K ) is a K equivariant linear isomorphism. It now follows, using the real analytic inverse function theorem (see e.g. [28, 2.2.10]), that there exists a If-invariant open neighborhood V of e in V * such that n\ : V —> tt( V ) is a If-equivariant real analytic isomorphism onto a If-invariant open neighborhood U = ir (V ) of e K in G /K . Then cr = (t t I U )'1 : U ^ G

G / K , and o ( e K ) = e. We also note that by using the exponential map at e K G G / K one can obtain arbitrarily small If-invariant open neighborhoods of e K in G /K , which are I f equivariantly and real analytically isomorphic to an open disk, of some small radius, in an orthogonal representation space M 0 ( q ) denotes an orthogonal representation of K and R 9(r ) denotes the corresponding orthogonal representation space for If. Thus it follows that we can always choose the If-invariant open neighborhood U in (1) such that there exists a If-equivariant real analytic isomorphism h : R q( r ) ^ U .


In particular we have in this case that the number of Jf-isotropy types occurring in U is finite. The following elementary lemma will be used in the proof of Lemma 6.1. L e m m a 3.1. Let K be a compact subgroup of G and V\ an open neighborhood of K in G. Then there exists a K -invariant open neighborhood U of e K in G / K such that G {u] = tt“ 1(L/Xtt-1(C /))-1 c Vi.


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P r o o f. Consider the map v : G x G —> G, (#1,(72) Then K x K C ^_1(^ i) an q ~ 1( U ) ) (u, x) i—> [cr(u),x], as in (2), is a smooth diffeomorphism [real analytic isomorphism] from U x N onto the open subset q~l (U ) of G x ^ iV. Furthermore we note that the projection q : G X k N —» G / K is a G-equivariant smooth [real analytic] map. We now claim that the action $ : G x (G x K N )

G x K N,

(gf, [g,x]) i-> [tf'^ x],


o f G o n G x ^ i V is smooth [real analytic]. This can be seen as follows. Let (Po* [00, 2:0]) e G x (G x K N ) , then £([00, 2:0]) = goK G G /K . We recall from Section 3 that the action G x G / K —» G / K , ( g ', g K ) 1 —> g 'g K , of G on G / K is real analytic. Let U\ be an open neighborhood of g^g^K in G / K such that there exists a real analytic cross section o\ : U\ —►G. Next we choose an open neighborhood V of g'0 in G and an open neighborhood U of goK in G / K such that V U C U \, and such that there exists a real analytic cross section cr : U —> G. Now V x q ~ 1( U ) is an open neighborhood of (g'0, [#o52:0]) in G x ( G x ^ AT) and C/ixiV

Here the trivializations 0 : U x N —> £_1(£7), (u, x ) [cr(u),x], and #1 : U\ x N —> q,~ 1(L ’i), (u ,x) 1 —» [cri(u),x], corresponding to the cross sections cr and dx, respectively, are smooth diffeomorphisms [real analytic isomorphisms]. The map is given by 4/(g,u,x) = (gu,cri(gu)


for all (^ ,u ,x ) G b x U x AT,

and thus we see that T is a smooth [real analytic] map. Hence it follows that | in (4) is smooth [real analytic], and thus we have proved that in (3) is a smooth [real analytic] map.


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Now suppose that i f is a compact subgroup of G. As we saw in Section 3, there then exist a if-invariant open neighborhood U of e K in G / K and a real analytic cross section a : U —> G, which is If-equivariant in the sense that a(ku) = ka{u)k~~l , for all k G K , u G U, and moreover tr(e if) = e. In this case q~ l (U ) is a if-invariant open subset of G X x N and the trivialization 6:U x N

q~ 1( U ),

(u ,x ) i—> [ 5/ (x ),

is a G-equivariant smooth [real analytic] map. P r o o f. Let [go,xo] G G x ^ N . We choose an open neighborhood [/ of G. Then q~l (U ) is an open neighborhood of [go^o] in G x ^ N and —


6 : U x N q~l (U ), (u ,x ) > [cr(u),x], is a diffeomorphism [real analytic isomorphism]. The composite map (/x(/)|) o 6 : U x N


is given by (u, x) cr(u)/(x), and hence it is smooth [real analytic]. Since 6 is a diffeomorphism [real analytic isomorphism] it follows that fa(f)\ : q~1( U ) —» M is a smooth [real analytic] map, and this proves our claim. □

5 Slices D e fin itio n 5.1. Let M be a smooth G-manifold and i f a closed subgroup of G. We say that a if-invariant smooth submanifold S of M is a smooth if-s lice in M if G S is open in M and the map jjL \ G x K S ^ GS,

[5, x] -> gx,

is a G-equivariant diffeomorphism. Let S be a smooth if-slice in M , and let x G S. Then G S is a G-invariant open neighborhood of the orbit Gx in M , and G S is called a tube about Gx.


Proper Smooth Actions are Analytic

By a presentation of S we mean a smooth TT-manifold N and a Tf-equivariant smooth imbedding j : N —> M such that j ( N ) = S. Given such a presentation j of S we obtain a G-equivariant diffeomorphism n (j) : G x K N G S ,

[g,x] ^ g j ( x ) ,

which we call a presentation of the tube GS. Conversely, if j : N —> M is a K - e quivariant smooth imbedding such that G j ( N ) is open in M and p ( j ) : G X r N —> G j ( N ), [g,x\ •—> g j ( x ), is a G-equivariant diffeomorphism, then S = j ( N ) is a smooth AT-slice in M and j : N —> M is a presentation of 5. By a smooth slice at a point x in M we mean a smooth G^-slice 5 such that x £ S. A smooth slice S at x G M is said to be linear if S has a presentation of the form j : R n(p) -=-> S C M , where Mn(p) denotes a linear representation space for K and j ( 0) = x. The notion of a slice is defined in a slightly different way in Palais [29], where a subset 5 of a G-space X is said to be a /T-slice in X if G S is open in X and there exists a G-equivariant map r : G S —> G / K such that r ~ l ( e K ) = 5, see [29, Definition 2.1.1]. In the smooth case the obvious smooth version of the above definition is employed in [29]. It follows by Lemma 5.2. below that Definition 5.1 is equivalent to the one used in [29]. In [29] smooth manifolds are assumed to be paracompact, but this distinction does not matter here in Lemma 5.2. However, in order to obtain the ” smooth slice theorem” also in the cases when smooth manifolds are not assumed to be paracompact we will have to invoke Proposition 1.3. L e m m a 5.2. equivalent:

Let S be a smooth submanifold of M .

Then the following are

1. S is a smooth K -slice in M . 2. G S is open in M and there exists a G-equivariant smooth map r : G S —> G / K such that r ~ l {e K ) — S. P r o o f. Suppose S is a smooth iC-slice in M . Then S is a X-invariant smooth submanifold of M , and G S is open in M and fi : G 5 —> G5, [g, x) i—>gx, is a G-equivariant diffeomorphism. Thus r = ^ o /i- 1 : G S - ^ G / K ,


is a G-equivariant smooth map. Here q : G S —> G / K , [g,x] •—> g K , denotes the natural projection, which as we noted in Section 4 is a G-equivariant smooth map. Clearly r ~ 1( e K ) = 5.


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Now suppose that S is a smooth submanifold of M such that G S is open in M and there exists a G-equivariant smooth map r : G S —►G / K , with r _ 1(e i f ) = 5. Then r(g x ) = g K , for all g G G and x e S, and 5 is if-invariant and gS' fl 5 = 0 for every g e G — K . Therefore g: G xK S


[g ,x \ ^ g x ,

( 1)

is a well-defined G-equivariant bijective map, and g is smooth by Lemma 4.1. The fact that the inverse g ~ l : G S —> G x ^ S is a smooth map is seen as follows. Let y G G S and denote r(y ) — g K G G/K. Choose an open neighborhood U of g K in G / K such that there exists a smooth cross section a : U —> G. Then W — r ~ l (U ) is an open neighborhood of y in GS. Furthermore g ~ l \: W ^ G



is given by z i—> [a (r (z )), a ( r ( z ) ) ~ 1z\, for all z G W , and hence g ~ l \W is smooth. Thus g ~ l is smooth and g in ( 1) is a G-equivariant diffeomorphism. This proves that 5 is a smooth if-slice in M . □ Let M be a Cartan smooth G-manifold and let x G M , and denote G x — K . Then there exists a smooth slice S at x, and in addition S may be chosen to be linear. This was proved by Palais [29, Proposition 2.2.2], in the case when M is paracompact. (The weaker statement that there is a smooth near if-s lice at x was proved by Koszul [20, p. 139].) It follows by Proposition 1.3 that the existence of smooth slices in the paracompact case implies the existence of smooth slices in arbitrary Cartan smooth G-manifolds. Hence we have. T h e o r e m 5.3 (The smooth slice theorem). Let M be a Cartan smooth G manifold and let x G M . Then there exists a smooth slice S at x, and we may choose S be to a linear slice. Let S be a smooth if-slice in M . Suppose a : U —> G is a smooth cross section over an open subset U of G/K . Then W = a ( U ) S is open in M and 7 : U x S —> W,

(u ,x )

> a(u)x,

( 2)

is a diffeomorphism. This is seen as follows. As we saw in Section 4 the cross section a gives rise to a diffeomorphism 6 : U x S q~l {U ), (u , x ) > [a(u),x\, onto the open subset q~l ( U ) of G ^ Since the map 7 in (2) is obtained by composing 0 with g\q~l ( U ), where g is as in Definition 5.1, it now follows that 7 is diffeomorphism onto the open subset a ( U ) S = W . If U is an open neighborhood of e K in G / K , then W — cr(U)S is an open neighborhood of S in M . We may in this case choose a such that cr(eif) = e, and then 7 has the additional property that G to be a if-equivariant smooth cross section, with o ( e K ) — e, see Section 3. Then IT is a if-invariant open

Proper Smooth Actions are Analytic


neighborhood of S in M , and 7 in ( 2) is a if-equivariant diffeomorphism, where i f acts diagonally on U x S. In this case we call W a K-in variant product neighborhood of S in M , and 7 a presentation of W . If j : N presentation of the smooth if-slice S we obtain that 7# : U x N —►W,

S C M is a

(iq x ) j—►

is a if-equivariant diffeomorphism, and we say that 7# is a presentation of W corresponding to the presentation j of S. Now suppose 5 is a linear slice and let j : R n(p) —» S be a presentation of S. As we noted in (3) of Section 3 we may choose the if-invariant open neighborhood U of e i f such that there is a if-equivariant diffeomorphism (in fact a real analytic isomorphism) h : M9(r ) —> J7, where R 9(r ) denotes a linear representation space for i f . Then 7, : R * (r ) x R n(p) -


(a, 6) ^ a ( h ( a ) ) j ( b ),


is a if-equivariant diffeomorphism. Since R 9(r ) x R n(p) = R 9+n( r 0 p), and the number of if-isotrop y types occurring in a linear representation space for i f is finite, it follows in particular that the number of if-isotropy types occurring in W is finite. D e fin itio n 5.4. A if-invariant smooth submanifold S of M is said to be a smooth near K-slice in M , if there exists an open neighborhood U of e i f in G / K and a smooth cross section a : U —» G such that cr(U)S is open in M and the map 7 : [/ x S —> a ( U ) S , (u ,x ) i-> a(u)x, is a diffeomorphism. Suppose that S is a smooth near if-slice in M , and let g^K E G /K . Let C7 and G be as in Definition 5.4. Then Uo — goU is an open neighborhood of go K in G / K and ao : Uo —> G, u' 1 —> goa{gol v!) is a smooth cross section over Uo and ao(Uo)S = g o a (U )S is open in M and 70 : Uo x S —> ^ (C / o)^ (u',a:) h-> ^ocr(5fo^1^/) x ^ is a diffeomorphism. Furthermore we note that if a : C7 —> G and af : U —> G are two smooth cross sections over an open subset C7 of G / if, then «(u ) = E if, for all u E 17, and k : U —> i f is a smooth map. Then cr(u)s, is a diffeomorphism if and only if 7' : U x 5 —►a f( u )S , (u, x) 1 —> cr'(u)s, is a diffeomorphism. Thus it follows that the notion of a smooth near if-slice, as defined in Definition 5.4, is in fact independent of the choice of the smooth cross section a : U —►G. L e m m a 5.5. Let M be a smooth G-manifold and i f a closed subgroup of G. Let S be a K -invariant smooth submanifold of M . Then the following are equivalent: 1. S is a smooth K -slice m M .


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2. S is a smooth near i f -slice in M and gS n S = 0, fo r all g G G — i f . P r o o f. The discussion before Definition 5.4 shows that a smooth if-s lice in M is always a smooth near if-slice in M . Moreover, if S is a smooth if-s lic e in M , then gS fl S = 0 for all g G G — i f , and thus we see that 1 implies 2. Now assume that 2. holds. We consider the map p :G x K S


\g,x\ v-> gx.

The map p is clearly a G-equivariant map onto GS. The fact that gS Pi S = 0, for all g G G — i f , implies that p is injective. We shall prove that p is a diffeomorphism. Let [^o,^o] £ G x K S, then q([go,xo}) — g^K G G / K . By the discussion before Lemma 5.5 there is an open neighborhood Uo of g$K in G / K and a smooth cross section Go : Uo -h►G such that go(Uq)S is open in M and 70 : Uq x S —» gq(Uo)S, (u , x ) »-> gq(u)x, is diffeomorphism. Now q~ (U o) is an open neighborhood of [go,xo\ m G S and 0 : Uo x S — ► q ~ 1(Uo), ( u ,x ) [aQ(u ),x ], is a diffeomorphism, see Section 4. The composite map (/i|) o 0 : Uq x S —> M , is given by (u, x) cr0(w)x, and hence equals 70 : Uo x S G0(U 0) S C M , which is a diffeomorphism onto the open subset &o(Uo)S. Since 0 is a diffeomorphism we have that /x| : ^_ 1(t/o) —> gq(Uo)S is a diffeomorphism onto gq(Uo)S. It now follows that G S = G ( a o { U o ) S ) is open in M , and that fi : G x # 5 —> GS' is a diffeomorphism. This proves that S is a smooth if-s lice in M . □

6 Approximations of sm ooth slices L e m m a 6 .1. Let M be a smooth G-manifold, and let K be a compact subgroup of G and N a smooth K-manifold. Suppose i : N —> M is a K-equivariant smooth imbedding such that i ( N ) = S is a smooth K -s lice in M . Then there exist a K -invariant product neighborhood W of S in M and an open neighbor­ hood W of i : N —> W in C f ^ { N , W ) such that the following holds. I f j G W , then j : N —> W is a K-equivariant smooth imbedding such that j ( N ) — S' is a smooth K-s lice in M and G S ' = GS. P r o o f. Since S is a smooth K -slice in M and i : N —> S is a presentation of S, we have that G S is open in M and n (i) : G x K N —y GS,

[g,x\ ■ g i(x ),

is a G-equivariant diffeomorphism. As we saw in Section 5 we can find a K invariant product neighborhood W * of S in M , and we let 'y :U * x N - ^ W * ,

(u ,x ) ^ a ( u ) i (x ),

( 1)

be a presentation of W * corresponding to the presentation i : N — ►S C M of the smooth K -slice S. Here U* denotes a if-invariant open neighborhood

Proper Smooth Actions are Analytic


of e K in G / K and o : U* —> G is a if-equivariant real analytic cross section, with cr(eif) = e, as in Section 3. (It is not essential here in this proof that cr is real analytic, smooth would be enough.) The map 7 is a if-equivariant diffeomorphism onto W *, where K acts diagonally on U* x N . Next we choose a K -invariant open neighborhood U\ of e K in G / K such that D = U 1 C U\ and such that D is a K -invariant compact real analytic submanifold with bound­ ary of G /K . We recall from Section 3 that we can always find such a neigh­ borhood U\\ in fact we may choose U\ to be such that its closure U 1 = D is K - e quivariantly and real analytically isomorphic to a unit representation disk D q( r ) in an orthogonal representation space R q( r ) for K . Finally we have by Lemma 3.1 that there exists a if-invariant open neighborhood U of e K in G / K such that G [u] = T T - ' i U ^ i r - ' i U ) ) - 1 c 7T_ 1(C/i), where



: G ^ G / K denotes the natural projection. We now have that U c U iC D c U * ,

and we define W = a (U )S . Then W is a K -invariant product neighborhood of S in M , and the restric­ tion of 7 in ( 1) to U x N gives us a if-equivariant diffeomorphism 7 :U x N


(UjX) 1 —> cr(u)i(x).


We also have that S C W C W * C GS. Let r : G S —> G / K , where r _ 1(e if ) = 5, be the G-equivariant smooth map onto G / K determined by the smooth if-slice S', see Lemma 5.2. Then we have that W = r ~ l (U ) and hence it follows by Lemma 1.2 that Gy/) — G\jjj, and thus we obtain from ( 2) that G\w\ C n ~ 1(U i).


Since D is compact we have by Lemma 2.2 that the map X : C % ( N , W ) ^ C % ( D x N , D x W ),

/ ^ id x /,

is continuous. Furthermore the if-equivariant smooth map r] : D x W —> GS, (u , y ) 1 —> C % ( D x N , G S ) .


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Therefore the map r

= r,*o x - - C % ( N , W ) ^ C % ( D x N , G S )

is continuous. Observe that for the given presentation i : N smooth AT-slice S we have that


= 7 : D x TV —> G S , (u ,x )

(5) S C W of the

> cr(iz)z(x),

and 7 : D x i V - > GS' is a AT-equivariant smooth imbedding (in fact a closed imbedding), since it is obtained by restricting the AT-equivariant diffeomorphism 7 in ( 1) to D x N . Let M. be an open neighborhood of T ( i) = 7 in C ^ { D x N , G S ) such that each element of M is a AT-equivariant smooth imbedding of D x N into GS, see Theorem 2.4. We set W = T ~ \ M ) C C % {N ,W ). Since the map F in (5) is continuous it follows that W ' is an open neighborhood ofz: N W i n C % (N ,W ). We now claim that if j E W ', then j : TV —> W is a AT-equivariant smooth imbedding and j ( N ) = S' (6) is a smooth K - slice in M . This is seen as follows. Since F ( j ) E M we have that T ( j ) : D x AT —> G 5 is a K-equivariant smooth imbedding, and therefore the restriction F ( j ) : Ui x N -> GS, (u ,x ) ^ a ( u ) j ( x ) , (7) is also a AT-equivariant smooth imbedding. Also F ( j)\ (e K x N ) = j and hence j : N —> W is a AT-equivariant smooth imbedding. Furthermore r(j)(J 7 i x N ) = & {U \ )j{N ) — cr(Ui)S' is open in GS, and hence also in M . This follows, for example by invariance of domain, since dim (Ui x N ) = dim GS. Since cr(U i)S ' is open in M and F ( j ) : U\ x N — > a{U\)S' is a A"-equivariant diffeomorphism it follows that S' is a smooth near A"-slice in M , see Definition 5.4. In order to prove that S' is a smooth AT-slice in M it is by Lemma 5.5 enough to prove that gS' n S" = 0,

for all g E G - K.


Suppose that g E G is such that gS' n S' ^ 0. Since S' = j ( N ) C W it follows that g W D W / 0, and thus g E G[wp Hence we have by (4) that g E tt~l ( U \). Therefore 7r(g) = u E U\, and we have that g — a{u)k, for some k E K . Hence gS' = N in (9) is given by p ( o ( u ) i ( x ) ) = x, and p(yo) = if follows that yo = cr(u)i(x0), for some u G U. Thus x(xo) — 5 C M


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be a if-equivariant smooth imbedding into M such that i(R n(p )) = 5, and i ( 0) = x. Here R n(p) denotes a linear representation space for i f . Then G S is open in M and fi(i) : G x K R n{p) — > GS,


g i(x ),


is a G-equivariant diffeomorphism. We now choose a if-invariant product neighborhood W of S in M and an open neighborhood W of

i : Mn (p ) -► W


in G£?(Rn(p), W ) , such that Lemma 6.1 holds for W and W . Furthermore we may assume that the number of if-isotropy types occurring in W is finite, see Addendum 6.2. Since x E B — B and G S is an open neighborhood of x in M it follows that G S fl B 7^ 0,

and G S n ( M - B ) ^ Q .


Furthermore we have that G ( S D B ) — G S f l B , since B in a G-invariant set, and hence SC\B ^ 0. Thus we see that S H B is a non-empty if-invariant open subset of 5, and therefore

v = r 1(snB)

is a non-empty if-invariant open subset of R n(p), and i ( V ) = S C\B C W C\B. The fact that V is a if-invariant open subset of R n(p) implies in particular that V is a real analytic if-m anifold. Also W n B p is a real analytic if-m anifold, since W D Bp is a if-invariant open subset of the real analytic G-manifold Bp. We now consider the if-equivariant smooth imbedding i\V : V

W n B 0.

By Lemma 2.3 there exists an open neighborhood Af of i\V in G ^ (V , W n B p ) such that we obtain a continuous map

E :N -+Cf?(Rn(p),W) by defining for each h G Af,

(4) Observe that E (i\ V) = i. Since E is continuous, and W is an open neighborhood of i in G£p(Rn(p), W ), there exists an open neighborhood Afi of i\V in J\f such that E { N i) c W . (5) The number of if-isotropy types occurring in W is finite and hence the same holds for W Pi Bp. By Theorem 2.1 the map i\V : V —> W fl Bp can be

Proper Smooth Actions are Analytic


approximated arbitrarily well, in the Whitney topology, by a if-equivariant real analytic map. Thus there exists a if-equivariant real analytic map hi : V —> W fl Bp such that hi G A/i, i.e., we have that hi e N ' i n C % ( V , B (3n W ) .

(6 )

j = E ( h i ) : R n( p ) - > W.


We now define

Then we have by (5) and (6) that j G W. By the choice of W , Lemma 6.1 holds for W and hence j is a if-equivariant smooth imbedding such that j ( R » ) = S' is a smooth if-s lice in M and G S ' = GS. (In fact j { 0) = x, so S' is a smooth slice at x, but this is not essential here.) Hence /i(j) : G x K R n(p)

G S ’ = GS,

[g,x] ~ g j ( x ),


is a G-equivariant diffeomorphism. We claim that the restriction p (j)\ :G x K V ^ G S n B p


is a G-equivariant real analytic isomorphism. First of all we claim that p ( j ) ( G x x V ) — G S n B . It follows directly from the definition (4) that the maps j = E ( h i ) in (7) and i in (2) agree on the set R n(p) — V. Hence the maps /r(j) in (8) and (i{i) in (1) agree o n G x ^ ( ^ n(p) — V ). Since im( p { j ) ) = G S ' = G S — im (/i(i)), and both p ( j ) and p {i) are bijective maps it now follows that p ( j ) ( G x ^ V ) = p ( i ) ( G X k V ) — G i ( V ) — G ( S n B ) = G S n B . Thus we see that p ( j )| in (9) is a G-equivariant diffeomorphism onto G S D Bp. Since j\V = hi : V —> W H Bp C Bp is a if-equivariant real analytic map it follows by Lemma 4.1 that p{j)\ in (9) is a real analytic map. It now follows by the real analytic inverse function theorem (see e.g. [28, 2.2.10]) that ( p ( j )|)-1 is real analytic. This proves that Jji(j)\ in (9) is a G-equivariant real analytic isomorphism. Let us now denote G S = B i. Then B i is a G-invariant open subset of M . We give B i the real analytic structure /3\ induced from G R n(p) through , i.e., the real analytic structure (3i for which . G Xj^ R "(p ) is a real analytic isomorphism. Since p ( j ) in (8) is a diffeomorphism it follows that the real analytic structure (3\ is compatible with the smooth structure on B\. Since f i ( j ) is G-equivarint and the action of G on G x # M n(p) is real analytic it follows that the action of G on ( B i ) p l is real analytic. The fact that fi(j)\ in (9) is a real analytic isomorphism onto the open subset B i fl Bp of Bp implies that the real analytic structure on B i fl B induced from ( B i ) p 1 is the same as the one induced from Bp. Hence (3U(3i is a real analytic atlas o n 5 u 5 i , which is compatible with the smooth structure on B U 5 i , and we let (/3 U P i) denote


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the real analytic structure determined by P U P i . It is clear that the action of G on (B U {(3 U P i ) ) is a real analytic, and thus ( B U B±, (P U P i ) ) G B. Furthermore we have by the latter part of ( 3) that B C 5 u 5 i, and hence ( B , P ) < (B U (P U P i ) ) , but this contradicts the maximality of ( B , P ) . Thus B = M. □

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Proper Smooth Actions are Analytic


[14] S. Illman, Subanalytic equivariant triangulation of real analytic proper G manifolds for G a Lie group, Preprint, Princeton University, June 1992. (To be published.) [15] S. Illman, Smoothly equivalent proper real analytic G-manifolds are subanalytically equivalent. (In preparation.) [16] M.A. Kervaire, A manifold which does not admit any differentiable struc­ ture, Comment. Math. Helv. 34 (1960), 257-270. [17] H. Kneser, Analytische Struktur und Abzahlbarkeit, Ann. Acad. Sci. Fennicae A I, 251/5, 1958. [18] H. Kneser and M. Kneser, Reell-analytische Strukturen der AlexandroffHalbgeraden und der Alexandoff-Geraden, Arch. Math. 11 (1960), 104-106. [19] W. Koch and D. Puppe, Differenzierbare Strukturen auf Mannigfaltigkeiten ohne abzahlbare Basis, Arch. Math. 19 (1968), 95-102. [20] J.L. Koszul, Sur certains groupes des transformations de Lie, Colloque de Geometrie Differentiable, Strasbourg, 1953, 137-141. [21] J.L. Koszul, Lectures on Groups of Transformations, Tata Institute of Fun­ damental Researach, Bombay, 1965. [22] J. Mather, Stability of C^-m appings II. Infinitesimal stability implies sta­ bility, Ann. Math. 89 (1969), 254-291. [23] T. Matumoto and M. Shiota, Unique triangulation of the orbit space of a differentiable transformation group and its applications, Homotopy Theory and Related Topics, Advanced Studies in Pure Math., vol. 9, Kinokuniya, Tokyo, 1987, 41-55. [24] D. Montgomery and L. Zippin, Small subgroups of finite-dimensional groups, Ann. of Math. 56 (1952), 213-241. [25] D. Montgomery and L. Zippin, Examples of transformation groups, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 5 (1954), 460-465. [26] D. Montgomery and L. Zippin, Topological Transformation Groups, Inter­ science Publishers, New York and London, 1955. [27] C.B. Morrey, Jr., The analytic embedding of abstract real-analytic mani­ folds, Ann. of Math. 68 (1958), 159-201. [28] R. Narasimhan, Analysis on real and complex manifolds, North-Holland, 1968.


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[29] R.S. Palais, On the existence of slices for actions of non-compact Lie groups, Ann. of Math. 73 (1961), 295-323. [30] R.S. Palais, C 1 actions of compact Lie groups on compact manifolds are C 1-equivalent to C°° actions, Amer. J. Math. 92 (1970), 748-760. [31] L.S. Pontryagin, Topological Groups, Second Edition, Gordon and Breach, New York, 1966. [32]

H. Whitney, Differentiable manifolds, Ann. of Math. 37 (1936), 645-680.

Formal Deformations of Equivariant Genera, Fixed Point Formula and Universal Symmetry Blocks

Gabriel Katz Introduction This paper is the first in a series. The series originated as our attempt to understand some of the recent work on elliptic genera by Bott, Hirzebruch, Landweber, Liu, Ochanine, Segal, Stong, Taubes, Witten and others (cf. [BT], [H], [L], [LS], [Li], [01], [02], [Se], [W]). We started by building a framework that would be very much adjusted to [BT], but soon found ourselves crossing the borders of the Elliptic kingdom to study other equivariant genera of K-theoretical nature. Despite similarity with [BT], we feel that the philosophy of our approach is much closer to some old works of the Russian school on equivariant bordism, especially to those of Kricever [K rl], [Kr2]. For instance, it relies on [K I], where for equivari­ ant bundles we have developed (in a quite geometrical manner) the notion of bordism-valued characteristic classes. Thus, the present paper bridges the results of [KI] on equivariant bordism with more familiar material on equivariant K-theory (developed by Atiyah, Singer and Segal in the early 1960s). We also go beyond this classical treatment in a number of directions: 1) we obtain fixed-point formulae for computing for­ mal deformations of classical G-equivariant indices of several important elliptic operators; 2) the answer is expressed through a new type of f “ non-equivariant ”) invariants which makes the study of the possible range of a G-index more trans­ parent; 3) we treat a special class of G-actions which is larger than the classical class of cyclic or cyclically dense ones (although classical fixed point formulae, coupled with the cyclic induction, implicitly tell the whole story, an explicit answer in terms of the G-fixed point set is probably a new wrinkle). Let G be a compact Lie group acting on a smooth closed manifold M in such a way that the normal bundle v ( M G, M ) admits an equivariant complex or quaternionic structure. We denote by ip a typical complex (quaternionic) G-representation on a fiber of i/(M G, M ) . Given a finite list 93 = {p } of irreducible complex (quaternionic) G-representations p, we shall restrict our considerations to a class of G-actions which we call 9 linearly modeled. They satisfy the following hypotheses: (1) the set pjP£v\{g £ G |D et(l — p(g)) ^ 0} is non-empty; in particular, fo r a connected Lie group G, this means that, fo r any p G 93, all the weights of p are non-trivial.


Gabriel Katz

(2) any normal representation the list 91.

splits into a sum of the irreducible p ’s from

(3) For any x e M \ M G, its isotropy group G x is contained in an isotropy group of a non-zero vector from the space of some G-representation x — ©pGmnp ' P non-negative integers n * denoting the multiplicity of p in x). Intuitively, one might think about linearly modeled actions as having a non­ empty open set of elements g £ G, so that M 9 = M G, as well as having the isotropy type combinatorics of a linear G-representation. Note that about “half” of the connected Lie groups G fail to satisfy (1) and, as a result, have no linearly modeled actions. On the other hand, for an appropriate choice of 91, any circle action or any SU(2)-action, with the isotropy groups all being finite or S U (2) itself, is linearly modeled. Although in [K2] we deal mostly with connected Lie groups G, the results of this paper are valid for (linearly modeled) actions of generic compact Lie groups, in particular, one can think of G as being finite. Let t M stand for the tangent bundle of M , dim M = 2n. Let Q be a compact Lie group acting transitively on the unit sphere S 2n~ l (such Q have been classified). Thus, S'271-1 is orientably isomorphic to a homo­ geneous space Q/Ti. Assume that t M admits a G-equivariant (/-structure, i.e. the structure group of t M equivariantly reduces to Q (see Sect. 2.1 for more details). Then, starting with a virtual (/-representation o X jV i where each Xj is a central algebraic function on G and can be viewed as an index of a basic operator D a, twisted with the appropriate (virtual) tensorial fields on M . The operation 0 determines explicitly the type of the twist. Our local Lefschetz-type formula (2.6.1) in Theorem 2.3 provides a con­ venient setting for studying the W itten’s rigidity phenomenon [W] for \j — ^ ( ( J m (8) Q j(t c )), j — 0, 1, 2, . . . , in the spirit of the beautiful paper [BT]. Here by “rigidity” we mean that, under certain combinatorial conditions on the normal representation { 0 } (usually implied by the existence of an equivariant Spin-structure), each function \j : G — ►C is, in fact, a constant. In [K 2] we are going to employ (2.6.1) to derive some of these rigidity results. In fact, the stable exponential operations 0 : K C( X ) — > JCa(X )[[t ]] are in one-to-one correspondence with the elements Vt(u) =

e C [u,u

[[ 1

or and D a — Dirac operator, n >


one gets the invariants i n d w h o s e rigidity has been conjectured by W itten [W] and proven by Taubes and Bott-Taubes [T], [BT] (see also [LS] for an important special case). Our basic observation is that, for linearly modeled actions and the operators D a as above, one has the G-fixed point formula: i n


M )(g ) = E

g G G.

(0 .1 )


Gabriel Katz

Here a; is a multi-index (a tableau), z/0 = where stands for the component of M G having the normal slice-type ip, € C[[t]] is a universal central function, well-defined on the complement to the divisor — {g E G\ D et(l - ip{g)) = 0 } in G. A distinctive feature of (0.1) is the effective separation of the topology of the action, encoded through the “non-equivariant” characteristic elements ( “num­ bers” ) {4>^(z/^)} of and the G-symmetry, manifesting itself through univer­ sal (i.e., M-independent) “equivariant” block-functions This separation also makes it possible to understand the range of ind^jD^, ~ ) and of in d (D a , ~ ). In fact, = indt(-Do-,2>^ Under these hypotheses, formulae (1.2), (1.3) collapse to:

m m

) = m l • i>i + m l

• v>2 +

m l,



(we use the same notation for a T-representation and for the trivial T-bundle it defines). The complex bundle v^ admits a canonical equivariant splitting (pi 0 £1) 0 (p2 0 ^2)7 £1>£2 being some complex line bundles over the surface M j . By (1.3), in the ring IF'), we have:

^ = [pi Xp2] X

— the transversal self-intersection of P (£ 2) in the space of £ oriented O-dimensional manifold £ 2,0 = x(2C 0 t tr)-

0 7V,

as well as an


Gabriel Katz

According to Theorem 1.1, the bordism class of the SU(3)-bundle determined by the bordism classes of the manifolds:


.5o,o = M su M over M , so that £ is orient ably isomorphic to the bundle Vg£ Xg R 2n — ►M, the ^-structure in R 2n being the obvious one. In particular, we shall say that M admits a ^-structure if t M does. In this case we shall abbreviate V g [ r M ) as V g M . Starting with an element o GK g ^ ( D 2n, S 2n~ l ), in a quite functorial way, one can construct an element cr^ of K { D ( s, 5£) [ASi]. Let us recall this construc­ tion. First, consider the fragment of the long exact sequence in the K g -theory: ►K g ( D 2n, S 2n- 1) - A K g ( D 2n) - G K g i S 211- 1). One can identify the ring K g ( D 2n) « K g (p t ) with R (G ) and K g ( S 2n~ 1) with K n {pt) ~ where TL — U (n - 1), SO(2n - 1), Spin(2n - 1) are the isotropy groups of a vector from the homogeneous space G/Ti ~ S 2n~ 1 C M2n. The homomorphism z* from the exact sequence above can be identified with the restriction homomorphism res^ : R(G ) — ►R ( H ). Thus, Im j* = Kerz* consists of the characters which vanish under res^ . The map res^ is classically well-understood (cf. [Hu], Chapi3, §10): in fact, x £ Ker(res^) if and only if it is divisible in R (G ) by the character


n (l- «i) 2=1 n t J ( a t- 1 - a i) 2=1 72 Y \ (a i 2 ~ ai ) 2=1

for Q = U (n ), for G = SO (2n),

f° r ^ = Spin(2n).

1 Here the a^’s are the basic characters from R ( T ( n ) ) and cq2’s are interpreted as basic characters on the maximal torus T (n ) C Spin(2n). Recall, that res^ is identical on o q ,. . . , a n_ i and takes a n to 1. As a result, Im j* coincides with the ideal cr^ • R (G ) M denote the natural projection. Given an element cr G