Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Advances in Computational Intelligence: IJCACI 2021 (Algorithms for Intelligent Systems) 981190331X, 9789811903311

This book gathers outstanding research papers presented at the 5th International Joint Conference on Advances in Computa

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English Pages 662 [633] Year 2022

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Table of contents :
About the Editors
1 Performance Analysis of Secure Hybrid Approach for Sharing Data Securely in Vehicular Adhoc Network
1 Introduction
2 Research Method
3 Malicious Activity Detection
4 Simulation and Results
5 Conclusion
2 Particle Swarm Optimization and Computational Algorithm Based Weighted Fuzzy Time Series Forecasting Method
1 Introduction
2 Preliminaries
2.1 Fuzzy Set
2.2 Fuzzy Time Series
2.3 Weighted Fuzzy Time Series
2.4 Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)
3 Proposed PSO Based FTS Model
4 Experimental Study
5 Conclusion
3 Assessing Usability of Mobile Applications Developed for Autistic Users through Heuristic and Semiotic Evaluation
1 Introduction
2 Background and Related Works
3 Research Methodology
4 Evaluation of the Applications
4.1 Heuristic Evaluation
4.2 Semiotic Evaluation
4.3 Comparative Analysis
5 Discussion and Conclusion
4 Blockchain Implementations and Use Cases for Inhibiting COVID-19 Pandemic
1 Introduction
2 Research Methodology
2.1 Research Questions (RQ)
2.2 Conduct Search - Data Sources
2.3 Selection of Studies - Exclude and Include
2.4 Data Extraction
3 Synthesizing the Review Data
3.1 Focused Objectives
3.2 Use Cases
4 Mapping Between Focused Objectives and Use-Cases
5 Conclusion
5 Ant Colony Optimization to Solve the Rescue Problem as a Vehicle Routing Problem with Hard Time Windows
1 Introduction
2 Problem Definition and Modeling
2.1 Input Variables
2.2 Objective Function
2.3 Constraints
3 Proposed ACO Algorithm
3.1 Route Construction
3.2 Pheromone Update
4 Experiments and Results
4.1 Description of Test Cases
4.2 Results
5 Discussion and Conclusion
5.1 Limitations
5.2 Further Improvements
6 Applying Opinion Leaders to Investigate the Best-of-n Decision Problem in Decentralized Systems
1 Introduction
2 Problem Model
2.1 Opinion Dissemination
2.2 Concept of an Opinion Leader
2.3 Implementation of an Opinion Leader
3 Experiments
4 Results
4.1 S1: Opinion Leader Effect
4.2 S2: Captain Effect
4.3 S3: Leader Weight Exploration
4.4 S4: Rogue Effect
4.5 S5: Leader Noise Exploration
5 Conclusions and Outlook
7 Pathfinding in the Paparazzi Problem Comparing Different Distance Measures
1 Introduction
2 Problem Statement
3 Background Information
3.1 A* Algorithm
3.2 Extended A* Algorithm
3.3 Distance Functions
3.4 Admissibility of Heuristics
4 Implementation and Testing
4.1 System Specifications
4.2 Code Structure
4.3 Parameters of the Evaluation
5 Results
6 Discussion
7 Conclusion
8 Outlook
8 Empirical Evaluation of Motion Cue for Passive-Blind Video Tamper Detection Using Optical Flow Technique
1 Introduction
2 A Review of Optical Flow Techniques
3 Proposed Methodology
4 Empirical Evaluation of Motion Cues for Temper Detection
4.1 Materials and Methods
4.2 Experimental Setup
4.3 Empirical evaluation and results
4.4 Comparison with Other State-of-Arts Approaches
5 Conclusion
9 Quantifying Changes in Sundarbans Mangrove Forest Through GEE Cloud Computing Approach
1 Introduction
1.1 Importance of SAR Data
1.2 Scope and Objectives
2 Materials and Methods
2.1 Study Area
2.2 Image Processing
2.3 Loss and Gain map
2.4 Sentinel-1 SAR Data and Pre-processing
2.5 Sentinel-2 Image Processing
3 Results
3.1 Loss and Gain Map
3.2 AGB Maps
3.3 Bulbul Cyclone
4 Discussion
5 Conclusion
Metaheuristics and Hyper-heuristics Based on Evolutionary Algorithms for Software Integration Testing
1 Introduction
2 Related Work
3 Overview of the InMeHy_STF Method
4 Controlled Experiment
4.1 Objective, Research Questions and Variables
4.2 Problems and Problem Instances
4.3 Algorithms and Parameters
4.4 Types of Evaluation
4.5 Validity
5 Results and Analysis
6 Conclusions
11 Towards a Static and Dynamic Features-Based Framework for Android Vulnerabilities Detection
1 Introduction
2 Related Work
3 Proposed Methodology
4 Formulation of Dataset
4.1 Benign Dataset
4.2 Malware Dataset
4.3 Extraction of Attributes
4.4 Attribute Selection
5 Attribute Selection Techniques
5.1 Attribute Ranking Approaches
5.2 Attribute Selection Approaches
6 Results of Various Experiments
6.1 Evaluating Performance of Various Algorithms by Using Network Traffic Attribute
6.2 Experiments with Existing Attribute Ranking Algorithms
7 Conclusion and Future Work
12 A Comparative Study of Existing Knowledge Based Techniques for Word Sense Disambiguation
1 Introduction
2 Literature Survey
2.1 Knowledge-Based Methodology
2.2 Knowledge-Based Techniques
3 Comparative Results and Analysis of Different Algorithms under Knowledge Based Techniques for WSD
4 Conclusion
13 An Insider Threat Detection Model Using One-Hot Encoding and Near-Miss Under-Sampling Techniques
1 Introduction
1.1 The Protection against Insider Threats
2 Literature Review
3 Approach and Implementation
3.1 Dataset
3.2 Preprocessing
3.3 Feature Selection
3.4 Encoding and Scaling
3.5 Classification
3.6 Evaluation Metrics
4 Experimental Results
5 Conclusion
A Review on Unbalanced Data Classification
1 Introduction
2 Challenges of Unbalanced Data
3 Handling Unbalanced Data
3.1 Data Level Approaches
3.2 Algorithm Level Approaches
3.3 Ensemble of Classifiers
4 Unbalanced Data-Sets
5 Conclusion
Towards Developing a Mobile Application for Detecting Intoxicated People through Interactive UIs
1 Introduction
2 Background and Related Works
2.1 Exploring Short-Term Effects of Alcohol and Cannabis
2.2 Situational Impairment Testing Tasks
2.3 Detecting Alcohol and Cannabis Consumption Using Mobile Application
3 Conceptual Framework
3.1 Balancing and Grip Sense
3.2 Short-Time Memory Testing and Heart Rate Measure
3.3 Simple Reaction Task
3.4 Choice Reaction Task
4 Conclusion
16 Power Control of a Grid Connected Hybrid Fuel Cell, Solar and Wind Energy Conversion Systems by Using Fuzzy MPPT Technique
1 Introduction
2 Proposed System Architecture
3 Power Generation Sources Dynamic Modelling
3.1 Wind Turbine
3.2 Solar PV Cell
3.3 Fuel Cell
3.4 Buck-Boost Converter
3.5 Three Phase Inverter
3.6 Fuzzy MPPT Algorithm
4 Simulation Results and Discussion
5 Conclusion
Novel Harris Hawks Optimization and Deep Neural Network Approach for Intrusion Detection
1 Introduction
1.1 Research Goals and Contributions
1.2 Structure of the Paper
2 Theoretical Background and Literature Review
3 Proposed Method
3.1 Basic HHO Algorithm
3.2 Drawbacks of the Basic HHO
3.3 Proposed Improved HHO Algorithm - HHO-QRLRS
4 Experimental Setup and Analysis
4.1 Cross Validation
4.2 Comparative Analysis and Discussion
5 Conclusion
Random Forest Classification and Regression Models for Literacy Data
1 Introduction
2 Information
3 Previous Work
4 Data Curation: Preprocessing and Feature Engineering
5 Random Forest Classification and Regression Algorithms
5.1 Random Forests
5.2 Feature Ranking and Feature Selection
5.3 Models Developed and Simulations
5.4 Hyper-parameter Tuning Using Grid Search
6 Results and Discussions
6.1 Results
6.2 Discussion Based on Inferences
6.3 Conclusions
19 Towards Robotic Knee Arthroscopy: Spatial and Spectral Learning Model for Surgical Scene Segmentation
1 Introduction
2 Background Study
3 Methods
3.1 Spectral Image Reconstruction
3.2 Dataset
3.3 Model
4 Results
5 Conclusion
20 Opposition-Based Arithmetic Optimization Algorithm with Varying Acceleration Coefficient for Function Optimization and Control of FES System
1 Introduction
2 The Arithmetic Optimization Algorithm
3 Modified Arithmetic Optimization Algorithm
4 Performance Evaluation Against Benchmark Functions
4.1 Details of the Employed Benchmark Functions
4.2 Experimental Results and Discussion
5 Performance Evaluation on Biomedical System
5.1 Modeling of Functional Electrical Stimulation
5.2 PID Controlled System and Application of mAOA
5.3 Simulation Results and Discussions
6 Conclusion
21 Robot Path Planning Using β Hill Climbing Grey Wolf Optimizer
1 Introduction
2 Literature Review
3 β Hill Climbing Grey Wolf Optimizer
4 Robot Path Planning
5 Results of Experiment
6 Conclusion
22 Texture Feature Analysis for Inter-Frame Video Tampering Detection
1 Introduction
2 Proposed Inter-Frame Video Tampering Detection Approach
2.1 Video to Frame Conversion
2.2 Video Frame Pre-processing
2.3 Feature Extraction
2.4 Histogram Computation
2.5 Histogram Similarity Analysis
2.6 Normalization and Quantization
3 Dataset
4 Experimental Results
5 Discussion
6 Conclusion
23 Computer Vision-Based Algorithms on Zebra Crossing Navigation
1 Introduction
2 Comparative Analysis
2.1 Examining Groups of Concurrent Lines
2.2 Image to Speech Conversion Technique
2.3 Detection Using AdaBoost
2.4 Detection Using Mobile-Based System
2.5 Detection Using Image-Based Bipolarity
3 Research Directions and Challenges
4 Conclusion
24 AI Based Multi Label Data Classification of Social Media
1 Introduction
2 Literature Review
3 Popular Algorithms for Multi-label Classification
3.1 Binary Relevance (BR)
3.2 Classifier Chain (CC)
3.3 Random k-Label Set (RAkEL)
3.4 ML-kNN Classification
4 Performance Measures
5 Research Methodology
5.1 Data Source
5.2 Data Pre-processing
5.3 Data Processing
5.4 Data Storage
5.5 Data Labelling
5.6 Classification Algorithm
6 Result
7 Application of Multi-label Classification
8 Conclusion
25 Feature Extraction Based Landmine Detection Using Fuzzy Logic
1 Introduction
2 Review on Feature Extraction Based Landmine Detection using Fuzzy Logic and Wavelet Transform
3 Discussion
4 Analysis
5 Conclusion
26 Prediction of Water Quality Index of Ground Water Using the Artificial Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm
1 Introduction
2 Study Area
3 Methodology
3.1 Data Collection and Preparation
3.2 Model Summary
3.3 Description of Model
3.4 Modeling Using ANN
3.5 ANN and GA Coupling
4 Results and Discussion
5 Conclusion
27 Improving Throttled Load Balancing Algorithm in Cloud Computing
1 Introduction
2 Related Works
3 Proposed Improving Throttled Algorithm (ITLBA)
4 Experiment and Results
5 Result
6 Conclusion
28 IOT Based Smart Parking System Using NodeMCU and Arduino
1 Introduction
2 Literature Survey
3 Methodology
3.1 Collection of Project Requirements
3.2 Establishing Project Circuit
3.3 Developing Project Algorithm and Application
3.4 Testing and Perfecting our Model
4 Conclusion
29 Study on Intelligent Tutoring System for Learner Assessment Modeling Based on Bayesian Network
1 Introduction
2 Outline of Intelligent Tutoring System
2.1 ITS Methods
2.2 Learner Model Derivation Methods
2.3 Learner Model was Applied in this Work
3 ITS Learner Model is Built Around a BN
3.1 Bayesian Network
3.2 Reasoning About Uncertainty
3.3 System Structure
4 Methods
5 Conclusion
30 Finite Element Analysis of Prosthetic Hip Implant
1 Introduction
1.1 Finite Element Analysis
2 Methodology
3 Results and Discussion
3.1 Material 1 - Zirconia Toughened Alumina (ZTA); Cross-Linked Polyethylene (XLPE)
3.2 Material 2- Zirconia; Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)
3.3 Material 3- Alumina; Silicone Rubber
3.4 The Factor of Safety Plot
3.5 Stress v/s Strain Curves
3.6 Comparison of Materials Used in Implant Ball and Socket
4 Conclusion
31 A Comprehensive Study on Multi Document Text Summarization for Bengali Language
1 Introduction
2 Related Work
3 Methodology
3.1 Preprocessing
3.2 Word Vectorization
3.3 Similarity Measure
3.4 Summary Generation
4 Experimental Analysis
5 Conclusion and Future Work
32 Deep Learning-Based Lentil Leaf Disease Classification
1 Introduction
2 Related Works
3 Lentil Disease Classification
4 Methods and Materials
4.1 Data Augmentation
4.2 Image Preprocessing
5 Deep Learning Methods
5.1 ResNet50
5.2 Vgg16
5.3 Inceptionv3
6 Experiments
6.1 Dataset
6.2 Performance Metrics
7 Result Analysis
7.1 Comparison of Different Model Accuracy
8 Conclusion
33 Framework for Diabetes Prediction Using Machine Learning Techniques Through Swarm Intelligence
1 Introduction
2 Literature Review
3 Methodology
3.1 Data, Feature Selection and Software Tools
3.2 Data Preprocessing
3.3 Application of ML Techniques
4 Result and Discussion
5 Conclusion
34 Statistical Post-processing Approaches for OCR Texts
1 Introduction
2 Statistical Linguistic Features
2.1 Corpus-Based Features
2.2 OCR Error Features
3 Datasets and Statistical Language Models
3.1 Databases
3.2 Statistical Language Models
4 Conclusions
35 FPGA Implementation of Masked-AE$HA-2 for Digital Signature Application
1 Introduction
2 The Existing Work
2.1 Side-Channel Attacks
2.2 The AES Algorithm
2.3 The SHA-2 Architecture
3 Proposed Architecture
3.1 Proposed Masked AES Encryption Algorithms
3.2 Proposed SHA-2 Architecture
4 Results and Discussion
5 Conclusion and Future Scope
36 A Framework for Improving the Accuracy with Different Sampling Techniques for Detection of Malicious Insider Threat in Cloud
1 Introduction
2 Background Study
3 Methodology
3.1 Dataset
3.2 Data Pre-processing
3.3 Classification
4 Results and Discussions
5 Conclusion and Future Enhancement
37 Customer Churn Analysis Using Machine Learning
1 Introduction
2 Literature Survey
3 Proposed Work
3.1 Data Analysis
4 Results
5 Conclusion
38 A Comparative Study of Hyperparameter Optimization Techniques for Deep Learning
1 Introduction
2 Hyperparameter Optimization Techniques
2.1 Grad Student Descent Optimization
2.2 Grid Search
2.3 Bayesian Optimization
2.4 Random Search
2.5 Hyperband
2.6 Genetic Algorithm
2.7 Swarm Intelligence
2.8 Limitations of HPO Techniques
3 Methodology
3.1 Datasets and Architectures
3.2 Experimental Setup
3.3 Hardware and Software Setup
4 Results
5 Conclusion
39 Fault Location on Transmission Lines of Power Systems with Integrated Solar Photovoltaic Power Sources
1 Introduction
2 Fault Location on a Transmission Line
3 An ACS Algorithm-Based Fault Location
4 Numerical Result
5 Conclusion
Emergency Vehicle Detection Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network
1 Introduction
2 Related Works
3 Proposed Methodology
3.1 Proposed Approach
3.2 Pre-processing
3.3 Finding Region of Interest
3.4 Transfer Learning Approach
3.5 Classification
4 Implementation and Experiments
4.1 Experimental Setup and Configuration
4.2 Dataset
4.3 Performance of Transfer Learning Approach
5 Conclusion and Future Work
41 Emotion Recognition from Speech Using Deep Learning
1 Introduction
2 Related Work
3 Proposed Methodology
3.1 Feature Extraction
3.2 Preprocessing
3.3 Proposed Neural Network Architectures
4 Experiments
4.1 Dataset Description
4.2 Evaluation Metrices
4.3 Result Analysis and Discussion
5 Conclusion
42 Secure Predictive Analysis on Heart Diseases Using Partially Homomorphic Machine Learning Model
1 Introduction
1.1 Predictive Analysis
1.2 Machine Learning Algorithms
1.3 Homomorphic Encryption
1.4 Motivation
2 Related Work
3 Partially Homomorphic Machine Learning Model (PHML)
3.1 PCA Hyperparameters
3.2 The PHML Algorithm
4 Security Proof of PHML Scheme
4.1 PRG Based PHML
4.2 PHML One Way Chosen Ciphertext Attack
5 Discussions on Simulation Result
5.1 Implementation of the Proposed Scheme
5.2 Comparison of Cryptographic Schemes
6 Conclusion
43 Artificial Intelligent Based Control of Improved Converter for Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems
1 Introduction
2 Proposed Work
2.1 Problem Identification
2.2 System Architecture
2.3 Bidirectional Buck Boost Battery Converter
2.4 PI Controller
2.5 PWM Generator
2.6 Grid Synchronized 3ϕ VSI Filter
2.7 LC Filter
3 Results and Discussion
4 Conclusion
Quality Analysis of PATHAO Ride-Sharing Service in Bangladesh
1 Introduction
1.1 Ride-Sharing Services
1.2 Ride-Sharing Services in Bangladesh
1.3 Quality of Service (QoS)
2 Methodology
2.1 Data Acquisition
2.2 Preparing Dataset
2.3 Experiment Details
3 Result Analysis and Discussion
3.1 Respondents Demographic
3.2 Result of Service Quality Assessment
3.3 User Satisfaction Analysis
4 Conclusion
45 An Image Steganography Technique Based on Fake DNA Sequence Construction
1 Introduction
2 Related Works
3 The Proposed Scheme
3.1 Embedding Procedure
3.2 Extraction Procedure
4 Experimental Analyses
5 Conclusion
46 Random Forest Based Legal Prediction System
1 Introduction
2 Comparison of Various Research Works Related to Artificial Intelligence in Legal Field
3 Fundamentals of Random Forest
3.1 Dataset Generation and Feature Selection
4 Proposed Model Using Random Forest
4.1 Performance Analysis Using Proposed Model
4.2 Comparison Between Classes
5 Conclusion
47 Problem Solution Strategy Assessment of a Hybrid Knowledge-Based System in Teaching and Learning Practice
1 Introduction
2 Background of Teaching and Learning Practice
3 Structure of GBMA
3.1 Knowledge Representation in GBMA
3.2 Reasoning Based on Previously Decided Case Law
4 Fuzzy Subjective Knowledge
5 Fuzzy Approaches for GBMA Assessment
6 Conclusion
Author Index
Recommend Papers

Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Advances in Computational Intelligence: IJCACI 2021 (Algorithms for Intelligent Systems)
 981190331X, 9789811903311

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Algorithms for Intelligent Systems Series Editors: Jagdish Chand Bansal · Kusum Deep · Atulya K. Nagar

Mohammad Shorif Uddin Prashant Kumar Jamwal Jagdish Chand Bansal   Editors

Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Advances in Computational Intelligence IJCACI 2021

Algorithms for Intelligent Systems Series Editors Jagdish Chand Bansal, Department of Mathematics, South Asian University, New Delhi, Delhi, India Kusum Deep, Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India Atulya K. Nagar, School of Mathematics, Computer Science and Engineering, Liverpool Hope University, Liverpool, UK

This book series publishes research on the analysis and development of algorithms for intelligent systems with their applications to various real world problems. It covers research related to autonomous agents, multi-agent systems, behavioral modeling, reinforcement learning, game theory, mechanism design, machine learning, meta-heuristic search, optimization, planning and scheduling, artificial neural networks, evolutionary computation, swarm intelligence and other algorithms for intelligent systems. The book series includes recent advancements, modification and applications of the artificial neural networks, evolutionary computation, swarm intelligence, artificial immune systems, fuzzy system, autonomous and multi agent systems, machine learning and other intelligent systems related areas. The material will be beneficial for the graduate students, post-graduate students as well as the researchers who want a broader view of advances in algorithms for intelligent systems. The contents will also be useful to the researchers from other fields who have no knowledge of the power of intelligent systems, e.g. the researchers in the field of bioinformatics, biochemists, mechanical and chemical engineers, economists, musicians and medical practitioners. The series publishes monographs, edited volumes, advanced textbooks and selected proceedings. Indexed by zbMATH. All books published in the series are submitted for consideration in Web of Science.

More information about this series at

Mohammad Shorif Uddin Prashant Kumar Jamwal Jagdish Chand Bansal


Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Advances in Computational Intelligence IJCACI 2021


Editors Mohammad Shorif Uddin Department of Computer Science and Engineering Jahangirnagar University Dhaka, Bangladesh

Prashant Kumar Jamwal Nazarbayev University Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan

Jagdish Chand Bansal Department of Mathematics South Asian University New Delhi, India

ISSN 2524-7565 ISSN 2524-7573 (electronic) Algorithms for Intelligent Systems ISBN 978-981-19-0331-1 ISBN 978-981-19-0332-8 (eBook) © The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2022 This work is subject to copyright. All rights are solely and exclusively licensed by the Publisher, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission or information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed. The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use. The publisher, the authors and the editors are safe to assume that the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication. Neither the publisher nor the authors or the editors give a warranty, expressed or implied, with respect to the material contained herein or for any errors or omissions that may have been made. The publisher remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. This Springer imprint is published by the registered company Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. The registered company address is: 152 Beach Road, #21-01/04 Gateway East, Singapore 189721, Singapore


This book contains outstanding research papers as the proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Advances in Computational Intelligence (IJCACI 2021). IJCACI 2021 has been jointly organized by South Asian University (SAU), India, and Jahangirnagar University (JU), Bangladesh, under the technical co-sponsorship of the Soft Computing Research Society, India. It was held on October 23–24, 2021, at South Asian University (SAU), India, in virtual mode due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The conference was conceived as a platform for disseminating and exchanging ideas, concepts, and results of the researchers from academia and industry to develop a comprehensive understanding of the challenges of the advancements of intelligence in computational viewpoints. This book will help in strengthening congenial networking between academia and industry. The conference focused on collective intelligence, soft computing, optimization, cloud computing, machine learning, intelligent software, robotics, data science, data security, big data analytics, signal and natural language processing. This conference is an update of the first four conferences: (1) International Workshop on Computational Intelligence (IWCI 2016) that was held on December 12–13, 2016, at JU, Dhaka, Bangladesh, in collaboration with SAU, India, under the technical co-sponsorship of IEEE Bangladesh Section; and (2) International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence (IJCCI 2018) that was held on December 14–15, 2018, at Daffodil International University (DIU), in collaboration with JU, Bangladesh, and SAU, India, and (3) International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence (IJCCI 2019) that was held on October 25–26, 2019, at University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB) in collaboration with Jahangirnagar University (JU), Bangladesh, and South Asian University (SAU), India, (4) International Joint Conference on Advances in Computational Intelligence (IJCACI 2020) that was held on November 20–21, 2020, at Daffodil International University (DIU), in collaboration with JU, Bangladesh, and SAU, India. All accepted and presented papers of IWCI 2016 are in IEEE Xplore Digital Library, and IJCCI 2018, IJCCI 2019, and IJCACI 2020 are in Springer Nature Book Series Algorithms for Intelligent Systems (AIS).




We have tried our best to enrich the quality of the IJCACI 2021 through a stringent and careful peer-reviewed process. IJCACI 2021 received a significant number of technical contributed articles from distinguished participants from home and abroad. After a very stringent peer-reviewing process, only 56 high-quality papers were finally accepted for presentation, and the final proceedings contains only 47 papers after careful selection. In fact, this book presents novel contributions in areas of computational intelligence, and it serves as reference material for advanced research. Dhaka, Bangladesh Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan New Delhi, India

Mohammad Shorif Uddin Prashant Kumar Jamwal Jagdish Chand Bansal










Performance Analysis of Secure Hybrid Approach for Sharing Data Securely in Vehicular Adhoc Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Atul B. Kathole and Dinesh N. Chaudhari


Particle Swarm Optimization and Computational Algorithm Based Weighted Fuzzy Time Series Forecasting Method . . . . . . . . Shivani Pant and Sanjay Kumar


Assessing Usability of Mobile Applications Developed for Autistic Users through Heuristic and Semiotic Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sayma Alam Suha, Muhammad Nazrul Islam, Shammi Akter, Milton Chandro Bhowmick, and Rathin Halder


Blockchain Implementations and Use Cases for Inhibiting COVID-19 Pandemic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Amirul Azim and Muhammad Nazrul Islam


Ant Colony Optimization to Solve the Rescue Problem as a Vehicle Routing Problem with Hard Time Windows . . . . . . . . Mélanie Suppan, Thomas Hanne, and Rolf Dornberger


Applying Opinion Leaders to Investigate the Best-of-n Decision Problem in Decentralized Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jan Kruta, Urs Känel, Rolf Dornberger, and Thomas Hanne


Pathfinding in the Paparazzi Problem Comparing Different Distance Measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kevin Schär, Philippe Schwank, Rolf Dornberger, and Thomas Hanne


Empirical Evaluation of Motion Cue for Passive-Blind Video Tamper Detection Using Optical Flow Technique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Poonam Kumari and Mandeep Kaur






Quantifying Changes in Sundarbans Mangrove Forest Through GEE Cloud Computing Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Chiranjit Singha and Kishore C. Swain

10 Metaheuristics and Hyper-heuristics Based on Evolutionary Algorithms for Software Integration Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 Valdivino Alexandre de Santiago Júnior and Camila Pereira Sales 11 Towards a Static and Dynamic Features-Based Framework for Android Vulnerabilities Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 Jigna Rathod and Dharmendra Bhatti 12 A Comparative Study of Existing Knowledge Based Techniques for Word Sense Disambiguation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167 Aarti Purohit and Kuldeep Kumar Yogi 13 An Insider Threat Detection Model Using One-Hot Encoding and Near-Miss Under-Sampling Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 Rakan A. Alsowail 14 A Review on Unbalanced Data Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197 Arvind Kumar, Shivani Goel, Nishant Sinha, and Arpit Bhardwaj 15 Towards Developing a Mobile Application for Detecting Intoxicated People through Interactive UIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209 Ifath Ara, Tasneem Mubashshira, Fariha Fardina Amin, Nafiz Imtiaz Khan, and Muhammad Nazrul Islam 16 Power Control of a Grid Connected Hybrid Fuel Cell, Solar and Wind Energy Conversion Systems by Using Fuzzy MPPT Technique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223 Satyabrata Sahoo and K. Teja 17 Novel Harris Hawks Optimization and Deep Neural Network Approach for Intrusion Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239 Miodrag Zivkovic, Nebojsa Bacanin, Jelena Arandjelovic, Andjela Rakic, Ivana Strumberger, K. Venkatachalam, and P. Mani Joseph 18 Random Forest Classification and Regression Models for Literacy Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251 Mayur Pandya and Jayaraman Valadi 19 Towards Robotic Knee Arthroscopy: Spatial and Spectral Learning Model for Surgical Scene Segmentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269 Shahnewaz Ali and Ajay K. Pandey



20 Opposition-Based Arithmetic Optimization Algorithm with Varying Acceleration Coefficient for Function Optimization and Control of FES System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283 Davut Izci, Serdar Ekinci, Erdal Eker, and Laith Abualigah 21 Robot Path Planning Using b Hill Climbing Grey Wolf Optimizer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295 Saniya Bahuguna and Ashok Pal 22 Texture Feature Analysis for Inter-Frame Video Tampering Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305 Shehnaz and Mandeep Kaur 23 Computer Vision-Based Algorithms on Zebra Crossing Navigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319 Sumaita Binte Shorif, Sadia Afrin, Anup Majumder, and Mohammad Shorif Uddin 24 AI Based Multi Label Data Classification of Social Media . . . . . . . 329 Shashi Pal Singh, Ritu Tiwari, Sanjeev Sharma, and Ajai Kumar 25 Feature Extraction Based Landmine Detection Using Fuzzy Logic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343 T. Kalaichelvi and S. Ravi 26 Prediction of Water Quality Index of Ground Water Using the Artificial Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . 355 Mehtab Mehdi and Bharti Sharma 27 Improving Throttled Load Balancing Algorithm in Cloud Computing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 369 Worku Wondimu Mulat, Sudhir Kumar Mohapatra, Rabinarayana Sathpathy, and Sunil Kumar Dhal 28 IOT Based Smart Parking System Using NodeMCU and Arduino . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379 Sai Venkata Dhanush Amirineni and Rohit Sai Kasukurthi 29 Study on Intelligent Tutoring System for Learner Assessment Modeling Based on Bayesian Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 389 Rohit B. Kaliwal and Santosh L. Deshpande 30 Finite Element Analysis of Prosthetic Hip Implant . . . . . . . . . . . . . 399 Priyanka Jadhav, Swar Kiran, T. Tharinipriya, and T. Jayasree 31 A Comprehensive Study on Multi Document Text Summarization for Bengali Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415 Nadira Anjum Nipa and Naznin Sultana



32 Deep Learning-Based Lentil Leaf Disease Classification . . . . . . . . . 427 Kaniz Fatema, Md. Awlad Hossen Rony, Kazi Mumtahina Puspita, Md. Zahid Hasan, and Mohammad Shorif Uddin 33 Framework for Diabetes Prediction Using Machine Learning Techniques Through Swarm Intelligence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 445 C. Kalpana and B. Booba 34 Statistical Post-processing Approaches for OCR Texts . . . . . . . . . . 457 Quoc-Dung Nguyen, Duc-Anh Le, Nguyet-Minh Phan, Nguyet-Thuan Phan, and Pavel Kromer 35 FPGA Implementation of Masked-AE$HA-2 for Digital Signature Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 469 M. M. Sravani, S. Ananiah Durai, M. Prathyusha Reddy, G. Sowjanya, and Nabihah Ahmad 36 A Framework for Improving the Accuracy with Different Sampling Techniques for Detection of Malicious Insider Threat in Cloud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 485 G. Padmavathi, D. Shanmugapriya, and S. Asha 37 Customer Churn Analysis Using Machine Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . 495 Ritika Tyagi and K. Sindhu 38 A Comparative Study of Hyperparameter Optimization Techniques for Deep Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 509 Anjir Ahmed Chowdhury, Argho Das, Khadija Kubra Shahjalal Hoque, and Debajyoti Karmaker 39 Fault Location on Transmission Lines of Power Systems with Integrated Solar Photovoltaic Power Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . 523 Thanh H. Truong, Duy C. Huynh, and Matthew W. Dunnigan 40 Emergency Vehicle Detection Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 535 Samiul Haque, Shayla Sharmin, and Kaushik Deb 41 Emotion Recognition from Speech Using Deep Learning . . . . . . . . 549 MD. Muhyminul Haque and Kaushik Deb 42 Secure Predictive Analysis on Heart Diseases Using Partially Homomorphic Machine Learning Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 565 M. D. Boomija and S. V. Kasmir Raja 43 Artificial Intelligent Based Control of Improved Converter for Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 583 L. Chitra and K. S. Kavitha Kumari



44 Quality Analysis of PATHAO Ride-Sharing Service in Bangladesh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 597 Md. Biplob Hosen, Nusrat Jahan Farin, Mehrin Anannya, Khadija Islam, and Mohammad Shorif Uddin 45 An Image Steganography Technique Based on Fake DNA Sequence Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 613 Subhadip Mukherjee, Sunita Sarkar, and Somnath Mukhopadhyay 46 Random Forest Based Legal Prediction System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 623 Riya Sil 47 Problem Solution Strategy Assessment of a Hybrid Knowledge-Based System in Teaching and Learning Practice . . . . 635 Kamalendu Pal Author Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 647

About the Editors

Prof. Mohammad Shorif Uddin completed his Doctor of Engineering (Ph.D.) at Kyoto Institute of Technology in 2002, Japan, Master of Technology Education at Shiga University, Japan, in 1999, Bachelor of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) in 1991 and Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Jahangirnagar University in 2013. He began his teaching career as Lecturer in 1991 at Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology (CUET). In 1992, he joined the Computer Science and Engineering Department of Jahangirnagar University, and at present, he is a professor of this department. Besides, he is Teacher-in-Charge of the ICT Cell of Jahangirnagar University. He served as Chairman of the Computer Science and Engineering Department of Jahangirnagar University from June 2014 to June 2017 and as Adviser of ULAB from September 2009 to October 2020. He undertook postdoctoral research at Bioinformatics Institute, Singapore, Toyota Technological Institute, Japan, and Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan, Chiba University, Japan, Bonn University, Germany, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China. His research is motivated by applications in the fields of artificial intelligence, imaging informatics, and computer vision. He holds two patents for his scientific inventions and has published more than 170 research papers in international journals and conference proceedings. He had delivered a remarkable number of keynotes and invited talks and acted as General Chair or TPC Chair or Co-Chair of many international conferences. He received the Best Paper Award in the International Conference on Informatics, Electronics & Vision (ICIEV2013), Dhaka, Bangladesh, and the Best Presenter Award from the International Conference on Computer Vision and Graphics (ICCVG 2004), Warsaw, Poland. He was Coach of Janhangirnagar University ACM ICPC World Finals Teams in 2015 and 2017 and supervised a good number of doctoral and master theses. He is currently President of Bangladesh Computer Society (BCS), Fellow of IEB and BCS, a Senior Member of IEEE, and Associate Editor of IEEE Access.



About the Editors

Prof. Prashant Kumar Jamwal earned Ph.D. degree and a post-doctoral fellowship from the University of Auckland, New Zealand. Earlier, he had obtained M. Tech. from I.I.T., India, securing the first position in all the disciplines and B. Tech. from MNREC, Allahabad, India. Presently, he is working as Associate Professor at the School of Engineering and design sciences, Nazarbayev University (NU), Astana, Kazakhstan. He is actively pursuing research in artificial intelligence, multi-objective evolutionary optimization, mechatronics systems, biomedical robotics, and fuzzy mathematics. He is applying his research in the development of medical robots for rehabilitation and surgical applications besides the development of improved algorithms for cancer data analytics. He has more than 25 years of teaching and research experience and has published many research articles in reputed international journals/conferences. He has won many awards such as best paper awards in conferences, best digital solution award for his medical robots, Asian Universities Alliance (AUA) Scholars Award, etc., and recently United Nations acknowledged one of his robotics projects as one of the top twenty innovative projects in the world. He is working as Editor for the International Journal of bio-mechatronics and bio-robotics and as a reviewer to quite a few international journals and conferences of repute. He led many government-funded research projects and has so far received research grants worth more than $5M including a prestigious World Bank grant. Dr. Jagdish Chand Bansal is an Associate Professor at South Asian University New Delhi and Visiting Faculty at Maths and Computer Science, Liverpool Hope University UK. Dr. Bansal has obtained his Ph.D. in Mathematics from IIT Roorkee. Before joining SAU, New Delhi he has worked as an Assistant Professor at ABV- Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management Gwalior and BITS Pilani. His Primary area of interest is Swarm Intelligence and Nature Inspired Optimization Techniques. Recently, he proposed a fission-fusion social structure-based optimization algorithm, Spider Monkey Optimization (SMO), which is being applied to various problems from the engineering domain. He has published more than 70 research papers in various international journals/conferences. He is the editor in chief of the journal MethodsX published by Elsevier. He is the series editor of the book series Algorithms for Intelligent Systems (AIS) and Studies in Autonomic, Data-driven and Industrial Computing (SADIC) published by Springer. He is the editor in chief of International Journal of Swarm Intelligence (IJSI) published by Inderscience. He is also the Associate Editor of IEEE ACESSS published by IEEE and ARRAY published by Elsevier. He is the general secretary of Soft Computing Research Society (SCRS). He has also received Gold Medal at UG and PG levels.

Chapter 1

Performance Analysis of Secure Hybrid Approach for Sharing Data Securely in Vehicular Adhoc Network Atul B. Kathole

and Dinesh N. Chaudhari

1 Introduction A WSN is a clustered wireless network. It does not have a pre-defined infrastructure, and nodes may communicate directly with one another [1, 2]. Due to the ad hoc nature of the web, it is very susceptible to Dos attacks at the network layer. Sybil attacks are generic web-based assaults, often known as Ad hoc attacks. Malicious nodes obstruct network data transmission by providing inaccurate routing information [2]. In an attack dubbed the black hole, negative nodes broadcast false routing information to neighboring nodes, informing them of a minor route to the target node. After obtaining this bogus information, the source transmits packets through these malicious nodes, which discard the packets. On the other hand, the packages will not reach the network node that serves as the destination. The gray hole is considered an extension of Blackhole since malevolent nodes cannot be anticipated. Sybil’s attack is analogous to the temporary impression of generating new nodes or network entities and sending bogus data to another network node. On some occasions, it may act maliciously, but on others, it may behave normally. Both of these attacks disable the route discovery process, lowering the throughput-to-packet distribution ratio [3].

A. B. Kathole (B) Department of Computer Engineering, Pimpri Chinchwad College of Engineering (PCCOE), Pune, India e-mail: [email protected] D. N. Chaudhari Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Jawaharlal Darda Institute of Engineering and Technology, Yavatmal, India © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2022 M. S. Uddin et al. (eds.), Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Advances in Computational Intelligence, Algorithms for Intelligent Systems,



A. B. Kathole and D. N. Chaudhari

There are many different causes for the declining PDR in MANET: high data rate, blocking or excessive load, high portability, etc. In any case, there are instances when MANET’s protection mechanisms struggle to provide acceptable alternative reasons for a dropped PDR scenario. For instance, using conventional techniques results in erroneous estimations of malicious nodes [1–3]. This article develops a crucial safety mechanism dubbed the Hybrid method for securing interaction and avoiding DSR protocol assaults. This procedure determines if any nodes in the network are malicious since the network is composed of many nodes. To eliminate these rogue nodes, the sophisticated DSR protocol is used. As a result, all malicious nodes are eliminated. If a nearby node gets incorrect routing information from an intermediary node, the node should be regarded as malevolent. The intermediate node informs the other nodes and any node that gets the information about the malicious nodes and updates its routing database to designate the node as malicious. When an RREQ is delivered, a malicious node list is added, and other nodes alter the receiving node’s routing table. Thus, by detecting erroneous routing information or examining the routing table, nodes may identify rogue nodes and alert other nodes not to accept the malicious nodes’ routing information. Numerous nodes are connected through ties to form the network. A unique Id identifies each node, and each packet is stamped with the identity of the associated source node. This critical information is maintained at each computer node in the network. MANET, or Mobile Ad hoc Networking, is a novel technology based on a multihop architecture that is wireless and does not need a rigid infrastructure or prior network node configuration. The following are the key characteristics of this new networking model [4]. Strategies often fail to comprehend the true nature of an unfavorable case’s reasons. This leads to a high number of false positives for nodes that are not malicious and low detection rates for malicious nodes. Such vulnerabilities exist as a result of the assumptions made by these confidence-based security methods. After all, packet losses occur only due to malevolent behavior on the part of misbehaving nodes [5]. These are, in any case, due to a variety of factors, including insufficient agility propagation, congestion, and wireless connections. Without a fine-grained examination of packet losses, conventional detection methods may result in erroneous confidence estimations, mainly when mobile nodes and data rates are high [6]. The rest of the research is organized as follows: Sect. 4 provides nodes for harmful identification systems in Sect. 2, Related Work, and Sect. 3 Study Process. Section 5 details the simulation’s effects. Finally, Sect. 6 contains a summary of the study.

1 Performance Analysis of Secure Hybrid Approach …


2 Research Method We recommended the Hybrid Bait Detection System, (HBDS), as a harmful detection tool in this post. This is just a parameter for negative identification nodes to resolve the problems encountered by earlier detection methods, which were mainly dependent on packet losses. The HBDS presented is a two-stage detection method in which the MANET defense provides and reduces the nodes that are malicious detection mistakes. Numerous security mechanisms make it impossible to identify rogue nodes with certainty [7]. The graph illustrates the node mobility about the packet delivery ratio, throughput, and end-to-end latency. In the presence of Sybil attack, HBDS has a packet delivery ratio of 96.5%, a throughput of 38.37%, and an end-to-end latency of 0.34%, which is comparable to FGA. Utilizing the suggested method enables the network’s overall preference to be improved to achieve maximum throughput in the shortest amount of time [8].

3 Malicious Activity Detection The primary goal of this study is to offer insight into the malicious node detection mechanism used in MANETs to enhance security and performance. The software is built on the HBDS framework, a capable of defending against a variety of MANET assaults. To optimize end-to-end latency and PDR performance, the hybrid CBDS (HBDS) technique is needed. The proposed work versus existing HBDS methods would significantly improve performance against a range of network attacks [9]. We utilize the suggested method to avoid a Sybil attack on a malicious node inside a particular MANET. Algorithm The value assigned to a node by a source node will be computed and compared to the actual behavior of each node in order to determine the correctness of the underlying trust-based framework that has evaluated credibility criteria. The pseudocode for our HBDS technique is presented after the algorithm [3],


A. B. Kathole and D. N. Chaudhari

The above algorithm will consider the different parameters with packet loss & PDR to evaluate the node working. If the particular node drops the packet gather, then the set threshold value and PDR are also greater than 0.5 that time node id is captured and stored in a separate table as it can be a malicious node on an above predication [2]. The Network environment is 500 m * 500 m. The number of different nodes is shown in Table 1 below. In addition, the proposed phenomenon has been tested Table 1 Parameters use during execution

1 Performance Analysis of Secure Hybrid Approach …


against malicious situations where attackers have infected various legitimate nodes [3].

4 Simulation and Results Below you will find some analysis of HBDS performance using corresponding methods. 1)

Positive Rates The sum of false positives is the ratio of valid nodes classified as unsafe to the total number of legitimate nodes. We compared the proposed architecture with DSR, CBDS, and FGA in terms of false positives. This time we covered all structures with our optimization model and included malicious nodes in the network. The false alarm rate as the speed of the node increases is shown in Fig. 1. As can be seen from the schematic diagram, compared with other solutions, the number of false positives in our HBDS system has significantly been reduced. The method we propose can better investigate the common possible causes of packet loss events and then determine the reliability of the node. In general, statistics show that as the speed of growing nodes increases, the rate of false positives will also increase. There is a reason for this trend: if the node moves faster, the possibility of the source node eavesdropping badly or routing information out of date will increase significantly, resulting in the source node being declared malicious. Means that as the density of nodes in the network increases and the frequency of false alarms, it is difficult to maintain a speed of 4 m/s in the nodes. As the number of nodes in the architecture increases, the source/destination pair will increase as the number of lost packets due to network conflicts increases. Compared with many other schemes that also treat dropped packets as malicious activities, the number of false positives in the

Fig. 1 Effect of a node moving speed and density on false positive. a False positives vs node moving speed


A. B. Kathole and D. N. Chaudhari

Fig. 2 Effect of a node moving speed and density on detection rate. a Detection rate vs node moving speed

HBDS plan is lower because the drop rate of each packet is measured before evaluating the behavior of the node. 2)

Detection Rate Compared to the other plan’s rate, our HBDS framework offers a higher level of identification efficacy. Similarly, Fig. 2(a) illustrates the recognition rate as a function of expanding hub speed for the HBDS methodology and other techniques. In contrast, Fig. 2(b) illustrates the location rate as a function of expanding hub thickness. The amount of information associations inside an organization increases as the hub thickness increases, as more bundles are lost due to effects. The alternative paradigm views these parcel drops as upstream actions from real hubs. Subsequently, as shown in the figure, the identification rate is more significant in our HBDS cycle than in the other cycles [4].


Packet Loss Rate The packet loss rate as a function of increasing node speed is shown in Fig. 3 for the FGA and HBDS schemes, respectively. Our HBDS system, as shown in the picture, has a lower packet loss rate than the FGA system. In the HBDS system, more reliable nodes are often chosen for routing, resulting in fewer error packets and a higher package transmission ratio [4].

1 Performance Analysis of Secure Hybrid Approach …


Fig. 3 Effect of node moving packet loss rate

5 Conclusion Numerous people know that Sybil assaults are the most destructive kind of attack on an ad hoc network. While there are many ways for defending Ad hoc networks against such attacks, traditional preventative measures have significant limitations and disadvantages in this area. Numerous conventional methods are imprecise in their use. DSR often fails to remove rogue nodes during the route discovery process, failing Sybil attacks to deliver all data packets to the target. Additionally, when the number of malicious nodes grows in these assaults, the Packet Distribution Ratio, or PDR, may reduce throughput. As a result, a new technology called HBDS has been proposed for securing ad hoc networks. In conclusion, we can prevent Sybil attacks through our suggested methods, and the observed increase in throughput and Packet Delivery Ratio is noteworthy.

References 1. Kathole AB, Chaudhari DN (2019) Pros & cons of machine learning and security methods. JGRS 21(4). ISSN:0374-8588. 2. Kathole AB, Halgaonkar PS, Nikhade A (2019) Machine learning & its classification techniques. Int J Innov Technol Explor Eng 8(9S3), 138–142. ISSN:2278-3075 3. Kathole AB, Chaudhari DN (2019) Fuel analysis and distance prediction using machine learning. Int J Future Revol Comput Sci Commun Eng 5(6) 4. Hasrouny H, Samhat AE, Bassil C, Laouiti A (2017) VANet security challenges and solutions: a survey. Veh Commun 7:7–20


A. B. Kathole and D. N. Chaudhari

5. Yaqoob I, Ahmad I, Ahmed E, Gani A, Imran M, Guizani N (2017) Overcoming the key challenges to establishing vehicular communication: is SDN the answer. IEEE Commun Mag 55(7):128–134 6. Ahmad I, Noor RM, Ali I, Imran M, Vasilakos A (2017) Characterizing the role of vehicular cloud computing in road traffic management. Int J Distrib Sensor Netw 13(5):1550147717708728 7. Khan MS, Midi D, Khan MI, Bertino E (2017) Fine-grained analysis of packet loss in manets. IEEE. ISSN:2169-3536 8. Ahmad I, Ashraf U, Ghafoor A (2016) A comparative QoS survey of mobile ad hoc network routing protocols. J Chin Inst Eng 39(5):585–592 9. Li L, Lee G (2005) DDoS attack detection and wavelets. Telecommun Syst 28(3–4):435–451

Chapter 2

Particle Swarm Optimization and Computational Algorithm Based Weighted Fuzzy Time Series Forecasting Method Shivani Pant and Sanjay Kumar

1 Introduction Traditional time series forecasting techniques have the disadvantage of being unable to cope with forecasting difficulties involving uncertainties due to non-probabilistic reasons of imprecision and vagueness in time series data. In 1993, Song and Chissom [1–3] created a model based on indefinite knowledge and uncertainty inherent in time series data to overcome this challenge. They employed notion of fuzzy set [4] to articulate non-probabilistic uncertainties and referred them fuzzy time series (FTS) forecasting models. Thereafter, various researchers [5–10] proposed a slew of models to enhance the accuracy in FTS forecasting. Abhishekh et al. [11] developed a weighted method for forecasting type-2 FTS forecasting. Gautam and Abhishekh [12] used moving average approach to make the forecast. Computational approaches have also been developed in the past as they have the advantages of being simple to use, capable of handling massive time series databases, and improving the model’s forecast accuracy. Singh [13] forecasted the University of Alabama enrolments using a simple technique based on computation. Jain et al. [14] proposed a computational method to partition the universe of discourse (UOD). Bisht and Kumar [15] devised a computational approach for FTS forecasting using hesitant fuzzy set. Gangwar and Kumar [16, 17] created a high-order computational method based on multiple partitions. Joshi and Kumar [18] developed intuitionistic fuzzy set based computational method. Alam et al. [19] used simple arithmetic rule to forecast time series data using intuitionistic fuzzy set. In many FTS models, equal weights were assigned to fuzzy relations which do not reflect the importance of individual fuzzy relationships. To address this issue, Yu [20] suggested weighted FTS. Later, Cheng [21]; Rubio et al. [22]; Kumar [23]; Yang et al. [24]; Jiang et al. [25] applied S. Pant · S. Kumar (B) Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science, G. B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand, India e-mail: [email protected] © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2022 M. S. Uddin et al. (eds.), Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Advances in Computational Intelligence, Algorithms for Intelligent Systems,



S. Pant and S. Kumar

this method to forecast time series, with satisfactory results. Gautam et al. [26] used weighted method in intuitionistic environment. Techniques such as swarm intelligence, clustering algorithms, machine learning approaches, and neural networks have also been found to be useful in enhancing the accuracy in FTS forecasting. Singh [27] developed a hybrid neutrosophic-PSO based model. Tinh [28] model was created with fuzzy C-means and PSO. Iqbal et al. [29] used clustering and weighted average strategy. Pattanayak et al. [30] exploited Chemical Reaction Optimization (CRO) coupled with pi-sigma neural network (PSNN) in FTS forecasting. Other recently created models in the forecasting field include those by Zeng et al. [31]; Pattanayak et al. [32–34]; Panigrahi and Behera [35]; Egrigolu et al. [36, 37]. The recent researches include the model of Pant and Kumar [38] where the PSO was used to optimize length of intervals used to partition UOD in intuitionistic FTS forecasting. This paper put forward an enhanced computational process for forecasting highorder weighted FTS forecasting method in which weights of fuzzy logical relations (FLRs) are considered in increasing order. The PSO technique has been widely employed in past to partition the universe to increase model accuracy, but we’re utilizing it here to optimize the weights of FLRs. The model has a benefit over other models since it does not build relational equations using sophisticated min–max operations, also it does not require defuzzification procedures, thereby saving time. The approach is used to forecast the University of Alabama enrolments.

2 Preliminaries In this division we discuss basic definitions of fuzzy set, fuzzy time series, timevariant and time-invariant fuzzy time series. In addition, the weighted fuzzy time series and typical PSO techniques are thoroughly explained.

2.1 Fuzzy Set Let X = {x1 , x2 , x3 , . . . . . . , xn } be the UOD. Then a fuzzy set S on X can be defined as follows: S = {(xi , μ S (xi )) : xi ∈ X, i = 1, 2, 3, . . . , n} Or equivalently, S = μ S (x1 )/x1 + μ S (x2 )/x2 + μ S (x3 )/x3 + · · · + μ S (xn )/xn =

n  i=1

μ S (xi )/xi

2 Particle Swarm Optimization and Computational Algorithm …


where, μ S : X → [0, 1] is the membership function of fuzzy set A, which denotes the degree of certainty of elements in X are to belongs to the set S.

2.2 Fuzzy Time Series Let Y (t), (t = ..., 0, 1, 2, . . . ) be the UOD such that Y (t) ⊆ R. Assume f i (t), (i = 1, 2, . . . ) to be fuzzy sets defined on Y (t). Then F(t) which is the collection of f i (t) is referred as fuzzy time series (FTS) on universe Y (t). If F(t) is resulted from F(t − 1) only i.e., the relation F(t − 1) → F(t) then it is known as first order FTS model and the corresponding fuzzy relational equation is given by following expression: F(t) = F(t − 1) ◦ R(t, t − 1) where “◦” is the max–min composition operator and R(t, t − 1) is fuzzy relation between F(t) and F(t − 1). If F(t) is caused by F(t − 1), F(t − 2), . . . , F(t − n) i.e., the relation F(t − 1), F(t − 2), . . . , F(t − n) → F(t) then it is known as nth order fuzzy time series model. Let R(t, t − 1) be the first order relation of FTS F(t). If R(t, t − 1) = R(t − 1, t − 2) at any time t, then F(t) is called a time-invariant FTS else known as time-variant FTS i.e., relation R(t, t − 1) is time dependent and could vary from R(t − 1, t − 2).

2.3 Weighted Fuzzy Time Series Yu [20] proposed the concept of weighted fuzzy time series to address two main issues arising in forecasting FTS namely recurrence and weighting. The assignment of identical weights to the fuzzy connections does not appropriately reflect the relevance of individual fuzzy relations, and ignorance of the recurring fuzzy relations leads to knowledge loss. Weighted FTS models resolves both these issues and, in many studies, it has been found that these models perform better than the traditional fuzzy time series models. It is considered that the most recent FLR has a greater influence on the next forecast, so the most recent FLR is assigned with greater weight than the weights of previous FLR’s. The proposed model assigns weight in the following manner: If wn w1 w2 w3 F1 −→ F2 , F2 −→ F3 , F3 −→ F4 , ..., Fn −→ Fn+1 are the FLR’s utilized to forecast Fn+2 , where the weights wi are the optimized weights which may take any value in the interval [i − 1, i] i.e. the weights are linearly increasing but may even take non-integer value for a FLR.


S. Pant and S. Kumar

2.4 Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) PSO, proposed by Kennedy and Eberhart [39] is a swarm intelligence technique which is capable of solving complex mathematical problems by finding an optimal solution. It models the collective behavior of bird flocking or fish schooling. The members or particles in the swarm work in a cooperative way when they go on the hunt for food. Each member changes its position by learning from experiences of its own and its neighbours i.e. the other members. The velocity of the particle is also updated subject to three factors: inertia weight, particle’s best locations and the best position of the swarm; which are also updated throughout the process. The equations to update velocity and position are given as follows: +1





× ×











Here, ω represents the inertia weight coefficient and, was embedded to offset search ability of particles locally and globally. Typically, it is considered linearly decreasing and is given by:  (ωmax − ωmin ) × tc − tmax 

ω = ωmax


Here, ωmin , ωmax are the beginning and end value of ω(t) and tc is the current iteration and tmax is the maximum number of iterations. Symbols c1 and c2 are acceleration coefficients which may be dynamic or can be set constant in standard PSO. r and r  are any random number which lie in range [0,1]. and xit are velocity and position of the is bounded to where ith particle in t th iteration respectively. are constants defined by user. pib is the ith particle’s personal best both location, while pg is the swarm’s global best position.

3 Proposed PSO Based FTS Model The suggested model partitions the time series using Gangwar and Kumar’s [16] ratio formula, and then uses a computational technique to get the forecast, where the best weights are derived using PSO. For every partition, the difference parameters and weighted fuzzy relations are given by the following rule:

2 Particle Swarm Optimization and Computational Algorithm …

(i) (ii)




To forecast enrolment for the third year (1973), we use the fuzzy weighted w1 relation F1 −→ F2 and the difference parameter used is w1 × |D2 − D1 |. For forecasting enrolment of fourth year (1974), the fuzzy weighted relations w1 w2 1 2 used are F1 −→ F2 & F2 −→ F3 . For this case w1w+w ×|D2 − D1 | & w1w+w × 2 2 |D3 − D2 | are used. In the same way for forecasting the enrolment of fifth year (1975), we w1 w2 w1 use F1 −→ F2 & F2 −→ F3 & F3 →w3 F4 . For this case w1 +w × 2 +w3 w2 w3 |D2 − D1 | & w1 +w2 +w3 × |D3 − D2 | & w1 +w2 +w3 × |D4 − D3 | are used. In general, for (n + 2)th year we can implement the above method in the similar way i.e. we have the weighted fuzzy relawn w1 w2 w3 tions F1 −→ F2 , F2 −→ F3 , F3 −→ F4 , . . . , Fn −→ Fn+1 . For this w1 w2 |, |D |D × − D × − D case w1 +w2 +w 2 1 3 2 |, w1 +w2 +w3 +...+wn 3 +...+wn wn w3 |, | |D |D . . . , are × − D × − D 4 3 n+1 n w1 +w2 +w3 +...+wn w1 +w2 +w3 +...+wn used.

The suggested approach is implemented in the following steps: Step 1:  Define the UOD, which is denoted by U as: U = Dm − d, D M + d  where Dm , D M are the lowest and highest value of the data, respectively. d and d  are two positive numbers which are chosen to set the buffers for the time series. Step 2: Partition UOD into intervals of equal length as: T1 , T2 , . . . , Tm . Step 3: The fuzzy sets Fi are constructed and the number of fuzzy sets are in compliance with number of intervals formed in step 2. Each fuzzy set is subjected to the triangle membership function. Step 4: The fuzzification of time series is performed by allocating the fuzzy set having highest membership degree. Step 5: The FTS is again repartitioned by using ratio formula suggested by D M +Dm Gangwar and Kumar [16] i.e., p = 2(D M −Dm ) Step 6: The annotations used are given as follows:  ∗F j is corresponding interval T j whose membership in fuzzy set F j is supremum (i.e., 1).  L ∗F j  is lower bound of T j U ∗F j is upper bound of T j M[∗F  i ]is middle value of interval Ti M ∗F j is middle value of interval T Ai , Ai−1 , Ai−2 , Ai−c and Ai−(c+1) are actual enrolments for the year n, (n − 1), (n − 2), (n − c) and (n − (c + 1)), respectively and E j is crisp forecasted enrolment for the year (n + 1). The suggested technique would construct rules for implementing on FLR Fi → F j , where Fi is fuzzified enrolment of nth year, also known as current state, and F j is fuzzified enrolment of (n + 1)th year, also known as next state, using previous data spanning 1 to n years. In this method for each partition the weights are assigned in generating the FLR’s in the time series data for years 1 to n to forecast enrolment of year (n + 1). The


S. Pant and S. Kumar

weighted differences of the previous n years are used as a fuzzy parameter for estimating next year’s enrolment. Computational Algorithm The algorithm starts from m = 1 (first partition) to m = k (last partition). For m = 1 For i = 2 to n (last entry of time series data in each partition) and we have FLR Fi → F j for the year i to (i + 1) We compute the difference parameter for year i as follows:   w i−1  Di =  i−1 × |A2 − A1 |  l=1 wl 

i−1 w(i−(c+1))    − ×  Ai−c − Ai−(c+1)  , where w0 = 0 i−1 c=1  w l l=1


U = 0 and V = 0. For b = 2 to i with increment of 0.1 Calculate Fib and F Fib by using the formula: Fib = M[∗Fi ] +

2 × Di (b − 1)

F Fib = M[∗Fi ] −

2 × Di (b − 1)

(5) (6)

    If L ∗F j ≤ Fib ≤ U ∗F j then (b + 1) × Fib 2


(b + 1) 2


(b + 1) × F Fib 2


(b + 1) 2


U =U+

V =V+     and If L ∗F j ≤ F Fib ≤ U ∗F j then U =U+

V =V+

Based upon the above estimated values, the forecast is made using the formula below:

2 Particle Swarm Optimization and Computational Algorithm …

  U + M ∗F j Ej = (V + 1)



We repeat the procedure for the remaining partitions in the same way. In our computational algorithm, for calculating the forecast of the next state, we calculate two variables Fib and F Fib using Eqs. (5) and (6) respectively, which are dependent on b, which itself is dependent oni. Now, for every change in b; Fib and F Fib takes the value in the right and left neighbourhood of the middle value of the previous state (M[∗Fi ]) respectively and based on it, checks the   that  the  condition two value lies in the interval of the next state i.e., in range [L ∗F j , U ∗F j ], if it does then the constants U and V are incremented by using Eqs. (7)–(10) else they are kept unaltered. Here, the variable Fib takes into account the possibility that the next state data value is greater than the previous state value and the value of F Fib takes into account the possibility that the next state data value is less than the previous state value. The small increment of b which in result affect both the variables Fib andF Fib , helps to ensure that the neighbourhoods of the previous states are well examined since it will help in setting the parameters U and V, which are further used in predicting the next state. Employing PSO to the Model We set the parameters of our PSO: Acceleration coefficients c1 and c2 are taken to be dynamic, and are given by the formula: 

tc + c1i c1 = c1 f − c1i × tmax


tc c2 = c2 f − c2i × + c2i tmax


where, c1i , c1 f are respective initial and final value of constant c1 ; c2i , c2 f are the initial and final value of constant c2 respectively. The dynamic parameters were designed to strike a balance between exploitation and exploratory searches while also preserving the swarm’s diversity. This technique aid in the algorithm’s avoidance of premature convergence, delay or slow convergence and increase its resilience. We set, c1i = c2i = 0.5; c1 f = c2 f = 2.5. The range of velocity is taken as [−1,1]. ωmax = 1.4, ωmin = 0.4. Total number of particles = 50. The maximum number of iterations are set to 100. The positions, or weights, must be such that the weights wi lie in the range [i−1,i]. Additionally, the position of each updated particle must not exceed the preset range, and if it does, it must be set to the boundary value. The stopping criteria is either the iterations are over or the optimal solution has been found i.e. the solution begins to repeat.


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The algorithm of PSO is employed to each partition and is given as follows: PSO algorithm for optimizing weight and FTS forecasting 1.

Set PSO parameters


Initialize particles random position and velocity (in defined range)


while (stopping criteria not met)

4. 5.

for all the particle i Compute fitness function (RMSE based on forecast made using computational algorithm given above)




(based on comparing previous personal best value with new fitness function

value) 7. 8. 9.


(Best position among personal best position)

Update velocity and position of particle (using equations (1) and (2)) end for

10. end while

The ultimate position achieved by employing PSO will be the ideal weights used in the FLRs for forecasting the time series using computational method. Step 7: Verify the model’s forecasting accuracy using the following error measures.  n 2 i=1 (Actualvalue− f or ecastedvalue) , where n Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) = n indicates the number of forecasts that have been made. f or ecastedvalue| × 100 Forecasting Error (%) = |Actualvalue− Actualvalue  f or ecastingerr or Average Forecasting Error (AFE) = number o f err or s

4 Experimental Study The proposed FTS forecasting method is tested on historical enrolment of the University of Alabama. Following are the stages for putting the method into action: Step 1: Taking, Dm = 13055, D M = 19337, d = 55 and d = 663, UOD is defined as: U = [13000, 20000] Step 2: We partition UOD into seven equal intervals as follows: T1 = [13000, 14000]T2 = [14000, 15000]T3 = [15000, 16000]T4 = [16000, 17000] T5 = [17000, 18000]T6 = [18000, 19000]T7 = [19000, 20000]

2 Particle Swarm Optimization and Computational Algorithm …


Step 3: Seven fuzzy sets i.e. F1 , F2 ,…, F7 are defined on U, and the membership of each element in these fuzzy sets are given in the following way: F1 = 1/T1 + 0.5/T2 + 0/T3 + 0/T4 + 0/T5 + 0/T6 + 0/T7 F2 = 0.5/T1 + 1/T2 + 0.5/T3 + 0/T4 + 0/T5 + 0/T6 + 0/T7 F3 = 0/T1 + 0.5/T2 + 1/T3 + 0.5/T4 + 0/T5 + 0/T6 + 0/T7 F4 = 0/T1 + 0/T2 + 0.5/T3 + 1/T4 + 0.5/T5 + 0/T6 + 0/T7 F5 = 0/T1 + 0/T2 + 0/T3 + 0.5/T4 + 1/T5 + 0.5/T6 + 0/T7 F6 = 0/T1 + 0/T2 + 0/T3 + 0/T4 + 0.5/T5 + 1/T6 + 0.5/T7 F7 = 0/T1 + 0/T2 + 0/T3 + 0/T4 + 0/T5 + 0.5/T6 + 1/T7 Step 4: Fuzzification of the time series is performed using the fuzzy sets defined in step 3, and fuzzified enrolments are shown in Table 1. Since, the data point 13,055 belongs to the interval T1 , and any element in interval T1 has membership 1 in fuzzy set F1 , 0.5 in fuzzy set F2 and 0 in other fuzzy sets. Hence, based on the maximum membership fuzzy set F1 is allocated corresponding to the element 13,055. Similarly, the data point 14,696 belongs to the interval T2 , and it has highest membership i.e. 1 in fuzzy set F2 , therefore F2 is assigned to it. In the similar manner the rest of the data points are also fuzzified. Table 1 Enrolments of the University of Alabama (Actual and fuzzified) Year






















































































































Gangwar and Kumar [17]















Gautam et al. [26]

Table 2 Predicted value from different models
















Jain et al. [14]















Alam et al. [19] –















Zeng et al. [31]















Pant and Kumar [38]
















Panigrahi and Behera [35]
















Pattanayak et al. [34]














18 S. Pant and S. Kumar



















Table 2 (continued)






Gangwar and Kumar [17]








Gautam et al. [26]








Jain et al. [14]








Alam et al. [19]








Zeng et al. [31]








Pant and Kumar [38]








Panigrahi and Behera [35]








Pattanayak et al. [34]







2 Particle Swarm Optimization and Computational Algorithm … 19





Gangwar and Kumar [17]



Gautam et al. [26]



Jain et al. [14]

Table 3 Error comparison of different models



Alam et al. [19]



Zeng et al. [31]



Pant and Kumar [38]



Panigrahi and Behera [35]



Pattanayak et al. [34]




20 S. Pant and S. Kumar

2 Particle Swarm Optimization and Computational Algorithm …


Step 5: We split the time series into three partitions using ratio formula and each partition consist of enrolments for the years 1971 to 1978, 1979 to 1985 and 1986 to 1992, respectively. Step 6: The proposed model is utilized to anticipate the time series data, and the forecasted values are tabulated in Table 2 alongside the outcomes from other models. To anticipate the enrolment for the year 1973, we utilised actual data from the previous two years, 1971 and 1972, and then used Eq. (4) to determine the difference parameter Di , from which the variables Fib and F Fib were computed using Eqs. (5) and (6), respectively. After testing the condition on Fib and F Fib , we use Eqs. (7)– (10) to update the parameters U and V, and then use Eq. (11) to make the forecast. To predict for the year 1974, we took real data from the previous three years, 1971– 1973, and then repeated the method, yielding a forecasted value of 14,500. The rest of the data points followed the same trend. Step 7: We calculate the RMSE and AFE (Table 3) to compare the model’s forecasting accuracy with certain previous models. According to Table 3, the suggested model’s RMSE and AFE values were found to be 233.2 and 1.15, respectively, which are the lowest in comparison to other models. Although the suggested model and Zeng et al. [31] have the same AFE value, the new model outperforms Zeng et al. [31] model in terms of RMSE. As a result, we may infer that the current model has a higher predicting accuracy based on these two measures.

5 Conclusion In this study, a computational algorithm to forecast the high-order weighted FTS by optimizing the weights of FLRs using PSO is proposed. The weights in prior studies were either taken as equal, meaning that past relations have equal impact on the forecast of the next state, or were taken in ascending order, implying that recent relations have a stronger impact than previous relations. In this study, we have given recent relations higher weights and subsequently optimised them using PSO to increase the model’s forecasting accuracy. The model has been applied to the University of Alabama enrolment dataset, and RMSE and AFE have been used to test the model’s correctness. The current model shines because it has least RMSE and AFE measure comparative to other models, as illustrated in Table 3. The proposed study could even be used to analyse a vast amount of time series data. Acknowledgements The first author gratefully acknowledges the support of the UGC (F. No. 16-9 (June 2018)/2019 (NET/CSIR)) of the Government of India for this research.


S. Pant and S. Kumar

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Chapter 3

Assessing Usability of Mobile Applications Developed for Autistic Users through Heuristic and Semiotic Evaluation Sayma Alam Suha, Muhammad Nazrul Islam, Shammi Akter, Milton Chandro Bhowmick, and Rathin Halder

1 Introduction Autism is defined to be a neuro-developmental disorder that can be identified through early social skills and communication dysfunction with rigid and repeated sensorymotor behavioral habits and interests [11]. Researchers have described autism as a serious impairment in brain development that firstly occurs in children and the symptoms tend to persist throughout their lifetimes being adult [2]. Linguistic development with verbal or nonverbal communication difficulties are seen as one of the main characteristics of autism and they usually response effectively via visual approaches [7, 14, 18, 21]. Interactive and stimulating mobile apps are one of the most promising technologies to help autistic people for developing their communication abilities [1]. Therefore, Augmented and Alternative Communication (AAC) therapies are recommended for such people [29]. The AAC is defined to be one of the most effective way of communication for autistic people or for people with communication impairments [5]. Although, a vast variety of AAC devices and tools exit, but mobile applications are remarkably defined to be the most appropriate ones due to their portability, affordability and user friendliness [32]. These kind of mobile applications are designed to present characters, words, or symbols to interact with others [35] and generally use Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) that involves exchange of pictures to communicate with other persons [12, 13]. These mobile applications are required to be usable for focused end users. Thus it is necessary to evaluate usability of such applications to make them easier to understand, interact and use by the autistic users. Though a number of studies have been conducted to evaluate the usability of mobile applications [17, 19, 20, 30], but a little attention has been paid regarding the usability and its S. A. Suha · M. N. Islam (B) · S. Akter · M. C. Bhowmick · R. Halder Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Military Institute of Science and Technology, Mirpur Cantonment, Dhaka, Bangladesh e-mail: [email protected] © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2022 M. S. Uddin et al. (eds.), Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Advances in Computational Intelligence, Algorithms for Intelligent Systems,



S. A. Suha et al.

evaluation while developing the apps for autistic users. Hence, it is crucially significant to systematically evaluate such mobile apps to assess how these apps can satisfy the usability criteria for this specific group of end-users. Thus, the objectives of this research are to evaluate the usability of mobile applications developed for enhancing the communication skills of autistic people; to assess the applicability of modified set of heuristics suggested for evaluating the usability of such kind of mobile apps for autism; to assess the importance of semiotic evaluation for autism communication apps; and to provide a comparative views among the findings of different usability evaluation methods. To attain these objectives, four mobile applications developed for the autistic users to enhance their communication skills were selected and then heuristic evaluation and a semiotic evaluation were conducted. The rest of the paper is structured in the following way: Sect. 2 presents the related literature; Sect. 3 discusses the methodology followed in this research; Sect. 4 presents the evaluation of applications and the findings; and finally, Sect. 5 includes the discussion and conclusion that highlights the main outcomes, limitations and future work.

2 Background and Related Works The primary problems for children with autism are; the malfunction of understanding and thinking or cognitive function, as well as a lack of self-regulation and control of communication via verbal or nonverbal motives, feelings and emotion [34]. Thus, the children with autism require special education and guidance along with proper treatment. However, several software and mobile solutions are developed for the autistic children to learn or teach [8, 31]. In this study, the focused area of assessment is the mobile applications using PECS technique which is a type AAC technology for developing communication skill of the autistic users. For evaluating such kind of applications, two techniques had been chosen. Among them the first one is heuristic evaluation. Jakob Nielsen had developed a set of 10 general principles called heuristics to check the usability of any user interface [27]. However, in this study, a modified set of heuristics was used to meet the goal of constructive evaluation of interventions for children with ASD [23]. The second approach is the semiotic evaluation where heuristics are proposed in the Semiotic Interface Sign Design and Evaluation (SIDE) framework [15, 16] were used to evaluate the selected mobile apps. A number of studies were conducted focusing on the usability evaluation and software or app developed for autistic users.According to Sofian et al. [33], despite the fact that the number of autism-related mobile applications is growing, most of them are underutilized and under-explored by autistic children due to a lack of suitable usability standards. Thus by evaluating past studies, they suggested a theoretical usability guideline to assist practitioners in developing the UI of mobile apps for autistic children focusing on usability aspects. In another study, Barry et al. [4] evaluated

3 Assessing Usability of Mobile Applications Developed ...


the usefulness of educational gaming software for autistic children in a systematic approach where they emphasized that these learners’ user preferences and learning styles require additional consideration in UI and interaction design which can incorporate eye-tracking analysis for more effective result. Camargo et al. [10] evaluated a mobile application prototype built with ‘Marvel’ for the autistic children based on SIDE framework for improving the usability performance of the app. While Brando et al. [9] utilized the Semiotic Inspection Method (SIM) to evaluate a gaming application designed for helping children with special needs to strengthen their cognitive skills. Al-Wakeel et al. [3] compared the usability of two Arabic mobile applications formulated for children with ASD where eye tracking and Morae measurement tools were employed in the analysis, and assessment tools were employed to collect qualitative and quantitative information and to assess the users’ contentment with the apps. Khan et al. [22] conducted a survey of ASD users to assess the usability of two communication apps for autistic persons, both of which are accessible on Android and iPhones, and then compared the results to address usability concerns. Bhuiyan et al. [6] employed interviews and observation analysis to evaluate the usability of a smartphone-based system called ’MumIES,’ which helps children with special needs to overcome their difficulties. So far none of the research work have conducted both heuristic and semiotic evaluation in case of the usability evaluation of communication related applications developed for autistic user. However, a few researchers have used such kind of usability evaluation techniques for assessing other types of applications. For example, Kundu et al. [24] used heuristic and semiotic assessment techniques to evaluate the usability of two pregnancy monitoring apps developed in context of Bangladesh, with the goal of providing design recommendations to improve the general usability and acceptability of such apps. Similarly, Muaz et al. [25] evaluated usability of three truck-hiring apps using heuristic and semiotic assessment techniques in order to give design recommendations for improving their usability and customer experience. Designing an interactive and user friendly mobile application where the target user is a special group of people (having autism spectrum disorder) is often very challenging. Because the process here is substantially different from developing a conventional mobile application. Again, the developers need to be very conscious about the user interface with specialized requirements for autistic users. Though many re-searchers have done usability evaluation in various perspectives, but the evaluation of mobile apps developed for improving communication skills of autistic people using both heuristic and semiotic approach is a unique one which have been conducted in this study.

3 Research Methodology An overview of the research methodology is presented in Fig. 1. Here, initially four mobile applications developed for enhancing the communication skills of autistic people were selected. For the selection of applications, initially ‘Google play store’


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Fig. 1 Overview of the research methodology

was searched with different types of keywords like ‘augmented and alternate communication talk’, ‘autism communication’ , ‘autism communication helper’ etc. A number of related apps were found and from the resultant list four were selected based on the following criteria: i) have used the PECS features and AAC technology for autistic users to communicate with others; ii) user rating in google play store; iii) number of times downloaded since the app release; and iv) comments provided as users reviews. The selected apps were (a) SymboTalk - AAC Talker (Rating: 4.1, Downloads: 50,000+), (b) Help Me Talk (Rating: 3.6, Downloads: 10,000+), (c) LetMeTalk: Free AAC Talker (Rating: 4.1, Downloads: 100,000+) and (d) Leeloo AACAutism Speech App (Rating: 4.2, Downloads: 50,000+). After the selection of apps; both heuristic and semiotic usability assessments were conducted for each of these apps by four evaluators having expertise on user interface design and development as well as human-computer interaction. In addition, all the evaluators were Computer Science graduates and are currently pursuing their postgraduate degrees. In heuristic evaluation, the applications were firstly evaluated following heuristics proposed by Khowaja et al. [23]. Khowaja et al. [23] proposed these 15 heuristics (see Table 1) for evaluating the mobile applications developed for autistic users which is an extended version of the Neilson’s set of 10 heuristics [28]. During the usability evaluation, each usability problem was noted in an excel sheet considering the field of: ‘Where is the problem’, ‘Problem Description’, ‘Evidence’, ‘Severity of the problem’, ‘Possible Solution’, and ‘Relationship with other problem’. Here, severity ratings suggested by Nielsen [26] has been used, where 0 indicates not a usability problem at all; 1 indicates a cosmetic problem; 2 implies a minor usability problem; 3 denotes a major usability problem; and 4 conveys catastrophic usability problem. Following the heuristic principles, the evaluators examined each of the applications individually and then their results were cross-checked to integrate, while conflict raised during the integration were solved through discussion. Interface signs need to be intuitive for applications related to autistic individuals because of their higher dependency on user interface signs, thus the second approach for usability evaluation was chosen to be semiotic evaluation. For conducting semiotic evaluation, a set of heuristics as proposed in SIDE framework [15, 16] was chosen (see Table 2). For the semiotic evaluation, the evaluators were instructed to fill up the following sections for each key interface signs of the selected applications: ‘Interface sign’, ‘Intended Meaning of the interface sign’, ‘Intuitiveness’,

3 Assessing Usability of Mobile Applications Developed ...


Table 1 Modified set of heuristics for evaluating applications developed for autistic users No Heuristics H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7 H8 H9 H10 H11 H12 H13 H14 H15

[Visibility] of system status [Match] between system and the real world [Consistency] and standards [Recognition] rather than recall Aesthetic and [minimalist] design: minimise distraction and keep design simple User [control] and freedom [Error] prevention [Flexibility] and efficiency of use Help users recognise, diagnose, and [recover] from errors Help and [documentation] [Personalisation] of screen items User interface [screens] of the system [Responsiveness] of the system [Track] user activities monitor performance and repeat activity Use of [multi-modalities] for communication

‘Evidence’, and ‘Suggest Possible Solution’. Here, ‘intended meaning of the interface sign’ refers to the actual meaning of that specific sign and the meaning that the developer intended to provide. The ‘intuitiveness’ refers to a proper judgment of evaluation through the range of 1–9, where 1–3 signifies low intuitiveness; 4–6, moderate intuitiveness; and 7–9, high intuitiveness based on how much it violates the semiotic evaluation structure. The ‘evidence’ indicates to point out why is this interface sign problematic by referring the number of semiotic heuristic(s) it violated from the set of heuristics. Finally, ‘suggest possible solution’ refers to provide a possible solution to overcome the problems of an interface sign. After individual assessment, the results were aggregated for better judgement and then the severity level analysis for the selected apps was done according to the severity ratings suggested by Nielsen. For the severity rating it has been considered for the study that, if the intuitiveness score is 8–9 then it is a cosmetic problem; followed by score 5–7 is minor usability problem; score 4–5 is major usability problem and 1–3 is catastrophic usability problem. Finally, a comparison between the findings of the heuristic and semiotic evaluation was conducted.


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Table 2 Set of semiotic heuristics Level Semiotic heuristics Syntactic



Environmental Semantic

SH1. Clearly present the purpose of interactivity SH2. Make effective use of color to design an interface sign SH3. Make the representamen readable and clearly noticeable SH4. Make a sign presentation clear and concise SH5. Create the representamen context appropriately SH6. Follow a consistent interface sign design strategy SH7. Place the interface sign in the proper position in a UI SH8. Make effective use of amplification features SH9. Create good relations among the interface signs of a UI SH10. Retain the logical coherence in interface sign design SH11. Design interface signs to be culturally sensitive or reactive SH12. Matches the reality, conventions, or real-world objects SH13. Make effective use of organizational features SH14. Map with metaphorical and attributing properties SH15. Model the profiles of the focused end-users SH16. Make effective use of ontological guidelines SH17. Realize a match between a designer’s encoded and a user’s decoded meaning.

4 Evaluation of the Applications 4.1 Heuristic Evaluation Heuristic evaluation is a usability assessment procedure where the evaluators determine its compatibility against set of rules. The evaluators here evaluated four mobile applications considering the 15 rules of modified heuristics and all flaws were identified and suggested to be modified with possible solutions. For example, in Fig. 2, few user interfaces (UIs) of SymboTalk app are presented. In this app there are two main modes, ‘ME/ Autism’ mode for autistic users and ‘Edit’ mode for the caregivers. In these UIs, no information about the system status is visible to understand whether a user is currently in ‘ME’ mode or ‘Edit’ mode. One of the evaluator identified it as a major usability problem with a severity rating of 3, since it violates heuristics H1 and H3 (see Table 1). To address this usability issue the evaluator suggested that, the mode of the app should be clearly indicated on top of each page to make it (system status) understandable for users. As the outcomes of the heuristic evaluation, the evaluators detected total 12 usability problems for ‘SymboTalk’ app, 16 problems for ‘HelpMe Talk’ app, 13 problems for ‘LetMe Talk’ app and 10 problems for ‘LeeloAAC’ app. Each of the detected

3 Assessing Usability of Mobile Applications Developed ...


Fig. 2 User interfaces of ‘Home page’ ‘Edit Mode’ and ‘Autism Mode’ pages from SymboTalkAAC Talker application

problems violated numbers of heuristics. Findings (usability problems and its associated violations of heuristics) of each evaluator for each app were integrated and the synthesized results are presented in Table 3. The table shows the number of problems to each heuristic on each application, the total number of heuristic violations for each apps and the total number of violations found against each heuristics. The findings implies that four applications have violated different heuristic principles and among them HelpMeTalk has more heuristic violations (n=32) compared to other apps while Leeloo has least number of heuristic violations (n=20). It is also visible that, the user control and freedom (H6) was violated most in SymboTalk app; flexibility and efficiency of use (H8) was violated most in HelpMeTalk app; visibility of system status (H1) was violated most in LetMeTalk app and finally personalisation of screen time (H11) was violated most in Leelo-AAC app. Again, in general among the 15 heuristics, mostly violated heuristic for the selected apps are H1(n=12) and H8(n=12); followed by H2(n=10) and H11(n=10). On the other hand, the least violated heuristics are H7(n=2); followed by H15(n=3). Again, the problems of the applications were analyzed with respect to their severity (see Fig. 3). The analysis shows that, the highest number of cosmetic problems (severity rating 1) arise in HelpMeTalk and Leeloo-AAC apps; the highest number of minor usability problems (severity rating 2) arise in LetMeTalk app; then the highest


S. A. Suha et al.

Table 3 Number of problems to each heuristics Modified


HelpMe Talk



Total violations


(12 problems)

(16 problems)

(13 problems)

(10 problems)

(per heuristic)



























































































Total violations 25 (per app)




Fig. 3 Severity levels of the identified problems for different apps

major usability problems (severity rating 3) arise in SymboTalk app; and finally the highest Catastrophic usability problems (severity rating 4) arise in HelpMeTalk app. The average severity rating of SymboTalk is 2.6; HelpMeTalk is 2.7; LetMeTalk is 2.5 and Leeloo-AAC is 2.1 out of 4.00. The results thus indicated that in average, the problems found in HelpMeTalk were more severe.

3 Assessing Usability of Mobile Applications Developed ...


4.2 Semiotic Evaluation Semiotic evaluation investigates the visual acuity of selected applications including symbols, navigation links, buttons, icons, and other visual directions. Therefore, the key interface elements which are present in the four applications were selected for the semiotic evaluation. The examples of the interface signs selected for the

Fig. 4 Selected Interface Signs from each app for evaluation


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Fig. 5 Home interface sign of SymboTalk app

evaluation are illustrated in Fig. 4. In this research, interface elements of the four selected applications were evaluated through semiotic heuristics (see Table 2) proposed in the SIDE framework [15, 16]. For all the selected applications, the evaluator identified 10 necessary interface signs to evaluate and conducted semiotic evaluation for each of the signs. For example, the app icon for the SymboTalk app stands for indicating ‘Homepage’. But in “ME/Autism mode” the icon doesn’t provide any functionality (see Fig. 5) though in some other pages the app icon stands for navigating back to homepage; which violets the semiotic heuristic no SH1, SH6, SH12, SH16. So the evaluator marked this sign as being less intuitive as it works as homepage for some pages but does not provide any meaning for rest of the pages. The evaluators suggested to make the app icon consistently intuitive for all pages. As alternative, they also recommended to use a conventional interface sign for ‘Homepage’ instead of the used sign in this case and that sign should be consistently meaningful for all pages. Again, the evaluators provided intuitiveness scores for each of the interface signs of the selected apps. For example, in the Fig. 6 the user interface of the four applications are given, representing the sentence making blocks for each app. The intuitiveness scores of the Sentence Making block for SymboTalk, HelpMeTalk, LetMeTalk and Leeloo-AAC were 5, 4, 6 and 9 respectively. The Sentence Making block of SymboTalk, HelpMeTalk, LetMeTalk violates semiotic heuristics from syntactic, pragmatic and environmental level and thus represents moderate intuitiveness. On the other hand the Leeloo-AAC app has succeed to express the intended meaning more accurately comparing the other three apps and thus the evaluator judged it to be highly intuitive. The aggregated and average intuitiveness scoring for each of the selected interface signs for each app is presented in Table 4. The results showed the average intuitiveness for each of the apps that indicated, Leelo-AAC possesses the highest average intuitiveness (score 6.7); followed by SymboTalk (score 5.6), LetMeTalk (score 5.3) and the least average intuitiveness was observed in HelpMeTalk (score 4.7) app.

3 Assessing Usability of Mobile Applications Developed ...


Fig. 6 ‘Sentence block’ signs of (a) SymboTalk, (b) LetMeTalk, (c) HelpMeTalk, (d) Leeloo

Fig. 7 Severity level of interface signs

The problems were further categorized according to their severity levels. The higher value of severity level indicates less intuitiveness of the application and vice versa. The severity level analysis of the four applications is illustrated in Fig. 7. The analysis shows that, the highest number of signs belongs to cosmetic problems arise in Leeloo-AAC app; signs that belongs to minor usability problems are observed mostly for three apps -SymboTalk, HelpMeTalk and LetMeTalk; the highest number of major usability problems arise for both SymboTalk and LetMeTalk and finally the highest number of catastrophic problem arise for HelpMeTalk app. The average severity rating of SymboTalk is 2.4; HelpMeTalk is 2.9 LetMeTalk is 2.7 and LeelooAAC is 1.9 out of 4.0. The results thus indicated that in average, problems found (intuitiveness of interface signs) in HelpMeTalk were more severe.


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Table 4 Intuitiveness scoring for selected apps Interface signs SymboTalk Logo Home button Communication block Sentence making block Add customized symbol Language settings Save sign Back sign Share sign Play sign Avg intuitiveness (per app)

4 3 8 5 9 5 6 2 6 8 5.6

HelpMe Talk



8 2 7 4 3 2 5 8 0 8 4.7

7 1 7 6 3 8 2 8 3 8 5.3

5 8 9 9 7 8 3 8 8 2 6.7

4.3 Comparative Analysis The findings of the heuristic evaluation showed that, the Leeloo-AAC app has the fewest usability issues and least heuristic rules violations with the lowest average severity ratings; followed by SymboTalk and LetMeTalk apps. On the other hand, the HelpMeTalk app has the mostly identified usability issues and most heuristic rules violations with the highest severity ratings. In context of semiotic evakuation, LeelooAAC app shows relatively higher intuitiveness in maximum of the selected interface signs with least average severity rating. SymboTalk and LetMeTalk balanced the average level of intuitiveness by maintaining moderately intuitive interface signs. HelpMeTalk relatively showed the worst balance of the intuitiveness where maximum interface signs were less intuitive and thus possessed the highest average severity rating. In sum the study showed that, the ‘Leeloo-AAC’ app has the best usability compared to the other three apps, with ‘Help-MeTalk’ having the least usability from both the heuristic and semiotic standpoint. The results showed that, most of the identified usability problems found through the heuristic evaluation were not observed in semiotic evaluation and similarly, many of the problems identified by semiotic evaluation were not revealed through heuristic evaluation. Thus, integrating the both approaches to evaluate would be a more effective approach for enhancing the app usability.

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5 Discussion and Conclusion In this study, the usability of four communication skill development applications for autistic users were assessed based on heuristic and semiotic principles. For each of the apps, the heuristic evaluation helped to identify usability problems; whereas the semiotic evaluation provided the intuitiveness of the interface elements. The comparative examination between the apps enlightened the effectiveness, consistency, adaptability, usefulness and preferences of the apps. The study result showed that all applications have a noticeable number of usability problems, while the ‘Leeloo’ app showed better and ‘HelpMeTalk’ showed least performance comparatively than the others considering the usability perspective. The findings of this study will substantially assist practitioners in designing and developing apps for developing the communication skills of autistic end users. As these apps are designed for persons with disabilities, the discoveries of this investigation will help professionals better understand existing users’ capability and usability difficulties. The findings of the applications can be pro-posed and utilized for future development in the way of maintaining these apps by fixing the usability issues. As a result, autistic users may face less difficulty while using these applications with better performance. The study’s limitation was that the assessment procedure did not collect information from any actual autistic end users; instead, the study’s results were solely based on expert evaluation. In the future, doing a detailed survey and interview can assist in overcoming this limitation. In addition, the researcher hopes to conduct additional studies like these for more autism-related apps in the future. Today with the development of research and technologies, a lot of people with autism have a stronger potential than they had before; where more individuals with autism can communicate and contribute to the society and eventually some of them are expected be relatively free of adulthood autism symptoms with practice. Thus, building effective and usable communication skill development applications can help autistic end-users overcome communication deficits.

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Chapter 4

Blockchain Implementations and Use Cases for Inhibiting COVID-19 Pandemic Amirul Azim and Muhammad Nazrul Islam

1 Introduction The deadly spread of COVID-19 has obscured all other epidemics of coronavirus. A virus, which is a highly contagious, has brought the human life completely at halt. SARS COV-2 for its rapid change of biography, the World Health Organization (WHO) is more or less appear to be helpless to give an appropriate solution, and the WHO is currently committed to a single goal of maintaining universal health care standards [1]. As of 07 October 2021, COVID-19 has spread to 223 countries and territories affecting more than 230 million people and claiming more than 4.8 million lives [2]. However, the development of reliable and a powerful vaccine is the only effective way to end the COVID-19 epidemic [3]. The WHO expressed that, it did not expect an examined vaccine against SARS-COV-2 in less than 18 months [4]. The reason behind the delay is that the clinical trials and research is often a long process with rules and regulations that need to be observed [5]. Numbers of research initiatives have been taken to design, develop and deploy the ICT or digital systems to fight with the COVID-19 pandemic [6–9]. Again, to expedite the global research work to get a workable vaccine of COVID-19 as fastest as possible the WHO has taken a milestone initiative by facilitating collaboration to accelerated efforts with arranging vital communications across the research community and beyond the community [10]. However, transmission and sharing of research data over the internet need CIA (confidentiality, integrity, and accessibility), non-repudiation, and immutability. Research data is stored using various electronic A. Azim (B) Department of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Bangladesh University of Professionals (BUP), Mirpur Cantonment, Dhaka 1216, Bangladesh e-mail: [email protected] M. N. Islam Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE), Military Institute of Science and Technology (MIST), Mirpur Cantonment, Dhaka 1216, Bangladesh e-mail: [email protected] © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2022 M. S. Uddin et al. (eds.), Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Advances in Computational Intelligence, Algorithms for Intelligent Systems,



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media, data management system, etc. which can be easily stolen, tampered with, or completely removed [11]. Again, third party data storage is also unreliable because third-party credibility cannot be guaranteed. Unreliable and faulty misuse of data will result in a negative result. The Blockchain offers a distributed archive technology that performs as a collective database; keeps copies of verified and scanned data [12, 13]. In recent days, the Blockchain technology has proved its potentiality in revolutionizing the healthcare industry, particularly in the field of data sharing of scientific research for research and development, data management, data storage (cloud-based systems),electronic health records, clinical trials, pharmaceutical healthcare, healthcare IoT data security, artificial intelligence, etc. [12, 14]. A recent survey [15] proposed that Blockchain-based solutions for coronavirus fighting would give the solution for pandemic outbreak tracking, medical data sharing and medical supply chain tracking. As the novel technology Blockchain has enormous potentiality, there are several health care facilities that can be enhanced using Blockchain technology. Therefore, the objective of this research is to devise a set of possible features or use cases towards developing a Blockchain-based epidemic management system to store and analyze SARS COV2 epidemic medical record; to track down infected and to achieve an outcome of clinical trials. This article is organized as follows: the succeeding section provides a glimpse of systematic research methodology to derive the Blockchain healthcare factors or use cases that relate to pandemic data management. Section 3 presents suggested Blockchain-based healthcare use-cases that would manage the COVID-19 pandemic data system. Section 4 concludes the article by discussing the results including the future progress and improvement.

2 Research Methodology The research has adopted the systematic literature review (SLR) [11, 16] and the systematic mapping [17] approaches to attain the research objectives. This use of the SLR approach would facilitate an examination of the present inclinations in terms of technology, methods, and thoughts that are active in developing Blockchain-based healthcare systems related to epidemic data sharing and management. The result of this systematic mapping will be to classify and map out Blockchain features or usage cases in relation to data sharing and management. These combined approaches will help to understand the modern idea of developing a Blockchain-based system for inhibiting the coronavirus. However, focus of the review study was limited in the field of healthcare, considering the construct of Blockchain, coronavirus, and Blockchainbased healthcare data management. An overview of the research methodology is presented in Fig. 1.

4 Blockchain Implementations and Use Cases ...


Fig. 1 Flow diagram of research methodology

2.1 Research Questions (RQ) The review study aims to answer the following RQ: RQ1: What kind of research has been done focusing on Blockchain against COVID-19? RQ2: Which features or use cases have been considered to develop or enhance any of the solutions designed for Blockchain to fight against COVID-19?

2.2 Conduct Search - Data Sources In this study, a systematic review of the literature was adopted to determine the purpose of the study. For selecting related articles, scholarly database such as Google Scholar, IEEE Explorer, Springer Link, MDPI, ACM digital library, and Science Direct were searched. Relevant articles were searched using a set of query thread(s). The search threads were created based on the research area and on defined research questions; for example, “blockchain” OR “blockchain” AND “healthcare*” OR “system*” OR “use cases*” OR “factors*” OR “coronavirus*” OR “COVID-19*” OR “pandemics*”. Digital library searches were conducted online in late 2020 and articles in English were used. The used procedure for searching [18] is summarized in Fig. 2. A summary of the results returned for each data search is presented in Table 1. Repeated articles were excluded by review of title, abstract, and introduction; finally, 19 articles were selected for review. During the review of each article, a collection of data was released that included: research objective, Blockchain application domain to combat COVID-19 epidemic, or other coronavirus health issues.


A. Azim and M. N. Islam

Fig. 2 PRISMA diagram of search procedure

2.3 Selection of Studies - Exclude and Include The selection process began with 4065 publications collected in digital libraries. Depending on the conditions, the publication is included in the formal review or discarded. The selection process is divided into four steps: Identification and Removal of Duplication: Search studies included from the year 2016 to 2020. Search results were structured based on the inclusion and exclusion process. To avoid reviewing duplicate articles, the articles that appear more than once as a duplicate was removed. Screening: Analyzing the title and abstract searched articles were screened and irrelevant records were excluded.

4 Blockchain Implementations and Use Cases ... Table 1 Summary of search results Databases Number of articles Google Scholar IEEE Explore Springer MDPI ACM Digital Library Total

5030 1697 219 10 61 7027


Articles suitable for detailed screening 49 21 23 9 10 118

Eligibility: Subtracting the number of excluded articles following the screening procedure, full-text articles assessed for eligibility were 118 publications (see Table 1). Full-text articles excluded, for absent of Blockchain fighting against COVID-19 (n = 43), not in English language (n = 07), not within last 5 years (n = 11), limited relevance (n = 08). Finally, 49 publications were selected (eligible) for review. Included: The eligible 49 articles were examined in more detail that closely related to specific research questions. The remaining stored results had a positive impact on the healthcare sector involving Blockchain. Finally, 19 publications were included in the systematic review. The procedure was strict so that only pertinent and quality studies to be selected.

2.4 Data Extraction All (n = 19) the articles were read in detail to extract the relevant data items that have presented in Tables 2 and 3, while the derived use-cases for sharing and management of COVID-19 pandemic data are illustrated in Table 4 and Fig. 3.

3 Synthesizing the Review Data The objectives of the reviewed studies were grouped into a total of four focused objectives. Similarly, eight use cases were found from the existing studies.

3.1 Focused Objectives The focused objectives of the reviewed studies are briefly discussed in this subsection.


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Table 2 Study objectives of revised articles Ref. Study objectives [14] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31] [32] [33] [34] [35] [36]

Healthcare data management capabilities with respect to secure and decentralize system. Provide trustless and transparent health data sharing system COVID-19-blockchain-based data management system to track coronavirus and future epidemics Health data record with its data security, validity and access control and secure medical supply-chain management Hospital device tracking, patients’ data sharing and clinical trials Establishing trusted links for healthcare data sharing with interoperablitiy and decentralize system Provide secure medical and pharmaceutical supply-chain management system Tracking system for the COVID-19, data collection and management Blockchain based healthcare data sharing and storage management system Blockchain based secure data sharing and research Blockchain based EMR, remote patient monitoring health data research Cross-organizational medical data sharing and access management Blockchain based trusted medical data sharing for collaborative research, clinical trial and precision medicine Blockchain based medical data sharing among medical big data custodian for research with secure access control Blockchain technology for maintaining medical records and creating new blocks. Multi-organizational clinical trial to design and implement a blockchain based network system. Implementation of medical cooperation using blockchain technology to combat against Covid-19, share research result, protecting patient’s privacy Share authentic COVID-19 data and tracking of pandemic relevant information Sharing COVID-19 diagnostic data of infectious patients and prevent the spreading of false information

Table 3 Objectives are grouped into four Focused Objectives (FO) Focused Objectives (FO) Ref.


FO1: Data Sharing FO2: Data Storage FO3: Exchange of clinical-trial FO4: Track of pandemic data

14 (74%) 8 (42%) 6 (32%) 4 (21%)

[14, [20, [21, [20,

19, 21, 22, 22,

22–25, 27, 29–31, 33–36] 24–27, 29, 32] 27, 30, 31, 33] 28, 35]

4 Blockchain Implementations and Use Cases ...


Table 4 Explored use cases of Blockchain in healthcare system. Ser. Features/ Use Cases (UC) Ref. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 6. 7. 8.

Secured Data Sharing Interoperability Patients’ Health Records Pandemic Data Storage Sharing SARS COV Clinical Trial Track of SARS COV Data Data Transparency Data Access Control

[14, [14, [14, [14, [19, [20, [14, [14,

19–23, 25, 27, 31, 34–36] 21, 24, 25, 28, 31, 34] 21–28, 31, 32] 19, 21, 23, 28, 29, 34, 36] 20, 22, 25, 26, 28, 30, 33] 35] 19, 20, 23, 34, 36] 19, 21]

Freq. 12 7 11 8 8 2 6 3

Data Sharing: Existing studies focusing on efficient data sharing include managing COVID-19 data with respect to security and decentralization of the system, sharing trusted and transparent COVID-19 data, managing data to track down the coronavirus, and establishing trusted links for sharing COVID-19 data with interoperability and access to control. Data Storage: The study focused on the secured decentralized data storage which includes patients’ health records, COVID-19 data records with efficient data tracking system, and access to control. The research revealed that decentralized system data distributed across various healthcare organizations across a network one impossible to modify or delete the data by the unauthorized users. Exchange of Clinical Trial: It is necessary to exchange trusted clinical trailed data among the healthcare organizations to get the combined outcome of a result. Therefore the study focused on sharing transparent SARS COV related clinical trial data over a cross-organizational sharing system and managing to control the access. Studies focusing to exchange clinical trail also facilitate collaborative combat against COVID-19 and tested outcome of research focusing to COVID-19 treatment. Track of Pandemic Data: Subsisting research also focused on COVID-19 data tracking with respect to patients’ health records, transparent pandemic data storage, and access to control. Studies focusing to tracking pandemic data to prevent the crossborder spread of COVID-19 through the travel of a person.


A. Azim and M. N. Islam

Fig. 3 Derived use cases to develop Blockchain based system for COVID-19 pandemic data sharing and management

3.2 Use Cases The eight use-cases revealed in this study are briefly discussed here. Secure Data Sharing: Secure sharing of pandemic data is of utmost importance and failure of such sharing could bring devastating consequences on research outcomes. Secure COVID-19 data sharing should satisfy the CIA triad confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Interoperability: Various health organizations and stakeholders have used various applications for storing COVID-19 pandemic data. COVID-19 data exchange architectures should provide interoperability so that different information systems, devices, and applications can access, interchange, assimilate and cooperatively use data in a coordinated manner within all applicable settings and with relevant organizations and stakeholders.

4 Blockchain Implementations and Use Cases ...


Patients’ Health Record: Various Healthcare organization have used various system and database to keep Patients’ Health Record (PHR). All PHR data split across multiple facilities to be integrated in an automated manner. Pandemic Data Storage: Information to be stored as a distributed ledger that maintains a single source of information accessible to various health organizations around the world. Sharing SARS COV Clinical Trail: Data sharing system to provide a commitment to collaboration, and equal data access. This would facilitate a researcher to avoid duplication of research work. It would also help to develop necessary vaccines and drugs with minimum possible time. Data from the study could reveal important details about the symptoms and the development of the infection in different people. Tracking SARS COV Data: The term SARS COV tracking refers to the collection and analysis of COVID-19 data related to one’s health. This will track how quickly the virus spreads in different areas; identifying vulnerable areas; who is most at risk; prevent cross-border spread through a human by implementing restrictions on movement. Such tracking would also help a researcher to understand why some people fall into the development of more severe symptoms while others have only minor symptoms. Data Transparency: Data transparency is interred related to interoperability. The COVID-19 pandemic data sharing system would provide data transparency, commitment to collaboration, openness, and equal data access. It would also provide sharing of information and knowledge at a level so that a user within the system can easily understand. Data Access Control: The system would provide user access control to ensure that only authorized persons or organizations have the authority to access data storage.

4 Mapping Between Focused Objectives and Use-Cases The Focused Objectives were mapped with the derived eight uses cases as shown in Fig. 4: Mapping with Secure Data Sharing: A trusted COVID-19 data sharing system helps to get accurate and trusted outcomes amongst the researcher. Sharing of trusted pandemic data would satisfy secure data sharing, interoperability, data transparency, and data access control. Mapping with Data Storage: Traditional pandemic data records are isolation database storage systems and sometimes paper-based. The Blockchain-based COVID-19 record system would provide better decision-macking services and improve cooperation amongst healthcare organizations. It would address the secure PHR, COVID-19 data storage, tracking of SARS COV data and data access control.


A. Azim and M. N. Islam

Fig. 4 Mapping the study objectives with the derived use cases

Mapping with Exchange of Clinical Trail: In an outbreak of a transmittable disease, it is important to study and analyze all available data to identify the root causes, prevent continued spillover, to have a better understanding of the disease’s transmissible in terms of times and context. Such an objective would map with interoperability, sharing of SARS COV clinical trials, and data transparency. This would help a researcher to avoid duplication of effort at the same time improves the success of the COVID-19 research outcome. Mapping with Track of Pandemic Data: The past history of medical information is often regarded as one of the many ways to improve medicine and medication. Therefore for tracking of pandemic data needs patients’ past medical records of such as COVID-19 data records or PHR. The system would also need to map with the tracking of SARS COV data so that a researcher can explore relevant information of his research.

5 Conclusion Blockchain technology ensures the accuracy and quality of data through service vision and immunity, so it contributes significantly to the quality and accurate epidemiological data transactions. Again, as the coronavirus pandemic is the main focus of the world healthcare driving forces, therefore the implementation of novel technology would help to recover from this catastrophe. In this study, a total of 19 articles were meticulously reviewed and mapped between the focused objectives and use

4 Blockchain Implementations and Use Cases ...


cases. As outcomes, this review study has proposed eight use cases or factors that may contribute to develop Blockchain-based system to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. The revealed factors or use-cases are secure data sharing, interoperability, patient’s health record, pandemic data storage, sharing SARS COV clinical trail, track of SARS COV data, data transparency, and data access control. The study also showed that existing major studies primarily focused on Data Sharing, Data Storage, Exchange of Clinical Trail and Track of Pandemic Data. However, in the future, a Blockchain-based framework will be proposed considering the revealed use-cases for inhabiting the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Chapter 5

Ant Colony Optimization to Solve the Rescue Problem as a Vehicle Routing Problem with Hard Time Windows Mélanie Suppan , Thomas Hanne , and Rolf Dornberger

1 Introduction The classical Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) aims to find the optimal route for a fleet of vehicles from a depot to a set of given destinations. This optimization problem has been extended in multiple ways by adding constraints like vehicle capacity and service time windows as well as dynamic integration of new customers. This allows its application to different real-world situations and, among them, to the routing of emergency vehicles in daily or disaster situations. Route optimization of emergency vehicles is important to ensure a timely and adequate response to various medical emergencies. In such scenarios, the challenge is to avoid a delayed arrival of rescue teams, which could lead to a worsening of medical conditions or even death. This rescue problem is usually modeled as a Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (CVRP) in which vehicles have a limited capacity that can never be exceeded. Depending on the chosen focus, different variables can be integrated in the model. In [1–5], the problem is set as a Multidepot Vehicle Routing Problem (MDVRP), where different hospitals can be regarded as depots. It is treated as a Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows (VRPTW) in [6]. In this case, penalties are given when the time windows are exceeded. A Dynamic Vehicle Routing

M. Suppan School of Life Sciences, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland, Muttenz, Switzerland T. Hanne (B) Institute for Information Systems, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland, Olten, Switzerland e-mail: [email protected] R. Dornberger Institute for Information Systems, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland, Basel, Switzerland © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2022 M. S. Uddin et al. (eds.), Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Advances in Computational Intelligence, Algorithms for Intelligent Systems,



M. Suppan et al.

Problem (DVRP) is described in [7], which includes adaptation of the route by integrating new demands. The objective is generally to find a set of routes at a minimal cost, usually corresponding to the shortest or fastest route as described in [1, 5] and [7]. In rescue scenarios, however, it is not uncommon to add another objective related to the evolution of the patient’s condition over time. In [2], this alternative objective is to minimize the number of patients whose medical condition will worsen or who will die. The same purpose is sought in [3], although the objective is inversely formulated. The minimization of human suffering is another example presented in [6]. Constraints specific to the rescue problem such as level of injury and available time before worsening of medical conditions are not always considered in the literature. When taken into consideration, they are used in different ways and for different purposes. They are nevertheless important to ensure optimal care and to determine an ideal fleet size to limit avoidable casualties in rescue scenarios. Determining the optimal solution for each type of VRP is NP-hard. In other words, the time required to compute the solution may exponentially increase with the size of the problem. For this reason, different computational intelligence methods have been used to optimize this problem. Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) is often used either alone [7] or in combination with a Local Search (LS) algorithm [1, 6]. In [4], a Large Neighborhood Search alone is described. The traditional Genetic Algorithm (GA) [5] or its extensions [2, 3], as well as an adaptation of the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm [2], represent other options. This paper focuses on the ACO algorithm to solve the rescue problem modeled as a single-objective VRPTW with hard time windows. The aim is to find the best route to rescue people in a daily or disaster situation while considering their level of injury for transport prioritization and route adaptation. Hard time windows allow to solve the problem as a single-objective one, ensuring that all patients are being taken care of in a reasonable amount of time, which has scarcely been treated in the literature. The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes our formulation of the rescue problem. Section 3 presents ACO as the proposed optimization method. The used test cases to model the problem are described and the results are given in Sect. 4. Finally, Sect. 5 concludes the paper and proposes possible improvements.

2 Problem Definition and Modeling The rescue problem can be modeled by a graph G = (V, E), where the set of nodes V = 0, . . . , n represents the hospital (0) and the patient locations (1, . . . , n), while the set of edges E represents all connections between the nodes. The goal is to find a set of routes at minimal cost, corresponding to the shortest or fastest route, for a fleet of ambulances K with limited capacity so that all nodes are visited only once and by only one ambulance. The rescue problem is treated here as a single-objective single-depot VRPTW.

5 Ant Colony Optimization to Solve the Rescue Problem …


2.1 Input Variables The set of ambulances K is fixed for all formulations of the problem. The set of patients, however, will be changed to increase the size of the problem (small-size: 20, medium-size: 50). Each location on the map corresponds to only one patient and the demand at each location is therefore equal to 1. Each patient is assigned an injury level, which is divided into three categories. Each injury level is assigned a corresponding maximum time window: 1: less urgent: deadline 20. Increasing the number of leader agents seems to cancel this effect, which is positive, but at the same time the accuracy of the solution seems to decrease. Discussion: The addition of opinion leaders (Fig. 12) does not cause a breakdown of the algorithm’s performance; however, an improvement is not visible either. Neither when it comes to the accuracy of the swarm’s decision nor to the efficiency of finding a consensus. Depending on the number of leader agents within a swarm, either the value of the relative deviation to the optimal solution or the number of iterations is affected rather negatively than positively. Evaluating the results leads us to the assumption that a swarm performs best when the “regular” agents are on their own and not under the influence of one or multiple opinion leaders.


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Fig. 11 Leader noise exploration II (1 leaders)

Fig. 12 Leader noise exploration III (5 leaders)

5 Conclusions and Outlook Although all proposed model modifications and the related experiments cannot achieve significantly better results in terms of reduced relative deviation or reduced number of iterations, another aspect is observed: With increasing dimensionality (number of agents or number of leaders), the bias is reduced, and the variance is enhanced. In modelling, dimensionality aspects play an important role. Low complexity and accuracy may allow precise estimates and stable, reproducible

6 Applying Opinion Leaders to Investigate the Best-of-n Decision Problem …


models. As such models produce few new associations, model creators attempt to decrease the precision of estimates and the model stability by adding to the variance. The benefit of models with a high variance is a reduction of the bias as more elements are considered. This also makes it possible to discover new or previously unknown associations between the elements’ dimensions [13]. This additional new feature allowed us to conduct several experiments and test different scenarios. We can show that our model can converge with leaders to the optimum in most case, while adding too many rogue agents [2] makes a good decision impossible. In our model, we have used only two roles – leaders and “regular” agents, while Chen et al. [9] propose three different classes of roles (e.g., three types of wolves) in their approach. Adding additional roles to the proposed opinion leader role could prove to be the necessary component to achieve the desired improvements in the results. In this paper, we were able to change the dynamics of the model by implementing relative weights to specific opinions, resulting in a modified behavior of the discrete democratic swarm (opinion leader effect). Our general conclusion is that our adapted approach makes it possible to produce multiple comparative results that indicate the following aspects: Using opinion leaders to find the best out of n possible solutions has a beneficial impact in certain very specific situations (see S1 and S4). The general perception is, however, that the presence of opinion leaders rather complicates the process of achieving the best possible solution. Furthermore, the implementation of these new features in the existing best-of-n decision-making model allows to conduct further experiments by parameter tuning. During this research work, several opportunities for further investigation have been identified. As mentioned in [7, 12], most research focuses on a static environment assuming that both the search environment and the option qualities do not change over time. Such a setting is unlikely in the real world, e.g., due to perturbations [12]. To simulate a dynamic setting, [1, 2] introduce stubborn agents into their models. In [12], the function of spontaneous opinion switching to simulate a further element of stochasticity is also used. Setting up a model using these features provides an interesting approach for further investigations. [1, 2] apply the opinion manipulation mainly to test the robustness of an algorithm. Our focus is to investigate a potential impact on accuracy and efficiency. [9] proposes a related investigation within their work. They make use of more than two types of role assignments and provide improving results within the investigation of the democratic behavior of a swarm. Adding a strengthened hierarchical level opens another possibility for research. The proposed problem model of Hügli and Pereira [2] has proven to be adaptable for further features. Another interesting approach is to investigate the change in the majority threshold or the change in the voting mechanism (as discussed in Sect. 2.1). The presented graphs also indicate outliers. The detection and investigation of these outliers must also be explored to show the highest statistical relevance.


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References 1. Pochon Y, Dornberger R, Zhong VJ, Korkut S (2018) Investigating the democracy behavior of swarm robots in the case of a best-of-n selection. In: 2018 IEEE symposium series on computational intelligence SSCI 2. Hügli A, Pereira M (2020) Hyperparameter analysis of the democratic behavior of swarm robots. University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland FHNW 3. Ebert JT, Gauci M, Nagpal R (2018) Multi-feature collective decision making in robot swarms. In: 2018 Proceedings of the 17th international conference on autonomous agents and multiagent systems (AAMAS 2018), Stockholm, Sweden, 10–15 July 2018 4. Petrenko VI, Tebueva FB, Ryabtsev SS, Gurchinsky MM, Struchkov IV (2020) Consensus achievement method for a robotic swarm about the most frequently feature of an environment. IOP Conf Ser Mater Sci Eng 919(4):042025. 5. Valentini G (2019) How robots in a large group make decisions as a whole? From biological inspiration to the design of distributed algorithms. In: 2019 School of earth and space exploration, school of life sciences, Arizona State University, Tempe. arXiv:1910.11262v2 (2019) 6. Maître G, Tuci E, Ferrante E (2020) Opinion dissemination in a swarm of simulated robots with stubborn agents: a comparative study. In: 2020 IEEE congress on evolutionary computation (CEC). IEEE, pp 1–6 7. Valentini G, Ferrante E, Dorigo M (2017) The best-of-n problem in robot swarms: formalization, state of the art, and novel perspectives. Front Robot AI 4:1–9 8. Ramsey M et al (2020) The prediction of swarming in honeybee colonies using vibrational spectra. Sci Rep 10(1):1–17 9. Chen X, Zhang Y, Li K, Huang B (2019) Path planning of mobile robot based on improved wolf swarm algorithms. In: 2019 IEEE 8th joint international information technology and artificial intelligence conference (ITAIC 2019) 10. Ebert JT, Gauci M, Mallmann-Trenn F, Nagpal R (2020) Bayes bots: collective Bayesian decision-making in decentralized robot swarms. In: 2020 IEEE international conference on robotics and automation (ICRA), Paris, France 11. Phung N, Kubo M, Sato H (2020) Bias and raising threshold algorithm using learning agents for the best proportion-searching problem. In: The 3rd international conference on intelligent autonomous systems, IEEE Xplore 12. Prasetyo J, De Masi G, Ferrante E (2019) Collective decision making in dynamic environments. Swarm Intell 13(3):217–243 13. Alyass A, Turcotte M, Meyre D (2015) From big data analysis to personalized medicine for all: challenges and opportunities. BMC Med Genomics 8(1):1–12

Chapter 7

Pathfinding in the Paparazzi Problem Comparing Different Distance Measures Kevin Schär, Philippe Schwank, Rolf Dornberger, and Thomas Hanne

1 Introduction Pathfinding algorithms have long been used in various fields, such as route planning for robots in warehouses or controlling non-player characters in computer games [1, 2]. Different algorithms are used for pathfinding in different scenarios. However, the widely used and investigated A* algorithm is often applied to find the shortest path related to the length of the path between two defined nodes in a static scenario. In reality, these scenarios often consist of different types of obstacles and terrain structures that influence the movement and the path found [3]. Thus, the shortest path does not always correspond to the optimal (e.g., fastest) path. Therefore, the optimization must take such criteria into account. The A* algorithm can use various functions to evaluate the path, such as the Euclidean, Manhattan or the Chebyshev distance measures [4]. This paper reviews A* pathfinding performance efficiency using various distance measures in scenarios of different sizes and complexity by including different terrain structures and obstacles. Further, it investigates the performance using these distance measures by including four or eight neighbouring nodes that affect the possible movement.

K. Schär · P. Schwank Institute for Medical Engineering and Medical Informatics, School of Life Sciences, FHNW, Muttenz, Switzerland R. Dornberger Institute for Information Systems, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland, Basel, Switzerland T. Hanne (B) Institute for Information Systems, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland, Olten, Switzerland e-mail: [email protected] © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2022 M. S. Uddin et al. (eds.), Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Advances in Computational Intelligence, Algorithms for Intelligent Systems,



K. Schär et al.

2 Problem Statement The paper examines different distance measures within the A* algorithm in different maps of the size of 25 × 25, 50 × 50, 100 × 100 and 200 × 200 nodes (see Fig. 1 as an example). The allowed neighbouring nodes for movements are limited to four neighbours in the first experiment (only horizontal and vertical movements are allowed). The subsequent experiment allows eight neighbours (additional diagonal movements possible). The scenario is a Paparazzi problem [5]. It consists of different terrain structures and is a weighted pathfinding problem. The fictional goal is to have a photo of a celebrity taken by a paparazzo in the shortest possible time. The paparazzo has to enter a celebrity’s estate and sneak as efficiently as possible to the known location of the celebrity to take the photo. Security cameras installed on the property monitor a specific area. The paparazzo should avoid these areas, as a discovery would prolong the mission of the photoshoot. There are also various obstacles and terrain structures on the property, such as trees and bushes, pools and ponds and stone gardens. Due to their nature, the trees and bushes cover the paparazzo in front of the cameras. They can be crossed at a very high cost. Crossing the pool and stone gardens provides

Fig. 1 Example of a map with an extension of 100 × 100, which depicts the variety of obstacles. The following colour scheme is used: green – grass, trees, and bushes; blue – water; beige – stone garden; grey – different types of roads; red – camera; yellow – start node; orange – end node (both located in the lower-left part of the matrix)

7 Pathfinding in the Paparazzi Problem Comparing Different Distance Measures … Table 1 Field types of the map and their costs

Field type

Colour in the matrix


Cost of the node




Start node


End node


Path found


Main road

Dark grey


Side road

Light grey



Light green



Dark green


Shallow water

Light blue


Deep water

Dark blue


Stone garden








10, 20, 30, 40, 50

a direct route. However, the paparazzo needs additional time for this, as no visual protection is offered, and it requires increased effort. The start node of the paparazzo is marked by a yellow field. The end node or the location of the celebrity, is marked by an orange field. The matrix is supplemented by the described obstacles that influence the movement of the paparazzo. Red fields mark security cameras. Blue and beige fields represent the pool and ponds or the stone gardens on the estate. Grey fields mark different types of roads. Green fields indicate grassy areas and the location of a tree or bush. The saturation of the colours indicates how much the movement of the paparazzo is affected. A high saturation represents a strong slowdown, whereas a low saturation represents a moderate slowdown. Exact details of the costs can be found in Table 1. In principle, the weights are based on the information in [5] and specify the cost to travel through a particular node or cell of the grid. In addition to [5], further obstacles and their costs have been introduced to enlarge the problem.

3 Background Information 3.1 A* Algorithm The A* algorithm (see Fig. 2) is a heuristic search algorithm based on Dijkstra’s algorithm and the Breadth First Search algorithm. It was introduced in 1968 by Peter E. Hart, Nils J. Nilsson, and Bertram Raphael [6]. The A* algorithm is assumed to find the solution by visiting the fewest nodes. The basic idea of A* is to expand outwards from a defined start node S in a matrix, calculate the cost value of each


K. Schär et al.

a_star(start_node, end_node): OPEN = empty list; CLOSED = empty list; add start_node to OPEN; while (OPEN is not empty): current_node = find lowest cost node in OPEN; if (current_node == end_node): return solution = true; remove current_node from OPEN; add current_node to CLOSED; for each neighbour_node in current_node: if (neighbour_node == obstacle OR neighbour_node is in CLOSED): continue; // distance calculates cost of two given nodes new_cost = current_node_cost + distance(neighbour_node, current_node); Neighbour_node_cost = distance(neighbour_node, current_node); if (new_cost < neighbour_node_cost OR neighbour_node is not in OPEN): // distance calculates cost of two given nodes new_cost = new_cost + distance(neighbour_node, end_node); neighbour_node_cost = new_cost; // parent gets parent_node of given node parent(neighbour_node) = current_node; if (neighbour_node is not in OPEN): add neighbour_node to OPEN;

Fig. 2 Pseudo code of the A* algorithm

neighbouring node and select the node with the minimum cost value as the next traversal node. The expansion process is repeated until the defined end node E is reached. The cost function of the A* algorithm is determined by (1): f (n) = g(n) + h(n)


For each node n, the total cost f (n) is given as the sum of the costs g(n) and h(n). g(n) represents the actual path cost from the start node S to the current node n. h(n) is a heuristic factor that estimates the cost of moving from the current node n to the end node E. For the quality of the A* formulation, it is important to choose a proper heuristic function h(n) and suitable distance measures.

7 Pathfinding in the Paparazzi Problem Comparing Different Distance Measures …


The A* algorithm implements two different sets (respectively lists), the closed set and the open set. The closed set consists of nodes that have already been visited and expanded. Successors have already been explored and included in the open list if this was the case. This list is empty at the beginning of the pathfinding process. The open set consists of nodes that have been visited but not expanded, meaning that successors have not been explored yet. This list contains pending tasks. The start node S is initially the only node within the open set [3, 6].

3.2 Extended A* Algorithm In the problem presented, various obstacles and terrain structures slow down the speed of a paparazzo. Therefore, these weighted nodes have to be considered to evaluate the cost f (n) of each node n. The new variable e(n) extends the traditional A* algorithm by taking these additional costs into account. The cost e(n) is added to the cost g(n). If there are equal costs f (n) for possible neighbouring nodes, the costs h(n) are added when deciding on the choice of the next node. This rule is adopted by adding the cost e(n) to the cost h(n) for the current problem [5]. Thus, the cost of moving to a particular node in the map can be determined by (2): f (n) = g(n) + e(n) + h(n)


3.3 Distance Functions The distance function in the A* algorithm is used to measure the distance between nodes, so the choice of heuristic function in map-based pathfinding determines the complexity of the algorithm [4, 7]. Based on previous research, various distance functions are commonly used in (2) for A* pathfinding are introduced below. 1) None The ‘None heuristic’ is based on (2) but simplifies it by ignoring the cost h(n). Therefore, it is an approximation of the Dijkstra pathfinding algorithm [7–9]. 2) Minkowski Distance The Minkowski distance calculates the distance between two map nodes. It is a generalisation of the Euclidean and Manhattan distance and adds a parameter p that allows different distance measures to be calculated. The Minkowski distance is calculated as follows [10]: n i=1

|X i − Yi | p

1/ p



K. Schär et al.

When p is set to 1, the calculation is the same as the Manhattan distance. When p is set to 2, it is the same as the Euclidean distance. Intermediate values provide a controlled balance between the two measures. 3) Manhattan Distance The standard heuristic for a square map is the Manhattan distance (see Fig. 3). As a distance measurement function, the Manhattan distance is a simple summation of the absolute horizontal and vertical distance between two map nodes [9, 11, 12]. 4) Euclidean Distance The Euclidean distance between two nodes in the Euclidean space is the length of a line segment between two nodes as a distance measurement function (see Fig. 4). Thus, it can be calculated by using the Pythagorean theorem [9, 11, 12]. 5) Chebyshev Distance The Chebyshev distance (see Fig. 5) is a variant of the diagonal distance. It assumes that the cost needed to move diagonally is equal to the cost needed to move vertically or horizontally. The diagonal distance works under the assumption that movements with eight neighbouring nodes are possible, i.e., horizontal, vertical, and diagonal movements are allowed. The diagonal movement is possible if a vertical and horizontal movement could also be performed simultaneously. If only one horizontal or vertical movement is possible, the next movement will be towards the target node based on the remaining possibility [9, 11, 12]. Fig. 3 Pseudo code of the Manhattan distance

manhattan_distance(current_node, end_node): // abs returns the absolute value of a given number distance_x = abs(current_node.x - end_node.x); distance_y = abs(current_node.y - end_node.y); return (distance_x + distance_y);

Fig. 4 Pseudo code of the Euclidean distance

euclidean_distance(current_node, end_node): // abs returns the absolute value of a given number distance_x = abs(current_node.x - end_node.x); distance_y = abs(current_node.y - end_node.y); // sqrt returns the square root of a given number return sqrt(distance_x * distance_x + distance_y * distance_y);

7 Pathfinding in the Paparazzi Problem Comparing Different Distance Measures … Fig. 5 Pseudo code of the Chebyshev distance


chebyshev_distance(current_node, end_node): // abs returns the absolute value of a given number distance_x = abs(current_node.x - end_node.x); distance_y = abs(current_node.y - end_node.y); if (distance_y > distance_x): return distance_y; return distance_x;

3.4 Admissibility of Heuristics In pathfinding algorithms, a heuristic function is admissible if it never overestimates the cost of reaching the end node. The costs it estimates to reach the end node must not be higher than the lowest possible costs from the current node of the path. Underestimation of real costs is admissible. However, accurate cost estimates should be sought [4, 6, 7]. Figure 6 shows the path possibilities to reach the orange end node from the yellow start node using the described heuristics. The blue path corresponds to the cost calculation of the Manhattan heuristic. The green path corresponds to the cost calculation of the Chebyshev and Euclidean heuristics. The real cost when using eight neighbouring nodes is 5, and when using four neighbouring nodes 10. The cost for the Manhattan heuristic is 10, for Euclidean 7.07 and for Chebyshev 5. According to the definition, the Manhattan and Euclidean heuristics are not admissible for eight neighbouring nodes. All heuristics are admissible for four neighbouring nodes, but Euclidean and Chebyshev underestimate the real costs.

Fig. 6 A visualization of the two possible cost calculations for the Manhattan and Euclidean distance are shown. Blue illustrates the way corresponding to the Manhattan distance (sum of vertical and horizontal distance). Green illustrates the direct diagonal way that corresponds to Euclidean distance. The Chebyshev distance (not shown) is only the minimum of vertical and horizontal distance


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4 Implementation and Testing 4.1 System Specifications The project is run and evaluated on a personal computer with the following specifications: • • • • •

Model: Dell XPS 15 7590 Operating System: Windows 10 Pro × 64 Processor: Intel Core i7-9750H CPU @ 2.60 GHz Memory: 16 GB DDR4, 2 * 8 GB, 2666 MHz Graphics Card: Intel UHD Graphics 630 & NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650

4.2 Code Structure The A* pathfinding algorithm is written and implemented in Python 3.8. The evaluation is done by using Jupyter Notebooks. Each node in the map is initialised as a cell object. This object consists of various attributes such as the weight of the node, its cost f(n), the previous node visited and all its neighbouring nodes, depending on whether a diagonal movement is allowed or not. The A* algorithm takes the cell object of the start and end node, and the chosen heuristic function as input. It returns the path found and various other parameters determined during runtime. The source code for the A* algorithm is taken from [13]. However, it is extended to the needs of the project, particularly the additional costs of different cells of the Paparazzi problem. For each map, the particular function is run 20 times both for four and eight neighbouring nodes. For the results, we report the average values from these runs. However, only the run time was changed in the different runs (i.e., path length, path cost and number of iterations are always identical) and we provided the standard deviation for the run time. The run time is only determined for the pathfinding itself and not for the map initialisation.

4.3 Parameters of the Evaluation The evaluation of the different distance functions uses the path length, path cost, number of iterations and run time. The total cost of the path found of the ‘None heuristic’ is not included. Due to the ‘None heuristic’ definition, h(n) is dropped in (2). This means that the ‘None heuristic’ always has the lowest costs. Therefore, there is no meaningful comparison with the other heuristics that consider all partial costs in calculating f(n). The number

7 Pathfinding in the Paparazzi Problem Comparing Different Distance Measures …


of iterations the algorithm uses with each heuristic is also used for the analysis, as it is independent of computational characteristics such as software and hardware. Finally, the run time to find the path from the start node S position to the end node E is considered another evaluation criterion. In many real-world applications, the run time is considered more important than the path length [2].

5 Results Table 2 and 3 show the results of the different heuristics used for the different map sizes. More specifically, they show the length of the path found with the associated total cost and the number of iterations and time needed for finding this path. In addition, Table 2 shows the results of pathfinding when using four neighbouring nodes, and Table 3, in contrast, shows the result of eight neighbouring nodes. For each map size, the smallest value with respect to the four attributes path length, path cost, number of iterations and run time is marked in bold. Table 2 shows that the ‘None heuristic’ always finds at least the same short path as the other heuristics. However, in two cases a shorter path is found. The Manhattan heuristic finds a path with the lowest number of iterations in three out of four cases. In two out of four cases, the Manhattan heuristic also needs the shortest time in this respect. In the largest map, the Euclidean heuristic needs about 10% fewer iterations and the shortest time to find the path. The Chebyshev heuristic always has the lowest path costs. In contrast, the Manhattan heuristic always has the highest path costs. This is not surprising as single Chebyshev distance measures are usually smaller than Manhattan distance measures. Table 3 shows that the ‘None heuristic’ finds a shorter path than the other heuristics in three out of four cases. In the two smaller maps, the Manhattan heuristic finds the path with the lowest number of iterations. In contrast, the Euclidean heuristic finds the path with the smallest number of iterations in the two larger maps. However, the shortest time does not correspond to the lowest number of iterations, except in the map 50 × 50. Similar to Table 2, the Chebyshev heuristic always has the lowest path costs and the Manhattan heuristic has the highest. Only in the largest map, does the Euclidean heuristic have higher path costs. Figure 7 shows an example of a map with a size of 50 × 50 after pathfinding. The depicted path is determined when using eight neighbouring nodes and the Chebyshev heuristic for distance calculation. The algorithm strives for a path that runs diagonally from the start node at the top left to the end node at the bottom right if the environment allows it. Figure 8 shows an example of a map with an extension of 50 × 50 after performing the pathfinding. The depicted path is determined when using the Manhattan distance function and four neighbouring nodes. In contrast to Fig. 7, the path does not follow a diagonal pattern, but shows an L-shape.


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Table 2 Results of the different heuristics when using four neighbouring nodes Map size


Path length

Path cost

Number of iterations

Run time [ms]






3.7 ± 0.6





4.5 ± 0.5





4.6 ± 0.5





4.0 ± 0.4





40.1 ± 4.3





33.0 ± 2.2





38.2 ± 4.6





10.0 ± 1.3





585.7 ± 36.7





320.7 ± 20.6





265.6 ± 13.4





168.8 ± 7.5





5795.8 ± 150.4





5696.6 ± 192.6





5206.5 ± 175.9





6835.0 ± 164.2




6 Discussion Table 2 shows that the ‘None heuristic’ always provides the shortest path when using four neighbouring nodes as it reduces the A* to the exact Dijkstra algorithm. However, this is generally associated with a higher number of iterations and calculation time than the other heuristics. If the path length is the decisive criterion of an application, the results show that the ‘None heuristic’ or the Dijkstra algorithm should be chosen. Besides the path length, time is often the essential evaluation factor. Based on Table 2, the Manhattan heuristic generally requires the smallest number of

7 Pathfinding in the Paparazzi Problem Comparing Different Distance Measures …


Table 3 Results of the different heuristics when using eight neighbouring nodes Map size


Path length

Path cost

Number of iterations

Run time [ms]






6.4 ± 0.5





5.8 ± 0.4





5.5 ± 0.5





5.8 ± 0.4





64.5 ± 7.0





33.5 ± 1.5





19.3 ± 0.5





12.8 ± 1.7





1525.3 ± 146.9





268.7 ± 28.1





197.9 ± 21.9





195.1 ± 16.8





19,002.9 ± 2263.6





16,271.8 ± 211.1





18,789.0 ± 1508.3





19,064.8 ± 397.0




iterations and run time in smaller maps (25 × 25, 50 × 50 and 100 × 100). However, the Euclidean heuristic shows a reduction in the number of iterations by around 10% in the largest map. The run time is reduced by around 24%. Table 3 shows a similar situation when using eight neighbouring nodes. The ‘None heuristic’ always finds the shortest path in the three maps up to a size of 100 × 100. Again, this requires the highest number of iterations and a significantly increased run time. Focusing on the run time, the two smaller maps (25 × 25 and 50 × 50) show that the Manhattan distance requires the least number of iterations. The Euclidean heuristic shows better performance in the larger maps (100 × 100


K. Schär et al.

Fig. 7 Example of a map with an extension of 50 × 50 depicting the path found (coloured in pink) when using eight neighbouring nodes and Chebyshev distance function

and 200 × 200), although the difference is relatively marginal. Interestingly, the Chebyshev heuristic, as gold standard [12], shows no advantages over the Euclidean and Manhattan heuristics in the 25 × 25 and 100 × 100 maps. In the 50 × 50 map, the shorter path is found at the cost of a significantly higher number of iterations and run time. However, the Chebyshev heuristic shows a significantly reduced run time with a comparably low number of iterations in the 200 × 200 map. Based on the results presented, no conclusive recommendation for choosing a heuristic for eight neighbouring nodes is possible. The results of the Chebyshev function when using four neighbouring nodes tend to be worse than those of the Euclidean and Manhattan function. This result is consistent with the admissibility of heuristics. According to this theory, the Euclidean and Manhattan heuristics should also perform worse than the Chebyshev heuristic when using eight neighbouring nodes. However, this fact is not always observed. In many cases, the Euclidean and Manhattan heuristics perform better in terms of run time and number of iterations. In principle, the algorithm is doing redundant work with an inadmissible heuristic. Because the path costs do not match the estimated costs, the algorithm has a misconception about which paths are better than others. Therefore, it examines possible paths that should be ignored. As a result, suboptimal paths could be found. Figure 7 shows that the path chosen by the Chebyshev function does not necessarily correspond to the path that would be chosen as an ideal path in the real world.

7 Pathfinding in the Paparazzi Problem Comparing Different Distance Measures …


Fig. 8 Example of a map with an extension of 50 × 50 depicting the path found (coloured in pink) using Manhattan distance function and four neighbouring nodes

On the one hand, the algorithm chooses a path through rough terrain such as the shore area of the pond. On the other hand, it ignores the loophole in the wall in the lower-left area and goes directly through the main gate with the cameras. Figure 8 shows a more realistic path as it uses the loophole in the wall to enter the estate and bypasses the security cameras at the main entrance. In addition, the path found in Fig. 8 has an L-shaped form. In contrast, the path found in Fig. 3 shows a diagonal pattern. This is consistent with the visualization of the cost calculation for h(n) in Fig. 6. The evaluation shows that the current implementation of node weighting is not universally applicable for different map sizes. For smaller maps, the variable e(n) takes a dominant part in calculating f (n). However, the two variables g(n) and h(n) take the dominant part for larger maps. To solve this issue, either (2) or the values of the node weighting must be adjusted. A possible solution is to scale the node weights according to the map size. For example, the node weighting in the present study could be set for the map size 25 × 25 and scaled up accordingly for the other maps.


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7 Conclusion In summary, the Manhattan function offers the best performance when using four neighbouring nodes in small maps (25 × 25, 50 × 50 and 100 × 100). The Euclidean measure offers the best performance at reasonable path costs in the largest map. However, the results do not provide a sufficient basis to recommend using a particular heuristic for eight neighbouring nodes conclusively. The Chebyshev heuristic always has the lowest path costs, but it also takes the longest time to find a path in principle. This fact applies to both types of movement. If eight neighbouring nodes are used, the Chebyshev heuristic shows no advantages over the Manhattan and Euclidean heuristics. It is in contradiction to the admissibility of heuristics. Therefore, this aspect would have to be investigated further. Furthermore, it has been shown that the choice of weights and (2) as specified in [5] are not optimal. However, this problem is negligible if only constant map sizes are used. If working with maps of widely varying sizes, a different approach is recommended. A scaling of the node weights could be a possible solution. The Paparazzi problem is not a realistic pathfinding problem. Nevertheless, it combines various real-world problems of pathfinding. This paper is mainly concerned with classical obstacle avoidance and various terrain structures in different sized and complex environments. Thus, despite the artificial setting, a reasonable application of pathfinding is created.

8 Outlook To make the paparazzi problem presented more realistic, it would be possible to make the target point or the celebrity movable. Another option would be to introduce security personnel to search the area as soon as the paparazzo walks through a camera node. However, these two extensions would convert pathfinding into a more dynamic and multi-agent-based problem as described in [1]. However, dynamic algorithms such as D* are expected to achieve better results in this problem than the traditional A* algorithm [14]. It would also be interesting to examine the node weights more in detail. Problems arise when working with maps of different sizes. The scaling of the node weights mentioned above is one possible solution. Finding an alternative formula to calculate the total costs f (n) would be another possibility. As visible in Table 3, the Chebyshev heuristic does not show the expected superiority over the two inadmissible heuristics when using eight neighbouring nodes [12]. Therefore, this fact would need to be investigated further. It is recommended to pursue this with additional maps of different sizes and layouts.

7 Pathfinding in the Paparazzi Problem Comparing Different Distance Measures …


References 1. Li J, Tinka A, Kiesel S, Durham JW, Satish Kumar TK, Koenig S (2020) Lifelong multi-agent path finding in large-scale warehouses. In: Proceedings of the international joint conference on autonomous agents and multiagent-systems, AAMAS 2. Permana SH, Bintoro KY, Arifitama B, Syahputra A (2018) Comparative analysis of pathfinding algorithms A*, Dijkstra, and BFS on maze runner game. Int J Inf Syst Technol 1(2):1–8 3. Zhang H-M, Li M-L, Yang L (2018) Safe path planning of mobile robot based on improved A* algorithm in complex terrains. Algorithms 11(4):1–18 4. Monzonís DL (2019) Pathfinding algorithms in graphs and applications. B.S. Thesis, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain 5. Baldi S, Maric N, Dornberger R, Hanne T (2018) Pathfinding optimization when solving the paparazzi problem Comparing A* and Dijkstra’s algorithm. In: 2018 6th international symposium on computational and business intelligence (ISCBI), Basel, Switzerland, pp 16–22 6. Hart PE, Nilsson NJ, Raphael B (1968) A formal basis for the heuristic determination of minimum cost paths. IEEE Trans Syst Sci Cybern 4(2):100–107 7. Och FJ, Ueffing N, Ney H (2001) An efficient A* search algorithm for statistical machine translation. In: Proceedings of the ACL 2001 workshop on data-driven methods in machine translation, pp 1–8 8. Lin M, Yuan K, Shi C, Wang Y (2017) Path planning of mobile robot based on improved A* algorithm. In: 2017 29th Chinese control and decision conference (CCDC), China, pp 3570–3576 9. Patel A. A*’s Use of the Heuristic. ristics.html. Accessed 12 June 2021 10. Huang H et al (2019) Dynamic path planning based on improved D* algorithms of Gaode map. In: 2019 IEEE 3rd information technology, networking, electronic and automation control conference (ITNEC), pp 1121–1124 11. Suryadibrata A, Young J, Luhulima R (2019) Review of various A* pathfinding implementations in game autonomous agent. Int J New Media Technol 6(1):43–49 12. Guo X, Luo X (2018) Global path search based on A* algorithm. In: 2018 international conference on transportation & logistics, information & communication, smart city (TLICSC 2018), pp 369–374 13. Pranjal S (2020) A_star-visualization. Github repository. a_star-visualization. Accessed 06 May 2021 14. Al-Mutib K, AlSulaiman M, Emaduddin M, Ramdane H, Mattar E (2011) D* Lite based real-time multi-agent path planning in dynamic environments. In: 2011 third international conference on computational intelligence, modelling & simulation, pp 170–174

Chapter 8

Empirical Evaluation of Motion Cue for Passive-Blind Video Tamper Detection Using Optical Flow Technique Poonam Kumari and Mandeep Kaur

1 Introduction Digital videos capture more incidents than ever before because of the proliferation of smartphones and security cameras. In addition, the technological and economic advancements have led to grave issues concerning reliability of multimedia content. The algorithms and techniques of multimedia forensics are dedicated towards analyzing tampering of digital media content that can also be produced as digital evidence [1]. Video Forensics, which is a subset of the multimedia forensics, specifically focuses on the scientific examination and evaluation of videos in the legal matters. It broadly deals with the acquisition of video evidence from multiple sources, its camera identification, temper detection and hidden data recovery [2]. The domain of video forensics is mainly categorized as active forensics and passive forensics [3]. Active approaches embed or append some validating inputs within it, like watermarks or digital signature. These approaches are intrusive in nature and mostly dependent on the hardware. Unlike active approaches, the passive forensic methods authenticate the veracity and integrity of videos without having any prior embedded information. These passive-blind approaches are found to be more effective than active forensics in practice [4]. The techniques and algorithms used by the video forensic experts need continuous assessment to counter the challenges posed as malice by attackers or criminals. It may also be possible that the perpetrator may have acted in an anti-forensic way. They can try to hide out some facts that can be possibly a criminal proof, for example, by deleting or inserting some frames from a video or by using copy-move forgery or splicing forgery [5, 6] followed by sophisticated post-processing operations. Some videos can be altered by crop out the frames P. Kumari (B) · M. Kaur University Institute of Engineering and Technology Panjab University, Chandigarh, India e-mail: [email protected] M. Kaur e-mail: [email protected] © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2022 M. S. Uddin et al. (eds.), Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Advances in Computational Intelligence, Algorithms for Intelligent Systems,



P. Kumari and M. Kaur

to hide some information called up-scale crop forgery [7]. Thus, video forensic technology is drawing more attention to identify such unauthorized activities and has very crucial role in multimedia authentication and security. Video forgeries are broadly classified as intra-frame forgery and inter-frame forgery [7, 8]. The intra-frame technique does not involve any temporal manipulation. Still, it does some copy-paste or splicing on some set/sequence of frames of the video, and recompression of the video has to carry out. Hence, such forgeries are also called spatial domain forgery [9]. On the other hand, in the inter-frame forgery, frames are related to one another and forgeries implemented on frames like frame insertion, deletion, replication, or reposition [10]. This kind of forgery has to be performed between the various inter-related frames over time and hence also called temporal domain forgeries [11]. Both of these forgery detection methods mostly use the I-frames that helps to analyze the future frames and figure out what is changing in the next frames [12]. For example, if some sequence of frames is added or deleted or reshuffled from the video, then the information stored in the I-frames does not match with the information generated after forgery. Some recent research enhancements introduced a third category of video forgery that can be carried out in both spatial and temporal domains [13]. Forgeries like Deepfakes [14] and style transfer [15] comes under this category. There are numerous techniques proposed in literature to detect video forgeries. Some active video forgeries can be detected by identifying its source of origin [16], which uses the sensor pattern noise [17], interpolation methods [18], quantization methods [19], and motion vectors cues [20]. There are also many cues that are exploited to identify passive video forgeries like the motion fields [21], threshold [22], quantization errors [19], variation in IBP frame sequence pattern [23], double compression [21], DCT [24, 25], SIFT features [26], HoG [27], brightness gradients [23], optical flow [11], Motion Compensated Edge Artifact (MCEA) [28], Levenshtein Distance [29]. An inter-frame copy-move forgery is depicted in Fig. 1 taken from the REWIND data set [30], which is one of the most widely used dataset available for the researchers. The figure depicts a snapshot of frames 1 to 200 taken from original (04_original_enc10.avi) and forged (04_forged_enc10.avi) videos from the dataset. The dataset provides 40 original and 40 forged videos with four different quantization factors. Motion is the key difference between static images and videos. While working with videos, all the frames are related to one another. Optical flow [31] is the technique which provides the motion of the objects from one frame to another. It is a potent cue and is alone capable of defining many actions. The current paper aims to analyze optical flow-based methods for video forgery detection, as the optical flow deals with the estimation of the true motion field. Estimation of optical flow is one of the key problems in video analysis and its estimation is observed as a dense correspondence problem [32]. To the best of our knowledge, Farneback method for dense optical flow technique [33] is not exploited for forgery detection in digital videos. The present paper aims to empirically analyze the motion cue to detect the forgery in digital videos by computing the optical flow of each pixel, of every frame, by using the

8 Empirical Evaluation of Motion Cue for Passive-Blind Video …


Fig. 1 Copy move forgery: a) Original Video frames b) Forged Video Frames (Source REWINDdata set [30] a) 04_original_enc10.avi b) 04_forged_enc10.avi)

Farneback method [33]. This method can detect either inter-frame and also facilitates localization of forged region. The proposed method uses the OpenCV library [34] and the standard REWIND dataset [30] to validate the results. The organization of the paper is as follows: Sect. 2 provides a review of optical flow techniques and related literature that comprises optical flow-based video forgery detection techniques. Section 3 elaborates the proposed scheme to detect the forged video. The empirical results and discussions have presented in Sect. 4. Finally, Sect. 5 provides the conclusion of the paper, along with some directions for future research.

2 A Review of Optical Flow Techniques Motion is a vibrant source of information related to the world that facilitates to realize operations that deal with segmentation, surface structure from parallax, self-motion, recognition of objects, understanding behavior and scene dynamics. But sometimes it is not enough to determine only the motion of sparse points for recognition of objects, their properties and actions. For example, if a dynamic source point illuminates a light on parts of the human body, then it is not easy to recognize its gender, complexion, and mood of that person. We need to measure the motion field to obtain the motion features for subsequent recognition. Sometimes object itself does not move in the scene, but we can illuminate the motion of the object due to other objects or background movements. Suppose, we have an object like a barber’s pole moving around its axis in a scenario under some assumptions like the background is still, lighting conditions are consistent during the video capturing, the velocity of the moving object is the same throughout the scene as shown in Fig. 2. All points are moving, but we can’t distinguish one point from the other. So for us, the pole seems


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Fig. 2 Motion field and optical flow of Barbar’s pole [36]

static. If points observed from the scene are moving relative to the camera, then the vector field of 2D projections of scene point’s motion vectors into an image is called motion field image. In contrast, the optical flow is a vector field of apparent motion of pixels between frames. S. Husseini treats the optical flow as the estimation of the true motion field of the moving object [35]. The key objective of the optical flow is to find the 2D displacement of brightness patterns of each pixel in each frame of the video [37]. If we consider the real-world scenario, it seems like a 3D component vectors uij, vij, and wij, which show the motion of the object in each direction. But when we record a scene using the camera, it captures that in a 2D space. Then the optical flow provides some approximation of the motion field, which captured as the 2D projection of the 3D motion field. But the motion field is not equal to the optical flow, as optical flow also depends upon the apparent shift of the lightening conditions in the two frames. To estimate the optical flow in 2D space for each point (xij,yij) in the first frame of a video, we need to find a corresponding point (xij + uij, yij + vij) in the second frame, which corresponds to the same point of zone c as the point on the first frame. Let us assume, that the intensity at time t of a pixel position (x,y) is I(x,y,t). If we shift that pixel with minimal distance x and y in time t, i.e., its new position is (x + x, y + y), then its intensity I(x + x, y + y, t + t) must be equal to the intensity of the pixel (x,y) at time t [37]: i.e I(x + x, y +  y, t + t) = I(x, y, t) Expansion by Tailor Series and further simplification reduces the above equation to u(x, y).I x + v(x, y).I y + I t = 0∀(x, y) ∈ 

8 Empirical Evaluation of Motion Cue for Passive-Blind Video … x t→0 t

where, lim


dx dt

y t→0 t

= u and lim


dy dt


= v.

Both u(x,y) and v(x,y) are treated as the displacement components of the optical flow field, and  is the size of each frame. This equation is known as brightness consistency constraint, and we have two optical flow vectors unknown as u and v [37]. Thus, the optical flow problem is to estimate the vector field of local displacement in a sequence of frames. This problem can be solved by selecting a pixel and finding the velocities vectors flowing through that pixel. There are primarily three methods that are widely used to estimate the optical flow vectors u and v. It includes Lucas Kanade method [31] detects the object first and then estimates the flow vector values only for the detected objects; the Farneback method [33] which take each pixel and its neighborhood pixel values to estimates the flow vectors value, and finally Horn and Schunk method [38] that estimates the values of u and v by analyzing each pixel separately. Further, there are two main ways to visualize the result of optical flow estimation [39]. The first is to draw motion vectors directly. Motion vectors should be drawn only for the sparse set of points, because if we draw the motion vectors for each pixel, then the image generated will be unreadable. The second approach is to use a color-coding method in which we can specify a color for each possible motion. Usually, vector orientation was coded by color hue, and vector length was coded by color saturation. Many researchers use both of these techniques to detect the forgeries in the videos. A limited research has been carried out wherein optical flow techniques are used to detect the forgeries in the videos. Chao et al. [40] used a window-based method and precise detection model based on binary search technique to identify the frame insertion forgery. They also detected frame deletion forgery by implementing the Lucas Kanade optical flow approach to find the minute difference in the original and forged video sequence. It gives high precision for frame insertion forgery but failed to achieve such high precision to detect frame deletion forgery. Another approach used in [41] also detected frame insertion and deletion forgery using the Lucas Kanade approach to find the optical flow and then examine the variation sequence of optical flow to find the discontinuity points. The work was carried out on customized videos. The authors in [42] detect various inter-frame forgeries. They also used Lucas Kanade optical flow to extract flow vectors for frames of the videos and then its consistency after normalization and quantization are calculated to detect the inter-frame forgeries in both X and Y direction on still background dataset. They were then used the SVM with this consistency feature for classification of original and forged videos. Bidokhti and Ghaemmaghami [11] also used Lucas Kanade approach, but they focused on the partly copy/move attacks by dividing the frames into original vs. suspicious parts. Then forgery is detected by calculating the optical flow for a frame and computed a coefficient for each frame. If a secondary peak exists in the optical flow coefficient graph, then they identified the video as a forged video. They also used a secondary peak detection algorithm. This algorithm is highly sensitive for the region of interest selected.


P. Kumari and M. Kaur

In the existing literature, there were two papers [23] and [43], which used the Horn and Schunck optical flow method to detect video forgery. Authors in [23] use a residual-based block matching technique and optical flow. The objective is to detect frame-based tampering by analyzing the prediction residual-based block, and optical flow gradients in MPEG-2 and H.264 encoded videos for slow motion, moderate motion, and fast motion videos. They did not test the work on a standard dataset, and the dataset used is no longer available. Authors in [43] detected the frame insertion and deletion forgery by using optical flow brightness gradient and frame replication by prediction residual-based technique. Both features are used by identifying and localizing the irregularities in the graph. Intra-frame copy-move forgery detected by [44] shows the harmonic motion in the optical flow, which gives an anomaly movement distribution of each frame. But the main drawback of this approach is that it can be applied only to a particular type of video that cannot be generalized, and also they tested this approach on a very small number of videos. Shuo et al. [45] proposed a method to detect the deleted frames by using robust principal component analysis to extract moving objects and then applied pseudo flow orientation variation descriptor to approximate the flow orientation variations. It was tested on the 324 real–world videos. Deepfake is also a kind of video forgery in which facial manipulation is the primary task [46]. Authors in [47] detected deepfake videos and original videos by calculating optical flow and then applying a VGG16- & ResNet50 Flow CNN with a sigmoid activation function. They trained the model with 960 videos out of which 720 used for training, 120 for validation, and 120 for testing. But the performance of this approach is not efficient, which can be enhanced by combing this approach with other frame-based methodologies to improve the performance of the existing system.

3 Proposed Methodology Unlike the existing approaches the proposed method uses the Farneback optical flow technique for empirically evaluating the motion cue for detecting forgeries in digital videos. The proposed approach first divides the digital video into a sequence of frames. It then computes the optical flow between every two consecutive frames, which gives two values for each pixel position in the 3D-flow image, which in turn shows the apparent shift in the position of pixel xn between frame n and frame n + 1.Then a distance-vector array is calculated for each pixel value in the flow image, and the average distance-vector is taken into consideration for each flow image. These average distance vectors are plotted with respect to the number of frames to detect the forged video sequence and for the localization of the forged frames. A supervised machine learning approach based on linear support vector classifier is then applied to automate the detection process in the proposed scheme. A detailed block diagram of the proposed method is depicted in Fig. 3, where the input video sequence was divided into the N number of frames starting from 0 to N-1.

8 Empirical Evaluation of Motion Cue for Passive-Blind Video …


Fig. 3 Methodology of the proposed work

Then the N-1 3D flow images are generated by calculating the optical flow between every two consecutive frames by using the Farneback OF technique. Farneback OF method was chosen for in-depth analysis of each pixel in the frame because this method calculates the dense optical flow, i.e. optical flow for each pixel between two consecutive frames of a video. The 3D flow images contain the two values at each pixel location because the optical flow gives the apparent shift of a pixel from one position to another in both x and y direction between two consecutive frames. So the flow images contain the value of x and yfor each pixel position. After that, we calculated the distancevector zvalue for each pixel position of the 3D flow image. Average of all z values as one value for each frame. Then we plotted these average z values against the number of frames, and the results obtained from those graphs. Proposed Algorithm Step 1: Convert video into N no. of frames. (Each frame having resolution of 320 * 240) Step 2: Convert all the frames from RGB to grayscale. Step 3: Calculate dense optical flow using the Franeback method for each pixel of between every two consecutive frames, which gives a 3D optical flow image that contains 320 * 240 values of x and y. Repeat this step for all N frames. Step 4: For each 3D optical flow image,


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Fig. 4 Flowchart of the proposed scheme

 4.1 Calculate distance-vector z = x2 + y2 for each flow image and store the values on the distance vector for each pixel in a distance-vector array. The distancevector array of flow image n contains 320 * 240 values of z. Calculate the average of z value for each distance vector image, i.e. avg(z). Step 5: Plot the value of avg(z)with respect to the number of frames. Step 6: Find out extra spikes present in the forged frame sequences as compared to the original video graphs. To automate the process of forgery detection LinearSVC is used which worked on the selected 200 frames from each video. A cross fold validation is applied to validate the process of forgery detection and then average accuracy model is computed.

4 Empirical Evaluation of Motion Cues for Temper Detection 4.1 Materials and Methods The REWIND dataset of h.264 lossless compressed videos having.mp4 and.avi formats were used to validate the proposed scheme for video forgery detection. It contains 10 forged and 10 original videos having a still background and a constant resolution of 320 * 240 with varying quantization factor as 0, 10, 20 and 30. So a total of 80 videos (40 original and 40 forged) are available for the research purpose. These 80 videos contain multiple types of forgeries like copy-move, splicing, frame insertion, frame deletion, frame reshuffling, and frame duplication.

4.2 Experimental Setup 1. 2. 3.

Samples for the empirical analysis were taken from the REWIND dataset. Frame separation algorithm was applied to the video, and then all the frames are pre-processed by converting them to the grayscale images. Then calcOpticalFlowFarneback()method for optical flow calculation has been implemented by using the OpenCV library in python 3.0.

8 Empirical Evaluation of Motion Cue for Passive-Blind Video …


5. 6.



Then the value of avg(z) was calculated by the proposed algorithm, and the graphs were plotted with the help of the pyplot library and find the 200 avg(z) values of the region of interest. A dataset.csv file was created by taking 200 avg(z) values for all 80 videos of the dataset. A pre-processing step, i.e. standardization of the dataset was done, and then LinearSVCfrom the sklearn library was applied for the training, testing and validation. Prediction accuracy of detection was calculated to analyse the learned model.

4.3 Empirical evaluation and results The detection of video forgery is represented as a binary classification problem, wherein class 1 was used for original and class 2 was used for the forged video. The distance-vector array of one flow image contains 320 * 240 values of z. Hence, an average of z value for each distance vector image, i.e. avg(z), is computed and analyzed. On plotting avg(z) values with respect to frames shows extra spikes in forged videos on manual inspection. This motivated to apply machine learning in order to automate the process of discriminating original and forged videos. For the current experiment, a window of 201 frames was selected from each video for analysis, given each video had a minimum of 201 frames. The selection of frames was done based on manual inspection, to extract a region of interest in the video under analysis. This reduces the overall computational overhead and also maintains uniformity in the feature vector from each sample. Thus, from each sample video a total of 200 values of avg(z) is obtained that signifies the variationin motion cue in the 200 flow images obtained from each frames. These values are stored in a.csv file which contains 80 rows for no. of videos, 200 columns for avg(z) values, and 1 column for the class field to tag the video as original and forged. A total of 62 videos were used for training purposes and 18 for testing purposes. A Linear SVC model is used to classify the dataset into class1 or class2. A five-fold cross validation is carried out to validate the results. The models gives a prediction accuracy of 97.00%. Manual inspection of the given samples resulted in 98% accuracy. This is due to the limited window of frames used for the classification purpose in order to maintain equal feature length. Padding with dummy frames can be carried out to improve the prediction accuracy. Evaluation metrics used to validate the results include accuracy, precision, recall, and ROC curve. In order to distinguish between the original video and forged video frames, two videos screenshots were taken for reference. Frames of the first original video are depicted in Fig. 5(a). It does not contain any moving car, but in Fig. 5(b) the frames between 90 to 100 are showing that a red colour car passed the road at this interval. The original video contained the moving car frames but on some other frame interval. This clearly shows that these frames were copied from the same video and inserted at frame interval 90–100. Same kind forgery is done in second video shown in the


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d) Fig. 5 Selected 200 frame sequence of videos from REWIND dataset, h264_lossless a) 02_original.mp4 Original video frames b) 02_forged.mp4 Forged Video frames c) 07_original.mp4 Original video frames d) 07_forged.mp4 Forged Video frames

Fig. 5(c) and 5(d), where former is the original video and does not have any moving red colour ball, whereas latter contained a red colour ball moving right to left between frames 120–150. In this also frames were copied from the same video but some other frame interval and inserted between frames 120–150. Both these videos are showing a copy-move inter-frame forgery. Some of the graphs with localized forged regions are shown in Fig. 6. It was analyzed from the graphs that the extra spike occurred in the forged video approximately follows the same pattern as of some other spike present in the original videos. From this, it was depicted that the identified forged frames must have taken from the same video sequence to create an inter-frame copy-move forgery in the video to replicate the scene. For the illustration of the proposed scheme, an empirical analysis carried out wherein graphs are plotted using the pyplot library between avg (z) values termed as the distance for the generalization purpose and the number of frames of the video. In the plots of resultant values, the difference between the forged video and the original video was clearly visible. Some extra spikes are present in the forged frame sequences as compared to the original video frames. Manual inspection results in

8 Empirical Evaluation of Motion Cue for Passive-Blind Video …

Original Videos


Forged Videos









Fig. 6 avg(z) plots for Videos of Rewind dataset folder h264_lossless a) 02_original.mp4 b) 02_forged.mp4 c) 03_original.mp4 d) 03_forged.mp4 e) 07_original.mp4 f) 07_forged.mp4 g) 08_original.mp4 h)


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accuracy of 97%, which is highly acceptable if a video needs to categorized between forged and original under the assumptions taken during the experimentation done in this paper. In order to automate the process of discriminating forged and original video frames, support vector classifier is applied. After applying Linear SVC, an accuracy of 97% was observed, with precision value of 91.66% and recall as 100%. A more balanced performance metric that takes into account both precision and recall, depicted by the F1-score is obtained as 95%. A similar approach by Al-sanjary et al. [44], claimed the accuracy of the proposed scheme is 96%. But this approach was not tested on all videos of the SULFA (now renamed as REWIND) data set. Only three videos were taken into consideration from SULFA and six videos from VTD dataset. Comparatively, our approach gives a better result when applied on all 80 videos of the REWIND dataset. To enhance the accuracy of this proposed technique, we can also use a fusion of cues as carried out in the passive-blind approaches for images at features level [48] or measurement level [49]. For videos, characteristics that exploit inconsistencies in compression, texture, noise, group of frames (gop) etc. can be investigated. ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristics) Curve for the classification problem under discussion is presented in Fig. 7. The area covered by the curve is the area between the orange line (ROC) and the axis and is the area under the curve (AUC). The larger the area covered, the better the machine learning models are at discriminating between the given classes. This proposed scheme is also tested with various SVM models by varying their parameters. But the best results are given by the linear SVC model of SVM. The first parameter used is a gamma variable which is inspected by varying its values as 0.1, 1.0, 10, and 100. This gamma variable is used to distinguish the non-linear hyper planes. The second parameter taken into consideration is a C value which is a penalty parameter of the error term. This C variable helps us to correctly classify the training points and also controls the trade-off between smooth decision boundaries. Values taken for C are 0.1, 1.0, 10, 100, and 1000. The third parameter is the degree of the polynomial, which can be used only with the poly kernel. This degree variable value varies between 0 and 6. By varying all these parameters, only the values of the highest value of accuracy with its corresponding recall and precision values are compared with the Linear SVC model. It is clearly shown in the chart given below in Fig. 8, that the linear SVC model gives the optimal performance.

4.4 Comparison with Other State-of-Arts Approaches In literature, mainly three optical flow approaches were described and only two of them were used to detect the inter-frame forgery. First, Lucas Kanade approach was used in [11] which gives the accuracy of 89.47%. Second, Horn and Schunck approach was used in [23] which gives the accuracy of 83% but it was not tested on any standard dataset. Author in [44] also detected video forgery with 96% accuracy using optical flow but not described the approach used. Farneback method has not to

8 Empirical Evaluation of Motion Cue for Passive-Blind Video …


Fig. 7 The Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) for the proposed algorithm





F1 Score

0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

SVC kernal=Linear SVC kernal=rbf SVC kernal=poly


Fig. 8 A comparison chart of various SVC models with their accuracy, recall, precision and F1Score values

be exploited for forensic analysis of digital videos. Our approach uses the Farneback method which gives the better accuracy i.e. 97% and also tested on the standard dataset.

5 Conclusion A passive-blind approach to detect the forgeries in digital videos by exploiting motion cues is proposed. To the best of our knowledge the application of Farneback dense OF technique has been very limited in forensic analysis of digital videos. The statistical detail from optical flow images displays extra spikes in the forged videos upon visual inspection. Supervised machine learning was applied to automate the process


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of discriminating original and forged videos. Currently, the learning is applied on a region of interest selected for each video under analysis based to statistical values obtained from optical flow images. It reduces overall computational overhead and also maintains uniformaity in the feature vertor from each sample. Videos encoded in H.264, .mp4, and .avi video formats from standard REWIND are used for the experiment. Though manual inspection of extra spikes generated by the optical flow values results in accuracy of 98%, but supervised learning using linear SVC resulted in prediction accuracy of 97% with F1-score of 95.64%. The reduction in accuracy is due selection of a window of frames for analysis. In future, we aim to automate the process of region of interest selection to compensate computational complexity and carry out in-depth investigation of the window of frames based on multiple cues to augment overall prediction accuracy.

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Chapter 9

Quantifying Changes in Sundarbans Mangrove Forest Through GEE Cloud Computing Approach Chiranjit Singha

and Kishore C. Swain

1 Introduction Mangrove forests mostly found in the some part of the coast belts. It represents local to the global functional link between the terrestrial and oceanic carbon cycles [1]. It is a rich source of environmental goods, services having very high economic and societal benefits for biodiversity management [2]. Sunderban supports high levels of floral and faunal diversity [3], attarting a number of turist every year. Cyclone disturbances can cause significant damage to forest vegetation. Simard et al. [4] stated that climate change disturbed the mangrove structure and carbon stocks from national to regional scale through cyclones and other natural hazards. Cyclone landfall frequency is very high in recent times [5] in the coastal areas. Additionally, mangroves are also affected by anthropogenically driven disturbances including deforestation, development aquaculture resources and urbanization [6], and coastline transgression due to sea level rise [7]. Recent estimates of annual global mangrove loss rates ranged between 0.16 and 0.39%, which may be up to 8.08% in South and Southeast Asia [8]. The assessment showed that mangrove cover in the West Bengal (South 24 Parganas district etc.) in 2019 was 2,112 sq km, which was 42.5% of the country’s total mangrove covered area. There had been a net decrease of 2.0 sq km in the mangrove-covered since 2017 [9] in Sunderban. Many local activities such as deforestation, developmental activity such as expansion of agriculture, aquaculture and natural calamaties in terms of frequent tropical cyclones namely Sidar, Amphan, Bulbul may damage the Sundarbans mangrove forest during the last two decades [10]. Islam et al. [11] also stressed on factors such as anthropogenic interference and climate variation as the main drivers for mangrove cover changes in Bangladesh from 1976 to 2015. Spaceborne satellite remote sensing technology is most useful C. Singha (B) · K. C. Swain Department of Agricultural Engineering, Institute of Agriculture, Visva-Bharati, Sriniketan 731236, West Bengal, India e-mail: [email protected] © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2022 M. S. Uddin et al. (eds.), Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Advances in Computational Intelligence, Algorithms for Intelligent Systems,



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for assessing vegetation change in general and mangroves’ dynamics and extensions in the Sundarbans region [12, 13] in particular. Al-Amin Hoque et al. [14] assessed the impact of cyclone Sidar (2007) through the object-based image analysis of the SPOT 5 imagery. RS-based Google Earth Engine (GEE) cloud was used to quickly quantify changes in the mangrove landscape in the Sundarbans and French Guiana region between 1984 and 2018 [15]. The web-based GEE tool was very useful for rapid monitoring and mapping the mangrove ecosystem in particularly for smaller areas of interest in Myanmar [16]. Mondal et al. [17] used optical Sentinel-2 data and Google Earth Engine platform to predicting mangrove coverage area through the classification and regression trees (CART) along with random forest (RF) machine learning models.

1.1 Importance of SAR Data The remote sensing management tool is the more reliable and efficient approach for continuous mapping, monitoring, and change detection of the mangrove species. SAR plays an important role in monitoring the biophysical parameters of mangrove forests since its microwave energy can penetrate clouds covers mostly found in the tropics, to acquire data throughout the year [18]. SAR technique is very useful for quick assessment of damages and recovery of mangroves, even from tropical cyclones that hit Sundarbans. HV backscatter from SAR images is highly correlated to more than 120–150 Mg·ha-1 response of mangrove biomass estimation. The Lband of SAR data themselves can also be used to classify taller (> ~ 10 m) mangroves with prop root systems (e.g. Rhizophora and Ceriops species) from comparatively lower L-band HH backscatter [19]. Mangrove AGB biomass estimation through the ALOS PALSAR imagery is very popular [20] in recent times. Darmawan et al. [21] demonstrated that HH and HV polarimetry of ALOS PALSAR estimated AGB mangrove forest impact of tidal height and topography in Indonesia. In recent years, there has been an increase in high-performance cloud computing platforms, such as GEE which allows free access to the vast and fast-growing earth observation data for global, as well as regional studies [22]. Landsat images were used to derive the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) in GEE cloud platform for quick assessment of the change detection for twentyone pre and post cyclonic events during 1988–2016. This long-term studies identified the impacts of cyclones on Sundarbans mangrove species regeneration, composition structure, classification, and mapping accuracy using different RADAR data such as Radarsat-1, SAR ERS-1/2, and ALOS PALSAR [23].

9 Quantifying Changes in Sundarbans Mangrove Forest …


1.2 Scope and Objectives Sundarban region has been frequently affected by severe cyclonic storms.Though mangroves protects the plaing from the cyclone, get destroyed themselves in the process. Indian Meterological Department (IMD, 2019) reported of 252 cyclonic storms originated from the Bay of Bengal during 1981–2018. The frequent cyclone storms caused great devastation of mangrove species. The previous studies quantifying changes in mangrove forest mapping mostly used the traditional optical and SAR RS approaches due to unavailability of fast processing system. Recently free availability of the Google Earth Engine cloud platform with fast processing of SAR data on a real-time basis, we have examined the suitability of radar-based RS technique for Sundarbans mangroves forest change detection in different temporal scales. The platform is also used to analyze radar images to estimate above-ground biomass and Bulbul cyclone effect on mangrove forests in Sunderban.

2 Materials and Methods 2.1 Study Area The Sundarbans mangrove region is formed by the sedimentation deltaic plain of the Ganges, Brahmaputra, and Meghna rivers situated in India and Bangladesh in the vicinity of the Bay of Bengal (Fig. 1). The study area is located between 210 31 – 220 30 N latitude and 880 10 –890 51 E longitude covering an estimated area of 187.65 sq km. The elevation of the forest area varies between 0.9 and 2.1 m above mean sea level [24]. Sundarban covers an area of about 10,000 km2 , 40% of which is located Fig. 1 Study area map of Sundarban


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in India [25]. The dominating tree species of mangrove forest are Sundari, Goran, Gewa, Passur, Keora, Kankra, and Baen [10], in the study area. The Sundarbans support exceptional biodiversity with a wide range of flora and fauna including 453 faunal wildlife, 290 species of birds, 120 species of fishes, 53 reptiles, 49 species of mammals and 8 amphibian species. The floras includs 17 pteridophytes, 87 monocotyledons, and the rest are dicotyledons including 35 legumes, 29 kinds of grass, 19 sedges, and 18 euphorbias. The average monthly temperature ranges from 12 to 35 °C, and the average rainfall is about to 700 mm/year, 80% of the total precipitation in the region occurs during the monsoon season from June to October. Relative humidity varies between 70 and 80%.

2.2 Image Processing 2.2.1. Data Description Different types of freely available open-sources of spatial data used for the details quantified the Sundarbans mangroves forest change detection through the GEE cloud platform (Table 1). Firstly, Global Mangrove Watch (GMW) inbuild by Japanese L-band synthetic aperture radar (SAR) 2010 vector data was acquired from (https://data.unep-wcmc. org/datasets). Secondly, Global Japanese earth resources satellite (JERS-1), ALOS PALSAR-1, and ALOS PALSAR-2 mosaic tiles L-Band, 25 m resolution data products were obtained from JAXA EORC. The ENVI format images were opened in the Sentinel Toolbox using Import to convert option in GeoTiff format. Global yearly mosaics images were available annually in 1996, 2007, 2010, and 2017 for HH polarization backscattering coefficient and HV polarization backscattering coefficient in 16-bit DN. However, the 2010 mosaic was demarcated as the reference year because of the most complete in terms of spatial coverage and temporal consistency and therefore was create a mosaic from the four JERS-1 images uploaded to the GEE code editor. Thirdly apply a speckle filter to the PALSAR and JERS-1 images for converting the images to dB with the following Eq. 1 and 2 [4]. Sigma naught (d B) = 10 log10 ( pi xel value)2 + Calibration Factor


where, Calibration Factor = −83, for the PALSAR images and −84.66 for JERS1satellite images.   Conver t the images to d B : 0 = 10log10 D N 2 + C F


where, CF = calibration factor, CF = −83.0 for PALSAR and CF = −84.66 for JERS [26].

9 Quantifying Changes in Sundarbans Mangrove Forest …


Table 1 Description of data sources used for processing mangrove forest changes SL. No.

Data type




The Global Mangrove Watch (GMW) yearly

Vector (polygon;.shp), WMS 2.0, 0.8 arc seconds, WGS 1984


ALOS PALSAR Global Yearly Mosaics– 1996, 2007,2010,2017

JAXA/ALOS/PALSAR/YEARLY/SAR, L-Band, 25-m resolution

https://developers. alog/JAXA_A LOS_PALSAR_ YEARLY_SAR# citations



USGS/SRTMGL1_003, 30 m DEM

https://developers. alog/USGS_SRTM GL1_003


Sentinel-1A SAR

COPERNICUS/S1_GRD, MultiSpectral Instrument, Level-1C, 10 m resolution

https://developers. alog/COPERN ICUS_S1_GRD


Sentinel-2B MSI

COPERNICUS/S2, 10-m resolution

https://developers. alog/COPERN ICUS_S2#descri ption

Calculate the ratio between images from two different dates within 1996–2017 and 2007–2017 to estimate the threshold value. Start with standard deviation and adjust it according to the results desired for creating a variable called reducers that combines the mean and standard deviation [4]. Lucas et al. [27] showed that changes of gain and losses map through mangrove AGB and canopy height using the L-band backscatter from shuttle radar topographic mission (SRTM). Dual-polarization ALOS PALSAR Fine Beam Dual (FBD) data also generated Radar Forest Degradation Index (RFDI). Generally, RFDI is useful for biomass gain, loss estimation, forest change detection, and its recovery from disturbances of different anthropogenic or natural activities with quad-pol or dual-pol backscatter [28]; Eq. 3. RFDI =

γoH H − γ0HV γoH H + γ0HV


where, γ0 denotes the geometrically and radiometrically corrected SAR backscattering coefficient for individually polarization combination. HH represents horizontal transmit and horizontal receive, HV denotes horizontal transmit and vertical receive.


C. Singha and K. C. Swain

RFDI value ranges from 0 to 1 and value of HH backscatter > HV backscatter, even for complex terrain structure. The RFDI value of >0.3 represent dense forests, >0.4 denotes degraded forests and >0.6 represent deforested area. Inundated or degraded forests are described by a large variance between HV and HH values.

2.3 Loss and Gain map Mangrove loss and gain map estimated through GEE code editor “Assets” tab within the study area “Shapefiles”. The image was then imported as global mangrove distribution vector file. PALSAR and SRTM 30-m DEM (USGS/SRTMGL1_003) was loaded by applying thresholds based on the mean and standard deviation for estimating polygons showing loss and gain in the map for selecting the epoch.


Mangrove Biomass SRTM Product

Radar interferometry is very useful for mapping mangrove canopy height. SRTM product used for elevation measurement, acted between radar microwave and canopy volume, might be influenced by forest canopy height and density [29]. We estimated mangroveabove ground biomass using canopy height measured from SRTM DEM. SRTM based elevation representes basal area-weighted height or Lorey’s height. Mangrove canopy height is directly correlated to SRTM elevation where mean sea level is insignificant topography. We used the SRTM 30 m resolution global digital elevation model (DEM) derived global mangrove extent map for masking and categorizing mangrove and non-mangrove areas in the SRTM elevation data set [30]. SRTM elevation values extending from 0 to 55 m above MSL were masked to eliminate some areas misleadingly recognized as mangroves area. Then an allometric equation was directly applied to the DEM. There are several generic equations relating SRTM to canopy height and above ground biomass for mangroves (Eq. 4): Basal ar ea weighted height : Hba ∼ 1.08 ∗ S RT M; Maximum canopy height : Hmax ∼ 0.93 ∗ 1.7 ∗ S RT M; 1.53 , Abovegr ound Biomass : B ∼ 3.25 ∗ Hba


Abovegr ound Biomass( AG B) = 3.25 ∗ (1.08 ∗ S RT M)1.53

2.4 Sentinel-1 SAR Data and Pre-processing The Sentinel-1 satellite was launched and operated by European Space Agency (ESA) and the data are freely available at http// The Sentinel-1

9 Quantifying Changes in Sundarbans Mangrove Forest …


mission provides data from a dual-polarization C-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) instrument. In this study, we used the IW mode, which is provided in dualpolarization with vertical transmit, vertical receive (VV), and vertical transmit, horizontal receive (VH) being calibrated and ortho-corrected. Backscatter coefficient (σ°) in dB obtained from processed Level-1 Ground Range Detected (GRD) data [31]. The spatial resolution of this imagery is 10 × 10 m. These SAR data were accessed through the Google Earth Engine (GEE). The Earth Engine pre-processed the Sentinel-1 data to derive the backscatter coefficient in each pixel using the Sentinel-1 toolbox in GEE API. Quantifying changes before and after bulbul cyclone S1 mosaic data acquisitions take place during 01–07 and 13–20 November 2019, respectively.

2.5 Sentinel-2 Image Processing In this research work, optical Sentinel-2B MSI (Multi-Spectral Instrument), Level1C data was applied for Normalized Differential Vegetation Index (NDVI) analysis. All the S2 data used were obtained from the European Union/ European Spatial Agency (ESA)/Copernicus at the system through the GEE platform. Sensing orbit direction was descending mode with orbit number of 33. The function to cloud mask from built-in quality band filtering [32] was used. S2 data was collected during 06– 30 April 2017, which is the peak vegetative growth season of the mangroves in the study area.

3 Results The mangrove forest Above Ground Biomass (AGB) was estimated using L band ALOS PALSAR in GEE cloud computing platform at the regional level for West Bengal, India. The forest gain/loss change detection status was mapped for the period of 1996–2017. The study demonstrated the potential use of L-band PALSAR backscatter information for the reliable estimation of spatial AGB in the tropical region (Fig. 2). Lucas et al. [19] generated AGB maps based on mangrove species structure and height through RADAR backscatter data. High HH backscatter varies between −0.79 and 5.04 dB during 1996–2017, where the HV backscatters ranges from −10.24 to −8.63 dB during 2007–2017 (Fig. 2). North eastern part of the region found high HH and HV backscatter due to dense mangrove compare to western part.


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Fig. 2 Backscatter map a HH map 1996 b HH map 2007, c HV map 2007, d HH map 2017, e HV map 2017

3.1 Loss and Gain Map This study employed the GEE to classify and estimate the area of mangrove loss and gain during 1996–2017 (Fig. 3). Global Mangrove Watch (GMW) 2010 vector map was used as reference map in the study. The GMW might played supportive roles in

Fig. 3 Vegetation ratio and loss/gain map (a) ratio of HH backscatter map 1996/2017 (b) ratio of HV backscatter map 2007/2017 (c) loss area map 1996–2017, (d) loss area map 2007–2017, (e) gain area map 1996–2017, (f) gain area map 2007–2017

9 Quantifying Changes in Sundarbans Mangrove Forest …


Fig. 4 Mangrove (a) NDVI and (b) RFDI map for 2017

forming national and international policies for long-term management of mangrove ecosystems ensuring sound societal benefits [33]. ALOS PALSAR backscatter HH and HV ratio images were also estimated during 1996 to 2017 (Figs. 4a and 3b [34]). NDVI and RFDI maps of 2017 quantified the vegetation damage and growth extent mangrove in the study area (Figs. 4a and 4b). NDVI and RFDI maps were generated from Sentinel optical and SAR images for the interest year with masked area of interest (AOI). Radar forest degradation index (RFDI) described the mangrove type orientation, structure, biomass, and forest landscape dynamics. In the northern part of the mangrove region, the higher RFDI value (around 0.013) indicated that the forest degradation takes place due to various long-term climatic or anthropogenic interference. Further analysis was made by combining NDVI and RFDI relationship with different environmental conditions such as moisture and phenology distribution. NDVI value in this region varies from −0.24 to 0.56 and RFDI value differs between −2.72 to 0.01. Therefore the amount of rainfall variable influences the spectral reflectance of the leaves and corresponding NDVI outcomes in the wet periods of these years of the Sundarbans area. Long-term mangrove loss area found 1.12 sq. km during 1996–2017 whereas, the higher mean value is 10.46 sq. km. Similarly, short-term mangrove loss and the gain area are 0.78 and 0.25 sq. km respectively during 2007–2017. The current multi-temporal ALOS PALSAR data investigation found the study area gained 3.07 sq. km mangroves area between 1996 and 2017 epoch, and 0.25 sq. km mangroves area was increased between 2007 and 2017 epoch. Average no change mangrove area is positive during1996–2017 compare to 2007–2017. Mangrove loss and gain area mapping with the help thresholding approach.

3.2 AGB Maps The distribution of mangrove AGB maps and mangrove SRTM elevation map for the entire Sundarbans region is shown in (Fig. 5). Mangrove AGB maps generated using ALOS PALSAR L-band backscatter through GEE cloud computing. The densest mangrove elevation, as well as AGB, was found in the eastern region of the study


C. Singha and K. C. Swain

Fig. 5 Sundarban mangrove forest (a) Mangrove SRTM elevation map; (b) AGB map

Table 2 Mangrove forest loss and gain change area statistics 1996–2017 1996–2017 2007–2017 Loss Loss area (sq km)

Gain 1.12


No loss area (sq km) 186.53


Threshold value Mean SD

1996–2017 2007–2017







Gain area (sq km) No gain area (sq km)

















Threshold value Mean SD No change

area. AGB ranges from 30.2 to 700 Mg·ha−1 and mangrove elevation varies from −16 to 31 m in the study area. In the Sundarbans region, the average biomass concentration is limited at 93.7 ± 33.0 Mg·ha−1 [35]. There is similarity in distribution of forest biomass concentration mangrove as identified from SRTM data in the GEE cloud (Fig. 5). This established the NDVI as a leading tool for identifying the disturbances mangrove vegetation covers (Table 2).

3.3 Bulbul Cyclone We assessed the before and after VH and VV backscatter values of S1 for 25 field locations in the mangrove forest region after the bulbul cyclone event (Table 3). The highest difference in VV backscatter value was 1.290 dB, located in the Herobhanga area. Similarly, the highest difference VH backscatter value was found in 1.118 dB at the Dattar region. Low backscattering signature during the post-cyclone of VH and VV Polarization −12.43 dB were found at Jhila region and −6.97 dB at Herobhanga region, respectively. This is caused due to the damage in the forest stand height. Before the bulbul cyclone the VH backscatters varied between −40.79 to −9.91 dB,


Bob I











Sundarban RF





Plot ID



































































Diffrence VV

Table 3 S1 backscatter value for bulbul cyclone in ground mangrove location

















Diffrence VH

−8.040 −8.719 −7.717 −7.893 −9.538

−15.210 −13.622 −12.434 −13.461 −14.585























After VV

After VH

















Before VH


















Before VV

9 Quantifying Changes in Sundarbans Mangrove Forest … 123






Pancha Mukhani



Choto Hardi


Plot ID










Table 3 (continued)






























Diffrence VV










Diffrence VH

−9.293 −9.816 −6.978

−14.268 −12.891


−13.543 −14.788



−14.630 −8.496


−13.389 −14.026




After VV

After VH










Before VH










Before VV

124 C. Singha and K. C. Swain

9 Quantifying Changes in Sundarbans Mangrove Forest …


Fig. 6 Bulbul cyclone S1 backscatter map (a) before VH, (b) before VV (c) after VH (d) after VV, (e) difference VH (f) difference VV (g) ratio VH (h) ratio VV

where the VV backscatter ranges from −28.18 to −3.33 dB (Fig. 6). After the bulbul cyclone the VH backscatter varies between −42.18 and −9.26 dB, whereas the VV backscatters ranges from −31.80 to −1.01 dB (Fig. 6). The ratio of VH values of the S1 backscatter were ranged between −14.88 and 9.48 dB and the ratio of VV ranged between −14.50 to 13.69 dB (Fig. 6).

4 Discussion Mangrove forest acts as a protection wall against the cyclones, tides, tsunami and other threats arise from the sea. It helps in reducing soil erosion in the coastal zones with its net type rooting system. The rich biodiversity of Sunderbans mangrove provides fish fauna production and livelihood to the tribals along with environmental protection. A number of tourist visits these areas to spend quality time with nature, through boat riding, night stay etc. and provids livelihood to the youth and locals. The current research used multi-temporal RADAR imagery to quantify changes in Sundarbans mangrove forest through the GEE cloud computing approach. Realtime basis quantifying changes of mangrove forest mapping is a most constructive


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method that allows assisting decision-makers to have a proper inspection for ecological restoration. Radar remote sensing is an influential tool for controlling mangrove extent and map wide-ranging structure qualities. It allows changes of forest cover deviations regardless of cloud cover. GEE cloud computing technique is a very good alternative approach to the rapid investigation of mangrove preservation through frequent availability of low prices for SAR data. This research will support future decisions of other mangrove ecosystems in the world. The extent of the loss of the Sundarbans mangroves through RADAR images in GEE cloud computing was around 1.12 sq. km during 1996–2017. It was also found that there was higher vegetation gain during 1996–2017 than 2007–2017. Remote sensing guided management tool was found very reliable and efficient technique for continuous mapping, monitoring, guiding management tool. The change detection of the mangrove forests from a long-term viewpoint, such occasional yet disastrous cyclones may have an important consequence on species composition and regeneration in the Sundarbans region [23]. The importance of mangrove is well documented. Since 2016, July 26 has been observed as World Mangorve day to protect them from external calamaties. This initative promotes protection, restoration and controlled use of mangrove in the coastal belt. Sustainable uses includes ecotourism, fish farming, bee keeping etc. to raise the livelihood and discourge deforestation by the local people. The outcomes of this study will support long-term preservation of mangrove considering the multifaceted threat including natural disasters, different anthropogenic activities, and mangrove forests [36]. This will promote restoration activities which need to be carried out after natural calamities in the Sunderbans and other mangrove regions. Lack of field reference data as well forest biomass information is the major limitation for accurate measurement of the damaged forest immediately after the cyclone but we were unable to do that as post-cyclone Bulbul event. Local bulletin reports and field photographs are verified the forest damage and affected area. It is challenging to quantifying the forest area changes due to flood inundation and coastal deformation through tidal surge activities. The temporal extent of GMW layers has methodological limitations for mangroves area estimation from 1984 to 1996. Availability of current ALOS PALSAR RADAR data is costly for near real-time monitoring of the forest ecosystem. The current research is successfule at the local scale so this method can be carried out on a global scale.

5 Conclusion The cyclone storm threats the flura and funa of the Mangrove region. This study estimated the above-ground biomass of the Sundarbans mangrove forests with the ALOS PALSAR RADAR images for both the long-term and short-term approaches. The most dense mangrove elevation, as well as AGB, were found in the eastern region of the study area. The average AGB ranges from 30.2 to 700 Mg·ha−1 and mangrove elevation varies from −16 to 31 m in the study area.

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The cyclone destruction of vegetation was measured basically from the Sentinel 1 backscatter values before and after the cyclone. This study has quantified the extent of pre and post cyclone Bulbul effect of the Sundarbans applying RS techniques on rapidly and easily available S1 imagery in the Google Earth Engine platform. Trees with evacuated canopies or fragmented stems as a consequence of strong winds can contribute to the reductions in the backscatters values after cyclones. After the bulbul cyclone, the VH backscatter varies between −42.18 and −9.26 dB, whereas the VV backscatters range from −31.80 to −1.01 dB. Further research including a higher number of condition factors such as topography, climatic variable, hydrology, oceanic activity, and anthropogenic interference, etc. responsible for the impact on mangrove forest through advance AI techniques, LiDAR, UAV, ICESat-2, and RS data cube technology for policy construction and decision-making analysis. Acknowledgements The authors do hereby acknowledge the contribution Visva-Bharati (A Central University), West Bengal, India for facilitating this research work.

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Metaheuristics and Hyper-heuristics Based on Evolutionary Algorithms for Software Integration Testing Valdivino Alexandre de Santiago Júnior and Camila Pereira Sales

1 Introduction Evolutionary algorithms (EAs), such as genetic algorithms, particle swarm optimisation, simulated annealing, are some examples of metaheuristics which have been employed for such a long time for solving non-trivial optimisation problems giving their ability to obtain the best/most suitable solutions in relatively small amount of time, even when they face very large problem sizes [1]. Despite their successes, researchers state that metaheuristics are still not straightforward able to be applied to new optimisation problems with no or minimal change, or even to new instances of the same problem [2]. The ability of an optimisation algorithm to solve well not only a specific problem but rather a series of distinct problems is a measure of its generalisation. More general an algorithm is, the better. Hence, according to this perspective, overall metaheuristics have low generalisation capabilities. Hence, the motivation to develop hyper-heuristics, even higher-level search techniques aiming to be more general [2, 3]. In hyper-heuristics, the search is performed in the space of heuristics (or heuristics components) instead of being performed directly in the decision variable space (space of solutions) [4]. Thus, at first, hyper-heuristics would be more general than metaheuristics. Even if recent studies have shown the best performance of hyper-heuristics compared to metaheuristics [4–7], we believe it is still required to accomplish further experiments in order to better answer the question of generalisation when comparing hyper-heuristics to metaheuristics. This is particular true when we address discrete and real (not benchmark) non-trivial optimisation problems. V. A. de Santiago Júnior (B) · C. P. Sales Coordenação de Pesquisa Aplicada e Desenvolvimento Tecnológico (COPDT), Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE), Avenida dos Astronautas, 1758, Jardim da Granja, São José dos Campos, SP 12227-010, Brazil e-mail: [email protected] C. P. Sales e-mail: [email protected]

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2022 M. S. Uddin et al. (eds.), Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Advances in Computational Intelligence, Algorithms for Intelligent Systems,



V. A. de Santiago Júnior and C. P. Sales

In software engineering, the goal of the testing activity within the software development lifecycle is to detect the maximum number of defects in the software product. Optimisation and software testing are combined in an active subfield called searchbased software testing (SBST), where testing a software system is formulated as an optimisation problem [8, 9]. SBST is based on the fact that test objectives can be considered as objective functions, and hence optimisation algorithms can be used to help in this regard. Moreover, integration is a testing level where the emphasis is placed on building the structure of the system. Articles for integration test case generation have already been published [10, 11] but we realised the absence of studies that rely on optimisation methods to generate integration test cases considering C++ source code. Hence, in a previous work, we presented a method, called Software Integration Testing via Metaheuristics and Hyper-heuristics (InMeHy), aimed at generating integration test cases based on C++ source code and metaheuristics [12]. The method creates a directed graph1 which represents the integration of several files/classes of the application based only on the C++ code. We carried out an experimental evaluation with four metaheuristics where two are multi-objective EAs, Indicator-Based Evolutionary Algorithm (IBEA) [13] and Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm-2 (SPEA2) [14], and two are more recent many-objective approaches, Nondominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm-III (NSGA-III) [15] and Metaheuristic Based on the R2 indicator-II (MOMBI-II) [16]. Three quality indicators were considered to perceive the performance of the algorithms which are: hypervolume [17],  indicator [18], and modified inverted generational distance (IGD+) [19]. In our previous work [12], the value of the decision variable of a solution is an integer that identifies a vertex of the directed graph. In this study, we modify and extend our method so that a decision variable identifies indeed a vertex sequence of a directed walk in the directed graph.2 Therefore, we had to change our method and its implementation (tool) to deal with this new definition of the decision variable. This new version of our method is named InMeHy_STF where STF stands for Solution as Test Suite with Fixed Size of Test Cases (see Sect. 3). Moreover, we also present a (rigorous) controlled experiment to assess the generalisation issue we have mentioned above. We then considered the four metaheuristics we evaluated earlier and added three recent selection hyper-heuristics to make part of the comparison: Hyper-Heuristic based on Reinforcement LearnIng, Balanced Heuristic Selection and Group Decision AccEptance - Responsibility (HRISE_R) and Majority (HRISE_M) rules [4], and the Choice Function hyper-heuristic (HH-CF) [7]. We considered the same three quality indicators of the previous study and the case studies are two non-trivial C++ geoinformatics applications [12]. Our hypothesis is that hyper-heuristics will perform better than metaheuristics given the previous remarks. 1

We will use the terms “directed graph” and “graph” interchangeably in this article. A sequence differs from a set because repetition of elements is allowed and order matters. A finite or infinite sequence of edges directed in the same direction which joins a sequence of vertices is a directed walk. A directed trail is a directed walk in which all edges are different. Every directed trail is a directed walk but the opposite is not true.


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Specifically, the research questions (RQs) we want to answer are: (a) RQ_1 - Which of the seven algorithms is the best regarding each quality indicator? (b) RQ_2 - Is there an algorithm that is clearly superior than all the others considering all quality indicators? (c) RQ_3 - Which of the hyper-heuristics presents the best performance? The main contributions of this article are: (a) We present an extension of our previous method and thus create a new one, InMeHy_STF, to generate integration test cases based only on C++ source code and optimisation algorithms, i.e. metaheuristics and hyper-heurisitics; (b) We present a controlled experiment considering two types of evaluations, crossdomain and statistical analyses, and seven algorithms to assess the generalisation issue; (c) We have made available online the tool [20] that implements the InMeHy_STF method, so that researchers and industry professionals can use it. This article is organised as follows. Relevant related studies are shown in Sect. 2. Section 3 presents an overview of our method, emphasising the STF version. In Sect. 4, we describe our controlled experiment and its results are in Sect. 5. In Sect. 6, we conclude our article and future directions are highlighted too.

2 Related Work Firstly, we should mention some preliminaries associated with this research. Metaheuristics can be divided into those inspired and those non-inspired by the nature. Nature-inspired metaheuristics include swarm intelligence [21] and EAs, such as genetic algorithms [22]. Note that hybrid methods combining machine learning, swarm intelligence, and EAs are promising directions to follow [23]. In this study, we focused on metaheuristics and hyper-heuristics based on EAs addressing the problem of integration test case generation. Some relevant related studies are presented in this section where we also point the differences between our research and theirs. With respect to software integration testing, in [24] the authors presented a technique which uses Unified Modelling Language (UML) sequence and state machine diagrams in combination to derive a control-flow graph to then generate integration test cases. But, they do not make use of optimisation algorithms as we do to generate integration test cases. In [10], authors presented a procedure for the automatic generation of integration test data based on genetic algorithms. They represented the behaviour and the interaction of software components via UML state machines enriched by messages sent between the components as well as possible effects of state transitions. They used as


V. A. de Santiago Júnior and C. P. Sales

objective functions the maximisation of the interaction coverage and the minimisation of the number of test cases (similar to our size of test suite function). However, they demand the existence of a behaviour diagram while we only require the source code of the application to generate the integration test cases. Whole Test Suite (WTS) generation is a strategy where instead of searching for a single test case for each individual coverage goal in sequence, the search problem is changed to a search for a test suite that covers all coverage goals at the same time [25]. The first difference between their work and ours is that they make use of a single value of objective function that aggregates the values of all objective functions measured for the test cases contained in a test suite. Moreover, one can not consider different types of coverage goals (and their respective objective functions) at the same time (e.g. brach and line coverage). Differently, our approach is a multi/many-objective optimisation one where all objective functions are optimised simultaneously. Furthermore, they target Java systems while in our work we address C++ applications by transforming the source code into a graph, and the objective functions are measures over this graph. In [26], the Dynamic Many-Objective Sorting Algorithm (DynaMOSA) was presented specifically to address the test case generation problem in the context of coverage testing. It is a many-objective approach and our strategy can also address many-objective problems. As well as WTS, their research can not consider different types of coverage goals at the same time. Like WTS, they address Java while we target C++ applications. Some recent studies presented experimentation involving evolutionary-based metaheuristics and hyper-heuristics considering continuous benchmark and realworld problems [4, 6, 7]. Others shown results of experiments with multi-armed bandit-based hyper-heuristics applied to the multi-objective permutation flow shop problem [5]. To the best of our knowledge, with the exception of our previous study [12], no other research presented a robust evaluation in the context of software integration testing formulated as a discrete optimisation problem as we do in this article.

3 Overview of the InMeHy_STF Method In this section, we present an overview of the InMeHy_STF method. However, we first provide some definitions that were adopted in this study. Definition 1. Abstract test case: An abstract test case is one whose representation does not allow it to be effectively executed against the Software Under Test (SUT). Such abstract test cases serve as a guide for generating the truly executable test cases, i.e. those that can be executed against the SUT obtained by translating the abstract test cases. Definition 2. Decision variable as an abstract test case: A decision variable is one element of a solution. The value of the decision variable of a solution is an integer that

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identifies a sequence of vertices related to a directed walk of the directed graph. The graph represents the integration of files of the SUT. Therefore, a decision variable means a sequence of vertices of a directed walk which is also an abstract test case. Definition 3. Solution as a test suite with fixed size of test cases: A solution is formed by a sequence of decision variables. In our case, a solution of a population created by an optimisation algorithm is indeed a test suite, i.e. a sequence of abstract test cases (sequence of sequences of vertices of directed walks). The number of abstract test cases contained in the test suite (solution) is fixed in the InMeHy_STF method. As we have already said, in our previous work [12], the value of the decision variable of a solution is an integer that identifies a vertex of the graph (test step). In that case, the number of test cases a test suite (solution) can have is variable, depending on the number of times the terminal vertex of the graph appears in the solution. However, we realised that several abstract test cases created via the previous version of our method were inconsistent. In other words in that situation, it is usually necessary that the sequence of values of the decision variables within a (abstract) test case is consistent with the sequence of vertices (edges) of the graph, otherwise an inconsistent test case will be generated. With Definition 2, we handle this problem and an abstract test case is already consistent because it is a sequence of vertices of a directed walk of the directed graph. Hence, the number of test cases a test suite can have is now fixed and this explains the STF nomenclature. Based on the definitions above, we see that we are dealing with discrete optimisation. From this point onward, unless otherwise noted, we will denote an abstract test case simply as a test case for simplicity. Our method consists of six modules which accomplish transformation operations starting with C++ code, after generating a graph, and finally creating the test cases. As seen in Fig. 1, the six modules are: Collector, Reader, Extractor, Integrator, Constructor, and Generator. Note that the previous and current versions of our method present the same architecture. The difference between both methods is on the behaviour of the Generator module which ultimately creates the test cases. When generating test cases for object-oriented programming software, a unit is usually considered one class [25, 26]. Integration testing takes place to expose defects at the interfaces and in the interactions between integrated classes of the system [10]. However, if the system is already developed and in operation thus it is “complete” with all classes but, even so, integration testing can be important to detect unseen difficult and critical interface defects. However in such a situation, one may define as a unit one file where the integration process starts with a main file defined by the user and goes on considering all other dependencies (methods, classes) to create a unique model. This is precisely our context and hence the Collector module receives a C++ source code file (.cpp or .hpp) where this is considered the main file to start the integration process. One input of our method is the integration level which is a parameter that defines how many files will be integrated at a time in order to create a problem instance. The Reader module receives a file as input and outputs a syntax

Fig. 1 The architecture of the InMeHy_STF method. Source: adapted from [12].

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tree. The Extractor module obtains the nodes (“vertices”) and branches (“edges”) of the syntax tree generated in the previous module. After receiving all lists of vertices and edges generated previously, the Integrator module integrates them, returning two lists: one containing all integrated vertices and another containing all integrated edges. Hence, the Constructor module creates a directed graph that represents the integration of files. Finally, the Generator module creates the test cases (sequences of vertices of directed walks) based on the integrated graph derived by the Constructor module. It does so by transforming the graph into an adjacency matrix. This matrix takes into account the execution effort (computational demand) of the instructions. In other words, some instructions demand more execution effort than others. This adjacency matrix has weights which define the execution effort of edges. Algorithm 1 presents the Generator module devised for the STF strategy. Note that inputs are the optimisation algorithms ( Alg), the integrated directed graph (G), and a parameter which limits the maximum number of directed trails to consider (lim). The goal of such parameter is to deal with scalability issues which are likely to occur with non-trivial applications. Algorithm 1. Generator - STF input: Alg, G, lim output: ∀Popi , I 1: v_init ← get I nitialV er tex(G) 2: v_ f in ← get FinalV er tex(G) 3: DW ← solveChinese Postman Pr oblem(G)  4: DW ← DW cr eateDir ectedT rails(G, v_init, v_ f in, lim) 5: for each ai ∈ Alg do 6: while r uns ≤ max_r uns do 7: Popi ← cr eateI nitial Population() 8: while iterations ≤ max_iterations do 9: Popi ← run Algorithm(ai , Popi , DW ) 10: end while 11: end while 12: end for 13: T K P F ← cr eateT r ueK nown Par etoFr ont (∀Popi ) 14: I ← calculateQualit y I ndicator s(T K P F, ∀Popi ) 15: return ∀Popi , I

Firstly, we get the initial (v_init) and final (v_ f inal) vertices of the directed graph G. Directed walks (DW ) are obtained in two steps. Firstly, we solve the Chinese postman problem and get a closed walk of minimum length that visits every edge of the graph at least once [27]. In the second step, we create directed trails (each directed trail is also a directed walk) and join them with the directed walks obtained by solving the Chinese postman problem.


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Fig. 2 Example of integration graph.

Let us assume Fig. 2 to explain the need for these two phases. Such a figure presents an integration graph obtained based on C++ files. We clearly see that the vertices are associated with instructions of the source code. In order to solve the Chinese postman problem, the graph must be strongly connected. In case it is not, as the example in Fig. 2, we can just add an extra edge from the vertex f inal to the vertex main (the initial one). Each test case starts with the initial vertex and ends in the final one. Hence, a typical solution of the Chinese postman problem can contain the final vertex several times as shown in the closed

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walk (cw) below: cw = { f inal, main, U ser _newU ser _22_1, Account_new Account_2, bool_validU ser _newU ser _veri f y Age_3, i f _4, r etur n_7, f inal, main, U ser _newU ser _22_1, Account_new Account_2, · · · , r etur n_7, f inal}. Thus, we split the closed walk and generate directed walks and their sequences of vertices that start with main and ends in f inal. In this example, the two test cases (tc1 , tc2 ) created via the solution of the Chinese problem are as follows: tc1 = {main, U ser _newU ser _22_1, Account_new Account_2, bool_validU ser _newU ser _veri f y Age_3, i f _4, r etur n_7, f inal}.

tc2 = {main, U ser _newU ser _22_1, Account_new Account_2, bool_validU ser _newU ser _veri f y Age_3, i f _4, new Account_initialise_newU ser _100_5, initialise, user _user _13, balance_b_14, i f _15, new Account_initialise_newU ser _100_5, initialise, user _user _13, balance_b_14, i f _15, · · · , new Account_deposit_10_6, r etur n_7, f inal}. Note that we can have repeated vertices and related edges in such test cases above as seen in tc2 . The motivation to create test cases via solving the Chinese postman problem is to provide to the optimisation algorithms a set of test cases that, altogether, cover all the edges of the graph at least once. Hence, these are options that the decision variables of a solution can contemplate. But note that some test cases can become enormous (huge number of vertices) if we consider large graphs. For example, a test case like tc2 considering a graph containing thousands of vertices and edges can be very large, making it infeasible to be executed in practice. Moreover, usually, we may have few test cases derived via the Chinese postman problem where some are very large resulting in less possible options for the decision variables. This is the reason to create additional test cases by obtaining directed trails (cr eateDir ectedT rails) in order to have smaller test cases and increase the number of them. Since these extra cases are directed trails, we do not have repeated edges but we can still have repeated vertices. As we have mentioned above, the parameter lim serves to limit the maximum number of directed trails to handle scalability issues. Hence, for each algorithm ai , a population (Popi ) is generated according to the principles of the technique, for a maximum number of iterations (max_iterations). And each algorithm runs for a maximum number of runs (max_r uns). The Generator returns all final populations (∀Popi ) of all optimisation algorithms, and also their


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quality indicators (I ). However, in order to obtain such indicators, we need to create the so called True Known Pareto Front (T K P F) where, for each problem instance, we join all final populations of all algorithms after the maximum number of runs, obtain the nondominated solutions, and remove the repeated ones. This is necessary because we deal with real-world and not benchmark problems. The objective functions to generate the test cases are: (a) Size of the test suite. This is a cost measure which is simply the sum of the number of vertices of all test cases (decision variables) of a test suite (solution). It is to be minimised since, in general, the fewer events required to be stimulated x) based on the test suite, the better. We denote this objective function by f 1 ( where  x is a solution. Moreover, we did not use this function in our previous work [12]; (b) Execution effort: this function aims to evaluate the execution effort associated with a solution (test suite). It takes into consideration the adjacency matrix that we have detailed above, and we just sum the weights of the edges related to such a test suite. It is to be minimised. This function is related to non-functional x ); testing and we denote it by f 2 ( (c) Edge coverage: this function shows the coverage of edges of the graph which represents a problem instance (set of integrated files). It is to be maximised since, in general, the more edges covered, the better. This is a functional testing x ). objective denoted by f 3 ( In formal terms, our multi-objective optimisation problem can be formulated as follows: x ), f 2 ( x ), f 3 ( x ))T minimise F( x ) = ( f 1 ( subject to  x ∈Ω where Ω is the decision variable space, F : Ω → R 3 consists of the three objective functions we have just described, and R 3 is the objective space. We now show how the values of the objective functions are calculated considering Fig. 2 again. Let us define that each solution has two decision variables and that the execution effort is 1 for each edge. Moreover, let us say that a test suite, i.e. a solution x1 , consists of the test case tc1 presented earlier and the test case tc3 below: tc3 = {main, U ser _newU ser _22_1, Account_new Account_2, bool_validU ser _newU ser _veri f y Age_3, i f _4, new Account_initialise_newU ser _100_5, new Account_deposit_10_6, r etur n_7, f inal}. It is important to state that x1 = 1, 3 but each integer value represents one of the test cases, i.e. tc1 or tc3 . Hence, f 1 ( x1 ) is simply the sum of all vertices of all test x1 ) = 7 + 9 = 16. On the other hand, f 2 ( x1 ) = 6 + 8 = 14, since all cases, i.e. f 1 (

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edges have an effort equal to 1. The edge coverage must be maximised but we turn this into a minimisation problem too as shown below: x1 ) = 1 − f 3 (

|C E| |E|


where |C E| is the number of covered edges due to all test cases of a test suite, and |E| is the total number of the edges of the graph. A covered edge is counted only once if more than one test case traverses it. In Fig. 2, the graph has a total of 19 edges x1 ) = 1 − 9/19 = 0.526. and the two test cases cover 9 out of them. Hence, f 3 ( The optimisation algorithms can therefore be used to generate the test cases. The population, S, of nondominated solutions, s j , due the execution of an algorithm ai is then a set of test suites (set of sequences of abstract test cases) to be later translated into executable test cases. The InMeHy_STF method has been implemented in a tool available online [20], based on the jMetal framework [28], the JGraphT library [29], and the ANTLR [30] parser generator where the latter creates the syntax trees.

4 Controlled Experiment The design and characteristics of the controlled experiment we conducted is described in this section.

4.1 Objective, Research Questions and Variables The objective of this evaluation is to identify which out of seven optimisation algorithms is the best regarding test case generation related to the integration testing level. Applications developed in C++ were considered as our SUTs, and the algorithms IBEA, SPEA2, NSGA-III, MOMBI-II, HRISE_R, HRISE_M, and HH-CF were the options to generate test cases. Three quality indicators to evaluate the performance of the algorithms were selected: hypervolume,  indicator, and IGD+. The motivation for using various quality indicators is because each one assesses the quality of the populations derived by the algorithms under different perspectives. As we have already mentioned in Sect. 1, this experiment should answer the following research questions (RQs): (a) RQ_1 - Which of the seven algorithms is the best regarding each quality indicator? (b) RQ_2 - Is there an algorithm that is clearly superior than all the others considering all quality indicators? (c) RQ_3 - Which of the hyper-heuristics presents the best performance?


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The independent variables are the optimisation algorithms. The dependent variables are the values of the quality indicators: hypervolume,  indicator, and IGD+.

4.2 Problems and Problem Instances Case studies are two C++ geoinformatics software products. GeoDMA is a toolbox for integrating remote sensing imagery analysis methods with data mining techniques, aiming to extract information and knowledge discovery over large geographic databases. TerraLib is a geographic information system software library to support the development of customised geographical applications. It is a non-trivial application with more than 1,400 classes. Table 1 shows the problems (Prob) and information of the largest problem instances for both products. The name of the problem refers to the name of a class of the software product, and since both products are already developed, our unit is one file where we start the integration process with a main file defined by ourselves. For instance, the single GeoDMA problem (Main) generated 4 problem instances (#Prob Inst) where each instance is obtained by integrating 4 files at a time (integration level). Therefore, instance GEO1_4 (instance 1 with integration level 4) was created by integrating the first 4 files, GEO2_4 was created by adding 4 more files, after that GEO3_4, and finally GEO4_4 were derived. Also notice that when we create a new problem instance within a problem, the graph becomes larger. Hence, there are 229 vertices and 330 edges in GEO1_4 and 451 vertices and 769 edges in GEO4_4.  ⏐)), number of vertices (#Vertices In Table 1, we only show the identification (Id (  (⏐)), and edges ((#Edges (⏐)) of the largest instance within a problem. Altogether, we have 12 problems where 1 problem is due to GeoDMA and the remaining 11 are derived for TerraLib, and 39 problems instances where 4 are for GeoDMA and 35 are due to TerraLib. Most of problems and problem instances are generated for TerraLib. This is because TerraLib is much larger than GeoDMA. Notice that some problem instances did not change the resulting graph obtained in the previous problem instance, even if we added files. This is because the new files that were selected for integration either had no body or were not directly related to the main file or the secondary ones. Hence, we ruled out such useless instances. Altogether, for both products, we considered 89 files in this evaluation.

4.3 Algorithms and Parameters Regarding the selected algorithms, IBEA [13] is a general indicator-based multiobjective EA, and the main reasoning is to first define the optimisation goal in terms of a binary performance measure (indicator) and then to directly use this measure in the selection process. SPEA2 [14] is an improved version of SPEA and has,

Metaheuristics and Hyper-heuristics Based on Evolutionary Algorithms ... Table 1 Characteristics of problems and of the largest problem instances. Prob

#Prob Inst


 Id (⏐)


 #Vertices (⏐)

 #Edges (⏐)











































































as additional characteristics, a fine-grained fitness assignment strategy, a density estimation technique, and an enhanced archive truncation method. These classical multi-objective EAs were selected due to their popularity and several studies usually compare hyper-heuristics to them [4, 6]. NSGA-III [15] is based on NSGA-II, one of the most popular EA, and it is a reference-point-based many-objective EA that emphasises population members that are nondominated, yet close to a set of supplied reference points. MOMBI-II is a many-objective EA based on the R2 indicator as individual selection mechanism [16]. As for the selection hyper-heuristics, HRISE_R and HRISE_M [4] embed a heuristic selection method based on roulette wheel supported by reinforcement learning followed by a balanced exploitation/exploration procedure. Moreover, they use a two-level move acceptance strategy: only improving plus a group-decision framework where several move acceptance methods are considered. HRISE_R relies on the responsibility rule while HRISE_M is based on the majority rule. A hyper-heuristic based on Choice Function, HH-CF, was presented in [7] in which NSGA-II and SPEA2 are two out of three low-level heuristics (LLHs). In our case, a third LLH is IBEA. The heuristic selection method is based on a two-stage ranking scheme and four quality indicators: algorithm effort, ratio of nondominated individuals, hypervolume, and uniform distribution. All algorithms were run with these parameters: i) population size = 100; ii) number of decision variables = 10; iii) crossover probability = 0.9; iv) mutation probability = 0.0125; v) crossover operator = simulated binary crossover (SBX); vi) mutation operator = integer polynomial; vii) maximum number of runs = 20; ix) maximum number of iterations = 1,000; x) parameter lim = 10,000. Note that the selection hyper-heuristics, HRISE_R, HRISE_M, and HH-CF, use as LLHs complete EAs, in


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this case IBEA, SPEA2, and NSGA-II. In other words, at each decision point, they select one of these LLHs to run, in accordance with some criterion, for a certain number of iterations. Therefore, in addition to the parameters above, they have some extra ones which are defined in the respective articles. It is important to mention that we did not perform tuning of the parameters of the hyper-heuristics but rather we used the values suggested in the articles.

4.4 Types of Evaluation At least the front-normalised values of the indicators were considered. From this point onward, we will denote the front-normalised hypervolume simply as hypervolume, h, as well as , I + are the (front-normalised)  indicator, IGD+, respectively. The higher the h, the better the algorithm but the lower , I +, the better the algorithm. We accomplished two types of evaluation. The cross-domain analysis is suitable to obtain evidence of the generalisation capability of the algorithms across all problem instances, and not performing a case-by-case evaluation. We then defined a second level of normalisation of the indicators. For instance, the normalised (frontnormalised) or simply normalised hypervolume, h N , is defined below [4]: hN =

h max (∀a, p) − h (ai , p) min h max (∀a, p) − h (∀a, p)


min where h max (∀a, p) and h (∀a, p) are the maximum and minimum values, respectively, of the hypervolume, h, due to all algorithms a for a problem instance p, and h (ai , p) is the average value of the hypervolume due to algorithm ai for p. Note that the formulation of h N is like a maximisation problem (maximise hypervolume) is turned into a minimisation problem. Hence, the lower the value of h N , the better the algorithm. As for  and I +, the normalised value is calculated in a standard manner. For instance, the normalised  indicator,  N , is obtained as follows:

N =

min (ai , p) − (∀a, p) max min (∀a, p) − (∀a, p)


max min where (∀a, p) and (∀a, p) are the maximum and minimum values, respectively, of the  indicator due to all algorithms a for a problem instance p, and (ai , p) is the average value of the  indicator due to algorithm ai for p. The lower  N and also I + N (normalised IGD+), the better the approach. We then calculate the averages of the normalised quality indicators considering all problem instances of all problems: h NA P R ,  NA P R , I + NA P R which refer to the average values of the normalised hypervolume,  indicator, and IGD+, respectively. Again, the algorithm which obtained the lower of these values is considered the best overall.

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We also performed a second evaluation which is a statistical analysis but now we decided to rely on the (front-normalised) indicators, namely h, , and I +. It is our belief that using the second-degree of normalisation may mask the results of the statistical test. We applied a two-tailed permutation test (conditional inference procedure) [31] for multi-group comparison with significance level equal to 0.05. This is a case-by-case analysis, i.e. we verified, for each problem instance, if an algorithm ai was significantly better (“>”) than an algorithm a j , if it was worse (“” means the leftmost algorithm was significantly better than the rightmost one, “ ∼ < > ∼ IBEA × SPEA2 IBEA × NSGA-III IBEA × MOMBI-II IBEA × HRISE_M IBEA × HRISE_R IBEA × HH-CF SPEA2 × NSGA-III SPEA2 × MOMBI-II SPEA2 × HRISE_M SPEA2 × HRISE_R SPEA2 × HH-CF NSGA-III × MOMBI-II NSGA-III × HRISE_M NSGA-III × HRISE_R NSGA-III × HH-CF MOMBI-II × HRISE_M MOMBI-II × HRISE_R MOMBI-II × HH-CF HRISE_M × HRISE_R HRISE_M × HH-CF HRISE_R × HH-CF

h 0 30 39 23 24 32 37 39 27 26 33 39 14 16 19 2 1 4 2 18 22

22 9 0 9 9 6 2 0 6 7 6 0 11 8 14 7 7 11 35 21 16

 0 28 39 21 21 35 37 39 28 29 38 39 14 14 19 4 4 4 0 16 21

17 0 0 7 6 1 0 0 6 6 0 0 14 15 6 30 31 24 2 0 1

22 11 0 15 14 4 2 0 10 8 1 0 8 9 9 4 3 8 38 23 17


U 1 ) then it was called Boost converter. So the o/p voltage is expressed by U

16 Power Control of a Grid Connected Hybrid Fuel Cell, Solar and Wind Energy …

Uo =

Ui 1− D



By combining the above features of Buck and Boost converters, we have Uo =

D Ui 1− D


3.5 Three Phase Inverter From the DC-DC buck-boost converter, the output DC voltage is connected to grid via DC-AC converter i.e. Inverter. Generally, a 3-phase inverter which is utilized for the conversion of DC-AC in the grid side was termed as Grid Side Converter (GSC). A three-phase inverter is shown in Fig. 7. In Fig. 7, a control strategy known as Voltage Oriented Control (VOC) is utilized to vary output voltage by varying the gate trigger pulse i.e. pulse width modulation (PWM) of the signal. This PWM signal controls the inverter semiconductor switches. The voltage vector controls are derived from the voltage and current PI controllers through park’s transformation theory [12]. This Proportional Integral (PI) controller is utilised to enhance system stability.

Fig. 7 Three phase bridge inverter


S. Sahoo and K. Teja

3.6 Fuzzy MPPT Algorithm To takeout the maximum power from the output, we implemented a new strategy known as MPPT method which continuously tracks maximum electric power so that the reliability of the system is enhanced. Various techniques are available viz. Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC) [13, 14], Hill-Climbing Search (HCS) and Perturb and Observe (P&O). In this paper FLC MPPT is implemented for controlling the respective buck boost converters. In this FLC, mainly program If-else statement is used and does not require any mathematical model. So it reduces the complexity for analysing the given solution and it also implemented to a very complex solution. The below figure shows the flowchart of Fuzzy MPPT (Fig. 8). Fig. 8 Flow chart of FUZZY MPPT method START

Initialize P(k-1) = 0

Measure V(k), I(k). Then find P(k) Find ΔP and ΔI


Rule Base


D (Duty Cycle)

Fuzzy Set


16 Power Control of a Grid Connected Hybrid Fuel Cell, Solar and Wind Energy …


4 Simulation Results and Discussion This section presents details of the MATLAB/SIMULINK software simulation, which is carried out for a WECS, Solar Cell and Fuel cell sources connected to grid using Fuzzy MPPT controller. The parameters of these sources are shown in Tables 1, 2 and 3 respectively. In Fig. 9 wind speed is shown, where the wind speed is 14 m/s up-to 1 s after that it is 9 m/s respectively. Figure 10 demonstrations the wind torque, Figs. 11, 12 and 13 shows output Voltage, Current and Power of the wind energy system respectively. Similarly In Figs. 14, 15 and 16 indicates the output voltage, Current and Power of PV array. From Fig. 14, the output of the PV array is 63.6 V. Table 1 The parameters of wind turbine and PMSG [1]

Table 2 The parameters of solar PV array

Table 3 The parameters of fuel cell

Parameters of wind turbine


Rated power (MW)


Blade diameter (m)


Rated wind speed (m/s)


Number of blades


Turbine inertia Jr (kg·m2 )


Parameters of PMSG


Rated voltage (U)


Stator frequency (Hz)


No. of poles


Rated current (I)


Rated power (MW)


Parameters of solar PV array


Rated power (W)


Open circuit voltage (V)


Short circuit current (A)


Optimum voltage (V)


Optimum current (A)


Parameters of fuel cell




No. of cells


Rated current (I)


Rated power (MW)


232 Fig. 9 Speed of the wind

Fig. 10 Torque of wind

Fig. 11 Wind turbine output voltage

Fig. 12 Wind turbine output current

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16 Power Control of a Grid Connected Hybrid Fuel Cell, Solar and Wind Energy … Fig. 13 Wind power output

Fig. 14 Output voltage of PV array

Fig. 15 Output current of PV array

Fig. 16 Output power of PV array



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In Figs. 17, 18 and 19 indicates the output voltage, Current and Power of Fuel Cell. The output of the Fuel cell is 17.6 V. In Figs. 20 and 21 indicates the three-phase voltage and current for a hybrid scheme. Similarly Figs. 22 and 23 indicates grid voltage and current respectively. The output voltage of the PV, Wind and Fuel cell hybrid system connected to grid is 590 V. Figure 24 indicates proposed grid voltage total harmonic distortion (THD) is 3.30%. Fig. 17 Output voltage of fuel cell

Fig. 18 Output current of fuel cell

Fig. 19 Output power of fuel cell

16 Power Control of a Grid Connected Hybrid Fuel Cell, Solar and Wind Energy … Fig. 20 Three phase voltage for hybrid scheme

Fig. 21 Three phase current for hybrid scheme

Fig. 22 Grid voltage

Fig. 23 Grid current



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Fig. 24 THD of grid voltage is 3.30% in the proposed scheme

5 Conclusion This paper mainly explains the hybrid grid with an integration of PMSG for the wind power generation, Solar PV cells and Fuel cells. These power sources are implemented based on fuzzy MPPT technique. Because of fuzzy MPPT, proposed model gives less THD and better output magnitude as compared to the conventional model. The suggested results were simulated in the Simulink of Platform and Waveform has been analysed and plotted.

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Novel Harris Hawks Optimization and Deep Neural Network Approach for Intrusion Detection Miodrag Zivkovic , Nebojsa Bacanin , Jelena Arandjelovic , Andjela Rakic , Ivana Strumberger , K. Venkatachalam , and P. Mani Joseph

1 Introduction To ensure safe and reliable information flow across diverse businesses, modern networked business settings necessitate a high level of security. After traditional security technologies fail, an intrusion detection system works as a versatile safeguard device for system security. Because cyberattacks are only going to get more sophisticated, defensive technology must keep up. In general, IDS employs two approaches to detect potential computer security breaches: the first is signature-based detection, which matches data activity with a signature or pattern maintained in a signature database. The second type, behaviorbased or statistical anomaly-based detection, detects any irregularity and raises a M. Zivkovic · N. Bacanin (B) · J. Arandjelovic · A. Rakic · I. Strumberger Singidunum University, Danijelova 32, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia e-mail: [email protected] M. Zivkovic e-mail: [email protected] J. Arandjelovic e-mail: [email protected] A. Rakic e-mail: [email protected] I. Strumberger e-mail: [email protected] K. Venkatachalam Faculty of Science, Department of Applied Cybernetics, University of Hradec Králové, 50003 Hradec Krállové, Czech Republic e-mail: [email protected] P. M. Joseph Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Modern College of Business and Science, PO Box 100, PC 133 Muscat, Sultanate of Oman e-mail: [email protected] © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2022 M. S. Uddin et al. (eds.), Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Advances in Computational Intelligence, Algorithms for Intelligent Systems,



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warning. It is referred to as an expert system since it learns what normal system behavior is. Furthermore, IDS systems are frequently categorized into five categories [14]: protocol-based IDS (PIDS), application protocol-based IDS (AIPDS), hostbased IDS (HIDS), network-based IDS (NIDS), and hybrid IDS (HIDS). IDS solutions are available in a variety of configurations and capabilities. The following are examples of common intrusion detection systems: 1. PIDS is a type of IDS that is often located on the web servers and utilized to monitor and analyze the protocols that the given computer system is using. It explores the protocol’s dynamic way of behaving and status and often includes a component incorporated in the server’s front end that monitors communication among interconnected devices and the system they’re safeguarding. 2. APIDS is an IDS that monitors a particular application protocol (one or more) used by the observed computer system. An APIDS will track the protocol’s way of behaving and condition, and it is particularly consisting of a component located among a set of servers that monitors the particular application protocol. An APIDS is typically installed betwixt a web server and a database management system (DBMS), where it monitors the SQL protocol used by the applications while they communicate to the database. 3. HIDS system is a type of intrusion detection system that is deployed on remote servers that are connected to the internet and a company’s internal network. This technology can detect packets from within the company as well as additional malicious traffic that a NIDS can’t. It can also detect dangerous threats emanating from the host, such as a host infected with malware that is attempting to propagate it throughout the organization’s system 4. NIDS solution monitors incoming and outgoing network traffic and is implemented at crucial places throughout an organization’s network. This IDS strategy monitors and detects malicious and suspicious traffic entering and departing from all network-connected devices. 5. HIDS is installed on the specific endpoints as a protector from both inside and outside threats. An IDS of this type is capable of monitoring the incoming/outgoing network traffic of the given computer, observing active processes, and accessing the system logs. A HIDS domain is bounded to the host computer, which limits the policy-enforcing context. To a considerable extent, the ability of ML techniques to execute correct classification is dependent on the data quality. IDS systems use datasets of high dimension, that have redundancy and even unrelated features, as well as a large number of samples. As a result, in ML techniques, the data preprocessing phase is critical. On such high-dimensional data, nature-inspired metaheuristics like swarm intelligence methods can be employed to select the features that have the largest impact on total categorization while rejecting unneeded features.

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1.1 Research Goals and Contributions In this research, we propose an improved version of the harris hawks optimization (HHO) method, which is part of the swarm intelligence approaches, to address the task of selecting the optimum set of features that will influence the classification results. The contributions of the research given in this manuscript can be summarized in the following way: – The improvement of the basic design of the HHO metaheuristics, that specifically targets the drawbacks of the original version. – Hybridization of the deep neural network (DNN) with the devised improved HHO algorithm that will help in the feature selection and optimize the time required for training by reducing the dimensionality.

1.2 Structure of the Paper The sections that make up this paper are specified in the following order. Section 2 provides an essential theoretical background for DNN and swarm intelligence metaheuristics, as well as references to relevant literature. Section 3 describes the basics of Harris Hawks optimization algorithm. Section 4 depicts the empirical results, analysis, and discussion, and finally, Sect. 5 shows the summary of this paper but also proposes future studies.

2 Theoretical Background and Literature Review Machine learning is a method of teaching computers to learn independently and interpret data with no need to be explicitly programmed. Because of their universal capacity to detect both original and variant threats, machine learning, and deep learning approaches offer enormous prospect to improve the current intrusion detection system models [22]. Artificial neural networks (ANNs) are the computer system’s components that mimic how the human brain analyzes and processes data. Artificial intelligence (AI) is built on this foundation, and it solves issues that would be either not possible or extremely hard to solve by humans or statistical criteria. Because ANNs are selflearning, they can enhance their performance as additional data becomes available. Artificial neural networks have neuron nodes connected in a web-like manner, similar to the human brain’s structure. Tens of billions of neurons make up the human brain. The cell body of each neuron is responsible for processing information and conveying it to and from the brain (inputs and outputs) [11, 13]. A training phase is where an artificial neural network (ANN) is learning to perceive data patterns that could be either visual, vocal, or textual. During the supervised phase, the ANN performs the


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comparison of its actual outputs to the desired outputs. The disparity among the two outputs is tuned by utilizing the backpropagation. The network adjusts the weight of its connections backward, starting from the output layers until the discrepancy among the actual and preferred results provides the minimum possible error. The basic principle of swarm intelligence as emulating natural science is exemplified by the Michael Crichton swarm. Experts point to biological systems such as bird flocking, ant colony behavior, fish schools, and bacteria multiplication as examples of natural systems that swarm intelligence could imitate. This led to a large number of nature inspired metaheuristics algorithms in the past two decades. Others discuss stochastic processes that may be used to model swarm intelligence to understand better how concrete swarm intelligence IT applications would work [1, 16]. In the recent years, swarm intelligence methods were utilized to resolve a numerous pragmatic NP-hard IT tasks, such as global numerical optimization [6], wireless sensor networks issues such as localization and network lifetime [4, 18, 20], task scheduling in the cloud computing domain [2, 9], ANN and CNN optimization [3, 7, 15], COVID-19 cases prediction [19, 22], and MRI classification optimization in medical domain [5, 8].

3 Proposed Method This section first describes the basic version of the HHO metaheuristics. After that, the observed and known drawbacks of the basic HHO are highlighted. Finally, the improved version of the HHO is proposed, with modifications that have a goal to address the mentioned flaws of the basic algorithm and improve the algorithm’s performance.

3.1 Basic HHO Algorithm The HHO method (Harris Hawks Optimization) is a new metaheuristic algorithm based on cooperative activity [12]. In comparison to other optimization approaches, HHO showed encouraging outcomes. Surprise pounce, a group hunting exercise and pursuit method used by Harris hawks, is the foundation for HHO metaheuristics. The hawks’ particular surprise pounce strategy, their exploration for prey, and different capture strategies utilized by the party of hawks during the hunting drive the HHO metaheuristics exploration and exploitation phases. The HHO method’s exploration phase is modeled after how hawks track and detect their prey. Hawks may sit and study the target area for hours, looking for potential prey. Each hawk represents a potential solution in HHO implementation, while the best solution at each step is seen as the goal or near to the optimum, and hawks set up shop in a variety of sites at random and wait for a pray to appear using one of two techniques. It is hypothesized that HHO has an exploring mechanism. Given the characters of Harris’

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hawks, they are able to follow and spot the prey with their keen vision, however it may not always be visible. As a result, the hawks must hold back, watch, and surveil the desert location for many hours in order to discover prey. Harris’ hawks represent the candidate solutions in HHO, while the best one in every stage is regarded as the targeted prey or roughly the optimal candidate solution. The Harris’ hawks conduct a surprise pounce by executing an attack on targeted prey discovered in the preceding phase during the exploitation. Preys, on the opposite, frequently seek to run away from the harmful circumstances. Consequently, different pursuing styles emerge in real-life circumstances. In order to mimic the attacking stage, the HHO suggests four potential methods based on prey fleeing behaviors and Harris’ hawk pursuit strategy [21]. Since the hawks in a hunting party situate themselves dependent of the positions of other hawks (to be in close vicinity for the attack) and the prey, that can be described using the Eq. (1), both tactics have an identical chance q.  X (t + 1) =

X rand (t) − r1 |X rand (t) − 2r2 X (t)|, q ≥ 0 (X best (t) − X m (t)) − r3 (L B + r4 (U B − L B)), q < 0.5


Components L B and U B represent the highest and lowest boundaries of decision variables, respectively, X rand (t) signifies a randomised response from the population, X m provides the average capacity of existing solutions population. The present hawk position vector is represented by X (t) and the answer for the next round t is denoted by X (t + 1). Finally, r1 , r2 , r3 , r4 and q are randomly selected values inside the [0, 1] range that are updated in every round, while X best (t) indicates the position of prey. Equation bellow may be used to get the mean position of the current responses in population (X m (t)): N 1  X i (t) (2) X m (t) = N i=1 in which X ( t) denotes the position of the i-th member in phase t, and N is the population’s total lot of approaches. The HHO method may change among multiple exploitation tactics while transiting out from exploration phase to the phase, depending of the target’s available energy, which diminishes as the prey flees, as described by Eq. (3): E = 2E 0 (1 −

t ). T


E defines the prey’s level of energy for fleeing, T denotes the maximum number of repetitions, and E 0 defines the prey’s level of energy at the start. Parameter E 0 switches between (−1, 1) at random. The HHO will use the unexpected pounce technique in the exploitation phase to pursue the prey that was discovered in the previous stage. Prior to the surprise pounce move, the parameter r represents the chance that prey would successfully


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escape (r < 0.5) or not (r ≥ 0.5). In both situations, the hawk hunting group will encircle the victim and execute a hard or gentle besiege. Shifting among gentle and harsh conquer processes is controlled by parameter E. In the case of |E| ≥ 0.5, soft besiege occurs, whereas in the case of |E| < 0.5, strong besiege occurs. When |E| ≥ 0.5 and r ≥ 0.5, the prey will have enough strength to flee by leaping at random during the gentle besiege. The hawks then softly surround the target to tire it before attacking with the surprise pounce maneuver, which may be represented using Eqs. (4) and (5): (4) X (t + 1) = ΔX (t) − E|J X best (t) − X (t)| ΔX (t) = X best (t) − X (t)


The gap between both the prey’s vector field and the current position in iterate t is denoted by ΔX (t). r5 is a random number in the range (0, 1) that represents the prey’s random leaping energy J = 2(1 − r5 ) throughout the escape. When the prey is tired or when |E| < 0.5 and r ≥ 0.5 are present, however, hard besiege ensues. The hawks of the party continue to circle the target until it is caught, and the current positions may be updated using Eq. (6). X (t + 1) = X best (t) − E|ΔX (t)|


3.2 Drawbacks of the Basic HHO The basic HHO has shown excellent performances in its original form and established itself as one of the best and most promising optimizers [12]. However, by performing tests with the standard Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC) benchmark functions set, it can be seen that the original HHO could be enhanced in both exploration and exploitation phases. In some cases, the basic HHO may remain in sub-optimal areas of the search space in the early phases of execution. As a result, the general quality of solutions will be poor as most of them would converge to the sub-optimal early best solutions. Later, during exploration, HHO can discover the more promising domains. However, it is typically in the final rounds of execution, in other words, too late for fine-tuning, and the quality of the final solutions is not very good. This drawback of the HHO is a consequence of an unbalanced explorationexploitation trade-off that is oriented towards exploitation in the early phases, while it should be shifted in the direction of the exploitation in the later phases of the algorithm’s execution.

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Algorithm 1. Pseudo-code of devised HHO-QRLRS Set the size of population (N ) and termination condition in terms of T Generate initial population X i , (i = 1, 2, 3, ...N ) Calculate fitness and determine the best solution Set counter of iterations t = 0 while t ≤ T do Determine fitness for all individuals Denote X best as position of the current best individual for every solution X i do Set initial energy E 0 and jump strength J (Eq. (3)) Update E if |E| ≥ 1 then Exploration phase Update the location vector end if if |E| < 1 then Exploitation phase if r ≥ 0.5 and |E| ≥ 0.5 then Soft besiege Update the location vector by soft besiege else if r ≥ 0.5 and |E| < 0.5 then Hard besiege Update the location vector by using hard besiege else if r < 0.5 and |E| ≥ 0.5 then Soft besiege with progressive rapid dives Update the location vector by using soft besiege with rapid dives else if r < 0.5 and |E| < 0.5 then Hard besiege with progressive rapid dives Update the location vector using hard besiege with progressive rapid dives end if end if end for qr Generate X best qr Perform greedy selection between X wor st and X best Update iteration counter t + + end while Return X best

3.3 Proposed Improved HHO Algorithm - HHO-QRLRS Based on the previous research from this domain, one of the most efficient strategies to improve both exploration and exploitation is the quasi-reflection-based learning (QRL) procedure [17]. The QRL generates a solution on the opposite side of the search space of the current solution. If the current individual is, for example, in the sub-optimal domain, there is a good chance that its QRL peer will be near the optimal region. The quasi-reflexive-opposite individual X qr of the solution X is generated in the following way:


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 X qr = rnd

 LB + UB ,X , 2


 LB + UB that generates random number from uniform distribution in range ,X . 2 This procedure is executed for each parameter of solution X in D dimensions. Proposed improved HHO adopts a relatively simple replacement strategy of the worst individual from the population based on the QRL. This procedure is executed qr as follows: the quasi-reflexive current best solution (X best ) is generated, and then the qr greedy selection between X best and the current worst solution X wor st is performed. The individual with lower fitness will be discarded from the population. This procedure is efficient in early as well as in later iterations. In earlier cycles, the QRL improves exploration, and in later phases of execution, with the assumption that the current best individual has converged to the proper part of the search space, it may improve exploitation. Motivated by the proposed improvements, devised metaheuristics is named HHO with QRL replacement strategy (HHO-QRLRS). However, according to the NFL theorem, there is always a trade-off. Proposed HHO-QRLRS performs one more fitness function evaluation in each iteration, thus its complexity can be described as:O((N + 1) · (T + T · D + 1)). These facts were taken into consideration in simulations to maintain a fair and objective comparisons to other state-of-the-art techniques. Pseudo-code of proposed HHO-QRLRS is Algorithm 1.

4 Experimental Setup and Analysis The structure of the proposed hybrid classifier, named HHO-QRLRS DNN is similar to the approach stated in [14]. The dataset is first preprocessed by utilizing the minmax normalization method and afterward encoded by applying the 1-N encoding algorithm. Dimensionality reduction is performed by utilizing the devised HHO-QRLRS swarm intelligence method on the dataset. This step is necessary as if the number of features is extensive, over-fitting can happen during the network training. For additional information considering the classifier structure, please refer to the paper [14]. Two datasets were utilized in the experiments, namely the NSL-KDD and KDD Cup 99 datasets. The NSL-KDD data set was created to address the issues raised in the literature about the KDD’99 malware and intrusion data. Even though it still has some undesirable characteristics, it has become a well-known benchmark dataset. Nonetheless, the lack of local IDS datasets and the complexity in gathering data make NSL-KDD a reliable solution for malware prevention detection research. The set contains nearly five million records, making it suitable for machine learning while not being so large that researchers are forced to pick random parts of the set. As a result, the outcomes are easier to compare. To avoid bias in machine learning algorithms, the NSL-KDD dataset has been cleaned of redundant data, which is an improvement over the original KDD’99 dataset [10].

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The CICIDS2017 Intrusion Detection Evaluation Dataset was created in response to a lack of reliable and current cybersecurity datasets. Researchers’ access to IDS datasets usually comes with its own set of issues, such as a lack of traffic inclusivity, attack variety, inadequate features, and other issues. CICIDS2017 authors provide a dataset with accurate background traffic, which was created by abstracting the behavior of 25 users across a variety of protocols. The data was collected over a fiveday period, with four of those days being spent in the field. The data was gathered over a five-day time frame, with the first four days exposed to a variety of attacks such as malware, DoS attacks, web attacks, and others. CICIDS2017 is one of the most recent datasets available to researchers, with over 80 network flow features.

4.1 Cross Validation A few specific issues accompany Machine Learning and various aspects of Artificial Intelligence implementations. Overfitting is to blame for some of these problems. If the algorithms are put through these tests, they may perform admirably in the lab but will fail miserably when applied to real-world data. To counteract this, the models are subjected to k-fold cross-validation, also known as rotation estimation. The training dataset is divided into k sets, the first k-1 used for training and the remaining one for testing. The procedure is then repeated k times, each time with a different testing part. The folds are selected at random. In this study, 10-fold cross-sections were used.

4.2 Comparative Analysis and Discussion The performances of the proposed DNN classifier for the intrusion detection were evaluated on NSL-KDD and KDD Cup 99 datasets and compared to similar approaches. The same experimental conditions were established for all algorithms. The suggested DNN classifier hybridized with HHO metaheuristics operates in two distinct phases: reducing the dimensionality of the problem and performing the classification. The devised HHO metaheuristics is utilized in the first phase to reduce the number of dimensions and avoid overfitting. Later, the DNN performs the classification of the intrusion detection datasets. Throughout the conducted experiments, we have used the same structure as in [14]. DNN is fed with the resulting dataset generated by the HHO to its inputs. DNN itself is consisting of 3 hidden layers, with the activation function of choice being ReLU, and two output neurons that use Softmax as activation function. For more details about the structure and setup of DNN, please refer to the [14]. Comparative analysis for NSL-KDD and KDD Cup 99 is shown in Tables 1 and 2, respectively. Best results for each metric are marked bold.


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Table 1 Performance validation of HHO-QRLRS-DNN, HHO-DNN and other hybrid approaches for NSL-KDD dataset Model SMO+DNN PCA+DNN DNN HHO+DNN HHOQRLRS+DNN Accuracy Precision Recall F-score Sensitivity Specificity

0,994 0,995 0,995 0,996 0,996 0,996

0,938 0,934 0,918 0,937 0,938 0,926

0,914 0,891 0,882 0,905 0,908 0,898

0,941 0,932 0,917 0,939 0,939 0,921

0,995 0,995 0,996 0,997 0,996 0,996

Table 2 Performance validation of HHO-QRLRS-DNN, HHO-DNN and and other hybrid approaches for KDD Cup 99 dataset Model SMO+DNN PCA+DNN DNN HHO+DNN HHOQRLRS+DNN Accuracy Precision Recall F-score Sensitivity Specificity

0,928 0,927 0,928 0,927 0,928 0,930

0,898 0,884 0,898 0,882 0,898 0,885

0,909 0,896 0,909 0,894 0,909 0,882

0,912 0,908 0,910 0,905 0,907 0,901

0,930 0,928 0,929 0,929 0,928 0,931

The performances of the suggested hybrid HHO-QRLRS and DNN approach were evaluated in the comparative analysis with other competitive hybrid strategies. Together with the HHO-QRLRS hybridized DNN, we conducted experiments with the basic HHO hybridized DNN to show differences between the improved and the basic HHO approach. The results for other algorithms that were included in the comparative analysis, namely PCA+DNN, SMO+DNN, and pure DNN (without reducing dimensionality) approaches, were derived from [14]. These algorithms were tested on the same dataset in [14], allowing a fair comparison. The comparative results and performances are presented in Table 1 for NSL-KDD dataset, and Table 2 for KDD Cup 99 dataset. The results from the experimental simulations indicate that the suggested HHOQRLRS enhanced DNN obtained superior performances over the basic HHO-DNN, PCA-DNN, and simple DNN. The proposed method achieved slightly better results than the SMO-DNN presented in [14]. The proposed HHO-QRLRS DNN method attained an accuracy of 0.995 on the NSL-KDD dataset and approximately 0.93 on the KDD Cup 99 dataset, while the SMO-DNN method achieved values 0.994 and 0.928. The improvement in accuracy is more drastic when the HHO-QRLRS DNN is compared to the basic version of HHO DNN, being approximately 5% on the NSL-KDD, and almost 2% for the KDD Cup 99. The proposed method also

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shows superior results in terms of other metrics included in the research over the basic HHO-DNN, PCA-DNN, and DNN, with a slight improvement of the results achieved by SMO-DNN. The basic HHO-DNN achieved decent results, performing better than the DNN and PCA-DNN, but it was clearly outperformed by SMO-DNN and HHO-QRLRS driven DNN.

5 Conclusion This manuscript proposes an improved HHO algorithm. We have devised and implemented the new algorithm named HHO-QRLRS to overcome the known drawbacks of the basic version of the HHO metaheuristics. The HHO-QRLRS method was then utilized in a hybrid DNN classifier for the intrusion detection problem. As the simulation results show, the proposed HHO-QRLRS approach significantly outperformed the basic HHO and other advanced approaches for the given problem. The proposed research has two significant contributions. First, the basic HHO metaheuristics was upgraded in a way that specifically addresses the known downsides of the algorithm. Second, the devised HHO-QRLRS method was used to hybridize the DNN that deals with intrusion detection, with promising results. The future work in this domain is to proceed with experiments with the devised HHO-QRLRS and apply it to different problems, including cloud computing, sensor and ad hoc networks, and convolutional neural networks. The second part of the future work will also include improving other swarm intelligence algorithms and testing them on the intrusion detection problem.

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Random Forest Classification and Regression Models for Literacy Data Mayur Pandya and Jayaraman Valadi

1 Introduction As of 2019, 26.62% of the total Indian population was in the age band 0–14 and 67% belonged to the age band of 15–64. For India to sustain good economic growth as well as increase its human capital, education is one of the determining factors which will play an important role. The process of teaching, learning, and training of human capital in schools and colleges can be summarized as the primary goal of the education system in India. In this study we analyzed data provided by the Ministry of Human Resources Development(MHRD), India [1] to develop models to estimate male, female and Overall literacy rates. Further, We employed proper thresholding to convert these data to build both single and multi-label classification models.

2 Information Data and statistical analysis-based methods are on the rise. Their usage has become more and more prevalent in everyday domains that encompass us, for example, finance, health care, lifestyle and education. The Study of AI as well as using AI in the field of education is more dominant than ever before. The Indian education system has been a constant area of research. Improvement in infrastructure, teaching methods, quality as well as the structure of the entire sector are just some of the many focal points that researchers stress upon. However the changes have been slow-paced. But as the government of India brings in the new M. Pandya Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, India J. Valadi (B) Vidyashilp University, Bengaluru, India e-mail: [email protected] © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2022 M. S. Uddin et al. (eds.), Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Advances in Computational Intelligence, Algorithms for Intelligent Systems,



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National Education Policy, 2020 (NEP) some of the previous caveats of the older 1996 system are being addressed such as the inclusion of skill-based learning at an early age. At the same time, the literacy rates of India need to improve to tackle the declining employment rates and increase the human capital. Application of machine learning-based methods along with mainstream AI is now finding its way through classrooms of the schools. The quality of education imparted is thus slated for improvement. Machine learning models are used by researchers for enhancing student performances [2]. These models learn about the behavioral patterns of each subject (student) and hence can find out the weak and strong points. This in turn can be used by the same or different models to suggest ways to improve them [3].

3 Previous Work Tanushree Chandra [4] studied the literacy landscape in India between the period 1987 and 2017. Her emphasis was mainly on the gender gap in children, youth, working-age adults, and the elderly. She also recommends launching adult literacy programs linked with skill development and vocational training, offering incentives such as employment and micro-credit, and including technology such as e-learning to bolster adult education, especially for females. Ritimoni Bordoloi [5] reports that open distance learning (ODL) can be raised as an alternative for making education accessible with minimized costs. ODL can play a significant role in transforming and empowering the adult population of a country like India into productive human resources by providing need-based training and equipping them with need-based skills, which are necessary for maintaining a decent standard of living. Tarun Verma et al. [6] used the decision tree algorithm to predict the literacy rates (national and international) using the 2011 census data and building on the previous works. Saurabh Pal et al. [7] studied student performance analysis using decision trees to extract knowledge that describes student’s performance in end semester examinations. Aparna Samudra [8] using the data of the 2011 and 2007 census in India simulated the trends in Female literacy. Kavita Sheoron [9] used the 2015– 2016 census data for the formation of a structured dashboard that gives a reasonable picture of proficiency in different locales of India.

4 Data Curation: Preprocessing and Feature Engineering The paper used data shared by the Ministry of Human Resources Development (MHRD) in 2016 [1]. The raw data set consisted of 680 districts of different states of India (observations) and 819 features. Some of the features in this data are the number of government schools in the district, percentage of urban population, percentage of male literacy and female literacy, etc. Attributes such as growth rate, sex ratio, private

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and government school numbers in the district served as input variables while the target variables were male literacy rate, female literacy rate, and overall literacy rate. Using the meta-data provided, it was observed that multiple attribute entries could be summed to form a single attribute, for example, ‘Primary only private schools’, ‘Primary with upper primary private schools’, ‘Upper primary only private school’, ‘Upper primary with secondary private school’ were all combined to form a single ‘Total private schools in district’ for this instance 4 attributes were dropped and only the final summed up attribute was kept. Following this method throughout the dataset, 620 features were replaced by their respective sum aggregates (20 such ‘summed’ attributes remain and 600 are removed). Many attributes that contained ‘No response’ category were removed from data because they did not help in our analysis. Examples containing missing values were removed for simplicity. As a result, 625 observations (district entries) and 222 features (attributes) remained [10]. This new data served the purpose of raw data from this point for our analysis. Henceforth, in this paper we will refer to this data set as the curated data set. Attribute selection was carried out separately for each classification and regression task. For this, we have employed random forest Gini importance ranking [11]. Classification models (both single and multi-label) based on literacy rates as target variable enabled us to determine the factors which help in classification of districts as high literacy district or low literacy district. Also regression analysis was carried out to predict percentage of literate population in the district and also engineer some new features that can improve the prediction capabilities of both regression and classification models.

5 Random Forest Classification and Regression Algorithms 5.1 Random Forests In this work, we employed random forest classification and regression algorithms for the prediction of literacy. Originally developed by Breiman [12]. Random forest is an improvement over classical bagging. Random forest consists of an ensemble of decision trees. Random forest employs two specific randomnesses for performance. In the first randomness, the training set is constituted by distinct bootstrap sampling with a replacement for each tree. The second randomness deals with the attributes for node splitting. Only a randomly selected fixed-size subset of attributes is selected in each node of each tree for the node splitting process. The first randomness enables a reduction in variance and enhancement of generalization capabilities. The second randomness along with the optimal selection subset size chosen for splitting provides the best trade-off between information content and tree correlation. Also with bootstrap sampling with replacement every tree leaves out approximately one-third of examples for building the training model. These left-out examples are known as out of bag examples(OOB). By this, an additional performance measure of OOB error


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estimate is available along with conventional cross-validation procedures for gauging performance. The random forest algorithm is quite similar for handling regression problems. Here the output is obtained by computing the mean of prediction of each tree. Random forest has more desirable properties by which the algorithm has become very popular in different fields of science and engineering. Random forest has two feature selection methods embedded in the algorithm itself. The first one estimates the mean decrease in Gini across nodes in a tree and across the entire forest. The second method employs permuting one attribute at a time randomly and estimates mean decrease in accuracy.

5.2 Feature Ranking and Feature Selection We further trimmed the prepossessed data set by feature ranking and feature selection. For both classification and regression problems, we used the mean decrease in Gini importance embedded in the random forest algorithm itself. Mean decrease in Gini importance is a measure of an attribute’s importance, predictive power, and correlation with the output. We ran random forest with default settings and estimated the mean decrease in Gini for each of the features and thereby ranked the attributes. Subsequently, we built models with all attributes and then removed one lowest ranking attribute at a time and built models for each subset consisting of the remaining attributes and estimated the performance measure. We chose the optimal subset having the highest value of performance measure. We employed the same method for both classification and regression problems.

5.3 Models Developed and Simulations Random forests for regression were used to constitute the model for overall literacy rate regression analysis. The metric used to evaluate the model was the R2 metric. The R2 explains the degree to which input variables can explain variation in the output. Higher the R2, more the variation is explained by the input. For these models we considered both a) the entire data set and b) The optimal subset of attributes. We employed R2 as the performance measure and tuned random forest hyperparameters and selected informative subsets which maximize R2. For an unbiased estimate of performance, we further employed a five-fold cross-validation procedure. In this procedure first, the training data are divided randomly into five different folds. Subsequently, five different models are built with four-folds, with one fold reserved for testing the model. The Mean of five different test R2 values is computed as the fivefold R2. We performed tuning of the random forest hyperparameters, viz. number of trees, a subset of attributes considered for node splitting, and maximum depth of trees employing a standard grid search.

Random Forest for Literacy Data


Table 1 Mean values of all 3 literacy rates Label Female literacy rate Male literacy rate Overall literacy rate

Mean value 62 82 72

R2 = 1 − RSS =

n  (yi − f (xi ))2 i=1



(yi − y¯ )2


where n i s total number of samples, yi is value of that sample, y¯ is mean value of sample, and f (xi ) is the predicted value of the sample. We further developed three binary classification models using appropriate thresholds to group the instances into, Females literate or not literate, Males literate or not literate, Overall literate or not literate. We also found that the median values were very close to mean values. Table 1 shows the mean values of all 3 classes. Examples below the threshold were considered as illiterates (binary value - ‘0’) and examples above the threshold values were considered as literates (binary value - ‘1’). For binary classification, we used Matthews correlation coefficient (MCC) as the performance measure and tuned random forest hyperparameters and selected subsets that maximize MCC. For an unbiased estimate of performance we further employed a five-fold cross-validation procedure.

MCC = √

(T P ∗ T N − F P ∗ F N ) (T P + F P) (T P + F N ) (T N + F P) (T N + F N )

In addition to MCC, accuracy, precision, and recall were also calculated.

Accuracy =


Pr ecision =


Recall =


where, T P is number of true positive examples, T N is number of true negative examples, F P is number of false positive examples, F N is number of false negative examples. This literacy set is amenable for multi-label classification [13]. Several classification data in different fields of science and engineering can be formulated as multi-label classification problems. In multi-label classification, a given example can have more than one label. The literacy data can be treated as a two-label problem. Finally, we developed a multi-label classification Model to predict a given instance with presence or absence of one more label, viz. male literates and female literates. For instance,


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The label vector [1,0] corresponds to an example in which only females are literate. The label vector [0,1] corresponds to an example in which only males are literate. The label vector [1,1] corresponds to examples in which both females and males are literate. The label vector [0,0] corresponds to examples in which neither females nor males are literate. Multi-label problems can be handled by 1) problem transformation and 2) algorithm adaptation methods. Problem transformation methods modify data to suit already available classification algorithms like support vector machines and random forest. In this case, we used problem transformation method known as binary relevance using random forest as our base classifier to formulate our model. For hyperparameter tuning, we used the Hamming Loss (HL) as an indicator for improvement. |N | |L|

HL =

 1 X O R(yi j , z i j ) |N | ∗ |L| i=1 j=1

where yi, j is the target, z i, j is the prediction, and XOR is the ’Exclusive or’ operator that returns zero when the target and prediction are identical and one otherwise. In addition to hamming loss F1 macro was also calculated. The Macro F1-score is defined as the mean of class-wise/label-wise F1-scores. TP T P + (1/2)(F P + F N ) N 1  Macr o F1 − scor e = F1 − scor e N i=1 F1 − scor e =

where i is the class/label index and N the number of classes/labels. Regression Analysis of Female Literacy Rates Using the curated data set, we obtained the R2 value as 0.6144. We then applied Gini importance based feature selection on this data employing the methodology described in Sect. 5.2. Further tuning the parameters, the model with the top features obtained the coefficient of determination as 0.7061. The Top 10 features rank-wise were tabulated below in Table 2. Regression Analysis of Male Literacy Rates Following the same procedure, reducing the feature from 222 (curated dataset)to 22. The optimal value R2 for prediction of male literacy was obtained as 0.51862. On application of feature selection, we found the top features carried the maximum predictive power yielding a much improved R2 value of 0.6186. The Top 10 features rank-wise were tabulated below in Table 3.

Random Forest for Literacy Data


Table 2 Feature importance (female literacy rate) by decrease in Gini impurity Features Decrease in Gini impurity Total teachers in age group of 55 to 56 Percentage of rural population in district Total enrollment in schools Sex-ratio Total number of schools in the district Percentage of schools in the rural areas of district Number of Villages in the district Total number of teachers in private schools Total enrollment in government rural schools Total teachers in age group of 59 to 60

18.9974 15.915 12.6813 7.016 5.3468 4.469 4.2708 308596 3.5177 2.9009

Table 3 Feature importance (male literacy rate) by decrease in Gini impurity Features Decrease in Gini impurity Total teachers in age group of 55 to 56 Total enrollment in government rural schools Total enrollment in schools Total number of teachers in private schools Total teachers in age group of 57 to 58 Percentage of schools in the rural area of district Schools having computers Total teachers in age group of 59 to 60 Percentage of urban population in district Percentage of rural population in district

12.2113 7.5766 7.3108 5.7725 5.6375 5.4313 5.0569 4.9038 4.2905 4.0384

Regression Analysis of Overall Literacy Rates Using the curated dataset, without attribute selection our model with the curated data provided the R2 value as 0.5910. We further carried out feature elimination using the Gini importance based feature selection procedure. Finally, for overall literacy rates regression we were left with 24 features. . With the top 24 features and optimally tuned parameters achieved a much higher value of R2 as 0.7136. We illustrate the top 10 ranked features for overall literacy rates in Table 4. Classification of Districts Based on Female Literacy Rates For female literacy classification, we found the mean value of literacy rate of curated examples was approximately 62% . As mentioned in Table 1, we kept this as the threshold to divide the data into literacy and non-literacy classes. The tuned model with the entire curated data yielded a cross-validation MCC value of 0.5354 and with feature selection model gave cross-validation MCC value of 0.7501. Table 5 displays top 10 features for female literacy.


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Table 4 Feature importance (overall literacy rate) by decrease in Gini impurity Features Decrease in Gini impurity Total enrollment in schools Total number of schools in the district Percentage of rural population Growth rate Sex ratio Total teachers in age group of 55 to 56 Percentage of urban population in district Total number of regular female teachers Ratio of enrollment to population age group of 6 to 13 Total teachers in age group of 57 to 58

14.1638 11.2578 11.1104 8.1829 6.6142 5.6486 5.5041 4.3764 4.2581 3.4852

Table 5 Feature importance (Female literacy) by decrease in Gini impurity Features Decrease in Gini impurity Number of blocks in the district Number of villages in the district Population of children in the age group of 6 to 15 Total aided government schools in the district Number of clusters in the district Percentage of urban population in the district Total number of schools in the district Growth-rate Total enrollment in the private schools of the district Percentage of scheduled caste population in the district

10.5263 9.4351 9.3672 8.7684 5.9027 5.4236 5.2477 4.0313 3.7294 2.9734

Classification of Districts Based on Male Literacy Rates For male literacy classification, we found the mean value of literacy rate of curated examples around 82%, we kept this as the threshold to divide the data into literacy and non literacy classes. The tuned model with the entire curated data yielded a cross-validation MCC value of 0.5233 and with feature selection gave 0.7336 crossvalidation MCC. Table 6 displays the top 10 features for male literacy.

Random Forest for Literacy Data


Table 6 Feature importance (Male literacy) by decrease in Gini impurity Features Decrease in Gini impurity Number of villages in the district Number of blocks in the district Total aided government schools in the district Percentage of scheduled caste population in the district Population of children in the age group of 6 to 15 Number of clusters in the district Percentage of urban population in the district Total number of schools in the district Total enrollment in the private schools of the district Growth-rate

7.3005 7.2928 7.0905 6.0932 5.8287 5.4956 4.9948 4.3116 4.2606 3.7726

Table 7 Feature importance (Overall literacy) by decrease in Gini impurity Features Decrease in Gini impurity Number of blocks in the district Number of villages in the district Total number of aided government schools in the district Population of children in the age group of 6 to 15 Number of clusters in the district Percentage of urban population in the district Percentage of scheduled caste population in the district Total number of schools in the district Total enrollment in the private schools of the district Population of children in the age group of 0 to 6

9.5228 9.1134 7.623 7.4674 5.8205 5.6696 4.7153 4.5914 4.1864 3.5639

Classification of Districts Based on Overall Literacy Rates Referring to Table 1, it was concluded that the mean of overall literacy rate is around 72%, hence values greater than 72% were set to ‘1’ (high literacy district) and lower than 72% were set to ‘0’(low literacy district). Curated data was used initially and later on using feature importance the number of features was reduced. The tuned model with the entire curated data yielded a cross-validation MCC value of 0.5237 and with feature selection gave 0.7654 cross-validation MCC. Table 7 tabulates the top 10 features ranked according to decrease in Gini impurity.


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Table 8 Feature importance for multi-label (Male and Female literacy) by decrease in Gini impurity Features Decrease in Gini impurity Percentage of urban population in the district Growth-rate Total enrollment in the government rural schools of the district Number of schools established in 2001 or prior to 2001 Number of primary level schools having parents to teacher ratio above 30 Total number of single teacher schools in the district Total number of class rooms available Number of professionally qualified female teachers Total number of schools having computers Total number of teachers in age band of 59 to 60

9.2784 6.7870 6.4956 6.2344 5.2755 5.0826 4.4456 4.1518 3.5731 3.1543

Multi-label Classification Using Male and Female Literacy Rates In the binary relevance algorithm, we converted our two label problems into two binary single-label classification problems. The first binary classifier considers the examples in which only males are literate are considered as positive examples. All other examples irrespective of the presence or absence of female literacy are considered negative examples. The second binary classifier considers the examples in which only females are literate are considered as positive examples. All other examples irrespective of the presence or absence of male literacy are considered as negative examples. So two different models are built and any given test example is sent through both the models to get a final decision (0,0 or 0,1 or 1,0 or 1,1) (Table 8).

5.4 Hyper-parameter Tuning Using Grid Search Hyper-parameter tuning was performed for finding out the optimum values of depth of trees, Number of features, the minimum number of samples in leaf, minimum number of samples per split, and number of estimators. Parameter Tuning for Regression. The performance measure was chosen to be the R2 value in this case. Refer to Table 9 for the optimum parameter values for female, male and overall literacy rates respectively.

Random Forest for Literacy Data


Table 9 Tuned parameter values for all regression models Parameter Female literacy rate Male literacy rate Number of trees mtry Max depth

300 3 100

320 5 100

Table 10 Tuned parameter values for all classification models Parameter Female literacy Male literacy Number of trees mtry Max depth

280 4 80

300 4 120

Overall literacy rate 300 4 120

Overall literacy 300 5 100

Table 11 Tuned parameter values for multi-label classification model Parameter Male and Female literacy model Number of trees mtry Max depth

180 7 60

Parameter Tuning for Binary Classification The Performance measure was chosen to be MCC for classification models. Table 10 shows the optimum value of parameters observed for the 3 models. Parameter Tuning for Multi-label Classification For the multi-label dataset of male and female literacy rates, we used the hamming loss as a metric. Hamming loss calculates the loss generated in the bit string of class labels during the prediction, it does this by exclusive or (XOR) between the actual and predicted labels and then average across the dataset. Table 11 lists the value of parameters obtained while minimizing the hamming loss.

6 Results and Discussions 6.1 Results As mentioned previously, Table 12 shows the R2 values with the curated data-set and tuned parameters. It can be observed that the male literacy rate model without feature selection obtained the lowest R2 score of 0.51862. Using feature selection and parameter tuning an increase of approximately 19% in the R2 values for the male literacy rate model was observed. For female literacy rates using all the features, the


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Table 12 Regression analysis on curated dataset without feature selection Regression model R squared Female Male Overall

0.6144 0.51862 0.5910

Table 13 Regression analysis after feature selection Regression model R squared Female (19 features) Male (23 features) Overall (24 features)

0.7061 0.6186 0.7136

Table 14 Classification analysis on curated dataset Classification Accuracy MCC model Female (Model 5.3.4(a)) Male (Model 5.3.5(a)) Overall (Model 5.3.6(a))

Percent increase in R-squared 14.92516 19.2780 20.7445















R2 score of 0.6144 was the highest. But with feature selection and parameter tuning the percentage rise in R2 value was the lowest among all 3 models. Table 13 shows Optimum values of R2 along with percentage rise in value after feature selection and parameter tuning. It is clear that there is a significant rise in the R2 value for Overall literacy rates. Satisfactory percentage increase is seen in case of female rates also. Table 14 shows the performance of models using the curated data-set and tuned parameters. The 3 models achieve satisfactory accuracies but the cross-validation MCC values here are very low. Table 15 shows the results of models after feature selection and hyper-parameter tuning. The cross-validation MCC values achieved by these models show a significant rise in all 3 cases (Overall, Male, Female). Crossvalidation MCC for female literacy class registered the highest value of 0.5345 with curated data. However, after feature selection process, the cross-validation MCC value for the same binary classification problem was 0.7501. The highest rise in cross-validation MCC after parameter tuning and feature selection was recorded by The Overall literacy class with the value 0.7654 Precision, recall, and sensitivity are also mentioned for the sake of convenience. Table 16 shows the model performance for multi-label classification. The first row describes performance evaluated on the curated data-set while the second row describes the results after the feature selection process as mentioned previously. A

Random Forest for Literacy Data


Table 15 Classification analysis after feature selection Classification Accuracy MCC model Female (Model 5.3.4(b), 23 features) Male (Model 5.3.5(b), 21 features) Overall (Model 5.3.6(b), 27 features)















Table 16 Multi-label classification of male and female literacy Classification case Accuracy Hamming loss Male and female (222 0.7133 features) Male and female (34 0.8940 features)

F1 score (macro)





clear decrease in the hamming loss value from 0.3747 to 0.0826 justifies model’s performance in this case. Accuracy and F1 (macro) scores are also calculated for convenience sake.

6.2 Discussion Based on Inferences Using the model inferences from previous sections and viewing the results, it is clear that model performance for classification and regression were more favorable when fewer attributes were used than when all features from curated dataset were used. Therefore the accuracy is dependent on both characteristics of the random forest algorithm and the number of attributes. Based on the important features from all models of regression as well as classification, features can be sub-categorized into 3 different categories namely District features , Infrastructure features and Human resource dedicated for education. Table 17 describes 3 categories and all the corresponding features. Ranking features in this way provide us with better insights when it comes to improving the education quality in a particular district. Because it can provide information such as what are the feature values in districts that have higher male and female literacy rates. While some districts of Himanchal Pradesh such as Kullu, Mandi, and Solan have an average female literacy rate of 80% other districts such as Hamirpur and Bilaspur have an average of 1%. This is just one of the many example


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Table 17 Features categorization District features Percentage of urban population Percentage of rural population Sex-ratio Growth rate Total enrollment Ratio of enrollment to child population in age band of 0 to 15 Infrastructure features Total number of classrooms available Total government schools in urban areas Total government schools in rural areas Total private schools in urban areas Total private schools in rural areas Schools that were established in 2001 or prior to that Total schools with computers Human resources dedicated for education Total regular male teachers Total regular female teachers Total number of female teachers Total number of male teachers Teachers in age band of 55–56 years

cases in which using the above-mentioned features one can try to understand the sharp inequality in female literacy rates. Of course, other features such as sq kilometer area of the district might play a role in some cases but in the majority of the cases, it is clear that is not the case. Further building upon these categorizations we also managed to directly correlate the top-ranked features with the 3 literacy rates. We found out that states that have female literacy rates higher than the mean value also tend to have a higher number of female teachers in both private and government schools. Both male and female literacy rates are high in districts having high infrastructure feature values, stating the importance of basic infrastructure available to the common masses. Literacy rates are poor in districts that show lower values of both district features as well as human resources dedicated to education. This further indicates that the prevalence of the importance of education as well as its advantages to the overall development of the district needs to be taught and propagated using mass communication mediums. Ranking of features provided some interesting observations, at the same time this method increased the model performance by selecting important features from the curated dataset. The total enrollment in the district, as mentioned previously is a feature common for both regression and classification models. Total enrollment

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displays a positive correlation with some other important features such as the total number of male teachers and the total number of female teachers. Another important factor of literacy rates in male, female and overall cases is the engineered feature of the ratio of total enrolled children to total child population in the age band of (6–15). This feature shows a positive correlation with all 3 literacy rates. The feature, viz. total number of teachers both in the private schools as well as government schools explains the availability of the teachers in the district and also displays a higher correlation with total enrollment. Both the total number of teachers in private schools and total number of teachers in government schools features positively correlate with all 3 literacy rates. Incidentally, schools that have attached pre-primary sections have a higher rate of maintaining their enrollment figures as both of these figures share a positive correlation of 0.6877 with each other. Schools with attached pre-primary sections are also an important feature for the multi-label model. The factor also shares a positive correlation with all 3 literacy rates. This can indicate that the teachers who work there have more experience as they teach a wide range of subjects from preprimary to primary and secondary mediums. Schools that are running for 15 years (established in 2001 or before it) are also an important feature for the multi-label model. This feature has a strong positive correlation of 0.70 with total enrollment factor. This indicates that the school is efficiently running the curriculum and has a good administration behind it. One of the important features found in all 3 classification models is the Availability of computers as well as electricity. Both of these features have a positive correlation (0.2597) with the overall literacy of the district. Availability of such fundamental resources in school is very essential as it helps in all round development of students. The sex ratio factor is an important common factor for both regression and classification models, it is defined here as the ratio of the number of females in the district per every 100 males. An initial claim can be made that the set of top-ranking features in the individual curated data sets of female, male and overall literacy rates are different. For instance, in the case of female literacy rate factors such as Total female teachers in private schools that are professionally qualified is an important feature whereas in male literacy rates the same factor is absent as a top feature. Even though it shows a positive correlation of 0.3155 with male literacy rates. There is a positive correlation (0.5077) between the percentage of the urban population and the overall literacy rates. This indicates that higher the urban population percentage in the district, higher is the overall literacy rates. Equivalently a negative correlation is observed between the percentage of rural population of district and its overall, male and female literacy rates. Percent of rural population is an important factor in both male and female literacy rates.Coincidentally, one of the engineered features viz, total enrollment in the government rural schools of the district also has a negative correlation of -0.3152 with the overall literacy rates of the district. Percentage of scheduled tribe population in the district is one of the important factors for male literacy rates in the district, however, it has a negative correlation with overall, male and female literacy rates of the district. The importance of education for children in the scheduled caste and scheduled tribes of the society needs to have more


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penetration. Percentage enrollment of children from scheduled tribes and scheduled castes have a negative correlation with the literacy rates of the district. Some of the underlying factors such as incentives for textbooks and incentives for uniforms etc. are having negative correlations with all 3 literacy rates. this in turn suggests that such structures whilst created to encourage education of children from backward classes need to have better penetration and conversion rate. Another set of factors are the number of teachers in the private sector and government sector, which are split into two parts one being professionally qualified and other the one being not qualified. Engineering a new set of features by taking ratios of corresponding professionally qualified teachers to not qualified teachers helps in explaining the data and also shows a positive correlation with male, female and overall literacy rates. One feature that stands out in this set of features and has the highest positive correlation with all 3 literacy rates, is the total number of regular female teachers with Ratio of Teachers who undergo professional training to regular teachers who do not undergo any professional training also maintains a positive correlation with all 3 literacy rates. While this might be a good indication, teachers on a contract having qualification below secondary, secondary, higher secondary, and graduate have stronger correlation (0.5677) compared to those being postgraduates (0.2877) or having a PhD (0.1247) indicating that influx of teachers with higher qualification needs to be higher than it is presently. Parents to teacher ratio which is the ratio the total number of children (One child per 2 parents) to number of the teachers available has a negative correlation with all 3 literacy rates, one of the same features, Primary level schools having parents to teachers ratio above 30 is an important feature for the multi-label classification model. This is an indication that as the number of enrollments rise in the district, the total number of teachers available to impart education needs to increase. This claim can be further solidified as the factor, ’number of single teacher schools’ in which there is only one teacher per school also shows a negative correlation of (0.3853) with the overall literacy, (0.30877) with male literacy and (0.36811) with female literacy rates.

6.3 Conclusions In this work we have employed a robust random forest algorithm for classification and regression analysis of literacy data. We employed appropriate thresholding to convert male and literacy rates into two labels. We employed Gini Ranking embedded in the random forest algorithm itself to select the top-ranking informative subsets for both classification and regression problems. The ranked subsets provided considerable enhancement in performance. The top-ranked features further provide valuable domain information which can be used to improve literacy rates were also listed. We further used the binary relevance algorithm for multi-label literacy classification problem. This study can serve as an initial step to analyze the factors can help the Indian education system to improve the literacy rates.

Random Forest for Literacy Data


Declarations Conflict of Interest: The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest. Code Availability:

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Chapter 19

Towards Robotic Knee Arthroscopy: Spatial and Spectral Learning Model for Surgical Scene Segmentation Shahnewaz Ali and Ajay K. Pandey

1 Introduction Knee arthroscopy—a minimally invasive surgical (MIS) procedure used to treat knee joints both in a diagnostic and therapeutic manner. A typical arthroscopic procedure requires insertion of a surgical tool and camera through small incisions, the overall outcomes in minimum tissue scarring, less surgical trauma, less blood loss, and fast recovery of patients [1]. However, arthroscopy remains among complex MIS procedures which impose several challenges for the surgeons. Surgeons often multitask while performing surgery, such tasks include looking at a screen to inspect knee anatomy while moving imaging devices inside the confined knee cavity and manipulating patient’s leg using flexion and extension movements to get better visualization and tool navigation. The lack of complete visualization of different tissues inside the knee cavity presents a steep learning curve for new surgeons [2]. The complex ergonomics of the knee joint is a very confined space with a convex-concave bone structure which puts limits on the physical dimension of imaging devices. Most often imaging devices can only capture a small fraction of joint structure with 30- or 70degree field-of-view (FoV) in two-dimensional space. Therefore, lack of perception and contextual information, the indirect vision of the surgical space, and the lack of haptic feedback are the fundamental factors that make arthroscopy a challenging procedure. As a result, some unintentional tissue damage is very common in knee arthroscopy [3, 4]. Robot-assisted minimally invasive surgery (RMIS) is currently receiving high research interest which has high potential to mitigate the limitations and challenges of MIS. Precise navigations, resections, and extended dexterity are the major benefits of this platform which has high potential to mitigate limitations associated with knee S. Ali (B) · A. K. Pandey School of Electrical Engineering and Robotics, Faculty of Engineering, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, QLD 4001, Australia e-mail: [email protected] © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2022 M. S. Uddin et al. (eds.), Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Advances in Computational Intelligence, Algorithms for Intelligent Systems,



S. Ali and A. K. Pandey

Robotic ARM

Light Source

Arthroscope Camera

Robotic Arthroscopy Fig. 1 Robotic-Knee Arthroscopy. The left image shows the arthroscopic tools mounted on Kinova robotic arm, right image represents the workflow where robotic arm holds camera and light source perform tools incision and guide surgical tools inside the knee cavity

arthroscopy, therefore, there is a trend to move MIS to RMIS [5, 6]. Though in several MIS procedures such as in laparoscopy, this platform technology already has been applied, however, in arthroscopy an autonomous robotic surgical platform is still an open challenge to solve. Figure 1 shows a typical RMIS setup developed for knee arthroscopy. Our group has made significant contributions in addressing key visualization and navigation issues. Conventional monocular cameras have been replaced by a prototype version of a miniaturized stereo camera with the aim to capture surgical scenes with relatively higher FoV (110-degree) in a stereopsis manner to alleviate lack of depth perception. Towards vision-based robotic navigation and localization systems, in this study we presented a semantic segmentation model which solves three mainstream problems, namely, i) situational awareness, ii) safety, and iii) localization in the form of a 3D-segmented surgical scene (maps). Summary of our contributions in this paper as follows. I.


We propose a new architecture to segment knee arthroscopic scenes which takes the benefits of multi-scale feature propagation, attention modules, and embedded shape features of the key tissue structures. We further integrate a network that extracts shape information of key tissue structures from arthroscopic image data. Our proposed network takes spectral and spatial image data. Spectral image data is reconstructed from the RGB images.

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Though channel wise features have been addressed previously in deep network architecture, we demonstrate that reconstructed spectral images still carry out important features to ease segmentation procedure compared to RGB space in fully convolutional networks.

2 Background Study Semantic segmentation can be defined as a pixel-level classification process. Conventional computer vision algorithms use pixel-level information such as features, textures, and pixel intensity information to segment video frames [7, 8]. The development of a fully convolutional network (FCN) achieved success in segmenting medical images and others [9–13], however, surgical or endoscopic scene segmentation still remains challenging especially when it comes to addressing multi-class segmentation in a domain where intra-class variability is large but inter-class variability is relatively less [15–17]. The situation becomes more complicated when domain-specific constraints are not relaxed such as lack of dataset. As a matter of fact, in the context of surgical scene segmentation the process of creating ground truth labels is always a tedious, expensive, and prone to error task. It requires a long time of involvement of skilled domain experts. However, in many situations these labels are categorized as a weakly label data due to the level of uncertainty. Moreover, attenuated, obscure, occlusions, and frames captured at close proximity intensify the level of difficulty in training an FCN model [1, 2, 17]. Additionally, in many biomedical domains surgical or endoscopic scenes may contain few features and texture-less smooth regions. It makes the segmentation process harder to solve in the convolutional stack. Furthermore, lack of dataset, lack of robust and discriminative features and textures, and poor imaging conditions can limit the FCN model capability to generalize segmentation process to segment video frames having versatile appearances. Although FCN models have been successfully applied in laparoscopic surgery, similar success for arthroscopy has been limited due to the challenges discussed above [2]. A set of images showing the nature of surgical scene visualization challenges encountered in knee arthroscopy is depicted in Fig. 2. Optical reflectance is a fundamental property of materials, which describes spectral distribution of photon energy after light-matter interactions. The characteristics of surface reflectance depend on the composition of the material. In the context of surgical scenes, the composition of material stands for its biological arrangement and variations within it. Therefore, surface reflectance offers another dimension of information for semantic segmentation to tackle feature and textures-less regions of arthroscopic video frames. Furthermore, it can be pivotal information to capture the versatile appearances of tissue structures if imaging conditions are maintained. In arthroscopy, the key tissue structures are the femur, tibia, Anterior Cruciate Ligaments (ACL), and meniscus. These tissue types show different spectral responses from others as is shown in Fig. 3. Among them, structure-type femur and tibia are


S. Ali and A. K. Pandey

Fig. 2 Representation of the surgical scenes. The video frame in column (a) is contaminated by noise and different color temperatures due to illumination. The video frame in column (b) represents motion blur, noise, and different color temperatures. The video frame in column (c) represents degenerated tissue structure but excessive lighting conditions overexposed and washed out the frame’s features

(a). Bone

(b). ACL (c).Bone


Fig. 3 Surface reflectance of tissue type bone and ACL. It has been seen that the reflectances are not identical. (a)–(b) represent the spectral responses of bone-cartilage and tissue type ACL. As the figure depicts, they are substantially different. (c)–(d) represents the spectral intensity images in 12 bands

19 Towards Robotic Knee Arthroscopy …


bones that are covered by the tissue type cartilage. Therefore, in the spectral domain (reflectance) the femur and tibia stay in the same tissue class- bone or cartilage. Poor imaging condition is one of the major artifacts which limits the vision tasks [1, 2, 17]. Several attenuation factors such as illumination, blur, noise, debris, shadow, and haze degrade image quality. Although noise, blur, and hazing effects can be corrected using image enhancement methods [29], they can have little effect in the spectral domain. Additionally, illumination strongly affects the surgical scene and often the surgical scene gets saturated. Saturated pixel does not contain any spectral information. Therefore, spectral responses strongly rely on imaging quality and this limitation has been observed in our previous work [1]. In this context, spatial information in RGB space has some advantages with respect to the spectral domain. Hence, in this work, we combined both modalities of image data.

3 Methods 3.1 Spectral Image Reconstruction Reconstruction of reflectance from red, green, and blue (RGB) filters responses has been well studied in computer graphics. [18, 19] proposed a method based on least square estimation from RGB pixel. There are several advancements achieved so far, and it has been proved that the data-driven approach provides better results compared to numerical fitting [20, 21]. However, in this section, we briefly introduce the hypothesis behind the reconstruction method. If Pi (x, y) is the i-th pixel response of a digital camera and the value of Pi (x, y) is the color pixel value in RGB space where RGB stands for the three-color filters, namely red, green and blue in digital imaging system then the response of each color filter is defined by the camera response function as follows [1]; PiR,G,B (x, y) = ∫ tR,G,B (λ) E(λ) S(λ) r(x, y : λ)dλ


Where, tR,G,B (λ) is the permeability of color filters, PiR,G,B (x, y) is the color response of ith pixel in RGB space, E(λ) is the spectrum of the illuminant, S(λ) is the sensitivity of the camera and r (x, y : λ) is the reflectance spectrum in spatial domain. The vector representation of the Eq. (1) is P = Fr


Here, P is the spatial response in RGB space, F represents the transformation matrix and r is the reflectance. If the transformation matrix is estimated, then surface reflectance can be obtained from the RGB pixel value. To achieve that wiener method derived a linear relation though the error minimization of the reconstructed reflectance using least square method as follows;


S. Ali and A. K. Pandey

e = |r − r_est |


H. Otsu et al. in their research used tristimulus colors (in CIE XYZ and sRGB space) and confirmed that their proposed method can reconstruct spectra within three basis functions with minimum reconstruction error which makes the above equation as follows [21], s=

3 j=1



In this work we adopt H. Otsu method to reconstruct spectral images [21]. The CIE XYZ color values and the corresponding spectra are collected from the spectrometer under same white illuminant. From the RGB image data the spectral responses from 380 to 730 nm wavelength are calculated.

3.2 Dataset The dataset used in this article is obtained from a stereo camera which is developed in our lab. The details of the camera model can be found in [16, 17]. The arthroscopic sequences are recorded at the Medical and Engineering Research Facility (MERF). The arthroscopic video sequences are recorded from four human cadaver samples, among them three were male donors and one was female donors. To follow the exact clinical flow, the incisions for tools were made at the bottom left and right soft spot below the patella tendon. The dataset contains strong data inconsistency due to tissue degeneration. There are two video arthroscopic video sequences containing highly degenerated cartilage and meniscus tissue.

3.3 Model Our proposed architecture is based on U-Net [22]—a deep learning model to segment medical images which follows the encoder-decoder architecture. On our knee arthroscopic dataset, the modified skip connections between the encoder-decoder layers proposed in U-Net++ achieved higher accuracy in segmenting tissue structure compared to U-Net model [23]. The skip connections proposed in U-Net++ architecture allow multi-scale feature propagations between the encoder and decoder. Which indicates that the long-term dependency is not efficiently maintained. Moreover, the result has little improvement and the overall segmentation accuracy is still limited which is concluded in literature as limitations of the imaging quality. In this work, we proposed a multi-scale densely connected FCN network on top of U-Net with residual learning strategy and attention mechanism. Residual connection is established at each end of the convolution block in U-Net architecture to propagate

19 Towards Robotic Knee Arthroscopy …


identity information which is lost during the downsample stage in each layer. The residual connection is as follows [24]; X l+1 = σ (X l + F(X l , Wl ))


where F(.) known as a residual function, X l is the input feature map from the previous layer and X l+1 is the output feature map of the current layer. In FCN networks, stacked convolutions are used to capture long-range dependency between pixel to semantic map, however, the stacked convolutional layer under local neighborhood seems inefficient [26, 27]. In the context of the surgical scene, the lack of robust and discriminative features, as well as texture-less region, can make the process more ineffective for mapping. Fusion of multi-scale feature maps from the encoder to decoder layer in U-Net architecture can strengthen the information propagation, therefore, make effective pixel to semantic mapping which is proved as an efficient way to address long- and short-term dependency in an FCN network [26–28]. In our architecture, we implemented densely connected layers where each decoder layer receives feature maps from all previously connected encoder blocks. Attention block is a way to provide a high score to the important feature while suppressing less important features. Our network uses both spatial and spectral information therefore, in the proposed architecture we followed the spatial-channel-wise attention mechanism. The spatial attention mechanism provides a score to the spatial feature map in each channel band which is obtained from the following equation [27]; X C x H x W = Conv(X iC x H x W ) HxW HxW X 1x , X 1x = Pool(X C x H x W ) Avg Max HxW HxW Fscor e = Mul(X iC x H x W , Sigma (Conv(Cat(X 1x , X 1x )))) Avg Max


Here, X iC x H x W is the input feature map, Conv is the convolution operation. Pool perform two way of pooling operation, namely maximum pooling and average pooling to capture salient features in a feature map. Both feature maps are then concatenated expressed with Cat and the final score of each feature map is calculated using sigmoid activation function expressed in Sigma. The attention scores are then multiplied to get scored features in a feature map. Similarly, the channel attention map provides a score in channel-dependent features. Channel-specific features can be thought of as spectral band-specific features as the input of the network has 36 spectral channels and 3 color filter channels. Similarly, the channel attention map is constructed as [27]; X C x H x W = Cov(X iC x H x W )


S. Ali and A. K. Pandey x1x1 x1x1 X CAvg , X CMax = Pool(X C x H x W ) x1x1 x1x1 x1x1 x1x1 FDC Avg , FDCMax = Dense(X CAvg , X CMax )

 x1x1 C x1x1  FCCHx1x1 = Sigma(Add FDC Avg , FD Max ) C x1x1 FCCHx1x1 , X iC x H x W ) _scor e = Mul(FC H


Where, Mul(.) represents multiplication, Add(.) represents an addition, and Dense represents a fully connected block. Two global pooling operations—global average pooling and global maximum pooling are performed in this layer to extract spatial global information. Two shared fully connected is used to attain further secondary channel attention map. The score is obtained from the sigmoid function and the weighted feature map is obtained after performing multiplication operation between the feature map and score map. Both channel and spatial attention maps are then added to obtain the final weighted feature map of each layer input. Shape extractor is the minimum implementation of FCN network used as an embedded network within our main segmentation. The shape extractor extracts the shape of key tissue structures as a binary mask. The aim of this network is to propagate shape-aware feature learning, due to the shape of tissue structure carrying out important information of tissue type, for instance, bone shapes are usually concave-convex rounded shapes. In our implementation, we separately trained our shape extractor with binary cross-entropy loss function and in the segmentation network training phase we used pre-trained network weights. Each network is trained with the Adam optimizer at a learning rate of 0.001. The summation of the categorical cross-entropy (CE) and Dice Coefficient loss function is used as the total loss function to train the segmentation network (Fig. 4). During the training, we used to select joint structures from the video sequences of two cadaver experiments (experiments 1 and 4). And the model was tested on other video sequences of two cadaver experiments (experiment 2 and 3). Moreover, the test dataset contains degenerated femur cartilage, meniscus, and ACL tissue. Hence, we used 100 video frames from 1426 video frames and the selection was based on the inconsistency of the dataset. In clinical practice as well as during the cadaver experiments surgeons lose their confidence and recourse the arthroscopy procedure from landmark position which tissue type femur. This workflow creates highly imbalanced data. To tackle data imbalances, several data augmentation policies can be applied. In our context, we found that rotation and scale shift augmentation policy improve segmentation accuracy. Our philosophy was to train the network with and high-quality images and test with the relatively poor dataset.

19 Towards Robotic Knee Arthroscopy …


Fig. 4 The deep learning model for arthroscopic scene segmentation. (a) represents a block diagram of the complete network. The network takes an image and reconstructs multi-spectral images. Shape extractor network also presented which extracts the shape of key tissue structures. In (b), the Segmentation network block is presented


S. Ali and A. K. Pandey

4 Results Figure 6 represents the segmented maps obtained from our method. Analytical information reveals that the bone cartilage (tissue type femur and tibia) received the highest segmentation accuracy among the others. The spectral response of cartilage has a larger difference than others; hence it received the highest accuracy. Moreover, the spectral-based approach only can segment the femur and tibia into one class because both bones are covered by it where spatial features and the shape further helps to classify this segmented map into tibia and femur. The achieved segmentation accuracy for bone is >91%. In previously implemented segmentation models, the average accuracy (dice coefficients) for femur, tibia, ACL, and meniscus are 0.78, 0.50, 0.41, 0.43 using the U-net and 0.79, 0.50, 0.51, 0.48 using the U-net++ [2], whereas our score are 0.9145, 0.71, 0.389, 0.617 for femur, tibia, ACL, and meniscus, respectively (Fig. 5 and Table 1). The proposed model achieved relatively higher accuracy to segment tissue type femur and tibia. Relatively less accuracy received to the tissue type ACL and meniscus because of tissue degenerations, variation in their structural representation, and appearances. Moreover, tissue type ACL and meniscus were highly affected by pixel saturation. Due to saturated pixels exhibiting less structural, spatial, and spectral information, the model achieved less segmentation accuracy. From the lack of visual and spectral information, segmenting an unseen anatomical structure is still an open challenge for the segmentation model. During the network modification, the model achieved higher accuracy deliberately compare to variants of U-Net. For instance, residual U-net [30] with attention gates, the validation accuracy was 0.7510 whereas our proposed model achieved 0.7724.

Fig. 5 The figure represents the segmentation accuracy obtained from our model. The graph shows that the model achieved higher average accuracy when compared to the method proposed in [2]

19 Towards Robotic Knee Arthroscopy …


Fig. 6 The figure represents the segmentation maps predicted from the trained model. In the third-row image, prediction of the tissue type ACL was relatively poor due to in the test dataset all the input images of ACL are oversaturated, degenerated, and almost no pixel-level information exists. Moreover, the saturated pixel does not convey spectral information. Hence, we received poor performance in ACL segmentation

Table 1 Segmentation result Dataset




















5 Conclusion We have shown that combining the spectral signature of different tissues present in the knee cavity with the structural information available in RGB images can be a promising approach to achieve full-scale semantic segmentation of surgical scenes. The robustness of our approach provides a high level of accuracy in segmenting tissue surfaces that otherwise appear texture-less. A close look at the segmentation output of the proposed network reveals overall better accuracy than manually contoured ground truth segments. The fact that this has been achieved with the dataset that mostly contains video frames obtained from a low-resolution miniature camera further builds confidence in the richness of optical reflectance data for RMIS and endoscopic image segmentation. This in conjunction with the shape extracting feature of our network provides sharp contours between different tissues that are difficult to visualize with the naked eye.


S. Ali and A. K. Pandey

Acknowledgements This work is supported by the Australia-India Strategic Research Fund (Grant AISRF53820), the Medical Engineering Research Facility at QUT, and QUT’s Centre for Robotics. We acknowledge Dr. Yu Takeda, Dr. Fumio Sasazawa for the ground truth segmentation data used in this study.

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Chapter 20

Opposition-Based Arithmetic Optimization Algorithm with Varying Acceleration Coefficient for Function Optimization and Control of FES System Davut Izci , Serdar Ekinci , Erdal Eker , and Laith Abualigah

1 Introduction In recent decades, there has been a significant amount of research effort towards the development and applications of optimization algorithms as they provide significantly greater efficiency to applications in different research fields [1–3]. In that sense, metaheuristic algorithms have dominated the related research since they have been proved to be able to achieve far better solutions. As part of this effort, the arithmetic optimization algorithm (AOA) has been developed as one of the most recent and also competitive metaheuristic algorithms that has been developed for optimization problems [4]. This algorithm wisely models the arithmetic operators (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) in order to solve the optimization problems. Despite its demonstrated competitiveness, AOA may not perform well in terms of reaching efficient solutions for all available optimization problems [5]. The latter occurs due to stochastic nature and results the unbalanced exploration and exploitation stages. In this work, the capability of the original form of AOA was attempted to be further enhanced by using an opposition-based learning (OBL) [6] mechanism. However, instead of the original form of OBL, a novel modified version of it (mOBL) was employed in this study in order to achieve better enhancement for AOA.

D. Izci (B) Department of Electronics and Automation, Batman University, Batman, Turkey e-mail: [email protected] S. Ekinci Department of Computer Engineering, Batman University, Batman, Turkey E. Eker Vocational School of Social Sciences, Mus Alparslan University, Mus, Turkey L. Abualigah Faculty of Computer Sciences and Informatics, Amman Arab University, Amman, Jordan © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2022 M. S. Uddin et al. (eds.), Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Advances in Computational Intelligence, Algorithms for Intelligent Systems,



D. Izci et al.

The proposed mOBL based AOA (mAOA) algorithm’s performance was firstly assessed against classical benchmark functions by statistically comparing it with the original form of AOA. The obtained results from those benchmark functions demonstrated the better optimizing performance of the proposed mAOA algorithm. To further demonstrate the optimization ability of the proposed mAOA algorithm, a biomedical system known as functional electrical stimulation (FES) [7] was adopted as a real-world engineering challenge. The FES is a method that is used to restore the movement of the paralyzed limbs [8] and requires a controller for appropriate functioning. For the latter purpose, a proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller was employed in this study due to ease of implementation. The performance of mAOA for optimizing the PID controlled FES system was compared with both the original AOA based and the classical Ziegler-Nichols based PID. The mAOA based PID controlled FES system has been shown to have better transient responses compared to similar systems tuned by the classical Ziegler-Nichols method and original AOA algorithm.

2 The Arithmetic Optimization Algorithm The arithmetic optimization algorithm is one of the latest population-based metaheuristic algorithms and uses basic addition, subtraction, multiplication and division operators to determine the best solution from candidate solutions [4]. A set of random solutions (xi, j ) are generated in the initialization. Then, a function called Math Optimizer Accelerated (M O A) is adopted for selection of the exploration or exploitation search phases. The explorative process is performed for r1 > M O A. In here r1 stands for a random number. To perform exploration, the arithmetic operators of multiplication (M) or division (D) are used which are mathematically modeled as follows:  xi, j (tc + 1) =

     best x j × M O P × U B j − L B j × μ + L B j , f or r2 > 0.5      best x j ÷ (M O P + ) × U B j − L B j × μ + L B j , f or r2 < 0.5

(1) where i th solution in the next iteration is denoted by xi(tc + 1) and its j th position in current iteration is represented by xi, j (tc ). The best x j represents the best solution’s j th position obtained so far. Besides, μ is a control parameter for search process adjustment whereas  stands for a small integer number whereas. U B j and L B j respectively represent the upper and lower bounds of the j th position. The M O P function represents the Math Optimizer probability. A random number (r2 ) is used to decide about the execution of M or D which are used for exploration. As can be seen from the above equation, the M operator performs for r2 > 0.5. Until the completion of the latter task, the D operator is neglected. The execution occurs vice versa for r2 < 0.5.

20 Opposition-Based Arithmetic Optimization Algorithm …


For exploitation, addition (A) and subtraction (S) operators are used. This phase is performed for r1 < M O A. The following equation models the exploitation phase. The operators of A and S are executed based on the value of r3 which is another random number. The A operator is executed for r3 > 0.5 and the operator of S is neglected until the task is finished whereas for r3 < 0.5 vice versa occurs.  xi, j (tc + 1) =

     best x j  + M O P × U B j − L B j  × μ + L B j , f or r3 > 0.5 best x j − M O P × U B j − L B j × μ + L B j , f or r3 < 0.5 (2)

3 Modified Arithmetic Optimization Algorithm In terms of enhancing the metaheuristic algorithms, the opposition-based learning (OBL) [6] has so far been shown to be a capable strategy as it provides a good opportunity to avoid stagnation amongst candidate solutions [9]. To explain the OBL in brief, let X be a real number within [lb, ub]. The opposite (X ) number can then be calculated as: X = ub + lb − X


For D-dimensional search space, it can be defined as follows where X i ∈ [ubi , lbi ] and i ∈ 1, 2, . . . , D: X i = ubi + lbi − X i


Different versions of OBL mechanism such as generalized OBL [10], quasiOBL [11], modified OBL [12], selective OBL [13], orthogonal OBL [14] and neighborhood OBL [15] have so far been proposed to enhance the metaheuristic algorithms. The modified opposite solutions are simultaneously calculated by the modified OBL proposed in this study using the following form: X i = r1 · ubi + r2 · lbi − r3 · X i


where r1 , r2 and r3 are randomly generated three different numbers within [0, 1]. Once calculated, the best N solutions are chosen from the union set of X and X solutions. Unlike the previously listed versions of OBL, the proposed mAOA algorithm wisely allows the operation of original AOA and mOBL based on a probability coefficient (Pm O B L ) which is calculated as follows:


D. Izci et al.

Fig. 1 The proposed mAOA algorithm’s flowchart

Pm O B L = vmax − tc

vmax − vmin tmax


where tc stands for the current iteration whereas tmax is the maximum iteration number. In this study, vmax and vmin were set to 1 and 0.01, respectively. As can

20 Opposition-Based Arithmetic Optimization Algorithm …


be seen, the probability coefficient is updated in each iteration and linearly decreases with respect to iteration numbers. In each iteration, this coefficient is compared with a random number (rand) and mOBL strategy is activated for Pm O B L > rand, otherwise, only AOA operates. In this way, the Pm O B L coefficient provides the balance for explorative and exploitative stages. Figure 1 shows the operation of the proposed mAOA algorithm in detail.

4 Performance Evaluation Against Benchmark Functions 4.1 Details of the Employed Benchmark Functions The mAOA algorithm’s performance was initially tested with the benchmark functions listed in Table 1. The details (name, equation, range and optimum) of those benchmark functions are also listed in the respective table. Besides, the dimension size (D) for all test functions was taken to be 30 and 100 in order to demonstrate the performance of the mAOA algorithm for lower and higher dimensional problems.

4.2 Experimental Results and Discussion The comparative statistical results of the benchmark functions achieved by both algorithms are listed in Table 2. Those numerical results were obtained by running the algorithms for 30 times and adopting a population size of 50 along with a maximum iteration number of 1000. Besides, the control parameters of AOA were set to be 1 for Max, 0.2 for Min, 5 for α and 0.499 for μ. As can be observed from the table, the proposed mAOA algorithm provides far better results in terms of finding the best optimal solutions. Table 1 Details of employed benchmark functions Function name Equation of test function Range   D−1  2  100 xi+1 − xi2 + (xi − 1)2 [−30, 30] Rosenbrock F1 (x) =

Optimum 0



F2 (x) =


(xi + 0.5)2

[−100, 100] 0



F3 (x) = −


√  xi sin |xi |

[−500, 500] −418.9829 × D



F4 (x) =

1 4000

D  i=1

xi2 −

D i=1


xi √ i


[−600, 600] 0


D. Izci et al.

Table 2 Statistical result of AOA and proposed mAOA for different dimensions Function Statistical metric F1 (x)

F2 (x)

F3 (x)

F4 (x)

D = 30

D = 100














































−6.1968E+03 −1.2558E+04




−6.9854E+03 −1.2569E+04

−1.3393E+04 −4.1898E+04


−5.1236E+03 −1.2529E+04

−9.6804E+03 −4.1490E+04






















−1.1408E+04 −4.1808E+04 8.1413E+02


5 Performance Evaluation on Biomedical System 5.1 Modeling of Functional Electrical Stimulation The block diagram given Fig. 2 (a) shows a functional electrical stimulation (FES) system and Fig. 2 (b) provides the Hill model which is used to describe the muscle’s behavior as a mechanical system [16]. As can be seen from the diagram, the application of the electrical stimulation consists of a feedback-loop control. In the respective figure, xr e f (t), f mt (t), x(t) and e(t) stands for desired length of the muscle, tension, the actual length of the muscle and the error, respectively. Besides, ks is the spring constant and (generates a force f s ), c is the damping constant (develops a force f c ) and f f is the friction force. Using the model given in Fig. 2, the open-loop transfer function of the FES system can be obtained as follows [16]. G(s) =

1 X (s) = Fmt (s) ms 2 + (c + μmg)s + ks


It is also worth noting that the strain gauge is used as sensor which introduces a time delay. Therefore, in this study, the first order Pade approximation was used to obtain the following form for the sensor.

20 Opposition-Based Arithmetic Optimization Algorithm …


Fig. 2 System control for FES a and Hill’s muscle model b

2 − Ts H (s) = e−T s ∼ = 2 + Ts


5.2 PID Controlled System and Application of mAOA The transfer function of a PID controller is given as follows [17]. C(s) = K p +

Ki + Kd s s


In the latter definition, K p , K i and K d respectively stand for proportional, integral, and derivative gains. The limits for the parameters of the PID controller were chosen to be 0 ≤ K p , K i , K d ≤ 200. The following objective function (Fobj ) was used to achieve the optimum performance. Fobj = δ

% OS + (1 − δ)Ts 100


In the equation given above, δ is the balancing coefficient between percent overshoot (%O S) and settling time (Ts ). The best value for δ was found to be 0.95. Including the PID controller into FES system would yield the following closed-loop transfer function. T (s) =

C(s)G(s) X (s) = X r e f (s) 1 + C(s)G(s)H (s)


D. Izci et al.

Table 3 Adopted system parameters



Unit (SI)






N /m



N − s/m



m/s 2






Fig. 3 mAOA based PID controller tuning strategy

 K d s 2 + K p s + K i (2 + T s)   = 2 ms + (c + μmg)s + ks (2 + T s)s + K d s 2 + K p s + K i (2 − T s) (11) 

Table 3 lists the system related values adopted in the equation given above and Fig. 3 illustrates the implementation of the proposed mAOA algorithm to PID controlled FES system.

5.3 Simulation Results and Discussions The detailed optimization process for minimization of Fobj objective function is provided in Fig. 3. For the optimization process, a population of 50 with 40 iterations

20 Opposition-Based Arithmetic Optimization Algorithm …


Fig. 4 Step response of the feedback system with PID controller tuned by various approaches

were used for AOA and mAOA algorithms. Then, both algorithms performed 30 runs. The controller parameters that were obtained by the best runs of the algorithms are listed in Table 4. The numerical values provided in Tables 3 and 4 can be substituted into Eq. (11) to obtain the closed loop transfer functions given in the following equations for both original AOA and the proposed mAOA algorithms. T AO A (s) = Tm AO A (s) =

50.49s 3 + 205.1s 2 + 186s + 34.63 70s 4 + 221s 3 + 301.6s 2 + 201.7s + 34.63 64.26s 3 + 246.7s 2 + 192.5s + 34.6 + 207.2s 3 + 338.6s 2 + 208.3s + 34.6

70s 4



Besides, the controller parameters obtained by the classical tuning method (first method of Ziegler-Nichols) are also listed in Table 4 and the corresponding closed loop transfer function is given as follows. TZ N (s) =

Table 4 Obtained PID parameters tuned by Ziegler-Nichols, AOA and mAOA methods

46.68s 3 + 205.2s 2 + 232.8s + 78.92 70s 4 + 224.8s 3 + 279.8s 2 + 217.6s + 78.92



Ziegler–Nichols method

AOA method

mAOA method














D. Izci et al.

Table 5 Transient response analysis results when a unit step input is applied Transient response specification Peak Maximum overshoot (%) Rise time (sec) Settling time (sec) Peak time (sec)

Ziegler–Nichols tuning method

AOA tuning method

mAOA tuning method
















The comparative step response of the feedback system with PID controller tuned by Ziegler-Nichols, AOA and mAOA methods are illustrated in Fig. 4. As can be seen the proposed mAOA algorithm helps achieving better response. Besides, the comparative numerical results of methods listed above are also listed in Table 5. The latter numerical values further verify the better ability of the proposed mAOA algorithm for a PID controlled FES system as clearly the faster response with less overshoot and settling time is achieved by the proposed method.

6 Conclusion This paper describes the development of a novel mAOA algorithm which integrates the mOBL scheme with the original AOA. A good balance between explorative and exploitative stages has been achieved in this way. The comparative evaluation on four well-known benchmark functions have demonstrated better capability of the proposed mAOA algorithm. Further assessment of the mAOA has been performed by designing a PID controlled FES system as a real-world biomedical optimization problem. A comparative transient response analysis has been performed using the original AOA and the classical Ziegler-Nichols based PID controlled FES systems. The latter analysis has shown better capability of the proposed mAOA for such a real-world biomedical system. The proposed method has the advantage of providing good results for potential future works related to different biomedical systems, as well.

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Chapter 21

Robot Path Planning Using β Hill Climbing Grey Wolf Optimizer Saniya Bahuguna and Ashok Pal

1 Introduction Robotics is a field that combines science, engineering, and technology to create devices known as robots. In other words, the robotics area generates programmable devices that aid humans or replicate human activities. Initially, robots were created to do routine tasks (like as building automobiles on a production line), therefore their employment was restricted to the industrial industry. They have now been expanded to include tasks such as firefighting, tidying houses, and assisting with exceptionally difficult procedures. It is also now widely employed in a variety of domains, including entertainment, medical, mining, rescuing, education, defense, aerospace, agribusiness, and many more. Every robot seems to have a distinct level of mobility, spanning from completely unsupervised robots that perform tasks without any outer impacts to human-controlled bots that execute tasks under the direct supervision of a supervisor. As technology advances so does the spectrum of robotics. Robotics has evolved to include the creation, building, and implementation of botnets that investigate Earth’s toughest conditions, robots that serve law enforcement, and sometimes even robots that support in virtually every area of healthcare. The robot is integrated with several smart types of equipment that are essential to design the environment and locate its location, regulate motion, identify impediments, and avoid obstacles using navigational approaches while executing the task of navigation. In robot navigation, a mobile robot travels from the source station to the target destination without the assistance of humans, avoiding collisions with objects and determining the best path via iterations. Path planning is the most critical function of any navigational technology and is one of the most significant research problems in robotics. It is a basic building block for robotic systems that allows them to find the shortest or optimal path between two points. The most fundamental role of any navigational S. Bahuguna (B) · A. Pal Chandigarh University, Mohali, Punjab, India e-mail: [email protected] © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2022 M. S. Uddin et al. (eds.), Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Advances in Computational Intelligence, Algorithms for Intelligent Systems,



S. Bahuguna and A. Pal

approach is to design a safe course from the beginning place to the goal position (by recognizing and avoiding obstacles). As a result, while operating in a simple or complicated environment, the right alternative for the navigational strategy is by far the most critical phase in the course plan of a robot. And proposing path planning solves several difficulties in a variety of industries. Path planning or robot navigation can be done in static as well as dynamic environments. The position of the impediment (if any) is fixed in a static environment and does not vary over time. In a dynamic environment, however, the position of the obstacle varies over time. There are two types of path planning: global path planning and local path planning. Global path planning occurs when the robot has prior knowledge of the surroundings. It’s done before the robot starts moving in offline mode. If the robot has no prior knowledge of the environment, it must detect the existence of obstacles and make a choice on how to travel towards the target station while avoiding collisions. This is known as local path planning and is done in online mode. Figure 1 depicts the fundamental processes involved in the robot’s functioning. Global navigation and local navigation are two types of navigation strategies that rely on past knowledge of the surroundings for path planning. Global navigation strategy deals with a completely known environment and path planning method for a given environment is based on traditional techniques such as the Cell Decomposition (CD) Approach, the Roadmap Approach (RA), and the Artificial Potential Field (APF). These are classic algorithms with limited intellect. Local navigational techniques are referred to as reactive approaches since they are cleverer and more capable of independently controlling and executing a plan. As a result, the numerous methods used for mobile robot navigation may be divided into two categories: classical and reactive approaches. As a result, the numerous methods used for mobile robot navigation may be divided into two categories: classical and reactive approaches. Since

Fig. 1 Flow diagram for mobile robot navigation

21 Robot Path Planning Using β Hill Climbing Grey Wolf Optimizer


artificially intelligent approaches had not yet been developed, traditional methodologies were initially highly popular for handling robot navigational issues. While using traditional methods to complete a task, it has been observed that either a solution is created or the absence of a result is established. This strategy’s primary shortcoming is its high processing cost and inability to react to unpredictability in the environment; as a result, it is not suggested for real-time use. Reactive approaches, on the other hand, have become the most preferred tool for mobile robot navigation, surpassing traditional approaches. These include genetic algorithms, fuzzy logic, neural networks, particle swarm optimization, ant colony optimization, artificial bee colony, grey wolf optimizer, and other algorithms. They have a lot of potential for dealing with the uncertainty in their environment. As a hybrid algorithm, the reactive techniques are also employed to increase the efficacy of the classical approaches. As a result, reactive techniques are increasingly popular and frequently employed for mobile robot route planning.

2 Literature Review A robot is a system of different modules and entities which interact with each other. Path-planning is a fundamental foundation for robotic systems that enables it to identify the shortest or somehow the best path between two places. Mobile robots are currently widely utilized in a number of industries, including medical and surgical uses, agriculture, climate checking, military applications, personal assistance, ocean and space exploration and various others where the interest has increased over time and is being explored and discussed [1]. These are machines that have the capacity to maneuver through various environments [2]. As a result, path planning in mobile robotics system is a crucial part of mobile robot study. Therefore, primary focus of path planning is to devise a strategy that is free of collisions from source to destination across an environment with obstacles [3]. And thus, while operating in a simple or complicated environment; the right selection of the navigational strategy is the most critical phase in the course planning of a robot. The job of path planning for mobile robots is usually regarded as one of the most difficult in the area of mobile robotics, and it is classified as an NP-complete problem in the most basic variant [4, 5] and an NP-hard problem with an existence of many hurdles [6]. Algorithms that address path planning problems can be labeled into two kinds which are global approach also known as off line planning and local approach also described as on-line planning. In the global approach, the environment in which the robot will traverse is thoroughly understood ahead of time, whereas in the local approach, no comprehensive environment information is known in advance [7]. Cell decomposition, Road map approach and Artificial potential field approach are the traditional path planning strategies. The classical methodologies previously stated were shown to be successful and effective in solving the problem by giving plausible collision-free solutions. These techniques, however, have a number of limitations. When coping with challenging issues of large-scale and complex ecosystems,


S. Bahuguna and A. Pal

traditional methodologies take a long time to solve since they create computationally costly solutions [7, 8]. Another disadvantage of these traditional techniques is that they may become stuck in local optimal solutions rather than global optimal solutions, especially when working with vast environments with a high range of answers [9]. Due to the extreme shortcomings of the previously described traditional methodologies, probabilistic methods were introduced to handle the path planning problem. A few of the metaheuristic algorithms employed in the solution of this problem are Simulated Annealing [10, 11] (SA), Ant Colony Optimization [12] (ACO), Particle swarm optimization [13] (PSO) and their hybrids with other metaheuristics to improve the generated solutions. Over traditional methodologies, they have been acknowledged as the most common tool for mobile robot navigation as they have a high capacity to deal with unpredictability in the environment and are less computationally costly than other conventional techniques [14, 15]. A hybrid of beta hill climbing [16] and grey wolf optimizer algorithm known as Beta Hill Climbing Grey Wolf Optimizer (β-HCGWO) [17] is suggested in this study to identify the best acceptable path from the beginning point to the goal site without encountering any obstacles. To test the efficacy of the β-HCGWO algorithm we utilized a zone with three circular obstacles of varying radius. Three coordinate points were employed between the start and goal positions while determining optimal solution of this path planning problem. These coordinate points with each iteration were modified by β-HCGWO. If the solution point was in the obstacle zone, then violation was summed up to the cost function. Grey Wolf Optimizer (GWO), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm, Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) algorithm, and Differential Evolution (DE) algorithm. The rest of the paper is sectioned into five parts. Section 2 overviews the proposed Beta Hill Climbing Grey Wolf Optimizer (β-HCGWO). The Robot Path Planning problem is introduced in Sect. 3. Section 4 represents the experimental results and lastly Sect. 5 explains the denouement drawn.

3 β Hill Climbing Grey Wolf Optimizer GWO is a newly designed swarm intelligence algorithm presented by Mirjalili et al. in 2014 [18], impacted by the social structure and aggressive behavior of Canis Lupus. There are four levels: alpha (α), beta (β), delta (δ) and omega (ω) and they are classified by falling into force [19], with the alpha wolf being the group’s controller and omega wolves being the lowest in the unit hierarchy. The following is the primary foraging procedure for grey wolves: a) b) c)

Constantly keeping an eye on, outrunning, and edging closer and closer to the target The prey is chased, barricaded, and frightened until it stops moving. Aiming to assassinate the prey.

21 Robot Path Planning Using β Hill Climbing Grey Wolf Optimizer


While structuring GWO, the social chain of command of the wolves is demonstrated numerically as follows: the best solution out of a large number of solutions is referred to as alpha (α), the next highest is referred to as beta (β), the third-best is referred to as delta (δ), and the rest of the solutions are referred to as omegas. GWO is great at exploitation but not so good at averting untimely convergence and local optimum owing to diversity loss, and search agents couldn’t probe the search space well [20]. As a result, a hybrid of GWO and β-hill-climbing algorithm (BHC) algorithm is recommended to help stabilize between the exploration and exploitation stages, with the latter being particularly good at balancing these two phases. The β-hill-climbing algorithm (BHC) is a novel and a very competent explorative local search algorithm. The method proceeds using an arbitrary solution → to a specified problem (− x = (x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 . . . .xd )) and d is the dimension of the problem. Neighborhood navigation or the N operator and β-operator are the two operators that BHC incorporates iteratively to produce new random solutions       → (− x = (x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 , . . . .xd )). The N-operator is in charge of exploitation, whereas the β-operator in the beta hill climbing algorithm allows for exploration. As a result of these two operators, the BHC algorithm is not entrapped in local minima/maxima. In this study, β-hill ascending is only utilized in the basic GWO to update the location of Ist best, IInd best and IIIrd best wolf and thus updating their fitness. A random solution is first generated around alpha and its fitness value is calculated. It is

Fig. 2 Pseudo code of β-HCGWO


S. Bahuguna and A. Pal

then compared with fitness value of alpha and if the latest solution is better than the primitive alpha’s objective value then the alpha value is replaced by the new value if not then alpha value is improved with a beta hill-climbing algorithm with probability e f /T , where  f denotes the difference seen between new and original alpha values and T is the decreasing temperature. Do this process for beta and delta values as well. A pseudo code of β-HCGWO is shown in Fig. 2.

4 Robot Path Planning The aim of robot path planning is to generate a collision-free route from one destination to another. Effective methodologies in tackling issues of this nature have a variety of applications, including automated surveillance, computer animation, robotics, and drug design. As a result, it is not astonishing that research effort in this sector has gradually increased over the previous two decades. The path planning problem for robots is an NP-hard optimization problem, and meta-heuristics algorithms are frequently used to tackle it. The key goal in solving this challenge is for the mobile robot to progress from the initial site to the target place in the lowest possible time while avoiding any impediments. It consists of the starting and ending positions, the size and shape of the obstructions, the number of obstacles, and the zone’s boundaries [21]. The path planning problem’s objective function is as follows: F = minx,y Q(1 + βV) where β signifies the violation coefficient (100), V the violation cost, and Q the total distance between the start and target points. Pseudo code of violation’s calculation: Violation ← 0 for each obstruction Calculate distance vector between the obstacle’s centre and path a ← max(1 − (distance/radiusobs ), 0) Violation ← Violation + mean(a) end for

5 Results of Experiment We utilized an example scenario from the [22] website to show the operation of the β-HCGWO algorithm for path planning issues.

21 Robot Path Planning Using β Hill Climbing Grey Wolf Optimizer


Fig. 3 Path planning problem used in this study

This example case is depicted in Fig. 3. In a 6 × 6 zone, there are three circleshaped obstacles with varying radiuses. The yellow square represents the mobile robot’s starting place, and the green star represents the target point. We solved this problem with the β-HCGWO algorithm, and its performance was compared to that of many well-known meta-heuristic methods, like Grey Wolf Optimizer (GWO), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm, Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) algorithm, and Differential Evolution (DE) algorithm. β-HCGWO and other meta-heuristic method codes were ran on a PC with an Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7200U CPU running at 2.60 GHz and 8.00 GB of RAM. The population size is 50, and the count of iterations is 1000. Figure 4 depicts the optimal path planning solution produced after a one-time run of the β-HCGWO and some other meta-heuristic algorithms with which it was compared. The variables of the meta-heuristic algorithms utilized to solve the robot path planning problem are outlined in Table 1. The cost value of β-HCGWO algorithm is found as 7.3995. During optimization, it was discovered that the β-HCGWO algorithm finds the best path with the shortest distance between the start and target sites. Furthermore, at each iteration the paths found by the best current solution contain a very minimal violation. Figure 5 shows convergence curves of β-HCGWO and it shows that its performance delivers a slightly better outcome, and it can be used as an alternate method for path planning.


S. Bahuguna and A. Pal

Fig. 4 Shows the best solutions depicted by nature inspired algorithms, a.1 DE, a.2 ABC, a.3 PSO, a.4 GWO, and a.5 β-HCGWO

21 Robot Path Planning Using β Hill Climbing Grey Wolf Optimizer Table 1 Parameters of nature inspired algorithms




Number of Wolves: 50


Number of Woles: 50


Inertia Weight: 1.0 Inertia Weight Damping Ratio: 0.99 Personal Learning Coefficient: 1.5 Global Learning Coefficient: 2.0


Number of Onlooker Bees: 50 Abandonment Limit Parameter: round(0.6*NumberOfVar*PopSize)


Lower Bound of Scaling Factor: 0.5 Upper Bound of Scaling Factor: 1.0 Crossover Probability: 0.7 Strategy: rand2bin


Fig. 5 Convergence curves of β-HCGWO for robot path planning problem

6 Conclusion This paper investigated the robot route planning problem and presented the βHCGWO method to solve it. Well-known meta-heuristic methods (like GWO, PSO, DE and ABC) were used to evaluate the algorithm’s performance in addressing the path planning problem. The comparison findings reveal that the proposed β-HCGWO algorithm outperforms other metaheuristics somewhat. It can be improved further in the future by increasing the algorithm’s efficacy.


S. Bahuguna and A. Pal

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5. 6. 7. 8.

9. 10. 11.

12. 13.



16. 17.

18. 19. 20.



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Chapter 22

Texture Feature Analysis for Inter-Frame Video Tampering Detection Shehnaz and Mandeep Kaur

1 Introduction With the advent of advanced and sophisticated processing tools, fake digital videos are proliferating in society. It poses a potential threat to the authenticity and integrity of the multimedia data. Using these tools, tampering [1] (unauthorized editing) is done in original videos to create tampered/forged videos (fake). Technically, video is just a sequence of frames (images) that are displayed at high rate to generate motion of its objects. If a tampering modifies the sequence of frames then it is termed as Inter- Frame video tampering otherwise if it changes frames as images, it is known as Intra-Frame tampering. These tampering operations can result in different types of video attacks such as Frame Deletion [2], Frame Replication (Frame Cloning/Frame Copy Move) [3], Frame Shuffling Attack, Frame Interpolation [4], Frame Mirroring Attack [5], Upscale-Crop [6], Region Duplication [7], Video Splicing [8], Replayed Video [9], Video Face Spoofing [10],Video Re-capture [11], Video Copy [12], Video Phylogeny [13], Green Screening [7], Deep Fake [14] etc. Inter-Frame Tampering includes frame deletion, frame insertion, frame shuffling, frame interpolation, frame replication, frame mirroring etc.; whereas Intra-Frame Tampering includes region duplication, video-splicing and upscale-crop. Multiple tampering operations on a video can result in complex forgery which may lead to adverse social, legal and political implications. Hence, it becomes essential to authenticate it scientifically, especially when it is presented as evidence in the court of law. The domain of video forensics provides active and passive detection approaches to identify video tampering. Active approaches are intrusive in nature that confirm tampering by recomputing and Shehnaz (B) · M. Kaur Department of Information Technology, University Institute of Engineering and Technology, Panjab University, Chandigarh, India e-mail: [email protected] M. Kaur e-mail: [email protected] © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2022 M. S. Uddin et al. (eds.), Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Advances in Computational Intelligence, Algorithms for Intelligent Systems,



Shehnaz and M. Kaur

matching of pre-embedded watermarks or digital signatures. They have some limitations such as they require additional hardware to embed watermark or signature. In contrast, passive approaches study video content to find out the traces of tampering. They study and analyze footprints left by editing operations to find forgery. It can be noise residues, change in prediction error value; motion residues, high spatial and temporal correlation between frame intensity values, inconsistencies in optical flow, abnormalities in motion vectors, the difference in the quality of frames, variation of prediction footprint (VPF), motion-compensated edge artifact (MCEA), blocking artifacts, ghost artifacts, variation in texture, etc. Most Inter-frame forgery detection approaches that exist in the literature study either pixel-level, compression, motion features of a video. If we delete, insert or rearrange some number of frames, it causes temporal disturbances in the video sequence. Such methods study the pixel-correlation between adjacent frames of video to find inconsistencies in continuity or similarity using specific features to reveal inter-frame forgery such as methods in [15, 16] analyze grey intensity values. The approach presented in [44] is based on 2D phase concurrency that has good accuracy for insertion but not for deletion. SIFT-based method in [17] can detect only frame duplication attacks in a given video. In [18], a SURF- based histogram similarity approach is applied that can detect frame insertion, deletion and duplication but before applying, it requires a video shot detection scheme and cannot identify complex forgeries. Texture feature (LBP) based method [19] identifies frame insertion and deletion but the method cannot distinguish between these two forgeries. Similarly, method in [20] studies noise inconsistencies which can detect frame duplication or mirroring attack. Motion-level inconsistencies are analyzed in optical flow-based methods [21–25] and techniques in [26, 27] study MCEA (Motion compensated edge artifacts) to detect inter-frame video tampering. Methods [28–37] study compression artifacts such as DCT coefficients, VPF, prediction error sequences of Discrete Fourier Transform, Markov feature [38], First Digit Distribution [39], DCT histogram [40] to reveal any inter-frame video tampering. These methods compute pixel-correlation to measure similarity of adjacent frames due to which their computational cost is very high [19, 43, 44]. Since a video can be of any length because of different frame rates and processing each video with considerably good length will be difficult. Due to this reason, they are impractical and limited applicable. This fact motivates to propose a practical, accurate and an efficient approach to detect inter-frame video forgeries. In this paper, a histogrambased approach is proposed to identify inter-frame video forgeries. It studies texture features (LBP) that are more reliable than motion and compression features. Motion features provide no footprints in a video where either motion is too high or no motion (static scenes). Similarly, compression features do not fulfill the same purpose in case of uncompressed video. Due to their limited scope, it extracts texture feature LBP of each frame and computes its histogram. It checks histogram-similarity of adjacent frames using histogram intersection comparison metric rather than pixel-similarity that can provide erroneous data. It then analyses inconsistencies in similarity pattern by taking differences of metric values of adjacent frames to exploit tampering artifacts. With empirical analysis, it is observed that this approach yields good detection

22 Texture Feature Analysis for Inter-Frame Video Tampering Detection


accuracy on various kinds of inter-frame forgeries. Experimental results based on feature LBP and its variants are presented. It also includes comparison results with a pixel-correlation based approach. The paper is organized as follows: Sect. 2 presents the methodology of the proposed approach; Sect. 3 provides the details of the experimental dataset generated to represent inter-frame forgeries. Experimental results discussion is presented in Sect. 4 and Sect. 5 respectively. Section 6 concludes the paper with discussion on future scope.

2 Proposed Inter-Frame Video Tampering Detection Approach A novel histogram-based approach is proposed to identify inter-frame forgeries in a digital video. The block diagram of the proposed approach is presented in Fig. 1 and details of each step are discussed in the following subsections.

2.1 Video to Frame Conversion Video is just a sequence of images (called frames) that are displayed at a high frame rate to show motion in the video. The number of video frames depend upon the video duration and its frame rate. Processing the whole video mostly is a computationally expensive operation. Therefore, it is required to convert input video into video frames so that it can be further processed as images.

2.2 Video Frame Pre-processing Here RGB video frames are processed to get grayscale video frames. The gray value of an image defines brightness level which can accurately represent the video content. This feature is beneficial as the RGB color image takes storage space three times more than the gray color image which results in increased computation time and space. It is therefore an usual preprocessing step followed in many applications. The RGB image is converted to a gray-scale image using the following relationship between the RGB model and the YUV model, where component Y represents the brightness. Y = 0.2989 × R + 0.5870 × G + 0.1140 × B



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2.3 Feature Extraction Several features exist in the literature that can represent a different type of useful information of given video frames. The proposed approach extracts LBP features for each gray-scaled video frame. The local binary pattern operator [41] is defined as a gray-scale based invariant texture measure. Due to its discriminative power, good efficacy, and computational simplicity, this feature and its variants find a good place in several applications such as image representation and classification, image forensics, image retrieval, motion analysis, visual inspection, video analysis, distinguishing computer graphics from photographic images. It has variants namely the uniform LBP (U-LBP) and rotation invariant (R-LBP) that are also exploited in the current paper. The U-LBP patterns contain at most two circular 0–1 and 1–0 transitions. For example, patterns 0011000, 11011100, 00001100, and 11111011 are uniform, and 011101000, 11001110 are not uniform. They are mostly used because of their high discriminative capability and compact image representation that yields fewer dimensional feature vectors. They also improve the performance of machine learningbased classification. The R-LBP variant is mostly used for good texture analysis. It is generated by rotating each bit of the original LBP pattern to get a pattern with a minimum value. For example.111010001, 110100011, 101000111, 010001111, 100011110 are generated from the same original LBP with one-bit circular rotations and they are normalized to minimum value pattern 000111101 (rotation invariant pattern). LBP feature are defined in Eqs. (2) and (3).



s(g p − gc )2 p


1, x ≥ 0 0, x < 0



Where,  s(x) =

P denotes a neighborhood of P sampling points around the central pixel. Here, P is set to 8, gc is the gray value of the central pixel, and gp (p = 0,· · · , P − 1) represents the gray value of the pth neighbor point of the central pixel. If gp is greater than gc , the corresponding binary code is 1, otherwise 0. The LBP of the central pixel is then generated by concatenating P binary values and transforming the binary string to a decimal number. LBP computation can be explained through the following example. If the window size is 3 * 3 to compute the LBP value, central pixel value ‘89’ will be coded as ‘138’ in LBP coded frame using Eqs. (2) and (3) explained through (Fig. 2).

22 Texture Feature Analysis for Inter-Frame Video Tampering Detection Fig. 1 Methodology of the proposed inter-frame video forgery detection approach


Video to Frame Conversion Video Frame Processing

Feature Extraction

Histogram Computation

Histogram Similarity Analysis Normalization and Quantization

Training and Testing

Original Video

Tampered Video

Fig. 2 Computation of LBP value for the central pixel

2.4 Histogram Computation Most of the existing inter-frame video forgery detection methods are pixel-based approaches [19, 43, 44]. They obtain feature-coded frames with a size equal to the size of video frames and compute pixel-correlation between the adjacent frames. The number of pixels depends upon the resolution of a video frame, hence videos with high resolution have a large number of pixels. Pixel-by-pixel correlation computation increases execution time which makes it an inefficient, impractical, inapplicable approach. Due to this, the proposed approach computes the histogram of the LBPcoded video frame as a texture descriptor. It has a length of 256 irrespective of size,


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resolution of feature-coded frames. This step improves time and space efficiency to a great extent.

2.5 Histogram Similarity Analysis In a given video shot, the similarity of the content between the adjacent video frames is high which can be due to static backgrounds and same objects, etc., while far apart frames have relatively low similarity that can be due to changes in backgrounds and objects because of tampering operations such as frame deletion, frame insertion, and frame duplication, etc. In this paper, similarity analysis is carried out based on a histogram of texture descriptors. The similarity is calculated using the histogram intersection metric given in Eq. (4). More similar histograms will result in the high value of similarity and less similar histograms output low value of histogram intersection metric.   n−1 j=0 min H j (Fi ), H j (Fi+1 ) (4) dk (H(Fi ), H (Fi+1 )) = l−1 j=0 H j (Fi+1 ) H j (Fi ) is jth bin of histogram of LBP featured video frames(Fi ) with numbersi = 1, 2, 3, . . . . . . n − 1, where n is the total number of video frames, l is the vector length of the histogram and equals to 256, d(Hi , Hi+1 ) is the calculated histogram intersection metric between two histograms. This step provides n-1 dk values for a video of length n. If tampering is done at one location, then there will be only one low dk value and other values are high due to which point of tampering is suppressed. To highlight the traces of tampering, we take differences of adjacent dk values using the following Eq. (5) and get a vector d of size N − 1 × 1 with values d1 , d2 , d3 , d4,........... dn−1 that preserves the variability of video content. It is observed with the experiment that variability of the sequence remains consistent in original videos whereas it becomes inconsistent if videos have been tampered with. It depicts that d sequence is different from the original video and its tampered versions having frame deletion, frame insertion, and frame duplication attacks.  dk =

|dk − dk+1 |, k > 2 0, k=1


2.6 Normalization and Quantization The feature vector is normalized using the Min–Max scaler method to get values in the standard range 0 to 1. It then quantifies all the elements into D quantization

22 Texture Feature Analysis for Inter-Frame Video Tampering Detection


levels with quantization interval 1/D and generate N − 1 discrete values from 1/D to 1 (1/D, 2/D, ……, 1). Then, it counts the distribution of the obtained discrete values into a D × 1 vector to obtain fixed length feature for videos of different lengths. This technique is applied to each original and forged video included in the dataset given in Table 1. A database of N vectors is created to train it using SVM (Support Vector Machine) with RBF (Radial Basis Function) kernel. Training is done with a dataset of 2740 videos (1370-original video, 1370-forged video) where 40% of the samples are used for testing with K-fold cross-validation.

3 Dataset To verify the effectiveness of the proposed approach, standard datasets are generally required. To the best of our knowledge currently no benchmark dataset of interframe tampered videos exists. Few standard datasets are available such as SULFA [45] and VTD [1] that contain testing videos for intra-frame forgeries only. Therefore, 6 datasets of inter-frame tampered videos are designed from uncompressed original videos from the benchmark SULFA dataset. They are edited using Python Library MoviePy to generate 1370 tampered videos. Most of the authors validate proposed techniques on their customized datasets which contain inter-frame tampering of duration of 2, 3 or 4 s. Generally, the frame rate of a video is 25 fps, accordingly, they include videos having deletion or insertion of 50, 75, or 100 frames. It is very easy for a detection tool to identify such a substantial amount of tampering and results in good accuracy. Therefore, to avoid this type of bias, we perform deletion/duplication/insertion of 1 or 2 s video shots of any length comprising of 25 or 50 frames at random locations. Other specifications of the original version are kept the same in the tampered videos. Details of the dataset are presented in Table1 below. Table 1 Details of fabricated inter-frame video forgery dataset Dataset

Type of forgery

Number of videos

Frame rate



25 frames deletion


25 fps

320 * 240


50 frames deletion


25 fps

320 * 240


25 frames insertion


25 fps

320 * 240


50 frames insertion


25 fps

320 * 240


25 frames duplication


25 fps

320 * 240


50 frames duplication


25 fps

320 * 240


Shehnaz and M. Kaur

4 Experimental Results The experiment is carried out on a python-based platform to implement above mentioned approach with system specifications of an Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8250U CPU @ 1.60 GHz, 8 GB RAM on 64-bit operating system. The outcome of different implementation phases is discussed in the current section. The frame sequence of the original video is represented in Fig. 3 on which different attacks are performed i.e., frame deletion, insertion, duplication that are depicted in Figs. 4, 6, 8 respectively. Based on the rotation invariant LBP feature, Fig. 5(a) highlights statistical distribution of the original video sequences of frames 101–125 and 126–150. If its frame sequence 101–125 is deleted then the distribution of original frame sequence 126–150 should take its place. Figure 5(b) depicts highlighted distribution present in the forged video is just similar to that present at location 126–150 in Fig. 5(a). Figure 6 shows that new frames are inserted at locations 101–125 in the original video to perform a frame insertion attack. Due to this, the inconsistent statistical distribution of forged video is obtained shown in Fig. 7, that is totally different to Fig. 5(a). In Fig. 8, a frame duplication attack is performed at locations 76–100 with duplicated original frames present at locations 26–50. The highlighted similar distribution shown in Fig. 9 is obtained by this method that proves the existence of duplication of frames. This methodology is trained and tested with classifier SVM with RBF kernel. It trains a database of 2740 videos containing an equal number of original and forged videos. K-fold cross-validation is done with K = 10 and 40% of samples are taken for testing. Experimental results based on different parameters such as Precision, Recall, F1-score, and accuracy are summarized below in Table 2, Table 3 and Table 4 that display performance of the proposed approach based on original LBP, R-LBP, and U-LBP respectively. Figure 10 shows performance of LBP and its variants to detect frame insertion, deletion and duplication. Method [16] is cited in most of the methods available in literature and work in similar manner but it can just identify frame insertion and deletion attack. The proposed approach is compared with the pixel-correlation based

Fig. 3 Original video sequence with frame number 0–180 taken from SULFA dataset

Fig. 4 Forged video is generated by deleting video frame sequence 101–125 from the original video shown in Fig. 3

22 Texture Feature Analysis for Inter-Frame Video Tampering Detection


Fig. 5 a Differences of Histogram intersection metric values based on rotation invariant LBP for the original video, b Differences of Histogram intersection metric values based on rotation invariant LBP for tampered video with Frame deletion operation

Fig. 6 Forged video with frame insertion attack performed at frame number 101–125 of original video sequence shown in Fig. 3

Fig. 7 Difference of Histogram intersection metric values based on rotation invariant LBP for tampered video with Frame Insertion attack shown in Fig. 6

method [16] and its results of overall accuracy shown in Table 5 are graphically presented in Fig. 11.


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Fig. 8 Video sequence with frame number 26–50 are duplicated at location frame 76–100 in original video sequence of Fig. 3 to perform frame duplication attack

Table 2 Results of proposed approach based on original LBP Tampering detection




















Overall accuracy





Table 3 Results of proposed approach based on rotation invariant LBP Tampering detection




















Overall accuracy





Table 4 Results of proposed approach based on uniform LBP Tampering detection




















Overall accuracy





22 Texture Feature Analysis for Inter-Frame Video Tampering Detection


Fig. 9 Difference of Histogram Intersection metric values based on rotation invariant LBP for tampered video with frame duplication attack shown in Fig. 3


Fig. 10 Comparison results of proposed approach based on LBP, R-LBP, and U-LBP

100 98 96 94 92 90 88 86


Insertion LBP




Overall Accuracy

Table 5 Comparison of proposed approach with method [16] Method





































Fig. 11 Comparison results based on overall accuracy








97 96 95 94

LBP Gray value




93 92 91



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5 Discussion Pixel-correlation based approach [16] with HOG feature [42] is best among LBP and gray values if used with a random forest classifier to detect frame deletion forgery. It is less suitable to detect frame insertion because it yields lesser accuracy (86%–87%) as compared to accuracy (91%–93%) that can be achieved by LBP and gray values. It is also observed that irrespective of the classifier being chosen, gray value and LBP features are good to detect frame insertion tampering, but it produces different results for a different kind of forgery and cannot detect all types of interframe forgery at a time. With empirical analysis, it is observed that approach [16] has high computational cost and relatively low classification accuracy. It was tested on frame insertion and deletion interframe forgery but not on duplication attack. The proposed methodology exhibits better classification accuracy on different kinds of inter-frame forgeries. It is tested with different variants of LBP using SVM RBF kernel. The R-LBP gives overall accuracy 99% as compared to default LBP that exhibits classification accuracy of 95%. The proposed approach accurately detects frame deletion and duplication but it detects frame insertion with slightly less accuracy. It is observed that U-LBP feature along with histogram intersection (comparison metric) contributed a lot to improve the scalability and applicability. Using U-LBP, this method is able to detect frame insertion, deletion and frame duplication attacks with overall good accuracy in the range 99%–100% in less time. It gives 100% accuracy in the detection of frame duplication attacks.

6 Conclusion An inter-frame video tampering detection is proposed. Unlike the pixel-correlation based approach, it follows a histogram-based approach to reduce computational cost. The proposed approach can detect various kinds of inter-frame forgeries like insertion, deletion and duplication with high classification accuracy in the range 98–100%. In addition, it works efficiently on videos of varying lengths, thus exhibits better reliability and scalability. Experiment is conducted on the variants of LBP where it is observed that U-LBP outperforms as compared to its other variants. It outperforms on samples with frame duplication attack. Its results based on different variants of LBP and comparison results with method [16] are provided. Existing approaches are tested and validated on limited customized datasets due to the unavailability of a standard dataset. A customized dataset is therefore created with total 2740 videos containing 1370 tampered videos using the benchmark dataset. The proposed method can be improved to detect frame shuffling and incorporate localization of tampered region in the video under analysis.

22 Texture Feature Analysis for Inter-Frame Video Tampering Detection


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Chapter 23

Computer Vision-Based Algorithms on Zebra Crossing Navigation Sumaita Binte Shorif , Sadia Afrin, Anup Majumder, and Mohammad Shorif Uddin

1 Introduction All over the world, approximately 39 million people are blind and about 285 million people suffer from visual impairment [1]. The capability of being able to move, i.e., the definition of mobility is given as “the ability to travel safely, comfortably, gracefully, and independently through the environment,” [2] is the leading impediment for the blind and visually challenged people. These people usually used four types of navigational aids, such as conventional travel aids (white cane, electronic cane, and mobility robot), guides (human and dog), visual pathway (cortical, retinal, and optic nerve prosthesis), and computer vision-based systems. The most extensively used outdoor navigational assistance for visually challenged people include the guide dog and the white cane. Unfortunately, the aforementioned navigational assistances have many shortcomings: span of recognition of unusual patterns or shapes with the help of a cane is meager, and guide dogs require ample training as well as a substantial number of lessons to be taught and are not the best option for people who are not physically robust or are not capable of maintaining a dog or might have Cynophobia. Numerous devices have been developed over the years such as the Mowat sensor, the Sonic guide, the Laser cane, the ultrasonic cane, the RFID cane, and the Navbelt to ameliorate the proficiency of the white cane. Descriptions of these devices are available in [3–5]. Pedestrian crossings or crosswalks are highly perilous for blind people to cross securely. Nonetheless, in order to detect the location, the extent of a crosswalk, and to interpret the current state of traffic lights, the aforementioned devices are not capable of assisting the blind. In some crosswalks, traffic lights have beepers that enable a blind person to identify whether that part of the road is a crossing or S. B. Shorif · S. Afrin · A. Majumder (B) · M. S. Uddin Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh e-mail: [email protected] © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2022 M. S. Uddin et al. (eds.), Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Advances in Computational Intelligence, Algorithms for Intelligent Systems,



S. B. Shorif et al.

not. However, such traffic widgets are not conveniently available at all crosswalks most likely because installation and maintenance of such widgets at every crossing are difficult to ensure and sometimes these devices might come across technical difficulties that might take too long to get rid of. Although blind people do not have a visual sense, they have a sense of hearing. Easy availability of inexpensive and expeditious netbook computers/smartphones/tabs with multimedia computation features to facilitate audio–video conversion streams create new scopes of developing an intelligent navigation system for the people who happen to be blind. Some computer vision-based systems [6–10] have been developed for the blind and visually challenged people to facilitate autonomous detection of inevitably essential information in order to safely negotiate a road crossing. Besides, Meijer [11] developed a hardware-based image to auditory conversion to ameliorate the mobility of visually impaired people. Besides, many researchers [12–20] reported computer vision-based pedestrian/crossing/outdoor object detection strategies to ensure the safety or protection of usual pedestrians from accidents. However, these strategies are not focused on the navigation of zebra crossing for visually impaired pedestrians. On the other hand, Jason Dowling [21] tried stimulating the visual cortex through electrical signals to create an artificial vision and Hoang et al. [22] developed an obstacle warning system depending on mobile Kinect and electrode matrix to help improve blind mobility. However, it is not user-friendly, and also long-time use can result in a headache. Lin et al. [23] developed a smartphone-based diverse outside objects recognition system for mobility enhancement of the blind. Recently, a general review was done by Santiago and Alvaro [24] on mobility enhancement systems for visually challenged and blind people. But these two papers [23, 24] did not focus on the zebra-crossing system and almost no review is yet performed on the vision-based zebra-crossing system. This paper has been attempted to fill the void by presenting a detailed review of the computer vision-based zebra-crossing navigation system. Human beings are capable of sensing and recognizing almost 80% of their vision. So, the people who have no vision are facing serious problems and the mobility of these people is very limited and it is dangerous for them to navigate in outdoor environments alone. Hence, they live a complete dependent life. Nowadays, intelligent technologies are available. Zebra crossing is very dangerous and life-threatening, so it is a great idea to develop a computer vision-based road crossing system to ameliorate the lifestyle of visually impaired people. Many researchers [6–10, 17– 20] have been involved with navigational aids for the blind and developed some vision-based systems. This motivates us to review the existing works on the visionbased road crossing systems to find their effectiveness and also to show some research directions. Two real-time snapshots of zebra crossing are presented in Fig. 1.

23 Computer Vision-Based Algorithms on Zebra Crossing Navigation


Fig. 1 A figure caption is always placed below the illustration. Short captions are centered, while long ones are justified. The macro button chooses the correct format automatically

The main objectives of this survey works are as follows: • Study on the existing research works on vision-based zebra crossing navigation system • Comparative analysis of the performance of the existing systems along with their merits and demerits • Show future research directions to develop a more novel, intelligent and effective zebra crossing system to facilitate the amelioration of the free movement of millions of visually challenged people. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 provides a description of different techniques. Section 3 discusses the research direction, and finally, Sect. 4 draws the conclusion.

2 Comparative Analysis In addition to conventional white cane or electronic cane, the following five major computer vision-based techniques have been developed for zebra crossing detection. However, elaborate experimentations on these methods have not been conducted yet by using real blind subjects.


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2.1 Examining Groups of Concurrent Lines As we mentioned earlier that a zebra-crossing is simply a pattern consisting of black and white stripes repeating periodically which can be considered as a group of consecutive edges. Zebra-crossing edges are parallel to each other in 3D space, but when these are projected onto the image, these edges will intersect at a vanishing point. Therefore, Stephen Se [8] proposed a method by searching for concurrent lines when looking for a structure that originally consists of parallel lines using the vanishing point constraint. Regardless, meticulous experimentation of this method with blind as well as visually impaired people has not been conducted so far. Furthermore, this method is quite ponderous in respect to functioning. The mechanism and the detection results are shown in Fig. 2, which is taken from the paper [8].

2.2 Image to Speech Conversion Technique Meijer’s “vOICe,” [11] comprising of a camera that requires to be mounted to the head, a laptop or palmtop, and stereo headphones is the only vision-based travel aid for the visually impaired people that can be accessed commercially which uses one-to-one image-to-sound patterns mapping. This mapping sets the seal on the correspondence of the visual information. Although it can recognize objects such as vehicles, trees, etc., but zebra crossing detection is still one of its shortcomings.

2.3 Detection Using AdaBoost Lausser et al. [9] developed a zebra crossing detection using Viola and Jones approach [25] through the AdaBoost algorithm [26] to train a single stage of their cascaded architecture. AdaBoost is a meta-algorithm that generates an ensemble of weak classifiers for getting the final strong classifier. There is a problem with a single stripe that is treated as zebra crossing (false positive detection). Though this problem was partially solved by grouping the single sub-windows in postprocessing, it is not still adequate, as the false positive rate is still high.

23 Computer Vision-Based Algorithms on Zebra Crossing Navigation


Fig. 2 a A usual zebra crossing; b Result of the recognition process; c partitioning and overlaying the detected edges; d detection of sidelines; e partitioning and overlaying the detected edges but having side lines removed [8]


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2.4 Detection Using Mobile-Based System A collaborative mobile-cloud strategy for context-aware involving outdoor navigation was proposed by Bhargava et al. [10] where computation is done in the cloud. This technique captures the images through a camera mounted in a sunglass that is transferred to the mobile device. The mobile device collaborates with the cloud for real-time image processing.

2.5 Detection Using Image-Based Bipolarity As a typical crosswalk or zebra crossing is identified as broad stripes of coats of white paint having a certain length and width over the usual pitch-black road surface, the crossing region or pattern can therefore be treated as a bipolar region. In this process, initially, the chosen candidate image portions of a crosswalk are distinguished depending on the bipolarity of the intensities of the image portions. Then, the separated portions are rectified for figuring out the angle of view. This rectification allows conduction of detail labeling on the basis of count and transition of black–white and white–black alterations within a specific area. Hence, the presence of a zebra-pattern crosswalk can be detected depending on the potency of bipolarity in an image that is matched with the crosswalk specimen. In an ideal bicolor image, the dispensation of bipolar intensity is concentrated at two points, i.e., the distribution of black and white pixel intensities is made from a sum of two delta-isolated probability functions. Let the distribution of intensity of an image region be considered as p0 (x). If the region contains only bipolar pixels that means having only black color and white color, then p0 (x) can be marked down as p0 (x) = αp1 (x) + (1 − α) p2 (x), where 0 ≤ α ≤ 1, p 1 (x) is the distribution of intensity of black pixels, and p2 (x) is the distribution of the intensity of white pixels. Then the bipolarity (strength of the black and white patterns) can be written as γ =

 1  α(1 − α)(μ1 − μ2 )2 2 σ0

Where μ and σ2 represent mean and variance, respectively. From this equation, it can be concluded that 0 ≤ γ ≤ 1. If γ = 1, there are α, p1 , and p2 such that σ1 = σ2 = 0. This indicates that p1 (x) = δ(x − μ1 ) and p2 (x) = δ(x − μ2 ). So, γ = 1 corresponds to perfect bipolarity which means the region contains only pure black and white pixels, and γ = 0 depicts the lack of bipolarity that means the region contains no black and white stripes. A quintessential dispensation of the intensity of bipolarity of an image block is presented in Fig. 3.

23 Computer Vision-Based Algorithms on Zebra Crossing Navigation


Fig. 3 a A zebra crossing image, b Each segmented region showing bipolarity, c regions chosen as candidates by using bipolarity, d original image (crossing area) found at the location of the candidate region, e crossing area that has been Binarized, f mean integration along the crossing direction of the binarized image, g bandwidth procured from the results of the integration of the crossing bands [7]

Summary of the comparative study on zebra crossing detection using different existing methods is presented in the below Table 1.


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Table 1 Comparative study on zebra crossing detection using different existing methods Reference

Algorithm with attributes and effectiveness

Data size


Stephen Se [8]

Examining groups of Experimented with concurrent lines a few images through the vanishing point constraint. The method is working slow and far from real-time

Not Mentioned

Meijer’s “vOICe,” [11]

Works based on Not Mentioned converting the image to sound. It can recognize objects such as vehicles, doors, etc., but zebra-crossing detection is still one of its shortcomings

Not Mentioned

Lausser et al. [9]

Detection using Viola and Jones approach through Adaboost. The false-positive rate is high

75 zebra crossing images

Accuracy = 97.33% Sensitivity = 1.30% Specificity = 99.90%

Bhargava et al. [10]

Detection through a collaborative mobile-cloud strategy using image processing technique that can be used as real-time crossing guidance for pedestrians

Experimented with a few images

Accuracy is not shown. Average computation response time = 660 ms

Uddin and Shioyama [7]

As a zebra crossing Experimented with contains alternate black 100 zebra crossing and white stripes of images bipolar patterns, the crossing is detected on the basis of the image bipolarity feature

Accuracy = 95% with no false positive

3 Research Directions and Challenges All the methods mentioned in the above section have been used conventional image processing methods. Recently deep learning-based approaches using CNN (convolutional neural network) and GAN (generative adversarial network) have shown tremendous success in diverse recognition tasks. Therefore, researchers may emphasize deep learning strategies in zebra crossing detection. Nowadays, smartphones have computation capabilities similar to computers and are equipped with highresolution cameras. However, there’s almost no convenient mobile-based zebra

23 Computer Vision-Based Algorithms on Zebra Crossing Navigation


crossing detection is available in practice and most of the vision-based zebra crossing detection techniques are in the laboratory stage. So, researchers need to mitigate these challenges by focusing on developing a mobile-based system that is capable of in working real-time. Researchers may also focus on doing detailed experimentation using real blind subjects to evaluate the practicability.

4 Conclusion Detection of zebra crossings is very important to ensure protection, ameliorate safety, vigor, and mobility of the visually impaired people in crossing a road. In this survey, several vision-based methods are described and discussed. However, no practicable convenient commercial method is available in practice. As mobile technology is highly enriched nowadays so it is the demand of time to concentrate on developing a mobile-based zebra crossing detection system. Therefore, this paper tries to survey the existing techniques, their performances and also shows the future research directions to develop an intelligent vision-based road crossing system to ameliorate the mobility of visually challenged people.

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12. Broggi A, Bertozzi M, Fascioli A, Sechi M (2000) Shape-based pedestrian detection. In: Proceedings of IEEE intelligent vehicles symposium, Dearborn, MI, October 2000, pp 215–220 13. Zhao L, Thorpe CE (2000) Stereo- and neural network-based pedestrian detection. IEEE Trans Intell Transp Syst 1(3):148–154 14. Curio C, Edelbrunner J, Kalinke T, Tzomakas C, Seelen WV (2000) Walking pedestrian recognition. IEEE Trans Intell Transp Syst 1(3):155–163 15. Franke U, Heinich S (2002) Fast obstacle detection for urban traffic situations. IEEE Trans Intell Transp Syst 3(3):173–181 16. Tsuji T, Hattori H, Watanabe M, Nagaoka N (2002) Development of night vision system. IEEE Trans Intell Transp Syst 3(3):203–209 17. Sumi A, Santha T (2017) An intellıgent predıctıon system for pedestrıan crossing detectıon. ARPN J Eng Appl Sci. 12:5370–5378 18. Berriel RF, Lopes AT, De Souza AF, Oliveira-Santos T (2017) Deep learning-based large-scale automatic satellite crosswalk classification. IEEE Geosci Remote Sens Lett 14(9):1513–1517 19. Liu X, Zhang Y, Li Q (2017) Automatıc pedestrıan crossıng detectıon and ımpaırment analysis based on mobıle mapping system. ISPRS Ann Photogramm Remote Sens Spatial Inf Sci IV2/W4:251–258 20. Wang C, Zhao C, Wang H (2015) Self-similarity-based zebra-crossing detection for intelligent vehicle. Open Autom Control Syst J 7:974–986 21. Dowling J, Maeder A, Boles W (2003) Intelligent image processing constraints for blind mobility facilitated through artificial vision. In: Proceedings of Australian and New Zealand Conference on Intelligent Information Systems, Sydney, Australia, pp 109–114 22. Hoang VN, Nguyen TH, Le TL, Tran TH, Vuong TP, Vuillerme N (2017) Obstacle detection and warning system for visually impaired people based on electrode matrix and mobile Kinect. Vietnam J Comput Sci 4:71–83 23. Lin B-S, Lee C-C, Chiang P-Y (2017) Simple smartphone-based guiding system for visually impaired people. Sensors 17(6):1371 24. Real A (2019) Navigation systems for the blind and visually impaired: past work, challenges, and open problems. Sensors 19(15):3404 25. Viola P, Jone M (2001) Robust real-time object detection. In: Proceedings of IEEE workshop on statistical and computational theories of vision, Vancouver, CA 26. Freund Y, Schapire RE (1997) A decision-theoretic generalization of on-line learning and an application to boosting. J Comput Syst Sci 55(1):119–139

Chapter 24

AI Based Multi Label Data Classification of Social Media Shashi Pal Singh, Ritu Tiwari, Sanjeev Sharma, and Ajai Kumar

1 Introduction Multi-label classification and text classification have gained growing attention in recent years, not because they are technically important, but because of its potentially fascinating perspective. Multi-label classifications deal with the assigning of several labels to each instance in a dataset. It is possible to assign an instance to more than one class at the same time. It is an AI text analysis technique that automatically tags the text that is to be categorized by topic. Thus, we can assume that the groups expected are not mutually exclusive. For example, a movie can be in any of these genres—thriller, romantic, comedy, crime, etc. Typically speaking, a single label is not sufficient to identify all the information that needs to be identified. This will require a record with more than one label. Multi labelling systems are not limited to text the categorization only but also extended to the categorization of image, audio, medical, and bio-informatics. Text classification may be used to search the brand’s social media and to classify responses by product or topic. In order to direct them to the right agency, it may be helpful to assign topics to emails or customer service tickets. Yet not every ticket S. P. Singh (B) · A. Kumar AAIG, Center for Development of Advanced Computing, Pune, India e-mail: [email protected] A. Kumar e-mail: [email protected] R. Tiwari · S. Sharma Indian Institute of Information Technology Pune, IIIT Pune, Pune, India e-mail: [email protected] S. Sharma e-mail: [email protected]

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2022 M. S. Uddin et al. (eds.), Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Advances in Computational Intelligence, Algorithms for Intelligent Systems,



S. P. Singh et al.

you receive is going to fall into only one category. A proper algorithm is strongly recommended in this area, as it would not only allow categorization but would also aid in sorting, filtering, and searching for relevant information. Multi-label classification varies from multi-class classification as more than one classification tag can be added to a single text by multi-label. Text classification uses machine learning to predict and classify text with present tags. For example, if a movie is a comedy or romantic or thriller or all. Let’s have a look at how multi-label is different from multi-class classification. Multi-label classifiers can generate multiple tags/labels all together whereas multi-class can generate only one label at a time. For instance, fruit can be an orange or lemon but not both together but any given text may and may not be about culture, politics, and education, etc. at the same time. Let’s also get a slight idea of different types of classification problems for an image to understand what exactly the classification problem is (see Fig. 1). Based on three basic approaches, current multi-label classification algorithms are created: Problem Transformation Method, Problem Adaption Method, and Ensemble Methods which are further categorized into parts. Problem transformation is easily understandable [1]. Figure 2 illustrates an example of the method of transforming multi-label labelling (text classification) into multiple binary classifications (yes or no). For each binary dataset, all old-style classification algorithms can be pragmatic directly to create a classifier and predict its correlated test instances. Some examples of the classifier using problem transformation are Binary Relevance (BR), Classifier Chain (CC), Label Powerset (LP), and Label Ranking (LR). In multi-label classifications, the second approach used is Problem Adaption Method. This method is the extension of existing traditional classification approaches such as, Decision Trees and Boosting, Support Vector Machine (SVM), Multi-label K-Nearest Neighbour (MLKNN), which is an adaptation of lazy learning (kNN), and Adaboost.MH, which is an adaption of Adaboost for multi-label classification. The Ensemble Method is the third technique meant for multi-label classification. A few examples of an ensemble method are Ensemble of Classifier Chain, which is an improvement of Classifier Chain, Random k-Label Sets (RAkEL), which is developed to solve the productivity concerns of Label Powerset, and Ensemble of Multi-label Classifier (EML). The data classification problem finds broad application in different fields for tasks such as a) b) c)

News selection and grouping, Document organization in websites, digital libraries, social feeds, etc., Email classification including spam filtering.

A variation of this issue where each document can belong to any number of groups (labels) is referred to as a problem of multi-label data classification. The extension of such a problem where a categorical hierarchy interrelates the labels is referred to as a hierarchical text classification problem. In this project, we

24 AI Based Multi Label Data Classification of Social Media


Fig. 1 Different types of classification problems

• study multi-label data classification functions on real-world data sets • implement algorithms to leverage the hierarchy within the labels • analyse the effect on classification performance of the various algorithmic approaches and data set properties.


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Fig. 2 Multi-label problem transformation

2 Literature Review The literature review was carried out with the guidance of IEEE, Springer, and Research Gate paper using a keyword like “Natural Language Processing”, “Study on Multi-label Classification”. Few papers mentioned in references gave a good understanding of basic knowledge of multi-label classification like NLP, data classification, text alignment, text mining, text processing [3]. The study [4], it talked about multi labeling approach and the experiment was performed on New York Times (NYT) articles. To perform the classification, they scraped NYT website using API and cleaned the data. They stored the data in an excel sheet after the data was cleaned, and used MEKA tools to identify and test various algorithms for multi-label classification. And finally, they decided to use a binary classifier with the SVM algorithm. They concluded that SVM performed well for text classification but it could have done better with better strategies like the hierarchical representation of data. In [1], the researcher mentioned, many modern applications, such as webpage collections, gene biological functions, or categorization of text, require hierarchy to multi-label classification. For example, two top-level divisions, Business, and Computers can be categorized into numerous subcategories in the categorization of news articles: Business/Jobs, Business/Investing, Computers/Internet, Computers/Hardware, and Computers/Software. In [5], it was observed that supervised learning involves large quantities of labelled data and human tagger interference in the development of training sets. This process can be slow, prone to error, and time-consuming when the data sets become very large or heavily noisier. In this case, a better alternative is semi-supervised learning, which needs only a couple of labels. First, pre-processing was done to reduce the noise of unstructured text and then used WordNet to disambiguate word sense. Second, on these data sets, multiple experiments related to multi-label classification and semi-supervised learning are performed and compared with each other.

24 AI Based Multi Label Data Classification of Social Media


After comparing semi-supervised classification with supervised classification, it was found that semi-supervised classification increases learning efficiency and provides good results. They also concluded that deep learning in multi-labelling tasks performs better compared with other algorithms. In [6], social media data (Twitter) were used to identify the occurrence of many forms of disturbances in infrastructure due to hurricane considering the feeling of disruption. Geo parsing method has been employed to extract a position from a Twitter file. The result shows that logistic regression, kNN, SVM, DNN (Deep Neural Network) performs better than BR, LP, RAKEL. In [7], they used a naïve bayes classifier to classify the news articles, and the performance of a binary classifier approach was assessed. A common weighting scheme used for the search and retrieval of information is TF-IDF, which shows the importance of a word in an article. But they were not able to lower the error produced by the tf-idf model. In [8], Problem Transformation Method, Problem Adaption Method, and Ensemble Methods performance were evaluated for multi-label classification using the movie dataset. ML-kNN gave the best result on this dataset and Adaboost.MH gave the worst performance. Natural Language Processing (NLP) [9] is a research and application area that discovers how for useful purposes, computers can be castoff to understand and manage text or speech in natural language. NLP applications contain a variety of fields of study such as the processing and summarization of natural language text, machine translation, artificial intelligence, user interfaces, speech recognition, multilingual and cross-language information retrieval, etc. NLP technologies are becoming increasingly relevant in the areas of knowledge acquired, information recovery, and language translation for the development of user-friendly decision-making support systems for non-expert everyday users. Examples of NLP products for certain applications stated by the author in this paper are Word Processing and Desktop Publishing, WordPerfect (Novel), Transducer techniques, which enable the extraction of structure, and function queries from a maintenance manual’s text database, spelling checkers, and many more. Many of the recent studies on NLP phenomena include Syntactic phenomena, Machine translation, Semantic phenomena, and Pragmatic phenomena. As the idea of NLP is expanding, researchers are trying to understand how various languages are interpreted and used by humans. Nowadays grammar checkers, conceptual search, and event extraction are future applications for NLP rather than glossary lookup, and string matching. In [10], data classification using Tensorflow research was aimed to display the overall performance of the Tensorflow library and was measured by using the MNIST dataset. It was an experimental research study that looked at which activation function delivers fast and accurate results. For this classification, activation functions used are Rectified Linear Unit (ReLu), Exponential Linear Unit (eLu), Hyperbolic Tangent (tanH), sigmoid, softsign, and softplus. The best and the most accurate result with an accuracy of 98.43% were gained by ReLu activation function.


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The goal of future research is to increase precision by implementing various neural network architectures. In [11], text alignment research aimed to predict the type of plagiarism among the two documents and to use this knowledge to match documents better via using different text alignments with different types of plagiarism. The author has shown that they can effectively predict the plagiarism relationship using the distribution of intensities, frequencies, and locations of the common elements of the two documents. They have built META TEXT ALIGNING which, based on plagiarism sorting, improves the overall performance of text alignment by choosing either the most efficient or the best configurations. In [12], the text mining approach aimed to demonstrate how it is difficult for suppliers to gain a deeper understanding of the consumer experience of their product to enhance the service quality and support, and how text mining has helped both the consumer and the manufacturer to solve or strengthen the problem. For this problem, many advanced and real-time NLP algorithms can be used to make this approach more efficient and robust. Text Processing [13] paper deals with increased code-mixing data on social media as identification of language are becoming very difficult due to bilingual or multilingual content. Code mixing means combining at least two languages or more languages in content. It often occurs when there is no way to separate the use of two languages or two cultures from the components of one language well and regular overlap between the two systems. Code mixing is the insertion of words, sentences, and morphemes of one language into another language translation. Machine learning-based sentiment extraction accuracy for uni-grams, bi-grams, and skip-grams was 71.59, 75.14, and 76.33% respectively.

3 Popular Algorithms for Multi-label Classification This section briefly discusses some of the common multi-label classification algorithms, i.e., Binary Relevance, Classifier Chain, Random k-Label Set, Support Vector Machine, and Multi-label K-Nearest Neighbour.

3.1 Binary Relevance (BR) This operates by breaking down the multi-label learning task into a variety of different binary learning tasks (one per class label). Let’s say, we have the dataset where X is the independent feature, and Y’s are the target variable [2] (Fig. 3). This matrix is then split into 4 different classification problems in BR, as seen below [2] (Fig. 4).

24 AI Based Multi Label Data Classification of Social Media


Fig. 3 Binary relevance

Fig. 4 Binary relevance-matrix

3.2 Classifier Chain (CC) This is quite close to binary relevance, with the only difference being that to maintain label correlation, it forms chains. For example, in a dataset, we have X as the input space and Y’s are like the labels [2] (Fig. 5). In CC, this problem will be divided into 4 separate single label problems as shown below [2] (Fig. 6). Fig. 5 Classifier chain

Fig. 6 Classifier chain-matrix


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3.3 Random k-Label Set (RAkEL) RAkEL is developed to solve the productivity concerns of Label Powerset, which is one of the problem transformation methods, but it is time consuming. It randomly breaks the set of labels in n subsets of small size k, called k-label sets. Disjoint and overlapping label sets are two distinct strategies for constructing label sets.

3.4 ML-kNN Classification ML-KNN is derived from a widely known Neighbor K-nearest algorithm (KNN). It is a supervised classification algorithm and is also called multi-label lazy learning approach. Firstly, its k nearest neighbors in the training set is identified for each test instance. It determines previous probabilities from the k nearest training instances and then seeks the highest posteriori probability for the test instance to evaluate the label collection.

4 Performance Measures In our analysis, we used the following evaluation methods. Confusion Matrix: The classifier model often allows two kinds of errors in the context of the multi-label text classification. Type 1 Error: When we predicted positive but it was false, it’s False Positive. Type 2 Error: When we predicted negative and it was false, it’s False Negative (Fig. 7). Accuracy: Accuracy is how much we predicted correctly out of all classes including positive and negative. Consider T is the total number of observations i.e. sum of TP, FP, FN, and TN therefore, Fig. 7 Confusion matrix

24 AI Based Multi Label Data Classification of Social Media


Accuracy = (T P + T N )/|T | Precision: Precision defines the number of predictions of a positive class that currently belongs to the positive class. Pr ecision = T P/(T P + F P) Recall: Recall means how many true positives have been identified. Recall = T P/(T P + F N ) F-measure: It provides a way of integrating both precisions and recall into one formula capturing all properties. F − measur e = (2 ∗ Pr ecission ∗ Recall)/(Pr ecision + Recall) Hamming Loss: Hamming Loss is the proportion of incorrectly expected labels, i.e., fraction of incorrect labels to total label number. The smaller the value of the hamming loss, the better the performance, i.e., when hamming loss = 0 the result is perfect.

5 Research Methodology 5.1 Data Source In this paper, we have collected any website or HTML or XML data, for example, New York Times, or Twitter data. We scraped the website using API to get the data (Fig. 8).

5.2 Data Pre-processing In this step, we are using the pre-processing: 1.

Short text normalization—Process of transforming a text into a typical form. a) b) c)

Removing extra letters, e.g., “gooood” or “gud” will be transformed into “good”. Initial spell test for most common flaws e.g., “muinets” for “minutes”. Replacing specific words used e.g., “onl9” for “online”.


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Fig. 8 System architecture of project


Hashtag decomposition—A hashtag always begins with ‘#’, making it easy to recognise. a) b) c)



If every token in a hashtag begins with uppercase/capital letter, we use the separation function for those terms. Ex: #MethodOfMeditation We use another feature if wordsor a token is divided by distinct symbol, characters or by numerical. Example: #10hits_lil If every token or a word starts by a small or lowercase, we use a third method which separates a hashtag from left to right with the fewest amounts of words possible. Example: #windenergy can be written as (wind, energy) or (win, energy)

Remove stop words and extra whitespaces—Stop words are very common words like, “we”, “are”, “then”, “but”, “and”, etc. it can easily be overlooked without losing the sentence’s meaning as it doesn’t add much value to the sentence. Extra whitespace, short URLs, emoticons, special characters are also removed. Tokenize—Finally, we can tokenize the sentence and apply lemmatization and stemming.

5.3 Data Processing In this step, we determine the TF-IDF (Term Frequency–Inverse Document Frequency) of the word/term (w) to check how relevant a term is given the document. It is calculated as follows:

24 AI Based Multi Label Data Classification of Social Media


T F − I D F(w) = T F(w) ∗ I D F(w) where, the number of times term w appears in a document the total number of terms in the document   the total number of documents I D F(w) = log the number of documents with term w

T F(w) =

TF-IDF is calculated using both unigram and bigram of words.

5.4 Data Storage The extracted or cleaned data after preprocessing and processing is stored in the Excel sheet in CSV format. This will give us one file for all articles and their labels.

5.5 Data Labelling Suppose If I scrap NYT website to get the latest news articles, I will label the data with different subdivisions like Sports, Politics, Technology, Travel, Entertainment, Food, Health, Business, World and arts, etc. To represent the multi-label data, we will use binary classifier with a suitable algorithm, in which 1 and 0 will represent the presence or absence of a particular label respectively. The extracted data which is stored in the CSV file is then labeled.

5.6 Classification Algorithm I have used the Binary Classifier with SVM algorithm to classify the data after all the fundamental work is done. So, for my implementation, I used The SVM algorithm in the OneVsRest (also known as Binary Relevance) type of classifier.


S. P. Singh et al.

6 Result We ran a multi-label text classification problem in MEKA, which is a WEKA extension, in order to see which algorithm performs relatively best. Binary Relevance: Support Vector Machine Predictive Output • • • • •

Accuracy = 0.79 Precision = 0.75 Recall = 0.74 F1-measure = 0.70 Hamming Loss = 0.11

7 Application of Multi-label Classification Multi-label classification is used in various industries like 1.





Health Care—The graphic photos of the health-care system are unlabelled. The labelling of medical diagnoses to specific class values is therefore essential, requiring multi-label classification. Social Science—Analysis of sentiment is performed to analyse human actions in social problems and primarily focuses on mining tweet content, short message service (SMS), clinical reports, etc. Law—Until administering the fines, damages, charges, and other punishments for the convicted or offenders, legal professionals need to identify applicable laws and regulations. Nonetheless, composite laws and regulations are obviously an obstacle for ordinary people. As a consequence, the marking of legislative papers is important and workable in studying legal knowledge. Business—Researchers in the industry are using social media as a marketing point. Opinion mining from social media networks is used to boost the company on a wide scale. Text Categorization—labelling the text according to the category it belongs.

8 Conclusion As the problem of multi-label classification is one of the most critical issues in the world today, in this project we have been able to discuss multi-label classification algorithms that are applied to a dataset where the data has gone through certain steps like pre-processing, processing, and data was stored in a CSV format to further training processing using different classification algorithm and the comparison of all algorithm was done using evaluation method like, accuracy, precision, recall,

24 AI Based Multi Label Data Classification of Social Media


f-measure, hamming loss, etc. We also explored some applications of multi-label classification and also understood how algorithms work on a dataset. We will go on to analyse the efficiency of current algorithms for multi-label classification. At the same point, with the insights found in the experiments, we will design new algorithms for multi-label classification.

References 1. Kanj S (2013) Learning methods for multi-label classification. Machine Learning [stat.ML]. Université de technologie de Compiègne; Université Libanaise (Liban), pp 11–30 2. Vidhya A (2016) Solving Multi-Label Classification Probles (Case studies included). https:// 3. Towards Data Science (2018) Understanding Confusion Matrix. https://towardsdatascience. com/understanding-confusion-matrix-a9ad42dcfd62 4. Goyal R (2016) Natural Language Processing: Labelling New York Times Artices. https://doi. org/10.13140/RG.2.1.3484.3285 5. Billal B, Fonseca A, Sadat F, Lounis H (2017) Semi-supervised learning and social media text analysis towards multi-labeling categorization. In: 2017 IEEE international conference on big data (big data), Boston, MA, pp 1907–1916 6. Roy KC, Hasan S, Mozumder P (2020) A multilabel classification approach to identify hurricane-induced infrastructure disruptions using social media data. Comput-Aided Civ Infrastruct Eng 35(12):1387–1402. 7. Nicolas, Chase Z (2013) Learning Multi-Label Topic Classification of News Articles 8. Tawiah CA, Sheng VS (2013) A study on multi-label classification. In: Perner P (eds) Advances in data mining. Applications and theoretical aspects. ICDM 2013. Lecture notes in computer science, vol 7987. Springer, Heidelberg 9. Joseph S, Sedimo K, Kaniwa F, Hlomani H, Letsholo K (2016) Natural language processing: a review. Nat Lang Process Rev 6:207–210 10. Ertam F, Aydın G (2017) Data classification with deep learning using Tensorflow. In: 2017 international conference on computer science and engineering (UBMK), Antalya, pp 755–758 11. Abnar S, Dehghani M, Shakery A (2015) Meta text aligner: text alignment based on predicted plagiarism relation, pp 193–199. 12. Rangu C, Chatterjee S, Valluru SR (2017) Text mining approach for product quality enhancement: (improving product quality through machine learning). In: 2017 IEEE 7th international advance computing conference (IACC), Hyderabad, pp 456–460 13. Padmaja S, Bandu S, Fatima SS (2020) Text processing of Telugu–English code-mixed languages. In: Satapathy S, Raju K, Shyamala K, Krishna D, Favorskaya M (eds) Advances in decision sciences, image processing, security and computer vision. ICETE 2019. Learning and analytics in intelligent systems, vol 3. Springer, Cham

Chapter 25

Feature Extraction Based Landmine Detection Using Fuzzy Logic T. Kalaichelvi and S. Ravi

1 Introduction Landmine detection is a dangerous problem encountered in many countries worldwide, and the condition can become worst to naturalized disasters for the development of land. There is an immediate necessity of detecting the landmine and removing it safely. Safe detection is needed, which uses image processing techniques by a non-touchable sensor like metal detectors and radars. There are two types of landmine: anti-tank landmine and anti-personnel landmine. Many researchers implement different methods to detect and clear those buried landmines. The elements of climate and environment on landmine placement could be very complicated. Some efficient landmine detection systems can retrieve the size, shape, burial depth, and casing types of landmine. Table 1. displays strategy, performance, and limitations based on sensor type used in each technique of landmine detection [17]. Biological and some of the electromagnetic sensors create more effect on the environment. Landmines made up of metals cab be detected using a metal detector. It shows a high detection probability, but the false alarm rate is also high when the presence of a metallic object on the ground surface. GPR, NQR, and Acoustic/Seismic give a low false alarm rate as compared to all the other sensors. Nowadays, dual sensors are also used for landmine detection to achieve the best detection rate.

T. Kalaichelvi · S. Ravi (B) Department of Computer Science, School of Engineering and Technology, Pondicherry University, Pondicherry 605014, India e-mail: [email protected] © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2022 M. S. Uddin et al. (eds.), Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Advances in Computational Intelligence, Algorithms for Intelligent Systems,



T. Kalaichelvi and S. Ravi

Table 1 Comparison of the landmine detection technique based on sensors Techniques







Trained to detect explosives

More reliable than other animals

Good in different environments


Trained using food

Work more time Work under than dogs limited weather conditions


Sense of explosives like TNT

Provide higher accuracy than rodents


Changes color when nitrous oxide

Find more areas High false alarm in a short time rates


Spraying bacteria on mine area

Used in Highly sensitive different terrains to and detect TNT environmental conditions


Passing current to a metallic object

Detect metal objects

Identify metallic clutter as mines


Send the radio wave to the ground surface

Detect plastic objects

Mines cannot detect in dry soils


Send microwaves to the ground

Detecting big Less effective and deep objects under wet soil


Uses electrical currents

Detecting all types of landmines

It cannot use in dry soil and is noise sensitive


IR radiation

Works in all environment

Deeply buried objects cannot detect


Capturing light waves

Large areas scanned in a short time

Used only on flat land


Works in infrared regions

Safe and detect metallic and nonmetallic objects

Not work well in highly vegetated areas


Radiofrequency technique

Achieve a low false alarm rate

Impossible to detect metallic substances


It emits neutrons into the ground

Reducing the background radiation

High power consumption, radiation hazards

Electromagnetic Induction

Optimal Detection

Nuclear Detection

Work in the limited environment


25 Feature Extraction Based Landmine Detection Using Fuzzy Logic


Table 1 (continued) Techniques




Acoustic Detection


Acoustic or seismic waves

Low false alarm Low detection rates speed


Emits sound wave Penetrate well in wet soils

Sensitive to noise

Clearing machine

Machine used to clear a minefield

Remote controlled and efficient

Less accuracy and safety


Find mechanical impedance of the material

Discriminate rock, wood, plastic, and metal

Manual demining process

Mechanical Detection


2 Review on Feature Extraction Based Landmine Detection using Fuzzy Logic and Wavelet Transform A programmed landmine discovery calculation was depicted using groundpenetrating radar by P.D. Gader et al. (2000). It involved multiple algorithms running simultaneously and combining the outputs of different module information sources into the final feature set. The process has performed by utilizing a framework that ended with an information fusion module. Results accommodated truthful data obtained uninterruptedly using the geo-centers vehicle-mounted landmine detection system [1]. A forward-looking infrared sensor used vehicular-based landmine detection. This framework initially depicted the component requirement and description of the fundamental forward-looking infrared sensor. It used a novel technique to characterize areas inside the infrared pictures in real-time. Extraction of specific features from the infrared images made for target classification. A fuzzy inference system evaluated, extracted information and generated a confidence value to identify targets as mines or clutter. Experimental results compared the accuracy in both the existence and non-existence of the mentioned system [2]. Morphological shared weight neural networks applied in discriminating surfaces, target identification, and written character recognition issues. System utilized morphological hit-and-miss Transforms (HMT) as a primary function in the feature extraction system. Traditional morphological filters have some disadvantages, like being not robust, being more noise sensitive, and not tolerating a slight change in greyscale values and shape. However, Choquet integral-based morphological operations (CMOs) are less sensitive. Ali K. Hocaoglu et al. (2003) proposed that the MSNN design utilizes CMOs instead of HMTs, represented as Choquet morphological shared weight neural networks (CMSNN). It has parts to extract salient information from the inputs using more Choquet hit-and-miss transforms and a neural network classifier. CHMT produces a feature map to view the output image. The result showed the comparison of the existing and modified networks by experimenting on the real-time issue of land mine discovery [3]. Paul Gader et al. (2004) presented a


T. Kalaichelvi and S. Ravi

FROSAW algorithm for landline detection using ground-penetrating radar. Constant false alarm rate (CFAR) detectors on the depth-based adaptively whitened data used to detect anomalies. CFAR certainty measure was recorded using order statistics. There were inconsistencies at locations with high confidence values. A feature-based rule proposed to dismiss cautions that do not show mine-like properties. Using constant false alarm rate and feature-based techniques together were evaluated. The calculations and examinations applied to information received from many square meters in outside destinations with a cluster of GPR sensors [4]. Identifying a covered object buried under the surface has more limitations like environmental and economic complications. Sawsan M et al. (2004) handled mine detection in a more extensive set of preprocessing and texture segmentation for the infrared sensor data. Principle Component Analysis method used to extract the dynamic data from an image. Texture Parameter and Fuzzy C-means clustering method used to identify the mine-like objects. Post-processing removed the clutter in an image based on a morphological reconstruction filter to provide accurate results [5]. GPR sensor information used for landmine recognition was used. It produced an intensity value in a three-dimensional matrix of a volume under the ground surface. A feature extraction algorithm projected data to identify mines from a few data representatives. Genuine discoveries of mine distinguished from false alerts using the k-nearest neighbor rule. Results compared the detection probability and false alarm rate between the CFAR method and computed proposed algorithm values [6]. Ismail I. Jouny et al. (2004) used the Fractional Fourier transform to find dispersive scatterers in a GPR signal. The intention was to uniquely define an object. The Fractional Fourier Transform introduced these dispersing features to a nonparametric landmine recognition scheme. Eigenmines algorithms rejected many false alarms detected by the CFAR method without disturbing the detection probability [7]. They determined covered anti-personnel (AP) landmine controlled in the more widespread setting of target recognizable proof. Deciding important features, isolated from impulse ground-penetrating radar information, could be used to order landmine. Wigner-Ville distribution (WVD), the Wavelet Transform (WT) method were used in the time–frequency domain to retrieve features by radar. The radar information was collected using the MINEHOUND dual-sensor system. It used more sorts of soil and various types of landmines. The standard for ideal segmentation used Wilk’s lambda value. Results show that time–frequency retrieved from the WVD method contains more essential data than the features retrieved using WT. Subsequently, it improves the detection of landmines, classify false alerts, and help to distinguish various landmines [8]. Fathi E. Abd El-Samie. (2009) developed a cepstral approach that uses acoustic images to detect landmines similar to pattern recognition. Image Cepstral features extracted to transform into 1-Dimensional signals by lexicographic ordering. Discrete wavelet transform is applied to the input image to retrieve the frame. Then, Mel frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs) and polynomial shaping coefficients were extracted from 1-Dimensional signals to train a neural network to identify features of landmine. Results achieved 100% detection rates for landmines when the nonavailability of degradations [9]. Human interaction was more needed during target

25 Feature Extraction Based Landmine Detection Using Fuzzy Logic


recognition and clutter discrimination during landmine recognition. So Minh DaoJohnson Tran et al. (2009) developed an automated Decision-Making System to recognize landmines using Metal Detector. ROI detection processed the input signal to isolate the suspicious area in this method. ROI data is given to the feature extraction stage to identify the target object. The CWT-based feature extractor uses the morphological characteristics of the wavelet coefficient power spectrum of the data signal. Finally, classification process identified the target or clutter based on features [10]. Umar S. Khan et al. (2010) followed the same procedure explained in [9], which included acoustic images combined with GPR images [11]. H. Kasban et al. (2010) proposed a procedure for landmine detection. The technique used images retrieved by a Laser Doppler Vibrometer (LDV) based acoustic/seismic system. This procedure used morphological image processing and discrete wavelet transform (DWT). It transformed RGB image to grayscale image, applied image closing to the structuring element, and processed 2-D Haar DWT to get an approximation component for automatic detection [12]. The cepstral approach explored by E. A. El-shazly et al. (2011) used acoustic images to detect landmines. 2-Dimensional images were transformed into 1Dimensional signals using a spiral scan. The approach followed the same procedure [9, 11] to form a database used to train neural networks. However, a Spiral scan was used instead of Lexicographic ordering after 2-D discrete transform. Detection mapped based on a database generated of cepstral features in the training phase with data features in the testing phase [13]. Minh Dao-Johnson Tran et al. (2011) proposed a target discrimination methodology using wavelet-based transform and morphological feature extraction. The feature extraction algorithm extracted morphological characteristics from the alarm and decomposed them using the CWT. It isolated a region of interest (ROI) and extracted wavelet characteristics from the region of interest. Then, constructed the feature vector using the above-extracted elements. Finally, return the features to detect mines based on classification and identify the target. The classification component uses a network system known as fuzzy Adaptive Resonance Theory Mapping (ARTMAP) [14]. Amine B. Khalifa et al. (2014) proposed an Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference Framework (ANFIS) strategy using meaningful fuzzy rules for various regions of the information space. The proposed fusion method identified local contexts and discovered associated optimal linear combination weights, finally producing a confidence value representing the target [15]. Hichem Frigui et al. (2015) proposed a Multiple Instance Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (MI-ANFIS). The MIANFIS architecture was used along with double Sugeno multiple instances. Parameters initialization used the FCM algorithm to cluster the positive instances into defined clusters. The technique used a basic learning algorithm to learn optimal multiple instances rules with many additional layers to identify a target. MI-ANFIS could defeat marking uncertainty and beat other usually used combination strategies [16].


T. Kalaichelvi and S. Ravi

3 Discussion The performance of different landmine detection algorithms was analyzed. Each method can vary significantly depending on the target depth, the material used, burial orientation, and other environmental factors. A variety of sensors were used to retrieve image data from the ground surface. Most of the algorithms used ground-penetrating radar as the best sensor to recognize landmine. Some algorithms can provide perfect proof and results, while others can provide contradicting results. However, all algorithms were developed to reduce the false alert rate and simultaneously improve the detection probability. Table 2 shows the review information about the algorithm, sensors used, advantages, and limitations of each technique used for landmine detection mentioned by Table 2 The different methods of feature extraction in landmine detection using fuzzy logic Authors





P.D. Gader et al., [1]

ATR based (Transition, Gradient, Line-based and CAN confidence)


False alarm rate reduced

The detection rate needs to increase

B.N. Nelson et al., [2]

Mamdani style fuzzy inference system


Achieved low false Higher threshold alarm rate and values resulted in a detected AT mines lower FAR, which reduced the actual detection

A.K. Hocaoglu et al., [3]



Faster computation Made attempts to in domain shape, obtain grayscale Better performance values of structuring elements

P. Gader et al., [4]



Reported a small number of false alarms

Challenges faced when clutter objects similar to mines and detect only AT mines

SM, Ayman et al., [5]

FCM, Mathematical Morphology


Reduce redundancy based on the thermal properties of an image

Detect only AP mines

H. Frigui et al., [6]



Supports data Tested only in collected from Anti-Tank Mine multiple sites with different sensors of GPR (continued)

25 Feature Extraction Based Landmine Detection Using Fuzzy Logic


Table 2 (continued) Authors




H. Frigui et al., [7]

EHD, fuzzy K-NN GPR


Quickly train and adapt data collected from other sites

Tested only in AT landmine

A.B. Khalifa et al., [15]



The fusion approach outperformed and global fusion methods

Not efficient for all types of soil

H. Frigui et al., [16]



Performance was better than ANFIS

Perform well in labeled data. Tested only in AT mine

different authors. Most algorithms used GPR as a sensor to extract information from the ground surface. The feature extraction on a landmine, follows fuzzy logic and wavelet transform which are reviewed in this paper. Some of the methods can detect or test either anti-tank mines or anti-personal mines. Neural networks, fuzzy logic are used to retrieve information from images. In this review paper, Mamdani style fuzzy inference system [2], FROSAW, CFAR [4], K-NN [6], EHD, fuzzy K-NN [7], MI-ANFIS [16] techniques were used to detect the anti-tank landmine. FCM, Mathematical Morphology [5], WVD, WT [8] techniques were used to detect the anti-personnel landmine. The remaining techniques identify all types of mine. Table 3 shows the review information about the different methods of feature extraction in landmine detection using wavelet transform. The cepstral approach [9, 13] combined with wavelet transform gave a 100% detection rate without degradations. Table 3 The different methods of feature extraction in landmine detection using wavelet transform Authors




0. Lopera et al., [8]



Identified different Tested only in shapes of mines AP landmine

FE Abd et al., [9]

Cepstral approach, Acoustic DWT, DCT, MFCC, PSC

Robust when compared to all other feature extraction methods

Showed 100% detection rate only in the absence of degradations

M.D.J. Tran et al., [10]

ROI Detection, DWT, Classification

Reduced the false alarms based on morphological properties

The system did not train with data with Clutter signals





T. Kalaichelvi and S. Ravi

Table 3 (continued) Authors


U. S. Khan et al., [11]

Cepstral approach, Acoustic and GPR Achieved the DWT highest detection rate




H. Kasban O et al., [12]

Morphological image processing, DWT


Low false alarm Low rate, Reduced the probability clutter object and detection identified both AT and AP mine

E. A. El-shazly et al., [13]

Cepstral Approach, Discrete Transform, Spiral Scan


Feature extraction from target images are the most robust

Showed 100% detection rate only in the absence of degradations

M.D.J. Tran et al., [14]



Achieved high accuracy and lower false alert percentage

Further improvement needed in the fusion method

The location of the images affects the recognition rates

4 Analysis Figure 1. shows the Sugeno method, and Fig. 2. shows the Choquet method information. A chart is prepared to compare both methods for probability detection and false alarm rate percentage. Here mapped the confidence value retrieved from the calibration lane. The result shows high probability detection with a high false alarm rate in the Sugeno method and median probability detection with less false alarm rate in the Choquet method. The main aim is to minimize the false alarm rate with accurate landmine detection. The Probability detection (PD) and False alarm rate (FAR) percentage were obtained from the calibration lane retrieved by the algorithms used in [4]. Sugeno


0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0







PD(%) Fig. 1 Probability detection and false alarm rate percentage of sugeno method


25 Feature Extraction Based Landmine Detection Using Fuzzy Logic



FAR (%)


0.03 0.02 0.01 0 80








PD(%) Fig. 2 Probability detection and false alarm rate percentage of choquet method


Comparision of CFAR and FROSAW

0.05 0.03

FAR(%) for


FAR(%) for

0.01 0

78-83 84-88 89-94 95-100 84-88 89-94 95-100 86-90 91-95 96-100 80-86 87-93 94-100 79-85 86.92 93-100 73-81 82-90 91-100

FAR (%)


PD (%) of different type of Lane Fig. 3 Probability detection and false alarm rate percentage of CFAR and FROSAW

Figure 3 shows that the false alarm rate of the FROSAW method was less than the constant false alarm rate detection method. FROSAW showed more variation in false alarm rates and ultimately increased the confirmed detection of landmines. However, this method collected data from a different site. Figure 4 shows that PD vs. FAR for EigenMines2 and EigenMines3 mentioned in [6]. The false alarm rate got reduced for both eigenmines2 and eigenmines3 in most lanes compared to the constant false alarm rate detector method. Moreover, Eigenmines3 performance is good as compared to eigenmines2 because eigenmines3 encodes more information retrieved from the cross-track direction. This algorithm rejects many false alarms identified by the constant false alarm detector without disturbing the mine detection rate.


T. Kalaichelvi and S. Ravi 0.08 0.07

FAR (%)

0.06 0.05 0.04







78-83 84-88 89-94 95-100 84-88 89-94 95-100 86-90 91-95 96-100 80-86 87-93 94-100 79-85 86.92 93-100 73-81 82-90


PD (%)

Fig. 4 Probability detection and false alarm rate percentage of CFAR and eigenmines

5 Conclusion In this paper a review is provided on feature extraction-based landmine detection using fuzzy logic and wavelet transform. Landmine detection plays a significant role in saving the lives of soldiers, the public, and animals. The terrorists bury the landmine under the ground. The landmine is detected using several sensors. The data retrieved from the sensors will be processed using digital image processing techniques, and the performance of the algorithms evaluated using the metrics as false alarm rate and detection probability. The different feature extraction methods were used for landmine detection based on Fuzzy Logic and wavelet transform were discussed and evaluated using CFAR, FROSAW, Eigenmines algorithms. Then discussed the sensors used, the merits and demerits of each technique. New algorithms will be proposes for feature extraction, image segmentation, and image classification algorithms in the future. The algorithms will be tested to detect different types of mines that support various factors like different depth and orientation, climatical changes, variety of soil, and multiple materials used in mine as plastic, metal, or wood.

References 1. Gader PD, Nelson BN, Frigui H, Vaillette G, Keller JM (2000) Fuzzy logic detection of landmines with ground penetrating radar. Signal Proc 80(6):1069–1084. S0165-1684(00)00020-7 2. Nelson BN (2000) Region of interest identification, feature extraction, and information fusion in a forward looking infrared sensor used in landmine detection. In: Proceedings IEEE workshop on computer vision beyond the visible spectrum: methods and applications (Cat. No.PR00640), 2000, pp. 94–103.

25 Feature Extraction Based Landmine Detection Using Fuzzy Logic


3. Hocaoglu AK, Gader PD (2003) Domain learning using Choquet integral-based morphological shared weight neural networks. Image Vis Comput 21(7): 663–673. S0262-8856(03)00062-3 4. Gader P, Lee WH, Wilson JN (2004) Detecting landmines with ground-penetrating radar using feature-based rules, order statistics, and adaptive whitening. IEEE Trans Geosci Remote Sens 42(11):2522–2534. 5. Sawsan M, Ayman ED, Ahmed B, Hanan AK (2003) Fuzzy C-means and mathematical morphology for mine detection in IR image. In: 2003 46th midwest symposium on circuits and systems, Vol. 2, pp. 670–673. 6. Frigui H, Gader P, Satyanarayana K (2004) Landmine detection with ground penetrating radar using fuzzy K-nearest neighbors. IEEE Int Conf Fuzzy Syst 3:1745–1749. 1109/FUZZY.2004.1375447 7. Frigui H, Gader P (2009) Detection and discrimination of land mines in ground-penetrating radar based on edge histogram descriptors and a possibilistic K-nearest neighbor classifier. IEEE Trans Fuzzy Syst 17(1):185–199. 8. Lopera O, Milisavljevie N, Daniels D, Macq B (2007) Time-frequency domain signature analysis of GPR data for landmine identification. In: 2007 4th international workshop on, advanced ground penetrating radar, pp. 159–162 9. Abd El-Samie FE (2009) Detection of landmines from acoustic images based on cepstral coefficients. Sens Imag 10(3–4): 63–77. 10. Tran MDJ, Abeynayake C (2009) Evaluation of the continuous wavelet transform for feature extraction of metal detector signals in automated target detection. Stud Comput Intell 199:245– 253. 11. Khan US, Al-Nuaimy W, Abd El-Samie FE (2010) Detection of landmines and underground utilities from acoustic and GPR images with a cepstral approach. J Vis Commun Image Represent 21(7):731–740. 12. Kasban H, Zahran O, El-Kordy M, Sayed MS, Elaraby FE, El-Samie A (2010) False alarm rate reduction in the interpretation of acoustic to seismic landmine data using mathematical morphology and the wavelet transform. Sens Imag Int J 11(3):113–130. 1007/s11220-010-0056-8 13. El-shazly EA, Elaraby SM, Zahran O, El-Kordy M, Abd. El-Samie F.E (2010) Cepstral detection of buried landmines from acoustic images with a spiral scan. In: ICENCO’2010 - 2010 int. comput. eng. conf. expand. inf. soc. front., pp. 97–102. 2010.5720434. 14. Tran MDJ, Abeynayake C, Jain LC (2012) A target discrimination methodology utilizing wavelet-based and morphological feature extraction with metal detector array data. IEEE Trans Geosci Remote Sens 50(1):119–129. 15. Khalifa AB, Frigui H (2014) Fusion of multiple landmine detection algorithms using an adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system. Int Geosci Remote Sens Symp, 3148–3151. 1109/IGARSS.2014.6947145 16. Khalifa AB, Frigui H (2015) A multiple instance neuro-fuzzy inference system for fusion of multiple landmine detection algorithms. Int. Geosci. Remote Sens. Symp. 2015: 4312–4315. 17. Kasban H, Zahran O, Elaraby SM, El-Kordy M, Abd El-Samie FE (2010) A comparative study of landmine detection techniques. Sens Imag Int J 11(3):89–112. 220-010-0054-x

Chapter 26

Prediction of Water Quality Index of Ground Water Using the Artificial Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm Mehtab Mehdi and Bharti Sharma

1 Introduction Water is the most important resource for all the society. Pure water is not only requiring for our ecosystem but also it is one of the important elements for our industrial world. The significance of ground water has been identified by many researchers. This is the cause of establishment of different water resources and water purifiers in the cities, industrial areas and agriculture activities. At this time the whole world is facing the crisis of pure water. Many people use the groundwater as for drinking purpose in India. According to the survey of CPCB (central pollution control board), Nearly Twenty-nine thousand million liter/day of waste produced from big cities and small cities beyond that about 45% is from thirty-five metro-cities alone [1]. There are many factors which are pressurizing to improve the water resources. The water emergency refers to a worldwide condition where society in many areas lacks access to adequate water, clean water, or both. The WQI is a mathematical value which represents the quality of water in cities, villages and corporate area. WQI is a value defining the complex pressure of multiple water quality factors [2, 3]. To calculate the WQI is not an easy task. There are lots of ways to calculate the WQI. FWQI and NSFWQI are some well-known methods to calculate the WQI. Many countries have developed an ideal value that spotlight on water situation and parameters, but India is a very wide country with a variety of weather situation that vary from dry to moist. Any method which is giving the good result at one site might be possible is not applicable in another site [4]. If we calculate the WQI using by any of the above, we can also face some problems. Like as: Calculation of WQI takes lot of time because of the complex process. Also, the calculated WQI is inconsistent.

M. Mehdi (B) · B. Sharma DIT University, Dehradun, India e-mail: [email protected] © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2022 M. S. Uddin et al. (eds.), Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Advances in Computational Intelligence, Algorithms for Intelligent Systems,



M. Mehdi and B. Sharma

For solving the above issues, many researchers took the help from the technology to calculate the WQI. Predictions of WQI in ground water have been attained by different Data mining algorithms like SVM, decision trees, and random forest [5]. Though SVM get good efficiency, its value is minimized by testing four kernel values to choose the best. It includes numerous factors for that optimal result to be produced. ANN is the widely used data mining algorithm. Alone ANN can affect the efficiency of the model but the hybrid AI model can give the better accuracy. In this hybrid model we used genetic algorithm for getting the optimal result and improving the ANN accuracy [6]. In this research work, ten samples of groundwater are collected from Amroha district, Uttar Pradesh, India. The ten water quality factors measured for the calculation of WQI. Like as pH, (TH), (TDS), (COD) and (BOD) [7].

2 Study Area The Amroha city is located nearly 130 km from the New Delhi which is the national capital of India. This is situated in the Himalayas area at the northern region (Uttar Pradesh). The climate of amroha based on the Koppen Climate categorization i.e. it has three predominant seasons: winter, summer and spring. The severe temperature fluctuates from 0 to 48 °C. Due to lack of rain in the extremely changeable Monsoon time is the reason of drought in the North Region of India. Amroha city is also affected by such disasters many times. Most of the population depends on the groundwater for the drinking and other uses. Its geological area is near about 2300 Sq. Km. and situated among 280 24 01 and 280 06 01 north latitude, and 78,003 01 and 78,043 01 east longitude and available in study of India. The district headquarter is situated in the eastern section of the region. Gangs River flows in the west and estranged the Ghaziabad and Bulandshahar district. The area comes in the Ganga basin [8].

3 Methodology The methodology is divided in the following subparts

3.1 Data Collection and Preparation Ten years (2006 to 2016) of data were collected at 10 different tactically - sites of water class observing places inside the Amroha. In the collected data different features like as BOD, COD, DO, pH, total solids (TS), and electrical conductivity (EC) are included [9]. These collected features used to calculate the WQI of the Amroha region. In this process of collecting the samples and their analysis followed

26 Prediction of Water Quality Index of Ground Water …


standard technique used in the Central Ground Water Board. The 70% training set and 30% test set is separated using tenfold cross validation method. Although there is no general rule to divide the test and training set for both spatial and worldly prediction. For computing the AMWQI, The NSFWQI method was used. The greater value of AMWQI indicates the cleanliness of ground water. For calculating the AMWQIsc following formula can be used AMWQI =


Wi × Sl i


The AMWQI is the Water Quality Index of Amroha region. The range of WQI is available in Table 1. Wi is the mass of ith variable (between 0-1), and SIi is the resulting of sub -index from the curve (0–100). The techniques of computation are constant through the AMFWQI [10]. In the Table 2 it is clear that in Amroha the WQI ranges from 15.6 to 91.8. The quality of water is wide-ranging from bad to excellent. The water in the higher areas is good quality; it appears that holding negligible pollution made from confined forests. The urbanization is one cause to minimize the quality of ground water [11]. For the updated prediction while the data is normalized, following formula can be used to calculate the cost of the parameter: xi = (xi − xmin )/(xmax − xmin ) where, xi is the updated cost of a variable (i.e., ph, EC, etc.), xi, cost on the place, and xmin, and xmax are the lower and upper cost. For the data collection, we used the different sensors and connect those sensors with the private cloud storage, this data is stored in our local system and finally this Table 1 WQI range with quality





1 means lightening the details. g = 1 means no effect. g < 1 means darkening the details. Subsequent A higher value of gamma [typically g >= 2.00] causes the image to “washed out” and vice versa. Therefore, by altering different values and testing them on the image, a suitable g (gamma value) is picked, the output o is scaled back to the actual range [0,255] (See Eq. 2). In this following equation, o = output image, r = rescaled image in [0,1] and g = gamma value. O=

 r g  ∗ 255 255


In this work the value of gamma was 2.00. Here the flowchart of gamma correction enhancement technique is shown in Fig. 3.

32 Deep Learning-Based Lentil Leaf Disease Classification


Fig. 3 Flowchart of gamma correction

Histogram Equalization. Histogram equalization is a highly utilized enhancement process in enhancement techniques [12]. It helps to improve the contrast value of all types of images. Roshan Raj and his colleagues [13] suggested that by applying an adaptive histogram equalization technique, anyone can easily enhance the contrast of any image. Bogy et al. [14] proposed software that can improve image contrast by using the histogram equalization technique, and they applied histogram equations for enhancing the quality of the image. Likewise, in this study, the histogram technique has been applied for clearing the image information and make this working process more accessible. The Process of the histogram equalization is shown in Steps (1–3). STEP 1: Calculate the pixel value histogram of the input image. The histogram   holds the value per pixel f x, y into one of l consistently-spaced buckets h[i] h[i] =

a m=1

b n=1

1, i f f [m, n] = i other wise, 0,




K. Fatema et al.

RGB(1,9,17) 0.000%



Fig. 4 Scale of GEM16


RGB(1,2,2) 0.000%



Fig. 5 Scale of GEM256

where l = 28 and the image dimension is a × b. STEP 2: Calculate the order distribution function C D F[ j] =

j i=1



STEP 3: Scale the input image utilizing the sequence distribution function to generate the output image. g[m, n] =

C D F[ f [m, n]] − C D Fmin X (l − 1) (a X b) − C D Fmin


Gradient Energy Measure (GEM) Filter. To achieve the optimal result, we need to enhance the image quality. ImageJ can enhance the image quality by removing the colors, increasing the contrast, and the signal thresholding of the images. It is a metaphorical analysis with open-source software and flexible enough to adapt to different requirements [15]. This software has a different filter, but GEM is one of the filters to increase the quality of the images. GEM is a measure of the quality of a promising image [16]. As shown in Fig. 4, GEM16 first divides its scale into 16 blocks. When the scale range is 0 the RGB value is 1,9,17 respectively, whereas when the scale range is 100 the RGB value is equal to 254. As shown in Fig. 5, GEM256 first divides its scale into 256 blocks. When the scale range is 0, the RGB values are 1,2,2, respectively, whereas when the scale range is 100, the RGB values are 254, 252, 250, respectively. Thus, it can be seen that the GEM scale helps to change the quality of the image according to its range. After applying all the data preprocessing and image enhancement methods to all the images, the output results are shown in Fig. 6

32 Deep Learning-Based Lentil Leaf Disease Classification


Fig. 6 Resulted Image after applying all Image preprocessing and enhancement methods

5 Deep Learning Methods The deep learning technique can extract the features by itself and provide high-quality results simultaneously; that’s why researchers utilize the deep learning models in their system. So, we have also applied ResNet50, VGG16 and Inceptionv3 in this study.

5.1 ResNet50 ResNet is a very deep network, and it contains 50-level [17]. It helps to predict the delta to reach the annual predictions from one level to the following [18]. In the ResNet model, backpropagation does not come across the vanishing gradient issue. A residual neural network has alternate route networks corresponding to the regular convolutional layers that assist with understanding the global features. These shortcut connections permit the network to avoid the unusual layers during training and result in the best modification of the number of layers for faster training [19]. In this work, we assess the ResNet-50 method to detect lentil plant diseases in the harvest field. This model is a 50-level deep-sophisticated convolutional network using repetitive connections with transfer learning. It contains a 7 × 7 convolution layer with 64 kernels, a 3 × 3 max-pooling layers with stride 2, 16 residual building blocks, and a 7 × 7 average pooling layers with stride 7 besides a new FC (fully-connected) s layer before the flatten output level [20].


K. Fatema et al.

5.2 Vgg16 VGG16 is a VGGnet model that customizes 16 levels as a model architecture [21]. A typical VGG16 contains 5 convective blocks before being connected to the multilayer perceptron (MLP) classification.[22]. The VGG model has a convection level with a series of 3 × 3 convolutions and 2 × 2 maximum-pooling layers followed by two FC (fully connected) layers with the last layer as the flatten output [23]. On the VGG-16 network, the first two convoluted layers contain a 3 × 3 sizes 64 feature kernel filter. The figure with depth 3 goes through those layers, and the dimensions change to 224 × 224 × 64, and the output is sent using a stride of 2 to the maximum-pooling level. And then, there are the third and fourth levels with 3 × 3-dimension 124 feature kernel filters followed by a max-pooling layer with stride 2, where the outcome is compact at 56 × 56 × 128. The fifth to the seventh layers utilize 256 feature maps with stride 2, and the eighth to thirteen have 512 kernel filters with stride 1. Fourteen and fifteen layers are 4096 units of fully connected concealed layers followed by flatten output level 1000 units [24].

5.3 Inceptionv3 The Inceptionv3 model has higher performance in object identification by comparing GoogleNet (Inception-v1). Specifically, the deep learning model contains three parts: the basic convolutional block, enhanced Inception module, and the classifier [25]. In inceptionv3, first, it accepts the image input of size 224 × 224 × 3. In the first convolutional layer, we have 3 convolutional layers where the filter dimension is 3 × 3. This layer has 32 filters with stride 2, and the filter size is 3 × 3; likewise, the second convolutional level also has 32 filters with stride 1, and the filter dimension is 3 × 3. In third convolutional layer have 64 filters with stride 1, and filter dimension is 3 × 3. When the image dimension is 224 × 224 × 3, then it passes through these 3 convolutional layers. The first convolutional layer gives us the image size 111 × 111 × 32, the second convolutional layer gives us the image size 109 × 109 × 32, and the third convolutional layer give us the image size 109 × 109 × 64. Next, the filter size of the max pool layer is 3 × 3, and the sprite is two. The bottom layer of this max pool is the feature extraction portion of this model [26]. The output from the convolutional layers becomes the input of the max pool layer, and the size of the output images becomes 54 × 54 × 64 after applying a 3 × 3 filter with sprite. Next, the convectional layer has 8o filters where the filter size is 1 × 1, including stride 1. The next convolutional layer has 192 filters where the dimension of the filter is 3 × 3, including stride 1. After that, in the max pool, a layer has a 3 × 3 filter with stride 2. Then here is the inception block A, which is driven 3 times. Subsequently, reduction block A runs one time and then inception block B, which is driven 4 times, and again reduction block B run one time, and then inception block B, which is driven 2 times.

32 Deep Learning-Based Lentil Leaf Disease Classification


Fig. 7 Architecture of Inceptionv3

Lastly, the average pool layer comes. Here have fully connected two dense layers before the SoftMax output layer (See Fig. 7).

6 Experiments The research details, such as the image dataset and performance metrics, are all discussed in this section of the chapter.

6.1 Dataset To develop the lentil leaf disease dataset, we have collected images of different sizes with the help of a digital camera. Our collected image sizes were 1024 × 764, 1920 × 1080, and 1280 × 720. After receiving the initial data set, we have studied the classes before starting the image augmentation and image preprocessing then got some grey and blurry images. These images may be the cause of decreased accuracy in this experiment. Accordingly, about 20 images have been manually removed from the dataset. Lastly, we found a total of 3,750 images of lentil diseases through data augmentation and image preprocessing techniques [27]. The entire test is completed in a 7: 2: 1 ratio for training, validation and testing. Classified information of the lentil disease dataset is shown in Table 1.


K. Fatema et al.

Table 1 The categorical information on the lentil disease dataset Lentil Disease












Ascochyta blight
























a: Original images; b: Augmented Images; c: Trained set images; d: Validation set images; e: Test set images.

6.2 Performance Metrics Performance metrics are an essential element of the estimation frameworks in different fields [28]. All the formulas of performance metrics that we have applied in this research are given below. P+T N Accuracy = T P+FT P+F N +T N TN Specificity = F P+T N TP Precision = F P+T P Tp Recall = F N +T P Pr ecision∗Recall F − Measure = 2∗ Pr ecision+Recall N Classification Error = T P+TF NP+F +F P+F N


In machine learning, different classification properties can be determined with different performance metrics, and especially in two-class classification problems, maximum performance metrics are sensitive for the conformation of the datasets [29]. The training set and validation set are utilized, respectively, for training the model and providing the training progress reports as training is completed or not. Finally, the different pre-trained model is applied to the test set to evaluate the model’s results. The effectiveness of the proposed system is estimated based on the required measures of True Positive (TP), True Negative (TN), False Positive (FP), and False Negative (FN) values [30].

7 Result Analysis In this study, Table 2 and 3 present the gamma correction and histogram equalization performance matrix description, respectively. From Table 2, it can be observed that by applying the gamma correction enhancement technique, the misclassification rate for the VGG16 and Inception model is equal to 1.2%, where this value is 6.67% for the ResNet50 model, which is higher than others. However, the rest of the values are

32 Deep Learning-Based Lentil Leaf Disease Classification


Table 2 Performance description of the gamma correction Class

Specificity (%)

Precision (%)

Recall (%)

F-measure (%)

Classification error (%)



















Table 3 Performance description of the histogram equalization Class

Specificity (%)

Precision (%)

Recall (%)

F-measure (%)

Classification error (%)



















impressive except for their misclassification value. On the other hand, in histogram equalization performance matrices, the misclassification rate for Incep-tionV3 is only 0.93%, and its other results (Specificity, Precision, Recall, and F-measure) are higher than VGG16 and ResNet50. Therefore, it can be concluded that using the histogram equalization technique, the InceptionV3 model performs very well to classify lentil diseases. (See Table 2 and 3 for all values).

7.1 Comparison of Different Model Accuracy Comparison of model accuracy plays a vital role in understanding which model performs best on the system and provides the best solution from multiple models. Therefore, several researchers have compared the accuracy of their models in their systems to get optimal results [5, 31–34]. In this study, we also compared the accuracy of our models to predict the optimal results of our systems. Model Accuracy Comparison applying Gamma Correction. Here Table 4 shows a model of recognition accuracy using gamma correction. Table 4 The classification accuracy of deep learning models

Deep learning model

Input size

Recognition accuracy (%)


224 × 224



224 × 224



224 × 224



K. Fatema et al.

Fig. 8 Model accuracy comparison graph (applying gamma correction)

Table 5 The classification accuracy of deep learning models

Deep learning model

Input size

Recognition accuracy (%)


224 × 224



224 × 224



224 × 224


As displayed in Fig. 8, the X-axis presents the training repetitions, and the Y-axis presents the comparing training accuracy. The accurateness history of the individual identifier network test is reported in Table 4. Figure 8 illustrates the recognition accuracy results of Inceptionv3 and VGG16 networks are satisfying and impressive. At the same time, to acquire optimal accuracy in this work, we also need to focus on resnet50 as the accuracy rate of this model is 85.87% which is comparatively lower than others. Model Accuracy Comparison applying Histogram Equalization. Here Table 5 shows a model of recognition accuracy using histogram equalization. As displayed in Fig. 9, the X-axis presents the training repetitions, and the Y-axis presents the comparing training accuracy. The accurateness history of the individual identifier network test is reported in Table5. Figure 9 presents, the recognition accuracy results of Inceptionv3 and VGG16 networks are satisfying and impressive. However, in this whole work, Inceptionv3 provides the best accuracy (98.13%) in the histogram equalization method.

32 Deep Learning-Based Lentil Leaf Disease Classification


Fig. 9 Model accuracy comparison graph (applying histogram equalization))

8 Conclusion In this article, we recommend an architecture based on deep learning, Inceptionv3 (applying histogram), for lentil leaf disease detection. The proposed technique can automatically extract the disease spots of lentils and classify four common lentil diseases with high accuracy (98.13%). We have collected a total of 425 original images physically from different lentil fields, and a total of 3,750 images of lentil diseases were created through the data augmentation process. In this study, we have applied the gamma correction and histogram equalization methods as image enhancement techniques to prove that the image preprocessing technique improves the models’ performance. For example, in the case of Inception v3, the application of gamma and histogram resulted in a 0.53% change in their accuracy. So, the result proposed that the Inceptionv3 method (applying histogram equalization) can identify four common lentil diseases expeditiously and accurately, and it affords a possible solution to detect the lentil disease for a real-time application.

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Chapter 33

Framework for Diabetes Prediction Using Machine Learning Techniques Through Swarm Intelligence C. Kalpana and B. Booba

1 Introduction Artificial intelligence and data-driven algorithms help to manage chronic disease by adopting prediction methods and monitoring techniques [1, 2]. Off late the research Community has developed interest in the clinical support system [3] that helps to enhance the everyday life of patients. In this paper, our objective is to implement an algorithm for the accurate prediction that supports a decision support system related to diabetes. Diabetes is caused by elevation in blood sugar levels caused by either insulin action or secretion disorder. Sometimes insulin deficiency is caused by a combination of both. It is a chronic metabolic disease. There are some categories of diabetes Mellitus and gestation diabetes. Some of the symptoms of diabetes are dehydration, polydipsia, blurred vision, exhaustion, weight loss, and so on [4]. To maintain health and quality dip it is essential to have proper regulation and prevention of diabetes. The development of chronic complications of diabetes can be reduced by proper regulation of blood glucose levels [4, 5]. Based on the degree of disorder of insulin secretion, the treatment of diabetes varies. Different types of therapies are insulin medication, non-medication, and special medication. The major concern of the patient and research community about diabetes is the exorbitant treatment cost. As previously mentioned research community focuses on developing an application to support diabetes in a more effective way. The fundamental goal is to use models to make precise forecasts. Predicting glucose levels in the early stages can help diabetic patients maintain their glucose levels by taking proper medication, by regulating physical activities and by modifying the diet and life style. In recent years ML algorithm has become a supporting tool in the medical domain. ML automates the prediction of diabetes [6]. With the application of cutting

C. Kalpana (B) · B. Booba Department of CSE VISTAS, Vel’s University, Chennai, India e-mail: [email protected] © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2022 M. S. Uddin et al. (eds.), Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Advances in Computational Intelligence, Algorithms for Intelligent Systems,



C. Kalpana and B. Booba

edge technology it can help extract hidden patterns. ML uses various algorithms to study the parsed data and to predict the disease [7] The remaining work is structured as: Sect. 2 illustrates the suggested methodology and Segment 3 describes the result simulation trailed by the conclusion work in Sect. 4.

2 Literature Review Several researchers employed ML algorithms to foresee diabetes by exploring Pima Indian diabetes dataset (PIDD). The existing dataset has 9 parameters and 768 data of patients who were females and some work associated with these have been reviewed in the section [8, 9]. In [10] researchers predicted the types of diabetes, associated problems and the relevant medication to be prescribed to the patients. For prediction and to give appropriate treatment predictive analysis algorithm and Hadoop, map-reduce were deployed. A huge data set was collected from various laboratories, PHR, EHR, clinics processed in Hadoop. Based on the geographical locations the results were then distributed over various servers. Jiang Zheng and Aldo Dagnino [11] offered a brief assessment of Literature on big data analytics. The aim of the author was to implement, ML methods on the industrial power system to predict the faults and power load. In [12] Naive Bayes algorithm a health care prediction model was presented. The proposed methodology discovered hidden patterns related to various diseases from the disease database. This method permits the user to share healthrelated issues and then predict the appropriate disease by applying naive Bayes. The author streamlined the ML in [13] for better heart disease prediction. A new convolutions neural network model was proposed for the disease prediction algorithm. Realtime data was collected from the hospital for performance evaluation. The experiment was conducted with cerebral infraction a chronic disease. The experimental results showed the structures Naive Bayes performed better. The concept study proof was presented in [14] Simi et al. investigated the significance of timely finding of infertility in females [15] For the study author used 26 variables and classes of female infertility. Results were compared with other techniques and finally concluded that Random forest performed better with better accuracy of 85%. Lafta et al. proposed an intelligent recommender’s method to assist the practitioners and patients about the short-term risk assessment of heart failure [16]. Scholars proposed a heart disease prediction method, recommending the patient to understand the importance of taking the test and consulting a doctor. The proposed method used a real-time dataset. The evaluation performance analysis is done by using different quantification methods.

33 Framework for Diabetes Prediction Using Machine Learning Techniques ...


3 Methodology 3.1 Data, Feature Selection and Software Tools The UCI In this work, has facilitated in the downloading of PIMA Indian diabetes (PID) dataset from the national institute of diabetes and digestive and kidney diseases (NIDDIC), which contains details of female patients whose age is greater than 21. The data set contains information of about 9 attributes and 768 patients. Figure 1 Exhibits the Framework of ML Techniques. Table 1 displays the representation of the parameters of the existing dataset. The 9 parameters used for predicting diabetes are BMI, Insulin, pregnancy, Diabetes pedigree function, Skin Thickness, BP, Age and target. The outcome variable is considered as the target variable and the rest of the traits are considered as independent variables. The data parameter is composed of Binary values 0 and 1 where 0 represents the patient is not diabetic and 1 means diabetic.

Fig. 1 Framework of ML techniques

Table 1 Details of the dataset S. Pregnancies Glucose Blood Skin Insulin BMI Diabetes Age Outcome no pressure thickness PedigreeFunction 0






33.6 0.627









26.6 0.351









23.3 0.672









28.1 0.167









43.1 2.288




C. Kalpana and B. Booba

Table 2 Statistical summary of the data Attributes


















Blood pressure






Skin thickness


















Diabetes Pedigree Function


















In our study we have used ML algorithms, to predict if a patient is diabetic or nondiabetic. People of an obese disposition are likely to develop diabetes type 2. Table 2. represents the average BMI is 32 for the 768 patterns. We use python an open-source ML technique and software tools for the performance analysis for the diabetes datasets. Python consists of tools for data preprocessing, classification, clustering, feature selection, and visualization. Different ML techniques are deployed in the python Jupiter note work and for coding python programming language were used.

3.2 Data Preprocessing Data preprocessing helps to develop a better ML model to provide high accuracy. In preprocessing different functions are used for filling missing values, outline rejection, features selection, data normalization to increase the credibility of data. In the dataset 500 were tabulated as non-diabetic then 268 samples are categorized as diabetic.


Missing Value Identification

Using python we identified the missing values of the dataset in the table represented in Table 2. The absent value was replaced with the matching mean value. Using Jupiter notebook the dataset was filtered for tracing the outlines and extreme value based on interquartile range. There were 699 occurrences after eradicating those outliers and the farthest ranges from the dataset.

33 Framework for Diabetes Prediction Using Machine Learning Techniques ...



Feature Selection by BPSO

PSO was introduced and it has been successfully deployed using optimization problems (optimizing nonlinear) continuous functions [15]. The application of PSO to discrete complexities, on the other hand, necessitates a period of model equation adaptation. Eberhart and Kennedy (1997) identified the PSO’s distinct binary vision based on the situation. The BPSO is different compared to classical PSO based on two characteristics. The i represents the Binary vector particle of the position. Xi − (Xi1 , Xi2 . . . Xie ), Xij ∈ {0, 1}


• The velocity of a particle can be defined in relations of probabilities, bit changes to 1. Based on the explanation a velocity must be narrowed (0, 1) by employing the succeeding sigmoid function.   Sig Vrij =

1 t

1 + e−vij


Novel point is achieved in the calculation below; Y tij = {1 if rig < Sig Vij t Else 0


where rij is considered as a Uniform arbitrary value in the range [0, 1]. Vmax is applied and often when the set is at 4 Vijt ∈ (−4, 4) to stop Sig(Vtij ) approaching 0 or 1 which is considered as the constant. The attribute selection problem entails determining a Boolean assignment that is a proportionate variable that quantifies the number of clauses that can be satisfied simultaneously. BPSO Pseudo – code. Initialize a. b. c.

Designate the dimension of the swarm (np) and randomly position (X1 ), the velocity (vi ) and finest spot as (pi ) of all particles. Estimate the particle to select in the swarm paramount spot (GBEST ) Define the coefficients of Inertia and desirability (Co, C1, C2)

If Supreme quantity of iterations couldn’t accomplished or G(BEST) varies from the clause(m) In place of all element i = 1 to Np do a b c

.alter the velocity .Compute the sigmoid function (2) .Shift to the novel location with (2)


C. Kalpana and B. Booba

Table 3 SVM confusion matrix




A Tested Negative



B Tested Postive



.Calculate the act spending its recent location Xi t and recount with the location • finest particular act: if F(pi ) and pi = xit • Swarm best performance: if F(Xti ) > F(GBEST) then (GBEST ) = Xti

3.3 Application of ML Techniques In the research study detail trainings are conducted on PIDD by applying different ML classification methods like ML Classification.


Support Vector Machine (SVM)

SVM is a unique supervised ML techniques applied on classification statement. The goal of a SVM is to identify the improved uppermost margin by dividing the hyper plane among the two classes in the existing two class training model. The hyper plane must not fall close towards the data point that belongs to the new class for best generalization. From each category the hyper plane must be designated that is far away from the data arguments. The arguments that fall closer to the boundary of the classifier can be considered as support vectors. By using python the accuracy of the experiment is evaluated. SVM achieves the optimal by splitting hyper plane by increasing the space among the twofold assessment boundaries. We can increase the distance among the hyper plane can be well-defined mathematically wT x + a = −1 then the hyper plane determined by wT 2 2 x + b = 1. The interval is equivalent to ||w|| which defines that we want max ||w|| and min / and min ||w|| equally to solve it. 2 SVM should be able to categorizes entire x (i); where yi (wT xi + b) > = 1, ∀i ∈{1, ¢¢,N}. The evaluation of SVM algorithm of predicting diabetes by confusion Matrix is as follows in Table 3.


Naive Bayes Classifier (NB)

It is the ML taxonomy method that defines that entire features are independent and dissimilar respectively. NB describes the status in which the particular feature in a class will not disturb another feature’s position. This algorithm is built on restrictive probability. NB observed to be a potent algorithm applied for purpose of grouping. It functions better on behalf of data that have missing values and imbalance issues.

33 Framework for Diabetes Prediction Using Machine Learning Techniques ... Table 4 Naive Bayes classification confusion matrix


451 B

A Tested Negative



B Tested Positive



Naïve Bayes (24) is a supervised ML classifier that applies Bayes Theorem, via statement following probability P(D/Y) computed from P(D) 1 P(Y) and P(Y/D) (23). Therefore P (D/Y = (P(Y/D) P(D))/P(Y). Where P(D/Y) = Earlier probability class. P(Y/D) = Probability predictors class. P(D) = Probability of class D’s. P(Y) = Prior probability of predictor. The performance evaluation of Naive Bayes classification using confusion Matrix is as trails Table 4.


XGBoost Algorithm

XGBoost recently gaining importance. It is a supervised machine learning technique. It can be termed stochastic gradient boosting, gradient boosting, multiple regression trees. It is an ensemble method that controls the error generated by the existing model. Extreme Gradient boosting was recommended by Chan and Guestrin [17] in 2016. It was considered as an advanced estimator in classification and regression due to ultra-high performance. XGBoost avoids over fitting by utilizing the loss function. LK (F(xi )) =



(yi , Fk (xi ) +





Where Fk (xi) is considered as the prediction at the kth boost on model i. The difference between prediction and actual label can be measured using the loss function. The regularization. (fk) equation is as follows.  (f) = γ T +

1 λ ω2 2



C. Kalpana and B. Booba

Fig. 2 Confusion matrix of XGBoost

In regularization the complexity of leaves can be denoted γ. Number of leaves can be designated by T. λ represents the penalty parameter and output of leaf node as ω2 . XGBoost is different from GBDT because it perceives objective function as second order Taylor series the Eq. (4) can be altered as. LK ∼ =

 n   1 2 gi fk (xi ) + hi fk (xi ) + (fx) 2 (i=1)


Where gi and hi represents the gradient statistics on the loss function of first order and second order, Ij designates the sample set of leaf j. The converted Eq. (6) are as follows. ⎤ ⎡ ⎤⎡ T    1 ⎣ LK = gi ⎦⎣ωj + hi + λ⎦ + γ T 2 i∈I (j=1) i∈I j



In inference, the objective function is changed into the purpose problem of the minimum of a quadratic function [18]. In addition, to tackle over-fitting problem XGBoost surveys the idea of GBDT and practices learning rate, maximum tree depth, boosting numbers, and subsampling. Figure 2. Demonstrates the confusion matrix of XGBoost.

33 Framework for Diabetes Prediction Using Machine Learning Techniques ...


4 Result and Discussion Three ML classifiers SVM, Naïve Bayes and XGBooster were applied and experimented in this study by applying on PIMA dataset. Then dataset was split into two set, 70% as training set and 30% as testing set. The important evaluation parameter that used in this study was accurate prediction. Equation 8 defines the accuracy. Overall success of the algorithm was gaining accuracy. The ML accuracy may be computed through confusion Matrix. The Table (5) illustrates the confusion Matrix. Predicted No (0)

Predicted yes (1)

Predicted (0) TN


Predicted(1) FN


FP represents false positive, FN = False Negative, TP – True Positive. TN – True Negative. Equation (4)–(7) used to compute performance evaluation of ML. Accuracy = Recall =


(TP) (TP + FP)

Precision = F − Measure =

(TP + TN) (P + N)


(TP) (TP + FP)


2 × (PrecisionXRecall) (Precision + Recall)


The Confusion Matrix of SVM, Naive Bayes classifiers for cross-validation, and trains split are denoted in Table. An above 70% accuracy can be observed in all classification methods. However, XGBoost is giving better accuracy. The naive Bayes algorithm can predict the occurrence of diabetes with better accuracy of 82% when compared with the different algorithms. Figure 3. Demonstrates the significant features of the dataset. It is detected that plasma Glucose has more significance among other features. BMI, age is considered as second and third vital features. It can be précised that these parameters play a crucial role to forecast whether a patient has diabetes or not. Figure (4) represents Auroc Plot of XGBoost. Table 5 Confusion Matrix predicted by ML algorithms Algorithm










Naive Bayes











C. Kalpana and B. Booba

Fig. 3 Importance of feature selection

Fig. 4 Auroc Plot of XGBoost

5 Conclusion An accurate early detection of diabetes has always been a real world in this research work system was modeled in a systematic manner to predict the diabetes disease. Three ML algorithms were applied and evaluated on different measures. The computer results determining the capability of the designed system were able to achieve an accuracy of 82% using XGBoost model. The research work can be improved and extended for automating diabetes analyzing by incorporating other ML techniques. In this paper we have proposed a frame work of PSO for parameter

33 Framework for Diabetes Prediction Using Machine Learning Techniques ...


selection process. Features selection is done to eliminate irrelevant and noisy feature that creates negative effect on the classification. We have detected the key features that causes diabetes. Application of proposed methodology on dataset achieved promising results. Highest classification accuracy was obtained by employing a few significant features. A future study can be carried out by developing a model by deploying firefly algorithm for feature selection and to develop an algorithm for firefly based parallel distributed process that permits all fire flies to be processed simultaneously which results in reducing the processing time.

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Chapter 34

Statistical Post-processing Approaches for OCR Texts Quoc-Dung Nguyen , Duc-Anh Le, Nguyet-Minh Phan, Nguyet-Thuan Phan, and Pavel Kromer

1 Introduction The low accuracy of Optical Character Recognition (OCR) systems causes negative impacts on the readability of OCR-generated texts as well as their readiness for practical use. Errors generated from an OCR process often come from limitations of text recognition methods together with poor quality, unusual fonts, or layouts of the source documents. The OCR-generated texts need to be post-processed to improve their quality. OCR post-processing can be applied as the last step of an OCR system or to the erroneous OCR texts. There are three possible ways to improve the quality of OCR texts: modifying input images, optimizing OCR system, and post-processing OCR texts. The third way is preferable as it does not depend on any specific OCR system. It aims to automatically detect and correct kinds of errors in the OCR texts. Automatic OCR post-processing Q.-D. Nguyen (B) Faculty of Engineering, Van Lang University, 69/68 Dang Thuy Tram Street, Ward 13, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam e-mail: [email protected] D.-A. Le The Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tokyo 101-8430, Japan N.-M. Phan Sai Gon University, 273 An Duong Vuong, Ward 3, District 5, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam e-mail: [email protected] N.-T. Phan University of Science, VNU-HCM, 227 Nguyen Van Cu, Ward 4, District 5, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam e-mail: [email protected] Q.-D. Nguyen · P. Kromer Technical University of Ostrava, 17. listopadu 15, 708 33 Ostrava-Poruba, Czech Republic e-mail: [email protected] © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2022 M. S. Uddin et al. (eds.), Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Advances in Computational Intelligence, Algorithms for Intelligent Systems,



Q.-D. Nguyen et al.

approaches can be categorized into two main types: corpus-based type and hybrid type. In the corpus-based approaches, n-gram dictionaries are created from large external corpora and resources and used for OCR error detection and correction [1, 2]. However, the performance of this approach type is limited due to the coverage of the constructed dictionaries. The reason is that such external resources only cover the specific genres of documents and are available for a period. The second type of approach is often a combination of different models and techniques among characterlevel and word-level n-gram language models [3–5], error channel models [3, 5], machine learning [3–6], optimization algorithm [6], statistical and neural machine translation [7–9]. Our recent statistical approach [10] employs the word-based n-gram language models and OCR error model based on the linguistic features including word similarity, word n-gram context frequency, and character edit probability learned from OCR training texts. Correction candidates are generated with character edits followed by the scoring and ranking process using a weighted fitness function of such features. In the other recent paper [11], we have applied the statistical n-gram language models and the candidate generation model that is relied on random character patterns under the control of the evolutionary Self-Organizing Migrating Algorithm (SOMA). In this paper, we present the important linguistic features which have been successfully employed in the above OCR post-processing approaches regarding their meaning and originality in language modeling. These linguistic features include word frequency (unigram frequency), word n-gram context frequency, word similarity, and character edit probability. While the word frequency and word n-gram context frequency are computed based on the n-gram statistics from an external text corpus, the character edit probability utilizes the statistics of correction character patterns extracted from training OCR texts. Our OCR post-processing models using these linguistic features are depicted as well. Our models are evaluated on the benchmark databases to see how well they perform in OCR error correction in comparison with the other approaches. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Sect. 2, the statistical linguistic features are presented and discussed in detail. Our statistical language models (SLM) are shown and evaluated on the benchmark databases in Sect. 3. Finally, Sect. 4 gives conclusions.

2 Statistical Linguistic Features In this section, we describe the linguistic features consisting of the corpus-based features employed in the language models and the OCR error features in the error models. We discuss the ways to come up with these features and their relations to the language modeling in literature.

34 Statistical Post-processing Approaches for OCR Texts


2.1 Corpus-Based Features N-gram dictionaries are often created from a text corpus in the reference language. They include a unigram dictionary for single words, a bigram dictionary for contexts of consecutive two words (called bigram contexts), a trigram dictionary for contexts of consecutive three words (called trigram contexts), etc. These dictionaries can be further extended using the Ground Truth (GT) texts in the training dataset. In OCR error detection, words that are not in the unigram dictionary are considered as nonword errors while the bigram and trigram dictionaries are used to detect errors that are real words but in the wrong context (called real-word errors). In general, an n-gram language model [12] is used to calculate the probability P(wn |w1n−1 ) of the word wn knowing its n-1 preceding words. In the bigram model, this probability becomes the conditional probability P(wn |wn−1 ) of the word wn following the word wn-1 . Similarly, in the trigram model, this probability is the conditional probability P(wn |wn−2 wn−1 ) of the word wn following the two preceding words wn-2 wn-1 . To simplify the calculation, we consider this probability is equivalent to the occurrence frequency of the n-gram context in the corresponding n-gram dictionary, such as the bigram or trigram dictionary. N-gram contexts have been applied in many OCR text post-processing solutions [1–6, 10, 11]. The n-gram language model is used to check the correctness of a correction candidate based on its n-gram contexts in the bigram and trigram dictionaries. The more frequently a correction candidate with the corresponding contexts appears in an n-gram dictionary, the better it has a chance of being selected to substitute for the error word. Assuming wci is one of the correction candidates of the error word we , the bigram context frequency of wci is defined as the sum (or product) of the frequencies of the left and right bigram contexts of wci and normalized as follows:   f 2 wci−1 wci + f 2 (wci wci+1 )   B(wci ) = max wc ∈W ( f 2 wc i−1 wc i + f 2 (wc i wc i+1 )) i   f 2 wci−1 wci . f 2 (wci wci+1 )   B(wci ) = max wc ∈W ( f 2 wc i−1 wc i . f 2 (wc i wc i+1 ))




where wci−1 and wci+1 are the preceding and following words of wci respectively, W is the set of correction candidates of we , and f 2 () is the bigram frequency. The choice of sum or product of the bigram frequencies depends on the model design. Similarly, the normalized trigram context frequency of wci is the sum (or product) of the frequencies of the trigram contexts of wci in reference to the maximum sum (or product) of the trigram context frequencies of a correction word in W. Let f 3 () be the trigram frequency.


Q.-D. Nguyen et al.

    f 3 wci−2 w ci−1 wci + f 3 wci−1 wci wci+1 + f 3 (wci wci+1 wci+2 )     T (wci ) = max wc ∈W ( f 3 wc i−2 wc i−1 wc i + f 3 wc i−1 wc i wc i+1 + f 3 (wc i wc i+1 wc i+2 )) i

(2a)    f 3 wci−2 w ci−1 wci . f 3 wci−1 wci wci+1 . f 3 (wci wci+1 wci+2 )     T (wci ) = max wc ∈W ( f 3 wc i−2 wc i−1 wc i . f 3 wc i−1 wc i wc i+1 . f 3 (wc i wc i+1 wc i+2 )) 


(2b) Especially, the normalized unigram frequency of wci is not dependent on any context and simply defined as below. Let f 1 () be the unigram frequency.   f 1 wci   U (wci ) = max wc ∈W f 1 wc i



2.2 OCR Error Features OCR error model is used to generate correction candidates through character edit operations such as substitution, insertion, and deletion. Character edits can be learned from the training text dataset, where each text consists of an OCR text and a corresponding GT text aligned at the character level. According to the studies [13, 14] on the statistics of OCR errors, it is indicated that most OCR errors have edit distances 1 and 2. Given a character edit s : x → y, the error character pattern x in the OCR error word is chosen of 1 or 2 characters long, and the correction character pattern y in the corresponding GT correct word also has 1 or 2 characters in length. We can see that each error character pattern x in the OCR text can correspond to one or more correction character patterns y found in the GT text. A character edit table S includes the character edits s and their occurrence frequency f(s) in the training dataset. The OCR error model determines the probability that a GT correct word becomes an OCR error word caused by the OCR process, which is also the conditional probability of the error word we given the correct word wc , P(we |wc ). Equivalently, the conditional probability of the correct word wc given the error word we is computed as the product of the frequencies of the character edits si ∈ Swe →wc that transform the error word we to the correct word wc .  f (si ) (4) P(wc |we ) = si ∈Swe →wc

where Swe →wc is the set of character edits needed to transform we to wc .

34 Statistical Post-processing Approaches for OCR Texts


Assuming there is more than one correction candidate wci for the error word we , the normalized character edit probability to transform we to wc , denoted as P(wc |we ), is calculated as: P(wc |we ) =

P(wc |we ) max i (P(wci |we ))


In addition, the similarity between the correction word and the error word suggested by [1] and applied in [4, 5, 10, 11] is another important feature used in the paper. The word similarity, denoted as S(wc , we ), can be viewed as a comparison between the word pair wc and we to find the length of the longest sequence of similar characters between two words and is normalized based on the total length of two words. The closer the value S(wc , we ) is to 1, the more similar these two words are. On the contrary, S(wc , we ) also shows the degree of difference between the two words. By aligning two words according to the character level, dissimilar pairs of character strings in the corresponding positions between the two words can be indicated. Finally, the correction candidate wc of the error word we is ranked based on the fitness function Fscor e (wc ), which is a weighted sum of the above linguistic features U (wc ), B(wc ), T (wc ), P(wc |we ) and S(wc , we ). Since the weights sum up to 1, the fitness score of the correction candidate is in the range [0, 1] and considered as the confidence or probability of substituting the error word with the correction word. The closer the score of a correction candidate is to 1, the more confident the correction candidate is used to substitute for the error word. The correction candidate with the highest fitness score is selected as the final correction word of we .

3 Datasets and Statistical Language Models In this section, we introduce two databases established as the benchmarks for the text recognition and correction competitions, one for Vietnamese texts [15] and one for English/French texts [16]. Then, our two OCR post-processing models using the statistical linguistic features above are presented and evaluated on these two databases.

3.1 Databases VNOnDB Database. The VNOnDB database [17] was used in the Vietnamese online handwriting recognition competition1 [15]. The database contains handwritten texts written in different styles by 200 Vietnamese. Three datasets at paragraph, 1


Q.-D. Nguyen et al.

Fig. 1 The four processing phases of our statistical hybrid model

line, and word levels are provided with the ink data and ground truth (GT). In our experiments, the OCR output texts are generated from an OCR system based on the attention-based encoder-decoder model (AED) [18] with the DenseNet encoder and attention-based long short-term memory (LSTM) decoder. The online handwritten texts in the VNOnDB-Line dataset are converted to the images which are inputted into the AED model to generate the OCR texts. The GT texts and corresponding OCR texts are aligned at the character level. We use the GT-OCR texts from the training and validation sets (5,662) for training purpose and the texts from the test set (1,634) for our model evaluation. ICDAR Database. The ICDAR database was proposed for the OCR post-correction competition2 of the ICDAR 2017 conference [16]. It comes from different digital sources of the British Library (BL), the French National Library (BnF), Europeana Newspapers, Wikisource, etc. The database contains Gold Standard (GS) texts and corresponding OCR texts aligned at the character level. The English monograph dataset with 666 training documents and 81 evaluation documents is employed for the experiments. The training documents are used to learn OCR error features by extracting correction character patterns, and the evaluation documents are used to evaluate our proposed approach.

3.2 Statistical Language Models Proposed Model on the VNOnDB Database. In [10], we propose a hybrid model of detecting and correcting Vietnamese OCR errors based on the linguistic features and the OCR error characteristic. The proposed model includes four processing phases consisting of tokenization, non-syllable and real-syllable error detection, edit-based candidate generation, and error correction (see Fig. 1). The model is summarized as follows. We first construct the word n-gram dictionaries along with their occurrence frequencies using the VietTreeBank (VTB) corpus [19]. The OCR text is split into syllables by space in the tokenization phase. The punctuations at the end of syllables are also removed. Next, the OCR text is scanned to detect errors of non-syllable and real-syllable kinds. In the candidate generation phase, the character edit table (CET) 2

34 Statistical Post-processing Approaches for OCR Texts


is created by aligning the GT and OCR texts to find the dissimilar character patterns of one or two characters long. In the CET table, each error character pattern from the OCR text is transformed to correction character patterns learned from the aligned GT text. Their observed frequency is also taken into account. Then, candidates are generated by substituting error character patterns in the error syllables by correction character patterns obtained from the CET table. If a candidate or its contexts appear in any of the n-gram dictionaries, it is considered as a correction candidate; otherwise, it is eliminated. Finally, the correction candidates are ranked using the weighted fitness function of the linguistic features and OCR error characteristics including bigram and trigram context frequency, syllable similarity, and character edit probability. The highest-scored candidates are selected to substitute for the error syllables. Table 1 shows the text recognition and correction results of the proposed models on the VNOnDB-Line dataset. The evaluation metrics are based on the character error rate (CER) and word error rate (WER) [15]. They are the inverse metrics, meaning that a lower error value indicates a better model. Most of the approaches in Table 1 include the post-processing step that follows the text recognition system. For example, the Google team makes use of n-gram language models at both character level and word level on their private corpus. For the IVTOV system, the dictionary constraints are applied to the bidirectional LSTM (BLSTM) network’s output sequence. The MyScript system is post-processed with a syllable-level trigram language model trained on several corpora including VTB. The MyScript system achieves the best performance on both the CER and WER metrics (1.02 and 2.02% respectively). Our proposed SLM model with 4.17% of CER and 9.82% of WER outperforms the other models of Google, IVTOV, and AED [18, 20], except for the MyScript system. Furthermore, our model helps improve the baseline AED model with the DenseNet encoder [18] by 0.5% CER and 3.5% WER. It also has a better WER rate than the Table 1 Post-processing performance on the VNOnDB-Line dataset [10] Model

Language model


CER (%)

WER (%)

AED model with CNN-BLSTM encoder [20]





Google Task

Character and word n-gram









AED model with DenseNet encoder [18]





BLSTM-based NMT model Syllable-based unigram [21] and NMT




MyScript Task 1

Syllable-based trigram




MyScript Task 2

Syllable-based trigram

VTB + others



Proposed SLM model

Syllable-based n-gram and character edits




* Not available


Q.-D. Nguyen et al.

recent BLSTM-based neural machine translation (NMT) model [21] on the same VNOnDB-Line based OCR text dataset. For candidate suggestion examples of the correct and incorrect cases, the readers can refer to our previous work [10]. Proposed Model on the ICDAR Database. In [11], we present a model of OCR post-processing based on random character patterns under the control of the adapted SOMA evolutionary algorithm. The proposed model consists of four main phases shown in Fig. 2. These phases are briefly described as follows. The English corpus of billion words [22] is utilized to construct the word n-gram dictionaries. In the first phase, the OCR text is separated by space into tokens (words). The original OCR tokens are preserved when the tokenization is done without any restriction on punctuation. Then, by verifying if the tokens in the OCR text exist in the word unigram vocabulary, the errors such as misspellings, run-on errors, and unexpected errors are detected. The candidate generation includes two parts: candidate search and feature scoring. A table of correction patterns is constructed, where the correction patterns are directly learned from the training dataset. They involve all types of character edit operations like substitution, insertion, and deletion. The candidate search process is performed under the SOMA migration loops using random correction patterns to generate correction candidates. For the detailed descriptions of the candidate search process and the adapted SOMA algorithm, the readers can refer to [11]. Next, in each migration loop, the candidates are selected due to their weighted fitness scores using the five linguistic features including word frequency, bigram and trigram context frequency, word similarity, and substitution probability. Finally, the top-scored candidates at the last migration loop are used to replace the detected errors in the error correction phase. Table 2 depicts the OCR error detection and correction results of the different approaches on the English monograph texts. The error detection performance is based on the F1 metric [16]. This metric is computed as the harmonic mean of precision and recall. The correction performance is determined by the improvement percentage [16] when comparing the Levenshtein distance between the corrected text and GS text with that between the OCR text and the GS text. In Table 2, we only consider the approaches obtaining the improved performance on the OCR error correction task. They include statistical language models and error models (Anavec, EFP, WFSTPostOCR [16]), evolutionary and optimization algorithms (SLM-SOMA [11], SLMHC [24]), machine learning (Modified-prob.SLM [5]), statistical machine translation (MMDT [8]) and neural machine translation (CLAM [16], Char-SMT/NMT

Fig. 2 The four processing phases of our SLM-SOMA model

34 Statistical Post-processing Approaches for OCR Texts Table 2 OCR post-processing performance on the English monograph dataset [11]



Detection F1 (%)

Correction improvement (%)







MMDT [8]









Modifed-prob.SLM [5]






Char-SMT/NMT [9]



SLM-HC [24]



Proposed SLM-SOMA



* Not available. ** Rounded to one decimal place.

[9], NMT with the bidirectional encoder representations from transformers (BERT) [23]). For the OCR error detection task, the best performer is WFST-PostOCR, which employs n-gram language models and probabilistic character error models to address and correct OCR errors. The Char-SMT/NMT approach, a character-based ensemble model, obtains the highest correction improvement. Our proposed SLMSOMA model achieves competitive detection performance and shows comparable correction results to those of the best performers. Besides, the SLM-SOMA model has a similar correction performance to our other SLM model based on the Hill Climbing (HC) optimization algorithm (called SLM-HC) [24]. Our two SLM models utilize the same five linguistic features for the fitness function to score and rank correction candidates. Nevertheless, while the SLM-SOMA model employs the evolutionary SOMA algorithm to direct the correction candidate exploration through the migration loops using random character edits, the correction generation process in the SLM-HC model selects random character positions along the error word and applies random character edits following the adapted HC algorithm steps. For further detailed analyses of the randomness and complexity of these SLM models, the readers can find them in the related papers [11, 24]. In general, the SLM models show to be a comparable approach to the OCR post-processing problem, and they could obtain promising and better performance in OCR error detection and correction when combined with the other methods like optimization algorithms [11, 24] and NMT [9, 23].


Q.-D. Nguyen et al.

4 Conclusions In this paper, we describe the statistical linguistic features including word frequency, bigram and trigram context frequency, word similarity, and character edit probability with regard to their meaning and relations to language modeling. The proposed SLM models based on these features perform well on the two benchmark databases. In future work, we would like to propose OCR correction approach based on optimization algorithms for the VNOnDB database. In addition, it is worth applying stateof-the-art deep learning techniques in sequence data processing like BERT [25] to improving error detection and correction performance. It is aimed to have a full comparison of the various types of OCR post-processing approaches to Vietnamese OCR texts.

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34 Statistical Post-processing Approaches for OCR Texts


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Chapter 35

FPGA Implementation of Masked-AE$HA-2 for Digital Signature Application M. M. Sravani, S. Ananiah Durai, M. Prathyusha Reddy, G. Sowjanya, and Nabihah Ahmad

1 Introduction Digital signature (DS) is preferred in wireless networks to enhance digital authorization [1]. One such authorization form is an electronic signature, employed in documented certificates such as driving license, PAN card, and passport [2]. DS is also increasingly preferred at end-user devices of any digital communication, popularly referred to as IoT devices, to defend from any malicious command run by the cryptanalyst [3]. Though the implementations of DS schemes have enormous advantageous in file sharing, chances of developing a replica is high causing significant data manipulation. To avoid this replication and to circumvent the threats security enhancement of digital signature algorithms is essential. Asymmetric and hash algorithms based DS are used widely in the past to authenticate the data in the public (open network) and private (secret or closed network) networks. The hash function (SHA-2) will primarily generate the hash digested value from user data [4]. Later, the ECC-160 algorithm will authenticate the hash digested value by applying the private key [5]. Finally, the certificate has been attached with the digital signature and transferred to an open network, as shown in Fig. 1. Here, the ECC-160 offers equal security strength as compared to 3024-bits key of the RSA algorithm, and it provides lightweight and fast processing features.

M. M. Sravani · M. Prathyusha Reddy · G. Sowjanya School of Electronics Engineering, VIT Chennai, Chennai, India S. A. Durai (B) Centre for Nanoelectronics and VLSI Design, VIT Chennai, Chennai, India e-mail: [email protected] N. Ahmad Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Parit Raja, Malaysia © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2022 M. S. Uddin et al. (eds.), Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Advances in Computational Intelligence, Algorithms for Intelligent Systems,



M. M. Sravani et al.

Hash function

10110011010 Digitally signed data



Encrypt hash using Signer’s private key

111101101110 Signature

111101101110 Certificate


Attach to data


10110011010 Hash Digitally signed data

Decrypt hash using Signer’s public key

Hash function ?

10110011010 Hash

If the hashes are equal, the signature is valid

Fig. 1 Digital signature certification flow [9]

Additionally, the hash function provides special features for digital schemes such as authenticity, integrity, verification, and non-repudiation. MD-5, SHA-0, SHA-1, and SHA-2 are examples of such hashing schemes. Among them, MD5 and SHA0 have the least security levels, which can be represented in the form of 2(68) and 2(80) , respectively [6]. SHA-1 was the primary choice in DS over the past few years, however, as it provides the same digest value for two different inputs, exploring alternative scheme is required [7]. Further, low-security strength and pre-image collision attacks originated in SHA-1, forced to move for SHA-2 function. However due to similar core structure, SHA-2 also is prone to collision attack [8]. A novel hybrid Masked AE$HA-2 crypto-style that overcomes the above stated vulnerability is proposed in this work for enhancing the strength in terms of security and privacy. The proposed Masked AE$HA-2 has Masked AES encryption followed by the SHA-2 algorithm providing the required security features for DS application. The conventional AES encryption architecture is threatened by side-channel analysis; hence Masked AES algorithm is employed to shield from SCA attacks. Hidden key in this Masked AES makes key retrieval difficult, further, change in the message expansion block improves computational time in SHA-2 thereby adapting this scheme in to high-speed network is made feasible. Therefore it can be highlighted that the proposed Masked AE$HA-2 architecture not only secures the data from SCA but also enhances the speed of the architecture.

35 FPGA Implementation of Masked-AE$HA-2 for Digital Signature Application


The problem statement has been explained in Sect. 2, followed by the discussion of the proposed novel hybrid hash function in Sect. 3. In Sect. 4, comparison of the computational time between the existing architecture and the proposed architecture is provided. Finally, the last section concludes the achievement with a brief note of the future scope.

2 The Existing Work Cryptographic algorithms are widely employed to secure VLSI devices that are core circuity in fields including electronic signatures, electronic commerce, and digital certificates. Side Channel Information (SCI) leaked from such advanced circuitry is the vulnerable component that reveals the characteristics of the algorithms. This section describes the prevalent side-channel attacks on crypto-algorithms and process steps of the conventional AES & SHA-2 algorithms with a footnote on reported respective SCA.

2.1 Side-Channel Attacks There are diverse attacks that can be performed on cryptographic devices to observe the changes in device behavior named passive and active attacks. Later, cryptanalyst introduces invasive, semi-invasive, and non-invasive attacks to detect the variations on device surface [8]. Among these, Side-Channel Attacks fall under the category of non-invasive passive attacks. Figure 2 shows various possible side-channel information that can reveal the characteristics of the VLSI device [8]. Such information is effectively utilized by the cryptanalyst for a successful intrusion. Here, the cryptanalyst will behave like an outsider to note all the behavioral changes on the VLSI device’ surface. Later, appropriate techniques are applied to read the secret information of the device. The study of a security breach that might successfully reveal Fig. 2 Side-Channel information source [10]


Acoustic Cryptanalyst




Error Message


D Ka

Fault VLSI Device 1



Execution time


VLSI Device 2


M. M. Sravani et al.

confidential data is inevitable in any crypto-system. Knowledge of attack frameworks and strategies enables the cryptographic engineer to strengthen the algorithm, ultimately improving device/system security.

2.2 The AES Algorithm National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) proposed an Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) for eliminating the large key size problem of the Data Encryption Standard (DES). It provides a smaller key of 128 bits which has equal strength as that of the Triple-DES architecture. The AES algorithm has 128 bits of block length and different key sizes. The key size determines the round numbers, hence if the chosen key sizes are say, 128, 192 & 256 bits, the allowed rounds are 10, 12, and 14 respectively. Consider an AES-128 algorithmic flow that has a 128-bit input block been converted into a 4 × 4 matrix (16 × 8 = 128 bits). The encryption process of AES-128 starts from the preparation of the key, as shown in Fig. 3. The key size for AES-128 is 128-bit hence ten rounds of operation will be performed. Each round operation generates a round key from one real key with the help of a key expansion block. For ten rounds, it will generate ten keys from one real key. Upon completion of the round key generation, encryption begins, the functional operation has several sub-process as explained below [11]; • Round Key: This process includes a simple XOR operation between the input data and a generated round key. Then, the resultant value of the round key is handled by a subsequent process. Fig. 3 Encryption process of AES Algorithm [11]

Plain Text


Key Expansion

Round key Shift rows Round 1 to 9

SubBytes Mix Cloumns Round Key Shift rows SubBytes Cipher Text

Round 10

35 FPGA Implementation of Masked-AE$HA-2 for Digital Signature Application


• Shift Rows: As per predefined offset values, each row in the state matrix has different shifting process [11]. Based on the offset values, a left cyclic shift operation should be done on each row of state matrix and the state matrix is updated. • SubBytes (Byte substitution): The byte substitution is purely a non-linear and independent mathematical function. In this process, the old state matrix is substituted with a new state matrix as per the predefined look-up table (S-box). Finally, the entire state matrix has been updated, which then proceed for further calculations. • Mix Columns: After completing the byte substitution process, a mathematical operation was processed on columns in the state matrix. This mathematical calculation includes a multiplication operation between the state matrix and the polynomial of degree 4 over G.F. (28 ) in a specified standard. The final resultant column values were placed in the state matrix and a new state matrix is formed. However, during the last round of operation, the ‘MixColumns’ is ignored for specific ordering of the bits. If say 128 bits is opted as an input key, in the 10th round of AES encryption the mix column operation is not performed. After the ten rounds of operation, the final AES encrypted value is generated. A Side-channel time attack can easily breach this conventional AES algorithm by physically accessing its functional characteristics during the cryptologic device operation [10]. Similarly, during the bitstream generation process in FPGA, a fault is induced to reveal the SCI of the crypto AES device. The cryptanalyst has utilized such SCI to retrieve the secret key out of AES in FPGA [12]. In [13] and [14], acoustic and E.M. analysis attacks were introduced in the crypto core hardware system to reveal the pattern of AES secret keys. So, design enhancement to protect the secret key by proposing a masking countermeasure for side-channel attacks is essential. This masking method combines the false key with the real key to confuse the attacker by hiding the real data. A detailed discussion about masking process on the AES algorithm is provided in Sect. 3.1.

2.3 The SHA-2 Architecture The secured hash function (SHA) is an iterative structure and also a one-way hash functioning process to produce a condensed representation called message output digested. SHA holds a unique feature to determine the different output message digests for distinct inputs immediately. This type of feature is helpful in the generation & verification of digital signatures, message authentication codes, and the generation of random numbers. Apart from different SHA versions, DS preferably adopts the SHA-2 algorithm after the weak collision reported on SHA-1. As per user requirements, the SHA-2 provides various output digested values such as SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512. This paper chooses the SHA-2(256) architecture for core and data width that is compatible with AES-128 algorithms [4].


M. M. Sravani et al.

Kt ht

ROM(constants kt)

Initial Hash Values(ht)





wt Compression function clk rst

Message expansion Round Addition


Hash computation


Fig. 4 The block diagram of SHA-2(256)

Figure 4 represents the block diagram of SHA-2(256). It consists of 2-stages viz pre-processing and hash computation. The pre-processing stage includes initializing predefined hash and round constant values in memory register. The processing involves series of operation including padding, compression and round addition. The required input message length is prepared by the padder block. Further, the hash computation includes message expansion for preparing the 64 blocks of the input message and then proceeded with compression function operation. At last, a round addition step executes to finish the preparation of 256 bits output digested values. These preprocessing and hash computation operations are detailed as below; • Step 1: Initially, the 64 prime round constant values are stored in a separate register named K0 to K63. During the iteration of the compression function, regular fetching of a round constant value according to the corresponding stack address is done. • Step 2: Similarly, the pre-defined hash values were also stored in a register named h0 to h7, as shown in Table 1 [4]. These predefined hash values have been assigned Table 1 Initial hash values [4]




Hash values 32’h6a09e667






















35 FPGA Implementation of Masked-AE$HA-2 for Digital Signature Application Table 2 The computational time for AES algorithm





Add Round Key

52.6 μs

3.809 ns


4.04 μs

3.124 ns


26.58 μs

4.593 ns


54.03 μs

4.129 ns


5.091 ns


4.129 ns

One round

137.25 μs

24.875 ns

Fig. 5 The message length of padder unit [4]

Message bits

Padding bits

64 bits of Message length (l)

512 bits

as initial hash computation to begin the compression function operation. Later, these stored pre-defined hash values are utilized during the modulo addition step to get the secured hash digested value (Table 2). • Step 3: In this padder preparation step, the input message should be prepared according to the specified message length, as shown in Fig. 5. Here, the padder unit will prepare the required input message as 512 bits by appending the necessary padded bits to obtain a maximum size as 264 . These 512 bits are later divided into individual blocks consisting of 32-bits each [4]. • Step 4: After completing the message preparation, the hash computation begins with the message scheduler operation by expanding these 16 blocks of the message into 64 blocks. These blocks are assigned as input to the compression function regularly during the 64 rounds of operation. The preparation of the remaining 48 blocks of the input message is calculated as per (1) and named as W16 to W63 . For all 0 ≤ t ≤ 15 For all 16 ≤ t ≤ 63

wt = messageinput wt = wt − 16 + σ0 + wt − 7 + σ1


Where, σ0 = r otr 7(wt − 15) ⊕ r otr 18(wt − 15) ⊕ shr 3(wt − 15), σ1 = r otr 7(wt − 2) ⊕ r otr 19((wt − 2) ⊕ shr 10(wt − 2)) • Step 5: As discussed in steps 1, 2, and 4, the input message and the round constants are given as input to the compression function and then, initialization of the predefined hash values into a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h for computing the first round operation as per Fig. 6 is carried out. These compression includes a primary subfunctions such as Ch(x,y,z), Maj(x,y,z),  0 (x) and  1 (x). Symbols in (2) denoted as ∧, ~ and ⊕ represent logical AND gate, NOT gate, and XOR gate respectively.


M. M. Sravani et al.

Fig. 6 The compression function of SHA-256 [4]









Wt Kt

Ch ∑1 Maj ∑0









h = g, g = f, f = e, e = d + temp2, d = c, c = b, b = a, a = temp1 + temp2 (2) where, templ = 0 + ma j, temp2 = h + s1 + che + kt + wt 0 = r ot2(a)r otr 13(a) + r otr 22(a),       Ma j(a, b, c) = a ∧ b ⊕ a ∧ c ⊕ b∧ c , 1 (e) = r otr 6(e) + r otr 11(e) + r otr 25(e)     Che(e, f, g) = e∧ f ⊕ ∼ e∧ g . After completing a round operation, the earlier generated hash computation values are updated with the new values so that the remaining 63 rounds operation is continued. This process will continue until 64th iteration, and then the final hash computation value as a, b, c, d, e, f, g and h are stored. • Step 6: During this step, the stored initial hash values have been fetched from the register named h0 to h7 and then performed a modulo addition operation with final hash values of ‘a’ to ‘h’ as represented below:

35 FPGA Implementation of Masked-AE$HA-2 for Digital Signature Application

H0 = h 0 + a, H1 = h 1 + b, H2 = h 2 + c, H3 = h 3 + d, H4 = h 4 + e, H5 = h 5 + f, H6 = h 6 + g, H7 = h 7 + h.



• Step 7: Finally, the generated 32-bit block of the hash value are combined into a single 256-bit hash output digest value.

As S H A − 2(256) = H0 ||H1 ||H2 ||H3 ||H4 ||H5 ||H6 ||H7 ||


This existing SHA-2 architecture lags in terms of computational time during the expansion of the message from 16 to 64 blocks. A sliding window protocol was proposed in the place of a message scheduler to enhance the timing performance of SHA-2. It will help for fast processing the hash digested values along with the default security features. However, the SHA-2 may be prone to various types of attacks. So, the combination of conventional SHA-2 with the HMAC algorithm was proposed to prepare a secured bitcoin. But this combination was successfully breached by the scan-based time attack [15]. So, it’s time to think the combination algorithm with SHA-2 should be précised with high-security features, and also it would be a oneway form. Therefore, proposing an AES encryption algorithm with the SHA-2 hash function will enhance the security feature with less computational time.

3 Proposed Architecture The proposed work is a combination of AES-128 and SHA-2(256) architecture, and it is named a hybrid hash function as shown in Fig. 7. The process of the proposed architecture begins with AES algorithm being applied on the input messages to get the required encrypted output as 128 bits [16]. Then the encrypted value is passed on to the SHA-2 to get the required hash digested value. The final digested value has been double encrypted and hence it is more secured than the individually encrypted data. The conventional AES has a threat from side-channel attacks and permits the reveal of the secret key; the proposed combination style replaces the conventional with a masked AES algorithm to strengthen the security features. Further, the existing SHA-2 unnecessarily expands the input message from 16 to 64 blocks yielding to increases area and computational time. A sliding window protocol is proposed for minimizing the computational time for message expansion block in SHA-2. The detailed discussion about the proposed masked AES and SHA-2 architecture is provided in subsections.


M. M. Sravani et al.

Fig. 7 The flow chart of Masked AE$HA-2 hash function

Input data

K masked Key


Cipher Text


Hashed output

3.1 Proposed Masked AES Encryption Algorithms Previously, the secret key was revealed to the cryptanalyst through the correlation process on leakage information obtained through SCI and prediction. Therefore, a countermeasure is processed to resist such attacks by combining the encryption operation of the real key with a false key. This combination will eliminate the sidechannel information leakage and eliminates the successful correlation process on the leaked data. A simple XOR operation between the real key and masked data for preparing the false key is shown in Eq. (5). K f alse = K r eal ⊕ K mask


where K MASK is a value consisting of sixteen bytes, and ⊕ being the XOR operator. It is noted that (5) is satisfied for each of the 16 bytes that form K MASK , (i.e. K FALSE (p, q) = KREAL (p, q) ⊕ KMASK (p, q), p = 0 to3 and q = 0 to3). This Kfalse will hide the real key operation by doing separate parallel fake operations on ‘SbTrans’ and ‘mixCol’ to disguise it as a real operation to the attacker, as shown in Fig. 8. Here, masking scheme will hide the original data through ‘SbTrans’ and ‘MixCol’ operations as shown in below Eq. (6): S Box (a f ( p, q)) ⊕ S Box (a f ( p, q) ⊕ K mask ( p, q)) ⊕ m H


where af (p,q) is the plain text XOR-ed with mask key (given in (5)), and mH is used for converting the result of the operations as a measure against any SCA attack. The ‘mixcol’ and ‘mixcolumn’ block implements the same operation, but the data will differ. Subsequently, ‘Sbtrans’ and ‘Subbytes’ also executed similar functions

35 FPGA Implementation of Masked-AE$HA-2 for Digital Signature Application


Plain Text Round=1

Round=1 Duplicate operation


Round=1 Add round key

Shift rows

Sb Trans



mix columns



Key expansion

Round=10 Key incr

Round=10 XoR

Cipher text

Re masking

Fig. 8 Proposed AES encryption architecture

for different data sets to confuse the attacker. Finally, this proposed masked AES architecture will hide the original data compared to conventional AES architecture. However, handling the different sets of keys in the Masked AES algorithm is a huge task. The MUX resource will resolve the issue by finding the suitable keys for respective rounds with the help of ‘Key incr’ signal. This ‘Key incr’ behaves as the ‘select’ signal and points to the algorithm’s next round operation until the 9th round. During the last round (10th ), the output of the ‘Subbytes’ and the previous key from the ‘Key expansion’ process is XOR-ed to obtain the final Ciphertext value. If any cryptanalyst will analyse this ciphertext, they may not retrieve any original form of data because of one-way encryption and thus preventing the decryption process to circumvent actual data exposure. Therefore, the proposed Masked AES architecture has enhanced security due masking of the original data hence prevents SCA attacks.

3.2 Proposed SHA-2 Architecture As a subsequent process of AES, the encrypted data is again hashed by SHA2. The proposed SHA-2 architecture minimizes the computational time by replacing the message expansion block with a sliding window protocol. This sliding window


M. M. Sravani et al.

































Fig. 9 Sliding window protocol [17]

protocol calculates the values as per (2) and precisely applies shift operation to get the required block well before the compression function begins its. This protocol will save computational time by minimizing the waiting cycle and also it enhances the clock’s speed enabling fast processing. Primarily, the input message of 512 bits is expressed as sixteen 32-bit words, and represented as wt0 , wt1 , wt2 , wt3 ……wt15 . These 16 blocks are placed like a sliding window form, and then one left shift operation is done. In the place of w15 , a new prepared value is placed (as discussed previously) as shown in Fig. 9. Likewise, remaining values have been prepared, inserted, and then a left shift operation is done on all the bits until 64th blocks of message bits. This greatly improves the computational time non-repudiation, integrity and message authentication features. The Masked AES output value followed by the SHA-2 hash function thus forms a new hybrid hash functional output named Masked AE$HA-2 digest. This hybrid hash function builds double security and also enhances the computational time to prepare the double encryption for DS.

4 Results and Discussion The novel hybrid architectures have been implemented on Virtex 7 (xc7vx485tffg1157-1) device using Vivado 2018.2 version. The performance of this proposed hybrid hash function is evaluated in terms of computational time metric. The RTL schematic of the synthesized novel hybrid hash function is redrawn to show the overall process flow as shown in Fig. 10.

35 FPGA Implementation of Masked-AE$HA-2 for Digital Signature Application

Plain_text (127:0)

Top_pipelined Cipher

SHA256_24bit_in msg_in(128:0)

Hashed (255:0) D

K_mask clk rst valid_in

data_valid_in clk







C valid_out



Hashed (255:0)















Fig. 10 RTL schematic of Masked AE$HA-2

Primarily, the Masked AES encryption algorithm implemented is compared with the standard algorithm for verifying its block wise performances in terms of computational time as shown in Table 2. Interestingly, the Masked AES algorithm performs well and achieves low computational time of 25 ns to complete one round operation compared to 137.25 μs for conventional AES. Therefore, the overall computational time of the proposed Masked AES encryption algorithm is only 280 ns to get the final encrypted 128 bits. Though the fake operation runs parallel to hide the original operation flow, the clock cycles of the masked AES remains unchanged during this encryption process. However, the addition of extra “SbTrans and mixcol” resources will increase the architecture area. Further, the conventional SHA-2 lags in the performance of computational time. But the proposed sliding window protocol in SHA-2 has increased the speed of computation for 48 blocks and also completes the hash computation process within 388 ns compared to the conventional design, as shown in Fig. 11. Finally, the combination of conventional AES & SHA-2 and the proposed AE$HA-2 have been implemented on V7 utilizing Xilinx Vivado tool, to evaluate the performances of computational time. Remarkably, the proposed Masked AE$HA-2 has produced the final 256-hash digested output in only 680 ns, which is almost half the computational time of the conventional one as shown in Fig. 11.

M. M. Sravani et al.


Fig. 11 Computational time of proposed algorithms

2000 Proposed 1750 Conventional 1500 1380 1250 388 1000 298 750 500 250 69.9 0



680 1490

800 700 600 500 400 300





100 0

5 Conclusion and Future Scope The proposed novel Masked AE$HA-2 hash function provides a dual one-way encryption and also maintains three tire protection. This protection layer is achieved through schemes such as masking, AES encryption, and SHA-2 hashing, which yields low computational time of 680 ns for preparing this hybrid hash digested value. Also, it enhances the speed of communication in the digital signature application. However, the area might be marginally high, due to the masked pattern in AES and sliding window of SHA-2. In future, redesign of the architecture to improve the area that caters to the digital signature application will be done. Further implementation on the advanced target device such as Zedboard might improve the performance in terms of area, throughput, and efficiency.

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35 FPGA Implementation of Masked-AE$HA-2 for Digital Signature Application


8. Sravani MM, Ananiah Durai S (2019) Side-channel attacks on cryptographic devices and their countermeasures—a review. In Tiwari S, Trivedi M, Mishra K, Misra A, Kumar K (eds) Smart innovations in communication and computational sciences. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 851. Springer, Singapore, pp 209–226. 9. Ambadiyil S, Vibhath VB, Mahadevan Pillai VP (2016) On paper digital signature (OPDS). In: Thampi S, Bandyopadhyay S, Krishnan S, Li KC, Mosin S, Ma M (eds) Advances in signal processing and intelligent recognition systems. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 425, pp. Springer, Cham. 10. Sravani MM, Durai SA (2021) Attacks on cryptosystems implemented via VLSI: a review. J Inf Secur Appl 60:102861. 11. Soliman SM, Magdy B, Abd El Ghany MA (2016) Efficient implementation of the AES algorithm for security applications. In: IEEE 2016 international system-on-chip conference (SOCC), pp 978–981 (2016) 12. Swierczynski P, Becker GT, Moradi A, Paar C (2018) Bitstream Fault Injections (BiFI)–automated fault attacks against SRAM-based FPGAs. IEEE Trans Comput 67(3):348–360 13. Al Faruque MA, Chhetri SR, Canedo A, Wan J (2016) Acoustic side-channel attacks on additive manufacturing systems. In: ACM/IEEE 7th international conference on cyber-physical systems (ICCPS), Vienna, pp 1–10 14. Gu K, Wu L, Li X, Zhang XM (2011) Design and implementation of an electromagnetic analysis system for smart cards. In: Seventh international conference on computational intelligence and security, Hainan, pp 653–656 15. Oku D, Yanagisawa M, Togawa N (2017) A robust scan-based side-channel attack method against HMACSHA- 256 circuits. In: IEEE 7th international conference on consumer electronics - Berlin (ICCE-Berlin), Berlin, pp 79–84 (2017) 16. Hamzah H, Ahmad N, Ruslan SH (2020) The 128-bit AES design by using FPGA. J Phys: Conf Ser 1529:1–7 (2020) 17. Forouzan AB (2007) Data communications & networking (SIE). Tata McGraw-Hill Education

Chapter 36

A Framework for Improving the Accuracy with Different Sampling Techniques for Detection of Malicious Insider Threat in Cloud G. Padmavathi, D. Shanmugapriya, and S. Asha

1 Introduction Storing of information and accessing of resources from anywhere is possible by anyone at any time by cloud. Many threats can attack the cloud, and one of the crucial threats is the malicious insider threat. A malicious insider is an individual who threatens to access confidential data and pretend to be a legitimate user within the organization. A malicious insider may cause data leakage leads to substantial financial and reputation loss. So, it is crucial to detect the malicious insider threat in an organization. Hence, a framework is proposed to detect a malicious insider threat. The real-world malicious insider data has been gathered from the US-Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT), which contains information regarding the malicious activity and non-malicious activity [1]. But non-malicious activity contains majority class instances, while malicious activity contains minority class instances. It is difficult to detect real malicious insider threats. The reason remains the same, which is possible when an instance of one class has maximum distribution than the other class instance. For example, in CERT data, the instance of non-malicious activity has a higher proportion than malicious activity. Whereas the instance of a non-malicious activity is considered as majority class, and the instance of malicious activity is regarded as a minority class. The classifier would consider the minority class as G. Padmavathi · S. Asha (B) Department of Computer Science, Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women, Coimbatore 641043, Tamilnadu, India e-mail: [email protected] G. Padmavathi e-mail: [email protected] D. Shanmugapriya Department of Information Technology, Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women, Coimbatore 641043, Tamilnadu, India e-mail: [email protected] © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2022 M. S. Uddin et al. (eds.), Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Advances in Computational Intelligence, Algorithms for Intelligent Systems,



G. Padmavathi et al.

noise or outlier during the training, and misclassification occurs. In the classification technique, the Class Imbalance problem arises due to the inaccurate classification of the minority class [2]. It suppresses the performance of supervised classification algorithms. The class imbalance problem will arise two critical issues in the supervised classification algorithm. They are (i) Misassumption and misclassification due to unequal proportion of class instance and (ii) Inaccurate prediction of the minority class, which will suppress the performance of the supervised classification algorithm due to inaccurate prediction of the minority class. Therefore, many techniques have been used to improve the accuracy and minimize the inaccurate prediction of the minority class. This paper utilizes different oversampling and undersampling techniques to solve the class imbalance problem and enhance the accurate prediction of malicious insider threats. The sampled data is trained using an SVM classifier to evaluate the performance of different sampling techniques using accuracy, f-score, precision and recall. The entire paper is organized into four sections. Section 2 tabulates the literature study in different sampling techniques. Section 3 explains the methodology overview. Section 4 illustrates the result and discussion. Section 5 concludes the research and suggests possible scope for future enhancement.

2 Background Study The primary focus is to solve the class imbalance problem in imbalanced CERT data comprising malicious insider threats. The following Table 1 describes the work done in the area of various sampling techniques. Table 1 Study of various sampling techniques S. no


Sampling techniques Classification algorithm



Gosain and Sardana (2017)

SMOTE, ADASYN, Borderline-SMOTE, safe level-SMOTE

Naïve bayes, SVM and Nearest Neighbor

Safe Level SMOTE performed better than other oversampling techniques based on f-measure and g-mean [3]


Dittman et al. (2014)



RUS classified better than other techniques in SVM and KNN based on AUC-curve [4] (continued)

36 A Framework for Improving the Accuracy …


Table 1 (continued) S. no


Sampling techniques Classification algorithm



Junsomboon and Phienthrakul (2017)

Neighbor Cleaning Rule (NCL), SMOTE

Naïve Bayes, Sequential Minimal Optimization (SMO) and KNN

Combined NCL and SMOTE provided a better result than SMOTE, NCL and ordinary data in various classifiers based on recall measures [5]


Hasanin and Khoshgoftaar (2018)


Random Forest

The minority class between 0.1% to 1% true positive rate is outperformed than 10% and 100% of class balanced data [6]


Haibo He et al. (2008)


Decision tree

The ADASYN algorithm provided better accuracy than SMOTE [7]


Yap et al. (2014)

ROS, RUS, AdaBoost

Classification and Regression Tree (CART), C5 and Chi-Square Automatic Interaction Detection (CHAID)

RUS outperformed the other sampling techniques in three Decision Tree algorithm based on accuracy, sensitivity, specificity and precision [8]


Fujiwara et al. (2020)

ADASYN, SMOTE, AdaBoost, RUSBoost, hyperSURF, HUSBoost and proposed HUSDOS-Boost sampling

Random Forest

HUSDOS-Boost outperformed the RUSBoost and provided 0.69% of G-mean to detect stomach cancer with the minority class instance less than 30 [9]


Bunkhumpornpat and Subpaiboonkit (2013)

Improved SMOTE, Borderline-SMOTE and Safe-Level-SMOTE

Naive Bayes, Decision tree, KNN and RIPPER

Improved SMOTE provided a better result than other techniques on various classifiers and achieved 73% of F-measure and 78% of AUC [10] (continued)


G. Padmavathi et al.

Table 1 (continued) S. no


Sampling techniques Classification algorithm



Abdi and Hashemi (2015)

Mahalanobis Distance-Based Over-Sampling Technique (MDO), SMOTE, Borderline-SMOTE, and ADASYN

Decision Tree, KNN MDO performed and RIPPER better than other techniques with various classifiers in terms of MAUC and precision [11]


Elhassan and Aljurf (2016)

Tomek’s Link(T-Link), RUS, ROS and SMOTE

SVM, ANN, Random Forest (RF) and Logistic Regression (LR)

T-Link performed best among various classifiers based on F-statistic, G-mean and AUC [12]

The above table shows that the different sampling techniques are applied to handle the class imbalance problem. Hence, the different sampling techniques are implemented and compared to improve the correct detection of a malicious insider in an organization.

3 Methodology The Following Fig. 1 illustrates the proposed methodology of minority class classification with different sampling techniques to detect a malicious insider threat. Fig. 1 Overview of proposed methodology


Data preprocessing Data Integraon

Data Transformaon

Data Level Sampling


36 A Framework for Improving the Accuracy …


3.1 Dataset The benchmark dataset is collected from the cyber security-based CERT [13] Division. The synthetic dataset based on malicious activity in the cloud environment has been collected. THE gathered US-CERT dataset consists of log details based on emails, web connection, device connectivity status, and login of malicious and non-malicious users. The dataset version r3.1 is considered as a primary dataset to analyze and detect the malicious insider threat. Some malicious insider threat-based scenarios [14] are defined below: • Scenario 1: An individual in an organization working after working hours, often used to carry a removable drive and uploaded the important information to Later resigned from the organization. • Scenario 2: An individual in an organization visited job websites and beseeched employment opportunities from a competitor of the business. The abnormal behaviour of the employee increases in data transfer using removable drives. Later resigned from the organization. • Scenario 3: Unauthenticated or unsatisfactory system administrator tries to install malicious software to collect sensitive information and utilize the removable drives for data transmission from the particular authorized system. Gather sensitive information to access the authenticated system. It also contains emails regarding sensitive information in an unusual manner in an organization. Later, resigned from the organization. • Scenario 4: Over three months, individuals frequently logged into other user’s computers. Searched and forwarded files to a personal email address. • Scenario 5: Uploaded documents to Dropbox for personal gain.

3.2 Data Pre-processing The primary CERT data contains log details of 516 days, where 4000 users generate 135,117,169 log events [14]. The events are activities including email-based, loginbased, device storage-based, HTTP operations, psychometric details, file information and daily log details. This paper considers scenario-1 and scenario-2 among the above mentioned five scenarios. So, the primary data related to selected scenarios are regarded as Base data, and others are neglected. The base data undergoes two pre-processing steps to make the data suitable for classification. It includes data integration and data transformation. Data Integration. Detection of Malicious insider threat records related to device status, login status and HTTP operation satisfies the above-selected scenario. The selected records are integrated using simple feature concatenation techniques. While other records are neglected. The following Table 2 demonstrates the feature details of integrated data.

490 Table 2 Feature details of integrated data

Table 3 Transformed data

G. Padmavathi et al. Features



It considers malicious activity or not


It is considered as the origin of data


Date of the particular event


User id who carries particular activity


Unique identification for each computer


Action of particular user


Before transformation

After transformation








07-01-2010 02:23:00








Activity jobs/displayhome.html


Data Transformation. The integrated data needs to be transformed to a categorical value for further processing. The features namely “vector”, “pc”, “user” and “activity” from integrated data converted into a numerical value. The value of “date” is converted into the number of epochs. The following Table 3 shows the details of transformed data. Data Level Sampling. It is necessary to balance the instance in all classes for accurate classification. To solve the class imbalance problem, three different types of techniques have been used. They are Data level solution, Algorithmic level solution, Ensemble-based learning solution [15]. The solution at the data level for the class imbalance problem is based on sampling methods [16]. This technique provides the solution by altering the pattern of data distribution. It is also said to be restructuring the imbalanced class data to make it well-balanced data. It is accomplished by both undersampling and oversampling. The different types of oversampling techniques are Synthetic Minority Over-Sampling Technique (SMOTE), Adaptive Synthetic (ADASYN) and Random Oversampling (ROS). Some of the essential undersampling techniques are Edited Nearest Neighbours (ENN), Near-Miss 1 (NM-1), Near-Miss 2 (NM-2), Random Under sampler (RUS), Tomek-link (T-L) have been implemented. In the pre-processed dataset, a feature like “InsiderThreat” is the target variable where the majority class instance “0” denotes non-malicious activity and minority class instance “1” indicates malicious activity. It is difficult to classify the minority class because the minority class instance is lesser than the majority class instance. So, a class imbalance arises during classification, where the data is distributed unequally for all the classes. This results in misclassification and misinterpretation of data. To

36 A Framework for Improving the Accuracy …


handle the class imbalance problem, data-level solutions such as oversampling and undersampling techniques are recommended. Oversampling Techniques. The primary focus of Oversampling technique is to replicate the instance of minority class until the dataset is balanced. Since the size of minority class instances would increase abruptly, the learning time also increases. This paper considers the three oversampling algorithms to resample the imbalanced data. They are ROS, SMOTE and ADASYN. One of the common techniques in oversampling is ROS. It multiplies the instance of the minority class randomly by replicating the minority class instance. Thus, it raises the problem known as overfitting. To overcome the overfitting [4, 8, 12], artificial synthetic methods are recommended. In SMOTE Eq. (1), a new artificial synthetic dataset is generated by combining minority class instance xi and interpolation within KNN, namely x zi [3, 4, 7, 9, 11, 12]. xnew = xi + λ(x zi − xi)


where the λ is denoted as a random number between 0 and 1, the balanced data is created by interpolation between xi and x zi. Minority instances are generated using (i) Regular. (ii) Borderline approach using KNN (iii) SVM approach [10]. SMOTE modifies the artificial instance of minority class based on weight for each class is called ADASYN. It generates several instances for minority classes proportional to the number of the adjacent class instance [3, 7–10]. It concentrates on outlier or minority class instances. Undersampling Technique. The primary focus of the Undersampling technique is to eliminate the instance of the majority class until the dataset is balanced. The decrease in the size of the majority class instance decreases the learning time [6]. This paper focuses on five undersampling algorithms that are used to balance the class imbalanced data. They are RUS, NM-1, NM-2, T-L and ENN. One of the common techniques in undersampling is ROS. It minimizes the instance of the majority class in a random pattern until the majority class instance equals the minority class instance [6, 8, 10, 12]. Hence it causes loss of important information in the majority class. The idea of Near-miss is to resample the instance of the majority class necessary to differentiate all classes. In NM-1, the majority class instance is selected if it satisfies the minimum average distance for N neighbouring minority class instance. In NM-2, the majority class instance is chosen if it meets the minimum average distance for N outermost minority class instance. T-L’s objective [12] is to clean the majority instance by eliminating the outlier same as a classifier. d(x, z) < d(x, y)or d(y, z) < d(x, y)


where d is defined as the distance between two instances. The link exists if the two instances of distinct classes are nearby each other. In ENN [11], the KNN eliminates the instance that fails to satisfy the neighbor.


G. Padmavathi et al.

3.3 Classification The supervised classification technique such as the SVM classifier [3, 4, 12] is implemented using balanced data to accomplish the detection of malicious insider threats in an organization.

4 Results and Discussions The following metrics are used to evaluate the proposed methodology. They are Accuracy, Sensitivity, Precision, F-score, True positive (TP), True Negative (TN), False Positive (FP) and False Negative (FN). Accuracy is the most frequently used evaluation metrics and is defined as the proportion of accurately predicted instances to the overall sum of instances. It is expressed as follows: Accuracy = T P + T N /T P + F P + T N + F N


Sensitivity or Recall is defined as a correctly predicted positive instance. It is also known as a measure of correctness. It is expressed as follows: Sensitivit y or Recall = T P/T P + F N


Precision is a measure of exactness to predict the positive instance by eliminating the inaccurately predicted negative instance as a positive. It is expressed as follows: Pr ecision = T P/T P + F P


F-score is the weighted average of precision and recall in binary classification. The increase in precision and Recall increases the value of σ. It is expressed as follows: F − scor e = (1 + σ 2) ∗ Pr ecision ∗ Recall/σ 2 ∗ Recall ∗ Pr ecision


The performance of the SVM classifier is compared using above mentioned evaluation metrics. The following Table 4 illustrates the performance of the SVM classifier after applying different oversampling and undersampling techniques. From Table 4, it is observed that the performance of ADASYN, ROS and SMOTE remains the same, and the Recall of a non-malicious event is less. Hence, the handling of imbalanced data using the oversampling technique is complex. In the undersampling technique, the f-score of NM-1 is almost more negligible, and specificity is unsatisfactory where it fails to detect the malicious activity. ENN and T-L achieved equal modest performance. NM-2 surpasses the ROS and improves the generation of an artificial minority class instance dramatically. Thus, it achieves high performance in Recall, Precision, F-score and Accuracy.

36 A Framework for Improving the Accuracy …


Table 4 Performance metrics of eight sampling methods Accuracy

F score


Recall 0.67 ± 0.77

Oversampling techniques ADASYN


0.80 ± 0.03

0.99 ± 0.02



0.80 ± 0.03

0.99 ± 0.02

0.67 ± 0.77



0.80 ± 0.03

0.99 ± 0.02

0.67 ± 0.77

Undersampling techniques ENN


0.80 ± 0.03

0.99 ± 0.02

0.67 ± 0.77



0.48 ± 0.00

0.97 ± 0.00

0.32 ± 0.22



0.91 ± 0.02

0.99 ± 0.01

0.84 ± 0.28



0.83 ± 0.04

0.99 ± 0.02

0.71 ± 0.74



0.80 ± 0.03

0.99 ± 0.02

0.67 ± 0.77

Table 5 Comparison of SVM Classifier Performance using imbalanced and balanced data Accuracy




Imbalanced data


0.99 ± 0.00

0.99 ± 0.00

1.00 ± 0.00

Balanced data


0.91 ± 0.02

0.99 ± 0.01

0.84 ± 0.28

Table 5 demonstrates the comparison between the performance of the SVM classifier using imbalanced and balanced data. From Table 5, it is observed that imbalanced data fails to detect malicious activity. The Recall of SVM classifier using balanced data correctly predicts the non-malicious activity than imbalanced data. Precision and f-score are outperformed using balanced data, while accuracy remains satisfactory in the detection of malicious activity.

5 Conclusion and Future Enhancement This proposed research paper implements different oversampling and undersampling strategies to combat the imbalanced class data with the classification prediction model. The CERT dataset includes the malicious insider threat is used, and SVM is applied for classification. The performance of the SVM classifier before sampling and after sampling is compared using various performance metrics. The performance of undersampling techniques outperformed the oversampling techniques to handle the imbalanced CERT dataset using SVM Classifier. NM-2 works better than other sampling techniques based on F-score and Recall. It eliminates majority class instances safely, resulting in improved performance than RUS, NM-1, ENN and T-L. In the near future, deep learning and other sampling techniques can be applied to classify the majority class instance of CERT data to improve performance.


G. Padmavathi et al.

Acknowledgements This work is supported by Centre for Cyber Intelligence (CCI), DST-CURIEAI-Phase II Project, Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India - 641027.

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Chapter 37

Customer Churn Analysis Using Machine Learning Ritika Tyagi and K. Sindhu

1 Introduction ‘Churn’, in simple terms, can be defined as the number of units leaving a specific region of use over a period of time. Churn is used as an important factor of consideration in business terms. Customer churn rate or CCR is basically defined as the rate at which customers of a company stop using its services or stop doing business with the company depending on if the company is a B2B or B2C. It is most commonly calculated as the percentage of the unsubscribed customers with respect to the total customers of a company within a specific time range. Keeping track of the rate of attrition for a company is of utmost importance when it comes to evaluation of its success. Since the rate of acquiring a new customer is often much higher than the rate of retaining a customer, customer churn analysis is being explored in depth in the new age and companies are trying to find faster and more efficient ways to retain their customers. The lack of efficient churn models available currently and a sense of ambiguity that remains in companies when they try to predict their churn rate was the primary motivation to choose to perform Churn Analysis. Ahmed et al. [4] discusses how churn is especially a tremendous problem in the telecommunications industry. According to research, the top four wireless companies in the United States have a monthly churn rate of approximately 1.9%–2%, indicating that companies not only need to heavily invest in customer churn models, but also ensure that they are up to date and state-of-the-art. Churn management is a crucial task for companies for many reasons, one of them being that it greatly effects the revenue generated by a company. In the R. Tyagi (B) · K. Sindhu Department of ISE, BMS College of Engineering, Bangalore, India e-mail: [email protected] K. Sindhu e-mail: [email protected] © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2022 M. S. Uddin et al. (eds.), Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Advances in Computational Intelligence, Algorithms for Intelligent Systems,



R. Tyagi and K. Sindhu

past, neural networks have shown depictions of churn analysis models but they are not state-of-the-art. The proposed work aims to build a churn analysis model that can predict the target variable ‘churn’, hence predicting if a particular customer will stop using the company’s services or not. Companies can leverage this to their advantage using several machine learning techniques such as cross validation, hyperparameter tuning on the cross validated models and even building an ensemble model. For classification purposes, six algorithms are chosen appropriately to perform churn classification. Unit and Integration testing was also performed on the built model to ensure its performance and also maintain a report of each individual working model as well as the complete model. For performance evaluation, accuracy, precision, f1-score, recall, and confusion matrices are used to evaluate each model being built.

2 Literature Survey Ahn et al. [1] has discussed that due to the sudden growth in telecom industry the demand for churn prediction has skyrocketed, as keeping the existing customer base is quite economical compared to acquiring new customers. Due to advancements in computing power and machine learning, companies are now capable of processing data efficiently and predicting the churn rate. In this paper, a new model for churn analysis is proposed which uses a data mining software called WEKA. Decision tree and Logistic regression algorithms are implemented and their accuracy is compared. For the implementation phase, they used a considerably sized data set having 50 numeric variables and 200 rows. A larger data set was also used, having 100 variables and 608 rows or entries. Hung et al. [2] discusses how the liberalization of Taiwan’s telecom industry led to a rapid growth and competition among local service providers. In order to grow their customers many of them started to look for various techniques to retain and secure new customers. This paper shows how data mining was prominent in finding the churn rate score. Various data mining techniques were compared and used to assign the “propensity to churn” value for the customers during a particular period of time. Ullah et al. [3] discusses how the telecom industry can use its subscriber database and develop essential and effective churn rate prediction models. Business analysts and customer relationship managers in the telecom industry can use the churn reports to manage and retain their customers by grouping them into categories and providing them with suitable offers. Here, the first model implemented is Random Forest with 88% accuracy followed by clustering techniques such as K-means clustering which is used to segregate the customer base into similarly grouped clusters. Ahmed A. et al. [4] suggests customer defection prediction is gaining popularity in the corporate world, particularly in the telecom industry. Many scholars have introduced various churn forecasting models that are heavily involved in data mining techniques and incorporate machine learning as well as metaheuristic techniques. This paper’s goal is to look at some of the most significant churn prediction approaches that have been developed over time. The paper depicts hybrid approaches, such as hybrid

37 Customer Churn Analysis Using Machine Learning


machine learning, hybrid meta-heuristics, or even both, which yield excellent churn forecast accuracy. SVM, ANN, SOM, and other hybrid models deliver great accuracy scores while reducing processing complexity. Brandusoiu et al. [5] discusses an innovative data mining algorithm that forecasts customer attrition in the pre-paid mobile telecommunications industry using call log data with 3333 customers and 21 attributes apiece. To minimize the dimensionality of the data and resolve the risk of multicollinearity, they first use the principal component analysis (PCA) approach. On the obtained main components and discrete variables, three machine learning algorithms are implemented (Neural networks, Support vector machines and Bayesian networks) in order to develop the prediction models. The gain measure and the ROC curve are used to finally evaluate the models. Tsai et al. [6] uses two hybrid models for churn prediction that use 2 distinct neural network techniques: back-propagation artificial neural networks (ANN) and self-organizing maps (SOM). ANN coupled with ANN (ANN + ANN) as well as SOM combined with ANN (SOM + ANN) are indeed the hybrid models. Three main types of testing sets are examined for evaluating the performance of these models. The general testing set and two fuzzy testing sets built on screened out data. Hadden et al. [7] discusses that it’s easier to retain old customers than to get new customers. So, the companies are investing big in research and spending their resources to retain their consumers. Keeping this in mind, churn analysis should be more accurate through the use of ML/AI built models instead of relying on the previously used manual methods that are not only cumbersome but also inaccurate. The techniques that presented were decision trees, regression analysis and other conventional methods. Vafeiadis et al. [8] presents various machine learning models to predict churn analysis. The models discussed in the paper are initially trained and then tested using the famous cross validation technique. Then, a wide range of machine learning algorithms were compared by their accuracy and rate of type 1 and type 2 errors. The results showed that boosted algorithms such as ADA boosting, Gradient boosting are far better in terms of classifiers than the normal algorithms. Therefore, they are better suited for churn analysis. Xia et al. [9] suggests that to improve the prediction accuracy of various machine learning algorithms, support vector machines can be used in churn analysis. Support vector machine was compared to other machine learning algorithms such as Decision trees, Naive Bayes, Logistic regression and also various artificial neural networks. SVM outperformed the other algorithms in terms of accuracy proving it to be more suited for churn prediction models.

3 Proposed Work Figure 1 presents the workflow of the chain of events for a machine learning model. The data store is populated with the extracted dataset from Kaggle (a dataset of a telecommunications company) that is then fed for feature generation and other exploratory data extraction techniques. Finally, the generated output is analyzed and


R. Tyagi and K. Sindhu

Fig. 1 Proposed system architecture

performance tuning factors are put in place for correct evaluation of the efficiency and optimality of the built model. The predicted model segments the customer history dataset into different segments. The customer attributes and usage patterns are devised from the dataset consisting of multiple features. The data is then randomly split into training and testing (20% of the data going into testing) after which the models are built and finally, testing is performed on all the models to check their churn prediction classification reports which are indicative of how efficient and accurate they are. Each model is built incrementally, on top of the previous model by performing cross validation and hyperparameter tuning on the models. An ensemble model is also built comprising of four algorithm Linear Regression, Ada Boost Classifier, XG Boost Classifier, SVC and hard voting is performed on the ensemble model to check its performance. Once the classification model is built, apart from being able to predict the churn value per customer, the churn rate of the company will also be calculable as seen in Eq. 1. Customer Churn Rate (CCR) =

Total no. of customers lost during a period (1) Total no. of customers in the beginning of the period

Data Transformation From the dataset that was imported, initially missing values were searched for. But in the first attempt, no missing values were found. To solve this issue, all the labels were converted from their object notations to their integer values and 11 missing values were found. The rows of these 11 missing values were entirely deleted from the dataset. Also, the features have string values which were encoded to numeric values. This helps the model understand the nature of the dataset better and eventually leads to a more accurate model as it reduces the risk of overlooking data curves.

37 Customer Churn Analysis Using Machine Learning


Feature Analysis From the dataset, two different types of correlation graphs were plotted to recognize the heavily correlated features with the ‘predictor’ variable churn. Also, the features having little to no importance to the predictor variable were noticed. Not only that, many features were independently plotted such as gender ratio (to see if gender had an impact on if a customer leaves the company’s services or not), churn rate with respect to dependents (that is if the customer has any financial dependents), partners (to see if being single or having a partner effects a customer’s churn decision), senior citizen (to have a better understanding of the company’s target demographic), contract of the customer, monthly charges, total charges (to see if contract and its charges can have a major effect on the final decision of a customer) and even the different kinds of company services provided to the customer to gather insights about the nature of churn in the company. Plotting individual graphs for some of the important features into consideration produced better insights from the data analysis being performed. Model Engine For the model building part, six different algorithms were used to get the best accuracy possible. The algorithms include Logistic Regression, ADA Boost Classifier, XG Boost Classifier, Decision Tree Classifier, Random Forest and SVC. The performance of each model was evaluated using various metrics of evaluation such as confusion matrix, F1 score, Precision, Recall & Accuracy. Only checking accuracy alone is not enough to correctly evaluate a built model because the cost of a true negative of false positive also needs to be taken into consideration. Model Output From those six algorithms, the most well-suited and efficient algorithm is to be chosen. After analysing the Confusion matrix, F1 Score, Precision, Recall and the Accuracy (the performance metrics chosen for evaluation), XGBoostClassifier was chosen as the best suited algorithm for the chosen dataset. An ensemble model was also built, in hopes for a higher accuracy score, however, XGBoostClassifier outperformed even the ensemble learning model for the prediction of customer churn. Performance Tuning To further increase the model’s accuracy, model tuning was performed by using various methods like cross validation (which is basically a form of fragmenting your dataset to reduce the risks of certain problems such as overfitting) and also using hyperparameter tuning through RandomSearchCV on the cross validated data to further improve our model. An ensemble model was also built using 4 out of the 6 previously used algorithms. Finally, the best working model was observed through its performance metric scores.


R. Tyagi and K. Sindhu

3.1 Data Analysis The dataset chosen is of a telecommunication company. It is extracted from Kaggle [10]. The classification model built should be efficient and have a fairly good accuracy without overfitting the dataset. Also, extensive data analysis should be performed on all the features, including checking if the dataset consists of any missing values in it. Finally, one model is to be chosen that best fits the churn prediction of the telecommunication company dataset by performing not only performance evaluation but also performance tuning through cross validation, or tuning of hyperparameters. The final model built should end-to-end and efficiently predict the ‘churn’ rate of companies. The dataset consists of 21 features such as gender, partner, dependents, tenure also the various kind of company services subscribed to by the customer such as phone service, internet service, online security, device protection and many other telecom-related features apart from the final predictor variable feature ‘churn’. Next, missing values were searched for in the dataset to look for inconsistencies. Initially, no missing values were found. However, that seemed like an inaccurate result. As the dataset was directly extracted from Kaggle and represents real data of a telecommunication company, missing values are likely. When ‘isNull()’ function was used to check for missing values, it gave an output of 0 for all the features. Since at least a few missing values are very likely for a dataset from Kaggle as they consist of real values, the data type of all the features were checked to see if the data type is not representative of giving a missing value output. Total charges and some other features were seen to be of object datatype rather than integer or float. The total charges features are converted to float64 datatype from object datatype. After converting it to a float datatype from object, missing values were again checked for in the dataset. 11 missing values were seen in total charges. These rows were rejected from the model being built. Most of the features were not in numeric format. These had to be converted to dummy variables of a numeric format so that they are representative and understandable to the model. The no. of features increased as any non-numeric feature was converted into ‘n’ number of features. The value of ‘n’ is decided from how many classes each feature has. Now, the dataset is trainable because all the data is in a ‘0’, ‘1’ format. Further, correlation of different features was checked with respect to the ‘churn’ variable to see whether any particular features are heavily correlated (either positively or negatively) with it. Figure 2 shows the pairwise correlation of all the features in our dataset to facilitate a better understanding of which feature or set of features are heavily dependent on the predictor variable ‘churn’. The numbers on the y-axis of Fig. 3 represent the degree of correlation. A positive number indicates that the features are positively correlated, that is, if one of the features in question increases, the other shall increase too. Similarly, a negative value represents negative correlation, that is, one of the feature’s value increases, the other’s decreases. It also gives us an understanding about which features to not focus on, as a lower correlation implies that, that particular feature is not a major contributor in the final decision of a customer.

37 Customer Churn Analysis Using Machine Learning


Fig. 2 Pairwise correlation of all the features in the dataset (Y-axis negative represents inversely related)

Fig. 3 No. of customers with respect to the tenure

As represented in Fig. 2, gender has very little to do with the ‘churn’ variable showing minimum correlation in the graph. While some features such as monthto-month contract, no online security services, no technical support, no online backup are positively correlated with churn, indicating that more customers leave the company in a monthly contract rather than a yearly one. It also shows that customers give importance to services provided in a telecommunications company such as online security, technical support and other services. Monthly charges are also an


R. Tyagi and K. Sindhu

important factor when it comes to the churn rate. Bringing costs down in a manner such that it doesn’t affect the company revenue but also reduces churn rate is critical for company success. From a gender distribution graph, it was noticed that gender was not a critical attribute for churn and that the male: female gender ratio was almost balanced. So, it is not indicative of any underlying churn characteristics related to gender. It was also noticed that 16.2% of the customers were senior citizens which is a large amount. Some company programs should definitely be altered to cater the senior citizen demographic so as to reduce churn rate in that customer segment because senior citizen comprise of a high percentage of the total customers of the company. The partner and dependent status show us that about 50% of the customers have a partner, while only 30% of the total customers have a dependent. Interestingly, among the customers who have a partner, only about half of them also have a dependent, while other half do not have any independents. Additionally, as expected, among the customers who do not have any partner, a majority (90%) of them do not have any dependents. The variations amidst the % of customers with/without dependents and partners by gender were also looked at. There is no difference in their distribution by gender. Additionally, there is no difference in senior citizen status by gender. As analysed from a tenure vs. no. of customers graph, there is a sharp rise in the beginning when customers enrol in, but almost 50% of them drop out just after 1 month of staying in the company. While the churn rate remains stagnant for the coming months, there is an increase in the no. of customers (i.e., decrease in churn rate) after 70 months. This shows that customer contracts play a huge role in the churn rate of the company. Companies should try and enrol customers for longer contracts rather than monthly contracts. Even though monthly contracts are more enticing for customers, it is easier for a customer to leave when in a monthly contract. Contracts should be decided analytically based on the demographic in question. As discussed earlier, although maximum customers are attracted by a month-to-month contract, it also leads to the highest churn rate, which in the long run is not beneficial for the company. In Fig. 3, it is noticed that two-year contracts are most favourable for a company. While monthly contracts have a sharp decrease in the number of customers after a month, one-year contracts fail to generate a rise of customers even after reaching the 70-month mark. It also shows that customers take their own time and experiences to develop a level of trust and relationship with the company. Phone service, Online security and Tech support are crucial to keep customer retention at pace, as analyzed from customer usage of all the telecommunication services the company provides. Also, from our dataset, 26.6% of the customers churn. This is a very high churn rate for the telecommunication company. This can also result from some skewed values of the extracted dataset. The maximum churn rate is of monthly contract customers. Two-year contract seems to be more beneficial for the company, showing that 97% of the customers in a two-year contract do not leave the company services which can be very economical for the company. Senior citizens have approximately twice the churn rate than non-senior citizens. Since

37 Customer Churn Analysis Using Machine Learning


Fig. 4 Monthly charges by churn

senior citizens comprise of 16.2% of the customers, their demands need to be met to reduce the churn rate. In Fig. 4, when the monthly charges are low, the density of customers who don’t churn is very high. Whereas, the density of customers who churn increase as monthly charges increase. This shows that customers have almost no tolerance for higher chargers, irrespective of the services provided and will switch to different companies with cheaper service charges.

4 Results Once the dataset was imported, missing values were calculated and rectified for better model performance. As mentioned earlier, the project was broken down into two parts, first being data analysis (to get better insights about the nature of the dataset) followed by a classification model that predicts the target variable ‘churn’ for any new customer. From our data analysis, it is clear that the customer churn rate for the company is high and needs to be reduced. Many interesting insights were gained in the data analysis phase. Some of them are discussed below. Perhaps, the company can understand their data curve better with the gained insights and make changes accordingly to reduce the churn rate in the company. Although gender distribution seems to be of not much importance when it comes to the churn rate, it is clear that senior citizens have a higher churn rate and their demands have not properly been catered to. Perhaps, most of the services are developed keeping the newer generation in mind, but the senior citizen demographic cannot take a back seat as they comprise of 16.2% of the population. Also, services such as Online Security, Phone Service and Technical support play a critical role in maintaining customer retention. Newer and more micro services such as device protection etc. don’t seem to of as much importance as expected when it comes to the churn rate, and it is observed that customers rely on much more fundamental characteristics such monthly and total charges when


R. Tyagi and K. Sindhu

deciding whether they would want to churn or not. Service charges definitely need to reduce in a manner so as to not increase the fixed and variable costs of the company much, and also to attract a larger customer base. Customer contracts also tend to play a key role in churn, proving again and again that monthly contracts fail to perform customer retention even though their initial customer attraction is very high. As the cost of retaining a customer is much lower than the cost of acquiring one, it is of fundamental importance to retain the existing customer base by shifting them to a longer contract basis. Two-year contracts have been proven to be more beneficial for the company, reaching 97% of customers to not churn. Focusing on model building, ultimately, we have to predict the ‘churn’ variable, that is, predict a particular customer’s churn value. We have used six widely used and most appropriately suited algorithms for classification purposes. Logistic Regression ADA Boost Classifier, XG Boost Classifier, Decision Tree Classifier, Random Forest and SVC were the algorithms used for the model being built. After building the models, Logistic Regression 82.01%, ADA Boost Classifier 81.59%, XG Boost Classifier 82.51%, Decision Tree Classifier 74.69%, Random Forest 79.53%, SVC 82.01% were their accuracies. XGBoostClassifier had the highest accuracy while Decision Tree gave the lowest accuracy of all for predicting customer churn. XG Boost Classifier is known to perform well for tabular and structured data and is often the price winning model in Kaggle open-source competitions. It works on the concept of gradient descent and combines many weak learners into ultimately developing a strong learner. Figure 5 shows the confusion matrices of all the six algorithms used and each sub-square representing true positives, false positives, true negatives, and false negatives. The confusion matrices of all six algorithms were analyzed, proving that XG Boost Classifier gives the maximum true positives (969) and minimum false positives (83). The models were further developed by performing cross validation on all six models. K-Fold cross validation was performed on all the models to check if feeding data in folds of k will increase model efficiency. Cross validation was performed on the built models, and it was found that Ada Boost (80.51%) performed to give maximum accuracy in cross validated models but it was still lower than the non-cross validated XG Boost model. Hence, XG Boost Classifier was further modified by performing hyperparameter tuning. The hyperparameter tuned model of XG Boost gave approximately equal accuracy as the XG Boost Classifier from the first build, proving that the accuracy of the first build is still higher in the second digit. Finally, an ensemble model was built to check whether combining 4 algorithms and using their results to generate the final churn rate will break the accuracy record of the XG Boost Classifier. Hard voting was performed on the built ensemble model to predict churn rate. However, the ensemble model also marginally fell short when compared to the XG Boost Classifier leading us to the conclusion that XG Boost Classifier is the chosen algorithm for prediction of churn rate in the model built. For predicting the churn value of a new customer in the future, XG Boost Classifier should be used as the algorithm of choice while building a classification model as it will lead to the most

37 Customer Churn Analysis Using Machine Learning

Fig. 5 Confusion matrices of all the six algorithms



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accurate predictions. This will successfully help companies trying to build an efficient state-f-the-art customer churn prediction model. Comparing the final built model with the literature survey, the built model differs in the type and number of algorithms used as well as how it was incrementally built. Unit testing was performed in a manner such that, before cross validation, the previously built models were not only tested, but their performance was evaluated. Performance evaluation was performed not only on the final model, but also on each step of the built model. Hence, every further step was in the direction of producing better performance metric results than the previous build, however each build was complete in itself. Finally, all the models were evaluated to see which algorithm and training method outperforms others. This provided a feedback mechanism and also provided a cover for any possible failures in the future builds.

5 Conclusion The machine learning model was incrementally built, with the initial phase involving data analysis, which proved to be successful by giving insights about the nature of customers, the appropriate contract for the least customer churn rate, the company services that are more crucial in reducing the customer churn rate than other services and much more. This was followed by the model building process, which involved the training of six different algorithms to accurately predict the ‘churn’ value per customer. Cross validation was then performed in attempt to increase the accuracy of the algorithms being used, and hyperparameter tuning was performed on XG Boost Classifier as it sustained to give the highest accuracy. An ensemble model was also trained, but it proved to be marginally less accurate (82.23%) than XG Boost Classifier (82.37%). XG Boost Classifier should be the chosen algorithm for further use of predicting the customer churn value of any new or existing customers in the company.

References 1. Ahn JH, Han SP, Lee YS (2006) Customer churn analysis: churn determinants and mediation effects of partial defection in the Korean mobile telecommunications service industry. Telecommun Policy 30(10–11):552–568 2. Hung SY, Yen DC, Wang HY (2006) Applying data mining to telecom churn management. Expert Syst Appl 31(3):515–524 3. Ullah I, Raza B, Malik AK, Imran M, Islam SU, Kim SW (2019) A churn prediction model using random forest: analysis of machine learning techniques for churn prediction and factor identification in telecom sector. IEEE Access 7:60134–60149 4. Ahmed A, Linen DM (2017) A review and analysis of churn prediction methods for customer retention in telecom industries. In: 2017 4th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS), January. IEEE, pp 1–7

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5. Brându¸soiu I, Toderean G, Beleiu H (2016) Methods for churn prediction in the pre-paid mobile telecommunications industry. In: 2016 international conference on communications (COMM), June. IEEE, pp 97–100 6. Tsai CF, Lu YH (2009) Customer churn prediction by hybrid neural networks. Expert Syst Appl 36(10):12547–12553 7. Hadden J, Tiwari A, Roy R, Ruta D (2007) Computer assisted customer churn management: state-of-the-art and future trends. Comput Oper Res 34(10):2902–2917 8. Vafeiadis T, Diamantaras KI, Sarigiannidis G, Chatzisavvas KC (2015) A comparison of machine learning techniques for customer churn prediction. Simul Model Pract Theory 55:1–9 9. Xia GE, Jin WD (2008) Model of customer churn prediction on support vector machine. Syst Eng Theory Pract 28(1):71–77 10.

Chapter 38

A Comparative Study of Hyperparameter Optimization Techniques for Deep Learning Anjir Ahmed Chowdhury, Argho Das, Khadija Kubra Shahjalal Hoque, and Debajyoti Karmaker

1 Introduction Deep Learning (DL) is a subfield of machine learning that deals with artificial neural networks, which are algorithms inspired by the structure and function of the brain. Deep learning is a critical component of self-driving automobiles, allowing them to detect a stop sign or discriminate between a pedestrian and a lamppost [1]. Deep learning can be used to analyze the performance of electrically driven extraterrestrial rovers [2], lunar rovers [3] and terrain recognition, classification, object detection from drones [4], deep-sea organism tracking [5], action recognition [6, 7] and parameter estimation for autonomous robots [8]. Deep learning models possess important parameters that can not be predicted directly from the data [9, 10]. Since, there is no analytical technique to derive an acceptable value for this type of model parameter, it is referred to as an optimization parameter. Hyperparameters are frequently used in processes to aid in the estimation of model parameters and are frequently specified by the user. In most circumstances, a heuristic method will be used based on one’s experience to tune these hyperparameters, such as starting values for the hyperparameters or finding the optimal values for a certain problem through trial and error. A hyperparameter procedure is expected to give the best model architecture for a deep learning model. There are numerous compelling reasons to use hyperparameter approaches in deep learning models. Because many DL developers spend a significant amount of time tweaking hyperparameters, especially for large datasets or complicated DL algorithms with a high number of hyperparameters, it A. A. Chowdhury (B) · A. Das · K. K. S. Hoque · D. Karmaker Department of Computer Science, American International University-Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh e-mail: [email protected] A. Das e-mail: [email protected] K. K. S. Hoque e-mail: [email protected] D. Karmaker e-mail: [email protected] © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2022 M. S. Uddin et al. (eds.), Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Advances in Computational Intelligence, Algorithms for Intelligent Systems,



A. A. Chowdhury et al.

decreases the amount of human labor necessary [11]. It boosts the performance of deep learning models. Many deep learning hyperparameters have distinct optimums for different datasets or situations. Finally, it improves the reproducibility of models and studies. Different DL algorithms can only be compared properly when the same level of hyperparameter optimization technique is used; thus, utilizing the same hyperparameter method on different DL algorithms also aids in determining the best DL model for a certain problem. In a hyperparameter, the optimization process is crucial. Because optimization is the process of enhancing a model’s performance while avoiding overfitting or excessive variance. Many open-source packages exist to help DL developers put theory to reality and decrease the barrier of entry for HPO challenges. The Keras Tuner API [12] was used for this study because of its ease of use. Hyperparameter tweaking can be easily incorporated into training scripts using Keras tuner. There are many common algorithms such as Random Search, Hyperband, and Bayesian optimization in Keras tuner API for optimizing Deep Neural Networks (DNNs). Genetic Algorithm and Particle swarm optimization were implemented from scratch. Grid search was implemented using the scikit-learn package [13]. The motivation of this study is to – help DL users, developers, data analysts, and researchers use and optimize DL models using HPO algorithms and frameworks. – aid in a better understanding of the existing issues in the HPO field, allowing future HPO and DL research to move forward. – conduct a numerical analysis of all the well-known HPO algorithms. – observe the performance consistency of the different HPO algorithms across different architecture and datasets.

2 Hyperparameter Optimization Techniques 2.1 Grad Student Descent Optimization A simple hyperparameter optimization approach is babysitting, often known as ‘Trial and Error’ or grad student descent (GSD) [14]. This approach is carried out entirely manually and is extensively utilized by students and academics. The procedure is straightforward: after creating a machine learning model, a student tests a variety of hyperparameter values based on prior experience, guesswork, or analysis of previously evaluated results; this process is repeated until the student runs out of time (often due to a deadline) or is satisfied with the results. As a result, this method needs a significant quantity of past knowledge and expertise in order to quickly find ideal hyperparameter values.

38 A Comparative Study of HPO Techniques for DL


Algorithm 1. Bayesian Approach for HPO Place prior over f ; Define an acquisition function that given a posterior distribution determines new sample locations; Evaluate n random samples of f ; while i < budget do Determine posterior distribution conditioned on the current samples of f ; Find new parameters xi by maximizing the acquisition function; Evaluate f (xi ) and store output in ot ; Increment i; end while return ot

2.2 Grid Search Grid search is an optimization approach that aims to find the best hyperparameter values. It is a brute-force or exhaustive search strategy that analyzes all hyperparameter combinations supplied to the grid of setups. Grid search calculates the Cartesian product of a finite collection of values supplied by the user. Hence, it is unable to further utilize the high-performing areas on its own. To find the global optimums, start with a broad search space and step size, then limit the search space and step size depending on the results of prior well-performing hyperparameter configurations.

2.3 Bayesian Optimization When deciding which hyperparameter set to examine next, Bayesian optimization considers previous evaluations. It is able to focus on those portions of the parameter space that it believes will yield the most promising validation scores by making intelligent parameter combinations. This method usually requires fewer repetitions to arrive at the best set of hyperparameter values. Most significantly, it ignores those portions of the parameter space that it believes will not contribute anything. Below the Bayesian Optimization algorithm is shown in pseudo-code An acquisition function is defined in the pseudo-code example. Any function that reflects the place that needs to be examined next can be used as the acquisition function. Expected Improvement is a function that is frequently utilized. E I (x) = Emax( f (x ∗ ) − f (x + ), 0)


where x represents the proposal parameters and x + represents the most recently assessed parameters. This expectation has a closed form solution, which is given by the equation below. (2) E I (x) = δΦ(Z ) + σ (x ∗ )φ(Z )


A. A. Chowdhury et al.

where δ = μ(x ∗ ) − f (x + ) and  Z=

δ , σ (x ∗ )


if σ (x ∗ ) > 0 otherwise


2.4 Random Search Random search is a popular alternative to grid search [15]. Random Search uses a random selection process to replace the exhaustive enumeration of all possible combinations [16]. This can be applied directly to the discrete situation mentioned above, but it also applies to continuous and mixed spaces. It can outperform Grid search, especially when only a few hyperparameters affect the machine learning algorithm’s ultimate performance. The upper and lower boundaries of the hyperparameter values are established in random search (RS). RS picks values at random from the pre-defined boundaries and trains them till the budget is depleted. RS can discover global optimums if the configuration space is large enough. If n is the total number of evaluations, then the computational complexity of RS is O(n), where n is specified by the user before the optimization process begins [11]. The hyperparameter response function was defined by the authors of [17] as follows: ψ (valid) (λ) = mean x∈X (valid) L(x; Aλ (X (train) ))


ψ (test) (λ) = mean x∈X (test) L(x; Aλ (X (train) ))


The estimated variance V about these means for the validation and test sets was defined as follows by the authors of [11]. The test-set score of the model among λ(1) , ..., λ(S) is a random variable, z, due to the uncertainty coming from X (valid) being a finite sample of G x . A Gaussian mixture model with means μ = ψ (test) (λ(s) ), variance σs2 = V(test) (λ(s) ), and weights ws is used to model the z score. The performance z of the best model in an experiment of S trials with mean μ and standard error σs2 was summarized by the authors of [11]. V(valid) (λ) = V(test) (λ) =

ψ (valid) (λ)(1 − ψ(valid)(λ)) |X (valid) − 1|


ψ (test) (λ)(1 − ψ(test)(λ)) |X (test) − 1|


Simulation is used to estimate the weights ws . Often, each trial yields a winning score by drawing hypothetical validation scores ψ (valid) (λ(s) ) from Normal distributions whose means are the V(valid) (λ(s) ) and whose variance are the squared standard errors V(valid) (λ(s) ) is quantified.

38 A Comparative Study of HPO Techniques for DL


Algorithm 2. Hyperband Approach for HPO Input: bmax , bmin ; smax = log( bbmax ) min for s ∈ {bmax , bmin − 1,.....0} do n = Deter mineBudget (s) γ = SampleCon f iguration(n) SuccessiveH alving(γ ) end for return The best configurations so far;

2.5 Hyperband Lisha Li et al. first proposed the Hyperband Approach in a study published in 2018 [18]. The authors of this study define hyperparameter optimization as a non-stochastic infinite-armed bandit problem in which a specified resource, such as iterations, data samples, or features, is allocated to randomly sampled configurations. The machine learning model can be checkpointed during training when Hyperband is used. Rather than optimizing hyperparameters, this approach aims to determine the best training schedule. Algorithm 2 depicts the basic phases of Hyperband algorithms. The total amount of data points, the minimal number of instances necessary to train a reasonable model, and the available budgets establish the budget restrictions bmin and bmax . Following that, in steps 2–3 of Algorithm 2, the number of configurations n and the budget size allotted to each configuration are determined using bmin and bmax. The configurations are sampled using n and b, and then put through the successive halving model in steps 4–5. The successive halving algorithm discards the detected poorly-performing configurations and moves on to the next iteration with the well-performing configurations [18]. This procedure is continued until the best hyperparameter configuration is found.

2.6 Genetic Algorithm The Genetic Algorithm (GA) is a search-based optimization methodology based on genetics and natural selection principles. It’s routinely used to find optimal or nearoptimal solutions to tough problems that would take an eternity to solve otherwise [19]. It’s commonly used to address optimization problems, and it also has a lot of parallel features. This algorithm does not necessitate the use of derived data. However, this approach is not appropriate for many problems, particularly those that are basic and have derivative information. This algorithm may not converge to the best answer if it is not implemented correctly. The main steps of Genetic algorithms are shown below,


A. A. Chowdhury et al.

Algorithm 3. Genetic algorithm for HPO Generate the initial population P; k → 0; EvaluateFitness(P); while Result is not accpectable do Parents → SelectMates(P); Children → ApplyCrossover(Parents); Children → ApplyMutation(Children); EvaluateFitness(Children); P → SelectBest(Children ∪ P); k → k + 1; end while return return the best solution in P; Table 1 The time complexity comparison of common HPO algorithms (n is the number of hyperparameter values and k is the number of hyperparameters). Algorithms Time complexity Grid search Random search Bayesian Hyperband Genetic algorithm

O(n k ) O(n) O(n 3 ) O(nlogn) O(n 2 )

Algorithm 3 begins by randomly creating the starting population P. The fitness function assesses each individual’s fitness inside the P. The loop is repeated until a satisfactory result is obtained. This loop handles a generation of the population in each iteration. The creation of a new generation begins with the selection of a subset of parents from the existing population, followed by a crossover and the production of children. A tiny percentage of children undergo mutations, and the fitness of each newly created person is assessed. Finally, the greatest people from the old and new generations are chosen to form a new generation, and a new iteration begins. Here, in the Table 1, the time complexity of the above algorithms are shown,

2.7 Swarm Intelligence Swarm Intelligence (SI) refers to the shared behavior of decentralized, self-organized organisms, whether it is natural or artificial [20]. Swarms occur naturally in nature, and researchers have studied ant colonies, bird flocking, and mammal herding to learn how distinct biological organisms work together with their surroundings to achieve a common purpose. In the 1980s, the concept of swarm intelligence was originally conceived. Since then, it has piqued the interest of scientists in a wide range of disciplines, including artificial intelligence, engineering, computer science, economics,

38 A Comparative Study of HPO Techniques for DL


and many more. Swarm Intelligence has given rise to a number of techniques for resolving problems involving the improvement of squadron intelligence, which are now applied in a wide range of applications. Swarm Intelligence can be used to optimize convolutional neural networks [21–23], weight connection optimization [24, 25], supporting farming operations in inaccessible land using unmanned drones [26] and to optimize the LSTM hyperparameters for a language modeling task [27]. Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) [28], Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) [29], Bee Colony Optimization (BCO) [30], Artificial Fish Swarm Optimization (AFSO) [31], and Swallow Swarm Optimization (SSO) [32] are the most common swarm intelligence methodologies (SSO) for HPO. Ant colony optimization (ACO) is a population-based metaheuristic that can be applied to complex optimization problems to obtain approximate solutions. By traveling over the graph, the artificial ants gradually create solutions. The pheromone model, which is a set of parameters associated with graph components whose values are modified at runtime by the ants, biases the solution construction process. Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is an artificial intelligence (AI) technique that can be used to find exact solutions to numerical maximization and minimization problems that are exceedingly difficult or impossible to solve. PSO is based on group behavior seen in nature, such as bird flocking and fish schooling. The Bee Colony Optimization (BCO) algorithm is an optimization technique that replicates honey bee foraging action and has been effectively applied to a variety of real-world issues. The number of employed bees or observer bees in the swarm is equal to the number of solutions. Among the swarm intelligence algorithms, the Artificial Fish Swarm Algorithm (AFSA) is one of the greatest ways of optimization. The collective movement of the fish and their different social activities inspired this algorithm. The fish always try to maintain their colonies and show sophisticated behaviors as a result of a series of instinctual activities. Food hunting, immigration, and avoiding threats are all social activities, and interactions between all fish in a group result in sophisticated social behavior. The swallow swarm algorithm is a continuous optimization algorithm. In this algorithm, there are three kinds of particles: Explorer particles, Aimless particles, and Leader particles. These particles move in a straight line and are always in contact. Each particle in the colony is in charge of something that, by doing so, helps the colony to improve its condition. There are several other Swarm Intelligence algorithms that were not covered in this study because the intention of this study was to introduce and explore the most wellknown and widely used SI-based approaches. Some noteworthy SI algorithms are Firefly Algorithm (FA) [33], Bat Algorithm (BA) [34], Grey Wolf Optimizer (GWO) [35], Glowworm Swarm Optimization (GSO) [36], Whale Optimization Algorithm (WOA) [37], and Cuckoo Search Algorithm (CSA) [38]. There are still unexplored areas of Swarm Intelligence algorithms that can be a future research topic.


A. A. Chowdhury et al.

2.8 Limitations of HPO Techniques The existing HPO approaches have a number of drawbacks. Many possible applications are absolutely out of reach as a result of these limitations. When evaluating the number of hyperparameters rises exponentially, one of the limitations of grid search is that it suffers from dimensionality. There is no guarantee, however, that the search will yield the ideal solution, as it frequently does so via aliasing around the correct set. Grid search is only useful for Deep Neural Networks if there are just a few hyperparameters to optimize. The disadvantage of random search is that it produces a lot of variance during computation. Because the parameters are chosen at random and no intelligence is utilized to sample these combinations [39]. Random search is only useful in the early stages of Deep Neural Networks. There are few limitations in Genetic Algorithms too. Although, a genetic algorithm requires less knowledge about the problem, it might be challenging to create an objective function and get the representation and operators right. It is both time-consuming and has high computation cost. Specifying a prior in the Bayesian optimization is quite challenging. For each setting of the world model parameters, an actual number must be supplied. Bayesian Optimization is the default algorithm for tools for Deep Neural Networks, however, some alternative variations of BO may be better suitable. Lastly, when it comes to swarm intelligence, it is difficult to predict behavior based on the individual rules, and the functions of a colony can’t be comprehended without knowing how an agent works. Another problem is that even minor changes in the simple rules cause differences in group behavior. One thing to add is that all the HPO algorithms are designed to optimize models in offline training. These algorithms are not considered for on-the-fly scenarios. So, here is an open scope to develop a HPO algorithm to solve problems in online training.

3 Methodology 3.1 Datasets and Architectures CIFAR10 [40] dataset and the Intel Image Classification dataset [41] were used for this numerical study. The image size of these two datasets is the main reason for their selection. The images in CIFAR10 are 32 × 32 pixels, which is a small image size dataset, however the images in the Intel image dataset are 150 × 150 pixels, which is a large image dataset size. The further description of the datasets are given below,

38 A Comparative Study of HPO Techniques for DL


CIFAR10: The 60000 32 × 32 color images in the CIFAR-10 Dataset are organized into ten classes, each with 6000 images. For training, there are 50000 images, and for testing, there are 10,000 images. Intel Image Classification Dataset: This large image collection, created by Intel for an image classification contest, has roughly 25,000 images. Buildings, woodland, glacier, mountain, sea, and street are among the categories split among the images. Following that, the study was also thoroughly tested on variety of architectures to illustrate the validity of the findings, and the result was assessed to determine whether it was consistent. VGG16: In a paper published in 2014, Simonyan and Zisserman introduced the VGG network design [14]. The usage of merely 33 convolutional layers stacked on top of each other in increasing depth emphasizes the network’s simplicity. ResNet50: In their publication [18], Kaiming et al. introduced the concept for the first time. ResNet50 is a ResNet variation of 48 Convolution layers, 1 MaxPool layer, and 1 Average Pool layer.

3.2 Experimental Setup In this research, VGG16 and ResNet50 were selected for observing the performance of the suggested HPO algorithms. We want to analyze the behavior of HPO algorithms on sequential and residual architectures. For optimizing both of the architectures the search space is mentioned in Table 2. Grid search (GS), Genetic algorithm (GA), Bayesian optimization (BO), Random search (RS), Hyperband (HB) and Particle swarm optimization (PSO) were selected for testing as HPO algorithms. To avoid time complexity, some values have been fixed for a few hyperparameters such as kernel size (3,3), pool size (2,2), stride size (2,2), optimizer: Adam, batch size: 64, and max epoch: 30. To prevent the overfitting of the models, we use the early stopping callback function and define monitor: ‘val_loss’ and patience: 3. The max trial has been set to 20 for BO and RS. But on Hyperband we manually stopped the optimization process because the max trial could not be defined in the Keras tuner. To evaluate the performance of the HPO algorithms, validation accuracy (VA) was used as the performance and optimization time (OT) as the model efficiency metrics.


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Table 2 Specifics of the configuration space for the hyperparameters. Architectures Hyperparameters VGG16


Number of units per layer (nunits) ∈ [16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512], number of dense units per layer ∈ [64, 128, 256, 512], activation function ∈ [relu, elu, gelu, selu] dropout of each layer ∈ [0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8], weight decay ∈ [0.0, 1e−01, 1e−03, 1e−04], learning rate ∈ [1e−01, 1e−02, 1e−03, 1e−04, 1e−05] Number of filters per layer ∈ [16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512], number of dense units per layer ∈ [64, 128, 256, 512], dropout of each dense layer ∈ [0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8], weight decay for each dense layer ∈ [0.0, 1e−01, 1e−03, 1e−04], learning rate ∈ [1e−01, 1e−02, 1e−03, 1e−04, 1e−05]

3.3 Hardware and Software Setup We use Tensorflow 2.4 for implementing all the architectures mentioned above. Python 3.7, multiple open-source libraries and packages such as Jupyter notebook, NumPy, Matplotlib, and panda were used. Additionally, for implementing HPO algorithms, the Keras tuner API and scikit-learn was used. All the test cases were trained on a system with Intel Core i5 4th generation processor (3.20 GHz), Nvidia GTX 1060 6 GB graphics card, and 16 GB ram.

4 Results The results of the different HPO algorithms were compared under different scenarios. The matrics (optimization time and validation accuracy) are presented in Table 3. Grid Search has the highest optimization time and the lowest validation accuracy for both VGG16 and ResNet50, as seen in the table. In terms of optimization time and validation accuracy, Genetic Algorithm is similar to GS. Hyperband offers the fastest optimization time in all scenarios. HB also has the highest validation accuracy in all scenarios, with the exception of VGG16 with Intel Dataset. Particle swarm optimization also has a fast optimization time and has a high level of validation accuracy. From the results, it can be seen that the performance of all HPO algorithms is almost similar. There is no visible pattern in determining which method performs best on different datasets and architectures. Also, finding which HPO algorithm is more efficient is also challenging.

38 A Comparative Study of HPO Techniques for DL


Table 3 Performance consistency of HPO algorithms in different DNNs and datasets Dataset Algorithms VGG16 ResNet50 OT VA OT VA CIFAR10

Intel dataset


07 h 37 m 05 h 25 m 03 h 41 m 03 h 27 m 03 h 41 m 03 h 51 m 06 h 42 m 05 h 02 m 03 h 16 m 02 h 02 m 02 h 06 m 02 h 33 m

74% 75% 78% 78% 81% 80% 73% 78% 84% 83% 82% 81%

03 h 01 m 02 h 13 m 01 h 09 m 00 h 54 m 01 h 05 m 01 h 11 m 05 h 41 m 03 h 55 m 2 h 19 m 02 h 04 m 02 h 17 m 02 h 17 m

66% 68% 68% 70% 68% 67% 59% 63% 60% 60% 71% 67%

5 Conclusion The rising use of deep neural networks has prompted this research since deep learning has become the primary method for dealing with data-related issues, and it’s found its way into a variety of applications. To apply deep learning models to real-world issues, hyperparameters must be fine-tuned to match specific datasets. However, the size of the data produced in real life is much larger, and manually adjusting hyperparameters is time-consuming and requires human labor. To resolve this issue researchers found automated ways to optimize hyperparameters of DNNs. In this study, we performed a numerical analysis on different HPO algorithms and observed the performance consistency across different datasets and architectures. In future research, different toolkits will be explored with various HPO algorithms such as Multi-armed bandit algorithms, particle swarm optimization, and Population-based training will be compared for better insight. It is anticipated that this research would be beneficial to DL users, developers, data analysts, and academics in their efforts to utilize and adjust DL models using suitable HPO algorithms. It will also contribute to a better understanding of the problems that remain in the HPO area, allowing future research involving HPO and DL applications to progress.


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Chapter 39

Fault Location on Transmission Lines of Power Systems with Integrated Solar Photovoltaic Power Sources Thanh H. Truong, Duy C. Huynh, and Matthew W. Dunnigan

1 Introduction The electrical energy transmission from the power sources to the consumers is implemented by the transmission lines. In this process, faults are inevitable on the transmission lines which can be caused by natural events such as tree branches falling on lines, wind, storms; or by equipment operating on the transmission lines; etc. When a short-circuit fault occurs, the short-circuit current is so large that it can damage electrical equipment as well as collapse the power system. This affects the utilization of electrical energy. For this reason, when a fault occurs, it must be quickly detected and isolated from the power system to avoid adverse effects on the whole power system. Simultaneously, the fault location must also be identified quickly to repair and recover the transmission lines to the new steady-state early. All of these expectations are to improve the reliability of power supply for consumers, as well as reduce the steady-state recovery time for the transmission line, which includes the time of locating the short-circuit fault and repairing the transmission line. Thus, the problem and result of fault location on the transmission lines are required and necessary. The fault location problem is currently getting more and more complicated and certainly more difficult to solve when the power sources and transmission lines are expanded in response to the increased demand for electrical energy. Recently, the solar photovoltaic (PV) power system integrated into the power system brings many benefits such as reducing the burden on the traditional power T. H. Truong · D. C. Huynh (B) Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology (HUTECH), Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam e-mail: [email protected] M. W. Dunnigan Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK e-mail: [email protected] © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2022 M. S. Uddin et al. (eds.), Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Advances in Computational Intelligence, Algorithms for Intelligent Systems,



T. H. Truong et al.

source, reducing emissions, reducing noise pollution, and reducing the cost of power generation, etc. [1]. The previous researches show that the faults on the transmission lines can be located by techniques such as impedance-based techniques [2–4], travelling wave techniques [5–7], and optimization algorithm-based techniques [8–12]. The impedance-based technique uses voltage and current signals at the fundamental frequency. These signals can be obtained at one terminal or two terminals of the transmission line. The impedance-based technique is widely applied for fault location but it also faces challenges affecting the accuracy of the fault location results such as the influence of fault resistance and unsynchronized data. The disadvantages of the impedance-based techniques show more clearly in the power system integrated renewable energy sources such as solar energy and wind energy [13–15]. The traveling wave technique is based on the propagation of electrical pulses from the fault location to the two terminals along the transmission line. The fault location results are determined by the pulse response time. This technique is suitable for long and homogeneous transmission lines. The traveling wave techniques are sometimes affected by the parameters and the structure of the transmission grid in the propagation process of electrical pulses. The effects are shown in the power system with the integration of renewable energy sources [16]. The optimization algorithms-based techniques have been recently applied for fault location getting more and more attention with the use of a genetic algorithm (GA) [8, 9], a cuckoo search (CS) algorithm [10], an artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithm [11], a whale optimization algorithm (WOA) [12], etc. This paper proposes an advanced CS (ACS) algorithm to locate faults on the transmission line of the power system including solar photovoltaic (PV) power sources. The ACS algorithm is the integration of the CS algorithm and the chaos theory to improve the CS algorithm performance. The paper is organized as follows. The fault location on a transmission line of an integrated power system is described in Sect. 2. The ACS algorithm-based fault location is proposed in Sect. 3. The numerical result of the proposal is followed in Sect. 4. The effectiveness of the proposal is shown in Sect. 5.

2 Fault Location on a Transmission Line A transmission system consists of a power source, S A , a transmission line, AB, and a solar PV power source, S B , Fig. 1. In this integrated power system, the solar PV power source is used to increase the sustainability of the power system which is becoming more and more popular. The solar PV arrays and DC/AC converter are the key parts of the solar PV power source. Then the problems of controlling and operating this integrated power system may lead to many challenges. The transmission line is modeled by the distributed-parameter transmission line model, Fig. 2 [11].

39 Fault Location on Transmission Lines of Power Systems …



~ SA










Load Fig. 1 Faulted transmission line







F UA,iej






Fig. 2 Faulted transmission line with a distributed-parameter model

In Fig. 1, a fault is assumed to occur at F. Then U FA and U FB are given by: 

U A,i cosh(γi dl)−

[cos δ + j sin δ] −Z Ci I A,i sinh(γi dl)   U B,i cosh(γi (1 − d)l)− U F B,i = −Z Ci I B,i sinh(γi (1 − d)l)  zi Z Ci = yi

U F A,i =

γi =

z i yi



(3) (4)

where U FA and U FB : the voltages at the faulted location, F viewed from A and B respectively (V); U A and U B : the voltages at A and B respectively (V); I A and I B : the currents at A and B respectively (A); z: the series impedance of the transmission line per unit length (/km); y: the shunt admittance of the transmission line per unit length (−1 /km); Z C : the characteristic impedance (); γ : the propagation constant;


T. H. Truong et al.

Fig. 3 Solar PV module model







d: the distance from A to F (km); l: the length of the transmission line, AB (km); δ: the synchronization angle to make the data between the A and B synchronized. i: the symbol index for the sequence components; i = 1 (positive), 2 (negative), and 0 (zero). Following the trend of conserving the environment and natural resources, solar PV power systems and wind turbine power systems get much attention and are widely used. This paper deals with the solar PV power systems which are based on the solar PV module for integrating into the power system. The modeling of a solar PV module is shown in Fig. 3. At B, U B and I B are given by:      UB q Rs I B −1 I B =N p I ph − N p I0 exp + akT Ns Np Np Rs − UB + IB Ns Rsh Rsh


where I ph : the source current of the solar PV module (A); I 0 : the diodes’ saturation current (μA); q: the charge on the electron, q = 1.602 × 10–19 (C); k: Boltzmann’s constant, k = 1.38 × 10–23 (m2 kg/s2 ); T: the solar PV module temperature (°K); a: the diodes’ ideality coefficient; N s and N p : the solar PV cell’s numbers in series and parallel respectively; I 0 : the diodes’ saturation current (μA); Rsh and Rs : the shunt and series resistances respectively (); From (1) and (2), the fault location problem is transformed into the optimization problem with the following objective function. f = U F A,i − U F B,i


39 Fault Location on Transmission Lines of Power Systems …


Then the faulted location is determined by minimizing the objective function (6). The constraints of the minimization problem are given by: 010 km Daily Weekly Monthly Seldom North Dhaka South Dhaka

1079 456 476 407 324 207 121 379 436 359 235 126 703 425 407 169 370 230 766 930 605

Percentage 70.22% 29.78% 30.89% 26.59% 13.48% 21.16% 7.87% 24.72% 28.47% 23.41% 15.17% 8.24% 45.88% 27.71% 26.40% 10.86% 24.16% 14.98% 50% 60.59% 39.41%

3 Result Analysis and Discussion 3.1 Respondents Demographic In this study, the respondents are Bangladeshi students, who have enough experiences to use PATHAO ride-sharing system. The su