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English Pages 386 Year 2002
Perspectives of Fullerene Nanotechnology
Edited by
Nanocarbon Research Institute, Chiba, Japan
eBook ISBN: Print ISBN:
0-306-47621-5 0-7923-7174-7
©2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers New York, Boston, Dordrecht, London, Moscow Print ©2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers Dordrecht All rights reserved
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Part I. Plenary Lectures Past, Present and Future of Fullerene Nanotubes: Buckytubes Daniel T. Colbert and Richard E. Smalley Novel Nanostructures: from Metal-Filled Carbon Nanotubes to MgO Nanoferns N. Grobert, W. K. Hsu, Harold W. Kroto, M. Mayne, M. Terrones, P. Watts, R. Whitby, D. R. M. Walton and Y. Q. Zhu
Part II. Overview Some Aspects of Fullerene Application Alexander Ya. Vul’
Commercial Production of Fullerenes and Carbon Nanotubes Raouf O. Loutfy, Timothy P. Lowe, Alexander P. Moravsky and S. Katagiri
Part III. Nanotubular Structures Field Emission Microscopy of Carbon Nanotubes Yahachi Saito, Koichi Hata, Akihiro Takahara, Kohei Matsuda, Takayuki Kona and Chuhei Ohshima
Carbon Nanotube Field Emission Display Sashiro Uemura
Thin Film Carbon Nanotube Cathodes for Field Emission Flat Panel Display and Light Source Application Alexander N. Obraztsov
Pyrolytic Carbon Nanofibers and Nanotubes: Structure and Applications Masanobu Endo, Y. A. Kim and T. Hayashi
From Conducting Polymers to Carbon Nanotubes: New Horizons in Plastic Microelectronics and Carbon Nanoelectronics Liming Dai Self-assembly of Inorganic Nanotubes Synthesized by the Chemical Transport Reaction Maja Remskar, Ales Mrzel and Francis Levy Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes and Single-Wall Carbon Nanohorns Masako Yudasaka FT-ICR Reaction Experiments and Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Precursor Clusters for SWNTs Shigeo Maruyama
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Part IV. Medical Applications Application and Commercial Prospects of Fullerenes in Medicine and Biology Uri Sagman Nanomedicine: Fullerene and Carbon Nanotube Biology Stephen R. Wilson Free Radical Scavenging and Photodynamic Functions of Micelle-like Hydrophilic Hexa(sulfobutyl)fullerene Yu Chi, Taizoon Canteenwala, Hans H.C. Chen, U-Ser Jeng, Tsang-Lang Lin and Long Y. Chiang Sonodynamic Effect of Polyethylene glycol-conjugated Fullerene on Tumor Yasuhiko Tabata, Toshihiro Ishii, Teruyoshi Aoyama, Ryuma Oki, Yoshiaki Hirano, Osamu Ogawa and Yoshito Ikada
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Part V. Hard Carbons from Mechanical Properties of Polymerized, Amorphous, and Nanocrystalline Carbon Phases Prepared from Fullerite under Pressure A.G. Lyapin Ultrananocrystalline Diamond Films from Fullerene Precursors Dieter M. Gruen
Properties and Applications of Superhard and Ultrahard Fullerites V. Blank, S. Buga, G. Dubitsky, N. Serebryanaya, M. Popov and V. Prokhorov
Part VI. New Source and Preparation of Fullerenes Role of Fullerene-like Structures in the Reactivity of Shungite Carbon as Used in New Materials with Advanced Properties Natalia N. Rozhkova
Formation of Nanostructured Carbons under Hydrothermal Conditions Yury Gogotsi, Joseph A. Libera and Masahiro Yoshimura
Part VII. Developmental Reports Advanced Thermal Protection Coating Using Fullerenes Raouf O. Loutfy and Eugene M. Wexler
Ablative and Flame-Retardant Properties of Fullerenes Raouf O. Loutfy and Eugene M. Wexler
Gas-Phase Hydrogenation of Fullernes Raouf O. Loutfy and Eugene M. Wexler
Hydrogenation of Alkali Metal-Doped Fullerenes Raouf O. Loutfy and Eugene M. Wexler
Unique Fullerene-Based Highly Microporous Carbons for Gas Storage Raouf O. Loutfy, Eugene M. Wexler and Weijiong Li
Use of Fullerenes and Carbon Nanotubes for Fabrication of Efficient Electron Field Emitters Raouf O. Loutfy, J. C. Withers and Stevan T. Dimitrijevic
Aligned Carbon-Nanotubes for Sensor Applications Raouf O. Loutfy and M. Hecht
Carbon Nanotube–Polycarbonate Composites Raouf O. Loutfy, J.C. Withers, M. Abdelkader and M. Sennett
Physical Hydrogen Storage on Nanotubes and Nanocarbon Materials Raouf O. Loutfy, A. Moravsky, A. Franco and E. Veksler
Nanotubes as Anode Material for Lithium-ion Batteries Raouf O. Loutfy, S. Hossian, A. Moravsky and M. Saleh
Fullerene Materials for Lithium-ion Battery Applications Raouf O. Loutfy and S. Katagiri
We need a breakthrough
Soon after buckminsterfullerene was finally isolated in a pure state and the anticipated polyhedral structure experimentally confirmed, a variety of polymorphs of fullerenic carbon were discovered one after the other. The shapes of these nano-sized new carbons included perfect spheres, ellipsoids, tubes, fibers, polyhedra and further variations, all of them still conforming to the same structural principle as Scientists were fascinated by the sudden appearance of entirely new forms of carbon that seemed ideal construction materials for nanotechnology. In view of the small environmental impact of carbon materials and the almost unlimited resources, many of us even felt that we would soon be seeing the birth of carbon nanotechnology. That was about a decade ago. As it turned out, the arrival of a new fullerene industry was disappointingly slow. Most of the scientists working on fullerenes and carbon nanotubes have been busy exploring and learning new properties and behaviors. The basic research on fullerene carbons has been remarkably successful, producing well over 20 000 papers within ten years. In other words, we have been producing research papers rather than the application products. Now, many would say that ‘we have done enough lab work, let us now consider applications.’ Precisely for this reason, we collect here more than 30 reports by the world experts on the developmental research on fullerenes and nanotubes. All the chapters are, in principle, based on invited talks presented before a two-day International Fullerenes Workshop held in Tokyo in February 2001, but some were thoroughly expanded after the Workshop. The timing of our planning coincided with the decisions by the US and Japanese governments to take up ‘nanotechnology’ as one of the three basis technologies to be developed in the 21st century. Since fullerene carbons are considered to play a central role in nanotechnology, we hope this book will provide a handy information source to comprehend the state of the art. Coverage of topics in this book is by no means comprehensive due to the limitation of pages, hence rather we emphasize a few promising areas. It is hoped that the limited coverage is compensated at least partly by four short but excellent overview chapters by Colbert/Smalley, Loutfy and Vul’. Nanotubular structures are currently considered to be close to commercialization. Uemura and Obraztsov disclose the latest advances in the hottest topic; the application of multi-walled carbon nanotubes to flat-panel displays. Y. Saito, a pioneer in the field emission behavior of carbon nanotubes, presents here a basic aspect of FE as a microscope. Dai gives a clear account of his unique developmental research in the composites of carbon nanotubes with conducting polymers, which should find a wide market in the near future. Endo provides a valuable account of his success story of nanofibers, which are slightly different from nanotubes, but have many advantages for commercial applications. Gogotsi/Libera/Yoshimura mention novel formation of nano-tubular carbons in
supercritical water. Their findings will not only stimulate discussion on the natural occurrence of fullerenes but will also develop into industrial applications. In view of the high cost of production of fullerenes, medical applications are definitely a wise choice at this moment. Sagman is currently leading a strong drive towards the marketing of fullerene-derived drugs, and presents a formal account on their activities here for the first time. Two of the active members of his group, Wilson and Chiang, discuss their own studies. Tabata/Ikada present the progress in their long and systematic work on the photodynamic therapy of cancer by using water-soluble derivatives of as the photo-sensitizer. The third area that we think is highly promising and will have a tremendous impact upon wide areas of industry is the ultra-hard carbon from polymers. Lyapin reports on their systematic work on a high-pressure, high-temperature polymerization technique performed in Russia. Working under HPHT conditions Blank and his coworkers stunned the world by the discovery of polymers that are harder than diamond. Here they discuss the atomistic structure of their famous products. Gruen gives a brief account of their unique CVD method of producing thin films of ultra-fine diamond nanoparticles with 2–3 nm diameter. Three other chapters specifically illustrate directions of potential application in the near future. A carbonaceous mineral of pre-Cambrian origin, Shungite, is being recognized as a kind of fullerene carbon. Rozhkova dicusses the possibilities of utilizing this abundantly available carbon source for industry. Reports of Kroto’s group and Remskar represent approaches to inorganic nanotubes that are being carried out intensively in several laboratories in the world. We have one critical obstacle that has been hindering immediate applications of fullerenes, and that is the still prohibitively high cost of producing fullerenes. There are basically two approaches to this problem: either to elucidate the mechanism of formation at the molecular level so that a new and more rational production method can be designed, or to search for a breakthrough based on intelligent guess-work. The former approach is traditionally favored in science, as exemplified by the chapters of Yudasaka and Maruyama. The latter approach is currently being ventured by many groups around the world but so far these have not been successful. Either way, we badly need a breakthrough. Finally we are blessed to have highly valuable developmental reports from Loutfy and his group members, which consist of eleven chapters of in-depth applied research on fullerenes and nanotubes. All the chapters in this section have not been published before. I am particularly grateful to Dr Loutfy for his decision to choose this book for the publishing medium of his original papers. Last but not least I wish to express my gratitude to Mitsubishi Corporation for giving me the rare opportunity to organize a grand Workshop fully devoted to the application of fullerenes and to edit this book, and to all the authors who contributed chapters. Special thanks go to the two Nobel Prize-winning pioneers, Professors Smalley and Kroto, for joining the Workshop and contributing precious chapters.
Mobara, August 2001 x
Past, Present and Future of Fullerene Nanotubes: Buckytubes Daniel T. Colberta and Richard E. Smalleyb a
Carbon Nanotechnologies, Inc., 16200 Park Row, Houston, TX 77084 b Rice University, Houston, TX 77005
Carbon fibers having nanoscale dimensions have been known for well over a hundred years. In 1889, a U.S. patent was awarded to Hughes and Chambers for teaching a method for growing carbon filaments from ‘swamp gas’ – primarily methane – using a metallic crucible which, unwittingly, catalyzed the reaction [1]. Until the 1970s, the formation of such carbon nanofibers (also known as, carbon filaments or filamentous carbon) was mostly regarded as an undesirable side reaction in processes such as Fischer–Tropsch or steam-methane reforming reactions. Nanofibers were a nuisance: now we know better. Excitement over the potential utility of nanoscale carbon fibers has grown over the years as fibers with ever-smaller diameters and correspondingly greater structural perfection possessing superior material properties have been produced. Concurrently, however, the history of their discovery, production, and development has been somewhat neglected. We hope that the present chapter helps to clarify and puts into historical perspective some of the key discoveries and developments along the way toward the eventual widespread use of carbon nanofibers, and the realization that in their finest implementation these nanofibers are fullerenes, composed of perfect, continuous tubes – bucky tubes.
Roger Bacon Revisited
In 1960 Roger Bacon, working for the National Carbon Company, a division of Union Carbide Corporation, reported, in a remarkably lucid and thorough account, his discovery of sub-micrometer diameter graphite whiskers grown in a d.c. carbon arc under high pressure (93 atm) of an inert gas [2]. These whiskers consisted ‘of one or more concentric tubes, each tube being in the form of a scroll, or rolled-up sheet of graphite layers, extending continuously along the length of the whisker’, and possessed very high Young’s modulus and tensile strength, and low electrical resistivity. With supporting X-ray diffraction data, he concluded that these whiskers had a scroll morphology rather than a concentric tube one by observing the structure resulting from exploding the end of one by suddenly passing a large current through it. These graphite ‘whiskers’ still today hold the world record for strength and electrical conductivity of a macroscopic carbon fiber. Iijima’s [3] observation of ‘multiwall nanotubes’ in the soot from a carbon arc (essentially the same d.c. carbon arc experiment as Bacon’s, except that now only 1 atm of gas was used), appropriately generated considerable excitement over these thinner and much more clearly imaged examples of carbon nanofibers. Iijima was one of the foremost electron microscopists in the world, and with his powerful TEM he could ‘see’ what his E. (ed.), Perspectives of Fullerene Nanotechnology, 3–10. © 2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in Great Britain.
Daniel T. Colbert and Richard E. Smalley
predecessor of 31 years before could not. The special, additional caché of Iijima’s discovery was that it was done under conditions that had just recently been found to produce buckyballs. In carefully imaging the closed ends, it appeared that the multiwalled tubes made in the arc really were concentric tubular fullerenes, and this fact more than any other aspect elevated these new ‘nanotubes’ to a stature largely blinded to the Bacon forerunner, Iijima’s 1991 discovery had the important – even seminal – effect of ‘fullerenizing’ the frontier of carbon fiber research, the logical limit of which is the emergence of singlewall nanotubes – buckytubes. However, despite occasional recognition of his discovery, the earlier work of Bacon has been largely ignored. This relative obscurity of Bacon’s work has been sustained, in part, by the presumed difference in structure between Bacon’s ‘scrolls’ and the purported concentric fullerene ‘tubes’ of Iijima and the many researchers who have followed thereafter. Bacon made scrolls; Iijima made tubes – or so we all thought. However, it has recently come to light that multiwall carbon nanotubes, at least in most instances when they are formed in a carbon arc as originally practiced by lijima in 1991, really are composed of a mixture of scrolls and tubes - just the same structures observed by Roger Bacon over 40 years ago. This has been shown elegantly in experiments by Mordkovich et al. [4], who intercalated multiwall nanotubes with either K or Significant swelling of the interlayer spacing was observed for arc-grown nanotubes, but not for Ni- or Fe-catalyzed CVD-grown nanotubes. Intercalation preserved the basic morphology of the arc-grown tubes, which can only occur for a scroll structure, since the strain of concentric layers swollen to the degree observed would be overwhelming, prohibiting intercalation in the first place. Thus the CVD-grown tubes, which underwent no observable swelling, are most likely concentric tubes, whereas the arc-grown tubes appear to be, for the most-part, scrolls. This brings us back to Bacon, whose well-conceived experiments and careful analysis advanced the concentric tubes-of-scrolls morphology for arc-grown whiskers nearly a half century ago. His work at Union Carbide went on for many years, and was a major factor in the development of high strength carbon fibers used in aerospace today. He must rightfully share, in our opinion, credit for the discovery and elucidation of carbon nanotubes. But lijima’s 1991 paper on multiwalled nanotubes was still seminal. Even if the carbon multiwalled nanotubes he discovered were in actuality just thin still-scrolled versions of what Bacon had already made and discussed many years before, it was the idea that counted: perfect, concentric carbon tubes – fullerene nanotubes. It wasn’t so much what they were, but what we thought they were, that emboldened hundreds of researchers and helped to get us to where we are today.
Commercial Production of Multiwall Nanotubes
In the years between Bacon’s and Iijima’s pioneering work on multiwall nanotubes produced in carbon arcs, other workers experimented with methods for producing carbon nanofibers that more closely resembled the original gas-phase work of Hughes and Chambers [1]. The most notable of these were Endo [5], and Tibbetts [6], working for 4
Past, Present and Future of Fullerene Nanotubes: Buckytubes
General Motors. These processes, like that of Hughes and Chambers, catalytically converted gas-phase hydrocarbons to nanofibers by flowing catalyst precursor through a growth region with feedstock. The resulting nanofibers are typically relatively wide and overcoated with a thick layer of amorphous carbon. However, advances in recent years have improved the quality and cost-effectiveness of these processes to enable commercialization by companies such as Showa Denko and Applied Sciences. In the 1980s, an improvement in the quality of multiwall nanotubes grown from hydrocarbons (e.g. ethylene) was achieved by catalysts on supports such as fumed alumina. The nanotubes produced by this process, developed principally by Howard Tennant of Hyperion Catalysis Inc. [7], are freer of amorphous overcoating than other multiwall nanotubes. They, like other multiwall nanotubes, did, and still do, however, contain some small amount of amorphous carbon overcoating, and numerous defects in the inner layers, although they are much improved in this respect over the previous vapor-grown fibers. Arc-grown multiwall nanotubes have somewhat fewer defects, although they are more costly to produce than either the gas-phase or supported catalytic methods, both of which are readily scalable to large commercial production.
3. Buckytubes
In 1993, Iijima and Ichihashi [8] and Bethune et al. [9], working independently, showed in beautiful experiments that carbon nanotubes with only a single wall can be formed in a carbon arc in the presence of transition metal catalysts (in retrospect it is clear that the early method of Morinobu Endo [5] produced small amounts if buckytubes as well – they were always there, but in very tiny amounts). Although the soots they obtained only contained at most a few per cent nanotubes, this development sparked a shift in the field from multiwall to single-wall nanotubes that continues to this day. One reason for this shift was pragmatic: theorists had been calculating structures and properties for nanotubes since 1991, but multiple layers were inaccessible to all but crude computations; they settled for elucidating the properties of single-wall tubes out of necessity. The predictions were both scientifically and technologically exciting: rich electronic properties, including metallic conductivity, unparalleled strength and stiffness, and tremendous thermal conductivity. This was a notable and rare example of theory being well out in front of experiment (and being correct!). Even after the discovery of single-wall nanotubes in 1993, theory remained out in front because the arc process (the only process known until 1995) provided such impure SWNT material as to effectively prevent any substantial characterization, aside from imaging in a TEM. Despite the theoretical predictions, the special nature of SWNTs was not yet fully appreciated. Also, the difficulty in making accurate predictions of the properties of MWNTs, which would have had to include defects in order to be realistic, allowed the misconception to propagate that multiwall nanotubes could be as perfect as single-wall tubes, and therefore share in the latter’s tremendous technological promise. In some quarters, this misconception still survives. As carbon fiber diameters have decreased over the years, their structural perfection, and thus, their material properties, have increased correspondingly. At the largest size, 5
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we have the traditional diameter carbon fibers. Although these are sometimes called graphite fibers, this name is a poor descriptor, since they contain very little of what could be properly described as graphite. In fact, they consist mainly of small, defect-riddled graphitic domains agglomerated together to form a fiber. Despite the dominance of defects in their structure, these fibers are amazingly strong, and have been applied in many important technologies. Beginning with Bacon, through the work of Endo, Tibbetts, Iijima, and others, carbon fibers having nanoscale dimensions have been produced and characterized over the past 40 years. In many cases, they can be made with a very high degree of graphitization – much higher than ‘graphite’ fibers. In the best production of these multiwall nanotubes, concentric layers of these fibers run parallel to one another for hundreds to thousands of times their diameters, manifesting far more order than graphite fibers. Nevertheless, all multiwall nanotubes, no matter how they are made, contain numerous defects along their sidewalls – as frequently as once every few nanometers on average. MWNTs can sustain these defects, mainly consisting of missing atoms in one or more of the sidewalls, by forming ‘scars’ of bridging atoms to satisfy any dangling bonds that the missing atoms would otherwise leave behind [10,11]. It is only when we reach the minimum number of layers – one – that a much higher degree of structural perfection – molecular perfection – is realized in the form of singlewall nanotubes, or buckytubes. (We prefer the latter name to emphasize that SWNTs are, in fact, a species of fullerenes, just as is the first tubular fullerene – the first, and tiniest, buckytube.) SWNTs do not have the possibility that MWNTs have to heal defects by bridging to neighboring walls. Furthermore, the only other atom in the periodic table that can possibly substitute for a missing carbon atom in the tube sidewall would be boron, and there is no boron around during growth. Finally, the energetic cost of even a single atomic vacancy is so high (about 7 eV), that if one were to develop, the tube would almost certainly seal off at that point as the carbon atoms rearrange to tie up their dangling bonds. These, then are the ultimate carbon fibers, with the ultimate associated properties. For these reasons, we think of SWNTs as molecules – polymers of pure carbon. This has notable implications. The properties of any material are greatly limited by the occurrence of structural defects. For example, a wire of high strength steel typically has a tensile strength only 1–2% of its theoretical value, i.e., the strength predicted by imagining all the bonds across a plane perpendicular to the wire axis breaking simultaneously. Of course, this never happens in practice because grain boundaries and dislocations – structural defects – cause a concentration of applied stresses, leading to crack propagation and catastrophic failure. Defects similarly limit – often severely – other material properties, such as electrical and thermal, as well. In real materials, structural perfection is generally limited to molecules. But molecules are generally nanoscopic in all dimensions. Buckytubes are nanoscopic in two dimensions, but most importantly, thousands of times longer in the third dimension, giving rise to the possibility that their properties can be manifested on microscopic, and even macroscopic scales. Furthermore, being made of pure carbon, the intrinsic properties of buckytubes are superior to almost anything else. The basic structure is the hexagonal array of graphene, which is the densest possible packing of atoms in two dimensions.
Past, Present and Future of Fullerene Nanotubes: Buckytubes
This, together with the extraordinary strength of C–C bonds, results in remarkable mechanical and thermal properties of SWNTs. Even more remarkable, however, is the special electronic characteristics of this new polymer. Depending on how the graphene sheet is wrapped into a seamless tube, SWNTs can be either small- to medium-gap semiconductors, or truly metallic conductors of electrons [12]. In fact, because the allowed energy bands are so widely separated, it is very difficult for electrons to scatter as they travel down the tube in specific waveguide transmission modes; this results in ballistic transport over long (many micrometer) distances. SWNTs are effectively single-mode light-pipes for electrons, preserving their quantum mechanical phase over long distances. In addition, being aromatic, the very electrons doing the conduction are very difficult to steal away by oxidation – the same principle that makes benzene and other aromatic molecules resist any chemical reaction that would break up the delocalized electronic structure (you can derivatize the edge of an aromatic structure, but not easily its top or bottom). Thus we have, by virtue of aromaticity, the unique situation of having metallic conductivity that is insensitive to chemical attack. Any metal wire shrunk to nanometer dimensions where most atoms are on the surface would, when exposed to air or moisture, have its conducting electrons oxidized away instantly. Even if it were possible to make a gold wire 1 nm in diameter, when placed in water it would simply dissolve to form the Au+ ion, or bead up into tiny disconnected balls. Conjugated hydrocarbon polymers are much more viable alternatives, and for many years chemists have been developing conducting molecules such as polyphenylacetylene and polythiophene. Some of these are quite impressive, particularly as bulk materials, but compared to the true metallic conductivity of a buckytubes, when used as individual ‘molecular wires’ these polymer molecules are better described as ‘molecular resistors’. It appears unlikely that there will ever be a better nanoscale carrier of electrical current than a buckytube. Aromaticity also makes these the most polarizable molecules known, making their interaction with electromagnetic radiation unique and practical, for example, for lightharvesting, super dielectrics, and all manner of electromechanical and electro-optomechanical devices.
4. The Laser-oven Stopgap From their first observation in 1993 until late 1995, single-wall nanotubes were essentially unavailable in any form suitable for characterization. To the extent that only a few researchers had any material to work with, it was from an arc process that in its initial form produced soots containing only a few per cent SWNTs by weight. In 1995, researchers at Rice found a vastly more effective method for producing SWNTs: the laser-oven method. In this process, which closely resembles the method used when fullerenes were first discovered, a laser vaporizes a composite graphite/transition metal (e.g., Co, Ni), target inside a heated quartz flow tube. The condensing vapor is swept down the tube, and collected downstream. Optimally, it produces soots comprised of as much as 90% SWNTs. The soot produced by this process was qualitatively different from that first produced by the arc process (the arc process has now been dramatically improved, but still does 7
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not achieve the quality of the laser-oven process). The nanotubes were formed in high enough abundance to assemble naturally side-by-side to form ropes of hundreds of tubes packed together like pipes in a hardware store. Tubes in these ropes run parallel to one another, adhering by their strong van der Waals affinity. Ropes are much longer than individual tubes – so long that ends are almost never observed in electron micrographs. Most importantly, the raw material produced by the laser-oven process was sufficiently dominated by SWNT that the remaining amorphous carbon could be removed by differential oxidation, providing a material that was a mat of substantially pure SWNT ropes. For the first time, researchers had available pure enough material to enable characterization of the fundamental properties of SWNTs. Hundreds of research papers have resulted from the availability of this material [13]. Happily, this research, to a very large extent, confirmed the earlier predictions of the fundamental properties – this was very special stuff. While much basic research was done on the laser-oven material, particularly on the electronic and chemical properties, only small amounts of material were available at a cost of several thousand dollars per gram. Some very clever research into the structural aspects (strength, stiffness, and toughness) was done with these small samples, but they were not sufficient to enable other more applied research, such as the structural properties of composites, fibers, etc. These activities, not to mention commercialization of nanotubes for almost all applications, would require vastly more material than could economically be produced by the existing methods.
Despite the impact of the availability of laser-oven material through Tubes@Rice, indeed partly because of the advances made in studying that material, the group at Rice felt an urgency to find a scalable process for production of buckytubes. The carbon arc method and laser-oven methods are economically prohibitive for mass production, due to the large input of energy required to vaporize graphite, the cost of the feedstock, and the lack of the sort of economies of scale that always characterize large chemical processes. The clear direction for scaling appeared to be looking for an all gas-phase process. The single most difficult problem was quickly found to be pyrolysis: at the temperatures necessary to produced perfect buckytubes all hydrocarbons, even methane, spontaneously pyrolyze to produce amorphous carbon. Luckily, carbon monoxide is perfectly stable under these conditions, as long as there is no surface around that can catalyze its decomposition, the Bouduard reaction, to produce carbon plus Having already found that single-wall nanotubes could be produced from carbon monoxide using supported catalysts [14] (all other gas-phase feedstocks to that point had been hydrocarbons for multiwall nanotubes), it was natural to explore this avenue in an all gas-phase process. At the core of the HiPco process [15] is an almost poetic simplicity. A cool, highpressure stream of CO feedstock seeded with a stable metal carbonyl catalyst precursor (mostly is heated to ~1000°C in less than a millisecond by mixing with more CO feedstock that has been preheated to 1200°C. While the gas is cool, the 8
Past, Present and Future of Fullerene Nanotubes: Buckytubes
high-pressure CO helps to kept the Fe atoms in the gas phase. is the most thermodynamically stable form of iron under these conditions, and CO with the strongest diatomic bond in the universe (11 eV, much stronger even than the bond in N2) is an exceedingly stable gas. Thermodynamically, the pure CO is actually metastable: it would rather be graphite plus but the high CO bond strength and absence of a catalyst prevent this from happening. But when suddenly heated to 1000 °C, is no longer stable. As it dissociates it collides with other iron carbonyl fragments and nucleates a tiny nanoparticle of iron. At a very early stage, perhaps even when only two iron atoms are present in the cluster, the CO now finds an efficient catalytic path to produce and leave behind a bare carbon atom on the tiny cluster. As more reactions occur on the particle the carbons begin to knit together to form an aromatic carbon sheet, and this sheet begins to curve to minimize its edge energy. The high temperature helps this curvature proceed rapidly – temperature is just as critical here in the HiPco process as it is in the laser-oven process. Sometimes the growing carbon sheet curves so successfully that it actually makes or some larger spheroidal fullerene. But usually the closure of this little proto-fullerene is blocked by the catalyst particle, and a perfect, single-walled tube begins to grow. On a macroscopic iron surface this Bouduard reaction would produce graphitic structures, but in the nanoworld of the just-born iron cluster catalyst, the most favored thermodynamic form of carbon is not yet graphite; instead it is a perfect buckytube. When done at very high pressure, and adequately high temperature, the HiPco process tends to make buckytubes with about the same diameter as the buckyball. Time and nucleation are of the essence. The challenge is to maximize the number of iron cluster nuclei, and to protract the active life of these catalyst particles as long as possible. These goals are intricately linked, since any iron not involved in active catalyst clusters at the earliest time (e.g., bare iron atoms) cause mischief beyond not contributing nanotube progeny of their own: they actually hasten the death of otherwise active catalyst particles by adding to them, and growing them. Larger catalyst particles are at risk of a side reaction resulting in their becoming overcoated by carbon, resulting in their inactivation. The HiPco trick is therefore rapid heating of the catalyst precursor to harbor all the metal safely into active and long-lived catalysts. After a few years of research we have developed two HiPco research reactors at Rice University that run 24 h a day for weeks at a time, producing 25 g of buckytubes per day. Further developments are scheduled on both these reactors to up the production to over 100 g per day, and extensive research will be conducted over the coming years to fully understand the intricacies of this new process. In the meantime, however, a new company has been formed, Carbon Nanotechnologies, Inc, CNI, which will rapidly be building a pilot plant facility to begin the scale-up of this all gas-phase process by several orders of magnitude and beyond. Overall, the HiPco process is very similar to two chemical processes that have long been implemented worldwide on a huge scale. One is the Haber–Bosch synthesis of ammonia, which like HiPco is a very high pressure process done over a transition metal catalyst, except in the HiPco case, one of the products is a solid (but, happily, we find we can blow them around and through tubes as though they were a gas). The other similar process is the vast worldwide production of polypropylene, which is also solid produced
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in a gas-phase scheme using a particulate catalyst. We expect the history of the HiPco process 10–20 years from now will resemble the last 50 years of development of the Ziegler–Natta process for polypropylene, a process that is now so highly refined, with such an active catalyst, that one seldom has to worry about removing it from the product polymer. Carbon nanotubes are best when they are perfect single-walled fullerenes – buckytubes. They are best understood as a new wonder polymer, a follow-on to nylon, polypropylene, and Kevlar. In time they will be produced worldwide in amounts of millions of tons per year. They will be cheap, environmentally friendly, and do wonders for the future of humankind.
Acknowledgement The fullerene nanotube research at Rice University described here has been supported by NASA, the Office of Naval Research, the National Science Foundation, the Texas Advanced Technology Program and the Robert A. Welch Foundation.
References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
14. 15.
T. V. Hughes and C. R. Chambers, U.S. Patent 405,480 (1889). R. Bacon, J. Appl. Phys. 31 (1960) 283. S. Iijima, Nature 354 (1991) 56. V. Z. Mordkovich, et al., in Supercarbon, Synthesis, Properties, and Applications, edited by S. Yoshimura and R. P. H. Chang (Springer-Verlag, 1998), p. 107. M. Endo, Chemtech 18 (1988) 586, and references within. G. Tibbetts, U.S. Patent 5,374,415; G. G. Tibbetts, Appl. Phys. Lett. 42 (1982) 666. H. G. Tennant, U. S. Patent 4,663,230 (1987). S. Iijima and T. Ichihashi, Nature 363 (1993) 603. D. S. Bethune, et al., Ibid. 363 (1993) 605. D. T. Colbert, et al., Science 266 (1994) 1218. T. Guo, et al., J. Phys. Chem. (1995). J. W. Mintmire, B.I. Dunlap and C. T. White, Phys. Rev. Lett. 68 (1992) 631; R. Saito, M. Fujita, G. Dresselhaus and M. S. Dresselhaus, Phys. Rev. B. 46 (1992) 1804; S. J. Tans, et al., Nature 386 (1997) 474; For additional references, see also Physical Properties of Carbon Nanotubes, R. Saito, G. Dresselhaus and M. S. Dresselhaus, (Imperial College Press, London, 1998). In 1998, Rice University established a non-profit facility on campus, Tubes@Rice, to provide SWNT material from the laser-vaporization process to the research community at cost (actually, Rice heavily subsidized these sales). This operation has now been taken over by Carbon Nanotechnologies, Inc. H. J. Dai, et al., Chem. Phys. Lett. 260 (1996) 471. P. Nikolaev, et al., Ibid. 313 (1999) 91; M. J. Bronikowski, et al., J. Vac. Sci.Technol. A. 19 (2001) 1800.
Novel Nanostructures: from Metal-Filled Carbon Nanotubes to MgO Nanoferns N. Grobert, W.K. Hsu, Harold W. Kroto, M. Mayne, M. Terrones, P. Watts, R. Whitby, D.R.M. Walton, Y.Q. Zhu Fullerene Science Centre, University of Sussex, Brighton BN1 9QJ, U.K. Recently, numerous advances have been achieved by the fullerene/nanotube team at Sussex. Formerly, arc discharge techniques provided a unique method for generating fullerenes and carbon nanotubes. However, the yields and dimensional uniformity of these materials were not controllable. We have made significant advances in this area by pyrolysis of selected organic precursors in order to generate: (a) aligned nanotube bundles of uniform length and diameter; (b) metal nanowires using benzene-based aerosols in conjunction with metallocenes; (c) nanostructures. High-temperature methods have also been employed to produce (d) fern-like MgO nanostructures using MgO and Co mixtures. Finally, these novel materials are predicted to exhibit extraordinary physical and chemical properties and may thus prove useful, i.e. in the manufacture of (superstrong) composite materials and novel electronic or optical devices (e.g. field emission sources, ultra-thin TV displays, etc.).
1. Introduction
Nanotube research has developed rapidly over the last decade, following the bulk production of and structural identification of carbon nanotubes. This review summarizes our achievements in nanotube and nanofiber technology, in particular, various routes to aligned arrays of metal-filled carbon nanotubes, N- and B-doped and other non-carbon-based nanostructures, e.g. MgO nanoferns.
2. Aligned Arrays of Metal/Alloy-Filled Carbon Nanotubes by Pyrolysis 2.1. Pyrolysis of solid precursors
Pyrolysis of hydrocarbons over metal catalysts has proved to be a very efficient and versatile technique for generating carbon nanotubes which can, under certain conditions, generate metal-filled tubes, provided an excess of catalyst is used. The employment of ferrocene as a precursor and catalyst in conjunction with solid hydrocarbons or has revealed that the carbon/hydrogen ratio in the reactants plays a crucial role in nanotube formation [1]. The presence of in particular enhances nanotube crystallinity. At reduced pressures Fe-filled nanotubes are formed efficiently from ferrocene and Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission (TEM) studies of the pyrolytically grown material reveal that the films consist of aligned Fe-filled carbon nanotubes. These Fe nanowires are usually composed of single Fe crystals, and have dimensions from 5–40 nm OD and 1000K and the bulk elastic modulus B of samples obtained at P =13 GPa are higher than those in diamond. On the other hand, the velocity of the shear wave in the fullerites is less than in single crystal diamond, thus their shear modulus G is less than that for diamond. The Poisson’s ratio of the studied fullerites is much more than that of diamond, which is also due to the polymeric nature of the materials. The value of B = 1700 GPa is questionable, if some kind of texture is present in the sample. In such a case the approach of an isotropic body used in the calculations is not correct. This situation has been analyzed in [28]. Our recent measurements of the compressibility of 3D-polymerized crystalline phase by in situ X-ray diffraction in a shear diamond anvil cell also gave the value of B = 530 ± 80 GPa, which is higher than that of single crystal diamond [29]. 228
Properties and Applications of Superhard and Ultrahard Fullerites
V. Blank, S. Buga, G. Dubitsky, et al.
The correlation between the values of bulk modulus and the hardness of the studied samples fits to the same empirical dependence that is known for other hard and superhard materials (Figure 8).
Hardness of Superhard and Ultrahard Fullerite and Its Application for the Measurements of Hardness of Diamond
Measurement of the hardness of superhard and ultrahard fullerites was a difficult problem, because the usual method of indentation with diamond indenter implies that the last one is absolutely rigid with respect to a tested solid and can plastically deform it. However, even in the case of measurement of room temperature hardness of diamond by the diamond indenter this condition is not satisfied. Therefore the reported data for hardness of diamond measured by a diamond indenter are in the range 57 to 257 GPa. We developed the method of scratch tests (sclerometry) at the micrometer scale using the scanning probe microscope equipped with diamond and ultrahard fullerite indenters for correct measurements of hardness of the fullerite samples and diamonds [30]. It had been found that the ultrahard fullerite indentors are 3–5 times more durable than those made from diamond. Correct measurements of hardness of different superhard fullerites and diamonds has been performed. The data for hardness of the fullerites with respect to other materials are presented in Table 2 and Figure 8. However, it must be said that measurements of the hardness of ultrahard fullerites by the fullerite indenter has the same drawback as in the case of measurements of diamond hardness by a diamond indenter. Thus, these data have relatively large experimental errors. The scratching tests of diamonds hardness in a ‘NanoScan’ device were performed at a load on the nanoindenter of about 10 g. To check whether the data depend on the value of the load we made another ultrahard fullerite indenter for use in ordinary devices for hardness tests with loads up to 1.3kg. A 160° square pyramid ultrahard fullerite indenter has been made. The (111) face of diamond type IIa was used for the study. A diamond sample had two parallel polished (111) faces. This enabled us to control the process of indentation from the side opposite to the indented face. Both visual measurements of the indentation and micro-Raman study were performed in situ under indentation. After the load release the indentations were studied using scanning force and optical microscopes (Figure 9). The Raman spectra were collected in situ from a sized region in the vicinity of the indenter center. At all indenter loads the diamond band at shifted to the position of about This means that the stress tensor was practically constant at all loads, thus the results of the tests did not depend on the value of the load. Visual measurements of the indentation gave the same value of hardness that was obtained earlier with sclerometric nanoindentation [16, 17, 30]: 167 ± 7 GPa. Thus we confirmed, that the data obtained earlier were correct and the method of measurement of diamond hardness at room temperature using ultrahard fullerite indenter is also correct. The actual values of hardness of the different faces of different single crystal diamonds are presented in Table 3. 230
Properties and Applications of Superhard and Ultrahard Fullerites
Wear resistance is another important property for applications of superhard and ultrahard fullerites. The results of the wear tests of 3 fullerite specimens in comparison with tungsten carbide alloy, sapphire and carbonado-type diamond are presented in Figure 10. These tests clearly show that the strength of ultrahard fullerite is actually very high and it can be used as a wear-resistant material. 5. Conclusion
Superhard and ultrahard fullerites actually represent a new broad class of synthetic superhard materials, which were not known in nature and have been created due to 231
V. Blank, S. Buga, G. Dubitsky, et al.
discovery of fullerenes and use of very high static pressure. They are metastable at ambient pressure and at temperatures up to 300–1000 °C, which depends on the real structure. They are harder than the other known synthetic superhard material – cubic boron nitride and some of them are harder than diamond. They have a polymeric origin. This gives rise to a diversity of structures and physical properties and makes the task of determination of the certain structural types with particular properties for applications important. By use of other fullerene materials, such as higher fullerenes, doped fullerenes, endofullerenes, it is possible to create new types of superhard fullerites with particular electrical, magnetic, and other properties. It is possible to create various composite materials with metals, ceramics, etc. All this makes superhard fullerites very attractive for in-depth studies and applications. Acknowledgement The work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Intellectual Collaboration. References 1. S. R. Ruoff and A. L. Ruoff, Nature 350 (1991) 663. 2. Y. Wang, D. Tomanek and G. F. Bertsch, Phys. Rev. B 44 (1991) 6562. 3. M. Nunez-Regueiro, P. Monceau and J.-L. Hodeau, Nature 355 (1992) 237.
Properties and Applications of Superhard and Ultrahard Fullerites 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.
23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.
T. Sekine. Proc. Jpn. Acad., Ser. B 68 (1992) 95. C. S. Yoo and W. J. Nellis, Science 252 (1991) 1489. C. S. Yoo and W. J. Nellis, Chem. Phys. Lett. 198 (1992) 379. H. Hirai, K. Kondo, N. Yoshizawa and M. Shiraishi, Appl. Phys. Lett 64 (1994) 1797. V. D. Blank, S. G. Buga, M. Yu. Popov, et al., Phys. Lett. A 188 (1994) 281. M. E. Kozlov, M. Hirabayashi, K. Nozaki, M. Tokumoto and H. Ihara, Appl. Phys. Lett. 66 (1995) 1199. V. D. Blank, B. A. Kulnitskiy and Ye. V. Tatyanin. Phys. Lett. A 204 (1995) 151. V. D. Blank, S. G. Buga, N. R. Serebryanaya, et al., ibid. 205 (1995) 208. V. D. Blank, S. G. Buga, N. R. Serebryanaya, et al., ibid. 220 (1996) 149. V. D. Blank, S. G. Buga, G. A. Dubitsky, N. R. Serebryanaya, M. Yu. Popov and B. Sundqvist, Carbon 36 (1998) 319. V. D. Blank, N. R. Serebryanaya, G. A. Dubitsky et al., Phys. Lett. A 248 (1998) 415. S. G. Buga, V. D. Blank, B. A. Kulnitskiy, N. R. Serebryanaya, M. Klaeser, G. Liu and S. Lebedkin, Synth. Met. 121 (2001) 1093. V. Blank, M. Popov, G. Pivovarov, N. Lvova, K. Goolinsky and V. Reshetov, Diam. Relat. Mater. 7 (1998) 427. V. Blank, M. Popov, G. Pivovarov, N. Lvova and S. Terentev, ibid. 8 (1999) 1531. N. R. Serebryanaya and L. A. Chernozatonskii. Solid State Commun. 114 (2000) 537. L. A. Chernozatonskii, N. R. Serebryanaya and B. Mavrin. Chem. Phys. Lett. 316 (2000) 199. S. Osawa, E. Osawa and Y. Hirose, Fullerene Sci. Technol. 3 (1995) 565. L. Marques, M. Mezouar, J.-L. Hodeau, M. Nuez-Regueiro, N. R. Serebryanaya, V. A. Ivdenko, V. D. Blank and G. A. Dubitskyl, Science 283 (1999) 1720. S. Buga, V. Blank, R. Bagramov, G. Dubitsky, A. Fransson, N. Serebryanaya and B. Sundqvist. Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering and Technological Sciences 2000, Beijing, China, Oct. 11–13, Session 3 “Advanced Materials”, edited by J. Song and R. Yin (New World Press, China) 1 pp. 505–511. S. Buga, V. Blank, A. Fransson, N. Serebryanaya and B. Sundqvist, J. Phys. Chem. Solids 63 (2002) 331. V. D. Blank, Ye. V. Tatyanin and B. A. Kulnitskiy, Phys. Lett. A 225 (1997) 121. S. Buga, V. Blank, G. Dubitsky, L. Ledman, X.-M. Zhu, E. B. Nyanchi and B. Sundqvist. J. Phys. Chem. Solids 61 (2000) 1009. S. A. Kasarian, V. D. Blank, S. G. Buga, G. A. Dubitsky, V. M. Prokhorov, A. N. Oraevsky and N. F. Starodubtsev. J. Russian Laser Research 19 (No. 3) (1998) 237. V. D. Blank, V. M. Levin, V. M. Prokhorov, S. G. Buga, G. A. Dubitsky and N. R. Serebryanaya, J. Experim. Theor. Phys. 87 (1998) 741. V. M. Levin, V. D. Blank, V. M. Prokhorov, J. M. Soifer and N. P. Kobelev, J. Phys. Chem. Solids 61 (2000) 1017. N. R. Serebryanaya, V. D. Blank, V. A. Ivdenko and L. A. Chernozatonskii, Solid State Commun. 118 (2001) 183. V. Blank, M. Popov, N. Lvova, K. Goolinsky and V. Reshetov, J. Mater. Res. 12 (1997) 3109.
Role of Fullerene-like Structures in the Reactivity of Shungite Carbon as Used in New Materials with Advanced Properties Natalia N. Rozhkova* Institute of Geology Karelian Research Center RAS, Pushkinskaya 11, Petrozavodsk 185610, Russia The work highlights a source of unusual high reactivity of shungite carbon (ShC) as a catalyst in modeling coal-treatment reactions, a filler for polymeric matrices, an adsorbent and filter for a water-purification process, and a reagent in melting of siliceous iron and in the production of silica carbide. The structural pattern of ShC was shown to be connected with fullerenelike structures which could be released under different conditions, providing its activation and determining reactivity of ShC containing materials. Fullerenes are likely to be present in ShC as chemical derivatives and strong molecular complexes. It was proposed to liberate fullerenes and fullerene-like structures while processing the ShC. Artificial fullerenes display an effect similar to that of ShC in modeling the reaction of coal treatment. Fullerene-like structures, both synthetic and those liberated from natural carbon, are capable of acting as a hydrogenated catalyst at low temperatures. Owing to the rising mobility of fullerene-like nanoparticles liberated from the ShC matrix at high shear stresses, ShC improves the processing of polymers, making the distribution of ingredients more uniform. Lowering heat accumulation in shungite-filled systems and their structural uniformity resulted in the higher dynamic properties of composites. New composite materials with advanced properties could be produced.
1. Introduction Carbon in different non-crystalline forms is the main element of physical, chemical and biological phenomena and processes. This could explain the permanent scientific interest in the giant deposit of shungite rocks. These ancient carbonaceous rocks are widespread over the entire eastern Baltic Shield (Finland, Karelia and the Kola Peninsula). These formations are best preserved in large quantities in the Lake Onega region (Karelia, NW Russia) [1]. Shungite rocks are attractive for elemental carbon which suffuses almost all Precambrian rocks in an area more than 9000 square kilometers. Some of the rocks (shungite type I, according to the accepted classification) contain up to 98 wt % of carbon. Elementary non-crystalline carbon, which has been determined as metastable and incapable of graphitizing, is remarkable for the presence of microstructural units (globules) in the form of curved carbon layers enveloping pores of the size of several nanometers [2, 3]. Although shungite rocks have been studied for more than a century, scientists are not unanimous as to the origin of ShC. In addition to the well-documented volcanogenic/ magmatic and biogenic ways of formation, it has recently been assumed that ShC can be generated from petroleum. So, the origin of ShC is still an enigma. The only undoubted fact, accepted by all geologists who study shungite rocks, is the involvement of both volcanic and sedimentary processes as well as a water environment in the formation
*E-mail: [email protected] (ed.), Perspectives of Fullerene Nanotechnology, 237–251. © 2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in Great Britain.
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and further transformation of ShC. Furthermore, the geological evidence is strong that ShC was formed under mild conditions at temperatures not more than 400 °C and pressures of up to 700 MPa [4]. A new impetus to a multidisciplinary study of ‘shungite’ was provided by the synthesis of fullerenes and fullerene-like structures and the discovery of similar carbon forms in shungite rocks [5–7]. Different research teams carried out an extraction by organic solvents from two types of shungite rocks using conventional methods. The results obtained varied considerably, which seems to be another ‘dark side’ of ShC. Some researchers have thus concluded that the quantity of fullerenes was not more than 0.1 ppm, whereas others argued that there were no fullerenes at all [6, 8]. At the same time, some indirect methods persistently bear witness to higher concentrations of fullerenes [9]. The latter probably was caused not only by the heterogeneity of occurrence of fullerenes in shungite rocks (mainly in ShC) but mostly by the pattern of fullerene’s interaction inside ShC. Thus, a physicochemical model of ShC was proposed with regard for both points of view [10]. Water encapsulated within fullerene-like units as well as some metals (Cu, Ni, V) are associated with ShC that influenced anomalies in the temperature dependence of some physical properties [11]. A series of treatments with solvents differing in polarity was conducted, attention being focused on the heterogeneous distribution of fullerenes and their complex interaction inside ShC [6]. It was intriguing, however, to study ShC suspensions in water as its native environment especially because carbon is known to be a hydrophobic substance. Recent progress in the study of fullerene-water soluble system was very helpful in this respect [12, 13]. This molecular-colloidal solution of fullerenes in watercontained solvents could be chosen as a standard for our further investigations. In general, all the experiments on extraction of fullerene clusters and the study of fullerites in natural objects brought some additional facts to the oil prehistory of ShC. According to Novgorodova [14], these extractable fullerenes only being in colloidal solution could be preserved in rock material. So far, fullerenes have been found in different natural carbonaceous objects, but only in negligible quantities. Analyzing all the cases reported, Osawa approached two origins of fullerene formation in nature. The first approach coincides with the conventional synthesis of fullerenes through a vapor phase by heating carbonaceous materials at high temperatures. In the second Osawa considered the complex composition of fullerenes and the way of preserving fullerenes in nature. Hence, the catalytic effect of compounds of transition metals seems to play an important role in the formation of natural fullerenes. The double nature of fullerenes turned out to be a very challenging problem, and its study had to be done with relation to ShC [15]. Our interests in shungite rock material are focused here on the chemical and physical characteristics of ShC, with the eventual goal to utilize this natural resource as a carbon material for advanced technologies. Meanwhile, a shungite rock was shown to be a promising adsorbent in waste-water purification processes, a catalyst and a catalyst supporter for the chemical industry, and a filler for polymeric composite materials. Construction materials, such as concrete, brickware and building mortar, have been developed. The materials can decrease electromagnetic energy in a frequency range of more than 10 MHz to a level of no less than 100 dB. Furthermore, shungite rock material can most efficiently be used in 238
Role of Fullerene-like Structures in the Reactivity of Shungite Carbon
replacing both coke and quartzite in thermal processes such as liquid slag removal in metallurgical plants, electrothermal production of ferroalloys and in the production of phosphorus, nonferrous metals and nitride, and carbide ceramics. Medical tests have provided extensive statistical data that show the curing effect of shungite slurry and pastes for skin and sick bone treatment. It was intriguing to have a material which could replace various carbons, both natural and synthetic, bulk and powdered [16, 17]. However, this seems to be one more riddle in ShC which many scientists are eager to unravel. Systematic studies were focused on elucidating a source of the ShC reactivity and means to control it in a wide range of applications. In a way, it was not surprising that the ShC reactivity was assumed to be determined by its structural pattern and metastability [18]. The main goal of the present chapter was to revise and update our experimental data and explain some morphological and physicochemical characteristics of ShC in an appropriate manner. 2.
Some Characteristics of Shungite Rock Material
Shungite rocks from several areas were sampled to study their carbon constituent. There are several types of shungite rocks with different carbon content. Type-I (75–98 wt % carbon) and type-II (40–75 wt %), are highly valued for a high percentage of carbon. However, the proven reserves of these shungite rock types are too small for current commercial purposes, whereas shungite type-III (Zazhogino and Maksovo) deposits are being mined to recover rocks containing about 30 wt % carbon [17]. Previous studies have explored the effect of ShC content on physical mechanical and conductive properties. It is generally accepted that shungite type-III demonstrates optimal physical mechanical and conductive, as well as physicochemical properties, in comparison with several types of shungite rocks [19]. Shungite rocks are presently understood to consist of globular non-crystalline carbon, a mineral constituent and a small amount of bituminous organic matter. The latter was dominantly represented by aliphatic hydrocarbons, primarily saturated aliphatic ketones and esters that showed a branched structure and contained very small quantities of aromatic compounds. The yield of extracted organic matter from shungite rocks was inversely related to carbon content and corresponded to 0.011–0.025 wt % for shungite type-III [20]. A specific interaction between a network of nanoscale-sized shungite carbon units and a network of silica provides pronounced physical mechanical and conductive properties of shungite rock material. These two phases were difficult to separate – a feature which distinguishes shungite rocks from other natural carbonaceous formations. Both phases were present even in every micrometer-sized particle produced after fine grinding. 3.
Specific Structural Organization of the Nanostructural Units of Shungite Carbon
The structural characteristics of amorphous ShC were thoroughly studied by different research teams using X-ray and electron diffraction methods as well as high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) [2, 21, 22]. A set of structural parameters 239
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was used to distinguish ShC from other carbonaceous materials. Besides, the main idea of the structural pattern of ShC matter in different shungite rocks was supported. At the same time, structurally similar shungite carbons showed strongly different physicochemical properties (Table 1). They can be split into two groups with a high and low porosity. It was thus worthwhile to comparatively study two shungite carbons to be able to answer the following questions: Which of the above properties are really characteristic of ShC? Can they be changed in an appropriate fashion? Therefore, shungite carbons from two deposits (Maksovo-M and Shunga-Sh), differing in composition and physicochemical properties, were selected for a series of experiments. The main structural units (globules and their aggregates) were found to be difficult to isolate because they were strongly bound within the carbon matrix. Our attempts to use mechanical, thermal or electro-pulse methods led to the modification of the initial ShC structures. Modified units resembled giant fullerenes and differed in shape. Some were definitely polyhedral with sharp edges, and others were nanotubes [10]. The only shungite rock in which the original carbon units could be isolated was lydite which contained approximately 3 wt % of carbon. Its carbon particles were remarkable for a complicated structure with a multi-layered shell and less-ordered carbon within it. The shells can be considered giant fullerene-like, occasionally polyhedral, structures. These fullerene-like units showed an interesting structuring ability (‘chaining tendency’) that was observed by electron microscopy and supported by a high value of dibutyl phthalate (DBP) adsorption [23]. It was a challenge to find the same chaining tendency in carbon-rich shungite rocks, namely type I. Thanks to the recent scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) data, globular formations were visualized at a nanometric level, and locally ordered regions were shown (see Figure 1, Table 1). According to a preliminary evaluation, over 90% of the ShC surface was presented by such formations [24]. The distribution of the structural units obtained has shown that they characteristically exhibit a log-normal pattern. Similar patterns were quite typical for aggregation of colloidal particles in the course of drying. It was interesting, therefore, to see if self-assembling globules could be found at different levels of ShC organization. The following experiments carried out for this purpose were the first step in the study which is now in progress. Small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) method, widely used to 240
Role of Fullerene-like Structures in the Reactivity of Shungite Carbon
characterize structural growth during random processes, was combined with fractal analysis. The latter provides a means of quantifying morphological variations among aggregates and relating them to mechanisms of their formation. This approach was used to characterize morphological variations of ShC [25]. The X-ray scattering analysis was carried out on powdered shungite of type I (Figure 2a). The intensity of X-ray scattering was measured in reflection geometry using a D-max RC diffractometer (Rigaku Cor.) with radiation over the scattering angle range of 0.5–10° (Figure 2b). The small-angle scattered intensity I(q) is proportional to where q is a wave vector. The slope of the dependence In defines the fractal dimension D. The position of the maximum on the I(q) curve enables us to determine the typical size of the scatterer. The scatterers of ShC (Shunga) are thus volume fractal clusters with D = 2.8; 2.24 and size 3.2 and >6.3 nm as a combination of elements 0.51 nm in size. Other aggregates formed of the same elements are characterized by D= 1.83; 1.2 and by the same size of the scatterer. Two similar levels of fractal organization with D= 1.75 and 2.86, were determined for ShC from Maksovo. This indicates that ShC from two deposits exhibited two levels of structural organization with fractal dimensions D conforming to fractal aggregates and chains. Based on the values of the fractal dimensions and models well developed for colloidal systems, some assumptions about the formation of the morphological elements of ShC in solution can be made. The main promising result of this experiment is based on the determination of fractal objects, which characteristically have a large surface area. Therefore, ShC samples with a small surface area can be activated. Recently, we have supported our assumption [26]. 241
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Nanocolloidal Elements Extracted from Shungite Carbon: Fullerenes in ShC
Applications of ShC are related to processes that mainly occur in different liquid phases. One possible way of grinding ShC is to convert it to a colloidal form. This task appeared to be closely connected with the problem of fullerenes in ShC. Recent progress in the generation of water-soluble fullerenes has led us to revise the earlier approach to extraction of fullerenes from ShC. Difficulties in extraction were found to be due to a more complicated interaction of fullerenes in ShC than was 242
Role of Fullerene-like Structures in the Reactivity of Shungite Carbon
believed before. The method developed for was tailored for extraction of fullerenes from ShC. Stable water-colloidal solutions of fullerenes (in the form of hydrated clusters 3–36 nm in size) were used as a standard in the study. Powdered ShC (from Shunga deposit) was subjected to ultrasonic treatment in water with addition of toluene-alcohol (4:1 v/v) until complete evaporation of a toluene phase. The resultant mixture was then filtered and centrifugated at A stable grey-brownish solution, which was opalescent in reflected light, was obtained. The mass-spectrum of positive ions of the dried water-colloidal solution of ShC showed prominent peaks with m/z 720 a.u correspondent to the signal of molecular ion (Figure 3). The UV spectra of the water solution demonstrated a wide band at The adsorption UV-spectra of the solution, dried under vacuum and re-dissolved in hexane, had intensive bands at 330 nm. Evaporation of the solution in air resulted in the formation of a black-brown film insoluble in water and organic solvents. The IR-spectra of the film contained wide bands attributed to and its derivatives at 576, 1183 and Thus, the formation of the insoluble films was probably caused by polymerization of the colloidal solution containing fullerenes [27, 28]. The concentration of the fullerenes extracted by the method described was approximately The data were repeated on several batches of ShC. This enables us to concentrate fullerenes, their derivatives and nanostructures extracted from ShC for further investigations. Comparative analyses of the extracts obtained from ShC and (donor–acceptor complexes of fullerenes and water) have led us to assume that fullerenes in ShC are present mainly in the form of chemical derivatives and strong molecular complexes that are likely to be stabilized by means of donor–acceptor bonds, rather than hydrophobic interactions. In fact, the destruction of such donor–acceptor complexes is easier in polar solvents than in non-polar ones. One might expect that fullerenes and fullerene-like structures would be released during processing of ShC. Consequently, our expectations materialized in a modeling experiment, which enabled us to determine the reactive elements in ShC in a unique manner.
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5. 5.1.
Shungite Carbon-Contained Materials: Advanced Fields of Application Catalyst and supporter of catalysts
The following experiments, conducted as an extension of our previous study, dealt with catalytic and non-catalytic thermolysis on ShC, using the model proposed earlier. The coal liquefaction model is based on the thermal decomposition of benzyl phenyl ether (BPhE) in the presence of tetralin as a hydrogen-donating agent [29, 30]. The thermal decomposition of BPhE on ShC, and a ShC-molybdenum sulfide mixture as possible catalysts for such a process was studied. To estimate the effect of fullerenelike structures, the same process was repeated with fullerenes* and ShC from M and Sh (see Table 1). The relative concentrations of model substances fitted satisfactorily on the straight line in semi-logarithmic co-ordinates in all experiments. Therefore, rate constants were calculated, assuming the reactions to be of first order (Table 2). BPhE thermolysis without catalysts slowly converted into toluene, phenol and rearrangement products at low temperatures. The radical rupture of the oxymethene link was the limiting stage of the process. The rate of BPhE thermolysis and tetralin increased by 7 and 10 times, respectively, on ShC. However, the reaction products and the limiting stage did not change. The rate of BPhE thermolysis increased by 5 times on ShC-supported molybdenum sulfide, but thermolysis products changed along with the reaction mechanism. Ipsoattack became the limited stage of the process. ShC, used with molybdenum sulfide, reduced the activation energy from 210 to 113 and 117 kJ/mol for (M) and (Sh), respectively. The effect of ShC is exhibited in the increased conversion of BPhE and that of tetralin (Figure 4). Furthermore, the effect almost does not depend on the composition and physicochemical properties of ShC. Also, it appears that artificial fullerenes show an effect similar to that of ShC. This has led us to conclude that the units of ShC play the main role in the process, and the contribution of the metal sulfides and carbides present in ShC is insignificant. Molybdenum sulfide supported with fullerene-like structures, both synthetic and those liberated from ShC, is capable of accepting and donating hydrogen and can act as
Role of Fullerene-like Structures in the Reactivity of Shungite Carbon
an hydrogenated catalyst at low temperatures. ShC could effectively be used as a catalyst or a precursor in coal treatment and in the production of carbon materials. 5.2.
Shungite filler for polymeric composite materials
Owing to the variety of their structures and properties, different carbons are widely and successfully used as fillers in polymers. However, the most attractive properties are imparted to composite materials when carbon is used in combination with different inorganic compounds, namely amorphous silica. The incorporation of a filler into polymeric matrices mainly depends, among other things, on the dispersion of the filler particles and their physicochemical properties that could influence polymer-filler interaction. The latter was regulated by modification of the fillers’ properties by means of surfactants. The regulation seems to be possible by combining carbon and silica in a special form in every particle of the filler. Shungite rock material in a powdered form can serve as an excellent model for checking this hypothesis. At the same time, we can accelerate the release of fullerene-like structures from ShC by changing the manner of the polymer processing. For example, processing conditions could be changed by using different polymeric blends. The main characteristic of shungite powder obtained by grinding in dry conditions is the complex composition of every particle, in size, which contains both carbon and mineral phases [19]. Therefore, the parameters of such a filler (shungite filler – ShF) were studied by comparison with those of conventional, both carbonaceous and mineral, fillers. Sedimentation analyses, carried out in distilled water and toluene, showed that 245
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the average particle dimensions were and respectively. Therefore, a priori, nothing suggests that the shungite powder is an active filler. Table 3 shows the composition and main physicochemical characteristics of ShF against those of furnace carbon black (P803) and graphite powder that are widely used in the polymeric compositions studied. The effect of ShF on the mechanical and technological properties of unsaturated polyester resin (PN-15) and butadiene-acrylonitrile rubber (BR) was examined. These two polymers are processed in different scenarios, thereby enabling us to estimate the behavior of ShF under various mixing conditions. As high shear stresses are used in the preparation of rubber mixtures, the process of polyester resin mixing was controlled according to variations in viscosity depending on shear rate of the mixture and on the filler content. ShF improves the physical mechanical and technological parameters for both blends. For instance, the incorporation of ShF reduces the viscosity of polymer blend and increases its relative elongation. A more homogeneous filler distribution leading to a more uniform performance of the matrix under loading conditions was demonstrated
Role of Fullerene-like Structures in the Reactivity of Shungite Carbon
with ShF (Table 4). The influence of ShF on the rheological properties of rubbers enables us to increase its quantity in composites. This can probably explain the ability of ShF to increase adhesion of rubber to steel. The properties of shungite high-filled compositions change drastically, as compared with conventional rubbers (Figure 5). The second maximum in the concentration curve appears. Both strengthening and structuring effects of a filler were displayed when the shear stress reached certain high levels as in high-filled rubbers, for example [31]. The viscosity of a shungite-filled mixture of unsaturated polyester resin can be measured at higher shear rates than that with a conventional filler. This difference in viscosity makes it possible to increase the quantity of ShF incorporated into polyester resin. Therefore, the mold pressing of such compositions can be enhanced to improve their mechanical properties (Table 5). Thanks to a rising mobility of fullerene-like nanoparticles liberated from the carbon matrix at higher shear stresses while processing, high-filled compositions with a new set of properties could be made. For example, the new composites are characterized by the reproducibility of electrical properties which increases substantially, as compared with conventional fillers, because the desirable electrical conductivity can be achieved at concentrations higher than the percolation threshold.
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Summarizing the results of the experiments on shungite-filled composite materials, the main ShC-derived properties, common to different matrixes, are as follows: (1) The processing of polymers can be improved to make the distribution of ingredients more uniform. (2) Heat accumulation in shungite-filled systems is lowered, their structural uniformity is increased and the dynamic properties of composites are improved. (3) High-filled composites with a new range of properties can be produced. To test the effects produced, a set of different shungite-filled polymers, such as highmolecular weight polyethylene, polypropylene, and resins [19, 32–34], was studied. Shortly after, the same tendency was determined. Our experiments corroborated the assumption that fullerene-like structures in ShC can be liberated under various conditions and that they affect ShC reactivity.
Shungite carbon in adsorbents for water purification
Shungite rock material can be used to adsorb organic matter, to remove bacteria and heavy metals from water and to treat drinking water. All these applications have been thoroughly tested. In spite of some hypotheses concerning the role of shungite rocks in the recovery of natural water systems, the pattern of the effect of ShC on water chemistry is not yet clear. The most significant characteristics of shungite–water interaction revealed are pH alteration, extraction of metals and organic substances and the formation of colloidal systems. The specific surface area of a shungite adsorbent is as small as about Neutral solutions become more acidic upon contact with a shungite adsorbent. Their pH declined to 3.8–4.4, depending on particle size and ShC–water contact conditions were found. The closest attention was given to the following possible reasons: the influence of active surface groups, the catalytic destruction of organic substances as well as electrochemical reactions [35]. Extraction of elements from shungite rock material depends on the testing conditions, such as exposure time, electrolyte content and concentration. It was also shown that thermal treatment as well as fine grinding have a large influence on the character of the extraction process. In particular, an increase in Na and K and a decrease in Al, Fe, Ni, Cr, and V extraction were observed in both scenarios of treatment. Our estimates showed, however, that in all cases the metal extracted concentration was low enough to meet accepted standards for drinking water filter materials. Further studies were carried out to use shungite adsorbent for removing oil from water up to a very high level, 0.02–0.05 mg/l. In this case, the adsorption capacity was about 60–100 mg/g and the water/sorbent ratio was as high as (1000–1500) per liter, depending on the conditions of the process. Recently, similar results have been obtained by Anufrieva et al. [36], who used an industrial apparatus. The formation of colloidal systems was not only the result of the presence of Al, Fe, and in water, which contacted with ShC, but mainly the result of the most unusual colloid formation during the dissolution of shungite rock material, so that each micrometer-sized colloidal particle includes both carbon and mineral phases. Recent 248
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data have shown that the bulk of shungite rock material can slowly be converted to a colloidal form [37]. After chemical treatment of this colloidal phase, its IR spectra coincide with that obtained for a ShC colloidal film. 5.4.
Shungite carbon in blast furnace smelting
The same nanosized fullerene-like structures are likely to be stipulated for a close and developed contact between silica and carbon in shungite raw material, which is used thanks to a number of kinetic and technological advantages as a substitute for metallurgical coke and silica raw material in the melting of siliceous iron and the production of silica carbide as well as ferroalloys. At the present time, cast iron is smelted by the Tulachermet Company (Tula, Russia), using shungite rock in burden [38]. 6. Conclusions
The structural characteristics of ShC are connected with fullerene-like structures that can be released from ShC under various conditions, resulting in its activation, and determining the reactivity of ShC containing materials. Fullerenes are likely to be present in ShC mainly in the form of chemical derivatives and strong molecular complexes that are stabilized by means of donor–acceptor bonds, rather than hydrophobic interactions. Therefore, such donor–acceptor complexes can be destroyed more easily in polar solutions. The possibility to liberate fullerenes and fullerene-like structures while processing of ShC was proposed. Artificial fullerenes show an effect similar to that of ShC in reaction modeling of coal treatment. Molybdenum sulfide, supported with fullerene-like structures, both synthetic and those liberated from natural carbon, is capable of accepting and donating hydrogen and can act as a hydrogenated catalyst at low temperatures. ShC can effectively be used as a catalyst or a precursor in coal treatment and in the production of carbon materials. Thanks to the rising mobility of fullerene-like nanoparticles liberated from the carbon matrix at high shear stresses, ShC improves the processing of polymers, which makes the distribution of ingredients more uniform. Lowering heat accumulation in shungitefilled systems and their structural uniformity helped to enhance the dynamic properties of composites. New composite materials with advanced properties can be produced. Powdered ShC shows unusually high reactivity as a catalyst in modeling coal-treatment reactions. Besides, it can be used as a filler for polymeric matrixes, an adsorbent and filter in water purification, and a reagent in the melting of siliceous iron and production of silica carbide. Fullerene-like structures in ShC provide a key to understanding the mechanism of its behavior in different physicochemical processes, where ShC is used, and in newly developed ones. Acknowledgements
The work was supported by grant RFBI 1 99-03-32388. 249
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Formation of Nanostructured Carbons under Hydrothermal Conditions Yury Gogotsia*, Joseph A. Liberab† and Masahiro Yoshimurac a
Department of Materials Engineering, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA b University of Illinois at Chicago, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Chicago, IL 60607-7022, USA c Center for Materials Design, Materials and Structures Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 4259 Nagatsuta, Midori, Yokohama 226-8503, Japan
The formation of carbon nanostructures (fullerenes, nanotubes, nanofilaments, etc.) in gaseous media and/or vacuum has been widely studied. On the other hand, their formation from liquids or high-pressure, high-temperature fluids has received limited attention. We have recently demonstrated synthesis of various carbon nanomaterials under severe hydrothermal conditions. Multiwall open-end and closed carbon nanotubes (MWNT) with the wall thickness from five to more than 100 carbon layers were produced from polyethylene and ethylene glycol with Ni under hydrothermal conditions at 700–800 °C under 60–100 MPa. An important feature of hydrothermal nanotubes is a small wall thickness, which is about 10% of the large inner diameter of 20–800 nm. They combine a large inside diameter and a highly graphitic wall structure. The exceptional quality of the tube walls is demonstrated by the straight and perfect lattice fringing in the tube walls and also by the electron diffraction spot patterns, which are free of diffuse amorphous rings. Raman spectral evidence shows a high similarity to the spectra obtained from high-purity natural graphite. Closed nanotubes were leak-tight by virtue of holding encapsulated water at high vacuum in a transmission electron microscope (TEM). Other carbon sources, such as fullerenes, single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWNT), and amorphous carbons can produce similar MWNTs under similar hydrothermal conditions. Tubes were also synthesized without water in C–H and C–H–O systems, but these tubes had multiple internal caps while those produced with water present had very few internal obstructions and a large inside diameter. Bamboo-like filaments can be produced by decomposition of paraformaldehyde with no water added. Narrow-channel polyhedral nanotubes and other carbon nanoparticles were obtained by varying the synthesis conditions. Starting from amorphous carbon materials, we obtained hollow nanotubes with 10–50 nm outer and 2–8 nm inner diameters and aspect ratios of 20–100. Unique chain-like nanocells with graphitic walls of 30–200 nm have been prepared from amorphous carbons above 600 °C.
The discovery of carbon nanotubes was preceded by decades of research in filamentous carbon, which had a hollow arrangement of axially ordered graphene planes. They were studied extensively not only to understand their nature for the purpose of preventing their damaging effects on catalysts but also to explore potential composite material *To whom correspondence should be sent: [email protected] †Present address: Northwestern University, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Evanston, IL 60208, USA. (ed.), Perspectives of Fullerene Nanotechnology, 253–264. © 2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in Great Britain.
Yury Gogotsi, Joseph A. Libera and Masahiro Yoshimura
applications [1]. Research on their synthesis and catalytic mechanisms of growth continues to this day, although the discovery of the ‘nanotube’ varieties has dominated the literature in recent years. So remarkable and promising are the structures of these smallest of carbon filaments that virtually all new forms of carbon filaments are called ‘nanotubes’. A large body of literature on nanotubes has been compiled in the last decade including review books [2–4], The analysis of previous work shows that a very wide range of inner and outer diameter permutations is possible by coaxial symmetry carbon. Various techniques ranging from arc synthesis at very high temperatures [5] to electrochemical synthesis below room temperature [6] have been reported. However, the search for new synthesis methods is continuing because none of the existing techniques can satisfy all the requirements and/or produce the variety of tubular carbon structures required for prospective applications, which range from hydrogen storage [7] to electronics and composites [8]. Hydrothermal synthesis has become an important method for producing carbon materials. Polyvinyl-chloride-based coke has been shown to graphitize by reaction with water and calcium carbonate at temperatures and pressures as low as 100 MPa and 600 °C [9], whereas the same study reported no graphitization up to 1 GPa and 1400 °C when no water was used. Carbon coatings were formed in high-pressure, high-temperature water [10]. Some hollow tube-like carbon structures were observed in our later hydrothermal experiments [11]. Hydrothermal synthesis of bamboo-like carbon filaments [12], including aligned arrays on a substrate [13, 14] demonstrated a potential of this method for growing carbon nanostructures. Previous studies have examined in detail the formation of filamentous carbon in the C–H–O–Ni, C–H–O–Fe, and C–H–O–Co systems at ambient pressure [15]. In this chapter, we report on the hydrothermal synthesis of a variety of carbon nanotubes, microtubes and other related structures from C–H–O supercritical fluid, at elevated pressure.
2. Experimental
To synthesize hydrothermal tubes, mixtures of a solid or liquid carbon source (e.g., high-density polyethylene (PE) sheet or ethylene glycol (EG)) and water were sealed into gold capsules, as shown in Figure 1, and reacted at high temperature and pressure. Ni was added in some cases as a catalyst. After experiments, Raman spectroscopy analysis of a residue at the bottom of the capsule showed a much higher degree of graphitization compared to the carbon deposits on the capsule walls (Figure 1). Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) showed the formation of filamentous carbon. We present the results in terms of PE, EG, paraformaldehyde, and elemental carbon (amorphous carbon, and SWNT), but virtually any liquid, solid or gaseous carbon source can be used. The composition and structure of capsule contents were examined using Raman spectroscopy. A Renishaw 2000 Raman microspectrometer with an Ar ion laser (514.5 nm excitation wavelength) was used. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) was performed using a JEOL JEM-3010 (300 kV) with a lattice resolution of 0.14 nm. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was performed using the JEOL JSM-6320F field emission 254
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SEM equipped with a Noran Voyager EDX system with a light element X-ray detector analyzer. TEM samples were prepared by dispersing the run products in acetone or isopropanol and placing drops onto lacey carbon grids. In this study we present an overview of experiments produced on different carbon precursors and resulting in different carbon nano- and microstructures. 3. 3.1.
Results Carbon nanopipes
Use of solid or liquid organic precursors and addition of nickel as a catalyst resulted in formation of nanotubes of large diameters [16]. Figure 2a shows the typical features found in experiments using PE, water and Ni powder. Ni-tipped tubes are clearly visible (Figure 2a). Tubes of diameter 70 nm to 150 nm were typically formed. Most tubes have straight sections but always terminate with ball-like ends and or catalyst particles (Figure 2a). Small amounts of larger tubes (up to in diameter) were found in these experiments [17]. TEM images of all tubes formed in hydrothermal experiments reveal wide internal openings (Figure 2a, b) and well-ordered graphitic layers (Figure 2c). The angle of the layers with respect to the local tube direction depends on the tube size, which suggests conical structures of larger angles for the largest tubes and low angles for the smallest tubes. In the tubes whose outer diameters are in the range 50–150 nm, graphitic layers are sometimes observed to terminate inside and outside the tube at low angles and they can sometimes appear to be parallel. The layers can bend in conformance with the wall surfaces. 255
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Carbon nanotubes obtained from EG/water + Ni mixtures have a similar morphology to those obtained in PE/water experiments. The major difference observed in EG/ water/Ni experiments was a lower content of amorphous carbon, which forms in the part of the capsule where no Ni is present (Figure 1). Whether or not it forms is related to the C–H–O composition and Ni-catalyzed precursor decomposition. The likelihood of finding Ni particles in tube tips was in direct proportion to the tube diameter, with most small tubes free of Ni. It was possible to observe in TEM individual tubes in their entirety. The largest Ni particles had the largest conical angles and appeared to be worn and rounded. The smallest particles tended to be faceted with low conical angles. Hydrothermal treatment of fullerene with Ni catalyst produced similar results leading to formation of carbon nanopipes [18]. Experiments were also performed with PE+Ni mixtures [17] which are nonhydrothermal by definition since they do not have water. Tubes obtained in this manner were characterized by the lowest degree of graphitization. Two distinct size ranges 256
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(50–100 nm and of filamentous carbon were found. The larger tubes were in the size range of filamentous carbon and we call them ‘microtubes’. Nanotubes in the size range 50–100 nm were characterized by a large number of internal closures and torturous profiles while microtubes tend to be straight with fewer internal closures. The graphitic nature of the hydrothermal nanotubes is further demonstrated by the Raman signature which is very similar to highly crystallized natural graphite with a strong G band weak D band and the notable attenuation of bands at 1621 and The last two bands are normally present in Raman spectra from stacks of edges [19] on large crystals of graphite. If we consider the value of to represent the degree of graphitization by virtue of indicating the size of single graphite domains, then the graphitic order of samples in this study is PE/Ni tubes < PE/water/Ni tubes < EG/water/Ni tubes < graphite. This is a general trend with exceptions found in isolated features. A unique feature of hydrothermal graphite tubes is the entrapment of apparent liquid inclusions [20, 21]. The discussion of liquid inclusion behavior is outside the scope of this chapter but it is mentioned here to provide essential information related to tube structure and properties. The ability of hydrothermal tubes to keep encapsulated gases and liquids in the high vacuum of a TEM suggests that they are leak-free and have very high strength. 3.2. Regular multiwall nanotubes
The first experiments conducted on purified single-wall carbon nanotubes from Bucky, USA, had the goal of establishing their stability in supercritical water [22]. These experiments yielded multiwall nanotubes with a diameter of 15–20 nm and 10–20 carbon layers in the wall. The tubes had a thin internal channel (typically, 2–5 nm) and looked quite similar to nanotubes produced by the arc synthesis technique [4]. Most of them were closed with dome-shaped or polyhedral caps (Figure 3). However, open nanotubes with semitoroidal tips have also been observed [23]. Unlike nanopipes produced with Ni catalyst, these MWNTs did not have catalyst particles incorporated in the tips. This led us to the assumption that non-catalytic growth was possible. Probably, incompletely dissolved SWNTs acted as seeds. The relatively short length of these tubes and a narrow channel with locally even more narrow inner sections and internal closures (Figure 3a and c) support this hypothesis. Catalyst particles that were present in that sample were encapsulated in carbon, forming polyhedral particles (Figure 3d). Starting from amorphous carbon materials, similar hollow nanotubes with 10–50 nm outer and 2–8 nm inner diameters and aspect ratios of 20–100 [24] were obtained at the Tokyo Institute of Technology. Small nanotubes with 5-layer walls and about 5-nm internal diameter were also produced at the University of Illinois by appropriate formulation of EG-water mixtures. 3.3. Bamboo-like filaments
Decomposition of paraformaldehyde with subsequent condensation of solid carbon on capsule walls resulted in bamboo-like filaments, typically with diameters of greater than 257
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100 nm (Figure 4). Although no water was added to this system, the paraformaldehyde composition is located exactly on the line of the H–C–O diagram. These filaments grew on the capsule walls covering them with a layer of tube felt. This is different from other nanotubes, which nucleated inside the capsule on catalyst particles or in the fluid. Although no catalyst was added to paraformaldehyde, we believe that the filament growth was catalyzed by impurities present in the sample [13]. Cavities in the filament tips formed by catalyst particles can be seen (compare Figures 2b and 4d). This filament had disordered walls (Figure 4c) and loss of encapsulated metal particles occurred much easier than in case of carbon nanopipes. 3.4.
Carbon cells
Hydrothermal treatment of wood ceramic (carbon material produced by infiltration of wood with a resin and subsequent carbonization [25, 26]) produced chains of carbon 258
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cells (Figure 5) similar to bamboo-like nanotubes produced under high pressures [27] but not bound by a single external wall. Each next cell grows from a few external graphite layers of the previous cell. The cell walls were well-graphitized (Figure 5) and the cell shape was polyhedral. These cells look pretty much like chains of polyhedral carbon particles grown together. The wall thickness of the cells can vary from a few monolayers to dozens of graphite layers. Cell sizes from less than 50 nm to 300 nm have been observed (Figure 5a), but cells in the same chain had approximately equal size. 3.5.
Other carbon structures
Non-catalytic hydrothermal C–H–O systems produce carbon films of various structures ranging from soft polymeric to hard and brittle ones, carbon beads (spherical or ellipsoidal particles of 100–3000 nm in diameter (Figure 6a)) and, sometimes, flattened disk-shaped particles (Figure 6b). These particles could be distinguished from nanotubular materials based on their characteristic Raman spectra [28] with a strong and broad 259
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Formation of Nanostructured Carbons under Hydrothermal Conditions
D-band with a shoulder at around Spherical carbon particles were produced previously under hydrothermal conditions by dechlorination of in the presence of NaOH at 300 °C [29] and under pressure pyrolysis of polystyrene at 600 °C [30]. 4.
Our experiments have shown that the hydrothermal C–H–O environment can be highly suitable for the growth of carbon nanotubes and microtubes. However, there are inherent limitations in determining the potential of the method in batch reactions. A high-density fluid phase, from which growth occurs, changes its compositions rapidly as carbon condenses, traversing a range of compositions during which different phenomena can take place. This may explain the wide variance in tube diameter and structure obtained in most runs. High-pressure continuous reactors will be required to sustain compositions with favorable driving forces toward carbon condensation. Experiments using various carbon sources suggested very strongly that the precursor chemistry is not critical in the process, with the most important factor being the C–H–O fluid equilibrium. At the temperatures and pressures of the syntheses reported here, the equilibrium species of importance are CO, and [11]. EG/water and PE/water mixtures yield very similar pyrolytic carbon products, carbon spheres and films. This supports the role of C–H–O equilibrium compositions suggesting that synthesis might well be accomplished by injection of suitable mixtures of the and for example. Practical systems for the hydrothermal production of carbon tubes will likely use a low-pressure, low-temperature formulation and inject this into a highpressure, high-temperature reactor. Nevertheless, the capsule technique presented here does allow experimental access to the relevant pressure and temperature regimes. The presence of water is not necessary for tube synthesis, as shown by PE/Ni experiments 261
Yury Gogotsi, Joseph A. Libera and Masahiro Yoshimura
and paraformaldehyde, but water does alter the growth process resulting in tubes with a greater axial alignment of layers and fewer internal closures. Larger hydrothermal carbon tubes do not appear to possess a perfect circular cross section normal to the tube axis. The evidence for this is given by the diffraction patterns, which do not show rings in the hk0 indices and from lattice images, which are obtainable at any point along a tube [17]. In a perfectly circular tube, the graphene planes, which align properly with respect to the beam direction amount to a tangent condition, should be identical everywhere. This is certainly the observed behavior in small nanotubes (Figure 2), which show uniform and long-range lattice fringing on both sides of the tube. However, most of tubes under study showed a variable fringing intensity along the tube axis, from very weak to very strong, depending on the alignment of tube facets with the TEM incident beam. The catalyzed synthesis of carbon tubes is intimately linked to the Ni particle transformation. Passivation of Ni particles by a layer of planar graphite or amorphous carbon may lower nanotube yield. Probably, the size of the Ni particles controls the tube size, but experimental confirmation of this is required. At the same time, the presence of nanotubes that do not contain a Ni particle (Figure 2b) and the growth of graphite overlayers on carbon nanotubes [17] suggest that nanotube growth is not always associated with Ni. Experiments with single-wall carbon nanotubes demonstrate that thickening of nanotubes and formation of a variety of multiwall tubes (Figure 3). However, these tubes have narrow channels and are similar in morphology to traditional nanotubes [4]. When technical carbon materials with an unknown content of impurities are used, various carbon nanostructures, ranging from graphite flakes to carbon disks, spheres, chainlike particles, nanotubes and bamboo-like tubes can be produced. Further studies of the effect of catalysts and seeds on the structure of hydrothermal nanotubes are required. Hydrothermal synthesis is a versatile process because it can produce multiwall nanotubes, polyhedral carbon particles, chain-like cells, bamboo-like filaments, and graphite nanopipes. This is potentially a low-cost technology because the process is conducted at moderate pressures and temperatures, it does not require plasma or other high-energy sources, a variety of low-cost materials in the C–H–O system can be used, and the process can be scaled up to large volumes.
Multiwall carbon nanotubes and nanopipes can be grown from high-temperature, highpressure C–O–H fluid when Ni is added as catalyst. Catalytically grown hydrothermal nanotubes have a large internal diameter (up to 90% of the outer diameter). Carbon pipes with internal diameters from 30 nm to 1500 nm have been produced. However, amorphous carbon beads and films dominated the deposits when no catalyst and/or seeds were present. Hydrothermal nanotubes have graphitic walls with minimal or no disorder and high continuity of graphene plains (published tubes of that size are nested). They are more graphitic than any carbon filaments published so far and are expected to have high mechanical strength. Furthermore, the existence of liquid inclusions in the tubes 262
Formation of Nanostructured Carbons under Hydrothermal Conditions
suggests a high degree of graphene plane continuity and high strength, or otherwise the pressurized liquid would leak out in the high-vacuum environment of the TEM. The synthesis of hydrothermal carbon tubes does not depend on the chemistry of the precursors except to establish the relative proportions of carbon, oxygen and hydrogen atoms. Virtually any hydrocarbon/water mixture could be suitably formulated. Although the nickel catalyst appears to be essential in the process, growth of graphite not associated with the Ni was observed. Apparently, non-catalytic growth of small carbon nanotubes and polyhedral carbon particles has been demonstrated. The presence of water appears to be responsible for the large internal channels and highly graphitic nature of the carbon deposit. Without water, less graphitic tubes or bamboo-like filaments are obtained with large numbers of internal closures. Acknowledgements Thanks are due to Dr Takahiro Fujino for preparation of the wood ceramic samples. This work was supported in part by the Research Institute for Solvothermal Technology, Japan, and the US National Science Foundation (grant # CTS-0196006). The TEM work was done using microscopes at the UIC Research Resources Center. References 1. R. T. K. Baker and P. S. Harris, ‘The Formation of Filamentous Carbon’, in ‘Chemistry and Physics of Carbon’ edited by P. A. Thrower, (1978) p. 83. 2. T. W. Ebbesen, ‘Carbon Nanotubes: Preparation and Properties’ (CRC Press, Boca Raton, 1997). 3. M. S. Dresselhaus, G. Dresselhaus and P. C. Eklund, Science of Fullerenes and Carbon Nanotubes (Academic Press, 1996). 4. P. J. F. Harris, Carbon Nanotubes and Related Structures (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1999). 5. E. G. Gamaly and T. W. Ebbesen, ‘Mechanism of Carbon Nanotube Formation in the Arc Discharge’, Phys. Rev. B 52 (1995) 2083–2089. 6. A. T. Matveev, D. Goldberg, N. P. Novikov, L. L. Klimkovich and Y. Bando, ‘Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes Below Room Temperature’, Carbon 39 (2001) 137–158. 7. A. C. Dillon, K. M. Jones, T. A. Bekkedahl, et al. ‘Storage of Hydrogen in Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes’, Nature 386 (1997) 377. 8. P. Calvert, ‘Potential Applications of Nanotubes’, in Carbon Nanotubes edited by T. W. Ebbesen, (CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 1997) pp. 277–292. 9. S.-I. Hirano, K. Nakamura and S. Somiya, ‘Graphitization of Carbon in the Presence of Calcium Compounds under Hydrothermal Conditions by Use of High Gas Pressure Apparatus’, in Fourth International Conference on High Pressure, Kyoto, Japan, 1974. 10. Y. G. Gogotsi and M. Yoshimura, ‘Formation of Carbon Films on Carbides under Hydrothermal Conditions’, Nature 367 (1994) 628–630. 11. Y. Gogotsi, T. Kraft, K. G. Nickel, and M. E. Zvanut, ‘Hydrothermal Behavior of Diamond’, Diam. Relat. Mater. 7 (1998) 1459–1465. 12. J. A. Libera, and Y. G. Gogotsi, ‘Hydrothermal Synthesis of Novel Carbon Filaments’, J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 82 (1999) 2942. 13. Y. G. Gogotsi and K. G. Nickel, ‘Formation of Filamentous Carbon from Paraformaldehyde under High Temperatures and Pressures’, Carbon 36 (1998) 937–942. 14. Y. Gogotsi, ‘Nanostructured Carbon Coatings’, in Proceedings of the NATO ARW on Nanostructured Films and Coatings, edited by G.-M. Chow, I. A. Ovid’ko, and T. Tsakalakos (Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1999) pp. 25–40.
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24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.
G. A. Jablonski, F. W. Geurts, A. J. Sacco and R. R. Biederman, ‘Carbon deposition over Fe, Ni, and Co foils from and gas mixtures: I. Morphology’, Carbon 30 (1992) 87–98. Y. Gogotsi, J. Libera and M. Yoshimura, ‘Hydrothermal Synthesis of Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes’, J. Mater. Res. 15 (2000) 2591–2594. J. A. Libera and Y. Gogotsi, ‘Hydrothermal Synthesis of Graphite Tubes Using Ni Catalyst’, Carbon 39 (2001) 1307–1318. W. Suchanek, J. Libera Y. Gogotsi and M. Yoshimura, ‘Behavior of under Hydrothermal Conditions: Amorphization and Formation of Nanotubes’, Carbon (2002) submitted. G. Katagiri, H. Ishida and A. Ishitani, ‘Raman Spectra of Graphite Edge Planes’, Carbon 26 (1988) 565–571. Y. Gogotsi, J. A. Libera A. Güvenç-Yazicioglu and C. M. Megaridis, ‘In-situ Multi-phase Fluid Experiments in Hydrothermal Carbon Nanotubes’, Appl. Phys. Lett. 79 (2001) 1021–1023. Y. Gogotsi, J. A. Libera, A. Güvenç-Yazicioglu and C. M. Megaridis, ‘In-situ Fluid Experiments in Carbon Nanotubes’, in Materials Research Society Meeting A7.4.1-A7.4.6 (MRS, Boston, 2001). S. Swamy, J. Calderon-Moreno and M. Yoshimura, ‘Hydrothermal Behavior of Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes’, J. Mater. Res. (2001) in press. Y. Gogotsi, J. A. Libera, A. F. K. v. Groos and M. Yoshimura, ‘Hydrothermal Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes’, in Joint Sixth International Symposium on Hydrothermal Reactions (ISHR) and Fourth International Conference on Solvo-Thermal Reactions (ICSTR) (in press, Kochi, Japan, 2000). J. M. Calderon-Moreno and M. Yoshimura, ‘Hydrothermal Processing of High-Quality Multiwall Nanotubes from Amorphous Carbon’, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 123 (2001) 741–742. J. M. Calderon-Moreno, T. Fujino and M. Yoshimura, ‘Carbon Nanocells Grown in Hydrothermal Fluids', Carbon 39 (2001) 618–621. J. M. Calderon-Moreno, S. S. Swamy, T. Fujino, and M. Yoshimura, ‘Carbon Nanocells and Nanotubes Grown in Hydrothermal Fluids’, Chem. Phys. Lett. 329 (2000) 317–322. V. Blank, G. V. Polyakov, B. A. Kalnitskiy, et al. ‘Nanocarbons Formed in a Hot Isostatic Pressure Apparatus’, Thin Solid Films 346 (1999) 86–90. Y. G. Gogotsi and K. G. Nickel, ‘Hydrothermal Synthesis of Diamond: Challenges and Opportunities’, Ceram. Eng. Sci. Proc. 18 (1997) 747–754. N. Yamasaki, S. Kanahara, K. Matsuoka and M. Tsubouchi, ‘Formation of Fine Spherical Carbons under Hydrothermal Conditions’, Nihon Kagaku-kai Shi (11) (1981) 1828–1830. S.-I. Hirano, M. Ozawa and M. Tobinaga, ‘Study on Process of Carbon Formation by Pressure Pyrolysis of Polystyrene’, Yogyo Kyokai Shi 94 (1986) 53–57.
Advanced Thermal Protection Coating Using Fullerenes Raouf O. Loutfy and Eugene M. Wexler Materials and Electrochemical Research (MER) Corporation, Tucson, AZ 85706, USA The new application of fullerenes (buckyballs) as an advanced thermal protection material was investigated. Based on experimental results, it was shown that due to low thermal conductivity and high emissivity, micrometer-scale fullerene films were capable of withstanding elevated temperatures (up to 800 °C) resulting in over a 100°C temperature decrease on the ‘cold’ surface of the underlying substrate.
The inside vacuum of a fullerene cage makes a low density, low conductivity and high compressibility material. The thermal conductivity of is about 1000 times less than that of graphite and is lower than that of most commercial insulation materials, for example, zirconia (0.326 W/m K). The temperature dependence of the thermal conductivity of pure as well as mixture is shown in Figure 1 [1]. As can be seen from the plot, the thermal conductivity of fullerene compacts with a density of ~94.5% of theoretical is around 0.21 W/m K for pure This is about onehalf of the measured value for a single crystal, and around 0.12 W/m K for a mixture of and It was also established that with the temperature increasing to about T = 500 °C, the thermal conductivity of fullerenes decreases in proportion to suggesting a phonon– phonon scattering mechanism of heat transfer inside the lattice.
(ed.), Perspectives of Fullerene Nanotechnology, 267–273. © 2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in Great Britain.
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In combination with high emissivity and established dielectric properties cm in air and cm in oxygen-free compacts) as well as zero volatile organic content (VOC), low thermal conductivity gives fullerenes a great potential of being used as an excellent thermal and electrical insulating material in various fields including advanced electronic systems, rocket engines, commercial satellite systems, the cryogenics industry, fire-retardant materials, etc. This chapter discusses results obtained in the process of experimental evaluation of thermal insulation properties of thin fullerene films subjected to external heating.
Experimental samples of fullerene thermal protection coatings were prepared using a physical vapor deposition (PVD) technique based on the excellent ability of fullerenes to sublime in vacuum. A measured amount of fullerene powder (~650 mg) containing ~85% of and ~15% of was placed into a high electrical resistance tantalum evaporation boat connected to the d.c. power source. A 60 X 60 X 3 mm aluminum substrate, pre-treated in saturated NaCl – 10% NaOH solution followed by neutralizing in 10% HC1 to clean the surface, and a crystal thickness monitor were attached to the water-cooled plate support, positioned ~250 mm above the boat and centered with respect to the openings in the boat cover to provide a uniform coating. The whole assembly was placed inside a highvacuum chamber and evacuated to about torr. The boat was then heated to about 600 °C for 1–3 h while the temperature of the substrate was maintained below 200 °C to enhance the fullerene condensation rate. The temperatures of both the boat and the substrate were monitored throughout the process using type ‘K’ thermocouples. As a result, samples with the thickness of the fullerene film ranging from 0.5 to were produced (Figure 2). In order to characterize the thermal protection efficiency of the fullerene films, an experimental setup was used where the fullerene-coated sample was mounted on top of the water-cooled heat sink so that the heat supplied to the coated (hot) surface could be rejected from the uncoated (cold) surface [2]. In this case, the total amount of heat transferred through the sample could be calculated based on the water flow rate and the
Advanced Thermal Protection Coating Using Fullerenes
temperature difference. In addition, temperature distributions were measured on both hot and cold surfaces of the sample throughout the experiment using the small-diameter bare-wire thermocouples (type ‘R’ for hot surface and type ‘K’ for cold surface) connected to the computerized data acquisition system. A schematic of the set-up is shown in Figure 3. A high-temperature propane torch was used as a heat source. To determine the amount of heat supplied to the surface of the sample, the torch was placed on a balance to obtain the amount of propane spent over the duration of the experiment. As a result, the mass flow rate of propane (g/s) was calculated and multiplied by its combustion value (48.7 kJ/g) to produce the generated amount of heat (kW). The difference between the amount of heat supplied and the amount of heat rejected (based on the flow rate of cooling water and its temperature increase) constituted the heat losses. Each sample was run at several levels of heat flux, which resulted in various temperature distributions on the coated surface of the sample. Overall, the range of heat fluxes supplied to the surface of the samples was between 50 and In addition, the samples were tested under condition of air-cooling of the cold surface by natural convection to allow higher temperatures on the coated surface. Based on the procedure described above, the performance of the fullerene-based protective films was evaluated in comparison with the following commercially available coatings: polyurethane produced by Deft (MIL-C-85285) and currently employed by Navy Airforces for thermal protection of external aircraft structures, and stainless steel spray coating produced by Terand Industries, Inc. Aluminum alloy 7075 was utilized as a substrate material. 3. Experimental Results and Discussion
Based on the calculated amount of heat Q (W) passed through the sample and rejected by the heat sink and the difference between the temperature on the heated surface of the sample (°C) and the average temperature of the cooling water (°C), the effective thermal resistance (°C/W) of such a system can be calculated as [3]:
Raouf O. Loutfy and Eugene M. Wexler
where and are the mass flow rate (kg/s) and the heat capacity (J/kg K) of water; and are the inlet and the outlet water temperatures, respectively, and the average water temperature is determined as By determining the effective thermal resistances of the coated and uncoated substrates using Equation 1, the effective thermal resistance of the coating can be calculated. For example, the effective thermal resistance of the fullerene film deposited onto the aluminum substrate can be determined as:
where and are effective thermal resistances of the fullerene-coated and uncoated aluminum substrates, respectively, calculated at certain heat fluxes. The obtained value of the effective thermal resistance of the coating allows an estimation of the temperature gradient through its thickness to be made. For example, the temperature gradient through the thickness of the fullerene film can be determined as:
where is the thickness of fullerene film. Figure 4 shows the values of thermal resistances calculated at different heat fluxes based on experimental data for substrates with different thermal protection coatings: fullerenes (Al/MF), polyurethane (Al/PU), stainless steel (Al/SS) as well as an uncoated
Advanced Thermal Protection Coating Using Fullerenes
substrate (Al). It should be noted that the presented values include multiple components, such as contact resistance between the substrate and the sink, thermal resistance of the sink, etc. and, therefore, can be used for comparison purposes only. The plot also shows results obtained for fullerene film based on Equation 2. As can be seen from the plot, the thermal resistance of the aluminum substrate coated with a thin fullerene layer is 1.4–1.5 times greater than that of the other samples including those coated with polyurethane and stainless steel. The estimated value of thermal resistance of the fullerene film appeared to vary between 0.78 and 0.83 °C/W with a tendency to increase with the heat flux. This can be explained by the slight decline in thermal conductivity of fullerenes with temperature (Figure 2). Based on the obtained values of and Equation 3, it becomes possible to estimate the temperature gradient through the fullerene film at various heat fluxes (Table 1). As follows from the presented data, micrometer-scale thin films of fullerenes are capable of developing extremely high temperature gradients across the thickness to provide superior thermal protection as compared to other candidate solutions. In addition to the experiments described above, a short-term performance of fullerenebased thermal protection coatings was evaluated at higher temperatures (~800 °C) by exposing a fullerene-coated aluminum 7075 sample to the flame generated by a propane torch, and allowing natural cooling of the cold surface. The temperatures of both hot and cold surfaces were monitored throughout the experiment. For comparison purposes, the uncoated aluminum plate was tested under the same conditions. The results of experimental measurements are presented in Figure 5. As follows from the graph, the temperature of the fullerene-coated surface of the aluminum plate reaches almost 800 °C in about 2 min, while the temperature of the cold surface rises slowly and in the same amount of time reaches only 300 °C resulting in a temperature difference close to 500 °C. The amount of heat supplied to the surface by the propane torch was estimated to be ~470 W. At the same time, when the heat is supplied to the uncoated aluminum plate, the temperature of the hot surface reaches ~650 °C while the temperature of the cold surface is about 400 °C resulting in ~250 °C difference. The amount of heat supplied to the surface in this case was ~524 W. The rejected heat flux was not measured in these experiments. Hence, the presence of the thick fullerene film resulted in about a 100°C reduction in the temperature of the cold surface.
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Based on the obtained experimental results, the feasibility of using fullerenes as a new concept of highly effective advanced thermal barrier materials has been demonstrated. During this investigation the following observations were made. Fullerenes are unique thermal insulation materials characterized by a favorable combination of low thermal conductivity/diffusivity and high emissivity, capable of competing with the majority of existing alternatives. Fullerenes are easy to deposit onto metal (or other) surfaces by PVD techniques using a vacuum sublimation process, which results in a reasonably stable coating. Thin film fullerene coating, produced by sublimation, proved to be more effective as compared to other candidate materials (polyurethane (MIL-C-85285) and stainless steel spray coatings) by being able to withstand temperatures as high as ~800 °C and developing temperature gradients of the order of °C/mm in a thick layer while providing ~0.78–0.83°C/W thermal resistance. Based on these results and the steps taken to ensure a consistent decline in the cost of fullerene production [4], the proposed concept may offer a viable economic alternative to the existing thermal protection methods and materials while providing far better performance.
Advanced Thermal Protection Coating Using Fullerenes
Acknowledgment This research project was sponsored by Naval Air Warfare Center (Aircraft Division) SBIR Contract N68335-00-C-0128. References 1.
J. C. Withers, R. O. Loutfy, et al. ‘Thermal Diffusivity/Conductivity of Compacts of Buckminsterfullerene and a Mixture’, J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 76 [3] (1993) 754–56. 2. N. A. Toropov, “Heat-Resistant Coatings”, Academic Press, New York (1967). 3. A. V. Lykov. “Analytical heat diffusion theory”, Academic Press, New York (1983). 4. www.fullereneinternational.com.
Ablative and Flame-Retardant Properties of Fullerenes Raouf O. Loutfy and Eugene M. Wexler Materials and Electrochemical Research (MER) Corporation, Tucson, AZ 85706, USA The novel applications of fullerenes (buckyballs) as ablative cooling and flameretardant materials were investigated. Based on experimental results, it was shown that due to the high heat of sublimation and low ablation rates, fullerenes can provide excellent ablative cooling in the temperature range of 600 to 1000°C. In addition, the unique flameretardant ability of fullerenes was demonstrated.
1. Introduction
Ablative cooling offers many advantages when used for a short-term cooling of rocket engine thrust chambers, especially in booster and upper-stage applications. In this process, combustion-gas-side wall material/coating is sacrificed by melting, vaporization, and chemical changes to dissipate heat. In addition, the ablative material is usually a good thermal insulator, which keeps to a minimum the heat transmitted to the outer structures. Currently, pyrolysis of resins contained in the chamber wall material is used for ablative cooling. In this case, the ablative liner is fabricated from materials such as phenolic-resin-impregnated high-silica fabric or carbon/carbon composites [1]. This chapter offers a new approach to ablative cooling based on fullerenes. The sublimation point of fullerenes is about 600 °C for and about 850 °C for Accordingly, the heat of sublimation is about 146 kJ/mol for and about 184 kJ/mol for The high heat of sublimation suggests that the cooling provided per millimeter of surface ablated will be high. In addition, while being an excellent insulation material with high emissivity, fullerenes can provide the required thermal protection by radiating the energy back and, thus, preventing the underlying structures from overheating. In order to experimentally evaluate the performance of fullerenes as ablative cooling materials, a number of samples was produced by applying four different methods: pressing of dry fullerene powder, spraying from fullerene-containing solution, physical vapor deposition (PVD) via sublimation and mixing fullerenes with an epoxy binder. Results of the flame tests and experimentally estimated ablation rate are described below. 2.
Experimental samples of fullerene material were prepared using the following techniques: Dry pressing fullerene discs. Pressing of fullerenes was conducted by using a stainless steel die and applying ~100–140 MPa pressure. The 1.58 and 1.45-mm thick fullerene discs produced were then affixed to the copper substrates using Hysol 9394 two-part epoxy, after which the samples were dried at 60–70 °C for 1 h. Spraying of mixed fullerenes. To deposit fullerenes by spraying, a fullerene-containing toluene solution with a loading of ~4.4g/1 was passed through a copper coil heated to (ed.), Perspectives of Fullerene Nanotechnology, 275–280. © 2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in Great Britain.
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130°C and sprayed at a rate of 20 ml/min using an airbrush fed with ~0.5 MPa argon pressure onto a degreased surface of the copper substrates, allowing the film to dry after each deposition. The nozzle tip was kept at a distance of about 5” from the surface of the sample, so that the coated surface was just slightly moist during fullerene application, as a build-up of excessive toluene-containing layer would re-dissolve underlying fullerenes and result in uneven coating. After spraying was finished, the substrate with fullerenes was dried in vacuum at 100–110 °C to remove the solvent. The photographs of both dry-pressed fullerene disc and spray-coated copper substrate are shown in Figure 1. Fullerene-epoxy spray coatings. Fullerene powder was mixed into a very dilute toluene/epoxy solution and sprayed onto the substrates using the same airbrush as was used for fullerene-concentrated solutions. Epoxy-fullerene loadings of 25% and 50% were used. Hysol 9394 epoxy was mixed with toluene and the fullerenes were then mixed into the thinned epoxy paste. The coating mixture was agitated on a stir plate to keep the fullerene particles in suspension, and the mixture was applied with an airbrush using ~0.5 MPa of argon pressure. The substrates were heated to 60 °C and the sprayed solution was applied intermittently so as to allow the coated surface to remain slightly dry. Samples were then cured at 66 °C for 1 h. The resulting thickness of the coating was about 0.9 mm. Deposition of thin fullerene films via sublimation. A measured amount of fullerene powder (~650 mg) containing~85% of and ~15% of was placed into a high electrical resistance tantalum evaporation boat connected to the d.c. power source. A 57-mm diameter and 1.24-mm thick copper substrate and a crystal thickness monitor were attached to the water-cooled plate support positioned ~250 mm above the boat and centered with respect to the openings in the boat cover to provide a uniform coating. The whole assembly was placed inside a high-vacuum chamber and evacuated to about torr. The boat was then heated to about 600 °C for 1–3 h while the temperature of the substrate was maintained below 200 °C to enhance the fullerene condensation rate. The temperatures of both the boat and the substrate were monitored throughout the process using type ‘K’ thermocouples. As a result, samples with the thickness of fullerene film ranging from 0.5 to were produced (Figure 2). In order to characterize the ablative cooling efficiency of the fullerene samples, an experimental hot-flame test apparatus was constructed using a hydrogen flame torch mounted perpendicular to the sample holder. The sample was first mounted on a copper 276
Ablative and Flame-Retardant Properties of Fullerenes
substrate and then fastened to an insulating block. The flame was produced from a hydrogen-air mixture, which has an adiabatic flame temperature of about 2000 °C. A quartz tube was used as a chimney between the torch and the sample to avoid any air turbulence to the flame. Gas flows were controlled using standard gas flowmeters. The data (temperature versus time) were accumulated from an array of seven type ‘K’ thermocouples located on the backside of the sample copper substrate and from a type ‘R’ thermocouple located at the heated surface of the sample. An optical pyrometer was also used to measure the sample surface temperature during the testing. The schematic of the experimental set-up is shown in Figure 3. During the performance evaluation, the fullerene samples prepared as described above were subjected to heat fluxes ranging from 140 to while the temperature rise on both surfaces was monitored using the computerized data-acquisition system. Sample weight loss and thickness change were recorded after the completion of the tests to characterize the ablation rate. 277
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Experimental Results and Discussion
The ablation rate ured weight loss
of fullerene samples of each type was evaluated based on the measover the time period from the area A as follows:
where is the heat of sublimation of fullerenes [2]. Table 1 presents the summarized results for each type of fullerene sample tested under the heat influx of ~800 W. In this Table, and are thickness and density of the fullerene sample, respectively, is a temperature reduction achieved on the back surface due to fullerene protection, and is an equivalent heat shield capability defined as temperature reduction divided by the unit weight of the fullerene sample. The values of and A in Equation 1 were ~300 s and respectively, considering that the effective diameter of the heated area was ~2.5 cm. As can be seen from Table 1, the best results were achieved with the fullerene coating produced by sublimation of fullerenes. This sample is characterized by higher density and lower ablation rate as compared to others, while providing a very essential temperature reduction. The dry-pressed samples demonstrated a somewhat higher ablation rate at lower density, and spray-coated samples appeared to be the least effective. As it appears, the structural integrity of the sample plays an important role in fullerene performance. The denser the sample, the better the results in ablative cooling that can be achieved. In the case of pressed and spray-deposited fullerenes, the density was lower than theoretical due to the presence of pores and solvent, while in the case of sublimed fullerenes, it was the highest. At the same time, it is important to note that in most cases the mentioned fullereneepoxy system did not burn and char as opposed to the graphite-epoxy one, indicating that fullerenes have imparted high-temperature properties to the epoxy. Should a binder with lower ablative rates be identified, such a system may well appear practically viable.
Ablative and Flame-Retardant Properties of Fullerenes
The pictures of hot-flame tested surfaces of both fullerene-epoxy and graphite-epoxy samples are presented in Figure 4. As can be seen from the picture, the fullerene-containing sample does not catch fire when exposed to the high temperature of the flame, while the graphite-containing sample does. This suggests an immediate application of fullerenes in fire-retardant materials. Thus, the presented data strongly support the potential of using fullerenes as an effective thermal protection material, which combines excellent ablative cooling, insulating and fire-retarding properties.
Based on the obtained experimental results, the feasibility of using fullerenes as a new concept of highly effective material for use in ablative cooling systems has been demonstrated. During this investigation, the following observations were made. Fullerenes are unique thermal insulation materials characterized by a favorable combination of low thermal conductivity/diffusivity, high emissivity, low ablation rates and high heat of sublimation, which makes them capable of competing with the majority of existing alternatives. Fullerenes can be easily applied to the surface that requires thermal protection, by either a sublimation process or by using a binder. The maximum performance was achieved in the case of sublimed fullerene films demonstrating low ablation rates and high heat-shielding effect. When mixed with a binder, fullerenes were noticed to impart high-temperature properties to it resulting, for example, in essential flame retardation. However, further optimization is needed to decrease the overall ablation rate. Based on these results and the steps taken to ensure a consistent decline in the cost of fullerene production [3], the proposed concept may offer a viable economic alternative to the existing thermal protection methods and materials while providing far better performance. 279
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Acknowledgment This research project was sponsored by NASA SBIR Contract NAS9–19049. References D. Huzel and D. Huang, “Modern engineering for design of liquid-propellant rocket engines” (American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1992). 2. J. C. Withers, R. O. Loutfy et al. “Thermal Diffusivity/Conductivity of Compacts of Buckminsterfullerene and a Mixture’, J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 76[3] (1993) 754–56. 3. www.fullereneinternational.com. 1.
Gas-Phase Hydrogenation of Fullerenes Raouf O. Loutfy and Eugene M. Wexler Materials and Electrochemical Research (MER) Corporation, Tucson, AZ 85706, USA This chapter summarizes the experimental results of gas-phase hydrogenation of fullerenes to demonstrate their potential as a high-capacity hydrogen-storage material. Based on the obtained data, practically important relationships between weight per cent hydrogen and temperature-pressure-time conditions of the reaction were established. In addition, the composition of fullerene hydrides obtained under various conditions was characterized.
Among other reactions, fullerenes have demonstrated their ability to react with gaseous hydrogen via hydrogenation of carbon–carbon double bonds. The theory predicts that a maximum of 60 hydrogen atoms can be attached both to the inside (endohedrally) and outside (exohedrally) of the fullerene spherical surface and that a stable isomer can be formed loaded with ~7.7 wt % hydrogen. Since many of the fullerene reactions appear to be reversible, if a 100% conversion of is achieved, 30 moles of gas would be liberated from each mole of fullerene hydride: Since 1 mole of gas can produce 67.25 W h of electric power, 30 moles of generated by 1 mole of should produce 2017.5 W h of electricity resulting in 2.6 kW h/kg or power density (density of is The process of hydrogenation of fullerenes involves formation of C–H bonds as a result of breakage of C=C double bonds of fullerenes and H–H bonds of molecular hydrogen to form hydrogen atoms. Although the hydrogenation reaction is exothermic (the heat is released as a result of reaction), additional energy is required to break these bonds. Besides the thermodynamics involved into this process, a certain energy barrier has to be overcome for the reaction to occur. Based on MER’s previous data [1], the activation energy for the hydrogenation was estimated to be 100 kJ/mole Considering the dehydrogenation process, the potential barrier, associated with the breakage of C–H bonds, re-establishing C=C double bonds and re-forming molecular hydrogen, is even higher, and reaches about 160 kJ/mole The conceptual model for hydrogenation and dehydrogenation is schematically illustrated in Figure 1. High activation energy, mainly associated with atomization of molecular hydrogen, is a major reason why elevated temperatures and pressures are required to hydrogenate fullerenes in the gas phase. From the thermodynamic point of view, hydrogenation conditions seem to be quite moderate. According to the basic thermodynamic analysis of the reaction:
(ed.), Perspectives of Fullerene Nanotechnology, 281–287. © 2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in Great Britain.
Raouf O. Loutfy and Eugene M. Wexler
its free energy
can be expressed as follows:
where is the heat of reaction and is the entropy of reaction. Typically, the heat of reaction changes with temperature according to the expression:
where is the difference in heat capacities between the products and the reactants. However, since in this case is extremely low, the temperature effect on can be neglected. The enthalpy and entropy of the reaction can be expressed as follows:
In the above expressions, the heat of formation of is zero by definition and the difference of entropies between and is assumed to be negligible in the presence of gaseous hydrogen. Hence, the above expressions can be presented in the simplified form as:
The entropy of can be calculated using statistical thermodynamics of an ideal gas, according to which consists of translational, rotational, vibrational and electronic components [2]. The last two are negligibly small as compared to the first two, which is why can be represented as follows:
Gas-Phase Hydrogenation of Fullerenes
where and symmetry number Based on these expressions and the data for and of the reaction can be calculated as a function of temperature and pressure. The results obtained for and at 1 atm pressure are represented in Figure 2. As can be seen from the plot, formation of fullerene hydrides is thermodynamically favorable even at atmospheric pressure in quite a wide range of relatively low temperatures. According to these data, the most readily formed and, therefore, the most stable compound among the spectrum of hydrogenated fullerenes is since it possesses the lowest energy. This explains why this product is the one mostly formed in the process of hydrogenation at various conditions. Described below are the experimental results of gas–phase hydrogenation of fullerenes, based on which practically important relationships between hydrogen content and process parameters were established and analyzed. 2.
Purified (99.99%) as well as the mixture of ~85% and ~15% fullerenes were reacted with gaseous hydrogen under different temperature, pressure and time combinations using a hot isostatic press (HIP). The reaction parameters varied in the following ranges: temperature – from 350 to 450 °C, pressure – from 10 to 85 MPa, and time – from 0.5 to 2 h. As a result, a different level of hydrogenation was achieved under the 283
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different conditions. Depending on hydrogen content, the color of the powder varies from dark brown (low wt % hydrogen) to bright yellow (high wt % hydrogen). This change in spectrum of colors as a function of hydrogen content is illustrated in Figure 3. Generally, it was noticed that an increase in any of the reaction parameters leads to a higher degree of hydrogenation of fullerenes. Tables 1 and 2 detail some of the experimental data obtained as a result of hydrogenation of and pure To summarize the data presented above and determine possible relationships between weight per cent hydrogen in and the parameters of hydrogenation (temperature, pressure, time), the method of multiple linear regression was used. According to this method, for a population of three variables the functional relationship was used, where the are the population regression coefficients to be determined. Based on the data from Tables 1 and 2, the following values for were obtained:
Coefficient of determination = 0.985 Standard deviation of estimate = 0.286
Gas-Phase Hydrogenation of Fullerenes
Raouf O. Loutfy and Eugene M. Wexler
Knowledge of such relationships is practically useful since it allows to estimate and compare various reaction conditions necessary to achieve the desired results. Figure 4 illustrates one such comparison performed for and using Equation 10. As can be seen from the graph, under the same pressure, temperature and time, the mixture can be hydrogenated to higher levels than just which is likely an effect of Also, higher temperatures and pressures result in a higher degree of hydrogenation, where the effect of the temperature prevails. Hence, by choosing a proper combination of the reaction conditions, the desired level of hydrogenation can be achieved. Practically, it has to be noted that selecting too low a temperature or pressure may result in much slower kinetics of the reaction and, thus, much longer time, while on the other hand, by selecting too high a temperature, there is a risk of converting the
Gas-Phase Hydrogenation of Fullerenes
fullerenes into carbon. The latter also depends on the amount of sample being reacted. In addition, as shown below, variation in time may result in different chemical composition of the reaction products. Figure 5 illustrates the results of mass-spectral analysis of hydrogenated obtained at the same temperature and pressure, but different time. As can be seen from these data, hydrogenated fullerenes represent a mixture of compounds with various hydrogen content (for example, etc.), which narrows down to the most stable as the duration of the reaction increases. These results are in agreement with earlier findings based on thermodynamic analysis and have to be accounted for in practice. 3.
As a result of the conducted theoretical and experimental analyses, the process of formation of fullerene hydrides was characterized and the gas-phase hydrogenation of fullerenes demonstrated. It was shown that despite the moderate process conditions predicted by thermodynamics, the actual reaction requires much higher temperatures and pressures to occur, which results from the high activation energy. In practice, temperatures as high as 425–450 °C and pressures as high as 75–80 MPa are needed to produce an adequate product. This may still be advantageous for those applications requiring pure uncontaminated product. However, to enhance the practicality of this process, the temperature and pressure conditions have to be moderated. Possible solutions may include using appropriate catalysts, altering the phase of reaction, modifying the electronic structure of fullerenes, etc. Similar approaches may prove useful in facilitating a reversible reaction of dehydrogenation of fullerene hydrides, which currently takes place at even higher temperatures (500–550 °C), which may result in partial decomposition of fullerenes. Acknowledgment
This research project was sponsored by U.S. Army SBIR Contract DAAH01-96-C-R184. References 1. N. F. Goldshleger and A. P. Moravsky, ’Fullerene Hydrides: Synthesis, Properties, and Structure’, Russian Chem. Rev. 66(4) (1997) 323–342. 2. W. J. Moore, “Physical Chemistry”, (Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1964). 3. A. Rathna and J. Chandrasekhar, ’Theoretical study of hydrogenated buckminsterfullerene derivatives with benzenoid rings, (n= 1–8)’, Chem. Phys. Lett. 206 (1993) 217.
Hydrogenation of Alkali Metal-Doped Fullerenes Raouf O. Loutfy and Eugene M. Wexler Materials and Electrochemical Research (MER) Corporation, Tucson, AZ 85706, USA This paper presents theoretical analysis and summarizes experimental results of hydrogenation of alkali metal-doped fullerene compounds with modified electronic structure. It is shown that the charge transfer facilitated by alkali metals results in a dramatic decrease in activation energy of the reaction and, hence, allows significant moderation of the process parameters, such as temperature and pressure. Issues associated with further optimization of such system based on type and concentration of the doping metal are also discussed.
Doping fullerenes with different types of ions may significantly affect the electronic structure of the molecule and, hence, the properties of the material responsible for its interaction with hydrogen. By analogy with rare earth intermetallic compounds etc.) reported to rapidly and reversibly absorb hydrogen even at room temperature [1], one would expect to observe similar effects from potential fullerene complexes and However, these complexes are unlikely to be produced using because of its electrophilic nature. Although it was reported that a zerovalance complex can be produced between and Ni or Ni-containing compounds [2], the current high cost of production and purification of fullerenes limits the research effort in this direction. The structure contains C–C bonds of two types: the shorter double bonds (1.38 Å) forming common sides of two hexagons, and the longer single bonds (1.45 Å), constituting the common side of a hexagon and a pentagon. Calculations of the electronic structure of confirmed that the of the molecule is electron-deficient and that fullerenes behave like polyolefins rather than aromatic compounds [3]. The electrondeficient double bonds are the most reactive, and addition to these bonds occurs when fullerenes react with hydrogen. The process of attaching hydrogen atoms to the fullerene double bonds proceeds by the type of mechanism called oxidative addition. By transferring more electrons to the double bonds, it should be easier to make them attract hydrogen atoms. Practically, the charge transfer to fullerene molecules can be accomplished by doping them with alkali metals. When the reaction between alkali metals and fullerenes occurs, the former donate their electrons resulting in formation of ‘fulleride’ anions. Because of the low energy and triply degenerate nature of their lowest unoccupied molecular orbitals (LUMO) [4], fullerenes can be reduced up to hexa-anion
The reaction between fullerenes and alkali metals can be conducted directly by using a vapor-transport technique [5]. According to this technique, stoichiometric amounts of reagents are placed into a sealed container, evacuated and heated up to 225–250 °C or (ed.), Perspectives of Fullerene Nanotechnology, 289–292. © 2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in Great Britain.
Raouf O. Loutfy and Eugene M. Wexler
higher for at least 4–6 h. As a result, an alkali metal fulleride is formed. By applying the same technique, it is possible to produce fullerene compounds containing two or more alkali metals [6]:
where When electrophilic fullerenes react with electropositive alkali metals, the latter are being placed into available tetrahedral or octahedral interstices formed by adjacent fullerene cages. The tetrahedral sites with a radius of 1.12 Å are smaller than the octahedral sites having a radius of 2.06 Å. Thus, ions that are occupying tetrahedral sites larger than are lattice expanding. On the other hand, all alkali cations are smaller than the octahedral sites and, therefore, cause lattice contraction. As a result, lattice distortion may occur, which eventually weakens C=C bonds and lowers the activation energy of their breakage. Depending on their size, various alkali metals may have a different effect of reactivity with fullerenes. As is shown in Table 1, in the case of doping with there is no restriction imposed on interaction resulting in optimal contact. In the case of the lattice is distorted, which significantly restricts the rotational motion of and, hence, its reactivity. And in the case of the overall contraction of the molecule is too strong, so that interaction is severely restricted. In addition, a small Li ion brings over a very weak negative charge, which makes little effect on the electronegativity of the fullerene cage. Based on this analysis, the expected reactivity of alkali metal-doped fullerenes can be characterized as follows:
which suggests that the best results in weakening C=C bonds is expected from doping of with Na. 2. Experimental
The process of intercalation was conducted by placing the weighed stoichiometric amounts of fullerene powder and alkali metal (Na, K, Li) into a closed container, 290
Hydrogenation of Alkali Metal-Doped Fullerenes
heating it to 400 °C for about 10–12 h and then cooling. As a result, metal vapors precipitated on fullerene powder to produce intercalated compounds of the following composition: and The resulting alkali metal–fullerene compounds appeared to be more reactive with hydrogen under mild conditions without requiring additional catalyst. The experimental results of hydrogenation of alkali metaldoped fullerenes are shown in Table 2. As can be seen from Table 2, the increase in pressure and time leads to higher weight per cent hydrogen storage in fullerenes at 200 °C. For example, hydrogenation of under 13.8 MPa for 24 h results in 3.91% hydrogen storage without usage of any additional catalyst. The increase in hydrogen storage can also be observed at higher concentrations of alkali metal. Thus, switching to with higher sodium content resulted in ~4% hydrogen storage at 1500 psi hydrogen pressure applied over the same time period. On the other hand, it can be seen that the hydrogen storage capability of K- and Lidoped fullerenes is considerably less than that of compounds tested under similar conditions, which completely agrees with predicted results. To verify the relationship between the level of hydrogenation and the alkali metal content, an attempt was made to produce highly intercalated fullerene compounds with high concentration of alkali metal. According to [7, 8], the highest alkali metal content in fullerenes can be achieved using Li metal although similar compounds with Na (for example, were also reported. Based on the high-pressure intercalation procedure described in these sources, a compound was produced by applying ~800 000 psi (5.5 GPa) pressure to the anvil cell containing stoichiometric amounts of fullerenes and Li, at 280 °C. The produced compound was characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), infrared (IR) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) to confirm that no excessive Li was left after intercalation, and then tested for hydrogen storage. As a result of a 24-h exposure to hydrogen under ~10 MPa pressure and 200 °C, the level of
Raouf O. Loutfy and Eugene M. Wexler
hydrogenation did not exceed 3 wt %, which is similar to the results obtained using This could be a likely result of Li clusters formation on the available sites, which indicates limited charge transfer by Li cations, or could be attributed to the phase transition, which undergoes at high pressures [9, 10]. These findings may suggest a possible existence of the optimum concentration of alkali metal enabling a maximum level of hydrogenation of compounds. However, this needs to be verified. As can be seen from the described results, modification of the electronic structure of fullerenes by doping them with alkali metals does improve the hydrogenation process at lower temperature and pressure. However, the dehydrogenation of the produced hydrides still remains questionable. According to the experimental data, only about 1.1 wt % of hydrogen was released by heating an hydrogenated sample of to 200 °C in vacuum for 6 h. During future research, the effect of a catalyst on facilitating hydrogen exchange in such compounds will be studied. 3.
Based on the performed analysis and obtained experimental results, a new approach to produce hydrogenated fullerenes at moderate conditions using the alkali metal doping concept was investigated. It was shown that by administering charge transfer, it is possible to significantly lower the activation energy of the reaction and, hence, moderate the process parameters. Among three alkali metals involved in this study, Na demonstrated a higher capability in enhancing fullerene reactivity toward hydrogen, which seems to increase even more at higher metal loading. However, the optimum concentration of the alkali metal in fullerenes has yet to be established. Acknowledgment
This research project was sponsored by U.S. Army SBIR Contract DAAH01-96-C-R184 and US DOE Hydrogen Program Contract DE-FC36-00G010532. References 1. G. Alefeld and J. Völkl, “Hydrogen in Metals I. Basic Properties”, (Springer-Verlag, 1978). 2. B. P. Tarasov, V. N. Fokin, A. P. Moravsky, et al. “Promotion of Fullerene Hydride Synthesis by 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Intermetallic Compounds”, in Proceedings of the Twelfh World Hydrogen Energy Conference, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 21–25 June 1998, pp. 1221–1230. N. F. Goldshleger and A. P. Moravsky, ‘Fullerene Hydrides: Synthesis, Properties, and Structure’. Russian Chem. Rev. 66(4) (1997) 323–342. A. Rosen and B. Wastberg. J. Chem. Phys. 90 (1989) 2525. J. P. McCauley Jr, Qing Zhu, N. Coustel, et al. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 113 (1991) 8537. T. Tanigaki and T. W. Ebbesen, Nature 352 (1991) 222. V. A. Nalimova, “High Pressure For Synthesis and Study of Superdense Alkali Metal–Carbon Compounds”, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 310 (1998) 5–17. D. E. Sklovsky, H. Gaucher, G. N. Bondarenko, et al. “High Pressure Lithium Intercalation Into Catalytic Carbon Nanotubes”, ibid. 310 (1998) 165–171. I. O. Bashkin, V. I. Rashchupkin, A. F. Gurov, et al. J. Phys.: Condensed Matter 6 (1994) 7491. A. M. Rao, P. C. Eklund, V. D. Venkateswaran, et al. Appl. Phys. A 64 (1997) 231.
Unique Fullerene-Based Highly Microporous Carbons for Gas Storage Raouf O. Loutfy, Eugene M. Wexler and Weijiong Li Materials & Electrochemical Research (MER) Corporation, Tucson, AZ 85706, USA Unique highly microporous carbons have been synthesized from fullerenes using common porous carbon preparation procedures such as preoxidation, carbonization, and activation. The fullerene-based carbonaceous materials in different stages of preparation were characterized using various techniques such as low-pressure and high-pressure gas adsorption, elemental analysis, X-ray diffraction, and mercury porosimetry for their physical and chemical properties. A prepared porous carbon material under optimized conditions has the following outstanding features: (i) a super high BET surface area of (ii) a high micropore (pores ADP > M-30. This is obviously caused by the different packing densities of the three carbons, as shown in Table 2. Again, ACOF-1 stands out as best because it still possesses a relatively high packing density while having the super-high surface area and micropore volume. Although M-30 has somewhat similar gravimetric adsorption capacity to ACOF-1, it has a much lower volumetric adsorption capacity than ACOF-1 (only about half of that of ACOF-1) because of its very low packing density ADP outperforms M-30 on a volumetric basis due to its high packing density It seems ACOF-1 and ADP are suitable for applications where system volume is the key parameter, which is the case for many gas storage applications such as natural gas fuel storage on the next-generation vehicles. In any case, 301
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Unique Fullerene-Based Highly Microporous Carbons
ACOF-1 is superior to the other two commercial carbons in that it can be beneficial to the reduction of both system weight and volume. 4.
In this investigation, highly microporous carbon materials with unique physical and chemical properties have been produced from fullerenes. Process parameters involved in the steps for preparing the fullerene-based porous carbon have been studied and optimized. Preoxidation of fullerenes and activation of carbonized fullerenes are very important in enhancing the microporosity of the produced porous carbons. Compared to commercial activated carbons, the fullerene-based material has super-high surface area, high micropore volume, narrow pore size distribution, ultra-high purity, and relatively high packing density. These outstanding features result from the unique properties of the precursor material, fullerenes, from which the concept of making the fullerene-based porous carbon was developed. It has been shown that the novel porous carbon material may find effective uses in applications such as high-density (both gravimetric and volumetric) gas adsorption/storage, high-efficiency purification or polishing of gas or liquid streams, and high-activity catalyst or catalyst support. With the unique micropore structure, it may also find applications in some special gas separation processes such as gas analysis using a chromatographic technique. References 1. R. C. Bansal, J-B Donnet and F. Stoeckli, “Active Carbon”, (Marcel Dekker, New York, 1988). 2. B. Crittenden and W. J. Thomas, “Adsorption Technology and Design”, (Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford, 1998). 3. M. Suzuki, Carbon 32 (1994) 577–586. 4. J. Li, T. Mitsuki, M. Ozawa, H. Horiuchi, K. Kishio, K. Kitazwa, K. Kikuchi and Y. Achiba, ‘Growth and Morphology of and Single Crystals’, J. Crys. Growth 143 (1994) 58–65. 5. F. Rodriguez-Reinoso and A. Linares-Solaro, Chem. Phys. Carbon 21 (1989) 1. 6. S. J. Gregg and K. S. W. Sing, “Adsorption, Surface Area, and Porosity” (Academic Press, London, 1982). 7. J. C. Withers, R. O. Loutfy and T. P. Lowe, Fullerene Sci. Technol. 5(1) (1997) 1–31. 8. J. P. Oliver, W. B. Conklin and M. V. Szombathely, in “Characterization of Porous Solids III ” edited by J. Rouquerol, F. Rodriguez-Reinoso, K. S. W. Sing and K. K. Unger (Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1994) p. 81.
Use of Fullerenes and Carbon Nanotubes for Fabrication of Efficient Electron Field Emitters Raouf O. Loutfy, J.C. Withers and Stevan T. Dimitrijevic Materials and Electrochemical Research (MER) Corporation, Tucson, AZ 85706, USA This chapter presents the recent results in fabrication of efficient electron field emitters using fullerenes and carbon nanotubes. The concept of electron field emitters encompasses nanocrystalline-diamond-coated carbon nanotubes. Carbon nanotubes were found to be efficient electron field emitters by themselves. Diamond coating provides passive protection as well as active enhancement of emission by lowering the electron exit work function. During the presented study both, single-walled (SWNT) and multi-walled (MWNT) carbon nanotubes were used to form emitting arrays of nanotubes. Fullerenes were used as a feedstock for formation of nanocrystalline-diamond coating over the carbon nanotube arrays. Simultaneously with nanotube substrates, an array of W wires was coated with nanocrystalline diamond for the sake of comparison as well as to establish the effects of diamond presence on improvement of electron field emission. In all cases, the presence of diamond significantly improved the characteristics of electron field emission.
Exclusively carbon-based molecular forms, fullerenes and carbon nanotubes, discovered in the mid-1980s and early 1990s immediately provoked a large interest for applications in a variety of fields, ranging from nanotechnology to the cosmetics industry. It is, however, seldom that both of these structures have found a simultaneous application, as is the case of efficient electron field emitters. Carbon nanotubes have been the subject of extensive investigation in the recent years [1–11] due to their unique mechanical and electronic properties. Of particular interest for the work reported here are the electronic and field emission properties of such materials. Electron emission from nanotubes has been investigated by a number of groups throughout the world [5–8, 11–13], but a complete understanding of the emission mechanism is still lacking. Such a lack of understanding has not prevented the actual fabrication and test of field emission displays (FEDs) using nanotubes [14]. In order to further improve emission properties by protecting nanotubes from evaporation and by enhancing the emission intensity, a hard, temperature-resistant material was needed, having at the same time the ability of lowering the electron exit work function. Such a material was found in nanocrystalline diamond. Diamond has attracted a significant interest for application in tribological, optical, thermal and active electronic devices and systems. An appropriate optimization of diamond properties is required for each of these applications. For obvious reasons such an optimization can be achieved by modifying microstructure rather than composition or molecular structure of the material. The microstructure of PECVD-grown diamond is significantly affected by the nucleation process. Nucleation and initial growth of diamond films have been extensively studied [15–19], and different procedures and agents were proposed to promote the nucleation, but the mechanism of the process still appears to be elusive. Different solid precoursors were used for deposition of diamond (ed.), Perspectives of Fullerene Nanotechnology, 305–309. © 2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in Great Britain.
Raouf O. Loutfy, J.C. Withers and Stevan T. Dimitrijevic
and the best results were obtained for nanocrystalline diamond readily obtained from fullerenes by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) [15, 16, 20].
2. Experimental
Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNT) were produced in the d.c. electric arc between graphite rods. The anode is vaporized, and about 50% of the vaporized carbon is re-deposited on the cathode. MWNT are found in the cathode deposit. The core contains 20–40% MWNT, as characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Generally, the tubes are straight and have diameters between 7–12 nm, with anywhere from 5 to 50 layers of concentric graphitic layers. The lengths vary from 0.5 to about The ends are usually capped. In order to separate the MWNT from each other, the core material is ground in a mortar and pestle, then sieved to a particle size of less than Purification of MWNT was done by several methods including thermal oxidation under controlled conditions, ultrafiltration, and sedimentation separation. Single-walled nanotubes were obtained in an ‘as-produced’ matrix of amorphous carbon soot that contains about 7% of and higher fullerenes, in addition to single-walled nanotubes. The production process required the use of a catalyst, so the product also contained nanometer-sized metal particles. SWNTs were characterized by TEM, and were 0.7–2 nm in diameter and several tens of micrometers long. Unlike the multiple-walled nanotubes, single-walled nanotubes were flexible and often occurred in bundles of up to 20 tubes (‘buckybundles’). Techniques for separation of the tubes from the soot included acid treatment to decompose the metal residues and oxidative treatment to decompose the amorphous components. The as-produced soot contained 10–20% tubes by volume. Substrates for electron field emission were made by using a painting technique, similar to that used to form graphite coatings on advanced battery electrodes. The basis of the substrate was a metal foil, 0.02–0.04 mm thick, cut in shape of coupons (6.5 mm in diameter). One side of the coupon was roughened and coated by a liquid suspension of ground core carbon nanotubes. Adding small amounts of convenient, conductive binder to the suspension provided good adhesion and electrical contact. An air-brush was used to make a smooth coating with uniform thickness. After drying at room temperature, coupons were heat treated for 15 min at T= 150 °C, under vacuum. This procedure was repeated 2 to 5 times until a desired thickness of the coating was obtained. The half of the produced samples were cold pressed, using a pressure of ~70 MPa. The best results were obtained with suspensions containing 90% MWNT and 10% of binder, polyvinilydenfluoride, and using dimethylformamide as a solvent. Another way to form substrates was to apply a thin coating of colloidal silver on metal coupons and to spray carbon nanotubes on top of it after short drying in air. After drying at room temperature, samples were heat treated under vacuum. In this case, the nature of the liquid component of the nanotube suspension was irrelevant, since the binder was not used. This group of substrates was not pressed. Both procedures yielded substrates with good adhesion and with good electrical conductivity. Another type of substrate, consisting of an array of W wires was used for 306
Fabrication of Efficient Electron Field Emitters
deposition of diamond for the sake of comparison, and in order to establish the effect of diamond coating on emission enhancement. A conventional microwave plasma-enhanced CVD system with a quartz bell-jar chamber was used for deposition of nanocrystalline diamond. In addition to MWNT and SWNT substrates the array of sharpened, polished tungsten wires were also used as substrates. The surface was meticulously washed in an ultrasonic bath to remove traces of diamond paste. A mixture and as-produced fullerene soot (APFS) were used as precursors for diamond deposition. The experiments were carried out at 9 kPa, either in hydrogen–argon or in hydrogen–helium mixtures. The substrate temperature was 900 °C, and the temperature of the fullerene evaporator was 700 °C. 3.
The electron field emission of the samples was measured before and after deposition of diamond. The type of the metal basis (Mo, Cu or Al) did not affect the results of measurements. The obtained results have shown that the emitting surface materials were the most important for the emission characteristics. Measured data were used to plot emission current–field diagram and to determine the switch-on field. In addition to this, a threshold voltage was plotted against electrode gap to calculate the threshold field. For most of the uncoated samples the switch-on field was between 2 and After deposition of the diamond coating, the values were always lower, in most cases by 15%. Single-walled nanotubes have shown somewhat better emission characteristics than MWNT. The turn-on field was similar for both groups but the emission current measured for SWNT was higher than that for MWNT (Figure 1). In both cases the deposition of diamond visibly improved emission characteristics, mainly by lowering the threshold field from to below (Figure 2). Figure 3 shows the nanocrystalline diamond coating over the substrate of MWNT.
Raouf O. Loutfy, J.C. Withers and Stevan T. Dimitrijevic
In the case of W wires, the threshold field before deposition of diamond was and dropped to after deposition of nanocrystalline diamond. Figure 4 shows the nanocrystalline-diamond-coated tip of the sharpened W wire. It could be thus concluded that in all the examined cases the deposition of the nanocrystalline diamond coating over the substrate of sharp emitters, such as SWNT, MWNT or W wire arrays, resulted in improved electron field emission characteristics. 308
Fabrication of Efficient Electron Field Emitters
References 1. S. Iijima and T. Ichihashi, Nature 363 (1993) 603. 2. J. Bernholc, C. Roland and B. I. Yakobson, Curr. Op. Solid State Mater. Sci. 2 (1997) 706. 3. D. S. Bethune, C. H. Kiang, M. S. deVries, G. Gorman, R. Savoy, J. Vazquez and R. Beyers, Nature 363 (1993) 605. 4. O. M. Kuttel, O. Groening, C. Emmenegger and L. Schlapbach, Appl. Phys. Lett. 73 (1998) 2113. 5. J. M. Bonard, F. Maier, T. Stockli, A. Chatelain, W. A. de Heer, J. P. Salvetat and L. Forro, Ultramicroscopy 73 (1998) 7. 6. J. M. Bonard, J. P. Salvetat, T. Stockli, W. A. de Heer, L. Forro and A. Chatelain, Appl. Phys. Lett. 73 (1998) 918. 7. J. M. Bonard, J. P. Salvetat, T. Stockli, W. A. de Heer, L. Forro and A. Chatelain, Appl. Phys. A 69 (1999) 245. 8. Y. Saito, K. Hamaguchi, K. Hata, K. Tohji, A. Kasuya, Y. Nishina, K. Uchida, Y. Tasaka, F. Ikazaki and M. Yumura, Ultramicroscopy 73 (1998) 1. 9. W. A. de Heer, J. M. Bonard, T. Stoeckli, A. Chatelain, L. Forro and D. Ugarte, Z. Phys. D: At., Mol. Clusters 40 (1997) 418. 10. P. G. Collins and A. Zettl, Appl. Phys. Lett. 69 (1996) 1969. 11. P. G. Collins and A. Zettl, Phys. Rev. B: Condens. Matter 55 (1997) 9391. 12. Y. Saito, K. Hamaguchi, T. Nishino, K. Iiata, K. Tohji, A. Kasuya and Y. Nishina, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Part 2 36 (1997) L1340. 13. Y. Saito, K. Hamaguchi, S. Uemura, K. Uchida, Y. Tasaka, F. Ikazaki, M. Yumura, A. Kasuya and Y. Nishina, Appl. Phys. A 67 (1998) 95. 14. W. B. Choi, D. S. Chung, J. H. Kang, H. Y. Kim, Y. W. Jin, I. T. Han, Y. H. Lee, J. E. Jung, N. S. Lee, G. S. Park and J. M. Kim, Appl. Phys. Lett. 75 (1999) 3129. 15. P. E. Pehrsson, J. Glesner and A. Morish, Thin Solid Films 212 (1992) 81–89. 16. D. M. Gruen, MRS Bull. 23(9) (1998) 32–35. 17. R. J. Meliunas, R. P. H. Chang, S. Liu and M. M. Kappes, Appl. Phys. Lett. 59(26) (1991) 3461–3463. 18. N. Jiang, B. W. Sun, Z. Zhang and Z. Lin, J. Mater. Res. 9(10) (1994) 2695–2702. 19. X. L. Pen, J. Mater. Res. 9(6) (1994) 1573–1577. 20. M. C. Salvadori, J. W. Ager III, I. G. Brown and K. M. Krishnan, Appl. Phys. Lett. 59(19) (1991) 2386–2388.
Aligned Carbon-Nanotubes for Sensor Applications Raouf O. Loutfy and M. Hecht MER Corporation, Tucson, Arizona, USA Aligned carbon nanotube electrode arrays have been grown on silicon microchips for sensor applications. The arrays have been demonstrated for the application as electrochemical microanalytical sensors. The electrodes in the arrays had an average diameter of 200 run. About 13 million nanotube electrodes per square millimeter have been formed. The individual electrode tips in the arrays have been insulated from each other and the ends have been goldcoated and functionalized.
Multi-walled carbon nanotubes combine high electrical conductivity with mechanical strength and chemical inertness. Most common fabrication methods are arc synthesis with and without catalysts, and catalytic pyrolysis of hydrocarbons. Aligned nanotubes can be synthesized using the plasma-assisted decomposition of hydrocarbons at low pressure [1]. Catalysts for the aligned nanotube growth process include nickel, iron, palladium, and cobalt. The catalysts can be deposited onto electrode pads surrounded by non-conductive substrate using electrodeposition, or physical vapor deposition (PVD). Then, the substrate is placed into a chemical vapor deposition (CVD) reactor and a gas mixture of acetylene or methane with ammonia is introduced. A radio frequency or microwave plasma is used to provide the activation energy to generate radicals, which form the nanotubes. 2.
Results and Discussion
2.1. Sensor element structure
A nickel catalyst layer has been deposited onto gold electrode pads by electroplating. The nickel layer thickness has been controlled by coulometry. The gold electrode squares were connected by leads and were part of a silicon sensor chip. The individual nanotubes have been insulated by resin infiltration. The nanotubes have been exposed by polishing and the tips were gold coated by electroplating. Figure 1 illustrates a cross-section of a sensor element. The gold-tips have been functionalized using antibodies to exhibit a specific response to certain molecules. 2.2. Nanotube fabrication
Position and dimensions of the catalyst support determine nanotube array position and dimensions. Figure 2 shows an electrode after depositing the nickel catalyst. (ed.), Perspectives of Fullerene Nanotechnology, 311–316. © 2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in Great Britain.
Raouf O. Loutfy and M. Hecht
The lead connecting the electrode to other features of the chip is visible as the gray area around and above the electrode pad. The dimensions of the electrode were about Uniform nanotube arrays have been produced on the electrode pads using a plasmaassisted CVD process. A chip yield exceeding 92% has been achieved after optimization. It has been observed that the gas partial pressures have to be controlled within < ±8% to obtain these yields. The arrays did not extend beyond the nickel catalyst layer and the nanotube dimensions have been reproducible. Figure 3 shows the edge of a nanotube array. The growth process starts by breaking out small particles of the nickel catalyst layer. Nanotubes are formed under the nickel catalyst particles. The nickel catalyst particles 312
Aligned Carbon-Nanotubes for Sensor Applications
remain on top of the nanotubes after the growth process has been terminated and are visible in Figure 4. The tubes have a hollow center, which becomes visible if the ends of some tubes are broken off by mechanical force (Figure 5). This indicates that the tubes have a fish-bone or tubular internal structure. 2.3.
Sensor electrode preparation
The individual electrode tips should be insulated from each other to obtain the optimum desired edge diffusion effect of the electrochemical sensor. The necessity to insulate 313
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the nanoelectrodes applies only to the parts of the electrodes that are later in direct contact with the sample. The insulating material was a liquid resin. A requirement was that the polymer formed from the resin should be biologically compatible to avoid sensor degradation problems. Other requirements included low viscosity and low surface tension to be able to penetrate the space in-between the nanotubes. Poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) has been selected. The polymer has been dissolved in toluene and the solution has been used to infiltrate the nanotube arrays. Excess resin has been removed from the sensor chip surface by rotational forces in a spin-coating machine. This has been necessary because if the excess resin is not removed by spinning, resin crystallites form at the chip surface, which leave punctures in the resin layer after polishing. Figure 6 shows an infiltrated array before polishing. The sensor has been polished to expose the ends of the nanotubes. The substrate area surrounding the nanonanotube array is depressed by at least relative to the nanotube area because of the nanotube length and the nickel layer thickness, and therefore, remains covered with resin after polishing. Because the nanotubes are conductive, it was possible to electro-deposit gold on the tube ends. Any possible imperfections, which are not conductive, are not covered by gold and any conductive imperfections are covered. Because the sample solution later contacts the substrate in the same way that the gold-plating solution does, the sensorpreparation process is practically self-repairing and intolerant to possible surface defects. The observation that gold is only deposited on the ends of the nanonanotubes indicates that these ends are the only conductive part in the array. Any part, which is not gold plated is not conductive and will not be an electrode surface. An image of the gold plated electrode tips is shown in Figure 7. The gold plating effectively closes the center hole of the tubes. 314
Aligned Carbon-Nanotubes for Sensor Applications
Bare carbon electrode surfaces are usually unsuitable for the detection of substances in low concentrations. To improve the detection, functionalized surface coatings, which are specific to certain compounds, have been applied on the gold tips. In preliminary experiments, antibodies have been immobilized on the nanoelectrode arrays to determine the immobilization possibility, the antigen association, as well as the electrochemical response of the sensor with the adsorbed species. It has been observed that the antibodies can be specifically adsorbed on the gold tips and that the antibodies remain active for antigen–antibody interactions. Changes in the double-layer capacity and the amperometric response to electroactive species have been observed. 315
Raouf O. Loutfy and M. Hecht
Aligned carbon nanotubes can be grown on catalyst-coated electrodes. Substrate can be silicon microchips. The nanotubes are hollow. Arrays of nanotubes can be infiltrated with resin and the nanotube tips can be gold coated. The electrode arrays can be used for electrochemical sensors. Acknowledgments A part of this research and development effort was sponsored by the Department of Defense under contract DAAD13-99-C-0028. We also wish to acknowledge the help of Motorola, Inc. and Dr Mark Riley of the University of Arizona. Reference 1. Z. F. Ren, Z. P. Huang, J. W. Xu, J. H. Wang, P. Bush, M. P. Siegal and P. N. Provrncio, Science 282 (1998) 1105.
Carbon Nanotube–Polycarbonate Composites Raouf O. Loutfya, J.C. Withersa, M. Abdelkadera and M. Sennettb a
MER Corporation, 7960 S. Kolb Rd., Tucson, AZ 85750, USA US Army SBCCOM, Natick Soldier Center, Kansas Street, Natick, MA 01760, USA
Carbon nanotubes were investigated as high-performance reinforcement for polymer composites. The inherently superior mechanical properties of nanotubes coupled with the high interfacial surface areas available to dissipate energy suggest that nanotube–polymer composites would have excellent potential as high-strength, impact-resistant materials. The multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWNT) produced by arc and chemical vapor deposition and the double-walled nanotubes (DWNT) produced by the arc process were investigated as reinforcement in polycarbonate thermoplastic. The as-grown non-polar nanotubes did not disperse readily in high molecular weight polycarbonates. However, a significant increase in compressive strength was achieved by using uniformly dispersed nanotubes in low molecular weight polycarbonate and also in an optimum ratio of low and high molecular weight polycarbonate. The compressive strength enhancement for the same polymer matrix by the different nanotubes is dependent on the nanotube’s purity, the inherent properties (strength and dimension) of the nanotubes, and polymer compatability.
1. Introduction
Fibrous materials have long been used as reinforcing components for thermoplastics and thermosets polymers. Lately, carbon nanotubes have been extensively investigated for various applications [1–7], due to their exceptional inherent properties, such as high strength, high thermal and electrical conductivity, electron emission behavior, etc. Even though the carbon nanotubes are short, in the nano- to micrometer range, their high compressive strength (150GPa) [8], high aspect ratio, and extremely high individual tube modulus (1–5 TPa) [9] makes this new class of reinforcement a superior choice for developing high-performance materials. Enhancement of the mechanical properties resulted when non-polar and aromatic polymers, such as polypropylene [10], pitch [11, 12], polystyrene [11, 13] and polyphenylene sulfide [14] were filled with carbon nanotubes. Such improvements in mechanical properties were not observed in polar polymers such as nylon [10] and polyfurfural [11]. The reason that improvements were observed only in non-polar polymers was mostly due to compatible van der Waals interactions between the non-polar fibers and these polymer matrices. The improvements so far achieved are only a small fraction of the potential improvement to be expected from the nanotube properties. One way to achieve a larger fraction of that potential would be to use a conjugated polymer matrix. Conjugated polymers [15] seem to have a higher affinity for nanotubes. They are believed to coil or form helixes around the nanotubes, and to interact tightly through stacking forces. These interactions, between the filler (nanotubes) and the polymer matrix, are only one of the determining factors to produce composites with superior properties. In addition, uniform dispersion of the nanotubes in the polymer matrix is important to achieve improved properties. In this work the strong interaction between the short carbon nanotubes and specific polymers was demonstrated, by processing well dispersed nanotubes randomly oriented in three-dimensional (ed.), Perspectives of Fullerene Nanotechnology, 317–325. © 2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in Great Britain.
Raouf O. Loutfy, J.C. Withers, M. Abdelkader, et al.
composites. Physical as well as chemical treatment processes were applied to the carbon nanotubes in order to achieve well-dispersed and homogenous composites. 2.
2.1. Instrumentation and reagents Dispersion of nanotubes was carried out in dichloromethane using a 100-W FS30 (low energy) Fisher Scientific sonicator, and at a 475-W (high energy) Heat SystemsUltrasonics, Inc. Samples for compressive testing were prepared by melt processing in a mold between the two plates of a Carver Laboratory Press, equipped with a hydraulic system for pressure control and a thermocouple for temperature control. Composite’s compressive tests were performed on cylindrical samples at room temperature using a universal mechanical tester by Applied Test System. Multiwall, double-wall and vapor-grown multiwall nanotubes were produced at MER Corporation. The multiwalled and double-walled nanotubes were produced in an arc reactor. The arc-produced MWNT were ground core materials with about 30 wt % MWNT. A typical scanning electron microscopy (SEM) micrograph of as-produced arcMWNT is shown in Figure 1. The remaining part of the material is polygonal highly faceted nano-graphite particles. The arc-MWNT has an average diameter of 15 nm and length of 0.3 . This material was used without further treatment. There are processes to purify the MWNT up to 80 to 90 wt %. However, the yield of product after purification is less than 10% of the starting materials. The arc-produced double-wall nanotubes were produced according to the procedure described in [16]. The as-produced DWNT product is about 70% DWNT and they form bundles similar to single-walled nanotubes (SWNT). The remainder is amorphous carbon, some MWNT, and metal catalyst (~20 nm diameter particles). The arc-DWNT has an average diameter of ~4 nm and length of several micrometers. Again, the product can be further purified by selectively oxidizing the amorphous carbon and acid leaching of the catalyst. A typical SEM micrograph of as-produced DWNT is shown in Figure 2.
Carbon Nanotube–Polycarbonate Composites
The vapor-grown (VG) MWNT were produced using a modified CVD process as described in [17]. The VG-MWNT as produced is >90% by weight pure, and after acid leaching of the catalyst purity can be as high as 97% pure. Accordingly no further purification was required. A typical SEM micrograph of the VG-MWNT is shown in Figure 3. The VG-MWNT used in this study has an average diameter of 120 nm and length (as produced) of Polycarbonates from Bayer were used without any further purification. 2.2.
Preparation of nanotube–polycarbonate composites
A polycarbonate solution is prepared by dissolving polycarbonate in dichloromethane. This solution is added to a dispersion of nanotubes in an organic solvent with stirring. The mixture is then poured into a container to evaporate the solvent. The films so 319
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obtained are broken, cut or ground into small pieces, dried in a vacuum oven and melt processed under pressure into a cylindrical shape. 3. Results and discussion 3.1. The effect of polymer molecular weight
The compressive strength of MWNT (arc and VG)-polycarbonate composites was determined as a function of the polycarbonate molecular weight. The standard polycarbonate with 45 000 mass average molecular weight was initially utilized, with a resulting slight improvement of mechanical properties. In an effort to obtain further improvement polycarbonates with various molecular weights were investigated. The compressive strengths of nanotube polycarbonate composites (at 10/100-nanotube/polymer-weight ratio with various molecular weights of polymer) are shown in Figure 4 both for arc- and VG-MWNT. As can be seen, as high as 180% improvement in compressive strength was achieved for composites made from the lowest molecular weight (as indicated by the low viscosity number) polycarbonate relative to the non-filled polymer. Properties actually deteriorated slightly in some very high molecular weight polycarbonate when arcMWNT nanotubes were used. It is important to note that the VG-MWNT results in only slightly better compressive strength composites than the arc-MWNT, even though the purity of the former is significantly higher. In another way, even though arc produced MWNT product has only 30% purity, it resulted in compressive strength enhancement almost as high as the >90% pure VG-MWNT. This indicates that either the arc-produced
Carbon Nanotube–Polycarbonate Composites
MWNT are inherently much stronger (fewer defects because of the high-temperature annealing during synthesis) and/or the nano-polygonal graphite impurities contribute to increasing the compressive strength. Low molecular weight polymers likely have higher affinity for nanotubes, as a result of the cis–cis or trans-cis conformation of the polymer chain, which is favored in short chain polymers. The repeating molecular unit of a polycarbonate polymer has two different parts and each part can be in the cis or trans conformation. The molecular groups (the carbonate, and the 2,2-propylphenyl) in each part could be on the same side, cis conformation, of the central aromatic group or trans with molecular groups on opposite sides of the aromatic group. Trans–trans conformation lends to relatively straight molecular chains and it is the most stable conformation. Cis–trans conformation leads to a wavy molecular structure while cis–cis conformation tends to result in a coiled structure. Short molecular chains are able to reposition their chain ends. They acquire enough extra chain length to align the center of the chain parallel to the reinforcement and thus increase adhesion to the reinforcement. Another way this ‘slack’ or extra chain length can be used is by trans-to-cis conversions that coil sections of the molecule against the reinforcement, again increasing adhesion and chemical coupling. These altered conformations of the short molecular chain polymer to the nanotubes result in increased available bonding sites to the nanotube. In return, the added binding energy stabilizes the altered higher energy conformation. Similar behavior was reported by Majumdar et al. [18]. They studied the effect of a family of self-assembled monolayer bonding agents with different molecular weights on the strength of glass-epoxy composites. Higher molecular weight resulted in a decrease in strength. This was attributed to a decrease in surface coverage and higher wetting angle with the higher molecular weight bonding agent. The compressive strengths of nanotube reinforced-polycarbonate composites (at 10/100-weight ratio) were also investigated for a mixture of low and high molecular weight polycarbonates. These results are shown in Figure 5, where the x-axis represents
Raouf O. Loutfy, J.C. Withers, M. Abdelkader, et al.
the percentage of the high molecular weight polycarbonates in the polymer mixture. It is interesting to note that the compressive strength reaches an optimum value in the range of 20 to 40% high molecular weight polycarbonate content in the polymer mixture. The initial increase in compressive strength by mixing in higher molecular weight polycarbonate is likely due to the higher compressive strength of the higher molecular weight polymer. The increase in compressive strength continues, due to strong interactions between the low and high molecular (miscible) polycarbonate, until the effective concentration of low molecular weight polymer required to totally coat the nanotubes (which in this case is 60%) is depleted. At high content of high molecular weight polycarbonates, the compressive strength shows a decrease likely due to the weaker interactions between the nanotubes and the (high molecular weight) polymer. This is in agreement with the above results.
The effect of nanotubes loading
The resulting improvement of nanotube loading (nanotube content) using the optimum polycarbonate mixture (the compressive strength for VG-MWNT) is shown in Figure 6. As can be seen, the composite with 30/100 ratio (VG-MWNT/polycarbonate mixture) gave the highest compressive strength of about 110 MPa. Similarly, the effect of varying the arc-MWNT loading using a medium-viscosity polycarbonate polymer was also studied. The normalized compressive strength of both the arc- and VG-MWNT – polycarbonate polymer composites are shown in Figure 7. As can be seen the increase of normalized composites compressive strength is of the same order of magnitude for both arc- and VG-MWNT up to about 25% loading. Further increase in loading of arc-MWNT material results in a significant decrease in strength,
Carbon Nanotube-Polycarbonate Composites
while the strength continues to increase with VG-MWNT loading beyond the 25% loading. This can be attributed to the increased loading of impurities associated with the arc-MWNT product, and/or to the fact that VG-MWNT are less tangled than arcMWNT product and accordingly are easier to disperse at high loading. However, it should again be noted that even though arc-MWNT is considerably less pure than VG-MWNT, the strength improvement up to at least 20% loading is very similar. 3.3.
The effect of nanotubes type
The compressive strength of all three types of nanotubes with relatively high molecular weight polycarbonate composites (at 10/100-weight ratio) was investigated. The DWNT were specially treated by functionalization to enhance their dispersion. The results are summarized in Table 1. As can be seen, the order of compressive strength enhancement is It should, however, be noted that the type of polymer used has a very strong influence on the results. Low to moderate molecular weight polymer would have been a better choice for distinguishing the differences between nanotube types. Nevertheless, it is interesting to note that even though DWNT is less pure than VG-MWNT, they result in higher to equal higher strength enhancement. Arc-MWNT does poorly, as noted before, in high molecular weight polymer. It appears that there are many factors that need to be considered in nanotube reinforcement of polymer. These include: (1) the type of nanotubes (as it relates to the inherent mechanical properties), (2) the purity of the nanotubes, (VG-MWNT is 323
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the purest product tested but also it is likely the weakest), (3) the compatibility of the polymer molecular conformation to the nanotube size, (low molecular weight polymers conform easily against the nanotubes, while smaller nanotubes have more surface area), and (4) the interfacial bonding between the nanotubes and the polymer (which is affected by the polymer compatibility and the interfacial modification to the nanotubes). Accordingly, comparison between nanotubes based on fixed loading and fixed polymer molecular weight, while it could be a good first approximation, is not totally conclusive to define the potential of the different nanotubes.
4. Conclusion
It was shown that well-dispersed randomly distributed vapor-grown and MWNT in polycarbonate can result in a significant increase in compressive strength for low molecular weight polycarbonates. Low molecular weight polycarbonate exhibited a greater improvement in properties when reinforced with nanotubes, while higher molecular weight polymers showed less improvement, or even lost properties. Combining low with high molecular weight polymers to an optimum concentration improved the compressive strength and toughness of the composites. Polymer compressive strength increased with increase of both arc- and VG-MWNT loading. These properties reached a maximum at about 20% and 30% loading for arc- and VG-MWNT, respectively. For fixed polymer molecular weight, and nanotube loading the nanotubes strength enhancement was in the order These results were attributed to the difference in the purity of the product, their inherent properties (mechanical and dimension), and their polymer compatibility. Additional work remains to further clarify the mechanism of nanotube–polymer interaction and the failure modes of nanotube–polymer composites under compressive stress.
This research project was sponsored by US Army Natick Soldier Center under SBIR Contract number DAAD16-00-C-0003. 324
Carbon Nanotube—Polycarbonate Composites
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Physical Hydrogen Storage on Nanotubes and Nanocarbon Materials Raouf O. Loutfy, A. Moravsky, A. Franco and E. Veksler MER Corporation, Tucson, Arizona 85706, USA The recent developments of carbonaceous material synthesis have resulted in several new forms of carbon such as carbon nanotubes and carbon nanofibers, and super-high surface area activated carbons nano-materials. There are speculations that these materials may have extraordinarily high hydrogen storage capacities. In this work, we examined the hydrogen gas adsorption capacities of these carbonaceous materials at room temperature, as well as at liquid nitrogen temperature, to elucidate the hydrogen storage potential of these materials. Experimental results indicated that none of these materials showed significant hydrogen storage capacities at room temperatures, and only super-high surface area activated carbon showed attractive gravimetric hydrogen storage at cryogenic temperature, of over 5.4% by weight at 77 K and at 300 psi hydrogen gas pressure. However, the nanocarbon materials produced from the activation of fullerene (AC-C60), and vacuum soot (AC-VAS) showed increased hydrogen adsorption capacity compared to the best commercial super-high surface area activated carbons. In addition, nanotubes showed enhanced storage capacity for their surface area. The challenge is to further modify nanotubes materials to achieve high surface area and consequently high hydrogen storage capacity.
Hydrogen is a convenient, safe, versatile fuel source that easily converts to a desired form of energy, without releasing harmful emissions. Hydrogen offers high pay-off due to improvements in end-use efficiency and has long been envisioned as the desired energy carrier of the future [1]. However, the lack of a high-capacity, convenient, and cost-effective hydrogen storage method is a major obstacle to widespread use of hydrogen as a major energy form. One of the major applications of hydrogen as a fuel source is for the fuel cell both for stationary and powered electric vehicle (EV). Although great progress has been made in fuel cell technology, such as the development of advanced proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cells, a satisfactory fuel (hydrogen) storage component for a fuel-cellpowered vehicle is yet to be developed. The direct hydrogen storage on-board the vehicle is the simplest method and has clear environmental advantages compared with other methods such as methanol storage and reforming. However, due to the extremely light molecular weight of hydrogen gas, it is difficult to achieve high gravimetric (weight of hydrogen to weight of storage system) or volumetric density (weight of hydrogen to volume of storage system) hydrogen storage. The currently available hydrogen storage technologies, such as compressed gas storage, metal hydride technology, and carbon-adsorption all fall short in the storage capacities, while the cryogenic-liquefied gas-storage technology is not viable for many applications due to the extremely low temperature (~21K). The compressed hydrogen storage achieves a gravimetric hydrogen density (weight of hydrogen stored per unit weight of E. (ed.), Perspectives of Fullerene Nanotechnology, 327–339. © 2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in Great Britain.
Raouf O. Loutfy, A. Moravsky, A. Franco, et al.
system) of no more than 5% by weight, and this approach requires pressurization of hydrogen up to 3600 psi and the use of expensive composite, lightweight, plastic-lined storage tanks [2]. The volumetric hydrogen density (weight of hydrogen stored per unit volume of system) is also very low even for 3600 psi storage pressure, around 19.5 kg In addition, the high-pressure storage causes large compression cost and poses safety problems. The metal hydride is formed by hydrogen absorption onto certain intermetallic compounds, such as and TiFe. Hydrogen charge and discharge to/from the metal hydrides are simply achieved by pressurizing/depressurizing the system. Although it is the simplest technology, it is the least desirable in terms of gravimetric hydrogen density, reaching only 1–1.5% in the best metal hydrides [2, 3]. The liquefied hydrogen option exhibits both high gravimetric density (estimated at 20%), and volumetric density (50 kg However, this technology requires costly cryogenics cooling (21 K). Very high energy is required for hydrogen liquefaction, about 30–50% high heating value (HHV) of hydrogen gas is required for this purpose. In addition, this storage system has a very short shelf life, of only two days maximum without venting [2]. Carbon adsorption was envisioned as the most promising hydrogen storage method [4]. However, due to the limitation of surface area and bulk density, carbon-adsorption technologies have not lived up to their projected potential. Only less than 2% by weight gravimetric capacity can be achieved on activated carbon with up to 2000 psi pressure at room temperature [2], and less than 4.5% by weight gravimetric capacity can be achieved up to 800 psi at 160 K [4]. The recent developments in carbonaceous material synthesis result in several new forms of carbon such as carbon nanotubes and carbon nanofibers [5–7], and super-high surface area activated nanocarbon materials. There are speculations that these materials may have extraordinary hydrogen storage capacity [6]. In [6], it was indicated that the cavities within small-diameter carbon single-wall nanotubes (SWNT) are elongated pores of molecular dimensions capable of ingesting polarizable molecules. Using temperature-programmed desorption (TPD) spectroscopy, it was observed that hydrogen molecules desorbed from SWNTs at relatively high temperatures (~300 K) [6]. However, using TPD spectroscopy, it is difficult to quantitatively determine the hydrogen storage capacities on SWNT materials. Recent reports of very high, reversible adsorption of hydrogen in carbon nanotubes [6–9], and alkali-doped nanofibers [10, 11] have stimulated tremendous interest in the nano-carbon materials as a high capacity option for hydrogen storage. However, many of these claims have not been confirmed. In this chapter, we examined the hydrogen gas adsorption on different types of nanotubes (single-walled nanotubes (SWNT) from arc, laser, and floating catalyst, doublewalled nanotubes (DWNT), catalytically grown multi-walled nanotubes (VG MWNT), and chemical vapor deposited aligned MWNT (CVD MWNT)) were investigated for their physical hydrogen storage capacity. In addition, nano-carbon materials produced from the fullerenes and from materials produced in the arc production process (fullerenes, activated fullerenes, and activated vacuum arc soot) were also investigated. A volumetric gas-adsorption measurement system was used to accurately measure hydrogen storage capacities on these materials. 328
Physical Hydrogen Storage on Nanotubes and Nanocarbon Materials
2. Experimental 2.1. Carbon nanotube materials
Single-walled nanotubes (SWNT). In this study five types of SWNTs were investigated. Three of these were produced by MER using arc techniques with different catalysts (Fe/Ni, Co/Ni, and Y/Ni), one laser-produced SWNT obtained from NASA Johnson and one was purchased from CNI and produced by the high pressure CO (HIPCO) process. The latter two were used as-received, and the arc-produced SWNT were purified up to 85% by weight SWNT using multi-step oxidation/acid washing. Transmission electron micrographs (TEM) and scanning electron micrographs of these SWNT are shown in Figure 1, and their basic properties are summarized in Table 1. Arc-produced SWNT [12] are typically low yield compared to laser-produced or SWNT produced from HIPCO process. However, arc-produced SWNT can be purified to
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produce a high-quality product, as can be seen in Figure 1b. SWNT produced from HIPCO process are very small diameter (< 1 nm) and difficult to distinguish even using TEM. In addition, the product contains a very high content of metal catalyst. Multi-walled nanotubes (MWNT). In this study four types of MWNT were investigated. All MWNTs were produced at MER and these are arc-produced MWNT, vaporgrown nanofibers, chemically vapor deposited aligned nanotubes, and arc-produced double-walled nanotubes. The methods of production of all these materials are described in [13]. Transmission electron micrographs (TEM) and scanning electron micrographs (SEM) of these MWNT are shown in Figure 2, and their basic properties are summarized in Table 1. These MWNT materials are quite distinctly different from each other. The arc-produced MWNT, DWNT, and CVD-aligned MWNT all have concentric graphene layers, however, they differ in either diameter and/or length. While the VG nanofibers have a distinct herring-bone graphene stacked structure, their diameter can be comparable to the CVD and arc-grown MWNT. The herring-bone graphene structure offers significantly higher edges compared to the other MWNT, which could play a role in the insertion of hydrogen into this materials. The detailed dimensions of these nanotubes are given in [13]. 330
Physical Hydrogen Storage on Nanotubes and Nanocarbon Materials
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2.2. Carbon nanomaterials Two types of carbon nanomaterials based on fullerene were investigated. One is unique highly microporous carbon synthesized from fullerenes using common porous carbon preparation procedures such as preoxidation, carbonization, and activation. Details of the preparation are given in [14]. The porous carbon material prepared under optimized conditions has the following outstanding features: (i) a super high BET surface area of (ii) a high micropore (pores