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© Pearson Education Limited 2012 The right of JJ Wilson and Antonia Clare to be identified as authors of this Work has been asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the prior written permission of the Publishers. First published 2012 ISBN: 978-1-4082-6714-1 Book with ActiveBook pack Set in MetaPlusBook-Roman Printed in Slovakia by Neografia
Acknowledgements The publishers and authors would like to thank the following people and institutions for their feedback and comments during the development of the material: Lucia Cortese, Australia; Adriana Lima, Brazil; Jill Fortune, Colombia; Fiona Delaney, France; Eszter Timar, Hungary; Tom Windle, Japan; Witoslaw Awedyk, Hayden Berry, Agnieszka Gugnacka-Cook, Lech Krzeminski, Poland; Maribel Isabel Gonzalez Ortfz, Spain; Ruth Avison Dang, Switzerland; Alper Darici, Turkey; Anne Cilliers, Rob Turland, Shanel Ali, UK
We are grateful to the following for permission to reproduce copyright material: Article 1.3 adapted from http://www.nationaldanceawards.com/features/ carlos_acosta_o4.htm, Mike Dixon is a freelance writer and founder of the Critics' Circle National Dance Awards.; Article 1.3 adapted from http:// observer.guardian.co.uk/osm/story/0,1209934,00.html, Mark Rendell@ The Observer; Extract 2.3 from The Rough Guide to Corsica (David Abram) Introduction pages iii-xvi© Rough Guides, 2003; Extract 3. from The Mind Body Problem ISBN 0140172459, Reprint Edition, Penguin Books (Rebecca Goldstein 1993), Rebecca Newberger Goldstein; Extract 3. from Herzog ISBN 0142437298, Penguin Books (Saul Bellow 1964); Extract 3. Metamorphosis ISBN 0553213695, Bantam Books / Imprint of Random House (Franz Kafka 1915); Extract 3.2 from The Edge of Day (US) (UK title: Cider With Rosie), 2002, William Morrow and Company, New York/ Random House from Cider with Rosie by Laurie Lee, published by Vintage Books. Reprinted by permission of The Random House Group Limited; Extract 3.2 from The Best Revenge, 1993, New York: Sol Stein / New York: Random House; Extract 3.2 from T he Stuntman's Daughter ISBN 1574410091, University of North Texas Press, Denton, Texas (Alice Blanchard 1996); Extract 3.2 from Blister ISBN 0-439-19314-1 by Susan Steve 2001 reprinted by permission of scholastic Inc; Extract 3.2. from Slade, Robert Hale, London (Dyer, Robert 1994) Extracts 4.1.2, 10.1.1oa adapted from Focus Magazine, Issue no 141 August 2004 ISBN: 9770966427074; Exhibit 4.3.12 adapted from http:// wwwS.gmanews.tv/story/198528/8-year-old-painting-prodigy-is-new-art world-star, GMA News/ Jill Lawless 2010; Extract 5.1.10 adapted fromhttp:// www.entrepreneur.com/article/o,4621,298643,oo.html published on www.entrepreneur.com 1/04/2002, Cliff Ennico, Small business expert, host of the PBS television series MoneyHunt, and author of 15 books on entrepreneurship including 'Small Business Survival; Extract 6.1.4b adapted from Facts and figures from: Mackaness, C. (ed.) 2006, Bridging Sydney, Historic Houses Trust of New South Wales, Sydney., http://architecture. about.com/od/greatbuildings/ig/Stadium-and-Arena-Pictures/Millennium Dome.htm, Australian Government Culture and Recreation Portal; Extract 7.3.3 adapted from http://www.commondreams .org/cgi-bin/print. cgi?file= /headlineso5/0816-03.htm The independent.Maxine Frith / The Independent; Extract 9.3.5 adapted from The bigger picture The Times (travel section), 16/07/2005, 14 (Doug McKinlay) In some instances we have been unable to trace the owners of copyright material, and we would appreciate any information that would enable us to do so. The publisher would like to thank the following for their kind permission to reproduce their photographs: (Key: b-bottom; c-centre; I-left; r-right; t-top)
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Contents UNIT
Contents Can do
1.1 Polyglots
discuss your language-learning experiences
verbs/adjectives/nouns with prepositions
learning languages
1.2 Famous firsts
say how much you know/don't know about things
passives: distancing
How to... say how much you know/don't know Word stress (1)
Who did it first? News headlines
1.3 Burning ambitions
talk about your achievements
perfect aspect
How to... talk about an achievement
Ambitious people Challenging activities
Vocabulary p 17 Communication p 18 Writing bank p 155
prefixes respond in detail to a questionnaire write a promotional leaflet
8.1 1117 oomm'IUliV
give advice mal