Particle Physics at the Year of the 250th Anniversary of Moscow University: Proceedings of the 12th Lomonosov Conference on Elementary Particle Physics, Moscow, Russia, 25-31 August 2005 9789812700674, 9812700676

These proceedings are devoted to a wide variety of both theoretical and experimental areas in particle physics. The topi

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Table of contents :
CONTENTS......Page 14
Twelfth Lomonosov Conference on Elementary Particle Physics - Sponsors and Committees......Page 6
Sixth International Meeting on Problems of Intelligentsia - Presidium......Page 8
Foreword......Page 10
The Concept of Mass in the Einstein Year......Page 20
Accelerator Neutrino Experiments......Page 35
Searching for Neutrino Oscillations with OPERA......Page 43
Reactor Neutrinos and KamLAND......Page 48
Double Beta Decay Experiments......Page 56
Spontaneous and Induced Two-Beta Processes......Page 64
Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay in Theories Beyond the Standard Model: Electron Angular Distributions......Page 69
Search for Phenomena Outside the Standard Model with Prototype of the Borexino Detector......Page 73
Cross-Section Measurements in the NOMAD Experiment......Page 78
Solar Neutrinos: Spin Flavour Precession and LMA......Page 83
Neutrino Spin-Flavor Oscillations in Rapidly Varying Magnetic Fields......Page 88
Spin Light of Electron in Matter......Page 92
Neutrino Physics BBN LSS and CMBR......Page 97
Dip in UHECR Spectrum as Signature of Proton Interactions with CMB......Page 106
The Science of PAMELA Space Mission......Page 115
Current Status and Prospects of the AMS Experiment......Page 123
Astroparticle Physics with AMS-02: the Quest of Antimatter......Page 131
Dark Matter Investigations......Page 139
Mirror Dark Matter......Page 149
Indirect Dark Matter Search......Page 157
Dark Energy and Black Holes......Page 162
Microlensing with the Radioastron Space Telescope......Page 166
Search for Gravitational Waves by LIGO Scientific Collaboration......Page 171
Quantum Gravity as Twistorial Unification of Quantum and Gravity......Page 178
Quantum Cosmology and the Global Rotation Problem......Page 182
Self-Interaction of Charged Particles Outside Brane Topological Defects......Page 186
Physical Degrees of Freedom in a Stabilized Randall-Sundrum Model......Page 190
Gravitational Energy-Momentum Tensors According to Belinfante and Rosenfeld......Page 194
Stable Matter of 4th Generation: Hidden in the Universe and Close to Detection?......Page 199
Small-Scale Fluctuations of Extensive Air Showers as the Origin of Energy Estimation Systematics......Page 204
Status of E391a Experiment for the Rare Decay K0L -> TT0VV......Page 208
On CP Effects Generated by Electroweak Penguin Diagrams in Non-Leptonic k Decays......Page 216
CP Violation in K+- ->TT0TT0TT+-......Page 220
Study of K - -> TT0e-Vey and K- -> TT0u-Vuy Decay with ISTRA+ Setup......Page 225
Rare Semileptonic Meson Decays in R-Parity Violating MSSM......Page 234
Next to Leading Order in Semi-Inclusive Deep Inelastic Scattering Processes......Page 238
Bd(Bd)->p+-TT-+ p+p- TT+TT-: Hunting for Alpha......Page 243
Deep Inelastic Spin Structure Functions at Small x......Page 251
B0 - B0 Mixing......Page 255
Mass Spectra of Radially and Orbitally Excited States of Mesons......Page 259
Inclusive 0+ and A(1520) Production in Hadron Collisions at High Energy......Page 263
Testing the KT-Factorisation Approach at the LHC in Quarkonium Production Processes......Page 268
On the Relation Between x-Dependence of the Higher Twist Contribution to the Structure Functions F3 and gP1 - gn1......Page 272
Production of Heavy Baryons......Page 276
Self-Energy of Kaons in Pion Matter......Page 280
Structure Functions Result in CHORUS Experiment......Page 285
New Relations Between the QCD Sum Rules for Meson - Baryon Couplings......Page 289
Analytical Approach to Constructing Effective Hadron-Hadron Interaction Operators and its Application to Nucleon-Nucleon Scattering at Low and Intermediate Energies......Page 293
Top Quark Physics......Page 297
Precision Measurement of the Top Quark Mass From Mbl Distribution in t ->blv Decays......Page 305
Review of CKM Results from BaBar......Page 309
Lepton Flavor Violation in T Decays at BaBar......Page 317
ISR Physics at BaBar......Page 322
Semileptonic B Decays at BaBar......Page 327
Dalitz Plot Analysis of D0 K0K+K- and DsJ States at BaBar......Page 332
Rare Muonic B-Decays at Atlas......Page 337
Z-Scaling and Strange High-pT Particle Production in p-p Collisions at RHIC......Page 345
Grid for Exploration of High Energy Physics: RDIG and the EGEE/LCG Projects......Page 349
Predictions for the Muon g-2......Page 357
The Comments on QED Contributions to (G-2)u......Page 364
Localization of Scalar and Fermionic Eigenmodes in SU(2) Lattice Gauge Theory......Page 369
Resummation of Large Logarithms within the Method of Effective Charges......Page 377
Generalized Dual Symmetry of Nonabelian Theories Monopoles and Dyons......Page 382
Summation of Feynman Diagrams in N=1 Supersymmetric Electrodynamics......Page 386
Spectrum of Higgs Particles in the Exceptional Supersymmetric Standard Model......Page 390
Quantization of Nonlinear Fields on Classical Background......Page 395
Collapse of Positronium and Vacuum Instability......Page 399
On Influence of Intensive Stationary Electromagnetic Field on the Behavior of Fermionic Systems......Page 404
Radiative Effects in the Standard Model Extension......Page 408
Two-Frequency Undulator and Harmonic Generation of an Ultrarelativistic Electron......Page 412
Influence of the Electron Spin on the Angular Distribution of the Photoelectrons......Page 417
From Radiation Theory to the Dynamics of Relativistic Charged Particles......Page 421
On the Wave Zone of Uniformly Accelerated Charge......Page 425
Dynamical Methods of Investigation in Application to Quantum Systems......Page 429
Some Aspects of Multitrace Matrix Models......Page 433
Resisters and Pacifists the Intelligentsia Fights Back......Page 437
Clinical Approach to Investigation and Solution of International Conflicts or Paranoia in the Age of Mass-Media......Page 445
I was a Terrorist......Page 449
Conference Programme......Page 454
List of Participants......Page 460

Particle Physics at the Year of the 250th Anniversary of Moscow University: Proceedings of the 12th Lomonosov Conference on Elementary Particle Physics, Moscow, Russia, 25-31 August 2005
 9789812700674, 9812700676

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