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English Pages 7 Year 2015
Page Modification Logging for Virtual Machine Monitor White Paper This document is intended only for VMM or hypervisor software developers and not for application developers or end-customers. Readers are expected to be knowledgeable about Intel® Architecture and Intel® Virtualization Technology.
331872-001 January 2015
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January 2015
CHAPTER 1 PAGE MODIFICATION LOGGING 1.1 OVERVIEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 VMCS CHANGES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3 CHANGES TO VMX NON-ROOT OPERATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4 CHANGES TO VM ENTRIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5 CHANGES TO VM EXITS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.6 CHANGES TO VMX CAPABILITY REPORTING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
January 2015
1-1 1-2 1-2 1-3 1-4 1-4
This paper describes an I nt el ® Virt ualizat ion Technology ( I nt el ® VT) enhancem ent for fut ure I nt el processors. This feat ure, referred t o as pa ge - m odifica t ion logging ( PM L) , furt her ext ends t he capabilit y of virt ual- m achine m onit or ( VMM) soft ware t hat em ploys t he ext ended page- t able m echanism ( EPT) by allowing t hat soft ware t o m onit or t he guest- physical pages m odified during guest virt ual m achine ( VM) execut ion m ore efficient ly. Det ails of I nt el VT, including EPT, can be found in I nt el ® 64 and I A- 32 Archit ect ures Soft ware Developer’s Manual ( SDM) in Volum e 3C. Earlier I nt el processors int roduced accessed and dirt y flags for EPT; see Sect ion 28.2.4, “Accessed and Dirt y Flags for EPT,” of I nt el ® 64 and I A- 32 Archit ect ures Soft ware Developer’s Manual ( SDM) in Volum e 3C. This feat ure enables VMMs t o im plem ent m em ory- m anagem ent and page- classificat ion algorit hm s efficient ly so as t o opt im ize VM m em ory operat ions such as defragm ent at ion, paging, et c. Wit hout accessed and dirt y flags, VMMs m ay need t o em ulat e t hem ( by m arking EPT pagingst ruct ures as not- present or read- only) and incur t he overhead of t he result ing EPT violat ions: VM exit s and associat ed soft ware processing. For som e usage m odels, VMMs m ay benefit from addit ional support t o m onit or t he working set size. As accessed and dirt y flags for EPT are set wit hout invoking t he VMM, t here is no opport unit y for t he VMM t o accum ulat e working- set st at ist ics during operat ion. To calculat e such st at ist ics t he VMM m ust scan t he EPT paging st ruct ures t o aggregat e t he inform at ion from t he accessed and dirt y flags. Such scans im pose bot h lat ency and bandwidt h cost s t hat m ay be unaccept able in som e circum st ances. PML builds upon t he processor ’s support for accessed and dirt y flags for EPT, ext ending t he processing t hat occurs when dirt y flags for EPT are set . When PML is act ive each writ e t hat set s a dirt y flag for EPT also generat es an ent ry in an inm em ory log, report ing t he guest- physical address of t he writ e ( aligned t o 4 KByt es) . When t he log is full, a VM exit occurs, not ifying t he VMM. A VMM can m onit or t he num ber of pages m odified by each t hread by specifying an available set of log ent ries. The rest of t his paper is organized in subsect ions which cover specific changes in VMX t o support PML:
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Sect ion 1.2 det ails changes t o t he VMCS int roduced wit h t he PML feat ure. Sect ion 1.3 det ails changes t o VMX non- root operat ion. Sect ion 1.4 describes changes t o VM ent ries. Sect ion 1.5 describes changes t o VM exit s. Sect ion 1.6 det ails changes t o t he capabilit y report ing int roduced wit h PML.
January 2015
Secondary processor- based VM- execut ion cont rol 17 is defined as e na ble PM L. A new 64- bit VM- execut ion cont rol field is defined called t he PM L a ddr e ss. This is t he 4- KByt e aligned physical address of t he pa ge - m odifica t ion log. The pagem odificat ion log com prises 512 64- bit ent ries. The VMCS- field encoding pair for t he PML address is 0000200EH ( for all 64 bit s) and 0000200FH ( for t he upper 32 bit s) . A new 16- bit guest- st at e field is defined called t he PM L in de x . The PML index is t he logical index of t he next ent ry in t he page m odificat ion log. Because t he page- m odificat ion log com prises 512 ent ries ( see above) , t he PML index is t ypically a value in t he range 0–511. The VMCS- field encoding for t he PML index is 00000812H. The PML address and PML index fields exist only on processors t hat support t he 1set t ing of t he “ enable PML” VM- execut ion cont rol.
I f t he “ enable PML” VM- execut ion cont rol is 1 and bit 6 of EPT point er ( EPTP) is 1 ( enabling accessed and dirt y flags for EPT) , t he behavior in VMX non- root operat ion is m odified as described in t his sect ion 1 . Before allowing a guest- physical access, t he processor m ay det erm ine t hat it first needs t o set an accessed or dirt y flag for EPT. When t his happens, t he processor exam ines t he PML index. I f t he PML index is not in t he range 0–511 ( bit s 15: 9 of PML index are not all 0) , a VM exit occurs. The accessed or dirt y flag is not set , and t he guest- physical access t hat t riggered t he event does not occur. See Sect ion 1.5 for det ails of how t he VM exit occurs. I f inst ead t he PML index is in t he range 0–511 and a guest- physical access causes t he processor t o updat e a dirt y flag for EPT ( changing it from 0 t o 1) , t he processor operat es as follows:
The guest- physical address of t he access is writ t en t o t he page- m odificat ion log. Specifically, t he guest- physical address is writ t en t o physical address det erm ined by adding 8 t im es t he PML index t o t he PML address. Bit s 11: 0 of t he value writ t en are always 0 ( t he guest- physical address writ t en is 4- KByt e aligned) .
The PML index is decrem ent ed by 1 ( t his m ay cause t he value t o t ransit ion from 0 t o FFFFH) .
Because t he processor decrem ent s t he PML index wit h each log ent ry, t he value will event ually wrap around t o FFFFH. No furt her logging will occur because, t he next t im e a log ent ry is required, t he processor will det erm ine t hat bit s 15: 9 of t he PML index are not all 0 and will cause a VM exit ( see above and Sect ion 1.5) .
1. If bit 6 of EPT pointer (EPTP) is 0 (disabling accessed and dirty flags for EPT), the setting of the “enable PML” VM-execution control has no effect on VMX non-root operation.
January 2015
The following pseudocode com prehends t he im pact of t he 1- set t ing of “ enable PML” on an updat e t o an accessed or dirt y flag for EPT: IF (PML Index[15:9] ≠ 0) THEN VM exit; FI; set accessed and dirty flags for EPT; IF (a dirty flag was updated from 0 to 1) THEN PML address[PML index] ← 4-KByte-aligned guest-physical address; PML index is decremented; FI;
I f t he “ act ivat e secondary cont rols” and “ enable PML” VM- execut ion cont rols are bot h 1, VM ent ries ensure t he following:
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The “ enable EPT” VM- execut ion cont rol is 1. Bit s 11: 0 of t he PML address are 0. The PML address does not set any bit s beyond t he processor ’s physical- address widt h. 1
VM ent ry fails if t his check fails. When such a failure occurs, cont rol passes t o t he next inst ruct ion, RFLAGS.ZF is set t o 1 t o indicat e t he failure, and t he VM- inst ruct ion error field is loaded wit h value 7, indicat ing “ VM ent ry wit h invalid cont rol field( s) .” This check m ay be perform ed in any order wit h respect t o ot her checks on VMX cont rols and t he host- st at e area. Different processors m ay t hus give different error num bers for t he sam e VMCS. The “ enable PML” VM- execut ion cont rol m ay be 1 even if bit 6 of EPT point er ( EPTP) is 0 ( disabling accessed and dirt y flags for EPT) ; VM ent ry will not fail because of t his condit ion. As not ed in foot not e 1 in Sect ion 1.3, t he set t ing of t he “ enable PML” VMexecut ion cont rol has no effect on VMX non- root operat ion if accessed and dirt y flags for EPT are disabled. VM ent ry does not check t he value of t he PML index, and t hat value will not cause VM ent ry t o fail, even if bit s 15: 9 of t he value are not all 0.
1. Software can determine a processor’s physical-address width by executing CPUID with 80000008H in EAX. The physical-address width is returned in bits 7:0 of EAX.
January 2015
As indicat ed in Sect ion 1.3, t he processor causes a VM exit when t he next PML index specifies an invalid locat ion ( because bit s 15: 9 of PML index are not all 0) . Typically, t his will occur when t he page- m odificat ion log is full and t he PML index has wrapped around from 0 t o FFFFH. VM exit s result ing from t he value of t he PML index use a basic exit reason of 62 ( 3EH) , indicat ing “ page- m odificat ion log full.” VM exit s due t o “ page- m odificat ion log full” do save an exit qualificat ion defined as follows:
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Bit s 11: 0 are undefined. Bit 12 is undefined in eit her of t he following cases: — I f t he “ NMI exit ing” VM- execut ion cont rol is 1 and t he “ virt ual NMI s” VMexecut ion cont rol is 0. — I f t he VM exit set s t he valid bit in t he I DT- vect oring inform at ion field. Ot herwise, bit 12 is defined as follows: — I f t he “ virt ual NMI s” VM- execut ion cont rol is 0, t he EPT violat ion was caused by a m em ory access as part of execut ion of t he I RET inst ruct ion, and blocking by NMI was in effect before execut ion of I RET, bit 12 is set t o 1. — I f t he “ virt ual NMI s” VM- execut ion cont rol is 1,t he EPT violat ion was caused by a m em ory access as part of execut ion of t he I RET inst ruct ion, and virt ualNMI blocking was in effect before execut ion of I RET, bit 12 is set t o 1. — For all ot her relevant VM exit s, bit 12 is cleared t o 0.
Bit s 63: 13 are undefined.
These VM exit s save t he I DT- vect oring inform at ion and I DT- vect oring error code as t hey are for VM exit s due t o EPT violat ions. Thus, if t he VM exit occurred while delivering an event t hrough t he I DT, t hese fields receive inform at ion about t hat event .
Sect ion 1.3 specified t hat bit 17 of t he secondary processor- based VM- execut ion cont rols is defined as “ enable PML”. A processor t hat support s t he 1- set t ing of “ enable PML” set s bit 49 of t he I A32_VMX_PROCBASED_CTLS2 MSR ( index 48BH) . RDMSR of t hat MSR ret urns 1 in bit 17 of EDX.
January 2015