Physica status solidi. Subject and Author Index 1982: Physica status solidi (b), Volumes 109–114. Physica status solidi (a), Volumes 69 to 74 [Reprint 2021 ed.] 9783112484142, 9783112484135

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Physica status solidi. Subject and Author Index 1982: Physica status solidi (b), Volumes 109–114. Physica status solidi (a), Volumes 69 to 74 [Reprint 2021 ed.]
 9783112484142, 9783112484135

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plrysica status solidi (b) ISSN 0370-1972 • SUBJECT AND AUTHOR I N D E X (b) VOLUMES 109 TO 114 • 1982


69 TO

74 • 1982

pliysica status solidi (a) AKADEMIE-VERLAG • BERLIN

Classification Scheme 1. Structure of Crystalline Solids 1.1 Perfectly Periodic Structure 1.2 Solid-State Phase Transformations 1.3 Alloys. Metallurgy 1.4 Microstructure (Magnetic Domains See 18; Ferroelectric Domains See 14.4.1) 1.5 Films 1.6 Surfaces 2. Non-Crystalline State 3. Crystal Growth 4. Bonding Properties 5. Mössbauer Spectroscopy 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Lattice Dynamics. Phonons Acoustic Properties Thermal Properties Diffusion Defect Properties (Irradiation Defects See 11) 10.1 Metals 10.2 Non-Metals

11. Irradiation Effects (X-Ray Diffraction Investigations See 1 and 10) 12. Mechanical Properties (Plastic Deformations See 10) 12.1 Metals 12.2 Non-Metals 13. Electron States 13.1 Band Structure 13.2 Fermi Surfaces 13.3 Surface and Interface States 13.4 Impurity and Defect States 13.5 Elementary Excitations (Phonons See G) 13.5.1 Excitons 13.5.2 Plasmons 13.5.3 Polarons 13.5.4 Magnons 14. Electrical Properties. Transport Phenomena 14.1 Metals. Semi-Metals 14.2 Superconductivity. Superconducting Materials and Devices 14.3 Semiconductors 14.3.1 Films 14.3.2 Surfaces and Interfaces 14.3.3 Devices. Junctions (Contact Problems See 14.3.4) 14.3.4 High-Field Phenomena, Space-Charge Effects, Inhoinogeneities, Injected Carriers (Electroluminescence See 20.3; Junctions See 14.3.3) 14.4 Dielectrics 14.4.1 Ferroelectrics 15. Thermoelectric and Thermomagnetic Properties 16. Photoconductivity. Photovoltaic Effects 17. Emission of Electrons and Ions 17.1 Field Emission Microscope Investigations 18. Magnetic Properties 18.1 Paramagnetic Properties 18.2 Ferromagnetic Properties 18.2.1 Ferromagnetic Films 18.3 Ferrimagnetic Properties 18.4 Antiferromagnetic Properties (Continued on cover

physica status solidi (b)

physica status solidi (a)

basic research

applied research

Board of Editors

Board of Editors

P. A I G R A I N , Paris, S. A M E L I N C K X , Moi-Donk, V. L. B O N C H - B R U E V I C H , Moskva, M. C A R D O N A , S t u t t g a r t , W. D E K E Y S E R , Gent, W. F R A N Z , Münster, P . G Ö R L I C H , J e n a , E. G U T S C H E , Berlin, R. K A I S C H E W , Sofia, P . T. L A N D S B E R G , S o u t h a m p t o n , S. L U N D Q V I S T , Göteborg, L. N É E L , Grenoble, A. P I E K A R A , W a r s z a w a , A. S E E G E R , S t u t t g a r t , F. S E I T Z , New York, O. S T A S I W , Berlin, M. S T E E N B E C K f , J e n a , F. S T Ö C K M A N N , K a r l s r u h e , J . TAUC, Providence

S. A M E L I N C K X , Mol-Donk, J . A U T H , Berlin, H . B E T H G E , Halle, K . W. B Ö E R , N e w a r k , P. G Ö R L I C H , J e n a , G. M. H A T O Y A M A , T o k y o , C. H I L S U M , Malvern, B. T . K O L O M I E T S , L e n i n g r a d , W. J . M E R Z , Zürich, A. S E E G E R , S t u t t g a r t , K. M. VAN V L I E T , Montreal





Advisory Board

Advisory Board

M. A V E R O U S , Montpellier, .VI. B A L K A N S K I , P a r i s , P . C. B A N B U R Y , R e a d i n g , M. B E R N A R D , B a g n e u x , W. B R A U E R , Berlin, W. C O C H R A N , E d i n b u r g h , R C O E L H O , Gif-sur-Yvette, J . D. E S H E L B Y f , Sheffield, G. J A C O B S , Gent. E . K R O E N E R , S t u t t g a r t , R. K U B O , Tokyo, M. MATYÄS, P r a h a , H . D. M E G A W , Cambridge, T. S. MOSS, Malvern, E. N A G Y , B u d a p e s t , E. A. N I E K I S C H , J ü l i c h , L. P A L , B u d a p e s t , H. M. R O S E N B E R G , Oxford, S. S H I O N O Y A , Tokyo, W. S T E I N M A N N , München R. V A U T I E R , Bellevue /Sein

L. N. A L E K S A N D R O V, Novosibirsk, W. A N D R Ä , J e n P, E. B A U E R , Clausthal-Zellerfeld, G. C H I A R O T T I , Ron.. H. C U R I E N , Paris, R. G R I G O R O V I C I , B u c h a r e s t , F. B. H U M P H R E Y , P a s a d e n a , E. K L I E R , P r a h a , Z. M Ä L E K , P r a h a , G. O. M Ü L L E R , Berlin, Y. N A K A M U R A , K y o t o , T. N. R H O D I N , I t h a c a , New Y o r k , R . S I Z M A N N , München, J . S T U K E , M a r b u r g , J . T. W A L L M A R K , Göteborg, E. P. W O H L F A R T H , L o n d o n

SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX Volumes 109 to 114, 1982

Volumes 69 to 74, 1982

ISSN 0370-1972/0031-8965 Edited by E. BORCHARDT

A K A D E M I E - Y E R L A G • B E R L I N

Subscriptions and orders for this Subject and A u t h o r I n d e x or single copies of physica status solidi (b) and phvsica s t a t u s solidi (a) should be directed in the G D R : to t h e Postzeitungsvertrieb or t o t h e Akademie-Verlag, DDR-1086 Berlin, Leipziger Str. 3 —4; in the other socialist countries: to a book-shop for foreign language literature or t o t h e competent news-distributing agency: in the F R G and B E R L I N ( W E S T ) : to a book-shop or t o the wholesale distributing agency K u n s t u n d Wissen. Erich Bieber O H G , Wilhelmstr. 4—6, D-7000 S t u t t g a r t 1; in the other Western E u r o p e a n countries: to K u n s t u n d Wissen Erich Bieber G m b H , D u f o u r s t r . 51, CH-8008 Zürich; in USA and C A N A D A : to Verlag Chemie International Inc., 303 N . W . 2th Avenue, Deerfield Beach. F L 33 441, USA; in other countries: to t h e international book- and journal-selling trade, to Buchexport, Volkseigener Außenhandelsbetrieb der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik, DDR-7010 Leipzig, P o s t f a c h 160, or to t h e Akademie-Verlag, DDR-1086 Berlin, Leipziger Straße 3 —4.

S c h r i f t l e i t e r u n d v e r a n t w o r t l i c h f ü r den I n h a l t der Z e i t s c h r i f t e n : P r o f e s s o r D r . D r . h . c. P . G ö r l i c h , D D R - 1 0 2 0 B e r l i n , N e u e S c h ö n h a u s e r S t r . 20 b z w . D D R - 6 9 0 0 J e n a , S c h i l l b a c h s t r . 24. Herausgeber u n d v e r a n t w o r t l i c h f ü r den I n h a l t des R e g i s t e r s : D i p l . - P h y s . E . B o r c h a r d t , D D R - 1 0 2 0 B e r l i n , N e u e S c h ö n h a u s e r S t r . 20. Verlag: Akademie-Verlag, D D R - 1 0 8 6 Berlin, Leipziger Str. 3 - 4 ; F e r n r u f : 2 2 3 6 2 2 1 und 2 2 3 6 2 2 9 ; Telex-Nr.: B a n k : S t a a t s b a n k der D D R , Berlin, K t o . - N r . : 6836-26-20712. V e r ö f f e n t l i c h t u n t e r d e r L i z e n z n u m m e r 1310 u n d 1620 d e s P r e s s e a m t e s b e i m V o r s i t z e n d e n d e s M i n i s t e r r a t e s d e r Deutschen Demokratischen Republik. Gesamtherstellung: V E B Druckerei „ T h o m a s Müntzer", DDR.5820 Bad Langensalza. B e s t e l l n u m m e r d e s R e g i s t e r s 1068/85 R 1 5 . © 1983 b y A k a d e m i e - V e r l a g B e r l i n . Printed in t h e G e r m a n D e m o c r a t i c Republic. A N ( E D V ) 20 831/20 735


Preface The fifteenth index volume contains volumes 109 to 114 of "physica status solidi (b) — basic research" as well as volumes 69 to 74 of "physica status solidi (a) — applied research", i.e. all volumes having appeared in 1982 containing 1509 papers. The general scheme of last index volume was maintained. The basis for quoting is the subject classification given every papers in the respective issue. Nevertheless, before taking over these subject classifications into the index volume they were once more carefully revised and in some cases improved and completed in order to get a most uniform and clear classification for all papers. The average number of quotations per paper in this index volume is nearly the same as in the last one, namely about 3.0. Again I have to express my thanks to the readers for their interest, and I will always readily take up any critical remarks and proposals for improvements. I am especially obliged to Prof. Dr. P. Gôrlich, Prof. Dr. E. Gutsche, Dr. H.-J. Hânsch, Dr. H. Lange, Dr. S. Oberlander, and Dipl. Phys. K. Millier for giving me advice and unselfish help. Furthermore I have to thank Mrs. E. Schwan for her exact and reliable secretary's work at the manuscript. Berlin, J a n u a r y 1983 Eva Borchardt

Classification Scheme 1. Structure of Crystalline Solids 1.1 Perfectly Periodic Structure 1.2 Solid-State Phase Transformations 1.3 Alloys. Metallurgy 1.4 Microstructure (Magnetic Domains See 18; Ferroelectric Domains See 14.4.1) 1.5 Films 1.6 Surfaces 2. Non-Crystalline State 3. Crystal Growth 4. Bonding Properties 5. Mössbauer Spectroscopy 6. Lattice Dynamics. Phonona 7. Acoustic Properties 8. Thermal Properties 9. Diffusion 10. Defect Properties (Irradiation Defects See 11) 10.1 Metals 10.2 Non-Metals 11. Irradiation Effects (X-Ray Diffraction Investigations See 1 and 10) 12. Mechanical Properties (Plastic Deformations See 10) 12.1 Metals 12.2 Non-Metals 13. Electron States 13.1 Band Structure 13.2 Fermi Surfaces 13.3 Surface and Interface States 13.4 Impurity and Defect States 13.5 Elementary Excitations (Phonons See 6) 13.5.1 Excitons 13.5.2 Plasmons 13.5.3 Polarons 13.5.4 Magnons 14. Electrical Properties. Transport Phenomena 14.1 Metals. Semi-Metals 14.2 Superconductivity. Superconducting Materials and Devices 14.3 Semiconductors 14.3.1 Films 14.3.2 Surfaces and Interfaces 14.3.3 Devices. Junctions (Contact Problems See 14.3.4) 14.3.4 High-Field Phenomena, Space-Charge Effects, Inhomogeneities, Injected Carriers (Electroluminescence See 20.3; Junctions See 14.3.3) 14.4 Dielectrics 14.4.1 Ferroelectrics 15. Thermoelectric and Thermomagnetic Properties 16. Photoconductivity. Photovoltaic Effects 17. Emission of Electrons and Ions 17.1 Field Emission Microscope Investigations

Classification Scheme 18. Magnetic Properties 18.1 Paramagnetic Properties 18.2 Ferromagnetic Properties 18.2.1 Ferromagnetic Films 18.3 Ferrimagnetic Properties 18.4 Antiferromagnetic Properties 19. Magnetic Resonance 20. Optical Properties 20.1 Spectra. Optical Constants ( X - R a y Spectra See 20) 20.2 Lasers 20.3 Luminescence ( X - R a y Spectra See 20) 21. Metals. Alloys 21.1 Transition Metals (Group Sc to Zn) and Their Alloys 21.1.1 F e and F e Alloys 21.2 Alkali-Metals 21.3 Alkali-Earth Metals 21.4 Rare-Earth Metals 21.5 Actinides 21.6 Noble Metals 21.7 Semi-Metals (Semiconducting Alloys See 22.7) 22. Semiconductors and Ionic Crystals 22.1 Elements 22.1.1 Germanium 22.1.2 Silicon 22.1.3 Group V I Elements 22.2 I I I - V Compounds 22.2.1 Arsenides 22.2.2 Phospides 22.2.3 Animonides 22.2.4 Mixed Crystals 22.3 I V - I V , I I - Y , and I I I - Y I Compounds 22.3.1 Mixed Crystals 22.4 I I - V I Compounds 22.4.1 Sulphides 22.4.2 Selenides 22.4.3 Tellurides 22.4.4 Mixed Crystals 22.5 Halides 22.5.1 Silver Halides 22.5.2 Alkali Halides 22.5.3 Alkali-Earth Halides 22.5.4 Mixed Crystals 22.6 Simple Oxides (CdO, ZnO See 22.4) 22.6.1 Mixed Crystals 22.7 Semiconducting Intermetallic Compounds 22.7.1 Mixed Crystals 22.8 Tertiary and Higher Compounds 22.8.1 Salts of Oxy-Acids (Carbonates, Phosphates, Silicates, Including Mica e t c . ; 22.8.2 Spinels, Garnets, Ferrites 22.9 Organic Semiconductors 23. Solidified Gases For comments on the use of the classification scheme see p. 6.


Some Comments on the Use of the Subject and Author Index T h e classification system 1 ) comprises 20 broad sections each devoted to a m a j o r field of solid s t a t e physics and 3 b r o a d sections devoted to the main groups of substances. A section m a y contain a n u m b e r of subsections dealing with aspects of this field or special substance, respectively, which t e n d to receive particular a t t e n t i o n . A paper dealing with this field will either be classified under one or more of the subsections or, if none of these are relevant, it will just a p p e a r under the general section heading (i.e. sections and subsections are equivalent in this sense). F o r example, a paper dealing with problems of p a r a m a g n e t i s m would a p p e a r under 18.1 b u t not 18, whereas a paper on diamagnetism would be quoted under 18; a paper dealing with G a P would a p p e a r under 22.2.2, not under 22 or 22.2, whereas a paper on A1N would be quoted under 22.2, a n d a p a p e r on a I I - I V or a I V - V I compound would be quoted u n d e r 22. All papers will be quoted under each relevant section. There is made a distinction between one or two principal entries (refering to t h e m a i n subject m a t t e r of t h e paper) a n d secondary entries (refering to subsidiary subject m a t t e r a n d substance, respectively). I n the principal entries t h e title of the p a p e r is given in its original language a n d in English. I n addition, every principal e n t r y is marked by * in f r o n t of the title of the paper. I n the secondary entries t h e title is only given in English. E a c h e n t r y gives the volume, t h e n u m b e r of the issue, t h e initial a n d final page numbers, a n d t h e year in which t h e p a p e r appeared. A paper of physica s t a t u s solidi (b) or physica s t a t u s solidi (a) is m a r k e d b y (b) or (a) in f r o n t of t h e line, respectively. T h e letter " K " before the page n u m b e r s indicates a short n o t e published in t h e offset p a r t of t h e journal. E a c h e n t r y is followed b y references of t h e other entries. These references give t h e subject classifications a n d t h e pages in t h e index where t h e other entries appear. The references to t h e principal entries are given in italics. Review articles appear, a t t h e head of t h e list of entries under a given subject and are given t h e subtitle " R e v i e w Articles". These articles are listed in the chronological order of their publication, irrespective of being a p a p e r of physica s t a t u s solidi (b) or physica s t a t u s solidi (a). T h e subject classification for a review article consisting of several p a r t s is based on the article as a whole r a t h e r t h a n on t h e individual p a r t s . The entries for original papers, short notes, a n d errata are m a d e together in a single list for each subject a n d this follows t h e entries for review articles. These are again ordered according to d a t a of publication, irrespective of being a paper of physica s t a t u s solidi (b) or physica s t a t u s solidi (a). Original papers are sometimes published in several p a r t s under the same principal title (in general with special subtitles). T h e various p a r t s of papers of this t y p e are t r e a t e d separately a n d each p a r t is classified according to its particular contents. I n quoting errata the following rule is obeyed. If the e r r a t u m refers to a p a p e r quoted in the preceding index, it is listed in t h e chronological order of its publication, otherwise the e r r a t u m is quoted together with the p a p e r to which it refers. ') See cover two and three, and pages 4 and 5. For the case of losing the cover by bookbinding we repeat the classification scheme on pages 4 and 5.

Some Comments on the Use of the Subject and Author Index


In using the subject index attention should be given to the following details: subject

quoted in


representations of space groups

1 and 13.1

Alien waves, helicon waves

13 and 20

hot electrons

13 and 14.3.4

transport phenomena

14 or subsection of 14

if not clearly to be assigned to 8 or 15

galvanomagnetic effects

14 or subsection of 14

not in 18

electro-optical effects

14 and 20 (or subsection of 14 and 20)

piezoelectricity, électrostriction

14 or subsection of 14

not in 12 or subsection of 12; different electromechanical effects are quoted in 12 or subsection of 12

ionic conduction


not in 14.3

magneto-optical effects

18 and 20 (or subsection of 18 and 20)

possibly in additional sections, e.g. F a r a d a y effect in 13

ferromagnetic films


not additionally in 1.5

X-ray spectra


but not X-ray studies of structure

MIS and MOS structures

the section assigned to the semiconductor

not in the section assigned to the oxide or the metal

MIM structures

the section assigned to the insulator

generally not in the section assigned to the metal

epitaxial layers

the section assigned to the layer

not in the section assigned to the substrate

T h e a u t o r i n d e x g i v e s t h e n a m e s of t h e a u t h o r s in a l p h a b e t i c a l o r d e r . E a c h n a m e is f o l l o w e d b y t h e b i b l i o g r a p h i c d e t a i l s of t h e p a p e r a n d t h e n u m b e r s of, t h e p a g e s o n w h i c h t h e p a p e r a p p e a r s in t h e s u b j e c t i n d e x . A p a p e r of p h y s i c a s t a t u s solidi (b) or p h y s i c a s t a t u s solidi (a) is a g a i n m a r k e d b y (b) or (a) in f r o n t of t h e n u m b e r of t h e v o l u m e , r e s p e c t i v e l y . T h e p r i n c i p a l e n t r y is a g a i n g i v e n in i t a l i c s . W h e n s e v e r a l p a p e r s have been published b y the s a m e author they are arranged according to the dates of p u b l i c a t i o n , i r r e s p e c t i v e of b e i n g a p a p e r of p h y s i c s s t a t u s solidi (b) or p h y s i c a s t a t u s solidi (a).

Subject Index 1. Structure of Crystalline Solids Original


and Short



*Analysis of t h e Relative Stability of t h e NaCl, CsCl, and Cubic ZnS Structures in Alkali Halide Crystals (b) Vol. 109, No. 1, p. K 2 3 - K 2 6 (1982). See also 4, p. 61; 22.5.2, p. 454. V . A . M . BRABERS a n d J . C. J . M. TERHELL

*Electrical Conductivity and Cation Valencies in Nickel Manganite (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. 3 2 5 - 3 3 2 (1982). See also 14.3, p. 203; 15, p. 245; 22.8.2, p. 499. A . M E E N A K S H I S U N D A R A M , N . GTJNASEKARAN, a n d V . S R I N I V A S A N

•Distribution of Metal Ions in Transition Metal Manganites AMn„0 4 (A-Co, Ni, Cu, or Zn) (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. K 1 5 - K 1 9 (1982). See also 22.8.2, p. 499. T . TAGTJCHI a n d D . W . P A L M E R

•Channeling and Ionoluminescence Spectra of Cubic-Structured ZnS Crystals (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. K 5 5 - K 5 9 (1982). See also 20.3, p. 319; 22.4.1, p. 439. G . J . ASHWELL

•Subtle S t r u c t u r a l Variations in (DEPE) ( T C N Q ) 4 . 5 ( ^ 0 ) ^ (b) Vol. 109, No. 2, p. K 8 9 - K 9 1 (1982). See also 22.9, p. 503. D . M. VARDANYAN a n d H . M . MANOUKYAN

• T h e X-Ray Plane Wave Dynamic Reflection a t a Laminar Crystalline Medium in t h e Bragg Case (a) Vol. 69, No. 2, p. 4 7 5 - 4 8 2 (1982). P . C L I P P E a n d M . ATJSLOOS

Size Effect on t h e I n f r a r e d Absorption Spectrum of Clustered Ionic Spheres (b) Vol. 110, No. 1, p. 2 1 1 - 2 1 8 (1982). See also 20.1, p. 302; 22.6, p. 469.


Subject Index

W . HERREMANS, M . DAVID, a n d R . G E V E R S

*Crystal Potential near a Stacking Fault (a) Vol. 70, No. 1, p. 2 9 5 - 3 0 9 (1982). See also 10, p. 94.







O . D . CHISTYAKOV, a n d E . M . S A V I T S K I I

•Crystal Field in the Laves Phase Compound PrNi, (b) Vol. I l l , No. 2, p. 5 0 7 - 5 1 2 (1982). See also 8, p. 87; 13.4, p. 169; 15, p. 246; 18.1, p. 266; 21.1, p. 349; 21.4, p. 370. G. S. D U B E Y

•Calculation of the Static Structure Factor of the Classical Two-Dimensional Plasma (b) Vol. I l l , No. 2, p. K 9 9 - K 1 0 1 (1982). See also 13, p. 143. J . F . J . J O R D A N , A . AXMANN, H . E G G E R , a n d J . KALTTS

•Temperature Dependence of the Compressibility of d s -Naphthalene (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. 4 5 7 - 4 6 2 (1982). See also 6, p. 75; 12.2, p. 135; 22.9, p. 505. I . V . STASYTJK a n d R . A . GRIGORCHUK

•The Theory of the Strain Effects in the Crystals Described by the s(d)-f Model (b) Vol. 112, No. 1, p. 3 2 7 - 3 3 8 (1982). See also 12, p. 129; 13, p. 144. A . CASTETS, D . GIGNOUX, J . C . GOMEZ-SAL, F . RODRIGUEZ-GONZALEZ, a n d E . ROTJDATJT

•Magnetic Properties and Structure of Tb 2 Pt (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. 4 7 5 - 4 8 1 (1982). See also 18.2, p. 272; 18.4, p. 281 ; 21.4, p. 371 ; 21.6, p. 378. P . A. ALEKSEEV,




SAVITSKII, a n d J . K J E M S

•Crystalline Electric Field Effects in Pr(La, Y)A13 (b) Vol. 114, No. 1, p. 1 6 1 - 1 6 7 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 176; 21.4, p. 372.


E . M.

1.1 Perfectly Periodic Structure


1.1 Perfectly Periodic Structure Original Papers and Short


W . B A Z E L A , I . SZOTT, a n d A . S Z Y T U L A

•Magnetic Properties of the Co^Nii „^MnGe System in the Hexagonal Phase (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. K 4 9 - K 5 4 (1982). Erratum (a) Vol. 71, No. 1, p. K131 (1982). See also 18.4, p. 279; 22.8, p. 482. H . S . K I M a n d S . S. SHEININ

•An Assessment of the High-Energy Approximation in the Dynamical Theory of Electron Diffraction (b) Vol. 109, No. 2, p. 8 0 7 - 8 1 6 (1982). See also 21.6, p. 374. V . I . K U S H N I R a n d E . V . SUVOROV

•Investigation of the Dynamic Diffraction Focusing of X-Rays by a Homogeneously Bent Crystal in the Symmetric Laue Case (a) Vol. 69, No. 2, p. 4 8 3 - 4 9 0 (1982). See also 22.1.2, p. 402. K . NAUKKARINEN a n d T . TUOMI

•Explanation of Contrast Effects in Synchrotron X-Ray Topographs of Bent Crystals by Means of Multiple Diffraction (a) Vol. 69, No. 2, p. 6 8 7 - 6 9 7 (1982). See also 12.2, p. 134; 22.1.2, p. 402. L . M. LITYAGINA, Z. V . MALYUSHITSKAYA, T . A. PASHKINA, a n d S. S .

•Isothermal Compression of Al to 10 GPa at 673 K (a) V o l . 6 9 , No. 2, p. K 1 4 7 - K 1 5 0

See also 12.1, p. 130; 21, p. 332. P . ZAUMSEIL a n d U .




•Triple Crystal Diffractometer Investigations of Silicon Crystals with Different CollimatorsAnalyzer Arrangements (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. 4 9 7 - 5 0 5 (1982). See also 10.2, p. 108; 22.1.2, p. 405. E.



•Ternary Semiconducting Compounds with Chalcopyrite-Type Structure (I): Fundamental Equation and Its Physically Acceptable Solutions (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. 5 1 9 - 5 2 3 (1982). See also 1.3, p. 27; 22.8, p. 484.


•The Coherence Description of the Dynamical X-Ray Diffraction from Randomly Disordered Crystals (I): General Formalism (b) Vol. I l l , No. 1, p. 3 4 1 - 3 5 1 (1982). See also 10.2, p. 109; 22, p. 386.

Subject Index


*High Resolution Electron Microscopic Studies of the Polymorphic Transformation and Crystal Structures of Low-Temperature Ag2Se Phases (a) Vol. 71, No. 1, p. 1 0 9 - 1 1 9 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 17; 22, p. 386.


*A New Long Period Superstructure with Ideal Composition Au36Mn13Derived from the D0 2 2 Structure, Studied by Means of High Resolution Electron Microscopy and Electron Diffraction (a) Vol. 71, No. 1, p. 1 8 5 - 1 9 2 (1982). See also 1.4, p. 34; 21.1, p. 348; 21.6, p. 376.







*High Resolution Electron Microscopy of Coincidence Patterns in the Ordered Pd3Mn Alloy (a) Vol. 71, No. 1, p. K 9 - K 1 1 (1982). See also 1.4, p. 34; ?1.1, p. 349; 21.6, p. 376. R . K . SINHA a n d M. L . M U K H E R J E E

*Lattice Parameter and F-Band Position in K C l i _ x B r x Crystals (b) Vol. I l l , No. 2, p. K 1 1 7 - K 1 2 1 (1982). See also 10.2, p. 109; 20.1, p. 306; 22.5.4, p. 467.


*Laue-to-Bragg Transition in Extremely Asymmetric Dynamic Neutron Diffraction (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. 3 7 1 - 3 8 0 (1982). See also 22.1.2, p. 407.


* X - R a y Determination of Lattice Parameter and Thermal Expansion of the Compound CdIn 2 Se 4 (a) Vol. 7 1 , No. 2, p. K 2 2 5 - K 2 2 9

See also 8, p. 87; 22.8, p. 486.



*The Coherence Description of the Dynamical X-Ray Diffraction from Randomly Disordered Crystals (II): Some Numerical Results ( b ) V o l . 1 1 2 , N o . 1, p . 1 6 1 - 1 6 9

See also 10.2, p. 110; 22, p. 387.



*Origin of Long-Period Polytypism in Polycrystalline SiC (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. 4 5 5 - 4 6 1 (1982). See also 1.4, p. 35; 22.3, p. 434.


*Change of Interference Pattern in the X - R a y Section Topography of Single Crystals with Increasing Dimensions of an Incoherent Source (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. 4 8 3 - 4 9 1 (1982). See also 10.2, p. 112; 22.1.1, p. 397; 22.1.2, p. 410.

1.1 Perfectly Periodic Structure


H . S. K I M , R . PEREZ, a n d S . S. SHEININ

*Experimental Evidence Showing t h a t the Use of Symmetrical Laue Diffraction Conditions in the Dynamical Theory of Electron Diffraction Can Give Significant Errors in Diffraction Contrast Calculations (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. 5 6 1 - 5 6 8 (1982). See also 22.1.2, p. 410. R . S . NARAYANAN, J . SHANKAR, H . C. GUPTA, a n d B . B . TRIPATHI

*Theory of Interionic Forces in Alkali Halide Crystals (b) Vol. 113, No. 1, p. 3 3 9 - 3 4 6 (1982). See also 4, p. 64; 12.2, p. 136; 22.5.2, p. 460. R . GEVERS a n d M . DAVID

*Relativistic Theory of Electron and Positron Diffraction at High and Low Energies (b) V o l . 1 1 3 , N o . 2, p . 6 6 5 - 6 7 8 (1982).

V . T . BUBLIK, J . W I L K E u n d A . T . PEREVERSEV

*Die Natur der festen Lösungen'der überschüssigen Komponenten in unlegiertem Galliumantimonid (The Nature of Solid Solutions of the Excess Components in Non-Doped Gallium Antimonide) (a) V o l . 73, N o . 2, p . K 2 7 1 - K 2 7 3 (1982).

See also 1.4, p. 37; 22.2.3, p. 429. SH. M . EFENDIEV, T . Z . KULIEVA, V . A . LOMONOV, M . I . CHIRAGOV, M . GRANDOLFO, a n d P . VECCHIA

*Crystal Structure of Bismuth Titanium Oxide BiloTiO„0 (a) V o l . 74, N o . 1, p . K 1 7 - K 2 1 (1982).

See also 22.8, p. 490. NGUYEN A N , G . WORM, a n d R . HERRMANN

*Symmetrical Grain Boundaries with Special Angles and Their Coincidence Site Lattices (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. 3 4 9 - 3 5 7 (1982). See also 1.4, p. 37. A . R . BADZIAN

*On the Geometrical Condition for X-Ray Scattering by Thermal Waves in Crystals (a) Vol. 74, No. 2, p. 6 3 7 - 6 4 9 (1982). See also 6, p. 81 ; 22, p. 392; 22.1.1, p. 399; 22.1.2, p. 416; 22.5.2, p. 464.


Subject I n d e x

1.2 Solid-State Phase Transformations




* Order-Disorder Transitions in Substitutional Solid Solutions (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. 1 1 - 5 9 (1982). See also 1.3, p. 25; 21, p. 330; 21.1, p. 343; 21.1.1, p. 359; 21.6, p. 374. P . P . SEREGIN, A . R . K E G E L , A . A . ANDREEV, a n d F . S . NASREDINOV

A Study of Local S t r u c t u r e of Chalcogenide Vitreous Semiconductors and of States of I m p u r i t y Atoms in Them by Means of Mossbauer and Electron Spectroscopies (a) Vol. 74, No. 2, p. 3 7 3 - 3 9 4 (1982). See also 2, p. 45; 5, p. 66; 13.4 p. 162; 22, p. 382.



and Short



*Equation for t h e Melting Curve of Solids under High Pressure (b) Vol. 109, No. 1, p. 1 4 5 - 1 5 1 (1982). See also 8, p. 84; 12.1, p. 130; 21.2, p. 365; 23, p. 509. Y u . S. STARK a n d A . S . STERNBERG


Application of B B G K Y Equations to t h e S t u d y of Ordering in Alloys (b) Vol. 109, No. 1, p. 4 0 3 - 4 0 9 (1982). See also 1.3, p. 25; 21, p. 331.


*Transitions in F a s t Ionic Conductors (b) Vol. 109, No. 1, p. 4 3 7 - 4 3 9 (1982). See also 14.4, p. 234; 22.5, p. 450. M . BARTKOWIAK a n d S. ROBASZKIEWICZ

*Charge Ordering in t h e E x t e n d e d H u b b a r d Model. The Caron-Pratt sults (b) Vol. 109, No. 1, p. K 1 1 - K 1 6 (1982). See also 13, p. 140; 14, p. 190.




The Behaviour of Resistance and Thermopower and t h e Coexistence of Two Phases a t Metal-Insulator Transitions (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. 9 7 - 1 0 1 (1982). See also 14.1, p. 193; 14.3, p. 202; 15, p. 245; 22.6, p. 468. A . LEBLE, J . J . ROUSSEAU, J . C. F A Y E T , J . PANNETIER, J . L . FOURQUET, a n d R . DE P A P E

Order-Disorder Transition of NH 4 A1F 4 through E P R Investigations (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. 2 4 9 - 2 5 6 (1982). See also 19, p. 283; 22.8, p. 481.

1.2 Solid-State Phase Transformations



Low-Temperature Specific H e a t s of Non-Stoichiometric Neodynium Hydrides (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. 3 8 5 - 3 9 2 (1982). See also 8, p. 85; 21.4, p. 369. J . W . BRIGHTWELL, C. N . B U C K L E Y , a n d B . R A Y

*Polymorphism in A g l and A g i - ^ C u ^ I (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. K 1 1 - K 1 3 (1982). See also 1.3, p. 26; 22.5.4, p. 467. M . ONODA, T . TAKAHASHI, a n d H . NAGASAWA

*Nuclear Quadrupole Effect and Phase Transition in t h e Quasi-One-Dimensional Conductor (3-Na0.33V2O5 (b) Vol. 109, No. 2, p. 7 9 3 - 7 9 7 (1982). See also 19, p. 283; 22.8, p. 482. A . GHOSH, L . K . B A N E R J E E , a n d A . N . BASU

•Cohesion, Phase Transition, Elastic and Dielectric Properties of Group IV Semiconductors (b) Vol. 109, No. 2, p. 7 9 9 - 8 0 6 (1982). See also 4, p. 61; 12.2, p. 134; 14.4, p. 234 ; 22.1, p. 393; 22.1.1, p. 395; 22.1.2, p. 401. P . T B Z A S K O M A , J . Z T E L I N S K I , a n d M . SZOPA

*On t h e Role of Phonons for t h e Pressure I n d u c e d Change of Valence (b) Vol. 109, No. 2, p. K 1 2 9 - K 1 3 2 (1982). See also 6, p. 71; 21.4, p. 369. 0 . SLMMICH

•Description of Particle Growth b y Means of a Difference Approximation (a) Vol. 69, No. 2, p. 6 5 7 - 6 6 2 (1982). See also 10.1, p. 97; 21, p. 332. T . KANAIZUKA

I n t e r p r e t a t i o n of Mossbauer Spectra of ¡3-FeB a n d I t s Low T e m p e r a t u r e Modification, a-FeB (a) Vol. 69, No. 2, p. 7 3 9 - 7 4 4 (1982). See also 5, p. 66; 18.2, p. 268; 21.1.1, p. 359.

H . F I S C H E R , H . - D . G E I L E R , G . G Ö T Z , A . V . D V U R E C H E N S K H , B . P . K A S H N I K O V , a n d L . S . SMIRNOV

Antiannealing Effects in Ion-Implanted and Electron Pulse I r r a d i a t e d Quartz Crystals (a) Vol. 69, No. 2, p. K 1 3 9 - K 1 4 2 (1982). See also 11, p. 119; 22.6, p. 469. A . G R A J A , R . S W I E T L I K , J . P E T Z E L T , a n d L . DOBIASOVA

*Phase Transition in MTPP(TCNQ) 2 Single Crystals b y I n f r a r e d Reflection Measurements (a) Vol. 69, No. 2, p. K 2 0 5 - K 2 0 8 (1982). See also 6, p. 71; 20.1, p. 301; 22.9, p. 503. A . I . N A S K I D A S H V I L I , I . A . NASKIDASIIVILI, L . S . T O P C H Y A N , V . N . KOZHANOV, a n d E . P . ROMANOV

*Heat Capacity Anomalies in t h e Intermetallic Compound V 2 Zr (a) Vol. 69, No. 2, p. K 2 3 9 - K 2 4 2 (1982). See also 8, p. 85; 21.1, p. 345.


Subject Index

R . PARROT a n d B . CANNY

*ESR S t u d y of t h e Monoelinic-Orthorhombic P h a s e Transition in Neodymium Pentaphosphates (b) Vol. 110, No. 1, p. 1 2 3 - 1 3 1 (1982). See also 19, p. 284; 22.8.1, p. 493. Z . CZAPLA, L . SOBCZYK, a n d J . MRÖZ

*Isotopic Effect in Ferroelectric Rubidium Hydrogen Selenate Crystals (a) Vol. 70, No. 1, p. 7 3 - 7 8 (1982). See also 14.4.1, p. 240; 22.8.1, p. 493. V . I . BOGDANOV, A . V . R U B A N , a n d D . L . F U K S

Covalent Contribution to t h e Bond Energy of Phases with Ll„ Structure (b) Vol. 110, No. 2, p. 4 3 1 - 4 3 5 (1982). See also 1.3, p. 27; 4, p. 62; 21.1, p. 346; 21.6, p. 375. F . BREHAT, B . W Y N C K E , a n d M . E L SHERIF

• L a t t i c e Mode Anharmonicity in Sodium N i t r i t e (b) Vol. 110, No. 2, p. 4 9 9 - 5 0 6 (1982). See also 6, p. 73; 14.4.1, p. 241 ; 20.1, p. 303; 22.8.1, p. 494. D . LEPSKI a n d P . BURCK

*Precipitate Structure Analysis b y Diffraction Contrast Image Matching for a Metastable Semicoherent Carbide P h a s e in Molybdenum (II) : Image Matching (a) Vol.^0, No. 2, p. 5 7 1 - 5 8 1 (1982). See also 1.4, p. 33; 10.1, p. 98; 12.1, p. 131; 21.1, p. 347. P . GÜNTER, R . SANCTUARY, a n d F . ROHNER

*Changes of Optical Properties a t t h e Successive Phase Transitions in Rb»ZnCl 4 (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. 5 8 3 - 5 8 9 (1982). See also 20.1, p. 304; 22.5.4, p. 467. C. BOULESTEIX e t B . YANGUI

•Domains et interfaces engendrées au cours d'une transformation cristallographique coopérative — application au cas de la transformation hexagonale monoclinique des sequioxydes de terres rares (I) : Dénombrement et position relative des domains équivalents (Domains and Interfaces Created during Cooperative Crystallographic Transformation — Application to Hexagonal-Monoclinic Transformation of R a r e E a r t h Sesquioxides (I) : Determination of t h e Number and Relative Position of Equivalent Domains) (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. 5 9 7 - 6 1 3 (1982). Erratum (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. 361 (1982). See also 1.4, p. 33; 22.6, p. 470. J . TORRES, C. ROUCAU, a n d R . AYROLES

•Investigation of t h e Interactions between Ferroelastic Domain Walls and of t h e Structural Transition in Lead P h o s p h a t e Observed by Electron Microscopy (I) : Experimental Results (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. 6 5 9 - 6 6 9 (1982). See also 1.4, p. 34; 22.8.1, p. 494. B A I - X I N L I U a n d M - A . NICOLET

• F o r m a t i o n of Au-Ge Metastable Phases b y Ion Mixing (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. 6 7 1 - 6 7 6 (1982). See also 1.3, p. 27; 2, p. 48; 21.6, p. 376 ; 22.1.1, p. 396.

1.2 Solid-State Phase Transformations


H . ISHIDA, R . I K E D A , a n d D . NAKAMURA

*Prc-Melting S t a t e of Methylammonium Iodide as Revealed by P r o t o n Magnetic Resonance (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. K 1 5 1 - K 1 5 4 (1982). See also 19, p. 286; 22.9, p. 504. S . V . M I S U L a n d I . A . BELOBROVA

•Sequence of P h a s e Transitions in (NHJoZnC^ (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. K 1 6 7 - K 1 7 0 (1982~). See also 14.4.1, p. 241 ; 19, p. 286; 22.8, p. 484. T . SOMA, H . I W A N A M I , a n d H . - M A T S U O K A G A Y A

* Pressure-Volume Relation under High Pressure for Si-Ge Solid Solution (b) Vol. I l l , No. 1, p. K 2 3 - K 2 6 (1982). See also 4, p. 62; 12.2, p. 135; 22.1.1, p. 396; 22.1.2, p. 406. K . PARLINSKI

*Phase Transitions in KND„ (b) Vol. I l l , No. 1, p. K 5 5 - K 5 9 (1982). See also 22.9, p. 505. L . G . KIIVOSTANTSEV,

A . I . ORLOV,






""Thermoelectric Properties and Phase Transitions in Bi,Te 3 under Hydrostatic Pressure u p to 9 GPa and T e m p e r a t u r e u p to 300 °C (a) Vol. 71, No. 1, p. 4 9 - 5 3 (1982). See also 12.2, p. 135; 14.3, p. 206; 15, p. 246; 22.7, p. 479. C . K A I T O , N . N A K A M U R A , K . T E R A N I S H I , S . SEKIMOTO, a n d M . S H I O J I R I

*High Resolution Electron Microscopic Studies of t h e Polymorphic Transformation and Crystal Structures of Low-Temperature Ag 2 Se Phases (a) Vol. 71, No. 1, p. 1 0 9 - 1 1 9 (1982). See also 1.1, p. 12; 22, p. 386. J . TORRES, C. ROUCAU, a n d R . AYROLES

i n v e s t i g a t i o n of t h e Interactions between Ferroelastic Domain Walls and of t h e Structural Transition in Lead P h o s p h a t e Observed by Electron Moerpscopy (II) : I n t e r p r e t a t i o n of t h e Interactions between Ferroelastic Domain Walls (a) Vol. 71, No. 1, p. 1 9 3 - 2 0 5 (1982). See also 1.4, p. 34; 22.8.1, p. 494. P . E . TOMASZEWSKI a n d K . LUKASZEWICZ

*Orthorhombic Low-Temperature Phase of L i K S 0 4 (a) Vol. 71, No. 1, p. K 5 3 - K 5 5 (1982). See also 22.8.1, p. 495. G . T . DIDRIKHSONS a n d H . P F E I F F E R

*On Phase Diagrams of Binary Systems (a) Vol. 71, No. 1, p. K 7 9 - K 8 1 (1982). See also 3, p. 58. R . S. SINGH, V . K . JAIN, a n d J . SHANKER

•Relative Stability and Structural Phase Transitions in Alkaline E a r t h Chalcogenide Crystals (b) Vol. I l l , No. 2, p. 5 1 9 - 5 2 3 (1982). See also 4, p. 63; 22, p. 387. Z

physica, Reg.-Bd. 15

Subject Index

18 V . E . S C H N E I D E R a n d E . E . TORNAU

*On the Theory of Isostructural Phase Transitions in Crystals (b) Vol. I l l , No. 2, p. 5 6 5 - 5 7 4 (1982). See also 14.4.1, p. 242; 22.8, p. 484.


*Ground State Phase Diagram of the Extended Hubbard Model with Ising-Like Exchange Interactions (b) Vol. I l l , No. 2, p. K107 — K i l l (1982). See also 13, p. 143; 14, p. 191; 18, p. 261.


*Raman Spectroscopic Studies of the Polymorphism in ZrO„ at High Pressures (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. 3 1 3 - 3 2 1 (1982). See also 6, p. 75; 20.1, p. 307; 22.6, p. 472.


*Solvus of KCl:Sr 2 + Solid Solution by Density Measurements of Single Crystals with the Flotation Method (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. 4 0 9 - 4 1 4 (1982). See also 10.2, p. 109; 22.5.2, p. 458.

YY. J . KTJHN, J . P E T E R S S O N , a n d H . E . M Ü S E R

*Phase Transition Fronts in Single Crystals of the Antiferroelectric Squaric Acid (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. 4 8 3 - 4 9 2 (1982). See also 14.4, p. 236; 22.9, p. 505.

J . K . KRÜGER, M . PIETRALLA, a n d H . - G . UNEUH

*The Elastic Properties of Hexatriacontane Single Crystals at Their Various Phase Transitions (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. 4 9 3 - 5 0 4 (1982). See also 6, p. 75; 12.2, p. 135; 22.9, p. 505.

O . B E R T R A N D , P H . DUFOTJR, N . F L O Q U E T , a n d L . C . D U F O U R

*Preliminary Electron Microscopy Investigation of the Reduction into Mo0 2 of the Higher Molybdenum Oxides. Mo 4 0,, and CS Oxides Mo 18 0 52 , Mo90.,6, Mo 8 0 2 3 (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. 5 1 1 - 5 2 1 (1982). See also 1.3, p. 28; 22.6, p. 472.


* X - R a y Diffraction Study of the 2H to 3C Solid State Transformation in Vapour Grown Single Crystals of ZnS (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. 6 3 3 - 6 4 0 (1982). See also 10.2, p. 109; 22.4.1, p. 441.

G . K R A B B E S , E . I . TERTJKOV u n d H . OPPERMANN

*Zeitabhängiges Verhalten des elektrischen Widerstandes beim a-Phasenübergang in stark dotiertem Cobalteisensulfid Co^Fei-^S (Time Dependence of the Electrical Resistivity of a-Phase Transition in Highly Doped Cobalt Iron Sulfide (Co^Fei^S)) (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. K 1 4 3 - K 1 4 6 (1982). See also 14.3, p. 207; 22.8, p. 486.

1.2 Solid-State Phase Transformations


A . V . A N D R E E V , E . N . TARASOV, A . Y . D E R Y A G I N , a n d S . M . Z A D V O R K I N

"•Influence of Symmetry of the Crystalline Structure on the Magnetic Anisotropy of Tb„Co7 (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. K 2 4 5 - K 2 4 7 (1982). See also 1.3, p. 29; 18.2, p. 271; 21.1, p. 349; 21.4, p. 371. M. D . KAPLAN

*Metamagnetoelastic and Metamagnetoelectric Behaviour of the Jahn-Teller Antiferroelastics (b) Vol. 112, No. 1, p. 3 5 1 - 3 5 6 (1982). See also 18.4, p. 280; 22.8, p. 487. M . A . KORZHUEV

On the Fundamental Energy Gap in GeTe (b) Vol. 112, No. 1, p. K 3 9 - K 4 1 (1982). See also 13.1, p. 152-, 22.7, p. 479. J . ECHIGOYA a n d J . W . EDINGTON

*A Transmission Electron Microscope Study of the Chalcocite-Djurleite Transformation in Topotactically Grown Thin Films of Cu^S (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. 3 0 5 - 3 1 1 (1982). See also 1.5, p. 39; 22, p. 388. A . E . M O S K A L E V , I . A . BELOBROVA, L . I . Z H E R E B T S O V A , a n d I . P . ALEKSANDROVA

*Ferroelectric Phase Transition in (NH4)„ZnBr4 (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. K 1 9 - K 2 1 (1982)." See also 14.4.1, p. 242; 19, p. 288; 22.8, p. 487. Y . A . B A D R a n d S . A WAD

*On the Low Temperature Phase Transition in Ammonium Sulfate (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. K 2 7 - K 3 2 (1982). See also 8, p. 87; 14.4.1, p. 242; 22.8.1, p. 495. A . HEINRICH, E . I . TERUKOV, W . REICHELT, H . WAGNER, a n d H . OPPERMANN

*IR-Absorption in Doped and Undoped VO„ (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. K 6 1 - K 6 4 (1982). See also 6, p. 76; 20.1, p. 308; 22.6, p. 472. E. HEINER

The Dielectric Response of a Charge Density Wave (CDW) Distorted Electron-Phonon System in the Precritical Region (I): The Self-Consistent Method (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p. 4 8 9 - 5 0 0 (1982). See also 13, p. 144; 14.4, p. 237; 22, p. 388. H . - E . PONATH a n d S . V . STRIZHEVSKII

Scattering of Surface Polaritons by the Order Parameter Fluctuations in the Vicinity of a Phase Transition Point (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p. 5 3 3 - 5 4 2 (1982). See also 13.3, p. 160; 13.5, p. 179. T . D . SANDS, J . WASHBURN, a n d R . GRONSKY

•High Resolution Observations of Copper Vacancy Ordering in Chalcocite (Cu,S) and the Transformation to Djurleite (Cui.97 to 1.94S) (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. 5 5 1 - 5 5 9 (1982). See also 1.5, p. 40; 22, p. 388. 2*


Subject Index


*Mise en évidence de nouvelles macles par microscopie électronique Conventionelle dans les sesquioxydes de terres rares monocliniques (B-Ln 3 0 3 ) (Electron Microscopic Evidence of New Twins in Monoclinic R a r e - E a r t h Sesquioxides

(B-LnA)) (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. 631 - 6 4 3 (1982). See also 1.4, p. 35-, 22.6, p. 473. M . WOLF, E . I . TERUKOV, \Y. REICHELT, a n d H . OPI'ERJIANN

""Influence of 1 8 0 Substitution on t h e High-Temperature Phase Transition of Cr-Doped V.,0-3 and I t s Relation to Low-Temperature Phase Transition (a") Vol. 72, No. 2, p. 6 5 5 - 6 5 9 (1982). See also 6, p. 78; 14.1, p. 196; 14.3, p. 209; 18, p. 262; 22.6, p. 473. E . W I E S E R , G . KRABBES, a n d E . I. TERUKOV

*Detection of t h e Metastable Simultaneous Occurrence of High- and Low-Temperature S t a t e s in Co^Fei—^S by Mössbauer Spectroscopy (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. 6 9 5 - 6 9 9 (1982). See also 5, p. 63; 14, p. 191 ; 18, p. 262; 22.8, p. 488. M . HIDAKA, K . INOUE, B . J . GARKARD, a n d B . M . W A N K L Y N

*Study of Structural P h a s e Transitions in t h e Layer Compound RbVF„ (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. 8 0 9 - 8 1 6 (1982). See also 6, p. 78; 8, p. 88; 22.8, p. 488. M . BACJIANN e t B . LAMBERT-AKDRON

*Structures cristallines de Co 3 U 2 0 8 à 300 et 110 K (Crystalline Structure of Co 3 U.,0 8 from 300 to 110 K) (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. 833-837~(1982). See also 22.8, p. 488. R . K . SINGH a n d S. P . SANYAL

*On Pressure Induced P h a s e Transition in Alkaline E a r t h Oxides (b) Vol. 113, No. 1, p. K 2 3 - K 2 6 (1982). See also 22.6, p. 474. I . S. ZHELUDEV

^Conditions of the Second-Order Phase Transition by Landau and by Lifschits. Magnetogyration (b) Vol. 113, No. 1, p. K 7 7 - K 8 1 (1982). See also 13, p. 145; 18, p. 262. J . STRZESZEWSKI a n d K . &WIDERCZAK

*Electron Microscopic Studies of Crystallization and Magnetic Domain Structure of Mn-Ga Thin Films (a) Vol. 73, No. 1, p. 3 1 - 3 6 (1982). See also 3, p. 59; 18.2.1, p. 275; 21.1, p. 353. M . GODLEWSICA, M . M A S S A L S K A - A R O D Z , a n d S . U R B A N

*Dielectric Relaxation in Liquid and Plastic Phases of 2,2-Dinitropropane (a) Vol. 73, No. 1, p. 6 5 - 6 9 (1982). See also 14.4, p. 237; 22.9, p. 506.

1.2 Solid-State Phase Transformations


0 . BOSTANJOGLO a n d G . H O F F M A N N

Time-Resolved TEM of Transient Effects in Pulse Annealing of Ge and Ge-Te Films (a) Vol. 78, No. 1, p. 9 5 - 1 0 5 (1982). See also 1.5, p. 40; 3, p. 59; 22.1.1, p. 398; 22.1.3, p. 417. O . SLMMICH

•Theoretical Considerations on t h e Diffusion-Controlled Particle Growth in an Isotropic Medium (a) Vol. 78, No. 1, p. 1 0 7 - 1 1 5 (1982). See also 10.1, p. 100; 21, p. 339. G . GOTZ, H . - D . G E I L E R , a n d M . W A G N E R

Pulse Laser Induced High-Temperature Solid-Phase Annealing of Arsenic I m p l a n t e d Silicon (a) Vol. 73, No. 1, p. 1 4 5 - 1 5 1 (1982). See also 3, p. 59; 22.1.2, p. 412. F . W A T A R I , J . VAN L A N D U Y T , P . D E L A V I G N E T T E , S . AMELTNCKX, a n d N . I G A T A

X - R a y P e a k Broadening as a Result of Twin F o r m a t i o n in Some Oxides Derived b y Dehydration (a) Vol. 73, No. 1, p. 2 1 5 - 2 2 4 (1982). See also 1.4, p. 36; 22.6, p. 474. J . SINGH a n d S. RANGANATHAN

* 0 n t h e Mechanism of F.C.C. -» H.C.P. Transformation (a) Vol. 73, No. 1, p. 2 4 3 - 2 4 8 (1982). See also 1.4, p. 36; 21.1, p. 354; 21.1.1, p. 362. G . SORGE, H . B E I G E , A . A L M E I D A , a n d L . A . STEUVALOV

•Elastic Nonlinearity of KHafSeO.;), and KD 3 (Se0 3 ) 2 Crystals (a) Vol. 73, No. 1, p. K 6 3 - K 6 6 (1982). See also 12.2, p. 136; 14.4.1, p. 243; 22.8, p. 489. A . V . A N D R E E V , A . V . D E R Y A G I N , V . N . MOSKALEV, a n d N . V . M U S I I N I K O V

*On Crystalline Structure of Hydrides of E r F e , and HoFe., (a) Vol. 73, No. 1, p. K 6 9 - K 7 1 (1982). See also 1.3, p. 30; 18.2, p. 272; 21.1.1, p. 362; 21.4, p. 371. R . N . MTJKHERJEE, D . N . S . SRIVASTWA, a n d S . C . S E N

*Photoluminescence Spectrum of N H 4 B r : T l a f t e r First-Oder Crystallographic Phase Transformation (b) Vol. 113, No. 2, p. 7 3 1 - 7 3 6 (1982). See also 20.1, p. 312; 20.3, p. 326; 22.5, p. 452. B . P U R A , J . P R Z E D M O J S K I , A . J A B I . O N K A , a n d R . I ) 4 BROW S K I

Anisotropy of X - R a y Critical Scattering in 4,4'-Bi-Pentylobiphenyl Liquid Crystal (b) Vol. 113, No. 2, p. K 1 1 9 - K 1 2 2 (1982). See also 2, p. 53; 22.9, p. 507. T . SOMA, Y . I W A Y A M A , a n d H . MATSTJO K A G A Y A

• E q u a t i o n of S t a t e of Cu-Based Binary Alloys (b) Vol. 113, No. 2, p. K 1 3 1 - K 1 3 3 (1982). See also 12.1, p. 132; 21.1, p. 355.


Subject Index

H . H E D L E E , W . ANDRA, a n d G . GÖTZ

* Activation of High As and Sb Concentrations in Silicon by Laser Irradiation (a) Vol. 78, No. 2, p. 3 3 3 - 3 3 8 (1982). See also 11, p. 126; 14.3, p. 210; 22.1.2, p. 413.


*2D Phase Transitions a t High Densities (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. 3 3 9 - 3 4 9 (1982). See also 1.5, p. 41; 1.6, p. 44.


Temperature-Dependent Electrostriction Coefficient and Pseudoproper Phase Transition in TSCC (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. 4 6 7 - 4 7 4 (1982). See also 12.2, p. 137; 14.4.1, p. 243 ; 22.8, p. 490. B . YANGUI e t C. BOULESTEIX

*Domaines et interfaces engendrées au cours d'une transformation cristallographique coopérative — application au cas de la transformation hexagonale monoclinique des sesquioxydes de terres rares (II) : Position relative et raccordement des variantes de domaines de rotation et de translation : raccordement en étoile (Domains and Interfaces Created during Cooperative Crystallographic Transformation — Application to Hexagonal-Monoclinic Transformation of Rare Earth Sesquioxides (II): Relative Position and Connection of the Variants of Rotation and Translation Domains: Connection into Stars) (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. 5 1 5 - 5 2 7 (1982). See also 1.4, p. 37; 22.6, p. 475.



*On the Reduction of Orthorhombic Mo0 3 to Mo0 2 (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. 5 2 9 - 5 3 7 (1982). See also 1.4, p. 37; 22.6, p. 475.


*Electrical Conductivity of Fe(PY) 3 Cl 3 • P Y Complex Single Crystals near the Structural Phase Transition (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. K 1 8 5 - K 1 8 8 (1982). See also 14.3, p. 210; 22.9, p. 507. A . G R A J A , E . S O P A , a n d L . DOBIÄSOVÄ

* Infrared Study of the Structural Phase Transition in a Ternary 1 D Salt (TMA + ) • • (TCNQ)2/3- (l3) 1 / 3 (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. K 2 3 7 - K 2 4 1 (1982). See also 20.1, p. 313; 22.9, p. 507.


*Magnetic and FMR Investigation of the Structural Phase Transition in Cu-Ferrite with Cooperative Jahn-Teller Effect (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. K 2 4 3 - K 2 4 7 (1982). See also 18.3, p. 277; 19, p. 290; 22.8.2, p. 501.


1.2 Solid-State Phase Transformations D . B A R B , E . BARBTJLESCTJ, a n d A . B A R B U L E S C U

Diffuse Phase Transitions and Ferroeleotric-Paraelectric Diagram for the BaTi0 3 -SrTi0 3 System (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. 7 9 - 8 3 (1982). See also 14.4.1, p. 244; 22.8.1, p. 497. L . G . K H V O S T A N T S E V , V . A . SIDOROV, L . E . SHELIMOVA, a n d N . K H . ABRIKOSOV

*Phase Transitions in GeTe at Hydrostatic Pressure up to 9.3 GPa (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. 1 8 5 - 1 9 2 (1982). See also 12.2, p. 138; 14.3, p. 211; 22.7, p. 480. V . P . K O V E R D A , V . N . SKOKOV, a n d V . P . SKRIPOV

*Liquid-Solid Phase Transition in Discontinuous Metal Films (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. 3 4 3 - 3 5 1 (1982). See also 1.5, p. 41; 21, p. 341. K . PARLTNSKI

*On the Phase Transition in Adamantane (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. K 3 7 - K 4 0 (1982). See also 22.9, p. 508. V. I. ZlNENKO *The Cluster Investigation of the g-State Potts Model (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. 6 9 5 - 7 0 3 (1982). See also 4, p. 65; 8, p. 90. I . 0 . B A S H K I N , V . F . DEGTYAJREVA, Y U . M . D E R G A C H E V , a n d E . G . P O N Y A T O V S K I I

*The Structural Transition from NaCl to CsCl Type in Cesium Hydride (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. 7 3 1 - 7 3 4 (1982). See also 22.5, p. 452. L . G . KHVOSTANTSEV a n d N . A . NIKOLAEV

*Investigation of the a ^ a' Transformation of Cerium under Pressure (b) V o l .

1 1 4 , N o . 2, p . K 1 3 5 - K 1 3 7


See also 21.4, p. 372. L . V . C H O U D A R Y , J . V . R A O , P . N . M U R T Y , a n d C . R . K . MTJRTY

*Phase Transition Studies of the Liquid Crystal H p BBA (a) Vol. 74, No. 2, p. 4 3 1 - 4 3 5 (1982). See also 2, p. 55; 22.9, p. 508. L . KOMOROWSKI, A . CHYLA, a n d R . K O W A L

*Phase Transitions in n-Alkyltriphenylphosphonium Tetracyanoquinodimethanides (a) Vol. 74, No. 2, p. 4 5 3 - 4 5 7 (1982). See also 8, p. 90; 14.3, p. 212; 19, p. 291; 22.9, p. 508. J . ALBERS, A . KLÖPPERPIEPER, H . J . ROTHER, a n d K . H . E H S E S

*Antiferroelectricity in Betaine Phosphate (a) Vol. 74, No. 2, p. 5 5 3 - 5 5 7 (1982). See also 14.4.1, p. 244; 20.1, p. 316; 22.8.1, p. 498.


Subject Index

C. W . ALLEN a n d K . C. LIAO

•Dislocation Models for Shear Transformations (a) Vol. 74, No. 2, p. 6 7 3 - 6 8 1 (1982). See also 10.2, p. 117; 22.3, p. 435. V . G . V O L O G I N , S . P . D U B I N I N , a n d S . K . SIDOROV

* Low-Temperature Reconstructive Transitions of the Displacement Type in Lio.iZno.xFeo.iO, (a) Vol. 74, No. 2, p. K 1 1 9 - K 1 2 2 (1982). See also 22.8.1, p. 498.


1.3 Alloys. Metallurgy

1.3 Alloys. Metallurgy Review



* Order-Disorder Transitions in Substitutional Solid Solutions (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. 1 1 - 5 9 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 14; 21, p. 330; 21.1, p. 343; 21.1.1, p. 359; 21.6, p. 374. Original


and Short



*The Vibrational E n t r o p y Change Associated w i t h t h e Disordering of a Two-Dimensional Binary Alloy Using a Model of Nearest- and Next-Nearest-Neighbour Interactions (b) Vol. 109, No. 1, p. 2 1 1 - 2 1 6 (1982). See also 4, p. 61; 8, p. 84; 21, p. 330.

Y u . S. STARK a n d A . S. STERNBERG

*Application of B B G K Y E q u a t i o n s t o t h e S t u d y of Ordering in Alloys (b) Vol. 109, No. 1, p. 4 0 3 - 4 0 9 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 14; 21, p. 331.

G . VAN T E N D E L O O a n d S . A M E L I N O K X

*High Resolution Electron Microscopic and Electron Diffraction S t u d y of t h e Au-Mg System (II): The Y-Phase and Some Observations on t h e Au 7 7 Mg, 3 P h a s e (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. 1 0 3 - 1 2 0 (1982). See also 1.4, p. 32; 21.3, p. 367; 21.6, p. 374.


Optical and Compositional Properties of Amorphous Sij-C^Fj Films Prepared by Reactive Sputtering (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. 1 3 3 - 1 3 8 (1982). See also 2, p. 45; 20.1, p. 299; 22.1.2, p. 400.

L . B . D U B R O V S K A Y A , S . Z . NAZAROVA, a n d A . F . PREKTTL

*Superconducting and Normal Properties of Solid Solutions K b i _ : c T a I C ! / (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. 1 6 7 - 1 7 2 (1982). See also 14.2, p. 199; 14.3, p. 203; 18, p. 259; 21, p. 331.

M . H I D A , H . M A E D A , N . K A M I J O , a n d H . TERATTCHI

* E X A F S S t u d y on t h e Local S t r u c t u r e of Copper Crystals Deformed b y H e a v y Cold Working (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. 2 9 7 - 3 0 3 (1982). See also 21.1, p. 344.


Cocco, L. S C H I F F I N I , S . E N Z O , and A. B E N E D E T T I *A SAXS S t u d y of Coarsening Mechanism of G P Zones in t h e Al-Li-Mg System (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. 3 4 3 - 3 4 8 (1982). See also 10.1, p. 96; 21, p. 331; 21.2, p. 365; 21.3, p. 367.


Subject Index


*Electron Microscopic S t u d y of t h e Ordered and Disordered Phases in Ga 2 Se 3 (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. 3 9 3 - 4 0 5 (1982). See also 1.4, p. 32; 22, p. 383. J . W . BRIGHTWELL, C. N . BUCKLEY, a n d B . R A Y

•Polymorphism in Agl and A g i - j C u j I (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. K 1 1 - K 1 3 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 15; 22.5.4, p. 467. Y A . S. BUDZHAK a n d 0 . 1 . MAVRIN

• T h e Solid Solubility of Ga and I n in Gei -^Si^ (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. K 6 1 - K 6 4 (1982). See also 22.1.1, p. 395; 22.1.2, p. 401. G . VAN T E N D E L O O a n d S . A M E L I N C K X

•Electron Diffraction and Electron Microscopic S t u d y of t h e Alloy Au,Mn and I t s Formation Mechanism (a) Vol. 69, No. 2, p. 5 8 9 - 6 0 2 (1982). See also 1.4, p. 32; 21.1, p. 344; 21.6, p. 375. H . K . D . H . BHADESHIA

*Diffusional Transformations: A Theory for t h e Formation of Superledges (a) Vol. 69, No. 2, p. 7 4 5 - 7 5 0 (1982)." See also 1.4, p. 32; 22.8.2, p. 499. A . H A U E T , P . DUVAL e t P . MALETRAS

•Ordre à courte distance e t précipitation cohérente dans la phase a d'un cupro-aluminium (Short-Range Order and Coherent Precipitation in t h e a-Phase of Copper-Aluminium Allov) (a) Vol. 69, No. 2, p. K 1 3 5 - K 1 3 8 (1982). See also 1.4, p. 32; 21, p. 332; 21.1, p. 345. T . SOMA, H . I W A N A M I , a n d H . M A T S U O

• E q u a t i o n of S t a t e of Si-Ge Solid Solution (b) Vol. 110, No. 1, p. 7 5 - 7 9 (1982). See also 12.2, p. 134; 13, p. 141; 22.3, p. 433. U . PLETSCH

• T h e Validity of Vegard's Rule for t h e Solid Solution System B i i - ^ S b (b) Vol. 110, No. 1, p. K 5 - K 9 (1982). See also 4, p. 62; 21.7, p. 379. V . E . A R K H I P O V , V . I . VORONIN", A . E . K A R K I N , a n d A . V . M I R M E L S H T E I N

• R a d i a t i o n Disordering in V 3 Si (a) Vol. 70, No. 1, p. 1 7 - 2 1 (1982). See also 11, p. 120; 14.2, p. 199; 21.1, p. 345. G . VAN T E N D E L O O , J . VAN L A N D U Y T , a n d S . A M E L I N C K X

• H i g h Resolution Electron Microscopic and Electron Diffraction Study of Gold-Manganese Alloys with a Composition in t h e Vicinity of AujMn (a) Vol. 70, No. 1, p. 1 4 5 - 1 5 8 (1982). See also 1.4, p. 33; 21.1, p. 346; 21.6, p. 375.

1.3 Alloys. Metallurgy



*0n the Out-of-Step Period in Au 3 Zn(H) (a) Vol. 70, No. 1, p. K 1 - K 3 (1982). See also 1.4, p. 33; 21.1, p. 346; 21.6, p. 375. H . K I D O , M . SHIMADA, a n d M . KOIZUMI

•Synthesis and Magnetic Properties of GdCoSi and GdMnSi (a) V o l . 7 0 , N o . 1, p . K 2 3 - K 2 6


See also 18.2, p. 269; 21.1, p. 346; 21.4, p. 370. V . I . BOGDANOV, A . V . R U B A N , a n d D . L . F U K S

*Covalent Contribution to the Bond Energy of Phases with LL2 Structure (b) Vol. 110, No. 2, p. 4 3 1 - 4 3 5 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 16; 4, p. 62; 21.1, p. 346; 21.6, p. 375. V . PRABHAWALKAB a n d B . D . PADALIA

X-Ray Spectroscopic Study of Rare Earth-Gallium Intermetallics RGa 2 (b) Vol. 110, No. 2, p. 6 5 9 - 6 6 8 (1982). See also 20, p. 294; 21.4, p. 370. V . I . C H E R V I N S K I I , M . M . K A N T O R , 1 . 1 . NOVIKOV, a n d R . M . SOFEONOVA

*The Nature of Planar Faults in a Dilute Molybdenum-Boron Alloy (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. 3 7 9 - 3 8 6 (1982). See also 10.1, p. 98; 21, p. 334. J . VAN L A N D U Y T , G . VAN T E N D E L O O , a n d S . A M E L I N C K X

*New Types of Periodic Antiphase Boundary Structures Derived from the D0 2 2 Structure in "the Gold-Manganese System (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. 4 0 7 - 4 1 4 (1982). See also 1.4, p. 33; 21.1, p. 347; 21.6, p. 375. A . I . LOTKOV, V . N . G R I S H K O V , a n d V . V . F A D I N

*The Influence of Palladium on the Martensitic Transformation of the Intermetallic Compound TiNi (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. 5 1 3 - 5 1 7 (1982). See also 14.1, p. 194; 21.1, p. 347. E . R . DE GIL

*Tenary Semiconducting Compounds with Chalcopyrite-Type Structure (I): Fundamental Equation and Its Physically Acceptable Solutions (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. 5 1 9 - 5 2 3 (1982). See also 1.1, p. 11; 22.8, p. 484. R . K U M A B , VISHWAMITTAR, K . CHANDRA, a n d S . K . D A T E

*Mössbauer and Magnetic Studies of Feo.968— iMnISio.o32 Ternary Systems (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. 5 4 5 - 5 5 3 (1982). See also 5, p. 67; 12.1, p. 131; 18, p. 260; 21.1.1, p. 360. B A I - X I N L I U a n d M . - A . NICOLET

•Formation of Au-Ge Metastable Phases by Ion Mixing (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. 6 7 1 - 6 7 6 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 16; 2, p. 48; 21.6, p. 376; 22.1.1, p. 396.


Subject Index


*So)id Solutions in the (Fei.22Sb)i_ 2; (Fei.68Sn) I System (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. K 1 4 1 - K 1 4 3 (1982). See also 18.2, p. 270; 21.1.1, p. 360.

I . Z. RAHMAN, D . MELVILLE, a n d W . I . KHAN

*Y-Co Alloys: Magnetic Identification of a Y5Co19 Phase (a) V o l . 70, N o . 2, p. K 1 7 5 - K 1 7 9


See also 18.2, p. 270; 21.1, p. 348; 21.4, p. 370. P . SINGH a n d K . N . KHANNA

*Entropy of Mixing of Liquid Alloys (b) Vol. I l l , No. 1, p. 1 1 1 - 1 1 6 (1982). See also 2, p. 48; 8, p. 86; 21, p. 334; 21.1, p. 348.


*The Low-Temperature Stable States of Some Transition Metal Hydrides ( a ) V o l . 7 1 , N o . 1, p . 2 2 3 - 2 3 2

See also 4, p. 62; 21, p. 335.



Crystal Structure and Raman Spectra of InSe (b) Vol. I l l , No. 2, p. 4 7 7 - 4 8 1


See also 6, p. 74; 20.1, p. 305; 22.3, p. 433. V . I . BOGDANOV, A . V . MIKHAILOV, a n d D . L . F U K S

thermodynamics of Aluminium- and Magnesium-Base Interstitial Solutions (I): Analysis of Interaction Parameters (b) Vol. I l l , N o . 2, p. 4 8 3 - 4 8 9

See also 21, p. 335; 21.3, p. 367.



*Elastic-Stiffness Constants under Pressure of Cs-K, Cs-Rb, and R b - K Solid Solutions (b) V o l . I l l , No. 2, p. 6 7 9 - 6 8 3


See also 12.1, p. 131; 21.2, p. 365.


*ZAF Correction for Electron Probe Microanalysis of Bii_zSb x Alloys (a) V o l . 7 1 , N o . 2 , p . 4 6 3 - 4 7 1


See also 11, p. 122; 21.7, p. 380.


*Preliminary Electron Microscopy Investigation of the Reduction into Mo0 2 of the Higher Molybdenum Oxides. Mo4On and CS Oxides Mo 18 0 62 , Mo 9 0 26 , Mo 8 0 23 (a) V o l . 7 1 , N o . 2 , p . 5 1 1 - 5 2 1


See also 1.2, p. 18; 22.6, p. 472.

G . A . SCHOLZ, R . F . F B I N D T , a n d A . E . CURZON

*Electron Diffraction Investigation of the Ag x TaS 2 System (I): Superlattices in Agi/gTaS, and Ag2/3TaS, (a) V o l . 7 1 , N o . 2 , p . 5 3 1 - 5 4 2

See also 22.8, p. 485.


1.3 Alloys. Metallurgy


A . V . A N D R E E V , E . N . TAHASOV, A . V . D E R Y A G I N , a n d S . M . Z A D V O R K I N

Influence of S y m m e t r y of t h e Crystalline Structure on t h e Magnetic Anisotropy of Tb,Co 7 (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. K 2 4 5 - K 2 4 7 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 19; 18.2, p. 271; 21.1, p. 349; 21.4, p. 371. V . I . BOGDANOV, A . V . M I K H A I L O V , a n d D . L . F U K S

t h e r m o d y n a m i c s of Aluminium- and Magnesium-Base Interstitial Solutions (II): Energy of Mixing of Binary and T e r n a r y Alloys (b) Vol.112, No. 1, p. 1 7 1 - 1 7 8 (1982). See also 21, p. 336; 21.3, p. 367. V . S . URTJSOV a n d V . B . D U D N I K O V A

*Energy of Anion Polarisation in Layered Structures (b) Vol. 112, No. 1, p. 3 0 3 - 3 1 0 (1982). See also 4, p. 63; 22.5.2, p. 458; 22.5.3, p. 465. P . C O L O M B E T , M . T R E M B L E T , a n d M . D A NOT

•Magnetic Properties of t h e Diluted B-Spinels C u ^ C ' r ^ M ^ S ^ M " ' = Sn, Ti) (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. 1 0 5 - 1 1 6 (1982). See also 5, p. 67; 18, p. 261; 19, p. 288; 22.8.2, p. 500. H . VAN S W I J G E N H O V E N , L . M . S T A L S , a n d K . H . J .


*Phase Transformations in Amorphous Z r - N i Alloys (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. 1 5 3 - 1 6 0 (1982). See also 2, p. 50; 21.1, p. 350. I . M . R E D A , J . H A F N E R , P . PONGRATZ, A . WAGENDRISTEL, H . BANGERT, a n d P . K . B H A T

*Amorphous Cu-Ag Films w i t h High Stability (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. 3 1 3 - 3 2 4 (1982). See also 2, p. SO; 14.1, p. 196; 21.1, p. 351; 21.6, p. 377. Q. B . YANG

•Coincidence Coefficients of Two Space Lattices and Their Lattice Planes (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. 3 4 3 - 3 5 1 (1982). See also 21.1, p. 351; 21.1.1, p. 361. G . A . S C H O L Z , R . F . F R I N D T , a n d A . E . CURZON

•Electron Diffraction Investigation of t h e Ag, c TaS 2 System (II): Superlattices, S t r u c t u r e and Charge Density Waves in Ag,jTaS 2 (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. 3 7 5 - 3 9 0 (1982). See also 22.8, p. 487. S. MATTHIES

• F o r m Effects in t h e Description of t h e Orientation Distribution Function (ODF) of Texturized Materials b y Model Components (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p. 7 0 5 - 7 1 6 (1982). See also 1.4, p. 35. T . SOMA, Y . K I M U R A , a n d H . M . K A G A Y A

• E q u a t i o n of S t a t e of t h e Alloy System Composed of Alkali Metal Elements (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p. K 1 0 7 - K 1 0 9 (1982). See also 12.1, p. 132; 21.2, p. 366.

Subject Index

30 S. MATTHIES a n d G . W .


S . MATTHIES a n d G . W .


*On the Reproduction of the Orientation Distribution Function of Texturized Samples from Reduced Pole Figures Using the Conception of a Conditional Ghost Correction (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p. K i l l - K 1 1 4 (1982). See also 1.4, p. 35; 21.1, p. 351.

*An Example Demonstrating a New Reproduction Method of the ODF of Texturized Samples from Reduced Pole Figures (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p. K 1 1 5 - K 1 2 0 (1982). See also 1.4, p. 35; 21.1, p. 351.

W . H O Y E R , A . M Ü L L E R , E . THOMAS, a n d M . W O B S T

X-Rav-Diffraction Investigation on Molten I n - T e Alloys (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. 5 8 5 - 5 9 2 (1982). See also 2, p. 51; 22.7, p. 479.

J . M . L O P E Z a n d J . A . ALONSO

*Semiempirical Study of Metastable Alloys Obtained by Ion Implantation in Metals and Semiconductors (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. 7 7 7 - 7 8 1 (1982). See also 11, p. 125; 21, p. 338; 22, p. 389.

G . V . S . S A S T R Y , C . S C R Y A N A R A Y A N A , a n d G . VAN T E N D E L O O

*A Structural Study of Vapour-Deposited Al-Pd Alloys (a) Vol. 73, No. 1, p. 2 6 7 - 2 7 8 (1982). See also 1.4, p. 36; 21, p. 339; 21.1, p. 354.

A . V . ANDREEV, A . V . D E R Y A G I N , V . N . MOSKALEV, a n d N . V . MUSHNIKOV

* 0 n Crystalline Structure of Hydrides of ErFe, and HoFe 2 (a) Vol. 78, No. 1, p. K 6 9 - K 7 1 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 21; 18.2, p. 272; 21.1.1, p. 362; 21.4, p. 371.

V . I . M A L Y U T I N , V . E . OSUKHOVSKII, Y U . D . VOROBIEV, a n d A . S . ABRAMOV

*The Structure Constant and Micromagnetic Structure of Etched Ni 80 Fe, 0 Films (a) Vol. 78, No. 1, p. K 1 1 1 - K 1 1 4 (1982). See also 18.2.1, p. 275; 21.1, p. 354; 21.1.1, p. 362.

S . MATTHIES a n d K .


*General Consideration of the Loss of Information on the Orientation Distribution Function of Texturized Samples in Pole Figure Measurements (b) Vol. 113, No. 2, p. 5 6 9 - 5 8 2 (1982). See also 1.4, p. 36; 21.1, p. 354.

B . LORENZ a n d D . I H L E

*Band Effects on Charge Ordering in Fe 3 0 4 (b) Vol. 113, No. 2, p. 6 0 1 - 6 0 7 (1982). See also 13, p. 145; 22.6, p. 474.


*Silicide Formation Resulting from the Interfacial Reaction of Silicon and Thin Films of I r - V Alloys and Bilayers (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. 4 8 3 - 4 9 5 (1982). See also 14.3.4, p. 232; 21.1, p. 355; 22.1.2, p. 413.

1.3 Alloys. Metallurgy


R . A . JAGO a n d P . L . ROSSITEB

*A Re-Examination of Long-Range Ordering at Fe-25 a t % Ni (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. 4 9 7 - 5 0 2 (1982). See also 1.4, p. 36; 21.1, p. 355; 21.1.1, p. 362; 22.8.2, p. 501. D . E . G . WILLIAMS

*Spatial Resolution and Dense Random Packing (a)'Vol. 73, No. 2, p. 5 3 9 - 5 4 4 (1982). See also 2, p. 53; 21, p. 340. B . RÔNNEFARTH, R . MATTHEIS, a n d H . DINTNER

* Deposition and Structure of Different Composite Ni-Cr Thin Films (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. K 1 5 3 - K 1 5 6 (1982). See also 1.5, p. 41; 2, p. 53; 21.1, p. 355. R . V . NANDEDKAR a n d P . DELAVIGNETTE

*On the Formation of a New Superstructure in the Zirconium-Aluminium System (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. K 1 5 7 - K 1 6 0 (1982). See also 21, p. 340. R . A . JAGO, P . E . CLARK, a n d P . L . ROSSITER

*The Santa Catharina Meteorite and the Equilibrium State of Fe-Ni Alloys (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. 2 4 7 - 2 5 4 (1982). See also 5, p. 68; 18.2, p. 273; 21.1, p. 356; 21.1.1, p. 363. R . GERLACH a n d H . LOFFLER

•Clustering Processes Proceeding in Two Al-2.0 a t % Zn-1.3 a t % Mg Alloys after Direct Quench to the Ageing Temperature (a) Vol. 74, No. 2, p. 5 1 7 - 5 2 8 (1982). See also 10.1, p. 102; 21, p. 342; 21.1, p. 358; 21.3, p. 368. S . G . F R I E S , J . A . H . DA J O R N A D A , a n d A . M A C I E L

^Experimental Study of the Electric Field Gradient in In 5 Bi. (a) Vol. 74, No. 2, p. 6 6 1 - 6 6 6 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 178; 22.7, p. 480. A . BALDAN a n d D . R . F . W E S T

*The Strength of Certain Ni-Al-Ta and Ni-Al-Hf Alloys Containing y' and p-Phases (a) Vol. 74, No. 2, p. 7 0 5 - 7 1 3 (1982). See also 12.1, p. 133; 21, p. 342; 21.1, p. 358. V . K . SINGH, M . SINGH, a n d S . B H A N

*Metastable Phases in Fe 75 Sn, 5 -Co 75 Sn, 6 Alloys (a) Vol. 74, No. 2, p. K 1 1 5 - K 1 1 7 (1982). See also 21.1.1, p. 364.

Subject Index

32 1.4 Microstructure (Magnetic Domains See 1 8 ; Ferroelectric Domains See 14.4.1) Original Papers and Short


G . VAN T E N D E L O O a n d S . A M E L I N C K X

*High Resolution Electron Microscopic and Electron Diffraction Study of the Au-Mg System (II) : The Y-Phase and Some Observations on the Au,7Mg„3 Phase (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. 1 0 3 - 1 2 0 (1982). See also 1.3, p. 25; 21.3, p. 367; 21.6, p. 374.


*Electron Microscopic Study of the Ordered and Disordered Phases in Ga,Se3 (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. 3 9 3 - 4 0 5 (1982). See also 1.3, p. 26; 22, p. 383.

S . K . MAKSIMOV a n d E . N . NAGDAEV

*Electron Microscopy Images of Composition-Modulated Crystals (II) : Dilatational Contrast Images (a) Vol. 69, No. 2, p. 5 0 5 - 5 1 2 (1982). See also 10.2, p. 105; 22,2.4, p. 430.

P . K . MADDEN a n d S. B .


*Void Swelling Studies of Stainless Steel Containing Silicon and Titanium (a) Vol. 69, No. 2, p. 5 6 9 - 5 8 8 (1982). See also 11, p. 119; 21.1.1, p. 359.

G . VAN T E N D E L O O a n d S . A M E L I N C K X

Electron Diffraction and Electron Microscopic Study of the Alloy Au2Mn and Its Formation Mechanism (a) Vol. 69, No. 2, p. 5 8 9 - 6 0 2 (1982). See also 1.3, p. 26; 21.1, p. 344; 21.6, p. 375.



*On the EBIC Contrast of Dislocations in Si (a) Vol. 69, No. 2, p. 6 7 7 - 6 8 5 (1982). See also 10.2, p. 105; 22.1.2, p. 402.

H. K. D. H.


Diffusional Transformations: A Theory for the Formation of Superledges (a) Vol. 69, No. 2, p. 7 4 5 - 7 5 0 (1982). See also 1.3, p. 26; 22.8.2, p. 499.


*Ordre à courte distance et précipitation cohérente dans la phase a d'un cupro-aluminium (Short-Range Order and Coherent Precipitation in the a-Phase of Copper-Aluminium Alloy) (a) Vol.69, No. 2, p. K 1 3 5 - K 1 3 8 (1982). See also 1.3, p. 26; 21, p. 332; 21.1, p. 345.

R . HAMAR e t J . P .


*Estimation de l'énergie d'un joint de phases métalliques (Estimate of the Boundary Energy of Metallic Phases) (a) Vol. 70, No. 1, p. 1 2 7 - 1 3 8 (1982). See also 10.1, p. 97; 21, p. 333; 21.1, p. 346.

1.4 Microstructure


G . VAN T E N D E L O O , J . VAN LANDTTYT, a n d S . A M E L I N C K X

High Besolution Electron Microscopic and Electron Diffraction Study of Gold-Manganese Alloys with a Composition in the Vicinity of Au3Mn (a) Vol. 70, No. 1, p. 1 4 5 - 1 5 8 (1982). See also 1.3, p. 26; 21.1, p. 346; 21.6, p. 375. L . PASEMANN, H . BLUMTRITT, a n d B . GLEICHMANN

"•Interpretation of the EBIC Contrast of Dislocations in Silicon (a) Vol. 70, No. 1, p. 1 9 7 - 2 0 9 (1982). See also 10.2, p. 106; 14.3.3, p. 220; 22.1.2, p. 403. J . TETJHO a n d K . M Ä K I N E N

•On the Out-of-Step Period in Au 3 Zn(H) (a) Vol. 70, No. 1, p. K 1 - K 3 (1982). See also 1.3, p. 27; 21.1, p. 346; 21.6, p. 375. E . F . KRIMMEL

Slip Line Free Silicon in Large-Area Multiple-Scan Annealing with a Line-Focused Electron Beam (a) Vol. 70, No. 1, p. K 6 3 - K 6 5 (1982). See also 11, p. 120; 22.1.2, p. 404. H . KTJWAMOTO

•Domain Effects Accompanying the Metal-Insulator Transition in (Vo.99Cro.oi)203 (b) Vol. 110, No. 2, p. K 1 7 5 - K 1 7 8 (1982). See also 14, p. 191; 22.6.1, p. 477. B . I . KTJZNETSOVA, N . N . Z H U K O V , O . A . K A I B Y S H E V , a n d B . Z . V A L I E V

•Mechanism of Superplastic Deformation of Coarse-Grained Materials (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. 3 7 1 - 3 7 8 (1982). See also 10.1, p. 98; 21, p. 334. J . VAN L A N D T J Y T , G . VAN T E N D E L O O , a n d S . A M E L I N C K X

New Types of Periodic Antiphase Boundary Structures Derived from the D0 2 2 Structure in the Gold-Manganese System (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. 4 0 7 - 4 1 4 (1982). See also 1.3, p. 27; 21.1, p. 347; 21.6, p. 375. D . LEPSKI a n d P . BURGK

•Precipitate Structure Analysis by Diffraction Contrast Image Matching for a Metastable Semicoherent Carbide Phase in Molybdenum (II) : Image Matching (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. 5 7 1 - 5 8 1 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 16; 10.1, p. 98; 12.1, p. 131; 21.1, p. 347. C. BOULESTEIX e t B . YANGUI

•Domains et interfaces engendrées au cours d'une transformation cristallographique coopérative — application au cas de la transformation hexagonale monoclinique des sesquioxydes de terres rares (I) : Dénombrement et position relative des domains équivalents (Domains and Interfaces Created during Cooperative Crystallographic Transformation — Application to Hexagonal-Monoclinic Transformation of Bare E a r t h Sesquioxides (I): Determination of the Number and Belative Position of Equivalent Domains) (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. 5 9 7 - 6 1 3 (1982). Erratum (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. 361 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 16; 22.6, p. 470. 3

physica, Beg.-Bd. 15


Subject I n d e x

J . T O R R E S , C . ROTJCATJ, a n d R . A Y R O L E S

"•Investigation of t h e Interactions between Ferroelastic Domain Walls and of t h e Structural Transition in Lead P h o s p h a t e Observed b y Electron Microscopy (I): Experimental Results (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. 6 5 9 - 6 6 9 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 16; 22.8.1, p. 494. G . VAN T E N D E L O O a n d S . A M E L I N C K X

A New Long Period Superstructure with Ideal Composition Au 33 Mn 13 Derived from t h e D 0 2 2 Structure, Studied b y Means of High Resolution Electron Microscopy and Electron Diffraction (a) Vol. 71, No. 1, p. 1 8 5 - 1 9 2 (1982). See also 1.1, p. 12; 21.1, p. 348; 21.6, p. 376. J . T O R R E S , C . ROUOATJ, a n d R . A Y K O L E S

i n v e s t i g a t i o n of t h e Interactions between Ferroelastic Domain Walls and of t h e Structural Transition in Lead P h o s p h a t e Observed b y Electron Microscopy (II): Interpretation of t h e Interactions between Ferroelastic Domain Walls (a) Vol. 71, No. 1, p. 1 9 3 - 2 0 5 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 17; 22.8.1, p. 494. Y . M I N O N I S H I , S . I S H I O K A , M . K O I W A , a n d S . MOROZTJMI

*The S t r u c t u r e of {1121} Twin Boundaries in H.C.P. Crystals (a) Vol. 71, No. 1, p. 2 5 3 - 2 5 8 (1982). See also 10.1, p. 98; 21, p. 335. M . S A U V A G E , F . LEEATTCHETJX, M . C . R O B E R T , a n d M . R I B E T

*Synchrotron R a d i a t i o n Section Topographs in Sr(N0 3 ) 2 (a) Vol. 71, No. 1, p. K 5 - K 7 (1982). See also 22.8.1, p. 495. D . S C H R Y V E R S , J . VAN L A K D U Y T , G . VAN T E N D E L O O , a n d S . A M E L I N C K X

*High Resolution Electron Microscopy of Coincidence P a t t e r n s in t h e Ordered Pd^Mn Alloy (a) Vol. 71, No. 1, p. K 9 - K 1 1 (1982). See also 1.1, p. 12; 21.1, p. 349; 21.6, p. 376. B . CHALUPA a n d M . VRANA

• N e u t r o n Diffraction Topography of Fe(Si) Single Crystals (a) Vol. 71, No. 1, p. K 1 3 - K 1 5 (1982). See also 21.1.1, p. 361. M . GEORGIEV

*Nucleation Characteristics of t h e Suzuki Phase in L i F (TLD-100) (a) Vol. 71, No. 1, p. K 8 9 - K 9 2 (1982). See also 22.5.2, p. 457. R . C. ECOB

*The Geometrical Simulation of t h e Structure of F.C.C./B.C.C. Interfaces (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. 3 9 9 - 4 0 7 (1982). See also 10, p. 95. G . KOWALSKI a n d J . GRONKOWSKI

On t h e I n t e r m e d i a r y Image in X - R a y Section Topography (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. 6 1 1 - 6 1 7 (1982). See also 10.2, p. 109; 22.1.2, p. 408.

1.4 Microstructure


S . K . MAKSIMOV a n d E . N . N A G D A E V

*Electron Microscopy Images of Composition-Modulated Crystals (III): Moiré Fringe Images (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. 1 3 5 - 1 4 5 (1982). See also 10.2, p. 110; 22.2.4, p. 430. S. MATTHIES

*From Effects in the Description of the Orientation Distribution Function (ODF) of Texturized Materials by Model Components (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p. 7 0 5 - 7 1 6 (1982). See also 1.3, p. 29. S. MATTHIES a n d G . W . VINEL

*On the Reproduction of the Orientation Distribution Function of Texturized Samples from Reduced Pole Figures Using the Conception of a Conditional Ghost Correction (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p. K i l l —K114 (1982). See also 1.3, p. 30; 21.1, p. 351. S. MATTHIES a n d G . W . VINEL

* An Example Demonstrating a New Reproduction Method of the ODF of Texturized Samples from Reduced Pole Figures (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p. K 1 1 5 - K 1 2 0 (1982). See also 1.3, p. 30; 21.1, p. 351. L . U . OGBUJI

*Origin of Long-Period Polytypism in Polycrystalline SiC (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. 4 5 5 - 4 6 1 (1982). See also 1.1, p. 12; 22.3, p. 434. L . N . B E Z M A T E R N Y K H , V . G . M A S H C H E N K O , N . A . SOKOLOVA, a n d V . L . T E M E R O V

•"Interaction of Magnetostatic and Magnetoelastic Waves with Growth Inhomogeneities in Iron Garnet Single Crystals (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. 4 6 9 - 4 7 4 (1982). See also 18, p. 262; 22.8.2, p. 501. E . ZIEGLER, W . SIEGEL, H . BLUMTRITT, a n d 0 . BREITENSTEIN

Electrical and EBIC Investigations of GaP Grain Boundaries (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. 5 9 3 - 6 0 5 (1982). See also 14.3.3, p. 223; 22.2.2, p. 425. B . YANGUI

*Mise en évidence de nouvelles macles par microscopie électronique conventionelle dans les sesquioxydes de terres rares monocliniques (B-Ln 2 0 3 ) (Electron Microscopic Evidence of New Twins in Monoclinic Rare-Earth Sesquioxides (B-Ln 2 0 3 )) (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. 6 3 1 - 6 4 3 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 20; 22.6, p. 473. A . N . ANAGNOSTOPOULOS, C . M A N O L I K A S , D . P A P A D O P O U L O S , a n d J . S P Y R I D E L I S

Composition Faults in ZnIn 2 S 4 (III) Layered Crystals and Their Influence on the Anisotropic Conductivity of This Compound (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. 7 3 1 - 7 3 6 (1982). See also 14.3, p. 209; 22.8, p. 488. M . S. BAPNA

*An Estimate of the Precipitation Hardening by Coherent Particles (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. 7 9 9 - 8 0 7 (1982). See also 10.1, p. 100; 21, p. 338; 21.1, p. 352; 21.6, p. 377. 3»


Subject Index

P . G . S E L F , M . P . SHAW, a n d W . M . STOBBS

*Anomalous Contrast in Weak Beam Images of Stacking Faults. Observation and Calculation (a) Vol. 73, No. 1, p. 3 7 - 4 8 (1982). See also 21, p. 339; 21.1, p. 353; 21.1.1, p. 362. P . W ATARI, J . VAN L A N D U Y T , P . D E L A V I G N E T T E , S . A M E L I N C K X , a n d N . I G A T A

*X-Ray Peak Broadening as a Result of Twin Formation in Some Oxides Derived by Dehydration (a) Vol. 73, No. 1, p. 2 1 5 - 2 2 4 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 21; 22.6, p. 474. J . SINGH a n d S . RANGANATHAN

*0n the Mechanism of F.C.C. H.C.P. Transformation (a) Vol. 73, No. 1, p. 2 4 3 - 2 4 8 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 21; 21.1, p. 354; 21.1.1, p. 362. G . V . S . S A S T R Y , C . S U R Y A N A R A Y A N A , a n d G . VAN T E N D E L O O

A Structural Study of Vapour-Deposited Al-Pd Alloys (a) Vol. 73, No. 1, p. 2 6 7 - 2 7 8 (1982). See also 1.3, p. 30; 21, p. 339; 21.1, p. 354. I . G. SALISBURY

*On the Effect of Lattice Dilatation upon Weak-Beam Contrast from Stacking Faults in Transmission Electron Microscopy (a) Vol. 73, No. 1, p. K 1 1 - K 1 3 (1982). See also 21.1, p. 354; 22.1.2, p. 412. M . W I L K E N S , H . F Ö L L , a n d C. B . CARTER

*A Further Comment on the Weak-Beam Contrast of Stacking Faults in Silicon (a) Vol. 73, No. 1, p. K 1 5 - K 1 9 (1982). See also 22.1.2, p. 412. S . MATTHIES a n d K . HELMING

^General Consideration of the Loss of Information on the Orientation Distribution Function of Texturized Samples in Pole Figure Measurements (b) Vol. 113, No. 2, p. 5 6 9 - 5 8 2 (1982). See also 1.3, p. 30; 21.1, p. 354. G . S . K A N D A U R O V A , L . G . O N O P R I E N K O , a n d N . I . SOKOLOVSKAYA

*The Effect of Twin Microstructure on t h e Magnetic Properties of Alloys with CuAul Superlattice Ordering (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. 3 5 1 - 3 6 0 (1982). See also 18.2, p. 272 ; 21.1, p. 355; 21.1.1, p. 362. M . J . MARCINKOWSKI

Unified Theory of Grain Boundaries. An Update (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. 4 0 9 - 4 1 9 (1982). See also 10, p. 95. R . A . JAGO a n d P . L . ROSSITER

A Re-Examination of Long-Range Ordering a t Fe-25 a t % Ni (a) Vol. 78, No. 2, p. 4 9 7 - 5 0 2 (1982). See also 1.3, p. 31; 21.1, p. 355; 21.1.1, p. 362; 22.8.2, p. 501.


1.4 Microstructure B . Y A N G U I e t C . BOTTLESTEIX

*Domaines e t interfaces engendrées au cours d'une transformation cristallographique coopérative — application au cas de la t r a n s f o r m a t i o n hexagonale monoclinique des sesquioxydes de terres rares (II): Position relative et raccordement des variantes de domaines de rotation et de t r a n s l a t i o n : raccordement en étoile (Domains and Interfaces Created during Cooperative Crystallographic Transformation — Application to Hexagonal-Monoclinic Transformation of R a r e E a r t h Sesquioxides (II): Relative Position and Connection of t h e V a r i a n t s of R o t a t i o n a n d Translation Domains: Connection into Stars) (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. 5 1 5 - 5 2 7 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 22; 22.6, p. 475. F . D E L ANN A Y

*On t h e Reduction of Orthorhombic Mo0 3 to MoO„ (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. 5 2 9 - 5 3 7 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 22; 22.6, p. 475. V . T . BITBUK, J . W I L K E u n d A . T . PEREVERSEV

*Die N a t u r der festen Lösungen der überschüssigen K o m p o n e n t e n in unlegiertem Galliumantimonid (The N a t u r of Solid Solutions of t h e Excess Components in Non-Doped Gallium Antinonide) (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. K 2 7 1 - K 2 7 3 (1982). See also 1.1, p. 13; 22.2.3, p. 429. H . ENDERT a n d W . MELLE

*Laser-Induced Damage in K D P Crystals. T h e I n f l u e n c e of Growth Ghosts and Growth Bands (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. 1 4 1 - 1 4 8 (1982). See also 11, p. 127; 2 0 . 2 , p. 3 1 7 ; 2 2 . 8 . 1 , p. 4 9 8 . I . G . SALISBURY

*Weak-Beam Contrast f r o m Stacking F a u l t s in Silicon (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. 3 5 3 - 3 5 9 (1982). See also 22.1.2, p. 415. NGUYEN AN, G . WORM, a n d R . HERRMANN

*Symmetrical Grain Boundaries with Special Angles and Their Coincidence Site Lattices (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. 3 4 9 - 3 5 7 (1982). See also 1.1, p. 13. M . CERNANSKY

*Broadening and S h i f t of Diffraction Lines Due t o P a r t i a l Coherence of X - R a y s (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. 3 6 5 - 3 7 2 (1982). See also 10.1, p. 101; 21.1, p. 357. V . A . MELIK-SHAKHNAZAROV, I . A . NASKIDASHVILI, V . I . SERDOBINTSEV, a n d V . I . SAVIN

*Anelastic E f f e c t s in t h e ß-Phase of Niobium H y d r i d e (a) Vol. 74, No. 2, p. 5 9 3 - 6 0 2 (1982). See also 7, p. 83; 12.1, p. 133; 21, p. 342. J . M A H Y , J . VAN L A N D U Y T , a n d S . AMELINCKX

• D i f f r a c t i o n Evidence for Superstructure in V a n a d i u m Diselenide (a) Vol. 74, No. 2, p. K 8 9 - K 9 1 (1982). See also 22, p. 392. P . A N U R A D H A , M . R A M A K R I S H N A M U R T H Y a n d I . V . K . B H A G A V A N RAJTT

*Study of Growth a n d Cross Defects of N a N 0 3 Single Crystals (a) V o l . 74, N o . 2, p . K 9 3 - K 9 6

See also 3, p. 60;






Subject Index

1.5 Films Review



Preparation and Physical Properties of Transparent Conducting Oxide Films (a) Vol. 71, No. 1, p. 1 3 - 4 1 (1982). See also 3, p.-57; 13.1, p. 148; 14.3.1, p. 213; 20.1, p. 298; 22.6, p. 468; 22.6.1, p. 477.



and Short


I . E . BOLOTOV a n d V . Y u . KOLOSOV

•Electron Microscope Investigation of Crystals Based on Bend-Contour Arrangement (I): Relationship between Bend-Contour Arrangement and Bend Geometry (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. 8 5 - 9 6 (1982). See also 10.2, p. 103; 22.1.3, p. 417. M . P . S H E A R E R , S . K . S E N , a n d C . L . BAXTER

•Investigation of Interfacial Reactions in Bimetallic Thin-Film Couples of Al/Cu and Pb/Cu by Measurement of Contact Resistance (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. 1 3 9 - 1 4 9 (1982). See also 9, p. 91; 14.1, p. 193; 21, p. 331; 21.1, p. 343. G . EICHHORN a n d U . RENSCH

*MOCVD of AIN on Silicon (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. K 3 - K 6 (1982). See also 3, p. 57; 22.2, p. 418. E . H A R N I K , S . KOVNOVICH, a n d T . CHERNOBELSKAYA

Secondary Acoustoelectric Current in Ultrathin Metal Films Deposited on a Piezoelectric Substrate (a) Vol. 69, No. 2, p. K 1 7 9 - K 1 8 1 (1982). See also 7, p. 82; 21.6, p. 375. A . V . D V U E E C H E N S K I I , B . P . K A S H N I K O V , L . S . SMIRNOV, R . G R Ö T Z S C H E L , a n d R . K L A B E S

Synthesis of Solid Solutions a t Electron Pulse Processing of Ge-Si Structures (a) Vol. 69, No. 2, p. K 1 8 3 - K 1 8 7 (1982). See also 3, p. 57; 11, p. 119; 22.1.1, p. 395; 22.1.2, p. 402. V . V . NEMOSHKALF-NKO, A . G . L E S N I K , Y U . V . KTJDRYAVTSEV, I . V . L E Z H N E N K O ,



•Electronic Structure of Fe—45 AI Films (b) Vol. 110, No. 1, p. 2 3 9 - 2 4 3 (1982). See also 13, p. 141; 20, p. 294; 21.1.1, p. 360. W . KLEINN

•Restwiderstandsbestimmung aus Strom-Spannungs-Kurven kurzer freitragender Elektrotransportproben epitaktischer Goldschichten (Determination of t h e Residual Resistivity from Current-Voltage Characteristics of Short Support-Free Samples of Epitaxial Gold Films) (a) Vol. 70, No. 1, p. 2 1 9 - 2 3 2 (1982). See also 14.1, p. 194; 21.6, p. 375.

1.5 Films


H. M u l l e r •Simulation of Oriented Crystallization in Evaporated Antimony Thin Films (a) V o l . 7 0 , N o . 1, p . 2 4 9 - 2 5 5 ( 1 9 8 2 ) .

See also 3, p. 57; 21.7, p. 379. K. I s h i d a , Y. Matstjmoto, and K. T a g u c h i •Lattice Defects in L P E InP-InGaAsP-InGaAs Structure Epitaxial Layers on I n P Substrates (a) V o l . 7 0 , N o . 1, p . 2 7 7 - 2 8 6 ( 1 9 8 2 ) .

See also 10.2, p. 106; 22.2A, p. 430. 0. Bostanjoglo Time-Resolved TEM of Pulsed Crystallization of Amorphous Si und Ge Films (a) V o l . 7 0 , N o . 2 , p . 4 7 3 - 4 8 1 ( 1 9 8 2 ) . S e e a l s o 3, p . 57; 2 2 . 1 . 1 , p . 3 9 6 ; 2 2 . 1 . 2 , p . 4 0 5 .

W. Andka and H. D a n a n •Interface Energy as an Origin of Intrinsic Stress in Thin Films (a) V o l . 7 0 , N o . 2, p . K 1 4 5 - K 1 4 9


See also 12, p. 129. H.-D. G e i l e r , F. T h r u m , and G. G ö t z *Pb-Silicide Reactions Induced by a Millisecond Laser Pulse (a) V o l . 7 0 , N o . 2, p . K 1 5 9 - K 1 6 2 ( 1 9 8 2 ) .

See also 11, p. 121; 22.1.2, p. 406. C. Ammer *LEED Intensity Analysis of Epitaxial Ag/Au Systems (I): The Influence of t h e Single Ion-Core Scattering on t h e L E E D Spectra ( a ) V o l . 7 1 , N o . 1, p . 1 3 5 - 1 4 4 ( 1 9 8 2 ) .

See also 1.6, p. 42; 21.6, p. 376. A. D. P o g r e b n y a k , V. A. Kuzmintkh, and K. P. A r e f e v •Positron Profiles and Positron Annihilation in Thin Layers ( a ) V o l . 7 1 , N o . 1, p . 1 4 5 - 1 5 1 ( 1 9 8 2 ) .

See also 1.6, p. 43; 21, p. 335; 22.2.1, p. 421. K. B e w i l o g u a , D. D i e t r i c h , G. H o l z h t j t e r , and Ch. W e i s s m a n t e l •Structure of Amorphous Carbon Films (a) V o l . 7 1 , N o . 1, p . K 5 7 - K 5 9


See also 2, p. 49; 22.1, p. 393. C. Ammer, M. K l a t j a , and H. B e t h g e • L E E D Intensity Analysis of Epitaxial Ag/Au Systems (II): L E E D Study of the Initial Stages of Epitaxy (a) V o l . 7 1 , N o . 2, p . 4 1 5 - 4 2 8 ( 1 9 8 2 ) .

See also 1.6, p. 43; 21.6, p. 376. J . E c h i g o y a and J . W. E d i n g t o n •A Transmission Electron Microscope Study of the Chalcocite-Djurleite Transformation in Topotactically Grown Thin Films of Cu z S (a) V o l . 7 2 , N o . 1, p . 3 0 5 - 3 1 1 ( 1 9 8 2 ) .

See also 1.2, p. 19; 22, p. 388.


Subject I n d e x

V . V . KOROBTSOV, V . G . Z A V O D I N S K H , a n d A . V . ZOTOV

• E p i t a x i a l Regrowth of Amorphous Si Deposited on Si (111) (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. 3 9 1 - 3 9 8 (1982). See also 2, p. 50; 3, p. 58; 22.1.2, p. 409. H . HEJDOVÄ a n d M . CERMAK

• A New X - R a y Diffraction Method for Thin Film Thickness E s t i m a t i o n (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. K 9 5 - K 9 8 (1982). S . S A N T H A N A M , B . K . S A M A N T A R A Y , a n d A . K . CHAUDHTTRI

• X - R a y Studies on t h e Microstructure of Vacuum E v a p o r a t e d SnTe Thin Films (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. 5 2 1 - 5 2 7 (1982). See also 2, p. 51; 16, p. 252; 22.7, p. 479. T . D . SANDS, J . WASHBURN, a n d R . GRONSKY

*High Resolution Observations of Copper Vacancy Ordering in Chalcocite (Cu2S) and t h e Transformation t o Djurleite (Cui.97 to 1.94S) (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p / 5 5 1 - 5 5 9 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 19; 22, p. 388. I . E . BOLOTOV, V . Y t r . KOLOSOV, a n d A . V . K O Z H Y N

•Electron Microscope Investigation of Crystals Based on Bend-Contour Arrangement (II): Bending Phenomena of t h e Crystal Growth in an Amorphous Film (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. 6 4 5 - 6 5 4 (1982). See also 10.2, p. 112; 22.1.3, p. 417. A . G . IIEVESZ a n d S . H . W E M P L E

*The Optical Properties of Noncrystalline Silicon and Sii —¡tHx Films (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. 7 2 1 - 7 2 9 (1982). See also 2, p. 51; 4, p. 63; 20, p. 296; 22.1.2, p. 411. V . A . M O K R I T S K H , E . M . KTXRITSIN, B . A . D A N I L C H E N K O , a n d V . I . SHAKHOVTSOV

Epitaxial Germanium Layers Grown b y Liquid P h a s e in y-Radiation Field (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. K 1 2 1 - K 1 2 4 (1982). See also 3, p. 58; 11, p. 125; 22.1.1, p. 397. M . R . K H A N , I . K . SCHÜLLER, a n d C H . M . FALCO

• S p u t t e r E p i t a x y of Ag and Ni Films (a) Vol. 73, No. 1, p. 2 3 - 2 9 (1982). See also 3, p. 58; 21.1, p. 353; 21.6, p. 377. S . I . K O V A L E N K O a n d N . V . KRAINYTTKOVA

• E f f e c t of Sample Size upon Mean-Square Displacements of Atoms in Solidified Noble Gases (a) Vol. 73, No. 1, p. 4 9 - 5 3 (1982). See also 23, p. 509. O . BOSTANIOGLO a n d G . H O F F M A N N

•Time-Resolved T E M of Transient E f f e c t s in Pulse Annealing of Ge and Ge-Te Films (a) Vol. 73, No. 1, p. 9 5 - 1 0 5 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 21; 3, p. 59; 22.1.1, p. 398; 22.1.3, p. 417. H . - G . BRÜHL a n d J . B 4 K

•Determination of Nitrogen Concentrations in (111) Oriented V P E - G a P Epitaxial Layers by Measurement of t h e Precision Lattice P a r a m e t e r (a) Vol. 73, No. 1, p. 1 3 9 - 1 4 4 (1982). See also 10.2, p. 113; 22.2.2, p. 426.

1.5 Films


B A I - X I N L I U , M . - A . N I C O L E T , a n d S . S . LAIT

*Ti-Au Metallic Glasses Formed by Ion Mixing (a) Vol. 73, No. 1, p. 1 8 3 - 1 8 8 (1982). See also 2, p. 52; 11, p. 126; 21.1, p. 353; 21.6, p. 377. K . S . MAKSIMOV, L . A . B O N D A R E N K O , a n d G . N . G A I D U K O V

•Stability of Composition Automodulated Complex Epitaxial Films (a) Vol. 73, No. 1, p. K 1 2 9 - K 1 3 2 (1982). See also 22.2.4, p. 431. M . PATJNOV a n d A . M I L C H E V

2D Phase Transitions a t High Densities (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. 3 3 9 - 3 4 9 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 22; 1.6, p. 44. M . M . E L O K E R , E . A . ABOTT-SAIF, S . A . E L S A H H A R , a n d A . A . M O H A M E D

*Optical Properties and Structure of Thin Indium Films (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. 3 8 9 - 3 9 4 (1982). See also 20.1, p. 313; 21, p. 340. B . RÔNNEFARTH, R . MATTHEIS, a n d H . DINTNER

•Deposition and Structure of Different Composite Ni-Cr Thin Films (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. K 1 5 3 - K 1 5 6 (1982). See also 1.3, p. 31; 2, p. 53; 21.1, p. 355. P . G O R N E R T , M . N E V R I V A , J . SIMSOVÂ, W . A N D R A , W . S C H Û P P E L , P . SUMSAT, a n d R . B U B Â K O V Â

•Co Containing Garnet Films with Low Magnetization (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. 1 0 7 - 1 1 2 (1982). See also 18.2.1, p. 275; 22.8.2, p. 502. H . HENOTO, K . - H . H E C K N E R , D . HIRSCH, a n d H . LADWIG

•The Influence of the Preparation on Layer Properties of Transparent Indium-Tin Oxide Electrodes (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. 1 3 3 - 1 3 9 (1982). See also 14.3.1, p. 216; 22.6.1, p. 477. V . P . K O V E K D A , V . N . SKOKOV, a n d V . P . S K R I P O V

•Liquid-Solid Phase Transition in Discontinuous Metal Films (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. 3 4 3 - 3 5 1 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 23; 21, p. 341. B . I . B E L E V T S E V , YTT. F . K O M N I K , V . I . ODNOKOZOV, a n d A . V . F O M I N

•Discovery of Low-Temperature Metastable State in Amorphous Bismuth-Hydrogen Systems (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. 4 6 7 - 4 7 4 (1982). See also 2, p. 55; 14.2, p. 201; 21.7, p. 381. G . ANDRA, H . - D . G E I L E R , G . GÔTZ, K . H . H E I N I G , a n d H . W O I T T E N N E K

•Explosive Liquid-Phase Crystallization of Thin Silicon Films during Pulse Heating (a) Vol. 74, No. 2, p. 5 1 1 - 5 1 5 (1982). See also 3, p. 59; 22.1.2, p. 416. L . V . R A O , B . S . NAIDTJ, a n d P . J . R E D D Y

•Structure and Optical Energy Gap Measurements in As-Te-Cd Chalcogenide Thin Films (a) Vol. 74, No. 2, p. K 1 3 7 - K 1 4 0 (1982). See also 2, p. 56; 20.1, p. 316; 22.8, p. 491.


Subject Index

1.6 Surfaces Original


and Short


G . G E R G E L Y a n d H . - J . MTJSSIG

•Notes on Quantitative AES of t h e F e - 0 System (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. K 6 9 - K 7 2 (1982). See also 17, p. 255; 22.6, p. 468. T H . KLTJPSCH

•Towards a Molecular Theory of t h e Solid-Liquid Phase Boundary. Thermodynamic and Structural Properties (b) Vol. 109, No. 2, p. 5 3 5 - 5 4 2 (1982). See also 3, p. 57. H . E . HANSEN a n d K . PETERSEN

•Surface Damage from Diamond-Saw Cutting of High P u r i t y Mo Studied b y Positrons (a) Vol. 69, No. 2, p. 6 2 5 - 6 2 9 (1982). See also 10.1, p. 97; 21, p. 332. H . FÖLL

•Lattice Imaging of Silicide-Silicon Interfaces and t h e Interpretation of Interfacial Defects (a) Vol. 69, No. 2, p. 7 7 9 - 7 8 8 (1982). See also 10.2, p. 105; 22.1.2, p. 402. E . P . MATSAS, V . N . A N T O N Y U K , V . F . B I B I K , a n d O . V . SNITKO

•On t h e Mechanism of Anodic Oxidation of InSb (a) Vol. 69, No. 2, p. K 2 2 9 - K 2 3 1 (1982). See also 22.2.3, p. 427. G . HATJCK

•Liquid Crystal Alignment on Obliquely Deposited A1203 Surfaces (a) Vol. 70, No. 1, p. K 4 3 - K 4 6 (1982). See also 22.6, p. 470; 22.9, p. 504. Y . J . W A N G a n d H . RRONMÜLLER

The Influence of t h e Surface Conditions on the Magnetic Properties in Amorphous Alloys Fe 40 Ni 40 B 20 and Co 58 Ni 10 Fe 5 Si n B 16 (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. 4 1 5 - 4 2 1 (1982). See also 18.2, p. 269; 21.1, p. 347; 21.1.1, p. 360. H . EICHENMÜLLER

New Investigations of the Chemical Nature of the Centres of t h e Exoelectron Emission on Metal Surfaces (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. 4 8 3 - 4 8 7 (1982). See also 17, p. 255; 21.1, p. 347. C . AMMER

• L E E D Intensity Analysis of Epitaxial Ag/Au Systems (I): The Influence of t h e Single Ion-Core Scattering on t h e L E E D Spectra (a) Vol. 71, No. 1, p. 1 3 5 - 1 4 4 (1982). See also 1.5, p. 39; 21.6, p. 376.

1.6 Surfaces


A . D . POGBEBN YAK, V . A . K U Z M I N I K H , a n d K . P . A R E F E V

•Positron Profiles and Positron Annihilation in Thin Layers (a) Vol. 71, No. 1, p. 1 4 5 - 1 5 1 (1982). See also 1.5, p. 39; 21, p. 335; 22.2.1, p. 421. J . - M . DEROCHETTE

* Adsorption of H„ and N„ on Ir(100) Studied b y Field Emission (a) Vol. 71, No. i , p. K 9 9 - K 1 0 2 (1982). See also 17.1, p. 258; 21, p. 335. C . A M M E R , M . RLATJA, a n d H . B E T H G E

• L E E D I n t e n s i t y Analysis of E p i t a x i a l Ag/Au Systems (II): L E E D S t u d y of t h e I n i t i a l Stages of E p i t a x y (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. 4 1 5 - 4 2 8 (1982). See also 1.5, p. 39; 21.6, p. 376. V . G . K O H N , M . V . K O V A L C H U K , R . M . IMAMOV, B . G . ZAKHAKOV, a n d E . P . LOBANOVICH

*The Investigation of Disturbed Surface Layer S t r u c t u r e by t h e E x t e r n a l Photoeffect u n d e r X - R a y Diffraction Conditions (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. 6 0 3 - 6 1 0 (1982). See also 17, p. 256; 22.1.1, p. 397; 22.1.2, p. 408; 22.2.1, p. 421. A . N I M M R I C H T E R , H . P F E I F F E R , a n d W . HATTBENBEISSER

• S t e p Growth of Many-Component Systems (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. K 2 3 9 - K 2 4 3 (1982). See also 3, p. 58; 22.8.2, p. 500. J.

A. SzÄsz, L. K E R T E S Z , a n d A. S. SULAKOV •Surface Corrosion of Mg-Containing Al-Based Alloys (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. 1 3 1 - 1 3 4 (1982). See also 21, p. 337.



•On t h e Ewald Summation Technique for 2D Lattices (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. 1 9 9 - 2 0 5 (1982). H . PFEIFFER

•Master E q u a t i o n Approach t o Step Growth (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. 2 3 9 - 2 4 9 (1982). See also 3, p. 58. T H . W I R T E , V . ATZRODT, a n d H . LANGE

•Composition Changes of NiSi and PtSi Due to Ar + Ion B o m b a r d m e n t Determined f r o m AES Measurements (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. K 8 9 - K 9 3 (1982). See also 11, p. 124; 21, p. 337. S . P . MHASKAR a n d P . K . N A I K

• E f f e c t of Surface Relaxation on Thermal Desorption of Helium f r o m Polycrystalline Molybdenum (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. 5 1 5 - 5 2 0 (1982). See also 11, p. 124; 21, p. 338. H . C . E A T O N , A . C . CHOTJ, a n d J . C . C A R T E R

•Topographic Analysis of Grain Boundary Dislocations in Cold-Worked Tungsten Using Field Ion Microscopy (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. 8 1 7 - 8 2 4 (1982). See also 10.1, p. 100; 17.1, p. 258; 21, p. 338.


Subject I n d e x


An Anomalous Aspect of GaAs Surface Dissociation by Q-Switch Pulsed R u b y Laser I r r a diation (a) Vol. 78, No. 1, p. K 7 - K 9 (1982). See also 11, p. 126; 22.2.1, p. 422. M . PATTNOV a n d A . M I L C H E V

2D P h a s e Transitions a t H i g h Densities (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. 3 3 9 - 3 4 9 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 22; 1.5, p. 41. T . JUNG a n d W . TITEL

* Application of Auger D e p t h Profiling on t h e Al-SiO, Interface (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. 8 5 - 9 0 (1982). See also 13.3, p. 161; 22.6, p. 475. G . GRANGE, R . LANDERS, a n d B . MUTAFTSCHIEV

*The Bubble Method: A Tool for Growth Morphology Studies of t h e Crystal-Melt Interface (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. 2 3 3 - 2 4 5 (1982). See also 3, p. 59; 22.5.4, p. 467. V . HNATOWICZ, J . K V I T E K , P . K R E J C I , L . P E L I K A N , a n d V . R Y B K A

•Determination of Arsenic, Antimony, and B i s m u t h in Silicon Using 200 keV a-Particle Backscattering (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. 3 2 3 - 3 2 8 (1982). See also 11, p. 128; 22.1.2, p. 414. H . M. LEDBETTER a n d R . D . KRIZ

*Elastic-Wave Surfaces in Solids (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. 4 7 5 - 4 8 0 (1982). See also 12, p. 129.

2. Non-Crystalline State


2. Non-Crystalline State Review


H . BÖTTGER a n d V . V . B R Y K S I N

Hopping Conductivity in Ordered and Disordered Systems (III) (b) Vol. 113, No. 1, p. 9 - 4 9 (1982). See also 6, p. 70; 13, p. 139; 13.5.3, p. 188; 14.3, p. 202; 22, p. 382. P . P . SEREGIN, A . R . R E G E L , A . A . ANDREEV, a n d P . S. NASREDINOV

A Study of Local Structure of Chalcogenide Vitreous Semiconductors and of States of Impurity Atoms in Them by Means of Mössbauer and Electron Spectroscopies (a) Vol. 74, No. 2, p. 3 7 3 - 3 9 4 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 14; 5, p. 66; 13.4, p. 162; 22, p. 382.



and Short



*Effect of Fluctuations of the Coordination Number on Some Properties of Amorphous Ferromagnets (b) Vol. 109, No. 1, p. 1 6 1 - 1 6 6 (1982). See also 18.2, p. 267. 0 . U E M U R A , M . ITOH, a n d T . SATOW

•Electronic Properties of the Tl-AgTlTe 2 System in the Liquid State (b) Vol. 109, No. 1, p. 3 6 1 - 3 6 8 (1982). See also 14.3, p. 202; 15, p. 245; 18, p. 259; 22.8, p. 481. K . S . DTTBEY

Lattice Thermal Conductivity of Noncrystalline Material at Low Temperatures. Application to Borosilicate Glass (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. 1 2 1 - 1 2 6 (1982). See also 6, p. 71; 8, p. 84; 22.8.1, p. 492. N . SAITO a n d T . YAMAGTJCHI

*Optical and Compositional Properties of Amorphous SixCvF2 Films Prepared by Reactive Sputtering (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. 1 3 3 - 1 3 8 (1982). See also 1.3, p. 25; 20.1, p. 299; 22.1.2, p. 400. S . AHMED a n d D . SIGURD

•Electrical Properties of Glow Discharge a-Si:H Thin Films Prepared with a R F Plasma Etch Unit (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. 3 0 5 - 3 1 4 (1982). See also 14.3.1, p. 213; 22.1.2, p. 400. A . H . ABOTJ E L E L A , N . A B D E L M O H S E N , a n d H . H . A . L A B I B

Dielectric Relaxation Study of CuTlSe2 in the Solid and Liquid Phases (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. 3 7 7 - 3 8 4 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 163; 14.4, p. 234; 22.8, p. 481.


Subject Index

A . APOSTOLOV, H . H B I S T O V , T . MIDLAG, M . MIKHOV, a n d V . S K U M R I E V

*The Bulk Amorphous Alloy Tb4Co3 — An Example for a System with a Transition to a "Spin-Glass Like" State (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. K 7 - K 1 0 (1982). See also 18.1, p. 265; 18.2, p. 267; 21.1, p. 344; 21.4, p. 369.

W . RADLOFF, E . BELOW, H . WAGNER, a n d P . K L E I N E R T

*Laser Absorption Measurement of OH Ion Distribution Profiles in Silica Glasses (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. K 2 1 - K 2 4 (1982). See also 20, p. 293-, 22.6.1, p. 477.


*Substitutional Doping of Vacuum-Evaporated Amorphous Silicon by Ion Implantation (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. K 1 1 7 - K 1 2 0 (1982). See also 11, p. 118; 14.3.1, p. 213; 22.1.2, p. 401.


Thermodynamic Properties of Liquid Alkali Metals and Their Equiatomic Alloys (b) Vol. 109, No. 2, p. 4 5 7 - 4 6 1 (1982). See also 8, p. 85; 21.2, p. 365.

V . CHÄB, J . Z E M E K , S . K O C , a n d P . M I K U S I K

Photoemission Study of Oxygen Adsorbed on Sputtered a-Si(H) and a-Si (b) Vol. 109, No. 2, p. 4 9 5 - 5 0 1 (1982). See also 13.3, p. 158; 17, p. 255; 22.1.2, p. 401.


*Integral Representation of the Incoherent Field in Disordered Materials (I): Current Balance, Density-of States Test, and New Mobility Formula (b) Vol. 109, No. 2, p. 6 1 7 - 6 2 6 (1982). See also 13, p. 140; 14, p. 190.

I . ANSARA, A . P A S T U R E L , a n d K . H . J . BTJSCHOW

Enthalpy Effects in Amorphous Alloys and Intermetallic Compounds in the System Zr-Cu (a) Vol. 69, No. 2, p. 4 4 7 - 4 5 3 (1982). See also 8, p. 85; 21.1, p. 344.

K . W E B E R , M . GRÜNEWALD, W . F U H S , a n d P . THOMAS

*Field Effect in a-Si:H Films. Influence of Annealing and Light Exposure (b) Vol. 110, No. 1, p. 1 3 3 - 1 4 2 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 165; 14.3.1, p. 214; 22.1.2, p. 403.

R . V . GOPALA R A O a n d B . M . S A T P A T H Y

*Partial Structure of Liquid Sodium-Cesium Alloys (b) Vol. 110, No. 1, p. 2 7 3 - 2 7 9 (1982). See also 21.2, p. 365.

S . K . L A I a n d S . WANG

Calculation of the Electronic Density of States in Disordered Metallic Systems (b) Vol. 110, No. 1, p. 3 3 1 - 3 4 0 (1982). See also 13, p. 141; 21, p. 332.


*Low Frequency Conductivity in Disordered Systems Due to Variable Range Hopping. Experiment Versus Theory (b) Vol. 110, No. 1, p. K 1 7 - K 2 0 (1982). See also 14, p. 190.

2. Non-Crystalline S t a t e



*The WCA Method and Pseudopotentials for Simple Liquid Metals (b) Vol. 110, No. 1, p. K 4 5 - K 5 0 (1982). See also 4, p. 62; 21, p. 333. L . S C H U M A N N , A . L E H M A N N , H . SOBOTTA, V . R I E D E , U . T E S C H N E B , a n d K . H Ü B N E R

I n f r a r e d Studies of Reactively Sputtered SiO x Films in t h e Composition Range 0.2 ^ x g 1.9 (b) Vol. 110, No. 1, p. K 6 9 - K 7 3 (1982). See also 6, p. 72; 20.1, p. 302; 22.6, p. 469. H . BINCZYCKA, O . GZOWSKI, L . MURAWSKI, a n d J . SAWICKI

Mössbauer E f f e c t and Electrical Conductivity in T e 0 2 - F e 2 0 3 Glasses (a) Vol. 70, No. 1, p. 5 1 - 5 5 (1982). See also 5, p. 66; 14.3, p. 204; 22.6.1, p. 477. J . K O C K A , J . S T U C H L I K , 0 . S T I K A , M . L A Z N I Ö K A , 0 . R E N N E R , a n d E . KROTTSKY

*Physical Properties of a-Si: H Prepared a t a b o u t 1 Torr (a) Vol. 70, No. 1, p. 9 3 - 9 9 (1982). See also 14.3.1, p. 214; 20.1, p. 302; 22.1.2, p. 403. W . GRÄFE

•Description of I n t e r n a l Friction Background of Glasses b y Means of Migration Processes (a) Vol. 70, No. 1, p. 1 0 1 - 1 0 8 (1982). See also 12.2, p. 134; 22.6, p. 469. P . KOSTIAL

•Surface Wave Investigations of Se Amorphous Thin Films Deposited on LiNbO s (a) Vol. 70, No. 1, p. K 5 5 - K 5 8 (1982). See also 7, p. 82; 22.1.3, p. 417. H . OVERHOF

*The T e m p e r a t u r e Dependence of t h e Spin Resonance in Boron Doped a-Si: H (b) Vol. 110, No. 2, p. 5 2 1 - 5 3 0 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 166; 19, p. 285; 22.1.2, p. 404. M . VAN D E R M E E R , R . S C H U C H A R D T , a n d R . K E I P E R

*Strong-Field Hopping in Disordered Semiconductors. A Problem of Directed Percolation (b) Vol. 110, No. 2, p. 5 7 1 - 5 8 0 (1982). See also 14.3, p. 205; 22, p. 384. B . O L E S , A . M . O L E S , K . A . CHAO, a n d Y I - C H E N C H E N G

*A Model for n-Methyl-Phenazinium Tetracyanoquinodimethan (b) Vol. 110, No. 2, p. K i l l —K116 (1982). See also 13, p. 142; 14, p. 190; 18, p. 260; 22.9, p. 504. G . A . P E T R A K O V S K I I , K . A . S A B L I N A , V . P . I K O N N I K O V , I . A . VOLKOV, a n d A . G . K L I M E N K O

*The E f f e c t of Amorphization on t h e Magnetic Properties of KFeS 2 (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. 5 0 7 - 5 1 1 (1982). See also 18, p. 260; 22.8, p. 483. J . D . LIVINGSTON

Magnetomechanical Properties of Amorphous Metals (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. 5 9 1 - 5 9 6 (1982). See also 12.1, p. 131; 18.2, p. 269; 21, p. 334.


Subject Index

B A I - X I N LITJ a n d M . - A . N I C O L E T

Formation of Au-Ge Metastable Phases by Ion Mixing (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. 671-676 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 16; 1.3, p. 27; 21.6, p. 376; 22.1.1, p. 396. F . SCHALTER, M . J E D L I Ö K A , a n d J . P O L C E R

Amorphous-Crystalline Heterojunction with Built-in Interface Charge (I): Steady-State Transport (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. 755-762 (1982). See also 13.3, p. 159; 14.3.3, p. 221; 22, p. 385; 22.4.2, p. 443. P . P . SEREGIN a n d F . S. NASREDINOV

*Study of Gold and Platinum Impurity Atom State in Vitreous Arsenic Selenide (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. 769-775 (1982). See also 5, p. 67; 10.2, p. 108; 14.3, p. 206; 17, p. 256; 22, p. 385. J . GAZSÖ

A Refinement upon the Method of Evaluating the Density of Localized States from the Field Effect (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. K181-K183 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 168; 14.3.1, p. 214; 14.3.4, p. 228; 22, p. 385. P . SINGH a n d K . N . K H A N N A

Entropy of Mixing of Liquid Alloys (b) Vol. I l l , No. 1, p. 111-116 (1982). See also 1.3, p. 28; 8, p. 86; 21, p. 334; 21.1, p. 348. N . C. H A L D E R a n d K . C. PHILLIPS

*Is the Electronic Structure of Liquid Metals Free-Electron-Like or Bloch-Electron-Like ? (b) Vol. I l l , No. 1, p. 221-226 (1982). See also 13, p. 142; 21, p. 334. R . LENK

""Integral Representation of the Incoherent Field in Disordered Materials (II): Hall Current and Thermoelectric Phenomena (b) Vol. I l l , No. 1, p. 255-260 (1982). See also 14, p. 191; 15, p. 246. M . SEN a n d S. CHATTERJEE

Electronic Energy Bands of Nearly Free Electron Metallic Glasses. An Application to Mgo.7Zno.3 Amorphous Alloy (b) Vol. I l l , No. 1, p. 353-360 (1982). See also 13.1, p. 150; 21.1, p. 348; 21.3, p. 367. G . L . W H I T T L E , S. J . CAMPBELL, a n d A . M . STEWART

A Mössbauer Study of the Magnetic Hyperfine Field Distribution in the Amorphous Alloy Fe32Ni36Cr14P12B6 (a) Vol. 71, No. 1, p. 245-251 (1982). See also 5, p. 67; 18.2, p. 270; 21.1, p. 349; 21.1.1, p. 361. J . BULLOT, O . GALLAIS, M . GAUTHIER, a n d J . LIVAGE

""Threshold Switching in V„05 Layers Deposited from Gels (a) Vol. 71, No. 1, p. K 1 - K 4 (1982). See also 14.3.4, p. 229; 22.6, p. 471.


2. Non-Crystalline S t a t e K . BEWILOGUA, D . DIETRICH, G . HOLZHÜTER, a n d CH. W E I S S M A N T E L

*Structure of Amorphous Carbon Films (a) Vol. 71, No. 1, p. K 5 7 - K 5 9 (1982). See also 1.5, p. 39; 22.1, p. 393.

C. VIGER a n d G . F L E U R Y

*Spectral Response of Amorphous Se at 233 K (a) Vol. 71, No. 1, p. K 1 0 3 - K 1 0 5 (1982). See also 16, p. 251; 22.1.3, p. 417.

L . P . KAZAKOVA, L . T 6 T H , a n d M . A . TAGUYRDZHANOV

*Reversible Photoinduced Change of Hole Drift Mobility in Amorphous AsSe Thin Films (a) Vol. 71, No. 1, p. K 1 0 7 - K 1 0 9 (1982). See also 16, p. 251; 22, p. 386.

J . P . S C H A F F E R , J . H . L I N D , P . L . J O N E S , a n d F . H . COCKS

*Photoconductivity of Ion-Plated Amorphous Hydrogenated Silicon (a) Vol. 71, No. 1, p. K i l l —K115 (1982). See also 16, p. 252; 22.1.2, p. 407.

A . LEHMANN, L . SCHUMANN, H . SOBOTTA, V . R I E D E , U . T E S C H N E R , a n d K .


L O - T O Mode Splittings and Dynamic Effective Charges of Oxygen in Reactively Sputtered SiO^ Determined by I R Spectroscopy (b) Vol. Ill, No. 2, p. K 1 0 3 - K 1 0 6 (1982). See also 6, p. 75; 20.1, p. 306; 22.6, p. 472. F . SCHAUER, M . JEDLICKA, a n d J . MACKU

Amorphous-Crystalline Heterojunction with Built-in Interface Charge ( I I ) : Non-Steady S t a t e Transport (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. 3 3 5 - 3 4 3 (1982). See also 13.3, p. 159; 14.3.3, p. 222; 22, p. 387; 22.4.2, p. 443. X . - Z . DONG, B . GRÖGER, T . J E N D R Y S I K , a n d H . KRONMÜLLER

Annealing Effect of Domain Patterns of t h e Nearly Non-Magnetostrictive Amorphous Alloy Co 5 8 Ni 1 0 Fe 5 Si n B 1 6 (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. 4 4 1 - 4 4 9 (1982). See also 18, p. 261; 20, p. 295; 22.8, p. 485.

T . SATOW, 0 . UEMITRA, a n d Y . SAGARA

* T h e Neutron Diffraction Study of Liquid Antimony and Bismuth Chalcogenides (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. 5 5 5 - 5 6 1 (1982). See also 14.3, p. 2 0 7 ; 22.7, p. 479.


Doping of Amorphous Silicon by Mangatvese Ion Implantation (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. K 1 3 3 - K 1 3 6 (1982). See also 11, p. 123; 13.4, p. 170; 14.3.1, p. 215; 22.1.2, p. 408.

A . H . ABOIT E L E L A , N . A B D E L M O H S E N , a n d H . H . A . L A B I B

Electrical Conductivity, Thermoelectric Power, and Thermal Conductivity of AgTlSe 2 in the Solid and Liquid S t a t e (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. K 2 1 9 - K 2 2 4 (1982). See also 8, p. 87; 14.3, p. 208; 15, p. 247; 22.8, p. 486. J . G O E B B E L S , H . R . K H A N , L . L Ü D E R S , a n d CH. J .

N M R on Metastable P t - P and N i - P t - P (b) Vol. 112, No. 1, p. 1 1 5 - 1 1 8 (1982). See also 19, p. 288; 21.1, p. 350.


physica, R e g . - B d . 15



Subject Index

A . BUKA a n d F . LEYVRAZ

»Dielectric Relaxation in Polar Liquid Crystals (b) Vol. 112, No. 1, p. 2 8 9 - 2 9 6 (1982). See also 14.4, p. 236; 22.9, p. 506. T . NAKAJIMA, O . U E M U R A , T . SATOW, a n d T . YAGIHASHI

»Electronic Properties of t h e Molton Tl-AgTlS 2 System (b) Vol. 112, No. 1, p. 3 1 1 - 3 1 9 (1982). See also 14.3, p. 208; 15, p. 247; 18, p. 261; 22.8, p. 486. H . VAN S W I J G E N H O V E N , L . M . S T A L S , a n d K . H . J . B U S C H O W

*Phase Transformations in Amorphous Zr-Ni Alloys (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. 1 5 3 - 1 6 0 (1982). See also 1.3, p. 29; 21.1, p. 350. H . M E H R E R , G . F L I K , J . H O R V A T H , a n d H . KRONAIÜLLER

»Crystallization and Aging Effects in Some Amorphous Ferromagnets (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. 2 1 5 - 2 2 3 (1982). See also 18.2, p. 271; 21.1, p. 350; 21.1.1, p. 361. K . S. VAHVASELKÄ

*Total and Partial Interference Functions, Radial Atomic Distributions, and Electrical Resistivities for Liquid Indium and Liquid Gallium-Indium Alloys (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. 2 6 1 - 2 7 1 (1982). See also 14.1, p. 195; 21, p. 337. J . P E R E Z , F . FOUQTJET, a n d Y . H E

»Homogeneous Flow in Metallic Glasses (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. 2 8 9 - 3 0 0 (1982). See also 10, p. 95. I . M . R E D A , J . H A F N E R , P . PONGRATZ, A . W A G E N D R I S T E L , H . B A N G E R T , a n d P . K . B H A T

»Amorphous Cu-Ag Films with High Stability (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. 3 1 3 - 3 2 4 (1982). See also 1.3, p. 29; 14.1, p. 196; 21.1, p. 351; 21.6, p. 377. V . V . KOROBTSOV, V . G . Z A V O D I N S K I I , a n d A . V . ZOTOV

Epitaxial Regrowth of Amorphous Si Deposited on Si (111) (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. 3 9 1 - 3 9 8 (1982). See also 1.5, p. 40; 3, p. 58; 22.1.2, p. 409. K . ZXVETA, J . S C H N E I D E R , A . H A N D S T E I N , a n d Z . K A L V A

The Influence of Annealing on the Magnetization of Amorphous (Nio.93Feo.o7)8iioBio Alloy (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. K 7 9 - K 8 2 (1982). See also 18, p. 261; 22.8, p. 487. S. KATSURA a n d K . KONISHI

»Spin Glass of the Site-Random Ising Model with First and Second Neighbor Interactions (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p. 3 9 9 - 4 0 7 (1982). See also 18, p. 262. P . BLAUDECK

»Embedded Cluster Approach to the Density of Tail States for Disordered s-Scatterers (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p. 5 2 5 - 5 3 1 (1982). See also 13, p. 144.

2. Non-Crystalline State


S . SANTHANAM, B . K . SAMANTARAY, a n d A . K . C H A U D H U R I

X-Ray Studies on the Microstructure of Vacuum Evaporated SnTe Thin Films (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. 5 2 1 - 5 2 7 (1982). See also 1.5, p. 40; 16, p. 252; 22.7, p. 479. W . H O Y E R , A . MÜLLER, E . THOMAS, a n d M . WOBST

•X-Ray Diffraction Investigation on Molten In-Te Alloys (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. 5 8 5 - 5 9 2 (1982). See also 1.3, p. 30; 22.7, p. 479. R . GÖRING, K . K N E I P P , a n d H . NASS

•"Investigation of Glasses in the B a 0 - B , 0 3 - G e 0 3 System with Low BaO Content by NMR and Raman Spectroscopy (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. 6 2 3 - 6 3 0 (1982). See also 6, p. 78; 19, p. 289; 20.1, p. 309; 22.6, p. 473. B . RAUSCHENBACH u n d K . HOHMUTH

•Bildung amorpher Metall-Metalloid-Verbindungen durch Ionenimplantation (Formation of Amorphous Metal-Metalloid Compounds by Ion Implantation) (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. 6 6 7 - 6 7 8 (1982). See also 11, p. 125; 21, p. 338; 21.1, p. 352; 21.1.1, p. 361. A. G. REVESZ a n d S. H . WEMPLE

The Optical Properties of Noncrystalline Silicon and Sii_a;H x Films (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. 7 2 1 - 7 2 9 (1982). See also 1.5, p. 40; 4, p. 63; 20, p. 296; 22.1.2, p. 411. I . ÖERVEÄ a n d J . W E I S

•Influence of Extrapolation of the Interference Function of Amorphous Pd 83 Si J7 on the Radial Distribution Function (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. K 1 8 1 - K 1 8 4 (1982). See also 21.1, p. 352. P . SWARTJP, R . K . J A I N , S . N . V E R M A , S . C H A R A N , a n d D . M . T Ä N D L E

Growth of GalnAlAs on GaAs (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. K 1 8 9 - K 1 9 2 (1982). See also 13.1, p. 153; 20.1, p. 310; 20.3, p. 325; 22.2.4, p. 431.



•Calculation Model for Valence Electrons g,nd Hydrogen Concentration in a-Si:H (b) Vol. 113, No. 1, p. 1 0 5 - 1 1 1 (1982). Erratum (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. 742 (1982). See also 13.1, p. 153; 14.4, p. 237; 22.1.2, p. 412. R. LENK

•Integral Representation of the Incoherent Field in Disordered Materials (III): Diffusion, Einstein Relation, and Landauer Formula (b) Vol. 118, No. 1, p. 1 7 9 - 1 8 3 (1982). See also 9, p. 92; 14, p. 191. R . DTJTTA, P . K . B A N E R J E E , a n d S . S . M I T R A

Optical and Electrical Properties of Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon Carbide (b) Vol. 113, No. 1, p. 2 7 7 - 2 8 4 (1982). See also 14.3.1, p. 215; 20.1, p. 310; 22.3, p. 434. 4*

Subject I n d e x

52 MARIANA W E I S S M A N N a n d N O R A H V . COHAN

•Charge Transfer in S t r u c t u r a l l y Disordered Alloys (b) Vol. 113, No. 1, p. 3 9 5 - 3 9 9 (1982). See also 13, p. 145; 21.2, p. 366; 21.6, p. 377. B A I - X I N L I U , M . - A . NICOLET a n d S . S . L A U

Ti-Au Metallic Glasses Formed b y Ion Mixing (a) Vol. 73, No. 1, p. 1 8 3 - 1 8 8 (1982). See also 1.5, p. 41; 11, p. 126; 21.1, p. 353; 21.6, p. 377. J . NARAYAN a n d O. W . HOLLAND

Solid-Phase-Epitaxial Growth in Ion-Implanted Silicon (a) Vol. 73, No. 1, p. 2 2 5 - 2 3 6 (1982). See also 3, p. 59; 11, p. 126; 22.1.2, p. 412. K . I. WYSOKINSKI a n d A . L . KUZEMSKY

*Electron-Phonon Interaction in Disordered Transition Metal Alloys (b) Vol. 113, No. 2, p. 4 0 9 - 4 2 0 (1982). See also 6, p. 79; 8, p. 89; 21.1, p. 354. F . BROUERS a n d J . F R A N Z

*Monte-Carlo Calculation of Density of S t a t e s and Localization in Alloys Including ShortRange Order (b) Vol. 113, No. 2, p. 4 3 1 - 4 3 7 (1982). See also 13, p. 145; 21.2, p. 366; 21.6, p. 377. V . Y A . PROKHORENKO, B . I . SOKOLOVSKII, V . A . A L E K S E E V , A . S . B A S I N , S . V . S T A N K U S , a n d V . M . SKLYARCHUK

T h e Semiconductor-Metal Transition in Liquid Tellurium (b) Vol. 113, No. 2, p. 4 5 3 - 4 5 8 (1982). See also 14.3, p. 210; 15, p. 247; 22.1.3, p. 417. V . - L . BONCH-BRUEVICH a n d T o THI BICH N G U Y E T

On t h e Theory of t h e Conductivity of Discordered Semiconductors (b) Vol. 113, No. 2, p. 4 6 7 - 4 6 9 (1982). See also 13, p. 145; 14.3, p. 210; 22, p. 390. V . L . BONCH-BRUEVICH

On t h e Problem of a Power-Law Localization of Charge Carriers in a Two-Dimensional Disordered Semiconductor (b) Vol. 113, No. 2, p. 4 9 3 - 4 9 6 (1982). See also 13, p. 145; 14.3, p. 210; 22, p. 390. 1 . 1 . FISHCHUK

• E f f e c t i v e Medium Theory for t h e DC Conductivity and Hall Effect of Inhomogeneous Semiconductors in High Electrical Fields (b) Vol. 113, No. 2, p. 5 4 9 - 5 5 7 (1982). See also 14.3.4, p. 231; 22, p. 390. J . SZCZYRBOWSKI

T h e E x p o n e n t i a l Tail of L i g h t Absorption in Disordered Solids (b) Vol. 113, No. 2, p. 7 1 5 - 7 2 0 (1982). See also 20.1, p. 312; 22, p. 390; 22.1.1, p. 398; 22.1.3, p. 417; 22.2.1, p. 423; 22.3, p. 434; 22.6, p. 474.

2. Non-Crystalline State


B. Pura, J . Przedmojski, A. Jablonka, and R. D^beowski *Anisotropy of X-Ray Critical Scattering in 4,4'-Bi-Pentylobi phenyl Liquid Crystal (b) Vol. 113, No. 2, p. K U 9 - K 1 2 2 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 21; 22.9, p. 507. B. V. Kobrix, R. M. Ktjpriyanova, V. S. Minaev, E. P. Prokofiev, and V. P. Shantarovich *Study of Imperfections in Ge-Te Semiconductors by the Positron Annihilation Technique (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. 3 2 1 - 3 2 4 (1982). See also 10.2, p. 114; 22.7, p. 479. D. E. G. Williams *Spatial Resolution and Dense Random Packing (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. 5 3 9 - 5 4 4 (1982). See also 1.3, p. 31; 21, p. 340. Y. Yu. Balandin", A. V. Dvurechejtskii, and L. N. Alleksandrov The Polycenter Crystallization of Amorphous Silicon Layers at Pulse Annealing (a) Vol 73, No. 2, p. 5 8 7 - 5 9 2 (1982). See also 3, p. 59; 22.1.2, p. 413. H. Ratajczak and I. Goscianska Thermal Hall Hysteresis Loops in Thin Amorphous HoCoFilms (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. 6 3 3 - 6 3 9 (1982). See also 14.1, p. 197; 18.3, p. 277; 21.1, p. 355; 21.4, p. 371. B. Rönnefarth, R. Mattheis, and H. Dintner Deposition and Structure of Different Composite Ni-Cr Thin Films (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. K 1 5 3 - K 1 5 6 (1982). See also 1.3, p. 31; 1.5, p. 41; 21.1, p. 355. F. Schauer, V. SmId, 0. Zemskai, and L. ¡Stouraö *Evaluation of Space-Charge-Limited Currents in a-Si: H/c-Si Heterojunction (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. K 1 9 9 - K 2 0 3 (1982). See also 14.3.4, p. 232; 22.1.2, p. 414. E. G. Shakoyan and H. A. Samuelyan ESR and Dielectric Anomalies in Amorphous Cu-Phthalocyanine-Iodine Compounds (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. K 2 1 3 - K 2 1 6 (1982). See also 14.4, p. 238; 19, p. 290; 22.9, p. 507. V. P. Pan, I. V. Zolotukhin, S. E. Litvin, B. G. Nikitin, and A. S. Shpigel *Electrical Properties of Lanthanum-Aluminium Glass (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. K 2 8 7 - K 2 9 1 (1982). See also 8, p. 89; 14.1, p. 197; 14.2, p. 201; 21, p. 341. V. L. Boncit-Bruevich and To Thi Bich Nguyet Low Temperature Conductivity and Optical Transitions of a Two-Dimensional Disordered Semiconductor under Weak Localization Conditions (b) Vol. 114, No. 1, p. 6 7 - 7 1 (1982). See also 14.3, p. 211; 20.1, p. 314; 22, p. 391. R. Lekk ^Integral Representation of the Incoherent Field in Disordered Materials (IV): Relation to Multiple Scattering Theory and Inclusion of Pair Correlations (b) Vol. 114, No. 1, p. 1 1 3 - 1 2 0 (1982). See also 13, p. 146; 14, p. 191.

Subject Index


*Curie Temperature and Short-Range Atomic Order in Amorphous Ferromagnets (b) Vol. 114, No. 1, p. 1 2 5 - 1 3 3 (1982). See also 18.2, p. 273. W . SCHILLER a n d J . RICHTER

Temperature Dependence of the Thermoelectric Power of Disordered Alloys (b) Vol. 114, No. 1, p. 1 5 1 - 1 6 0 (1982). See also 14.1, p. 197; 15, p. 248; 21, p. 341. B . ESSER

On the Theory of Time-Resolved Band-Tail Luminescence in Amorphous Semiconductors (b) Vol. 114, No. 1, p. 175-187 (1982). See also 20.3, p. 327; 22, p. 391. J . L . BRETONNET, J . G . GASSEK, A . B A T H , a n d R . K L E I M

•Structure Factors and Compressibilities of Liquid Metals (b) Vol. 114, No. 1, p. 2 4 3 - 2 5 3 (1982). See also 14.1, p. 197; 21, p. 341. B . N . T E W A R I , B . S . BHARGAVA, a n d K . N . K H A N N A

*Surface Entropy of Liquid Metals (b) Vol. 114, No. 1, p. K 3 1 - K 3 4 (1982). See also 8, p. 89; 21, p. 341; 21.1, p. 356; 21.2, p. 366; 21.3, p. 368; 21.7, p. 381. N . R . LOKIIANDE

A Study of EXAFS Associated with the K Absorption Discontinuity of Nickel in Pure Metals and in Ni-S Amorphous Alloys (b) Vol. 114, No. 1, p. K 3 5 - K 3 9 (1982). See also 20, p. 297; 21.1, p. 356. M . N . K H A N a n d E . E . KHAWAJA

The Electrical and Optical Properties of Glasses of the Li 2 0-Ge0 2 and Na 2 0-Ge0 2 Systems (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. 2 7 3 - 2 7 7 (1982). See also 14.3, p. 211; 20.1, p. 314; 22.6.1, p. 478. L . K . VARGA a n d T . SCHMIDT

Resistivity Measurements on Amorphous N i - P Alloys Prepared by Different Techniques (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. 2 7 9 - 2 8 3 (1982). See also 14.1, p. 197; 21.1, p. 356. G . M . R A M A N S , J . V . GABRUSENOKS, a n d A . A . VEISPALS

Structure of Tungstic Acids and Amorphous and Crystalline W 0 3 Thin Films (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. K 4 1 - K 4 4 (1982). See also 6, p. 80; 8, p. 90; 20.1, p. 315; 22.6, p. 476; 22.8, p. 490. M . JURCZYK, B . SZYMANSKI, A . WRZECIONO, a n d A . J . J A N I C K I

*Some Aspects of Magnetism in Amorphous Co80Zr1(J Alloy (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. K 6 9 - K 7 2 (1982). See also 18.2, p. 274; 21.1, p. 357. A . M . A N D R I E S H , A . I . BUZDUGAST, L . I . Z E L E N I N A , a n d S . D . SHUTOV

*Dark Decay of Surface Potential in Vitreous As2S3 (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. K 7 9 - K 8 2 (1982). See also 14.3.1, p. 216; 22, p. 391.

2. Non-Crystalline State


B . I . B E L E V T S E V , Y t r . F . K O M N I K , V . I . ODNOKOZOV, a n d A . V . F O M I N

Discovery of Low-Temperature Metastable State in Amorphous Bismuth-Hydrogen Systems (b) Vol. 114, No. 2. p. 4 6 7 - 4 7 4 (1982). See also 1.5, p. 41; 14.2, p. 201; 21.7, p. 381.

D . J . GONZALEZ, J . A . ALOXSO, a n d M . P . INIGTTEZ

*Cellular Density Functional Theory of the Heat of Formation of Disordered Simple Alloys. Influence of the Cell Partitioning (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. 4 9 5 - 5 0 1 (1982). See also 13, p. 147; 21.3, p. 368.


*A New Theoretical Approach to the Low-Temperature Specific Heat of Disordered Solids (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. 5 0 3 - 5 1 3 (1982). See also 8, p. 90; 22.1, p. 394; 22.6, p. 476.


*Integral Representation of the Incoherent Field in Disordered Materials (V) : Wave Diffusion in a Correlated Medium (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. 5 1 5 - 5 2 2 (1982). See also 14, p. 192.


Temperature Dependence of the Hopping Mobility in Amorphous Tetracene (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. 5 6 1 - 5 6 9 (1982). See also 14.3.1, p. 216; 16, p. 254; 22.9, p. 508.

N. IsHn, S . OOZORA, M . K U M E D A , and T . SHIMIZU *CaIculations of (/-Value and Linewidth of the E S R Signal in Amorphous Silicon Nitride (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. K i l l —K114 (1982). See also 19, p. 291; 22, p. 392. H . A . BROWN

*On the Curie Temperatures of Amorphous Ferromagnets (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. K 1 8 9 - K 1 9 4 (1982). See also 18.2, p. 274.

L . V . CHOTJDARY, J . V . R A O , P . N . M U R T Y , a n d C . R . K . MTTRTY

*Phase Transition Studies of the Liquid Crystal H p B B A (a) Vol. 74, No. 2, p. 4 3 1 - 4 3 5 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 23; 22.9, p. 508.

U . HENNIGER a n d R . K E I P E R

*Diffusion Theory for Continous Metal-Amorphous Semiconductor Contacts (a) Vol. 74, No. 2, p. 4 9 7 - 5 0 9 (1982). See also 14.3.4, p. 233.

W . S C H A R F F , J . - W . E R B E N , A . W O L F , K . BRETTER, CHR. W E I S S M A N T E L , R . K L A B E S , H . W O I T E N N E K , K . - H . H E I N I G , M . VOELSKOV, J . MATTHÄI, a n d A . SCHMIDT

*Flash-Lamp-Induced Crystal Growth of Silicon on Amorphous Substrates Using Artificial Surface-Relief Structures (a) Vol. 74, No. 2, p. 5 4 5 - 5 5 2 (1982). See also 3, p. 60; 11, p. 128; 22.1.2, p. 416.


Subject Index

T . H. O ' D e l l

Measurement of Magnetomechanical Coupling Factor in Amorphous Ribbons (a) Vol. 74, No. 2, p. 5 6 5 - 5 7 2 (1982). See also 12.2. p. 138; 18.2, p. 274 ; 22.8, p. 491. S. T y a g i *Relaxation in Amorphous Ferromagnets above t h e Curie Point (a) Vol. 74, No. 2, p. 6 5 5 - 6 6 0 (1982). See also 18.2, p. 274-, 19, p. 292; 21.1, p. 358; 21.1.1, p. 364. L. V. Rao, B. S. N a i d u , and P. J . R e d d y Structure and Optical Energy Gap Measurements in As-Te-Cd Chalcogenide Thin Films (a) Vol. 74, No. 2, p. K 1 3 7 - K 1 4 0 (1982). See also 1.6, p. 41; 20.1, p. 316; 22.8, p. 491. A. N. Rodionov, R. I. K a l e n d a r e v , and A. V. S h e n d b i k Paramagnetic States of Yellow Arsenic (a) Vol. 74, No. 2, p. K 1 5 5 - K 1 5 8 (1982). See also 19, p. 292; 22.1, p. 394.


3. Crystal Growth

3. Crystal Growth Review



Preparation and Physical Properties of Transparent Conducting Oxide Film" (a) Vol. 71, No. 1, p. 1 3 - 4 1 (1982). See also 1.5, p. 38; 13.1, p. 148; 14.3.1, p. 213-, 20.1, p. 298; 22.6, p. 468; 22.6.1. p. 477.



and Short



*MOCVD of A1N on Silicon (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. K 3 - K 6 (1982). See also 1.5, p. 38; 22.2, p. 418. TH. KLUPSCH

Towards a Molecular Theory of t h e Solid-Liquid Phase Boundary. Thermodynamic and Structural Properties (b) Vol. 109, No. 2, p. 5 3 5 - 5 4 2 (1982). See also 1.6, p. 42. A . V . D V U R E C H E N S K I I , B . P . K A S H N I K O V , L . S . SMIRNOV, R . G R Ö T Z S C H E L , a n d R . K L A B E S

*Synthesis of Solid Solutions a t Electron Pulse Processing of Ge-Si Structures (a) Vol. 69, No. 2, p. K 1 8 3 - K 1 8 7 (1982). See also 1.5, p. 38; 11, p. 119; 22.1.1, p. 395; 22.1.2, p. 402. H . MÜLLER

*Simulation of Oriented Crystallization in Evaporated Antimony Thin Films (a) Vol. 70, No. 1, p. 2 4 9 - 2 5 5 (1982). See also 1.5, p. 39; 21.7, p. 379. E . WOLF

The N a t u r e and Formation Mechanism of Anomalous Defects in Dislocation Free FZSilicon Crystals Caused by Hydrogen Doping (a) Vol. 70, No. 1, p. K 5 9 - K 6 1 (1982). See also 10.2, p. 106; 22.1.2, p. 404. K . T E M P E L H O F F a n d N . VAN S U N G

* Formation of Self-Disorder Agglomerates in Dislocation-Free Silicon during Crystal Growth (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. 4 4 1 - 4 4 9 (1982). See also 10.2, p. 107; 22.1.2, p. 404. O . BOSTANJOGLO

*Time-Resolved TEM of Pulsed Crystallization of Amorphous Si and Ge Films (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. 4 7 3 - 4 8 1 (1982). See also 1.5, p. 39; 22.1.1, p. 396; 22.1.2, p. 405. E . ZIEGLER, A . H E I N R I C H , H . OPPERMANN, a n d G . STÖVER

Growth and Electrical Properties of Non-Stoichiometric ZnO Single Crystals Doped with Co (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. 5 6 3 - 5 7 0 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 167; 14.3, p. 205; 22.4, p. 437.

Subject Index

58 G . T . DIDRIKHSONS a n d H .


•Kinetics of Impurity Incorporation during Crystal Growth (a) Vol. 71, No. 1, p. 1 6 9 - 1 7 8 (1982). See also 10, p. 94. G . T . DIDRIKHSONS a n d H . P F E I F F E R

*On Phase Diagrams of Binary Systems (a) Vol. 71, No. 1, p. K 7 9 - K 8 1 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 17. A. N I M M R I C H T E R , H . P F E I F F E R , a n d W . H A U B E N B E I S S E R

*Step Growth of Many-Component Systems (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. K 2 3 9 - K 2 4 3 (1982). See also 1.6, p. 43; 22.8.2, p. 500. A . A . K A M I N S K H , S . E . SARKISOV, H . D . K Ü R S T E N , a n d D . S C H U L T Z E

•Crystal Growth and Spectroscopic Properties of Nd 3 + Ions in Ferroelectric Pb 6 Ge 3 O n Crystals (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. 2 0 7 - 2 1 3 (1982). See also 14.4.1, p. 242; 20.1, p. 308; 20.3, p. 324; 22.8.1, p. 495.


•Master Equation Approach to Step Growth (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. 2 3 9 - 2 4 9 (1982). See also 1.6, p. 43. S. S. VILKOVSKH a n d V . P . NABEREZHNYKH

•Kinetic Theory of Crystallization (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. 3 3 3 - 3 4 2 (1982). V . V . K O R O B T S O V , V . G . Z A V O D I N S K I I , a n d A . V . ZOTOV

•Epitaxial Regrowth of Amorphous Si Deposited on Si (111) (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. 3 9 1 - 3 9 8 (1982). See also 1.5, p. 40; 2, p. 50; 22.1.2, p. 409. D . V . GITSU, I . N . GRINCHESHEN, a n d N . S . POPOVICH

•Dependence of Electrophysical Parameters of TlSbSe2 Layer Crystals on Growth Conditions (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. K 1 1 3 - K 1 1 6 (1982). See also 14.3, p. 208; 16, p. 252; 22.8, p. 487. V . A . M O K R I T S K I I , E . M . K T J R I T S I N , B . A . D A N X L C H E N K O , a n d V . I . SHAKHOVTSOV

•Epitaxial Germanium Layers Grown by Liquid Phase in y-Radiation Field (a) V o l . 72, N o . 2, p . K 1 2 1 - K 1 2 4

See also O . S . KOLOTOV,




11, p. 125;









Pulse Magnetization Reversal in FeB0 3 Crystals (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. K 1 9 7 - K 2 0 1 (1982). See also 18.2, p. 271; 22.8.1, p. 496. M . R . K H A N , I . K . SCHÜLLER, a n d CH. M . FALCO

•Sputter Epitaxy of Ag and Ni Films (a) Vol. 73, No. 1, p. 2 3 - 2 9 (1982). See also 1.5, p. 40; 21.1, p. 353; 21.6, p. 377.


S. K A -


3. Crystal Growth J . STRZESZEWSKI a n d K . SWIDERCZAK

Electron Microscopic Studies of Crystallization and Magnetic Domain Structure of Mn-Ga Thin Films (a) Vol. 73, No. 1, p. 3 1 - 3 6 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 20; 18.2.1, p. 273; 21.1, p. 353. 0 . BOSTANJOGLO a n d G . H O F F M A N N

Time-Resolved TEM of Transient Effects in Pulse Annealing of Ge and Ge-Te Films (a) Vol. 78, No. 1, p. 9 5 - 1 0 5 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 21; 1.5, p. 40; 22.1.1, p. 398; 22.1.3, p. 417. G . GÖTZ, H . - D . G E I L E R , a n d M . W A G N E R

•Pulse Laser Induced High-Temperature Solid-Phase Annealing of Arsenic Implanted Silicon (a) Vol. 73, No. 1, p. 1 4 5 - 1 5 1 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 21; 22.1.2, p. 412. J . NARAYAN a n d O . W . HOLLAND

*Solid-Phase-Epitaxial Growth in Ion-Implanted Silicon (a) Vol. 73, No. 1, p. 2 2 5 - 2 3 6 (1982). See also 2, p. 52; 11, p. 126; 22.1.2, p. 412. V . YTR. B A L A N D I N , A . V . DVTTRECHENSKII, a n d L . N . A L E K S A N D R O V

•The Polycenter Crystallization of Amorphous Silicon Layers at Pulse Annealing (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. 5 8 7 - 5 9 2 (1982). See also 2, p. 53; 22.1.2, p. 413. H . - D . G E I L E R , E . GLASER, G . GÖTZ, a n d M . W A G N E R

•Explosive Liquid-Phase Crystallization of Ion-Implanted Silicon (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. K 1 6 1 - K 1 6 3 (1982). See also 22.1.2, p. 414. R . HERGT a n d H . PFEIFFER

•Jackson Factor and Growth Kinetics of Garnet L P E Films of Singular Orientation (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. 9 7 - 1 0 5 (1982). See also 22.8.2, p. 502. G . GRANGE, R . LANDERS, a n d B . MUTAFTSCHIEV

•The Bubble Method: A Tool for Growth Morphology Studies of the Crystal-Melt Interface (a) V o l . 7 4 , N o . 1, p . 2 3 3 - 2 4 5

See also 1.6, p. 44;






•Impurity Striations in Melt-Grown Crystals (a) V o l . 7 4 , N o . 1, p . K 2 3 - K 2 6


See also 10, p. 95. G . A N D R I , H . - D . G E I L E R , G . GÖTZ, K . H . H E I N I G , a n d H . W O I T T E N N E K

•Explosive Liquid-Phase Crystallization of Thin Silicon Films during Pulse Heating (a) V o l . 74, N o . 2, p . 5 1 1 - 5 1 5

See also 1.5, p. 41;



(1982). 416.


Subject Index

W . SCHARFF, J . - W . E R B E N , A . W O L F , K . B R E U E R , CHR. WEISSMANTEL, R . K L A B E S , H . W O I T T E N N E K , K . - H . H E I N I G , M . VOELSKOV, J . M A T T H Ä I , a n d A . S C H M I D T

*FIash-Lamp-Induced Crystal Growth of Silicon on Amorphous Substrates Using Artificial Surface-Relief Structures (a) Vol. 74, No. 2, p. 5 4 5 - 5 5 2 (1982). See also 2, p. 55; 11, p. 128; 22.1.2, p. 416. P . A N U R A D H A , M . R A M A K R I S H N A M U R T H Y , a n d I . V . K . BHAGAVAN R A J U

*Study of Growth and Cross Defects of N a N 0 3 Single Crystals (a) Vol. 74, No. 2, p. K 9 3 - K 9 6 (1982). See also 1.4, p. 37; 22.8.1, p. 498.

4. Bonding Properties


4 . Bonding Properties Review F.



Electronic Relaxation Effects in the Core Level Spectra of Solids (b) Vol. 112, No. 1, p. 9 - 4 9 (1982). See also 13.1, p. 148; 17, p. 255; 20, p. 293; 21, p. 330; 22, p. 382; 23, p. 509.

Original Papers and Short R . N . J O A E D E E a n d R . V . GOPALA



*Effective Pair Potential and Thermodynamic Properties of Liquid Noble Metals (b) Vol. 109, No. 1, p. 1 3 7 - 1 4 4 (1982). See also 6, p. 70; 21.6, p. 374.



The Vibrational Entropy Change Associated with the Disordering of a Two-Dimensional Binary Alloy Using a Model of Nearest- and Next-Nearest-Neighbour Interactions (b) Vol. 109, No. 1, p. 2 1 1 - 2 1 6 (1982). See also 1.3, p. 25; 8, p. 84; 21, p. 330.

J . SHANKEB, D . P . AGBAWAL, a n d A . K .


*Analysis of the Relative Stability of the NaCl, CsCI, and Cubic ZnS Structures in Alkali Halide Crystals (b) Vol. 109, No. 1, p. K 2 3 - K 2 6 (1982). See also 1, p. 9; 22.5.2, p. 454.

J . SHANKEB a n d A. K .


*Theory of Interatomic Forces in Rare Gas Crystals (b) Vol. 109, No. 2, p. 7 1 1 - 7 1 6 (1982). See also 12.2, p. 134; 23, p. 509.


*The CNDO/BW Study of Lithium Clusters (II): B.C.C. Clusters (b) Vol. 109, No. 2, p. 7 3 3 - 7 4 1 (1982). See also 13, p. 140; 21.2, p. 365.

A . GHOSH, L . K . B A N E B J E E , a n d A . N . BASTJ

*Cohesion, Phase Transition, Elastic and Dielectric Properties of Group IV Semiconductors (b) Vol. 109, No. 2, p. 7 9 9 - 8 0 6 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 15; 12.2, p. 134; 14.4, p. 234; 22.1, p. 393; 22.1.1, p. 395; 22.1.2, p. 401.

J . SHARKER a n d G. D . JAIN

*Cohesive Energies and Bulk Modulus for Alkali Halide Mixed Crystals (b) Vol. 110, No. 1, p. 2 5 7 - 2 6 2 (1982). See also 12.2, p. 134; 22.5A, p. 467.


*The CNDO/BW Study of Lithium Clusters (III): Different Crystallographic Structures (b) Vol. 110, No. 1, p. 2 9 9 - 3 0 6 (1982). See also 13, p. 141; 21.2, p. 365.


Subject Index

G. B. Bachelet, C. Tanner, and M. S c h l ü t e r *Static Atomic Polarizabilities from Norm-Conserving Pseudopotentials (b) Vol. 110, No. 1, p. 313-322 (1982). See also 13, p. 141; 22.1, p. 393; 22.1.2, p. 403. U. PlETSCH The Validity of Vegard's Rule for the Solid Solution System Bii-^Sb^ (b) Vol. 110, No. 1, p. K 5 - K 9 (1982). See also 1.3, p. 26; 21.7, p. 379. I. L. McLaughlin *The WCA Method and Pseudopotentials for Simple Liquid Metals (b) Vol. 110, No. 1, p. K 4 5 - K 5 0 (1982). See also 2, p. 47; 21, p. 333. V. I. Bogdanov, A. V. Rttban, and D. L. Fuks *Covalent Contribution to the Bond Energy of Phases with Ll2 Structure (b) Vol. 110, No. 2, p. 431-435 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 16; 1.3, p. 27; 21.1, p. 346; 21.6, p. 375. R. M. Agrawal and B. P. S. Rathore *Interactions in Non-Simple F.C.C. Metals (b) Vol. 110, No. 2, p. 677-686 (1982). See also 6, p. 73; 12.1, p. 131; 21, p. 334; 21.1, p. 347. J . Shankek and J . P. Singh *Third-Order Elastic Constants and Pressure Derivatives of Second-Order Elastic Constants of Fluorite-Structure Crystals (b) Vol. 110, No. 2, p. 697-702 (1982). See also 12.2, p. 135; 22.5.3, p. 465. V. P. Gttpta and S. K. Sip an i *Cohesive Energy of Ionic Crystals within the Framework of Compressible Ion Theory (b) Vol. I l l , No. 1, p. 2 9 5 - 3 0 1 (1982). See also 22, p. 386; 22.5, p. 450. U . PlETSCH

*The Influence of Anharmonic Core Vibrations in the X-Ray Bond Charge Analysis of A ^ B 8 - ^ Compounds (b) Vol. I l l , No. 1, p. K 7 - K 1 2 (1982). See also 13, p. 143; 22.2, p. 418; 22.4, p. 437; 22.5, p. 450. T. Soma, H. Iwan ami, and H.-Matsuo Kagaya Pressure-Volume Relation under High Pressure for Si-Ge Solid Solution (b) Vol. I l l , No. 1, p. K 2 3 - K 2 6 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 17; 12.2, p. 135; 22.1.1, p. 396; 22.1.2, p. 406. I. G. Ratishvili The Low-Temperature Stable States of Some Transition Metal Hydrides (a) Vol. 71, No. 1, p. 2 2 3 - 2 3 2 (1982). See also 1.3, p. 28; 21, p. 335. R. H. L a n g l e y *Bond Hybrids and the Structures of the Lanthanide Metals (b) Vol. I l l , No. 2, p. 5 0 1 - 5 0 5 (1982). See also 13, p. 143; 21.4, p. 370.

4. Bonding Properties


R . S. SINGH, V . K . JAIN, a n d J . SHANKER

Relative Stability a n d S t r u c t u r a l P h a s e Transitions in Alkaline E a r t h Chalcogenide Crystals (b) Vol. I l l , No. 2, p. 5 1 9 - 5 2 3 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 17; 22, p. 387. R . FELLENBERG, P . STREUBEL, a n d A . MEISEL

*Chemical Shifts of Auger Lines in Solids on t h e E x a m p l e of t h e KL 2 3 L 2 3 Transition in Silicon a n d I t s Compounds (b) Vol. 112, No. 1, p. 5 5 - 6 0 (1982). See also 17, p. 256; 22.1.2, p. 409. R . H . RATJTIOAHO

*An I n t e r a t o m i c P a i r Potential for Aluminium. Calculation of Stacking E a u l t Energy (b) Vol. 112, No. 1, p. 8 3 - 8 9 (1982). See also 6, p. 76; 21, p. 336. P . D E U S , V . F B E I , 0 . B I L E K , a n d W . CORDTS

E s t i m a t i o n of Eorce Constants and P h o n o n Frequencies of T e r n a r y Semiconducting Compounds w i t h Chalcopyrite S t r u c t u r e f r o m Specific H e a t D a t a (b) Vol. 112, No. 1, p. 2 6 9 - 2 7 7 (1982). See also 6, p. 76; 22.8, p. 486. V . S . URUSOV a n d V . B . DUDNIKOYA

*Energy of Anion Polarisation in Layered S t r u c t u r e s (b) Vol. 112, No. 1, p. 3 0 3 - 3 1 0 (1982). See also 1.3, p. 29; 22.5.2, p. 458; 22.5.3, p. 465. N . A . K U L A G I N a n d D . T . SVIRIDOV

*Change of t h e Effective Occupation N u m b e r s of 3d-Shells of Mn 2 + Ions in Manganese Halide Crystals (b) Vol. 112, No. 1, p. K 6 1 - K 6 6 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 171; 22.5, p. 451. V . RAMAMTTRTHY

Nonequivalence of De L a u n a y and Clark, Gazis, and Wallis Angular Force Models (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p. 4 6 3 - 4 7 1 (1982). See also 6, p. 77. J . SHANKER a n d K . SINGH

Analysis of t h e Grüneisen P a r a m e t e r and I t s Volume Dependence in Alkali Halide Crystals (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p. 6 1 5 - 6 2 0 (1982). See also 6, p. 77; 12.2, p. 136; 22.5.2, p. 459. R , K . SINGH a n d D . K . N E B

*Role of Zero-Point Motion and Three-Body E f f e c t s in t h e S t u d y of Crystal Properties of R a r e Gas Solids (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p. 7 3 5 - 7 4 6 (1982). See also 6, p. 77; 8, p. 88; 12.2, p. 136; 23, p. 509. A . G. REVESZ a n d S. H . WEMPLE

*The Optical Properties of Noncrystalline Silicon and Sii—xH^ Films (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. 7 2 1 - 7 2 9 (1982). See also 1.5, p. 40; 2, p. 51; 20, p. 296; 22.1.2, p. 411.

Subject I n d e x


• A Proof of Aspherical Valence Charge P a r t s in t h e Rock-Salt S t r u c t u r e Compounds by Means of an X - R a y Bond Charge Model (b) Vol. IIB, No. 1, p. 2 0 3 - 2 0 7 (1982). See also 13.1, p. 154; 22.5.2, p. 460; 22.6, p. 473. C . ENGLER a n d W . LORENZ

Calculation of Local Densities of States, Local Charges, a n d Adsorption Energy on Large Semiconductor S u b s t r a t e w i t h Single Adsorbate (b) Vol. 113, No. 1, p. 2 2 7 - 2 3 7 (1982). See also 13.1, p. 154; 13.3, p. 160; 22.2.2, p. 426. E . V . ZAROCHENTSEV a n d S . V . TEPLOV

•Theory of an Adiabatic P o t e n t i a l of Simple Metals (I): Exchange and Correlation Effects of Electrons (b) Vol. 113, No. 1, p. 2 5 9 - 2 6 6 (1982). See also IS, p. 145; 21, p. 338. R . S . N A B A Y A N A N , J . SHANKAR, H . C . G U P T A , a n d B . B . TRIPATHI

*Theory of Interionic Forces in Alkali Halide Crystals (b) Vol. 113, No. 1, p. 3 3 9 - 3 4 6 (1982). See also 1.1, p. 13; 12.2, p. 136; 22.5.2, p. 460. T . A . SASAKI, T . SOGA, a n d H . A D A C H I

*Electronic S t r u c t u r e of Molybdenum Dioxide Calculated by t h e X a Method (b) Vol. 113, No. 2, p. 6 4 7 - 6 5 5 (1982). See also 13, p. 146; 20, p. 297; 22.6, p. 474. J . SHANKER a n d K . SINGH

•Analysis of Crystal Binding and Grüneisen P a r a m e t e r in Cesium Halides, Silver Halides, a n d Alkaline E a r t h Oxides (b) Vol. 113, No. 2, p. 7 3 7 - 7 4 5 (1982). See also 6, p. 79; 22.5.1, p. 453; 22.5.2, p. 461; 22.6, p. 474. P . BUSSEMER a n d U . DIETRICH

•Conditions for E x t r e m a l Values of t h e Optical Dielectric Constant in Binary Mixtures (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. 4 2 9 - 4 3 7 (1982). See also 20.1, p. 313; 22, p. 390. S . A D A M , G H . A D A M , a n d A . CORCIOVEI

•Effective I n t e r a t o m i c Forces f r o m One-Particle Crystal Field P a r a m e t e r s (b) Vol. 114, No. 1, p. 8 5 - 9 3 (1982). See also 13, p. 146; 21.4, p. 371. PREM P A U L a n d S . P . P U R I

• I m p u r i t y - H o s t to H o s t - H o s t Coupling Force Constant R a t i o for 5 7 Fe in R a r e Gas Solids (b) Vol. 114, No. 1, p. 2 1 3 - 2 2 0 (1982). See also 5, p. 68; 6, p. 80; 10.2, p. 116; 23, p. 509. R . K . SINGH a n d R . D . S I N G H

• S t u d y of L a t t i c e Statics a n d Allied Properties of Zincblende-Type Compound Semiconductors (b) Vol. 114, No. 1, p. 2 3 5 - 2 4 2 (1982). See also 6, p. 80; 12.2, p. 137; 22.2, p. 419; 22.4, p. 438.

4. Bonding Properties


V . P . G U P T A a n d C. P . AGRAWAL

*Rydberg Potential in Diatomic Ionic Crystals (b) Vol. 114, No. 1, p. 2 6 5 - 2 7 0 (1982). See also 6, p. 80; 8, p. 89; 12.2, p. 137; 22.5.2, p. 462; 22.6, p. 475. V . K . J A I N a n d J . SHANKER

* Analysis of Interionic Potentials in Alkali Chalcogenide Crystals (b) Vol. 114, No. 1, p. 2 7 1 - 2 7 5 (1982). See also 12.2, p. 137; 22, p. 391. B . B . TRIPATHI, H . C. GUPTA, a n d M . V . N . AMBIKA PRASAD

Effect of Polarizability in t h e Phonon Spectrum of Zinc-Blende Compounds (b) Vol. 114, No. 1, p. K 1 1 - K 1 4 (1982). See also 6, p. 80; 22.2.2, p. 426; 22.2.3, p. 429. T . S. S H I , S . N . SAHU, G . S. O E H R L E I N , A . H I R A K I , a n d J . W . CORBETT

* Models for t h e Hydrogen-Related D e f e c t - I m p u r i t y Complexes and S i - H I n f r a r e d Bands in Crystalline Silicon (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. 3 2 9 - 3 4 1 (1982). See also 10.2, p. 116; 11, p. 128; 20.1, p. 315; 22.1.2, p. 414. J . Z . DAMM a n d Z . CHVOJ

""Optimization of Tosi-Fumi Ionic Radii for F.C.C. Alkali Halide Crystals (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. 4 1 3 - 4 1 8 (1982). See also 22.5.2, p. 463. L . SKALA, L . K Ü N N E , H . - G . F R I T S C H E , a n d H . MÜLLER

*Cluster Model for I n t e r s t i t i a l Hydrogen Bonding in Nickel (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. 4 3 9 - 4 4 8 (1982). See also 10.1, p. 102; 13.4, p. 177; 21.1, p. 357. M. KUCHARCZYK a n d S. OLSZEWSKI

*Repulsive Energy and t h e Grüneisen P a r a m e t e r of Alkali Halides Calculated on t h e Basis of a Quantum-Statistical ab Initio Theory (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. 5 8 9 - 5 9 8 (1982). See also 6, p. 81; 12.2, p. 138; 22.5.2, p. 463. R . K . SINGH a n d S. P . SANYAL

*Debye-Waller Factors for Alkaline E a r t h Oxides (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. 6 3 7 - 6 4 3 (1982). See also 6, p. 81; 22.6, p. 476. J . SHANKER a n d R . SUNDARAJ

*Dielectric and Anharmonic Behaviour of Alkali Halide Crystals (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. 6 5 9 - 6 6 5 (1982). See also 12.2, p. 138; 14.4, p. 239; 22.5.2, p. 463.

V. I. ZlNENKO The Cluster Investigation of t h e g-State P o t t s Model (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. 6 9 5 - 7 0 3 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 23; 8, p. 90.

5 physica, lieg.-Bd. 15


Subject Index 5. Mössbauer Spectroscopy Review Article

P. P. Seregin, A. R. Regel, A. A. Andreev, and F. S. Nasredinov A Study of Local Structure of Chalcogenide Vitreous Semiconductors and of States of Impurity Atoms in Them by Means of Mössbauer and Electron Spectroscopies (a) Vol. 74, No. 2, p. 373-394 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 14; 2, p. 45; 13.4, p. 162; 22, p. 382. Original Papers and Short Notes G. N. Nadjaryan, R. G. Gabrielyan, A. R. Mkrtchyajt, and R. M. Khaxamiryan *Inverse Problem in Mossbauer Spectroscopy in Case of Low-Frequency Modulation (b) Vol. 109, No. 1, p. 131-136 (1982). C. Bansal and K. N. Shrivastava »Mossbauer Isomer Shifts of 4°K+ in KF, KC1 and KBr Lattices (b) Vol. 109, No. 2, p. 743-748 (1982). See also 22.5.2, p. 455. T. Kanaiztjka ""Interpretation of Mossbauer Spectra of ¡3-FeB and Its Low Temperature Modification, a-FeB (a) Vol. 69, No. 2, p. 739-744 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 15; 18.2, p. 268-, 21.1.1, p. 359. P. Patti, S. P. Puri, D. Raj, and R. K. Puri *Force Constant Change in Sn-Impurity Systems: 107 Pd: 119 Sn, (b) Vol. 110, No. 1, p. 8 1 - 8 7 (1982). See also 6, p. 72; 10.1, p. 97; 21.1, p. 345; 21.6, p. 375.


Au: 119 Sn, and 6S-5Cu:119Sn

H. Binczycka, O. Gzowski, L. Murawski, and J . Sawicki * Mossbauer Effect and Electrical Conductivity in Te0 2 -Fe 2 0 3 Glasses (a) Vol. 70, No. 1, p. 5 1 - 5 5 (1982). See also 2, p. 47; 14.3, p. 204; 22.6.1, p. 477. O. Aikaia *On the Use of Annular y-Ray Sources to Measure Directional Compton Profiles (b) Vol. 110, No. 2, p. K 1 0 7 - K 1 1 0 (1982). See also 22.6, p. 470. T. P. Arsenio, Z. Arguello, P. H. Domingues, N. C. Furtado, and C. A. Taft *Temperature Dependence of Hyperfine Field and Resonance Fraction in Single Crystal RbFeS 2 (b) Vol. 110, No. 2, p. K 1 2 9 - K 1 3 1 (1982). See also 18.4, p. 280; 22.8.2, p. 500. E. N. Ovchinkikova and R. N. Kuzmin *Group-Theoretical Approach to the Investigation of Mossbauer Diffraction Patterns (b) Vol. 110, No. 2, p. K137 —K139 (1982).

5. Mössbauer Spectroscopy R . KTJMAB, YISHWAMITTAB, K . CHANDRA, a n d S . K .


Mössbauer and Magnetic Studies of Feo.95s-zMn x Sio.o32 Ternary Systems (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. 5 4 5 - 5 5 3 (1982). See also 1.3, p. 27; 12.1, p. 131; 18, p. 260; 21.1.1, p. 360. P . P . SEKEGIN a n d P . S. NASKEDINOV

S t u d y of Gold and P l a t i n u m I m p u r i t y Atom S t a t e in Vitreous Arsenic Selenide (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. 7 6 9 - 7 7 5 (1982). See also 2, p. 48; 10.2, p. 108; 14.3, p. 206; 17, p. 256; 22, p. 385. E . ANTOKCIK a n d G U


•Calibration of t h e Isomer Shift for t h e 67.03 and 13.3 keV Transitions of " G e (b) Vol. I l l , No. 1, p. 2 6 1 - 2 7 0 (1982). See also 13, p. 142; 22.1.1, p. 396. G . L . W H I T T L E , S. J . CAMPBELL, a n d A . M . STEWABT

*A Mössbauer S t u d y of t h e Magnetic Hyperfine Field Distribution in t h e Amorphous Alloy Fe 32 Ni 3s Cr 14 P 12 B 6 (a) Vol. 71, No. 1, p. 2 4 5 - 2 5 1 (1982). See also 2, p. 48; 18.2, p. 270; 21.1, p. 349; 21.1.1, p. 361. E . Z. LIVERTS a n d A . K .


*Sternheimer Quadrupole Factors in Ferric Compounds (b) Vol. I l l , No. 2, p. 4 6 9 - 4 7 5 (1982). See also 22.8.2, p. 500. A . A . BAHGAT a n d M . K .


•Absolute Evaluation of Ferrous and Ferric Concentration in Ca Amphibole (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. 5 7 5 - 5 8 1 (1982). See also 22.8, p. 486. P H . BATTER a n d J . M .


•Dipolar Contribution and Quadrupole Effect in GdFe 2 (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. K 1 4 9 - K 1 5 2 (1982). See also 18.3, p. 276; 21.1.1, p. 361. J.

J . PlETEZAK, A. PORIJBSKA, a n d J . SuWALSKI •Mössbauer S t u d y of Copper Ferrites (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. 9 5 - 9 8 (1982). See also 18.3, p. 276; 22.8.2, p. 500.


P . COLOMBET, M . T E I M B L E T , a n d M . D A N O T

Magnetic Properties of t h e Diluted B-Spinels C u ^ C r ^ M ^ S , , (M I V = Sn, Ti) (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. 1 0 5 - 1 1 6 (1982). See also 1.3, p. 29; 18, p. 261; 19, p. 288; 22.8.2, p. 500. V . I . NIKOLAEV, V . S . RUSAKOV, a n d N . I . CHISTYAKOVA

• O n t h e Pressure E f f e c t on t h e Hyperfine Magnetic Field in Spinel-Type Ferrites (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. K 4 5 - K 4 7 (1982). See also 22.8.2, p. 500. P . ORLANDI, A . MAGISTBIS, a n d A . RIGAMONTI

•Mössbauer and Conductivity S t u d y of Ferroelastic Ferric Molybdate (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. 5 4 3 - 5 4 9 (1982). See also 14, p. 191; 22.8.1, p. 496. 5*

Subject Index

68 E . W I E S E R , G . K R A B B E S , a n d E . 1. TERUKOV

Detection of the Metastable Simultaneous Occurrence of High-and Low-Temperature States in Co^Fei—^S by Mossbauer Spectroscopy (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. 6 9 5 - 6 9 9 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 20; 14, p. 191; 18, p. 262; 22.8, p. 488.

K . K . P . SRIVASTAVA a n d S . N . M I S H R A

* Magnetic Relaxation Effects in the Mossbauer Spectrum of Fe 2 + in Gillespite (BaFeSi 4 O 10 ) (b) Vol. 113, No. 1, p. 9 3 - 1 0 4 (1982). See also 22.8, p. 488.


*Ultrasound Modulation of -¡--Radiation in a Medium with Inhomogeneous Distribution of Mossbauer Nuclei (b) Vol. 113, No. 1, p. 1 1 3 - 1 2 4 (1982). See also 7, p. 83.

T . TOJIOV, D . K L I S S U R S K I , a n d I . MITOV

*Mossbauer Study of the Formation of Solid Solutions in the a-Fe 2 0 3 -Al„0 3 System (a) Vol. 73, No. 1, p. 2 4 9 - 2 5 4 (1982). See also 18, p. 263; 22.6, p. 474.


*Mossbauer Effect Study of Polymetallic Nodules from Indian Ocean Bed (a) Vol. 73, No. 1, p. K 1 3 3 - K 1 3 6 (1982). See also 22.8, p. 489.

B . A . S . D E B A R R O S , J R . , C . A . DOS S A N T O S , a n d I . J . R .


Search for Intermetallic Phases in Radiation-Enhanced Diffusion of Tin into Steels (a) Vol. 73, No. 1, p. K 1 3 7 - K 1 4 0 (1982). See also 9, p. 92; 11, p. 126; 21.1.1, p. 362.

F . J . L I T T E R S T a n d V . D . GOROBCHENKO

*Mossbauer Relaxation Spectra for Nuclear Motion in an Octahedral Cage with Reorienting Electric Field Gradient (b) Vol. 113, No. 2, p. K 1 3 5 - K 1 3 8 (1982).

G . A L B A N E S E , M . CARBUCICCHIO, L . P A R E T I , a n d S . R I N A L D I

*Cation Distribution and Magnetic Properties of B a Z n 2 F e i 6 _ x I n x 0 2 7 and BaZn^Feie-ajSc^Oo, Hexagonal Ferrites (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. K 1 9 3 - K 1 9 7 (1982). See also 18, p. 263; 22.8.2, p. 501.

A . E . GELYASIN a n d E . A . VASILEV

Influence of Temperature on Structure and Properties of Mni + ^Sbi—^Sn^ Alloys (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. K 2 2 1 - K 2 2 4 (1982). See also 18.2, p. 272; 18.3, p. 277; 21, p. 341.

P R E M P A U L a n d S . P . PUKT

Impurity-Host to Host-Host Coupling Force Constant Ratio for (b) Vol. 114, No. 1, p. 2 1 3 - 2 2 0 (1982). See also 4, p. 64; 6, p. 80; 10.2, p. 116; 23, p. 509.

R . A . JAGO, P . E . CLARK, a n d P . L . ROSSITER


F e in Rare Gas Solids

*The Santa Catharina Meteorite and the Equilibrium State of Fe-Ni Alloys (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. 2 4 7 - 2 5 4 (1982). See also 1.3, p. 31; 18.2, p. 273; 21.1, p. 356; 21.1.1, p. 363.

5. Mössbauer Spectroscopy


M . S H I M A D A , S . SHIMONO, a n d M . K O I Z U M I

*Mössbauer Effect Studies on (Sri—zSm-JFeC^ Synthesized u n d e r H i g h Oxygen Pressure Conditions (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. K 1 3 - K 1 6 (1982). See also 22.8.1, p. 498. K . CHOTTDHURY, B . K . D A S , C . K . M A J U M D A R , a n d M . A D H I K A B I

*Study of Corrosion of Steel in Acid Medium b y Mössbauer Spectroscopy (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. K 2 7 - K 3 0 (1982). See also 21.1.1, p. 363. L . TAKÂCS, A . V É B T E S , a n d H . L E I D H E I S E R , J R .

*Effect of Stresses on t h e Mössbauer Line-Intensities in Nickel Electrodeposits of [100] Texture (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. K 4 5 - K 4 8 (1982). See also 12.1, p. 133; 18.2, p. 274; 21.1, p. 357. A . ANTONINI, V . FANO, I . ORTALLI, a n d A . V E R A

»Mössbauer S t u d y of t h e Pb^Sni _a;125Te System (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. 5 8 5 - 5 8 8 (1982). See also 22.8, p. 491. P . H . DOMINGUES, T . P . ABSENIO, N . C. FUBTADO, a n d C . A . T A F T

*Quadrupolar and Magnetic Hyperfine Anisotropy in Cesium Dithioferrate (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. K 1 6 1 - K 1 6 3 (1982). See also 18.4, p. 281 ; 22.8.2, p. 502. C. GOHY, A . GÉRAED, a n d F . GRANDJEAN

*Mössbauer S t u d y of W u s t i t e and Mangano-Wustite (a) Vol. 74, No. 2, p. 5 8 3 - 5 9 1 (1982). See also 22.6, p. 476; 22.6.1, p. 478. F . S . NASREDINOV a n d A . V . ERMOLAEV

S t u d y of Compensation of Excess Charge of Tin and Iron I m p u r i t y Atoms in Cobalt Monoxide by Mössbauer Spectroscopy (a) Vol. 74, No. 2, p. 6 3 1 - 6 3 6 (1982). See also 10.2, p. 117; 22.6, p. 476.


Subject Index

6. Lattice Dynamics. Phonons Review


H . BOTTGER a n d V . V . B E Y K S I X

Hopping Conductivity in Ordered and Disordered Systems (III) (b) Vol. 113, No. 1, p. 9 - 4 9 (1982). See also 2, p. 45; 13, p. 139; 13.5.3, p. 188; 14.3, p. 202; 22, p. 382.



and Short


R . N . J O A B D E B a n d R . V . GOPALA R A O

Effective Pair Potential and Thermodynamic Properties of Liquid Noble Metals (b) Vol. 109, No. 1, p. 1 3 7 - 1 4 4 (1982)". See also 4, p. 61; 21.6, p. 374. V . CAPEK a n d R . W . M U N N

From Band to Hopping Diffusion of Excitons and Charge Carriers in Molecular Crystals (II): Results for Local and Weak Nonlocal Electron-Phonon Coupling (b) Vol. 109, No. 1, p. 2 4 5 - 2 5 3 (1982). See also 13.5.1, p. 181; 22, p. 382. V . R I E D E , H . N E U M A N N , F . L E V Y , a n d H . SOBOTTA

*Polarization- and Temperature-Dependent Two-Phonon Absorption Spectra in InSe (b) Vol. 109, No. 1, p. 2 7 5 - 2 8 1 (1982). See also 20.1, p. 298; 22.3, p. 433. F . H E N N E B E B G E B , N . S . AVEBKIEV, a n d R . J . RASULOV

On a New Photogalvanic Effect Due to Free-Carrier Absorption (b) Vol. 109, No. 1, p. 3 4 3 - 3 5 1 (1982). See also 13.1, p. 148; 16, p. 249; 22.1.3, p. 417. T . SOMA a n d H . M A T S U O

*Lindeman's Melting Law and t h e Effect of Pressure on t h e Melting Point of Si and Ge (b) Vol. 109, No. 1, p. 3 8 7 - 3 9 1 (1982). See also 8, p. 84; 12.2, p. 134; 22.1.1, p. 395; 22.1.2, p. 400. J . SHANKER a n d K . SINGH

*Evaluation of t h e Grüneisen Parameter for NaCl-Structure Alkali Halide Crystals (b) Vol. 109, No. 1, p. 4 1 1 - 4 1 6 (1982). See also 22.5.2, p. 454. G . J E A N D E L , A . W A B I N , G . V I L L E R M A I N - L E C O L I E R e t G . MORLOT

*Absorption induite dans l'infrarouge lointain par l'ion Y 3 + dans BaF 2 (Long-Wavelength I n f r a r e d Absorption Due to Y 3 + Ion in BaF 2 ) (b) Vol. 109, No. 1, p. K 3 9 - K 4 0 (1982). See also 20.1, p. 299; 22.5.3, p. 465.

T . SOMA, J . S A T O N , a n d H . M A T S U O

""Temperature Dependence of the Linear Thermal Expansion Coefficient and Phonon Curves a t t h e Covalent-Ionic Transition Pressure of ZnS, ZnSe, and ZnTe (b) Vol. 109, No. 1, p. K 4 7 - K 5 1 (1982). Erratum (b) Vol. I l l , No. 1, p. K67 (1982). See also 8, p. 84; 22.4.1, p. 439; 22.4.2, p. 442; 22.4.3, p. 445.

6. Lattice Dynamics. Phonons



*Lattice Thermal Conductivity of Noncrystalline Material at Low Temperatures. Application to Borosilicate Glass (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. 1 2 1 - 1 2 6 (1982). See also 2, p. 45; 8, p. 84; 22.8.1, p. 492. H . - J . FITTING a n d J . - U . FRIEJIANN

Monte-Carlo Studies of the Electron Mobility in SiO. (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. 3 4 9 - 3 5 8 (1982). See also 13, p. 140; 14.3.4, p. 227; 22.6, p. 468. L . WOJTCZAK, T . SIKLÖS, B . MRYGON, a n d J . MIELNICKI

*Lattice Constant Fluctuations in Anharmonic Crystals (b) Vol. 109, No. 2, p. 4 8 3 - 4 9 3 (1982). V . SHAMRAI, K . BOHMHAMMEL a n d G . W O L F

The Heat Capacity of NbjSnH^ in Dependence on the Hydrogen Content (b) Vol. 109, No. 2, p. 511 - 5 1 7 (1982). See also 8, p. 85; 14.2, p. 199; 21, p. 331. E . GTJTSOHE

*Non-Condon Approximations and the Static Approach in the Theory of Non-Radiative Multiphonon Transitions (b) Vol. 109, No. 2, p. 5 8 3 - 5 9 7 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 164; 20.3, p. 319; 22, p. 383. K . PETJKER, R . ENDERLEIN, A . SCHENK, a n d E . GUTSCHE

*Theory of Non-Radiative Multiphonon Capture Processes. Solution of Old Controversies (b) Vol. 109, No. 2, p. 5 9 9 - 6 0 6 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 164; 20.3, p. 319; 22, p. 383. F . SUKEGAWA, M . K O B A Y A S H I , a n d I . YOKOTA

*Collective Motion in Silver Chalcogenides (b) Vol. 109, No. 2, p. 7 1 7 - 7 2 5 (1982). See also 13.5.2, p. 187; 14, p. 190; 22, p. 383. W . KRAAK, R . HERRMANN, a n d H . HAUPT

"•Investigation of the Charge Carrier Scattering in Bi under High Hydrostatic Pressure (b) Vol. 109, No. 2, p. 7 8 5 - 7 9 2 (1982). See also 14, p. 190; 21.7, p. 379. C. TRAILERO GINER

•Long-Wave Secondary Radiation in Polar Semiconductors as a Function of Temperature (b) Vol. 109, No. 2, p. 8 1 7 - 8 2 4 (1982). See also 20, p. 294; 22, p. 384. P . TRZASKOMA, J . Z I E L I N S K I , a n d M . SZOPA

*On the Role of Phonons for t h e Pressure Induced Change of Valence (b) Vol. 109, No. 2, p. K 1 2 9 - K 1 3 2 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 15; 21.4, p. 369. A . G R A J A , R . S W I E T L I K , J . P E T Z E L T , a n d L . DOBIASOVA.

Phase Transition in MTPP(TCNQ) 2 Single Crystals by Infrared Reflection Measurements (a) Vol. 69, No. 2, p. K 2 0 5 - K 2 0 8 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 15; 20.1, p. 301; 22.9, p. 503.

Subject Index

72 P . PAUL, S. P . PURI, D . R A J , a n d R . K . PURI

Force Constant Change in S n - I m p u r i t y Systems: 1 0 7 Pd: 1 1 9 Sn, (b) Vol. 110, No. 1, p. 8 1 - 8 7 (1982). See also 5, p. 66; 10.1, p. 97; 21.1, p. 345; 21.6, p. 375.


Au: 1 1 9 Sn, and 6 3 - 5 Cu : ,I9 Sri


*Generalized Internal Strains (b) Vol. 110, No. 1, p. 1 6 9 - 1 7 4 (1982). See also 12, p. 129. V . N . DENISOV, B . N . MAVRIN, V . B . PODOBEDOV, a n d K H . E . S T E R I X

*Hyper-Raman Scattering by Phonons and Mixed Polaritons in a Calcite Crystal (b) Vol. 110, No. 1, p. 1 8 3 - 1 8 9 (1982). See also 20.1, p. 302; 22.8.1, p. 493. S . MOCHIZUKI

I n f r a r e d Spectra of NiO Microcrystals a t High Temperatures (b) Vol. 110, No. 1, p. 2 1 9 - 2 2 5 (1982). See also 20.1, p. 302-, 22.6, p. 469. G . &.6SAREK, S . IDZIAK, N . P I S L E W S K I , a n d J . STANKOWSKI

Anisotropy of t h e Relaxation Time T i of N H 3 Groups in Triglycine Sulphate Crystals (b) Vol. 110, No. 1, p. 2 3 3 - 2 3 8 (1982). See also 19, p. 284; 22.9, p. 504.


*Reststrahlen Spectra of Cerium Dioxide (b) Vol. 110, No. 1, p. K 1 - K 4 (1982). See also 20.1, p. 302; 22.6, p. 469. SH. M. EFENDIEV,







* R a m a n Scattering in Pb(Mo0 4 ) x ( W 0 4 ) i _ j Mixed Crystals (b) Vol. 110, No. 1, p. K 2 1 - K 2 6 (1982). See also 20.1, p. 302 ; 22.8.1, p. 493. J . A . YAKIMAVICHIUS, R . P . P U R L Y S , a n d A . J . SHIRVAITIS

*Temperature Dependence of Mean-Square Dynamic Displacements and Characteristic Temperatures of A I T B V I Compounds (b) Vol. 110, No. 1, p. K 5 1 - K 5 6 (1982). See also 22.4, p. 437; 22.4.1, p. 440; 22.4.2, p. 442; 22.4.3, p. 445. L . S C H U M A N N , A . L E H M A N N , H . SOBOTTA, V . R I E D E , U . T E S C H N E R , a n d K . H U B N E R

*Infrared Studies of Reactively Sputtered SiO^ Films in t h e Composition Range 0.2 g x g 1.9 (b) Vol. 110, No. 1, p. K 6 9 - K 7 3 (1982). See also 2, p. 47; 20.1, p. 302; 22.6, p. 469. E . P . POKATILOV a n d S . I . B E R I L

*Spatially E x t e n d e d Optical Interface Modes in Two-Layer Periodical Structure (b) Vol. 110, No. 1, p. K 7 5 - K 7 8 (1982). See also 22.2.3, p. 427. S . L . CHAPLOT, G . S . P A W L E Y , B . D O R N E R , V . K . J I N D A L , J . K A L U S , a n d I . N A T K A N I E C

*Calculated Low Frequency Phonon Dispersion in Anthracene-d 1 0 (b) Vol. 110, No. 2, p. 4 4 5 - 4 5 4 (1982). See also 22.9, p. 504.

6. Lattice Dynamics. Phonons


F . BREHAT, B . WYNCKE, a n d M. E L


*Lattice Mode Anharmonicity in Sodium Nitrite (b) Vol. 110, No. 2, p. 4 9 9 - 5 0 6 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 16; 14.4.1, p. 241; 20.1, p. 303; 22.8.1, p. 494.

A . BECKMANN, E . K O L L E Y , a n d W .


*On Superconductivity in Narrow-Band Alloys (b) Vol. 110, No. 2, p. 5 5 7 - 5 6 4 (1982). See also 14.2, p. 199; 21.1, p. 347.

S . B E D N A R E K a n d XJ. R Ö S S L E R

*Method of Invariants Applied to Indirect Gap Absorption (b) Vol. 110, No. 2, p. 5 6 5 - 5 7 0 (1982). See also 20.1, p. 303; 22.1.2, p. 404; 22.2.2, p. 424.

R . M . A G R A VAT. a n d R . P . S . R A T H O R E

i n t e r a c t i o n s in Non-Simple F.C.C. Metals (b) Vol. 110, No. 2, p. 6 7 7 - 6 8 6 (1982). See also 4, p. 62; 12.1, p. 131; 21, p. 334; 21.1, p. 347.

M. SEKITA, M. ISHII, a n d Y .


* Raman Scattering in Bi„Ge 3 0 9 (b) Vol. 110, No. 2, p. K 1 4 1 - K 1 4 4 (1982). See also 20.1, p. 304; 22.8, p. 483.

I . Z . KOSTADINOV a n d V U T H I


*Temperature Dependence of the Phonon Spectra of ß-Agl (b) Vol. I l l , No. 1, p. 5 3 - 5 8 (1982). See also 20.1, p. 304; 22.5.1, p. 453.


*Second- and Third-Order Processes in the Theory of Spin-Lattice Relaxation (b) Vol. I l l , No. 1, p. 7 7 - 8 2 (1982). See also 13, p. 142; 18.1, p. 265; 19, p. 286.

J . L . M I A N E , F . CARMONA, a n d P . D E L H A E S

Microwave Measurements of the Thermal Expansion of Organic Metals (b) Vol. I l l , No. 1, p. 2 3 5 - 2 4 5 (1982). See also 8, p. 86; 14.1, p. 195; 22.9, p. 505.

M. S.


*The Bond-Bending Force Model (BBFM) for Phonons in ß-SiC (b) Vol. I l l , No. 1, p. 3 3 7 - 3 4 0 (1982). See also 22.3, p. 433.

K . R . ZHDANOV a n d F . S . R A K H M E N K U L O V

*Influence of Electron-Phonon Interaction on Electronic Heat Capacity of Nb (b) Vol. I l l , No. 1, p. 3 6 1 - 3 6 4 (1982). See also 8, p. 86; 21, p. 334.

T . M . GASYMOV, A . A . KATANOV, a n d F . K . KOCHARLI

*Propagation of Strong Electromagnetic Waves in Kane Semiconductors under Conditions of Electron and Phonon Heating (b) Vol. I l l , No. 1, p. 3 8 3 - 3 9 5 (1982). See also 13, p. 143; 14.3.4, p. 228; 22, p. 386.


Subject Index


*Polariton and Spatial Dispersion Effects in Exciton Spectra of Xenon Cryocrystals (b) Vol. I l l , No. 1, p. 3 9 7 - 4 0 6 (1982). See also 13.5.1, p. 183; 20.1, p. 305; 20.3, p. 322; 23, p. 509. V . I . ZTJBOV

*Unsymmetrized Self-Consistent Field Approximation for Imperfect Strongly Anharmonic Crystals (b) Vol. I l l , No. 1, p. 4 1 7 - 4 2 3 (1982). See also 8, p. 86; 10, p. 94. K . P . R o y , V . R A D H A K R I S H N A N , a n d P . C . SHAKMA

*Three-Phonon Scattering Processes in p-Type Mercury Telluride (b) Vol. I l l , No. 1, p. K 3 7 - K 4 1 (1982). See also 8, p. 86; 22.4.3, p. 446. K . S . DTTBEY

*Role of Boundary Scattering in Phonon Drag Thermoelectric Power and Lattice Thermal Conductivity of a Doped Semiconductor at Low Temperatures: Application to Phosphorus Doped Ge (b) Vol. I l l , No. 1, p. K 4 9 - K 5 4 (1982). See also 8, p. 86; 15, p. 246; 22.1.1, p. 397. B . R . SOOD

*Suitability of NaF as a Phaser Material (a) Vol. 71, No. 1, p. K 1 1 7 - K 1 1 9 (1982). See also 10.2, p. 109; 20.2, p. 317; 22.5.2, p. 457. T . IKARI, S . SHIGETOMI, a n d K . HASHIMOTO

*Crystal Structure and Raman Spectra of InSe (b) Vol. I l l , No. 2, p. 4 7 7 - 4 8 1 (1982). See also 1.3, p. 28; 20.1, p. 305; 22.3, p. 433. F . BROSENS a n d J . T . D E V R E E S E

Time-Dependent Momentum Distribution of Polarons at Arbitrary Temperature and Electric Field (b) Vol. I l l , No. 2, p. 5 9 1 - 5 9 7 (1982). See also 13.5.3, p. 188. B . S C H Ü G E R L a n d H . KTTZMANY

*Isomerization and Disorder of Polyacetylene Induced by Doping (b) Vol. I l l , No. 2, p. 6 0 7 - 6 1 7 (1982). See also 20.1, p. 306; 22.9, p. 505. E . SIGMUND a n d K . LASSMANN

*The Influence of t h e Dynamic Jahn-Teller Effect on the Phonon-Scattering Mechanism at Acceptors in Semiconductors with Cubic Symmetry (b) Vol. I l l , No. 2, p. 6 3 1 - 6 3 7 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 170; 22, p. 387. C. PATEL, W . F . SHERMAN, a n d G . R . WILKINSON

*Lattice Dynamics of GaP under Hydrostatic Pressures (b) Vol. I l l , No. 2, p. 6 4 9 - 6 5 7 (1982). See also 20.1, p. 306; 22.2.2, p. 425.

6. Lattice Dynamics. Phonons


T . SOMA a n d H . MATSTJO

*Debye-Waller Factor of Si and Ge (b) Vol. I l l , No. 2, p. K 9 3 - K 9 7 (1982). See also 22.1.1, p. 397; 22.1.2, p. 407. A . L E H M A N N , L . S C H U M A N N , H . SOBOTTA, V . R I E D E , U . T E S C H N E R , a n d K . H Ü B N E R

*LO-TO Mode Splittings and Dynamic Effective Charges of Oxygen in Reactively Sputtered SiO x Determined by I R Spectroscopy (b) Vol. I l l , No. 2, p. K 1 0 3 - K 1 0 6 (1982). See also 2, p. 49; 20.1, p. 306; 22.6, p. 472. A . N . ABBASOV, K . R . A L L A K H V E R D I E V , F . G . A L I E V , a n d R . M . ZAMANOVA

*Far-Infrared Absorption Spectra of CdInAlS4 Single Crystals (b) Vol. I l l , No. 2, p. K 1 2 9 - K 1 3 1 (1982). See also 20.1, p. 306; 22.8, p. 485. V . P . IZVEKOV, A . W A T T E R I C H , T . G Y Ö R G Y I , a n d E . PTJNGOR

*Infrared Properties of Doped and Irradiated NaCl Crystals (b) Vol. I l l , No. 2, p. K 1 5 3 - K 1 5 6 (1982). See also 20.1, p. 307; 22.5.2, p. 458. H . ARASHI a n d M . ISHIGAME

*Raman Spectroscopic Studies of the Polymorphism in Zr0 2 at High Pressures (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. 3 1 3 - 3 2 1 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 18; 20.1, p. 307; 22.6, p. 472. J . F . J . JORDAN, A . AXMANN, H . EGGER, a n d J . K A L U S

Temperature Dependence of the Compressibility of d s -NaphthaIene (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. 4 5 7 - 4 6 2 (1982). See also 1, p. 10; 12.2, p. 135; 22.9, p. 505. J . K . KRÜGER, M . PIETRALLA, a n d H . - G . U N B U H

*The Elastic Properties of Hexatriacontane Single Crystals at Their Various Phase Transitions (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. 4 9 3 - 5 0 4 (1982). See also 1.2 , p.18; 12.2, p. 135; 22.9, p. 505. K . BOHMHAMMEL, P . D E U S , G . K Ü H N , a n d W . MÖLLER

*Specific Heat, Debye Temperature, and Related Properties of Chalcopyrite Semiconducting Compounds CuGaSe,, CuGaTe2, and CuInTe 2 (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p" 5 0 5 - 5 1 0 (1982). See also 8, p. 87; 22.8, p. 485. M . G . KAPLTTNOV, K . I . P O K H O D N I Y A , a n d Y U . G . B O R O D K O

Temperature Dependence of Reflection Spectra of Conductive TCNQ Salts (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. 6 4 9 - 6 5 6 (1982). See also 14.3.4, p. 229; 20.1, p. 307; 22.9, p. 505. S. R . SINGH a n d S. SINGH

*Phonon Scattering in Plastically Deformed Ge (b) Vol. 112, No. 1, p. 5 1 - 5 4 (1982). See also 10.2, p. 110; 22.1.1, p. 397. B . S . UMAROV, V . S . G O R E L I K , M . M . S C S H I N S K H , a n d J . F . V E T E L I N O

*Raman Scattering from Nonfundamental States in Ammonium Chloride Crystals a t Low Temperatures (b) Vol. 112, No. 1, p. 6 9 - 7 3 (1982). See also 20.1, p. 307; 22.5, p. 451.

S u b j e c t Index


An I n t e r a t o m i c P a i r P o t e n t i a l for Aluminium. Calculation of Stacking F a u l t Energy (b) Vol. 112, No. 1, p. 8 3 - 8 9 (1982). See also 4, p. 63; 21, p. 336. S . GHOSH a n d V . K .


E f f e c t of Magnetostatic Field on t h e S t i m u l a t e d R a m a n S c a t t e r i n g of Transversely Polarized Electromagnetic Waves and R a m a n I n s t a b i l i t y in Semiconductor Plasmas (b) Vol. 112, No. 1, p. 1 1 9 - 1 3 1 (1982). See also 13, p. 144; 20, p. 295; 22.2.3, p. 428. T . SOMA, Y . K I M U R A , a n d H . - M .


*Compression E f f e c t on t h e L a t t i c e Dynamics of Alkali Metals (b) Vol. 112, No. 1, p. 1 5 1 - 1 5 4 (1982). See also 12.1, p. 131; 21.2, p. 366. P . D E U S , V . F R E I , 0 . B I L E K , a n d W . CORDTS

* E s t i m a t i o n of F o r c e Constants and Phonons Frequencies of T e r n a r y Semiconducting Compounds with Chalcopyrite S t r u c t u r e from Specific H e a t D a t a (b) Vol. 112, No. 1, p. 2 6 9 - 2 7 7 (1982). See also 4, p. 6 3 ; 22.8, p. 486. V . M. YARTSEV

*Electron-MoIecular Vibration Coupling in Trimerized Organic I o n - R a d i c a l Semiconductors (b) Vol. 112, No. 1, p. 2 7 9 - 2 8 7 (1982). See also 20.1, p. 3 0 8 ; 22.9, p. 506. G . MADORE, J . D . N . C H E E K E , D . HTJET, a n d J . - P .


* P h o t o - E x c i t e d Acoustic Phonons in I n S b and Ge (b) Vol. 112, No. 1, p. K 1 - K 4 (1982). See also 22.1.1, p. 3 9 7 ; 22.2.3, p. 4 2 8 . F . K H . A B D U L A B E V , A . A . ABDTJMALIKOV, a n d A . S .


* T h e Dynamics of Solitons in One-Dimensional Molecular Crystals (b) Vol. 112, No. 1, p. K 5 - K 1 0 (1982). See also 13.5, p. 179; 22, p. 387. H . NEUMANN, W . K I S S I N G E R , R . D . TOMLINSON, a n d N . AVGERINOS

*Two-Phonon Absorption S p e c t r a in CuInTe., (b) Vol. 112, No. 1, p. K 1 9 - K 2 3 (1982). See also 20.1, p. 308; 22.8, p. 487. A. HEINRICH, E . I . TERUKOV, W . REICHELT, H . WAGNER, a n d H .


I R - A b s o r p t i o n in Doped and Undoped VO,, (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. K 6 1 - K 6 4 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 19; 20.1, p._308; 22.6, p. 472. I . S H . AKHMADULLIN a n d R . V . SABUROVA

*Phonon Scattering b y Paraelectrical Centers in Crystals ( I ) : General (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p. 3 6 7 - 3 7 8 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 171. R.



An I n t e r a t o m i c P a i r P o t e n t i a l for Copper. Calculation of S t a c k i n g F a u l t E n e r g y (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p. 3 9 1 - 3 9 8 (1982). See also 10.1, p. 99; 21.1, p. 351

6. Lattice Dynamics. Phonons



*Nonequivalence of De Launay and Clark, Gazis and Wallis Angular Force Models (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p. 4 6 3 - 4 7 1 (1982). See also 4, p. 63. H . D . LUTZ a n d G . K L I C H E

Far-Infrared Reflection Spectra, Optical and Dielectric Constants, Effective Charges, and Lattice Dynamics of the Skutterudites CoP 3 „ CoAs3, and CoSb3 (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p. 5 4 9 - 5 5 7 (1982). See also 13.5.2, p. 187; 20.1, p. 309; 22, p. 388. J . SHANKER a n d K . SINGH

•Analysis of the Grüneisen Parameter and its Volumne Dependence in Alkali Halide Crystals (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p. 6 1 5 - 6 2 0 (1982). See also 4, p. 63; 12.2, p. 136; 22.5.2, p. 459. R . KHANNA

*Force Model Dependence and Asymptotic Behaviour of the Static Lattice Green Function for H.C.P. Crystals (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p. 6 6 7 - 6 7 4 (1982). See also 10.1, p. 99; 21.1, p. 351; 21.3, p. 368. 0 . P . BURMISTROVA a n d V . A . KOSOBUKIN

Radiative Decay of Surface Collective Excitations in Polarizable Cylinders (b) Vol. 112» No. 2, p. 6 7 5 - 6 8 3 (1982). See also 13.3, p. 160; 13.5.2, p. 187; 20, p. 296. R . K . SINGH a n d S . L . CHAPLOT

*Lattice Mechanics of Molecular Solid Sodium Nitrate (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p. 7 1 7 - 7 2 4 (1982). See also 22.8.1, p. 496. R . K . SINGH a n d D . K . N E B

Role of Zero-Point Motion and Three-Body Effects in t h e Study of Crystal Properties of Rare Gas Solids (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p. 7 3 5 - 7 4 6 (1982). See also 4, p. 63; 8, p. 88; 12.2, p. 136; 23, p. 509. K . R . ALLAKHVERDIEV, M . M . GODZHAEV, A . I . NADZHAFOV, a n d R . M . SARDARLY

*Light Scattering Spectra of the Solid Solutions TlGaa:Ini_:cSe22;S2(i-:t) (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p. K 9 3 - K 9 7 (1982). See also 20.1, p. 309; 22.8, p. 488. T . SOMA, Y . K A T A B I B A , a n d H . M . K A G A Y A

*Mode Grüneisen Parameter for Long-Wave Phonons of Si-Ge Solid Solution (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p. K 9 9 - K 1 0 2 (1982). See also 8, p. 88; 12.2, p. 136; 22.3, p. 434. YTJ. E . P E R L I N , A . A . KAMJNSKTI, M . G . BLAZHA, a n d V . N . E N A K I I

Multiphonon Nonradiative Transitions of TR 3 + Ions in Y3A15012 and LU3A16012 Garnets (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p. K 1 2 5 - K 1 3 0 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 172; 20, p. 296; 22.8.2, p. 501. 0 . A . C. NUNES

•Parametric Instability of Phonons in Free-Carrier Semiconductors (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p. K 1 3 1 - K 1 3 5 (1982). See also 22.2.3, p. 428.

Subject Index


* D y n a m i c s of Solitons in t h e D i s o r d e r e d A n h a r m o n i c Chain (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p . K 1 3 7 - K 1 4 2 (1982). See also 13.5.4, p. 189. R . A . AXIEV, K . R . AÌLAKHVERDIEV, R . M . SARDARLY, a n d V . E . SHTEINSHREIBER

*Angular B e h a v i o u r of t h e P o l a r O p t i c a l P h o n o n s in A m B m C 2 1 L a y e r e d S e m i c o n d u c t o r s (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p. K 1 5 3 - K 1 5 6 (1082). See also 22.8, p. 488. R . GORING, K . K N E I P P , a n d H . N A S S

I n v e s t i g a t i o n of Glasses in t h e B a 0 - B 2 0 3 - G e 0 2 S y s t e m w i t h Low B a O C o n t e n t b y N M R a n d R a m a n Spectroscopy (a) Vol. 72, N o . 2, p. 6 2 3 - 6 3 0 (1982). See also 2, p. SI; 19, p. 289; 20.1, p. 309; 22.6, p. 473. M . W O L F , E . I . TERTJKOV, W . R E I C H E L T , a n d H . O P P E R M A N N

I n f l u e n c e of 1 8 0 S u b s t i t u t i o n on t h e H i g h - T e m p e r a t u r e P h a s e T r a n s i t i o n of Cr-Doped Vo03 and I t s Relation to Low-Temperature Phase Transition (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. 6 5 5 - 6 5 9 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 20-, 14.1, p . 196; 14.3, p. 209; 18, p. 262; 22.6, p. 473. M . H I D A K A , K . I X O U E , B . J . GARRARD, a n d B . M . W A N K L Y N

S t u d y of S t r u c t u r a l P h a s e T r a n s i t i o n s in t h e L a y e r C o m p o u n d R b V F 4 (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. 8 0 9 - 8 1 6 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 20; 8, p . 88; 22.8, p. 488. B . K U M A R a n d K . S . SHARMA

*A P s e u d o p o t e n t i a l Calculation of P h o n o n s in Copper (b) Vol. 113, No. 1, p. 7 3 - 7 8 (1982). See also 12,1, p. 132; 13.1, p. 153; 21.1, p. 352. I . S H . A K H J I A D U L L I N a n d R . V . SABTJROVA

* P h o n o n S c a t t e r i n g b y P a r a e l e c t r i c a l Centers in Crystals ( I I ) : Lowest Order A p p r o x i m a t i o n (b) Vol. 118, No. 1, p. 1 3 7 - 1 4 5 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 174. F . PROKERT

* N e u t r o n S c a t t e r i n g S t u d i e s on S t r o n t i u m B a r i u m N i o b a t e (b) Vol. 118, No. 1, p . 2 3 9 - 2 5 2 (1982). See also 12.2, p. 136; 14.4.1, p. 242; 22.8.1, p. 496. T . SATO a n d S . T A T E Y A M A

* T e m p e r a t u r e D e p e n d e n c e of t h e L i n e w i d t h of F i r s t - O r d e r R a m a n S p e c t r u m for C d P , Crystals (b) Vol. 113, No. 1, p . 2 9 1 - 2 9 9 (1982). See also 20.1, p. 310; 22.5, p. 452. D . VERGNAT-GRANDJEAU, P . VERGNAT, a n d J . - F . BRICE

* L a t t i c e V i b r a t i o n s of A l k a l i n e - E e a r t h H y d r i d e - F l u o r i d e Mixed Crystals D e t e r m i n e d f r o m I n f r a r e d Spectroscopy (b) Vol. 113, N o . 1, p . 3 5 3 - 3 6 0 (1982). See also 20.1, p. 310; 22.5.4, p. 467.

6. Lattice Dynamics. Phonons



Investigation of Concentration Dependence of the Low Temperature Heat Capacity of KCl with O H - Molecular Impurity (b) Vol. 113, No. 1, p. K 2 7 - K 3 0 (1982). See also 8, p. 88; 22.5.2, p. 460. V . P . IOKDATII a n d L . Z . K o u

Influence of the Phonon Frequency Dispersion on the Critical Temperature of Superconductors (b) Vol. 113, No. 1, p. K 6 7 - K 7 1 (1982). See also 14.2, p. 200. K . I . WYSOKINSKI a n d A . L . KTJZEMSKY

Electron-Phonon Interaction in Disordered Transition Metal Alloys (b) Vol. 113, No. 2, p. 4 0 9 - 4 2 0 (1982). See also 2, p. 52; 8, p. 89; 21.1, p. 354. S. YAMAZAKI, M. KISHI, a n d T . KATODA

*Calculation of Excess Eree Energy of Mixing and Analysis of Phonon Spectra with Clustering Parameter in I I I - V Pseudobinary Alloys (b) Vol. 113, No. 2, p. 4 2 1 - 4 3 0 (1982). See also 22.2.4, p. 431. A . I . BOBRYSHEVA, 1 . 1 . JERTJ, a n d S . A . MGSKALEXKO

The Isotopic Shift of the Excitonic Absorption Lines in Cu 2 0 Crystals (b) Vol. 113, No. 2, p. 4 3 9 - 4 4 5 (1982). See also 13.5.1, p. 184; 20.1, p. 311; 22.6, p. 474. M. YA. VALAKH, M. P . LISITSA, G. S . PEKAB, G. N . POLYSSKII, V . I . SIDORENKO, a n d A . M. YAREMKO

*Anharmonic Coupling of Phonon Modes in Mixed Zn^Cdi—sSe Crystals (b) Vol. 113, No. 2, p. 6 3 5 - 6 4 5 (1982). See also 20.1, p. 312; 22.4.4, p. 449. R . D . BIJALWAN a n d P . N . BAM

*Low-Temperature Lattice Specific Heat of CuAl (b) Vol. 113, No. 2, p. 6 9 1 - 6 9 6 (1982). See also 8, p. 89; 21, p. 340; 21.1, p. 354. G. GÖMEZ-SANTOS a n d P . YNDUEAIN

New Theoretical Method for Studying Elementary Excitations in Crystalline Disordered Alloys. Application to Phonons in Ni^Pti-® (b) Vol. 113, No. 2, p. 6 9 7 - 7 0 7 (1982). See also 13.5, p. 179; 21.1, p. 354; 21.6, p. 378. J . SHANKEB a n d K . SINGH

*Analysis of Crystal Binding and Grüneisen Parameter in Cesium Halides, Silver Halides, and Alkaline Earth Oxides (b) Vol. 113, No. 2, p. 7 3 7 - 7 4 5 (1982). See also 4, p. 64; 22.5.1, p. 453; 22.5.2, p. 461; 22.6, p. 474. T. G. KERIJIOVA, E . Y U . SALAEV, A . SH. KHIDIROV, N . G. DERVISHOV, a n d SH. M. EFENDIEV

*Effect of Cationic Ordering on Vibrational Spectra of CdIn„S4 (b) V o l . 1 1 3 , N o . 2 , p . K 1 0 7 - K 1 0 9 ( 1 9 8 2 ) .

See also 20.1, p. 312; 22.8, p. 489.


Subject Index


* Lattice Dynamics of I n P under H y d r o s t a t i c Pressures (b) Vol. 114, No. 1, p. 1 6 9 - 1 7 4 (1982). See also 12.2, p. 137; 20.1, p. 314; 22.2.2, p. 426. S . MOCHIZUKI

*Infrared Optical Properties of Cerium Dioxide (b) Vol. 114, No. 1, p. 1 8 9 - 1 9 9 (1982). See also 20.1, p. 314; 22.6, p. 475. PREM PAUL a n d S. P . PUKI

* I m p u r i t y - H o s t to H o s t - H o s t Coupling Force Constant R a t i o for (b) Vol. 114, No. 1, p. 2 1 3 - 2 2 0 (1982). See also 4, p. 64; 5, p. 68; 10.2, p. 116; 23, p. 509.


Fe in R a r e Gas Solids

R . K . SINGH a n d R . D . SINGH

Study of Lattice Statics and Allied Properties of Zincblende-Type Compound Semiconductors (b) Vol. 114, No. 1, p. 2 3 5 - 2 4 2 (1982). See also 4, p. 64 ; 12.2, p. 137; 22.2, p. 419; 22.4, p. 438. V . P . GUPTA a n d C. P . AGRAWAL

*Rydberg Potential in Diatomic Ionic Crystals (b) Vol. 114, No. 1, p. 2 6 5 - 2 7 0 (1982). See also 4, p. 65; 8, p. 89; 12.2, p. 137; 22.5.2, p. 462; 22.6, p. 475. B . B . TRIPATHI, H . C. GUPTA, a n d M . V . N . AMBIKA PRASAD

* Effect of Polarizability in t h e Phonon Spectrum of Zinc-Blende Compounds (b) Vol. 114, No. 1, p. K 1 1 - K 1 4 (1982). See also 4, p. 65; 22.2.2, p. 426; 22.2.3, p. 429. J . KIERUL a n d A . SUKIENNICKI

*On t h e Possibility of Electron Trapping by L a t t i c e Solitary Waves (b) Vol. 114, No. 1, p. K 2 1 - K 2 3 (1982). See also 13, p. 146. J . SHANKER a n d R . K . VABSHNEY

T e m p e r a t u r e Dependence of Elastic Constants of Alkali Halide Crystals (b) Vol. 114, No. 1, p. K 7 1 - K 7 4 (1982). See also 12.2, p. 137; 22.5.2, p. 463. J . S. BROWN

*Some I m p r o v e d Lennard- Jones 6 - 1 2 Potentials for Methane (b) Vol. 114, No. 1, p. K 9 1 - K 9 6 (1982). See also 22.9, p. 507. G . M . RAMANS, J . V . GABRUSENOKS, a n d A . A . VEISPALS

S t r u c t u r e of Tungstic Acids and Amorphous a n d Crystalline W 0 3 Thin Films (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. K 4 1 - K 4 4 (1982). See also 2, p. 54; 8, p. 90; 20.1, p. 315; 22.6, p. 476; 22.8, p. 490. L . W E I S S a n d H . ESCHRIG

*Phonon Anomalies in Copper (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. 4 1 9 - 4 2 7 (1982). See also 13.2, p. 157; 21.1, p. 357.

6. Lattice Dynamics. Phonons



*Coherent-Potential'Approximation for Vibrations in Gai__ T In I Sb and Gai_. T In,jAs Mixed Crystals (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. 4 5 9 - 4 6 6 (1982). See also 20.1, p. 315; 22.2.4, p. 431.


Repulsive Energy and the Grüneisen Parameter of Alkali Halides Calculated on the Basis of a Quantum-Statistical ab Initio Theory (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. 5 8 9 - 5 9 8 (1982). See also 4, p. 65; 12.2, p. 138; 22.5.2, p. 463. V . M . FOMIST a n d E . P . POKATILOV

Conductivity of Semiconductors Influenced by Strong Electromagnetic Radiation (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. 6 1 5 - 6 2 5 (1982). See also 13, p. 147; 14.3.4, p. 232; 22, p. 391.

R . K . SINGH a n d S . P . S A N Y A L

*Debye-Waller Factors for Alkaline E a r t h Oxides (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. 6 3 7 - 6 4 3 (1982). See also 4, p. 65; 22.6, p. 476.

A . M . KUZNETSOV a n d J . U L S T R U P

On t h e Theory of Long-Range Electron Hopping in Polar Media (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. 6 7 3 - 6 8 3 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 177; 22, p. 392.


Nonhomogeneous Kinetics of Quasiparticles in Steady-State P a c k e t Representation (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. 6 8 5 - 6 9 4 (1982). See also 13, p. 147; 13.5.1, p. 186.


*Vibrational Relaxation in the E x c i t e d Electronic S t a t e (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. 7 2 1 - 7 3 0 (1982). See also 20.3, p. 328; 22.5.2, p. 463.

K . BOHMHAMMEL, P . D E U S , a n d H . A . S C H N E I D E R

i n v e s t i g a t i o n of Acoustic Phonon Modes of GaP and Compound Semiconductors A n B I V C y by Specific Heat Measurements (a) Vol. 74, No. 2, p. 4 8 5 - 4 9 2 (1982). See also 8, p. 90; 22.2.2, p. 4 2 6 ; 22.8, p. 491.


On t h e Geometrical Condition for X - R a y Scattering by Thermal Waves in Crystals (a) Vol. 74, No. 2, p. 6 3 7 - 6 4 9 (1982). See also 1.1, p. 13; 22, p. 392; 22.1.1, p. 399; 22.1.2, p. 4 1 6 ; 22.5.2, p. 464.

6 physica, lieg.-Bd. 15

Subject Index

82 7. Acoustic Properties Original Papers and, Short


P. Palanichamy and S. P. Singh •Change in Electron Mass and Collision Frequency Due to Acoustic Wave Propagation in Piezoelectric Semiconductors ( b ) V o l . 1 0 9 , N o . 1, p . 1 1 9 - 1 2 3

See also 13, p. 139;


22.4.1, p. 4 3 9 .

A. WlTEK *The Effect of Illumination on Anomalous Ultrasonic Attenuation in Doped Single Crystals of Bi12GeO20 ( a ) V o l . 6 9 , N o . 1, p . 6 7 - 7 0


See also 16, p. 2 4 9 ; 22.6.1, p. 4 7 7 .

N. A. Tyapunina and V. V. Blagoveshchenskii •Dislocation Behaviour and Multiplication under Ultrasound ( a ) V o l . 6 9 , N o . 1, p . 7 7 - 8 3

See also 10, p. 94.


E. Harnik, S. Kovnovich, and T. Chernobelskaya •Secondary Acoustoelectric Current in Ultrathin Metal Films Deposited on a Piezoelectric Substrate (a) V o l . 6 9 , No. 2, p . K 1 7 9 - K 1 8 1

See also 1.5, p. 38; 21.6, p. 375.


S. Ghosh and V. K . Agarwal •Excitation of Acoustohelicon Waves Due to Modulation of a Laser Beam in Longitudinally Magnetised Semiconductors ( b ) V o l . 1 1 0 , N o . 1, p . K 3 7 - K 4 0


See also 13, p. 141; 18, p. 260; 20, p. 294; 22, p. 384. P. K o s t i a l •Surface Wave Investigations of Se Amorphous Thin Films Deposited on LiNb0 3 ( a ) V o l . 7 0 , N o . 1, p . K 5 5 - K 5 8


See also 2, p. 47; 22.1.3, p. 417.

S. V. Tarasesko and G. K. Cheptjrnykh Study of Relaxation Processes in Antiferromagnets Using Sound Absorption Measurements (b) V o l . 1 1 0 , No. 2, p. 5 0 7 - 5 1 1


See also 13.5.4, p. 189; 18.4, p. 279.

O. N. Awasthi and B. K. Baku •On Magnetoelastic Dispersion in a Nickel Single Crystal (a) V o l . 7 0 , N o . 2, p. 7 1 3 - 7 1 7


See also 18.2, p. 269; 21.1, p. 347.

J . Bracixik and J . Stelina •Electric Field in the Acoustoelectric Stationary Domains of the Second Mode. Simple Model (a) V o l . 70, N o . 2, p . K 1 3 5 - K 1 3 9


See also 14.3.4, p. 228; 22.2.3, p. 427.

7. Acoustic Properties


H . Z E I L E , U . H A S T E N , a n d K . LASSMANN

Ultrasonic Investigation of the Acceptor Ground State of Si(B) (I): The Longitudinal and Transverse Relaxation Rates of the Strain-Split Two-Level System (b) Vol. I l l , No. 1, p. 2 1 3 - 2 2 0 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 168; 22.1.2, p. 406. H . Z E I L E a n d K . LASSMANN

Ultrasonic Investigation of the Acceptor Ground State of Si(B) (II): The Distribution of Splittings (b) Vol. I l l , No. 2, p. 5 5 5 - 5 6 4 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 169; 22.1.2, p. 407. H . B I A I A S a n d G . SCHAUER

*Circular Acoustic Birefringence in Quartz Observed by Time-of-Flight Measurement (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. 6 7 9 - 6 8 6 (1982). See also 22.6, p. 473. A . I . M I T S E K , D . I . S I E O T A , a n d N . P . KOLMAKOVA

*On the Theory of Acoustic Properties of Many-Domain Ferromagnets (b) Vol. 113, No. 1, p. 7 9 - 8 6 (1982). See also 18.2, p. 271; 18.4, p. 280. A . V . MITIN

•Ultrasound Modulation of -/-Radiation in a Medium with Inhomogeneons Distribution of Mössbauer Nuclei (b) Vol. 113, No. 1, p. 1 1 3 - 1 2 4 (1982). See also 5, p. 68. J . P . J E R N O T a n d J . L . CHERMANT

Model to Predict the Tensile Strength of Sintered Materials (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. 5 7 9 - 5 8 6 (1982). See also 12.1, p. 133; 14.1, p. 197; 21.1.1, p. 363. V . R . VELASCO

•Influence of Surface Stress on the Surface Elastic Waves in Anisotropic Cubic Crvstals (b) Vol. 114, No. 1, p. 3 5 - 3 8 (1982). J . ULNER

•Temperatur- und Magnetfeldabhängigkeit einer transversalen Schallgeschwindigkeit im tetragonalen Paramagneten mit dem Gesamtdrehimpuls J = 1 * (Temperature and Magnetic-Field Dependence of a Transversal Sound Velocity in the Tetragonal Paramagnet with Total Angular Momentum J = 1) (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. 7 3 5 - 7 3 9 (1982). See also 18.1, p. 266. V . M . POLYANOVSKH

*The Influence of Finite Conduction Bandwith on Gigantic Acoustomagnetic Oscillations in Semiconductors (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. K 1 1 5 - K 1 1 7 (1982). See also 19, p. 291. V . A . MELIK-SHAKHAZABOV, I . A . N A S K I D A S H V I L I , V . I . S E R D O B I N T S E V , a n d V . I . SAVIN

•Anelastic Effects in the ß-Phase of Niobium Hydride (a) Vol. 74, No. 2, p. 5 9 3 - 6 0 2 (1982). See also 1.4, p. 37; 12.1, p. 133; 21, p. 342. 6*

Subject Index

84 8. Thermal Properties Review



Current Methods of Lattice Defect Analysis Using Dilatometry and Self-Diffusion. Critical Review and Proposals (b) Vol. 110 No. 1, p. 9 - 3 1 (1982). See also 9, p. 91; 10.1, p. 96; 21, p. 330.

J . C. JOSHI a n d A . L . DAWAE

*Pyroelectric Materials, Their Properties and Applications (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. 3 5 3 - 3 6 9 (1982). See also 14.4, p. 234; 22.8.2, p. 499; 22.9, p. 503. Original Papers and Short



*Equation for the Melting Curve of Solids under High Pressure (b) Vol. 109, No. 1, p. 1 4 5 - 1 5 1 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 14; 12.1, p. 130; 21.2, p. 365; 23, p. 509.

S . C. GOEL a n d V . S . NANDA

*A Refined Euqation of State for Monovalent Metals (b) Vol. 109, No. 1, p. 1 8 3 - 1 8 8 (1982). See also 21.1, p. 343; 21.6, p. 374.



*The Vibrational Entropy Change Associated with the Disordering of a Two-Dimensional Binary Alloy Using a Model of Nearest- and Next-Nearest-Neighbour Interactions (b) Vol. 109, No. 1, p. 2 1 1 - 2 1 6 (1982). See also 1.3, p. 25; 4, p. 61; 21, p. 330.

M . R E I F F E R S , K . F L A C H B A R T , ¡5. J A N O S , A . B . BEZSTOSOV, a n d G . E S K A

*Transport Properties of PrNifi at Low Temperatures (b) Vol. 109, No. 1, p. 3 6 9 - 3 7 3 (1982). See also 14.1, p. 193; 21.1, p. 343; 21.4, p. 369.

T . SOMA a n d H . MATSTJO

*Lindeman's Melting Law and the Effect of Pressure on the Melting Point of Si and Ge (b) Vol. 109, No. 1, p. 3 8 7 - 3 9 1 (1982). See also 6, p. 70; 12.2, p. 134; 22.1.1, p. 395; 22.1.2, p. 400.

T . SOMA, J . S A T O K , a n d H . M A T S U O

*Temperature Dependence of Linear Thermal Expansion Coefficient and Phonon Curves at the Covalent-Ionic Transition Pressure of ZnS, ZnSe, and ZnTe (b) Vol. 109, No. 1, p. K 4 7 - K 5 1 (1982). Erratum (b) Vol. I l l , No. 1, p. K67 (1982). See also 6, p. 70; 22.4.1, p. 439; 22.4.2, p. 442; 22.4.3, p. 445.

K . S.


*Lattice Thermal Conductivity of Noncrystalline Material at Low Temperatures. Application to Borosilicate Glass (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. 1 2 1 - 1 2 6 (1982). See also 2, p. 45; 6, p. 71; 22.8.1, p. 492.

8. Thermal Properties


K . S. ARNTSON a n d M . B . LANGLEY

A Phenomenological Theory for Hysteresis in t h e Ionic Conductivity of Solid Electrolytes (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. 1 8 5 - 1 9 2 (1982). See also 10.2, p. 103; 14.4, p. 234; 22.5, p. 450. H . GKTJBER a n d E . K R A U T Z

Magnetoresistance and Conductivity in t h e Binary System T i t a n i u m - O x y g e n (I): T i t a n i u m Oxides with Metallic Conductivity (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. 2 8 7 - 2 9 5 (1982). See also 14.1, p. 193; 14.3, p. 203; 15, p. 245; 18, p. 259; 22.6, p. 468. M . DRULIS a n d B . STAI.INSKI

*Low-Temperature Specific H e a t s of Non-Stoichiometric Neodymium Hydrides (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. 3 8 5 - 3 9 2 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 15; 21.4, p. 369. S . C . M I S H R A a n d P . L . SRIVASTAVA

*Thermodynamic Properties of Liquid Alkali Metals and Their Equiatomic Alloys (b) Vol. 109, No. 2, p. 4 5 7 - 4 6 1 (1982). See also 2, p. 46; 21.2, p. 365. V . SHAMRAI, K . BOHMHAMMEL, a n d G . W O L F

*The H e a t Capacity of NbjSnH^ in Dependence on t h e Hydrogen C o n t e n t (b) Vol. 109, No. 2, p. 5 1 1 - 5 1 7 (1982). See also 6, p. 71; 14.2, p. 199; 21, p. 331. A . N . CHAKRAVARTI, K . P . G H A T A K , S . GHOSH, a n d A . K . C H O W D H U R Y

* E f f e c t of Heavy Doping on t h e Electronic H e a t Capacity in Semiconductors (b) Vol. 109, No. 2, p. 7 0 5 - 7 1 0 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 164; 22.2.1, p. 420 A . K U M A R a n d G . C . SRIVASTAVA

*Thermal Conductivity Analysis of Germanium a t Low T e m p e r a t u r e s (b) Vol. 109, No. 2, p. K 1 2 3 - K 1 2 7 (1982). See also 22.1.1, p. 395. I . A_\SARA, A . P A S T U R E L , a n d K . H . J . BUSCHOW

* E n t h a l p y E f f e c t s in Amorphous Alloys and I n t e r m e t a l l i c Compounds in t h e System Zr-Cu (a) Vol. 69, No. 2, p. 4 4 7 - 4 5 3 (1982). See also 2, p. 46; 21.1, p. 344. K . N . K A L A I D J I E V , M . P . M I K H A I L O V , G . I . BOZHANOV, a n d S T . R . S T O Y A N O V

*Influence of a Constant Electric Field on t h e Heat-Conductivity Coefficient of TGS near t h e P h a s e Transition T e m p e r a t u r e (a) Vol. 69, No. 2, p. K 1 6 3 - K 1 6 6 (1982). See also 14.4.1, p. 240; 22.8.1, p. 493. A . I . N A S K I D A S H V I L I , I . A . NASKIDASHVILI, L . S . T O P C H Y A N , V . N . KOZHANOV, a n d E . P . ROMANOV

*Heat Capacity Anomalies in t h e Intermetallic Compound V„Zr (a) Vol. 69, No. 2, p. K 2 3 9 - K 2 4 2 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 15; 21.1, p. 345. K . P . G H A T A K , K . K . G H O S H , H . M . M U K H E R J E E , a n d A . N . CHAKRAVARTI

* Effect of Size Quantization on t h e Electronic H e a t Capacity in U l t r a t h i n Films of NonParabolic Semiconductors (b) Vol. 110, No. 1, p. 3 2 3 - 3 3 0 (1982). See also 22.2.3, p. 427.


Subject Index


*Magnetic Contribution to t h e Thermal Expansion in Some SiFe^Coi—a; Alloys (a) Vol. 70, No. 1, p. 7 9 - 8 5 (1982). See also 18.2, p. 269; 21.1, p. 3 4 6 ; 21.1.1, p. 360. I . HENNING, P . FRACH, E . HEGENBARTH, a n d V . I . F R I T S B E R G

*Glass-Like Behaviour of P L Z T Demonstrated by Heat Capacity Measurements (a) Vol. 70, No. 1, p. K 7 - K 9 (1982). See also 14.4.1, p. 2 4 0 ; 22.8.1, p. 493. \V. B R Ü C K N E R , S . LEHMANN, a n d G . P O M P E

* H e a t Conductivity in ZnO Varistor Ceramics (a) Vol. 70, No. 1, p. K 4 7 - K 4 9 (1982). See also 22.4, p. 437. J . G A R B A R C Z Y K , M . W A S I F C I O N E K , W . J A K T J B O W S K I , a n d A . GRODZINSKI

* T G A and D T A Studies on Moist Na, Li/Na, and Ag ß"-Aluminas (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. K 1 6 3 - K 1 6 6 (1982). See also 10.2, p. 108; 22.6, p. 471. B . HORVATIÖ a n d V . Z L A T I 6

Perturbation Expansion for the Asymmetric Anderson Hamiltonian ( I I ) : General Asymmetry (b) Vol. I l l , No. 1, p. 6 5 - 7 5 (1982). See also 13, p. 142; 14.1, p. 194; 15, p. 2 4 6 ; 21, p. 334. P . SINGH a n d K . N . K H A N N A

E n t r o p y of Mixing of Liquid Alloys (b) Vol. I l l , No. 1, p. 1 1 1 - 1 1 6 (1982). See also 1.3, p. 28; 2, p. 4 8 ; 21, p. 334; 21.1, p. 348. J . L . M I A N E , F . CARMONA, a n d P . D E L H A E S

•Microwave Measurements of t h e Thermal-Expansion of Organic Metals (b) Vol. I l l , No. 1, p. 2 3 5 - 2 4 5 (1982). See also 6, p. 7 3 ; 14.1, p. 195; 22.9, p. 505. K . R . ZHDANOV a n d F . S . RAKHMENKTILOV

*Influence of Electron-Phonon Interaction on Electronic Heat Capacity of Nb (b) Vol. I l l , No. 1, p. 3 6 1 - 3 6 4 (1982). See also 6, p. 73; 21, p. 334. V . I . ZUBOV

Unsymmetrized Self-Consistent Field Approximation for Imperfect Strongly Anharmonic Crystals (b) Vol. I l l , No. 1, p. 4 1 7 - 4 2 3 (1982). See also 6, p. 74; 10, p. 94. K . P . R O Y , V . RADHAKRISHNAN, a n d P . C . SHARMA

*Three-Phonon Scattering Processes in p-Type Mercury Telluride (b) Vol. I l l , No. 1, p. K 3 7 - K 4 1 (1982). See also 6, p. 74; 22.4.3, p. 446. K . S. D U B E Y

Role of Boundary Scattering in Phonon Drag Thermoelectric Power and L a t t i c e Thermal Conductivity of a Doped Semiconductor a t Low Temperatures: Application to Phosphorus Doped Ge (b) Vol. I l l , No. 1, p. K 4 9 - K 5 4 (1982). See also 6, p. 74; 15, p. 2 4 6 ; 22.1.1, p. 397.





•Crystal Field in the Laves Phase Compound PrNi 2 (b) Vol. I l l , No. 2, p. 5 0 7 - 5 1 2 (1982). See also 1, p. 10; 13.4, p. 169; 15, p. 246; 18.1, p. 266; 21.1, p. 349; 21.4, p. 370. P . VABOTSOS, K . A L E X O P O U L O S , a n d K . NOMICOS

•Comments on the Pressure Variation of the Gibbs Energy for Bound and Unbound Defects (b) Vol. I l l , No. 2, p. 5 8 1 - 5 9 0 (1982). See also 9, p. 92; 10, y.94; 14.4, p. 236; 21, p. 335; 21.1, p. 349; 21.6, p. 376; 22.5.2, p. 458. 1 . C . DA C U N H A L I M A , M . P A B B R I , a n d A . F E R R E I R A DA S I L V A

•Diagonal and Off-Diagonal Disorder in Doped Semiconductors (b) Vol. I l l , No. 2, p. K 6 9 - K 7 4 (1982). See also 14.3, p. 207; 22.1.2, p. 407. K . R A M A N I a n d A . M . GHODGAONKAB

Lattice Parameters of Alkali Halides by the Simons-Parr-Finlan Technique (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. 3 4 5 - 3 5 0 (1982). See also 12.2, p. 135; 22.5.2, p. 458. K . BOHMHAMMEL, P . D E U S , G . K Ü H N , a n d W . MÖLLER

•Specific Heat, Debye Temperature, and Related Properties of Chalcopyrite Semiconducting Compounds CuGaSe2, CuGaTe 2 , and CuInTe 2 (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. 5 0 5 - 5 1 0 (1982). See also 6, p. 75; 22.8, p. 485. A . H . ABOU E L E L A , N . ABDELMOHSEN, a n d H . H . A . LABIB

•Electrical Conductivity, Thermoelectric Power, and Thermal Conductivity of AgTlSe in the Solid and Liquid State (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. K 2 1 9 - K 2 2 4 (1982). See also 2, p. 49; 14.3, p. 208; 15, p. 247; 22.8, p. 486. P . K I S T A I A H , K . S AT Y AN AR A Y AN A MTTRTHY, a n d K . V . K R I S H N A R A O

•X-Ray Determination of Lattice Parameter and Thermal Expansion of the Compound CdIn 2 Se 4 (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. K 2 2 5 - K 2 2 9 (1982). See also 1.1, p. 12; 22.8, p. 486. A . SAHLING, P . FRACH, a n d E . H E G E N B A B T H

•The Heat Capacity of LaNi 2 , LaNi 5 , PrNi 2 and PrNi 6 in t h e Temperature Range between 0.3 and 7 K (b) Vol. 112, No. 1, p. 2 4 3 - 2 5 0 (1982). See also 21.1, p. 350; 21.4, p. 371. J . D E L C E R R O , S . R A M O S , a n d J . ISIDORO

•Thermal Study of a-LiI0 3 Single Crystals below Room Temperature (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. K 2 3 - K 2 6 (1982). See also 14.4, p. 237; 22.8.1, p. 495. Y . A . BADR a n d S. AWAD

On the Low Temperature Phase Transition in Ammonium Sulfate (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. K 2 7 - K 3 2 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 19; 14.4.1, p. 242; 22.8.1, p. 495.


Subject Index

H . GRASSI, A . B E A U , a n d J . P . FARGES

H e a t Pulse Diffusion in T E A (TCNQ) 2 (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p. 6 3 3 - 6 4 0 (1982). See also 14.3, p. 208-, 22.9, p. 506. R . K . SINGH a n d D . K . N E B

Bole of Zero-Point Motion a n d T h r e e - B o d y E f f e c t s in t h e S t u d y of Crystal P r o p e r t i e s of R a r e Gas Solids (b) Vol. 112, N o . 2, p. 7 3 5 - 7 4 6 (1982). See also 4, p. 63; 6, p. 77; 12.2, p. 136; 23, p. 509. T . SOMA, Y . K A T A B I R A , a n d H . M . K A G A Y A

• M o d e Grüneisen P a r a m e t e r f o r L o n g - W a v e P h o n o n s of Si-Ge Solid Solution (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p. K 9 9 - K 1 0 2 (1982). See also 6, p. 77; 12.2, p. 136; 22.3, p. 434. M . H I D A K A , K . ISTOTJE, B . J . G A R R A R D , a n d B . M . W A N K L Y N

S t u d y of S t r u c t u r a l P h a s e T r a n s i t i o n s in t h e L a y e r C o m p o u n d R b V F 4 (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. 8 0 9 - 8 1 6 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 20; 6, p. 78; 22.8, p. 488. S . PAKVIAINEN

• M a g n e t i c C o n t r i b u t i o n t o t h e T h e r m a l E x p a n s i o n of TiFeo.sCoo.s (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. K 1 4 1 - K 1 4 4 (1982). See also 18.2, p. 271; 21.1, p. 352; 21.1.1, p. 361. E . FISCHER, W . HASSLER, a n d E . HEGENBARTH

•Glass-Like B e h a v i o u r in t h e T h e r m a l C o n d u c t i v i t y of Sri _ x B a I ( N b , 0 6 ) Single Crystal (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p . K 1 6 9 - K 1 7 1 (1982). See also 14.4.1, p. 242; 22.8.1, p. 496. H . - J . KROKOSZINSKI, C. SANTANDREA, E . GMELIN, a n d K . BARNER

•Specific H e a t A n o m a l y Connected w i t h a H i g h - S p i n - L o w - S p i n T r a n s i t i o n in Metallic MnAsi-zPj; (b) Vol. 118, No. 1, p. 1 8 5 - 1 9 5 (1982). See also 18.2, p. 272; 21.1, p. 352. L . A . TARKHNISHVILI, K . A . KVAVADZE, a n d M . M . NADAREISHVILI

• I n v e s t i g a t i o n of C o n c e n t r a t i o n Dependence of t h e Low T e m p e r a t u r e H e a t C a p a c i t y of KC1 w i t h O H - Molecular I m p u r i t y (b) Vol. 113, No. 1, p. K 2 7 - K 3 0 (1982). See also 6, p. 79; 22.5.2, p. 460. C . R . BROOKS, P . J . M E S C H T E R , a n d T . G . K O L L I E

• T h e Magnetic H e a t C a p a c i t y of t h e Configurationally Disordered N i - 2 5 a t % F e Alloy (a) Vol. 73, No. 1, p . 1 8 9 - 1 9 8 (1982). See also 12.1, p. 132; 14.1, p. 197; 18.2, p. 272; 21.1, p. 353; 21.1.1, p. 362. J . GARBARCZYK, M . WASIUCIONEK, W . JAKUBOWSKI, a n d A . GRODZINSKI

*TGA a n d D T A S t u d i e s on Me-Stabilized [i"-Alumina (Me = Co, Ni, Cu, Zn) E x p o s e d to Moist Air (a) Vol. 73, No. 1, p. K 9 7 - K 1 0 0 (1982). See also 10.2, p. 114; 22.6, p . 474.

8. T h e r m a l P r o p e r t i e s


I . H E N N I N G , M . MERTIG, R . P L A T H , G . POMPE, E . H E G E N B A R T H , a n d R . SCHALGE

*Glass-Like B e h a v i o u r of S r j .. 2 Jîa I Xb ; ,0 6 (SBN) Single Crystals D e m o n s t r a t e d b y H e a t Capacity Measurements (a) Vol. 73, No. 1, p. K 1 0 5 - K 1 0 9 (1982). See also 14.4.1, p. 243; 22.8, p. 489. K . I. WYSOKINSKI a n d A. L . KUZEMSKY

E l e c t r o n - P h o n o n I n t e r a c t i o n in Disordered T r a n s i t i o n M e t a l Alloys (b) Vol. 113, No. 2, p. 4 0 9 - 4 2 0 (1982). See also 2, p. 52-, 6, p. 79; 21.1, p. 354. R . D . BIJALWAN a n d P . N . RAM

* .Low-Temperature L a t t i c e Specific H e a t of CuAl (b) Vol. 118, No. 2, p. 6 9 1 - 6 9 6 (1982). See also 6, p. 79; 21, p. 340; 21.1, p. 354. J . GRAMMATIKAKIS

Measurements of t h e Ionic C o n d u c t i v i t y of N a l a n d Calculation of t h e B u l k Modulus a n d Specific H e a t of Vacancies (b) Vol. 113, No. 2, p. 7 2 1 - 7 2 6 (1982). See also 10.2, p. 114; 12.2, p. 137; 14.4, p. 238; 22.5.2, p. 461. V . P . P A N , I . V . ZOLOTUKHIN, S. E . LITVIN, B . G . N I K I T I N , a n d A . S. SHPIGEL

Electrical P r o p e r t i e s of L a n t h a n u m - A l u m i n i u m Glass (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. K 2 8 7 - K 2 9 1 (1982). See also 2, p. S3; 14.1, p. 197; 14.2, p. 201; 21, p. 341. V . P . GUPTA a n d C. P . AGRAWAL

R y d b e r g P o t e n t i a l in D i a t o m i c Ionic Crystals (b) Vol. 114, No. 1, p. 2 6 5 - 2 7 0 (1982). See also 4, p. 65; 6, p. 80; 12.2, p. 137; 22.5.2, p. 4 6 2 ; 22.6, p. 475. B . N . T E W A R I , B . S . BHARGAVA, a n d K . N . K H A N N A

*Surface E n t r o p y of Liquid Metals (b) Vol. 114, No. 1, p. K 3 1 - K 3 4 (1982). See also 2, p. 54; 21, p. 341; 21.1, p. 356; 21.2, p. 366; 21.3, p. 368; 21.7, p. 381. P . GLUCK ,

On t h e E x t e n d e d H u b b a r d Model in One Dimension (b) Vol. 114, No. 1, p. K 4 7 - K 5 0 (1982). See also 13.5, p. 180. Y . NISHINO a n d T . IMURA

Viscoelastic B e h a v i o u r of Oxide F i l m s on Silicon Crystals (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. 1 9 3 - 2 0 0 (1982). See also 12.2, p. 138; 22.1.2, p. 414. V . I. PECHERSKAYA a n d D . N . BOLSHUTKIN

• E l e c t r i c a l Resistance a n d T h e r m a l E x p a n s i o n of F e - 1 8 C r - ( 1 0 t o 25) Ni Alloys in t h e P a r a magnetic Temperature Range (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. 2 8 5 - 2 9 0 (1982). See also 14.1, p. 198; 21.1, p. 357; 21.1.1, p. 363. G . A . PETRAKOVSKII, A . G . K L I M E N K O , F . S . RAKHMENKULOV, a n d A . V . BARANOV

•Specific H e a t a n d Low Field Magnetic P r o p e r t i e s of Co(Si_zSe x ) 2 (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. K 3 1 - K 3 5 (1982). See also 18, p. 263; 21.1, p. 357.


Subject Index


*Structure of Tungstic Acids and Amorphous and Crystalline W 0 3 Thin Films (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. K 4 1 - K 4 4 (1982). See also 2, p. 54; 6, p. 80; 20.1, p. 315; 22.6, p. 476; 22.8, p. 490. L . A . MAKOVETSKAYA, I . V . BODNAR, B . V . KORZUN, a n d G . P . YAROSHEVICH

*Thermal Conductivity, Thermoelectric Power, and Thermal Expansion of CuInS 23 .Se2(i-z) (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. K 5 9 - K 6 2 (1982). See also 15, p. 248; 22.8, p. 490. B . HÜTTNER a n d W . POMPE

*A New Theoretical Approach to the Low-Temperature Specific Heat of Disordered Solids (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. 5 0 3 - 5 1 3 (1982). See also 2, p. 55; 22.1, p. 394; 22.6, p. 476. V . I . ZLNENKO

The Cluster Investigation of the g-State Potts Model (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. 6 9 5 - 7 0 3 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 23; 4, p. 65. L . KOMOROWSKI, A . CHYLA, a n d R . K O W A L

Phase Transitions in n-Alkyltriphenylphosphonium Tetracyanoquinodimethanides (a) Vol. 74, No. 2, p. 4 5 3 - 4 5 7 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 23; 14.3, p. 212; 19, p. 291; 22.9, p. 508. K . B O H M H A M M E L , P . DETJS, a n d H . A . S C H N E I D E R

"•Investigation of Acoustic Phonon Modes of GaP and Compound Semiconductors A I I B I V Co by Specific Heat Measurements (a) Vol. 74, No. 2, p. 4 8 5 - 4 9 2 (1982). See also 6, p. 81; 22.2.2, p. 426; 22.8, p. 491.

9. Diffusion


9. Diffusion Review


P . VAROTSOS a n d K . A L E X O P O U L O S

Current Methods of Lattice Defect Analysis Using Dilatometry and Self-Diffusion. Critical Review and Proposals (b) Vol. 110, No. 1, p. 9 - 3 1 (1982). See also 8, p. 84; 10.1, p. 96; 21, p. 330. A . B . DOKTOEOV a n d E . A . K O T O M I N

*Theory of Tunneling Recombination of Defects Stimulated by Their Motion (I) : General Formalism (b) Vol. 114, No. 1, p. 9 - 3 4 (1982). See also 10.2, p. 103. E . A . K O T O I I I N a n d A . B . DOKTOBOV

•Theory of Tunneling Recombination of Defects Stimulated by Their Motion (II): Three Recombination Mechanisms (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. 2 8 7 - 3 1 8 (1982). See also 10.2, p. 103; 22.5.2, p. 454. Original


and Short


M . P . SHEARER, S. K . SEN, a n d C. L . BAUER

Investigation of Interfacial Reactions in Bimetallic Thin-Film Couples of Al/Cu and Pb/Cu by Measurement of Contact Resistance (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. 1 3 9 - 1 4 9 (1982). See also 1.5, p. 38; 14.1, p. 193; 21, p. 331; 21.1, p. 343. E . NEBATJER, E . B B I N K , P . JANIETZ a n d T . L I E C K E

*Are Au Profiles Well Measurable in n-GaAs by Electroetching ? (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. K 6 5 - K 6 8 (1982). See also 14.3.2, p. 217; 22.2.1, p. 420. S . LOUALICHE, C. LUCAS, P . BABUCH, J . P . GAILLIARD, a n d J . C. PFISTER

""Theoretical Model for Radiation Enhanced Diffusion and Redistribution of Impurities. Comparison with Experiments (a) Vol. 69, No. 2, p. 6 6 3 - 6 7 6 (1982). See also 11, p. 119; 22.1.2, p. 402. M . L . D A L A L , S . S I V A B A M A N , a n d Y . V . G . S . MTJBTI

Thermal Dissociation Energy of F-Centers in Alkali Halides (b) Vol. 110, No. 1, p. 3 4 9 - 3 5 6 (1982). See also 10.2, p. 105; 22.5.2, p. 456. Y.SAKAGAMI

* Random Walk of a Di-Vacancy in an F.C.C. Lattice (b) Vol. I l l , No. 1, p. 3 2 1 - 3 3 0 (1982). See also 10, p. 94. E . MANN

*On the Diffusion Theory of Kink-Pair Formation on Dislocations (b) Vol. I l l , No. 2, p. 5 4 1 - 5 5 3 (1982). See also 10, p. 94; 12, p. 129.


Subject Index

P . VAROTSOS, K . A L E X O P O U L O S , a n d K . NOMICOS

Comments on t h e Pressure Variation of t h e Gibbs Energy for Bound and Unbound Defects (b) Vol. I l l , No. 2, p. 5 8 1 - 5 9 0 (1982). See also 8, p. 87; 10, p. 94; 14.4, p. 236; 21, p. 335; 21.1, p. 349; 21.6, p. 376; 22.5.2, p. 458. E . V. KCCYS, 0 . E . PANCHUK, J . V . KAMENECKAS, a n d D . F . JUNEVIÖIUS

On t h e Kinetics of t h e Process of Decay of S u p e r s a t u r a t e d Solid Copper or Silver Solution in Cadmium Telluride (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. K 1 5 7 - K 1 6 0 (1982). See also 10.2, p. 110; 14.3, p. 207; 22.4.3, p. 446. A . H . VAN O M M E N

Vacancies in NiGa (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. 2 7 3 - 2 8 0 (1982). See also 10.1, p. 99; 21.1, p. 350. L . S. W I E L U N S K I , B . M . P A I N E , B . X . L i u , C . - D . L I E N , a n d M . - A . NICOLET

Ion Mixing of Ni and P t L a y e r s on Si (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. 3 9 9 - 4 0 4 (1982). See also 11, p. 123; 22.1.2, p. 409. M . OGINO, Y . O A N A , a n d M . W A T A N A B E

• T h e Diffusion Coefficient of Germanium in Silicon (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. 5 3 5 - 5 4 1 (1982). See also 22.1.2, p. 410. 0 . HILDEBRAND

•Anomalous I m p u r i t y Diffusion in I I I - V Compounds: T h e Consequence of Self-Induced Field Effects (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. 5 7 5 - 5 8 4 (1982). See also 14.3.3, p. 223; 22.2, p. 418. R . LENK

I n t e g r a l Representation of t h e Incoherent Field in Disordered Materials (III): Diffusion Einstein Relation, and L a n d a u e r F o r m u l a (b) Vol. 113, No. 1, p. 1 7 9 - 1 8 3 (1982). See also 2, p. 51; 14, p. 191. R . DAMKÖHLER u n d T H . HEUMANN

•Experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Klärung des Diffusionsverhaltens kupferreicher Kupfer-Nickel-Legierungen (Experimental Investigation on t h e Diffusion Behaviour of Copper-Rich Copper-Nickel Alloys) (a) Vol. 73, No. 1, p. 1 1 7 - 1 2 7 (1982). See also 21.1, p. 353. N . P . TISHCHENKO

•Self-Diffusion in Rare-Gas Solids (a) Vol. 73, No. 1, p. 2 7 9 - 2 8 6 (1982). See also 23, p. 509. B . A . S . D E B A R R O S , J R . , C . A . DOS SANTOS, a n d I . J . R . BAUMVOL

•Search for Intermetallic Phases in Radiation-Enhanced Diffusion of Tin into Steels (a) Vol. 73, No. 1, p. K 1 3 7 - K 1 4 0 (1982). See also 5, p. 68; 11, p. 126; 21.1.1, p. 362.

9. Diffusion



""Theoretical T r e a t m e n t of t h e Diffusion Coupled with Reaction, Applied to t h e E x a m p l e of a Binary Solid Compound MX (b) Vol. 113, No. 2, p. 5 3 5 - 5 4 7 (1982). See also 22, p. 390. T . LTJKASZEWICZ

*Studies on t h e Diffusion of Impurities in I I - V I Compounds Based on t h e Two-Sample Luminescence Method (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. 6 1 1 - 6 1 6 (1982). See also 20.3, p. 327; 22.4.1, p. 441; 22.4.2, p. 444. T . TUKASZEWICZ

*The Diffusion of Atoms and Luminescence Centres in I I - V I Compounds (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. 3 0 7 - 3 1 2 (1982). See also 20.3, p. 328; 22.4.2, p. 444. R . K L A B E S , J . MATTHÄI, M . VOELSKOW, a n d S. MUTZE

Pulsed Incoherent Light Annealing of Arsenic and Phosphorus I m p l a n t e d Polycrystalline Silicon (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. K 5 - K 7 (1982). See also 11, p. 128; 14.3.1, p. 216; 22.1.2, p. 415. I . T . SUPRUN

*Forced Pipe Diffusion of Mobile Pinning Points (a) Vol. 74, No. 2, p. 4 1 1 - 4 1 9 (1982). See also 10, p. 95; 12, p. 129.


Subject Index

10. Defect Properties (Irradiation Defects See 11) Original


and Short


N . A . TYAPTTNINA a n d V . V . B L A G O V E S H C H E N S K I I

•Dislocation Behaviour and Multiplication under Ultrasound (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. 7 7 - 8 3 (1982). See also 7, p. 82. R . V E T T E R , R . H . J . FASTENALT, a n d A . VAN D E N B E U K E L

•Dislocation Mean Free P a t h Calculated by Computer Simulations (a) Vol. 70, No. 1, p. 1 7 7 - 1 8 2 (1982). W . HERREMANS, M . DAVID, a n d R . GEVERS

•Crystal Potential near a Stacking Fault (a) Vol. 70, No. 1, p. 2 9 5 - 3 0 9 (1982). See also 1, p. 10. S . K . MAKSIMOV a n d A . P . F I L I P P O V

•Connection of Prismatic Dislocation Loop Sizes and Interference Error S -w ith the Techniques of Determining the Loop Nature (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. 5 3 3 - 5 4 3 (1982). A . Y A . D Z Y U B L I K a n d V . I . SUGAKOV

•Scattering of Neutrons by a Superlattice of Voids in a Crystal (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. K 1 2 9 - K 1 3 3 (1982). Y . SAKAGAMI

Random Walk of a Di-Vacancy in an F.C.C. Lattice (b) Vol. I l l , No. 1, p. 3 2 1 - 3 3 0 (1982). See also 9, p. 91. V . I . ZUBOV

Unsymmetrized Self-Consistent Field Approximation for Imperfect Strongly Anharmonic Crystals (b) Vol. I l l , No. 1, p. 4 1 7 - 4 2 3 (1982). See also 6, p. 74; 8, p. 86. G . T . DIDRIKHSONS a n d H . P F E I F F E R

Kinetics of Impurity Incorporation during Crystal Growth (a) Vol. 71, No. 1, p. 1 6 9 - 1 7 8 (1982). See also 3, p. 38. E. Mann •On the Diffusion Theory of Kink-Pair Formation on Dislocations (b) Vol. I l l , No. 2, p. 5 4 1 - 5 5 3 (1982). See also 9, p. 91; 12, p. 129. P . VAROTSOS, K . A L E X O P O U L O S , a n d K . NOMICOS

•Comments on the Pressure Variation of the Gibbs Energy for Bound and Unbound Defects (b) Vol. I l l , No. 2, p. 5 8 1 - 5 9 0 (1982). See also 8, p. 87; 9, p. 92; 14.4, p. 236; 21, p. 335; 21.1, p. 349; 21.6, p. 376; 22.5.2, p. 458.

10. Defect Properties


J. Kttbat •A Cooperative Mechanism Limiting the Spectra Width of Stress Relaxation Processes in Solids (b) Vol. I l l , No. 2, p. 599-606 (1982). See also 12, p. 129. J. Lothe, V. L. Indenbom, and V. A. Chamrov •Elastic Field and Self-Force of Dislocations Emerging at the Free Surfaces of an Anisotropic Halfspace (b) Vol. I l l , No. 2, p. 671-677 (1982). See also 12, p. 129. R, C. Ecob The Geometrical Simulation of the Structure of F.C.C./B.C.C. Interfaces (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. 399-407 (1982). See also 1.4, p. 34. J. Perez, F. Fouquet, and Y. He •Homogeneous Flow in Metallic Glasses (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. 289-300 (1982). See also 2, p. 50. E. K. Naimi *The Amplitude Dependence of Internal Friction and the Young's Modulus Defect in Solids Due to Anharmonism of Dislocation Motion at Low Vibration Amplitudes (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. 825-832 (1982). See also 12, p. 129; 21, p. 338; 22.5, p. 452. A. M. Dolgin •On the Correlation between the Non-Monotonous Character of Flow Stress and the Mobile Dislocation Density (a) Vol. 78, No. 2, p. 315-320 (1982). M. J. Maecinkowski •Unified Theory of Grain Boundaries. An Update (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. 409-419 (1982). See also 1.4, p. 36. W. Puschl, R. Fkydman, and G. Schoeck •The Strength of the Dislocation Forest for 30° and 60° Dislocations (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. 211-216 (1982). A. I. Aleksandkovskit and P. Posmykiewicz •Impurity Striations in Melt-Grown Crystals (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. K 2 3 - K 2 6 (1982). See also 3, p. 59. I. T. Sutkun Forced Pipe Diffusion of Mobile Pinning Points (a) Vol. 74, No. 2, p. 411-419 (1982). See also 9, p. 93; 12, p. 129. K. N. SuBRAMANIAN •Development of Deformation Bands (a) Vol. 74, No. 2, p. 683-695 (1982).


Subject Index

10.1 Metals Review



•Current Methods of Lattice Defect Analysis Using D i l a t o m e t r y and Self-Diffusion. Critical Review and Proposals (b) Vol. 110, No. 1, p. 9 - 3 1 (1982). See also 8, p. 84; 9, p. 91; 21, p. 330. T . A . P A R K H O M E N K O a n d V . V . PUSTOVALOV

*The Low-Temperature Yield Stress Anomaly in Metals and Alloys (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. 1 1 - 4 2 (1982). See also 12.1, p. 130; 21, p. 330. Original


and Short


H . - J . KAUFMANN a n d P . P . PAL-VAL

•Peculiarities of High-Amplitude Dislocation I n t e r n a l Friction in Molybdenum Single Crystals of High P u r i t y in t h e T e m p e r a t u r e Range 5.9 to 300 K (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. 1 2 7 - 1 3 2 (1982). See also 12.1, p. 130; 21, p. 331. H . J . B L Y T H E , F . WALZ, a n d H . KRONMÜLLER

•Investigation of t h e Magnetic Aftereffect in Dilute F e - N i Alloys a f t e r Low-Temperature Neutron Irradiation (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. 2 3 7 - 2 4 8 (1982). See also 11, p. 118; 18.2, p. 267; 21.1, p. 344; 21.1.1, p. 359. S. B. FISHER a n d P . K . MADDEN

• T h e Calculation of t h e E f f e c t of P o i n t Defect Trapping on Void Growth (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. 2 5 7 - 2 6 8 (1982). See also 11, p. 118; 21.1.1, p. 359. A . LOISEATT a n d A . L A S A L M O N I E

• C o n t r a s t of t h e Dislocations for g • b = 0, 1, 2. Application to a-Titanium (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. 3 1 5 - 3 2 4 (1982). See also 21, p. 331. G.

Cocco, L . S C H I F F I N I , S . E N Z O , and A . B E N E D E T T I A SAXS S t u d y of Coarsening Mechanism of G P Zones in t h e Al-Li-Mg System (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. 3 4 3 - 3 4 8 (1982). See also 1.3, p. 25; 21, p. 331; 21.2, p. 365; 21.3, p. 367.

H . J . B L Y T H E , F . DWORSCHAK, I . M . RICHARDSON, a n d F . W A L Z

•Magnetic Relaxation Spectra of Some Dilute Binary Iron-Based Alloys a f t e r Low-Temper a t u r e Electron I r r a d i a t i o n (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. K 9 7 - K 1 0 1 (1982). See also 11, p. 118; 18.2, p. 267; 21.1.1, p. 359. H . MÜHLBACH

•Dislocation Relaxation Peaks in H i g h - P u r i t y Molybdenum Single Crystals (a) Vol. 69, No. 2, p. 6 1 5 - 6 2 4 (1982). See also 12.1, p. 130; 21, p. 331.

10.1 Metals



•Surface Damage from Diamond-Saw Cutting of High Purity Mo Studied by Positrons (a) Vol. 69, No. 2, p. 625-629 (1982). See also 1.6, p. 42; 21, p. 332. O . SIMMICH

•Description of Particle Growth by Means of a Difference Approximation (a) Vol. 69, No. 2, p. 657-662 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 15; 21, p. 332. S. P . Puni, D . R A J , and R . K. P U B I Force Constant Change in Sn-Impurity Systems : 10 'Pd : n »Sn, 19?Au : lls Sn,and e3 - 5 Cu: U9 Sn (b) Vol. 110, No. 1, p. 8 1 - 8 7 (1982). See also 5, p. 66; 6, p. 72; 21.1, p. 345; 21.6, p. 375.


F . M . MANSY, N . K . GOBRAN, a n d G . SAID

*High-Temperature Creep Mechanism and Dissolution Process in Al-9.5 at% Zn Alloy (a) Vol. 70, No. 1, p. 5 7 - 6 1 (1982). See also 14.1, p. 194; 21, p. 333; 21.1, p. 345. G . S . MUBTHY a n d D . H . SASTBY

•Impression Creep of Zinc and the Rate-Controlling Dislocation Mechanism of Plastic Flow at High Temperatures (a) Vol. 70, No. 1, p. 6 3 - 7 1 (1982). See also 12.1, p. 130; 21.1, p. 345. T . T R O E V , A . KBTTSTANOV, V . P . SHANTAROVICH, L . G . A B A V I N , a n d B . P . M O L I N

•Doppler Broadening and Positron Lifetime Measurements in Al-49 at% Zn at Different Temperatures (a) Vol. 70, No. 1, p. 8 7 - 9 2 (1982). See also 21, p. 333; 21.1, p. 346. L . M . C A S P E B S , A . VAN V E E N , M . R . Y P M A , a n d G . J . VAN D E B K O L K

•Helium Precipitation in a-Fe (a) Vol. 70, No. 1, p. 109-125 (1982). See also 21.1.1, p. 360 R . HAMAB e t J . P . RIQUET

•Estimation de l'énergie d'un joint de phases métalliques (Estimate of the Boundary Energy of Metallic Phases) (a) Vol. 70, No. 1, p. 127-138 (1982). See also 1.4, p. 32; 21, p. 333; 21.1, p. 346. J . X . Z H A N G , T . S . K Ê , G . Y . L i , G . FANTOZZI, P . F . G O B I N , a n d M . W E L L E B

•Low-Temperature Cold Work Internal Friction Peaks in Al-0.5 wt% (0.21 at%) Cu (a) Vol. 70, No. 1, p. 159-165 (1982). See also 12.1, p. 130; 21, p. 333; 21.1, p. 346. H . MIZUBAYASHI a n d S . OKUDA

•Low Temperature Internal Friction in Deformed Ta (a) Vol. 70, No. 1, p. 257-268 (1982). See also 12.1, p. 130; 21, p. 333. S . A . MAHMOUD, M . A . SEMABY, a n d Z . F A B I D

•The Effect of Plastic Deformation on the Coherency of the ©'-Phase (a) Vol. 70, No. 1, p. K 7 7 - K 7 9 (1982). See also 12.1, p. 130; 21, p. 333; 21.1, p. 346. 7

physica, Reg.-Bd. 15


Subject Index

R . I . KUZNETSOVA, X . X . ZHUKOV, O . A . K A I B Y S H E V , a n d R . Z . VALIEV

*Mechanism of Superplastic Deformation of Coarse-Grained Materials (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. 3 7 1 - 3 7 8 (1982). See also 1.4, p. 33; 21, p. 334. V . I . C H E R V I N S K I I , M . M . K A N T O R , 1 . 1 . XOVIKOV, a n d R . M . SOFRONOVA

The N a t u r e of P l a n a r F a u l t s in a Dilute Molybdenum-Boron Alloy (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. 3 7 9 - 3 8 6 (1982). See also 1.3, p. 27; 21, p. 334. D . LEPSKI a n d P . BURCK

Precipitate S t r u c t u r e Analysis by Diffraction Contrast Image Matching for a Metastable Semicoherent Carbide P h a s e in Molybdenum (II): I m a g e Matching (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. 5 7 1 - 5 8 1 (1982). See also 1.2, p 16; 1.4, p. 33; 12.1, p. 131; 21.1, p. 347. C. K .


*Dipole Force Tensors of Vacancy-Type Defects in a-Iron (b) Vol. I l l , No. 1, p. 3 3 1 - 3 3 6 (1982). See also 21.1.1, p. 360. Y . M I N O N I S H I , S . I S H I O K A , M . K O I W A , a n d S . MOROZUMI

T h e S t r u c t u r e of {1121} Twin Boundaries in H.C.P. Crystals (a) Vol. 71, No. 1, p. 2 5 3 - 2 5 8 (1982). See also 1.4, p. 34; 21, p. 335. A . R . P A T E L , N . C. P A N D Y A , N . C. CHOURASIA, a n d G . K . SHIVAKUMAR

Annealing Characteristics and Lattice Distortion Energy Spectra of Chromium-Copper Alloy Films (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. 3 2 3 - 3 2 7 (1982). See also 14.1, p. 195; 21.1, p. 349. 0 . M I N I E R , J . LATJZIER, C . E S N O U F , a n d G . F A N T O Z Z I

*A S t u d y of t h e Peaking E f f e c t in a Hexagonal S t r u c t u r e Metal: Magnesium (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. 3 8 1 - 3 8 6 (1982). See also 11, p. 122; 12.1, p. 131; 21.3, p. 367. W . C . JOHNSON a n d J . K . L E E

*An Integral E q u a t i o n Approach t o t h e Elastic Interaction of Two Precipitates (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. 5 8 9 - 6 0 2 (1982). See also 12.1, p. 131; 21, p. 335. G . J . VAN D E R K O L K , A . VAN V E E N , a n d L . M . ( J A S P E R S

*Precipitation of Helium a t I m p l a n t e d Substitutional Silver Atoms in Tungsten (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. K 2 3 5 - K 2 3 8 (1982). See also 21, p. 336. C. K . ONG

^Vacancies in a-Zirconium (b) Vol. 112, No. 1, p. 321 - 3 2 6 (1982). See also 21, p. 336. B . M . LOGINOV a n d A . A . P R E D V O D I T E L E V

*Computer Simulation of Dislocation Motion t h r o u g h a Flexible and Reactionable Dislocation Forest of Different Density in NaCl and Mg Crystals (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. 6 9 - 7 7 (1982). See also 10.2, p. 110; 21.3, p. 367; 22.5.2, p. 458.

10.1 Metals


H. L ö f f l e r and R. W. Gould *On the Influence of Small Magnesium Additions on the Decomposition Behaviour of an Al-Zn (6 at%) Mother Alloy (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. 147-152 (1982). See also 14.1, p. 195; 21, p. 337; 21.1. p. 350. H. J . Kolkmajt *Deviations from Schmid's Law in Thin Copper Single Crystals (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. 189-198 (1982). See also 21.1, p. 350. A. L u f t and Ch. R i t s c h e l * Deformation and Slip Behaviour of Cold-Worked Molybdenum Single Crystals at Elevated Temperature (I): The Effect of Crystals Orientation (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. 225-237 (1982). See also 21, p. 337. A. H. van Ommen •Vacancies in NiGa (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. 273-280 (1982). See also 9, p. 92; 21.1, p. 350. T. A. Ryttmshina and V. I. Zaitsev ""Influence of Compressibility Anisotropy on the Dislocation Structure of Zinc, Bismuth, and Antimon Bicrystals (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. K 1 1 - K 1 3 (1982). See also 21.1, p. 351; 21.7, p. 380. R. H. Ratjtioaho *An Interatomic Pair Potential for Copper. Calculation of Stacking Fault Energy (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p. 391-398 (1982). See also 6, p. 76; 21.1, p. 351. K. Masuda *Calculation of Binding Energies of Small Vacancy Clusters in B.C.C. Transition Metals (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p. 609-614 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 172; 21, p. 337; 21.1.1, p. 361. R. KITANNA Force Model Dependence and Asymptotic Behaviour of the Static Lattice Green Function for H.C.P. Crystals (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p. 667-674 (1982). See also 6, p. 77; 21.1, p. 351; 21.3, p. 368. M. Pstrokonski and W. Chomka ""Measurements of the Internal Friction and the Shear Modulus in Cold-Worked Ordered and Disordered Ag3Mg Alloys (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. 475-482 (1982). See also 12.1, p. 132; 21.3, p. 368; 21.6, p. 377. G. A. Malyctn *Impurity Atmospheres and Effective Activation Parameters of Dislocation Motion with Special Reference to Al-Mg and Z r - 0 Alloys (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. 493-501 (1982). See also 21, p. 337; 21.1, p. 352; 21.3, p. 368. 7


Subject Index


*An Estimate of the Precipitation Hardening by Coherent Particles (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. 7 9 9 - 8 0 7 (1982). See also 1.4, p. 35; 21, p. 338; 21.1, p. 352; 21.6, p. 377. H . C . E A T O N , A . C . CHOTT, a n d J . C . C A R T E R

*Topographic Analysis of Grain Boundary Dislocations in Cold-Worked Tungsten Using Field Ion Microscopy (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. 8 1 7 - 8 2 4 (1982). See also 1.6, p. 43; 17.1, p. 258; 21, p. 338. M . J . M C G E T R I C K , C . F . COLEMAN, A . E . H U G H E S , P . B I C E - E V A N S , a n d F . A . S M I T H

*Positron Trapping in Mechanically Deformed Titanium (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. K 1 8 5 - K 1 8 8 (1982). See also 21.1, p. 352. K . D . MOORE, P . L . J O N E S , a n d F . H . COCKS

*A. Positron Annihilation Study of the Precipitation Hardening Effect in a Maraging Steel (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. K 2 2 3 - K 2 2 7 (1982). See also 21.1.1, p. 361. V . I . ZUBOV

*On the Theory of Vacancies in Simple Metals (b) Vol. 113, No. 1, p. K 7 3 - K 7 6 (1982). See also 21, p. 339. O . SLMMICH

*Theoretical Considerations on the Diffusion-Controlled Particle Growth in an Isotropic Medium (a) Vol. 73, No. 1, p. 1 0 7 - 1 1 5 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 21; 21, p. 339. B . GUEFFROY-OETTEL a n d H . LOFFLER

*The Dependence of the Beversion of Guinier-Preston Zones in an Al-4.5 a t % Zn-2.0 a t % Mg Alloy on the Pre-Ageing Conditions (a) Vol. 73, No. 1, p. 1 5 3 - 1 5 6 (1982). See also 21, p. 339; 21.1, p. 353; 21.3, p. 368. B . TOGNATO

*On Internal Premelting in Metals (a)-Vol. 73, No. 1, p. 2 3 7 - 2 4 1 ¡1982). See also 21, p. 339. S . A . IVANOV, A . L . K O L E S N I K O V A , a n d A . E . ROMANOV

*Elastic Stresses and Elastic Energy of a Flux Line in a Half-Space (a) Vol. 73, No. 1, p. K 3 1 - K 3 4 (1982). See also 14.2, p. 200. B . A . VABIN

*On the Validity of Interpretation of Some Grain Boundary Processes Based on the Assumption about the Existence of Unrelaxed Extrinsic Grain Boundary Dislocations (a) Vol. 73, No. 1, p. K 5 1 - K 5 5 (1982). See also 21, p. 339; 21.1, p. 354; 21.1.1, p. 362.

10.1 Metals


G. Haneczok and J. W. Moron •The Analysis of Internal Friction Curves for a. Temperature Gradient Existing along the Sample (a) Vol. 78, No. 1, p. K123-K127 (1982). See also 12.1, p. 132; 21, p. 340. A. J. Fendrik, A. M. Monti, and E. J. Savino *Self-Interstitial in Hexagonal Close-Packed Metals (b) Vol. 113, No. 2, p. 709-714 (1982). See also 21.3, p. 368. A. M. Roshchttpkin and V. Ya. Platkov *The Static and Dynamic Hysteresis Responsible for the Dislocational AmplitudeDependent Internal Friction (I): Theory (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. 303-313 (1982). See also 12.1, p. 132; 21, p. 340. V. G. CnuDiNov, N. V. Moseev, B. N. Goshchitskii, and V. I. Protasoy •Atomic Configurations of Point Defects in Intermetallic Nb3Sn Compound (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. 325-331 (1982). See also 21, p. 340; 21.7, p. 380. G. Said, H. H. Hassan, G. A. Hassan, and A. A. Youssef •Effect of Type and Amount of Pre-Torsional Deformation on the Creep Characteristics of Zinc Wire Samples (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. K175-K177 (1982). See also 21.1, p. 355. I. N. Kuzmenko, O. A. Palagina, and V. V. Pustovaiov *Study of Plastic Deformation of Aluminium near the Superconducting Transition (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. 5 1 - 5 7 (1982). See also 14.2, p. 201; 21, p. 341. B. Gueeero y-Oettel, R. Ramlatt, and H. Löefler •On the Relation between Precipitation Density and Size and Hardness during the Reversion Treatment of an A14.5 at%Zn-2.0 at%Mg Alloy Pre-Aged at 100 °C (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. 149-157 (1982). See also 21, p. 341; 21.1, p. 356; 21.3, p. 368. H. J. B l y t h e , F. Walz, and F. Dwobschak •Magnetic Relaxation in Dilute Iron-Nickel Alloys Following Low-Temperature Electron Irradiation (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. 181-184 (1982). See also 11, p. 128; 18.2, p. 273; 21.1, p. 356; 21.1.1, p. 363. J. Degauque and B. Astie •Evolution of the Configuration of Magnetic Domains Interacting with Structural Defects in High Purity Iron (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. 201-210 (1982). See also 18.2, p. 273-, 21.1.1, p. 363. M: Cernansky •Broadening and Shift of Diffraction Lines Due to Partieal Coherence of X-Rays (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. 365-372 (1982). See also 1.4, p. 37; 21.1, p. 357.


Subject Index

L. Skala, L. Kühne, H.-G. Peitsche, and H. M ü l l e r Cluster Model for Interstitial Hydrogen Bonding in Nickel (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. 439 —448"(1982). See also 4, p. 65; 13.4, p. 177; 21.1, p. 357. S. Takacs The Summation of Pinning Forces in Superconductors with Small Defect Densities (a) Vol. 74, No. 2, p. 4 3 7 - 4 4 4 (1982). See also 14.2, p. 201. V. A. Slbenko and V. S. Fomenko •Change of the Flow Stress at the Superconducting Transition in Lead-Indium Alloys (a) Vol. 74, No. 2, p. 4 5 9 - 4 6 5 (1982). See also 14.2, p. 201; 21, p. 342. R. Gerlach and H. L ö e f l e k •Clustering Processes Proceeding in Two AI- 2.(1 a t % Zn-1.3 a t % Mg Alloys after Direct Quench to the Ageing Temperature (a) Vol. 74, No. 2. p. 5 1 7 - 5 2 8 (1982). See also 1.3, p. 31; 21, p. 342; 21.1, p. 358; 21.3, p. 368. J . Schlipf •Thermally Activated Motion of Dislocations in a Field of Randomly Distributed Obstacles (a) Vol. 74, No. 2, p. 5 2 9 - 5 4 4 (1982). See also 21, p. 342. A. Vincent *Low Megahertz Range Adaptation of the String Model to the Study of Dislocation-Point Defect Interaction in the Bias Stress Svstem (a) Vol. 74, No. 2, p. 5 7 3 - 5 8 2 (1982). See also 21, p. 342.

10.2 Non-Metals


10.2 Non-Metals Review


A . B . DOKTOROV a n d E . A . K O T O M I N

*Theory of Tunneling Recombination of Defects Stimulated by Their Motion (I): General Formalism (b) Vol. 114, No. 1, p. 9 - 3 4 (1982). See als 9, p. 91. E . A . K O T O M I N a n d A . B . DOKTOROV

*Theory of Tunneling Recombination of Defects Stimulated by Their Motion (II): Three Recombination Mechanisms (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. 2 8 7 - 3 1 8 (1982). See also 9, p. 91; 22.5.2, p. 454. Original


and Short


E . A . KOTOMIN a n d A . L . SHLUGER

*Semiempirical Calculations of Defect Properties in L i F Crystal (II): Electron and Hole Centres and Their Recombination (b) Vol. 109, No. 1, p. 7 5 - 8 1 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 162; 22.5.2, p. 454. Z H . E G E M B E R D I E V , S . ZAZUBOVICH, a n d V . X A G I B N YI

•Polarized Luminescence of Lead Ions Associated with Interstitial Radiation Defects in KChPbCL, Crystals (b) Vol. 109, No. 1, p. 1 7 3 - 1 8 2 (1982). See also 20.3, p. 318; 22.5.2, p. 454. S. MILSHTEIN a n d A . SENDERICHIN

•Model of Single Charged Dislocation in Tetravalent Semiconductors (b) Vol. 109, No. 1, p. 4 2 9 - 4 3 6 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 163; 22.1.1, p. 395; 22.1.2, p. 400. I . E . BOLOTOV a n d V . Y U . KOLOSOV

Electron Microscope Investigation of Crystals Based on Bend-Contour Arrangement (I): Relationship between Bend-Contour Arrangement and Bend Geometry (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. 8 5 - 9 6 (1982). See also 1.5, p. 38; 22.1.3, p. 417. D . MERGEL a n d R . LABUSCH

•Optical Excitations of Dislocation States in Silicon (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. 1 5 1 - 1 5 8 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 163; 16, p. 249; 22.1.2, p. 400. K . S. ARNTSON a n d M . B . LANGLEY

*A Phenomenological Theory for Hysteresis in t h e Ionic Conductivity of Solid Electrolytes (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. 1 8 5 - 1 9 2 (1982). See also 8, p. 85; 14.4, p. 234; 22.5, p. 450. CH. SCHNITTLER, G . TEICHMANN, W . KAUFMANN, a n d H . SCHEIDER

*A Thermodynamic Model for the Formation and Growth of B-Defects in Silicon (a).Vol. 69, No. 1, p. 2 2 7 - 2 3 6 (1982). See also 22.1.2, p. 400.


Subject Index

Hj. Matzke and C. Politis *The Fracture Properties of NbC, Nb(C, N), and NbN by Hertzian Indentation (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. 2 6 9 - 2 7 9 (1982). See also 12.2, p. 134; 22, p. 383. K. Yastttake, M. Umeno, and H. Kawabe *Compression Tests of Heat-Treated Czochralski-Grown Silicon Crystals (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. 333-341 (1982). See also 22.1.2, p. 400. J . Lecomte, J . P. Loup, G. Bosser, M. Hep.vieu, and B. Raveau •Non-Stoichiometry and Electrical Conductivity of Strontium Niobates with Perovskite Structure (III): Thermodynamic Data for Sr(Sr(i/3) + a;Nb(2/3) —x)03- (3/2)x (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. 359-366 (1982). See also 14.3, p. 203; 14.4, p. 234; 22.8.1, p. 492. S. Bhan •Thermoluminescence of NaP Harshaw Single Crystals Irradiated to Medium Doses (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. 367-376 (1982). See also 20.3, p. 319; 22.5.2, p. 454. G. A. Andreev, T. S. Orlova, and B. I. Smirxov •A Difference between Tension and Compression in the Density Change of Strained LiF Crystals (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. 4 1 9 - 4 2 3 (1982). See also 22.5.2, p. 455. Y. S. Horowitz •Criticism of the Z-Center Model in LiF-TLD (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. K 2 9 - K 3 2 (1982). See also 22.5.2, p. 455. P. L. Kukk and H. A. Aarna •Solubility of Ag in CdS Single Crystals (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. K 1 0 9 - K 1 1 2 (1982). See also 14.3, p. 203; 22.4.1, p. 439. Zh. Egemberdiev, S. Zaztjbovich, V. Seeman, and V. Nagirnyi •Luminescence Accompanying the Recombination of Electrons with Vjr Centres in KCl Crystals (b) Vol. 109, No. 2, p. 4 7 3 - 4 8 2 (1982). See also 19, p. 283; 20.3, p. 319; 22.5.2, p. 455. S. Benci, P. Fermi, and R. Reverberi •Symmetries of Luminescent Centers in NaCl:Pb 2+ Excited in the A-Absorption Band (b) Vol. 109, No. 2, p. 543-550 (1982). See also 20.3, p. 319; 22.5.2, p. 455. R. J . Deri, Ch. Haystam, and J. P. Spoonhower •Photoconductivity of Lead(II)- and Cadmium(II)-Doped Silver Bromide (b) Vol. 109, No. 2, p. 6 4 5 - 6 5 3 (1982). See also 16, p. 2-50; 22.5.1, p. 453. V. A. Streltsov, V. I. Barbashov, and Yu. B. Tkachenko •Effect of Hydrostatic Pressure on Dislocation Mobility in KCl Crystals (a) Vol. 69, No. 2, p. 4 9 7 - 5 0 3 (1982). See also 12.2, p. 134; 22.5.2, p. 455.

10.2 Non-Metals


S. K. Maksimov and E. N. Nagdaev Electron Microscopy Images of Composition-Modulated Crystals (II): Dilatational Contrast Images (a) Vol. 69, No. 2, p. 505-512 (1982). See also 1.4, p. 32; 22.2.4, p. 430. T. M. Bulatova and E. M. Nadgobnyi *Effect of the Polycrystalline Structure on the Relaxation Processes and Dislocation Motion in NaCI Crystals (a) Vol. 69, No. 2, p. 5 2 7 - 5 3 3 (1982). See also 22.5.2, p. 455. M. N. Avasthi, M. T. El-Gemal, and M. Saleem *High Ionic Conductivity of Ag19I15P„07 Solid Electrolyte (a) Vol. 69, No. 2, p. 5 3 5 - 5 3 9 (1982"). See also 14.4, p. 234; 22.8, p. 483. B. S. Acharya and M. L. M f k h e r j e e *Role of Tin Centres on the Thermoluminescence of KC1: SnCl, Single Crystals (a) Vol. 69, No. 2, p. 649-655 (1982). See also 20.1, p. 301; 20.3, p. 320; 22.5.2, p. 455. L. Castellant, P. Gondi, C. P a t u e l l i , and R. B e r t i *On the EBIC Contrast of Dislocations in Si (a) Vol. 69, No. 2, p. 677-685 (1982). See also 1.4, p. 32; 22.1.2, p. 402. H. F o l l *Lattice Imaging of Silicide-Silicon Interfaces and the Interpretation of Interfacial Defects (a) Vol. 69, No. 2, p. 779-788 (1982). See also 1.6, p. 42; 22.1.2, p. 402. D. N. Popov, N. M. Nancheva, and M. R. Minev *Positron Annihilation in Sr 2+ and Ba 2+ Doped KC1 (a) Vol. 69, No. 2, p. K 1 4 3 - K 1 4 6 (1982). See also 22.5.2, p. 456. A. Goltzene, B. Meyer, and C. Schwab On the Generation of Paramagnetic Defects by the Abrahams-Buiocchi Etchant on Semiinsulating GaAs (a) Vol. 69, No. 2, p. K 1 5 1 - K 1 5 6 (1982). See also 19, p. 284; 22.2.1, p. 420. L. Pasemaxst *EBIC Contrast of Surface-Parallel Dislocations in a Planar Semiconductor Diode with Large Surface Recombination (a) Vol. 69, No. 2, p. K 1 9 9 - K 2 0 3 (1982). See also 14.3.3, p. 220; 22, p. 384. P. A. Cherdantsev, I. P. Chernov, and A. P. Mamontov •Chain Annihilation of Defects in Semiconductor Crystals (a) Vol. 69, No. 2, p. K215-K218 (1982). See also 11, p. 119; 22.1.2, p. 402; 22.2.1, p. 420. M. L. D a l a l , S. Sivaramax, and Y. V. G. S. Murti •Thermal Dissociation Energy of F-Centers in Alkali Halides (b) Vol. 110, No. 1, p. 349-356 (1982). See also 9, p. 91; 22.5.2, p. 456.


Subject I n d e x

P . KXTKK, Ö . P A L M R E , a n d E . M E L L I K O V

*The S t r u c t u r e of Recombination Centres in Activated ZnSe Phosphors (a) Vol. 70, No. 1, p. 3 5 - 4 2 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 166; 20.3, p. 321; 22.4.2, p. 442. L . N . SKUJA a n d A . R . SILIN

•A Model for t h e Non-Bridging Oxygen Center in Fused Silica. The Dynamic Jahn-Teller Effect (a) Vol. 70, No. 1, p. 4 3 - 4 9 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 166-, 20.1, p. 302; 20.3, p. 321; 22.6, p. 469. M. RENNINGER

• I m a g i n g of L a t t i c e Defects b y Double Diffractometric Transmission Topography (a) Vol. 70, No. 1, p. 1 8 3 - 1 8 8 (1982). See also 22.1.2, p. 403. F . CALLENS, W . MAENITOUT-VAN DER VORST, a n d L . W .


*The Effect of t h e Solution pAg and p H on t h e Space Charge Characteristics of Silver Bromide Emulsion Grains (a) Vol. 70, No. 1, p. 1 8 9 - 1 9 5 (1982). See also 14.4, p. 235; 22.5.1, p. 453. L . PASEMANN, H . BLUMTRITT, a n d R . GLEICHMANN

• I n t e r p r e t a t i o n of t h e E B I C Contrast of Dislocations in Silicon (a) Vol. 70, No. 1, p. 1 9 7 - 2 0 9 (1982). See also 1.4, p. 33; 14.3.3, p. 220; 22.1.2, p. 403. P . J . RATCLIFFE

*X-Ray Topography a n d Laser Tomography of Crystalline TGSe (a) Vol. 70, No. 1, p. 2 1 1 - 2 1 8 (1982). See also 22.9, p. 504. K . I S H I D A , Y . M A T S U M O T O , a n d K . TAGTTCHI

• L a t t i c e Defects in L P E I n P - I n G a A s P - I n G a A s S t r u c t u r e Epitaxial Layers on I n P Substrates (a) Vol. 70, No. 1, p. 2 7 7 - 2 8 6 (1982). See also 1.5, p. 39; 22.2.4, p. 430. K . N . R E D D Y , M. L . RAO, a n d V . H . BABU

*Thermoluminescence and Optical Absorption Studies of Zj-Centres in NaCl Crystals Doped with Samarium (a) Vol. 70, No. 1, p. 3 3 5 - 3 4 1 (1982). See also 20.1, p. 303; 20.3, p. 321; 22.5.2, p. 456. M . STOJIC

• T h e Origin of Iron I n t e r s t i t i a l in Quenched Silicon Single Crystals (a) Vol. 70, No. 1, p. K 3 9 - K 4 2 (1982). See also 19, p. 285 ; 22.1.2, p. 404. E . WOLF

• T h e N a t u r e and Formation Mechanism of Anomalous Defects in Dislocation Free FZSilicon Crystals Caused b y Hydrogen Doping (a) Vol. 70, No. 1, p. K 5 9 - K 6 1 (1982). See also 3, p. 57; 22.1.2, p. 404.

10.2 Non-Metals


P. P a u f l e r , 0 . B o e h n k e , G. T e i c h e r t , and K. L ö s c h k e *On the Influence of Plastic Deformation upon the Mass Density of GaP (a) Vol. 70, No. 1, p. K 8 1 - K 8 3 (1982). See also 22.2.2, p. 424. S. Bhain*Luminescence and Optical Investigation of NaF: C'3+ Single Crystals (b) Vol. 110, No. 2, p. 3 9 9 - 4 0 5 (1982). See also 20.1, p. 303; 20.3, p. 321; 22.5.2, p. 456. F a t Duen Ho *The F + Center in Lithium Tantalate (b) Vol. 110, No. 2. p. 4 3 7 - 4 4 3 (1982). See also 13 4. p. 166; 20.1, p. 303; 22.8.1, p. 494. I. A. P a r f i a n o v i c h and V. N. S a l o m a t o v *The Fa(II) Center Relaxed Excited State and Models of F A (II)-Like Defects in Alkali Halide Crystals (b) Vol. 110, No. 2, p. 5 1 3 - 5 2 0 (1982). See also 20.1, p. 303; 22.5.2, p. 456. D. Vignatjd, J . L. F a r v a c q u e , and D. F e r r e *Anisotropy of t h e Free Carrier Piezoelectric Scattering by Dislocations in ITT-Y Compounds (b) Vol. 110, No. 2, p. 6 0 1 - 6 0 9 (1982). See also 14.3, p. 205; 22.2, p. 418. M. M l a d e n o v a , A., and M. G e o r g i e v •Conversion of Impurity-Vacancy Complexes under -/-Irradiation and Subsequent F Band Bleaching in KClrEu 2 " (b) Vol. 110, No. 2, p. 6 4 3 - 6 5 2 (1982). See also 19, p. 285; 22.5.2, p. 456. R. R. Mijangos, J . L. Mat;in, A. C l a r k , A. N a v a r r o , and C. R u i z MejLa •Effect of Surface Polarization on t h e Absorption Spectrum of an F-Center (b) Vol. 110, No. 2, p. 7 0 3 - 7 0 8 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 167; 22.5.2, p. 457. V. B. P t a s h n i k , T. Ytj. D u n a e v a , and Yu. M. Baikov • T h e Electrical Conductivity of Solid Lithium Hydride Doped with Sulphur (b) Vol.110, No. 2, p. K 1 2 1 - K 1 2 4 (1982). See also 14.4, p. 23-5; 22, p. 385. S. Bham •F Z i Centres in NaF:Ca 2 + Single Crystals (b) Vol. 110, No. 2, p. K 1 2 5 - K 1 2 7 (1982). See also 20.1, p. 304; 22.5.2, p. 457. Z. G. Liu and W. S k r o t z k i •Slip on {100} Planes in LiF (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. 4 3 3 - 4 4 0 (1982). See also 22.5.2, p. 457. K. Tkmi'Elhoff and N. v a n S u n g Formation of Self-Disorder Agglomerates in Dislocation-Free Silicon during Crystal Growth (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. 4 4 1 - 4 4 9 (1982). See also 3, p. 57; 22.1.2, p. 404.


Subject Index

P. Zatjmseil and U. Winter Triple Crystal Diffractometer Investigations of Silicon Crystals with Different CollimatorAnalyzer Arrangements (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. 4 9 7 - 5 0 5 (1982). See also 1.1, p. 11; 22.1.2, p. 405. R. A. Weeks, J. Narayan, and E. Sonder Electric Breakdown in MgO Crystals at Elevated Temperature (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. 631-639 (1982). See also 14.3.4, p. 228; 19, p. 285; 22.6, p. 470. Z. Sourek and R. Bubakova *The Deformation by Stress Relaxation at the Edge Dislocation (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. 641-648 (1982). See also 22.1.2, p. 405. R. Huztmura and K. Atarashi The Role of Sulphur-Oxy Radicals in Thermoluminescence and Exoelectron Emission of CaS0 4 Phosphors (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. 6 4 9 - 6 5 7 (1982). See also 17, p. 256; 20.3, p. 322; 22.8.1, p. 494. M. Servidort, A. Zaot, and G. G a r u l l i *Residual Lattice Disorder in Self-Implanted Silicon after Pulsed Laser Irradiation (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. 6 9 1 - 7 0 1 (1982). See also 11, p. 121; 22.1.2, p. 405. Y. Nishino, H. Saka, and T. Imura *DisIocation Configurations Characteristic of Deformed Czochralski-Grown Silicon Crystals (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. 729-737 (1982). See also 22.1.2, p. 405. J. Llopis, J. Piqueras, and C. B a l l e s t e r o s *lnfluence of Purity on Cathodoluminescence from Dislocations in MgO (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. 739-746 (1982). See also 20.3, p. 322; 22.6, p. 471. J. Prakash *On the Occurrence of Photo-Induced Polarization and Photo-Induced Depolarization (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. 7 4 7 - 7 5 3 (1982). See also 14.4, p. 235; 22.5.2, p. 457. A. A. Groza, L. G. Nikolaeva, M. I. Starchik, G. G. Shmatko, and Y r . I. Zaslavskit *Defects in Silicon Crystals after the High Temperature Treatment (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. 763-768 (1982). See also 11, p. 121; 20.1, p. 304; 22.1.2, p. 406. P. P. Seregin and F. S. Nasredinov *Study of Gold and Platinum Impurity Atom State in Vitreous Arsenic Selenide (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. 769-775 (1982). See also 2, p. 48; 5, p. 67; 14.3, p. 206; 17, p. 256; 22, p. 385. J. Garbabczyk, M. Wasiucionek, W. Jakubowski, and A. Grodzinski *TGA and DTA Studies on Moist Na, Li/Na, and Ag ¡3"-Aluminas (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. K 1 6 3 - K 1 6 6 (1982). See also 8, p. 86; 22.6, p. 471.

10.2 Non-Metals



T h e Coherence Description of t h e Dynamical X - R a y Diffraction f r o m R a n d o m l y Disordered Crystals (I): General Formalism (b) Vol. Ill, No. 1, p. 3 4 1 - 3 5 1 (1982). See also 1.1, p. 11; 22, p. 386. L . A . KAZAKEVICH a n d P . F . LUGAKOV

*The E f f e c t of Dislocations on t h e Formation of Radiation Defects in Silicon (a) Vol. 71, No. 1, p. 9 9 - 1 0 8 (1982). See also 11, p. 122; 22.1.2, p. 406. U . BALACHANDRAN a n d N . G . EROR

*Oxygen Nonstoichiometry of Tantalum-Doped Calcium T i t a n a t e . (a) Vol. 71, No. 1, p. 1 7 9 - 1 8 4 (1982). See also 22.8.2, p. 500. N . D . ZAKHAROV, M . P A S E M A N N , a n d V . N . R O Z H A N S K I

*Observations of Point Defects in Silicon b y Means of Dark-Field Lattice Plane Imaging (a) Vol. 71, No. 1, p. 2 7 5 - 2 8 1 (1982). See also 22.1.2, p. 407. B . R , SOOD

Suitability of N a F as a Phaser Material (a) Vol. 71, No. 1, p. K 1 1 7 - K 1 1 9 (1982). See also 6, p. 74; 20.2, p. 317; 22.5.2, p. 457. R . K . SINHA a n d M . L . MUKHERJEE

• L a t t i c e P a r a m e t e r and F - B a n d Position in KClj^.^Br^ Crystals (b) Vol. Ill, No. 2, p. K 1 1 7 - K 1 2 1 (1982). See also 1.1, p. 12; 20.1, p. 306; 22.5.4, p. 467. B . ESCAIG, J . L . FARVACQUE, a n d D . F E R R É

*On t h e Measurement of Thermally Activated Slip P a r a m e t e r s in Tetrahedrally Coordinated Semiconductors (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. 3 2 9 - 3 3 4 (1982). See also 22.2.3, p. 427. V . B . DTTDNIKOVA a n d V . S . U R U S O V

*Solvus of KCI:Sr 2 + Solid Solution by Density Measurements of Single Crystals w i t h t h e Flotation Method (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. 4 0 9 - 4 1 4 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 18; 22.5.2, p. 458. G . KOWALSKI a n d J . GRONKOWSKI

*On t h e I n t e r m e d i a r y I m a g e in X - R a y Section Topography (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. 6 1 1 - 6 1 7 (1982). See also 1.4, p. 34; 22.1.2, p. 408. M . T . S E B A S T I A N , D . P A N D E Y, a n d P . K R I S H N A

X - R a y Diffraction S t u d y of t h e 2 H t o 3C Solid S t a t e Transformation in Vapour Grown Single Crystals of ZnS (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. 6 3 3 - 6 4 0 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 18; 22.4.1, p. 441. G . A . A N D R E E V , M . HARTMANOVÁ, a n d V . A . K L I M O V

*Precipitation-Induced Dislocation Loops a n d Helices in NaCl-Ni Crystals (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. K 1 3 7 - K 1 3 8 (1982). See also 22.5.2, p. 458.


Subject Index

E . V . IVUC YS, O . E . P A N C H U K , J . V . K A M E N E C K A S , a n d D . F . .JUNEVTCIUS

*On t h e Kinetics of t h e Process of Decay of S u p e r s a t u r a t e d Solid Copper or Silver Solution in Cadmium Telluride (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. K 1 5 7 - K 1 6 0 (1982). See also 9, p. 92; 14.3, p. 207; 22.4.3, p. 446. F . GALLUNS a n d W . M A E N H O U T - V A N D E R V O K S T

• T h e Influence of E D T A on t h e Space Charge Characteristics of AgBr and ß-Agl Emulsion Grains (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. K 1 6 1 - K 1 6 3 (1982). See also 14.4, p. 230; 22.5.1, p. 453. G . K . P A D A M , B . S I N G H , S . K . G U P T A , a n d G . D . SOOTHA

• E f f e c t of Impurities on t h e Oxygen Radicals and F + Centres in CdS (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. K 1 6 9 - K 1 7 2 (1982). See also 19, p. 287; 22.4.1, p. 441. S. R . SINGH a n d S. SINGH

• P h o n o n Scattering in Plastically Deformed Ge (b) Vol. 112, No. 1, p. 5 1 - 5 4 (1982). See also 6, p. 75; 22.1.1, p. 397. Y . M . M . HORNOS, H . PANEPUCCI, C. J . MAGON, a n d M . C . T E R R I L E

•Discrete Saturation Effects of t h e E S R Spectrum of H° in CaF„ (b) Vol. 112, No. 1, p. 9 1 - 9 6 (1982). See also 19, p. 288; 22.5.3, p. 465. V . HOLY

*The Coherence Description of t h e Dynamical X - R a y Diffraction f r o m Randomly Disordered Crystals (II): Some Numerical Results (b) Vol. 112, No. 1, p. 1 6 1 - 1 6 9 (1982). See also 1.1, p. 12; 22, p. 387. M . CHINNTJSAMY a n d T . N A G A R A J A N

•Positron Annihilation in Mn 2 + -Doped KCl Single Crystals (b) Vol. 112, No. 1, p. 2 9 7 - 3 0 1 (1982). See also 22.5.2, p. 458. A . K . G E R A S Y U K , V . F . PISARENKO, a n d V . V . POPOV

*On t h e Theory of Dipolar Thermally Stimulated Depolarization in Doped Ionic Crystals (b) Vol. 112, No. 1, p. K 1 1 - K 1 4 (1982). See also 14.4, p. 236; 22.5.3, p. 465. B . M . LOGINOV a n d A . A . P R E D V O D I T E L E V

•Computer Simulation of Dislocation Motion through a Flexible and Reactionable Dislocation Forest of Different Density in NaCl and Mg Crystals (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. 6 9 - 7 7 (1982). See also 10.1, p. 98; 21.3, p. 367; 22.5.2, p. 458. D. A


•Dielectric Relaxation in Manganese-Doped Silver Chloride (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. 1 2 3 - 1 2 9 (1982). See also 14.4, p. 236; 22.5.1, p. 453. S . K . MAKSIMOV a n d E . N . N A D G A E V

•Electron Microscopy Images of Composition-Modulated Crystals (III): Moire Fringe Images (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. 1 3 5 - 1 4 5 (1982). See also 1.4, p. 35; 22.2.4, p. 430.


10.2 Non-Metals J . ECHIGOYA a n d J . W . EDINGTON

*Stacking F a u l t s in Recrystallized Cadmium Sulphide (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. K 1 - K 4 (1982). See also 22.4.1, p. 441. N . E B B E N , P . PAUFLER, K . LÖSCHKE, S. DÄBRITZ, a n d K .


*Kossel Line Broadening near a Scratch on G a P (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. K 1 5 - K 1 8 (1982). See also 22.2.2, p. 425. D . E . 10ANNOTT

*Comments on t h e Ey + 0.45 eV Quenched-in Level in Silicon (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. K 3 3 - K 3 6 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 171; 22.1.2, p. 409. K . G . NIKIFOROV, A . G . GUREVICH, S. I . RADAUTSAN, L . M . E M I R Y A N , a n d V . E . TEZLEVAN

*Effect of Nonstoichiometry on Ferromagnetic Resonance in CdCr 2 S 4 Crystals (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. K 3 7 - K 3 9 (1982). See also 19, p. 288; 22.8, p. 487. P . K . K H A B I B U L L A E V , L . P . K H I Z N I C H E N K O , N . S . T U L Y A G A N O V A , a n d L . G . ZOTOVA

"•Transformation of Self-Interstitials in Silicon u n d e r Electronic and Thermal Stimulation (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. K 6 9 - K 7 2 (1982). See also 11, p. 124; 22.1.2, p. 409. S. J . PEARTON

* Hydrogen Passivation of -/-Induced Point Defects in Silicon (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. K 7 3 - K 7 5 (1982). See also 14.3, p. 208; 22.1.2, p. 410. S.


*C-U Measurements on Heavily Dislocated Si (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. K 9 9 - K 1 0 3 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 171; 14.3, p. 208; 22.1.2, p. 410. J . KIKAS a n d M. RÄTSEP

C o r r e l a t i o n of Transition Frequencies in I m p u r i t y Spectra of Inhomogeneous Solids (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p. 4 0 9 - 4 1 5 (1982). See also 20.1, p. 309; 22.5.2, p. 459. H . O P Y R C H A I , K . D . NIERZEWSKI, a n d B . MACALIK

*Effect of y-Irradiation on E u 2 + Ions in KCl Crystals (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p. 4 2 9 - 4 3 4 (1982). See also 11, p. 124; 19, p. 288; 20.1, p. 309; 20.3, p. 324; 22.5.2, p. 459. A . DATJLETBEKOVA, A . A K I L B E K O V , a n d A . E L A N G O

T h e r m o - and Photostimulated Recombinations of F - H A and A-LA Centres in K B r with Large N a Concentration (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p. 4 4 5 - 4 5 2 (1982). See also 20.3, p. 324; 22.5.2, p. 459. V . I . KUZNETSOV a n d P . F . LUGAKOV

*Study of Rearrangements of Intrinsic Defects a t Annealing of P r o t o n - I r r a d i a t e d Silicon (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p. 4 5 7 - 4 6 2 (1982). See also 11, p. 124; 13.4, p. 172; 22.1.2, p. 410.


Subject Index

S. Bhan *Thermoluminescence of NaF:Ca 2 + Single Crystals (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p. 507-514 (1982). See also 20.3, p. 324; 22.5.2, p. 459. B. Pfalzgraf, O. Roder, and J.-M. Spaeth •Optical Investigation of Ag + Centers in Cesium Halides (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p. 565-574 (1982). See also 13.5.1, p. 184; 20.1, p. 309; 22.5.2, p. 459. M. Sitj LI, M. de Sotjza, and S. E. Kai-phan *Ionic Thermal Currents under Uniaxial Stress. A New Method to Determine Electric and Elastic Dipole Properties (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p. 6 8 5 - 6 9 3 (1982). See also 14.4, p. 237; 22.5.2, p. 459. W. VAN PUYMBROECK, N. SCHRIJVERS, A. BOUWEN, and D. SCHOEMAKER •Electron Spin Resonance Study of Hn-Type BrCI" Defects in KC1 Doped with Divalent Cation Impurities (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p. 725-733 (1982). See also 19, p. 289; 22.5.2, p. 459. F. Mariani and J. Vignolo *Effect of y-Irradiation on I - V Dipoles in KC1 Crystals (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p. K 8 5 - K 8 7 (1982). See also 11, p. 124; 22.5.2, p. 459. N. M. Olekhnovich, A. L. Kaepei, V. M. Skidan, and L. D. Puzenkova *Dynamical Oscillations of X-Ray Integrated Intensity in Lane Diffraction and Their Temperature Dependences for Si Dislocation Crystals (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. 463-467 (1982). See also 22.1.2, p. 410. V. V. Aristov, V. G. Kohn, V. I. Polovinkina, and A. A. Snigirev •Change of Interference Pattern in the X-Ray Section Topography of Single Crystals with Increasing Dimensions of an Incoherent Source (a) Vol. 72 No. 2, p. 4 8 3 - 4 9 1 (1982). See also 1.1, p. 12; 22.1.1, p. 397; 22.1.2, p. 410. K. Tempelhoff and N. van Sung *Formation of Vacancy Agglomerates in Quenched Dislocation-Free Silicon (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. 617-622 (1982). See also 22.1.2, p. 411. I. E. Bolotov, V. YU. Kolosov, and A. V. Kozhyn Electron Microscope Investigation of Crystals Based on Bend-Contour Arrangement (IT): Bending Phenomena of the Crystal Growth in an Amorphous Film (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. 645-654 (1982). See also 1.5, p. 40; 22.1.3, p. 417. V. V. Kveder, Ytj. A. Osipyan, W. Schroter, and G. Zoth On the Energy Spectrum of Dislocations in Silicon (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. 7 0 1 - 7 1 3 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 173; 22.1.2, p. 411.


10.2 Non-Metals E . M . LAWSON a n d S . J . P E A R T O N

•Hydrogen Passivation of Laser-Induced Acceptor Defects in p-Type Silicon (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. K 1 5 5 - K 1 5 8 (1982). See also 14.3, p. 209; 22.1.2, p. 411. M . R . B E O Z E L , E . J . POTTLE.ES, a n d B . T U C K

*The Electrical Properties of InP Diffused with Chromium or Iron (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. K 1 5 9 - K 1 6 3 (1982). See also 14.S, p. 209; 22.2.2, p. 426. T . S U Z U K I , Y . HXROSE, a n d H . H I R O S E

*A Model of the Photodoping Mechanism in the Ag/Ag„S3 System (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. K 1 6 5 - K 1 6 8 (1982). See also 14.3.2, p. 217; 16, p. 253; 22, p. 389. L. Bosi and M. Nrais •Luminescence Properties of an M^-Type Center in KCl:SrCI., and KChCaCI, (b) Vol. 113, No. 1, p. 3 4 7 - 3 5 2 (1982). See also 20.3, p. 325; 22.5.2, p. 460. T . GOWOKOEK, C . R Y B K A , R . W A S I E W I C Z , a n d J . W A W R Y S Z C Z U K

*Positronium Trapping at Thermally Produced Defects in Naphthalene (b) Vol. 113, No. 1, p. K 9 - K 1 3 (1982). See also 22.9, p. 506. R . K . G A R T I A , R . SINGH, a n d K . Y . SINGH

•Thermoluminescence Studies of Post-Irradiation Deformation in Ca-Doped NaCl (b) Vol. 113, No. 1, p. K 5 7 - K 6 0 (1982). See also 20.3, p. 325; 22.5.2, p. 460. R . C A S E S , R . ALCALÁ, a n d V . M . O R E R A

•F'-Centers in CsF (b) Vol. 113, No. 1, p. K 6 1 - K 6 5 (1982). See also 20.1, p. 311; 20.3, p. 325; 22.5.2, p. 460. H . - G . BRÜHL a n d J .


Determination of Nitrogen Concentrations in (111) Oriented VPE-GaP Epitaxial Layers by Measurement of the Precision Lattice Parameter (a) Vol. 73, No. 1, p. 1 3 9 - 1 4 4 (1982). See also 1.5, p. 40; 22.2.2, p. 426. D A Y U WANG a n d A . S . NOWICK

A Grain-Boundary-Type Maxwell-Wagner Peak in the Thermally-Stimulated Depolarization of Doped Ceria Ceramics (a) Vol. 73, No. 1, p. 1 6 5 - 1 7 2 (1982). See also 14.4, p. 238; 22.6, p. 474. Y . NISHINO a n d T . I M U E A

•Generation Process of Dislocations in Precipitate-Containing Silicon Crystals (a) Vol. 73, No. 1, p. 1 7 3 - 1 8 2 (1982). See also 22.1.2, p. 412. L . L . R E G E L , V . R . R E G E L , S . E . BORISKIN, G . G . K J J A B , A . A . URUSOVSKAYA, L . I . ALEKSEEVA, a n d V . V . KLECHKOVSKAYA

•Influence of Irradiation with Heavy Ions on the Defect Structure and Mechanical Properties of LiE Crystals (a) Vol. 73, No. 1, p. 2 5 5 - 2 6 6 (1982). See also 11, p. 126; 12.2, p. 136; 22.5.2, p. 460. 8

physica, Reg.-Bel. 15


Subject Index


*TGA and DTA Studies on Me-Stabilized ^''-Alumina (Me = Co. Ni. Cu, Zn) Exposed to Moist Air (a) Vol. 73, No. 1, p. K 9 7 - K 1 0 0 (1982). See also 8, p. 88; 22.6, p. 474. N . D . V I E I R A , J R . , I . M . R A X I E R I , a n d S . P . MORATO

*Room T e m p e r a t u r e Visible Laser Action of F Aggregated Centers in L i F :Mg, OH Crystals (a) Vol. 73, No. 1, p. K 1 1 5 - K 1 1 7 (1982). See also 20.2, p. 317; 22.5.2, p. 461. B . YA. FARBER a n d V . I. NIKITENKO

•Change of t h e Dislocation Mobility Characteristics in Silicon Single Crystals a t Elevated Temperatures (a) Vol. 73, No. 1, p. K 1 4 1 - K 1 4 4 (1982). See also 22.1.2, p. 412. E . G. TISHKOVSKY

• R a n d o m Walk and Interaction of Vacancies w i t h Imperfections in Diamond Lattice as a Discrete Markovian Process (b) Vol. 113, No. 2, p. 4 5 9 - 4 6 6 (1982). See also 22, p. 389. J . KATRIEL a n d R . BAR-ADON

S p e c t r u m of t h e Fö-Center (b) Vol. 113, No. 2,"p. 4 8 1 - 4 8 6 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 174; 22.5.2, p. 461. J . PROVOOST, P . D E B E R G H , a n d G . H O E B E E C K

Formation of Lattice Defects by Two-Photon Excitation in Alkali Halides (b) Vol. 113, No. 2, p. 6 5 7 - 6 6 3 (1982). See also 20.1, p. 312; 22.5.2, p. 461. J.


•Measurements of t h e Ionic Conductivity of N a l and Calculation of t h e Bulk Modulus and Specific H e a t of Vacancies (b) Vol. 113, No. 2, p. 7 2 1 - 7 2 6 (1982). See also 8, p. 89; 12.2, p. 137; 14.4, p. 238; 22.5.2, p. 461. B . V . K O B R I N , R . M . KUPRIYANOVA, V . S . MIXAEV, E . P . PROKOFIEV, a n d V . P . SHANTAROVICH

• S t u d y of Imperfections in Ge-Te Semiconductors b v t h e Positron Annihilation Technique (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. 3 2 1 - 3 2 4 (1982). See also 2, p. 53; 22.7, p. 479. C . DONOLATO a n d P . V E X T U R I

•Influence of t h e Generation Distribution on t h e Calculated E B I C Contrast of Line Defects (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. 3 7 7 - 3 8 7 (1982). See also 11, p. 127; 22.1.2, p. 413. G . RIVAUD, M . F . DENAXOT, H . GAREM, e t J . C. DESOYER

*Dislocatins dissociées dans ZnSe (Dissociated Dislocations in ZnSe) (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. 4 0 1 - 4 0 8 (1982). See also 22.4.2, p. 443.

10.2 Non-Metals


P. Zaumseil and U. Winter •Triple Crystal Diffractometer Investigations of Imperfections in Silicon Crystals withLaue Case Diffraction (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. 4 5 5 - 4 6 6 (1982). See also 22.1.2, p. 413. P.

Veeresham, U . V . Subba Rao, and V . Haki B A B t r *Thermoluminescence of Z r Centres in KCI J: Bri_. r : (.'a21 Crystals (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. 5 6 5 - 5 7 2 (1982). See also 20.1, p. 313; 20.3, p. 326; 22.5.2, p. 461.

A. J. Cohen and L. N. Makar * Models for Color Centers in Smoky Quartz (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. 5 9 3 - 5 9 6 (1982). See also 20.1, p. 313; 22.6, p. 475. S. P. Kuila and V. V. Ratnam •Thermal Annealing of V-Bands and Their Correlation with Thermoluminescence Spectra in X-Irradiated Li-Doped KBr Crystals (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. 5 9 7 - 6 0 1 (1982). See also 20.3, p. 326-, 22.5.2, p. 462. A. Castaldini, A. Cavallint, P. Gondi, and E. Bonetti •Generation and Recombination Images of Dislocations in Si by Scanning Microscopy (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. 6 1 7 - 6 2 4 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 175; 16, p. 253; 22.1.2, p. 414. 0. Battaglia, S. Bonora, M. Cevolani, G. C. Degli Esposti, and S. P e t r a l i a Thermoluminescence Sensitization in LiF (TLD 100) at Different Post-Annealing Temperatures (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. K 1 6 9 - K 1 7 3 (1982). See also 20.3, p. 327; 22.5.2, p. 462. W. Skrotzki and Z. G. Liu •Analysis of the Cross Slip Process in Alkali Halides (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. K 2 2 5 - K 2 2 9 (1982). See also 22.5.2, p. 462. J. .Stjjpien-Damji and E. Mugenski •Effect of F - F ' Conversion on the Lattice Parameter of Electrolytically Coloured KC1, KBr, and K I Crystals (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. K 2 6 3 - K 2 6 5 (1982). See also 22.5.2, p. 462. J . Prakash •Electronic Excited State and the Phenomena of Photo-Induced Polarization and Depolarization (b) Vol. 114, No. 1, p. 6 1 - 6 6 (1982). See also 14.4, p. 238; 22.5.2, p. 462. Ch. Lushchik, J. Kolk, A. Lushchik, N. Lushchik, M. Tahbov, and E. Vasilchenko •Decay of Excitons into Long-Lived F, H and x, I Pairs in KCI (b) Vol. 114, No. 1, p. 103-111 (1982). See also 20.3, p. 327; 22.5.2, p. 462. 8»


Subject Index

Prem P a u l and S. P. Puki Impurity-Host to Host-Host Coupling Force Constant Ratio for 57 Fe in Rare Gas Solids (b) Vol. 114, No. 1, p. 2 1 3 - 2 2 0 (1982). See also 4, p. 64; 5, p. 68; 6, p. 80; 23.. p. 509. J . Batjmann and K. Sieber *Simple Approach to Temperature and Pressure Dependence of F-Centre Absorption Energies in Alkali Halides (b) Vol. 114, No. 1, p. K 1 - K 4 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 176; 20.1, p. 314; 22.5.2, p. 462. N. Nishimaki and S. Shimanuki *New Luminescence from M and N Centers Perturbed by Divalent and Monovalent Impurities in y-Irradiated NaCl (b) Vol. 114, No. 1, p. K 5 9 - K 6 2 (1982). See also 11, p. 127; 20.3, p. 328; 22.5.2, p. 4G3. L. A. Kazaxevich and P. F. Ltjgakov *The Effect of Dislocations on the Radiation Defect Annealing Processes in Silicon (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. 113-122 (1982). See also 11, p. 127; 13.4, p. 176; 14.3, p. 211; 22.1.2, p. 414. R. Rauch and G. Schwotzer •Disturbed Colour Centres in Oxygen- and Alkali-Doped Alkaline Earth Fluoride Crystals after X-Ray Irradiation at 77 and 295 K (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. 123-132 (1982). See also 20.1, p. 314; 22.5.3, p. 466. H j . Bernhardt A Contribution to High-Temperature Thermoluminescenee Investigations in Quartz Crystals (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. 159-165 (1982). See also 20.3, p. 328; 22.6, p. 475. S. P. K u i l a and V. V. Ratnam Monochromatic Thermoluminescence Glow Curve Method for Evaluating Trapping Parameters (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. 2 5 5 - 2 6 3 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 177; 20.3, p. 328; 22.5.2, p. 463. T. S. Shi, S. N. Sahu, G. S. Oehrlein, A. Hiraki, and J. W. Corbett *Models for the Hydrogen-Related Defect-Impxirity Complexes and Si-H Infrared Bands in Crystalline Silicon (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. 329-341 (1982). See also 4, p. 65; 11, p. 128; 20.1, p. 315; 22.1.2, p. 414. F.-G. Kirscht, D. Tänzer, and C. Hansch *Thermomechanical Behaviour of Stress-Reduced Silicon Wafers (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. K 1 - K 3 (1982). See also 22.1.2, p. 415. M. Bttcher •Core Energy and Peierls Stress of Edge Dislocations on {110} and {001} Slip Planes in NaCl (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. 383-392 (1982). See also 22.5.2, p. 463.

10.2 Non-Metals



* Variable Reconstruction of Dislocation Cores in Si (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. 545-551 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 177; 14.3, p. 211; 16, p. 254; 22.1.2, p. 415. I . T A L E , V . KOKTOV, a n d V . P O P O V

•Trap Spectroscopy in Alkali Halides at Synchronous Measurements of Exoelectron Emission and Luminescence by Fractional Glow Technique (a) Vol. 74, No. 2, p. 395-401 (1982). See also 17, p. 257; 20.3, p. 328; 22.5.2, p. 464. A . I . Ö P I K a n d J . A . VABVAS

•Defect Structure of Cu-Doped Cadmium Selenide (a) Vol. 74, No. 2, p. 4 6 7 - 4 7 3 (1982). See also 14.3, p. 212; 22.4.2, p. 444. J . W O O D , M . J . H O W E S , a n d D . V . MORGAN

The Effect of Dislocations on the Electron Mobility of GaAs (a) Vol. 74, No. 2, p. 493-496 (1982). See also 14.3.3, p. 226; 22.2.1, p. 423. S . P . KUTLA a n d V . V . RATNAM

*Thermoluminescence Studies of FA-Centres in X-Irradiated Li-Doped KBr Single Crystals (a) Vol. 74, No. 2, p. 615-619 (1982). See also 20.1, p. 316; 20.3, p. 328; 22.5.2, p. 464. F . S . NASREDINOV a n d A . V . ERMOLAEV

*Study of Compensation of Excess Charge of Tin and Iron Impurity Atoms in Cobalt Monoxide by Mössbauer Spectroscopy (a) Vol. 74, No. 2, p. 631-636 (1982). See also 5, p. 69; 22.6, p. 476. C. W . ALLEN a n d K . C. LIAO

•Dislocation Models for Shear Transformations (a) Vol. 74, No. 2, p. 673-681 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 24; 22.3, p. 435. T . SUZUKI a n d H . KOIZUMI

•Anomalous Behaviour of Plasticity of Csl (a) Vol. 74, No. 2, p. K101-K103 (1982). See also 22.5.2, p. 464. K . NABASIMHA R E D D Y a n d V . H A R I B A B U

•The Study of Z,-Centres in NaCl Crystals Doped with Samarium (a) Vol. 74, No.~2, p. K127-K130 (1982). See also 20.1, p. 316; 22.5.2, p. 464. J . LEROUEILLE

•Relationship between Carbon and Oxygen Nucleation in CZ Silicon (a) Vol. 74, No. 2, p. K159-K163 (1982). See also 22.1.2, p. 416.


Subject Index 11. Irradiation Effects ( X - R a x Diffraction Investigations See 1 and 10) Original Papers and Short


A . P . GALTJSHKA, G . E . D A V I D Y U K , a n d N . S . BOGDAN YUK

interaction of 1.2 MeV Electron Irradiation Produced Defects with Cu Impurity Atoms in CdS Single Crystals (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. 7 1 - 7 6 (1982). See also 14.3, p. 202; 16, p. 249; 20.1. p. 299; 20.3. p. 318; 22.4.1, p. 439. G . OELGART u n d G . ARNOLD

*Avalanche Multiplication in GaP Studied by Means of the SEM (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. 2 0 7 - 2 1 6 (1982). See also 14.3.3, p. 219-, 14.3.4, p. 227; 22.2.2, p. 424. H . J . B L Y T H E , F . WALZ, a n d H .


Investigation of the Magnetic Aftereffect in Dilute Fe-Ni Alloys after Low-Temperature Neutron Irradiation (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. 2 3 7 - 2 4 8 (1982). See also 10.1, p. 96; 18.2, p. 267; 21.1, p. 344; 21.1.1, p. 359. S. B . FISHER and P . K .


The Calculation of the Effect of Point Defect Trapping on Void Growth (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. 2 5 7 - 2 6 8 (1982). See also 10.1, p. 96; 21.1.1, p. 359. K . D . GLINCHUK, K . LTJKAT, a n d V . I . VOVNENKO

•Effect of Electron Irradiation on Recombination Characteristics of Deep Radiative Centres in GaAs (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. K 4 3 - K 4 7 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 164; 20.3, p. 319; 22.2.1, p. 420. H . J . B L Y T H E , F . DWORSCHAK, I . M . RICHARDSON a n d F .


Magnetic Relaxation Spectra of Some Dilute Binary Iron-Based Alloys after Low-Temperature Electron Irradiation (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. K 9 7 - K 1 0 1 (1982). See also 10.1, p. 96; 18.2, p. 267; 21.1.1, p. 359. V . M . RUBINOV a n d M .


""Investigation of the Current Characteristics of Thin-Film Structures Based on GaP under the Action of an Electron Beam (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. K 1 1 3 - K 1 1 6 (1982). See also 14.3.1, p. 213; 22.2.2, p. 424.



•Substitutional Doping of Vacuum-Evaporated Amorphous Silicon by Ion Implantation (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. K 1 1 7 - K 1 2 0 (1982). See also 2, p. 46; 14.3.1, p. 213; 22.1.2, p. 401. C . G U N K E L , D . S C H A L C H , a n d A . SCHARMANN

•Electron Beam Induced Leakage Currents in Silicon Nitride Thin Films (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. K 1 3 1 - K 1 3 4 (1982). See also 14.3.1, p. 213; 22, p. 383.

11. Irradiation Effects


V . V . LASUKOV, Y U . L . PIVOVAROV, a n d O . G . K O S T A E E V A

•Spontaneous Radiation of Relativistic Electrons under P l a n a r Channeling and B a n d Struct u r e of Transverse E n e r g y (b) Vol. 109, No. 2, p. 7 6 1 - 7 7 2 (1982). See also 13.1, p. 149; 20, p. 294. K . D . G L I N C H U K , K . L U K A T , a n d Y . I . VOVNENKO

• I n t e r a c t i o n of Copper Atoms with Radiation Defects in Gallium Arsenide (a) Vol. 69, No. 2, p. 5 2 1 - 5 2 5 (1982). See also 20.3, p. 320; 22.2.1, p. 420. H . J . B L Y T H E , E . WALZ, I . M . RICHARDSON, a n d E . DWORSCHAK

*Low-Temperature Magnetic Relaxation in a Dilute Iron-Silicon Alloy after Electron Irradiation a t 44 K (a) V o l . 6 9 , N o . 2, p . 5 6 3 - 5 6 7

See also 18.2, p. 268;





P . K . MADDEN a n d S. B . EISHER

Void Swelling Studies of Stainless Steel Containing Silicon and Titanium (a) Vol. 69, No. 2, p. 5 6 9 - 5 8 8 (1982). See also 1.4, p. 32-, 21.1.1, p. 359. E . G L A S E R , G . G Ö T Z , N . SOBOLEV, a n d W . W E S C H

•Investigations of Radiation Damage Production in Ion I m p l a n t e d Silicon (a) Vol. 69, No. 2, p. 6 0 3 - 6 1 4 (1982). See also 14.3, p. 204; 19, p. 284; 20.1, p. 301; 22.1.2, p. 402. S . LOUALICHE, C. LUCAS, P . BARUCH, J . P . GAILLIARD, a n d J . C. P F I S T E R

Theoretical Model for Radiation Enhanced Diffusion a n d Redistribution of Impurities. Comparison with E x p e r i m e n t s (a) Vol. 69, No. 2, p. 6 6 3 - 6 7 6 (1982). See also 9, p. 91; 22.1.2, p. 402. L . BROSSARD, H . B E R N A S , L . T H O M É , A . T R A V E R S E , a n d P . N E D E L L E C

•Influence of Disorder on Phonon Resistivity of I o n - I m p l a n t e d Nickel H y b r i d e (a) Vol. 69, No. 2, p. 7 2 7 - 7 3 2 (1982). See also 14.1, p. 193; 21.1, p. 344. A . SUBRAHMANYAM

Dielectric Properties of NaCl and KCl Single Crystals X - I r r a d i a t e d under Different DC Eields (a) Vol. 69, No. 2, p. 7 7 3 - 7 7 8 (1982). See also 14.4, p. 234; 22.5.2, p. 456. H . F I S C H E R , H . - D . G E I L E R , G . G Ö T Z , A . V . DVTTRECHENSKII, B . P . K A S H N I K O V , a n d L. S . SMIRNOV

•Antiannealing Effects in Ion-Implanted and Electron Pulse I r r a d i a t e d Quartz Crystals (a) V o l . 6 9 , N o . 2, p . K 1 3 9 - K 1 4 2


See also 1.2, p. 15; 22.6, p. 469. A . V . D V U R E C H E N S K I I , B . P . K A S H N I K O V , L . S . SMIRNOV, R . G R Ö T Z S C H E L , a n d R . K L A B E S

•Synthesis of Solid Solutions a t Electron Pulse Processing of Ge-Si Structures (a) V o l . 6 9 , N o . 2, p . K 1 8 3 - K 1 8 7


See also





3, p. 57;


395; 22.1.2,



P . A . C H E R D A N T S E V , I . P . CHERNOV, a n d A . P . MAMONTOV

•Chain Annihilation of Defects in Semiconductor Crystals (a) Vol. (¡9, No. 2, p. K 2 1 5 - K 2 1 8 (1982). See also 10.2. p. 105; 22.1.2, p. 402; 22.2.1, p. 420.


Subject Index

H. Näfe, G. Boden, H. U l l m a n n , and D. R e t t i g On t h e Luminescence Behaviour of Y t t r i a Doped Thoria (a) Vol. 69, No. 2, p. K 2 2 3 - K 2 2 7 (1982). See also 20.3, p. 320; 22.6, p. 469. N. V. Baramidze, V. L. Bokch-Brttevich, M. P. Giorgadze, and N. I. K u r d i a n i Electrical Properties of InSb I r r a d i a t e d with F a s t Neutrons (b) Vol. 110, No. 1, p. 3 3 - 3 7 (1982). See also 14.3, p. 204; 22.2.3, p. 427. A. F. Akkerman, V. A. Botvin, M. Ya. G r u d s k i i , V. V. Smirxov, G. Ya. Chernov, and M. V. Shilenkova *Secondary Electron Radiation from Different Targets Exposed to Photons with Energy 0.1 to 3 MeV (b) Vol. 110, No. 1, p. 2 8 5 - 2 9 7 (1982). See also 17, p. 255; 21, p. 332. V. E. Arkhipov, V. I. Voronin, A. E . K a r k i n , and A. V. Mermelshtein *Radiation Disordering in V3Si (a) Vol. 70, No. 1, p. 1 7 - 2 1 (1982). See also 1.3, p. 26; 14.2, p. 199; 21.1, p. 345. A. B. Gerasimov, N. D. D o l i d z e , R . M. Donina, B. M. Kohovalenko, G. L. Ofengeim, and A. A. Tsertsvadze *On t h e Identification and Possible Space Orientation of "Light-Sensitive" Defects in Ge (a) Vol. 70, No. 1, p. 2 3 - 2 8 (1982). See also 20.1, p. 302; 22.1.1, p. 396. W. Wesch, E . W i l k , and K . H e h l •Radiation Damage and Near Edge Optical Properties of Nitrogen Implanted Gallium Arsenide (a) Vol. 70, No. 1, p. 2 4 3 - 2 4 8 (1982). See also 20.1, p. 302; 22.2.1, p. 420. E. F. Krimmel *Slip Line Free Silicon in Large-Area Multiple-Scan Annealing with a Line-Focused Electron Beam (a) Vol. 70, No. 1, p. K 6 3 - K 6 5 (1982). See also 1.4, p. 33; 22.1.2, p. 404. R . D t j r n y , P. Macko, and R. D. Tomlinson •Electrical Properties of Neutron-Irradiated CuInTe 2 (a) Vol. 70, No. 1, p. K 8 9 - K 9 1 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 166; 14.3, p. 205; 22.8, p. 483. G. A. I f e r o v and YU. N. Zhukova • T h e I m p a c t - P a r a m e t e r Dependence of Energy Losses in Proton Scattering b y Gold Atoms (b) Vol. 110, No. 2, p. 6 5 3 - 6 5 8 (1982). See also 21.6, p. 375. A. P. P a t h a k and L. T. Chadderton •Superposition Criteria in Continuum Potentials for Channeling (b) Vol. 110, No. 2, p. K 9 7 - K 1 0 1 (1982). See also 13, p. 142.

11. Irradiation Effects



•Study of Radiation Defect Clusters, Their Structure and Properties in Proton-Irradiated Silicon (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. 387-395 (1982). See also 14.3, p. 205; 22.1.2, p. 404. W . R . F A H R N E R , K . H E I D E M A N N , a n d P . SCHÖTTLE

•Results of Ion Implantation into Silicon in the 100 MeV Range (I): Oxygen and Boron Implantation (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. 4 6 3 - 4 7 2 (1982). See also 14.3.3, p. 221; 22.1.2, p. 405. H . K E R K O W , B . LTTKASCH, a n d R . P I P P I G

•Disorder Production in Ion Implanted Silicon (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. 489-495 (1982). See also 22.1.2, p. 405. M . SERVIDORI, A . ZANI, a n d G . GARULLI

R'jsidual Lattice Disorder in Self-Implanted Silicon after Pulsed Laser Irradiation (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. 691-701 (1982). See also 10.2, p. 108; 22.1.2, p. 405. V . S . L Y S E N K O , R . N . L I T O V S K I I , A . N . NAZAROV, a n d V . P . K U L I C H K O V

Temperature Dependence of Capacitance-Voltage Characteristics in Implanted MOS Structures (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. 719-728 (1982). See also 14.3.3, p. 221; 22.1.2, p. 405. A . A . GROZA, L . G . N I K O L A E V A , M . I . S T A R C H I K , G . G . S H M A T K O , a n d Y u . I . Z A S L A V S K I I

Defects in Silicon Crystals after the High Temperature Treatment (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. 763-768 (1982). See also 10.2, p. 108; 20.1, p. 304; 22.1.2, p. 406. T.


Yu. A. G O L D B E R G , and T. V . LvovA •Electrical Properties of GaP Crystals Bombarded with High Energy Protons (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. K 1 2 1 - K 1 2 4 (1982). See also 14.3, p. 206; 22.2.2, p. 424.


S. P . KATHURIA a n d C. M . SUNT A

TL Response of LiF TLD-100 at High Irradiation Temperatures (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. K 1 2 5 - K 1 2 8 (1982). See also 20.3, p. 322; 22.5.2, p. 457. H . - D . G E I L E R , F . THRTJM, a n d G . G Ö T Z

*Pd-Silicide Reactions Induced by a Millisecond Laser Pulse (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. K 1 5 9 - K 1 6 2 (1982). See also 1.5, p. 39; 22.1.2, p. 406. A . I . K O I F M A N , R . A . M U M I N O V , a n d A . Y A . YAFASOV

•Investigation of the Effect of Large Doses on the Si(Li) Detector Parameters (a) Vol. 71, No. 1, p. 5 9 - 6 4 (1982). See also 14.3.3, p. 221; 22.1.2, p. 406. S. BAHN

Thermoluminescence of NaF Harshaw Single Crystals Irradiated to Very Low and High Doses (a) Vol. 71, No. 1, p. 7 3 - 7 8 (1982). See also 20.3, p. 323; 22.5.2, p. 457.

Subject Index

122 L . A . KAZAKEVICH a n d P . F . LUGAKOV

T h e E f f e c t of Dislocations on t h e F o r m a t i o n of R a d i a t i o n D e f e c t s in Silicon (a) Vol. 71, No. 1, p. 9 9 - 1 0 8 (1982). See also 10.2, p. 109; 22.1.2, p. 406. W . R . F A H R N E R , K . H E I D E M A N N , a n d P . SCHÖTTLE

• R e s u l t s of I o n I m p l a n t a t i o n i n t o Silicon in t h e 100 MeV R a n g e ( I I ) : Electrical P r o p e r t i e s (a) Vol. 71, No. 1, p. 1 2 1 - 1 2 5 (1982). See also 14.3.3, p. 221; 22.1.2, p. 406. K . ATOBE

*The E f f e c t of R a d i a t i o n T y p e on D e f e c t P r o d u c t i o n in Li„0 (a) Vol. 71, No. 1, p. K 2 5 - K 2 8 (1982). See also 22.6, p. 471. N . I . AKULOVICH, V . V . PETROV, a n d V . I . UTENKO

*On t h e Electrical A c t i v i t y of T r a n s m u t a t e d P h o s p h o r u s in N e u t r o n T r a n s m u t a t i o n Doped Silicon (a) Vol. 71, No. 1, p. K 6 3 - K 6 7 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 169; 14.3, p. 206; 22.1.2, p. 407. R . K L A B E S , M . VOJ'XSKOW, H . W O I T T E N N E K , E . V . N I D A E V , a n d L . S . SMIRNOY

• D o p a n t R e d i s t r i b u t i o n a f t e r F l a s h L a m p Annealing (a) Vol. 71, No. 1, p. K 1 2 7 - K 1 3 0 (1982). See also 22.1.2, p. 407. T . KANEKO a n d Y . H .


• C a l c u l a t i o n of t h e E q u i l i b r i u m Mean Charge of H e l i u m Ions (b) Vol. Ill, No. 2, p. 4 9 1 - 5 0 0 (1982). See also 13, p. 143. C . M I N I E R , J . L A U Z I E R , C . ESNOITF, a n d G . F A N T O Z Z I

A S t u d y of t h e P e a k i n g E f f e c t in a H e x a g o n a l S t r u c t u r a l M e t a l : Magnesium (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. 3 8 1 - 3 8 6 (1982). See also 10.1, p. 98; 12.1, p. 131; 21.3, p. 367. E . F . KRIMMEL, A . G . K . LUTSCH, a n d E . DOERING

• C o n t r i b u t i o n t o E l e c t r o n B e a m Annealing of High-Dose I o n - I m p l a n t e d Polysilicon (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. 4 5 1 - 4 5 6 (1982). See also 14.3.1, p. 215; 22.1.2, p. 408. B . CHRIST, G . OELGART, a n d R . STEGMANN

ZAF Correction for E l e c t r o n P r o b e Microanalysis of Bii (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. 4 6 3 - 4 7 1 (1982). See also 1.3, p. 28; 21.7, p. 380.



• C h a n g e s of t h e B a n d G a p of SiC C r y s t a l s b y H i g h E n e r g y E l e c t r o n l r r a d i a t i o n and Annealing (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. 5 4 9 - 5 5 3 (1982). See also 13.1, p. 151; 20.1, p. 307; 22.3, p. 434. E . Y U . BRAILOVSKII, F . K . K A R A P E T Y A N , I . G . MEGELA, a n d V . P .

• R a d i a t i o n D e f e c t s in E l e c t r o n - I r r a d i a t e d I n P Crystals (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. 5 6 3 - 5 6 8 (1982). See also 14.3, p. 207; 22.2.2, p. 425.


II. Irradiation Effects


V . S. LYSENKO, T . X . SYTENKO, V . I . ZIMENKO, a n d O . V . SNITKO

Investigation of Traps in the Transition Region of Si-SiOL, Structures at Cryogenic Temperatures (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. 6 1 9 - 6 2 6 (1982). See also 1-3.4. p. 170; 14.3.3, p. 222; 22.1.2, p. 408. A . V . DVURECHENSKII, I . A . RYAZANTSEV, a n d V . A . DRAVIN

*Doping of Amorphous Silicon by Manganese Ion Implantation (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. K 1 3 3 - K 1 3 6 (1982). See also 2, p. 49; 13.4, p. 170; 14.3.1, p. 215; 22.1.2, p. 408. K . I ) . G L I N C H I T K a n d K . LTJKAT

Non-Trivial Annealing-Induced Increase of the Near-Intrinsic Emission Intensity in -»--Irradiated GaAs (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. K 1 8 7 - K 1 9 0 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 171; 20.3, p. 323; 22.2.1, p. 421. D . L . SASTRY a n d K . V . S . RAMA RAO

ESR and Optical Absorption Studies of C103 in Ba(C10,)„ • 3 H.,0 Single Crystals (b) Vol. 112, No. 1, p. 1 3 3 - 1 4 2 (1982). See also 19, p. 288; 20.1, p. 307; 22.8.1, p. 495. V . D . A K H M E T O V a n d V . V . BOLOTOV

*Kinetics of Accumulation of Radiation Defects and Annihilation of Vacancies and Interstitials in Carbon- and Boron-Containing Silicon (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. 6 1 - 6 8 (1982). See also 22.1.2, p. 409. W . R . F A H R N E R , D . BRÄUNIG, a n d E . BORSCHERT

*MOS and Thyristor Damage Parameters after 2.5 and 15 MeV High Temperature Electron Irradiation (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. 7 9 - 8 8 (1982). See also 14.3.3, p. 223; 22.1.2, p. 409. R . V . NANDEDKAR, K . VARATHARAJAN, S. PANCHAPAKESAN, a n d A . K .


*Microhardness, Microstructure, and Blistering of Helium Irradiated Nickel, Alloy Nickel 201, and Nimonic 90 (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. 8 9 - 9 4 (1982). See also 12.1, p. 131; 21.1, p. 350. A . V . D V U R E C H E N S K I I , R . G R Ö T Z S C H E L , N . M . I G O N I N A , B . P . K A S H N I K O Y , a n d N . I . KOMOLOVA

*Impurity Profiles at Multi-Pulse Electron-Beam Annealing of Ion-Implanted Silicon (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. 3 0 1 - 3 0 4 (1982). See also 22.1.2, p. 409. L . P E L I K A N , V . R Y B K A , P . K R E J C I , V . HNATOWICZ, a n d J .


*Study of Boron Implantation in Ag-Si Layer Structures (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. 3 6 9 - 3 7 3 (1982). See also 22.1.2, p. 409. L . S. WIELUNSKI, B . M . PAINE, B . X . L i u , C . - D . LIEN, a n d M . - A .

*Ion Mixing of Ni and P t Layers on Si (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. 3 9 9 - 4 0 4 (1982). See also 9, p. 92; 22.1.2, p. 409.



Subject Index

P. K. K h a b i b t t l l a e v , L. P. Khiznichenko, N. S. T u l y a g a n o v a , and L. G. Zotova Transformation of Self-Interstitials in Silicon under Electronic and Thermal Stimulation (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. K 6 9 - K 7 2 (1982). See also 10.2, p. Ill; 22.1.2, p. 409. Th. W i r t h , V. A t z r o d t , and H. L a n g e *Composition Changes of NiSi and PtSi Due to Ar + Ion Bombardment Determined from AES Measurements (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. K 8 9 - K 9 3 (1982). See also 1.6, p. 43; 21, p. 337. E. YU. Brailovskii, I. G. M e g e l a , N. H. Pambuchchya??, and V. V. T e s l e n k o *EPR Study of Electron-Irradiated I n P : F e (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. K 1 0 9 - K 1 1 1 (1982). See also 19, p. 288; 22.2.2, p. 425. H. Opyrchai., K. D. Nierzewski, and B. M a c a l i k *Effect of Y-Irradiation on Eu 2 + Ions in KC1 Crystals (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p. 4 2 9 - 4 3 4 (1982). See also 10.2, p. Ill; 19, p. 288; 20.1, p. 309; 20.3, p. 324; 22.5.2, p. 459. V. I. Ktjznetsov and P. E. Lugakov *Study of Rearrangements on Intrinsic Defects at Annealing of Proton-Irradiated Silicon (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p. 4 5 7 - 4 6 2 (1982). See also 10.2, p. Ill; 13.4, p. 172; 22.1.2, p. 410. A. D. P o g r e b n y a k , V. A. Kuzminikh, and K. P. A r e f i e v *Positron Annihilation and Profiles of Displaced Atoms in Electron Irradiated Ge (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p. K 7 9 - K 8 3 (1982). See also 22.1.1, p. 397. ]•'. Mariani and J . Vignolo *Effects of y-Irradiation on I - V Dipoles in KC1 Crystals (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p. K 8 5 - K 8 7 (1982). See also 10.2, p. 112; 22.5.2, p. 459. S. P. Mhaskab and P. K. Naik *Effect of Surface Relaxation on Thermal Desorption of Helium from Polycrystalline Molybdenum (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. 5 1 5 - 5 2 0 (1982). See also 1.6, p. 43; 21, p. 338. V. N. B r u d n y i , S. A. Vorobiev, and A. A. Tsoi *Positron Annihilation and Electrical Properties of Electron-Irradiated ( i s 2 MeV) InAs Crystals (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. 5 2 9 - 5 3 4 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 173; 14.3, p. 209; 22.2.1, p. 422. N. V. V e r s h i n t n a and N. N. Gerasimenko *Some Peculiarities of Radiation-Induced Changes in the Properties of Si-Si0 2 Structures Irradiated at Elevated Temperatures (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. 5 6 9 - 5 7 4 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 173; 14.3.2, p. 217; 22.1.2, p. 411.

11. Irradiation Effects



""Bildung amorpher Metall-Metalloid-Verbindungen durch Ionenimplantation (Formation of Amorphous Metal-Metalloid Compounds bv Ion Implantation) (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. 6 6 7 - 6 7 8 (1982). See also 2, p. 51; 21, p. 338; 21.1, p. 352; 21.1.1, p. 361. L . K . VODOPYAXOV a n d S . P . KOZYREV

Infrared Reflection Spectroscopy of Ion-Implanted n-Hg 0 8 Cd 0 „IV (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. 7 3 7 - 7 4 4 (1982). See also 14.3, p. 209; 20.1,-p. 309; 22.4.4, p. 448. J . M . LOPEZ a n d J . A . A I . o x s o

*Semiempirical Study of Metastable Alloys Obtained by Ion Implantation in Metals and Semiconductors (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. 7 7 7 - 7 8 1 (1982). See also 1.3, p. 30-, 21, p. 338; 22, p. 389. V . A . MOKEITSKH, E . M . KURITSIN, B . A . DANILCHENKO, a n d V . I . SHAKHOVTSOV

* Epitaxial Germanium Layers Grown by Liquid Phase in y-Radiation Field (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. K 1 2 1 - K 1 2 4 (1982). See also 1.5, p. 40; 3, p. 58; 22.1.1, p. 397. L . K . VODOPYANOV a n d S . P . KOZYKEV

*Ion I m p l a n t a t i o n of B + in n-Hg 0 8 Cd 0 „To (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. K 1 3 3 - K 1 3 6 (1982). See also 22.4.4, p. 448.


•Annealing of Antimony I m p l a n t e d Silicon with Halogen L a m p Irradiation (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. K 1 7 3 - K 1 7 6 (1982). See also 14.3, p. 209; 22.1.2, p. 411. E . V . NIDAEV a n d A . I . POPOV

^Influence of t h e Surface on t h e Stability of Radiation Defects Introduced by Electron Irradiation (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. K 1 9 3 - K 1 9 5 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 173; 14.3.3, p. 224 ; 22.1.2, p. 411. V . D . AKHMETOV, V . V . BOLOTOV, L . S . SMIRNOV, O . I . ZHUMAEVA, P . GAWORZEWSKI, a n d SCHMALZ


*Accumulation of Radiation Defects in Oxygen-Containing Silicon Thermally Treated at 600 °C (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. K 2 1 1 - K 2 1 6 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 173; 20.1, p. 310; 22.1.2, p. 411. B . HENDERSON a n d A . H . GARRISON

*Ion I m p l a n t a t i o n in Alkaline E a r t h Oxides (b) Vol. US, No. 1, p. 2 6 7 - 2 7 6 (1982). See also 19, p. 289; 20.1, p. 310; 20.3, p. 325; 22.6, p. 473. S. KISHIDA, K . MATSUUKA, H . FUKTJMA, F . TAKEDA, a n d I . TSURTTMI

*Optical Absorption Bands in Neutron I r r a d i a t e d ZnSe and ZnSo.sSeo.5 Crystals (b) Vol. 113, No. 1, p. K 3 1 - K 3 3 (1982). See also 20.1, p. 310; 22.4.1, p. 441; 22.4.2, p. 443; 22.4.4, p. 448.

Subject Index

126 A . P . T Y U T N E V , V . S . SAENKO, E . D . POZHIDAEV, a n d A . E . A K K E R M A N

*Transient Radiation-Induced Conductivity in Polymers (a) Vol. 73, No. 1, p. 8 1 - 8 9 (1982). See also 14.3, p. 210; 22.9, p. 507. B A I - X I N LIU, M . - A . NICOLET, a n d S. S. LAU

*Ti-Au Metallic Glasses Formed by Ion Mixing (a) Vol. 73, No. 1, p. 1 8 3 - 1 8 8 (1982). See also 1.6, p. 41; 2, p. 52; 21.1, p. 353; 21.6, p. 377. J . NARAYAN a n d 0 . W .


*Solid-Phase-Epitaxial Growth in Ion-Implanted Silicon (a) Vol. 73, No. 1, p. 2 2 5 - 2 3 6 (1982). See also 2, p. 52; 3, p. 59; 22.1.2, p. 412. L . L . K E G E L , V . R . R E G E L , S. E . BORISKIN, G . G . K N A B , A . A . URUSOYSKAYA, L . I . ALEKSEEVA, a n d V . V . KLECHKOVSKAYA

Influence of Irradiation with Heavy Ions on the Defect Structure and Mechanical Properties of LiP Crystals (a) Vol. 73, No. 1, p. 2 5 5 - 2 6 6 (1982). See also 10.2, p. 113; 12.2, p. 136; 22.5.2, p. 460. S. XOJIMA

*An Anomalous Aspect of GaAs Surface Dissociation by Q-Switch Pulsed Ruby Laser Irradiation (a) Vol. 73, No. 1, p. K 7 - K 9 (1982). See also 1.6, p. 44; 22.2.1, p. 422. H . - D . G E I L E R , K . H E H L , a n d D . STOCK

. *A Model of Energy Deposition into Semiconductors during Laser Annealing (a) Vol. 73, No. 1, p. K 5 7 - K 6 2 (1982). See also 22, p. 389. A . D . AVESOV, E . M . GASAHOV, A . I . NOVOZHILOV, a n d V . I . SAMOILOVICH

*Some Structure Defects in Neutron Irradiated Fluorphlogopite (a) Vol. 73, No. 1, p. K 6 7 - K 6 8 (1982). See also 20.3, p. 326; 22.8, p. 489. B . A . S . D E B A R B O S , J R . , C . A . DOS SANTOS, a n d I . J . R . BAUMVOL

*Search for Intermetallic Phases in Radiation-Enhanced Diffusion of Tin into Steels (a) Vol. 73, No. 1, p. K 1 3 7 - K 1 4 0 (1982). See also 5, p. 68; 9, p. 92; 21.1.1, p. 362. K . ELLMER

* Analytical Solution for Total Nuclear Energy Loss Distributions at Low Energies (b) Vol. 113, No. 2, p. K 9 7 - K 1 0 2 (1982). Y u . V . BULGAKOV, K . L E N K E I T , a n d G . I . GORBUNOVA

*Resonance Dechanneling of Hydrogen and Helium Ions with Hundreds of keV Energies in the < 110>—(110) Axial-to-Planar Transitions in Silicon (b) Vol. 113, No. 2, p. K 1 0 3 - K 1 0 5 (1982). See also 22.1.2, p. 413. H . H E D L E R , W . A N D R A , a n d G . GOTZ

Activation of High As and Sb Concentrations in Silicon by Laser Irradiation (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. 3 3 3 - 3 3 8 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 22; 14.3, p. 210; 22.1.2, p. 413.


11. Irradiation Effects A . P . T Y U T N E V , G . S . MINGALEEV, V . S . SAENKO, E . D . POZHIDAEV, a n d A . P .

*Bulk Charging of Dielectric Films by Low Energy Electrons (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. 3 6 1 - 3 6 6 (1982). See also 14.4, p. 238; 22.9, p. 507.

0 . DOKOLATO a n d P .



Influence of the Generation Distribution on the Calculated E B I C Contrast of Line Defects (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. 3 7 7 - 3 8 7 (1982). See also 10.2, p. 114; 22.1.2, p. 413.

B . V . R . CHOWDARI, A . RAJARATNAM, a n d Y . R A V I S E K H A R

*Radiation Damage Studies of Dichromate Doped Alums (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. K 2 3 1 - K 2 3 5 (1982). See also 19, p. 290; 20.1, p. 313; 22.8.1, p. 497.

A . D . A V E S O V a n d E . M . GASAJTOV

Some Radiation-Optical Properties of Fluorphlogopite with Admixture of Vanadium (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. K 2 5 9 - K 2 6 1 (1982). See also 20.1, p. 313; 22.8, p. 490.

K . D . G L I N C H U K , A . V . PROKHOROVICH, a n d N . S . Z A Y A T S

Comparison of Irradiation- and Annealing-Induced Changes of the Intrinsic Emission Intensity in Electron-Bombarded Undeformed and Plastically Deformed GaAs (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. K 2 6 7 - K 2 7 0 (1982). See also 20.3, p. 327; 22.2.1, p. 423.

S . K . MAKSIMOV, V . L . EGOROV, V . V . K R Y U K , D . I . PISKUNOV, E . A . PITIRMOVA, a n d V . F . LOV

H. J.


* Effect of Stoichiometric Disturbances in A m B v Compounds during Ion Implantation (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. K 2 8 3 - K 2 8 5 (1982). See also 22.2.1, p. 423; 22.2.3, p. 429. BLYTHE

*Magnetic Disaccommodation in Ordered Ni 3 Fe Following Either Cold-Work or Low-Temperature Electron Irradiation (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. K 3 1 1 - K 3 1 5 (1982). See also 18.2, p. 273 ; 21.1, p. 356; 21.1.1. p. 363.

N . NISHIMAKI a n d S .


New Luminescence from M and N Centers Perturbed by Divalent and Monovalentlmpurities in y-Irradiated NaCl (b) Vol. 114, No. 1, p. K 5 9 - K 6 2 (1982). See also 10.2, p. 116; 20.3, p. 328; 22.5.2, p. 463.


*The Effect of Dislocations on the Radiation Defect Annealing Processes in Silicon (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. 1 1 3 - 1 2 2 (1982). See also 10.2, p. 116; 13.4, p. 176; 14.3, p. 211; 22.1.2, p. 414.

H. EXDERT and W.


*Laser-Induced Damage in K D P Crystals. The Influence of Growth Ghosts and Growth Bands (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. 1 4 1 - 1 4 8 (1982). See also 1.4, p. 37; 20.2, p. 317; 22.8.1, p. 498.


Subject Index

H . J . B L Y T H E , F . W A L Z , a n d F . DWOKSCHAK

Magnetic Relaxation in Dilute Iron-Nickel Alloys Following Low-Temperature Electron Irradiation (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. 1 8 1 - 1 8 4 (1982). See also 10.1, p. 101; 18.2, p. 273; 21.1, p. 356; 21.1.1, p. 363. V . HNATOWICZ, J . K V Í T E K , P . K R E J Ö I , L . P E L I K A N , a n d V .


Determination of Arsenic, Antimony, and Bismuth in Silicon Using 200 keV a-Particle Backscattering (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. 3 2 3 - 3 2 8 (1982). See also 1.6, p. 44; 22.1.2, p. 414.

T . S . S H I , S . N . S A H U , G . S . O E H B L E I Í T , A . H I B A K I , a n d J . W . COKBETT

Models for the Hydrogen-Related Defect-Impurity Complexes and S i - H Infrared Bands in Crystalline Silicon (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. 3 2 9 - 3 4 1 (1982). See also 4, p. 65; 10.2, p. 116; 20.1, p. 315; 22.1.2, p. 414.

R . K L A B E S , J . M A T T H Ä I , M . V O E L S K O W , a n d S . MTJTZE

*Pulsed Incoherent Light Annealing of Arsenic and Phosphorus Implanted Polycrystalline Silicon (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. K 5 - K 7 (1982). See also 9, p. 9 3 ; 14.3.1, p 216; 22.1.2,p. 415.

N . S I E B E B , R . K L A B E S , M . VOELSKOW, F . F E N S K E , a n d K . H . STEGEM.INX

*Annealing Characteristics of S i 0 2 - S i Structures after Incoherent Light Pulse Processing (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. K 9 - K 1 2 (1982). See also 13.3, p. 161; 14.3.2, p. 218; 22.1.2, p. 415.


*Superposition Criteria in Charge Densities and Potentials (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. K 1 7 7 - K 1 8 1 (1982). See also 13, p. 147.

W . R . FAHKNER, H . G . BACH, D . BBÄUNIG, a n d M . KNOLL

*Implantation Profiles of Buried Layers (MOS pn) from H F or L F C(U) Curves (a) Vol. 74, No. 2, p. 4 2 1 - 4 2 9 (1982). See also 14.3.3, p. 225; 22.1.2, p. 415.

P . F . LTJGAKOV, T . A . L U K A S H E V I C H , a n d V . V . SHUSHA

Nature of t h e Defect Determining t h e Fermi Level Stabilization in Irradiated Silicon (a) Vol. 74, No. 2, p. 4 4 5 - 4 5 2 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 177; 14.3, p. 212; 22.1.2, p. 416.

W . SCHABFF, J . - W . E B B E N , A . W O L F , K . B R E T T E R , CHR.WEISSMANTEL, K . - H . H E I N I G , M . VOELSKOV, J . MATTHÄI, a n d A . SCHMIDT


Flash-Lamp-Induced Crystal Growth of Siicon on Amorphous Substrates Using Artificia Surface-Relief Structures (a) Vol. 74, No. 2, p. 5 4 5 - 5 5 2 (1982). See also 2, p. 55; 3, p. 60; 22.1.2, p. 416.


12. Mechanical Properties

12. Mechanical Properties (Plastic Deformations See 10) Original


and Short



*Generalized I n t e r n a l Strains (b) Vol. 110, No. 1, p. 1 6 9 - 1 7 4 (1982). See also 6, p. 72. W . ANDRÄ a n d H .


""Interface Energy as an Origin of Intrinsic Stress in Thin Films (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. K 1 4 5 - K 1 4 9 (1982). See also 1.5, p. 39. E . MANN

On t h e Diffusion Theory of Kink-Pair Formation on Dislocations (b) Vol. I l l , No. 2, p. 5 4 1 - 5 5 3 (1982). See also 9, p. 91; 10, p. 94. J . KIJBAT

*A Cooperative Mechanism Limiting t h e Spectral W i d t h of Stress Relaxaion Processes in Solids (b) Vol. I l l , No. 2, p. 5 9 9 - 6 0 6 (1982). See also 10, p. 95. J . L O T H E , V . L . I N D E N B O M , a n d V . A . CHAMROV

*Elastic Field and Self-Force of Dislocations Emerging a t t h e Free Surfaces of an Anisotropic Halfspace (b) Vol. I l l , No. 2, p. 6 7 1 - 6 7 7 (1982). See also 10, p. 95. I . V . STASYUK a n d R . A . GRIGORCHUK

T h e Theory of t h e Strain E f f e c t s in t h e Crystals Described by t h e s(d)-f Model (b) Vol. 112, No. 1, p. 3 2 7 - 3 3 8 (1982). See also 1, p. 10; 13, p. 144. E. K.


*The Amplitude Dependence of Internal Friction a n d t h e Young's Modulus Defect in Solids Due to Anharmonism of Dislocation Motion a t Low Vibration Amplitudes (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. 8 2 5 - 8 3 2 (1982). See also 10, p. 95 ; 21, p. 338; 22.5, p. 452. H . M. LEDBETTER a n d R . D . KRIZ

Elastic-Wave Surfaces in Solids (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. 4 7 5 - 4 8 0 (1982). See also 1.0, p. 44. I . T . SUPRUN

Forced Pipe Diffusion of Mobile Pinning Points (a) Vol. 74, No. 2, p. 4 1 1 - 4 1 9 (1982). See also 9, p. 93; 10, p. 95. 9

physica, lieg.-lid. 15


Subject Index

12.1 Metals Review


T . A . P A R K H O M E N K O a n d V . V . PUSTOVALOV

The Low-Temperature Yield Stress Anomaly in Metals and Alloys (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. 1 1 - 4 2 (1982). See also 10.1, p. 96; 21, p. 330. Original


and Short



E q u a t i o n for t h e Melting Curve of Solids u n d e r High Pressure (b) Vol. 109, No. 1, p. 1 4 5 - 1 5 1 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 14; 8, p. 84; 21.2, p. 365; 23, p. 509. H . - J . KAUFMANS a n d P . P.


* Peculiarities of High-Amplitude Dislocation I n t e r n a l Friction in Molybdenum Single Crystals of High P u r i t y in t h e T e m p e r a t u r e R a n g e 5.9 t o 300 K (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. 1 2 7 - 1 3 2 (1982). See also 10.1, p. 96; 21, p. 331. H.


*Dislocation Relaxation Peaks in H i g h - P u r i t y Molybdenum Single Crystals (a) Vol. 69, No. 2, p. 6 1 5 - 6 2 4 (1982). See also 10.1, p. 96; 21, p. 331. L . M. LITYAGINA, Z. V . MALYUSHITSKAYA, T . A . PASHKINA, a n d S. S . KABALKINA

*Isothermal Compression of Al t o 10 GPa a t 673 K (a) Vol. 69, No. 2, p. K 1 4 7 - K 1 5 0 (1982). See also 1.1, p. 11; 21, p. 332. G . S. M U R T H Y a n d D . H . SASTRY

Impression Creep of Zinc and t h e Rate-Controlling Dislocation Mechanism of Plastic Flow a t High Temperatures (a) Vol. 70, No. 1, p. 6 3 - 7 1 (1982). See also 10.1, p. 97; 21.1, p. 345. J . X . ZHANG, T . S . K E , G . Y . L I , G . FANTOZZI, P . F . GOBIN, a n d M .


* Low-Temperature Cold Work I n t e r n a l Friction Peaks in Al-0.5 w t % (0.21 a t % ) Cu (a) Vol. 70, No. 1, p. 1 5 9 - 1 6 5 (1982). See also 10.1, p. 97; 21, p. 333; 21.1, p. 346. H . MIZUBAYASHI a n d S . OKUDA

*Low Temperature Internal Friction in Deformed Ta (a) Vol. 70, No. 1, p. 2 5 7 - 2 6 8 (1982). See also 10.1, p. 97; 21, p. 333. S . A . MAHMOUD, M . A . SEMARY, a n d Z . F A R I D

*The Effect of Plastic Deformation on t h e Coherency of t h e 9'-Phase (a) Vol. 70, No. 1, p. K 7 7 - K 7 9 (1982). See also 10.1, p. 97; 21, p. 333; 21.1, p. 346.

12.1 Metals


J . H E I N R I C H S a n d P . MAGAIN

Density-Functional Theory of t h e Pressure Distribution a t Metal Surfaces (b) Vol. 110, No. 2, p. 4 9 5 - 4 9 8 (1982). See also 13.3, p. 158; 21, p. 334. R . M . AGRAWAL a n d R . P . S . RATHORE

Interactions in Non-Simple P.C.C. Metals (b) Vol. 110, No. 2, p. 6 7 7 - 6 8 6 (1982). See also 4, p. 62; 6, p. 73; 21, p. 334; 21.1, p. 347. R . K U M A R , VISHWAMITTAR, K . CHANDRA, a n d S . K . D A T E

Mössbauer and Magnetic Studies of Feo.968 — xMn^Sio.032 Ternary Systems (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. 5 4 5 - 5 5 3 (1982). See also 1.3, p. 27; 5, p. 67; 18, p. 260; 21.1.1, p. 360. D . LEPSKI a n d P . BURCK

Precipitate Structure Analysis by Diffraction Contrast Image Matching for a Metastable Semicoherent Carbide P h a s e in Molybdenum (II): I m a g e Matching (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. 5 7 1 - 5 8 1 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 16; 1.4, p. 33; 10.1, p. 98; 21.1, p. 347. J . D . LIVINGSTON

*Magnetomechanical Properties of Amorphous Metals (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. 5 9 1 - 5 9 6 (1982). See also 2, p. 47; 18.2, p. 269; 21, p. 334. T . SOMA, Y . KIMTJBA, a n d H.-MATSTTO K A G A Y A

Elastic-Stiffness Constants under Pressure of Cs-K, Cs-Rb, and R b - K Solid Solutions (b) Vol. I l l , No. 2, p. 6 7 9 - 6 8 3 (1982). See also 1.3, p. 28; 21.2, p. 365. C . M I N I E R , J . LAUZIER, C . E S N O U F , a n d G . FANTOZZI

* A Study of t h e Peaking Effects in a Hexagonal S t r u c t u r e Metal : Magnesium (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. 3 8 1 - 3 8 6 (1982). See also 10.1, p. 98; 11, p. 122; 21.3, p. 367. W . C . JOHNSON a n d J . K .


*An Integral Equation Aproach t o t h e Elastic Interaction of Two Precipitates (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. 5 8 9 - 6 0 2 (1982). See also 10.1, p. 98; 21, p. 335. T . SOMA, Y . K I M U R A , a n d H . - M . K A G A Y A

Compression Effect on t h e Lattice Dynamics of Alkali Metals (b) Vol. 112, No. 1, p. 1 5 1 - 1 5 4 (1982). See also 6, p. 76; 21.2, p. 366. R . V . N A N D E D K A R , K . VARATHAEAJAN, S . PANCHAPAKESAN, a n d A . K . T Y A G I

*Microhardness, Microstructure, and Blistering of Helium I r r a d i a t e d Nickel, Alloy Nicki 1 201, and Nimonic 90 (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. 8 9 - 9 4 (1982). See also 11, p. 123; 21.1, p. 350.


Subject Index

J . P. J e b n o t , M. Costee, and J . L. Chebmant *Model to Describe t h e Elastic Modulus of Sintered Materials (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. 3 2 5 - 3 3 2 (1982). See also 14.1, p. 196; 21.4, p. 371. A. d e l Mobal, J. F. D. Montenegbo, J . S. A b e l l , and M. R. I b a b e a On t h e Magnetization and Magnetostriction of ErZn (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. 3 5 3 - 3 6 0 (1982). See also 18.1, p. 266; 18.2, p. 271; 21.1, p. 351; 21.4, p. 371. 0 . H. P b a s a d and M. S u b y a n a b a y a n a *Pourth-Order Elastic Constant, C u n , of Cubic Crystals (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p. 6 2 7 - 6 3 1 (1982). See also 12.2, p. 136; 21, p. 337; 21.1, p. 351; 21.6, p. 377; 22.1, p. 393; 22.5.2, p. 459. T. Soma, Y. Kimuba, and H. M. K a g a y a Equation of State of the Alloy System Composed of Alkali Metal Elements (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p. K 1 0 7 - K 1 0 9 (1982). See also 1.3, p. 29; 21.2, p. 366. M. PsTBOKOiiSKi and W. Chomka *Measurements of the Internal Friction and the Shear Modulus in Cold-Worked Ordered and Disordered Ag3Mg Alloys (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. 4 7 5 - 4 8 2 (1982). See also 10.1, p. 99; 21.3, p. 368; 21.6, p. 377. B. Ktjmab and K. S. Shabma A Pseudopotential Calculation of Phonons in Copper (b) Vol. 113, No. 1, p. 7 3 - 7 8 (1982). See also 6, p. 78; 13.1, p. 153; 21.1, p. 352. C. R. Bbooks, P. J . M e s c h t e b , and T. G. K o l l i e The Magnetic Heat Capacity of t h e Configurationally Disordered Ni-25at% Fe Alloy (a) Vol. 73, No. 1, p. 1 8 9 - 1 9 8 (1982). See also 8, p. 88; 14.1, p. 197; 18.2, p. 272; 21.1, p. 353; 21.1.1, p. 362. G. Haneczok and J . W. Mobon *The Analysis of Internal Friction Curves for a Temperature Gradient Existing along t h e Sample (a) Vol. 73, No. 1, p. K 1 2 3 - K 1 2 7 (1982). See also 10.1, p. 101; 21, p. 340. T. Soma, Y. I w a y a m a , and H. M a t s u o K a g a y a *Equation of State of Cu-Based Binary Alloys (b) Vol. 113, No. 2, p. K 1 3 1 - K 1 3 3 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 21; 21.1, p. 355. A. M. R o s h c h u p k i n and V. Ya. P l a t k o v The Static and Dynamic Hysteresis Responsible for the Dislocational Amplitude Dependent Internal Friction (I): Theory (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. 3 0 3 - 3 1 3 (1982). See also 10.1, p. 101; 21, p. 340.


12.1 Metals J . P . J E R N O T a n d J . L . CJIERMANT

•Model to Predict t h e Tensile Strength of Sintered Materials (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. 5 7 9 - 5 8 6 (1982). See also 7, p. 83; 14.1, p. 197; 21.1.1, p. 363. T . C. R . P E N N A a n d R . E . MEDRANO

*On Stress Relaxation (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. 2 6 5 - 2 7 2 (1982). See also 21.1, p. 356. L . TAKACZ, A . VERTES, a n d H . LEIDHEISER,


*Effect of Stresses on t h e Mössbauer Linie-Intensities in Nickel Electrodeposits of [100] Texture (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. K 4 5 - K 4 8 (1982). See also -5, p. 69; 18.2, p. 274; 21.1, p. 357. V . A . MELIK-SHAKHNAZAROV, I . A . NASKIDASHVILI, V . I . SERDOBINTSEV, a n d V . I . SAVIN

*Anelastic Effects in t h e ß-Phase of Niobium H y b r i d e (a) Vol. 74, No. 2, p. 5 9 3 - 6 0 2 (1982). See also 1.4, p. 37; 7, p. S3; 21, p. 342. A . B A L D AN a n d D . R . F .


*The Strength of Certain N i - A l - T a and Mi Al-Hf Alloys Containing y'-and ß-Phases (a) Vol. 74. No. 2, p. 7 0 5 - 7 1 3 (1982). See also 1.3, p. 31; 21, p. 342; 21.1, p. 358.


Subject Index

12.2 Non-Metals Original


and Short


T . SOMA a n d H . M A T S U O

Lindeman's Melting Law and the Effect of Pressure on the Melting Point of Si and Ge (b) Vol. 109, No. 1, p. 3 8 7 - 3 9 1 (1982). See also 6, p. 70; 8, p. 84; 22.1.1, p. 395; 22.1.2, p. 400. H J . MATZKE a n d C. POLITIS

The Fracture Properties of NbC, Nb(C, N). and NbN by Hertzian Indentat ion (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. 2 6 9 - 2 7 9 (1982). See also 10.2, p. 104; 22, p. 383. V . RAMACHANDRAN, M . M . IBRAHIM, E . S . R . GOPAL, a n d V . C. P A D A K I

•Elastic Constants of Sodium Nitrate from 77 to 300 K (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. 4 0 7 - 4 1 1 (1982). See also 22.8.1, p. 492. J . S H A N K E K a n d A . K . RA.J A TIKI A

Theory of Interatomic Forces in Rare Gas Crystals (b) Vol. 109, No. 2, p. 7 1 1 - 7 1 6 (1982). See also 4, p. 61; 23, p. 509. A . GHOSH, L . K . BANERJEE, a n d A . X . BASU

Cohesion, Phase Transition, Elastic and Dielectric Properties of Group IV Semiconductors (b) Vol. 109, No. 2, p. 7 9 9 - 8 0 6 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 15; 4, p. 61; 14.4, p. 234; 22.1, p. 393; 22.1.1, p. 395; 22.1.2, p. 401. V . A . STBELTSOV, V . I . BARBASHOV, a n d Y R . B . T K A C H E N K O

Effect of Hydrostatic Pressure on Dislocation Mobility in KCl Crystals (a) Vol. 69, No. 2, p. 4 9 7 - 5 0 3 (1982). See also 10.2, p. 104; 22.5.2, p. 455. K . NATTKKABIXEN a n d T . T U O M I

Explanation of Contrast Effects in Synchrotron X-Ray Topographs of Bent Crystals by Means of Multiple Diffraction (a) Vol. 69, No. 2, p. 6 8 7 - 6 9 7 (1982). See also 1.1, p. 11; 22.1.2, p. 402. T . SOMA, H . I W A N A M I , a n d H . M A T S F O

Equation of State of Si-Ge Solid Solution (b) Vol. 110, No. 1, p. 7 5 - 7 9 (1982). See also 1.3, p. 26; 13, p. 141; 22.3, p. 433. J . SHANKER a n d G . D . JAIN

•Cohesive Energies and Bulk Modulus for Alkali Halide Mixed Crystals (b) Vol. 110, No. 1, p. 2 5 7 - 2 6 2 (1982). See also 4, p. 61; 22.5.4, p. 467. W . GRÄFE

•Description of Internal Friction Background of Glasses by Means of Migration Processes (a) Vol. 70, No. 1, p. 101-108 (1982). See also 2, p. 47; 22.6, p. 469.


12.2 Non-Metals J . SHANKER a n d J . P . SINGH

*Third-Order Elastic Constants and Pressure Derivatives of Second-Order Elastic Constants of Fluorite-Structure Crystals (b) Vol. 110, No. 2, p. 6 9 7 - 7 0 2 (1982). See also 4, p. 62; 22.5.3, p. 465.

T . SOMA, Y . K A T A B I R A . a n d H . MATSUO

*Compression Effect on t h e Elastic Constants of Si-Ge Solid Solution (b) Vol. 110, No. 2, p. K 1 6 7 - K 1 6 9 (1982). See also 22.1.1, p. 396; 22.1.2, p. 404.

J . SHANKER a n d J . P .


*Third- and F o u r t h - O r d e r Elastic Constants for Silver Halidcs. Alkaline E a r t h Oxides, and Chalcogenides of P b and Sn (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. 6 7 7 - 6 8 1 (1982). See also 22, p. 385; 22.5.1, p. 453 ; 22.6, p. 470.


*Study of Hardness Anisotropy in Doped NaCI Crystals (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. K 9 7 - K 1 0 0 (1982). See also 22.5.2, p. 457.

T . SOMA, H . I W A N A M I , a n d H . - M A T S U O K A G A Y A

Pressure-Volume Relation under High Pressure for Si-Ge Solid Solution (b) Vol. I l l , No. 1, p. K 2 3 - K 2 6 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 17; 4, p. 62; 22.1.1, p. 396; 22.1.2, p. 406.

L . G . K H V O S T A N T S E V , A . I . ORLOV, N . K H . ABRIKOSOV, T . E . S V E C H N I K O V A , a n d S . N .



Thermoelectric Properties and Phase Transitions in Bi 2 Te 3 under H y d r o s t a t i c Pressure u p to 9 GPa and T e m p e r a t u r e u p to 300 CC (a) Vol. 71, No. 1, p. 4 9 - 5 3 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 17; 14.3, p. 206; 16. p. 246; 22.7, p. 479.

K . R A M A N I a n d A . M . GHODGAONKAR

*Lattice P a r a m e t e r s of Alkali Halides by t h e Simons-Parr-Finlan Technique (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. 3 4 5 - 3 5 0 (1982). See also 8, p. 87; 22.5.2, p. 458.

J . F . J . JORDAN, A . AXMANN, H . EGGER, a n d J .


Temperature Dependence of t h e Compressibility of d r N a p h t h a l e n e (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. 4 5 7 - 4 6 2 (1982). See also 1, p. 10; 6, p. 75; 22.9, p. 505.

J . K . KRÜGER, M . PIETRALLA, a n d H . - G .


The Elastic Properties of H e x a t r i a c o n t a n e Single Crystals at Their Various Phase Transitions (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. 4 9 3 - 5 0 4 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 18; 6, p. 75; 22.9, p. 505.


Subject I n d e x


E f f e c t of H y d r o s t a t i c Pressure on t h e B a n d S t r u c t u r e of I n S b . A P x e u d o p o t e n t i a l Calculation (b) Vol. 112, No. 1, p. 9 7 - 1 0 4 (1982). See also 13.1, p. 152-, 22.2.3, p. 428. J . SHANKER a n d K . SINGH

Analysis of t h e Griineisen P a r a m e t e r a n d I t s Volume D e p e n d e n c e in Alkali Halide Crystals (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p. 6 1 5 - 6 2 0 (1982). See also 4, p. 63; 6, p. 77; 22.5.2, p. 459. 0 . H . PRASAD a n d M . SURYANARAYANA

* F o u r t h - O r d e r E l a s t i c C o n s t a n t , C l m , of Cubic Crystals (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p. 6 2 7 - 6 3 1 (1982). See also 12.1, p. 132; 21, p. 337; 21.1, p. 351; 21.6, p. 377; 22.1, p. 393; 22.5.2, p. 459. R . K . SINGH a n d I ) . K .


Role of Zero-Point Motion a n d T h r e e - B o d y E f f e c t s in t h e S t u d y of Crystal P r o p e r t i e s of R a r e Gas Solids (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p. 7 3 5 - 7 4 6 (1982). See also 4, p. 63; 6, p. 77; 8, p. 88; 23, p. 509. T . SOMA, Y . K A T A B I B A , a n d H . M . K A G A Y A

Mode Grüneisen P a r a m e t e r for L o n g - W a v e P h o n o n s of Si-Go Solid Solution (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p. K 9 9 - K 1 0 2 (1982). See also 6, p. 77; 8, p. 88; 22.3, p. 434. F . VÄVRA

* F o r m a t i o n of W a v y Slip B a n d s in AgCl C r y s t a l s (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. K 1 2 5 - K 1 2 8 (1982). See also 22.5.2, p. 453. F . PROKERT

N e u t r o n S c a t t e r i n g Studies on S t r o n t i u m B a r i u m X i o b a t e (b) Vol. 113, No. 1, p. 2 3 9 - 2 5 2 (1982). See also 6, p. 78; 14.4.1, p. 242; 22.8.1, p. 496. R . S. NARAYANAN, J . SHANKAR, H . C. GUPTA, a n d B . B . TEii'ATur

T h e o r y of Interionic Forces in Alkali H a l i d e Crystals (b) Vol. 113, No. 1, p. 3 3 9 - 3 4 6 (1982). See also 1.1, p. 13; 4, p. 64; 22.5.2, p. 460. L . L . R E G E L , V . R . R E G E L , S . E . BORISKIN, G . G . K N A B , A . A . URUSOVSKAYA, L . I . A L E K S E E V A , a n d V . V . KLECHKOVSKAYA

*Influence of I r r a d i a t i o n w i t h H e a v y I o n s on t h e Defect S t r u c t u r e and Mechanical Properties of L i F Crystals (a) Vol. 73, No. 1, p. 2 5 5 - 2 6 6 (1982). See also 10.2, p. 113; 11, p. 126; 22.5.2, p. 460. 0 . SORGE, H . B E I G E , A . A L M E I D A , a n d L . A . SHUVALOV

Elastic N o n l i n e a r i t y of KH,(SO a )„ a n d KD 3 (SeO,), Crystals (a) Vol. 73, N o 1, p. K 6 3 - K 6 6 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 21; 14.4.1, p. 243; 22.8, p. 489.

12.2 Non-Me ta] s J.



Measurements of t h e Ionic Conductivity of N a l and Calculation of t h e Bulk Modulus and Specific H e a t of Vacancies (b) Vol. 113, No. 2, p. 7 2 1 - 7 2 6 (1982). See also 8, p. 89; 10.2, p. 114; 14.4, p. 238; 22.5.2, p. 461. K . R . A L L A K H V E R D I E V , S H . G . GASYMOV, T . G . M A M E D O V , E . Y R . S A L A E V , a n d I . K .


• S h i f t of t h e F u n d a m e n t a l Absorption Edge of TISe under H y d r o s t a t i c Pressure (b) Vol. 113, No. 2, p. K 1 2 7 - K 1 2 9 (1982). See also 13.1, p. 155; 20.1, p. 312; 22.3, p. 434. U . S T R A U B E , G . SORGE, a n d N . R . IVANOV

*Temperature-Dependent Electrostriction Coefficient and Pseudoproper Phase Transition in TSCC (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. 4 6 7 - 4 7 4 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 22; 14.4.1, p. 243; 22.8, p. 490. C. P A T E L , W . F . SHERMAN, a n d G . R . WILKINSON

Lattice Dynamics of I n P u n d e r Hydrostatic Pressures (b) Vol. 114, No. 1, p. 1 6 9 - 1 7 4 (1982). See also 6, p. 80; 20.1, p. 314; 22.2.2, p. 426. C. BASU, A . KANRAB. a n d U . S. GHOSH

•Elastic Behaviour of Mixed Alkali Halide Crystals of Rocksalt S t r u c t u r e (b) Vol. 114, No. 1, p. 2 2 1 - 2 2 5 (1982). See also 22.5.4, p. 467. R . K . SINGH a n d R . D . SINGH

S t u d y of Lattice Statics and Allied Properties of Zincblende-Type Compound Semiconductors (b) Vol. 114, No. 1, p. 2 3 5 - 2 4 2 (1982). See also 4, p. 64; 6, p. 80; 22.2, p. 419; 22.4, p. 438. V . P . GUPTA a n d C. P . AGRAWAL

Rvdberg Potential in Diatomic Ionic Crystals (b) Vol. 114, No. 1, p. 2 6 5 - 2 7 0 (1982). See also 4, p. 6-5; 6, p. 80; 8, p. 89; 22.5.2, p. 462; 22.6, p. 475. V . K . J A I N a n d J . SHANKER

Analysis of Interionic Potentials in Alkali Chalcogenide Crystals (b) Vol. 114, No. 1, p. 2 7 1 - 2 7 5 (1982). See also 4, p. 65; 22, p. 391. J . SHANKER a n d R . K .


• T e m p e r a t u r e Dependence of Elastic Constants of Alkali Halide Crystals (b) Vol. 114, No. 1, p. K 7 1 - K 7 4 (1982). See also 6, p. 80; 22.5.2, p. 463. ( ! . SOEGE, A . A L M E I D A , a n d L . A . SHUVALOV

•Influence of Deuteration and Defects on Elastic Properties of KH 3 (Se0 3 ) 2 (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. 9 1 - 9 6 (1982). See also 14.4.1, p. 244; 22.8.1, p. 497.


Subject Index

L. (!. K h v o s t a n t s e v , V. A. Sidorov, L. E. Shelimova, and N. K h . Abrikosov Phase Transitions in GeTe a t Hydrostatic Pressure up to 9.3 GPa (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. 1 8 5 - 1 9 2 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 23; 14.3, p. 211; 22.7, p. 480. Y. NishinG and T. Isiuba *Viscoelastic Behaviour of Oxide Films on Silicon Crystals (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. 1 9 3 - 2 0 0 (1982). See also 8, p. 89; 22.1.2, p. 414. J . K. V i j Pressure, Temperature, and Frequency Dependence of the Dielectric Properties of Strontium Barium Niobate (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. 2 2 5 - 2 3 2 (1982). See also 14.4, p. 239; 22.8.1. p. 498. M. K u c h a r c z y k and S. O l s z e w s k i Repulsive Energy and the Grüneisen Parameter of Alkali Halides Calculated on the Basis of a Quantum-Statistical ab Initio Theory (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. 5 8 9 - 5 9 8 (1982). See also 4, p. 63; 6, p. 81; 22.5.2, p. 463. J . S h a n k e r and R. S u n d a r a j Dielectric and Anharmonic Behaviour of Alkali Halide Crystals (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. 6 5 9 - 6 6 5 (1982). See also 4, p. 6-5; 14.4. p. 239; 22.5.2, p. 463. T. H. O ' D e l l *Measurement of Magnetomechanical Coupling Factor in Amorphous Ribbons (a) Vol. 74, No. 2. p. 5 6 5 - 5 7 2 (1982). See also 2, p. 56; 18.2, p. 274; 22.8, p. 491. K . R. A l l a k h v e k d i e v , Sh. G. Gasymov, and E. YR. S a l a e v Effect of Pressure on the Electrical Conductivity and Hall Effect of Thallium Selcnide (a) Vol. 74, No. 2, p. K 1 4 1 - K 1 4 5 (1982). See also 14.3, p. 212; 22, p. 392.

13. E l e c t r o n S t a t e s


13. Electron States Review


H . BÖTTGEK a n d V . V .


Hopping C o n d u c t i v i t y in Ordered and Disordered S y s t e m s ( T i l ) (b) Vol. 113, No. 1, p" 9 - 4 9 (1982). S e e also 2, p. 4 5 : 6. p. 7 0 ; 1 3 . 5 . 3 , p. 1 8 8 ; 14.3, p. 202; 22, p. 3 8 2 .

Original Papers and Short P . PALANICHAMY a n d S . P .



* C h a n g e in E l e c t r o n Mass and Collision F r e q u e n c y D u e t o A c o u s t i c W a v e P r o p a g a t i o n in Piezoelectric Semiconductors (b) V o l . 1 0 9 , No. 1, p. 1 1 9 - 1 2 3 (1982). S e e also 7, p. 82: 2 2 . 4 . 1 , p. 4 3 9 . A. K . D A S * S o m e P r o p e r t i e s of S t o c h a s t i c Diffusion in C o n s t a n t P o t e n t i a l F i e l d s (b) V o l . 1 0 9 . No. 1. p. 1 5 3 - 1 5 9 (1982).



* S p i n - O r b i t I n t e r a c t i o n in S u p e r e x c h a n g e w i t h O r b i t a l D e g e n e r a c y ( I ) : Coupling Coeffic i e n t s and O p e r a t o r Algebra for t h e Chain 0 * c S U 2 (b) Vol. 1 0 9 , No. 1. p. 1 9 5 - 2 1 0 (1982). See also 18, p. 259.



On t h e S u s c e p t i b i l i t y of t h e P e r i o d i c Anderson Model (b) V o l . 1 0 9 , No. 1, p. 2 1 7 - 2 2 2 (1982). S e e also 18.1, p. 2(75; 21, p. 3 3 0 .

W . TEWS and R .


E l e c t r o n - E n e r g y - L o s s S p e c t r o s c o p y of D i f f e r e n t A1 2 0 3 Modifications ( I ) : E n e r g y F u n c t i o n , D i e l e c t r i c F u n c t i o n , Oscillator S t r e n g t h S u m R u l e and t h e Q u a n t i t y e a E (b) V o l . 1 0 9 , No. 1, p. 2 5 5 - 2 6 4 (1982). S e e also 14.4, p. 234 ; 20.1, p. 298 ; 22.6, p. 4 6 8 .



* A n E x p a n s i o n T e c h n i q u e for E v a l u a t i n g D e n s i t i e s of S t a t e s a n d R e l a t e d I n t e g r a l s (b) Vol. 1 0 9 , No. 1, p. 3 5 3 - 3 6 0 (1982).

V . A . KOZLOV a n d I . M .


•Modified S e l f - S c a t t e r i n g P r o c e d u r e for Monte-Carlo S i m u l a t i o n of H o t E l e c t r o n s (b) V o l . 1 0 9 , No. 1. p. 3 9 3 - 4 0 1 (1982). ' S e e also 14.3.4, p. 277; 22, p. 3 8 2 .

H . VAN C'ONG, S . B R U N E T , a n d S . C H A R A R

* F e r m i - D i r a c I n t e g r a l s and F e r m i E n e r g y for D e g e n e r a t e N a r r o w - G a p S e m i c o n d u c t o r s (b) Vol. 1 0 9 , No. 1, p. K 1 - K 5 (1982). ' See also 14.3, p. 202; 22, p. 3 8 3 .

Subject Index


*Charge Ordering in t h e E x t e n d e d H u b b a r d Model. T h e C a r o n - P r a t t A p p r o x i m a t i o n R e s u l t s (b) Vol. 109, No. 1, p. K 1 1 - K 1 6 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 14; 14, p. 190. R . STREHLOW a n d W . H . LAMFRIED

* A New A p p r o a c h t o t h e E l e c t r o n i c S t r u c t u r e of SiO z (b) Vol. 109, No. 1, p. K 7 5 - K 7 9 (1982). See also 22.6, p. 468.

H . - J . FITTING a n d J . - U .


* Monte-Carlo Studies of t h e E l e c t r o n Mobility in SiO„ (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. 3 4 9 - 3 5 8 (1982). See also 6, p. 71; 14.3.4, p. 227; 22.6, p. 468. A. J. MCEVOY a n d W .


ESCA S p e c t r a a n d E l e c t r o n i c P r o p e r t i e s of Some R u t h e n i u m Compounds (a) Vol. «9, No. 1, p. K 9 1 - K 9 6 (1982). See also 17, p. 255; 21.4, p. 369; 22.6, p. 469. M . BLASZAK

* S p i n - O r b i t I n t e r a c t i o n in S u p e r e x c h a n g e w i t h O r b i t a l Degeneracy (II) : E f f e c t i v e Tensor Hamiltonian (b) Vol. 109, No. 2, p. 5 1 9 - 5 2 4 (1982). See also IS, p. 259. E . KOLLEY', W . K O L L E Y , a n d H .


*CPA S t u d y of t h e E l e c t r i c a l C o n d u c t i v i t y for Various Percolation Models (b) Vol. 109, No. 2, p. 5 5 1 - 5 6 1 (1982). See also 14, p. 190. S. NARA a n d G. H E B E R

*Dynamics of Two-Spin Cluster in Spin Glass ( I I ) : T h e Magnetization Process a t T — 0 (b) Vol. 109, No. 2, p . 5 7 3 - 5 8 1 (1982). See also 18, p. 259; 22.8, p . 482. R.


I n t e g r a l R e p r e s e n t a t i o n of t h e I n c o h e r e n t F i e l d in Disordered Materials (I): C u r r e n t Ba lance, D e n s i t y - o f - S t a t e s T e s t , a n d New Mobility F o r m u l a (b) Vol. 109, No. 2, p . 6 1 7 - 6 2 6 (1982). See also 2, p. 46; 14, p . 190. L . SKALA

" T h e C N D O / B W S t u d y of L i t h i u m Clusters ( I I ) : B.C.C. O u s t e r s (b) Vol. 109, No. 2, p. 7 3 3 - 7 4 1 (1982). See also 4, p. 01; i 1.2, p. 365. H . N AGA SAW A

* Mixed Valence S t a t e a n d M e t a l - N o n - M e t a l Transition of K C P (b) Vol. 109, No. 2, p. 7 4 9 - 7 5 9 (1982). See also 14, p. 190; 19, p. 283; 22.8, p. 482.

13. Electron States



*Temperature Dependence of the Multivalued Sasaki Effect (b) V o l . 1 0 9 , N o . 2, p. K 1 0 9 - K 1 1 3 (1982).

See also 14.3.4, p. 227; 22.1.2, p. 402. T . SOMA, H . IWANAMI, a n d H . MATSUO

*Equation of State of Si-Ge Solid Solution (b) Vol. 110, No. 1, p. 7 5 - 7 9 (1982). See also 1.3, p. 26; 12.2, p. 134; 22.3, p. 433.

W . WELLER, V . N . PRIGODIN, a n d Y u . A . FIRSOV

""Localization in a Random System of N Coupled Chains (I): Microscopic Model, General Scheme (b) Vol. 110, No. 1, p. 1 4 3 - 1 5 5 (1982). See also 14, p. 190.


*Electronic Structure of Fe-45 A1 Films (b) Vol. 110, No. 1, p. 2 3 9 - 2 4 3 (1982). See also 1.5, p. 38; 20, p. 294; 21.1.1, p. 360.


*Cluster Calculations of Alkaline-Earth Fluorides by the MSXa Method (b) Vol. 110, No. 1, p. 2 6 3 - 2 7 1 (1982). See also 22.5.3, p. 465.


*The CNDO/BW Study of Lithium Clusters (III): Different Crystallographic Structures (b) Vol. 110, No. 1, p. 2 9 9 - 3 0 6 (1982). See also 4, p. 67; 21.2, p. 365.


*Static Atomic Polarizabilities from Norm-Conserving Pseudopotentials (b) Vol. 110, No. 1, p. 3 1 3 - 3 2 2 (1982). See also 4, p. 62; 22.1, p. 393; 22.1.2, p. 403.

S . K . LAI a n d S . WANG

Calculation of the Electronic Density of States in Disordered Metallic Systems (b) Vol. 110, No. 1, p. 3 3 1 - 3 4 0 (1982). See also 2, p. 46; 21, p. 332.


*On the Density of States of a Broad-Band Ferromagnetic Semiconductor at T > (b) V o l . 1 1 0 , No. 1, p. 3 6 9 - 3 7 7 (1982).


See also 18.2, p. 269; 22, p. 384. S. GHOSH a n d V . K . AGABWAL

Excitation of Acoustohelicon Waves Due to Modulation of a Laser Beam in Longitudinally Magnetised Semiconductors (b) V o l . 1 1 0 , N o . 1, p. K 3 7 - K 4 0 (1982).

See also 7, p. 82; 18, p. 260; 20, p. 294; 22, p. 384.

Subject Index


•Influence of Impurities on the Wannier-Stark Ladder in a Semiconductor in a Strong Electric Field (b) Vol. 110, No. 2, p. 4 5 5 - 4 5 9 (1982). See also 22, p. 384. E . P . POKATILOV a n d S . N . R L Y M I N

Non-Linear Optical Properties of the Degenerate Band Charge Carrier Gas in the Magnetic Field (b) Vol. 110, No. 2, p. 7 0 9 - 7 1 6 (1982). See also 20, p. 294; 20.2, p. 317. A . P . PATHAK a n d L . T . CHADDERTON

Superposition Criteria in Continuum Potentials for Channeling (b) V o l . 1 1 0 , N o . 2 , p . K 9 7 - K 1 0 1


See also 11, p. 120. B . OLÉS, A . M . OLÉS, K . A . CHAO, a n d YI-CHEN CHENG

*A Model for n-Methyl-Phenazinium Tetracyanoquinodimethan (b) Vol. 110, No. 2, p. K i l l —K116 (1982). See also 2, p. 47-, 14, p. 190; 18, p. 260; 22.9, p. 504. V . KUMAR, A . R . CHETAL, a n d K . S . SRIVASTAVA

•"Calculation of the Density of Compounds from the Chemical Shift of the X-Ray Absorption Edge (a) V o l . 7 0 , N o . 2 , p . K 1 0 7 - K 1 1 1 ( 1 9 8 2 ) .

See also 20, p. 295; 21.1, p. 348; 22, p. 385. B . H OK VATIC a n d V . ZLATIH Hyperfine Splitting.« (b) Vol. 110, No. 2, p. 5 3 1 - 5 3 5 (1982). See also 19, p. 285; 22.6, p. 470. W . SCHMID a n d P . J .


*Bound Exciton Time Decay and t h e Auger Effect in Zinc Telluride (b) Vol. 110, No. 2, p. 5 9 1 - 6 0 0 (1982). See also 13.5.1, p. 183; 20.3, p. 321; 22.4.3, p. 445. S. BENZI, F . FERMI, a n d R .


Double S t r u c t u r e of A x and AT Emissions in Low-Doped K I : T 1 * Crystals (b) Vol. 110, No. 2, p. 6 1 1 - 6 1 7 (1982). See also 20.3, p. 322; 22.5.2, p. 456. W . G . PROCTOR, P . LAWAETZ, Y . MARFAING, a n d R .


• O n t h e S-Shaped Characteristic of Semiconductors at Low T e m p e r a t u r e (b) Vol. 110, No. 2, p. 6 3 7 - 6 4 1 (1982). See also 14.3.4, p. 228; 22.4.3, p. 445. R . R.

M I J A N G O S , J . L . M A R I N , A . C L A R K , A . N A V A R R O , and C . R u i z M E J I A * Effect of Surface Polarization on t h e Absorption Spectrum of an F-Center (b) Vol. 110, No. 2, p. 7 0 3 - 7 0 8 (1982). See also 10.2, p. 107; 22.5.2, p. 457.

A . S H . CHAVCHANIDZE, I . S . SHPOTIN, a n d V . S . S T E P A N Y U K

*The P e r t u r b a t i o n of Electron Density around Mn in a-Fe-Based Dilute Solid Solution (b) Vol. 110, No. 2, p. K 1 5 5 - K 1 5 9 (1982). See also 21.1.1, p. 360. C . R I N C O N a n d J . GONZALEZ

Influence of Impurities on t h e Optical Properties of CiilnSe™ near t h e F u n d a m e n t a l Absorption Edge (b) Vol. 110, No. 2, p. K 1 7 1 - K 1 7 4 (1982). See also 13.1, p. 150; 20.1, p. 304; 22.8, p. 483. E . ZIEGLER, A . H E I N R I C H , H . OPPERMANN, a n d G . STOVER

Growth and Electrical Properties of Non-Stoichiometric ZnO Single Crystals Doped with Co (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. 5 6 3 - 5 7 0 (1982). See also 3, p. 57; 14.3, p. 205; 22.4, p. 437. Y . HASEGAWA a n d Y . A B E

Electrical and Optical Characteristics of a Schottky Barrier on a Cleaved Surface of t h e Layered Semiconductor InSe (a) Vol. 70, No. 2. p. 6 1 5 - 6 2 1 (1982). See also 13.3, p. 159; 14.3.3, p. 221; 16, p. 250; 22.3, p. 433. T. G. ABDEL-MALIK, A. M. ABDEEN, a n d A . A. ALY

*Thermally Stimulated Current in (3-Metal-Free Phthalocyanine Single Crystals (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. 7 0 3 - 7 1 2 (1982). See also 14.3, p. 205; 22.9, p. 504.


Subject Index


Photo-Hall Effect and Imperfection Analysis in CdTe in the Case of Bipolar Photoconductivity (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. K 1 7 1 - K 1 7 4 (1982). See also 16, p. 251-, 22.4.3, p. 446.



*A Refinement upon the Method of Evaluating the Density of the Localized States from the Field Effect (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. K 1 8 1 - K 1 8 3 (1982). See also 2, p. 4 8 ; 14.3.1, p. 214; 14.3.4, p. 228; 22, p. 385.

D . BACKS a n d H . J .


*Photosensitive E P R of Ge 3 + and S n 3 + in Twinned Cubic Zinc Sulfide (b) Vol. I l l , No. 1, p. 1 1 7 - 1 2 4 (1982). See also 19, p. 286; 22.4.1, p. 440.


*f-Level Green's Function for an Intermediate-Valence Impurity (b) Vol. I l l , No. 1, p. 1 6 1 - 1 7 0 (1982).

H . Z E I L E , U . H A K T E N , a n d K . LASSMANN

*Ultrasonic Investigation of the Acceptor Ground State of Si(B) (I): The Longitudinal and Transverse Relaxation Rates of the Strain-Split Two-Level System (b) Vol. I l l , No. 1, p. 2 1 3 - 2 2 0 (1982). See also 7, p. 83; 22.1.2, p. 4 0 6 .


*Host-Lattice Effects in the E P R Spectra of Gd 3 + Doped Hydrated Single Crystals of Rare-Earth Chlorides, Nitrates, and Sulphates (b) Vol. I l l , No. 1, p. 2 2 7 - 2 3 4 (1982). See also 18.1, p. 266; 19, p. 286; 22.8, p. 484.


*The Paramagnetic Resonance of Nd 3 + and Y b 3 t in Zircon Structure Silicates (b) Vol. I l l , No. 1, p. 3 1 1 - 3 2 0 (1982). See also 19, p. 286; 22.8.1, p. 494.

J . R . MORANTE, J . E . C A R C E L L E R , P . CARTUJO, a n d J . J .


* Analysis of Thermal Capture of the Acceptor Level of Gold in Silicon (b) Vol. I l l , No. 1, p. 3 7 5 - 3 8 2 (1982). See also 22.1.2, p. 406.

K . D . G L I N C H U K , N . M . LITOVCHENKO, a n d Z . A . S A L N I K

*Structure and Formation Kinetics of Oxygen-Induced Recombination Centres in HeatTreated Silicon (a) Vol. 71, No. 1, p. 8 3 - 8 7 (1982). See also 22.1.2, p. 406.

K . D . GLINCHUK, K . L U K A T , a n d A . V . PROKHOROVICH

*Photoluminescence of Copper-Compensated p-Type GaAs after Irradiation by 2.2 MeV Electrons (a) Vol. 71, No. 1, p. 2 3 3 - 2 3 8 (1982). See also 20.3, p. 323; 22.2.1, p. 421.

13.4 I m p u r i t y and Defect States


R . M . B I L B E , J . E . NICHOLLS, B . L U N N , a n d D . H . J . TOTTERDELL

•a-Particle Polarization Effects in Cadmium Telluride Radiation Detectors (a) Vol. 71, No. 1, p. 2 3 9 - 2 4 3 (1982). See also 14.3.3, p. 222; 22.4.3, p. 446. G . B . A B D U L L A E V , 0 . B . T A G I E V , G . M . N I F T I E V , a n d T . K H . AZIZOV

•Injection and Thermoactivation Currents in EuGa 2 S 4 Single Crystals (a) Vol. 71, No. 1, p. K 4 5 - K 4 8 (1982). See also 14.3.4, p. 229; 22.8, p. 484. N . I . AKULOVICH, V . V . PETROV, a n d V . I . U T E N K O

On the Electrical Activity of Transmutated Phosphorus in Neutron Transmutation Doped Silicon (a) Vol. 71, No. 1, p. K 6 3 - K 6 7 (1982). See also 11, p. 122; 14.3, p. 206 ; 22.1.2, p. 407. S . M . W A S I M , G . SANCHEZ PORRAS, a n d R . D . TOMLINSON

Some Electrical Characteristics of Zn and Cd Doped CuInTe., (a) Vol. 71, No. 1, p. K 7 3 - K 7 8 (1982). See also 14.3, p. 206; 22.8, p. 484. I . THUBZO a n d T . LALINSKY

*On the Relationship between Charge- and Current-Based D L T S (a) Vol. 71, No. 1, p. K 8 3 - K 8 7 (1982). See also 14.3.3, p. 222; 22.2.1, p. 421. W . KORCZAK a n d M . SUBOTOWICZ

Analysis of Temperature Variation of E P R Linewidths for Gd 3 + Ion in CeF 3 Single Crystals (b) Vol. I l l , No. 2, p. 4 5 5 - 4 6 0 (1982). See also 19, p. 287; 22.5, p. 450. A . ANDREEFF, T H . FRAUENHEIM, E . A . GOREMYCHKIN, H . GRIESSMANN, B . LIPPOLD, W .



•Crystal Field on the Laves Phase Compound PrNi 2 (b) Vol. I l l , No. 2, p. 5 0 7 - 5 1 2 (1982). See also 1, p. 10; 8, p. 87; 15, p. 246; 18.1, p. 266; 21.1, p. 349; 21.4, p. 370. M. I k e y a *ESR Studies of Manganese Centres in LiH X - R a y e d a t Low Temperature (b) Vol. I l l , No. 2, p. 5 2 5 - 5 3 0 (1982). See also 19, p. 287; 22.5.2, p. 458. H . Z E I L E a n d K . LASSMANN

•Ultrasonic Investigation of the Acceptor Ground State of Si(B) (II): The Distribution of Splittings (b) Vol. I l l , No. 2, p. 5 5 5 - 5 6 4 (1982). See also 7, p. 83; 22.1.2, p. 407. J . HORÄK, L . KOUDELKA, J . KLIKORKA, a n d L . SISKA

•Transport Properties and Plasma Resonance of Bismuth Selenide Crystals Doped with Cadmium (b) Vol. I l l , No. 2, p. 5 7 5 - 5 8 0 (1982). See also 14.3, p. 207; 15, p. 247; 22.7, p. 479.


Subject Index

E. Sigmund and K. Lassmanx *The Influence of the Dynamic Jahn-Teller Effect on the Phonon-Scattering Mechanism at Acceptors in Semiconductors with Cubic Symmetry (b) Vol. I l l , No. 2, p. 6 3 1 - 6 3 7 (1982). See also 6, p. 74; 22, p. 387. J . Rosa, K. P o l a k , and J . K u b a t o v a *ESR and Optical Studies of Impurity Centres in y- and X-Irradiated LiXbO., (b) Vol. I l l , No. 2, p. K 8 5 - K 8 7 (1982). See also 19, p. 287; 20.1, p. 306; 22.8.1, p. 495. T. G. P e t r o v a *Electron-Magnon Impurity States in the Energetic Spectrum of the Ferromagnetic Semiconductor (b) Vol. I l l , No. 2, p. K 1 4 1 - K 1 4 5 (1982). See also 13.5.4, p. 189; 18.2, p. 270; 22, p. 387. W. P a s t t t s i a k and J . K t j b i a t a A New Model for the Interpretation of Spin-Lattice Coefficients for S-State (4 f ' ) Ions (b) Vol. I l l , No. 2, p. K 1 4 7 - K 1 5 1 (1982). See also 19, p. 287; 22.5.3, p. 465. S. M. Wasim, G.S. P o r r a s , and R. D. Tomlinsok *Some Electrical Characteristics of Cu- and In-Doped CuInTe„ (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. 5 2 3 - 5 3 0 (1982). See also 14.3. p. 207; 22.8, p. 485. A. N. ANAGNOSTorouLOS and A. K a r o u t i s *Electron Trap Distribution Determined by Means of Conductivity Measurements on Highly Anisotropic ZnIn„S4 Crystals (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. 5 4 3 - 5 4 8 (1982). See also 14.3.4, p. 229; 22.8, p. 485. V. S. L y s e n k o , T. N. S y t e n k o , V. I. Zijiehko, and 0 . V. S n i t k o i n v e s t i g a t i o n of Traps in the Transition Region of Si-SiO., Structures at Cryogenic Temperatures (a) Vol. 71, No. 2. p. 6 1 9 - 6 2 6 (1982). See also 11, p. 123; 14.3.3, p. 222; 22.1.2, p. 408. A. V. Dvurecihenskii, I. A. R y a z a n t s e v , and V. A. D r a v i x Doping of Amorphous Silicon by Manganese Ion Implantation (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. K 1 3 3 - K 1 3 6 (1982). See also 2, p. 49; 11, p. 123; 14.3.1, p. 215; 22.1.2, p. 408. H. B a r a n k o v a Photoluminescence of SSD and LEC Grown I n P (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. K 1 5 3 - K 1 5 6 (1982). See also 20.3, p. 323; 22.2.2, p. 425. C. R. D u t t a and K. B a r u a *DC Electrical Properties of Vacuum Deposited Yb„0., Films (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. K 1 8 1 - K 1 8 6 (1982). See also 14.3.1, p. 215: 14.3.4, p. 229; 22.6. p. 472.

13.4 Impurity and Defect States K . D . GLINCHUK a n d K .



*Non-Trivial Annealing-Induced Increase of the Near-Intrinsic Emission Intensity in y-Irradiated GaAs (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. K 1 8 7 - K 1 9 0 (1982). See also 11, p. 123; 20.3, p. 323; 22.2.1, p. 421. H . LEMKE

*Anomalie von Ionenpaaren flacher Akzeptoren mit Mangan in Silizium (Anomaly of Ion Pairs of Shallow Acceptors with Manganese in Silicon) (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. K215-K217 (1982). See also 22.1.2. p. 408. B . A . LOMBOS, M . A V E R O U S , C . T A U , a n d J . GALAS

""Conduction Processes in High Acceptor Concentration HgTe (b) Vol. 112, No. 1, p. 237-242 (1982). See also 14.3, p. 208; 22.4.3, p. 446. N . A . K U L A G I N a n d D . T . SVIRIDOV

*Change of the Effective Occupation Numbers of 3d-Shells of M n ! ' Ions in Manganese Halide Crystals (b) Vol. 112, No. 1, p. K 6 1 - K 6 6 (1982). See also 4, p. 63; 22.5. p. 451.


*Bulk Trapping States in ß-Zinc Phthalocyanine Single Crystals (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. 9 9 - 1 0 4 (1982). See also 14.3.4, p. 230; 22.9, p. 506. H . LEMKE

*Eigenschaften einiger Störstellenkomplexe von Zink in Silizium (Properties of Some Impurity Complexes of Zinc in Silicon) (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. 177-187 (1982). See also 14.3, p. 208; 22.1.2, p. 409. D . E . IOANNOC

*Comments on the i \ - -¡- 0.45 eV Quenched-in Level in Silicon (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. K 3 3 - K 3 6 (1982). See also 10.2, p. Ill; 22.1.2, p. 409. J . P . F I L L A R D , J . BONJS A F E . a n d M . CASTAGNE

Thermal Spectroscopy of Impurity Levels by Optical Absorption in Bulk GaAs (a) Vol. 72, No 1, p. K 6 5 - K 6 8 (1982). See also 20.1, p. 308; 22.2.1, p. 422. S. MILSHTEIN

*C-U Measurements on Heavilv Dislocated Si (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. K 9 9 - K Ì 0 3 (1982). See also 10.2, p. Ill; 14.3, p. 208; 22.1.2, p. 410. I . S H . A K H M A D U L L I N a n d R . V . SABUROVA

*Phonon Scattering by Paraelectrical Centers in Crystals (I): General (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p. 367-378 (1982). See also 6, p. 76.


Subject Index

T. 0 . Gegechkori, V. G. Y a k e l i , and Z. S. K a c h l i s h v i l i Low-Temperature Conductivity and Mobility in Semiconductors (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p. 3 7 9 - 3 9 0 (1982). See also 14.3, p. 208; 22, p. 388. M. Korkmaz, Ö. Korkmaz, and S. KosPAxgALi *EPR of Copper-Doped (NH 4 ),C 2 0 4 • H„0 Single Crystals (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p. 4 2 3 - 4 2 7 (1982). See also 19, p. 288; 22.8.1, p. 496. G. G. F e d o r t t k and I. Z. R u t k o v s k i i Free Induction of E{-Centres in Crystalline Quartz (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p 4 5 3 - 4 5 6 (1982). See also 19, p. 288; 22.6, p. 472. V. I. KtrzuETSOV and P. F. Lugakov *Study of Rearrangements of Intrinsic Defects at Annealing of Proton-Irradiated Silicon (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p. 4 5 7 - 4 6 2 (1982). See also 10.2, p. Ill; 11, p. 124; 22.1.2, p. 410. L. S t a u f f e r and G. M u n s c h y *Energy of the Exciton-Ionized Donor Complex in Anisotropic Semiconductors (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p. 5 0 1 - 5 0 5 (1982). See also 13.5.1, p. 184; 22.4.2, p. 443. R. P o d l o u c k y , J . D e u t z , R. Z e l l e r , and P. H. D e d e r i c h s *Electronic Structure of 3d and 4d Impurities in Mo and Nb (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p. 5 1 5 - 5 2 4 (1982). See also 21, p. 337. K. Mastjda *Calculation of Binding Energies of Small Vacancy Clusters in B.C.C. Transition Metals (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p. 6 0 9 - 6 1 4 (1982). See also 10.1, p. 99; 21, p. 337; 21.1.1, p. 361. J . K r e i s s l and W. G e h l h o f f *EPR Investigation of Manganese-Boron Pairs in Silicon (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p. 6 9 5 - 7 0 4 (1982). See also 19, p. 289; 22.1.2, p. 410. A. J . Wojtowicz and H. J . Lozykowski ""Unknown Excited States of the Self-Activated Center in ZnSe (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p. K 1 0 3 - K 1 0 6 (1982). See also 20.3, p. 324; 22.4.2, p. 443. YU. E. P e r l i x , A. A. Kaminskii, M. G. B l a z h a , and V. N. E n a k h *Multiphonon Nonradiative Transitions of TR 3 + Ions in Y3A15012 and Lu 3 Al s 0 12 Garnets (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p. K 1 2 5 - K 1 3 0 (1982). See also 6, p. 77; 20, p. 296; 22.8.2, p. 501. L. E. K h o l o d e n k o v and A. G. M a k h a n e k Two-Photon Luminescence Excitation of Eu 3 + in Fluorite (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p. K 1 4 9 - K 1 5 1 (1982). See also 20.3, p. 324; 22.5.3, p. 466.

13.4 Impurity and Defect States


V . N . B R U D N Y I , S . A . VOROBIEV, a n d A . A . T s o i

*Positron Annihilation and Electrical Properties of Electron-Irradiated (st 2 MeV) InAs Crystals (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. 5 2 9 - 5 3 4 (1982). See also 11, p. 124; 14.3, p. 2 0 9 ; 22.2.1, p. 422.

N . V . V E R S H I N I N A a n d N . N . GERASIMENKO

Some Peculiarities of Radiation-Induced Changes in the Properties of S i - S i 0 2 Structures Irradiated at Elevated Temperatures (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. 5 6 9 - 5 7 4 (1982). See also 11, p. 124; 14.3.2, p. 217; 22.1.2, p. 411.


*DC Characteristics of MOS Structures and Hopping Currents in Thermally Grown Si0 2 Films (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. 6 0 7 - 6 1 6 (1982). See also 14.3.3, p. 223; 22.6, p. 472.

M . B L A S C H K E , H . J . GRUNJJMANN, a n d K .


Current Dependent Electroluminescence Decay and Degradation Behaviour in Green and Yellow L E D ' s (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. 6 8 7 - 6 9 4 (1982). See also 14.3.3, p. 224; 20.3, p. 325; 22.2.4, p. 431.

V . V . K V E D E R , Y T J . A . O S I P Y A N , W . S C H R O T E R , a n d G . ZOTH

*On the Energy Spectrum of Dislocations in Silicon (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. 7 0 1 - 7 1 3 (1982). See also 10.2, p. 112; 22.1.2, p. 411.

K . D . G L I N C H U K , A V . PROKHOROVICH, a n d N . S . Z A Y A T S

*Photoluminescence of Copper-Doped n-Type GaAs after Irradiation by 2.2 MeV Electrons (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. 7 1 5 - 7 1 9 (1982). See also 20.3, p. 325; 22.2.1, p. 422.

E . V . N I D A E V a n d A . I . POPOV

Influence of the Surface on the Stability of Radiation Defects Introduced by Electron Irradiation (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. K 1 9 3 - K 1 9 5 (1982). See also 11, p. 125; 14.3.3, p. 224; 22.1.2, p. 411.



Accumulation of Radiation Defects in Oxygen-Containing Silicon Thermally Treated a t 600 °C (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. K 2 1 1 - K 2 1 6 (1982). See also 11, p. 125; 20.1, p. 310; 22.1.2, p. 411.


*The Analysis of Complex Thermoluminescence from Partial Glow Curves (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. K 2 1 7 - K 2 2 2 (1982). See also 20.3, p. 325; 22.4.1, p. 441.

Subject Index

174 I . S H . A K H M A D T J L L I N a n d R . V . SABUROVA

• P h o n o n Scattering by Paraelectrical Centers in Crystals (II) : Lowest Order Approximation (b) Vol. 118, No. 1, p. 1 3 7 - 1 4 5 (1982). See also 6, p. 78. S. E . KAPPHAN

*UV Absorption and Electro-Optical Alignment Behavior of Off-Center Ag + in R b l (b) Vol. 113, No. 1, p. 1 4 7 - 1 5 6 (1982). See also 14.4, p. 237; 20.1, p. 310; 22.5.2, p. 460. A . PERSSON

•Electron States Associated with P a r t i a l Dislocations in Diamond (b) Vol. 113, No. 1, p. 2 5 3 - 2 5 7 (1982). See also 22.1, p. 394. T . J . BASTOW

• T e m p e r a t u r e and Pressure Dependence of t h e Electric Field Gradient a t t h e Br Sites in PbBr„ and SnBr 2 (b) Vol. 113, No. 1, p. 3 6 1 - 3 6 5 (1982). See also 19, p. 289; 22.5, p. 452. M . SEKITA a n d T . KOBAYASHI

Oscillator Strengths of Transitions between Stark Levels of Nd x Gdi_j;P 6 Oj (a) Vol. 73, No. 1, p. 6 1 - 6 4 (1982). See also 20.1, p. 311; 22.8.1, p. 496. G . BLASSE

• E n e r g y Transfer P h e n o m e n a in t h e System (Y, Ce, Gd, Tb)F 3 (a) Vol. 73, No. 1, p. 2 0 5 - 2 0 8 (1982). See also 20.3, p. 326; 22.8, p. 489. S. J . PEARTON a n d A . J .


T h e Motion of Deep Donor Centres in Reverse Biased n-GaAs Surface Barrier Diodes (a) Vol. 73, No. 1, p. K 7 5 - K 7 8 (1982). See also 14.3.3, p. 224; 14.3.4, p. 231; 22.1.1, p. 398; 22.2.1, p. 422. J . KATRIEL a n d R .


• S p e c t r u m of t h e F J - C e n t e r (b) Vol. 113, No. 2, p. 4 8 1 - 4 8 6 (1982). See also 10.2, p. 114; 22.5.2, p. 461. K . I . GRANCHAROVA, J . P . LASCARAY, J . D I O U R I , a n d J . A L L E G R E

Comments on t h e Behaviour of t h e Absorption Edge of Cdi _ a M n T T e for x > 0.4 (b) Vol. 113, No. 2, p. 5 0 3 - 5 0 8 (1982). See also 20.1, p. 311; 22.4.4, p. 448. D . GOURIER, J . P . PARANT, a n d D . VIVIEN

• E S R Investigation of a [Cr(V)0 4 Pb 8 ] Center in PbMo0 4 . Origin of t h e Yellow Coloration of Lead Molybdate (b) Vol. 113, No. 2, p. 5 0 9 - 5 1 8 (1982). See also 19, p. 290; 22.8.1, p. 497.

13.4 Impurity and Defect States



Absorption and Stress-Induced Linear Dichroism of Pb + + Centres in KCl and RbCl (b) Vol. 113, No. 2, p. 5 5 9 - 5 6 8 (1982). See also 20.1, p. 311; 22.5.2, p. 461.


*Kinks in a Quasi-One-Dimensional System with a Nearly 1/3-Filled Band (b) Vol. 113, No. 2, p. 6 0 9 - 6 2 1 (1982). See also 21, p. 340. B . I . CRAIG a n d P . V . S M I T H

*The Electronic Structure of a Hydrogen Impurity in Aluminium (I) : The Jellium Model (b) Vol. 113, No. 2, p. 7 4 7 - 7 5 6 (1982). See also 21, p. 340. H . VAN CONG, S . C H A R A B , S . B R U N E T , M . AVEROUS, a n d J . L . B I R M A N

Heavy Doping Effects on the Energy Band Structure of n-Type Crystals (b) Vol. 113, No. 2, p. 7 5 7 - 7 7 8 (1982). See also 13.1, p. 155; 22.1.2, p. 413. M . VELTER-STEFANESCU a n d S . V . NISTOR

*Spin-Lattice Relaxation of Yb 3 + Ions in SrF„ Single Crystals (b) Vol. 113, No. 2, p. K 1 1 5 - K 1 1 7 (1982). See also 19, p. 290-, 22.5.3, p. 466.

N . S . B U I N O V , V . V . M I K H N E V I C H , a n d S . R . SYRTSOV

Phase Transition in Narrow-Band Compensated Ferroelectric Semiconductors (b) Vol. 113, No. 2, p. K 1 2 3 - K 1 2 6 (1982). See also 14.4.1, p. 243; 22, p. 390. D . HENNIG, O. GOEDE, a n d W .


*Koster-Slater Model for Isolated and Paired Isoelectronic Te Impurities in I I - V I Semiconductors (b) Vol. 113, No. 2, p. K 1 6 3 - K 1 6 7 (1982). See also 13.5.1, p. 185; 22.4.4, p. 449. A . JAKUBOWSKI a n d K . INIEWSKI

*Simple Method for Determination of the Interface Trap Density at the Midgap in MOS Structures (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. 5 4 5 - 5 4 9 (1982). See also 14.3.2, p. 218. A . CASTALDINI, A . CAVALLINI, P . GONDI, a n d E . B O N E T T I

Generation and Recombination Images of Dislocations in Si by Scanning Microscopy (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. 6 1 7 - 6 2 4 (1982). See also 10.2, p. 115; 16, p. 253; 22.1.2, p. 414. V . A . Z U I K O V a n d V . V . SAMARTSEV

Reverse Photon Echo as a Method of Investigation of Resonant Medium Parameters (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. 6 2 5 - 6 3 2 (1982). See also 20.1, p. 313; 20.3, p. 327; 22.8.1, p. 497.

Subject Index

176 J . J I M E N E Z , M . A . GONZALEZ, L . F . SANZ, a n d J . BONNAEE

On the Photoconductivity Response of GaAs Doped with Chromium and Oxygen (a) Vol. 78, No. 2, p. K 1 8 9 - K 1 9 2 (1982). See also 16, p. 253; 22.2.1, p. 423.


*Comparison of Isochronal and Time-Linear Thermal Annealing Curves and Conclusions about the Correlation Glow-Peak Nature of Traps and the Mechanism of T S E E for a-AL,0 3 (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. K 2 5 3 - K 2 5 8 (1982). See also 17, p. 257; 22.6, p. 475.


Optical Properties of A s O j Impurities in Alkali Halide Crystals (b) Vol. 114, No. 1, p. 9 5 - 1 0 2 (1982). See also 20.1, p. 314; 20.3, p. 327; 22.5.2, p. 462.

P . A . A L E K S E E V , I . P . SADIKOV, Y U . L . SHITIKOV, I . A . MABKOVA, 0 . SAVITSKII, a n d J .




Crystalline Electric Field Effects in Pr(La, Y)A13 (b) Vol. 114, No. 1, p. 1 6 1 - 1 6 7 (1982). See also 1, p. 10; 21.4, p. 372.

E . Z . IMAMOV a n d V . D . K B E V C H I K

On the Diamagnetism of Deep Impurities in Quantized Semiconductor Films (b) Vol. 114, No. 1, p. 2 0 1 - 2 0 7 (1982). See also 18, p. 263; 22, p. 391.


*Point-Ion-Lattice Calculations of F + Centers in Lithium Niobate and Lithium Tantalate (b) Vol. 114, No. 1, p. 2 0 9 - 2 1 2 (1982). See also 22.8.1, p. 497.

J . BAUMANN a n d K . S I E B E R

Simple Approach to Temperature and Pressure Dependence of F-Centre Absorption Energies in Alkali Halides (b) Vol. 114, No. 1, p. K 1 - K 4 (1982). See also 10.2, p. 116; 20.1, p. 314; 22.5.2, p. 462.


*Photoinduced Transient Optical Absorption of Cr 4+ in Semi-Insulating GaAs:Cr (b) Vol. 114, No. 1, p. K 8 7 - K 9 0 (1982). See also 20.1, p. 314; 22.2.1, p. 423.


*Thermoluminescence Model with Intra-Pair Metastable State (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. 6 5 - 7 4 (1982). See also 20.3, p. 328; 22.4.2, p. 444.


The Effect of Dislocations on the Radiation Defect Annealing Processes in Silicon (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. 1 1 3 - 1 2 2 (1982). See also 10.2, p. 116; 11, p. 127; 14.3, p. 211; 22.1.2, p. 414.

13.4 I m p u r i t y and Defect States


S. P. K u i l a and V. V. R a t s a j i *Monochromatic Thermoluminescence Glow Curve Method for Evaluating Trapping Parameters (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. 2 5 5 - 2 6 3 (1982). See also 10.2, p. 116; 20.3, p. 328; 22.5.2, p. 463. B. I. C r a i g *The Electronic Structure of a Hydrogen I m p u r i t y in Aluminium (II) : The Bandstructure Model (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. 3 3 7 - 3 4 8 (1982). See also 13.1, p. 155; 21, p. 341. L. S k a l a , L. K ü n n e , H.-G. F r i t s c h e , and H. M ü l l e r Cluster Model for Interstitial Hydrogen Bonding in Nickel (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. 4 3 9 - 4 4 8 (1982). See also 4, p. 65; 10.1, p. 102; 21.1, p. 357. D. M e r g e l and R. Labttsch *Variable Reconstruction of Dislocation Cores in Si (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. 5 4 5 - 5 5 1 (1982). See also 10.2, p. 117; 14.3, p. 211; 16, p. 254; 22.1.2, p. 415. V. D r c h a l and J . K t t d r n o v s k y * Theory of Auger Spectra from Disordered Alloys. The Effect of Electron Correlations in Filled Narrow Bands (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. 6 2 7 - 6 3 5 (1982). See also 17, p. 257; 21, p. 342. A. M. K t j z n e t s o v and J . U l s t r u p *On the Theory of Long-Range Electron Hopping in Polar Media (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. 6 7 3 - 6 8 3 (1982). See also 6, p. 81 ; 22, p. 392. P. I. B a r a n s k i i , V. V. B a i d a k o v , V. N. Ermakov, N. N. G r i g o r e v , V. V. K o l o m o e t s , and T. A. Ktjdykina *The Ionisation of Impurity States of Sb in Ge, Connected with L- and X-Valleys of the Conduction Band (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. K 1 0 1 - K 1 0 3 (1982). See also 14.3.4, p. 232; 22.1.1, p. 398. V. V. S i d o r i k and A. N. Zhevno *On the Identification of Paramagnetic Defects: The Nature of the Si-B3 Center (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. K 1 1 9 - K 1 2 4 (1982). See also 22.1.2, p. 415. E . L i t w i n - S t a s z e w s k a , L. Konczewicz, R. P i o t r z k o w s k i , and W. Szymanska *On the Deep Impurity Level in n-InSb (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. K 1 5 3 - K 1 5 6 (1982). See also 14.3, p. 211; 22.2.3, p. 429. P. F. Lugakov, T. A. L t j k a s h e v i c h , and V. V. S h u s h a *Nature of the Defect Determining the Fermi Level Stabilization in Irradiated Silicon (a) Vol. 74, No. 2, p. 4 4 5 - 4 5 2 (1982). See also 11, p. 128; 14.3, p. 212; 22.1.2, p. 416. 12

physica, Reg.-Bd. 15

Subject Index

178 A. S. Poi'ov and I . X . I V A U O V *The Aging Process in Red GaP LED's (a) Vol. 74, No. 2, p. 6 5 1 - 6 5 4 (1982). See also 14.3.3, p. 226; 20.3, p. 329; 22.2.2, p. 426. S. G. FRIES, J . A .

H .



M A < I I:L

* Experimental Study of the Electric Field Gradient in Tn-,Bi3 (a) Vol. 74, No. 2, p. 6 6 1 - 6 6 6 (1982). See also 1.3, p, 31; 22.7, p. 480. H .


*Poole-Frenkel Currents in Thermally Grown SiO., Films (a) Vol. 74, No. 2, p. K 1 5 1 - K 1 5 4 (1982). See also 14.3.4, p. 233; 22.6, p. 476.


13.5 Elementary Excitations

13.5 Elementary Excitations (Phonons See 6) Original U.


and Short



•Solitary Excitations in 1-D Antiferromagnetic Systems with Finite B a n d W i d t h (b) Vol. 109, No. 1, p. K 4 1 - K 4 6 (1982). See also 18.4, p. 279. I . BALSLEV a n d A . STAHL

*Properties of Exciton Polaritons Studied in a One-Dimensional Model (b) Vol. I l l , No. 2, p. 5 3 1 - 5 3 9 (1982). See also 13.5.1, p. 184; 20.1, p. 306. F . K H . ABDULLAEV, A . A . ABDUMALIKOV, a n d A . S . RAKHMATOV

• T h e Dynamics of Solitons in One-Dimensional Molecular Crystals (b) Vol. 112, No. 1, p. K 5 - K 1 0 (1982). See also 6, p. 76; 22, p. 387. H . - E . PONATH a n d S . V . STRIZHEVSKII

•Scattering of Surface Polaritons by the Older Parameter Fluctuations in the Vicinity of a Phase Transition Point (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p. 5 3 3 - 5 4 2 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 19; 13.3, p. 160. V . V . H I Z H N YAKOV a n d A . V . S H E R M A N

•Self-Trapping of Polaritons (b) Vol. 113, No. 2, p. 4 7 1 - 4 7 9 (1982). See also 13.5.1, p. 185; 20, p. 296; 22.5.2, p. 461. A . STAHL a n d I . BALSLEV

*Polariton Theory in Electron-Hole Configuration Space. Bulk Solution for a Wannier-Type Model (b) Vol. 118, No. 2, p. 5 8 3 - 5 8 7 (1982). See also 22, p. 390. F . K H . ABDULLAEV a n d A . A . ABDUMALIKOV

•Dynamics of Solitons in the Disordered Anharmonic Chain (b) Vol. 113, No. 2, p. 6 8 5 - 6 8 9 (1982). G . GOMEZ-SANTOS a n d F . Y N D U K A I N

*New Theoretical Method for Studying Elementary Excitations in Crystalline Disordered Alloys. Applications to Photons in N i ^ P t i - ^ (b) Vol. 113, No. 2, p. 6 9 7 - 7 0 7 (1982). See also 6, p. 79; 21.1, p. 354; 21.6, p. 378. L. NEDBAL

*On t h e Difference between GME and P M E Solutions in t h e Long Time Region (b) Vol. 113, No. 2, p. K 1 3 9 - K 1 4 2 (1982). P . I . KHADZHI, S . A . MOSKALENKO, A . H . ROTARU, a n d G . D . SHIBABSHINA

•Reflection and Refraction of Wave Packets Forming Polariton Solitons in Crystals (b) Vol. 114, No. 1, p. K 2 5 - K 2 9 (1982). See also 20.1, p. 314. 12*

Subject Index

180 P . GLUCK

*On the E x t e n d e d H u b b a r d Model in One Dimension (b) Vol. 114, No. 1, p. K 4 7 - K 5 0 (1982). See also 8, p. 89. A . KREISSL, K . BOHNEKT, V . G . LYSSENKO, a n d C. KLINGSHLRN

•Experimental Investigation on the Complex Dielectric Function of CdS in the Exciton and in t h e Plasma Limit (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. 5 3 7 - 5 4 4 (1982). See also 20.1, p. 315; 22.4.1, p. 441. V . N . B O N D A B E V , A . B . KTTKLOV, a n d I . S . RTTBLYOV

•Nonlinear Excitations in Superionic Crystals near the Nonuniform State Transition Temperature (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. 6 4 5 - 6 5 2 (1982). See also 14.4, p. 239; 22, p. 392.

13.5.1 Excitons


13.5.1 Excitons Original


and Short



The Spectrum of an Intermediate Polaron and Its Bound States with Phonons at Strong Coupling (b) Vol. 109, No. 1, p. 9 5 - 1 0 8 (1982). See also 13.S.3, p. 188; 20.1, p. 298. L. NEDBAL

*Higher-Order Test of the Kenkre-Knox Relation for Excitonic Optical and Transport Properties of Molecular Crystals (b) Vol. 109, No. 1, p. 1 0 9 - 1 1 8 (1982). See also 14.3, p. 202; 20.1, p. 298; 22, p. 382. V . CÁPEK a n d R . W . MUNN

*From Band to Hopping Diffusion of Excitons and Charge Carriers in Molecular Crystals (II): Results for Local and Weak Nonlocal Electron-Phonon Coupling (b) Vol. 109, No. 1, p. 2 4 5 - 2 5 3 (1982). See also 6, p. 70; 22, p. 382. U . SCHMID a n d P .


•Coherent Motion of Triplet Excitons in Molecular Crystals with Two Differently Oriented Molecules per Unit Cell. Application to the Charge Transfer Crystal Anthracene/Tetracyanobenzene (b) Vol. 109, No. 1, p. 2 6 5 - 2 7 3 (1982). See also 19, p. 282; 22.9, p. 503. NGUYEN B A AN, NGUYEN VAN H I E U , NGUYEN TOAN THANG, a n d N G U Y E N A I V I E T

On the Role of the Coulomb Interaction of Charge Carriers in the Electronic Raman Scattering on Donor Levels in Direct Band Gap Semiconductors (b) Vol. 109, No. 2, p. 4 6 3 - 4 7 2 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 164; 20.1, p. 300; 22, p. 383. M . YOSIDA, N . OHNO, K . NAKAMURA, a n d Y . NAKAI

*Exciton Spectra of Orthorhombic Indium Bromide (b) Vol. 109, No. 2, p. 5 0 3 - 5 0 9 (1982). See also 20.1, p. 300; 22.5, p. 450. R . MACH, P . FLÖGEL, L . G . SUSLINA, A . G . A R E S H K I N , J . MAEGE, a n d G . VOIGT

The Influence of Compositional Disorder on Electrical and Optical Properties of ZnS J Sei_ x Single Crystals (b) Vol. 109, No. 2, p. 6 0 7 - 6 1 5 (1982). See also 14.3, p. 203; 20.1, p. 300; 20.3, p. 319; 22.4.4, p. 447. T . SKETTEUP

•Experimental Check of Different Additional Boundary Conditions in Case of Spatial Dispersion (b) Vol. 109, No. 2, p. 6 6 3 - 6 7 2 (1982). See also 20.1, p. 300; 22.4, p. 437. F . HENNEBERGER a n d V. MAY

*Non-Linear Optical Response and Optical Bistability Due to Excitonic Molecules (b) Vol. 109, No. 2, p. K 1 3 9 - K 1 4 3 (1982). See also 20.1, p. 300; 22.5, p. 450.

Subject Index


*Simple Exciton in Intermediate Magnetic Field. Application to Cdi_ x Mn a; Te Mixed Crystals (b) Vol. 110, No. 1, p. 4 7 - 5 5 (1982). Erratum (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p. 747 (1982). See also 22.4.4, p. 447. J . AAVIKSOO, G . L I I D J A , a n d P . S A A R I

Luminescence Spectra of Anthracene Crystals at 0.4 K (b) Vol. 110, No. 1, p. 6 9 - 7 3 (1982). See also 20.3, p. 320; 22.9, p. 503. A . - H . K A Y A L , Y . MORI, a n d J . ROSSEL

*Excitons Perturbed by a Sodium Ion in Csl: Na Crystal (b) Vol. 110, No. 1, p. 1 1 5 - 1 2 2 (1982). See also 19, p. 284; 20.3, p. 320; 22.5.2, p. 456. A. HAUFE, K . HENNEBERGER, J . RÖSELER, a n d H . - J . WÜNSCHE

*Local Density Approximation Applied to Bound Excitons in Polar Semiconductors (b) Vol. 110, No. 1, p. 157-167 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 165; 22.4, p. 437; 22.4.1, p. 439; 22.4.2, p. 442; 22.4.3, p. 445. O . GOEDE a n d W .


*Isoelectronic Impurity Te in CdSi—^Se^ Mixed Crystals (b) Vol. 110, No. 1, p. 1 7 5 - 1 8 2 (1982). See also 20.1, p. 301; 20.3, p. 320; 22.4.4, p. 447. T . D . CLARK, K . K . B A J A J , W . M . T H E I S , a n d D . E . P H E L P S

*Theory of Donor-Bound Exciton Complexes in Semiconductors (b) Vol. 110, No. 1, p. 3 4 1 - 3 4 7 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 165; 22, p. 384. J . METZDORF, R . N I E S , a n d P . R . K E S S L E R

Interband Faraday and Kerr Effects in Germanium. Interrelations and Dispersion Relations (a) Vol. 70, No. 1, p. 2 3 3 - 2 4 1 (1982). See also 18, p. 260; 20, p. 294; 22.1.1, p. 396. X . W . F A N a n d J . WOODS

Green Electroluminescence and Photoluminescence in CdS (a) Vol. 70, No. 1, p. 3 2 5 - 3 3 4 (1982). See also 20.3, p. 321; 22.4.1, p. 440. X . W . F A N a n d J . WOODS

Blue and Violet Electroluminescence Emission in ZnSe^Si _ x MIS Diodes (a) Vol. 70, No. 1, p. K 2 7 - K 3 0 (1982). See also 14.3.3, p. 221; 20.3, p. 321; 22.4.4, p. 447. W . T E W S a n d R . ZIMMERMANN

*Electron-Energy-Loss Spectroscopy of Different A1203 Modifications (II) : Lineshape-Analysis of Energy Derived Dielectric Function (b) Vol. 110, No. 2, p. 4 7 9 - 4 8 5 (1982). See also 14.4, p. 235-, 20.1, p. 303 ; 22.6, p. 470.

13.5.1 Excitons


B . BONNO, J . L . LAPORTE e t Y . R O U S S E T

*Effets des pieges sur la fusion triplet-triplet dans les cristaux de naphtalene (Effects of Traps on the Triplet-Triplet Annihilation in Naphthalene Crystals) (b) Vol. 110, No. 2, p. 5 8 1 - 5 8 9 (1982). See also 20.3, p. 321; 22.9, p. 504. W . SCHMID a n d P . J .


*Bound Exciton Time Decay and the Auger Effect in Zinc Telluride (b) Vol. 110, No. 2, p. 5 9 1 - 6 0 0 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 167; 20.3, p. 321; 22.4.3, p. 445. G . KURTZE, V . G. LYSSENKO, a n d C. KLINGSHIRN

*The Behaviour of the Biexciton in CdS in Magnetic Fields (b) Vol. 110, No. 2, p. K103 —K105 (1982). See also 22.4.1, p. 440. R . STEGMANN, B . KLOTII, a n d G . OELGART

The Temperature Dependence of Luminscence Intensity on G a A s i ^ P ^ : X (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. 4 2 3 - 4 3 1 (1982). See also 20.3, p. 322; 22.2.4, p. 430. M . G A N S E E , M . SEELMANIS T -EGGEBERT, a n d R . P . HTTEBE?CER

*Exciton and Electron-Hole Liquid Luminescence of Germanium in an Electric Field (b) Vol. I l l , No. 1, p. 1 3 1 - 1 4 0 (1982). See also 14.3, p. 206; 20.3, p. 322; 22.1.1, p. 396. Y u . V . K R Y U C H E X K O a n d V . I . SUGAKOV

*Electrodvnamics of a Spatially Dispersive Medium with Spherical Cavity (b) Vol. I l l , No. 1, p. 1 7 7 - 1 8 5 (1982). See also 20.1, p. 305; 22.4.1, p. 440. R . BALTRAMIEYTJUAS a n d E . K U O K S H T I S

Collective Phenomena in Edge Emission of ZnTe and ZnSe Crystals (b) Vol. I l l , No. 1, p. 1 8 7 - 1 9 3 (1982). See also 20.1, p. 305; 20.3, p. 322; 22.4.2, p. 443; 22.4.3, p. 446. D . FROHLICH a n d R . K E N K L I E S

*Polarization Dependence of Two-Photon Magnetoabsorption of the IS Exciton in Cu.,0 (b) Vol. I l l , No. 1, p. 2 4 7 - 2 5 3 (1982). See also 20.1, p. 305; 22.6, p. 471. I . Y A . FUGOL, O . N . GRIGORASHCHENKO, a n d E . V . SAVCHENKO

*Polariton and Spatial Dispersion Effects in Exciton Spectra of Xenon Cryocrystals (b) Vol. I l l , No. 1, p. 3 9 7 - 4 0 6 (1982). See also 6, p. 74; 20.1, p. 305; 20.3, p. 322; 23, p. 509. P . RANSON, P . PERETTI, a n d Y . ROUSSET

*Crystal Heating and Non-Radiative Relaxation Processes of Triplet Excitons in 4 - 4 ' Dichlorobenzophenone (a) Vol. 71, No. 1, p. K 6 9 - K 7 1 (1982). See also 20.3, p. 323; 22.9, p. 505. V. A . KISELEV

Pseudo-Exciton Effect in the Schottky-Barrier Electroreflectance (b) Vol. 111. No. 2, p. 4 6 1 - 4 6 8 (1982). See also 14.3.1, p. 229; 20.1, p. 305; 22.2.1, p. 421.

Subject Index

184 I . BALSLEV a n d A . STAHL

^Properties of Exciton Polaritons Studied in a One-Dimensional Model (b) Vol. I l l , No. 2, p. 5 3 1 - 5 3 9 (1982). See also 13.5, p. 179; 20.1, p. 306. M . S. BRODIN, I . V . BLONSKII, B . M . NITSOVICH, A . S . R R O C H U K , a n d A . V . FRANIV

*Dynamical Properties of Excitons in Layer Crystals of P b l 2 (b) Vol. I l l , No. 2, p. 6 2 5 - 6 3 0 (1982). See also 20.1, p. 306; 22.5, p. 451. A . I . BOBRYSHEVA, S . A . MOSKALENKO, a n d V . T . ZYUKOV

*The Angular Dependences of Two-Photon Transitions to Surface States (b) Vol. I l l , No. 2, p. K 7 5 - K 8 0 (1982). See also 13.3, p. 159; 22.2.1, p. 421. M . YAMAWAKI a n d C. HAMAGUCHI

Effect of Electric Fields on Luminescence in GaAs (b) Vol. 112, No. 1, p. 2 0 1 - 2 1 0 (1982). See also 20.1, p. 307; 20.3, p. 323; 22.2.1, p. 422. V . I . M E L N I K , K . I . NELIPOVICH, A . N . F A I D Y S H , M . T . SHPAK, a n d L . B . YANKOVSKAYA

^Influence of Secondary Excitons on Intensity and Decay of Phosphorescence in Doped Benzophenone Single Crystals (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p. 4 3 5 - 4 4 3 (1982). See also 20.3, p. 324; 22.9, p. 506. L . STAUFFER a n d G . MUNSCHY

* Energy of the Exciton-Ionized Donor Complex in Anisotropic Semiconductors (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p. 5 0 1 - 5 0 5 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 172; 22.4.2, p. 443. B . PFALZGRAF, O . R O D E R , a n d J . - M . S P A E T H

Optical Investigation of Ag + Centers in Cesium Halides (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p. 5 6 5 - 5 7 4 (1982). See also 10.2, p. 112; 20.1, p. 309 ; 22.5.2, p. 459.


*Exciton Transfer between the Manganese Ions in the Semiconductor Alloy Cdj-^Mn^Te with x = 0.51 (b) Vol. 113, No. 1, p. 2 0 9 - 2 1 8 (1982). See also 20.3, p. 325; 22.4.4, p. 448. G. S.

M. R I S T O V S K I , and B. S. Tosic *The Diffusion in the Exciton System and the Nonconservation of Excitons (b) Vol. 113, No. 1, p. 2 8 5 - 2 9 0 (1982).


R . STEGMANN, B . K L O T H , a n d G . OELGART

The Influence of the Doping Level on the Cathodoluminescence in GaAsi_ x P x :N, Zn Epitaxial Layers (a) Vol. 78, No. 1, p. 1 2 9 - 1 3 7 (1982). See also 20.3, p. 326; 22.2.4, p. 431. A . I . BOBOYSHEVA, 1 . 1 . JERIT, a n d S . A . MOSKALENKO

*The Isotropic Shift of the Excitonic Absorption Lines in Cu„0 Crystals (b) Vol. 118, No 2, p. 4 3 9 - 4 4 5 (1982). See also 6, p. 79; 20.1, p. 311; 22.6, p. 474.


13.5.1 Excitons N . P . GAVALESHKO, A . N . LYAKHOVICH, P . P . VATAMANYUK, a n d A . I . SAVCHUK

Faraday Effect in I I I - Y I Layer Compounds (b) Vol. 113, No. 2, p. 4 4 7 - 4 5 1 (1982). See also 18, p. 263; 20.1, p. 311; 22.3, p. 434. V . V . HIZHNYAKOV a n d A . V . SHERMAN

*Self-Trapping of Polaritons (b) Vol. 113, No. 2, p. 4 7 1 - 4 7 9 (1982). See also 13.5, p. 179; 20, p. 296; 22.5.2, p. 461. S . PERMOGOROV, A . R E Z N I T Z K I I , S . V E R B I N , G . O . M Ü L L E R , P . F L Ö G E L , a n d M . N I K I F O R O V A

* Localized Excitons in CdSi-zSe^ Solid Solutions (b) Vol. 113, No. 2, p. 5 8 9 - 6 0 0 (1982). See also 20.1, p. 311 ; 20.3, p. 326; 22.4.4, p. 448. S. SCHMITT-RINK a n d H .


•Comment on Nonlinear Optical Response and Optical Bistability Due to Excitonic Molecules (b) Vol. 113, No. 2, p. K143—K145 (1982). See also 20.1, p. 312. F . HENNEBERGER a n d V . MAY

•Nonlinear Optical Response and Retarded Photon Self-Energy. Comment on "Non-Linear Optical Response and Optical Bistability Due to Excitonic Molecules" (b) Vol. 113, No. 2, p. K 1 4 7 - K 1 5 1 (1982). See also 20.1, p. 312. D . HENNIG, O. GOEDE, a n d W . HEIMBRODT

•Koster-Slater Model for Isolated and Paired Isoelectronic Te Impurities in I I - V I Semiconductors (b) Vol. 113, No. 2, p. K 1 6 3 - K 1 6 7 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 175; 22.4.4, p. 449. G . B . TALAPATRA a n d T . N . MISRA

•Delayed Luminescence of Organic Mixed Crystals. Delayed Excimer Fluorescence of Pyrene in p-Terphenyl (b) Vol. 114, No. 1, p. 7 3 - 8 3 (1982). See also 20.3, p. 327; 22.9, p. 507. A . TWARDOWSKI a n d J . GINTER

•The Influence of Exchange Spin Splitting on Exciton in Cdi _jMn x Te Mixed Crystals (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. 3 3 1 - 3 3 6 (1982). See also 18, p. 264 ; 20.1, p. 315; 22.4.4, p. 449. A L . L . EFROS, L . M . KANSKAYA, S . I . KOKHANOVSKII, a n d R . P . SEISYAN

Diamagnetic Excitons and the Indium Antimonide Energy Band Parameters (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. 3 7 3 - 3 8 2 (1982). See also 13.1, p. 155; 20.1, p. 315; 22.2.3, p. 429. D . FRÖHLICH, K . REIMANN, a n d P . KOIDL

•Investigation of Mixed-Mode Polariton Dispersion in AgGaS, (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. 5 5 3 - 5 5 9 (1982). See also 20.1, p. 315; 22.8, p. 491.


Subject Index

E. YA. Glushko *Nonhomogeneous Kinetics of Quasiparticles in Steady-State Packet Representation (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. 685-694 (1982). See also 6, p. 81; 13, p. 147. V. I. Sokolov, T. P. Surkova, and Y. V. Chernyaev *Two Types of Excitons Bound with Ni in ZnSe and ZnS (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. K195-K199 (1982). See also 14.3.4, p. 233; 20.1, p. 316; 22.4.1, p. 441; 22.4.2, p. 444.


13.5.2 Plasmons

13.5.2 Plasmons Original


and Short


F . S U K E G A W A , M . K O B A Y A S H I , a n d I . YOKOTA

*Collective Motion in Silver Chalcogenides (b) Vol. 109, No. 2, p. 7 1 7 - 7 2 5 (1982). See also 6, p. 71; 14, p. 190; 22, p. 383. F . BEOSENS, J . T . DEVREESE, L . M . K A H N , a n d J . RUVALDS

•Exchange Contributions and Plasmon Spectra of One-Dimensional Systems (b) Vol. I l l , No. 1, p. 9 5 - 1 0 9 (1982). L . E . OLIVEIRA

*On the Long-Wavelength Plasmon in the Alkali Metals. A Nearly-Free-Electron Pseudopotential Calculation (b) Vol. I l l , No. 2, p. 6 8 5 - 6 9 0 (1982). See also 14.4, p. 236; 21.2, p. 365. H . D . LTJTZ a n d G . K L I C H E

Far-Infrared Reflection Spectra, Optical and Dielectric Constants, Effective Charges, and Lattice Dynamics of the Skutterudites CoP., CoAs3, and CoSb, (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p. 5 4 9 - 5 5 7 (1982). See also 6, p. 77; 20.1, p. 309; 22, p. 388. O . P . BURMISTROVA a n d V . A . K O S O B U K I N

•Radiative Decay of Surface Collective Excitations in Polarizable Cylinders (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p. 6 7 5 - 6 8 3 (1982). See also 6, p. 77; 13.3, p. 160-, 20, p. 290. C'H. K L E I N T , S . S C H U L Z E , a n d R . D . TOSILINSON

Low Energy Electron Loss Peaks of CuInTe., (b) Vol. 113, No. 1, p. K 5 3 - K 5 6 (1982). See also 13.1, p. 154; 22.8, p. 489. V . K U M A R SRIVASTAVA

Plasmon Approach to the B a n d Gap of Alkali Halides (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. 6 6 7 - 6 7 1 (1982). See also 13.1, p. 156; 14.4, p. 239; 22.5.2, p. 463. A . S E L M I , R . L E TOTTLLEC, a n d R . F A Y M O N V I L L E

•Influence of the Spin Disorder on the Plasma Edge in n-Type HgCr„Se,, (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. K 9 7 - K 9 9 (1982). See also 20.1, p. 315; 22.8, p. 491.


Subject Index

13.5.3 Polarons Review


H . BÖTTGER a n d V . V . B R Y S K I N

Hopping Conductivity in Ordered and Disordered Systems (III) (b) Vol. 113, No. 1, p. 9 - 4 9 (1982). See also 2, p. 45; 6, p. 70; 13, p. 139; 14.3, p. 202; 22, p. 382. Original


and Short



*The Spectrum of an Intermediate Polaron and Its Bound States with Phonons at Strong Coupling (b) Vol. 109, No. 1, p. 9 5 - 1 0 8 (1982). See also 13.5.1, p. 181; 20.1, p. 298. J . P . LASCARAY, J . DIOURI, J . P . NADAI, a n d J . F E R R E

Infrared Absorption Spectra of Eu-Rich EuO. Excitations of the Bound Magnetic Polaron (b) Vol. 109, No. 1, p. 4 1 7 - 4 2 2 (1982). See also 20.1, p. 299; 22.6, p. 468. V . K . F E D Y A N I N a n d C. RODRIGUEZ

•Temperature and Coupling Strength Dependence of Polaron Effective Mass and Radius (b) Vol. 110, No. 1, p. 1 0 5 - 1 1 3 (1982). G . I . TSURKAN a n d G . M . SHMELEV

•Carrier Mobility in ZnSe in a Wide Temperature Range (b) Vol. 110, No. 1, p. K 3 3 - K 3 6 (1982). See also 14.3, p. 204; 22.4.2, p. 442. F . M. PEETERS a n d J . T . DEVREESE

•Phase Transition of Fröhlich Polarons, in the Feynman Approximation, Subjected to a Magnetic Field (b) Vol. 110, No. 2, p. 6 3 1 - 6 3 5 (1982). F . BROSENS a n d J . T . DEVREESE

•Time-Dependent Momentum Distribution of Polarons at Arbitrary Temperature and Electric Field (b) Vol. I l l , No. 2, p. 5 9 1 - 5 9 7 (1982). See also 6, p. 74. P . PECHETJR a n d M . O . SELME

Polaron Lattices (b) Vol. I l l , No. 2, p. 6 9 1 - 6 9 6 (1982). F . M. PEETERS a n d J . T . DEVREESE

•On the Existence of a Phase Transition for the Fröhlich Polaron (b) Vol. 112, No. 1, p. 2 1 9 - 2 2 9 (1982). B . O L E S , A . M . O L E S , S . R O B A S Z K I E W I C Z , R . M I C N A S , a n d K . A . CHAO

•Bipolaron in a Finite System (b) Vol. 113, No. 2, p. K 1 5 9 - K 1 6 2 (1982).


13.5.4 Magnons

13.5.4 Magnons Original


and Short


O . A . C. NUNES

*Magnon Instability in the Presence of Two Radiation Fields (b) Vol. 110, No. 1, p. K 2 7 - K 3 1 (1982). L. MERTEN a n d A. LEHMEYER

•Reflectivity of Uniaxial Antiferromagnetic and Ferrimagnetic Crystals (b) Vol. 110, No. 2, p. 4 2 3 - 4 3 0 (1982). See also 18, p. 260; 20.1, p. 303. S. V . TARASENKO a n d G . K .


•Study of Relaxation Processes in Antiferromagnets Using Sound Absorption Measurements (b) Vol. 110, No. 2, p. 5 0 7 - 5 1 1 (1982). See also 7, p. 82; 18.4, p. 279. K . M . HÄTTSSLER, A . L E H M E Y E B , a n d L . M E R T E N

*Far-Infrared Reflectivity of Optical Magnons in F e F , and CoF., (b) Vol. I l l , No. 2, p. 5 1 3 - 5 1 8 (1982). Erratum (b) Vol. 114, No. 1, p. 277 (1982). See also 18, p. 260; 20.1, p. 306; 22.5, p. 451. T . G . PETROVA

Electron-Magnon Impurity States in the Energetic Spectrum of the Ferromagnetic Semiconductor (b) Vol. I l l , No. 2, p. K 1 4 1 - K 1 4 5 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 170; 18.2, p. 270-, 22, p. 387. YTT. A . IZYTJMOV a n d V . M . L A P T E V

*Soliton Magnetoelastic Excitation in the Heisenberg Ferromagnetic Chain (b) Vol. 112, No. 1, p. 1 5 5 - 1 5 9 (1982). See also 18.2, p. 271. F . K H . ABDULLAEV a n d A . A . ABDUMALIKOV

•Dynamics of Solitons in the Disordered Anharmonic Chain (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p. K 1 3 7 - K 1 4 2 (1982). See also 6, p. 78.


Subject Index

14. Electrical Properties. Transport Phenomena Original


and Short



Charge Ordering in the Extended Hubbard Model. The Caron-Pratt Approximation Results (b) Vol. 109, No. 1, p. K 1 1 - K 1 6 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 14; 13, p. 140. E . KOLLEY, W . KOLLEY, a n d H . FEHSKE

*CPA Study of the Electrical Conductivity for Various Percolation Models (b) Vol. 109, No. 2, p. 5 5 1 - 5 6 1 (1982). See also 13, p. 140. R. LENK

Integral Representation of the Incoherent Eield in Disordered Materials (I): Current Balance Density-of-States Test, and New Mobility Formula (b) Vol. 109, No. 2, p. 6 1 7 - 6 2 6 (1982). See also 2, p. 46; 13, p. 140. F . SUKEGAWA, M . KOBAYASHI, a n d I . YOKOTA

Collective Motion in Silver Chalcogenides (b) Vol. 109, No. 2, p. 7 1 7 - 7 2 5 (1982). See also 6, p. 71; 13.5.1, p. 187; 22, p. 383. V . CHRISTOPH

*On the Phonon Contribution to the Electrical Resistivity of Intermediate Valence Systems (b) Vol. 109, No. 2, p. 7 2 7 - 7 3 2 (1982). See also 13.1, p. 149. H . NAGASAWA

*Mixed Valence State and Metal-Non-Metal Transition of KCP (b) Vol. 109, No. 2, p. 7 4 9 - 7 5 9 (1982). See also 13, p. 140; 19, p. 283; 22.8, p. 482. W . KRAAK, R . HEBEMANN, a n d H .


^Investigation of the Charge Carrier Scattering in Bi under High Hydrostatic Pressure (b) Vol. 109, No. 2, p. 7 8 5 - 7 9 2 (1982). See also 6, p. 71; 21.7, p. 379. W . W E L L E E , V . N . PBIGODIN, a n d Y u . A . FIBSOV

•Localization in a Random System of N Coupled Chains (1): Microscopic Model, General Scheme (b) Vol. 110, No. 1, p. 1 4 3 - 1 5 5 (1982). See also 13, p. 141. V. N. RUDKO

*Low Frequency Conductivity in Disordered Systems Due to Variable Range Hopping. Experiment Versus Theory (b) Vol. 110, No. 1, p. K 1 7 - K 2 0 (1982). See also 2, p. 46. -B. O L E S , A . M . O L E S , K . A . CHAO, a n d Y I - C H E N C H E N G

A Model for n-Methyl-Phenazinium Tetracyanoquinodimethan (b) Vol. 110, No. 2, p. K i l l —K116 (1982). See also 2, p. 17; 13, p. 142; 18, p. 260; 22.9, p. 504.

14. Electrical Properties. Transport Phenomena



*Domain Effects Accompanying the Metal-Insulator Transition in (Vo.9gCro.oi)-,03 (b) Vol. 110, No. 2, p. K 1 7 5 - K 1 7 8 (1982). See also 1.4, p. 33; 22.6.1, p. 477.



Integral Representation of the Incoherent Field in Disordered Materials (II): Hall Current and Thermoelectric Phenomena (b) Vol. I l l , No. 1, p. 2 5 5 - 2 6 0 (1982). See also 2, p. 48; 15, p. 246.



Ground State Phase Diagram of the Extended Hubbard Model with Ising-Like Exchange Infractions (b) Vol. I l l , No. 2, p. K107 — K i l l (1982). See also 1.2, p. IS; 13, p. 143; 18, p. 261.

I'. B .


Relaxation of Interband Disturbances. A Phenomenological Theory (b) Vol. 112, No. 1, p. 6 1 - 6 7 (1982). See also 13.1, p. 151.

K . GERLACH a n d B .


*Electron Transport in a Magnetic Eield (b) Vol. 112, No. 1, p. 1 4 3 - 1 5 0 (1982). See also 18, p. 261.


*Mössbauer and Conductivity Study of Ferroelastic Ferric Molybdate (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. 5 4 3 - 5 4 9 (1982). See also a, p. 67; 22.8.1, p. 496.

E . W I E S E R , G . K R A B B E S , a n d E . 1. TERUKOV

Detection of the Metastable Simultaneous Occurrence of High- and Low-Temperature States in C o ^ F e ^ S by Mössbauer Spectroscopy (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. 6 9 5 - 6 9 9 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 20; 5, p. 68; 18, p. 262; 22.8, p. 488.

.7.-P. CRINE

*Influence of Electric Field and Low Pressure on the Activation Energy for Conduction in Polyethylene (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. 7 8 9 - 7 9 7 (1982). See also 22.9, p. 506.





Integral Representation of the Incoherent Field in Disordered Materials ( I I I ) : Diffusion, Einstein Relation, and Landauer Formula (b) Vol. 113, No. 1, p. 1 7 9 - 1 8 3 (1982). See also 2, p. 51; 9, p. 92.

Integral Representation of the Incoherent Field in Disordered Materials (IV): Relation to Multiple Scattering Theory and Inclusion of Pair Correlations (b) Vol. 114, No. 1, p. 1 1 3 - i 2 0 (1982). See also 2, p. 53; 13, p. 146.


Subject Index

L. Skala and O. Bilek *A New General Method of the Solution of the Generalized Master Equation (b) Vol. 114, No. 1, p. K 5 1 - K 5 4 (1982).

R. Lenk Integral ion in a (b) Vol. See also

Representation of the Incoherent Field in Disordered Materials (V): Wave DiffusCorrelated Medium 114, No. 2, p. 5 1 5 - 5 2 2 (1982). 2, p. 55.

14.1 Metals. Semi-Metals


14.1 Metals. Semi-Metals Original


and Short


M . R E I F F E R S , K . F L A C H B A R T , S . J A N O S , A . B . BEZNOSOV, a n d G . E S K A

*Transport Properties of PrNi 5 at Low Temperatures (b) Vol. 109, No. 1, p. 3 6 9 - 3 7 3 (1982). See also 8, p. 84; 21.1, p. 343; 21.4, p. 369. E . I . TERUKOV, N . MATTERN, W . R E I C H E L T , H . OPPERMANN, a n d M . W O L F

*The Behaviour of Resistance and Thermopower and the Coexistence of Two Phases at Metal-Insulator Transitions (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. 9 7 - 1 0 1 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 14; 14.3, p. 202; 15, p. 245; 22.6, p. 468. M . P . SHEARER, S. K . SEN, a n d C. L . BAUER

Investigation of Interfacial Reactions in Bimetallic Thin-Film Couples of Al/Cu and Pb/Cu by Measurement of Contact Resistance (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. 1 3 9 - 1 4 9 (1982). See also 1.5, p. 38; 9, p. 91; 21, p. 331; 21.1, p. 343. H . GRUBER a n d E . KRAOTZ

*Magnetoresistance and Conductivity in the Binary System Titanum-Oxygen (I): Titanium Oxides with Metallic Conductivity (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. 2 8 7 - 2 9 5 (1982). See also 8, p. 85; 14.3, p. 203; 15, p. 245; 18, p. 259; 22.6, p. 468. H . R . PHILIPP

AuAl„: Optical Properties and Consideration as a Transparent Electrode Material (a) Vol. 69, No. 2, p. 5 4 7 - 5 5 1 (1982). See also 20.1, p. 301; 21, p. 331; 21.6, p. 374. L . BROSSARD, H . B E R K A S , L . T H O M E , A . T R A V E R S E , a n d P . N E D E L L E C

*Influence of Disorder on Phonon Resistivity of Ion-Implanted Nickel Hydride (a) Vol. 69, No. 2, p. 7 2 7 - 7 3 2 (1982). See also 11, p. 119; 21.1, p. 344. E . M . KOGAN a n d V . V . USTINOV

*On the Theory of Longitudinal Magnetoresistance of Metallic Films and Wires (b) Vol. 110, No. 1, p. 2 4 5 - 2 5 5 (1982). See also 21, p. 332. M . S. RAHMAN K H A N

*In Situ Study of the Electrical Resistivity and Temperature Coefficient of Resistance of Bismuth Films (b) Vol. 1 1 0 , No. 1, p. K 4 1 - K 4 4 (1982). See also 21.7, p. 379. P . P U R E U R , J . V . KUNZLER, W . H . SCHREINER, a n d D . E . BRANDAO

»Electrical Resistivity of the Cobalt-Rich Co-Fe Alloys (a) Vol. 70, No. 1, p. 1 1 - 1 5 (1982). See also 21.1, p. 345; 21.1.1, p. 360. 13 physica, lie?.-lid. 15


Subject Index

F. M. Mansy, X. K. Gobran, and G. Said High-Temperature Creep Mechanism and Dissolution Process in Al-9.5 at% Zn Alloy (a) Vol. 70, No. 1, p. 5 7 - 6 1 (1982). See also 10.1, p. 97; 21, p. 333; 21.1, p. 345. W. Ki.eikk *Restwiderstandsbestimmung aus Strom-Spannungs-Kurven kurzer freitragender Elektrotransportproben epitaktischer Goldschichten (Determination of the Residual Resistivity from Current-Voltage Characteristics of Short Support-Free Samples of Epitaxial Gold Films) (a) Vol. 70, No. 1, p. 219-232 (1982). See also l.">, p. 38; 21.6, p. 375. B. M. Gorelov, V. N. Laukhin, and M. K. Sheinkjia^ *Effect of Doping on the Metal-Dielectric Phase Transition in Tetrathiotetracene Iodide, TTT2I3 (b) Vol. 110, No. 2, p. K145-K149 (1982). See also 14.4, p. 23,5; 22.9, p. 504. M. Matlak and J. Zielinski Erratum to: "Electrical Resistivity and Insulator-to-Metal Transition for the Periodic Anderson Model" (b) Vol. 110, No. 2, p. K179 (1982). See also 14.3, p. 205. A. I. Lotkov, V. N. Grishkov, and V. V. Fadin *The Influence of Palladium on the Martensitic Transformation of the Intermetallic Compound TiNi (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. 513-517 (1982). See also 1.3, p. 27; 21.1, p. 347. A. V. Andreev, A. V. Deryac;in, and S. M. Zadvorkin Anomalies in the Thermal Expansion and Resistivity of NdCo5 at the Spin-Reorientation Phase Transition (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. K 1 1 3 - K 1 1 5 (1982). See also 18.2, p. 269; 21.1, p. 348. B. Horvatic and V. Zlatiö Perturbation Expansion for the Asymmetric Anderson Hamiltonian (II): General Asymmetry (b) Vol. I l l , No. 1, p. 6 5 - 7 5 (1982). See also 8, p. 86; 13, p. 142; 15, p. 246; 21, p. 334. A. B. Beznosov, G. S. Nikolskii, and A. Feher * Band Structure, High Temperature Electrical Resistivity, and Exchange-Induced Magnetic Moment of the Itinerant Electrons in Gd-La Alloys (b) Vol. I l l , No. 1, p. 8 9 - 9 3 (1982). See also 18, p. 260; 21.4, p. 370. E. Gratz, V. Sechovsky, V. Sima, Z. Smetasta, and J . O. Ström-Olson Magnetization, Electrical Resistivity, Thermopower, and Neutron Diffraction in HoCu, (b) Vol. I l l , No. 1, p. 195-201 (1982). See also 15, p. 246; 18.4, p. 280; 21.1, p. 348; 21.4, p. 370.

14.1 Metals. Semi-Metals J . L . M I A N E , G . OARMONA, a n d P .


Microwave Measurements of the Thermal Expansion of Organic Metals (b) Vol. Ill, No. 1, p. 2 3 5 - 2 4 5 (1982). See also 6, p. 73; 8, p. 86; 22.9, p. 505. V . CHRISTOPH a n d A . L . KUZEMSKII

•Electroconductivity of a Metallic System with a Nonspherical Fermi Surface (b) Vol. Ill, No. 1, p. K 1 - K 6 (1982). See also 21, p. 335. H . MATSTJI a n d M . T A M A K I

•Electrical Resistivity of ß-U„N 3 (a) Vol. 71, No. 1, p. K 1 2 1 - K 1 2 5 (1982). See also 18.2, p. 270; 21.5, p. 373. A . R . P A T E L , N . C . P A N D Y A , N . C . CHOURASIA, a n d G . K .


•Annealing Characteristics and Lattice Distortion Energy Spectra of Chromium-Copper Alloy Films (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. 3 2 3 - 3 2 7 (1982). See also 10.1, p. 98; 21.1, p. 349. V . DAMODARA D A S a n d S . V A I D E H I

Variation of Energy Gap and Resistivity Minimum Position with Thickness in Bismuth Thin Films (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. 3 5 1 - 3 5 6 (1982). See also 14.3.1, p. 214; 21.7, p. 379. S . K . SAHA

•Temperature Dependent Electrical Resistivity of E v a p o r a t e d Bismuth Film (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. K 1 7 3 - K 1 7 5 (1982). See also 21.7, p. 380. A . P . KOPASOV a n d I . N . MOLKOV

• O n the Theory of Nonlinear Cyclotron Resonance (b) Vol. 112, No. 1, p. 3 3 9 - 3 5 0 (1982). See also 21.7, p. 380. I . I . MAZIN, E . M . SAVITSKII, a n d Y U . A . U S P E N S K I I

•A Simple Approach to Calculation of the Phonon-Limited Electrical Resistivity in Metals (b) Vol. 112, No. 1, p. K 2 9 - K 3 3 (1982). See also 21, p. 336. H . LÖFFLER a n d R . W .


On the Influence of Small Magnesium Additions on the Decomposition Behaviour of an Al-Zn (6 a t % ) Mother Alloy (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. 1 4 7 - 1 5 2 (1982). See also 10.1, p. 99; 21, p. 337; 21.1, p. 350. K . S . VAHVASELKÄ

Total a n d Partial Interference Functions, Radial Atomic Distributions, a n d Electrical Resistivities for Liquid Indium and Liquid G a l l i u m - I n d i u m Alloys (a) Vol. 72, N o . 1, p. 2 6 1 - 2 7 1 (1982). See also 2, p. SO; 21, p. 337.


Subject Index

I . M . R E D A , J . H A F N E K , P . PONGKATZ, A . WAGENDRISTEL, H . BANGERT, a n d P . K . B H A T

Amorphous Cu-Ag Films with High Stability (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. 3 1 3 - 3 2 4 (1982). See also 1.3, p. 29; 2, p. 50; 21.1, p. 351; 21.6, p. 377. J . P . JERNOT, M . COSTER, a n d J . L . CHERMANT

*Model to Describe the Elastic Modulus of Sintered Materials (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. 3 2 5 - 3 3 2 (1982). See also 12.1, p. 132; 21.4, p. 371. Y . A O K I a n d K . IKEDA

•Electrical Resistivity Study of the F.C.C. Co-V Alloys Quenched f r o m 1200 °C (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. K 4 1 - K 4 3 (1982). See also 21.1, p. 351. D . V . GITSTJ, I . M . GOLBAN, a n d V . G . K A N T S E R

•Investigation of Transport Coefficients in Semimetals by t h e Variational Method (I): General Solution of t h e Problem (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p. 4 7 3 - 4 8 1 (1982). See also 15, p. 247; 21.7, p. 380. K . ELK

• T e m p e r a t u r e Dependence of t h e Electrical Conductivity of the Periodic Anderson Model (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p. 6 5 9 - 6 6 5 (1982). See also 13, p. 144; 21, p. 337. M . W O L F , E . I . TERUKOV, W . REICHELT, a n d H . OPPERMANN

• I n f l u e n c e of 1 8 0 Substitution on the High-Temperature Phase Transition of Cr-Doped V 2 0 3 and I t s Relation to Low-Temperature Phase Transition (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. 6 5 5 - 6 5 9 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 20; 6, p. 78; 14.3, p. 209; 18, p. 262; 22.6, p. 473. A . B L A I S E , D . D A M I E N , a n d J . MULAK

•Electrical Resistivity of Some Neptunium Chaloogenides (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. K 1 4 5 - K 1 4 8 (1982). See also 14.3, p. 209. R . PIETRZAK a n d B . ROZENFELD

•Investigation of Time Changes of the Hall Voltage in Inhomogeneous T a - H System (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. K 2 0 7 - K 2 1 0 (1982). See also 21, p. 338. D . V . G I T S U , I . M . GOLBAN, a n d V . G . K A N T S E R

•Investigation of Transport Coefficients in Semimetals by the Variational Method (II): Bismuth (b) Vol. 113, No. 1, p. 5 9 - 6 6 (1982). See also 15, p. 247; 21.7, p. 380. T . K . BOLETSKAYA, B . E . EGORUSHKIN, a n d V . P . F A D I N

Electron Structure and Optical Conductivity of NiTi (b) Vol. 113, No. 1, p. 3 0 7 - 3 1 1 (1982). See also 13.1, p. 154; 20, p. 296; 21.1, p. 353.


14.1 Metals. Semi-Metals C . R . BROOKS, P . J . M E S C H T E R , a n d T . G . K O L L I E

The Magnetic Heat Capacity of the Configurationally Disordered Xi-25 a t % Fe Alloy (a) Vol. 73, No. 1, p. 1 8 9 - 1 9 8 (1982). See also 8, p. 88; 12.1, p. 132; 18.2, p. 272; 21.1, p. 353; 21.1.1, p. 362. A . M . GHODGAONKAR a n d K .


*Application of the Mayadas-Shatzkes Model for Electrical Conduction in Thin Films with Unlike Surfaces (a) Vol. 73, No. 1, p. K 2 1 - K 2 5 (1982). See also 21, p. 339. D . V . GITS a , I . M . GOLBAN, a n d V . G . KANTSER

""Investigation of Transport Coefficients in Semimetals by the Variational Method (III): Commutational Effect of Magnetothermo-E.M.F. in Bismuth (b) Vol. 113, No. 2, p. 4 9 7 - 5 0 1 (1982). See also 15, p. 248; 21.7, p. 380. V . K U C K H E R M A N N , G . THU.MMES, a n d H . H .


*Influence of the Real Fermi Surface on the Longitudinal Magnetovesistance Size Effect of Single Crystal Copper Whiskers (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. 4 3 9 - 4 4 5 (1982). See also 18, p. 263; 21.1, p. 355. J . P . .TERNOT a n d J . L . C H E R M A N T

Model to Predict the Tensile Strength of Sintered Materials (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. 5 7 9 - 5 8 6 (1982). See also 7, p. 83; 12.1, p. 133-, 21.1.1, p. 363. H . R A T A J C Z A K a n d I . GOSCIANSKA

•Thermal Hall Hysteresis Loops in Thin Amorphous HoCo Films (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. 6 3 3 - 6 3 9 (1982). See also 2, p. 53; 18.3, p. 277-, 21.1, p. 355; 21.4, p. 371. V . P . P A N , I . V . ZOLOTUKHIN, S . E . LITVIN, B . G . N I K I T I N , a n d A . S. SHTIGEL

*Electrical Properties of Lanthanum-Aluminium Glass (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. K 2 8 7 - K 2 9 1 (1982). See also 2, p. 53; 8, p. 89; 14.2, p. 201; 21, p. 341. W . SCHILLER a n d J . R I C H T E R

•Temperature Dependence of the Thermoelectric Power of Disordered Alloys (b) Vol. 114, No. 1, p. 1 5 1 - 1 6 0 (1982). See also 2, p. 54; 15, p. 248; 21, p. 341. J . L . BRETONNET, J . G . GASSER, A . BATH, a n d R . K L E I M

Structure Factors and Compressibilities of Liquid Metals (b) Vol. 114, No. 1, p. 2 4 3 - 2 5 3 (1982). See also 2, p. 54; 21, p. 341. L . K . VARGA a n d T . SCHMIDT

*Resitivity Measurements on Amorphous N i - P Alloys Prepared by Different Techniques (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. 2 7 9 - 2 8 3 (1982). See also 2, p. 54; 21.1, p. 356.


Subject Index


*Eleotrical Resistance and Thermal Expansion of Fe-18Cr-(10 to 25) Ni Alloys in the Paramagnetic Temperature Range (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. 2 8 5 - 2 9 0 (1982). See also 8, p. 89; 21.1, p. 357; 21.1.1, p. 363. A . LODDER, P . M . BOERRIGTER, a n d P . J .


*Cluster Model Residual Resistivities in 35 Copper Alloys (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. 4 0 5 - 4 1 1 (1982). See also 21.1, p. 357. J . P . J E R N O T , J . L . C H E R M A N T , a n d M . COSTER

*A New in Solid (a) Vol. See also

Model t o Describe the Variation of Electrical Conductivity in Materials Sintered Phase 74, No. 2, p. 4 7 5 - 4 8 3 (1982). 21.1, p. 358; 21.1.1, p. 364.

14.2 Superconductivity. Superconducting Materials and Devices


14.2 Superconductivity. Superconducting Materials and Devices Original Papers and Short



*The Theory of the Superconductive Phase in Rare Earth Metal Compounds (b) Vol. 109, No. 1, p. 3 7 - 4 8 (1982). See also 21.4, p. 369. L . B . DTJBROVSKAYA, S. Z . NAZAROVA, a n d A. F . PREKUL

Superconducting and Normal Properties of Solid Solutions Nbj.^-Ta^C^ (a) V o l . 6 9 , N o . 1, p . 1 6 7 - 1 7 2 (1982).

See also 1.3, p. 25; 14.3, p. 203; 18, p. 259; 21, p. 331. W . ZAHN, P . B . WEBER, K . BLÜTHNER, a n d E . - B . K L E Y

*Submicron High Critical Current Density Niobium-Lead Josephson Junctions (a) V o l . 6 9 , N o . 1, p . K 2 5 - K 2 8 (1982).

See also 21, p. 331. V . SHAMRAI, K . BOHMHAMMEL, a n d G. WOLF

The Heat Capacity of NbjSnHj, in Dependence on the Hydrogen Content (b) V o l . 1 0 9 , N o . 2, p . 5 1 1 - 5 1 7 (1982).

See also 6, p. 71 ; 8, p. 85; 21, p. 331. M. C. L . ORLOWSKI

*Derivation of the Scattering Model for Josephson Effects from the Ginzburg-Landau Equations (b) V o l . 1 0 9 , N o . 2, p . 6 5 5 - 6 6 1 (1982). J . J . WNTTK

* Numerical Determination of Scaling Law Parameters in Type II Superconductors (b) V o l . 1 0 9 , N o . 2, p . K 1 1 5 - K 1 1 8 ( 1 9 8 2 ) . L . Y . VINNIKOV a n d A . 0 . GOLUBOK

Direct Observation of Magnetic Structure in Niobium Single Crystals with Hydride Precipitate Pinning Centres (a) V o l . 6 9 , N o . 2, p . 6 3 1 - 6 3 6 (1982).

See also 18, p. 259; 21, p. 332. Y . KIMTJRA

*Superconducting Properties of the PbMo6S8 Conductor Produced bv Solid State Reaction (a) V o l . 6 9 , N o . 2, p . K 1 8 9 - K 1 9 2 (1982). V . E . ARKHIPOV, V . I . VORONIN, A . E . KARKIN, a n d A . V . MIRMELSHTKIN

Radiation Disordering in V3Si (a) Vol. 70, No. 1, p. 1 7 - 2 1 (1982). See also 1.3, p. 26; 11, p. 120; 21.1, p. 345. A . BECKMANN, E . KOLLEY, a n d W . KOLLEY

*On Superconductivity in Narrow-Band Alloys (b) V o l . 1 1 0 , N o . 2, p . 5 5 7 - 5 6 4 (1982).

See also 6, p. 73; 21.1, p. 347.


Subject Index

H . - G . MEYER a n d P . SELDEL

•Tunneling into Proximity Electrodes with Magnetic Impurities (b) Vol. I l l , No. 1, p. 2 7 1 - 2 7 9 (1982). V . T . KOVACHEV a n d E . K . NASAROVA

*Minimum in AC Losses of Low Bulk Pinning Nb3Sn (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. 3 5 7 - 3 6 4 (1982). A. SIKORA a n d B . MAKIEJ

*On the Occurrence of a Directional Asymmetry of the Critical Current in Type I Superconductor Containing Ferromagnetic Particles (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. K 1 9 7 - K 2 0 0 (1982). See also 18.2, p. 270; 21, p. 335. A . BECKMANN, E . KOLLEY, a n d W . KOLLEY

*Ginzbnrg-Landau Functional for Superconducting Alloys (b) Vol. 112, No. 1, p. K 5 1 - K 5 5 (1982). See also 21, p. 336. W . DAUMER, A . KETTSCHAU, H . R . KHAN, K . LUDERS, CH. J . RAUB, H . RIESEMEIER, a n d G . ROTH

•Superconductivity of Solid Solutions V„0X)(, (X = Cr, Mn, Nb, Mo, Pd, Ta, W, Re, Pt, Au) (b) V o l . 1 1 2 , N o . 1, p . K 6 7 - K 7 1 (1982).

See also 21, p. 336; 21.1, p. 350; 21.6, p. 376. S. TAKACS a n d I . JANETKA

Influence of Resonance Tunneling on Resistivity in Semiconductors with Ionized Impurities and on Tunneling Current between Superconductors (b) V o l . 1 1 3 , N o . 1, p . 3 1 3 - 3 2 6 (1982).

See also 14.3.4, p. 231; 22, p. 389. V . P . IORDATH a n d L . Z . KON

•Influence of the Phonon Frequency Dispersion on the Critical Temperature of Superconductors (b) V o l . 1 1 3 , N o . 1, p . K 6 7 - K 7 1 ( 1 9 8 2 ) .

See also 6, p. 79. S. A . IVANOV, A . L . KOLESNIKOVA, a n d A . E . ROMANOV

•Elastic Stresses and Elastic Energy of a Flux Lino in a Half-Space (a) V o l . 73, N o . 1, p . K 3 1 - K 3 4 (1982).

See also 10.1, p. 100. A. V. VEKBILO, N . M. KOTOV, A . P . RTTSAKOV, a n d N . A . KOZLOVSKAI

•Superconductive Properties of the Chevrel-Phase System CujMojSg with x = 3.2 to 3.9 (a) V o l . 73, N o . 1, p . K 7 3 - K 7 4 ( 1 9 8 2 ) .

See also 21, p. 339. R . HEINDL a n d R . DRUILHE

Superconduction: On the Sintering of a"Chevrel Phase". — A New High Temperature Phase of PbMo c S 8 (a) Vol. 73, No. 1, p. K 1 4 5 - K 1 4 6 (1982).

14.2 Superconductivity. Superconducting Materials and Devices


I. M. Chapnik *On the Possibility of Prediction of Superconducting Properties in Transition Metal Compounds (b) Vol. 113, No. 2, p. K 8 7 - K 9 2 (1982). See also 21.1, p. 354. E. Knapek and G. L e f r a n c *New Results on Superconducting Nb-Sn Sinter Material Applied for Electron Microscope Lenses (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. 4 4 7 - 4 5 3 (1982). V. P. Pan, I. V. ZOLOTUKHIN, S. E. Litvin, B. G. Nikitin, and A. S. Shpigel Electrical Properties of Lanthanum-Aluminium Glass (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. K 2 8 7 - K 2 9 1 (1982). See also 2, p. 53; 8, p. 89; 14.1, p. 197; 21, p. 341. E. K o l l e y and W. K o l l e y *On the Coexistence of Superconductivity and Itinerant Ferromagnetism (b) Vol. 114, No. 1, p. 1 3 5 - 1 4 4 (1982). See also 18.2, p. 273. G. Kozlowski and K. Rogacki *Magnetocaloric Effect and Spin Waves in Two-Sublattice Antifcrromagnetic Superconductors (b) Vol. 114, No. 1, p. K 5 - K 9 (1982). See also 18.4, p. 281. I. X. Kuzmenko, O. A. Palagina, and V. V. Pustovalov Study of Plastic Deformation of Aluminium near the Superconducting Transition (a) Vol. 74, No. 1. p. 5 1 - 5 7 (1982). See also 10.1, p. 101; 21, p. 341. B. I. Belevtsev, Yit. F. Kojinik, V. I. Odnokozov, and A. V. *Discovery of Low-Temperature Metastable State in Amorphous Bismuth-Hydrogen Systems (b) Vol. 114, No. 2. p. 4 6 7 - 4 7 4 (1982). See also 1.5, p. 41; 2, p. 55; 21.7, p. 381. G. (ji AQuI \Ta and C. Di Mauro *Gapless Regime by Thermally Activated Vortex-Antivortex Plasma in 2D Superconductors (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. K 1 8 3 - K 1 8 7 (1982). S. Takâcz *The Summation of Pinning Forces in Superconductors with Small Dcfcct Densities (a) Vol. 74, No. 2, p. 4 3 7 - 4 4 4 (1982). See also 10.1, p. 102. V. A. Siren ko and V. S. Fomen ko *Change of the Flow Stress at the Superconducting Transition in Lead-Indium Alloys (a) Vol. 74, No. 2, p. 4 5 9 - 4 6 5 (1982). See also 10.1, p. 102; 21, p. 342. H.-J. K ö h l e r , T. Hädrk h, P. Seidel, P. Weber, K. B l ü t h k e e , and K.-H. B e r t h e l *Aging Dependence of the Current Density Distribution in Nb-NbO^-Pb Tunnel Junctions (a) Vol. 74, No. 2, p. K 1 2 3 - K 1 2 5 (1982).


Subject Index 14.3 Semiconductors Review


H. B ö t t g e r and V. V. Bryksix •Hopping Conductivity in Ordered and Disordered Systems (III) (b) Vol. 113, No. 1, p. 9 - 4 9 (1982). See also 2, p. 45; 6, p. 70; 13, p. 139; 13.5.3, p. 188; 22, p. 382. R. J. J. ZlJLSTBA •Distribution Model of Flicker Noise in Semiconductors (a) Vol. 73, No. 1, p. 1 1 - 2 1 (1982). See also 14.3.3, p. 219; 14.3.4, p. 227; 22.1, p. 393; 22.2. p. 418. Original


and Short


L. Nedbal Higher-Order Test of the Kenkre-Knox Relation for Excitonic Optical and Transport Properties of Molecular Crystals (b) Vol. 109, No. 1, p. 109-11S (1982). See also 13.5.1, p. 181; 20.1, p. 298; 22, p. 382. A. M. Sandatjer and P. Byszewski •Evidence of the Conduction-Valence Band Overlap Induced by a Magnetic Field in ZeroGap Hgi_zMn x Te (b) Vol. 109, No. 1, p. 1 6 7 - 1 7 1 (1982). See also 13.1, p. 148; 18, p. 259; 22.8, p. 481. V. I. Litvinov, K. A. Valxjev, and K. D. Tovtsyuk Redistribution of Impurities in the Field of a Strong Electromagnetic Waves (b) Vol. 109, No. 1, p. 1 8 9 - 1 9 4 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 162-, 20, p. 293; 22, p. 382. 0 . Uemura, M. Itoh, and T. Satow •Electronic Properties of the Tl-AgTlTe„ System in the Liquid State (b) Vol. 109, No. 1, p. 3 6 1 - 3 6 8 (1982)." See also 2, p. 45; 15, p. 245; 18, p. 259; 22.8, p. 481. H. van Cong, S. Brunet, and S. Charar •Fermi-Dirac Integrals and Fermi Energy for Degenerate Narrow-Gap Semiconductors (b) Vol. 109, No. 1, p. K 1 - K 5 (1982). See also 13, p. 139; 22, p. 383. A. P. Galtjshka, G. E. Davidyuk, and N. S. Bogdanyuk •Interaction of 1.2 MeV Electron Irradiation Produced Defects with Cu Impurity Atoms in CdS Single Crystals (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. 71 - 7 6 (1982). See also 11, p. 118; 16, p. 249; 20.1, p. 299; 20.3, p. 318; 22.4.1, p. 439. E. I. Terukov, N. Mattern, W. R e i c h e l t , H. Oppermann, and M. Wolf •The Behaviour of Resistance and Thermopower and the Coexistence of Two Phases at Metal-Insulator Transitions (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. 9 7 - 1 0 1 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 14; 14.1, p. 193; 15, p. 245; 22.6, p. 468.


14.3 Semiconductors L . B . D U B R O V S K A Y A , S . Z . NAZAROVA, a n d A . F .


Superconducting and Normal Properties of Solid Solutions Nbi. (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. 1 6 7 - 1 7 2 (1982). See also 1.3, p. 25; 14.2, p. 199; 18, p. 259; 21, p. 331.



H . G R U B E R a n d E . KRATTTZ

*Magnetoresistance and Conductivity in the Binary System Titanium-Oxygen (I): Titanium Oxides with Metallic Conductivity (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. 2 8 7 - 2 9 5 (1982). See also 8, p. 85; 14.1, p. 193; 15, p. 245; 18, p. 259; 22.6, p. 468.

V . A . M . BRABERS a n d J . C. J . M .


*Electrical Conductivity and Cation Valencies in Nickel Manganite (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. 3 2 5 - 3 3 2 (1982). See also 1, p. 9; 15, p. 245; 22.8.2, p. 499.

J . LECOMTE, J . P . LOUP, G . BOSSER, M. HERVIEU, a n d B .


Non-Stoichiometry and Electrical Conductivity of Strontium Niobates with Perovskite Structure ( I I I ) : Thermodynamic Data for Sr(Sr(i/3) +x Nb(2/3) - x ) 03_(3/2)i (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. 3 5 9 - 3 6 6 (1982). See also 10.2, p. 104-, 14.4, p. 234; 22.8.1, p. 492.

P. L. KUKK and H. A.


»Solubility of Ag in CdS Single Crystals (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. K 1 0 9 - K 1 1 2 (1982). See also 10.2, p. 104; 22.4.1, p. 439.



*Semiconduction in Ammonium Phosphomolybdate (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. K 1 2 9 - K 1 3 0 (1982). See also 22.8.1, p. 492.

R . MACH, P . F L Ö G E L , L . G . SUSLINA, A . G . A R E S H K I N , J . M A E G E , a n d G . VOIGT

*The Influence of Compositional Disorder on Electrical and Optical Properties of ZnSj.Se,. Single Crystals (b) Vol. 109, No. 2, p. 6 0 7 - 6 1 5 (1982). See also 13.5.1, p. 181; 20.1, p. 300; 20.3, p. 319; 22.4.4, p. 447.

H . T . LANGHAMMER, M . S T O R D E U R , H . SOBOTTA, a n d V .



*Optical and Electrical Investigations of the Anisotropy of Sb.,Te3 Single Crystals (b) Vol. 109, No. 2, p. 6 7 3 - 6 8 1 (1982). See also 15, p. 245; 20.1, p. 300-, 22.7, p. 479.



*On the Optically Determined Relaxation Time of Heavily Doped p-Type Silicon (b) Vol. 109, No. 2, p. K 8 5 - K 8 8 (1982). See also 20.1, p. 300; 22.1.2, p. 401.


*The Influence of Intrinsic Defects on the Electrical Properties of Single Crystals of CdSiP 2 and ZnGeP, (a) Vol. 69, No. 2, p. 4 9 1 - 4 9 5 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 164; 22.8, p. 482.


Subject Index

E . G L A S E R , G . GÖTZ, N . SOBOLEV, a n d W .


I n v e s t i g a t i o n s of R a d i a t i o n D a m a g e P r o d u c t i o n in I o n I m p l a n t e d Silicon (a) Vol. 69, No. 2, p. 6 0 3 - 6 1 4 (1982). See also 11, p. 119; 19, p. 284; 20.1, p. 301; 22.1.2, p. 402. M . ALDISSI, M . ROLLAND, a n d F . SCHUE

Middle I n f r a r e d S t u d y of t h e Cis T r a n s Isomerisation of ( C H ) j I n d u c e d b y O x i d a t i o n (a) Vol. 69, No. 2, p. 7 3 3 - 7 3 7 (1982). See also 20.1, p. 301; 22.9, p. 503. A . SIRCAE, B . MALLIK, a n d T . X . MISKA

K o m p e n s a t i o n E f f e c t in t h e Electrical Conduction Process in a Series of X a p h t h y l Polyenes (a) Vol. 69, No. 2, p. 7 6 7 - 7 7 1 (1982). See also 22,9, p. 503. N . V . BARAMIDZE, V . L . BONCH-BRUEVICH, M . P . GIORGADZE, a n d X . I .


*Electrical Properties of I n S b I r r a d i a t e d w i t h F a s t N e u t r o n s (b) Vol. 110, No. 1, p. 3 3 - 3 7 (1982). See also 11, p. 120; 22.2.3, p. 427. S. MYHRA

*Aeceptor P o i n t Defects in n - T y p e a-Sn (b) Vol. 110, No. 1, p. 9 7 - 1 0 3 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 165; 15, p. 245; 22.1, p. 393. P . M. FAUCHET

*The Auger R a t e in Highly E x c i t e d I n d i u m A n t i m o n i d e (b) Vol. 110, No. 1, p. K 1 1 - K 1 5 (1982). See also 22.2.3, p. 427. G . I. T s u H K A X a n d G . M . SHMELEV

*Carrier Mobility in ZnSe in a Wide T e m p e r a t u r e R a n g e (b) Vol. 110, No. 1, p. K 3 3 - K 3 6 (1982). See also 13.5.3, p. 188; 22.4.2, p. 442. H . BINCZYCKA, O . GZOWSKI, L . MUEAWSKI, a n d J .


*Mössbauer E f f e c t a n d Electrical C o n d u c t i v i t y in T e 0 2 - F e „ 0 3 Glasses (a) Vol. 70, Xo. 1, p. 5 1 - 5 5 (1982). See also 2, p. 47; 5, p. 66; 22.6.1, p. 477. K . TENNAKONE a n d W . G. D .


*Electrical Conduction in L e a d Bromide (a) Vol. 70, No. 1, p. K 5 - K 6 (1982). See also 22.5, p. 450. R . BHARATI a n d R , A . SINGH

•Electrical T r a n s p o r t in C h r o m i u m ( I I I ) T u n g s t a t e (a) Vol. 70, No. 1, p. K 1 1 - K 1 4 (1982). See also 15, p. 245; 22.8.1, p. 493. L . BISCHOFF, T . GESSNER, a n d H .


I r o n Donor A c t i v i t y a t H e a t T r e a t m e n t of H i g h Resistivity Silicon (a) Vol. 70, Xo. 1, p. K 3 5 - K 3 8 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 166; 22.1.2, p. 404.

14.3 Semiconductors



*Resistivity Measurements of ZrS3_;cSex Alloys (a) Vol. 70, No. 1, p. K 6 7 - K 6 9 (1982). See also 22.8, p. 483. R . D URN Y, P . M A C K O , a n d R . D . TOMLINSON

^Electrical Properties of Neutron-Irradiated CuInTe., (a) Vol. 70, No. 1, p. K 8 9 - K 9 1 (1982). See also 11, p. 120; 13.4, p. 166; 22.8, p. 483. M . VAN D E R M E E R , R . S C H U C H A R D T , a n d R .


*Strong-Field Hopping in Disordered Semiconductors. A Problem of Directed Percolation (b) Vol. 110, No. 2, p. 5 7 1 - 5 8 0 (1982). See also 2, p. 47; 22, p. 384. D . VIGNAUD, J . L . FARVACQUE, a n d D . F E R R E

*Anisotropy of the Free Carrier Piezoelectric Scattering by Dislocations in I I I - V Compounds (b) Vol. 110, No. 2, p. 6 0 1 - 6 0 9 (1982). See also 10.2, p. 107 ; 22.2, p. 418. YIT. G . ARAPOV, A . B . D A V Y D O V , I . M . T S I D I L K O V S K I I , a n d N . G . S H E L U S H I N I N A

*On the Anomalies in the Temperature Dependence of Conductivity in Hg^^Cd^Te (b) Vol. 110, No. 2, p. 6 1 9 - 6 3 0 (1982). See also 22.4.4, p. 447. M . MATLAK a n d J . Z I E L I N SKI

*Erratum to: "Electrical Resistivity and Insulator-to-Metal Transition for the Periodic Anderson Model" (b) Vol. 110, No. 2, p. K179 (1982). See also 14.1, p. 194. V . I . K U Z N E T S O V a n d P . F . LUGAKOV

Study of Radiation Defect Clusters, Their Structure and Properties, in Proton-Irradiated Silicon (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. 3 8 7 - 3 9 5 (1982). See also 11, p. 121; 22.1.2, p. 404. E . Z I E G L E R , A . H E I N B I C H , H . O P P E R M A N N , a n d G . STÖVER

* Growth and Electrical Properties of Non-Stoichiometric ZnO Single Crystals Doped with Co (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. 5 6 3 - 5 7 0 (1982). See also 3, p. 57; 13.4, p. 167; 22.4, p. 437. A . H A Y D A R , A . CORET, a n d N .


*Dark Current-Voltage Characteristics of Cu 2 0 Crystals and Their Relation to Structural Defects (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. 6 8 3 - 6 9 0 (1982). See also 22.6, p. 471. T. G. ABDEL-MALIK, A. M. ABDEEN, a n d A. A . ALY

*Thermally Stimulated Current in ß-Metal-Free Phthalocyanine Single Crystals (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. 7 0 3 - 7 1 2 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 107; 22.9, p. 504.


Subject Index

P . P . ISEREGIN a n d F . S . N A S R E D I N O V

Study of Gold and Platinum Impurity Atom State in Vitreous Arsenic Selenide (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. 7 6 9 - 7 7 5 (1982). See also 2, p. 48; 5, p. 67; 10.2, p. 108; 17, p. 256; 22, p. 385. T . I . VORONINA, Y u . A . G O L D B E R G , a n d T . V . LVOVA

*Electrical Properties of GaP Crystals Bombarded with High Energy Protons (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. K 1 2 1 - K 1 2 4 (1982). See also 11, p. 121; 22.2.2, p. 424. M . GANSER, M . SEELMANN-EGGEBERT, a n d R . P .


Exciton and Electron-Hole Liquid Luminescence of Germanium in an Electric Field (b) Vol. I l l , No. 1, p. 1 3 1 - 1 4 0 (1982). See also 13.5.1, p. 183; 20.3, p. 322; 22.1.1, p. 396. E . E . MATYAS a n d A . G . KAROZA

* Plasma Edge Reflectance Measurements in InAs-AlAs Alloys (b) Vol. I l l , No. 1, p. K 4 5 - K 4 8 (1982). See also 20.1, p. 305; 22.2.4, p. 430. A . N . CHAKRAVARTI, K . P . G H A T A K , K . K . G H O S H , a n d G . B . R A O

*Effect of Band Non-Parabolicity on the Generalized Einstein Relation for a Semiconductor Superlattice (b) Vol. I l l , No. 1, p. K 6 1 - K 6 5 (1982). See also 13.1, p. 151; 22, p. 386. L . G . K H V O S T A N T S E V , A . I . ORLOV, N . K H . ABRTKOSOV, T . E . S V E C R N I K O V A , a n d S . N .



Thermoelectric Properties and Phase Transitions in Bi2Te3 under Hydrostatic Pressure up to 9 GPa and Temperature up to 300 °C (a) Vol. 71, No. 1, p. 4 9 - 5 3 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 17; 12.2, p. 135; 15, p. 246; 22.7, p. 479. G . K . P A D A M , B . S I N G H , S . K . G U P T A , a n d G . I ) . SOOTHA

Kinetic Behaviour of Oxygen Radicals in CdS (a) Vol. 71, No. 1, p. K 3 7 - K 4 0 (1982). See also 16, p. 251; 19, p. 287; 22.4.1, p. 440. N . I . AKULOVICH, V . V . PETROV, a n d V . I . U T E N K O

*On the Electrical Activity of Transmutated Phosphorus in Neutron Transmutation Doped Silicon (a) Vol. 71, No. 1, p. K 6 3 - K 6 7 (1982). See also 11, p. 122; 13.4, p. 169; 22.1.2, p. 407. S . M . W A S I J I , G . S A N C H E Z P O R R A S , a n d R . D . TOMLINSON

*Some Electrical Characteristics of Zn and Cd Doped CuInTe, (a) Vol. 71, No. 1, p. K 7 3 - K 7 8 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 169; 22.8, p. 484. 1. M . D Y K M A N a n d L . A . P R O K H I N I T S K I I

*Influence of Electron Heating on Reflection and Attenuation Coefficients of Electromagnetic Waves in Semiconductors with Superlattice (b) Vol. I l l , No. 2, p. 4 4 9 - 4 5 4 (1982). See also 13, p. 143; 20, p. 295; 22, p. 387.

14.3 Semiconductors



•Transport Properties and Plasma Resonance of Bismuth Selenide Crystals Doped with Cadmium (b) Vol. I l l , No. 2, p. 5 7 5 - 5 8 0 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 169; 15, p. 247; 22.7, p. 479. I . C . DA C U N H A L I M A , M . F A B B R I , a n d A . F E R R E I R A DA SILVA

*DiagonaI and Off-Diagonal Disorder in Doped Semiconductors (b) Vol. I l l , No. 2, p. K 6 9 - K 7 4 (1982). See also 8, p. 87; 22.1.2, p. 407. R . S . BRAZIS a n d A . S . MIRONAS

i n v e s t i g a t i o n of Electric Conductivity and Avalanche Breakdown in I n S b by Means of Nonlinear Magnetoplasma Resonance (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. 4 7 3 - 4 8 1 (1982). See also 14.3.4, p. 229; 18, p. 261; 20, p. 295; 22.2.3, p. 428. S . M . W A S I I I , G . S . P O R R A S , a n d R . D . TOMLINSOIT

*Some Electrical Characteristics of Cu- and In-Doped CuInTe., (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. 5 2 3 - 5 3 0 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 170; 22.8, p. 485. T . S A T O W , O . U E M U R A , a n d Y . SAGARA

The Neutron Diffraction Study of Liquid Antimony and Bismuth Chalcogenides (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. 5 5 5 - 5 6 1 (1982). See also 2, p. 49; 22.7, p. 479. E . YTR. B R A I L O V S K I I , F . K . K A R A P E T Y A N , I . G . M E G E L A , a n d V . P . T A R T A C H N I K

•Radiation Defects in Electron-Irradiated I n P Crystals (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. 5 6 3 - 5 6 8 (1982). See also 11, p. 122; 22.2.2, p. 425. M . IITEV, S . ANGELOV, I . Z . KOSTADINOV, V . B O J C H E V , a n d V . H A D J I E V

*Critical Behaviour of Co 3 0 4 Conductivity near t h e Antiferromagnetic Phase Transition (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. 6 2 7 - 6 3 2 (1982). See also 18.4, p. 280; 22.8.2, p. 500. G . KRABBES, E . I . TERUKOV u n d H .


•Zeitabhängiges Verhalten des elektrischen Widerstandes beim a-Phasenübergang in stark dotiertem Cobalteisensulfid C o ^ F e ^ S (Time Dependence of the Electrical Resistivity of a-Phase Transition in Highly Doped Cobalt Iron Sulfide (Co^Fei _ y S) (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. K 1 4 3 - K 1 4 6 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 18; 22.8, p. 486. E . V . KUÖYS, O . E . PANCHUK, J . V . KAMENECKAS, a n d D . F .


On the Kinetics of t h e Process of Decay of Supersaturated Solid Copper or Silver Solution in Cadmium Telluride (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. K 1 5 7 - K 1 6 0 (1982). See also 9, p. 92; 10.2, p. 110; 22.4.3, p. 446. N . K A M E G A S H I R A a n d K . SATO

•Anomaly in Isothermal Conductivity in t h e Holmium-Oxygen System (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. K 1 6 5 - K 1 6 8 (1982). See also 22.6, p. 472.


Subject Index

A. H. Abou E l E l a , X. Abdelmohsen, and H. H. A. Labib Electrical Conductivity, Thermoelectric Power, and Thermal Conductivity of AgTlSe., in the Solid and Liquid State (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. K 2 1 9 - K 2 2 4 (1982). See also 2, p. 49; 8, p. 87; 15, p. 247; 22.8, p. 486. B. A. Lombos, M. Avkrous, C. Fau, and J . Calas •Conduction Processes in High Acceptor Concentration HgTe (b) Vol. 112, No. 1, p. 2 3 7 - 2 4 2 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 171; 22.4.3, p. 446. T. Nakajima, O. Uemura, T. Satow, and T. Yagihashi •Electronic Properties of the Molton Tl-AgTlS„ System (b) Vol. 112, No. 1, p. 311-319 (1982). See also 2, p. 50; 15, p. 247; 18, p. 261; 22.8, p. 486. I. A. Baev •Analysis of the Magnetoresistance of a Two-Carrier Semiconductor (b) Vol. 112, No. 1, p. K 2 5 - K 2 8 (1982). See also 13.1, p. 152; 22.2.3, p. 428. H. Lemke Properties of Some Impurity Complexes of Zinc in Silicon (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. 177-187 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 171; 22.1.2, p. 409. S. J. Pearton •Hydrogen Passivation of y-Induced Point Defects in Silicon (a) Vol". 72, No. 1, p. K 7 3 - K 7 5 (1982). See also 10.2, p. Ill; 22.1.2, p. 410. S. Milshtein C-TJ Measurements on Heavily Dislocated Si (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. K 9 9 - K 1 0 3 (1982). See also 10.2, p. Ill; 13.4, p. 171; 22.1.2, p. 410. D. V. Gitsu, I. N. Grinoheshen, and N. S. Popovich •Dependence of Electrophysical Parameters of TISbSe» Layer Crystals on Growth Conditions (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. K 1 1 3 - K 1 1 6 (1982). See also 3, p. 58; 10, p. 252; 22.8, p. 487. T. O. Gegechkori, V. G. Yakeli, and Z. S. Kachlishvili •Low-Temperature Conductivity and Mobility in Semiconductors (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p. 379-390 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 172; 22, p. 388. H. Grassi, A. Bratj, and J . P. Farges •Heat Pulse Diffusion in TEA (TCNQ), (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p. 633-640 (1982). See also 8, p. 88; 22.9, p. 506. L. Hrivnak and J. Betko *On the Relation between Electron and Hole Mobilities in Semi-Insulating GaAs (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p. K143-K147 (1982). See also 22.2.1, p. 422.

14.3 Semiconductors


V . N . B B U D N Y I , S . A . VOHOBIEV, a n d A . A .


Positron Annihilation a n d Electrical Properties of Electron-Irradiated (xs 2 MeV) InAs Crystals (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. 5 2 9 - 5 3 4 (1982). See also 11, p. 124; ISA, p. 173; 22.2.1, p. 422. M . WOLF, E . I . TERUKOV, W . REICHELT, a n d H .


Influence of 1 8 0 Substitution on the High-Temperature Phase Transition of Cr-Doped V 2 0 3 and I t s Relation to Low-Temperature Phase Transition (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. 6 5 5 - 6 5 9 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 20; 6, p. 78; 14.1, p. 196; 18, p. 262; 22.6, p. 473. A . N . ANAGNOSTOPOULOS, C . M A N O L I K A S , D . P A P A D O P O U L O S , a n d J . S P Y R I D E L I S

C o m p o s i t i o n F a u l t s in ZnIn 2 S 4 (III) Layered Crystals and Their Influence on the Anisotropic Conductivity of This Compound (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. 7 3 1 - 7 3 6 (1982). See also 1.4, p. 35; 22.8, p. 488. L . K . VODOPYASTOV a n d S . P . K O Z Y R E V

I n f r a r e d Reflection Spectroscopy of I o n - I m p l a n t e d n-Hgo.sCdo.2Te (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. 7 3 7 - 7 4 4 (1982). See also 11, p. 125; 20.1, p. 309; 22.4.4, p. 448. A . BLAISE, D . DAMIEN, a n d J . MULAK

*Electrical Resistivity of Some N e p t u n i u m Chalcogenides (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. K 1 4 5 - K 1 4 8 (1982). See also 14.1, p. 196. E . M . LAWSON a n d S . J . PEARTON

*Hydrogen Passivation of Laser-Induced Acceptor Defects in p-Type Silicon (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. K 1 5 5 - K 1 5 8 (1982). See also 10.2, p. 113; 22.1.2, p. 411. M . R . BROZEL, E . J . FOULKES, a n d B . TUCK

*The Electrical Properties of I n P Diffused with Chromium or l i o n (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. K 1 5 9 - K 1 6 3 (1982). See also 10.2, p. 113; 22.2.2, p. 426. V . E . B O R I S E N K O a n d V . A . LABTTNOV

Annealing of Antimonv I m p l a n t e d Silicon with Halogen L a m p Irradiation (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. K 1 7 3 - K 1 7 6 (1982). See also 11, p. 125; 22.1.2, p. 411. D



^Carrier Mobility in E u O (b) Vol. 113. No. 1, p. K 1 9 - K 2 2 (1982). See also 18.2, p. 272; 22.6, p. 473. P. KUIVALAINEK, J . HELESKIVI, a n d M . LEPPIHALME

C o n t r i b u t i o n of the Fermi Level Shift to t h e Low T e m p e r a t u r e Magnetoresistance in aSi: H (b) Vol. 113, No. 1, p. K 3 9 - K 4 2 (1982). See also 18, p. 262; 22.1.2, p. 412. 14

physica, Reg.-lid. 15


Subject Index

A. P. T y u t n e v , V. S. S e a n k o , E. D. Pozhidaev, and A. F. A k k e r m a n *Transient Radiation-Induced Conductivity in Polymers (a) Vol. 78, No. 1, p. 8 1 - 8 9 (1982). See also 11, p. 126; 22.9, p. 507. A. N. Anagnostopotjlos and B. P l o s s Influence of Composition Faults on the Anisotropic Conductivity ofLayered Semiconductors (a) Vol. 73, No. 1, p. 9 1 - 9 4 (1982). See also 22.8, p. 489. M. Ludwig and W. S a u e r *Hall Measurements along Zinc Diffusion Profiles in n-GaAs,_ rVx (0.6 J x (a) Vol. 73, No. 1, p. K 8 3 - K 8 6 (1982). See also 22.2.4, p. 431.

' 1)

A. Ghosal, D. C h a t t o p a d h y a y , and N. N. P u r k a i t High-Frequency Electron Transport in Ga^In, _ ^As^P, _ y Lattice-Matched to InP (a) Vol. 73, No. 1, p. K 1 1 9 - K 1 2 2 (1982). See also 22.2.4, p. 431. V. Ya. P r o k h o r e n k o , B. I. Sokolovskii, V. A. A l e k s e e v , A. S. Basin, S. V. S t a n k u s , and V. M. Sklyarchuk *The Semiconductor-Metal Transition in Liquid Tellurium (b) Vol. 113, No. 2, p. 4 5 3 - 4 5 8 (1982). See also 2, p. 52; 15, p. 247; 22.1.3, p. 417. V.-L. B o n c h - B r t t e v i c h and To Thi B i c h N g u y e t *On the Theory of the Conductivity of Disordered Semiconductors (b) Vol. 113, No. 2, p. 4 6 7 - 4 6 9 (1982). See also 2, p. 52; 13, p. 145; 22, p. 390. V. L. B o n c h - B r u e v i c h *On the Problem of a Power-Law Localization of Charge Carriers in a Two-Dimensional Disordered Semiconductor (b) Vol. 113, No. 2, p. 4 9 3 - 4 9 6 (1982). See also 2, p. 52; 13, p. 145; 22, p. 390. H. H e d l e r , W. A n d r a , and G. Gotz Activation of High As and Sb Concentrations in Silicon by Laser Irradiation (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. 3 3 3 - 3 3 8 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 22; II, p. 126; 22.1.2, p. 413. M. J a x u s z c z y k , J. P i e t r z a k , and A. S t e c k i *Electrical Conductivity of Fe(PY) 3 Cl 3 • PY Complex Single Crystals near the Structural Phase Transition (a) Vol. 78, No. 2, p. K 1 8 5 - K 1 8 8 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 22; 22.9, p. 507. H. H o r a k , P. L o s t a k , L. Siska, and M. S t o r d e u r •The Nature of Silver Impurity Atoms in Antimony Telluride (b) Vol. 114, No. 1, p. 3 9 - 4 5 (1982). See also 13.1, p. 155; 15, p. 248; 20.1, p. 314; 22.7, p. 479.


14.3 Semiconductors V . L . BONCH-BRTTEVICH a n d T o T H I B I C H N G U Y E T

*Low Temperature Conductivity and Optical Transitions of a Two-Dimensional Disordered Semiconductor under Weak Localization Conditions (b) Vol. 114, No. 1, p. 6 7 - 7 1 (1982). See also 2, p. 53; 20.1, p. 314; 22, p. 391. G . M . SHMELEV, G . I . TSURKAN, a n d N G U E N HONG SCHON

*Photo-Hall Effect in Longitudinal Magnetic Field (b) Vol. 114, No. 1, p. K 4 1 - K 4 5 (1982). J . AUTH, U . HENNIGER, a n d R .


*0n the Formulation of Transport Equations in Semiconductors with Smooth Macroscopic Inhomogeneity (b) Vol. 114, No. 1, p. K 7 5 - K 7 8 (1982). See also 22, p. 391. E.

and L . KovÂcs •Electrical Conductivity of Paratellurite (TeO„) Crystals (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. 5 9 - 6 4 (1982). See also 16, p. 253; 22.6, p. 475.



The Effect of Dislocations on the Radiation Defect Annealing Processes in Silicon (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. 1 1 3 - 1 2 2 (1982). See also 10.2, p. 116; 11, p. 127; 13.4, p. 176; 22.1.2, p. 414. L . G . K H V O S T A N T S E V , V . A . SIDOROV, L . E . S H E L I M O V A , a n d N . K H . A B R I K O S O V

*Phase Transitions in GeTe at Hydrostatic Pressure up to 9.3 GPa (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. 1 8 5 - 1 9 2 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 23; 12.2, p. 138; 22.7, p. 480. M. N . KHAN a n d E . E .


*The Electrical and Optical Properties of Glasses of the Li 2 0-Ge0, and Na 2 0-Ge0 2 Systems (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. 2 7 3 - 2 7 7 (1982). See also 2, p. 54; 20.1, p. 314; 22.6.1, p. 478. D . MERGEL a n d R .


Variable Reconstruction of Dislocation Cores in Si (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. 5 4 5 - 5 5 1 (1982). See also 10.2, p. 117; 13.4, p. 177; 16, p. 254; 22.1.2, p. 415. M . I . AUSLENDER, N . G . B E B E N I N , a n d V . P . KALASHNIKOV

The Asymptotics of the Electron Density of States in the s-f Exchange Model for Ferromagnetic Semiconductors near Ta (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. K 1 4 7 - K 1 5 2 (1982). See also 13, p. 147; 18.2, p. 274. E . LITWIN-STASZEWSKA, L . KONCZEWICZ, R . PIOTRZKOWSKI, a n d W .


*0n the Deep Impurity Level in n-InSb (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. K 1 5 3 - K 1 5 6 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 177; 22.2.3, p. 429. A . OZA

*Electrical Resistivity of a-Cyclodextrin KI-I., • 4 H„0 Crystals (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. K 1 7 1 - K 1 7 6 (1982). See also 22.9, p. 508. 14*

Subject In dex

212 P . F . LUGAKOV, T . A . LUKASHEVICH, a n d V . V. SHUSHA

* Nature of the Defect Determining the Fermi Level Stabilization in Irradiated Silicon (a) Vol. 74, No. 2, p. 4 4 5 - 4 5 2 (1982). See also 11, p. 128; 13.4, p. 177; 22.1.2, p. 416. L . KOMOKOWSKI, A . CHYLA, a n d R . KOWAL

Phase Transitions in n-Alkyltriphenylphosphonium Tetracyanoquinodimethanides (a) Vol. 74, No. 2. p. 4 5 3 - 4 5 7 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 23; 8. p. 90; 19, p. 291; 22.9, p. 508. A . I . ÖPIK a n d J . A . VARVAS

* Defect Structure of C'u-Doped Cadmium Selcnide (a) Vol. 74, No. 2, p. 4 6 7 - 4 7 3 (1982). See also 10.2, p. 117; 22.4.2, p. 444. A . WADAS

*Phenomenological Description of the Magnctoelcctric Effect. Application to Yttrium-Iron Garnet (a) Vol. 74, No. 2, p. 6 9 7 - 7 0 4 (1982). See also 18, p. 264; 22.8.2, p. 502. K . R . ALLAHKVERDIEV, SH. G. GASYMOV, a n d E . Y C . SALAEV

•Effect of Pressure on the Electrical Conductivity and Hall Effect of Thallium Selenide (a) Vol. 74, No. 2, p. K 1 4 1 - K 1 4 5 (1982). See also 12.2, p. 138; 22, p. 392.

14.3.1 Films


14.3.1 Films Review


R . MACH a n d G . O . MÜLLER

Physical Concepts of High-Field, Thin-Film Electroluminescence Devices (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. 1 1 - 6 6 (1982). See also 14.3.3, p. 219; 20.3, p. 318; 22.4.1, p. 439; 22.4.2, p. 442. Z. M. JARZ^BSKI

•Preparation and Physical Properties of Transparent Conducting Oxide Films (a) Vol. 71, No. 1, p. 1 3 - 4 1 (1982). See also 1.5, p. 38; 3, p. 57; 13.1, p. 148; 20.1, p. 298; 22.6, p. 468; 22.6.1, p. 477. Original


and Short


J . SZCZYRBOWSKI, A . D I E T R I C H , a n d H .


Optical Properties of RF-Sputtered Indium Oxide Films (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. 2 1 7 - 2 2 6 (1982). See also 20.1, p. 299; 22.6, p. 468. S . A H M E D a n d D . SIGURD

*Electrical Properties of Glow Discharge a-Si:H Thin Films Prepared with a R F Plasma Etch Unit (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. 3 0 5 - 3 1 4 (1982). See also 2, p. 45; 22.1.2, p. 400. V . M . RUBINOV a n d M . TUYCHIEV

i n v e s t i g a t i o n of the Current Characteristics of Thin-Film Structures Based on G a P under the Action of an Electron Beam (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. K 1 1 3 - K 1 1 6 (1982). See also 11, p. 118; 22.2.2, p. 424. A . V . DVUBECHENSKII a n d I . A . RYAZAKTSEV

•Substitutional Doping of Vacuum-Evaporated Amorphous Silicon by Ion Implantation (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. K 1 1 7 - K 1 2 0 (1982). See also 2, p. 46; 11, p. 118; 22.1.2, p. 401. C . G U N K E L , D . SCHALCH, a n d A . SCHABMANN

•Electron Beam Induced Leakage Currents in Silicon Nitride Thin Films (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. K 1 3 1 - K 1 3 4 (1982). See also 11, p. 118; 22, p. 383. C . M . VODENICHAROV, A . A . STANCHEV, a n d S . G . CHRISTOV

*A New Method for Determination of the Metal-Insulator (Semiconductor) Work Function by Photoelectric Measurements (a) Vol. 69, No. 2, p. 5 4 1 - 5 4 6 (1982). See also 14.3.3, p. 219; 16, p. 250; 22, p. 384. J . PICHON, J . S A L A R D E N N E , a n d A . S . B A R R I E R E

*Study of Electronic Localized States Responsible of the Polarization of FeF 3 Thin Films (a) Vol. 69, No. 2, p. 6 9 9 - 7 0 6 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 165; 14.3.3, p. 220; 21.1.1, p. 359.

Subject Index

214 J . CALAS, C. FAU, J . R . VELLAS, e t M . ROYER

•Effet Shubnikov-de-Haas dans les couches epitaxiees HgCdTe de type E D R I (Shubnikov-de-Haas Effect in EDRI-Type Epitaxial HgCdTe Thin Films) (a) Vol. 69, No. 2, p. 7 5 1 - 7 5 6 (1982). See also 13.1, p. 149; 22.4.4, p. 447. K . WEBEK, M . GRUNEWALD, W . FUHS, a n d P . THOMAS

* Field Effect in a-Si: H Films. Influence of Annealing and Light Exposure (b) Vol. 110, No. 1, p. 1 3 3 - 1 4 2 (1982). See also 2, p. 46; 13.4, p. 165; 22.1.2, p. 403. J . KOÖKA, J . STUCHLIK, 0 . STIKA, M . LÄZNIÖKA, O . RENNER, a n d E . KBOUSKY

•Physical Properties of a-Si:H Prepared at about 1 Torr (a) Vol. 70, No. 1, p. 9 3 - 9 9 (1982). See also 2, p. 47; 20.1, p. 302; 22.1.2, p. 403. Y u . S . BTTLYSHEV, I . M . KASHIRSKII, V . V . SINITSKII, G . F . MYATCHINA, T . G . ERMAKOVA, a n d V . A . LOPYREV

* Trapping Centres in Poly-l-Vinyl-l,2,4-Triazole (a) Vol. 70, No. 1, p. 1 3 9 - 1 4 3 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 166 ; 22.9, p. 504. H . TAGUCHI

•Effect of CO Adsorption on (Lai_xSr a )Fe0 3 (0 Hexagonal Ferrites (a) Vol. 73, No. 2. p. K 1 9 3 - K 1 9 7 (1982). See also 5, p. 68; 22.8.2, p. 501.

j.02T and BaZruFcig - tS(:XO.,7

M . MATLAK, A . R A M A K A X T H , a n d K . SKROBIS

Thermodynamic Properties of the s-f Model (Spin 7/2, Atomic Limit) (b) Vol. 114, No. 1, p. 1 4 5 - 1 5 0 (1982). See also 13, p. 146. E . Z . IMAMOV a n d V . D . K R E V C H I K

*On t h e Diamagnetism of Deep Impurities in Quantized Semiconductor Films (b) Vol. 114, No. 1, p. 2 0 1 - 2 0 7 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 176; 22, p. 391 J . SIVARDIÈRE

*Magnetism in 8 = 3/2 Ising Systems: A Simple Model for a Tetra critical Point (b) Vol. 114, No. 1, p. K 1 5 - K 1 9 (1982). A . S . T . P I R E S , N . P . SILVA, a n d B . J . O . FRANCO

*A Linear Chain Approximation to the Ising Model with Competing Interactions (b) Vol. 114, No. 1, p. K 6 3 - K 6 6 (1982). C. RUDOWICZ

*Comment on Energy of Magnetic Anisotropy (b) Vol. 114, No. 1, p. K 7 9 - K 8 1 (1982). See also 13, p. 146. G . A . P E T R A K O V S K I I , A . G . R L I M E N K O , F . S . R A K H M E N K U L O V , a n d A . V . BAKANOV

*Specific H e a t and Low Field Magnetic Properties of Co (Si _ T Sc :r )., (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. K 3 1 - K 3 5 (1982). See also 8, p. 89; 21.1, p. 357.


Subject I n d e s

A . TWARDOWSKI a n d J .


The Influence of Exchange Spin Splitting on Exciton in C d i _ I M n x T e Mixed Crystals (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. 3 3 1 - 3 3 6 (1982). See also 13.5.1, p. 185; 20.1, p. 315; 22.4.4, p. 449. G . HEBEK, D . ¿YMIEBSKA, a n d H .


* Dynamics of Two-Spin Cluster in Spin Glass (III) : Magnetization Process a t Finite, b u t Low Temperature (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. 5 7 1 - 5 8 0 (1982). See also 13, p. 147 ; 22.8, p. 491. A . FREUDEKHAMMER a n d C. H E B E R

*Nonlinear Dynamics of a Coupled Pair of Spins (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. K 1 2 5 - K 1 3 0 (1982). See also 13, p. 147. M. Httq * Magnetic Anisotropy in GdCo 2 Compound (a) Vol. 74, No. 2, p. 6 6 7 - 6 7 2 (1982). See also 21.1, p. 358; 21.4, p. 372. A . WADAS

*Phenomenological Description of the Magnetoelectric Effect. Application to Y t t r i u m - I r o n Garnet (a) Vol. 74, No. 2, p. 6 9 7 - 7 0 4 (1982). See also 14.3, p. 212; 22.8.2, p. 502. P . K . PONOMAREV

*On the Second Magnetic Phase Transition in Gadolinium (a) Vol. 74, No. 2, p. K 1 6 5 - K 1 6 8 (1982). See also 21.4, p. 372.


18.1 Paramagnetic Properties

18.1 Paramagnetic Properties Original


and Short


M . V . M E D V E D E V a n d M . V . SADOVSKII

*Random Bond Ising Model in Self-Avoiding Walk Approximation (b) Vol. 109, No. 1, p. 4 9 - 5 7 (1982). See also 18.2, p. 267; 18.4, p. 279. S . K . MISRA a n d P . MIKOLAJCZAK

*EPR Linewidth Studies of Gd:! + -Doped Yb x Yi_ £ C] 3 • 6 H , 0 Single Crystals. Y b 3 t SpinLattice Relaxation Times (b) Vol. 109, No. 1, p. 5 9 - 6 6 (1982). See also 19, p. 282; 22.8, p. 481.



*On the Susceptibility of the Periodic Anderson Model (b) Vol. 109, No. 1, p. 2 1 7 - 2 2 2 (1982). See also 13, p. 139; 21, p. 330. S . FAKIOGLU

Renormalization Group and Critical Exponent for Two-Dimensional Ising Ferromagnet with Long-Range Interaction (b) Vol. 109, No. 1, p. K 6 3 - K 6 8 (1982). See also 18.2, p. 267. A . APOSTOLOV, H . H R I S T O V , T . M I D L A G , M . M I K H O V , a n d V . S K U M R I E V

*The Bulk Amorphous Alloy Tb4Co3 — An Example for a System with a Transition to a "'Spin-Glass Like" State (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. K 7 - K 1 0 (1982). See also 2, p. 46; 18.2, p. 267; 21.2, p. 344 21.4, p. 369. M . V . M E D V E D E V a n d M . V . SADOVSKII

* Random Site Ising Model in Self-Avoiding Walk Approximation (b) Vol. 109, No. 2, p. 4 4 9 - 4 5 6 (1982). See also 18.2, p. 267; 18.4, p. 279. A . R . MCGURN a n d R . A. TAHLR-KHELI

* Baxter-Wu Model with Random Bonds (b) Vol. 109, No. 2, p. K 1 0 3 - K 1 0 7 (1982). See also 18.2, p. 268; 18.4, p. 279. E . KOLLEY a n d W .


*On Random Itinerant Ferromagnets in the Percolation Limit (b) Vol. 110, No. 1, p. K 6 3 - K 6 7 (1982). See also 18.2, p. 269; 21, p. 333. K . N . SHRIVASTAVA

Second- and Third-Order Processes in the Theory of Spin-Lattice Relaxation (b) Vol. I l l , No. 1, p. 7 7 - 8 2 (1982). See also 6, p. 73; 13, p. 142; 19, p. 286.


Subject Index

S. K. Misba, P. Mikolajczak, and M. .Talochowski Host-Lattice Effects in the EPR Spectra of Gd s + "Doped Hydra ted Single Crystals of RareEarth Chlorides, Nitrates, and Sulphates (b) Vol. I l l , No. 1, p. 2 2 7 - 2 3 4 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 168; 19, p. 286-, 22.8, p. 484. A . A n D B E E F F , T h . Featjenheim, E. A . Gokemyohki^, H . Griessmantt, B . Lippold, O. D. Chistyakov, and E. M. Savitskii Crystal Field in the Laves Phase Compound PrNi, (b) Vol. I l l , No. 2, p. 5 0 7 - 5 1 2 (1982). See also 1, p. 10; 8, p. 87; 13.4, p. 169; 15, p. 246; 21.1, p. 349; 21.4, p. 370.



A. Blaise, J . M. Fourkiee, and D. Damien Magnetic Properties of Plutonium Diantimonides (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. K 1 4 7 - K 1 4 8 (1982). See also 18.4, p. 280-, 21.5, p. 373; 21.7, p. 380 A. d e l Moral, J. F. D. Montenegeo, J . S. A b e l l , and M. R. Ibarra *On the Magnetization and Magnetostriction of ErZn (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. 3 5 3 - 3 6 0 (1982). See also 12.1, p. 132; 18.2, p. 271; 21.1, p. 351 ; 21.4, p. 371. J. K o s t i s e k , H. Markum, and H. Ratjoh •Magnetic Relaxation of Ideal Superparamagnets Studied by Monte-Carlo Simulation (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p. 4 1 7 - 4 2 1 (1982). E. Buezo, D. Seitabla, and M. Chipaeä *Magnetic Properties and Resonance Study of Gd(Coa;Ali - x ) 3 Compounds (b) Vol. 113, No. 1, p. 8 7 - 9 2 (1982). See also 18.3. p. 277; 19, p. 289; 21, p. 338; 21.1, p. 352; 21.4, p. 371. A. S. Litovchenko, A. V. Brodovoi, and A. A. Melkikov Study of the Temperature Dependences of Magnetic Susceptibilities and 'Li NMR Spectra of Ferriferrous Micas (a) Vol. 73, No. 1. p. K 7 9 - K 8 2 (1982). See also 19, p. 289; 22.8.1, p. 497. C. Miyake, H. Takeuchi, H. Ohya-Nishigttchi, and S. Imoto *Electron Spin Resonance and Magnetic Susceptibility of M- U - 0 Ternary Mixed Oxides (I): Anomalies of Electron Spin Resonance and Magnetic Susceptibility of Li2K—5ÜOn (n -- 3, 4, and 6) (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. 1 7 3 - 1 8 0 (1982). See also 18.4, p. 281; 19, p. 290; 22.6.1, p. 477. J. Ulner Temperature and Magnetic Field Dependence of a iransversal Sound Velocity in the Tetragonal Paramagnet with Total Angular Momentum J = 1 (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. 7 3 5 - 7 3 9 (1982). See also 7, p. 83.


18.2 Ferromagnetic Properties

18.2 Ferromagnetic Properties Original


and Short


M . V*. M E D V E D E V a n d M . V . SADOVSKII

R a n d o m Bond Ising Model in Self-Avoiding Walk Approximation (b) Vol. 109, No. 1, p. 4 9 - 5 7 (1982). See also 18.1, p. 265; 18.4, p. 279. A . BOBÄK

* Effect of Fluctuations of the Coordination Number on Some Properties of Amorphous F e i i o magnets (b) Vol. 109, No. 1, p. 1 6 1 - 1 6 6 (1982). See also 2, •p. 45. B.


*Infinite Bange Ising Models with a Tricritical Point (b) Vol. 109, No. 1, p. 4 2 3 - 4 2 8 (1982). A.


*Spin Correlation Function in Nickel (b) Vol. 109, No. 1, p. K 5 9 - K 6 1 (1982). See also 21.1, p. 343. S . FAKIOGLTT

*Renormalization Group and Critical Exponent for Two-Dimensional Ising Ferromagnet with Long-Range Interaction (b) Vol. 109, No. 1, p. K 6 3 - K 6 8 (1982). See also 18.1, p. 265. H . J . B L Y T H E , F . WALZ, a n d H . KRONMULLER

i n v e s t i g a t i o n of t h e Magnetic Aftereffect in Dilute F e - N i Alloys after Low-Temperature Neutron Irradiation (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. 2 3 7 - 2 4 8 (1982). See also 10.1, p. 96; 11, p. 118; 21.1, p. 344; 21.1.1, p. 359. A . APOSTOLOV, I I . H R I S T O V , T . M I D L A G , M . M I K H O V , a n d V . S K U M R I E V

The Bulk Amorphous Alloy Tb 4 Co 3 — An Example for a System with a Transition to a "Spin-Glass Like" State (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. K 7 - K 1 0 (1982). See also 2, p. 46; 18.1, p. 265; 21.1, p. 344; 21.4, p. 369. H . J . B L Y T H E , F . DWORSCHAK, I . M . RICHARDSON, a n d F . W A L Z

*Magnetic Relaxation Spectra of Some Dilute Binary Iron-Based Alloys after Low-Temperature Electron Irradiation (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. K 9 7 - K 1 0 1 (1982). See also 10.1, p. 96; 11, p. 118; 21.1.1, p. 359. M . V . M E D V E D E V a n d M . V . SADOVSKII

R a n d o m Site Ising Model in Self-Avoiding Walk Approximation (b) Vol. 109, No. 2, p. 4 4 9 - 4 5 6 (1982). See also 18.1, p. 265; 18.4, p. 279.

Subject Index

268 R . MEYER a n d H .


•Micromagnetic Theory of Phase Transitions in Inhomogeneous Perromagnets (V): Magnetic Phase Transition of Amorphous Fe10Ni70B16P4 (b) Vol. 109, No. 2, p. 6 9 3 - 7 0 3 (1982). Erratum (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. 741 (1982). See also 21.1, p. 344. M . V . M E D V E D E V a n d A . V . ZABOROV

•Magnetic States of a Quenched Random Site Heisenberg Magnet with Competitive Exchange Interactions (I): High-Temperature Magnetic States in Simple and Body-Centered Cubic Lattice (b) Vol. 109, No. 2, p. 7 7 3 - 7 8 4 (1982). See also 18.4, p. 279. H . COFTA a n d Z . ONYSZKIEWICZ

•A Simple Spin Model of Spontaneous Metamagnetism (b) Vol. 109, No. 2, p. K 9 3 - K 9 6 (1982). See also 18.4, p. 279. A. R . MCGURN a n d R . A.


Baxter-Wu Model with Random Bonds (b) Vol. 109, No. 2, p. K 1 0 3 - K 1 0 7 (1982). See also 18.1, p. 265; 18.4, p. 279. A . BAXDYOPADHYAY, S. B . PATIL, D . K . CHAKRABARTY, a n d C .


•Magnetic Clusters in Some Barium Lanthanide Cobaltates (a) Vol. 69, No. 2, p. 4 4 1 - 4 4 5 (1982). See also 22.8.1, p. 492. H . J . B L Y T H E , F . WALZ, I . M . RICHARDSON, a n d P .


•Low Temperature Magnetic Relaxation in a Dilute Iron-Silicon Alloy after Electron Irradiation at 44 K (a) Vol. 69, No. 2, p. 5 6 3 - 5 6 7 (1982). See also 11, p. 119 ; 21.1.1, p. 359. T . KAÏTAIZUKA

•Interpretation of Môssbauer Spectra of p-FeB and Its Low Temperature Modification, a-FeB (a) Vol. 69, No. 2, p. 7 3 9 - 7 4 4 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 15; 5, p. 66; 21.1.1, p. 359. H.


The Y Transferred Hyperfine Fields in Y.,(Coi - ,xMnx)17 Compounds (a) Vol. 69, No. 2, p. K 2 1 9 - K 2 2 1 (1982)." See also 19, p. 284; 21, p. 332; 21.1, p. 345. L . P A L E R M O a n d X . A . DA S I L V A

•Induced Magnetism in a System Consisting of van Vleck Ions Coupled to an Electron Gas in the Narrow Band Limit (b) Vol. 110, No. 1, p. 3 0 7 - 3 1 1 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 165; 21.4, p. 370.

18.2 Ferromagnetic Properties



On the Density of States of a Broad-Band Ferromagnetic Semiconductor at T 2: Tc (b) Vol. 110, No. 1, p. 3 6 9 - 3 7 7 (1982). See also 13, p. 141; 22, p. 384.

E . K O I X E Y a n d W . KOLLEY

*On Random Itinerant Ferromagnets in the Percolation Limit (b) Vol. 110, No. 1, K 6 3 - K 6 7 (1982). See also 18.1, p. 265; 21, p. 333. S. PARVIANEN a n d M . LEHTINEN

* Magnetic Contribution to the Thermal Expansion in Some SiFo x Coi-. c Alloys (a) Vol. 70, No. 1, p. 7 9 - 8 5 (1982). See also 8, p. 86; 21.1, p. 346; 21.1.1, p. 360. H . KIDO, M . SHIMADA, a n d M . KOIZUMI

*Synthesis and Magnetic Properties of GdCoSi and GdMnSi ( a ) V o l . 7 0 , N o . 1, p . K 2 3 - K 2 6 (1982).

See also 1.3, p. 27; 21.1, p. 346; 21.4, p. 370. M . V . MEDVEDEV a n d A . V . ZABOROV

* Magnetic States of a Quenched Random Site Heisenberg Magnet with Competitive Exchange Interactions (II): Magnetic States with Partial Spin-Glass Freezing in Simple and BodyCentered Cubic Lattices (b) V o l . 1 1 0 , N o . 2 , p . 3 8 7 - 3 9 7 (1982).

See also 18.4, p. 279. Y . J . WANG a n d H . KRONMÜLLER

*The Influence of the Surface Conditions on the Magnetic Properties in Amorphous Alloys Fe40Ni10B20 and Co 58 Nii 0 Fe 5 Si n B, 6 (a) V o l . 70, N o . 2 , p . 4 1 5 - 4 2 1 ( 1 9 8 2 ) .

See also 1.6, p. 4 2 ; 21.1, p. 347; 21.1.1, p. 360. X . Z . DONG a n d H . KRONMÜLLEK

*Magnetic Domain Structure of Some Nearly Non-Magnetostrictive Amorphous Alloys under Elastic Stresses (a) V o l . 70, N o . 2 , p . 4 5 1 - 4 6 2 ( 1 9 8 2 ) .

See also 21.1, p. 347; 21.1.1, p. 360. J . D . LIVINGSTON

*Magnetomechanical Properties of Amorphous Metals (a) V o l . 70, N o . 2, p . 5 9 1 - 5 9 6 ( 1 9 8 2 ) .

See also 2, p. 47; 12.1, p. 131; 21, p. 334. O . N . AWASTHI a n d B . K . BASU

On Magnetoelastic Dispersion in a Nickel Single Crystal (a) V o l . 70, N o . 2, p . 7 1 3 - 7 1 7 ( 1 9 8 2 ) .

See also 7, p. 82; 21.1, p. 347. A . V . ANDREEV, A . V . DERYAGIN, a n d S . M . ZADVORKIN

* Anomalies in the Thermal Expansion and Resistivity of NdCo 5 at the Spin-Reorientation Phase Transition (a) V o l . 70, N o . 2 , p . K 1 1 3 - K 1 1 5 (1982).

See also 14.1, p. 194; 21.1, p. 348.


Subject Index


*Solid Solutions in the (Fex.22Sb)i_a;(Fei,6sSn)x System (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. K 1 4 1 - K 1 4 3 (1982). See also 1.3, p. 28; 21.1.1, p. 360. V . XARASIMHAN, K . SESHAN, D . K . CHAKRABARTY, a n d H . Y .


* Magnetic Properties of the LaCo0 3 -LaMn0 3 System (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. K 1 5 5 - K 1 5 7 (1982). See also 22.8.1, p. 494. I . Z. RAHMAN, D . MELVILLE, a n d W . I . K H A N

*Y-Co Alloys: Magnetic Identification of a Y6Co18 Phase (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. K 1 7 5 - K 1 7 9 (1982). See also 1.3, p. 28; 21.1, p. 348; 21.4, p. 370. S . KATSURA, S . F U J I K I , T . SUENAGA, a n d I . NAGAHARA

*Spin Glass andSuperantiferromagnet in the Site Diluted Ising Model on the Frustrated Square and F.C.C. Lattices with First- and Second Neighbor Interactions (b) Vol. I l l , No. 1, p. 8 3 - 8 8 (1982). See also 18.4, p. 280; 22.4.4, p. 447. B . G . S . DOMAN

*Indirect Exchange Interaction in Thin Films of Hgi—^Mn^Te (b) Vol. I l l , No. 1, p. K 4 3 - K 4 4 (1982). See also 22.4.4, p. 448. G . L . W H I T T L E , S . J . CAMPBELL, a n d A . M . STEWART

A Mossbauer Study of the Magnetic Hyperfine Field Distribution in the Amorphous Alloy Fe32Ni36Cr14P12B6 (a) Vol. 71, No. 1, p. 2 4 5 - 2 5 1 (1982). See also 2, p. 48; 5, p. 67; 21.1, p. 349; 21.1.1, p. 361. K . SCHRODER a n d D . ONENGUT

*Effect of Stress Waves on the Magnetization of Magnesiowiistite with Magnesioferrite Precipitates (a) Vol. 71, No. 1, p. K 9 3 - K 9 7 (1982). See also 21.1, p. 349; 21.7, p. 379. H . MATSUI a n d M . TAMAKI

Electrical Resistivity of P-U,N„ (a) Vol. 71, No. 1, p. K121 —K125 (1982). See also 14.1, p. 195; 21.5, p. 373. T . G . PETROVA

*Electron-Magnon Impurity States in the Energetic Spectrum of the Ferromagnetic Semiconductor (b) Vol. I l l , No. 2, p. K 1 4 1 - K 1 4 5 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 170; 13.5.4, p. 189; 22, p. 387. A . SIKORA a n d B . M A K I E J

*On the Occurence of a Directional Asymmetry of the Critical Current in Type I Superconductor Containing Ferromagnetic Particles (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. K 1 9 7 - K 2 0 0 (1982). See also 14.2, p. 200; 21, p. 335.

18.2 F e r r o m a g n e t i c P r o p e r t i e s


A . V . A N D R E E V , E . N . TARASOV, A . V . D E R Y A G I N , a n d S . M . Z A D V O R K I N

*Influence of S y m m e t r y of t h e Crystalline S t r u c t u r e on t h e Magnetic Anisotropy of Tb 2 Co, (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. K 2 4 5 - K 2 4 7 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 19; 1.3, p. 2 9 ; 21.1, p. 349; 21.4, p. 371. YTT. A . I Z Y U M O V a n d V . M . L A P T E V

Soliton Magnetoelastic E x c i t a t i o n in t h e Heisenberg F e r r o m a g n e t i c Chain (b) Vol. 112, No. 1, p. 1 5 5 - 1 5 9 (1982). See also 13.5.4, p. 189. S. K .


*Cluster Variational T r e a t m e n t of an Anisotropic Heisenberg M a g n e t (b) Vol. 112, No. 1, p. K 3 5 - K 3 8 (1982). B . KUHLOW

Magnetic Ordering in CrCl 3 a t t h e P h a s e Transition (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. 1 6 1 - 1 6 8 (1982). See also 18.4, p. 280; 20, p. 296; 22.5, p. 451. H . MEHREK, G . F L I K , J . HROVÄTH, a n d H .


*Crystallization a n d Aging E f f e c t s in Some A m o r p h o u s F e r r o m a g n e t s (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. 2 1 5 - 2 2 3 (1982). See also 2, p. 50; 21.1, p. 350; 21.1.1, p. 361. A . DEL MORAL, J . F . D . MONTENEGRO, J . S . A B E L L , a n d M . R . IBARRA

On t h e Magnetization a n d Magnetostriction of E r Z n (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. 3 5 3 - 3 6 0 (1982). See also 12.1, p. 132; 18.1, p. 266; 21.1, p. 351; 21.4, p. 371. S. PARVIAINEN

*Magnetic Contribution t o t h e T h e r m a l E x p a n s i o n of TiFeo.oCoo.s (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. K 1 4 1 - K 1 4 4 (1982). See also 8, p. 88; 21.1, p. 352; 21.1.1, p. 361. 0 . S . KOLOTOV, V . A . P O G O Z H E V , R . V . T E L E S N I N , G . V . S M I R N O V , Y U . V . S H V Y D K O , S . K A D E C K O V A , M . KOTBBOVA, a n d J . NOVAK

*Pulse Magnetization Reversal in F e B 0 3 Crystals (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. K 1 9 7 - K 2 0 1 (1982). See also 3, p. 58; 22.8.1, p. 496. V. V. DYAKIN a n d B . V . KARPENKO

*On t h e T h e o r y of a Heisenberg I m p u r i t y F e r r o m a g n e t (b) Vol. 113, No. 1, p. 5 1 - 5 8 (1982). P . R . SILVA a n d F . C . S I


*Transition T e m p e r a t u r e for E f f e c t i v e Field Ising S y s t e m s (b) Vol. 118, No. 1, p. 6 7 - 7 2 (1982). A . I . M I T S E K , D . I . SIROTA, a n d N . P . KOLMAKOVA

On t h e T h e o r y of Acoustic P r o p e r t i e s of M a n y - D o m a i n F e r r o m a g n e t s (b) Vol. 113, No. 1, p. 7 9 - 8 6 (1982). See also 7, p. 83; 18.4, p. 280.

Subject Index



Specific H e a t Anomaly Connected with a High-Spin-Low-Spin Transition in Metallic MnAsi-zPj; (b) Vol. 113, No. 1, p. 1 8 5 - 1 9 5 (1982). See also 8, p. 88; 21.1, p. 352. D . SENDOREK, M . LUBECKA, a n d A . WJJGRZYN

•Carrier Mobility in E u O (b) Vol. 113, No. 1, p. K 1 9 - K 2 2 (1982). See also 14.3, p. 209; 22.6, p. 473. A . A . S. BRITO

Low-Temperature Properties of an Anisotropic Heisenberg Ferromagnet (b) Vol. 113, No. 1, p. K 3 5 - K 3 8 (1982). C . R . BROOKS, P . J . MESCHTER, a n d T . G . K O L L I E

The Magnetic H e a t Capacity of the Configurationally Disordered Ni-25 at",', Fe Alloy (a) Vol. 73, No. 1, p. 1 8 9 - 1 9 8 (1982). See also 8, p. 88; 12.1, p. 132; 14.1, p. 197; 21.1, p. 353; 21.1.1, p. 362. A . V . A N D R E E V , A . V . D E R Y A G I N , V . N . MOSKALEV, a n d N . V . MUSHNIKOV

On Crystalline Structure of Hydrides of ErFe 2 a n d H b F e , (a) Vol. 73, No. 1, p. K 6 9 - K 7 1 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 21; 1.3, p. 30; 21.1.1, p. 362; 21.4, p. 371. P . D A Y , K . TURNER, D . VISSER, a n d T . E . WOOD

• N e u t r o n Diffraction and Magneto-Optical S t u d y of the Effect of Chloride Doping on the Incommensurate Magnetic Phase of NiBr, (b) Vol. 113, No. 2, p. 6 2 3 - 6 3 4 (1982)." See also 18.4, p. 281; 20.1, p. 312; 22.5, p. 452. G . S . K A N D A U R O V A , L . G . O N O P R I E N K O , a n d N . I . SOKOLOVSKAYA

*The Effect of Twin Microstructure on the Magnetic Properties of Alloys with CuAuI Superlattice Ordering (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. 3 5 1 - 3 6 0 (1982). See also 1.4, p. 36; 21.1, p. 355; 21.1.1, p. 362. A . CASTETS, D . GIGNOUX, J . C . GOMEZ-SAL, F . RODRIGUEZ-GONZALEZ, a n d E .


•Magnetic Properties a n d Structure of Tb 2 Pt (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. 4 7 5 - 4 8 1 (1982). See also 1, p. 10; 18.4, p. 281; 21.4, p. 371; 21.6, p. 378. A . E . G ELY AS I S a n d E . A . VASILEV

•Influence of Temperature on Structure and Properties of M n i + ^ S b i - ^ S n ^ Alloys (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. K 2 2 1 - K 2 2 4 (1982). See also 5, p. 68; 18.3, p. 277; 21, p. 341. Z . Z . A K S E L R O D , B . A . KOMISSAROVA, L . N . K R YUKOVA, A . A . O P A L E N K O , G . K . R Y A S N Y , a n d A . A . SOROKIN

•Pressure Dependence of the Hyperfine Magnetic Field a t pound (Zro.5Hfo.5)Fe, (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. K 2 9 9 - K 3 0 2 (1982). See also 21.1.1, p. 363.


Ta in the Intermetallic Com-

18.2 Ferromagnetic Properties H. J.



*Magnetic Disaccommodation in Ordered Ni 3 Fe Following Either Cold-Work or Low-Temperature Electron Irradiation (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. K 3 1 1 - K 3 1 5 (1982). See also 11, p. 127; 21.1, p. 356; 21.1.1, p. 363. J . R . FALEIRO F E R R E I R A a n d N . P . SILVA

*Extended Linear Chain Approximation to the Anisotropic Ferromagnetic Ising Model (b) Vol. 114, No. 1, p. 4 7 - 5 1 (1982). H . COÏT A a n d P . PAWLICKI

*The Model of Metamagnetic Phase Transition in Mn 3 GaC (b) Vol. 114, No. 1, p. 5 3 - 6 0 (1982). See also 18.4, p. 281 ; 22.8, p. 490. A . Z . MAKSYMOWICZ

*Curie Temperature and Short-Range Atomic Order in Amorphous Ferromagnets (b) Vol. 114, No. 1, p. 1 2 5 - 1 3 3 (1982). See also 2, p. 54. E . KOLLEY a n d W .


*On the Coexistence of Superconductivity and Itinerant Ferromagnetism (b) Vol. 114, No. 1, p. 1 3 5 - 1 4 4 (1982). See also 14.2, p. 201. P . R . SILVA a n d F . C . S I


• I n t e r n a l Energy a n d Short-Range Order in Ising Models (b) Vol. 114, No. 1, p. 2 2 7 - 2 3 3 (1982). L . I A N N A E E L L A , A . P . G U I M A B A E S , a n d X . A . DA S I L V A

*A Simple Model Approach to Localized-ltinerant Magnetism. Application to R a r e - E a r t h Intermetallics (b) Vol. 114, No. 1, p. 2 5 5 - 2 6 3 (1982). See also 21.4, p. 372. H . J . B L Y T H E , F . W A L Z , a n d F . DWORSCHAK

•Magnetic Relaxation in Dilute Iron-Nickel Alloys Following Low-Temperature Electron Irradiation (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. 1 8 1 - 1 8 4 (1982). See also 10.1, p. 101; 11, p. 128; 21.1, p. 356; 21.1.1, p. 363. J . DEGAUQTTE a n d B . A S T I E

•Evolution of t h e Configuration of Magnetic Domains Interacting with Structural Defects in High P u r i t y Iron (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. 2 0 1 - 2 1 0 (1982). See also 10.1, p. 101; 21.1.1, p. 363. R . A . JAGO, P . E . CLARK, a n d P . L . ROSSITER

The S a n t a Catharina Meteorite and the Equilibrium State of F e - N i Alloys (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. 2 4 7 - 2 5 4 (1982). See also 1.3, p. 31; 5, p. 68; 21.1, p. 356; 21.1.1, p. 363. 18

physica, Reg.-Bd. 15


Subject Index

L. Takacs, A. Vertes, and H. Leidheisee, Jr. Effect of Stresses on the Mossbauer Line-Intensities in Nickel Electrodeposits of [100] Texture (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. K 4 5 - K 4 8 (1982). See also 5, p. 69; 12.1, p. 133; 21.1, p. 357. M. JrRCZYK, B. Szymanski, A. Wrzeciono, and A. J. Janicki *Some Aspects of Magnetism in Amorphous Co90Zr10 Alloy (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. K 6 9 - K 7 2 (1982). See also 2, p. 54; 21.1, p. 357. J . A. Tuszynski and H. Cofta *On Thermodynamics of Spontaneous Metamagnetism (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. 359-364 (1982). See also 18.4, p. 281 ; 22.8, p. 491. A. Jezierski '"Influence of Clustering on the Spin Wave Stiffness Constant in Ni-Cu Alloys (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. 653-658 (1982). See also 21.1, p. 358. M. I. Atjslender, N. G. Bebejjust, and V. P. Kalashotkov *The Asymptotics of the Electron Density of States in the s-f Exchange Model for Ferromagnetic Semiconductors near Tc (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. K 1 4 7 - K 1 5 2 (1982). See also 13, p. 147; 14.3, p. 211. H. A. Brown *On the Curie Temperatures of Amorphous Ferromagnets (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. K189 —K194 (1982). See also 2, p. 55. T. H. O ' D e l l * Measurement of Magnetomechanical Coupling Factor in Amorphous Ribbons (a) Vol. 74, No. 2, p. 565-572 (1982). See also 2, p. 56; 12.2, p. 138; 22.8, p. 491. S. Tyagi *Relaxation in Amorphous Ferromagnets above the Curie Point (a) Vol. 74, No. 2, p. 655-660 (1982). See also 2, p. 56; 19, p. 292; 21.1, p. 358; 21.1.1, p. 364. A'. V. Kokorix and I. A. Osipenko * Phase Transition in Systems of Magnetic Moments of Ferromagnetic Inclusions (a) Vol. 74, No. 2, p. K 1 4 7 - K 1 5 0 (1982). See also 21.1, p. 358; 21.1.1, p. 364.


18.2.1 Ferromagnetic Films

18.2.1 Ferromagnetic Films Original


and Short


J . M . ALAMEDA a n d F . LÓPEZ

•Transverse Susceptibility and Structure Constant in Cobalt Thin Films (a) Vol. 69, No. 2, p. 7 5 7 - 7 6 5 (1982). See also 21.1, p. 344. A . DTJDA

* Resonance Spectrum of Elliptically Polarized Spin Waves in Thin Magnetic Films (b) Vol. I l l , No. 1, p. 3 0 3 - 3 1 0 (1982). See also 19, p. 286. J . A . MISIAK

•Low-Angle Electron Deflection Studies of Domain Wall Structure in Thin NiFe Films (a) Vol. 71, No. 1, p. 4 3 - 4 8 (1982). See also 21.1, p. 348; 21.1.1, p. 361. J . STRZESZEWSKI a n d K .


*Electron Microscopic Studies of Crystallization and Magnetic Domain Structure of Mn-Ga Thin Films (a) Vol. 73, No. 1, p. 3 1 - 3 6 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 20; 3, p. 59; 21.1, p. 353. V . I . M A I Y T J T I N , V . E . O s t J K H O V S K i i , Y U . D . V O R O B I E V , a n d A . S . ABRAMOV

*The Structure Constant and Micromagnetic Structure of Etched Ni 80 Fe, 0 Films (a) Vol. 73, No. 1, p. K 1 1 1 - K 1 1 4 (1982). See also 1.3, p. 30; 21.1, p. 354; 21.1.1, p. 362. V . SESHU BAI a n d K . V . S. RAMA RAO

•Ferromagnetic Resonance Investigations in MnSb] —jji) x Films (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. K 3 0 3 - K 3 0 5 (1982). See also 19, p. 290; 21, p. 341. W . KORNETA a n d Z. P Y T E L

*The Autocorrelation Time in Thin Ferromagnetic Film above Tq (b) Vol. 114, No. 1, p. K 8 3 - K 8 5 (1982). P . G O R N E R T , M . N E V R I V A , J . SIMSOVÂ , W . A N D R A , W . S C H U P P E L , P . S U M S Â I , a n d R . B C B Â K O V À

*Co Containing Garnet Films with Low Magnetization (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. 1 0 7 - 1 1 2 (1982). See also 1.5, p. 41; 22.8.2, p. 502.



Subject Index

18.3 Ferrimagnetie Properties Original


and Short


T . DTTCZMAL, S . P . KTTNSEVICH, Y . P . P A L E K H I N , a n d J . P I E T R Z A K

•Temperature Dependence of Magnetocrystalline Anisotropy Constant of BaC0.,Ti.,Fe 8 0, Single Crystals (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. K 1 2 5 - K 1 2 7 (1982). See also 19, p. 283; 22.8.2, p. 499. A . V . MTJBOMTSEV a n d E . A . R A I T M A N

•Relaxation of Complex Susceptibility of Ferrites in AC Magnetic Field (a) Vol. 70, No. 1, p. 2 9 - 3 4 (1982). See also 22.8.2, p. 499.

S . A . M Ä Z E N , M . A . A H M E D , a n d B . A . SABKAH

Thermal Studies on the Electrical Conduction Mechanism of CuFe.,0 (a) Vol. 70, No. 1, p. K 7 1 - K 7 5 (1982). See also 14.4, p. 235; 22.8.2, p. 499.


•Magnetic After-Effects in Single- and Poly-Crystalline Magnetite (b) Vol. 110, No. 2, p. 4 7 1 - 4 7 8 (1982). See also 22.6, p. 470. V . G . K L E P A R S K I I , I . P I N T E R , a n d G . SEREÖZÖ

•Temperature Dependence of the Damping Parameter on Moving Domain Walls in Ferrite Garnet Film (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. K 1 0 1 - K 1 0 6 (1982). See also 19, p. 286 ; 22.8.2, p. 500.

K . P . KOVAL, E . V . BABKIN, a n d V . G . P Y N K O

•Growth-Induced Anisotropy in Epitaxial Crystals of Y-Fe,0 3 (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. K 1 1 7 - K 1 2 0 (1982). See also 22.6, p. 471. P H . BAUER a n d J . M. GENIN

Dipolar Contribution and Quadrupole Effect in GdFe 2 (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. K 1 4 9 - K 1 5 2 (1982). See also 5, p. 67; 21.1.1, p. 361.

J . JANICKT, J . P L E T R Z A K , A . P O R ^ B S K A , a n d J . S U W A L S K I

•Mossbauer Study of Copper Ferrites (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. 9 5 - 9 8 (1982). See also 5, p. 67; 22.8.2, p. 500. M . WURLITZER

•Photomagnetic Effect in YIG(Fe 2 + ) (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. 1 6 9 - 1 7 6 (1982). See also 20, p. 296 ; 22.8.2, p. 500.

18.3 Ferrimagnetic Properties


A . S . P A B S H I N a n d N . S . CHISTYAKOV

•Spin Wave Resonance in Thin Monocrystalline Iron-Manganese Ferrite Films (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p. K 8 9 - K 9 2 (1982). See also 22.8.2, p. 501. Z . DRZAZGA a n d T . M Y D L A E Z

•Magnetic Properties of the 3d Metal-Rich HoCo5 Compounds (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. 7 7 1 - 7 7 6 (1982). See also 21.1, p. 352; 21.4, p. 371. E . BTJRZO, D . S E I T A B L A , a n d M . C H I P A R A

•Magnetic Properties and Resonance Study of Gd(Co;cAli_a;)3 Compounds (b) Vol. 113, No. 1, p. 8 7 - 9 2 (1982). See also 18.1, p. 266; 19, p. 289; 21, p. 338; 21.1, p. 352; 21.4, p. 371. K . T A K A D A a n d K . GOTO

*A Numerical Explanation for a Relation of the Domain Width to the Thickness in Barium Ferrite Crystals (a) Vol. 73, No. 1, p. 2 0 9 - 2 1 3 (1982). See also 22.8.2, p. 501. H . R A T A J C Z A K a n d I . GOSCIANSKA

•Thermal Hall Hysteresis Loops in Thin Amorphous HoCo Films (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. 6 3 3 - 6 3 9 (1982). See also 2, p. 53; 14.1, p. 197; 21.1, p. 355; 21.4, p. 371. I . ONYSZKIEWICZ a n d J . PIETBZAK

*Magnetocrystalline Anisotropy of Tetragonal Copper Ferrite (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. 6 4 1 - 6 5 0 (1982). See also 19, p. 290; 22.8.2, p. 501. R . Z . S A D I K H O V , I . G . K E R I M O V , L . M . V A U E V , a n d A . D . NAMAZOV

•Temperature Dependence of Spontaneous Magnetization of the FeCr2-zIn x Sj (0 ^ x ^ 1) System (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. K 2 0 9 - K 2 1 2 (1982). See also 22.8.2, p. 501. A . E . GEI.YASIX a n d E . A . VASILEV

•Influence of Temperature on Structure and Properties of Mni+a;Sbi_ x Sn x Alloys (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. K 2 2 1 - K 2 2 4 (1982). See also 5, p. 68; 18.2, p. 272; 21, p. 341. I . ONYSZKIEWICZ, N . T . MAIAFAEV, A . A . MUKAKHOVSKII, a n d J . PIETBZAK

Magnetic and FMR Investigation of the Structural Phase Transition in Cu-Ferrite with Cooperative Jahn-Teller Effect (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. K 2 4 3 - K 2 4 7 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 22; 19, p. 290; 22.8.2, p. 501 . S. A . MAZEN a n d M . A . A H M E D

The Deficiency Effect of Iron on the Conduction Mechanism of Coo.5Zno.5Fe204 (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. K 3 0 7 - K 3 1 0 (1982). See also 14.4, p. 238; 22.8.2, p. 502.


Subject Index

M. Makysko, Z. F k a i t , L. PÛst, M. Polcakovâ, J . B r â d l e r , and P. S u m s â l *FMR in Misoriented (111) Garnet Films (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. K 4 9 - K 5 3 (1982). See also 19, p. 291; 22.8.2, p. 502. J . Loos *On a Ferromagnet Coupled to the Paramagnetic System: Fluctuations and Spin Reorientation (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. 3 1 9 - 3 2 9 (1982). See also 22.8.2, p. 502. A. S. A n d r e e n k o , A. Apostolov, M. Michov, S. A. N i k i t i n , N. S h e d f l k o , and N. S t a n e v •Magnetic Properties and Exchange Interactions in the Intermetallic Compounds Gd x Y 2 _*Fe 1 7 (a) Vol. 74, No. 2, p. K 1 0 5 - K 1 0 8 (1982). See also 21.1.1, p. 364; 21.4, p. 372.

18.4 A n t i f e r r o m a g n e t i c P r o p e r t i e s


18.4 Antiferromagnetic Properties Original


and Short


M . V . M E D V E D E V a n d M . V . SADOVSKII

R a n d o m B o n d Ising Model in Self-Avoiding W a l k A p p r o x i m a t i o n (b) Vol. 109, No. 1, p. 49 — 57 (1982). See also 18.1, p. 265• 18.2, p. 267. U . LINDNER

•Solitary E x c i t a t i o n s in 1-D Antiferromagnetic Systems with Finite B a n d W i d t h (b) Vol". 109, No. 1, p. K 4 1 - K 4 6 (1982). See also 13.5, p. 179. W . B A Z E L A , I . SZOTT, a n d A . S Z Y T U L A

*Magnetic Properties of t h e Co x Nii_a;Mn Ge System in t h e H e x a g o n a l P h a s e (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. K 4 9 - K 5 4 (1982). Erratum (a) Vol. 71, No. 1, p. K 1 3 1 (1982). See also 1.1, p. 11; 22.8, p. 482. M . V . M E D V E D E V a n d M . V . SADOVSKII

R a n d o m Site Ising Model in Self-Avoiding Walk A p p r o x i m a t i o n (b) Vol. 109, No. 2, p. 4 4 9 - 4 5 6 (1982). See also 18.1, p. 265; 18.2, p. 267. M . V . M E D V E D E V a n d A . V . ZABOROV

• M a g n e t i c S t a t e s of a Quenched R a n d o m Site Heisenberg Magnet w i t h Competitive E x change I n t e r a c t i o n s (I): H i g h - T e m p e r a t u r e Magnetic S t a t e s in Simple a n d Body-Centered Cubic Lattices (b) Vol. 109, No. 2, p. 7 7 3 - 7 8 4 (1982). See also 18.2, p. 268. H . ('OFTA a n d Z . O X Y S Z K I E W I C Z

*A Simple Spin Model of S p o n t a n e o u s Meta m a g n e t i s m (b), Vol. 109, No. 2, p. K 9 3 - K 9 6 (1982). See also 18.2, p. 268. A. R . MCGURN a n d R . A. TAHIR-KHELI

• B a x t e r - W u Model with R a n d o m Bonds (b) Vol. 109, No. 2, p. K 1 0 3 —K107 (1982). See also 18.1, p. 265; 18.2, p. 268. M . V . M E D V E D E V a n d A . V . ZABOROV

•Magnetic S t a t e s of a Q u e n c h e d R a n d o m Site Heisenberg Magnet w i t h Competitive E x c h a n g e I n t e r a c t i o n s ( I I ) : Magnetic S t a t e s w i t h P a r t i a l Spin-Glass Freezing in Simple a n d BodyCentered Cubic L a t t i c e s (b) Vol. 110, No. 2, p. 3 8 7 - 3 9 7 (1982). See also 18.2, p. 269. S . V . TARASENKO a n d G . K .


• S t u d y of R e l a x a t i o n Processes in A n t i f e r r o m a g n e t s Using S o u n d Absorption M e a s u r e m e n t s (b) Vol. 110, No. 2, p. 5 0 7 - 5 1 1 (1982). See also 7, p. 82; 13.5.4, p. 189.


Subject Index

T . P . A E S E N I O , Z . ARGTJELLO, P . H . DOMINGTJES, N . C . F U B T A D O , a n d C . A . T A F T

•Temperature Dependence of Hyperfine Field and Resonance Fraction in Single RbFeSo (b) Vol. 110, No. 2, p. K 1 2 9 - K 1 3 1 (1982). See also 5, p. 66; 22.8.2, p. 500.



•Spin Glass and Superantiferromagnet in t h e Site Diluted Ising Model on t h e F r u s t r a t e d Square a n d F.C.C. Lattices with First- and Second-Neighbor Interactions (b) Vol. I l l , No. 1, p. 8 3 - 8 8 (1982). See also 18.2, p. 270; 22.4.4, p. 447. E . GKATZ, V . SECHOVSKY, V . SIMA, Z . SMETANA, a n d J . O . STBÖM-OLSON

•Magnetization, Electrical Resistivity, Thermopower, and Neutron Diffraction in HoCu., (b) Vol. I l l , No. 1, p. 1 9 5 - 2 0 1 (1982). See also 14.1, p. 194; 15, p. 246; 21.1, p. 348; 21.4, p. 370. M. M.

K O T L Y A B S K I I and E . A. P o t o v •Magnetic Phase Diagram of NaMnCl 3 (b) Vol. I l l , No. 1, p. K 1 3 - K 1 6 (1982). See also 20, p. 295; 22.8, p. 484.


•Magnetic Properties of Oxygen Monolayers Adsorbed on Graphite (b) Vol. I l l , No. 2, p. 6 3 9 - 6 4 8 (1982). See also 22.1, p. 393. M . ILIEV, S . ANGELOV, I . Z . KOSTADINOV, V . BOJCHEV, a n d V .


Critical Behaviour of Co 3 0 4 Conductivity near t h e Antiferromagnetic Phase Transition (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. 6 2 7 - 6 3 2 (1982). See also 14.3, p. 207; 22.8.2, p. 500. A . BLAISE, J . M . FOUBNIEB, a n d D .


•Magnetic Properties of Plutonium Diantimonides (a) Vol. 71, No. 2, p. K 1 4 7 - K 1 4 8 (1982). See also 18.1, p. 266; 21.5, p. 373; 21.7, p. 380. M. D . KAPLAN

•Metamagnetoelastic and Metamagnetoelectric Behaviour of t h e Jahn-Teller Antiferroelectrics (b) Vol. 112, No. 1, p. 3 5 1 - 3 5 6 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 19; 22.8, p. 487. B . KUHLOW

•Magnetic Ordering in CrCl3 a t the Phase Transition (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. 1 6 1 - 1 6 8 (1982). See also 18.2, p. 271; 20, p. 296; 22.5, p. 451. A . I . M I T S E K , D . I . SIKOTA, a n d N . P . KOLAMKOVA

On the Theory of Acoustic Properties of Many-Domain Ferromagnets (b) Vol. 113, No. 1, p. 7 9 - 8 6 (1982). See also 7, p. 83; 18.2, p. 271.

18.4 Antiferromagnetic Properties


P . D A Y , K . TUBNER, D . VISSER, a n d T . E . WOOD

*Neutron Diffraction and Magneto-Optical Study of the Effect of Chloride Doping on the Incommensurate Magnetic Phase of NiBr, (b) Vol. 113, No. 2, p. 6 2 3 - 6 3 4 (1982). See also 18.2, p. 272; 20.1, p. 312; 22.5, p. 452. D . DADARLAT, T . PETRISOR, a n d I . P O P

*The Magnetic Behaviour of Diluted CrGe Alloys (b) Vol. IIB, No. 2, p. K i l l —K114 (1982). See also 21.1, p. 355. A . CASTETS, D . GIGNOUX, J . C. GOMEZ-SAL, P . RODRIGUEZ-GONZALEZ, a n d E .


Magnetic Properties and Structure of Tb 2 Pt (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. 4 7 5 - 4 8 1 (1982). See also 1, p. 10; 18.2, p. 272; 21.4, p. 371; 21.6, p. 378. H . COITA a n d P . PAWLICKI

*The Model of Metamagnetic Phase Transition in Mn3GaC (b) Vol. 114, No. 1, p. 5 3 - 6 0 (1982). See also 18.2, p. 273 ; 22.8, p. 490. G . KOZLOWSKI a n d K .


*Magnetocaloric Effect and Spin Waves in Two-Sublattice Antiferromagnetic Superconductors (b) Vol. 114, No. 1, p. K 5 - K 9 (1982). See also 14.2, p. 201. W . SCHUMACHER a n d U . L I N D N E R

* Antiferromagnetic and Incommensurable Magnetic Solutions of the Hubbard Model (b) Vol. 114, No. 1, p. K 5 5 - K 5 7 (1982). Y . SOME YA

*Phase Diagram of Random Mixtures with Competing Spin Anisotropics : 1'ei- x Co x C\., and K 2 M N I _3;FEXF4

(a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. 1 6 7 - 1 7 2 (1982). See also 21.1, p. 356; 21.1.1, p. 363. C . M I Y A K E , H . T A K E U C H I , H . O H Y A - N I S H I G U C H I , a n d S . IMOTO

Electron Spin Resonance and Magnetic Susceptibility of M - U - 0 Ternary Mixed Oxides (I) : Anomalies of Electron Spin Resonance and Magnetic Susceptibility of LÌ2 n -5UO M (n = 3, 4, and 6) (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. 1 7 3 - 1 8 0 (1982). See also 18.1, p. 266; 19, p. 290; 22.6.1, p. 477. J . A . T U S Z Y N S K I a n d H . COETA

*On Thermodynamics of Spontaneous Metamagnetism (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. 3 5 9 - 3 6 4 (1982). See also 18.2, p. 274; 22.8, p. 491. P . H . DOMINGUES, T . P . ARSENIO, N . C. FURTADO, a n d C . A . T A F T

Quadrupolar and Magnetic Hyperfine Anisotropy in Cesium Dithioferrate (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. K 1 6 1 - K 1 6 3 (1982). See also 5, p. 69; 22.8.2, p. 502.


Subject Index

19. Magnetic Resonance Reviere



* Q u a n t u m - S t a t i s t i c a l Theories of t h e Cyclotron Resonance Lineshape in Parabolic Semiconductors (b) Vol. 109, No. 1, p. 1 1 - 3 5 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 162; 22, p. 382. Original


S. K . MISRA a n d P .

and Short



* E P R L i n e w i d t h Studies of Gd 3 + -Doped Y b ^ Y i - ^ C l j • 6 H 2 0 Single Crystals. Y b 3 + S p i n L a t t i c e R e l a x a t i o n Times (b) Vol. 109, No. 1, p. 5 9 - 6 6 (1982). See also 18.1, p. 265; 22.8, p. 481.

E . G . S I E V E R T S , S . H . M U L L E R , C . A . J . AMMERLAAÏT, R . L . K L E I N H E N Z , a n d J . W . C O R B E T T

* E P R Observation of a n A u - F e Complex in Silicon (II) : Electronic S t r u c t u r e (b) Vol. 109, No. 1, p. 8 3 - 9 4 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 162; 22.1.2, p. 400.

T). M . D A R A S E L I A a n d A . B R Ä U E R

"^Investigation of S u p e r h y p e r f i n e I n t e r a c t i o n s of Mn 2 + in x - L i I 0 3 a n d E v a l u a t i o n of L i t h i u m Quadrupolar Interactions (b) Vol. 109, No. 1, p. 2 2 3 - 2 3 1 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 162; 22.8.1, p. 492.

U . SCHMID a n d P .


*Coherent Motion of Triplet E x c i t o n s in Molecular Crystals with Two Differently Oriented Molecules per Unit Cell. Application t o t h e Charge T r a n s f e r Crystal A n t h r a c e n e / T e t r a cyanobenzene (b) Vol. 109, No. 1, p. 2 6 5 - 2 7 3 (1982). See also 13.5.1, p. 181; 22.9, p. 503.


* Investigation of E P R a n d Thermoluminescence Glow-Curves of X - I r r a d i a t e d K C h C r O j - , Ca 2 + Crystals (b) Vol. 109, No. 1, p. 2 9 5 - 3 0 1 (1982). See also 20.3, p. 318; 22.5.2, p. 454.


R a d i a t i o n D a m a g e of N i 2 + - D o p e d N H 4 M g P 0 4 • 6 H , 0 (b) Vol. 109, No. 1, p. 3 1 5 - 3 2 4 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 163 ; 20.1, p. 2 9 8 ; 22.8.1, p. 492.

D . Y A . O SO K I N

•"Coherent Quasi-Steady S t a t e s in Nitrogen-14 N Q R Multipulse E x p e r i m e n t s (b) Vol. 109, No. 1, p. K 7 - K 1 0 (1982).

19. Magnetic Resonance I . MERTIG, E . MROSAN, R . ZELLEB, a n d P . H . DEDERICHS

•Anisotropic Cyclotron Masses and Electron-Phonon Interaction in Silver (b) Vol. 109, No. 1, p. K 1 7 - K 2 1 (1982). See also 13.2, p. 157; 21.6, p. 374. M .


*On the Cyclotron Resonance in Size-Quantized Films (b) Vol. 109, No. 1, p. K 6 9 - K 7 3 (1982). See also 13.1, p. 148. P . J . ALONSO, Y . M . ORERA, P . PALACIO, a n d R . ALCALA

* Optical and E P R Studies of NH 4 MnF 3 above 80 K (b) Vol. 109, No. 1, p. K 8 1 - K 8 3 (1982). See also 20.1, p. 299; 22.5, p. 450. G . E . ARCHANGELSKH, P . KAREL, J . MARES, S. PAÖESOVA, a n d J . PASTRNÄK

*The Luminescence and E P R Spectra of Manganese Activated A1N (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. 1 7 3 - 1 8 3 (1982). See also 20.3, p. 318; 22.2, p. 418. A . LEBLE, J . J . ROUSSEATJ, J . C. FAYET, J . PANNETIER, J . L . FOURQUET, a n d R . DE PAPT;

* Order-Disorder Transition of NH4A1F4 through E P R Investigations (a) V o l . 6 9 , N o . 1, p . 2 4 9 - 2 5 6 (1982).

See also 1.2, p. 14; 22.8, p. 481. T . DUCZMAL, S . P . KUNSEVICH, V . P . PALEKHIN a n d J . PIETRZAK

Temperature Dependence of Magnetocrystalline Anisotropy Constant of BaC0 2 TioFe 3 0| S) Single Crystals (a) V o l . 6 9 , N o . 1, p . K 1 2 5 - K 1 2 7 (1982).

See also 18.3, p. 276; 22.8.2, p. 499. ZH. EGEMBERDIEV, S. ZAZUBOVICH, V . SEEMAN, a n d V . NAGIRNYI

Luminescence Accompanying the Recombination of Electrons with Vj> Centres in KC1 Crystals (b) V o l . 1 0 9 , N o . 2, p . 4 7 3 - 4 8 2 (1982).

See also 10.2, p. 104; 20.3, p. 319; 22.5.2, p. 455. M . HOHNE

*Electron Paramagnetic Resonance of Gold in Silicon (II): Cluster Centres (b) V o l . 1 0 9 , N o . 2, p . 5 2 5 - 5 3 4 (1982).

See also 13.4, p. 164; 22.1.2, p. 401. H . NAGASAWA

Mixed Valence State and Metal-Non-Metal Transition of KCP (b) Vol. 109, No. 2, p. 7 4 9 - 7 5 9 (1982). See also 13, p. 140; 14, p. 190; 22.8, p. 482. M. ONODA, T . TAKAHASHI, a n d H . NAGASAWA

*Nuclear Quadrupole Effect and Phase Transition in the Quasi-One-Dimensional Conductor ß-Na0.33V2O5 (b) Vol. 109, No. 2, p. 7 9 3 - 7 9 7 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 15; 22.8, p. 482.


Subject Index


a n d O . V . FAL'ALEEV

*The "Se High Resolution NMR in Antiferroelectrie Single Crystals of Cesium Trihydrogenselenite (a) Vol. 69, No. 2, p. 4 5 5 - 4 6 6 (1982). See also 22.8, p. 482. E . GLASER, G . GÖTZ, N . SOBOLEV, a n d W . W E S C H

Investigations of Radiation Damage Production in Ion Implanted Silicon (a) Vol. 69, No. 2, p. 6 0 3 - 6 1 4 (1982). See also 11, p. 119; 14.3, p. 204; 20.1, p. 301; 22.1.2, p. 402 A . GOLTZENE, B . M E Y E R , a n d C . SCHWAB

*On the Generation of Paramagnetic Defects by the Abrahams-Buiocchi Etchant on Semiinsulating GaAs (a) Vol. 69, No. 2, p. K 1 5 1 - K 1 5 6 (1982). See also 10.2, p. 105; 22.2.1, p. 420. H . FLGIEL

*The Y Transferred Hyperfine Fields in Y2(Coi—sMn^)^ Compounds (a) Vol. 69, No. 2, p. K 2 1 9 - K 2 2 1 (1982). See also 18.2, p. 268; 21, p. 332; 21.1, p. 345. N . G . ROMANOV, Y U . P . VESHCHTTNOV, V . A . VETROV, a n d P . G . BARANOV

*EPR Study of the Relaxed Excited State of F-Centres in Alkali Halides (b) Vol. 110, No. 1, p. 8 9 - 9 6 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 165; 22.5.2, p. 456. A . - H . K A Y A L , Y . MORI, a n d J . R O S S E L

Excitons Perturbed by a Sodium Ion in CsI:Na Crystal (b) Vol. 110, No. 1, p. 1 1 5 - 1 2 2 (1982). See also 13.5.1, p. 182; 20.3, p. 320; 22.5.2, p. 456. R . PARROT a n d B . C A N N Y

*ESR Study of the Monoclinic-Orthorhombic Phase Transition in Neodymium Pentaphosphates (b) Vol. 110, No. 1, p. 1 2 3 - 1 3 1 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 16; 22.8.1, p. 493. H . J . F U C H S , W . K A R T H E , a n d R . BÖTTCHER

*EPR and ENDOR Investigations of an Oxygen Centre in CaF a (b) Vol. 110, No. 1, p. 2 0 3 - 2 0 9 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 165; 22.5.3, p. 465. G . SLOSAREK, S . IDZIAK, N . P I S L E W S K I , a n d J . STANKOWSKI

*Anisotropy of the Relaxation Time T1 of NH 3 Groups in Triglycine Sulphate Crystals (b) Vol. 110, No. 1, p. 2 3 3 - 2 3 8 (1982). See also 6, p. 72; 22.9, p. 504. R . K H . SABJEOV a n d I . A . V I N U K H O V

*On the Nature of the Oscillating Behaviour of the Free Induction Decay (b) Vol. 110, No. 1, p. 2 8 1 - 2 8 4 (1982). See also 22.5.3, p. 465.


19. Magnetic Resonance V . V . U S T I N O V a n d D . Z . KHTTSAINOV

*On the Lineshape of the Conduction Electron Spin Resonance in Thick Metallic Samples under the Anomalous Skin-Effect Conditions (b) Vol. 110, No. 1, p. 3 6 3 - 3 6 8 (1982). See also 21, p. 333. M . N . A L I E V , M . M . R A H M A N , a n d M . Z . ASADOV

•Influence of Hyperfine Interaction on Magnetic Resonance Line-Shape on the Nuclei of Paramagnetic Impurities in Magnetically Diluted Crystals (b) Vol. 110, No. 1, p. K 5 7 - K 6 1 (1982). E . G . SIEVERTS a n d S. H . MÜLLER

*Heat-Treatment Centers in Silicon and Their g-Values (b) Vol. 110, No. 1, p. K 8 9 - K 9 2 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 166; 22.1.2, p. 403. D . BACKS

*EPR of Mn 2+ in Faulted Cubic and Mixed Cubic-Hexagonal Crystals of ZnS (b) Vol. 110, No. 1, p. K 9 3 - K 9 6 (1982). See also 22.4.1, p. 440.

M . STOJIio®io Alloy (a) V o l . 7 2 , N o . 1, p . K 7 9 - K 8 2


See also 2, p. 50; 18, p. 261. D . V . GITSTT, I . N . G R I N C H E S H E N , a n d N . S . P O P O V I C H

Dependence of Electrophysical Parameters of TISbSe, Layer Crystals on Growth Conditions (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. K113-K116 (1982). See also 3, p. 58; 14.3, p. 208; 16, p. 252. K . BANGE, A . LIEBEGALL, a n d B . LORENTZ

Interband Magnetoreflectivity at Pbi_ x Sn x Se Single Crystals (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p. 543-547 (1982). See also 13.1, p. 153; 18, p. 262; 20.1, p. 309.

Subject Index

488 K . R . ALLAKHVEBDIBV, M . M . GODZHAEV, A . I . NADZHAFOV, a n d R . M . S A R D A E L Y

Light Scattering Spectra of the Solid Solutions TlGa-jIni-.cSeo.tSaa- ,c) (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p. K 9 3 - K 9 7 (1982). See also 6, p. 77; 20.1, p. 309. R . A . A L I E V , K . R . ALLAKHVERDIEV, R . M . S A E D A E L Y , a n d V . E . SHTEISTSHREIBER

Angular Behaviour of the Polar Optical Phonons in A I I I B I I I C j I Layered Semiconductors (b) Vol. 112, No. 2, p. K 1 5 3 - K 1 5 6 (1982). See also 6, p. 78.

D . S E U R E T , 0 . VIGIL, a n d P . LECCABTJE

Electro-Optical Properties of CuGa0 7 In 0 3Se2/ZnSe Heterojunction (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. 6 6 1 - 6 6 6 (1982). See also 14.3.3, p. 223; 20.3, p. 324-, 22.4.2, p. 443. E . W I E S E R , G . K R A B B E S , a n d E . I . TERUKOV

Detection of the Metastable Simultaneous Occurrence of High- and Low-Temperature States in Co^Fei-yS by Mössbauer Spectroscopy (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. 6 9 5 - 6 9 9 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 20; 5, p. 68; 14, p. 191; 18, p. 262. A . N . ANTAGNOSTOI>OULOS, 0 . MANOLIKAS, D . PAPADOPOULOS, a n d J . S P Y R I D E L I S

Composition Faults in ZnIn2S4 (III) Layered Crystals and Their Influence on the Anisotropic Conductivity of This Compound (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. 7 3 1 - 7 3 6 (1982). See also 1.4, p. 35; 14.3, p. 209. M . H I D A K A , K . I X O U E , B . J . GARRARD, a n d B . M . W A N K L Y N

Study of Structural Phase Transitions in the Layer Compound RbVF 4 (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. 8 0 9 - 8 1 6 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 20; 6, p. 78; 8, p. 88. M . BACMANÏ* a n d B . LAMBERT-AÏTDRON

Crystalline Structure of Co3U„08 from 300 to 110 K (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. 8 3 3 - 8 3 7 (1982). See also 1.2. p. 20. K . K . P . SRIVASTAVA a n d S . N . MISHRA

Magnetic Relaxation Effects in the Mössbauer Spectrum of Fe 2+ in Gillespite (BaFeSi4OJ0) (b) Vol. 118, No. 1, p. 9 3 - 1 0 4 (1982). See also ô, p. 68.

V . M . VOLKOV, E . F . KUSTOV, T . K . MAKETOV, a n d G . STECZKO

Invariant Expansion of Energy of the Induced Magnetic Anisotropy (b) Vol. 113, No. 1, p. 3 0 1 - 3 0 5 (1982). See also 13, p. 14-5; 18, p. 262. K . R . ALLAKHVERDIEV, T . G . MAMEDOV, E . Y U . SALAEV, a n d I . K . E F E X D I E V A

The Fundamental Absorption Edge of TllnSe,, (b) Vol. 113, No. 1, p. K 4 3 - K 4 7 (1982). See also 13.1, p. 154 ; 20.1, p. 311.

22.8 Tertiary and Higher Compounds


CH. R L E I N T , S . S C H U L Z E , a n d R . D . TOMLINSON

Low Energy Electron Loss Peaks of CuInTe„ (b) Vol. 118, No. 1, p. K 5 3 - K 5 6 (1982). See also 13.1, p. 1-54; 13.5.2, p. 187. A . N . ANAGNOSTOPOULOS a n d B . P L O S S

Influence of Composition Faults on the Anisotropic Conductivity of Layered Semiconductors (a) Vol. 73, No. 1, p. 9 1 - 9 4 (1982). See also 14.3, p. 210. G. BLASSE

Energy Transfer Phenomena in the System (Y, Ce, Gd, Tb)F:J (a) Vol. 73, No. 1, p. 2 0 5 - 2 0 8 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 174 ; 20.3, p. 326. G . SORGE, H . B E I G E , A . A L M E I D A , a n d L . A . SHUVALOV

Elastic Nonlinearity of KH 3 (Se0 3 ) 2 and KDjfSeC^)., Crystals (a) Vol. 73, No. 1, p. K 6 3 - K 6 6 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 21; 12.2, p. 136; 14.4.1, p. 243. A . D . A V E S O V , E . M . GASANOV, A . I . NOVOZHILOV, a n d V . I . SAMOILOVICH

Some Structure Defects in Neutron Irradiated Fluorphlogopite (a) Vol. 73, No. 1, p. K 6 7 - K 6 8 (1982). See also 11, p. 126; 20.3, p. 326. I . H E N N I N G , M . M E R T I G , R . P L A T H , G . POMPE, K . H E G E N B A R T H , a n d R . S C H A L G E

Glass-Like Behaviour of Sri—^Ba^NboOg (SBN) Single Crystals Demonstrated by Heat Capacity Measurements (a) Vol. 73, No. 1, p. K 1 0 5 - K 1 0 9 (1982). See also 8, p. 89; 14.4.1, p. 243. K . SURENDRANATH a n d C. B A N S A L

Mössbauer Effect Study of Polymetallic Nodules from Indian Ocean Bed (a) Vol. 73, No. 1, p. K 1 3 3 - K 1 3 6 (1982). See also 5, p. 68. T . G . K E R I M O V A , E . Y U . S A L A E V , A . S H . KHIDIROV, N . G . DERVISIIOV, a n d S H . M . E F E N D I E V

Effect of Cationic Ordering on Vibrational Spectra of CdIn„S, (b) Vol. 113, No. 2, p. K 1 0 7 - K 1 0 9 (1982). See also 6, p. 79; 20.1, p. 312. R . C H A V E S , H . A M A R A L , A . L E V E L U T , S . Z I O L K I E W I C Z , M . B A L K A N S K I , M . 1 \ . T E N G , J . F . VITTORI, a n d H . STONE

Tricritical Point Induced by Atomic Substitution in SbSe x Si _ CI (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. 3 6 7 - 3 7 6 (1982). See also 14.4, p. 238. H . A M A R A L , R . C H A V E S , A . L E V E L U T , a n d S . ZIOLKIEWICZ

Diffuse Phase Transition in Ferroelectric SbSe0.40S0.6oI (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. 4 2 1 - 4 2 7 (1982). See also 14.4.1, p. 243.


Subject Index

U. S t r a u b e , G. Sorge, and N. R. Ivanov Temperature-Dependent Eleetrostrietion Coefficient and Pseudoproper Phase Transition in TSCC (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. 4 6 7 - 4 7 4 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 22; 12.2, p. 137-, 14.4.1, p. 243. T r a n Chot On the Location of the Interface Fermi Level in Metal-Semiconductor Schottky-Barrier Contacts (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. 5 5 1 - 5 5 8 (1982). See also 13.3, p.160; 14.3.2, p. 218; 14.3.4, p. 232; 22.1.1, p. 398; 22.1.2, p. 413; 22.2, p. 419; 22.4, p. 438. E. B â r b t j l e s c u , A. B â r b u l e s c u , and D. B a r b On the Ferroelectric Structural Phase Transitions in Solid Solutions (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. 6 0 3 - 6 1 0 (1982). See also 14.4.1, p. 243. A. D. Avesov and E. M. Gasanov Some Radiation-Optical Properties of Fluorphlogopite with Admixture of Vanadium (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. K 2 5 9 - K 2 6 1 (1982). See also 11, p. 127; 20.1, p. 313. H. C o f t a and P. P a w l i c k i The Model of Metamagnetic Phase Transition in Mn3GaC (b) Vol. 114, No. 1, p. 5 3 - 6 0 (1982). See also 18.2, p. 273; 18.4, p. 281. Sh. M. E e e n d i e v , T. Z. K u l i e v a , V. A. Lohonov, M. I. Chiragov, M. G r a n d o l f o , and P. Vecchia Crystal Structure of Bismuth Titanium Oxide Bij„TiO.,0 (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. K 1 7 - K 2 1 (1982). See also 1.1, p. 13. G. M. Ramans, J . V. G a b r u s e n o k s , and A. A. V e i s p a l s Structure of Tungstic Acids and Amorphous and Crystalline W 0 3 Thin Films (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. K 4 1 - K 4 4 (1982). See also 2, p. 54; 6, p. 80; 8, p. 90; 20.1, p. 315; 22.6, p. 476. J . P i r n a t , J . Luznik, and Z. T r o n t e l j Temperature Dependence of 81 Br NQR in Rb 3 ZnBr 5 (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. K 5 5 - K 5 7 (1982). See also 19, p. 291. L. A. M a k o v e t s k a y a , I. V. Bodnab, B. V. K o r z u n , and G. P. Y a r o s h e v i c h Thermal Conductivity, Thermoelectric Power, and Thermal Expansion of CuInS2.T;Se2(i _,C) (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. K 5 9 - K 6 2 (1982). See also 8, p . 9 0 ; 15, p. 248. G. M. Guseinov, G. M. N i f t i e v , and M. G. S h a k h t a k h t i n s i c h Temperature and Infrared Quenching of Photoconductivity in GdIn 3 S 6 Single Crystals (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. K 6 3 - K 6 7 (1982). See also 16, p. 254.

22.8 Tertiary and Higher Compounds


J . A. T u s z y n s k i and H. C o f t a On Thermodynamics of Spontaneous Metamagnetism (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. 3 5 9 - 3 6 4 (1982). See also 18.2, p. 274; 18.4, p. 281. D. F k o h l i c h , K. Reimann, and P. K o i d l Investigation of Mixed-Mode Polariton Dispersion in AgGaS., (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. 5 5 3 - 5 5 9 (1982). See also 13.5.1, p. 185; 20.1, p. 315. G. H e b e r , D. 2 ymierska, and H. B e y e r Dynamics of Two-Spin Cluster in Spin Glass (III): Magnetization Process at Finite, but Low Temperature (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. 5 7 1 - 5 8 0 (1982). See also 13, p. 147; 18, p. 264. A. Antonini, V. F a n o , I. O b t a l l i , and A. Veka Mossbauer Study of the P b x S n i - ^ ' ^ T e System (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. 5 8 5 - 5 8 8 (1982). See also 5, p. 69. A. Selmi, R. L e Touixec, and R. F a y m o n v i l l e Influence of the Spin Disorder on the Plasma Edge in n-Typc HgCr.,Se, (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. K 9 7 - K 9 9 (1982). See also 13.5.2, p. 187; 20.1, p. 315. V. K. J a i n and S. K . Yadav E P R of MN2+ in K,Zn(X0 4 ) 2 • 6 H 2 0 (X = S, Se) Single Crystals (b) Vol. 114, No. 2, p. K 1 3 1 - K 1 3 4 (1982). See also 19, p. 291. K. Bohmhammel, P. Deus, and H. A. S c h n e i d e r Investigation of Acoustic Phonon Modes of GaP and Compound Semiconductors A II B IV CÒ by Specific Heat Measurements (a) Vol. 74, No. 2, p. 4 8 5 - 4 9 2 (1982). See also 6, p. 81; 8, p. 90; 22.2.2, p. 426. T. H. O ' D e l l Measurement of Magnetomechanical Coupling Factor in Amorphous Ribbons (a) Vol. 74, No. 2, p. 5 6 5 - 5 7 2 (1982). See also 2, p. 56; 12.2, p. 138; 18.2, p. 274. L. V. Rao, B. S. Naidu, and P. J . R e d d y Structure and Optical Energy Gap Measurements in As-Te-Cd Chalcogenide Thin Films (a) Vol. 74, No. 2, p. K 1 3 7 - K 1 4 0 (1982). See also 1.5, p. 41; 2, p. 56; 20.1, p. 316.

Subject Index


22.8.1 Salts of Oxy-Acids (Carbonates, Phosphates, Silicates Including Mica etc.) Original


and Short


D . M . D A K A S E L I A a n d A . BRÄTJER

Investigation of Superhyperfine Interactions of Mn 2 + in a-LiI0 3 and Evaluation of Lithium Quadrupolar Interactions (b) Vol. 109, No. 1, p. 2 2 3 - 2 3 1 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 162; 19, p. 282.


Radiation Damage of Ni= + -Doped NH 4 MgP0 4 • 6 H„0 (b) Vol. 109, No. 1, p. 3 1 5 - 3 2 4 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 163-, 19, p. 282; 20.1, p. 298.

K . S. D U B E Y

Lattice Thermal Conductivity of Noncrystalline Material at Low Temperatures. Application to Borosilicate Glass (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. 1 2 1 - 1 2 6 (1982). See also 2, p. 45; 6, p. 71; 8, p. 84. J . LECOMTE, J . P . LOUP, G . BOSSER, M . H E R V I E U , a n d B . RAVEAU

Non-Stoichiometry and Electrical Conductivity of Strontium Niobates with Perovskite Structure (III): Thermodynamic Date for Sr(Sr(i/3)+.xNb(2/3)-3;)03_(3/2)j; (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. 3 5 9 - 3 6 6 (1982). See also 10.2, p. 104; 14.3, p. 203; 14.4, p. 234. V . RAMACHAUDRAN, M . M . IBRAHIM, E . S. R . GOPAL, a n d V . C. P A D A K I

Elastic Constants of Sodium Nitrate from 77 to 300 K (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. 4 0 7 - 4 1 1 (1982). See also 12.2, p. 134. V . A . TREPAKOV, L . N . AMITINF, A . I . KUZNETSOV a n d A . L . K H O L K I N

Vacuum Ultraviolet Reflection Spectra of Pb-Containing A B 0 3 Perovskites. Application to Electrooptic Properties (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. 4 2 5 - 4 2 9 (1982). See also 13.1, p. 149; 20.1, p. 299. C. TÄNÄSOIU, H . NICULESCU, P . NICOLAU, A . CUTURICU, a n d C. MICLEA

Uranium Doped Barium Titanate Ceramics (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. K 7 3 - K 7 6 (1982). See also 14.4.1, p. 240. K . T E N N A K O N E , W . G . D . DHARMARATNA a n d S . C . J A Y E W A R D E N A

Semiconduction in Ammonium Phosphormolybdate (a) Vol.69, No. 1, p. K 1 2 9 - K 1 3 0 (1982). See also 14.3, p. 203. A . BANDYOPADHYAY, S. B . P A T I L , D . K . CHAKRABARTY, a n d C. RADHAKRISHNAMURTY

Magnetic Clusters in Some Barium Lanthanide Cobaltates (a) Vol. 69, No. 2, p. 4 4 1 - 4 4 5 (1982). See also 18.2, p. 268.

22.8.1 Salts of Oxy-Acids


K . N . K A I A I D J I E V , M . P . MIKHAILOV, G . I . BOZHANOV, a n d S T . R . STOYANOV

Influence of a Constant Electric Field on the Heat-Conductivity Coefficient of TGS near the Phase Transition Temperature (a) Vol. 69, No. 2, p. K 1 6 3 - K 1 6 6 (1982). See also 8, p. 85; 14.4.1, p. 240. G . I . ROSENMANN, E . I . BOIKOVA, a n d Y C . L . CHEPELOV

Emission Study of Surface States in Ferroelectrics (a) Vol. 69, No. 2, p. K 1 7 3 - K 1 7 7 (1982). See also 13.3, p. 158; 14.4.1, p. 2 4 0 ; 17, p. 255. R . PARKOT a n d B . CANNY

E S R Study of the Monoclinic-Orthorhombic Phase Transition in Neodymium Pentaphosphates (b) Vol. 110, No. 1, p. 1 2 3 - 1 3 1 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 16; 19, p. 284. V . N . DENISOV, B . N . MAVRIN, V . B . PODOBEDOV, a n d K H . E . STERIN"

Hyper-Raman Scattering by Phonons and Mixed Polaritons in a Calcite Crystal (b) Vol. 110, No. 1, p. 1 8 3 - 1 8 9 (1982). See also 6, p. 72; 20.1, p. 302. SH. M. EFENDIEV,



N . M . GASA>~LY,




R a m a n Scattering in P b ( M o 0 4 ) x ( W 0 4 ) i _ ^ Mixed Crystals (b) Vol. 110, No. 1, p. K 2 1 - K 2 6 (1982). See also 6, p. 72; 20.1, p. 302. 0 . HUUÄK Critical Properties of CsH.,P0 4 and CsD .POj (b) Vol. 110, No. 1, p. K 8 5 - K 8 8 (1982). See also 14.4.1, p. 240. Z . CZAPLA, L . S O B C Z Y K , a n d J . MRÖZ

Isotopic Effect in Ferroelectric Rubidium Hydrogen Selenate Crystals (a) Vol. 70, No. 1, p. 7 3 - 7 8 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 16; 14.4.1, p. 240. A

D . R E D D Y , S . M . D . RAO, a n d G . S . SASTRY

Electrical Conductivity and Stimulated Thermo-Current Li(N 2 H 5 )S0 4 Single Crystals (a) Vol. 70, No. 1, p. 2 6 9 - 2 7 5 (1982). See also 14.4, p. 235; 14.4.1, p. 240.




1 . HENNING, P . FRACH, E . HEGENBARTH, a n d V . I . F R I T S B E R G

Glass-Like Behaviour of P L Z T Demonstrated by Heat Capacity Measurements (a) Vol. 70, No. 1, p. K 7 - K 9 (1982). See also 8, p. 86; 14.4.1, p. 240. R . B H A R A T I a n d R . A . SINGH

Electrical Transport in Chromium(III) Tungstate (a) Vol. 70, No. 1, p. K 1 1 - K 1 4 (1982). See also 14.3, p. 204; 15, p. 245.


Subject Index

494 N . R . IVANOV, J . K B O U P A , J . F O U S E K , a n d B . B S E Z I N A

Birefringence of PbHP0 4 -Family Ferroelectrics (a) Vol. 70, No. 1, p. K 8 5 - K 8 7 (1982). See also 14.4.1, p. 241; 20.1, p. 303. B . Z . MALKIN, A . A . K A M I N S K I I , X . R . AGAMALYAK, L . A . BUMAGINA, a n d T . I . BUTAEVA

Spectra of Rare-Earth Ions in the Crystal Fields of Double Tungstates and Molybdates (b) Vol. 110, No. 2, p. 4 1 7 - 4 2 2 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 166; 20.1, p. 303; 20.3, p. 321. F A T DUEJT H O

The F + Center in Lithium Tantalate (b) Vol. 110, No. 2, p. 4 3 7 - 4 4 3 (1982). See also 10.2, p. 107; 13.4, p. 166; 20.1, p. 303.

F . BREHAT, B . W Y N C K E , a n d M . E L SHERIF

Lattice Mode Anharmonicity in Sodium Nitrite (b) Vol. 110, No. 2, p. 4 9 9 - 5 0 6 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 16; 6, p. 73; 14.4.1, p. 241; 20.1, p. 303. R . HUZIMUEA a n d K . ATARASHI

The Role of Sulphur-Oxy Radicals in Thermoluminescence and Exoelectron Emission of CaS0 4 Phosphors (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. 6 4 9 - 6 5 7 (1982). See also 10.2, p. 108; 17, p. 256; 20.3, p. 322. J . T O R R E S , C . ROUCATT, a n d R . A Y B O L E S

Investigation of the Interactions between Ferroelastic Domain Walls and of the Structural Transition in Lead Phosphate Observed by Electron Microscopy (I): Experimental Results (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. 6 5 9 - 6 6 9 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 16; 1.4, p. 34. V . NABASIMHAN, K . SESHAN, D . K . CHAKRABARTY, a n d H . V . K E E R

Magnetic Properties of the LaCo0 3 -LaMn0 3 System (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. K 1 5 5 - K 1 5 7 (1982). See also 18.2, p. 270. D . BALL

The Paramagnetic Resonance of Nd 3+ and Yb 3 + in Zircon Structure Silicates (b) Vol. I l l , No. 1, p. 3 1 1 - 3 2 0 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 168; 19, p. 286.

R . J . MATTHEWS a n d T . G . STOEBE

Cathodoluminescence in CaS0 4 :Dy (a) Vol. 71, No. 1, p. 5 5 - 5 8 (1982). See also 20.3, p. 322. J . TORRES, C. ROUCAU, a n d R . AYROLES

Investigation of the Interactions between Ferroelastic Domain Walls and of the Structural Transition in Lead Phosphate Observed by Electron Microscopy (II): Interpretation of the Interactions between Ferroelastic Domain Walls (a) Vol. 71, No. 1, p. 1 9 3 - 2 0 5 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 17; 1.4, p. 34.

22.8.1 Salts of Oxy-Acids


M. Sattvage, F. Lefaucheux, M. C. Robert, and M. Ribet Synchrotron Radiation Section Topographs in Sr(N0 3 ) 2 (a) Vol. 71, No. 1, p. K 5 - K 7 (1982). See also 1.4, p. 34. P. E. Tomaszewski and K. Ltjkaszewicz Orthorhombic Low-Temperature Phase of LiKS0 4 (a) Vol. 71, No. 1, p. K 5 3 - K 5 5 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 17. J . Rosa, K. Poläk, and J. Kubatova ESR and Optical Studies of Impurity Centres in y- and X-Irradiated LiNb0 3 (b) Vol. I l l , No. 2, p. K 8 5 - K 8 7 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 170; 19, p. 287; 20.1, p. 306. D. L. Sastry and K. V. S. Rama Rao ESR and Optical Absorption Studies of C103 in Ba(C104)2 • 3 H„0 Single Crystals (b) Vol. 112, No. 1, p. 133-142 (1982). See also 11, p. 123; 19, p. 288; 20.1, p. 307. A. Nath and U. S. Ghosh Ligand Field Theory of the Magnetic Behaviours of Neodymium Ethylsulphate Nonahydrate (b) Vol. 112, No. 1, p. 187-192 (1982). See also 13, p. 144; 18, p. 261. A. A. Kaminskii, S. E. Sarkisov, H. D. Kursten, and D. Schultze Crystal Growth and Spectroscopic Properties of Nd 3+ Ions in Ferroelectric Pb 6 Ge 3 0 1] Crystals (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. 2 0 7 - 2 1 3 (1982). See also 3, p. 58; 14.4.1, p. 242; 20.1, p. 308; 20.3, p. 324. R. A. Rupp and E. Kratzig Investigation of Refractive Index Gratings in Electro-Optic Crystals by a Microscope Technique (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. K 5 - K 8 (1982). See also 20.1, p. 308. J. d e l Cerro, S. Ramos, and J . Isidoro Thermal Study of a-LiI0 3 Single Crystals below Room Temperature (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. K 2 3 - K 2 6 (1982). See also 8, p. 87; 14.4, p. 237. Y. A. Badr and S. Awad On the Low Temperature Phase Transition in Ammonium Sulfate (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. K 2 7 - K 3 2 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 19; 8, p. 87; 14.4.1, p. 242. A. Sprogis and V. Dimza Investigation of Dark Conductivity and Optical Absorption in Reduced PLZT (a) Vol. 72, No. 1, p. K 5 7 - K 5 9 (1982). See also 14.4.1, p. 242; 20.1, p. 308.

Subject Index


E P R of Copper-Doped (NH 4 ) 2 C 2 0 4 • H 2 0 Single Crystals (b) Vol. 1 1 2 , No. 2, p. 4 2 3 - 4 2 7 (1982).

See also 13.4, p. 172; 19, p. 288. H . PKESTING a n d R . v o n BALTZ

Bulk Photovoltaic Effect in a Ferroelectric Crystal. A Model Calculation

(b) Vol. 1 1 2 , No. 2, p. 5 5 9 - 5 6 4 (1982).

See also 13.1, p. 153; 14.4.1, p. 242; 16, p. 252. R . K . SINGH a n d S . L . CHAPLOT

Lattice Mechanics of Molecular Solid Sodium Nitrate (b) Vol. 1 1 2 , No. 2, p. 7 1 7 - 7 2 4 ( 1 9 8 2 ) .

See also 6, p. 77.


Mössbauer and Conductivity Study of Ferroelastic Ferric Molybdate (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. 5 4 3 - 5 4 9 (1982).

See also 5, p. 67; 14, p. 191.


Influence of an External Electric Field and Uniaxial Stress on the Domain Structure of RbH 3 (Se0 3 ) 2 Crystals Studied by E P R Spectra of the Cr 3 + Ion (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. 7 8 3 - 7 8 7 ( 1 9 8 2 ) .

See also 14.4.1, p. 242; 19, p. 289.


Glass-Like Behaviour in the Thermal Conductivity of Sri_rrBa x (Nb 2 0 6 ) Single Crystal (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. K 1 6 9 - K 1 7 1 (1982).

See also 8, p. 88; 14.4.1, p. 242.


Pulse Magnetization Reversal in F e B O s Crystals (a) Vol. 72, No. 2, p. K 1 9 7 - K 2 0 1 ( 1 9 8 2 ) .

See also 3, p. 58; 18.2, p. 271.


Investigations of the Photovoltaic Tensor in Doped LiNbO, (b) Vol. 1 1 3 , No. 1, p. 1 5 7 - 1 6 4 ( 1 9 8 2 ) .

See also 14.4.1, p. 242; 16, p. 253. F . PROKERT

Neutron Scattering Studies on Strontium Barium Niobate (b) Vol. 1 1 3 , No. 1, p . 2 3 9 - 2 5 2 ( 1 9 8 2 ) . See also 6, p. 78; 12.2, p. 1 3 6 ; 14.4.1, p . 2 4 2 .


Oscillator Strengths of Transitions between Stark Levels of NdjGdi-^PjO,^ (a) Vol. 73, No. 1, p. 6 1 - 6 4 (1982).

See also 13.4, p. 174; 20.1, p. 311.

22.8.1 Salts of Oxy-Acids


A . D . R E D D Y , S . G . SATHYANARAYAN, a n d G . S . SASTRY

Proton Conduction in (NH 4 )HS0 4 Single Crystals (a) Vol. 73, No. 1, p. K 4 1 - K 4 5 (1982). See also 14.4.1, p. 243. A . S . L I T O V C H E N K O , A . Y . BRODOVOI, a n d A . A . M E L N I K O V

Study of the Temperature Dependences of Magnetic Susceptibilities and 'Li NMR Spectra of Ferriferrous Micas (a) Vol. 73, No. 1, p. K 7 9 - K 8 2 (1982). See also 18.1, p. 266; 19, p. 289. D . GOURIER, J . P . PARANT, a n d D . VIVIEN

ESR Investigation of a [Cr(V)0 4 Pb 8 ] Center in PbMo0 4 . Origin of the Yellow Coloration of Lead Molybdate (b) Vol. 113, No. 2, p. 5 0 9 - 5 1 8 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 174; 19, p. 290. J . K R O U P A , J . FOTJSEK, F . S M U T N Y , a n d B . B R E Z I N A

Birefringence and Electrooptic Effect in K„Se0 4 (b) Vol. 113, No. 2, p. K 1 5 3 - K 1 5 7 (1982)." See also 14.4.1, p. 243; 20.1, p. 313. T . KALA

Study of the Influence of Manganese and Lanthanum Oxides on the Band Structure of Pb(Zr, Ti)0 3 (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. 5 7 3 - 5 7 8 (1982). See also 13.1, p. 155; 20.1, p. 313. V . A . Z U I K O V a n d V . V . SAMARTSEV

Reverse Photon Echo as a Method of Investigation of Resonant Medium Parameters (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. 6 2 5 - 6 3 2 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 175; 20.1, p. 313; 20.3, p. 327. B . V . R . CHOWDARI, A . RAJARATNAM, a n d Y . R A V I SEKHAR

Radiation Damage Studies of Dichromate Doped Alums (a) Vol. 73, No. 2, p. K 2 3 1 - K 2 3 5 (1982). See also 11, p. 127; 19, p. 290; 20.1, p. 313. FAT DUEN HO

Point-Ion-Lattice Calculations on F + Centers in Lithium Niobate and Lithium Tantalate (b) Vol. 114, No. 1, p. 2 0 9 - 2 1 2 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 176.


Diffuse Phase Transitions and Ferroelectric-Paraelectric Diagram for the BaTi0,-SrTi0 3 System (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. 7 9 - 8 3 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 23; 14.4.1, p. 244. G . SORGE, A . A L M E I D A , a n d L . A . SHUVALOV

Influence of Deuteration and Defects on Elastic Properties of KH3(Se03).n (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. 9 1 - 9 6 (1982). See also 12.2, p. 137; 14.4.1, p. 244. 32

physica, Reg.-B(l. 15


Subject Index

H . ENDERT a n d W . MELLE

Laser-Induced Damage in K D P Crystals. The Influence of Growth Ghosts and Growth Bands (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. 141-148 (1982). See also 1.4, p. 37; 11, p. 127; 20.2, p. 317. J. K.


Pressure, Temperature, and Frequency Dependence of the Dielectric Properties of Strontium Barium Niobate (a) Vol. 74, No. 1, p. 2 2 5 - 2 3 2 (1982). See also 12.2, p. 138; 14.4, p. 239. M . S H I M A D A , S . SHIMONO, a n d M . K O I Z U M I

Mössbauer Effect Studies on (Sri —^Sm-JFeOj Synthesized under High Oxygen Pressure Conditions ( a ) V o l . 7 4 , N o . 1, p . K 1 3 - K 1 6


See also 5, p. 69. J . ALBERS, A . KLÖPPERPIEPER, H . J . ROTHER, a n d K . H . E H S E S

Antiferroelectricity in Betaine Phosphate (a) Vol. 74, No. 2, p. 5 5 3 - 5 5 7 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 23; 14.4.1, p. 20.1, p. 316. P . A N U R A D H A , M . R A M A K R I S H N A M U R T H Y , a n d I . V . K . BHAGAVAST R A J U

Study of Growth and Cross Defects of N a N 0 3 Single Crystals (a) Vol. 74, No. 2, p. K 9 3 - K 9 6 (1982). See also 1.4, p. 37; 3, p. 60. V . G . VOLOGIN, S . P . D U B I N I N , a n d S . K . SIDOROV

Low-Temperature Reconstructive Transitions of the Displacement Type in Li0 ,Zn0 8 [„ ,0] (a) Vol. 74, No. 2, p. K 1 1 9 - K 1 2 2 (1982). See also 1.2, p. 24.


22.8.2 Spinels, Garnets, Ferrites

22.8.2 Spinels, Garnets, Ferrites Review


J . C. J o s m and A. L. DAWAB Pyroeleetric Materials, Their Properties and Applications (a) Vol. 70, No. 2, p. 3 5 3 - 3 6 9 (1982). See also 8, p. 84; 14.4, p. 234; 22.9, p. 503. Original


and Short



Crystal-Field Analysis of Electronic Raman Scattering Data in YbAG and YbGG (b) Vol. 109, No. 1, p. 6 7 - 7 4 (1982). See also 13.4, p. 162; 20.1, p. 298. V . A . M . BRABERS a n d J . C. J . M . T E R H E L L

Electrical Conductivity and Cation Valencies in Nickel Manganite (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. 3 2 5 - 3 3 2 (1982). See also 1, p. 9; 14.3, p. 203; 15, p.;245. A . MEENAKSHISTJNDARAM, N . G U N A S E K A R A N , a n d V . S R I N I V A S A N

Distribution of Metal Ions in Transition Metal Manganites AMn 2 0 4 (A —Co, Ni, Cu, or Zn) (a) Vol. 69, No. 1, p. K 1 5 - K 1 9 (1982). See also 1, p. 9. T . DUCZMAL, S . P . K U N S E V I C H , V . P . P A L E K H I N a n d J . PIETRZAK

Temperature Dependence of Magnetocrystalline Anisotropy Constant of BaCo2Ti2Fe8Ol. C j i a l u p a J. P. ("hamoxai. A'. A. Chamrov B. P. C h a n d r a K. C h a n d r a

(b) (a) (a) (a)


(a) 72,

T. R . C h a n d r a k e h K. A. Chao

111, 671 (1982) 72, 361 (1982) 78, K205 (1982) 70, 545 (1982) 415 (1982)

(a) 72, 361 (1982) (b) 110, K i l l (1982)

p. 40 p. 37; 10.1. p. 101; 21.1, p. 357 8, p. 87; 14.4, p. 237; 22.8.1, p. 495 2, p. 51; 21.1. p. 352 10.2, p. 115; 20.3, p. 327; 22.5.2, p. 462 2, p. 46; 13.3. p. 158-, IT. p.255; 22.1.2. p. 401 II, p. 120; 13, p. 142 18.2, p. 268; 22.8.1, p. 492 18.2, p. 270; 22.8.1, p. 494 8, p. 85; 13.4, p. 164; 22.2.1, p. 420 8, p. 85; 22.2.3, p. 427 13.1, p. 151; 14.3, p. 206; 22. p. 386 13.1, p. 152; 18, p. 261; 22.4.3, p. 446 1.1, p. 12; 22.1.2, p. 407 1.4, p. 34; 21.1.1, p. 361 13.4, p. 164; 20.3, p. 319: 22.4.3, p. 319; 22.4.3, p. 445 10, p. 95; 12, p. 129 20.3, p. 324; 22.5, p. 451 20.3, p. 327; 22.6, p. 475; 22.9, p. 507 1.3, p . 2 7 ; 5, p. 67; 12.1, p. 131; 18, p. 260; 21.1.1, p. 360 1.5, I.4,

14.3.3, p . 219;

16, p . 2 4 9 ; 2 2 . 2 . p . 4 1 8 ;

p. 437 20.3, p.

324; 22.5, p. 2, p . 4 7 ; 13, p. 142;


451 14, p. 190; 18, p. 260;

22.9, p. 504 X.-C. Chao S. L. C h a p l o t I. M. C h a p n i k S. C h a r a n S. CharAR E. C h a t t e r j e e S. C h a t t e r j e e

D. A. A. R.

Chattopadhyay K. C h a u d h t t r i SU. C h a v c h a n i d z e Chaves

J . D. X. C h e e k e I\ d e C h e l l e

(b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (a)

118 K159 (1982) 111, K27 (1982) 110, 445 (1982) 112, 717 (1982) 113, K87 (1982) 72, K189 (1982)

14.2, p. 201; 21.1, p. 2, p. 51; 13.1, p. 153;

(b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b)

109, K 1 (1982) 113, 757 (1982) 111, 155 (1982) 111, 353 (1982) 111, K137 (1982) 112, 105 (1982)

13.1, p . 1 5 2 ; 2 1 ,

(a) 73, K119 (1982) (a) 72, 521 (1982) (b) 110, K155 (1982) (a) 73, 367 (1982) (a) 73, 421 (1982) (b) 112, K 1 (1982) (b) 113, 105 (1982) (b) 114,

742 (1982)

K. R. C h e n e t t e Y j - ( ' h e n Cheng

(a) 70, 287 (1982) (b) 110, K i l l (1982)

YR. L. C h e p e l e v

(a) 69, K173 (1982)

13.5.3, p . 188 13, p. 143; 18, p. 260 6, p. 72; 22.9, p. 504

6, p. 77; 22.8.1, p. 496 354 20.1, p. 310; 20.3, p. 325; 22.2.4, p. 431 13, p. 139; 14.3, p. 202; 22, p. 383 13.1, p. 155; 13.4, p. 175; 22.1.2, p. 413 13, p. 142 2, p. 48; 13.1, p. 150; 21.1, p. 348; 21.3, p. 367 13, p. 143; 18, p. 261 p. 336;


p. 349;


p. 365; 21.3, p. 367; 21.6, p. 376 14.3, p. 210; 22.2.4, p. 431 1.5, p . 4 0 ; 2, p. 51; 16, p. 252; 22.7, p. 479 13.4, p. 167; 21.1.1, p. 360 14.4, p. 238; 22.8, p. 489 14.4.1, p . 243; 2 2 . 8 , p . 4 8 9

6, p. 76; 22.1.1, p. 397; 22.2.3, p. 428 2, p.51; 13.1, p.153; 14.4, p. 237; 22.1.2, p. 412 2, p.51; 13.1. p.153; 14.4, p. 237; 22.1.2, p. 412 14.3.3, p . 220; 2 2 . 1 . 2 , p . 4 0 3 2. p . 4 7 ; 13. p. 142; 14, p.

190; 18, p. 260; 22.9, p. 504 13.3, p. 158; 14.4.1, p. 240; 17, p. 255; 22.8.1, p. 493

Author Index



(b) 110, 507 (1982) (a) 69, K215 (1982) (a) (a)

72, 73,

325 (1982) 579 (1982)

(a) 74, 475 (a) 69, K 1 7 9 (b) 110, 285 •(a) 69, K 2 1 5

(1982) (1982) (1982) (1982)


(b) 114, K 1 9 5 (1982)


(a) (a) (b) (b) (a) (b) (b)


70, 379 (1982) 70, K107 (1982) 113, 727 (1982) 110, 471 (1982) 71, 79 (1982) 112, 297 (1982) 113, 87 (1982)

(a) 74, (b) 112, (b) 111,

K 1 7 (1982) K 8 9 (1982) 507 (1982)


(b) 114, (a) 72, (a) 71,

161 (1982) K 4 5 (1982) 49 (1982)




475 (1982)




311 (1982)



551 (1982)




(a) 72, (a) 74, (b) 113, (a) 74, (a) 71, (a) 71, (b) 109, (a)


(b) (a) (b) (b) (a)

817 431 K49 K27 323 217 315

(1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982)

73, K 2 3 1 (1982) 109, 71, 111, 109, 69,

(a) 73, (b) 114, (a) 74,

705 463 Kl 727 541

(1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982)

325 (1982) 413 (1982) 453 (1982)

7, p. 82; 13-5.4, p. 189; 18.4, p. 279 10.2, p. 10-5; 11, p. 119; 22.1.2, p. 402; 22.2.1, p. 420 12.1, p. 132; 14.1, p. 196; 21.4, p . 371 7, p. 83; 12.1, p . 1 3 3 ; 14.1, p. 197; 21.1.1, p. 363 14.1, p. 198; 21.1, p. 358; 21.1.1, p. 364 1.5, p. 38; 7, p. 82; 21.6, p. 375 11, p. 120; 17, p. 255; 21, p. 332 10.2, p. 105; 11, p. 119; 22.1.2, p. 402; 22.2.1, p. 420 13.5.1, p . 1 8 6 ; 14.3.4, p . 2 3 3 ; 20.1, p. 316; 22.4.1, p. 441; 22.4.2, p. 444 1.3, p. 27; 10.1, p. 98; 21, p. 334 13, p. 142; 20, p. 295; 21.1, p. 348; 22, p. 385 13.1, p. 155; 20, p. 297; 22.5, p. 452 18.3, p. 276; 22.6, p. 470 20.3, p. 323; 22.4.1, p. 440 10.2, p. 110; 22.5.2, p. 458 18.1, p . 2 6 6 ; 18.3, p . 2 7 7 ; 19, p. 289; 21, p. 338; 21.1, p. 352; 21.4, p. 371 1.1, p. 13; 22.8, p. 490 18.3, p. 277; 22.8.2, p. 501 1, p . 1 0 ; 8, p. 87; 13.4, p. 169; 15, p. 246; 18.1, p. 266; 21.1, p. 349; 21.1, p. 370 1, p. 10; 13.4, p. 176; 21.4, p. 372 5, p. 67; 22.8.2, p. 500 1.2, p . 1 7 ; 12.2, p. 135; 14.3, p . 206; 15, p. 246; 22.7, p. 479 10.1, p. 99; 12.1, p. 132; 21.3, p. 368; 21.6, p. 377 14.3.4, p. 228; 22.1.2, p. 403; 22.2.1, p. 421; 22.2.2, p. 424; 22.4.1, p. 440; 22.4.2, p. 443; 22.4.3, p. 445 13.3, p. 160; 14.3.2, p . 2 1 8 ; 14.3.4, p. 232; 22.1.1, p. 398; 22.1.2, p. 413; 22.2, p. 419; 22.4, p. 438; 22.8, p. 490 1.6, p. 43; 10.1, p. 100; 17.1, p. 258; 21, p. 338 1.2, p. 23; 2, p. 55; 22.9, p. 508 14.3.4, p. 231; 22.4, p. 437 5, p. 69; 21.1.1, p. 363 10.1, p. 98; 14.1, p. 795; 21.1, p. 349 14.3.3, p. 222; 22.1.1, p. 397; 22.2.3, p. 427 13.4, p. 163; 19, p. 282; 20.1, p. 298; 22.8.1, p. 492 11, p. 127; 19, p. 290; 20.1, p. 313; 22.8.1, p. 497 8, p. 85; 13.4, p. 164; 22.2.1, p. 420 1.3, p. 28; 11, p. 122; 21.7, p. 380 14.1, p. 195; 21, p. 335 13.1, p. 149; 14, p. 190 14.3.1, p. 213; 14.3.3, p. 219; 16, p. 250; 22, p. 384 10.1, p. 101; 21, p. 340: 21.7, p. 380 4, p. 65; 22.5.2, p. 463 1.2, p. 23; 8, p. 90; 14.3, p. 212; 19, p. 291; 22.9, p. 508


G. Cocco




(b) 1 1 1 , (b) 1 1 4 , (b) 1 1 0 , (a) 7 4 ,

289 481 703 247

(1982) (1982) (1982) (1982)

(b) 1 1 0 , (b) 1 1 4 , (b) 1 1 0 , (a) 6 9 ,

341 399 211 343

(1982) (1982) (1982) (1982)

71, K i l l 7 2 , K223 1 0 9 , K93 53 114, 359 114, 395 113, 593 73, 7 2 , K185 105 72,

(1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982)

217 K1 757 83 329

(1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982)

(1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982)

(a) (a) (b) (b) (b) (b) (a) (a) (a)

(a) 7 4 , (b) 1 0 9 , (b) 1 1 3 , (b) 1 0 9 , (a) 7 4 , (b) (b) (a) (b) (b) (a) (a) (b) (b) (b) (a) (b) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a)

114, 112,


85 269 683 659 599 325 475 303 747 337 789 K69 531 375 K73 79 73 751


(a) (a) (b) (b) (b) (a) (b) (a)

78, 72, 118, 113, 109, 74, 110, 71,

165 K15 K119 Kill K133 K73 349 K147


(a) 72, K145 (1982) (a) 73, 117 (1982)




70, 111, 114, 72, 74, 109, 113, 114,


111, 71, 72,

69, 71, 70,

13.1,p.p.150; lou;22.3, zz.ó, p. 433 13.1, p. 156; 22.3, p. p. 434 434 10.2, p. 107; 13.4, p. 167; 22.5.2, p. 457 1.3, p. 31; 5, p. 68; 18.2, p. 273; 21.1, p. , p. 356; 21.1.1, p. 363 13.4, p. 165; 13.5.1, p. 182; 22, p. 384 13, p. 146 1' K 9; 20.1, p. 302; 22.6, p. 469 1.3 p. 25; 10.1, p. 96; 21, p. 331; 21.2, p. . 365; 21.3Ì, p. 367 P 49; 16, p. 252; 22.1.2, p. 407 10.1, p. 110; 21.1.1, p. 361 10.1 18.2, p. 268; 18.4, p. 279 18.2, p. 273; 18.4, p. 281; 22.8, p. 490 18.2, ° p. 274; 18.4, p. 281; 22.8, p. 491 2, p. 52; 13, p. 145; 21.2, p. 366; 21.6,p. 377 10.2. p. 115; 20.1, p. 313; 22.6, p. 475 10.1, p. 100; 21.1, p. 352 10.1, 1.3, p. 29; 5, p. 67; 18, p. 261;19, p. 288; 22.8.2, p. 500 14.3.1, p. 216; 14.3.4, p. 232; , p.22, 391p. 13, p. 139; 14.3, p. 202; 22, p. 383 13.1, p. 155; 13.4, p. 175; 22.1.2, p. 413 13.4. rn. 13.4, . 162; 19, p. 282; 22.1.2, p. 400 4, p. 65; 10.2, p. 116; 11, p. 128; 20.1, p. 315; 22.1.2, Z Z . l . Z , •p . 414 414 4, 1, p.p . 64 64; 13, p . 146; 21.4, p . 371 4, p . 63; 6, p . 76; 22.8, p . 486 14.3, .p ZUÒ; . 205; 22.6,p. p471 . 471 ZZ.Ö, 1Ü 1 r>p. 151; 1Z1- 22.6, 9.9. p. fi 472 13.1, 13.1, p. 156; 22.6, p. 476 12.1, p. 132; 14.1, p. 196; 21.4, p. 371 14.1, p. 198; 21.1, p. 358; 21.1.1, p. 364 13.4, p. 163 13.4, p. 175; 21, p. 340 p. 341 13.1, p. 155; 13.4, p.177; 21, 14, p. 191; 22.9, p. 506 8, p. 87; 14.3, p. 207; 22.1.2, p. 407 1.3, p. 28; 22.8, p. 485 1.3, p. 29; 22.8, p. 487 14.4.1, p. 240; 22.8.1, p. 492 20.3, p. 323; 22.4.1, p. 440 1.2, p. 16; 14.4.1, p. 240; 22.8.1, p. 493 14.3.1, p. 215; 14.3.4, p. 230; 22.9, p. 506

10.2, p. 113; 14.4, p. 238; 22.6, p. 474 10.2, p. Ill; 22.2.2, p. 425 1.2, p. 21; 2, p. 53; 22.9, p. 507 18.4, p. 281; 21.1, p. 355 20, p. 294; 21.4, p. 369; 22.1.2, p. 402 20, p. 297; 21.4, p. 372; 22.1.2, p. 415 9, p. 91 ; 10.2, p. 105; 22.5.2, p. 456 18.1, p. 266; 18.4, p. 280; 215, p. 373;21.7, p. 380 14.1, p. 196; 14.3, p. 209 9, p. 92; 21.1, p. 353

Author Index


(b) (a) (a) (a)


(a) 72.

D. X. A. B. ¡3.

(b) (b) (b) (a) (a)

101», 223 (1982) 110, K21 (1982) 109, 153 (1982) 74, K27 (1982) 70, 545 (1982)

(b) (b) (a) (b) (a) (a) (b)

109, 563 (1982) 111, 433 (1982) 69, K167 (1982) 112. 445 (1982) 73, 199 (1982) 73, 199 (1982) 112, K67 (1982)

M. G. K. K. K.



114, 413 (1982) 71, 351 (1982) 70, K145 (1982) 72, K121 (1982) 105 (1982)

(a) 70, (b) 113, (b) 113,

295 (1982) 665 (1982) 285 (1982)

(a) 69,

71 (1982)


(b) 110, (a) 70,

619 (1982) 353 (1982)


(a) (a) (a) (b)

P . J . DEAN

(b) 110,



(b) 113, 657 (1982) (b) 109, K17 (1982) (b) 112, 515 (1982) (a) 74, 201 (1982) see under letter "E" (b) 114, 731 (1982) (a) 69, 553 (1982) (a) 73, K35 (1982) (a) 73, 529 (1982) (a) 73, 215 (1982) (a) 73, K157 (1982) (b) 111, 235 (1982) see under letter "O" (b) 114, 705 (1982)


(a) 73, (a) 70,

401 (1982) 397 (1982)

(a) 71,

291 (1982)



72, 73, 74, 113,

K83 503 403 623

(1982) (1982) (1982) (1982)

591 (1982)

4, p. 65; 22.5.2, p. 463 14.1, p. 195; 14.3.1, p. 214-, 21.7, p. 379 1.5, p. 39; 12, p. 129 1.5, p. 40; 3, p. 58; 11, p. 125; 22.1.1, p. 397 1.3, p.29; 5, p. 67; 18, p.261; 19, p. 288; 22.8.2, p. 500 13.4, p. 162; 19, p. 282; 22.8.1, p. 492 6, p. 72; 20.1, p. 302; 22.8.1, p. 493 13, p. 139 5, p. 69; 21.1.1, p. 363 1.3, p.27; 5, p. 67; 12.1. p. 131; 18, p. 260; 21.1.1, p. 360 13.1, p. 149; 20, p. 293; 22.5.2, p. 455 13.1, p. 151; 20, p. 295; 22.5.2, p. 457 14.3.3, p. 220 10.2, p. Ill; 20.3, p. 324; 22.5.2, p. 459 16, p. 253; 22.4.2, p. 443 16, p. 253; 22.4.2, p. 443 14.2, p. 200; 21, p. 336; 21.1, p. 350; 21.6, p. 376 1, p. 10; 10, p. 94 1.1, p. 13 13.5.1, p. 184 11, p. 118; 14.3, p. 202; 16, p. 249; 20.1, p. 299; 20.3, p. 318; 22.4.1, p. 439 14.3, p. 205; 22.4.4, p. 447 8, p.84; 14.4, p. 234; 22.8.2, p. 499; 22.9, p. 503 14.3.1, p. 215; 22, p. 388 13.1, p. 155; 14.3.1, p. 215; 22, p. 390 14.3.3, p. 225; 22, p. 392 18.2, p. 272; 18.4, p.281; 20.1, p. 312; 22.5, p. 452 13.4, p.167; 13.5.1, p. 183; 20.3, p. 321 ; 22.4.3, p. 445 10.2, p. 114; 20.1, p. 312; 22.5.2, p. 461 13.2, p. 157; 19, p. 283; 21.6, p. 374 13.4, p. 172; 21, p. 337 10.1, p. 101; 18.2, p. 273; 21.1.1, p. 363 1.2, p. 23; 22.5, p. 452 20.3, p. 320; 22.2.2, p. 424 17, p. 257; 22.1.2, p. 412 1.2, p. 22; 1.4, p. 37; 22.6, p. 475 1.2, p. 21; 1.4, p. 36; 22.6, p. 474 1.3, p. 31; 21, p. 340 6, p. 73; 8, p. 86; 14.1, p. 195; 22.9, p. 505 13.3, p. 161; 19, p. 291; 22.1.1, p. 398; 22.1.2, p. 415 10.2, p. 114; 22.4.2, p. 443 20.1, p. 304; 20.2, p.317; 20.3, p. 322; 22.8. p. 483 20.1, p. 307; 20.2, p.317; 20.3, p. 323; 22.8, p. 485


527 (b (b (b (a (b (a (a





(a (a J . C. D E S O Y E R (a J . M . DESVIGNES (b P . DEUS (a (b (a J . DEUTZ (b .1. T . D E V R E E S E (b (b (b (b (b (b W. G. D . D H AR M ARA TX A (a (a G . T . DIDRIKHSONS (a (a DIEP-THE-HUXG A . DIETRICH 1). DIETRICH U. R. Y. H. J.



M. D. G. H.



109, 114, 71, 113, 70, 71,

1982) 1982) 7 3 1 1982) K 9 9 1982) K L 0 7 1982) K 1 1 3 1982) K 2 4 5 1982) 183



71, K 2 0 5 72, 361 73,




71, 112, 74, 112,

505 269 485 515

110, 110,

631 K133 95 111, 111, 365 111, 591 112, 219

69, K 1 2 9 70, 71,


K5 169 K79

(b (a (a (a (a (a (a (b (b (b (b (b


(b (a (a (a (b (b (a (a (b (b (b (b (a (a (a (a

113, 125 69, K 2 0 5 73, K 2 3 7

69, 71,

73, 72, 72, 73, 109, 113, 110, 111, 112,

71, 114, 114,

73, 70,

639 217 K57 429 117 K57 K153 417 503 487 155 231

451 9 287 315 23

111, K 4 3 110, K 1 2 9 114, K 1 6 1

110, 70, "1,

70, 73,

39 451 441 23 377

1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 198-) 198 ) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982)

6, p. 72; 20.1, p. 302; 22.8.1. p. 493 10.2, p. 104; Id, p. 260; 22.5.1, p. 453 1.2, p. 23; 22.5, p. 452 1.6, p. 43; 17.1, p. 258; 21, p. 335 6, p. 79; 20.1, p. 312: 22.8, p. 489 14.1, p. 194; 18.2, p. 269; 21.1, p. 348 1.2, p. 19; 1.3, p. 29; 18.2, p. 271; 21.1, p. 349; 21.4, p. 371 1.2, p. 21; 1.3, p . 3 0 ; 18.2, p. 272; 21.1.1, p. 362; 21.4, p. 371 15, p. 247; 21.7, p. 380 20.3, p. 324; 22.5, p. 451 10.2, p. 114; 22.4.2, p. 443 19, p. 289; 22.8.2, p. 501 6, p. 75; 8, p. 87; 22.8, p. 485 4, p. 63; 6, p. 76; 22.8, p. 486 6, p. 81; 8, p. 90; 22.2.2, p. 4 2 6 ; 22.8, p. 491 13.4, p. 172; 21, p. 337 13.5.3, p. 188 14.4, p. 235; 22.1.1, p. 396 13.5.2, p. 187 13, p. 143; 21, p. 334 6, p. 74; 13.5.3, p. 188 13.5.3, p. 188 14.3, p. 203; 22.8.1, p. 492 14.3, p. 204; 22.5, p. 450 3, p. 58; 10, p. 94 1.2, p. 17; 3, p. 58 18.4, p. 280; 22.1, p. 393 14.3.1, p. 213; 20.1, p. 299; 22.6, p. 468 1.5, p. 39; 2, p. 49; 22.1, p. 393 4, p. 64; 20.1, p. 313; 22, p. 390 14.3.1, p. 215; 20.1, p. 308; 21.6, p. 377 14...1, p. 242; 20.1, p. 308; 22.8.1, p. 495 1 3, p. 31; 1.5, p. 41; 2, p. 5 3 ; 21.1, p. 355 13.5.3, p. 188; 20.1, p. 299; 22.6, p. 468 13.4, p. 174; 20.1, p. 311; 22.4.4, p. 448 20.3, p. 321; 22.8, p. 483 13, p. 142 13.2, p. 157; 21, p. 336; 21.2, p. 366; 21.3, p. 367 13.1, p. 153; 22.2, p. 418 1.2, p. 15; 6, p. 71; 20.1, p. 301; 22.9, p. 503 1.2, p. 22; 20.1, p. 313; 22.9, p. 507 11, p. 122; 14.3.1, p. 215; 22.1.2, p. 408 9, p. 91 ; 10.2, p. 103 9, p. 91; 10.2, p. 103; 22.5.2, p. 454 10, p. 95 11, p. 120; 20.1, p. 302; 22.1.1, p. 396 18.2, p. 270; 22.4.4, p. 448 5, p. 66; 18.4, p. 280; 22.8.2, p. 500 5, p. 69; 18.4, p. 281; 22.8.2, p. 502 13.2, p. 157; 21, p. 332 18.2, p. 269; 21.1, p. 347; 21.1.1, p. 360 2, p. 4 9 ; 18, p. 261; 20, p . 2 9 5 ; 22.8, p. 485 11, p. 120; 20.1, p. 302; 22.1.1, p. 396 10.2, p. 114; 11, p. 127; 22.1.2, p. 413

Author Index


V. E.


(b) 110, K133 (1982) (b) 110, 445 (1982) (b) 118, K15 (1982) (a) 71, K133 (1982)

V. R. M. Z. G. K.

(b) 114, 627 (1982) (a) 73, K145 (1982) (a) 69, 385 (1982) (a) 72, 771 (1982) (b) 111, K99 (1982) (a) 69, 121 (1982) (b) 111, K49 (1982) (a) 74, K119 (1982) (a) 69, 167 (1982)



(a) 69, K125 (1982) (b) 111, 303 (1982) (a) 71, 409 (1982) (b) 112, 303 (1982) see under letter " F " (a) 71, 511 (1982) (a) 71, 511 (1982) (b) 110, K121 (1982) (a) 70, K89 (1982) (a) 71, K191 (1982) (a) 71, K181 (1982) (b) 113,

277 (1982)

(a) 69, K135 (1982) (a) 69, K117 (1982) (a) 69, K139 (1982) (a) 69, K183 (1982) (a) 71, K133 (1982)


(a) 72, 301 (1982) (a) 78, 587 (1982) (a) 69, K97 (1982) (a) 69, (a) 74,

563 (1982) 181 (1982)


(b) 113, (b) 111, (a) 69,

51 (1982) 449 (1982) 643 (1982)


(a) 71, 429 (1982) (a) 70, K129 (1982)

L. F.



14.4, p. 235; 22.1.1, p. 396 p. 72; 22.9, p. 504 13J, p. 154; 20, p. ,296; 22.6, p. 473 p. 49; 11, p. 123; 13.4, p. 170; 14.3. /, p. 215; 2 2J. 1.2, p. 408 13.4, p. 177; 17 p. 257; 21, p. 342 14.2, p. 200 1.2, p. 15; 8, p. 85; 21.4, p. 369 18.3, .J, JJ.p. 277; , , ¿ . l .21.1, i , ¡J. p. 352; 21.4, p. 371 , , p. 10; 13, p. 143 2, p. 45; 6, p. 71; 8, p. 84; 22.8.1, p. 492 6, p. 74; 8, p. 86; 15, p. 246; 22.1.1, p . 397 1.2, p. 24; 22.8.1, p. 498 1.3, p.25; 14.2, p. 199; 14.3, p. 203; 18, p. 259; 21, p. 331 18.3, p. 276; 19. p. 283; 22.8.2, p. 499 18.2.1, p. 275; 19, p. 280 1.2, p. 18; 10.2, p. 109; 22.5.2, p. 458 1.3, p. 29; 4, p. 63; 22.5.2, p. 458; 22.5.3, p. 465 p. 18; 1.3, p. 28; 22.6, p. 472 p. 18; '8; 1.3, 1.3, p.p.28; 28; 22.6, 22.6, p.p.472 472 I 107; 14.4, p. 235; 22, p. 385 U , p. 120; 13.4, p. 166; 14.3, p. 205; 22.8, p. 483 p. 230; 22, p. 387 14.3.4, 14.3.1, p. 215; 14.3.4, p. 229; 13.4, >.170; p 22.6, p 472 2, p. 51 14.3.1,p. 215; 20.1, p. 310; 22.3, p. 434 1.3, p.26 ; 1.4, 32; p. 32; 21,21, p. 332; 21.1, p. 345 2, p. 46; 11, p.118; 14.3.1, p.213; 22.1.2, p. 401 1.2, p. 15 ; 11, p. 119; 22.6, p. 469 1.5, p. 38 ; 3, p. 57; 11, p.119; 22.1.1, p. 395; 22.1.2, p. 402 2, p. 49; 11, p. 123; 13.4, p. 10; 1 14.3.1, p. 215; 22.1.2,. p. P 408 ; 22.1.2, p. 409 11, p. 123, 2, p. 53; 3 , p. 59; 22.1.2 p. 413 ' 11, P 118; " " 18.2, p. 267; 21.1.1, 10.1, p. 96' p. 359 11, p. 119. ; 18.2, p. 268; 21.1.1, p. 359 10.1, p. 101 11, p. 128; 18.2, p. 273; 21.1, p. 356; 21.1.1, 21.1 p. 363 18.2, p. 271 p. 206; 13, p. 143; 14.3, p. 20, p. 295; 22, p. 387 220;220; 16, 16, p. p.250; 22.3, 13.3, p. 158; 14.3.3, 14.3..p. p. p. 433 14.3.3, p. 22222.1.2, p. 408 10, p. 94 1.2, 1.2, 10.2,



251 (1982)

14.3.3, p. 223; 22.2.4, p. 430

(a) (a)

72, 72,

817 (1982) 305 (1982)

(a) 72,

K1 (1982)

1.6, p. 43; 10.1, p. 100; 17.1, p. 258; 21, p. 338 1.2. p. 19; 1.5, p. 39; 22, p. 388

10.2, p. Ill; 22.4.1, p. 441



529 (a) (a) (a) (a) (b) (b) (a) (b) (b)

71, 71, 72, 72, 110, 118, 74, 118, 113,

399 K29 305 K1 K21 K107 K17 K43 K127

(1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982)


(b) 114,

373 (1982)


(b) 109, (b) 109,

173 (1982) 473 (1982)


(a) 71, 457 (1982) (a) 73, K283 (1982) (b) 113, 307 (1982)

K. H.


(a) 74,

553 (1982)


(a) 69, (a) 70, (a) 73,

K 3 (1982) 483 (1982) 483 (1982)








see under letter " A " (b) 112, 445 (1982) (b) 114, 487 (1982) see under letter " G " see under letter " L " (b) 109, 217(1982) (b) 112, 659 (1982) (b) 113, K97 (1982) see under letter " 0 " see under letter " S " see under letter " S " (a) 72, K37 (1982) (b) 112, K125 (1982) (b) 109, 599 (1982) (a) 74, 141 (1982)

G. E N G L E R

(a) 71, (b) 113,

365 (1982) 227 (1982)


(a) 69,

343 (1982)


(b) (a) (a) (b) (a)

109, K53 (1982) 74, 545 (1982) 72, K15 (1982) 114, K101 (1982) 69, 637 (1982)

(a) (a) (b) (a) (a)

70, 139 (1982) 74, 631 (1982) 111, K123 (1982) 71, 179 (1982) 71, 329 (1982)



1.4, p. 34; 10, p. 95 19, p. 287-, 22.8. p. 484 1.2, p. 19-, 1.5, p. 39; 22, p. 388

10.2, p. 111-, 22.4.1, p. 441 6, p. 72; 20.1, p. 302; 22.8.1, p. 493 0, p. 79; 20.1, p. 312; 22.8, p. 489 1.1, p. 13; 22.8, p. 490 13.1, p. 154; 20.1, p. 311; 22.8, p. 488

12.2, p.137; 13.1, p. 155; 20.1. p.312; 22.3. p. 434 13.1, p.155; 13.5.1, p. 185; 20.1, p. 315; 22.2.3, p. 429 10.2, p. 103; 20.3, p. 318; 22.5.2, p. 454 10.2, p.104; 19, p. 283; 20.3, p. 3J.9; 22.5.2, p. 455 1, p. 10; 6, p. 75; 12.2, p. 135; 22.9, p. 505 11, p. 127; 22.2.1, p. 423; 22.2.3, p. 429 13.1, p. 154; 14.1, p. 196; 20, p. 296; 21.1, p. 353 1.2, p. 23; 14.4.1, p. 244; 20.1, p. 316; 22.8.1, p. 498 1.5, p. 38; 3, p. 57; 22.2, p. 418 1.6, p. 42; 17, p. 255; 21.1, p. 347 1.3, p. 30; 14.3.4, p. 232; 21.1, p. 355; 22.1.2, p. 413 10.2, p. Ill; 20.3, p. 324; 22.5.2, p. 459 17, p. 257; 22.5.2, p. 463 13, p. 139; 18.1, p. 265; 21, p. 330 13, p. 144; 14.1, p. 196; 21, p. 337 11, p. 126

10.2, p. I l l ; 19,p. 288; 22.8, p. 487 6, p. 77; 13.4, p. 172; 20, p. 296; 22.8.2, p. 501 6, p. 71; 13.4, p. 164; 20.3, p. 319; 22, p. 383 1.4, p.37; 11, p. 127; 20.2, p. 317; 22.8.1, p. 498

14.3.4, p. 229; 22.8, p. 485

4, p. 64; 13.1, p. 154; 13.3, p. 160; 22.2.2, p. 426 1.3, p. 25; 10.1, p. 96; 21, p. 331; 21.2, p. 365; 21.3, p. 367 16, p. 249; 22, p. 383 2, p. .55; 3, p. 60; 11, p. 128; 22.1.2, p. 416 10.2, p. Ill; 22.2.2, p. 425 13.4, p. 177; 14.3.4, p. 232; 22.1.1. p. 398

14.3.3, p. 220; 16, p. 250; 20.1, p. 301; 22.9, p. 503


pliysica, Reg.-Bd. 15

13.4, p. 166; 14.3.1, p. 214; 22.9, p. 504 5, p. 69; 10.2, p. 117; 22.6. p. 476 13.1, p. 151; 22.6. p. 472 10.2, p. 109; 22.8.2, p. 500 10.2, p. 109; 22.2.3, p. 427

Author Index

530 H. E s c h r i g G. E s k a C. E s n o u f G. C. D e g l i Esposti B. Esseb R . A. E v a r e s t o v O. A. Evdokimenko A. J . McEvoy R. Evrard

(b) 114, 419 (1982) (b) 109, 369 (1982) (a) 71, 381 (1982) (a) 73, K 1 6 9 (1982) (b) 114, 175 (1982) (b) 111, K123 (1982) (b) 112, 211 (1982) see under letters " M c " (b)10i), 375 (1982)

6', p. 80; 13.2, p. 157; 21.1, p. 357 8, p. 84; 14.1, p. 193; 21.1, p. 343; 21.4, p. 369 10.1, p. 98; 11, p. 122; 12.1, p. 131; 21.3, p. 367 10.2, p. 115; 20.3, p.327; 22.5.2, p. 462 2, p. 54; 20.3, p. 32722, p. 391 13.1, p. 151; 22.6, p.472 350 13.1, p. 152; 21.1, p.

M. F a b b r i V. P. F a d i n

(b) 111, (b) 113,

8, p. 87; 14.3, p. 207; 22.1.2, p. 407 13.1, p. 154; 14.1, p. 196; 20, p. 296; 21.1, p. 353 I.3, p. 27; 14.1, p. 194; 21.1, p. 347 II, p. 121; 14.3.3, p. 221; 22.1.2, p. 405 11, p. 122; 14.3.3, p. 221; 22.1.2, p. 406 11, p. 123; 14.3.3, p. 223; 22.1.2, p. 409 11, p. 128; 14.3.3, p. 225; 22.1.2, p. 415 13.5.1, p. 184; 20.3, p. 324; 22.9, p. 506 18.1, p. 265; 18.2, p. 267 19, p. 284; 22.8, p. 482 1.5, p. 40; 3, p. 58; 21.1. p. 353; 21.6, p. 377

K 6 9 (1982) 307 (1982)

V. V. F a d i n W. R. F a h r n e r

(a) 70, 513 (1982) (a) 70, 463 (1982) (a) 71, 121 (1982) (a) 72, 79 (1982) (a) 74, 421 (1982) A. N. F a i d y s h (b) 112, 435(1982) S. F a k i o u l u (b) 109, K 6 3 (1982) O. Y. F a l a l e e y (a) 69, 455 (1982) Ch. M. F a l c o (a) 73, 23 (1982) J . R. F a l e i b o F e r r e i r a see under letters ' Fe' 1 S. F . Fan (b) 113, K 5 (1982) X . W. Fan (a) 70, 325 (1982) (a) 70, K27 (1982) (b) (a) (a) (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (a) (b)


585 159 381 K141 633 K77 601 329 177 437

(1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982)


P. M. F a u c h e t M. K . F a y e k J . 0 . F a YET R. Faymonville P. P. Fedorov

(b) (a) (b) (b) (a) (a) (b) (a)

209 751 237 Kll 575 249 1 1 4 , K97 397 70,

(1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982)

V. A. Fedorov



291 (1982)

G. G. Fedobuk V. K. F e d y a x i x A. F e h e r H. F e h s k e R. Fellenbeug B. F e l l m u t h A. J . F e n d r j k

(b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b)

112, 110, 111, 109, 112, 110, 113,

453 (1982) 105 (1982) 89 (1982) 551(1982) 55 (1982) 549 (1982) 709 (1982)

V. Fano G. Fantozzi B. Ya. F a r b e r J . P. F a r g e s Z. F a r i d J . L. F a r v a c q u e R . H. J . F a s t e n a u F a t Duen Ho C. F a u

114, 70, 71, 73,

112, 70,

110, 71, 70,

69, 112, 110, 71. 69,

13.4, p. 163; 22.2.2, p. 424; 22.4.2, p. 442

13.1, p. 154; 20.1, p. 310; 22, p. 389 13.5.1, p. 182; 20.3, p. 321; 22.4.1, p. 440 13.5.1, p. 182; 14.3.3, p.221; 20.3, 321; p. 22.4.4, p 447 ~ t, p. 5, p.69; 69 22.8, p. 491 -p. ooo333; ; ¿ i . i21.1 , p. 346 10.1,, p. p, 97; 12.1, p. 130;j , 21,.p. .1, p. p. 131; 21.3, p. 367 10.1, p. 98; 11, p. 122; 12.1, 10.2, p. 114; 22.1.2, p. 412 8, p. 88; 14.3, p. 208; 22.9, p. 506 346 97;12.1, 12.1,p. 130; 21, p. 333; 21.1, 10.1, p. p. 97; p. 10:2, p. 107; 14.3, p. 205; 22.2, p. 418 10.2, p. 109; 22.2.3, p. 427 10, p. 94 10.2, p. 107; 13.4, p. 166; 20.1, p. 303; 22.8.1, p. 494 13.4, p. 176; 22.8.1, p. 497 13.1, p. 149; 14.3.1, p. 214; 22.4.4, p. 447 13.4, p. 171; 14.3, p. 208; 22.4.3, p. 446 2.3, p. p. 427427 14.3, p. 204; 22.2.3, t p. « i07; i. M o ^p. /la« o, 22.8, 486 1.2, p. 14; 19, p. 283; 22.8, p. 481 13.5.2, p. 187; 20.1, p. 315; 22.8, p. 491 20.1, p. 304; 20.2, p.317; 20.3, p. 322; 22.8, p. 483 20.1, p. 307; 20.2, p.317; 20.3, p. 323; 22.8, p. 4SO 485 13.4, p. 172; 19, p. 288; 22.6, p. 472 13.5.3, p. 188 14.1, p. 194; 18, p. 260; 21.4, p. 370 13, p. 140; 14, p. 190 4, p. 63; 17, p. 256; 22.1.2, p. 409 13.2, p. 157; 21.7, p. 379 10.1, p. 101; 21.3, p. 368


Author Index F . FENSKE



K9 (1982)


(b) 109, (b) 110, (b) 113,

543 (1982) 611 (1982) 105 (1982)

(b) 114, (b) 110, (a) 71, (b) 109, (b) 111, (b) 114, (b) 113, (a) 69, (a) 70, (a) 72, (a) 72, (b) 111, (b) 110, (a) 72, (b) 114,

742 (1982) 601 (1982) 329 (1982) 417(1982) K69 (1982) 47 (1982) 157 (1982) K219 (1982) 533 (1982) K65 (1982) 763 (1982) 125 (1982) 143 (1982) K169 (1982) 95 (1982)


(a) 69, (b) 111, (b) 113, (a) 69, (a) 69, (a) 69, (a) 70, (a) 73, (b) 109, (a) 71, (a) 72,

K139 K17 549 257 569 349 K185 K275 369 K103 215


(b) 109,

607 (1982)

(b) 118,

589 (1982)







(a.y 71, (b) 112, (b) 111, (a) 69, (a) 73, (b) 114, (b) 114, (a) 74, (b) 114, (a) 72, (a) 72, (a) 71, (a) (a) (b) (a) (b)

511 193 281 779 K15 467 615 459 K143 K159 289 K147

(1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982)

(1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982)

69, 249 (1982) 70, K85 (1982) 113, K153 (1982) 70, K7 (1982) 112, 243(1982)

11, p. 128; 13.3, p. 161; 14.3.2, p. 218 ; 22.1.2, p. 415 10.2, p. 104-, 20.3, p. 319; 22.5.2, p. 455 13.4, p. 167; 20.3, p. 322; 22.5.2, p. 456 2, p . 5 1 ; 13.1, p . 1 5 3 ; 14.4, p. 237; 22.1.2, p. 412 2, p. 51; 13.1, p. 153; 14.4, p. 237 ; 22.1.2, p.412 10.2, p. 107; 14.3, p. 205; 22.2, p. 418 10.2, p. 109; 22.2.3, p. 427 13.5.3, p. 188; 20.1, p. 299; 22.6, p. 468 8, p. 87; 14.3, p. 207; 22.1.2, p. 407 18.2, p. 273 14.4.1, p. 242; 16, p. 253; 22.8.1, p. 496 18.2, p. 268; 19, p. 284; 21, p. 332; 21.1, p. 345 10, p. 94 13.4, p. 171; 20.1, p. 308 ; 22.2.1, p. 422 14.3.3, p. 224; 14.3.4, p. 230; 22, p. 389 13.1, p. 150; 20.1, p. 304; 22, p. 385 13, p. 141; 14, p. 190 8, p. 88; 14.4.1, p. 242; 22.8.1, p. 496 13.4, p. 176; 20.1, p. 314; 20.3, p. 327; 22.5.2, p. 462 1.2, p. 15; 11, p. 119; 22.6, p. 469 14.3.4, p. 228; 22, p. 386 2, p. 52; 14.3.4, p. 231; 22, p. 390 10.1, p. 96; 11, p. 118; 21.1.1, p. 359 1.4, p. 32; 11, p. 119; 21.1.1, p. 359 6, p. 71 ; 13, p. 140; 14.3.4, p. 227; 22.6, p. 468 17, p. 256; 22.6, p. 471 13.3, p. 160; 17, p. 257; 22.5.2, p. 462 8, p. 84; 14.1 p. 193; 21.1, p. 343; 21.4, p. 369 2, p. 49; 16, p. 251; 22.1.3, p. 417 2, p . 5 0 ; 18.2, p. 271; 21.1, p. 350; 21.1.1, p. 361 13.5.1, p. 181; 14.3, p. 203; 20.1, p. 300; 20.3, p. 319; 22.4.4, p. 447 13.5.1, p . 1 8 5 ; 20.1, p. 311; 20.3, p. 326; 22.4.4, p. 448 1.2, p. 18; 1.3, p. 28; 22.6, p. 472 20.1, p. 307; 22.8, p. 486 14.4, p. 236 1.6, p. 42; 10.2, p. 105; 22.1.2, p . 402 1.4, p. 36; 22.1.2, p. 412 1.5, p. 41; 2, p. 55; 14.2, p. 201; 21.7, p. 381 6, p. 81; 13, p. 147; 14.3.4, p. 232; 22, p. 391 10.1, p. 102; 14.2, p. 201; 21, p. 342 16, p. 254; 20.1, p . 3 1 5 ; 22, p. 392 10.2, p. 113; 14.3, p. 209; 22.2.2, p. 426 2, p. 50; 10, p. 95 18.1, p. 266; 18.4, p . 2 8 0 ; 21.5, p. 373; 21.7, p. 380 1.2, p. 14; 19, p. 283; 22.8, p. 481 14.4.1, p. 241; 20.1, p. 303; 22.8.1, p. 494 14.4.1, p. 243; 20.1, p. 313; 22.8.1, p. 497 8, p. 86; 14.4.1, p. 240; 22.8.1, p. 493 8, p. 87; 21.1, p. 350; 21.4, p. 371

Author Index


(b (a (b (b (b (b (b

114, K157 1982) 74, K 4 9 1982) 114, K 6 3 1982) 111, 625 1982) 125 1982) 111, 113, 431 1982) 507 1982) 111, 112,


(b (a (b (b (a (a (a (a (a (b (a (b (b (b (a (b (b


(b 1 1 0 ,


(b (b (b (b


D. L.




114, 111, 72,

69, 74, 71, 72, 114, 70, 111, 114, 113, 74, 110, 111,

269 K61 K125 117 K l 05 349 661 531 375 439 K7 247 553 373 211 203 397

1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982)

133 1982)

111, 111,

1982) 1982) 1982) 1982)

(b 1 1 1 , (b 1 1 2 , (b 1 1 3 ,

483 1982) 171 1982) K 3 1 1982)

171 83 114, K 1 3 9 110, 431


(b 1 1 0 , K 1 2 9 1982) (b 114, K 1 6 1 1982)


(b 1 1 0 ,


(b 1 0 9 , (b 1 1 0 , (a 7 4 ,


(a 7 3 , K 1 2 9 1982) (a 6 9 , 663 1982) 483 1982) (b 1 1 2 , (a 7 1 , K l 1982) (a 6 9 , 71 1982)


(b 1 1 1 ,


(a (a



131 1982) K 2 1 1982) K 4 1 1982)

131 1982)

70, K163 7 3 , K97

1982) 1982)

19, p. 291; 21.1.1, p. 364 18.3, p. 278; 19, p. 291; 22.8.2, p. 502 18, p. 263 13.5.1, p. 184; 20.1, p. 306; 22.5, p. 451 13.1, p. 150; 20.1, p. 304; 22, p. 385 2, p. 52; 13, p. 145; 21.2, p. 366; 21.6, p. 377 1, p. 10; 8, p. 87; 13.4, p. 109; 15, p. 246; 18.1, p. 266; 21.1, p. 349; 21.4, p. 370 4, p. 63; 6, p. 76; 22.8, p. 486 14.4.1, p. 241; 22.8, p. 484 13, p. 147; 18, p. 264 13.4, p. 168; 19, p. 286; 22.4.1, p. 440 14.4, p. 237; 16, p. 252; 22.5, p. 451 6, p. 71; 13, p. 140; 14.3.4, p. 227; 22.6, p. 468 1.3, p. 31; 13.4, p. 178; 22.7, p. 480 1.3, p. 28; 22.8, p. 485 1.3, p. 29; 22.8, p. 487 4, p. 65; 10.1, p. 102; 13.4, p. 177; 21.1, p. 357 8, p. 86; 14.4.1, p. 240; 22.8.1, p. 493 13.5.1, p. 183; 20.1, p. 305; 22.6, p. 471 13.5.1, p. 185; 20.1, p. 315; 22.8, p. 491 14.4, p. 237; 22.6, p. 473 10, p. 95 13.4, p. 165; 19, p. 284; 22.5.3, p. 465 6, p. 74; 13.5.1, p. 183; 20.1, p. 305; 20.3, p. 322; 23, p. 509 2, p. 46; 13.4, p. 165; 14.3.1. p. 214; 22.1.2, p. 403 14.3.1, p. 214; 15, p. 246; 22.1.2, p. 407 18.2, p. 270; 18.4, p. 280; 22.4.4, p. 447 13.1, p. 156; 17, p. 257; 21.4, p. 372 1.2, p. 16; 1.3, p . 2 7 ; 4, p. 62; 21.1, p. 346; 21.6, p. 375 1.3, p. 28; 21, p. 335; 21.3, p. 367 1.3, p. 29; 21, p. 336; 21.3, p. 367 11, p. 125; 20.1, p. 310; 22.4.1, p. 441; 22.4.2, p. 443; 22.4.4, p. 448 5, p. 66; 18.4, p. 280; 22.8.2, p. 500 5, p. 69; 18.4. p. 281; 22.8.2. p. 502

14.3.2, p . 2 1 7 ; 17, p. 255; 22.1.1, p. 396; 22.1.2, p. 404 5, p. 66 6, p. 72; 20.1, p. 302; 22.8.1, p. 493 2, p. 54; 6, p. 80; 8, p. 90; 20.1, p. 315; 22.6, p. 476; 22.8, p. 490 I.5, p. 41; 22.2.4, p. 431 9, p. 91; 11, p. 119; 22.1.2, p. 402 19, p. 289; 22.8.2, p. 501 2, p. 48; 14.3.4, p. 229; 22.6, p. 471 II, p . 1 1 8 ; 14.3, p. 202; 16. p. 249; 20.1, p. 299; 20.3, p. 318; 22.4.1, p. 439 13.5.1, p . 1 8 3 ; 14.3, p. 206; 20.3, p.322; 22.1.1, p. 396 8, p. 86; 10.2, p. 108; 22.6, p. 471 8, p. 88; 10.2, p. 114; 22.6, p. 474


533 (a 73, (a 72, (b 113, (b (a (b (a (a (b (b


114, 113,

1982) 1982)





691 K21





K259 243

1982) 1982)







383 K87

1982) 1982)

(a 73, (a 71, (b 113,




(a (b (a

113, 70, 110, 73,

401 809








72, K211








113, 112, 109,

209 379 563 433

1982) 1982) 1982) 1982)

112, 69, 70, 73, 73, 73, 74, 73, 69, 71, 110, 71, 69,

695 K139 K159 145 K57 K161 511 K221 535 K149

1982) 1982) 1982)


(b (b (b (b (b (a (a (a (a (a (a (a (a (a (b (a (a

643 K89 513

1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982)


(a (a

74, 72,

583 569



(a 70, (b 112, (b 112,

Kll 231

1982) 1982) 1982)

G. V. E. R.


(a 69, (b 113, (b 112, (a 74,

K69 209 143 517

1982) 1982) 1982)


(b 112, (b 112, (a 70,

575 193 K35

1982) 1982)








10.2, p. 114; 22.4.2, p. 443 I.2, p. 20; 6, p. 78; 8, p. 88; 22.8, p. 488 II, p.125; 19, p. 289; 20.1, p. 310; 20.3, p. 325; 22.6, p. 473 10.2, p. 113; 20.3, p. 325; 22.5.2, p. 460 10.2, p. 108; 11, p. 121; 22.1.2, p. 405 6, p. 72; 20.1, p. 302; 22.8.1, p. 493 11, p. 126; 20.3, p. 326; 22.8, p. 489 11, p. 127; 20.1, p. 313; 22.8, p. 490 2, p. 54; 14.1, p. 197; 21, p. 341 12.2, p. 137; 13.1, p. 155; 20.1, p. 312; 22.3, p. 434 12.2, p. 138; 14.3, p. 212; 22, p. 392 6, p. 73; 13, p. 143; 14.3.4, p. 228; 22, p. 386 20, p. 293; 22.4.1, p. 439; 22.4.2, p. 442; 22.4.3, p. 445 14.3.3, p. 224; 14.3.4, p. 231; 22, p. 389 2, p. 48; 14.3.4, p. 229; 22.6, p. 471 13.5.1, p. 185; 18, p.263; 20.1, p. 311; 22.3, p. 434 11, p. 125; 13.4, p. 173; 20.1, p. 310; 22.1.2, p. 411 2, p. 48; 13.4, p. 168; 14.3.1, p. 214; 14.3.4, p. 228; 22, p. 385 13.5.1, p. 184; 20.3, p. 325; 22.4.4, p. 448 13.4, p. 172; 14.3, p. 208; 22, p. 388 13.1, p. 149; 20, p. 293; 22.5.2, p. 455 13.1, p. 151; 20, p. 295; 22.5.2, p. 457 13.4, p. 172; 19, p. 289; 22.1.2, p. 410 1.2, p. 15; 11, p. 119; 22.6, p. 469 1.5, p. 39; 11, p. 121; 22.1.2, p. 406 1.2, p. 21; 3, p. 59; 22.1.2, p. 412 11, p. 126; 22, p. 389 3, p. 59; 22.1.2, p. 414 1.5, p. 41; 3, p. 59; 22.1.2, p. 416 5, p. 68; 18.2, p. 272; 18.3, p. 277; 21, p. 341 10.2, p. 105; 14.4, p. 234; 22.8, p. 483 5, p. 67; 18.3, p. 276; 21.1.1, p. 361 10.2, p. 107 ; 19, p. 285; 22.5.2, p. 456 I.4, p. 34; 22.5.2, p. 457 13.4, p.165; 16, p. 250; 20.1, p. 301; 20.3, p. 320; 22.8, p. 483 5, p. 69; 22.6, p. 476; 22.6.1, p. 478 II, p. 124; 13.4, p. 173; 14.3.2, p. 217; 22.1.2, p. 411 11, p. 120; 20.1, p. 302; 22.1.1, p. 396 10.2, p. 110; 14.4, p. 236; 22.5.3, p. 465 13.2, p. 157; 21, p. 336; 21.2, p. 366; 21.3, p. 367 1.6, p. 42; 17, p. 255; 22.6, p. 468 13.5.1, p. 184; 20.3, p. 325; 22.4.4, p. 448 14, p. 191; 18, p. 261 1.3, p. 31; 10.1, p. 102; 21, p. 342; 21.1, p. 358; 21.3, p. 368 13.1, p. 153; 14.3.2, p. 217; 22.1.1, p. 397 20.1, p. 307; 22.8, p. 486 13.4, p. 166; 14.3, p. 204; 22.1.2, p. 404








Author Index see (a) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (a) (a) (a) (b)

under letters " M c " 70, 295 1982) 113, 665 1982) 109, 705 1982) 110, 323 1982) 111, K61 1982) 112, 75 1982) 112, K35 1982) 114, K105 1982) 71, 345 1982) 73, K21 1982) 73, K119 1982) 109, 799 1982)

(b) (b) (b) (b) (b)

110, 111, 112, 109, 110,

(b) (b) (b) (b) (a) (a) (a)

112, 119 1982) 112, 187 1982) 114, 221 1982) 114, K183 1982) 72, K177 1982) 72, K177 1982) 78, 475 1982)

323 K61 75 705 K37

1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982)

(a) 70, 519 1982) (a) 73, K147 1982) (a) 69, 719 1982) 39 1982) (b) 110, see under letter " T " 47 1982) (b) 110, (b) 112, 747 1982) (b) 114, 331 1982) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) (b) (b) (a) (a) (a)

110, 69, 112, 72, 113, 113, 110, 73, 73, 69,

33 K91 473 K113 59 497 39 K253 K275 603

1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982)

(a) 73, K161 1982) (b) 114, 449 1982) (a) 70, 197 1982) (a) 69, (a) 69, (a) (a)

71, 71,

521 1982) K43 1982) 83 1982) 233 (1982)

p. 10; 10, p. 94 p. 13 8, p. 85; 13.4, p. 164; 22.2.1, p. 420 8, p. 85; 22.2.3, p. 427 13.1, p. 151; 14.3, p. 206; 22, p. 386 13.1, p. 152; 18, p. 261; 22.4.3, p. 446 18.2, p. 271 15, p. 248 8, p. 87; 12.2, p. 135; 22.5.2, p. 458 14.1, p. 197; 21, p. 339 14.3, p. 210; 22.2.4, p. 431 1.2, p. 15; 4, p. 61; 12.2, p. 134; 14.4, p. 234; 22.1, p. 393; 22.1.1, 395; 22.1.2, p. 401 8, p. 85; 22.2.3, p. 427 13.1, p. 151; 14.3, p. 206; 22, p. 386 13.1, p. 152; 18, p. 261; 22.4.3, p. 446 8, p. 85; 13.4, p. 164; 22.2.1, p. 420 7, p . 8 2 ; 13, p. 141; 18, p. 260; 20, p. 294; 22, p. 384 6, p. 76; 13, p. 144; 20, p. 295; 22.2.3, p. 428 13, p. 144; 18, p. 261; 22.8.1, p. 495 12.2, p. 137; 22.5.4, p. 467 14.2, p. 201 17, p. 256; 22.5.2, p. 460 17, p. 256; 22.5.2, p. 460 1, p. 10; 18.2, p. 272; 18.4, p. 281; 21.4, p. 371 ; 21.6, p. 378 1.1, p. 11; 1.3, p. 27; 22.8, p. 484 1,


14.3.3, p . 225;

14.3.4, p . 231;

22.1.2, p. 413

15, p. 245; 22.8.2, p. 499 13.2, p. 157 ; 21, p. 332 13.5.1, p . 182; 22.4.4, p . 447 13.5.1, p . 182; 22.4.4, p . 447 13.5.1, p . 185; 18, p . 2 6 4 ; 20.1, p . 3 1 5 ; 22.4.4,

p. 449 11, p. 120; 14.3, p. 204; 22.2.3, p. 427 13, p. 140; 17, p. 255; 21.4, p. 369; 22.6, p. 469 14.1, p. 196; 15, p. 247; 21.7, p. 380 3, p. 58; 14.3, p. 208; 16, p. 252; 22.8, p. 487 14.1, p. 196; 15, p. 247; 21.7, p. 380 14.1, p. 197; 15, p. 248; 21.7, p. 380 13.2, p. 157; 21, p. 332 13.4, p. 176; 17, p. 257; 22.6, p. 475 13.3, p. 160; 17, p. 257; 22.5.2, p. 462 11,



p. 204;


p. 284;


p. 301; 22.1.2, p. 402 3, p. 59; 22.1.2, p. 414 13.1, p. 156; 21.1, p. 357 1.4, p. 33; 10.2, p. 106; 14.3.3, p. 220; 22.1.2, p. 403 11, p. 119; 20.3, p. 320; 22.2.1, p. 420 11, p.118; 13.4, p.164; 20.3, p . 3 1 9 ; 22.2.1,

p. 420 13.4, p. 168; 22.1.2, p. 406 13.4, p. 168; 20.3, p. 323; 22.2.1, p. 421

Author Index

535 (a)

D. G l ö t z e l P. Gluck

71, K187 (1982)

a) 72, 715 (1982) a) 73, K267 (1982) b) 113, 519 (1982)

E. Ya. G l u s h k o E. Gmelin P. F. Gobix

b) b) b) b) a)

109, 114, 114, 113, 70,

N. K . Gobean



57 (1982)

M. G o d l e w s k a M. M. G o d z h a e v J. Goebbels 0. Goede

a) 73, b) 112, b) 112, b) 110,

65 (1982) K93 (1982) 115(1982) 175 (1982)

S. C. G o e l A. A. G o g o l i n C. G o i i y I. M . G o l e an

Y u . A. G o l d b e r g IX A. G o l o p e n t i a A. G o l t z e n e A. 0 . Golubok J . ('. Gomez-Sal

437 K47 685 185 159

(1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982)

b) 113, K l 6 3 (1982) b) 109, 183 (1982) b) 109, 95(1982) a) 74, 583 (1982) b) 112, 473 (1982) b) 113, 59(1982) b) 113, 497 (1982) a) 70, K121 (1982) a) 72, 123 (1982) a) 69, K151 (1982) a) 69, 631 (1982) a) 73, 475 (1982)

G. (*omez-Santos P. Gondi

b) 113, a) 69, ' "3.

I>. J . G o n z a l e z J. (Gonzalez

b) 114, 495 (1982) a) 69, K37 (1982) 1 10, K l 7 l (1982)

M. A. G o n z a l e z E. S. R. G o p a l R. V. G o p a l a R a o G. 1. Gokbunova I. G o r c z y c a M. L. G o r d e e v W. S. Gordon V. S. G o r e l i k B. M. G o r e l o v E. A. Goremychkin"

697(1982) 677 (1982) 617 (1982)

73, K189 (1982) a) 69. 69, 407 (1982) see under letter " R " b) 113, K103 (1982) b) 112, 97 (1982) b) 111, K123 (1982) a) 71, 79 (1982) b) 112, 69(1982) b) 110, K145 (1982) b) 111, 507(1982)

R. Göring


P. GÜRNERT V. D. Gorobciienko ]. Goscianska

a) 74, 107 (1982) b) 113, K135 (1982) i) 73, 633 (1982)


623 (1982)

11, p. 123; 13.4, p. 171; 20.3, p. 323-, 22.2.1, p. 421 13.4, p. 173-, 20.3, p. 325; 22.2.1, p. 422 11, p. 127; 20.3, p. 327; 22.2.1, p. 423 13.1, p.15,5; 22.1.1, p. 398; 22.1.2, p. 413; 22.2.1, p. 422 1.2, p. 14; 14.4, p. 234; 22.5, p. 450 8, p. 89; 13.5, p. 180 6, p. 81 ; 13, p. 147; 13.5.1, p. 186 8, p. 88; 18.2, p. 272; 21.1, p. 352 10.1, p.97; 12.1, p.130; 21, p. 333; 21.1, p. 346 10.1, p.97; 14.1, p. 194; 21. p. 333; 21.1, p. 345 1.2, p. 20; 14.4, p. 237; 22.9, p. 506 6, p. 77; 20.1, p. 309; 22.8, p. 488 2, p. 49; 19, p. 288; 21.1, p. 350 13.5.1, p. 182; 20.1, p. 301 ; 20.3, p. 320; 22.4.4, p. 447 13.4, p. 175; 13.5.1, p. 185; 22.4.4, p. 449 S, p. 84; 21.1, p. 343; 21.6, p. 374 13.5.1, p. 181; 13.5.3, p. 188; 20.1, p. 298 5, p. 69; 22.6, p. 476; 22.6.1, p. 478 14.1, p. 196; 15. p. 247; 21.7, p. 380 14.1, p. 196; 15, p. 247; 21.7, p. 380 14.1, p. 197; 15, p. 248; 21.7, p. 380 11, p. 121; 14.3, p. 206; 22.2.2, p. 424 10.2, p. 110; 14.4, p. 236; 22.5.1, p. 453 10.2, p. 105; 19, p. 284; 22.2.1, p. 420 14.2, p. 199; 18, p. 259; 21, p. 332 1, p. 10; 18.2. p. 272; 18.4, p. 281 ; 21.4, p. 371 ; 21.6, p. 378 6, p. 79; 73.5, p. 179; 21.1, p. 354; 21.6, p. 378 1.4, p. 32; 10.2, p. 105; 22.1.2, p. 402 10.2, p. 115; 13.4. p. 175; 16, p. 253; 22.1.: p. 414 2, p. 55; 13, p. 147; 21.3. p. 368 13.4, p. 163; 16. p. 250; 22.8, p. 481 13.1, p. 150: 13.4, p. 167; 20.1, p. 3v* p. 483 13.4, p. 176; 16, p. 253; 22.2.1, p. 423 12.2, p. 134; 22.8.1, p. 492 11, p. 126; 22.1.2, p. 413 12.2, p. 136; 13.1, p. 152; 22.2.3, p. 428 13.1, p. 151; 22.6, p. 472 20.3, p. 323; 22.4.1, p. 440 6, p. 75; 20.1, p. 307; 22.5, p. 451 14.1, p. 194: 14.4, p. 235; 22.9, p. 504 1, p.10; 8, p. 87; 13.4, p. 169; 15, p. 246; 18.1, p. 266; 21.1, p. 349; 21.4, p. 370 2, p.51; 6, p. 78; 19, p. 289; 20.1, p. 309; 22.6, p. 473 1.5, p. 41: 18.2.1, p. 275; 22.8.2, p. 502 5, p. 68 2, p. 53; 14.1. p. 197; 18.3, p. 277; 21.1, p. 355; 21.4, p. 371

Author Index




(a (a (a

78 78 69







(a (a (a (a

69 K 1 3 9 70 K 1 5 9 145 73 333 73


(a (a (a

73 K 1 6 1 1 9 8 2 ) 74 511 1982) 72 147 1982)

509 (b 113 K9 (b 113 (a 70 101 (a 69 K 2 0 5 (a 73 K 2 3 7 721 (b 113

1982) 1982) 1982)

1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982)

503 583 K17

1982) 1982) 1982)


(b 113 (a 74 (a 74 (a 74 (b 112 (b 111

233 633 195

1982) 1982) 1982)

X. V. Z. H.

(b 111 111 (b 1 1 4 (b 111

407 407 429 507

1982) 1982) 1982) 1982)


(b 111




327 (b 112 (b 114 K 1 0 1 (a 72 K 1 1 3 (a 70 513 (a 70 K 1 6 3 (a 73 K 9 7 (a 71 441 (a 71 611 (a 72 551 227 (b 110 (a 69 K 1 8 3

1982) 1982)





1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982)

72 301 1982) 71 K 2 0 5 1 9 8 2 ) 763 1982) 70


(a (a (a


(b 113 (a 69

K93 287

1982) 1982)


(b 110 (b 109

285 255

1982) 1982)


10.1, p. 101; 21, p. 340; 21.7, p. 380 18.3, p. 277; 22.8.2, p. 501 11, p.119-, 14.3, p. 204; 19, p. 284; 20.1, p. 301; 22.1.2, p. 402 1.2, p. 15; 11, p. 119; 22.6, p. 469 1.5, p. 39; 11, p. 121; 22.1.2, p. 406 1.2, p. 21; 3, p. 59; 22.1.2, p. 412 1.2, p. 22; 11, p. 126; 14.3, p. 210; 22.1.2, p. 413 3, p. 59; 22.1.2, p. 414 1.5, p. 41; 3, p. 59; 22.1.2, p. 416 10.1, p. 99; 14.1, p. 195; 21, p. 337; 21.1, p. 350 13.4, p. 174; 19, p. 290; 22.8.1, p. 497 10.2, p. 113; 22.9, p. 506 2, p. 47; 12.2, p. 134; 22.6, p. 469 1.2, p. 15; 6, p. 71; 20.1, p. 301; 22.9, p. 503 1.2, p. 22; 20.1, p. 313; 22.9, p. 507 8, p. 89; 10.2, p. 114; 12.2, p. 137; 14.4, p. 238; 22.5.2, p. 461 13.4, p. 174; 20.1, p. 311; 22.4.4, p. 448 5, p. 69; 22.6, p. 476; 22.6.1, p. 478 1.1, p. 13; 22.8, p. 490 1.6, p. 44; 3, p. 59; 22.5.4, p. 467 8, p. 88; 14.3, p. 208; 22.9, p. 506 14.1, p. 194; 15, p. 246; 18.4, p . 2 8 0 ; 21.1, p. 348; 21.4, p. 370 14.4.1, p. 241; 19, p. 286; 22.8, p. 484 14.4.1, p. 241; 19, p. 286; 22.8, p. 484 13, p. 147; 14.3.4, p. 232; 22.1.2, p. 415 1, p . 1 0 ; 8, p. 87; 13.4, p. 169; 15, p. 246; 18.1, p. 266; 21.1, p. 349; 21.4, p. 370 6, p . 7 4 ; 13.5.1, p . 1 8 3 ; 20.1, p. 305; 20.3, p. 322; 23, p. 509 1, p. 10; 12, p. 129; 13, p. 144 13.4, p. 177; 14.3.4, p. 232; 22.1.1, p. 398 3, p. 58; 14.3, p. 208; 16, p. 252; 22.8, p. 487 1.3, p. 27; 14.1, p. 194; 21.1, p. 347 8, p. 86; 10.2, p. 108; 22.6, p. 471 8, p. 88; 10.2, p. 114; 22.6, p. 474 2, p. 49; 18, p. 261; 20, p. 295; 22.8, p. 485 1.4, p. 34; 10.2, p. 109; 22.1.2, p. 408 1.2, p. 19 ; 1.5, p. 40; 22, p. 388 13.1, p. 149; 23, p. 509 1.5, p. 38; 3, p. 57; 11, p. 119; 22.1.1, p. 395; 22.1.2, p. 402 11, p. 123; 22.1.2, p. 409 15, p. 247; 21.7, p. 380 10.2, p . 1 0 8 ; 11, p. 121; 20.1, p. 304; 22.1.2, p. 406 13, p. 146; 18, p. 263 8, p. 85; 14.1, p. 193; 14.3, p. 203; 15, p. 245; 18, p. 259; 22.6, p. 468 11, p. 120; 17, p. 255; 21, p. 332 13, p. 139; 14.4, p. 234; 20.1, p . 2 9 8 ; 22.6, p. 468

Author Index





687 (1982)

13.4, p. 173; 22.2.4, p. 431


p. 224;


(b) 110,

133 (1982)

2, p.46; 13.4, p . 165; 14.3.1, p . 214;

20.3, p. 325; 22.1.2,


see under letter " B " (a) 73, 153 (1982) (a)






149 (1982)

(b) 112, K73 (1982) (b) 114, 255 (1982) (a) 69, K15 (1982) (a) 69, K131 (1982) (a) 70, 583 (1982) (b) 113, 339 (1982) (b) 114, K l l (1982) (a) 71, K37 (1982) (a) 71, K169 (1982) (b) 111, 295 (1982) (b) 114, 265 (1982) (a) 72, K37 (1982) see under letters "Mc" (b) 112, 599 (1982) (a) 74, K63 (1982) (b) 109, 583 (1982) (b) 109, 599 (1982) (b) 111, K153 (1982) (a) 70, 51 (1982)

(b) (a) (a) (a) (b)

110, 531 (1982) 71, 627 (1982) 74, K123 (1982) 71, 89 (1982) 109, 233 (1982)


(a) (a)

71, 72,

259 (1982) 313 (1982)


(b) 109,



(b) 111, (b) 112,

221 (1982) 201 (1982)

C. H A M A N N


74, K l 0 9 (1982)


(a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (b) see

70, 127 (1982) 70, 287 (1982) 71, 127 (1982) 72, K79 (1982) 73, K123 (1982) 74, K l (1982) 69, 625 (1982) 112, 143 (1982) under letter " B "



10.1, p . 1 0 0 ;


p. 339;


p. 353;


p. 368 10.1, p. 101; 21, p. 341; 21.1, p. 356; 21.3, p. 368 8 13.1, p. 152; 20.1, p. 308; 22.2.2, p. 425 1Ö.Z, 18.2, p. 273; 21.4, p. 372 1, j , p.p.a9; , ^22.8.2, . o . ^ , p.p. 499 ™ 11 pp .. 118; 11, 118; 14.3.1, 14.3.1, p . 213; 2 2 , p . 3 8 3 ~ OSÌ 1 ~

1.2, p. 16; 20.1, p. 304; 22.5.4, p. 467 1.1, p. 13; 4, p. 64; 12.2, p. 136; 22.5.2p. 460 4, p. 65; 6, p. 80; 22.2.2, p. 426; 22.2.3 p. 429 287; 1 4 . 3 , p . 2 0 6 ; 1 6 , p . 2 5 1 ; 19, p. p.2 8 7 ; 22.4.1, p. 440 10 10.2, , p. 110; 19, p. 287; 22.4.1, p. 441 4, p 62; 22, p. 386; 22.5, p. 450 '-, p. 4, p. 65; 6, p. 80; 8, p. 89; 12.2: p. 137; 2Î2.5.2, 2. p. 462; 22.6, p. 475 10.2 . I l l ; 19, p. 288; 22.8, p. 487 p. 153; 20, p. 296; 22, p. 388 t> 5>.T4. 22.8, 99 8 -n p. 254; p. ¿ton 490 6, p. 71; 13.4, p. 164; ïu.a, p. o h ; p. 383 ooo 6, p. 71; 13.4, p. 164; 20.3, p. 319; 22, p. 383 6, p. 75; 20.1, p. 307; 22.5.2, p. 458


Id 16,





5, p.66;

14.3, -


' p. 414 p. 504 1.2, ..17;, 19, 286; --- 22.9, -... p. 39; 10.2, p. 106; 22.2.4 - 430 1.5, 1.2, p. 18; 6, p. 75; 20.1, jj. 307; 22.6, . 472 U, p. 73; 20.1, ™ I, p. 304; 22.8, p. 483 • 0, P 2, p. 55; . , 19, p. 291; 22, p. 392 1 A _ OA. 1 1.4 34; 10.1, p. 98; 98 . 21, 3: 21, p. p 335 8, p. 87 14.4, p. 237 22.8.1, p. 495 2, p. 45 14.3, p. 202; 15, p. 24i 18, p. 259; 22.8, 481 13.4, P- 178; 14.3.3, p. 226; 20.3, p. 329; 22.2.2, p. 426 14.4.1, p. 241; 20.1, p. 303; 22.8, p. 494 1.2, p. 22; 12.2. p.137; 14.4.1, 243; 22.8, p. 490 10.1, p jj. 100; 14.2 p. 200 13, p. 147; 14.3.4, p. noe,-, 232 22.1.2, p. 415 1.3, p. 26 12.2, p. 134; 13, p. 141; 22.3, p 433 1.2, p. 17 4, p. 62; 12.2, p. 135; 22.1.1, p. 396; 22.1.2, p. p. 406 13.1, p. 150; 1. 15, p. 246; 22.4.4, p. 447 1.2, 21 '1 •; «12.1, p. 132; ^21.1, j.z, p. p . ¿1 . I , p. i . i , p.355 99 K 9 p. r. 458 6, p. 75; 20.1, p. Xft7. 307; 22.5.2, 13.1, p. 151; 22.6. p. 472 13.5.4, p. 189; 18.2, p. 271 10.2,

1.2, p. 21; 2, p. 53; 22..9, p. 507 14.4, p. 236; 22.5, p. 4; 451 1.3, p.31; 1.4, p. 36; 21.1, p. 355; 21.1.1, p. 362; 22.u.^, t/v/x .2, ¡j. p. 501 1.3, p. 31; 5, p. 68; 18.2, p. 273; 21.1, p. 356; 21.1.1, 1.1.1, p. dOö 363 .J j, 22.5.4, p. 467 , p.61; 12.2, p. j. 134; 2> p. 51;> 13.1 p. - 1 153; 20.1. p. 310; 20.3, ~ p. 325; 22.2.4, p. 431 1.2, p. 17; 4, p. 63; 22, p. 387 4, p. 65; 12.2, p. 137; 22, p. 391 19, p. 291; 22.8, p. 491 20.3, p. 324; 22.5, p. 451 13.3, p. 160; 14.3.3, p. 224; 16. p. 253; 22.1.2, p. 411

542 W.

Author Index







Z. M. S.C.











(a) (a) (a) (b)

73, 545 (1982) 70, K163 (1982) 73, K97 (1982) 111, 227 (1982)

(a) (b) (a) (a) (a) (b) (a) (a) (a)

70, K67 (1982) 113, 313 (1982) 74, K69 (1982) 72, 95 (1982) 69, K65 (1982) 109, 369(1982) 69, 491 (1982) 73, K185 (1982) 69, K87 (1982)

(a) 71,

13 (1982)

(a) 69, K129 (1982) (b) 109, K39 (1982) (a) 70, 755 (1982) (a) 71,

335 (1982)

(a) 71, (a) 72, (a) 73,

441 (1982) 325 (1982) 579 (1982)

(a) 74, (b) 113,

475 (1982) 439 (1982)

(a) (b) (a) (b) (b) (a) (b) (b)

72, 783 (1982) 114, 653 (1982) 73, K189 (1982) 110, 445 (1982) 113, 679 (1982) 71, 89 (1982) 109, 137 (1982) 111, 11 (1982)

(b) 114,

741 (1982)


(a) (a) (a) (b) (a) (a) (a)


(a) 71, K157 (1982)


(a) 74, (a) 74,



J. F. J.


J . A . H . DA J O H N ADA



71, 589 (1982) 71, K i l l (1982) 72, K223 (1982) 112, 641 (1982) 71, 457 (1982) 74, 661 (1982) 70. 353 (1982)

85 (1982) K69 (1982)

(a) 69, K147 (1982) (b) 112, 379 (1982)

13.4, p. 175; 14.3.2, p. 218 8, p. 86; 10.2, p. 108; 22.6, p. 471 8, p. 88; 10.2, p. 114; 22.6, p. 474 13.4, p. 168; 18.1, p. 266; 19, p. 286; 22.8, p. 484 14.3, p. 205; 22.8, p. 483 14.2, p. 200; 14.3.4, p. 231; 22, p. 389 2, p. 54; 18.2, p. 274; 21.1, p. 357 5, p. 67; 18.3, p. 276; 22.8.2, p. 500 9, p. 91; 14.3.2, p. 217; 22.2.1, p. 420 8, p. 84; 14.1, p. 193; 21.1, p. 343; 21.4, p. 369 13.4, p. 164; 14.3, p. 203; 22.8, p. 482 1.2, p. 22; 14.3, p. 210; 22.9, p. 507 20, p. 293; 22.4.1, p. 439; 22.4.2, p. 442; 22.4.3, p. 445 1.5, p. 38; 3, p. 57; 13.1, p. 148; 14.3.1, p. 213; 20.1, p. 298; 22.6, p. 468; 22.6.1, p. 477 14.3, p. 203; 22.8.1, p. 492 6, p. 70; 20.1, p. 299; 22.5.3, p. 465 2, p. 48; 13.3, p. 159; 14.3.3, p. 221; 22, p. 385; 22.4.2, p. 443 2, p. 49; 13.3, p. 159; 14.3.3, p. 222; 22, p. 387; 22.4.2, p. 443 2, p. 49; 18, p. 261; 20, p. 295; 22.8 p. 485 12.1, p. 132; 14.1, p. 196; 21.4, p. 371 7, p. 83; 12.1, p.133; 14.1, p. 197; 21.1.1, p. 363 14.1, p. 198; 21.1, p. 358; 21.1.1, p. 364 6, p. 79; 13.5.1, p.184; 20.1, p. 311; 22.6, p. 474 14.4.1, p. 242; 19, p. 289; 22.8.1, p. 496 18.2, p. 274; 21.1, p. 358 13.4, p. 176; 16, p. 253; 22.2.1, p. 423 6, p. 72; 22.9, p. 504 13, p. 146; 19, p. 290; 21, p. 340 14.3.4, p. 229; 20.3, p. 323; 22.2.2, p. 425 4, p. 61; 6, p. 70; 21.6, p. 374 13.1, p. 148; 20, p. 293; 21, p. 330; 21.1, p. 343; 21.6, p. 374 13.1, p. 148; 20, p. 293; 21, p. 330; 21.1, p. 343; 21.6, p. 374 10.1, p. 98; 12.1, p. 131; 21, p. 335 2, p. 49; 16, p. 252; 22.1.2, p. 407 10.1, p. 100; 21.1.1, p. 361 13.1, p. 153; 22.1, p. 394 1, p.10; 6, p. lb; 12.2, p. 135; 22.9, p. 505 1.3, p. 31; 13.4, p. 178; 22.7, p. 480 8, p.84; 14.4, p. 234; 22.8.2, p. 499; 22.9, p. 503 9, p. 92; 10.2, p.110; 14.3, p. 207; 22.4.3, p. 446 1.6, p. 44; 13.3, p. 161; 22.6, p. 475 2, p. 54; 18.2, p. 274; 21.1, p. 357 1.1, p. 11; 12.1, p. 130; 21, p. 332 13.4, p. 172; 14.3, p. 208; 22, p. 388



(a) 72, K197 (1982) (a) 70, K 1 5 (1982) (a) 71, 371 (b) 112, 151 (b) 112, K 9 9 (b) 112, K 1 0 7 (b) 111, K 2 3

(1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982)


(b) (b) (b) (a) (a) (a) (a) (b) (b) (a) (b) (a) (a) (a) (a) (b) (a) (a)

111, 113, 111, 70, 71, 73, 69, 110, 114, 74, 110, 71, 72, 70, 71, 114, 71, 71,

(1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982)




297 (1982)

(b) 110,

417 (1982)



397 (1982)



291 (1982)





679 K131 95 371 109 573 K163 369 K147 K155 445 457 K79 317 K21 K105 K165 K157

(b) 112, 2 5 (1982) (1982) (a) 72, K 1207 I . KAMOHARA T . KANAIZTJKA G. S . KANDAUROVA T . KANEKO A . KANRAR L. M. KANSKAYA M . M . KANTOR V . G. KANTSER


(b) 111, (a) 69, (a) 73,

619 (1982) 739 (1982) 351 (1982)

(b) 111, (b) 114, (b) 114,

491 (1982) 221 (1982) 373 (1982)

(a) (b) (b) (b) (b) (a)

379 473 59 497 351 649

70, 112, 113, 113, 112, 71,

(b) 112, (b) 113,

(1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982)

685 (1982) 147 (1982)

3, p. 58; 18.2, p. 271; 22.8.1, p. 496 13.3, p.1-58; 14.4, p.235; 22.1.2, p. 403; 22.6, p. 469 1.1, p. 12-, 22.1.2, p. 407 6, p. 76; 12.1, p. 131; 21.2. p. 366 6, p. 77; 8, p. 88; 12.2, p. 136; 22.3, p. 434 1.3, p. 29; 12.1, p. 132; 21.2, p. 366 1.2, p. 17; 4, p. 62; 12.2. p. 135; 22.1.1, p. 396; 22.1.2, p. 406 1.3, p. 28; 12.1, p. 131; 21.2, p. 365 1.2, p. 21; 12.1, p. 132; 21.1, p. 355 13.5.2, p. 187 1.4, p. 33; 10.1, p. 98; 21, p. 334 1.1, p. 12; 1.2, p. 17; 22, p. 386 13.1. p. 155; 20.1, p. 313; 22.8.1, p. 497 8, p. 85; 14.4.1, p. 240; 22.8.1, p. 493 13, p. 141; 18.2, p. 269; 22, p. 384 13, p. 147; 14.3, p. 211; 18.2, p. 274 2, p. 56; 19, p. 292; 22.1. p. 394 6, p. 72; 22.9, p. 504 1, p. 10; 6, p. 75; 12.2, p. 135; 22.9, p. 505 2, p. 50; 18, p. 261; 22.8, p. 487 13.4, p. 166; 14.3.3, p. 220; 22.1.2, p . 403 14.4.1, p. 241; 22, p. 386 15, p. 248 14.3, p. 207; 22.6, p. 472 9, p. 92; 10.2, p. 110; 14.3, p. 207; 22.4.3, p. 446 1.3, p. 25; 21.1, p. 344 13.4, p. 166; 20.1, p. 303; 20.3, p. 321; 22.8.1, p. 494 20.1, p. 304; 20.2, p.317; 20.3; p. 322; 22.8, p. 483 20.1, p. 307; 20.2, p.317; 20.3; p. 323; 22.8, p. 485 6, p. 77; 13.4, p. 172; 20, p. 296; 22.8.2, p. 501 3, p. 58; 14.4.1, p. 242; 20.1, p.308; 20.3, p. 324; 22.8.1, p. 495 13.3, p. 159; 20, p. 295 1.2, p. 15; 5, p. 66; 18.2, p. 268; 21.1.1, p. 359 1.4, p.36; 18.2, p.272; 21.1, p. 355; 21.1.1, p. 362 11, p. 122; 13, p. 143 12.2, p. 137; 22.5.4, p. 467 13.1, p.155; 13.5.1, p. 185; 20.1, p. 315; 22.2.3, p. 429 1.3, p. 27; 10.1, p. 98; 21, p. 334 14.1, p. 196; 15, p. 247; 21.7, p. 380 14.1, p. 196; 15, p. 247; 21.7, p. 380 14.1, p. 197; 15, p. 248; 21.7, p. 380 1.2, p. 19; 18.4, p. 280; 22.8, p. 487 6, p. 75; 14.3.4, p. 229; 20.1, p.307; 22.9, p. 505 10.2, p. 112; 14.4, p. 237; 22.5.2, p. 459 13.4, p. 174; 14.4, p. 237; 20.1. p. 310; 22.5.2, p. 460

Author Index



78, K147 (1982) 71,

563 173 17 543 K45 463 51 203 375 705

1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982)

S. X .


(a) (a) (a) (a) (b) (a) (b) (b) (b) (b)

I. L.




707 1982)




637 1982)


139 1982) (a) 7 0 , (a) 69, K l 3 9 1982) (a) 69, K183 1982)

F. K. F.



A. E.




B . V.


W. E.




A . A . KATANOV 8. P.













(a) (b) (b) (b) (a) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (a) (a) (a) (b)


(a) (a)


(a) (a) (a) (b) (b) (a) (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (a) (b)

T . S. K Ê H. V.













F. R.


69, 70, 71,

111, 72, 118, 110, 109, 114,

72, 110, 112,

111, 70, 113, 113, 112,

111, 112, 113,

69, 69, 69, 110, 71, 74,

301 K167 K99 383 K125 421 481 211 83 399 327 127 227 333 115

1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982)

99 1982) 113 1982)

71, K107 159 70, 70, K155 110, 571 114, K75 497 74, 69, 467 111, 247 73, K209 109, K119 7 1 , K211 1 1 3 , K107 489 70, 131 72, 109, 283

1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982)

14.3.3, p. 225; 14.3.4, p. 231; 22.1.2, p. 413 11, p. 122; 14.3, p. 207; 22.2.2, p. 425 19, p. 283; 20.3, p. 318; 22.2, p. 418 1.3, p. 26; 11, p. 120; 14.2, p. 199; 21.1, p. 345 13.4, p. 170; 14.3.4, p. 229; 22.8, p. 485 14.3, p. 206 ; 20.1, p. 305; 22.2.4, p. 430 10.2, p. 122; 22.1.2, p. 410 18.2, p. 271 13.4, p. 165; 19, p. 284; 22.5.3, p. 465 13.4, p. 163; 22.2.2, p. 424; 22.4.2, p. 442 13.3, p. 161; 19, p. 291; 22.1.1, p. 398; 22.1.2, p. 415 14.3.3, p . 2 2 0 ; 14.3.4, p. 227; 20.3, p. 320; 22.2.4, p. 430 14.3.3, p. 220; 16, p. 250; 20.1, p. 301; 22.9, p. 503 13.4, p. 166 ; 14.3.1, p. 214; 22.9, p. 504 1.2, p. 15; 11, p. 119; 22.6, p. 469 1.5, p. 38; 3. p. 57; 11, p. 119; 22.1.1, p. 395; 22.1.2, p. 402 11, p. 123; 22.1.2, p. 409 12.2, p. 135; 22.1.1, p. 396; 22.1.2, p. 404 6, p. 77; 8, p. 88; 12.2, p. 136; 22.3, p. 434 6, p. 73; 13, p. 143; 14.3.4, p. 228; 22, p. 386 11, p. 121; 20.3, p. 322; 22.5.2, p. 457 6, p. 79; 22.2.4, p. 431 10.2, p. 114; 13.4, p. 174; 22.5.2, p. 461 13.1, p. 152; 21.1, p. 350 18.2, p. 270; 18.4. p. 280; 22.4.4, p. 447 2. p. 50; 18, p. 262 13, p. 145; 18, p. 262 10.1, p. 96; 12.1, p. 130; 21, p. 331 10.2, p. 103; 22.1.2, p. 400 10.2, p. 104; 22.1.2, p. 400 13.5.1, p. 182; 19, p. 284; 20.3, p. 320; 22.5.2, p. 456 10.2, p. 109; 11, p. 122; 22.1.2, p. 406 10.2, p. 116; 11, p. 127; 13.4, p. 176; 14.3, p. 211; 22.1.2, p. 414 2, p. 49; 16, p. 251; 22, p. 386 10.1, p. 97; 12.1, p. 130; 21, p. 333: 21.1, p. 346 18.2, p. 270; 22.8.1, p. 494 2, p. 47; 14.3, p. 205; 22, p. 384 14.3, p. 211; 22, p. 391 2, p. 55; 14.3.4, p. 233 13.1, p. 149; 20.1, p. 300; 22.4.4, p. 447 13.5.1, p. 183; 20.1, p. 305; 22.6, p. 471 18.3, p. 277; 22.8.2, p. 501 13.1, p. 149; 20.1, p. 300; 22.8, p. 482 13.1, p. 151; 20.1, p. 307; 22.8, p. 486 6, p. 79; 20.1, p. 312; 22.8, p. 489 11, p. 121; 22.1.2. p. 405 1.6, p. 43; 21, p. 337 18, p. 259; 20. p . 2 9 3 ; 22.1.1. p. 395; 22.1.2, p. 400

Author Index

545 (a)





(a) 70, (a) 74, (b) 1 1 2 ,

189 1982) 217 1982) K 6 7 1982)


(a) (b) (b) (b) (b)

72, 114, 112, 112, 112,

K 6 9 1982) K 2 5 1982) 6 5 1 1982) 115 1982) K 6 7 1982)

M . N . KHAN



M . R . KHAN W . I . KHAN

(a) (a)

23 1982) 78, 70, K 1 7 5 1982)


1982) (b) 1 1 0 , K 4 1 (b) 1 0 9 , 131 1982) 111 1982) (b) 1 1 1 ,


(b) 1 1 4 , K 3 1 R . KHANNA E . E . KHAWAJA

(b) 1 1 2 , (a) 74,


217 (a) 74, (a) 7 1 , K 2 1 1 (b) 1 1 3 , K 1 0 7 (a) 72, K 6 9 (a) 69, 4 2 5 (b) 1 1 2 , K 1 4 9 363 (b) 1 1 0 , 49 (a) 7 1 ,

L. A. L. D. L.

P. L. E. Z. G.




667 1982) 2 7 3 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982)

(b) 1 1 4 , K 1 3 5 1982) 185 1982) (a) 74, A . KIDAWA H . KIDO

(a) (a)



(b) (b) (b) (a) (b) (a) (a) (b) (b) (b) (a)


(a) 69, (a) 74, (b) 1 1 1 ,


35 pliysica, Keg.-B(l. 15

72, 70,

K9 K23

1982) 1982)

1 1 4 , K 2 1 1982) 1 1 4 , 4 8 7 1982) 1 1 2 , 4 0 9 1982) 70, 287 1982) 109, 807 1982) 72, 5 6 1 1982) 69, K 1 8 9 1982) 1 1 1 , 6 7 9 1982) 112, 151 1982) 1 1 2 , K 1 0 7 1982) 73, 7 1 1982) 5 5 3 1982) K 1 1982) 4 6 1 1982)

13.5.1, p . 1 8 2 ; 18, p. 260; 20, p . 294; 2 2 . 1 . 1 , p. 396 10.2, p . 106; 14.4, p . 235; 2 2 . 5 . 1 , p . 4 5 3 14.3.1, p . 216; 14.3.4, p . 232 ; 22, p . 3 9 1 14.2, p . 200; 21, p . 3 3 6 ; 21.1, p . 3 5 0 ; 2 1 . 1 , p. 350; 21.6, p. 376 10.2, p . Ill; 11, p . 1 2 4 ; 22.1.2, p . 4 0 9 13.5, p . 179; 20.1, p . 314 13, p . 144; 14.3.4, p . 230; 22, p . 3 8 8 2, p . 4 9 ; 19, p . 288; 21.1, p . 3 5 0 14.2, p . 200; 21, p . 3 3 6 ; 21.1, p. 3 5 0 ; 21.6, p. 376 2, p . 5 4 ; 14.3, p . 211; 20.1, p.314; 2 2 . 6 . 1 , p. 478 1.5, p . 40; 3, p . 58; 21.1, p . 3 5 3 ; 2 1 . 6 , p . 3 7 7 1.3, p . 28; 18.2, p . 270; 21.1, p . 3 4 8 ; 21.4, p. 370 14.1, p . 193; 21.7, p . 3 7 9 5, p . 66 1.3, p . 28; 2, p . 4 8 ; 8, p . 8 6 ; 21, p . 3 3 4 ; 2 1 . 1 , p. 348 2, p.54; 8, p.89; 21, p . 3 4 1 ; 21.1, p . 3 5 6 ; 21.7, p . 3 6 6 ; 2 1 . 3 , p . 3 6 8 ; 2 1 . 7 , p . 3 8 1 6, p . 77; 10.1, p . 9 9 ; 21.1, p . 3 5 1 ; 2 1 . 3 , p . 3 6 8 2, p . 5 4 ; 14.3, p . 211; 20.1, p.314; 2 2 . 6 . 1 , p. 478 14.3.1, p . 216; 14.3.4, p . 232; 22, p . 3 9 1 13.1, p . 1 5 1 ; 20.1, p . 307; 22.8, p . 4 8 6 6, p . 79; 20.1, p . 312; 2 2 . 8 , p . 4 8 9 10.2, p . Ill; 11, p . 1 2 4 ; 2 2 . 1 . 2 , p . 4 0 9 13.1, p . 149; 20.1, p . 299; 2 2 . 8 . 1 , p . 4 9 2 13.4, p . 1 7 2 ; 20.3, p . 324; 2 2 . 5 . 3 , p . 4 6 6 19, p . 285; 21, p . 3 3 3 1.2, p.17; 12.2. p . 1 3 5 ; 14.3, p . 2 0 6 ; 15, p . 246; 2 2 . 7 , p . 4 7 9 1.2, p . 23; 21.4, p. 372 1.2, p . 23; 12.2, p . 1 3 8 ; 14.3, p . 211; 2 2 . 7 , p. 480 16, p . 252; 2 2 . 8 , p . 4 8 7 1.3, p.27; 18.2, p.269; 21.1, p. 3 4 6 ; 2 1 . 4 , p. 370 6, p . 80; 13, p . 146 17, p . 257; 22.5.2, p. 4 6 3 10.2, p . Ill ; 20.1, p . 309; 22.5.2, p . 4 5 9 14.3.3, p . 220; 22.1.2, p . 4 0 3 1.1, p . 11; 21.6, p. 374 1.1, p . 13; 22.1.2, p . 4 1 0 14.2, p . 199 1.3, p . 28; 12.1, p. 131; 21.2, p . 3 6 5 6, p . 76; 12.1, p . 1 3 1 ; 2 1 . 2 , p . 3 6 6 1.3, p . 29; 12.1, p . 1 3 2 ; 21.2, p . 3 6 6 13.3, p . 1 6 0 ; 17, p.256; 21.1, p . 3 5 3 ; 2 1 . 6 , p . 377 20.3, p . 320; 2 2 . 2 . 2 , p . 4 2 4 10.2, p . 116; 22.1.2, p. 4 1 5 13.5.1, p . 1 8 3 ; 14.3.4, p. 229; 20.1, p . 305; 22.2.1, p. 421


Author Index


(b) 114,


(b 113, (b 1 1 8 ,

421 K31

1982) 1982)


(b 112, K 1 9 (a 71, K 2 2 5 (b 114, 1 6 1 (a 6 9 , K 1 8 3

1982) 1982)



705 (1982)

1982) 1982)

(a (a

71, K 1 2 7 1982) K 5 1982) 74,





(a (a (a

74, 71, 73,

545 415 255

1982) 1982) 1982)

(b (a (b (b (a (a (b (a (a (a (b (b

114, 2 4 3 1 9 8 2 ) 69, K 2 1 1 9 8 2 ) 114, 4 5 9 1982) 109, 8 3 1982) 70, 2 1 9 1982) 72, K 1 5 1982) 113, K 5 3 1982) 70, K101 1982) 70, K 5 1 1982) 69,

112, 111,

K 2 5 1982) 549 1982) 5 7 5 1982)

(a 70, 5 0 7 (a 74, K 3 1 (a 71, K 1 3 7 (b 110, K 1 0 3 (b 114, 5 3 7 (a 73, 2 4 9 (a 74, 5 5 3

1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982)


(a 70, (a 73, (b 109, (b 110, (a 73,

423 129 535 709 255

1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982)


(a (a

73, 72,

447 623

1982) 1982)

M. M. T. B.

(a 74, (b 1 0 9 , (a 73, (a 73, (b 109, (b 111, (a 70,

421 717 61 321 495 383 93

1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982)




13.3, p. 161; 19, p. 291 ; 22.1.1, p. 398; 22.1.2, p. 415 6, p. 79; 22.2.4, p. 431 11, p. 125; 20.1, p. 310; 22.4.1, p. 441; 22.4.2, p. 443; 22.4.4, p. 448 6, p. 70; 20.1, p. 308; 22.8, p. 487 1.1, p. 12; 8, p. 87; 22.8, p. 486 1, p. 10; 13.4, p. 176; 21.4, p. 372 I.5, p. 38; 3, p. 57; 11, p. 110; 22.1.1, p. 395; 22.1.2, p. 402 II, p. 122; 22.1.2, p. 407 9, p. 93; 11, p. 128; 14.3.1, p. 216; 22.1.2, p. 415 11, p. 128; 13.3, p. 161: 14.3.2, p. 218; 22.1.2, p. 415 2, p. 55; 3, p. 60; 11. p. 128; 22.1.2, p. 41(i 1.5, p. 39; 1.6, p. 43; 21.6. p. 376 10.2, p.113; 11, p. 126; 12.2, p.136; 22.5.2, p. 460 2, p. 54; 14.2, p. 197; 21, p. 341 .2, p. 46; 20, p. 293; 22.6.1, p. 477 6, p. SI; 20.1, p. 315; 22.2.4, p. 431 13.4, p. 162; 19, p. 282; 22.1.2, p. 400 1.5, p. 38; 14.1, p. 194; 21.6, p. 375 10.2, p. Ill; 22.2.2, p. 425 13.1, p. 154; 13.5.2, p. 187; 22.8, p. 489 18.3, p. 276; 19, p. 286; 22.8.2, p. 500 15, p. 245; 21.4, p. 370; 21.7, p. 379 14.2, p. 199; 21, p. 331 (1, p. 77; 13.5.2, p. 187; 20.1, p. 309; 22, p. 388 13.4, p. 169; 14.3, p. 207; 15, p. 247; 22.7, p. 479 2, p. 47; 18, p. 260; 22.8, p. 483 8, p. 89; 18, p. 263; 21.1, p. 357 10.2, p. 109; 22.5.2, p. 458 13.5.1, p. 183; 22.4.1, p. 440 13.5, p . 180; 20.1, p. 315; 22.4.1, p. 441 5, p. 68; 18 p. 263; 22.6, p. 474 1.2, p. 23; 14.4.1, p. 244; 20.1, p. 316; 22.8.1, p. 498 13.5.1, p. 183; 20.3, p. 322; 22.2.4, p. 430 13.5.1, p. 184; 20.3, p. 326; 22.2.4, p. 431 1.6, p. 42; 3, p. 57 13, p. 142; 20, p. 294; 20.2, p. 317 10.2, p.113; 11, p. 126; 12.2, p.136; 22.5.2, p. 460 14.2, p. 201 2, p.51; 6, p. 78; 19, p. 289; 20.1, p. 309; 22.6, p. 473 11, p. 128; 14.3.3, p. 225; 22.1.2, p. 415 6, p. 71; 13.5.2, p. 187; 14, p. 190; 22, p. 383 13.4, p. 174; 20.1, p. 311; 22.8.1, p. 496 2, p. 53; 10.2, p. 114; 22.7, p. 479 2, p. 46; 13.3, p. 158; 17, p. 255; 22.1.2, p. 401 6, p. 73; 13, p. 143; 14.3.4, p. 228; 22, p. 386 2, p.47; 14.3.1, p.214; 20.1, p. 302; 22.1.2, p. 403

Author Index E . M . KOGAN H.-J.




(b) 110, 245 1982) (a) 74, K123 1982) (a) 71, 6 0 3 1982) (a) 72,








H. J. E.





T. G.


X. P.


V. V.





L. Z.








W. J.



(b) (a) (a) (a) (a)

483 1982)

114, 553 1982) 59 1982) 71, 71, 253 1982) 74, K101 1982) 70, K23 1982)

(a) 74, K13 1982) (a) 72, 131 1982) (b) 114, 373 1982) K147 379 K31 109 K235 103 189 551 557

1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982)

(a) (b) (a) (a) (a) (b) (a) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (a)

74, 113, 78, 70, 71, 114, 72, 109, 110, 110, 112, 114, 109, 110, 110, 112, 114, 73,

(b) (b) (a) (a) (a) (a) (b) (a) (b) (a)

79 1982) 113, 114, K101 1982) 69, 85 1982) 72, 645 1982) 72, K197 1982) 73, K299 1982) 114, 467 1982) 72, 301 1982) 111, 443 1982) 74, 453 1982)

(b) (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) (b) (b) (a) (b)

IIB, K67 1982) 72, 503 1982) 114, K153 1982) 69, K157 1982) 112, 399 1982) 23 1982) 70, 112, 339 1982) 112, 339 1982) 111, 455 1982) 71, 387 1982) 112, 423 1982)


K51 135 551 557 K63

K51 135 189

14.1, p. 193; 21, p. 332 14.2, p. 201 1.6, p. 43; 17, p. 256; 22.1.1, p. 397; 22.1.2, p. 408; 22.2.1, p. 421 1.1, p. 12; 10.2, p. 112; 22.1.1, p. 397; 22.1.2, p. 410 13.5.1, p. 185; 20.1, p. 315; 22.8, p. 491 11, p. 121; 14.3.3, p. 221; 22.1.2, p. 406 1.4, p. 34; 10.1, p. 98; 21, p. 335 10:2, p. 117; 22.5.2, p. 464 1.3, p. 27; 18.2, p. 269; 21.1, p. 346; 21.4, p. 370 5, p. 69; 22.8.1, p. 498 I.6, p. 43; 21, p. 337 13.1, p. 155; 13.5.1, p. 185; 20.1, p. 315; 22.2.3, p. 429 18.2, p. 274; 21.1, p. 358; 21.1.1, p. 364 14.3.1, p. 215; 16, p. 253; 22.9, p. 506 10.1, p. 100; 14.2, p. 200 10.1, p. 97; 21.1.1, p. 360 10.1, p. 98; 21, p. 336 10.2, p. 115; 20.3, p. 327; 22.5.2, p. 462 10.1, p. 99; 21.1, p. 350 13, p. 140; 14, p. 190 6, p. 73; 14.2, p. 199; 21.1, p. 347 18.1, p. 265; 18.2, p. 269; 21, p. 333 14.2, p. 200; 21, p. 336 14.2, p. 201; 18.2, p. 273 13, p. 140; 14, p. 190 6, p. 73; 14.2, p. 199; 21.1, p. 347 15.1, p. 265; 18.2, p. 269; 21, p. 333 14.2, p. 200; 21, p. 336 II.2, p. 201; 18.2, p. 273 8, p. 88; 12.1, p. 132; 14.1, p. 197; 18.2, p. 272; 21.1, p. 353; 21.1.1, p. 362 7, p. 83; 18.2, p. 271; 18.4, p. 280 13.4, p. 177; 14.3.4, p. 232; 22.1.1, p. 398 1.5, p. 38; 10.2, p. 103; 22.1.3, p. 417 1.5, p. 40; 10.2, p. 112; 22.1.3, p. 417 3, p. 58; 18.2, p. 271; 22.8.1, p. 496 18.2, p. 272; 21.1.1, p. 363 I.5, p. 41; 2, p. 55; 14.2, p. 201; 21.7, p. 381 II, p. 123; 22.1.2, p. 409 13.1, p. 151 ; 22.9, p. 505 1.2, p. 23; 8, p. 90; 14.3, p. 212; 19, p. 291 ; 22.9, p. 508 6, p. 79; 14.2, p. 200 16, p. 252; 22.2.3, p. 428 13.4. p. 177; 14.3, p. 211; 22.2.3, p. 429 18, p. 260; 21.4, p. 369 2, p. 50; 18, p. 262 11, p. 120; 20.1, p. 302; 22.1.1, p. 396 14.1, p. 195; 21.7, p. 380 14.1, p. 195; 21.7, p. 380 13.4, p. 169; 19, p. 287; 22.5, p. 450 14.3.2, p. 217; 14.3.3, p. 222; 22, p. 387 13,!, p. 172; 19, p. 288; 22.8.1, p. 496

Author Index


423 (b 1 1 2 , (b 1 1 4 , K 8 3 (a 72, 391 (a 73, K 2 7 5 (a 74, 395

1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982)


(b 1 1 2 , (b 1 0 9 , (a 74, (b 1 1 2 , (b 1 1 2 , (b 1 1 1 ,

K39 K31 K59 675 423 53 627 761 K109 429 K55 417 K19 K13 75 9 287 K73 K197 575

1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982)

K19 357 71, 609 (b 1 1 4 , (a 74, 59 (a 70, K 1 1 7 (a 74, K 1 0 9

1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982)



(a 71, (b 1 0 9 , (b 1 0 9 , (b 1 1 4 , (a 70, 112, 70, 111, 109, 114, 114, 73, 72, (b 1 1 1 , (b (a (b (b (b (b (a (a


(a (a







(a (a (a (a

73, 49 74, 343 69, K 1 7 9 453 74,

1982) 1982) 1982) 1982)

(a (a (a (a

611 71, 69, K 2 3 9 72, 645 79 71, 393 (b 1 0 9 , 73, K 7 3 (a K5 (b 1 1 4 , (a 72, 737

1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982) 1982)

72, K 1 3 3 785 (b 1 0 9 , (a 71, K 1 4 3 72, 695 (a

1982) 1982) 1982) 1982)


1982) 1982)

S. V. I. L. K. A.

S. V. S. R.






(b 1 1 1 ,

49 433

13.4, p. 172; 19, p. 288; 2 2 . 8 . 1 , p . 4 9 6 18.2.1, p . 275 1.5, p . 40; 2, p . 5 0 ; 3, p. 58; 22.1.2, p . 4 0 9 1 3 . 3 , p . 1 6 0 ; 17, p. 257; 22.5.2, p . 4 6 2 10.2, p . 1 1 7 ; 17, p . 2 5 7 ; 2 0 . 3 , p. 3 2 8 ; 2 2 . 5 . 2 , p. 4 6 4 I . 2 , p . 1 9 ; 13.1, p. 152; 2 2 . 7 , p . 4 7 9 13.1, p. 148; 2 0 . 1 , p. 2 9 9 ; 2 2 . 8 , p. 4 8 1 8, p. 90; 15, p. 248; 22.8, p. 4 9 0 6, p. 7 7 ; 13.3, p. 160; 13.5.2, p . 187; 2 0 , p. 2 9 6 13.4, p. 172; 19, p. 288; 2 2 . 8 . 1 , p . 4 9 6 6, p. 73; 2 0 . 1 , p. 3 0 4 ; 2 2 . 5 . 1 , p. 4 5 3 14.3, p . 207; 1 8 . 4 , p. 2 8 0 ; 2 2 . 8 . 2 , p . 5 0 0 II, p . 119; 13.1, p . 149; 2 0 , p . 2 9 4 13, p . 141; 14.3.4, p. 227; 2 2 . 1 . 2 , p . 4 0 2 13, p . 147; 14.3.4, p. 232; 2 2 . 1 . 2 , p. 4 1 5 2, p . 47; 7, p . 82; 2 2 . 1 . 3 , p. 4 1 7 18.1, p . 266 14.4.1, p . 241; 2 2 . 8 , p. 4 8 3 18.4, p . 280; 20, p . 295; 2 2 . 8 , p. 4 8 4 10.2, p. 103; 13.4, p . 162; 2 2 . 5 . 2 , p. 4 5 4 9, p . 91; 10.2, p. 103 9, p . 91; 10.2, p. 103; 2 2 . 5 . 2 , p. 4 5 4 14.2, p. 200; 2 1 , p. 3 3 9 3, p . 5 8 ; 18.2, p. 271; 2 2 . 8 . 1 , p. 4 9 6 13.4, p. 169; 14.3, p . 2 0 7 ; 1 5 , p. 2 4 7 ; 2 2 . 7 , p. 479 14.4.1, p . 241; 2 2 . 8 , p . 4 8 3 14.2, p . 200 19, p . 291 14.3, p. 211; 16, p. 2 5 3 ; 2 2 . 6 , p. 4 7 5 18.3, p . 276; 2 2 . 6 , p. 4 7 1 1 4 . 3 . 3 , p . 2 2 6 ; 16, p . 2 5 4 ; 20.1, p . 3 1 6 ; 2 2 . 9 , p. 508 1.6, p . 4 3 ; 17, p . 2 5 6 ; 2 2 . 1 . 1 , p. 3 9 7 ; 2 2 . 1 . 2 , p. 4 0 8 ; 22.2.1, p. 421 1.5, p . 40; 2 3 , p. 5 0 9 1.2, p . 23; 1.5, p. 41; 2 1 , p. 3 4 1 1 . 5 , p . 3 8 ; 7, p. 82; 2 1 . 6 , p. 3 7 5 1.2, p . 2 3 ; 8, p . 9 0 ; 1 4 . 3 , p. 2 1 2 ; 1 9 , p. 2 9 1 ; 22.9, p. 508 1.4, p . 34; 10.2, p. 109; 2 2 . 1 . 2 , p . 4 0 8 1.2, p . 15; 8, p. 5 5 ; 2 1 . 1 , p. 3 4 5 1.5, p . 40; 1 0 . 2 , p. 1 1 2 ; 2 2 . 1 . 3 , p . 4 1 7 20.3, p . 323; 2 2 . 4 . 1 , p . 4 4 0 13, p . 139; 14.3.4, p. 227; 22, p. 3 8 2 14.2, p . 200; 2 1 , p. 3 3 9 14.2, p . 201; 18.4, p. 281 11, p . 1 2 5 ; 1 4 . 3 , p. 2 0 9 ; 20.1, p . 3 0 9 ; 2 2 . 4 . 4 , p. 4 4 8 11, p . 125; 2 2 . 4 . 4 , p . 4 4 8 6, p . 7 1 ; 14, p. 190; 2 1 . 7 , p. 3 7 9 1.2, p . 18; 14.3, p. 207; 2 2 . 8 , p. 4 8 6 1.2, p. 20; 5, p . 6 8 ; 14, p. 1 9 1 ; 1 8 , p. 2 6 2 ; 2 2 . 8 , p. 4 8 8 1.5, p. 40; 2 3 , p . 5 0 9 13.1, p . 151; 20, p . 295; 2 2 . 5 . 2 , p. 4 5 7

Author Index E . KRÄTZIG H.










549 (a) (b) (a) (a) (a)

72, K5 (1982) 118, 157 (1982) 72, 607 (1982) 74, K151 (1982) 69, 287 (1982)

(a) 69, K77 (1982) (a) 72, K149 (1982) (b) (b) (a) (a) (b)

114, 112, 72, 74, 109,

537 695 369 323 K97

(1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982)

(b) (a) (a) (a) (a) see (a) (b) (b) (b) (b) (a)

114, 201 (1982) 69, 455 (1982) 70, K63 (1982) 71, 451 (1982) 71, 633 (1982) under letter " R " 69, 193 (1982) 114, 475 (1982) 111, 625 (1982) 113, 185 (1982) 109, 693 (1982) 69, 237 (1982)

(b) 110, (a) 70,

471 (1982) 415 (1982)

(a) 70, (a) 71, (a) 72,

451 (1982) 441 (1982) 215 (1982)

(b) (a) (a) (b) (a)

114, 741 (1982) 73, K101 (1982) 70, K85 (1982) 113, K153 (1982) 70, 93 (1982)

(a) (a) (a) (a) (b) (a) (a) (b) (b)

71, 71, 70, 72, 111, 73, 73, 111, 111,

(b) 110, (b) 114,

K231 493 87 751 177 K283 K299 599 K85

(1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982)

549 (1982) 589 (1982)

(a) 73, 439 (1982) (a) 71, Kl57 (1982)

20.1, p. 308; 22.8.1, p. 495 14.4.1, p. 242; 16, p. 253; 22.8.1, p. 496 13.4, p. 173; 14.3.3, p. 223; 22.6, p. 472 13.4, p. 178; 14.3.4, p. 233; 22.6, p. 476 8, p. 85; 14.1, p. 193; 14.3, p. 203; 15, p. 245; 18, p. 259; 22.6, p. 468 14.3.3, p. 219; 16, p. 250; 22.1.2, p. 401 13.3, p. 160; 14.3.3, p. 224; 16, p. 253; 22.1.2, p. 411 13.5, p. 180; 20.1, p. 315; 22.4.1, p. 441 13.4, p. 172; 19, p. 289; 22.1.2, p. 410 11, p. 123; 22.1.2, p. 409 1.6, p. 44; 11, p. 128; 22.1.2, p. 414 13.1, p. 149; 13.4, p.164; 20.1, p.300; 22, p. 384 13.4, p. 176; 18, p. 263; 22, p. 391 19, p. 284; 22.8, p. 482 I.4, p. 33; 11, p. 120; 22.1.2, p. 404 I I , p. 122; 14.3.1, p. 215; 22.1.2, p. 408 1.2, p. 18; 10.2, p. 109; 22.4.1, p. 441 13.4, p. 163; 14.3.3, p. 219; 22.2.2, p. 424 1.6, p. 44; 12, p. 129 13.5.1, p. 184; 20.1, p. 306; 22.5, p. 451 8, p. 88; 18.2, p. 272; 21.1, p. 352 18.2, p. 268; 21.1, p. 344 10.1, p.96; 11, p. 118; 18.2, p.267; 21.1, p. 344; 21.1.1, p. 359 18.3, p. 276; 22.6, p. 470 1.6, p. 42; 18.2, p.269; 21.1, p. 347; 21.1.1, p. 360 18.2, p. 269; 21.1, p. 347; 21.1.1, p. 360 2, p. 49; 18, p. 261; 20, p.295; 22.8, p. 485 2, p.50; 18.2, p. 271; 21.1, p. 350; 21.1.1, p. 361 18.2, p. 268; 21.1, p. 344 14.3.4, p. 231; 22.1.3, p. 417 14.4.1, p. 241; 20.1, p. 303; 22.8.1, p. 494 14.4.1, p. 243; 20.1, p. 313; 22.8.1, p. 497 2, p. 47; 14.3.1, p. 214; 20.1, p. 302; 22.1.2, p. 403 19, p. 287; 22.8, p. 486 I.2, p. 18; 6, p. 75; 12.2, p. 135; 22.9, p. 505 10.1, p. 97; 21, p. 333; 21.1, p. 346 14.3.1, p. 215; 14.3.4, p. 230; 22.9, p. 506 13.5.1, p. 183; 20.1, p. 305; 22.4.1, p. 440 II, p. 127; 22.2.1, p. 423; 22.2.2, p. 429 18.2, p. 272; 21.1.1, p. 363 10, p. 95; 12, p. 129 13.4, p. 170; 19, p. 287; 20.1, p. 306; 22.8.1, p. 495 13.2, p. 157; 21.7, p. 379 4, p. 65; 6, p. 81; 12.2, p. 138; 22.5.2, p. 463 14.1, p. 197; 18, p. 263; 21.1, p. 355 9, p. 92; 10.2, p.110; 14.3, p. 207; 22.4.3, p. 446


Author Index





W. J.



(b) 114, 627 (1982) (b) 110, 239 (1982) (b) 114, K101 (1982) (a) 72, 161 (1982) (b) (a) (a) (a) (a)

111, K133 (1982) 71, 505 (1982) 71, 483 (1982) 78, 597 (1982) 74, 255 (1982)

(a) 74, P.




P. L.


















S. P.








L. F.








615 (1982)

(b) 113, K39 (1982) (a) 70, 35 (1982) (a) 69, (b) 114, (b) 112, (b) 110, (a) 70, (a) 74, (b) 109, (a) 74, (b) 113, (a) 70, (a) (a) (a) (a)

K109 (1982) 645 (1982) K61 (1982) 57(1982) 719 (1982) K17 (1982) K123 (1982) 403 (1982) 73 (1982) 623 (1982)

73, 503 (1982) 72, K83 (1982) 74, 403 (1982) 70, 545 (1982)

(a) 70, 317 (1982) (a) 70, K107 (1982) (a) 73, K279 (1982) see under letter "S" (b) 114, K i l l (1982) (b) 114, 439(1982) (a) 69, K125 (1982) (a) 70, 11 (1982) (a) 73, 321 (1982) (b) 111, 187 (1982) (b) 110, 33 (1982) (b) 111, K147 (1982) (a) 74, K109 (1982) (a) 72, K121 (1982) (a) 72, 207 (1982) (b) (b) (a) (a) (b) (b) (b)

109, K109 (1982) 110, K103 (1982) 74, 297 (1982) 69, 483 (1982) 111, 337 (1982) 113, 301 (1982) 110, K175 (1982)

13.4, p. 177; 17, p. 257; 21, p. 342 1.5, p. 38; 13, p. 141; 20, p. 294; 21.1.1, p. 360 13.4, p. 177; 14.3.4, p. 232; 22.1.1, p. 398 18.2, p. 271; 18.4, p.280; 20, p. 296; 22.5, p. 451 13.1, p. 151; 20.1, p. 306; 22.8, p. 485 6, p. 75; 8, p. 87; 22.8, p. 485 1.2, p. 18; 14.4, p. 236; 22.9, p. 505 10.2, p. 115; 20.3, p. 326; 22.5.2, p. 462 10.2, p. 116; 13.4, p. 177; 20.3, p. 328; 22.5.2, p. 463 10.2, p. 117; 20.1, p. 316; 20.3, p. 328; 22.5.2, p. 464 14.3, p. 209; 18, p. 262; 22.1.2, p. 412 10.2, p. 106; 13.4, p. 166; 20.3, p. 321; 22.4.2. p. 442 10.2, p. 104; 14.3, p. 203; 22.4.1, p. 439 13.5, p. 180; 14.4, p. 239; 22, p. 392 4, p. 63; 13.4, p. 171; 22.5, p. 451 13.4, p. 165; 20.1, p. 301; 20.3, p. 320 11, p. 121; 14.3.3, p. 221; 22.1.2, p. 405 1.1, p. 13; 22.8, p. 490 8, p. 85; 22.1.1, p. 395 14.3.3, p. 225; 22, p. 392 6, p. 78; 12.1, p. 132; 13.1, p. 153; 21.1, p. 352 13.3, p. 159; 14.3.3, p. 221; 16, p. 251; 22.1.2, p. 405 13.1, p. 155; 14.3.1, p. 215; 22, p. 390 14.3.1, p. 215; 22, p. 388 14.3.3, p. 225; 22, p. 392 1.3, p.27; 5, p. 67; 12.1, p. 131; 18, p. 260; 21.1.1, p. 360 13.4, p. 166; 14.3.3, p. 220; 22.1.2, p. 403 13, p. 142; 20, p. 295; 21.1, p. 348; 22, p. 385 14.3.3, p. 225; 22.2.1, p. 423 2, p. 55; 19, p. 291; 22, p. 392 4, p. 65; 10.1, p. 102; 13.4, p. 177; 21.1, p. 357 18.3, p. 276; 19, p. 283; 22.8.2, p. 499 14.1, p. 193; 21.1, p. 345; 21.1.1, p. 360 ^ p. 53; 10.2, p. 114; 22.7, p. 479 13.5.1, p. 183; 20.1, p. 305; 20.3, p. 322; 22.4.2, p. 443; 22.4.3, p. 446 11, p. 120; 14.3, p. 204; 22.2.3, p. 427 13.4, p. 170; 19, p. 287; 22.5.3, p. 465 14.3.3, p. 226; 16, p.251; 20.1, p.316; 22.9. p. 508 1.5, p. 40; 3, p. 58; 11, p. 125; 22.1.1, p. 397 3. p. 58; 14.4.1, p. 242; 20.1, p.308; 20.3. p. 324; 22.8.1, p. 495 13, p. 141; 14.3.4, p. 227; 22.1.2, p. 402 13.5.1, p. 183; 22.4.1, p. 440 14.3.3, p. 225; 22, p. 391 1.1, p. 11; 22.1.2, p. 402 6, p. 73; 22.3, p. 433 13, p. 145; 18, p. 26,2; 22.8, p. 488 1.4, p. 33; 14, p. 191; 22.6.1, p. 477

Author Index L. Kttzemskii L. Kuzemsky H . Kuzmany 1 . A'. Kuzmenko R . .V Kitzmjn V . A. Kttzminikh A.


A. A. X.

1. Kuznetsoy M. K u z n e t s o y 1. K i ' z n e t s o v

I. K u z n e t s o y I. K u z n e t s o y a K . A. Kvavadze V . V. K y e d e r J . Kyîtek V.


551 (b) (b) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) (b)

111, 113, 111, 74, 110, 71, 112, 69, 114, 112,

(a) 70, (a) 70, (b) 113, (a) 72, (a) 72, (a) 74,







51 (1982) K137


145 (1982) K79


425 (1982) 673






371 (1982) K27


701 (1982) 369 (1982) 323 (1982)

H. M. EL-LAB AN y H. H. A. Labib

99 (1982) (a) 72, (a) 6 9 , 377 (1982) (a) 71, K219 (1982)

Y. A. Labtjnoy R . Labttsch

(a) (a)

72, K173 (1982) 69, 151 (1982)

(b) 114, H. Ladwig C. Laelamme S. K . L a i H. L a l i n s k y W e e Lam Ng B . Lambert-Andeon W. H. L a m f r i e d R. Landers J . VAN L A N D U Y ' T

H. L a n g e J . Lange H. T. Lakghammer M. B . L a n g l e y R . H. L a n g l e y J . L. L a p o r t e V. M. L a p t e v A. L a s a l m o n i e J . P. La s c a r a y K . LAssMas

545 (1982)

133 (1982) (a) 74, (a) 70, K67 (1982) (b) 110, 331 (1982) (a) 71, K 8 3 (1982) see under letter " W " (a) 72, 833 (1982) (b) 109, K 7 5 (1982) (b) 110, K 7 9 (1982) (b) 114, K 1 6 5 (1982) (a) 74, 233 (1982) 145 (1982) (a) 7 0 , (a) 70, 407 (1982) K 9 (1982) (a) 71, (a) 7 3 , 215 (1982) (a) 74, K 8 9 (1982) (b) 112, K57 (1982) (a) 72, K 8 9 (1982) (b) 114, 561 (1982) (b) 109, 673 (1982) (a) 6 9 , (b) 111, (b) 1 1 0 , (b) 1 1 2 , (a) 6 9 , (b) 1 0 9 , (b) 1 1 3 , (b) 111, (b)111,

185 501 581 155 315 417 503 213 555

(1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982)

14.1, p. 195; 21, p. 335 2, p. 52; 6, p. 79; 8, p. 89; 21.1, p. 354 6, p. 74; 20.1, p. 306; 22.9, p. 505 10.1, p. 101; 14.2, p. 201; 21, p. 341 5, p. 66

I.5, p. 39; 1.6, p. 43; 21, p. 335; 22.2.1, p. 421 II, p. 124; 22.1.1, p. 397 13.1, p. 149; 20.1, p. 299; 22.8.1. p. 492 6. p. 81; 13.4, p. 177; 22, p. 392 10.2, p. Ill; 11. p. 124; 13.4, p. 172; 22.1.2. p. 410 11, p. 121; 14.3, p. 205; 22.1.2, p. 404 I.4, p. 33; 10.1, p. 98; 21, p. 334 6, p. 79; 8, p. 88; 22.5.2, p. 460 10.2, p. 112; 13.4, p. 173; 22.1.2, p. 411 II, p. 123; 22.1.2. p. 409 1.0, p. 41; 11, p. 128; 22.1.2, p. 414

13.4, p. 171; 14.3.4, p. 230; 22.9, p. 506 2, p. 45; 13.4, p. 163; 14.4, p. 234; 22.8, p. 481 2, p. 49; 8, p.87; 14.3, p. 208; 15, p. 247; 22.8, p. 486 11, p. 125; 14.3, p. 209; 22.1.2, p. 411 10.2, p. 103; 13.4, p. 163; 16, p. 249; 22.1.2, p. 400

10.2, p.117; 13.4, p.177; 14.3, p. 211; 16,

p. 254; 22.1.2, p. 415 1.5, p. 41; 14.3.1, p. 216; 22.6.1, p. 477 14.3, p. 205; 22.8, p. 483 2, p. 46; 13, p. 141-, 21, p. 332 13.4, p. 169; 14.3.3, p. 222; 22.2.1, p. 421

1.2, p. 20; 22.8, p. 488 13, p. 140; 22.6, p. 468

13.1, p. 150; 22.2.1, p. 420

13.1, p. 156; 22.6, p. 476

1.6, p. 44; 3, p. 59; 22.5.4. p. 467

1.3, p. 26; 1.4, p. 33; 21.1, p. 346; 21.6, p. 375 1.3, p. 27; 1.4, p. 33; 21.1, p. 347; 21.6, p. 375 1.1, p. 12; 1.4, p. 34; 21.1, p. 349; 21.6, p. 376 1.2, p. 21; 1.4, p. 36; 22.6, p. 474 1.4, p. 37; 22, p. 392 13.1, p. 152; 20.1, p. 308; 21, p. 336 1.6, p. 43; 11, p. 124; 21, p. 337 2, p. 55; 14.3.1, p. 216; 16, p. 254; 22.9, p. 508 14.3, p.203; 15, p. 245; 20.1. p.300; 22.7, p. 479 8, p. 85; 10.2, p. 103; 14.4, p. 234; 22.5, p. 450 4, p. 62; 13, p. 143; 21.4, p. 370

13.5.1, p. 183; 20.3, p. 321; 22.9, p. 504 13.5.4, p. 189: 18.2, p. 271 10.1, p. 96; 21, p. 331 13.5.3, p. 188; 20.1, p. 299; 22.6, p. 468 13.4, p. 174; 20.1, p. 311; 22.4.4, p. 448 7, p. 83; 13.4, p. 168; 22.1.2, p. 406 7, p. 83; 13.4, p. 169; 22.1.2. p. 407

Author Index

552 (b) 111, (b) 109, (a) 73,



E . M.



631 (1982) 761 (1982) 183 (1982)

see under letters "Mc' (b) 110, K145 (1982) (a) 71, 381 (1982) (b) 110, 637 (1982) (a) 72, K155 (1982) (a) 70, 93 (1982)





(a) 69, (a) 72,

249 (1982) 661 (1982)



(a) 69,

359 (1982)





J. K.


B. F.






(b) 114, 475 (1982) (b) 114, K143 (1982) (b) 109, 423 (1982) (a) 71, 589 (1982) K5 (1982) (a) 71, (a) 73, 447 (1982) see under letter " G " (b) 110, K69 (1982) (b) 111, K103 (1982) (a) 70, K47 (1982) (b) 110, 423 (1982) (b) 111, 513 (1982) (b) 114,


A. Y u .





















I. V. M.





G. Y .




(a) 73, (a) 74, (a) 71, (a) 72, (b) 109, (b) 111, (b) 113, (b) 114, (b) 114, (b) 113, (b) 113, (a) 70, (a) (b) see (a) (a) (b) (b) (b) see (a)

277 (1982) 79 (1982) K147 K45 K215 177 617 255 179 113 515 K103 K39 571

(1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982)

74, K159 (1982) 110, 239 (1982) under letter " T " 73, 367 (1982) 73, 421 (1982) 109, 275 (1982) 112, 289 (1982) 110, 239 (1982) under letter " S " 70, 159 (1982)

6, p. 74; 13.4, p. 170; 22, p. 387 11, p. 119; 13.1, p. 149; 20, p. 294 1.5, ?.41; 2, p. 52; 11, p.126; 21.1, p. 353; 21.6, p. 377 14.1, p. 194; 14.4, p. 235; 22.9, p. 504 10.1, p. 98 ; 11, p. 122 ; 12.1, p. 131 ; 21.3, p. 367 13.4, p. 167; 14.3.4, p. 228; 22.4.3, p. 445 10.2, p. 113; 14.3, p. 209; 22.1.2, p. 411 2, p. 47; 14.3.1, V.214; 20.1, p. 302; 22.1.2, p. 403 1.2, p. 14; 19, p. 283; 22.8, p. 481 14.3.3, p. 223; 20.3, p.324; 22.4.2, p. 434; 22.8, p. 488 10.2, p. 104; 14.3, p. 203; 14.4, p. 234; 22.8.1, p. 492 1.6, p. 44; 12, p. 129 16, p. 254; 20.1, p. 315; 22, p. 392 18.2, p. 267 10.1, p. 98; 12.1, p. 131; 21, p. 335 1.4, p. 34; 22.8.1, p. 495 14.2, p. 201 2, p. 47; 6, p.72; 20.1, p.302; 22.6, p. 469 2, p. 49; 6, p.75; 20.1, p.306; 22.6, p. 472 8, p. 86; 22.4, p. 437 13.5.4, p. 189; 18, p. 260; 20.1, p. 303 13.5.4, p.189; 18, p. 260; 20.1, p.306; 22.5, p. 451 13.5.4, p. 189; 18, p. 260; 20.1, p. 306; 22.5, p. 451 8, p.86; 18.2, p. 269; 21.1, p. 346; 21.1.1, p. 360 14.3.3, p. 225; 14.3 J, p. 231; 22.1.2, p. 413 5, p. 69; 12.1, p. 133; 18.2, p. 274; 21.1, p. 357 13.4, p. 171; 22.1.2, p. 408 13.4, p. 171; 14.3, p. 208; 22.1.2, p. 409 2, p. 46; 13, p. 140; 14, p. 190 2, p. 48; 14, p. 191; 15, p. 246 2, p. 51; 9, p. 92; 14, p. 191 2, p. 53; 13, p. 146; 14, p. 191 2, p. 55; 14, p. 192 11, p. 126; 22.1.2, p. 413 14.3, p. 209; 18, p. 262; 22.1.2, p. 412 1.2, p. 16; 1.4, p. 33; 10.1, p. 98; 12.1, p. 131; 21.1, p. 347 10.2, p. 117; 22.1.2, p. 416 1.5, p. 38; 13, p. 141; 20, p. 294; 21.1.1, p. 360 14.4, p. 238; 22.8, p. 489 14.4.1, p. 243; 22.8, p. 489 6, p. 70; 20.1, p. 298; 22.3, p. 433 2, p. 50; 14.4, p. 236; 22.9, p. 506 1.5, p. 38; 13, p. 141 ; 20, p. 294; 21.1.1, p. 360 10.1, p. 97; 12.1, p. 130; 21, p. 333; 21.1, p. 346

Author Index



(a) 74, (a) 70,

673 (1982) 555 (1982)


(b) 112,

543 (1982)


(a) 69, K65 (1982) (a) 72, 399 (1982) (b) 110, 69 (1982) see under letter " C " (a) 71, K i l l (1982) (b) 109, K41 (1982) (b) 114, K55 (1982) (b) 111, 507 (1982)



C.-D. G.



I . C . DA C U N H A L I M A J. H.






M. P .



S. E.


L I T vi N




(b) 113, 635 (1982) (a) 73, K79 (1982) (a) 71, 83 (1982) (a) 70, 719 (1982) (b) 113, K135 (1982) (a) 73, K287 (1982) (b) (b) (a) (a) (a)

B. X. Z. G. J.

Liu Liu




E. F.




(a) (a) (a) (a) (b) (a) (a) (a)

109, 189 (1982) 114, K153 (1982) 69, K147 (1982) 70, 671 (1982) 73,

72, 399 (1982) 70, 433 (1982) 73, K225 (1982) 71, K 1 (1982) 111, 469 (1982) 70, 591 (1982) 70, 739 (1982) 71, 603 (1982)

(a) 70, (b) 114, (a) 72, (a)

183 (1982)

K93 (1982) 405 (1982) 147 (1982)


153 (1982)

(a) 74,

149 (1982)



517 (1982)




69 (1982)

F. J.

(b) 114,

95 (1982)








(a) (b) (b) (a) (b) (a)

69, 315 (1982) 114, K35 (1982) 112, 237 (1982) 74, K17 (1982) 114, 319 (1982) 69, 757 (1982)







22.3, p. 435

13.3, p. 159; 14.3.2, p. 217; 20.1, p. 3 0 4 ; 22.1.2,

p. 405 13.1, p. 153; 18, p. 262; 20.1, p. 309; 22.8, p. 487 9, p. 91; 14.3.2, p. 217; 22.2.1, p. 420 9, p. 92; 11, p. 123; 22.1.2, p. 409 13.5.1, p. 182; 20.3, p. 320; 22.9, p. 503

2, p. 49; 16, p. 252; 22.1.2, p. 407 13.5, p. 179; 18.4, p. 279 18.4, p. 281 1,



p. 8 7 ;




18.1, p. 266; 21.1, p. 349; 21.1, p. 370 6, p. 79; 20.1, p. 312; 22.4.4, p. 449 18.1, p. 266; 19, p. 289; 22.8.1, p. 497 13.4, p. 168; 22.1.2, p. 406



11, p. 1 2 1 ; 14.3.3, p. 221; 22.1.2, p. 4 0 5




8, p. 89; 14.1, p. 197; 14.2, p. 201 ; 21, p. 341 13.4, p. 162; 14.3, p. 202; 20, p. 293; 22, p. 382 13.4, p. 177; 14.3, p. 211; 22.2.3, p. 429 1.1, p. 11; 12.1, p. 130; 21, p. 332 1.2, p . 1 6 ; 1.3, p. 27; 2, p. 48; 21.6, p. 376; 22.1.1, p. 396 1.5, p. 41; 2, p. 52; 11, p. 126; 21.1, p. 353; 21.6, p. 377 9, p. 92; 11, p. 123; 22.1.2, p. 409 10.2, p. 107; 22.5.2, p. 457 10.2, p. 115; 22.5.2, p. 462 2, p . 5 3 ;

2, p . 48;


p . 229;

22.6, p. 4 7 1

5, p. 67; 22.8.2, p. 500 2, p. 47; 12.1, p. 131: 18.2, p. 269; 21, p. 334 10.2, p. 108; 20.3, p. 322; 22.6, p. 471 1.6, p. 43; 17, p. 256; 22.1.1, p. 397; 22.1.2, p. 408; 22.2.1, p. 421 20, p. 295; 22.6, p. 471 14.1, p. 198; 21.1, p. 357 10.1, p . 9 9 ; 14.1, p. 195; 21, p. 337; 21.1, p. 350 10.1, p. 100; 21, p. 339; 21.1, p. 353; 21.3, p. 368 10.1, p. 101; 2 1 , ' p . 341; 21.1, p. 356; 21.3, p. 368 1.3, p. 31; 10.1, p. 102; 21, p. 342; 21.1, p. 358; 21.3, p. 368 10.1, p. 98; 10.2, p. 110; 21.3, p. 367; 22.5.2, p. 458 13.4, p. 176; 20.1, p. 314; 20.3, p. 327; 22.5.2, p. 462 10.1, p. 96; 21, p. 331 2, p. 54; 20, p. 297; 21.1, p. 356 13.4, p. 171; 14.3, p. 208; 22.4.3, p. 446 1.1, p. 13; 22.8, p. 490 18.3, p. 278 ; 22.8.2, p. 502 18.2.1,

p . 275;

21.1, p.


Author Index


72, 111, 114,


(a) (b) (b) (a)


(a) 70, (b) 112,






(b) (b) (a) (b)


112, IIB, 71, 113,

(a) 70, (a) 72, (b) 114, (b) (a) (a) (a)

111, 70, 69, 69,

777 659 599 637

(1982) (1982) (1982) (1982)

139 (1982) 543 (1982) K47 601 127 227

(1982) (1982) (1982) (1982)

K81 (1982) K15 (1982) 39 (1982) 671 513 663 359

(1982) (1982) (1982) (1982)

(b) 112, K103 (1982) (b) 118, K19 (1982) 663 (1982) (a) 6 9 , (b) 112, 115 (1982) (b) 112, K67 (1982) (a) (a) (a) (a) (b)

73, 72, 70, 71, 112,

K83 225 387 99 457

(1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982)

(a) 74,

113 (1982)

(a) 74,

445 (1982)

(a) 70, (a) 74,

489 (1982) 445 (1982)


(a) 71, (a) 73,

K53 (1982) 611 (1982)


(a) 74, (a) 6 9 ,

307 (1982) K43 (1982)



521 (1982) (a) 6 9 , (a) 71, 233 (1982) (a) 71, K187 (1982) B . LUNN A . LUSIICHIK (JH. L U S H C H I K N . LUSHCHIK

A. B. Lusis


(a) (b) (b) (b) (a) (a)

71, 239 (1982) 114, 103 (1982) 114, 103 (1982) 114, 103 (1982) 70, K185 (1982) 71, 451 (1982)

1.3, p.30; 11, p.125; 21, p. 338; 22, p. 389 13.1, p. 151; 22.6, p. 472 13.1, p. 156; 22.6, p. 476 14.3.3, p. 220; 16, p. 250; 20.1, p. 301; 22.9, p. 503 13.4, p. 166; 14.3.1, p. 214; 22.9, p. 504 13.1, p. 153; 18, p. 262; 20.1, p. 309; 22.8, p. 487 13, p. 144 1.3, p. 30; 13, p. 145; 22.6, p. 474 14.3.2, p. 217; 16, p. 251; 22.2.2, p. 425 4, p. 64; 13.1, p. 154; 13.3, p. 160; 22.2.2, p. 426 10.2, p. 107; 22.2.2. p. 424 10.2, p. Ill; 22.2.2, p. 425 13.1, p. 155; 14.3, p. 210; 15, p. 248; 20.1, p. 314; 22.7, p. 479 10, p. 95; 12, p. 129 I.3, p. 27; 14.1, p. 194; 21.1, p. 347 9, p. 91; 11, p. 119; 22.1.2, p. 402 10.2, p. 104; 14.3. p. 203; 14.4, p. 234; 22.8.1, p. 492 13.4, p. 172; 20.3, p. 324; 22.4.2, p. 443 14.3, p. 209; 18.2, p. 272; 22.6. p. 473 9. p. 91; 11, p. 119; 22.1.2. p. 402 2, p. 49; 19, p. 288; 21.1, p. 350 14.2, p. 200; 21. p. 336; 21.1. p. 350; 21.6, p. 376 14.3, p. 210; 22.2.4, p. 431 10.1, p. 99; 21, p. 337 11, p. 121; 14.3, p. 205; 22.1.2, p. 404 10.2, p. 109; 11, p. 122; 22.1.2, p. 406 10.2, p. Ill; 11, p. 124; 13.4, p. 172; 22.1.2, p. 410 10.2, p.116; 11, p. 127; 13.4, p. 176; 14.3, p. 211; 22.1.2, p. 414 I I , p. 128; 13.4, p.177; 14.3, p. 212; 22.1.2, p. 416 11, p. 121; 22.1.2, p. 404 11. p. 128; 13.4, p.177; 14.3, p. 212; 22.1.2, p. 416 I.2, p. 17; 22.8.1. p. 495 9, p.93; 20.3, p. 327; 22.4.1, p. 441; 22.4.2, p. 444 9, p. 93; 20.3, p. 328; 22.4.2, p. 444 II, p. 118; 13.4, p. 164; 20.3, p. 319; 22.2.1, p. 420 11, p. 119; 20.3, p. 320; 22.2.1, p. 420 13.4, p. 168; 20.3, p. 323; 22.2.1, p. 421 11, p. 123; 13.4, p. 171; 20.3, p.323; 22.2.1. p. 421 13.4, p. 169; 14.3.3, p. 222: 22.4.3, p. 446 10.2, p. 115; 20.3. p. 327; 22.5.2, p. 462 10.2, p. 115; 20.3. p. 327; 22.5.2, p. 462 10.2, p. 115; 20.3, p. 327; 22.5.2, p. 462 17, p. 256; 22.6. p. 471 11. p. 122; 14.3.1. p. 215; 22.1.2, p. 408

Author Index H. D.



T. V. Lvov A A. N. D. W .



(b) (a) (a) (b)

112, 549 74, K 5 5 70, K 1 2 1 113, 447

(1982) (1982) (1982) (1982)

(b) 113, K 5 (1982) (b) 110, K103 (1982) (b) 114, 537 (1982) (a) 70, 719 (1982) (a) 71, 619 (1982)

15. M A C A L I K

(b) 112,

429 (1982)


(b) 109,

607 (1982)

(a) 69,

11 (1982)

(a) (a)

74, 70,

661 (1982) K 8 9 (1982)




335 (1982)

F . M A I) A J

(a) (a) (a) (b) (a) (b)

72, 69, 69, 112, 69, 109,




P. K.












C. K .




T. K .








A. 7 .


(a) 71, (a) 72, (b) 110, (b) 110, (a) 72, (b) 112, (a) 69, (a) 70, (a) 74, (b) 113, (a) 72, (a) 74, (a) 73, (b) 113, (b) 112, (a) 71, (a) 70, (a) 74, (a) 73, (a) 69, (a) 70, (a) 72, (a) 73, (b) 114,

503 257 569 K1 297 607

(1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982)

189 (1982) K161 763 263 495 543 91 K193 K77 K89 535 361 K27 593 301 K149 K197 K1 K59 K129 505 533 135 K283 125

(1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982)

6, p. 77; 13.5.2, p. 187; 20.1, p. 309; 22, p. 388 19, p. 291; 22.8. p. 490 11, p. 121; 14.3, p. 206; 22.2.2, p. 424 13.5.1, p. 185; IS, -p. 263; 20.1. p. 311; 22.3, p. 434 13.1, p. 154; 20.1, p. 310; 22, p. 389 13.5,1 p. 183; 22.4.1, p. 440 13.5, p. 180; 20.1, p. 315; 22.4.1, p. 441 11, p. 121; 14.3.3, p. 221; 22.1.2. p. 405 11, p. 123; 13.4, p. 170; 14.3.3, p. 222; 22.1.2, p. 408

10.2, p. I l l ; 11, p. 124; 19, p. 288; 20.1, p. 309; 20.3, p. 324; 22.5.2, p. 4Ô9 13.5.1, p. 181; 14.3, p . 2 0 3 ; 20.1, p. 300; 20.3, p. 319; 22.4.4, p. 447 14.3.1, p. 213; 14.3.3, p , 2 1 9 ; 20.3, p . 3 1 8 ; 22.4.1, p. 439; 22.4.2, p. 442 1.3, p. 31; 13.4, p. 178; 22.7, p. 480 11, p. 120; 13.4, p. 166; 14.3, p . 2 0 5 ; 22.8, p. 483 2, p. 4 9 ; 13.3, p. 159; 14.3.3, p. 222; 22. p. 387; 22.4.2, p. 443 16, p. 252; 22.2.3, p. 428 10.1, p. 96; 11, p. 118; 21.1.1, p. 359 1.4, p. 32; 11, p. 119; 21.1.1, p. 359 6, p. 76; 22.1.1, p. 397; 22.2.3, p. 428 1.3, p. 25; 21.1, p. 344 13.5.1, p. 181; 14.3, p. 203; 20.1, p. 300; 20.3, p. 319; 22.4.4, p. 447 10.2, p. 106; 14.4, p. 235; 22.5.1, p. 453 10.2, p. 110; 14.4, p. 236; 22.5.1, p. 453 14.3.3, p. 224; 14.3.4, p. 230; 22. p. 389 13, p. 141; 22.5.3, p. 465 12.1, p. 131; 13.3, p. 158; 21. p. 334 5, p. 67; 14, p. 191; 22.8.1, p. 496 10.2, p. 110; 19, p. 288; 22.5.3, p. 465 13.1, p. 149; 20.1, p. 301; 21.1, p. 345 10.1, p. 97; 12.1, p. 130; 21. p. 333; 21.1, p. 346 1.4, p. 37; 22, p. 392 .9, p. 93; 22, p. 390 20.3, p. 324; 22.5, p. 451 5, p. 69; 21.1.1, p. 363 10.2, p. 115; '20.1, p. 313; 22.6, p. 475 13, p. 145; 18, p. 262; 22.8, p. 488 13.4, p. 172; 20.3, p. 324; 22.5.3. p. 466 14.2, p. 200 '; 18.2, p. 270; 21, p. 335 1.3, p. 27; 1.4, p. 33; 21.1, p. 346; 21.6, p. 375 8, p. 90; 15, p. 248; 22.8, p. 490 1.5, p. 41; 22.2.4, p. 431 1.4, p. 32; 10.2. p. 105; 22.2.4. p. 430 10, p. 94 1.4. p. 35; 10.2. p. 110; 22.2.4, p. 430 11, p. 127; 22.2.1, p. 423: 22.2.3, p. 429 2, p. 54; 18.2. p. 273


Author Index

N. T.

M a l a f a e v


M a l e t r a s


M a l g r a n g e



B . Z. B.

M a l k i n

M a l l i k

YU. M.


G. A.

M a l y g i n

S. A.

M a l y s h e v

Z. V. M a l y u s h i t s k a y a V. K.

M a l y u t e n k o

V. I. R.

M a l y u t i n

M a m a t k u l o v

G. M.


(a) 73, K243 (1982) (a) 69, K135 (1982) (a) 69, K l (1982) (b) 110, 643 (1982) (b) 110, 417 (1982) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a)

69, 767 (1982) 71, 217 (1982) 72, 493 (1982) 74, 43 (1982) 69, K147 (1982) 71, 217 (1982) 73, K i l l (1982)

(a) 69, 159 (1982) (a) 71, K49 (1982)

T . G.


(b) 109, K119 (1982) (b) 113, K43 (1982) (b) 113, K127 (1982)

A. P.


(a) 69, K215 (1982)

S h . S.


J . - P . MA N E VAL E.

M a n n



H . M.

M a n o u k y a n

P . M. M a n s y M. J.






(b) (b) (a) (a) (a) (a)

112, 111, 69, 72, 69, 70,

(a) 73, (a) 70,

Kl 541 393 731 475 57

(1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982)

409 (1982) 555 (1982)





(a) 69, 173 (1982) (b) 110, 637 (1982) (b) 112, K85 (1982) (b) 110, 703 (1982) (b) 112, 575 (1982) (b) 114, 161 (1982) (b) 112, 417 (1982) (a) 74, K49 (1982) (a) 72, 469 (1982) (a) 73, 65 (1982) (a) 71, 549 (1982)



(b) 112,


M a r f a i x g



J. L. K.

M a r î n


I. A.



M a r k u m


M a r y s k o

V. G.

P . C.



M a t h u r

M a t l a k

E. P.






(b) 114, (a) 72, (a) 73, (a) 74, (b) 110, (b) 114, (a) 69, (a) 71, (a) 70,

609 (1982) 393 K83 503 403 K179 145 K229 K121 277

(1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982)

1.2, p. 22; 18.3, p. 277; 19, p. 290; 22.8.2, p. 501 1.3, p. 26; 1.4, p. 32; 21, p. 332; 21.1, p. 345 14.4.1, p. 240; 22.8, p. 481 10.2, p. 107; 19, p. 285; 22.5.2, p. 456 13.4, p. 166; 20.1, p. 303; 20.3, p. 321; 22.8.1, p. 494 14.3, p. 204; 22.9, p. 503 14.3.3, p. 222; 22.1.1, p. 397; 22.2.3, p. 427 10.1, p. 99; 21, p. 337; 21.1, p. 352; 21.3, p. 368 14.3.1, p. 215; 20.3, p. 328; 22.2.4, p. 431 1.1, p. 11; 12.1, p. 130; 21, p. 332 14.3.3, p. 222; 22.1.1, p. 397; 22.2.3, p. 427 1.3, p. 30; 18.2.1, p. 275; 21.1, p. 354; 21.1.1, p. 362 14.3.4, p. 227; 16, p. 249; 22.1.1, p. 395 16, p. 251; 20.1, p. 305; 22.3, p. 433; 22.3.1, p. 436 13.1, p. 149; 20.1, p. 300; 22.8, p. 482 13.1, p. 154; 20.1, p. 311; 22.8, p. 488 12.2, p.137; 13.1, p. 155; 20.1, p. 312; 22.3, p. 434 10.2, p. 105; 11, p. 119; 22.1.2, p. 402; 22.2.1, p. 420 6, p. 76; 22.1.1, p. 397; 22.2.3, p. 428 9, p. 91; 10, p. 94; 12, p. 129 1.3, p. 26; 1.4, p. 32; 22, p. 383 1.4, p. 35; 14.3, p. 209; 22.8, p. 488 1, p. 9 10.1, p.97; 14.1, p. 194; 21, p. 333; 21.1, p. 345 1.4, p. 36; 10, p. 95 13.3, p. 159; 14.3.2, p.217; 20.1, p. 304; 22.1.2, p. 405 19, p. 283; 20.3, p. 318; 22.2, p. 418 13.4, p. 167; 14.3.4, p. 228; 22.4.3, p. 445 10.2, p. 112; 11, p. 124; 22.5.2, p. 459 10.2, p. 107; 13.4, p. 167; 22.5.2, p. 457 13.1, p. 153; 14.3.2, p. 217; 22.1.1, p. 397 1, p. 10; 13.4, p. 176; 21.4, p. 372 18.1, p. 266 18.3, p. 278; 19, p. 291; 22.8.2, p. 502 1.4, p. 35; 18, p. 262; 22.8.2, p. 501 1.2, p. 20; 14.4, p. 237; 22.9, p. 506 11, p. 122; 13.1, p. 151; 20.1, p. 307; 22.3, p. 434 10.1, p. 99; 13.4, p. 172: 21, p. 337; 21.1.1, p. 361 13.3, p. 161; 21, p. 342 14.3.1, p. 215; 22, p. 388 13.1, p. 155; 14.3.1, p. 215; 22, p. 390 14.3.3, p. 225; 22, p. 392 14.1, p. 194; 14.3, p. 205 13, p. 146; 18, p. 263 1.6, p. 42; 22.2.3, p. 427 14.1, p. 195; 18.2, p. 270; 21.5, p. 373 1.5, p. 39; 10.2, p. 106 ; 22.2.4, p. 430


Author Index H . MATSUO

(b) 109,

387 (1982)

(b) 109,

K47 (1982)

(b) 110, 75 (1982) (b) 110, K167 (1982) (b) 111, K67 (1982)


(b) 111, K93 (1982) see under letter " K " (b) 113, K31 (1982)


(a) 69,

97 (1982)


(a) 74, (a) 74,

545 (1982) K5 (1982)


(a) 73, K153 (a) 71, 55 (b) 112, 705 (b) 112, K i l l (b) 112, K115 (b) 113, 569 (b) 111, K45 (b) 111, 507










(a) 69, (b) 114, (b) 110, (a) 69, (b) 109, (b) 113, (a) 70, (a) 73, (b) 112, (a) 69, (a) 71, (a) 72, (b) 109, (b) 111, (b) 110, (a) 74, (b) 109, (b) 109, (b) 109, (b) 110, (a) 69, (b) 110, (a) 71, (a) 72, (a) 72,

(1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982)

269 (1982) K183 (1982) 183 (1982) K61 (1982) K139 (1982) K147 (1982) K71 (1982) K307 (1982) K29 (1982) K91 (1982) 569 (1982) K185 (1982) K103 (1982) 155 (1982) K45 (1982) 265 (1982) 49 (1982) 449 (1982) 773 (1982) 387 (1982) K15 (1982) 571 (1982) 563 (1982) K109 (1982) 215 (1982)

(b) 112, 55 (1982) see under letter " R " (a) 69, 643 (1982)

6, p. 70; 8, p. 84; 12.2, p. 134; 22.1.1, p. 395; 22.1.2, p. 400 6, p. 70; 8, p. 84; 22.4.1, p. 439; :22.4.2, p. 442; 22.4.3, p. 445 I.3, p. 26; 12.2, p. 134; 13, p. 14i ; ¿¿.o, p. M,) 12.2, p. 135; 22.1.1, p. 396; 22.1.2, p. 404 6, p. 70; 8, p. 84; 22.4.1, p. 439; 22.4.2, p. 442; 22.4.3, p. 445 6, p. 75; 22.1.1, p. 397; 22.1.2, p. 407 II, p. 125; 20.1, p. 310; 22.4.1, p. 441; 22.4.2, - 443; 22.4.4, p. 448 P 1.2, ° ->. 14; 14.1, p. 193; 14.3, p. 202; 15, p. 245; 22.6; p. 468 2, p.55; 3, p. 60; 11, p. 128; 22.1.2, •Ä.X.&, p. 416 uu " -- 93; 11, p.128; 14.3.1 U, p. 216; 22.1.2, 9. p. 415 1.3, p. 31; 1.5, p. 4. 41; 2, p. 53; 21.1,, p. 355 20.3, p. 322;, 22.8.1, 22.8.1 , p. 4" 494 J 3 n 29; OO.1.4, 1 /tp.-n35? 1.3, 30; 1.4, p. 35; 21.1, p. 351 n 35; ,?.119; 14.3, p. 204; 19, p. 284; 20.1, r-. 301; 22.1.2, p. 402 6, p. 70; 20.1, p. 298; 22.3, p. 433 14.3, p. 203; 15, p. 245; 20.1, p . 3 0 0 ; 22.7, p. 479i 2, p. 47; 6, p. 72; 20.1. p. 302; 22.6, p. 469 2, p.. 49;; 6, p. 75; 20.1, p. 306; 22.6, p. 472 Aat > .8, -p. 482 13.4, r 164; 14.3, p. 203; 22.° >710.1. n. 98: 21. ri. 1.3, p. 27 ; 10.1. p. 98; 21, p. 334 4, p. 64; 13, p. 146; 20, p. 297; 22.6, p. 474 13.5.1, p.•>.186; 14.3.4, rp. 233; 20.1, p. 316; 441 ;• 22.4.2, 99 4 9 p. n 444 44.4 22.4.1, p. 441 1.4, p. 35; 18, p. 262; 22.8.2, p. 501 21.1.1, 1.4, p. 36; 18.2. p. 272; 21.1. p. 355; "" p. 362 2, p. 52;; 14.3, p. 210; 15, p. 247; 22.1.3,, p. 417 13.3, p. 158; 21.1, p. 345 13.3, p. 158; 21.1, p. 346 13.3, p. 159; 21.1, p. 348 10 1.6, p.. 43 13.1, p.153; .20, p. 296; 22 p. 388 20, p. 297 ; 22.3. p. 434 6, p. 70; . p. 84; 12.2. p. 134: 22.1.1, p. 395; 22.1.2, p.. 400 6, p . 7 0 ; 8. p . 8 4 ; 22.4.1. p. 439; 22.4.2, p. 442; 22.4.3. p. 445 * « p. - 26; " ' ,12.2, p. 134; 13, p. 141; 22.3, p. 433 1.3, i 35; 22.1.1. p. 396; 22.1.2, p. 404 12.2, p. 135 1.2, p. 17 ; 4, ' p. 62: 12.2, p. 135; 22.1.1, p. 396; 22.1.2, p.. 406 6, p. 70; 8. . 84; 22.4.1, p. 439; 22.4.2, p. 442; 22.4.3, p. 445 1.3, p. 28; 12.1. p. 131; 21.2, p. 365 6, p. 75; 22.1.1, p. 397; 22.1.2, p. 407 6, p. 76; 12.1, p. 131; 21.2,., p. 366 .««•199 n 1136; 22.3, p. 434 12.2. p. 6, p. 77; 8, p. 88; 1.3, p. 29; 12..1 p. 132; 21.2, p. 366 1.2, p. 21; 12.1 p. 132; 21.1. p. 355 18.4, p. 281 21.1, p. 356; 21.1.1, p. 363 13.1, p. 152 17, p. 256: 22.4.3, p. 446; 22.4.4, p. 448 10.2, p. 108: 14.3.4, p.228; 19, p. 285; 22.6, p. 470

Author Index

584 B . R . SOOD


71, K117 (1982)





(a) 71, K169 (1982) (a) 73, K237 (1982) (a) 73, K63 (19^2)





(a) (a) (b) (b) (a) (b) (b)


K37 (1982)

467 (1982)

74, 91 (1982) 73, K299 (1982) 109, 335 (1982) 113, 197 (1982) 70, 641 (1982) 112, 685 (1982) 112, 565 (1982)


(a) 71, 429 (1982) (b) 109, 645 (1982) (a) 72, K57 (1982) (a) 72, 731 (1982) (a) 69, K15 (1982) (b) 109, K123 (1982) (b) 112, 581(1982) (b) 113, 93(1982) (a) 70, K107 (1982) (b) 109, 457 (1982) (a) (¡9, 413 (1982) (b) 114, 667 (1982)




623 (1982)


(b) 113,

731 (1982)


(b) 111, (b) 113, (a) 69, (a) 72, (b) 110, (a) 69,

531 (1982) 583 (1982) 385 (1982) 153 (1982) 39(1982) 541 (1982)




(a) (a) (b) (b)





(b) (b) (b) (a) (b) (a)





71, K17 (1982) 74, K105 (1982) 110, 233 (1982) 113, 453(1982) 70,

763 (1982)

109, 403 (1982) 112, 327 (1982) 112, 501 (1982) 73, K185 (1982) 113, 301 (1982) 74, K9 (1982) 70,

423 (1982)

6, p. 74; 10.2, p. 109; 20.2, p. 317; 22:5.2, p. 457 14.3, p. 206; 16, p. 251; 19, p.287; 22.4.1, p. 440 10.2, p. 110; 19, p. 287; 22.4.1, p. 441 1.2, p. 22; 20.1, p. 313; 22.9, p. 507 1.2, p.21; 12.2, p. 136; 14.4.1, p. 243; 22.8, p. 489 1.2, p. 22; 12.2, p.137; 14.4.1, p. 243; 22.8, p. 490 12.2, p.137; 14.4.1, p. 244; 22.8.1, p. 497 18.2, p. 272; 21.1.1, p. 363 13.1, p. 148; 20, p. 293; 21.1, p. 343 13.1, p. 154; 20, p. 296; 21.1.1, p. 362 10.2, p. 108; 22.1.2, p. 405 10.2, p. 112; 14.4, p. 237; 22.5.2, p. 459 10.2, p. 112; 13.5.1, p. 184; 20.1, p .309; 22.5.2, p. 459 14.3.3, p. 222; 22.1.2, p. 408 10.2, p. 104; 16, p. 250; 22.5.1, p. 453 14.1.1, p. 242; 20.1, p. 308; 22.8.1, p. 495 1.4, p. 35; 14.3, p. 209; 22.8, p. 488 1, p. 9; 22.8.2, p. 499 8, p. 85; 22.1.1, p. 395 13.1, p. 153; 22, p. 388 5, p. 68; 22.8, p. 488 13, p. 142; 20, p. 295; 21.1, p. 348; 22, p. 385 2, p. 46; 8, p. 85; 21.2, p. 365 14.3.3, p. 219; 16, p. 249; 22.1.2, p. 401 13.1, p. 7-56'; 13.5.2, p. 187; 14.4, p. 239; 22.5.2, p. 463 13.3, p. 159; 14.3.3, p. 221; 16, p. 251; 22.1.2, p. 405 1.2, p.21; 20.1, p. 312; 20.3, p. 326; 22.5, p. 452 13.5, p. 179; 13.5.1, p. 184; 20.1, p. 306 13.5, p. 179; 22, p. 390 1.2, p. 15; 8, p. 85; 21.4, p. 369 1.3, p. 29; 2, p. 50; 21.1, p. 350 13.2, p. 157; 21, p. 332 14.3.1, p. 213; 14.3.3, p.219; 16, p. 250; 22, p. 384 14.3.3, p. 222; 16, p. 251; 22.1.2, p. 407 18.3, p.278; 21.1.1, p. 364; 21.4, p. 372 6, p. 72; 19, p. 284; 22.9, p. 504 2, p. 52; 14.3, p. 210; 15, p. 247; 22.1.3, p. 417 10.2, p.108; 11, p. 121; 20.1, p. 304; 22.1.2. p. 406 1.2, p. 14; 1.3, p. 25; 21, p. 331 1, p. 10; 12, p. 129; 13, p. 144 13.4, p. 172; 13.5.1, p. 184; 22.4.2, p. 443 I.2, p. 22; 14.3, p. 210; 22.9, p. 507 13, p. 145; 18, p. 262; 22.8, p. 488 II, p. 128; 13.3, p. 161 ; 14.3.2, p. 218; 22.1.2, p. 415 13.5.1, p. 183; 20.3, p. 322; 22.2.4, p. 430

Author Index


A. V. S t e p h a n o v i c h J. Stigmen-Damm K h . E. S t e r i n A. M. S t e w a r t

(a) 71, 463 (1982) (a) 73, 129 (1982) (b) 109, 403 (1982) (a) 70, K135 (1982) (b) 110, K155 (1982) (b) 112, 211 (1982) (b) 109, 37 (1982) (a) 73, K263 (1982) (b) 110, 183 (1982) (a) 71, 245 (1982)

0. Stika



93 (1982)

W. M. S t o b b s



37 (1982)

D.Stock T. G. S t o e b e C. M. S t o i c h i t a M. S t o j i c H.Stone M.Stordeub

(a) 73, (a) 71, (a) 71, (a) 70, (a) 73, (b) 109,

A. S. S t e i n b e r g J. S t e l i n a V. S. S t e f a n y u k

(b) 114,

K57 55 K17 K39 367 673

(1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982)

39 (1982)

L. S t o u e a ö G. S t ö v e b

(a) (a)

73, K199 (1982) 70, 563 (1982)

S t . E. S t o y a n o v U. S t r a u b e

(a) (a)

69, K163 (1982) 73, 467 (1982)

R. S t e e h l o w

V. A. S t k e l t s o v P. S t r e t j b e l S. V. S t r i z h e v s k i i J. O. S t k ö m - O l s o n

(b) 109, K75 (1982) (b) 110, K79 (1982) (b) 114, K165 (1982) (a) 69, 497 (1982) (b) 112, 55 (1982) (b) 112, 533 (1982) (b) 111, 195 (1982)

J. S t r z e s z e w s k i J. S t u c h l i k

(a) (a)

Y. K. S u b a s h i e v U. V. Stjbba R a o M. S u b o t o w i c z A. SuBR AHM AN YAM K. N. Stjbeamanian N. S u c h e t a

(a) 74, 75 (1982) see under letter "R" (b) 111, 455 (1982) (a) 69, 773 (1982) (a) 74, 683 (1982) (b) 109, 325 (1982) (b) 111, 83 (1982) (a) 70, K129 (1982) (b) 111, 177 (1982) (a) 72, K177 (1982) (b) 109, 717 (1982) (a) 69, 455 (1982) (b) 114, K21 (1982) (a) 72, 131 (1982) (a) 74, K97 (1982)


A. A. S u k h o v s k i i A. SuKIENNICKI A . S . SULAKOV

Sh. G. Stjleimanov 28 physica, Keg.-Bd. 15

73, 70,

31 (1982) 93 (1982)

1.3, p. 28; 11, p. 122; 21.7, p. 380 13.5.1, p. 184; 20.3, p. 326; 22.2.4, p. 431 1.2, p. 14; 1.3, p. 25-, 21, p. 331 7, p. 82; 14.3.4, p. 228; 22.2.3, p. 427 13.4, p. 167; 21.1.1, p. 360 13.1, p. 152; 21.1, p. 350 14.2, p. 199; 21.4, p. 369 10.2, p. 115; 22.5.2, p. 462 6, p. 72; 20.1, p. 302; 22.8.1, p. 493 2, p. 48; 5, p . 6 7 ; 18.2, p. 270; 21.1, p. 349; 21.1.1, p. 361 2, p . 4 7 ; 14.3.1, p. 214; 20.1, p. 302; 22.1.2, p. 403 1.4, p. 36; 21, p. 339; 21.1, p. 353; 21.1.1, p. 362 11, p. 126 ; 22, p. 389 20.3, p. 322; 22.8.1, p. 494 14.3.3, p. 222; 16, p. 251; 22.1.2, p. 407 10.2, p. 106; 19, p. 285; 22.1.2, p. 404 14.4, p. 238; 22.8, p. 489 14.3, p. 203; 15, p. 245; 20.1, p. 300; 22.7, p. 479 13.1, p. 155; 14.3, p. 210; 15, p. 248; 20.1, p. 314; 22.7, p. 479 2, p. 53; 14.3.4, p. 232; 22.1.2, p. 414 3, p. 57; 13.4, p. 167; 14.3, p . 2 0 5 ; 22.4, p. 437 8, p. 85; 14.4.1, p. 240; 22.8.1, p. 493 1.2, p. 22; 12.2, p . 1 3 7 ; 14.4.1, p. 243; 22.8, p. 490 13, p. 140; 22.6, p. 468 13.1, p. 150; 22.2.1, p. 420 13.1, p. 156; 22.6, p. 476 10.2, p. 104; 12.2, p. 134; 22.5.2, p. 455 4, p. 63; 17, p. 256; 22.1.2, p. 409 1.2, p. 19; 13.3, p. 160; 13.5, p. 179 14.1, p. 194; 15, p. 246; 18.4, p. 280; 21.1, p. 348; 21.4, p. 370 I.2, p. 20; 3, p. 59; 18.2.1, p. 275; 21.1, p. 353 2, p. 47; 14.3.1, p. 214; 20.1, p. 302; 22.1.2, p. 403 20, p. 297; 22.3. p. 434 13.4, p. 169; 19, p. 287; 22.5, p. 450 I I , p. 119; 14.4, p. 234; 22.5.2, p. 456 10, p. 95 13.4, p. 163; 20.3, p. 318; 22.5.2, p. 454 18.2, p. 270; 18.4, p. 280; 22.4.4, p. 447 10, p. 94 13.5.1, p. 183; 20.1, p. 305; 22.4.1, p. 440 17, p. 256; 22.5.2, p. 460 6, p. 71; 13.5.2, p. 187; 14, p. 190; 22, p. 383 19, p. 284 ; 22.8, p. 482 6, p. 80; 13, p. 146 1.6, p. 43; 21, p. 337 14.3.3, p. 226; 14.3.4, p. 233; 22.2.1, p. 423



Author Index (a) 74, (a) 74, (b) 114,

107 (1982) K49 (1982) 659 (1982)

(a) 69, 467 (1982) (a) 70, 441 (1982) (a) 72, 617 (1982) (a) 72, 763 (1982) see under letter " K " (a) 70, K125 (1982) (a) 74, 411 (1982) (a) 73, K.133 (1982) (b) 114, K195 (1982) (a) 73, (b) 112,

267 (1982) 627 (1982)


(b) 112, (a) 69,

69 (1982) 707 (1982)


(a) 74, (b) 109,

621 (1982) 607 (1982)


(a) (a) (a) (a)


(a) 74, K101 (1982) (a) 74, 621 (1982) (a) 71, 49 (1982)


(b) 112, K61 (1982) (a) 72, K189 (1982)


(a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (b) (a)

A. SzÀsz

(a) 72, (a) 69, (b) 113,






(b) (a) (a) (a) (a) (b) (a) (a) (a)

69, 483 (1982) 72, 95 (1982) 71, K33 (1982) 72, K165 (1982)

72, K217 (1982) 73, 31 (1982) 69, K205 (1982) 72, 153 (1982) 74, 621 (1982) 113, K123 (1982) 71, 619 (1982)

109, 69, 71, 71, 74, 114, 74, 69, 71,

131 (1982) 217 (1982) 715 (1982) K.129 K49 K131 65 K83 K153 K69 K49 K131

(1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982)

1.5, p. 41; 18.2.1, p. 275; 22.8.2, p. 502 18.3, p. 278; 19, p. 291; 22.8.2, p. 502 4, p.65; 12.2, p. 138; 14.4, p. 239; 22.5.2, p. 463 13.1, p. 149; 20.1, p. 300; 22.4.4, p. 447 3, p. 57; 10.2, p. 107; 22.1.2, p. 404 10.2, p. 112; 22.1.2, p. 411 14.3.3, p. 224; 14.3.4, p. 230; 22, p. 389 11, p. 121; 20.3, p. 322; 22.5.2, p. 457 9, p. 93; 10, p. 95; 12, p. 129 5, p. 68; 22.8, p. 489 13.5.1, p.186; 14.3.4, p. 233 ; 20.1, p. 316; 22.4.1, p. 441; 22.4.2, p. 444 1.3, p. 30; 1.4, p. 36; 21, p. 339; 21.1, p. 354 12.1, p.132; 12.2, p. 136; 21, p. 337; 21.1, p. 351; 21.6, p. 377; 22.1, p. 393; 22.5.2, p. 459 6, p. 75; 20.1, p. 307; 22.5, p. 451 14.3.3, p. 220; 14.3.4, p. 227; 20.3, ?.320; 22.2.4, p. 430 14.3.3, p. 226; 20.3, p. 329; 22.2.4, p. 432 13.5.1, p. 181; 14.3, p. 203; 20.1, p. 300; 20.3, p. 319; 22.4.4, p. 447 1.1, p. 11; 22.1.2, p. 402 5, p. 67; 18.3, p. 276 ; 22.8.2, p. 500 14.4.1, p. 241 10.2, p.113; 14.3.2, p. 217; 16, p.253; 22, p. 389 10.2, p. 117; 22.5.2, p. 464 14.3.3, p. 226; 20.3, p. 329; 22.2.4, p. 432 1.2, p. 17; 12.2, p. 135; 14.3, p. 206; 15, p. 246; 22.7, p. 479 4, p. 63; 13.4, p. 171; 22.5, p. 451 2, p. 51; 13.1, p.153; 20.1, p. 310; 20.3, p. 325; 22.2.4, p. 431 13.4, p. 173; 20.3, p. 325; 22.4.1, p. 441 1.2, p. 20; 3, p. 59; 18.2.1, p. 275; 21.1, p. 353 1.2, p. 15; 6, p. 71; 20.1, p. 301; 22.9, p. 503 1.3, p. 29; 2, p. 50; 21.1, p. 350 14.3.3, p. 226; 20.3, p. 329; 22.2.4, p. 432 13.4, p. 175; 14.4.1, p. 243; 22, p. 390 11, p. 123; 13.4, p. 170; 14.3.3, p. 222; 22.1.2, p. 408 1.6, p. 43; 21, p. 337 14.3.1, p. 213; 20.1, p. 299; 22.6, p. 468 2, p. 52; 20.1, p.312; 22, p. 390; 22.1.1, p. 398; 22.1.3, p. 417; 22.2.1, p. 423; 22.3, p. 434; 22.6, p. 474 1.2, p. 15; 6, p. 71; 21.4, p. 369 1.1, p. 11; 18.4, p. 279 ; 22.8, p. 482 1.1, p. 11; 18.4, p. 279; 22.8, p. 482 14.3.1,-p. 214; 22.4.1, p. 440 13.3, p. 161; 17, p. 257; 22.6, p. 476 13.4, p.177; 14.3, p. 211; 22.2.3, p. 429 2, p. 54; 18.2, p. 274; 21.1, p. 357 1.1, p. 11; 18.4, p. 279 ; 22.8, p. 482 1.1, p. 11; 18.4, p. 279; 22.8, p. 482


587 (b) 110, K129 (1982) (b) 114, K161 (1982) (a) 71, K49 (1982) (a) 71, (a) 70, (a) 70, (a) 69, (a) 71, (b) 10», (b) 114, (a) 69, (a) 74,

K45 K31 277 K55 K107 K103 103 201 K45

(1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982)


(b) (a) (a) (b) (a)


(b) 113, K31 (1982)


(a) 71,

549 (1982)


(a) 74,

173 (1982)


(a) 73, K47 (1982) (b) 114, 73 (1982) (a) 74, 395 (1982)




113, 313 (1982) 74, 437 (1982) 73, 209 (1982) 109, 793 (1982) 73, K293 (1982)

(a) 71, K121 (1982) (a) 69, K73 (1982) (a) 72, K189 (1982) (a) 72, K83 (1982) (a) 74, 403 (1982) (b) 110, 313 (1982) (a) 74, K1 (1982) (b) 110, 507 (1982) (a) 71, K245 (1982) (b) 113, K27 (1982) (a) 71, 563 (1982) (b) 110, K1 (1982) (b) 113, 291 (1982) (a) 73, K75 (1982) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a)

70, K81 (1982) 69, 227 (1982) 72, K197 (1982) 72 469 (1982) 70, 441 (1982) 72, 617 (1982) 69, 103 (1982) 69, 589 (1982) 70, 145 (1982)

5, p. 66; IS.4, p. 280; 22.8.2, p. 500 5, p. 69; 18.4, p. 281; 22.8.2, p. 502 16, p.251; 20.1, p.305; 22.3, p. 433; 22.3.1, p. 436 13.4, p. 169; 14.3.4, p. 229 ; 22.8, p. 484 14.3.1, p. 214; 22.6.1, p. 477 1.5, p. 39; 10.2, p. 106; 22.2.4, p. 430 1, p. 9; 20.3, p. 319; 22.4.1, p. 439 2, p. 49; 16, p. 251; 22, p. 386 18.1, p.265; 18.2, p. 268; 18.4, p. 279 10.2, p. 115; 20.3, p. 327; 22.5.2, p. 462 20.1, p. 299; 22.1, p. 393 5, p.69; 12.1, p.133; 18.2, p. 274; 21.1, p. 357 14.2, p. 200; 14.3.4, p. 231; 22, p. 389 10.1, p. 102; 14.2, p. 201 18.3, p. 277; 22.8.2, p. 501 I.2, p. 15; 19, p. 283; 22.8, p. 482 20.3, p. 327; 22.4, p. 438 II, p. 125; 20.1, p. 310; 22.4.1, p. 441; 22.4.2, p. 443 ; 22.4.4, p. 448 11, p. 122; 13.1, p. 151; 20.1, p. 307; 22.3, p. 434 18.1, p.266; 18.4, p. 281; 19, p. 290; 22.6.1, p. 477 20.3, p. 326; 22.5.2, p. 460 13.5.1, p. 185; 20.3, p. 327; 22.9, p. 507 10.2, p.117; 17, p. 257;.20.3, p. 328; 22.5.2, p. 464 14.1, p. 195; 18.2, p. 270; 21.5, p. 373 14.4.1, p. 240; 22.8.1, p. 492 2, p.51; 13.1, p. 153; 20.1, p. 310; 20.3, p. 325; 22.2.4, p. 431 14.3.1, p. 215; 22, p. 388 14.3.3, p.225; 22, p. 392 4, p.62; 13, p.141; 22.1, p. 393; 22.1.2, p. 403 10.2, p. 116; 22.1.2, p. 415 7, p. 82; 13.5.4, p. 189; 18.4, p. 279 1.2, p. 19; 1.3, p. 29; 18.2, p. 271; 21.1, p. 349; 21.4, p. 371 6, p. 79; 8, p. 88; 22.5.2, p. 460 11, p. 122; 14.3, p. 207; 22.2.2, p. 425 6, p. 72; 20.1, p. 302; 22.6, p. 469 6, p. 78; 20.1, p. 310; 22.5, p. 452 13.4, p. 174; 14.3.3, p. 224; 14.3.4, p. 231; 22.1.1, p. 398; 22.2.1, p. 422 10.2, p. 107; 22.2.2, p. 424 10.2, p. 103; 22.1.2, p. 400 3, p. 58; 18.2, p. 271; 22.8.1, p. 496 1.4, p. 35; 18, p. 262; 22.8.2, p. 501 3. p. 57; 10.2, p. 107; 22.1.2, p. 404 10.2, p. 112; 22.1.2, p. 411 1.3, p. 25; 1.4, p. 32; 21.3, p. 367; 21.6, p. 374 1.3, p. 26; 1.4, p. 32; 21.1, p. 344; 21.6, p. 375 1.3, p. 26; 1.4, p. 33; 21.1, p. 346; 21.6, p. 375


Author Index (a) 70,

M. K . TENO K.



(a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (b) (a) (a) (a) (a) (b) (a)

407 (1982)

71, 185 (1982) 71, K9 (1982) 73, 267 (1982) 73, 367 (1982) 69, K129 (1982) 70, K5 (1982) 69, 707 (1982) 113, 74, 71, 69, 69, 112, 69,

259 291 109 297 325 91 97

(1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982)

(a) 71, K143 (1982) (a) 72, K61 (1982) (a) 72, 655 (1982) (a) 72,

695 (1982)

B . N . T E W ARI

(b) (b) (a) (a) (b)


(b) 109,

255 (1982)

(b) 110,

479 (1982)




110, K69 111, K103 72, .K109 70, K1 114, K31

(1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982)

(a) 72, K37 (1982) see under letter " N " (b) 110, 341 (1982) see under letter " V " (a) 72, 585 (1982) (b) 110, 133 (1982) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a)

69, 727 (1982) 70, K159 (1982) 73, 439 (1982) 71, K83 (1982) 69, 513 (1982)

(b) 114, (a) 73, (b) 113, (a) 74, (b) 110, (a) 69, see under (a) 73, (b) 109, (a) 69.

449 (1982) 279 (1982) 459 (1982) 85 (1982) 687 (1982) 497 (1982) letter " N " 237 (1982) 295 (1982) 201 (1982)

1.3, p.27; 1.4, p. 33; 21.1, p. 347; 21.6, p. 375 1.1, p. 12; 1.4, p. 34; 21.1, p. 348; 21.6, p. 376 1.1, p. 12; 1.4, p. 34; 21.1, p. 349; 21.6, p. 376 1.3, p. 30; 1.4, p. 36; 21, p. 339; 21.1, p. 354 14.4, p. 238; 22.8, p. 489 14.3, p. 203; 22.8.1, p. 492 14.3, p. 204; 22.5, p. 450 14.3.3, p. 220; 14.3.4, p. 227; 20.3, p. 320; 22.2.4, p. 430 4, p. 64; 13, p. 145; 21, p. 338 16, p. 254; 20.1, p. 315; 22.3, p. 434 1.1, p. 12; 1.2, p. 17; 22, p. 386 1.3, p. 25; 21.1, p. 344 1, p. 9; 14.3, p. 203; 15, p. 245; 22.8.2, p. 499 10.2, p.110; 19, p.288; 22.5.3, p. 465 1.2, p. 14; 14.1, p. 193; 14.3, p. 202; 15, p. 245; 22.6, p. 468 1.2, p. 18; 14.3, p. 207; 22.8, p. 486 1.2, p. 19; 6, p. 76; 20.1, p. 308; 22.6, p. 472 1.2, p. 20; 6, p. 78; 14.1, p. 196; 14.3, p. 209; 18, p. 262; 22.6, p. 473 1.2, p.20; 5, p. 68; 14, p. 191; 18, p. 262; 22.8, p. 488 2, p. 47; 6, p .72; 20.1, y.302; 22.6, p. 469 2, p. 49; 6, p. 75; 20.1, p. 306; 22.6, p. 472 11, p. 124; 19, p. 288; 22.2.2, p. 425 1.3, p. 27; 1.4, p. 33; 21.1, p. 346; 21.6, p. 375 2, p. 54; 8, p. 89; 21, p. 341; 21.1, p. 356; 21.2, p. 366; 21.3, p. 368; 21.7, p. 381 13, p. 139; 14.4, p. 234; 20.1, p. 298; 22.6, p. 468 13.5.1, p. 182; 14.4, p. 235; 20.1, p. 303; 22.6, p. 470 10.2, p. I l l ; 19, p. 288; 22.8, p. 487 13.4, p. 165; 13.5.1, p. 182; 22, p. 384 I.3, p. 30; 2, p. 51; 22.7, p. 479 2, p . 4 6 ; 13.4, p. 165; 14.3.1, y.214; 22.1.2, p. 403 I I , p. 119; 14.1, p. 193; 21.1, p. 344 1.5, p. 39; 11, p. 121; 22.1.2, p. 406 14.1, p. 197; 18, p. 263; 21.1, p. 355 13.4, p. 169; 14.3.3, p.222; 22.2.1, p. 421 13.4, p.165; 16, p. 250; 20.1, p. 301 ; 20.3, p. 320; 22.8, p. 483 13.1, p. 156; 21.1, p. 357 9, p. 92; 23, p. 509 10.2, p. 114; 22, p. 389 1.6, p. 44; 13.3, p. 161; 22.6, p. 475 13.1, p.150; 14.3.3, p. 221; 22.2.4, p. 430 10.2, p. 104; 12.2, p. 134; 22.5.2, p. 455 10.1, p. 100; 21, p. 339 19, p. 282; 20.3, p. 318; 22.5.2, p. 454 20.1, p. 299; 22.1, p. 393






A. A. Tsoi



(b) 111, K89 (1982) (a) 71, K53 (1982) (a) 70, K89 (1982) (a) 71, K73 (1982) (a) 71, 523 (1982) (b) 112, K19 (1982) (b) 113, K53 (1982) (a) 78, 249 (1982) (b) 111, 59 (1982) (a) 69, K239 (1982) (b) 111, 565 (1982) (a) 69, K37 (1982) (a) 70, 659 (1982) (a) 71, 193 (1982) (b) 113, 285 (1982) (a) 71, K107 (1982) (a) 71, 239 (1982) (b) 114, K97 (1982) (b) 109, 189 (1982) (b) 109, see under (a) 69, (b) 112, (a) 72,

817 (1982) letter "C" 727 (1982) 575 (1982) 105 (1982)

(a) 69, (b) 110, (b) 113,

425 (1982) 637 (1982) 339 (1982)

(b) 114, (a) 70, (a) 74, (a) 71, (b) 109, (a) 70, (b) 110, (a) 72,

Kll 87 K55 K29 K129 23 619 529

(1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982)

(b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b)

114, K139 (1982) 109, K53 (1982) 110, K33 (1982) 112, K121 (1982) 114, K41 (1982) 113, K31 (1982)

(a) (a) (a) (b)

72, K159 (1982) 72, K69 (1982) 69, 687 (1982) 113, 623 (1982)

(b) 114, 359 (1982) (a) 69, K113 (1982) (b) 110, 47 (1982) (b) 112, 747 (1982)

13.3, p. 159; 21, p. 335; 21.1, p. 349 I.2, p. 17; 22.8.1, p. 495 II, p. 120; 13.4, p. 166; 14.3, p.205; 22.8, p. 483 13.4, p. 169; 14.3, p. 206; 22.8, p. 484 13.4, p. 170; 14.3, p. 207; 22.8, p. 485 6, p. 76; 20.1, p. 308; 22.8, p. 487 13.1, p. 154; 13.5.2, p. 187; 22.8, p. 489 5, p. 68; 18, p. 263; 22.6, p. 474 19, p. 286 1.2, p. 15; 8, p. 85; 21.1, p. 345 1.2, p. 18; 14.4.1, p. 242; 22.8, p. 484 13.4, p. 163; 16, p. 250; 22.8, p. 481 1.2, p. 16; 1.4, p. 34; 22.8.1, p. 494 1.2, p. 17; 1.4, p. 34; 22.8.1, p. 494 13.5.1, p. 184 2, p. 49; 16, p. 251; 22, p. 386 13.4, p. 169; 14.3.3, p. 222; 22.4.3, p. 446 13.5.2, p. 187; 20.1, p. 315; 22.8, p. 491 13.4, p. 162; 14.3, p. 202; 20, p. 293; 22, p. 382 6, p. 71; 20, p. 294; 22, p. 384 11, p. 119; 14.1, p. 193; 21.1, p. 344 13.1, p.153; 14.3.2, p. 217; 22.1.1, p. 397 1.3, p. 29; 5, p. 67; 18, p.261; 19, p. 288; 22.8.2, p. 500 13.1, p.149; 20.1, p. 299; 22.8.1, p. 492 13.4, p. 167; 14.3.4, p. 228; 22.4.3, p. 445 1.1, p .13; 4, p .64; 12.2, p. 136; 22.5.2, p. 460 4, p. 65; 6, p. 80; 22.2.2, p. 426; 22.2.3, p. 429 10.1, p. 97; 21, p. 333; 21.1, p. 346 19, p. 291 ; 22.8, p. 490 19, p. 287; 22.8, p. 484 1.2, p. 15; 6, p. 71; 21.4, p. 369 11, p. 120; 20.1, p. 302; 22.1.1, p. 396 14.3, p. 205; 22.4.4, p. 447 11, p.124; 13.4, p.173; 14.3, p. 209; 22.2.1, p. 422 13.1, p. 156; 17, p. 257; 21.4, p. 372 16, p. 249; 22, p. 383 13.5.3, p. 188; 14.3, p. 204; 22.4.2, p. 442 20.1, p. 309; 22, p. 388 14.3, p. 211 11, p. 125; 20.1, p. 310; 22.4.1, p. 441; 22.4.2, p. 443; 22.4.4, p. 448 10.2, p. 113; 14.3, p. 209; 22.2.2, p. 426 10.2, p. Ill; 11, p. 124; 22.1.2, p. 409 I.1, p. 11; 12.2, p. 134; 22.1.2, p. 402 18.2, p. 272; 18.4, p. 281; 20.1, p. 312; 22.5, p. 452 18.2, p. 274; 18.4, p. 281; 22.8, p. 491 II, p. 118; 14.3.1, p. 213; 22.2.2, p. 424 13.5.1, p. 182; 22.4.4, p. 447 13.5.1, p. 182; 22.4.4, p. 447

Author Index

590 (b) 114,

331 (1982)

A. K . T y a g i



89 (1982)

S. T y a g i



655 (1982)

N. A. Tyapunina J . Tyczkowski A. P. T y f t n e y

(a) 69, (a) 72, (a) 73,

77 (1982) 751 (1982) 81 (1982)

S. I. Tzenov

(b) 113,

H. O b e n s e e H. U e b a 0 . Uemtjra

(b) 113, 165 (1982) (b) 110, K161 (1982) (b) 109, 361 (1982)



(a) 71, (b) 112, P. Ugliengo N. U h l e H. U l l m a n n J . TJlNER

W. U l r i c i J . Ulstbttp B. S. Umabov M. Ujieno H.-G. Unbtjh S. U r b a n A. U r b a n i a k Kucharczyk V. S. Urusov

(b) (b) (a) (b) (b) (b) (b) (a) (a) (a)


K 9 3 (1982)

555 (1982) 311 (1982)

112, 251 (1982) 111, 125 (1982) 69, K223 (1982) 114, 735 (1982) 114, K87 (1982) 114, 673 (1982) 69 (1982) 112, 69, 333 (1982) 71, 493 (1982) 65 (1982) 73,

(b) 109, K 5 9 (a) 71, 409 (b) 112, 303 (a) 73, 255

(1982) (1982) (1982) (1982)

V. I . U t e n k o

(b) (b) (b) (a)

112, K 2 9 110, 245 110, 363 71, K 6 3

(1982) (1982) (1982) (1982)

K . S. V a h v a s e l k ä S . V AID EHI A. V a i d y a n a t h a n A. V. V a i s l e i b J . Vaitkus

(a) 72, 2 6 1 (a) 71, 3 5 1 (b) 112, K 7 3 (b) 109, K 3 5 (a) 69, K 8 7

(1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982)

A. A. U r f s o v s k a y a YU. A. Uspenskii V V. Ustinov

M. Y a . V a l a k h L. M. V a l i e v R . Z. V a l i e v K . A. V a l u e v Nguyen Van Hieu D. M. VardanYA>" K. Varatttarajax

13.5.1, p. 185; 18, p. 264; 20.1, p. 316; 22.4.4, p. 449 11, p . 123; 2, p . 56;

12.1, 18.2,

p . 131 ; 2 1 . 1 , p . 3 5 0 p . 274;

19, p. 2 9 2 ; 21.1, p. 3 5 8 ;

21.1.1, p. 364 7, p. 82; 10, p. 94 14.3.1, p. 215; 14.3.4, p. 230; 22.9, p. 506 11, p. 126; 14.3, p. 210; 22.9, p. 507 11, p . 127 ; 14.4,

p . 238;

13, p. 146; 18, p. 263

22.9. p. 507

13.3, p. 160; 2 2 , p. 3 8 9 13.3, p. 158; 20.1, p. 304 2, p . 4 5 ; 14.3, p. 202; 1 5 , p. 2 4 5 ; 1 8 , p. 2 5 9 ; 2 2 . 8 , p. 4 8 1 2, p. 49; 1 4 . 3 , p. 2 0 7 ; 2 2 . 7 , p. 4 7 9 2, p. 50; 14.3, p . 2 0 8 ; 15, p. 247; 18, p. 261; 2 2 . 8 , p. 4 8 6 13, p. 144 1 3 . 1 , p. 1 5 0 ; 20.1, p. 304; 2 2 , p. 3 8 5 1 1 , p. 1 2 0 ; 20.3, p. 320; 2 2 . 6 , p. 4 6 9 7, p. 83; 1 8 . 1 , p. 2 6 6 13.4, p . 176; 20.1, 6 , p. 8 1 ; 13.4, p.

p . 314;

22.2.1, p. 4 2 3

177; 2 2 , p. 3 9 2 6, p. 75; 20.1, p. 307; 2 2 . 5 , p. 4 5 1 10.2,

p . 104;

22.1.2, p. 4 0 0

1.2, p. 18; 6, p. 75; 1 2 . 2 , p. 1 3 5 ; 2 2 . 9 , p. 5 0 5 1.2, p. 20; 1 4 . 4 , p. 2 3 7 ; 2 2 . 9 , p. 5 0 6 18.2, p. 267; 2 1 . 1 , p. 3 4 3 1.2,

p . 18;


p . 109;

2 2 . 5 . 2 , p. 4 5 8

1.3, p . 29; 4, p . 63; 2 2 . 5 . 2 , p . 4 5 8 ; 2 2 . 5 . 3 , p . 4 6 5 10.2, p . 113; 1 1 , p . 1 2 6 ; 12.2, p . 136; 22.5.2, p. 4 6 0 14.1, p. 195; 2 1 , p. 3 3 6 14.1, p. 193; 2 1 . p. 3 3 2 19, p. 285; 2 1 , p. 3 3 3

11, p. 122; 13.4, p. 169; 14.3, ?.206; p. 4 0 7


2, p. 50; 1 4 . 1 , p. 1 9 5 ; 2 1 , p. 3 3 7 14.1, p. 195; l14.3.1, i . 3 . 1 , p. 214; Z l i ; 21.7, 221.7, p. 379 13.1, p. 13.1, p . 152; 152; 20.1. 20.1, p. p . 308; 308; 2222. 2. 2. 2/ , p . 4 2 5 13.4, p. 163; 2 2 , p. 3 8 3 20,

p . 293;


p. 4 3 9 ;


p. 4 4 2 :

22.4.3, p. 4 4 5

(b) 1 1 8 , 635 (1982) (a) 7 3 , K 2 0 9 ( 1 9 8 2 ) (a) 70, (b) 1 0 9 ,

371 (1982) 189 (1982)

see under letter " N " (a)


475 (1982)



89 (1982)

6, p.. 79; 20 p . 312; 2 2 . 4 . 4 p. 4 4 9 l1SX o.o, p p.. «277; // ; Z 2 2Z. .88..22,, p . 5" 0" "1 1.4, p. 33; 10.1. p. 98; 2 1 , p. 3 3 4 13.4, p. 162; 1 4 . 3 , p. 2 0 2 ; 2 0 , p. 2 9 3 ; p. 3 8 2 I, p. 9 II, p. 123; 12.1, p. 131; 21.1, p. 3 5 0


Author Index L . K . VABGA R . A . VARIN

591 (a) 74, 279 (1982) (a) 73, K51 (1982)


(b) 110, (a) 70, (b) 111,


(b) 114, (a) 74, (a) 74, (b) 114, (a) 70, (a) 73, (b) 113,

K71 467 K131 103 K141 K221 447

(1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982)


(a) 72, (a) 69, (a) 74, (b) 109, (b) 111, (a) 70, (a) 71, (a) 73,

K125 K167 K17 563 433 109 K235 565

(1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982)


(a) 74,



(b) 114, 35 (1982) (a) 69, 751 (1982) (b) 113, K115 (1982) (a) 73, 377 (1982) (b) 114, 585 (1982) (a) 73, K73 (1982) (b) 113, 589 (1982)


(b) 113,



(b) (b) (a) (a) (a)


(a) 72,

569 (1982)


(a) 74,

K45 (1982)


(a) 74, K.109 (1982)


(a) 73, K283 (1982) (b) 110, 89 (1982) (b) 112, 69 (1982) (b) 110, 89 (1982) (a) 70, 177 (1982) (a) 73, K115 (1982) see under letter " N " (a) 71, K103 (1982)





9 (1982) K19 (1982) 581 (1982)

K41 (1982)

519 (1982)

113, 353 (1982) 113, 353 (1982) 72, K105 (1982) 72, 361 (1982) 72, K189 (1982)

2, p. 54; 14.1, p. 197; 21.1, p. 356 10.1, p . 1 0 0 ; 21, p. 339; 21.1, p. 354; 21.1.1. p. 362 8, p. 84; 9, p. 91; 10.1, p. 96; 21, p. 330 14.4.1, p. 241; 22.8, p. 483 8, p . 8 7 ; 9, p. 92; 10, p . 9 4 ; 14.4, p. 236; 21, p. 335; 21.1, p. 349; 21.6, p. 376; 22.5.2, p. 458 6, p. 80; 12.2, p. 137; 22.5.2, p. 463 10.2, p. 117; 14:3, p. 212; 22.4.2, p. 444 14.3.1, p. 216; 14.3.4, p. 233; 22.4.2, p. 444 10.2, p. 115; 20.3, p. 327; 22.5.2, p. 462 1.3, p. 28; 18.2, p. 270; 21.1.1, p. 360 5, p. 68; 18.2, p. 272; 18.3, p. 277; 21, p. 341 13.5.1, p. 185; 18, p. 263; 20.1, p. 311; 22.3," p. 434 12.2, p. 136; 22.5.1. p. 453 14.3.3, p. 220 I.1, p. 13; 22.8, p. 490 13.1, p. 149; 20, p. 293; 22.5.2, p. 455 13.1, p. 151; 20, p. 295; 22.5.2. p. 457 10.1, p. 97; 21.1.1, p. 360 10.1, p. 98; 21, p. 336 10.2, p. 115; 20.1, p. 313; 20.3, p. 326; 22.5.2, p. 461 2, p. 54; 6, p. 80; 8, p. 90; 20.1, p. 315; 22.6, p. 476; 22.8, p. 490 7, p. 83 13.1, p. 149; 14.3.1, p. 214; 22.4.4, p. 447 13.4, p. 175; 19, p. 290; 22.5.3, p. 466 10.2, p. 114; 11, p. 127; 22.1.2, p. 413 5, p. 69; 22.8, p. 491 14.2, p. 200; 21, p. 339 13.5.1, p . 1 8 5 ; 20.1, p. 311; 20.3, p. 326; 22.4.4, p. 448 13.1, p . 1 5 5 ; 22.1.1, p. 398; 22.1.2, p. 413; 22.2.1, p. 422 6, p. 78; 20.1, p. 310; 22.5.4, p. 467 6, p. 78; 20.1, p. 310; 22.5A, p. 467 14.4, p. 237; 16, p. 252; 22.5, p. 451 20.3, p. 324; 22.5, p. 451 2, p. 51 ; 13.1, p. 153 ; 20.1, p. 310 ; 20.3, p. 325 ; 22.2.4, p. 431 II, p. 124; 13.4, p. 173; 14.3.2, p. 217; 22.1.2, p. 411 5, p . 6 9 ; 12.1, p . 1 3 3 ; 18.2, p. 274; 21.1, p. 357 14.3.3, p. 226; 16. p. 254; 20.1, p.316; 22.9, p. 508 11, p. 127; 22.2.1, p. 423; 22.2.3, p. 429 13.4, p. 165; 19, p. 284; 22.5.2, p. 456 6, p. 75; 20.1, p. 307; 22.5, p. 451 13.4, p. 165; 19. p. 284; 22.5.2, p. 456 10, p. 94 10.2, p. 114; 20.2, p. 317; 22.5.2, p. 461 2, p. 49; 16, p. 251; 22.1.3, p. 417

592 0.

Author Index


(a) 72,

661 (1982)


(b) 110, 601 (1982) (b) 112, K85 (1982) (a) 74, 225 (1982) (b) 110, 717 (1982) see under letter " K " (a) 72, 333 (1982) (b) 109, K39 (1982) (a) 74, 573 (1982) (b) 112, K i l l (1982) (b) 112, K115 (1982) (a) 69, 631 (1982) (b) 110, 281 (1982) (a) 70, K141 (1982) (a) 70, 545 (1982)


(b) 113,



(a) (b) (a) (a) (a)


(a) 72,





(a) (a) (a) (a)

623 (1982)

78, 367 (1982) 113, 509 (1982) 70, 287 (1982) 72, K53 (1982) 69, 541 (1982) 737 (1982)

72, K132 (1982) 74, 545 (1982) 71, K127 (1982) 74, K5 (1982)

(a) 74,

K9 (1982)


(b) 109,

607 (1982)


(b) 110,

407 (1982)



(b) (a) (b) (a) (a)


(a) 73, K i l l (1982)


(a) 70, 17 (1982) (a) 70, K121 (1982)



114, K67 (1982) 70, 507 (1982) 113, 301 (1982) 74, K119 (1982) 72, 529 (1982)

14.3.3, p. 223; 20.3, p.324; 22.4.2, p. 443; 22.8, p. 488 10.2, p. 107; 14.3, p. 205; 22.2, p. 418 10.2, p. 112; 11, p. 124; 22.5.2, p. 459 12.2, p. 138; 14.4, p. 239; 22.8.1, p. 498 14.4.1, p. 241; 19, p. 285 3, p. 58 6, p. 70; 20.1, p. 299; 22.5.3, p. 465 10.1, p. 102; 21, p. 342 1.3, p. 30; 1.4, p. 35; 21.1, p. 351 1.3, p. 30; 1.4, p. 35; 21.1, p. 351 14.2, p. 199; 18, p. 259; 21, p. 332 19, p. 284; 22.5.3, p. 465 1.3, p. 28; 18.2, p. 270; 21.1.1, p. 360 I.3, p.27; 5, p. 67; 12.1, p. 131; 18, p. 260; 21.1.1, p. 360 18.2, p. 272; 18.4, p. 281; 20.1, p. 312; 22.5, p. 452 14.4, p. 238; 22.8, p. 489 13.4, p. 174; 19, p. 290; 22.8.1, p. 497 14.3.3, p. 220; 22.1.2, p. 403 14.3.3, p. 223; 14.3.4, p. 230 14.3.1, p.213; 14.3.3, p. 219; 16, p. 250; 22, p. 384 II, p. 125; 14.3, p. 209; 20.1, p. 309; 22.4.4, p. 448 11, p. 125; 22.4.4, p. 448 2, p. 55; 3, p. 60; 11, p. 128; 22.1.2, p. 416 11, p. 122; 22.1.2, p. 407 9, p. 93; 11, p.128; 14.3.1, p.216; 22.1.2, p. 415 11, p. 128; 13.3, p. 161; 14.3.2, p. 218; 22.1.2, p. 415 13.5.1, p. 181; 14.3, p. 203; 20.1, p. 300; 20.3, p. 319; 22.4.4, p. 447 14.3.2, p. 217; 17, p. 255; 22.1.1, p. 396; 22.1.2, p. 404 14.4.1, p. 243; 19, p. 290; 22.9, p. 507 2, p. 47; 18, p. 260; 22.8, p. 483 13, p. 145; 18, p. 262; 22.8, p. 488 1.2, p. 24; 22.8.1, p. 498 11, p.124; 13.4, p. 173; 14.3, p. 209; 22.2.1, p. 422 1.3, p. 30; 18.2.1, p. 275; 21.1, p. 354; 21.1.1, p. 362 I.3, p. 26; 11, p. 120; 14.2, p. 199; 21.1, p. 345 II, p. 121; 14.3, p. 206; 22.2.2, p. 424





see (b) (a) (a)

under 110, 69, 69,

letter "M" 239 (1982) 521 (1982) K43 (1982)

(a) 71, 371 (1982) (a) 71, K13 (1982) (b) 111, 53 (1982)

I.5, p. 38; 13, p. 141; 20, p. 294; 21.1.1, p. 360 I I , p. 119; 20.3, p. 320; 22.2.1, p. 420 11, p.118; 13.4, p. 164; 20.3, p. 319; 22.2.1, p. 420 1.1, p. 12; 22.1.2, p. 407 1.4, p. 34; 21.1.1, p. 361 6, p. 73; 20.1, p. 304; 22.5.1, p. 453


Author Index B . E . VXTGMEISTER

(b) 111, K113 (1982)


(a) (a)








P. R. F.






S. WANG Y. J. B. M.








S. M. M.



M . W A T AN A B E F.






K. P.


P. B.


W E E LAM NG R . A. A.


F. L. M.










697 (1982) 313 (1982)

(a) 69, K 2 1 (1982) (a) 72, K 6 1 (1982) (a) 73, 145 (1982) (a) 73, K 1 6 1 (1982) (b) 114, 481 (1982) (a) 69, 237 (1982) (a)


74, 72,


K97 (1982)

(a) 69, (b) 110, (a) 74,

563 (1982) 471 (1982) 181 (1982)

(a) (a)

553 (1982) 687 (1982)

69, 72,

see under letter " D " (b) 110, 331 (1982) (a) 70, 415 (1982) (a) 72, (a) 72, (b) 109, (a) 72, (a) 72, (b) 113, (a) 71, (a) 71, (a) 70, (a) 73, (a) 72, (a) 73, (b) 111, (b) 113, (b)110,

809 (1982) 783 (1982) K 3 9 (1982) 117 (1982) 551 (1982) K 9 (1982) K 7 3 (1982) 523 (1982) K 1 6 3 (1982) K97 (1982) 535 (1982) 215 (1982) K153 (1982) K 9 (1982) 133(1982)

(a) 74, K123 (1982) (a) 69, K 2 5 (1982) (a) 72, 281 (1982) 631 (1982) (a) 70, (b) 113, K 1 9 (1982) (a) 71, 265 (1982) 153 (1982) (a) 71, (a) 72, K181 (1982) (b) 114, 419 (1982) (b) 113, 395 (1982) (a) 71, K57 (1982) 545 (1982) (a) 74, 159 (1982) (a) 70,

19, p. 287 14.3, p. 212-, 18, p. 264; 22.8.2, p. 502 1.3, p. 29; 2, p. 50; 14.1, p. 196; 21.1, p. 351; 21.6, p. 377 2, p. 46; 20, p. 293; 22.6.1, p. 477 1.2, p. 19; 6, p. 76; 20.1, p. 308; 22.6, p. 472 I.2, p. 21; 3, p. 59; 22.1.2, p. 412 3, p. 59; 22.1.2, p. 414 13.1, p. 156; 22.3, p. 434 10.1, p. 96'; 11, p. 118; 18.2, p . 2 6 7 ; 21.1, p. 344; 21.1.1, p. 359 10.1, p . 9 6 ; 11, p. 118; 18.2,^.267; 21.1.1, p. 359 II, p. 119; 18.2, p. 268; 21.1.1, p. 359 18.3, p. 276; 22.6, p. 470 10.1, p. 101; 11, p. 128; 18.2, p. 273; 21.1, p. 356; 21.1.1, p. 363 20.3, p. 320; 22.2.2, p. 424 13.4, p. 173; 14.3.3, p. 224; 20.3, p . 3 2 5 ; 22.2.4, p. 431 2, p. 46; 13, p. 141; 21, p. 332 1.6, p. 42; 18.2, y.269; 21.1, p. 347; 21.1.1, p. 360 1.2, p. 20; 6, p. 78; 8, p. 88; 22.8, p. 488 14.4.1, p. 242; 19, p. 289; 22.8.1, p. 496 6, p. 70; 20.1, p. 299; 22.5.3. p. 465 14.3.1, p. 215; 20.1, p. 308; 21.6, p. 377 1.2, p. 19; 1.5, p. 40; 22, p. 388 10.2, p. 113; 22.9, p. 506 13.4, p. 169; 14.3, p. 206; 22.8, p. 484 13.4, p. 170; 14.3, p. 207; 22.8, p. 485 8, p. 86; 10.2, p. 108; 22.6, p. 471 8, p. 88; 10.2, p. 114; 22.6. p. 474 9, p. 92; 22.1.2, p. 410 1.2, p. 21; 1.4, p. 36; 22.6, p. 474 6, p. 75; 20.1, p. 307; 22.5.2, p. 458 10.2, p. 113; 22.9, p. 506 2, p . 4 6 ; 13.4, p. 165; 14.3.1, p. 214; 22.1.2, p. 403 14.2, p. 201 14.2, p. 199; 21, p. 331 14.4, p. 236; 22.5, p. 451 10.2, p. 108; 14.3.4, \i.22S; 19, p. 285; 22.6, p. 470 14.3, p. 209; 18.2. p. 272; 22.6, p. 473 16, p. 251; 20.1, p. 305; 22.6, p. 471 14.3.2, p. 217 ; 22.1.2, p. 407 2, p. 51 ; 21.1, p. 352 6, p. 80; 13.2, p. 157; 21.1, p. 357 2, p. 52; 13, p. 145; 21.2, p. 366; 21.6, p. 377 1.5, p. 39; 2, p. 49; 22.1, p. 393 2. p. 55; 3, p. 60; 11. p. 128; 22.1.2, p. 416 10.1, p . 9 7 ; 12.1, p . 1 3 0 ; 21, p. 333; 21.1, p. 346


Author Index









C . E . C . WOOD J.


T. E. J.



(b) 110, (a) 72, (à) (a) (b) (b) (a)

143 (1982) 721 (1982)

71, 429 (1982) 71, K21 (1982) 109, 335 (1982) 113, K15 (1982) 69, 603 (1982)

(a) 70, (a) 74, (a) 71,

243 (1982) 705 (1982) 245 (1982)

(a) 72, (a) 72,

399 (1982) 695 (1982)

(a) 71, 387 (1982) (a) 70, 243 (1982) (a) 78, K271 (1982) (a) 78, K15 (1982) (b) 111, 649 (1982) (b) 114, 169 (1982) (a) 73, (a) 70, (a) 73, (a) 72, (a) 69, (a) 72, (b) 109, (a) 72, (a) 71, (a) 74, (a) 74, (b) 112, (b) 109, (b) 112, (a) 74, (a) 70, (b) 109, (a) 69,

539 (1982) 497 (1982) 455 (1982) K89 (1982) 67 (1982) K9 (1982) K115 (1982) 585 (1982) K127 (1982) 511 (1982) 545 (1982) 483 (1982) 483 (1982) K103 (1982) 545 (1982) K59 (1982) 511(1982) 97 (1982)

(a) 72,


(a) 74, (b) 111,

559 (1982) 11(1982)

(b) 114,

741 (1982)

(a) 72, (a) 71, (a) 74, (b) 113,

251 207 493 623

(a) (a)

(1982) (1982) (1982) (1982)

70, 352 (1982) 70, K27 (1982)

13, p. 141-, 14, p. 190 1.5, p. 40; 2, p. 51; 4, p. 63; 20, p. 296; 22.1.2, p. 411 14.3.3, p. 222; 22.1.2, p. 408 14.4.1, p. 241 ; 22, p. 386 13.1, p. 148; 20, p. 293; 21.1, p. 343 13.1, p. 154; 20, p. 296; 22.6, p. 473 11, p.119; 14.3, p. 204; 19, p. 284; 20.1, p. 301; 22.1.2, p. 402 11, p. 120; 20.1, p. 302; 22.2.1, p. 420 1.3, p. 31; 12.1, p. 133; 21, p. 342; 21.1, p. 358 2, p. 48; 5, p . 6 7 ; 18.2, p. 270; 21.1, p. 349; 21.1.1, p. 361 9, p. 92; 11, p. 123; 22.1.2, p. 409 1.2, p. 20; 5, p . 6 8 ; 14, p. 191; 18, p. 262; 22.8, p. 488 14.3.2, p. 217; 14.3.3, p. 222; 22, p. 387 11, p. 120; 20.1, p. 302; 22.2.1, p. 420 1.1, p. 13; 1.4, p. 37; 22.2.3, p. 429 1.4, p. 36; 22.1.2, p. 412 6, p. 74; 20.1, p. 306; 22.2.2, p. 425 6, p.80; 12.2, p. 137; 20.1, p. 314; 22.2.2, p. 426 1.3, p. 31; 2, p. 53; 21, p. 340 1.1, p. 11; 10.2, p. 108; 22.1.2, p. 405 10.2, p. 115; 22.1.2, p. 413 1.6, p. 43; 11, p. 124; 21, p. 337 7, p. 82; 16, p. 248; 22.6.1, p. 477 16, p. 252; 22.8, p. 487 14.2, p. 199 I.3, p. 30; 2, p. 51; 22.7, p. 479 II, p. 122; 22.1.2, p. 407 1.5, p. 41; 3, p. 59; 22.1.2, p. 416 2, p. 55; 3, p. 60; 11, p. 128; 22.1.2, p. 416 19, p. 289; 22.8.2. p. 501 6, p. 71 13.4, p. 172; 20.3, p. 324; 22.4.2, p. 443 2, p. 55; 3, p. 60; 11, p. 128; 22.1.2, p. 416 3, p. 57; 10.2, p. 106; 22.1.2, p. 404 6, p. 71; 8, p. 85; 14.2, p. 199; 21, p. 331 1.2, p. 14; 14.1, p. 193; 14.3, p. 202; 15, p. 245; 22.6, p. 468 1.2, p. 20; 6, p. 78; 14.1, p. 196; 14.3, p. 209; 18, p. 262; 22.6, p. 473 14.3.4, p.233; 22.4, p. 438 13.1, p. 148; 20, p. 293; 21, p. 330; 21.1, p. 343; 21.6, p. 374 13.1, p. 148; 20, p. 293; 21, p. 330; 21.1, p. 343; 21.6, p. 374 14.3.3, p. 223; 22.2.4, p. 430 14.3.3, p. 222; 22.2.1, p. 421 10.2, p. 117; 14.3.3, p. 226; 22.2.1, p. 423 18.2, p. 272; 18.4, p. 281; 20.1, p. 312; 22.5, p. 452 13.5.1, p. 182; 20.3, p. 321; 22.4.1, p. 440 13.5.1, p. 182; 14.3.3, p. 221; 20.3, p. 321; 22.4.4, p. 447

Author Index



(b) 114, 349 (1982) (a) 74, K69 (1982) (b) 110, 157 (1982)


(a) 72, (b) 110,

169 (1982) 499 (1982)


(b) 113,

409 (1982)


(b) 114, K131 (1982) (b) 109, K97 (1982)


(a) 71, (b) 112,


(b) 112, 379 (1982) (b) 110, K51 (1982)


(a) 69, K157 (1982) (a) 69, 133 (1982) (b) 112, 201 (1982)



(b) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (b) (b) (a) (a) (b) (b) (b) (a)


(a) 69, 333 (1982) see under letter " C " (b) 113, 697 (1982)


(b) 109, (a) 71,


(b) 109, 503 (1982) (a) 73, K175 (1982) (a) 70, 109 (1982) see under letter " D " (a) 78, K179 (1982) (a) 73, 157 (1982)


(b) 109, 773 (1982) (b) 110, 387 (1982) (a) 70, K113 (1982)


59 (1982) 311 (1982)

I I B , 421 (1982) 72, 343 (1982) 70, 597 (1982) 72, 631 (1982) 73, 515 (1982) 74, 361 (1982) 112, 435 (1982) 113, 635 (1982) 70, K93 (1982) 74, K59 (1982) 112, 279 (1982) 113, 125 (1982) 112, 211 (1982) 71, 549 (1982)

717 (1982) 549 (1982)

1.1, p. 13; 1.4, p. 37 2, p. 54; 18.2, p. 274; 21.1, p. 357 13.4, p . 1 6 5 ; 13.5.1, p. 182; 22.4, p. 437; 22.4.1, p. 439; 22.4.2, p. 442; 22.4.3, p. 445 18.3, p. 276; 20, p. 296; 22.8.2, p. 500 1.2, p. 16; 6, p. 73; 14.4.1, p. 24:1; 20.1, p. 303; 22.8.1, p. 494 2, p. 52; 6, p. 79; 8, p. 89; 21.1, p. 354

19, p. 291; 22.8, p. 491 13.1, p. 149; 13.4, p . 1 6 4 ; 20.1, p. 300; 22, p. 384 4.3.3, p. 221; 22.1.2, p. 406 11, p. 121; 14.3.3, 205; 15, p. 247; 118, p. 261; 3, p. 208; 2, p. 50; 14.3, 22.8, p. 486 13.4, p. 172; 14.3, p. 208; 22, p. 388 6, p. 72; 22.4, p. 437; 22.4.1, p. 440; 22.4.2, p. 442; 22.4.3, p. 445 18, p. 260; 21.4, p. 369 1.3, p. 25; 2, p. 45; 20.1, p. 299; 22.1.2, p. 400 13.5.1, p. 184; 20.1, p. 307; 20.3, p. 323; 22.2.1 p. 422 6, p. 79; 22.2.4, p. 431 1.3, p. 29; 21.1, p. 351; 21.1.1, p. 361 1.2, p. 16; 1.4, p. 33; 22.6, p. 470 1.2, p. 20; 1.4, p. 35; 22.6, p. 473 1.2, p. 22; 1.4, p. 37; 22.6, p. 475 1.2, p. 16; 1.4, p. 33; 22.6, p. 470 13.5.1, p. 184; 20.3, p. 324; 22.9, p. 506 6, p. 79; 20.1, p. 312; 22.4.4, p. 449 20, p. 295; 22.6, p. 471 8, p. 90; 15, p. 248; 22.8, p. 490 6, p. 76; 20.1, p. 308; 22.9, p. 506 13.1, p. 153; 22.2, p. 418 13.1, p. 152; 21.1, p. 350 11 p. tv 19,2r 11, 122 13.1, p. 151; 20.1, p. 307; 22.3, p. 434 10.2, p. 104; 22.1.2, p. 400 6, p. 79 13.5, p. 179; 21.1, p. 354; 21.6, p. 378 6, p. 71 ; 13.5.2, p. 187; 14, p. 190; 22, p. 383 11, p. 122; 13.1, p. 151; 20.1, p. 307; 22.3, p. 434 13.5.1, p. 181; 20.1, p. 300; 22.5, p. 450 10.1, p. 101: 21.1, p. 355 10.1, p. 97; 21.1.1, p. 360 14.3.2, p. 218; 14.3.3, p. 225; 22.1.2, p. 414 14.3.2, p. 218; 14.3.3, p. 224; 22.2.3, p. 428

18.2, p. 268; 18.4, p. 279 18.2, p . 2 6 9 ; 18.4, p. 279 14.1, p. 194; 18.2, p. 269; 21.1, p. 348

Author Index

596 (a) n, W . ZAHN V . I. ZAITSEV B . G. ZAKHAROV

(a (a


(a 7 1 , (b 1 0 9 , (b 113, (b 111, (a 7 0 ,


69, 72, 71,

K245 (1982) K25 (1982) K l l (1982) 603 (1982)

p. 19; 1.3, p. 29; 18.2, p. 271; 21.1, p. 349; 21.4, p. 371 14.2, p. 199; 21, p. 331 10.1, p. 99; 21.1, p. 351; 21.7, p. 380 1.6, p.43; 17, p.256; 22.1.1, p. 397; 22.1.2, p. 408; 22.2.1, p. 421 1.2,

275 K69 Kl K129 691 113, 259 763 70,

(1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982)

497 455 K79 391 (a 73, K267 (a 7 2 , 715 173 (b 1 0 9 , 473 (b 1 0 9 ,

(1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982)

J . ZEMEK A . V . ZHALKO-TITARENKO (b 1 1 1 , J . X . ZHANG (a 7 0 ,

281 213 555 K79 K17 515 495 K81 159

(1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982)

13.2, p. 157; 19, p. 287; 21.6, p. 376 10.1, p.97; 12.1, p. 130; 21, p. 333;



361 (1982) K77 (1982) K19 (1982)

1.2, p.19; 14.4.1, p . 242; 19, p . 2 8 8 ;





(b (a (a (a (a (a


69, (b 1 1 1 , (b 1 1 1 , (a 7 4 , (b 1 0 9 , (b 1 1 2 , (b 1 0 9 ,

(b 1 1 1 , (b 113, (a 72,

469 K119 371 653 K211

(1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982)

563 593 K53 (ft (a 55 (a K87 K93 (a (b 109, K129 (b 110, K179 11 (b 1 1 1 ,

(1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982) (1982)

(b 1 1 1 , (b 1 1 4 , (a 7 0 , (b 1 1 0 , (a 72,




(b (b R . J . J . ZL.lLSTRA

70, 73, 72, 72,

70, 72, 72, 73, 73, 73,

114, 114,

(b) 1 0 9 ,

523 (1982) 741 (1982) 683 (1982)

10.2, p . 109; 22.1.2, p . 4 0 7 13.1, p. 148; 19, p. 283

13.1, p. 154; 20.1, p. 310; 22.2.3, p. 428 6, p. 75; 20.1, p. 306; 22.8, p. 485 10.2, p. 108; 11, p. 121; 22.1.2, p. 405 4, p. 64; 13, p. 145; 21, p. 338 10.2, p. 108; 11, p. 121 ; 20.1, p. 304; 22.1.2, p. 406 1.1, p. 11; 10.2, p. 108; 22.1.2, p. 405 10.2, p. 115; 22.1.2, p. 413 2, p. 50; 18, p. 261; 22.8, p. 487 I.5, p. 40; 2, p. 50; 3, p. 58; 22.1.2, p. 409 II, p. 127; 20.3, p. 327; 22.2.1, p. 423 13.4, p.173; 20.3, p. 325; 22.2.1, p. 422 10.2, p. 103; 20.3, p. 318; 22.5.2, p. 454 10.2, p. 104; 19, p. 283; 20.3, p.319; 22.5.2, p. 455 14.3.3, p . 219; 20.3, p . 318; 2 2 . 2 . 1 , p . 4 2 0

7, p. 83; 13.4, p. 168; 22.1.2, p. 406 7, p. 83; 13.4, p. 169; 22.1.2, p. 407

2, p . 54; 14.3.1, p . 216; 2 2 , p . 3 9 1 13.2, p. 157; 19, p. 283; 21.6, p. 374 13.4, p. 172; 21, p. 337

2, p. 46; 13.3, p. 158; 17, p. 255; 22.1.2, p. 401

p. 346 6, p. 73; 8, p. 86; 21, p. 334 1.2, p. 20; 13, p. 145; 18, p. 262

p. 487 5, p. 67; 22.8.2, p. 500 13.4, p.177; 22.1.2, p. 415 I.4, p. 33; 10.1, p. 98; 21, p. 334 II, p. 120; 21.6, p. 375 11, p.125; 13.4, p. 173; 20.1, p. 310; 22.1.2, p. 411 3, p. 57; 13.4, p. 167; 14.3, p. 205; 22.4, p. 437 1 . 4 , p . 3 5 ; 14.3.3, p . 223; 2 2 . 2 . 2 , p . 4 2 5 14.3.3, p . 223; 1 4 . 3 . 4 , p . 2 3 0 14.3.3, p . 224; 2 2 . 2 . 1 , p . 4 2 2 14.3.3, p . 224 14.3.3, p . 225 1.2, p. 15; 6, p. 71; 21.4, p. 369 14.1, p. 194; 14.3, p. 205

13.1, p. 148; 20, p. 293; 21, p. 330; 21.1. p.343; 21.6, p. 374 13.1, p. 156; 21, p. 342; 21.1.1, p. 364 13.1, p . 148; 20, p.293;


p. 343; 21.6, p. 374

14.3.4, p . 227; 2 2 . 1 . 2 , p . 4 0 1

p. 3 3 0 ;


Author Index

597 (a)


11 (1982)


(a) 71,

619 (1982)


(b) 110,

479 (1982)


(b) 114, (a) 78, (a) 73, (b) 111,

695 367 421 65



(1982) (1982) (1982) (1982)

(a) (a) (b) (a)

73, K199 (1982) 73, K249 (1982) 110, 369 (1982) 73, K287 (1982)

(a) (a) (a) (b) (b) (a)

72, 701 (1982) 72, 391 (1982) 72, K69 (1982) 111, 417 (1982) 113, K73 (1982) 73, 625 (1982)

(b) 114, (b) 111,

571(1982) K75 (1982)

14.3, p. 202; 14.3.3, p. 219; 14.3.4, p. 227; 22.1, p. 393; 22.2, p. 418 11, p. 123; 13.4, p. 170; 14.3.3, p. 222-, 22.1.2, p. 408 13.5.1, p. 182; 14.4. p. 235; 20.1, p. 303; 22.6, p. 470 1.2, p. 23; 4, p. 65; 8, p. 90 14.4, p. 238; 22.8, p. 489 14.4.1, p. 243; 22.8, p. 489 8, p. 86; 13, p. 142; 14.1, p. 194; 15, p. 246; 21, p. 334 2, p. 53; 14.3.4, p. 232; 22.1.2, p. 414 14.3.3, p. 225; 14.3.4, p. 232; 22.1.2, p. 414 13, p. 141; 18.2, p. 269; 22, p. 384 2, p.53; 8, p. 89; 11.1, p. 197; 14.2, p. 201 ; 21, p. 341 10.2, p. 112; 13.4, p. 173; 22.1.2, p. 411 1.5, p. 40; 2, p. 50; 3, p. 58; 22.1.2, p. 409 10.2, p. I l l ; 11. p. 124; 22.1.2, p. 409 6, p. 74;,8, p. 86; 10, p. 94 ¿0.1, p. 100; 21. p. 339 13.4, p. 175; 20.1. p. 313; 20.3, p. 327; 22.8.1, p. 497 13, p. 147; 18. p. 264: 22.8, p. 491 13.3, p. 159; 13.5.1, p. 184; 22.2.1, p. 421


Scheme —


19. Magnetic Resonance 20. Optical Properties 20.1 Spectra. Optical Constants (X-Ray Spectra See 20) 20.2 Lasers 20.3 Luminescence (X-Ray Spectra See 20) 21. Metals. Alloys 21.1 Transition Metals (Group Sc to Zn) and Their Alloys 21.1.1 Fe and Fe Alloys 21.2 Alkali-Metals 21.3 Alkali-Earth Metals 21.4 Rare-Earth Metals 21.5 Actinides 21.6 Noble Metals 21.7 Semi-Metals (Semiconducting Alloys See 22.7) 22. Semiconductors and Ionic Crystals 22.1 Elements 22.1.1 Germanium 22.1.2 Silicon 22.1.3 Group VI Elements 22.2 I I I - V Compounds 22.2.1 Arsenides 22.2.2 Phosphides 22.2.3 Antimonides 22.2.4 Mixed Crystals 22.3 IV-IV, II-V, and I I I - V I Compounds 22.3.1 Mixed Crystals 22.4 I I - V I Compounds 22.4.1 Sulphides 22.4.2 Selenides 22.4.3 Tellurides 22.4.4 Mixed Crystals 22.5 Hal ides 22.5.1 Silver Halides 22.5.2 Alkali Halides 22.5.3 Alkali-Earth Halides 22.5.4 Mixed Crystals 22.0 Simple Oxides (CdO, ZnO See 22.4) 22.6.1 Mixed Crystals 22.7 Semiconducting Intermetallic Compounds 22.7.1 Mixed Crystals 22.8 Tertiary and Higher Compounds 22.8.1 Salts of Oxy-Acids (Carbonates, Phosphates, Silicates Including Mica etc.) 22.8.2 Spinels, Garnets, Ferrites 22.9 Organic Semiconductors 23. Solidified Gases

For comments on the use of the classification scheme see p. 6.


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