Postures of Love & Steps Towards Joy

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Postures of Love And Steps towards Joy Loving Joy is the Intrinsic Nature of Source

When you choose At-One-ment with the Living God-Source within you, you will know the love. Be the love, embody the love, and thus you will see reflected everywhere around you the reality of the LOVE that is the foundation of all creation. .

Module Created by Kathara Team Member Rosaleen Tobin The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana A'zah-yana Deane, 2007. AllSeries RightsPresented Reserved by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. The& MCEO Freedom Teachings® Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2007. All Rights Reserved


Table of Contents Foreword



The Law of ONE



The Laws of Divine Love



The Paradox of Free Will



The Family Tree of Consciousness



Affirmations of Divine Love



The Energy Reality of Love






Omni-Love & Polarity: Does Source have a Preference?






My Relationship with Source comes First



Soft Love & Tough Love



The Illusion of Martyrdom



The Victim-Victimizer Game



Balanced Expression of Love



―Where is the Love?‖



The ―Open Your Heart‖ question



Six Steps Towards Joy



Re-opening to the Flow of Christiac Joy



Love and Joy in Action



The Twelve Attitudes of Mastery



The Twelve Responsibilities of Mastery



Relevant Extracts from Recorded Workshops



Love and Sexuality



Transpersonal Identity



Backflow and Backflow Return



Time for the Love to Come Back



Remembering the Loving Intention: Holding the Memory Matrix



Tools for Expanding Back to our Capacity for Loving Joy



Source Materials


Please Note: With the exception of text in italics, which consists of introduction and linking sequences written by Rose Tobin, this handbook presents directly quoted excerpts from written materials, recorded workshops and quotations from the MCEO Speakers, as published by the Azurite Press. Information on the source material is given for each quotation, and the full description of all source products can be found on page 66. A series of dots … indicates that a particular quotation is not continuous, i.e. material has been extracted for its relevance to the topic in question. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2007. All Rights Reserved


Foreword It is hardly surprising that Love and Happiness, or the lack thereof, provide the subject matter of almost all artistic expression in cultures throughout the world. The simplest love songs or movies, or the most complex novels, symphonies or paintings, explore in their different ways the human search for meaning and purpose. There is an instinctive knowing that without some experience of Love or Joy, life can be very empty and meaningless. In the broadest sense, this Love can be explored on many levels of existence: romantic love, spiritual union, friendship, parenthood or the passion of artistic or scientific creativity. As the phrase “the search for Love” implies, much of our conditioning has encouraged us to search outside of ourselves for Love, Joy and Purpose, to expect outside circumstances or other people to “make us happy” or to help us to “find love”. The great gift of the paradigm that is represented in this handbook is that Love and Joy are placed in the context of Creation itself, with the understanding that each one of us is a direct expression of the creative impulse of God-Source, that we are not so much “created or made BY” Source as we are Source-inmanifestation at the same time as we are also Source-in-Stillness. In other words, when the materials speak of Source, they do so with the implicit understanding that each one of us has a direct energetic link to the Core of Creation. The systematic framework of the Freedom Teachings brings this concept out of the realm of wishful thinking into a practical and logical reality! In elegant detail and in both “spiritual” and “scientific” terms, this paradigm demonstrates the structures of Creation and points the way as to how we can use this knowledge to reawaken our own energetic pathways in order to experience ourselves fully as living expressions of the Law of ONE. The intrinsic nature of Source is described as “Loving Joy” and the motivation for Creation as Source‟s desire to “experience the Joy of its manifest expressions, while simultaneously honoring their Free Will in allowing them to choose otherwise”. The Laws which we-as-Source set for ourselves in order to maintain the viability of Creation, while allowing for the vagaries of Free Will Choice, are described as the “Laws of Divine Love”. Throughout the materials, the words “Love,” “Joy,” “Power,” “Order,” “Free Will,” “Divine Right Order,” “Mastery,” and “Self-Sovereignty” can often be found in the same sentence or paragraph. This implies there is a real and profound connection between the depth of our knowledge and embodiment of the original intention and encryption (energy signature) of Source, and our capacity to experience and express genuine Love and Joy in our manifest arena. Rather than being commodities which we may find “out there” (if we get lucky!), genuine Love and Joy are natural attributes of ourselves-as-Source. Re-embodying these qualities as part of our living reality requires reembodying, in the here and now, our true nature as conscious expressions of Source. This includes comprehending the framework which we-as-Source established as the structure of Creation as well as the Laws of Creation which we-as-Source agreed on in order to maintain this framework while allowing for Free Will Choice. The allowance of Free Will Choice, including the freedom to act in Opposition to the Original Intention of Source, is motivated by Love and is also a way in which Source can explore Love and Joy in all their hues and variations. Sometimes, one can learn much about something, and also come to appreciate it more, by learning and experiencing what it is NOT. The context for Love and Joy, as presented in this handbook and in the AP materials, requires us to be willing to “own our holograms,” to acknowledge we are Source-in-action and that each of us is responsible for our own use of Free Will Choice as well as acknowledging that all other beings are responsible for theirs! This acknowledgement involves respecting the God-Source-Force within all Creation, and thus respecting the Free Will (and its consequences) of all life-forms, including ourselves, of course, but also of everything and everyone in our holograms. Thus, the exploration of genuine Love and Joy must include a discussion of a wide range of subject The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2007. All Rights Reserved


matter, from the more obvious issues of the Law of One, Omni-Love, Self-Love, Soft Love and the Laws of Divine Love, to areas such as Tough Love, Polarity, the Victim-Victimizer game, Martyrdom and Suffering. It is also important to discuss, from the stand-point of the Law of ONE, commonly held interpretations of Love and Joy, in particular those which do not acknowledge the consequences of Free Will Choice or the nature of polarity. There is a real sense in which one could say that Love and Joy are not for sissies! They are the natural consequence of a growing embodiment of an authentic Mastery which understands the nature of reality and is not afraid to look at what might be described as “negativity” because it understands that the very fact of being in a hologram of manifestation requires the dynamics of positive and negative, and that the key to integrating these dynamics lies not in denying either of them but rather in reconnecting with the Still-point of wholeness from which both step out into manifestation. It also recognizes that the attempt to deny either polarity actually gives it a disproportionate degree of power in our hologram (what we resist persists, and if we keep on resisting, it keeps on persisting!). Therefore, being truly loving can mean being willing to look at what might appear to be “negative” issues. It also involves being alert to the myriad ways in which self-sovereignty (and therefore genuine Love) is abdicated in behaviors such as guilt, manipulation, one-up-man-ship and approval-seeking, or playing roles such as rescuer or martyr. In the quest for Love and Joy, therefore, it is most useful to avail oneself of tools such as the Withness Quiz, the inner journeys in “Beyond the Veils,” the Attitudes and Responsibilities of Mastery and the more recent information on the Victim-Victimizer Game as well as gaining a working knowledge of the structures of Creation. Love is a state of Vibrational Harmonization and Source is in a perpetual state of such harmonization with all aspects of Creation, even those which may not be acting in what we may call “godly” ways. Source-Love recognizes that everything in Creation is an expression of itself. Because of the frequencies which are becoming increasingly available to us at this pivotal juncture in time, we have the opportunity to regain that full awareness of ourselves-as-Source and thus to comprehend and feel the pulse of Love in every aspect of our hologram, to realize that we-as-Source are learning huge lessons about the way energy works. The more we embody the Omni-Love state of the ManU Still-point, the more we can learn to see, with the eyes of Source, the playing out of the Laws of Divine Love even in a hologram that does not always seem to be, in a more superficial sense, “positive”. Divine Love allows for Free Will Choice, but this allowance is not a free-for-all. Source allows Free Will, but in its Love and respect for the Whole, it also allows its manifestations to experience the consequences of their actions and thus to learn, through direct experience, what DOES and what does NOT work in terms of sustaining Eternal Life. It is as though we are in the final chapters of a vast epic where we can finally see what types of actions lead to which types of consequences and that every character in our “story” has a gift to give us. If we give some time to nurturing our inner connection to Source right within our own beings, we-as-Source can learn to re-perceive our holograms as expressions of the One-Self exploring both the path of Love and the path of non-Love, in order to understand Love even more deeply. The same applies to Joy. The extremes to which this polarity has gone in this particular neck of the Cosmic woods may not have been part of the original intention, but if we can learn to observe our current hologram from the stand-point of the ManU Amoraea Flame of Divine Love, we will not only make our own journeys much smoother, but the living knowledge we have gained will become accessible, through us, to the creative force itself. The thought-form that triggered this particular spiral of extreme polarity started with the failure to acknowledge the absolute self-responsibility of every being. This took the form of one group of beings feeling grief because another group was experiencing a Fall as a natural consequence of their actions. This grief and the subsequent exploration of the Victim-Victimizer Game1 may have been, on one level, an expression of “love”, but it was a love which did not respect, fully, the Laws of Divine Love, or Consequence to Chosen Action. 1

Described in FOL 2007

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2007. All Rights Reserved


Part of the lessons of Love, as illustrated in this case, is to distinguish between compassion and “feeling sorry for”. True compassion is empowering; it does not interfere with the destiny of others but is willing to assist if requested and if the assistance is in congruence with Divine Law. “Feeling sorry for” and its attendant behaviors such as rescuing, martyrdom, neediness, dependency, blame and guilt, is disempowering as it denies the blessed self-sovereignty and Divine Power that is the birthright of everything in creation. In our culture, these disempowering behaviors often go under the guise of “love” (just listen to most „”love” songs!). Therefore, if we wish to embody true Divine Love, it is useful to be self-aware of the motives behind what we might consider to be loving behavior. A‟sha says in the Hawaii workshop: “we call things “love” here that are not Love”. It has been a great privilege as well as a journey of self-discovery to explore the Freedom Teachings from the perspective of Love and Joy. We have an amazing opportunity in this time frame to really “get it”, to experience all of Creation as part of Self, as Source itself does. A crucial aspect of this realization is that the level of Oneness lies at the level of our point of origin, Source or the Still-point, rather than at the level of the hologram alone. The statement that “we are all One” must be interpreted from the level of Omni-Love, just as a tree is all-one from the level of the root. All the components of the tree, the leaves, branches and trunk, must be free to be interconnected and yet independent, to fully express the “tree-ness” of the whole. Genuine Love requires that the statement “we are all one” is not interpreted so as to promote co-dependency, neediness or disempowerment, but rather total freedom to express as individual manifestations of a common Source. To fully embody Love and Joy, therefore, requires us to step fully into our power as self-sovereign beings and to allow others to do the same. May the exploration of Love and Joy in the following pages, from the perspective of the Freedom Teachings and in the words of our beloved Guardians and Speakers, assist in reawakening the cognition that Love truly is a many-splendored thing, as is Joy, and that the splendor lies within the depth of our own Being.

Esa Amoraea (always and forever Divine Love),

Rosaleen. ,

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2007. All Rights Reserved


The Law of ONE (From Masters Stewardship Manual: p. 7 – 11)

The “Law of One” …promotes Unconditional Love, Co-nurturing and healing of all races, through the recognition that ALL MANIFEST BEINGS are FACES OF SOURCE MANIFEST. There is only ONE Consciousness, Source-God, and all things and beings are living, diversified expressions of that Common Identity. The Law of One recognizes that beings who conduct themselves in seemingly “Ungodly ways” are those who have most forgotten this Core Truth of their Divine Identity. Through healing and reawakening of the “God-Spark Within”, the D-12 Inner Christos, a being can eventually remember and embody its Blessed Heritage. When this memory returns, Unconditional Love and Co-Creative “Divine Right Inter-relationship‖ become the natural embodied instinct and “Acting as if the God in All Things Matters” becomes the only sane and rational use of the Divine Gift of Self Sovereign Free Will…. The advantage of awakening the “God-Presence Within” is that, in doing so, a being can retain its individuation of identity and the memory of its manifest experience, to consciously re-join Source through Ascension. Through Ascension, a being re-attains the conscious ability to express Full Mastery of Chosen Experience, knowing itself in At-ONE-ment with God, through which the natural cycle of loving, Conscious CoCreation within the Wholeness that IS God can be perpetuated…. The Law of One is representative of the natural laws of Universal Unified Field Physics, the Divine Creation Mechanics by which the consciousness of Source perpetually creates the experience of manifest worlds…. If one‘s chosen ideas and actions support the Christiac Free Will Objective of Ascension, identity returns to Source along the Path of Divine Right Order of Conscious Sentience… The Christiac objective creates an experiential “Destiny of Joy” and progressive expansion of SELF into Wholeness. Idea, belief and action are the creative tools with which consciousness is endowed to employ the gift of Free Will Choice as to which path of experience one will select to follow. The Christiac Path of Order is that originally intended by Source, as Loving Joy is the Intrinsic Nature of Source. … The intrinsic nature of Source is LOVE. In this love, Source most desires to experience the Joy of its manifest expressions, while simultaneously honoring their Free Will in allowing them to choose otherwise. In honor of, and as a living reflection of the true Loving Nature of Source, the Founders and Emerald Covenant Races lend support to the ideas, beliefs and actions through which the Path of Order, the Christiac Free Will Objective and the Destiny of Joy are experientially attained. They ALLOW, but do not ENDORSE, ideas, beliefs and actions through which the Path of Chaos, the AntiChristiac Imposed Will Objective and the Destiny of Sorrow are experientially attained. The Path of Chaos is allowed in respect for the gift of Free Will Choice, without which the Divine Objective of the Destiny of Joy cannot be attained. But the Path of Order, which IS the Path of Divine Love, IS the preference of Source and so true representatives of Source will encourage, but not force, the Divine Right Use of Free Will Choice in creating Source‘s intended Divine Right Destiny of Perpetual Joy. The CHOICE is always ours…. As individuated manifest expressions of Source-God, we are imbued with the Power of Creation; our choices are the tools by which our experiential reality is created. Individually and collectively, we are the creators of our experientially manifest worlds; as we progressively remember and embody our organic Blessed Identity as Faces of God Manifest, our choices and our worlds will progressively become more ―Godly,‖ to reflect more of the true Loving Nature of God. This is the Divine Objective of God-Source….The Founders have always employed the truthful, loving and open sharing of knowledge as a means of encouraging beings to use their inherent power of free will choice to create loving, fearless, empowered experiential fulfilment of the Destiny of Joy…. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2007. All Rights Reserved


As long as we look to only external “authorities‖ for answers, we will never find the greater truths regarding ourselves and our universe, that are alive and awaiting our discovery within our personal Inner Christos identity.… If we desire to embody the reality of the Christos, then loving, reverent respect given genuinely, through gentle humility, is an attitude with which every creature in the universe should be treated. ALL beings are, after all, manifest Faces of God expressing at various stages of development…. Loving, reverent respect is unconditional, and includes respecting ourselves equally as Blessed Faces of God. Blind worship teaches us to insult, disrespect and deny the part of God that is manifest as the SELF, and encourages us to entertain the anti-Christiac elitist notion that any being is more worthy of love and acceptance than any other in the ―eyes of God.‖ Beings express at different stages of development in which corresponding levels of Christos embodiment, or lack there-of, are demonstrated: but regardless of the developmental level, ALL beings are “living parts of God” and therefore their Eternal Blessed Value is unquestionable. Freedom teachings lead you to the Christ Within. The Inner Christos tangibly exists as your higher-dimensional levels of personal awareness, the rest of your own God-given Blessed Identity, which is your own personal, inborn, indelible, living connection to the REAL One-Source that is God. True Christiac Teachings inspire everyone to embrace the personal true Divine Spirit, explore responsibility, be fearless, BE Christed-LOVE, to simultaneously honor the SELF, others and One-Source-God through fair and loving action.…. NEVER SETTLE for anything less than your own divinely given Angelic Human heritage…. The Christos teaches us to walk upright, with Divine Love, Dignity, Grace, Humility, Respect, Reverence and Power, as the living examples of the Christos Manifest, that Angelic Humans were intended to be. MM: Disk 1: 0h 58m

We are going to talk about the Creation Motive, which is the One Consciousness. We‘re going to talk about the idea, that‘s more than an idea, it‘s a manifest reality idea, but it‘s hard to see from here, that we are all One Being and One Consciousness, and everything in the Universe and all Universes is part of, and exists within, one Conscious Identity that is sentient, intelligent, has feeling, has desire, has intention, has will and has the ability to manifest thought. Because we are each an aspect or a face of that collective identity that many people choose to call ―God,‖ some choose to call ―Source,‖ some choose to call ―The Yunasai‖ and there are many other words for it, but that Source, that Oneness, that One Self: that IS creation. Because we are units of the face of that Source, we are imbued with the potentialities and the characteristics of that Source, which means, as Sourceas-God manifests, we, as smaller aspects of God taking place within God, also have the ability to manifest, if we know what we‘re doing! It‘s like we‘re pieces of God that forgot who we were and with the forgetting, we forgot how to do it. It‘s like we fall off the bike, hit our heads, had amnesia for a while and couldn‘t remember how the heck to make a bike work again! We‘re relearning what it means to be part of that One Consciousness and to be able to create from that space of: ―I AM Source. I AM at One with Source.‖ That doesn‘t mean that you are ―God‖ and you get to boss other people around! They‘re ―God‖ too! That doesn‘t mean that just because you are human you are ―God‖ and you can go step on other animals and, like, kill ants and cut down trees without asking permission, because they‘re ―God‖ too. Atoms and molecules are made out of the units of the Consciousness of God. There‘s a whole etiquette that comes with understanding the Oneness. If we can understand the Oneness of Creation, we can begin to understand the Core Creation Motive. How did Creation come to be in the first place? Where did it come to be? Where is it, really, in relation to what else? We can learn those basic things about Source, and what we‘re learning are those things about us because we are part of Source and we are, we can look at ourselves as the many masks that Source The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2007. All Rights Reserved


wears when it chooses to come into manifest hologram in order to experience itself in individuation. There is part of each of us that is always and indelibly connected to that level of knowing. DFL2: Disk 1: 2h 12

It all starts here: Partiki, Partika and Particum and the ManU, the EirA and the ManA Forces that are the Consciousness of God in its first organic expression. From that expression, everything else expresses within it. They are actually the first creation that everything else takes place within. God doesn‟t create outside of itself. It creates within itself. So, we live in God. Our world lives in God. Our universe lives in God. God‟s really big, but the funny thing is: God doesn‟t take up any space at all! It is all a hologram. DFL2: Disk : 2h 26m

We all are God and it‘s not blasphemous to say:‖I AM God!‖ It doesn‘t mean that ―I AM God, I am your boss, you listen to me.‖ It means: ―I AM God and, if I AM God, then so are you.‖ It means that we all should be really nice to each other and stop treating each other like we are anything but the same person.

DFL2: Disk 2: 21m

It is, like, if people just realize we are all out of the same God and that God doesn't have one name. It is a ―one God‖ but it has many names, and no names, all at the same time. If they could remember it‘s the spirit that lives and breathes through us that is our direct connection to that God, and get rid of their hierarchies of people that stand between you and God, then people could start to find their power, they could start to find their love and they could start to get along. DFL2: Disk 2: 36mins

I hope that the teachings we bring to you will help you to set yourselves free and help you to set yourselves free and ―back home‖ as well because there is a feeling that comes when you start to feel the God Presence truly open inside of you. The only thing that once a while you get, you get little glimmers of it no matter what religion you are in, a little glimmer, where you feel the presence with you…. That little glimmer was what managed to get through even though you were stuck in a dogma. That‟s how powerful that Spirit that is your connection to God is. So, if you can work with that, if we can do our jobs well, which I hope we will, we certainly try hard, is to get to get you back to that place where, no matter what goes on in this hologram, you can laugh, with joy, while having deep, deep compassion for the people who can't do that yet. Even if you're confronted with say... your own death.

The Laws of Divine Love The Life Force energies of the God-Force Trinity From: A Brief Orientation to Christiac Merkaba: FTR HB: p. 15

All things within manifest creation SHARE a COMMON SHIELD or Manifestation Template called the COSMIC SHIELD scalar-standing-wave template…. The living consciousness of the Cosmic Shield represents the first perpetually individuating expression of God-Source identity as God-Force or LIFE FORCE expression; this first expression of eternal, living God-Force-Life Force is known as the ManU Force, often known as the “HOLY SPIRIT” or “Great Spirit.” From and within the unified ManU expression of God-Source emerge simultaneously the 2 smaller, polarized Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine ManA and EirA God-Force Life Force expressions; together these first 3 expressions of God-Source AS God-Force Life Force create the TRUE ―Divine Trinity” of Cosmic Creation. The ManU, ManA and EirA God-Force Life Forces are NOT external “Creator Gods” demanding ―worship;‖ they represent the first three levels of living God-Source consciousness expressing as The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2007. All Rights Reserved


conscious, sentient, intelligent Life Force energy, existing WITHIN God-Source; God-Source created a portion of ITSELF as this Divine Trinity Life Field of Living Consciousness to serve as the Unified Field of Living Consciousness WITHIN WHICH the experience of all manifest creation and identity individuation could take place. ALL energy, consciousness and manifestation emerge WITHIN and are COMPOSED OF the Life Force energies of the God-Force Trinity; separation from God-Source is only an illusion we can create for ourselves while within individuated manifestation, when we forget the OMNIPOTENT nature of Creation through the OMNIPRESENT God-Force Divine Trinity. Through the ManU-ManA-EirA God-Force Divine Trinity the ―Divine Child” of the Cosmic KRIST (known on the smaller UNIVERSAL level as the ―Christ‖) is perpetually born. The Cosmic Krist is the living God-Force consciousness field created through the specific combining of the ManU-ManA-EirA God-Forces within a very specific “DIVINE DESIGN,” by which the First Creation of Manifest Expression could occur, was enabled to remain perpetually in motion, and through which GodSource and its many manifestations of SELF can retain an Eternal, Perpetual OPEN inter-relationship. The Cosmic Shield of ManU-Holy Spirit consciousness serves as the Cosmic STILL POINT of Creation and holds within itself the smaller Cosmic Templates of Divine Masculine-ManA and Divine Feminine-EirA consciousness, called the Polarity Shields…. Through the Sacred KRIST CODE ―mathematical geometrical” PROGRAM FOR MANIFEST CREATION, the CHRISTOS SEED ATOM and the Divine Blueprint for Eternal Life and At-ONE-ment with God-Source are perpetually created, as the FIRST CREATION is perpetually renewed via continual circulation of the ManUManA-EirA Divine Trinity through the Cosmic-Universal-Galactic-Planetary and PERSONAL INTERNAL Krist-Christ Code and Merkabic Circulatory System. Amoraea Flame: Eternal Flame of Divine Love The Eternal INTERNAL Flame of God-Consciousness The Cosmic Kristos Seed Atom is the Living, Sentient Consciousness Field, formed by the intermingling of the Divine Trinity God-Forces, which emerges as an elliptical-sphere-standing-wave-body within the Center Point of the Cosmic Krist Template, allowing the unified ManU-“Holy Spirit” God-Force to emerge within the Kristos Seed Atom center as the ―Eternal INTERNAL Flame” of God-Consciousness or ―open two-wayswinging door” between God-Source and manifestation fields within IT. The Eternal INTERNAL Flame of ManU-Holy Spirit energy at the center of the Cosmic Kristos Seed Atom is often called the “Amoraea Flame,” which means “Eternal Flame of Divine Love.” The Cosmic Kristos Seed Atom is formally known as the AZUR-A, which means the ―Center Point of Eternal Creation.” Fueled eternally by God-Source via the ―Eternal INTERNAL Amoraea Flame‖ at the center, the Cosmic Krist Seed Atom perpetually creates smaller ―Replicas” of itself to serve as the ―Living Seeds” and Divine Blueprint from and within which Time Matrices, Universes and their inherent matter systems are perpetually born….The Universal Christ Template serves as the Blueprint for Divine Order of Consciousness and energy through which manifest Universes and their contents perpetually emerge and can perpetually RETURN to the De-manifest state of At-ONE-ment with God-Source… As Manifest Creation was set in motion upon the God-Source Original Divine Intention of Perpetual Motion, Eternal Life, Love Based, Co-creative, FREE Will expression (a direct reflection of the nature of God-Source), the The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2007. All Rights Reserved


Universal Christos Seed Atom, and its D-12 Universal Christos Consciousness Unified Field, embody this intention and thus Love Unconditionally while ALLOWING the Right of Free Will Choice, even if that choice leads to the Choice of OPPOSITE EXPRESSION to the Original Intention and Divine Will of God-Source. However, as God-Source Divine Original Intention includes the characteristics of PERPETUAL MOTION and ETERNAL LIFE expression, as well as the characteristic of Free Will Choice … the Cosmic Kristos Seed Atom and its Universal Christos reflections ALSO EMBODY the characteristic of CONSERVATION OF Original Divine Intention, which expresses in terms of NATURAL PHYSICS LAW as the dynamic of “CAUSE AND EFFECT” or ―Action and Reciprocal Reaction.” In terms of Natural Spiritual Law the dynamic of Conservation of Original Divine Intention expresses as the LAW OF RECIPROCITY (also known as “You will reap what you Sow” or “What Goes Around Comes Around”), which is the dynamic of CONSEQUENCE TO CHOSEN ACTION as the temperance to Free Will Choice…. The MECHANICS OF PHYSICS THAT God-Source created as the mechanics of Cosmic Order are themselves imbued with the God-Source Original Divine Intention of PERPETUAL MOTION, ETERNAL LIFE expression AND conservation of these attributes of creation. Cosmic Order is DESIGNED TO BE A SELF-SUSTAINING, SELF-REBALANCING SYSTEM…. Manifest Creation was given the GIFT of Free Will expression within the greater context of DIVINE WILL EXPRESSION…. When manifest beings use their gift of Free Will Choice within Cooperative Co-creative relationship to the intrinsic Natural Laws of Energy and the Original Divine Intention, the state of At-ONE-ment with GodSource can be known and embodied while within the manifest experience. Being both a sentient individual manifest AND simultaneously KNOWING Oneself as a direct, embodied expression of Christiac God-Source is known as the state of ―God-Actualization”; this state creates the experience of FULLY ENGAGED NON-ATTACHMENT (not DIS-ENGAGED DETACHMENT) accompanied by perpetual Unconditional Love, Peace, Spiritual and Material Mastery and Ecstatic Joy within the manifest arena. Manifest beings are enabled to experience this state of ―God-Actualization” due to the ―two-way-swinging door to God‖, the living Eternal Internal Amoraea Flame standing wave of ManU-Holy Spirit that resides within the center of the personal Christos Seed Atom Azur-A at the Centre Point of the personal Inner Christ Divine Blueprint. The Holy Spirit Eternal Internal Flame is NOT just a “spiritual concept;” it is a tangible, quantifiable standing wave of living ManU-God-Force consciousness….

The Paradox of Free Will The Divine Blueprint for the Law of Allowance provides for full range of Free Will Choice, even that of direct Opposite Expression to Divine Christiac (Eternal Life) Intention, or ―Anti-Christiac Expression,” WITHIN THE CONTEXT of the Law of Divine Balance through which ALLOWANCE exists within a greater structure of Harmonious Balance between Kristiac/Christiac and Anti-Christiac Expression. At the point where ALLOWANCE of Free Will Choice of Opposite Expression overly stresses the inherent Tolerances of energetic interrelationship within the Original Divine Design, and thus threatens continued expression of the The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2007. All Rights Reserved


Original Divine Intention of Eternal Life-Perpetual Motion Creation, the Spiritual Law of Reciprocity and its Natural Physics Law translation of Cause, Effect and CONSEQUENCE TO ACTION will RESTORE BALANCE to the Manifest Creation. Cosmic Order was designed to express the Original Kristiac-Christiac Divine Intention of Perpetual Motion, Eternal Life, Love-based, Free Will Creation. Both the Original Divine Intention and the gift of Free Will Choice regarding Opposite Expression are provided for within the Laws of Allowance and Balance; both are allowed expression, within the natural energy Tolerances required to ensure Conservation of the Original Divine Intention and the Eternal Life Manifestation Framework which both Divine Expression and Opposite Expression require in order to exist. The Law of Balance applies to the ―relationships between Force, Counter-force and a natural balance between the two,” by and through which both Christiac Eternal Life Creation AND the potential for Anti-Christiac Opposite Expression can co-exist within a greater balanced order that ensures the Preservation of the Original Creation Framework that both depend upon. Through these Natural Laws of Allowance, Balance and Reciprocity imbued within the Cosmic Krist Divine Blueprint for Cosmic Creation, each individuated manifestation of God-Source is ACCOUNTABLE for applied use of Free Will Choice and will experience the CONSEQUENCE of REACTION in direct proportion to Chosen Action, through the Spiritual Law of Reciprocity and the Natural Physics Law of Cause, Effect and Consequence…. God-Source has a PREFERENCE of Christiac use of Free Will Choice, for through this choice great Joy and limitless Co-creative endeavor can be experienced by individuals manifest and shared with God-Source eternally… God-Source is the Original ONE-Source out of which ALL individuation emerges. God-Source has no conflict within ITSELF regarding the issue of Free Will and the potential of Opposite Expression. Upon projecting portions of its own identity into individuation within the Manifestation Arena of Time Matrices and Universes, God-Source fully agrees to the Natural Laws and Conditions that IT set for ITSELF regarding balanced use of Free Will Creation Power and ACCOUNTABILITY FOR CHOSEN ACTIONS. The Natural Laws of Kristiac/Christiac Creation and the RESPONSIBILITY for ACCOUNTABILITY in the use of Free Will are fully understood by each individuating aspect of God-Source upon ITs original projection into manifestation…. The Natural Laws of Reciprocity, Allowance and Balance are collectively known as the: “Laws of Divine LOVE.” God-Source does not experience guilt, nor will God-Source accept blame for the consequence of Free Will Choices made by individuals manifest…. The path of Eternal Life and continual AT-ONE-ment with God-Source, which is made possible through the INTERNAL Kristos/Christos/God-Spark Seed Atom and Krist/Christ Divine Blueprint, is known as the ―Path of Replenishing Return,” the ―Path of Joy,” or the ―Path of the Christos.” DFL2: Disk 1: 2h 1m

It is really funny. The reason I use the words ―Light, Love and Clueless‖ a lot is because I spent a lot of my existence in the last 500 billion years in the Light, Love and Clueless space, which means: ―Oh, if there‘s life, there‘s hope. Love it. Love it enough and it will come back. Love it enough and it won‘t destroy you. Love it enough and it will become good even if it doesn‘t want to be.” No it won‘t!!! So, there is a whole group of Council that kind of sits up there now, goes: ―Well, we don‘t like to say we told you so. We understand the love that you guys were coming from. And because it is a free will system we honored your wishes. Happy now? Can we finish it now?” The finishing has to do with simply resetting the Divine Blueprint completely. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2007. All Rights Reserved


You would think theoretically, whatever it is, if God made it and God let it get broken, then God could fix it. Right? Well, some things, because of the order of the way the universe works, just the mathematics, the physics, that are needed to create the hologram, some things are more easy to accomplish than others. Now, you can, if we did not have a Free Will Time Matrix here, if we wouldn‘t have been nullifying our own point by saying: “Ok. We are going to make them get better. We are going to go in there, wipe their memory clean, put them back together and then drag them out by the bootstraps.” … You know those kinds of things! That would have been a violation of the free will of those who chose to take that path.

The Family Tree of Consciousness Tangible Structure of the Soul Handbook: Lectures Transcripts: p. 19 ff

There can be no real separation between the individual and the God Mind. This is simply because the morphogenetic template of identity, upon which individual consciousness manifests, exists as an intrinsic part of the cosmic identity structure, and, both the individual and the cosmos exist eternally within the mind of God. So, then, the process of spiritual advancement to attain At-One-Ment with God, is a process of expanding into the cognition of ―I AM God‖ – knowing the self as an expression of this infinite consciousness; knowing the self as an externalized collective consciousness, within which no real separation exists between God and its infinite manifestations. When one expands to encompass the knowing ―I AM God,‖ one simultaneously understands the ALL is God, and, therefore does not place the personal, individuated identity as above, or superior to, any other manifestation of the God Mind. Humility, in reference to all life, and not the illusions of personal grandeur, is the result of knowing the self as the “I AM Presence” in complete At-One-Ment with God. At-One-Ment and Absolute Love Through the condition of At-One-Ment with God, through selflessness and humility, genuine love can be known. The feeling of love is the result of the condition of vibrational harmonization, or the co-resonance of consciousness, between the lover and the Beloved. Expansion into At-One-Ment with God creates the condition of absolute harmonization between the individual consciousness and the God Mind, a co-resonance of consciousness between God and the individuated manifestations of itself. In terms of ―felt experience,‖ At-One-Ment creates the feeling of absolute love, Unconditional Love, the quality of Love the God Mind experiences toward all its manifestations (with whom it eternally remains in a state of vibrational co-resonance of consciousness). All things exist within the mind of God and so the God Mind exists in a perpetual state of vibrational co-resonance or Absolute Love with all manifestations of itself. The experience of lack of love reflects the condition or non-resonance of consciousness between the individuated manifestation of God and the totality of the God Mind itself. Absolute Love and Absolute Joy Non-resonance of consciousness or vibrational disharmony between the individual mind and the God Mind can only be experienced by the individual who has yet to achieve ―At-One-Ment‖ with the totality of itself as a manifestation of the God Mind. Personal expansion to ―At-One-Ment‖ or harmonic resonance with the God Mind allows the individual to transcend all vibrational disharmonics of consciousness and to retain co-resonance with The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2007. All Rights Reserved


the Cosmos. At-One-Ment creates absolute love and absolute love IS the eternal vibrational resonance of consciousness that holds the structures of the Cosmos together. Absolute Love creates the experience of absolute joy and ecstatic fulfilment – and, in human terms, generates the attributes of all those feelings and sensations deemed as “good.” All conditions of disease, conflict, pain, anguish and suffering are the direct result and manifestation of vibrational dissonance of individual consciousness with the God Mind. The only absolute cure for any malady is absolute love. … Creating the experience of At-One-Ment is the process of progressive expansion beyond the boundaries of the personality and ego identity into the greater aspects of gestalt identity as contained within the family tree of consciousness – a progressive realization of the Self as a plural rather than singular construct. The personal identity is not lost, overtaken or compromised within the expansion of self – it is instead its Self, expanded to become the gestalt identity – just as the identity of the child expands to become the adult. TMR Disk 2: 7 mins

The KrystalA Council: they just ooze love. You can just feel how much absolute love. It‘s not ―unconditional.‖ Unconditional Love is really a fallacy because all things have some kinds of conditions. There are consequences in energy in anything in the manifest worlds. But there‟s absolute love which is love that loves regardless of… whether it‘s a wonderful or a horrible thing. It still knows its Oneness through Source. So they love us in a way that, if someone said to you: ―Do you forgive her for what she did?‖ it would almost not register what you are talking about. ―Forgive you, right? Forgiving means I would have to have judged you in the first place.‖ They‘re coming from such a pure space, so if you can begin to feel a little bit of that type of … it‘s a bit like a place you want to run away to but you don‘t have to because it‘s opening here. It‘s opening inside of yourself. But there is a Love, and it‘s not that ―where is the Love?‖ stuff. There are certain types of ―Love‖ that aren‘t Love at all; they‘re ways of pulling power from people and pulling energy from people that are actually harmful. SSAR-1 Disk 3

(Describing the transmission of a code) There‘s something special about this set- up here that it was when I was getting the drawing for this to see exactly how these arcs went over … I was looking at this and drawing this area that created that spontaneous burst of that Absolute Love feeling and just complete Peace. There was a peace that was, like, great, because it didn‘t matter to even the elements in my body …there was a Peace in that feeling of Love that made this drama we‘re in, this planetary drama, look like, ―well, this too shall pass.‖ Sometimes you want to go on a picnic and it rains that day! There‘s another day. There‘s an ease about it and it wasn‘t about not caring. It was about caring hugely. There‟s a way of caring that is very different when you get into the Kristiac worlds. It is deeper. It is more dependable. It is pure and it is not needy, and it might actually be a little slow in realizing what ―needy‖ means, so if it runs into needy people they may get very frustrated with a Kristiac being, because they‘re trying to suck energy from you and you don‘t even think about that because you don‘t hold your fields in a way that that could happen. And if someone is used to feeling valued by energy entrapment, by sucking energy off you, and they‘re running their little auto-pilot games, they (games) won‘t work with you and they (people) might get upset and have temper tantrums and blame it on you! ―What are you doing?‖ ―Nothing, I‘m just being me!‖ EAW: Disk 2

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2007. All Rights Reserved


Affirmations of Divine Love Ah-Bhin‟ a-DO‟r en-Na‟-Sa True Love is not blind… Yah-NA‟s-A-DO‟-rA Um-es-ta‟-A God-Love embraces all Jha-wha-n oost‟-Ta-A With heart resolute REa-ha‟ Bhen TO‟RA, Principle Firm Im‟-Sa E‟-DA, And eyes wide open. That means you love it whatever it is. It does not mean you bend to it if it‘s not in your or its own best interests to do so… love is firm in principle. Kristiac Love, all love that wants to last longer than a breath, is built upon commitment and principle. It is a state of vibrational harmonization that allows for eternal ebb and flow of frequency, that allows for eternal life, because it circulates energy backward and forward and it doesn‘t withhold, or hold away from… So, when we talk about love, we are talking about the true kind, not the blind kind, not the one that goes: ―I‘ll pretend I don‘t see you doing anything wrong.‖ This is not love; this is not wanting somebody to get upset with you, because you‘d rather avoid confrontation. Sometimes love is saying: ―There are consequences to your actions, no matter how much you are loved,‖ and that‘s what‘s misunderstood here. So in this statement, with its meaning in English, (and it even carries even more of it in the words of Anuhazi), those words carry that sentiment of: ―Do you love enough to say ‗No‘ if something is destroying itself, and other things, to say ‗No, we will do something to protect you from yourself and to protect others from you‘?‖ Source does this, or none of us would be around at this point to speak about anything. Source wouldn‘t have been eternal. Its quantum of infinite energy would have imploded in on itself if it had allowed itself to be completely and constantly used, abused and turned into space-dust. We wouldn‘t have Source as a living energy field anymore, as a united consciousness. What we would have would be space-dust, floating around in whatever was left of what was once called Source. So self-preservation is natural. Source does it. The Krist code is built on it. And it doesn‘t mean you have to go kill other things to preserve yourself. The type of love that the Rainbow Bridge brings is about firm love, love that‟s firm in principle.

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2007. All Rights Reserved


The Energy-Reality of LOVE Kathara Level One Manual

In terms of Universal Physics, Love is an energy reality, a STATE OF VIBRATIONAL HARMONIZATION, or CORESONANCE OF FREQUENCY that allows an energetic bridge to build between individuals. It is through this energetic bridge of frequency that one can assist in running healing energies that will facilitate the healing process of others. Without the sentiment and FREQUENCY OF GENUINE LOVE, one cannot energetically facilitate the healing of another. LOVE is the essential ingredient in healing, for it allows the opening of facilitator and client‘s bio-energetic fields to the Universal Frequencies of the interdimensional spectrum. Cultivating the ability to embrace and hold the frequencies of Universal or OMNI-LOVE is the responsibility of any true healing facilitator. The emotionally experienced reality of the frequency of Love takes many forms. In healing facilitation it is important to assess the most appropriate form of love to engage with each individual client.

OMNI-LOVE: Fully Engaging the Love Vibration Honoring the Divinity within All: Namaste Omni-Love is the fulfillment of the Christos Principle, the goal toward which human evolution moves forth through progressive activation of the 12-Strand Silicate Matrix DNA Template and the embodiment of the Avatar Identity. The greatest love that can be embodied in human form is OMNI-LOVE. OMNI-LOVE is a pure state of Vibrational Frequency Co-resonance between the human identity and 12 dimensions of reality within which the human anatomy is couched. Omni-Love is expressed in human form as Christed Love or Christos Consciousness, the 12th-Dimensional Love of the Maharic Level of Identity. Christos Love is a state of full Frequency Resonance with everything existing in the many universes contained within 12 Dimensions of the 15-Dimensional System. It is a transcendent love that is attached to no thing, but is AT ONE with ALL THINGS in a state of perpetual Engaged Detachment. Through Christos-Omni-Love, the Self is known as an extension of God, or the Divine Source, a temporary mask of form worn by the ONE CONSCIOUSNESS of the Cosmos. All things and beings are known as simultaneous expressions of the ONE-SELF that is God-Source. From this state of transcendence in love, all activity is understood to exist within the reality of LOVE, and all conflict and strife are viewed as the ONE-SELF progressively expanding the ability of its expressions to carry the frequencies of energy that constitute ONE-LOVE, a state of total vibrational Frequency Co-resonance with the Cosmos. Activation of the full 12-Strand Silicate Matrix DNA Template and full integration of the Mahara Hova Body Avatar Identity allows for the experiential embodiment and transmission of Christos-Omni-Love. Embodiment of Omnilove is the goal toward which human evolution moves forth. Omni-Love is Soft, Tough, and Enduring, honoring Self, Other and the Divine simultaneously. It is the strongest healing force of frequency in the four Harmonics of Matter Density. Christos-Omni-Love is the fulfillment of the Christos Principle. Strive to bring Omni-love into your life, and personal and client healing facilitation, and you will assist your higher identity levels to create transformation! Omni-Love is the natural structure of reality. AWARENESS of Omni-Love is cultivated through intention and appropriate use of personal free will choice in congruence with the natural Laws of the Unified Field Physics of Consciousness and Creation. Through living in Omni-Love, all moments are known as Sacred, all beings are known as Blessed, and Life becomes an ecstatic study in Reverence for Existence. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2007. All Rights Reserved


Omni-Love and Polarity: Does Source Have a Preference? MM: Disk 1: 1h 36m

Source IS the consciousness that becomes the negative and the positive polarity, in electrical charge. It becomes electromagnetism. It IS the identity that becomes the force of order and the force of chaos. It IS the identity that becomes the force that ―down here‖ we might judge as ―good‖ versus ―evil‖ or manifestation versus demanifestation. These are the polarities that exist within Source because it is necessary to have polarity if you desire to experience the hologram of projection. So therefore Source does allow for, and create, the ―negative‖ side of things, as well as the ―positive‖ side of things. When we move into a space of incorporating more of our Source-ness, where we get more of that consciousness into our bodies, we DO have a different relationship to judgment. The words ―good‖ and ―evil‖ don‘t mean the same things any more. ―Evil‖ becomes understood as a state of ignorance and innocence to knowing, but that doesn‟t mean that all actions are perceived equally and desired equally by Source. Now if we follow the thought pattern, or the idea, that Source is a Unified Field (indeed Source is, in its wholeness), Source is a Unified Field and therefore is in a state of vibrational harmonization or vibrational co-resonance (which is the feeling we call Love) with all things in the Universe. And you cannot judge (which is pushing away and separating) and love (which is harmonizing and pulling together) at the same time while you are in polarity. However, Source can do this because is simultaneously in polarity, manifesting AS polarity, and manifesting as wholeness, co-existent. Polarity exists within the wholeness. If we follow the thought pattern that our job is to transcend polarity consciousness which is making judgments about things: ―Oh, this is good and that‘s bad. This is evil and that‘s holy. This is negative and that is positive‖ and we assign a value to one of those that‘s better than the other, it IS true that we are missing a point. The point is that they both co-exist and to have one you must have the other. Source creates manifestation because it has a desire. It is an intelligence that has feeling that‘s a little different than how we experience emotion but it‘s a direct cognition-feeling. It has a desire, and from the desire comes an intention or cognition, and then an intention and then a will and then a thought-form and then a manifestation. The core desire of why Creation takes place is because Source desires to know itself continually and perpetually in as many new ways as it can. Of course it‘s all simultaneous, and ―new‖ and ―old‖ are kind of, like, only terms you can experience when you‘re in the hologram of polarity! In order to create an experience for itself in which Source could study, explore, expand, express itself in all sorts of different forms, to know itself fully, the framework for polarity was created: the Cosmic Matrix which was called the Energy Matrix which is a certain way that Source organized units of its consciousness within itself in order to create polarity of those units…. Now, the original intention of Source in creating a polarized universe was to be able to fulfil the experience of expressing and knowing itself in individuation in MANY forms. Source IS dimensional structure. It IS the units of consciousness that form dimensional structure. Source-Consciousness IS the consciousness of the planets, of the galaxies, of every energy force that is known throughout the galaxies and of every individual. The Time Matrix or the Cosmic Matrix (the Cosmic Matrix and then the smaller Time Matrix within it) are platforms of consciousness within Source: that Source can play and experience itself in all sorts of different types of form and interaction of form. Now, in order to have what we call ―positive experience‖ or, let‘s say, an experience that creates the feeling of Joy and expansion and happiness inside of ourselves (that‘s what those things look like from down here when you‘re in a polarized body), you will, until you bring it to the next level up, experience ―happiness‖ or ―sadness‖ where you are experiencing, in separate pieces, the wholeness or the totality. When we get to the question of: ―Does Source have a preference, since Source is both? Does that mean Source endorses action that could be perceived as so destructive that it could literally destroy the framework itself?‖ This is where the question of ―is it our job to just simply become so much of Source that we have no value judgment at all toward either negative or positive?‖ The answer to that part of the question is: ―Yes, that‘s right.‖ The idea is The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2007. All Rights Reserved


to acknowledge both exist, to realize that to have one you must have the other. Therefore both are essential and necessary. So you do not impose one value that‘s different from the other on the core condition of Creation. You know negative and positive must exist, particle and anti-particle must exist, if you‘re going to have a holographic experience in which to know yourself as Source. However, that framework of reality, that framework is dependent upon units of consciousness in Source being organized in a specific way. It‘s a delicate balance of energy particles, of positive energy particles compared to negative energy particles… There (at the more core levels of Creation) it is acknowledged that both polarities are important, both are equally loved, equally valued, equally intentionally created with an original intention to be able to experience objectification and externalization. This is where balance becomes the key, because in the holographic framework, if one or the other side of those things got too far out of balance with the other, you would create a situation within Source where the thought-form kind of imploded upon itself. In physics terms, that is exactly what particles will do. If the balance of negative and positive forces is not held within that Still-point at their center, which is the Source intention, the intention itself can become compromised, and Source does not permit that to occur. Source also is aware: when you are in polarization, you as a part of Source, as part of the consciousness that once upon a time you were the one that decided to do this! But, once you come into objectification, your form will determine how much awareness you can take with you in that particular lifetime. While you are in polarization, the realities of polarity will literally be manifest in your consciousness and in your body. You will have experience of Joy (―this feels good‖), pain (―this feels not good‖). You can learn to react to pain in a way where you say simply: ‖Oh, this is energy too‖ and you can go to Joy and say: ―And this is energy too‖ which takes you into a different space of feeling. It raises the emotional body to a higher level where you can say: ―Hmm. I acknowledge both.‖ You can acknowledge both and choose to stand back from it, which in truth is called denial, or you can acknowledge both and fully allow them to run through you, both polarities. And when they run through you, when you don‘t assign a value or push either one of them away, they transmute. They come together, the polarities, particle and antiparticle that compose those thought-forms, come together, transmute, turn into anti-matter and go to the next level up. You progressively transmute the polarities so you expand back into Source. There is a distinction between choosing not to value judge: ―Well I like good better than bad, you know, I like positive better than negative.‖ Some people like it the other way round! If you can realize both are the experience of energy and consciousness in polarity, both are valid, they are fine, but while you are in polarity one will feel more expansive and one will feel more contracting. Source is aware of itself being in polarity, simultaneously being in wholeness. It doesn‘t fear for its ability to expand back into itself for it knows it can‘t become lost. It knows it can experience the absolute worse thing that can happen to a being or a universe which is, in physics terms, implosion, which is hitting a point of contraction so severe that the template of that form or that planet or that universe literally fragments and goes back to simple units of the consciousness of Source. Now, they still exist within Source. They‘re not separate from it. But those units of the consciousness of Source hold very, very little recognition of the significance of knowing itself. It‘s the difference between being unconscious of your relationship to anything else (―space-dust‖) or progressively expanding your form to hold the knowledge, the wisdom, the knowing, the vibration of the entire Time Matrix and then the Energy Matrix beyond it, and then Source. We all go back to Source, one way or the other. We go back either through fragmentation completely, where we become undifferentiated units of consciousness that do not hold memory of the journey that they were on (they‘re just as blessed) or we can go back in the full expansion by which we literally internalize again the entire frequency patterns of the 15 Dimensional Matrix, the Sound Matrix beyond it (Energy Matrix) and then expand back into Source with full knowing. It‘s a difference between being a conscious co-creator with and as Source or being the substance of itself that Source will use in its active phase, to create with. When we come to the point of recognizing that, first of all, getting caught in polarity consciousness means dividing things up into ―good‖ versus ―bad‖ and: ―I prefer this so I am going to push that away from me.‖ As soon as you push it away, you‘re guaranteeing you‘re going to lock yourself into a relationship with it. Really, you know! Energetically speaking, it‘s exactly what you do! You need to integrate…. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2007. All Rights Reserved


Right now, we‘re in the middle of a situation since 25,500 B.C. on this planet, where there‘s been a progressive corruption of the teachings of sacred mechanics here in order to get human consciousness to be in a particular position of non-action where it is tricked into thinking it is behaving like Source and as Source if it simply chooses to do nothing and let the illusion roll on. That is called a state of detachment. It is the opposite of the state of Love which is vibrational harmonization, which is full engaging. We are being tricked, using the concept of understanding Source where it is neutral as far as value judgment goes (both are beloved, both polarities are beloved and part of the Self). However, Source is not neutral when it comes to the original intention: to have a Time Matrix, to have a reality field where both polarities could exist so that experience could be known. We are being programmed by twisted teachings (80% good stuff, 20% twist and if you don‘t know enough of the mechanics you can‘t see the twist). We‘re being taught to project our thoughts in a way that will render us as undifferentiated units of consciousness, which are what other forces that have their consciousness intact use to create things with. We are being disempowered by a twist on those. If you completely go into detachment saying: ―Well, it‘s all the same to me,‖ do you really think Source just says: ―It‘s all the same to me. I‘m going to go do something else‖ and just lets it run? See, this isn‘t what happens but this is what the… infiltration of good teachings has tried to do; it has tried to make Source out to be a force that says: ―Oh, I created this and I‘m totally neutral so I don‘t care if people are suffering and feeling terrible. That‘s their problem. They‘re down there now. They‘ll evolve to become bigger where they don‘t have to feel that any more because they can choose not to identify with the pain.‖ … I know that beings, even in polarity, if their templates are intact with dimensional structure so they can receive the consciousness coming down from Source into their templates, have a HUGE compassion for everything. They progressively learn to embody the state called “Unconditional Love” which is a state of vibrational harmonization or co-resonance between ―this‖ and anything else outside of it so everything becomes a part of you. When you are in a state of Love with a thing or a being (you can compare it to your children or to something which really inspires that Love feeling), it is the opposite of total detachment. Now, if you go for attachment, you end up strangling the thing you love and it runs away. You push it away! There is a balance between engaging and disengaging. There‟s a still-point in between those two things that allows the state of Love to happen. … One of the things the Fallen Angelics do is to teach you detachment so you kind of walk around and not care much…. They control people by making sure that one level of consciousness can‘t talk to the rest…. We chose, as Ascended Masters, to come into a reality system with a specific template that happens to be our body blueprint. We chose why we wanted to come and we chose our body blueprint in relation to why we wanted to come… At a certain level, we know we are all equal. Same with the Fallen Angelics: they‘re not ―bad guys‖ because at that level, really, ―good‖ and ―bad‖ don‘t apply. ―God pretending it‘s awake and God pretending it‘s asleep‖ is more like it, because God wants to know itself, and if it‘s going to know itself ―awake‖ then that implies ―asleep‖: what would that be? So, there is a level where it is all okay and there are teams of consciousness that come in, that Source manifests itself as, that are the balance-keepers. They‘re the restorers when balance is out. They‘re called the Security Team. In this Time Matrix it‘s the Azurite Security Team…. The real nature of Source isn‘t detachment where it doesn‘t have a preference. It has full allowance and allows all things but its most full expression is fully engaged detachment, where it is fully detached and fully engaged in the reality field, which means it‘s feeling, it‘s experiencing, it‘s acting; that‘s being fully engaged. And, at the same time, it is still, it is quiet, it is non-intervening, it is not acting. Source stays in the point of Creation (manifesting), and not-Creation (and not manifesting anything), all at the same time….

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2007. All Rights Reserved


It‘s really important that we realize we have within us the Still-point which is that full point of connection to Source and its wholeness, that has an understanding, that if we learn to open it in ourselves we can listen to what others have to say but we‟ll never, ever again hand our power over to somebody else. Ecka Letter

Denying the existence of the ―Is-ness‖ of opposite polarities in hope of ―transcending polarity‖ is not only utterly futile, as it casts one fully into a fully polarized singular-polarity extreme, it is also one of the greatest demonstrations of Choosing Fear and denying the Living God-Source-Within. Beings choosing fearlessness openly acknowledge polarity as an organic condition of manifest energy, observe the reality of what IS, and use the personal power of their conscious mind to choose ideas, assessments and labels that honor the infinity of the God-Source-Within them and within all things, through which the ―IS-ness‖ and inherent living perfection of all creation can be fearlessly revealed, embraced, allowed, engaged and unconditionally loved. Who is responsible for creating your fear? Who is powerful enough to heal it? YOU are, in co-creation with, and expressing AS, your Living God-Source-Within.

Self Love Honoring the Divinity Within the Self In healing facilitation, Love is the essential ingredient. All love begins with the Divinity Within the SELF. You will be able to transmit the frequency of love to others in direct proportion to your ability to hold the frequency of love within yourself. If you do not recognize your intrinsic value as a Divine Being, and seek validation of your existence through external sources such as achievements, status or other-approval, you will likewise project these sentiments into your love relationships with others. If a client does not meet the external standards of validation that you have placed on yourself to determine your personal worthiness of love, you will have difficulty not falling into judgment of the client. Judgment and love cannot transmit through the human body at the same time. Judgment creates an energy reality of separation or Non-Resonant Frequencies of energy, whereas Love creates the Co-resonance of Frequencies needed for open flow of Universal Energies for healing facilitation. If one can realize that LOVE IS THE ONLY CONSTANT and that all conditions of judgment change, it is easier to cultivate the innate ability to fully hold the frequency of Love. Though ASSESSMENT of conditions, actions or attitudes is useful and necessary, such assessment can be rendered through ―separating the person from the action.‖ You can judge the effectiveness or value of the action or idea without assigning a value judgment to the person to which it is attached. If the healing facilitator can feel love, reverence, respect and honor for the Divinity within Themselves, they will also transmit these qualities of excellence in Love to the client. The quality of Love brought into the healing facilitation experience will directly affect the success of healing assistance given. Love the Self and know that all beings possess an unalienable worth and value as a living part of the Divine. Begin to cultivate this awareness within your personal life and you will greatly increase your effectiveness as a healing facilitator. Love, honor and respect yourself, your feelings, your dreams and your desires, so you may better love those you wish to serve. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2007. All Rights Reserved


Self Love: As a Responsibility of Mastery Responsibilities of Mastery

It is our own responsibility to love and nurture ourselves through the limitless gift of Divine Spirit that moves through us at every moment; genuine love must come from within, and can only come though genuine spiritual connection to the eternal God-self and its inherent connection to all creation. If we seek love ―on the outside‖ in order to fulfill a personal loneliness or lack within, we enter relationships as ―energy vampires;‖ we are seeking a substitute for our personal God-Force connection through tapping into the God-Force embodied within other people or beings. This is not ―LOVE,‖ it is ―NEED,‖ which implies the ―LACK‖ of something essential, which in turn implies a limited personal connection to God-Source Universal Consciousness. Such lack cannot be filled by external ―love;‖ it can only be filled by recognizing the God within you and thus recognizing that you are a living embodiment of absolute love. Once this is recognized you will HAVE the greatest love of all--God Love, and from this Position of Divine Power, you can go into the world seeking those to whom you can give this love, rather than seeking those from whom you can “get” love. When love is approached through Self Love, the motivation is to give joyfully, knowing that anything you might need can be made manifest through the Love of the active God Force that you carry inside yourself. Self Love is a responsibility of spiritual maturity. MM: Disk 1: 1h 3m

Learning to control the mind is not a rigid thing. It‟s not a forced thing. It‟s a thing that must be done out of Love. It‟s a thing that must be done in a way where you start off with Absolute Love for yourself, absolute forgiveness for yourself, ahead of time!!! Absolute: ―I will not judge myself.‖ This is how you begin the process of learning genuine mastery of your mind patterns… If you repress emotion because it doesn‘t feel good and you use your mind as a dictator instead of as a liberator, you will simply tie yourself in knots. KPS: Disk 1 38m

(Talking about the phenomenon of a Near Death Experience) You don‘t have to have a Near Death Experience to bring that part of your awareness back into your body, and believe me, once you start to realize why you are here, it changes everything. First of all, you start to realize that there‘s no such thing as an unimportant person. There is no such thing as somebody who is worthless. There is no such thing as somebody who doesn‘t fit or doesn‘t belong and there is no such thing as a sinner. Now, this big one, the sinner concept! … We were not ever looked on by God as lowly, pathetic, bad creatures that could be manipulated by guilt to hopefully get back into God‘s favor. BV: Disk 1: 0h 23m

Releasing of Fear: When we do these exercises the idea here is to get in touch with the emotional body because the emotional body is what we‘ve had to block and turn off so we didn‘t feel these things. We‘re not going to get our memories back until we allow the emotional memory of the imprint to come back, too. So when you start working with the energies here, you may find tears, you may find fear coming up, you may find a release coming up. Behind it you‟ll find joy. I will tell you, if you start to feel a rumbling and you start to feel your chakras in here going: ―Oh God, no, I‘m losing control, you know? I‘ve got to keep that down. I‘m not going to react that way. I‘m above that.‖ You know that kind of thing? Notice that, because that has been your defense mechanism and it was needed before, but if you want to get your Eternal Self back now you need to let that energy come out … BV: Disk 1: 0h 32m

We have been totally programmed into self-loathing, so when someone says: ―You‘re an Eternal Self and you‘re a blessed being, a manifestation of the God-Force and Source,‖ we kind of go: ―Boy, yeah, I‘d like to feel that The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2007. All Rights Reserved


way.‖ Because there‘s a part of us that does feel that way but the body pattern doesn‘t feel that way. The body feels very different because it‘s holding the old tapes. It‘s holding the old words that Mom and Dad and society told us. Those old programs have to change if we‘re going to be able to fully embrace the power and knowing of our Eternal Selves. …. There comes a time when you realize that the inside is more important than the outside and, even when it comes to spirituality, you need to take the focus away from the outside. If you want to begin experiencing the multi-dimensional reality fields of your Eternal Self, you need to spend a little time focussed elsewhere. We‘re taught to phase-lock the focus here (outside)… We need to go beyond the beliefs that have taught us constant distraction. There‘s constant distraction here….You can get so caught up in the need to get yourself away from the vibrations you don‘t like, that you work hard; you don‘t have time left to take yourself out of the vibrations you don‘t like! So you therefore stay within them. When we‘re working with our spirituality we need to talk with ourselves…. You need to really realize where you‘ve been set up for distraction and begin to take steps to undistract yourself and to begin looking at your priorities and say: ―What is most important to me?‖ … There needs to become a time when you say to yourself: ―It is important to me to spend a half an hour or two hours to-day, completely undisturbed, to work with MY Eternal Self. Excuse me, I have an appointment.‖ You need to start honoring the part of yourself that you are trying to integrate, as if it were somebody separate. If somebody came over and said: ―You had an appointment with me and you didn‘t show up,‖ you‘d feel kind of bad. Your higher portions of identity should be treated with the same respect. We‘re so used to putting ourselves as second. ―We‘re here to serve our children first, our society first, our family first, our parents, our wives, our husbands.” This is totally backwards, because if you put everybody else first, and YOU last, which is the old martyrdom trip that was put here specifically for the result it created, you are disempowering yourself, because you never have time to replenish or to get your power back. You are powerless, and, therefore, all those people you are trying to help so much: you‘re not going to have enough power even to help yourself! If you put YOU first, because not only is everybody else a blessed manifestation of Source, but so are you! You neglect YOU; you‘re neglecting God. It‘s as bad as neglecting your child. This society likes to say: ―The children are the hope of our future.” Yes, they‘re part of it. WE‘RE the hope of OUR future, okay, not just the children. We are the children of our consciousness that we need to raise and we need to nurture, because we have not been nurtured. It‘s time to say: ―We count too! And, yes, the children are important, and other things are important, but so is my time spent with my Eternal Self.‖ If you can give yourself the luxury of that time, you will have huge rewards. You are allowed!

The Arc of the Covenant of Love EAW: Disk 1

They want us to think of the Rainbow (―bow‖ is the Arc) and it is a Covenant of Love that was made eons ago with the creation of the human races and of the guardian races that are of different sorts, a Covenant of Love between the races. There was, once upon a time, an agreement that we would all love each other, regardless of what we chose to do. That doesn‘t mean that, if you see your neighbor doing terrible things and you know that your God would really not want you to do that, it doesn‘t mean that you do that just to love your neighbour. No, it means that you love your neighbor, you don‘t hate them. You hate what they do but you don‘t have to hate them! And you don‘t have to do what they do. And if people all over the planet could learn even that little bit! It‘s a simple lesson that most parents have to learn unless they want to become abusive, where you love the child, but, if you must, hate the action, but love the child. We are all Children of the Rays. We need to love each other. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2007. All Rights Reserved


The first ability to extend real love is first being able to love yourself, and that doesn‘t mean walk around with your nose in the air. ―I just love me so much!‖ It‘s not about that at all. That‘s just arrogance. That‘s just trying to convince yourself you love yourself because you actually don‘t. Loving yourself means: ―I‘m going to take a stand back from my life and look at what I really value. I‘m going to respect myself, and choose principles to live by. And not just go wherever the wind takes me and see how much I can get.‖ Because that will lead you nowhere and you‘ll have no self-respect and you won‘t be able to love yourself because you know you‘re totally selling yourself short. You‘re insulting yourself. First you‘ve got to stop insulting yourself. You‘ve got to get off your own case and realize: ―I can walk with dignity, and I choose to, and there‘s nothing out there, not money, not torture, not anything… there‘s one thing no-body can take away from me and that‘s my dignity, unless I give it to them.‖ You can walk with dignity. If you don‘t walk with dignity inside yourself, inside your mind, you will be unable to love anyone else, because you will be unable to love yourself. If you‘re not walking with dignity, you‘re kicking yourself constantly. You‘re not being loving to yourself. You‘re saying: ―You‘re garbage. You‘re garbage. You‘re not worth it. You‘re not worth it, so go grab that because it‘s all you can get.‖ Don‘t sell yourself short. Never ―settle.‖ Choose your principles. Choose them with eyes wide open. Choose what means something to you and don‘t compromise it. And don‘t shove it down anybody else‘s throat, either, because that‘s not loving them! There is a level of loving that is very firm, but it‟s not pushy at all. It‘s firm in its own conviction, when you can love yourself and treat yourself with dignity. Choose principles to live by that have dignity, that respect you, that respect other beings, principles that are fair. You can bring a message of dignity wherever you go. But once you can love yourself and treat yourself with dignity, you will find you will treat other people with exactly the amount of love and dignity you treat yourself. You will not be able to give them more. You‘ll think you‘re giving them more, but you‘re actually not. You‘re actually doing to them exactly what you‘re doing to yourself. So if you‘re kind to yourself, really, you will be kind to them. If you‘re judgmental of yourself and always saying you‘re not good enough, and kicking yourself for when you did it wrong, or didn‘t get it quite good enough, realize, some way you are doing that to other people, too. Even if you tried really hard not to, it still comes out somewhere. It starts with the Self, but you don‘t put the Self first. It‘s not a ―first this, then that.‖ It‘s an “and,” at the same time.‖ So as we love ourselves, as we learn to walk in dignity and not compromise on principle, think about what your principles are, choose how you want to behave. Choose what actions you think are decent, and Godly, or Sourcely, or however you want to use that word. Choose well, and aim high. If we want this place to be a reflection of what the promised heavens are, we‘ve got to start somewhere. Do you think the heavens got to stay ―the heavens‖ by compromising? No! By letting someone in that says: ―Okay, we know that it‘s not quite fair and it‘s really not very nice; well, that‘s all right, the end justifies the means?‖ No, it doesn‘t! So, we walk in dignity, carry dignity. We‘ll transmit dignity to others and we will honor it in them. SSAR-2 Disk 1

You can only bring to a relationship what you have, right there. Any hopes and dreams of the perfect thing come back to what you can bring to it, as well as what your partner can bring to it. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2007. All Rights Reserved


Think of what it means to honor yourself if you expect anyone else to honor you, because of lot of people feel such a hole inside (it might have been from lack of good parenting, it might have been karmic stuff from other lifetimes) where they‘ll just seek love and they‘ll do anything to hold a relationship, just to be loved and honored. And when you are coming from a space like that, you are actually asking to be victimized. You are victimizing yourself because you are actually denying yourself love. You need to get Love vertically, through your connection to Source, first. You need to look in the mirror and say: ―I Love ME. And maybe nobody ever did. Maybe I was brutalized as a child. Maybe I was told I was worthless and disgusting or whatever.‖ But, you know what? That was THEIR opinion! Forgive your parents for whatever it is they did or didn‘t do. Forgive yourself for whatever it is YOU did or didn‘t do. And one of the things we‘re going to need to learn to do if we‘re going to own our own sexuality, to become the director of our elemental force within our own bodies, is to first of all look in the mirror and say: ―Whatever it is, the first thing is I WILL LOVE ME and I Will Treat Me With Respect, with no less respect than I would treat anyone else: my child, my mother, the person I love,‖ because a lot of people will respect the heck out of the person they‘re attached to. They love them to bits, they‘ll do anything for them, but they don‘t even look at their own needs. If you ask some people: ―Well, what do YOU want to do?‖ you‘ll get a ―well, Joe would really want me to do this‖ or ―my children need me to do this‖. ―No, that‘s not what I asked: what do YOU want to do?‖ There are so many people, both male and female, who have not even taken time, because they‘re so busy trying to make everybody else happy, because at the core of that is trying to be loved, because they feel a hole inside and they‘re not acknowledging the hole so they‘re trying to get it (love) outside. But just to say: ―What do I want? I‘m allowed to ask. God-Source wants me to ask too because I AM a piece of God-Source.‖ When you deny yourself you are denying a piece of God-Source, a unit of the consciousness of God. When you deny another, you are doing the same as well. But most of us have had a program in these societies that we have been raised in where we were taught it is noble and honorable to serve everybody else but it is not to serve yourself. Now, there‘s also a counter-reaction to that. Some people get so sick of that, where they say: ―Forget it. I‘m just going to serve myself and do what I please and stomp all over everyone else in the process and not even think about it!‖ That‘s not right either. There is a balance between giving and receiving, just like there is an outflow from Source and then a backflow from manifestation that allows the next outflow from Source to come. But, if you deny yourself, you are blocking that natural balance. BV: Disk 1: 1h 33m

There is an imprint in all of us that has a bit of rebellion against entering the body pattern and when that is imprinted into the body pattern it becomes a core pattern of self-loathing, of hating oneself because you are in body and of hating the body because of the perceived limitations that it means, as perceiving the body as what stands between you and your Eternal Self, this ―horrible matter substance‖ that you are becoming imprisoned within, a slave to. So, many, many people end up with Self-Destruct impulsing coming from the core level of fetal integration because they are in a very big hurry to get home. And they know it‘s not proper as they grow up to destroy the body and they‘re taught it‘s wrong. So they find other ways to slowly sabotage their body and make sure it dies as fast as they can because they want freedom. There‘s a fetal imprint in all of us that knows we lost freedom in coming into the body and if we are going to transmute the body to a higher level, and take it to freedom with us, first we must forgive it and we must stop fighting it and treating it like it is something that is our taskmaster. We must realize the body is in pain too because it is cut off from its higher parts. BV: Disk 2: 0h 38m

When you (Oraphim) came in as Avatars, when you came in on a rescue mission that failed, there was a sense that the Oraphim, and only the Oraphim, carried a deep frustration and deep personal blame. Oraphim were The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2007. All Rights Reserved


always hard on themselves because they were perfectionistic in certain ways. They expected high performance from themselves and when they didn‘t, they took it very hard and taught themselves hard lessons… Know there is a part of yourself … that has been a bit too hard on itself through these many, many incarnations and it is time for that self to leave its station, to allow itself to evolve, to stop paying for what it felt it did wrong. One of the things that will help you to heal most, as the beings that you are, is to remove the Oraphim guilt complex. It carries through for 200,000 years and amplifies the heck out of everything you do. Every time you mess up, you have to give yourself three lessons instead of one to make sure you will never do it again, which builds a tremendously thick miasmic pattern… BV: Disk 2 0h

There is a terror pattern that has stayed with them (Oraphim), a terror pattern that is the feeling of becoming unglued at the seams. As you were conscious and fully aware while your Morphogenetic Field literally blew apart, you could feel yourself coming unglued, losing total control of your consciousness, losing total control of your focus. It was a terror of completely becoming obliterated because you could no longer hold the focus of your attention. This has come through with the Oraphim as a core imprint that messes up the Kathara Grid; it messes up the way the Kathara Centers work in the body. It‘s a miasmic imprint. It created a fear of expansion, a need to be rigid within the developing consciousness, as the Oraphim put themselves back together: overly rigid, overly perfect, overly absolutely sure you get everything right all the time. There‘s an imprint where you will never, ever be satisfied with yourself because of that. No matter how good you do it‘s not quite good enough. You can‘t accept compliments particularly well, or ―somebody else always did it better.‖ It‘s a competitive thing, a selfcompetitive thing. It‘s a fear of expansion and of letting go because you felt yourself letting go not willingly. The Eternal INTERNAL Flame of God-Consciousness (This is an extract from Technique 4 of the Flame Body Activation Techniques (also the K2/3 Linking Sequence series of techniques). Its inclusion here serves to demonstrate our intrinsic intimacy with the Eternal INTERNAL Flame of God-Consciousness. It is advisable to do this technique as part of the recommended sequence, in order to experience this Inner connection to Source in a true and meaningful way. The AzurA, in the personal anatomy, is located between Kathara Centers 6 and 7; i.e., at the very core of the Kathara Grid, and corresponds with the thymus area of the physical body). From Technique 4: Commanding Silence

Within the AzurA, within the Azurite Crystal, lies the Throne of Power, the Center Point of the embodied Ecka God-Seed, through which the Eternal Flame of Amoraea embodies…the center of the Amoraea Crystal Sphere, to the Gateway of Eternal Christed Love... You have entered the place of your Eternal Birthright: you have entered the Hallowed Ground of your original Divine Heritage as a living expression of the ONE God-Source. The Amoraea Egg, within the Amoraea Gateway and ManU Azurite Flame is the Eternal STILL POINT through which the ―Still Small Voice of the God-Self Within” speaks... Here, all things are eternally still, calm and peaceful. Here is the SANCTUARY WITHIN: the INNER TEMPLE OF Khem-a-Lo-Ha-Tea, the Eternal “Safe Ground” and Perpetual Guardian of one‟s personal, eternal, DIRECT relationship to God-Source. ...Imagine now that you can SENSE the living presence of God-Source and your personal God-Self EVERYWHERE around you. You are encased within its eternal love, mercy, protection and Divine Understanding. … From this point of Eternal Power and Love you can heal all, understand all, and cocreate all. Within the Amoraea Egg you and God-Source are one. You are now your God-Self. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2007. All Rights Reserved


My Relationship with Source Comes First (MRWSCF) A‟zha-yana Deane

“My Relationship with Source Comes First” is fundamental to the process of setting ourselves free enough to ―feel‖ Source, and thus our special working relationship and purpose or contract. How this is experienced is not an external phenomenon but an internal one; in effect, it is about the quality, nature and integrity that you evolve for your naked, stripped-down self, just as you are, right here, right now. This is how you learn self-love, self-given freedom, and true self as a Spark of Source. You can't get far with MRWSCF if you leave yourself out of the equation by holding the notion as an intellectual condition of ―being spiritual.‖ Dear Ones, may I suggest that your primary focus be concerned with being at peace with finding out who you really are, what you really need (prefer) and being as much of that glorious self as you possibly can, liking every crazy situation, person and circumstance that you, and you alone, have created for yourself with which to grow (if you so choose). Then, you could say with all passion and meaning that your relationship with Source truly does come first ... and all else will flow, fearlessly, from that. DFJ2: Disk 1: 0h 42m

What we need to remember is we have to relearn what it means to be Christiac beings. We have to remember what it means to get everything we need vertically, just from your own connection to God Source, so you get rid of those compensation patterns, where you try to get stuff from the outside, from other people. It doesn‘t mean you refuse to accept things from other people. But when you go through life trying to get more money, trying to get more love, you‘re going horizontal, trying to get stuff. It just shows you, when you do that, you‘re saying over and over to yourself: ―My Christos self isn‘t real. It isn‘t alive.‖ DFJ2: Disk 1: Second part: 0h 42m

You have the power to move through it peacefully and if you tell yourself, start telling yourself that now, you will be much more able to move through with grace. Grace is an interesting word. Grace is just like love. There is a reality of energy in the state of grace. Honatilea is one word you could call it - when all your merkabas are working in sync and bringing all of your higher consciousness and direct connection to God fully into your body. But, before we can even get to Honatilea, you can enter grace, which is, you get rid of the perceptual filters that you‘ve picked up either here or in some if the other lifetimes that are limiting you, that are telling you things that make your emotional body feel afraid. We can teach ourselves to be fearless. We can teach ourselves to be effective. We can teach ourselves to face any experience in a state of grace. Grace means, you can not like something and have a preference for it to be a different way, but hate is unknown to you. You can use the word ―hate‖ and know you don‘t mean it. It‘s a nonword to you because the emotion of hate doesn‘t live in you. That‟s part of the state of grace, being able to love those who are causing you harm, or causing the planet harm. That‟s part of the state of grace. That doesn‘t mean laying yourself down as a doormat so they can trample all over you. No! Part of the state of grace means being quietly assertive, where you honor yourself, because you are a face of God. You honor everybody else too, even if they forgot that and they are acting like they‘re not. But you can‘t forget to honor you. And this is what the other schools of thought that teach you to be a martyr, they‘re slapping the God in you right in the face. And when you honor those belief systems more than you honor the God that lives and breathes through you, you‟re slapping God in the face, and you‘re slapping yourself in the face…. How do you find that place of peace, where you can be happy anyway? Attitude is everything. And attitude can determine whether you‘re in a state of turmoil or nervous breakdown, or whether you‘re in a state of grace and peace and you walk around smiling anyway, no matter what‘s going on. It doesn‘t mean a false smile, though. It means, if you‘re feeling yucky, let yourself fell yucky, but tell yourself: ―Ok, I‘m processing this. I‘ll get rid of it. I‘m The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2007. All Rights Reserved


not going to take it out on other people, but I honor myself enough to let me process it. I‘m not going to force myself to smile when I know I don‘t feel that,‖ but it means not getting stuck in the feeling. CCA Disk 1

This is a Matrix where you would ask the question: ―Why is this kind of thing allowed?‖ the question of ―why was this allowed to go this far, to get this far?‖ The ―why‖ was an interesting answer. Imagine Kristiac races, eternal races, in the Edon levels, the middle levels and then the inner levels. In the inner levels it doesn‘t happen too much, but there‘s a curiosity, an innocent wonder, a curiosity about the full nature of God-Source, in the Edon races. They know they have the ability to incarnate themselves into the outer domains and explore what God is. And sometimes the way to know something fullest is to know fullest what it is not. To understand the Krist Code, some collectives chose to express as its opposite in order to find out what that meant, because if nobody ever did it, nobody would ever know. ―The Opposite of Divine Will‖ was a course of study taken by certain eternal collectives in the Edon. The races out here, of which our races are also a part, were part of that study plan. It is as if there is a part of ourselves that is back in Edon, that never left, and it‘s there, knowing it sent a part of itself that it loves. It didn‘t send it out for misery. We all agreed at that point: we are all One Self, agreeing to: ―Let‘s go try this, right? We hear there‘s this reality field that you can really go nuts in and you can find out answers to everything that you could only guess at if you didn‘t experiment, if you didn‘t try, but there‘d always be the path of the Krist back.‖ It was never, like: ―Send out your incarnate and you‘re just going to lose that one.‖ There was always the choice of Free Will to come back in and follow the natural laws of physics as they apply to the systems and it would get you back home and get you back in. But if an incarnate chose, and used its independence to fulfil the will of Opposite Expression, that was actually a sadness to the part of the Self that stayed in the Edons but it was respected. And what was respected also was that there were amazing things learned about what Source is NOT and why Source is what it is, why the Krist Code is what it is and why it is eternal, why it is better to be nice than nasty, why it is better to share than hoard, why it is better to love Source and have an open co-creative relationship with it than it is to NOT have a direct relationship with Source. They learned about what Ego means, what it means to be ―Source-less,‖ to think yourself Source-less to the point where you have to pretend and play head-games with yourself and create a false Source that you call yourself, alone, and think you have the right to go walk all over everything else because you‘re on top. There are all sorts of lessons that were learnt. And I remember thinking: ―All of this can happen just because we were curious?‖ And they said ―no,‖ because we loved Source so much, in those places where we didn‘t forget how to do that, that we wanted to know every aspect of Source and by experiencing the height of its opposite expression, it made Source and our love for Source ever the more precious. Then we could go back with Absolute Humility, and Absolute Love and Gratitude. And then we could teach other ones that hadn‘t figured it out yet that: ―You might not want to try that!‖ There‘s a place of understanding that takes us out of the knee-jerk emotional reactions we might have to these kinds of dramas here, particularly when you‘re walking around in them and trying to get out of them. There IS a place of peace and understanding of why this is all right, actually. Source never had any doubt. Source knows that StarFire happens and it will fix things like this. It knows that nothing can ever be outside of itself. Everything is in Source, so you can‘t be thrown out into a Universe that doesn‘t have Source. You can only be thrown out into a Universe that has forgotten it is a part of Source. So it‘s not an issue for the beings who know Eternity and you have a part of you as a being that knows Eternity. That‘s how you got out here in the first place. So when we have a system that‘s going to StarFire, some beings get out, some will go black hole fall. Well, black hole fall has an end of its story, too. It is a path of exploration, of learning to do many things that they may have forgotten a long time ago, like co-operate and use their resources well instead of letting them all get burnt up and The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2007. All Rights Reserved


killing each other. Once those things are learnt, there IS still a peace, even for those races. They can choose a Kristiac stance where they say: ―I don‘t care if I go back as space dust or if I go back with my full memory banks. The thing is, I never left and it‘s just a matter of perspective and I am still loved and I am still capable of love.” So, even with space dust return, you are not “never going to meet God again.” You are simply going back in a different way. So if we can look at it and not get caught up in the wanting to sob about what races are going to fall. Realize that they will evolve a path that leads to space dust return but at the highest of that evolution that that‘s okay too, for them. They will also learn what not to do if you want to go back the other way! And they will take that lesson back to others.… This is the beginning of separate paths of evolution but they all do lead back to the same place and that place is Source. If you can‘t feel the love of Source, you can‘t feel the love of a flower. If you can‘t feel the love of a flower, you can‘t feel the love of another person. If you can‘t feel the love of another person, you‘re very, very alone here, and if you‘re very, very alone here, you find that all the toys in the world, all the distractions, all the highs or lows, and anything you can do for yourself or buy for yourself, get BORING, and none of it means anything. And if you get yourself to that state, you can hit your bottom and have that little bit of inkling come up in yourself, where some part of you remembers that there‟s something more, that life does have meaning, Existence does have meaning.

H1/6CD: Disk 2: Track 2: 25m

Even if you think about love, it‟s more than most people do, so you‘re moving in the right direction if you think about these things! These are thing most people don‘t even bother thinking about. They think they know what it is. They never think about whether they DO know what it is and if there‘s a higher expression of it. Love is important when you are doing planetary grid work, just like when you‘re doing healing work with another person. If you can‘t create a sense of love for the planet, as the living soul that it is; now remember, Love is a frequency, a harmonic frequency. If you feel a nothingness toward the planet, if you‘re perceiving it as just an inanimate object that isn‘t alive, you‘re creating a thought pattern that is disharmonic with its natural soul essence, because the planet has a Soul level and an Oversoul and an Avatar level. If you want to be able to run frequency effectively into the grids, you need to be able to respect the planet and love the planet itself as a living expression of God, as well. KPS: Calgary: Disk 1: 1h 31m

Once you start to open the Living Spirit of God inside of you and feel it through your own energy systems and feel your at-One-ness with Source and realize God‘s not passing judgment on you (if anybody‘s going to judge you, it‘s only you), you can realize that you don‘t need those beliefs any more, but if other people don‘t realize it ... you will get tests. You will give yourself tests in your outer world to determine whether or not you‘ve really integrated that teaching: do you really believe that Spirit is alive in you and you can feel it? … Some of the ultimate tests that we put ourselves through are: ―What means more to us, our power and relationship and love that we have through Source, or trying to fill that gap by external relationship? ― And many times we will be challenged with: ―Are we willing to walk away from everything? It might be money; it might be houses, it might be people. Sometimes it might even be children…‖ What means more to you, your relationship to something out here in the hologram or your relationship to God? It‟s what the test comes down to. The funny thing, I‘ll tell you to solve the test from the beginning: whatever it is, give it away! Let it go. Take Spirit first, your relationship to Spirit first, and you will get back whatever it is you thought you were losing, but at a much higher level (yes, with interest!). This is the beginning of a journey; it is a journey that will take you into the core of your own spirituality.

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2007. All Rights Reserved


Soft Love Kind, Nurturing, Gentle Kathara Level One Manual

Many people respond well to ―SOFT LOVE‖, the kind, gentle, nurturing, soothing love often displayed by mothers comforting their infants. Soft Love works well with clients who possess some degree of spiritual maturity and who have cultivated the ability to hold some degree of a love frequency within themselves. Soft Love is the appropriate form of love for clients possessing the maturity to accept personal responsibility for themselves, their actions and their emotional reaction patterns, and who do not attempt to manipulate, drain energies from or place blame on others. Soft Love is characterized by engaged detachment of the facilitator and is demonstrated through softspoken, calm and sincere words and actions that are intended to place the client at ease. Soft Love is always built upon sincerity, kindness, respect and a genuine desire to see the client thrive and prosper. Developing the ability to carry the Soft Love frequency takes time, attention and practice, and requires that the facilitator work to heal personal internal conflicts, unresolved issues from childhood and karmic reaction patterns that disrupt the Soft Love vibration. Soft Love is a vulnerable love in that it necessitates one to show the self as it is, honestly expressing personal feelings tempered with kindness. Soft Love is not approval seeking; it is rather genuine, honest and self-generated. Soft Love requires love and respect of the self and others mutually. It is built upon a level of spiritual maturity in which it is understood that personal value is implied by the fact of existence and is not determined by the approval or validation of others outside of the self and the personal relationship to the Divine. The ability to carry the Soft Love frequency emerges through spiritual integration, personal healing of internal conflicts and power struggle issues and intentional application of kindness and mindfulness.

Tough Love Kind, Nurturing, Assertive Soft Love does not facilitate healing on all occasions. Certain clients who come to a facilitator for healing assistance bring with them a great need for emotional healing and development of spiritual maturity. They may demonstrate demanding, arrogant or pushy attitudes and refuse to accept responsibility for their personal actions and resulting consequences. Most often such individuals carry deep wounds from childhood or from reincarnational bleed-through. Because they are wounded within, they have not yet developed the self-control or maturity necessary to treat themselves or others with kindness, respect or love. Individuals who display unreasonable behaviors or attitudes pose quite a challenge to the love-based healing facilitator. If they are approached with Soft Love, the facilitator will often find themselves as a scapegoat for the individual‘s personal problems, may have their energies and time excessively drained by such clients and might possibly be subjected to outright verbal or physical abuse. Clients exhibiting such personality traits are struggling within themselves to gain control over the various conflicting portions of their personal energies, and they tend to objectify this internal conflict resolution in the form of POWER STRUGGLE with others. Personalities trapped within cycles of subconscious self or other-abusive attitude patterns need love more than anyone, but most often their behaviors push others away. Intrinsically the behaviors serve to keep the individual sheltered from self-exposure; they do not allow others close enough to inspire feelings of vulnerability or lack of self-esteem. Often such personality traits effectively keep the individual from seeing themselves and the inner pain and conflict from which they attempt to hide. To facilitate healing in such individuals without succumbing to The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2007. All Rights Reserved


their manipulation, aggression or abuse requires that the facilitator adopt a posture of TOUGH LOVE. In Tough Love, the facilitator clearly establishes personal boundaries in their own mind as to what treatment they will and will not accept. If the client crosses those boundaries, the facilitator assertively addresses the issue with the client, requests that the offensive behavior cease, and provides CLEAR CONSEQUENCES as to what will occur if the offense continues. The Tough Love approach is rendered from a base of Soft Love and Omni-Love, but it is strengthened with Self Love on behalf of the facilitator. The facilitator recognizes that they are only assisting the client to continue with the self-destructive patterns by condoning or allowing offensive behavior, and chooses to love the client enough to confront the pattern so that it may begin to release. In lovingly, calmly, but firmly confronting poor behavior and setting clear boundaries and consequences, the facilitator assists such clients to temporarily find a new pattern of action because the old one does not work for manipulation in this instance. The Tough Love approach frequently requires facilitators to demonstrate that they hold their own power, even in the face of client disapproval. Tough Love is an ability of personal empowerment worth cultivating for personal and client healing. Holy Grail Quest

The people who ended up on the victim side of this drama are learning empowered love. You can love, but hold your power and not be walked on. The human race tried to be nice to everybody in the beginning until it got mutated and didn't know how to do tough love, to say: ―The buck stops here; enough is enough.‖ Repeatedly, human races have bought into trickery. We have to ask ourselves why? How much do we tolerate before we lose the ability to love? In a way it is a test - to be worthy of being Guardians and Keepers of the Templar Complex. TSG Disk 7: 152 mins

Tough Love has already been set in motion with the natural laws of creation physics that create the right angles of interactions through the Krist Code. They also create automatic self-annihilation of things that would compromise the system. Preparing for Contact

Tough Love - don't let yourself be messed with. You can stand up to anything trying to throw energy at you and say: "Excuse me. I am not going to allow you to do that. I love you very much but you are not going to manipulate me or take my energy anymore.‖ UK Dance for Love

…in trying to help, in trying to rescue people we loved, that were making very bad choices for themselves. Because we loved them we couldn‘t let them go. They wanted us to and we wouldn‘t. We wanted to help them back because they were sentencing themselves to a finite existence with implosion at the end of it. Some of them wanted help and it was because some of them did that intervention was given. We learned a lot of lessons as a guardian species. When to let go, when do you say: ―Okay, I know you are going to hurt yourself and I feel so badly inside because I love you so much. I would like you to do something better so you could be up with us in Joy space. But, if that‘s not what your free will is choosing to do I can talk to you, I can share with you, I can love you to bits, but I would be restraining your freedom if I tried to stop you.‖ TSG Disk 4: 26mins

It‘s a tragedy what they have done here, but Source DOES allow and, at a certain point, Source does not have to make a choice as far as ―are we going to, you know, wipe them out?‖ No, they‘ll wipe themselves out, because if you play with energy badly enough for long enough you end up in a black hole system that eventually implodes. That was what was set in motion from the beginning of the physics. The natural laws of physics that were set in The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2007. All Rights Reserved


motion, that allowed for Eternal Life Creation to occur in the first place, are also self-reparative where Source does not have to have any favorites and a ―well I‘ll save you and not you‖ kind of thing. It‘s not like that at all. Everyone is loved, loved so much that they are allowed to even act in direct Opposite Expression to Divine Will if that is what the being desires. It is not condoned. It is not what Source desires but Source allows because Source is not threatened, nor is the body of Source, nor Creation, nor Eternal Life threatened by those who choose to use the natural gift of creation in ways that are against the natural, loving, fair, equal, balanced, Krist Code ways that Source set creation in motion through. Imagine being loved enough by someone that says: ―Yes, you can even try to destroy me but I still love you.‖ That is what God Source really does. It‘s not: ―well, repent, and then I‘ll love you.‖ No, it isn‘t. You are loved anyway, but Source cannot buffer you after a certain point, either, from the consequence of your own chosen actions and that is what is happening on this planet and in this Veca System. In Atlantis, we were warned…. Humans were great because they DID love, not always wisely. They knew Soft Love, cuddly, huggy love. Angelic Humans, who were appointed as the main guardians of this planet , with the Azurites as back-up, were very good at fuzzy, cuddly type love and not very good at Tough Love, which meant: ―Excuse me, I love you, but you are not going to do that to me, to my family, to my planet, sorry… I may love you but, no, you will not do this or that and, no, you will not enlist my help in doing so.‖ And we, as Angelic Humans, did not stand up to that. They bought into the silver tongues! … Angelic Humans need to take a course in Tough Love training. Yes, you can love them, you can give your children everything in the world, but if you give them too much you turn them into nasty little people who go around sucking energy from everybody else, and go around stomping their feet, throwing things, breaking things, and having no respect for anything else in creation, especially themselves. If you want beings to respect themselves you teach them how to respect other things including yourself, starting with yourself, and that‟s one of the lessons that was really, really overlooked, as far as the Angelic Human Template. They were still a little too cuddly and soft! Not that Azurites couldn‘t be! Indigos have the same basic templates, just amplified more.

The Illusion of Martyrdom Kathara Level One Manual

People who love themselves do not buy into the idea that they must play ―martyr‖ to others in order to be of service. Martyrdom implies a belief that you are lacking in worth, or must earn your worth in being, by relinquishing that which feels of most value to you. It also undermines expression of the God-Presence within others, by assisting them to believe that you are so vital to their well-being that they cannot function without you. In truth, martyrdom is an expression of EGO, most often used by people who feel that they are personally insignificant in the eyes of the Divine, in order to give themselves significance and a sense of personal power and purpose for being. People who actively know the intrinsic Spiritual Divinity within themselves treat that Divinity with honor and respect and do not allow or need others to depreciate the Self and its desires in order to prove the existence of a belief in personal Divinity. Martyrdom does not facilitate healing within the self or client, as it reinforces the erroneous belief in intrinsic personal unworthiness, which exists in direct contradiction to the innate God-Presence that exists in every living thing. Within the energy dynamics of Universal Law, natural balance is achieved in the flow or GIVING, and backflow or RECEIVING of energy. In human spiritual relationships, this balance of energy is achieved by mutually valuing each person in a relationship, through which the natural giving and receiving of energy can be exchanged unimpeded. Martyrdom impedes the natural flow of energy; the martyr customarily gives more than receives, The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2007. All Rights Reserved


which progressively diminishes the martyr‘s ability to keep open a perpetual flow of energies from the Divine because the martyr does not allow the Self to receive. Martyrdom is not a demonstration of Love; it is an exhibit of Love Deprivation. The remedy for Martyrdom is OMNI-LOVE. CCA Disk 3

These black holes were not made by accident. They were created by intention of certain race groups who decided to really take to extremes the exploration of the idea of Opposite Expression. They are now getting the result, in energy. God‘s not punishing them. They are punishing themselves. They are showing themselves why it is useful to yourself, if nothing else, to abide by the natural laws of physics mechanics by which eternal life creation operates because it has a built-in mechanism of self-healing, which means it will purge anything that gets to the point where it could threaten the entire structure and make it anything but what it is, which is eternal. So, we are in the process of watching the Eternal Body of God-Source, the manifest part of the body of GodSource, which is the Cosmic Matrix, healing itself. We can look at a Fall in many ways, but if we can recognize it as a healing for all concerned and a natural immune system process of the Cosmic Body, it is a different context. It will let your emotional body free from all the negative programming or assumptions that you may have about Falls because there has been a lot of whining going on in this particular Time Matrix for a very long time with races who did indeed fall because they progressively and repeatedly broke the natural laws of physics in this Matrix, made black holes, did horrible things to other cultures, and there would always be the whine: ―Oh, but don‘t you feel sorry for us?‖ Well, ―sorry” works the first million times! After that, you could say: ―Well, I feel compassion for you‖ and you get to the point where you realize ―and I realize how twisted you are and I realize the fact that, in your twistedness you‘re hoping I feel sorry for you. Why? Because then you‘ve got me! Then I‘ll feel bad and want to make it better and want to fix it for you and take your karma for you and protect you from what you have created.‖ It‘s not a situation where ―feeling sorry‖ for any of this works. ―Sorry‖ is just an excuse for something else that wants to suck your energy to attach to you. You can feel compassion as much as you want. Compassion is self-empowered. If you see someone suffering, it doesn‘t mean ―don‘t get involved‖. It means help when you can but do not martyr yourself because martyrdom is not in service to the Krist. If you are an element of the body of God-Source and you are particularly needed in a system that is falling in order to help out those who do not want to fall, and you martyr yourself, you‘re not only selling yourself and the part of God that you are short, you‘re selling all those other beings who were depending on your codes, who were depending on your expertise to get them out. So, martyrdom is a lie that was created by the fallen races. There is a natural give and take of energy. Source is not a Martyr. Source would have dried up long ago if Source were a martyr. If Source expanded all of its energy out into manifest creation, it would have nothing left in order to do anything else and there would be nowhere to go home to because it would be all outward. Source understood the balances of give and take of energy, the balances of energy, and that understanding was manifest within the mathematics of the Krist Code upon which all of this is built.

The Victim-Victimizer Game MM: Disk 1 2h 16m

We all get to see the outcome of our choices. We get to know ourselves through the effect of the cause that is our consciousness. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2007. All Rights Reserved


HI: Disk 2: Track 2

It‘s time, if we‘re going to be spiritual beings, we have to take responsibility. Forget this suing other people stuff; you created half of it. You know what I mean? …. But when it comes to looking at your role in creating a manifestation, what was your part in making this happen? If you‘re feeling victimized, okay, you‘re choosing to play a victim. What did you do on the subtle end of it that allowed for this to happen? You come to take responsibility for your manifestations and you become more powerful because, as long as somebody else is responsible and somebody else is to blame, you are powerless to fix it. But if YOU created it, you find the element that you created, all of a sudden: ―Well, if I created it, I can dis-create it. I can create something better than it.‖ You‘re owning your power. When we move into spirituality, real spirituality, it‘s not a baby game any more. DFL2: Disk 2: 1h 54m

The emotional reality of Oneness cannot fully be experienced down here in the bodies that we have as they are functioning right now, but it can be touched. It can be touched enough to know its reality and it can be expanded to a point where you can walk around and look at other people and see all of their faces at the same time, all their incarnations and know that they‘re you. You could look at me and know that I am you, and I can look at you and know the same. That is when it gets fun. It gets very challenging especially if somebody‘s, like, the mugger that is going to come and steal your purse, kind of thing. You stop for a moment and say: ―I am you. You are me. Why am I stealing from myself?‖ This is one of the lessons. If you start to ask yourself these questions, the hologram starts to change. If somebody comes up and smacks you and you say: ―Why did you do that? You are a bad person. Why would you ever do that to me?‖ Say: ―Why did I smack myself? What am I trying to teach myself? What am I showing myself here?‖ This is what part of being accountable for your hologram is about. You either manufacture this hologram because you are a face of God that is right now on auto-pilot, manufacturing a hologram to walk around in, or we are in a universe where we have no control; we are in a harsh universe that inflicts itself upon us. It‟s either one way or the other. And you either take responsibility for the whole thing, or you don‟t. As long as you have one ounce of blame left, if you are going to blame anybody: blame the government, blame the fallen angelics, blame your husband, blame your kid, blame anybody. Even if they are the ones that are playing the role that, yes, they are the one that did it. Because there are people who, yes, play the victimizer and others play the victims. If you want to get beyond that game, you own both parts. “I am God. I am one with God and that means that I am both victim and victimizer. That being is demonstrating a part of myself for me.” So, you take it… you take the charge off the other person and bring it home and say: ―What am I trying to learn? How do I heal this?‖ There is a level of Oneness that is about accountability. It‘s about overcoming fear, because as long as you believe in victims and victimizers, you will be afraid. You know who are the most afraid? The victimizers: they are more afraid than the victims. They get so afraid, and usually victimizers were victims for a long time until they got sick of it, and they snapped. Then they decide they are going to play the other polarity. They are going to go get them and they turn into sometimes very irrational victimizers. ―Victim/Victimizer‖ is a game of polarity. It is a game of distortion that is encoded in our DNA right now but it is not a natural game. DFL2: Disk 2: 1hr 58 mins

We are evolving past that. We were past that once upon a time. So the changes that we are going to begin to make… changes that involve being accountable, saying: ―No matter how awful my hologram is and no matter how much I really, really could hate that person because they just killed somebody I love, and I know they held the gun. They did it. They really, really, really did.‖ If you can look at that person and say: ―And that‘s a face of me. No matter how much that hurts, that is a face of me.‖ Drill that into your head and you will start to get the Oneness, what it means. You can‘t hate. You can absolutely despise the action, just like with a child. The child goes and breaks your favorite vase. You can be absolutely ready to scream. You can hate the fact that your vase The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2007. All Rights Reserved


got broken, but is it rational to hate the child for breaking your vase? No. A good parent loves the child, corrects the behavior whenever possible and whenever it is needed, if the behavior is anti-social or harmful, but they don‘t take the love away from the child. Some of us weren‘t raised with good parents that knew that yet. Some of were told like, ―You either do this, this and this or you are not loveable anymore.‖ … There is a level of accountability and Oneness that go hand in hand and one of the biggest problems that we have right now is the victim/victimizer drama. …. And it doesn‘t matter how many people did icky things to you, it really doesn‘t. Do you want your power back or do you want to keep giving it to them? If you don‘t want to keep giving it to them and you want your power back and you want to be able to begin making changes in the holographic projection you call your life, you have to own both parts and then you set the other person, the actor that is playing the role of that thing that‘s manifesting through your DNA, that ―victimizer,” if you can realize that‟s a pattern in your DNA that is drawing that person to you, you can free that person, send them on their way and then deal with the pattern. That is how you end the victim/victimizer drama. And there‟s a lot of it that we are going to be clearing. DFL2: Disk 2: 1 hr. 39mins

It is interesting, if we go through the history we will find: ―Gosh we have been victimized.‖ That will be one of the first things that pops out. You know: “How could God let anybody do this to us? This wasn't nice.” You know? This was, like, worse than ―not nice‖; this is awful. What has happened here has been awful in that context, but we as humans, you know, incarnating into this reality field, we chose this. We allowed this to take place for certain lessons that we wanted to learn. We were sent on...let‘s say a, kind of like cosmic doctor‘s mission. There were Races that had fallen, Races that were even more ancient than the human race. The human race was created as a doctor race, in a way, that we were going to come in and figure out how to fix it. The best way to find out is to find out what was really causing the problem. So we allowed ourselves to come into a situation where we would experience some of the same genetic mutations and loss of conscious awareness and twists of conscious awareness that those mutations created. So, we allowed what has taken place. DFL2: Disk 2 2hr 0 m

We are going in right now for a race clearing…. If we go into this with a victim mind set, we are not going to be very happy with the outcome. If we go in realizing that this is part of a shared hologram that we, the only ―we‖ that there is, which is the One, is creating (it has broken itself into pieces and each one has a different perspective and some of them are playing the ―good guys‖ and some of them are playing the ―bad guys‖, but both of them can learn from each other), we will stay in our power… and we will focus our energy not on what are they going to do to get us and how can we stop them, but on ―What do I do with myself that is most effective‖ ... and that is where your power is. Bring it home. The power is yours. The power comes partially from recognizing that it is your responsibility to take that power and to say: ―Either I am going to give it to somebody else with blame,‖ because as soon as you blame you are saying: ―Here take my power… run me around by the nose,‖ because that is what you are saying. You are giving someone else the opportunity to control you and your energy. Okay. If you want your power back, you simply say: ―I will own my hologram no matter how icky it is, and whatever actors are there playing out those roles for me, I set them free now with love.‖… Now, part of the other responsibility is learning your parts so you know what you are doing with your energy. If somebody said to you: ―Well, I hate to tell you that God made it in a way that you are responsible for your energy.‖ ... You clean up after yourself. You take care of your energy. You don‘t go and just scream icky things at other people because you feel like you are having a bad day. That is part of learning to take control of your energy. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2007. All Rights Reserved


Now, we know those basic social things. We are taught those things. This is learning to take control of your energy, too! There are people out there: ―Oh, I don‘t need to learn that.‖ ―Really? You don‘t need to be responsible huh? Who is going to control your energy if you don‘t?‖ SSAR-3 2h 10mins ff

We will progressively develop an immunity to the Victim-Victimizer Game. And part of the immunity will be being able to spot it and make conscious choices about how to redirect that energy in a loving way that serves both your needs, but also the needs of the other person, even if they are being aggressive to you; because if they are being aggressive to you, there is a part of them that doesn‘t want that, but they‘re out of touch with that part of them because they‘re having interference. Everybody gets interference on this planet. Nobody‘s exempt from it. So, if you can think higher, and ―higher‖ is not just thinking about protecting yourself or getting your way, but thinking about: ―How can I help us here?‖, whoever the ‗us‘ is, even if you don‘t like a lot of things about them and it‘s a stranger and you‘d just as soon be mad at the other one! But if they are still a face of the consciousness of God, a face that God wears, even if they‘re falling. Even if they‘re acting horribly, you can still respond with Love in an „us‟ space, from that space, and honor them and yourself as manifestations of Source and find a way to shift the energy. Don‘t leave it up to the other person, because they might not be able to. You might be the only one that can walk in that situation, and the other person might not have legs yet, so you need to help them through, too, and that‘s the best way to get yourself out of it as fast, to heal it in yourself, to help the other that‘s engaging it with you. But, not pour yourself all over the other to the point where you‘re not taking care of yourself. It‘s great training for learning how to handle your power and hold it with Grace and with Dignity, when to use it strongly, when to use it mildly, when to step in, when to step back. It‘s very good training for all sorts of things but it‘s also very difficult to live through. And if you know that this is playing in your relationships (and it IS playing, it IS there). Some people have already mastered a lot of the postures and they get along just fine, or they‘ve learnt to compensate, where they have compensation patterns of odd little behaviors that don‘t allow them to bring it into a full confrontation. Some marriages last for fifty or a hundred years that way, where you just don‘t face the issues and you kind of live personas and you actually have your own lives and you walk these little puppets around, where you don‘t face the conflicts, and that‘s not helping either. It‘s just not giving this (the V-V Game) a chance to show and if this doesn‘t show you can‘t fix it. So there are a lot of things in understanding this program that‘s running that you can help yourself and your relationships with, by realizing you CAN find a Kristiac solution and it will always be what‟s right for each individual and the two individuals together. It is not an ―or‖ situation. You don‘t have to save ―you‖ or ―them.‖ If it‘s an ―or‖ situation, where it‘s you or them, one has to be a winner, one has to be a loser; it is not the Kristiac solution. It is trying to pull you into one end of the Victim-Victimizer Game or the other. There is always somewhere, and it may not be easy to find, a solution, at least on the personal levels, that you can find that will be the best for both involved in a conflict in the V-V Game. SSAR-3 Disk 4: 2hrs 14 mins

Fixers have one lovely characteristic about them, bless them! When you‘re a Target fixer, you just keep showing up and keep getting up and keep standing up, keep coming back to fix it, because you love the other person or because you value the relationship or whatever it is that motivates Fixers! I‘m still trying to figure out! Love is usually at the core, a desire to love, but it is also a Love that can infringe on Free Will and no matter how good the intentions of a Fixer might be, sometimes you have to accept that certain beings or people or relationships don‘t want fixing! And after you‘ve been, like, a punching-bag for a while emotionally or you‘re on a see-saw or relationships are never stable, it‘s like ―got a good week, got a bad week, etc.‖ It can make you nuts for quite a while or it‘s like ―poof, knock it down again!‖ You have, like, that weight in the bottom and you just go ―boing!!!‖ and you pop back up and ―hello, I‘m back. I love you. I love you!‖ Because the more you do that, the more, like: ―Oh good, I can play with you more!‖ And eventually, throwing Love at someone, that Unconditional The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2007. All Rights Reserved


Love: ―Oh I love you anyway, no matter what, right?‖… It‘s a great space to have, but if you‘re dealing with someone who‘s trapped in the Aggressor pattern and you‘re just going: ―Well, I‘m going to stick around and we‘re going to talk about this because this has to be fixed. I‘m not going to let…, you know, you‘re not going to walk all over me, but I love you and I‘m not going to leave either!‖ When you get to that point you may find it will either do one of two things. It will help the person who‘s been running the Aggressor pattern to step aside a bit, because of all of a sudden what they‘re doing is not working!... It might get them to shift a bit because you haven‘t gone away and abandoned them, but you are also not letting them walk on you. So it‘s a really interesting spot for the Target pattern to be in. When you are in harmony (love basically is a state of vibrational harmonization), when you feel love for someone, it is because you have a Base Pulse Rhythm and a frequency and they have a similar one and it forms lovely waves that go like this (smoothly flowing gesture from A‟sha). They are expansive and you just feel more of yourself because you‘ve found such a connection with that person that has the same type of encryption. Hatred is the opposite of that… The Fixer might have to say: ―I love you but I can‘t fix this.‖ And leave. Ecka Letter

Where did you ever get the idea that anyone, God-Source, the ―Universe,‖ the Eieyani, your parents, your partner, your teachers, the government, etc., is required to justify their existence or perspectives to you, or ―OWES YOU‖ anything, including an explanation or answer? You ―owe‖ yourselves these things and much more, but, as long as you refuse responsibility for this by projecting your power and accountability onto external sources, blaming and angrily demanding from the external instead of lovingly giving to it and to yourselves, you will continue to dis-empower yourselves and perpetually place yourselves into the role of playing ―victim,‖ so you can draw to you the external mirror to reflect back to you the ways in which you are victimizing and denying your true self. Because we DO love you, we will not assist you in perpetuating such self-disempowering and otherabusive behaviors that some of you have been demonstrating, by dignifying such childish ranting with a response. (To the many of you who have recently been at the brunt of this type of spewing behavior, we will lovingly remind you that you are fully entitled to respond in similar fashion, though perhaps it would be more appropriate to avoid dignifying such behavior with any response at all). If one desires Christiac assistance in finding one‘s own answers to personal questions (including those pertaining to our work), then might we suggest asking one‘s questions in a loving, appreciative, kindly, sincere Christiac manner; a practice through which one might find the feedback one hopes to acquire returns in like Christiac fashion. Attention and answers from your own personal Inner Christos, from God-Source, from us or our earthly representatives, and from everything in the universe, are available, if you appreciate the fact that attention and answers are gifts, not entitlements you have right to take for granted. If you repeatedly fail to recognize this fact, and continue to spew demand, judgment, blame and accusation of others into your world, your world will progressively frustrate you by faithfully reflecting back to you the insensitivity, unkindness, unfairness, judgement and lack of love you are spewing. Those of you who justify your inappropriate use of energy in this way can spew at God, us, our representatives, etc… until your heart is content, but in this way your heart will never be content, for it is yourselves, not us, whom you are hurting through such attitudes and actions; you are keeping yourselves ―stuck‖ in the ―victim-victimiser game.‖ We of the Christiac stance will meet you, as a recognized symbolic mirror-projection that models for us, as representatives of the Living God-Source, the precise aspects of hurt and confusion that have yet to heal within the ONE-Body of God-Source. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2007. All Rights Reserved


We will model for you the reality that we are not the victims or victimizers that your egos would like to believe we are, so that you do not have to face the victim and victimizer behaviours within yourselves that continue to disempower you, by placing on external forces blame, responsibility, accountability and the power to heal and free yourselves from your self-imposed victim-hood. We will continue to observe, identify, and love, instead of judge, God-Source, Christiac Eternal Life races and principles, you, ourselves, those who prefer to follow the Anti-Christiac Finite Evolution path, and ALL of Creation, absolutely, equally and unconditionally, always, but we will also always honor and embody (but not impose) the eternal preference of Christiac action, principle and creation through which God-Source set in motion the Eternal Original First Creation. And we will recognize in reverence, the Living God-Source Within All Things, and in so doing will not mock, disrespect, insult or deny the infinite, loving God-Source Within us all, by allowing ourselves to be victims or victimisers, for both positions imply denial of the Living Inner God-Source and its inherent Knowing Innocence, Unconditional Love, Infinite Kindness and Limitless Power. The need to be ―forgiven‖ implies one has been judged; God-Source does not judge, but only loves unconditionally and allows for the framework within which accountability becomes a self-regulating force. There has been no need to ―forgive‖ the fallen races, for they were allowed the gift of free will expression, even if this gift was used in opposite expression to the original and eternal Loving Intention of God-Source, who gave all the privilege of this potential. Though when necessary, Christiac races will expose the actions and deceptions of fallen races, on behalf of preserving the continuation of the Christiac principle of free will choice, we will do so only in Unconditional Love and Allowance, not judgment and condemnation, as we have done within the contemporary Earth drama. Once one has learned and embodied the Lessons of Divine Love and Power, one recognizes that the greatest joy is in the giving, not in the taking, and that the greatest power is in the Being, not in the controlling. To those still fully ensnared within the ―Victim-Victimizer Game,‖ who still justify their own right to act abusively, demandingly, manipulatively and lovelessly toward others, and who believe that someone beside themselves ―owes them something,‖ we cannot yet come at all, for such attitudes and ideas completely block reception of the unconditional love and potential gifts of Christiac wisdom we might offer, thus reducing us in your perceptions to nothing more than a mirror for the projections of your disowned and dysfunctional aspects of self. For you we will await your further growth and maturity, in order to remind you of the lessons of Divine Love, responsibility and accountability that you are still learning in order to set yourselves free. The Origin of the VV Game A fascinating account of the origin of the Victim-Victimizer Game was given in January 2007; the following excerpts serve to illustrate the general principles but it is highly recommended to watch Disk One of FOL2007 to get the full story and understand how this applies to our contemporary situation. FOL2007 Disk 1: 0h 58m

Borenthasala races experienced witnessing a natural Fall, you know, I mean ―natural‖ in that, yes, Fall is a consequence of making energy decisions that culminate in your loss of being able to run Christiac frequency. And if you just co-operate with what the elders always explained to you in the first place: there are certain ways to behave and it has to do with Love and being kind and not hoarding energy and all those things… And there‘s always little abuses of that as consciousness tests out how far those rules apply. Well, they watched one of those little ―test-out‖ things happen in their own Matrix, not in their Ecka level, but I believe it was…implosion of their DN-1 through DN-3 system. So they watched one Veca quadrant in their anti-particle system go into spaceThe MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2007. All Rights Reserved


dust return because of something that the predominant consciousness in that Matrix had chosen to do with the laws of energy that they were advised not to do, but they did it anyway…. This Christiac Ecka Race, the Borenthasala, were so horrified by what they saw, because they loved those people. They were devastated. They knew grief, perhaps for the first time, and it created (because when you‟re fully on-line with the Krist, grief isn‟t even something you experience, because you experience, you know, that nothing is ever lost and will always return to Source; it just depends on which path they‟ll return). So they knew all this already but there was a connection with this particular, you know, group of Ecka races that did go back through implosion, that the Borenthasalas couldn‘t let it go because they were just grief-stricken. Grief can be a very blinding thing and it can really make, it can give you twisted thinking, and they began to get a bit of that, where they decided what they wanted to do was find out what the core of that problem is. How could something like that happen? And what is the core problem? They analyzed that down to where they realized it was competition. So then they wanted to find out: ―Well, where does THAT come from?‖ Extremes in polarity: okay. They wanted to fix it. They wanted to, first of all, analyze extreme polarity once they had identified competition between polarity extremes as the cause of the twisted thinking that leads to the abuse of the natural laws of physics. Then, they wanted to fix the Krist and this is where they got messed up. They were Kristiac races. They loved the Krist, but they thought it could be even better if Fall potential was eradicated, where nothing could ever fall, kind of like a Nanny State where there was always somebody to go and take care of you and make sure you couldn‘t do that! They DID know better at one point in their own evolution that Fall Potential is: Fall occurs when certain laws of natural energy are used and abused to a point where you get consequence directly to action, all right? Consequence and action were the only temperance of the gift of Free Will that was put in this Matrix, all right? Something could come in and it had Free Will. Source gave all of us Free Will and when we individuated we had that gift and we could use it any way we wanted to, even to the extreme of using it in ―Opposite to Divine Will‖ expression. But, in order to temper, to temper the abuses that could be done with Free Will, instead of Source or God sitting up there judging: ―You were bad, you were bad and we‘ll send you to hell,‖ that kind of stuff! That‘s just a child‘s story, all right! What was set in motion with the Eternal Life Krist Code that allows for the natural creation and re-creation to continually occur was the action, the part of energy dynamics that has to do with action and consequence, where there are certain consequences to certain actions, consequences in energy and consciousness, and Falls result from a build-up of abuses of the natural laws of energy, of the Krist, that culminate in consequences of energy that create the Fall Condition. So it isn‟t something terrible or bad. It is actually what allows Eternal Life Creation to be eternal because it tempers Free Will, and Free Will needs to be tempered because once you get out in the hologram and you‘re no longer directly floating around without form in Source as part of Source directly ( you‘re still in the manifest body of Source and you‘re still made of the units of the consciousness of God), but you can get really lost in holograms out here, forget who you are, forget what the rules are and you can make some really bad mistakes. That‘s how Fall races end up Fall races. So what the Borenthasalas tried to do was because they were so devastated by the loss of those they loved and they just couldn‘t… They used to understand how, why Fall Potential was there and absolutely essential to the functioning of the Krist Code itself so the perpetual motion of the, you know, regenerating Light Body would continually be there and nothing could abuse it so badly that it wouldn‘t kick in with its own immune system and create consequences in energy that would stop whatever was trying to eat it alive. Like, if a black hole got to a certain level, it will experience consequences and it will be implosion and then what was in that black hole will go on back to Source as units of consciousness of Source, as partiki space dust on the next natural inhale or Adashi cycle. So, everything goes home. Nothing is ever lost and Source understands it that way. It is a loving system and it is something that the Borenthasalas lost track of understanding through the grief they experienced The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2007. All Rights Reserved


by watching it in operation in their own Veca system. And what they tried to do, they decided they were going to do a quarantined experiment in extreme polarities. First of all, they wanted to find out the ins and outs and all the nuances of how this thing called competition for resource, competition for energy, violence, how does this happen? How does something that starts out Kristiac get so twisted that it can behave that way? ….. (The plan to eradicate Fall Potential): Bad idea to start with, but when you‘re broken-hearted and, you know, have a hard time seeing through your tears, I guess you could go there. And I guess there are people here who would probably go there, because it‟s almost like this is a lesson we need to learn because we‟re watching one and when we get out, if we get out, we‟ll be watching it from that kind of perspective. It would be a good idea to realize it‟s not as merciless as it appears to be, no matter how much grief you‘re blinded by, because if you get blinded by grief, you can do things, that you really meant well in doing, but they can go really, really bad in ways you never expected and that‘s what happened here. They created this Polarity Experiment… They first devised the Victim-Victimizer program.

Balanced Expression of Love Synocracy Document

Ideally a balance within the collective is achieved as members of a Synocracy find a balance between selffulfilment or ―receiving,‖ and collective service or ―giving‖ within themselves. The conflict between ―selfish‖ ―service to self‖ and ―martyred‖ ―service to others‖ heals when each individual recognizes that the ―collective‖ IS part of the self, and the collective recognizes that each individual IS part of the ―Self.‖ ―Sacrifice‖ of Self and denial of personal needs and desires takes away from the energies an individual can give to the whole; one cannot give what one does not possess within. If the self and its personal Inner Christos connection are not personally loved, nurtured, respected and treated with honor, that self cannot give genuine love, nurturing, respect or honor to others and their Inner Christos identity. Leaders within a Synocracy know this, and thus view nurturing and taking care of‘ the Self as equally important as (but not more so) service to the collective. In a true Synocracy, individuals do not accept positions of organizational and administrative leadership in order to bring ―personal glory,‖ power, acclaim or abundance to the Self, but rather accept such duties as SACRED RESPONSIBILITIES chosen to further one's own development by genuinely serving the Christos Expression of the whole. Personal Responsibility As the Inner Christos connection is understood to be one's direct bio-energetic link to the consciousness of OneSource God, members of a Synocracy place attainment and maintenance of this personal Inner Christos connection as their first and primary personal priority and responsibility. Part of the responsibility of achieving and maintaining the pure communication link with the Inner Christos is to develop skill in consciously managing the personal bio-energetic field. Members of a Synocracy take personal responsibility for themselves by consistently running the D-12 Maharata Current, Divine Blueprint and Christos Consciousness level into the manifest body and consciousness, to ensure that the energetic link to the personal Inner Christos consciousness remains open, active and impeccable. A‟sha-yana

We need to get ourselves strong and clear, because you're not going to help anybody if you don‘t help yourself first. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2007. All Rights Reserved


Where is the LOVE? The question of “Where is the Love in these teachings?” cannot be addressed without an understanding of the significance of integrating the Dimension 3 Mental Body in the quest for genuine, holistic spiritual development. In Voyagers Volume 2, pp 77 ff, there is a clear description of an unnatural division which has developed within the 3D mental body, the part of our multidimensional anatomy which forms the bridge between our Soul level of being at Dimensions 4, 5 & 6 and our Incarnate D-2 Emotional and D-1 Atomic Bodies. If we wish, in our current embodiment, to have access to the cognition, love and At-ONE-Ment that is enjoyed by the higher dimensional levels of our being, it is necessary to include the mental body in our spiritual development. Voyagers Volume 2: p. 79

The conscious mind, or conscious focus of attention, was divided into two areas that did not consciously associate with each other…The portions of identity that developed through the higher overtones of the third DNA strand became the Higher Self. The Higher Self mind could perceive activity taking place within the highest sub-frequency bands of the third dimension. The lower mind Ego developed an exaggerated sense of dualistic perception, as it became locked into fivesensory perception. Using only five-sensory perception, extreme distinctions between the inner world of personal identity and the outer world of manifest were perceived…. The 3D mental body requires information to be presented in a clear, linear, logical fashion; this assists us in healing the rift in this level of our being, and in accessing our own higher-dimensional levels of consciousness. This, in turn, assists us in consciously reconnecting with our own direct link to Source, and thence to true At-ONEment. Thus, realigning the mental body is an indispensable step in truly embodying the Love and Joy of Source. MM: Disk 1: 1h 18m

When we go into these processes you‘ll hear new words and those kinds of things. Some of them are important, more important than others. Don‘t worry if you can‘t remember them all. It‘s not a gruelling course that: ―Oh my God, to even use this I just have to, it‘s just too overwhelming.‖ The processes become simple. The understanding or the explanations, with the words and terms, are just there to help your mental body realize that there IS a linear ―make-sense-yes-this-stuff-is-real‖ connection to the action you‘re being guided to take with directing frequency, because the mental body needs things strung out in a linear fashion and that‘s the 3Dimensional level of your consciousness. The third strand of DNA governs that. The third level of consciousness needs to have linear sequential thought for it to make sense and if it doesn‘t make sense, it bounces it out as if it doesn‘t fit. So what we are doing, by learning the things that, okay, instead of just saying: ―Here, do this and it‘ll fix this for you‖, we‘re showing you: ―When you do this, it creates this. This is why it will fix that‖. It‘s helping your mental body to integrate the frequencies…. You cannot integrate the emotional body or the physical body with your spirit bodies, you cannot ascend, without integration of the mental body as well. KPS: Calgary: Disk 1

Once you realize that you have access to this huge living matrix of knowledge, you also realize that there‘s not another person or thing on this planet that you have a right to pass hateful judgment against, no matter how badly they might act. That just shows you how far they have forgotten what they are part of. You will learn that all of the nonsense you might have been taught when you were young: ―You‘re worthless, you‘re not good enough, you‘ll never be good enough,‖ all of that stuff that so many of us have heard because our parents heard it from their parents and they passed it down. First of all, that stuff starts to heal. You start to realize that there‟s no such thing as being a worthless person. There‘s no such thing as not being good enough. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2007. All Rights Reserved


And when you start to realize that healing within yourself, you begin to change the way you look at other people, automatically. You find compassion. You start to see behind what‘s causing them to be as they are, even if being as they are is not particularly nice at the moment. You begin to find what‘s called Christ Consciousness. MM: Disk 3

(Diagrams, etc.) show the reality of the energy connections that help the Mental Body. The Mental Body likes linear things. It likes information strung out in ways where there are no big gaps, where it doesn‘t have to make leaps of faith, where it can make sense of information, which means synthesizing information in an orderly fashion. So I‘ll try to show these things to you, to help the Mental Body to integrate the rest of what the Spiritual Consciousness knows, and what the Emotional Body and Physical Body need to know, if they are ever going to be able to experience these places (e.g., Inner Earth). The Indigos have the ability, if we get our merkabas spinning in the right way, to literally, out of Absolute Love… we don‘t fight, we love, and we transmit frequency from the higher fields that clear whatever messes they try to make here. DFL2: Disk 2: 1h 24 An

"Ego" is simply the part of you that looks out on 3D here. It belongs there… Your ego goes with your mental body. However, there is "negative ego," which is when the mental body gets confused and it creates all sorts of self- justification patterns; because it really believes it's worthless, it has to prove its worth to itself. So, it creates all sorts of compensation patterns where it feels really inferior, so it walks around being real arrogant because it knows it's really cool because it really needs to believe it's really cool because it feels so horrible and tiny and pathetic…. People with negative ego, and we all have some touches of it (it might be just fear patterns, defensive patterns) they come from a place of not fully remembering our connection to God. If we remembered we are all Divine Beings, we are all created equal, whether or not we have equal level of this, that or that, we are of equal value. If we realize that we are all blessed, and that God really loves us, there is a God that does love us and that we have an auto-guidance system right within ourselves that will guide us through the worst of anything, if we only listen and learn to hear it. You don't need negative ego. Negative ego is to protect the personality when it believes it doesn't have any connection to anything else. A personality who feels lost in space-time: that is where ego comes from. The negative ego is what a lot of spiritual traditions try to, like, annihilate and assassinate and make it go away and like really torture you until you get rid of it. You can't get rid of it. It is a part of you. You need to heal it and integrate it. That‘s what this program also works with. Personal Healing through Planetary Service Handbook

Through understanding the Cosmic Crystal Matrices that we evolve within, we can understand our personal path of evolution and our indelible connection to the Divine. A‟zha: UK Dance for Love disk 9 track 1

What is our relationship to Unconditional Love? What do we think about it? How do we reconcile that with the need for technology? The nature of Source, the greatest gifts that Source brings to us, are intrinsically and utterly the nature and function of merkaba when described fully, and with love, unreserved love, as opposed to that kind of expression which seeks to manipulate and mislead people. In our Christed, fully unconditionally loving state, that which eclipses anything we can imagine at 3D level, we had the wisdom and the compassion to understand the opportunity that would be afforded for a healing on a Universal level. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2007. All Rights Reserved


A‟sha-yana: Preparing for Contact

It helps if we understand the answers to questions like: ―Where is the Love?‖ The Love is all the way through all of this. The Love is loving a being enough to tell it the truth, instead of conning it into what it thinks it wants to hear, so you can suck its energy dry because you don‘t want to give Love, you want to take! Love is giving. It gives freely. It doesn‟t let itself be abused. “The Freedom Teachings: A Brief Primer:” A‟zha: AP Website

The empowerment intrinsic to these materials forms an unparalleled personal hub through which the deep and unpresumptuous Love that IS Source can be re-discovered AND re-experienced as present reality. Access to Source lies in the detail simply because the Love emanating from Source creates the detail. You, me, our planet, galaxy, and the ―God Worlds,‖ and all sentient life- forms, ARE the detail through which Source experiences itself. It is through the same principles of detail that we are implicitly permitted to know Source, and participate as ―Sparks of Source‖ across the Creation Framework. These inextricably connected facts form the greatest truth of all existence. Knowledge of these matters is our birthright. It is this awareness, this strength and this persistence that denotes the highest qualities of Divine Love, Divine Responsibility and Divine Awareness. These are the attitudes which characterize the most desirable response to the current planetary and wider Drama. And, it is the same attitudes which form the basis of passage into the worlds of true Spiritual Maturity, Loving Grace, and organic Co-creative Power, as conscious representatives of Source in a fundamental re-affirmation of our common connection to a Sacred Creation…. If we hope to create anything new, ―better‖ or of lasting substance, if we are really serious about re-affirming our active, conscious, connection to Source-Creation, then that must presuppose a reasonably detailed knowledge of the workings of Divine Substance so that the all-essential question of our personal, conscious, informed accessibility to the stuff of creation can be reliably and successfully achieved. In other words, if we don‘t really understand how Source creates, how the creation framework functions, what our genetic relationship to that process contains, what forms of energetic obstructions exist to compromise our best intentions, then we simply cannot, in all honesty, expect to manifest anything, of any lasting significance, in Divine Right Relationship! The Freedom Teachings explain, in detail, that the connection between Science and Spirituality, the relationship between Energy and Consciousness, between Light and Sound, is the basis of all Creation. If we do not understand the basic mechanics of Creation, of ourselves, of our world and other-worlds, we cannot possibly expect to manifest much of anything ourselves, let alone create anything which is consistent with the organic nature of the framework within which creation-manifestation processes are expressed…. Understanding these things is what will set you free, not ―assumptions‖ or paradigms that teach you little about your true power, abilities or potentials… and nothing about who you really are or why you are here. ATW: Disk 5: 0h 54m

I didn't want, with all the technical things we have learned in this work shop, I didn't want you to go away without the understanding that every bit of this technical stuff is about the emotional, touchy-feely, cuddly God stuff that spirituality is about too. All of that is here and it's in it. And if you can hold that, to realize those two parts: the technical aspects of how the things work, but the loving consciousness, the wisdom that is around you and with you and inside of you always. MM Disk 1: 0h 4m

One of the things that our teachings are built upon is called the ―Law of ONE‖ which is an interpretation of science and spirit that acknowledges the interconnection between all life fields, from the personal level to the planetary to The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2007. All Rights Reserved


the galactic to the universal to the cosmic and to Source. So, you will have information that can be applied to every one of these levels of development. Most people, when they start spiritual development, start where they are, which is: ―I AM Me.‖ That‘s the place to begin. You can‘t begin someplace else because your consciousness is stationed right here with you in your body, right now. When you start with ―I AM Me‖ and start to learn about the parts of your consciousness that you have, that you may have forgotten now that you are in a body, you begin a process of expansion of awareness. MM: 1: 0h 7m

The techniques that will be given and practised in this workshop, you can use, even if you didn‘t know anything about them. Teaching you about them helps your mind to understand why you would want to do them and it helps you to develop an understanding where you can trust doing them, because it isn‘t wise to go out and just do techniques of energy that do stuff in your body that you don‘t know what it is. So we explain what it is. DFL2: Disk 1: 5mins ff

We are a part of a Life System, a Planetary System that‘s part of a Galactic System that‘s part of a Universal System that‘s part of a Universal System that‘s part of a Cosmic System. When we get into the Dance for Love program we will understand more about that framework, very specifically more about the templates that we are connected to. These are our connection to God. These are our connection to Source because these templates are living forms of consciousness. Right now, if we could perceive ourselves the way the God part of ourselves perceives itself, we would know that we are standing scalar wave patterns. Right now, we see a hologram, the hologram of matter that is created by standing scalar wave patterns of consciousness bending in certain ways and refracting off itself so it can see itself in objectification. In truth, we are all residing within the Source and Force we call "God." Everything in manifestation is not outside of God. God didn‘t choose to create something and then put it outside of itself. It created itself inside so, everything exists within God. You can't be away from God. God IS everywhere, but you can be away from the remembering of what that means. You can be away from understanding that you have that relationship with God or Source. Now, we talk about science and Divine Science. We do this in a very spiritual way but we do not insult science in order to justify spirituality. Nor do we insult spirituality in order to justify science. They go hand in hand. Source, God, is very, very scientific and is also very, very spiritual all at the same time. So, there are a lot of paradigms of belief that come together in the work that we teach. DFL2: Disk 1: 19 mins

When we move through our planetary shields clinics we come on a mission of love and simply of assisting the universe and Source God to restore the Christos Frequencies. Our bodies are conduits of energy. The type of energy we carry will depend on first of all, how much we know about our anatomy. If we don't know we have chakras, if we don't know that we have a scalar template, if we don't know we have auric field levels and how to keep them clean and how to keep them in integrity, we are not going to know what do with ourselves. We are going to be easy game for things that live...let‘s say in the D-4 astral plane that want to attach to your fields and use your fields for something that you might not even know what they are using them for. So, we teach you how to do basic protection. DFL2: Disk 1:23mins

Right now, we are going to use technologies that: these are a gift. It is very hard sometimes for me sometimes to convey the meaning behind it, even to put into words for myself, the level of gratitude that I personally feel. I know that Az feels the same. People that have been working them a little bit and start to get a feel for what we are doing, that‘s been there for them, too, I think. There‘s a gratitude of realizing the level of technology that we have been given and the freedom that that will eventually give us if we take it and use it. These technologies are the beginning of our freedom. They are the beginning of helping us to remember, first of all who we The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2007. All Rights Reserved


are, how our bodies work, how our Souls work, what it all means and how to begin to recreate the Christos civilization on this planet. DFL2: Disk 2: 1hr.52

So, your template, your flash-line sequence, your set of Christmas tree lights that is you, is holding your consciousness into a specific relationship with itself and with God so you can perceive yourself as if you were separate from God. It is an illusion and it is a hologram. It‘s a hologram that was intended to be joyful. It was intended to allow God to explore itself and find out more about itself by making itself into many different faces. This is what is meant by “We Are All One.” There is only One Consciousness in the whole entire cosmos. There is only One Identity in the whole entire cosmos and that is You. That is God. There is no difference. But when God puts itself in pieces down here, especially if it allows part of its DNA to be turned off, it completely forgets that. Then, we walk around thinking: ―Hmm. You are different than me. Well I like you because you are similar to me. But, I don‘t like you because you are very different from me.‖ We forget that we are that One Consciousness. I am you. You are me. We are the seats we are sitting on. We are the bugs that are crawling on the floor; they are so tiny that we can‘t see them. We are the Fallen Angelics. They are all the ―We.” If we know ourselves as God, there is not a thing that is outside of what we are. So, therefore there is not a thing that is not loveable, that is not Self. There is no “other.” There is no “Us” versus “Them.” There is only One! This is part of the understanding, that at first it sound likes words. The mental body goes: ―Hmmm. Cool! Yeah, that kind of sounds right. Some part of me knows that.‖ The emotional body goes flat-line. Mental body: ―Hmm, yeah ok.‖ The emotional body goes kind of like: ―Ok, does it compute? Ok, I‘ll buy that. That sounds really great. That means that we can just love everybody, right?‖ The Light, love and clueless space is the first reaction! ―Just love everything.‖ You know, just go up to a tiger and hug it, even though it is still on the meateating program! Well, it‘s going to rip your face off. You know what I mean? Open your heart to a Fallen Angelic and let it take full possession of your body so you never see yourself again. I mean…. If you want to, you can do it this way. ATW: Disk 5: 0h 51m

What it comes down to is everything, everything, before your eyes and everything you can't see yet is Living, Alive, Consciousness and a Direct Expression of God. If you want to touch God, reach out your hand. Feel the Air. Try it! Think of it in a new way. What is this air? This is a form of the Consciousness of God. Now, take this same hand. Put it here, this thing you know as your face. You are touching part of the Consciousness of God. It's that close. It's that real and it's that ―here‖…. The next time you feel scared or upset about something or overwhelmed by something, remember, reach out your hand and touch God and then take your hand back and lean into that space and let yourself be embraced by God. Feel the air around you hold you and realize that air is Conscious. It is the Consciousness of God around you. You can never, ever be separate from it. Even in a vacuum, the vacuum space is still God. God doesn't require oxygen to be! Everything is the consciousness of these Wave Forms that everything is manifest on. It's very hard to be frightened of anything if you get that. If you can really get that simple little thing. Where is God? Do I have to go look inside me? Do I look down my shirt? Can I find him in there somewhere? No, you can reach here. You can touch here. It is here around you and if you can let your Mental Body remember that when you are in times of stress or anything, you can immediately calm yourself down as if God literally came and put arms around you and said: "You are safe. You are a child of my bosom. You cannot be separate from me." Another very helpful discussion on the Love in the Freedom Teachings can be found in Disk One of the TTM/7DVD filmed in Calgary, Canada, in 2002.

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2007. All Rights Reserved


The “Open your Heart” Question HI/16CD: Disk 2: Track 1

You can trust your heart, but you also, you trust your heart after you clear your field… We don‘t endorse the ―just hand your power over to me and we‘ll fix it for you‖ stuff. But because of that, there‘s a challenge to the way this information is taught. It becomes your responsibility of what you do with it! There‘s no going back: ―Well this didn‘t work, how come I can‘t have this. Can you make this happen for me?‖ No, but you can make it happen for you. That‘s the response you get here. A lot of people don‘t like that. They want somebody to fix it for them. They want a quick-fix pill. They want a quick-fix, you know: ―hand my power over to you; then I feel safe.‖ We try to build a situation of feeling safe within your own power and you will do that by progressively learning, first of all, what your parts are, as far as your interdimensional structure and how your consciousness works in the body. Second of all, how to protect the integrity of that, to realize you have a Christos level of your own identity at Dimension 12, that is not in polarity. D-12 is where polarity stops and what you call Unity Consciousness starts. And it comes right down to the physics… Once you start to understand the structure that you‘re dealing with as a consciousness that‘s manifest within a framework, once you see the framework, it isn‘t that hard… If we‘re going to be spiritual, really spiritual, the first thing we‘re going to need to have is courage… (Re belief systems, etc.): Learn to differentiate: what is it telling you to do with your power? Is it telling you to worship something ―outside,‖ because if it is that is not a holy teaching. That is a power play. So these are the things we need to have the courage to look at…. What is more important: the worship of a book made of pages or the worship of God that moves through you? These are the questions that we have to have the courage to face. God‘s there. We‘re a living part of God and God‘s a living part of us….We need to learn to sift through, to feel behind the words. The words can be very, seemingly, harmless on the front. Feel the energy behind them and ask what it‘s doing with your power…. One of the intrinsic things is Love, and the Love issue is very interesting…. L-O-V-E is one of the most abused words on this planet… Some (teachings) tell you: ―Love everyone. We‘re all One.‖ Yes, we are, we agree this far. ―Open your heart and just embrace everyone. Just open your heart. Don‘t worry about the details. God will take care of it. The angels will take care of it. You don‘t need to understand all that stuff. You‘re just little humans. Just open your heart.‖ Your heart is connected to your heart chakra. Your heart chakra is connected to your astral body field. When you give the command to yourself to ―just open your heart to everyone and everything,” you are letting your astral field boundaries down. You are saying: ―Take me. You know? Body-snatch. Go for it.” You‘re opening your astral body field, your D-4 level. It‘s a trick of syntax. They know the power of words. They know that words give electro-magnetic commands to the body and the bio-field and the DNA. You tell yourself to ―open your heart‖ indiscriminately to everything and anything that comes by. You are giving the body the electrical signal to let down all barriers in the astral field and let everything pass through it. Convenient for something that wants to come in and stay!... There is LOVE and there is ―love,‖ the little ―love,‖ Now, part of the word ―love‖ has to do with just how we interact with each other and how we have been for centuries on this planet as humans. ―Love:‖ the way it‘s been used in psychological terms… we‘ve developed a cultural perspective on love that‘s very self-centered. Love has become a way to get, not to give. People usually enter love relationships because they feel they are lacking something: company, companionship, understanding, a friend, a buddy. They go into relationships looking to get. Mistake Number One, because when you do that, you are going in with a mentality of energy vampiring, because you‘re not sustaining, this way, from your own connection to Source. You‘re trying to get energy off other people. And people don‘t usually realize that this is what is happening, but the relationships will eventually show it, and it The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2007. All Rights Reserved


creates a very sad situation in love, where ―LOVE‖ becomes a cover word for what‘s really ―NEED.‖ Need is okay to a degree but, when it becomes a need where you have to make another person different from how they really are, you‘re not loving them. If you need to make somebody be a role because you need that role fulfilled, you are not loving them. This society is built on this type of love. Mothers have children and insist they become something: ―this,‖ ―that.‖ What if a kid wants to do ―this?‖ Fathers do it too: ―You have to grow up and take over the business!‖… The old formats of ―Love‖ were not built on genuine Love and that is what is sad, because the intention of the people was a desire to love and a desire to express, because that IS the human nature. Human nature is NOT a vile thing. It is not even a violent thing, but it turns violent when love is turned in on itself and it can‘t express and it can‘t connect. That‘s when it gets violent, because it‘s in pain. When you see violence in people, they‘ve hit a level of loss of control of their mental facilities and their emotional facilities from build-up of energy that they just don‘t have the control any more. They are in so much pain inside and they can do horrible things when they‘re in that state. It all comes down to Love and the fact that we are right now living as a race that doesn‘t express that quality the way it really exists…. If we even start to be self-aware (and this is part of spiritual growing)…. when you want to understand what spiritual love is, first of all you acknowledge that we ARE all ONE…. Everything from here all the way up to non-manifestation is all created out of the same energy that is the consciousness of God. It‘s the parts that have lost track of that fact that become lost and do things that are ungodly. You can look at both polarities of negative and positive and still find genuine love, but that does not mean you let yourself be a doormat…. I have been told that: ―Where is the Love in your work? There‘s no love there. You‘re identifying negative stuff.‖ Well, somebody‘s got to!!! Either that or it‘s going to run you over like a bulldozer, you know? This work is based on love, having enough love, just like the Founders have enough love, to try to get the information to us that we need to be able to set ourselves free. We do not teach to hate (Fallen Angelics). … We teach: ―Love them‖ but realize there is a sickness that makes them act in ways that violate other life forms. First of all, if we are going to help them at all, we have to help ourselves by not letting them run us over and flatten us any more. Secondly, once we are in a position of our own empowerment with Source, then we are in a position to help them and to love them. That is what this paradigm teaches…. Christ Consciousness is identifying the nature of the game and acting in a loving, unified consciousness way to bring the best outcome for all. That‘s what we‘re teaching. When we‘re dealing with Love on a personal level, the first thing, if we‟re ever going to be able to give love to someone, we have to give it to ourselves. That means we don‘t play martyr. We‘re taught (in some religions) to ―martyr ourselves for God.‖ God does not want you to do that. If you recognize the fact that you are a walking, living face of God, so is your neighbor. If you martyr yourself, you are martyring God. If you mistreat yourself, you are mistreating God. … HI: Disk 2 Track 2

When we become spiritual, one of the biggest things is recognizing our I AM Presence…. The ―I AM That I AM” is realizing that you are a walking, manifest face of God. You ARE God. That doesn‘t mean you‘re the God of somebody else and that something else has to worship you! That means that God is a massive force that‘s beyond form and manifestation, that ALL OF US are expressions of. When we want to become Christed or Godly beings, it‘s the process of opening up our remembrance enough to allow as much of that consciousness The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2007. All Rights Reserved


that is God, that One God, that One Consciousness, to move through us. It‘s saying: ―Let My Will be Thy Will,‖ but not to a Fallen Angelic, not to a guru, but to the One Source that a part of you will always know, was YOU as GOD. It‘s a presence and a feeling that, as you work with opening it inside of you, the words make more sense. There‘s a point in everybody‘s development…. you will find a cognition that goes with those words. The cognition is what you‘re after. The words are just words, but they‟re words that trigger the opening of the cognition. Try to feel for a moment, while we‘re talking here, just try to feel, try to say to yourself in your mind: ―I AM a walking face of God. I AM God.‖ Try to say it to yourself in your mind, and see if you get any ―oh, I‘m not allowed to say that‖ kind of stuff because we‘ve been programmed. ―Oh, how dare we say that? We‘re putting ourselves up. Oh, we‘re on ego trips.‖ No, it isn‘t about that. You need to be able to say to yourself, if you‘re going to start acting like an Angelic Human, if you‘re going to start acting like an Avatar or an Ascended Master or a spiritually actualized being, you need to be able to say: ―I AM That. I AM God. I AM a manifestation of God.‖ We also need to be able to look at the animal kingdom and realize ―so are they.‖ We also need to be able to look at how our society runs the food chain and look at how horribly we are treating faces of God. If we are going to be able to say: ―I AM a face of God,‖ it doesn‘t just apply to Humans. It applies to plants, bugs, animals, Fallen Angelics. They are faces of God that have forgotten that they are and, the more you forget, the less you act Godly. When we are learning the lessons of love, some of the most important things are being to approach love from the way that you get what you want out of it. The way that you get what you want out of Love is BEING it. As long as you look for love, you are telling yourself: ―I don‘t have it.‖ You are creating lack of love. The secret to getting love is BEING LOVE. When you can say to yourself when you wake up in the morning: “I AM Love this morning. I, as a manifester, as a face of God, am choosing to BE love this morning. Where can I shower my love? Where is it needed?‖ you completely reverse the hunger and the absence of love into an ―I have it; I‘m giving it.” You open the flow and bring it in, and it is endless. You bring it in, you give it, it comes and it comes. When you‟re giving love, you will always have it. But when you‘re not giving love, and that includes to yourself, you shut off the flow. Love is an energy. It‘s a frequency. Love is actually a state of vibrational harmonization where, if you have a vibrational pattern here, and another one over here, let‘s say this one‘s going like this and this one‘s going like this, and they run into each other and they clash, and you get conflict, you get disharmonic vibration. That‘s where you get emotions like anger, hate, resistance, all those negative, icky things. The feeling we call love happens because there is a physics involved. It‘s about wave patterns. You have one element that moves like this and the other, and one of them becomes able to take on the pattern of the other where they are able to harmonize and follow the same frequency. That is what gives us the experience or feeling of bonding, of love. The stronger the love you feel, it‘s telling you something. If there is something or someone that you feel a great deal of love for, there is a part of you whose energy field is vibrating very, very similarly to theirs. If you are with someone, and even if you like them on a conscious level but you‘re constantly fighting and this kind of stuff, that‘s showing you that there are areas in your energy fields that are not running the same frequency and they‘re clashing into each other and that‘s where the conflict is coming from. If we are going to embody love, we need to understand that it‘s an energy. Once we understand that love is something we can give, any moment we choose, we have a whole different position towards it…. Usually we get into these little ruts with relationships or with the seeking of relationships or the getting rid of relationships because they don‘t work any more! That‘s usually because we‘re coming from a place of: ―Okay, yeah I love you and I want to give to you‖ and somewhere in there there‘s a little voice that‘s saying: ―Yeah, and I need this, this in return,” and the more you don‘t get ―this, this and this,” the more tension you get and the less you want to be with each other. There‘s a way to shift these things. There‘s a way to approach the dating scene… but it still comes The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2007. All Rights Reserved


down to: ‖I am seeking something I don‘t have” in yourself, by finding a symbol of that lack filled from somebody else, that you‘re trying to bring in. Again, you‘re approaching it from a ―give me” rather than a ―what can I give?‖ point. And you‘ll probably reel somebody in that‘s following the same pattern and you‘ll find those power struggle relationships happening…. Love is actually being able to expand more in yourself, by loving another, not because of what they give to you, but, by acknowledging that you get huge things from them just by them being who they are, not because they are behaving exactly how you want them to all the time! Sometimes they don‘t! It‘s like you need to love them anyway. And there‘s limits there, too, like you don‘t have to nail yourself to a cross…. There are limits. It‘s a whole balancing act, but it comes down to re-perceiving Love and Spirit as something that goes together. First of all, if you close your eyes and look at your mate or look at the type of person you‘d want and pretend you can‘t see them as physical bodies. Pretend you see them as energy essences; start there. Try to see the people around you, and yourself, as you really are. Right now we are all in bodies that are like costumes. It‘s like a grand ball, a costume ball, like Mardi Gras, except we forgot to take our masks off and WE don‘t even remember who we are! If we start to realize what we see when we look in the mirror is not who we are. It‘s a costume we have chosen to wear, and it has certain characteristics and attributes. The body will give you certain perceptual filters. Depending on your gene code, it will give you certain orientations. But you chose that body and that gene code to have those experiences. But once you get beyond that: ―Okay, it‘s mine, I‘m not disowning it, but there‘s the real me that is this eternal energy essence behind it” and you start to realize: ―Yeah, that‘s me; that‘s them too,” the other people in the world, you start to realize you can contact them without picking up a phone. You can send out information telepathically, in the D-4 frequencies or higher. If you want companionship, ask the Higher Net rather than the Internet! Go to the Christos level….Yeah, the Higher Net. We‘re all connected to that. Then there‘s the Middle Net; that‘s the Net you get entangled and ensnared in. That‘s the one that goes from D-4 to up to D-11…. This is where learning about the Maharic Seal and learning about the body parts that you have, that it‟s your job to learn to master. It‘s kind of like, if you‘re going to, if you want to be a swimmer, you‘re kind of foolish if you go rent a boat, take it out to the deep ocean and jump in but you never had a swimming lesson at all and you don‘t have a clue as to how keep yourself afloat…. If we learn our parts and we learn that it‘s our job to handle them… We DO need to take responsibility for ourselves….. If we are going to be spiritual beings, we have to take responsibility…. There are really subtle things taking place in the area of attitude, that if we‘re going to be grown-ups, if we‘re going to be grown-up spiritual people (and it‘s going to take grown-ups to function as part of the Templar Security Team on this planet. When it comes time for Contact to be made open, which it will be, probably within the next seventeen years… It‘s not going to be that long…there will be contact made.), and the people who are willing to learn and to show that they are grown-ups, show that they‘re responsible and that they‘re not immature to the point where the ego‘s running the show and they‘re only spiritual because it suits their needs at the moment, the people who show that they really care and they really are demonstrating the fact that they want to learn, that they can employ good judgment when it comes to handling energy and responsibility-- they‘re the people that will be contacted first…. It takes sobriety and it takes responsibility to do this. It takes Love, but it takes more than Love. It takes knowledge and it takes humility, realizing the Universe is huge and there‘s an awful lot to learn. We can start here. But never let your head run away with you, any more than you want to let your heart run away with you where you just go off the deep end and follow something that is not good for you. You know how a lot of people get into those: ―I fell in love.‖ I‟d rather choose to, like, rise in love than fall in love! Because a lot of people get run over by the emotional body and that can happen when you get into spirituality too…. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2007. All Rights Reserved


One of the most important things is attitude. Attitude is HUGE. You will either make or break your awakening with your attitude. There‘s nothing that you need so badly, that you lack so badly, that you have to con yourself into a superiority complex. There‘s nothing that you‘re lacking inside of yourself so horribly, or that‘s so pathetic or lowly, that you have to martyr yourself to reclaim your feeling of being worthy of something. You need to love YOU, just the way you are, right now. Realize, there‘s lots more of you to open up and let come in, but realize that you‘re fine right now, too. You‘re in a stage of growth and a stage of awakening. There are places to go and things you have to move up from, from there, but that doesn‘t mean that you‘re not good enough. You‘re perfect, right now. You need to know your perfection right now. That doesn‘t mean that there‘s not room for improvement. That doesn‘t mean that there‘s not room to grow, because that would be stagnation, not perfection. Perfection is everexpanding. Once you reach one space, there‘s another space to expand to. But if you can appreciate your own perfection right now, you‟ll give yourself credit for having available knowledge that you might not give yourself credit for having. Right now, you have, in your cellular memory, the things you will learn in this week! It‘s in there already. This information will just help to remind you. Your body knows how to run Stargate grids…. You need to give yourself credit for what you DO have, right now, because when you do, you‟ll open yourself to allow more to come.

A lot of us put ourselves through situations where we are very hard on ourselves, particularly people that are sincere, really hard-working people. They don‘t want lip service. They don‘t want falsity. They are willing to work hard and be responsible. They can put themselves through the mill with it where, no matter how good they DO get, all they see is the stuff they HAVEN‘T got yet! And that puts you again into a lack space. If you want to have mastery, just like if you want to have love: remember what I said about if you want to have love, what do you do? BE it. Yes, right. ―I AM Love NOW.‖ You tell yourself. You set the grid. You‘re giving the body the commands to manifest it. “I AM Love.‖ If you want mastery, you don‘t chase it. You own it. ―I AM Mastery now.‖ You give yourself permission to allow whatever level of mastery can open in you right now, you give it the command to come, and allow it, not with ego, not with arrogance, not with: ―I‘m just wonderful. I‘m Mr. Master.‖ You don‘t have to do that! It‘s simply: ―I acknowledge that I have Mastery. I‘ve been sleeping. It‘s like I was in a dream and now I‘m waking up and remembering it‘s there and I‘m going to let it reintroduce itself to me. I AM a Master Now.‖ You want to be a Master? You tell yourself you are. That doesn‘t mean you ignore the stuff you need to learn. It means you give yourself credit for what you do have and open the channels so even more of it can come through. These are some of the attitudes that will help you tremendously if you start to go into Planetary Stewardship. It will help you to look at things like: ―What is spirituality? What‘s the difference between spirituality and religion? What is my relationship to these ideas, to these words? What is my relationship to God? Am I attached to a book or a being?‖ These are questions you need to ask if you want to become free. ―Free‖ isn‘t being free from God as if it‘s a disease! “Free” is being able to fully embody that presence AS YOU, the part of you that never left that space. It‘s a space that‘s not in manifestation that you originated from and a part of you‘s still there because time is simultaneous and it all happens at once. So, right now, a part of you is God, never left. That‟s the part that IS the Master. All you have to do is command it here and you‘ll progressively help the body open the DNA template to allow it to come through. Ecka Letter

Many of you, upon encountering the MCEO teachings of the ―Inner Christ,‖ immediately recognized and embraced the magnitude of absolute, unconditional love that is embodied within these teachings…. Here you have not been taught the falsehood that genuine love, spiritual enlightenment and personal power can be reclaimed by patronizing a ―magic genie-God parent-figure in the sky;‖ instead you have been gently guided back The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2007. All Rights Reserved


unto yourselves, and to the innate love, power, responsibility and accountability of the God-Source-Within you. To those of you who sound this cry, might we say to you: ―The Love is ALL AROUND YOU and WITHIN ALL THINGS; it is within every molecule of all creation, within the eternal and perpetual Absolute Love of God-Source, within you and within all of creation. Absolute Love simply beams from each page of the knowledge we have returned to you, and through each cell of those whom we have elected as our earthly representative Speakers.‖ The effective question, Dear Ones, is not “Where IS the Love,” it is “Why can YOU not feel its presence?”, for if you ask yourselves the latter question instead of hiding within the self-denial implied by the former, you have taken a first step in recognizing the present absence of the frequency of absolute unconditional love within yourselves; an absence which you project outward onto an innocent, love-filled manifest creation, obscuring your own ability to perceive the love that is always there by the distortion lenses of your own perceptual filters. You will see, know and touch the absolute love within others, us, our works, our representatives, within the external hologram and within the very fiber of creation, when you apply free will choice to discovering, allowing, embodying, becoming, BEing and freely giving the Divine Unconditional God-Source-Love WITHIN YOU, which you can only accomplish through recognition, respect and reverence for the Living GodSource Within. Are we ―unloving‖ because we have reminded you that you, as all, are responsible and accountable for your choices, because we have loved you enough to expose ideas, agendas and actions through which your own God-Source-Within has been repeatedly denied? As long as you deny the vitality of the Living God-Source Within you (such as in worship of external godpersonifications, reliance upon ―angels‖ for guidance, believing that you are a disempowered victim, etc.), you will be unable to perceive or receive the genuine love that is given to you by others, by the Universe and by GodSource. The answer to the question of “Where is the Love?” is the sincere affirmation that “I AM THE LOVE” and a firm commitment to embodying through action, thought and creed, this eternal Christiac ideal. When you choose At-One-ment with the Living God-Source within you, you will know the love. Be the love, embody the love, and thus you will see reflected everywhere around you the reality of the LOVE that is the foundation of all creation. The degree to which you recognize and embrace the eternal love of the God-Source-Within you will be the degree to which you are able to identify, experience, recognize and embrace the eternal love that is always present within all aspects of your external hologram. ATW: Disk 1: 1h 40m

There is huge love in the teachings we carry. I don't want the love to be missed because of the technical data that's needed to be given. But if I have to get accused, like I sometimes am by people who are used to being patted on the head and their egos perked up by all that sweet light and love talk. If I have to get them angry with me by saying: "Well, the love is here and I will do my best to communicate that to you. Feel the frequency and, if you can't, you should ask yourself ‗why?‘‖ Because it's huge, the love that we carry and the people that we work with carry. But what's more important right now? Patting people‘s egos to make them feel safe so they can have more security blankets to hold onto and to put over their eyes and hide behind? Or loving them enough to tell them the way it is and give them the technologies that aren't that hard, so that they can begin to heal themselves and help themselves and, if nothing else, protect themselves from what's coming? That‟s where the love is. DFL2: Disk 2: 2h 34m

We are beginning to feel the realities of what it means to have the ―Inner Christos Teachings” back, because we can feel the changes within ourselves. We can feel the strength that comes from that, and the one big thing that‘s been lacking here for a long time for this race: dignity. These teachings are meant to give you back your dignity as beings, dignity that says: “Nobody has the right to stand between me and God and no God, no real God, would be so immature that it would expect me to crawl on my knees and grovel.‖ No God would need that. If you were God--just pretend for a moment--if you were God would you want people to do what they're doing in the name of God right now? The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2007. All Rights Reserved


I hope that the teachings we bring to you will help you to set yourselves free and help you to set yourselves free and back home as well, because there is a feeling that comes when you start to feel the God Presence truly open inside of you. Tangible Structure of the Soul: Handbook

As the micro and macrocosm are structured on templates of consciousness (Morphogenetic Fields), it is most useful to understand these basic structures if one seeks to achieve At-One-Ment with God. Through understanding the structures of God consciousness upon which individual and Cosmic experience is built, an individual can begin to grasp, and apply, the conscious mechanics of energy by which At-One-Ment is achieved. Comprehending the structure of multidimensional identity, and the family tree of consciousness out of which the individual emerges, provides a consensual road map to the destination of ultimate At-One-Ment with God. For this reason, the God Mind makes available the knowledge of Morphogenetic Field structure so the individual can consciously co-create its experience of evolution and expansion into At-One-Ment.

Unconditional Love and the Law of ONE Understanding Keylontic Science: AP website

Understanding the energetic structures which form the foundation for what we experience as the creation around us (our hologram) is an essential step in reclaiming our spiritual heritage as conscious co-creators within the context of the Law of ONE. Without such understanding, it is difficult to comprehend the connection between our seemingly ―internal‖ consciousness and the world around us. Comprehending the intimate and organic relationship between consciousness (expressed, for example as thought) and how it translates into form or manifestation, is an intrinsic part of reclaiming our true heritage as direct expressions of the creative force of God or Source. Making this information available is, in itself, an act of pure unconditional love, in that it allows those who use it to reclaim their original God-given birthright of full union with their own Source. This full union implies a regaining of humanity's true stature as fully cognizant, sentient, creative and powerful God-beings, all within the context of the Law of ONE and the sacredness of all life.

Six Steps towards Joy Angelic Realities Book pp 78-80

1. Surrender to the Moment: Suspend all JUDGMENT and EXPECTATIONS. Open to receive the lessons and gift in self-awareness that each moment holds. Transcend polarity thinking and seek the gift. What can I learn from this that will take me to higher levels of self-awareness? 2. Be Here NOW: Direct thoughts out of the past and away from the future to the ever-present NOW. Observe without judgment what IS...NOW. Am I right here, right now? 3. FEEL: Shift from thinking to KNOWING. Suspend linear thought analysis and mind chatter and Breathe in the Now of your present moment AS ENERGY, to connect with our 3-D reality in Direct Cognition rather than indirect observation. What does NOW feel like? Answer without words. FEEL. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2007. All Rights Reserved


4. Choose your response: ACT rather than REACT. We can change how we feel in any moment by changing our judgments of a situation. Take time to re-perceive circumstances of upset and reframe our judgments in search of the hidden gift and potentials. In any moment we can CHOOSE how we will respond. How can I reframe this, and what is the best way to respond for joy? 5. Experience Stillness- Know Silence: Sit quietly, breathe slowly and deeply, cease mind chatter and hold body as still as possible; block out or remove distracting stimuli. Bring attention to a Single Point of Focus and experience NO-Thing. Discover the Still Point of your Eternal Core. Shhhhhh 6. Honor Your Whole Being: Pay attention to the signals of your body, mind and emotions, Spirit-Inner-ChildAdolescent-Master, and honor the needs of your multiple parts in a balanced way. Find out what YOU really need, and give to others only that which makes you feel joyful to give freely. What do I REALLY need right now? Am I giving freely in joy or am I giving to receive? How can I fulfill my own needs?

Six Steps Towards Joy With Others 1. Own Your OWN STUFF: When bothered, BREATHE, find the STILL POINT within, gently ask your Soul for solutions, and refrain from complaining and expecting others to resolve your issues. You have the power within to ―unbother yourself,‖ to restore joy, without violating the boundaries of others. Be assertive with others and lovingly ask them not to dump their ―stuff‖ on you, reminding them of their power to create joy. Am I “dumping my stuff” on others right now? Am I allowing others to drain me by “dumping their stuff” on me? What are the real issues? 2. Respect Boundaries: Set and honor healthy personal boundaries and kindly but assertively remind others that you will not have them crossed. Respect others‘ boundaries, and refrain from acts of disrespect such as gossip, unsolicited advice, critiquing and judging, making assumptions and presumptions, minding their business, attempting to directly or indirectly control their actions, attitudes or emotions. Respect people‘s right to be who they are, and respect your own right to have and uphold personal boundaries. Am I genuinely respecting the boundaries of others? Am I allowing my boundaries to be violated? What actions can I take to change this? 3. Mutuality: Competition, ―one-up-man-ship‖ and passing judgment on others are ego games that blind you to self-awareness and empowerment. If situations are approached from a ―win-win‖ perspective of mutuality, and the highest vision for all is sought, joyful solutions will prosper. What is the highest win-win vision right now? How can we both get our needs met? Are we respecting each other‟s boundaries? How will I heal or disengage non-mutual relationships? 4. Be Effective: Having to be ―right‖ implies making others ―wrong‖ and sets the stage for conflict. Is being ―right‖ more important than creating desired outcomes? Being EFFECTIVE is finding win-win solutions, respecting the rights of all to be exactly who and how they are, even if you disagree. If you do not respect each other‘s boundaries and own your own stuff, you will be unable to create mutuality or effective solutions. If others need to make you wrong, recognize the ego game and refrain from engaging. You do not have to justify your existence to others and they do not have to justify their existence to you. Am I trying to make someone wrong? Is someone trying to make me wrong? Are we respecting each other‟s boundaries and right to be? Can I engage this with effective action? 5. Responsibility: If we take responsibility for our words, actions, motives and experiences, we will not blame others for our problems and thus will empower ourselves to solve them. Self-awareness comes from gently critiquing ourselves to determine where our actions are violating others or are ineffective. Replace blame with The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2007. All Rights Reserved


compassion, humility and effective action to reclaim your power to create joy. Am I acting responsibly or am I blaming others? Am I allowing others to use blame as a way to control or manipulate me? How can I take responsible action in handling my “stuff?” 6. Humility: Humility is knowing your true place in relation to the universe and the environment around you. It is knowing that you are not above or below others, and that all beings and things are part of God, and therefore, all should always be treated with Love, Honor, Kindness, Respect, Mutuality, Allowance, Responsibility and Reverence. Do I act with Humility?

Reopening to the flow of Kristiac joy Ecka Letter

Might we suggest that you ease your way in awakening and reopen yourselves to the flow of Kristiac joy through application of a few Kristiac insights? May you: “THINK before you judge” “LOVE before you condemn” “SELF-ASSESS your own inventory and respect others to do the same” ALLOW the PROMISE of your Krist Within to outshine the illusions of fear projections” and REJOICE IN THE PROCESS OF KRISTIAC BEING and THE PRODUCT WILL TAKE CARE OF ITSELF …in Divine Right Order! Preparing for Contact

A‘zha: ―And do you know what the key is? FUN!‖ A‘sha: ―That‘s the one we‘re working on: Fun.‖ K2/3 Long Beach Disk 1

Joy comes through personal empowerment, through your own structure. You can be strong in that wherever and whatever you are facing. CCA 3

As they were giving me more of the pieces of the Crystal Body anatomy, there was a feeling that just kept opening inside of me, that was different from Joy, though you could put it in that place, but it was more. It was better, sort of. It was like finding something that‘s been lost for so long, that was such a vital part of yourself and that, as soon as you find it again, it changes everything. There‘s something that clicks with this information after a bit, that all of a sudden, things you were afraid of, places where you felt you didn‘t understand certain things, the need to strive… these things just evaporate, where there‘s just an inner knowing, a confidence: ―everything will be fine and it will work out fine.‖ It is an amazing feeling; there is a Divine Right Order in how it is unfolding. We breathe God whenever we inhale. We exhale God whenever we exhale. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2007. All Rights Reserved


ATW: Disk 1: 1h 51m

There‘s a lot of tricks in using your own psyche that you can learn to make your process easier and more joyful. But the one most important thing is to remember right now you have, inside of you, everything you need. You have an inner Christos; you have your direct connection to Source. You don't need any dogma, any book, any priest, anybody, any hailing this or hailing that or things you can't see either, any channel, to do it for you. You have it. You just need a little bit of reminding about where your parts are so you can remember how to use them. That's all we're teaching you. We're just giving you back a gift that we were given by the Eieyani. K4 Disk 3

If you‘re down here in the Densities, you can enjoy them. You don‘t have to worry about succumbing to them. If you know how to master them, if you‘re learning what it takes to do that, you‘ll be fine. Have a good time while you‘re here. It‘s really funny. The Universe was set in motion by something called Eternal Motion: E-Motion. Source is E-motion: the first partiki, the first desire, the first motion in the body of Source, Eternal Motion. Source felt. It is good to feel, and if you‟re not feeling great it‟s telling you something. It means “look for something here” because living should feel good. Being should feel wonderful, because Source was in Joy, ecstatic Joy. That‟s all Source knew. And the more Joy we know in ourselves (that doesn‘t mean you go hunt it, like an animal, because the more you chase it, the less you‘ll have it) but to open to it. The more you open to Source, the more (whatever is happening around you) you will be able to know ecstatic Joy in Being. And if that‘s the eternal condition, that‘s really neat! That means you can be In Joy forever. And if you get bored with being in Joy then you can pretend you‘re not in Joy and make yourself really miserable so you can go back and appreciate Joy again!

Love and Joy in Action Responsibilities of Mastery

KINDNESS: Like Respect (Dance for Life Attitude of Mastery #4), Kindness is a birthright, but one that is quite often overlooked and misunderstood. When we approach the world through genuine kind-heartedness, sending love and respect to all of creation in honor of the God Force that lives within all things, we are again, transmitting electrical energy of a higher frequency, that will follow the mechanics of universal physics to bring more of like kind back to us through universal back flow. Kindness is a gift we must first give to ourselves in order to have it to give to others. Kindness implies being conscientious, concerned and caring toward the needs, feelings and desires of both the self and others, and to express this concern and caring in action, attitude and intention. Give to yourself random acts of kindness; then pass along the gift to all who cross your way. Try being kind to the mean and grouchy neighbor and you may help them rediscover the ability to smile. When we treat all things with kindness, we demonstrate that we acknowledge their intrinsic value as manifestations of God-Source, and you will often find God-Source lovingly returns the favor. MCRC Synocratic Power Structure MCRC Synocracy Document

All individuals are perceived as being equal in value and Blessedness within the entirety of the ONE GodSource, while the reality that individuals within a collective most often possess varying degrees of development, awareness, skill, commitment and responsibility is simultaneously acknowledged. In a Synocracy, the uncompromising Ethical Standard of Absolute Trust in the Wisdom, Love, Power and Expression of the Common Universal Christos Intention, as the final arbitrator, administrator and criterion of action to all manifest affairs, is the foundation, belief and core agreement upon which the joys of genuine unconditional freedom, love, sharing and cooperative co-creation can be tangibly and practically manifest. A Synocracy is a The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2007. All Rights Reserved


form of Christiac power delegation that produces the most joyful expression of co-creation among beings. The loving power delegation of a Synocracy emerges when each individual, regardless of the advancement of skill or evolution, recognizes that every member of the collective possesses an equal portion of identity that exists as part of the Singular ―‗One-of-Many‖ identity that is the D-12 Universal Christos Unified Consciousness Field. In this recognition, all members realise that each has entered manifestation in order to embody and express a unique and individuated aspect of the Common Universal Christos Identity. In any given manifest drama, some individuals choose ―smaller‖ roles that require less ―work,‖ awareness, skill development and direct responsibility toward the whole, in order to focus upon desired personal development issues. Others who have reached a desired level of personal focus and development often choose ―larger‖ roles that demand greater sensitivity, awareness, direct responsibility and service toward the whole (such service to the whole is not perceived or approached as ―self-sacrifice,‖ but rather as an opportunity to serve others that returns the gifts of greater personal knowledge, development and love expression to the self, through which both other and self are simultaneously nurtured and expanded). Both ―smaller‖ roles of personal development and ―larger‖ roles of collective service are equally respected and valued as essential elements to the successful function of the whole. Ideally a balance within the collective is achieved as members of a Synocracy find a balance between self-fulfillment or “receiving” and collective service or “giving” within themselves. The conflict between ―selfish‖ ―service to self‖ and ―martyred‖ ―service to others‖ heals when each individual recognizes that the ―collective‖ IS part of the self, and the collective recognizes that each individual IS part of the ―Self.‖ Members of a Synocracy understand that ―levels of development‖ are simply evolutionary stages, which all beings pass through in their journey toward the common evolutionary goal of fully embodying and expressing the personally Unique Individuation of the Universal Christos Unified Consciousness Field, of which each being is uniquely, indelibly and eternally an integral part. When members of a collective recognise the Christos-implied unalienable blessed validity, worth, purpose, belonging, integrity, interconnection, inter-dependence (not "codependence") and infinite nature of themselves and all others, there is no longer an egotistical need for proving self-worth and achieving self-validation through the subjugation or judgment of, or competition with others. Nor is there a need to solicit attentions, resources, power, approval or love from others, as personal validation, unconditional love, power, implied belonging and the unconditional valuing of self and all others are simultaneously known through personal connection to, and progressive embodiment of, the Universal Christos ―One-of-Many‖ Unity Consciousness… Primary Synocratic leaders place fulfilment of the Universal Christos Intention of expressing the unconditionally loving will of ONE-Source God in any situation as the SINGULAR PRIORITY and only criterion from which personal desire, intention and action are chosen. An effective Synocratic leader understands that healthy personal desires, those that support and advance the expression of personal Christos Potential and perpetuation of natural Eternal Life, unconditional love and joy (and thus simultaneously support the Christos evolution of the whole), will be automatically granted in ―Divine Right Time and Order‖ by placing fulfillment of the Christos Intention as the only needed priority. The need for ―Ego demand,‖ which is based upon a fear of non-fulfillment of a designated desire, naturally releases, and genuine peace within emerges, when beings mature to realize that the personal Christos Within knows precisely what experiences are needed to bring each desire and its fulfilment to the highest form of expression. If the personal Inner Christos is acknowledged, relied upon and fully trusted to synchronistically direct desire, timing and circumstance, an individual's personal needs and desires can be fulfilled to the highest levels of experience, while personal fulfillment simultaneously contributes directly to the Christos Intention and evolution of the collective. It is herein that the power, beauty and practicality of Synocracy reside: a collective of peoples who remember, and consistently apply the Priority of the Inner Christos approach: power delegation through loving, mutually supportive cooperation and co-creation. They do not ―compete‖ to take power from each other, as The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2007. All Rights Reserved


each knows the power, feels the Loving Presence and trusts the wisdom of the personal Inner Christos as it lives within the Self and within the others. … As the Inner Christos connection is understood to be one's direct bio-energetic link to the consciousness of OneSource God, members of a Synocracy place attainment and maintenance of this personal Inner Christos connection as their first and primary personal priority and responsibility. Part of the responsibility of achieving and maintaining the pure communication link with the Inner Christos is to develop skill in consciously managing the personal bio-energetic field. Members of a Synocracy take personal responsibility for themselves by consistently running the D-12 Maharata Current, Divine Blueprint and Christos Consciousness level into the manifest body and consciousness, to ensure that the energetic link to the personal Inner Christos consciousness remains open, active and impeccable. Members of a Synocracy willingly learn from each other, and hold each other in such great unconditional Divine Loving Reverence that they will never allow disagreements to reduce their respect for the common bond shared within the Universal Christos… Disk 2 1hr 33 1m

So, when I speak this information, when Az and I talk to people, we are not ―elitist.‖ We understand that certain people have more content in the DNA, which means right now they can hold more consciousness and more frequency in the DNA than others, but it is like saying a person in kindergarten is not valuable, but a college person is. Well, how the heck does a person get to college if they didn't go through kindergarten and everything in between? They are all of equal value and we look at it that way. We do not teach "elitism" but we do teach responsibility if we happen to have an advantage, and there are genetic advantages in the Indigo Children. They can activate faster. They can wake up faster. It doesn't mean it's easy. But there's a lot of things you can do faster and easier than people who don't have that kind of DNA. ….. It‘s a Christos Principle, that if you have an advantage and you have a gift, give that gift to the ones who need it most. You reach out to the ones who are having a hard time with something that‘s easy for you. Teach them, so that it can become easy for them…. When it comes to the gene codes and human beings, we would be no better if, being Indigo Children, we looked at people (…. who are still making some bad choices, some of them. Some of them are still hell bent on creating war. They don't want to hear anything spiritual; some of them are very much like that. That is an attribute of the consciousness they have and the genetic distortion that creates that consciousness.) If we approach them with anything other than love, we will be no better. And the idea isn't to be better; it is to recognize we are all one. So, these teachings go for everybody. Everybody has a different potential. DFL2: Disk 3: 0h 11m

There is a purpose in this. This is supposed to be a way for Source to explore itself in Joy. Now, part of what Source explores too, is Sorrow. Joy and sorrow on the Source Level are not perceived in the same ways they are down here. While we are in polarity, joy and sorrow can be very extreme. You can feel very deep pain here. When we are at One with Source we can comprehend the experience of pain of those within certain levels of densities where that registers as a very real sensation. However, Source and ourselves in the place where we are at One with Source, understands the “Isness” of all things, the way it was created to be. It would prefer; Source does have a preference. A lot of the twisted teachings tell you that Source doesn‘t have a preference. You know: ―evil and good are all the same‖ kind of thing. Well, in a certain way evil and good are all the same, but Source does have a preference. The preference was set with the creation of this Time Matrix as a ―Free Will Matrix‖ that was meant to be a place where beings, where Source, could create itself as beings to explore life. It had a certain parameter that as along as that intention was kept intact, then that was good, that was fine. And there was a lot of leeway within there. If Source got into the hologram and found itself in a certain form that The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2007. All Rights Reserved


wanted to create an experience of sorrow for itself, it had the right to do that. However if things got out of control and certain groups of Source-that-forgot-it-was-Source decided they were going to inflict themselves on other groups of Source-who-knew-they-were-Source and wanted to create a different hologram, Source would rebalance. There is a preference for goodness. Source isn‘t indifferent. It would be sad if Source was indifferent, if God was indifferent and didn‘t really care if Fallen Angelics trash this Time Matrix and sucked it into a black hole, if they didn‘t care if people were tortured and brutalized, if Source didn‘t care about what its parts felt down here. Source knows that we are a part of itself. If your toe hurts, you know it; it disrupts your day. You know what I mean? You walk around limping. Source feels us, each one of us, so there is a preference for what we call “joy” here, what we call “harmony” here. Source also has a huge tolerance for allowance, because allowance is an honoring of the free will gift that was given in the first place. And there is also, there‘s a part of us that exists within Source that there‟s a great victory and a joy felt, just like a parent, perhaps, raising a child. And you watch that child come to the point where you don‘t have to control it. You taught it enough and gave it enough of you that it became a sentient being all unto itself, had its own ideas and it still made great choices and expressed beautiful creativity, things you might not have even thought of creating. As a parent that child can bring you such great joy when you watch it carry the Life Force. It can also bring you great sorrow if it starts to do really messed-up things. Source, the part of us that is Source, that is God, that is always at-one there relates to us and all of us, even the Fallen Angelics, as we might to our children, to ones who went forth from ourselves and are of ourselves. They are part of us. It can feel every little thing, though. Every little raindrop that falls, God feels. The part of us that is God feels every little raindrop that falls. Every little tiny ant that carries a huge piece of bread across what appears to be many miles for ant legs, God feels every movement of that and experiences every cognition that that little ant is experiencing while it‘s carrying that bread. And it also experiences everything each molecule in that bread is experiencing while it is being carried! We‘re kind of like molecules here, but we are a vivid, sensory impression within the part of ourselves that we call God. There is a preference for joy. There is a path of joy and path of sorrow to get home to God. The ―Path of Sorrow‖ is going home in a way that you don‘t remember that you have a gift. You don‘t remember or use the gift of creative expression that you were given. You use it to destroy instead. You use it to put yourself back into space-dust. And space-dust is holy. It just doesn‘t remember much. So, you lose the joy of being able to go home and know it, of being able to be that child that learns and grows and evolves and learns all these wonderful things that it can bring back to Source and say: “Whoa, look at this! You are expanded now because look what we got!” You take that away from Source as well as from yourself when you choose a path of deevolution. The Path of Sorrow is the path of de-evolution where because a being does not use the Primal Life Force Currents in the correct way or abuses the privilege of having these to use to create with because it has smaller, usually ego-based issues, that, oh, it wants this right now, and ―even if it causes harm elsewhere, I don‘t care.” That‘s a distortion of consciousness in the first place. It implies a sickness in the first place, because Christos Beings don‘t even think that way. It‘s if they become code-convoluted and they can‘t hold D-12 Frequency anymore, that you can get that kind of extreme in polarity. ROR: Disk 3

We‘re neutral. We just made a promise a long time ago that if it got that bad here we‘re not going to let the whole thing fall. We‘re here on behalf of the Kristos. And it‘s kind of like, a long time ago, the real angels gave up the need to have Free Will because they knew anything they wanted they could have anyway. But, the most Joy was in fulfilling and protecting the original will of Source. The Original Will of Source will always Self-protect. It is always connected to this system which will re-set itself. And there will always be Beings who, because of a love of Source and of the Kristos, have dedicated their existence to making sure it always has its anchoring rods and that‘s what the Azurites did in coming here, and so did the Eieyani and so have the Addondraea. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2007. All Rights Reserved


Twelve Attitudes of Mastery - Dance for Life 2002 1. LOVE - Recognition of the TRUTH of the ALL-ONE-ness 2. GRACE - Allowing the ALL-ONE-ness to Be what IT IS regardless of whether it suits you. Living Perpetual Forgiveness. 3. GRATITUDE - Appreciating the ALL-ONE-ness; knowing your Alive-ness. 4. REVERENT - RESPECT - Acknowledging and giving to the ALL-ONE-ness. 5. RESPONSIBILITY - Co-Creating with, Serving and being able to Respond to the ALL-ONE-ness. 6. TRUST - Knowing the Power and Love of the ALL-ONE-ness. 7. ACCOUNTABILITY - Being in a state of TRUTH with the ALL-ONE-ness. 8. IMPECCABILITY - Upholding and Protecting the ALL-ONE-ness. 9. MINDFULNESS - Loving, Nurturing, and Being Attentive to the ALL-ONE-ness.

10. FEARLESSNESS - Recognizing the Eternal Infinite Nature and Unconditional Love of the ALL-ONE-ness. 11. ENGAGED DETACHMENT - Permitting the ALL-ONE-ness to BE without assigning Critique, Condemnation or Value Judgment; understanding the IS-ness of and Validating the ALL-ONE-ness. 12. JOY - Choosing to BE the embodied ALL-ONE-ness. Dance for Life: Disk 3

Attitudes: The filters we choose to look at the world through; most of them are subconscious. The Attitudes of Mastery are filters you can consciously choose, instead of the ones that are culturally programmed in. To realize we can choose our filters. Love is usually used here to mean: ―Can I steal your energy because I don‘t have enough of my own? I‘m lonely. I need you.‖ ―Love‖ often means ―need‖ here, and ―need‖ very often means ―feed.‖ Love is to recognize that the only truth that IS, is that we are all faces of the ONE. Everything is a face of the ONE. To make any other choice in a situation other than to act in a loving way that recognizes that oneness in the other person, being or thing is completely self-destructive. Any harm you would intend to bring upon another, you are harming yourself, because there is only one Self. If you can recognize the love, you begin to be able to choose action over reaction. Reaction is what happens when the victim-victimizer pattern goes rampant. The mental body is setting the patterns for what your emotions are going to do. The higher frequencies actually set the pattern for the lower frequencies in the natural flow of frequency. So the mental body, D-3, is supposed to The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2007. All Rights Reserved


set the frequencies for the emotional body, D-2, so what you think, you will feel and your body will act on. Right now, we have an inversion in the amount of energy in our emotional bodies in comparison to what is in our mental bodies. ATW: Disk 2: 2h 27m

You find the one thing that becomes the motivation is the love and the desire to help those who are stuck. So, the desire to serve becomes your one most fulfilling objective. It is the one thing you want to create. It's a gift you give to yourself because you want to express and you have already expressed so much that there is nothing particularly you want to create. You have had every type of experience you can imagine. You want to give that freedom. And when you see others and are aware that there are others in systems like ours or fallen systems that forgot, that don't know they are free, that don't know they are eternal, the only thing left to do that feels really good, that's all exciting, that makes it all worthwhile, is to go back into the matrix, and say: "Hey, this is how it works. Look, you can get out.," so other people can experience the same type of joy, because it is absolute joy when you embody that feeling. Right now, even with the teachings that we have available, even with the mutations that this planet carries and everything on it, just knowing the fact that we are part of this and we have this as a potential, can bring a feeling. It's like a wave of joy that you can almost feel ripple through your whole body. You start to expand. There is a big difference between the need/feed love and Unconditional Love, a big frequency difference. One contracts. The other expands infinitely and the more we go into expansion, the more eternal we feel ourselves to be and the less all the other dramas mean. We just don‘t react the same way any more.

Dance for Love: The 12 Responsibilities of Mastery Note that these Responsibilities were first given in the context of the Dance For LOVE! The full text/ description of each responsibility is available on the Azurite Press website

SELF-ACTUALIZATION: Freedom from the VICTIM: VICTIMIZER ―BLAME GAME‖ and willingness to be ACCOUNTABLE for the lessons you create for yourself SELF-SOVEREIGNTY: Freedom from the need for APPROVAL from, or need to REBEL against any form of EXTERNAL AUTHORITY SELF-CONTAINMENT: Taking personal RESPONSIBILITY for DIRECTING PERSONAL ENERGIES ….. You CHOOSE TO UPSET YOURSELF SELF-DISCIPLINE: Accepting responsibility for DIRECTING personal energies TOWARD the OUTCOMES you wish to EXPERIENCE, by OBSERVING YOUR OWN MIND SELF-LOVE: Recognize the DIFFERENCE between LOVING & NEEDING … Needing IMPLIES LACK The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2007. All Rights Reserved


SPIRITUAL INTEGRITY: Integrity REQUIRES that we look at what we ARE DOING with our lives … WHOM are we VIOLATING? APPRECIATION: Who OWES us WHAT? No one BUT OURSELVES. If you WANT MORE LOVE, give it FIRST PATIENCE: Whose TIMING? Ego or SPIRIT? KINDNESS: The greatest GIFT you GIVE YOURSELF CONSERVATION: Wise/ kind USE of what is NEEDED, and NEED what is wanted in DRO COOPERATION & DIPLOMACY: Co-creativity IMPLIES ALLOWANCE of OTHERS‘ NEEDS. Create WIN- WIN situations … SENSE: Learning to COMBINE COMMON & NOT-SO-COMMON Sense MM: Disk 2: 0h 1m

There‘s a part of each of us that‘s stationed, our consciousness is stationed, within a 15 Dimensional system and then there are three levels of Primal Creation Sound Fields beyond that, and then there is the full expansion into the unity of Source, where we are all One Being. I AM You and You Are Me and We are All That Is when we know ourself as Source. When we come into feeling the sensations involved with those statements, it changes the orientation of the emotional body where separation from others isn‘t real. That doesn‘t mean you won‘t have conflicts with people sometimes, but when you have conflict it will be approached with Absolute Love, in the same way perhaps that a mother would approach a child who‘s misbehaving. You still love the child and that is not debatable. It is given. It is unconditional. It is not dependent upon their behavior or their attitude. The Love is simply given. However, the actions can be judged. The child‘s worth is not judged. The child‘s blessedness is not judged but if actions are being taken that are destructive to the child or destructive to others, which is not good for the child either, then intervention is provided with love. There‘s Tough Love and there‘s Soft Love. When we go into understanding that we are all One… it‘s an awakening of a cognition that, once it‘s awake and you start to feel its flutters moving through your system, moving through your emotional body, moving through your mental body, the physical sensations (it‘ll download eventually into strand one where it‘s felt in the body), when you get to that point, there‘s no turning back. You won‘t shut down the aparthi any more because the state that it brings you into is such a state of expanded feeling that even in the face of what other people would look at as terror, or in the face of what other people would judge as horrible circumstance or threatening circumstance, you can be in the world, actively and fully engaged in the world, but not of it, which means you‘re not controlled by it, which means you‟re becoming the master of your hologram. It‘s not your master. It means you can walk through situations which are joyful and fully experience the Joy and let it move through you and you can also walk through experiences that can be scary and not pleasant, and you can still hold the preference that, yeah, it would be nice it if wasn‘t this way right now and know that you are actively working to heal it, so as to help the occasion or the event rise to a higher level, but you can get to the point, even the point of body control, where you can control pain, where you can control your reaction. You can choose your reaction. ATW: Disk 2: 2h 23m

It‘s an amazing orchestra of sound and light that we are all part of. We can never, ever, ever, separate from God and that is one of the most joyful aspects of these teachings. When we begin to understand the Divine science that it is all built upon, we start to... there is a part of us...I could feel the shift when Ma‘a showed me the Ecka maps. I am just starting to get it. WOW! You just really can't be away from God. I am a living piece of this thing called God. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2007. All Rights Reserved


The first level of creation within the ManU, ManA and the EirA, those three God forces created within themselves more structures, the Kristos and the Kristalla, as we will see soon. And creation continually goes within itself. And it's kind of like being wrapped in a big bubble of eternal love. And when you start to realize that there is no outside to that bubble, there is nobody that's been evicted. … They are still within that bosom of God. The only difference between the path of ascension and the path of implosion is that the ones who ascend get to remember, and then get to remember the whole process, and then take the memory of the whole experience with them all the way up through, and they hold the knowledge of how to come in and out, so they become masters of the matrix. That means, when you get to that point, you realize you can create anything you want and experience anything you want anywhere. You find you need less and less and less. Dance for Love Handbook

Knowledge becomes Wisdom when aptly applied. When we become ―wise to the God Presence Within,‖ we will be joyfully surprised to discover that in the Eternal Rapture Domains, God has no ―wrath‖ but only ―allowance,‖ that in its Perpetual Joy, God LOVES, LAUGHS, DANCES and SINGS… and in this way creation is perpetually reborn. Genuine spirituality emerges through Spiritual Realization and Actualization. Genuine spirituality is an intrinsic and implied birthright and condition of all things manifest; the Still Small God-voice Within speaks and SINGS in every language, at every moment. Our challenge in spiritual development is to choose ideas and actions that assist us to HEAR the personal, inner Loving God-Song! And to allow its divine orchestration to fully engage us in the eternal Dance for Life and Dance for Love through which the God-Spirit perpetually expresses.

Relevant Extracts from Recorded Workshops ATW: Disk 1: 1h 48m

We're teaching you how big the drama is, but we're teaching you that you're even bigger. And you're part of a Christos and you're part of a Cosmos that's bigger, that has the ability to move through things where Fallen Angels fear to tread. We don't have to be afraid, and we will never teach you to be afraid. And do you know why we won't teach you to be afraid? You can only give what you really have inside. We are fearless. We are fearless because we got it. We know. We feel the reality of the living Christos inside…. But there is a joy and a freedom and a trust that comes when more and more of you, your true self, awakens inside of you—your Christos self, where you begin to realize… It's funny. You get to a point where you just, like, throw all the books on your bookshelf out, because you know you'll never look at them again, because the information starts to come from inside... The books are useful to get you through, where you realize you got it inside. Preparing for Contact: Bermuda

The Eieyani look at us with great humor and respect because we are the part of their consciousness that took on the mutation. We came down in the densities and let it happen to us. So there is a huge amount of respect from the Eieyani toward us. They look at us as the courageous parts of themselves that chose to go into the direct line of fire and take it on. We are the ones who took on the greatest risks. That is why they are so committed to helping us get out. We came into this with Love and total knowing that life is eternal. The human collective, the Eieyani collectives, the Indigo collectives, had enough faith in themselves. They knew that they could come in and take on the worst of it and they knew that there would be some that would fall. However, they knew it was worth it. They knew they had the power to reawaken, to heal it and then, only then if they took on the mutation and healed it within themselves, would they understand it enough to go out and try to heal anything remaining from the fallen matrices that might be able to be healed. They also needed to understand how The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2007. All Rights Reserved


beings could act the way they did, how things could be violent towards each other, because that was a foreign condition to Angelic Humans and Indigos. So, there is a lesson that we all agreed we needed to learn because we just didn't understand what fallen consciousness was or what it meant. This is where, in this wake-up, that we realize even though we are in a drama that is messy, that most of us would prefer if it were a much different drama that didn‘t go this way, BUT we will not fall into ―victim–victimizer‖ consciousness. If you are still blaming them for getting you into are missing the point of ―wake-up.‖ We agreed to get ourselves into this. We own it. We take responsibility for it. We did it for loving reasons. Maybe it wasn't always the best way possible, but we tried in every way we knew how. We worked with the Earth systems to understand ourselves within it, to understand them to help them, BUT we need to understand the importance of mastering the ego. There‘s a lot of lip service to love, which often means: ―Well, I love you. How can you do this to me?‖ Excuse me, that‘s not love. That‘s guilt. Basically there are 2 realities that can be experienced in density: 1. Pure Love 2. Lack of Pure Love Out of lack of pure love comes: 1. Every negative emotion; 2. Every negative response pattern; 3. Every ego compensation pattern; where the ego tries to make itself more important or it gives itself the right to inflict things on others in order to sustain itself. Only frightened egos do that, egos that don't remember their connection to Source, and don't feel it anymore. When you feel the frequency connection between those higher worlds coming all the way down through and into your world, you are never separate from God. You live that and you walk it! You cannot hurt another thing. You also will have enough self-respect to not allow other things to damage you. DFL 2: Disk 1: 1hr 58mins ff

So, it was primarily because of the Oededicron Races that were still on Emerald Covenant. They hadn‘t done that on purpose. They just got stuck between a rock and a hard place and ended up in a black hole. There was great love from the Founders Races for all of them, even the ones of their own who had tried to destroy them. I mean, it‘s like having a child that goes crazy. You still love the child but you have to do something or else it is going to, like, blow up the house and assassinate the neighbors. You know what I mean? You may love it but at some point you have got to restrain it because it is not helping itself by doing those things either. So, there is a lot of love. The decision to keep the Time Matrix open was a decision of love and it wasn‘t a decision that had to be made. There was absolute justification at that time to close the Matrix…. If you can blame somebody, then you have made a target for yourself so you don‘t have to grow, and you have to go and pick on them and suck their energy and mess them up. And then you feel vindicated. This is what has created the whole situation of perpetual warring… DFL2: Disk 2 0h 16m

I have a passion about things that are about freedom and about bringing, that bring up to the surface in you, something that belongs to all of you. It is not something that I give you. It is something that God gave you. There is a God and you are a part of that God. It‘s the living Spark in you that knows better. It knows better. There is a The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2007. All Rights Reserved


part in each of you that knows better, every person knows better, than to grovel and crawl on their knees before some appointed ―whatever‖ because, if God loved you, it wouldn't want you to crawl on your knees. If God loved you, God would not to want you to grovel. God would not set you up in the mean little world where all it was about was kissing up to God and whoever kissed up the best would get the promotion. This is what we are taught out here. But there's a part of us that knows better. A part of us knows there is a loving God force because a part of us has felt that, touched that, been there and can bring it back. This is what we teach. That little glimmer was what managed to get through even though you were stuck in a dogma. That is how powerful that spirit that is your connection to God is. But if you can you can work with that …. to get you back to that place where no matter what goes on in this hologram... you can laugh.... with joy... while having deep, deep compassion for the people who can't do that yet, even if you're confronted with, say, your own death. … The power comes from recognizing that it is your responsibility to take that power and to say: ―Either that, or I am going to give it to somebody else with blame‖ because, as soon as you blame, you are saying: ―Here take my power… run me around by the nose,‖ because that is what you are saying. You are giving someone else the opportunity to control you and your energy. If you want your power back, you simply say: ―I will own my hologram no matter how icky it is and whatever actors are there playing out those roles for me. I set them free with love.” … So, back to ―perfect.‖ We have perfection. We are walking around in the most beautifully designed, incredibly, ornately orchestrated living breathing organism that we call ―Ourself.‖ We only know a little tiny part of it. Most of us don‘t even know we have these parts yet. You should see what they look like with inner vision! They are gorgeous when they are cleared to their original template. Once they are cleared, they are the most beautiful, radiant bodies of Light and orchestras of Sound. This is what we are when we look in the mirror. This thing here is like a little shell thing that happens in the middle but THIS is what we are and more. Disk 3: 0h 41m

You know, there used to be a romantic flair about Stellar Activation Cycles. It was party time! Yeah, you know, there was a great Cosmic Party, everyone was "happy, happy!" and it was like, really Light, Love and Clueless and it was great, because in the old, old days, it was okay to be "Light, Love and Clueless." It was a great place to be. It was called ―Innocent!‖ It was before we learned things the hard way! Right now, we can be Light, Love, and we-really-need-to-be-aware, or we're not going to get a chance to find the "innocence" again. BUT WE'RE GONNA DO IT.

Dec 12, 2004 Letter

… but rather only a sincere desire to explore the meaning of a Christiac Vision of Peaceful Co-evolutionary Hope between all races, as all inevitably move forward together during the present junction of earthly evolution. We hope that many of you, from all persuasions, join us in exploration of this Vision of Loving Unity through Respectful Diversity, through which all, on every path, including that of Christiac MCEO Mastery, and the Metatronic way, can benefit greatly from sharing a common vision of Reverence for the God-Source Alive Within All Things Our motivation for this contact, and for returning to your world information that once belonged to the Indigo and Angelic Human Guardian races of Earth, is now, as always has been, unconditional LOVE and respect for your species. Our unconditional love and respect for the Indigo and Angelic Human races of Earth are born of our reverent and ongoing remembering of a commonly shared, noble healing mission that your races and ours have long shared, but which Earth races have long forgotten. We initiated contact in your generation in order to assist you in your awakening to the Blessed Selves that you are, so that you would have opportunity to finally fulfill, and thus, in completion release yourselves from, and have opportunity to renew, a sacred promise that your races once made as Planetary Guardians in loving service to God-Source. … The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2007. All Rights Reserved


What is Fear? That many of you have embraced the fearlessness intrinsic to the Christiac teachings we have returned to your world brings great joy to our hearts, for only in fearlessness can you embrace and rediscover your true heritage of God-given, self-sovereign freedom. What is fear but an utter denial of the Living God-Source and God-power within you? What is fearlessness but utterly BEING the Living God-Source and God-power Within you? You owe yourselves a more joyous, empowered experience, but we cannot give this gift to you; you can only choose to give it to yourselves... When free will is used to direct the conscious mind toward God-Source-Withinhonoring ideas, beliefs and assessments, corresponding God-Source-Within-honoring energy patterns are generated within the sub-conscious mind and, resultantly, biochemical-emotional translation generates the experience of fearlessness. Fear emerges when you do not take responsibility for the thoughts and ideas you allow yourself to entertain, and thus permit ideas that deny the God-Source-Within to control the biochemical translation of experience for you, through the conscious and sub-conscious mind. Fearlessness is self-created through remembering that you have this free will conscious choice and its inherent self-responsibility, and through willingly applying your gift of free will to create and entertain ideas, beliefs, thoughts, assessments, labels and actions that honor and embrace, rather than deny and dis-empower, the Living God-Source Within you. SSAR-1 Disk 3

(Describing the transmission of a code) There‘s something special about this set- up here that it was when I was getting the drawing for this to see exactly how these arcs went over …I was looking at this and drawing this area that created that spontaneous burst of that Absolute Love feeling and just complete Peace. There was a peace that was, like, great, because it didn‘t matter to even the elements in my body …there was a Peace in that feeling of Love that made this drama we‘re in, this planetary drama, look like ―well, this too shall pass.‖ Sometimes you want to go on a picnic and it rains that day! There‘s another day. There‘s an ease about it and it wasn‘t about not caring. It was about caring hugely.

Love and Sexuality SSAR-3 Disk One, last chapter

This is why, in the old Kama Sutra context, it was, like, Cosmic Sex, you know, you meet God through sex. You can, but you don‘t have to have sex to do that though! It‘s about the Keys, and the reason sex has been so important for so long on this planet, and many other places similar to it, is because it allows for the Key to states which are the Key to the Elemental Kingdoms and the Key to the Light Body structures that allow you to move back and forth in time if they are activated, that allow you to ascend or come back into matter. So sexuality is directly and intimately connected to the science of Ascension and to the Art of Ascension and it has been highly abused on this planet…. Once we understand this direct connection between Ascension, our bodies, each other, we can talk about ‗what does Making Love really mean?‘ We can talk about how do we activate things, like ―say we don‘t want to have sex right now?‖ That‘s fine. There are other ways of communion, because what sex really is, is one expression of the Art of Communion. The Art of Communion is the coming together, just like you have a … partiki and you The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2007. All Rights Reserved


have another partiki and the one partiki splits and goes into polarity and now it has two but it‘s linked by a third. Well, in Communion the two come back together as One and they go back into the third and there‘s a whole state of expansion. There‘s a level of Love, the feeling of Love, which is not just a feeling of lust…. You can‟t even describe the unconditional state of Love that comes from true Communion… We can begin to heal ourselves from the Victim-Victimizer program that‘s running through our Reusha-TA, that‘s running through from our distortion in our Seed Atom on the outer. We can begin to heal this so we can start to get little bursts of what Real Love feels like. And Real Love will come as Kundalini activations, sometimes where you‘ll feel them sexually, other times where they‘ll be up here in the higher Seed Atom (AzurA), where you‘ll get bursts of being at love with the atmosphere, happen to walk outside, look at a tree, and all of a sudden ―Pop‖ and you‘re just like, almost orgasmic, in a state of absolute Communion that you can have with that tree or that flower. Or you can be sitting there looking at nothing in your room, closing your eyes, and all of a sudden ―Bang,‖ it happens. You just FEEL this Communion with the Universe. You start to feel the reality of your connection to the Light Body of Source and to your own THROUGH the fact that those currents are starting to turn back on. That is the natural state of Being for races who didn‘t go into distortion … in their shields. They live in a continual state of unconditional, absolute Love. That doesn‘t mean they‘re pushovers. That doesn‘t mean you can go and if you are a Fallen One you can go and, like, suck all their energy and suck them dry and kill them. They‘re not going to let you do that! Why? Because they also know themselves as a unit of the consciousness of GodSource, as well as that tree, or that flower, or that person, and they will honor the part of God that is them as well. And they will not allow themselves to be harmed… There is a time, and it won‘t be for a while, that we will learn to not even have to defend ourselves because our field strength alone will do that, but Kristiac Beings, even though they can live in a total state of Communion, never strike out. They can be angry at an act. They can look at a fallen one who is doing something horrible like murdering a child or something like that, and can absolutely be passionate about being against that act. But they will still absolutely love the being that is doing it. Now that‘s real hard one, particularly when you‘re dealing with Fallen Angelics who are just sucking your system down a black hole! It can be really hard to forgive. But in a state of Communion, you also can feel the part of them that is in you and the part of you that is in them, so you can reach a level of understanding. This is what Source does. This is why Source doesn‘t judge. Source allows. It allows the Fall or the Rise. It prefers the ones who rise, who honor Original Will and Intention and abide by the natural physics laws that go with an eternal life Kristiac Universe. But Source does not hold a grudge against those who choose the Path of Opposite Expression, because ultimately they will teach themselves that there was a better way, often by losing that way, and that‘s what the black hole fall people do. There‘s a state of Communion that can be reached, and the Communion happens because the more of your currents that you get opened in your bio-fields and then you connect your currents which are coming out this way and running up that way and also flowing through your chakras, you connect those with another being, and you can have the most amazing amplification of each other‘s fields as your Keys and their Keys come together to make the energy you‘re both carrying even bigger. So there are huge potentials and this is what the Kama Sutra texts involving sexuality were trying to explain: that sexuality is an art. It is a cosmic art because it is really just a part of the art of Ascension and of being at one with God Source. That‘s been really kind of lost in the translations in the Western World! Cosmic Clock Reset

What‘s nice to know in all of this is one of the great secrets in the Moda AdhurA/ male-female. Inside each of us, in a particular part of the anatomy, we contain the entire program for the other, which means we have our gender twin inside of us as well as it being alive outside of us. One of the fastest ways to bring it in is to activate it on The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2007. All Rights Reserved


the inside. It also means you‘re not dependent on sitting around waiting here or on a cloud someplace after this life, for your gender twin to come along for you to be able to enter Honatilea so you can ascend. It means you‘re not stuck. This was a natural condition until the Moda AdhurA was shut off in 208,216 BC.

Transpersonal Identity EAW: Disk 4: 57mins

If you‘re looking at yourself, say at the Eckasha Aah level, you would have a very different definition of Self than you do down here. Down here I AM a single, one being, it seems like. Well, that‘s because we forgot that we‘re actually at least 1728 selves simultaneously put in different space-time locations, but that‘s going on, whether or not we‘re aware of it. Up there, we recognize that we are a ―WE‖ of many ―Is,‖ that we have many ―Is,‖ but that doesn‘t change the fact that we are always ―We.‖ And we are always ―We‖ as part of the ONE that is Source. There is a level of cognition that goes to what is called Transpersonal Identity, where it is beyond simply identifying with Self and Other. It is knowing Self as part of Other and part of All and there is a feeling that goes with this and even if you get just a tiny, tiny little inkling of the subharmonic frequencies activating in the Shields, there is just a space that opens in you. You could say you feel it in your heart, but it is also in your mind and there is a knowing. You can feel what it feels like when you look at a bird and its little feet are on a branch. You can feel the tree feeling the warmth of the little feet. You can feel the little feet feeling the throbbing of the pulse of the tree. You can feel the communication that is always, always there. And that‘s what going into the Transpersonal Space is about.

Backflow and Backflow Return EAW: 4: 1hr 11 mins

There is something called the Backflow where the sparks do their thing; they send a backflow of quantum back through the Um into Source, the original Void fills up and that causes another Backflow Return. So Source sends another quantum to keep these balances always the same. It sends another quantum back out…. It allows for backflow, which is: we give back to Source and because we give back to Source, Source gives back to us without losing anything. So Source is never depleted. It will always survive. And we are never depleted. And that is what the Krist Code is really about. EAW: 4: 1hr 17 mins

If you ever feel alone, you don‘t have to, because you are connected to these families. These are your families (core creation tones, etc). Blood may be thicker than water, but spirit is thicker than blood, and it is also encoded within the blood.

Responsibilities of Mastery: Appreciation

If we can work to cultivate the ability to APPRECIATE even the smallest of gifts, blessings and gestures, we will begin to create a life that is at least ―half full‖ instead of ―half empty.‖ In terms of universal physics, what you focus your attention upon expands, what you resist persists and what you do not give the energy of appreciation to will eventually de-manifest right out of your experience. When you approach the world through the chosen filter of genuine GIVING, you are, in effect, being an ―electrical transmitter,‖ sending energy out to the word around you. When you release electrical energy in this way, you become more ―magnetic,‖ as the sending out of energy creates magnetic vortices within the Diodic Grid of your Kathara anatomy. The "magnetized" Diodic points then draw in more universal energy supply, at a higher frequency and quality than the expressed energy, to re-fill the energy void created by the "giving." The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2007. All Rights Reserved


Time for the Love to Come Back EAW: 4: 2hrs 1 min

We can love everybody, of any religion. That doesn‘t mean that they will necessarily be able to love us if they understand what we are teaching, but there might be simple ways to explain. There are interesting ways to bring this to other people. The first place is in frequency. … You don‘t have to feel field tension with people any more. You can bring Love instead. And realize that, if they‘re into other ways of worshipping gods by other names, realize that they‘re actually doing the same thing as you are in the best way they know how. Be glad that you know a bigger piece of how to do that, but let them have the piece that they‘re in. And if you don‘t want to change them, you‘ll find ways to talk to them about the same thing that will work. You can use their languages to speak the truth, the bigger truth, because there are similarities. This is going to be really important, because it is time for the Love to come back We had to take a step back and just look and get the eyes open because we were getting trampled by that word, ―Love,‖ or things that weren‘t Love but were being passed off as it. But now it‘s time, because you‘re strong now, to get back where you could say: ―Hmmm. I can love now. I loved before.‖ Expressing Love is a little harder, because that‘s when you‘re being vulnerable. It feels vulnerable because if you‘re expressing it, someone can always push it away or reject it. There‘s a strength coming now where you don‘t have to be afraid. Why? You‘re connected to all of this. You have the power of all of the Allahs and Buddhas or whatever they want to call themselves. These are all valid parts of God-Source to respect and you have access to loving them all. You have a part of them all in you. How could you be afraid? TMR

Where is the Love in this work? It is a very deep Love, very big and broad and it‟s eternal. We are starting to really open these frequencies and they can transform our lives and ourselves, and we can help to transform what‘s left of this planet and the people on it with this kind of Love. It is rare, and oftentimes people will not even feel it because it is so far out of their frequency, as far as how much frequency is carried in it. But there are ways to step it down where you just step it down in simple kindness. You‘ll find a compassion and ability to connect with this place now. And I know for a lot of people who are affiliated with the word ―Azurite‖ that became more and more difficult because of us having to make a distinction in our ideas so we didn‘t get trapped within the mind games that were being played out on the planet. Now is the time when we can start to have such strength from within, because of the Core we can start reaching out and just touching in ways that people can understand. They don‘t have to understand our ideas. But what they CAN understand is the Love. But you can‟t touch people with Love if you can‟t feel it yourself inside yet. So we‟re learning a place where that Love, that pure Love, comes from. A‟zha: ATW: Disk 5 0h 1m

People have curious ideas about what a Service Contract is. Personally I would say that developing your Fields in order that you can be a walking portal for other dependent life forms, hosting other life forms out when the time comes is the most gracious, the most reverent and inspired Service Contract anybody can choose to carry. It is really the most important one that concerns us in a more direct and personal way. . But the Arc Project, when we talk about it, does actually range from the Universally and the Cosmically significant level all the way to what appears to be that which just concerns us in the here and now. And the ambition that I would love all of you to feel is a real burning desire to build your Fields so that you can become the most magnificent Healers this Planet has ever seen, because that's why most of you are here.

Remembering in Loving Intention: Holding the Memory Matrix The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2007. All Rights Reserved


FOL2007: Disk 3: 0h 17m

So, this is really a great celebration… In the process of Adashi Cycles and StarFire and the Return Cycles, if something in a black hole, be it one person or a whole universe in a black hole, does instant fast space-dust return, if they take that option, … if there are, on the Adashi spiral going back out, Kristiac Races that still carry full memory of them at their best, at their highest, the encryption Memory Matrix that they lost when they went back to, as they go back to partiki units, still exists on the Adashi Wave going in, carried in the memory of the people who loved them and remember them. When everybody goes back and turns to, let‘s say ―Light‖ to keep it easy, Light and Sound, through the Adashi processes where you‘re passing from one domain to the next (you turn to Light and then go back into manifestation again), that Memory Matrix that a being can carry for one who has shattered and lost their Shield, the particles that that being that shattered became, will re-accrete on that Memory Matrix and it will, once they fulfill the going back into Source and coming back out, they will be able to rebirth as long as they are remembered. So, there is something to remembering the ―dead‖ or ―passed on‖ because you actually hold for them the Memory Matrix that, if they go into full space dust return, they will be able to re-accrete the same at its highest level that you can remember them at, the Memory Matrix that was their own. And they can rebirth out, back with the Kristiac Races. … So, I wanted to bring that up, just in case anybody else had that thought…: ―Well it‘s great for us, at least we could still get out but what about the poor Fall Races, all of them? ― You know? There‘s a compassion. These were, we all came, from the same Source. They‘re our siblings, We‘re their siblings even if they don‘t look at it that way any more. And it was nice to know there was an answer to that that I never even knew. But the fact that if we can remember them, and remember them in loving intention, remember them, not for what they became by getting convoluted but remember them for what they were, with as much integrity as we had. Each one of us carry back to Source memory, knowing. Source knows itself each time a wave goes out and comes back in. It knows more of itself and experiences directly more of itself that was in manifestation so every being everywhere, whether it goes back on the path of rise or the path of fall, carries a unique library of knowing back to Source, and Source values that across the board, equally. Source just doesn‘t like to see parts of itself that become individuated go through horrendous experiences of pain while in manifestation, so there is a preference for going home the way of Ascension as opposed to space dust, because those that usually end up in space dust return aren‘t, at least at first, peaceful with the process. They think of it as annihilation because they don‘t remember enough that actually it‘s not. But holding the Memory Matrix of all of the Races, Fallen and Risen, of Earth at its highest stage: imagine Earth when it was part of Tara, when it was first born and beautiful and nothing had compromised it yet. The gates were working properly. Everything was just fine. Imagine the Utopian vision of the perfect Earth. Hold that in memory while we do this wedding. Hold that in memory while you go through your lives … because you will do a service… If we can hold the memory matrix of the ideal Earth, the ideal Tara, the beautiful Home that was once ours and that the Angelic Humans were once appointed the official Guardians of in this Time Matrix, we will hold that imprint so it can rebirth so the new Earth and the new Tara can be reborn at the birthing end of the StarFire Cycle…. By holding that Memory Matrix, wherever we are (we are still in the same inflow/outflow of cycles), Earth will as units, partiki units, once it goes through its Big Bang end, will re-accrete according to the Memory Matrix held by the collectives, or at least one strong collective, that can still remember even three billion years later, what that was about! We are holding, we are the future record-keepers, the memory keepers that will allow for the rebirth of this planet and Tara.

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2007. All Rights Reserved


Tools for Expanding Back to our capacity for Loving Joy The capacity to express Kristiac/ Christiac Love and Joy is enhanced as we consciously work on the manyfaceted levels of our being. Techniques assist in the activation of dormant DNA strands and aparthi, becoming familiar with the structure of our multidimensional anatomy integrates the mental body, while studying the history helps in reawakening our cellular memory. It is also essential to begin to clear unhelpful emotional and energetic patterns (miasms) as well as becoming mindful of our thoughts and attitudes. As stated above, the Laws of Divine Love require that we take full accountability for our perceived manifestation. The Freedom Teachings provide us with a wide range of tools to assist in the level of integration and balance which will facilitate our growth towards greater embodiment of Love and Joy. Consistency, the art of gentle persistence, and a balanced approach are recommended for best results. Some of these tools include: 1. Techniques: These gradually increase our frequency-holding capacity, our ability to anchor more of the higher dimensional aspects of our being in the here and now, and thus strengthen our conscious energy connection to our point of origin in Source. Dance for Love: Greece

At D-12, you start to get start to get it, consciously, you start to feel it... we are all one...that means I am you and you are me, that means I treat you the way I would want to be treated...that means we cooperate and not fight. When we get into Amorea Flame Activation, that's what we are doing. It's like an amplified Maharic Seal, and once that is built, you can run the Frequencies that will build the Amoraea Body, which is these three Levels of the Radial Body depolarized, and they turn into the Emerald Flame of Amoraea. Remember we talked about that being that Center Point Flame way up at the top of the Stairway. Well, this is how to turn ourselves into walking Amorea Flames, walking Faces of the Eternal Flame.

2. Self-knowledge and reflection: Honest self-assessment through tools such as the Withness Quiz (AP website). Loving ourselves enough to be self-honest and willing to look at the level of integrity in all aspects of our lives, to “own our own stuff” and to be aware of the areas that require greater balance. 3. Attitudes & Responsibilities of Mastery: Each is connected to Love in some way. Love fully embodied, experienced and expressed is an attribute of genuine mastery. Truly expressed Divine Love and Joy stem from full embodiment of Kristos Principles, true mastery, and it is in this context that we can look at the Attitudes and Responsibilities of Mastery as an indispensable road-map in our expansion back into the Love and Joy of Conscious At-ONE-Ment. 4. Integrating the mental body: The D-3 mental body is the part of our Incarnate Identity which has the greatest potential to embody the ManU or Still-Point Flame of Amoraea Frequency (whereas the D-2 Emotional Body expresses more of the ManA or electrical Life Force and the D-1 Atomic Body expresses more of the EirA or magnetic force). Through study and The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2007. All Rights Reserved


comprehension of the structure and mechanics of creation, our personal anatomy and planetary history, and all the other areas which are presented in the Keylontic Science paradigm, we can assist in healing the rift between ego and Higher self (discussed in Voyagers 2), thereby enabling higher frequencies to be anchored in the „here and now‟. 5. Shadow body clearing: Flame Body techniques/ Preparing for Contact (Bermuda workshop). Emotional healing: Beyond the Veils (especially good on inner child issues); also Indigo Children workshops which give a framework for understanding one‟s childhood, especially if one felt “„different” or alone. 6. God languages and Symbol Codes: When we work with the Symbols, we are speaking the God Languages. When we begin to speak the God languages, the pieces of God that are all around us and that make us up, we begin to have a direct and immediate relationship with God and that opens up in different ways for everyone. Sacred Knowledge is a bridge to the gateway of the Divine, but it is only through fluency in and consistent application of the Sacred God Languages that we can ―cross the bridge‖ from the lands of Spiritual Realization (awareness of the God Presence) into the Eternal Rapture Domains of Spiritual Actualisation (AT-ONE-ment with the living God Presence). 7. Psonns and affirmations: Using specific affirmative word combinations, such as the practice of Linguistic Template Reprogramming Grids or specific sound tone combinations, such as Toning, we use our power of Sound to create healing and to accelerate evolution. For example, ”I AM This I AM” or ”„I AM Love, etc.” word programs set powerful electromagnetic programs within the Morphogenetic Crystal Body. By repeating such Psonns and affirmations, we are building critical mass frequency, bringing our entire energy systems back “in tune” through the healing of disharmonic energies which have blocked our capacity to experience true Kristiac Love and Joy.

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2007. All Rights Reserved


Source Materials AR/B: Angelic Realities: The Survival Handbook ATW/6DVD: USA Wrap-Up: Allentown 2002 Attitudes and Responsibilities of Mastery: Dance for Love (also available on AP website) BV/2DVD/HB: Beyond the Veils: Embracing the Eternal Self Workshop & Handbook: 2000 CCA/5DVD/3CDT: MCEO Gridkeepers Communion Conclave-1: Mount Shasta 2006 CCR/3DVD+HB: Cosmic Clock Reset: Entering the Reusha-TA Great Healing Cycle: 2003 AF/4CDT: Flame Body Activation and Shadow Healing: Technique No. 4: ―Commanding Silence from the Inner Throne of Power”. DfJ2/5DVD: The Dance for Life: Sarasota 2002. DFL-UK/18CD: Condensed Presentation of Dance for Life and Love 2: UK 2002 DfL2/6DVD: Dance for Love: The Dance for Love: Greece and Cyprus, 2002. EAW/8DVD: The Ethradon Awakening: Morocco 2005 FOL2007/3DVD: Transcending the Towers of Threshold, the Crystal River Union & the Arc of Aquari: Phoenix 2007 FTR/6DVD/HB: The Forbidden Testaments of Revelation-1: Ireland 2003 Ha-Na Rite Spiritual Marriage HGQ/5DVD: Holy Grail Quest: New Year 2000-2001 HI/16CD: Secrets of Lemuria and the Ancient Eieyani: 2001 KA1/M: The Kathara Bio-Spiritual Healing System Level-1 Course Manual: 2000 K2-3/11DVD/6CDT/M: Kathara Levels 2-3 Foundation: ―Awakening the Living Lotus‖: 2004 K4-1/6DVD/2CDT/HB: Introduction to Elements of Kathara Level-4: Instalment 1: 2005 KPS/7DVD: Advanced Presentation of the Kathara Bio-Spiritual Healing System: Recorded Calgary 2002. MCRC Synocratic Power Structure Document MM/6DVD: The Mechanics of Manifestation 2001 Open Letter from Ecka Council: July 2003 PC1/9DVD: Preparing for Contact 1: Bermuda 2002 PH/2DVD/HB: Personal Healing Through Planetary Service 1999 ROR/5DVD/CDT: Revelations of Ra: Mexico 2004 SAS/M+FG: The Emerald Covenant Masters Templar Stewardship Initiative Manual plus Field Guide SSAR-1/4DVD: Sacred Sexuality & the Art of Divine Relationship Part 1: Denver, 2006 SSAR-2/4DVD: Sacred Sexuality & the Art of Divine Relationship Part 2: Phoenix 2006 SSAR-3/6DVD: Sacred Sexuality & the Art of Divine Relationship Part 3: Virginia Beach 2006 TMR/4DVD: Two Moons Rising: Easter Weekend 2006 TS-BR1/6CD-HB: The Tangible Structure of the Soul Program TSG/8DVD: Treasure of the Tower and the Secret Garden: Tenerife 2006 TTM/7DVD: The United Intruded Resistance: Calgary 2002 VV-2/B: Voyagers Volume 2: The Secrets of Amenti

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2007. All Rights Reserved