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English Pages 95 Year 2012
iNDUSTRIAL ESP!t>NAGE The Golemworhs has the marhet comered in the mercantile arena of constructs, yet others do try to mahe names for themsel\7es as well. Morgamer Pug, owner and proprietor of Pug's Contraptions in Ordellia, is one of the more successful competitors of the Golemworhs. Pug's worh focuses less on construct creation and more on clochworh fancies, such as toys, de\7ices, and entertainments, but he's always looking for an edge in the market . One of his long-standing requests at Heidmarch Manor is for any agents who may be \7isiting distant Kaer Maga to in\7estigate the constructs of the Ardoc family. Unfortunately, the Ardocs aren't all that willing to share their secrets, so if anyone can procure bits and pieces of their creations and smuggle them bach to his shop, Pug will pay handsomely! Reward: lf the PCs deli\7er at least 5 pounds of scrap har\7ested from no fewer than three different constructs from the Hanging Manse, they earn 6,400 XP and a lump-sum payment of 6,ooo gp from a delighted Morgamer Pug.
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B9UM"Y iUM"iNG iN THE CITY 8F STR�GERS Magnimar's oldest thie\7es' guild, the Night Scales, has a problem. A member was recently caught siphoning funds to an ally in Kaer Maga's Commerce League. Guildmaster Therhyn Raccas has no desire to antagonize the League, but nor does he wish to remain silent . Since he doesn't want to directly in\7ol\7e the Night Scales, he ashs the PCs to deli\7er a short message to the League in the form of a se\7ered, tattooed hand har\7ested from the thief-all the
will understand the message. This side quest worhs best if a PC has some ties to Magnimar's under world. lf no PC has these ties, you can ha\7e Therhyn contact the PCs through someone lihe Nat alya Vancasherhin. Reward: 6,400 XP for lea\7ing the hand in a public place, and upon return to Magnimar, further payment in the form of 10 \7ials of purple worm poison.
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CIEDlTS Creative Di rector J a mes J acobs Editor-in-Chief F. Wes l ey Sch n e i d e r Senior Editor J a mes L . S utte r Development Leads Ad a m D a i g l e a n d J a mes J a cobs •
Editing J u dy B a u e r, Logan Bo n n er, Ch risto p h e r Ca rey, and Patrick Re n i e Editorial Assistance J a s o n B u l m a h n , R o b McCrea ry, M a rk M o re l a n d , Ste p h e n Rad n ey- Ma c Fa r l a n d , a n d S e a n K Reyn o l d s Editorial Interns Sava n n a h B roadway a n d J ero m e V i r n i c h •
Senior Art Di rector S a r a h E. Ro bi nson G raphic Designer And rew Va l l as Production Specialist Crysta l Fra s i e r •
Cover Artist Wayn e Reyn o l d s
Cartographers 99
Lives Design a n d Ro bert Lazza retti
Contri buting Artists Dave Al l sop, M i guel Regodon H a rkness, Ro berto Pittu rru, M i ke Sass, Cra i g J Spea ri n g, Doug Sta m b a u g h , Tyl e r Wa l po l e, and Kieran Ya n n e r
Contributi ng Authors J i m G roves, S h a u n Hocki n g, Jason Kl i mchok, J a mes L. Sutter, and B i l l Wa rd
Publisher Eri k Mona Paizo C EO Lisa Steve ns Chief Operations Officer J effrey Alva rez Director of Sales Pierce Watters Sales Representative Ada m Lovel l Finance Manager Ch risto p h e r Self Staff Accountant l