Table of contents : Dedication iii About the Authors iv Preface vi Acknowledgments xi Text Features: OB Insert Boxes xii Brief Contents xvii Table of Contents xviii PART 1 Introduction to Organizational Behavior 1 CHAPTER 1: What Is Organizational Behavior? 2 CHAPTER 2: Job Performance 26 CHAPTER 3: Organizational Commitment 60
PART 2 Individual Mechanisms 93 CHAPTER 4: Job Satisfaction 94 CHAPTER 5: Stress 128 CHAPTER 6: Motivation 168 CHAPTER 7: Trust, Justice, and Ethics 206 CHAPTER 8: Learning and Decision Making 246
PART 3 Individual Characteristics 279 CHAPTER 9: Personality and Cultural Values 280 CHAPTER 10: Ability 322
PART 4 Group Mechanisms 355 CHAPTER 11: Teams: Characteristics and Diversity 356 CHAPTER 12: Teams: Processes and Communication 396 CHAPTER 13: Leadership: Power and Negotiation 434 CHAPTER 14: Leadership: Styles and Behaviors 466