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English Pages 119 [120] Year 2018
Jenny Dooley
Student's Book
Published by Express Publishing L ib e r t y H o u s e , G r e e n h a m B u s in e s s P a rk , N e w b u r y , B e r k s h ir e R G 1 9 6 H W , U n it e d K in g d o m Tel.: (0 0 4 4 ) 1635 817 363 Fax : (0 0 4 4 ) 1635 817 463 e m a il: in q u ir ie s @ e x p r e s s p u b lis h in g .c o .u k w w w .e x p r e s s p u b lis h in g .c o .u k
© J e n n y D o o le y , 2018
D e s ig n a n d Illu s tr a t io n © Ex p ress P u b lis h in g , 2018
C o lo u r Illu s tra tio n s : A n g e la , A n d r e w S im o n s , K y r © E x p ress P u b lis h in g , 2018
M u s ic A r r a n g e m e n t s b y Taz © E x p re s s P u b lis h in g , 2018
F irst p u b lis h e d 2018
M a d e in E ll
A ll rig h ts re s e rv e d . N o p a r t o f th is p u b lic a t io n m a y b e r e p r o d u c e d , s to re d in a r e t r ie v a l sy ste m , o r t r a n s m it t e d in a n y fo r m , o r b y a n y m e a n s , e le c t r o n ic , p h o t o c o p y in g , o r o t h e r w is e , w i t h o u t t h e p rio r w r i t t e n p e rm is s io n o f t h e p u b lis h e rs .
T h is b o o k is n o t m e a n t t o b e c h a n g e d in a n y w a y .
IS B N 978-1-4715-6954-8
Acknowledgements A u t h o r 's A c k n o w le d g e m e n t s
D e d ic a t e d t o t h e f o n d m e m o r y o f V ir g in ia E v a n s , c o - a u th o r o f t h e o r ig in a l t it le .
would lik e t o t h a n k all t h e s t a f f a t E x p ress P u b lis h in g w h o h a v e c o n t r ib u t e d t h e ir skills t o
producing th is b o o k . T h a n k s f o r t h e ir s u p p o r t a n d p a t ie n c e a r e d u e in p a r t ic u la r to : M e g a n L a w t o n ( E d it o r
in C h ie f); M a r y S w a n a n d S e a n T o d d (s e n io r e d ito r s ); M ic h a e l S a d le r a n d S t e v e M ille r
(editorial a s sista n ts); R ic h a rd W h i t e (s e n io r p r o d u c t io n c o n t r o lle r ) ; t h e E x p ress d e s ig n t e a m ; E x p ress studio (recording p ro d u c e rs ); a n d K e v in H a rris , A n n B r o w n a n d C h ris tin e L itt le . W e w o u ld a ls o lik e to thank th o s e in s titu tio n s a n d t e a c h e r s w h o p ilo t e d t h e m a n u s c rip t, a n d w h o s e c o m m e n ts a n d *eedDack were in v a lu a b le in t h e p r o d u c tio n o f t h e b o o k . : t io t o g r a p h A c k n o w le d g e m e n t s o " r t 2: Culture T h e W illia m s S is te rs © R ic h a rd C o r k e r y / G e tt y Im a g e s / Id e a l Im a g e o n p. 18; T h e z'anco b r o t h e r s © B r u c e G lik a s / G e tty Im a g e s / Id e a l Im a g e o n p. 18; U n it 10: 10a R o g e r M o o r e © zz'z 's .s '- a r t m a g n a .c o m o n p. 82; R o g e r M o o r e © P O P P E R F O T O / G e t t y Im a g e s / Id e a l Im a g e o n p.
d a K a '- lo © B E T T M A N N / G e t t y Im a g e s / Id e a l Im a g e o n p. 83; A lb e r t E in s te in © U n iv e r s a l Im a g e s 3 r c x ,o G e t t y Im a g e s / Id e a l Im a g e o n p. 83; — 5 c e s '- e s
E •=•-> 5 ~ " a s r r e r lc c * sc
appirtH lyL
10b R
R T o lk ie n © H a y w o o d M a g e e P ic tu r e P o s t/ G e tty
' ^ a g e o n p. 84; E lvis P r e s le y © e v e r e t t w w w . im l . g r o n p. 84
b e e n m a d e t o tr a c e a ll t h e
copyright holders. If any have been inadvertently
t h e p u b lis h e r s w il l b e p le a s e d t o m a k e t h e n e c e s s a r y a r r a n g e m e n t s a t t h e fir s t
C o n ten ts G ra m m a r
• the verb to fte • subject pronouns •
• the verb
v o c a b u la r y • cardinal numbers • countries/
can (ability)
R e a d in g
L is t e n in g
Social Media
a dialogue
(replace words) choice)
nationalities • jobs
• greetings, introductions
W r it in g
C u lt u r e
• an 'about me'
Countries of the Englishspeaking world
& personal
writing tip:
- capital letters
• intonation in
• abilities
(p p . 4-11)
S p e a k in g
- linking ideas
(and, but)
• school/college subjects • colours
(• the verb have got • object pronouns • possessive adjectives/pronouns
Families (p p , 12-19)
• possessive case • who/whose • plurals (regular,
• family members • people's appearance • character
A family like no otherl
a dialogue
(article -
• identifying &
• a blog entry
about a
• pronunciation:
Celebrity Siblings
person w riting tip:
.... .. . . • •
Home sweet home!
there is/there are/aan/some-any this/these-that/ those
• prepositions of place
(on, in, under, behind, next to, in front of, near, between, opposite)
(p p , 20-27)
• rooms, furniture & appliances • ordinal
Life underground
a dialogue
• renting a flat
(note taking) • pronunciation:
(online a rticle-
/а:/ /аг/
T/F statements)
• an
describing your new flat writing tip:
• types of
The UKHomes of the Monarchy
informal language
Values - National Pride (p. 28) Public Speaking Skills A - present your country's flag (p. 29) • present simple
• daily routines
• adverbs of
• days of the
Busy days
love/like/hate +-ing
• prepositions of time
V............. _............... can/ could, can't, must, mustn't
• modal verbs:
• question words
• free-time
/s//z/ /iz/
• weather • months & seasons
a dialogue
• asking for
information (T/F statements) • pronunciation: /е/ /з:/
typical Sunday writing tip:
• an application form to volunteer
completing application
Willis in all Weathers
• shopping for clothes
• a postcard writing tip:
• pronunciation: - writing /п/ /ці
• clothes
addresses - avoiding repetition
Values B - Environmentalism (p. 54) Public Speaking Skills B - present an endangered animal (p. 55)
Hobbies & Sports: Australia vs Canada
Unique animals in Australia
writing tip:
- answer
(p p . 46-53)
about your
• present continuous
• a blog entry
• present continuous
paragraphs; T/F
Welcome to Pohatu Marine Reserve (online
• parts of
• making
headings to
• wild animals
• activities
Come rain or shine
statements) • pronunciation:
(p p . 38-45)
vs present simple
(article -
• sports
• farm animals
Birds of a feather
a dialogue
• telling the time match activities
(p p . 30-37)
A day in the life of Valeria Lopez
A guide to California
G ra m m a r
• food/drinks
• countable/ uncountable nouns • phrases of quantity •
Taste the world pp. 56-63) c
V o c a b u la r y
some, any, a lot of/ much/many - how much/how manya few/a little
• cutlery & tableware
L is t e n in g
s p e a k in g
Food of the World
a restaurant
• ordering food
• pronunciation:
(article -
(gap fill)
• ways to cook
• food
w r itin g • a restaurant review
C u lt u r e
Traditional Irish Recipes
writing tip:
/g/ Afe/
using adjectives
• the imperative
R e a d in g
• com parative-
s e w places, n e w faces
• adjectives
• adverbs of degree
(quite, very, much, too) too/enough
• tourist
Los Angeles - The City of Angels
a dialogue (multiple matching)
• making
• an article
• pronunciation: w riting tip: title, /S//!/
about a place
Welcome to NewZealand
tenses, informal
language in
- answer
(pp. 64-71)
f ..—
(was/ were, had, could)
• past simple
• features in a place • places/
—ies change pp. 72-79)
Inishmore: Then & Now
directions (gap fill)
(article -
buildings in a
• an article
about a place
then and now
UK street names
• pronunciation: w riting tip: /1/ pronounced linking ideas:
T0r silent
• transport
• asking for/
_____ ___________
Values - Respect (p. 80) Public Speaking Skills C - present a historic landmark (p. 81) >
• past simple
irregular) • prepositions of
Tieir stories live on pp. 82-89)
movement • adverb formation
• famous people and their
Making the Best ofa bad situation
achievements (article-T/F • jobs
• feelings/
a narration of an event (order of events)
• narrating past
w riting tip:
events • intonation
• a story
No questions
adjectives/ adverbs; join
William Shakespeare -A Poet for All Time
{and, but, because, so then, when, etc) sentences
A Dark Future or a Bright One?
a dialogue
• giving advice
• inviting/
summer plans
continuous (future
(blog —
writing tip:
should/shouldn't • future simple, be going to, present •
' Tie will tell (P P . 90-97)
• present perfect • present perfect vs past simple •
• the environment • summer plans
• holiday activities • travel experiences
sum m er plans
Exotic Morocco
(email -T/F
• describing
• a blog
about a
• pronunciation: pronounced
or silent
pp. 98-105)
about your
holiday experience w riting tip: opening/closing remarks
values - Environmental Awareness (p. 106) Public Speaking Skills D - present a green city (p. 107) CLIL (pp. 108-111) Word List (pp. 112-118) Irregular Verbs (p. 119)
Arbor Day Give a Little Time to the Trees
• pronunciation: reason, result or
"ake a break
• an email
Adventure Holidays in Canada
Cardna numbers. Countries. Nationalities, Jobs. Abilities, Subjects, Colours the verb to be, subject pronouns; a/an, the verb can
Everyday English: Introduce yourself/others, Give personal information
Writing: A short text about a friend, Your social media profile
R e a d in g
Look at the social media profiles. How old is each person? What is their dream job? Listen and read to find out. *
Peter Smith Age: 16 ►Country: th e
M aria A lvarez Age: 18 ■Country: A rg e n tin a
I m g o o d a t singing. M u s ic is m y fa v o u rite s u b je c t a t sch o o l. M y
I m rea lly in te rested in A rt an d ICT.
fa vo u rite artist is B ru n o M ars.
pictures. I c a n
H e is an A m e r ic a n sin g er an d he
desig n g re a t outfits on
c a n sin g really w ell. M y d re a m
m y c o m p u te r a s w ell. M y
jo b is to b e c o m e a singer. It's an
d re a m jo b is to b e c o m e a fashion
a m a z in g job.
designer. It's a g re a t job! Shan
I c a n d ra w beautiful
ш Uk*S *
. о
Ju Luo
^Janusz Florek ►Age: 20 ►Country: Po lan d
r гы/ V i' * Country: T hailand г~*.: " : •
• t
.,. .
A t m y college, all o f th e
I'm c ra z y a b o u t English Literature. M y fa vo u rite
s u b je c ts a re interesting, but m y
w rite rs a re M a rg a re t A tw o o d ,
fa vo u rite o n e is Art. I'm m ad
Jo h n S te in b e c k an d C h a rle s
a b o u t photography. I c a n ta k e
D ickens. I c a n w rite good
rea lly g oo d s n a p s h o ts w ith m y
stories. M y d re a m jo b is to
c a m e ra . M y d re a m jo b is to
b e c o m e a w riter.
b e c o m e a photographer.
Ф Uk«* *
Read the sentences. Replace the words in bold with words from the text.
S tun
C h e ck th e s e w o rd s good at, become, amazing, interested
1 2
P e t e r is good a t
M a ria is in tereste d in
3 She's interested in English Literature. 4 Ja n u s z c a n ta k e these w ith his c a m e ra .
in, draw, design, outfit, crazy about, mad about, snapshot
S p e a k in g
Fill in the gaps with words from the list.Write in your notebook. Then make sentences, as in the example.
Ask and answer questions, as in the example.
What is Peter's surname?
B: He's from the UK.
Smith. how
old is he?
-e’s 16 years old. .‘/here is he from?
A: what is his dream job?
• Brazil • M e x ic a n • A rg e n tin a
B: His dream job is to become a singer.
• A m e ric a n • C a n a d a • Turkey
3 Read the texts again. Copy and complete the
• Ja p a n e s e • G re e k • Sp ain • Finland
Name Nationality
1) Brazil
2) .....
Ja s o n
C anadian
3) .....
table. Make sentences, as in the example. - ~ name Surname =eter
Age 16
Country Dream Job the UK
Ju jarusz
years old. He/She is from ... . His/Her dream become. . . .
4) .....
Buenos Tomäs
Ja p a n
v o c a b u la r y
a r > Listen and learn. Costas e le v e n (11)
th irty (30)
tw e lv e (12)
fo rty (40)
fo u rte e n (14) fifteen (15) six teen (16) s e v e n te e n (17) e ig h te e n (18) n in e te e n (19) tw e n ty (20)
the U S A DC
Cardinal numbers
th irte e n (13)
7) .....
G reece
8) .....
fifty (50) sixty (60) s e v e n ty (70)
9) .....
Mexico City
e ig h ty (80) n in e ty (90) a h u n d red (100)
a hun dred an d on e (101) a th o u s a n d (1000)
Paolo is Brazilian. He's from Brasilia, Brazil.
tw e n ty - o n e (21)
W r it in g z
Listen and circle the numbers you hear, write them in your notebook.
67,13 28S i t
56 TOO
64 89
Copy and complete the table in Ex. 3b with information about your friend. Use your notes to write a paragraph about him/her (50 words). Add a photo.
Grammar in use
a) Complete the gaps with the correct form of the verb to be.
Tony's Profile
IPÜ II m m m
Viewing By:
Hi! M y n a m e D / s A n d re a an d I 2 ) .................... from
Tony is from London, the UK. He's 18 years old. Tony is good at drawing, but he isn't good at singing. His dream job is to become an architect. He can play football well, but he can't play tennis.
3 ) ........................ 25 4 )............. m y frien d M o n ica. S h e 5 ) .................... from P o lan d . S h e 6 ) .................... 28 y e a r s old. W e 7 ).............
th e UK. I
y e a r s old. This
ph o to g rap h ers. I 8 ) .................... go od a t dra w in g , an d
The verb to be Affirmative Long form Short form I am you are 1
he she
Negative Long form Short form
I am not
I'm not
you 're
you are not
you aren 't
w e 're
yo u're
th ey're
Yes, 1am.
Are yo u ?
Yes, you are.
h e?
Yes, he is.
sh e?
Yes, she is.
. it? Are
is not
b) Correct the sentences, write in your notebook. A n d re a is trom Po lan d .
Andrea isn't from Poland. She's from the UK. M o n ic a is 25 y e a r s old. isn't
A n d re a and M o n ic a a re A m e ric a n .
A n d re a is a good singer.
we are not
SPEAKING Pretend you are from one of the countries below. Your partner tries to guess where you are from.
Short answers
Am I?
9 ) g o od at singing. In this photo, w e 10).................... at a cafe. B e ou r e-friend.
M o n ic a
Yes, it is.
/ No, I'm not. / No, you aren't. / No, he isn't.
• A u stra lia • India • Peru • F ra n c e • G e rm a n y
/ No, she isn't.
• B a h ra in
/ No, it isn't.
w e?
Yes, w e are.
/ No, w e aren't.
yo u ?
Yes, you are.
/ No, you aren't.
th e y?
Yes, they are.
/ No, they aren't.
No, h e .................... H e ................... fro m Ja p a n .
................. th e y S p a n is h ?
Read the theory box. Then fill in the correct subject pronoun. Subject pronouns
singular Plural
I/You/He/She/It We/You/They
A : W h a t ..................y o u r fa v o u rite sch o o l s u b je c t?
John is from Peru. He is Peruvian.
M y fa vo u rite sc h o o l s u b j e c t ................... M usic. .................Pa o lo from B razil?
A: H o w o l d ................... y o u ? 3:
B: Yes, I am.
Su bject pronouns go before the main verb.
B: Yes, h e ............. H e ................. fro m Brasilia.
A: Are you from France?
B: No, t h e y .....................T h e y .................. C an ad ian .
from M e x ic o ?
• Po rtu g a l • Brazil • Italy • E g yp t
A: Are you from Italy? B: No, I'm not.
Fill in: is, are, 's, 're, 'm, aren't or isn't. 1 A:is h e
Read the table. Find examples in Tony's profile.
1..................23. .................sh e from Italy?
M a ry is fro m th e U K ........................................... is British.
Tom an d I are 18 y e a r s o ld .................... a re C an ad ian .
3 4 5 6
B: Yes, s h e ...................... S h e .................. fro m M ilan.
S u e and M o lly a re s tu d e n ts ............. a re fro m th e U SA . I am in terested in A r t........... is m y fa vo u rite su b ject. M a rk is 28 y e a r s o ld ....................... is a photographer. You and A n n a a re fro m C a n a d a ...........a re C an ad ian s.
Read the theory. Find one example in Tony's profile on p. 6.
a/an • -*.e use
a/an before
singular nouns w h en w e talk
generally about them . W e also use
a/an before
Ask and answer questions about the people in Ex. 7a.
A: w hat's his name?
A: W hat's his job?
B: Steven.
B: He's a waiter.
A: How old is he? B: Twenty-seven.
nam es
a book, an actor
• -ve use a before consonant sounds {b, c, d, f, etc). He's eacher. W e
an before vow el
sounds (a, e, /, o, u).
; s an actress.
Read the table. Find examples in Tony's profile on p. 6. The verb can
a Use a/an and the words: artist, astronaut, doctor, engineer, pilot, police officer, vet, waiter, waitress, actress/actor, secretary to label the pictures.
Interrogative Can l/you/he/she/it/we/you/they? Negative
Say what each person can/can't do.
M a rk /co o k
M a ry / ty p e (/ )
L o r a / d a n c e (X)
S a m / p lay th e S t e v e / s w im 7
(/ )
K ate / run ( / )
g u itar (x)
Mark can't cook.
«I q
In groups, ask and answer 023329 ^ questions to find out what your friends can or can't do. Use the phrases in the table. very well/fast
9 5%
quite well/fast
7 0%
not very well/fast no
40% 0%
A: Can you cook? B:
Yes, I can cook very well. Can youtype?
A: No, I can't. Can you type? C: Yes, I can type quite well. Can you... ? etc
Skills in Action V o c a b u la r y
E v e r y d a y E n g lis h
School/College subjects
Greetings, Introductions & Personal questions
Listen and learn.
a) Complete the dialogue.
M aths
C om puter Scie nce
Ann: Steve: Ann:
N ic e party! Yes, it's great. I'm A n n , by th e w ay.
is y o u r n a m e ?
Steve: Ann:
I'm Ste ve , S t e v e Blair. N ic e to m e e t yo u . N ic e to m e e t yo u , too.
a re yo u fro m ? English Language
Steve: Ann: Steve: Ann:
^ usjc History
I'm from G lasg ow , Sc o tlan d . O h, a re yo u a s tu d e n t th e r e ? I'm a doctor.
3) ..........................a b o u t y o u ?
I'm fro m B irm in g h a m an d I'm a stu d en t. I stu d y Biology.
Steve: Chem istry
R e a lly ? B io lo g y is m y favou rite. old a re y o u ?
Ann: Steve:
b) Which subject are/aren't you good at? What about your best friend? Tell your partner. I'm good at Maths. I'm not very good at History. My best friend is good at Physics. She isn't very good at Music, etc
I'm tw en ty-on e. A n d y o u ? W e ll, I'm thirty.
b) ^
Listen and check.
Act out a similar dialogue. Use phrases from the Language box.
L is t e n in g
Greet people
study skills
4) .....
• Hil/Hello! H ow are you?
• Fine. • Great. • So-so.
Multiple choice
• H ow 's everything?
• Not bad. • I'm OK.
First, read the questions and all the possible answers so
• Bye! • See you!
• se e you!
that you know what you are about to listen to. While you listen, try not to get distracted as all options are mentioned.
introduce yourself/others • Hi! I'm ....
• Nice to m eet you!
• Hello! M y nam e's .... This is ....
• Oh, hi! I'm .... • Pleased to m eet you.
a) Look at the questions and answers. What is the dialogue about?
Sw eden
H o w old is C a rlo s ?
W h a t y e a r is Elsa in ?
A A 4 5
Sp ain
intonation in wft-questions
M e x ic o
A rt
What's your name? ^
1 2
W h a t is D ieg o's fa vo u rite s u b je c t?
G e o g ra p h y
Read the theory. Listen and repeat. Intonation goes dow n at the end of
wh- questions.
W h a t is C a rlo s's fa vo u rite s u b je c t?
A b) 8
• W h e re are you from ? • W h at's your job?
W h e r e is Elsa fro m ?
Personal questions • W h at's your n am e? • How old are you?
C h e m is try
B io lo g y
Listen and choose the correct answers.
W h e r e are y o u fro m ? W h a t's his n a m e ?
3 4
W h e n is y o u r birthday? w h a t about yo u ?
R e a d in g & w r i t in g Read
I* Writing Tip Unking ideas
• w e use
the texts. Copy and complete the table for each person your notebook.
and to link sim ilar ideas. I'm 25 years old and I'm from Vietnam. • W e use but to link opposing ideas. I can cook very well but l can't dance well.
Michael Stephenson About me:
M y nam e’s M ichael. I’m 18 years o ld and I’m a c o lle s e student from Los A ng eles in the U SA . M y
favourite subjects are Maths and Physics. I can
Read the Writing Tip box. use and or but to join the sentences. D an is 16 y e a r s old. H e is good at M aths.
sw im and run very fast but I can't play the guitar. M y favourite singer is Eminem.
nba Akua
3 Iam
:-j t m e:
good a t M usic.
Ic a n
p lay th e
piano v e r y w ell.
'-’ iba and I ’m from Nairobi in Kenya. I ’m
M a ry can draw. S h e c a n 't sing.
ears old and I ’m a college student. I ’m 3DOut Drama and Literature. My favourite
are Oscar Wilde and F. Scott Fitzgerald. I r^ te really good stories and cook very well. -
I am in terested in D ram a. I c a n sing w ell.
about Sia. She’s a great singer.
Je n n y c a n s w im really fast. S h e c a n 't co o k v e r y w ell.
• “- e - r fro m ::
: .- te
~ O ii~ e S
W r it in g (an 'About me'
:i.- :e
^ lapta otters ■: r
:■ ve use capital letters to start a sentence.
(He's from Italy.) w e
etterswith: td
° i j l Smith). (Art). es Mexico). subjects
a : th e
• nationalities
(Mexican). • months (June).
• days of the w eek
• the personal pronoun/.
Writing Tip box. Rewrite the sentences. Use capital
IB S . 1
. =■= "t e r e s t e d in m a th s ......................................................................
fr a n c e ..........................................................................................
d a n c e v e r y w e ll.........................................................................
s 5 'e b ritish ............................................................................................. : , ' t e sp o rtsm a n is m ich ae l phelps. h e 's a m e rica n .
Copy the table in Ex. 6 into your notebook and complete itwith information about yourself.
You want to create your social media profile. Use your notes in Ex. 9 to write the 'About me' text for it(50-60 words).
Countries of the English-speaking uuorld
Over 840 million people speak English as a first or second language. It is an official language in 67 countries. And in these six countries most people are native speakers of English.
Continent: Population: Capital: Area: Currency:
Ireland North America
Continent: Population: Capital: Area: Currency:
36 million Ottawa 9.98 million km2 Canadian dollars ($)
Europe 5 million Dublin 70,000 km2 euros (€)
New Zealand
Continent: Population: Capital: Area: Currency: Continent: population: Capital: Area: Currency:
S o u th
P acific Oce an
Continent: Population: Capital: Area: Currency:
Europe 66 million London
Oceania 5 million Wellington 270,000 km2 New Zealand dollars ($)
242,000 km2 pounds (£)
North America 325 million Washington DC 9.83 million km2 American dollars ($)
South Atlantic O ce an
Continent: population: Capital: Area: Currency:
Oceania 25 million Canberra 7.69 million km2 Australian dollars ($)
'A Check these words official language, native speaker, continent, population, capital, currency
S p e a k in g & w r i t in g
L is t e n in g & R e a d in g
Look at the map and the fact files. What is the official language in these countries? Listen and read the text to find out. Read again and correct the sentences. 1 2 3 4 5
Use the colour guide and say what colours are on each country's flag.
A u stra lia an d N e w Z e a la n d a re in N orth A m e ric a . W e llin g to n is in A ustralia. Irelan d 's c u rre n c y is pounds. C a n a d a an d th e UK are n e a rly th e s a m e size. The population o f N e w Z ealan d is th e s a m e a s th e UK.
The UK's flag is red, white and blue.
Write a similar fact file about your country. 10
Review Fill in: a or an.
v o c a b u la r y
Write the numbers.
3 ..
2 15 ..............
38 ..
stu d e n t a t c o lle g e
Ja p a n - .........................
C a n a d a - .....................
4 5
T u rk eyS p ain -
T h a n k s for th e beautiful p a in tin g s! I’m in m y n e w
Study Skills
"a t, at last! It’s on th e s e v e n th floor of a h u g e b lo c k of
"a t s n e a r th e c ity c e n tre a n d it’s g o t a w o n d e rfu l v ie w
Before you start waiting, brainstorm for ideas. This helps
;• a p ark o u ts id e . It’s g o t a la rg e living room , a sm all
you do the writing task.
zath ro o m , a m o d e rn k itch en a n d a b e d ro o m . M y b e d r o o m ’s w o n d e rfu l. T h e r e ’s a d o u b le b e d a n d
a d e sk . T h e w a r d r o b e ’s v e r y sm all, but th a t’s O K . T h e re =re s o m e b eau tifu l p a in tin g s on th e w a lls now.
a) Complete the spidergram in your notebook with information about your flat/house.
M y n e w flat is v e r y c o m fo rta b le . C a n ’t w a it for yo u to flo o r
c o m e a n d s e e it. D ro p m e a line soon. E y e for now !
room s
3 na
my flat Study Skills
b e d ro o m / d e s c rip tio n
paragraphs A lw ays group you r ideas into paragraphs. A n ew idea
b) Use your notes in Ex. 10a to write your email. Follow the plan.
~eeds a n e w paragraph.
Read again. Which paragraph is: a description of the flat? a description of Gina's room?
m Hi + (frien d 's
Para 1:
first nam e),
o p e n in g rem arks; d e s c rib e y o u r h o u se (n u m b e r o f ro o m s, locatio n, extra fe a tu re s)
Writing Tip
iformal language . v e n w e w rite em ails to people w e know like our friends ; r d fam ily w e use informal language. That is:
(Thanks, at last) • eve ryd ay expressions and idioms. (Drop me a line.) • short verb forms. (I'm in my new flat.) • omission of pronouns. (Can't wait instead of I can’t wait) • eve ryd ay vocabulary.
Find examples of informal language in the email in Ex. 6.
Para 2: Para 3:
d e s c rib e y o u r b e d ro o m (colour, o b je cts in it) clo sin g rem arks
Bye for now! (yo u r first n am e)
Culture e ß to The Royal Fam ily o f the UK are very pow erful people. The Queen is the UK's head of state. Their homes are very impressive.
W in d s o r C a s tle
S t J a m e s 's P a la ce
is t h e w e e k e n d h o m e o f th e
o f t h e h o m e s o f th e m o n a rc h
B ritis h m o n a rc h y . It is in th e c o u n t y o f B e rk s h ire ,
o f t h e U K a n d th e R o y a l C o u rt.
E n g la n d . It is a v e r y old building . A c tu a lly , it is o v e r
T h e p a la c e is a la rg e b u ild in g in
900 y e a r s old. It h a s g o t v e r y high w a lls a n d a B
is o n e
L o n d o n , n e x t to S t Ja m e s 's
la rg e t o w e r in t h e m id d le o f it w ith lo ts o f ro o m s.
P a rk . It is o v e r 4 00 y e a r s o ld a n d it h a s g o t tall red w a lls a n d a big g a te h o u s e a t t h e fro n t.
in sid e, t h e r e a r e lo ts o f ro o m s a n d o ffic e s.
B u c k in g h a m
P a la ce
th e
o ffic ia l
hom e
th e
m o n a r c h y o f t h e U K in L o n d o n . It is in th e c e n t r e o f L o n d o n n e x t to H y d e P a rk . It is a h u g e b u ild in g w it h 775 ro o m s. T h e r e a r e 52 ro ya l b e d ro o m s , 188 s t a f f b e d r o o m s a n d 78
People from all over the world can visit these homes and see the amazing paintings, spacious rooms and pretty gardens o f the UK's monarchy. They are open for all.
b a th ro o m s in it.
Check these words powerful, head of state, county, gatehouse, office
L is t e n in g & R e a d in g
Look at the pictures. Where is each building? Listen and read to find out.
S p e a k in g & w r i t in g
™ ,HK Which of the three buildings is the most impressive? Why?
ICT Think of the head of state in your country, is there a special building for them to live in? Collect information under the headings: location - age - size - rooms. Present itto the class.
Read the texts again. Which building(s) A, B or C
h as g o t o ffic e s ?
a re n e a r a p ark ?
2 0
h as got high w a lls ?
a re in L o n d o n ?
4 0
h as g o t red w a lls ?
Review Fill in: this/that, these/those.
v o c a b u la r y
Find the odd word out. 1
living r o o m - s t u d y - a t t i c - p i l l o w
b a t h - w a s h b a s in - t o il e t - g a r d e n
g a rag e - bed - b e d s id e c a b in e t - w a rd ro b e
te rra c e d - d e ta c h e d - sem i- d e tac h e d - b ath ro o m
w in d o w - c u s h i o n - c h im n e y - w a l l
c a stle - blo ck of flats - te rra c e d - stairs
s o f a - c o o k e r - fr id g e - s in k
t a b le - c h a ir s - w in d o w - s o fa
c h im n e y - r o o f - c o o k e r - w i n d o w
(9 X 2 = 18)
is a v a s e a n d ...............a re flow ers.
.............. a re p o sters a n d ................ is a painting.
.............. a re c u s h io n s a n d . ...............is an arm chair.
Fill in: cushions, armchairs, rug, mirror, wardrobe, towels, pillows, curtains. 1
In th e b ath ro o m th e re a re s o m e c o lo u r f u l.................. an d a ...................... on th e w all.
(6X2= 12)
in m y b e d ro o m th e re is a ...................... next to m y
Choose the correct item.
bed an d a ...................... on th e floor. 3
in th e living room .
1 2
On m y bed th e re a re tw o la r g e ...................... and
y e l l o w ...................... on th e w in d o w .
4 5 6 7 8
T h e re a re t w o ...................... w ith s o m e ........................
(8 x 2 = 16)
G ra m m a r
Use is/isn't, are/ aren't and some/ any/a/an to complete the description of this room. 1
behind/on th e desk. above/on th e floor. T he p o ste rs in/on th e w all a re really nice. T h ere is a b ed sid e c a b in e t next to/behind th e bed. T he a rm c h a ir is between/in front of th e fireplace. T h e flo w e rs in/under th e v a s e a re beautiful. T h e w a rd ro b e is opposite/above th e bed. T h e bed is between/in front of th e tw o b e d sid e T h ere is a large w in d o w T h ere is a rug
9 T he rug is under/above th e table. 10 The painting under/above th e firep lace
(10X1 = 10)
in m y b e d ro o m t h e r e ...................... single bed but
E v e r y d a y E n g lis h
t h e r e ...................... w ard ro b e.
Match the two columns.
T h e r e ...................... pillow on th e bed but th e re
...................... cu sh io ns. 3
T h e r e ...................... a rm c h a ir but t h e r e .......................
2 0
H o w m a n y ro o m s h as it g o t?
T h e r e ...................... b o o k c a s e but t h e r e ........................ s h e lv e s on th e w alls.
W h ic h floor is y o u r flat o n ?
is really old.
T h e r e ......................d e sk but t h e r e ...........................TV. T h e r e ...................... p en cils on th e d e sk b ut th e re
4 5
0 H o w much is the rent? 0 what's the add ress? 0 H o w can l help y o u ?
It's £600 p e r m onth. O n th e sixth. It's g o t six. I'm in te reste d in a flat.
It's 64 B e n s o n Stre e t.
(5X4=20) Total 100
...................... com p uter.
(1 2 x 2 = 24)
Competences g o o d
Lexical Competence
Reading Competence
Talk about:
• read for sp ecific inform atio n
• roo m s, fu rn itu re & a p p lia n c e s
very g o o d
excellent /
/ /
/ /
Speaking Competence • ren ting a flat
(T/F s ta te m e n ts ; m ultiple
writing Competence
m atch in g )
• w rite an a d v e rt fo r m y h o u se
• ordinal n u m b e rs
Listening Competence
• ty p e s o f h o u se s
• listen for d etail (no te taking)
• w rite an e m ail d e sc rib in g m y n e w flat
V alues: National pride
E v e r y c o u n try in th e
R e d is fo r life, c o u ra g e an d strength.
w o rld h as got a flag.
You can s e e red on th e flags o f Egypt,
C o u n trie s like Uruguay, N a m ib ia and
The d iffe re n t s h a p e s
Po lan d an d V ietn a m .
A rg e n tin a h a v e g o t it on th e ir flags.
an d c o lo u rs on a flag
B l u e is fo r w ater, sky, w is d o m and
Stars a re
honesty. You can s e e blue on th e flags
C u b a an d C h ile h a v e all g o t sta rs on
o f Kazak h stan , Fiji an d Thailand.
th e ir flags.
Flag s are a lso national
G r e e n is fo r nature, p e a c e and
Stripes a re
sym b o ls.
harm ony. You c a n s e e g re e n on th e
co u n tries, like F ra n ce , P o la n d an d India,
flags o f M exico, Brazil and Nigeria.
h a v e g o t strip e s on th e ir flags.
a re s y m b o ls o f th e v a lu e s th e p e o p le from e a c h c o u n try have.
is a sym b o l o f energy.
a sy m b o l o f pow er. M yan m ar,
a sy m b o l o f fre e d o m . M a n y
Look at the flags. Why are the colours and symbols on them important? Listen and read to find out.
sci Collect information about the meaning of more colours and more symbols on flags. Prepare a poster. Tell the class.
Read again and complete the table in your notebook. Choose two flags and explain what the colours and symbols on them mean.
Imagine your team takes part in a sports competition. You need to create your own flag. Decide on: colours, symbols, meanings. Use the information in Ex. 2 to design your flag.
th e Sun
strip es
You are your team's representative. Present your team's flag to the audience. Explain its meaning. The class votes for the best idea.
Public Speaking Skills Study Skills preparing your presentation: steps to follow A Brainstorm for ideas. Collect information and create a spidergram with notes.
B Find appropriate visuals. C Prepare your presentation, use your notes to write your text.
D Practise your presentation in front of a mirror. E Give your presentation. Speak clearly. Use short sentences. Look at the audience. Use appropriate body language and gestures. Smile. Don't cross your arms, put your hands in your pockets or look at your notes all
Hello, I’m Lien Dao. You can see it on public buildings during national celebrations in Vietnam. What is it? ... That’s right! It's theflag ofVietnam. I'm from Vietnam and one ofthe things I'm proud ofis my country'sflag. Vietnam’sflag is red and has got a yellow star on it. The
the time.
red isfor life and theyellow isfor the people of Vietnam.
Thefive points on the star arefor the soldiers, traders,
a) Read the task.
students,farmers and workers ofVietnam.
Im agine you celebrate Flag D ay at a local event.
The flag is our country’s national symbol and it has
You are th e school's representative. Presen t your
a special meaning for us - just like the flags of other
country's flag to the audience.
countries have a special meaning to their people. Thank youfor listening.
Listen and read the model. Then copy and complete the spidergram in your notebook. Colours
Meaning ■
Read the theory, which opening technique can you read in the model? t Opening techniques in public speaking ~o start a
presentation, w e can:
• use humour/a riddle: "I am
red with a yellow star and
am a symbol of my country, w h at am I? ... It's the flag of my country, Vietnam."
• Address the audience directly: "Can you guess the meaning of the colour on this flag?"
• Ask a rhetorical question: "Aren't w e
proud of our
country's flag?"
• Make a statement: "One thing I'm
proud of is my
country's flag."
Copy the spidergram in Ex. 1b and complete itwith information about the flag of your country, use your notes and the model to prepare and give your presentation.
Vocabulary: Daily routines, Days of the week. Telling the time, Free-time activities. Sports Grammar: present simple, adverbs of frequency, love/like/hate + -ing, prepositions of time
Everyday English: Making arrangements Writing: A blog entry about your typical Sunday
Busy days v o c a b u la r y
R e a d in g
Daily routines
a) Does Valeria go to work every morning? Listen and read to find out.
Look at the pictures. Listen and learn. 0
Valeria Lopez is 17 and she's a
live there. She gets back home, has
college student. She also works
dinner and listens to music or Skypes
part-time wake up eatiyj
( have a shower )
at an animal shelter. "I
her friends before she goes to bed at
really like my job because I love
around 11:00. "I've got a busy routine
working with
but it's OK," Valeria says. "I am a
animals. My job is
tiring, though, as I often work long
hard-working person."
hours. There's a lot to do in the shelter," she says.
e Q
So, w hat does Valeria do in her free tim e? She likes going for
Valeria wakes up at 6:30. She
long walks in the countryside with
has a shower, gets dressed and
her dog, Max. She also loves playing
then has breakfast. Around 7:15 am,
basketball with her friends when
Valeria catches the bus to college.
she isn't at the shelter.
Her lessons start at 7:45 am. She always has a
for lunch at
noon. Valeria works at the shelter have a break for lunch )
Friday. From 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm, she shows visitors around the shelter and helps
care for the
animals that
my life at the moment," says Valeria. "I love working at the shelter and I enjoy my free time. Who can ask for m ore?"
Think of a title for the text.
4| |
Look at the clock faces. Ask and answer questions, as in the example. Tell the time in both ways.
Study Skills Matching headings to paragraphs Read the headings and underline the key words. Then, read the text and try to find words that mean the sam e as the underlined words in the headings. This will help you do the task.
a) Read the text again and match the headings (A-E) to the paragraphs (1-4). One heading is extra. A B C
H ap p y w ith Life M y D aily R o u tin e
A W o rk in g S tu d e n t
Fu n Tim e
A: What time is it? B: It's (a) quarter to seven.
A N o rm al C o lleg e D ay
b) Decide ifthe sentences are T (True) or F (False). Then, explain the words in bold. V aleria g e ts up early.
S h e w a lk s to college.
S h e g o e s to th e s h e lte r e v e r y day.
S h e h as g o t a dog.
A: What's the time? B: It's six forty-five.
Days of the w eek
n k Listen and learn. Which days are weekdays? Monday
Friday Sunday
L is t e n in g
s p e a k in g 6
Telling the time
^ Listen to Tony's weekday daily routine and make notes under these headings: in the morning -At noon - In the afternoon - in the evening. Present his routine to the class.
W e t e l l t h e t i m e in t w o d if fe r e n t w ays
What is your daily routine like? Tell the class. Use the headings in Ex. 6 to help you. half past six
W r it in g (an email)
six thirty
8 (a) quarter past six
OR six fifteen
You and your family now live in a new country. Write an email to your English-speaking friend about your typical weekday. Write what you do in the morning, afternoon and evening (50-80 words). EDO Hi ...!
twenty past six
Note: am: before midday pm: after midday
H o p e y o u 're w ell. Life h ere is great. In th e m orning, I w a k e up a t .... In th e afte rn o o n , I ....
In th e eve n in g s, I ....
six twenty
W h a t do yo u u su ally do e v e r y d a y ? W rite back,
Grammar in use
Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple M a ry
leaves (leave) th e
h o u se a t 8 o 'c lo c k in th e
m orning. She
........ (catch) th e
b u s to co lle g e w ith her
frie n d s M ia and D arren. M a ry 's m o t h e r ........
(work) in a
s h e 's a nurse. M a r y ..............
(finish) h e r le s so n s a t 3:30. M a ry 's d a d ........ (go) h o m e at 4:00 pm e v e r y day M a ry ........ (tidy) h er bedroom in the afternoon.
Mary: Kim:
Mary: Kim: Mary:
to give her a book. I'm not sure. She usually eats in the cafeteria at noon. She likes spending her break there. Well, I don't think she's there. It’s never open after 2:30. What time does she leave college? On Thursdays, she has football practice with the college team, so she always leaves quite early, at four o'clock. Why don't you drop it off at her flat on your way home? Does she live near here? Yes, she does. She lives at number 14, Elm Park. OK. Thanks Kim.
Study the theory. Find examples in the dialogue. Present Simple
Affirmative l/You work.
He/She/It works.
We/You/They w ork
Use: W e use the present sim ple for:
• permanent states. He lives in Madrid. • repeated actions, i go to the gym every afternoon. • daily routines. / brush my teeth in the morning. Form: • M ost verbs take an -s in the affirm ative third person i work - he works • Verbs ending in -ss, -sh, -ch, -x, -o take -es. you finish - she finishes • ve rb s ending in consonant + -y drop the and take -ies. we study - he studies BUT: / play - she plays
A fte r s h e has d in n e r w ith h e r paren ts,
Mary: Hi Kim, do you know where Lucy is? i need
M a r y ........
(watch) TV. M a r y ........ (have) a b u sy
ro u tin e but h e r w e e k e n d s a re great. E v e r y Saturday, M a r y .....................
(meet) her frie n d s a t th e m all. 10 S h e ....•>... (like) go in g to th e c in e m a on S a tu rd a y even in g s.
Study the table. Find examples in the dialogue. How do w e form the present simple negative?
Present Simple
Negative Short form Long form l/You don't work. I/You do not work. He/She/lt doesn't work. He/She/It does not work. We/You/They do not work. We/You/They don't work. Short answers interrogative Yes, l/you do. No, l/you don't Do l/you w o rk ? Yes, he/she/it No, he/she/it Does he/she/it w o rk ? doesn't. does. Yes, we/you/ No, we/you/ Do w e/you/they w o rk ? they don't. th ey do. j Fill in do, does, don't or doesn't.
1 "Do yo u
p la y fo o tb a ll?" "Y es, I do."
" ...................... y o u r friend live in th a t h o u s e ? " "Y es, h e ......................... " " ...................... V ic k y like b a s k e tb a ll?" "N o, s h e ........................."
Fill in the third-person singular.
1 2 3
I go - he ...................... I w o rk - h e .................. I lo v e - h e ....................
4 5 6
" ..................y o u like rock m u s ic ? " "Y es, I ..........
I w a s h - he
"W h a t t i m e ........................Karen start w o r k ? " "So rry, I ....................... know ."
I fly - h e ......
I e n jo y - he
7 "................th e y w alk to sc h o o l?" "No, t h e y ..........
" ............... y o u e a t lun ch a t w o r k ? " "N o, I ..........
b) Complete the sentences. Use: like (S), love U S), don't like (x), hate (№) and the verbs: listen, go,
a) Study the theory. Find examples in the dialogue on p. 32.
watch, wake up, play.
Adverbs of frequency
1 Ilove playing (//) bask etb all w ith
m y brother.
never 0 %
sometimes 50%
usually 9 0%
M y m u m .............................................( / ) to pop m usic.
rarely 5 %
often 7 0%
alw ays 100%
M y d a d ............................................(xx) to th e cin e m a .
4 5
M y siste r A n n a .................................................. (x) early.
A dverbs of frequ en cy usually com e: • before the main verb. / usually get up early In the
M y g r a n d d a d ...................... (//) T V in th e afte rn o o n .
• after the verb to be. I am never late for work. • after auxiliary v e r b s .' don't often have lunch at noon.
b) Which of the following do you never/rarely/ sometimes/often/usually/always do on Sundays?
what do you like/love/don't like/ hate doing? Tell your partner.
Study the theory. Find examples in the dialogue on p. 32.
• h a v e fo o tball p ra ctic e • go jo ggin g • m e e t frien d s
Prepositions of time
• go to th e c in e m a • p la y bask etb all • e a t o u t • w a tc h TV » c o o k d in n e r • c h a t w ith frie n d s on line 1never have
football practice on Sundays.
SPEAKING Ask and answer questions, as in the example. Then, write a short paragraph about your partner. H o w often do you ... go s w im m in g ? go to th e th e a tre ?
never, often , etc. e v e r y day/m o nth/ e ve n in g , etc.
go o u t w ith y o u r fa m ily ?
Fill in at, in or on. Compare Henry's routine to your teacher's.
*1 Q
cook? go fo r long w a lk s ?
W e use at in the expressions: at the weekend, at noon, at midday^at midnight, at night; w ith the time: at six o'clock W e use on w ith days of the w eek: on Monday; in the expression: on weekdays; w ith parts of a particular day: on Sunday morning(s), w ith dates: on 2nd August W e use in w ith m onths & seasons: in January, in summer; in the expressions: in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening
e v e r y tw o / th ree d ays/Su n d ay, etc.
p lay c o m p u te r g a m e s ?
o n ce/tw ice/th ree
w a tc h T V ?
tim es a w eek /
m e e t y o u r frie n d s ?
m onth, etc.
% •v •
■ Ml r
e ■ ■*
Henry Jones, 50, is a farmer. "It's tiring,” he says, “but I like it a lot.” Every day, Henry wakes up four
2) ..........the
............ half past
A: How often do you go swimming?
farmhouse and has breakfast, then he feeds the animals. He
Twice a week.
has lunch
Tonygoes swimming twice a week and...
half past six. After that, he goes back to the
4) ............noon. 5) ..............2
o’clock, he goes to
the fields and works there until five. 6 ) ............the evening, he milks the cows again, then he goes back home and has a
a) Study the theory. Find an example in the dialogue on p. 32.
.............. about nine.
8) ......
Saturday afternoons, he goes to the
love/like/hate + -ing -ing form after the verbs: love (//) like (/) don't like (x)
shower. He sometimes watches TV before he goes to bed
playing field to watch the village team play football. Henry likes football a lot.
| W e use the
hate (w)
love playing football and I like listening to music. don't like watching TV, though. OR
love playing football and I like listening to music, but don't like watching TV.
9) ....
Sundays, Henry relaxes. "I like the way I live,”
morning and milks the cows. He finishes
says Henry. "Working in the open air makes me feel good.”
[ijin f
Skills in Action V o c a b u la r y
E v e r y d a y E n g lis h
Free-time activities
Making arrangements
These phrases are from a dialogue between two friends. What is the dialogue about? Listen and read to find out.
Look at the pictures. Listen and learn.
• A re yo u fre e th is S a tu rd a y ? • I th in k so. W h y ? • Do yo u w a n t to ...? • Sure. W h a t tim e d o yo u w a n t to m e e t? listen to m u sic
go d a n c in g
• C an w e m e e t at a d ifferen t tim e ? • No
p rob lem . L e t's m e e t a t ... • S e e y o u there.
read a book
Harry: Tom: Harry: Tom: Harry: Tom:
go on a picn ic
H e y Tom , a re yo u fre e th is S a tu rd a y ? I th in k so. W h y ? Do yo u w a n t to go sw im m in g w ith m e ? Sure. W h a t tim e d o yo u w a n t to m e e t? Is h alf p ast tw c fg o o d for y o u ? N o t really. M y d ra m a c la s s d o e s n 't finish until th re e o 'c lo c k . C an w e m e e t a t a d ifferen t tim e ?
N o prob lem . L et's m e e t at th e s w im m in g pool at q u a rte r to four, th e n . D o n 't be late.
go to th e m all
go to th e c in e m a
OK, 3:45 s o u n d s good to m e. S e e y o u there.
Find phrases in the dialogue which mean: • I'm afraid not. • Probably. • M e e t yo u there.
visit m u s e u m s
m e e t frie n d s
• M a k e su re y o u 're on tim e.
Arrange to meet your partner. Act out a dialogue similar to the one in Ex. 3. Use phrases from the language box. Use the following ideas. w a tc h a film
do yo g a
• th is M o n d a y / g o to th e c in e m a • th is Frid a y / visit th e n e w m o d e rn art m u se u m
p lay football
go to th e library
• Are you free ...?
• Sure.
• Do you w a n t to ...?
• Yes, w h y not?
• H ow about + (-ing fo r m )...? • Let's + (inf. w ithout
What do you usually do in your free time? Ask and answer questions.
L is t e n in g
• W e can ....
2 3 4
A n n lo v e s listen in g to m usic.
• I'd love to. • Not really. • I'm afraid I can't. • l'm afraid not.
Pronunciation h i I/I l\zl
Listen and decide which of the sentences are T (True) or F (False). 1
Listen and tick (/). Listen again and repeat. /s/
H olly d o e s n 't like reading.
A n n likes going to th e m all.
H olly an d A n n both like visiting m u s e u m s ................
/s/ w rite s
w a lk s
w ashes
w a tch e s
Reading & writing
Study Skills Completing a text
Read the writing Tip box. What technique does Christy use to start/end her blog entry?
Writing (a blog entry about your
Read the text quickly to understand w hat it is about. Read
typical Sunday)
the text again and pay attention to the words before and after each gap. Think of w hat type of word is missing
study Skills
(noun, verb, preposition etc.). W hen you finish, read the
text again and check if it makes sense.
Before you start writing, read the rubric, underline the key words, then brainstorm for words/ideas related to the
a) Read the blog and complete the missing words. What type of word is each?
topic. This will help you do the task.
Read the rubric. Look at the underlined key words and then brainstorm for words/ideas under the headings below.
■lntnl'V LUit'
W rite a reply to Christy's blog in Ex. 7 (60-80 words). Write: . w h a t vou usually do on a typical Sun day.
Everyone loves Sunday, but I have a
. w h o with.
special reason. You see, Sunday is my day
1)................ Dad! I always wake
. h o w you like it.
up very early 2 ) ................ cycle over to his flat for breakfast.
the morning, w e often go by bike to a
in the morning
farmer's market to get fresh food for
4)................amazing cook! In the afternoon, 5)......
typical Sunday
lunch. D ad’s
usually go to the city centre and visit a
in the evening
museum or 6 ) ................ art gallery. In
in the afternoon
the evening, w e sometimes go to the cinema or stay at home and relax. I love my Dad Sundays! How
7).............. you
spend your Sundays?
Use your notes in Ex. 9 to write your blog entry. Follow the plan.
Plan Title b)
Listen and check.
• in tro d u ce th e to p ic 1 w h a t yo u u su ally do in th e m orning /aftern oon /even in g
Writing Tip
1 c o m m e n ts /fe e lin g s
:3-ening/Closing remarks in blog entries A e can start/end a blog entry with one of the following -fCTniques:
• Offer a general thought Sundays are great.) • Address the reader directly iHow do you feel about :*ieweekend?) • Ask a rhetorical question (I really enjoy Sundays, but ,e V ) ................................ (oisit) S in tra, a be autifu l
12 Miller- Street London...........
to Lisbon. Your unde S ) ............................... (b u y) souoenirs a t one o f the shops here and Ben 6 ) ................................ (take) photos o f the
m i7 i)N
monuments. Its so beautiful, I don’t usant to leaoe! See yOU in tU>0 U>eeks,
stop - stopping, swim - swimming
fu n t L ily
take - taking, decorate - decorating
fibbie Smith....
toion m th lots o f h isto ric buildings very close
vowel and a consonant double the consonant and take -ing.
• Verbs ending in -e drop the -e and take -ing.
Study the table. How do we form the interrogative of the present continuous? Find examples in the text message on p. 48.
write sentences, as in the example. Rita u su a lly c h a ts on lin e on S u n d a y a fte rn o o n / stu d y
Present continuous Interrogative Am I playing? I Are you playing? he Is she playing? J it J 1 we 1 | Are you playing?
Short answers
Rita usually chats online on Sunday afternoon. Right now, she is studying.
Yes, I am./No, I'm not. Yes, you are./No, you aren't. Yes, he/she/it is. No, he/she/it isn't.
B e tty u su ally w a tc h TV on S a tu rd a y m o rn in g / sh o p fo r c lo th e s
Yes, we/you/they are. No, we/you/they aren't. Ja m e s u su a lly go joggin g in th e m o rn in g / ride his bike
Fill in: am, is or are, then complete the answers. . S a n d y s le e p in g ? N o , .................... . th e kids d o ing th e ir h o m e w o rk ? B e n u su ally listen to m u sic in th e
Y e s ,.
a fte rn o o n / read a book
. yo u h avin g lu n c h ? N o , ........ . h e c o o k in g ? Y e s , .................. . I sitting h e r e ? N o , ................. . w e h avin g a m e e tin g n o w ? Y e s ,.
First, listen to the sounds and tick (/) what you hear. Then ask and answer questions, as in the example. Tony: w a tc h T V Stella: d rive a c a r Bob & Keith: sw im They: listen to m u sic James: ride a h o rse She: p lay th e guitar They: w a lk
New Tab
play te n n is
have a sh o w er
sle e p
play c o m p u te r g a m e s Q
ride a m o to rP ik e
play th e piano
A: Is Tony watching TV? S: No, he isn't. He's playing tennis.
Read the examples and complete the rules. Find examples in the text message on p. 48. Present continuous - Present simple I ■
John usually wears jeans and T-shirts. ‘ohn's wearing a suit and tie today. We use...................................... to talk about habits daily routines. We use.................................... to talk about actions happening now, at the moment of speaking.
I and
Put the verbs in brackets in the present simple or the present continuous. X | -f
Hi mate, If Ilk I'm in Denmark with Chris. We 1 ).............................. (study) Geography here on an exchange programme. We 2 )........................... (stay) with my Danish friend Casper in Copenhagen. It's very cold here. It often 3 ) ................................ (rain), but right now it 4 ) ............................... (snow)! In the mornings, we 5)...............(go) to college. In the afternoons, we 6) ............................... (put on) our thick coats, hats and gloves and we 7 ) ................................. (walk) around the city. Life 8 ) ............................... (be) quiet here and the people 9 ) ...(be) quite friendly. Anyway, I've got to go - Casper 10)................................ (make) hot chocolate. What about you? 11).........................................(you/enjoy) your exchange programme? What 12).................................. (you/do) there every day? Write back, Alfie
► him , so h e had p le n ty o f tim e to
w o rk on his o w n ideas, in fact, h e c a m e
u p
o f re la tiv ity
w it h an d
his th e o ry
th e
e q u a tio n
E=MC2th e re !
Check these words fire, robbery, crash, th eory of relativity, equation
-ill in work or job. " n e e n g in e e r offered m e a ..................... in h e r office.
S p e a k in g
After A n d y left university, it to o k him a fe w m o n th s
think which of the people in the text do you think was the luckiest? Why?
- f i n d ....................... jo el's fa th e r lost h i s ........................so h e 's looking for .-‘ o th e r position now.
W r it in g
M y sister w a n ts to be a m o d el, but I told h e r it's " a r t ....................... ~ looking fo r a ..................... a s an actor.
Find five jobs in the text. Explain to your :.=rtner what these people do.
1CT ^ 9 think Hall of Fame: Choose six famous people from the past from your country. Find photos of the people and label them with their names, what job they did and their year of birth/death. Present them to the class.
Grammar in use J. R. R. Tolkien
a) Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple, which verbs are irregular?
J. R. R. Tolkien was born in South Africa on 3rd January 1892. At the age of three, he went to England with his mother and brother. Unfortunately, his father died in South Africa before he could join them. His mother taught her two children at home, and Tolkien learned to love books from her. Sadly, she died too when he was 12. A friend of the family raised him and his brother. Tolkien studied English Language and Literature at Exeter College. In 1916, he married Edith Bratt, but left in the same year to fight for Britain in World War I. He left the army in 1920 and started his academic career. He also wrote stories. Tolkien began ‘The Hobbit' in 1930. It made him very famous. Later, he wrote 'The Lord of the Rings'. It took him more than ten years. He died on 2nd September, 1973.
A le x a n d e r
F le m in g
(b e )
fa m o u s scientist. H e w a s born in Sc o tla n d on 6th A ug u st,
He 2)
..................... (study)
M e d ic in e
at S t M a ry ’s H ospital in London. A fter W o rld W a r I, he
4 )
(return )
M a ry ’s
(w o rk ) th ere a s a professor.
In 1915, h e 5 ) ........................
(m a rry) S a ra h
M arion
M c E lro y an d th e y 6 ) ........................ (h a v e ) a son. H e 7)
) .......................( re c e iv e ) th e N ob el Prize for M e d ic in e
(d is c o v e r)
1 92 8 and
H is w ife 9 ) .........................
(d ie ) in 1949. Fle m in g m arried ag ain in 1953. His se co n d w ife 1 0 ) ........................ (b e ) a 4 Breek doctor, D r A m a lia Koutsouris. F le m in g 1 1 ) ......................... (d ie ) on 11th
a) Read the table. Find examples in the biography.
M a rc h , 1955. T h e y 12) ..................... (bu ry)
Past simple
l/You/He, etc. watched TV last night.
I/You/He, etc. didn't watch TV last night.
interrogative Did l/you/he, etc. watch TV last night? Short Yes, l/you/he, etc. did. answers No, l/you/he, etc. didn't. We use the past simple for actions which happened in the past and won't happen again. Diana married Prince Charles in 1981 (When? In 1981.)
Time expressions: yesterday, ago, in 1950, last Monday/week/month, etc.
we add -ed to most regular verbs. / work -1worked We add -d to verbs ending in -e. / love -1loved Verbs ending in consonant +y drop the -y and add
-/ed. I study -1studied BUT /enjoy -1enjoyed
b) Find the past simple of the verbs below in the biography and write them down. Which are irregular?
die can
- ...
te a c h learn
- ...
- ...
stu d y - . . .
P a u l’s
b) Ask and answer questions about Alexander Fleming, as in the example. 1
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
m a rry - . . .
3 4 5
w o rk /a s a d o c to r? m a rry / M a ry M ario n M c E lro y ? h ave/a d a u g h te r? d is c o v e r/ ra d iu m ?
re c e iv e /N o b e l Prize fo r S c ie n c e ?
die/in 1965?
Look at the facts about Elvis Presley and say what he did/didn't do, as in the example. 1
live/in N e w York
Elvis Presley didn't live in New York. 2
g et first guitar/eleventh birth day ( / )
le a v e sta rt
s tu d y / S c ie n c e ?
A: Did he study Science? B: No, he didn't. He studied Medicine.
Other verbs have irregular forms: say -said. Look at the list of irregular verbs at the back of the book.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
C ath ed ral in London.
- ...
w rite begin
- ...
m ak e
- ...
ta k e
- ...
3 4 5
w rite/h is o w n so n g s
p e rfo rm co n ce rts/in
record/first hit/1954 (✓ )
m ake/31 film s ( / )
E u ro p e (/)
Use the prompts and the time expressions below and, in pairs, act out short dialogues, as in the example. S P E A K IN G
P r e p o s it io n s o f m o v e m e n t
tra ve l a b r o a d ? p o st a v id e o o n lin e ?
horse-riding in the countryside.
go sh o p p in g ? th e last tim e yo u ...
Look at the pictures and use the prepositions to fill in the gaps in the text. Then, put the pictures in the correct order. Finally, look at the pictures and tell the story. Start like this: Ralph went
g e t a gift? u p d ate y o u r so cial m ed ia p ro file? lend m o n e y to a frie n d ? e a t a t a re s ta u ra n t? m e e t a fa m o u s p e rs o n ?
0 p ast
to w a rd s
a c ro s s
alo n g
th ro u g h
y e s te rd a y y e s te rd a y m o rn in g /even in g, etc. tw o d ay s/w e e k s, etc. ago last M ondayTTUesday, etc. a w e e k /m o n th , etc. ago
When was the last time you travelled abroad? The last time I travelled abroad was two years ago. How about you? The last time I travelled abroad was a month ago.
up/dow n
First, put the verbs in brackets into the past simple. Then, match 1-6 with a-fto make sentences. Q 0
S te v e n Pau l Jo b s w a s born in C alifornia, U S A in
g O in to
1955. His p a r e n t s ..................... (give) him up a t birth
0 0
J o b s ............... (meet) S t e v e W o z n ia k a t w o rk in
It w a s a lo ve ly day, so Ralph d e c id e d to go for a ride in
th e co u n trysid e. H e got on his h o rse an d rod e o u t of
W o z n ia k ..................... (design) a c o m p u te r in
th e field. A t first, e ve ry th in g w a s fine. He w e n t
1) along
2) ................... a tu n n e l an d 3 ) ..................... a 4)................... a hill. T h e v ie w from w a s beautiful! A fte r th at, he w e n t 5).......
a road,
0 T h e ir company...........
(be) successful
forest. Then, he w e n t
J o b s ..................... (return) to c o m p u te rs in 1997
th e re
S t e v e J o b s ................................... (die) in 2011, and
th e o th e r sid e o f th e hill, 6 ) ................... a little old
c o tta g e an d
7)................... a
bridge. A fte r th at, he w e n t
and t h e y ............................ (become) go od friends.
8 ) ................... a field. Sudd enly, e v e ry th in g w e n t w ro n g !
and h e .................(lead) th e c o m p a n y to g re a te r
A tra c to r s c a re d th e h o rs e an d it ju m p e d
su c c e ss. c
b y th e n his c o m p a n y .................. (be) o n e o f th e
and Pau l an d C lara J o b s ................... (adopt) him.
a fen ce. Ralph fell o ff th e h o rs e an d
9)....... 10)................... a
lake. H e g o t v e r y w e t! It w a s a h orrib le e x p e rie n ce !
most successful in the world. e
but J o b s ........................... (leave) and b o u gh t a film -m aking com p an y.
and J o b s ....................... (agree) to help him sell it.
Use the pictures in Ex. 6 to tell the story again, but make three mistakes. Your partner corrects you.
Skills in Action Vocabulary
Everyday English
Narrating an event
Read the dialogue and put the verbs in the past simple. Listen and check.
Listen and repeat, which are positive/ negative feelings?
Hello, Sally. H o w w a s y o u r w e e k e n d in London?
it i frig h ten ed
1)........... (you/enjoy) it? 2).........(have) a
Hey, Andy. Yes, I
g re at tim e. It w a s fantastic. A n d g u e s s w h o I
3).......... (meet)l Liam
H e m sw o rth ,
th e fa m o u s H o llyw o o d acto r!
I d o n 't b e lie v e it! H e's y o u r fa vo u rite ! H o w
4 ).............. (that/happen)? Sally: 4
I w a s o u tsid e tfte m u se u m w h e n I
5).............(see) him. 6)............... (you/do)? I 7)................(go) up to him and 8) (ask) him fo r a selfie w ith him.
w o rrie d
Andy: Sally:
W hat
Here, ta k e a look.
That's am azing! Y o u 're so lucky!
ex cited
Tell your partner about how you spent 4 last і weekend, use sentences from the useful Language box. 7
A: How was your weekend? B: It was amazing... etc.
proud co n fu se d
You've got two minutes. Make as many sentences as you can using the adjectives in Ex. 1a.
Narrating an event Responding Asking • H o w w a s yo u r w e e k e n d ? • W h a t w a s it like?/Did you
I watched a horror film last night. I felt frightened.
en jo y it? • T h a t's terrible/am azing! • W h at happened?
Listening a)
• Really?/1 d o n 't b e lie ve it!
Listen to the sounds, what do you think the story is about?
fantastic/am using. • I d id n 't like it m uch./lt w a s awful/boring. • G u e ss w h a t h ap pen ed to m e/w h o I m et, etc.
Intonation in yes/no questions Listen and repeat.
Listen to the story. Put the events into the order they happened (1-8).
Yes/No q u estio n s: rising intonation Did you have a nice time? /
C laire an d G re g w e n t to a w ild life park. T h e y clim b e d into th e ra ng er's truck.
T he c a r w o u ld n 't start.
Is he an a c to r ?
Did yo u stu d y A rt?
T he lions s c a re d Claire.
Did sh e a c t in film s?
Did yo u k n o w h im ?
S m o k e an d fla m e s c a m e o u t o f th e e n g in e ................. T h e y tried to a ttra c t s o m e o n e 's a tte n tio n ...................
• It w a s great/am azing/
A ra n g e r sc a re d a w a y th e lions.
T h e y sto p p ed to ta k e p ictu re s o f lions.
Reading & writing
write the adverbs formed from the adjectives. What adverbs did the writer use in the story in Ex. 6? what adjectives do they come from?
joining sentences .ve can join se n te n ces with w o rd s such as
and, but,
because, so, then, when, etc.
Study th e exam ples:
She stood up and walked towards the door. He looked, but he couldn't see anything. He closed the window because it was very cold, it was very late, so he decided to go home. He opened the door, then turned on the lights. He was in bed w hen he heard a strange noise.
fa st
stran g e
h ap p y
d e s p e ra te
qu ick
Writing (a story) a) Look at the picture and read the text. Answer the questions.
Read the theory, then read the story and choose the correct linking word.
T h a t cold w in te r afternocJn, I d e c id e d to take
It was a beautifully warm, autum n day 1) b ecau se/and Billy was on his way to college. He was near the entrance 2) w h en /so he saw his close friend Tania. He waved to her, 3) s o /b u t she didn’t see him.. She had headphones on and her head was down. She started to cross the wide road.
m y dog, Rex, fo r a w a lk on th e b e a c h . Sudd enly, R ex b e g a n , to bark loudly. W h e n did th is h a p p e n ? w h a t w a s th e w e a t h e r lik e? I
'Stop!" shouted Billy loudly, 4) b ecau se/th en he suddenly saw a red car coming fast along the road. Tania had headphones on, 5) b u t/s o she couldn’t hear Billy’s frightened cry. Billy ran quickly towards her and got there ju st before the car. He grabbed Tania’s arm hard, 6) th en /w h en pulled her out of the way of the car. The car whizzed past them both, missing them by inches. Tania’s face was pale 7) b ecau se/an d she looked shocked. ”l think you ju st saved my life, Billy" she said in a low voice. "That’s w hat friends are for” said Billy happily.
W h e r e did th is h a p p e n ? W h o w a s th e r e ? W h a t h a p p e n e d first?
b) A B C D E F
I s a w a b oy in th e sea.
W e b ro u g ht th e b o y b ac k hom e.
T he n a n n y th a n k e d me.
I b ro u g ht th e b o y b ac k to shore.
I d ived into th e w ater.
T he w o m a n c alle d fo r help.
Writing Tip ^Q
Adjectives & Adverbs W hen w e w rite stories w e use a variety of adjectives and adverbs to m ake our story interesting to the reader. Adjectives describe nouns.
One beautiful sunny day, He drove
carefully, it was a strangely quiet day. W e usually form adverbs by adding
-ly to
+y, w e adverb, happy - happily
W hen the adjective ends w ith a co nsonan t
-ily to
form the
tim e /p la c e th e e v e n t h a p p e n e d ; w e a th e r; p eo p le; w h a t h ap p e n e d first
the adjective.
quiet - quietly and add
Use the ideas in Ex. 9 to write your story for an international magazine's short story competition (80-100 words). Follow the plan.
Plan Para 1:
Me went to the park. Adverbs describe verbs and adjectives.
Listen and put the events in the correct order (1-6).
Para 2: Para 3:
e v e n ts in th e o rd e r th e y h ap p e n e d w h a t h a p p e n e d in th e end; h o w p e o p le felt
Som e ad verb s h ave the sam e form as their adjectives.
hard - hard, fast - fast, early - early BUT: good - w ell
Find the adjectives the writer uses in the story to describe the following: • d a y • frien d • road • c ry • fa c e • v o ic e
i l l i a m
S h a k e s p e a re
P o e t for A l l T im e William
In 1592, Shakespeare m oved to London.
Shakespeare, and in his case, this was
It was a large, noisy and exciting city.
definitely true.
He jo in e d the Lord Chamberlain's Men
- a com pany of actors - and soon began
Stratford-upon-Avon in 1564. His family
acting and writing plays. These include
were simple people. His father sold leather
historical plays like Henry V, tragedies
and his m other c a re d f o r the family. We
like Romeo and Juliet and comedies like As
do not know m uch about Shakespeare's
You Like It.
Shakespeare was
c h ild h o o d . It is possible he went to the
local grammar school - King Edward VI
before he gave the world 42 plays, wrote
School. Life in Stratford was peaceful
hundreds of poems, and changed the
and quiet. In 1582, he married Anne
English language fo re v e r. He added
Hathaway had
language as well as m any c o m m o n
Susanna was born in
phrases, like "a heart of gold" and "All's
1583 and the tw in s ,
well th at ends well." His works continue
Hamnet and Judith,
to inspire readers even to th e present
were bom in 1585.
Check these words L is t e n in g & R e a d in g ; definitely, leather, inspire
H ow are these names related to Shakespeare? Stratford-upon-Avon - Anne Hathaway - Susanna - Hamnet and Judith - London - the Lord Chamberlain's Men - Henry V - Romeo and Juliet.
Listen and read to find out.
S p e a k in g & w r i t in g
™ ,MK William Shakespeare is an important figure in the English language, why?
Read the text again and decide ifthe statements are T (True), F (False) or DS (Doesn't say).
W illia m S h a k e s p e a re had th re e brothers.
His m o th e r w o rk e d w ith his father.
King E d w a rd VI S c h o o l w a s in Stratfo rd -up on-A von .........................
S h a k e s p e a re had th re e sons.
S h a k e s p e a re d id n 't like his birthplace.
in London, h e w o rk e d a s an actor.
Explain the meaning of the words in bold. Check in your dictionary.
ICT Collect information about an important writer from your country. Think about: name what famous for - when/where bom - early years - studies - family - achievements - when/where died, write a short article for an
international magazine (80-100 words). Read your article to the class.
Review Put the verbs in brackets in the past simple.
Vocabulary Fill in: zoologist, painter, actor, physicist, politician, lawyer.
W hen
N oah S c h n a p p is m y f a v o u r it e ............................. in the TV s e rie s
Stranger Things.
....................... (feel)
M alta last
m o n th ?
3 4
He .............................................. (travel) all o v e r A sia
H e ................................................ (write) 42 poem s.
T h e y ......................................... (not/play) o u r fa vo u rite
T he la st tim e h e ................................................ (watch)
b efo re he m o ve d to Los A ng eles.
He w a n ts to be a ( n ) .................................... b e c a u s e he io ves anim als.
so n g a t th e c o n c e r t ye sterd ay.
A lb e rt E in ste in w a s a ( n ) ......................................... H e is fa m o u s fo r his th e o rie s a b o u t s p a c e an d tim e. Sh e is a ( n ) ................................ an d re p re se n ts p eo p le
a p e rfo rm a n c e w a s tw o w e e k s ago.
in court.
The Persistence of Memory is th e
A l i c e .......................................... (not/pass) th e H istory te s t yesterd ay.
m o st fa m o u s
w h e r e ......................................................... (he/work) in
W h y ....................................................... (he/leave) e a rly
pictu re by S p a n is h ................................ S a lv a d o r Dali.
(6x2= 12)
2 015?
Choose the correct word.
y e s te rd a y ?
it w a s v e r y d ark an d A n g e la w a s
frightened. Jim m y is proud/upset b e c a u s e
h e w o n th e
H e .......................................................... (go) to th e th e a tre last Saturday.
Fill in the gaps in the table.
co m p etitio n . The tw in s a re flying to S w itz e rla n d an d th e y 'r e so
ad v e rb
a d je c tiv e
confused/excited! su d d en
1 ) .....................
2 ) .....................
b eau tifu lly
M y b ro th e r h as a hard e x am to m o rro w , an d h e's
fa st
3 ) .....................
worried/excited. .o e 's siste r w a s proud/shocked w h e n
4 ) .....................
5 ) .....................
w ell
M ax's siste r k e e p s taking his CD s, so h e 's v e r y
last tim e y o u
2 .................... (they/fly) to
A b ra h a m Lincoln w a s an A m e r ic a n ............................. and th e 16th P re s id e n t o f th e U n ited States.
w a s th e
scared ?
s h e s a w th e
car a c cid e n t.
(6X2= 12)
Everyday English
Grammar Write the past simple form of the verbs below.
6 1
ta k e
Match the sentences. 0
(8X2= 16)
I a sk ed h e r fo r h er au to g rap h .
l m e t a fa m o u s
T hen l to o k a selfie
w ith her.
W h a t did yo u d o ?
T ha t's am azin g!
W h a t h a p p e n e d n e x t?
It w a s fan tastic.
l had a c a r a c c id e n t!
H o w terrib le!
e n jo y sa y
H ow w a s your w e e k e n d in L o n d o n ?
(5X4=20) Total 100
Competences Lexical Competence
Reading Competence
Talk abo ut:
• read fo r sp e cific
• fa m o u s p e o p le and th e ir a c h ie v e m e n ts • jo b s • fe e lin g s/reactio n s tC E U E N T
inform atio n (m ultiple
Listening Competence • listen fo r detail (o rd er e v e n ts)
Speaking Competence
m atch in g ; T/F
• n arrate p ast e v e n ts
s ta te m e n ts ; m ultiple
Writing Competence
m atch in g ; T/F/DS
• w rite a sto ry
s ta te m e n ts )
• w rite a b io g rap hy
Everyday English: Inviting - Accepting/
Vocabulary: The environment, Helping the
environment. Summer plans Grammar: should/shouldn't, future simple/fee going fcVpresent continuous (future meaning), i t - there
Writing: An email about your summer plans
Time will tell V o c a b u la r y
The environment
Which of these predictions do you think/don't you think will come true in 50 years' time?
Andy Brown View my profile page
I think people will recycle all their rubbish. I don't think wild animals will disappear.
A Dark Future or a Bright One?
Wild animals will disappear.
There will be more pollution from cars.
The rainforests will disappear.
Everyone will have electric cars.
There will be lots of rubbish.
People will live in smart houses.
People will recycle all their rubbish.
People will plant more trees.
Read the text and complete the sentences. Then, explain the words in bold. 1
A c c o rd in g to th e TV p ro g ram m e, so m e w ild an im a ls
R e a d in g
Which of the predictions from Ex. 1 are there in the text? Listen and read to find out. 90
2 3 4
A n d y w a n ts to s t a r t ......................................... Ben
b e lie v e s e le c tric c a rs w ill s o lve th e p ro b lem
K elly th in ks th a t p e o p le n eed to learn
Vocabulary W e/p /n g t/ie en w ro n m en t
Q, Search..
Match the advice to the reasons.
Hi, follow ers! I w atched a great T V program m e about the environm ent last night. It w as interesting - but it w as really sa d ! W e all know about pollution from cars, do n ’t w e ? W ell, in the future it will get w orse and w orse. There will be lots of people on Earth and
ways to save the planet
they will make lots of rubbish. Plus, the rainforests will
som e
our favourite
w ild
animals, like the tiger and the rhino, will disappear, oo.
w as pretty m iserable after that program m e finished,
can tell you! But then I started thinking... m aybe
can help to stop this. S o I’m going to start an environm ental club at m y university. W e ’re going to talk about environm ental problem s and do activities ike planting trees to help the world around us. it’s up to us to decide if our future will be a dark one
CD Turn off lights. CD U se cloth sh o p p in g bags.
3 4 5
CD B u y food from th e m arket.
CD H a v e a sh o w er, n o t a bath.
.Ve also e x p re ss re a so n or p u rp ose w ith In fin itive o f purpose).
going to join a gym because he wants to lose ■■/eight. -e wants to lose weight, so he's going to join a gym. - e 's going to join a gym to lose weight.
Give a Little Time to the Trees A
rbor Day started in 1872 in Nebraska, USA. It is a
and cities. They also look after national forests, replant
special day to support the planting of trees. A hundred
trees after natural disasters, and help young people learn
years later, in 1972, John Rosenow started a charity and education organisation to inspire people all over the USA to plant,
care for, and celebrate trees. Today,
every state
celebrates Arbor Day and the Arbor Day Foundation is the biggest tree planting organisation in the world. The Arbor Day Foundation does
about trees and connect with the natural world. Supporters and volunteers are very Important to the work of the Arbor Day Foundation. People can
volunteer to
help plant trees. They can also organise or take part in fundraising events, or make a donation.
work. They
If you would like tQ find out more about how you can
raise money and work hard to plant trees in towns
support the Arbor Day Foundation, please visit www.arborday.org
Check these words
L is t e n in g & R e a d in g
Read the title of the text and look at the picture, what do you think the Arbor Day Foundation does? Listen and read to find out. Read the text quickly. What is the purpose of the “ text? Read the text again. Mark the statements (1-3) as T (true), F (false) or DS (doesn't say). 1 2 3
A rb o r D ay starte d in N eb rask a .
Jo h n R o s e n o w is fro m N eb rask a .
v o lu n te e rs c a n o n ly plant trees.
inspire, fundraising event, donation, support
Explain the words in bold. t h in k would you like to join the Arbor Day Foundation? Why/Why not?
S p e a k in g & w r i t in g
Collect information about a charity in your country. Make notes under the headings: name of organisation - history o f organisation - activities. Present the charity to the class.
Match the words to make phrases. 0
w ild
sh o p p in g
re c yc le d
sm a rt
e n v iro n m e n ta l
pub lic
e le c tric
a b c d e f g h
p ap er
Rewrite the sentences using should or shouldn't. 1
It's a good id ea fo r us to recycle.
D o n 't th r o w c a n s into th e bin.
It's n o t a good idea for S a lly to le a v e h e r job.
Turn th e h e a tin g d o w n .
D o n 't go o u t w ith o u t a co at.
p ro g ram m e bag group anim al
h o u se car tra n sp o rt
(8 X 2 = 1 6 ) Fill in: join, volunteer, go, work, have, move, recycle, save, give, plant.
(5 X 2 = 1 0 )
Choose the correct item.
I w a n t t o ....................... F re n c h le s so n s th is sum m er.
I'm not v e r y fit - I'm going t o ............................a gym .
Jo a n h as a b u c k e t b e c a u s e s h e
to wash
H o w m u ch o f y o u r ru b bish do y o u .............................?
Dad w a n ts t o .................... h o u se to be c lo s e r to Gran.
C le a n
up y o u r room . Y o u r co u sin
coming to
iA/e all m u st a c t t o ..................................... th e planet! ..................................... part-tim e in a shop. Vlichael c a n ' t ...................................... w in d su rfin g this
s ta y to m o rro w .
3 4
Jo h n
T h e y d o n 't h a v e pizza, so w h a t
w eekend.
will wash/is going
th e car.
will come/is
it'llbe/'s going to be very hot this summer. is studying/is going to study h a rd e r next
I don't think
y e a r - h e prom ised .
d o n 't earn m o n e y w h e n I ..................................... , but feel good. v e 'r e m e e tin g at 10 in th e park t o ................................. rees.
will you order/are
you ordering? isgoing to work/is working with com puters after college.
7 It/There will be w in d y to m o rro w . 8 It/There w ill be a n e w te a c h e r fo r
m going t o ....................m y old clo th e s to harity.
B io lo g y to m o rro w .
( 1 0 X 2 = 20)
(8 X 2 = 1 6 )
computer, plastic, environmental, animal, oth, summer.
ill in:
Everyday English 6 Match the exchanges.
e sp e n d s his w e e k e n d s w o rk in g at a ( n ) ......................
w o u ld yo u like to c o m e to
m y h o u se for d in n e r?
3 w a y s u s e .......................bags, not plastic ones.
2 0
'e yo u do ing a ( n ) ...................... c o u rs e ?
A trip to th e c in e m a
G reat! Let's
Yes. w h y d o n 't
m e e t th e re a t 8.
s o u n d s good.
-jit in s u p e rm a rk e ts h as got a lot o f ......................
3 0
ickag in g. r a h v o lu n te e rs fo r a ( n ) ....................................... group.
(6 x 3 = 18)
I'll call yo u to a rran g e
yo u c o m e ?
w h e r e to m eet.
4 0
'e r e a re yo u g o in g on y o u r ...................... h o lid a y s ?
A re yo u goin g w in d su rfin g n ex t w e e k e n d ?
5 0
Brilliant! S p e a k soon!
I'd lo ve to. T ha t's a pity!
I'm sorry, l c a n 't c o m e to y o u r b arb ecu e .
(5X4= 20) Total 100
:ompet§nces good/
/ GOOD / J
Lexical Competence
Reading Competence
Speaking Competence
Talk abou t:
• read for detail (sen ten ce
• g ive a d v ic e
• th e e n v iro n m e n t
com pletion, T/F/DS
• in v it e - a c c e p t / r e fu s e invitation s
• h elp in g th e
statem ents)
writing Competence
e n v iro n m e n t
Listening Competence
• w rite a leaflet
• s u m m e r plan s
• listen for detail (m ultip le
• w rite an e m ail a b o u t m y
c h o ic e q u estio n s)
s u m m e r plans
Vocabulary: holiday activities, travel experiences Grammar: present perfect, present perfect vs
Everyday English: describing a holiday experience
past simple, The
Writing: A blog comment about a holiday experience
■ ■ ■-................ * ....... -
- -......... ~ '
Take a break і
V o c a b u la r y
Holiday activities I
Fill in: ride, go, visit, see, buy (x2), take, try. Listen and check. Which of these activities did you do when you last went on holiday? Tell your partner. You can use your own ideas.
ancient temples
Last July I went to .... I saw ancient buildings and tried local dishes. I swam in the sea and took lots of photos, etc. R e a d in g & L is t e n in g
handmade souvenirs
Read the text quickly. Which title is appropriate? M ystical Egypt - Exotic M orocco - Beautiful M ongolia.
Read the sentences. Then listen to and read the email Jack sent to his friend and decide ifthe sentences are T (True) or F (False).
He has already visited the Marrakech market.........
2 3
He has been to a traditional restaurant. He has visited the museum.
....... .......
He has been to Rabat.
Check these words try, spices, palace, exhibit
a market
Replace the adjectives in bold with their opposites. Check in your dictionary. • d isgusting • co ld • q u iet • h orrible • e m p ty • m o d ern
T he m ark e t
I'm h avin g a
noisy and crowded.
w as
wonderful tim e. 3
W e 'v e b e e n to a
restau ran t.
Hi Terry,
Greetings from Morocco! The weather’s very hot. I’ve been
T h e fo od w a s
here since Monday and I’m having a wonderful time. I’m
T he w e a t h e r is v e r y
staying with my friend, Mohammed. He lives in Marrakech. «V
Marrakech is famous for its beautiful buildings, palaces and
Tuesday.You can’t imagine how noisy and crowded it was! I
Fill in the missing prepositions, then use them to make sentences based on the text.
bought some lovely handmade souvenirs there. I even rode
• fo r « t o
its market. I’ve already been to the market. We visited it on
« o n (x2) • w ith • in
a camel in the desert outside Marrakech yesterday. It was fun! I’ve also been to a traditional restaurant. Mohammed took me there last night. I tried tagine, a Moroccan dish with
s t a y ...........m y friend
l i v e ......... M a rra k e sh
f a m o u s ............
4 5
............. T ue sd ay g o ............. a d a y trip
6 r e t u r n .............. En glan d
chicken, fruit, vegetables and spices.The place was fantastic and the food was just delicious.
S p e a k in g
There are a lot of things I haven’t done yet. I haven’t been to the palaces yet, and I haven’t visited the museum.
We are going on a day trip to Casablanca tomorrow and we are going to visit the museum one of these days to see the exhibits. We are also going to visit Rabat, Morocco’s capital city. Morocco is a fascinating country — you must visit it one day! Anyway, I’m returning to England on Sunday next week, so I’ll
Read the email again, then copy the table in your notebook and complete it. ACTIVITIES HE DID
visited the market
Tuesday bought souvenirs
noisy & crowded
Ask and answer questions, as in the example.
call you then. Best wishes, Jack
Tell your partner three false statements based on the text. Your partner corrects them.
A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B:
A: It's raining in Morocco. B: No, it isn't raining. It's hot.
Did Jack visit the market? Yes, he did. When did he visit it? On Tuesday. what did he do there? He bought some souvenirs. what was it like? It was noisy and crowded. w r i t in g
write three reasons why you would like to visit Morocco. Read them to the class. Find someone who has the same reason(s) as you. t h in k
Grammar in Use a
: W e lc o m e
O rlando. H a v e yo u s ta y e d in o u r hotel b e fo re ?
Write the past participle of the verbs. Check in the dialogue.
Yes, w e have. W e
s w i m ................. ...........
s e e ................................
s t a y ................... ...........
try ..................................
v i s i t ................... ...........
b o o k .............................
b e ..................... ...........
d r i v e .............................
w e r e h e re in 2002.
H a v e yo u visited
Use the verbs in Ex. 2 in the present perfect to complete the sentences.
W a lt D isn ey W o r ld ?
Yes, w e w e n t th e re on o u r first trip. W e 'v e a lso s e e n U n iversa l Stu d io s, but w e h a v e n 't b e e n to D is c o v e ry C o v e
S t e v e ................................................................ to R ab at, (X)
T h e y ........................................................ w ith dolphins. (X) L i s a ......................................................O rlan d o o n ce.
O h, yo u sho uld go! H a v e yo u e v e r s w u m w ith
I ..........................c o u s c o u s b ut I d o n 't really like it. (✓)
d o lp h in s? It's a w o n d e rfu l e x p e rie n ce !
K e n ...................... .'.............................in th is hotel.(x)
S w im m in g w ith dolphins! W o w ! I h a v e n 't tried
I .........................................................
a n yth in g like th a t before!
A: B: A:
H a v e yo u b o o k ed tic k e ts ?
all th e w a y from
A riz o n a on m y o w n . (✓)
W e ......................................................ou r tickets,
No, w e h a v e n 't. I c a n book th e m fo r yo u h e re a t th e hotel. I think th e y 'v e g o t an o ffe r on th is w e e k .
studios. ( / )
has seen th e
1 2
T h an ks! T h a t w o u ld be g reat! B u t not fo r today.
^J_ Put the verbs in brackets into the present perfect interrogative, then answer the questions.
W e 'v e d riven d o w n fro m N e w York an d w e 'r e
Have you ridden (you/ride) an Yes, I have.
(they/fly) in a
A: B:
Read the table. Find examples in the dialogue.
e le p h a n t b e fo re ?
h e lic o p te r?
N O ,...................... ............. T h e y 're afraid o f heights.
.....(you/be) o n
a b o at trip
b e fo re ?
Present perfect Affirmative Negative I/We/You/They have fve) I/We/You/They have not (haven't) left. left. He/She/It has ('s) left. He/She/It has not (hasn't) left. Short answers Interrogative Have l/we/you/they left? Yes, l/we/you/they have./ No, l/we/you/they haven't. Has he/she/it left? Yes, he/she/it has./ No, he/she/it hasn't.
N o ,..................... . It's m y first tim e!
(they/live) in
M e x ic o C ity
fo r a long tim e ? B:
N o , ...................... T h e y m o v e d th e re a m o n th ago.
(Bob/tell) yo u
th e n e w s ?
B: Y e s , .................... .. . W e 'r e go in g to India!
(Paula/sleep) in a
A: B
te n t?
Y e s ...................... . . S h e lo v e s cam p in g .
Present perfect + Ever/Never W e use
ever in questions and statements.
W e use the present perfect: • for actions which started in the past and continue up to the present. He has lived in Florida
Have you ever visited India? India is the best place I've ever visited.
for five years. (He started living in Florida five years
I've never visited Poland. I haven't visited Poland.
W e use
never in statements.
ago and he still lives there.)
• to refer to a personal experience. /have visited Mexico (When? W e do not know.)
Time words/expressions used with the present perfect: just, already, yet, for, since, never, ever, this week, etc. Note: She has gone to Warsaw. (She went to Warsaw
Ask and answer questions, as in the example.
P e ru
Eg yp t
Sp ain
A u stra lia
Po la n d
V ie tn a m
and is still out there.)
She has been to Warsaw. (She went to Warsaw and returned. She is back now.)
A: Peru is the best country I've ever visited. Have you ever been there? B: No, I've never been there.
Present perfect + Yet/Already w e u se W e u se
already in q u estio n s an d s ta te m e n ts . yet in q u e stio n s and negatives.
A: Have you packed your suitcase yet? B: No, I haven't I haven't packed it yet. / Yes, I have. I've already packed it.
Hi Tracy, Greetings from San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Kate and Ann are in Paris. Listen and tick (/)
what they have already done, in pairs, ask and answer questions, as in the example. 1 2
g o to V e rsa ille s
g o sh o p p in g
4 5
Put the verbs in brackets into the present perfect or the past simple.
visit th e Eiffel T o w e r
0 O □
g o on a b o at trip on th e S e in e
visit th e L o u vre
s e e N o tre D a m e
s e e th e A rc d e Triom phe
I'm sorry I 1) ............ (not/write) for so long. W e 2 )............ (arrive) here a w eek ago and I 3)............ (be) busy exploring the place. It's one of the best islands 14)............ (ever/visit). I 5)............. (cycle) around most of the island so far. I 6 ) ............ (already/swim) at most of the beaches here and I 7) ............ (try) scuba diving! It 8 ) .........,.. (be) amazing. I 9)............ (not/buy) any souvenirs yet, but there is plenty of time for that. Yesterday, w e
A: Have they visited the Eiffel Tower yet? B: Yes, they have a lread y visited the Eiffel Tower. Have they been to Versailles yet? A: No, they haven't been to Versailles y e t
10)......... (go) to the underground 11)...............................
caves of Rio Cam uy Cave Rark. W e
(never/see) such a beautiful place! Talk soon, Anna
Present perfect + Just I W e u se
just in
s ta te m e n ts to s h o w th a t an actio n
the w ith th e n am es of: rivers (the Nile), o c e a n s (the Atlantic Ocean), s e a s (the Baltic Sea), d e se rts (the Sahara Desert), unique lan d m ark s (the Eiffel Tower), h otels (the Royal), m u se u m s (the British Museum), m ountain ranges (the Alps), gro up s of islands (the Maldives). W e d o n 't u se the w ith th e n a m e s of: co u n tries (Egypt), citie s (London), s tre e ts (Oxford Street), parks (Hyde Park), single m o u ntain s (Everest), lak es (Lake Como), single islands (Malta), c o n tin e n ts (Asia). W e u se
! finished o n ly a fe w m in u te s earlier.
A: Have you packed your suitcase yet? B: Yes, I've ju s t packed it.
Read the theory. Ask and answer questions, as in the example. 1
b o o k a ta b le
o rd e r lunch
3 4
s p ea k to th e receptionist m e e t th e gu ide
A: Have you booked a table yet? B: Yes, I've ju s t booked it.
Present perfect + For/Since for to e x p re ss duration. I've been here for five days. W e u se since to s ta te a startin g point. I’ve been here since Monday.__________ W e u se
Write sentences. Use: for or since.
H e/b e in C airo /F rid a y
He has been in Cairo since Friday. He/live in R o m e / th re e y e a rs
3 4 5
I/not s e e / Ja n e /te n y e a rs I/not trave l/b y train/2015 They/b e/on holid ay/last M o n d a y
10 1
Read the theory. Fill in the where necessary.
H a v e yo u e v e r c lim b e d ............ M o n t B la n c in ............. A lp s ?
T h e y go t o ............ C a n a ry Islands e v e r y year.
I h a v e n 't b een t o ............ N e w York before.
T he m u s e u m i n ............... B a k e r S tre e t is o p e n now.
W e 'r e stayin g a t ............... B lu e H otel fo r five nights.
............ Pacific O ce a n is th e largest o c e a n in th e w orld.
............ Taj M a h a l is i n ............. A g ra, India.
............Lake V ictoria is th e largest lake i n ............. Africa.
Ask your partner questions. Use the present perfect. Your partner answers them. A: Have you ever been to Egypt? B: No, I haven't. Not yet.
V o c a b u la r y
E v e r y d a y E n g lis h
Travel experiences
Describing a holiday experience
Look at the pictures, in pairs, ask and answer, as in the example. You can use these adjectives: exciting, fantastic, amazing, great,
a) Complete the dialogue with the phrases A-E.
terrible, difficult.
Mike: Holly:
Hey, Holly, h o w a re y o u ? G reat! I've ju s t g o t b ac k fro m a fa m ily h o lid a y in G re n a d a .
Mike: Holly:
R e a lly ?
W e w e n t tw o w e e k s ag o and g o t b ac k this m orning.
Mike: Holly: go on a h e lic o p te r to u r
2 ) ........................................................................ Oh, it w a s w o n d e rfu l! I had th e tim e o f m y life!
go ic e skating
Mike: Holly:
W e w e n t sn o rkellin g at th e U n d e rw a te r S c u lp tu re Park. T h ere w e r e beautiful s ta tu e s at th e bo ttom o f th e sea!
Mike: Holly:
w o w ! 4 ) ........................................................... W e also visited th e N ational M u s e u m an d
A n n a n d a le Falls. I'v e tak en lots o f photos.
go c a m p in g
Mike: Holly:
go snorkelling
It so u n d s am azing. it w as.
5)....................... C D E
w h a t did yo u do th e r e ? I c a n 't w a it to go again!
b)^ go c a n o e in g
s w im w ith dolphins
A: Have you ever been on a helicopter tour? B: Yes, I have. It was amazing./No, I haven't.
Listen to three short telephone conversations. For each question, choose the correct answer. 1
You have just come back from your holidays. Use phrases from the useful language box to act out a dialogue similar to the one in Ex. 3a.
A B 2
g o n e ic e sk atin g
• W e w e n t la st Jun e/etc.
• H o w w a s it?
• it w a s terrific!
• W a s th e re m uch to do
• I had an am azing/a lo vely
th e r e ?
tim e!
• w h a t things could you
• I also to ok/w en t on/visited ...
g o n e c a n o e in g
g o n e on a h e lic o p te r to u r
W h e n did Jo h n arriv e in N e w Z e a la n d ?
th re e d a y s ag o
last w e e k
/h/ p ro n o u n c e d o r s ile n t
y e s te rd a y
B e n is callin g Kevin t o ...
• T h ere w e r e am azing/ b e a u tifu l/ fa n ta s tic ...
• Did you do anything e ls e ?
Describing holidays
• w h e n did you g o ?
do th e r e ? w h a t h as S a lly d o n e so fa r?
W h a t e ls e did y o u d o ?
Listen and check.
Asking about holidays L is t e n in g
w h e n did yo u g o ? W h a t w a s it like th e r e ?
Listen and circle the words where h is silent. Listen again and repeat.
ask him to g o on h o lid ay together.
h ap p y - h o ur - rh ym e - hair - w h ile - Jo h n -
invite him to his house.
h o lid ay - behind - sch o o l - h o w
tell him a b o u t his holiday.
R e a d in g & W r it in g
Read the blog comments again and make notes in the table.
Look at the blog entry and the blog comments below. What is the topic of the blog post? Read to find out.
Place C h arlo tte
Ja m ie
Writing Tip Writing a blog comment W h en w e read a blog entry, w e can respond and w rite a
Hi, everyone!
blog comment. W h e n informal language.
Some friends and I want to
w e w rite a blog com m ent, w e use
We want to visit as many
W e start our blog com m ent by greeting the blogger (Hey, Nick!) and introducing ourselves. (Tina from the UK here.)
places as possible. Do you
Then w e w rite our com m ent.
have any suggestions?
W e end our co m m en t with
travel abroad this summer.
Leave a comment below.
closing remarks. (Can't wait
for your next post!) w e can also m ake a general co m m en t about the blog entry either at the beginning or the end.
About me
(Love your blog!)
Read the writing Tip box. Replace the underlined phrases in the blog comments in Ex. 1 with the ones below. • C a n 't w a it to read y o u r n ex t post! • I rea lly e n jo y read in g y o u r blog. • G re a t blog! • P o s t ag ain soon!
Hi, William! Charlotte here. Love vour bloa. I’m in Chile and 1love it! So far, I’ve been camping and I’ve Deen canoeing. I've even been sandboarding in the Atacama Desert. It was a bit difficult and very hot - but it was fun! I lad a great time. Go there - I’m sure you’ll love it. Can’t wait
W r it in g (a blog comment about a
holiday experience)
Think of a place you have been to. Make notes under the headings: name - activities - feelings.
;or vour next post!
W 33S S S S H 3
10 Use your notes from Ex. 9 to write your blog
comment on William's blog recommending a place to go (60-80 words). Follow the plan.
Plan ■g re e t blogger, in tro d u ce y o u rs e lf ’ w rite y o u r c o m m e n ts (w h e re yo u h a v e b een , w h a t y o u h a v e d o n e there, y o u r feelin g s)
ley, this is Jamie.
■re c o m m e n d a tio n , clo sin g rem ark s
'or me, Japan is the perfect place to go. I’ve visited the iyukyu Islands many times and I’ve always had an amazing ime there. Last time, I went windsurfing at Tebiro Beach. I Iso visited the medieval castle of Shuri and went hiking in he forests. I had the time of my life. Check out some of the hotos I’ve taken. Bv the wav, great blog William. Looking jrward to vour next post!
lA d v e h f w r e Do you want an exciting holiday experience? Then look no further! W ild Canadian Adventure Holidays promises the perfect holiday for you.
Have you ever w anted to go on a helicopter tour over a big city? Then Toronto with its
British Columbia
amazing tall buildings is the place to go! Nature lovers can go on a boat ride around Niagara Falls. In winter, you
Imagine canoeing through the Rocky Mountains and sailing
can also go ice skating on
around Vancouver Island. Book one of our British Columbia
the many frozen lakes
package holidays and make your dream come true. We
around O ntario.
also offer trips to northern British Columbia where you can go camping, see Native American totem poles and even watch the beautiful Northern Lights in the night sky.
Listening & Reading Go through the text quickly. What is itabout? which place you can go camping? How can you see Niagara Falls? Read or listen to the text. In which place (A or B):
2 ^
BOOK ONLINE N O W Check these words ! package holiday, trip, nature lover, frozen
Speaking & Writing Can you think of a dream holiday destination? How would you start the description to make people want to visit?
1 can you see a city from the air? 2
is there a special evening attraction?
can you stay in a tent?
can you do a winter sport?
Design a travel brochure for tourist destinations in your country, write about exciting things visitors can see and/or do there.
Review v o c a b u la r y -
see, visit, go
Put the verbs in brackets into the present perfect or the past simple.
(x2), try, buy, take, ride.
: . c a n ............... cheap souvenirs
□ XI
: j s h o u ld ..................th e m a rk e t in th e Old City. : : i ' t fo rget t o ........................ p h o to s o f y o u r trip. .•.ant t o ................all th e local dishes. _ r . s ................on a d a y trip to C a s a b la n ca . r w e n t to Fez t o ................a n c ie n t buildings. -ad a c h a n c e t o ................a c a m e l in Egypt. d id n 't w a n t t o ................sightseeing.
(8X2=16) s tc h
to form collocations. A B C D E F G
h e lico p te r *rozen traditional su m m e r H an d m ad e ce n oisy
h o lid ays
Hi, Matt!
Greetings from London! I'm staying here with my uncle.
so u v e n irs
to u r
on Friday. My uncle also 3)
m ark e t
anything there. There are a lot of things I 5 ) ..............................
(not/do) yet. We 6) ................................. (not/be) to Madame Tussauds yet and we 7) ..................................... (not/ride) in
::Tect the mistakes.
a London taxi. I really want to do that! What about you?
- a s Jo h n fin ish ed his h o m e w o r k ? " "No, h e
8 ) .....................................(you/have) an exciting summer so far?
See you soon.
didn't tried c a n o e in g before, v . - e re 's Id a ? " "S h e 's been to th e s u p e rm a rk e t." .t j n c l e have lived in th e s a m e s tre e t all his life, -a/e yo u s e e n J im ? " "Y es, I haven't." ' a . e gone to Pa ris th re e tim es.
~-e ch ild ren
Greg (8 X 3 = 2 4 )
Everyday English
(6 X 2 = 1 2 )
since, for, never, ever, already.
Match the exchanges. 1 0 When did you goto
d o n 't n e e d to b oo k th e hotel. T im 's ..................... ir e
2 0 3 0 4 Q
"* e o lan e h a s ..................landed. . "
...................................(take) me to
Oxford Street yesterday, but I 4 ) ......................................(not/buy)
G ra m m a r
in: just, yet,
h as lived h e r e ..................2007.
: r ' a s .............. ridden an e lep h a n t. It's his first tim e. : - ca h as w o rk e d a t th e m u s e u m ..................five
5 0
Scotland? How was it? what did you do? Did you do anything else? It sounds great.
W e also visited a m u se u m .
It w as. I c a n 't w a it to go again.
Last w e e k e n d . W e w e n t can o ein g . It w a s terrific!
-e 9 y o u ..................visited R o m e ?
Buckingham Palace. We 2 ) ............................................. (go) there
restau ra n t
(7 X 2 = 14)
(5 X 4 = 20) Total 100
n a v e n 't c o m e b a c k fro m th e s a f a r i....................
(7 X 2 = 1 4 )
Competences Lexical Competence Reading Competence
Speaking Competence
Talk ab o u t
• d e sc rib e a h o liday
• read for sp e cific inform ation
• h o lid ay activitie s
(T/F state m e n ts; m ultiple
• travel e x p e rie n ce s
m atching)
Listening Competence • listen fo r sp e cific inform ation (m ultip le c h o ice )
e x p e rie n ce
Writing Competence • w rite a blog c o m m e n t ab o u t a h o lid ay e x p e rie n ce
Values: Environmental awareness Create more
parks. Parks
the lungs of a city. They give clean air to cities and are a relaxing place for people to spend their free time.
Create as
public spaces,
They encourage people to get
A lot of cities nowadays are full of traffic,
around on foot. There is less
rubbish and air pollution. To stop this,
pollution from cars.
cities must ‘go green’! Here is how: Encourage people to use
public transport
such as buses and trains. They can also use
cycle lanes to
around quickly. All this means less traffic.
recycling programmes for all
Set up
kinds of
waste like cans, bottles and electronics. This way, there is less rubbish.
U se
clean energy,
s u c h as
so lar p o w e r an d w in d pow er. This w ay, w e c a n h a v e clean air and s a v e m oney.
Perhaps it’s challenging to go green. But when we do these simple things, we make cities better places to work, play and live our lives.
How can a city 'go green'? Listen and read to find out. Read the text again. Then, copy and complete the table in your notebook. Suggestions Park s
Benefits clean air, relaxing place for people
TH .N K H ow green is the place where you live? Does it have any of the characteristics in the text? Discuss with your partner.
ICT collect information about more characteristics of a green city and prepare a leaflet.
Public Speaking Skills Digital presentations • Use a m em orable image to start your presentation. • D ecide on the slides you will use. • W rite a m ain heading, then w rite key words, not full sentences.
Hello, I'm Saanvi Lim. Dirty streets ... tall buildings ... air
pollution. That's life in a big city, right? Well, in my city,
• U se appropriate fonts and images.
Singapore in Asia, we all work hard to create a greener,
• Do not use im ages with a multi-coloured background.
healthier environment. Let's take a look at some of the things we do. First, there are over 300 parks and gardens, and four nature reserves. These
a) Read the task.
are home to rare plants and animals, and they provide the city with fresh, clean air. Educational tours of the parks also imagine you're at a local Earth D ay event. You're
help people learn about the environment. Cycling is now
the environm ental club's representative. Present an
the main mode of transport in Singapore. A 150-kilometre
exam ple o f a green city to the audience.
network of cycle lanes connects all the parks and there are cycle lanes in business and shopping areas, too. This means
Listen and read the model. Put the slides into the correct order. Which slide is not very effective? Why?
less traffic and air pollution, and people are healthier because they get more exercise. Thirdly, there are special programmes to encourage peopje and companies to recycle. There are recycling bins in public areas and outside houses. A lot of factories also take back e-waste for recycling and schools recycle their food waste. This way, we have less rubbish. Singapore's nickname is the City in a Garden and I think it's a great name for such a green place! What if every city follows its example? Are there any questions?... Thank you for listening.
Life in a big city
a) IC T collect information
Singapore - A green city
about a green city in your country or another country. Make notes under the headings: N am e/Location o f c ity - Characteristics - H o w p eo p le help the
environm ent.
b) Use your notes to prepare slides and give a digital presentation.
CL1L: Citizenship
3 u , J I J3 J J J J j J U f Siliii
To .be ci good cicizen orlfi
be polite and not to be a bully. IMIIWMIMINWMMMMIMmMMMMIMNMMIIPINMM
--rmiinmi mil < imiww
listen to everyone’s opinion,
care for nature.
Look at the leaflet. How can w e be good citizens of the world today? Listen and read to find out. Match the examples (A-F) to the tips (1-6) on how to be a good citizen. W e can ...
m ak e n e w friends.
c a re for a g ran d p arent.
read lots of books.
0 0
help plan t trees.
try to c o m e up w ith n e w ideas.
ask o th e rs w h a t th e y think.
be creative.
keep learning about the world around you
t h in k what else do you think you can do to be a good citizen?
CSSaA Find photos which show what makes someone a good citizen. Design your own poster about how to be a good citizen of the world.
CL1L: Geography A country's climate is what its weather is like over a long period of time. Countries in different parts of the world have different climates. There are 12 different types of climate worldwide and three main climate zones: polar, temperate and tropica/
The temperate climate has four seasons-spring, summer, autumn and winter. Temperatures are between -30°C and 30°C. The USA, the UK and France have temperate climates. You can find The polar climate is very cold. Winters
brown bears and deer in
are long and summers are short and don't
this type of climate.
get very warm. Temperatures are between -89°C and 17°C. There is lots of ice and snow in this type of climate. Countries such as Greenland, Finland and Iceland have a polar climate. Polar bears and Arctic foxes live in these regions.
The tropical climate has got a wet season or a wet season (summer) and a dry season (winter). Temperatures are between 20°C and 34°C. Brazil, Indonesia and the Philippines have tropical climates. The tall trees here are home to a huge number of animals like parrots and monkeys.
L is t e n in g & R e a d in g
How many main climate zones are there? How many seasons has each got? Listen and read to find out.
ICT Collect information about the climate in your country and another country, write a short text comparing and contrasting the climates of the two countries.
S p e a k in g & w r i t in g ")
Read again. Then, copy and complete the table in your notebook. Use your notes to compare the different types of climates. Tell the class. Climate weather/seasons Temperatures ) Countries
....... 1
Tem perate
CLIL: H is to ry Ev e r y d a y l if e i n a n c i e n t
Eg y p t We all know something about the Pyramids and the pharaohs, but what was life like for ordinary ancient Egyptians?
Most people w ere farmers. They had
Rich people had big stone houses
the River Nile for water, so it w as
with many rooms, but most people
usually easy to grow food. There were
had,small mud-brick houses. They
w ere easy to make and quite
like builders, potters, w eavers and
in summer. Houses had
flat roofs,
so people could sit up there after
Food Bread w as very
diet. There onions,
important in the
w ere vegetables like
cucum bers
and fruit like figs and
Nile w as the
best w a y to
travel. Boats w ere on the river day
and night, with both goods and
They had chickens for eggs and
cow s for milk and cheese. Fish w as often on the dinner table, another gift from the
For most children, there w as no school. Richer children had a general
education, with
in hieroglyphics (the ancient Egyptian writing system) and mathematics.
Listening & Reading
Speaking & Writing
Look at the pictures. Say three things you expect to read in the text. Listen and read. Were your guesses correct?
compare life in ancient Egypt to your life. Say two things that are the same and two things that are different.
Read the text again, write T for True and F for False. Explain the words in bold.
1 2 3 4 5
M o s t p e o p le in a n c ie n t E g yp t w e r e painters.
The a n c ie n t E g yp tia n s d id n 't e a t fish.
Rich an d p oo r p eo p le had th e s a m e houses.
All a n c ie n t Egyptian ch ild ren had sch o o l lessons.
P e o p le co u ld travel by w a t e r in a n c ie n t Egypt.
t h in k
ICT work in groups. Choose a time between 3000 bc and 30 BC in your country. Find out about everyday life and prepare a presentation. Use the headings: jobs - food - education homes - travel.
CLIL: L ite ra tu re H G Wells (1866-1946) was a British science-fiction writer. His famous book 'The Time Machine' tells the story of a man who travels through time into the future. There he meets the Eloi and the Morlocks, and makes friends with a girl called Weena.
Listening & Reading Who was H G wells? what type of stories did he write? Read the biography to find out.
eena quickly becam e m y friend. O ne evening, as we w alked through a beautiful garden w ith flowers and trees, we saw a strange-looking creature like an ape w ith red eyes. It ran across the grass and disappeared dow n a well.
underground room. I could hear machines and smell meat. Then the Morlocks saw me and started chasing me. I was scared. I ran back down the passage and climbed up into the garden. ,
“That was a M orlock’” said Weena. “They live underground.”
“They h u n t the Eloi,” she said. “It’s dangerous here!”
I knew then that this future world was not as good as I thought. I decided to follow the M orlock and clim bed dow n the small, dark well. I lit a m atch and saw three M orlocks running away dow n a passage. They were afraid of the light. The passage led into a big
We found somewhere to hide. Then she told me more. A long time ago, the Eloi were powerful. They made the Morlocks live underground. The Morlocks worked and served the Eloi. In their dark home, the Morlocks began to hate the daylight and the Eloi. Soon, they felt it was time to take power and make the Eloi afraid of them ...
“W hy are they chasing m e?” I asked Weena.
Look at the picture in the text. Who is in it? Where are they? Listen and read to find out. Read the extract and for questions 1-3 choose the correct answer (A, B or C). -
T he T im e T raveller re a lised th a t th e fu tu re w o rld
w a s b e tte r th a n th e p ast one. had s o m e problem s.
Check these words
C w a s to o stran g e to live in.
powerful, daylight th e T im e T raveller th e n o isy m a c h in e s
C th e bright light I
l a ape, p disappear, well, underground, passage,
w h a t are th e M o rlo c k s s c a re d o f?
W h y did th e M o rlo c k s begin to live
Speaking & writing t h i n k ^
o o
y 0 U
fe e | S o rry
f0r the Morlocks? why (not)?
u n d e rg ro u n d ?
T he Eloi s e n t th e m there. T h e y w a n te d to g e t m o re power.
C T h e y d id n 't like th e daylight.
Ej ICT Find another story by H. G. wells. Present itto the class. Say who the main characters are, where and when the story takes place and what happens in the story.
word List Unit 1 - Hi! 1a amazing /a'm eizii]/ (adj) American /a'm erikan/ (adj) Argentina /,a:d 3 an'ti:na/ (n) Argentinian /aidsan'tinisn/ (adj) become /bi'kAm / (v) Brazil /bra'zil/ (n) Brazilian /bra'zilian/ (adj) Canada /kaenada/ (n) Canadian /ka'neidian/ (adj) cardinal num ber/,ka:dinal 'nAmba/ (n) crazy about /'k reizi abaut/ (adj) design /d i zain / (v) draw /dro,:/ (v) good at /gud at/ (adj) Greece /gri:s/(n) Greek /g ri:k / (adj) interested in /intrastid 'in/ (adj) Japan /dss'pasn/ (n) Japanese /d 3 aepa‘ni:z/ (adj) mad about /masd abaut/ (adj) Mexican /m ek sik an / (adj) Mexico /m ek sik au / (n) nationality /naeja'naslati/ (n) outfit /a u tfit/ (n) snapshot /snaspjDt/ (n) social media profile /saufal 'miidia ,praufail/ (n) Spain /spein/ (n) Spanish /s p a s m j/ (adj) the USA /5a ju : es 'ei/ (n) Turkey /t3 :k i/ (n) Turkish /t3 :k if/ (adj)
1b actor /aekta/ (n) actress /'aiktras/ (n) architect /a ik ite k t/ (n) artist /a:tist/ (n) astronaut /aestrsnoit/ (n) cook /k u k / (v) dance /darns/ (v) doctor /d n k ta / (n) e-friend /i: frend/ (n) engineer /,end 3 i'nra/ (n) fast /fa:st/ (adv) pilot /p a ila t/ (n) play the guitar (phr) police officer /ps'liis ,ofisa/ (n) run /rAn/ (V) secretary /sekratari/ (n) swim /s w im / (v) type /ta ip / (v) vet /v e t/ (n) w a ite r /w e ita / (n)
waitress /weitras/ (n) w ell /wel/ (adv)
1C ability /a'bilati/ (n) A rt /a:t/ (n) Biology /bai'olsdsi/ (n) Chemistry /k e m is tri/ (n) Com puter Science /kam,pju:ta 'saians/ (n) create /kri'e it/ (v) Drama /d r a m s / (n) English Language /iq g lij tei]gw id 3/ (n)
Geography /d 3 i'ografi/ (n) greeting /gri.-tii]/ (n) History /histari/ (n) How are you? (phr) How old are you? (phr) How's everything? (phr) I'm OK. (phr) intonation /in ta 'n e ija n / (n) introduction /intra'dAkJan/ (n) join /d 3 oin/ (v) link /liq k / (v) Literature /litretJV (n) Maths /mas0s/ (n) Music /mjuizik/ (n) Nice to m eet you! (phr) Not bad. (phr) opposing /a'pauziq/ (adj) personal /p3:sanal/ (adj) Physics /fiz ik s / (n) Pleased to m eet you! (phr) See you! (phr) sim ilar/s im a la/ (adj) so-so /sau sau/ (adv) sportsman /sportsman/ (n) student /stjuidant/ (n) study /stAdi/ (v) too /tu:/ (adv) w eb page /web peid3 / (n) W hat's your job? (phr) W hat's your name? (phr) W here are you from? (phr)
Culture 1 black /blaek/ (adj) blue /blu:/ (adj) brown /braun/ (adj) capital /kaspitl/ (n) coat of arms /k a u t av 'a:mz/ (n) colour guide /kAla gaid/ (n) continent /kon tinan t/ (n) currency /kAransi/ (n) dollar /dola/ (n)
English-speaking /ujgliJ ,spi:kir)/ (adj) euro /juaro/ (n) flag /flaeg/ (n) green /gri:n/ (adj) grey /grei/ (adj) native speaker /neitiv 'spi:ka/ (n) nearly /mali/ (adv) official language /a,fijal 'tei]gwid 3 / (n) orange /orind3/ (adj) pink /piqk/ (adj) population /popja'leijan/ (n) pound /paund/ (n) purple /p3:pal/ (adj) red /red/ (adj) same /seim/ (adj) w h ite /wait/ (adj) yellow /jelau/ (adj)
Unit 2 - Families 2a appearance /a'piarans/ (n) aunt /a:nt/ (n) bald /bo:ld/ (adj) billionaire /bilja'nea/ (n) brother /brA5 a / (n) cheek /tji:k/ (n) chin /tjin/(n) cousin /kA zan/ (n) cry /krai/ (v) curly /k3ili/ (adj) dark /da:k/ (adj) d a u g h ter /do:ta/(n) fair /fea/ (adj) fam ily /f e m a li/ (n) fam ily tree /fasm ali tri :/ (n) father /fa:Sa/ (n) full /ful/ (adj) gardening /gaidnii]/ (n) granddad /grasndaed/ (n) granddaughter /graen,do:ta/ (n) grandfather /graend.faito/ (n) grandma /gracnm a:/ (n) grandm other /grsn,mA0a/ (n) grandparent /graen,pearant/ (n) husband /hA zband/ (n) imagine /i'maed 3 in / (v) juggle /d3A gal/ (v) laugh /laif/ (v) l i p /l i p / (n) long /Idi]/ (adj) look after / lu k a:fta/ (phr v) look like (phr) middle-aged /.midl eid 3 d/(adj) m other /m A 3a/ (n)
moustache /ma'sta:J/ (n) mouth /mau0/ (n) naughty /no:ti/ (adj) nephew /nefju :/ (n) normal /n o rn al/ (adj) nose /nauz/ (n) octopus /Dktapas/ (n) old /auld/ (adj) parent /pearant/ (n) plump /pUmp/ (adj) serious /siarias/ (adj) short /Jo:t/ (adj) sister /sista/ (n) slim /slim / (adj) son /sAn/ (n) spider /sp aida/ (n) straight /streit/ (adj) tall /toil/ (adj) tango /taeqgau/ (n) uncle /Arjkal/ (n) w ell-built /,w el bilt/ (adj) yo u n g /jAi]/ (adj)
2b a bit /a ’bit/ (adv) artist /a:tist/ (n) beach /bi:tJ7 (n) beard /biad/ (n) blonde /bbnd/ (adj) brush /brAj/ (n) cool /ku:l/ (adj) create /kri'eit/ (v) deer /dia/ (n) different /difarant/ (adj) each other (phr) glasses /gla:siz/(pl n) goldfish /gauldfij/ (n) hobby /hDbi/ (n) knife /naif/(n) leaf /li:f/ (n) match /maetj/ (n) m eet /mi:t/ (v) ox /oks/ (n) personality /,p3:sa'naelati/ (n) sheep /Ji:p/ (n) smartphone /sm aitfaon / (n) status /steitas/ (n) teacher /tiitja/ (n) university /ju:m 'v3:sati/ (n) vet /vet/ (n) w avy / w e iv i/ (adj)
2C actor /ffikta/ (n) actress /sktras/ (n) blog entry / b b g entri/ (n) brave /breiv/ (adj)
clever / k lev a / (adj) close /klaus/ (adj) famous /fe im a s/ (adj) fond /fond/ (adj) funny /fA ni/ (adj) half-brother / h a :f brASa/ (n) half-sister / h a :f sista/ (n) hard-working /,ha:d W3:kii]/ (adj)
im polite /.im poiait/ (adj) kind /kam d/ (adj) lazy / le iz i/ (adj) Lord /b:d/ (n) manager /m asm d 3a/ (n) noisy /n o izi/ (adj) outgoing /au tgau iq / (adj) poet /pauit/ (n) quiet / k w aia t/ (adj) role /raul/ (n) series /siariiz/ (n) serious /siarias/ (adj) shy /Jai/ (adj) silly /sili/ (adj) smile /sm ail/ (n) What's he like? (phr) wife /w aif/ (n) writer /raita/ (n)
Culture 2 Kjsinessman /biznasm aen/ (n) py your side (phr) slebrity / saleb rati/ (n) ompany /kA m pani/ (n) ■ coach / e k s k a u tj/ (n) shion /faejan/ (n) •rd-working/,ha:d 'w3:kiq/ (adj)
oud /praud/ (adj) ding /sib liq/ (n) ented /taslantid/ (adj) inis player / te m s p le ia / (n) fter /raita/ (n)
unit 3 >me sweet home! iiance /a'plaians/ (n) chair /cnm tfea/ (n) ’aetik/ (n) ba:0/ (n)
ide cabinet /.bedsaid aebinat/ (n)
case / b u k k eis/ (n) house / k e iv haus/ (n) ley / tjim n i/ (n) >r /kuka/ (n)
cool /ku :l/ (adj) cosy /k a u z i/ (adj) cupboard /k A ta d / (n) curtain /k3 :ta n / (n) decoration /d e k a 're ija n / (n) dining room /d a in ii] ru:m/ (n) double bed /.dAbl bed/ (n) downstairs /d au risteaz/ (adv) environment /irivarranmant/ (n) fridge /frid 3 / (n) furniture /f3 :n itja / (n) garage /gaerid 3 / (n) ground /graund/ (n) ground floor /graund flo :/ (n) hill /h il/ (n) Home sw eet home! (phr) huge /hju:d 3 / (adj) kitchen /k itja n / (n) large /la:d 3 / (adj) living room /liv ii] ruim / (n) main bedroom /m e in 'bedrum / (n) m irror /m ira /(n ) outside /aut'said/ (prep) pillow /p ila u / (n) pretty /p riti/ (adj) roof /ru:f/ (n) rug M g/ (n) save /s e iv / (v) single bed /siqgl 'bed/ (n) sink /siqk/ (n) sofa /sa u fa / (n) spacious /sp e ifa s/ (adj) stairs /steaz/ (pi n) study room /stAdi ru:m / (n) to ilet /toilat/ (n) to w el /ta u a l/ (n) underground /Andagraund/ (adv)
unique /ju:'ni:k/ (adj) upstairs /.Ap'steaz/ (adv) view /vju :/ (n) wall /w d :1/ (n) w ardrobe /w oidraub/ (n) w arm /w o rn / (adj) washbasin /w o j.b e is an / (n) wonderful /w A n d a fa l/ (adj) w ooden /w u d n / (adj)
3b advert /aedv3:t/ (n) basem ent /beism ant/ (n) bookcase /b u k k e is / (n) contact /kDntaekt/ (v) cushion /k u ja n / (n) design /di'zain/ (v)
fireplace / fa ia p le is/ (n) for rent (phr) for sale (phr) lamp /lasmp/ (n) painting /pein tiq/ (n) poster /pausta/ (n)
address /a'dres/ (n) available /a'veilabal/ (adj) block of flats /,blDk a v flaets/ (n)
can't w a it (phr) com fortable /kAm ftabal/ (adj) cost /kost/ (n) detached /di'taetjt/ (adj) double /dAbal/ (adj) estate agent A'steit e id 3ant/ (n) feature /fi:tja/ (n) flat ow ner /flaet ,auna/ (n) heart /hait/ (n) inform ation /in fa 'm e ija n / (n) location /lau 'keijan / (n) rent /rent/ (v) sem i-detached / se m i
the royal fam ily /Sa ,roial 'faemali/ (n) visit /v iz it / (v)
Values A: National pride courage /kA rid 3 / (n) different /d ifa ra n t/ (adj) energy /e n a d 3 i/ (n) flag /flaeg/ (n) freedom /frk d a m / (n) harm ony /h o im an i/ (n) honesty /Dnasti/ (n) life /la if/ (n) national /naejanal/ (adj) nature /n e itja / (n) peace /pi:s/ (n) pow er /p a u a / (n) pride /p ra id / (n) shape /Jeip/(n) strength /streqG/ (n) stripe /straip/ (n) symbol /s im b a l/ (n) value /vaelju:/ (n) wisdom /w iz d a m / (n)
di'taetjt/ (adj)
terraced /terast/ (adj) value /va elju :/ (n)
age /eid 3/ (n) am azing /a'm eizii]/ (adj) building /bildii]/ (n) centre /sente/ (n) county /kau nti/ (n) garden /ga:dan/ (n) gatehouse / g e ith a u s/ (n) head of state /h e d a v steit/ (n) high /hai/ (adj) impressive /im 'presiv/ (adj) inside /in'said/ (prep) king /kiq/ (n) middle /m idi/ (n) monarch /m on ak/ (n) monarchy /m on aki/ (n) office /nfis/ (n) official /a'fijal/ (adj) open /aupan/ (adj) painting /peintii]/ (n) palace /paelas/ (n) powerful /p au afal/ (adj) queen /kwi:n/ (n) royal /roial/ (adj) Royal Court /roia l ko:t/ (n) size /saiz/ (n) staff /staif/ (n) th e front /5a frA nt/ (n)
Public Speaking Skills celebration /sela'b reijan / (n) farm er /fcrnna/ (n) hum our /h ju :m a / (n) meaning /m i:m i]/(n) point /p oint/ (n) proud of /p ra u d a v / (adj) public /p A b lik / (adj) riddle /r id l/ (n) soldier /sauld 3 a / (n) special /s p e ja l/ (adj) student /stju:dant/ (n) trader /tre id a / (n) w o rk e r/w 3 :k a / (n)
u n it
4 - Busy days
4a (a) quarter past (phr) (a) quarter to (phr) animal shelter /asm m al 'Jelta/ (n) care for /k e a fa / (phr v) catch the bus to college (phr) chat w ith friends online (phr) countryside /kA ntrisaid/ (n) daily routine /d e ili ru:'ti:n/(n) do hom ew ork (phr) finish college (phr)
word List get dressed (phr) go back home (phr) go jogging (phr) go to bed (phr) half past (phr) have a break for lunch (phr) have a show er (phr) have breakfast (phr) have dinner (phr) in th e afternoon (phr) in the evening (phr) in the morning (phr) midday /,mid'dei/ (n) o'clock /9 'klok/ (adv) satisfied /saetisfaid/ (adj) skype /skaip/ (v) tell the tim e (phr) tiring /tarariq/ (adj) visitor /Vizite/ (n) w ake up /,w eik '\ p / (phr v) w alk /woik/ (n) w ork part-tim e (phr)
4b closed / k b u zd / (adj) cook /kuk/ (v) cow /kau/ (n) do the washing-up (phr) eat out /,i:t 'aut/(phrv) farm house /faim h au s/ (n) feed /fiid/ (v) field /fi:ld/ (n) football practice /futbo:! .praektis/ (n)
frequency /friikw on si/ (n) go jogging (phr) go out /,gsu 'aut / (phr v) go shopping (phr) hospital /hospital/ (n) local / b u k o l/ (adj) milk /m ilk/ (v) playing field / p le n q fi:ld/ (n) refectory /ri'fektori/ (n) relax /ri'laeks/ (v) the open air /5i ,oupon eo/ (n) though /Sso/ (adv)
4C art gallery /a:t .gaebri/ (n) cycle /saik ol/ (v) do yoga (phr) free /fri:/ (adj) free-tim e activity /.fri: taim ask'tivoti/ (n)
fresh /frej/ (adj) go dancing (phr) go on a picnic (phr)
go snorkelling (phr) go to the cinema (phr) library /la ib re ri/ (n) listen to music (phr) make arrangem ents (phr) m arket /m a :k it/ (n) m eet /m i:t/ (v) museum /m ju i'z b m / (n) play /p le i/ (v) read /rird/ (v) reason /riizo n / (n) spend /sp e n d / (v) visit /v iz it/ (v) watch a film (phr)
Culture 4 annual /asnjuol/ (adj) baseball /b e isb o il/ (n) com petition /k n m p o 'tijo n / (n) cricket /k rik it/ (n) curling /k3:lii]/ (n) enjoy /in'd 30 i/ (v) ice hockey /a is ,hoki/ (n) lacrosse /b 'k ro s / (n) mad /m aed/ (adj) official /o'fijol/ (adj) rugby /rA gbi/ (n) skiing /sk i:iq / (n) snowboarding /snoub o id iq / (n) surfing / S 3 l f l l ] / (n) take part (phr)
Unit 5 Birds of a Feather 5a beak /bi:k/ (n) bear /beg/ (n) claw /klo:/ (n) coast /koust/ (n) crocodile /kroko d ail/ (n) dolphin /d D lfin / (n) eagle /i:gol/ (n) easily /iizoli/ (adv) elephant /elifon t/ (n) feather /fe0o/ (n) feed on /fi:d Dn/ (v) fin /fin/ (n) flam ingo /fb 'm iq g a u / (n) friendly /fren d li/ (adj) fur /f3:/ (n) giraffe /d39'ra:f/ (n) ice /ais/ (n) intelligent /in'telid33nt/ (adj) kayak tour /kaiaek tuo/ (n) lay eggs (phr) lion /laion/ (n)
mam m al /m aem ol/ (n) mane /m e in / (n) monkey /niA i]ki/ (n) neck /n e k / (n) offer /Dfo/ (v) paw /po:/ (n) penguin /p e q g w in / (n) protect /pra'tekt/ (v) reptile /re p ta il/ (n) reserve /ri'z3:v/ (n) sharp /Ja:p/ (adj) smile /s m a il/ (n) snake /sn e ik/ (n) stripe /straip/ (n) tail /te il/ (n) thick /6 ik / (adj) tiger /taiga/ (n) trunk /trArjk/ (n) unusual /An'ju:3uol/ (adj) w arm /w o:m / (adj) weigh /w e i/ (v) w elcom e /w e lk o m / (v) w hisker /wisko/(n) w ild /w aild / (adj) w ing /w iq/ (n) zebra /z e b ra / (n)
interested in /intrestid in / (adj) quite /k w a it/ (adv) retired /ri'tarad/ (adj) rooster /ru isto / (n) sheep /Ji:p/ (n) turkey /t3:ki/ (n) volunteer /vobritio/ (v)
Culture 5 beaver /bi:v o / (n) bill /b il/ (n) cute /kju:t/ (adj) eucalyptus /ju:k3'l rptos/ (n) fluffy /flA fi/ (adj) ground /g ra u n d / (n) * home to /h o u m to/ (n) hop /h o p / (v) m ale /m e il/ (adj) otter /Dto/ (n) spoon /spu:n/ (n) strange /strein d 3/ (adj) unique /ju:'ni:k/ (adj)
5b acre /e ik o / (n) carry /kaeri/ (v) continent /kon tinsn t/ (n) entrance fee /entrans fi :/ (n) explore /ik'splo:/ (v) feed /fi:d/ (v) grant a request (phr) hide /h a id / (v) pick up /,pik 'Ap/ (phr v) pouch /p a u tj/ (n) preserve /pri'z3:v/ (n) species /spi:Ji:z/ (n) stripe /straip/ (n) tank /taeqk/ (n) tongue /tAq/ (n) zookeeper /zu:ki:po/ (n)
5C application form /aeph'keijon ,fo:m/ (n) cow /k a u / (n) donkey /dD qki/ (n) duck /dA k/ (n) farm animal /fa :m .aemmol/ (n) goat /gout/ (n) goose /gu:s/ (n) hen /h en / (n) horse /ho:s/ (n)
unit 6 Come rain or shine 6a ancient / em jo n t/ (adj) blow /b b u / (v) cloudy /k la u d i/ (adj) come rain or shine (idm) dry /drai/ (adj) fog /fog/ (n) foggy /fo g i/ (adj) freezing cold /fri:zii] 'kould/ (adj) golden /gouldon/ (adj) greetings /g riitiq z / (pi n) in fact (phr) rainy /rein i/ (adj) sail /s e il/ (v) sand /saend/ (n) sightsee /saitsi:/ (v) snow /snou/ (v) snowy /snoui/ (adj) strange /streind 3 / (adj) sunny /sA ni/ (adj) tem ple /tem pol/ (n) w arm /wo:m/ (adj) w aterproof jacket /.woitopruif 'd3 aekit/ (n) w indy /w in d i/ (adj)
6b ASAP (as soon as possible) (abbr)
barbecue /baibikju:/ (n) delicious /di'lijss/ (adj) gap year /gap jia/ (n) historic /hi'storik/ (adj) jog Afeog/ (v) m onum ent /monjumant/ (n) pick sb up /,pik 'лр/ (phr v) robotics /raubotiks/ (n) sunbathe /sAnbeiS/ (v)
belt /belt/ (n) blouse /blauz/ (n) boot /bu:t/ (n) cap /кар/ (n) coat /kaut/ (n) crowded /kraudid/ (adj) dress /dres/ (n) glove /gkv/ (n) guide /gaid/ (n) hat /haet/ (n) nigh-heeled /,hai hi:ld/ (adj) island /ailand/ (n) tern /aitam/ (n) acket /d3 akit/ (n) eans Afeimz/ (pi n) ■nedium /miidiam/ (adj) :ostcode /paustkaud/ (n) -efund /rufAnd/ (n) sandal /sandl/ (n) scarf /skaif/ (n) seaside /siisaid/ (adj) serve /s3:v/ (v) snirt /J3:t/ (n) tfiorts /Jbits/ (pi n) sze /saiz/ (n) sort /sk3:t/ (n) arck /sDk/ (n) s j t /suit/ (n) "--shirt /ti: J3:t/(n) be tai/(n) i /tait/ (adj) >/taits/ (pi n) гор/ (n) ; lers /treinaz/ (pi n) srs /trauzaz/ (pi n)
Mure 6 :/dezat/ (n) гМ злтра/(п) раек/ (v) .jsction /pra'tekjan/ (n)
Values B: Environmentalism animal shelter /anim al
lifespan /la ifs p a n / (n) pollution /pa'luijan/ (n) th reat /0ret/ (n)
'Jelta/ (n)
careful of /keafl av/ (adj) carefully /keafali/ (adv) ch an g e /tjeind3 /(v) choke on /tjauk Dn/ (v) driver /draiva/ (n) entertain /enta'tein/ (v) environmentalism /in,vairan'mentalizam/ (n)
far aw ay (phr) find out /faind 'aut/ (phr) grow /grau/ (v) hedgehog /hed3 hog/ (n) hit /h it/ (v) in danger /in 'deind3a/ (prep phr) inform /in'foim/ (v) insect /insekt/ (n) interesting /intrastii]/ (adj) lid /lid/ (n) look for /luk fa/ (phr v) mosquito /ma'skiitau/ (n) need /ni:d/ (v) neighbourhood /neibahud/ (n) persuade /pa'sweid/ (v) planet /plamt/ (n) plant /plaint/ (n) plant /plaint/ (v) poisoned /poizand/ (pp) protect /pra'tekt/ (v) provide /pra'vaid/ (v) report /ri'poit/ (v) rubbish /rAbiJV (n) rubbish bin /rAbiJ b in / (n) run a program me (phr) shady /Jeidi/ (adj) start /stait/ (v) stray /strei/ (n) watch out /w D tf 'aut/ (phr v)
Public Speaking Skills bright /b ra it/ (adv) burn /b3in/ (v) cut down /.kAt 'daun/ (phr v) description /di'skripjan/ (n) destroy /di'stroi/ (v) disappear /disa'pia/ (v) endangered /in'deind3 ad/ (adj) forest /forist/ (n) grow /grau/ (v) habit /habit/ (n) hunt /hAnt/ (v) hunter /hA nta/ (n)
Unit 7 Taste the world 7a apple pie /a p a l pai/ (n) beef /biif/ (n) biscuit /biskit/ (n) bowl /b au l/ (n) bread /bred/ (n) breakfast /brekfast/ (n) butter /bA ta/ (n) cabbage /kasbid3 / (n) cereal /siarial/ (n) cheese /tjiiz/ (n) c h erry /tjeri/(n) chicken /tjikin/ (n) chocolate cake /tjbklat keik/ (n) choice /tjois/ (n) chopstics /tjD pstiks/ (pi n) coconut /kaukanA t/ (n) crab /krab/ (n) cuisine /kwi'ziin/ (n) culture /kAltJa/ (n) cutlery /kA tlari/ (n) dairy /deari/ (n) dessert /di'z3it/ (n) dip /dip/ (v) drink /drii]k/(n) fish /fijy (n) food /fuid/ (n) fork /foik/ (n) fruit /fruit/ (n) garlic /gailik/ (n) grain /grein/ (n) grape /greip/ (n) hungry /hA qgri/ (adj) ice cream /,ais 'kriim/ (n) ingredient /in'griidiant/ (n) insulting /in'SAltll]/ (n) ketchup /ketjap/ (n) knife /naif/ (n) lamb /laem/ (n) lettuce /letis/ (n) light /lait/ (adj) meal /mill/ (n) m eat /m iit/ (n) m ilk /milk/(n) mustard /niAstad/(n) noodles /nuidlz/ (pi n) onion /A njan/ (n) orange juice /orand3 d3 Uis/ (n) pancake /paenkeik/ (n) pasta /pasta/ (n)
pear /pea/ (n) pepper /pepa/ (n) pineapple /painaspal/ (n) plate /pleit/ (n) poultry /paultri/ (n) pow der /pauda/ (n) prawn /proin/ (n) refreshing /ri'frejii]/ (adj) rice /rais/ (n) salad /salad/ (n) salt /soilt/ (n) salty /soilti/ (adj) sauce /sdis/ (n) seafood /siifuid/ (n) seasoning /siizami]/ (n) specialty /spejalti/ (n) spring roll/spriq raul/(n) straw berry /stroibari/ (n) sugar /Juga/(n) sw eet /swiit/ (n) tablespoon /teibalspuin/ (n) tablew are /teibalwea/ (n) taste /teist/ (v) teaspoon /tiispuin/ (n) thirsty /03isti/ (adj) tip /tip/ (n) try /trai/ (v) vegetable /ved3 tabal/ (n) w eight /weit/ (n)
7b bag /bag/ (n) bottle /b D tl/ (n) burger /b 3 ig a / (n) carton /kaitn/ (n) countable /kauntabal/ (adj) cucumber /kjuikA m ba/ (n) cup /kA p/ (n) eggplant /egplamt/ (n) flour /flaua/ (n) glass /glais/ (n) honey /hA ni / (n) jam /d3 am/ (n) kilo /kiilau/ (n) loaf /lauf/ (n) olive oil /,d1iv 'oil/ (n) packet /pakit/ (n) peach /p iitj/ (n) piece /piis/ (n) pot /pDt/ (n) rainbow /reinbau/ (n) sleepover /sliipauva/ (n) slice /slais/ (n) smoothie /sm uiS i/ (n) uncountable /An'kauntabal/ (adj) yo g h u rt/jo g at/(n )
word List 7C bake /beik/ (v) baked potato /.beikt po'teitou/ (n) boil /boil/ (v) book /bok/ (v) bottled /bmld/ (adj) certainly /s3itnli/ (adv) choose /tju:z/ (v) coconut /ksokonAt/ (n) cost /kDSt/ (v) dessert /di'z3:t/ (n) dish /dij/ (n) forget /fo'get/ (v) fried /fraid/ (adj) fry /frai/ (v) garlic bread /gadik bred/ (n) grill /gnl/ (v) grilled /grild/ (adj) helpful /helpfal/ (adj) hom em ade /houm'meid/ (adj) location /lou'keijon/ (n) main course /mein 'ko:s/ (n) miss /mis/ (v) occasion /a'keijjsn/ (n) order /o:do/ (n) order /o:do/ (v)
recomm endation /rekomen'deijon/ (n)
roast /roust/ (adj) roast /roust/ (v) service /s3:vis/ (n) side dish /said dij/ (n) sparkling /spa;klii]/ (adj) spicy /spaisi/ (adj) starter /sta:to/ (n) steak /steik/ (n) still /stil/ (adj) superb /su:'p3:b/ (adj) tasty /teisti/ (adj)
Culture 7 add /aed/ (v) baking pow der /beikiq ,pauda/ (n) beat /bi:t/ (v) cut /kAt/ (v) frying pan /frani] paen/ (n) grate /greit/ (v)
instructions /in'strAkJonz/ (pi n)
mix /miks/ (v) peel /piil/ (v) pot /pDt/ (n) recipe /resipi/ (n) repeat /ri'piit/ (v) season /si:zon/ (v)
squeeze /skwi:z/ (v) to w el /tauol/ (n) traditional /tro'dijonol/ (adj)
Unit 8 New places, new faces 8a along /o'Idi]/ (adv) boring /b o :n i]/ (adj) bright /b ra it/ (adj) cheap /tfiip / (adj) clean /kli:n/ (adj) crowded /k ra u d id / (adj) delicious /di'lijo s/ (adj) dirty /d 3 :ti/ (adj) exciting /ik'saitii]/ (adj) expensive /ik 'sp en siv / (adj) fascinating /faesineitii]/ (adj) fashionable /fasjonobol/ (adj) footprint /fu tp rin t/ (n) handprint /haendprint/ (n) home to /houm to/ (n) interesting /in tro stiq / (adj) mem orable /m em o ro b o l/ (adj) modern /m D dn/ (adj) nightlife /n a itla if/ (n) noisy /n o iz i/ (adj) old /ould/ (adj) outdoor /a u td o :/ (adj) place /p le is/ (n) polluted /po'luitid/ (pp) quiet /k w a io t/ (adj) ride /ra id / (n) sight /s a it/ (n) stall /stoil/ (n) star /sta:/ (n) suit everyone's w a llet (phr) tasty /te is ti/ (adj) trendy /tre n d i/ (adj) unforgettable /Anfo'getobol/ (adj)
8c aquarium /o'kweoriom/ (n) art gallery /a:t ,gaelori/ (n) buy souvenirs (phr) fancy /faensi/ (v) feel like doing sth (phr) gift shop /gift J dp / (n) go for a w alk (phr) go on rides (phr) historic /hi'storik/ (adj) hotspot /hotspot/ (n) m arket /mcnkit/ (n) museum /mjui'ziom/ (n) park /pa:k/ (n) pay a visit (phr) restaurant /restoront/ (n) sandy /sasndi/ (adj) see paintings (phr) see statues (phr) sports stadium /spo:ts .steidiom/ (n)
th eatre /Gioto/ (n) % th em e park /0i:m paik/ (n) traditional /tro'dijonol/ (adj) trendy /trendi/ (adj) try local dishes (phr) w atch a football match (phr) w atch a perform ance (phr) w ebsite /websait/ (n)
Culture 8 boat cruise /bout kru:z/ (n) fjord /fiio:d / (n) kayaking /kaiaskiq/ (n) m ountain biking /m aun tin .baikii]/ (n) must-see /mASt si:/ (n) trekking /tre k iq / (n) volcano /vDl'keinou/ (n) w aterfall /w ortofoil/ (n) w elcom e /w e lk o m / (v)
'wo:to/ (n)
seem /si:m/ (v) stone cottage /stoun ,kDtid3/ (n)
9b afford /o'fo:d/ (v) ancient /einjont/ (adj) board gam e /bo:d geim/ (n) brick /brik/ (n) carpet /ka:pit/ (n) century /sentjori/ (n) civilisation /sivolai'zeijon/ (n) controlled /ken'trould/ (adj) corn /ko:n/ (n) count /kaunt/ (v) explorer /ik'sploiro/ (n) feast /fi:st/ (n) flat-screen / f l a t skri:n/ (adj) horrible /hDrobol/ (adj) hunting /hA ntiq/ (n) narrow /nasrou/ (adj) poor /poi/ (adj) porridge /p o n d s / (n) powered /pau od/ (adj) public bath / p A b lik 'ba:0/(n) quinoa /k i:n w a :/ (n) rich /r it j/ (adj) slave /sleiv/ (n) steering w heel /stiorii] wi:l/ (n) transportation /traenspoi'teijon/ (n)
underground /Ando'graund/ (adj) w heel /wi:l/ (n) wooden /wudn/ (adj)
Unit 9 Times change
bank /baeqk/ (n) bridge I b n & il (n) bus station /bAs ,steiJon/(n) cafe /kaefei/ (n) cinema /sinomo/ (n) departm ent store /di'pa:tmont
airport /eopoit/ (n) coast /koust/ (n) donkey /drnjki/ (n) electricity /i.lek'trisoti/ (n) feature /fi:tJo/ (n) ferry boat /feri bout/ (n) fishing boat /fijir) bout/ (n) get around /get o'raund/ (phr v) guest house /'gest haus/ (n)
destination /desti'neijon/ (n) direction /do'rekjon/ (n) fire station /faio steijon/ (n) head /hed/ (v) hospital /hDspitol/ (n) hotel /hou'tel/ (n) international /into'nagjonol/ (adj) museum /mjui'ziom/ (n) park /pa:k/ (n) petrol station /petrol ,steiJon/ (n)
8b com fortable /kA m ftobol/ (adj) destination /desti'n eijo n / (n) dry /d ra i/ (adj) foreign /fD ron/ (adj) noisy /n o iz i/ (adj) peaceful /p iisfo l/ (adj) popular with /pD pjulo wiS/ (adj) quiet /k w a io t/ (adj) safe /s e if/ (adj)
islander /ailondo/(n) reach /riitj/ (v) running w a te r /rAnii]
sto:/ (n)
police station /pa'liis .steijan/ (n)
knowledge /nDlid3/ (n)
army /aim i/ (n)
Culture 10
port /po:t/ (n)
landmark /lasndm aik/ (n)
bury /beri/ (v)
post office /p au st ,ofis/ (n)
object /Dbd3ikt/ (n)
die /dai/ (v)
care for sb /k e a fa/ (phr v) childhood /tjaild hu d/(n ) common /kom an/ (adj)
restaurant /restaront/ (n)
origin /orid3in/ (n)
discover /dis'kAva/ (v)
school /sku:l/ (n)
past /pa:st/ (adj)
fight /fait/ (v)
definitely /d e fin atli/ (adv)
straight /streit/ (adv)
proud of / p ra u d av/ (adj)
join /d3oin/ (v)
fame /feim / (n) forever /fai'eva/ (adv)
supermarket /su:pam a:kit/ (n)
purpose /p 3 :pas/ (n)
lend /lend/ (v)
train station /trein .steijan / (n)
root /ru:t/ (n)
medicine /m edsan / (n)
inspire /in'spaia/(v)
warehouse / w e a h a u s/ (n)
start /start/ (n)
Nobel Prize /nau.bel praiz/ (n)
join Afeain/ (v)
symbol /sim b al/ (n)
penicillin /pen a'silin / (n)
leather /leS a/ (n)
tomb /tu:m/ (n)
post /paust/ (v)
university /ju:ni'v 3 :sati/ (n)
professor /pra'fesa/ (n)
peaceful /piisfal/ (adj) true /tru:/ (adj)
butcher /butj'a/ (n)
wide /w aid/ (adj)
raise /reiz/ (v)
chicken / tjik in / (n)
wonder /wAnda/ (n)
Culture 9
receive /n'siiv/ (v)
describe /di'skraib/ (v)
scientist /saian tist/ (n)
for sale /fa 'seil/ (prep phr)
social media profile /saujal
honour /Dna/ (v) poultry /paultri/ (pi n) row /rau/ (n) royal /roial/ (adj) strange /streind3/ (adj)
Unit 10 Their stories live on 10a
Values C: Respect beach /bi:tj/ (n) common /kom an / (adj) cost /kost/ (v) cover /kAva/ (v) culture / k A ltJ V (n) dress code / d re s kaud/ (n) endangered species /m,demd33d 'spi:Ji:z/ (n) enter /enta/ (v) hiking trail / h a ik iq ,treil/(n) insult /inSA.lt/ (V) leave /liiv/ (v) ocal /lau kal/ (adj) ocals /lau kalz/(p l n) aroduct /prodAkt/ (n) ■ssearch /ri's3 :tj/(v) ■aspect /ri'spekt/ (n) "ubbish /rAbiJ/ (n) "Jins /ru:m z/(pl n)
3 k e off / te ik 'Df/ (phr v) sm ple /tem pal/(n) tip tap/ (n) top top/(adj)
career /ka'ria/ (n) cartoon /kai'tuin/ (n) come up with /,kAin 'Ap wi5/ (phr v)
company /kAmpani/ (n) crash /kraej/ (v) decide /di'said/ (v) engineer /,end3i'nia/ (n) equation /i'kw ei3an/ (n) film director / film da,rekta/(n) fire /faia/ (v) inventor /m 'vente/ (n) lawyer /lo:ja/ (n) lead to /li:d ta/ (v) look into /luk inta/ (phr v) luck / k k / (n) model /m od i/ (n) offer /Dfa/ (v) original /a'rid3inal/ (adj) painter /peinta/(n) physicist / fizisist/ (n) politician /pDla'tiJan/ (n) produce /pra'djuis/ (v) robbery /robari/ (n) self-portrait / s e lf 'poitrat/ (n) teacher /ti:tJa/ (n)
Public Speaking Skills
'm i:dia .praufail/(n)
unfortunately /An'foitjanatli/ (adv) update /Apdeit/ (v)
actor /aekta/ (n) amazing /a'm eiziq/ (adj)
theory of relativity /Giari a v je la 'tiv a ti/ (n)
tool /tu:l/ (n) zoologist /zao'Dlad3ist/ (n)
disappear /.disa'pia/ (v)
attract sb's attention (phr)
end up /en d ’Ap/ (phr v)
bark /ba:k/ (v)
environmental club
confused /kan'fjuizd/ (adj)
miserable /mizarabal/ (adj)
dive into / d a iv inta/(v)
packaging /paekid3ir)/ (n)
engine /end3in/ (n) entrance /entrans/ (n)
plant /plaint/ (v) pollution /paluijan/ (n)
excited /ik'saitid/ (adj)
rainforest /reinforist/ (n)
flame /fleim /(n)
recycle /rii'saikal/ (v)
frightened /fraitn d / (adj)
rubbish /rAbijy (n)
grab /graeb/ (v)
save /seiv/ (v)
guess /ges/ (v) happy /haspi/ (adj) headphones /h ed fau n z/ (pi n)
dro:/(n) grau/ (v)
~ zo rta n t /im'poitant/ (adj)
academic /aeka'dem ik/ (adj)
smart /smart/ (adj) turn off /,t3:n 'of/ (phr v) wild animal /waild 'aenimal/ (n)
inch /intj/ (n) nanny /naeni/ (n) negative / n e g a tiv / (adj) pale /peil/ (adj) perseverance /,p3 :si'viarans/ (n) positive /pDzativ/ (adj) proud /praud/ (adj) ranger /reind3a/ (n) save /seiv/ (v) scare /skea/ (v) selfie / se lfi/ (n) shocked /Jokt/ (adj) shore /Jo:/ (n) thank /Gaeqk/ (v)
w ave /w e iv/ (v)
abroad /a'broid/ (adv)
/in.vairan.mentl 'kkb/ (n)
cry /krai/ (n)
: ■«• sation /sivalai'zeijan/ (n) : : - m e n t /kDment/ (n)
£harity /tjaerati/ (n) electric car / i,lek tn k ka:/ (n)
truck /trAk/ (n) upset /Ap'set/ (adj)
— '.• s e /ko:s/(n)
11a cause /ko:z/ (v)
: :Ttom /bDtam/ (n)
:>ock /blDk/ (n)
unit 11 Time will teli
whiz /w iz/ (v) worried /wArid/ (adj)
11b attend /a'tend/ (v) breathe /bri:S/ (v) department /di'paitmant/ (n) fire brigade / fa ia bri.geid/ (n) flying car /.flaiir) 'ka:/ (n) oxygen mask /Dksid3an m a:sk/ (n)
pill /pil/ (n) presentation /prezan'teijan/ (n) protect /pra'tekt/ (v) race /reis/ (n) underwater/Ando'woita/ (adj) vet /vet/ (n) win /win/ (V)
Word List 11C
empty /empti/ (adj)
animal sanctuary /aemmal
exhibit /ig'zibit/ (n)
,sa3i]ktjirari/ (n)
handmade /hasndmeid/ (adj)
course fkois/ (n)
horrible /hDrabal/ (adj)
hiking /haikiq/ (n)
modern /mDdn/ (adj)
introduce /intra'djuis/ (v) land /lasnd/ (v)
Culture 12
public transport /.pAblik
adventure /ad'ventJV (n) canoe /ka'nu:/ (v)
'traenspoit/ (n) recycling programme
come true (phr) frozen /frauzan/ (adj)
/ri;'saiklii] ,praugraem/ (n) relaxing /ri'laeksiq/ (adj)
noisy /naizi/ (adj)
further /fa :5a/ (adv)
save /seiv/ (v)
imagine /i'masd3 in/ (v)
set up /set 'Ap/(phr v)
move house (phr)
palace /pastas/ (n) quiet /kwaiat/ (adj)
part-time /,pa:t 'taim / (adv)
spices /spaisiz/ (pi n)
term /t3:m/ (n)
try /trai/ (v)
nature lover /neitja ,1ava/ (n)
solar power /saula 'paua/ (n)
volunteer /volan'tia/ (v)
on offer /on 'ofa/ (prep phr) package holiday /paskid3 .hDtadei/ (n)
space /speis/ (n) waste /weist/ (n)
windsurfing /winds3;fii]/ (n)
promise /promis/ (v)
12b couscous /kuskus/ (n)
Culture 11
cycle /saikal/ (v)
application form /aspli'keijan
explore /ik'splo:/ (v)
,fo:m/ (n)
trip /trip/ (n)
lake /leik/ (n)
cruelty /kruialti/ (n)
ocean /aujan/ (n)
fill out /,fil 'aut/ (phr v)
Values D: Environmental awareness
awareness /a'weanas/ (n)
interview /intavju:/ (n)
acceptance /ak'septans/ (n)
can /kaen/ (n)
prevention /pri'venjan/ (n)
bottom /bDtam/ (n)
challenging /tjaelind 3iq/ (adj)
rescue /reskju:/ (v)
desert /dezat/ (n)
clean energy /,kli:n enad3 i/ (n)
training course /treimi] ko:s/ (n) volunteer/vDlan'tra/ (n)
dolphin /dDlfin/ (n)
cool /ku:l/ (adj)
go canoeing (phr)
cycle lane /saikal lein/ (n)
go ice skating (phr)
electronics /.elik'troniks/ (n)
go on a helicopter tour (phr)
encourage /in'kArid3/ (v)
go snorkelling (phr)
in common /in 'koman/ (prep phr)
Unit 1 2 -
Take a break 12a ancient temple /einjant 'tempal/ (n) crowded /kraudid/ (adj) disgusting /dis'gAstii]/ (adj)
medieval /.medi'iival/ (adj)
/in,vairan'mentl/ (adj)
post /paust/ (n)
lung /Iai]/ (n)
sandboarding /sasndboidiq/ (n)
nowadays /nauadeiz/ (adv)
statue /staetju:/ (n)
on foot /on Tut/ (prep phr)
suggestion /sa'd3estjan/ (n)
pedestrian-only street
swim /swim/ (v)
Public Speaking Skills audience /oidians/ (n)
island /aitand/ (n)
branch /braintj/ (n)
form /fo:m/ (v)
sail /seil/ (v) totem pole /tautam paul/ (n)
wind power /wind ,paua/ (n)
/pa'destrian aunli ,stri:t/ (n) pollution /pa'lu:Jan/ (n) public /pAblik/ (adj)
, capital /kaepitl/ (n) celebrate /selabreit/ (v) connect /ka'nekt/ (v) digital /did 3 itl/ (adj) e-waste/i: w eist/(n) educational /edju'keijanal/ (adj) factory /faektari/ (n) follow /fülau/ (v) mode /modi/ (n) nature reserve /neitja n,z3:v/(n) network /netw3:k/ (n) nickname /nikneim/ (n) provide /pra'vaid/ (v) rare /res/ (adj) recycling bin /ri:'saiklii] bin/ (n) representative /repn'zentativ/ (n) transport /transpo:t/ (n)
Irregular Verbs Infinitive
be /bi:/ bear /bes/ beat ibv.il become /bl'kAm/ begin /bi'gin/ bite /bait/ blow /blsu/ break /breik/ bring /brii]/ build /bild/ burn /b3:n/ burst /b3:st/ buy /bai/
was /woz/ bore /bo:/ beat /bi:t/ became /bi'keim/ began /bigaen/ bit /bit/ blew /blu:/ broke /brauk/ brought /bro:t/ built /bilt/ burnt (burned) /b3:nt (b3:nd)/ burst /b3:st/ bought /bo:t/
leave /li:v/ lend /lend/ let/let/ lie /lai/ light /lait/ lose /lu:z/
left /left/ lent /lent/ let /let/ lay /lei/ lit /lit/ lost /lost/
make /meik/ mean /mi:n/ meet /mi:t/
made /meid/ meant /ment/ met /met/
pay /pel/ put/put/
paid /peid/ put /put/
can /kaen/ catch /kaetj/ Choose /tju:z/ come /kAm/ COSt /kDSt/ CUt /kAt/
could /kud/ caught /ko:t/ Chose /tjouz/ came /keim/ cost /kDSt/ cut /kAt/
read /ri:d/ ride /raid/ ring /no/ rise /raiz/ run /rAn/
read /red/ rode /raud/ rang /raeq^. rose /rouz/ ran /raen/
deal /di:l/ dig /dig/ dO /du:/ draw /dro:/ dream /dri;m/ drink /driqk/ drive /draiv/
dealt /deit/ dug /dAg/ did /did/ drew /dru:/ dreamt (dreamed) /dremt (dri:md)/ drank /draeqk/ drove /drauv/
eat /i:t/
ate /eit/
fall /foil/ feed /fi:d/ feel /fi:l/ fight /fait/ find /faind/ fly /flai/ forbid /fs'bid/ forget /fs'get/ forgive /fa'giv/ freeze /fri:z/
fell /fel/ fed /fed/ felt /felt/ fought /fo:t/ found /faund/ flew /flu:/ forbade /fs'beid/ forgot /fa'gnt/ forgave /fs'geiv/ froze /frauz/
get /get/ give /giv/ go /gsu/ grow /grao/
got /got/ gave /geiv/ Went /went/ grew /gru:/
say /sei/ see /si:/ sell /sel/ send /send/ set /set/ sew /sao/ shake /Jeik/ Shine /Jain/ Shoot /Ju:t/ show /jsu/ shut /jAt/ sing /siq/ sit /sit/ Sleep /sli:p/ smell /smel/ speak /spi:k/ spell /spel/ spend /spend/ Stand /stasnd/ Steal /sti:l/ Stick /stik/ sting /stiq/ swear /swea/ sweep /swi:p/ SWim /swim/
said /sed/ saw /S3:/ Sold /sauld/ sent /sent/ set /set/ sewed /ssud/ shook /juk/ shone /Jon/ shot /Jm/ Showed /Jsud/ shut /jAt/ sang /saeq/ Sat /saet/ Slept /slept/ smelt (smelled) /smelt (smeld)/ spoke /spsuk/ spelt (spelled) /spelt (speid)/ Spent /spent/ Stood /stud/ Stole /stsul/ Stuck /stAk/ Stung /stAI]/ swore /swo:/ Swept /swept/ Swam /swaem/
nang /haeq/ "lave /haev/ "ear /hra/ ':d e /haid/ hit /hit/ "Old /hguld/ "Urt/h3:t/
hung (hanged) /hAq (haeijd)/ had /haed/ heard /h3:d/ hid /hid/ hit /hit/ held /held/ hurt /h3:t/
take /teik/ teach /ti:tj/ tear /teg/ tell /tel/ think /0n]k/ throw /0rau/
took /tuk/ taught /to:t/ tore /to:/ told /tauld/ thought /0o:t/ threw /0ru:/
understand /,And^sta;nd/
understood /.Ands'stud/