Practise your grammar

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Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»

Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»

МИНИСТЕРСТВО НАУКИ И ВЫСШЕГО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ Бурятский государственный университет имени Доржи Банзарова


PRACTISE YOUR GRAMMAR Рекомендовано Учебно-методическим советом БГУ в качестве учебного пособия для обучающихся по направлениям подготовки 45.03.02 Лингвистика, 45.03.01 Филология, 44.03.05 Педагогическое образование с двумя профилями

Улан-Удэ Издательство Бурятского госуниверситета 2019

Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»

УДК 811.111’36 (075.8) ББК 81.432.14 я73 Б 863 Утверждено к печати редакционно-издательским советом Бурятского государственного университета Рецензенты Л. М. Орбодоева, кандидат педагогических наук, доцент кафедры перевода и межкультурной коммуникации БГУ Н. В. Даржаева, кандидат филологических наук, директор лингвистического центра «Hello»

Б 863

Бохач H. A. Practise your grammar: учебное пособие / H. A. Бохач, Л. О. Сельверова. — Улан-Удэ: Издательство Бурятского госуниверситета, 2019. — 98 с. ISBN 978-5-9793-1392-4 Настоящее пособие предназначено для организации тренировки употребления в речи основных грамматических структур на 1-м курсе языкового факультета. Пособие содержит упражнения на формирование речевых и языковых граммати­ ческих навыков, дополняет базовый учебник для 1-го курса. В. А. Иноземцевой и Дж. Саттон «Начальный курс английского разговорного язы­ ка». Пособие предназначено для обучающихся по направлениям подготовки 45.03.02 Лингвистика, 45.03.01 Филология, 44.03.05 Педагогическое образование с двумя профилями.

УДК 8ИЛ1Г36 (075.8) ББК 81.432.14 я73

ISBN 978-5-9793-1392-4

© Бурятский госуниверситет им. Д. Банзарова, 2019

Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»




Unit I. Imperative sentences: Let me do it! Give me a hand, please..........


Unit II. Impersonal sentences: It’s time!.......................................................


Unit III. Demonstrative Pronouns THIS /THAT as a subject: This is a lake. It’s deep.........................................................................................................


Unit IV. Have got/has got: I’ve got a fla t.....................................................


Unit V. Modal verb CAN: I can do it! .........................................................


Unit VI. What a nice surprise! .....................................................................


Unit VII. The Present Continuous: I’m practising my English! ..................


Unit VIII. There is / are: There are nice people in my group......................


Unit IX. The Present Simple: I get up at 7 o’clock......................................


Unit X. The Past Simple: I went to Florida last summer .............................


Unit XI. The Present Perfect: He has gone to Paris!.....................................


Unit XII. The Passive Voice: It’s made of real silk......................................


Unit XIII. The Future simple / the Future Continuous: We’ll do our best!............................................................................................................


Unit XIV. The Past Continuous: I was walking along the street.................


Unit XV. The Present Perfect Continuous: I have been waiting for you ....


Unit XVI. The Past Perfect: Ann had visited London before the spring term began.............................................................................................................


Unit XVII. Indirect Speech: He said he was going away the next day.........




Библиографический список......................................................................


Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»


астоящее учебное издание представляет собой пособие по грамматике английского языка для дисциплины «Иностранный язык» в рамках реализации образовательной программы высшего образования по направлениям подготовки 45.03.02 Лингвистика, 45.03.01 Филология, 44.03.05 Педагогическое образование с двумя профилями для студентов очной и заочной форм обучения и предназначено для аудиторной и внеаудиторной самостоятель­ ной работы. Пособие подготовлено в соответствии с требованиями Федерального государственного образовательного стандарта высшего образования профессио­ нального образования. «Иностранный язык» относится к обязательным дисци­ плинам базовой части Блока 1 в структуре образовательной программы. Изучение дисциплины направлено на формирование общекультурных и об­ щепрофессиональных компетенций: Для ФГОС 45.03.02 Лингвистика: ОПК-3 — владение системой лингвистических знаний, включающей в себя знание основных фонетических, лексических, грамматических, словообразова­ тельных явлений и закономерностей функционирования изучаемого иностранно­ го языка. Для ФГОС 45.03.01 Филология: ОК-5 — способность к коммуникации в устной и письменной формах на рус­ ском и иностранном языках для решения задач межличностного и межкультур­ ного взаимодействия; ОПК-5 — свободное владение основным изучаемым языком в его литератур­ ной форме, базовыми методами и приемами различных типов устной и письмен­ ной коммуникации на данном языке. Для ФГОС 44.03.05 Педагогическое образование: УК-4: способность к коммуникации в устной и письменной формах на рус­ ском и иностранных языках для решения задач межличностного и межкультур­ ного взаимодействия. В результате освоения дисциплины обучающийся должен: знать: - грамматические явления, включающие формы и функции существительных, прилагательных, наречий, особенности употребления артиклей, основные видо­ временные формы английского глагола, значение и функции залога, коммуника­ тивные типы предложения, функциональные особенности косвенной речи, фор­ мы и функции прямого и косвенного наклонений английского глагола и их функционирования в речи, формы и функции модальных глаголов, неличных форм английского глагола (инфинитива, герундия, причастия); уметь: - использовать грамматический материал активного минимума в продуктив­ ных видах речевой деятельности: говорении и письме: употреблять видовремен­



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ные формы английского глагола адекватно коммуникативной ситуации, упо­ треблять модальные глаголы в соответствии с коммуникативным намерением, адекватно подбирать грамматические конструкции и обороты, необходимые для высказывания по обсуждаемой теме и/или предложенной ситуации общения, грамотно оперировать усвоенными грамматическими конструкциями и оборота­ ми в новых ситуациях общения, грамматически правильно оформлять высказы­ вания, сочетать усвоенные грамматические средства с вновь приобретенными. - узнавать и понимать грамматический материал в рецептивных видах рече­ вой деятельности: аудировании и чтении. владеть: - навыками анализа, обобщения, сравнения и выявления форм и функций изучаемых грамматических явлений. Основной задачей настоящего пособия является организация процесса фор­ мирования и автоматизации речевых навыков. Как известно, автоматизированность достигается не в «живой» речи, а в тренировочных упражнениях. Но в со­ ответствии с требованиями коммуникативной методики для формирования и со­ вершенствования грамматического навыка необходимо создать условия, адек­ ватные процессу коммуникации, т. е. грамматическая структура должна трени­ роваться в ситуативно и функционально мотивированных условиях — в условноречевых упражнениях (УРУ). Процесс автоматизации должен пройти 6 последовательных стадий: 1) восприятие; 2) имитация; 3) подстановка; 4) трансформация; 5) репродукция; 6) комбинирование (Пассов, 1989). Презентация грамматического материала (с большим акцентом на функцио­ нальную сторону модели) обычно осуществляется преподавателем на занятии. На стадии презентации также снимаются все лексические трудности предстоя­ щей лабораторной работы (в текстах они отмечены знаком *) и акцентируется важность следования интонационной модели, запрашиваемой той или иной функцией грамматической структуры. УРУ предполагается выполнять аудитивно, без печатной основы. Студенты вступают в общение с преподавателем: па­ раллельно с формированием грамматических навыков формируются умения вос­ принимать английскую речь на слух. С учетом того, что объем слуховой опера­ тивной памяти человека не превышает 12-15 слогов, высказывания преподавате­ ля включают максимально 15 слогов. Однако при необходимости, если обучаю­ щиеся испытывают трудности при восприятии речи на слух, печатная основа может быть использована ими в качестве опоры. Пособие состоит из 17 блоков, которые соответствуют распределению грам­ матического материала в базовых учебниках 1-го курса. Содержание коммуника­ тивных упражнений блока продиктовано не только грамматическим, но и тема­ тическим, интонационным и фонетическим материалом. Каждый блок состоит из двух разделов — Speech Practice, направленный на формирование у студентов грамматических навыков употребления определенной структуры в речи, и Language Practice, содержащий упражнения для самостоя­ тельного выполнения. Раздел Speech Practice включает 4 шага (Steps) (соответ­ 5

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ствующие 2-5 стадиям формирования навыка), которые предваряются ориенти­ ровкой на речевую ситуацию и побуждением на функцию, ожидаемую от сту­ дента. Далее следует модель микродиалога, то есть диалогического единства, где преподаватель выступает, как правило, не как некое абстрактное лицо, а как либо один из персонажей учебника, либо определенное, тематически обусловленное лицо. Непосредственное обращение преподавателя к слушателю делает ответы последнего более мотивированными, предотвращает неситуативное использова­ ние моделей и, что немаловажно, индивидуализирует речевое действие студента. Шаги I—III выполняются устно. Главная цель данного этапа — лучше осознать грамматическую структуру, непроизвольно формулировать правила словосоче­ таний и функционирования грамматических единиц, способствовать созданию соответствующих речевых стереотипов и, таким образом, обеспечивать актуали­ зацию речевых поступков в соответствующих речевых ситуациях, предъявляе­ мых в шаге IV. Задания последнего шага можно выполнить в письменной форме, что облегчит задачу последующего контроля. Можно осуществлять скрытый контроль, когда на последующем аудиторном занятии обрабатываются схожие коммуникативные задания, отраженные в лабораторной работе. Раздел Language Practice содержит языковые упражнения, предназначенные для закрепления грамматических знаний и совершенствования языковых навыков обучающихся. Все блоки настоящего пособия объединяются единством методического за­ мысла, что выражается в его общей структуре, приверженности к определенной теме, диктуемой базовым учебником, и определенной последовательности тре­ нировочных упражнений. Раздел More Language Practice: Revision of Tenses содержит связные тексты, выполняя задания к которым, студентам необходимо поставить глаголы, данные в скобках, в нужную видовременную форму. Задание направлено на проверку знания системы видовременных форм английского глагола и навыков адекватно­ го употребления этих форм в контексте.


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UNIT I. Let me do it! Give me a hand, please GRAMMAR: IMPERATIVE SENTENCES

Sometimes it’s better to just lot things be, lot people go, don't fight for < _ •losurc, don’t ask for explanations, don't chase answers and don't expect people to understand where you're coming from


th o u g h ts


PART I. SPEECH PRACTICE Step I. Communicative task 1. A teacher is telling his students to do something. Support the teacher and express a friendly request. Model: Teacher: Meet Liz! You: Meet Liz! 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

Meet Ted! Sit still! Keep still! Spell “kite”! Spell “pine”! Spell “pipe”! Be neat! Be kind! Tell Liz! Say “nine”!

Communicative task 2. A granny has got a lot of work about the house. But she has the granddaughters Liz and Bess to help her. Join the granny and ask Liz, the elder, to do something. Model: Granny: Liz! Buy tea! You: Liz! Buy tea! 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

Liz! Liz! Liz! Liz! Liz! Liz!

Buy meat! Buy pies! Sell eggs! Sell pies! Send bills! Send pills! 7

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7) 8) 9) 10)

Liz! Liz! Liz! Liz!

Send pies! Mend ties! Mend tights! Mend mittens!

Communicative task 3. Liz is doing maths, so she hasn’t got enough time to do the household duty. She wants her sister to help the granny. Support Liz and refer the re­ quest to Bess. Model: Liz: Let Bess mend ties! You: Let Bess mend ties! 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9)

Let Bess mend tights! Let Bess mend mittens! Let Bess buy meat! Let Bess buy eggs! Let Bess buy cakes! Let Bess buy pins! Let Bess send pencils! Let Bess send pills! Let Bess send bills! 10) Let Bess send pens!

Step II. Communicative task 1. Ask somebody else to spell the same word. Model: Teacher: Len! Spell “nice”. (Ben) You: Ben! Spell “nice ” Box: Mike, Nell, Liz, Bess, Ted, Pete, Kim, Tess. Communicative task 2. Ask Len or somebody else to spell the words. Model: Teacher: Len ! Spell “nine”. (cyst) You: Len ! Spell “cyst”. Box: deep, time, seem, tie, side, sleep, set, line. Step III. Communicative task 1. Your teacher asks you to spell a word. You don’t know the word and ask your group-mate to do it. Let a student sitting next to you take Len’s part and spell the words. Model:

Teacher: Bess! Spell “seem”. You: ‘L et Nell spell “seem ”. Len: Let me see. S, e, e, m.

1) Bess ! Spell “eat”! 2) Bess ! Spell “it”! 3) Bess !Spell ”beat”! 8

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4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

Bess Bess Bess Bess Bess Bess Bess

! Spell ! Spell ! Spell ! Spell ! Spell ! Spell ! Spell

“bit”! “peel”! “pill”! “sheep”! “ship”! “pit”! “Pete”!

Communicative task 2. Suggest that you or other people do the following: Model: Teacher: Translate the article into English. (I) You: Let me translate it into English. 1. Congratulate Tom on his marriage. (we) 2. Examine your brother. (the doctor) 3. Choose a present for her granny. (she) 4. Take a taxi. (your aunt) 5. Invite our neighbors to the party. (we) 6. Have lunch in the garden. (we) 7. Say what you want. (Jim) 8. Take some photographs. (my friends ) 9. Check all these figures. (we) 10. Compare John’s translation with mine. (the teacher) Step IV. Communicative task. You are told to do some work, but you can’t. You want your brother/sister/friend to do it. Act out a number of situations. Model: Mother: Buy tea! You: Let Nick buy it. IMPERATIVES: POLITE REQUESTS. Step I. Communicative task. Mary Bridge, an English teacher, is having a lesson in the 4th form. Support the teacher and express a tactful request. Mind the intonation to sound polite. Model : Mary Bridge: Sally! Spell “fe e t”, please. You: Sally! Spell “fe e t”, please. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

Ann! Say a sentence, please. David! Tell Ann to say it, please. Alice! Leave the texts, please. Sally! Speak on the theme, please. Billy! Spell “fat”, please. Nell! Take David’s paper, please. 9

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7) 8) 9) 10)

Ken! Find Ann’s pencil, please. Sid! Pay the bills, please. Liz! Send Ann the pills, please. Nick! Give me the pen, please.

Step II. Communicative task 2. Ask your friend politely to do something. Model: Teacher: Ask your friend politely to help you with your homework. You: Ben, help me with my homework, please. 1. Ask your friend to give you that plate 2. Ask your friend to show you her new dress. 3. Ask your friend to close the door and open the window. 4. Ask your friend to read the text. 5. Ask your friend to take that pen. 6. Ask your friend to write the address. 7. Ask your friend to make his/her bed. 8. Ask your friend to spell “nimble”. 9. Ask your friend to find your bag. 10. Ask your friend to fix the table. PARTII. LANGUAGE PRACTICE Exercise 1. Ask your friends to do something. For this make up orders or requests. 1. this / cup / take / white. 2. some / friends / take / my / photographs / let. 3. me / blue / please / umbrella / that / show. 4. this / sentence / new / write. 5. text / new / please / read / this. 6. check / figures / these / all. 7. are / where / us / we / let / stay. 8. that / close / please / window. 9. for / choose / her / let / his / a present / granny. 10. in / lunch / have / let / the / garden / us. Exercise 2. Make suggestions. 1. Let (she) go. She is not to blame. 2. Let (she) insist on her decision. 3. Let (they) get to know each other better. 4. Let (they) pay attention to what I said. 5. Let (Susy) forgive me for not writing to her. 6. Let (his sister) keep her promise. 7. Let (he) look for a job. 8. Let (I) settle the matter myself. 9. Let (we) congratulate Tom on his marriage. 10

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10. Let (he) persuade his sister to see the doctor at once. 11. Let (she) explain this rule to you 12. Let (he) have another try. 13. Let (his granny) stay with us, don’t disturb her. 14. Let (I) see — where have I left my glasses? 15. Let (the dogs) run about in the field. Exercise 3. Act as an interpreter. Translate the following into English. 1. Напишите это предложение. 2. Прочитайте это письмо, пожалуйста. 3. Прочитайте этот короткий текст. 4. Покажите мне свой сад, пожалуйста. 5. Возьмите тот карандаш. Этот карандаш плохой. 6. Дайте мне ту старую книгу, пожалуйста. 7. Пригласите соседей на вечеринку, пожалуйста. 8. Пусть Джим скажет, чего он хочет. 9. Пусть учитель сравнит перевод Джона с моим. 10. Пусть они останутся у нас. 11. Пусть она наденет пальто. На улице холодно. 12. Возьмите эту белую чашку. 13. Давайте я спрошу дорогу до станции. 14. Пусть секретарь (the secretary) напечатает письма и отправит их. 15. Закажи столик в ресторане, пожалуйста. 16. Пусть Джордж и его жена позаботятся о своих племянниках. 17. Обрати внимание на то, что я сказал. 18. Пусть она вер­ нется на свое место. 19. Сфотографируйте нас, пожалуйста. 20. Пусть они выбе­ рут книги в библиотеке. 21. Ищи работу! 22. Покажите мне тот синий зонт, по­ жалуйста. 23. Пусть они ответят на все эти вопросы. 24. Прости меня, пожалуй­ ста. 25. Пусть студенты готовятся к экзамену по английскому языку. 26. Сообщи мне, когда ты приезжаешь, пожалуйста. 27. Пусть машина моет посуду. 28. Пусть дети поиграют в футбол во дворе. 29. Обменяйтесь своими идеями, пожа­ луйста. 30. Пусть она похвалит ребенка за старания.


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It’s elementary, my dear Watson! (Sherlock Holmes)

(1001freedown PART I. SPEECH PRACTICE Step I. Communicative task. Agree with the speaker. Model: Teacher: I t ‘s late. You: Yes, it’s late. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

It’s nine. It’s ten. It’s time. It’s autumn. It’s summer. It’s dark. It’s cold. It’s hot. It’s simple. It’s easy.

Step II. Communicative task. Disagree with the speaker. Model:

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

Teacher: I t ‘s late. (early) You: It isn ’t late, it’s early.

It’s nine. (ten) It’s cloudy. (bright) It’s time. (too early) It’s spring. (autumn) It’s dark. (light) It’s cold. (cool) It’s hot. (warm) It’s big. (little) It’s simple. (difficult) It’s easy. (difficult) 12

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Step III.

Communicative task. You are shown how to write English letters, some of them differ very much from the block letters. You show your interest and understanding. Model: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

Teacher: It s “G ”. You: Is it? I see.

It’s “J”. It’s “L” It’s “I”. It’s “W” It’s “F” It’s “S” It’s “Q” It’s “H” It’s “R” It’s “Z”

Step IV. Communicative task. You tell your mother who you are talking to on the phone. first she is surprised, and then shows her understanding. Model:

You: I t ’s Sid. Mother: Is it? I see. PARTII. LANGUAGE PRACTICE

Exercise 1. Choose the suitable idea to complete the sentence. important to recognize him. He has red hair. 1) It’s easy to understand her. She speaks too fast. difficult to finish the article today. 2) It’s

3) It’s

4) It’s

5) It’s

interesting strange dark

in the room. I can’t see what is there in the comer. to talk to him. He has just returned from England. that he didn’t enjoy his voyage. He likes travelling.

late early time

to call her. She is usually up at this time. to call her. Her telephone is usually off at this time. to call her. She usually sleeps at this time.

no use clear hard far

to say definitely. We don’t know anything about his life telling him about it. that he won’t come to the party. to the railway station. You should take a taxi.

near about 1 km hot.

from our house to the river. to our house. Go on foot. Close the windows. 13

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windy. cool.

in the room. Don’t turn on the air-conditioner. I suggest going to the beach.

7) It’s

rainy. foggy. sunny.

I can’t see anything in front of me. Take a hat and sun-glasses. Don’t forget to take an umbrella.

8) It’s

Monday morning. the 1st September. noon.

6) It’s

The school year starts today The clock has just struck 12. The town is busy already.

Exercise 2. Act as an interpreter. Translate the following into English. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

Поздно. Пойдемте домой. Темно. Включи свет. Пора. Скажи Бену, что уже девять часов. Холодно. Пусть Лиз наденет куртку. Осень. Прохладно по утрам. Легко выучить эти правила! Приятно видеть вас снова. Приятно познакомиться! Трудно понять его. Сейчас жарко. Давай купим мороженое. Пасмурно. Похоже, будет дождь. Сегодня ясно. Давайте сходим в парк. Утро. Сестра еще спит. Скажи Лиз, чтобы разбудила ее. Вечер. Вся семья дома. Пусть Бен включит телевизор. Осень. Необходимо достать теплые вещи. Зима. Дни сейчас короткие. Весна. Пора мыть окна. Лето. Пора собираться в отпуск. Важно сказать Джону правду. Трудно вставать в 6 утра!


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If you love life, do not waste time — this is what life is made of. (Bruce Lee)

( PART I. SPEECH PRACTICE Step I. Communicative task. Mary Bridge, an English teacher, is having a lesson in the 4th form. Support the teacher like in the model. Model:

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

Mary Bridge: This is Alice’s test. You: Indeed. This (that) is Alice’s test.

This is David’s exercise. This is Emily’s bag. This is Sally’s essay. This is Alices’s paper. This is Sid’s bill. That is Ann’s table. That is Nick’s seat. That is Billy’s cap. That is Kate’s cat. That is Nell’s hat.

Step II. Communicative task 2. Mrs Bridge is telling Sally off for her homework. You find it not quite good either. Use the prompts. Model 1:

Mary Bridge: It is not a tidy essay. (nice) You: And it is not a nice essay. Box: neat, thick, nice, big.

Model 2:

Mary Bridge: It is not like A nn’s essay. (Nell’s) You: And it is not like N ell’s essay. Box: David’s, Ken’s, Alice’s, Emily’s.


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Step III.

Communicative task 1. Mary Bridge is pointing at different things in the class­ room. Inquire whose things they are. Model:

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

Mary Bridge: This is a plan. You: Is this A nn’s plan?

This is a seat (David’s) This is a pencil (Ken’s) This is an essay (Sally’s) This is a tape (Alice’s) This is a cat. (Bill’s) That is a table (Ann’s) That is a bag (Nell’s) That is a map (Liz’s) That’s a bike. (Mike’s) That is a laptop (Nick’s)

Communicative task 2. Now respond to the same statements with a tag question. But you are sure of what you are saying. Model:

Mary Bridge: This is a plan. You: I t ’s A nn’s plan, isn’t it ?

Communicative task 3. Mrs. Bridge is tired after the day’s work. That’s why she mixes everything up. Take Ann’s part and correct her politely. Model:

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

Mary Bridge: This is an easy text. Ann: It isn’t an easy text, it’s difficult.

That is a bad plan (nice). This is a thin laptop (thick). This is a nimble cat (lazy) This is David’s bag (Ken’s). That is Sally’s seat (Liz’s). This is Ann’s tape (Alice’s). That is Nick’s map (Nell’s). This is Liz’s table (Nick’s). This is Sid’s bike. (Mike). This is Pete’s pencil. (mine)


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Step IV.

Communicative task: The daughter is showing her mother a thing. The both are discussing what it is like. Act out a conversation on the following model: Model:

A: — This is a test. B: — Is it ? Is it Sally’s test ? A: — It isn ’t Sally’s, i t ’s Emily’s. B: — I see. I t ’s a neat test, isn’t it? A: — It is, isn’t it? B: — Ann! Find L iz’s test, please. PART II. LANGUAGE PRACTICE

Exercise 1. Choose the correct word. 1. This / These trousers are black. 2. That / Those shirt is very nice. 3. That / Those shoes are comfortable. 4. This / These skirt is old. 5. This / Those T-shirt is my brother’s. 6. That / Those T-shirt is very small. 7. That/These coats are new, aren’t they? 8. Those/That dress is Betty’s, isn’t it? 9. This/Those cats are mine, aren’t they? 10. That/These dogs aren’t the Bridges’, are they? Exercise 2. Write these sentences in plural like in the model. Model:

This is a cat — These are cats. That is a desk — Those are desks.

1. That is a car. 2. This is a dog. 3. That is a star. 4. This is his pencil. 5. That is his pen. 6. This is a sheep. 7. That is a child. 8. This is a pencil-box. 9. That is a match. 10. That is a man. 11. This is a goose. 12. That is a mouse. 13. That is a deer. 14. This is a table. 15.That is a foot. Exercise 3. Write these sentences in plural. 1. This phone in the office is out of order. 2. That blouse is made of silk. 3. This is an excellent painting. 4. This book is very popular and it really interests me. 5. This is a difficult word to write. 6. This young man is a journalist and he has been very suc­ cessful. 7. This purse isn’t made of leather. 8. That is my neighbour’s car. 9. This room is very large. 10.This lady is that gentleman’s wife. 11. This shoe is too large for my foot. 12. This child is sitting on a bench. 13. This tooth is white. 14. This key is made of steel. 15. This is my friend’s study. Exercise 4. Fill in the gaps with this, that, these, those. 1. ______ people over there are waiting for the bus. 2. The day I first came to London was wonderful. I will remember _ day for ever. 3. _____ summer I'm pretty busy. 17

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4. I’m working as a receptionist _____ days. ______ were the days! 5. Do you remember_____winter when we all went to Egypt? 6. Hello! _______ is Alan. Can I speak to Harry, please? 7. _____ is a new cathedral and _____ one over there was built 900 years ago. 8. Will you come over at five o’clock? I’ll be at home at _______time. 9.__ The summer of 1999 I spent in the country. I remember we had a lot of rain _____ year. 10. ______ are my sisters. They have just arrived from London. 11. Who was _____ girl I saw you with last night? 12. Do you want to sit o n ______chair here or on ______ one over there? 13. _______sweets you gave me last night were very nice. 14. Look at ______ colourful air balloons in the sky! 15. Clyde and Nancy have decided to buy a house______year. 16. ______trees over there were planted by the pupils of our school 17. ______ buildings just in front of you were erected in the 18th century. 18. Hello, Mrs Swift. _____ is Mr Willis from Globe &Co speaking 19. I wish I would have bought _____ woolen sweater last Sunday. 20. You’d better take______. The others we saw don’t match your dress. 21. I couldn’t forget_______beautiful girl I had met in the park. Do you know ______ little boy? He says he has been lost in the shop 22. Can you reach ______ old books on the top shelf Exercise 5. Write answers to the questions. Model: Whose watch is this? (Linda). — This is Linda’s watch. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Whose books are these? (the pupils) Whose house is this? (John) Whose offices are these? (the bankers) Whose flowers are these? (my mother) Whose translation is this? (my friend) Whose shoes are these? (my sister) Whose stamps are these? (Ted) Whose fields are these? (the farmers) Whose discovery is this? (Newton) Whose duties are these? (the pupils) Whose words are those? (our teacher)

Exercise 6. Act as an interpreter. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. Этот отель очень большой. 2. Эти яблоки зелёные. 3. Тот город очень кра­ сивый. 4. Те люди богатые и знаменитые. 5. Эти рубашки не очень дорогие. 6. В том доме много собак. 7. Эти официанты из Мексики, а те официанты из Италии. 8. Та книга старая или новая? 9. Тот столик занят. 10.Эта газета интересная. 11. Этот город старый. 12. Этот мяч жёлтый. 13. Эта комната не очень уютная. 14. Эта улица находится в Нью-Йорке. 15. Те фотографии очень красивые. 16. Те музеи не очень интересные. 17. Те книги находятся на полке? 18

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Success is not what you have got, but who you are Beau Bennett, American professional hockey player

( PART I. SPEECH PRACTICE Step I. Communicative task. Children like boasting, don’t they? Ann and Susy are no ex­ ception. Take Susy’s part and say you have got the same thing too. Model:

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

Ann: I ’ve got a big sheepdog. Susy: I ’ve got a big sheepdog too.

I’ve got a nimble cat. I’ve got a white lamb. I’ve got a nice boat. I’ve got a little pony. I’ve got a gold watch. I’ve got a new doll. I’ve got a modern laptop. I’ve got an expensive pen. I’ve got a fancy dress. I’ve got a new hat.

Step II. Communicative task: Now they are boasting of what their brothers have got. Susy shows her brother has got something better. Model:

1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

Ann: Pete has got a stamp. (an envelope) Susy: David has got an envelope.

Pete has got a cap. (a hat) Pete has got a picture. (an album) Pete has got a bag. (a case) Pete has got a bicycle. (a motor-cycle) Pete has got a boat. (a ship) 19

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6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

Pete has got a flat. (a cottage) Pete has got a laptop. (an I-phone) Pete has got sunglasses. ( Pete has got binoculars. (a telescope) Pete has got a telephone. (a PC)

Step III. Communicative task 1. Now Roger is telling David what his brother has got. Da­ vid knows what Ben hasn’t got. Take David’s part and show certainty. Model A:

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

Roger: Ben’s got an envelope. (a stamp) David: He hasn’t got a stamp, has he?

Ben has got a hat. (a cap) Ben has got an album. ( a picture) Ben has got a case. (a backpack) Ben has got an I-pad. (a laptop) Ben has got a VW. (a Rolls-Royce) Ben has got a cottage. (a flat) Ben has got a ship. (a boat) Ben has got a telescope. (binoculars) Ben has got an I-phone. (a laptop) Ben has got a motor-cycle. (a bicycle)

Communicative task 2. Ann is showing Roger the family album. He wants to know more about her relatives. Take Roger’s part. Model B:

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

Ann: This is Kate. (a flat) Roger: Has she got a flat?

This is Mum. (a sister) This is Dad. (a dog) This is Pete. (a wife) This is Kate. (a boyfriend) This is Uncle Hugh. (a job) This is Aunt Pam. (a baby) This is Richard, my cousin. (a family) This is my Granny. (a home) This is my Granddad. (many grandchildren) This is Billy. (a pet)

Now Roger tells Ann about his cousins. She wants to know more about what they have got. Take Ann’s part. 1. This is Ammy, my cousin. (fair hair) 2. This is Ammy at home. (three brothers) 3. This is Ammy’s Dad. (a camera) 4. This is Colin. (dark hair) 5. This is Colin at his Granny’s place. (a farm) 20

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6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

This is Colin’s elder brother. (a bike) This is Daniel.( many friends) This is Daniel’s sister.(long hair) This is Diana, my cousin. ( a car) This is Diana’s boyfriend. (a bike)

Step IV. Communicative task. Have a look at your group-mates and say what they have or haven’t got. PARTII. LANGUAGE PRACTICE Exercise 1. Complete the sentences. Use have got or has got. A. 1. I a house in the country. 2. Gloria 5000 euros in the bank. 3. You beautiful daughters. 4. She a temperature. 5. Andrew a cat called Monkey. 6. They a new kitchen. 7. This flat is great, it a lot of space. 8. The town a lot of nice hotels. 9. Terry a new car. It’s a VW. 10. We some news for you. B. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.

We (not) a TV yet. Derek (not) a horse. Peter (not) Internet. Her office a nice view. He an unusual tattoo. He a lot of money. I two nice handbags. She (not) any shoes. They (not) a car. We (not) a cat. We a dog, it’s a I (not) any food. They (not) much money. Bob (not) any friends. I’m sorry, I'm busy. I (not) much time He (not) any problems.

C. 1. Laura 2. Our house 3. We 4. Monkeys 5. We

a lot of stamps. (not) large windows. art lessons on Mondays. long tails. a new science teacher. 21

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6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

H e_________ a bad temper. The girls_________golden hair. An insect_________ six legs. Malaga_________a very big airport. A triangle_________ 3 sides. The man_________ two daughters. All the passengers_________their tickets. Dad_________two pairs of shoes. I _________a hamster. It is called Lucky. The farmer_________different kinds of animals on his farm.

Exercise 2. Complete the questions. Use have got or has got. 1. ________ David__________ an iPhone? 2. How many children________she______ ? 3 . __________Nina__________ a computer? 4 . ________ Linda__________ a new textbook? 5 . ________ Peter and Lisa__________ cameras? 6 . ________ they__________ bicycles? 7. W hat________they ________ ? 8. _______you_______ any lemons? — No, but I _______ some oranges. 9 . _____ Jack _______ a girlfriend? 10. ______ you________ a laptop? Exercise 3. Complete the conversations, using have got/has got. 1.

- _____an aspirin?____a terrible headache. - I’ll just look. I think____some in my bag. Oh, no sorry, I ___any.


- How many brothers and sisters _____? - Just one brother.


- W e___a new car. - Really? - Y es.____four-wheel drive, anti-lock braking.

4. 5.

I’m afraid____some bad news for you. - Why____dark glasses on? - I _____something wrong with my eyes. - ___I dirt on my nose? - No, but ___ something funny in your hair.


7. - Sally___a new boy-friend. Very good-looking. He’s quite tall, and___big dark eyes. - But she says he___a terrible temper.


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Exercise 4. Here are some “contact” advertisements from a magazine. Say some sentences about some of the things that the people have got. Model: The man in the first advertisement has got an athletic build. Handsome, intelligent male, athletic build, Porsche, seeks attractive girlfriend, under 30, for fun and friendship Natural woman,37 intelligent, tall, brown hair, blue eyes, good sense of humor, seeks well educated man for honest caring relationships

Attractive, business lady, slim, nice smile, own apartment, like long hair, brains Successful businessman, 35, attractive, nice home, yacht, seeks slim female, under 30 for fun and friendship

Exercise 5. Act as an interpreter. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. У моей сестры длинные волосы. У нее голубые глаза. 2. У твоего брата новый компьютер? 3. У нас есть собака. Ее зовут Джеки. Она забавная. У нее большие уши. 4. У Тома новые часы. У его часов необычный дизайн. 5. У Джоунзов большая ферма. У них есть разные животные на ферме. 6. У Мистера Бриджа есть брат? — Да, есть. Его зовут Хью (Hugh). — У него есть работа? — Нет, к сожалению. — Неужели? Это плохо. А семья у него есть? — Да, у него небольшая семья: жена и сын. 7. У Бриджей есть ферма, сад и огород. В огороде у них теплицы. 8. У него проблема. 9. У вас такой милый ребенок! 10. У Глории шикарный автомобиль!


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(http://shareinspirequotes. com)

PART I. SPEECH PRACTICE Step I. Communicative task. We’ve met another English family recently. They are the Smiths. As you know, Liz, the eldest daughter, is an able girl. You are also able to do all those things, aren’t you? Say so, please. Model:

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

Liz: I can make apple pies. You: I can make apple pies too.

1 can make nice tea. I can make dresses. 1 can knit socks. I can mend clothes. 1 can sew. I can cook well. I can do the house. I can mow a lawn. I can do the garden. I can do hair.

Step II. Communicative task. Pamela Smith is proud of her children for everybody can do many things. Remember and say what else they can do. Model:

1) 2) 3) 4)

Pamela: Liz can make cherry pies. You: (apple pies) And she can make apple pies too.

Danny can paint pictures. (write poems) Danny can act drama. (dance well) Johny can swim well. (climb up trees) Johny can play tennis. (play football) 24

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5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

Fanny can knit mittens. (make doll dresses) Jack can skate well. (ski) Jack can play chess well. (play checkers) Joanie can read and write well. (recite poems) Joanie can make tea. (an omelette) Billy can walk. (cry loudly)

Step III. Communicative task 1. Mr. Mix-up is always mixing everything up. Correct him politely. Model:

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

Mr. Mix up: Danny can knit mittens. You: You are not right. Danny can’t knit mittens.

Danny can sew. Danny can knit socks. Fanny can ski. Fanny can make models. Joanie can make tables. Joanie can write poems. Jack can swim well. Jack can paint pictures. Billy can read. Johny can make pies.

Communicative task 2. Mrs. Parker is a journalist, that’s why she has every reason to ask so many questions. Now she is at the Smiths’ inquiring Pamela about Sam. Model:

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

Pamela: Sam can make tables. Mrs. Parker: (shelves) Can he make shelves?

Sam can whitewash trees. (fences) Sam can make plans. (drafts) Sam can mend boats. (ships) Sam can mend toys. (kettles) Sam can mend cars. (radios and TV-sets) Sam can build a cottage. (a boat) Sam can drive a lorry. (a car) Sam can look after children well. (babies) Sam can speak Welsh. (Scottish) Sam can ride a motor-cycle. (a bicycle)

Step IV. Communicative task. Say if you can do these things. 1. 2. 3.

Can you drive a car? Can you drive a bike? Can you play the guitar? 25

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4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Can you play any musical instruments? Can you cook well? Can you make a pie? Can you play chess? Can you play rugby? Can you dance ball-room dances? Can you speak any foreign languages?

PARTII. LANGUAGE PRACTICE Exercise 1. Think and write what you, your relatives and your group mates can do. Use the table. My mother My father My brother My sister My Grandma My Grandpa Mycousin Jane Michael Jack

- Jack-of-all trades - Very artistic

whitewash, cook tasty pies, fix computers, telephones

- Very athletic

sing Russian and Buryat songs well, dance modern dances, compose music, play the guitar/ piano/violin/trumpet play football/volleyball/basketball run 10 km /a marathon, etc swim 2 miles easily, etc

Exercise 2. Act as an interpreter. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. Дженни может хорошо петь. Она и на гитаре умеет играть. 2. Роберт умеет кататься на коньках, а вот на лыжах не умеет. 3. Мой брат умеет водить машину. А ты умеешь? 4. Я не умею рисовать, кто может мне помочь? 5. Лиз хорошо пе­ чет яблочные пироги. — А она умеет стряпать торты? 6. Я не могу понять это предложение на английском языке. Можешь мне помочь? 7. Я могу читать поанглийски, но не могу писать. 8. Я не могу ответить на это вопрос. 9. Вы можете теперь говорить по-французски? — Да, могу, немного. 10. Кто может открыть дверь? — Я.


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We admire what is close to us. It’s a law. (Victor Marie Hugo)

( PART I. SPEECH PRACTICE Step I. A. Communicative task. Meet Jane Painter. She is an art teacher at St. Michael’s school. She is very friendly and kind. She finds all her pupils smart and able. Let’s join her. Model 1:

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

What a good pupil! What a clever boy! What a quick-witted child! What an interesting essay! What a neat handwriting! What a smart answer! What a lovely picture! What a beautiful view! What a modest boy! What an excellent taste!

Model 2:

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

Jane: What a nice girl! You: Yes. What a nice girl!

Jane: What a talented boy David is! You: Yes, indeed. What a talented boy David is!

What a clever girl Ann is! What a wonderful pupil David is! What a nice dress Sally’s got! What a nice sense of humour Tom’s got! What a good taste for painting Paul’s got ! What a skilled painter you are! What a lovely view it is! What a modest boy Roger is! What a neat handwriting it is! What a fancy hat you’ve got! 27

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B. Communicative task. Now Jane is talking to Mary Bridge, they are having a rest after lessons in the park. Show either admiration or your being displeased with something. Model:

Jane: How seldom we meet! You: Indeed! How seldom we meet!

1. How wonderful! 2. How fresh the air is! 3. How very kind of you! 4. How beautiful it is here! 5. How sad the story is! 6. How annoying the noise is! 7. How terrible! 8. How secretive of him! 9. How cheap the coffee is! 10. How expensive the food is! Step II. Communicative task. Form 4 is having an art lesson in the open air. Everybody is enjoying the lesson and the surroundings. Confirm Mrs. Painter’s and the children’s exclamations using the prompts. NB: Mind the zero article. Model:

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8)

Jane: What nice weather! (warm) You: What warm weather!

What bright *paint ! (rich) What pleasant music ! (joyful) What warm sand ! (golden) What fine paper ! (good) What warm water ! (clear) What lovely* scenery ! (wonderful) What thick grass ! (soft) What* delicate perfume ! (strong)

Step III. Communicative task 1. Jane Painter is showing the children’s pictures to Mary Bridge. Express your admiration about what you are said or shown. Model :

1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

Jane: Sally's got a nice sketch. Mary: What a nice sketch she's got!

David’s got a lovely picture of the river. Emily’s a talented girl. Paul’s got a good taste for painting. Your daughter is a skilled painter. This is a picturesque view, isn’t it? 28

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6) 7) 8)

That’s wonderful scenery, isn’t it? They use bright colours. They are talented children.

Communicative task 2. Read Jane Painter’s appraisal of her pupils and *deduce from the notes what they are like. Model:

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8)

Jane: Jane can paint very well. You: What a skilled pupil she is!

David works hard at lessons. Sally helps her friends a lot. Tom always tells jokes in breaks. Susan boasts a lot. Roger never makes a noise at classes. Ann knows a lot about painting. Paul’s sceneries are quite accurate and perfect. Emily draws sketches fast.

Step IV. Find some colourful views of nature or events and ask your group-mate to express his/her admiration. PARTII. LANGUAGE PRACTICE Exercise 1. To show your admiration make up sentences. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

hair — what — long day — what — beautiful — a kind — is — Clara — how can — how — well — dance — you a — cake — delicious — what how — is — dress — nice — her am — lonely — how — I you — how — are — smart have — flowers — you — what — lovely — bought dangerous — is — dog — how — your

Exercise 2. Choose the correct variant: 1. ... (What/What a) wonderful opportunity! 2. ... (What/What a) big feet he has got! 3. ... (What/What an) amazing place it is! 4. ... (What/What a) terrible disaster! 5. ... (What/What a) stale bread! 6. ... (What/What a) awful mistake! 7. ... (What/What a) strange clothes she wears! 8. ... (What/What a) beautiful weather! 9. ... (What/What a) modern furniture you’ve got! 10. ... (What/What an) amusing experience it was! 29

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Exercise 3. Choose the correct variant: 1. (What/How) funny! 2. (What/How) fun! 3. (What/How) exciting! 4. (What/How) a heavy baggage! 5. (What/How) unusual! 6. (What/How) nice perfume! 7. (What/How) talented children! 8. (What/How) unusual the picture is! 9. (What/How) kind of you! 10. (What/How) an exciting story! Exercise 4. Act as an interpreter. 1. Какие у нее длинные волосы! 2. Какие красивые цветы ты купил! 3. Как странно! 4. Какой прекрасный результат! 5. Как забавно! 6. Какое волнующее приключение! 7. Как хорошо вы танцуете! 8. Как я одинок! 9. Какой ты умный! 10. Как хорошо Бренда говорит по-испански! 11. Какой Дэниэл скучный! 12. Ка­ кой гигантский динозавр! 13. Какие глупые ошибки сделал Роджер! 14. Какую странную историю рассказала бабушка! 15. Как медленно они бегают! 16. Как скользко сегодня! 17. Как вы добры! 18. Какая у них маленькая квартира! 19. Ка­ кие у нее высокие сыновья! 20. Какая удивительная страна!


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( PART I. SPEECH PRACTICE Step I. A. Communicative task. Form 4 has come to the seaside for the week-end. Ann and Roger are on the beach. Roger is lying on the sand and Ann is sitting and telling him what is going on at the moment. Confirm Ann’s statement. Model 1:

Ann: The sun is shining brightly. You: That’s right. The sun is shining brightly.

1) Sally Green is lying in the sun. 2) She is wearing a bright red bathing suit. 3) Tom Small is swimming to a big black rock. 4) He is swimming fast. 5) Paul Brown is listening to music. 6) David is playing the guitar. 7) A little girl is riding a bicycle. 8) A dog is running after her. 9) It is barking. 10) Everyone is enjoying themselves. Model 2:

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

Ann: People are talking. You: That’s right. People are talking.

People are sitting outside under the canvas. They are having cold juice with ice. Women are wearing thin bright dresses. Little children are digging in the sand. They are making a model. Two little boys are bathing in the water. Some girls are playing tennis behind the hotel. Waiters are standing at the restaurant door. They are smoking. All the people are having a good time. 31

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Model 3:

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

Little children are not swimming well. People are not dancing . People are not talking in loud voices. Children are not running along the beach. We are not having a bad time. The teachers are not swimming. The parents are not having a good time. They are not having a rest, in fact. But they are not working after all! We are not studying now.

Model 4:

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

Ann: Sea-gulls are not flying. You: That’s right. Sea-gulls are not flying.

Ann: The wind is not blowing. You: Quite so. The wind isn’t blowing

Sally Green is not swimming. Mrs. Blake is not lying in the sun. Mr. Quick is not smoking. Mrs. Bird is not singing. Ms Painter is not painting today. And she is not drawing either. Tom Small is not playing his little tricks. David is not teaching Jane to swim. Paul is not listening to the news. Bill Killjoy is not enjoying himself.

B. Communicative task. Imagine you are at the seaside with Form 4. Say you are doing the same thing Ann is doing at the moment, or not doing it. Model 1:

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8)

I am watching the people on the beach. I am enjoying myself. I am relaxing today. I am eating an ice-cream. I am talking to Roger. I am wondering what my parents are doing. I am listening to the noise little children are making. I am holding a book in my hands.

Model 2:

1) 2)

Ann: I am lying in the sun. You: I am lying in the sun too.

Ann: I am not singing now. You: I am not singing either.

I am not eating any ice-cream now. I am not doing sums. 32

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3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8)

1 am not swimming in the sea. I am not riding a bicycle now. 1 am not reading a book. I am not practicing French now. I am not taking part in the games. I am not wearing a raincoat now.

Step II. Communicative task. Ann and Roger are playing a game now. Roger tries and guesses who is doing what and Ann corrects him. Help Ann give the right answer. Make use of the suggested key words and phrases. Model 1:

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

David is playing volleyball. (tennis) Paul is listening to the news. (the music) Tom is teaching Bill to swim. (to play cards) A little child is making a model of the school. (a sand castle) Jane is running to the sea. (the hotel) Sally is drinking tea. (lemonade)

Model 2:

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

Roger: Mrs. Blake is holding a book in her hands. (a ball) Ann /you: No, she isn’t. She is holding a ball in her hands.

Roger: Jack and Jill are learning to swim. Ann /you: (to play the guitar) No, they aren’t. They are learning to play the guitar.

Len and Nell are swimming in the sea. (the swimming pool) The girls are laughing at Tom. (Bill Killjoy) Little children are riding bicycles. (ponies) Dogs are lying in the sun. (in the shade) Mr Blake and his son are wearing bathing suits. (summer suits) Nick and his brother are reading tales. (detective stories)

Step III. Communicative task 1. Ann and Roger are arguing now. Help Ann say that Roger is wrong. Model 1:

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

Roger: You are reading a book. (talk to you) Ann: No, I ’m not reading a book. I ’m talking to you.

You are listening to the radio. (you) You are sleeping. (watch the people) You are joking. (speak honestly) You are making fun of me. (take you seriously) You are telling a lie. (tell the truth) You are laughing at me. (Bill Killjoy) 33

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Model 2:

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

Roger: Bill Killjoy is playing the guitar. (cards) Ann: No, he isn’tplaying the guitar, h e ’s playing cards.

Bill is playing with Susan. (Tom) Sally is feeding dogs. (tease) Mrs Blake is wearing a red dress. (a pink one) Little children are making a model of the plant. (a sand castle) Dogs are making a terrible noise. (sea-gulls) Waiters are serving lunch. (smoke)

Communicative task 2. Ann is in the hotel now. She is talking to her mother on the phone. Act as Ann and inquire the mother. Roger prompts you what to ask. Model:

Roger: Ask her if your Dad is working on the farm. Ann: Is Dad working on the farm at the moment?

Ask her if 1) Pete is helping Dad about the farm. 2) he is working in the glass-houses. 3) Kate is making a pie. 4) it is raining cats and dogs. 5) Figaro an d Rover are fighting. 6) the Smiths are coming next week. 7) they are bringing Billy with them. 8) they are enjoying the talk. 9) they are missing you. 10) Kate is saying “hello” to you. Communicative task 3. Mary Bridge is telling Ann the news on the phone but there is a lot of interference on the line. Take Ann’s part and find out who the per­ son is doing the following t things with/ for or about. Model :

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

Mrs. Bridge: Pam is coming with Billy (who ... with) Ann : Who is she coming with ? Mrs. Bridge: I ’m making it for Ted (who ...for) Ann: Who are you making it for?

I am thinking about you. (Who ... about) Dad is missing you too. (Who ... ) Dad is giving some advice to Hugh. (Who ... to) Liz is buying a new album for Danny. (Who . for) We are having lunch with the Joneses today. (Who ... with) We are going to the party with the granddad. (Who ... with) Kate is having a chat with her group-mates. (Who ... with) They are waiting for their friends. (Who ... for) She is saying “hello” to them. (Who ... to) Pete is looking after Billy today. (Who ... after) 34

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Communicative task 4. Their phone talk is going on. Make another inquiry for Ann now. Model:

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

Mrs Bridge: I ’m looking at that picture. Ann /you: ( What are you looking at?

I am listening to the rain. We are thinking about the holidays. Dad and Pete are mending the tractor. Pete is pointing at the dog. He is laughing at the dog’s tricks. Rover is chasing Figaro. I am looking for the cat. Figaro is sitting in the tree. Kate and her friend are speaking about the new play. They are going to the theatre tonight.

Step IV. Communicative task. (1) We are in the classroom now. Describe what all the stu­ dents are doing and not doing at the moment. (2) Disagree with the following and give as many arguments as you can. Use: I ’m afraid, you are wrong; That isn’t so; You are mistaken. Model: - You are reading a detective story now. - That’s not so. I ’m not reading a detective story. I ’m not reading anything. I ha­ ven’t got a book. I ’m listening to you. I ’m speaking with you. I ’m writing down my an­ swer to your question. I ’m doing the laboratory wok. 1) You are having a French lesson. 2) It is raining hard outside. 3) Your friend is lying in the sun. 4) Your parents are very busy at the moment. In fact, they are doing your home­ work for you. PARTII. LANGUAGE PRACTICE Exercise 1. Put the verbs in brackets into the present continuous tense. 1. She (not work), she (swim) in the river. 2. He (teach) his boy to ride. 3. Why Ann (not wear) her new dress? 4. The airplane (fly) at 2,000 metres. 5. What Tom (do) now? He (clean) his shoes. 6. This fire (go) out. Somebody (bring) more coal? 7. It (rain)? ~ Yes, it (rain) very hard. You can’t go out yet. 8. Why you (mend) that old shirt? 9. You (not tell) the truth. ~ How do you know that I (not tell) the truth? 35

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10. Who (move) the furniture about upstairs? ~ It’s Tom. He (paint) the front bed­ room. 11. Mrs. Jones (sweep) the steps outside her house. 12. What you (read) now? I (read) Crime and Punishment. 13. It is a lovely day. The sun (shine) and the birds (sing). 14. Someone (knock) at the door. Shall I answer it? 15. I (come) in a minute. I just (wash) my hands. 16. She always (ring) up and (ask) questions. Exercise 2. Put the verb in the correct form 1. Let’s go out. It ... (not/rain) now. 2. Hurry up! Everybody... (wait) for you. 3. A: ... (you / listen) to the radio? B: No, you can turn it off. 4. Look at the river. The river... (flow) very fast today — much faster than usual. 5. А: How is your English? B: Not bad. It ... (improve) slowly. 6. Ron is in London at the moment. He ... (stay) at the Park Hotel. He always ... (stay) there when he’s in London. 7. Can we stop walking soon? I ... (feel) tired. 8. A: Can you drive? B: No, I can’t. I ... (learn). My father ... (teach) me. 9. This week I ... (work) until 6.00 to earn a bit more money. 10. Sonia ... (look for) a place to live. She ... (stay) with her sister until she finds somewhere. 11. A: I’m afraid I’ve lost my key again. B: Not again! You ... (always / lose) your key! Exercise 3. Act as an interpreter. Translate these sentences into English. 1. Я читаю сейчас, не мешай мне. 2. Он не пишет, а думает о чем-то. 3. Мы не работаем сегодня. 4. Вы читаете? 5. Он читает или спит? 6. Коля и Миша играют в футбол. 7. Катя играет на рояле, но она не поет. 9. Моя сестра спит. 10. Папа пьет чай или кофе? 11. Твои родители сейчас завтракают? 12. Я не сплю. 13. Она сидит за столом. 14. Мы делаем упражнение. 15. Мы не купаемся. 16. Они игра­ ют во дворе? 17. Нина и Аня моют пол. 18. Коля помогает маме. 19. Ты помога­ ешь папе? 20. Моя сестра читает интересную книгу. 21. Они идут в школу. 22. Вы идете в школу? 23. Он работает? 24. Твоя бабушка идет в магазин? 25. Он покупает конфеты. 26. Что делает твоя сестра? 27. Где играют дети? 28. Почему ты смеешься? 29. Куда они идут? 30. Что несут эти мальчики? 31. Я сижу в парке на скамейке и кормлю птиц. 32. Мама сидит на диване в гостиной и смотрит те­ левизор. 33. Это фотография моих друзей. Том играет на гитаре, а Джейн поет. А здесь они танцуют на моем дне рождения.


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UNIT VIII. There are nice people in my group GRAMMAR: THERE IS / ARE

Life is short. There is no time to leave important words unsaid (Paulo Coelho Aleph) Where there is love there is life (Mahatma Handy)

( PART I. SPEECH PRACTICE Step I. Communicative task. Mrs. Parker is looking round the Bridges’ farm. She assumes what there is here and there. You are Mary Bridge confirming Mrs. Parker’s * assump­ tions. Model 1: Mrs. Parker: I think there is a chicken in the grass. Mary Bridge: You are quite right. There is a chicken in the grass. 1) I think there is Figaro under the stairs. 2) I think there is a cattle in the field. 3) 1 think there is a goat and Rover among the sheep. 4) I think there is a hedgehog in the box. 5) I think there is a pig and piglet in the *pool. Model 2:

1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

Mrs. Parker: There are sheep there, I guess. Mrs. Bridge: Yes, there are sheep there.

There are many pigs over there, I guess. There are cows in that* shed, I guess. There are a lot of calves in that house, I guess. There are some hens and cocks in that hen- house, I guess. There are geese here, I guess.

Step II. Communicative task. Mrs. Parker is coming back to Littleton in a car. The car is going fast, that is why she fails to make out what or who there is in the distance. You are taking the driver’s part and correcting her statements. Model 1: Mrs. Parker: There is a sheep over there. (a goat) The driver: You are wrong I ’m afraid. There is a goat over there. 1) 2)

There is Mr. Bridge’s car on the road. ( Mr. Jonese’s) There is a shed in the field. (a cow) 37

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3) 4) 5)

There is Mrs. Bird at that house. (Ms. Painter) There is Ann’s classroom on the right of the door. (my son’s) There is Mr. Brainwave in the doorway. (Mr. Bright)

Model 2:

1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

Mrs. Parker: There are some cows over there. (calves) The driver: There are some calves over there.

There are some children in the park. (students) There are some women at the shop. ( shop-assistants) There are 3 children on the playground. (5) There are football-players in the playing field. (basketball-players) There are some people at my house. (your neighbors)

Step III. Communicative task. Mrs. Parker and her mother are sitting in the drawing room and looking at the pictures Mrs. Parker has taken. Mrs. Echo cannot see well therefore she is confusing things. Will you support Mrs. Parker and correct her mother’s state­ ments? Model : Mrs. Echo: There’s a pig and 2 piglets in the pool. (3 pigs) Mrs. Parker: There isn ’t a pig and 2 piglets, there are 3 pigs in the pool. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8)

There is There is There is There is There is There is There is There is

Step IV. Communicative task 1. Look at the pictures and try to find differences in the pic­ tures if there are any.


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Communicative task 3. Now have a look at the picture and say what there is in Barbara’s living room. What does the room look like? How does it characterize Barba­ ra?


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PARTII. LANGUAGE PRACTICE Exercise 1. Fill in the spaces with ‘is’ or ‘are’. Practise in using ‘There is/are’ with plural and singular subjects. There There There There There There There There There There There There There

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

many animals here. a large city near the mouth of this river. some beautiful flowers there. many trees near our house. many different birds there. a big black cat in the bathroom. a newspaper on the table. newspapers on the table. different newspapers there. ice on the lake. no children in this house. two girls and a woman in the room. nothing to do.

Exercise 2. Fill in the spaces with ‘there is’ or ‘there are’, ‘are there’ or ‘is there’. ... a forest at our village. ... seven days in a week. ... a river at your village? ... some coffee in his cup. What ... in your living room? What ... more on the earth—grass or sand? “Are there many students?” “ No, ... only one student.” “Are there many rooms in the house?” “Yes, ... many.” ... many pictures on the wall? ... anything in the fridge? ... not a cloud in the sky. ... a fine view from here. ... nobody in. ... a needle and thread in her fingers. Exercise 3. Put the words in positive, negative statements and questions. 1. a market — is — the river — there — near 2. TV — there — a good film — on — is 3. any — in the sky — there — clouds — aren’t 4. in my coffee — is — sugar — any — there ? 5. sailors — are — in the boat — five — there Exercise 4. Make up questions. Start with the word suggested 1. There are four elephants in the zoo. (How many ...?) 2. There is a lot of snow in February. (Is . ? ) 3. There is some fish on the plate. (What ... ?) 40

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4. 5.

There are no cars in the car park. (Are ... ?) There are ancient walls around the city. (What ... ?)

Exercise 5. Describe a little town using There is/There are. Make up positive (+) and negative (-) statements Example: a theatre (+) — There is a theatre in the town. two cinemas (+) a lake (-) four castles (+) ten restaurants (-) a zoo (+) 5-star hotels (-) three banks (+) many tourists (+) Pushkin’s museum (-) a modern airport (+) Exercise 6. For the blanks, use “a little” or “a few.” Model: I like [a little] sugar in my coffee. 1. There are only ... cookies in the package. 2. There is only ... tea left in the teapot. 3. George gave me ... help with my work. 4. You made ... mistakes in this exercise. 5. He knows ... English. 6. There are ... apples on the tree. 7. She put ... salt on her potatoes. 8. There is ... coffee in the cup. 9. There is ... dust on the chair. 10. I know ... people who like growing vegetables. Exercise 7. Act as an interpreter. Translate the following into Russian: 1.Is there a clock on the wall? 2. Is there a key in the pocket? 3. Is there a mouse under the table? 4. Is there a guitar behind the door? 5. Is there a museum in the town? 6. Are there children in the park? 7. Are there tourists on the beach? 8. Are there beautiful girls in the museum? 9. Is there a bus stop near the cinema? 10. Are there good shops in this street? Exercise 8. Translate into English. 1. На улице есть магазин. 2. Рядом со школой есть парк. 3. За домом есть сад. 4. В машине есть карта. 5. Слева от гостиницы есть кафе. 6. Напротив моста есть фонтан. 7. На полке есть журнал. 8. В спальне есть стулья. 9. За дверью есть зеркало. 10. В гостинице есть большие номера (комнаты). 9. В чашке есть чай. 10. Под окном есть цветок. 11. В магазине нет воды. 12. У реки есть парк. 13. На пляже есть песок. 14. В горах нет снега. 15. На столе есть са­ хар. 16. Под мостом есть дом. 17. В холодильнике есть мясо. 18. Напротив кино­ театра находятся фонтаны. 41

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« When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad. That’s my religion». (Abraham Lincoln)

( PART I. SPEECH PRACTICE Step I. Communicative task 1. Brian is a student at Keele University. He is speaking about his group mates. Listen to Brian and say you do the same. Model: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

Brian: Students go to the library every week-day. You: I go to the library every week-day too.

Paul sometimes works until 2 a.m. Peter goes to bed at midnight. Sheila seldom writes long letters home. Paul rarely meets his former class-mates. Den prefers to wear something light in summer. Sam often wears a dark suit in winter. Julia goes to the disco every Saturday night. George hardly ever misses lectures. Daniel occasionally attends the students’ club. Laura usually speaks about studies and her group-mates.

Communicative task 2. Now Paul, Brian’s group mate, is sharing his impression of his studies. Agree with him. Model:

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

Paul: I think it is difficult to get up at 7. You: I also think it is difficult to get up at 7.

I think one must have a strong will to get up so early. I find reading a lot good for a language student. I think one memorizes things well in the morning. I suppose I train my memory best in the morning. I believe it is better to have classes in the afternoon. I find it pleasant to be able to answer questions well. I think a good student has to take his study seriously. I am sure my friends take it this way. I believe if there is a will, there is a way. I hope I am a good student. 42

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Step II. Communicative task. Now listen to Nat, an art student, and inform of your actual state of things. Model:

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) ers’) 7) 8) 9) 10)

Nat: I am a fourth-year student. (first-year) You: And I am a first-year student.

My classes often begin at 8.30. (at 12.30) I study folklore and painting. (Latin and Russian) My main subject is theatre. (English) Our Academy is in Babushkin Street. (University; Smolin) We do our homework in the afternoon. (morning) We often go to the theatre to listen to actors’ speech. (laboratory; native speak­ We learn to act drama at our classes. (to act out dialogues speak English) After classes we go to the canteen to have lunch. (go home) We rarely go to the library. (very often) I come home after lectures and tutorials at 1 p.m. ( 6 p.m.)

Step III. Communicative task 1. Nat is speaking about her usual meals. Say you don’t have them. Model:

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

Nat: I have toast and marmalade for breakfast. (neither... nor) You: I have neither toast nor marmalade for breakfast.

My family have something substantial in the morning. (nothing) I usually have some sandwiches on me. (no) After 3 classes I go to the snack-bar to have lunch. (nowhere) In a break I often buy king’s burgers or biscuits. (neither...nor) I have some meat dish for dinner. (no) My family usually prefers a heavy supper. (nobody in my family) We often go to a cafe or a restaurant for dinner. (neither...nor) We order either a meat or a fish steak for dinner. (neither...nor) Before I go to bed, I have tea. (never) I have a bun and sweets for tea.(neither ... nor)

Communicative task 2. Listen to your teacher’s request and interview several stu­ dents. Model:

1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

Teacher: Ask Susan if she often works at her phonetics. You: Susan, do you often work at your phonetics?

Ask Shirley if she usually makes up long dialogues or short one. Ask Helen what program she often watches on TV. Ask Mary whether she reads anything for pleasure each day. Ask Emmy if she listens to tape-records regularly. Ask David whether he finds communicating with his group-mates exciting. 43

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6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

Ask Edna if she often misses classes because she often has a cold. Ask Richard where he usually has lunch after lessons. Ask Jenny when she always comes to University in time. Ask your group-mate if s/he goes to college by bus or by car. Ask your group-mate if it takes him/her a long time to get to college.

Step IY. Communicative task 1. Think and say: 1 . what you usually do every day; 2. what way your friend , who is not a student, spends each day. Communicative task 2. Pete Bridge is back home from his studies. He is at the Parkers’ having a talk to Mrs. Parker. Listen to their conversation and say what Pete, Mr. Parker and Mrs. Parker a) usually do at this time b) are doing at the moment. - Hello, MrsParker! - Hi, Peter! You are having your holidays, aren’t you? - Yes. I always come home on holidays. Where is Mr. Parker? - There he is. He is working in the garden. - The one who is wearing jeans and digging? He looks a real farmer. - Does he? He wears jeans even at office. - I see. And why are you, Mrs. Parker, at home now? Are you on vacation? - No. I’m home most days as I’m writing a new book. - A book? Great! PARTII. LANGUAGE PRACTICE Exercise 1. Open the brackets and put the infinitive into the Present Continuous or the Present Simple. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. ing?

I (to read) now. I (to read) every day. He (to sleep) now. He (to sleep) every night. We (to drink) tea now. We (to drink) tea every morning. They (to go) to school now. They (to go) to school every morning. I (not to sleep) now. I (not to sleep) in the daytime. She (not to drink) coffee now. She (not to drink) coffee after lunch. We (not to watch) TV now. We (not to watch) TV in the morning. They (not to eat) now. They (not to eat) at the lesson. My mother (not to work) now. My mother (not to work) at an office. You (to work ) now? You (to work) every day? He (to play) now? He (to play) in the afternoon? They (to eat) now? They (to eat) at school? Your sister (to rest) now? Your sister (to rest) after school? What you (to do) now? What you (to do) every morning? What you (to read) now? What you (to read) after dinner? What they (to eat) now? What they (to eat) at breakfast? What your brother (to drink) now? What your brother (to drink) in the even­ 44

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Exercise 2. Act as an interpreter. Translate the following into English. Мой день начинается в шесть часов утра. Я встаю, принимаю душ, причесы­ ваюсь и настраиваюсь на хороший день. Затем ровно в семь часов я бужу своих детей и иду готовить завтрак. Всего у нас с мужем трое детей. В это время мой муж еще спит. Он просыпается в половине восьмого, так как его рабочий день начинается в десять часов. Пока дети просыпаются, я готовлю завтрак. Как правило, это или каша с фруктами, или яичница с салатом. Без пятнадцати восемь или чуть раньше мы садимся за стол завтракать всей семьей. А ровно в восемь я провожаю детей в школу. Муж отвозит детей в школу, а затем направляется в офис. Я остаюсь дома одна и занимаюсь домашним хозяйством. На первый взгляд может показаться, что быть домохозяйкой очень просто. Но это вовсе не так. Постоянно находится какая-то работа по дому. Когда у тебя есть дети, то стирка, уборка и приготовление завтраков и ужинов становятся ежедневным занятием. Вечером муж привозит детей из школы. У меня уже готов ужин. Потом мы делаем домашнее задание вместе, играем, смотрим какие-нибудь развивающие программы или фильмы. В половине десятого дети идут спать. И вот так день за днем.


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UNIT X. I went to Florida last summer GRAMMAR: THE PAST SIMPLE

Master your past in the present, or the past will master your future From “A Little Book o f Eastern Wisdom” by Taro Gold ( PART I. SPEECH PRACTICE Step 1. Communicative task. As you know, Pete Bridge is a student at Keele. You’ve leamt about students’ typical day at Keele, haven’t you? Listen to Pete’s statements and say you did the same yesterday. Model: Pete: I got up at 8.30 yesterday. You: I got up at 8.30 yesterday too. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

I had breakfast at 9 as usual. After breakfast I read a little. Then I went to the university on foot. It took me 15 minutes as usual. I had lunch in the canteen at 1 o’clock. After lunch I worked in the library. Then I met my friends in the coffee-bar. We listened to music and laughed a lot. I prepared a good supper. 1 wrote an essay before I went to bed at midnight.

Step II. Communicative task. Mr. Mix-up is speaking about Mr. Brown’s routine. Mr. Brown is not a student, he works at an office, so his yesterday was not like Pete’s. Cor­ rect Mr. Mix-up’s statements, please. Model: Mr. Mix-up: Mr. Brown sat in the park at 5 о ’clock. (walked) You: No, that isn’t so. Mr. Brown walked in the park at 5 о ’clock. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

Mr. Brown was fast asleep at 6 o’clock on Monday. (got up) He played the piano at 6.30. in the morning. (had breakfast) He watched TV at 6.50. (made his bed) He went to work on foot yesterday. (took a train) In the train he sang songs. (read the “Post”) 46

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6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

Mr. Brown looked for a job in London. (worked) He was late for work yesterday. (came in time) At 4 o’clock he began his work in the office. (finished) After work he played tennis in the park. (walked) Last Sunday he mended the piano. (played)

Step III. Communicative task 1. Now correct Mr. Mix-up’s statements about his other ac­ quaintances. Model: Mr. Mix-up: Liz Smith made nice cherry cakes. (apple pies) You: She didn ’t make nice cherry cakes. She made nice apple pies. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

Sam made a chair. (table) Jack Nimble built a model of a park. (school) Kit-Kat ran like a Mad Hatter. (sat and slept) Simon rented a house from a landlady. (room) Simon played the piano very well. (guitar) He wrote a boring song. (nice song) Mrs. Parker took a picture of the Joneses. (the Bridges) Mr. Brown read “The Times” in the train. (“The Post”) Tom Small had a dog called Rover. (Clown) He brought a rat to school. (a mouse)

Communicative task 2. You can well know that Pete’s younger sister Ann is a school- girl. Listen to what she does every day and deduce what she did yesterday. Model:

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

Pete: Ann Bridge goes to school every day. You: She went to school yesterday too.

Ann usually gets up at 7.30. She has breakfast at 8 o’clock. She usually eats cornflakes with milk, toast, marmalade and a cup of tea. She usually goes to school by bus. It usually takes her half an hour to get to school. She gets to school at about five to nine. Sometimes she is late. She waits for a bus at the bus stop near her school. In the evening she does her homework. Sometimes she watches TV.

Communicative task 3. Ms Painter tells Mrs. Echo about Tom Small. Act as Mrs. Echo who can’t hear properly. Inquire the teacher and make her repeat the statement. Model:

1) 2)

Ms Painter: Tom brought a mouse to school. Mrs. Echo: (What) What did he bring to school?

I raised the house.(Who) The mouse caused chaos and uproar in the class.(What) 47

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3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

Tom made everybody laugh. (Whom) I jumped on the table! (Where) The Head was really mad. (Who) The Head wanted his father to come. (What) His father came immediately. (Who) Tom stayed behind after classes. (When) He wore his clothes all wrong. (How) But in the games he played fair. (How)

Step IY. Communicative task. Remember and say what you did last weekend. 1) What time did you get up? 2) What did you have for breakfast? 3) When did you prepare for the tutorials and seminars? 4) Did you work in the library? 5) Who did you have dinner with? 6) What did you read on Sunday? 7) Who did you visit last weekend? 8) What kind of music did you listen to? 9) What did you do in the evening? 10) What did you enjoy most of all at the weekend? PARTII. LANGUAGE PRACTICE Exercise 1. Before doing the exercises below make sure you know the principal forms of the following irregular verbs. For this, do the crossword.

( 48

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Exercise 2. Open the brackets and put the infinitive into the right form. 1. I (not watch) the news last year, but I (watch) it every day now. 2. My aunt (drink) a lot of coffee, but now she (prefer) to drink tea. 3. We (live) in a flat, but now we (live) in a big house. 4. We (not like) each other, but now we (be) good friends. 5. My sister (play) the piano, but now she (play) the trumpet. 6. Lily (wear) only jeans when at school, but now she (prefer) skirts. 7. I (go) to Uni by bus last year, but this year my Mum (take) me to school every day. 8. Our school team (play) basketball 2 years ago, but this year they (play) volley­ ball. 9. She (to make) tea for her guests. 10. We (to know) everything about that event. 11. He (to think) much about this problem. 12. I (to be) wrong and (to apologize) to him. 13. He (not to realize) his mistakes. 14. When you (to speak) to him? — I (to speak) to him only yesterday. 15. She (not to get) letters from her son last month. 16. He (to go) to the airport to meet his brother. 17. What you (to do) yesterday evening? — Nothing in particular. We (to watch) TV and (to look) through newspapers. 18. He (to have) time to take a shower and to drink a cup of tea. Exercise 3. Make sentences using the prompts below as in the example. Model:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

A: Olivia’s room is clean now. (clean it/an hour ago) B: She cleaned it an hour ago.

Helen isn’t watching TV. (turn it off/an hour ago) Steve doesn’t go to the gym any more. (stop/six months ago) Mary is eating a cake. (bake it/half an hour ago) Kim is having a party today. (arrange it/two week ago) Robin doesn’t live any more. (move three days/ago) Peter’s house is tidy. (tidy it/two hours ago) They are eating a fruit salad. (make it/before breakfast) Their homework is ready. (do it/the day before yesterday) This article is published. (translate it/two days ago) They are browsing the web. (turn on a computer/an hour ago)

Exercise 4. Open the brackets putting the infinitive into the correct tense form. A TERRIBLE NIGHTMARE It (be) midnight, and I (be) at a party at a friend’s house when the babysitter (call). I (get) into my car and (drive) home as quickly as possible. But when I (reach) River Street, the most dangerous street in town, I (get) a flat fire. It (be) very dark and quiet, and I (be) terribly afraid. I (start) walking down the street, when I (see) an enormous dog. He (look) very angry, and he (bark) when he (see) me. What (can) I do? I (have) 49

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to think quickly. Fortunately, I (have) some food from the party with me. I (take) some cookies from my pocket, and I (give) them to the dog. He (stop) barking right away, and (eat) the cookies. While he was eating, I (walk) away. Half an hour later, I finally (arrive) home. I (look) in my pocket for the key, but it wasn’t there. I guess I (lose) it when I was feeding the dog. I (decide) to get into the house through the living room window. A few minutes later, I (be) in the living room. I didn’t see or hear anything strange, so I (go) upstairs. Then somebody (shout) “Help!” I (be) so nervous that I (trip) over chair and (fall) down. Then....Oh! I’m glad it was only a dream. Exercise 5. Act as an interpreter. Translate the sentences into English. 1. Mbi закончили нашу работу на прошлой неделе. 2. Два года назад она не работала в институте. 3. Они вернулись домой в 8 часов вечера. 4. В прошлом году он жил и работал в Иркутске. 5. Мы решили послать эту телеграмму вчера. 6. Мы обсуждали эти вопросы в пятницу. 7. Позавчера они играли в футбол. 8. В прошлую среду мы повторяли 7-й урок. 9. Кто решил ответить на ее письмо? — Мы. 10. Где вы работали 5 лет назад? — В университете. 11. Кто переводил эту статью? — Николай. 12. Куда он решил поехать в субботу и воскресенье? 13. Вы жили в Киеве или в Минске тогда. 14. Где вы были час тому назад? 15. Когда вы были в Москве в последний раз? 16. Сколько раз в неделю вы бывали в институте в прошлом году? 17. Кто из вас был вчера в больнице. 18. Ты потратила много времени на домашнее задание? 19. В котором часу вы вчера легли спать? 20. В прошлом году мы не изучали французский язык. Мы изучали англий­ ский.


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Everyone has undergone something that changed him Failure does not mean I have dis­ graced; It does mean I have dared to try (Author unknown) ( PART I. SPEECH PRACTICE Step I Communicative task 1. Ben has done the same things that Kate did. Act as Ben. Model: Kate: I've already done my cooking. Ben: I ’ve done my cooking too. 1) I have already got my grammar paper back. 2) I have already done my homework. 3) I have just finished my essay. 4) We have been to London this week. 5) I have been to the library today. 6) I have seen Professor Rampert this morning. 7) We have discussed the report. 8) I have taken down some notes. 9) I have thought of the plan. 10) We have just had lunch. Communicative task 2. Kate thinks that a friend of hers has already done some­ thing. Ben knows that for sure. Help Ben confirm Kate’s suppositions. Model 1:

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

Kate: I think Mary has written the essay. Ben: Yes, Mary has just written it.

I think Jack has read the novel by Leo Tolstoy. I believe Nick has watered the flower. 1 think Bob has broken that blue cup. I believe Nell has already had lunch. I think Pat has left for London. I think Pete has talked to Professor Rampert. I hope he has chosen the theme of his paper. I think Bill has asked Professor about the conference. I am sure he has prepared his report. I believe Liz has already arrived in Keele.


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Model 2:

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

Kate: I think they have already written the test. Ben: Yes, they have just written it.

I think Nick and Nell have already passed the exam. I believe they have done their work well. 1 think Jack and Jill have bought that book. I believe they have already read the novel. I think they have already come back from their trip. I think my group-mates have prepared their reports. I think you have seen the film about Russian writers. I hope you have discussed it at your class. I wonder if you have had the practice this term. I think they have invited the Russian poet to Keele.

Step II. Communicative task. Ben is boasting of what he and his friends have done al­ ready. Help Kate put a dumper on what he is saying. Use the suggested words and word combinations. Model 1:

1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

I have washed the dishes. (dry up) I have washed the shirts. (iron) 1 have cooked lunch. (eat) I have received a letter from Russia. (read) I have come to see Pete. (see)

Model 2:

1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

Ben: I have bought “Gone with the Wind”. (read) Kate: And I have already read it.

Ben: We have written the essay. (they — give in) Kate: And they have already given it in.

They have brought the broom. (the girls — sweep the floor) The boys have lost their glasses. (the girls — find) Jack and Jill have brought a cat. (their parents — feed) They have been to London this week. (their friends — Paris) The girls have made a cake. (the boys — eat)

Step III. A. Communicative task. Kate asks Ben to do something for her but Ben has al­ ready done that. Act as Ben. Model:

1) 2) 3) 4)

Kate: Ben, open the door, please. Ben: I have already opened it.

Ask him what he means! Borrow the books from the library, please. Water the flowers, please. Dust the furniture, please. 52

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5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

Cut the bread, please. Lay the table for lunch, please. Switch the TV off, please. Send the magazines to Fred, please. Wash up, please. Turn on the radio, please.

B. Communicative task. Ben knows who is doing what, but Kate knows more. Extend Ben’s statements for Kate. Make use of the prompts. Model 1:

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

They are having lunch. (you) Mary is writing down all the questions. (Sally) Pat is turning on the radio. (Bill) Larry is making the bed. (you) Molly is buying a new hat. (Jane) These boys are playing football. (those boys) Bobby is drawing a dog. (Nelly) I am drinking tea. (you) Alec is shaving. (your brother) These students are writing a dictation. (those).

Model 2:

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

Ben: Jack is leaving for home. And John? Kate: And John has just left.

Ben: Fred is having breakfast. What about Mary? Kate: Mary hasn’t had any yet.

Kate is washing dishes. (Susan) She is watering flower-beds. (you) She is buying meat at that shop. (Mary) Nick is sweeping the carpets. (Tom) We are reading stories by Thomas Hardy. (they) She is cooking dinner. (Helen) He is taking a bath. (she) I am writing an essay. (you) The boys are learning Byron’s poems by heart. (the girls) Sally is doing shopping. (Ted)

Step IY. Communicative task. Say what you think these people have just done and have not done yet. Model: A teacher has got the pupils ’ notebooks in her hands. You: 1 think the bell has already gone. The teacher has just entered the classroom. She has brought the pupils ’ written works. She has checked them but she hasn’t given them out yet. 1)

A pupil is at the blackboard . 53

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2) 3) 4)

A man is under his car. Your friend is at the telephone. Your fellow-students are in the hall. PARTII. LANGUAGE PRACTICE

Exercise l.Write all the sentences in the Present Perfect Tense. Model: I saw a penguin. — I have seen a penguin. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

Did they eat breakfast? Jennifer didn’t finish her work. They met the President. No, we didn’t. Did Roberto visit Vancouver? Yes, he did. Mrs.Smith didn’t read the book He was a teacher. Were you in jail? I didn’t clean my room. Was she sick? Did she swim in the ocean? They didn’t arrive. Where were they? We lived here for a year. What did he do? It didn’t rain for a long time. Who finished the homework?

Exercise 2. Open the brackets and put the infinitives into the Present Perfect. 1. I __(be) here for three hours. 2. They__(own) the house since 1996. 3. They__(have) those problems for a long time. 4. W e__(see) this film already. 5. She__(check) my spelling. 6. Dmitriy__(taste) baked bananas in his trip to South America. 7. Tatiana__(buy) a new television. 8. Vasiliy__(break) his leg. 9. Valera and Yana__(have) a baby. 10. I __(know) Peter for all my life. 11. Nikita__(work) here since last November. 12. Maxim__(be) sick for two days now. 13. Y ou__(wait) for an answer since March. 14. Julia__(be) here since last summer. 15. I __(build) many houses in my life. 16. They__(prepare) a beautiful lunch for us. 17. I __(eat) too much. 18. Kirill__(drink) all the juice. 19. Marta__(waste) all her money on drinks. 20. I __(be) in Moldova for over 15 years. 54

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Exercise 3. Open the brackets and put the infinitives into the correct form: either the Past Simple or the Present Perfect. 1. A: Did you like the movie “The Reader “? B: I don’t know. I (see, never) that movie. 2. Sam (arrive) in Manchester a week ago. 3. My best friend and I (know) each other for over fifty years. We still get together once a week. 4. Mark is a fantastic writer. He (write) ten very creative short stories in the last year. One day, he’ll be as famous as O’Henry. 5. I (have, not) this much fun since I (be) a kid. 6. Things (change) a great deal at Rothen, Inc. When we first (start) working here three years ago, the company (have, only) six employees. Since then, we (expand) to include more than 2000 full-time workers. 7. I (tell) him to stay on the path while he was hiking, but he (wander) off into the forest and (be) bitten by a fly. 8. Listen Liza, I don’t care if you (miss) the bus this morning. You (be) late to work too many times. You are fired! 9. Sergey is from Minsk, which is hundreds of miles from the coast, so he (see, never) the ocean. He should come with us to Miami. 10. How sad! Daniel (dream) of going to California before he died, but he didn’t make it. He (see, never) the ocean.


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Strong personalities are not loved by everyone because they are not understood (Oscar Wild)


THE PRESENT STIMPLE PASSIVE PART I. SPEECH PRACTICE Step 1. Communicative task. Agree with the following statements like in the model. Model:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Teacher: Cheese is made from milk. You: That’s right, cheese is made from milk.

Butter is made from milk. Tyres are made of rubber. Books are made of paper. English is spoken all over the world. Oranges are imported into Russia. In the countryside most of the houses are made of wood. Guest rooms are not used very often. Football is played all over the world. Examination papers are written at the end of each term. Many accidents are caused by careless driving.

Step 2. Communicative task. Say you have got a different idea. Do it like in the model. Model: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Teacher: Cheese is made from yogurt. (milk) You: Not quite. Cheese is made from milk.

Final exams are taken at the beginning of the term. ( at the end ) Medicine is sold at the market. ( chemist’s ) Hockey is played only in Russia. ( the world over ) Coffee is exported from Russia to Brazil. ( from Brazil to Russia ) Foreign languages are taught at the department of trade. ( of foreign languages) I am taken to Europe each summer. ( to lake Baikal ) I am always mugged on my way home. ( presented with flowers ) 56

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8. Trade centers are closed at 7 o’clock in the morning. (7 o’clock in the evening) 9. In the Zoo you are allowed to touch animals. ( to take pictures ) 10. Most of the Earth’s surface is covered by snow. ( by water ) Step 3. Communicative task. Pretend that we are arranging a house robbery. You sent your partner (the speaker) to the place to get information about the everyday life of this house. Now she is telling you what she has learnt. Ask for more details because you want the robbery to be a success. Model:

A: The windows are closed every night. (time) B: What time are the windows closed? A: At 10 p.m.

1. All the doors are locked for the night. ( time ) ________________A: At 9 p.m. 2. The alarm-system is switched on in the evening . ( time ) ____________A: At 6 p.m. 3. The jewelry is taken away. ( place ) ________________ A: Into the bank. 4. The servants are sent away. ( time )_________________ A: At 7 p.m. 5. The cash is kept in the bedroom. ( place )______________A: In the hiding place in the wall. 6. The paintings are left in the house. ( painters )___________A: Picasso, Monet, Dali. 7. Pottery and china are usually kept in the dining room. ( floor) ___________A: On the ground floor. 8. Somebody is left to protect he house. ( Who )____________A: Guards. 9. (How many )_______________A: Two. 10. (Where )_________________ A: One — near the entrance door, and the other is near the bedroom. Step IV. Communicative task. Think of a ceremony or event which is popular in your town / country. Describe the way it is usually held. Before that, read the text about a popular English ceremony which is called Trooping the Colour (do exercise 6 in the Language Practice Part), you may use the text as a model. PARTII. LANGUAGE PRACTICE Exercise 1. Fill in the verb is or are. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Nursery rhymes ... easily learnt by heart. Rare animals ... protected in many countries. This dress ... made by my granny. The animals in the zoo ... fed two times a day. The same shirts ... worn by all the members of the team. New books ... shown in our library. The most popular sights of London ... described in this leaflet. Dinner ... always cooked by my mother. This place ... crowded on Sunday. The town ... surrounded with mountains. 57

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Exercise 2. Write true sentences in Passive Voice. Use the words in table. A: BMW cars Trainers Tea Modems Cricket TV pictures

B: The house The children We The letter The newspapers Dinner The picture The classroom I

is are

am is are

grown in India sent via satellite played in England sold in sports shops made in Germany used to access the Internet

invited to the concert brought in the morning cooked by my mother painted by my friend cleaned every day given text-books at school built of stone written in English not allowed to ride a mo­ tor-bike grown in many countries


Exercise 3. Choose the correct form of the verb in brackets to complete the sen­ tences. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

What books by Charles Dickens ... (translated / are translated) into Russian? Who ... (protects / is protected) animals? This city ... (is visited / visited) by many people. Who ... (gives / is given) bad marks in your class? Our house ... (made /is made) of wood. Our holiday ... (is begun / begins) next week. Pupils ... (are given / give) textbooks by the teacher. Scissors ... (made / are made) of steel. Wool ... (comes / is come) from sheep. The holiday ... (celebrated / is celebrated) every year.

Exercise 4. Put the passive sentences in order. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

in a lot of schools / are / used / Computers of plastic / made / are / CDs seen / The information / on a screen/can be are / very quickly / The answers / calculated played / The game / is / on a computer with a modem / are / sent / E-mails 58

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7. 8. 9. 10.

is / on a disk / Information / stored sent / Text messages / are / using mobile phones to get information / used / is / The Internet iron / of / cars / are / steel / and / made

Exercise 5. Fill in the gaps using the Present Simple Passive Voice form of the verb in brackets. Mushroom and Ham Salad First, 5 mushrooms ... (1 — cut) into small pieces and ...(2 — mix) with two cut spring onions. Then, 100 g cooked ham . ( 3 — cut) into fine cubes. Now, mushrooms, onions and ham ... (4 — mix) in a bowl. Finally, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice ... (5 — mix) with 1 tablespoon of soy sauce and the m ixture. (6 — add) to the salad mixture. Enjoy your salad! How News is Made The news reporter and a camera operator_______(1 — send) to investigate a news story. People_____(2 — interview) by a reporter and the interviews______ (3 — film) by a camera operator. The film ____(4 — take) back to the TV studio, and the best parts of the film _______(5 — choose) by the news editor. Finally, the news re­ port ______(6 — send) to televisions in people's homes and the new s_____ (7 — watch) by people all over the country. Exercise 6. Put the verbs in the brackets into the correct passive or active form. TROOPING THE COLOUR The ceremony of Trooping the Colour (to be) one of the most fascinating. It (to stage) in front of Buckingham Palace. It (to hold) annually on the monarch’s official birthday which (to celebrate) on the second Saturday in June. Her Majesty Queen Eliz­ abeth II (to be) Colonel-in-Chief of the Life Guards. She (to escort) by Horse Guards riding to the Parade. The ceremony (to accompany) by the music of bands. The proces­ sion (to head) by the Queen. THE PAST SIMPLE PASSIVE PART I. SPEECH PRACTICE Step I. Communicative task. Your family is visiting the place where you used to live many years ago. Agree with your sister / brother.1234567890 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Our house was built of wood. The garden was done by old Mr. Smith. This apple-tree was planted by Grandfather. The rooms were cleaned by the Nanny. Marmalade was made from oranges by Mum. Presents were always put under the Christmas tree. We were usually given milk before going to bed. The cow was milked by Nanny. Our sweaters were knitted by Grandmother. The yarn was spun by Granny too. 59

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Step II. Communicative task. You remember more about the place. Model :

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

A: Our house was built o f wood. (the Joneses ’ house) B: The Joneses ’ house was built o f wood too.

Cars were made at this factory. (bicycles) Bread was sold in this shop. (milk) Our things were kept in the closet. (Dad’s tools) We were usually given milk before going to bed. (Our elder brother) Our dresses were made by our mother. (jackets) This apple-tree was planted by Grandfather. (that cherry-tree) Father’s books were kept on the shelf. (Mum’s albums) Birthday presents were always made by ourselves. (New Year decorations) We were often invited to the parties by Mrs. Jones. (The Brights’ children) Mrs. Jones was liked by everybody. (Mr. Jones)

Step III. Communicative task. Agree with the speaker like in the model. Model :

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

A: They built the bridge last year. B: That’s right. The bridge was built last year.

Mr. Brown wrote the history of the town many years ago. They fought a big battle here a long time ago. A fire destroyed a lot of wooden houses. Old Mr. Brown hurt his leg in a car accident. We gave a party in his honor on his 70th anniversary. Somebody left the light on all night. Our parents sent letters of thanks to all their friends. Once I accidentally left the dog in the garden. Once you beat David Jones in the 100-yards race. They gave you a prize then.

Step IV. Communicative task 1. Practise the conversation and then think of your own ones using substitution words. Variant 1 Ken: I like your radio1. Is it new? Pat: Yes, I bought it last week. It’s a Bisonic2. Ken: Bisonic2? I’ve never heard of it. Where was it made? Pat: I’m not sure. I think it was made in Japan3. I’ll have a look. No, I’m wrong. It was made in England4. Variant 2 Ken: Pat:

I like your jeans1. Are they new? Yes, I bought them last week. They are a Lee2. 60

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Ken: Lee2? I’ve never heard of it. Where were they made? Pat: I’m not sure. I think they were made in the USA3. I’ll have a look. No, I’m wrong. They were made in England4. 1 watch TVset pen camera sunglasses trainers

2 Omega Sony Parker Kodak Max Mara Nike

3 Switzerland Japan England England Italy The USA

4 China Korea Poland Malaysia China China

Communicative task 2. Every person once had a favorite thing. I hope you’re not an exception, are you? Can you describe it, please? Tell us as many details as possible about it (what it’s made of, where it was made, when it was given to you, etc.). Use the Passive Voice while describing. Model : I ’ve got a watch. I t ’s a Swatch. It was made in Switzerland. I t ’s quite ex­ pensive. I t ’s made o f metal and plastic. It was given to me by my friends on my birth­ day many years ago. PARTII. LANGUAGE PRACTICE Exercise 1. Choose the correct answer out of the suggested and fill in the empty


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jflj у



the kids every evening 1) is watched _ 2 ) is watch /a fifi

1) are always

3 ) are watched J

2 ) is ironed 3) was ironed

|j 1 (г * 7 P

1) was painted has been painted


3) have been painted i J j S ^ The carpet at the weekend. 1) will be vacuum

1) is serveed

1 )w as hijack

2) is serfed 3) is served

2 ) was hijacked 3 ) was hijackked

№ The park next week.


1) have been cleaned 2) will be . jr,_ cleaned «айгУ^Ч (*■)'.


1) aren't practised 2) isn't proctise S 3) isn't practised

A lot of money

last night. 1) was robbed 2) was robed

vacuumed 3) will be vacummed More and more


my school.

3) was cleaned

^ 5

\/J_ Xif

tre e s .....down every year. 1) are cut 2) are cutted 3) were cut

The d o g__ for a walk three times today 1) has taken 2 ) have be taken L 3 ) has been


A **fl “


( Exercise 2. Write sentences. Use the past simple passive. 1. my laptop / steal / last week. 2. the men / arrest / by the police 3. the painting / sell / for £500 4. the goal / score / by Paul 5. these cars / make / by robots 6. the answers / calculate / very quickly. 7. penicillin / discover /by Alexander Fleming 8. the movie / film / in black and white. 9. the e-mail / send / yesterday. 10. the shop / open / at nine o'clock. Exercise 3. Write sentences in the Passive Voice. Example: Alice sent me a postcard. (2) — I was sent a postcard. — A postcard was sent to me by Alice. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

I told him you were here. A boy showed me the way. (2) The waves carried the boat away. The Great Fire of London burnt many houses. The teachers told us something interesting.(2) Every morning I gave milk to my cat. (2) They sent us to clean the yard. They advised him to be more patient. The orchestra played that piece beautifully. Their friends recommended painting it with ochre. 62

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Exercise 4. Express the same idea saying who the action was done by or what with. Use “by” with an agent and “with” with an instrument, tool, etc. it was done. Example: The Celts settled in Wales in 500 BC. — Wales was settled by the Celts in 500 . 1. The ancient Greeks built the Acropolis. 2. A group of archaeologists found a dinosaur’s skeleton. 3. The aboriginals of Hawaii killed James Cook in 1779. 4. Ford made his first car in 1896. 5. Lewis Carroll wrote “Alice in Wonderland” in 1865. 6. Rudolf Diesel invented a telescope in Germany in 1892. 7. Gustav Eiffel designed the Eiffel Tower in France in 1889. 8. Karl fon Drez patented a 2-wheel bicycle in 1818. 9. Construction of the Ostankino Tower began in 1963 and was completed in 1967. 10. Britain's most famous architect Sir Christopher Wren designed the present St Paul’s Cathedral. Exercise 5. Act as an interpreter. Translate the sentences into English. 1. Эту книгу взяли из библиотеки только вчера. 2. Этих трех студентов спросили два дня тому назад. 3. Вас экзаменовали утром? 4. Эта мышь была поймана ночью. 5. На этой фабрике делают очень красивые сумки. 6. Письма туда можно посылать только летом, а телеграммы круглый год. 7. Мою подругу каждый год посылают за границу. 8. Ее отправили в больницу два дня назад. 9. Вчера нас послали в лабораторию. 10. Это сочинение было написано на прошлой неделе. 11. Телеграмму послали поздно вечером. 12. Эту статью прочитала вся группа. 13. Это упражнение было написано карандашом. Exercise 6. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense form either Active or Pas­ sive. UNIVERSAL SENTENCES Erich Remarque once (to introduce) (1) to an American girl who (to travel) (2) in Germany. She (to delight) (3) to meet him because she (to read) (4) all his books which (to translate) (5) into English. Then she (to ask) (6) why Remarque never (to visit) (7) the U.S. His answer (to be) (8), "English (to speak) (9) in the U.S. but unfortunately I (not to speak) (IO) it. In fact I (to know) (11) only four sentences". The girl (to ask) (I2). "What they (to be) (13)?" The writer (to say) (I4), "Hello! I love you. Forgive me. Ham and eggs, please". — "Why", (to cry) (I5) the girl, "with these sentences a long tour can (to take) (I6) from Maine to California!". 63

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THE PRESENT PERFECT PASSIVE PART I. SPEECH PRACTICE Step I. Communicative task. Your sister and you have bought a cottage outside the town. Your sister calls Mum and gives an account of what has been done. Support your sister. Model :

Your sister: The agreement has just been signed. You: Yes, the agreement has just been signed.

1. The agreement has been signed recently. 2. We have just been shown the rooms. 3. The fence has been repaired. 4. A lot of things have been done already. 5. The grass in the garden has been cut. 6. The roof has been repaired. 7. The front door has been fixed. 8. Central heating has been put in. 9. The bathroom has been modernized. 10. The windows have been cleaned.

Step II. Communicative task. To please your mother you add more information about what has been done. Model :

Your sister: The agreement has just been signed. (the insurance) You: And the insurance has been signed too.

1. The agreement has just been signed. (the insurance) 2. We have just been shown the rooms. (the neighbourhood) 3. The fence has been repaired. (the roof) 4. The glass house for vegetables has been painted. (the front door) 5. The grass in the garden has been cut. (the bushes) 6. The stove has been repaired. (the fireplace) 7. The front door has been fixed. (the gate) 8. Central heating has been put in. (a water heater) 9. The bathroom has been modernized. (the porch) 10. The windows have been cleaned. (the floor) Step III. Communicative task 1. There is still a lot to do about the cottage and the garden. Say what hasn’t been done so far. Model :

Your sister: The agreement has just been signed. (papers / to gain) You: Yes, but the papers haven’t been gained y e t.


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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

The grass has been cut. (flowers / to plant) The front door has been painted. (the stairs / to fix) The roof has been repaired. (the chimney / to sweep) A water heater has been put in. (a washing machine / to buy) The porch has been modernized. (the attic / to clean ) The floor has been cleaned. (the dishes / to wash) The carpet has been vacuumed. (the rug / to clean) The furniture has been dusted. (the old newspapers / to burn) The roses have been planted. (weeds / to dig) Old things have been taken out of the closet. (the litter/to throw away)

Communicative task 2. Your sister and you are getting ready to meet your parents who are arriving in two days. You have done a lot already, but your mother wants to know if something else has been done. Model :

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

A: The fence has been repaired.(door) B: Has the door been repaired too?

The grass has been cut. (the bushes) The front door has been painted. (the fence) The roof has been repaired. (the gate) Central heating has been put in. (a stove) The bathroom has been modernized. (the attic) The windows have been cleaned. (the balcony) The carpet has been vacuumed. (the sofa) The furniture has been dusted. (the old books) The roses have been planted. (the tulips) Old toys have been taken out of the closet. (the bycicle)

Step IV. Communicative task. Your mother wants her children to do a lot of things about the house as a holiday is coming. The children have already done everything as it turns out. Model :

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

A: Feed the dog, please, Sally. B: He has already been fed, Mum.

Make the beds. Do the dishes. Hide the Christmas presents. Write your aunt’s telephone number. Take the litter out. Carve the turkey. Sweep the floor in the kitchen. Send the greetings. Put up the Christmas tree. Decorate the Christmas tree. 65

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PARTII. LANGUAGE PRACTICE Exercise 1. Complete the situation with the verbs in the right form. The boss is angry with his secretary today because important letters (haven’t typed / haven’t been typed) yet. Tea (has been given / has given) to him cold. Wrong tele­ phone numbers (have written / have been written) down. The mail (hasn’t been sent / hasn’t sent) in time. A lot of time (has spent / has been spent) over the telephone. No wonder the boss is angry. Exercise 2. Put the following into the Passive voice. 1. Previous climbers have cut steps in the ice. 2. Somebody have cleaned my shoes and brushed my suit! 3. They have used this room only on special occasions since they redecorated it. 4. Somebody has left a bicycle in the hall. 5. The burglars have cut an enormous hole in the steel door. 6. Somebody have already told him to report for duty at six. 7. The author has written a special edition for children. 8. They have altered the notice. 9. Our opponents have started this rumour, I am sure. 10. Nobody has read this copy. They haven’t cut the pages. Exercise 3. Answer the questions about your English lesson using Present Perfect Passive.1234567890 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Have you been asked to read a text? Has the text been translated? Have new words been written down? Have the exercises been done by all the pupils? Has your friend been asked to recite something? Has large homework been given? Who has been given good (bad) marks? Have you been praised by the teacher?

Exercise 4. Translate into English. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Газету только что купили. Телевизор только что выключили. Все вопросы уже заданы. Слова только что написали на доске. Об этом уже много говорили. Все ответы уже даны. Об этом только что сказали по радио. Этот фильм был просмотрен ими несколько раз. Мне ничего об этом не говорили. Все предложения уже записаны. 66

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Exercise 5. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct passive or active form.

THE LOCH NESS MONSTER The story of the Loch Ness monster (1) (to begin) in 1933 when it (2) (to see) for the first time. Since then it (3) (to see) at least once year and (4) (to photograph) many times. The first photograph (5) (to take) by a local man in November, 1933. On the occasion, large brown eyes (6) (to see) and horns (7) (to report) several times. Ears (8) (not to men­ tion) yet. The monster, however, (9) (not to forget) and probably never (10) (to forget). It (11) (to know) that it sometimes (12) (to leave) the loch and few years ago it (13) (to see) running along the main road not far from a cafe. Occasionally two monsters (14) (to see) at the same time. It (15) (not to know) whether they (16) (to be) farther and son, husband and wife, or perhaps monster and girl-friend. But the monster and its activities (17) (to consider) still a mystery. Exercise 6. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct passive or active form. THE ROYAL RAVENS The six ravens (1) (to keep) in the Tower of London now for centuries. They (2) (to use) to come in from Essex for food cracks when the Tower (3) (to use) as a palace. Over the years people (4) (to think) that if the ravens ever (5) (to leave) the Tower, the monarchy (6) (to fall). So Charles II (7) (to decree) that six ravens should always (8) (to keep) in the Tower and should (9) (to pay) a wage from the treasury. Sometimes they (10) (to live) as long as 25 years but their wings (l1) (to clip) so they (12) (cannot) fly away and when a raven (I3) (to die) another raven (14) (to bring) from Essex. THE PRESENT CONTINUOUS PASSIVE PART I. SPEECH PRACTICE Step I. Communicative task. Arthur Bridge is phoning his son from London. He wants to know how Jack and his family are getting on. As everybody is very busy doing things on the farm, Mary answers the call. Support Mary and say what is going on. Model: Mary: A lot o f things are being done at the moment. You: That’s right. A lot o f things are being done at the moment.1234567890 1. The car is being washed. 2. The tractor is being repaired. 2. The cows are being milked. 3. The sheep are being herded. 4. Hens are being fed. 5. Eggs are being gathered. 6. Chickens are being counted. 7. The garden is being done. 8. Weeds are being dug in the garden. 9. The flowers are being watered. 10. The lawn is being mowed. 67

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Step II. Communicative task. The Smith family is waiting for guests for Billy’s birthday party. Everyone is busy doing preparations. That’s what Sam likes to see. Liz adds more details. Model: Sam: A lot o f things are being done at the moment. (tasty things -prepared) Liz: That’s right. And a lot o f tasty things are being prepared. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

A poem is being written by Danny. (a birthday greeting) Pictures of Billy are being taken by Mrs.Parker. (portraits of all the children) The party is being prepared by the girls. (the birthday dinner) A birthday cake is being baked. (an apple pie) The living-room is being cleaned by Fanny. (Billy’s bedroom) Party supplies are being bought. (Presents) The boys’ shirts are being ironed. (the girls’ dresses) A decorations is being put in the living-room. (a birthday placard) Birthday balloons are being blown. (Confetti balloons) The table is being laid with a nice table cloth. (decorated with cards)

Step III. Communicative task. Mary wonders if nothing has been forgotten, that’s why she asks Liz for details. Model:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Liz: Birthday dinner is being prepared at the moment. (to roast the turkey) Mary: Good. And is the turkey being roasted?

A poem is being written by Danny. (a birthday greeting) Pictures of Billy are being taken by Mrs. Parker. (Billy’s portrait) The party is being prepared by the girls. (the birthday cake) The birthday cake is being baked. (an apple pie) The living-room is being cleaned by Fanny. (Billy’s bedroom) Birthday party supplies are being bought. (Birthday presents) The boys’ shirts are being ironed. (the girls’ dresses) A decoration is being put in the living-room. (a birthday placard) Birthday balloons are being blown. (Confetti balloons) The table is being laid with a nice table cloth. (to decorate with cards)

Step IV. Communicative task. May holidays are coming soon. Watch and report what is be­ ing done in the town / in the country before May Day and Victory Day are celebrated. PARTII. LANGUAGE PRACTICE Exercise l.Open the brackets and put the infinitive into the Present Continuous Passive 1. The insects (be brushed) off the clothes taken from the attic. 68

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2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

The door (be hammered) at. Look, the child (be pulled) along the street by a suspicious man. Be careful. The roof (be mend). The dinner (be serve). The town (be serve) with contaminated water. The factory's production currently (be cut) back. Silence. The verdict (be delivered) at the moment. You (be warned) of what might happen. She (be invite) to exhibit at several French museums. No foreign painters (be exhibited) in our museum. I (be accused) of stealing from my employer. The products (be offered) at a very competitive price. I (be compared) with my mother.

Exercise 2. Put the following into the Passive voice. 1. They are pulling down the old theatre. 2. The librarian says they are starting a new system because people are not return­ ing books. 3. I have bought a harp. They are delivering it this afternoon. (Do not change the first sentence.) 4. People are spending far more money on food now than they spent ten years ago. 5. Students are doing a lot of the work. 6. They are lengthening the runways at all the main airports. 7. The police are guarding the house. 8. The government is spending too little money on roads. 9. A strong police guard is escorting the referee from the football field. 10. They are officially opening the new underpass the day after tomorrow. Exercise 3. Practice on Active into Passive and vice versa transformation. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

They are showing me the easiest way to do it. He is always comparing himself with his father. Negotiations are still being held. Everyone even slightly involved is being interrogated. They are planning the revenge. Customers are being badly served. We are looking for alternatives. What is it being discussed? Why am I always being ignored? Final comments are being emailed. You are always criticising my ideas. You are handing a hundred dollar bill absolutely for nothing. The referee is being escorted from the football field by a strong police guard. It is being said that too little money is being spent by the government on roads. Where is the car? It is being put into the garage. The warehouse is being guarded by the police. The runways are being lengthened at all the main airports. 69

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18. Tents are being pitched all around. 19. A delicious fish soup is being cooked over the fire. 20. Some effects of certain chemicals on the human brain are still being re­ searched. Exercise 4. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense form either Active or Pas­ sive. A COLLEGE TOUR I am glad you all (come)1to visit our college. I hope that many of you (enter)2 next year. First, let’s visit some of our classrooms. In this room, students (teach)3 French. Here at Greenville College, we believe that all students should (teach)4 to speak a for­ eign language. The students in the next room are studying History. History classes (be)5 usually very lively, but today the students (give)6 an examination. This room is a Science classroom. You can stay for a while and listen. I’m sure many interesting ideas (discuss)7 right now. In a little while, we (be going)8 to see the cafeteria where all the school food (pre­ pare)9. We believe that young people should (feed)10 good nutritious food. That’s why we (plant)11 the vegetable garden you see next to the cafeteria. The vegetables that our students (eat)12today (grow)13 in our garden. The next stop on the tour (be)14 the college hospital. It (build)15 last year and is the school’s most modern building. Patients at the college hospital (take)16 care of by ex­ cellent nurses and doctors who (train)17 at the best universities. Students from Greenville College well (prepare)18 for life. Many of our former stu­ dents (hire)19 by fine companies where they (give)20 important jobs. We hope you (enjoy)21 your tour of Greenville College. Thank you and good-bye.


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UNIT XIII. We’ll do our best! GRAMMAR: THE FUTURE SIMPLE / THE FUTURE CONTINUOUS Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere (Chinese Proverb) Build your own dreams, or someone else will hire you to build theirs (Farrah Gray)

(Cutebaby-joeys.blogspot. com) PART I. SPEECH PRACTICE Step I A . Communicative task. Let us congratulate the newly-married on their marriage once again! They are talking about the coming spring. Take Ernest’s part and agree with Jane. Model: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

Jane: It ’ll be warm soon. Ernest: Definitely. I t ’ll be warm soon. Days will be longer in April. I think the spring will be rainy. The children will have their games lessons outdoors. We will have art lessons in the open air at last. There will be a lot of people in the park again. They will enjoy the sunshine. I will paint in the evenings in summer. I think Wendy will go somewhere on her vacation. I suppose Wendy will go to Australia this summer. I am sure she will let us know of her plans.

B. Communicative task. On their honeymoon Jane and Ernest are going on a tour of Scotland and Ireland. They want to get to know Jane’s ancestors’ land. They are discussing their plans concerning the trip. Take Jane’s part and support Ernest. Model: Ernest: We ’ll be packing our luggage in the evening. Jane: Sure. We ’ll be packing our luggage in the evening. 1) Tomorrow at 8 we will be leaving for London. 2) We will be staying in London for 2 days. 3) We will be doing some shopping in Oxford street. 4) At 4 p.m. on Tuesday we will be going to Heathrow Airport. 5) At 5 o’clock we will be having tea in a restaurant. 71

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6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

We will be taking off at 6. In 20 minutes we will be flying over the Highlands. At about 7 we will be landing at the Glasgow airport. James, my uncle, will be meeting us in the airport. In the evening we will be meeting his family.

Step II. A. Communicative task. The Browns seem to be in disagreement as far as some details of their trip are concerned. Act as Jane. Model:

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

Ernest: I ’ll put on my brown suit. (you — grey) Jane: No, sweet. You’ll put on your grey suit.

I’ll have two shirts on me. (you; four) You’ll take a lot of warm clothes. (a few) We’ll stay at my friend’s in London. (at my aunt’s) I’ll buy you gold earrings at Harrods’. (a new hat) We’ll send postcards to our parents from London. (Glasgow) I’ll use two rolls of film in London. (only one) We’ll go to see the Tower first. (Buckingham Palace) We’ll take a taxi to Heathrow. (a bus) We’ll buy all presents in Glasgow. (some; in Dublin) We’ll go to the Highlands on our second day in Scotland. (Edinburgh)

B. Communicative task. They are planning to visit all Jane’s relatives in Scotland. They are arguing a bit. Model:

Jane: We ’ll be staying most days at my uncle James’s. (at a hotel) Ernest: We’ll be rather staying most days at a hotel.

1) We’ll be doing sights for two hours. (three) 2) We’ll be staying in Glasgow for a day. (a few days) 3) We’ll be going to the country by bus.(by train) 4) Uncle James will be showing his farm to us. (the Highlands) 5) He’ll be taking us to his brother’s. (old castles) 6) We’ll be walking round the mountains. (lakes) 7) We’ll be riding his horses. (walk) 8) We’ll be going from Glasgow to Edinburgh. (Dublin) 9) We’ll be visiting Hollyrood Palace in Edinburgh. (the Royal Yacht Britania) 10) We’ll be going shopping in Edinburgh. (to Edinburgh Castle) Step III.


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A. Communicative task. Support Jane and disagree with Ernest. Model:

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

Ernest: I think it will rain a lot. You: No, dear. It won’t rain much.

It will take us a lot of time to get to your uncle’s. I think we will bring a lot of trouble to your uncle. I think we will need necessary things to climb the mountains. It will be foggy in the mountains. I’m afraid you will get lost there. I hope we will see that famous Loch Ness monster. I think we will need a lot of money for presents. I hope we will watch a football game in Glasgow. I think we will have a lot of traditional Scottish dishes. I think I will like haggis.

B. Communicative task. Jane knows her uncle James who is very hospitable well. She assumes what way he will be treating them. Ernest asks for details. Model: Jane: Uncle James will be meeting us at the station. (alone) You: Will he be meeting us at the station alone? 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

Uncle James will be telling jokes. (corny) He will be singing us a song. (a Scottish) He will be teaching us a dance. (the Highland Fling) He will be playing us a tune. (the bagpipes) He will be telling us Scottish legends. (by the fire) His wife will be treating us to her special food. (Scottish) Their children will be asking a lot of questions. (about Littleton) They will be showing us Scottish lochs. (Loch Ness) We will be seeing many interesting things. (Loch Ness monster) We will be having a good time. (the time of our life)

Step IV. Communicative task. Let’s daydream. 1. You are given a chance to go somewhere on holidays. Where will you go and what will you see? 2. What are your plans for the summer holidays? What will you be doing in July and August?


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PARTII. LANGUAGE PRACTICE Exercise 1. Put the verbs in brackets into the Future Simple. 1. I (know) the result of the exam in two weeks. 2. You (be) in Berlin tonight, Elmer. 3. You (have) time to help me with the essay tomorrow, Roger? 4. Don’t worry, you (be able) to drive after another five lessons. 5. Are you sure he (recognize) me? 6. I hope I (find) the glasses. 7. Perhaps she (arrive) in time for lunch. 8. How many of us still (be) here next year, I wonder? 9. Jane (remember) this incident with a mouse all her life. 10. Miss Painter (mind) if Tom brings his dog? Exercise 2. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Continuous or the Future Simple. In some of the examples be going to could be used instead of the Present Con­ tinuous. 1. - The fire has gone out! • So it has. I (go) and get some sticks. 2. - Did you remember to book tickets? • Oh no, I forgot. I (telephone) for them now. 3. - I can’t understand this letter, as I don’t know German. • I (call) my son. He (translate) it for you. 4. I have bought a typewriter and I (learn) to type. 5. - You (buy) meat? • No, I (not eat) meat any more. I (eat) vegetables. 6. You’ve bought a lot of paint. You (redecorate) your flat? 7. - What are you going to do with this dress? • I (shorten) the skirt. 8. - That tree makes the house very dark. • Very well, I (cut) it down. 9. - Why are taking that big basket? • I (buy) a lot of vegetables. 10. - Why are you getting out the jack? • We have a puncture and I (change) the wheel. • I (help) you. Exercise 3. Put the verbs in brackets into the Future Continuous Tense. 1. This time next month I (sit) on a beach. 2. When you arrive, I probably (pick) fruit. 3. In a few days time we (fly) over the Atlantic Ocean. 4. When you next see me I (wear) a new dress. 5. - Ann will be in the fifth form next year. • That means that Mrs. Bright (teach) her mathematics. 6. He (use) his car this afternoon. 7. Stand there, Ann, they (change) the guard in a minute and you’ll get a good view. 8. Air hostess: We (take off) in a few minutes. Please fasten your safety belts. 9. We’d better go out tomorrow because Fanny (practice) the piano all day. 74

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10. I’ll give Mr. Brown your message. I can do it easily because I(see) him tomor­ row. We go to work on the same train. Exercise 4. Put the verbs in brackets into the appropriate future form. 1. - You’ve just missed the last bus! Never mind, I (walk). 2. - I’ll ring you tomorrow at five. No, don’t ring at five; I (bath) the baby then Ring later. 3. - Y our face is dirty, Billy. All right, I (wash) it. 4. - Will you have lunch with me on the 28th? I’d love to, but I’m afraid I (do) my exam then. 5. - I don’t feel well enough to go to the station to meet Hugh. I (meet) him for you. But how I (recognize) him? He’s small and fair, and he (wear) a black and white school cap. 6. - I want to post this letter but I don’t want to go out in the rain. I (post) it for you. I (go) out anyway as I have to take the dog for a walk. 7. - This time next Monday I (sit) in a Paris cafe reading Le Figaro. You (not read). You (look) at all the pretty girls. 8. I (work) for Mr. Pitt next week as his own secretary will be away. 9. I hope you (do) well in the race tomorrow. I (think) of you. 10. Let’s wait here: the bridge (open) in a minute to let that ship through. Exercise 5. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense (present or future). 1. When she (return) I’ll give her the key. 2. She’ll be ready as soon as you (be). 3. Stay here till the lights (turn) green. 4. He will wash up before he (go) to bed. 5. I (go on) doing it until she (tell) me to stop. 6. I (buy) this house when I (have) enough money. 7. You (fall) rapidly through the air till your parachute (open). 8. When the Queen (arrive) the audience (stand up). 9. By this time next year I (save) £300. 10. I (finish) this job in twenty minutes. 11. When we (reach) Crewe we (do) half of the journey. 12. If we (not hurry) the sun (rise) before we (reach) the top. 13. When Tom (go) I’ll tell you a secret. 14. When we (see) the cathedral we’ll go to the museum. 15. These gates will remain shut until the train (pass). Exercise 6. Put the verbs in the brackets into the correct tense form. High Hopes One day a young country girl (to go)1 to town with a bucket of milk on her head. She (to say)2to herself: “When I (to come)3 to the market, I (to sell)4 the milk at a high price and (to buy)5 twenty eggs with the money. Out of these eggs I (to get)6 twenty chickens. As soon as the chickens (to be)7 large enough, I (to sell)8 them and (to buy)9 a new dress for my­ 75

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self. It (to be)10 a yellow dress to match my hair. On May Day, if the weather (to be)11 fine, if ( not to rain)12, I (to put on)13 the yellow dress and (to go)14to town. Everybody (to look)15 at me and (to say)16: “What a beautiful girl!” But I (to pass)17 by without looking at them. I only (to shake)18 my head like that.” Without noticing it she (to shake)19 her head and down (to come)20 the milk, the eggs, the chickens and the yellow dress. Exercise 7. Act as an interpreter. Translate the sentences into English. 1. После того как мы посмотрим выставку, мы зайдем в кафе. 2. Когда все покинут парк, охранник замкнет ворота. 3. Ты удивишься, когда откроешь коробку. 4. Он не пойдет домой, пока не продаст все газеты. 5. Как только я услышу что-нибудь о нем, я дам тебе знать. 6. Я покормлю детей до того как он вернётся с работы. 7. Он будет здесь до того как ты уйдешь. 8. Я не встану с кровати, пока часы не пробьют семь часов. 9. Если вы не заполните анкету, вы не получите визу. 10. Как только начнутся каникулы, пляж будет переполнен.


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UNIT XIV. I was walking along the street GRAMMAR: THE PAST CONTINUOUS Failure does not mean I was wasting my life; It means that I have an excuse to start over Robert H. Shuller (American author)

( PART I. SPEECH PRACTICE Step I. Communicative task: We are on the Bridges’ farm now. Mr. and Mrs. Bridge are talking over a cup of tea. Jack is speaking. Mary is a little tired, that’s why she auto­ matically repeats her husband’s words. Act as Mary Bridge. Model:

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

Jack: Pete was talking on the phone when John came in. Mary: Yes, Pete was talking on the phone when John came in.

He was just leaving when the phone rang. He saw a light in their house as he was working. She entered the study where her father was working. Kate was listening to the radio at 7 o’clock yesterday. The train was still moving to the station at 9 o’clock. They were cooking lunch at 12 o’clock yesterday. They were playing chess all the evening yesterday. The Joneses were working in the garden the whole week. He was writing from 6 till 8 yesterday in the evening. Ann was playing from 2 till 6 yesterday.

Step II. Communicative task. Jack is sharing some information with Mary, who knows something more and adds details. Extend the information for Mary; make use of the prompts. M odel: Jack: She met somebody when she was walking along the street. (Helen — Lane Street) Mary: In fact, she met Helen when she was walking along Lane Street. 1) They were writing something when somebody knocked at the door. (grammar exercises, the postman) 2) He got that cold when he was skating. (the flu, on a frosty day) 77

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3) She was learning something when a friend came. (grammar rules, Roger) 4) Somebody was playing the piano all the evening yesterday. (Ann, since 6 till 7) 5) Somebody was listening to the radio all the night. (Pete, till midnight) 6) They were doing something at ten o’clock in the morning. (clean the house, that time) 7) We were doing housework from 5 till 6. (cook dinner, all that time) 8) While Ann was doing something in the kitchen, Roger was sitting in the room alone. (make tea, do sums) 9) While Kate was doing something, Pete was doing nothing. (sweep the carpets, fix the car) 10) While the children were playing, their parents were doing nothing. (play hideand-seek, have a rest) Step III. Communicative task 1. The Bridges are arguing at the moment. Help Mary and disagree with Jack. Model: Jack: While I was waiting for you, Mary, you were enjoying yourself at the cinema. Mary: No, I wasn ’t enjoying myself at the cinema. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

While I was cooking dinner you were chattering with Mrs. Parker. While Kate was working hard, Pete was enjoying the music. While Roger was doing homework, Ann was watching TV. Tom and David were playing cards when Jane entered the classroom. The children were still playing when the lesson began. The mouse was still running under Jane’s table, when the headmaster came in. Yesterday at 8 in the morning Pete was still sleeping. Yesterday from 3 till 5 they were telling jokes to each other. We were waiting for them actually all the morning. She was gossiping over the phone the whole evening yesterday.

Communicative task 2. Jack wants his wife to give some more details. Help him ask questions. Make use of the prompts. Model: Mary: When the headmaster came the children were making a terrible noise. (Who) Jack: Who was making a terrible noise when he came? 1) 2) (what) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8)

When he came his mother was still standing at the window. (where) Maggie was just passing the shop when she came face to face with Pete. While they were arguing, the children were sitting still. (who) While she was washing the floor, Figaro was lying on the bed. (where) Ann was learning a poem by heart at that time. (what) Kate was working on the examination paper all the day long. (how long) Rover was chasing the piglets round the farm. (when) Pete was learning a new role for the play. (What role) 78

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9) Hugh was looking for a job when your father called. (Where) 10) Richard was talking to his father when Arthur came in. (What ... about) Step IY. Communicative task 1. Jack wonders why somebody did or didn’t do something. Help Mary give the answer using the prompts. Model: Jack: Why didn’tyou go out last night? (rain) Mary: Because it was raining. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

Why didn’t you come to the party? (feel bad) Why did Pete want the pen? (write an essay) Why did they tell him to be quiet? (watch TV) Why did Mrs. Parker stay at home? (do the flat) Why didn’t Mr. Bright stop to talk to you? (hurry to the lesson) Why didn’t you come up to them? (speak to the Headmaster) Why did you switch off the radio? (work) Why didn’t you go to London last week? (snow heavily) Why did Ann go to bed late? (prepare for a History test) Why didn’t Kate answer when I phoned? (take part in the sports competition)

Communicative task 2. You called your fellow student yesterday, but nobody picked up the receiver. Find out what his family and he were doing at the moment. PARTII. LANGUAGE PRACTICE Exercise 1. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Continuous Tense and translate them. 1. The children were frightened because it (get) dark. 2. It was a fine day and the roads were crowded because a lot of people (rush) to the seaside. 3. He usually wears sandals but when I last saw him he (wear) boots. 4. Victor ate nothing for lunch because he (diet). 5. Who you (talk) on the phone as I came in? 6. I went into the garden to see what the boys (do). 7. He was a little mad. He always (try) to prove that the earth was flat. 8. Just as I (wonder) what to do next, the phone rang. 9. There was a strong smell and the sound of frying. Obviously Mrs. Jones (cook) fish. 10. The traffic (make) so much noise that I couldn’t hear what he (say). Exercise 2. Open the brackets and put the infinitives into the right form. 1. I (to go) to the cinema yesterday. 2. I (to go) to the cinema at four o’clock yesterday. 3. I (to go) to the cinema when you met me. 4. I (to do) my homework the whole evening yesterday. 5. I (to do) my homework when mother came home. 6. I (to do) my homework yesterday. 79

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7. I (to do) my homework from five till eight yesterday. 8. I (to do) my homework at six o’clock yesterday. 9. I (not to play) the piano yesterday. I (to write) a letter to my friend. 10. I (not to play) the piano at four o’clock yesterday. I (to read) a book. 11. He (not to sleep) when father came home. He (to do) his homework. 12. When we were in the country last summer, I (to go) to the wood one day. In the wood I (to find) a little fox cub. I (to bring) it home. I (to decide) to tame the cub. Eve­ ry day I (to feed) it and (to take) care of it. I (to tame) it the whole summer. Now the fox cub is quite tame. It lives in my house. 13. When I (to go) to school the day before yesterday, I met Mike and Pete. They (to talk) and (to laugh). They told me a funny story. Soon I (to laugh), too. I still (to laugh) when we came to school. After school I (to tell) this story at home. My father and mother (to like) it very much. Exercise 3. Act as an interpreter. Translate the sentences into English. 1. Мальчики играли в карты, когда услышали шаги отца. Они немедленно спрятали карты и достали учебники. 2. Мама не разрешила нам выходить из дома вчера, так как был сильный ветер. 3. Он вдруг понял, что идет не в том направлении. 4. Когда свет погас, я пекла пирог. Мне пришлось допекать его в темноте. 5. Пока я раздумывал, что делать дальше, зазвонил телефон. 6. С минуту он наблюдал за детьми. Одни плавали в море, другие искали ракушки, третьи играли в песке. 7. Ты выглядел очень озабоченным, когда я увидел тебя вчера вечером. Что ты делал? 8. Я нашел эти старые фотографии, пока искал свой паспорт. 9. Мы снимали с ним квартиру, когда были студентами. Он всегда жаловал­ ся на мою беспечность. 10. Моя собака шла спокойно, когда вдруг соседский бульдог начал рычать на нее.


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( PART I. SPEECH PRACTICE Step I. Communicative task 1. Denis, an Art Academy student, is speaking about his groupmates and himself. Join the statements and say you have been doing the same. Model: Denis: I have been writing poetry since 1990. You: In fact, I have been writing poetry since 1990 too. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

Paul has been writing an essay all the week. We have been feeling nervous about the seminar. Stella has been looking for the material on her history report lately. Susan has been getting ready for her English class all the morning. I have been collecting car models since my childhood. I have been looking forward to the holidays since April. Mike has been walking after the lectures for a long time. Kate has been anxious about her mother’s health. ... ...

Communicative task 2. Now Denis is speaking about his brother Mark, a clerk. Say about yours who has been doing/having the same. Model: Denis: Mark has been living here all his life. You: Mm... And Michael has been living here all his life as well. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

He has been working at his office since its opening. He has been practising English since September. He has also been practising computer lately. For the last month Michael has been jogging in the mornings. He has been feeling happy these days. Michael has been dating with a girl since Tuesday. 81

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7) 8)

He has been standing in line for concert tickets several hours. He has been playing the piano for 2 hours.

Step II. Communicative task. You do like holidays, don’t you? Have you and your rela­ tives been preparing for the coming ones? Make necessary changes using the prompts. Model: Denis: My grandfather has been looking forward to May D ay’s coming. (Victory D ay’s) You: But my grandfather has been lookingforward to Victory Day’s coming. 1) Muscovites have been decorating Red Square lately. (Ulan-Ude dwellers; So­ viet Square) 2) For the last few years Muscovites haven’t been having demonstrations on Red Square. (Ulan-Ude; Soviet Square) 3) Workers and clerks have been waiting for May holidays to come to have a rest from their work. (Students; studies) 4) My relatives have been paying visits to us at the week-end.(my groupmates; me) 5) My mother has been making nice pies for the holiday. (Grandma; cakes) 6) We have been feeling happy about the idea of going out of town. (having a picnic) 7) My grandfather has been listening to the radio programmes about World War II (watching the TV programmes) 8) I have been relaxing from my studies on the holidays. (reading a lot) 9) .. 10) .. Step III. Communicative task. You are told to inquire your groupmates. Do it, please. Model: Teacher: Ask your neighbor i f he/she has been working at his/her English during the holidays. You: Have you been working at your English during the holidays? Ask your neighbour 1) if she has been writing the essay for a week. 2) if she has been making up dialogues with her partner. 3) if she has been copying lectures in Literature. 4) if she has been taking notes down for the History seminar. 5) if she has been working in the Gorky library at the week-end. 6) if she has been listening to a native speaker’s speech lately. 7) if she has been learning something of the English poetry by heart. 8) if she has been feeling satisfied with the results of her work these days. 9) 10)


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Step IV.

Communicative task: Think and say in 10 sentences what you and other students have been doing lately. PART II. LANGUAGE PRACTICE Exercise 1. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect Continuous tense. 1. I (make) cakes. That is why my hands are all covered with flour. 2. His phone (ring) for ten minutes. I wonder why he doesn’t answer it. 3. He (study) Russian for two years and doesn’t even know the alphabet yet. 4. It (rain) for two days now. There’ll be a flood soon. 5. I (bathe). That’s why my hair is all wet. 6. You (drive) all day. Let me drive now. 7. How long you (wear) glasses? 8. The children (look) forward to this holiday for months. 9. It (snow) for three days now. The roads will be blocked if it doesn’t stop soon. 10. Ever since he came to us that man (try) to make trouble. Exercise 2. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous tense. (In some cases either could be used.) 1. We (walk) ten kilometers. 2. We (walk) for three hours. 3. You (walk) too fast. That’s why you are tired. 4. — I (make) sausage rolls for the party all the morning. — How many you (make)? — I (make) 200. 5. That girl (eat) seven ice-cream! 6. — What you (do)? — We (pick) apples. — How many you (pick)? — We (pick) ten basketfuls. 7. The students (work) very well this term. 8. I only (hear) from her twice since she went away. 9. I (look) for mushrooms but I (not find) any. 10. Mr. Smith you (whisper) to the student on your right for the last five minutes. You (help) him with his exam paper or he (help) you? Exercise 3. Fill in the spaces in the following sentences by using for or since. 1. We’ve been fishing ... two hours. 2. Jack has been working in this office ... a month. 3. Mr. Briggs has been in prison ... a year. 4. I’ve known that ... a long time. 5. That young man has been standing there ... six o’clock. 6. Arthur has driven the same car ... 1975. 7. Thins have changed ... I was a girl. 8. The central heating has been on ... October. 9. Nobody has seen him ... last week. 10. We have had terrible weather ... the last month. 83

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Exercise 4. Act as an interpreter. Translate these sentences into Russian. 1. I’ve been wanting a word with you, Lewis. 2. She hasn’t bought any new clothes since the beginning of the year. 3. He has written me only once since he went away; I’ve sent him 4 letters. 4. I’m going to suggest something to you. I’ve been talking it over with your mother. 5. Lucy has been telling me the most amazing things. 6. I’ve asked him to lunch on Sunday. 7. That’s what I’ve been trying to remember since I met him. 8. You know, I’ve missed you very much these last few weeks. 9. I’m afraid I don’t understand you, Gerald. I haven’t changed my mind. Have you changed yours? 10. Mr. Pitt has been in hospital since his accident. Exercise 5. Act as an interpreter. Translate these sentences into English. 1. Я делаю это упражнение уже 20 минут. 2. Чайник кипит уже пятнадцать минут. 3. Сколько времени ты переводишь эту статью и сколько ты уже перевел? 4. Наконец, почтальон принес письмо. Я жду это письмо уже несколько недель. 5. Вот и ты, наконец, пришел. Я жду тебя уже 20 минут. 6. - Вы написали свой доклад? Сколько дней вы работаете над ним? - Я пишу доклад с прошлого четверга. 7. Не входите в класс. Студенты сдают сейчас экзамены. Петров отвечает уже 30 минут. 8. Она уже давно разговаривает по телефону. Ей уже пора закончить разговор. 9. Он работает учителем в этой школе 5 лет. 10. Как вкусно пахнет! — Да, Мэри готовит клубничный джем.


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Unit XVI. Ann had visited London before the spring term began GRAMMAR: THE PAST PERFECT


PART I. SPEECH PRACTICE Step I. Communicative task. Mary Bridge is recalling Ann’s visit to London. Show your understanding. Model: Mary Bridge: Ann was happy and told a lot o f stories after she had been to London. You: I see. Ann was happy and told a lot o f stories after she had been to London. 1) Ann had visited London before the spring term began in St. Michael’s school. 2) Richard had arrived at Victoria station to meet Ann before the train came. 3) Before Ann and Richard went to the Tower they had had a good breakfast. 4) After Richard and Ann had had a trip around the Tower, they walked over Tower Bridge. 5) Ann learnt that the Tower had played different roles before. 6) Ann tried her hardest to imagine all the terrible things that had happened there. 7) After they had seen the Changing of the Guard, they talked a lot about the col­ ourful ceremony. 8) By 6 o’clock they had looked round Madame Tussaud’s famous museum.


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Step II.

Communicative task. The mother and the daughter are arguing a bit of Ann’s trip. Take Ann’s part and correct Mary’s statements. Model: Mary: You said you had visited St Paul’s Cathedral on the second day. (the third day) Ann: I said we had visited it on the third day. 1) You said Richard had suggested your going to the waxworks museum first. (the Tower) 2) You said you had learnt a rhyme about King Richard. (William the Conqueror) 3) You said you had been told the story of the Great Fire of London by Richard. (by the guide) 4) You said you had enjoyed the view of London from Tower Bridge best. (from the Whispering Gallery) 5) You said you had taken a man for a waxwork . (lady) 6) You said Richard had taken you to a chop shop for supper. (chip shop) 7) You said Richard’s friends had taken you for a little girl. (for a grown-up) 8) You said you had sung a Christmas carol on Trafalgar Square. (the traditional Scottish New Year’s song) Step III Communicative task. Now Mrs. Bridge is inquiring Ann of some details of her trip. Take Ann’s part and respond to the questions. Make use of the prompts. Model: Mrs. Bridge: Why didn’t Roger go to London with you? (to be there) Ann: He did’t go to London because he had been there before. 1) Why did you go to the Tower on your first day in town? (hear a lot) 2) Why were you rather sorry after your walk over Tower Bridge? (not to open) 3) Why were Richard and you very disappointed at Buckingham Palace ?(to see a little of the ceremony) 4) Why did you learn only one rhyme about the Great Fire of London? (to learn the famous “London’s burning” before) 5) Why was St.Paul’s Cathedral rebuilt by Sir Christopher Wren? (to be burnt by the Great Fire) 6) Why did you have a few days’ rest at home? (to walk and run too much) 7) Why did you laugh leaving Madame Tussaud’s museum? ( a funny thing; to happen) 8) Why did you nearly jump out of your skin to see the lady on the bench? (she; to ask a question) Step IV Communicative task. Think and say: 1) what you did after you had left the University after classes; 2) what you had done before you went to bed yesterday. 86

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P A R T I I . L A N G U A G E P R A C T IC E

Exercise 1. Insert the verbs in the Past Perfect tense. 1. Jill was afraid she_____(forget) her key at home, but she found it in her hand­ bag. 2. Dad wasn’t at home when I came back. H e_____ (go) out twenty minutes be­ fore. 3. I wasn’t hungry because I_____ (just/have) breakfast. 4. Peter saw an urgent message on his table. Somebody_____(leave) it the day be­ fore. 5. I apologized I _____(not/phone) her. 6. He told me that h e _____(come back) a fortnight before. 7. I knew him at once though I _____(meet) him many years before. 8. We spent the night in London, a city w e_____(often/hear of) but_____ (never/see). 9. They couldn’t believe h e _____(give up) his job in the bank. H e_____ (make) a good living there. 10. Mr. Jackson said that h e _____ ( already/buy) everything for lunch. Exercise 2.Complete the sentences using the Past Perfect tense of the verbs below. Model: I went to bed after... (watch TV) I went to bed after I had watched TV To have dinner, to do homework, to come, to read the book, to clean the room, to go shopping, to return from Australia, to finish work 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

I went to see my friend after... I watched TV after... They went home after... He phoned me after... She went to dance after... We wrote a composition after... They rebuilt the house after... We went for a walk after...

Exercise 3. Say what action was done before. Combine the two sentences into one. Model: I sent a telegram. Then I met my friend. I had sent a telegram before I met my friend. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

The rain stopped. I went for a walk. I did my homework. My mother returned home. We met in the street. We went to the park. They packed their things. Then they started. I had dinner. I switched on the TV set. He returned home. The guests left. We came to the cinema. The film began. 87

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8. I read the book. I saw the play. . 9. They lived here. They moved to another place. 10. We played a game of tennis. We went to my place Exercise 4. Connect each pair of sentences with the conjunctions before, as soon as, after. Model: They had lived in the country. They moved to the city. — They had lived in the country before they moved to the city. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

He had finished school. He went to a camp. She had phoned her friend. She went to meet her. I read the book. I had seen the film. I had cleaned my room. I invited my friends home. He entered the university. He had finished school. Не told me about his impressions. He had returned from his journey. He was unhappy. He had got bad news. I had finished the text. I handed in my exercise-book.


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Unit XVII. He said he was going away the next day GRAMMAR: INDIRECT SPEECH «When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘happy’. They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life». (JohnLennon) (

PART I. SPEECH PRACTICE Step I. Communicative task 1. Report what Mrs. Bridge said. Model: Mrs. Bridge: “I ’m going out.” You: Mrs. Bridge said (that) she was going out. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

We’ll be here in time, Jane. I have lost my key! Kate goes to the library every day. I went there with a friend of mine. This book is still up-to-date. I like apples better than oranges. Mr. Bell lived in Littleton in 1992. It was raining all day yesterday. Arthur is sitting over there. I don’t like to be alone. He doesn’t like modern music. Your sister is looking pale today, Jack. I heard the news only yesterday. He’s got two sisters besides Mary. David Jones was 18 last year. Mrs. Nimble’s husband is an engineer. I’ll come with you as soon as I’m ready, Kate. It isn’t so foggy today as it was yesterday. Tom doesn’t take after his father in character . I can’t put up with this noise any longer!


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Communicative task 2. Report what Sam told his family to do. Model 1:

Sam: “Wash up, Liz.” You: Sam told Liz to wash up.

Model 2:

Sam: “Don’t talk, Jane . ” You: Sam asked Jane not to talk.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

Write the date on the letter, Liz. Take this flower-pot off the window-sill, Joanie. Switch off the radio when you read, Danny. Wind up the clock, Father. Set your watch by the midday radio signal, Jack. Have a look at the watch, John. Start getting ready for your lessons, Fanny. Turn on the light, Pam. Put away your toys, Billy. Go to bed, children. Don’t make so much noise, children. Don’t switch on the reading-lamp, Billy. Don’t buy anything for breakfast, Liz. Don’t wake me up at 6, Pam. Don’t wet the mop, Fanny. Don’t leave the house after 10, Daniel. Don’t open the window wide, John. Don’t forget to lock the door, Father. Don’t take your watch to a watchmaker, Joanie. Don’t forget to drink a glass of milk, Billy.

Communicative task 3. A new student, Steven, has come to the college where Pete and Kate Bridges are studying. The students are asking him questions. Imagine that Alan reports these questions later to an English friend: Model :

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

“What country do you come from ?” said Bill. Steven: Bill asked what country I came from.

“How long have you been here?” said Ann. “What are you going to study?” asked Kate. “Do you want to buy any second-hand books?” said Ben. “Have you seen the library?” asked Jane. “Do you play rugby?” asked Peter. “Will you have time to play regularly?” he went on. “Did you play for your school team?” said Bill. “Are you interested in acting?” asked Kate. “Would you like to join our Drama Group?” she said “What do you think of the canteen coffee?” asked Ben.


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P A R T I I . L A N G U A G E P R A C T IC E

Exercise 1. Report what the people said using different introductory verbs. Note: With indirect speech, when the person addressed is mentioned, tell is more usual than say to as an introductory verb. For example: He told me that he was going away the next day is more usual than He said to me that he was going away the next day. 1. “I have something to show you, Jane,’ Mary said. 2. “Nothing grows in my garden!” said Mrs. Echo. 3. “I’ve been in London for a week but so far I haven’t had time to visit the Tow­ er,” said Steve. 4. “I have a Maths lesson this afternoon and I haven’t done my homework yet,” said the small boy. 5. “I don’t know what to do with all my plums. I suppose I’ll have to make jam. The trouble is that none of us eats jam,” said Mrs. Jones. 6. “We like working on Sundays because we get double pay,” explained the build­ ers. 7. “If I press my ear against the wall, I can hear what the people in the next flat are saying,” the old lady said. 8. “My new house is supposed to be haunted, but so far I haven’t seen any ghosts,” the aunt said. 9. “If you give me some wire, I’ll hang that picture for you,” said my cousin. 10. “I found an old Roman coin in the garden yesterday,” he said, “and I am going to take it to the museum this afternoon. Exercise 2. Indirect commands, requests, etc. are usually expressed by ‘tell’, ‘ask’, ‘order’, ‘advise’, ‘beg’, ‘remind’, ‘warn’, etc., with the person addressed and the infini­ tive. Change the following direct commands or requests into indirect ones. 1. “Take a shower first, Nick,” the mother said. 2. “Have a cup of coffee and some sandwiches,” she said to Lucy. 3. “Don’t mind the mess,” he said 4. “Don’t watch late-night horror films,” I warned them. 5. “Don’t believe everything you hear,” he warned me. 6. “Please fill in this form,” the secretary said. 7. “Open the safe!” the raiders ordered the bank clerk. 8. “Please do as I say,” he begged me. 9. “Cook it in butter,” I advised her. 10. “Follow that car,” the detective said to the taxi-driver. Exercise 3. Put the following into indirect speech, using different introductory verbs — ‘ask’, ‘want to know’, ‘wonder’, ‘be interested in’. 1. Will it rain tomorrow? 2. Has Ben passed his examination? 3. Did she catch the wrong bus? 4. Could you spare me a minute? 91

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5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

Can I have a glass of water? Do you always follow the doctor’s advice? Has Jack moved to a new flat? Are they going to get married? Will they arrive tonight? Does she sing well? Why does he never go to our canteen? What are they doing now? Why didn’t she go to the cinema with us? Who is playing the piano in the next room? Who is he talking with? Who has broken the glass? Why did they invite the Browns? What book does he like most? How well does she dance? How much do we pay for the tickets?

Exercise 4. Put the following into direct speech, using dialogue form: Jack: Would you like to come for a drive tomorrow, Alice? Alice: I ’d love to etc. Trip to Stratford 1. Jack invited Alice to come for a drive the following day. 2. Alice accepted with pleasure and asked where he was thinking of going. 3. He said he’d leave it to her. 4. She suggested Stratford adding that she hadn’t been there for ages. 5. Jack agreed and said that they might go on the river if it was a nice day. 6. Alice wondered what was on at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre. 7. Jack said they’d find out when they got there adding that it was usually possi­ ble to get seats on the day of the play. 8. He asked Alice if she could be ready by ten. 9. Alice said with regret that she couldn’t as she had to type a report first. 10. Jack expressed horror at the idea of working on Saturday and advised her to change her job. 11. She told him not to be ridiculous and explained that she had volunteered to type the report in return for a free afternoon the following week. 12. She pointed out that she hadn’t known that he was going to ask her out. 13. Jack supposed it was all right but warned her not to make a habit of volunteer­ ing for weekend work. 14. Alice promised not to. 15. Jack said gloomily that he supposed she’d be busy all morning. 16. Alice assured him that she’d be finished by 11.00 and offered to meet him at the bus stop at Hyde Park Corner. 17. Jack said it wasn’t a very good meeting place and that he’d call for her. 18. Alice said that that was very kind of him and that she’d be waiting in the hall.


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Exercise 1. Complete the following supplying the appropriate form of the verb. Peter Merrill (stand)1 at the door of the reception building of Rome Airport and (watch)2 the approach of the Comet IV that (carry)3 his wife. Susan and he ( be mar­ ried)4 three weeks before. A few days after their wedding she (get)5 a telegram from home saying that her mother (be ill)6. She (fly)7 at once to London. He (not be able)8to go with her, because he ( be)9 a teacher at the Parker Institute and it (be)10 the middle of the Summer term. So he (stay)11 alone and (spend)12 most of his spare time at his club. He (stand up)13 now, as the passengers of the Comet (begin)14 to come into the re­ ception room. When Susan (appear)15 he (walk)16 quickly to her and (give)17 her a mighty hug. “Hello, darling,” she (say)18 breathlessly, as he (release)19 her. “How (be)20 you?” “Fine. And you?” “Yes, I (be)21 happy to be back.” They (take)22 their place in the queue for the po­ lice and customs inspection. She (say)23: “Anything exciting (happen)24 while I (be)25 away?” “My contract (extend)26 for another year.” “That (be)27 very good news. I (want)28 to stay here for a bit. Anything else?” “I (buy)29 a new suit. A light one for summer.” “Good. You (need)30 one. Anything else?” He (glance)31 at her quickly. “I (take)32 a furnished flat for us.” Her eyes (open)33 wide. “A flat? Good heavens! Where?” “In the Via Margutta. Just near our hotel.” “Oh!” She (frown)34 a little. He (look)35 at her again. “I (hope)36 I (not do)37 the wrong thing. If we (be going)38 (stay)39 here for another year, we (not stay)40 in the ho­ tel any more”. “Of course. Quite right”. Exercise 2. Complete the following supplying the appropriate form of the verb. Kate (to wake up)1one morning with the feeling that something special (to be going to)2 happen. She (to lie)3 quite still for a few minutes, and (to try)4 to think what it (can)5 be. Then she (to remember)6. Today (to be)7 Saturday and Aunt Dot and Uncle Ned (to come)8 for the week-end. Kate (to lean)9 over the side of her bed, (to take)10 her best doll and (to begin)11 to dress her. She (to put on)12 the doll’s dress when the alarm-clock (to ring)13 and a mo­ ment later Mummy (to go)14 downstairs. Mummy (to be)15 very pleased when she (to see)16that Kate (to get up)17 and (to dress)18 already the doll. “(To go)19 and (to put on)20 your dressing-gown first,” (to say)21 Mummy. And she (to tell)22 Kate breakfast (to be)23 ready soon. After breakfast Kate and Daddy (to go)24 upstairs to dress. Mummy (to begin)25 to make a fruit cake. Kate (to wonder)26 if Mummy (to have)27 time to go to the station to meet the train. Mummy (to say)28: “I (to be)29 too busy about the house, so I (not to be able)30. Daddy (to take)31 you.” So Kate and Daddy (to leave)32 the house and (to go)33 down the hill towards the station. They (no to go)34 very far, when Kate suddenly (to remember)35 she (to prom93

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ise)36 her doll, Dorabella, to take her out, and she said Dorabella (to cry)37 if they (not to take)38 her. “Oh well,” (to say)39 Daddy, “you stay here and I (to run)40 back for her.” Exercise 3. Open the brackets putting the verbs in the correct form. Sally (study)1 at an art college for a year and, like most students, she didn’t have much money. It was going to be her mother’s birthday soon, and she wondered what she (can)2 buy her as a present that (be)3 nice and useful but not too expensive. Sally’s college was in London, but she (live)4 in the country for many years, so eve­ ry day she (have)5 an hour’s journey by train in the morning, and the same in the even­ ing. At lunch time one day, a week before her mother’s birthday, she (decide)6to have a quick sandwich and a cup of coffee instead of her usual meal in the college hall, and then go shopping near her college to try to find her mother a nice present. After she (look)7 for half an hour, she (come)8 across a shop where umbrellas (sell)9 cheap, and decided that one of those (solve)10 her problem, since her mother (lose)11 hers the month before. “Now which colour I (choose)12?” she thought. “Well, I think a black one (be)13the most useful. You can carry that when you (wear)14 clothes of any colour, can’t you?” So having made up her mind, she (buy)15 a lovely black umbrella and (take)16 it back to the college with her until her classes had finished. On her way back home in the train that evening she (feel)17 hungry so she (go)18 to the buffet car for another sandwich and a cup of coffee. The black umbrella (leave)19 above her seat in the compartment, but when she got back, it (go)20! When she (leave)21 the compartment, there (be)22 no other passengers in it, but now there (be)23 three. Sally burst into tears when she saw that the umbrella was no longer there. The other passengers felt very sorry for her and asked what the matter (be)24. When she explained that the black umbrella she had bought for her mother (disappear)25, and that she had to get out at the next station, the three other passengers asked her for her mother’s ad­ dress, in order to be able to send the umbrella on to her in case someone (remove)26 it by mistake and not on purpose, and (bring)27 it back after Sally had got out of the train. The next week, Sally (hear)28 from her mother. Her letter (say)29, ”Thank you very much for your lovely presents, but why you (send)30 me three black umbrellas?” Exercise 4. Open the brackets putting the verbs in the correct form. Some days later Mr. Bennet produced another little surprise. The family (have)1 breakfast. “I hope,” he said to his wife, “you (plan)2 a good dinner today, as I (expect)3 a guest.” “Who you (mean)4 , my dear? You (not say)5 a single word of the guest these days.” “The one who (come)6 is a gentleman and I never (see)7 him before in my life.” The news (produce)8 all the excitement that Mr. Bennet (hope)9 for. “He is my cousin, Mr. Collins, who (become)10 the owner of Longbourn when I (die)11.” “Oh, that man!” cried Mrs. Bennet. “I can’t bear (hear)12 his name. Why the law (let)13 him (do)14 this to us?” She continued (complain)15 on this favourite subject of hers for some time, while her daughters tried to calm her. 94

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“You (may)16 leam the reason for his coming from his letter. It (deliver — доставлять)17 a fortnight ago,” said Mr. Bennet and began (read)18 aloud: Hunsford, Kent “Dear Sir, The quarrel between you and my father always (cause)19 me unhappiness; and since his death I often (wish)20 to end it. You (be pleased)21 to hear that I now (make up)22 my mind. Last Easter I became a parson (священник) and (appoint)23 by the noble and honourable Lady Catherine de Bourgh to the care of this village. As a parson, I think it is my duty (spread)24 peace. Therefore I hope that the question of Longbourn will not make you (refuse)25 my offer of friendship. I deeply (be sorry)26 that I one day (have)27 to take over the home of your respected daughters. If you (will)28, I (present)29 myself to your family on Monday next at four o’clock. I (like)30 to stay twelve days as Lady Catherine has most kindly allowed me to be absent for this time. I remain, Dear Sir, your friend. William Collins.” Exercise 5. Open the brackets putting the verbs in the correct form. Winter (to pass)1 away and spring (to come)2. Now the wild little house (to begin)3 to feel restless again. “But I (not to think)4 the good shoemaker and his wife (to like)5 it, if I (to go)6 trav­ eling,” it (to think)7. One evening when John and his father and mother (to sit)8 in the kitchen they (to begin)9to talk about the whole adventure. “It (to be)10 a lovely summer, by the sea,” (to say)11 his mother, “though we (to want)12to come home so much.” “Yes, I’d like to go again,” (to say)13 John, “when we (to have)14 summer holidays.” “I could (to take)15 some work with me and we (can)16 (to stay)17 for a month,” (to say)18 the shoemaker sadly. “We (no to have)19 enough money to rent a house by the sea, and I (to think)20 our wild little house (to become)21 a tame little house. I (not to think)22 it (to go)23 walking again.” But it did. When the days (to begin)24 to get warm and long, and the winds (to blow)25 softly up the hill from the sea, one fine night the wild little house (to start)26 down the hill again. It (to reach)27 its own little field and (to settle down)28 there, and (to stay)29 for a whole month. John (to swim)30 and (to sail)31 in the sea, and his father and mother (to take)32 him out fishing nearly every day. Then one morning they (to wake up)33 to find themselves at home again. Every year the wild little house (to take)34 them to the sea. Its legs got a little worn, and the shoemaker (to make)35 new ones for it. When John (to grow up)36 and (to become)37 a sea-captain himself, the house stopped walking from place to place and stayed at home. It waited for him to come home between voyages, so that it could hear the wonderful stories about strange and terrible adventures he (to have)38, and about the different places he (to be)39. For in its heart it always (to remain)40 a wild little house.


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1. Голицынский Ю. Б. Грамматика: сборник упражнений / Ю. Б. Голицынский. — 5-е изд. — Санкт-Петербург : КАРО, 2006. — 544 с. — (Английский язык для школьников). 2. Иноземцева В. А. Начальный курс английского разговорного языка: учебник для ин-тов и фак. иностр. яз. / В. А. Иноземцева, Дж. Саттон. — Москва : Высш. шк., 1989. — 528 с. 3. Пассов Е. И. Основы коммуникативной методики обучения иноязычному общению / Е. И. Пассов. — Москва : Рус. яз., 1989. — 276 с. 4. Molinsky Steven J., Bliss Bill. Side by Side. Activity Workbook 1A, 1B / Ste­ ven J. Molinsky, Bill Bliss. — Prentice Hall Regents, Englewood Cliffs, 1983. — 207 p. 5. Thomson A. J. A Practical English Grammar: Exercises 1 / A. J. Thomson, A. V. Martinet. — Oxford University Press, 1986. — 181 p. Электронные ресурсы: 1. URL: 2. URL: 3. URL:


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