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Contents Links How To Use This E-book Basic Greetings Morning Day Evening & Night Everyday Activities Eating Washing Clothes Diapers & Bathroom Going Outside Daycare Center Playing Toys Books Television & Media Basic Motions Chapter One - More Phrases Compliments Discipline & Warnings Expression of Love Replying Suggesting Chapter Two - Essential Vocabulary Body Parts Time Family Demonstrative Pronouns Colors Food Baby Products Baby Talk
Links This is an accompanying e-book for Parenting Phrases in Korean. You can access and download the audio tracks at the links below. [ Google Drive ] [ Dropbox ] Already downloaded the audio tracks? Then you are ready to start practicing! If you have any trouble accessing the files, please e-mail us at [email protected].
How To Use This E-book How To Use This E-Book Common Parenting Phrases in Korean is an e-book for parents, future parents, childcare providers, babysitters, and all the other awesome people in a child’s life who want to speak Korean with a young child. Even if you are in the "beginner learner" stage of the Korean language, learning the words and phrases in this e- book will help you with a large portion of the necessary communication between adult and child. If you already speak fluent Korean, you will find useful words and phrases that you may not have had the opportunity to learn elsewhere. It does not matter how you choose to study with this book. You can open to any random page and learn the words and phrases on that particular page, you can learn by category, or you can even start from the very beginning and go page by page. Whichever way you choose to learn the material in this book to communicate with a young child/baby in your life, be sure to check the pronunciation of the word or phrase through the included audio track which has been recorded by a native speaker. Different Politeness Levels Throughout this e-book, you will encounter various politeness levels used to express the same meaning. There are two main levels of politeness in Korean: 존댓말 [jon-daen-mal] (formal language) and 반말 [ban-mal] (casual language). In regards to speaking with young children and babies, which one to use is up to you! Some parents always use formal language to their children (with all sentences ending in -요 [-yo]) while some use casual language (with sentences ending in -아 [- a], -어 [-eo], -자 [-ja], etc.). Many parents also just mix both formal language and casual language. Feel free to choose any politeness level you like! Using "social titles" instead of the word "I" The word for "I" (first person singular) is 나 [na] in casual language and 저
[jeo] in formal language. But when speaking with children, Korean parents often just use their "title" instead of saying 나, and 저 is almost never used. For example, instead of saying "내가 해 줄게" [nae-ga hae jul-kke] to mean "I’ll do it for you", most people say "엄마가 해 줄게" [eom-ma-ga hae jul-kke], "아빠가 해 줄게" [a-ppa-ga hae jul-kke], "이모가 해 줄게" [i-moga hae jul-kke], etc. You will see this applied to most of the sentences using the word "I" throughout this e-book.
Basic Greetings Basic Greetings 1. Morning 2. Day 3. Evening & Night
Morning Morning Hello. / Hi. 안녕. [an-nyeong] Our baby, hello. 우리 아기, 안녕. [u-ri a-gi, an-nyeong.] It’s a good morning. 좋은 아침이야. [jo-eun a-chi-mi-ya.] 좋은 아침이에요. [jo-eun a-chi-mi-e-yo.] Did you sleep well? 잘 잤어? [jal ja-sseo?] 잘 잤어요? [jal ja-sseo-yo?] Did you have a good dream? 좋은 꿈 꿨어? [jo-eun kkum kkwo-sseo?] 좋은 꿈 꿨어요? [jo-eun kkum kkwo-sseo-yo?] What kind of dream did you have? 무슨 꿈 꿨어? [mu-seun kkum kkwo-sseo?] 무슨 꿈 꿨어요? [mu-seun kkum kkwo-sseo-yo?] Wake up now. 이제 일어나자. [i-je i-reo-na-ja.] Do you want to wake up now? 이제 일어날까? [i-je i-reo-nal-kka?] 이제 일어날까요? [i-je i-reo-nal-kka-yo?] Wake up now. 이제 일어나요. [i-je i-reo-na-yo.]
It’s morning. 아침이야. [a-chi-mi-ya.] 아침이에요. [a-chi-mi-e-yo.] Let’s get up. 일어나자. [i-reo-na-ja.] Wake up. 일어나. [i-reo-na.] 일어나세요. [i-reo-na-se-yo.] Shall we get up? 일어날까? [i-reo-nal-kka?] 일어날까요? [i-reo-nal-kka-yo?]
Day Day It’s time to take a nap. 낮잠 잘 시간! [nat-jjam jal si-gan!] 낮잠 잘 시간이야. [nat-jjam jal si-ga-ni-ya.] 낮잠 잘 시간이에요. [nat-jjam jal si-ga-ni-e-yo.] Let’s take a nap. 낮잠 자자. [nat-jjam ja-ja.] Do you want to take a nap? 낮잠 잘까? [nat-jjam jal-kka?] 낮잠 잘까요? [nat-jjam jal-kka-yo?]
Evening & Night Evening & Night Are you sleepy? 졸려? [jol-lyeo?] 졸려요? [jol-lyeo-yo?] You’re sleepy, right? 졸리지? [jol-li-ji?] Let’s sleep. 자자. [ja-ja.] 코 자자. [ko ja-ja.] * "코" doesn’t really have a meaning here and certainly doesn’t mean "nose". It is a word that is used to describe the sound of someone sleeping deeply and breathing loudly or snoring. Shall we go to bed? 잘까? [jal-kka?] 코 잘까? [ko jal-kka?] It’s time to sleep. 잘 시간이야. [jal si-ga-ni-ya.] 코 잘 시간이야. [ko jal si-ga-ni-ya.] 코 잘 시간이에요. [ko jal si-ga-ni-e-yo.] Let’s lie down. 눕자. [nup-jja.] Shall we lie down? 누울까? [nu-ul-kka?] Lie down. 누워. [nu-wo.]
누워요. [nu-wo-yo.] Let’s lie on the bed. 침대에 눕자. [chim-dae-e nup-jja.] Do you want to lie on the bed? 침대에 누울까? [chim-dae-e nu-ul-kka?] Lie down on the bed. 침대에 누워. [chim-dae-e nu-wo.] 침대에 누워요. [chim-dae-e nu-wo-yo.] Close your eyes. 눈 감아. [nun ga-ma.] 눈 감아요. [nun ga-ma-yo.] Do you want to close your eyes? 눈 감을까? [nun ga-meul-kka?] Let’s close your eyes and sleep. 눈 감고 코 자자. [nun gam-kko ko ja-ja.] Cover yourself with the blanket. 이불 덮어. [i-bul deo-peo.] 이불 덮어요. [i-bul deo-peo-yo.] Let’s cover ourselves with the blanket. 이불 덮자. [i-bul deop-jja.] Do you want to cover yourself with the blanket? 이불 덮을까? [i-bul deo-peul-kka?] You need to cover up with the blanket. 이불 덮어야지. [i-bul deo-peo-ya-ji.]
Let me cover you with the blanket. 엄마가 이불 덮어 줄게. [eom-ma-ga i-bul deo-peo jul-kke.] I will sing you a lullaby. 자장가 불러 줄게. [ja-jang-ga bul-leo jul-kke.] Do you want me to sing you a lullaby? 자장가 불러 줄까? [ja-jang-ga bul-leo jul-kka?] 자장가 불러 줄까요? [ja-jang-ga bul-leo jul-kka-yo?] Good night. / Sleep well. 잘 자. [jal ja.] 잘 자요. [jal ja-yo.]
Everyday Activities Everyday Activities 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
Eating Washing Clothes Diapers & Bathroom Going Outside Daycare Center Playing Toys Books Television & Media Basic Motions
Eating Eating Are you hungry? 배고파? [bae-go-pa?] 배고파요? [bae-go-pa-yo?] You must be hungry, right? 배고프지? [bae-go-peu-ji?] Let’s eat. 맘마 먹자. [mam-ma meok-jja.] (맘마 is a baby talk for 밥.) Do you want to eat? 맘마 먹을래? [mam-ma meo-geul-lae?] 맘마 먹을래요? [mam-ma meo-geul-lae-yo?] Let’s eat. 밥 먹자. [bap meok-jja.] Do you want to eat? 밥 먹을래? [bap meo-geul-lae?] 밥 먹을래요? [bap meo-geul-lae-yo?] Let’s have breakfast. 아침 먹자. [a-chim meok-jja.] Let’s have lunch. 점심 먹자. [jeom-sim meok-jja.] Let’s have dinner. 저녁 먹자. [jeo-nyeok meok-jja.]
It’s time to eat breakfast/ lunch/dinner. 아침/점심/저녁 먹을 시간이에요. [a-chim/jeom-sim/jeo-nyeok meo-geul si-ga-ni-e-yo.] Mommy/Daddy will feed you. 엄마/아빠가 먹여 줄게. [eom-ma/a-ppa-ga meo-gyeo jul-kke.] 엄마/아빠가 먹여 줄게요. [eom-ma/a-ppa-ga meo-gyeo jul-kke-yo.] Shall I feed you? 엄마/아빠가 먹여 줄까? [eom-ma/a-ppa-ga meo-gyeo jul-kka?] Try eating it on your own. 혼자 먹어 봐. [hon-ja meo-geo bwa.] Do you want to try eating it on your own? 혼자 먹어 볼래? [hon-ja meo-geo bol-lae?] 혼자 먹어 볼래요? [hon-ja meo-geo bol-lae-yo?] Is it delicious? 맛있어? [ma-si-sseo?] 맛있어요? [ma-si-sseo-yo?] Eat it slowly. 천천히 먹어. [cheon-cheo-ni meo-geo.] 천천히 먹어요. [cheon-cheo-ni meo-geo-yo.] Let’s try eating this, too. 이것도 먹어 보자. [i-geot-tto meo-geo bo-ja.] Do you want to try eating this, too? 이것도 먹어 볼까? [i-geot-tto meo-geo bol-kka?] 이것도 먹어 볼래? [i-geot-tto meo-geo bol-lae?] 이것도 먹어 볼래요? [i-geot-tto meo-geo bol-lae-yo?] Why aren’t you eating?
왜 안 먹어? [wae an meo-geo?] 왜 안 먹어요? [wae an meo-geo-yo?] Are you full? 배불러? [bae-bul-leo?] 배불러요? [bae-bul-leo-yo?] Have some more. 더 먹어. [deo meo-geo.] 더 먹어요. [deo meo-geo-yo.] Let’s have some more. 더 먹자. [deo meok-jja.] Do you want to try eating some more? 더 먹어 볼까? [deo meo-geo bol-kka?] Let’s have just a little bit more. 조금만 더 먹자. [jo-geum-man deo meok-jja.] Eat some vegetables/fish/ meat, too. 채소/생선/고기도 먹어. [chae-so/saeng-seon/go-gi-do meo-geo.] 채소/생선/고기도 먹어요. [chae-so/saeng-seon/go-gi-do meo-geo-yo.] Let’s eat some vegetables/fish/meat, too. 채소(생선/고기)도 먹자. [chae-so(saeng-seon/go-gi)-do meok-jja.] You need to eat some vegetables, too. 채소도 먹어야지. [chae-so-do meo-geo-ya-ji.]
Washing Washing Let’s brush your teeth. 이 닦자. [i dak-jja.] It’s time to brush your teeth. 치카치카할 시간이야. [chi-ka-chi-ka-hal si-ga-ni-ya.] 치카치카할 시간이에요. [chi-ka-chi-ka-hal si-ga-ni-e-yo.] (치카치카 is an onomatopoeic expression describing the sound of someone brushing their teeth. 치카치카하다 is essentially baby talk for 이 를 닦다 or 양치하다.) Let’s brush your teeth. 치카치카하자. [chi-ka-chi-ka-ha-ja.] Let’s wash your hands. 손 씻자. [son ssit-jja.] Wash your hands. 손 씻어. [son ssi-seo.] 손 씻어요. [son ssi-seo-yo.] Do you want to wash your hands? 손 씻을까? [son ssi-seul-kka?] 손 씻을까요? [son ssi-seul-kka-yo?] Let’s wash your face. 세수하자. [se-su-ha-ja.] Wash your face. 세수해. [se-su-hae.] 세수해요. [se-su-hae-yo.]
Do you want to wash your face? 세수할까? [se-su-hal-kka?] 세수할까요? [se-su-hal-kka-yo?] Blow your nose. 코 풀어. [ko pu-reo.] 코 풀어요. [ko pu-reo-yo.] Blow your nose. 코 흥! [ko heung!] (흥 is an onomatopoeic word which describes the sound of someone blowing their nose.) Let’s blow your nose. 코 흥 하자. [ko heung ha-ja.] Blow your nose. 코 흥 해. [ko heung hae.] 코 흥 해요. [ko heung hae-yo.] Do you want to blow your nose? 코 흥 할까요? [ko heung hal-kka-yo?] Let’s take a bath. 목욕하자. [mo-gyo-ka-ja.] Let’s take a bath. 목욕해요. [mo-gyo-kae-yo.] Do you want to take a bath? 목욕할까? [mo-gyo-kal-kka?] 목욕할까요? [mo-gyo-kal-kka-yo?] It’s time to take a bath. 목욕할 시간이야. [mo-gyo-kal si-ga-ni-ya.]
목욕할 시간이에요. [mo-gyo-kal si-ga-ni-e-yo.] Let’s wash your hair. 머리 감자. [meo-ri gam-jja.] Do you want to wash your hair? 머리 감을까? [meo-ri ga-meul-kka?] 머리 감을까요? [meo-ri ga-meul-kka-yo?] Let’s wipe (your body) with a towel. 수건으로 닦자. [su-geo-neu-ro dak-jja.] Wipe (your body) with a towel. 수건으로 닦아. [su-geo-neu-ro da-kka.] 수건으로 닦아요. [su-geo-neu-ro da-kka-yo.] Do you want to wipe (your body) with a towel? 수건으로 닦을까? [su-geo-neu-ro da-kkeul-kka?] 수건으로 닦을까요? [su-geo-neu-ro da-kkeul-kka-yo?] You are clean! 깨끗하다! [kkae-kkeu-ta-da!] 깨끗하네! [kkae-kkeu-ta-ne!] You’ve become clean! 깨끗해졌네. [kkae-kkeu-tae-jyeon-ne.] 깨끗해졌네요. [kkae-kkeu-tae-jyeon-ne-yo.] You look pretty! 예쁘다! [ye-ppeu-da!] You’ve become pretty! 예뻐졌네. [ye-ppeo-jyeon-ne.] 예뻐졌네요. [ye-ppeo-jyeon-ne-yo.]
You look handsome! 멋있다! [meo-sit-tta!] You’ve become handsome! 멋있어졌네. [meo-si-sseo-jyeon-ne.] 멋있어졌네요. [meo-si-sseo-jyeon-ne-yo.]
Clothes Clothes Let’s get dressed. 옷 입자. [ot ip-jja.] Get dressed. 옷 입어. [ot i-beo.] 옷 입어요. [ot i-beo-yo.] Do you want to get dressed? 옷 입을까? [ot i-beul-kka?] 옷 입을까요? [ot i-beul-kka-yo?] Let’s change clothes. 옷 갈아입자. [ot ga-ra-ip-jja.] Change clothes. 옷 갈아입어. [ot ga-ra-i-beo.] 옷 갈아입어요. [ot ga-ra-i-beo-yo.] Do you want to change clothes? 옷 갈아입을까? [ot ga-ra-i-beul-kka?] 옷 갈아입을까요? [ot ga-ra-i-beul-kka-yo?] Let’s put on your pants/ skirt/t-shirt/down jacket. 바지/치마/티셔츠/잠바 입자. [ba-ji/chi-ma/ti-syeo-cheu/jam-ba ip-jja.] Put on your pants. 바지 입어. [ba-ji i-beo.] 바지 입어요. [ba-ji i-beo-yo.] Do you want to put on your pants? 바지 입을까? [ba-ji i-beul-kka?]
바지 입을까요? [ba-ji i-beul-kka-yo?] Let’s put on your socks/ shoes. 양말/신발 신자. [yang-mal/sin-bal sin-jja.] Put on your socks. 양말 신어. [yang-mal si-neo.] 양말 신어요. [yang-mal si-neo-yo.] Do you want to put on your socks? 양말 신을까? [yang-mal si-neul-kka?] 양말 신을까요? [yang-mal si-neul-kka-yo?] Let’s put on your hat. 모자 쓰자. [mo-ja sseu-ja.] Put on your hat. 모자 써. [mo-ja sseo.] 모자 써요. [mo-ja sseo-yo.] Do you want to put on your hat? 모자 쓸까? [mo-ja sseul-kka?] 모자 쓸까요? [mo-ja sseul-kka-yo?]
Diapers & Bathroom Diapers & Bathroom Let’s change your diaper. 기저귀 갈자. [gi-jeo-gwi gal-ja.] Let’s change your diaper. 기저귀 갈아요. [gi-jeo-gwi ga-ra-yo.] Do you want to change diapers? 기저귀 갈까? [gi-jeo-gwi gal-kka?] 기저귀 갈까요? [gi-jeo-gwi gal-kka-yo?] You need to change diapers. 기저귀 갈아야겠다. [gi-jeo-gwi ga-ra-ya-get-tta.] Did you poop/pee? 응가/쉬 했어? [eung-ga/swi hae-sseo?] 응가/쉬 했어요? [eung-ga/swi hae-sseo-yo?] Are you pooping/peeing? 응가/쉬 하고 있어? [eung-ga/swi ha-go i-sseo?] 응가/쉬 하고 있어요? [eung-ga/swi ha-go i-sseo-yo?] Do you want to poop/pee? 응가/쉬 하고 싶어? [eung-ga/swi ha-go si-peo?] 응가/쉬 하고 싶어요? [eung-ga/swi ha-go si-peo?] Squeeze. / Tighten your belly. / (lit.) Give it your strength. 힘 줘. [him jwo.] 힘 줘요. [him jwo-yo.] Do want to use the toilet? 변기에 쌀까? [byeon-gi-e ssal-kka?]
변기에 쌀까요? [byeon-gi-e ssal-kka-yo?] Do you want to try sitting on the toilet? 변기에 앉아 볼까? [byeon-gi-e an-ja bol-kka?] 변기에 앉아 볼까요? [byeon-gi-e an-ja bol-kka-yo?]
Going Outside Going Outside Let’s go outside. 나가자. [na-ga-ja.] 밖에 나가자. [ba-kke na-ga-ja.] 우리 밖에 나가요. [u-ri ba-kke na-ga-yo.] Do you want to go outside? 나갈까? [na-gal-kka?] 나갈까요? [na-gal-kka-yo?] Let’s ride in the stroller. 유모차 타자. [yu-mo-cha ta-ja.] Let’s go there in your stroller. 유모차 타고 가자. [yu-mo-cha ta-go ga-ja.] Get into your stroller. 유모차 타. [yu-mo-cha ta.] 유모차 타세요. [yu-mo-cha ta-se-yo.] Do you want to ride your stroller? 유모차 탈까? [yu-mo-cha tal-kka?] 유모차 탈까요? [yu-mo-cha tal-kka-yo?] Let’s sit in your car seat. 카시트에 앉자. [ka-ssi-teu-e an-jja.] Sit in your car seat. 카시트에 앉아. [ka-ssi-teu-e an-ja.] 카시트에 앉아요. [ka-ssi-teu-e an-ja-yo.] Do you want to sit in your car seat?
카시트에 앉을까? [ka-ssi-teu-e an-jeul-kka?] 카시트에 앉을까요? [ka-ssi-teu-e an-jeul-kka-yo?] It’s cold. 춥다. [chup-tta.] Are you cold? 추워? [chu-wo?] 추워요? [chu-wo-yo?] You’re cold, right? 춥지? [chup-jji?] It’s hot. 덥다. [deop-tta.] Are you hot? 더워? [deo-wo?] 더워요? [deo-wo-yo?] You are hot, right? 덥지? [deop-jji?] 덥지요? [deop-jji-yo?] It’s warm. 따뜻하다. [tta-tteu-ta-da.] Are you warm? 따뜻해? [tta-tteu-tae?] 따뜻해요? [tta-tteu-tae-yo?] You are warm, right? 따뜻하지? [tta-tteu-ta-ji?] 따뜻하지요? [tta-tteu-ta-ji-yo?]
Daycare Center Daycare Center Let’s go to daycare/ kindergarten. 어린이집/유치원 가자. [eo-ri-ni-jip/yu-chi-won ga-ja.] Let’s go to daycare. 어린이집 가요. [eo-ri-ni-jip ga-yo.] Do you want to go to daycare? 어린이집에 갈까? [eo-ri-ni-ji-be gal-kka?] 어린이집에 갈까요? [eo-ri-ni-ji-be gal-kka-yo?] Let’s depart for daycare. 어린이집으로 출발! [eo-ri-ni-ji-beu-ro chul-bal!] We’ve arrived at daycare. 어린이집에 도착! [eo-ri-ni-ji-be do-chak!] We’re almost at your daycare. 어린이집에 다 왔다. [eo-ri-ni-ji-be da wat-tta.] We’ve almost arrived at your daycare. 어린이집에 다 왔어. [eo-ri-ni-ji-be da wa-sseo.] 어린이집에 다 왔어요. [eo-ri-ni-ji-be da wa-sseo-yo.] You need to say "hi" to your teacher. 선생님한테 인사해야지. [seon-saeng-ni-man-te in-sa-hae-ya-ji.] 선생님한테 인사해야죠. [seon-saeng-ni-man-te in-sa-hae-ya-jyo.] Greet your teacher. 선생님한테 인사해. [seon-saeng-ni-man-te in-sa-hae.] 선생님한테 인사해요. [seon-saeng-ni-man-te in-sa-hae-yo.]
Do you want to greet your teacher? 선생님한테 인사할까? [seon-saeng-ni-man-te in-sa-hal-kka?] 선생님한테 인사할까요? [seon-saeng-ni-man-te in-sa-hal-kka-yo?] You need to say "Hello". "안녕하세요" 해야지. ["an-nyeong-ha-se-yo" hae-ya-ji.] Try saying "Hello". "안녕하세요" 해 봐요. ["an-nyeong-ha-se-yo" hae bwa-yo.} Do you want to try saying "Hello"? "안녕하세요" 해 볼까? ["an-nyeong-ha-se-yo" hae bol-kka?] "안녕하세요" 해 볼까요? ["an-nyeong-ha-se-yo" hae bol-kka-yo?] Have fun today. 재미있게 놀아. [jae-mi-it-kke no-ra.] 재미있게 놀아요. [jae-mi-it-kke no-ra-yo.] 오늘 재미있게 놀아. [o-neul jae-mi-it-kke no-ra.] 오늘 재미있게 놀아요. [o-neul jae-mi-it-kke no-ra-yo.] Did you have fun today? 재미있게 놀았어? [jae-mi-it-kke no-ra-sseo?] 재미있게 놀았어요? [jae-mi-it-kke no-ra-sseo-yo?] 오늘 재미있게 놀았어? [o-neul jae-mi-it-kke no-ra-sseo?] 오늘 재미있게 놀았어요? [o-neul jae-mi-it-kke no-ra-sseo-yo?] Get along (with others) well. 사이좋게 지내요. [sa-i-jo-ke ji-nae-yo.] Get along well with your friends. 친구들하고 사이좋게 지내. [chin-gu-deu-ra-go sa-i-jo-ke ji-nae.] 친구들하고 사이좋게 지내요. [chin-gu-deu-ra-go sa-i-jo-ke ji-nae-yo.] What did you do? 뭐 했어? [mwo hae-sseo?]
뭐 했어요? [mwo hae-sseo-yo?] What did you do today? 오늘 뭐 했어? [o-neul mwo hae-sseo?] 오늘 뭐 했어요? [o-neul mwo hae-sseo-yo?] What did you do at daycare today? 오늘 어린이집에서 뭐 했어? [o-neul eo-ri-ni-ji-be-seo mwo hae-sseo?] 오늘 어린이집에서 뭐 했어요? [o-neul eo-ri-ni-ji-be-seo mwo hae-sseoyo?] How was your day today? 오늘 어땠어? [o-neul eo-ttae-sseo?] 오늘 어땠어요? [o-neul eo-ttae-sseo-yo?] See you later. 나중에 만나. [na-jung-e man-na.] 나중에 만나요. [na-jung-e man-na-yo.] See you after you finish. 끝나고 만나. [kkeun-na-go man-na.] 끝나고 만나요. [kkeun-na-go man-na-yo.] Mommy/Daddy will come early. 엄마/아빠 일찍 올게. [eom-ma/a-ppa il-jjik ol-kke.] 엄마/아빠 일찍 올게요. [eom-ma/a-ppa il-jjik ol-kke-yo.] 엄마 일찍 올 거야. [eom-ma il-jjik ol geo-ya.] 엄마 일찍 올 거예요. [eom-ma il-jjik ol geo-ye-yo.] Mommy/Daddy will be a little bit late today. 엄마/아빠 오늘은 조금 늦을 거 야. [eom-ma/a-ppa o-neu-reun jo-geum neu-jeul geo-ya.] 엄마/아빠 오늘은 조금 늦을 거예요. [eom-ma/a-ppa o-neu-reun jo-geum neu-jeul geo-ye-yo.]
Playing Playing Where shall we go? 어디 갈까? [eo-di gal-kka?] 어디 갈까요? [eo-di gal-kka-yo?] Where shall we go? 어디 가지? [eo-di ga-ji?] Where do you want to go? 어디 가고 싶어? [eo-di ga-go si-peo?] 어디 가고 싶어요? [eo-di ga-go si-peo-yo?] What do you want to do to play? 뭐 하고 놀까? [mwo ha-go nol-kka?] 뭐 하고 놀까요? [mwo ha-go nol-kka-yo?] What do you want to do? 뭐 하고 싶어? [mwo ha-go si-peo?] 뭐 하고 싶어요? [mwo ha-go si-peo-yo?] Let’s go to the playground. 놀이터 가자. [no-ri-teo ga-ja.] Shall we go to the playground? 놀이터 갈까? [no-ri-teo gal-kka?] 놀이터 갈까요? [no-ri-teo gal-kka-yo?] Let’s play on the playground. 놀이터에서 놀자. [no-ri-teo-e-seo nol-ja.] Shall we play on the playground? 놀이터에서 놀까? [no-ri-teo-e-seo nol-kka?]
놀이터에서 놀까요? [no-ri-teo-e-seo nol-kka-yo?] Let’s ride the slide/swing/ seesaw. 미끄럼틀/그네/시소 타자. [mi-kkeu-reom-teul/geu-ne/si-so ta-ja.] Do you want to go down the slide? 미끄럼틀 탈까? [mi-kkeu-reom-teul tal-kka?] 미끄럼틀 탈까요? [mi-kkeu-reom-teul tal-kka-yo?] Let’s go home now. 집에 가자. [ji-be ga-ja.] 이제 집에 가자. [i-je ji-be ga-ja.] 집에 들어가자. [ji-be deu-reo-ga-ja.] Shall we go home now? 집에 갈까? [ji-be gal-kka?] 집에 갈까요? [ji-be gal-kka-yo?] I’ll hide! 숨는다. [sum-neun-da.] I’ll hide. 숨을게. [su-meul-kke.] 숨을게요. [su-meul-kke-yo.] Go hide. / Try hiding. 숨어 봐. [su-meo bwa.] 숨어 봐요. [su-meo bwa-yo.] Try looking for me. 찾아 봐. [cha-ja bwa.] 찾아 봐요. [cha-ja bwa-yo.] Where is my baby? 우리 아기 어디 갔지? [u-ri a-gi eo-di gat-jji?]
우리 아기 어디 있지? [u-ri a-gi eo-di it-jji?] Where is he/she? 어디 있을까? [eo-de i-sseul-kka?] 어디 있을까요? [eo-di i-sseul-kka-yo?] Peekaboo! 까꿍! [kka-kkung] hand-clapping 짝짜꿍 [jjak-jja-kkung] repeatedly poking the palm of one hand with one finger of the other hand 곤지곤지 [gon-ji-gon-ji]
Toys Toys Let’s play with your toys. 장난감 가지고 놀자. [jang-nan-kkam ga-ji-go nol-ja.] 장난감 가지고 놀아요. [jang-nan-kkam ga-ji-go no-ra-yo.] Do you want to play with your toys? 장난감 가지고 놀까? [jang-nan-kkam ga-ji-go nol-kka?] 장난감 가지고 놀까요? [jang-nan-kkam ga-ji-go nol-kka-yo?] Let’s play with dolls/ robots/paints. 인형/로보트/물감 놀이 하자. [i-nyeong/ro-bo-teu/mul-kkam no-ri ha-ja.] Let's play with a doll. 인형 놀이 해요. [i-nyeong no-ri hae-yo.] Do you want to play with a doll? 인형 놀이 할까? [i-nyeong no-ri hal-kka?] 인형 놀이 할까요? [i-nyeong no-ri hal-kka-yo?] Let’s draw. 그림 그리자. [geu-rim geu-ri-ja.] 그림 그려요. [geu-rim geu-ryeo-yo.] Do you want to draw? 그림 그릴까? [geu-rim geu-ril-kka?] 그림 그릴까요? [geu-rim geu-ril-kka-yo?] Let’s sing. 노래 부르자. [no-rae bu-reu-ja.] 노래 불러요. [no-rae bul-leo-yo.] Do you want to sing?
노래 부를까? [no-rae bu-reul-kka?] 노래 부를까요? [no-rae bu-reul-kka-yo?] Let’s tidy up your toys. 장난감 정리하자. [jang-nan-kkam jeong-li-ha-ja.] 장난감 정리해요. [jang-nan-kkam jeong-li-hae-yo.]h Do you want to tidy up your toys? 장난감 정리할까? [jang-nan-kkam jeong-li-hal-kka?] 장난감 정리할까요? [jang-nan-kkam jeong-li-hal-kka-yo?]
Books Books Let’s read a book. 책 읽자. [chaek ik-jja.] It’s time to read a book. 책 읽을 시간이야. [chaek il-geul si-ga-ni-ya.] 책 읽을 시간이에요. [chaek il-geul si-ga-ni-e-yo.] Shall we read a book? 책 읽을까? [chaek il-geul-kka?] 책 읽을까요? [chaek il-geul-kka-yo?] What kind of book do you want to read? 어떤 책 읽을까? [eo-tteon chaek il-geul-kka?] 어떤 책 읽을까요? [eo-tteon chaek il-geul-kka-yo?] Do you want to read this book? 이 책 읽을까? [i chaek il-geul-kka?] 이 책 읽을까요? [i chaek il-geul-kka-yo?] Let’s read another book, too. 다른 책도 읽자. [da-reun chaek-tto ik-jja.] Do you want to read another book, too? 다른 책도 읽을까? [da-reun chaek-tto il-geul-kka?] 다른 책도 읽을까요? [da-reun chaek-tto il-geul-kka-yo?] Bring a book/the book/ books/the books. 책 가져와 봐. [chaek ga-jyeo-wa bwa.] 책 가져와 봐요. [chaek ga-jyeo-wa bwa-yo.] 책 가져오세요. [chaek ga-jyeo-o-se-yo.]
Do you want to bring a book? 책 가져올래? [chaek ga-jyeo-ol-lae?] 책 가져올래요? [chaek ga-jyeo-ol-lae-yo?] Let’s tidy up the books. 책 정리하자. [chaek jeong-li-ha-ja.] Do you want to tidy up the books? 책 정리할까? [chaek jeong-li-hal-kka?] 책 정리할까요? [chaek jeong-li-hal-kka-yo?] Do you want to read it to me? 엄마한테 읽어 줄래? [eom-ma-han-te il-geo jul-lae?] 엄마한테 읽어 줄래요? [eom-ma-han-te il-geo jul-lae-yo?] Do you want to tell me the story ? 엄마한테 이야기해 줄래? [eom-ma-han-te i-ya-gi-hae jul-lae?] 엄마한테 이야기해 줄래요? [eom-ma-han-te i-ya-gi-hae jul-lae-yo?] Is this book fun/ interesting? 이 책 재미있어? [i chaek jae-mi-i-sseo?] 이 책 재미있어요? [i chaek jae-mi-i-sseo-yo?]
Television & Media Television & Media Let’s watch TV. 텔레비전 보자. [tel-le-bi-jeon bo-ja.] Do you want to watch TV? 텔레비전 보고 싶어? [tel-le-bi-jeon bo-go si-peo?] 텔레비전 보고 싶어요? [tel-le-bi-jeon bo-go si-peo-yo?] Shall we watch TV? 텔레비전 볼까? [tel-le-bi-jeon bol-kka?] 텔레비전 볼까요? [tel-le-bi-jeon bol-kka-yo?] What do you want to watch? 뭐 보고 싶어? [mwo bo-go si-peo?] 뭐 보고 싶어요? [mwo bo-go si-peo-yo?] 어떤 거 보고 싶어? [eo-tteon geo bo-go si-peo?] 어떤 거 보고 싶어요? [eo-tteon geo bo-go si-peo-yo?] What do you want to watch? 뭐 볼래? [mwo bol-lae?] 뭐 볼래요? [mwo bol-lae-yo?] What shall we watch? 뭐 볼까? [mwo bol-kka?] 뭐 볼까요? [mwo bol-kka-yo?] It's time for Pororo. (lit.) It’s time that Pororo airs. 뽀로로 할 시간이야. [ppo-ro-ro hal si-ga-ni-ya.] 뽀로로 할 시간이에요. [ppo-ro-ro hal si-ga-ni-e-yo.] Do you want to watch Pororo?
뽀로로 볼래? [ppo-ro-ro bol-lae?] 뽀로로 볼래요? [ppo-ro-ro bol-lae-yo?] Shall we watch Pororo? 뽀로로 볼까? [ppo-ro-ro bol-kka?] 뽀로로 볼까요? [ppo-ro-ro bol-kka-yo?] No more television. 텔레비전 이제 그만. [tel-le-bi-jeon i-je geu-man.] Let’s stop watching. 이제 그만 봐요. [i-je geu-man bwa-yo.] Let’s turn off the TV. 텔레비전 끄자. [tel-le-bi-jeon kkeu-ja.] 텔레비전 꺼요. [tel-le-bi-jeon kkeo-yo.] Shall we turn off the TV? 텔레비전 끌까? [tel-le-bi-jeon kkeul-kka?] 텔레비전 끌까요? [tel-le-bi-jeon kkeul-kka-yo?] Go back. 뒤로 뒤로. [dwi-ro dwi-ro.] Go back and watch it. 뒤로 가서 봐. [dwi-ro ga-seo bwa.] 뒤로 가서 봐요. [dwi-ro ga-seo bwa-yo.] Go back, sit down, and watch it. 뒤에 앉아서 봐. [dwi-e an-ja-seo bwa.] 뒤에 앉아서 봐요. [dwi-e an-ja-seo bwa-yo.] If you watch it (sitting) so close, I’ll turn off the television. 앞에서 보면 텔레비전 끌 거야. [a-pe-seo bo-myeon tel-le-bi-jeon kkeul geo-ya.]
앞에서 보면 텔레비전 끌 거예요.[a-pe-seo bo-myeon tel-le-bi-jeon kkeul geo-ye-yo.]
Basic Motions Basic Motions Sit down. 앉아. [an-ja.] 앉아요. [an-ja-yo.] 앉으세요. [an-jeu-se-yo.] Sit down. 앉아 봐. [an-ja bwa.] 앉아 봐요. [an-ja bwa-yo.] Do you want to sit down? 앉을래? [an-jeul-lae?] 앉을래요? [an-jeul-lae-yo?] Let’s sit here. 여기 앉자. [yeo-gi an-jja.] Lie down (here). 누워. [nu-wo.] 누워요. [nu-wo-yo.] 누우세요. [nu-u-se-yo.] 여기 누우세요. [yeo-gi nu-u-se-yo.] Lie down. 누워 봐. [nu-wo bwa.] 누워 봐요. [nu-wo bwa-yo.] Let’s lie down. 눕자. [nup-jja.] Get up. / Stand up. 일어서. [i-reo-seo.]
일어서요. [i-reo-seo-yo.] Get up. / Stand up. 일어서 봐. [i-reo-seo bwa.] 일어서 봐요. [i-reo-seo bwa-yo.] 일어서 보세요. [i-reo-seo bo-se-yo.] Let’s stand up. 일어서자. [i-reo-seo-ja.] Sit up. 일어나 앉아. [i-reo-na an-ja.] 일어나 앉아요. [i-reo-na an-ja-yo.] Come here. 이리 와. [i-ri wa.] 이리 와요. [i-ri wa-yo.] 이리 오세요. [i-ri o-se-yo.] Do you want to come here? 이리 올래요? [i-ri ol-lae-yo?] 이쪽으로 올래요? [i-jjo-geu-ro ol-lae-yo?] Wait. 기다려. [gi-da-ryeo.] 기다려요. [gi-da-ryeo-yo.] 기다리세요. [gi-da-ri-se-yo.] Wait. 기다려 봐. [gi-da-ryeo bwa.] 기다려 봐요. [gi-da-ryeo bwa-yo.] Do you want to wait? 기다려 볼래? [gi-da-ryeo bol-lae?] 기다려 볼래요? [gi-da-ryeo bol-lae-yo?]
Give it to Mommy/Daddy. 엄마/아빠 줘. [eom-ma/a-ppa jwo.] 엄마/아빠 주세요. [eom-ma/a-ppa ju-se-yo.] Give it to me. 이리 줘. [i-ri jwo.] 이리 주세요. [i-ri ju-se-yo.]
CHAPTER ONE More Phrases More Phrases 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Compliments Disciplines & Warnings Expression of Love Replying Suggesting
Compliments Compliments You are doing really well! 진짜 잘한다! [jin-jja ja-ran-da!] My baby, you are doing a great job! 우리 아기 잘한다! [u-ri a-gi ja-ran-da!] Well done. 잘했네. [ja-raen-ne.] 잘했어. [ja-rae-sseo.] 잘했어요. [ja-rae-sseo-yo.] You’re the best. 최고! [choe-go!] 완전 최고! [wan-jeon choe-go!] 최고야. [choe-go-ya.] 최고예요. [choe-go-ye-yo.] You look (really) pretty. 예쁘다. [ye-ppeu-da.] 진짜 예뻐. [jin-jja ye-ppeo.] 진짜 예쁘다. [jin-jja ye-ppeu-da.] 진짜 예뻐요. [jin-jja ye-ppeo-yo.] You look (really) handsome. 멋지다. [meot-jji-da.] 진짜 멋지다. [jin-jja meot-jji-da.] 진짜 멋져요. [jin-jja meot-jjyeo-yo.] You’ve grown a lot. 많이 컸다. [ma-ni keot-tta.] 많이 컸네. [ma-ni keon-ne.]
많이 컸어요. [ma-ni keo-sseo-yo.] You eat well. 잘 먹는다. [jal meong-neun-da.] 잘 먹네. [jal meong-ne.] 잘 먹네요. [jal meong-ne-yo.] You’ve eaten a lot. 많이 먹었네. [ma-ni meo-geon-ne.] 많이 먹었네요. [ma-ni meo-geon-ne-yo.] You’ve already finished it? 벌써 다 했어? [beol-sseo da hae-sseo?] 벌써 다 했어요? [beol-sseo da hae-sseo-yo?] How did you do it? 어떻게 했어? [eo-tteo-ke hae-sseo?] 어떻게 했어요? [eo-tteo-ke hae-sseo-yo?] How did you know? 어떻게 알았어? [eo-tteo-ke a-ra-sseo?] 어떻게 알았어요? [eo-tteo-ke a-ra-sseo-yo?] Wow. You’re amazing! 우와. 진짜 대단하다! [u-wa. jin-jja dae-da-na-da!] 우와. 진짜 대단해요! [u-wa. jin-jja dae-da-nae-yo.]
Discipline & Warnings Discipline & Warnings No. / You can’t. 안 돼. [an dwae.] 안 돼요. [an dwae-yo.] Stop. / Stop it. 그만. [geu-man.] 그만해요. [geu-ma-nae-yo.] That’s not it. 그거 아니야. [geu-geo a-ni-ya.] 그거 아니예요. [geu-geo a-ni-ye-yo.] It’s dangerous. 위험해. [wi-heo-mae.] 위험해요. [wi-heo-mae-yo.] Be careful. 조심조심. [jo-sim-jo-sim.] 조심해. [jo-si-mae.] 조심해요. [jo-si-mae-yo.] Hold on a second. 잠깐만. [jam-kkan-man.] 잠깐만요. [jam-kkan-man-nyo.] Wait. 기다려. [gi-da-ryeo.] 기다려요. [gi-da-ryeo-yo.] Don’t do it. 하지 마. [hi-ji ma.]
하지 말아요. [ha-ji ma-ra-yo.] Don’t get up. 일어나지 마. [i-reo-na-ji ma.] 일어나지 말아요. [i-reo-na-ji ma-ra-yo.] Don’t sit there. 앉지 마. [an-jji ma.] 앉지 말아요. [an-jji ma-ra-yo.] 거기 앉지 말아요. [geo-gi an-jji ma-ra-yo.] Sit. 앉아. [an-ja.] 앉아요. [an-ja-yo.] Sit properly. / Sit with good posture. 똑바로 앉아. [ttok-ppa-ro an-ja.] 예쁘게 앉아. [ye-ppeu-ge an-ja.] Don’t eat that. 먹지 마. [meok-jji ma.] 먹지 말아요. [meok-jji ma-ra-yo.] It’s not something you can eat. 먹는 거 아니야. [meong-neun geo a-ni-ya.] 먹는 거 아니에요. [meong-neun geo a-ni-e-yo.] You shouldn’t eat it. 먹으면 안 돼. [meo-geu-myeon an dwae.] 먹으면 안 돼요. [meo-geu-myeon an dwae-yo.] Don’t touch it. 만지지 마. [man-ji-ji ma.] 만지지 말아요. [man-ji-ji ma-ra-yo.]
Don’t spill it. 흘리지 마. [heul-li-ji ma.] 흘리지 말아요. [heul-li-ji ma-ra-yo.] Don’t fight. 싸우지 마. [ssa-u-ji ma.] 싸우지 말아요. [ssa-u-ji ma-ra-yo.] Don’t hit him/her. 때리지 마. [ttae-ri-ji ma.] 때리지 말아요. [ttae-ri-ji ma-ra-yo.]
Expression of Love Expression of Love I love you. 사랑해. [sa-rang-hae.] My baby, I love you so much. 우리 아기 정말 사랑해. [u-ri a-gi jeong-mal sa-rang-hae.] Thank you. 고마워. [go-ma-wo.] I’m sorry. 미안해. [mi-a-nae.] Give me a kiss. 뽀뽀해 줘. [ppo-ppo-hae jwo.] Give Mommy/Daddy a kiss. 엄마/아빠 뽀뽀. [eom-ma/a-ppa ppo-ppo.] You’re (so) cute! 귀여워. [gwi-yeo-wo.] 정말 귀엽다! [jeong-mal gwi-yeop-tta.] I’m happy. 행복해. [haeng-bo-kae.] Thank to my baby, Mommy/Daddy is so happy. 우리 아기 덕분에 엄마/아빠가 정말 행복해. [u-ri a-gi deok-ppu-ne eom-ma/a-ppa-ga jeong-mal haeng-bo-kae.] Good luck! Way to go! You can do it! 화이팅. [hwa-i-ting.]
Replying Replying Is that so? / You did? / Really? 그래? [geu-rae?] 그래요? [geu-rae-yo?] Really? 진짜? [jin-jja?] 진짜요? [jin-jja-yo?] Really? 정말? [jeong-mal?] 정말로? [jeong-mal-lo?] 정말로요? [jeong-mal-lo-yo?]
Suggesting Suggesting Look at Mommy/Daddy. 엄마/아빠 봐 봐. [eom-ma/a-ppa bwa bwa.] Look at this. 이거 봐 봐. [i-geo bwa bwa.] Look at that. 저거 봐 봐. [jeo-geo bwa bwa.] Do you want to try doing this? 이거 해 볼래? [i-geo hae bol-lae?] 이렇게 해 볼래? [i-reo-ke hae bol-lae?] 이렇게 해 볼래요? [i-reo-ke hae bol-lae-yo?] Do you want Mommy/ Daddy to do it for you? 엄마/아빠가 해 줄까? [eom-ma/a-ppa-ga hae jul-kka?] 엄마/아빠가 해 줄까요? [eom-ma/a-ppa-ga hae jul-kka-yo?] Mommy/Daddy will do it for you. 엄마/아빠가 해 줄게. [eom-ma/a-ppa-ga hae jul-kke.] 엄마/아빠가 해 줄게요. [eom-ma/a-ppa-ga hae jul-kke-yo.] Do you want Mommy/ Daddy to wipe it for you? 엄마/아빠가 닦아 줄까? [eom-ma/a-ppa-ga da-kka jul-kka?] 엄마/아빠가 닦아 줄까요? [eom-ma/a-ppa-ga da-kka jul-kka-yo?] Mommy/Daddy will wipe it for you. 엄마/아빠가 닦아 줄게. [eom-ma/a-ppa-ga da-kka jul-kke.] 엄마/아빠가 닦아 줄게요. [eom-ma/a-ppa-ga da-kka jul-kke-yo.] Do you want Mommy/ Daddy to hold you?
엄마/아빠가 안아 줄까? [eom-ma/a-ppa-ga a-na jul-kka?] 엄마/아빠가 안아 줄까요? [eom-ma/a-ppa-ga a-na jul-kka-yo?] Mommy/Daddy will hold you. 엄마/아빠가 안아 줄게. [eom-ma/a-ppa-ga a-na jul-kke.] 엄마/아빠가 안아 줄게요. [eom-ma/a-ppa-ga a-na jul-kke-yo.] Let Mommy/Daddy hold you. 엄마/아빠한테 안겨. [eom-ma/a-ppa-han-te an-gyeo.] 엄마/아빠한테 안겨요. [eom-ma/a-ppa-han-te an-gyeo-yo.] Let me give you a piggy- back ride. 어부바. [eo-bu-ba.] 어부바 하자. [eo-bu-ba ha-ja.] Do you want me to give you a piggy-back ride? 어부바 해 줄까? [eo-bu-ba hae jul-kka?] 어부바 해 줄까요? [eo-bu-ba hae jul-kka-yo?] 업어 줄까? [eo-beo jul-kka?] 업어 줄까요? [eo-beo jul-kka-yo?] I’ll give you a piggy-back ride. 어부바 해 줄게. [eo-bu-ba hae jul-kke.] 어부바 해 줄게요. [eo-bu-ba hae jul-kke-yo.] 업어 줄게. [eo-beo jul-kke.] 업어 줄게요. [eo-beo jul-kke-yo.]
CHAPTER TWO Essential Vocabulary Essential Vocabulary 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Body Parts Time Family Demonstrative Pronouns Colors Food Baby Products Baby Talk
Body Parts Body Parts eye 눈 [nun] nose 코 [ko] mouth 입 [ip] ear 귀 [gwi] forehead 이마 [i-ma] eyebrow 눈썹 [nun-sseop] tooth 이 [i] head 머리 [meo-ri] hair 머리카락 [meo-ri-ka-rak] neck 목 [mok]
shoulder 어깨 [eo-kkae] armpit 겨드랑이 [gyeo-deu-rang-i] arm 팔 [pal] hand 손 [son] leg 다리 [da-ri] foot 발 [bal] back 등 [deung] lower back 허리 [heo-ri] belly 배 [bae] belly button 배꼽 [bae-kkop] finger 손가락 [son-kka-rak] toe
발가락 [bal-kka-rak] fingernail 손톱 [son-top] toenail 발톱 [bal-top] knee 무릎 [mu-reup] butt 엉덩이 [eong-deong-i]
Time Time now 지금 [ji-geum] later 나중에 [na-jung-e] later 이따가 [i-tta-ga] today 오늘 [o-neul] tomorrow 내일 [nae-il] yesterday 어제 [eo-je] in the morning 아침에 [a-chi-me] at lunch 점심 때 [jeom-sim ttae] at dinner 저녁 때 [jeo-nyeok ttae] at night 밤에 [ba-me]
during the day 낮에 [na-je]
Family Family mom 엄마 [eom-ma] dad 아빠 [a-ppa] grandmother 할머니 [hal-meo-ni] grandfather 할아버지 [ha-ra-beo-ji] maternal grandmother 외할머니 [oe-hal-meo-ni] maternal grandfather 외할아버지 [oe-ha-ra-beo-ji] uncle 삼촌 [sam-chon] uncle’s wife 숙모 [sung-mo] aunt (mom’s sister) 이모 [i-mo] mom’s sister’s husband 이모부 [i-mo-bu]
aunt (father’s sister) 고모 [go-mo] father’s sister’s husband 고모부 [go-mo-bu] older brother (for females) 오빠 [o-ppa] older sister (for females) 언니 [eon-ni] older brother (for males) 형 [hyeong] older sister (for males) 누나 [nu-na] cousin 사촌 [sa-chon] nephew, niece 조카 [jo-ka]
Demonstrative Pronouns Demonstrative Pronouns this 이것 (이거) [i-geot (i-geo)] that (over there) 저것 (저거) [jeo-geot (jeo-geo)] that, it 그것 (그거) [geu-geot (geu-geo)] what 무엇 (뭐) [mu-eot (mwo)] here 여기 [yeo-gi] there 거기 [geo-gi] over there 저기 [jeo-gi] where 어디 [eo-di]
Colors Colors red 빨간색 (빨강) [ppal-gan-saek (ppal-gang)] blue 파란색 (파랑) [pa-ran-saek (pa-rang)] yellow 노란색 (노랑) [no-ran-saek (no-rang)] pink 분홍색 (분홍) [bu-nong-saek (bu-nong)] green 녹색 (초록) [nok-ssaek (cho-rok)] black 검은색 (검정) [geo-meun-saek (geom-jeong)] white 흰색 (하양) [huin-saek (ha-yang)] grey 회색 [hoe-saek]
Food Food breastmilk 모유 [mo-yu] formula 분유 [bu-nyu] baby food, weaning food 이유식 [i-yu-sik] water 물 [mul] milk 우유 [u-yu] rice 밥 [bap] side dish 반찬 [ban-chan] meat 고기 [go-gi] fish 생선 [saeng-seon] vegetable 채소 [chae-so]
bread 빵 [ppang] fruit 과일 [gwa-il] snack, cookie, cracker 과자 [gwa-ja]
Baby Products Baby Products diaper 기저귀 [gi-jeo-gwi] baby milk bottle 젖병 [jeot-ppyeong] water bottle 물병 [mul-ppyeong] baby stroller 유모차 [yu-mo-cha] baby walker 보행기 [bo-haeng-gi] car seat 카시트 [ka-ssi-teu] rattle 딸랑이 [ttal-lang-i] pacifier 쪽쪽이 [jjok-jjo-gi] bib 턱받이 [teok-ppa-ji] picture book 그림책 [geu-rim-chaek]
teething ring 치발기 [chi-bal-gi] baby feeding chair 아기 식탁 의자 [a-gi sik-tak ui-ja] wet wipe 물티슈 [mul-ti-syu] tissue 티슈 [ti-syu] bottle sterilizer 젖병 소독기 [jeot-ppyeong so-dok-kki] crib, baby bed 아기 침대 (범퍼 침대) [a-gi chim-dae (beom-peo chim-dae)] swaddling cloth 속싸개 [sok-ssa-gae] (outer)wrap 겉싸개 [geot-ssa-gae] baby carrier 아기띠 [a-gi-tti] hipseat carrier 힙시트 [hip-ssi-teu] handwrap 손싸개 [son-ssa-gae] footwrap
발싸개 [bal-ssa-gae] baby pillow 짱구 베개 (아기 베개) [jjang-gu be-gae (a-gi be-gae)]
Baby Talk Baby Talk food, meal, rice (adult word 밥) 맘마 [mam-ma] brushing teeth (adult word 양치) 치카치카 [chi-ka-chi-ka] to sleep (adult word 자다) 코 자다 [ko ja-da] snack (adult word 과자) 까까 [kka-kka] to hurt (adult word 다치다, 아프다) 아야 하다 [a-ya ha-da] something dirty (adult word 더러운 것) 지지 [ji-ji] poop (adult word 똥, 대변) 응가 [eung-ga] pee (adult word 오줌, 소변) 쉬 [swi] piggy-back ride (adult word 업다) 어부바 [eo-bu-ba]